Add visualizer usage example

This commit is contained in:
ines 2017-05-17 12:00:50 +02:00
parent 6364a9be9d
commit 9df9a87d03

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@ -250,6 +250,25 @@ p
+h(2, "examples") Usage examples
+h(3, "examples-export-svg") Export SVG graphics of dependency parses
import spacy
from spacy import displacy
from pathlib import Path
nlp = spacy.load('en')
sentences = ["This is an example.", "This is another one."]
for sent in sentences:
doc = nlp(sentence)
svg = displacy.render(doc, style='dep')
file_name = '-'.join([w.text for w in doc if not w.is_punct]) + '.svg'
output_path = Path('/images/' + file_name)'w', encoding='utf-8').write(svg)
| The above code will generate the dependency visualizations and them to
| two files, #[code This-is-an-example.svg] and #[code This-is-another-one.svg].
+h(2, "manual-usage") Rendering data manually