diff --git a/data/ptb3/case b/data/ptb3/case new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d238c916 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ptb3/case @@ -0,0 +1,146129 @@ +a 0.137 0.000 +aa 0.235 0.624 +aaa 0.024 0.874 +aaaa 0.009 0.874 +aaaah 0.580 0.102 +aaace 0.003 0.946 +aaae 0.000 0.978 +aaah 0.428 0.287 +aaai 0.003 0.983 +aaas 0.004 0.982 +aab 0.102 0.685 +aabb 0.021 0.793 +aabbccdd 0.000 0.020 +aac 0.006 0.903 +aaca 0.012 0.918 +aacc 0.343 0.609 +aace 0.010 0.969 +aachen 0.853 0.020 +aacn 0.013 0.976 +aacr 0.009 0.954 +aacs 0.002 0.990 +aacsb 0.003 0.975 +aacute 0.653 0.000 +aad 0.096 0.716 +aadt 0.000 0.945 +aae 0.037 0.778 +aaeon 0.889 0.105 +aaf 0.017 0.901 +aafc 0.000 0.993 +aafes 0.019 0.923 +aafp 0.002 0.980 +aafugit 0.003 0.692 +aag 0.020 0.798 +aagaard 0.925 0.064 +aage 0.839 0.074 +aah 0.269 0.391 +aahz 0.893 0.000 +aai 0.022 0.875 +aaid 0.023 0.937 +aaj 0.173 0.755 +aak 0.054 0.478 +aal 0.107 0.615 +aalborg 0.936 0.037 +aalib 0.005 0.005 +aaliyah 0.155 0.012 +aall 0.103 0.809 +aalst 0.651 0.319 +aalto 0.901 0.038 +aam 0.074 0.806 +aama 0.055 0.892 +aamc 0.003 0.982 +aamco 0.196 0.787 +aames 0.689 0.065 +aami 0.020 0.954 +aamir 0.927 0.029 +aan 0.065 0.142 +aanbiedingen 0.319 0.028 +aand 0.191 0.057 +aanmelden 0.810 0.005 +aanndd 0.000 0.249 +aans 0.003 0.983 +aantal 0.652 0.004 +aao 0.049 0.834 +aaos 0.019 0.972 +aap 0.058 0.850 +aapa 0.021 0.938 +aapeli 0.759 0.000 +aapg 0.005 0.990 +aapl 0.007 0.978 +aapm 0.000 0.994 +aaps 0.001 0.845 +aapt 0.006 0.958 +aar 0.091 0.812 +aaraa 0.955 0.034 +aarau 0.901 0.033 +aarc 0.007 0.976 +aardman 0.946 0.026 +aardvark 0.824 0.028 +aare 0.495 0.327 +aargau 0.912 0.012 +aargh 0.672 0.114 +aarhus 0.959 0.025 +aarnio 0.941 0.038 +aaron 0.822 0.030 +aarons 0.873 0.065 +aaronson 0.942 0.041 +aarp 0.025 0.896 +aart 0.689 0.145 +aarti 0.787 0.058 +aas 0.075 0.868 +aasa 0.068 0.883 +aasb 0.000 0.999 +aashto 0.002 0.995 +aasp 0.000 0.902 +aastra 0.927 0.054 +aasu 0.014 0.973 +aat 0.019 0.799 +aata 0.061 0.818 +aau 0.014 0.919 +aaup 0.017 0.972 +aauw 0.003 0.984 +aav 0.018 0.914 +aavso 0.158 0.805 +aaw 0.044 0.741 +aax 0.018 0.829 +ab 0.083 0.699 +aba 0.042 0.892 +abaa 0.013 0.831 +ababa 0.920 0.058 +abac 0.061 0.844 +abaca 0.604 0.121 +abacavir 0.340 0.036 +abacha 0.862 0.104 +aback 0.011 0.005 +abaco 0.891 0.055 +abacus 0.793 0.060 +abad 0.728 0.078 +abaddon 0.898 0.036 +abadi 0.884 0.054 +abag 0.021 0.913 +abajo 0.422 0.044 +abakus 0.556 0.319 +abalone 0.476 0.066 +aban 0.408 0.085 +abandon 0.111 0.015 +abandoned 0.139 0.013 +abandoning 0.111 0.008 +abandonment 0.181 0.027 +abandons 0.101 0.009 +abandonware 0.539 0.003 +abano 0.862 0.074 +abap 0.028 0.850 +abaqus 0.246 0.699 +abare 0.094 0.847 +abarth 0.797 0.086 +abartig 0.000 0.000 +abartlet 0.000 0.000 +abas 0.458 0.291 +abasement 0.040 0.009 +abashed 0.068 0.000 +abate 0.260 0.168 +abated 0.036 0.016 +abatement 0.282 0.043 +abatements 0.196 0.041 +abating 0.048 0.012 +abattoir 0.420 0.039 +abattoirs 0.344 0.036 +abaya 0.639 0.067 +abb 0.078 0.853 +abba 0.477 0.366 +abbado 0.931 0.057 +abbas 0.956 0.023 +abbasi 0.926 0.036 +abbasid 0.976 0.014 +abbate 0.815 0.147 +abbaye 0.819 0.046 +abbe 0.801 0.071 +abbess 0.520 0.034 +abbett 0.860 0.125 +abbeville 0.904 0.073 +abbey 0.849 0.049 +abbeys 0.589 0.017 +abbi 0.724 0.162 +abbiamo 0.278 0.026 +abbie 0.884 0.060 +abbigliamento 0.260 0.046 +abbildung 0.964 0.023 +abbo 0.258 0.711 +abbot 0.737 0.046 +abbots 0.756 0.039 +abbotsford 0.903 0.076 +abbott 0.888 0.088 +abbotts 0.731 0.245 +abboud 0.911 0.074 +abbr 0.190 0.136 +abbrev 0.408 0.040 +abbreviate 0.097 0.046 +abbreviated 0.176 0.022 +abbreviation 0.300 0.045 +abbreviations 0.544 0.061 +abbs 0.766 0.113 +abby 0.842 0.061 +abbyy 0.153 0.661 +abc 0.013 0.915 +abcam 0.981 0.004 +abcaz 0.981 0.000 +abcd 0.007 0.706 +abcde 0.006 0.623 +abcdef 0.006 0.514 +abcdefg 0.023 0.518 +abcdefghijklmnopqrstu 0.000 0.803 +abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0.001 0.858 +abce 0.000 0.980 +abco 0.195 0.760 +abcs 0.173 0.435 +abd 0.497 0.305 +abdalla 0.891 0.086 +abdallah 0.914 0.060 +abdel 0.934 0.036 +abdi 0.887 0.060 +abdicate 0.090 0.006 +abdicated 0.032 0.003 +abdication 0.166 0.015 +abdo 0.761 0.128 +abdomen 0.154 0.016 +abdominal 0.275 0.014 +abdominals 0.270 0.019 +abdominoplasty 0.722 0.006 +abduct 0.067 0.022 +abducted 0.161 0.012 +abductees 0.167 0.013 +abducting 0.093 0.009 +abduction 0.387 0.024 +abductions 0.288 0.018 +abductive 0.317 0.008 +abductor 0.180 0.022 +abductors 0.253 0.014 +abdul 0.890 0.043 +abdulaziz 0.951 0.037 +abdulla 0.909 0.063 +abdullah 0.950 0.038 +abdur 0.949 0.036 +abdus 0.911 0.045 +abe 0.583 0.359 +abebooks 0.882 0.002 +abec 0.197 0.748 +abed 0.689 0.090 +abel 0.887 0.071 +abela 0.898 0.074 +abelard 0.849 0.020 +abele 0.879 0.081 +abelian 0.364 0.013 +abell 0.891 0.088 +abella 0.890 0.078 +abels 0.716 0.203 +abelson 0.930 0.046 +abenaki 0.962 0.025 +abend 0.464 0.199 +abenteuer 0.902 0.015 +aber 0.326 0.020 +aberaeron 0.952 0.026 +aberavon 0.969 0.023 +abercorn 0.897 0.098 +abercrombie 0.658 0.159 +aberdare 0.861 0.065 +aberdeen 0.923 0.045 +aberdeenshire 0.971 0.018 +aberfeldy 0.879 0.096 +aberfoyle 0.712 0.268 +aberg 0.935 0.031 +abergavenny 0.949 0.035 +abergele 0.870 0.029 +aberlour 0.936 0.041 +abernathy 0.848 0.126 +abernethy 0.867 0.125 +aberrant 0.235 0.011 +aberration 0.140 0.010 +aberrations 0.246 0.015 +abertawe 0.959 0.036 +abertay 0.967 0.015 +abertillery 0.909 0.067 +aberystwyth 0.947 0.023 +abes 0.855 0.066 +abet 0.074 0.642 +abetted 0.023 0.004 +abetting 0.089 0.014 +abeyance 0.077 0.044 +abf 0.022 0.912 +abfd 0.003 0.018 +abg 0.035 0.667 +abgesppritzt 0.000 0.000 +abh 0.237 0.610 +abha 0.838 0.089 +abhay 0.842 0.043 +abhi 0.481 0.131 +abhijeet 0.633 0.092 +abhijit 0.835 0.031 +abhinav 0.924 0.022 +abhishek 0.874 0.043 +abhor 0.062 0.011 +abhorred 0.030 0.005 +abhorrence 0.098 0.013 +abhorrent 0.037 0.005 +abhors 0.043 0.007 +abi 0.214 0.665 +abia 0.554 0.375 +abid 0.820 0.069 +abide 0.030 0.008 +abided 0.006 0.005 +abides 0.112 0.010 +abideth 0.014 0.013 +abiding 0.086 0.009 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0.989 +abnormal 0.209 0.014 +abnormalities 0.125 0.013 +abnormality 0.055 0.015 +abnormally 0.072 0.008 +abo 0.348 0.394 +aboard 0.141 0.018 +aboba 0.895 0.000 +abode 0.455 0.008 +abodes 0.209 0.011 +abogado 0.282 0.028 +abogados 0.276 0.043 +abolish 0.183 0.023 +abolished 0.039 0.006 +abolishes 0.141 0.009 +abolishing 0.128 0.008 +abolishment 0.180 0.019 +abolition 0.266 0.019 +abolitionist 0.282 0.014 +abolitionists 0.262 0.009 +abominable 0.298 0.020 +abomination 0.180 0.017 +abominations 0.149 0.032 +abonnement 0.428 0.012 +aboot 0.128 0.017 +abor 0.089 0.636 +abord 0.070 0.026 +aboriginal 0.850 0.016 +aboriginals 0.640 0.009 +aborigine 0.668 0.049 +aborigines 0.737 0.026 +abort 0.159 0.108 +aborted 0.133 0.033 +aborting 0.233 0.022 +abortion 0.312 0.015 +abortionist 0.266 0.014 +abortionists 0.192 0.013 +abortions 0.134 0.013 +abortive 0.117 0.012 +aborts 0.101 0.009 +abortus 0.101 0.022 +abou 0.644 0.040 +abound 0.218 0.009 +abounded 0.005 0.002 +abounding 0.180 0.015 +abounds 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0.044 0.003 +abruzzi 0.919 0.027 +abruzzo 0.861 0.042 +abs 0.140 0.519 +absa 0.426 0.547 +absalom 0.914 0.044 +abscess 0.298 0.029 +abscesses 0.131 0.007 +abscisic 0.264 0.024 +abscissa 0.131 0.025 +absconded 0.106 0.031 +absecon 0.907 0.071 +abseil 0.481 0.019 +abseiling 0.521 0.018 +absence 0.076 0.016 +absences 0.163 0.026 +absense 0.075 0.008 +absent 0.189 0.044 +absentee 0.386 0.058 +absenteeism 0.173 0.011 +absentees 0.260 0.046 +absentia 0.186 0.028 +absently 0.050 0.000 +absinth 0.748 0.098 +absinthe 0.742 0.021 +abso 0.162 0.049 +absoft 0.838 0.093 +absolu 0.540 0.150 +absolut 0.599 0.116 +absolute 0.274 0.024 +absolutely 0.203 0.025 +absolutes 0.298 0.015 +absolution 0.461 0.045 +absolutism 0.256 0.010 +absolutist 0.323 0.003 +absolutley 0.109 0.037 +absolutly 0.134 0.029 +absolve 0.056 0.011 +absolved 0.041 0.004 +absorb 0.048 0.010 +absorbable 0.209 0.015 +absorbance 0.165 0.011 +absorbed 0.030 0.009 +absorbency 0.233 0.011 +absorbent 0.211 0.034 +absorbents 0.586 0.044 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0.949 +acft 0.118 0.720 +acg 0.013 0.853 +acgih 0.001 0.996 +acgme 0.000 0.996 +ach 0.187 0.574 +acha 0.275 0.510 +achaia 0.891 0.100 +achalasia 0.504 0.015 +acharya 0.915 0.032 +achat 0.275 0.032 +achats 0.448 0.048 +ache 0.232 0.071 +achebe 0.958 0.017 +ached 0.005 0.006 +acheive 0.041 0.007 +acheived 0.017 0.008 +achenbach 0.941 0.048 +acheron 0.805 0.140 +aches 0.332 0.008 +acheson 0.908 0.079 +acheter 0.636 0.007 +achewood 0.862 0.006 +achieva 0.905 0.056 +achievable 0.075 0.009 +achieve 0.048 0.004 +achieved 0.026 0.005 +achievement 0.284 0.014 +achievements 0.212 0.019 +achiever 0.655 0.034 +achievers 0.470 0.030 +achieves 0.136 0.014 +achieving 0.160 0.006 +achill 0.931 0.037 +achille 0.924 0.045 +achillea 0.897 0.063 +achilles 0.879 0.027 +achim 0.935 0.026 +aching 0.101 0.008 +achingly 0.110 0.011 +achive 0.160 0.012 +achme 0.981 0.012 +achos 0.126 0.019 +achosion 0.096 0.006 +achromatic 0.390 0.011 +acht 0.388 0.207 +achter 0.229 0.045 +achtung 0.771 0.141 +achy 0.373 0.035 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0.007 0.900 +acms 0.000 0.909 +acn 0.008 0.874 +acne 0.457 0.018 +acns 0.002 0.982 +aco 0.070 0.849 +acoa 0.005 0.976 +acog 0.012 0.962 +acolyte 0.605 0.017 +acolytes 0.388 0.016 +acom 0.215 0.705 +acoma 0.871 0.080 +acomadation 0.317 0.000 +acomidation 0.380 0.000 +acommadation 0.346 0.000 +acommidation 0.382 0.000 +acommodation 0.416 0.005 +acomodation 0.213 0.002 +acompanhante 0.001 0.000 +acon 0.298 0.466 +aconcagua 0.940 0.028 +aconite 0.680 0.035 +aconitum 0.921 0.046 +acoomodation 0.384 0.000 +acord 0.207 0.707 +acordes 0.207 0.023 +acording 0.189 0.006 +acorn 0.723 0.128 +acorns 0.350 0.029 +acorp 0.898 0.067 +acos 0.085 0.382 +acosta 0.888 0.084 +acount 0.127 0.027 +acoust 0.942 0.030 +acoustic 0.502 0.035 +acoustica 0.905 0.006 +acoustical 0.531 0.029 +acoustically 0.127 0.009 +acoustics 0.641 0.053 +acoustik 0.847 0.134 +acoustimass 0.822 0.094 +acovea 0.042 0.011 +acp 0.009 0.954 +acpa 0.004 0.980 +acpc 0.000 0.986 +acpd 0.000 0.993 +acpe 0.005 0.959 +acpi 0.005 0.614 +acpo 0.051 0.937 +acq 0.238 0.590 +acqua 0.648 0.130 +acquaint 0.045 0.006 +acquaintance 0.077 0.004 +acquaintances 0.060 0.006 +acquainted 0.044 0.004 +acqui 0.332 0.030 +acquiesce 0.106 0.006 +acquiesced 0.004 0.002 +acquiescence 0.067 0.005 +acquir 0.761 0.034 +acquire 0.126 0.013 +acquired 0.094 0.010 +acquirer 0.315 0.008 +acquirers 0.287 0.008 +acquires 0.326 0.083 +acquiring 0.113 0.007 +acquis 0.137 0.030 +acquisi 0.169 0.019 +acquisition 0.311 0.026 +acquisitions 0.385 0.034 +acquisitive 0.175 0.015 +acquista 0.851 0.022 +acquisti 0.241 0.163 +acquistion 0.517 0.046 +acquisto 0.245 0.012 +acquit 0.057 0.011 +acquittal 0.089 0.015 +acquitted 0.083 0.014 +acr 0.022 0.874 +acra 0.546 0.382 +acrc 0.000 0.989 +acrds 0.000 0.000 +acre 0.133 0.043 +acreage 0.314 0.043 +acreages 0.366 0.074 +acres 0.215 0.057 +acrid 0.101 0.017 +acridine 0.285 0.050 +acrimonious 0.028 0.003 +acrimony 0.107 0.016 +acrl 0.005 0.948 +acro 0.608 0.185 +acrobat 0.926 0.009 +acrobatic 0.265 0.019 +acrobatics 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0.016 +actinic 0.583 0.056 +actinide 0.317 0.028 +actinides 0.277 0.047 +actinin 0.143 0.085 +actinomycin 0.229 0.060 +actinopterygii 0.989 0.007 +actins 0.896 0.003 +actio 0.383 0.090 +action 0.383 0.045 +actionable 0.201 0.005 +actional 0.886 0.000 +actioned 0.070 0.032 +actions 0.162 0.019 +actionscript 0.604 0.026 +actiontec 0.692 0.271 +actis 0.830 0.104 +actisys 0.993 0.000 +actium 0.981 0.010 +actius 0.769 0.155 +activ 0.313 0.089 +activa 0.771 0.043 +activate 0.196 0.023 +activated 0.130 0.022 +activates 0.095 0.006 +activating 0.245 0.019 +activation 0.180 0.020 +activations 0.167 0.012 +activator 0.348 0.035 +activators 0.362 0.013 +active 0.388 0.025 +actively 0.040 0.003 +activemq 0.000 0.005 +actives 0.640 0.079 +activesync 0.517 0.019 +activewear 0.875 0.011 +activex 0.174 0.046 +activi 0.106 0.021 +actividad 0.221 0.030 +actividades 0.442 0.029 +activin 0.382 0.050 +activision 0.943 0.043 +activism 0.564 0.017 +activist 0.289 0.015 +activists 0.180 0.009 +activites 0.452 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0.005 +adaware 0.472 0.010 +adb 0.009 0.933 +adbloc 0.000 0.000 +adblock 0.641 0.005 +adbusters 0.822 0.028 +adc 0.017 0.932 +adcalls 0.993 0.000 +adco 0.351 0.621 +adcock 0.858 0.120 +adcom 0.454 0.244 +adcp 0.000 0.987 +add 0.703 0.025 +adda 0.498 0.326 +addams 0.838 0.107 +addario 0.814 0.095 +addas 0.170 0.007 +adde 0.233 0.166 +added 0.317 0.010 +addenda 0.532 0.108 +addendum 0.556 0.112 +addendums 0.308 0.058 +adder 0.620 0.036 +adderall 0.295 0.038 +adderley 0.880 0.095 +adders 0.300 0.178 +addewid 0.253 0.000 +addewidion 0.458 0.000 +addi 0.135 0.181 +addict 0.509 0.029 +addicted 0.260 0.022 +addicting 0.630 0.005 +addiction 0.421 0.020 +addictions 0.510 0.017 +addictive 0.223 0.012 +addicts 0.288 0.026 +addidas 0.449 0.068 +addie 0.847 0.113 +addin 0.376 0.028 +adding 0.198 0.009 +addington 0.839 0.057 +addins 0.643 0.011 +addio 0.736 0.043 +addis 0.903 0.072 +addison 0.935 0.043 +addition 0.031 0.007 +additional 0.321 0.020 +additionality 0.230 0.011 +additionally 0.878 0.002 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0.007 +adequately 0.018 0.004 +ader 0.463 0.110 +aderant 0.401 0.595 +ades 0.654 0.160 +adesso 0.668 0.184 +adev 0.006 0.053 +adex 0.150 0.811 +adf 0.012 0.923 +adfa 0.022 0.932 +adg 0.012 0.930 +adgrunt 0.044 0.000 +adgrunts 0.033 0.000 +adh 0.293 0.584 +adha 0.792 0.145 +adhd 0.024 0.874 +adhere 0.032 0.008 +adhered 0.011 0.005 +adherence 0.132 0.007 +adherent 0.115 0.010 +adherents 0.116 0.003 +adheres 0.054 0.005 +adhering 0.080 0.005 +adhesion 0.218 0.023 +adhesions 0.257 0.027 +adhesive 0.409 0.042 +adhesives 0.656 0.050 +adhikari 0.872 0.049 +adhoc 0.315 0.119 +adhs 0.006 0.930 +adi 0.316 0.592 +adia 0.625 0.147 +adiabatic 0.165 0.032 +adic 0.080 0.580 +adicionar 0.871 0.000 +adicts 0.553 0.037 +adidas 0.484 0.078 +adie 0.709 0.211 +adiemus 0.373 0.012 +adieresis 0.724 0.000 +adieu 0.432 0.023 +adige 0.870 0.029 +adil 0.815 0.064 +adin 0.759 0.166 +adina 0.765 0.074 +adio 0.738 0.083 +adios 0.619 0.172 +adipex 0.195 0.019 +adipiscing 0.004 0.000 +adipocyte 0.155 0.025 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0.916 +aen 0.128 0.627 +aenean 0.992 0.000 +aeneas 0.907 0.052 +aeneid 0.950 0.020 +aenimiac 0.000 0.000 +aensland 0.033 0.000 +aeo 0.022 0.816 +aeolian 0.674 0.034 +aeolus 0.896 0.041 +aeon 0.864 0.066 +aeons 0.328 0.015 +aep 0.005 0.967 +aer 0.459 0.424 +aera 0.180 0.646 +aerate 0.171 0.016 +aerated 0.221 0.027 +aeration 0.309 0.027 +aerator 0.436 0.054 +aerators 0.481 0.024 +aerea 0.237 0.044 +aerei 0.181 0.008 +aereo 0.325 0.040 +aeres 0.979 0.013 +aerial 0.487 0.031 +aerials 0.697 0.029 +aerie 0.826 0.045 +aerio 0.911 0.044 +aeris 0.741 0.076 +aero 0.685 0.107 +aerobatic 0.523 0.028 +aerobatics 0.540 0.024 +aerobic 0.350 0.026 +aerobics 0.559 0.051 +aerobie 0.924 0.044 +aerocool 0.831 0.119 +aerodrome 0.587 0.083 +aerodromes 0.329 0.042 +aerodynamic 0.215 0.018 +aerodynamics 0.457 0.027 +aeroflex 0.956 0.035 +aeroflot 0.919 0.044 +aerogel 0.353 0.061 +aerojet 0.930 0.061 +aerolineas 0.894 0.046 +aerolite 0.308 0.632 +aeromagnetic 0.432 0.031 +aeromedical 0.557 0.053 +aeromexico 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0.027 +aflp 0.008 0.987 +afm 0.016 0.871 +afma 0.003 0.993 +afmc 0.003 0.985 +afn 0.013 0.930 +afo 0.058 0.859 +afoev 0.000 0.719 +afon 0.732 0.034 +afonso 0.924 0.030 +afoot 0.159 0.009 +afora 0.018 0.009 +afore 0.045 0.014 +aforementioned 0.003 0.006 +aforesaid 0.002 0.007 +aforethought 0.428 0.012 +aforetime 0.017 0.000 +afoul 0.030 0.003 +afp 0.003 0.977 +afpc 0.003 0.965 +afr 0.454 0.466 +afra 0.495 0.316 +afraid 0.074 0.009 +afrc 0.003 0.967 +afresh 0.033 0.006 +afri 0.712 0.214 +africa 0.927 0.030 +africain 0.450 0.029 +africaine 0.503 0.046 +african 0.931 0.024 +africana 0.615 0.035 +africanism 0.846 0.107 +africans 0.955 0.011 +africanus 0.451 0.020 +afridi 0.924 0.014 +afrika 0.877 0.053 +afrikaans 0.966 0.015 +afrikaanse 0.990 0.004 +afrikan 0.907 0.048 +afrikaner 0.964 0.010 +afrinic 0.007 0.094 +afrique 0.828 0.054 +afrl 0.002 0.962 +afro 0.758 0.094 +afrobeat 0.820 0.034 +afrocentric 0.902 0.024 +afrol 0.055 0.009 +afroman 0.785 0.034 +afrotc 0.012 0.908 +afs 0.011 0.686 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0.052 +ag 0.190 0.712 +aga 0.295 0.588 +agadir 0.884 0.038 +agago 0.005 0.000 +agagooga 0.993 0.000 +again 0.128 0.013 +againe 0.029 0.000 +agains 0.114 0.019 +against 0.083 0.011 +agalactiae 0.006 0.005 +agam 0.508 0.093 +agama 0.643 0.050 +agamemnon 0.915 0.052 +agan 0.616 0.120 +agana 0.964 0.030 +agapanthus 0.794 0.056 +agape 0.644 0.084 +agar 0.417 0.047 +agard 0.604 0.365 +agaricus 0.907 0.029 +agarose 0.225 0.018 +agartala 0.987 0.012 +agarwal 0.915 0.050 +agassi 0.909 0.028 +agassiz 0.937 0.054 +agat 0.349 0.259 +agata 0.769 0.118 +agate 0.631 0.112 +agates 0.585 0.042 +agatha 0.908 0.052 +agathe 0.903 0.049 +agatston 0.947 0.017 +agave 0.705 0.066 +agawam 0.895 0.076 +agb 0.003 0.944 +agc 0.004 0.671 +agca 0.910 0.083 +agco 0.405 0.581 +agcy 0.782 0.187 +agd 0.015 0.837 +agder 0.939 0.047 +age 0.364 0.041 +agec 0.007 0.975 +aged 0.355 0.015 +agee 0.824 0.078 +agefi 0.948 0.047 +ageing 0.444 0.026 +ageism 0.521 0.023 +agel 0.794 0.071 +ageless 0.593 0.025 +agement 0.000 0.008 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0.014 +aggregate 0.162 0.043 +aggregated 0.132 0.007 +aggregates 0.240 0.025 +aggregating 0.176 0.006 +aggregation 0.268 0.015 +aggregations 0.116 0.011 +aggregator 0.222 0.005 +aggregators 0.337 0.013 +aggresive 0.184 0.027 +aggression 0.187 0.012 +aggressions 0.044 0.008 +aggressive 0.148 0.009 +aggressively 0.041 0.003 +aggressiveness 0.095 0.006 +aggressor 0.239 0.087 +aggressors 0.064 0.007 +aggrieved 0.029 0.009 +aggro 0.374 0.019 +agh 0.237 0.548 +agha 0.910 0.040 +aghaidh 0.828 0.000 +aghast 0.131 0.013 +aghios 0.938 0.037 +agi 0.087 0.746 +agia 0.842 0.114 +agian 0.074 0.031 +agila 0.682 0.094 +agile 0.552 0.028 +agilent 0.930 0.059 +agility 0.471 0.020 +agin 0.212 0.046 +agincourt 0.890 0.063 +aging 0.504 0.026 +agio 0.685 0.162 +agios 0.861 0.096 +agip 0.633 0.304 +agir 0.291 0.106 +agirlsworld 0.997 0.000 +agis 0.488 0.434 +agit 0.475 0.076 +agitate 0.121 0.011 +agitated 0.053 0.006 +agitating 0.071 0.005 +agitation 0.118 0.009 +agitator 0.610 0.019 +agitators 0.242 0.023 +agitprop 0.626 0.043 +agius 0.424 0.568 +agl 0.017 0.917 +agli 0.060 0.029 +aglow 0.202 0.031 +agm 0.006 0.974 +agma 0.041 0.928 +agmes 0.010 0.000 +agmk 0.000 0.972 +agn 0.038 0.896 +agnd 0.012 0.980 +agnelli 0.881 0.066 +agnello 0.845 0.033 +agnes 0.895 0.073 +agness 0.872 0.095 +agnet 0.510 0.125 +agnetha 0.831 0.073 +agnew 0.903 0.077 +agni 0.840 0.072 +agnieszka 0.849 0.018 +agnitum 0.787 0.011 +agnostic 0.426 0.022 +agnosticism 0.668 0.006 +agnostics 0.240 0.006 +agnula 0.322 0.639 +agnus 0.805 0.041 +ago 0.033 0.005 +agoa 0.034 0.957 +agog 0.209 0.199 +agon 0.674 0.137 +agonies 0.060 0.005 +agonising 0.047 0.005 +agonist 0.397 0.006 +agonistic 0.172 0.033 +agonists 0.208 0.016 +agonize 0.088 0.008 +agonized 0.026 0.005 +agonizing 0.048 0.005 +agony 0.313 0.026 +agor 0.236 0.177 +agora 0.654 0.060 +agoraphobia 0.475 0.016 +agoraphobic 0.626 0.038 +agored 0.235 0.015 +agos 0.291 0.140 +agostini 0.846 0.058 +agostino 0.872 0.070 +agosto 0.501 0.021 +agoura 0.883 0.054 +agouti 0.455 0.025 +agp 0.015 0.904 +agpgart 0.005 0.134 +agps 0.017 0.946 +agr 0.297 0.571 +agra 0.911 0.057 +agrandir 0.471 0.003 +agraria 0.714 0.058 +agrarian 0.355 0.012 +agrave 0.566 0.000 +agrawal 0.936 0.038 +agre 0.574 0.191 +agree 0.080 0.018 +agreeable 0.038 0.004 +agreeably 0.079 0.000 +agreed 0.066 0.010 +agreeing 0.196 0.014 +agreement 0.573 0.022 +agreements 0.250 0.023 +agrees 0.073 0.018 +agregar 0.658 0.011 +agreing 0.061 0.000 +agrep 0.023 0.020 +agression 0.282 0.031 +agressive 0.147 0.015 +agri 0.659 0.089 +agribus 0.012 0.009 +agribusiness 0.642 0.022 +agric 0.812 0.081 +agricola 0.646 0.269 +agricole 0.585 0.059 +agricoles 0.119 0.033 +agricul 0.320 0.041 +agricultura 0.533 0.031 +agricultural 0.463 0.027 +agriculturally 0.079 0.007 +agriculture 0.668 0.030 +agrigento 0.924 0.037 +agrippa 0.954 0.036 +agritourism 0.528 0.020 +agriturismo 0.607 0.065 +agro 0.510 0.059 +agrobacterium 0.955 0.021 +agrochemical 0.288 0.016 +agrochemicals 0.517 0.024 +agroecology 0.758 0.034 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0.000 0.979 +ahe 0.205 0.564 +ahead 0.208 0.020 +ahearn 0.890 0.084 +ahec 0.005 0.988 +ahelp 0.264 0.423 +ahem 0.320 0.029 +ahern 0.936 0.053 +ahf 0.013 0.898 +ahg 0.024 0.913 +ahh 0.553 0.092 +ahhh 0.576 0.083 +ahhhh 0.533 0.134 +ahhs 0.634 0.195 +ahi 0.303 0.394 +ahima 0.043 0.946 +ahimsa 0.630 0.044 +ahip 0.004 0.892 +ahl 0.102 0.860 +ahlberg 0.940 0.049 +ahlers 0.929 0.061 +ahli 0.679 0.037 +ahlstrom 0.902 0.070 +ahlul 0.981 0.004 +ahluwalia 0.947 0.037 +ahm 0.122 0.732 +ahmad 0.921 0.042 +ahmadi 0.939 0.038 +ahmadinejad 0.984 0.007 +ahmadiyya 0.959 0.027 +ahman 0.895 0.067 +ahmanson 0.949 0.018 +ahmed 0.920 0.039 +ahmedabad 0.915 0.047 +ahmet 0.870 0.074 +ahn 0.713 0.223 +ahnentafel 0.951 0.010 +aho 0.632 0.244 +ahold 0.355 0.031 +ahoo 0.023 0.010 +ahora 0.317 0.039 +ahoskie 0.841 0.120 +ahoy 0.778 0.076 +ahp 0.015 0.877 +ahps 0.002 0.985 +ahr 0.146 0.762 +ahram 0.839 0.142 +ahrb 0.000 0.993 +ahrc 0.000 0.996 +ahrens 0.910 0.077 +ahriman 0.925 0.034 +ahrq 0.001 0.996 +ahs 0.022 0.847 +ahsan 0.889 0.050 +aht 0.358 0.474 +ahu 0.209 0.415 +ahuja 0.928 0.049 +ahura 0.930 0.025 +ahve 0.003 0.010 +ahwahnee 0.900 0.080 +ahwatukee 0.913 0.023 +ai 0.140 0.614 +aia 0.027 0.927 +aiaa 0.011 0.981 +aian 0.026 0.745 +aias 0.167 0.802 +aib 0.059 0.894 +aibo 0.539 0.427 +aic 0.005 0.951 +aicc 0.007 0.946 +aichi 0.781 0.199 +aichner 0.996 0.000 +aici 0.076 0.181 +aicn 0.000 0.991 +aico 0.396 0.501 +aicp 0.003 0.994 +aicpa 0.019 0.968 +aid 0.372 0.102 +aida 0.658 0.247 +aidable 0.043 0.945 +aidan 0.920 0.027 +aidc 0.009 0.964 +aide 0.400 0.039 +aided 0.358 0.025 +aiden 0.921 0.036 +aider 0.175 0.022 +aides 0.249 0.028 +aiding 0.162 0.013 +aidmates 0.582 0.000 +aidpage 0.849 0.000 +aids 0.206 0.643 +aie 0.096 0.687 +aiea 0.884 0.100 +aiello 0.927 0.056 +aiesec 0.040 0.907 +aif 0.019 0.816 +aiff 0.014 0.726 +aig 0.036 0.847 +aiga 0.040 0.817 +aight 0.248 0.050 +aigle 0.689 0.061 +aigner 0.887 0.072 +aigo 0.790 0.126 +aiguille 0.684 0.031 +aiha 0.009 0.981 +aihw 0.000 0.997 +aii 0.052 0.802 +aiic 0.000 0.984 +aiim 0.005 0.987 +aiims 0.007 0.947 +aij 0.101 0.578 +aik 0.372 0.422 +aika 0.430 0.064 +aiken 0.905 0.058 +aikens 0.882 0.091 +aiki 0.850 0.033 +aikido 0.747 0.027 +aikman 0.867 0.101 +aiko 0.810 0.067 +ail 0.138 0.236 +aila 0.211 0.729 +aileen 0.910 0.038 +aileron 0.338 0.040 +ailerons 0.166 0.016 +ailes 0.838 0.020 +ailey 0.913 0.059 +ailing 0.163 0.019 +ailleurs 0.098 0.026 +ailment 0.111 0.008 +ailments 0.182 0.012 +ails 0.198 0.065 +ailsa 0.900 0.039 +aim 0.064 0.415 +aimbot 0.191 0.030 +aime 0.391 0.288 +aimed 0.029 0.003 +aimee 0.882 0.034 +aimer 0.526 0.033 +aimhigher 0.910 0.007 +aiming 0.109 0.007 +aiml 0.006 0.870 +aimless 0.285 0.008 +aimlessly 0.069 0.002 +aimpoint 0.712 0.090 +aimr 0.023 0.965 +aims 0.138 0.055 +aimsmileys 0.000 0.000 +ain 0.409 0.222 +aina 0.596 0.176 +ainda 0.122 0.010 +aine 0.701 0.121 +ainge 0.927 0.043 +ainsi 0.144 0.005 +ainsley 0.911 0.056 +ainslie 0.899 0.082 +ainsworth 0.902 0.084 +aintree 0.917 0.051 +ainu 0.928 0.023 +aio 0.037 0.662 +aioli 0.418 0.027 +aion 0.598 0.168 +aip 0.008 0.955 +aipac 0.035 0.956 +aiphone 0.947 0.042 +aiport 0.583 0.017 +aips 0.009 0.693 +aiptek 0.731 0.190 +air 0.497 0.046 +airaid 0.766 0.210 +airbag 0.598 0.028 +airbags 0.364 0.021 +airband 0.818 0.048 +airbase 0.390 0.044 +airbed 0.559 0.120 +airbender 0.944 0.006 +airboat 0.485 0.023 +airborn 0.574 0.082 +airborne 0.521 0.034 +airbox 0.354 0.059 +airbrush 0.599 0.063 +airbrushed 0.312 0.042 +airbrushes 0.653 0.029 +airbrushing 0.546 0.028 +airbus 0.893 0.041 +airc 0.042 0.847 +aircard 0.833 0.035 +airco 0.591 0.148 +aircon 0.633 0.065 +airconditioned 0.265 0.028 +airconditioner 0.139 0.034 +airconditioning 0.587 0.025 +aircooled 0.676 0.032 +aircraft 0.358 0.032 +aircrafts 0.263 0.021 +aircrew 0.335 0.049 +aircrews 0.129 0.021 +aird 0.775 0.112 +airdate 0.735 0.025 +airdrie 0.921 0.047 +aire 0.635 0.113 +aired 0.201 0.006 +airedale 0.890 0.051 +aires 0.893 0.035 +airey 0.879 0.085 +airfare 0.470 0.006 +airfares 0.338 0.011 +airfield 0.435 0.050 +airfields 0.277 0.022 +airfix 0.714 0.218 +airflo 0.935 0.042 +airflow 0.228 0.025 +airfoil 0.292 0.025 +airfoils 0.355 0.028 +airforce 0.497 0.277 +airform 0.825 0.153 +airframe 0.471 0.044 +airframes 0.367 0.040 +airfreight 0.438 0.049 +airgas 0.906 0.078 +airgun 0.577 0.044 +airguns 0.698 0.045 +airhead 0.718 0.046 +airheaded 0.005 0.000 +airheads 0.729 0.039 +airiines 0.000 0.000 +airing 0.109 0.010 +airings 0.272 0.057 +airis 0.857 0.063 +airless 0.363 0.081 +airlie 0.815 0.057 +airlies 0.038 0.004 +airlift 0.492 0.032 +airlifted 0.038 0.008 +airlin 0.162 0.010 +airline 0.477 0.017 +airliner 0.279 0.023 +airliners 0.398 0.044 +airlines 0.683 0.025 +airlink 0.754 0.048 +airlins 0.025 0.000 +airlock 0.298 0.039 +airmail 0.729 0.064 +airman 0.779 0.021 +airmass 0.109 0.457 +airmax 0.390 0.190 +airmen 0.532 0.018 +airness 0.397 0.444 +aironet 0.898 0.059 +airpark 0.800 0.124 +airpath 0.976 0.005 +airplane 0.408 0.029 +airplanes 0.354 0.017 +airplay 0.546 0.015 +airport 0.698 0.027 +airports 0.525 0.018 +airpower 0.394 0.038 +airs 0.215 0.176 +airship 0.372 0.030 +airships 0.376 0.023 +airshow 0.694 0.026 +airshows 0.682 0.028 +airside 0.544 0.037 +airsoft 0.790 0.063 +airson 0.192 0.005 +airspace 0.232 0.030 +airspeed 0.230 0.059 +airsprung 0.907 0.072 +airstream 0.665 0.056 +airstrike 0.272 0.015 +airstrikes 0.156 0.017 +airstrip 0.346 0.031 +airstrips 0.102 0.007 +airtel 0.764 0.094 +airtickets 0.588 0.014 +airtight 0.155 0.050 +airtime 0.266 0.027 +airtours 0.929 0.014 +airtran 0.560 0.129 +airwalk 0.679 0.185 +airwave 0.838 0.045 +airwaves 0.223 0.029 +airway 0.292 0.029 +airways 0.834 0.045 +airwise 0.985 0.006 +airwolf 0.751 0.089 +airworthiness 0.514 0.071 +airy 0.407 0.031 +ais 0.044 0.766 +aisa 0.333 0.340 +aisan 0.049 0.013 +aisc 0.006 0.969 +aisd 0.000 0.971 +aise 0.093 0.231 +aish 0.762 0.113 +aisha 0.873 0.033 +aishwarya 0.761 0.023 +aisi 0.156 0.795 +aisin 0.749 0.175 +aisle 0.326 0.065 +aisles 0.118 0.032 +aisling 0.929 0.016 +aisne 0.923 0.047 +aist 0.054 0.910 +ait 0.091 0.776 +aitchison 0.913 0.053 +aitken 0.919 0.064 +aitkin 0.851 0.117 +aito 0.139 0.523 +aitp 0.005 0.967 +aitutaki 0.919 0.057 +aiu 0.022 0.936 +aiuto 0.645 0.024 +aiv 0.058 0.809 +aiw 0.016 0.843 +aiwa 0.687 0.231 +aix 0.214 0.714 +aixam 0.956 0.039 +aiyar 0.957 0.029 +aizawa 0.924 0.038 +aizu 0.906 0.061 +aj 0.038 0.888 +aja 0.404 0.393 +ajaccio 0.890 0.036 +ajah 0.934 0.020 +ajanta 0.932 0.037 +ajar 0.115 0.043 +ajax 0.388 0.510 +ajay 0.878 0.041 +ajb 0.011 0.817 +ajc 0.004 0.766 +ajd 0.075 0.405 +aje 0.111 0.645 +ajedrez 0.185 0.014 +ajga 0.000 0.995 +aji 0.467 0.272 +ajilon 0.973 0.013 +ajinomoto 0.898 0.082 +ajit 0.917 0.039 +ajith 0.845 0.042 +ajk 0.026 0.874 +ajm 0.011 0.903 +ajman 0.860 0.062 +ajmer 0.978 0.017 +ajn 0.029 0.728 +ajo 0.566 0.132 +ajout 0.473 0.010 +ajouter 0.798 0.010 +ajoutez 0.809 0.024 +ajp 0.012 0.929 +ajr 0.011 0.900 +ajs 0.060 0.815 +ajuda 0.738 0.049 +ajump 0.989 0.005 +ajung 0.002 0.002 +ak 0.031 0.915 +aka 0.025 0.179 +akad 0.935 0.035 +akadema 0.940 0.026 +akademi 0.885 0.018 +akademia 0.851 0.053 +akademie 0.823 0.042 +akademiia 0.842 0.011 +akademiks 0.807 0.070 +akai 0.821 0.117 +akaike 0.965 0.029 +akaka 0.859 0.111 +akal 0.684 0.061 +akali 0.961 0.012 +akamai 0.958 0.019 +akamu 0.563 0.003 +akan 0.417 0.034 +akane 0.730 0.012 +akari 0.675 0.154 +akaroa 0.907 0.073 +akasa 0.834 0.110 +akasaka 0.943 0.044 +akash 0.871 0.047 +akasha 0.806 0.043 +akashi 0.913 0.059 +akashic 0.915 0.026 +akbar 0.883 0.058 +akc 0.030 0.898 +akcji 0.011 0.000 +akd 0.024 0.539 +ake 0.322 0.251 +akebono 0.875 0.086 +akel 0.290 0.626 +akeley 0.915 0.048 +akemi 0.951 0.027 +aken 0.761 0.081 +aker 0.786 0.084 +akerman 0.876 0.051 +akers 0.860 0.107 +akershus 0.973 0.019 +akg 0.030 0.941 +akh 0.190 0.402 +akha 0.954 0.012 +akhbar 0.792 0.050 +akhenaten 0.952 0.013 +akhil 0.916 0.041 +akhtar 0.935 0.039 +aki 0.627 0.154 +akia 0.107 0.847 +akiba 0.795 0.152 +akica 0.995 0.000 +akihabara 0.929 0.024 +akihiro 0.956 0.023 +akiko 0.883 0.037 +akim 0.878 0.013 +akimbo 0.672 0.034 +akin 0.221 0.025 +aking 0.039 0.240 +akinori 0.978 0.014 +akins 0.837 0.104 +akio 0.917 0.032 +akira 0.822 0.052 +akita 0.886 0.053 +akito 0.857 0.085 +akiva 0.956 0.022 +akiyama 0.917 0.063 +akkadian 0.955 0.023 +akkerman 0.956 0.024 +akku 0.370 0.049 +akl 0.192 0.624 +aklan 0.767 0.189 +akm 0.035 0.895 +akma 0.062 0.864 +akmal 0.925 0.020 +akn 0.064 0.850 +ako 0.134 0.134 +akomh 0.093 0.006 +akon 0.278 0.007 +akona 0.785 0.187 +akong 0.064 0.020 +akono 0.983 0.010 +akoya 0.838 0.100 +akp 0.020 0.871 +akr 0.046 0.794 +akram 0.879 0.077 +akro 0.770 0.184 +akron 0.914 0.056 +akrotiri 0.948 0.037 +aks 0.111 0.545 +akshay 0.816 0.020 +akst 0.062 0.933 +akt 0.555 0.245 +aktie 0.837 0.022 +aktien 0.808 0.008 +aktiengesellschaft 0.862 0.114 +aktienkurse 0.991 0.000 +aktion 0.852 0.035 +aktionen 0.852 0.112 +aktiv 0.537 0.061 +aktmodel 0.000 0.000 +aktmodell 0.000 0.000 +aktmodelle 0.006 0.000 +aktualisiert 0.244 0.004 +aktualisierte 0.015 0.000 +aktuell 0.540 0.030 +aktuelle 0.639 0.011 +aktuellen 0.044 0.000 +aktuelles 0.770 0.045 +aku 0.239 0.119 +akuma 0.804 0.065 +akumal 0.914 0.013 +akura 0.928 0.043 +akureyri 0.949 0.035 +akvis 0.062 0.863 +akzent 0.767 0.190 +akzo 0.888 0.106 +al 0.224 0.195 +ala 0.280 0.606 +alaa 0.743 0.099 +alab 0.352 0.610 +alabama 0.928 0.033 +alabaster 0.702 0.041 +alabastrite 0.686 0.042 +alac 0.024 0.769 +alacant 0.164 0.009 +alacer 0.932 0.059 +alachua 0.883 0.082 +alacra 0.996 0.000 +alacrity 0.317 0.011 +aladdin 0.815 0.057 +aladin 0.573 0.215 +alai 0.699 0.083 +alaihi 0.172 0.009 +alaikum 0.532 0.020 +alain 0.922 0.037 +alaina 0.874 0.029 +alajuela 0.902 0.047 +alam 0.775 0.063 +alamance 0.921 0.059 +alameda 0.903 0.064 +alamein 0.897 0.073 +alamin 0.131 0.016 +alamitos 0.916 0.056 +alamo 0.856 0.051 +alamogordo 0.925 0.058 +alamos 0.946 0.047 +alamosa 0.898 0.081 +alamy 0.778 0.024 +alan 0.922 0.042 +alana 0.808 0.064 +aland 0.960 0.008 +alang 0.501 0.039 +alanine 0.357 0.030 +alanis 0.822 0.058 +alanna 0.925 0.026 +alannah 0.824 0.107 +alanson 0.865 0.121 +alanya 0.752 0.030 +alanyl 0.162 0.076 +alap 0.249 0.313 +alappuzha 0.973 0.020 +alar 0.512 0.136 +alara 0.175 0.804 +alarcon 0.887 0.074 +alaric 0.932 0.019 +alaris 0.883 0.088 +alarm 0.420 0.054 +alarmed 0.137 0.008 +alarming 0.113 0.006 +alarmingly 0.096 0.002 +alarmist 0.159 0.017 +alarms 0.439 0.021 +alas 0.557 0.020 +alasdair 0.945 0.021 +alaska 0.926 0.037 +alaskan 0.925 0.033 +alaskans 0.961 0.027 +alastair 0.961 0.021 +alata 0.099 0.072 +alaura 0.903 0.016 +alava 0.753 0.072 +alaves 0.964 0.021 +alavi 0.921 0.060 +alawar 0.813 0.002 +alayhi 0.251 0.003 +alb 0.467 0.388 +alba 0.689 0.051 +albacete 0.791 0.090 +albacore 0.525 0.048 +alban 0.901 0.048 +albanese 0.859 0.080 +albani 0.903 0.055 +albania 0.944 0.048 +albanian 0.967 0.022 +albanians 0.963 0.028 +albano 0.914 0.055 +albans 0.922 0.057 +albany 0.926 0.051 +albarn 0.898 0.055 +albatron 0.812 0.179 +albatros 0.882 0.043 +albatross 0.605 0.048 +albatrosses 0.355 0.020 +albe 0.340 0.583 +albedo 0.244 0.026 +albee 0.900 0.051 +albeit 0.029 0.002 +albemarle 0.898 0.088 +alben 0.894 0.073 +albena 0.949 0.042 +albendazole 0.530 0.019 +albeniz 0.878 0.090 +albenza 0.887 0.012 +alber 0.898 0.064 +alberghi 0.500 0.011 +albergo 0.689 0.033 +albergue 0.592 0.088 +albergues 0.775 0.005 +alberni 0.934 0.045 +albers 0.911 0.062 +albert 0.899 0.065 +alberta 0.934 0.038 +albertans 0.985 0.011 +alberti 0.914 0.052 +albertina 0.923 0.050 +albertine 0.964 0.025 +albertini 0.926 0.050 +alberto 0.900 0.066 +alberton 0.830 0.149 +albertpacino 0.996 0.000 +alberts 0.904 0.069 +albertson 0.933 0.055 +albertsons 0.857 0.100 +albertus 0.907 0.057 +albertville 0.896 0.074 +albh 0.000 0.907 +albi 0.732 0.089 +albia 0.841 0.113 +albicans 0.074 0.011 +albie 0.831 0.042 +albin 0.875 0.104 +albina 0.895 0.072 +albini 0.907 0.045 +albinism 0.419 0.025 +albino 0.450 0.037 +albinoni 0.879 0.103 +albion 0.886 0.084 +albo 0.436 0.032 +albom 0.913 0.030 +albrecht 0.906 0.076 +albright 0.897 0.083 +albritton 0.912 0.081 +albu 0.522 0.161 +albufeira 0.928 0.021 +album 0.505 0.021 +albumen 0.364 0.026 +albumin 0.290 0.025 +albums 0.481 0.026 +albuquerque 0.943 0.033 +albury 0.875 0.104 +albus 0.595 0.024 +albuterol 0.420 0.037 +alby 0.612 0.076 +alc 0.163 0.709 +alca 0.240 0.704 +alcala 0.860 0.074 +alcalde 0.670 0.051 +alcam 0.109 0.887 +alcan 0.883 0.100 +alcantara 0.836 0.052 +alcatel 0.807 0.077 +alcatraz 0.902 0.037 +alcazar 0.872 0.049 +alcester 0.931 0.052 +alch 0.149 0.706 +alchemical 0.348 0.011 +alchemist 0.725 0.026 +alchemists 0.459 0.015 +alchemy 0.774 0.036 +alchohol 0.162 0.011 +alcibiades 0.844 0.104 +alcione 0.991 0.005 +alco 0.470 0.344 +alcoa 0.876 0.104 +alcock 0.895 0.090 +alcohol 0.331 0.023 +alcoholic 0.293 0.032 +alcoholics 0.586 0.017 +alcoholism 0.494 0.016 +alcohols 0.287 0.044 +alcon 0.854 0.094 +alcona 0.879 0.090 +alcool 0.196 0.019 +alcor 0.845 0.110 +alcorn 0.913 0.070 +alcott 0.931 0.047 +alcove 0.322 0.035 +alcovebook 0.000 0.000 +alcoves 0.108 0.011 +alcs 0.014 0.951 +alcts 0.000 0.912 +alcudia 0.928 0.021 +alcuin 0.956 0.014 +alcune 0.233 0.011 +alcuni 0.205 0.010 +ald 0.325 0.584 +alda 0.810 0.158 +aldactone 0.816 0.032 +aldara 0.672 0.010 +alde 0.212 0.674 +aldea 0.818 0.067 +aldebaran 0.851 0.072 +aldeburgh 0.946 0.032 +aldehyde 0.246 0.041 +aldehydes 0.329 0.040 +alden 0.859 0.106 +alder 0.715 0.054 +alderac 0.984 0.010 +aldergrove 0.955 0.034 +alderley 0.841 0.084 +alderman 0.838 0.057 +aldermaston 0.964 0.030 +aldermen 0.638 0.048 +alderney 0.937 0.049 +alders 0.458 0.029 +aldersgate 0.943 0.052 +aldershot 0.927 0.027 +alderson 0.888 0.100 +alderton 0.926 0.062 +alderwood 0.843 0.110 +aldgate 0.894 0.090 +aldi 0.425 0.076 +aldicarb 0.443 0.092 +aldie 0.918 0.063 +aldila 0.724 0.210 +aldine 0.904 0.081 +aldiss 0.915 0.064 +aldo 0.798 0.047 +aldolase 0.206 0.060 +aldon 0.945 0.037 +aldosterone 0.340 0.018 +aldous 0.952 0.026 +aldred 0.886 0.103 +aldrich 0.891 0.072 +aldridge 0.896 0.094 +aldrin 0.768 0.066 +aldus 0.827 0.027 +aldwych 0.953 0.033 +ale 0.499 0.122 +alea 0.801 0.112 +alec 0.883 0.057 +alecia 0.901 0.034 +aleck 0.569 0.027 +aled 0.838 0.097 +aledo 0.800 0.166 +alef 0.457 0.290 +alega 0.961 0.000 +alegre 0.698 0.037 +alegria 0.777 0.089 +alehouse 0.686 0.035 +aleister 0.922 0.037 +alejandra 0.822 0.033 +alejandro 0.908 0.040 +alejo 0.851 0.047 +alek 0.730 0.096 +alekhine 0.963 0.016 +aleks 0.592 0.238 +aleksandar 0.951 0.030 +aleksander 0.959 0.018 +aleksandr 0.957 0.032 +aleksandra 0.909 0.025 +aleksei 0.977 0.015 +aleksey 0.927 0.010 +alem 0.684 0.112 +aleman 0.650 0.143 +alemania 0.755 0.036 +alembic 0.577 0.038 +alen 0.495 0.085 +alena 0.877 0.045 +alendronate 0.463 0.015 +alene 0.856 0.070 +alenia 0.903 0.074 +alent 0.016 0.101 +alentejo 0.874 0.085 +alentours 0.016 0.000 +aleph 0.438 0.163 +aleppo 0.919 0.054 +alera 0.897 0.092 +alero 0.807 0.090 +alert 0.558 0.051 +alerte 0.487 0.034 +alerted 0.090 0.004 +alerting 0.270 0.032 +alertness 0.130 0.007 +alerts 0.717 0.032 +ales 0.512 0.092 +alesha 0.904 0.024 +alesi 0.817 0.058 +alesia 0.875 0.060 +alesis 0.891 0.074 +alessa 0.970 0.012 +alessandra 0.869 0.040 +alessandria 0.888 0.040 +alessandrini 0.408 0.581 +alessandro 0.887 0.077 +alesse 0.748 0.011 +alessi 0.836 0.100 +alessia 0.749 0.046 +alessio 0.891 0.044 +alestron 0.242 0.747 +aleta 0.836 0.068 +aleut 0.941 0.042 +aleutian 0.868 0.122 +aleutians 0.904 0.087 +aleve 0.811 0.053 +alewife 0.655 0.030 +alex 0.896 0.037 +alexa 0.929 0.019 +alexander 0.922 0.057 +alexanderplatz 0.915 0.047 +alexanders 0.848 0.074 +alexandr 0.934 0.037 +alexandra 0.905 0.061 +alexandre 0.898 0.020 +alexandria 0.917 0.057 +alexandrian 0.977 0.012 +alexandrina 0.917 0.045 +alexandrite 0.684 0.136 +alexandros 0.906 0.075 +alexandrov 0.947 0.044 +alexandru 0.954 0.024 +alexei 0.957 0.027 +alexey 0.968 0.008 +alexi 0.873 0.040 +alexia 0.705 0.040 +alexie 0.925 0.025 +alexis 0.855 0.060 +alexisonfire 0.525 0.031 +alexius 0.923 0.061 +alexsandria 0.985 0.000 +alexus 0.685 0.022 +alexz 0.900 0.023 +alf 0.494 0.373 +alfa 0.741 0.121 +alfabet 0.354 0.002 +alfabetically 0.006 0.985 +alfalfa 0.441 0.061 +alfani 0.884 0.072 +alfano 0.895 0.082 +alfaro 0.922 0.060 +alfex 0.951 0.013 +alfie 0.859 0.044 +alfieri 0.906 0.054 +alfons 0.817 0.025 +alfonse 0.797 0.047 +alfonso 0.900 0.050 +alfonzo 0.914 0.052 +alford 0.846 0.127 +alfre 0.949 0.029 +alfred 0.911 0.057 +alfredo 0.840 0.078 +alfredsson 0.934 0.050 +alfresco 0.593 0.019 +alfreton 0.876 0.050 +alfven 0.938 0.042 +alg 0.246 0.463 +alga 0.179 0.161 +algae 0.276 0.027 +algal 0.204 0.024 +algarrobo 0.958 0.010 +algarve 0.845 0.024 +alge 0.496 0.124 +algebra 0.492 0.028 +algebraic 0.312 0.014 +algebraically 0.082 0.005 +algebras 0.172 0.028 +algeciras 0.874 0.035 +algemeen 0.804 0.026 +algemene 0.779 0.014 +alger 0.880 0.078 +algeria 0.950 0.043 +algerian 0.972 0.009 +algerians 0.979 0.009 +algerie 0.528 0.094 +algernon 0.852 0.068 +alghero 0.858 0.023 +algiers 0.951 0.036 +alginate 0.278 0.056 +algo 0.156 0.132 +algol 0.578 0.334 +algoma 0.910 0.067 +algona 0.860 0.101 +algonac 0.861 0.112 +algonquian 0.970 0.018 +algonquin 0.928 0.044 +algor 0.301 0.412 +algorithm 0.172 0.009 +algorithmic 0.324 0.010 +algorithmically 0.039 0.000 +algorithmics 0.729 0.016 +algorithms 0.259 0.009 +alguien 0.214 0.035 +alguna 0.076 0.020 +algunas 0.168 0.014 +algunos 0.205 0.014 +alh 0.055 0.842 +alhaji 0.937 0.055 +alhambra 0.881 0.073 +alhaurin 0.922 0.015 +ali 0.822 0.085 +alia 0.161 0.082 +aliant 0.928 0.047 +alianza 0.872 0.047 +alias 0.419 0.044 +aliased 0.069 0.008 +aliases 0.318 0.008 +aliasing 0.092 0.004 +alibaba 0.993 0.002 +alibhai 0.972 0.019 +alibi 0.506 0.049 +alibis 0.349 0.032 +alibris 0.992 0.001 +alic 0.310 0.591 +alicante 0.714 0.030 +alice 0.874 0.067 +alicebot 0.039 0.000 +alicia 0.635 0.030 +alico 0.711 0.268 +alicublog 0.640 0.000 +alida 0.853 0.103 +alief 0.334 0.031 +alien 0.491 0.039 +alienate 0.044 0.003 +alienated 0.055 0.003 +alienates 0.039 0.000 +alienating 0.036 0.002 +alienation 0.192 0.012 +aliens 0.389 0.033 +alienware 0.954 0.018 +aliev 0.954 0.039 +alif 0.641 0.141 +alife 0.511 0.115 +alifornia 0.016 0.712 +aligarh 0.940 0.042 +alighieri 0.949 0.031 +alight 0.107 0.008 +alighted 0.008 0.000 +alighting 0.102 0.012 +align 0.171 0.075 +alignbytes 0.000 0.004 +aligned 0.126 0.008 +aligner 0.222 0.025 +aligning 0.575 0.007 +alignment 0.283 0.015 +alignments 0.188 0.017 +aligns 0.115 0.007 +alii 0.623 0.065 +alike 0.051 0.005 +alikes 0.471 0.022 +aliki 0.937 0.033 +alim 0.570 0.168 +aliment 0.547 0.038 +alimentaire 0.101 0.029 +alimentarius 0.915 0.053 +alimentary 0.289 0.119 +alimentation 0.327 0.030 +alimentazione 0.121 0.031 +alimentos 0.316 0.030 +aliments 0.213 0.060 +alimony 0.434 0.035 +alin 0.676 0.143 +alina 0.812 0.035 +alinco 0.781 0.147 +aline 0.780 0.069 +alinghi 0.942 0.046 +alink 0.101 0.420 +alio 0.703 0.127 +alipac 0.004 0.950 +aliphatic 0.233 0.058 +aliquam 0.306 0.000 +aliquet 0.000 0.000 +aliquip 0.005 0.000 +aliquippa 0.858 0.111 +aliquot 0.224 0.007 +aliquots 0.210 0.000 +aliquyam 0.000 0.000 +alireza 0.845 0.033 +alis 0.295 0.542 +alisa 0.896 0.037 +alisal 0.931 0.060 +alise 0.524 0.339 +alisha 0.790 0.058 +aliso 0.885 0.058 +alison 0.899 0.040 +alissa 0.843 0.032 +alist 0.052 0.051 +alistair 0.950 0.027 +alister 0.888 0.037 +alita 0.868 0.065 +alitalia 0.914 0.034 +alito 0.964 0.023 +alittle 0.060 0.023 +ality 0.017 0.055 +alive 0.270 0.027 +alix 0.866 0.040 +aliya 0.755 0.019 +aliyah 0.713 0.017 +aliyev 0.943 0.055 +aliza 0.917 0.033 +alize 0.560 0.147 +alized 0.000 0.100 +alizee 0.175 0.007 +alj 0.011 0.980 +aljazeera 0.897 0.008 +alk 0.168 0.502 +alka 0.798 0.100 +alkaholiks 0.958 0.021 +alkali 0.262 0.045 +alkaline 0.440 0.029 +alkalinity 0.299 0.035 +alkalis 0.160 0.022 +alkaloid 0.150 0.030 +alkaloids 0.306 0.033 +alkalosis 0.245 0.017 +alkan 0.765 0.151 +alkane 0.273 0.037 +alkanes 0.288 0.037 +alkene 0.221 0.020 +alkenes 0.352 0.043 +alki 0.889 0.060 +alkmaar 0.854 0.037 +alkohol 0.322 0.022 +alkoxy 0.071 0.013 +alkyd 0.453 0.084 +alkyl 0.171 0.049 +alkylating 0.324 0.028 +alkylation 0.303 0.042 +all 0.397 0.022 +alla 0.235 0.032 +allaah 0.992 0.004 +alladin 0.565 0.058 +allah 0.951 0.025 +allahabad 0.970 0.023 +allahu 0.901 0.025 +allain 0.884 0.093 +allaire 0.932 0.037 +allakhazam 0.928 0.000 +allama 0.957 0.023 +allamakee 0.889 0.095 +allamanda 0.912 0.025 +allan 0.911 0.048 +allanol 0.269 0.007 +allans 0.812 0.147 +allante 0.887 0.076 +allantoin 0.491 0.029 +allard 0.859 0.127 +allardyce 0.970 0.024 +allawi 0.975 0.016 +allay 0.060 0.007 +allayed 0.009 0.000 +allbery 0.973 0.000 +allchin 0.988 0.009 +allclassifieds 0.480 0.000 +allconsuming 0.956 0.002 +alldata 0.167 0.758 +alle 0.482 0.021 +allee 0.885 0.048 +alleen 0.210 0.010 +allegan 0.866 0.110 +allegany 0.886 0.086 +allegation 0.066 0.011 +allegations 0.086 0.011 +allege 0.029 0.006 +alleged 0.062 0.010 +allegedly 0.043 0.006 +alleges 0.052 0.008 +alleghany 0.912 0.059 +allegheny 0.895 0.079 +allegiance 0.417 0.063 +allegiances 0.067 0.004 +allegiant 0.771 0.069 +alleging 0.023 0.005 +allegis 0.982 0.013 +allegoria 0.553 0.429 +allegorical 0.122 0.006 +allegories 0.285 0.013 +allegory 0.269 0.012 +allegra 0.421 0.020 +allegretto 0.899 0.033 +allegri 0.670 0.263 +allegro 0.840 0.038 +allein 0.293 0.018 +allele 0.212 0.015 +alleles 0.187 0.016 +allelic 0.373 0.022 +alleluia 0.804 0.031 +allem 0.096 0.008 +allemaal 0.082 0.012 +allemagne 0.766 0.062 +alleman 0.882 0.108 +allemand 0.402 0.032 +allemande 0.504 0.030 +allen 0.889 0.070 +allenby 0.893 0.097 +allendale 0.858 0.123 +allende 0.950 0.022 +allenhurst 0.938 0.043 +allens 0.885 0.075 +allenstown 0.720 0.193 +allenton 0.888 0.077 +allentown 0.912 0.056 +allenwood 0.854 0.098 +alleppey 0.955 0.027 +aller 0.257 0.020 +allerdale 0.907 0.019 +allerdings 0.266 0.000 +allergan 0.884 0.093 +allergen 0.291 0.018 +allergenic 0.188 0.022 +allergens 0.225 0.011 +allergic 0.149 0.014 +allergie 0.150 0.013 +allergies 0.463 0.013 +allergist 0.311 0.019 +allergists 0.826 0.003 +allergy 0.620 0.024 +allerton 0.913 0.063 +alles 0.473 0.020 +alleviate 0.027 0.004 +alleviated 0.018 0.036 +alleviates 0.081 0.007 +alleviating 0.086 0.005 +alleviation 0.214 0.017 +alley 0.606 0.039 +alleyne 0.928 0.061 +alleys 0.165 0.017 +alleyway 0.129 0.022 +alleyways 0.098 0.007 +allez 0.476 0.198 +allgemein 0.636 0.006 +allgemeine 0.850 0.033 +allgemeines 0.930 0.017 +allgood 0.876 0.092 +alli 0.797 0.053 +alliance 0.778 0.027 +alliances 0.369 0.031 +alliant 0.888 0.071 +allianz 0.898 0.058 +allie 0.857 0.041 +allied 0.653 0.063 +allien 0.766 0.146 +allier 0.871 0.048 +allies 0.318 0.017 +alligator 0.600 0.050 +alligators 0.325 0.021 +allin 0.808 0.082 +allina 0.976 0.019 +allingham 0.889 0.103 +allington 0.935 0.054 +allinson 0.929 0.062 +allinternal 0.162 0.026 +allis 0.844 0.108 +allison 0.905 0.058 +allister 0.884 0.060 +alliston 0.921 0.067 +alliteration 0.199 0.009 +allium 0.895 0.035 +alll 0.093 0.177 +allman 0.901 0.055 +allmusic 0.135 0.017 +allmypages 0.000 0.000 +allo 0.378 0.054 +alloa 0.945 0.036 +alloc 0.235 0.143 +alloca 0.027 0.055 +allocable 0.057 0.012 +allocatable 0.092 0.206 +allocate 0.104 0.022 +allocated 0.030 0.018 +allocates 0.102 0.006 +allocating 0.123 0.009 +allocation 0.251 0.031 +allocations 0.203 0.023 +allocative 0.176 0.013 +allocator 0.146 0.008 +allocators 0.140 0.005 +allogeneic 0.179 0.015 +allograft 0.136 0.035 +allografts 0.100 0.055 +allok 0.886 0.015 +allomone 0.995 0.000 +allon 0.716 0.141 +allones 0.926 0.052 +allons 0.564 0.065 +allopass 0.017 0.005 +allopathic 0.294 0.011 +allopurinol 0.576 0.023 +allora 0.532 0.100 +allosteric 0.253 0.027 +allot 0.106 0.077 +alloted 0.311 0.015 +allotment 0.240 0.032 +allotments 0.341 0.033 +allotted 0.106 0.008 +allover 0.322 0.068 +allow 0.072 0.011 +allowable 0.156 0.059 +allowance 0.267 0.032 +allowances 0.203 0.036 +alloway 0.828 0.162 +allowed 0.086 0.010 +allowing 0.039 0.004 +allows 0.050 0.002 +alloy 0.470 0.058 +alloyed 0.150 0.027 +alloying 0.204 0.023 +alloys 0.331 0.070 +allozyme 0.240 0.131 +allpoetry 0.945 0.006 +allport 0.947 0.035 +allposters 0.668 0.011 +allready 0.189 0.011 +allrecipes 0.750 0.000 +allred 0.908 0.076 +allright 0.372 0.024 +allroad 0.432 0.060 +allround 0.573 0.116 +allrounder 0.607 0.082 +alls 0.283 0.114 +allsburg 0.957 0.015 +allsop 0.777 0.205 +allsopp 0.941 0.046 +allsorts 0.599 0.119 +allspice 0.285 0.031 +allsport 0.872 0.094 +allstar 0.615 0.161 +allstars 0.774 0.093 +allstate 0.850 0.040 +allston 0.889 0.084 +allt 0.493 0.029 +alltel 0.558 0.236 +alltheweb 0.510 0.021 +alltid 0.137 0.016 +alltime 0.306 0.053 +allude 0.014 0.003 +alluded 0.003 0.002 +alludes 0.007 0.002 +alluding 0.078 0.002 +allume 0.824 0.117 +allura 0.891 0.044 +allure 0.524 0.063 +allured 0.151 0.004 +alluring 0.186 0.013 +allusion 0.084 0.007 +allusions 0.221 0.006 +alluvial 0.187 0.018 +alluvium 0.231 0.044 +allways 0.167 0.033 +allweddol 0.410 0.022 +allwood 0.905 0.074 +ally 0.295 0.023 +allyl 0.327 0.096 +allyn 0.952 0.025 +allysin 0.866 0.019 +allyson 0.912 0.043 +alm 0.227 0.643 +alma 0.693 0.144 +almada 0.929 0.039 +almaden 0.896 0.077 +almanac 0.899 0.023 +almanack 0.909 0.026 +almanacs 0.868 0.007 +almar 0.615 0.354 +almas 0.749 0.072 +almaty 0.959 0.033 +almay 0.824 0.095 +almeda 0.890 0.074 +almeida 0.925 0.055 +almen 0.968 0.009 +almena 0.856 0.127 +almeno 0.103 0.009 +almera 0.786 0.132 +almere 0.799 0.032 +almeria 0.757 0.060 +almighty 0.734 0.029 +almira 0.848 0.104 +almirante 0.898 0.058 +almo 0.488 0.370 +almodovar 0.917 0.036 +almon 0.809 0.156 +almond 0.663 0.055 +almonds 0.324 0.026 +almont 0.862 0.095 +almonte 0.932 0.045 +almost 0.107 0.006 +almquist 0.927 0.059 +alms 0.147 0.275 +almshouse 0.406 0.016 +aln 0.101 0.789 +alnico 0.696 0.075 +alnus 0.908 0.039 +alnwick 0.921 0.026 +alo 0.211 0.453 +aloe 0.689 0.037 +aloes 0.465 0.026 +aloft 0.128 0.117 +alog 0.171 0.477 +aloha 0.822 0.079 +alois 0.932 0.032 +alojamiento 0.735 0.010 +alok 0.892 0.031 +alomar 0.821 0.088 +alon 0.826 0.072 +alona 0.806 0.031 +alone 0.105 0.014 +along 0.073 0.008 +alongs 0.572 0.023 +alongside 0.068 0.002 +alongwith 0.031 0.019 +alonso 0.928 0.047 +alonzo 0.903 0.078 +aloof 0.055 0.008 +alopecia 0.430 0.017 +alor 0.825 0.093 +alora 0.869 0.044 +alors 0.268 0.029 +alos 0.149 0.424 +alot 0.051 0.045 +alou 0.768 0.028 +aloud 0.158 0.008 +alouette 0.881 0.060 +alouettes 0.928 0.052 +aloysius 0.910 0.054 +alp 0.178 0.747 +alpa 0.271 0.634 +alpaca 0.631 0.088 +alpacas 0.620 0.034 +alpbach 0.976 0.011 +alpe 0.895 0.043 +alpen 0.877 0.065 +alpena 0.862 0.095 +alper 0.854 0.040 +alpern 0.946 0.048 +alpert 0.903 0.075 +alpes 0.904 0.028 +alph 0.333 0.174 +alpha 0.468 0.059 +alphabet 0.454 0.035 +alphabetic 0.422 0.022 +alphabetical 0.708 0.020 +alphabetically 0.524 0.013 +alphabetize 0.210 0.012 +alphabetized 0.337 0.183 +alphabets 0.538 0.025 +alphajet 0.971 0.023 +alphanumeric 0.248 0.026 +alphanumerical 0.936 0.001 +alpharetta 0.922 0.049 +alphas 0.416 0.034 +alphason 0.896 0.056 +alphaville 0.793 0.047 +alphecca 0.956 0.002 +alphen 0.820 0.026 +alpheus 0.898 0.079 +alphonse 0.905 0.060 +alphonso 0.907 0.067 +alphonsus 0.943 0.047 +alpi 0.688 0.227 +alpin 0.772 0.102 +alpina 0.665 0.079 +alpine 0.748 0.079 +alpinestars 0.865 0.079 +alprazolam 0.158 0.007 +alprostadil 0.582 0.035 +alps 0.814 0.093 +alquiler 0.214 0.006 +alquileres 0.068 0.007 +alr 0.002 0.153 +alrc 0.000 0.994 +already 0.165 0.005 +alresford 0.948 0.035 +alri 0.029 0.956 +alright 0.396 0.016 +alrighty 0.715 0.010 +alrlines 0.003 0.000 +als 0.095 0.344 +alsa 0.101 0.337 +alsace 0.853 0.049 +alsager 0.934 0.042 +alsaplayer 0.196 0.000 +alsatian 0.884 0.052 +alsc 0.006 0.942 +alsea 0.893 0.078 +alsi 0.549 0.425 +alsip 0.896 0.086 +also 0.115 0.008 +alsoft 0.866 0.122 +alsop 0.884 0.095 +alstead 0.934 0.057 +alster 0.898 0.036 +alsto 0.954 0.023 +alstom 0.577 0.403 +alston 0.899 0.083 +alstonville 0.624 0.291 +alstroemeria 0.626 0.009 +alstyne 0.837 0.120 +alt 0.430 0.208 +alta 0.670 0.111 +altace 0.455 0.028 +altadena 0.844 0.069 +altadis 0.958 0.029 +altaf 0.907 0.050 +altai 0.936 0.053 +altaic 0.935 0.040 +altair 0.829 0.132 +altamira 0.912 0.052 +altamont 0.871 0.096 +altamonte 0.885 0.057 +altan 0.919 0.047 +altana 0.434 0.548 +altar 0.297 0.018 +altarpiece 0.455 0.011 +altars 0.215 0.015 +altas 0.606 0.048 +altavista 0.703 0.046 +altavoces 0.042 0.020 +alte 0.397 0.077 +altea 0.861 0.058 +altec 0.809 0.156 +altech 0.928 0.066 +altegeileweiber 0.000 0.000 +alten 0.455 0.040 +altenberg 0.972 0.022 +altenburg 0.887 0.084 +alteon 0.746 0.187 +alter 0.159 0.071 +altera 0.860 0.075 +alteration 0.157 0.040 +alterations 0.247 0.029 +alterative 0.412 0.012 +altercation 0.468 0.004 +altered 0.118 0.018 +altering 0.103 0.007 +alterman 0.967 0.019 +altern 0.660 0.078 +alterna 0.496 0.040 +alternaria 0.921 0.015 +alternate 0.397 0.028 +alternated 0.029 0.003 +alternately 0.352 0.002 +alternates 0.261 0.030 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0.206 0.016 +alveoli 0.285 0.007 +alvernia 0.939 0.053 +alverno 0.954 0.042 +alverson 0.835 0.098 +alves 0.895 0.064 +alvestrand 0.968 0.000 +alvey 0.927 0.057 +alviero 0.935 0.023 +alvin 0.893 0.073 +alvina 0.818 0.082 +alvis 0.855 0.110 +alviso 0.890 0.100 +alvita 0.931 0.061 +alvor 0.893 0.025 +alvord 0.857 0.115 +alvy 0.778 0.191 +alw 0.076 0.588 +alwar 0.901 0.047 +alway 0.142 0.035 +always 0.093 0.014 +alwil 0.678 0.293 +alwin 0.889 0.053 +alwyn 0.920 0.046 +alx 0.081 0.834 +aly 0.687 0.098 +alyce 0.874 0.067 +alyeska 0.938 0.039 +alyn 0.786 0.035 +alys 0.791 0.139 +alysha 0.884 0.025 +alyson 0.869 0.030 +alyssa 0.767 0.048 +alyssum 0.649 0.061 +alza 0.384 0.472 +alzheimer 0.956 0.016 +alzheimers 0.605 0.036 +am 0.031 0.454 +ama 0.090 0.817 +amaa 0.005 0.989 +amacom 0.744 0.252 +amada 0.680 0.161 +amadeo 0.913 0.056 +amadeus 0.887 0.064 +amado 0.865 0.061 +amador 0.501 0.039 +amadoras 0.009 0.001 +amadores 0.050 0.001 +amadou 0.936 0.042 +amagansett 0.824 0.097 +amal 0.736 0.119 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0.953 0.023 +amarnath 0.925 0.020 +amaro 0.867 0.059 +amarok 0.208 0.021 +amarth 0.618 0.052 +amartya 0.977 0.017 +amaru 0.858 0.086 +amaryl 0.415 0.048 +amaryllis 0.801 0.025 +amas 0.190 0.263 +amasa 0.883 0.106 +amass 0.064 0.090 +amassed 0.018 0.002 +amassing 0.045 0.002 +amat 0.562 0.251 +amater 0.027 0.004 +amateur 0.286 0.014 +amateurcams 0.550 0.000 +amateure 0.484 0.001 +amateurfick 0.000 0.000 +amateurfotos 0.002 0.000 +amateurinnen 0.015 0.000 +amateurish 0.045 0.002 +amateurmodel 0.000 0.000 +amateurmodelle 0.000 0.000 +amateurporn 0.011 0.000 +amateurporno 0.000 0.000 +amateurpornos 0.000 0.000 +amateurs 0.361 0.026 +amateursex 0.014 0.001 +amateursexcam 0.000 0.000 +amateurwebcam 0.000 0.000 +amati 0.800 0.137 +amato 0.883 0.076 +amatoriale 0.010 0.004 +amatoriali 0.015 0.008 +amatorki 0.007 0.001 +amatrice 0.039 0.005 +amatuer 0.076 0.004 +amatuers 0.045 0.005 +amatur 0.037 0.004 +amature 0.087 0.004 +amatures 0.047 0.006 +amaury 0.931 0.030 +amavis 0.128 0.013 +amavisd 0.052 0.000 +amax 0.431 0.389 +amaya 0.666 0.162 +amayausers 0.005 0.000 +amaze 0.338 0.021 +amazed 0.047 0.010 +amazement 0.024 0.003 +amazes 0.047 0.005 +amazin 0.652 0.042 +amazing 0.295 0.041 +amazingly 0.226 0.011 +amazon 0.964 0.006 +amazonas 0.918 0.038 +amazoncom 0.071 0.000 +amazone 0.781 0.076 +amazonia 0.907 0.057 +amazonian 0.942 0.017 +amazonite 0.737 0.082 +amazons 0.842 0.034 +amb 0.227 0.359 +amba 0.219 0.671 +ambala 0.913 0.067 +ambani 0.963 0.014 +ambar 0.775 0.063 +ambassade 0.635 0.045 +ambassadeur 0.690 0.126 +ambassador 0.692 0.030 +ambassadorial 0.515 0.021 +ambassadors 0.557 0.025 +ambazonia 0.046 0.003 +ambedkar 0.955 0.030 +amber 0.531 0.073 +amberg 0.886 0.077 +ambergris 0.775 0.025 +amberjack 0.516 0.079 +amberley 0.835 0.144 +ambers 0.648 0.123 +ambi 0.417 0.237 +ambiance 0.437 0.011 +ambico 0.741 0.231 +ambicom 0.929 0.037 +ambidextrous 0.447 0.030 +ambien 0.170 0.010 +ambience 0.268 0.024 +ambient 0.437 0.024 +ambiental 0.550 0.033 +ambiente 0.545 0.051 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0.021 +amdocs 0.888 0.100 +amdt 0.635 0.045 +ame 0.186 0.651 +amec 0.124 0.861 +amed 0.617 0.289 +ameda 0.886 0.047 +amedeo 0.880 0.092 +amedia 0.971 0.009 +amee 0.713 0.129 +ameen 0.837 0.065 +ameer 0.812 0.053 +amel 0.425 0.182 +amelia 0.901 0.056 +amelie 0.901 0.035 +amelinda 0.883 0.110 +amelio 0.915 0.036 +ameliorate 0.016 0.003 +ameliorated 0.015 0.000 +ameliorating 0.071 0.005 +amelioration 0.221 0.017 +amen 0.817 0.086 +amena 0.545 0.114 +amenable 0.020 0.004 +amend 0.174 0.078 +amendatory 0.083 0.382 +amended 0.150 0.035 +amending 0.201 0.096 +amendment 0.479 0.076 +amendments 0.310 0.069 +amendola 0.929 0.052 +amends 0.407 0.031 +amenhotep 0.977 0.008 +amenia 0.836 0.108 +amenities 0.466 0.030 +amenity 0.335 0.023 +amenorrhea 0.438 0.018 +ament 0.793 0.062 +amer 0.870 0.115 +amerada 0.837 0.146 +amercan 0.250 0.015 +amercian 0.552 0.033 +ameren 0.900 0.093 +ameri 0.610 0.032 +amerian 0.351 0.025 +americ 0.776 0.129 +america 0.936 0.034 +americablog 0.883 0.006 +americain 0.541 0.082 +americainn 0.000 0.000 +americal 0.904 0.026 +american 0.927 0.031 +americana 0.782 0.034 +americanism 0.950 0.013 +americanization 0.953 0.020 +americanized 0.903 0.006 +americano 0.576 0.079 +americanos 0.599 0.037 +americans 0.963 0.012 +americanus 0.089 0.028 +americas 0.934 0.035 +americasuites 0.000 0.000 +americinn 0.858 0.104 +americium 0.343 0.039 +americorps 0.818 0.106 +americus 0.947 0.037 +amerie 0.771 0.083 +amerigo 0.839 0.040 +amerihost 0.894 0.060 +amerika 0.762 0.041 +amerikan 0.698 0.025 +amerindian 0.960 0.016 +amerinn 0.000 0.000 +ameriphone 0.681 0.298 +ameriplan 0.654 0.015 +ameriprise 0.980 0.013 +amerique 0.819 0.124 +ameriquest 0.848 0.025 +ameristar 0.523 0.042 +amerisuites 0.870 0.084 +ameritech 0.910 0.063 +ameritrade 0.964 0.010 +ameriwood 0.717 0.274 +amerks 0.084 0.915 +amerock 0.928 0.039 +amersfoort 0.790 0.041 +amersham 0.948 0.036 +amersuite 0.000 0.000 +amersuites 0.010 0.000 +amery 0.846 0.099 +ames 0.823 0.113 +amesbury 0.901 0.067 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0.026 0.639 +amin 0.840 0.069 +amina 0.904 0.043 +amine 0.236 0.041 +amines 0.273 0.043 +amini 0.897 0.033 +amino 0.317 0.024 +aminoacyl 0.248 0.045 +aminobenzoic 0.476 0.046 +aminobutyric 0.426 0.023 +aminoglycoside 0.181 0.019 +aminoglycosides 0.368 0.017 +aminopeptidase 0.161 0.061 +aminophylline 0.493 0.057 +aminos 0.664 0.057 +aminotransferase 0.079 0.073 +aminotransferases 0.715 0.009 +amiodarone 0.424 0.021 +amir 0.868 0.043 +amira 0.768 0.124 +amiri 0.932 0.031 +amis 0.478 0.243 +amish 0.862 0.035 +amisha 0.800 0.022 +amiss 0.053 0.009 +amistad 0.736 0.049 +amit 0.834 0.055 +amita 0.828 0.065 +amitabh 0.955 0.017 +amitabha 0.954 0.027 +amitai 0.977 0.010 +amitava 0.967 0.016 +amite 0.876 0.107 +amitech 0.988 0.006 +amitriptyline 0.364 0.017 +amiture 0.013 0.000 +amity 0.739 0.084 +amityville 0.878 0.059 +amj 0.034 0.850 +amjad 0.907 0.056 +amk 0.040 0.730 +aml 0.019 0.858 +amla 0.664 0.192 +amli 0.270 0.682 +amlodipine 0.465 0.026 +amlwch 0.823 0.024 +amm 0.106 0.796 +amma 0.735 0.154 +amman 0.906 0.063 +ammanford 0.821 0.053 +ammann 0.912 0.074 +ammar 0.914 0.038 +ammendment 0.368 0.033 +ammenities 0.273 0.034 +ammerman 0.881 0.088 +ammeter 0.359 0.078 +ammo 0.414 0.076 +ammon 0.904 0.061 +ammonia 0.281 0.048 +ammonite 0.618 0.066 +ammonites 0.658 0.032 +ammonium 0.327 0.089 +ammons 0.885 0.096 +ammount 0.048 0.013 +ammucchiate 0.000 0.000 +ammunition 0.274 0.033 +amn 0.176 0.719 +amnesia 0.409 0.023 +amnesiac 0.543 0.028 +amnesty 0.766 0.041 +amnh 0.000 0.989 +amniocentesis 0.430 0.016 +amniotic 0.223 0.016 +amnon 0.959 0.029 +amo 0.264 0.559 +amoco 0.808 0.163 +amod 0.668 0.153 +amodau 0.412 0.005 +amoeba 0.572 0.034 +amoebae 0.142 0.011 +amoi 0.872 0.111 +amok 0.483 0.029 +amol 0.608 0.223 +amon 0.716 0.083 +among 0.143 0.005 +amongst 0.089 0.004 +amor 0.582 0.054 +amoral 0.128 0.027 +amore 0.612 0.071 +amores 0.828 0.042 +amorgos 0.846 0.105 +amorim 0.937 0.049 +amoroso 0.835 0.058 +amorous 0.268 0.010 +amorphis 0.852 0.087 +amorphous 0.200 0.031 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0.009 0.963 +amsco 0.661 0.283 +amsden 0.883 0.112 +amsel 0.891 0.083 +amser 0.202 0.014 +amsler 0.846 0.144 +amsn 0.079 0.049 +amsoil 0.182 0.794 +amst 0.220 0.726 +amstel 0.873 0.054 +amstelveen 0.870 0.042 +amsterdam 0.822 0.025 +amstrad 0.865 0.090 +amstron 0.992 0.004 +amt 0.266 0.637 +amta 0.016 0.958 +amtrak 0.892 0.068 +amu 0.181 0.401 +amuck 0.291 0.015 +amulet 0.428 0.049 +amulets 0.481 0.019 +amun 0.861 0.081 +amundsen 0.933 0.044 +amundson 0.911 0.072 +amur 0.874 0.045 +amuro 0.827 0.054 +amuse 0.193 0.026 +amused 0.082 0.011 +amusement 0.494 0.024 +amusements 0.646 0.049 +amuses 0.045 0.004 +amusing 0.114 0.005 +amusingly 0.218 0.000 +amv 0.023 0.828 +amw 0.042 0.922 +amway 0.876 0.059 +amwell 0.904 0.072 +amx 0.037 0.860 +amy 0.888 0.047 +amygdala 0.464 0.007 +amyl 0.346 0.124 +amylase 0.232 0.053 +amylin 0.679 0.060 +amyloid 0.261 0.016 +amyloidosis 0.430 0.019 +amyotrophic 0.589 0.015 +amz 0.081 0.172 +amzn 0.009 0.914 +an 0.088 0.010 +ana 0.676 0.199 +anaal 0.064 0.004 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0.036 0.078 +analects 0.933 0.018 +analentjungferung 0.000 0.000 +analerotik 0.002 0.000 +anales 0.298 0.043 +analfick 0.006 0.000 +analficken 0.000 0.000 +analfisting 0.172 0.000 +analfotze 0.000 0.000 +analfotzen 0.000 0.000 +analfuck 0.017 0.003 +analfucking 0.018 0.000 +analg 0.951 0.021 +analgallery 0.000 0.000 +analgames 0.000 0.000 +analgesia 0.251 0.021 +analgesic 0.178 0.018 +analgesics 0.428 0.051 +anali 0.039 0.005 +analingus 0.452 0.005 +analisi 0.388 0.029 +analisis 0.437 0.057 +analize 0.251 0.007 +analized 0.232 0.011 +analizing 0.072 0.006 +anally 0.158 0.010 +analni 0.000 0.000 +analog 0.472 0.036 +analogic 0.807 0.060 +analogical 0.260 0.010 +analogies 0.209 0.012 +analogous 0.055 0.004 +analogously 0.411 0.000 +analogs 0.084 0.019 +analogue 0.356 0.025 +analogues 0.099 0.017 +analogy 0.090 0.006 +analphilosopher 0.050 0.000 +analpics 0.008 0.000 +analporno 0.000 0.000 +analpornos 0.000 0.000 +analqueen 0.000 0.000 +anals 0.344 0.025 +analsex 0.107 0.004 +analteen 0.000 0.000 +analteens 0.000 0.000 +analverkehr 0.035 0.000 +analvibrator 0.000 0.000 +analvideo 0.000 0.000 +analvideos 0.000 0.000 +analy 0.207 0.043 +analys 0.365 0.121 +analyse 0.217 0.008 +analysed 0.039 0.002 +analysen 0.846 0.008 +analyser 0.422 0.028 +analysers 0.573 0.010 +analyses 0.142 0.011 +analysing 0.303 0.005 +analysis 0.344 0.025 +analyst 0.629 0.101 +analysts 0.358 0.009 +analysys 0.886 0.027 +analyte 0.268 0.051 +analytes 0.123 0.025 +analytic 0.305 0.023 +analytica 0.932 0.027 +analytical 0.352 0.029 +analytically 0.050 0.002 +analytics 0.667 0.006 +analyze 0.182 0.015 +analyzed 0.033 0.005 +analyzer 0.585 0.032 +analyzers 0.562 0.021 +analyzes 0.110 0.008 +analyzing 0.220 0.008 +anam 0.680 0.157 +aname 0.041 0.299 +anamenetai 0.024 0.006 +anamorphic 0.653 0.009 +anamosa 0.850 0.133 +anan 0.776 0.102 +ananas 0.475 0.060 +anand 0.944 0.025 +ananda 0.872 0.040 +anandtech 0.838 0.004 +ananias 0.957 0.032 +ananl 0.000 0.000 +ananova 0.932 0.016 +anansi 0.944 0.034 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0.015 +anaya 0.917 0.050 +anb 0.025 0.851 +anbar 0.969 0.020 +anberlin 0.883 0.064 +anbieter 0.727 0.003 +anc 0.048 0.830 +anca 0.325 0.610 +ancaster 0.878 0.096 +ance 0.024 0.044 +ances 0.016 0.064 +ancestor 0.255 0.008 +ancestors 0.231 0.013 +ancestral 0.397 0.014 +ancestries 0.296 0.036 +ancestry 0.627 0.022 +anche 0.083 0.014 +ancho 0.534 0.063 +anchor 0.421 0.052 +anchorage 0.855 0.052 +anchorages 0.220 0.028 +anchored 0.100 0.010 +anchoress 0.951 0.024 +anchoring 0.338 0.017 +anchorman 0.628 0.042 +anchors 0.409 0.026 +anchovies 0.253 0.017 +anchovy 0.293 0.032 +ancien 0.289 0.042 +ancienne 0.286 0.044 +anciennes 0.254 0.025 +anciens 0.281 0.055 +ancient 0.395 0.018 +ancients 0.486 0.017 +ancillaries 0.494 0.133 +ancillary 0.339 0.025 +anco 0.653 0.269 +ancona 0.869 0.069 +ancor 0.474 0.272 +ancora 0.314 0.070 +ancram 0.966 0.021 +and 0.024 0.013 +anda 0.343 0.200 +andale 0.980 0.003 +andalesell 0.000 0.000 +andalucia 0.650 0.025 +andalus 0.892 0.031 +andalusia 0.902 0.041 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0.030 +andre 0.879 0.045 +andrea 0.894 0.038 +andreae 0.935 0.036 +andreas 0.928 0.013 +andreasen 0.936 0.045 +andree 0.928 0.032 +andreev 0.946 0.044 +andrei 0.944 0.028 +andrej 0.930 0.016 +andres 0.859 0.063 +andresen 0.838 0.050 +andresr 0.623 0.000 +andress 0.861 0.073 +andretti 0.945 0.035 +andreu 0.876 0.057 +andrew 0.931 0.038 +andrews 0.901 0.073 +andrey 0.921 0.017 +andria 0.864 0.044 +andries 0.953 0.032 +andris 0.945 0.030 +andriy 0.968 0.014 +andro 0.624 0.046 +androgel 0.601 0.016 +androgen 0.241 0.021 +androgenic 0.158 0.015 +androgens 0.310 0.019 +androgynous 0.242 0.013 +androgyny 0.396 0.028 +android 0.604 0.032 +androids 0.588 0.027 +andrology 0.800 0.049 +andromache 0.837 0.112 +andromeda 0.878 0.051 +andronicus 0.853 0.128 +andros 0.877 0.059 +androscoggin 0.919 0.062 +androstenedione 0.380 0.013 +andru 0.858 0.019 +andrus 0.899 0.086 +andruw 0.861 0.051 +andrzej 0.955 0.018 +ands 0.054 0.115 +andthe 0.011 0.017 +andy 0.907 0.034 +andys 0.651 0.111 +ane 0.157 0.476 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0.001 +ange 0.575 0.097 +angebot 0.895 0.006 +angebote 0.907 0.042 +angel 0.713 0.051 +angela 0.900 0.042 +angele 0.798 0.045 +angeles 0.908 0.041 +angelfire 0.655 0.008 +angelfish 0.624 0.031 +angeli 0.803 0.037 +angelia 0.849 0.070 +angelic 0.515 0.026 +angelica 0.685 0.048 +angelico 0.927 0.042 +angelicus 0.419 0.015 +angelides 0.952 0.044 +angelika 0.870 0.024 +angelina 0.759 0.033 +angeline 0.847 0.098 +angelini 0.903 0.059 +angelique 0.805 0.059 +angelis 0.842 0.047 +angell 0.906 0.065 +angello 0.778 0.161 +angeln 0.087 0.000 +angelo 0.871 0.073 +angelos 0.814 0.125 +angelou 0.911 0.021 +angels 0.693 0.037 +angelus 0.889 0.046 +angelz 0.726 0.087 +angemeldet 0.328 0.000 +angen 0.052 0.006 +anger 0.230 0.013 +angered 0.097 0.007 +angering 0.058 0.005 +angers 0.518 0.048 +anges 0.401 0.109 +angew 0.908 0.013 +angewandte 0.714 0.106 +angezeigt 0.068 0.000 +anghenion 0.131 0.007 +angi 0.738 0.090 +angie 0.862 0.035 +angielski 0.511 0.007 +angielskiego 0.003 0.000 +angier 0.888 0.091 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0.888 0.084 +angra 0.862 0.076 +angrier 0.038 0.005 +angrily 0.027 0.003 +angry 0.254 0.015 +angst 0.368 0.019 +angstrom 0.640 0.071 +angstroms 0.313 0.421 +angsty 0.202 0.008 +anguilla 0.939 0.049 +anguish 0.117 0.008 +anguished 0.111 0.005 +angular 0.157 0.025 +angulation 0.085 0.013 +angulo 0.827 0.072 +angus 0.920 0.048 +angusticlavius 0.996 0.000 +angustifolia 0.129 0.020 +angwin 0.894 0.099 +anh 0.471 0.077 +anhalt 0.877 0.035 +anheuser 0.916 0.061 +anholt 0.893 0.024 +anhui 0.949 0.031 +anhydrase 0.138 0.073 +anhydride 0.170 0.071 +anhydrides 0.224 0.028 +anhydrite 0.253 0.070 +anhydrous 0.288 0.054 +ani 0.454 0.209 +ania 0.588 0.073 +anibal 0.944 0.035 +anic 0.091 0.635 +anie 0.175 0.053 +anik 0.789 0.141 +anika 0.872 0.046 +anil 0.876 0.039 +aniline 0.409 0.075 +anillos 0.077 0.017 +anim 0.648 0.055 +anima 0.312 0.061 +animaciones 0.800 0.005 +animacje 0.195 0.040 +animadas 0.033 0.005 +animados 0.137 0.007 +animae 0.165 0.013 +animais 0.183 0.011 +animal 0.406 0.023 +animale 0.334 0.151 +animales 0.124 0.013 +animali 0.139 0.009 +animalia 0.923 0.018 +animalistic 0.079 0.007 +animalporn 0.007 0.002 +animalporno 0.010 0.000 +animals 0.395 0.014 +animalsex 0.145 0.002 +animaniacs 0.908 0.032 +animas 0.816 0.091 +animate 0.269 0.016 +animated 0.469 0.016 +animates 0.083 0.007 +animati 0.318 0.017 +animating 0.311 0.008 +animation 0.528 0.023 +animations 0.413 0.025 +animator 0.574 0.022 +animators 0.315 0.010 +animatrix 0.879 0.040 +animatronic 0.257 0.014 +animatronics 0.394 0.046 +animaux 0.289 0.034 +anime 0.420 0.015 +animes 0.183 0.020 +animierte 0.724 0.000 +animism 0.156 0.008 +animist 0.539 0.005 +animo 0.418 0.096 +animorphs 0.881 0.050 +animosity 0.091 0.012 +animus 0.350 0.019 +anion 0.177 0.030 +anionic 0.174 0.033 +anions 0.211 0.026 +anipike 0.974 0.000 +anis 0.662 0.098 +anise 0.460 0.038 +aniseed 0.429 0.068 +anish 0.819 0.042 +anisotropic 0.217 0.039 +anisotropies 0.127 0.016 +anisotropy 0.177 0.021 +anissa 0.890 0.039 +aniston 0.742 0.020 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0.029 +annalise 0.931 0.032 +annals 0.805 0.059 +annamaria 0.932 0.033 +annan 0.929 0.034 +annandale 0.890 0.081 +annapolis 0.928 0.050 +annapurna 0.922 0.033 +annas 0.762 0.058 +annat 0.189 0.012 +annatopia 0.851 0.000 +annc 0.445 0.146 +annd 0.043 0.040 +anne 0.917 0.042 +anneal 0.176 0.047 +annealed 0.157 0.023 +annealing 0.213 0.020 +anneaux 0.151 0.018 +annecy 0.812 0.062 +annee 0.397 0.154 +anneke 0.909 0.030 +anneli 0.933 0.029 +annelida 0.857 0.103 +anneliese 0.875 0.047 +annemarie 0.913 0.032 +annenberg 0.973 0.022 +annes 0.928 0.040 +annesley 0.924 0.060 +annet 0.672 0.052 +annett 0.885 0.073 +annetta 0.899 0.066 +annette 0.920 0.052 +annex 0.753 0.125 +annexation 0.251 0.044 +annexations 0.222 0.083 +annexe 0.533 0.108 +annexed 0.052 0.014 +annexes 0.521 0.083 +annexin 0.451 0.034 +annexing 0.119 0.045 +annexure 0.728 0.189 +anni 0.356 0.045 +annick 0.875 0.092 +annie 0.866 0.058 +annies 0.790 0.061 +annihilate 0.093 0.010 +annihilated 0.039 0.005 +annihilating 0.083 0.007 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0.094 0.011 +annoyingly 0.142 0.003 +annoys 0.042 0.007 +anns 0.533 0.097 +annu 0.819 0.060 +annua 0.219 0.038 +annuaire 0.364 0.014 +annual 0.477 0.035 +annualised 0.263 0.008 +annualized 0.293 0.025 +annually 0.060 0.007 +annuals 0.596 0.030 +annuel 0.151 0.039 +annuitant 0.242 0.018 +annuitants 0.233 0.039 +annuities 0.461 0.018 +annuity 0.320 0.029 +annul 0.074 0.019 +annular 0.191 0.026 +annulled 0.037 0.011 +annulment 0.187 0.060 +annulus 0.072 0.019 +annum 0.085 0.007 +annunci 0.511 0.021 +annunciation 0.817 0.031 +annunciator 0.411 0.076 +annuncio 0.021 0.002 +annunzio 0.812 0.038 +annus 0.464 0.020 +annuum 0.056 0.035 +annville 0.856 0.107 +anny 0.685 0.122 +ano 0.330 0.158 +anode 0.314 0.038 +anodes 0.473 0.047 +anodic 0.235 0.026 +anodised 0.435 0.056 +anodized 0.503 0.076 +anodizing 0.431 0.033 +anodyne 0.454 0.035 +anoint 0.094 0.011 +anointed 0.219 0.016 +anointing 0.308 0.024 +anoka 0.896 0.079 +anolon 0.956 0.018 +anomalies 0.195 0.020 +anomalous 0.207 0.018 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0.998 0.000 +ansehen 0.036 0.004 +ansel 0.902 0.039 +ansell 0.846 0.125 +anselm 0.930 0.030 +anselmo 0.887 0.060 +anser 0.478 0.143 +ansett 0.933 0.047 +ansgar 0.863 0.102 +ansi 0.016 0.883 +ansic 0.007 0.031 +ansicht 0.954 0.004 +ansley 0.859 0.111 +ansmann 0.985 0.012 +ansoft 0.830 0.138 +anson 0.877 0.083 +ansonia 0.843 0.084 +ansp 0.007 0.953 +anstatt 0.843 0.000 +anstey 0.908 0.081 +ansto 0.010 0.986 +anstruther 0.938 0.051 +answ 0.273 0.323 +answer 0.215 0.024 +answerable 0.018 0.004 +answerbank 0.137 0.000 +answered 0.083 0.009 +answerer 0.731 0.002 +answering 0.278 0.013 +answerphone 0.333 0.036 +answers 0.194 0.013 +ansys 0.161 0.813 +ant 0.419 0.161 +anta 0.226 0.616 +antacid 0.370 0.026 +antacids 0.371 0.048 +antaeus 0.874 0.085 +antagonism 0.108 0.012 +antagonisms 0.038 0.006 +antagonist 0.083 0.011 +antagonistic 0.058 0.006 +antagonists 0.231 0.009 +antagonize 0.022 0.004 +antagonized 0.010 0.000 +antal 0.778 0.037 +antall 0.773 0.008 +antalya 0.753 0.058 +antananarivo 0.946 0.045 +antar 0.702 0.079 +antara 0.613 0.165 +antarctic 0.951 0.024 +antarctica 0.953 0.029 +antares 0.857 0.076 +antari 0.956 0.030 +antartic 0.677 0.250 +antartica 0.878 0.035 +antcn 0.000 0.005 +ante 0.275 0.024 +anteater 0.507 0.035 +anteaters 0.733 0.027 +antebellum 0.428 0.015 +antec 0.814 0.141 +antecedent 0.096 0.008 +antecedents 0.175 0.013 +antechinus 0.901 0.000 +antelope 0.686 0.051 +antelopes 0.257 0.010 +anten 0.180 0.634 +antena 0.254 0.058 +antenas 0.104 0.013 +antenatal 0.294 0.013 +antenna 0.480 0.053 +antennae 0.285 0.016 +antennal 0.137 0.007 +antennas 0.459 0.052 +antenne 0.096 0.009 +antennes 0.207 0.007 +antepartum 0.342 0.074 +antepost 0.969 0.000 +anteprima 0.348 0.011 +anteprime 0.143 0.005 +antequera 0.930 0.022 +anterior 0.229 0.011 +anteriores 0.103 0.018 +anteriorly 0.036 0.000 +antero 0.664 0.040 +antes 0.251 0.041 +antex 0.916 0.066 +anth 0.188 0.783 +anthea 0.902 0.050 +anthem 0.603 0.035 +anthemic 0.065 0.004 +anthems 0.720 0.034 +anther 0.169 0.017 +anthers 0.176 0.007 +anthill 0.678 0.006 +anthocyanins 0.258 0.039 +anthologies 0.728 0.054 +anthology 0.643 0.038 +anthon 0.868 0.097 +anthony 0.909 0.055 +anthracene 0.186 0.081 +anthracis 0.024 0.008 +anthracite 0.604 0.058 +anthracnose 0.399 0.021 +anthranilate 0.487 0.049 +anthrax 0.425 0.035 +anthro 0.551 0.122 +anthropic 0.462 0.014 +anthropogenic 0.134 0.009 +anthropological 0.496 0.015 +anthropologie 0.708 0.058 +anthropologist 0.308 0.021 +anthropologists 0.247 0.004 +anthropology 0.719 0.027 +anthropometric 0.293 0.015 +anthropometry 0.599 0.019 +anthropomorphic 0.295 0.007 +anthroposophy 0.672 0.016 +anthurium 0.800 0.024 +anthus 0.980 0.005 +anthy 0.259 0.004 +anti 0.401 0.023 +antiaging 0.262 0.007 +antiaircraft 0.210 0.021 +antialiasing 0.512 0.005 +antiarrhythmic 0.352 0.011 +antibacterial 0.313 0.028 +antibes 0.894 0.049 +antibiotic 0.200 0.015 +antibiotics 0.212 0.017 +antibodies 0.328 0.014 +antibody 0.258 0.017 +antic 0.429 0.107 +antica 0.816 0.079 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0.289 0.010 +anxiolytic 0.172 0.013 +anxious 0.075 0.005 +anxiously 0.033 0.003 +any 0.096 0.021 +anya 0.877 0.045 +anybody 0.182 0.012 +anycast 0.307 0.012 +anycom 0.772 0.212 +anyday 0.230 0.028 +anydvd 0.082 0.017 +anyhoo 0.731 0.007 +anyhow 0.452 0.004 +anymore 0.059 0.009 +anyone 0.164 0.010 +anyones 0.051 0.041 +anyother 0.045 0.030 +anyplace 0.284 0.016 +anythin 0.210 0.016 +anything 0.080 0.013 +anytime 0.139 0.009 +anytown 0.882 0.068 +anyway 0.343 0.006 +anyways 0.406 0.009 +anywayz 0.231 0.027 +anywere 0.034 0.026 +anywhere 0.119 0.025 +anywho 0.538 0.128 +anz 0.050 0.903 +anza 0.784 0.081 +anzac 0.573 0.343 +anzahl 0.929 0.012 +anzeige 0.780 0.008 +anzeigen 0.266 0.003 +anziani 0.040 0.004 +anzio 0.846 0.080 +anzlic 0.043 0.948 +ao 0.136 0.560 +aoa 0.009 0.871 +aoac 0.005 0.989 +aob 0.010 0.933 +aoba 0.763 0.219 +aoc 0.043 0.928 +aod 0.015 0.891 +aodv 0.000 0.913 +aoe 0.044 0.810 +aof 0.067 0.495 +aog 0.015 0.882 +aoi 0.418 0.448 +aoife 0.874 0.053 +aok 0.031 0.738 +aoki 0.889 0.063 +aol 0.008 0.940 +aolcom 0.002 0.006 +aolserver 0.036 0.119 +aom 0.019 0.807 +aoml 0.000 0.976 +aomori 0.871 0.112 +aon 0.347 0.549 +aonb 0.000 0.996 +aone 0.537 0.251 +aong 0.013 0.000 +aoo 0.108 0.627 +aop 0.011 0.873 +aopa 0.005 0.983 +aopen 0.523 0.405 +aor 0.150 0.756 +aorist 0.215 0.021 +aorn 0.014 0.967 +aorta 0.263 0.024 +aortic 0.311 0.016 +aos 0.076 0.738 +aosd 0.007 0.591 +aoshi 0.911 0.024 +aoshima 0.828 0.115 +aosta 0.913 0.038 +aot 0.095 0.789 +aotc 0.009 0.950 +aotearoa 0.736 0.010 +aots 0.005 0.975 +aou 0.075 0.844 +aoun 0.920 0.021 +aout 0.179 0.093 +aow 0.068 0.848 +aoyama 0.906 0.067 +ap 0.040 0.832 +apa 0.045 0.881 +apac 0.099 0.881 +apace 0.067 0.041 +apacer 0.744 0.242 +apache 0.712 0.015 +apachectl 0.005 0.013 +apaches 0.912 0.022 +apalachicola 0.881 0.096 +apan 0.071 0.717 +apap 0.058 0.381 +apar 0.024 0.897 +aparece 0.116 0.010 +aparently 0.339 0.003 +aparicio 0.905 0.073 +aparna 0.889 0.029 +apart 0.235 0.008 +apartado 0.870 0.031 +apartamento 0.499 0.029 +apartamentos 0.335 0.016 +apartamenty 0.070 0.001 +apartheid 0.301 0.011 +aparthotel 0.888 0.039 +apartment 0.364 0.018 +apartments 0.664 0.016 +apathetic 0.150 0.007 +apathy 0.283 0.014 +apatite 0.424 0.069 +apax 0.881 0.073 +apb 0.009 0.926 +apba 0.034 0.888 +apc 0.030 0.934 +apcalc 0.000 0.000 +apcalis 0.535 0.104 +apcc 0.127 0.843 +apcd 0.000 0.790 +apco 0.079 0.902 +apcupsd 0.020 0.007 +apd 0.016 0.939 +apdu 0.006 0.854 +ape 0.434 0.213 +apear 0.016 0.006 +apears 0.033 0.005 +apec 0.034 0.956 +apeks 0.848 0.080 +apel 0.349 0.310 +apelco 0.968 0.015 +apeldoorn 0.789 0.033 +apenas 0.140 0.015 +apennines 0.967 0.019 +aper 0.146 0.445 +aperiodic 0.225 0.009 +aperion 0.937 0.036 +aperitif 0.330 0.027 +aperto 0.590 0.023 +apertura 0.399 0.040 +aperture 0.566 0.029 +apertures 0.132 0.016 +apes 0.567 0.060 +apex 0.594 0.157 +apexi 0.874 0.064 +apf 0.014 0.918 +apfel 0.775 0.102 +apg 0.017 0.798 +apgar 0.802 0.162 +aph 0.047 0.748 +apha 0.018 0.958 +aphasia 0.422 0.021 +aphc 0.011 0.971 +aphelion 0.687 0.012 +apheresis 0.520 0.037 +aphex 0.749 0.080 +aphid 0.222 0.027 +aphids 0.310 0.013 +aphis 0.058 0.929 +aphobia 0.987 0.007 +aphorism 0.168 0.013 +aphorisms 0.532 0.022 +aphrodisiac 0.250 0.019 +aphrodisiacs 0.726 0.018 +aphrodite 0.183 0.010 +aphthasol 0.875 0.006 +api 0.011 0.870 +apia 0.738 0.244 +apiaceae 0.910 0.082 +apiaries 0.689 0.048 +apiary 0.500 0.070 +apic 0.016 0.717 +apical 0.091 0.007 +apics 0.021 0.946 +apid 0.024 0.721 +apidoc 0.000 0.009 +apidocs 0.005 0.000 +apiece 0.013 0.004 +apirl 0.688 0.000 +apis 0.544 0.137 +apistogramma 0.856 0.000 +apj 0.012 0.867 +apk 0.083 0.745 +apl 0.055 0.861 +aplastic 0.443 0.014 +aple 0.088 0.153 +aplenty 0.164 0.011 +aplicaciones 0.188 0.018 +aplicada 0.773 0.034 +aplication 0.251 0.036 +aplin 0.746 0.245 +aplomb 0.033 0.006 +aplus 0.479 0.215 +aplysia 0.933 0.029 +apm 0.006 0.784 +apmd 0.003 0.038 +apml 0.000 0.999 +apn 0.003 0.976 +apna 0.650 0.188 +apnea 0.383 0.018 +apnic 0.002 0.073 +apnoea 0.372 0.012 +apo 0.075 0.590 +apoc 0.435 0.433 +apocalypse 0.797 0.037 +apocalyptic 0.271 0.009 +apocalyptica 0.499 0.022 +apocrypha 0.834 0.036 +apocryphal 0.259 0.012 +apod 0.010 0.843 +apodaca 0.899 0.072 +apoe 0.085 0.886 +apofash 0.026 0.051 +apogee 0.778 0.058 +apoio 0.370 0.011 +apol 0.561 0.247 +apolipoprotein 0.306 0.031 +apolipoproteins 0.808 0.004 +apolitical 0.102 0.006 +apollinaire 0.906 0.047 +apollo 0.888 0.059 +apollon 0.807 0.077 +apollonia 0.910 0.049 +apollonius 0.939 0.041 +apollos 0.915 0.020 +apollyon 0.708 0.045 +apolo 0.833 0.054 +apologetic 0.133 0.006 +apologetically 0.019 0.000 +apologetics 0.733 0.044 +apologia 0.658 0.027 +apologies 0.362 0.036 +apologise 0.020 0.008 +apologised 0.021 0.002 +apologises 0.076 0.014 +apologising 0.051 0.003 +apologist 0.228 0.007 +apologists 0.143 0.005 +apologize 0.039 0.009 +apologized 0.010 0.003 +apologizes 0.238 0.013 +apologizing 0.064 0.005 +apology 0.214 0.015 +apolyton 0.985 0.004 +apomorphine 0.436 0.017 +apon 0.122 0.138 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0.018 +apparels 0.629 0.023 +apparent 0.046 0.006 +apparently 0.257 0.002 +apparition 0.308 0.028 +apparitions 0.325 0.025 +appart 0.389 0.061 +appartamenti 0.184 0.008 +appartamento 0.441 0.056 +appartement 0.515 0.014 +appartements 0.289 0.017 +appartment 0.296 0.032 +appartments 0.496 0.022 +appc 0.008 0.951 +appe 0.331 0.362 +appeal 0.216 0.025 +appealable 0.039 0.016 +appealed 0.020 0.005 +appealing 0.101 0.005 +appeals 0.516 0.056 +appear 0.011 0.005 +appearance 0.134 0.018 +appearances 0.309 0.033 +appeared 0.015 0.002 +appearence 0.132 0.014 +appearences 0.175 0.021 +appeareth 0.007 0.000 +appearing 0.026 0.004 +appears 0.033 0.006 +appease 0.038 0.005 +appeased 0.012 0.002 +appeasement 0.203 0.012 +appeasing 0.164 0.016 +appel 0.438 0.045 +appelbaum 0.952 0.026 +appell 0.925 0.043 +appellant 0.375 0.021 +appellants 0.405 0.022 +appellate 0.459 0.032 +appellation 0.349 0.011 +appellations 0.214 0.022 +appellee 0.549 0.045 +appellees 0.500 0.027 +appels 0.401 0.076 +append 0.301 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0.228 0.196 +apta 0.038 0.932 +apte 0.682 0.215 +aptech 0.878 0.105 +apted 0.947 0.028 +apter 0.808 0.060 +aptitude 0.250 0.017 +aptitudes 0.109 0.022 +aptiva 0.662 0.135 +aptly 0.049 0.004 +aptn 0.003 0.981 +aptos 0.894 0.059 +apts 0.703 0.138 +apu 0.202 0.727 +apud 0.177 0.058 +apuestas 0.135 0.017 +apulia 0.919 0.042 +apus 0.575 0.206 +apv 0.029 0.913 +apw 0.021 0.923 +apwa 0.002 0.995 +apx 0.203 0.530 +apxs 0.000 0.170 +apy 0.012 0.818 +apycom 0.991 0.000 +aq 0.098 0.622 +aqa 0.075 0.875 +aqaba 0.924 0.055 +aqc 0.236 0.733 +aqf 0.006 0.980 +aqha 0.008 0.975 +aqi 0.009 0.967 +aqis 0.002 0.995 +aql 0.615 0.249 +aqm 0.015 0.919 +aqmd 0.000 0.991 +aqr 0.648 0.244 +aqs 0.035 0.877 +aqsa 0.748 0.241 +aqsis 0.459 0.006 +aqu 0.372 0.299 +aqua 0.688 0.087 +aquabats 0.910 0.031 +aquaculture 0.539 0.037 +aquagen 0.872 0.053 +aquaglide 0.967 0.021 +aqualand 0.822 0.072 +aqualung 0.684 0.032 +aquaman 0.847 0.083 +aquamarine 0.669 0.092 +aquapac 0.857 0.129 +aquaporin 0.344 0.037 +aquaracer 0.941 0.034 +aquarelle 0.662 0.078 +aquaria 0.553 0.023 +aquarian 0.893 0.069 +aquarien 0.018 0.000 +aquarion 0.926 0.039 +aquarist 0.795 0.010 +aquarium 0.638 0.037 +aquariums 0.666 0.016 +aquarius 0.890 0.053 +aquasana 0.933 0.022 +aquascape 0.829 0.024 +aquascutum 0.807 0.122 +aquat 0.929 0.030 +aquatalia 0.973 0.008 +aquatic 0.461 0.030 +aquatica 0.502 0.032 +aquatics 0.796 0.079 +aquatint 0.302 0.030 +aqueduct 0.571 0.033 +aqueducts 0.216 0.022 +aquellos 0.107 0.047 +aquent 0.824 0.105 +aqueous 0.188 0.038 +aquest 0.381 0.009 +aquesta 0.211 0.007 +aqui 0.124 0.221 +aquifer 0.253 0.031 +aquifers 0.126 0.018 +aquila 0.838 0.059 +aquilegia 0.881 0.062 +aquiline 0.106 0.701 +aquilla 0.835 0.138 +aquinas 0.951 0.029 +aquino 0.903 0.055 +aquire 0.173 0.043 +aquired 0.103 0.025 +aquis 0.817 0.115 +aquisition 0.370 0.047 +aquisto 0.964 0.017 +aquitaine 0.928 0.027 +aquolina 0.853 0.128 +aquos 0.561 0.308 +ar 0.057 0.692 +ara 0.356 0.466 +arab 0.895 0.036 +araba 0.344 0.019 +arabba 0.944 0.028 +arabe 0.188 0.019 +arabella 0.913 0.047 +arabes 0.355 0.041 +arabesque 0.602 0.056 +arabeyes 0.416 0.000 +arabi 0.869 0.045 +arabia 0.941 0.046 +arabian 0.855 0.043 +arabians 0.910 0.045 +arabic 0.853 0.039 +arabica 0.662 0.031 +arabidopsis 0.981 0.007 +arabinose 0.259 0.037 +arabiya 0.976 0.009 +arable 0.237 0.035 +arabs 0.943 0.011 +araby 0.707 0.044 +arac 0.140 0.308 +arachidonic 0.380 0.013 +arachne 0.811 0.021 +arachnid 0.637 0.028 +arachnida 0.877 0.099 +arachnids 0.490 0.017 +arachnoid 0.385 0.013 +arad 0.876 0.079 +arafat 0.972 0.017 +arago 0.876 0.057 +aragon 0.878 0.054 +aragonite 0.367 0.069 +aragorn 0.888 0.041 +arai 0.776 0.136 +arak 0.853 0.056 +arakawa 0.939 0.047 +araki 0.910 0.067 +aral 0.790 0.046 +arall 0.097 0.012 +aram 0.807 0.121 +arama 0.647 0.027 +aramaic 0.964 0.009 +aramark 0.424 0.566 +aramco 0.873 0.109 +aramid 0.499 0.048 +aramis 0.827 0.135 +aramith 0.792 0.122 +aran 0.834 0.073 +arana 0.824 0.132 +aranda 0.891 0.092 +araneae 0.932 0.055 +arang 0.080 0.896 +arango 0.919 0.049 +aranjuez 0.870 0.053 +aransas 0.832 0.097 +aranym 0.467 0.000 +arap 0.186 0.357 +arapaho 0.911 0.057 +arapahoe 0.896 0.085 +arar 0.817 0.146 +ararat 0.883 0.076 +aras 0.663 0.191 +arash 0.493 0.015 +arashi 0.766 0.084 +arata 0.775 0.069 +arathi 0.953 0.000 +araujo 0.578 0.052 +arava 0.756 0.052 +aravind 0.922 0.019 +arawak 0.913 0.032 +araya 0.806 0.058 +arb 0.120 0.774 +arba 0.417 0.346 +arbeit 0.883 0.012 +arbeiten 0.449 0.015 +arbeitsgemeinschaft 0.973 0.010 +arbel 0.965 0.013 +arbennig 0.121 0.190 +arbi 0.208 0.077 +arbiter 0.337 0.027 +arbiters 0.136 0.006 +arbitrage 0.298 0.020 +arbitral 0.224 0.015 +arbitrarily 0.024 0.002 +arbitrariness 0.060 0.005 +arbitrary 0.090 0.004 +arbitrate 0.059 0.019 +arbitrated 0.230 0.013 +arbitration 0.379 0.033 +arbitrations 0.223 0.010 +arbitrator 0.244 0.020 +arbitrators 0.254 0.018 +arbitron 0.961 0.021 +arbogast 0.952 0.038 +arboles 0.719 0.059 +arbonne 0.884 0.060 +arbor 0.875 0.059 +arborea 0.159 0.020 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0.596 0.317 +aria 0.619 0.109 +ariadne 0.798 0.063 +arial 0.805 0.008 +arian 0.670 0.035 +ariana 0.853 0.032 +ariane 0.909 0.058 +arianna 0.927 0.027 +arianne 0.871 0.037 +ariannol 0.235 0.018 +arians 0.954 0.011 +arias 0.712 0.099 +ariat 0.882 0.043 +arib 0.029 0.930 +ariba 0.905 0.074 +aric 0.653 0.275 +arica 0.895 0.050 +aricept 0.694 0.092 +arid 0.487 0.018 +arie 0.767 0.046 +arieh 0.931 0.035 +ariel 0.889 0.039 +ariella 0.938 0.041 +arielle 0.890 0.041 +ariens 0.770 0.089 +aries 0.806 0.082 +arif 0.839 0.073 +aright 0.037 0.010 +arik 0.886 0.041 +ariki 0.901 0.033 +aril 0.268 0.045 +arild 0.944 0.033 +arilines 0.034 0.000 +arima 0.628 0.343 +arimidex 0.702 0.086 +arin 0.014 0.155 +arinc 0.099 0.890 +aring 0.583 0.048 +arinsal 0.984 0.006 +ariola 0.791 0.153 +arion 0.848 0.094 +arirang 0.824 0.079 +aris 0.523 0.352 +arise 0.040 0.018 +arisen 0.011 0.003 +arises 0.006 0.004 +arising 0.025 0.066 +arisings 0.129 0.018 +ariss 0.301 0.688 +arista 0.841 0.112 +aristide 0.963 0.019 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0.302 +arkwright 0.909 0.066 +arky 0.310 0.574 +arl 0.048 0.876 +arla 0.303 0.100 +arlanda 0.926 0.039 +arlberg 0.937 0.023 +arleen 0.910 0.059 +arlen 0.930 0.052 +arlene 0.902 0.063 +arles 0.948 0.022 +arlette 0.925 0.044 +arley 0.765 0.177 +arlie 0.892 0.071 +arlin 0.825 0.108 +arline 0.596 0.049 +arlines 0.030 0.006 +arlington 0.916 0.056 +arlo 0.903 0.049 +arlon 0.632 0.338 +arlt 0.499 0.481 +arly 0.375 0.306 +arm 0.193 0.149 +arma 0.256 0.416 +armada 0.784 0.106 +armadale 0.794 0.172 +armadillo 0.699 0.034 +armadillos 0.450 0.020 +armageddon 0.885 0.049 +armagetron 0.164 0.000 +armagh 0.908 0.077 +armagnac 0.879 0.052 +armament 0.484 0.028 +armaments 0.415 0.018 +arman 0.813 0.108 +armand 0.897 0.065 +armando 0.877 0.083 +armani 0.763 0.147 +armari 0.939 0.056 +armas 0.441 0.028 +armatrading 0.911 0.069 +armature 0.278 0.072 +armatures 0.350 0.065 +armavirumque 0.951 0.035 +armband 0.440 0.143 +armbands 0.399 0.052 +armbruster 0.920 0.072 +armchair 0.482 0.028 +armchairs 0.332 0.025 +armd 0.408 0.540 +arme 0.351 0.124 +armed 0.408 0.021 +armee 0.743 0.078 +armen 0.842 0.059 +armenia 0.917 0.048 +armenian 0.906 0.053 +armenians 0.950 0.021 +armentrout 0.923 0.067 +armes 0.471 0.035 +armetale 0.889 0.058 +armey 0.803 0.165 +armhole 0.138 0.036 +armholes 0.034 0.004 +armi 0.245 0.062 +armidale 0.881 0.100 +armies 0.217 0.012 +armijo 0.901 0.075 +armin 0.871 0.030 +arming 0.226 0.033 +arminian 0.952 0.008 +armistead 0.908 0.079 +armistice 0.490 0.026 +armitage 0.865 0.105 +armitron 0.847 0.038 +armless 0.467 0.021 +armley 0.968 0.018 +armo 0.248 0.624 +armoire 0.639 0.042 +armoires 0.744 0.016 +armond 0.953 0.028 +armonk 0.890 0.080 +armor 0.557 0.033 +armored 0.494 0.029 +armorer 0.736 0.021 +armorial 0.751 0.023 +armories 0.525 0.030 +armoring 0.268 0.013 +armors 0.324 0.015 +armory 0.745 0.042 +armour 0.609 0.051 +armoured 0.376 0.038 +armouries 0.873 0.021 +armoury 0.492 0.027 +armpit 0.218 0.021 +armpits 0.075 0.003 +armrest 0.325 0.031 +armrests 0.254 0.016 +arms 0.312 0.025 +armstead 0.853 0.127 +armstrong 0.899 0.065 +army 0.684 0.052 +armyworm 0.270 0.028 +arn 0.283 0.551 +arna 0.669 0.172 +arnage 0.921 0.045 +arnaldo 0.911 0.041 +arnason 0.946 0.045 +arnaud 0.918 0.050 +arnaz 0.923 0.040 +arnd 0.638 0.195 +arndt 0.922 0.066 +arne 0.941 0.029 +arnell 0.828 0.085 +arner 0.795 0.150 +arnesen 0.953 0.041 +arneson 0.886 0.078 +arnett 0.898 0.079 +arnette 0.821 0.076 +arney 0.852 0.107 +arng 0.007 0.982 +arnheim 0.931 0.042 +arnhem 0.879 0.036 +arni 0.706 0.077 +arnica 0.771 0.044 +arnie 0.895 0.060 +arnis 0.820 0.046 +arno 0.841 0.070 +arnold 0.909 0.059 +arnoldo 0.959 0.028 +arnolds 0.864 0.049 +arnon 0.930 0.031 +arnot 0.909 0.074 +arnott 0.927 0.058 +arnp 0.025 0.969 +arnprior 0.932 0.055 +arnt 0.435 0.126 +aro 0.312 0.480 +aroclor 0.881 0.084 +aroha 0.838 0.049 +arolwg 0.514 0.016 +arom 0.191 0.568 +aroma 0.398 0.040 +aromas 0.251 0.018 +aromatase 0.274 0.019 +aromatherapy 0.685 0.043 +aromatic 0.251 0.033 +aromatics 0.597 0.062 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0.565 0.018 +arrangers 0.344 0.083 +arranges 0.098 0.007 +arranging 0.184 0.010 +arrangments 0.301 0.041 +arras 0.778 0.069 +array 0.216 0.025 +arrayed 0.120 0.006 +arrays 0.218 0.023 +arrear 0.060 0.008 +arrearage 0.113 0.030 +arrearages 0.084 0.039 +arrears 0.139 0.015 +arrecife 0.913 0.040 +arredondo 0.913 0.076 +arrest 0.150 0.020 +arrested 0.138 0.012 +arrestee 0.216 0.042 +arrestees 0.169 0.016 +arrester 0.281 0.055 +arresters 0.308 0.045 +arresting 0.140 0.012 +arrestor 0.383 0.070 +arrestors 0.523 0.044 +arrests 0.195 0.025 +arrgh 0.610 0.114 +arrhenius 0.959 0.016 +arrhythmia 0.523 0.016 +arrhythmias 0.227 0.009 +arri 0.557 0.320 +arriaga 0.902 0.064 +arriba 0.572 0.096 +arrigo 0.921 0.049 +arrigoni 0.968 0.025 +arrington 0.886 0.092 +arris 0.464 0.440 +arriva 0.745 0.078 +arrival 0.277 0.025 +arrivals 0.644 0.081 +arrive 0.110 0.013 +arrived 0.071 0.008 +arrives 0.087 0.013 +arriving 0.138 0.011 +arrivo 0.213 0.037 +arrl 0.011 0.974 +arrogance 0.141 0.011 +arrogant 0.109 0.009 +arrogantly 0.025 0.004 +arron 0.682 0.249 +arrondissement 0.473 0.039 +arround 0.214 0.013 +arrow 0.363 0.045 +arrowhead 0.753 0.065 +arrowheads 0.256 0.048 +arrowood 0.884 0.103 +arrowroot 0.469 0.025 +arrows 0.271 0.025 +arrowsmith 0.759 0.216 +arrowtown 0.934 0.025 +arroyo 0.886 0.056 +arroz 0.446 0.038 +arrse 0.022 0.948 +arrt 0.035 0.766 +arruda 0.847 0.122 +arry 0.201 0.330 +ars 0.405 0.517 +arsch 0.097 0.003 +arschfick 0.013 0.000 +arschficken 0.004 0.000 +arschficker 0.006 0.000 +arschloch 0.038 0.005 +arse 0.169 0.037 +arsed 0.076 0.009 +arsehole 0.117 0.027 +arsenal 0.689 0.055 +arsenals 0.109 0.011 +arsenate 0.172 0.052 +arsenault 0.919 0.069 +arsene 0.919 0.044 +arsenic 0.347 0.039 +arsenide 0.306 0.060 +arsenio 0.908 0.044 +arsenite 0.167 0.058 +arses 0.070 0.015 +arshad 0.903 0.055 +arslan 0.910 0.061 +arson 0.379 0.051 +arsonist 0.264 0.022 +arsonists 0.370 0.026 +arsons 0.441 0.045 +art 0.599 0.045 +arta 0.616 0.257 +artagnan 0.953 0.020 +artappraiser 0.000 0.000 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0.923 0.044 +asakura 0.873 0.037 +asakusa 0.936 0.028 +asal 0.420 0.292 +asam 0.172 0.713 +asami 0.653 0.050 +asan 0.488 0.099 +asana 0.498 0.034 +asanas 0.336 0.017 +asano 0.893 0.062 +asante 0.839 0.137 +asap 0.035 0.774 +asaph 0.953 0.033 +asar 0.367 0.497 +asarco 0.478 0.517 +asaro 0.945 0.043 +asas 0.109 0.728 +asat 0.083 0.808 +asatru 0.862 0.032 +asay 0.893 0.066 +asb 0.012 0.906 +asbestos 0.422 0.028 +asbestosis 0.386 0.009 +asbjorn 0.898 0.012 +asbl 0.135 0.322 +asbo 0.166 0.793 +asbury 0.908 0.069 +asc 0.157 0.622 +asca 0.005 0.990 +ascalon 0.926 0.011 +ascap 0.008 0.967 +ascaris 0.895 0.022 +ascc 0.003 0.981 +ascd 0.005 0.887 +asce 0.016 0.954 +ascend 0.345 0.050 +ascendancy 0.190 0.008 +ascendant 0.837 0.007 +ascended 0.271 0.006 +ascender 0.808 0.035 +ascenders 0.689 0.013 +ascending 0.499 0.007 +ascends 0.120 0.007 +ascensia 0.918 0.067 +ascension 0.710 0.069 +ascent 0.443 0.046 +ascentia 0.882 0.077 +ascential 0.963 0.018 +ascentis 0.997 0.000 +ascents 0.230 0.009 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0.058 +ashland 0.899 0.070 +ashlar 0.749 0.026 +ashlee 0.316 0.009 +ashleigh 0.896 0.036 +ashley 0.844 0.047 +ashly 0.757 0.142 +ashlyn 0.869 0.025 +ashman 0.879 0.072 +ashmolean 0.917 0.053 +ashmont 0.738 0.254 +ashmore 0.907 0.081 +ashok 0.907 0.052 +ashoka 0.924 0.056 +ashore 0.101 0.012 +ashp 0.008 0.977 +ashrae 0.007 0.989 +ashraf 0.913 0.040 +ashram 0.665 0.028 +ashtabula 0.880 0.095 +ashtanga 0.798 0.018 +ashtead 0.926 0.053 +ashtech 0.101 0.895 +ashton 0.888 0.063 +ashtray 0.489 0.105 +ashtrays 0.645 0.034 +ashura 0.909 0.031 +ashurst 0.927 0.055 +ashutosh 0.912 0.034 +ashville 0.844 0.095 +ashwagandha 0.798 0.016 +ashwaubenon 0.899 0.072 +ashwell 0.744 0.151 +ashwin 0.870 0.043 +ashwood 0.827 0.111 +ashworth 0.885 0.084 +ashy 0.514 0.064 +asi 0.251 0.608 +asia 0.917 0.038 +asiago 0.840 0.022 +asian 0.525 0.016 +asiana 0.843 0.032 +asiangirls 0.228 0.000 +asians 0.481 0.027 +asiansex 0.191 0.002 +asiantaeth 0.862 0.008 +asianthumbs 0.205 0.000 +asianux 0.996 0.000 +asiasex 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0.010 +ausser 0.067 0.006 +aussi 0.142 0.044 +aussie 0.831 0.048 +aussies 0.864 0.049 +ausstats 0.977 0.016 +ausstellung 0.957 0.012 +ausstellungen 0.975 0.006 +aust 0.851 0.122 +austad 0.955 0.020 +austar 0.763 0.175 +austechwriter 0.005 0.000 +austell 0.925 0.051 +austen 0.952 0.029 +austenite 0.156 0.011 +austenitic 0.313 0.026 +auster 0.938 0.026 +austere 0.107 0.005 +austerity 0.108 0.009 +austerlitz 0.901 0.051 +austin 0.897 0.051 +austinburg 0.817 0.142 +austinist 0.904 0.000 +austintown 0.905 0.053 +auston 0.928 0.043 +austr 0.870 0.074 +austra 0.805 0.025 +austrade 0.978 0.019 +austrailia 0.762 0.043 +austrailian 0.541 0.018 +austral 0.773 0.095 +australasia 0.965 0.019 +australasian 0.966 0.026 +australi 0.820 0.067 +australia 0.933 0.029 +australian 0.937 0.024 +australiana 0.900 0.044 +australians 0.972 0.011 +australias 0.855 0.045 +australie 0.796 0.049 +australien 0.916 0.012 +australis 0.420 0.028 +australopithecus 0.960 0.007 +austria 0.952 0.029 +austrian 0.938 0.031 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0.855 0.042 +avelox 0.488 0.088 +aven 0.505 0.332 +avena 0.845 0.027 +avenal 0.815 0.173 +avenel 0.839 0.144 +avenge 0.065 0.009 +avenged 0.259 0.013 +avenger 0.808 0.052 +avengers 0.835 0.123 +avenging 0.348 0.029 +avenida 0.883 0.065 +avenir 0.917 0.014 +avensis 0.828 0.105 +avent 0.785 0.135 +aventail 0.986 0.004 +aventis 0.797 0.041 +aventura 0.777 0.049 +aventuras 0.810 0.033 +aventure 0.654 0.126 +aventures 0.572 0.076 +aventurine 0.702 0.089 +avenue 0.892 0.055 +avenues 0.284 0.012 +aveo 0.858 0.057 +aver 0.121 0.268 +avera 0.900 0.045 +average 0.420 0.020 +averaged 0.047 0.008 +averages 0.316 0.031 +averaging 0.112 0.009 +averatec 0.766 0.171 +avere 0.042 0.036 +averett 0.931 0.062 +averill 0.880 0.094 +avermedia 0.489 0.432 +averred 0.003 0.000 +avers 0.150 0.027 +averse 0.061 0.030 +aversion 0.141 0.006 +aversive 0.111 0.008 +avert 0.087 0.252 +averted 0.090 0.008 +averting 0.181 0.010 +avertissement 0.410 0.281 +avery 0.820 0.119 +aves 0.780 0.085 +avesta 0.888 0.072 +aveva 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0.034 +aviva 0.883 0.096 +avk 0.040 0.671 +avl 0.095 0.837 +avm 0.089 0.820 +avma 0.004 0.951 +avn 0.037 0.898 +avner 0.959 0.024 +avnery 0.959 0.036 +avnet 0.934 0.056 +avns 0.485 0.511 +avo 0.240 0.660 +avoca 0.789 0.180 +avocado 0.500 0.038 +avocados 0.380 0.023 +avocat 0.107 0.026 +avocation 0.087 0.007 +avocations 0.049 0.006 +avocats 0.310 0.014 +avocent 0.802 0.186 +avocet 0.837 0.074 +avodah 0.826 0.052 +avodart 0.647 0.055 +avogadro 0.917 0.032 +avoid 0.201 0.011 +avoidable 0.102 0.010 +avoidance 0.209 0.014 +avoidant 0.497 0.004 +avoided 0.020 0.004 +avoiding 0.202 0.008 +avoids 0.068 0.010 +avoir 0.043 0.042 +avon 0.851 0.105 +avondale 0.890 0.090 +avonex 0.770 0.189 +avonlea 0.946 0.034 +avonmore 0.851 0.135 +avons 0.049 0.013 +avoriaz 0.922 0.025 +avowed 0.015 0.002 +avoyelles 0.824 0.106 +avp 0.009 0.903 +avr 0.022 0.416 +avra 0.648 0.109 +avraham 0.966 0.024 +avram 0.933 0.044 +avrdude 0.020 0.034 +avril 0.421 0.019 +avro 0.737 0.189 +avs 0.078 0.720 +avsim 0.032 0.957 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0.077 +ayah 0.424 0.016 +ayahuasca 0.528 0.024 +ayako 0.909 0.032 +ayala 0.901 0.072 +ayam 0.471 0.036 +ayana 0.800 0.039 +ayant 0.034 0.011 +ayashi 0.831 0.031 +ayat 0.525 0.019 +ayatollah 0.917 0.015 +ayc 0.022 0.907 +aycan 0.994 0.000 +aycliffe 0.893 0.033 +aycock 0.876 0.108 +ayden 0.789 0.172 +aydin 0.865 0.103 +aye 0.152 0.025 +ayelet 0.950 0.013 +ayer 0.778 0.082 +ayers 0.889 0.077 +ayerst 0.896 0.077 +ayes 0.542 0.251 +ayesha 0.932 0.022 +ayia 0.915 0.029 +ayin 0.534 0.062 +aykroyd 0.959 0.030 +ayla 0.853 0.079 +ayler 0.820 0.062 +aylesbury 0.921 0.043 +aylesford 0.930 0.040 +aylesworth 0.927 0.063 +aylett 0.920 0.047 +aylmer 0.931 0.050 +aylward 0.909 0.080 +ayman 0.921 0.030 +aymara 0.929 0.010 +ayn 0.919 0.042 +aynsley 0.818 0.146 +ayo 0.636 0.133 +ayodhya 0.975 0.015 +ayotte 0.866 0.069 +ayoub 0.842 0.048 +ayp 0.001 0.995 +ayr 0.857 0.108 +ayre 0.871 0.051 +ayreon 0.883 0.060 +ayres 0.905 0.070 +ayrio 0.162 0.073 +ayrshire 0.964 0.020 +ayrton 0.852 0.086 +ays 0.077 0.396 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0.036 +azimuthal 0.162 0.012 +azione 0.120 0.013 +azithromycin 0.343 0.015 +aziz 0.934 0.032 +azjatki 0.010 0.000 +azkaban 0.913 0.037 +azle 0.847 0.128 +azm 0.244 0.707 +azmi 0.946 0.026 +azn 0.181 0.506 +aznar 0.935 0.034 +aznavour 0.517 0.060 +azo 0.292 0.385 +azonic 0.906 0.069 +azores 0.874 0.113 +azrael 0.764 0.044 +azria 0.901 0.082 +azriel 0.933 0.017 +azt 0.019 0.904 +aztec 0.860 0.057 +azteca 0.813 0.061 +aztech 0.759 0.150 +aztecs 0.964 0.015 +aztek 0.874 0.059 +aztlan 0.723 0.069 +azucar 0.464 0.059 +azul 0.750 0.043 +azules 0.708 0.018 +azuli 0.612 0.314 +azuma 0.913 0.061 +azumanga 0.891 0.025 +azumi 0.513 0.118 +azur 0.874 0.033 +azura 0.873 0.042 +azure 0.619 0.041 +azureus 0.813 0.003 +azurite 0.696 0.080 +azusa 0.910 0.055 +azz 0.132 0.057 +azza 0.865 0.046 +azzam 0.936 0.033 +azzaro 0.851 0.135 +azzopardi 0.951 0.042 +azzurra 0.719 0.045 +azzurri 0.871 0.039 +azzurro 0.648 0.061 +b 0.665 0.000 +ba 0.117 0.729 +baa 0.250 0.604 +baader 0.948 0.033 +baal 0.891 0.040 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0.054 +babyliss 0.815 0.110 +babylon 0.879 0.049 +babylone 0.936 0.014 +babylonia 0.966 0.016 +babylonian 0.960 0.015 +babylonians 0.979 0.006 +babys 0.414 0.090 +babyshambles 0.793 0.030 +babysit 0.093 0.013 +babysitter 0.508 0.021 +babysitters 0.530 0.019 +babysitting 0.609 0.015 +babystrich 0.003 0.000 +babystyle 0.397 0.029 +babywear 0.713 0.026 +babywearing 0.852 0.000 +babyz 0.806 0.091 +bac 0.153 0.685 +baca 0.818 0.115 +bacall 0.926 0.045 +bacardi 0.801 0.081 +bacc 0.239 0.579 +baccalaureate 0.452 0.029 +baccara 0.668 0.045 +baccarat 0.347 0.019 +bacchus 0.904 0.066 +bacci 0.852 0.071 +bacco 0.820 0.028 +baccus 0.948 0.038 +bach 0.864 0.067 +bacharach 0.928 0.048 +bachata 0.694 0.064 +bachchan 0.972 0.015 +bache 0.809 0.075 +bachelet 0.968 0.020 +bachelor 0.677 0.046 +bachelorette 0.713 0.025 +bachelors 0.713 0.022 +bacher 0.930 0.043 +bachman 0.840 0.078 +bachmann 0.873 0.083 +bachrach 0.917 0.053 +bachus 0.686 0.296 +baci 0.657 0.182 +bacilli 0.097 0.029 +bacillus 0.866 0.032 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0.943 0.041 +bagdad 0.809 0.077 +bagder 0.017 0.000 +bagel 0.608 0.033 +bagels 0.619 0.020 +bagg 0.722 0.088 +baggage 0.301 0.020 +baggallini 0.966 0.003 +bagged 0.321 0.036 +bagger 0.671 0.042 +baggers 0.291 0.078 +baggett 0.786 0.074 +baggie 0.227 0.031 +baggies 0.547 0.043 +bagging 0.319 0.017 +baggins 0.680 0.011 +baggio 0.750 0.084 +baggs 0.870 0.088 +baggy 0.302 0.040 +bagh 0.861 0.072 +baghdad 0.930 0.058 +baghdatis 0.979 0.014 +baghouse 0.302 0.044 +bagi 0.227 0.046 +bagle 0.868 0.029 +bagless 0.815 0.029 +bagley 0.858 0.114 +baglio 0.952 0.026 +baglioni 0.899 0.040 +bagman 0.657 0.037 +bagna 0.098 0.838 +bagnall 0.922 0.062 +bagnara 0.951 0.006 +bagno 0.313 0.123 +bago 0.579 0.111 +bagong 0.478 0.047 +bagot 0.841 0.144 +bagpipe 0.522 0.112 +bagpipes 0.546 0.030 +bagpuss 0.846 0.074 +bagram 0.897 0.086 +bags 0.592 0.045 +bagshot 0.846 0.131 +bagua 0.715 0.028 +baguette 0.576 0.073 +baguettes 0.378 0.053 +baguio 0.867 0.053 +bagus 0.617 0.028 +bagwell 0.885 0.065 +bah 0.528 0.192 +baha 0.801 0.115 +bahadur 0.933 0.052 +bahai 0.848 0.019 +bahama 0.900 0.050 +bahamas 0.919 0.041 +bahamian 0.951 0.012 +bahamut 0.679 0.023 +bahar 0.850 0.056 +bahasa 0.918 0.010 +bahco 0.819 0.157 +bahia 0.890 0.044 +bahl 0.901 0.072 +bahman 0.947 0.023 +bahn 0.795 0.039 +bahnhof 0.845 0.037 +bahr 0.706 0.256 +bahrain 0.949 0.041 +bahraini 0.983 0.012 +bahram 0.935 0.035 +bahri 0.941 0.032 +bahru 0.947 0.023 +baht 0.763 0.013 +bahts 0.936 0.002 +bai 0.632 0.204 +baia 0.819 0.064 +baidu 0.796 0.007 +baie 0.798 0.067 +baier 0.920 0.053 +baig 0.905 0.056 +baigent 0.964 0.031 +baik 0.395 0.053 +baikal 0.896 0.030 +baikonur 0.972 0.020 +bail 0.378 0.030 +baila 0.760 0.057 +bailar 0.539 0.055 +baile 0.745 0.040 +bailed 0.041 0.007 +bailee 0.135 0.213 +bailer 0.565 0.059 +bailes 0.799 0.089 +bailey 0.891 0.072 +baileys 0.815 0.073 +baileyville 0.853 0.122 +bailie 0.853 0.071 +bailiff 0.356 0.034 +bailiffs 0.337 0.030 +bailing 0.182 0.014 +bailiwick 0.652 0.021 +baillie 0.911 0.068 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0.055 +balck 0.236 0.033 +balco 0.349 0.590 +balcon 0.747 0.061 +balcones 0.890 0.058 +balconette 0.679 0.013 +balconies 0.140 0.011 +balconnet 0.932 0.006 +balcony 0.330 0.047 +bald 0.271 0.023 +baldacci 0.893 0.092 +balder 0.839 0.048 +balderdash 0.401 0.420 +baldessarini 0.838 0.149 +baldi 0.768 0.172 +baldilocks 0.716 0.003 +balding 0.341 0.027 +baldness 0.228 0.009 +baldo 0.870 0.049 +baldock 0.839 0.097 +baldor 0.815 0.148 +baldrick 0.841 0.015 +baldridge 0.931 0.061 +baldrige 0.964 0.023 +baldry 0.861 0.133 +baldur 0.947 0.013 +baldurs 0.796 0.021 +baldwin 0.889 0.078 +baldwinsville 0.871 0.100 +baldy 0.831 0.066 +baldyga 0.959 0.011 +bale 0.610 0.051 +baleares 0.830 0.058 +balearic 0.849 0.030 +balearics 0.942 0.017 +balears 0.935 0.047 +baled 0.202 0.049 +baleen 0.306 0.024 +baleful 0.056 0.003 +balenciaga 0.699 0.160 +baleno 0.836 0.115 +baler 0.486 0.076 +balers 0.556 0.034 +bales 0.382 0.050 +balestra 0.873 0.100 +balfour 0.917 0.069 +balgowlah 0.517 0.393 +balham 0.974 0.013 +bali 0.900 0.032 +balik 0.407 0.039 +balin 0.936 0.034 +balinese 0.929 0.027 +baling 0.387 0.024 +balint 0.941 0.035 +balis 0.915 0.047 +balk 0.401 0.031 +balkan 0.915 0.046 +balkans 0.955 0.031 +balked 0.017 0.003 +balkin 0.979 0.014 +balkinization 0.932 0.000 +balko 0.956 0.030 +balks 0.262 0.040 +ball 0.431 0.039 +balla 0.756 0.069 +ballachulish 0.938 0.049 +ballack 0.913 0.041 +ballad 0.538 0.028 +ballade 0.807 0.040 +balladins 0.908 0.068 +ballads 0.435 0.035 +ballance 0.745 0.077 +ballantine 0.963 0.023 +ballantines 0.970 0.015 +ballantyne 0.835 0.153 +ballarat 0.894 0.084 +ballard 0.939 0.051 +ballas 0.863 0.058 +ballast 0.355 0.050 +ballasts 0.437 0.024 +ballater 0.937 0.043 +ballbusting 0.087 0.011 +balle 0.462 0.111 +balled 0.187 0.012 +ballenger 0.822 0.172 +ballentine 0.902 0.077 +baller 0.412 0.070 +ballerina 0.629 0.077 +ballerinas 0.422 0.027 +ballers 0.661 0.097 +ballesteros 0.944 0.043 +ballet 0.673 0.036 +ballets 0.687 0.016 +ballew 0.845 0.139 +ballgame 0.321 0.014 +ballin 0.696 0.048 +ballina 0.911 0.070 +ballinasloe 0.951 0.031 +balling 0.520 0.021 +ballinger 0.878 0.099 +balliol 0.967 0.023 +ballista 0.759 0.020 +ballistic 0.447 0.025 +ballistics 0.504 0.033 +ballistix 0.946 0.017 +ballmer 0.947 0.012 +ballo 0.622 0.055 +ballon 0.303 0.021 +ballons 0.135 0.026 +balloon 0.517 0.028 +ballooned 0.014 0.003 +ballooning 0.592 0.015 +balloons 0.543 0.029 +ballot 0.180 0.025 +balloting 0.274 0.020 +ballots 0.138 0.036 +ballou 0.880 0.097 +ballpark 0.466 0.016 +ballparks 0.732 0.012 +ballpen 0.677 0.099 +ballplayer 0.080 0.009 +ballplayers 0.304 0.201 +ballpoint 0.666 0.049 +ballroom 0.699 0.037 +ballrooms 0.437 0.012 +balls 0.426 0.034 +ballsbridge 0.970 0.015 +ballston 0.872 0.100 +ballsy 0.385 0.043 +ballwin 0.889 0.090 +bally 0.783 0.077 +ballycastle 0.868 0.121 +ballyclare 0.648 0.340 +ballyhoo 0.533 0.090 +ballykissangel 0.961 0.023 +ballymena 0.681 0.308 +ballymoney 0.762 0.229 +ballymun 0.979 0.011 +ballynahinch 0.712 0.281 +ballys 0.369 0.027 +ballz 0.431 0.086 +balm 0.704 0.052 +balmain 0.785 0.189 +balmer 0.921 0.060 +balmoral 0.837 0.127 +balms 0.599 0.124 +balmy 0.139 0.008 +balneario 0.242 0.028 +baloch 0.964 0.016 +balochistan 0.963 0.028 +balogh 0.913 0.074 +baloney 0.331 0.033 +baloo 0.810 0.082 +baloon 0.364 0.042 +baloons 0.252 0.010 +balrog 0.853 0.028 +balsa 0.357 0.078 +balsam 0.625 0.058 +balsamic 0.481 0.023 +balt 0.784 0.175 +balta 0.870 0.061 +baltar 0.920 0.027 +balter 0.916 0.073 +baltes 0.839 0.128 +balthasar 0.926 0.059 +balthazar 0.912 0.048 +balti 0.825 0.079 +baltic 0.912 0.065 +baltica 0.641 0.045 +baltics 0.924 0.052 +baltimore 0.926 0.034 +balto 0.859 0.088 +balu 0.784 0.096 +baluch 0.897 0.074 +baluchistan 0.935 0.055 +balule 0.994 0.000 +balun 0.503 0.087 +baluns 0.716 0.028 +balusters 0.385 0.021 +balustrade 0.301 0.021 +balustrades 0.399 0.020 +balwyn 0.645 0.293 +balzac 0.940 0.033 +balzer 0.894 0.083 +balzers 0.792 0.098 +bam 0.479 0.370 +bama 0.716 0.178 +bamako 0.924 0.058 +bamba 0.707 0.060 +bambaataa 0.861 0.111 +bambang 0.947 0.022 +bambara 0.870 0.045 +bamber 0.917 0.059 +bamberg 0.907 0.055 +bamberger 0.925 0.050 +bambi 0.827 0.062 +bambini 0.266 0.043 +bambino 0.689 0.076 +bamboo 0.539 0.040 +bamboos 0.408 0.026 +bamboozle 0.690 0.017 +bamboozled 0.527 0.028 +bambu 0.615 0.167 +bamburgh 0.923 0.034 +bame 0.261 0.038 +bames 0.055 0.005 +bamfield 0.968 0.025 +bamford 0.907 0.078 +bamiyan 0.928 0.014 +bamm 0.450 0.428 +bampton 0.932 0.046 +bams 0.154 0.658 +ban 0.281 0.055 +bana 0.796 0.079 +banach 0.964 0.019 +banal 0.090 0.022 +banality 0.318 0.013 +banana 0.547 0.054 +bananarama 0.535 0.040 +bananas 0.404 0.033 +bananastock 0.994 0.000 +bananeweizen 0.007 0.000 +banani 0.964 0.012 +bananza 0.293 0.012 +banat 0.685 0.230 +banbridge 0.755 0.235 +banbury 0.898 0.062 +banc 0.428 0.112 +banca 0.699 0.081 +bancaire 0.175 0.030 +banchory 0.940 0.044 +banco 0.584 0.065 +bancorp 0.801 0.193 +bancorporation 0.827 0.169 +bancos 0.302 0.037 +bancroft 0.895 0.086 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0.558 0.087 +bandstand 0.566 0.057 +bandung 0.827 0.026 +bandura 0.906 0.027 +bandwagon 0.214 0.011 +bandwidth 0.240 0.010 +bandwidths 0.062 0.004 +bandwith 0.217 0.010 +bandy 0.739 0.071 +bandyopadhyay 0.934 0.043 +bane 0.567 0.045 +baneful 0.039 0.004 +banen 0.059 0.000 +banerjee 0.938 0.045 +banes 0.603 0.098 +banff 0.933 0.036 +banffshire 0.979 0.014 +banfi 0.784 0.041 +banfield 0.914 0.062 +bang 0.307 0.030 +banga 0.758 0.084 +bangali 0.670 0.012 +bangalore 0.897 0.046 +bangalow 0.883 0.084 +bangboat 0.130 0.005 +bangbros 0.192 0.031 +bangbus 0.086 0.001 +banged 0.418 0.008 +banger 0.515 0.081 +bangers 0.371 0.027 +bangerth 0.303 0.000 +bangin 0.597 0.063 +banging 0.399 0.012 +bangkok 0.918 0.028 +bangla 0.822 0.027 +bangladesh 0.944 0.037 +bangladeshi 0.900 0.006 +bangladeshis 0.985 0.005 +bangle 0.618 0.134 +bangles 0.700 0.055 +banglore 0.736 0.062 +bango 0.748 0.066 +bangor 0.883 0.086 +bangs 0.348 0.031 +bangui 0.922 0.054 +banh 0.641 0.052 +banham 0.923 0.053 +banhart 0.888 0.064 +bani 0.727 0.053 +banish 0.295 0.013 +banished 0.212 0.011 +banishing 0.385 0.017 +banishment 0.131 0.010 +banister 0.626 0.070 +banja 0.884 0.058 +banjo 0.546 0.069 +banjos 0.620 0.035 +banjul 0.928 0.061 +bank 0.584 0.037 +banka 0.427 0.101 +bankable 0.166 0.021 +bankcard 0.749 0.039 +banke 0.777 0.049 +banked 0.640 0.018 +banken 0.273 0.013 +banker 0.678 0.030 +bankers 0.492 0.046 +bankfull 0.217 0.141 +bankhead 0.917 0.069 +banki 0.273 0.012 +banking 0.621 0.019 +banknorth 0.938 0.048 +banknote 0.462 0.179 +banknotes 0.534 0.082 +bankofamerica 0.060 0.000 +bankrate 0.783 0.043 +bankroll 0.062 0.004 +bankrupcy 0.279 0.021 +bankrupt 0.113 0.013 +bankruptcies 0.781 0.003 +bankruptcy 0.588 0.018 +bankrupted 0.058 0.004 +banks 0.453 0.021 +bankshares 0.804 0.191 +banksia 0.680 0.247 +bankside 0.881 0.032 +bankston 0.861 0.110 +bankstown 0.826 0.131 +banksy 0.691 0.049 +bann 0.760 0.077 +banna 0.832 0.038 +banned 0.200 0.023 +banneker 0.907 0.047 +banner 0.542 0.027 +bannerman 0.898 0.080 +banners 0.447 0.032 +banning 0.270 0.020 +bannister 0.866 0.087 +bannock 0.855 0.065 +bannockburn 0.909 0.075 +bannon 0.915 0.060 +banns 0.582 0.019 +bano 0.716 0.059 +banos 0.854 0.086 +banpresto 0.890 0.078 +banque 0.687 0.067 +banques 0.516 0.046 +banquet 0.623 0.025 +banqueting 0.609 0.027 +banquets 0.465 0.024 +bans 0.173 0.186 +bansal 0.898 0.076 +banshee 0.674 0.069 +banshees 0.713 0.063 +bansko 0.888 0.054 +banstead 0.958 0.028 +banta 0.877 0.094 +bantam 0.902 0.051 +bantams 0.800 0.057 +bantamweight 0.723 0.032 +banter 0.473 0.015 +banting 0.906 0.051 +banton 0.870 0.088 +bantry 0.948 0.040 +bantu 0.913 0.021 +banu 0.805 0.042 +banus 0.915 0.026 +banville 0.958 0.025 +banya 0.740 0.084 +banyak 0.125 0.016 +banyan 0.808 0.058 +banz 0.878 0.059 +banzai 0.802 0.088 +bao 0.502 0.087 +baobab 0.534 0.190 +bap 0.209 0.447 +bape 0.479 0.195 +baphomet 0.809 0.053 +baps 0.106 0.701 +bapt 0.516 0.065 +baptised 0.218 0.007 +baptism 0.477 0.028 +baptismal 0.366 0.020 +baptisms 0.611 0.038 +baptist 0.925 0.050 +baptista 0.836 0.139 +baptiste 0.939 0.039 +baptists 0.954 0.018 +baptize 0.081 0.010 +baptized 0.105 0.009 +baptizing 0.081 0.012 +bar 0.479 0.049 +bara 0.432 0.072 +barabbas 0.942 0.039 +baraboo 0.871 0.082 +barack 0.969 0.015 +baracoda 0.978 0.018 +baraga 0.834 0.115 +barahona 0.933 0.037 +barajas 0.865 0.060 +barak 0.936 0.034 +baraka 0.881 0.054 +barakat 0.891 0.076 +baran 0.905 0.059 +barangay 0.501 0.158 +barat 0.874 0.040 +barataria 0.917 0.073 +barato 0.318 0.014 +baratos 0.083 0.015 +barb 0.679 0.046 +barba 0.756 0.133 +barbados 0.949 0.035 +barbar 0.814 0.053 +barbara 0.922 0.043 +barbarella 0.873 0.064 +barbaresco 0.883 0.101 +barbarian 0.682 0.032 +barbarians 0.435 0.021 +barbaric 0.128 0.009 +barbarism 0.134 0.016 +barbarity 0.097 0.009 +barbaro 0.837 0.097 +barbarossa 0.927 0.044 +barbarous 0.057 0.006 +barbary 0.880 0.047 +barbato 0.644 0.347 +barbe 0.741 0.081 +barbeau 0.878 0.054 +barbecue 0.567 0.017 +barbecued 0.504 0.048 +barbecues 0.643 0.009 +barbecuing 0.347 0.008 +barbed 0.296 0.029 +barbedor 0.996 0.000 +barbee 0.838 0.129 +barbel 0.551 0.046 +barbelith 0.706 0.148 +barbell 0.654 0.033 +barbells 0.613 0.041 +barbeque 0.593 0.020 +barbeques 0.516 0.012 +barber 0.794 0.066 +barbera 0.896 0.070 +barbering 0.534 0.058 +barberini 0.927 0.049 +barberry 0.650 0.046 +barbers 0.786 0.036 +barbershop 0.649 0.035 +barberton 0.824 0.149 +barbet 0.873 0.045 +barbi 0.678 0.039 +barbican 0.919 0.024 +barbie 0.743 0.096 +barbier 0.850 0.056 +barbieri 0.860 0.104 +barbies 0.729 0.074 +barbiturate 0.147 0.022 +barbiturates 0.293 0.020 +barbizon 0.885 0.070 +barbosa 0.925 0.057 +barbour 0.929 0.055 +barboursville 0.910 0.068 +barbourville 0.860 0.112 +barbra 0.907 0.044 +barbs 0.328 0.033 +barbuda 0.947 0.047 +barby 0.669 0.042 +barc 0.179 0.630 +barca 0.809 0.048 +barcellona 0.648 0.031 +barcelo 0.906 0.035 +barcelona 0.828 0.031 +barcelone 0.585 0.033 +barche 0.187 0.010 +barchetta 0.806 0.083 +barclay 0.880 0.079 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0.537 0.192 +barga 0.778 0.084 +bargain 0.683 0.043 +bargained 0.039 0.007 +bargaining 0.176 0.017 +bargainland 0.923 0.000 +bargains 0.758 0.031 +barge 0.351 0.079 +barger 0.903 0.085 +barges 0.260 0.019 +barghouti 0.974 0.019 +bargin 0.393 0.168 +barging 0.399 0.015 +bargins 0.378 0.175 +barham 0.867 0.124 +bari 0.791 0.074 +bariatric 0.852 0.009 +barielle 0.906 0.007 +baril 0.869 0.061 +barilla 0.880 0.037 +bariloche 0.915 0.056 +baring 0.533 0.038 +barings 0.926 0.021 +baris 0.797 0.047 +barista 0.545 0.040 +barite 0.342 0.058 +baritone 0.406 0.029 +barium 0.416 0.082 +bark 0.399 0.032 +barkan 0.941 0.043 +barke 0.337 0.032 +barked 0.134 0.004 +barker 0.870 0.087 +barkers 0.799 0.078 +barkerville 0.970 0.015 +barkin 0.775 0.025 +barking 0.549 0.021 +barkingside 0.950 0.013 +barkley 0.903 0.058 +barkly 0.838 0.153 +barks 0.435 0.027 +barksdale 0.884 0.093 +barlean 0.993 0.005 +barletta 0.936 0.050 +barley 0.390 0.042 +barleycorn 0.827 0.037 +barleylands 0.974 0.000 +barling 0.818 0.129 +barlow 0.905 0.062 +barloworld 0.780 0.217 +barlows 0.845 0.112 +barm 0.006 0.981 +barmaid 0.229 0.020 +barman 0.465 0.033 +barmouth 0.930 0.049 +barmy 0.566 0.060 +barn 0.510 0.047 +barna 0.905 0.044 +barnabas 0.949 0.038 +barnaby 0.918 0.054 +barnacle 0.660 0.039 +barnacles 0.314 0.017 +barnard 0.901 0.069 +barnardo 0.975 0.020 +barnaul 0.962 0.026 +barndoor 0.512 0.089 +barnegat 0.825 0.154 +barner 0.892 0.072 +barnes 0.935 0.045 +barnesandnoble 0.899 0.000 +barnesville 0.862 0.106 +barnet 0.930 0.031 +barnett 0.911 0.072 +barnette 0.916 0.066 +barneveld 0.847 0.089 +barney 0.884 0.065 +barneys 0.868 0.049 +barnhart 0.892 0.093 +barnhill 0.890 0.083 +barnhouse 0.873 0.111 +barnoldswick 0.808 0.040 +barns 0.319 0.029 +barnsley 0.935 0.038 +barnstable 0.932 0.043 +barnstaple 0.936 0.038 +barnstead 0.911 0.066 +barnum 0.885 0.088 +barnwell 0.896 0.092 +barnwood 0.682 0.046 +barnyard 0.617 0.030 +baro 0.570 0.164 +barocco 0.752 0.204 +baroclinic 0.129 0.091 +baroda 0.948 0.027 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0.897 0.062 +barres 0.511 0.032 +barret 0.833 0.105 +barreto 0.919 0.060 +barrett 0.899 0.074 +barrette 0.705 0.099 +barrettes 0.509 0.043 +barretto 0.915 0.068 +barretts 0.677 0.204 +barrhead 0.962 0.024 +barri 0.736 0.040 +barricade 0.483 0.062 +barricaded 0.059 0.008 +barricades 0.281 0.033 +barrichello 0.956 0.033 +barrick 0.908 0.072 +barrie 0.913 0.055 +barrientos 0.942 0.042 +barrier 0.263 0.038 +barriere 0.790 0.043 +barriers 0.168 0.014 +barring 0.277 0.005 +barringer 0.860 0.120 +barrington 0.893 0.083 +barrino 0.896 0.052 +barrio 0.704 0.051 +barrios 0.764 0.054 +barris 0.871 0.071 +barrister 0.497 0.030 +barristers 0.576 0.022 +barro 0.907 0.030 +barron 0.914 0.072 +barrons 0.932 0.022 +barroom 0.250 0.014 +barros 0.905 0.052 +barroso 0.931 0.050 +barrow 0.696 0.060 +barrows 0.730 0.066 +barry 0.913 0.046 +barrymore 0.741 0.029 +barrys 0.707 0.175 +bars 0.564 0.022 +barsik 0.939 0.000 +barska 0.920 0.061 +barsky 0.961 0.027 +barstool 0.621 0.027 +barstools 0.605 0.014 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0.063 +baru 0.541 0.052 +baruch 0.939 0.031 +barve 0.974 0.008 +barware 0.848 0.034 +barwick 0.886 0.104 +barwon 0.833 0.163 +bary 0.797 0.058 +baryon 0.202 0.032 +baryonic 0.252 0.011 +baryons 0.162 0.049 +baryshnikov 0.806 0.164 +barzani 0.958 0.031 +bas 0.350 0.309 +basa 0.302 0.248 +basado 0.563 0.004 +basak 0.928 0.032 +basal 0.187 0.014 +basalt 0.314 0.185 +basaltic 0.120 0.046 +basalts 0.119 0.027 +basant 0.758 0.051 +basanti 0.951 0.029 +basc 0.059 0.896 +basch 0.904 0.083 +basco 0.781 0.106 +bascom 0.870 0.113 +base 0.289 0.038 +baseball 0.687 0.034 +baseballs 0.598 0.033 +baseband 0.289 0.019 +baseboard 0.431 0.026 +baseboards 0.187 0.015 +basecamp 0.796 0.012 +based 0.126 0.008 +basedir 0.011 0.325 +basehor 0.924 0.057 +basel 0.919 0.027 +baselayer 0.797 0.062 +baseless 0.052 0.011 +baselib 0.000 0.005 +baseline 0.309 0.024 +baselines 0.162 0.019 +baselworld 0.971 0.024 +baseman 0.095 0.005 +basemap 0.303 0.015 +basemen 0.538 0.020 +basement 0.383 0.037 +basements 0.231 0.019 +basename 0.004 0.001 +basenji 0.892 0.031 +basenjis 0.922 0.012 +basenotes 0.895 0.000 +basepeak 0.000 0.019 +baseplate 0.257 0.165 +baser 0.150 0.034 +baserunning 0.365 0.427 +bases 0.221 0.025 +basesrc 0.000 0.002 +basf 0.017 0.969 +basford 0.904 0.080 +bash 0.366 0.045 +basha 0.785 0.109 +basham 0.896 0.090 +bashan 0.964 0.021 +bashar 0.945 0.016 +bashed 0.070 0.010 +basher 0.540 0.046 +bashers 0.249 0.022 +bashes 0.417 0.029 +bashevis 0.958 0.032 +bashful 0.348 0.033 +bashing 0.182 0.018 +bashir 0.921 0.066 +bashkir 0.970 0.018 +bashkortostan 0.965 0.028 +bashman 0.998 0.000 +basho 0.820 0.018 +bashrc 0.000 0.000 +basi 0.523 0.138 +basia 0.663 0.028 +basic 0.421 0.031 +basically 0.248 0.003 +basicly 0.224 0.007 +basics 0.587 0.031 +basie 0.859 0.066 +basil 0.636 0.039 +basilar 0.221 0.012 +basildon 0.920 0.039 +basile 0.880 0.093 +basilica 0.776 0.017 +basilicata 0.846 0.030 +basilio 0.849 0.069 +basilisk 0.719 0.037 +basin 0.586 0.064 +basing 0.187 0.007 +basinger 0.879 0.041 +basingstoke 0.944 0.028 +basins 0.235 0.034 +basis 0.046 0.014 +basix 0.516 0.426 +bask 0.285 0.066 +baskerville 0.976 0.018 +baskervilles 0.882 0.069 +basket 0.564 0.043 +basketball 0.677 0.040 +basketballs 0.562 0.015 +basketry 0.605 0.033 +baskets 0.649 0.023 +baskett 0.872 0.087 +basketweave 0.676 0.086 +baskin 0.922 0.053 +basking 0.420 0.039 +basle 0.963 0.027 +basler 0.883 0.083 +basmati 0.543 0.031 +basolateral 0.062 0.004 +basophils 0.271 0.012 +basque 0.910 0.024 +basques 0.885 0.025 +basquiat 0.850 0.064 +basra 0.970 0.023 +basrah 0.951 0.037 +bass 0.543 0.056 +bassa 0.771 0.045 +bassam 0.942 0.035 +bassani 0.834 0.061 +bassano 0.894 0.060 +bassas 0.989 0.006 +basse 0.644 0.086 +bassendean 0.625 0.293 +basses 0.549 0.022 +basset 0.796 0.048 +basseterre 0.952 0.040 +bassetlaw 0.968 0.027 +bassett 0.869 0.069 +bassey 0.679 0.071 +bassi 0.564 0.043 +bassin 0.675 0.050 +bassinet 0.612 0.059 +bassinets 0.881 0.009 +bassist 0.163 0.013 +bassists 0.275 0.011 +bassline 0.318 0.067 +basslines 0.156 0.037 +bassman 0.675 0.077 +bassmaster 0.889 0.086 +basso 0.627 0.052 +basson 0.798 0.114 +bassoon 0.603 0.079 +bassoons 0.458 0.041 +basswood 0.569 0.053 +bast 0.692 0.089 +basta 0.505 0.166 +bastante 0.049 0.010 +bastard 0.401 0.043 +bastardized 0.282 0.009 +bastardly 0.820 0.000 +bastards 0.334 0.040 +baste 0.348 0.019 +basted 0.354 0.019 +basteln 0.801 0.000 +bastet 0.729 0.086 +basti 0.740 0.057 +bastia 0.921 0.036 +bastian 0.904 0.050 +bastiat 0.976 0.010 +bastide 0.783 0.092 +bastien 0.879 0.046 +bastille 0.837 0.035 +bastin 0.828 0.077 +basting 0.322 0.025 +bastion 0.521 0.018 +bastions 0.106 0.004 +bastogne 0.798 0.182 +baston 0.835 0.066 +bastos 0.839 0.067 +bastrop 0.850 0.126 +bastyr 0.982 0.011 +basu 0.938 0.035 +bat 0.402 0.142 +bata 0.557 0.190 +bataan 0.891 0.067 +bataille 0.834 0.032 +batak 0.892 0.048 +batali 0.960 0.006 +batalla 0.527 0.037 +batam 0.934 0.022 +batangas 0.844 0.076 +batavia 0.861 0.111 +batcave 0.766 0.049 +batch 0.288 0.034 +batched 0.062 0.003 +batchelder 0.895 0.086 +batchelor 0.833 0.120 +batches 0.058 0.008 +batching 0.453 0.016 +bate 0.614 0.052 +bateau 0.495 0.080 +bateaux 0.377 0.073 +bated 0.040 0.005 +bateleur 0.933 0.010 +bateman 0.861 0.108 +batemans 0.820 0.124 +baten 0.856 0.019 +bateria 0.207 0.046 +baterias 0.091 0.028 +bates 0.913 0.063 +bateson 0.941 0.050 +batesville 0.936 0.046 +batey 0.866 0.090 +batf 0.006 0.981 +batgirl 0.584 0.067 +bath 0.613 0.040 +bathe 0.171 0.011 +bathed 0.063 0.003 +bather 0.508 0.044 +bathers 0.398 0.035 +bathes 0.106 0.008 +bathgate 0.924 0.056 +bathhouse 0.367 0.020 +bathing 0.341 0.028 +bathory 0.867 0.069 +bathrobe 0.403 0.050 +bathrobes 0.420 0.015 +bathroom 0.383 0.022 +bathrooms 0.623 0.010 +baths 0.484 0.016 +bathsheba 0.951 0.035 +bathtime 0.676 0.053 +bathtub 0.402 0.021 +bathtubs 0.493 0.015 +bathurst 0.888 0.086 +bathwater 0.266 0.009 +bathymetric 0.323 0.071 +bathymetry 0.341 0.020 +batik 0.567 0.093 +batiks 0.647 0.035 +batista 0.910 0.041 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0.931 0.062 +battlefront 0.898 0.016 +battleground 0.521 0.023 +battlegrounds 0.691 0.022 +battlement 0.634 0.043 +battlements 0.046 0.006 +battler 0.546 0.043 +battles 0.301 0.016 +battleship 0.586 0.038 +battleships 0.470 0.035 +battlespace 0.369 0.019 +battlestar 0.918 0.037 +battletech 0.887 0.057 +battlezone 0.859 0.046 +battling 0.165 0.010 +batts 0.612 0.113 +batty 0.706 0.050 +batu 0.825 0.059 +batumi 0.952 0.038 +baty 0.807 0.093 +batz 0.760 0.134 +bau 0.487 0.369 +bauble 0.398 0.031 +baubles 0.565 0.035 +bauch 0.631 0.039 +baucher 0.985 0.011 +baucus 0.702 0.291 +baud 0.255 0.044 +baudelaire 0.862 0.016 +bauder 0.828 0.160 +baudette 0.815 0.142 +baudouin 0.921 0.064 +baudrillard 0.970 0.010 +bauen 0.478 0.042 +bauer 0.910 0.055 +bauernhof 0.053 0.002 +baugh 0.868 0.099 +baugher 0.910 0.082 +baughman 0.869 0.114 +bauhaus 0.845 0.040 +bauhinia 0.746 0.204 +bauknecht 0.798 0.119 +baule 0.804 0.098 +baulkham 0.788 0.163 +baum 0.918 0.048 +bauma 0.404 0.103 +bauman 0.931 0.053 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+bba 0.004 0.917 +bball 0.348 0.071 +bbb 0.012 0.899 +bbbb 0.010 0.409 +bbc 0.004 0.970 +bbca 0.000 0.926 +bbcode 0.131 0.042 +bbd 0.006 0.941 +bbdb 0.000 0.135 +bbdo 0.010 0.953 +bbe 0.020 0.859 +bbf 0.018 0.864 +bbfc 0.000 0.946 +bbg 0.021 0.859 +bbh 0.009 0.891 +bbi 0.020 0.705 +bbj 0.017 0.935 +bbk 0.015 0.935 +bbl 0.044 0.385 +bbls 0.143 0.223 +bbm 0.157 0.527 +bbn 0.007 0.904 +bbo 0.022 0.892 +bboard 0.014 0.010 +bbox 0.029 0.336 +bboy 0.201 0.404 +bbp 0.011 0.895 +bbq 0.033 0.885 +bbr 0.008 0.930 +bbs 0.044 0.574 +bbsrc 0.003 0.990 +bbt 0.010 0.889 +bburago 0.908 0.055 +bbv 0.014 0.940 +bbva 0.015 0.870 +bbw 0.155 0.153 +bbws 0.195 0.014 +bbx 0.004 0.953 +bby 0.050 0.542 +bc 0.019 0.898 +bca 0.009 0.901 +bcaa 0.019 0.931 +bcans 0.003 0.984 +bcast 0.384 0.160 +bcb 0.110 0.748 +bcbg 0.114 0.766 +bcbs 0.036 0.854 +bcc 0.106 0.696 +bcca 0.000 0.939 +bcci 0.003 0.989 +bcd 0.035 0.824 +bcdb 0.000 0.972 +bce 0.009 0.949 +bceio 0.000 0.000 +bcel 0.003 0.303 +bcf 0.230 0.608 +bcg 0.011 0.949 +bcgeu 0.000 0.991 +bch 0.409 0.542 +bci 0.012 0.958 +bcis 0.006 0.967 +bcit 0.003 0.793 +bck 0.071 0.570 +bcl 0.347 0.404 +bcla 0.000 0.128 +bcm 0.026 0.854 +bcn 0.056 0.758 +bco 0.056 0.843 +bcom 0.071 0.809 +bcopy 0.019 0.035 +bcp 0.010 0.850 +bcr 0.047 0.878 +bcra 0.000 0.993 +bcs 0.025 0.882 +bcsc 0.009 0.981 +bct 0.006 0.870 +bctf 0.000 0.970 +bcu 0.005 0.905 +bcv 0.008 0.888 +bcw 0.021 0.896 +bd 0.155 0.677 +bda 0.076 0.814 +bday 0.306 0.077 +bdb 0.030 0.567 +bdc 0.008 0.845 +bdd 0.005 0.979 +bde 0.243 0.591 +bdf 0.015 0.737 +bdg 0.099 0.681 +bdh 0.019 0.869 +bdi 0.017 0.921 +bdl 0.044 0.866 +bdm 0.041 0.876 +bdn 0.033 0.891 +bdnf 0.016 0.977 +bdo 0.011 0.905 +bdp 0.008 0.908 +bdr 0.177 0.646 +bdrm 0.437 0.095 +bdrms 0.480 0.046 +bds 0.058 0.623 +bdsm 0.117 0.281 +bdsmlibrary 0.234 0.000 +bdt 0.007 0.972 +bdu 0.018 0.868 +bdy 0.142 0.463 +be 0.026 0.010 +bea 0.205 0.705 +beac 0.113 0.803 +beach 0.712 0.043 +beacham 0.886 0.101 +beachcomber 0.879 0.045 +beached 0.256 0.023 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0.015 +beastility 0.195 0.003 +beastlord 0.865 0.062 +beastly 0.309 0.016 +beastmaster 0.840 0.034 +beasts 0.303 0.014 +beastsex 0.021 0.003 +beastuality 0.009 0.000 +beasty 0.306 0.003 +beastyality 0.274 0.001 +beat 0.336 0.033 +beata 0.820 0.045 +beatbox 0.657 0.035 +beatdown 0.544 0.107 +beate 0.847 0.022 +beaten 0.152 0.009 +beater 0.392 0.043 +beaters 0.524 0.023 +beatific 0.187 0.015 +beatification 0.325 0.022 +beatiful 0.170 0.034 +beatin 0.265 0.031 +beating 0.154 0.010 +beatings 0.157 0.015 +beatitude 0.436 0.016 +beatitudes 0.769 0.028 +beatle 0.870 0.042 +beatlemania 0.945 0.037 +beatles 0.562 0.048 +beatmania 0.680 0.018 +beatnik 0.668 0.043 +beatniks 0.616 0.047 +beatnuts 0.827 0.130 +beato 0.889 0.044 +beaton 0.917 0.071 +beatport 0.980 0.004 +beatrice 0.902 0.075 +beatrix 0.847 0.093 +beatriz 0.852 0.038 +beats 0.328 0.043 +beatstreet 0.804 0.002 +beattie 0.907 0.062 +beatty 0.916 0.066 +beaty 0.773 0.112 +beatz 0.757 0.079 +beau 0.729 0.052 +beaubien 0.879 0.094 +beauce 0.845 0.109 +beauchamp 0.812 0.164 +beauchemin 0.955 0.039 +beaucoup 0.223 0.021 +beaudesert 0.702 0.206 +beaudoin 0.916 0.074 +beaudry 0.820 0.170 +beaufort 0.910 0.059 +beaujolais 0.910 0.029 +beaulieu 0.872 0.093 +beauly 0.936 0.038 +beaumaris 0.860 0.125 +beaumont 0.892 0.072 +beaune 0.914 0.063 +beauport 0.929 0.052 +beaupre 0.889 0.094 +beauregard 0.894 0.084 +beausejour 0.923 0.063 +beausoleil 0.886 0.082 +beaut 0.570 0.045 +beaute 0.718 0.088 +beauteous 0.192 0.008 +beauti 0.279 0.083 +beautician 0.699 0.019 +beauticians 0.715 0.014 +beauties 0.336 0.044 +beautification 0.431 0.030 +beautifies 0.074 0.000 +beautiful 0.248 0.032 +beautifull 0.217 0.061 +beautifully 0.157 0.012 +beautify 0.236 0.009 +beautifying 0.214 0.012 +beauty 0.757 0.015 +beautyful 0.132 0.033 +beautyrest 0.870 0.025 +beautysleuth 0.587 0.000 +beauvais 0.882 0.054 +beauvoir 0.931 0.031 +beaux 0.638 0.047 +beav 0.585 0.134 +beaver 0.501 0.039 +beavercreek 0.899 0.063 +beaverdam 0.883 0.100 +beaverhead 0.921 0.066 +beavers 0.195 0.008 +beaverton 0.926 0.051 +beavis 0.864 0.048 +beazer 0.922 0.053 +beazley 0.891 0.091 +beb 0.104 0.548 +bebe 0.634 0.111 +bebel 0.836 0.038 +bebes 0.549 0.029 +bebo 0.626 0.057 +bebop 0.589 0.038 +bec 0.275 0.425 +beca 0.337 0.178 +became 0.032 0.002 +becas 0.113 0.012 +becasue 0.059 0.010 +because 0.126 0.004 +becca 0.851 0.035 +beccary 0.998 0.000 +beccles 0.936 0.038 +becerra 0.825 0.164 +bech 0.729 0.062 +becher 0.804 0.037 +bechet 0.897 0.082 +bechtel 0.924 0.057 +bechtold 0.901 0.088 +beck 0.833 0.064 +becka 0.865 0.028 +beckenham 0.927 0.055 +becker 0.915 0.057 +beckerman 0.952 0.036 +beckers 0.869 0.076 +beckert 0.910 0.055 +becket 0.877 0.064 +beckett 0.907 0.052 +beckford 0.853 0.048 +beckham 0.847 0.050 +becki 0.914 0.016 +beckie 0.894 0.040 +beckinsale 0.926 0.028 +beckley 0.931 0.053 +beckman 0.892 0.086 +beckmann 0.908 0.070 +beckon 0.133 0.010 +beckoned 0.026 0.003 +beckoning 0.143 0.009 +beckons 0.115 0.013 +becks 0.795 0.050 +beckton 0.921 0.041 +beckum 0.933 0.028 +beckwith 0.920 0.068 +becky 0.912 0.033 +beclomethasone 0.457 0.029 +becom 0.154 0.016 +become 0.251 0.008 +becomes 0.032 0.005 +becoming 0.107 0.022 +becomming 0.112 0.008 +becouse 0.068 0.024 +becta 0.906 0.085 +becton 0.908 0.076 +becuase 0.064 0.009 +becuz 0.069 0.033 +bed 0.445 0.026 +beda 0.678 0.110 +bedale 0.934 0.045 +bedard 0.920 0.070 +bedat 0.895 0.034 +bedava 0.053 0.008 +bedazzled 0.785 0.046 +bedbugs 0.722 0.013 +bedded 0.123 0.016 +bedden 0.038 0.000 +bedding 0.621 0.022 +beddington 0.932 0.045 +bede 0.892 0.042 +bedecked 0.064 0.000 +bedelia 0.944 0.018 +bedell 0.923 0.069 +bedeutung 0.933 0.006 +bedeviled 0.121 0.007 +bedfellows 0.393 0.022 +bedford 0.890 0.079 +bedfordshire 0.958 0.019 +bedhead 0.723 0.134 +bedi 0.825 0.071 +bedingfield 0.738 0.039 +bedlam 0.867 0.027 +bedlinen 0.464 0.028 +bedlington 0.874 0.033 +bedminster 0.876 0.105 +bednar 0.939 0.051 +bedok 0.865 0.076 +bedouin 0.886 0.021 +bedouins 0.895 0.014 +bedrest 0.495 0.014 +bedridden 0.068 0.008 +bedrijf 0.385 0.020 +bedrijven 0.569 0.006 +bedrm 0.213 0.451 +bedrock 0.277 0.036 +bedroom 0.353 0.029 +bedroomed 0.076 0.035 +bedrooms 0.448 0.013 +beds 0.430 0.024 +bedsheets 0.317 0.038 +bedside 0.341 0.030 +bedsit 0.454 0.028 +bedskirt 0.646 0.064 +bedskirts 0.610 0.016 +bedspread 0.511 0.074 +bedspreads 0.585 0.019 +bedstead 0.705 0.009 +bedsteads 0.619 0.006 +bedtime 0.403 0.026 +bedwell 0.906 0.086 +bedwetting 0.664 0.009 +bedworth 0.814 0.104 +bee 0.641 0.074 +beeb 0.777 0.052 +beebe 0.853 0.081 +beeblebrox 0.854 0.068 +beech 0.673 0.090 +beecham 0.894 0.093 +beechcraft 0.804 0.107 +beecher 0.862 0.071 +beeches 0.678 0.047 +beechmont 0.726 0.259 +beechwood 0.777 0.074 +beechworth 0.829 0.121 +beecroft 0.879 0.096 +beecrypt 0.011 0.000 +beef 0.408 0.043 +beefcake 0.507 0.080 +beefeater 0.760 0.106 +beefed 0.068 0.008 +beefheart 0.747 0.045 +beefing 0.128 0.019 +beefs 0.292 0.037 +beefsteak 0.425 0.033 +beefy 0.482 0.030 +beehive 0.618 0.054 +beehives 0.230 0.036 +beeing 0.059 0.005 +beek 0.902 0.037 +beekeeper 0.602 0.020 +beekeepers 0.449 0.025 +beekeeping 0.558 0.024 +beekman 0.915 0.059 +beeld 0.691 0.007 +beeler 0.874 0.110 +beeline 0.479 0.046 +beelzebub 0.919 0.025 +beem 0.791 0.105 +beeman 0.864 0.085 +beemer 0.826 0.063 +been 0.009 0.005 +beene 0.760 0.073 +beenie 0.729 0.105 +beenleigh 0.706 0.218 +beens 0.256 0.016 +beep 0.313 0.127 +beeper 0.462 0.033 +beepers 0.347 0.038 +beeping 0.112 0.019 +beeps 0.099 0.040 +beer 0.419 0.037 +beermat 0.953 0.006 +beers 0.392 0.025 +beersheba 0.958 0.027 +beery 0.760 0.070 +bees 0.445 0.036 +beesley 0.903 0.058 +beeson 0.906 0.072 +beeston 0.875 0.055 +beeswax 0.517 0.037 +beet 0.345 0.049 +beethoven 0.886 0.069 +beetle 0.623 0.044 +beetlejuice 0.830 0.061 +beetles 0.306 0.018 +beeton 0.909 0.065 +beetroot 0.448 0.034 +beets 0.315 0.041 +beeville 0.861 0.104 +beez 0.660 0.050 +beezer 0.852 0.090 +bef 0.193 0.592 +befahl 0.000 0.000 +befall 0.012 0.004 +befallen 0.184 0.005 +befalls 0.014 0.004 +befell 0.020 0.012 +beffen 0.068 0.000 +befinden 0.010 0.004 +befits 0.012 0.003 +befitting 0.068 0.004 +befor 0.079 0.049 +before 0.110 0.016 +beforehand 0.018 0.005 +befriend 0.129 0.006 +befriended 0.035 0.003 +befriending 0.287 0.011 +befriends 0.015 0.004 +befuddled 0.094 0.004 +beg 0.188 0.091 +bega 0.771 0.142 +begala 0.633 0.362 +began 0.013 0.002 +begat 0.029 0.007 +begawan 0.932 0.037 +begay 0.939 0.038 +begbie 0.931 0.047 +beget 0.071 0.010 +begets 0.065 0.016 +begg 0.898 0.079 +beggar 0.362 0.026 +beggarly 0.021 0.004 +beggars 0.447 0.050 +begged 0.008 0.006 +beggin 0.323 0.030 +begging 0.136 0.013 +beggining 0.048 0.007 +beggs 0.876 0.096 +begin 0.102 0.093 +begining 0.120 0.018 +beginn 0.789 0.053 +beginnen 0.055 0.005 +beginner 0.554 0.021 +beginners 0.510 0.025 +beginning 0.170 0.012 +beginnings 0.370 0.025 +begins 0.178 0.018 +begleitagentur 0.013 0.000 +begleitagenturen 0.000 0.000 +begleitservice 0.123 0.000 +begleitung 0.201 0.000 +begleitungen 0.004 0.000 +begley 0.923 0.064 +begone 0.549 0.019 +begonia 0.797 0.039 +begonias 0.671 0.016 +begot 0.037 0.008 +begotten 0.101 0.011 +begrudge 0.007 0.000 +begs 0.042 0.009 +beguile 0.071 0.006 +beguiled 0.185 0.019 +beguiling 0.097 0.005 +begum 0.910 0.059 +begun 0.034 0.005 +beh 0.386 0.257 +behalf 0.058 0.009 +behalfe 0.000 0.000 +behan 0.901 0.061 +behang 0.010 0.000 +behar 0.856 0.065 +behari 0.929 0.021 +behav 0.675 0.040 +behave 0.043 0.007 +behaved 0.028 0.004 +behaves 0.020 0.002 +behaving 0.154 0.010 +behavior 0.196 0.013 +behavioral 0.453 0.020 +behaviorally 0.147 0.005 +behaviorism 0.376 0.040 +behaviorist 0.259 0.007 +behaviors 0.136 0.006 +behaviour 0.145 0.011 +behavioural 0.313 0.012 +behaviours 0.072 0.005 +behcet 0.959 0.017 +behe 0.969 0.013 +behead 0.142 0.018 +beheaded 0.128 0.010 +beheading 0.252 0.012 +beheadings 0.124 0.014 +beheer 0.346 0.045 +beheld 0.019 0.003 +behemoth 0.418 0.029 +behemoths 0.083 0.005 +behest 0.010 0.003 +behind 0.147 0.014 +behinds 0.192 0.043 +behl 0.882 0.102 +behm 0.889 0.066 +behn 0.930 0.051 +behnke 0.931 0.060 +behold 0.372 0.013 +beholde 0.014 0.000 +beholden 0.184 0.002 +beholder 0.402 0.022 +beholding 0.098 0.005 +behooves 0.003 0.003 +behr 0.886 0.059 +behrend 0.921 0.071 +behrendt 0.942 0.049 +behrens 0.920 0.068 +behring 0.930 0.052 +behringer 0.820 0.146 +behrman 0.905 0.058 +bei 0.151 0.049 +beide 0.215 0.008 +beiden 0.044 0.002 +beiderbecke 0.927 0.045 +beier 0.916 0.071 +beiersdorf 0.747 0.245 +beige 0.678 0.100 +beihai 0.939 0.052 +beija 0.927 0.001 +beijing 0.939 0.040 +beijo 0.126 0.014 +beiks 0.645 0.343 +beil 0.648 0.054 +beilin 0.969 0.026 +beilstein 0.966 0.031 +beim 0.209 0.006 +bein 0.200 0.027 +beine 0.341 0.017 +being 0.054 0.005 +beings 0.053 0.006 +beinn 0.966 0.017 +beira 0.877 0.054 +beirne 0.934 0.050 +beirut 0.820 0.027 +beis 0.772 0.107 +beischlaf 0.014 0.000 +beispiel 0.941 0.005 +beispiele 0.924 0.010 +beit 0.901 0.032 +beith 0.824 0.130 +beitrag 0.976 0.005 +beja 0.908 0.040 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0.119 +belittle 0.017 0.005 +belittled 0.027 0.004 +belittling 0.102 0.005 +belive 0.056 0.024 +belize 0.944 0.039 +belizean 0.905 0.024 +belk 0.906 0.054 +belkin 0.886 0.088 +belknap 0.908 0.064 +bell 0.704 0.064 +bella 0.798 0.051 +bellach 0.254 0.015 +bellacor 0.898 0.097 +belladonna 0.746 0.041 +bellagio 0.775 0.111 +bellaire 0.883 0.093 +bellamy 0.907 0.054 +bellarine 0.866 0.131 +bellarmine 0.935 0.056 +bellary 0.925 0.067 +bellas 0.477 0.031 +bellatrix 0.797 0.042 +bellavista 0.941 0.041 +bellbrook 0.847 0.135 +bellcore 0.928 0.046 +belldandy 0.919 0.023 +belle 0.778 0.065 +belleair 0.937 0.042 +belleek 0.866 0.097 +bellefontaine 0.892 0.082 +bellefonte 0.887 0.074 +bellen 0.088 0.015 +beller 0.922 0.054 +bellerive 0.819 0.171 +bellerose 0.753 0.170 +belles 0.646 0.078 +bellet 0.986 0.007 +belleview 0.881 0.100 +belleville 0.891 0.073 +bellevue 0.879 0.093 +belleza 0.455 0.022 +bellezas 0.047 0.017 +bellezza 0.588 0.016 +bellflower 0.857 0.068 +bellhop 0.435 0.017 +bellhorn 0.890 0.019 +belli 0.625 0.059 +bellicose 0.196 0.008 +bellied 0.098 0.052 +bellies 0.077 0.006 +belligerence 0.195 0.005 +belligerent 0.107 0.006 +belligerents 0.055 0.007 +bellin 0.793 0.101 +belling 0.879 0.067 +bellingen 0.821 0.133 +bellinger 0.921 0.067 +bellingham 0.906 0.056 +bellini 0.861 0.072 +bellis 0.863 0.067 +bellissima 0.563 0.054 +bellissimo 0.732 0.081 +bellman 0.689 0.028 +bellmawr 0.883 0.087 +bellmore 0.836 0.143 +bello 0.738 0.069 +belloc 0.941 0.048 +bellona 0.837 0.057 +bellotti 0.946 0.045 +bellovin 0.920 0.005 +bellow 0.373 0.021 +bellowed 0.031 0.002 +bellowing 0.100 0.005 +bellows 0.542 0.050 +bellport 0.825 0.124 +bells 0.486 0.039 +bellshill 0.953 0.028 +bellsouth 0.417 0.278 +belltech 0.910 0.021 +belltown 0.944 0.036 +bellucci 0.800 0.027 +bellum 0.407 0.024 +belluno 0.933 0.019 +bellview 0.933 0.056 +bellville 0.867 0.101 +bellvue 0.880 0.069 +bellwether 0.616 0.018 +bellwood 0.859 0.120 +belly 0.369 0.043 +bellybutton 0.268 0.017 +bellydance 0.702 0.070 +belmar 0.885 0.083 +belmondo 0.846 0.047 +belmont 0.879 0.058 +belmonte 0.892 0.089 +belmore 0.861 0.128 +belnet 0.132 0.727 +belo 0.793 0.039 +beloit 0.885 0.088 +belong 0.073 0.011 +belonged 0.010 0.003 +belonging 0.038 0.004 +belongings 0.033 0.007 +belongs 0.048 0.007 +belorussia 0.978 0.016 +belorussian 0.955 0.021 +belov 0.941 0.024 +beloved 0.232 0.013 +below 0.106 0.015 +belper 0.864 0.050 +belpre 0.862 0.117 +belsen 0.896 0.012 +belsize 0.948 0.031 +belson 0.822 0.074 +belt 0.437 0.075 +beltane 0.934 0.030 +belted 0.453 0.044 +belter 0.625 0.042 +belterra 0.470 0.022 +belting 0.449 0.045 +beltline 0.830 0.059 +belton 0.897 0.077 +beltonen 0.496 0.005 +beltoon 0.135 0.006 +beltrami 0.915 0.062 +beltran 0.883 0.055 +beltre 0.946 0.024 +beltronics 0.871 0.099 +belts 0.518 0.047 +beltsville 0.931 0.055 +beltway 0.863 0.027 +beltz 0.893 0.077 +beluga 0.616 0.036 +beluister 0.982 0.000 +beluisteren 0.078 0.000 +belushi 0.950 0.024 +belva 0.896 0.071 +belvedere 0.878 0.064 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0.051 +benes 0.872 0.061 +benessere 0.657 0.018 +benet 0.737 0.049 +beneteau 0.884 0.087 +benetton 0.842 0.097 +benevento 0.868 0.051 +benevolence 0.322 0.014 +benevolent 0.326 0.019 +benfica 0.900 0.044 +benfield 0.927 0.061 +benfleet 0.897 0.046 +benford 0.931 0.050 +beng 0.622 0.203 +bengal 0.876 0.088 +bengali 0.909 0.040 +bengals 0.890 0.083 +benge 0.830 0.118 +bengt 0.927 0.018 +bengtsson 0.980 0.017 +benguela 0.963 0.025 +benham 0.876 0.105 +beni 0.748 0.062 +benicar 0.587 0.064 +benicia 0.870 0.067 +benicio 0.950 0.023 +benidorm 0.867 0.024 +benifit 0.079 0.015 +benifits 0.194 0.072 +benighted 0.128 0.014 +benign 0.192 0.016 +benigni 0.946 0.027 +benigno 0.834 0.120 +benihana 0.909 0.036 +benin 0.947 0.048 +bening 0.956 0.014 +benioff 0.959 0.032 +benita 0.925 0.049 +benitez 0.904 0.054 +benito 0.887 0.081 +benj 0.756 0.039 +benja 0.871 0.025 +benjamin 0.862 0.052 +benjamins 0.931 0.022 +benji 0.754 0.034 +benjy 0.902 0.045 +benko 0.895 0.059 +benn 0.874 0.050 +benne 0.663 0.044 +benner 0.906 0.081 +bennet 0.886 0.085 +bennett 0.903 0.079 +bennetts 0.916 0.050 +bennettsville 0.889 0.079 +benni 0.880 0.012 +bennie 0.867 0.099 +bennigan 0.951 0.030 +benning 0.890 0.078 +bennington 0.899 0.066 +bennion 0.945 0.049 +bennis 0.946 0.044 +benno 0.907 0.036 +benny 0.793 0.045 +beno 0.675 0.047 +benoa 0.959 0.019 +benoist 0.918 0.063 +benoit 0.900 0.069 +benoni 0.917 0.060 +benq 0.559 0.324 +bens 0.578 0.085 +bensalem 0.883 0.083 +bensch 0.251 0.020 +bensenville 0.891 0.087 +benson 0.895 0.068 +bensons 0.933 0.014 +bent 0.243 0.027 +bente 0.913 0.041 +bentgrass 0.306 0.054 +benth 0.955 0.019 +bentham 0.955 0.030 +benthic 0.237 0.095 +benthos 0.349 0.033 +bentinck 0.941 0.048 +bentleigh 0.543 0.450 +bentley 0.878 0.086 +bently 0.754 0.066 +bento 0.729 0.030 +benton 0.891 0.083 +bentonite 0.400 0.051 +bentonville 0.905 0.072 +bents 0.393 0.033 +bentsen 0.743 0.252 +bentwood 0.624 0.071 +bentyl 0.914 0.016 +bentyxxo 0.000 0.000 +bentz 0.888 0.078 +benutzen 0.112 0.005 +benutzer 0.977 0.003 +benutzername 0.993 0.000 +benvenuti 0.896 0.059 +benvenuto 0.875 0.038 +beny 0.837 0.116 +benz 0.879 0.062 +benzaldehyde 0.301 0.082 +benzene 0.334 0.052 +benzie 0.883 0.096 +benzina 0.132 0.011 +benzine 0.088 0.008 +benzino 0.884 0.048 +benzo 0.449 0.064 +benzoate 0.273 0.121 +benzocaine 0.568 0.057 +benzodiazepine 0.158 0.013 +benzodiazepines 0.306 0.010 +benzoic 0.336 0.100 +benzoin 0.504 0.070 +benzoyl 0.347 0.056 +benzyl 0.325 0.079 +beo 0.310 0.475 +beograd 0.732 0.067 +beos 0.200 0.162 +beowulf 0.876 0.023 +bep 0.050 0.800 +beppe 0.898 0.016 +beppin 0.008 0.006 +beppo 0.850 0.112 +beq 0.028 0.548 +bequeath 0.052 0.008 +bequeathed 0.061 0.002 +bequest 0.266 0.016 +bequests 0.376 0.023 +bequia 0.945 0.030 +ber 0.119 0.261 +bera 0.556 0.325 +beran 0.908 0.050 +beranek 0.936 0.057 +berard 0.936 0.041 +berardi 0.610 0.362 +berardinelli 0.973 0.012 +berate 0.026 0.004 +berated 0.015 0.000 +berating 0.035 0.003 +beratung 0.810 0.046 +berber 0.827 0.031 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0.036 +berlusconi 0.957 0.018 +berm 0.160 0.049 +berman 0.923 0.060 +bermingham 0.894 0.090 +bermondsey 0.961 0.018 +berms 0.247 0.018 +bermuda 0.930 0.045 +bermudagrass 0.554 0.039 +bermudan 0.977 0.006 +bermudas 0.906 0.018 +bermudez 0.899 0.066 +bermudian 0.990 0.007 +bern 0.884 0.042 +berna 0.856 0.075 +bernadette 0.909 0.061 +bernadine 0.908 0.064 +bernadino 0.894 0.046 +bernadotte 0.927 0.038 +bernal 0.876 0.084 +bernalillo 0.849 0.143 +bernama 0.609 0.359 +bernanke 0.978 0.010 +bernard 0.924 0.054 +bernardi 0.901 0.075 +bernardin 0.946 0.041 +bernardini 0.956 0.034 +bernardino 0.913 0.061 +bernardo 0.914 0.049 +bernards 0.883 0.069 +bernardsville 0.876 0.096 +bernat 0.884 0.052 +bernays 0.951 0.034 +bernd 0.946 0.030 +berndes 0.698 0.290 +berndt 0.933 0.051 +berne 0.909 0.069 +berner 0.901 0.058 +berners 0.954 0.021 +bernese 0.916 0.029 +bernet 0.844 0.114 +bernhard 0.926 0.033 +bernhardt 0.889 0.050 +bernheim 0.937 0.051 +berni 0.870 0.042 +bernice 0.887 0.091 +bernie 0.931 0.033 +bernier 0.891 0.099 +bernina 0.701 0.072 +bernini 0.898 0.045 +bernoulli 0.933 0.025 +berns 0.912 0.063 +bernsen 0.954 0.033 +bernstein 0.935 0.048 +bernt 0.916 0.042 +bero 0.621 0.104 +berowra 0.642 0.353 +berr 0.494 0.329 +berra 0.915 0.046 +berrett 0.945 0.044 +berri 0.856 0.074 +berridge 0.925 0.066 +berrie 0.798 0.096 +berrien 0.713 0.266 +berries 0.365 0.023 +berrigan 0.932 0.060 +berroco 0.945 0.037 +berry 0.775 0.066 +berryessa 0.904 0.065 +berryhill 0.889 0.102 +berryman 0.842 0.141 +berrymore 0.909 0.033 +berryville 0.898 0.076 +bers 0.041 0.018 +berserk 0.552 0.035 +berserker 0.816 0.057 +bership 0.000 0.008 +berson 0.737 0.040 +bert 0.841 0.074 +berta 0.823 0.052 +bertelsmann 0.967 0.018 +berth 0.210 0.029 +bertha 0.873 0.098 +berthe 0.925 0.047 +berthed 0.089 0.009 +berthier 0.910 0.071 +berthing 0.328 0.032 +berthnasol 0.005 0.005 +berthold 0.930 0.050 +berthoud 0.878 0.090 +berths 0.235 0.018 +berti 0.896 0.054 +bertie 0.906 0.052 +bertil 0.957 0.024 +bertin 0.910 0.065 +bertini 0.886 0.061 +bertl 0.841 0.134 +berto 0.741 0.042 +bertola 0.972 0.023 +bertolini 0.918 0.068 +bertolt 0.933 0.016 +bertolucci 0.950 0.024 +berton 0.932 0.054 +bertone 0.870 0.080 +bertoni 0.911 0.050 +bertram 0.876 0.098 +bertrand 0.919 0.054 +bertsch 0.867 0.102 +bertuzzi 0.915 0.041 +berube 0.936 0.044 +berwick 0.896 0.077 +berwickshire 0.980 0.013 +berwyn 0.897 0.077 +beryl 0.829 0.054 +beryllium 0.407 0.045 +berzerk 0.715 0.063 +berzerker 0.854 0.049 +bes 0.241 0.495 +besa 0.292 0.651 +besamung 0.012 0.000 +besancon 0.790 0.100 +besant 0.930 0.053 +besar 0.683 0.048 +beschikbaar 0.097 0.004 +beschreibung 0.926 0.026 +beschrijving 0.519 0.013 +beseech 0.109 0.018 +beseeching 0.030 0.000 +beseler 0.836 0.080 +beset 0.053 0.004 +beside 0.109 0.006 +besides 0.547 0.003 +besiege 0.046 0.009 +besieged 0.106 0.008 +besieging 0.031 0.004 +besiktas 0.930 0.025 +beskrivelse 0.719 0.010 +beslan 0.960 0.032 +beso 0.367 0.056 +besoffene 0.951 0.000 +besoin 0.121 0.015 +besoins 0.043 0.011 +besonders 0.098 0.002 +besos 0.558 0.036 +besotted 0.105 0.005 +besought 0.019 0.003 +bespectacled 0.081 0.003 +bespoke 0.387 0.013 +bess 0.855 0.094 +bessa 0.883 0.063 +besse 0.894 0.086 +bessel 0.927 0.021 +bessemer 0.874 0.094 +besser 0.482 0.031 +bessette 0.889 0.076 +bessey 0.875 0.090 +bessie 0.857 0.087 +besson 0.890 0.064 +bessy 0.665 0.276 +best 0.346 0.028 +besta 0.786 0.064 +bestality 0.297 0.000 +bestand 0.965 0.001 +bestar 0.949 0.023 +bestbuy 0.402 0.079 +bestdressedkids 0.007 0.000 +beste 0.383 0.023 +bested 0.037 0.004 +bestel 0.669 0.017 +bestellen 0.268 0.008 +bestellung 0.796 0.019 +besten 0.104 0.009 +bester 0.815 0.054 +bestest 0.187 0.071 +bestial 0.145 0.014 +bestiality 0.310 0.002 +bestiary 0.855 0.016 +bestill 0.979 0.002 +besting 0.275 0.000 +bestop 0.878 0.091 +bestow 0.041 0.004 +bestowed 0.017 0.003 +bestowing 0.054 0.004 +bestows 0.086 0.008 +bests 0.381 0.054 +bestseller 0.352 0.055 +bestsellers 0.885 0.062 +bestselling 0.614 0.004 +bestsolar 0.000 0.000 +beststar 0.991 0.000 +bestway 0.830 0.120 +bestwestern 0.047 0.020 +besuch 0.841 0.046 +besuche 0.082 0.000 +besuchen 0.424 0.003 +besucher 0.831 0.002 +besuchst 0.000 0.000 +beswick 0.707 0.224 +bet 0.222 0.053 +beta 0.394 0.075 +betacam 0.803 0.136 +betaine 0.425 0.035 +betaling 0.086 0.009 +betamax 0.841 0.091 +betamethasone 0.660 0.043 +betancourt 0.938 0.048 +betas 0.350 0.008 +betatron 0.130 0.021 +betcha 0.388 0.029 +bete 0.475 0.338 +betel 0.373 0.022 +betelgeuse 0.912 0.020 +beter 0.109 0.023 +betfair 0.890 0.039 +betfred 0.971 0.012 +beth 0.891 0.039 +bethan 0.925 0.023 +bethania 0.865 0.110 +bethany 0.888 0.065 +bethe 0.853 0.036 +bethea 0.815 0.175 +bethel 0.901 0.077 +bethell 0.929 0.061 +bethesda 0.942 0.041 +bethke 0.948 0.040 +bethlehem 0.932 0.048 +bethnal 0.954 0.026 +bethpage 0.832 0.119 +bethune 0.908 0.074 +betis 0.920 0.029 +beto 0.813 0.062 +beton 0.633 0.046 +betray 0.044 0.009 +betrayal 0.317 0.019 +betrayals 0.203 0.014 +betrayed 0.187 0.011 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0.024 +bextor 0.834 0.047 +bextra 0.508 0.020 +bey 0.740 0.122 +beyblade 0.730 0.090 +beyblades 0.855 0.033 +beyer 0.890 0.083 +beyerdynamic 0.838 0.082 +beyers 0.889 0.066 +beynon 0.922 0.069 +beyonce 0.615 0.041 +beyond 0.284 0.017 +beyrouth 0.962 0.017 +bez 0.305 0.162 +bezahlen 0.010 0.000 +bezel 0.389 0.072 +bezels 0.507 0.047 +bezieht 0.004 0.000 +bezier 0.716 0.021 +beziers 0.870 0.058 +bezit 0.027 0.007 +bezoek 0.733 0.009 +bezos 0.972 0.012 +bezuidenhout 0.956 0.026 +bf 0.084 0.653 +bfa 0.006 0.968 +bfb 0.025 0.820 +bfc 0.012 0.907 +bfd 0.014 0.459 +bfe 0.022 0.834 +bff 0.039 0.739 +bfg 0.046 0.889 +bfi 0.020 0.771 +bfk 0.006 0.973 +bfl 0.045 0.848 +bfm 0.017 0.872 +bfme 0.005 0.947 +bfn 0.077 0.794 +bfo 0.011 0.914 +bfp 0.011 0.881 +bfpo 0.000 0.993 +bfr 0.030 0.686 +bfs 0.025 0.873 +bft 0.171 0.724 +bfv 0.023 0.894 +bg 0.042 0.706 +bga 0.007 0.910 +bgan 0.011 0.965 +bgb 0.018 0.858 +bgc 0.030 0.730 +bgcolor 0.010 0.112 +bgd 0.108 0.477 +bge 0.044 0.762 +bgf 0.030 0.847 +bgg 0.004 0.973 +bggsupporter 0.000 0.000 +bgh 0.038 0.873 +bgi 0.096 0.723 +bgl 0.080 0.892 +bgm 0.015 0.856 +bgn 0.038 0.931 +bgo 0.079 0.833 +bgp 0.003 0.817 +bgr 0.023 0.898 +bgs 0.042 0.816 +bgsu 0.002 0.987 +bgt 0.081 0.744 +bh 0.067 0.714 +bha 0.082 0.754 +bhabha 0.954 0.029 +bhagat 0.926 0.043 +bhagavad 0.956 0.021 +bhagavan 0.924 0.013 +bhagavatam 0.958 0.023 +bhagwan 0.910 0.054 +bhagwati 0.955 0.037 +bhai 0.738 0.039 +bhajan 0.774 0.024 +bhajans 0.695 0.018 +bhakta 0.676 0.033 +bhakti 0.633 0.024 +bhaktivedanta 0.979 0.014 +bhalla 0.927 0.046 +bham 0.605 0.191 +bhandari 0.924 0.041 +bhangra 0.751 0.062 +bharat 0.873 0.066 +bharata 0.908 0.014 +bharathi 0.841 0.040 +bharati 0.941 0.028 +bharatiya 0.959 0.030 +bharatpur 0.956 0.036 +bhardwaj 0.908 0.072 +bhargava 0.938 0.040 +bharti 0.923 0.056 +bharuch 0.942 0.049 +bhaskar 0.903 0.039 +bhat 0.899 0.041 +bhatia 0.883 0.048 +bhatnagar 0.924 0.043 +bhatt 0.929 0.035 +bhattacharjee 0.916 0.072 +bhattacharya 0.936 0.048 +bhattacharyya 0.941 0.050 +bhatti 0.913 0.041 +bhava 0.416 0.027 +bhavan 0.934 0.042 +bhavnagar 0.980 0.014 +bhawan 0.936 0.050 +bhb 0.012 0.902 +bhc 0.014 0.956 +bhd 0.563 0.415 +bhe 0.029 0.882 +bhel 0.199 0.726 +bhf 0.072 0.862 +bhfuil 0.009 0.004 +bhg 0.083 0.779 +bhi 0.199 0.517 +bhikkhu 0.513 0.008 +bhikkhus 0.422 0.000 +bhilai 0.986 0.012 +bhk 0.034 0.891 +bhl 0.010 0.676 +bhm 0.033 0.887 +bhma 0.032 0.740 +bhn 0.036 0.913 +bho 0.010 0.926 +bhopal 0.953 0.035 +bhp 0.028 0.663 +bhr 0.119 0.835 +bhs 0.054 0.893 +bht 0.150 0.787 +bhu 0.108 0.771 +bhubaneshwar 0.988 0.010 +bhubaneswar 0.907 0.079 +bhuj 0.935 0.040 +bhushan 0.908 0.058 +bhutan 0.953 0.041 +bhutanese 0.984 0.010 +bhutani 0.950 0.012 +bhutto 0.971 0.020 +bhv 0.023 0.790 +bhx 0.010 0.890 +bi 0.319 0.229 +bia 0.144 0.724 +biafra 0.823 0.029 +biaggi 0.937 0.047 +biagi 0.853 0.096 +biagio 0.936 0.033 +biagiotti 0.938 0.049 +biala 0.693 0.173 +bialetti 0.934 0.033 +bialik 0.926 0.032 +bialystok 0.909 0.025 +bian 0.279 0.050 +bianca 0.671 0.034 +bianchi 0.896 0.055 +bianco 0.708 0.097 +biannual 0.241 0.012 +biannually 0.090 0.004 +biao 0.892 0.033 +biarritz 0.889 0.045 +bias 0.245 0.050 +biased 0.116 0.006 +biases 0.076 0.008 +biasing 0.114 0.010 +biatch 0.209 0.151 +biathlon 0.820 0.037 +biaxial 0.377 0.024 +biaxin 0.371 0.027 +bib 0.536 0.131 +biba 0.639 0.289 +bibb 0.823 0.128 +bibbs 0.888 0.051 +bibby 0.897 0.064 +bibdate 0.000 0.000 +bibel 0.847 0.017 +bibendum 0.549 0.036 +biber 0.912 0.056 +bibi 0.853 0.044 +bibione 0.151 0.005 +bibitem 0.006 0.000 +bibl 0.909 0.030 +bible 0.901 0.020 +bibler 0.950 0.024 +bibles 0.812 0.040 +biblia 0.949 0.005 +biblical 0.602 0.014 +biblically 0.472 0.005 +biblio 0.881 0.012 +bibliog 0.228 0.027 +bibliogr 0.675 0.009 +bibliografia 0.609 0.123 +bibliographer 0.590 0.025 +bibliographic 0.680 0.111 +bibliographical 0.250 0.027 +bibliographie 0.801 0.059 +bibliographies 0.483 0.028 +bibliography 0.706 0.039 +bibliomania 0.910 0.009 +bibliophile 0.465 0.020 +bibliopolis 0.825 0.000 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0.903 0.073 +bismark 0.825 0.051 +bismillah 0.870 0.054 +bismol 0.881 0.032 +bismuth 0.439 0.089 +bisnis 0.380 0.430 +bison 0.546 0.047 +bisons 0.898 0.026 +bisoprolol 0.537 0.039 +bisou 0.850 0.018 +bisphenol 0.355 0.028 +bisphosphate 0.130 0.068 +bisphosphonates 0.298 0.009 +bisque 0.630 0.084 +bisques 0.900 0.002 +bisquick 0.680 0.121 +biss 0.405 0.487 +bissau 0.915 0.046 +bissell 0.889 0.058 +bisset 0.908 0.053 +bissett 0.884 0.066 +bissinger 0.972 0.021 +bisson 0.941 0.048 +bist 0.309 0.221 +bistable 0.195 0.021 +bistro 0.775 0.045 +bistros 0.583 0.013 +bistrot 0.483 0.023 +biswas 0.897 0.069 +bit 0.081 0.022 +bitartrate 0.249 0.063 +bitc 0.043 0.707 +bitch 0.344 0.054 +bitchcams 0.000 0.000 +bitched 0.049 0.007 +bitches 0.306 0.049 +bitchin 0.470 0.031 +bitching 0.155 0.013 +bitchs 0.100 0.020 +bitchslap 0.594 0.176 +bitchx 0.003 0.000 +bitchy 0.182 0.018 +bitdefender 0.480 0.022 +bite 0.249 0.032 +biter 0.310 0.032 +biters 0.386 0.022 +bites 0.448 0.026 +bitesize 0.871 0.025 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0.989 +bjs 0.076 0.759 +bjt 0.029 0.892 +bju 0.021 0.928 +bk 0.128 0.763 +bka 0.018 0.712 +bkb 0.047 0.842 +bkc 0.010 0.878 +bkd 0.053 0.812 +bkg 0.125 0.564 +bkgd 0.609 0.090 +bkk 0.085 0.822 +bkl 0.022 0.856 +bklyn 0.775 0.159 +bkm 0.054 0.856 +bkn 0.028 0.932 +bkr 0.720 0.209 +bks 0.548 0.298 +bksvol 0.000 0.000 +bkt 0.145 0.755 +bkw 0.010 0.838 +bl 0.145 0.664 +bla 0.216 0.190 +blab 0.323 0.089 +blabber 0.351 0.010 +blabla 0.163 0.021 +blaby 0.946 0.030 +blac 0.380 0.161 +black 0.517 0.053 +blackaby 0.973 0.023 +blackadder 0.912 0.035 +blackalicious 0.925 0.033 +blackall 0.880 0.116 +blackball 0.795 0.026 +blackbaud 0.981 0.017 +blackbeard 0.885 0.059 +blackbears 0.994 0.000 +blackberries 0.365 0.016 +blackberry 0.778 0.055 +blackbird 0.755 0.046 +blackbirds 0.534 0.064 +blackboard 0.778 0.021 +blackboards 0.335 0.017 +blackbody 0.532 0.008 +blackbox 0.547 0.017 +blackbug 0.006 0.000 +blackburn 0.911 0.055 +blackcomb 0.960 0.008 +blackcurrant 0.464 0.036 +blackdown 0.689 0.042 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0.027 +bmj 0.007 0.977 +bml 0.014 0.881 +bmm 0.015 0.926 +bmnh 0.000 0.996 +bmo 0.010 0.949 +bmp 0.027 0.689 +bmpr 0.895 0.097 +bmr 0.018 0.905 +bmrb 0.000 0.868 +bms 0.018 0.900 +bmt 0.011 0.962 +bmu 0.014 0.906 +bmv 0.036 0.817 +bmw 0.052 0.837 +bmwracer 0.000 0.000 +bmx 0.041 0.802 +bmz 0.006 0.970 +bn 0.157 0.616 +bna 0.013 0.947 +bnb 0.027 0.643 +bnc 0.020 0.899 +bnd 0.047 0.891 +bne 0.023 0.698 +bnei 0.905 0.018 +bnet 0.002 0.993 +bnetd 0.022 0.024 +bnf 0.005 0.883 +bnfl 0.000 0.989 +bng 0.193 0.697 +bni 0.010 0.955 +bnib 0.015 0.965 +bnip 0.005 0.978 +bnl 0.046 0.910 +bnm 0.004 0.967 +bnn 0.019 0.887 +bnp 0.006 0.978 +bnr 0.014 0.811 +bns 0.117 0.778 +bnsf 0.004 0.976 +bnt 0.045 0.778 +bnw 0.012 0.860 +bnwot 0.006 0.965 +bnwt 0.013 0.958 +bny 0.032 0.849 +bnz 0.254 0.654 +bo 0.593 0.203 +boa 0.383 0.204 +boag 0.814 0.113 +boal 0.940 0.041 +boalt 0.968 0.022 +boar 0.486 0.044 +board 0.637 0.033 +boarded 0.048 0.009 +boarder 0.552 0.029 +boarders 0.259 0.023 +boardgame 0.814 0.013 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0.009 +bodes 0.057 0.016 +bodewig 0.328 0.000 +bodhi 0.795 0.049 +bodhisattva 0.710 0.013 +bodhisattvas 0.596 0.005 +bodhran 0.549 0.062 +bodi 0.710 0.073 +bodice 0.413 0.021 +bodie 0.760 0.032 +bodied 0.096 0.009 +bodies 0.154 0.012 +bodily 0.093 0.016 +bodin 0.918 0.062 +bodine 0.914 0.066 +bodkin 0.724 0.090 +bodleian 0.969 0.015 +bodley 0.933 0.056 +bodman 0.953 0.040 +bodmer 0.934 0.058 +bodmin 0.920 0.054 +bodnar 0.925 0.065 +bodo 0.836 0.072 +bodog 0.903 0.038 +bodom 0.860 0.069 +bodoni 0.997 0.002 +bodrum 0.777 0.038 +bods 0.703 0.028 +bodsforthemods 0.947 0.000 +bodum 0.944 0.026 +body 0.301 0.028 +bodyart 0.509 0.047 +bodyboard 0.536 0.108 +bodyboarding 0.628 0.052 +bodyboards 0.650 0.057 +bodybuilder 0.242 0.012 +bodybuilders 0.337 0.009 +bodybuilding 0.551 0.022 +bodycare 0.862 0.024 +bodyfat 0.293 0.012 +bodyglove 0.653 0.207 +bodyguard 0.375 0.060 +bodyguards 0.136 0.020 +bodykit 0.359 0.078 +bodyrockers 0.354 0.017 +bodys 0.233 0.025 +bodyshop 0.718 0.064 +bodystocking 0.538 0.114 +bodystockings 0.838 0.045 +bodystyle 0.820 0.000 +bodysuit 0.524 0.061 +bodysuits 0.669 0.035 +bodywear 0.641 0.193 +bodyweight 0.226 0.006 +bodywork 0.578 0.033 +bodyworkers 0.943 0.000 +bodyworks 0.776 0.078 +boe 0.196 0.621 +boeck 0.910 0.056 +boehlert 0.731 0.267 +boehm 0.821 0.049 +boehme 0.908 0.058 +boehmer 0.923 0.054 +boehner 0.847 0.150 +boehringer 0.967 0.025 +boeing 0.933 0.046 +boek 0.575 0.027 +boeken 0.422 0.014 +boekhandel 0.077 0.003 +boer 0.880 0.074 +boeri 0.871 0.021 +boericke 0.912 0.079 +boerne 0.905 0.073 +boerner 0.939 0.054 +boers 0.930 0.046 +boersma 0.757 0.213 +boese 0.910 0.040 +boethius 0.964 0.019 +boettcher 0.914 0.078 +boeuf 0.603 0.079 +bof 0.042 0.800 +boff 0.631 0.128 +boffin 0.717 0.019 +boffins 0.591 0.011 +bofh 0.006 0.897 +bofors 0.835 0.106 +bog 0.381 0.123 +boga 0.734 0.159 +bogalusa 0.841 0.139 +bogan 0.715 0.149 +bogard 0.889 0.079 +bogarde 0.933 0.052 +bogart 0.903 0.061 +bogdan 0.918 0.025 +bogdanov 0.953 0.029 +bogdanovich 0.965 0.028 +bogel 0.096 0.014 +bogen 0.837 0.064 +boger 0.918 0.060 +bogert 0.906 0.085 +bogey 0.402 0.018 +bogeyman 0.334 0.020 +bogeys 0.300 0.159 +bogged 0.026 0.003 +boggess 0.894 0.096 +boggle 0.548 0.022 +boggles 0.098 0.005 +boggling 0.038 0.004 +boggs 0.862 0.113 +boggy 0.489 0.050 +bogie 0.556 0.072 +bogies 0.309 0.030 +bogle 0.717 0.054 +bogner 0.945 0.034 +bognor 0.904 0.029 +bogo 0.452 0.409 +bogofilter 0.146 0.006 +bogomips 0.087 0.000 +bogor 0.959 0.019 +bogota 0.857 0.060 +bogs 0.183 0.018 +bogue 0.885 0.077 +bogus 0.272 0.054 +bogut 0.932 0.050 +boh 0.361 0.481 +bohan 0.891 0.092 +bohannon 0.886 0.099 +bohdan 0.950 0.028 +boheme 0.830 0.107 +bohemia 0.897 0.056 +bohemian 0.368 0.026 +bohemians 0.724 0.025 +bohle 0.420 0.566 +bohlen 0.879 0.099 +bohlin 0.945 0.043 +bohm 0.937 0.049 +bohn 0.923 0.060 +boho 0.415 0.390 +bohol 0.888 0.045 +bohr 0.911 0.028 +bohrer 0.857 0.068 +boi 0.459 0.299 +boice 0.876 0.095 +boies 0.853 0.113 +boil 0.199 0.013 +boileau 0.868 0.088 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0.055 +boldt 0.930 0.036 +bolduc 0.886 0.093 +bole 0.593 0.059 +boleh 0.195 0.033 +bolen 0.903 0.069 +boler 0.901 0.047 +bolero 0.705 0.092 +boles 0.756 0.081 +boletin 0.637 0.124 +boley 0.825 0.110 +boleyn 0.935 0.044 +bolger 0.921 0.053 +boli 0.430 0.272 +bolic 0.056 0.005 +bolin 0.889 0.089 +bolinas 0.875 0.085 +boling 0.847 0.117 +bolingbroke 0.856 0.128 +bolingbrook 0.895 0.067 +bolinger 0.708 0.245 +bolivar 0.908 0.058 +bolivares 0.919 0.020 +bolivarian 0.966 0.018 +bolivars 0.957 0.000 +bolivia 0.918 0.049 +bolivian 0.976 0.009 +boliviano 0.968 0.004 +boll 0.769 0.044 +bolla 0.863 0.063 +bolland 0.894 0.064 +bollard 0.634 0.050 +bollards 0.441 0.055 +bolle 0.856 0.042 +bollen 0.868 0.063 +boller 0.932 0.047 +bolles 0.944 0.044 +bollettino 0.439 0.038 +bolling 0.871 0.107 +bollinger 0.923 0.054 +bollocks 0.388 0.034 +bollworm 0.188 0.025 +bollywood 0.741 0.023 +bolo 0.660 0.080 +bologna 0.818 0.050 +bolognese 0.779 0.059 +bols 0.399 0.155 +bolsa 0.726 0.042 +bolshevik 0.831 0.010 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0.459 0.037 +bombyx 0.927 0.016 +bome 0.316 0.048 +bomis 0.639 0.004 +bomp 0.637 0.071 +bon 0.596 0.059 +bona 0.249 0.025 +bonafide 0.278 0.024 +bonaire 0.917 0.059 +bonanno 0.934 0.047 +bonanza 0.722 0.074 +bonaparte 0.930 0.045 +bonar 0.917 0.065 +bonaventure 0.925 0.047 +bonavista 0.931 0.062 +bonbon 0.590 0.086 +bonbons 0.473 0.032 +bond 0.474 0.061 +bondage 0.100 0.006 +bondaged 0.913 0.001 +bondagescape 0.254 0.005 +bonde 0.772 0.069 +bonded 0.279 0.057 +bonder 0.547 0.082 +bondholders 0.213 0.016 +bondi 0.853 0.094 +bondies 0.858 0.055 +bonding 0.276 0.028 +bondo 0.771 0.024 +bonds 0.392 0.036 +bondsman 0.400 0.018 +bondsmen 0.461 0.014 +bondurant 0.886 0.098 +bondware 0.688 0.000 +bondwell 0.117 0.871 +bondy 0.886 0.081 +bone 0.366 0.033 +boneca 0.006 0.002 +bonecrusher 0.295 0.010 +boned 0.244 0.042 +bonefish 0.663 0.028 +bonehead 0.522 0.038 +boneless 0.368 0.046 +bonelli 0.882 0.043 +boneprone 0.147 0.008 +boner 0.354 0.045 +boners 0.335 0.025 +bones 0.357 0.024 +bonet 0.879 0.036 +boney 0.672 0.047 +boneyard 0.783 0.048 +bonferroni 0.978 0.007 +bonfield 0.874 0.111 +bonfire 0.552 0.036 +bonfires 0.238 0.009 +bong 0.570 0.089 +bongo 0.747 0.077 +bongos 0.562 0.041 +bongs 0.785 0.011 +bonham 0.900 0.067 +bonhams 0.979 0.014 +bonheur 0.556 0.068 +bonhoeffer 0.953 0.023 +bonhomme 0.801 0.081 +boni 0.750 0.046 +boniface 0.936 0.043 +bonifacio 0.902 0.060 +bonifay 0.812 0.095 +bonilla 0.802 0.187 +bonin 0.891 0.089 +boning 0.520 0.055 +bonita 0.867 0.058 +bonito 0.720 0.050 +bonjour 0.775 0.061 +bonk 0.643 0.061 +bonkers 0.370 0.035 +bonn 0.865 0.027 +bonnard 0.937 0.045 +bonnaroo 0.866 0.035 +bonne 0.516 0.041 +bonneau 0.900 0.085 +bonnell 0.908 0.077 +bonner 0.894 0.075 +bonners 0.775 0.091 +bonnes 0.574 0.030 +bonnet 0.470 0.067 +bonnets 0.384 0.024 +bonnett 0.903 0.074 +bonneville 0.891 0.061 +bonney 0.894 0.073 +bonnie 0.883 0.053 +bonnier 0.867 0.103 +bonnington 0.866 0.117 +bonny 0.767 0.065 +bonnyrigg 0.719 0.267 +bonnyville 0.891 0.105 +bono 0.727 0.034 +bonobo 0.288 0.021 +bonobos 0.428 0.015 +bons 0.491 0.042 +bonsai 0.683 0.038 +bonsall 0.917 0.071 +bont 0.667 0.088 +bonthrone 0.992 0.002 +bontrager 0.907 0.076 +bontril 0.230 0.007 +bonum 0.440 0.042 +bonus 0.407 0.058 +bonuses 0.241 0.028 +bony 0.159 0.029 +bonzai 0.648 0.085 +bonzi 0.586 0.030 +bonzini 0.859 0.000 +bonzo 0.817 0.079 +boo 0.547 0.099 +boob 0.070 0.016 +boobbs 0.000 0.000 +boobed 0.278 0.009 +boobie 0.524 0.037 +boobies 0.247 0.025 +booble 0.896 0.011 +boobs 0.215 0.010 +booby 0.380 0.029 +booch 0.869 0.063 +booda 0.803 0.095 +booed 0.083 0.011 +boof 0.716 0.088 +boog 0.626 0.074 +booga 0.515 0.057 +boogaloo 0.768 0.072 +booger 0.532 0.063 +boogers 0.352 0.027 +boogeyman 0.766 0.040 +boogie 0.718 0.069 +boogle 0.080 0.000 +boohbah 0.864 0.078 +booher 0.868 0.126 +booing 0.166 0.014 +book 0.453 0.051 +booka 0.301 0.060 +bookable 0.289 0.036 +bookbag 0.784 0.093 +bookbinder 0.724 0.035 +bookbinders 0.848 0.045 +bookbinding 0.597 0.054 +bookbyte 0.966 0.000 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+bootleggers 0.378 0.034 +bootlegging 0.190 0.011 +bootlegs 0.392 0.059 +bootloader 0.229 0.006 +bootmaker 0.719 0.012 +bootp 0.025 0.695 +boots 0.584 0.049 +bootsplash 0.152 0.000 +bootstrap 0.572 0.008 +bootstrapped 0.258 0.008 +bootstrapping 0.356 0.009 +bootstraps 0.193 0.015 +bootsy 0.850 0.059 +bootup 0.117 0.011 +booty 0.103 0.008 +bootylicious 0.632 0.093 +bootytalk 0.238 0.000 +booz 0.944 0.029 +booze 0.270 0.025 +boozer 0.671 0.056 +boozing 0.146 0.009 +boozy 0.330 0.018 +bop 0.383 0.356 +bopm 0.020 0.154 +bopp 0.688 0.269 +bopper 0.491 0.058 +boppers 0.413 0.086 +boppin 0.643 0.110 +boppy 0.824 0.037 +bops 0.479 0.210 +bor 0.296 0.370 +bora 0.849 0.084 +boracay 0.916 0.018 +borage 0.767 0.022 +borah 0.922 0.055 +boral 0.914 0.048 +boras 0.950 0.023 +borat 0.882 0.017 +borate 0.259 0.047 +borax 0.451 0.103 +borba 0.791 0.166 +borchardt 0.936 0.053 +borchers 0.928 0.053 +borchert 0.866 0.076 +bord 0.597 0.057 +borda 0.930 0.044 +borde 0.497 0.053 +bordeaux 0.887 0.031 +bordell 0.036 0.001 +bordellchat 0.144 0.000 +bordelle 0.007 0.000 +bordello 0.633 0.035 +borden 0.899 0.070 +bordentown 0.872 0.097 +border 0.254 0.041 +bordercolor 0.012 0.197 +bordered 0.106 0.008 +bordering 0.099 0.007 +borderland 0.580 0.031 +borderlands 0.662 0.024 +borderless 0.467 0.034 +borderline 0.378 0.018 +borders 0.387 0.017 +bordertown 0.607 0.288 +bordetella 0.961 0.012 +bordo 0.592 0.050 +bordon 0.911 0.054 +bordsteinschwalben 0.000 0.000 +bordure 0.094 0.019 +bore 0.197 0.032 +boreal 0.543 0.023 +borealis 0.540 0.051 +boreanaz 0.907 0.030 +boreas 0.584 0.322 +bored 0.188 0.025 +boredom 0.503 0.006 +boredoms 0.901 0.039 +boreham 0.914 0.068 +borehamwood 0.963 0.019 +borehole 0.263 0.033 +boreholes 0.107 0.021 +borel 0.956 0.031 +borelli 0.896 0.054 +boren 0.837 0.073 +borenstein 0.964 0.030 +borer 0.361 0.050 +borers 0.261 0.033 +bores 0.181 0.020 +borg 0.840 0.068 +borgata 0.628 0.023 +borge 0.904 0.061 +borger 0.851 0.126 +borges 0.911 0.032 +borgess 0.961 0.006 +borghese 0.867 0.093 +borgia 0.918 0.037 +borgir 0.687 0.109 +borgman 0.959 0.032 +borgnine 0.883 0.089 +borgo 0.799 0.051 +borgward 0.528 0.450 +boric 0.376 0.057 +boricua 0.769 0.072 +boring 0.153 0.025 +borings 0.133 0.024 +boris 0.875 0.077 +borisov 0.904 0.089 +borja 0.925 0.055 +bork 0.819 0.045 +borked 0.188 0.020 +borkowski 0.922 0.063 +borla 0.886 0.071 +borland 0.923 0.030 +borlind 0.851 0.139 +borman 0.917 0.056 +bormann 0.939 0.042 +bormio 0.937 0.028 +bormioli 0.953 0.023 +born 0.295 0.015 +borne 0.077 0.013 +bornemark 0.994 0.000 +borneo 0.913 0.053 +bornes 0.644 0.047 +bornholm 0.905 0.076 +borns 0.276 0.019 +bornstein 0.951 0.040 +boro 0.686 0.207 +borobudur 0.789 0.078 +borodin 0.916 0.073 +boromir 0.898 0.027 +boron 0.471 0.051 +boronia 0.646 0.290 +boros 0.831 0.102 +borosilicate 0.385 0.050 +borough 0.741 0.041 +boroughs 0.396 0.021 +borovets 0.950 0.033 +borowitz 0.818 0.149 +borowski 0.919 0.064 +borrachas 0.128 0.000 +borrego 0.880 0.076 +borrelia 0.948 0.021 +borrell 0.873 0.114 +borrelli 0.599 0.381 +borris 0.927 0.026 +borromeo 0.917 0.065 +borrow 0.169 0.012 +borrowdale 0.950 0.035 +borrowed 0.079 0.010 +borrower 0.321 0.016 +borrowers 0.187 0.010 +borrowing 0.255 0.015 +borrowings 0.206 0.015 +borrows 0.101 0.009 +bors 0.675 0.060 +borsa 0.444 0.038 +borsalino 0.930 0.047 +borsato 0.575 0.023 +borscht 0.280 0.508 +borse 0.158 0.177 +borst 0.812 0.054 +bort 0.375 0.146 +borth 0.775 0.050 +borthwick 0.931 0.062 +borton 0.909 0.073 +bortz 0.799 0.153 +boru 0.826 0.062 +borussia 0.961 0.018 +borys 0.890 0.033 +borzoi 0.893 0.037 +bos 0.348 0.552 +bosak 0.979 0.012 +bosal 0.886 0.042 +bosanski 0.961 0.009 +bosc 0.656 0.273 +bosca 0.857 0.082 +boscastle 0.954 0.026 +boscawen 0.932 0.060 +bosch 0.853 0.077 +bosco 0.858 0.060 +boscobel 0.843 0.122 +boscolo 0.930 0.044 +boscombe 0.923 0.050 +boscov 0.958 0.033 +boscovs 0.975 0.003 +bose 0.834 0.077 +boser 0.958 0.031 +bosh 0.751 0.102 +bosley 0.832 0.092 +bosma 0.923 0.049 +bosman 0.918 0.061 +bosna 0.878 0.030 +bosnia 0.952 0.041 +bosnian 0.958 0.028 +bosnians 0.945 0.023 +bosom 0.093 0.008 +bosoms 0.091 0.008 +boson 0.262 0.033 +bosonic 0.087 0.011 +bosons 0.111 0.027 +bosphorus 0.919 0.046 +bosque 0.792 0.054 +bosquet 0.820 0.045 +boss 0.392 0.073 +bossa 0.701 0.048 +bosscher 0.979 0.015 +bosse 0.849 0.062 +bossert 0.907 0.083 +bosses 0.229 0.011 +bossi 0.824 0.063 +bossier 0.845 0.072 +bossman 0.759 0.054 +bosson 0.771 0.073 +bosstones 0.740 0.022 +bossy 0.398 0.031 +bost 0.330 0.077 +bostic 0.867 0.086 +bostick 0.851 0.141 +bostik 0.787 0.189 +bostitch 0.774 0.159 +bostock 0.893 0.088 +boston 0.915 0.031 +bostonian 0.920 0.026 +bostonians 0.946 0.025 +bostrom 0.913 0.056 +bostwick 0.910 0.082 +bosun 0.737 0.057 +boswell 0.891 0.094 +boswellia 0.828 0.014 +bosworth 0.898 0.051 +bot 0.320 0.140 +bota 0.576 0.262 +botafogo 0.539 0.018 +botan 0.511 0.026 +botanic 0.864 0.033 +botanica 0.902 0.046 +botanical 0.732 0.031 +botanicals 0.704 0.055 +botanika 0.973 0.009 +botanique 0.624 0.095 +botanist 0.286 0.011 +botanists 0.201 0.006 +botany 0.748 0.040 +botas 0.560 0.156 +botch 0.302 0.064 +botched 0.089 0.006 +bote 0.733 0.070 +botel 0.441 0.030 +botelho 0.902 0.055 +botero 0.892 0.064 +botetourt 0.919 0.069 +both 0.115 0.007 +botha 0.906 0.071 +botham 0.924 0.059 +bothe 0.352 0.025 +bothell 0.915 0.059 +bother 0.049 0.016 +bothered 0.063 0.004 +bothering 0.016 0.012 +bothers 0.021 0.006 +bothersome 0.022 0.002 +bothner 0.929 0.007 +boths 0.487 0.000 +bothwell 0.863 0.121 +bothy 0.772 0.029 +botkin 0.925 0.061 +botley 0.938 0.048 +botnet 0.433 0.010 +botox 0.635 0.169 +botrytis 0.727 0.026 +bots 0.270 0.014 +botschaft 0.860 0.031 +botsford 0.911 0.077 +botswana 0.962 0.029 +bott 0.719 0.231 +botta 0.888 0.053 +bottega 0.721 0.126 +botti 0.711 0.047 +botticelli 0.886 0.047 +bottineau 0.890 0.087 +bottle 0.366 0.044 +bottled 0.383 0.026 +bottleneck 0.122 0.008 +bottlenecks 0.086 0.005 +bottlenose 0.419 0.016 +bottler 0.316 0.041 +bottlers 0.399 0.039 +bottles 0.356 0.033 +bottling 0.492 0.037 +bottom 0.219 0.022 +bottomed 0.113 0.007 +bottoming 0.169 0.021 +bottomland 0.234 0.033 +bottomless 0.225 0.017 +bottomley 0.952 0.042 +bottomline 0.844 0.016 +bottoms 0.513 0.043 +botton 0.540 0.053 +botts 0.877 0.080 +botulinum 0.332 0.019 +botulism 0.388 0.022 +botw 0.000 0.983 +boty 0.094 0.396 +bou 0.507 0.341 +bouchard 0.923 0.060 +bouche 0.485 0.109 +boucher 0.742 0.235 +boucheron 0.865 0.106 +bouches 0.859 0.020 +bouchet 0.912 0.066 +bouchon 0.746 0.052 +boucle 0.586 0.078 +boud 0.715 0.022 +boudewijn 0.933 0.022 +boudicca 0.889 0.017 +boudin 0.802 0.047 +boudoir 0.601 0.051 +boudreau 0.876 0.101 +boudreaux 0.897 0.077 +bouffard 0.948 0.048 +bougainville 0.918 0.044 +bougainvillea 0.685 0.029 +bough 0.767 0.013 +boughs 0.078 0.007 +bought 0.046 0.009 +boughton 0.859 0.133 +bougie 0.422 0.054 +bouguereau 0.854 0.127 +bouillabaisse 0.501 0.023 +bouillon 0.447 0.129 +boul 0.449 0.062 +boulanger 0.869 0.077 +boulangerie 0.423 0.016 +boulay 0.869 0.117 +boulder 0.870 0.041 +bouldering 0.683 0.011 +boulders 0.249 0.012 +boulding 0.946 0.044 +boule 0.554 0.053 +boules 0.470 0.027 +boulet 0.874 0.070 +boulevard 0.877 0.051 +boulevards 0.556 0.011 +boulez 0.943 0.045 +boulogne 0.881 0.047 +boult 0.831 0.104 +boulter 0.905 0.078 +boulton 0.921 0.064 +boulware 0.924 0.065 +bouma 0.949 0.032 +bouman 0.950 0.035 +bounce 0.346 0.035 +bounced 0.071 0.007 +bouncer 0.512 0.046 +bouncers 0.593 0.021 +bounces 0.059 0.005 +bouncin 0.416 0.279 +bouncing 0.246 0.013 +bouncy 0.325 0.019 +bound 0.138 0.021 +boundaries 0.122 0.014 +boundary 0.177 0.025 +bounded 0.081 0.007 +boundedness 0.143 0.012 +bounder 0.653 0.089 +bounding 0.206 0.012 +boundless 0.297 0.015 +boundries 0.195 0.027 +boundry 0.345 0.075 +bounds 0.173 0.015 +bounties 0.472 0.006 +bountiful 0.599 0.039 +bounty 0.535 0.044 +bouquet 0.646 0.022 +bouquets 0.489 0.014 +bour 0.531 0.065 +bourassa 0.925 0.063 +bourbon 0.750 0.059 +bourbonnais 0.877 0.100 +bourbons 0.766 0.013 +bourdain 0.954 0.015 +bourdieu 0.963 0.018 +bourdon 0.847 0.055 +bourg 0.832 0.083 +bourgas 0.948 0.034 +bourgeois 0.374 0.031 +bourgeoisie 0.138 0.005 +bourges 0.875 0.057 +bourget 0.907 0.062 +bourgogne 0.811 0.053 +bourgoin 0.884 0.065 +bourguignon 0.841 0.067 +bourjois 0.883 0.092 +bourke 0.838 0.066 +bourn 0.758 0.085 +bourne 0.900 0.049 +bournemouth 0.940 0.028 +bourns 0.736 0.231 +bourque 0.887 0.094 +bourret 0.618 0.013 +bourse 0.473 0.019 +bourses 0.268 0.029 +bourton 0.951 0.033 +bouse 0.481 0.046 +bousquet 0.903 0.084 +bout 0.174 0.037 +boutilier 0.895 0.080 +boutin 0.953 0.037 +boutique 0.648 0.049 +boutiques 0.402 0.014 +bouton 0.535 0.044 +boutons 0.127 0.019 +boutros 0.951 0.029 +bouts 0.103 0.014 +boutwell 0.868 0.116 +bouvet 0.959 0.039 +bouvier 0.905 0.048 +bouw 0.113 0.008 +bouwer 0.303 0.020 +bouyer 0.859 0.057 +bouygues 0.850 0.074 +bouzouki 0.513 0.042 +bov 0.131 0.668 +bova 0.870 0.085 +bovard 0.881 0.060 +bovary 0.896 0.048 +bove 0.779 0.099 +bovee 0.943 0.044 +boven 0.363 0.025 +bovey 0.895 0.088 +bovina 0.780 0.131 +bovine 0.313 0.032 +bovis 0.360 0.017 +bow 0.400 0.063 +bowater 0.925 0.065 +bowden 0.907 0.070 +bowditch 0.954 0.034 +bowdoin 0.950 0.039 +bowdon 0.870 0.093 +bowe 0.814 0.117 +bowed 0.066 0.009 +bowel 0.300 0.013 +bowels 0.104 0.012 +bowen 0.893 0.081 +bowens 0.889 0.070 +bower 0.775 0.081 +bowerman 0.848 0.134 +bowers 0.881 0.072 +bowery 0.916 0.033 +bowes 0.848 0.119 +bowflex 0.845 0.029 +bowhead 0.327 0.016 +bowhunter 0.790 0.041 +bowhunters 0.711 0.024 +bowhunting 0.689 0.035 +bowie 0.807 0.071 +bowing 0.154 0.029 +bowker 0.930 0.057 +bowl 0.618 0.042 +bowland 0.927 0.046 +bowlby 0.920 0.056 +bowled 0.176 0.008 +bowler 0.471 0.051 +bowlers 0.319 0.020 +bowles 0.909 0.073 +bowley 0.861 0.116 +bowlin 0.759 0.122 +bowline 0.645 0.020 +bowling 0.659 0.040 +bowls 0.542 0.039 +bowman 0.849 0.121 +bowmans 0.575 0.392 +bowmanville 0.921 0.060 +bowmen 0.572 0.033 +bowmore 0.897 0.074 +bown 0.786 0.105 +bowne 0.649 0.324 +bowness 0.891 0.028 +bowral 0.778 0.141 +bowrider 0.605 0.173 +bowring 0.873 0.109 +bowron 0.948 0.041 +bows 0.380 0.043 +bowser 0.842 0.081 +bowsher 0.963 0.035 +bowstring 0.450 0.030 +bowtie 0.538 0.086 +bowties 0.710 0.044 +bowyer 0.936 0.044 +box 0.547 0.064 +boxart 0.914 0.000 +boxborough 0.930 0.053 +boxcar 0.561 0.075 +boxcars 0.248 0.057 +boxe 0.341 0.211 +boxed 0.563 0.152 +boxen 0.355 0.026 +boxer 0.637 0.065 +boxers 0.458 0.030 +boxes 0.339 0.029 +boxford 0.898 0.078 +boxfresh 0.744 0.228 +boxing 0.694 0.041 +boxlight 0.772 0.216 +boxoffice 0.562 0.125 +boxs 0.408 0.092 +boxscore 0.739 0.054 +boxscores 0.786 0.027 +boxset 0.614 0.231 +boxsets 0.736 0.036 +boxshade 0.015 0.021 +boxster 0.870 0.058 +boxter 0.648 0.144 +boxwood 0.604 0.138 +boxx 0.493 0.410 +boxxx 0.973 0.022 +boxy 0.227 0.012 +boy 0.436 0.030 +boyce 0.898 0.084 +boycott 0.355 0.061 +boycotted 0.026 0.005 +boycotting 0.145 0.016 +boycotts 0.285 0.013 +boyd 0.876 0.086 +boydell 0.954 0.041 +boyden 0.914 0.077 +boyds 0.832 0.104 +boye 0.864 0.071 +boyer 0.900 0.080 +boyertown 0.854 0.102 +boyes 0.858 0.086 +boyett 0.850 0.137 +boyfriend 0.131 0.011 +boyfriends 0.178 0.014 +boyhood 0.179 0.014 +boyish 0.069 0.003 +boykin 0.920 0.057 +boykins 0.898 0.072 +boyko 0.933 0.050 +boylan 0.934 0.055 +boyle 0.917 0.054 +boyles 0.875 0.094 +boylover 0.004 0.000 +boylston 0.921 0.061 +boyne 0.874 0.104 +boynton 0.880 0.063 +boys 0.415 0.039 +boysenberry 0.592 0.052 +boysstuff 0.982 0.000 +boystuff 0.996 0.000 +boyt 0.863 0.057 +boyz 0.714 0.052 +boyzone 0.833 0.082 +boz 0.900 0.049 +boze 0.845 0.047 +bozell 0.974 0.021 +bozeman 0.912 0.052 +bozen 0.894 0.072 +bozman 0.971 0.018 +bozo 0.576 0.063 +bozos 0.261 0.022 +bp 0.030 0.683 +bpa 0.005 0.971 +bpay 0.061 0.923 +bpb 0.012 0.809 +bpc 0.008 0.862 +bpd 0.008 0.677 +bpdu 0.005 0.809 +bpe 0.011 0.861 +bpel 0.002 0.928 +bpf 0.005 0.784 +bpg 0.060 0.785 +bph 0.012 0.909 +bpi 0.025 0.903 +bpl 0.009 0.926 +bpm 0.026 0.817 +bpn 0.017 0.923 +bpo 0.130 0.813 +bpp 0.018 0.581 +bpr 0.010 0.940 +bprob 0.000 0.000 +bps 0.031 0.428 +bpsk 0.000 0.988 +bpt 0.033 0.794 +bpu 0.009 0.962 +bpv 0.010 0.902 +bpw 0.007 0.940 +bpx 0.005 0.940 +bq 0.190 0.548 +br 0.149 0.400 +bra 0.417 0.106 +braai 0.497 0.018 +braaten 0.939 0.047 +brabant 0.856 0.043 +brabantia 0.935 0.025 +brabham 0.928 0.056 +brabus 0.735 0.165 +brac 0.276 0.546 +bracco 0.923 0.041 +brace 0.462 0.050 +bracebridge 0.936 0.045 +braced 0.133 0.018 +bracelet 0.554 0.087 +bracelets 0.701 0.033 +bracer 0.687 0.045 +bracers 0.868 0.006 +braces 0.330 0.022 +bracewell 0.806 0.087 +bracey 0.914 0.065 +brach 0.738 0.054 +bracha 0.587 0.061 +brachial 0.352 0.014 +brachytherapy 0.374 0.024 +bracing 0.225 0.017 +brack 0.757 0.081 +bracken 0.784 0.072 +brackendale 0.832 0.152 +brackenridge 0.884 0.102 +bracket 0.368 0.086 +bracketed 0.092 0.016 +bracketing 0.310 0.006 +bracketology 0.905 0.007 +brackets 0.319 0.027 +brackett 0.869 0.118 +brackish 0.205 0.017 +brackley 0.857 0.039 +bracknell 0.933 0.035 +bracks 0.923 0.065 +braclet 0.299 0.166 +braclets 0.368 0.043 +braco 0.811 0.118 +bracts 0.073 0.006 +brad 0.898 0.037 +bradbury 0.918 0.060 +braddock 0.922 0.062 +braddon 0.878 0.114 +braden 0.913 0.064 +bradenton 0.914 0.046 +bradfield 0.913 0.073 +bradford 0.916 0.053 +bradlee 0.906 0.074 +bradley 0.896 0.067 +bradman 0.883 0.087 +bradner 0.921 0.053 +brads 0.662 0.070 +bradshaw 0.896 0.082 +bradstreet 0.943 0.032 +bradt 0.914 0.071 +bradway 0.916 0.059 +bradwell 0.935 0.052 +brady 0.879 0.064 +bradycardia 0.248 0.011 +bradykinin 0.374 0.017 +bradyrhizobium 0.967 0.012 +brae 0.796 0.118 +braemar 0.870 0.118 +braes 0.712 0.052 +braeside 0.752 0.114 +braff 0.921 0.025 +brag 0.254 0.058 +braga 0.850 0.053 +braganza 0.949 0.032 +bragas 0.044 0.000 +bragg 0.897 0.058 +bragged 0.012 0.005 +bragging 0.274 0.009 +brags 0.491 0.017 +braham 0.824 0.140 +brahe 0.946 0.020 +brahim 0.898 0.048 +brahimi 0.951 0.043 +brahm 0.915 0.036 +brahma 0.841 0.058 +brahman 0.911 0.020 +brahmana 0.673 0.014 +brahmaputra 0.950 0.017 +brahmi 0.889 0.025 +brahmin 0.804 0.016 +brahmins 0.802 0.008 +brahms 0.871 0.100 +braid 0.452 0.055 +braided 0.485 0.043 +braiding 0.357 0.030 +braids 0.402 0.038 +braidwood 0.814 0.147 +braille 0.717 0.037 +braillenote 0.963 0.003 +brain 0.347 0.019 +brainard 0.905 0.079 +brainbench 0.952 0.004 +brainchild 0.121 0.007 +braindead 0.388 0.030 +braindump 0.570 0.007 +braindumps 0.630 0.007 +braine 0.772 0.071 +brained 0.142 0.012 +brainer 0.088 0.010 +brainerd 0.895 0.080 +brainiac 0.825 0.026 +brainless 0.183 0.016 +brainpower 0.241 0.014 +brains 0.233 0.020 +brainstem 0.169 0.014 +brainstorm 0.437 0.021 +brainstormed 0.046 0.000 +brainstorming 0.311 0.017 +brainstorms 0.700 0.007 +brainteaser 0.672 0.036 +brainteasers 0.678 0.013 +braintree 0.918 0.050 +brainwash 0.375 0.046 +brainwashed 0.235 0.018 +brainwashing 0.349 0.014 +brainwave 0.582 0.027 +brainwaves 0.333 0.028 +brainy 0.570 0.029 +braised 0.500 0.032 +braising 0.393 0.014 +braithwaite 0.916 0.070 +brak 0.611 0.039 +brake 0.532 0.059 +braked 0.153 0.023 +brakeman 0.389 0.031 +brakes 0.520 0.046 +brakhage 0.939 0.028 +braking 0.268 0.020 +braless 0.137 0.004 +braley 0.885 0.097 +bram 0.891 0.047 +brama 0.160 0.782 +braman 0.839 0.139 +brambilla 0.956 0.029 +bramble 0.704 0.055 +brambles 0.520 0.037 +brame 0.910 0.061 +bramer 0.941 0.049 +bramhall 0.950 0.036 +bramlett 0.897 0.090 +bramley 0.889 0.080 +brammer 0.874 0.116 +brampton 0.862 0.110 +bramwell 0.867 0.113 +bran 0.481 0.098 +branagh 0.965 0.020 +branca 0.769 0.050 +branch 0.503 0.031 +branche 0.575 0.024 +branched 0.131 0.015 +branchen 0.941 0.005 +branchenbuch 0.973 0.000 +branches 0.200 0.011 +branching 0.174 0.017 +branchville 0.870 0.103 +branco 0.813 0.055 +brand 0.519 0.102 +brande 0.691 0.032 +branded 0.326 0.041 +brandee 0.941 0.013 +brandeis 0.957 0.029 +branden 0.895 0.016 +brandenburg 0.923 0.043 +brandenburger 0.953 0.030 +brander 0.679 0.045 +brandes 0.926 0.058 +brandi 0.809 0.037 +brandie 0.837 0.053 +branding 0.425 0.013 +brandis 0.741 0.194 +brandished 0.016 0.000 +brandishing 0.082 0.004 +brandl 0.940 0.046 +brandname 0.735 0.009 +brandnames 0.820 0.005 +brandnew 0.189 0.369 +brando 0.865 0.088 +brandon 0.916 0.042 +brands 0.279 0.041 +brandt 0.909 0.061 +brandtson 0.959 0.013 +brandweek 0.925 0.071 +brandy 0.658 0.049 +brandywine 0.898 0.067 +brane 0.129 0.012 +branes 0.098 0.012 +branford 0.902 0.065 +branham 0.921 0.068 +braniff 0.897 0.063 +branigan 0.895 0.061 +branko 0.956 0.018 +brann 0.897 0.069 +brannan 0.917 0.074 +brannen 0.906 0.079 +brannigan 0.908 0.072 +brannon 0.894 0.089 +bransford 0.948 0.046 +branson 0.892 0.041 +branston 0.914 0.054 +brant 0.871 0.068 +branta 0.961 0.015 +brantford 0.934 0.043 +brantley 0.753 0.098 +branton 0.895 0.078 +braque 0.920 0.039 +brar 0.674 0.261 +brary 0.015 0.010 +bras 0.446 0.015 +brasco 0.872 0.084 +braselton 0.905 0.068 +brash 0.432 0.019 +brashares 0.974 0.011 +brashear 0.887 0.088 +brasher 0.828 0.108 +brasil 0.591 0.038 +brasile 0.656 0.043 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0.963 0.027 +brazzil 0.780 0.053 +brb 0.044 0.536 +brc 0.009 0.937 +brca 0.013 0.942 +brch 0.024 0.965 +brd 0.138 0.632 +brdf 0.006 0.972 +brdrnone 0.000 0.000 +brdrs 0.001 0.001 +bre 0.317 0.504 +brea 0.842 0.085 +breach 0.104 0.036 +breached 0.019 0.005 +breaches 0.075 0.009 +breaching 0.139 0.010 +bread 0.355 0.033 +breadboard 0.294 0.036 +breadcrumb 0.732 0.002 +breadcrumbs 0.439 0.005 +breaded 0.382 0.057 +breadfruit 0.318 0.025 +breading 0.232 0.025 +breadmaker 0.648 0.030 +breadmakers 0.856 0.008 +breadman 0.825 0.088 +breads 0.570 0.023 +breadsticks 0.538 0.029 +breadth 0.094 0.006 +breadwinner 0.128 0.006 +break 0.196 0.030 +breakable 0.109 0.036 +breakage 0.114 0.018 +breakages 0.078 0.034 +breakaway 0.477 0.062 +breakbeat 0.683 0.056 +breakbeats 0.303 0.046 +breakcore 0.604 0.048 +breakdance 0.433 0.038 +breakdancing 0.466 0.011 +breakdown 0.366 0.028 +breakdowns 0.145 0.017 +breaker 0.434 0.063 +breakers 0.554 0.052 +breakeven 0.402 0.016 +breakfast 0.555 0.020 +breakfasts 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0.032 +broadus 0.852 0.127 +broadview 0.877 0.103 +broadwater 0.876 0.101 +broadway 0.888 0.052 +broadwing 0.868 0.100 +broan 0.892 0.050 +broc 0.660 0.173 +broca 0.878 0.022 +brocade 0.687 0.058 +broccoli 0.472 0.069 +broch 0.737 0.039 +brochure 0.522 0.030 +brochures 0.500 0.018 +brock 0.920 0.055 +brocken 0.090 0.051 +brockenhurst 0.961 0.030 +brocket 0.867 0.044 +brockett 0.894 0.086 +brockley 0.923 0.064 +brockman 0.899 0.089 +brockmann 0.926 0.051 +brockovich 0.933 0.050 +brockport 0.913 0.071 +brockton 0.916 0.063 +brockville 0.933 0.051 +brockway 0.882 0.098 +brockwell 0.887 0.067 +brocton 0.833 0.133 +brod 0.873 0.056 +broder 0.874 0.067 +broderbund 0.913 0.063 +broderick 0.940 0.043 +brodeur 0.928 0.057 +brodhead 0.851 0.121 +brodick 0.931 0.025 +brodie 0.901 0.064 +brodit 0.990 0.003 +brodsky 0.946 0.040 +brody 0.904 0.054 +broek 0.856 0.036 +broeker 0.927 0.016 +broer 0.479 0.018 +brogan 0.922 0.054 +brogden 0.762 0.228 +broglie 0.963 0.019 +brogue 0.497 0.080 +broil 0.699 0.035 +broiled 0.341 0.060 +broiler 0.355 0.041 +broilers 0.391 0.030 +broiling 0.186 0.065 +broilmaster 0.975 0.008 +broin 0.972 0.011 +brok 0.521 0.175 +brokaw 0.927 0.050 +broke 0.076 0.011 +brokeback 0.954 0.024 +broken 0.354 0.018 +brokenhearted 0.323 0.021 +brokenness 0.161 0.007 +broker 0.426 0.022 +brokerage 0.487 0.024 +brokerages 0.359 0.006 +brokered 0.200 0.022 +brokering 0.242 0.015 +brokers 0.576 0.016 +broking 0.494 0.024 +brolin 0.944 0.035 +brolly 0.657 0.047 +brom 0.882 0.069 +broman 0.949 0.036 +bromas 0.123 0.003 +bromate 0.275 0.124 +bromberg 0.942 0.044 +brome 0.503 0.040 +bromelain 0.728 0.026 +bromeliad 0.692 0.042 +bromeliads 0.430 0.034 +bromfield 0.906 0.075 +bromide 0.235 0.063 +bromides 0.381 0.031 +brominated 0.311 0.089 +bromine 0.329 0.107 +bromley 0.935 0.047 +bromo 0.451 0.080 +bromocriptine 0.461 0.022 +brompheniramine 0.677 0.023 +brompton 0.894 0.082 +bromsgrove 0.925 0.042 +bromus 0.965 0.018 +bromwell 0.862 0.131 +bromwich 0.926 0.050 +bromyard 0.456 0.535 +bron 0.687 0.114 +bronc 0.632 0.072 +bronchi 0.346 0.018 +bronchial 0.243 0.014 +bronchiectasis 0.435 0.022 +bronchiolitis 0.408 0.013 +bronchitis 0.318 0.016 +bronchoalveolar 0.349 0.005 +bronchodilator 0.359 0.010 +bronchodilators 0.233 0.038 +bronchopulmonary 0.351 0.011 +bronchoscopy 0.419 0.012 +bronchospasm 0.140 0.009 +bronchus 0.256 0.049 +bronco 0.763 0.078 +broncos 0.933 0.039 +broncs 0.901 0.023 +bronfman 0.966 0.028 +bronica 0.831 0.111 +bronner 0.910 0.064 +bronson 0.887 0.079 +bronstein 0.948 0.037 +bronte 0.869 0.079 +brontosaurus 0.573 0.045 +bronwen 0.952 0.027 +bronwyn 0.940 0.033 +bronx 0.884 0.064 +bronxville 0.879 0.088 +bronze 0.595 0.066 +bronzeage 0.000 0.000 +bronzed 0.317 0.076 +bronzer 0.579 0.166 +bronzes 0.387 0.062 +bronzing 0.621 0.098 +brooch 0.514 0.161 +brooches 0.792 0.031 +brood 0.305 0.026 +brooding 0.139 0.009 +broodmare 0.470 0.030 +broods 0.079 0.006 +broodstock 0.203 0.015 +brook 0.798 0.080 +brookdale 0.918 0.064 +brooke 0.787 0.041 +brooker 0.899 0.081 +brookes 0.935 0.042 +brookfield 0.900 0.078 +brookhaven 0.915 0.071 +brookhollow 0.825 0.133 +brooking 0.851 0.076 +brookings 0.935 0.052 +brookins 0.640 0.352 +brookland 0.907 0.063 +brooklands 0.931 0.054 +brooklawn 0.868 0.101 +brooklin 0.782 0.124 +brookline 0.907 0.058 +brooklyn 0.905 0.047 +brookman 0.826 0.162 +brooks 0.834 0.063 +brookshire 0.851 0.105 +brookside 0.869 0.092 +brookston 0.889 0.079 +brookstone 0.934 0.020 +brooksville 0.820 0.153 +brooktrout 0.888 0.095 +brookvale 0.728 0.225 +brookville 0.837 0.132 +brookwood 0.879 0.101 +broom 0.506 0.044 +broomall 0.881 0.088 +broomball 0.662 0.039 +broome 0.859 0.066 +broomfield 0.910 0.070 +brooms 0.602 0.036 +broomstick 0.344 0.038 +broomsticks 0.629 0.044 +brophy 0.921 0.059 +brora 0.927 0.047 +bros 0.653 0.165 +brose 0.817 0.054 +broseley 0.881 0.099 +broses 0.049 0.005 +brosius 0.945 0.050 +brosnan 0.940 0.035 +bross 0.813 0.061 +brossard 0.890 0.090 +brosseau 0.913 0.075 +brot 0.587 0.047 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0.031 +brueghel 0.913 0.046 +bruel 0.849 0.073 +bruford 0.910 0.049 +brug 0.391 0.035 +bruges 0.919 0.024 +brugge 0.864 0.077 +bruggeman 0.931 0.049 +bruhn 0.913 0.069 +bruijn 0.960 0.029 +bruin 0.841 0.092 +bruins 0.941 0.030 +bruise 0.168 0.011 +bruised 0.133 0.010 +bruiser 0.645 0.065 +bruises 0.146 0.009 +bruising 0.095 0.006 +bruit 0.191 0.031 +bruitages 0.958 0.000 +brujeria 0.354 0.024 +bruk 0.461 0.031 +bruker 0.600 0.050 +brule 0.851 0.087 +brulee 0.546 0.040 +brum 0.790 0.090 +brumbaugh 0.887 0.092 +brumbies 0.908 0.045 +brumby 0.867 0.092 +brumfield 0.832 0.116 +brumley 0.880 0.098 +brumm 0.786 0.177 +brummer 0.909 0.069 +brun 0.792 0.078 +bruna 0.634 0.040 +brunch 0.624 0.022 +brunches 0.402 0.012 +brundage 0.916 0.076 +brundtland 0.981 0.014 +brune 0.682 0.054 +bruneau 0.853 0.121 +brunei 0.954 0.040 +brunel 0.948 0.037 +brunell 0.949 0.037 +brunelle 0.816 0.142 +brunelleschi 0.927 0.035 +brunello 0.791 0.184 +bruner 0.880 0.100 +brunet 0.764 0.079 +brunetka 0.004 0.000 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0.101 +bruxism 0.549 0.023 +bruyn 0.921 0.064 +brw 0.004 0.870 +bry 0.625 0.215 +bryan 0.898 0.057 +bryanna 0.943 0.039 +bryans 0.851 0.095 +bryanston 0.924 0.060 +bryant 0.887 0.081 +bryants 0.907 0.023 +bryce 0.904 0.043 +bryd 0.127 0.012 +bryden 0.883 0.102 +brydon 0.926 0.060 +bryght 0.898 0.000 +brylane 0.960 0.003 +bryman 0.959 0.024 +bryn 0.916 0.045 +brynn 0.884 0.027 +brynner 0.912 0.054 +bryon 0.930 0.043 +bryony 0.866 0.027 +bryophytes 0.375 0.019 +bryson 0.908 0.068 +bryston 0.915 0.050 +brz 0.372 0.525 +brzezinski 0.935 0.057 +bs 0.152 0.769 +bsa 0.013 0.945 +bsac 0.006 0.979 +bsb 0.015 0.910 +bsba 0.000 0.993 +bsc 0.050 0.896 +bscat 0.004 0.993 +bsci 0.020 0.964 +bscw 0.000 0.870 +bsd 0.006 0.897 +bsdgames 0.000 0.000 +bsdi 0.004 0.826 +bsdmainutils 0.000 0.000 +bse 0.005 0.958 +bsee 0.007 0.966 +bset 0.050 0.221 +bsf 0.009 0.760 +bsg 0.016 0.938 +bsh 0.024 0.707 +bsi 0.014 0.930 +bsk 0.197 0.685 +bsl 0.008 0.924 +bsm 0.017 0.911 +bsmt 0.311 0.233 +bsn 0.035 0.932 +bsnl 0.003 0.979 +bso 0.024 0.894 +bsod 0.018 0.844 +bsp 0.013 0.771 +bsr 0.035 0.867 +bss 0.027 0.756 +bst 0.005 0.973 +bstr 0.050 0.829 +bsu 0.007 0.649 +bsw 0.013 0.958 +bsx 0.018 0.875 +bsy 0.038 0.842 +bt 0.104 0.778 +bta 0.009 0.941 +btb 0.026 0.882 +btc 0.026 0.937 +btcc 0.008 0.961 +btcv 0.000 0.991 +btd 0.024 0.848 +bte 0.092 0.809 +btec 0.016 0.977 +btex 0.004 0.813 +btf 0.018 0.896 +btg 0.054 0.904 +bth 0.104 0.700 +bti 0.164 0.801 +btk 0.215 0.682 +btl 0.122 0.714 +btls 0.526 0.325 +btm 0.063 0.794 +btn 0.166 0.653 +bto 0.024 0.868 +btob 0.006 0.035 +btp 0.021 0.862 +btr 0.064 0.824 +btrc 0.003 0.993 +btree 0.119 0.100 +btrieve 0.941 0.027 +btry 0.531 0.435 +bts 0.015 0.863 +btt 0.051 0.761 +bttv 0.015 0.106 +btu 0.312 0.629 +btv 0.018 0.879 +btvs 0.059 0.813 +btw 0.073 0.601 +btwn 0.623 0.081 +btx 0.018 0.932 +bty 0.386 0.243 +bu 0.211 0.377 +bua 0.558 0.345 +buat 0.120 0.096 +bub 0.535 0.097 +bubb 0.817 0.094 +bubba 0.875 0.037 +bubble 0.462 0.042 +bubbled 0.051 0.007 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0.853 0.073 +buckeyes 0.947 0.023 +buckfastleigh 0.781 0.023 +buckhannon 0.887 0.097 +buckhead 0.930 0.035 +buckhorn 0.871 0.072 +buckhurst 0.915 0.065 +buckie 0.915 0.042 +bucking 0.299 0.024 +buckingham 0.911 0.063 +buckinghamshire 0.957 0.017 +buckland 0.894 0.089 +buckle 0.475 0.094 +buckled 0.142 0.010 +buckler 0.675 0.089 +buckles 0.518 0.079 +buckley 0.883 0.077 +bucklin 0.836 0.140 +buckling 0.191 0.018 +buckman 0.910 0.065 +buckmaster 0.864 0.084 +buckminster 0.923 0.036 +bucknell 0.938 0.050 +buckner 0.910 0.071 +buckram 0.393 0.018 +bucks 0.505 0.045 +buckshot 0.716 0.044 +buckskin 0.559 0.045 +bucksport 0.870 0.083 +buckthorn 0.626 0.023 +bucktown 0.967 0.012 +buckwheat 0.490 0.033 +bucky 0.868 0.045 +buco 0.476 0.078 +bucolic 0.169 0.006 +bucs 0.880 0.065 +bucuresti 0.806 0.098 +bucyrus 0.794 0.163 +bud 0.622 0.079 +buda 0.863 0.093 +budapest 0.928 0.032 +budd 0.821 0.075 +budda 0.699 0.093 +buddah 0.658 0.154 +budde 0.938 0.049 +budden 0.779 0.126 +buddha 0.896 0.039 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0.028 +buerosex 0.000 0.000 +buescher 0.894 0.042 +buettner 0.928 0.052 +buf 0.020 0.057 +buff 0.388 0.059 +buffa 0.722 0.054 +buffalo 0.862 0.046 +buffaloes 0.773 0.015 +buffalos 0.515 0.032 +buffed 0.129 0.015 +buffer 0.183 0.029 +buffered 0.173 0.020 +buffering 0.224 0.007 +buffers 0.174 0.029 +buffet 0.451 0.038 +buffeted 0.068 0.004 +buffets 0.476 0.022 +buffett 0.900 0.036 +buffing 0.424 0.072 +buffington 0.889 0.101 +buffon 0.871 0.064 +buffoon 0.197 0.013 +buffoons 0.192 0.007 +buffs 0.283 0.016 +buffy 0.798 0.045 +bufing 0.000 0.000 +buflen 0.002 0.085 +bufo 0.836 0.040 +buford 0.898 0.075 +bufr 0.009 0.938 +bufsize 0.019 0.276 +bug 0.452 0.037 +bugaboo 0.437 0.019 +bugatti 0.806 0.051 +bugbear 0.493 0.023 +bugdom 0.963 0.004 +bugfix 0.294 0.051 +bugfixes 0.089 0.003 +bugg 0.766 0.122 +bugge 0.949 0.040 +bugged 0.258 0.016 +bugger 0.307 0.022 +buggered 0.090 0.006 +buggers 0.135 0.016 +buggery 0.204 0.017 +buggies 0.576 0.023 +buggin 0.554 0.051 +bugging 0.189 0.014 +buggs 0.788 0.065 +buggy 0.364 0.051 +bugil 0.025 0.009 +bugis 0.839 0.021 +bugle 0.585 0.124 +bugler 0.616 0.089 +bugles 0.435 0.054 +bugmail 0.017 0.000 +bugreport 0.476 0.067 +bugs 0.409 0.031 +bugsy 0.850 0.051 +bugtrack 0.930 0.000 +bugtracker 0.758 0.000 +bugtraq 0.721 0.136 +bugz 0.804 0.060 +bugzi 0.000 0.000 +bugzilla 0.356 0.002 +buh 0.377 0.101 +buhay 0.302 0.057 +buhl 0.836 0.109 +buhler 0.873 0.103 +buhr 0.874 0.088 +bui 0.562 0.210 +buick 0.847 0.092 +buie 0.811 0.087 +buil 0.346 0.082 +build 0.257 0.016 +buildable 0.232 0.047 +buildbot 0.104 0.002 +buildd 0.242 0.000 +builddir 0.000 0.255 +builded 0.029 0.006 +builder 0.607 0.038 +builders 0.688 0.027 +buildin 0.261 0.068 +building 0.402 0.025 +buildings 0.289 0.019 +buildout 0.365 0.022 +buildpackage 0.000 0.000 +buildrequires 0.109 0.000 +buildroot 0.043 0.014 +builds 0.127 0.012 +buildup 0.085 0.014 +built 0.219 0.012 +builth 0.860 0.023 +builtin 0.083 0.046 +builtins 0.115 0.011 +buisiness 0.333 0.026 +buisness 0.321 0.032 +buitenland 0.146 0.023 +bujold 0.956 0.016 +buju 0.859 0.082 +bujumbura 0.928 0.056 +buk 0.507 0.141 +buka 0.618 0.235 +bukake 0.096 0.001 +bukakke 0.253 0.002 +bukaky 0.000 0.000 +bukan 0.208 0.028 +bukhara 0.927 0.059 +bukhari 0.971 0.014 +bukit 0.922 0.033 +bukkakae 0.000 0.000 +bukkake 0.089 0.010 +bukowski 0.867 0.068 +buku 0.647 0.030 +bul 0.339 0.460 +bula 0.810 0.094 +bulacan 0.822 0.100 +bulan 0.590 0.039 +bulawayo 0.953 0.041 +bulb 0.357 0.050 +bulbophyllum 0.987 0.008 +bulbous 0.187 0.022 +bulbs 0.454 0.035 +bulbul 0.887 0.022 +bulding 0.301 0.039 +bule 0.254 0.036 +bulent 0.836 0.066 +bulfinch 0.989 0.008 +bulgakov 0.938 0.031 +bulgar 0.737 0.058 +bulgari 0.798 0.074 +bulgaria 0.913 0.040 +bulgarian 0.920 0.016 +bulgarians 0.957 0.017 +bulgarien 0.245 0.005 +bulge 0.294 0.021 +bulged 0.033 0.007 +bulger 0.929 0.051 +bulges 0.076 0.005 +bulging 0.091 0.007 +bulgur 0.436 0.038 +bulimia 0.475 0.021 +bulimic 0.202 0.014 +bulk 0.358 0.077 +bulked 0.122 0.029 +bulkhead 0.307 0.065 +bulkheads 0.220 0.023 +bulkier 0.025 0.003 +bulking 0.262 0.062 +bulkley 0.897 0.096 +bulks 0.147 0.016 +bulky 0.132 0.016 +bull 0.654 0.052 +bulla 0.698 0.128 +bullard 0.892 0.087 +bulldog 0.771 0.058 +bulldogs 0.929 0.040 +bulldoze 0.120 0.050 +bulldozed 0.049 0.007 +bulldozer 0.321 0.037 +bulldozers 0.173 0.018 +bulldozing 0.322 0.014 +bulle 0.699 0.066 +bullen 0.827 0.156 +buller 0.876 0.106 +bullet 0.346 0.029 +bulleted 0.495 0.002 +bulletin 0.728 0.057 +bulletins 0.581 0.034 +bulletproof 0.624 0.025 +bullets 0.314 0.027 +bulley 0.933 0.054 +bullfight 0.382 0.022 +bullfighter 0.525 0.031 +bullfighting 0.556 0.034 +bullfinch 0.695 0.156 +bullfrog 0.687 0.038 +bullhead 0.760 0.085 +bullhorn 0.413 0.044 +bulli 0.630 0.314 +bullied 0.082 0.013 +bullies 0.315 0.025 +bullion 0.452 0.082 +bullis 0.902 0.084 +bullish 0.197 0.031 +bullit 0.602 0.044 +bullitt 0.871 0.091 +bullmastiff 0.890 0.029 +bullnose 0.580 0.085 +bulloch 0.917 0.069 +bullock 0.804 0.052 +bullocks 0.398 0.027 +bulloney 0.989 0.004 +bullosa 0.394 0.044 +bullough 0.925 0.037 +bullous 0.366 0.022 +bullpen 0.506 0.021 +bullring 0.587 0.049 +bulls 0.713 0.038 +bullseye 0.794 0.067 +bullsh 0.283 0.056 +bullshit 0.204 0.041 +bullwhip 0.686 0.024 +bullwinkle 0.889 0.051 +bully 0.404 0.037 +bullying 0.289 0.013 +bullys 0.691 0.040 +bullz 0.955 0.000 +bulma 0.146 0.005 +bulman 0.904 0.090 +bulmer 0.922 0.068 +bulova 0.861 0.059 +bulow 0.933 0.050 +bulrush 0.311 0.031 +bult 0.776 0.039 +bultaco 0.845 0.056 +bulte 0.978 0.007 +bulverde 0.883 0.097 +bulwark 0.180 0.021 +bulwarks 0.062 0.013 +bulwer 0.847 0.139 +bum 0.300 0.071 +bumbershoot 0.893 0.013 +bumble 0.760 0.032 +bumblebee 0.673 0.034 +bumblebees 0.340 0.021 +bumbling 0.105 0.006 +bumbo 0.814 0.097 +bumgarner 0.880 0.100 +bumiller 0.831 0.165 +bummed 0.080 0.012 +bummer 0.414 0.021 +bump 0.264 0.136 +bumped 0.183 0.013 +bumper 0.483 0.050 +bumpers 0.545 0.053 +bumperstickers 0.547 0.058 +bumpin 0.441 0.034 +bumping 0.152 0.015 +bumpkin 0.418 0.018 +bumps 0.191 0.083 +bumpus 0.865 0.092 +bumpy 0.180 0.013 +bums 0.414 0.040 +bumsen 0.006 0.001 +bumskontakte 0.000 0.000 +bumst 0.000 0.000 +bun 0.433 0.171 +buna 0.718 0.134 +bunbury 0.606 0.116 +bunce 0.914 0.067 +bunch 0.123 0.014 +buncha 0.257 0.015 +bunche 0.897 0.083 +bunched 0.080 0.009 +bunches 0.333 0.017 +bunching 0.155 0.019 +bunco 0.688 0.077 +buncombe 0.896 0.077 +bund 0.600 0.067 +bunda 0.358 0.066 +bundaberg 0.859 0.114 +bundchen 0.855 0.022 +bundesamt 0.918 0.016 +bundesanstalt 0.967 0.022 +bundesbank 0.951 0.029 +bundesliga 0.878 0.069 +bundesministerium 0.930 0.021 +bundesrepublik 0.893 0.018 +bundestag 0.969 0.013 +bundeswehr 0.872 0.017 +bundle 0.448 0.050 +bundled 0.257 0.009 +bundles 0.482 0.089 +bundling 0.271 0.013 +bundoora 0.819 0.134 +bundt 0.732 0.036 +bundy 0.798 0.081 +bune 0.857 0.010 +bung 0.355 0.080 +bunga 0.635 0.160 +bungalow 0.558 0.044 +bungalows 0.507 0.018 +bungay 0.854 0.044 +bunge 0.902 0.063 +bungee 0.495 0.046 +bungie 0.900 0.012 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+buoyed 0.226 0.007 +buoys 0.320 0.032 +bup 0.122 0.563 +bupa 0.076 0.892 +bupivacaine 0.381 0.022 +bupleurum 0.828 0.014 +buprenorphine 0.381 0.018 +bupropion 0.420 0.020 +bur 0.127 0.098 +burak 0.888 0.051 +buran 0.880 0.068 +burana 0.732 0.040 +burani 0.827 0.162 +buras 0.855 0.132 +burb 0.298 0.363 +burbage 0.898 0.089 +burbank 0.906 0.064 +burberry 0.737 0.111 +burberrys 0.804 0.152 +burbidge 0.879 0.113 +burbridge 0.909 0.082 +burbs 0.449 0.019 +burch 0.892 0.082 +burcham 0.895 0.100 +burchard 0.928 0.059 +burchell 0.909 0.082 +burchett 0.897 0.098 +burchfield 0.910 0.083 +burchill 0.947 0.044 +burckhardt 0.958 0.035 +burd 0.821 0.099 +burda 0.872 0.047 +burdekin 0.927 0.067 +burden 0.116 0.011 +burdened 0.055 0.004 +burdening 0.025 0.007 +burdens 0.064 0.007 +burdensome 0.021 0.005 +burdett 0.854 0.090 +burdette 0.894 0.086 +burdick 0.925 0.065 +burdine 0.865 0.130 +burdock 0.688 0.031 +burdon 0.855 0.072 +bure 0.824 0.047 +bureau 0.841 0.028 +bureaucracies 0.066 0.003 +bureaucracy 0.131 0.008 +bureaucrat 0.234 0.009 +bureaucratic 0.076 0.006 +bureaucrats 0.079 0.006 +bureaus 0.391 0.019 +bureaux 0.510 0.017 +buren 0.855 0.113 +bures 0.818 0.036 +burford 0.928 0.057 +burg 0.597 0.112 +burgan 0.930 0.054 +burgandy 0.651 0.137 +burgas 0.892 0.097 +burgdorferi 0.014 0.016 +burge 0.900 0.083 +burgenland 0.920 0.049 +burgeoning 0.046 0.002 +burger 0.693 0.056 +burgers 0.478 0.026 +burges 0.796 0.180 +burgess 0.902 0.072 +burgesses 0.597 0.009 +burgh 0.690 0.053 +burghardt 0.941 0.050 +burghers 0.233 0.007 +burghley 0.950 0.031 +burgholzhausen 0.000 0.000 +burgin 0.889 0.102 +burglar 0.502 0.034 +burglaries 0.210 0.015 +burglars 0.228 0.018 +burglary 0.348 0.082 +burgman 0.833 0.035 +burgon 0.950 0.034 +burgos 0.855 0.069 +burgoyne 0.929 0.063 +burgundian 0.947 0.016 +burgundy 0.770 0.070 +buri 0.644 0.291 +burial 0.471 0.029 +burials 0.554 0.024 +burian 0.941 0.045 +buried 0.171 0.015 +burien 0.905 0.054 +buries 0.140 0.013 +burin 0.775 0.057 +buring 0.480 0.022 +burj 0.881 0.022 +burk 0.860 0.091 +burka 0.677 0.021 +burkburnett 0.788 0.154 +burke 0.844 0.057 +burkert 0.923 0.062 +burkes 0.705 0.243 +burkesville 0.863 0.107 +burkett 0.911 0.063 +burkeville 0.806 0.159 +burkhalter 0.919 0.076 +burkhard 0.969 0.022 +burkhardt 0.901 0.091 +burkhart 0.874 0.105 +burkholder 0.902 0.092 +burkholderia 0.978 0.007 +burkina 0.953 0.042 +burkitt 0.944 0.036 +burks 0.870 0.095 +burl 0.676 0.127 +burlap 0.358 0.038 +burleigh 0.800 0.169 +burleson 0.896 0.086 +burlesque 0.481 0.036 +burley 0.824 0.102 +burling 0.883 0.085 +burlingame 0.887 0.062 +burlingham 0.937 0.056 +burlington 0.909 0.067 +burly 0.200 0.020 +burma 0.857 0.058 +burman 0.935 0.045 +burmeister 0.936 0.048 +burmese 0.929 0.042 +burn 0.315 0.031 +burnaby 0.918 0.044 +burne 0.828 0.071 +burned 0.074 0.009 +burnell 0.907 0.083 +burner 0.539 0.034 +burners 0.472 0.015 +burnes 0.829 0.100 +burness 0.971 0.025 +burnet 0.870 0.087 +burnett 0.903 0.079 +burnette 0.873 0.084 +burney 0.880 0.109 +burnham 0.906 0.055 +burnie 0.894 0.078 +burnin 0.518 0.040 +burning 0.342 0.017 +burningbird 0.884 0.000 +burningman 0.510 0.030 +burnings 0.091 0.013 +burnish 0.247 0.030 +burnished 0.413 0.130 +burnishing 0.333 0.029 +burnitz 0.956 0.015 +burnley 0.925 0.048 +burnout 0.645 0.020 +burnouts 0.393 0.027 +burns 0.669 0.065 +burnside 0.893 0.083 +burnsville 0.906 0.071 +burnt 0.338 0.026 +burntisland 0.951 0.038 +burntwood 0.832 0.048 +burnup 0.247 0.030 +buro 0.634 0.103 +burp 0.457 0.190 +burpee 0.856 0.065 +burping 0.247 0.017 +burps 0.251 0.053 +burqa 0.187 0.023 +burr 0.833 0.066 +burra 0.845 0.085 +burrard 0.951 0.032 +burrell 0.859 0.091 +burren 0.919 0.056 +burress 0.914 0.069 +burri 0.933 0.039 +burridge 0.916 0.068 +burried 0.157 0.017 +burrill 0.924 0.067 +burrington 0.477 0.518 +burris 0.886 0.084 +burrito 0.591 0.042 +burritos 0.425 0.026 +burro 0.580 0.055 +burros 0.368 0.057 +burrough 0.916 0.059 +burroughs 0.906 0.062 +burrow 0.417 0.052 +burrowed 0.023 0.111 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+bused 0.026 0.014 +busen 0.143 0.015 +busenfick 0.000 0.000 +buses 0.258 0.055 +busey 0.882 0.048 +bush 0.814 0.026 +bushehr 0.975 0.020 +bushel 0.177 0.021 +bushell 0.868 0.089 +bushels 0.097 0.020 +bushes 0.272 0.014 +bushey 0.845 0.062 +bushfire 0.446 0.028 +bushfires 0.341 0.025 +bushido 0.839 0.042 +bushies 0.942 0.013 +bushing 0.457 0.166 +bushings 0.440 0.040 +bushisms 0.934 0.020 +bushkill 0.897 0.038 +bushland 0.308 0.106 +bushman 0.870 0.033 +bushmaster 0.815 0.080 +bushmeat 0.321 0.020 +bushmen 0.781 0.049 +bushmills 0.853 0.117 +bushnell 0.897 0.062 +bushorgnz 0.000 0.000 +bushs 0.740 0.060 +bushveld 0.822 0.014 +bushwacker 0.882 0.073 +bushwalking 0.551 0.086 +bushwhacked 0.790 0.023 +bushwick 0.878 0.052 +bushy 0.331 0.033 +busi 0.154 0.138 +busied 0.012 0.000 +busiek 0.938 0.038 +busier 0.030 0.004 +busiest 0.206 0.005 +busily 0.008 0.002 +busin 0.485 0.045 +busine 0.560 0.090 +busines 0.369 0.027 +business 0.537 0.023 +businesses 0.287 0.008 +businesslike 0.053 0.013 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0.648 0.050 +busting 0.233 0.015 +bustle 0.117 0.018 +bustling 0.041 0.002 +busto 0.706 0.050 +bustos 0.870 0.101 +busts 0.443 0.110 +busty 0.383 0.009 +busway 0.450 0.046 +buswell 0.915 0.079 +busy 0.127 0.024 +busybox 0.043 0.007 +busyness 0.131 0.006 +but 0.198 0.006 +buta 0.790 0.036 +butadiene 0.300 0.106 +butalbital 0.249 0.005 +butane 0.438 0.075 +butanol 0.273 0.042 +butch 0.803 0.044 +butchart 0.932 0.042 +butcher 0.625 0.045 +butchered 0.066 0.009 +butchering 0.218 0.016 +butchers 0.672 0.035 +butchery 0.325 0.063 +bute 0.897 0.065 +butene 0.255 0.071 +buteo 0.840 0.012 +butera 0.869 0.106 +buteshire 0.988 0.003 +buteyko 0.959 0.014 +buti 0.713 0.028 +butik 0.138 0.005 +bution 0.001 0.004 +butions 0.000 0.012 +butkus 0.815 0.091 +butler 0.854 0.082 +butlers 0.679 0.078 +butlins 0.869 0.069 +butner 0.859 0.118 +buts 0.100 0.025 +butt 0.204 0.018 +butta 0.733 0.071 +butte 0.897 0.068 +butted 0.173 0.016 +butter 0.329 0.033 +butterball 0.770 0.040 +buttercream 0.561 0.058 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0.122 +butylene 0.623 0.047 +butyrate 0.212 0.048 +butyric 0.298 0.086 +butz 0.917 0.050 +buu 0.688 0.082 +buuren 0.686 0.060 +bux 0.299 0.379 +buxom 0.342 0.007 +buxtehude 0.877 0.079 +buxton 0.877 0.081 +buy 0.588 0.036 +buyagift 0.809 0.035 +buyback 0.505 0.036 +buybacks 0.220 0.027 +buycentral 0.997 0.000 +buydown 0.502 0.017 +buyer 0.710 0.023 +buyers 0.424 0.054 +buyin 0.174 0.017 +buying 0.460 0.015 +buyout 0.315 0.022 +buyouts 0.308 0.013 +buys 0.363 0.050 +buz 0.289 0.591 +buzan 0.954 0.026 +buzios 0.937 0.029 +buzz 0.588 0.066 +buzzard 0.783 0.047 +buzzards 0.662 0.123 +buzzcocks 0.905 0.045 +buzzed 0.101 0.010 +buzzer 0.305 0.038 +buzzers 0.515 0.037 +buzzes 0.086 0.017 +buzzflash 0.754 0.202 +buzzin 0.576 0.167 +buzzing 0.123 0.009 +buzzle 0.977 0.006 +buzznet 0.820 0.002 +buzzsaw 0.693 0.065 +buzzword 0.481 0.006 +buzzwords 0.312 0.499 +buzzy 0.655 0.044 +bv 0.036 0.839 +bva 0.006 0.960 +bvba 0.060 0.490 +bvc 0.154 0.737 +bvd 0.163 0.777 +bve 0.017 0.888 +bvg 0.048 0.888 +bvi 0.013 0.878 +bvlgari 0.795 0.162 +bvm 0.013 0.946 +bvp 0.010 0.919 +bvpi 0.000 0.996 +bvr 0.016 0.924 +bvrp 0.048 0.823 +bvs 0.011 0.900 +bvw 0.019 0.888 +bw 0.089 0.726 +bwa 0.124 0.791 +bwana 0.769 0.033 +bwarsaw 0.000 0.000 +bway 0.560 0.179 +bwc 0.006 0.965 +bwca 0.019 0.949 +bwd 0.031 0.777 +bwe 0.016 0.933 +bwf 0.055 0.763 +bwg 0.012 0.862 +bwh 0.056 0.885 +bwi 0.053 0.904 +bwia 0.067 0.896 +bwindi 0.987 0.005 +bwl 0.023 0.758 +bwm 0.007 0.699 +bwp 0.001 0.966 +bwr 0.012 0.907 +bwrdd 0.860 0.015 +bws 0.146 0.703 +bwt 0.065 0.683 +bwv 0.027 0.962 +bww 0.004 0.388 +bwyd 0.446 0.020 +bwysig 0.026 0.000 +bx 0.156 0.585 +bxl 0.125 0.792 +bxm 0.003 0.939 +by 0.076 0.013 +bya 0.066 0.131 +byacc 0.009 0.007 +byard 0.863 0.106 +byars 0.928 0.064 +byatt 0.915 0.055 +bybee 0.851 0.083 +bybel 0.999 0.001 +byblos 0.773 0.204 +byc 0.030 0.709 +bycatch 0.180 0.020 +byd 0.367 0.186 +bydd 0.449 0.003 +byddai 0.308 0.000 +byddwn 0.394 0.000 +bydgoszcz 0.879 0.033 +bye 0.414 0.096 +byebye 0.406 0.035 +byelaws 0.464 0.029 +byelorussia 0.878 0.119 +byelorussian 0.975 0.020 +byeong 0.983 0.008 +byer 0.839 0.073 +byerly 0.814 0.080 +byers 0.888 0.090 +byes 0.184 0.032 +byfield 0.815 0.139 +byfleet 0.944 0.036 +byford 0.665 0.328 +byg 0.285 0.460 +bygone 0.181 0.025 +bygones 0.383 0.063 +byl 0.233 0.176 +bylaw 0.605 0.053 +bylaws 0.579 0.044 +byline 0.575 0.130 +bylined 0.849 0.000 +bylines 0.315 0.042 +bynes 0.570 0.015 +byng 0.935 0.052 +bynnag 0.003 0.000 +bynum 0.867 0.099 +byo 0.031 0.845 +byob 0.025 0.823 +byp 0.319 0.336 +bypass 0.334 0.031 +bypassed 0.041 0.010 +bypasses 0.098 0.015 +bypassing 0.171 0.009 +byproduct 0.145 0.014 +byproducts 0.132 0.037 +byr 0.086 0.657 +byram 0.891 0.081 +byrd 0.875 0.107 +byrds 0.890 0.077 +byrne 0.917 0.062 +byrnes 0.916 0.058 +byrom 0.935 0.058 +byron 0.913 0.058 +byrum 0.905 0.083 +bys 0.106 0.194 +bysshe 0.943 0.045 +bystander 0.292 0.017 +bystanders 0.096 0.008 +bystrica 0.963 0.020 +byt 0.139 0.136 +byte 0.200 0.088 +bytecc 0.226 0.767 +bytecode 0.058 0.001 +bytecodes 0.119 0.000 +byteorder 0.002 0.034 +bytes 0.092 0.017 +bythe 0.020 0.016 +byu 0.014 0.935 +byung 0.846 0.059 +byw 0.241 0.094 +bywater 0.927 0.049 +byway 0.714 0.015 +byways 0.673 0.016 +byword 0.037 0.006 +bywyd 0.445 0.019 +byzantine 0.874 0.045 +byzantines 0.952 0.011 +byzantium 0.942 0.025 +bz 0.115 0.608 +bza 0.032 0.897 +bzd 0.002 0.987 +bzero 0.004 0.220 +bzflag 0.023 0.009 +bzip 0.029 0.062 +bzn 0.023 0.848 +bzw 0.005 0.059 +c 0.740 0.000 +ca 0.053 0.865 +caa 0.009 0.936 +caaa 0.006 0.944 +caan 0.792 0.158 +caar 0.022 0.323 +caas 0.010 0.966 +caat 0.021 0.910 +cab 0.459 0.194 +caba 0.176 0.724 +cabac 0.466 0.484 +cabal 0.401 0.029 +caballero 0.910 0.035 +caballeros 0.555 0.041 +caballo 0.601 0.046 +caballos 0.118 0.014 +cabana 0.772 0.039 +cabanas 0.698 0.027 +cabaret 0.656 0.063 +cabarete 0.945 0.025 +cabarets 0.294 0.148 +cabarrus 0.922 0.056 +cabas 0.834 0.060 +cabazon 0.911 0.031 +cabbage 0.460 0.056 +cabbages 0.311 0.018 +cabbie 0.387 0.037 +cabbies 0.293 0.032 +cabby 0.530 0.042 +cabe 0.358 0.440 +cabel 0.429 0.065 +cabela 0.933 0.013 +cabelas 0.814 0.049 +cabell 0.887 0.098 +cabello 0.744 0.071 +cabernet 0.908 0.036 +cabeza 0.553 0.036 +cabezas 0.825 0.066 +cabg 0.005 0.983 +cabi 0.130 0.753 +cabin 0.454 0.034 +cabinda 0.806 0.180 +cabine 0.128 0.032 +cabinet 0.572 0.040 +cabinetmaker 0.466 0.044 +cabinetmaking 0.700 0.029 +cabinetry 0.482 0.024 +cabinets 0.578 0.031 +cabins 0.456 0.018 +cabl 0.242 0.412 +cable 0.536 0.059 +cabled 0.215 0.016 +cables 0.679 0.027 +cabletron 0.843 0.131 +cablevision 0.881 0.069 +cabling 0.553 0.011 +cabo 0.854 0.050 +cabochon 0.469 0.141 +cabochons 0.671 0.068 +caboodle 0.594 0.036 +caboolture 0.843 0.110 +caboose 0.548 0.083 +cabos 0.924 0.020 +cabot 0.888 0.076 +cabotine 0.715 0.259 +cabra 0.595 0.028 +cabral 0.916 0.057 +cabramatta 0.786 0.130 +cabrera 0.762 0.049 +cabri 0.659 0.308 +cabrillo 0.925 0.053 +cabrini 0.898 0.076 +cabrio 0.718 0.084 +cabriolet 0.765 0.079 +cabs 0.392 0.090 +cac 0.028 0.736 +caca 0.176 0.398 +cacao 0.446 0.034 +cacc 0.003 0.737 +caccia 0.635 0.036 +cacciatore 0.732 0.089 +caceres 0.796 0.086 +cacfp 0.000 0.993 +cach 0.484 0.160 +cacharel 0.864 0.110 +cache 0.330 0.024 +cacheable 0.241 0.011 +cached 0.665 0.001 +cachep 0.000 0.000 +cacher 0.424 0.004 +cachers 0.656 0.044 +caches 0.203 0.006 +cachet 0.371 0.079 +cachexia 0.318 0.016 +caching 0.303 0.005 +cachondas 0.011 0.000 +cachondos 0.000 0.000 +cachorro 0.144 0.010 +caci 0.083 0.892 +cacia 0.889 0.101 +cacib 0.046 0.923 +cacique 0.667 0.093 +cackle 0.163 0.021 +cackling 0.325 0.030 +cacm 0.002 0.892 +caco 0.798 0.150 +cacophony 0.266 0.011 +cacs 0.009 0.976 +cacti 0.417 0.022 +cactus 0.615 0.050 +caculator 0.104 0.010 +cad 0.048 0.880 +cada 0.139 0.061 +cadalyst 0.935 0.054 +cadastral 0.422 0.023 +cadastre 0.233 0.017 +cadaver 0.357 0.021 +cadaveric 0.202 0.023 +cadavers 0.239 0.013 +cadbury 0.891 0.058 +cadburys 0.840 0.061 +cadc 0.015 0.947 +cadd 0.077 0.839 +cadden 0.972 0.025 +caddesi 0.919 0.038 +caddick 0.657 0.333 +caddie 0.482 0.116 +caddies 0.691 0.052 +caddis 0.656 0.066 +caddo 0.858 0.109 +caddy 0.641 0.107 +caddyshack 0.868 0.055 +cade 0.665 0.208 +cadeau 0.207 0.032 +cadeaux 0.345 0.019 +cadell 0.900 0.089 +cadena 0.619 0.051 +cadence 0.623 0.055 +cadences 0.154 0.006 +cadenhead 0.935 0.045 +cadenza 0.541 0.127 +cades 0.736 0.072 +cadet 0.642 0.058 +cadets 0.507 0.023 +cadfael 0.932 0.047 +cadherin 0.137 0.059 +cadi 0.381 0.482 +cadilac 0.110 0.009 +cadillac 0.845 0.075 +cadillacs 0.850 0.053 +cadiz 0.823 0.067 +cadman 0.876 0.099 +cadmium 0.398 0.053 +cadmus 0.898 0.069 +cadogan 0.935 0.051 +cadou 0.051 0.011 +cadouri 0.041 0.000 +cadr 0.015 0.300 +cadre 0.254 0.066 +cadres 0.080 0.011 +cadrs 0.000 0.004 +cads 0.059 0.254 +caduceus 0.718 0.092 +cadw 0.466 0.152 +cadwallader 0.882 0.102 +cadwell 0.879 0.100 +cady 0.882 0.074 +cae 0.069 0.811 +caedmon 0.939 0.022 +caeds 0.000 0.011 +cael 0.066 0.034 +caen 0.743 0.154 +caenorhabditis 0.986 0.010 +caer 0.531 0.159 +caerdydd 0.970 0.026 +caerleon 0.801 0.079 +caernarfon 0.902 0.033 +caernarfonshire 0.962 0.031 +caerphilly 0.942 0.019 +caerulea 0.039 0.014 +caes 0.170 0.426 +caesar 0.885 0.055 +caesarea 0.952 0.024 +caesarean 0.472 0.029 +caesarian 0.559 0.016 +caesars 0.848 0.053 +caesium 0.262 0.042 +caetano 0.904 0.044 +caf 0.183 0.624 +cafcass 0.070 0.921 +cafds 0.000 0.000 +cafe 0.759 0.046 +cafepress 0.764 0.043 +cafes 0.560 0.016 +cafeteria 0.443 0.023 +cafeterias 0.281 0.037 +caff 0.301 0.396 +caffe 0.769 0.102 +caffeinated 0.353 0.007 +caffeine 0.349 0.018 +caffeinegoddess 0.320 0.000 +cafferty 0.440 0.541 +caffey 0.802 0.187 +caffiene 0.203 0.021 +caffrey 0.860 0.127 +cafo 0.006 0.986 +cafod 0.078 0.919 +cafr 0.003 0.731 +cafs 0.017 0.375 +cafta 0.022 0.970 +cag 0.021 0.822 +cagayan 0.880 0.060 +cagds 0.000 0.000 +cage 0.441 0.085 +caged 0.421 0.030 +cager 0.143 0.030 +cages 0.428 0.027 +cagey 0.313 0.012 +caging 0.539 0.014 +cagiva 0.847 0.088 +cagle 0.883 0.058 +cagliari 0.840 0.043 +cagney 0.899 0.025 +cagr 0.034 0.952 +cags 0.162 0.326 +caguas 0.849 0.119 +cah 0.090 0.724 +cahaba 0.923 0.064 +cahalan 0.974 0.023 +cahen 0.967 0.019 +cahier 0.437 0.029 +cahiers 0.783 0.037 +cahill 0.908 0.078 +cahn 0.894 0.083 +cahners 0.983 0.013 +cahokia 0.845 0.114 +cahoon 0.893 0.089 +cahoot 0.561 0.010 +cahoots 0.202 0.018 +cahors 0.859 0.085 +cahps 0.000 0.994 +cahsee 0.006 0.990 +caht 0.028 0.028 +cai 0.427 0.459 +caiaphas 0.954 0.037 +caicos 0.945 0.045 +caid 0.579 0.248 +caie 0.046 0.932 +caiff 0.485 0.003 +caig 0.506 0.481 +cail 0.240 0.678 +cailin 0.950 0.011 +caillou 0.881 0.091 +caiman 0.574 0.213 +cain 0.825 0.142 +caine 0.904 0.047 +caines 0.869 0.082 +cair 0.076 0.789 +caird 0.890 0.071 +caire 0.875 0.055 +cairn 0.695 0.035 +cairngorm 0.928 0.030 +cairngorms 0.893 0.080 +cairns 0.892 0.049 +cairo 0.848 0.045 +cais 0.136 0.417 +caiso 0.002 0.992 +caisse 0.621 0.079 +caisses 0.474 0.030 +caisson 0.285 0.041 +cait 0.698 0.191 +caitanya 0.946 0.005 +caithness 0.949 0.038 +caitlin 0.903 0.042 +caitlyn 0.902 0.035 +caius 0.947 0.045 +caixa 0.548 0.025 +caj 0.125 0.785 +caja 0.400 0.072 +cajal 0.910 0.024 +cajas 0.261 0.031 +cajole 0.028 0.008 +cajoled 0.010 0.000 +cajon 0.883 0.071 +cajun 0.879 0.042 +cajuns 0.967 0.013 +cak 0.104 0.726 +cake 0.385 0.048 +caked 0.061 0.010 +caker 0.022 0.000 +cakes 0.571 0.024 +cakewalk 0.747 0.053 +cal 0.584 0.183 +cala 0.817 0.098 +calabar 0.904 0.054 +calabasas 0.904 0.057 +calabash 0.788 0.028 +calabi 0.971 0.018 +calabrese 0.818 0.065 +calabria 0.831 0.033 +calabro 0.857 0.035 +calacanis 0.992 0.000 +calafate 0.862 0.102 +calahonda 0.891 0.017 +calais 0.889 0.044 +calamari 0.451 0.137 +calamaris 0.068 0.000 +calame 0.965 0.025 +calamities 0.097 0.008 +calamitous 0.094 0.006 +calamity 0.289 0.018 +calamus 0.716 0.059 +calan 0.871 0.041 +calandar 0.835 0.011 +calander 0.375 0.034 +calandra 0.793 0.057 +calas 0.847 0.076 +calatrava 0.877 0.031 +calaveras 0.856 0.071 +calbiochem 0.987 0.009 +calc 0.424 0.236 +calcareous 0.269 0.257 +calcasieu 0.857 0.134 +calcification 0.157 0.029 +calcifications 0.197 0.018 +calcified 0.195 0.022 +calcined 0.171 0.062 +calcineurin 0.249 0.023 +calcinosis 0.741 0.010 +calcio 0.476 0.035 +calcite 0.314 0.121 +calcitonin 0.457 0.020 +calcitriol 0.579 0.014 +calcium 0.400 0.032 +calcolo 0.186 0.019 +calcomp 0.744 0.125 +calcs 0.480 0.028 +calcu 0.053 0.008 +calcul 0.422 0.026 +calcula 0.101 0.012 +calculable 0.044 0.006 +calculate 0.553 0.007 +calculated 0.086 0.015 +calculater 0.169 0.015 +calculates 0.149 0.006 +calculating 0.199 0.011 +calculation 0.169 0.045 +calculations 0.125 0.013 +calculator 0.529 0.014 +calculators 0.684 0.023 +calculi 0.350 0.014 +calculus 0.497 0.028 +calcutta 0.947 0.029 +cald 0.113 0.771 +caldas 0.906 0.036 +caldb 0.015 0.763 +caldecott 0.953 0.031 +calder 0.895 0.061 +caldera 0.718 0.030 +calderdale 0.832 0.013 +calderon 0.890 0.067 +calderone 0.918 0.059 +calderwood 0.922 0.065 +caldicot 0.808 0.039 +caldicott 0.967 0.027 +caldo 0.244 0.277 +caldwell 0.878 0.095 +cale 0.824 0.078 +calea 0.197 0.770 +caleb 0.916 0.041 +caledon 0.937 0.049 +caledonia 0.932 0.059 +caledonian 0.957 0.028 +calella 0.865 0.037 +calen 0.652 0.098 +calend 0.904 0.028 +calendar 0.736 0.035 +calendaring 0.349 0.006 +calendario 0.262 0.038 +calendars 0.745 0.029 +calender 0.590 0.041 +calenders 0.545 0.014 +calendrier 0.438 0.027 +calendula 0.733 0.036 +calera 0.863 0.103 +calero 0.918 0.068 +caleta 0.923 0.030 +calexico 0.871 0.064 +caley 0.905 0.068 +calf 0.364 0.041 +calfed 0.028 0.966 +calfee 0.921 0.068 +calflora 0.997 0.000 +calfskin 0.418 0.033 +calgary 0.906 0.042 +calgon 0.624 0.300 +calhoun 0.885 0.092 +cali 0.715 0.096 +calib 0.216 0.251 +caliban 0.844 0.085 +caliber 0.307 0.025 +calibers 0.155 0.024 +calibex 0.998 0.000 +calibra 0.531 0.119 +calibrate 0.199 0.023 +calibrated 0.111 0.013 +calibrating 0.307 0.035 +calibration 0.342 0.027 +calibrations 0.147 0.011 +calibrator 0.540 0.041 +calibrators 0.660 0.020 +calibre 0.312 0.041 +calibur 0.690 0.025 +calice 0.113 0.840 +calico 0.681 0.081 +calicut 0.962 0.015 +calida 0.557 0.021 +calidad 0.211 0.055 +calidris 0.986 0.007 +caliente 0.561 0.055 +calientes 0.109 0.009 +calif 0.615 0.259 +califano 0.937 0.053 +califone 0.896 0.078 +califonia 0.608 0.023 +califor 0.484 0.444 +califorina 0.236 0.019 +california 0.905 0.031 +californian 0.950 0.014 +californians 0.971 0.018 +californica 0.041 0.020 +californication 0.894 0.024 +caligari 0.903 0.035 +caligula 0.891 0.035 +calimesa 0.905 0.049 +calin 0.799 0.046 +calipatria 0.798 0.195 +caliper 0.541 0.100 +calipers 0.421 0.032 +caliph 0.620 0.012 +caliphate 0.569 0.010 +caliphs 0.448 0.010 +calis 0.559 0.129 +calista 0.837 0.049 +calisthenics 0.312 0.020 +calistoga 0.907 0.041 +calix 0.525 0.174 +calkins 0.886 0.102 +call 0.345 0.043 +calla 0.738 0.060 +callable 0.217 0.027 +callaghan 0.907 0.080 +callahan 0.898 0.088 +callan 0.918 0.050 +callanan 0.935 0.061 +callander 0.946 0.038 +callao 0.904 0.067 +callas 0.830 0.046 +callaway 0.850 0.076 +callback 0.188 0.035 +callbacks 0.159 0.008 +calle 0.803 0.056 +callea 0.896 0.050 +called 0.029 0.006 +callee 0.123 0.010 +calleja 0.882 0.049 +callen 0.863 0.060 +callender 0.875 0.091 +caller 0.365 0.048 +callers 0.194 0.011 +callery 0.873 0.041 +calles 0.479 0.032 +calley 0.910 0.057 +callgirl 0.107 0.007 +callgirls 0.038 0.006 +calli 0.644 0.146 +callicoon 0.869 0.114 +callicut 0.902 0.052 +callie 0.899 0.056 +calligrapher 0.409 0.039 +calligraphers 0.624 0.019 +calligraphic 0.503 0.007 +calligraphy 0.605 0.023 +callin 0.469 0.027 +calling 0.239 0.015 +callings 0.165 0.012 +callington 0.828 0.164 +calliope 0.781 0.088 +calliper 0.566 0.020 +callis 0.890 0.080 +callison 0.858 0.129 +callisto 0.906 0.051 +calloc 0.022 0.034 +callon 0.938 0.042 +callosum 0.351 0.009 +callous 0.087 0.014 +callousness 0.082 0.007 +callout 0.264 0.049 +callouts 0.293 0.012 +callow 0.597 0.175 +calloway 0.852 0.070 +calls 0.210 0.015 +callsign 0.432 0.047 +callum 0.892 0.041 +callus 0.285 0.044 +calluses 0.314 0.006 +cally 0.149 0.013 +calm 0.254 0.096 +calma 0.678 0.058 +calmar 0.821 0.110 +calme 0.372 0.046 +calmed 0.016 0.003 +calmer 0.121 0.016 +calmette 0.959 0.026 +calming 0.262 0.019 +calmly 0.033 0.003 +calmness 0.170 0.005 +calmodulin 0.336 0.045 +calms 0.152 0.055 +calne 0.932 0.049 +calo 0.511 0.153 +calogero 0.853 0.093 +calon 0.526 0.212 +calor 0.698 0.051 +caloric 0.260 0.009 +calorie 0.387 0.016 +calories 0.342 0.012 +calorific 0.196 0.012 +calorimeter 0.433 0.020 +calorimeters 0.352 0.039 +calorimetric 0.289 0.025 +calorimetry 0.403 0.024 +caloundra 0.807 0.164 +calp 0.126 0.767 +calpain 0.309 0.025 +calpe 0.842 0.042 +calphalon 0.967 0.009 +calpine 0.922 0.072 +cals 0.164 0.514 +caltech 0.929 0.043 +caltex 0.887 0.073 +calthorpe 0.933 0.060 +calton 0.918 0.062 +caltrain 0.925 0.028 +caltrans 0.919 0.071 +calulator 0.159 0.009 +calum 0.915 0.030 +calumet 0.887 0.089 +calumny 0.155 0.011 +calvados 0.855 0.045 +calvary 0.892 0.064 +calve 0.346 0.023 +calver 0.704 0.245 +calverley 0.952 0.039 +calvert 0.914 0.071 +calverton 0.922 0.068 +calves 0.150 0.025 +calvi 0.889 0.040 +calvia 0.946 0.018 +calvin 0.886 0.063 +calving 0.150 0.014 +calvinism 0.942 0.015 +calvinist 0.951 0.007 +calvinistic 0.962 0.010 +calvinists 0.960 0.008 +calvino 0.926 0.024 +calvo 0.924 0.048 +calwell 0.757 0.220 +calypso 0.863 0.043 +calyx 0.515 0.050 +calzone 0.720 0.045 +calzones 0.534 0.038 +cam 0.247 0.121 +cama 0.231 0.245 +camac 0.200 0.732 +camacho 0.915 0.058 +camalich 0.177 0.000 +camano 0.828 0.134 +camara 0.408 0.051 +camaraderie 0.053 0.004 +camaras 0.078 0.014 +camargo 0.977 0.016 +camargue 0.859 0.068 +camarilla 0.900 0.021 +camarillo 0.884 0.062 +camarines 0.823 0.092 +camaro 0.711 0.091 +camaros 0.721 0.051 +camas 0.662 0.072 +camb 0.628 0.327 +cambell 0.781 0.078 +camber 0.517 0.066 +camberley 0.941 0.027 +camberwell 0.805 0.169 +cambia 0.374 0.105 +cambiar 0.213 0.012 +cambie 0.840 0.047 +cambio 0.258 0.027 +cambios 0.217 0.036 +cambium 0.382 0.013 +cambler 0.000 0.000 +cambodia 0.928 0.037 +cambodian 0.962 0.011 +cambodians 0.974 0.011 +cambon 0.637 0.127 +camborne 0.920 0.025 +cambourne 0.938 0.026 +cambrai 0.834 0.155 +cambria 0.605 0.046 +cambrian 0.925 0.045 +cambridge 0.944 0.028 +cambridgeshire 0.963 0.018 +cambro 0.930 0.047 +cambs 0.906 0.048 +camby 0.893 0.055 +camchat 0.012 0.000 +camchats 0.000 0.000 +camco 0.658 0.252 +camcorder 0.644 0.082 +camcorders 0.832 0.023 +camden 0.905 0.061 +camdenton 0.870 0.096 +came 0.025 0.006 +cameco 0.930 0.065 +camedia 0.677 0.238 +camejo 0.955 0.040 +camel 0.230 0.023 +camelback 0.838 0.047 +camelbak 0.899 0.074 +cameleon 0.816 0.020 +camelford 0.957 0.035 +camelia 0.787 0.084 +camellia 0.800 0.068 +camellias 0.489 0.022 +camelot 0.905 0.036 +camels 0.323 0.029 +cameltoe 0.192 0.001 +cameltoes 0.083 0.001 +camembert 0.799 0.020 +cameo 0.516 0.126 +cameos 0.412 0.039 +camer 0.489 0.101 +camera 0.530 0.042 +cameraman 0.284 0.012 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0.566 0.040 +campa 0.740 0.082 +campagna 0.688 0.068 +campagne 0.457 0.033 +campagnolo 0.904 0.069 +campaign 0.297 0.020 +campaigned 0.011 0.002 +campaigner 0.236 0.022 +campaigners 0.215 0.018 +campaigning 0.193 0.011 +campaigns 0.280 0.024 +campana 0.737 0.073 +campanas 0.894 0.029 +campanella 0.924 0.043 +campanelli 0.950 0.026 +campania 0.891 0.025 +campanile 0.863 0.062 +campanula 0.874 0.050 +campari 0.783 0.054 +campbell 0.896 0.079 +campbells 0.739 0.173 +campbellsville 0.889 0.092 +campbellton 0.943 0.045 +campbelltown 0.849 0.130 +campbeltown 0.924 0.067 +campden 0.939 0.031 +campeche 0.873 0.050 +camped 0.041 0.003 +campeggio 0.074 0.011 +camper 0.491 0.051 +camperdown 0.851 0.102 +campers 0.456 0.016 +campervan 0.607 0.022 +campervans 0.550 0.017 +campesino 0.515 0.018 +campesinos 0.233 0.014 +campestris 0.014 0.010 +campfire 0.540 0.026 +campfires 0.551 0.011 +campground 0.662 0.032 +campgrounds 0.720 0.033 +camphor 0.460 0.051 +campi 0.685 0.050 +campiglio 0.873 0.025 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0.905 0.043 +canadians 0.968 0.011 +canadien 0.260 0.052 +canadienne 0.401 0.098 +canadiennes 0.289 0.058 +canadiens 0.865 0.049 +canady 0.710 0.283 +canakkale 0.865 0.068 +canal 0.591 0.037 +canale 0.697 0.059 +canales 0.410 0.060 +canaletto 0.932 0.028 +canali 0.683 0.141 +canals 0.241 0.015 +canandaigua 0.881 0.090 +cananian 0.000 0.000 +canapes 0.411 0.061 +canara 0.759 0.082 +canard 0.379 0.032 +canari 0.854 0.096 +canaria 0.871 0.030 +canarias 0.324 0.027 +canarie 0.140 0.776 +canaries 0.708 0.034 +canario 0.781 0.032 +canary 0.816 0.044 +canas 0.862 0.065 +canasta 0.648 0.117 +canastota 0.831 0.116 +canavan 0.935 0.052 +canaveral 0.883 0.069 +canazei 0.945 0.016 +canbe 0.021 0.012 +canberra 0.917 0.063 +canbet 0.940 0.017 +canby 0.833 0.136 +canc 0.309 0.469 +cance 0.101 0.018 +cancel 0.679 0.029 +cancelable 0.073 0.012 +cancelation 0.289 0.061 +canceled 0.162 0.042 +canceling 0.337 0.027 +cancellable 0.229 0.026 +cancellation 0.366 0.043 +cancellations 0.468 0.037 +cancelled 0.153 0.092 +canceller 0.385 0.028 +cancelling 0.328 0.030 +cancels 0.299 0.038 +cancer 0.467 0.018 +cancerous 0.066 0.004 +cancers 0.181 0.008 +cancion 0.242 0.057 +canciones 0.322 0.021 +cancro 0.205 0.014 +cancun 0.859 0.028 +cand 0.283 0.243 +canda 0.585 0.040 +candace 0.901 0.050 +candela 0.537 0.068 +candelabra 0.578 0.041 +candelabras 0.596 0.033 +candelaria 0.904 0.075 +candelwood 0.005 0.000 +candesartan 0.432 0.022 +candi 0.701 0.033 +candia 0.670 0.044 +candian 0.686 0.023 +candice 0.873 0.040 +candid 0.200 0.020 +candida 0.758 0.019 +candidacy 0.174 0.021 +candidat 0.405 0.031 +candidate 0.209 0.023 +candidates 0.210 0.015 +candidature 0.155 0.019 +candide 0.905 0.040 +candidiasis 0.444 0.013 +candidly 0.056 0.003 +candido 0.895 0.063 +candids 0.595 0.039 +candie 0.860 0.071 +candied 0.389 0.039 +candies 0.577 0.040 +candiria 0.928 0.044 +candle 0.520 0.056 +candlebox 0.386 0.012 +candleholder 0.733 0.057 +candleholders 0.754 0.035 +candlelight 0.508 0.030 +candlelighting 0.521 0.004 +candlelit 0.148 0.022 +candlemaking 0.649 0.037 +candlemas 0.909 0.050 +candlemass 0.797 0.177 +candlepower 0.473 0.054 +candler 0.905 0.057 +candles 0.564 0.026 +candlestick 0.592 0.046 +candlesticks 0.619 0.060 +candlewick 0.843 0.075 +candlewood 0.952 0.032 +candling 0.727 0.016 +cando 0.669 0.193 +candor 0.300 0.036 +candour 0.120 0.015 +candu 0.144 0.821 +candy 0.584 0.041 +candye 0.293 0.010 +candyland 0.660 0.047 +candylist 0.114 0.000 +candyman 0.831 0.044 +candyshop 0.060 0.007 +candystand 0.927 0.000 +cane 0.422 0.047 +caned 0.404 0.027 +canela 0.533 0.032 +caner 0.701 0.030 +canes 0.528 0.029 +canet 0.705 0.218 +canetti 0.941 0.023 +caney 0.810 0.154 +canfield 0.814 0.147 +canford 0.803 0.140 +canh 0.311 0.092 +canham 0.886 0.102 +cani 0.212 0.089 +canibus 0.866 0.033 +canidae 0.784 0.033 +canin 0.776 0.058 +canina 0.277 0.144 +canine 0.475 0.026 +canines 0.249 0.013 +caning 0.304 0.019 +canino 0.419 0.027 +canio 0.961 0.023 +canis 0.784 0.019 +canisius 0.943 0.050 +canister 0.499 0.043 +canisters 0.344 0.032 +canker 0.396 0.017 +canllawiau 0.558 0.015 +canlyniadau 0.395 0.023 +canlynol 0.000 0.010 +canmore 0.906 0.062 +cann 0.693 0.173 +canna 0.393 0.020 +cannabinoid 0.231 0.016 +cannabinoids 0.319 0.021 +cannabis 0.491 0.016 +cannabuds 0.991 0.004 +canned 0.312 0.034 +cannell 0.863 0.072 +canner 0.403 0.058 +cannery 0.677 0.038 +cannes 0.919 0.032 +cannibal 0.633 0.073 +cannibalism 0.287 0.013 +cannibalistic 0.110 0.006 +cannibals 0.517 0.032 +canning 0.664 0.074 +cannings 0.949 0.033 +cannington 0.692 0.260 +cannister 0.346 0.091 +cannock 0.910 0.033 +cannoli 0.573 0.045 +cannon 0.685 0.054 +cannonball 0.759 0.047 +cannondale 0.899 0.035 +cannons 0.406 0.028 +cannot 0.146 0.022 +cannula 0.189 0.033 +canny 0.463 0.021 +cano 0.822 0.077 +canoe 0.510 0.142 +canoeing 0.642 0.017 +canoeists 0.213 0.022 +canoes 0.493 0.018 +canoga 0.893 0.059 +canola 0.304 0.025 +canolbarth 0.958 0.007 +canolfan 0.847 0.061 +canon 0.834 0.068 +canongate 0.972 0.025 +canonical 0.196 0.009 +canonicalization 0.330 0.000 +canonically 0.043 0.000 +canonization 0.271 0.012 +canonized 0.096 0.003 +canons 0.433 0.020 +canonsburg 0.875 0.087 +canoo 0.629 0.000 +canopies 0.546 0.027 +canopus 0.764 0.169 +canopy 0.376 0.030 +canoscan 0.473 0.185 +canova 0.913 0.062 +cans 0.270 0.038 +canseco 0.911 0.043 +canso 0.777 0.135 +canson 0.683 0.033 +canst 0.135 0.009 +cant 0.133 0.032 +canta 0.649 0.063 +cantab 0.913 0.065 +cantabile 0.581 0.037 +cantabria 0.760 0.059 +cantaloupe 0.498 0.042 +cantankerous 0.221 0.007 +cantante 0.290 0.034 +cantar 0.516 0.101 +cantata 0.662 0.028 +cantatas 0.739 0.028 +canteen 0.489 0.049 +canteens 0.452 0.023 +canter 0.625 0.062 +cantera 0.834 0.047 +canterbury 0.932 0.037 +canticle 0.762 0.037 +cantidad 0.336 0.023 +cantilever 0.394 0.048 +cantilevered 0.222 0.012 +cantilevers 0.315 0.012 +cantin 0.928 0.057 +cantina 0.820 0.036 +canting 0.176 0.010 +cantly 0.002 0.000 +canto 0.749 0.059 +canton 0.817 0.080 +cantona 0.824 0.080 +cantonal 0.472 0.034 +cantonese 0.941 0.009 +cantonment 0.635 0.053 +cantons 0.373 0.011 +cantor 0.853 0.045 +cantos 0.728 0.046 +cantrell 0.837 0.096 +cants 0.110 0.087 +cantu 0.910 0.064 +cantuel 0.902 0.086 +cantus 0.828 0.042 +cantwell 0.885 0.106 +canty 0.901 0.068 +canuck 0.795 0.046 +canucks 0.841 0.074 +canute 0.923 0.056 +canv 0.777 0.047 +canvas 0.475 0.052 +canvasback 0.731 0.063 +canvases 0.293 0.073 +canvass 0.173 0.076 +canvassed 0.016 0.006 +canvassers 0.341 0.055 +canvasses 0.100 0.009 +canvassing 0.174 0.027 +canvey 0.882 0.022 +canw 0.012 0.970 +canwest 0.872 0.101 +canyon 0.824 0.043 +canyoning 0.646 0.013 +canyonlands 0.912 0.034 +canyons 0.499 0.022 +canyonville 0.899 0.074 +canzone 0.326 0.026 +canzoni 0.426 0.011 +cao 0.356 0.321 +caolan 0.915 0.000 +caos 0.236 0.214 +cap 0.440 0.164 +capa 0.203 0.526 +capabilites 0.124 0.010 +capabilities 0.113 0.008 +capability 0.165 0.011 +capable 0.041 0.004 +capably 0.020 0.000 +capac 0.389 0.157 +capacidad 0.149 0.031 +capacious 0.039 0.000 +capacitance 0.294 0.031 +capacitances 0.110 0.008 +capacities 0.100 0.016 +capacitive 0.296 0.033 +capacitor 0.293 0.070 +capacitors 0.400 0.071 +capacity 0.240 0.018 +capalaba 0.612 0.303 +capaldi 0.930 0.053 +capcom 0.904 0.056 +capd 0.008 0.966 +cape 0.905 0.048 +capecitabine 0.450 0.013 +caped 0.526 0.033 +capel 0.847 0.111 +capella 0.801 0.033 +capelle 0.825 0.103 +capelli 0.566 0.041 +capello 0.915 0.029 +capensis 0.079 0.016 +caper 0.537 0.082 +capercaillie 0.742 0.039 +capernaum 0.975 0.019 +capers 0.592 0.057 +capes 0.597 0.113 +capetown 0.907 0.025 +capex 0.341 0.266 +capezio 0.883 0.031 +capgemini 0.973 0.009 +capi 0.128 0.477 +capilano 0.960 0.026 +capilene 0.953 0.012 +capillaries 0.170 0.010 +capillary 0.240 0.035 +capio 0.833 0.087 +capire 0.323 0.423 +capirossi 0.939 0.054 +capistrano 0.901 0.055 +capita 0.152 0.019 +capitaine 0.617 0.045 +capital 0.398 0.039 +capitale 0.479 0.025 +capitalisation 0.185 0.013 +capitalise 0.055 0.005 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0.045 +captan 0.527 0.126 +captaris 0.988 0.011 +captcha 0.209 0.470 +captial 0.506 0.077 +captian 0.715 0.043 +caption 0.559 0.035 +captioned 0.280 0.012 +captioning 0.418 0.021 +captions 0.381 0.023 +captiva 0.868 0.025 +captivate 0.410 0.012 +captivated 0.059 0.010 +captivates 0.059 0.005 +captivating 0.212 0.014 +captive 0.268 0.022 +captives 0.155 0.016 +captivity 0.139 0.012 +captopril 0.411 0.038 +captor 0.481 0.020 +captors 0.130 0.005 +capture 0.265 0.016 +captured 0.075 0.010 +captures 0.122 0.007 +capturing 0.209 0.006 +capua 0.921 0.043 +capuano 0.870 0.121 +capucci 0.725 0.270 +capuchin 0.565 0.026 +capulet 0.833 0.127 +caput 0.294 0.033 +caputo 0.930 0.053 +capwap 0.317 0.478 +car 0.564 0.029 +cara 0.686 0.127 +carabiner 0.654 0.036 +carabiners 0.793 0.013 +caracalla 0.921 0.040 +caracas 0.923 0.045 +caracol 0.789 0.040 +caractere 0.111 0.435 +caracteres 0.080 0.017 +caradon 0.967 0.025 +carafe 0.570 0.033 +carafes 0.744 0.016 +caramba 0.752 0.088 +caramel 0.523 0.060 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0.146 0.033 +carlock 0.795 0.178 +carlon 0.888 0.078 +carlos 0.905 0.046 +carlota 0.861 0.063 +carlotta 0.825 0.107 +carlow 0.951 0.031 +carls 0.775 0.073 +carlsbad 0.904 0.058 +carlsberg 0.917 0.055 +carlsbro 0.800 0.169 +carlsen 0.941 0.046 +carlson 0.913 0.066 +carlsson 0.942 0.033 +carlstadt 0.888 0.092 +carlton 0.861 0.059 +carlucci 0.932 0.058 +carluke 0.956 0.031 +carly 0.831 0.030 +carlyle 0.880 0.056 +carm 0.294 0.442 +carma 0.592 0.336 +carmack 0.926 0.042 +carmageddon 0.905 0.014 +carmaker 0.070 0.003 +carmakers 0.272 0.009 +carman 0.841 0.072 +carmarthen 0.924 0.031 +carmarthenshire 0.973 0.014 +carmel 0.907 0.054 +carmela 0.886 0.053 +carmelita 0.917 0.054 +carmelite 0.957 0.029 +carmelites 0.935 0.054 +carmella 0.827 0.041 +carmelo 0.802 0.061 +carmen 0.809 0.039 +carmex 0.915 0.031 +carmi 0.833 0.116 +carmichael 0.921 0.061 +carmike 0.936 0.028 +carmina 0.847 0.043 +carmine 0.747 0.071 +carmo 0.931 0.041 +carmody 0.934 0.059 +carmon 0.782 0.076 +carmona 0.906 0.058 +carn 0.637 0.175 +carnaby 0.796 0.056 +carnac 0.911 0.050 +carnage 0.416 0.042 +carnahan 0.904 0.090 +carnal 0.331 0.032 +carnap 0.973 0.015 +carnarvon 0.870 0.101 +carnatic 0.862 0.010 +carnation 0.719 0.066 +carnations 0.455 0.010 +carnauba 0.568 0.063 +carnaval 0.535 0.033 +carne 0.507 0.058 +carnegie 0.959 0.027 +carneiro 0.937 0.046 +carnelian 0.735 0.064 +carnell 0.879 0.098 +carneros 0.949 0.034 +carnes 0.866 0.083 +carnet 0.538 0.040 +carnevale 0.793 0.045 +carney 0.895 0.086 +carneys 0.821 0.114 +carnforth 0.850 0.059 +carnie 0.605 0.029 +carnitine 0.590 0.029 +carnival 0.770 0.034 +carnivale 0.859 0.050 +carnivals 0.652 0.025 +carnivora 0.843 0.053 +carnivore 0.574 0.024 +carnivores 0.292 0.015 +carnivorous 0.382 0.019 +carnosine 0.588 0.031 +carnot 0.891 0.071 +carnoustie 0.927 0.048 +caro 0.773 0.056 +carob 0.495 0.041 +carol 0.889 0.048 +carola 0.894 0.064 +carolan 0.929 0.054 +carole 0.917 0.045 +carolee 0.914 0.048 +carolers 0.505 0.026 +caroli 0.740 0.081 +carolin 0.848 0.035 +carolina 0.929 0.032 +carolinas 0.932 0.034 +caroline 0.917 0.049 +carolinensis 0.022 0.014 +caroling 0.514 0.057 +carolingian 0.954 0.019 +carolinian 0.917 0.052 +carolinians 0.983 0.012 +caroll 0.905 0.048 +carols 0.578 0.034 +carolus 0.929 0.036 +carolyn 0.929 0.045 +carolyne 0.920 0.041 +caron 0.801 0.146 +carondelet 0.922 0.057 +carotene 0.320 0.022 +carotenoid 0.187 0.023 +carotenoids 0.310 0.020 +carothers 0.903 0.081 +carotid 0.318 0.012 +carousel 0.687 0.052 +carousels 0.549 0.027 +carp 0.460 0.153 +carpaccio 0.616 0.046 +carpal 0.594 0.014 +carpark 0.236 0.016 +carpathia 0.939 0.037 +carpathian 0.929 0.042 +carpathians 0.947 0.034 +carpe 0.726 0.095 +carpel 0.296 0.019 +carpentaria 0.962 0.032 +carpenter 0.742 0.076 +carpenters 0.697 0.063 +carpentersville 0.861 0.100 +carpentier 0.919 0.063 +carpentry 0.639 0.042 +carper 0.820 0.117 +carpet 0.549 0.040 +carpetbagger 0.860 0.013 +carpeted 0.239 0.018 +carpeting 0.377 0.019 +carpets 0.537 0.034 +carphone 0.876 0.068 +carpi 0.548 0.060 +carping 0.112 0.007 +carpinteria 0.880 0.066 +carpio 0.517 0.043 +carpool 0.423 0.021 +carpooled 0.346 0.000 +carpooling 0.437 0.008 +carpools 0.287 0.014 +carport 0.408 0.037 +carports 0.593 0.021 +carps 0.210 0.019 +carquest 0.623 0.335 +carr 0.871 0.093 +carra 0.811 0.125 +carrabelle 0.883 0.080 +carradine 0.962 0.024 +carrageenan 0.357 0.086 +carragher 0.931 0.054 +carranza 0.910 0.069 +carrara 0.823 0.093 +carraro 0.667 0.273 +carrasco 0.887 0.075 +carraway 0.848 0.112 +carrboro 0.948 0.037 +carre 0.814 0.058 +carreer 0.161 0.022 +carrefour 0.778 0.092 +carreira 0.540 0.018 +carrel 0.710 0.059 +carrell 0.894 0.084 +carrello 0.264 0.015 +carrels 0.276 0.019 +carrer 0.558 0.028 +carrera 0.733 0.053 +carreras 0.616 0.062 +carrere 0.633 0.051 +carretera 0.675 0.044 +carrey 0.930 0.028 +carri 0.689 0.072 +carriacou 0.917 0.061 +carriage 0.353 0.044 +carriages 0.334 0.013 +carriageway 0.096 0.008 +carribbean 0.814 0.033 +carribean 0.536 0.022 +carrick 0.934 0.053 +carrickfergus 0.788 0.199 +carrico 0.904 0.086 +carrie 0.753 0.039 +carried 0.033 0.030 +carrier 0.256 0.035 +carriera 0.669 0.007 +carriere 0.691 0.097 +carriers 0.343 0.022 +carriersquot 0.000 0.000 +carries 0.041 0.006 +carrigan 0.897 0.091 +carriles 0.911 0.032 +carrillo 0.891 0.085 +carrington 0.902 0.073 +carrion 0.662 0.024 +carrito 0.437 0.008 +carrizo 0.829 0.123 +carro 0.471 0.041 +carrol 0.893 0.068 +carroll 0.906 0.069 +carrollton 0.885 0.081 +carrollwood 0.889 0.090 +carrom 0.851 0.027 +carron 0.857 0.090 +carros 0.353 0.036 +carrot 0.469 0.056 +carrots 0.309 0.020 +carrousel 0.697 0.049 +carrs 0.363 0.169 +carruth 0.923 0.051 +carruthers 0.883 0.103 +carry 0.137 0.015 +carryall 0.489 0.106 +carryback 0.154 0.032 +carryforward 0.209 0.161 +carryforwards 0.046 0.005 +carrying 0.159 0.012 +carryout 0.380 0.033 +carryover 0.261 0.048 +cars 0.531 0.022 +carsd 0.003 0.000 +carse 0.715 0.088 +carseat 0.317 0.116 +carsguide 0.505 0.492 +carshalton 0.958 0.024 +carson 0.907 0.065 +carss 0.096 0.150 +carstairs 0.937 0.057 +carsten 0.944 0.018 +carstens 0.920 0.053 +carstensen 0.929 0.050 +carswell 0.913 0.062 +cart 0.728 0.039 +carta 0.670 0.034 +cartage 0.686 0.057 +cartagena 0.912 0.039 +cartago 0.931 0.031 +cartan 0.950 0.024 +cartas 0.375 0.029 +carte 0.350 0.040 +carted 0.029 0.003 +cartel 0.427 0.039 +cartels 0.157 0.010 +carter 0.806 0.066 +carteret 0.871 0.074 +carters 0.715 0.118 +cartersville 0.898 0.078 +carterton 0.916 0.070 +carterville 0.816 0.142 +cartes 0.397 0.022 +cartesian 0.747 0.036 +carthage 0.877 0.097 +carthaginian 0.976 0.011 +carthaginians 0.992 0.004 +carthik 0.866 0.037 +carthy 0.824 0.127 +cartier 0.824 0.063 +cartilage 0.234 0.017 +cartilaginous 0.108 0.018 +carting 0.285 0.016 +cartman 0.777 0.091 +cartmel 0.950 0.033 +carto 0.530 0.235 +cartographer 0.581 0.025 +cartographers 0.461 0.015 +cartographic 0.445 0.021 +cartography 0.649 0.016 +cartoline 0.194 0.013 +carton 0.445 0.045 +cartoni 0.381 0.026 +cartonnetwork 0.000 0.000 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0.025 +carvoeiro 0.942 0.026 +carvs 0.005 0.004 +carw 0.026 0.094 +carwash 0.436 0.041 +carws 0.000 0.000 +carx 0.007 0.058 +carxs 0.000 0.000 +cary 0.905 0.055 +carya 0.857 0.033 +caryl 0.939 0.038 +caryn 0.785 0.169 +caryville 0.891 0.077 +carz 0.115 0.025 +carzone 0.960 0.023 +cas 0.136 0.690 +casa 0.701 0.163 +casablanca 0.893 0.050 +casacaiman 0.000 0.000 +casadei 0.849 0.114 +casado 0.510 0.028 +casady 0.936 0.050 +casagrande 0.915 0.063 +casais 0.086 0.006 +casal 0.612 0.046 +casale 0.850 0.050 +casals 0.908 0.052 +casamento 0.228 0.006 +casanova 0.930 0.036 +casar 0.585 0.073 +casares 0.953 0.024 +casas 0.657 0.101 +casavant 0.974 0.020 +casb 0.004 0.924 +casbah 0.774 0.057 +casc 0.053 0.860 +casca 0.495 0.232 +cascada 0.862 0.049 +cascade 0.632 0.077 +cascaded 0.162 0.015 +cascades 0.702 0.043 +cascadia 0.813 0.018 +cascading 0.540 0.010 +cascais 0.917 0.045 +cascara 0.755 0.030 +cascio 0.934 0.045 +casco 0.824 0.111 +case 0.242 0.039 +caseback 0.106 0.028 +casebook 0.719 0.028 +cased 0.349 0.098 +casedge 0.214 0.784 +casein 0.277 0.056 +caseiras 0.003 0.000 +caseiro 0.005 0.000 +caseiros 0.000 0.000 +caselaw 0.428 0.014 +casella 0.757 0.099 +caseload 0.182 0.031 +caseloads 0.113 0.010 +casement 0.561 0.033 +casepack 0.014 0.014 +caseras 0.015 0.003 +casero 0.047 0.007 +caseros 0.048 0.005 +caserta 0.825 0.067 +cases 0.216 0.015 +casette 0.439 0.076 +casework 0.427 0.027 +caseworker 0.226 0.025 +caseworkers 0.166 0.007 +casey 0.906 0.052 +caseyville 0.833 0.147 +cash 0.340 0.032 +cashback 0.693 0.057 +cashed 0.058 0.019 +cashel 0.929 0.037 +casher 0.526 0.037 +cashes 0.255 0.021 +cashew 0.505 0.046 +cashews 0.406 0.021 +cashflow 0.449 0.067 +cashflows 0.310 0.035 +cashier 0.382 0.048 +cashiers 0.879 0.020 +cashin 0.842 0.070 +cashing 0.409 0.024 +cashion 0.856 0.113 +cashless 0.353 0.019 +cashman 0.903 0.048 +cashmere 0.649 0.096 +cashmore 0.880 0.110 +cashout 0.318 0.042 +casi 0.123 0.303 +casilla 0.888 0.019 +casillas 0.867 0.046 +casimir 0.934 0.044 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+castelnuovo 0.853 0.128 +castelo 0.912 0.038 +caster 0.422 0.039 +casterbridge 0.927 0.039 +casters 0.494 0.038 +castes 0.270 0.009 +casti 0.480 0.286 +castigated 0.017 0.000 +castiglione 0.903 0.056 +castile 0.893 0.054 +castilian 0.973 0.012 +castilla 0.824 0.035 +castille 0.888 0.061 +castilleja 0.913 0.036 +castillo 0.882 0.067 +castine 0.898 0.071 +casting 0.381 0.029 +castings 0.504 0.046 +castle 0.736 0.045 +castlebar 0.971 0.018 +castleberry 0.851 0.134 +castleford 0.911 0.054 +castlegar 0.953 0.032 +castlemaine 0.782 0.176 +castleman 0.885 0.080 +castlereagh 0.882 0.105 +castles 0.610 0.019 +castleton 0.901 0.063 +castletown 0.825 0.165 +castlevania 0.909 0.023 +castlewood 0.903 0.079 +casto 0.822 0.130 +castor 0.597 0.088 +castors 0.419 0.058 +castrated 0.118 0.011 +castration 0.234 0.012 +castres 0.924 0.035 +castries 0.969 0.020 +castro 0.854 0.040 +castrol 0.823 0.106 +castroville 0.837 0.107 +casts 0.160 0.010 +casual 0.544 0.020 +casually 0.063 0.004 +casuals 0.591 0.051 +casualties 0.200 0.020 +casualty 0.538 0.050 +casuarina 0.829 0.086 +casus 0.323 0.058 +caswell 0.891 0.092 +cat 0.506 0.112 +cata 0.173 0.367 +catabolic 0.163 0.012 +catabolism 0.057 0.011 +cataclysm 0.397 0.028 +cataclysmic 0.163 0.020 +catacomb 0.616 0.021 +catacombs 0.614 0.024 +catagories 0.466 0.045 +catagory 0.430 0.035 +catahoula 0.875 0.081 +catal 0.748 0.059 +catala 0.824 0.014 +catalan 0.954 0.009 +catalana 0.433 0.139 +catalano 0.926 0.040 +catalase 0.322 0.033 +cataldo 0.848 0.069 +catalin 0.674 0.030 +catalina 0.848 0.049 +catalist 0.840 0.035 +catallarchy 0.979 0.000 +catallaxy 0.884 0.000 +catalog 0.645 0.044 +cataloged 0.120 0.019 +cataloger 0.419 0.012 +catalogers 0.328 0.011 +cataloging 0.500 0.019 +catalogo 0.440 0.045 +catalogs 0.553 0.044 +catalogue 0.614 0.043 +catalogued 0.266 0.010 +catalogues 0.449 0.039 +cataloguing 0.281 0.010 +catalogus 0.453 0.034 +catalonia 0.888 0.030 +catalpa 0.792 0.069 +catalunya 0.755 0.029 +catalyse 0.108 0.022 +catalysed 0.085 0.011 +catalysis 0.502 0.037 +catalyst 0.599 0.039 +catalysts 0.267 0.052 +catalytic 0.336 0.060 +catalytically 0.066 0.009 +catalyze 0.099 0.008 +catalyzed 0.177 0.034 +catalyzes 0.089 0.022 +catalyzing 0.177 0.011 +catamaran 0.496 0.049 +catamarans 0.479 0.027 +catamount 0.868 0.048 +catamounts 0.986 0.004 +catan 0.951 0.011 +catania 0.851 0.038 +catanzaro 0.845 0.043 +catapult 0.482 0.032 +catapulted 0.021 0.002 +catapults 0.418 0.024 +cataract 0.472 0.022 +cataracts 0.386 0.010 +catarina 0.901 0.026 +catarrh 0.340 0.022 +catasauqua 0.857 0.127 +catastrophe 0.215 0.016 +catastrophes 0.231 0.011 +catastrophic 0.161 0.012 +catastrophically 0.037 0.006 +catatonia 0.682 0.043 +catatonic 0.291 0.011 +catawba 0.851 0.128 +catback 0.635 0.137 +catbird 0.687 0.052 +catc 0.096 0.548 +catch 0.192 0.021 +catchall 0.311 0.012 +catcher 0.499 0.037 +catchers 0.564 0.042 +catches 0.113 0.011 +catching 0.167 0.009 +catchment 0.305 0.026 +catchments 0.146 0.011 +catchphrase 0.310 0.012 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+caterina 0.926 0.019 +catering 0.569 0.022 +caterpillar 0.706 0.088 +caterpillars 0.270 0.010 +caters 0.092 0.009 +cates 0.597 0.059 +cateye 0.775 0.162 +catfight 0.404 0.026 +catfighting 0.539 0.021 +catfights 0.260 0.016 +catfish 0.526 0.040 +catford 0.950 0.023 +catgeek 0.960 0.000 +catgirl 0.505 0.011 +cath 0.466 0.426 +cathal 0.932 0.032 +cathaoirleach 0.872 0.121 +catharina 0.945 0.033 +catharine 0.925 0.065 +catharines 0.931 0.040 +catharsis 0.397 0.026 +cathartic 0.092 0.004 +cathay 0.820 0.126 +cathcart 0.889 0.095 +cathe 0.856 0.042 +cathedra 0.448 0.024 +cathedral 0.744 0.031 +cathedrals 0.391 0.021 +cathepsin 0.289 0.034 +cather 0.930 0.034 +catherine 0.893 0.052 +catherines 0.946 0.024 +catheter 0.216 0.034 +catheterization 0.417 0.016 +catheters 0.367 0.050 +cathey 0.838 0.136 +cathi 0.926 0.038 +cathie 0.922 0.036 +cathlamet 0.833 0.069 +cathleen 0.907 0.056 +cathode 0.316 0.041 +cathodes 0.254 0.058 +cathodic 0.331 0.043 +catholic 0.923 0.025 +catholicism 0.941 0.019 +catholics 0.946 0.015 +catholique 0.502 0.043 +cathouse 0.878 0.022 +cathrine 0.829 0.061 +cathryn 0.929 0.041 +cathy 0.916 0.042 +cati 0.108 0.698 +catia 0.221 0.717 +catid 0.006 0.081 +catie 0.592 0.350 +catimini 0.829 0.120 +cating 0.017 0.008 +cation 0.056 0.017 +cational 0.000 0.008 +cationic 0.216 0.029 +cations 0.100 0.017 +catizone 0.958 0.008 +catkore 0.953 0.000 +catlett 0.891 0.092 +catlin 0.903 0.079 +catlow 0.973 0.020 +catman 0.333 0.052 +catnip 0.546 0.060 +catno 0.815 0.167 +cato 0.899 0.075 +catoctin 0.934 0.057 +catolica 0.743 0.059 +caton 0.905 0.076 +catonsville 0.922 0.053 +catoon 0.025 0.000 +catoosa 0.882 0.080 +cator 0.432 0.097 +catrin 0.896 0.067 +catrina 0.852 0.040 +catriona 0.940 0.031 +catron 0.840 0.143 +cats 0.477 0.049 +catseye 0.728 0.084 +catskill 0.902 0.059 +catskills 0.930 0.026 +catster 0.763 0.000 +catsuit 0.507 0.036 +catsuits 0.689 0.020 +catsup 0.290 0.038 +catt 0.651 0.270 +cattail 0.492 0.038 +cattails 0.361 0.024 +cattaneo 0.919 0.063 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0.859 0.029 +caulking 0.451 0.046 +caus 0.127 0.312 +causa 0.271 0.040 +causal 0.124 0.008 +causality 0.199 0.010 +causally 0.024 0.003 +causas 0.089 0.012 +causation 0.180 0.012 +causative 0.075 0.007 +cause 0.097 0.016 +caused 0.018 0.011 +causer 0.312 0.069 +causes 0.122 0.012 +causeway 0.704 0.049 +causey 0.925 0.059 +causing 0.024 0.006 +caustic 0.232 0.027 +caustics 0.254 0.022 +caut 0.107 0.807 +cauta 0.842 0.008 +cautare 0.578 0.015 +caution 0.301 0.117 +cautionary 0.293 0.031 +cautioned 0.014 0.005 +cautioning 0.084 0.004 +cautions 0.281 0.101 +cautious 0.087 0.008 +cautiously 0.080 0.003 +cauvery 0.957 0.024 +cav 0.422 0.491 +cava 0.476 0.057 +cavaco 0.954 0.016 +caval 0.335 0.239 +cavalcade 0.585 0.064 +cavalcanti 0.930 0.059 +cavalier 0.751 0.068 +cavaliere 0.824 0.069 +cavalieri 0.893 0.049 +cavaliers 0.954 0.018 +cavallaro 0.915 0.067 +cavalli 0.625 0.271 +cavallini 0.816 0.165 +cavallino 0.872 0.036 +cavallo 0.603 0.043 +cavalo 0.032 0.003 +cavalry 0.570 0.030 +cavan 0.925 0.048 +cavanagh 0.928 0.054 +cavanaugh 0.925 0.065 +cavazos 0.919 0.071 +cave 0.553 0.042 +caveat 0.339 0.048 +caveats 0.371 0.043 +caved 0.029 0.008 +cavell 0.924 0.062 +caveman 0.589 0.049 +cavemen 0.454 0.029 +cavendish 0.919 0.058 +caveolin 0.213 0.012 +caver 0.544 0.056 +cavern 0.338 0.016 +cavernous 0.161 0.007 +caverns 0.593 0.018 +cavers 0.290 0.018 +caversham 0.799 0.191 +caverta 0.403 0.039 +caves 0.424 0.027 +cavett 0.946 0.045 +cavi 0.406 0.178 +caviar 0.647 0.054 +caviezel 0.951 0.021 +caving 0.511 0.013 +cavitation 0.242 0.023 +cavite 0.830 0.076 +cavities 0.114 0.019 +cavity 0.175 0.017 +cavo 0.337 0.095 +cavorting 0.089 0.007 +cavour 0.917 0.051 +cavs 0.890 0.090 +cavuto 0.909 0.058 +cavy 0.665 0.031 +caw 0.125 0.673 +cawdor 0.816 0.167 +cawds 0.000 0.000 +cawley 0.921 0.071 +cawood 0.869 0.118 +caws 0.248 0.122 +cawston 0.968 0.025 +caxton 0.931 0.049 +cay 0.651 0.075 +cayce 0.928 0.043 +caye 0.920 0.019 +cayenne 0.650 0.030 +cayetano 0.931 0.049 +cayley 0.922 0.063 +cayman 0.922 0.039 +cayo 0.909 0.030 +cays 0.518 0.026 +cayucos 0.870 0.104 +cayuga 0.886 0.095 +cayuse 0.913 0.015 +caz 0.687 0.121 +caza 0.569 0.108 +cazadero 0.895 0.100 +cazal 0.879 0.073 +cazenovia 0.877 0.091 +cazuza 0.985 0.001 +cazzo 0.198 0.009 +cb 0.035 0.846 +cba 0.006 0.880 +cbac 0.000 0.968 +cbat 0.004 0.305 +cbb 0.008 0.639 +cbbc 0.002 0.969 +cbc 0.004 0.940 +cbca 0.009 0.957 +cbd 0.008 0.926 +cbe 0.008 0.914 +cbeebies 0.139 0.742 +cber 0.000 0.961 +cbf 0.007 0.888 +cbg 0.008 0.742 +cbgb 0.010 0.962 +cbh 0.053 0.879 +cbi 0.006 0.972 +cbj 0.007 0.936 +cbk 0.008 0.939 +cbl 0.124 0.824 +cbm 0.020 0.854 +cbn 0.010 0.913 +cbo 0.004 0.983 +cboe 0.009 0.982 +cboos 0.000 0.000 +cbot 0.004 0.965 +cbp 0.008 0.927 +cbq 0.006 0.657 +cbr 0.012 0.823 +cbrn 0.000 0.991 +cbs 0.005 0.972 +cbsa 0.000 0.991 +cbse 0.005 0.882 +cbso 0.011 0.984 +cbss 0.000 0.989 +cbt 0.035 0.680 +cbu 0.007 0.944 +cbv 0.022 0.775 +cbw 0.007 0.900 +cbx 0.035 0.844 +cbz 0.124 0.754 +cc 0.169 0.556 +cca 0.016 0.888 +ccaa 0.000 0.966 +ccaat 0.000 0.979 +ccac 0.008 0.974 +ccache 0.005 0.005 +ccamp 0.071 0.183 +ccap 0.019 0.927 +ccar 0.032 0.597 +ccas 0.000 0.892 +ccat 0.053 0.768 +ccb 0.012 0.862 +ccbc 0.005 0.923 +ccbn 0.000 0.986 +ccc 0.006 0.880 +ccca 0.005 0.944 +cccc 0.006 0.669 +cccdlflags 0.000 0.019 +cccp 0.033 0.835 +cccs 0.072 0.869 +ccct 0.000 0.975 +cccu 0.000 0.991 +ccd 0.005 0.963 +ccda 0.021 0.928 +ccdc 0.000 0.955 +ccdf 0.000 0.961 +ccdlflags 0.000 0.016 +ccdp 0.006 0.981 +ccds 0.012 0.887 +cce 0.004 0.883 +ccea 0.004 0.979 +ccess 0.000 0.642 +ccf 0.029 0.903 +ccfl 0.013 0.797 +ccflags 0.000 0.154 +ccg 0.010 0.918 +ccggg 0.000 0.995 +cch 0.016 0.906 +ccha 0.033 0.952 +cchs 0.008 0.966 +cci 0.007 0.949 +ccid 0.000 0.787 +ccie 0.011 0.958 +ccim 0.008 0.969 +ccip 0.002 0.976 +ccir 0.000 0.983 +ccis 0.000 0.985 +ccitt 0.002 0.928 +ccj 0.069 0.639 +ccjs 0.135 0.130 +cck 0.008 0.948 +ccl 0.022 0.868 +cclc 0.000 0.983 +ccli 0.015 0.960 +cclrc 0.000 0.997 +ccm 0.013 0.886 +ccma 0.006 0.978 +ccme 0.005 0.960 +ccmp 0.000 0.972 +ccms 0.013 0.944 +ccn 0.006 0.901 +ccna 0.026 0.898 +ccnp 0.022 0.940 +ccny 0.021 0.955 +cco 0.010 0.940 +ccom 0.008 0.174 +ccp 0.007 0.922 +ccpa 0.000 0.993 +ccpd 0.000 0.984 +ccpr 0.000 0.992 +ccr 0.010 0.944 +ccra 0.008 0.944 +ccrc 0.003 0.983 +ccri 0.020 0.965 +ccs 0.009 0.851 +ccsa 0.005 0.973 +ccsc 0.348 0.627 +ccsd 0.003 0.880 +ccsds 0.006 0.980 +ccse 0.004 0.984 +ccsf 0.022 0.945 +ccsid 0.000 0.942 +ccsp 0.014 0.966 +ccsr 0.000 0.994 +ccsu 0.026 0.956 +cct 0.025 0.816 +ccta 0.007 0.985 +cctv 0.038 0.903 +ccu 0.010 0.945 +ccum 0.005 0.978 +ccv 0.008 0.875 +ccversion 0.000 0.000 +ccvs 0.000 0.475 +ccw 0.008 0.838 +cd 0.023 0.862 +cda 0.040 0.827 +cdata 0.002 0.689 +cdb 0.013 0.732 +cdbg 0.001 0.996 +cdbi 0.005 0.808 +cdbs 0.000 0.239 +cdc 0.010 0.963 +cdd 0.008 0.847 +cdda 0.014 0.470 +cddb 0.014 0.723 +cddl 0.000 0.994 +cde 0.025 0.891 +cdebconf 0.000 0.000 +cdecl 0.017 0.070 +cdef 0.007 0.574 +cdep 0.015 0.883 +cder 0.003 0.941 +cdf 0.005 0.859 +cdfa 0.007 0.924 +cdfg 0.000 0.989 +cdfi 0.000 0.988 +cdg 0.039 0.859 +cdh 0.008 0.844 +cdhs 0.000 0.992 +cdi 0.028 0.899 +cdia 0.012 0.954 +cdict 0.666 0.013 +cdj 0.021 0.811 +cdk 0.117 0.488 +cdkey 0.088 0.052 +cdl 0.183 0.743 +cdm 0.008 0.938 +cdma 0.008 0.919 +cdn 0.278 0.699 +cdna 0.020 0.423 +cdnx 0.000 0.997 +cdo 0.036 0.849 +cdot 0.020 0.589 +cdp 0.011 0.910 +cdparanoia 0.023 0.002 +cdpath 0.000 0.906 +cdpd 0.000 0.959 +cdq 0.012 0.801 +cdr 0.063 0.702 +cdrdao 0.030 0.076 +cdrecord 0.055 0.008 +cdrh 0.000 0.970 +cdrom 0.026 0.630 +cdrtools 0.021 0.003 +cdrw 0.028 0.876 +cds 0.053 0.546 +cdsc 0.004 0.972 +cdss 0.000 0.987 +cdt 0.004 0.978 +cdtool 0.000 0.000 +cdtv 0.000 0.992 +cdu 0.006 0.932 +cdv 0.023 0.916 +cdw 0.003 0.976 +cdx 0.025 0.867 +cdy 0.017 0.324 +ce 0.058 0.737 +cea 0.033 0.906 +ceann 0.885 0.032 +ceanothus 0.762 0.032 +ceap 0.051 0.379 +ceara 0.826 0.041 +cearch 0.000 0.010 +ceasar 0.792 0.074 +cease 0.094 0.015 +ceased 0.031 0.007 +ceasefire 0.162 0.016 +ceaseless 0.045 0.003 +ceaselessly 0.032 0.004 +ceases 0.012 0.005 +ceasing 0.127 0.010 +ceatec 0.068 0.926 +ceausescu 0.951 0.030 +ceb 0.018 0.777 +ceballos 0.725 0.050 +cebe 0.397 0.579 +cebu 0.860 0.053 +cebuano 0.938 0.021 +cec 0.036 0.922 +ceca 0.374 0.390 +cecchi 0.935 0.042 +cece 0.666 0.179 +cecelia 0.899 0.081 +cech 0.852 0.090 +ceci 0.666 0.086 +cecil 0.905 0.072 +cecile 0.877 0.051 +cecilia 0.894 0.042 +cecily 0.916 0.052 +cecum 0.341 0.017 +ced 0.061 0.772 +ceda 0.114 0.805 +cedar 0.781 0.074 +cedarburg 0.889 0.086 +cedaredge 0.870 0.095 +cedarhurst 0.855 0.113 +cedars 0.741 0.051 +cedartown 0.898 0.078 +cedarville 0.870 0.107 +cedarwood 0.634 0.074 +cedaw 0.004 0.991 +cede 0.143 0.085 +ceded 0.065 0.008 +cedega 0.854 0.000 +cedeno 0.921 0.046 +ceder 0.660 0.068 +cederberg 0.968 0.021 +cedes 0.182 0.209 +cedex 0.754 0.109 +cedi 0.941 0.019 +cedia 0.118 0.868 +cedilla 0.077 0.351 +ceding 0.043 0.008 +cedit 0.218 0.105 +cedric 0.893 0.045 +cedro 0.753 0.153 +cedu 0.016 0.753 +ceduna 0.835 0.155 +cedure 0.000 0.007 +cedures 0.000 0.008 +cee 0.264 0.678 +ceec 0.004 0.969 +ceed 0.023 0.389 +ceedings 0.000 0.006 +ceedy 0.000 0.000 +cees 0.806 0.145 +cef 0.012 0.766 +cefaclor 0.616 0.052 +cefact 0.006 0.985 +cefalu 0.917 0.040 +cefic 0.441 0.545 +cefn 0.832 0.043 +cefotaxime 0.417 0.020 +ceftazidime 0.323 0.018 +ceftriaxone 0.362 0.019 +cefuroxime 0.455 0.037 +ceg 0.020 0.918 +cegep 0.148 0.799 +cegui 0.000 0.979 +ceh 0.037 0.821 +cei 0.069 0.817 +ceia 0.715 0.212 +ceiba 0.888 0.049 +ceil 0.288 0.116 +ceili 0.679 0.049 +ceilidh 0.745 0.030 +ceiling 0.409 0.037 +ceilings 0.250 0.026 +ceir 0.413 0.158 +ceisteanna 0.932 0.056 +ceiva 0.814 0.168 +ceive 0.000 0.005 +ceived 0.000 0.003 +cek 0.093 0.538 +cel 0.398 0.257 +cela 0.340 0.083 +celadon 0.664 0.052 +celanese 0.869 0.120 +celcius 0.609 0.023 +celcom 0.716 0.108 +cele 0.387 0.052 +celeb 0.386 0.106 +celeberties 0.026 0.000 +celeberty 0.033 0.008 +celebes 0.816 0.048 +celebra 0.411 0.027 +celebrant 0.374 0.012 +celebrants 0.518 0.015 +celebrate 0.247 0.018 +celebrated 0.055 0.005 +celebrates 0.255 0.024 +celebrating 0.359 0.016 +celebration 0.420 0.026 +celebrations 0.499 0.032 +celebratory 0.118 0.005 +celebre 0.235 0.070 +celebrety 0.040 0.020 +celebrex 0.337 0.060 +celebrite 0.023 0.005 +celebrites 0.176 0.042 +celebrities 0.448 0.020 +celebrity 0.512 0.024 +celebritys 0.024 0.003 +celebs 0.620 0.051 +celecoxib 0.385 0.015 +celemony 0.959 0.016 +celentano 0.803 0.070 +celera 0.959 0.033 +celeriac 0.495 0.027 +celerity 0.534 0.033 +celeron 0.898 0.037 +celery 0.284 0.026 +celesta 0.696 0.045 +celeste 0.819 0.051 +celestia 0.514 0.018 +celestial 0.551 0.041 +celestica 0.960 0.034 +celestine 0.874 0.078 +celestion 0.817 0.148 +celestron 0.926 0.036 +celex 0.147 0.570 +celexa 0.162 0.003 +celf 0.450 0.345 +celia 0.888 0.073 +celiac 0.586 0.012 +celibacy 0.220 0.015 +celibate 0.164 0.018 +celica 0.704 0.110 +celina 0.882 0.080 +celine 0.695 0.048 +celis 0.904 0.063 +cell 0.481 0.037 +cella 0.721 0.115 +cellar 0.556 0.080 +cellaring 0.449 0.013 +cellars 0.692 0.022 +celle 0.472 0.017 +celled 0.021 0.005 +celles 0.095 0.011 +cellex 0.912 0.033 +celli 0.570 0.239 +cellini 0.845 0.040 +cellink 0.921 0.069 +cellist 0.226 0.008 +cellnet 0.730 0.204 +cello 0.506 0.057 +cellophane 0.309 0.059 +cellos 0.448 0.021 +cellpadding 0.016 0.086 +cellphone 0.304 0.058 +cellphones 0.454 0.008 +cells 0.110 0.012 +cellspacing 0.013 0.086 +cellsuit 0.853 0.099 +cellucci 0.941 0.045 +cellulaire 0.374 0.045 +cellular 0.506 0.029 +cellulare 0.075 0.005 +cellulari 0.427 0.012 +cellulase 0.349 0.056 +cellulite 0.441 0.030 +cellulitis 0.388 0.039 +celluloid 0.504 0.078 +cellulose 0.289 0.047 +cellulosic 0.230 0.045 +cels 0.474 0.103 +celsius 0.847 0.057 +celso 0.910 0.044 +celsus 0.930 0.020 +celt 0.712 0.182 +celta 0.490 0.465 +celtel 0.854 0.112 +celtic 0.854 0.049 +celtics 0.928 0.042 +celtix 0.932 0.000 +celts 0.925 0.031 +celui 0.097 0.006 +celular 0.238 0.018 +celulares 0.476 0.025 +celwave 0.974 0.007 +cem 0.544 0.382 +cema 0.072 0.888 +cember 0.042 0.013 +cement 0.351 0.054 +cementation 0.310 0.020 +cemented 0.079 0.014 +cementing 0.238 0.037 +cementitious 0.207 0.017 +cements 0.402 0.029 +cemetary 0.482 0.033 +cemeteries 0.639 0.040 +cemetery 0.709 0.040 +cemex 0.434 0.556 +cems 0.010 0.966 +cen 0.326 0.419 +cena 0.566 0.115 +cenar 0.894 0.007 +cenas 0.019 0.006 +cence 0.026 0.010 +cendant 0.812 0.034 +cenedlaethol 0.811 0.019 +cenelec 0.140 0.857 +cenet 0.029 0.080 +cenic 0.056 0.921 +ceno 0.090 0.773 +cenotaph 0.679 0.025 +cenozoic 0.906 0.075 +cens 0.137 0.691 +censer 0.296 0.064 +censor 0.255 0.021 +censored 0.222 0.049 +censoring 0.177 0.008 +censors 0.248 0.012 +censorship 0.334 0.016 +censure 0.167 0.014 +censured 0.067 0.007 +census 0.701 0.044 +censuses 0.340 0.021 +cent 0.150 0.031 +centage 0.013 0.004 +centaur 0.792 0.052 +centaurea 0.944 0.031 +centauri 0.932 0.032 +centaurs 0.694 0.010 +centaurus 0.906 0.067 +centavos 0.402 0.137 +centcom 0.108 0.879 +cente 0.467 0.390 +centenary 0.682 0.070 +centennial 0.831 0.052 +centeno 0.898 0.056 +center 0.755 0.040 +centera 0.925 0.011 +centereach 0.826 0.118 +centered 0.162 0.012 +centeredness 0.115 0.006 +centerfield 0.686 0.084 +centerfold 0.414 0.021 +centerfolds 0.409 0.020 +centerforce 0.904 0.076 +centericq 0.061 0.000 +centering 0.253 0.020 +centerline 0.196 0.066 +centerpiece 0.271 0.020 +centerpieces 0.484 0.021 +centerpoint 0.745 0.102 +centerport 0.879 0.071 +centers 0.586 0.019 +centerstage 0.847 0.101 +centerville 0.889 0.084 +centerwatch 0.984 0.006 +centex 0.900 0.048 +centigrade 0.405 0.065 +centimeter 0.088 0.026 +centimeters 0.099 0.017 +centimetre 0.052 0.008 +centimetres 0.115 0.007 +centipede 0.627 0.035 +centipedes 0.337 0.016 +centives 0.006 0.002 +cently 0.000 0.000 +cento 0.541 0.090 +centon 0.881 0.085 +centos 0.616 0.014 +centr 0.569 0.262 +centra 0.797 0.062 +centraal 0.663 0.018 +central 0.678 0.038 +centrale 0.504 0.040 +centralia 0.847 0.120 +centralisation 0.131 0.007 +centralised 0.140 0.005 +centrality 0.139 0.007 +centralization 0.168 0.008 +centralize 0.143 0.004 +centralized 0.187 0.007 +centralizes 0.113 0.000 +centralizing 0.138 0.004 +centrally 0.187 0.008 +centration 0.027 0.003 +centrations 0.000 0.000 +centre 0.718 0.028 +centred 0.099 0.006 +centreline 0.283 0.018 +centrelink 0.968 0.013 +centrepiece 0.130 0.018 +centrepoint 0.919 0.027 +centres 0.432 0.014 +centreville 0.890 0.083 +centrex 0.866 0.091 +centri 0.365 0.060 +centric 0.256 0.015 +centrica 0.939 0.054 +centricity 0.520 0.017 +centrifugal 0.411 0.036 +centrifugation 0.184 0.014 +centrifuge 0.364 0.042 +centrifuged 0.015 0.001 +centrifuges 0.362 0.023 +centring 0.147 0.027 +centrino 0.878 0.041 +centripetal 0.194 0.013 +centrist 0.378 0.011 +centrists 0.228 0.009 +centro 0.769 0.053 +centroid 0.177 0.046 +centroids 0.124 0.008 +centromere 0.148 0.025 +centromeric 0.067 0.020 +centronics 0.864 0.066 +centros 0.442 0.039 +centrosome 0.167 0.023 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0.518 0.085 +cercla 0.004 0.994 +cercle 0.700 0.048 +cerco 0.216 0.052 +cerd 0.013 0.832 +cerda 0.817 0.080 +cere 0.328 0.096 +cereal 0.384 0.040 +cereals 0.427 0.029 +cerebellar 0.238 0.023 +cerebellum 0.264 0.025 +cerebral 0.380 0.018 +cerebri 0.327 0.013 +cerebro 0.484 0.028 +cerebrospinal 0.207 0.011 +cerebrovascular 0.560 0.029 +cerebrum 0.250 0.020 +cerebus 0.858 0.066 +ceredigion 0.979 0.014 +ceremonial 0.270 0.024 +ceremonies 0.269 0.015 +ceremony 0.274 0.017 +cerenkov 0.914 0.041 +ceres 0.724 0.226 +cereus 0.218 0.021 +cerevisiae 0.006 0.012 +cerf 0.698 0.261 +cergy 0.831 0.073 +ceri 0.644 0.283 +ceridian 0.962 0.024 +cerise 0.586 0.134 +cerita 0.164 0.010 +cerium 0.438 0.079 +cermak 0.943 0.048 +cern 0.021 0.947 +cernan 0.947 0.048 +cerned 0.000 0.000 +cerner 0.919 0.024 +cerning 0.004 0.006 +cernlib 0.195 0.206 +cerno 0.989 0.000 +cerns 0.000 0.003 +cerny 0.932 0.056 +cero 0.469 0.150 +ceroc 0.905 0.030 +cerp 0.039 0.952 +cerr 0.043 0.196 +cerrado 0.417 0.028 +cerrillos 0.934 0.057 +cerrito 0.891 0.052 +cerritos 0.890 0.064 +cerro 0.910 0.059 +cerrone 0.878 0.080 +cerros 0.930 0.027 +cerruti 0.891 0.096 +cers 0.041 0.254 +cert 0.337 0.326 +certain 0.078 0.010 +certaine 0.073 0.005 +certaines 0.120 0.016 +certainly 0.115 0.002 +certains 0.170 0.022 +certainties 0.069 0.006 +certainty 0.071 0.007 +certance 0.564 0.430 +certi 0.236 0.126 +certian 0.031 0.009 +certicom 0.947 0.025 +certif 0.531 0.146 +certifi 0.183 0.029 +certifiable 0.486 0.011 +certifica 0.226 0.064 +certificado 0.220 0.031 +certificat 0.328 0.025 +certificate 0.382 0.030 +certificated 0.298 0.044 +certificates 0.683 0.028 +certificati 0.400 0.005 +certification 0.466 0.032 +certifications 0.504 0.035 +certificato 0.054 0.020 +certificazione 0.201 0.006 +certified 0.468 0.037 +certifier 0.365 0.039 +certifiers 0.304 0.018 +certifies 0.058 0.017 +certify 0.060 0.031 +certifying 0.157 0.027 +certiorari 0.142 0.149 +certitude 0.119 0.008 +certo 0.372 0.052 +certs 0.355 0.050 +cerulean 0.780 0.042 +cervantes 0.916 0.047 +cerveza 0.303 0.040 +cervical 0.365 0.015 +cervinia 0.953 0.018 +cervix 0.248 0.014 +cervo 0.784 0.039 +cervus 0.865 0.027 +cerwin 0.852 0.079 +ces 0.049 0.695 +cesa 0.074 0.898 +cesar 0.868 0.080 +cesare 0.858 0.106 +cesarean 0.413 0.016 +cesaria 0.900 0.050 +cesena 0.903 0.030 +cesg 0.005 0.993 +cesi 0.252 0.641 +cesium 0.402 0.057 +cesk 0.950 0.029 +ceska 0.894 0.052 +ceske 0.811 0.046 +cesky 0.873 0.035 +cesm 0.006 0.978 +cesme 0.621 0.034 +cesr 0.032 0.958 +cess 0.210 0.091 +cessation 0.259 0.017 +cesses 0.003 0.003 +cessful 0.000 0.000 +cessing 0.000 0.004 +cession 0.130 0.017 +cessna 0.849 0.105 +cessnock 0.750 0.171 +cessor 0.033 0.006 +cesspool 0.251 0.035 +cest 0.005 0.988 +cesta 0.582 0.083 +cet 0.027 0.866 +ceta 0.237 0.717 +cetacea 0.880 0.052 +cetacean 0.529 0.020 +cetaceans 0.255 0.043 +cetaphil 0.863 0.039 +cetera 0.284 0.025 +ceteris 0.233 0.004 +ceti 0.653 0.251 +cetirizine 0.462 0.047 +cetis 0.210 0.702 +cette 0.212 0.014 +cetus 0.831 0.061 +cetyl 0.634 0.086 +ceu 0.028 0.918 +ceuta 0.932 0.039 +ceux 0.113 0.010 +cev 0.021 0.932 +ceva 0.209 0.372 +ceviche 0.450 0.026 +cew 0.035 0.892 +cex 0.175 0.289 +cey 0.317 0.350 +ceyhan 0.942 0.047 +ceylon 0.891 0.068 +cez 0.064 0.872 +cezanne 0.912 0.033 +cf 0.099 0.634 +cfa 0.006 0.970 +cfar 0.012 0.590 +cfb 0.010 0.891 +cfc 0.004 0.945 +cfd 0.007 0.937 +cfda 0.001 0.992 +cfdj 0.000 0.999 +cfe 0.008 0.870 +cfengine 0.088 0.002 +cff 0.050 0.796 +cfg 0.035 0.414 +cfh 0.020 0.754 +cfi 0.014 0.913 +cfia 0.000 0.997 +cfids 0.010 0.948 +cfingerd 0.019 0.005 +cfk 0.011 0.833 +cfl 0.013 0.939 +cflags 0.005 0.872 +cfm 0.015 0.688 +cfml 0.001 0.967 +cfmx 0.003 0.941 +cfn 0.027 0.875 +cfnm 0.099 0.532 +cfo 0.005 0.973 +cfp 0.009 0.960 +cfq 0.010 0.549 +cfr 0.003 0.990 +cfs 0.006 0.666 +cfsan 0.000 0.989 +cfsc 0.000 0.989 +cfsp 0.000 0.996 +cft 0.012 0.878 +cftc 0.001 0.978 +cftr 0.025 0.955 +cfu 0.004 0.754 +cfv 0.008 0.725 +cfw 0.008 0.867 +cfx 0.017 0.894 +cg 0.035 0.863 +cga 0.006 0.904 +cgap 0.000 0.779 +cgat 0.042 0.123 +cgb 0.018 0.872 +cgc 0.004 0.911 +cgcgc 0.000 0.996 +cgd 0.011 0.715 +cge 0.013 0.896 +cgf 0.008 0.536 +cgg 0.004 0.871 +cgh 0.020 0.928 +cgi 0.015 0.684 +cgiapp 0.014 0.004 +cgiar 0.004 0.983 +cgiwrap 0.007 0.009 +cgl 0.022 0.895 +cgm 0.009 0.872 +cgmp 0.009 0.818 +cgn 0.013 0.857 +cgo 0.022 0.931 +cgp 0.009 0.885 +cgpa 0.000 0.977 +cgr 0.010 0.944 +cgrid 0.000 0.002 +cgrp 0.000 0.991 +cgs 0.018 0.889 +cgt 0.004 0.873 +cgu 0.011 0.938 +cgw 0.003 0.977 +cgy 0.280 0.694 +ch 0.263 0.431 +cha 0.522 0.205 +chabad 0.957 0.021 +chabert 0.819 0.023 +chablis 0.870 0.065 +chabon 0.962 0.017 +chabot 0.852 0.128 +chabrol 0.956 0.029 +chac 0.423 0.427 +chace 0.797 0.077 +chacha 0.775 0.057 +chaco 0.879 0.020 +chacon 0.907 0.061 +chacun 0.223 0.012 +chad 0.927 0.043 +chadbourne 0.926 0.059 +chadd 0.539 0.430 +chadderton 0.943 0.049 +chadds 0.818 0.148 +chadha 0.953 0.032 +chadian 0.982 0.011 +chadron 0.888 0.099 +chads 0.358 0.045 +chadstone 0.775 0.148 +chadwell 0.901 0.052 +chadwick 0.891 0.082 +chadwicks 0.904 0.010 +chae 0.796 0.096 +chaf 0.047 0.095 +chafe 0.376 0.039 +chafed 0.024 0.006 +chafee 0.881 0.111 +chafer 0.737 0.065 +chafers 0.895 0.005 +chaff 0.223 0.020 +chaffee 0.901 0.079 +chaffey 0.883 0.098 +chaffin 0.915 0.076 +chafing 0.332 0.050 +chag 0.232 0.068 +chagall 0.897 0.063 +chagas 0.941 0.023 +chagnon 0.940 0.051 +chagos 0.960 0.031 +chagrin 0.426 0.038 +chah 0.282 0.039 +chai 0.764 0.061 +chaiken 0.929 0.056 +chaikin 0.953 0.028 +chaim 0.912 0.032 +chain 0.365 0.052 +chaine 0.343 0.058 +chained 0.238 0.015 +chaining 0.227 0.012 +chainmail 0.602 0.022 +chainring 0.551 0.027 +chainrings 0.833 0.035 +chains 0.404 0.027 +chainsaw 0.609 0.059 +chainsaws 0.509 0.038 +chainset 0.796 0.033 +chainsets 0.696 0.056 +chaintech 0.803 0.149 +chair 0.584 0.036 +chaired 0.081 0.002 +chairing 0.139 0.007 +chairlift 0.293 0.016 +chairman 0.697 0.039 +chairmans 0.986 0.006 +chairmanship 0.292 0.008 +chairmen 0.486 0.027 +chairperson 0.637 0.064 +chairpersons 0.514 0.037 +chairs 0.504 0.024 +chairwoman 0.457 0.028 +chaise 0.486 0.028 +chaises 0.512 0.012 +chaisson 0.900 0.088 +chait 0.833 0.048 +chaitanya 0.862 0.030 +chak 0.720 0.099 +chaka 0.864 0.071 +chakotay 0.967 0.026 +chakra 0.576 0.043 +chakrabarti 0.943 0.033 +chakrabarty 0.904 0.029 +chakraborty 0.878 0.063 +chakras 0.505 0.031 +chakravarti 0.956 0.035 +chakravarty 0.954 0.033 +chal 0.239 0.054 +chalabi 0.970 0.021 +chalcedon 0.972 0.013 +chalcedony 0.647 0.065 +chalcopyrite 0.290 0.033 +chaldean 0.943 0.020 +chaldeans 0.983 0.008 +chalet 0.556 0.032 +chalets 0.540 0.018 +chaleur 0.344 0.080 +chalfant 0.913 0.075 +chalfont 0.908 0.067 +chalice 0.547 0.039 +chalices 0.545 0.054 +chalk 0.438 0.098 +chalkboard 0.446 0.026 +chalkboards 0.557 0.016 +chalke 0.906 0.034 +chalked 0.020 0.003 +chalker 0.904 0.076 +chalkidiki 0.764 0.168 +chalking 0.277 0.012 +chalks 0.526 0.039 +chalky 0.267 0.025 +chall 0.607 0.093 +challah 0.670 0.021 +challange 0.322 0.041 +challeng 0.670 0.013 +challenge 0.353 0.021 +challenged 0.069 0.010 +challenger 0.714 0.054 +challengers 0.337 0.048 +challenges 0.204 0.013 +challenging 0.087 0.005 +challies 0.975 0.000 +challis 0.852 0.072 +chalmers 0.900 0.077 +chalmette 0.873 0.105 +chalon 0.886 0.079 +chalte 0.860 0.082 +cham 0.672 0.116 +chama 0.829 0.087 +chamaecyparis 0.930 0.046 +chamber 0.660 0.028 +chambered 0.390 0.017 +chamberlain 0.874 0.075 +chamberlin 0.888 0.080 +chambermaid 0.397 0.030 +chambers 0.645 0.051 +chambersburg 0.903 0.067 +chambertin 0.826 0.131 +chambery 0.868 0.065 +chamblee 0.917 0.063 +chambliss 0.827 0.166 +chambon 0.814 0.173 +chambord 0.859 0.064 +chambray 0.725 0.060 +chambre 0.549 0.048 +chambres 0.599 0.039 +chameleon 0.741 0.048 +chameleons 0.604 0.032 +chamfer 0.380 0.074 +chamfered 0.180 0.022 +chamillionaire 0.863 0.056 +chaminade 0.937 0.043 +chamois 0.655 0.050 +chamomile 0.619 0.029 +chamonix 0.897 0.036 +chamorro 0.909 0.021 +champ 0.644 0.085 +champa 0.820 0.065 +champagne 0.622 0.048 +champagnes 0.574 0.026 +champaign 0.863 0.049 +champion 0.543 0.037 +championed 0.032 0.002 +championing 0.131 0.004 +championnat 0.541 0.033 +champions 0.709 0.044 +championship 0.674 0.037 +championships 0.764 0.040 +champlain 0.927 0.053 +champlin 0.894 0.085 +champloo 0.944 0.014 +champoluc 0.971 0.009 +champs 0.728 0.084 +champus 0.141 0.851 +chan 0.644 0.130 +chana 0.811 0.086 +chance 0.132 0.047 +chanced 0.010 0.002 +chancel 0.381 0.013 +chancellery 0.837 0.015 +chancellor 0.828 0.021 +chancellors 0.705 0.028 +chancellorsville 0.950 0.034 +chancen 0.965 0.003 +chancery 0.737 0.044 +chances 0.134 0.013 +chancey 0.787 0.159 +chand 0.839 0.100 +chanda 0.872 0.049 +chandan 0.893 0.037 +chandelier 0.606 0.088 +chandeliers 0.681 0.019 +chander 0.892 0.078 +chandigarh 0.921 0.060 +chandler 0.863 0.061 +chandlers 0.846 0.042 +chandlery 0.798 0.011 +chandon 0.884 0.065 +chandos 0.931 0.064 +chandra 0.915 0.044 +chandran 0.887 0.047 +chandrasekaran 0.940 0.046 +chandrasekhar 0.960 0.025 +chandrika 0.968 0.016 +chandy 0.958 0.018 +chanel 0.664 0.135 +chaney 0.910 0.064 +chang 0.886 0.042 +changchun 0.948 0.041 +change 0.227 0.017 +changeable 0.251 0.073 +changed 0.133 0.008 +changeling 0.778 0.030 +changelog 0.600 0.032 +changelogs 0.293 0.000 +changement 0.200 0.036 +changements 0.266 0.022 +changeover 0.246 0.022 +changeovers 0.117 0.006 +changer 0.535 0.051 +changers 0.685 0.021 +changes 0.151 0.013 +changeset 0.708 0.001 +changesets 0.449 0.032 +changi 0.899 0.053 +changin 0.573 0.026 +changing 0.228 0.013 +chango 0.787 0.053 +changsha 0.911 0.044 +changzhou 0.935 0.043 +chanhassen 0.836 0.136 +chania 0.879 0.059 +channa 0.765 0.027 +channahon 0.812 0.142 +channel 0.530 0.033 +channeled 0.124 0.011 +channeling 0.320 0.014 +channelization 0.266 0.047 +channelized 0.432 0.037 +channell 0.811 0.083 +channelled 0.036 0.010 +channelling 0.228 0.013 +channellock 0.626 0.357 +channelnewsasia 0.990 0.000 +channels 0.319 0.027 +channelview 0.863 0.097 +channing 0.914 0.054 +channon 0.903 0.080 +chans 0.199 0.050 +chanson 0.494 0.033 +chansons 0.404 0.019 +chanstats 0.994 0.000 +chant 0.407 0.039 +chantal 0.728 0.041 +chante 0.695 0.065 +chanted 0.026 0.003 +chantel 0.842 0.062 +chantelle 0.921 0.019 +chanter 0.513 0.049 +chanterelle 0.700 0.030 +chanters 0.720 0.017 +chanteuse 0.132 0.011 +chanti 0.973 0.004 +chanticleer 0.793 0.122 +chantier 0.126 0.094 +chantilly 0.874 0.074 +chanting 0.161 0.009 +chantry 0.668 0.029 +chants 0.351 0.026 +chanukah 0.949 0.021 +chanute 0.826 0.155 +chao 0.839 0.038 +chaordic 0.889 0.004 +chaos 0.521 0.034 +chaosium 0.991 0.006 +chaotic 0.232 0.011 +chaoyang 0.964 0.020 +chaozhou 0.955 0.034 +chap 0.421 0.174 +chapa 0.655 0.106 +chapala 0.931 0.038 +chaparral 0.733 0.051 +chapbook 0.337 0.030 +chapbooks 0.628 0.013 +chapeau 0.473 0.064 +chapel 0.777 0.037 +chapelle 0.805 0.059 +chapels 0.551 0.013 +chaperon 0.424 0.031 +chaperone 0.189 0.030 +chaperones 0.257 0.033 +chaperonin 0.230 0.051 +chapin 0.894 0.079 +chapitre 0.443 0.174 +chaplain 0.592 0.025 +chaplaincy 0.739 0.019 +chaplains 0.468 0.021 +chapleau 0.917 0.076 +chaplet 0.800 0.050 +chaplin 0.885 0.084 +chapman 0.883 0.078 +chapo 0.888 0.020 +chappaqua 0.882 0.093 +chapped 0.278 0.008 +chappel 0.858 0.069 +chappell 0.914 0.063 +chappelle 0.731 0.031 +chapple 0.820 0.166 +chappy 0.572 0.057 +chaps 0.418 0.108 +chapstick 0.436 0.033 +chapt 0.768 0.031 +chapter 0.616 0.093 +chapters 0.448 0.021 +chapultepec 0.962 0.022 +chaput 0.876 0.099 +chaque 0.150 0.008 +char 0.064 0.052 +chara 0.620 0.112 +charac 0.051 0.013 +character 0.177 0.019 +characteris 0.041 0.007 +characterisation 0.272 0.016 +characterise 0.019 0.002 +characterised 0.012 0.002 +characterises 0.005 0.000 +characterising 0.152 0.005 +characteristic 0.093 0.011 +characteristically 0.106 0.001 +characteristics 0.203 0.036 +characterization 0.338 0.030 +characterizations 0.116 0.010 +characterize 0.039 0.003 +characterized 0.014 0.003 +characterizes 0.013 0.005 +characterizing 0.195 0.011 +characters 0.173 0.008 +charade 0.469 0.058 +charades 0.440 0.031 +charadrius 0.985 0.008 +charan 0.879 0.074 +charat 0.948 0.009 +charbonneau 0.919 0.070 +charcoal 0.532 0.039 +charcot 0.937 0.031 +chard 0.712 0.050 +chardin 0.937 0.044 +chardon 0.870 0.088 +chardonnay 0.887 0.035 +charen 0.953 0.020 +charente 0.875 0.056 +charentes 0.911 0.013 +charest 0.930 0.039 +charette 0.770 0.090 +charg 0.363 0.092 +charge 0.136 0.023 +chargeable 0.190 0.021 +chargeback 0.345 0.020 +chargebacks 0.224 0.025 +charged 0.045 0.014 +charger 0.633 0.103 +chargers 0.769 0.034 +charges 0.144 0.028 +charging 0.211 0.023 +chari 0.773 0.052 +charing 0.908 0.057 +chariot 0.454 0.028 +charioteer 0.252 0.016 +chariots 0.425 0.023 +charis 0.875 0.037 +charisma 0.439 0.029 +charismatic 0.237 0.010 +charisse 0.908 0.049 +charitable 0.327 0.022 +charities 0.471 0.017 +chariton 0.857 0.121 +charity 0.444 0.021 +charityshop 0.000 0.000 +charl 0.836 0.079 +charla 0.713 0.030 +charlatan 0.267 0.012 +charlatans 0.640 0.040 +charle 0.870 0.067 +charlebois 0.743 0.248 +charlemagne 0.926 0.041 +charlemont 0.911 0.079 +charlene 0.919 0.047 +charleroi 0.663 0.288 +charles 0.917 0.059 +charleston 0.916 0.051 +charlestown 0.893 0.058 +charlesworth 0.919 0.071 +charlet 0.899 0.022 +charleville 0.825 0.128 +charlevoix 0.878 0.088 +charley 0.900 0.056 +charli 0.646 0.052 +charlie 0.912 0.042 +charlies 0.752 0.065 +charlize 0.898 0.020 +charlo 0.830 0.135 +charlot 0.842 0.087 +charlotte 0.853 0.038 +charlottenburg 0.936 0.018 +charlottes 0.751 0.136 +charlottesville 0.851 0.034 +charlottetown 0.950 0.036 +charlton 0.921 0.060 +charly 0.824 0.065 +charm 0.434 0.062 +charmaine 0.828 0.036 +charman 0.866 0.099 +charmane 0.830 0.022 +charmap 0.028 0.015 +charme 0.192 0.028 +charmed 0.689 0.040 +charmer 0.425 0.043 +charmers 0.436 0.036 +charmes 0.274 0.038 +charmeuse 0.679 0.067 +charmian 0.842 0.143 +charmin 0.765 0.065 +charming 0.257 0.022 +charmingly 0.078 0.003 +charmm 0.038 0.865 +charms 0.607 0.054 +charney 0.954 0.035 +charnock 0.934 0.053 +charnos 0.963 0.024 +charnwood 0.731 0.031 +charo 0.761 0.137 +charolais 0.902 0.071 +charon 0.723 0.053 +charpentier 0.904 0.077 +charr 0.435 0.041 +charred 0.154 0.008 +charrette 0.561 0.030 +charriol 0.868 0.045 +charro 0.767 0.138 +charron 0.910 0.083 +chars 0.090 0.029 +charset 0.063 0.023 +charsets 0.079 0.012 +chart 0.531 0.029 +charta 0.858 0.047 +chartbuster 0.787 0.178 +charte 0.746 0.048 +charted 0.252 0.011 +charter 0.615 0.035 +chartered 0.624 0.025 +charterer 0.283 0.042 +charterers 0.336 0.043 +charterhouse 0.912 0.032 +chartering 0.285 0.032 +charteris 0.894 0.091 +charters 0.642 0.033 +chartier 0.912 0.055 +charting 0.499 0.015 +chartplotter 0.731 0.062 +chartplotters 0.537 0.344 +chartrand 0.852 0.131 +chartres 0.909 0.055 +chartreuse 0.583 0.046 +charts 0.536 0.035 +chartwell 0.879 0.106 +charybdis 0.924 0.026 +chas 0.780 0.152 +chase 0.653 0.045 +chased 0.056 0.007 +chasen 0.466 0.046 +chaser 0.845 0.023 +chasers 0.452 0.034 +chases 0.145 0.012 +chasey 0.758 0.042 +chasez 0.832 0.054 +chasin 0.637 0.042 +chasing 0.320 0.033 +chasis 0.374 0.102 +chaska 0.907 0.070 +chasm 0.392 0.032 +chasms 0.237 0.013 +chass 0.214 0.717 +chasse 0.601 0.089 +chassell 0.860 0.093 +chasseur 0.788 0.026 +chassidic 0.886 0.007 +chassis 0.472 0.057 +chastain 0.728 0.066 +chaste 0.227 0.013 +chastened 0.091 0.005 +chastise 0.047 0.006 +chastised 0.030 0.003 +chastisement 0.082 0.018 +chastity 0.343 0.014 +chat 0.563 0.022 +chatboard 0.819 0.133 +chatboards 0.979 0.000 +chatbot 0.237 0.004 +chatbox 0.616 0.006 +chateau 0.824 0.076 +chateaubriand 0.812 0.060 +chateauneuf 0.804 0.170 +chateaux 0.625 0.103 +chatel 0.797 0.100 +chatelain 0.877 0.094 +chatelaine 0.784 0.049 +chater 0.903 0.049 +chatfield 0.825 0.144 +chatham 0.915 0.062 +chatillon 0.849 0.131 +chating 0.483 0.016 +chatline 0.243 0.027 +chatluder 0.000 0.000 +chatman 0.889 0.092 +chatroom 0.560 0.038 +chatrooms 0.386 0.010 +chats 0.470 0.032 +chatschlampen 0.000 0.000 +chatswood 0.729 0.231 +chatsworth 0.880 0.091 +chattahoochee 0.896 0.071 +chattanooga 0.923 0.049 +chattanoogan 0.989 0.000 +chatte 0.144 0.010 +chatted 0.019 0.002 +chattel 0.167 0.031 +chattels 0.149 0.013 +chatten 0.252 0.060 +chatter 0.595 0.017 +chatterbox 0.832 0.015 +chattering 0.122 0.007 +chatteris 0.954 0.034 +chatterjee 0.955 0.036 +chatterley 0.911 0.053 +chatterlight 0.000 0.000 +chatters 0.521 0.022 +chatterton 0.913 0.074 +chatting 0.242 0.006 +chattisgarh 0.937 0.031 +chatto 0.950 0.027 +chattooga 0.917 0.055 +chattopadhyay 0.967 0.025 +chatty 0.294 0.022 +chaturvedi 0.911 0.065 +chatwin 0.898 0.054 +chau 0.867 0.052 +chaucer 0.940 0.036 +chaud 0.314 0.045 +chaude 0.038 0.015 +chaudhary 0.889 0.049 +chaudhry 0.950 0.038 +chaudhuri 0.969 0.024 +chauffage 0.103 0.018 +chauffeur 0.480 0.019 +chauffeured 0.663 0.008 +chauffeurs 0.461 0.055 +chauhan 0.895 0.058 +chaumet 0.868 0.111 +chaumont 0.794 0.116 +chauncey 0.912 0.065 +chauncy 0.904 0.071 +chaunged 0.000 0.000 +chaussure 0.077 0.010 +chaussures 0.134 0.022 +chautauqua 0.887 0.084 +chauvet 0.908 0.080 +chauvin 0.831 0.106 +chauvinism 0.151 0.005 +chauvinist 0.248 0.012 +chauvinistic 0.045 0.000 +chav 0.502 0.034 +chava 0.873 0.034 +chave 0.358 0.042 +chaves 0.749 0.071 +chavez 0.939 0.037 +chavis 0.896 0.085 +chavo 0.833 0.044 +chavs 0.433 0.027 +chaw 0.587 0.072 +chaweng 0.966 0.008 +chawla 0.934 0.033 +chay 0.377 0.042 +chaya 0.854 0.033 +chayanne 0.770 0.111 +chaynes 0.841 0.021 +chaz 0.809 0.113 +chazal 0.928 0.017 +chazy 0.800 0.140 +chazz 0.880 0.023 +chb 0.029 0.872 +chc 0.116 0.856 +chch 0.440 0.442 +chcs 0.044 0.937 +chd 0.026 0.916 +chdir 0.013 0.057 +che 0.248 0.148 +chea 0.431 0.147 +cheadle 0.904 0.054 +cheah 0.909 0.054 +cheam 0.946 0.028 +cheann 0.891 0.017 +cheap 0.413 0.013 +cheapass 0.958 0.003 +cheapen 0.012 0.003 +cheaper 0.247 0.014 +cheapest 0.223 0.021 +cheapflights 0.981 0.000 +cheaply 0.058 0.009 +cheapness 0.087 0.007 +cheapo 0.302 0.033 +cheapside 0.952 0.029 +cheapskate 0.503 0.025 +cheaptickets 0.934 0.001 +chear 0.751 0.022 +cheat 0.465 0.024 +cheatcodes 0.242 0.053 +cheated 0.067 0.017 +cheater 0.587 0.058 +cheaters 0.510 0.038 +cheatham 0.843 0.087 +cheatin 0.611 0.048 +cheating 0.268 0.021 +cheats 0.732 0.021 +cheatsheet 0.472 0.083 +cheb 0.814 0.061 +chebi 0.015 0.983 +cheboygan 0.872 0.099 +chebyshev 0.950 0.021 +chec 0.231 0.317 +checa 0.864 0.061 +chechen 0.951 0.042 +chechens 0.969 0.019 +chechnya 0.948 0.044 +check 0.498 0.021 +checkable 0.277 0.009 +checkbook 0.447 0.068 +checkbooks 0.627 0.015 +checkbox 0.104 0.009 +checkboxes 0.023 0.000 +checked 0.085 0.015 +checker 0.544 0.024 +checkerboard 0.500 0.040 +checkered 0.426 0.042 +checkers 0.537 0.035 +checkin 0.239 0.026 +checking 0.187 0.008 +checkins 0.233 0.000 +checklist 0.573 0.048 +checklists 0.485 0.019 +checkmark 0.133 0.327 +checkmate 0.708 0.055 +checkoff 0.348 0.038 +checkout 0.685 0.038 +checkouts 0.120 0.015 +checkpoint 0.352 0.032 +checkpointing 0.279 0.007 +checkpoints 0.199 0.008 +checks 0.295 0.037 +checkservice 0.025 0.000 +checkstyle 0.439 0.000 +checksum 0.253 0.029 +checksums 0.095 0.366 +checkup 0.331 0.015 +checkups 0.151 0.009 +checotah 0.865 0.103 +ched 0.190 0.546 +cheddar 0.585 0.030 +chedi 0.758 0.024 +chedule 0.005 0.903 +chee 0.757 0.116 +cheech 0.770 0.049 +cheek 0.189 0.020 +cheekbones 0.073 0.005 +cheeked 0.048 0.025 +cheeks 0.182 0.013 +cheektowaga 0.881 0.094 +cheeky 0.490 0.063 +cheep 0.217 0.025 +cheer 0.363 0.027 +cheered 0.023 0.003 +cheerful 0.119 0.010 +cheerfully 0.020 0.003 +cheerfulness 0.102 0.010 +cheerily 0.049 0.000 +cheering 0.095 0.015 +cheerio 0.727 0.024 +cheerios 0.768 0.073 +cheerleader 0.241 0.010 +cheerleaders 0.247 0.021 +cheerleading 0.647 0.030 +cheers 0.680 0.017 +cheery 0.155 0.013 +cheese 0.411 0.044 +cheeseburger 0.529 0.041 +cheeseburgers 0.267 0.014 +cheesecake 0.562 0.080 +cheesecakes 0.770 0.023 +cheesecloth 0.164 0.016 +cheeseman 0.945 0.035 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0.000 +chemiluminescence 0.299 0.029 +chemiluminescent 0.344 0.035 +chemin 0.468 0.040 +chemins 0.465 0.044 +chemische 0.538 0.085 +chemise 0.573 0.073 +chemises 0.690 0.023 +chemist 0.571 0.030 +chemistries 0.240 0.030 +chemistry 0.593 0.039 +chemists 0.491 0.034 +chemnitz 0.899 0.023 +chemo 0.284 0.018 +chemoattractant 0.196 0.011 +chemokine 0.234 0.016 +chemokines 0.374 0.008 +chemometrics 0.764 0.026 +chemoprevention 0.398 0.015 +chemoprophylaxis 0.249 0.016 +chemosphere 0.963 0.027 +chemotactic 0.202 0.014 +chemotaxis 0.234 0.024 +chemother 0.980 0.004 +chemotherapeutic 0.109 0.014 +chemotherapy 0.263 0.011 +chemtrails 0.549 0.078 +chemung 0.877 0.095 +chen 0.894 0.056 +chena 0.778 0.104 +chenango 0.865 0.116 +chenault 0.864 0.129 +chenbro 0.531 0.460 +cheney 0.913 0.058 +cheng 0.902 0.060 +chengdu 0.930 0.041 +chenier 0.852 0.114 +chenille 0.638 0.078 +chenin 0.912 0.029 +chenming 0.844 0.021 +chennai 0.874 0.054 +chennin 0.938 0.010 +chenoa 0.740 0.111 +chenopodium 0.960 0.015 +chenoweth 0.855 0.128 +cheo 0.383 0.429 +cheol 0.639 0.028 +cheon 0.809 0.029 +cheong 0.865 0.065 +cheongsam 0.769 0.011 +cheops 0.606 0.070 +chep 0.120 0.379 +chepstow 0.931 0.050 +cheque 0.239 0.039 +chequer 0.837 0.023 +chequered 0.220 0.027 +chequers 0.887 0.041 +cheques 0.271 0.086 +cher 0.547 0.072 +cheraw 0.867 0.118 +cherbourg 0.918 0.039 +cherche 0.142 0.036 +chercher 0.688 0.007 +chere 0.444 0.067 +cherenkov 0.941 0.033 +cheri 0.862 0.066 +cherie 0.842 0.060 +cherish 0.243 0.024 +cherished 0.300 0.035 +cherishes 0.022 0.004 +cherishing 0.171 0.005 +cheriton 0.948 0.034 +chermside 0.466 0.478 +chern 0.928 0.028 +chernobyl 0.949 0.025 +chernoff 0.869 0.120 +chernomyrdin 0.926 0.069 +chernov 0.944 0.027 +cherokee 0.815 0.084 +cherokees 0.957 0.015 +cherri 0.878 0.039 +cherrie 0.863 0.039 +cherries 0.318 0.023 +cherry 0.690 0.071 +cherryh 0.952 0.025 +cherryville 0.902 0.080 +cherrywood 0.735 0.087 +chers 0.128 0.055 +chert 0.215 0.149 +chertoff 0.917 0.065 +chertsey 0.897 0.030 +cherub 0.598 0.101 +cherubim 0.424 0.032 +cherubini 0.914 0.070 +cherubs 0.615 0.074 +chervil 0.455 0.040 +cherwell 0.624 0.032 +chery 0.804 0.047 +cheryl 0.936 0.033 +ches 0.313 0.377 +chesapeake 0.915 0.056 +chesed 0.693 0.046 +chesham 0.908 0.033 +cheshire 0.927 0.038 +cheshunt 0.880 0.101 +chesky 0.936 0.035 +chesler 0.969 0.025 +chesley 0.925 0.063 +chesney 0.392 0.034 +chesnut 0.806 0.061 +chesnutt 0.927 0.054 +chess 0.577 0.044 +chessboard 0.285 0.016 +chessex 0.993 0.005 +chessie 0.761 0.070 +chessington 0.959 0.023 +chessmaster 0.774 0.032 +chessmen 0.585 0.033 +chest 0.315 0.038 +chested 0.095 0.011 +chester 0.896 0.064 +chesterfield 0.897 0.069 +chesterland 0.871 0.106 +chesters 0.937 0.035 +chesterton 0.940 0.045 +chestertown 0.880 0.090 +chestnut 0.711 0.086 +chestnuts 0.435 0.020 +chests 0.471 0.015 +chesty 0.599 0.019 +cheswick 0.835 0.105 +chet 0.811 0.066 +chetan 0.835 0.035 +chetek 0.882 0.089 +chetty 0.665 0.040 +chetumal 0.915 0.064 +chetwynd 0.841 0.100 +cheuk 0.888 0.065 +cheung 0.890 0.070 +chev 0.577 0.261 +cheval 0.560 0.080 +chevalier 0.827 0.057 +chevaliers 0.522 0.063 +chevaux 0.174 0.020 +chevelle 0.278 0.035 +cheverly 0.937 0.053 +chevette 0.796 0.080 +cheveux 0.167 0.021 +chevignon 0.843 0.136 +cheviot 0.900 0.069 +chevre 0.641 0.043 +chevrolet 0.847 0.077 +chevron 0.797 0.085 +chevrons 0.295 0.051 +chevy 0.718 0.089 +chevys 0.790 0.038 +chew 0.404 0.035 +chewable 0.569 0.042 +chewables 0.629 0.056 +chewbacca 0.877 0.049 +chewed 0.034 0.006 +chewelah 0.830 0.095 +chewer 0.516 0.257 +chewers 0.435 0.143 +chewie 0.820 0.018 +chewing 0.234 0.015 +chews 0.527 0.028 +chewy 0.415 0.031 +chex 0.771 0.145 +chey 0.568 0.101 +cheyanne 0.935 0.028 +cheyenne 0.899 0.066 +cheyne 0.944 0.037 +cheyney 0.895 0.064 +chez 0.565 0.035 +chf 0.005 0.984 +chg 0.527 0.271 +chgrp 0.005 0.022 +chgset 0.967 0.000 +chh 0.024 0.931 +chhattisgarh 0.948 0.041 +chi 0.614 0.152 +chia 0.705 0.051 +chiaki 0.904 0.015 +chiamata 0.036 0.006 +chian 0.691 0.084 +chiana 0.910 0.035 +chiang 0.960 0.020 +chiangmai 0.901 0.036 +chianti 0.812 0.071 +chiao 0.872 0.052 +chiapas 0.701 0.022 +chiara 0.769 0.083 +chiarello 0.938 0.019 +chiari 0.899 0.030 +chiark 0.011 0.000 +chiaro 0.528 0.044 +chiaroscuro 0.515 0.039 +chiasson 0.919 0.066 +chiat 0.925 0.038 +chiavate 0.000 0.000 +chiave 0.063 0.016 +chiba 0.895 0.067 +chibi 0.738 0.025 +chic 0.477 0.113 +chica 0.400 0.101 +chicaeroticanet 0.000 0.000 +chicago 0.907 0.036 +chicagoan 0.593 0.007 +chicagoans 0.965 0.011 +chicagoist 0.840 0.000 +chicagoland 0.941 0.019 +chicagotribune 0.004 0.015 +chicana 0.866 0.027 +chicane 0.402 0.025 +chicanery 0.133 0.006 +chicano 0.854 0.041 +chicanos 0.907 0.033 +chicas 0.102 0.009 +chicco 0.867 0.073 +chicha 0.664 0.033 +chichen 0.925 0.027 +chichester 0.939 0.040 +chichi 0.523 0.036 +chick 0.428 0.026 +chicka 0.627 0.045 +chickadee 0.739 0.043 +chickadees 0.455 0.053 +chickamauga 0.913 0.061 +chickasaw 0.899 0.077 +chickasha 0.859 0.116 +chicken 0.494 0.049 +chickenhawk 0.500 0.038 +chickenpox 0.403 0.012 +chickens 0.266 0.018 +chickering 0.931 0.047 +chickie 0.604 0.041 +chickpea 0.448 0.017 +chickpeas 0.299 0.021 +chicks 0.273 0.020 +chickweed 0.717 0.023 +chicky 0.440 0.041 +chiclana 0.868 0.034 +chico 0.809 0.054 +chicony 0.898 0.079 +chicopee 0.882 0.088 +chicory 0.500 0.078 +chicos 0.066 0.027 +chicot 0.878 0.079 +chicoutimi 0.915 0.071 +chics 0.160 0.030 +chid 0.143 0.500 +chidambaram 0.958 0.031 +chide 0.064 0.016 +chided 0.063 0.000 +chides 0.186 0.017 +chie 0.591 0.144 +chief 0.583 0.022 +chiefland 0.891 0.070 +chiefly 0.056 0.003 +chiefs 0.672 0.026 +chieftain 0.650 0.047 +chieftains 0.644 0.044 +chieftec 0.739 0.197 +chieh 0.819 0.030 +chiemsee 0.809 0.146 +chien 0.689 0.051 +chiens 0.259 0.023 +chiesa 0.736 0.036 +chieti 0.874 0.052 +chievo 0.940 0.044 +chiffon 0.557 0.080 +chiffres 0.131 0.029 +chifley 0.878 0.116 +chignik 0.885 0.101 +chigwell 0.815 0.056 +chih 0.770 0.090 +chihiro 0.897 0.015 +chihuahua 0.747 0.040 +chihuahuas 0.720 0.041 +chihuly 0.892 0.051 +chii 0.696 0.069 +chik 0.607 0.079 +chika 0.644 0.116 +chikan 0.527 0.067 +chiklis 0.969 0.020 +chiks 0.040 0.005 +chil 0.140 0.426 +chilcotin 0.968 0.024 +chilcott 0.892 0.098 +child 0.324 0.022 +childbearing 0.165 0.010 +childbirth 0.533 0.012 +childcare 0.522 0.018 +childe 0.779 0.038 +childern 0.275 0.043 +childers 0.871 0.114 +childfree 0.339 0.004 +childhood 0.380 0.017 +childhoods 0.208 0.012 +childish 0.113 0.010 +childless 0.116 0.019 +childlike 0.099 0.004 +childline 0.851 0.114 +childminder 0.207 0.027 +childminders 0.568 0.006 +childminding 0.587 0.022 +childproof 0.363 0.012 +childr 0.469 0.043 +childre 0.390 0.308 +childrearing 0.194 0.009 +children 0.347 0.016 +childrens 0.722 0.058 +childrenswear 0.645 0.056 +childress 0.884 0.100 +childs 0.602 0.108 +chile 0.872 0.048 +chilean 0.966 0.014 +chileans 0.972 0.008 +chilena 0.533 0.082 +chiles 0.515 0.062 +chili 0.617 0.046 +chilies 0.166 0.014 +chilis 0.550 0.039 +chilkat 0.956 0.014 +chill 0.428 0.092 +chilled 0.239 0.031 +chiller 0.528 0.049 +chillers 0.598 0.034 +chilli 0.534 0.064 +chillicothe 0.840 0.123 +chillies 0.285 0.018 +chillin 0.465 0.051 +chilling 0.187 0.013 +chillingly 0.108 0.004 +chilliwack 0.937 0.042 +chillout 0.766 0.057 +chills 0.194 0.019 +chilly 0.223 0.017 +chillys 0.983 0.010 +chilmark 0.871 0.086 +chiltern 0.909 0.075 +chilterns 0.940 0.029 +chilton 0.862 0.098 +chim 0.708 0.083 +chimaera 0.781 0.032 +chimaira 0.582 0.060 +chimayo 0.932 0.040 +chime 0.447 0.067 +chimed 0.015 0.003 +chimera 0.672 0.047 +chimeras 0.174 0.012 +chimeric 0.235 0.011 +chimes 0.657 0.038 +chimica 0.615 0.166 +chimie 0.581 0.136 +chiming 0.229 0.028 +chimique 0.245 0.184 +chimney 0.539 0.030 +chimneys 0.340 0.026 +chimo 0.567 0.057 +chimp 0.616 0.018 +chimpanzee 0.382 0.020 +chimpanzees 0.216 0.011 +chimps 0.319 0.018 +chin 0.504 0.061 +china 0.939 0.027 +chinaberry 0.963 0.011 +chinadaily 0.947 0.000 +chinaman 0.863 0.026 +chinas 0.687 0.021 +chinastar 0.997 0.002 +chinatown 0.941 0.021 +chinaware 0.620 0.032 +chinchilla 0.647 0.057 +chinchillas 0.590 0.029 +chincoteague 0.927 0.047 +chine 0.523 0.088 +chineese 0.456 0.011 +chinensis 0.098 0.024 +chines 0.277 0.022 +chinese 0.902 0.021 +ching 0.822 0.048 +chingford 0.896 0.028 +chingy 0.812 0.048 +chinh 0.458 0.041 +chink 0.301 0.082 +chinks 0.279 0.041 +chinle 0.887 0.083 +chinmoy 0.970 0.020 +chinn 0.927 0.055 +chinned 0.037 0.042 +chino 0.832 0.065 +chinois 0.385 0.022 +chinoise 0.460 0.022 +chinon 0.739 0.138 +chinook 0.607 0.040 +chinos 0.594 0.034 +chins 0.417 0.074 +chintz 0.599 0.150 +chinua 0.954 0.016 +chio 0.441 0.164 +chiodo 0.889 0.041 +chiodos 0.413 0.011 +chios 0.889 0.069 +chip 0.353 0.064 +chipboard 0.534 0.024 +chipley 0.878 0.082 +chipmaker 0.259 0.003 +chipman 0.896 0.095 +chipmunk 0.600 0.048 +chipmunks 0.600 0.046 +chipotle 0.713 0.024 +chipped 0.114 0.021 +chippendale 0.822 0.118 +chippenham 0.931 0.047 +chipper 0.464 0.055 +chippers 0.620 0.038 +chippewa 0.908 0.067 +chippewas 0.993 0.005 +chipping 0.455 0.063 +chippy 0.557 0.064 +chips 0.282 0.041 +chipset 0.466 0.020 +chipsets 0.385 0.006 +chiptuning 0.118 0.008 +chiquita 0.855 0.062 +chir 0.842 0.112 +chirac 0.963 0.024 +chirag 0.879 0.037 +chiral 0.227 0.076 +chirality 0.267 0.034 +chiricahua 0.952 0.030 +chirico 0.916 0.039 +chiro 0.653 0.056 +chiron 0.931 0.051 +chironomidae 0.900 0.083 +chiropodists 0.850 0.010 +chiropody 0.705 0.035 +chiropractic 0.719 0.027 +chiropractor 0.517 0.023 +chiropractors 0.719 0.016 +chiroptera 0.790 0.047 +chirp 0.245 0.080 +chirped 0.082 0.004 +chirping 0.115 0.010 +chirps 0.162 0.020 +chirpy 0.370 0.023 +chirstmas 0.526 0.041 +chirurgia 0.166 0.011 +chirurgie 0.245 0.016 +chis 0.329 0.530 +chisago 0.892 0.066 +chisco 0.195 0.795 +chisel 0.522 0.079 +chiseled 0.222 0.028 +chisels 0.568 0.055 +chisholm 0.883 0.093 +chisinau 0.939 0.043 +chislehurst 0.957 0.026 +chism 0.858 0.110 +chisq 0.524 0.166 +chistes 0.241 0.015 +chistmas 0.550 0.035 +chisum 0.902 0.086 +chiswell 0.950 0.034 +chiswick 0.933 0.045 +chit 0.798 0.016 +chita 0.952 0.028 +chitchat 0.305 0.019 +chitika 0.977 0.001 +chitin 0.292 0.042 +chitinase 0.232 0.041 +chitosan 0.552 0.052 +chitra 0.864 0.080 +chittagong 0.927 0.048 +chittenango 0.840 0.122 +chittenden 0.900 0.085 +chitty 0.870 0.053 +chitwan 0.947 0.026 +chitwood 0.875 0.112 +chiu 0.897 0.057 +chivalrous 0.084 0.006 +chivalry 0.429 0.020 +chivas 0.901 0.034 +chive 0.552 0.038 +chivers 0.901 0.083 +chives 0.286 0.027 +chix 0.682 0.060 +chiyoda 0.950 0.043 +chk 0.309 0.415 +chkconfig 0.007 0.003 +chkdiv 0.000 0.000 +chkdsk 0.164 0.343 +chkrootkit 0.062 0.012 +chl 0.154 0.662 +chlamydia 0.698 0.015 +chlamydial 0.228 0.011 +chlamydomonas 0.953 0.029 +chlamydophila 0.977 0.004 +chld 0.163 0.624 +chlo 0.380 0.223 +chloe 0.797 0.076 +chlor 0.610 0.118 +chloral 0.484 0.053 +chloramine 0.329 0.059 +chloramphenicol 0.410 0.027 +chlorate 0.229 0.085 +chlordane 0.411 0.077 +chlordiazepoxide 0.500 0.029 +chlorella 0.841 0.035 +chlorhexidine 0.433 0.047 +chloride 0.295 0.075 +chlorides 0.460 0.057 +chlorinated 0.274 0.052 +chlorination 0.242 0.052 +chlorine 0.281 0.041 +chlorite 0.196 0.200 +chloro 0.298 0.113 +chlorobenzene 0.474 0.102 +chloroethyl 0.183 0.069 +chlorofluorocarbons 0.250 0.017 +chloroform 0.228 0.041 +chlorophenyl 0.237 0.067 +chlorophyll 0.291 0.023 +chloroplast 0.178 0.033 +chloroplasts 0.210 0.021 +chloroquine 0.364 0.017 +chlorosis 0.171 0.015 +chlorothalonil 0.343 0.143 +chlorpheniramine 0.710 0.022 +chlorpromazine 0.431 0.030 +chlorpyrifos 0.334 0.064 +chlorthalidone 0.462 0.038 +chm 0.059 0.757 +chmielewski 0.960 0.037 +chmod 0.025 0.064 +chmouel 0.965 0.000 +chn 0.059 0.796 +chng 0.540 0.276 +cho 0.282 0.098 +choa 0.674 0.205 +choate 0.897 0.071 +chobe 0.991 0.004 +chobits 0.768 0.029 +choc 0.562 0.186 +chock 0.220 0.016 +chocks 0.452 0.035 +choclate 0.260 0.098 +choco 0.716 0.059 +chocobo 0.757 0.018 +chocoholic 0.618 0.017 +chocolat 0.766 0.039 +chocolate 0.547 0.037 +chocolates 0.558 0.016 +chocolatier 0.819 0.028 +chocs 0.493 0.057 +choctaw 0.850 0.100 +chodesh 0.902 0.026 +choe 0.884 0.059 +chogokin 0.772 0.112 +choi 0.876 0.066 +choice 0.259 0.022 +choices 0.232 0.021 +choicest 0.055 0.006 +choir 0.578 0.035 +choirs 0.422 0.018 +choise 0.188 0.067 +choisir 0.327 0.011 +choisissez 0.778 0.009 +choix 0.190 0.028 +chok 0.744 0.104 +choke 0.282 0.044 +choked 0.042 0.007 +choker 0.523 0.126 +chokers 0.671 0.041 +chokes 0.268 0.028 +choking 0.235 0.026 +chol 0.444 0.152 +chola 0.844 0.056 +cholangitis 0.309 0.012 +chole 0.693 0.039 +cholecalciferol 0.456 0.023 +cholecystectomy 0.320 0.027 +cholecystitis 0.432 0.016 +cholecystokinin 0.470 0.021 +cholelithiasis 0.693 0.020 +cholera 0.372 0.020 +cholerae 0.017 0.012 +cholesky 0.911 0.028 +cholestasis 0.395 0.011 +cholesterol 0.386 0.013 +cholesteryl 0.145 0.048 +cholestrol 0.327 0.028 +cholestyramine 0.346 0.022 +choli 0.517 0.096 +choline 0.488 0.024 +cholinergic 0.243 0.014 +cholinesterase 0.311 0.019 +cholla 0.768 0.046 +chome 0.243 0.041 +chomhairle 0.943 0.018 +chomp 0.224 0.050 +chomping 0.063 0.007 +chomsky 0.948 0.022 +chon 0.719 0.064 +chonburi 0.954 0.024 +chondrite 0.250 0.118 +chondrites 0.200 0.152 +chondrocyte 0.167 0.017 +chondrocytes 0.130 0.010 +chondroitin 0.693 0.019 +chong 0.816 0.055 +chongqing 0.951 0.031 +choo 0.705 0.108 +chook 0.591 0.032 +chool 0.009 0.679 +choon 0.587 0.055 +choong 0.902 0.057 +choons 0.588 0.082 +choose 0.417 0.013 +choosen 0.051 0.010 +chooser 0.569 0.010 +choosers 0.304 0.014 +chooses 0.089 0.011 +choosing 0.318 0.010 +choosy 0.181 0.015 +chop 0.398 0.072 +chopard 0.897 0.060 +chope 0.906 0.022 +chopin 0.896 0.061 +chopped 0.090 0.008 +chopper 0.603 0.066 +choppers 0.647 0.071 +chopping 0.246 0.016 +choppy 0.148 0.047 +chopra 0.943 0.028 +chops 0.352 0.051 +chopstick 0.532 0.031 +chopsticks 0.374 0.027 +chor 0.717 0.072 +chora 0.520 0.071 +choral 0.606 0.034 +chorale 0.779 0.049 +chorales 0.618 0.022 +choram 0.996 0.000 +chord 0.328 0.024 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0.025 +chows 0.651 0.045 +choy 0.746 0.062 +chp 0.090 0.832 +chpt 0.695 0.119 +chq 0.099 0.730 +chr 0.462 0.274 +chrenkoff 0.973 0.010 +chretien 0.921 0.056 +chri 0.583 0.345 +chris 0.922 0.027 +chrism 0.153 0.007 +chrisman 0.857 0.112 +chrismas 0.569 0.039 +chrisooc 0.004 0.000 +chriss 0.757 0.072 +chrissie 0.900 0.029 +chrissy 0.852 0.026 +christ 0.956 0.023 +christa 0.908 0.036 +christain 0.574 0.045 +christal 0.892 0.047 +christan 0.923 0.010 +christchurch 0.950 0.032 +christel 0.912 0.033 +christelle 0.934 0.019 +christen 0.751 0.053 +christendom 0.968 0.009 +christened 0.230 0.005 +christening 0.669 0.056 +christenings 0.567 0.018 +christensen 0.925 0.049 +christenson 0.919 0.066 +christer 0.964 0.015 +christi 0.903 0.045 +christia 0.780 0.064 +christiaan 0.867 0.019 +christian 0.878 0.029 +christiana 0.893 0.065 +christianbits 0.334 0.000 +christiane 0.946 0.030 +christiania 0.932 0.045 +christianity 0.944 0.013 +christiano 0.844 0.070 +christians 0.949 0.010 +christiansburg 0.938 0.046 +christiansen 0.936 0.053 +christianson 0.922 0.066 +christiansted 0.957 0.035 +christie 0.912 0.060 +christies 0.693 0.207 +christin 0.843 0.057 +christina 0.670 0.027 +christine 0.915 0.043 +christman 0.901 0.080 +christmas 0.824 0.035 +christmases 0.945 0.006 +christmastime 0.929 0.029 +christo 0.882 0.043 +christof 0.932 0.028 +christoff 0.865 0.053 +christoffel 0.952 0.025 +christoffer 0.929 0.019 +christofle 0.875 0.058 +christology 0.889 0.017 +christoph 0.965 0.015 +christophe 0.915 0.027 +christopher 0.938 0.043 +christophers 0.879 0.047 +christopherson 0.932 0.052 +christos 0.848 0.030 +christou 0.956 0.033 +christs 0.769 0.040 +christus 0.699 0.269 +christy 0.855 0.047 +chro 0.166 0.225 +chrom 0.506 0.060 +chroma 0.611 0.064 +chromaffin 0.198 0.018 +chromasia 0.433 0.000 +chromate 0.249 0.113 +chromatic 0.371 0.026 +chromaticity 0.250 0.015 +chromatid 0.112 0.030 +chromatin 0.257 0.021 +chromatogr 0.974 0.023 +chromatogram 0.214 0.009 +chromatograms 0.228 0.010 +chromatograph 0.310 0.047 +chromatographic 0.196 0.029 +chromatography 0.416 0.046 +chrome 0.580 0.095 +chromed 0.355 0.060 +chromic 0.426 0.082 +chrominance 0.363 0.013 +chromite 0.311 0.059 +chromium 0.471 0.047 +chromo 0.393 0.043 +chromogenic 0.385 0.011 +chromophore 0.094 0.018 +chromosomal 0.243 0.019 +chromosome 0.243 0.022 +chromosomes 0.208 0.014 +chromosphere 0.166 0.108 +chron 0.830 0.041 +chronic 0.320 0.021 +chronically 0.106 0.008 +chronicle 0.877 0.024 +chronicled 0.027 0.002 +chronicler 0.323 0.006 +chroniclers 0.162 0.007 +chronicles 0.871 0.028 +chronicling 0.186 0.002 +chronique 0.521 0.035 +chroniques 0.575 0.027 +chrono 0.704 0.101 +chronograph 0.674 0.050 +chronographs 0.527 0.026 +chronological 0.414 0.013 +chronologically 0.540 0.002 +chronologies 0.397 0.017 +chronology 0.605 0.044 +chronometer 0.481 0.031 +chronometers 0.581 0.012 +chronos 0.811 0.078 +chronoswiss 0.938 0.040 +chrony 0.136 0.024 +chroot 0.054 0.022 +chrooted 0.402 0.003 +chrp 0.005 0.847 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0.149 0.014 +churned 0.026 0.002 +churning 0.108 0.005 +churns 0.107 0.019 +chute 0.416 0.067 +chutes 0.422 0.066 +chutney 0.558 0.033 +chutneys 0.762 0.013 +chutzpah 0.360 0.019 +chuuk 0.930 0.052 +chuy 0.480 0.203 +chuyen 0.285 0.029 +chv 0.115 0.830 +chw 0.039 0.937 +chwarae 0.231 0.077 +chwaraeon 0.667 0.028 +chwilio 0.723 0.025 +chx 0.084 0.690 +chy 0.322 0.340 +chymotrypsin 0.348 0.053 +chyna 0.422 0.052 +ci 0.130 0.574 +cia 0.015 0.938 +ciaa 0.005 0.986 +ciabatta 0.475 0.025 +ciac 0.004 0.954 +cial 0.004 0.030 +ciales 0.157 0.022 +cialis 0.157 0.006 +cially 0.000 0.002 +cials 0.010 0.009 +cialug 0.959 0.021 +ciampi 0.940 0.052 +ciampino 0.882 0.039 +cian 0.469 0.044 +cians 0.005 0.010 +ciao 0.938 0.031 +ciara 0.328 0.020 +ciaran 0.920 0.030 +ciat 0.005 0.964 +ciated 0.000 0.003 +ciation 0.000 0.014 +cib 0.023 0.935 +ciba 0.657 0.289 +cibc 0.015 0.930 +ciber 0.151 0.705 +cible 0.321 0.080 +cibo 0.639 0.085 +cibola 0.916 0.064 +cibolo 0.844 0.132 +cic 0.049 0.909 +cica 0.142 0.801 +cicada 0.608 0.039 +cicadas 0.417 0.014 +cicciolina 0.139 0.009 +ciccone 0.855 0.060 +cicek 0.217 0.024 +cicely 0.872 0.040 +cicero 0.901 0.064 +cicerone 0.816 0.047 +cichlid 0.571 0.033 +cichlids 0.558 0.020 +cici 0.573 0.191 +cick 0.864 0.024 +ciclo 0.329 0.049 +cics 0.006 0.968 +cictionary 0.000 0.000 +cid 0.195 0.437 +cida 0.089 0.899 +cidade 0.577 0.025 +cidco 0.817 0.146 +cide 0.319 0.196 +cider 0.524 0.036 +cides 0.020 0.027 +cidr 0.066 0.765 +cie 0.221 0.657 +ciee 0.000 0.912 +ciego 0.774 0.037 +ciel 0.584 0.084 +cielo 0.630 0.075 +cien 0.413 0.325 +ciena 0.809 0.185 +cience 0.003 0.533 +ciencia 0.522 0.031 +ciencias 0.633 0.025 +ciency 0.000 0.003 +cienega 0.903 0.069 +cienfuegos 0.933 0.040 +cient 0.024 0.003 +ciently 0.000 0.000 +cientos 0.034 0.003 +cients 0.009 0.000 +ciera 0.746 0.144 +cierra 0.734 0.052 +cierto 0.058 0.020 +cies 0.018 0.097 +cif 0.022 0.822 +cific 0.000 0.025 +cifra 0.844 0.006 +cifrada 0.895 0.000 +cifras 0.058 0.003 +cifs 0.003 0.638 +cig 0.251 0.515 +cigar 0.500 0.035 +cigarette 0.289 0.030 +cigarettes 0.214 0.016 +cigars 0.582 0.026 +cigna 0.310 0.541 +cigs 0.124 0.432 +ciguatera 0.825 0.006 +cih 0.017 0.857 +cihi 0.008 0.985 +cihr 0.000 0.996 +cii 0.025 0.929 +ciii 0.022 0.839 +ciip 0.000 0.199 +ciipart 0.000 0.000 +cik 0.192 0.607 +cil 0.043 0.521 +cilantro 0.285 0.015 +cilento 0.928 0.028 +cilia 0.240 0.017 +ciliary 0.218 0.016 +ciliate 0.500 0.007 +cilicia 0.943 0.034 +cilip 0.020 0.884 +cill 0.545 0.263 +cilla 0.853 0.078 +cillian 0.944 0.020 +cillin 0.153 0.019 +cilt 0.101 0.800 +cim 0.058 0.847 +cima 0.341 0.547 +cimarron 0.869 0.100 +cime 0.250 0.546 +cimel 0.998 0.002 +cimento 0.691 0.223 +cimetidine 0.383 0.024 +cimino 0.917 0.049 +cims 0.056 0.903 +cin 0.217 0.630 +cina 0.537 0.175 +cinahl 0.072 0.922 +cinc 0.098 0.840 +cinch 0.458 0.091 +cincinatti 0.918 0.036 +cincinnati 0.935 0.033 +cincinnatus 0.815 0.130 +cinco 0.740 0.037 +cincom 0.933 0.020 +cincy 0.882 0.033 +cinda 0.781 0.152 +cinder 0.543 0.036 +cinderalla 0.950 0.010 +cinderblock 0.474 0.078 +cinderella 0.773 0.051 +cinderford 0.946 0.045 +cinders 0.360 0.027 +cindex 0.063 0.132 +cindi 0.765 0.127 +cindy 0.873 0.046 +cine 0.477 0.195 +cinefile 0.955 0.036 +cinelerra 0.294 0.002 +cinelli 0.920 0.059 +cinem 0.952 0.015 +cinema 0.681 0.044 +cinemark 0.924 0.017 +cinemas 0.680 0.030 +cinematheque 0.810 0.051 +cinematic 0.241 0.015 +cinematical 0.991 0.003 +cinematics 0.400 0.011 +cinematographer 0.688 0.015 +cinematographers 0.476 0.014 +cinematographic 0.208 0.038 +cinematography 0.502 0.032 +cinemax 0.844 0.065 +cinemocracy 0.990 0.006 +cineplex 0.835 0.026 +cinerama 0.911 0.038 +cinerea 0.025 0.015 +cinergy 0.932 0.044 +cinescape 0.947 0.029 +cinese 0.380 0.030 +cinet 0.951 0.045 +cineworld 0.858 0.033 +cinfo 0.006 0.099 +cing 0.184 0.164 +cingular 0.796 0.052 +cingulate 0.081 0.003 +cinio 0.898 0.004 +cinn 0.478 0.174 +cinna 0.832 0.081 +cinnabar 0.679 0.095 +cinnabon 0.935 0.020 +cinnaminson 0.864 0.110 +cinnamon 0.478 0.058 +cinq 0.335 0.057 +cinque 0.830 0.023 +cinquefoil 0.447 0.028 +cins 0.011 0.888 +cint 0.082 0.558 +cinta 0.402 0.064 +cintas 0.798 0.071 +cintiq 0.952 0.017 +cintra 0.871 0.069 +cintre 0.182 0.793 +cintron 0.903 0.058 +cio 0.004 0.984 +cioc 0.009 0.987 +ciojury 0.000 0.000 +ciol 0.058 0.929 +cios 0.070 0.795 +cip 0.034 0.911 +cipa 0.063 0.848 +cipd 0.004 0.974 +cipe 0.057 0.480 +cipfa 0.008 0.988 +cipher 0.260 0.025 +ciphering 0.265 0.029 +ciphers 0.194 0.011 +ciphertext 0.093 0.005 +cipki 0.039 0.000 +cipla 0.712 0.211 +ciples 0.000 0.005 +cipolla 0.872 0.057 +cipriani 0.917 0.040 +cipriano 0.917 0.057 +cipro 0.393 0.047 +ciprofloxacin 0.317 0.018 +cips 0.020 0.876 +cipy 0.041 0.009 +cir 0.836 0.107 +cira 0.092 0.852 +circ 0.583 0.154 +circa 0.289 0.058 +circadian 0.338 0.023 +circe 0.806 0.107 +circle 0.526 0.053 +circled 0.098 0.091 +circles 0.304 0.011 +circlet 0.491 0.019 +circleville 0.860 0.109 +circling 0.135 0.027 +circo 0.600 0.074 +circs 0.140 0.558 +circu 0.334 0.053 +circuit 0.483 0.037 +circuited 0.020 0.006 +circuiting 0.056 0.010 +circuito 0.392 0.038 +circuitous 0.037 0.003 +circuitry 0.126 0.010 +circuits 0.330 0.033 +circular 0.441 0.030 +circularity 0.129 0.009 +circularly 0.105 0.015 +circulars 0.642 0.020 +circulate 0.102 0.020 +circulated 0.040 0.010 +circulates 0.040 0.005 +circulating 0.141 0.013 +circulation 0.319 0.025 +circulations 0.335 0.015 +circulator 0.484 0.047 +circulators 0.721 0.018 +circulatory 0.329 0.026 +circulon 0.949 0.009 +circum 0.175 0.027 +circumcise 0.115 0.008 +circumcised 0.065 0.008 +circumcision 0.316 0.012 +circumference 0.127 0.016 +circumferential 0.134 0.008 +circumflex 0.062 0.336 +circumnavigation 0.281 0.021 +circumpolar 0.570 0.017 +circumscribed 0.031 0.006 +circumspect 0.025 0.003 +circumstance 0.056 0.015 +circumstances 0.024 0.008 +circumstantial 0.096 0.010 +circumstellar 0.220 0.034 +circumvent 0.047 0.003 +circumvented 0.011 0.003 +circumventing 0.107 0.005 +circumvention 0.265 0.090 +circumvents 0.043 0.000 +circus 0.648 0.043 +circuses 0.367 0.016 +cire 0.430 0.135 +cirencester 0.924 0.030 +cirillo 0.910 0.066 +cirisme 0.020 0.000 +cirkus 0.931 0.026 +ciro 0.844 0.072 +cirp 0.009 0.971 +cirque 0.889 0.022 +cirrhosis 0.317 0.019 +cirrhotic 0.066 0.009 +cirrus 0.660 0.061 +cirs 0.010 0.849 +cirsium 0.974 0.014 +cirurgia 0.259 0.006 +cis 0.023 0.797 +cisa 0.047 0.917 +cisapride 0.413 0.014 +cisc 0.016 0.949 +cisco 0.897 0.055 +ciscoe 0.988 0.000 +cisd 0.008 0.983 +cise 0.050 0.410 +cisg 0.006 0.989 +cision 0.026 0.011 +cism 0.011 0.832 +cisneros 0.721 0.037 +cisp 0.059 0.886 +cisplatin 0.319 0.008 +cispr 0.003 0.993 +ciss 0.106 0.799 +cisse 0.840 0.080 +cissp 0.010 0.941 +cissy 0.863 0.081 +cist 0.147 0.202 +cistell 0.000 0.000 +cistercian 0.969 0.016 +cistern 0.268 0.022 +cisterns 0.226 0.013 +cisti 0.023 0.962 +cistron 0.174 0.012 +cisv 0.000 0.987 +cit 0.102 0.404 +cita 0.224 0.415 +citable 0.059 0.037 +citadel 0.791 0.052 +citadels 0.631 0.010 +citadines 0.890 0.076 +citalopram 0.368 0.018 +citation 0.443 0.029 +citations 0.423 0.020 +citb 0.004 0.973 +cite 0.413 0.048 +citec 0.068 0.880 +cited 0.188 0.020 +citel 0.292 0.694 +cites 0.223 0.144 +citgo 0.621 0.358 +citi 0.612 0.108 +citibank 0.787 0.031 +citic 0.255 0.721 +citicorp 0.904 0.070 +citie 0.690 0.020 +cities 0.548 0.021 +citifinancial 0.581 0.081 +citigroup 0.937 0.050 +citing 0.221 0.004 +citizen 0.499 0.032 +citizenry 0.029 0.004 +citizens 0.221 0.017 +citizenship 0.417 0.025 +cito 0.411 0.402 +citra 0.684 0.173 +citrate 0.269 0.036 +citri 0.411 0.043 +citric 0.383 0.069 +citrine 0.737 0.097 +citrix 0.942 0.029 +citroen 0.818 0.134 +citron 0.587 0.037 +citronella 0.618 0.074 +citronic 0.938 0.032 +citrulline 0.577 0.016 +citrus 0.607 0.045 +cits 0.046 0.781 +citt 0.136 0.650 +citta 0.476 0.070 +cittie 0.974 0.000 +city 0.687 0.041 +cityguide 0.710 0.038 +cityline 0.930 0.036 +citylink 0.851 0.109 +citymap 0.075 0.006 +citynet 0.790 0.198 +citys 0.334 0.024 +cityscape 0.686 0.025 +cityscapes 0.788 0.011 +citysearch 0.995 0.000 +citytv 0.982 0.006 +cityvox 0.994 0.000 +citywide 0.427 0.036 +citywire 0.998 0.001 +ciu 0.035 0.797 +ciudad 0.707 0.040 +ciudadela 0.959 0.017 +ciudades 0.296 0.034 +ciutadella 0.956 0.018 +ciutat 0.780 0.045 +civ 0.638 0.251 +civet 0.362 0.050 +civi 0.542 0.145 +civic 0.615 0.050 +civics 0.580 0.025 +civil 0.518 0.029 +civile 0.227 0.029 +civili 0.170 0.511 +civilian 0.241 0.031 +civilians 0.081 0.009 +civilisation 0.290 0.012 +civilisations 0.241 0.011 +civilised 0.057 0.006 +civility 0.224 0.010 +civilization 0.451 0.020 +civilizations 0.410 0.017 +civilized 0.095 0.006 +civilizing 0.242 0.010 +civilly 0.018 0.008 +civils 0.460 0.052 +civis 0.092 0.807 +civita 0.933 0.028 +civitas 0.627 0.205 +civitate 0.884 0.000 +civitavecchia 0.946 0.020 +civl 0.076 0.857 +civs 0.383 0.075 +ciw 0.009 0.962 +cix 0.091 0.767 +cixi 0.911 0.053 +cj 0.046 0.892 +cja 0.009 0.934 +cjb 0.011 0.563 +cjc 0.013 0.897 +cjd 0.003 0.969 +cje 0.050 0.711 +cjk 0.024 0.827 +cjm 0.016 0.783 +cjmurley 0.000 0.000 +cjn 0.002 0.948 +cjp 0.011 0.845 +cjr 0.005 0.936 +cjs 0.025 0.817 +ck 0.102 0.626 +cka 0.015 0.803 +ckb 0.019 0.890 +ckc 0.022 0.868 +ckd 0.021 0.877 +cke 0.023 0.725 +cked 0.004 0.076 +cker 0.019 0.130 +ckey 0.002 0.023 +cki 0.026 0.804 +ckin 0.011 0.336 +cking 0.006 0.108 +ckm 0.010 0.786 +ckp 0.030 0.731 +ckr 0.095 0.801 +cks 0.054 0.499 +cksum 0.008 0.049 +ckt 0.041 0.864 +cky 0.137 0.711 +cl 0.212 0.551 +cla 0.121 0.764 +claas 0.690 0.179 +clac 0.068 0.806 +clack 0.599 0.070 +clackamas 0.918 0.059 +clackmannanshire 0.981 0.013 +clacton 0.908 0.037 +clad 0.333 0.055 +claddagh 0.864 0.039 +cladding 0.322 0.027 +clade 0.088 0.012 +clades 0.050 0.009 +cladistic 0.210 0.094 +cladistics 0.540 0.108 +claes 0.863 0.057 +claflin 0.914 0.078 +claiborne 0.886 0.082 +claim 0.110 0.024 +claimant 0.192 0.039 +claimants 0.167 0.020 +claimed 0.027 0.011 +claiming 0.070 0.014 +claims 0.193 0.020 +clair 0.879 0.077 +claire 0.877 0.040 +clairemont 0.914 0.065 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0.003 +clapper 0.511 0.050 +clapping 0.358 0.009 +claps 0.146 0.025 +clapton 0.755 0.054 +claptrap 0.104 0.008 +clar 0.450 0.304 +clara 0.846 0.063 +clare 0.922 0.045 +claremont 0.916 0.061 +claremore 0.890 0.091 +claremorris 0.959 0.035 +clarence 0.889 0.094 +clarendon 0.928 0.056 +clareos 0.875 0.000 +claresholm 0.975 0.019 +claret 0.655 0.068 +clarets 0.895 0.049 +clarett 0.944 0.020 +claria 0.934 0.034 +clarian 0.274 0.007 +clariant 0.894 0.102 +clarice 0.785 0.132 +claridge 0.861 0.071 +clarification 0.224 0.025 +clarifications 0.294 0.036 +clarified 0.085 0.005 +clarifier 0.413 0.146 +clarifiers 0.439 0.058 +clarifies 0.172 0.008 +clarify 0.077 0.010 +clarifying 0.225 0.025 +clarinda 0.807 0.179 +clarinet 0.530 0.052 +clarinetist 0.192 0.008 +clarinets 0.489 0.038 +clarinex 0.496 0.037 +clarington 0.950 0.025 +clarins 0.827 0.143 +clarion 0.868 0.064 +claris 0.880 0.044 +clarissa 0.899 0.061 +clarisse 0.886 0.044 +clarita 0.896 0.048 +claritas 0.900 0.080 +clarithromycin 0.327 0.015 +claritin 0.508 0.025 +clarity 0.269 0.017 +clark 0.906 0.072 +clarkdale 0.906 0.068 +clarke 0.923 0.061 +clarkesville 0.871 0.094 +clarks 0.842 0.053 +clarksburg 0.890 0.086 +clarksdale 0.888 0.084 +clarkson 0.631 0.044 +clarkston 0.867 0.089 +clarksville 0.879 0.084 +claro 0.625 0.077 +claroline 0.442 0.000 +clarus 0.801 0.071 +clary 0.821 0.101 +clas 0.182 0.506 +clase 0.353 0.073 +clasen 0.949 0.019 +clases 0.195 0.024 +clash 0.428 0.034 +clashed 0.014 0.004 +clashes 0.119 0.011 +clashing 0.143 0.006 +clasic 0.456 0.061 +clasico 0.410 0.034 +clasificados 0.426 0.017 +clasp 0.282 0.112 +clasped 0.023 0.004 +clasping 0.099 0.006 +clasps 0.304 0.022 +class 0.345 0.046 +classe 0.435 0.040 +classed 0.041 0.006 +classement 0.466 0.031 +classen 0.882 0.084 +classes 0.289 0.017 +classi 0.307 0.047 +classic 0.604 0.044 +classica 0.739 0.051 +classical 0.672 0.050 +classically 0.195 0.005 +classicals 0.963 0.004 +classicism 0.710 0.009 +classicist 0.268 0.014 +classico 0.919 0.027 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+clayman 0.879 0.027 +claymation 0.474 0.023 +claymont 0.927 0.054 +claymore 0.726 0.061 +clayoquot 0.952 0.031 +claypool 0.911 0.056 +clays 0.356 0.059 +claystone 0.076 0.674 +clayton 0.900 0.074 +clayworks 0.928 0.053 +clazz 0.044 0.014 +clb 0.074 0.859 +clbrdrb 0.000 0.000 +clbrdrl 0.000 0.000 +clbrdrr 0.000 0.000 +clbrdrt 0.000 0.000 +clc 0.015 0.902 +cld 0.146 0.690 +cldc 0.000 0.942 +cle 0.151 0.733 +clea 0.500 0.305 +clean 0.279 0.029 +cleanable 0.150 0.029 +cleandir 0.000 0.004 +cleaned 0.155 0.011 +cleaner 0.482 0.048 +cleaners 0.683 0.043 +cleanest 0.098 0.015 +cleaning 0.504 0.033 +cleanings 0.181 0.030 +cleanliness 0.732 0.004 +cleanly 0.021 0.003 +cleanness 0.408 0.016 +cleanout 0.278 0.098 +cleanroom 0.567 0.018 +cleanrooms 0.479 0.041 +cleans 0.221 0.030 +cleanse 0.364 0.029 +cleansed 0.049 0.006 +cleanser 0.605 0.048 +cleansers 0.692 0.018 +cleanses 0.172 0.009 +cleansing 0.398 0.025 +cleanup 0.281 0.026 +cleanups 0.132 0.005 +clear 0.248 0.034 +clearance 0.595 0.070 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0.054 +clerked 0.023 0.000 +clerkenwell 0.958 0.018 +clerks 0.484 0.050 +clerkship 0.488 0.027 +clerkships 0.428 0.022 +clermont 0.851 0.088 +clery 0.932 0.040 +cles 0.078 0.061 +cletus 0.894 0.042 +cleve 0.866 0.096 +clevedon 0.919 0.032 +cleveland 0.911 0.044 +cleveleys 0.960 0.020 +clevenger 0.888 0.099 +clever 0.153 0.012 +cleverer 0.028 0.000 +cleverest 0.056 0.007 +cleverly 0.102 0.004 +cleverness 0.069 0.003 +cleves 0.875 0.099 +clevis 0.507 0.102 +clevo 0.736 0.235 +clew 0.269 0.234 +clewiston 0.864 0.100 +clews 0.489 0.124 +clf 0.014 0.818 +clg 0.138 0.731 +cli 0.040 0.690 +clia 0.044 0.917 +cliath 0.902 0.073 +clib 0.217 0.214 +cliburn 0.925 0.062 +clic 0.256 0.279 +clicca 0.702 0.032 +cliche 0.186 0.014 +cliched 0.044 0.003 +cliches 0.209 0.007 +clichy 0.900 0.058 +cliciwch 0.624 0.005 +click 0.692 0.025 +clickable 0.238 0.015 +clickbank 0.731 0.049 +clicked 0.058 0.003 +clicker 0.521 0.029 +clickers 0.563 0.064 +clickgamer 0.993 0.004 +clickheretofind 0.000 0.000 +clicking 0.104 0.009 +clickit 0.220 0.768 +clicks 0.189 0.011 +clickstream 0.385 0.004 +clicky 0.418 0.058 +clicquot 0.853 0.089 +clid 0.005 0.893 +clie 0.589 0.290 +client 0.265 0.014 +cliente 0.305 0.037 +clientele 0.174 0.013 +clientes 0.206 0.017 +clienti 0.313 0.313 +clientless 0.373 0.054 +clients 0.171 0.010 +clif 0.741 0.184 +clifden 0.874 0.115 +cliff 0.675 0.042 +cliffe 0.900 0.062 +cliffhanger 0.443 0.042 +cliffhangers 0.227 0.025 +clifford 0.880 0.084 +cliffs 0.515 0.027 +cliffside 0.766 0.087 +clift 0.878 0.080 +clifton 0.887 0.092 +clijsters 0.943 0.042 +clik 0.506 0.241 +clim 0.451 0.356 +clima 0.621 0.136 +climacool 0.512 0.210 +climactic 0.062 0.004 +climat 0.444 0.188 +climate 0.399 0.040 +climates 0.101 0.008 +climatic 0.255 0.014 +climatisation 0.083 0.013 +climatological 0.283 0.228 +climatologist 0.461 0.009 +climatology 0.579 0.034 +climax 0.318 0.029 +climaxed 0.008 0.000 +climaxes 0.039 0.005 +climb 0.231 0.016 +climbed 0.026 0.003 +climber 0.456 0.025 +climbers 0.353 0.015 +climbing 0.512 0.015 +climbs 0.190 0.009 +clime 0.170 0.064 +climes 0.109 0.008 +clin 0.908 0.070 +clinch 0.446 0.050 +clinched 0.070 0.003 +clincher 0.399 0.029 +clinches 0.149 0.028 +clinching 0.085 0.013 +clindamycin 0.382 0.024 +cline 0.848 0.079 +clines 0.535 0.128 +cling 0.217 0.023 +clinger 0.842 0.104 +clinging 0.102 0.005 +clings 0.359 0.021 +clingy 0.131 0.014 +clini 0.212 0.141 +clinic 0.612 0.033 +clinica 0.675 0.077 +clinical 0.445 0.028 +clinically 0.146 0.006 +clinicals 0.537 0.034 +clinician 0.283 0.014 +clinicians 0.201 0.006 +clinico 0.450 0.043 +clinicopathologic 0.213 0.016 +clinicopathological 0.213 0.022 +clinics 0.544 0.022 +clinique 0.702 0.129 +clink 0.304 0.174 +clinker 0.293 0.039 +clinopyroxene 0.217 0.109 +clint 0.882 0.045 +clintock 0.479 0.500 +clinton 0.929 0.048 +clintons 0.932 0.020 +clintonville 0.820 0.145 +clio 0.701 0.184 +cliopatria 0.924 0.073 +clip 0.307 0.050 +clipart 0.376 0.115 +cliparts 0.478 0.030 +clipbin 0.929 0.012 +clipboard 0.554 0.016 +clipboards 0.634 0.007 +clipland 0.764 0.189 +clipless 0.640 0.068 +clipped 0.109 0.018 +clipper 0.750 0.075 +clippers 0.821 0.039 +clipperton 0.981 0.012 +clipping 0.249 0.015 +clippings 0.401 0.039 +clips 0.266 0.021 +clipse 0.750 0.037 +clique 0.385 0.037 +cliquer 0.408 0.020 +cliques 0.230 0.015 +cliquez 0.763 0.007 +clir 0.158 0.635 +clisp 0.025 0.296 +clist 0.133 0.203 +clit 0.129 0.007 +clita 0.005 0.000 +clitheroe 0.910 0.030 +clitic 0.144 0.012 +clitoral 0.495 0.008 +clitoris 0.083 0.010 +clitorises 0.013 0.006 +clits 0.090 0.009 +clivar 0.015 0.981 +clive 0.890 0.083 +clix 0.728 0.126 +clj 0.024 0.904 +clk 0.092 0.711 +cll 0.026 0.854 +cllpart 0.000 0.000 +cllr 0.979 0.019 +clm 0.098 0.768 +cln 0.083 0.530 +clnp 0.000 0.913 +clns 0.019 0.573 +clnt 0.049 0.182 +clo 0.238 0.464 +cloak 0.302 0.022 +cloaked 0.133 0.007 +cloaking 0.475 0.004 +cloakroom 0.415 0.042 +cloaks 0.429 0.013 +clob 0.150 0.658 +clobber 0.149 0.043 +clobbered 0.060 0.029 +clobetasol 0.396 0.039 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0.043 +clubb 0.814 0.078 +clubbed 0.200 0.013 +clubber 0.758 0.022 +clubbers 0.438 0.053 +clubbin 0.455 0.123 +clubbing 0.593 0.037 +clubby 0.431 0.046 +clubcard 0.923 0.031 +clube 0.653 0.033 +clubhead 0.122 0.029 +clubhouse 0.586 0.039 +clubhouses 0.740 0.023 +clubland 0.688 0.048 +clubman 0.807 0.069 +clubplanet 0.870 0.000 +clubs 0.590 0.035 +clubtest 0.000 0.000 +clubwear 0.608 0.072 +clubzone 0.112 0.848 +cluck 0.414 0.107 +clude 0.009 0.005 +cluded 0.000 0.003 +cludes 0.000 0.004 +cluding 0.000 0.005 +clue 0.147 0.048 +clued 0.096 0.006 +cluedo 0.789 0.107 +clueless 0.366 0.018 +clues 0.247 0.023 +cluetrain 0.832 0.002 +cluff 0.869 0.112 +clug 0.020 0.753 +cluj 0.872 0.048 +clumber 0.831 0.122 +clump 0.104 0.025 +clumped 0.042 0.004 +clumping 0.153 0.011 +clumps 0.054 0.008 +clumsily 0.016 0.002 +clumsiness 0.158 0.003 +clumsy 0.120 0.007 +clune 0.922 0.070 +clung 0.012 0.004 +clunk 0.271 0.068 +clunky 0.065 0.003 +cluny 0.916 0.047 +clus 0.095 0.116 +clusaz 0.910 0.062 +clustal 0.551 0.391 +clustalw 0.089 0.199 +cluster 0.368 0.024 +clustered 0.155 0.013 +clusterfuck 0.659 0.013 +clustering 0.308 0.013 +clusters 0.220 0.015 +clusty 0.967 0.001 +clutch 0.499 0.069 +clutched 0.017 0.002 +clutches 0.380 0.035 +clutching 0.129 0.005 +clute 0.890 0.061 +clutter 0.104 0.010 +cluttered 0.055 0.004 +cluttering 0.043 0.004 +clutton 0.945 0.047 +cluuid 0.000 0.000 +clv 0.014 0.943 +clvertalt 0.000 0.000 +clw 0.034 0.760 +clwb 0.662 0.080 +clwyd 0.919 0.071 +clx 0.020 0.752 +cly 0.185 0.695 +clyburn 0.844 0.152 +clyde 0.887 0.082 +clydebank 0.959 0.025 +clydesdale 0.870 0.074 +clymer 0.846 0.121 +clyne 0.907 0.059 +clyro 0.570 0.340 +clywd 0.993 0.000 +cm 0.021 0.245 +cma 0.011 0.896 +cmac 0.025 0.892 +cmail 0.018 0.008 +cmaj 0.047 0.942 +cmake 0.398 0.016 +cman 0.061 0.326 +cmap 0.038 0.386 +cmaq 0.000 0.994 +cmas 0.043 0.900 +cmat 0.012 0.203 +cmax 0.612 0.163 +cmb 0.017 0.918 +cmbs 0.008 0.902 +cmc 0.008 0.953 +cmcc 0.009 0.973 +cmd 0.061 0.328 +cmdb 0.002 0.990 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0.018 0.901 +cname 0.012 0.750 +cnat 0.010 0.041 +cnb 0.010 0.934 +cnbc 0.005 0.975 +cnc 0.052 0.834 +cnd 0.055 0.862 +cne 0.015 0.946 +cnes 0.027 0.778 +cnet 0.003 0.994 +cnews 0.016 0.734 +cnf 0.053 0.604 +cnfs 0.000 0.986 +cng 0.019 0.936 +cnh 0.012 0.923 +cnhi 0.000 0.997 +cni 0.009 0.932 +cnib 0.000 0.939 +cnidaria 0.905 0.036 +cnil 0.080 0.865 +cnl 0.070 0.854 +cnm 0.027 0.914 +cnmi 0.002 0.989 +cnn 0.006 0.968 +cnncom 0.000 0.000 +cnnnews 0.000 0.000 +cnnnn 0.004 0.988 +cnnsi 0.003 0.971 +cno 0.016 0.853 +cnooc 0.069 0.927 +cnp 0.012 0.888 +cnpc 0.000 0.985 +cnps 0.000 0.980 +cnr 0.321 0.581 +cnri 0.000 0.969 +cnrs 0.005 0.982 +cns 0.012 0.947 +cnsc 0.000 0.992 +cnst 0.058 0.857 +cnt 0.050 0.316 +cntl 0.121 0.716 +cntr 0.490 0.426 +cntrl 0.292 0.492 +cntry 0.724 0.213 +cntt 0.000 0.996 +cnty 0.588 0.374 +cnu 0.009 0.937 +cnv 0.090 0.744 +cnw 0.002 0.963 +cnx 0.024 0.829 +cny 0.005 0.970 +co 0.331 0.308 +coa 0.064 0.859 +coach 0.432 0.033 +coached 0.093 0.004 +coachella 0.883 0.051 +coaches 0.439 0.028 +coaching 0.535 0.021 +coachman 0.476 0.044 +coachmen 0.768 0.096 +coactivator 0.083 0.022 +coad 0.740 0.173 +coadministration 0.338 0.000 +coady 0.931 0.059 +coag 0.084 0.836 +coagulant 0.161 0.018 +coagulase 0.260 0.011 +coagulation 0.335 0.031 +coahoma 0.819 0.160 +coahuila 0.840 0.043 +coakley 0.922 0.067 +coal 0.362 0.048 +coalbed 0.439 0.031 +coaldale 0.913 0.055 +coale 0.561 0.046 +coalesce 0.137 0.108 +coalesced 0.035 0.004 +coalescence 0.145 0.012 +coalescent 0.327 0.013 +coalescing 0.184 0.013 +coalfield 0.611 0.043 +coalfields 0.532 0.047 +coalinga 0.830 0.119 +coalition 0.582 0.019 +coalitions 0.219 0.011 +coalmine 0.167 0.062 +coalport 0.787 0.158 +coals 0.098 0.029 +coalville 0.831 0.090 +coan 0.850 0.115 +coar 0.495 0.092 +coarctation 0.417 0.017 +coarse 0.233 0.031 +coarsegold 0.827 0.119 +coarsely 0.079 0.003 +coarseness 0.039 0.010 +coarsening 0.140 0.020 +coarser 0.029 0.017 +coas 0.129 0.704 +coase 0.948 0.014 +coast 0.714 0.034 +coastal 0.489 0.035 +coasted 0.017 0.000 +coaster 0.543 0.038 +coasters 0.620 0.048 +coastguard 0.771 0.056 +coasting 0.212 0.016 +coastline 0.220 0.012 +coastlines 0.420 0.007 +coasts 0.308 0.020 +coastside 0.849 0.013 +coat 0.336 0.050 +coatbridge 0.939 0.033 +coate 0.866 0.057 +coated 0.283 0.038 +coater 0.500 0.042 +coaters 0.579 0.043 +coates 0.909 0.069 +coatesville 0.832 0.134 +coating 0.266 0.036 +coatings 0.433 0.072 +coats 0.501 0.042 +coattails 0.107 0.005 +coauthor 0.832 0.001 +coauthored 0.108 0.008 +coauthors 0.301 0.007 +coax 0.381 0.101 +coaxed 0.017 0.002 +coaxial 0.547 0.044 +coaxing 0.074 0.008 +cob 0.311 0.358 +coba 0.338 0.429 +cobain 0.790 0.049 +cobalamin 0.392 0.019 +cobalt 0.636 0.071 +cobar 0.643 0.207 +cobas 0.689 0.292 +cobb 0.904 0.070 +cobbett 0.952 0.042 +cobble 0.664 0.028 +cobbled 0.037 0.002 +cobbler 0.555 0.057 +cobblers 0.740 0.028 +cobbles 0.198 0.029 +cobblestone 0.515 0.042 +cobblestones 0.246 0.022 +cobbs 0.872 0.113 +cobden 0.848 0.127 +cobe 0.155 0.802 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0.529 0.038 +cockatoo 0.609 0.116 +cockatoos 0.507 0.030 +cockburn 0.937 0.051 +cockcroft 0.922 0.054 +cocke 0.846 0.133 +cocked 0.125 0.008 +cocker 0.789 0.053 +cockerel 0.578 0.084 +cockerell 0.952 0.039 +cockerill 0.935 0.059 +cockermouth 0.861 0.047 +cockeyed 0.440 0.012 +cockeysville 0.926 0.056 +cockfighting 0.341 0.066 +cockhead 0.029 0.005 +cocking 0.368 0.046 +cockk 0.000 0.000 +cockks 0.000 0.000 +cockle 0.501 0.039 +cocklebur 0.766 0.011 +cockles 0.182 0.013 +cockney 0.608 0.044 +cockold 0.018 0.000 +cockpit 0.272 0.045 +cockpits 0.256 0.012 +cockrell 0.890 0.092 +cockring 0.606 0.031 +cockrings 0.843 0.060 +cockroach 0.324 0.034 +cockroaches 0.318 0.017 +cocks 0.105 0.009 +cockshutt 0.874 0.084 +cocksucker 0.123 0.070 +cocksuckers 0.067 0.017 +cocksucking 0.217 0.006 +cocktail 0.470 0.050 +cocktails 0.489 0.015 +cocky 0.176 0.016 +coco 0.673 0.125 +cocoa 0.593 0.040 +cocoanut 0.636 0.035 +cocon 0.935 0.020 +coconino 0.925 0.062 +coconut 0.521 0.069 +coconuts 0.434 0.041 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0.498 0.035 +coroners 0.540 0.040 +coronet 0.658 0.104 +corot 0.821 0.149 +corp 0.739 0.197 +corpo 0.422 0.106 +corpor 0.724 0.125 +corpora 0.477 0.041 +corporal 0.626 0.025 +corporat 0.747 0.129 +corporate 0.578 0.023 +corporately 0.068 0.004 +corporates 0.291 0.009 +corporati 0.862 0.104 +corporatio 0.874 0.079 +corporation 0.789 0.054 +corporations 0.242 0.016 +corporatism 0.352 0.008 +corporatist 0.133 0.006 +corporative 0.254 0.015 +corporeal 0.125 0.007 +corps 0.823 0.042 +corpse 0.544 0.030 +corpses 0.258 0.015 +corpsman 0.531 0.028 +corpus 0.614 0.033 +corr 0.123 0.056 +corrado 0.861 0.059 +corral 0.663 0.049 +corralejo 0.941 0.026 +corrales 0.924 0.052 +corralled 0.243 0.005 +corrals 0.255 0.015 +corran 0.924 0.031 +corratec 0.988 0.004 +corre 0.106 0.013 +correa 0.836 0.058 +correc 0.152 0.042 +correct 0.161 0.012 +correctable 0.281 0.037 +corrected 0.142 0.034 +correcting 0.184 0.044 +correction 0.250 0.036 +correctional 0.560 0.045 +corrections 0.628 0.019 +corrective 0.251 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0.272 0.033 +corrientes 0.798 0.038 +corriere 0.816 0.040 +corrigan 0.888 0.077 +corrigenda 0.690 0.027 +corrigendum 0.649 0.082 +corrigir 0.228 0.004 +corrin 0.881 0.056 +corrina 0.886 0.068 +corrine 0.892 0.074 +corriveau 0.876 0.089 +corroborate 0.012 0.003 +corroborated 0.013 0.002 +corroborates 0.016 0.005 +corroborating 0.092 0.006 +corroboration 0.092 0.009 +corroborative 0.071 0.007 +corrode 0.023 0.012 +corroded 0.117 0.023 +corroding 0.079 0.006 +corrosion 0.299 0.033 +corrosive 0.175 0.045 +corrs 0.665 0.036 +corrugated 0.436 0.075 +corrupt 0.139 0.011 +corrupted 0.092 0.008 +corruptible 0.107 0.005 +corrupting 0.073 0.006 +corruption 0.243 0.015 +corruptions 0.124 0.024 +corrupts 0.166 0.016 +corry 0.875 0.075 +cors 0.112 0.797 +corsa 0.620 0.119 +corsage 0.500 0.064 +corsages 0.583 0.013 +corsair 0.848 0.095 +corsairs 0.710 0.026 +corse 0.611 0.041 +corser 0.890 0.095 +corset 0.440 0.066 +corsets 0.636 0.032 +corsham 0.936 0.049 +corsi 0.294 0.024 +corsica 0.836 0.088 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0.025 +courtesans 0.340 0.020 +courtesies 0.198 0.017 +courtesy 0.264 0.019 +courthouse 0.594 0.030 +courthouses 0.411 0.007 +courtier 0.368 0.018 +courtiers 0.099 0.018 +courting 0.349 0.026 +courtland 0.876 0.101 +courtly 0.270 0.010 +courtney 0.843 0.051 +courtois 0.814 0.114 +courtright 0.871 0.122 +courtroom 0.291 0.045 +courtrooms 0.112 0.009 +courts 0.312 0.019 +courtship 0.311 0.017 +courtside 0.559 0.172 +courtyard 0.661 0.034 +courtyards 0.146 0.008 +courvoisier 0.899 0.060 +cous 0.370 0.057 +couscous 0.464 0.025 +couse 0.278 0.029 +coushatta 0.779 0.049 +cousin 0.189 0.013 +cousineau 0.871 0.121 +cousins 0.326 0.028 +cousteau 0.890 0.054 +cout 0.019 0.014 +coutinho 0.933 0.057 +couto 0.947 0.041 +coutts 0.873 0.080 +coutu 0.904 0.079 +couture 0.621 0.149 +couturier 0.840 0.067 +couverture 0.190 0.015 +cov 0.419 0.257 +cova 0.759 0.103 +covad 0.953 0.024 +covalent 0.361 0.024 +covalently 0.053 0.016 +covance 0.941 0.044 +covariance 0.123 0.016 +covariances 0.100 0.019 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0.505 0.163 +cows 0.227 0.026 +cowtown 0.864 0.044 +cox 0.835 0.110 +coxe 0.894 0.064 +coxeter 0.932 0.038 +coxon 0.897 0.065 +coxsackie 0.773 0.091 +coxswain 0.428 0.045 +coxx 0.931 0.037 +coxxx 0.164 0.007 +coy 0.571 0.089 +coyle 0.901 0.074 +coyly 0.045 0.000 +coyne 0.910 0.070 +coyote 0.771 0.049 +coyotes 0.741 0.035 +coz 0.124 0.030 +cozaar 0.466 0.049 +cozad 0.861 0.120 +cozens 0.931 0.054 +cozies 0.591 0.015 +cozumel 0.931 0.020 +cozy 0.306 0.027 +cozying 0.037 0.000 +cozzens 0.932 0.060 +cozzi 0.788 0.162 +cp 0.045 0.722 +cpa 0.027 0.933 +cpac 0.006 0.967 +cpage 0.000 0.995 +cpan 0.003 0.712 +cpanel 0.478 0.041 +cpanplus 0.000 0.457 +cpants 0.000 0.994 +cpap 0.034 0.876 +cpatch 0.000 0.000 +cpb 0.006 0.953 +cpc 0.006 0.951 +cpcc 0.000 0.987 +cpci 0.018 0.931 +cpcs 0.000 0.953 +cpcu 0.012 0.960 +cpd 0.007 0.915 +cpdl 0.000 0.991 +cpe 0.017 0.719 +cpeo 0.000 0.917 +cpf 0.005 0.893 +cpg 0.006 0.953 +cpgnuke 0.009 0.074 +cph 0.112 0.732 +cpi 0.016 0.914 +cpia 0.014 0.704 +cpim 0.000 0.891 +cpio 0.014 0.063 +cpj 0.003 0.975 +cpk 0.110 0.669 +cpl 0.333 0.542 +cplc 0.020 0.955 +cpld 0.007 0.955 +cplex 0.094 0.839 +cpls 0.811 0.061 +cpm 0.057 0.788 +cpn 0.048 0.859 +cpo 0.033 0.901 +cpoe 0.000 0.989 +cpp 0.022 0.525 +cppa 0.007 0.673 +cppcc 0.000 0.994 +cppflags 0.000 0.784 +cppunit 0.005 0.008 +cpq 0.049 0.885 +cpr 0.010 0.946 +cpre 0.012 0.956 +cprs 0.000 0.979 +cps 0.009 0.851 +cpsa 0.000 0.974 +cpsc 0.006 0.978 +cpshop 0.000 0.039 +cpsr 0.001 0.902 +cpst 0.004 0.968 +cpsu 0.002 0.994 +cpt 0.101 0.845 +cptr 0.054 0.166 +cptv 0.000 0.970 +cpu 0.012 0.854 +cpuc 0.001 0.995 +cpue 0.002 0.965 +cpufreq 0.009 0.062 +cpuid 0.004 0.465 +cpuinfo 0.008 0.006 +cpus 0.087 0.140 +cpv 0.010 0.927 +cpvc 0.021 0.942 +cpw 0.014 0.848 +cpx 0.086 0.664 +cpy 0.023 0.833 +cq 0.087 0.799 +cqb 0.021 0.935 +cqc 0.010 0.956 +cqi 0.007 0.966 +cqr 0.012 0.492 +cqrds 0.000 0.000 +cqu 0.003 0.974 +cqww 0.000 0.982 +cr 0.156 0.611 +cra 0.062 0.852 +crab 0.509 0.048 +crabapple 0.634 0.046 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0.031 +crafton 0.913 0.073 +crafts 0.816 0.023 +craftsbury 0.917 0.052 +craftsman 0.669 0.070 +craftsmanship 0.225 0.009 +craftsmen 0.315 0.018 +craftspeople 0.237 0.006 +craftster 0.748 0.037 +craftwork 0.399 0.017 +crafty 0.499 0.077 +crag 0.589 0.114 +cragg 0.901 0.082 +craggy 0.191 0.009 +craghoppers 0.876 0.096 +crags 0.463 0.016 +craic 0.326 0.074 +craig 0.913 0.048 +craigavon 0.572 0.424 +craighead 0.935 0.052 +craigie 0.773 0.152 +craigs 0.696 0.044 +craigslist 0.078 0.001 +craik 0.910 0.078 +crail 0.905 0.056 +crain 0.917 0.064 +craiova 0.894 0.056 +crais 0.948 0.040 +crak 0.055 0.062 +crake 0.822 0.028 +craks 0.058 0.017 +cram 0.495 0.143 +cramer 0.940 0.045 +cramlington 0.929 0.046 +crammed 0.085 0.029 +cramming 0.144 0.013 +cramp 0.383 0.043 +cramped 0.039 0.003 +cramping 0.075 0.005 +crampon 0.542 0.051 +crampons 0.576 0.019 +cramps 0.227 0.023 +crampton 0.909 0.070 +cran 0.340 0.224 +cranach 0.907 0.067 +cranberries 0.484 0.030 +cranberry 0.658 0.089 +cranbourne 0.612 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0.214 0.016 +crooners 0.543 0.047 +crooning 0.078 0.007 +crop 0.288 0.035 +cropland 0.219 0.035 +cropp 0.841 0.131 +cropped 0.281 0.027 +cropper 0.807 0.038 +croppin 0.972 0.015 +cropping 0.217 0.012 +crops 0.186 0.023 +croquet 0.666 0.026 +croquettes 0.481 0.069 +crore 0.043 0.003 +crores 0.143 0.006 +cros 0.495 0.205 +crosbie 0.978 0.017 +crosby 0.883 0.082 +croscill 0.752 0.031 +crosland 0.922 0.063 +crosley 0.879 0.084 +crosman 0.841 0.097 +cross 0.491 0.036 +crossan 0.949 0.036 +crossbar 0.237 0.033 +crossbars 0.237 0.018 +crossbill 0.802 0.051 +crossbones 0.480 0.078 +crossbow 0.480 0.067 +crossbows 0.519 0.070 +crossbred 0.249 0.029 +crossbreed 0.530 0.028 +crosscut 0.513 0.060 +crosscutting 0.302 0.014 +crossdress 0.355 0.007 +crossdresser 0.238 0.032 +crossdressers 0.226 0.007 +crossdressing 0.178 0.005 +crosse 0.901 0.063 +crossed 0.079 0.008 +crosser 0.519 0.047 +crosses 0.254 0.017 +crossett 0.869 0.091 +crossfade 0.242 0.007 +crossfader 0.425 0.072 +crossfield 0.834 0.082 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0.549 0.026 +cruiserweight 0.730 0.029 +cruises 0.746 0.016 +cruisin 0.691 0.105 +cruising 0.501 0.022 +crum 0.871 0.088 +crumb 0.574 0.058 +crumble 0.220 0.016 +crumbled 0.051 0.004 +crumbles 0.245 0.022 +crumbling 0.112 0.006 +crumbly 0.102 0.014 +crumbs 0.212 0.012 +crumley 0.891 0.080 +crumlin 0.869 0.115 +crummy 0.216 0.011 +crump 0.886 0.079 +crumpets 0.406 0.021 +crumple 0.219 0.012 +crumpled 0.077 0.005 +crumpler 0.901 0.071 +crumpton 0.863 0.123 +crunch 0.481 0.050 +crunched 0.080 0.009 +cruncher 0.706 0.022 +crunchers 0.459 0.027 +crunches 0.188 0.012 +crunching 0.199 0.007 +crunchy 0.412 0.020 +crunk 0.522 0.143 +crus 0.297 0.196 +crusade 0.629 0.029 +crusader 0.742 0.039 +crusaders 0.797 0.036 +crusades 0.714 0.024 +crusading 0.247 0.007 +cruse 0.744 0.091 +crush 0.366 0.047 +crushed 0.141 0.022 +crusher 0.678 0.044 +crushers 0.608 0.032 +crushes 0.210 0.019 +crushing 0.177 0.015 +crusie 0.543 0.009 +crusier 0.128 0.014 +crusies 0.556 0.000 +crusoe 0.931 0.037 +crust 0.202 0.027 +crustacea 0.778 0.065 +crustacean 0.429 0.024 +crustaceans 0.303 0.020 +crustal 0.224 0.015 +crusted 0.380 0.033 +crusts 0.366 0.010 +crusty 0.247 0.022 +crutch 0.258 0.026 +crutcher 0.917 0.064 +crutches 0.272 0.013 +crutchfield 0.969 0.017 +crux 0.256 0.143 +cruxshadows 0.320 0.007 +cruz 0.878 0.052 +cruzan 0.887 0.064 +cruze 0.880 0.052 +cruzeiro 0.524 0.067 +cruzer 0.934 0.026 +cruzi 0.025 0.025 +crv 0.109 0.707 +crw 0.010 0.719 +crx 0.068 0.701 +cry 0.325 0.030 +crybaby 0.437 0.087 +cryer 0.907 0.049 +cryin 0.445 0.030 +crying 0.197 0.013 +cryo 0.474 0.110 +cryogenic 0.264 0.024 +cryogenics 0.567 0.054 +cryonics 0.471 0.034 +cryopreservation 0.366 0.019 +cryopreserved 0.337 0.018 +cryosphere 0.437 0.037 +cryostat 0.209 0.025 +cryosurgery 0.605 0.014 +cryotherapy 0.400 0.019 +crypt 0.432 0.238 +cryptanalysis 0.411 0.012 +cryptic 0.310 0.022 +crypto 0.283 0.053 +cryptococcus 0.799 0.013 +cryptogram 0.682 0.016 +cryptographic 0.361 0.008 +cryptographically 0.110 0.000 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0.940 +cscw 0.002 0.923 +csd 0.023 0.928 +cse 0.026 0.920 +csea 0.005 0.980 +cselt 0.004 0.990 +csengohangok 0.253 0.000 +cserver 0.010 0.000 +cset 0.250 0.232 +csf 0.003 0.972 +csfb 0.007 0.948 +csfbl 0.000 0.997 +csg 0.008 0.927 +csh 0.017 0.379 +csharp 0.122 0.025 +cshcn 0.000 0.951 +cshrc 0.004 0.008 +csi 0.014 0.947 +csic 0.002 0.884 +csicop 0.003 0.989 +csikszentmihalyi 0.986 0.009 +csillag 0.946 0.024 +csir 0.003 0.843 +csiro 0.002 0.990 +csis 0.008 0.978 +csj 0.008 0.894 +csk 0.075 0.891 +cska 0.013 0.964 +csl 0.009 0.896 +csli 0.006 0.956 +csm 0.008 0.920 +csma 0.006 0.929 +csmecher 0.000 0.000 +csn 0.003 0.967 +csname 0.000 0.006 +cso 0.009 0.977 +csound 0.371 0.014 +csp 0.012 0.941 +cspan 0.052 0.875 +cspi 0.014 0.904 +csq 0.017 0.904 +csr 0.010 0.928 +csra 0.021 0.961 +csrc 0.009 0.911 +csrds 0.000 0.008 +csrees 0.000 0.997 +csrs 0.023 0.760 +css 0.005 0.848 +cssa 0.008 0.481 +cssc 0.004 0.835 +cst 0.006 0.984 +cstd 0.036 0.950 +cstr 0.100 0.534 +cstrike 0.033 0.005 +cstv 0.000 0.996 +cstyle 0.001 0.989 +csu 0.007 0.967 +csub 0.022 0.911 +csudh 0.000 0.971 +csuf 0.000 0.952 +csulb 0.002 0.972 +csumb 0.000 0.988 +csun 0.004 0.959 +csus 0.042 0.904 +csusb 0.000 0.972 +csv 0.004 0.777 +csw 0.008 0.525 +csx 0.013 0.948 +csxt 0.000 0.987 +ct 0.120 0.759 +cta 0.011 0.936 +ctag 0.007 0.193 +ctags 0.073 0.115 +ctan 0.041 0.857 +ctap 0.000 0.984 +ctat 0.000 0.164 +ctb 0.037 0.882 +ctbt 0.000 0.992 +ctc 0.007 0.915 +ctcp 0.025 0.593 +ctcss 0.000 0.962 +ctd 0.016 0.912 +cte 0.039 0.869 +ctest 0.018 0.053 +ctf 0.023 0.929 +ctg 0.043 0.740 +cth 0.514 0.424 +cthulhu 0.928 0.030 +cti 0.021 0.904 +ctia 0.003 0.990 +ctime 0.013 0.049 +ctio 0.000 0.596 +ction 0.003 0.372 +ctive 0.002 0.141 +ctivities 0.000 0.866 +ctk 0.011 0.922 +ctl 0.063 0.755 +ctlr 0.129 0.280 +ctm 0.013 0.931 +ctn 0.108 0.455 +cto 0.017 0.927 +ctober 0.000 0.862 +ctor 0.040 0.045 +ctors 0.039 0.057 +ctp 0.005 0.955 +ctr 0.534 0.422 +ctra 0.738 0.203 +ctrl 0.539 0.317 +ctrs 0.448 0.353 +ctry 0.473 0.321 +cts 0.042 0.759 +ctt 0.006 0.839 +cttee 0.871 0.050 +cttw 0.020 0.090 +ctu 0.312 0.556 +ctv 0.021 0.955 +ctw 0.016 0.167 +ctx 0.026 0.534 +ctxt 0.004 0.004 +cty 0.544 0.393 +ctype 0.017 0.057 +cu 0.317 0.292 +cua 0.097 0.546 +cuadra 0.724 0.032 +cual 0.082 0.054 +cuales 0.051 0.010 +cualquier 0.070 0.022 +cuando 0.313 0.021 +cuanto 0.152 0.020 +cuardach 0.963 0.017 +cuarto 0.448 0.047 +cuatro 0.403 0.035 +cub 0.615 0.170 +cuba 0.920 0.051 +cuban 0.928 0.026 +cubana 0.790 0.050 +cubano 0.590 0.117 +cubans 0.952 0.013 +cubase 0.670 0.030 +cubbie 0.925 0.017 +cubbies 0.640 0.041 +cubby 0.679 0.031 +cube 0.614 0.059 +cubed 0.451 0.026 +cubes 0.333 0.021 +cubic 0.350 0.043 +cubical 0.193 0.017 +cubicle 0.391 0.022 +cubicles 0.297 0.009 +cubin 0.700 0.256 +cubis 0.897 0.032 +cubism 0.803 0.019 +cubist 0.639 0.095 +cubit 0.227 0.100 +cubits 0.024 0.006 +cubitt 0.901 0.047 +cubix 0.775 0.154 +cubs 0.854 0.037 +cuc 0.117 0.793 +cucamonga 0.891 0.063 +cucina 0.551 0.029 +cucine 0.046 0.003 +cuckold 0.094 0.006 +cuckoo 0.712 0.041 +cuckoos 0.554 0.058 +cucumber 0.319 0.026 +cucumbers 0.277 0.023 +cucumis 0.902 0.021 +cucusoft 0.896 0.008 +cud 0.062 0.278 +cuda 0.570 0.144 +cudahy 0.900 0.088 +cuddalore 0.937 0.050 +cuddle 0.355 0.038 +cuddled 0.028 0.003 +cuddles 0.585 0.028 +cuddling 0.116 0.012 +cuddly 0.352 0.056 +cuddy 0.760 0.095 +cudgel 0.377 0.011 +cudna 0.589 0.009 +cue 0.428 0.100 +cued 0.208 0.125 +cueing 0.191 0.011 +cuellar 0.886 0.088 +cuenca 0.817 0.062 +cuenta 0.263 0.012 +cuentas 0.133 0.015 +cuento 0.255 0.020 +cuentos 0.472 0.021 +cuernavaca 0.913 0.034 +cuero 0.595 0.137 +cuerpo 0.223 0.023 +cuerpos 0.091 0.010 +cuervo 0.877 0.048 +cues 0.359 0.028 +cuesta 0.877 0.041 +cuetec 0.932 0.034 +cueto 0.947 0.044 +cueva 0.815 0.051 +cuevas 0.853 0.068 +cuf 0.060 0.819 +cuff 0.485 0.067 +cuffe 0.906 0.053 +cuffed 0.339 0.026 +cufflink 0.638 0.055 +cufflinks 0.662 0.059 +cuffs 0.268 0.030 +cuft 0.162 0.323 +cug 0.019 0.882 +cugat 0.855 0.088 +cuh 0.036 0.801 +cuhk 0.000 0.605 +cui 0.382 0.174 +cuid 0.115 0.517 +cuidado 0.349 0.064 +cuidados 0.105 0.007 +cuir 0.393 0.111 +cuisinart 0.901 0.031 +cuisine 0.557 0.017 +cuisines 0.602 0.024 +cuisipro 0.947 0.047 +cuit 0.047 0.094 +cujo 0.562 0.046 +cukor 0.973 0.015 +cul 0.162 0.176 +cular 0.010 0.025 +culated 0.000 0.014 +culberson 0.901 0.080 +culbert 0.905 0.080 +culbertson 0.877 0.109 +culebra 0.882 0.048 +culex 0.953 0.019 +culham 0.934 0.059 +culhane 0.927 0.058 +culi 0.066 0.050 +culicidae 0.957 0.027 +culinaire 0.895 0.012 +culinary 0.595 0.018 +culkin 0.904 0.043 +cull 0.359 0.037 +culled 0.060 0.002 +cullen 0.910 0.071 +culler 0.896 0.044 +culley 0.855 0.111 +culligan 0.843 0.103 +cullin 0.724 0.055 +cullinan 0.956 0.028 +culling 0.221 0.010 +cullman 0.902 0.075 +cullmann 0.967 0.021 +culloden 0.915 0.051 +cullompton 0.923 0.064 +cullowhee 0.901 0.073 +culls 0.178 0.016 +cullum 0.913 0.056 +cully 0.896 0.069 +culm 0.374 0.135 +culminate 0.009 0.002 +culminated 0.002 0.001 +culminates 0.017 0.002 +culminating 0.073 0.006 +culmination 0.033 0.003 +culo 0.037 0.010 +culos 0.024 0.009 +culotte 0.219 0.019 +culottes 0.436 0.028 +culp 0.909 0.075 +culpa 0.386 0.018 +culpability 0.070 0.009 +culpable 0.061 0.007 +culpeper 0.914 0.068 +culpepper 0.917 0.058 +culprit 0.087 0.008 +culprits 0.051 0.010 +cult 0.490 0.048 +cultic 0.236 0.006 +cultists 0.276 0.014 +cultivar 0.197 0.014 +cultivars 0.141 0.026 +cultivate 0.134 0.008 +cultivated 0.091 0.006 +cultivates 0.068 0.004 +cultivating 0.248 0.008 +cultivation 0.186 0.011 +cultivator 0.406 0.045 +cultivators 0.352 0.017 +cultivo 0.126 0.020 +cults 0.425 0.018 +cultur 0.415 0.051 +cultura 0.563 0.071 +cultural 0.347 0.018 +culturalism 0.125 0.009 +culturally 0.114 0.004 +culturas 0.326 0.021 +culture 0.453 0.024 +cultured 0.395 0.019 +culturekitchen 0.015 0.000 +culturel 0.313 0.035 +culturelle 0.425 0.020 +cultures 0.259 0.010 +culturing 0.169 0.010 +cultus 0.791 0.033 +cultuur 0.373 0.015 +culver 0.914 0.060 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0.016 +cups 0.275 0.069 +cupsys 0.008 0.000 +cur 0.082 0.084 +cura 0.324 0.137 +curable 0.096 0.017 +curacao 0.883 0.066 +curate 0.298 0.018 +curated 0.265 0.004 +curating 0.346 0.016 +curation 0.381 0.012 +curative 0.134 0.024 +curator 0.522 0.010 +curatorial 0.338 0.016 +curators 0.398 0.014 +curb 0.340 0.044 +curbed 0.530 0.012 +curbing 0.249 0.016 +curbishley 0.976 0.020 +curbs 0.281 0.025 +curbside 0.366 0.032 +curculionidae 0.963 0.027 +curcumin 0.473 0.018 +curd 0.352 0.040 +curdling 0.061 0.009 +curds 0.230 0.105 +cure 0.306 0.034 +cured 0.120 0.019 +curent 0.270 0.031 +curently 0.222 0.046 +cures 0.362 0.025 +cureton 0.860 0.130 +curettage 0.319 0.026 +curfew 0.342 0.024 +curfews 0.158 0.013 +curia 0.810 0.049 +curiae 0.352 0.086 +curiam 0.327 0.219 +curie 0.912 0.032 +curing 0.264 0.037 +curio 0.684 0.041 +curios 0.620 0.042 +curiosities 0.507 0.037 +curiosity 0.163 0.009 +curious 0.254 0.015 +curiouser 0.564 0.008 +curiousity 0.120 0.006 +curiously 0.307 0.001 +curitiba 0.648 0.024 +curity 0.142 0.080 +curius 0.941 0.010 +curl 0.307 0.066 +curled 0.078 0.011 +curler 0.450 0.071 +curlers 0.361 0.057 +curlew 0.766 0.060 +curley 0.888 0.068 +curling 0.636 0.032 +curls 0.222 0.025 +curly 0.468 0.031 +curmudgeon 0.677 0.012 +curmudgeonly 0.559 0.005 +curnow 0.875 0.092 +curr 0.629 0.181 +curragh 0.857 0.082 +curran 0.921 0.061 +currancy 0.032 0.017 +currant 0.434 0.038 +currants 0.264 0.016 +curre 0.332 0.080 +curred 0.000 0.005 +curren 0.480 0.067 +currencies 0.570 0.015 +currency 0.426 0.013 +current 0.374 0.024 +currently 0.164 0.010 +currentness 0.307 0.143 +currentpoint 0.000 0.000 +currents 0.239 0.026 +currentversion 0.020 0.023 +currey 0.916 0.069 +curric 0.378 0.040 +curricula 0.186 0.010 +curricular 0.235 0.030 +curriculum 0.422 0.025 +curriculums 0.658 0.003 +currie 0.916 0.067 +curried 0.625 0.038 +currier 0.857 0.077 +curries 0.517 0.019 +currin 0.822 0.123 +currington 0.926 0.038 +currituck 0.879 0.083 +currumbin 0.639 0.345 +curry 0.694 0.046 +currys 0.892 0.006 +curs 0.187 0.125 +curse 0.458 0.027 +cursed 0.359 0.023 +curses 0.279 0.017 +cursillo 0.919 0.051 +cursing 0.151 0.007 +cursive 0.505 0.028 +curso 0.519 0.013 +cursor 0.151 0.028 +cursors 0.495 0.007 +cursory 0.028 0.003 +cursos 0.366 0.013 +cursus 0.105 0.064 +curt 0.871 0.042 +curtail 0.055 0.006 +curtailed 0.021 0.007 +curtailing 0.075 0.008 +curtailment 0.198 0.023 +curtain 0.483 0.044 +curtained 0.031 0.006 +curtains 0.469 0.046 +curtesie 0.004 0.000 +curtilage 0.053 0.023 +curtin 0.948 0.037 +curtis 0.897 0.069 +curtiss 0.908 0.072 +curtiz 0.939 0.006 +curtly 0.168 0.000 +curvaceous 0.193 0.008 +curvature 0.090 0.012 +curvatures 0.086 0.007 +curve 0.231 0.022 +curveball 0.547 0.010 +curved 0.266 0.026 +curves 0.187 0.017 +curveto 0.000 0.000 +curvilinear 0.144 0.008 +curving 0.067 0.011 +curvy 0.336 0.023 +curwen 0.833 0.155 +curwood 0.504 0.492 +cury 0.479 0.123 +curzon 0.941 0.043 +cus 0.117 0.117 +cusa 0.271 0.679 +cusack 0.931 0.039 +cusco 0.905 0.054 +cusd 0.009 0.986 +cuse 0.443 0.077 +cush 0.534 0.245 +cushing 0.918 0.068 +cushion 0.447 0.066 +cushioned 0.324 0.012 +cushioning 0.155 0.007 +cushions 0.461 0.029 +cushman 0.871 0.071 +cushtie 0.967 0.018 +cushy 0.105 0.010 +cusick 0.876 0.074 +cusine 0.463 0.020 +cusip 0.110 0.865 +cusp 0.146 0.072 +cusps 0.116 0.021 +cuss 0.117 0.265 +cussed 0.011 0.004 +cusses 0.558 0.000 +cussing 0.082 0.013 +cussion 0.024 0.009 +cussler 0.923 0.050 +cust 0.585 0.211 +custard 0.473 0.052 +custards 0.443 0.054 +custer 0.890 0.079 +custis 0.920 0.071 +custo 0.474 0.200 +custodial 0.293 0.038 +custodian 0.477 0.031 +custodians 0.239 0.018 +custody 0.239 0.019 +custom 0.454 0.029 +customarily 0.037 0.003 +customary 0.084 0.006 +custome 0.301 0.029 +customer 0.657 0.021 +customercare 0.010 0.049 +customers 0.208 0.012 +customisable 0.198 0.003 +customisation 0.382 0.012 +customise 0.927 0.001 +customised 0.101 0.003 +customising 0.507 0.011 +customizable 0.258 0.003 +customization 0.491 0.005 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0.705 +cwestiynau 0.682 0.010 +cwf 0.010 0.955 +cwg 0.008 0.889 +cwh 0.013 0.836 +cwi 0.008 0.855 +cwis 0.050 0.879 +cwk 0.033 0.881 +cwl 0.012 0.897 +cwm 0.273 0.630 +cwmbran 0.864 0.046 +cwmni 0.310 0.016 +cwn 0.041 0.873 +cwna 0.006 0.976 +cwnd 0.022 0.087 +cwnp 0.014 0.981 +cwo 0.015 0.955 +cwop 0.000 0.985 +cwp 0.015 0.911 +cwr 0.008 0.804 +cwrds 0.000 0.000 +cwricwlwm 0.559 0.015 +cwrs 0.133 0.214 +cwru 0.011 0.948 +cws 0.004 0.933 +cwt 0.159 0.352 +cwu 0.005 0.936 +cx 0.187 0.588 +cxc 0.008 0.944 +cxi 0.304 0.417 +cxl 0.053 0.863 +cxo 0.002 0.974 +cxoextra 0.000 0.000 +cxr 0.012 0.935 +cxrds 0.000 0.000 +cxref 0.019 0.005 +cxt 0.078 0.527 +cxx 0.041 0.650 +cxxflags 0.000 0.966 +cy 0.222 0.500 +cya 0.164 0.447 +cyan 0.706 0.081 +cyanide 0.312 0.046 +cyanides 0.534 0.035 +cyanine 0.655 0.016 +cyano 0.244 0.064 +cyanoacrylate 0.494 0.039 +cyanobacteria 0.323 0.021 +cyanobacterial 0.176 0.016 +cyanobacterium 0.107 0.014 +cyanocobalamin 0.642 0.022 +cyanogen 0.571 0.053 +cyanosis 0.245 0.026 +cybele 0.803 0.036 +cyber 0.649 0.044 +cyberage 0.302 0.304 +cybercafe 0.395 0.017 +cybercafes 0.781 0.004 +cybercash 0.801 0.025 +cybercast 0.935 0.008 +cybercrime 0.517 0.021 +cybercrop 0.938 0.011 +cyberculture 0.655 0.004 +cyberduck 0.791 0.000 +cyberhome 0.887 0.025 +cyberia 0.904 0.036 +cyberinfrastructure 0.554 0.019 +cyberlaw 0.669 0.020 +cyberlink 0.634 0.152 +cybermen 0.896 0.030 +cybernet 0.875 0.094 +cybernetic 0.460 0.023 +cybernetics 0.757 0.037 +cyberpower 0.590 0.371 +cyberpunk 0.564 0.013 +cybersecurity 0.539 0.008 +cybersex 0.244 0.022 +cybershot 0.769 0.137 +cyberskin 0.585 0.028 +cyberspace 0.472 0.022 +cybersquatting 0.398 0.010 +cyberstore 0.978 0.002 +cyberterrorism 0.522 0.033 +cybertron 0.915 0.046 +cyberview 0.109 0.886 +cyberwurx 0.993 0.000 +cybex 0.797 0.101 +cybill 0.935 0.034 +cyborg 0.600 0.037 +cyborgs 0.585 0.010 +cyburbia 0.985 0.000 +cyc 0.242 0.514 +cycad 0.607 0.033 +cycads 0.527 0.022 +cycata 0.004 0.000 +cycbuff 0.000 0.000 +cyce 0.012 0.004 +cychwyn 0.607 0.005 +cycki 0.048 0.000 +cycl 0.193 0.290 +cyclades 0.818 0.097 +cycladic 0.864 0.044 +cyclamen 0.723 0.031 +cyclase 0.182 0.048 +cycle 0.273 0.027 +cycled 0.047 0.015 +cyclen 0.665 0.027 +cycler 0.498 0.021 +cyclery 0.887 0.048 +cycles 0.231 0.023 +cyclic 0.302 0.021 +cyclical 0.218 0.015 +cyclically 0.101 0.008 +cyclin 0.270 0.023 +cycling 0.645 0.029 +cyclingnews 0.933 0.000 +cyclins 0.396 0.008 +cyclist 0.329 0.024 +cyclists 0.204 0.018 +cyclization 0.261 0.040 +cyclo 0.589 0.072 +cyclobenzaprine 0.289 0.004 +cyclocross 0.804 0.034 +cyclodextrin 0.208 0.084 +cyclohexane 0.280 0.075 +cycloheximide 0.424 0.011 +cyclohexyl 0.193 0.044 +cyclone 0.659 0.070 +cyclones 0.653 0.029 +cyclonic 0.664 0.046 +cyclooxygenase 0.323 0.009 +cyclopedia 0.883 0.019 +cyclophilin 0.251 0.067 +cyclophosphamide 0.422 0.014 +cyclops 0.767 0.089 +cyclosporin 0.272 0.022 +cyclosporine 0.383 0.019 +cyclotron 0.390 0.040 +cyd 0.472 0.184 +cydonia 0.868 0.035 +cyf 0.363 0.474 +cyfanswm 0.614 0.055 +cyfarfod 0.314 0.070 +cyfeiriad 0.315 0.009 +cyffredinol 0.422 0.026 +cyfle 0.400 0.013 +cyfleoedd 0.554 0.005 +cyflwyno 0.189 0.012 +cyfnod 0.311 0.015 +cyfres 0.217 0.572 +cyg 0.787 0.089 +cygdrive 0.035 0.000 +cygnet 0.699 0.222 +cygnus 0.640 0.021 +cygwin 0.435 0.021 +cyhoedd 0.386 0.009 +cyhoeddi 0.366 0.007 +cyhoeddiadau 0.865 0.005 +cyhoeddus 0.325 0.020 +cyl 0.340 0.220 +cylinder 0.337 0.044 +cylinders 0.492 0.029 +cylindrical 0.225 0.022 +cyllid 0.624 0.016 +cylon 0.838 0.026 +cylons 0.835 0.005 +cym 0.291 0.461 +cyma 0.594 0.245 +cymbal 0.576 0.070 +cymbals 0.509 0.032 +cymbalta 0.533 0.020 +cymbeline 0.855 0.125 +cymbidium 0.763 0.022 +cymdeithas 0.829 0.030 +cymdeithasol 0.516 0.017 +cymer 0.913 0.072 +cymorth 0.559 0.021 +cymraeg 0.925 0.019 +cymreig 0.969 0.019 +cymru 0.960 0.027 +cymryd 0.053 0.005 +cymuned 0.511 0.020 +cymunedau 0.451 0.009 +cymunedol 0.493 0.012 +cyn 0.420 0.083 +cynara 0.920 0.036 +cyndi 0.862 0.031 +cyndy 0.920 0.022 +cyngor 0.849 0.014 +cynic 0.522 0.027 +cynical 0.180 0.004 +cynically 0.045 0.003 +cynicism 0.132 0.005 +cynics 0.356 0.018 +cynllun 0.553 0.024 +cynlluniau 0.384 0.016 +cynllunio 0.528 0.022 +cynnal 0.231 0.011 +cynnig 0.056 0.007 +cynnwys 0.108 0.009 +cynnydd 0.146 0.011 +cynon 0.970 0.013 +cynosure 0.609 0.170 +cyntaf 0.145 0.010 +cynthia 0.910 0.048 +cynthiana 0.887 0.082 +cynulliad 0.980 0.010 +cynwyd 0.858 0.106 +cyo 0.053 0.871 +cyp 0.035 0.936 +cyperaceae 0.892 0.103 +cypermethrin 0.354 0.068 +cyperus 0.935 0.020 +cypher 0.691 0.113 +cyphers 0.829 0.023 +cyphesis 0.069 0.000 +cypionate 0.259 0.022 +cypress 0.799 0.063 +cyprian 0.945 0.037 +cyprien 0.873 0.062 +cyprinidae 0.955 0.034 +cypriot 0.958 0.029 +cypriots 0.968 0.025 +cypris 0.924 0.009 +cyprus 0.912 0.041 +cyr 0.725 0.095 +cyradm 0.041 0.000 +cyrano 0.849 0.113 +cyrene 0.950 0.025 +cyril 0.925 0.048 +cyrille 0.910 0.035 +cyrillic 0.766 0.125 +cyrix 0.850 0.032 +cyrus 0.700 0.031 +cys 0.306 0.645 +cyst 0.214 0.026 +cystatin 0.308 0.028 +cysteine 0.303 0.027 +cystic 0.489 0.019 +cystine 0.496 0.042 +cystitis 0.491 0.017 +cystoscopy 0.417 0.025 +cysts 0.276 0.015 +cyswllt 0.683 0.011 +cysylltiadau 0.718 0.032 +cysylltu 0.616 0.021 +cysylltwch 0.725 0.009 +cyt 0.171 0.555 +cytarabine 0.581 0.017 +cytec 0.770 0.224 +cythera 0.521 0.015 +cytherea 0.462 0.023 +cytheria 0.422 0.018 +cytidine 0.310 0.041 +cyto 0.563 0.072 +cytoband 0.824 0.008 +cytochalasin 0.380 0.019 +cytochrome 0.267 0.065 +cytochromes 0.396 0.027 +cytodyne 0.913 0.051 +cytogenet 0.988 0.007 +cytogenetic 0.331 0.023 +cytogenetics 0.585 0.076 +cytokeratin 0.325 0.038 +cytokine 0.236 0.016 +cytokines 0.343 0.020 +cytokinesis 0.110 0.026 +cytol 0.825 0.028 +cytologic 0.203 0.011 +cytological 0.295 0.026 +cytology 0.161 0.015 +cytolytic 0.092 0.010 +cytomax 0.859 0.106 +cytomegalovirus 0.401 0.018 +cytomel 0.623 0.041 +cytometric 0.076 0.011 +cytometry 0.493 0.016 +cytopathology 0.789 0.034 +cytoplasm 0.161 0.006 +cytoplasmic 0.210 0.023 +cytoscape 0.984 0.000 +cytosine 0.286 0.031 +cytoskeletal 0.238 0.023 +cytoskeleton 0.212 0.021 +cytosol 0.135 0.012 +cytosolic 0.090 0.019 +cytosport 0.819 0.165 +cytotec 0.751 0.027 +cytotoxic 0.174 0.012 +cytotoxicity 0.241 0.010 +cyword 0.000 0.000 +cz 0.082 0.717 +czar 0.544 0.028 +czarne 0.135 0.000 +czarnecki 0.926 0.041 +czars 0.571 0.075 +czas 0.343 0.020 +cze 0.106 0.850 +czech 0.943 0.031 +czechia 0.932 0.039 +czechoslovak 0.935 0.054 +czechoslovakia 0.944 0.039 +czechoslovakian 0.962 0.013 +czechs 0.967 0.020 +czerny 0.923 0.052 +czeslaw 0.949 0.024 +czestochowa 0.903 0.043 +czk 0.004 0.990 +czm 0.023 0.865 +czr 0.026 0.520 +czrds 0.000 0.000 +czy 0.165 0.011 +d 0.692 0.000 +da 0.253 0.275 +daa 0.112 0.680 +daac 0.006 0.971 +daad 0.087 0.866 +daan 0.808 0.036 +daap 0.022 0.847 +daar 0.278 0.036 +daat 0.462 0.401 +dab 0.091 0.703 +daba 0.528 0.110 +dabble 0.084 0.007 +dabbled 0.013 0.000 +dabbling 0.148 0.007 +dabbs 0.853 0.124 +dabei 0.347 0.003 +dabitch 0.814 0.000 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+dafydd 0.950 0.021 +dag 0.439 0.343 +dagan 0.899 0.043 +dagar 0.512 0.022 +dagblad 0.950 0.009 +dage 0.171 0.111 +dagen 0.862 0.004 +dagenham 0.959 0.018 +dagens 0.783 0.032 +dager 0.097 0.012 +dagestan 0.956 0.039 +dagga 0.582 0.025 +dagger 0.499 0.049 +daggers 0.630 0.035 +daggett 0.875 0.105 +dagli 0.326 0.016 +dagmar 0.903 0.037 +dagny 0.672 0.022 +dago 0.473 0.209 +dagon 0.871 0.041 +dagstuhl 0.956 0.029 +daguerreotype 0.430 0.038 +dagwood 0.720 0.034 +dah 0.251 0.194 +daha 0.201 0.058 +dahab 0.925 0.027 +dahan 0.750 0.187 +daher 0.496 0.044 +dahil 0.113 0.039 +dahl 0.901 0.042 +dahlback 0.905 0.068 +dahlberg 0.923 0.064 +dahle 0.844 0.124 +dahlen 0.875 0.109 +dahlgren 0.926 0.061 +dahlia 0.830 0.050 +dahlias 0.624 0.049 +dahlin 0.930 0.030 +dahlonega 0.904 0.057 +dahlquist 0.922 0.040 +dahlstrom 0.912 0.078 +dahm 0.840 0.052 +dahmer 0.802 0.116 +dahn 0.798 0.056 +dahomey 0.838 0.140 +dahon 0.896 0.076 +dahr 0.912 0.061 +dai 0.629 0.168 +daido 0.700 0.117 +daiei 0.953 0.032 +daigaku 0.952 0.012 +daigle 0.888 0.085 +daihatsu 0.819 0.158 +daiichi 0.889 0.081 +daikin 0.803 0.128 +daikon 0.482 0.019 +dail 0.681 0.113 +dailey 0.872 0.087 +dailies 0.511 0.038 +daily 0.539 0.030 +dailydave 0.927 0.000 +dailymotion 0.958 0.008 +daimler 0.794 0.133 +daimnation 0.944 0.000 +daimon 0.850 0.035 +daimyo 0.486 0.012 +dain 0.847 0.037 +daines 0.920 0.060 +dainese 0.682 0.237 +daingerfield 0.814 0.142 +dainties 0.768 0.006 +daintree 0.920 0.057 +dainty 0.285 0.040 +daioh 0.915 0.019 +daiquiri 0.698 0.062 +dair 0.247 0.083 +daire 0.861 0.050 +dairies 0.458 0.042 +dairy 0.521 0.039 +dairying 0.351 0.025 +dairyland 0.744 0.069 +dais 0.144 0.240 +daisaku 0.989 0.007 +daisey 0.738 0.085 +daishi 0.905 0.039 +daisies 0.534 0.031 +daisuke 0.931 0.018 +daisy 0.721 0.068 +daito 0.857 0.062 +daiwa 0.720 0.229 +daj 0.273 0.608 +daje 0.810 0.004 +dak 0.416 0.244 +dakar 0.878 0.077 +dake 0.522 0.168 +dakin 0.793 0.139 +dakine 0.614 0.289 +dako 0.612 0.322 +dakota 0.950 0.033 +dakotas 0.884 0.095 +dal 0.349 0.308 +dala 0.665 0.099 +dalai 0.965 0.015 +dalal 0.929 0.042 +dalam 0.228 0.026 +dalaman 0.738 0.029 +dalaran 0.993 0.000 +dalasi 0.981 0.001 +dalat 0.920 0.044 +dalbeattie 0.947 0.034 +dalbello 0.930 0.019 +dalby 0.825 0.147 +dale 0.887 0.061 +dalek 0.845 0.068 +daleks 0.894 0.060 +dalen 0.822 0.054 +dalene 0.628 0.122 +daler 0.812 0.083 +dales 0.873 0.047 +daleville 0.874 0.086 +daley 0.911 0.068 +dalgety 0.789 0.205 +dalgleish 0.914 0.075 +dalglish 0.932 0.054 +dalhart 0.817 0.153 +dalhousie 0.966 0.023 +dali 0.827 0.094 +dalia 0.855 0.034 +dalian 0.937 0.043 +dalibor 0.830 0.009 +dalila 0.864 0.039 +dalit 0.826 0.016 +dalits 0.795 0.009 +dalkeith 0.904 0.080 +dalkey 0.852 0.138 +dall 0.699 0.088 +dalla 0.345 0.035 +dallaglio 0.980 0.017 +dallaire 0.936 0.051 +dallam 0.887 0.081 +dallara 0.958 0.034 +dallas 0.891 0.039 +dallastown 0.854 0.134 +dalle 0.384 0.028 +dalles 0.861 0.080 +dalley 0.868 0.109 +dalliance 0.204 0.014 +dallman 0.951 0.040 +dalloway 0.938 0.036 +dalloz 0.956 0.032 +dally 0.609 0.067 +dalmatia 0.896 0.045 +dalmatian 0.886 0.038 +dalmatians 0.894 0.063 +dalmation 0.726 0.097 +dalmations 0.719 0.137 +dalnet 0.419 0.182 +dalry 0.920 0.055 +dalrymple 0.928 0.064 +dalsa 0.116 0.879 +dalston 0.940 0.030 +dalton 0.878 0.069 +daltons 0.457 0.143 +daltrey 0.915 0.064 +daltry 0.963 0.027 +daly 0.902 0.070 +dalyan 0.821 0.046 +dalzell 0.796 0.178 +dalziel 0.903 0.070 +dam 0.518 0.088 +dama 0.384 0.345 +damacy 0.852 0.011 +damage 0.129 0.026 +damaged 0.097 0.028 +damages 0.048 0.135 +damaging 0.032 0.017 +damals 0.048 0.003 +daman 0.903 0.040 +damansara 0.867 0.074 +damar 0.773 0.105 +damaraland 0.974 0.016 +damaris 0.941 0.037 +damariscotta 0.876 0.094 +damas 0.672 0.075 +damascene 0.678 0.036 +damascus 0.923 0.048 +damasio 0.976 0.016 +damask 0.573 0.086 +dame 0.848 0.040 +damen 0.867 0.040 +dameron 0.828 0.060 +dames 0.650 0.059 +damgaard 0.969 0.024 +dami 0.313 0.082 +damian 0.907 0.044 +damiana 0.792 0.024 +damiani 0.917 0.037 +damiano 0.949 0.021 +damien 0.916 0.035 +damier 0.868 0.034 +damilola 0.990 0.006 +damion 0.897 0.035 +damir 0.931 0.029 +damit 0.219 0.017 +daml 0.006 0.799 +damm 0.669 0.078 +dammam 0.838 0.123 +damme 0.878 0.048 +dammed 0.129 0.015 +damming 0.143 0.022 +dammit 0.371 0.064 +damn 0.316 0.053 +damnable 0.093 0.016 +damnation 0.401 0.030 +damned 0.321 0.052 +damning 0.066 0.010 +damnit 0.324 0.091 +damnum 0.363 0.008 +damo 0.661 0.162 +damocles 0.728 0.163 +damon 0.897 0.043 +damone 0.883 0.084 +damp 0.125 0.022 +damped 0.127 0.013 +dampen 0.081 0.006 +dampened 0.026 0.004 +dampener 0.447 0.041 +dampening 0.203 0.022 +dampens 0.083 0.020 +damper 0.300 0.062 +dampers 0.344 0.033 +dampier 0.810 0.154 +damping 0.188 0.025 +dampness 0.108 0.007 +damron 0.895 0.082 +dams 0.293 0.028 +damsel 0.320 0.027 +damselflies 0.735 0.011 +damselfly 0.570 0.021 +damsels 0.290 0.017 +dan 0.860 0.040 +dana 0.895 0.049 +danae 0.821 0.054 +danah 0.468 0.007 +danaher 0.920 0.072 +danang 0.891 0.054 +danazol 0.405 0.022 +danbury 0.771 0.061 +danby 0.902 0.048 +danc 0.167 0.663 +dance 0.562 0.039 +danceable 0.045 0.005 +danced 0.070 0.017 +dancefloor 0.401 0.075 +dancehall 0.681 0.047 +dancer 0.457 0.038 +dancers 0.359 0.025 +dances 0.383 0.021 +dancesport 0.557 0.068 +dancewear 0.722 0.044 +dancin 0.592 0.061 +dancing 0.391 0.024 +dancy 0.640 0.089 +dandelion 0.629 0.042 +dandelions 0.396 0.020 +dandenong 0.855 0.126 +dander 0.158 0.008 +dandi 0.925 0.032 +dandie 0.942 0.037 +dando 0.654 0.049 +dandridge 0.896 0.076 +dandruff 0.560 0.026 +dandy 0.579 0.048 +dane 0.892 0.053 +danelectro 0.844 0.076 +danelle 0.811 0.034 +daneman 0.984 0.010 +danemark 0.922 0.034 +danes 0.873 0.034 +danese 0.819 0.055 +danesnboxers 0.999 0.000 +danforth 0.928 0.054 +danfoss 0.909 0.057 +dang 0.483 0.063 +danger 0.240 0.028 +dangerfield 0.905 0.059 +dangermouse 0.805 0.062 +dangerous 0.192 0.018 +dangerously 0.190 0.014 +dangerousness 0.113 0.010 +dangers 0.187 0.013 +dangle 0.612 0.111 +dangled 0.013 0.003 +dangler 0.551 0.146 +danglers 0.619 0.120 +dangles 0.404 0.062 +dangling 0.240 0.028 +dangly 0.464 0.050 +dangos 0.229 0.004 +danh 0.408 0.057 +dani 0.842 0.040 +dania 0.872 0.047 +danial 0.823 0.047 +danica 0.847 0.063 +danida 0.611 0.385 +danie 0.838 0.073 +daniel 0.922 0.048 +daniela 0.852 0.065 +daniele 0.822 0.117 +danieli 0.696 0.220 +daniell 0.867 0.101 +daniella 0.895 0.026 +danielle 0.914 0.037 +daniels 0.897 0.069 +danielson 0.912 0.059 +danielsson 0.948 0.042 +danielsville 0.900 0.063 +danika 0.951 0.021 +danilo 0.882 0.075 +danilov 0.969 0.025 +danio 0.928 0.007 +danis 0.860 0.079 +danisco 0.922 0.073 +danish 0.940 0.018 +dank 0.423 0.030 +danka 0.867 0.082 +danke 0.606 0.044 +danko 0.825 0.046 +danks 0.875 0.082 +danlos 0.916 0.027 +danmark 0.945 0.016 +danmarks 0.967 0.024 +dann 0.468 0.024 +danna 0.824 0.087 +danner 0.848 0.081 +danni 0.789 0.030 +dannie 0.898 0.046 +dannii 0.900 0.040 +dannil 0.014 0.000 +danno 0.532 0.045 +danny 0.919 0.038 +dano 0.708 0.090 +danone 0.825 0.119 +danos 0.588 0.197 +dans 0.103 0.028 +danse 0.597 0.051 +dansguardian 0.008 0.000 +dansk 0.877 0.023 +danske 0.772 0.037 +danskin 0.954 0.025 +dansko 0.864 0.027 +dansmovies 0.007 0.000 +danson 0.915 0.041 +dansville 0.832 0.129 +dant 0.208 0.057 +dante 0.890 0.055 +dantes 0.559 0.361 +danton 0.914 0.044 +dantz 0.864 0.115 +dantzig 0.972 0.021 +danube 0.946 0.031 +danubius 0.869 0.116 +danuta 0.926 0.034 +danvers 0.890 0.073 +danville 0.896 0.072 +danwei 0.870 0.000 +dany 0.833 0.091 +danych 0.052 0.013 +danz 0.713 0.160 +danza 0.727 0.072 +danze 0.898 0.030 +danzel 0.429 0.025 +danzig 0.648 0.056 +danziger 0.974 0.020 +dao 0.372 0.459 +daoc 0.106 0.648 +daoism 0.960 0.006 +daoist 0.939 0.005 +daou 0.906 0.076 +daoud 0.940 0.043 +dap 0.096 0.748 +dapat 0.066 0.032 +daphne 0.896 0.047 +daphnia 0.842 0.026 +dapi 0.016 0.956 +dapibus 0.000 0.000 +dapper 0.515 0.022 +dapple 0.491 0.092 +dappled 0.449 0.008 +daps 0.018 0.941 +dapsone 0.462 0.044 +daq 0.028 0.877 +daqing 0.947 0.027 +dar 0.563 0.212 +dara 0.817 0.097 +daran 0.339 0.022 +darauf 0.625 0.001 +darbar 0.911 0.023 +darby 0.937 0.048 +darc 0.268 0.633 +darcey 0.893 0.071 +darci 0.904 0.040 +darcie 0.911 0.047 +darcs 0.070 0.008 +darcy 0.934 0.035 +dard 0.085 0.190 +dardanelle 0.846 0.121 +dardanelles 0.965 0.023 +darden 0.862 0.113 +dardenne 0.813 0.162 +dards 0.006 0.005 +dare 0.265 0.089 +darebin 0.879 0.024 +dared 0.035 0.005 +daredevil 0.768 0.101 +daredevils 0.692 0.047 +daren 0.902 0.054 +dares 0.161 0.028 +daresay 0.009 0.000 +daresbury 0.968 0.019 +darey 0.610 0.324 +darf 0.148 0.029 +darfur 0.977 0.017 +dargaville 0.896 0.095 +dari 0.613 0.022 +daria 0.853 0.062 +darian 0.897 0.026 +darien 0.882 0.060 +darin 0.802 0.044 +daring 0.228 0.014 +dario 0.918 0.037 +darius 0.915 0.039 +dariush 0.846 0.043 +dariusz 0.928 0.027 +darjeeling 0.882 0.056 +dark 0.470 0.040 +darkane 0.838 0.120 +darkblue 0.422 0.024 +darke 0.839 0.098 +darken 0.206 0.010 +darkened 0.106 0.008 +darkening 0.217 0.024 +darkens 0.078 0.010 +darker 0.118 0.012 +darkest 0.326 0.018 +darkfall 0.969 0.006 +darkhaired 0.108 0.000 +darkhorse 0.484 0.028 +darkling 0.607 0.021 +darkly 0.350 0.020 +darkman 0.835 0.052 +darkmoon 0.786 0.032 +darkness 0.413 0.026 +darknet 0.774 0.004 +darko 0.846 0.035 +darkred 0.069 0.030 +darkroom 0.752 0.027 +darks 0.341 0.040 +darkside 0.773 0.047 +darkstalkers 0.787 0.052 +darkstar 0.664 0.197 +darksteel 0.879 0.026 +darkthrone 0.645 0.045 +darkwatch 0.907 0.055 +darkwave 0.562 0.022 +darkwood 0.818 0.108 +darl 0.788 0.085 +darla 0.898 0.054 +darleen 0.930 0.024 +darlene 0.908 0.057 +darley 0.920 0.066 +darlin 0.528 0.095 +darlina 0.916 0.002 +darling 0.607 0.051 +darlinghurst 0.824 0.125 +darlings 0.424 0.077 +darlington 0.917 0.056 +darmo 0.068 0.026 +darmowe 0.073 0.003 +darmowy 0.090 0.000 +darmstadt 0.860 0.018 +darn 0.284 0.024 +darnall 0.904 0.084 +darndest 0.513 0.015 +darned 0.110 0.008 +darnell 0.908 0.074 +darning 0.509 0.039 +darnley 0.884 0.109 +daro 0.548 0.147 +daron 0.929 0.037 +darpa 0.031 0.954 +darparu 0.092 0.005 +darphin 0.875 0.094 +darr 0.780 0.139 +darra 0.803 0.178 +darragh 0.796 0.077 +darrah 0.888 0.080 +darrel 0.915 0.054 +darrell 0.922 0.056 +darren 0.925 0.030 +darrian 0.673 0.022 +darrick 0.888 0.030 +darrin 0.897 0.080 +darrington 0.884 0.069 +darron 0.864 0.033 +darrow 0.902 0.067 +darryl 0.922 0.045 +dars 0.085 0.576 +darshan 0.737 0.036 +darstellung 0.951 0.007 +dart 0.497 0.239 +dartboard 0.613 0.061 +dartboards 0.642 0.032 +darted 0.022 0.003 +darter 0.499 0.053 +dartford 0.939 0.040 +darth 0.866 0.052 +darting 0.110 0.006 +dartington 0.939 0.044 +dartmoor 0.926 0.038 +dartmouth 0.945 0.039 +darton 0.913 0.065 +darts 0.649 0.054 +darude 0.284 0.010 +darul 0.932 0.047 +darum 0.052 0.000 +darunter 0.025 0.000 +darussalam 0.945 0.050 +darvin 0.908 0.060 +darvocet 0.439 0.013 +darvon 0.558 0.020 +darwen 0.946 0.022 +darwin 0.876 0.024 +darwinia 0.966 0.009 +darwinian 0.962 0.006 +darwinism 0.935 0.014 +darwinists 0.947 0.000 +darwinports 0.080 0.000 +darwish 0.877 0.074 +darya 0.932 0.032 +daryl 0.900 0.049 +daryle 0.908 0.029 +daryll 0.941 0.030 +daryn 0.868 0.107 +das 0.422 0.104 +dasa 0.443 0.286 +daschle 0.878 0.112 +dasd 0.012 0.857 +dasgupta 0.947 0.041 +dash 0.462 0.070 +dasha 0.835 0.023 +dashboard 0.667 0.007 +dashboards 0.418 0.006 +dashed 0.059 0.053 +dasher 0.682 0.045 +dashes 0.175 0.011 +dashiell 0.923 0.049 +dashing 0.248 0.013 +dashwood 0.944 0.046 +dass 0.155 0.047 +dassault 0.771 0.183 +dastardly 0.207 0.011 +dat 0.112 0.382 +data 0.302 0.030 +databank 0.657 0.041 +databanks 0.316 0.014 +database 0.394 0.012 +databased 0.864 0.006 +databases 0.391 0.014 +databinding 0.631 0.000 +databook 0.693 0.034 +databse 0.152 0.010 +datacable 0.674 0.039 +datacard 0.737 0.068 +datacasting 0.415 0.035 +datacenter 0.598 0.012 +datacenters 0.384 0.000 +datacom 0.549 0.242 +datacomm 0.592 0.267 +datacoms 0.514 0.008 +datadir 0.003 0.127 +datafile 0.175 0.341 +datafiles 0.174 0.024 +dataflow 0.313 0.013 +datagram 0.278 0.037 +datagrams 0.127 0.010 +datagrid 0.348 0.042 +dataline 0.582 0.268 +datalink 0.590 0.087 +datalog 0.643 0.086 +datalogger 0.421 0.026 +datalogging 0.605 0.011 +datalogic 0.926 0.056 +datamation 0.966 0.030 +datamax 0.837 0.135 +datamining 0.429 0.008 +datamonitor 0.994 0.004 +datang 0.575 0.059 +datapath 0.281 0.035 +datapilot 0.850 0.033 +datapoint 0.647 0.078 +dataport 0.520 0.102 +dataports 0.364 0.015 +dataproducts 0.724 0.269 +dataquest 0.980 0.011 +datas 0.109 0.029 +datasafe 0.627 0.322 +dataset 0.223 0.019 +datasets 0.235 0.012 +datasheet 0.371 0.106 +datasheets 0.557 0.016 +datasource 0.189 0.024 +datasources 0.067 0.004 +datastore 0.439 0.007 +datastorm 0.972 0.011 +datastream 0.647 0.049 +datatel 0.910 0.067 +datatype 0.176 0.043 +datatypes 0.246 0.008 +datavideo 0.906 0.064 +datavision 0.982 0.004 +dataviz 0.793 0.117 +dataweek 0.573 0.000 +datawrite 0.845 0.119 +datblygiad 0.299 0.015 +datblygu 0.500 0.013 +date 0.627 0.033 +datebook 0.658 0.037 +dated 0.155 0.036 +datedue 0.000 0.998 +datei 0.890 0.011 +dateien 0.927 0.007 +dateing 0.118 0.008 +datejust 0.602 0.113 +datel 0.803 0.167 +dateless 0.417 0.221 +dateline 0.834 0.091 +daten 0.770 0.013 +datenbank 0.774 0.011 +datenbanken 0.874 0.010 +datenschutz 0.935 0.013 +dateout 0.000 0.998 +dater 0.618 0.056 +daters 0.363 0.013 +dates 0.361 0.037 +datestamp 0.180 0.279 +datetime 0.070 0.134 +datewise 0.997 0.000 +datex 0.887 0.096 +datganiad 0.713 0.037 +dati 0.201 0.052 +dating 0.469 0.020 +dation 0.003 0.027 +dations 0.000 0.008 +dative 0.205 0.013 +datlow 0.219 0.003 +dato 0.779 0.039 +datong 0.799 0.025 +datos 0.198 0.031 +datrek 0.913 0.062 +datrix 0.992 0.005 +dats 0.113 0.187 +datsun 0.713 0.202 +datsuns 0.894 0.031 +datta 0.731 0.185 +datuk 0.952 0.020 +datum 0.606 0.050 +datums 0.121 0.016 +datura 0.821 0.028 +dau 0.420 0.094 +daub 0.499 0.046 +dauber 0.822 0.035 +daubert 0.968 0.027 +daud 0.687 0.213 +dauer 0.763 0.024 +daugher 0.120 0.014 +daugherty 0.886 0.095 +daughter 0.155 0.010 +daughters 0.204 0.015 +daugther 0.379 0.016 +dault 0.623 0.025 +daum 0.833 0.121 +daumier 0.910 0.067 +daun 0.747 0.042 +daunorubicin 0.528 0.025 +daunte 0.902 0.074 +daunted 0.040 0.003 +daunting 0.021 0.002 +dauntless 0.553 0.047 +dauphin 0.823 0.092 +dauphine 0.868 0.046 +daur 0.790 0.074 +daus 0.614 0.073 +dav 0.151 0.694 +dava 0.732 0.151 +davantage 0.043 0.007 +davao 0.821 0.075 +dave 0.902 0.028 +daven 0.593 0.032 +davenport 0.907 0.068 +daventry 0.920 0.034 +daves 0.762 0.075 +davey 0.869 0.059 +davi 0.715 0.102 +davia 0.856 0.035 +david 0.932 0.038 +davida 0.895 0.045 +davide 0.918 0.027 +davidian 0.920 0.054 +davidians 0.973 0.012 +davidoff 0.892 0.073 +davidovich 0.620 0.018 +davids 0.841 0.037 +davidsen 0.851 0.017 +davidso 0.866 0.122 +davidson 0.862 0.078 +davidtz 0.969 0.005 +davie 0.897 0.060 +davies 0.929 0.055 +daviess 0.888 0.091 +davila 0.901 0.082 +davin 0.893 0.044 +davina 0.916 0.039 +davinci 0.640 0.090 +davis 0.910 0.069 +davison 0.897 0.083 +davisville 0.848 0.098 +davit 0.459 0.072 +davits 0.565 0.073 +davitt 0.927 0.048 +davo 0.599 0.181 +davon 0.278 0.022 +davor 0.813 0.045 +davos 0.918 0.063 +davros 0.898 0.026 +davy 0.883 0.048 +davydenko 0.961 0.033 +daw 0.401 0.436 +dawa 0.844 0.082 +dawe 0.853 0.128 +dawes 0.792 0.074 +dawg 0.652 0.103 +dawgs 0.734 0.105 +dawid 0.936 0.027 +dawkins 0.940 0.030 +dawley 0.974 0.022 +dawlish 0.894 0.028 +dawn 0.673 0.061 +dawna 0.889 0.037 +dawned 0.016 0.003 +dawning 0.309 0.022 +dawnload 0.019 0.023 +dawns 0.242 0.017 +dawood 0.944 0.031 +daws 0.772 0.098 +dawson 0.904 0.073 +dawsons 0.844 0.051 +dawsonville 0.912 0.061 +dawud 0.965 0.019 +dax 0.606 0.297 +daxter 0.927 0.015 +day 0.330 0.027 +daya 0.763 0.062 +dayal 0.920 0.065 +dayan 0.923 0.028 +dayana 0.944 0.024 +daybed 0.614 0.019 +daybeds 0.683 0.009 +daybook 0.800 0.090 +daybreak 0.574 0.064 +daycare 0.501 0.028 +daydream 0.563 0.042 +daydreamer 0.616 0.041 +daydreaming 0.228 0.013 +daydreams 0.514 0.018 +daye 0.730 0.054 +dayle 0.908 0.038 +daylesford 0.811 0.174 +daylight 0.447 0.019 +daylighting 0.427 0.022 +daylights 0.445 0.033 +daylilies 0.600 0.037 +daylily 0.773 0.056 +daylong 0.069 0.007 +dayna 0.885 0.055 +dayne 0.881 0.058 +daypack 0.639 0.040 +daypacks 0.692 0.031 +daypop 0.819 0.073 +days 0.151 0.017 +daysinn 0.008 0.005 +dayspring 0.796 0.050 +daystar 0.878 0.058 +daytek 0.965 0.022 +daytime 0.407 0.032 +dayton 0.925 0.049 +daytona 0.858 0.053 +daytrading 0.508 0.014 +daytrips 0.493 0.015 +dayville 0.872 0.088 +daywear 0.827 0.016 +dayz 0.642 0.058 +daz 0.643 0.234 +daze 0.655 0.058 +dazed 0.387 0.031 +dazs 0.928 0.032 +dazu 0.169 0.004 +dazuko 0.383 0.000 +dazzle 0.570 0.066 +dazzled 0.096 0.013 +dazzler 0.694 0.075 +dazzles 0.164 0.043 +dazzling 0.185 0.035 +db 0.033 0.605 +dba 0.033 0.645 +dbaccess 0.000 0.016 +dbase 0.279 0.140 +dbb 0.028 0.781 +dbc 0.019 0.822 +dbcc 0.003 0.737 +dbch 0.000 0.003 +dbconn 0.000 0.069 +dbcp 0.000 0.516 +dbcs 0.000 0.959 +dbd 0.004 0.893 +dbe 0.003 0.926 +dbf 0.017 0.639 +dbg 0.023 0.254 +dbget 0.000 0.991 +dbh 0.008 0.206 +dbi 0.012 0.852 +dbj 0.003 0.149 +dbk 0.060 0.782 +dbl 0.341 0.445 +dble 0.336 0.303 +dblp 0.000 0.994 +dbm 0.022 0.656 +dbmail 0.495 0.040 +dbms 0.009 0.924 +dbn 0.145 0.725 +dbname 0.003 0.104 +dbo 0.009 0.322 +dbp 0.008 0.768 +dbq 0.034 0.870 +dbr 0.012 0.806 +dbs 0.010 0.863 +dbss 0.000 0.983 +dbt 0.034 0.836 +dbtel 0.446 0.520 +dbu 0.033 0.776 +dbug 0.045 0.784 +dbus 0.010 0.060 +dbworld 0.267 0.409 +dbx 0.022 0.441 +dbxref 0.776 0.002 +dby 0.017 0.882 +dbz 0.075 0.214 +dc 0.015 0.905 +dca 0.019 0.935 +dcaa 0.000 0.969 +dcache 0.153 0.051 +dcal 0.005 0.802 +dcap 0.015 0.406 +dcb 0.016 0.862 +dcc 0.028 0.829 +dcca 0.000 0.935 +dccc 0.000 0.978 +dccp 0.048 0.779 +dcd 0.015 0.838 +dce 0.005 0.935 +dcemu 0.919 0.007 +dcerpc 0.000 0.101 +dcf 0.011 0.950 +dcfs 0.000 0.981 +dcg 0.008 0.863 +dch 0.018 0.887 +dcha 0.668 0.258 +dci 0.030 0.919 +dcis 0.002 0.977 +dcitionary 0.265 0.000 +dck 0.048 0.792 +dcl 0.012 0.784 +dcm 0.014 0.925 +dcma 0.000 0.989 +dcmi 0.000 0.994 +dcml 0.000 0.944 +dcms 0.001 0.931 +dcmtk 0.000 0.024 +dcn 0.043 0.920 +dcnr 0.000 0.988 +dco 0.013 0.925 +dcom 0.021 0.890 +dcop 0.004 0.568 +dcp 0.007 0.965 +dcpi 0.000 0.992 +dcps 0.002 0.989 +dcr 0.011 0.928 +dcs 0.008 0.951 +dcshoecousa 0.038 0.946 +dct 0.013 0.878 +dctionary 0.264 0.000 +dcu 0.006 0.881 +dcv 0.010 0.918 +dcw 0.047 0.858 +dcx 0.017 0.832 +dd 0.159 0.584 +dda 0.016 0.604 +ddarparu 0.008 0.000 +ddatblygu 0.115 0.003 +ddau 0.018 0.009 +ddavp 0.017 0.918 +ddb 0.010 0.868 +ddbj 0.000 0.997 +ddc 0.012 0.918 +ddd 0.013 0.690 +dddd 0.006 0.546 +dde 0.020 0.701 +ddeddf 0.941 0.014 +ddefnyddio 0.008 0.000 +ddf 0.027 0.852 +ddg 0.008 0.914 +ddh 0.007 0.842 +ddi 0.009 0.786 +ddim 0.094 0.031 +ddj 0.004 0.908 +ddk 0.019 0.879 +ddl 0.009 0.789 +ddm 0.011 0.892 +ddn 0.003 0.938 +ddns 0.005 0.779 +ddo 0.011 0.531 +ddod 0.041 0.020 +ddos 0.046 0.772 +ddots 0.012 0.000 +ddp 0.004 0.813 +ddq 0.006 0.938 +ddr 0.012 0.942 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0.007 +debe 0.130 0.040 +deben 0.234 0.036 +debenhams 0.928 0.037 +debenture 0.354 0.031 +debentures 0.299 0.037 +debhelper 0.007 0.007 +debi 0.878 0.038 +debian 0.681 0.002 +debiandoc 0.012 0.000 +debianutils 0.000 0.000 +debido 0.181 0.011 +debilitated 0.034 0.003 +debilitating 0.021 0.003 +debility 0.245 0.018 +debit 0.340 0.028 +debited 0.014 0.008 +debitel 0.388 0.005 +debiting 0.117 0.015 +debits 0.294 0.048 +debka 0.554 0.414 +debney 0.943 0.050 +debo 0.617 0.062 +debonair 0.408 0.044 +debora 0.796 0.145 +deborah 0.925 0.050 +debord 0.904 0.050 +debra 0.908 0.060 +debrecen 0.957 0.029 +debridement 0.242 0.027 +debrief 0.347 0.018 +debriefing 0.286 0.020 +debris 0.132 0.021 +debs 0.462 0.262 +debt 0.403 0.033 +debtor 0.276 0.021 +debtors 0.449 0.020 +debts 0.126 0.020 +debug 0.204 0.168 +debugged 0.055 0.005 +debugger 0.343 0.010 +debuggers 0.612 0.003 +debugging 0.277 0.008 +debuginfo 0.000 0.000 +debunk 0.167 0.011 +debunked 0.237 0.009 +debunking 0.473 0.015 +debunks 0.188 0.008 +deburring 0.519 0.035 +debussy 0.851 0.073 +debut 0.139 0.018 +debutant 0.215 0.044 +debutante 0.568 0.042 +debutantes 0.699 0.055 +debuted 0.027 0.001 +debuting 0.197 0.007 +debuts 0.383 0.056 +debye 0.933 0.040 +dec 0.939 0.045 +deca 0.339 0.302 +decadal 0.302 0.013 +decade 0.121 0.013 +decadence 0.441 0.023 +decadent 0.181 0.011 +decades 0.055 0.007 +decadron 0.885 0.036 +decaf 0.639 0.053 +decaffeinated 0.601 0.023 +decal 0.393 0.128 +decalogue 0.813 0.040 +decals 0.555 0.058 +decameron 0.902 0.032 +decanoate 0.624 0.033 +decant 0.310 0.066 +decanter 0.587 0.113 +decanters 0.690 0.037 +decanting 0.329 0.018 +decapitated 0.369 0.019 +decapitation 0.377 0.024 +decapoda 0.941 0.045 +decarboxylase 0.163 0.046 +decathlon 0.748 0.041 +decatur 0.896 0.078 +decay 0.193 0.031 +decayed 0.108 0.010 +decaying 0.076 0.007 +decays 0.100 0.025 +decca 0.848 0.132 +deccan 0.961 0.018 +decd 0.103 0.428 +decease 0.080 0.012 +deceased 0.165 0.028 +decedent 0.096 0.028 +decedents 0.184 0.052 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0.007 +declarer 0.557 0.005 +declares 0.194 0.015 +declaring 0.110 0.021 +declassification 0.289 0.135 +declassified 0.351 0.039 +declension 0.203 0.013 +decleor 0.813 0.147 +declin 0.782 0.017 +declination 0.468 0.088 +decline 0.102 0.009 +declined 0.030 0.008 +declines 0.101 0.008 +declining 0.110 0.006 +decls 0.052 0.042 +declutter 0.282 0.008 +decnet 0.039 0.416 +deco 0.685 0.128 +decoction 0.160 0.005 +decode 0.181 0.033 +decoded 0.346 0.012 +decoder 0.334 0.042 +decoders 0.458 0.010 +decodes 0.188 0.008 +decoding 0.224 0.012 +decoherence 0.214 0.014 +decolonization 0.377 0.028 +decom 0.244 0.069 +decommission 0.373 0.008 +decommissioned 0.204 0.009 +decommissioning 0.279 0.026 +decompile 0.183 0.011 +decompiler 0.595 0.005 +decomposable 0.140 0.008 +decompose 0.080 0.008 +decomposed 0.056 0.009 +decomposes 0.079 0.010 +decomposing 0.190 0.007 +decomposition 0.198 0.026 +decompositions 0.165 0.014 +decompress 0.118 0.017 +decompressed 0.060 0.002 +decompressing 0.099 0.004 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0.014 +decrement 0.196 0.049 +decremented 0.010 0.016 +decrements 0.140 0.010 +decrepit 0.202 0.007 +decreto 0.440 0.033 +decried 0.024 0.003 +decries 0.222 0.027 +decriminalization 0.277 0.009 +decry 0.128 0.010 +decrying 0.065 0.005 +decrypt 0.137 0.010 +decrypted 0.067 0.003 +decrypter 0.646 0.008 +decrypting 0.261 0.003 +decryption 0.171 0.007 +decrypts 0.113 0.000 +decs 0.087 0.767 +dect 0.107 0.815 +decubitus 0.507 0.022 +ded 0.167 0.423 +deda 0.835 0.104 +dedadablog 0.995 0.000 +dedalus 0.908 0.035 +deddf 0.940 0.028 +dede 0.721 0.091 +dedham 0.897 0.082 +dedi 0.199 0.038 +dedicada 0.033 0.006 +dedicate 0.070 0.011 +dedicated 0.257 0.007 +dedicates 0.154 0.023 +dedicating 0.076 0.006 +dedication 0.179 0.019 +dedications 0.472 0.045 +dedman 0.847 0.046 +dedo 0.420 0.146 +dedrick 0.928 0.062 +deduce 0.047 0.002 +deduced 0.035 0.006 +deducing 0.134 0.004 +deduct 0.094 0.108 +deductable 0.134 0.028 +deducted 0.019 0.022 +deductibility 0.125 0.013 +deductible 0.136 0.036 +deductibles 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0.059 +defiance 0.507 0.057 +defiant 0.359 0.026 +defiantly 0.033 0.003 +defibrillation 0.302 0.020 +defibrillator 0.476 0.030 +defibrillators 0.747 0.012 +defic 0.930 0.015 +deficiencies 0.195 0.012 +deficiency 0.177 0.022 +deficient 0.062 0.043 +deficit 0.199 0.016 +deficits 0.087 0.011 +defied 0.047 0.004 +defies 0.095 0.011 +defile 0.123 0.012 +defiled 0.078 0.011 +defilement 0.282 0.007 +defilements 0.033 0.000 +defin 0.450 0.087 +definable 0.063 0.005 +definate 0.065 0.022 +definately 0.103 0.018 +definatley 0.095 0.032 +definatly 0.103 0.020 +define 0.100 0.012 +defined 0.034 0.008 +definer 0.484 0.146 +defines 0.101 0.005 +definetely 0.099 0.019 +definetly 0.095 0.022 +defini 0.081 0.012 +defining 0.251 0.009 +definite 0.060 0.009 +definitely 0.096 0.009 +definiteness 0.109 0.011 +definition 0.351 0.023 +definitional 0.174 0.012 +definitions 0.396 0.051 +definitive 0.280 0.021 +definitively 0.023 0.006 +definitives 0.606 0.176 +definitley 0.096 0.019 +definitly 0.085 0.021 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0.105 +delaware 0.938 0.036 +delay 0.189 0.027 +delayed 0.158 0.015 +delaying 0.118 0.007 +delays 0.103 0.011 +delbert 0.897 0.088 +delcam 0.535 0.450 +delcampe 0.924 0.074 +delco 0.710 0.176 +dele 0.214 0.296 +delectable 0.153 0.007 +delegate 0.343 0.028 +delegated 0.154 0.024 +delegates 0.291 0.018 +delegating 0.208 0.009 +delegation 0.280 0.023 +delegations 0.232 0.035 +delen 0.057 0.010 +delenda 0.802 0.033 +delenn 0.972 0.015 +deleon 0.657 0.231 +delerium 0.804 0.099 +delet 0.193 0.140 +delete 0.470 0.036 +deleted 0.183 0.046 +deleter 0.629 0.022 +deleterious 0.036 0.005 +deletes 0.268 0.006 +deleting 0.266 0.008 +deletion 0.219 0.044 +deletions 0.147 0.028 +deleuze 0.951 0.017 +delevan 0.859 0.120 +deleware 0.902 0.032 +delf 0.394 0.485 +delfi 0.673 0.217 +delfin 0.775 0.089 +delfino 0.853 0.044 +delft 0.897 0.051 +delgada 0.876 0.049 +delgado 0.862 0.079 +delgados 0.845 0.027 +delhaize 0.943 0.053 +delhi 0.866 0.101 +delhomme 0.955 0.038 +deli 0.800 0.036 +delia 0.888 0.068 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0.050 +delo 0.615 0.100 +deloitte 0.977 0.016 +delon 0.886 0.080 +delong 0.761 0.128 +delonghi 0.756 0.136 +deloraine 0.859 0.075 +delorean 0.745 0.116 +delores 0.888 0.093 +delorie 0.985 0.000 +deloris 0.850 0.134 +delorme 0.864 0.074 +delos 0.776 0.154 +delp 0.802 0.126 +delph 0.831 0.093 +delphi 0.864 0.050 +delphic 0.878 0.042 +delphine 0.889 0.044 +delphinium 0.725 0.032 +delphos 0.791 0.152 +delpy 0.919 0.032 +delray 0.889 0.055 +delrin 0.804 0.086 +delroy 0.857 0.123 +dels 0.142 0.063 +delsey 0.908 0.017 +delt 0.287 0.176 +delta 0.833 0.038 +deltas 0.254 0.018 +deltec 0.881 0.051 +deltek 0.964 0.027 +deltoid 0.485 0.011 +delton 0.905 0.075 +deltona 0.866 0.063 +deltron 0.446 0.041 +deluca 0.474 0.485 +delude 0.063 0.008 +deluded 0.080 0.004 +deluding 0.041 0.004 +deluge 0.290 0.021 +deluged 0.045 0.007 +delusion 0.185 0.013 +delusional 0.176 0.015 +delusions 0.312 0.012 +delux 0.639 0.096 +deluxe 0.794 0.062 +delvare 0.956 0.000 +delve 0.136 0.005 +delved 0.005 0.000 +delves 0.116 0.008 +delvin 0.917 0.040 +delving 0.167 0.005 +dem 0.341 0.226 +dema 0.746 0.182 +demag 0.826 0.108 +demagnetization 0.019 0.003 +demagogue 0.466 0.013 +demagoguery 0.119 0.010 +demagogues 0.173 0.007 +demain 0.353 0.042 +deman 0.755 0.030 +demanar 0.992 0.000 +demand 0.206 0.058 +demande 0.220 0.026 +demanded 0.009 0.004 +demander 0.207 0.015 +demandes 0.324 0.130 +demanding 0.029 0.004 +demands 0.051 0.009 +demarcate 0.029 0.000 +demarcated 0.017 0.003 +demarcation 0.160 0.017 +demarche 0.706 0.049 +demarco 0.764 0.142 +demarest 0.879 0.112 +demas 0.647 0.070 +demasiado 0.199 0.024 +dembski 0.987 0.007 +demco 0.722 0.256 +demdaco 0.865 0.107 +deme 0.310 0.085 +demean 0.276 0.008 +demeaning 0.032 0.003 +demeanor 0.055 0.005 +demeanour 0.049 0.002 +dement 0.780 0.149 +demented 0.298 0.022 +dementia 0.363 0.015 +dementias 0.251 0.017 +dementieva 0.855 0.101 +demento 0.913 0.028 +demerara 0.885 0.026 +demerger 0.260 0.018 +demerit 0.185 0.021 +demerits 0.100 0.012 +demerol 0.615 0.014 +demers 0.899 0.090 +demersal 0.207 0.013 +demesne 0.442 0.027 +demeter 0.861 0.084 +demetri 0.922 0.045 +demetrios 0.885 0.048 +demetriou 0.959 0.035 +demetrius 0.903 0.083 +demeure 0.559 0.070 +demi 0.730 0.036 +demian 0.912 0.020 +demic 0.019 0.005 +demigod 0.441 0.027 +demigods 0.204 0.010 +demilitarization 0.361 0.045 +demilitarized 0.304 0.011 +deming 0.904 0.066 +demining 0.384 0.019 +demir 0.893 0.040 +demirel 0.826 0.138 +demis 0.784 0.109 +demise 0.150 0.011 +demised 0.369 0.012 +demitasse 0.677 0.108 +demme 0.980 0.011 +demo 0.492 0.048 +demobilisation 0.239 0.029 +demobilization 0.275 0.055 +demobilized 0.073 0.006 +democracia 0.515 0.052 +democracies 0.215 0.007 +democractic 0.809 0.008 +democracy 0.445 0.015 +democrat 0.902 0.042 +democratic 0.641 0.027 +democratically 0.039 0.004 +democratisation 0.263 0.007 +democratization 0.256 0.013 +democratize 0.073 0.005 +democratizing 0.339 0.011 +democrats 0.934 0.011 +democrazia 0.514 0.021 +democritus 0.955 0.018 +demod 0.158 0.069 +demodulation 0.282 0.017 +demodulator 0.314 0.036 +demographer 0.397 0.010 +demographers 0.188 0.000 +demographic 0.317 0.020 +demographically 0.129 0.000 +demographics 0.590 0.037 +demography 0.601 0.044 +demolish 0.119 0.030 +demolished 0.166 0.011 +demolishes 0.127 0.029 +demolishing 0.105 0.010 +demolition 0.410 0.039 +demolitions 0.303 0.023 +demon 0.557 0.033 +demonia 0.725 0.064 +demonic 0.340 0.014 +demonika 0.718 0.000 +demonization 0.125 0.009 +demonize 0.056 0.005 +demonized 0.059 0.010 +demonizing 0.175 0.006 +demonology 0.630 0.030 +demons 0.478 0.023 +demonstrable 0.061 0.003 +demonstrably 0.069 0.002 +demonstrate 0.095 0.003 +demonstrated 0.040 0.003 +demonstrates 0.090 0.004 +demonstrating 0.074 0.004 +demonstration 0.265 0.018 +demonstrations 0.175 0.011 +demonstrative 0.149 0.012 +demonstrator 0.361 0.026 +demonstrators 0.170 0.010 +demopolis 0.928 0.038 +demoralized 0.041 0.004 +demoralizing 0.055 0.003 +demorest 0.884 0.083 +demos 0.577 0.033 +demoscene 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0.265 0.016 +dennehy 0.951 0.041 +dennett 0.955 0.037 +denney 0.921 0.061 +denni 0.851 0.038 +dennie 0.918 0.054 +denning 0.853 0.060 +dennis 0.927 0.051 +dennison 0.803 0.175 +denniston 0.903 0.083 +denny 0.917 0.047 +dennys 0.760 0.067 +deno 0.790 0.076 +denoising 0.276 0.020 +denom 0.343 0.088 +denominated 0.027 0.016 +denomination 0.165 0.012 +denominational 0.271 0.010 +denominations 0.228 0.009 +denominator 0.142 0.029 +denominators 0.126 0.006 +denon 0.860 0.077 +denotation 0.157 0.009 +denotational 0.270 0.009 +denote 0.072 0.004 +denoted 0.004 0.002 +denotes 0.269 0.005 +denoting 0.114 0.002 +denouement 0.118 0.008 +denounce 0.095 0.012 +denounced 0.031 0.003 +denounces 0.278 0.029 +denouncing 0.049 0.004 +denpasar 0.939 0.040 +denr 0.002 0.981 +dens 0.237 0.063 +dense 0.113 0.014 +densely 0.030 0.002 +denser 0.032 0.005 +densest 0.032 0.006 +densetsu 0.917 0.012 +densification 0.209 0.031 +dension 0.977 0.013 +densities 0.052 0.007 +densitometer 0.351 0.033 +densitometry 0.462 0.012 +density 0.178 0.023 +densmore 0.899 0.086 +denso 0.557 0.396 +denson 0.874 0.106 +dent 0.496 0.055 +dentaire 0.159 0.033 +dental 0.584 0.028 +dentate 0.090 0.009 +dente 0.365 0.022 +dented 0.103 0.018 +denti 0.243 0.035 +dential 0.009 0.012 +dentin 0.293 0.012 +dentine 0.136 0.011 +dentist 0.382 0.028 +dentistry 0.699 0.028 +dentists 0.628 0.011 +dentition 0.189 0.015 +denton 0.902 0.066 +dentro 0.143 0.043 +dentry 0.041 0.006 +dents 0.064 0.016 +dentsply 0.603 0.375 +denture 0.468 0.056 +dentures 0.320 0.022 +denuded 0.051 0.005 +denunciation 0.093 0.012 +denunciations 0.079 0.004 +denver 0.917 0.035 +denville 0.890 0.086 +deny 0.081 0.054 +denying 0.075 0.014 +denys 0.929 0.041 +denyse 0.894 0.031 +denzel 0.924 0.024 +denzil 0.933 0.033 +deo 0.535 0.173 +deodorant 0.739 0.068 +deodorants 0.795 0.034 +deodorizer 0.644 0.050 +deodorizers 0.671 0.039 +deodorizing 0.473 0.026 +deol 0.929 0.025 +deon 0.880 0.056 +deontic 0.260 0.011 +deore 0.678 0.071 +deos 0.091 0.304 +deoxy 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0.142 0.005 +dextran 0.244 0.026 +dextroamphetamine 0.534 0.025 +dextromethorphan 0.669 0.026 +dextrose 0.329 0.095 +dextrous 0.578 0.022 +dexy 0.925 0.026 +dey 0.540 0.073 +deyo 0.894 0.081 +dez 0.774 0.069 +deze 0.191 0.008 +dezember 0.961 0.010 +dezembro 0.325 0.005 +dezina 0.956 0.000 +df 0.039 0.619 +dfa 0.012 0.920 +dfait 0.000 0.883 +dfars 0.000 0.996 +dfas 0.004 0.933 +dfat 0.000 0.974 +dfb 0.019 0.854 +dfc 0.024 0.894 +dfd 0.058 0.638 +dfds 0.007 0.932 +dfe 0.009 0.870 +dfes 0.074 0.862 +dff 0.047 0.626 +dfg 0.006 0.842 +dfh 0.013 0.698 +dfi 0.021 0.934 +dfid 0.003 0.992 +dfl 0.053 0.866 +dfm 0.007 0.828 +dfn 0.010 0.683 +dfo 0.001 0.973 +dfp 0.009 0.797 +dfr 0.355 0.554 +dfs 0.044 0.801 +dfsg 0.000 0.734 +dft 0.020 0.886 +dfv 0.011 0.860 +dfw 0.060 0.842 +dfx 0.018 0.671 +dg 0.028 0.861 +dga 0.009 0.875 +dgar 0.000 0.892 +dgb 0.013 0.844 +dgc 0.010 0.895 +dgd 0.006 0.829 +dge 0.038 0.740 +dgf 0.015 0.633 +dgg 0.016 0.833 +dgh 0.076 0.724 +dgi 0.062 0.807 +dgk 0.015 0.857 +dgl 0.015 0.908 +dgm 0.014 0.834 +dgn 0.058 0.527 +dgp 0.012 0.868 +dgps 0.002 0.978 +dgr 0.110 0.634 +dgs 0.007 0.865 +dgt 0.031 0.757 +dgx 0.015 0.877 +dh 0.044 0.766 +dha 0.030 0.801 +dhabi 0.911 0.057 +dhahran 0.937 0.040 +dhaka 0.912 0.048 +dhaliwal 0.735 0.038 +dham 0.841 0.039 +dhamma 0.852 0.018 +dhammapada 0.806 0.030 +dhan 0.540 0.106 +dhanbad 0.987 0.012 +dhar 0.861 0.102 +dharam 0.924 0.039 +dharamsala 0.942 0.043 +dharma 0.793 0.028 +dharwad 0.986 0.011 +dhat 0.078 0.026 +dhawan 0.893 0.043 +dhb 0.006 0.950 +dhc 0.026 0.768 +dhclient 0.005 0.009 +dhcp 0.004 0.736 +dhcpcd 0.008 0.021 +dhcpd 0.005 0.138 +dhd 0.030 0.748 +dhe 0.030 0.194 +dhea 0.042 0.824 +dhec 0.000 0.990 +dhekelia 0.982 0.010 +dhf 0.010 0.914 +dhfr 0.022 0.857 +dhfs 0.000 0.997 +dhg 0.019 0.888 +dhh 0.018 0.866 +dhhs 0.019 0.964 +dhi 0.078 0.635 +dhillon 0.933 0.045 +dhimmi 0.738 0.003 +dhis 0.007 0.174 +dhl 0.008 0.947 +dhlwse 0.006 0.004 +dhlwseis 0.118 0.041 +dhm 0.028 0.785 +dhmokratias 0.948 0.011 +dhn 0.015 0.885 +dho 0.231 0.479 +dhol 0.606 0.132 +dhoni 0.934 0.012 +dhow 0.398 0.013 +dhp 0.053 0.827 +dhr 0.071 0.867 +dhruv 0.890 0.058 +dhs 0.029 0.948 +dhss 0.010 0.940 +dht 0.026 0.854 +dhtml 0.013 0.874 +dhu 0.579 0.294 +dhul 0.960 0.009 +dhv 0.013 0.922 +dhw 0.008 0.945 +dhyana 0.649 0.025 +di 0.146 0.134 +dia 0.352 0.169 +diab 0.634 0.045 +diabete 0.090 0.008 +diabetes 0.462 0.014 +diabetic 0.396 0.018 +diabetics 0.247 0.021 +diabetologia 0.932 0.054 +diable 0.270 0.029 +diablerets 0.986 0.009 +diablo 0.715 0.053 +diablos 0.837 0.047 +diabolic 0.855 0.019 +diabolical 0.238 0.015 +diabolique 0.875 0.044 +diabolo 0.737 0.040 +diabolos 0.754 0.042 +diacetate 0.171 0.039 +diachronic 0.241 0.008 +diaconate 0.482 0.017 +diacritical 0.108 0.006 +diacritics 0.154 0.007 +diacylglycerol 0.174 0.044 +diadem 0.294 0.058 +diadora 0.921 0.051 +diaeresis 0.034 0.641 +diag 0.214 0.170 +diagenesis 0.236 0.035 +diageo 0.926 0.061 +diagn 0.917 0.027 +diagnose 0.080 0.006 +diagnosed 0.064 0.006 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0.018 +diarrhea 0.216 0.012 +diarrheal 0.234 0.009 +diarrhoea 0.195 0.010 +diarrhoeal 0.345 0.011 +diary 0.566 0.037 +diaryland 0.893 0.003 +diaryrings 0.403 0.000 +dias 0.658 0.105 +diaspora 0.631 0.031 +diasporas 0.519 0.013 +diasporic 0.320 0.010 +diastole 0.319 0.009 +diastolic 0.117 0.008 +diate 0.000 0.007 +diately 0.000 0.000 +diatom 0.170 0.337 +diatomaceous 0.347 0.191 +diatomic 0.181 0.056 +diatoms 0.155 0.364 +diatonic 0.340 0.024 +diatribe 0.246 0.011 +diatribes 0.150 0.004 +diavolo 0.688 0.103 +diaz 0.829 0.058 +diazepam 0.160 0.008 +diazinon 0.387 0.090 +diazo 0.395 0.074 +dib 0.279 0.540 +diba 0.670 0.049 +dibasic 0.264 0.051 +dibble 0.809 0.108 +dibbs 0.888 0.056 +dibenzo 0.335 0.058 +dibley 0.871 0.053 +diboll 0.819 0.137 +dibs 0.185 0.108 +dibujo 0.042 0.005 +dibujos 0.058 0.007 +dic 0.200 0.466 +dicamba 0.368 0.123 +dicaprio 0.427 0.096 +dicarboxylic 0.190 0.032 +dicas 0.235 0.026 +diccionario 0.533 0.017 +dice 0.578 0.056 +diced 0.117 0.013 +dicembre 0.349 0.014 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0.110 0.016 +dickson 0.899 0.080 +dickss 0.000 0.000 +dicky 0.752 0.092 +diclofenac 0.471 0.035 +dico 0.444 0.187 +dicom 0.059 0.877 +dicot 0.439 0.007 +dicota 0.829 0.167 +dicrionary 0.265 0.000 +dict 0.115 0.372 +dicta 0.339 0.041 +dictaphone 0.543 0.113 +dictate 0.041 0.006 +dictated 0.013 0.003 +dictates 0.016 0.004 +dictating 0.090 0.011 +dictation 0.418 0.025 +dictator 0.205 0.015 +dictatorial 0.039 0.006 +dictators 0.219 0.014 +dictatorship 0.120 0.010 +dictatorships 0.083 0.005 +dictd 0.003 0.005 +dictiinary 0.264 0.000 +dictiknary 0.264 0.000 +dictilnary 0.264 0.000 +dictinary 0.263 0.000 +dictinoary 0.265 0.000 +dictioanry 0.270 0.000 +dictioary 0.261 0.000 +dictiobary 0.264 0.000 +dictiogary 0.266 0.000 +dictiohary 0.264 0.000 +dictiojary 0.264 0.000 +dictiokary 0.266 0.000 +dictiomary 0.264 0.000 +diction 0.253 0.015 +dictionaey 0.264 0.000 +dictionafy 0.264 0.000 +dictionagy 0.266 0.000 +dictionar 0.403 0.005 +dictionarg 0.264 0.000 +dictionarh 0.264 0.000 +dictionaries 0.595 0.014 +dictionarj 0.266 0.000 +dictionart 0.265 0.000 +dictionaru 0.264 0.000 +dictionary 0.664 0.009 +dictionaty 0.265 0.000 +dictionawy 0.266 0.000 +dictionay 0.270 0.000 +dictionayr 0.263 0.000 +dictionnaire 0.552 0.019 +dictionqry 0.264 0.000 +dictionray 0.264 0.000 +dictionry 0.264 0.000 +dictionsry 0.265 0.000 +dictionwry 0.264 0.000 +dictionxry 0.266 0.000 +dictionzry 0.264 0.000 +dictipnary 0.264 0.000 +dictoinary 0.260 0.000 +dictonary 0.454 0.004 +dicts 0.053 0.012 +dictum 0.094 0.012 +dictyostelium 0.989 0.004 +dicussion 0.348 0.018 +dicyionary 0.264 0.000 +did 0.125 0.010 +dida 0.667 0.164 +didactic 0.211 0.019 +didactics 0.480 0.055 +didanosine 0.370 0.023 +didax 0.992 0.005 +didcot 0.868 0.073 +diddl 0.524 0.030 +diddle 0.523 0.048 +diddley 0.836 0.074 +diddly 0.400 0.016 +diddy 0.807 0.049 +diderot 0.807 0.032 +didgeridoo 0.474 0.188 +didi 0.748 0.039 +didier 0.930 0.033 +didion 0.952 0.021 +didlo 0.037 0.022 +didn 0.049 0.014 +didnt 0.033 0.015 +dido 0.622 0.063 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0.005 +diesel 0.517 0.080 +diesels 0.367 0.031 +diesem 0.004 0.004 +diesen 0.371 0.003 +dieser 0.280 0.006 +dieses 0.291 0.003 +dieskau 0.923 0.049 +diest 0.394 0.210 +diet 0.383 0.015 +dieta 0.126 0.005 +dietary 0.384 0.017 +dietas 0.038 0.002 +diete 0.108 0.004 +dieter 0.900 0.022 +dieterich 0.867 0.115 +dieters 0.302 0.012 +dietetic 0.756 0.039 +dietetics 0.669 0.042 +diethyl 0.315 0.081 +diethylpropion 0.258 0.006 +diethylproprion 0.569 0.000 +diethylstilbestrol 0.526 0.030 +dietician 0.402 0.013 +dieticians 0.518 0.010 +dieting 0.439 0.012 +dietitian 0.498 0.020 +dietitians 0.554 0.015 +dietlibc 0.001 0.002 +dietmar 0.962 0.016 +dietpills 0.035 0.000 +dietrich 0.921 0.047 +diets 0.336 0.010 +diety 0.276 0.020 +dietz 0.893 0.068 +dieu 0.756 0.074 +dieux 0.646 0.034 +diez 0.708 0.068 +dif 0.070 0.183 +diferent 0.044 0.022 +diferente 0.153 0.023 +diferentes 0.031 0.024 +diff 0.219 0.014 +diffe 0.110 0.034 +diffeomorphism 0.034 0.003 +diffeomorphisms 0.072 0.014 +differ 0.023 0.077 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0.606 0.055 +diffuse 0.175 0.017 +diffused 0.144 0.016 +diffuser 0.431 0.045 +diffusers 0.514 0.031 +diffuses 0.039 0.005 +diffusing 0.167 0.013 +diffusion 0.227 0.026 +diffusive 0.124 0.010 +diffusivity 0.104 0.016 +diffutils 0.102 0.003 +diflucan 0.423 0.015 +difranco 0.376 0.052 +diftionary 0.264 0.000 +dig 0.261 0.203 +diga 0.620 0.249 +digable 0.969 0.012 +digby 0.924 0.043 +digerati 0.396 0.293 +digest 0.651 0.048 +digested 0.051 0.004 +digester 0.335 0.022 +digesters 0.214 0.013 +digestibility 0.117 0.012 +digestible 0.079 0.004 +digesting 0.101 0.004 +digestion 0.299 0.013 +digestive 0.461 0.021 +digests 0.447 0.013 +digg 0.145 0.005 +digga 0.843 0.033 +digger 0.582 0.042 +diggers 0.572 0.060 +diggin 0.533 0.051 +digging 0.190 0.014 +diggings 0.344 0.088 +diggins 0.607 0.330 +diggity 0.569 0.050 +diggle 0.898 0.069 +diggnation 0.674 0.000 +diggory 0.848 0.024 +diggs 0.099 0.005 +diggy 0.896 0.009 +dighton 0.887 0.093 +digi 0.728 0.137 +digibeta 0.883 0.074 +digibox 0.431 0.154 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0.017 +diluted 0.215 0.010 +dilutes 0.072 0.008 +diluting 0.070 0.005 +dilution 0.155 0.016 +dilutions 0.110 0.009 +dilutive 0.117 0.005 +dilworth 0.882 0.099 +dilyn 0.063 0.004 +dim 0.456 0.098 +dima 0.627 0.263 +dimacs 0.033 0.924 +dimage 0.789 0.075 +dimanche 0.416 0.039 +dimas 0.858 0.069 +dime 0.285 0.088 +dimebag 0.801 0.094 +dimed 0.802 0.021 +dimen 0.090 0.029 +dimension 0.334 0.040 +dimensional 0.126 0.015 +dimensionality 0.129 0.007 +dimensionally 0.096 0.007 +dimensione 0.362 0.013 +dimensioned 0.065 0.027 +dimensioni 0.543 0.032 +dimensioning 0.420 0.044 +dimensionless 0.080 0.117 +dimensions 0.577 0.026 +dimentions 0.623 0.039 +dimer 0.109 0.027 +dimeric 0.092 0.095 +dimerization 0.222 0.020 +dimers 0.094 0.018 +dimes 0.740 0.067 +dimethicone 0.590 0.164 +dimethoate 0.445 0.111 +dimethoxy 0.249 0.059 +dimethyl 0.301 0.086 +dimethylamino 0.271 0.071 +dimi 0.831 0.060 +dimia 0.003 0.989 +diminish 0.014 0.017 +diminished 0.050 0.006 +diminishes 0.050 0.005 +diminishing 0.080 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0.024 0.048 +dinuba 0.844 0.101 +dinucleotide 0.178 0.041 +dinwiddie 0.882 0.096 +dio 0.468 0.311 +diocesan 0.582 0.034 +diocese 0.661 0.022 +dioceses 0.402 0.013 +diocletian 0.964 0.023 +diode 0.329 0.065 +diodes 0.366 0.073 +diogelwch 0.487 0.019 +diogenes 0.925 0.027 +diogo 0.885 0.035 +dioica 0.051 0.016 +diol 0.119 0.051 +diomed 0.969 0.026 +dion 0.702 0.040 +dione 0.523 0.049 +dionex 0.658 0.337 +dionisio 0.884 0.063 +dionne 0.904 0.072 +dionysian 0.915 0.007 +dionysius 0.964 0.023 +dionysos 0.901 0.042 +dionysus 0.768 0.041 +diop 0.875 0.091 +diophantine 0.733 0.021 +diopside 0.509 0.067 +diopter 0.460 0.031 +diopters 0.145 0.011 +dior 0.773 0.118 +diorama 0.558 0.063 +dioramas 0.464 0.024 +dios 0.722 0.084 +dioske 0.986 0.000 +diouf 0.923 0.046 +diovan 0.567 0.039 +dioxane 0.302 0.067 +dioxide 0.179 0.031 +dioxin 0.289 0.037 +dioxins 0.280 0.022 +dioxygenase 0.085 0.062 +dip 0.349 0.224 +dipartimento 0.928 0.026 +dipeptide 0.127 0.033 +diphenhydramine 0.380 0.035 +diphenyl 0.240 0.049 +diphosphate 0.227 0.032 +diphtheria 0.377 0.023 +dipl 0.808 0.057 +diplo 0.564 0.071 +diploid 0.211 0.033 +diplom 0.375 0.010 +diploma 0.604 0.040 +diplomacy 0.419 0.023 +diplomas 0.441 0.027 +diplomat 0.361 0.028 +diplomate 0.846 0.025 +diplomatic 0.261 0.016 +diplomatically 0.052 0.003 +diplomatique 0.401 0.023 +diplomats 0.239 0.016 +diplopia 0.284 0.015 +dipolar 0.173 0.022 +dipole 0.181 0.027 +dipoles 0.119 0.030 +dipped 0.147 0.030 +dipper 0.697 0.053 +dippers 0.567 0.053 +dippin 0.668 0.035 +dipping 0.232 0.019 +dippy 0.467 0.027 +diprolene 0.878 0.016 +dipropionate 0.290 0.054 +dips 0.432 0.037 +dipset 0.647 0.117 +dipshit 0.162 0.038 +dipstick 0.284 0.051 +diptera 0.921 0.050 +diptych 0.455 0.071 +dipyridamole 0.430 0.024 +dir 0.259 0.248 +dirac 0.907 0.046 +dire 0.267 0.026 +direc 0.262 0.035 +direccion 0.480 0.075 +direcciones 0.315 0.022 +direcory 0.176 0.000 +direct 0.441 0.026 +directa 0.108 0.019 +directe 0.218 0.013 +directed 0.185 0.012 +directement 0.008 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0.003 +disagreed 0.010 0.002 +disagreeing 0.071 0.005 +disagreement 0.061 0.006 +disagreements 0.088 0.010 +disagrees 0.018 0.006 +disallow 0.539 0.008 +disallowable 0.643 0.004 +disallowance 0.381 0.041 +disallowed 0.091 0.037 +disallowing 0.100 0.006 +disallows 0.065 0.005 +disambiguate 0.045 0.000 +disambiguation 0.232 0.001 +disap 0.048 0.014 +disapointed 0.042 0.023 +disappear 0.043 0.006 +disappearance 0.136 0.008 +disappearances 0.188 0.018 +disappeared 0.030 0.003 +disappearing 0.218 0.011 +disappears 0.033 0.005 +disapplied 0.023 0.000 +disappoint 0.053 0.005 +disappointed 0.047 0.007 +disappointing 0.119 0.004 +disappointingly 0.198 0.000 +disappointment 0.078 0.009 +disappointments 0.077 0.010 +disappoints 0.114 0.006 +disapproval 0.084 0.019 +disapprove 0.307 0.015 +disapproved 0.105 0.043 +disapproves 0.041 0.018 +disapproving 0.075 0.017 +disarm 0.145 0.023 +disarmament 0.354 0.026 +disarmed 0.061 0.020 +disarming 0.209 0.013 +disarray 0.108 0.008 +disassemble 0.173 0.016 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0.018 0.005 +discriminates 0.091 0.013 +discriminating 0.081 0.006 +discrimination 0.265 0.018 +discriminations 0.526 0.008 +discriminative 0.207 0.009 +discriminator 0.234 0.023 +discriminatory 0.052 0.006 +discription 0.242 0.101 +discs 0.523 0.052 +discursive 0.156 0.004 +discus 0.487 0.059 +discusion 0.500 0.032 +discuss 0.286 0.011 +discussant 0.760 0.018 +discussants 0.514 0.036 +discussed 0.023 0.004 +discusses 0.125 0.004 +discussing 0.074 0.003 +discussion 0.524 0.026 +discussione 0.342 0.012 +discussioni 0.578 0.018 +discussions 0.454 0.010 +discuz 0.948 0.004 +discwasher 0.812 0.183 +discworld 0.738 0.033 +disdain 0.045 0.004 +disdained 0.021 0.000 +disdainful 0.033 0.000 +dise 0.241 0.129 +disease 0.285 0.014 +diseased 0.091 0.007 +diseases 0.467 0.018 +disegni 0.125 0.018 +disembark 0.191 0.012 +disembarkation 0.251 0.020 +disembarked 0.032 0.003 +disembarking 0.112 0.012 +disembodied 0.162 0.007 +disenchanted 0.262 0.012 +disenchantment 0.148 0.006 +disenfranchised 0.081 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0.040 +diuresis 0.243 0.014 +diuretic 0.226 0.014 +diuretics 0.385 0.020 +diurnal 0.209 0.047 +div 0.481 0.227 +diva 0.667 0.110 +divalent 0.228 0.018 +divalproex 0.301 0.020 +divan 0.708 0.023 +divani 0.818 0.068 +divans 0.612 0.005 +divas 0.578 0.041 +dive 0.462 0.037 +dived 0.040 0.003 +divemaster 0.725 0.043 +diver 0.536 0.052 +diverge 0.034 0.013 +diverged 0.132 0.003 +divergence 0.160 0.020 +divergences 0.092 0.008 +divergent 0.116 0.010 +diverges 0.010 0.003 +diverging 0.115 0.008 +divers 0.412 0.038 +diverse 0.094 0.009 +diverses 0.199 0.236 +diversey 0.858 0.120 +diversi 0.388 0.024 +diversification 0.234 0.014 +diversified 0.388 0.026 +diversify 0.088 0.007 +diversifying 0.141 0.007 +diversion 0.260 0.029 +diversionary 0.242 0.009 +diversions 0.549 0.065 +diversities 0.127 0.011 +diversity 0.337 0.014 +diversos 0.170 0.065 +divert 0.069 0.010 +diverted 0.041 0.011 +diverter 0.520 0.055 +diverticulitis 0.592 0.007 +diverticulosis 0.687 0.007 +diverticulum 0.364 0.015 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0.000 +djb 0.034 0.667 +djbdns 0.007 0.037 +djc 0.010 0.679 +djce 0.000 0.004 +djctionary 0.264 0.000 +djd 0.026 0.812 +dje 0.105 0.407 +djembe 0.551 0.102 +djerba 0.843 0.042 +djf 0.003 0.959 +djgpp 0.007 0.700 +dji 0.007 0.980 +djia 0.002 0.968 +djibouti 0.951 0.045 +djing 0.322 0.061 +djinn 0.849 0.015 +djj 0.010 0.915 +djm 0.021 0.708 +djs 0.163 0.148 +djuma 0.990 0.003 +djvu 0.108 0.336 +djvulibre 0.000 0.000 +dk 0.064 0.758 +dka 0.014 0.837 +dkb 0.031 0.683 +dkctionary 0.264 0.000 +dke 0.109 0.656 +dki 0.028 0.923 +dkim 0.026 0.349 +dkk 0.006 0.983 +dkny 0.039 0.892 +dkocher 0.000 0.000 +dkp 0.014 0.823 +dkr 0.213 0.649 +dks 0.045 0.616 +dkt 0.478 0.440 +dku 0.013 0.884 +dkvm 0.006 0.979 +dkw 0.034 0.887 +dkwnload 0.650 0.000 +dl 0.022 0.822 +dla 0.029 0.634 +dlamini 0.929 0.062 +dlb 0.018 0.857 +dlc 0.015 0.949 +dlci 0.003 0.704 +dlctionary 0.296 0.000 +dld 0.099 0.603 +dle 0.016 0.407 +dleg 0.000 0.990 +dlese 0.001 0.990 +dlext 0.000 0.016 +dlf 0.033 0.847 +dlg 0.042 0.642 +dlh 0.013 0.902 +dli 0.012 0.720 +dlido 0.000 0.000 +dlidos 0.000 0.000 +dling 0.008 0.010 +dlink 0.531 0.280 +dlinux 0.405 0.586 +dlive 0.985 0.000 +dlk 0.259 0.646 +dll 0.130 0.516 +dlls 0.038 0.015 +dlltool 0.000 0.551 +dlm 0.034 0.582 +dln 0.030 0.707 +dlo 0.017 0.933 +dlog 0.039 0.329 +dlopen 0.002 0.006 +dlp 0.021 0.896 +dlpe 0.000 0.995 +dlr 0.061 0.840 +dlrs 0.442 0.071 +dls 0.025 0.811 +dlse 0.000 0.992 +dlsrc 0.000 0.003 +dlt 0.019 0.896 +dlw 0.013 0.715 +dlwnload 0.647 0.000 +dlx 0.240 0.646 +dly 0.234 0.424 +dm 0.060 0.819 +dma 0.004 0.900 +dmac 0.041 0.759 +dmachinemon 0.000 0.000 +dmae 0.160 0.784 +dman 0.210 0.076 +dmanet 0.000 0.994 +dmax 0.387 0.261 +dmb 0.008 0.877 +dmc 0.024 0.925 +dmca 0.001 0.964 +dmd 0.034 0.888 +dme 0.015 0.930 +dmel 0.022 0.121 +dmem 0.000 0.419 +dmerc 0.000 0.993 +dmesg 0.003 0.002 +dmf 0.056 0.868 +dmg 0.128 0.542 +dmh 0.010 0.919 +dmi 0.022 0.922 +dmin 0.311 0.311 +dmitri 0.948 0.028 +dmitriy 0.956 0.011 +dmitry 0.946 0.023 +dmk 0.017 0.894 +dml 0.006 0.908 +dmm 0.024 0.824 +dmn 0.018 0.948 +dmo 0.006 0.902 +dmodule 0.000 0.995 +dmoz 0.234 0.398 +dmp 0.013 0.866 +dmr 0.014 0.936 +dms 0.025 0.897 +dmso 0.092 0.883 +dmsp 0.000 0.983 +dmt 0.016 0.872 +dmu 0.007 0.951 +dmv 0.019 0.852 +dmw 0.010 0.901 +dmx 0.057 0.213 +dmz 0.008 0.917 +dn 0.127 0.633 +dna 0.005 0.971 +dname 0.074 0.326 +dnapl 0.004 0.992 +dnat 0.112 0.773 +dnb 0.026 0.663 +dnc 0.011 0.901 +dnd 0.020 0.802 +dne 0.042 0.583 +dnepropetrovsk 0.970 0.015 +dnes 0.332 0.112 +dnet 0.065 0.165 +dnf 0.003 0.916 +dnforum 0.990 0.000 +dng 0.037 0.794 +dnh 0.041 0.829 +dni 0.088 0.547 +dnis 0.006 0.791 +dnj 0.019 0.922 +dnk 0.033 0.848 +dnl 0.002 0.125 +dnm 0.030 0.828 +dnn 0.015 0.904 +dno 0.039 0.757 +dnp 0.004 0.938 +dnq 0.006 0.868 +dnr 0.009 0.963 +dnrc 0.000 0.986 +dns 0.009 0.856 +dnsbl 0.003 0.829 +dnsext 0.071 0.256 +dnsmasq 0.168 0.008 +dnso 0.013 0.975 +dnssec 0.000 0.705 +dnt 0.023 0.408 +dnv 0.003 0.958 +dnw 0.012 0.878 +do 0.172 0.022 +doa 0.054 0.699 +doable 0.055 0.005 +doaj 0.000 0.999 +doak 0.892 0.087 +doan 0.411 0.034 +doane 0.870 0.064 +doanh 0.158 0.018 +doanload 0.576 0.000 +doar 0.266 0.397 +dob 0.073 0.788 +dobb 0.977 0.018 +dobbie 0.892 0.068 +dobbin 0.905 0.057 +dobbins 0.849 0.119 +dobbs 0.753 0.211 +dobby 0.720 0.041 +doberman 0.816 0.035 +dobermann 0.835 0.064 +dobermans 0.780 0.033 +dobie 0.843 0.093 +dobkin 0.970 0.024 +doble 0.595 0.049 +dobra 0.930 0.007 +dobrich 0.952 0.039 +dobro 0.481 0.147 +dobroide 0.000 0.000 +dobs 0.261 0.070 +dobson 0.927 0.053 +dobsonian 0.755 0.011 +dobutamine 0.392 0.017 +doby 0.796 0.083 +dobyns 0.873 0.111 +doc 0.240 0.111 +docbook 0.070 0.093 +doce 0.636 0.066 +docent 0.569 0.016 +docents 0.365 0.013 +docetaxel 0.322 0.011 +doch 0.196 0.014 +docherty 0.898 0.087 +docid 0.013 0.633 +docile 0.099 0.006 +dock 0.501 0.043 +dockable 0.392 0.017 +dockage 0.377 0.038 +docked 0.105 0.008 +docker 0.643 0.097 +dockers 0.820 0.042 +dockery 0.933 0.057 +docket 0.668 0.079 +docketed 0.302 0.018 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0.008 +doth 0.076 0.005 +dothan 0.908 0.051 +doting 0.099 0.009 +dotnet 0.350 0.244 +dotor 0.260 0.005 +dots 0.288 0.085 +dotson 0.883 0.095 +dotster 0.881 0.038 +dott 0.674 0.115 +dotted 0.123 0.012 +dotti 0.792 0.055 +dottie 0.876 0.047 +dotting 0.119 0.010 +dotty 0.742 0.039 +doty 0.866 0.111 +dou 0.507 0.099 +douala 0.881 0.086 +douay 0.993 0.006 +doub 0.433 0.122 +double 0.366 0.036 +doubleclick 0.616 0.024 +doubled 0.028 0.008 +doubleday 0.969 0.016 +doubleheader 0.203 0.026 +doubler 0.506 0.064 +doubles 0.334 0.036 +doublesize 0.000 0.004 +doublespeak 0.334 0.013 +doublet 0.198 0.038 +doubletree 0.835 0.039 +doublets 0.175 0.016 +doubling 0.102 0.009 +doubly 0.101 0.008 +doubt 0.064 0.007 +doubted 0.014 0.003 +doubters 0.131 0.006 +doubtfire 0.905 0.047 +doubtful 0.108 0.016 +doubtfully 0.016 0.000 +doubting 0.167 0.006 +doubtless 0.176 0.001 +doubtlessly 0.100 0.000 +doubts 0.078 0.011 +douce 0.627 0.065 +doucet 0.842 0.144 +doucette 0.923 0.065 +douche 0.215 0.018 +douchebag 0.328 0.026 +douches 0.310 0.039 +douching 0.517 0.004 +doug 0.939 0.030 +dougal 0.891 0.051 +dougall 0.893 0.075 +dougan 0.658 0.043 +dough 0.280 0.023 +doughboy 0.635 0.107 +dougherty 0.917 0.070 +doughnut 0.313 0.024 +doughnuts 0.471 0.031 +doughty 0.948 0.038 +dougie 0.885 0.040 +douglas 0.912 0.062 +douglass 0.882 0.083 +douglassville 0.855 0.090 +douglasville 0.902 0.065 +doujin 0.245 0.014 +doujinshi 0.301 0.010 +doula 0.582 0.015 +doulas 0.754 0.007 +douleur 0.083 0.009 +doulton 0.829 0.116 +dounreay 0.968 0.029 +dour 0.186 0.155 +dourif 0.968 0.025 +douro 0.901 0.054 +douse 0.194 0.025 +doused 0.029 0.004 +dout 0.204 0.422 +doute 0.050 0.014 +douwe 0.925 0.012 +doux 0.485 0.043 +dov 0.609 0.166 +dove 0.625 0.060 +dovecot 0.329 0.002 +dovecote 0.387 0.027 +dover 0.913 0.056 +doves 0.547 0.040 +dovetail 0.431 0.039 +dovetailed 0.144 0.022 +dovetails 0.087 0.009 +dovey 0.546 0.042 +dovico 0.037 0.954 +dovid 0.965 0.012 +dovonex 0.832 0.018 +dow 0.847 0.103 +dowager 0.613 0.020 +dowagiac 0.862 0.102 +dowbload 0.642 0.000 +dowd 0.920 0.062 +dowdell 0.926 0.060 +dowden 0.899 0.095 +dowding 0.904 0.083 +dowdy 0.648 0.083 +dowel 0.319 0.082 +dowell 0.891 0.087 +dowels 0.259 0.033 +dower 0.475 0.035 +dowhload 0.644 0.000 +dowie 0.806 0.137 +dowjload 0.648 0.000 +dowland 0.378 0.046 +dowling 0.913 0.075 +dowlnoad 0.613 0.000 +dowload 0.195 0.020 +dowloads 0.224 0.096 +dowmload 0.350 0.007 +dowmloads 0.653 0.000 +down 0.122 0.019 +downbeat 0.483 0.033 +downblouse 0.224 0.008 +downcast 0.077 0.005 +downdraft 0.479 0.036 +downe 0.227 0.035 +downeast 0.824 0.054 +downed 0.081 0.029 +downer 0.658 0.081 +downers 0.860 0.057 +downes 0.954 0.038 +downey 0.896 0.074 +downfall 0.315 0.014 +downfield 0.159 0.008 +downforce 0.362 0.039 +downgrade 0.222 0.015 +downgraded 0.063 0.011 +downgrades 0.546 0.032 +downgradient 0.083 0.010 +downgrading 0.207 0.011 +downham 0.939 0.049 +downhill 0.399 0.019 +downhilling 0.022 0.000 +downhole 0.307 0.039 +downie 0.910 0.064 +downieville 0.876 0.111 +downing 0.863 0.043 +downingtown 0.881 0.076 +downioad 0.996 0.000 +downkoad 0.643 0.000 +downl 0.193 0.010 +downlad 0.391 0.007 +downlads 0.690 0.000 +downland 0.515 0.031 +downlaod 0.265 0.007 +downlaods 0.650 0.000 +downlight 0.574 0.124 +downlights 0.556 0.048 +downline 0.300 0.030 +downlink 0.355 0.025 +downloa 0.370 0.016 +download 0.514 0.019 +downloada 0.824 0.000 +downloadable 0.543 0.015 +downloadd 0.600 0.000 +downloade 0.692 0.004 +downloaded 0.154 0.012 +downloaden 0.068 0.005 +downloader 0.571 0.008 +downloaders 0.323 0.010 +downloading 0.204 0.016 +downloads 0.629 0.022 +downloadx 0.842 0.000 +downloadz 0.457 0.012 +downloas 0.544 0.000 +downloasd 0.834 0.000 +downlod 0.252 0.012 +downloda 0.641 0.000 +downlode 0.026 0.014 +downlods 0.689 0.005 +downloqd 0.648 0.000 +downlosd 0.587 0.000 +downloud 0.293 0.018 +downlowd 0.508 0.006 +downlowds 0.808 0.000 +downlozd 0.646 0.000 +downoad 0.495 0.000 +downolad 0.586 0.000 +downooad 0.648 0.000 +downpatrick 0.740 0.253 +downpayment 0.396 0.024 +downpipe 0.417 0.042 +downplay 0.058 0.006 +downplayed 0.030 0.003 +downplaying 0.050 0.004 +downplays 0.159 0.016 +downpoad 0.646 0.000 +downpour 0.113 0.010 +downpours 0.073 0.036 +downregulated 0.043 0.005 +downregulation 0.155 0.003 +downright 0.035 0.004 +downriver 0.518 0.018 +downs 0.555 0.088 +downscaling 0.201 0.011 +downset 0.866 0.080 +downshift 0.262 0.031 +downside 0.106 0.011 +downsides 0.122 0.003 +downsize 0.225 0.018 +downsized 0.100 0.006 +downsizing 0.202 0.011 +downslope 0.059 0.104 +downspout 0.418 0.052 +downspouts 0.449 0.020 +downstairs 0.167 0.014 +downstate 0.614 0.030 +downstream 0.138 0.019 +downsview 0.947 0.044 +downsville 0.789 0.180 +downtempo 0.847 0.006 +downtime 0.249 0.012 +downtimes 0.115 0.004 +downto 0.024 0.144 +downton 0.644 0.321 +downtown 0.508 0.028 +downtowns 0.174 0.011 +downtrack 0.991 0.000 +downtrend 0.059 0.069 +downtrodden 0.040 0.005 +downturn 0.042 0.006 +downturns 0.030 0.002 +downunder 0.688 0.030 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0.020 0.173 +dpic 0.000 0.998 +dpkg 0.009 0.007 +dpl 0.020 0.917 +dpm 0.013 0.894 +dpml 0.000 0.091 +dpms 0.007 0.811 +dpn 0.052 0.792 +dpo 0.008 0.832 +dpof 0.000 0.996 +dport 0.007 0.013 +dports 0.001 0.000 +dpp 0.065 0.839 +dppc 0.005 0.966 +dpr 0.035 0.935 +dprefix 0.660 0.336 +dprg 0.000 0.997 +dprintk 0.077 0.292 +dprk 0.000 0.962 +dps 0.016 0.895 +dpss 0.008 0.929 +dpsyco 0.002 0.000 +dpt 0.102 0.654 +dptr 0.032 0.789 +dpu 0.008 0.911 +dpuc 0.000 0.994 +dpv 0.004 0.963 +dpw 0.004 0.973 +dpwnload 0.641 0.000 +dpx 0.017 0.846 +dpy 0.049 0.126 +dq 0.069 0.769 +dqg 0.002 0.768 +dqpsk 0.000 0.996 +dqs 0.006 0.901 +dr 0.603 0.300 +dra 0.320 0.440 +draadloos 0.538 0.006 +drab 0.292 0.033 +drabble 0.718 0.067 +drac 0.358 0.289 +drachm 0.370 0.047 +drachma 0.530 0.070 +drachmas 0.218 0.024 +draco 0.872 0.034 +draconian 0.226 0.010 +draconis 0.907 0.034 +dracula 0.860 0.064 +dracut 0.900 0.082 +draeger 0.892 0.060 +draft 0.380 0.071 +drafted 0.108 0.005 +drafter 0.696 0.066 +drafters 0.326 0.022 +drafting 0.418 0.025 +drafts 0.374 0.012 +draftsman 0.462 0.025 +drafty 0.137 0.009 +drag 0.302 0.023 +dragan 0.925 0.029 +drager 0.875 0.055 +dragged 0.033 0.003 +draggin 0.558 0.033 +dragging 0.086 0.005 +dragline 0.487 0.063 +dragnet 0.698 0.059 +drago 0.840 0.062 +dragon 0.737 0.050 +dragonball 0.428 0.043 +dragonballz 0.134 0.014 +dragonflies 0.600 0.033 +dragonfly 0.775 0.044 +dragonforce 0.474 0.060 +dragonheart 0.539 0.045 +dragonlance 0.879 0.080 +dragonlords 0.991 0.005 +dragonriders 0.948 0.007 +dragons 0.735 0.040 +dragonshard 0.930 0.011 +dragonslayer 0.857 0.042 +dragoon 0.816 0.041 +dragoons 0.663 0.037 +dragos 0.868 0.032 +dragostea 0.166 0.003 +drags 0.136 0.015 +dragster 0.688 0.092 +dragstrip 0.627 0.046 +dragula 0.258 0.021 +dragway 0.868 0.042 +drain 0.318 0.039 +drainage 0.254 0.040 +drainages 0.069 0.012 +drained 0.029 0.007 +drainer 0.520 0.050 +draining 0.089 0.010 +drains 0.169 0.022 +drak 0.603 0.044 +draka 0.912 0.041 +drake 0.897 0.057 +drakensberg 0.971 0.015 +drakes 0.814 0.067 +drakkar 0.769 0.145 +drakxtools 0.547 0.000 +dram 0.138 0.761 +drama 0.618 0.022 +dramamine 0.812 0.029 +dramas 0.594 0.020 +dramatic 0.122 0.010 +dramatica 0.947 0.008 +dramatically 0.041 0.003 +dramatics 0.441 0.040 +dramatis 0.617 0.121 +dramatist 0.192 0.006 +dramatists 0.491 0.020 +dramatization 0.168 0.009 +dramatize 0.062 0.006 +dramatized 0.219 0.011 +dramaturgy 0.398 0.037 +drame 0.746 0.041 +drammen 0.958 0.030 +drams 0.247 0.140 +drang 0.781 0.039 +drank 0.074 0.012 +drao 0.005 0.921 +drape 0.334 0.055 +drapeau 0.479 0.038 +draped 0.114 0.015 +draper 0.877 0.089 +draperies 0.518 0.045 +drapers 0.765 0.047 +drapery 0.596 0.056 +drapes 0.460 0.047 +draping 0.161 0.018 +drastic 0.074 0.016 +drastically 0.024 0.007 +drat 0.597 0.096 +draught 0.358 0.032 +draughts 0.374 0.032 +draughtsman 0.474 0.038 +drave 0.666 0.127 +draven 0.889 0.018 +dravid 0.948 0.011 +dravidian 0.946 0.019 +draw 0.193 0.019 +drawable 0.273 0.028 +drawback 0.045 0.005 +drawbacks 0.098 0.008 +drawbar 0.384 0.071 +drawbridge 0.331 0.031 +drawcord 0.184 0.009 +drawdown 0.212 0.028 +drawdowns 0.165 0.011 +drawer 0.508 0.046 +drawers 0.334 0.030 +drawing 0.300 0.026 +drawings 0.235 0.036 +drawl 0.087 0.008 +drawmer 0.883 0.089 +drawn 0.068 0.011 +draws 0.123 0.011 +drawstring 0.432 0.039 +drax 0.774 0.173 +dray 0.638 0.083 +draycott 0.937 0.057 +draytek 0.805 0.141 +drayton 0.907 0.064 +drazen 0.844 0.031 +drb 0.011 0.899 +drbd 0.048 0.435 +drc 0.007 0.952 +drct 0.009 0.980 +drd 0.065 0.807 +drda 0.041 0.901 +dre 0.556 0.266 +drea 0.791 0.049 +dread 0.303 0.031 +dreaded 0.091 0.006 +dreadful 0.106 0.007 +dreadfully 0.027 0.003 +dreading 0.094 0.007 +dreadlocks 0.271 0.021 +dreadnaught 0.765 0.050 +dreadnought 0.754 0.072 +dreads 0.171 0.024 +dream 0.447 0.034 +dreamboat 0.653 0.040 +dreambook 0.888 0.009 +dreambox 0.553 0.061 +dreamcast 0.837 0.032 +dreamcatcher 0.723 0.071 +dreamcatchers 0.699 0.079 +dreamcoat 0.926 0.041 +dreamed 0.068 0.007 +dreamer 0.623 0.035 +dreamers 0.600 0.037 +dreamgear 0.432 0.557 +dreamgirl 0.831 0.028 +dreamgirls 0.865 0.078 +dreamhost 0.870 0.005 +dreamily 0.029 0.000 +dreamin 0.676 0.039 +dreaming 0.377 0.025 +dreamland 0.835 0.032 +dreamlike 0.071 0.008 +dreamliner 0.979 0.007 +dreams 0.445 0.026 +dreamscape 0.681 0.083 +dreamscapes 0.743 0.043 +dreamsicles 0.864 0.088 +dreamstime 0.819 0.000 +dreamt 0.062 0.006 +dreamtime 0.900 0.022 +dreamwave 0.827 0.145 +dreamweaver 0.791 0.009 +dreamworks 0.881 0.088 +dreamworld 0.671 0.040 +dreamy 0.753 0.008 +dreamz 0.706 0.057 +dreary 0.172 0.006 +dreck 0.322 0.033 +drectory 0.406 0.000 +dred 0.669 0.073 +dredd 0.906 0.066 +dredg 0.504 0.014 +dredge 0.341 0.049 +dredged 0.168 0.015 +dredges 0.290 0.028 +dredging 0.291 0.038 +dree 0.034 0.018 +drees 0.843 0.053 +dregs 0.347 0.035 +dreher 0.932 0.049 +drei 0.406 0.071 +dreidel 0.632 0.032 +dreier 0.808 0.155 +dreiser 0.961 0.020 +drell 0.934 0.031 +dremel 0.801 0.079 +dren 0.038 0.064 +drench 0.393 0.026 +drenched 0.150 0.052 +drenching 0.106 0.008 +drennan 0.919 0.072 +drenthe 0.824 0.020 +drepper 0.405 0.000 +dres 0.300 0.300 +drescher 0.760 0.037 +dresden 0.707 0.030 +dresdner 0.935 0.037 +dresher 0.708 0.115 +dress 0.455 0.053 +dressage 0.657 0.042 +dressed 0.138 0.012 +dressel 0.965 0.026 +dresser 0.519 0.069 +dressers 0.668 0.015 +dresses 0.580 0.022 +dressing 0.319 0.039 +dressings 0.492 0.034 +dressler 0.939 0.045 +dressmaker 0.483 0.032 +dressmakers 0.745 0.025 +dressmaking 0.534 0.080 +dressup 0.687 0.028 +dressy 0.401 0.035 +drew 0.507 0.025 +drewry 0.885 0.105 +drews 0.795 0.064 +drexel 0.910 0.057 +drexler 0.935 0.048 +dreya 0.990 0.000 +dreyer 0.942 0.043 +dreyfus 0.891 0.066 +dreyfuss 0.941 0.033 +drezner 0.969 0.003 +drf 0.017 0.881 +drg 0.020 0.950 +drh 0.013 0.695 +dri 0.356 0.440 +dribble 0.277 0.018 +dribbled 0.017 0.000 +dribbles 0.104 0.008 +dribbling 0.169 0.010 +drie 0.300 0.139 +dried 0.244 0.022 +drier 0.171 0.068 +driers 0.478 0.019 +dries 0.339 0.039 +driessen 0.936 0.037 +driest 0.086 0.035 +driffield 0.869 0.053 +drift 0.248 0.033 +drifted 0.043 0.004 +drifter 0.669 0.050 +drifters 0.711 0.057 +drifting 0.242 0.029 +driftnet 0.453 0.015 +drifts 0.073 0.024 +driftwood 0.685 0.077 +driggs 0.858 0.081 +drill 0.417 0.060 +drilldown 0.496 0.026 +drilled 0.175 0.036 +driller 0.651 0.089 +drillers 0.523 0.058 +drilling 0.356 0.039 +drills 0.470 0.030 +drin 0.359 0.041 +drinal 0.988 0.004 +dring 0.686 0.139 +drink 0.410 0.020 +drinkability 0.110 0.003 +drinkable 0.146 0.008 +drinker 0.332 0.018 +drinkers 0.140 0.013 +drinkin 0.381 0.028 +drinking 0.255 0.015 +drinks 0.355 0.021 +drinkstuff 0.841 0.000 +drinktec 0.225 0.021 +drinkware 0.898 0.011 +drinkwater 0.877 0.088 +drip 0.328 0.069 +dripped 0.062 0.007 +drippers 0.650 0.035 +dripping 0.188 0.023 +drippings 0.073 0.017 +drippy 0.332 0.018 +drips 0.149 0.020 +driscoll 0.920 0.064 +driskill 0.921 0.061 +dritte 0.590 0.042 +driv 0.441 0.174 +drive 0.441 0.042 +driveability 0.204 0.016 +drivel 0.256 0.006 +driveline 0.617 0.063 +driven 0.144 0.010 +driver 0.339 0.034 +drivers 0.323 0.028 +drives 0.531 0.014 +driveshaft 0.415 0.062 +drivetime 0.833 0.031 +drivetrain 0.686 0.062 +drivetrains 0.512 0.013 +driveway 0.218 0.023 +driveways 0.286 0.023 +drivin 0.392 0.053 +driving 0.424 0.020 +drizzle 0.302 0.098 +drizzled 0.099 0.005 +drizzling 0.049 0.000 +drizzly 0.161 0.161 +drizzt 0.862 0.011 +drk 0.520 0.284 +drl 0.016 0.879 +drm 0.003 0.908 +drms 0.016 0.869 +drn 0.065 0.830 +dro 0.206 0.502 +droege 0.963 0.027 +droga 0.182 0.023 +drogas 0.089 0.029 +drogba 0.933 0.025 +drogen 0.233 0.006 +drogheda 0.964 0.024 +drogo 0.948 0.010 +drogue 0.171 0.021 +droid 0.492 0.077 +droids 0.394 0.050 +droit 0.262 0.047 +droite 0.137 0.033 +droits 0.176 0.035 +droitwich 0.912 0.035 +droll 0.369 0.031 +drome 0.499 0.165 +dromedary 0.434 0.215 +dromore 0.848 0.144 +drone 0.285 0.027 +drones 0.274 0.017 +dronfield 0.874 0.036 +droning 0.055 0.003 +drool 0.234 0.025 +drooling 0.140 0.008 +drools 0.196 0.060 +droop 0.233 0.027 +drooped 0.016 0.000 +drooping 0.097 0.005 +droopy 0.387 0.024 +drop 0.249 0.036 +dropbear 0.233 0.000 +dropbox 0.589 0.035 +dropdown 0.150 0.004 +dropdowns 0.370 0.007 +droped 0.058 0.013 +droping 0.080 0.012 +dropkick 0.723 0.038 +droplet 0.199 0.015 +droplets 0.086 0.010 +dropoff 0.361 0.026 +dropout 0.387 0.031 +dropouts 0.250 0.023 +dropped 0.054 0.006 +dropper 0.368 0.032 +droppers 0.424 0.041 +droppin 0.261 0.053 +dropping 0.114 0.016 +droppings 0.263 0.009 +drops 0.238 0.019 +dropship 0.503 0.092 +dropshipper 0.443 0.053 +dropshippers 0.455 0.025 +dropshipping 0.697 0.070 +dropsy 0.303 0.031 +dropzone 0.683 0.034 +dror 0.932 0.033 +dros 0.168 0.023 +drosera 0.918 0.019 +drosoph 0.062 0.000 +drosophila 0.958 0.024 +dross 0.226 0.021 +drought 0.248 0.017 +droughts 0.117 0.005 +drouin 0.738 0.251 +drouot 0.893 0.048 +drove 0.047 0.004 +drover 0.606 0.075 +drovers 0.468 0.028 +droves 0.045 0.005 +drow 0.517 0.026 +drown 0.147 0.015 +drowned 0.241 0.011 +drowning 0.300 0.019 +drownings 0.238 0.022 +drowns 0.159 0.015 +drowsiness 0.084 0.008 +drowsy 0.239 0.022 +droxy 0.976 0.000 +droylsden 0.940 0.046 +droz 0.917 0.041 +drozd 0.819 0.072 +drp 0.021 0.856 +drq 0.015 0.557 +drr 0.023 0.874 +drs 0.641 0.288 +drt 0.060 0.731 +drtv 0.012 0.948 +dru 0.536 0.323 +drubbing 0.036 0.006 +druce 0.952 0.039 +druck 0.722 0.032 +drucken 0.334 0.003 +drucker 0.852 0.024 +druckmaschinen 0.977 0.011 +druckversion 0.977 0.013 +drudge 0.846 0.070 +drudgery 0.056 0.006 +drug 0.338 0.021 +drugged 0.262 0.014 +drugging 0.271 0.015 +druggist 0.328 0.031 +druggists 0.389 0.035 +drugs 0.277 0.024 +drugstore 0.436 0.023 +drugstores 0.542 0.007 +druid 0.787 0.037 +druidic 0.748 0.013 +druids 0.795 0.015 +druitt 0.618 0.246 +druk 0.500 0.034 +drum 0.568 0.056 +drumbeat 0.324 0.025 +drumcode 0.895 0.089 +drumhead 0.560 0.049 +drumheller 0.938 0.039 +drumkit 0.383 0.058 +drumline 0.761 0.033 +drumm 0.653 0.055 +drummed 0.040 0.004 +drummer 0.290 0.024 +drummers 0.333 0.022 +drumming 0.268 0.026 +drummond 0.884 0.096 +drummondville 0.931 0.058 +drummoyne 0.753 0.163 +drums 0.407 0.036 +drumset 0.535 0.053 +drumstick 0.318 0.042 +drumsticks 0.503 0.049 +drumstruck 0.992 0.004 +drumwaster 0.996 0.000 +drunk 0.350 0.014 +drunkard 0.391 0.023 +drunkards 0.193 0.025 +drunken 0.342 0.015 +drunkenly 0.045 0.000 +drunkenness 0.154 0.018 +drunknmunky 0.487 0.007 +drunks 0.238 0.021 +drupa 0.404 0.115 +drupal 0.594 0.044 +drury 0.898 0.061 +drusilla 0.908 0.045 +drusus 0.955 0.008 +druze 0.942 0.014 +drv 0.116 0.447 +drw 0.041 0.905 +drwx 0.000 0.000 +drwxr 0.000 0.000 +drwxrwsr 0.000 0.000 +drwxrwxr 0.000 0.000 +drwxrwxrwx 0.000 0.000 +drwy 0.054 0.006 +drx 0.015 0.799 +dry 0.308 0.035 +dryad 0.452 0.042 +dryas 0.885 0.012 +drycleaners 0.296 0.026 +drycleaning 0.671 0.026 +dryday 0.000 0.982 +dryden 0.912 0.063 +drydock 0.516 0.058 +dryer 0.500 0.037 +dryers 0.697 0.013 +drying 0.218 0.021 +dryland 0.357 0.046 +drylands 0.492 0.014 +dryly 0.017 0.000 +dryness 0.120 0.010 +dryopteris 0.911 0.018 +drys 0.158 0.108 +drysdale 0.893 0.091 +drysuit 0.427 0.064 +drysuits 0.840 0.032 +drywall 0.576 0.042 +ds 0.044 0.784 +dsa 0.004 0.865 +dsb 0.013 0.897 +dsbl 0.006 0.200 +dsc 0.016 0.899 +dscc 0.002 0.990 +dsch 0.006 0.947 +dscm 0.000 0.289 +dscp 0.005 0.735 +dscr 0.005 0.959 +dsd 0.017 0.891 +dsdp 0.045 0.913 +dse 0.016 0.849 +dselect 0.042 0.009 +dsf 0.010 0.813 +dsg 0.021 0.873 +dsgn 0.579 0.211 +dsh 0.063 0.680 +dshield 0.960 0.004 +dshs 0.002 0.987 +dsi 0.022 0.918 +dsk 0.053 0.692 +dsl 0.016 0.904 +dslam 0.016 0.929 +dslr 0.006 0.930 +dsm 0.009 0.945 +dsmz 0.000 0.998 +dsn 0.006 0.902 +dso 0.024 0.882 +dsp 0.009 0.849 +dspace 0.349 0.077 +dspam 0.027 0.290 +dspp 0.008 0.980 +dsq 0.030 0.848 +dsquared 0.301 0.325 +dsr 0.010 0.903 +dsrc 0.008 0.950 +dss 0.023 0.872 +dsss 0.002 0.989 +dsssl 0.002 0.571 +dst 0.070 0.729 +dsto 0.000 0.988 +dsu 0.010 0.967 +dsv 0.018 0.853 +dsw 0.046 0.720 +dsx 0.034 0.828 +dsy 0.025 0.169 +dt 0.042 0.612 +dta 0.019 0.878 +dtb 0.103 0.818 +dtc 0.010 0.863 +dtcc 0.000 0.947 +dtd 0.007 0.854 +dtds 0.004 0.038 +dte 0.019 0.917 +dtend 0.000 0.959 +dtf 0.009 0.920 +dtg 0.005 0.963 +dth 0.095 0.819 +dti 0.011 0.931 +dtic 0.007 0.976 +dtk 0.021 0.882 +dtl 0.038 0.861 +dtlr 0.000 0.995 +dtm 0.009 0.911 +dtmf 0.005 0.882 +dtml 0.002 0.417 +dtn 0.049 0.847 +dto 0.030 0.725 +dtor 0.014 0.026 +dtoronto 0.000 0.000 +dtp 0.007 0.891 +dtpa 0.000 0.991 +dtr 0.018 0.477 +dtrace 0.147 0.078 +dts 0.007 0.957 +dtsc 0.000 0.998 +dtsch 0.985 0.002 +dtstamp 0.000 0.986 +dtstart 0.000 0.958 +dtt 0.004 0.960 +dtu 0.002 0.978 +dtv 0.013 0.938 +dtw 0.015 0.941 +dtx 0.016 0.876 +dtz 0.028 0.825 +du 0.156 0.088 +dua 0.628 0.174 +dual 0.531 0.062 +dualband 0.769 0.042 +dualism 0.192 0.009 +dualistic 0.061 0.005 +dualit 0.905 0.058 +dualities 0.255 0.009 +duality 0.201 0.012 +dually 0.373 0.119 +duals 0.572 0.038 +duan 0.864 0.062 +duane 0.924 0.051 +duarte 0.879 0.092 +duas 0.222 0.028 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0.038 +duchovny 0.909 0.043 +duchy 0.745 0.022 +ducing 0.000 0.002 +duck 0.593 0.056 +ducked 0.020 0.002 +duckett 0.872 0.116 +duckie 0.734 0.052 +duckies 0.498 0.065 +ducking 0.159 0.010 +duckling 0.566 0.049 +ducklings 0.412 0.027 +ducks 0.580 0.036 +ducksnorts 0.871 0.000 +duckweed 0.322 0.033 +duckworth 0.918 0.068 +ducky 0.694 0.039 +duclos 0.883 0.094 +duct 0.320 0.041 +ductal 0.264 0.009 +ducted 0.238 0.038 +ductile 0.329 0.057 +ductility 0.168 0.019 +ducting 0.353 0.020 +duction 0.005 0.007 +ductionary 0.264 0.000 +ductive 0.000 0.000 +ductivity 0.000 0.000 +ductless 0.525 0.027 +ducts 0.169 0.022 +ductus 0.272 0.016 +ductwork 0.235 0.025 +dud 0.257 0.084 +duda 0.639 0.096 +dudalen 0.061 0.001 +dudas 0.605 0.038 +duddy 0.679 0.047 +dude 0.400 0.031 +dudek 0.894 0.067 +duden 0.867 0.057 +dudes 0.279 0.027 +dudgeon 0.710 0.061 +dudley 0.911 0.061 +duds 0.406 0.032 +dudu 0.763 0.050 +due 0.129 0.018 +duel 0.612 0.040 +duelfer 0.970 0.022 +dueling 0.542 0.021 +duelist 0.774 0.023 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0.426 0.011 +duis 0.725 0.007 +duisburg 0.731 0.016 +duit 0.201 0.250 +duits 0.740 0.014 +duitsland 0.627 0.009 +duiven 0.095 0.011 +duk 0.460 0.205 +dukakis 0.958 0.026 +dukane 0.888 0.091 +duke 0.879 0.045 +dukes 0.830 0.050 +dukinfield 0.946 0.034 +dukkha 0.277 0.007 +dul 0.229 0.270 +dulac 0.885 0.094 +dulaney 0.880 0.106 +dulce 0.522 0.053 +dulcie 0.917 0.049 +dulcimer 0.593 0.095 +dulcimers 0.641 0.015 +dulcinea 0.915 0.031 +dull 0.114 0.014 +dulled 0.026 0.003 +duller 0.085 0.007 +dulles 0.922 0.045 +dullest 0.203 0.017 +dulling 0.074 0.008 +dullness 0.079 0.007 +dully 0.289 0.015 +dulug 0.932 0.042 +duluth 0.931 0.049 +dulux 0.752 0.171 +dulverton 0.883 0.107 +dulwich 0.927 0.051 +duly 0.022 0.010 +dum 0.399 0.103 +duma 0.924 0.048 +dumaguete 0.893 0.036 +dumais 0.942 0.049 +dumas 0.880 0.068 +dumb 0.257 0.030 +dumbarton 0.936 0.050 +dumbass 0.221 0.045 +dumbasses 0.279 0.040 +dumbbell 0.609 0.023 +dumbbells 0.557 0.012 +dumbed 0.080 0.005 +dumbell 0.575 0.052 +dumbells 0.539 0.036 +dumber 0.506 0.027 +dumbest 0.435 0.023 +dumbfounded 0.050 0.004 +dumbing 0.267 0.013 +dumbledore 0.929 0.018 +dumbo 0.713 0.166 +dumbrella 0.864 0.006 +dumfries 0.962 0.023 +dumfriesshire 0.982 0.011 +dumitru 0.934 0.038 +dummer 0.844 0.068 +dummies 0.777 0.022 +dummy 0.245 0.044 +dumont 0.891 0.084 +dumoulin 0.912 0.059 +dump 0.294 0.041 +dumped 0.104 0.011 +dumper 0.671 0.048 +dumpers 0.461 0.029 +dumping 0.199 0.020 +dumpling 0.527 0.041 +dumplings 0.393 0.041 +dumps 0.164 0.017 +dumpster 0.391 0.017 +dumpsters 0.259 0.016 +dumpty 0.834 0.056 +dumpy 0.378 0.105 +dun 0.496 0.139 +duna 0.720 0.171 +dunant 0.951 0.023 +dunas 0.838 0.027 +dunaway 0.916 0.068 +dunbar 0.906 0.075 +dunbarton 0.930 0.055 +dunbartonshire 0.983 0.012 +dunblane 0.944 0.041 +dunc 0.797 0.032 +duncan 0.894 0.058 +duncans 0.889 0.044 +duncanville 0.912 0.063 +dunce 0.298 0.039 +dunces 0.651 0.020 +duncombe 0.915 0.069 +duncraft 0.958 0.026 +dundalk 0.938 0.042 +dundas 0.887 0.099 +dundee 0.918 0.050 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0.148 0.008 +dunnville 0.947 0.038 +dunny 0.584 0.034 +duno 0.164 0.022 +dunoon 0.875 0.087 +dunphy 0.924 0.060 +duns 0.308 0.628 +dunsborough 0.798 0.179 +dunsmore 0.578 0.048 +dunsmuir 0.890 0.095 +dunst 0.814 0.015 +dunstable 0.892 0.065 +dunstan 0.944 0.039 +dunster 0.901 0.078 +dunston 0.892 0.074 +dunton 0.926 0.063 +dunvegan 0.887 0.078 +dunwich 0.846 0.146 +dunwoody 0.939 0.046 +duo 0.611 0.078 +duoc 0.073 0.033 +duodenal 0.306 0.015 +duodenum 0.305 0.016 +duofold 0.944 0.030 +duomo 0.908 0.030 +duong 0.845 0.046 +duopoly 0.208 0.008 +duos 0.528 0.044 +duotone 0.286 0.032 +dup 0.056 0.297 +dupa 0.281 0.048 +dupage 0.483 0.313 +dupe 0.356 0.063 +duped 0.153 0.019 +dupeless 0.965 0.000 +duper 0.537 0.048 +dupes 0.216 0.035 +dupioni 0.684 0.063 +dupl 0.213 0.644 +duplessis 0.894 0.098 +duplex 0.428 0.055 +duplexer 0.425 0.072 +duplexes 0.202 0.016 +duplexing 0.377 0.029 +duplicate 0.218 0.019 +duplicated 0.054 0.020 +duplicates 0.168 0.018 +duplicating 0.445 0.021 +duplication 0.314 0.012 +duplications 0.171 0.011 +duplicative 0.075 0.012 +duplicator 0.693 0.033 +duplicators 0.822 0.018 +duplicitous 0.121 0.003 +duplicity 0.178 0.014 +duplin 0.907 0.076 +duplo 0.794 0.133 +dupont 0.837 0.110 +dupre 0.879 0.098 +dupree 0.873 0.099 +dupri 0.881 0.054 +dups 0.396 0.131 +dupuis 0.876 0.106 +dupuy 0.884 0.070 +dupy 0.059 0.004 +duque 0.831 0.100 +duquesa 0.875 0.053 +duquesne 0.931 0.050 +duquette 0.897 0.081 +dur 0.292 0.173 +dura 0.686 0.076 +durability 0.286 0.009 +durable 0.261 0.019 +durables 0.493 0.031 +durabolin 0.379 0.048 +durabrand 0.870 0.031 +duracao 0.000 0.000 +duracell 0.802 0.168 +durafirm 0.838 0.000 +duragesic 0.593 0.111 +dural 0.396 0.190 +duramax 0.862 0.064 +duramine 0.010 0.000 +duran 0.827 0.074 +durance 0.760 0.059 +durand 0.875 0.088 +durango 0.870 0.056 +durant 0.816 0.069 +durante 0.308 0.027 +duras 0.614 0.035 +durasoft 0.915 0.017 +duratec 0.924 0.056 +duration 0.388 0.025 +durations 0.105 0.018 +durban 0.949 0.031 +durbanville 0.918 0.050 +durbar 0.848 0.025 +durbin 0.823 0.165 +durch 0.115 0.013 +durchgefickt 0.005 0.000 +durchschnittliche 0.922 0.000 +durchsuchen 0.179 0.000 +durden 0.879 0.065 +dure 0.094 0.066 +durell 0.951 0.031 +duren 0.857 0.065 +durer 0.870 0.039 +dures 0.009 0.010 +duress 0.147 0.015 +duret 0.976 0.019 +durex 0.843 0.082 +durfee 0.886 0.090 +durg 0.508 0.166 +durga 0.895 0.048 +durgin 0.917 0.064 +durham 0.947 0.036 +duri 0.473 0.121 +durian 0.534 0.028 +durie 0.910 0.071 +durin 0.448 0.030 +during 0.156 0.007 +durkan 0.963 0.033 +durkee 0.857 0.070 +durkheim 0.949 0.034 +durkin 0.912 0.065 +durning 0.826 0.024 +duro 0.305 0.061 +durocher 0.868 0.104 +durometer 0.506 0.052 +duromine 0.010 0.002 +duron 0.839 0.049 +durr 0.871 0.069 +durrani 0.938 0.040 +durrant 0.880 0.080 +durrell 0.921 0.055 +durrett 0.937 0.056 +durring 0.092 0.011 +dursley 0.952 0.031 +durst 0.699 0.052 +durum 0.388 0.035 +dury 0.515 0.038 +duryea 0.925 0.061 +dus 0.194 0.316 +dusa 0.147 0.799 +dusan 0.843 0.130 +duschcam 0.000 0.000 +dusche 0.095 0.002 +dusen 0.887 0.104 +dushanbe 0.943 0.050 +dushku 0.765 0.015 +dusit 0.910 0.025 +dusk 0.443 0.041 +dusky 0.466 0.061 +dusseldorf 0.922 0.027 +dust 0.290 0.030 +dustbin 0.357 0.029 +dustbury 0.954 0.000 +dusted 0.298 0.022 +duster 0.603 0.082 +dusters 0.659 0.042 +dustin 0.920 0.035 +dusting 0.235 0.051 +dustjacket 0.277 0.028 +dustry 0.015 0.011 +dusts 0.236 0.018 +dustwrapper 0.079 0.032 +dusty 0.483 0.038 +dut 0.100 0.730 +dutailier 0.880 0.017 +dutch 0.917 0.020 +dutcher 0.876 0.107 +dutchess 0.904 0.061 +dutchman 0.895 0.036 +dutchmen 0.899 0.065 +duthie 0.968 0.028 +dutiable 0.116 0.026 +duties 0.138 0.036 +dutiful 0.131 0.006 +dutifully 0.029 0.001 +dutoit 0.914 0.074 +dutra 0.914 0.053 +dutt 0.938 0.037 +dutta 0.939 0.033 +dutton 0.884 0.081 +dutty 0.659 0.085 +duty 0.304 0.033 +duval 0.888 0.079 +duvall 0.919 0.049 +duvet 0.636 0.060 +duvets 0.547 0.023 +duwamish 0.934 0.061 +dux 0.659 0.177 +duxbury 0.925 0.054 +duxford 0.963 0.026 +duxton 0.879 0.070 +duxuser 0.003 0.000 +duy 0.476 0.083 +duze 0.096 0.000 +dv 0.025 0.883 +dva 0.057 0.818 +dvb 0.005 0.801 +dvbe 0.000 0.998 +dvc 0.012 0.927 +dvcam 0.064 0.797 +dvcpro 0.006 0.946 +dvd 0.018 0.892 +dvda 0.020 0.528 +dvdorchard 0.000 0.009 +dvdr 0.034 0.765 +dvdrip 0.101 0.188 +dvdrom 0.031 0.776 +dvdrw 0.031 0.845 +dvds 0.170 0.300 +dvdshop 0.000 0.659 +dvdxcopy 0.077 0.127 +dve 0.236 0.564 +dversion 0.038 0.954 +dvf 0.024 0.865 +dvg 0.005 0.937 +dvh 0.024 0.938 +dvhs 0.003 0.952 +dvi 0.013 0.889 +dvico 0.597 0.388 +dvipdfm 0.013 0.040 +dvips 0.023 0.026 +dvl 0.064 0.799 +dvla 0.013 0.889 +dvm 0.019 0.962 +dvmrp 0.005 0.772 +dvn 0.059 0.874 +dvo 0.045 0.905 +dvorak 0.864 0.082 +dvp 0.007 0.932 +dvr 0.016 0.915 +dvs 0.029 0.827 +dvsx 0.195 0.802 +dvt 0.007 0.952 +dvw 0.005 0.954 +dvx 0.012 0.863 +dw 0.036 0.825 +dwa 0.142 0.556 +dwaf 0.016 0.974 +dwain 0.838 0.073 +dwan 0.889 0.069 +dwane 0.923 0.042 +dwarf 0.512 0.052 +dwarfed 0.035 0.009 +dwarfism 0.348 0.024 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0.919 +dxb 0.009 0.943 +dxc 0.010 0.891 +dxcc 0.038 0.888 +dxf 0.011 0.757 +dxg 0.092 0.869 +dxl 0.015 0.654 +dxld 0.000 0.991 +dxm 0.013 0.832 +dxp 0.019 0.879 +dxs 0.008 0.918 +dxx 0.101 0.201 +dy 0.168 0.264 +dyad 0.243 0.035 +dyadic 0.211 0.022 +dyads 0.115 0.017 +dyan 0.699 0.038 +dyanna 0.922 0.021 +dyas 0.857 0.043 +dycam 0.991 0.007 +dyce 0.870 0.082 +dyck 0.941 0.046 +dydd 0.613 0.037 +dyddiad 0.592 0.028 +dye 0.418 0.061 +dyeable 0.549 0.031 +dyeables 0.918 0.008 +dyed 0.289 0.046 +dyeing 0.401 0.034 +dyer 0.881 0.081 +dyers 0.700 0.050 +dyersburg 0.878 0.105 +dyersville 0.875 0.096 +dyes 0.337 0.030 +dyess 0.864 0.103 +dyestuffs 0.464 0.034 +dyfed 0.952 0.036 +dyffryn 0.907 0.031 +dyfodol 0.196 0.018 +dyin 0.289 0.024 +dying 0.222 0.017 +dyk 0.668 0.110 +dyke 0.667 0.038 +dykes 0.410 0.022 +dykstra 0.932 0.052 +dylai 0.513 0.003 +dylan 0.759 0.036 +dylid 0.518 0.004 +dymatize 0.923 0.063 +dyme 0.941 0.016 +dymo 0.469 0.476 +dymocks 0.901 0.007 +dymond 0.876 0.106 +dyn 0.400 0.167 +dyna 0.708 0.191 +dynabook 0.227 0.734 +dynacord 0.863 0.104 +dynagroove 0.977 0.008 +dynalink 0.876 0.111 +dynam 0.403 0.066 +dynamat 0.908 0.034 +dynamic 0.364 0.016 +dynamical 0.261 0.021 +dynamically 0.099 0.003 +dynamics 0.399 0.028 +dynamik 0.766 0.118 +dynamin 0.233 0.038 +dynamique 0.526 0.083 +dynamis 0.818 0.077 +dynamism 0.110 0.006 +dynamite 0.666 0.051 +dynamix 0.858 0.066 +dynamo 0.648 0.062 +dynamode 0.900 0.085 +dynamometer 0.333 0.025 +dynamos 0.568 0.026 +dynastar 0.847 0.049 +dynastic 0.287 0.010 +dynasties 0.373 0.014 +dynasty 0.633 0.035 +dynatron 0.955 0.029 +dynaudio 0.894 0.033 +dynax 0.836 0.123 +dyne 0.504 0.054 +dynebolic 0.923 0.000 +dynegy 0.916 0.081 +dynein 0.170 0.077 +dynes 0.646 0.037 +dynex 0.797 0.113 +dynix 0.951 0.035 +dyno 0.536 0.080 +dynojet 0.816 0.086 +dynomax 0.866 0.084 +dynomite 0.806 0.057 +dyo 0.052 0.090 +dys 0.075 0.385 +dysan 0.934 0.045 +dysart 0.851 0.119 +dysentery 0.234 0.018 +dysfunction 0.277 0.009 +dysfunctional 0.198 0.006 +dysfunctions 0.329 0.008 +dysgu 0.547 0.013 +dyskinesia 0.369 0.011 +dyslexia 0.613 0.011 +dyslexic 0.317 0.008 +dyslexics 0.261 0.014 +dyslipidemia 0.276 0.014 +dysmenorrhea 0.419 0.010 +dysmorphic 0.479 0.012 +dyson 0.847 0.067 +dyspepsia 0.359 0.014 +dysphagia 0.397 0.239 +dysphoria 0.212 0.008 +dysphoric 0.308 0.005 +dysplasia 0.314 0.020 +dysplastic 0.156 0.010 +dyspnea 0.259 0.010 +dyspraxia 0.588 0.016 +dysregulation 0.150 0.008 +dysthymia 0.408 0.006 +dystocia 0.466 0.009 +dystonia 0.370 0.018 +dystopia 0.415 0.026 +dystopian 0.241 0.005 +dystrophic 0.162 0.020 +dystrophies 0.512 0.011 +dystrophin 0.210 0.014 +dystrophy 0.506 0.019 +dysuria 0.463 0.009 +dz 0.110 0.465 +dzd 0.001 0.973 +dzi 0.483 0.205 +dzisiaj 0.868 0.000 +dzogchen 0.926 0.017 +dzwonki 0.127 0.042 +e 0.584 0.000 +ea 0.035 0.725 +eaa 0.006 0.956 +eab 0.017 0.877 +eabisim 0.000 0.000 +eac 0.040 0.810 +each 0.153 0.009 +eachother 0.026 0.009 +eacute 0.198 0.006 +ead 0.103 0.688 +eade 0.868 0.099 +eades 0.946 0.046 +eadie 0.909 0.084 +eads 0.373 0.587 +eady 0.684 0.161 +eae 0.033 0.782 +eaec 0.000 0.994 +eaf 0.010 0.898 +eafe 0.009 0.971 +eag 0.064 0.840 +eagain 0.000 0.982 +eagan 0.909 0.065 +eagar 0.858 0.069 +eager 0.095 0.009 +eagerly 0.037 0.002 +eagerness 0.023 0.002 +eagle 0.742 0.076 +eaglehawk 0.644 0.340 +eagles 0.731 0.034 +eagleton 0.908 0.078 +eagleville 0.851 0.112 +eah 0.052 0.464 +eai 0.007 0.956 +eair 0.000 0.065 +eak 0.080 0.377 +eaker 0.692 0.109 +eakin 0.887 0.100 +eakins 0.908 0.079 +eal 0.015 0.669 +eales 0.821 0.053 +ealing 0.941 0.039 +ealth 0.009 0.744 +ealy 0.826 0.065 +eam 0.011 0.879 +eames 0.747 0.119 +eamon 0.778 0.034 +eamonn 0.889 0.020 +ean 0.031 0.894 +eang 0.182 0.012 +eao 0.041 0.917 +eap 0.012 0.926 +eapc 0.005 0.970 +eaps 0.008 0.441 +ear 0.324 0.064 +earache 0.709 0.051 +earbud 0.607 0.091 +earbuds 0.467 0.031 +earch 0.003 0.026 +eardrum 0.196 0.017 +eardrums 0.081 0.006 +eare 0.020 0.015 +eared 0.218 0.039 +eares 0.012 0.000 +earful 0.158 0.013 +earhart 0.903 0.047 +earhugger 0.956 0.038 +earing 0.266 0.215 +earings 0.424 0.172 +earl 0.871 0.066 +earle 0.912 0.065 +earlene 0.923 0.065 +earley 0.892 0.087 +earlham 0.929 0.063 +earlier 0.088 0.007 +earlies 0.851 0.040 +earliest 0.171 0.007 +earlimart 0.821 0.132 +earlobe 0.166 0.006 +earls 0.828 0.081 +earlville 0.725 0.224 +early 0.226 0.018 +earlybird 0.731 0.076 +earmark 0.283 0.059 +earmarked 0.061 0.005 +earmarking 0.167 0.017 +earmarks 0.261 0.018 +earmuffs 0.452 0.036 +earn 0.367 0.051 +earned 0.104 0.014 +earner 0.131 0.019 +earners 0.149 0.014 +earnest 0.283 0.030 +earnestly 0.023 0.003 +earnestness 0.020 0.002 +earnhardt 0.887 0.062 +earnie 0.923 0.026 +earning 0.177 0.022 +earnings 0.352 0.021 +earns 0.170 0.021 +earnshaw 0.950 0.037 +earp 0.824 0.144 +earphone 0.521 0.074 +earphones 0.514 0.037 +earpiece 0.368 0.054 +earpieces 0.277 0.009 +earplugs 0.280 0.044 +earring 0.568 0.089 +earrings 0.679 0.074 +ears 0.136 0.026 +earshot 0.268 0.042 +eart 0.294 0.259 +earth 0.587 0.027 +eartha 0.881 0.074 +earthbound 0.656 0.026 +earthed 0.192 0.053 +earthen 0.371 0.009 +earthenware 0.311 0.027 +earthing 0.375 0.031 +earthjustice 0.952 0.041 +earthling 0.708 0.029 +earthlings 0.627 0.032 +earthlink 0.766 0.037 +earthlite 0.927 0.019 +earthly 0.187 0.013 +earthman 0.803 0.012 +earthmoving 0.609 0.032 +earthquake 0.392 0.024 +earthquakes 0.352 0.014 +earthrise 0.925 0.055 +earths 0.533 0.059 +earthsea 0.957 0.014 +earthwalk 0.994 0.000 +earthwatch 0.940 0.033 +earthweb 0.979 0.005 +earthwork 0.225 0.059 +earthworks 0.508 0.047 +earthworm 0.515 0.024 +earthworms 0.238 0.011 +earthy 0.146 0.008 +earwax 0.565 0.013 +earwigs 0.627 0.022 +eas 0.059 0.804 +easa 0.087 0.841 +ease 0.230 0.015 +eased 0.038 0.009 +easel 0.505 0.051 +easels 0.714 0.020 +easement 0.180 0.039 +easements 0.174 0.029 +eases 0.166 0.023 +eash 0.844 0.025 +easi 0.290 0.521 +easie 0.060 0.049 +easier 0.049 0.004 +easiest 0.084 0.011 +easily 0.061 0.004 +easiness 0.802 0.001 +easing 0.171 0.015 +easington 0.961 0.029 +easley 0.935 0.049 +eason 0.846 0.112 +east 0.804 0.053 +eastbay 0.961 0.009 +eastbound 0.387 0.057 +eastbourne 0.933 0.031 +eastbrook 0.715 0.276 +eastchester 0.862 0.123 +eastenders 0.850 0.051 +easter 0.872 0.042 +easterbrook 0.930 0.046 +easterling 0.903 0.082 +easterly 0.226 0.045 +eastern 0.761 0.038 +easterners 0.745 0.005 +easternmost 0.199 0.007 +eastfield 0.933 0.050 +eastgate 0.915 0.066 +eastham 0.920 0.055 +easthampton 0.929 0.049 +eastin 0.841 0.112 +easting 0.609 0.053 +eastlake 0.892 0.073 +eastland 0.884 0.080 +eastleigh 0.919 0.042 +eastman 0.904 0.081 +easton 0.885 0.074 +eastover 0.892 0.095 +eastpak 0.827 0.072 +eastpoint 0.865 0.102 +eastpointe 0.856 0.084 +eastport 0.837 0.118 +eastridge 0.867 0.114 +eastside 0.775 0.045 +eastsound 0.884 0.056 +eastview 0.887 0.105 +eastward 0.110 0.056 +eastwards 0.073 0.007 +eastwest 0.617 0.217 +eastwick 0.914 0.060 +eastwood 0.821 0.070 +easwaran 0.990 0.003 +easy 0.253 0.017 +easycall 0.010 0.007 +easygals 0.135 0.004 +easygoing 0.122 0.006 +easyjet 0.670 0.059 +easynet 0.603 0.113 +easypic 0.237 0.001 +easyshare 0.437 0.369 +easyspace 0.983 0.002 +eat 0.197 0.032 +eatability 0.602 0.000 +eaten 0.049 0.006 +eater 0.500 0.023 +eateries 0.207 0.013 +eaters 0.305 0.021 +eatery 0.368 0.017 +eather 0.101 0.125 +eatin 0.290 0.036 +eating 0.289 0.016 +eaton 0.868 0.103 +eatonton 0.885 0.093 +eatontown 0.887 0.092 +eatonville 0.853 0.082 +eatonweb 0.897 0.000 +eats 0.351 0.026 +eatx 0.031 0.949 +eau 0.763 0.111 +eaux 0.475 0.069 +eauzone 0.998 0.000 +eav 0.046 0.877 +eave 0.201 0.198 +eaves 0.479 0.040 +eavesdrop 0.111 0.016 +eavesdropper 0.494 0.011 +eavesdropping 0.258 0.008 +eaw 0.016 0.896 +eax 0.003 0.233 +eay 0.041 0.114 +eaz 0.147 0.787 +eazy 0.813 0.054 +eb 0.159 0.676 +eba 0.026 0.790 +ebadf 0.000 0.994 +ebadi 0.944 0.027 +eban 0.790 0.102 +ebara 0.617 0.336 +ebates 0.925 0.050 +ebay 0.386 0.160 +ebaycom 0.054 0.000 +ebayer 0.322 0.166 +ebayers 0.285 0.225 +ebays 0.334 0.387 +ebb 0.410 0.107 +ebbed 0.012 0.000 +ebbers 0.960 0.019 +ebbets 0.924 0.037 +ebbing 0.186 0.011 +ebbs 0.226 0.069 +ebbw 0.780 0.131 +ebc 0.014 0.933 +ebcdic 0.004 0.823 +ebd 0.018 0.845 +ebe 0.153 0.711 +ebel 0.885 0.068 +ebeling 0.927 0.050 +eben 0.721 0.065 +ebene 0.928 0.016 +ebenezer 0.910 0.079 +ebensburg 0.860 0.101 +ebenso 0.067 0.000 +eber 0.726 0.180 +eberhard 0.934 0.048 +eberhardt 0.914 0.062 +eberhart 0.910 0.080 +eberle 0.918 0.071 +eberly 0.910 0.055 +eberron 0.981 0.009 +ebersole 0.912 0.081 +ebert 0.933 0.035 +ebf 0.017 0.909 +ebg 0.015 0.882 +ebi 0.052 0.905 +ebisu 0.892 0.047 +ebit 0.024 0.950 +ebita 0.010 0.984 +ebitda 0.017 0.979 +ebiz 0.652 0.153 +ebk 0.020 0.868 +ebl 0.019 0.881 +ebm 0.042 0.805 +ebn 0.148 0.791 +ebner 0.906 0.073 +ebnf 0.000 0.817 +ebo 0.368 0.495 +ebola 0.865 0.028 +ebon 0.439 0.020 +ebonics 0.701 0.018 +ebonite 0.804 0.073 +ebony 0.348 0.016 +ebonynude 0.000 0.000 +ebook 0.251 0.089 +ebookers 0.542 0.004 +ebooks 0.290 0.059 +ebost 0.546 0.000 +ebp 0.004 0.451 +ebr 0.072 0.804 +ebrahim 0.935 0.037 +ebrary 0.136 0.036 +ebrd 0.010 0.984 +ebri 0.017 0.959 +ebrill 0.978 0.019 +ebro 0.854 0.067 +ebruary 0.000 0.834 +ebs 0.019 0.885 +ebsa 0.006 0.847 +ebsco 0.120 0.863 +ebsq 0.002 0.967 +ebt 0.007 0.869 +ebu 0.024 0.950 +ebuild 0.349 0.003 +ebuilds 0.443 0.000 +ebullient 0.070 0.003 +ebury 0.937 0.055 +ebusiness 0.311 0.024 +ebuyer 0.479 0.032 +ebv 0.003 0.980 +ebx 0.003 0.206 +ebxml 0.025 0.017 +eby 0.715 0.089 +ec 0.020 0.904 +eca 0.023 0.872 +ecac 0.002 0.982 +ecachl 0.000 0.981 +ecademy 0.970 0.005 +ecai 0.000 0.975 +ecal 0.087 0.792 +ecar 0.008 0.719 +ecard 0.239 0.017 +ecards 0.393 0.018 +ecartis 0.201 0.043 +ecasound 0.079 0.000 +ecb 0.006 0.921 +ecc 0.028 0.901 +ecce 0.410 0.233 +eccentric 0.182 0.012 +eccentricities 0.132 0.006 +eccentricity 0.240 0.025 +eccentrics 0.250 0.013 +ecchi 0.284 0.008 +eccl 0.812 0.047 +eccles 0.912 0.065 +ecclesall 0.985 0.011 +ecclesia 0.744 0.065 +ecclesiae 0.746 0.018 +ecclesial 0.191 0.007 +ecclesiastes 0.992 0.006 +ecclesiastical 0.292 0.013 +ecclesiology 0.607 0.009 +eccleston 0.898 0.080 +ecclestone 0.959 0.034 +ecco 0.655 0.166 +ecd 0.003 0.930 +ecdc 0.004 0.941 +ecdl 0.011 0.907 +ece 0.012 0.946 +ecember 0.000 0.913 +ecevit 0.866 0.130 +ecf 0.009 0.932 +ecfa 0.000 0.980 +ecg 0.011 0.958 +ecgd 0.000 0.995 +ech 0.097 0.560 +echange 0.467 0.039 +echeck 0.120 0.040 +echelle 0.514 0.086 +echelon 0.622 0.065 +echelons 0.045 0.007 +echen 0.986 0.000 +echevarria 0.918 0.054 +echidna 0.533 0.030 +echidne 0.874 0.086 +echinacea 0.792 0.032 +echinococcosis 0.616 0.028 +echinoderm 0.635 0.037 +echinodermata 0.771 0.193 +echinoderms 0.375 0.029 +echl 0.003 0.988 +echnical 0.000 0.723 +echnology 0.000 0.712 +echo 0.207 0.047 +echocardiogram 0.359 0.008 +echocardiographic 0.236 0.009 +echocardiography 0.450 0.012 +echoed 0.012 0.004 +echoes 0.416 0.031 +echoing 0.221 0.011 +echolist 0.082 0.002 +echolocation 0.218 0.013 +echolot 0.036 0.009 +echols 0.895 0.092 +echos 0.501 0.040 +echostar 0.754 0.095 +echr 0.001 0.994 +echt 0.202 0.055 +echte 0.129 0.016 +echuca 0.740 0.218 +eci 0.013 0.753 +ecient 0.196 0.000 +ecj 0.002 0.818 +eck 0.677 0.191 +eckard 0.401 0.046 +eckardt 0.969 0.028 +eckart 0.929 0.060 +ecke 0.865 0.053 +eckel 0.942 0.037 +ecker 0.889 0.084 +eckerd 0.553 0.061 +eckersley 0.912 0.060 +eckert 0.908 0.078 +eckhard 0.922 0.050 +eckhardt 0.932 0.058 +eckhart 0.945 0.037 +eckman 0.920 0.063 +ecko 0.812 0.095 +ecks 0.828 0.076 +eckstein 0.924 0.043 +ecl 0.041 0.787 +eclac 0.004 0.990 +eclair 0.535 0.093 +eclampsia 0.160 0.016 +eclat 0.774 0.113 +eclectic 0.402 0.019 +eclecticism 0.211 0.005 +eclectus 0.765 0.029 +ecler 0.798 0.154 +eclipse 0.722 0.031 +eclipsed 0.086 0.006 +eclipses 0.312 0.020 +eclipsing 0.170 0.032 +eclipsys 0.979 0.017 +ecliptic 0.359 0.026 +ecm 0.014 0.920 +ecma 0.092 0.788 +ecmo 0.010 0.970 +ecmwf 0.001 0.940 +ecn 0.003 0.963 +eco 0.514 0.170 +ecoa 0.049 0.941 +ecofin 0.373 0.613 +ecol 0.830 0.128 +ecolab 0.807 0.175 +ecole 0.820 0.042 +ecoles 0.752 0.080 +ecologia 0.666 0.095 +ecologic 0.497 0.034 +ecological 0.347 0.020 +ecologically 0.125 0.006 +ecologies 0.423 0.008 +ecologist 0.580 0.018 +ecologists 0.214 0.008 +ecology 0.654 0.032 +ecom 0.182 0.399 +ecommer 0.000 0.000 +ecommerce 0.577 0.007 +econ 0.425 0.415 +econet 0.603 0.312 +econlodge 0.003 0.000 +econo 0.874 0.056 +econoline 0.818 0.115 +econolodge 0.295 0.019 +econolodges 0.095 0.000 +econom 0.370 0.032 +econometric 0.549 0.010 +econometrica 0.984 0.009 +econometrics 0.762 0.026 +economi 0.320 0.095 +economia 0.567 0.027 +economic 0.382 0.018 +economica 0.622 0.042 +economical 0.178 0.013 +economically 0.118 0.019 +economici 0.058 0.021 +economico 0.294 0.031 +economics 0.736 0.023 +economie 0.682 0.039 +economies 0.155 0.007 +economique 0.660 0.113 +economiques 0.764 0.053 +economische 0.518 0.013 +economist 0.607 0.012 +economists 0.251 0.008 +economize 0.101 0.006 +economizer 0.337 0.059 +economou 0.917 0.066 +economy 0.374 0.019 +ecoop 0.017 0.918 +ecore 0.200 0.042 +ecoregion 0.423 0.014 +ecoregions 0.449 0.011 +ecorse 0.821 0.153 +ecos 0.123 0.414 +ecosoc 0.011 0.986 +ecosse 0.769 0.053 +ecost 0.726 0.020 +ecosystem 0.344 0.013 +ecosystems 0.246 0.016 +ecotec 0.404 0.482 +ecotourism 0.515 0.017 +ecotoxicity 0.551 0.086 +ecotoxicology 0.816 0.025 +ecoute 0.921 0.015 +ecouter 0.602 0.015 +ecover 0.735 0.071 +ecovillage 0.602 0.033 +ecowas 0.044 0.945 +ecp 0.008 0.928 +ecpa 0.027 0.949 +ecpi 0.015 0.972 +ecr 0.031 0.920 +ecran 0.041 0.094 +ecrans 0.305 0.011 +ecri 0.010 0.983 +ecrire 0.378 0.033 +ecrit 0.396 0.073 +ecriture 0.083 0.008 +ecru 0.633 0.110 +ecs 0.015 0.925 +ecsc 0.005 0.982 +ecstacy 0.410 0.033 +ecstasy 0.465 0.022 +ecstatic 0.160 0.011 +ecsu 0.030 0.880 +ect 0.020 0.435 +ectaco 0.209 0.774 +ected 0.000 0.039 +ection 0.001 0.800 +ective 0.000 0.009 +ecto 0.462 0.030 +ectoderm 0.106 0.008 +ectodermal 0.252 0.029 +ectopic 0.296 0.013 +ector 0.573 0.244 +ects 0.002 0.761 +ecu 0.161 0.756 +ecuador 0.917 0.043 +ecuadorean 0.989 0.006 +ecuadorian 0.977 0.008 +ecumenical 0.507 0.022 +ecumenism 0.519 0.034 +ecurity 0.003 0.785 +ecusa 0.007 0.985 +ecutioners 0.588 0.104 +ecv 0.012 0.935 +ecw 0.015 0.906 +ecx 0.004 0.206 +eczema 0.491 0.014 +ed 0.474 0.159 +eda 0.075 0.872 +edac 0.049 0.865 +edad 0.204 0.162 +edam 0.754 0.160 +edamame 0.576 0.019 +edan 0.775 0.111 +edays 0.022 0.000 +edb 0.024 0.761 +edberg 0.921 0.057 +edc 0.018 0.935 +edci 0.000 0.983 +edcs 0.000 0.983 +edd 0.423 0.411 +edda 0.467 0.148 +eddi 0.743 0.179 +eddie 0.899 0.051 +eddies 0.289 0.024 +edding 0.232 0.176 +eddings 0.870 0.090 +eddington 0.897 0.089 +eddins 0.849 0.145 +eddy 0.752 0.066 +eddystone 0.768 0.207 +eddyville 0.838 0.088 +ede 0.433 0.408 +edea 0.887 0.039 +edel 0.539 0.147 +edelbrock 0.846 0.064 +edell 0.946 0.026 +edelman 0.931 0.034 +edelmann 0.891 0.090 +edelnutte 0.000 0.000 +edelnutten 0.000 0.000 +edelsohn 0.992 0.000 +edelson 0.937 0.056 +edelstein 0.928 0.038 +edelweiss 0.745 0.041 +edema 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0.043 +edson 0.929 0.053 +edt 0.019 0.971 +edta 0.011 0.965 +edtion 0.539 0.120 +edtn 0.724 0.210 +edtv 0.016 0.968 +edu 0.225 0.229 +eduard 0.949 0.029 +eduardo 0.924 0.045 +edubuntu 0.811 0.000 +educ 0.515 0.426 +educa 0.351 0.042 +educacion 0.335 0.087 +educat 0.672 0.145 +educate 0.135 0.008 +educated 0.085 0.005 +educates 0.101 0.005 +educating 0.267 0.011 +educatio 0.631 0.129 +education 0.628 0.026 +educational 0.389 0.021 +educationally 0.096 0.070 +educations 0.200 0.013 +educative 0.155 0.026 +educativos 0.069 0.008 +educator 0.468 0.016 +educators 0.394 0.012 +educause 0.111 0.879 +eduction 0.299 0.193 +edulis 0.044 0.110 +edushape 0.981 0.011 +edutainment 0.700 0.017 +edv 0.033 0.766 +edvard 0.887 0.031 +edventures 0.940 0.027 +edw 0.528 0.306 +edward 0.925 0.060 +edwardian 0.896 0.069 +edwards 0.902 0.077 +edwardsville 0.859 0.114 +edwin 0.889 0.063 +edwina 0.925 0.046 +edwyn 0.465 0.498 +edx 0.006 0.274 +edy 0.548 0.250 +ee 0.411 0.437 +eea 0.001 0.965 +eearch 0.000 0.000 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0.956 +efavirenz 0.267 0.014 +efax 0.095 0.023 +efb 0.015 0.902 +efc 0.009 0.888 +efd 0.011 0.863 +efe 0.153 0.691 +efecto 0.320 0.040 +efectos 0.229 0.021 +efects 0.066 0.031 +eferences 0.000 0.971 +efes 0.738 0.211 +eff 0.204 0.290 +effaced 0.020 0.000 +effacing 0.024 0.002 +effe 0.303 0.096 +effec 0.061 0.010 +effect 0.118 0.016 +effected 0.026 0.006 +effecting 0.099 0.010 +effective 0.158 0.021 +effectively 0.046 0.002 +effectiveness 0.150 0.012 +effectivity 0.230 0.048 +effector 0.104 0.012 +effectors 0.116 0.013 +effects 0.174 0.014 +effectsreal 0.000 0.000 +effectual 0.046 0.006 +effectually 0.006 0.000 +effectuate 0.008 0.020 +effeithiol 0.040 0.003 +effeminate 0.036 0.003 +effendi 0.944 0.021 +efferent 0.267 0.011 +effervescent 0.439 0.022 +effet 0.108 0.019 +effete 0.060 0.006 +effets 0.204 0.031 +effex 0.936 0.039 +effexor 0.392 0.015 +effi 0.149 0.022 +efficace 0.036 0.016 +efficacious 0.032 0.003 +efficacy 0.157 0.010 +efficent 0.118 0.013 +efficiencies 0.085 0.006 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0.291 0.013 +eights 0.542 0.048 +eighty 0.389 0.029 +eign 0.015 0.037 +eigrp 0.003 0.745 +eii 0.023 0.923 +eiji 0.946 0.024 +eijk 0.964 0.011 +eike 0.913 0.034 +eikenberry 0.937 0.047 +eiki 0.438 0.522 +eiko 0.748 0.207 +eil 0.081 0.448 +eiland 0.834 0.053 +eilat 0.932 0.029 +eildon 0.737 0.259 +eile 0.222 0.026 +eilean 0.938 0.026 +eileen 0.924 0.049 +eilers 0.915 0.059 +eim 0.030 0.844 +eimeria 0.968 0.016 +eims 0.048 0.803 +ein 0.309 0.127 +einai 0.050 0.013 +einar 0.946 0.030 +einaudi 0.960 0.025 +eindhoven 0.900 0.025 +eindringen 0.021 0.000 +eine 0.243 0.008 +einecs 0.042 0.948 +einem 0.032 0.006 +einen 0.056 0.004 +einer 0.037 0.008 +eines 0.044 0.007 +einfach 0.125 0.007 +eingeben 0.071 0.000 +eingetragen 0.699 0.000 +einheit 0.918 0.039 +einhorn 0.929 0.050 +einige 0.203 0.004 +einkaufen 0.583 0.000 +einloggen 0.847 0.000 +einmal 0.064 0.006 +einrichtungen 0.778 0.003 +eins 0.302 0.045 +einsatz 0.942 0.032 +einsenden 0.039 0.031 +einstein 0.945 0.028 +einsteins 0.828 0.042 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0.123 0.028 +eled 0.025 0.532 +elefant 0.805 0.044 +elefun 0.830 0.013 +elegance 0.374 0.029 +elegans 0.019 0.014 +elegant 0.307 0.030 +elegante 0.762 0.053 +elegantly 0.132 0.009 +elegiac 0.276 0.007 +elegies 0.674 0.029 +elegir 0.587 0.008 +elegy 0.655 0.038 +eleifend 0.000 0.000 +elektra 0.847 0.097 +elektrische 0.427 0.022 +elektro 0.356 0.079 +elektron 0.748 0.080 +elektronik 0.870 0.056 +elektronika 0.577 0.062 +elektronische 0.615 0.013 +elektrotechnik 0.919 0.036 +elem 0.556 0.260 +elemen 0.295 0.102 +element 0.198 0.018 +elementa 0.896 0.054 +elemental 0.475 0.031 +elementalist 0.881 0.004 +elementals 0.531 0.018 +elementary 0.650 0.067 +elemente 0.900 0.016 +elementi 0.599 0.028 +elemento 0.245 0.026 +elementos 0.219 0.026 +elements 0.184 0.015 +elemis 0.740 0.198 +elen 0.610 0.264 +elena 0.920 0.044 +elenco 0.443 0.058 +elene 0.780 0.211 +eleni 0.853 0.046 +eleniak 0.702 0.029 +elenite 0.986 0.011 +eleonora 0.896 0.046 +elephant 0.581 0.045 +elephantine 0.531 0.010 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0.953 0.040 +elib 0.352 0.143 +elica 0.943 0.026 +elicit 0.049 0.004 +elicitation 0.247 0.009 +elicited 0.011 0.002 +eliciting 0.106 0.005 +elicits 0.040 0.005 +elida 0.811 0.153 +elidel 0.797 0.023 +elie 0.921 0.034 +eliezer 0.964 0.026 +elif 0.033 0.012 +elig 0.392 0.458 +eligibility 0.213 0.029 +eligible 0.125 0.030 +eligibles 0.281 0.087 +elihu 0.919 0.066 +elija 0.795 0.023 +elijah 0.904 0.050 +elim 0.582 0.104 +elimi 0.058 0.011 +eliminar 0.283 0.016 +eliminate 0.137 0.008 +eliminated 0.037 0.006 +eliminates 0.125 0.008 +eliminating 0.113 0.006 +elimination 0.291 0.021 +eliminations 0.474 0.018 +eliminator 0.638 0.075 +eliminators 0.706 0.026 +elimite 0.921 0.009 +elin 0.775 0.123 +elina 0.903 0.035 +eline 0.667 0.077 +eling 0.284 0.019 +elini 0.918 0.060 +elinks 0.130 0.004 +elinor 0.923 0.057 +elio 0.820 0.121 +eliot 0.938 0.030 +eliott 0.912 0.043 +elis 0.821 0.109 +elisa 0.358 0.593 +elisabeth 0.935 0.038 +elisabetta 0.767 0.162 +elise 0.890 0.045 +eliseo 0.896 0.064 +elisha 0.854 0.042 +eliska 0.977 0.014 +elisp 0.132 0.016 +elissa 0.868 0.069 +elist 0.674 0.024 +elit 0.067 0.037 +elita 0.900 0.030 +elite 0.612 0.049 +elitegroup 0.600 0.313 +elites 0.199 0.009 +elitism 0.178 0.009 +elitist 0.169 0.009 +elitists 0.112 0.005 +elitr 0.000 0.000 +elitserien 0.994 0.000 +elive 0.944 0.007 +elix 0.777 0.093 +elixir 0.709 0.065 +elixirs 0.540 0.017 +eliyahu 0.968 0.013 +eliz 0.880 0.066 +eliza 0.877 0.082 +elizabeth 0.905 0.068 +elizabethan 0.916 0.022 +elizabethton 0.880 0.100 +elizabethtown 0.889 0.083 +elizondo 0.934 0.052 +elk 0.697 0.079 +elka 0.831 0.087 +elkay 0.885 0.035 +elke 0.712 0.049 +elkhart 0.869 0.092 +elkhorn 0.887 0.078 +elkhound 0.850 0.021 +elkin 0.881 0.084 +elkington 0.918 0.069 +elkins 0.899 0.081 +elkland 0.846 0.115 +elko 0.882 0.081 +elkridge 0.933 0.054 +elks 0.829 0.117 +elkton 0.889 0.083 +ell 0.149 0.512 +ella 0.821 0.070 +ellada 0.898 0.068 +elladas 0.952 0.044 +elland 0.911 0.068 +ellas 0.279 0.075 +elle 0.617 0.073 +elledge 0.913 0.078 +ellen 0.919 0.054 +ellenburg 0.815 0.157 +ellendale 0.820 0.165 +ellensburg 0.897 0.074 +ellenton 0.922 0.044 +ellenville 0.794 0.154 +ellenwood 0.873 0.107 +eller 0.283 0.041 +ellerbe 0.858 0.127 +ellerman 0.947 0.050 +ellerslie 0.873 0.115 +ellery 0.900 0.070 +elles 0.296 0.024 +ellesmere 0.899 0.037 +ellesse 0.891 0.054 +ellhnikh 0.206 0.045 +elli 0.762 0.069 +ellice 0.805 0.187 +ellicott 0.907 0.066 +ellicottville 0.816 0.128 +ellie 0.886 0.045 +ellijay 0.887 0.065 +elliman 0.903 0.036 +ellin 0.888 0.072 +elling 0.660 0.075 +ellinger 0.912 0.061 +ellingson 0.929 0.063 +ellington 0.871 0.071 +ellinika 0.777 0.019 +ellion 0.962 0.002 +elliot 0.877 0.079 +elliott 0.883 0.073 +ellipse 0.383 0.094 +ellipses 0.173 0.008 +ellipsis 0.300 0.035 +ellipsoid 0.158 0.019 +ellipsoidal 0.209 0.019 +ellipsoids 0.116 0.021 +elliptic 0.296 0.016 +elliptical 0.465 0.028 +ellipticals 0.555 0.012 +ellipticity 0.093 0.016 +ellis 0.885 0.081 +ellison 0.914 0.060 +elliston 0.900 0.086 +ellisville 0.874 0.106 +ellman 0.940 0.042 +ellmau 0.971 0.008 +ello 0.276 0.050 +ellon 0.916 0.052 +ellora 0.956 0.023 +ellos 0.106 0.017 +ellroy 0.903 0.073 +ells 0.379 0.215 +ellsberg 0.966 0.023 +ellsworth 0.886 0.093 +ellum 0.949 0.017 +ellwood 0.879 0.077 +elly 0.710 0.084 +ellyn 0.913 0.065 +elm 0.670 0.159 +elma 0.784 0.177 +elman 0.811 0.160 +elmar 0.870 0.081 +elmbridge 0.981 0.014 +elmendorf 0.883 0.074 +elmer 0.873 0.100 +elmers 0.862 0.064 +elmhurst 0.884 0.093 +elmira 0.912 0.067 +elmo 0.779 0.110 +elmont 0.853 0.129 +elmore 0.876 0.088 +elmos 0.604 0.272 +elms 0.682 0.108 +elmsford 0.887 0.077 +elmwood 0.879 0.099 +eln 0.022 0.935 +elna 0.726 0.191 +elnora 0.881 0.109 +elo 0.453 0.452 +eloan 0.131 0.076 +elocution 0.448 0.082 +elodie 0.843 0.064 +elog 0.067 0.193 +elohim 0.861 0.046 +eloi 0.879 0.056 +eloise 0.890 0.078 +elon 0.801 0.158 +elonex 0.946 0.030 +elongate 0.112 0.010 +elongated 0.168 0.019 +elongation 0.237 0.035 +elongatus 0.027 0.021 +elope 0.423 0.033 +elopement 0.275 0.023 +eloquence 0.242 0.013 +eloquent 0.080 0.005 +eloquently 0.022 0.002 +elora 0.869 0.113 +elouise 0.932 0.058 +elounda 0.944 0.027 +eloy 0.872 0.079 +elp 0.024 0.842 +elph 0.532 0.389 +elphick 0.958 0.033 +elphinstone 0.714 0.274 +elpida 0.795 0.097 +elr 0.025 0.918 +elric 0.915 0.030 +elrod 0.878 0.087 +elrond 0.928 0.020 +elroy 0.732 0.091 +els 0.323 0.265 +elsa 0.734 0.203 +elsberry 0.846 0.113 +else 0.178 0.015 +elseif 0.012 0.301 +elsen 0.906 0.065 +elses 0.024 0.024 +elsevier 0.894 0.101 +elsewhere 0.179 0.014 +elsi 0.210 0.762 +elsie 0.890 0.085 +elsif 0.001 0.052 +elsinore 0.869 0.073 +elsmere 0.887 0.095 +elsner 0.941 0.048 +elson 0.865 0.091 +elspeth 0.940 0.030 +elst 0.814 0.118 +elster 0.866 0.085 +elston 0.875 0.098 +elstree 0.933 0.037 +elsworth 0.880 0.107 +elt 0.033 0.696 +elta 0.785 0.161 +eltax 0.975 0.012 +eltern 0.930 0.008 +eltham 0.853 0.109 +eltima 0.600 0.383 +elton 0.852 0.059 +eltron 0.789 0.055 +elu 0.359 0.382 +elucidate 0.022 0.002 +elucidated 0.014 0.002 +elucidates 0.057 0.000 +elucidating 0.118 0.004 +elucidation 0.196 0.015 +elude 0.054 0.015 +eluded 0.012 0.002 +eludes 0.068 0.006 +eluding 0.146 0.013 +eluent 0.277 0.035 +elul 0.943 0.036 +elum 0.851 0.084 +elura 0.841 0.109 +elursrebmem 0.206 0.002 +elusive 0.177 0.012 +eluted 0.021 0.003 +eluting 0.184 0.018 +elution 0.228 0.021 +elv 0.075 0.819 +elva 0.826 0.123 +elven 0.723 0.012 +elves 0.454 0.023 +elvin 0.854 0.092 +elvira 0.836 0.085 +elvis 0.817 0.071 +elvish 0.711 0.013 +elway 0.842 0.095 +elwell 0.893 0.070 +elwes 0.953 0.027 +elwin 0.910 0.057 +elwood 0.848 0.123 +elwyn 0.920 0.060 +elx 0.257 0.662 +ely 0.837 0.098 +elyria 0.875 0.095 +elyse 0.857 0.072 +elysee 0.858 0.078 +elysees 0.824 0.101 +elysia 0.941 0.020 +elysian 0.802 0.073 +elysium 0.910 0.039 +elza 0.723 0.069 +em 0.129 0.157 +ema 0.102 0.787 +emac 0.114 0.532 +emachine 0.171 0.556 +emachines 0.333 0.390 +emaciated 0.047 0.004 +emacs 0.474 0.016 +emacsen 0.229 0.000 +emacspeak 0.310 0.004 +emad 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0.009 +embark 0.088 0.007 +embarkation 0.364 0.025 +embarked 0.012 0.002 +embarking 0.051 0.003 +embarks 0.060 0.013 +embarrased 0.046 0.009 +embarrasing 0.095 0.012 +embarrasment 0.102 0.005 +embarrass 0.116 0.011 +embarrassed 0.049 0.003 +embarrassing 0.101 0.006 +embarrassingly 0.135 0.003 +embarrassment 0.065 0.005 +embarrassments 0.082 0.006 +embase 0.210 0.737 +embassies 0.598 0.014 +embassy 0.745 0.029 +embassysuites 0.000 0.000 +embasy 0.037 0.002 +embattled 0.220 0.011 +embayment 0.304 0.036 +embayments 0.048 0.005 +embed 0.151 0.033 +embeddable 0.323 0.004 +embedded 0.333 0.013 +embeddedness 0.247 0.008 +embedding 0.294 0.008 +embeddings 0.160 0.016 +embeded 0.231 0.019 +embeds 0.187 0.037 +embellish 0.254 0.021 +embellished 0.281 0.030 +embellishing 0.175 0.026 +embellishment 0.463 0.030 +embellishments 0.620 0.034 +ember 0.674 0.098 +emberiza 0.989 0.003 +embers 0.375 0.129 +embeth 0.969 0.006 +embezzled 0.063 0.010 +embezzlement 0.258 0.029 +embezzling 0.070 0.015 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0.013 +enkephalin 0.364 0.013 +enki 0.832 0.089 +enkidu 0.940 0.010 +enl 0.259 0.354 +enlace 0.550 0.063 +enlaces 0.464 0.038 +enlarge 0.363 0.014 +enlarged 0.145 0.011 +enlargement 0.259 0.012 +enlargements 0.233 0.017 +enlarger 0.340 0.083 +enlargers 0.756 0.014 +enlarges 0.050 0.022 +enlarging 0.194 0.019 +enlargment 0.180 0.018 +enlight 0.651 0.306 +enlighten 0.146 0.010 +enlightened 0.186 0.008 +enlightening 0.071 0.009 +enlightenment 0.502 0.027 +enlightens 0.060 0.004 +enligt 0.367 0.005 +enlist 0.142 0.016 +enlisted 0.381 0.023 +enlisting 0.139 0.005 +enlistment 0.260 0.033 +enlists 0.143 0.013 +enliven 0.148 0.011 +enlivened 0.031 0.000 +enloe 0.925 0.068 +enlow 0.935 0.053 +enmeshed 0.032 0.003 +enmity 0.055 0.005 +enmore 0.758 0.214 +enmu 0.005 0.990 +enn 0.075 0.693 +enna 0.706 0.072 +ennbspcache 0.000 0.000 +enneagram 0.857 0.022 +ennies 0.993 0.000 +ennio 0.890 0.062 +ennis 0.894 0.074 +enniscorthy 0.979 0.017 +enniskillen 0.701 0.289 +enns 0.918 0.062 +ennui 0.289 0.012 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0.022 +epartment 0.000 0.917 +epass 0.900 0.030 +epb 0.011 0.935 +epbc 0.000 0.984 +epc 0.013 0.935 +epcc 0.000 0.952 +epcor 0.122 0.874 +epcos 0.133 0.863 +epcot 0.820 0.142 +epcra 0.000 0.998 +epd 0.006 0.943 +epdm 0.016 0.938 +epe 0.092 0.821 +epec 0.038 0.954 +epee 0.612 0.074 +ependymoma 0.560 0.013 +eperm 0.048 0.944 +epf 0.012 0.930 +epfl 0.004 0.957 +epg 0.008 0.899 +eph 0.772 0.188 +epharmacist 0.437 0.000 +ephedra 0.411 0.017 +ephedrine 0.201 0.009 +ephemera 0.630 0.044 +ephemeral 0.192 0.011 +ephemerides 0.549 0.089 +ephemeris 0.481 0.028 +ephemeroptera 0.906 0.080 +ephesians 0.988 0.009 +ephesus 0.881 0.056 +ephilosopher 0.347 0.124 +ephone 0.051 0.011 +ephraim 0.931 0.055 +ephrata 0.852 0.100 +ephrin 0.254 0.181 +ephron 0.966 0.020 +epi 0.313 0.415 +epia 0.134 0.781 +epic 0.402 0.155 +epica 0.485 0.140 +epicenter 0.287 0.037 +epicentre 0.304 0.130 +epicor 0.996 0.003 +epics 0.263 0.273 +epictetus 0.936 0.032 +epicure 0.691 0.103 +epicurean 0.770 0.018 +epicurious 0.886 0.021 +epicurus 0.968 0.021 +epidemic 0.170 0.012 +epidemics 0.205 0.009 +epidemiol 0.974 0.007 +epidemiologic 0.369 0.015 +epidemiological 0.240 0.014 +epidemiologist 0.378 0.015 +epidemiologists 0.282 0.003 +epidemiology 0.457 0.020 +epidermal 0.272 0.021 +epidermidis 0.008 0.004 +epidermis 0.132 0.010 +epidermolysis 0.547 0.045 +epididymal 0.133 0.022 +epididymis 0.281 0.015 +epidural 0.280 0.019 +epifanes 0.981 0.013 +epigenetic 0.256 0.011 +epigram 0.364 0.020 +epigrams 0.373 0.026 +epigraph 0.184 0.011 +epil 0.642 0.131 +epilator 0.764 0.064 +epilepsia 0.885 0.040 +epilepsy 0.507 0.020 +epileptic 0.172 0.020 +epilepticus 0.200 0.011 +epilobium 0.966 0.014 +epilog 0.672 0.089 +epilogue 0.623 0.056 +epimedium 0.683 0.018 +epimerase 0.052 0.069 +epinephrine 0.408 0.021 +epinions 0.997 0.000 +epiphanies 0.432 0.009 +epiphany 0.615 0.020 +epiphone 0.836 0.054 +epiphytic 0.178 0.009 +epirb 0.037 0.941 +epirubicin 0.400 0.012 +epirus 0.890 0.097 +epis 0.685 0.114 +episcopal 0.902 0.031 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0.767 +epoca 0.527 0.042 +epoch 0.361 0.095 +epochal 0.109 0.030 +epochs 0.103 0.010 +epoetin 0.472 0.018 +epointz 0.000 0.004 +epon 0.192 0.676 +epona 0.876 0.041 +eponymous 0.147 0.015 +eponyms 0.587 0.006 +epoque 0.841 0.054 +eport 0.006 0.879 +eports 0.004 0.680 +epos 0.226 0.410 +epost 0.462 0.095 +epox 0.812 0.134 +epoxide 0.175 0.061 +epoxies 0.617 0.049 +epoxy 0.394 0.054 +epp 0.187 0.762 +eppendorf 0.857 0.034 +epperly 0.911 0.049 +epperson 0.876 0.107 +eppi 0.027 0.940 +epping 0.870 0.092 +eppley 0.898 0.087 +eppo 0.076 0.908 +epps 0.892 0.090 +eppstein 0.929 0.017 +eppy 0.477 0.018 +epr 0.006 0.933 +epri 0.004 0.990 +eprint 0.040 0.009 +eprints 0.671 0.013 +eprom 0.048 0.856 +eprops 0.000 0.000 +eps 0.047 0.774 +epsdt 0.000 0.996 +epsg 0.000 0.839 +epsilon 0.588 0.059 +epsom 0.892 0.050 +epson 0.830 0.110 +epsp 0.005 0.935 +epsrc 0.004 0.993 +epss 0.000 0.983 +epstein 0.866 0.118 +ept 0.025 0.783 +eptember 0.000 0.906 +epu 0.023 0.863 +epub 0.888 0.021 +epw 0.020 0.910 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0.018 +equator 0.352 0.048 +equatorial 0.840 0.043 +equestrian 0.746 0.029 +equestrians 0.394 0.021 +equi 0.308 0.060 +equidistant 0.093 0.006 +equifax 0.804 0.017 +equilateral 0.165 0.007 +equilib 0.143 0.008 +equilibrate 0.090 0.004 +equilibrated 0.026 0.004 +equilibration 0.121 0.010 +equilibria 0.213 0.013 +equilibrio 0.539 0.056 +equilibrium 0.170 0.010 +equine 0.614 0.036 +equines 0.349 0.022 +equinix 0.899 0.070 +equinox 0.612 0.124 +equinoxes 0.230 0.019 +equip 0.448 0.099 +equipage 0.320 0.110 +equipe 0.691 0.131 +equiped 0.100 0.015 +equipement 0.398 0.099 +equipm 0.487 0.142 +equipmen 0.646 0.067 +equipment 0.470 0.030 +equipments 0.469 0.037 +equipo 0.275 0.043 +equipoise 0.436 0.024 +equipos 0.282 0.059 +equipped 0.080 0.008 +equipping 0.207 0.014 +equips 0.107 0.006 +equipt 0.552 0.070 +equiptment 0.319 0.053 +equirements 0.000 0.936 +equis 0.612 0.263 +equisetum 0.924 0.023 +equisys 0.948 0.038 +equitable 0.155 0.017 +equitably 0.016 0.004 +equitation 0.676 0.091 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0.009 +erations 0.000 0.005 +erato 0.651 0.263 +erator 0.460 0.018 +eratosthenes 0.920 0.017 +erawan 0.931 0.044 +erb 0.366 0.548 +erba 0.217 0.051 +erbe 0.418 0.178 +erben 0.889 0.054 +erbium 0.476 0.045 +erbs 0.495 0.221 +erbyn 0.133 0.011 +erc 0.010 0.826 +ercim 0.020 0.975 +ercole 0.879 0.045 +ercp 0.005 0.974 +erd 0.178 0.674 +erdas 0.153 0.823 +erdc 0.000 0.991 +erde 0.857 0.071 +erdf 0.000 0.989 +erdington 0.929 0.044 +erdman 0.917 0.063 +erdmann 0.943 0.044 +erdogan 0.869 0.120 +erdos 0.929 0.025 +erdrich 0.956 0.019 +ere 0.119 0.124 +erebus 0.908 0.031 +erect 0.087 0.020 +erecta 0.210 0.042 +erected 0.049 0.011 +erectile 0.462 0.006 +erecting 0.150 0.016 +erection 0.212 0.027 +erections 0.148 0.011 +erector 0.651 0.063 +erectors 0.748 0.053 +erectus 0.225 0.015 +ered 0.020 0.011 +eredivisie 0.851 0.017 +eree 0.007 0.003 +ereg 0.014 0.035 +eregi 0.000 0.000 +erektion 0.036 0.000 +ereli 0.413 0.583 +eren 0.455 0.203 +erence 0.000 0.009 +erences 0.000 0.004 +erent 0.001 0.002 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0.010 0.001 +escorted 0.296 0.017 +escorting 0.321 0.005 +escorts 0.380 0.014 +escortservice 0.035 0.000 +escott 0.904 0.067 +escovedo 0.934 0.045 +escribir 0.731 0.007 +escription 0.000 0.839 +escrito 0.389 0.012 +escritorio 0.127 0.026 +escrituras 0.997 0.000 +escrow 0.483 0.023 +escrowed 0.264 0.019 +escuchar 0.447 0.020 +escudero 0.880 0.059 +escudo 0.893 0.026 +escudos 0.710 0.084 +escuela 0.546 0.037 +escuelas 0.227 0.024 +esculenta 0.024 0.014 +esculentum 0.011 0.028 +escutcheon 0.439 0.060 +escutcheons 0.667 0.035 +escwa 0.006 0.991 +esd 0.022 0.899 +esdjco 0.008 0.979 +esdp 0.000 0.997 +esdras 0.980 0.014 +esds 0.000 0.966 +ese 0.026 0.773 +esea 0.000 0.971 +esearch 0.007 0.823 +esect 0.002 0.997 +esem 0.044 0.935 +eseminars 0.003 0.994 +esempio 0.208 0.009 +eserver 0.143 0.093 +eset 0.555 0.280 +esf 0.004 0.944 +esfahan 0.930 0.046 +esg 0.015 0.945 +esgic 0.822 0.014 +esh 0.206 0.542 +esha 0.410 0.534 +esham 0.882 0.065 +esher 0.899 0.036 +eshoo 0.762 0.232 +eshop 0.260 0.092 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0.906 0.081 +espe 0.095 0.208 +especiais 0.562 0.196 +especial 0.341 0.044 +especiales 0.202 0.036 +especially 0.062 0.005 +especialmente 0.040 0.013 +especialy 0.144 0.019 +especies 0.103 0.017 +espejo 0.670 0.037 +espen 0.921 0.041 +esper 0.788 0.084 +espera 0.173 0.047 +esperance 0.831 0.077 +esperanto 0.910 0.010 +esperanza 0.846 0.057 +esperar 0.067 0.015 +esperienza 0.058 0.005 +espero 0.435 0.066 +espie 0.878 0.031 +espinosa 0.919 0.064 +espinoza 0.895 0.088 +espionage 0.427 0.016 +espirito 0.872 0.058 +espiritu 0.822 0.057 +esplanade 0.848 0.050 +espn 0.007 0.969 +espnews 0.000 0.999 +espnu 0.000 0.998 +espoir 0.646 0.056 +espoo 0.875 0.113 +esposito 0.889 0.079 +espouse 0.009 0.002 +espoused 0.010 0.001 +espouses 0.015 0.014 +espousing 0.033 0.000 +espressione 0.836 0.015 +espresso 0.648 0.024 +esprit 0.632 0.177 +espy 0.615 0.241 +esq 0.798 0.140 +esque 0.025 0.005 +esqueceu 0.037 0.000 +esquimalt 0.943 0.049 +esquina 0.594 0.045 +esquire 0.872 0.058 +esquivel 0.896 0.072 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0.757 0.149 +esson 0.414 0.287 +essonne 0.548 0.027 +est 0.063 0.823 +esta 0.176 0.032 +estab 0.274 0.028 +estaba 0.080 0.019 +establish 0.103 0.008 +established 0.080 0.009 +establishes 0.126 0.010 +establishing 0.138 0.012 +establishment 0.171 0.021 +establishments 0.182 0.032 +estabrook 0.907 0.088 +estacada 0.838 0.077 +estacion 0.618 0.069 +estaciones 0.513 0.014 +estadio 0.824 0.017 +estadisticas 0.710 0.014 +estado 0.507 0.024 +estados 0.704 0.028 +estadual 0.931 0.032 +estamos 0.267 0.037 +estan 0.127 0.058 +estancia 0.756 0.052 +estar 0.466 0.058 +estas 0.151 0.032 +estat 0.295 0.190 +estatal 0.229 0.014 +estate 0.656 0.024 +estates 0.669 0.062 +estd 0.968 0.019 +este 0.247 0.022 +esteban 0.874 0.064 +estec 0.029 0.962 +ested 0.003 0.026 +estee 0.804 0.125 +esteem 0.184 0.012 +esteemed 0.082 0.005 +estefan 0.751 0.068 +estel 0.809 0.084 +estela 0.886 0.064 +estell 0.825 0.158 +estella 0.864 0.060 +estelle 0.876 0.067 +estep 0.834 0.132 +estepona 0.912 0.027 +ester 0.383 0.070 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0.040 0.154 +etain 0.940 0.026 +etait 0.141 0.067 +etal 0.030 0.488 +etan 0.669 0.292 +etana 0.739 0.050 +etanercept 0.346 0.015 +etap 0.148 0.131 +etat 0.516 0.059 +etats 0.864 0.038 +etb 0.002 0.910 +etc 0.027 0.048 +etcetera 0.421 0.042 +etch 0.327 0.049 +etched 0.310 0.046 +etchells 0.869 0.121 +etcher 0.368 0.046 +etching 0.408 0.040 +etchings 0.392 0.036 +etd 0.008 0.653 +ete 0.164 0.318 +eteamz 0.007 0.001 +etec 0.230 0.726 +etech 0.703 0.057 +eten 0.552 0.217 +eter 0.041 0.174 +eterm 0.499 0.028 +eterna 0.887 0.044 +eternal 0.397 0.027 +eternally 0.120 0.011 +eternia 0.936 0.018 +eternity 0.467 0.051 +eterno 0.561 0.196 +eters 0.004 0.046 +etext 0.215 0.080 +etexts 0.489 0.155 +etf 0.004 0.972 +etg 0.016 0.847 +eth 0.124 0.690 +ethambutol 0.477 0.024 +ethan 0.908 0.036 +ethane 0.322 0.058 +ethanol 0.276 0.030 +ethanolamine 0.233 0.074 +ethe 0.179 0.050 +ethel 0.895 0.078 +ethene 0.265 0.050 +ether 0.269 0.087 +etherboot 0.663 0.000 +ethereal 0.543 0.008 +etherfast 0.564 0.222 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0.007 +euphemistically 0.022 0.000 +euphonium 0.613 0.183 +euphony 0.701 0.038 +euphorbia 0.906 0.028 +euphorbiaceae 0.894 0.100 +euphoria 0.457 0.044 +euphoric 0.287 0.037 +euphrates 0.969 0.012 +eur 0.030 0.966 +eurail 0.937 0.040 +eurasia 0.964 0.028 +eurasian 0.935 0.034 +euratom 0.705 0.291 +eurax 0.911 0.017 +eure 0.577 0.034 +euref 0.002 0.988 +eureka 0.871 0.080 +eurekster 0.468 0.000 +eurescom 0.186 0.811 +eurex 0.882 0.102 +euribor 0.531 0.397 +euripides 0.925 0.042 +euro 0.666 0.130 +eurobank 0.825 0.160 +eurobarometer 0.884 0.107 +eurobonds 0.788 0.025 +euroboys 0.184 0.006 +eurocard 0.882 0.073 +eurocentric 0.875 0.006 +euroclear 0.975 0.022 +eurocom 0.654 0.341 +eurocontrol 0.334 0.661 +eurocopter 0.891 0.092 +eurocup 0.939 0.020 +eurodance 0.901 0.018 +eurodollar 0.882 0.040 +euroffice 0.688 0.000 +eurofighter 0.936 0.027 +eurogamer 0.968 0.026 +eurographics 0.888 0.108 +euroland 0.925 0.014 +euroleague 0.944 0.040 +euroline 0.942 0.039 +eurolite 0.619 0.347 +euromed 0.739 0.240 +euromoney 0.974 0.015 +euronet 0.842 0.131 +euronext 0.936 0.061 +europ 0.680 0.116 +europa 0.791 0.141 +europaea 0.306 0.016 +europages 0.479 0.438 +europc 0.720 0.000 +europcar 0.967 0.016 +europe 0.927 0.029 +europea 0.391 0.034 +european 0.943 0.028 +europeans 0.959 0.009 +europeo 0.346 0.079 +europes 0.851 0.046 +europese 0.825 0.020 +europhysics 0.859 0.130 +europian 0.419 0.034 +europium 0.463 0.041 +europol 0.882 0.081 +euros 0.625 0.024 +eurosex 0.382 0.007 +eurosport 0.891 0.072 +eurostar 0.786 0.097 +eurostars 0.879 0.067 +eurostat 0.860 0.130 +eurostile 0.985 0.002 +eurostyle 0.913 0.019 +eurosystem 0.971 0.014 +eurotech 0.863 0.119 +eurotel 0.919 0.059 +eurotrash 0.789 0.017 +eurotrip 0.765 0.046 +eurotunnel 0.907 0.040 +eurovan 0.913 0.024 +eurovision 0.873 0.043 +eurozine 0.860 0.066 +eurozone 0.538 0.011 +eurydice 0.819 0.129 +eurythmics 0.650 0.101 +eus 0.098 0.736 +eusebio 0.898 0.056 +eusebius 0.967 0.023 +euskadi 0.620 0.041 +euskal 0.239 0.009 +euskara 0.970 0.005 +euskera 0.935 0.003 +eustace 0.888 0.087 +eustache 0.901 0.067 +eustachian 0.526 0.013 +eustatius 0.885 0.098 +eustis 0.883 0.088 +euston 0.915 0.061 +eut 0.031 0.681 +eutaw 0.909 0.069 +eutectic 0.248 0.022 +eutelsat 0.822 0.140 +euthanasia 0.366 0.020 +euthanized 0.107 0.011 +eutheria 0.973 0.014 +eutrophic 0.184 0.011 +eutrophication 0.253 0.030 +euv 0.008 0.970 +eux 0.050 0.059 +euxton 0.988 0.009 +ev 0.121 0.648 +eva 0.622 0.261 +evac 0.469 0.277 +evacuate 0.093 0.021 +evacuated 0.090 0.010 +evacuating 0.093 0.009 +evacuation 0.253 0.024 +evacuations 0.195 0.034 +evacuee 0.388 0.028 +evacuees 0.202 0.013 +evade 0.073 0.008 +evaded 0.024 0.004 +evader 0.490 0.066 +evaders 0.397 0.017 +evades 0.089 0.011 +evading 0.113 0.013 +eval 0.068 0.031 +evals 0.644 0.025 +evalu 0.080 0.016 +evalua 0.130 0.011 +evaluable 0.071 0.003 +evaluatable 0.978 0.000 +evaluate 0.130 0.006 +evaluated 0.034 0.009 +evaluates 0.110 0.011 +evaluating 0.240 0.011 +evaluation 0.358 0.029 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0.054 +farina 0.839 0.082 +faring 0.110 0.010 +faringdon 0.959 0.032 +faris 0.875 0.044 +farish 0.906 0.073 +fark 0.781 0.094 +farkas 0.932 0.044 +farland 0.844 0.126 +farleigh 0.903 0.083 +farley 0.884 0.082 +farlow 0.924 0.059 +farm 0.484 0.032 +farmacia 0.416 0.044 +farmacias 0.073 0.006 +farmacy 0.402 0.025 +farmall 0.789 0.109 +farmboy 0.675 0.015 +farmed 0.120 0.016 +farmer 0.522 0.032 +farmers 0.291 0.018 +farmersville 0.838 0.147 +farmgirl 0.594 0.022 +farmhouse 0.436 0.030 +farmhouses 0.431 0.009 +farming 0.337 0.019 +farmingdale 0.874 0.091 +farmington 0.895 0.078 +farmingville 0.842 0.140 +farmland 0.274 0.022 +farmlands 0.225 0.015 +farmlet 0.937 0.012 +farmonline 0.329 0.000 +farms 0.434 0.049 +farmsex 0.063 0.009 +farmstay 0.906 0.010 +farmstays 0.913 0.005 +farmstead 0.395 0.030 +farmville 0.870 0.091 +farmworker 0.458 0.031 +farmworkers 0.353 0.021 +farmyard 0.447 0.046 +farn 0.340 0.137 +farnam 0.854 0.132 +farnborough 0.914 0.044 +farnell 0.960 0.032 +farnese 0.947 0.029 +farnesyl 0.143 0.030 +farnham 0.919 0.048 +farnsworth 0.856 0.101 +farnum 0.901 0.090 +farnworth 0.840 0.054 +faro 0.721 0.069 +faroe 0.953 0.043 +faroes 0.915 0.060 +faroese 0.982 0.006 +faron 0.904 0.063 +farooq 0.925 0.031 +faroudja 0.915 0.067 +farouk 0.879 0.086 +farp 0.016 0.979 +farpoint 0.948 0.022 +farquhar 0.904 0.062 +farquharson 0.914 0.075 +farr 0.841 0.127 +farragut 0.873 0.109 +farrah 0.816 0.056 +farrakhan 0.934 0.029 +farrand 0.893 0.091 +farrar 0.931 0.057 +farre 0.225 0.018 +farrel 0.766 0.052 +farrell 0.895 0.049 +farrelly 0.962 0.025 +farren 0.853 0.117 +farrer 0.863 0.126 +farrier 0.606 0.047 +farriers 0.720 0.026 +farringdon 0.931 0.054 +farrington 0.905 0.084 +farris 0.890 0.092 +farrow 0.872 0.065 +farrowing 0.239 0.017 +farrukh 0.947 0.023 +fars 0.277 0.518 +farscape 0.872 0.082 +farsi 0.906 0.013 +farside 0.496 0.052 +farsighted 0.113 0.006 +farsightedness 0.275 0.006 +fart 0.275 0.055 +farted 0.241 0.029 +farther 0.068 0.013 +farthest 0.116 0.011 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0.384 0.050 +fasta 0.121 0.613 +fastback 0.597 0.084 +fastball 0.343 0.022 +fastcall 0.008 0.415 +fastcgi 0.020 0.232 +fastclick 0.709 0.006 +fasted 0.031 0.007 +fasten 0.321 0.028 +fastenal 0.928 0.068 +fastened 0.018 0.005 +fastener 0.390 0.050 +fasteners 0.584 0.040 +fastening 0.223 0.023 +fastenings 0.529 0.013 +fastens 0.114 0.012 +faster 0.080 0.009 +fastest 0.185 0.018 +fastidiosa 0.017 0.008 +fastidious 0.054 0.007 +fastin 0.171 0.004 +fasting 0.279 0.016 +fastlane 0.822 0.061 +fastlink 0.841 0.039 +fastness 0.119 0.018 +fastnet 0.762 0.061 +fastow 0.979 0.017 +fastpitch 0.731 0.052 +fastr 0.057 0.771 +fastrack 0.766 0.142 +fasts 0.192 0.090 +fastsigns 0.315 0.501 +fasttrack 0.452 0.131 +fat 0.278 0.036 +fata 0.491 0.250 +fatah 0.984 0.008 +fatal 0.317 0.051 +fatale 0.626 0.037 +fatalis 0.849 0.011 +fatalism 0.398 0.007 +fatalistic 0.046 0.003 +fatalities 0.255 0.018 +fatality 0.363 0.026 +fatally 0.067 0.005 +fatar 0.869 0.060 +fatboy 0.736 0.081 +fate 0.241 0.024 +fated 0.073 0.006 +fateful 0.094 0.007 +fateh 0.914 0.043 +fatehpur 0.951 0.039 +fates 0.402 0.031 +fatf 0.000 0.981 +fath 0.613 0.084 +fathead 0.480 0.043 +father 0.331 0.013 +fathered 0.024 0.006 +fatherhood 0.499 0.015 +fathering 0.551 0.008 +fatherland 0.505 0.015 +fatherless 0.163 0.009 +fatherly 0.113 0.011 +fathers 0.387 0.016 +fathi 0.891 0.088 +fathom 0.324 0.061 +fathoms 0.251 0.024 +fatigue 0.291 0.015 +fatigued 0.075 0.011 +fatigues 0.271 0.016 +fatiguing 0.039 0.003 +fatih 0.896 0.031 +fatima 0.890 0.052 +fatma 0.714 0.066 +fatman 0.603 0.053 +fatness 0.142 0.014 +fats 0.338 0.040 +fatso 0.531 0.166 +fatt 0.836 0.044 +fattah 0.800 0.165 +fatten 0.100 0.007 +fattened 0.050 0.005 +fattening 0.109 0.014 +fatter 0.092 0.017 +fattest 0.208 0.018 +fatti 0.168 0.543 +fattie 0.489 0.017 +fatties 0.200 0.010 +fatto 0.284 0.026 +fattoria 0.692 0.066 +fatty 0.264 0.021 +fatuous 0.066 0.007 +fatwa 0.557 0.012 +fatwas 0.377 0.022 +fau 0.078 0.846 +faubourg 0.777 0.145 +faucet 0.577 0.036 +faucets 0.708 0.014 +fauci 0.945 0.048 +faught 0.599 0.103 +faulds 0.951 0.036 +faulk 0.894 0.086 +faulkner 0.895 0.082 +fault 0.177 0.017 +faulted 0.090 0.011 +faulting 0.133 0.015 +faultless 0.158 0.018 +faultline 0.811 0.035 +faults 0.127 0.024 +faulty 0.123 0.025 +faun 0.656 0.063 +fauna 0.363 0.027 +faunal 0.372 0.015 +faunas 0.101 0.013 +faune 0.418 0.065 +fauns 0.797 0.005 +fauntleroy 0.870 0.114 +fauquier 0.931 0.055 +faur 0.229 0.015 +faure 0.849 0.089 +faust 0.867 0.071 +faustfick 0.073 0.000 +faustficken 0.000 0.000 +faustian 0.892 0.007 +faustina 0.928 0.055 +faustino 0.907 0.069 +fausto 0.855 0.103 +faustus 0.870 0.057 +faut 0.148 0.017 +faux 0.493 0.067 +fav 0.280 0.061 +fava 0.533 0.130 +fave 0.080 0.010 +favela 0.541 0.064 +faversham 0.917 0.029 +faves 0.467 0.025 +faveur 0.041 0.011 +favicon 0.343 0.010 +favor 0.097 0.015 +favorable 0.095 0.013 +favorably 0.047 0.013 +favore 0.020 0.024 +favored 0.087 0.017 +favorieten 0.536 0.005 +favoring 0.047 0.011 +favoris 0.542 0.020 +favorit 0.574 0.051 +favorita 0.324 0.031 +favoritas 0.795 0.014 +favorite 0.412 0.018 +favoriten 0.974 0.007 +favorites 0.687 0.022 +favoritism 0.073 0.009 +favoritos 0.466 0.011 +favorits 0.233 0.003 +favors 0.504 0.021 +favour 0.034 0.011 +favourable 0.042 0.003 +favourably 0.005 0.001 +favoured 0.064 0.004 +favouring 0.032 0.004 +favourite 0.523 0.010 +favourites 0.800 0.010 +favouritism 0.074 0.005 +favours 0.225 0.016 +favoutite 0.005 0.000 +favre 0.910 0.055 +favreau 0.959 0.030 +favs 0.293 0.028 +faw 0.218 0.599 +fawcett 0.895 0.057 +fawkes 0.917 0.023 +fawkner 0.624 0.310 +fawley 0.943 0.040 +fawlty 0.924 0.033 +fawn 0.594 0.076 +fawning 0.070 0.003 +fawns 0.200 0.029 +fawr 0.567 0.023 +fax 0.709 0.091 +faxed 0.079 0.031 +faxes 0.710 0.005 +faxing 0.275 0.007 +faxless 0.483 0.002 +faxmodem 0.690 0.073 +faxon 0.920 0.052 +faxphone 0.668 0.264 +fay 0.805 0.123 +fayard 0.940 0.051 +faye 0.869 0.061 +fayed 0.949 0.023 +fayette 0.866 0.110 +fayetteville 0.916 0.059 +faylor 0.993 0.002 +fayre 0.588 0.035 +faz 0.328 0.298 +fazal 0.928 0.049 +faze 0.358 0.103 +fazed 0.232 0.208 +fazendo 0.004 0.001 +fazer 0.312 0.033 +fazio 0.820 0.171 +fb 0.052 0.785 +fba 0.024 0.905 +fbb 0.019 0.399 +fbc 0.012 0.913 +fbd 0.030 0.862 +fbdev 0.013 0.064 +fbe 0.031 0.758 +fbf 0.028 0.858 +fbg 0.062 0.666 +fbi 0.005 0.943 +fbis 0.007 0.976 +fbk 0.239 0.614 +fbla 0.006 0.973 +fbm 0.082 0.814 +fbn 0.023 0.903 +fbo 0.010 0.979 +fbox 0.011 0.737 +fbp 0.049 0.867 +fbr 0.159 0.744 +fbranch 0.000 0.000 +fbs 0.019 0.874 +fbsd 0.015 0.624 +fbt 0.023 0.920 +fbu 0.051 0.918 +fbx 0.069 0.513 +fc 0.055 0.848 +fca 0.011 0.932 +fcat 0.009 0.955 +fcb 0.017 0.889 +fcc 0.005 0.961 +fccc 0.000 0.981 +fccj 0.000 0.958 +fccla 0.000 0.990 +fcd 0.023 0.865 +fce 0.027 0.900 +fcf 0.012 0.937 +fcg 0.041 0.762 +fcgi 0.004 0.397 +fch 0.044 0.882 +fci 0.014 0.945 +fcic 0.000 0.995 +fcip 0.002 0.915 +fck 0.080 0.567 +fcl 0.010 0.898 +fclose 0.005 0.008 +fcm 0.007 0.942 +fcn 0.056 0.712 +fcntl 0.152 0.020 +fco 0.076 0.893 +fcp 0.016 0.923 +fcpa 0.000 0.980 +fcps 0.006 0.960 +fcr 0.039 0.829 +fcra 0.004 0.973 +fcs 0.018 0.936 +fcst 0.103 0.603 +fcsts 0.074 0.038 +fct 0.049 0.806 +fctc 0.000 0.994 +fcu 0.043 0.902 +fcuk 0.143 0.664 +fcv 0.042 0.912 +fcw 0.044 0.922 +fcx 0.051 0.899 +fd 0.085 0.598 +fda 0.006 0.939 +fdb 0.031 0.815 +fdc 0.006 0.926 +fdd 0.009 0.949 +fddi 0.004 0.894 +fde 0.037 0.647 +fdee 0.017 0.004 +fdep 0.005 0.954 +fdf 0.007 0.807 +fdg 0.023 0.890 +fdh 0.076 0.830 +fdi 0.005 0.981 +fdic 0.002 0.987 +fdid 0.000 0.999 +fdisk 0.088 0.157 +fdl 0.010 0.899 +fdlp 0.000 0.971 +fdm 0.023 0.879 +fdn 0.384 0.557 +fdny 0.016 0.894 +fdo 0.034 0.900 +fdot 0.002 0.990 +fdp 0.020 0.880 +fdq 0.080 0.571 +fdr 0.018 0.939 +fdrake 0.000 0.000 +fds 0.088 0.698 +fdt 0.081 0.783 +fdtd 0.003 0.982 +fdtl 0.000 0.999 +fdu 0.023 0.934 +fdutils 0.009 0.000 +fdx 0.037 0.864 +fe 0.613 0.290 +fea 0.090 0.498 +feal 0.102 0.094 +fealty 0.312 0.009 +fear 0.232 0.048 +feared 0.032 0.005 +fearful 0.088 0.006 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0.043 +fedra 0.962 0.029 +feds 0.671 0.043 +fedstats 0.919 0.078 +fee 0.229 0.036 +feeback 0.361 0.067 +feeble 0.081 0.007 +feebly 0.020 0.003 +feed 0.431 0.019 +feedback 0.646 0.019 +feedbacks 0.375 0.091 +feedburner 0.755 0.009 +feeder 0.480 0.043 +feeders 0.554 0.033 +feedforward 0.236 0.013 +feeding 0.283 0.016 +feedings 0.083 0.005 +feedingstuffs 0.268 0.026 +feedlot 0.264 0.033 +feedlots 0.195 0.118 +feeds 0.600 0.026 +feedster 0.956 0.001 +feedstock 0.180 0.019 +feedstocks 0.210 0.031 +feedstuffs 0.232 0.041 +feedwater 0.306 0.044 +feee 0.301 0.012 +feehan 0.912 0.065 +feel 0.092 0.009 +feeler 0.548 0.061 +feelers 0.253 0.017 +feeley 0.916 0.062 +feelgood 0.760 0.057 +feelin 0.417 0.029 +feeling 0.104 0.007 +feelings 0.071 0.006 +feels 0.100 0.006 +feely 0.484 0.033 +feeney 0.890 0.095 +feenstra 0.949 0.031 +fees 0.213 0.031 +feest 0.478 0.030 +feet 0.108 0.021 +feets 0.242 0.027 +fef 0.105 0.757 +fefe 0.636 0.139 +feg 0.129 0.609 +feh 0.357 0.197 +fehb 0.000 0.998 +feher 0.936 0.046 +fehler 0.880 0.033 +fehr 0.940 0.039 +fei 0.486 0.442 +feiern 0.136 0.006 +feig 0.923 0.062 +feige 0.920 0.051 +feigenbaum 0.923 0.031 +feign 0.119 0.007 +feigned 0.052 0.003 +feigning 0.126 0.005 +feil 0.715 0.040 +feild 0.359 0.045 +feilding 0.882 0.092 +feiler 0.954 0.034 +fein 0.802 0.148 +feinberg 0.952 0.039 +feiner 0.890 0.038 +feingold 0.883 0.105 +feinstein 0.896 0.094 +feint 0.274 0.060 +feira 0.323 0.023 +feis 0.297 0.658 +feise 0.989 0.006 +feiss 0.954 0.008 +feist 0.892 0.051 +feisty 0.344 0.016 +feit 0.628 0.190 +feith 0.941 0.022 +fekete 0.888 0.047 +fekkai 0.914 0.015 +fel 0.171 0.289 +fela 0.415 0.533 +felatio 0.010 0.000 +felber 0.952 0.032 +felco 0.878 0.089 +feld 0.879 0.050 +feldenkrais 0.922 0.037 +felder 0.918 0.063 +feldman 0.934 0.045 +feldmann 0.936 0.047 +feldspar 0.189 0.270 +feldstein 0.948 0.033 +felecia 0.880 0.033 +felgi 0.065 0.000 +felice 0.869 0.047 +felicia 0.872 0.059 +feliciana 0.891 0.094 +feliciano 0.905 0.065 +felicitari 0.015 0.001 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0.195 0.220 +fema 0.018 0.965 +femail 0.259 0.043 +femal 0.243 0.040 +female 0.414 0.028 +femalefirst 0.984 0.000 +females 0.202 0.024 +femara 0.798 0.043 +fembomb 0.259 0.000 +femdom 0.226 0.014 +femdoms 0.042 0.003 +femenina 0.198 0.042 +femenino 0.239 0.018 +femi 0.743 0.059 +femina 0.727 0.081 +feminine 0.277 0.022 +femininity 0.170 0.006 +feminised 0.847 0.003 +feminism 0.463 0.013 +feminist 0.433 0.013 +feministe 0.819 0.001 +feministing 0.819 0.000 +feminists 0.243 0.007 +feminization 0.103 0.002 +feminized 0.149 0.005 +femme 0.455 0.078 +femmes 0.397 0.031 +femoral 0.247 0.017 +femoshopping 0.000 0.000 +femp 0.011 0.945 +fems 0.047 0.812 +femtosecond 0.337 0.017 +femur 0.249 0.051 +fen 0.435 0.143 +fence 0.277 0.044 +fenced 0.128 0.035 +fencer 0.407 0.027 +fencers 0.294 0.025 +fences 0.360 0.022 +fenchurch 0.968 0.018 +fencing 0.537 0.034 +fend 0.066 0.019 +fender 0.723 0.088 +fenders 0.526 0.038 +fendi 0.753 0.105 +fending 0.077 0.004 +fenech 0.904 0.051 +fenelon 0.930 0.051 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0.899 0.058 +finlay 0.917 0.066 +finlayson 0.902 0.082 +finley 0.894 0.084 +finline 0.003 0.000 +finlux 0.964 0.033 +finn 0.897 0.055 +finnair 0.956 0.021 +finne 0.652 0.015 +finned 0.145 0.027 +finnegan 0.926 0.052 +finnegans 0.942 0.030 +finneran 0.966 0.029 +finnerty 0.928 0.064 +finney 0.867 0.080 +finnie 0.880 0.104 +finnigan 0.923 0.055 +finning 0.604 0.042 +finnis 0.854 0.066 +finnish 0.952 0.013 +finnland 0.296 0.008 +finnmark 0.793 0.197 +finno 0.954 0.015 +finns 0.583 0.013 +finntroll 0.636 0.044 +finny 0.658 0.024 +fino 0.568 0.089 +finrg 0.315 0.679 +fins 0.407 0.056 +finsbury 0.944 0.029 +fint 0.133 0.177 +fintan 0.947 0.021 +finucane 0.943 0.050 +finzi 0.872 0.063 +fio 0.283 0.332 +fiona 0.911 0.031 +fionn 0.907 0.032 +fior 0.319 0.032 +fiorano 0.951 0.013 +fiord 0.322 0.035 +fiordland 0.969 0.009 +fiore 0.883 0.040 +fiorello 0.879 0.077 +fiorentina 0.877 0.060 +fiorentini 0.931 0.049 +fiorentino 0.922 0.033 +fiori 0.266 0.014 +fioricet 0.192 0.005 +fiorina 0.956 0.012 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0.030 +fishkill 0.877 0.079 +fishman 0.898 0.068 +fishmeal 0.262 0.030 +fishmonger 0.352 0.018 +fishmongers 0.657 0.013 +fishnet 0.465 0.035 +fishnets 0.333 0.020 +fishpond 0.656 0.015 +fishponds 0.512 0.025 +fishtail 0.582 0.076 +fishtank 0.600 0.047 +fishy 0.403 0.047 +fisica 0.561 0.036 +fisichella 0.935 0.053 +fisico 0.168 0.353 +fisio 0.848 0.039 +fisk 0.892 0.061 +fiskars 0.854 0.105 +fiske 0.897 0.073 +fisker 0.932 0.023 +fisking 0.621 0.016 +fisma 0.003 0.995 +fissile 0.173 0.019 +fission 0.219 0.036 +fissure 0.150 0.010 +fissures 0.084 0.008 +fist 0.186 0.017 +fistbang 0.282 0.003 +fisted 0.284 0.011 +fisten 0.929 0.000 +fister 0.411 0.019 +fisters 0.288 0.002 +fistfuck 0.117 0.003 +fistfucking 0.105 0.004 +fistful 0.774 0.033 +fisticuffs 0.266 0.014 +fistin 0.172 0.000 +fisting 0.189 0.004 +fistings 0.284 0.000 +fists 0.255 0.023 +fistula 0.321 0.024 +fistulas 0.114 0.011 +fisubsilver 0.000 0.000 +fit 0.172 0.050 +fita 0.148 0.711 +fitc 0.107 0.885 +fitch 0.839 0.099 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0.018 +fixations 0.174 0.010 +fixative 0.169 0.164 +fixe 0.237 0.295 +fixed 0.300 0.026 +fixedly 0.005 0.000 +fixer 0.520 0.033 +fixers 0.436 0.027 +fixes 0.211 0.011 +fixin 0.349 0.029 +fixing 0.210 0.017 +fixings 0.562 0.037 +fixit 0.598 0.185 +fixme 0.011 0.840 +fixnum 0.320 0.093 +fixpoint 0.197 0.007 +fixtmb 0.000 0.000 +fixture 0.348 0.052 +fixtures 0.590 0.031 +fixturing 0.324 0.032 +fixup 0.168 0.082 +fixups 0.085 0.050 +fixx 0.820 0.113 +fiz 0.466 0.390 +fizik 0.860 0.085 +fizika 0.541 0.347 +fizogen 0.910 0.086 +fizz 0.631 0.074 +fizzing 0.117 0.008 +fizzle 0.476 0.016 +fizzled 0.040 0.003 +fizzles 0.186 0.014 +fizzy 0.379 0.030 +fj 0.114 0.752 +fjc 0.029 0.934 +fjd 0.005 0.976 +fjord 0.623 0.030 +fjords 0.582 0.049 +fjr 0.082 0.847 +fk 0.146 0.656 +fka 0.044 0.432 +fkd 0.062 0.850 +fkk 0.012 0.039 +fkp 0.002 0.991 +fkq 0.995 0.003 +fkr 0.027 0.203 +fl 0.043 0.833 +fla 0.438 0.432 +flab 0.191 0.042 +flabbergasted 0.153 0.008 +flabby 0.167 0.012 +flac 0.125 0.467 +flaccid 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0.027 +flashcards 0.632 0.018 +flashcoders 0.920 0.000 +flashdance 0.814 0.091 +flashed 0.051 0.005 +flasher 0.252 0.024 +flashers 0.031 0.001 +flashes 0.361 0.015 +flashing 0.081 0.009 +flashings 0.354 0.030 +flashlight 0.518 0.074 +flashlights 0.715 0.036 +flashman 0.927 0.030 +flashpoint 0.829 0.016 +flashy 0.171 0.019 +flask 0.434 0.061 +flasks 0.550 0.025 +flat 0.488 0.039 +flatbed 0.666 0.029 +flatbread 0.456 0.034 +flatbush 0.926 0.046 +flatfish 0.267 0.062 +flatforty 0.000 0.000 +flathead 0.756 0.058 +flatiron 0.934 0.015 +flatland 0.699 0.031 +flatlands 0.454 0.026 +flatley 0.918 0.062 +flatline 0.615 0.129 +flatly 0.012 0.004 +flatmate 0.364 0.026 +flatmates 0.498 0.008 +flatness 0.227 0.016 +flatrate 0.076 0.003 +flatron 0.725 0.138 +flats 0.455 0.031 +flatscreen 0.487 0.066 +flatshare 0.827 0.003 +flatt 0.883 0.069 +flatten 0.234 0.031 +flattened 0.059 0.007 +flattening 0.152 0.015 +flattens 0.071 0.024 +flatter 0.083 0.009 +flattered 0.026 0.004 +flattering 0.095 0.008 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0.773 +flc 0.016 0.909 +flcl 0.045 0.805 +fld 0.190 0.623 +flds 0.122 0.429 +fle 0.138 0.499 +flea 0.535 0.029 +fleas 0.289 0.022 +fleck 0.841 0.059 +flecked 0.078 0.012 +flecks 0.114 0.025 +flecktones 0.953 0.024 +fled 0.017 0.006 +fledermaus 0.915 0.047 +fledged 0.025 0.003 +fledging 0.084 0.012 +fledgling 0.184 0.007 +fledglings 0.166 0.008 +flee 0.075 0.012 +fleece 0.662 0.054 +fleeced 0.167 0.039 +fleeces 0.721 0.012 +fleecy 0.322 0.087 +fleeing 0.098 0.009 +fleer 0.779 0.167 +flees 0.105 0.012 +fleet 0.465 0.032 +fleeting 0.111 0.006 +fleets 0.188 0.035 +fleetway 0.953 0.033 +fleetwood 0.837 0.071 +fleisch 0.804 0.032 +fleischer 0.773 0.219 +fleischman 0.949 0.038 +fleischmann 0.909 0.070 +fleisher 0.915 0.071 +fleishman 0.966 0.029 +fleiss 0.888 0.041 +fleming 0.913 0.068 +flemings 0.891 0.046 +flemington 0.863 0.093 +flemish 0.958 0.016 +flemming 0.919 0.052 +flensburg 0.920 0.025 +fler 0.453 0.030 +flere 0.627 0.007 +flesch 0.974 0.013 +flesh 0.219 0.020 +fleshbot 0.626 0.001 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0.000 +flg 0.155 0.560 +flh 0.022 0.719 +fli 0.139 0.475 +flic 0.559 0.179 +flick 0.314 0.024 +flicked 0.011 0.001 +flicker 0.318 0.032 +flickered 0.008 0.003 +flickering 0.175 0.008 +flickers 0.198 0.029 +flicking 0.083 0.004 +flickinger 0.926 0.066 +flickr 0.902 0.003 +flicks 0.391 0.042 +flics 0.692 0.030 +flied 0.003 0.001 +flier 0.388 0.023 +fliers 0.193 0.019 +flies 0.245 0.023 +flight 0.443 0.024 +flightgear 0.891 0.000 +flightless 0.238 0.016 +flightline 0.644 0.061 +flightplan 0.976 0.015 +flights 0.577 0.013 +flightsim 0.531 0.034 +flighty 0.141 0.011 +flim 0.228 0.082 +flims 0.783 0.020 +flimsy 0.055 0.005 +flin 0.733 0.116 +flinch 0.143 0.013 +flinched 0.006 0.000 +flinching 0.068 0.005 +flinders 0.900 0.082 +fling 0.421 0.034 +flinging 0.191 0.003 +flings 0.172 0.020 +flink 0.561 0.095 +flinn 0.895 0.088 +flinstone 0.339 0.017 +flinstones 0.349 0.033 +flint 0.804 0.067 +flintlock 0.478 0.078 +flintoff 0.937 0.043 +flintridge 0.938 0.042 +flints 0.214 0.035 +flintshire 0.972 0.014 +flintstone 0.686 0.079 +flintstones 0.814 0.046 +flip 0.411 0.062 +flipbook 0.592 0.278 +flipchart 0.443 0.041 +flipflop 0.465 0.056 +flippant 0.113 0.004 +flipped 0.063 0.009 +flipper 0.682 0.038 +flippers 0.449 0.025 +flippin 0.553 0.065 +flipping 0.182 0.010 +flippy 0.611 0.021 +flips 0.154 0.028 +flipside 0.575 0.054 +flipsyde 0.384 0.010 +flir 0.112 0.861 +flirt 0.625 0.022 +flirtation 0.175 0.013 +flirtatious 0.136 0.010 +flirted 0.026 0.003 +flirting 0.385 0.013 +flirts 0.449 0.020 +flirty 0.367 0.032 +flist 0.080 0.124 +flit 0.445 0.040 +flite 0.787 0.081 +flitted 0.008 0.000 +flitting 0.076 0.004 +flitwick 0.920 0.038 +flix 0.674 0.227 +flk 0.162 0.568 +fll 0.088 0.833 +flm 0.064 0.839 +fln 0.028 0.764 +flo 0.625 0.221 +float 0.173 0.040 +floatation 0.498 0.027 +floated 0.024 0.006 +floater 0.496 0.049 +floaters 0.482 0.031 +floating 0.291 0.023 +floatplane 0.514 0.017 +floats 0.228 0.026 +floaty 0.387 0.068 +floc 0.185 0.249 +flocculation 0.343 0.027 +flock 0.238 0.020 +flocked 0.194 0.031 +flockhart 0.858 0.030 +flocking 0.256 0.013 +flocks 0.082 0.007 +floe 0.359 0.046 +floes 0.081 0.010 +floetry 0.576 0.025 +flog 0.305 0.059 +flogged 0.054 0.006 +flogger 0.590 0.031 +flogging 0.619 0.022 +flokati 0.750 0.056 +flom 0.862 0.066 +flomax 0.368 0.024 +flon 0.905 0.037 +flonase 0.611 0.025 +floo 0.451 0.078 +flooble 0.280 0.000 +flood 0.445 0.042 +flooded 0.081 0.027 +floodgate 0.574 0.036 +floodgates 0.078 0.007 +flooding 0.141 0.052 +floodlight 0.582 0.064 +floodlights 0.382 0.018 +floodlit 0.288 0.010 +floodplain 0.257 0.028 +floodplains 0.172 0.012 +floods 0.241 0.020 +floodwater 0.118 0.010 +floodwaters 0.100 0.014 +floodway 0.351 0.044 +flook 0.907 0.066 +floor 0.347 0.030 +floorball 0.774 0.025 +floorboard 0.280 0.075 +floorboards 0.223 0.019 +floorcoverings 0.715 0.029 +floored 0.071 0.011 +flooring 0.537 0.027 +floorings 0.508 0.017 +floorplan 0.624 0.046 +floorplans 0.410 0.018 +floors 0.302 0.020 +floorspace 0.231 0.013 +floorstanding 0.834 0.013 +floorvac 0.940 0.010 +flop 0.261 0.058 +flopped 0.043 0.006 +floppies 0.145 0.005 +flopping 0.258 0.009 +floppy 0.473 0.033 +flops 0.332 0.054 +flor 0.621 0.055 +flora 0.609 0.049 +floral 0.563 0.050 +florals 0.615 0.144 +floranista 0.004 0.000 +floras 0.512 0.020 +flordia 0.528 0.033 +flore 0.703 0.113 +florea 0.906 0.033 +florence 0.905 0.048 +florencia 0.851 0.083 +florencio 0.928 0.062 +florent 0.940 0.028 +florentine 0.886 0.052 +florentino 0.874 0.064 +florenz 0.886 0.045 +flores 0.615 0.051 +florescent 0.399 0.024 +floresta 0.844 0.040 +floresville 0.819 0.139 +floret 0.215 0.029 +florets 0.074 0.044 +florette 0.930 0.044 +florey 0.861 0.123 +florez 0.873 0.086 +florham 0.907 0.078 +flori 0.824 0.052 +florian 0.948 0.017 +florianopolis 0.783 0.034 +floribunda 0.602 0.023 +floriculture 0.484 0.075 +florid 0.187 0.036 +florida 0.874 0.031 +floridan 0.841 0.048 +floridian 0.940 0.015 +floridians 0.966 0.022 +florin 0.877 0.039 +florina 0.869 0.089 +florinal 0.573 0.000 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0.031 +flug 0.535 0.142 +flugel 0.662 0.118 +flugelhorn 0.462 0.189 +flughafen 0.530 0.013 +flugzeug 0.331 0.016 +fluid 0.278 0.029 +fluidic 0.309 0.020 +fluidity 0.099 0.011 +fluidized 0.334 0.047 +fluidly 0.020 0.000 +fluids 0.236 0.060 +fluka 0.584 0.389 +fluke 0.633 0.071 +flukes 0.228 0.029 +flume 0.408 0.038 +flumotion 0.072 0.001 +flung 0.031 0.004 +flunk 0.300 0.024 +flunked 0.104 0.010 +fluo 0.360 0.203 +fluor 0.819 0.074 +fluoranthene 0.232 0.084 +fluorescein 0.364 0.020 +fluorescence 0.262 0.018 +fluorescens 0.020 0.019 +fluorescent 0.439 0.027 +fluorescents 0.370 0.029 +fluoridated 0.099 0.006 +fluoridation 0.316 0.025 +fluoride 0.314 0.041 +fluorides 0.591 0.049 +fluorinated 0.262 0.048 +fluorine 0.306 0.048 +fluorite 0.552 0.101 +fluoro 0.372 0.060 +fluorocarbon 0.480 0.054 +fluorophore 0.101 0.004 +fluoropolymer 0.356 0.159 +fluoroquinolone 0.178 0.007 +fluoroquinolones 0.301 0.011 +fluoroscopic 0.219 0.022 +fluoroscopy 0.371 0.016 +fluorosis 0.189 0.010 +fluorouracil 0.394 0.015 +fluoxetine 0.379 0.012 +fluphenazine 0.510 0.038 +flurbiprofen 0.503 0.029 +flurl 0.566 0.381 +flurries 0.177 0.249 +flurry 0.160 0.013 +flush 0.280 0.047 +flushed 0.060 0.007 +flushes 0.142 0.010 +flushing 0.493 0.041 +flushmount 0.849 0.025 +flustered 0.057 0.003 +flutamide 0.445 0.024 +flute 0.482 0.058 +fluted 0.491 0.052 +flutes 0.494 0.031 +fluticasone 0.399 0.024 +flutie 0.939 0.033 +flutist 0.327 0.011 +flutschi 0.053 0.000 +flutter 0.267 0.027 +flutterby 0.879 0.010 +fluttered 0.017 0.003 +fluttering 0.151 0.008 +flutters 0.120 0.009 +fluval 0.734 0.139 +fluvanna 0.886 0.090 +fluvastatin 0.455 0.018 +fluvial 0.253 0.030 +fluvoxamine 0.326 0.018 +flux 0.349 0.032 +fluxblog 0.733 0.022 +fluxbox 0.518 0.004 +fluxes 0.124 0.016 +fluxus 0.771 0.075 +flv 0.023 0.661 +flw 0.019 0.875 +flwyddyn 0.085 0.009 +flx 0.141 0.650 +fly 0.413 0.037 +flyaway 0.740 0.027 +flyback 0.346 0.281 +flyball 0.643 0.022 +flybase 0.261 0.308 +flybe 0.705 0.026 +flybook 0.760 0.215 +flyboy 0.353 0.017 +flybridge 0.620 0.058 +flyby 0.365 0.017 +flyc 0.004 0.988 +flycatcher 0.768 0.058 +flycatchers 0.476 0.083 +flyer 0.651 0.033 +flyers 0.587 0.031 +flyfishing 0.590 0.053 +flyin 0.449 0.178 +flying 0.424 0.027 +flyleaf 0.489 0.033 +flylight 0.968 0.012 +flymo 0.863 0.082 +flynn 0.901 0.070 +flynt 0.907 0.045 +flyout 0.665 0.003 +flyover 0.384 0.016 +flypaper 0.609 0.022 +flys 0.532 0.038 +flytech 0.986 0.011 +flytrap 0.589 0.079 +flyway 0.703 0.025 +flyweight 0.659 0.039 +flywheel 0.415 0.092 +flywheels 0.547 0.057 +fm 0.036 0.892 +fma 0.010 0.931 +fmb 0.062 0.881 +fmc 0.009 0.953 +fmcg 0.032 0.920 +fmcsa 0.000 0.985 +fmd 0.018 0.935 +fme 0.014 0.919 +fmea 0.010 0.926 +fmf 0.014 0.867 +fmg 0.032 0.800 +fmh 0.012 0.930 +fmi 0.032 0.899 +fmj 0.022 0.915 +fmk 0.057 0.558 +fml 0.041 0.625 +fmla 0.007 0.963 +fmm 0.037 0.735 +fmn 0.026 0.904 +fmo 0.006 0.874 +fmoc 0.852 0.134 +fmod 0.031 0.252 +fmol 0.011 0.040 +fmp 0.008 0.961 +fmr 0.094 0.835 +fms 0.032 0.876 +fmt 0.454 0.160 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0.281 0.026 +focused 0.104 0.004 +focuser 0.365 0.020 +focuses 0.060 0.003 +focusing 0.119 0.005 +focusrite 0.937 0.036 +focussed 0.034 0.003 +focusses 0.028 0.002 +focussing 0.084 0.003 +fod 0.031 0.188 +fodd 0.556 0.015 +fodder 0.278 0.021 +foden 0.857 0.118 +fodendo 0.000 0.000 +fodor 0.966 0.021 +fodors 0.826 0.003 +foe 0.174 0.092 +foer 0.677 0.016 +foerster 0.933 0.052 +foes 0.208 0.017 +foetal 0.167 0.022 +foetus 0.289 0.020 +foetuses 0.050 0.049 +fof 0.007 0.881 +fog 0.477 0.107 +fogarty 0.918 0.063 +fogdog 0.958 0.013 +fogel 0.895 0.029 +fogelberg 0.895 0.049 +fogerty 0.866 0.025 +fogey 0.708 0.009 +fogg 0.919 0.058 +fogged 0.093 0.009 +fogger 0.587 0.085 +foggia 0.856 0.036 +fogging 0.199 0.037 +foggy 0.444 0.024 +foghat 0.881 0.071 +foghorn 0.707 0.046 +fogle 0.728 0.066 +foglio 0.451 0.015 +fogo 0.874 0.019 +fogproof 0.701 0.007 +fogs 0.127 0.039 +fogware 0.941 0.054 +foh 0.086 0.777 +foi 0.036 0.734 +foia 0.001 0.983 +foibles 0.117 0.004 +foie 0.424 0.019 +foil 0.380 0.066 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0.959 0.028 +folks 0.102 0.008 +folksong 0.530 0.021 +folksongs 0.624 0.033 +folksonomies 0.427 0.000 +folksonomy 0.283 0.000 +folkston 0.867 0.080 +folksy 0.072 0.005 +folktale 0.369 0.015 +folktales 0.567 0.016 +folkways 0.825 0.051 +folky 0.584 0.008 +foll 0.143 0.264 +follada 0.001 0.000 +folladas 0.006 0.001 +follando 0.003 0.000 +follar 0.012 0.000 +folle 0.419 0.045 +folles 0.750 0.063 +follett 0.904 0.072 +follette 0.933 0.062 +follicle 0.251 0.011 +follicles 0.037 0.004 +follicular 0.284 0.010 +folliculitis 0.384 0.015 +follie 0.348 0.037 +follies 0.618 0.035 +follis 0.757 0.108 +follo 0.122 0.019 +follow 0.262 0.009 +followed 0.014 0.004 +follower 0.172 0.016 +followers 0.086 0.007 +following 0.054 0.007 +followings 0.011 0.001 +follows 0.012 0.008 +followup 0.742 0.004 +followups 0.712 0.003 +follwing 0.046 0.015 +folly 0.350 0.023 +folowing 0.027 0.014 +fols 0.086 0.073 +folsom 0.906 0.066 +foltz 0.907 0.082 +fom 0.042 0.621 +foma 0.138 0.826 +fomc 0.000 0.991 +foment 0.094 0.006 +fomenting 0.089 0.003 +fomento 0.835 0.042 +fomit 0.000 0.000 +fon 0.468 0.224 +fonction 0.121 0.023 +fonctionnement 0.083 0.033 +fonctions 0.172 0.020 +fond 0.241 0.025 +fonda 0.893 0.052 +fondant 0.335 0.031 +fondation 0.783 0.063 +fondazione 0.822 0.060 +fonder 0.240 0.017 +fondest 0.099 0.006 +fondle 0.132 0.009 +fondled 0.093 0.005 +fondling 0.454 0.013 +fondly 0.057 0.004 +fondness 0.024 0.002 +fondo 0.420 0.028 +fondos 0.238 0.025 +fondren 0.850 0.116 +fonds 0.397 0.024 +fondue 0.637 0.039 +fone 0.487 0.104 +fonejunkie 0.007 0.000 +foner 0.947 0.027 +fones 0.588 0.086 +fong 0.894 0.058 +fono 0.648 0.087 +fons 0.761 0.083 +fonseca 0.903 0.076 +fonsi 0.250 0.697 +font 0.282 0.090 +fontaine 0.852 0.064 +fontainebleau 0.913 0.042 +fontana 0.854 0.070 +fontane 0.848 0.051 +fontanelle 0.598 0.129 +fontanelli 0.982 0.006 +fontanini 0.822 0.044 +fontbonne 0.946 0.034 +fontcolor 0.006 0.009 +fontconfig 0.086 0.001 +fonte 0.614 0.042 +fontenay 0.842 0.109 +fontenot 0.855 0.128 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0.063 +frostings 0.823 0.013 +frostproof 0.839 0.101 +frosts 0.155 0.009 +frosty 0.589 0.043 +frota 0.053 0.003 +froth 0.317 0.044 +frother 0.563 0.039 +frothing 0.288 0.017 +frothy 0.088 0.009 +frou 0.736 0.029 +froud 0.816 0.136 +froude 0.941 0.049 +frown 0.303 0.008 +frowned 0.011 0.001 +frowning 0.112 0.004 +frowns 0.077 0.011 +froze 0.045 0.007 +frozen 0.314 0.035 +frp 0.015 0.924 +frq 0.063 0.658 +frr 0.016 0.530 +frre 0.294 0.013 +frree 0.039 0.005 +frs 0.033 0.914 +frse 0.318 0.063 +frsm 0.000 0.976 +frst 0.188 0.539 +frt 0.187 0.598 +fru 0.162 0.688 +fructose 0.302 0.044 +frugal 0.713 0.015 +frugality 0.346 0.014 +frugalware 0.690 0.000 +fruit 0.384 0.029 +fruita 0.890 0.079 +fruitcake 0.438 0.027 +fruited 0.329 0.029 +fruitful 0.069 0.005 +fruitfully 0.006 0.004 +fruitfulness 0.108 0.008 +fruiting 0.231 0.025 +fruition 0.063 0.004 +fruitland 0.838 0.113 +fruitless 0.041 0.005 +fruits 0.343 0.018 +fruitvale 0.899 0.075 +fruity 0.355 0.020 +fruityloops 0.308 0.054 +frum 0.752 0.028 +frumpy 0.221 0.068 +frunny 0.995 0.000 +frusciante 0.649 0.033 +frush 0.968 0.010 +frustrate 0.030 0.004 +frustrated 0.107 0.008 +frustrates 0.079 0.005 +frustrating 0.033 0.004 +frustratingly 0.098 0.000 +frustration 0.085 0.006 +frustrations 0.083 0.004 +fruta 0.600 0.035 +frutiger 0.918 0.011 +frutti 0.711 0.087 +frv 0.030 0.438 +frw 0.134 0.763 +frwe 0.339 0.000 +frwy 0.795 0.179 +frx 0.073 0.751 +fry 0.573 0.075 +fryderyk 0.977 0.013 +frye 0.899 0.054 +fryeburg 0.874 0.099 +fryer 0.700 0.065 +fryers 0.746 0.020 +frying 0.252 0.041 +frypan 0.554 0.044 +frys 0.544 0.040 +frystyk 0.786 0.000 +frz 0.132 0.644 +fs 0.039 0.706 +fsa 0.009 0.961 +fsb 0.007 0.956 +fsbo 0.043 0.828 +fsc 0.006 0.970 +fscanf 0.000 0.003 +fsck 0.032 0.034 +fscm 0.000 0.997 +fsd 0.008 0.918 +fse 0.010 0.897 +fseek 0.002 0.005 +fsf 0.084 0.817 +fsfe 0.652 0.270 +fsg 0.011 0.882 +fsh 0.019 0.847 +fshd 0.000 0.947 +fsi 0.071 0.897 +fsigned 0.000 0.000 +fsis 0.000 0.997 +fsk 0.015 0.938 +fsl 0.004 0.841 +fsm 0.008 0.902 +fsn 0.004 0.960 +fso 0.045 0.910 +fsockopen 0.000 0.000 +fsp 0.008 0.847 +fspeirs 0.000 0.000 +fsr 0.011 0.923 +fss 0.005 0.865 +fssa 0.000 0.539 +fst 0.059 0.664 +fstab 0.007 0.027 +fstat 0.028 0.052 +fstop 0.849 0.028 +fsu 0.006 0.950 +fsus 0.010 0.990 +fsv 0.019 0.810 +fsw 0.008 0.836 +fsx 0.009 0.826 +fsync 0.019 0.068 +ft 0.291 0.379 +fta 0.019 0.936 +ftaa 0.002 0.894 +ftape 0.216 0.007 +ftb 0.010 0.931 +ftbfs 0.000 0.942 +ftc 0.010 0.968 +ftd 0.028 0.903 +fte 0.002 0.956 +ftee 0.321 0.024 +ftell 0.000 0.007 +ftemplate 0.000 0.000 +fter 0.004 0.237 +ftes 0.014 0.959 +ftf 0.006 0.837 +ftg 0.077 0.739 +fth 0.080 0.239 +fti 0.011 0.912 +ftir 0.006 0.983 +ftl 0.016 0.866 +ftm 0.098 0.830 +ftn 0.082 0.738 +fto 0.028 0.789 +ftp 0.016 0.626 +ftpadm 0.000 0.000 +ftpadmin 0.000 0.000 +ftpd 0.009 0.096 +ftpmirror 0.000 0.000 +ftps 0.121 0.441 +ftr 0.071 0.838 +ftree 0.016 0.011 +ftrs 0.974 0.014 +fts 0.026 0.829 +ftse 0.003 0.988 +ftt 0.022 0.824 +ftth 0.027 0.963 +fttp 0.003 0.939 +ftv 0.063 0.615 +ftw 0.014 0.742 +ftx 0.009 0.949 +fty 0.280 0.558 +ftype 0.034 0.136 +ftz 0.062 0.812 +fu 0.565 0.170 +fuad 0.948 0.026 +fubar 0.222 0.486 +fubu 0.610 0.300 +fubuki 0.327 0.012 +fuc 0.353 0.112 +fuca 0.927 0.058 +fuchs 0.892 0.075 +fuchsia 0.665 0.080 +fuchsias 0.633 0.034 +fuck 0.172 0.043 +fuckable 0.274 0.031 +fucked 0.393 0.012 +fucken 0.093 0.116 +fucker 0.151 0.034 +fuckers 0.115 0.030 +fuckfest 0.179 0.062 +fuckimg 0.015 0.000 +fuckin 0.179 0.067 +fuckineh 0.000 0.981 +fucking 0.145 0.017 +fuckingmachine 0.207 0.000 +fuckingmachines 0.185 0.005 +fuckk 0.473 0.008 +fuckking 0.004 0.000 +fuckme 0.009 0.908 +fuckpics 0.005 0.000 +fucks 0.327 0.009 +fuckwit 0.543 0.018 +fucose 0.282 0.032 +fucus 0.761 0.019 +fud 0.036 0.901 +fudan 0.955 0.025 +fudd 0.705 0.042 +fudendo 0.000 0.000 +fudge 0.607 0.102 +fudging 0.112 0.012 +fue 0.096 0.108 +fuego 0.728 0.057 +fuehrer 0.817 0.038 +fuel 0.354 0.043 +fueled 0.152 0.009 +fueling 0.265 0.022 +fuelled 0.051 0.007 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0.022 +funct 0.615 0.135 +function 0.131 0.019 +functional 0.645 0.008 +functionalism 0.323 0.013 +functionalist 0.174 0.006 +functionalities 0.144 0.004 +functionality 0.078 0.003 +functionalized 0.302 0.019 +functionally 0.100 0.006 +functionals 0.112 0.017 +functionaries 0.063 0.007 +functionary 0.059 0.006 +functioned 0.010 0.002 +functioning 0.053 0.007 +functions 0.157 0.014 +functor 0.096 0.007 +functors 0.103 0.010 +fund 0.557 0.051 +funda 0.426 0.028 +fundable 0.346 0.015 +fundacion 0.676 0.196 +fundamental 0.162 0.008 +fundamentalism 0.359 0.011 +fundamentalist 0.171 0.006 +fundamentalists 0.163 0.004 +fundamentally 0.073 0.002 +fundamentals 0.607 0.030 +funded 0.104 0.012 +funder 0.376 0.013 +funders 0.330 0.017 +fundgrube 0.346 0.649 +fundie 0.477 0.007 +fundies 0.342 0.007 +funding 0.247 0.022 +fundo 0.512 0.039 +fundraise 0.253 0.009 +fundraiser 0.416 0.030 +fundraisers 0.510 0.021 +fundraising 0.493 0.019 +funds 0.255 0.027 +fundus 0.297 0.022 +fundy 0.872 0.035 +funen 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0.166 0.013 +furrowed 0.031 0.002 +furrows 0.090 0.011 +furry 0.442 0.035 +furs 0.550 0.056 +furst 0.840 0.096 +furstenberg 0.898 0.080 +furtado 0.778 0.043 +furth 0.781 0.057 +further 0.180 0.017 +furtherance 0.022 0.007 +furthered 0.007 0.004 +furthering 0.093 0.004 +furthermore 0.923 0.002 +furthers 0.052 0.007 +furthest 0.066 0.007 +furtive 0.123 0.006 +furtively 0.024 0.000 +furukawa 0.880 0.110 +furuno 0.859 0.122 +furuta 0.874 0.102 +fury 0.584 0.066 +furyk 0.863 0.021 +furze 0.570 0.059 +fus 0.199 0.501 +fusarium 0.884 0.023 +fusca 0.063 0.028 +fuschia 0.685 0.086 +fusco 0.656 0.313 +fuscus 0.107 0.012 +fuse 0.355 0.130 +fusebox 0.825 0.008 +fused 0.201 0.042 +fuselage 0.404 0.021 +fuser 0.551 0.168 +fusers 0.891 0.014 +fuses 0.344 0.070 +fushigi 0.854 0.049 +fusible 0.372 0.058 +fusiform 0.090 0.006 +fusiliers 0.876 0.058 +fusing 0.272 0.039 +fusion 0.576 0.035 +fusions 0.189 0.014 +fusive 0.990 0.000 +fuso 0.599 0.251 +fuss 0.186 0.022 +fussball 0.707 0.023 +fussed 0.010 0.003 +fussell 0.925 0.066 +fusserotik 0.010 0.000 +fussfetisch 0.084 0.000 +fussing 0.100 0.006 +fussy 0.295 0.009 +fuster 0.907 0.050 +fusxion 0.858 0.138 +fut 0.259 0.223 +futa 0.189 0.763 +futaba 0.792 0.099 +futbol 0.450 0.035 +futebol 0.456 0.031 +futher 0.158 0.022 +futian 0.934 0.029 +futile 0.125 0.008 +futility 0.202 0.006 +futon 0.613 0.022 +futons 0.794 0.008 +futrell 0.845 0.135 +futsal 0.806 0.049 +futt 0.023 0.007 +futterman 0.954 0.036 +futuna 0.947 0.050 +futur 0.293 0.059 +futura 0.897 0.042 +futurama 0.729 0.037 +future 0.220 0.028 +futurebiotics 0.911 0.083 +futureheads 0.914 0.027 +futuremark 0.941 0.017 +futures 0.544 0.029 +futurism 0.381 0.028 +futurist 0.585 0.030 +futuristic 0.363 0.008 +futurists 0.513 0.034 +futurity 0.757 0.055 +futuro 0.358 0.069 +fux 0.647 0.140 +fuze 0.490 0.121 +fuzeon 0.657 0.272 +fuzhou 0.925 0.060 +fuzion 0.865 0.044 +fuzz 0.455 0.079 +fuzzi 0.592 0.341 +fuzzies 0.347 0.016 +fuzziness 0.252 0.009 +fuzzy 0.328 0.019 +fv 0.144 0.635 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0.885 0.069 +gaat 0.052 0.070 +gab 0.474 0.194 +gaba 0.084 0.877 +gabaa 0.029 0.965 +gabaldon 0.928 0.039 +gabanna 0.798 0.034 +gabapentin 0.332 0.021 +gabardine 0.619 0.061 +gabb 0.760 0.179 +gabba 0.945 0.013 +gabbana 0.772 0.161 +gabbard 0.884 0.100 +gabbay 0.969 0.023 +gabbeh 0.859 0.090 +gabber 0.439 0.170 +gabbery 0.999 0.000 +gabbro 0.255 0.069 +gabby 0.841 0.046 +gabe 0.854 0.035 +gabel 0.891 0.051 +gabelli 0.827 0.161 +gaber 0.765 0.157 +gabi 0.758 0.093 +gabinete 0.307 0.052 +gable 0.596 0.045 +gabled 0.116 0.020 +gabler 0.922 0.048 +gables 0.864 0.051 +gabo 0.596 0.230 +gabon 0.947 0.048 +gabor 0.933 0.020 +gaborone 0.955 0.040 +gabriel 0.919 0.043 +gabriela 0.889 0.067 +gabriele 0.884 0.061 +gabrieli 0.909 0.065 +gabriella 0.930 0.023 +gabrielle 0.926 0.032 +gabrielli 0.938 0.050 +gabriels 0.929 0.041 +gabriola 0.969 0.015 +gabrovo 0.955 0.042 +gabs 0.541 0.070 +gaby 0.584 0.025 +gac 0.029 0.849 +gach 0.387 0.035 +gackt 0.556 0.020 +gacy 0.900 0.026 +gad 0.396 0.459 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0.089 +gagged 0.091 0.002 +gaggers 0.250 0.013 +gaggia 0.902 0.025 +gagging 0.235 0.012 +gaggle 0.241 0.012 +gaghan 0.980 0.014 +gaging 0.212 0.029 +gagliano 0.913 0.075 +gagliardi 0.929 0.065 +gagne 0.847 0.045 +gagner 0.296 0.018 +gagnon 0.906 0.077 +gags 0.335 0.021 +gah 0.437 0.195 +gahan 0.894 0.051 +gahanna 0.883 0.090 +gahoo 0.013 0.000 +gai 0.415 0.301 +gaia 0.794 0.135 +gaiam 0.850 0.133 +gaiden 0.919 0.022 +gaiety 0.297 0.017 +gaijin 0.530 0.013 +gail 0.893 0.058 +gailey 0.893 0.085 +gaillard 0.904 0.075 +gaily 0.105 0.011 +gaim 0.292 0.108 +gaiman 0.926 0.017 +gain 0.158 0.023 +gained 0.035 0.005 +gainer 0.656 0.086 +gainers 0.686 0.015 +gaines 0.900 0.076 +gainesville 0.907 0.059 +gainey 0.870 0.074 +gainful 0.065 0.009 +gainfully 0.055 0.012 +gaining 0.106 0.005 +gains 0.149 0.016 +gainsborough 0.902 0.053 +gainsbourg 0.918 0.037 +gainst 0.149 0.164 +gainsville 0.867 0.060 +gainward 0.909 0.053 +gair 0.341 0.030 +gairloch 0.814 0.168 +gais 0.269 0.070 +gait 0.262 0.041 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0.019 +gallardo 0.912 0.052 +gallaries 0.027 0.001 +gallary 0.079 0.007 +gallas 0.846 0.044 +gallate 0.151 0.037 +gallatin 0.888 0.094 +gallaudet 0.964 0.026 +gallaway 0.909 0.085 +gallaz 0.950 0.020 +gallbladder 0.408 0.014 +galle 0.872 0.060 +gallego 0.891 0.042 +gallegos 0.896 0.074 +gallen 0.935 0.024 +galleon 0.707 0.058 +galleons 0.452 0.016 +galler 0.495 0.045 +galleri 0.395 0.013 +galleria 0.749 0.069 +gallerie 0.248 0.051 +galleries 0.377 0.023 +galleris 0.012 0.000 +gallery 0.625 0.026 +gallerys 0.055 0.008 +galles 0.874 0.050 +gallet 0.732 0.237 +galley 0.542 0.034 +galleys 0.128 0.009 +galli 0.808 0.068 +gallia 0.883 0.074 +galliano 0.779 0.177 +gallic 0.857 0.020 +gallie 0.924 0.062 +galliers 0.395 0.004 +gallifrey 0.964 0.016 +galligan 0.890 0.071 +gallileus 0.963 0.000 +gallimard 0.969 0.024 +gallimore 0.925 0.070 +gallina 0.636 0.058 +galling 0.056 0.007 +gallion 0.887 0.084 +gallipoli 0.879 0.041 +gallipolis 0.827 0.135 +gallium 0.424 0.081 +gallivan 0.915 0.058 +gallo 0.862 0.050 +gallon 0.321 0.034 +gallons 0.139 0.024 +gallop 0.507 0.035 +gallopade 0.867 0.123 +galloped 0.013 0.006 +galloping 0.414 0.023 +gallops 0.207 0.016 +gallories 0.347 0.000 +galloway 0.942 0.043 +gallows 0.386 0.019 +gallries 0.009 0.000 +galls 0.356 0.022 +gallstone 0.253 0.017 +gallstones 0.427 0.011 +gallu 0.050 0.006 +gallup 0.935 0.049 +gallus 0.649 0.032 +gallwch 0.449 0.000 +galois 0.938 0.015 +galopp 0.977 0.004 +galore 0.617 0.049 +galpin 0.896 0.091 +gals 0.366 0.020 +galston 0.806 0.184 +galsworthy 0.907 0.074 +galt 0.881 0.075 +galton 0.952 0.035 +galv 0.389 0.436 +galva 0.775 0.169 +galvan 0.877 0.093 +galvanic 0.357 0.019 +galvanised 0.408 0.047 +galvanize 0.278 0.017 +galvanized 0.373 0.042 +galvanizing 0.354 0.025 +galveston 0.836 0.061 +galvez 0.904 0.068 +galvin 0.915 0.056 +galway 0.944 0.029 +gam 0.519 0.327 +gama 0.563 0.228 +gamache 0.906 0.080 +gamage 0.444 0.542 +gamal 0.914 0.046 +gamaliel 0.929 0.054 +gamasutra 0.964 0.000 +gamay 0.893 0.027 +gamba 0.605 0.040 +gambar 0.167 0.013 +gambas 0.277 0.007 +gambetta 0.929 0.055 +gambia 0.944 0.048 +gambiae 0.008 0.004 +gambian 0.988 0.006 +gambier 0.846 0.122 +gambill 0.894 0.091 +gambino 0.890 0.069 +gambit 0.678 0.056 +gamble 0.491 0.040 +gambled 0.038 0.004 +gambler 0.446 0.031 +gamblers 0.349 0.015 +gambles 0.266 0.017 +gamblin 0.651 0.048 +gambling 0.293 0.012 +gamboa 0.889 0.085 +gambon 0.964 0.018 +gambrell 0.884 0.107 +gambrills 0.934 0.056 +gambrinus 0.905 0.045 +game 0.374 0.028 +gamea 0.014 0.000 +gameboard 0.378 0.022 +gamebookers 0.610 0.031 +gamebooks 0.680 0.012 +gameboy 0.726 0.099 +gamec 0.020 0.011 +gamecock 0.817 0.064 +gamecocks 0.955 0.016 +gamecom 0.302 0.051 +gamecube 0.667 0.117 +gamed 0.033 0.010 +gameday 0.846 0.055 +gamee 0.014 0.004 +gamegear 0.896 0.066 +gamekeeper 0.398 0.029 +gamelan 0.698 0.016 +gamelink 0.905 0.017 +gameloft 0.945 0.013 +gamely 0.087 0.005 +gamemaster 0.704 0.024 +gamepad 0.705 0.061 +gamepads 0.871 0.013 +gamepark 0.852 0.000 +gameplan 0.338 0.031 +gameplanet 0.997 0.000 +gameplay 0.390 0.012 +gameport 0.416 0.064 +gameq 0.000 0.000 +gamer 0.667 0.035 +gamera 0.839 0.084 +gamerhelp 0.993 0.000 +gameroom 0.723 0.063 +gamers 0.598 0.026 +gamertag 0.728 0.018 +gamerz 0.916 0.019 +games 0.671 0.024 +gamescom 0.023 0.000 +gameserver 0.513 0.014 +gameshark 0.488 0.179 +gameshow 0.381 0.025 +gamespace 0.922 0.002 +gamespot 0.734 0.050 +gamespy 0.683 0.094 +gamess 0.095 0.367 +gamestar 0.963 0.005 +gamester 0.697 0.093 +gamestop 0.803 0.030 +gamestore 0.980 0.000 +gamesville 0.575 0.005 +gamete 0.202 0.022 +gametech 0.014 0.004 +gametes 0.074 0.009 +gametime 0.818 0.024 +gametracker 0.912 0.083 +gametype 0.510 0.010 +gamew 0.006 0.000 +gameworld 0.862 0.014 +gamewright 0.988 0.007 +gamex 0.034 0.012 +gamez 0.409 0.109 +gamezone 0.711 0.153 +gami 0.237 0.116 +gamin 0.360 0.021 +gaming 0.656 0.015 +gamla 0.729 0.042 +gamle 0.534 0.026 +gamm 0.413 0.501 +gamma 0.850 0.035 +gammage 0.960 0.029 +gammas 0.253 0.160 +gamme 0.126 0.017 +gammon 0.665 0.059 +gammons 0.970 0.011 +gamo 0.629 0.150 +gamrs 0.007 0.000 +gams 0.180 0.340 +gamsat 0.037 0.903 +gamse 0.137 0.003 +gamut 0.108 0.008 +gan 0.239 0.056 +gana 0.553 0.128 +ganache 0.294 0.025 +ganado 0.696 0.124 +gananoque 0.914 0.058 +ganar 0.180 0.047 +ganas 0.276 0.047 +ganassi 0.971 0.020 +ganciclovir 0.366 0.015 +gand 0.492 0.040 +ganda 0.451 0.065 +gandalf 0.864 0.045 +gandelman 0.990 0.004 +gander 0.612 0.048 +gandhi 0.943 0.034 +gandhiji 0.970 0.020 +gandhinagar 0.982 0.014 +gandia 0.695 0.059 +gandolfini 0.959 0.027 +gandy 0.900 0.066 +gane 0.557 0.074 +ganes 0.251 0.021 +ganesan 0.932 0.041 +ganesh 0.833 0.054 +ganesha 0.886 0.040 +gang 0.270 0.022 +ganga 0.878 0.056 +gangbang 0.157 0.004 +gangbanged 0.497 0.012 +gangbanging 0.149 0.017 +gangbangs 0.104 0.012 +gangbangsquad 0.200 0.003 +ganged 0.142 0.011 +ganger 0.708 0.032 +ganges 0.946 0.024 +ganging 0.308 0.029 +gangland 0.685 0.034 +ganglia 0.276 0.010 +ganglion 0.136 0.013 +ganglioside 0.303 0.015 +gangliosides 0.429 0.009 +gangrape 0.184 0.002 +gangrene 0.281 0.017 +gangs 0.294 0.021 +gangsta 0.539 0.039 +gangstas 0.479 0.033 +gangster 0.473 0.025 +gangsters 0.419 0.021 +gangtok 0.926 0.038 +ganguly 0.945 0.016 +ganguro 0.296 0.012 +gangway 0.207 0.025 +gangways 0.563 0.012 +ganharam 0.000 0.000 +ganhe 0.019 0.004 +gani 0.728 0.056 +ganis 0.664 0.019 +ganization 0.000 0.006 +ganj 0.847 0.081 +ganja 0.585 0.035 +ganji 0.939 0.030 +ganley 0.875 0.072 +gann 0.885 0.073 +gannet 0.739 0.067 +gannett 0.975 0.021 +gannon 0.920 0.052 +gano 0.807 0.090 +ganoderma 0.929 0.011 +ganolfan 0.629 0.008 +ganon 0.848 0.022 +gans 0.879 0.047 +gansbaai 0.975 0.013 +gansevoort 0.896 0.054 +gansu 0.961 0.022 +gant 0.715 0.162 +gantry 0.459 0.038 +gants 0.609 0.052 +gantt 0.860 0.051 +gantz 0.894 0.060 +ganymede 0.931 0.032 +ganz 0.471 0.057 +ganze 0.204 0.012 +ganzen 0.158 0.008 +gao 0.251 0.726 +gaol 0.405 0.027 +gaon 0.881 0.031 +gap 0.293 0.097 +gapdh 0.018 0.968 +gape 0.213 0.027 +gaped 0.052 0.014 +gapers 0.437 0.007 +gapes 0.360 0.285 +gaping 0.191 0.005 +gapingvoid 0.107 0.000 +gapped 0.423 0.006 +gapping 0.087 0.005 +gaps 0.248 0.014 +gar 0.383 0.284 +gara 0.651 0.124 +garage 0.541 0.035 +garageband 0.806 0.037 +garaged 0.137 0.042 +garages 0.507 0.022 +garaging 0.298 0.020 +garak 0.893 0.079 +garam 0.583 0.036 +garamond 0.990 0.002 +garand 0.794 0.061 +garang 0.949 0.021 +garant 0.714 0.086 +garanti 0.496 0.051 +garantie 0.326 0.096 +garantierte 0.342 0.000 +garantito 0.047 0.008 +garantizado 0.012 0.006 +garanzia 0.208 0.100 +garay 0.923 0.060 +garb 0.174 0.012 +garbage 0.272 0.020 +garbanzo 0.425 0.028 +garbanzos 0.881 0.015 +garbarek 0.896 0.081 +garber 0.918 0.067 +garberville 0.880 0.083 +garbled 0.108 0.007 +garbo 0.890 0.054 +garbutt 0.702 0.247 +garces 0.848 0.060 +garch 0.031 0.934 +garching 0.976 0.011 +garcia 0.901 0.068 +garciaparra 0.819 0.031 +garcinia 0.839 0.024 +garcon 0.445 0.130 +garcons 0.494 0.465 +gard 0.833 0.079 +garda 0.866 0.031 +gardai 0.682 0.044 +gardasee 0.042 0.001 +garde 0.443 0.029 +gardel 0.893 0.069 +garden 0.810 0.021 +gardena 0.907 0.050 +gardendale 0.905 0.076 +gardener 0.677 0.025 +gardeners 0.528 0.019 +gardenia 0.694 0.099 +gardening 0.716 0.019 +gardens 0.640 0.044 +gardiner 0.895 0.086 +garding 0.079 0.013 +gardner 0.902 0.076 +gardners 0.680 0.211 +gardnerville 0.886 0.054 +gare 0.807 0.056 +gareth 0.933 0.025 +garett 0.912 0.026 +garey 0.928 0.059 +garf 0.587 0.199 +garfield 0.872 0.073 +garfinkel 0.964 0.027 +garforth 0.810 0.041 +garfunkel 0.774 0.061 +garg 0.872 0.064 +gargan 0.891 0.082 +gargano 0.844 0.072 +gargantuan 0.117 0.007 +gargle 0.276 0.066 +gargling 0.559 0.009 +gargoyle 0.594 0.053 +gargoyles 0.700 0.028 +garhwal 0.912 0.060 +gari 0.680 0.077 +garibaldi 0.904 0.052 +garifuna 0.967 0.017 +garin 0.909 0.053 +garish 0.100 0.007 +garland 0.818 0.070 +garlands 0.497 0.019 +garlic 0.334 0.024 +garlick 0.876 0.090 +garlock 0.906 0.076 +garman 0.824 0.067 +garment 0.385 0.027 +garments 0.280 0.024 +garmin 0.867 0.073 +garmisch 0.922 0.033 +garmont 0.955 0.025 +garn 0.781 0.140 +garneau 0.919 0.065 +garner 0.729 0.048 +garnered 0.012 0.001 +garnering 0.044 0.003 +garners 0.340 0.066 +garnet 0.857 0.039 +garnets 0.452 0.051 +garnett 0.887 0.083 +garnham 0.472 0.524 +garni 0.703 0.073 +garnier 0.867 0.062 +garnish 0.423 0.016 +garnished 0.102 0.007 +garnishee 0.185 0.044 +garnishes 0.691 0.018 +garnishing 0.411 0.024 +garnishment 0.335 0.034 +garnishments 0.365 0.054 +garnome 0.147 0.285 +garo 0.824 0.073 +garofalo 0.894 0.083 +garon 0.911 0.057 +garonne 0.911 0.031 +garota 0.283 0.005 +garoto 0.045 0.003 +garou 0.611 0.057 +garp 0.394 0.517 +garr 0.490 0.286 +garrard 0.895 0.084 +garratt 0.871 0.106 +garret 0.748 0.043 +garretson 0.894 0.092 +garrett 0.899 0.073 +garrick 0.902 0.071 +garrido 0.926 0.055 +garrigues 0.857 0.109 +garris 0.899 0.083 +garrison 0.726 0.060 +garrisons 0.152 0.012 +garritan 0.952 0.023 +garrity 0.844 0.145 +garrod 0.922 0.071 +garros 0.883 0.035 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0.960 0.018 +gaslight 0.811 0.061 +gasohol 0.293 0.078 +gasol 0.916 0.038 +gasolina 0.675 0.006 +gasoline 0.288 0.031 +gasp 0.196 0.151 +gaspar 0.906 0.062 +gaspard 0.902 0.068 +gaspari 0.909 0.083 +gasparilla 0.844 0.029 +gaspe 0.915 0.053 +gasped 0.004 0.001 +gasper 0.910 0.055 +gasping 0.125 0.006 +gasps 0.059 0.018 +gasquet 0.940 0.050 +gass 0.691 0.161 +gassaway 0.845 0.131 +gassed 0.075 0.013 +gasser 0.827 0.055 +gasses 0.103 0.009 +gassing 0.104 0.016 +gassman 0.938 0.039 +gassy 0.309 0.025 +gast 0.791 0.073 +gastein 0.966 0.021 +gastenboek 0.567 0.037 +gasthaus 0.906 0.012 +gasthof 0.914 0.015 +gastineau 0.901 0.029 +gaston 0.892 0.065 +gastonia 0.930 0.050 +gastown 0.942 0.019 +gastrectomy 0.343 0.015 +gastric 0.312 0.013 +gastrin 0.203 0.020 +gastritis 0.368 0.011 +gastro 0.545 0.037 +gastrocnemius 0.140 0.008 +gastroenteritis 0.321 0.013 +gastroenterol 0.984 0.008 +gastroenterological 0.859 0.013 +gastroenterologist 0.404 0.017 +gastroenterologists 0.801 0.001 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0.008 +gatlin 0.898 0.078 +gatlinberg 0.969 0.000 +gatlinburg 0.865 0.036 +gatling 0.745 0.044 +gato 0.413 0.034 +gator 0.812 0.052 +gatorade 0.860 0.028 +gatorland 0.951 0.027 +gators 0.881 0.031 +gatos 0.727 0.050 +gats 0.031 0.910 +gatsby 0.851 0.041 +gatso 0.855 0.094 +gatt 0.062 0.923 +gattaca 0.874 0.062 +gatti 0.560 0.029 +gatto 0.419 0.032 +gatton 0.868 0.086 +gatway 0.061 0.868 +gatwick 0.900 0.049 +gatx 0.023 0.947 +gau 0.317 0.348 +gauche 0.436 0.146 +gaucher 0.921 0.052 +gaucho 0.738 0.065 +gauchos 0.849 0.019 +gaudens 0.845 0.111 +gaudet 0.848 0.089 +gaudi 0.901 0.051 +gaudin 0.920 0.060 +gaudio 0.891 0.040 +gaudy 0.172 0.025 +gauge 0.347 0.045 +gauged 0.087 0.012 +gauger 0.800 0.091 +gauges 0.511 0.048 +gaughan 0.928 0.053 +gauging 0.295 0.021 +gauguin 0.942 0.032 +gaul 0.935 0.028 +gauley 0.877 0.066 +gaulle 0.905 0.038 +gauloises 0.804 0.060 +gauls 0.965 0.008 +gault 0.849 0.129 +gaultier 0.769 0.201 +gaumont 0.930 0.028 +gaunt 0.509 0.051 +gauntlet 0.701 0.022 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0.735 +gbf 0.023 0.822 +gbg 0.107 0.761 +gbh 0.060 0.826 +gbi 0.033 0.899 +gbic 0.014 0.965 +gbics 0.053 0.072 +gbif 0.004 0.988 +gbit 0.917 0.049 +gbk 0.011 0.743 +gbl 0.060 0.808 +gbm 0.031 0.920 +gbn 0.008 0.951 +gboolean 0.000 0.000 +gbp 0.001 0.988 +gbps 0.969 0.020 +gbr 0.036 0.943 +gbs 0.029 0.919 +gbt 0.022 0.904 +gbu 0.027 0.887 +gbv 0.004 0.896 +gbx 0.088 0.851 +gbyte 0.940 0.024 +gbytes 0.959 0.012 +gc 0.016 0.789 +gca 0.006 0.837 +gcalctool 0.027 0.000 +gcap 0.137 0.743 +gcb 0.007 0.905 +gcc 0.003 0.201 +gccadmin 0.000 0.000 +gccosandvers 0.000 0.000 +gccversion 0.000 0.003 +gcd 0.017 0.379 +gce 0.004 0.960 +gcf 0.005 0.833 +gcg 0.003 0.788 +gch 0.070 0.805 +gchar 0.000 0.004 +gci 0.013 0.947 +gcide 0.183 0.026 +gcj 0.006 0.245 +gck 0.027 0.917 +gcl 0.330 0.354 +gcm 0.016 0.902 +gcmd 0.000 0.886 +gcn 0.002 0.958 +gco 0.014 0.860 +gcompris 0.015 0.000 +gconf 0.015 0.003 +gconv 0.000 0.003 +gcos 0.008 0.930 +gcov 0.025 0.083 +gcp 0.007 0.946 +gcr 0.008 0.951 +gcrc 0.003 0.984 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0.902 0.077 +geb 0.332 0.510 +gebe 0.067 0.031 +geben 0.205 0.006 +gebhard 0.923 0.061 +gebhardt 0.940 0.051 +gebhart 0.898 0.092 +geboorte 0.020 0.002 +geboren 0.202 0.019 +gebouwen 0.027 0.000 +gebraucht 0.573 0.002 +gebrauchte 0.144 0.000 +gebruik 0.363 0.010 +gebruikers 0.351 0.004 +gebruikt 0.034 0.006 +gebundene 0.969 0.000 +geburtstag 0.599 0.017 +gec 0.230 0.733 +gecko 0.736 0.038 +geckos 0.597 0.021 +gecode 0.721 0.227 +gecos 0.022 0.146 +ged 0.068 0.786 +geda 0.070 0.049 +gedanken 0.811 0.011 +gedcom 0.097 0.829 +geddes 0.857 0.064 +geddy 0.881 0.042 +gedeon 0.897 0.075 +gedi 0.752 0.107 +gedicht 0.155 0.003 +gedichte 0.722 0.013 +gedit 0.036 0.003 +gedling 0.951 0.043 +gedney 0.943 0.048 +gee 0.708 0.083 +geef 0.725 0.025 +geeft 0.054 0.004 +geeg 0.087 0.010 +geek 0.658 0.022 +geekdom 0.480 0.014 +geekery 0.566 0.005 +geekiness 0.294 0.000 +geeking 0.522 0.000 +geeklog 0.855 0.001 +geeks 0.517 0.011 +geeky 0.376 0.003 +geekzone 0.997 0.000 +geel 0.564 0.299 +geelong 0.867 0.106 +geen 0.288 0.031 +geena 0.928 0.019 +geer 0.860 0.102 +geert 0.935 0.013 +geertz 0.959 0.026 +gees 0.691 0.072 +geese 0.372 0.036 +geest 0.842 0.047 +geeta 0.897 0.058 +geetha 0.889 0.048 +geeting 0.093 0.010 +geeva 0.997 0.000 +geez 0.622 0.027 +geeze 0.593 0.028 +geezer 0.579 0.024 +geezers 0.496 0.024 +gef 0.016 0.930 +gefaehrlich 0.000 0.000 +gefen 0.962 0.026 +gefesselt 0.012 0.000 +geffen 0.858 0.078 +gefickt 0.003 0.000 +gefilmt 0.004 0.000 +geforce 0.509 0.083 +gefunden 0.094 0.007 +geg 0.041 0.769 +gegeben 0.009 0.003 +gegen 0.135 0.013 +gegevens 0.246 0.016 +geh 0.197 0.574 +geha 0.612 0.338 +gehalt 0.964 0.000 +gehe 0.712 0.043 +gehen 0.158 0.009 +gehenna 0.827 0.059 +geheugen 0.537 0.015 +gehl 0.792 0.161 +gehman 0.935 0.063 +gehrig 0.930 0.037 +gehring 0.934 0.060 +gehrke 0.940 0.054 +gehry 0.952 0.013 +geht 0.101 0.029 +gei 0.172 0.589 +geico 0.245 0.536 +geier 0.906 0.057 +geiger 0.884 0.064 +geigy 0.735 0.239 +geil 0.113 0.026 +geile 0.026 0.002 +geilen 0.027 0.002 +geiler 0.240 0.016 +geiles 0.009 0.001 +geiletitten 0.000 0.000 +geilheit 0.009 0.000 +geilo 0.957 0.018 +geils 0.854 0.067 +gein 0.378 0.052 +geir 0.863 0.023 +geiriau 0.562 0.006 +geis 0.558 0.406 +geisel 0.943 0.033 +geiser 0.892 0.049 +geisha 0.779 0.041 +geisinger 0.934 0.045 +geisler 0.956 0.037 +geissler 0.927 0.057 +geist 0.858 0.082 +gek 0.226 0.310 +gekas 0.516 0.480 +gekauft 0.006 0.000 +gekko 0.845 0.042 +geknebelt 0.000 0.000 +geko 0.862 0.056 +gel 0.493 0.082 +gela 0.725 0.146 +gelatin 0.362 0.018 +gelatinase 0.424 0.018 +gelatine 0.274 0.039 +gelatinous 0.129 0.008 +gelato 0.586 0.027 +gelb 0.698 0.070 +gelber 0.916 0.051 +gelcoat 0.291 0.037 +geld 0.243 0.010 +gelder 0.871 0.104 +gelderland 0.874 0.016 +gelding 0.432 0.065 +geldings 0.541 0.142 +geldof 0.951 0.031 +geleckt 0.011 0.000 +gelert 0.828 0.095 +gelesen 0.104 0.005 +gelfand 0.962 0.032 +gelijkwaardige 0.998 0.000 +gelinas 0.945 0.044 +gell 0.770 0.081 +gellar 0.733 0.019 +gelled 0.100 0.023 +geller 0.889 0.044 +gellert 0.933 0.045 +gelling 0.322 0.045 +gellir 0.429 0.006 +gellman 0.911 0.074 +gelman 0.940 0.044 +gels 0.405 0.038 +gelsenkirchen 0.900 0.018 +gelten 0.007 0.003 +gem 0.428 0.188 +gema 0.289 0.616 +gemaakt 0.033 0.000 +gemacht 0.009 0.004 +gemara 0.766 0.045 +gembird 0.962 0.034 +gemcitabine 0.348 0.012 +gemeente 0.364 0.014 +gemeinschaft 0.971 0.004 +gemelli 0.815 0.037 +gemfibrozil 0.430 0.022 +gemini 0.875 0.070 +gemm 0.016 0.968 +gemma 0.857 0.044 +gemmell 0.928 0.054 +gemmy 0.663 0.087 +gemological 0.694 0.094 +gemologist 0.380 0.032 +gemology 0.720 0.085 +gemplus 0.880 0.093 +gems 0.535 0.115 +gemstar 0.945 0.032 +gemstone 0.685 0.068 +gemstones 0.590 0.041 +gen 0.437 0.276 +gena 0.796 0.041 +genau 0.162 0.010 +genbank 0.727 0.121 +gence 0.010 0.012 +genco 0.695 0.272 +gency 0.005 0.296 +gendarme 0.632 0.121 +gendarmerie 0.509 0.018 +gendarmes 0.149 0.013 +gender 0.568 0.018 +gendered 0.256 0.009 +genders 0.251 0.007 +gendron 0.875 0.112 +gene 0.392 0.024 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0.789 0.197 +geordie 0.828 0.065 +georeferenced 0.151 0.003 +georg 0.932 0.037 +george 0.919 0.053 +georges 0.917 0.053 +georgetown 0.927 0.051 +georgette 0.730 0.056 +georgi 0.919 0.043 +georgia 0.929 0.032 +georgian 0.913 0.058 +georgiana 0.884 0.059 +georgians 0.961 0.032 +georgie 0.886 0.059 +georgiev 0.936 0.048 +georgina 0.784 0.064 +georgio 0.836 0.051 +georgios 0.903 0.084 +georgiou 0.901 0.083 +georgy 0.941 0.030 +geos 0.095 0.776 +geoscience 0.739 0.051 +geosciences 0.805 0.028 +geoscientists 0.541 0.022 +geospatial 0.621 0.014 +geosphere 0.636 0.025 +geostationary 0.387 0.019 +geostatistical 0.419 0.015 +geostatistics 0.604 0.018 +geostrophic 0.159 0.013 +geosynchronous 0.195 0.030 +geosynthetics 0.570 0.093 +geosystems 0.932 0.035 +geotagged 0.529 0.000 +geotarget 0.995 0.000 +geotechnical 0.631 0.030 +geotextile 0.266 0.092 +geotextiles 0.518 0.055 +geothermal 0.392 0.038 +geotools 0.515 0.006 +geotrac 0.953 0.000 +geotrust 0.560 0.022 +geovision 0.695 0.186 +geox 0.893 0.028 +gep 0.071 0.801 +gephardt 0.916 0.075 +geplaatst 0.726 0.000 +geplanten 0.000 0.000 +geq 0.013 0.253 +gequaelt 0.000 0.000 +ger 0.283 0.572 +gera 0.677 0.186 +gerade 0.073 0.004 +geraghty 0.917 0.064 +geraint 0.962 0.021 +gerais 0.881 0.022 +geral 0.546 0.046 +gerald 0.922 0.058 +geraldine 0.924 0.057 +geraldo 0.935 0.037 +geraldton 0.827 0.112 +geran 0.207 0.769 +geranium 0.654 0.047 +geraniums 0.555 0.019 +gerard 0.901 0.048 +gerardo 0.897 0.071 +geras 0.948 0.017 +gerbe 0.790 0.023 +gerben 0.917 0.008 +gerber 0.881 0.058 +gerbera 0.696 0.022 +gerberas 0.563 0.009 +gerbil 0.487 0.041 +gerbils 0.319 0.027 +gerd 0.358 0.573 +gerda 0.898 0.053 +gerdes 0.926 0.062 +gere 0.887 0.043 +gergely 0.932 0.061 +gergen 0.878 0.112 +gerhard 0.950 0.029 +gerhardt 0.908 0.052 +gerhart 0.905 0.059 +geri 0.771 0.070 +geriatr 0.977 0.021 +geriatric 0.598 0.053 +geriatrics 0.807 0.028 +gericht 0.827 0.000 +gericom 0.354 0.182 +gerin 0.862 0.085 +gering 0.784 0.063 +geringer 0.807 0.064 +gerken 0.910 0.066 +gerlach 0.908 0.067 +gerling 0.866 0.086 +gerls 0.033 0.012 +germ 0.280 0.105 +germain 0.865 0.072 +germaine 0.893 0.044 +german 0.905 0.025 +germane 0.070 0.010 +germania 0.869 0.067 +germanic 0.948 0.018 +germanicus 0.948 0.017 +germanium 0.462 0.048 +germann 0.932 0.045 +germano 0.918 0.040 +germans 0.961 0.009 +germantown 0.881 0.077 +germany 0.957 0.024 +germicidal 0.523 0.049 +germinal 0.325 0.017 +germinate 0.028 0.012 +germinated 0.043 0.003 +germinating 0.121 0.008 +germination 0.208 0.014 +germline 0.147 0.012 +germplasm 0.391 0.023 +germs 0.300 0.060 +gern 0.440 0.110 +gerne 0.087 0.009 +gernot 0.941 0.010 +gero 0.643 0.257 +geroge 0.858 0.058 +gerold 0.917 0.049 +gerome 0.894 0.065 +geron 0.775 0.193 +gerona 0.766 0.053 +geronimo 0.640 0.067 +gerontol 0.943 0.043 +gerontological 0.728 0.024 +gerontologist 0.784 0.037 +gerontologists 0.883 0.003 +gerontology 0.761 0.052 +gerrard 0.886 0.066 +gerrards 0.855 0.027 +gerri 0.889 0.060 +gerrit 0.948 0.020 +gerritsen 0.940 0.045 +gerry 0.927 0.049 +gerrymandering 0.199 0.013 +gers 0.422 0.193 +gershman 0.922 0.040 +gershom 0.941 0.044 +gershon 0.933 0.029 +gershwin 0.886 0.046 +gerson 0.932 0.041 +gerstein 0.829 0.153 +gerstner 0.945 0.035 +gert 0.893 0.048 +gerth 0.882 0.081 +gertie 0.888 0.060 +gertler 0.970 0.026 +gertrud 0.948 0.041 +gertrude 0.922 0.066 +gertz 0.950 0.028 +gerund 0.229 0.023 +gervais 0.900 0.062 +gervase 0.904 0.051 +gery 0.605 0.051 +ges 0.321 0.412 +gesamt 0.504 0.021 +gesamte 0.518 0.030 +geschenke 0.523 0.004 +geschichte 0.513 0.013 +geschichten 0.077 0.002 +geschiedenis 0.408 0.012 +geschrieben 0.346 0.000 +gesehen 0.039 0.005 +gesellschaft 0.951 0.028 +gesendet 0.900 0.000 +gesetz 0.724 0.010 +geshe 0.949 0.019 +gesicht 0.685 0.024 +gesichtsbesamung 0.003 0.000 +gess 0.606 0.170 +gessner 0.903 0.064 +gesso 0.411 0.061 +gest 0.436 0.090 +gestalt 0.718 0.048 +gestalten 0.659 0.007 +gestapo 0.884 0.032 +gestation 0.093 0.019 +gestational 0.334 0.010 +geste 0.542 0.054 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0.046 0.002 +gettimeofday 0.004 0.005 +gettin 0.262 0.024 +getting 0.230 0.010 +getto 0.501 0.066 +getty 0.940 0.013 +gettys 0.879 0.048 +gettysburg 0.917 0.043 +geturl 0.010 0.022 +getz 0.880 0.076 +geum 0.824 0.028 +geun 0.520 0.017 +geus 0.491 0.466 +gev 0.260 0.616 +gevaert 0.918 0.076 +gevalia 0.932 0.040 +geven 0.089 0.006 +gevonden 0.086 0.002 +gevril 0.892 0.015 +gewalt 0.785 0.013 +gewicht 0.298 0.005 +gewoon 0.119 0.015 +geworden 0.003 0.000 +gewurztraminer 0.909 0.059 +gex 0.495 0.394 +gey 0.192 0.249 +geyer 0.922 0.068 +geylang 0.890 0.051 +geyser 0.585 0.035 +geysers 0.482 0.023 +geyserville 0.896 0.095 +gez 0.481 0.233 +geza 0.913 0.050 +gezondheid 0.955 0.005 +gezondheidszorg 0.063 0.002 +gf 0.033 0.800 +gfa 0.006 0.932 +gfap 0.013 0.978 +gfb 0.014 0.879 +gfc 0.005 0.916 +gfci 0.016 0.949 +gfd 0.016 0.695 +gfdl 0.000 0.848 +gfe 0.037 0.592 +gferg 0.000 0.000 +gff 0.044 0.850 +gfg 0.017 0.741 +gfi 0.021 0.935 +gfk 0.038 0.878 +gfm 0.051 0.823 +gfo 0.023 0.917 +gforce 0.295 0.082 +gforge 0.321 0.010 +gforth 0.100 0.000 +gfortran 0.008 0.006 +gfp 0.004 0.930 +gfr 0.009 0.956 +gfs 0.008 0.909 +gfsd 0.000 0.034 +gft 0.040 0.806 +gftp 0.009 0.025 +gfx 0.066 0.451 +gfz 0.000 0.696 +gg 0.346 0.512 +gga 0.007 0.807 +ggc 0.001 0.675 +gge 0.055 0.579 +ggf 0.010 0.624 +ggg 0.062 0.715 +gggg 0.012 0.486 +ggh 0.017 0.782 +ggi 0.009 0.448 +ggl 0.035 0.890 +ggld 0.000 0.824 +ggoogle 0.000 0.000 +ggp 0.012 0.914 +ggr 0.092 0.775 +ggs 0.014 0.869 +ggsn 0.000 0.968 +ggt 0.009 0.734 +ggu 0.003 0.974 +ggv 0.089 0.159 +ggz 0.000 0.405 +gh 0.046 0.790 +gha 0.078 0.789 +ghali 0.939 0.035 +ghalib 0.929 0.021 +ghan 0.830 0.064 +ghana 0.939 0.041 +ghanaian 0.962 0.008 +ghanaians 0.972 0.010 +ghandi 0.835 0.058 +ghani 0.922 0.037 +ghanian 0.963 0.013 +ghar 0.778 0.040 +gharib 0.725 0.211 +ghassan 0.931 0.032 +ghast 0.980 0.002 +ghastly 0.150 0.009 +ghat 0.659 0.050 +ghats 0.732 0.016 +ghazal 0.791 0.028 +ghazali 0.956 0.018 +ghazals 0.742 0.095 +ghazi 0.913 0.020 +ghaziabad 0.973 0.021 +ghb 0.017 0.844 +ghc 0.001 0.606 +ghci 0.000 0.019 +ghd 0.094 0.667 +ghe 0.076 0.332 +ghee 0.401 0.038 +ghent 0.941 0.029 +gheorghe 0.915 0.058 +gheorghiu 0.932 0.052 +ghetto 0.349 0.023 +ghettos 0.130 0.007 +ghg 0.002 0.979 +ghi 0.198 0.380 +ghia 0.778 0.083 +ghibli 0.872 0.033 +ghillie 0.668 0.069 +ghirardelli 0.938 0.018 +ghl 0.087 0.838 +gho 0.128 0.726 +ghose 0.938 0.037 +ghosh 0.939 0.041 +ghost 0.614 0.033 +ghostbusters 0.881 0.058 +ghostface 0.858 0.057 +ghosting 0.199 0.008 +ghostly 0.312 0.049 +ghosts 0.504 0.029 +ghostscript 0.438 0.002 +ghostview 0.346 0.018 +ghostwriter 0.424 0.117 +ghostwriting 0.244 0.013 +ghoul 0.598 0.039 +ghoulies 0.844 0.054 +ghoulish 0.244 0.011 +ghouls 0.563 0.022 +ghp 0.045 0.877 +ghq 0.014 0.926 +ghr 0.019 0.925 +ghraib 0.969 0.010 +ghrelin 0.291 0.010 +ghs 0.019 0.923 +ght 0.007 0.371 +ghulam 0.927 0.054 +ghyll 0.917 0.007 +ghz 0.559 0.236 +gi 0.199 0.439 +gia 0.160 0.219 +giac 0.078 0.866 +giacometti 0.919 0.048 +giacomo 0.894 0.029 +giada 0.861 0.057 +giai 0.254 0.043 +giallo 0.647 0.076 +giamatti 0.962 0.018 +giambi 0.860 0.023 +gian 0.416 0.036 +giana 0.912 0.018 +giancarlo 0.768 0.206 +gianfranco 0.870 0.114 +giang 0.898 0.023 +gianluca 0.810 0.153 +gianna 0.688 0.080 +giannetti 0.916 0.068 +gianni 0.823 0.139 +giannini 0.929 0.049 +giannis 0.834 0.094 +giant 0.403 0.041 +giantess 0.223 0.009 +giants 0.747 0.035 +giao 0.200 0.023 +giappone 0.831 0.063 +giapponese 0.213 0.201 +giardia 0.835 0.024 +giardiasis 0.544 0.025 +giardinelli 0.991 0.005 +giardini 0.484 0.036 +giardino 0.459 0.037 +giaschi 0.024 0.000 +giati 0.179 0.027 +gib 0.490 0.303 +gibb 0.892 0.076 +gibbard 0.901 0.046 +gibberish 0.192 0.011 +gibbet 0.242 0.012 +gibbins 0.864 0.120 +gibbon 0.829 0.058 +gibbons 0.892 0.066 +gibbous 0.794 0.003 +gibbs 0.883 0.098 +gibby 0.865 0.043 +gibco 0.747 0.248 +gibernau 0.931 0.058 +giblet 0.259 0.493 +giblets 0.453 0.024 +giblin 0.926 0.064 +gibney 0.899 0.068 +gibraltar 0.946 0.043 +gibralter 0.694 0.278 +gibran 0.923 0.026 +gibson 0.877 0.074 +gibsonia 0.881 0.084 +gibsons 0.887 0.043 +gibt 0.074 0.005 +gic 0.043 0.721 +giclee 0.811 0.017 +giclees 0.694 0.089 +gid 0.036 0.233 +giddens 0.918 0.064 +giddiness 0.068 0.021 +giddings 0.875 0.102 +giddy 0.255 0.017 +gide 0.796 0.046 +gideon 0.894 0.054 +gidget 0.900 0.035 +gidley 0.874 0.115 +gidp 0.002 0.994 +gids 0.338 0.071 +gie 0.182 0.326 +gielen 0.937 0.040 +gielgud 0.961 0.031 +gien 0.563 0.017 +gier 0.297 0.040 +gies 0.172 0.019 +giese 0.913 0.075 +giesen 0.894 0.048 +giessen 0.947 0.025 +gif 0.053 0.430 +giff 0.841 0.078 +giffard 0.597 0.393 +giffen 0.920 0.060 +giffin 0.868 0.113 +gifford 0.871 0.075 +giflib 0.003 0.004 +gifs 0.234 0.029 +gift 0.571 0.033 +giftcard 0.683 0.037 +giftcards 0.239 0.679 +gifted 0.413 0.022 +giftedness 0.277 0.010 +gifting 0.569 0.018 +gifts 0.712 0.019 +giftset 0.793 0.156 +giftshop 0.733 0.040 +giftware 0.752 0.043 +giftwrap 0.611 0.019 +giftwrapping 0.803 0.007 +gifu 0.883 0.096 +gify 0.283 0.000 +gig 0.348 0.085 +giga 0.646 0.251 +gigabeat 0.787 0.021 +gigabit 0.841 0.032 +gigabits 0.319 0.006 +gigablast 0.975 0.001 +gigabyte 0.722 0.112 +gigabytes 0.287 0.014 +gigagalleries 0.083 0.000 +gigahertz 0.340 0.024 +giganews 0.933 0.003 +gigante 0.645 0.055 +gigantea 0.097 0.025 +gigantes 0.661 0.020 +gigantic 0.142 0.017 +gigantor 0.825 0.084 +gigapop 0.769 0.014 +gigas 0.168 0.034 +gigaset 0.825 0.081 +gigbag 0.593 0.198 +giger 0.746 0.100 +gigging 0.182 0.013 +giggle 0.217 0.014 +giggled 0.005 0.001 +giggles 0.315 0.023 +giggling 0.104 0.008 +giggly 0.250 0.011 +giggs 0.880 0.049 +gigi 0.815 0.068 +gigli 0.801 0.158 +giglio 0.761 0.054 +gigmasters 0.995 0.003 +gigo 0.624 0.318 +gigolo 0.738 0.099 +gigolos 0.494 0.273 +gigs 0.411 0.042 +giguere 0.931 0.053 +gigwise 0.983 0.000 +gih 0.019 0.507 +gii 0.023 0.552 +giii 0.051 0.908 +gij 0.018 0.017 +gijoe 0.078 0.781 +gijon 0.769 0.069 +gijs 0.847 0.019 +gil 0.826 0.100 +gila 0.856 0.065 +gilad 0.852 0.020 +gilbane 0.971 0.025 +gilbert 0.908 0.069 +gilberto 0.906 0.062 +gilberts 0.897 0.058 +gilbertson 0.905 0.080 +gilbertsville 0.821 0.142 +gilbey 0.925 0.061 +gilboa 0.846 0.115 +gilbreath 0.854 0.133 +gilby 0.917 0.045 +gilchrist 0.916 0.064 +gild 0.228 0.288 +gilda 0.737 0.076 +gildan 0.927 0.046 +gildas 0.904 0.079 +gilde 0.850 0.036 +gildea 0.855 0.082 +gilded 0.477 0.037 +gilden 0.899 0.061 +gilder 0.911 0.037 +gildersleeve 0.850 0.135 +gilding 0.378 0.036 +gile 0.707 0.072 +gilead 0.888 0.068 +gilera 0.711 0.108 +giles 0.857 0.060 +gilet 0.696 0.105 +gilfillan 0.820 0.174 +gilford 0.908 0.068 +gilgamesh 0.929 0.022 +gilgit 0.944 0.047 +gili 0.919 0.027 +gilkey 0.883 0.087 +gill 0.834 0.065 +gillam 0.872 0.121 +gillan 0.922 0.060 +gillard 0.867 0.095 +gille 0.888 0.058 +gillen 0.916 0.059 +giller 0.945 0.037 +gilles 0.905 0.066 +gillespie 0.910 0.076 +gillet 0.829 0.117 +gillett 0.898 0.087 +gillette 0.843 0.066 +gilley 0.882 0.099 +gillham 0.867 0.105 +gilli 0.691 0.139 +gilliam 0.902 0.066 +gillian 0.893 0.036 +gilliard 0.979 0.009 +gillick 0.949 0.039 +gillies 0.885 0.074 +gilligan 0.920 0.044 +gilliland 0.918 0.075 +gillingham 0.919 0.042 +gillis 0.916 0.069 +gillman 0.918 0.072 +gillmor 0.963 0.019 +gillmore 0.901 0.072 +gillnet 0.259 0.036 +gillon 0.899 0.063 +gills 0.262 0.024 +gillum 0.874 0.103 +gilly 0.876 0.053 +gilman 0.874 0.106 +gilmanton 0.915 0.078 +gilmartin 0.953 0.042 +gilmer 0.885 0.094 +gilmore 0.905 0.050 +gilmour 0.862 0.058 +gilpin 0.878 0.097 +gilroy 0.897 0.061 +gilrs 0.051 0.006 +gils 0.117 0.366 +gilson 0.893 0.074 +gilstrap 0.750 0.239 +gilt 0.231 0.060 +gilts 0.284 0.019 +gilydd 0.032 0.005 +gim 0.314 0.561 +gimbal 0.408 0.048 +gimbel 0.922 0.039 +gimenez 0.850 0.064 +gimignano 0.826 0.047 +gimlet 0.391 0.053 +gimli 0.922 0.034 +gimme 0.687 0.044 +gimmes 0.853 0.043 +gimmick 0.157 0.017 +gimmicks 0.203 0.015 +gimmicky 0.044 0.004 +gimmie 0.575 0.058 +gimnasia 0.313 0.015 +gimp 0.340 0.316 +gimps 0.180 0.609 +gin 0.510 0.083 +gina 0.774 0.053 +ginac 0.056 0.000 +ginei 0.000 0.009 +ginette 0.909 0.059 +ginevra 0.798 0.038 +ging 0.258 0.041 +ginga 0.668 0.247 +ginger 0.626 0.042 +gingerbread 0.606 0.047 +gingerich 0.937 0.054 +gingerly 0.082 0.080 +gingham 0.614 0.084 +gingiva 0.334 0.012 +gingival 0.265 0.010 +gingivalis 0.008 0.004 +gingivitis 0.429 0.010 +gingko 0.637 0.159 +gingras 0.926 0.068 +gingrich 0.946 0.045 +gini 0.879 0.061 +ginkgo 0.782 0.032 +ginko 0.744 0.040 +ginn 0.851 0.082 +ginnie 0.930 0.048 +ginning 0.159 0.023 +ginny 0.903 0.035 +gino 0.874 0.069 +ginobili 0.930 0.046 +gins 0.558 0.041 +ginsberg 0.938 0.034 +ginsburg 0.924 0.063 +ginseng 0.621 0.034 +gint 0.024 0.013 +ginter 0.916 0.055 +ginuwine 0.664 0.043 +ginza 0.915 0.046 +ginzburg 0.952 0.034 +gio 0.627 0.206 +gioacchino 0.960 0.027 +giocattoli 0.120 0.008 +giochi 0.231 0.011 +gioco 0.081 0.010 +giogle 0.193 0.000 +gioi 0.227 0.018 +gioia 0.855 0.069 +gioielli 0.470 0.157 +gion 0.279 0.019 +gional 0.000 0.006 +gions 0.000 0.003 +giordana 0.954 0.028 +giordano 0.884 0.085 +giorgi 0.912 0.060 +giorgia 0.699 0.029 +giorgio 0.856 0.106 +giorgos 0.921 0.055 +giornale 0.423 0.024 +giornali 0.245 0.010 +giorni 0.725 0.006 +giorno 0.281 0.166 +giotto 0.841 0.096 +gious 0.000 0.005 +giovane 0.203 0.090 +giovani 0.267 0.134 +giovanna 0.895 0.036 +giovanni 0.839 0.035 +gip 0.036 0.864 +gipp 0.803 0.102 +gipper 0.905 0.032 +gippsland 0.958 0.032 +gips 0.249 0.648 +gipson 0.880 0.103 +gipsy 0.643 0.115 +gir 0.352 0.333 +gira 0.538 0.214 +giraffe 0.603 0.070 +giraffes 0.498 0.024 +giraldo 0.842 0.058 +girard 0.901 0.076 +girardeau 0.897 0.075 +girardi 0.895 0.062 +giraud 0.910 0.073 +girbaud 0.518 0.367 +gird 0.229 0.062 +girded 0.026 0.004 +girder 0.326 0.129 +girders 0.150 0.023 +girdle 0.288 0.030 +girdles 0.446 0.023 +girdwood 0.891 0.084 +giri 0.679 0.051 +girish 0.848 0.035 +girl 0.318 0.024 +girlcams 0.044 0.000 +girld 0.031 0.000 +girle 0.231 0.011 +girles 0.010 0.002 +girlfriend 0.171 0.015 +girlfriends 0.267 0.016 +girlhood 0.440 0.017 +girlie 0.380 0.041 +girlies 0.238 0.022 +girling 0.850 0.110 +girlish 0.112 0.007 +girls 0.257 0.026 +girlsamateur 0.000 0.000 +girlscam 0.000 0.000 +girlscum 0.000 0.000 +girlshouse 0.000 0.000 +girlshuntinggirls 0.161 0.004 +girly 0.431 0.033 +girlz 0.613 0.052 +giro 0.672 0.080 +girod 0.955 0.027 +girolamo 0.957 0.036 +giron 0.828 0.086 +girona 0.870 0.045 +gironde 0.876 0.038 +giroux 0.938 0.057 +girs 0.039 0.018 +girsl 0.043 0.004 +girt 0.526 0.088 +girth 0.213 0.023 +girths 0.705 0.017 +girton 0.934 0.046 +girvan 0.918 0.063 +gis 0.013 0.957 +gisborne 0.917 0.069 +giscard 0.949 0.028 +gisela 0.918 0.040 +gisele 0.855 0.032 +giselle 0.869 0.040 +gish 0.879 0.075 +gishur 0.007 0.000 +gisle 0.929 0.004 +gispert 0.923 0.071 +giss 0.055 0.903 +gissing 0.957 0.033 +gist 0.208 0.179 +git 0.138 0.135 +gita 0.813 0.059 +gitano 0.749 0.070 +gitarre 0.726 0.026 +gite 0.503 0.054 +gites 0.548 0.022 +gitlin 0.941 0.054 +gitmo 0.888 0.077 +gits 0.254 0.287 +gitte 0.741 0.041 +gittleman 0.951 0.025 +gitzo 0.929 0.041 +giu 0.287 0.128 +giudice 0.610 0.138 +giue 0.065 0.000 +giugno 0.417 0.018 +giulia 0.890 0.037 +giuliana 0.801 0.185 +giuliani 0.945 0.045 +giuliano 0.927 0.045 +giulietta 0.877 0.051 +giulio 0.925 0.032 +giunta 0.884 0.033 +giuseppe 0.929 0.045 +giusti 0.880 0.067 +giusto 0.572 0.048 +giv 0.160 0.154 +give 0.126 0.011 +giveaway 0.636 0.042 +giveaways 0.642 0.025 +givemepink 0.159 0.025 +given 0.088 0.011 +givenchy 0.866 0.095 +givens 0.804 0.062 +giver 0.328 0.022 +giverny 0.918 0.056 +givers 0.221 0.013 +gives 0.069 0.005 +giveth 0.077 0.009 +givi 0.594 0.174 +givin 0.236 0.023 +giving 0.178 0.010 +givn 0.001 0.994 +giz 0.555 0.218 +giza 0.892 0.041 +gizmag 0.470 0.000 +gizmo 0.707 0.023 +gizmodo 0.934 0.002 +gizmondo 0.980 0.010 +gizmos 0.712 0.025 +gizzard 0.278 0.025 +gj 0.034 0.879 +gjt 0.009 0.836 +gk 0.059 0.820 +gkn 0.013 0.961 +gkogle 0.240 0.000 +gkp 0.008 0.958 +gkrellm 0.035 0.000 +gks 0.020 0.831 +gkt 0.009 0.938 +gl 0.051 0.631 +gla 0.062 0.875 +glaad 0.010 0.933 +glabra 0.053 0.020 +glabrata 0.006 0.010 +glabrous 0.019 0.003 +glace 0.613 0.050 +glacial 0.235 0.017 +glaciated 0.194 0.007 +glaciation 0.177 0.015 +glacier 0.707 0.033 +glaciers 0.265 0.013 +glaciology 0.752 0.025 +glad 0.131 0.013 +gladden 0.739 0.059 +gladding 0.911 0.060 +glade 0.545 0.050 +glades 0.716 0.061 +gladesville 0.801 0.147 +gladewater 0.748 0.206 +gladiator 0.805 0.041 +gladiators 0.628 0.060 +gladiolus 0.706 0.054 +gladius 0.750 0.035 +gladly 0.032 0.026 +gladness 0.101 0.014 +gladstone 0.891 0.082 +gladwell 0.964 0.010 +gladwin 0.876 0.099 +glady 0.533 0.058 +gladys 0.908 0.075 +glaeser 0.968 0.027 +glam 0.556 0.099 +glamis 0.872 0.063 +glamor 0.435 0.028 +glamorgan 0.958 0.031 +glamorganshire 0.975 0.012 +glamorise 0.857 0.017 +glamorous 0.154 0.016 +glamour 0.509 0.037 +glamourous 0.396 0.108 +glan 0.639 0.259 +glance 0.735 0.014 +glanced 0.003 0.000 +glances 0.084 0.006 +glancing 0.179 0.004 +gland 0.281 0.018 +glands 0.201 0.014 +glandular 0.347 0.011 +glandulars 0.908 0.012 +glans 0.095 0.006 +glantz 0.856 0.062 +glanville 0.852 0.132 +glanz 0.770 0.095 +glare 0.211 0.031 +glared 0.005 0.004 +glares 0.042 0.013 +glaring 0.030 0.006 +glaringly 0.023 0.004 +glarus 0.891 0.070 +glas 0.616 0.120 +glasco 0.832 0.151 +glascock 0.886 0.092 +glaser 0.951 0.037 +glasgow 0.922 0.035 +glashutte 0.918 0.044 +glasnost 0.586 0.022 +glass 0.550 0.044 +glassblowing 0.518 0.030 +glassboro 0.881 0.091 +glasscock 0.836 0.137 +glassed 0.105 0.015 +glasser 0.923 0.040 +glasses 0.335 0.031 +glassfish 0.269 0.000 +glasshouse 0.641 0.027 +glassine 0.548 0.035 +glassjaw 0.543 0.015 +glassman 0.935 0.043 +glasson 0.884 0.082 +glassware 0.686 0.037 +glasswerk 0.995 0.002 +glassworks 0.485 0.130 +glassy 0.210 0.041 +glast 0.113 0.837 +glasto 0.785 0.020 +glastonbury 0.911 0.038 +glastron 0.863 0.088 +glatt 0.701 0.046 +glauber 0.937 0.030 +glauca 0.115 0.021 +glaucoma 0.419 0.015 +glaucous 0.550 0.082 +glaus 0.914 0.035 +glavin 0.922 0.058 +glavine 0.928 0.043 +glaxo 0.834 0.054 +glaze 0.391 0.052 +glazed 0.325 0.039 +glazer 0.926 0.036 +glazes 0.306 0.021 +glazier 0.815 0.062 +glaziers 0.872 0.031 +glazing 0.454 0.024 +glazunov 0.828 0.164 +glb 0.078 0.817 +glba 0.002 0.983 +glbt 0.004 0.945 +glbtq 0.004 0.368 +glc 0.159 0.755 +gld 0.201 0.616 +gle 0.099 0.389 +gleam 0.132 0.021 +gleamed 0.015 0.000 +gleaming 0.122 0.010 +gleams 0.093 0.065 +glean 0.077 0.010 +gleaned 0.025 0.002 +gleaner 0.864 0.054 +gleaning 0.229 0.011 +gleanings 0.712 0.051 +gleason 0.914 0.064 +gleb 0.936 0.027 +glebe 0.834 0.085 +gledhill 0.895 0.087 +glee 0.256 0.029 +gleeful 0.158 0.005 +gleefully 0.056 0.002 +gleeman 0.918 0.004 +gleeson 0.934 0.052 +gleevec 0.906 0.034 +gleich 0.162 0.009 +gleichen 0.090 0.011 +gleichzeitig 0.053 0.000 +gleick 0.973 0.022 +glemt 0.903 0.007 +glen 0.868 0.089 +glenbrook 0.903 0.086 +glenburn 0.791 0.203 +glencairn 0.934 0.055 +glencoe 0.872 0.090 +glenda 0.902 0.057 +glendale 0.906 0.061 +glendalough 0.832 0.155 +glendinning 0.832 0.073 +glendive 0.898 0.076 +glendon 0.892 0.083 +glendora 0.880 0.083 +gleneagles 0.944 0.033 +gleneden 0.904 0.015 +glenelg 0.800 0.178 +glenfiddich 0.860 0.070 +glenfield 0.812 0.161 +glengarry 0.838 0.144 +glenhaven 0.702 0.290 +glenlivet 0.914 0.051 +glenmont 0.869 0.091 +glenmore 0.836 0.143 +glenn 0.917 0.051 +glenna 0.926 0.050 +glennie 0.813 0.168 +glennon 0.901 0.066 +glenns 0.822 0.117 +glennville 0.836 0.138 +glenorchy 0.811 0.123 +glenrock 0.869 0.104 +glenrothes 0.940 0.047 +glenroy 0.623 0.297 +glens 0.806 0.074 +glenside 0.834 0.115 +glentana 0.989 0.008 +glenview 0.885 0.093 +glenville 0.899 0.089 +glenwood 0.882 0.086 +glenys 0.953 0.029 +glf 0.055 0.804 +glg 0.032 0.903 +glh 0.093 0.844 +gli 0.182 0.231 +glia 0.249 0.046 +gliac 0.000 0.997 +glial 0.172 0.013 +glib 0.190 0.036 +glibc 0.029 0.010 +glick 0.924 0.051 +glickman 0.942 0.050 +glidden 0.866 0.094 +glide 0.507 0.044 +glided 0.006 0.001 +glider 0.524 0.047 +gliders 0.555 0.026 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0.000 +gloomy 0.162 0.010 +glorfindel 0.959 0.005 +gloria 0.872 0.061 +glories 0.263 0.024 +glorieta 0.897 0.068 +glorification 0.111 0.006 +glorified 0.098 0.010 +glorifies 0.042 0.007 +glorify 0.090 0.009 +glorifying 0.101 0.007 +glorioso 0.971 0.010 +glorious 0.223 0.018 +gloriously 0.075 0.004 +glory 0.375 0.026 +gloryhole 0.189 0.003 +gloryholes 0.165 0.002 +glos 0.807 0.090 +gloss 0.467 0.075 +glossaire 0.600 0.017 +glossar 0.901 0.024 +glossaries 0.858 0.007 +glossary 0.790 0.030 +glossed 0.039 0.003 +glosses 0.214 0.060 +glossing 0.237 0.017 +glossop 0.911 0.074 +glossy 0.438 0.054 +gloster 0.873 0.102 +glottal 0.147 0.088 +gloucester 0.913 0.062 +gloucestershire 0.958 0.017 +gloucs 0.891 0.028 +glove 0.529 0.086 +glovebox 0.433 0.032 +gloved 0.069 0.007 +glover 0.902 0.074 +gloversville 0.859 0.123 +gloves 0.577 0.050 +glow 0.424 0.078 +glowed 0.011 0.002 +glowing 0.185 0.014 +glows 0.148 0.028 +glowstick 0.720 0.028 +glowsticks 0.501 0.162 +glp 0.010 0.947 +glpk 0.005 0.232 +glr 0.019 0.913 +gls 0.079 0.822 +glsa 0.000 0.915 +glsen 0.000 0.984 +glt 0.061 0.840 +glu 0.169 0.772 +glucagon 0.359 0.018 +glucan 0.284 0.044 +glucanase 0.061 0.074 +gluck 0.893 0.049 +glucocorticoid 0.248 0.042 +glucocorticoids 0.438 0.015 +glucomannan 0.748 0.008 +gluconate 0.374 0.068 +gluconeogenesis 0.290 0.014 +glucophage 0.459 0.031 +glucosamine 0.645 0.024 +glucose 0.228 0.018 +glucosidase 0.142 0.053 +glucoside 0.136 0.034 +glucosyltransferase 0.051 0.107 +glucotrol 0.854 0.052 +glucuronidase 0.348 0.016 +glucuronide 0.059 0.012 +glue 0.343 0.054 +gluecifer 0.923 0.064 +glued 0.076 0.012 +glues 0.601 0.028 +glug 0.062 0.632 +gluing 0.218 0.024 +glum 0.087 0.013 +glume 0.054 0.008 +gluon 0.184 0.040 +gluons 0.066 0.015 +glut 0.147 0.217 +glutamate 0.199 0.027 +glutamatergic 0.092 0.007 +glutamic 0.454 0.039 +glutamine 0.540 0.029 +glutamyl 0.194 0.046 +glutaraldehyde 0.204 0.063 +glutathione 0.359 0.030 +gluten 0.525 0.038 +glutes 0.229 0.013 +glutinous 0.184 0.011 +glutton 0.313 0.014 +gluttonous 0.191 0.005 +gluttony 0.310 0.016 +glv 0.100 0.835 +glvc 0.000 0.995 +glw 0.011 0.964 +glx 0.049 0.664 +gly 0.289 0.676 +glyburide 0.445 0.053 +glycaemic 0.376 0.007 +glycan 0.222 0.039 +glycans 0.082 0.006 +glycemic 0.457 0.008 +glyceraldehyde 0.337 0.052 +glycerin 0.489 0.032 +glycerine 0.470 0.048 +glycerol 0.243 0.036 +glyceryl 0.495 0.060 +glycine 0.432 0.039 +glyco 0.497 0.057 +glycobiology 0.876 0.022 +glycogen 0.262 0.024 +glycol 0.248 0.081 +glycolic 0.539 0.036 +glycolipids 0.418 0.010 +glycols 0.637 0.054 +glycolysis 0.294 0.022 +glycolytic 0.083 0.017 +glyconutrients 0.533 0.014 +glycoprotein 0.152 0.037 +glycoproteins 0.575 0.007 +glycosaminoglycans 0.502 0.010 +glycoside 0.483 0.014 +glycosides 0.350 0.023 +glycosyl 0.262 0.075 +glycosylase 0.068 0.047 +glycosylated 0.240 0.007 +glycosylation 0.189 0.028 +glycosyltransferase 0.217 0.066 +glyn 0.938 0.035 +glyndebourne 0.963 0.026 +glyndon 0.907 0.078 +glyndwr 0.683 0.305 +glynis 0.848 0.041 +glynn 0.900 0.061 +glyph 0.386 0.011 +glyphosate 0.269 0.055 +glyphs 0.163 0.007 +gm 0.035 0.859 +gma 0.016 0.931 +gmac 0.050 0.760 +gmaes 0.026 0.000 +gmail 0.496 0.034 +gmake 0.003 0.008 +gman 0.373 0.226 +gmane 0.930 0.007 +gmap 0.209 0.351 +gmat 0.038 0.734 +gmax 0.507 0.244 +gmb 0.065 0.722 +gmbh 0.207 0.535 +gmc 0.036 0.881 +gmd 0.003 0.968 +gmdss 0.007 0.979 +gme 0.113 0.765 +gmelin 0.951 0.038 +gmes 0.014 0.480 +gmf 0.006 0.714 +gmg 0.014 0.918 +gmh 0.009 0.900 +gmi 0.014 0.946 +gmime 0.005 0.000 +gmini 0.817 0.097 +gmk 0.010 0.686 +gml 0.010 0.812 +gmm 0.018 0.921 +gmn 0.020 0.915 +gmo 0.008 0.905 +gmp 0.009 0.847 +gmpi 0.000 0.197 +gmpls 0.002 0.776 +gmr 0.007 0.954 +gmres 0.005 0.950 +gmrp 0.000 0.747 +gmrs 0.026 0.930 +gms 0.071 0.599 +gmt 0.000 0.991 +gmtime 0.000 0.817 +gmtv 0.006 0.957 +gmu 0.013 0.949 +gmw 0.007 0.865 +gmx 0.006 0.335 +gn 0.055 0.829 +gna 0.328 0.290 +gnac 0.040 0.930 +gnancy 0.000 0.000 +gnarled 0.106 0.005 +gnarly 0.354 0.024 +gnash 0.310 0.090 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0.005 +gnupg 0.080 0.065 +gnuplot 0.118 0.035 +gnuradio 0.008 0.000 +gnus 0.398 0.014 +gnustep 0.106 0.010 +gnutella 0.701 0.008 +gnutls 0.007 0.036 +gnv 0.029 0.921 +gnvq 0.005 0.990 +go 0.386 0.072 +goa 0.793 0.150 +goad 0.472 0.073 +goaded 0.072 0.014 +goads 0.065 0.014 +goal 0.148 0.028 +goalie 0.433 0.059 +goalies 0.394 0.087 +goalkeeper 0.290 0.032 +goalkeepers 0.490 0.074 +goalkeeping 0.654 0.041 +goalposts 0.312 0.012 +goals 0.198 0.023 +goalscorer 0.453 0.016 +goaltender 0.245 0.061 +goaltenders 0.315 0.176 +goaltending 0.434 0.085 +goan 0.863 0.036 +goat 0.398 0.035 +goatee 0.244 0.009 +goatlist 0.012 0.000 +goats 0.315 0.025 +goatse 0.471 0.047 +goatskin 0.358 0.071 +gob 0.275 0.314 +gobain 0.881 0.085 +gobase 0.012 0.984 +gobbi 0.906 0.059 +gobble 0.328 0.041 +gobbled 0.022 0.006 +gobbledygook 0.319 0.008 +gobbler 0.567 0.031 +gobbles 0.512 0.079 +gobbling 0.099 0.011 +gobel 0.671 0.052 +gober 0.894 0.084 +gobi 0.819 0.058 +gobierno 0.422 0.021 +gobies 0.372 0.018 +gobind 0.928 0.054 +goble 0.766 0.060 +goblet 0.833 0.037 +goblets 0.591 0.063 +goblin 0.770 0.040 +goblins 0.502 0.017 +gobo 0.484 0.088 +gobs 0.153 0.032 +goby 0.382 0.023 +goc 0.118 0.816 +gocek 0.844 0.028 +goch 0.764 0.061 +gockel 0.983 0.006 +god 0.887 0.030 +goda 0.643 0.067 +godaddy 0.492 0.022 +godalming 0.893 0.038 +godard 0.929 0.040 +godavari 0.861 0.102 +goddam 0.239 0.035 +goddammit 0.400 0.084 +goddamn 0.254 0.052 +goddamned 0.192 0.112 +goddard 0.934 0.049 +godden 0.902 0.087 +goddess 0.617 0.038 +goddesses 0.433 0.016 +gode 0.199 0.235 +godel 0.914 0.053 +goderich 0.929 0.058 +godess 0.504 0.040 +godfather 0.788 0.037 +godfathers 0.743 0.046 +godfrey 0.906 0.069 +godhead 0.877 0.014 +godhra 0.977 0.012 +godi 0.261 0.101 +godin 0.927 0.034 +godine 0.448 0.017 +godinger 0.840 0.060 +godiva 0.671 0.069 +godless 0.475 0.027 +godley 0.879 0.099 +godlike 0.416 0.039 +godliness 0.229 0.014 +godly 0.353 0.027 +godman 0.886 0.043 +godmother 0.495 0.023 +godolphin 0.914 0.051 +godot 0.845 0.071 +godoy 0.889 0.068 +godparents 0.466 0.010 +godrej 0.923 0.044 +gods 0.420 0.038 +godsend 0.414 0.038 +godsey 0.868 0.119 +godskitchen 0.799 0.027 +godsmack 0.075 0.004 +godson 0.499 0.058 +godspeed 0.824 0.042 +godspell 0.909 0.053 +godstone 0.950 0.034 +godt 0.505 0.027 +godulike 0.983 0.000 +godunov 0.950 0.032 +godward 0.972 0.018 +godwin 0.900 0.077 +godwit 0.794 0.060 +godz 0.409 0.151 +godzilla 0.868 0.061 +goe 0.161 0.485 +goebbels 0.967 0.019 +goebel 0.784 0.084 +goed 0.208 0.022 +goede 0.390 0.025 +goedkoop 0.206 0.008 +goedkope 0.278 0.001 +goel 0.920 0.039 +goer 0.371 0.076 +goering 0.945 0.043 +goers 0.078 0.010 +goertz 0.798 0.048 +goertzel 0.956 0.008 +goes 0.118 0.024 +goest 0.077 0.012 +goeth 0.092 0.012 +goethe 0.955 0.020 +goettingen 0.946 0.021 +goetz 0.910 0.056 +goetze 0.897 0.045 +gof 0.089 0.620 +gofal 0.464 0.015 +goff 0.888 0.084 +goffe 0.910 0.073 +goffin 0.903 0.047 +goffman 0.964 0.025 +goffstown 0.929 0.061 +goforth 0.841 0.146 +gofyn 0.049 0.000 +gog 0.489 0.374 +gogebic 0.886 0.097 +goggin 0.920 0.051 +goggins 0.953 0.037 +goggle 0.481 0.046 +goggles 0.571 0.062 +gogh 0.865 0.040 +gogle 0.124 0.002 +gogledd 0.886 0.027 +goglee 0.063 0.000 +goglle 0.000 0.000 +gogo 0.421 0.157 +gogol 0.804 0.036 +gogole 0.211 0.000 +goguen 0.938 0.046 +goh 0.782 0.134 +gohan 0.690 0.018 +goi 0.103 0.704 +goiania 0.496 0.023 +goid 0.020 0.019 +goin 0.296 0.032 +going 0.059 0.008 +goings 0.293 0.020 +goins 0.856 0.118 +goiter 0.343 0.019 +goji 0.765 0.111 +gojo 0.407 0.561 +goju 0.846 0.061 +gok 0.058 0.291 +gokhale 0.974 0.020 +goko 0.929 0.058 +goku 0.690 0.026 +gol 0.364 0.352 +gola 0.612 0.214 +golan 0.933 0.025 +goland 0.961 0.012 +golconda 0.820 0.152 +gold 0.658 0.070 +golda 0.920 0.047 +goldbach 0.952 0.026 +goldberg 0.940 0.038 +goldberger 0.939 0.055 +goldblatt 0.934 0.049 +goldblum 0.949 0.019 +goldcoast 0.789 0.014 +golddigger 0.328 0.010 +golde 0.773 0.046 +golden 0.725 0.043 +goldenberg 0.949 0.042 +goldendale 0.858 0.085 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0.033 +gonad 0.191 0.011 +gonadal 0.302 0.028 +gonadorelin 0.930 0.011 +gonadotrophin 0.177 0.016 +gonadotropin 0.367 0.027 +gonadotropins 0.479 0.021 +gonads 0.172 0.017 +goncalves 0.902 0.068 +gonda 0.880 0.042 +gondii 0.018 0.016 +gondola 0.519 0.037 +gondolas 0.435 0.029 +gondor 0.945 0.012 +gondry 0.946 0.016 +gondwana 0.942 0.038 +gone 0.165 0.017 +goner 0.365 0.020 +gong 0.767 0.066 +gongs 0.371 0.028 +gonna 0.140 0.018 +gonococcal 0.286 0.022 +gonorrhea 0.450 0.015 +gonorrhoea 0.373 0.009 +gonorrhoeae 0.014 0.017 +gonsalves 0.918 0.070 +gonz 0.780 0.108 +gonzaga 0.956 0.028 +gonzales 0.909 0.070 +gonzalez 0.896 0.072 +gonzalo 0.902 0.049 +gonze 0.993 0.002 +gonzo 0.748 0.085 +goo 0.412 0.027 +goober 0.665 0.026 +gooch 0.901 0.071 +goochland 0.893 0.089 +good 0.218 0.028 +goodacre 0.948 0.037 +goodale 0.925 0.062 +goodall 0.911 0.068 +goodby 0.628 0.078 +goodbye 0.549 0.031 +goodbyes 0.308 0.015 +goodchild 0.925 0.064 +goode 0.868 0.081 +goodell 0.895 0.091 +gooden 0.904 0.070 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0.005 +goons 0.351 0.062 +goood 0.072 0.048 +gooogle 0.149 0.000 +goop 0.274 0.078 +goos 0.267 0.642 +goose 0.635 0.054 +gooseberries 0.320 0.025 +gooseberry 0.582 0.091 +goosebumps 0.530 0.046 +goosen 0.946 0.046 +gooseneck 0.658 0.057 +gooshing 0.161 0.839 +goossens 0.924 0.054 +gop 0.005 0.982 +gopa 0.875 0.077 +gopal 0.879 0.050 +gopalakrishnan 0.942 0.043 +goped 0.327 0.042 +gopgle 0.247 0.000 +gopher 0.511 0.037 +gophers 0.832 0.015 +gopi 0.733 0.041 +gopinath 0.928 0.031 +gor 0.487 0.258 +gora 0.820 0.049 +gorakhpur 0.990 0.008 +goran 0.942 0.026 +gorau 0.247 0.057 +gorbachev 0.968 0.021 +gord 0.797 0.097 +gorda 0.861 0.040 +gordan 0.870 0.085 +gordano 0.965 0.022 +gordas 0.013 0.004 +gorden 0.839 0.094 +gordian 0.889 0.044 +gordie 0.905 0.050 +gordini 0.914 0.029 +gordo 0.691 0.073 +gordon 0.923 0.053 +gordonii 0.368 0.018 +gordons 0.850 0.058 +gordonsville 0.886 0.088 +gordonville 0.738 0.211 +gordy 0.894 0.072 +gore 0.827 0.070 +gorecki 0.859 0.092 +gored 0.337 0.019 +goree 0.839 0.137 +goregaon 0.820 0.055 +gorelick 0.915 0.070 +goren 0.923 0.043 +gores 0.594 0.050 +goretex 0.586 0.120 +gorey 0.880 0.045 +gorge 0.699 0.028 +gorgeous 0.306 0.082 +gorgeously 0.114 0.008 +gorges 0.633 0.016 +gorgias 0.736 0.027 +gorging 0.128 0.004 +gorgon 0.780 0.064 +gorgonzola 0.683 0.037 +gorgoroth 0.481 0.058 +gorham 0.864 0.090 +gori 0.844 0.058 +gories 0.108 0.035 +gorilla 0.617 0.056 +gorillamask 0.929 0.000 +gorillas 0.503 0.017 +gorillaz 0.254 0.013 +gorin 0.858 0.075 +goring 0.748 0.105 +gorithm 0.004 0.000 +gorizia 0.885 0.043 +gorka 0.937 0.029 +gorky 0.904 0.041 +gorllewin 0.903 0.011 +gorm 0.800 0.036 +gorman 0.900 0.077 +gormley 0.907 0.080 +gorn 0.845 0.045 +goro 0.871 0.046 +goron 0.857 0.022 +gorp 0.192 0.743 +gorrell 0.928 0.061 +gorrie 0.903 0.092 +gorse 0.597 0.019 +gorski 0.890 0.084 +gorsuch 0.929 0.066 +gort 0.835 0.092 +gortex 0.421 0.150 +gorton 0.852 0.133 +gory 0.194 0.023 +gos 0.365 0.402 +gosa 0.134 0.069 +gose 0.426 0.372 +gosford 0.879 0.094 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0.806 0.082 +gotta 0.286 0.021 +gotten 0.011 0.004 +gottes 0.921 0.019 +gottesman 0.951 0.043 +gottex 0.929 0.028 +gottfried 0.944 0.036 +gotthard 0.844 0.074 +gotti 0.774 0.084 +gottingen 0.959 0.030 +gottlieb 0.939 0.045 +gottlob 0.966 0.025 +gottschalk 0.891 0.100 +gottwald 0.952 0.040 +gotu 0.828 0.036 +gotv 0.004 0.932 +goty 0.021 0.907 +gotz 0.787 0.069 +gou 0.544 0.198 +gouache 0.518 0.035 +goucher 0.933 0.047 +gouda 0.801 0.051 +gouden 0.579 0.013 +goudie 0.897 0.068 +goudy 0.975 0.021 +gouge 0.336 0.060 +gouged 0.080 0.008 +gouges 0.390 0.028 +gough 0.926 0.053 +gouging 0.160 0.017 +goulash 0.185 0.023 +goulburn 0.884 0.086 +gould 0.903 0.071 +goulden 0.930 0.052 +goulding 0.916 0.074 +goulds 0.815 0.100 +gouldsboro 0.854 0.066 +goulet 0.913 0.069 +gouna 0.960 0.018 +gounod 0.916 0.061 +gour 0.626 0.035 +gourd 0.462 0.047 +gourde 0.975 0.003 +gourds 0.501 0.036 +gourgeous 0.014 0.012 +gourlay 0.911 0.074 +gourley 0.880 0.108 +gourmand 0.528 0.019 +gourmet 0.839 0.014 +gourmets 0.393 0.020 +gourock 0.937 0.045 +gout 0.444 0.018 +goutal 0.845 0.125 +gouty 0.442 0.014 +gouveia 0.862 0.060 +gouvernement 0.290 0.032 +gouverneur 0.715 0.093 +gov 0.443 0.150 +govan 0.951 0.038 +gove 0.783 0.095 +govenor 0.631 0.044 +gover 0.550 0.050 +goverment 0.386 0.025 +govern 0.070 0.011 +governance 0.471 0.021 +governator 0.848 0.016 +governed 0.022 0.007 +governement 0.336 0.020 +governer 0.579 0.025 +governess 0.222 0.017 +governing 0.245 0.030 +government 0.430 0.017 +governmental 0.213 0.017 +governments 0.190 0.009 +governmentwide 0.535 0.043 +governo 0.450 0.024 +governor 0.693 0.033 +governorate 0.570 0.009 +governorates 0.267 0.005 +governors 0.648 0.021 +governorship 0.185 0.007 +governs 0.024 0.006 +govind 0.877 0.058 +govinda 0.909 0.031 +govt 0.650 0.119 +govts 0.445 0.075 +gow 0.442 0.046 +gowan 0.847 0.109 +gowanda 0.796 0.163 +gowans 0.897 0.046 +gowda 0.958 0.027 +gowdy 0.914 0.056 +gowell 0.979 0.016 +gowen 0.883 0.056 +gower 0.929 0.054 +gowing 0.917 0.033 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0.959 0.030 +graal 0.779 0.068 +grab 0.297 0.033 +grabar 0.350 0.026 +grabbed 0.037 0.002 +grabber 0.601 0.024 +grabbers 0.471 0.021 +grabbing 0.097 0.006 +grabe 0.553 0.042 +graben 0.525 0.035 +graber 0.846 0.055 +grable 0.849 0.068 +grabowski 0.945 0.037 +grabs 0.120 0.017 +graca 0.091 0.007 +gracchus 0.958 0.024 +grace 0.536 0.050 +graced 0.052 0.004 +graceful 0.169 0.007 +gracefully 0.083 0.004 +graceland 0.894 0.067 +graces 0.229 0.019 +graceville 0.780 0.186 +gracey 0.874 0.061 +gracia 0.844 0.055 +gracias 0.507 0.050 +gracie 0.886 0.052 +graciela 0.908 0.040 +gracilis 0.054 0.027 +gracin 0.926 0.024 +gracing 0.096 0.005 +gracious 0.166 0.012 +graciously 0.044 0.003 +graciousness 0.066 0.004 +grackle 0.772 0.039 +graco 0.833 0.074 +gracy 0.879 0.050 +grad 0.620 0.060 +gradation 0.239 0.019 +gradations 0.085 0.006 +gradd 0.555 0.101 +grade 0.456 0.036 +gradebook 0.381 0.006 +graded 0.313 0.049 +graden 0.377 0.030 +grader 0.279 0.025 +graders 0.137 0.012 +grades 0.406 0.026 +gradi 0.159 0.084 +gradient 0.195 0.027 +gradiente 0.954 0.009 +gradients 0.101 0.020 +grading 0.402 0.055 +gradings 0.340 0.086 +gradius 0.927 0.032 +grado 0.495 0.018 +grados 0.184 0.015 +grads 0.484 0.037 +gradu 0.191 0.028 +gradual 0.073 0.012 +gradually 0.083 0.007 +graduate 0.516 0.025 +graduated 0.163 0.009 +graduates 0.278 0.026 +graduateschool 0.011 0.032 +graduating 0.122 0.009 +graduation 0.416 0.026 +graduations 0.338 0.018 +gradwell 0.199 0.012 +grady 0.894 0.076 +grae 0.887 0.047 +graeber 0.925 0.054 +graeco 0.946 0.016 +graef 0.939 0.050 +graeme 0.928 0.036 +graemlins 0.715 0.000 +graetz 0.864 0.125 +graf 0.650 0.065 +grafei 0.052 0.000 +graff 0.830 0.056 +graffiti 0.474 0.034 +graffito 0.165 0.006 +graffitti 0.399 0.039 +grafic 0.263 0.044 +grafica 0.401 0.030 +grafico 0.313 0.017 +graficos 0.692 0.025 +grafik 0.645 0.111 +grafika 0.641 0.052 +grafiken 0.951 0.005 +grafitti 0.369 0.092 +grafix 0.719 0.070 +graflex 0.697 0.186 +graft 0.243 0.028 +grafted 0.096 0.017 +grafting 0.196 0.014 +grafton 0.885 0.090 +grafts 0.101 0.020 +grafx 0.777 0.090 +graham 0.903 0.055 +grahame 0.935 0.037 +grahams 0.669 0.095 +grahamstown 0.901 0.088 +grahn 0.944 0.034 +graig 0.773 0.073 +grail 0.750 0.039 +grain 0.268 0.034 +graine 0.122 0.011 +grained 0.064 0.029 +graines 0.311 0.011 +grainger 0.890 0.074 +graining 0.175 0.020 +grains 0.332 0.025 +grainy 0.127 0.009 +gral 0.366 0.097 +gram 0.324 0.053 +grama 0.446 0.087 +grambling 0.941 0.050 +grameen 0.953 0.016 +gramene 0.962 0.006 +gramercy 0.948 0.035 +gramicci 0.972 0.013 +gramm 0.821 0.139 +gramma 0.525 0.035 +grammaire 0.510 0.018 +grammar 0.384 0.017 +grammarian 0.452 0.026 +grammarians 0.311 0.010 +grammars 0.262 0.008 +grammatical 0.119 0.005 +grammatically 0.126 0.003 +gramme 0.072 0.015 +grammer 0.581 0.037 +grammes 0.095 0.018 +gramming 0.005 0.004 +grammophon 0.944 0.045 +grammy 0.875 0.071 +grammys 0.925 0.021 +gramophone 0.688 0.040 +grampa 0.760 0.029 +grampian 0.952 0.032 +grampians 0.972 0.019 +gramps 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0.011 +grandmothers 0.234 0.014 +grandoe 0.974 0.014 +grandpa 0.691 0.028 +grandparent 0.401 0.016 +grandparenting 0.723 0.012 +grandparents 0.245 0.028 +grandpas 0.371 0.044 +grands 0.547 0.034 +grandson 0.132 0.010 +grandsons 0.079 0.008 +grandstand 0.621 0.126 +grandstanding 0.073 0.005 +grandstands 0.296 0.023 +grandstream 0.950 0.006 +grandtec 0.419 0.555 +grandview 0.879 0.089 +grandville 0.874 0.099 +grandy 0.885 0.075 +graner 0.952 0.034 +grange 0.843 0.087 +grangemouth 0.936 0.031 +granger 0.890 0.072 +grangers 0.928 0.013 +grangeville 0.778 0.154 +granholm 0.952 0.042 +granit 0.606 0.153 +granita 0.660 0.048 +granite 0.567 0.050 +granites 0.341 0.048 +graniteville 0.883 0.065 +graniteware 0.758 0.098 +granitic 0.120 0.017 +granitz 0.994 0.003 +granja 0.444 0.020 +granma 0.795 0.064 +grannie 0.286 0.018 +grannies 0.177 0.013 +grannis 0.877 0.066 +granny 0.330 0.014 +grannys 0.189 0.050 +grano 0.593 0.055 +granola 0.543 0.039 +grant 0.473 0.038 +granta 0.929 0.032 +granted 0.084 0.021 +grantee 0.453 0.028 +grantees 0.293 0.012 +granth 0.940 0.026 +grantham 0.869 0.097 +granting 0.098 0.021 +grantmakers 0.649 0.021 +grantmaking 0.434 0.014 +granton 0.885 0.079 +grantor 0.383 0.029 +grantors 0.272 0.021 +grantown 0.951 0.036 +grants 0.421 0.033 +grantsburg 0.866 0.100 +grantsville 0.901 0.084 +grantville 0.829 0.131 +granular 0.247 0.029 +granularity 0.115 0.006 +granulated 0.207 0.017 +granulation 0.274 0.030 +granule 0.162 0.038 +granules 0.266 0.033 +granulocyte 0.358 0.012 +granulocytes 0.245 0.009 +granuloma 0.404 0.022 +granulomas 0.103 0.006 +granulomatosis 0.355 0.015 +granulomatous 0.253 0.020 +granulosa 0.199 0.012 +granville 0.893 0.081 +grap 0.424 0.142 +grape 0.435 0.105 +grapefruit 0.402 0.027 +grapes 0.338 0.034 +grapeseed 0.593 0.031 +grapevine 0.760 0.049 +grapevinehill 0.824 0.044 +grapevines 0.253 0.019 +graph 0.295 0.016 +graphable 0.974 0.000 +graphed 0.036 0.004 +grapher 0.846 0.008 +graphi 0.368 0.190 +graphic 0.564 0.023 +graphical 0.298 0.007 +graphically 0.112 0.002 +graphics 0.501 0.025 +graphing 0.407 0.014 +graphique 0.319 0.021 +graphiques 0.273 0.020 +graphire 0.834 0.046 +graphis 0.673 0.045 +graphisoft 0.819 0.172 +graphite 0.559 0.062 +graphitti 0.897 0.056 +graphix 0.846 0.038 +graphology 0.491 0.095 +graphs 0.249 0.009 +graphviz 0.099 0.000 +graphy 0.174 0.056 +grappa 0.668 0.067 +grappelli 0.909 0.075 +grapple 0.227 0.021 +grappled 0.012 0.004 +grappler 0.731 0.038 +grapples 0.209 0.009 +grappling 0.232 0.022 +gras 0.261 0.026 +grasmere 0.889 0.076 +grasp 0.050 0.029 +grasped 0.005 0.001 +grasping 0.128 0.005 +grasps 0.056 0.005 +grass 0.320 0.059 +grasse 0.799 0.061 +grassed 0.119 0.011 +grasses 0.211 0.016 +grasshopper 0.586 0.035 +grasshoppers 0.467 0.021 +grassi 0.892 0.059 +grassland 0.287 0.018 +grasslands 0.286 0.013 +grassley 0.795 0.199 +grasso 0.731 0.069 +grassroot 0.364 0.034 +grassroots 0.355 0.018 +grassy 0.300 0.033 +grat 0.276 0.214 +grata 0.275 0.063 +grate 0.255 0.046 +grated 0.088 0.011 +grateful 0.203 0.019 +gratefully 0.030 0.005 +grater 0.512 0.048 +graters 0.790 0.017 +grates 0.227 0.039 +grath 0.694 0.263 +grati 0.038 0.187 +gratia 0.288 0.045 +gratification 0.088 0.007 +gratified 0.020 0.002 +gratify 0.021 0.004 +gratifying 0.057 0.003 +gratin 0.581 0.055 +grating 0.195 0.025 +gratings 0.240 0.030 +gration 0.060 0.009 +gratiot 0.870 0.108 +gratis 0.033 0.007 +gratiscam 0.000 0.000 +gratiscams 0.000 0.000 +gratispics 0.000 0.000 +gratissex 0.008 0.000 +gratissexcam 0.000 0.000 +gratissexcams 0.000 0.000 +gratissolarium 0.000 0.000 +gratitude 0.170 0.011 +graton 0.936 0.043 +gratos 0.012 0.001 +grats 0.425 0.049 +grattan 0.925 0.060 +gratton 0.865 0.110 +gratui 0.000 0.000 +gratuis 0.000 0.000 +gratuit 0.017 0.005 +gratuita 0.611 0.009 +gratuitamente 0.003 0.195 +gratuitas 0.040 0.005 +gratuite 0.016 0.002 +gratuitement 0.001 0.004 +gratuitementtelecharger 0.000 0.000 +gratuites 0.038 0.014 +gratuiti 0.022 0.008 +gratuities 0.296 0.032 +gratuito 0.024 0.005 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0.484 0.039 +gravitational 0.178 0.025 +gravitationally 0.088 0.009 +graviton 0.354 0.012 +gravity 0.332 0.029 +gravois 0.891 0.070 +gravure 0.336 0.037 +gravy 0.434 0.059 +graw 0.773 0.161 +gray 0.617 0.072 +graybar 0.640 0.332 +graydon 0.835 0.040 +grayed 0.068 0.010 +graying 0.163 0.010 +grayish 0.067 0.138 +grayling 0.721 0.069 +grays 0.785 0.068 +grayscale 0.450 0.007 +grayslake 0.875 0.099 +grayson 0.901 0.076 +graystone 0.887 0.079 +graysville 0.822 0.159 +grayton 0.942 0.033 +graz 0.814 0.084 +graze 0.157 0.022 +grazed 0.042 0.008 +grazer 0.739 0.026 +grazers 0.115 0.008 +grazia 0.672 0.255 +graziano 0.909 0.066 +grazie 0.547 0.033 +grazing 0.167 0.019 +grb 0.010 0.772 +grc 0.009 0.829 +grd 0.125 0.806 +grdc 0.000 0.982 +gre 0.100 0.726 +grea 0.314 0.156 +grease 0.429 0.048 +greased 0.099 0.011 +greasemonkey 0.639 0.000 +greaser 0.576 0.062 +greases 0.342 0.044 +greasing 0.187 0.017 +greasy 0.191 0.022 +great 0.324 0.028 +greate 0.183 0.022 +greater 0.220 0.013 +greatest 0.284 0.024 +greatful 0.145 0.029 +greathouse 0.847 0.137 +greatly 0.019 0.009 +greatness 0.171 0.016 +greats 0.370 0.046 +greatsex 0.000 0.000 +greatxxx 0.000 0.000 +greaves 0.842 0.081 +grebe 0.825 0.055 +grebes 0.491 0.108 +grec 0.294 0.143 +grech 0.925 0.053 +grecia 0.613 0.053 +grecian 0.903 0.045 +grecians 0.980 0.008 +greco 0.875 0.059 +greddy 0.788 0.116 +gree 0.136 0.084 +greece 0.907 0.053 +greed 0.248 0.028 +greedily 0.025 0.001 +greedy 0.246 0.016 +greek 0.901 0.029 +greeks 0.956 0.013 +greektown 0.811 0.016 +greeley 0.922 0.061 +greely 0.924 0.063 +green 0.624 0.055 +greenacres 0.820 0.112 +greenaway 0.920 0.061 +greenback 0.577 0.038 +greenbacks 0.300 0.019 +greenbank 0.863 0.085 +greenbaum 0.941 0.048 +greenbelt 0.823 0.032 +greenberg 0.949 0.042 +greenberger 0.945 0.044 +greenblatt 0.968 0.020 +greenbrae 0.894 0.021 +greenbriar 0.799 0.146 +greenbrier 0.849 0.083 +greenbuilding 0.651 0.021 +greenburg 0.918 0.062 +greenbush 0.884 0.076 +greencastle 0.870 0.096 +greendale 0.874 0.098 +greenday 0.443 0.078 +greene 0.905 0.064 +greener 0.431 0.023 +greenery 0.233 0.014 +greenest 0.208 0.010 +greeneville 0.867 0.102 +greenfield 0.830 0.078 +greenfields 0.644 0.069 +greenfingers 0.974 0.008 +greenford 0.902 0.076 +greengrass 0.912 0.058 +greengrocers 0.780 0.008 +greenguy 0.357 0.006 +greenhalgh 0.944 0.049 +greenham 0.888 0.100 +greenhaven 0.937 0.026 +greenhill 0.924 0.063 +greenhills 0.818 0.149 +greenhorn 0.506 0.086 +greenhouse 0.360 0.026 +greenhouses 0.639 0.021 +greenie 0.602 0.082 +greenies 0.778 0.033 +greening 0.663 0.039 +greenish 0.124 0.167 +greenland 0.947 0.044 +greenlandic 0.984 0.007 +greenlaw 0.933 0.055 +greenlawn 0.865 0.120 +greenleaf 0.905 0.065 +greenlee 0.819 0.089 +greenlight 0.835 0.027 +greenman 0.864 0.056 +greenmount 0.796 0.195 +greenness 0.122 0.006 +greenock 0.935 0.046 +greenough 0.880 0.105 +greenpeace 0.953 0.024 +greenpoint 0.836 0.031 +greenport 0.873 0.091 +greens 0.583 0.031 +greensboro 0.955 0.028 +greensborough 0.647 0.269 +greensburg 0.910 0.066 +greenside 0.694 0.046 +greenslade 0.903 0.085 +greensleeves 0.833 0.103 +greenspace 0.440 0.022 +greenspan 0.956 0.026 +greenspoint 0.916 0.063 +greenspun 0.952 0.036 +greenstein 0.935 0.042 +greenstone 0.598 0.116 +greenstreet 0.883 0.071 +greensville 0.895 0.088 +greentown 0.876 0.064 +greentree 0.813 0.098 +greenup 0.806 0.147 +greenvale 0.745 0.228 +greenview 0.858 0.136 +greenville 0.888 0.075 +greenwald 0.954 0.039 +greenway 0.805 0.058 +greenways 0.618 0.046 +greenwell 0.835 0.150 +greenwich 0.937 0.040 +greenwillow 0.987 0.009 +greenwood 0.882 0.068 +greeny 0.472 0.037 +greer 0.904 0.076 +greers 0.830 0.094 +greet 0.221 0.030 +greeted 0.016 0.002 +greeter 0.460 0.023 +greeters 0.677 0.031 +greetin 0.049 0.004 +greeting 0.500 0.021 +greetings 0.731 0.025 +greetlng 0.000 0.000 +greets 0.259 0.011 +greetz 0.584 0.011 +gref 0.577 0.289 +greg 0.932 0.030 +gregarious 0.204 0.004 +gregarius 0.779 0.000 +gregg 0.889 0.084 +gregkh 0.000 0.007 +gregoire 0.931 0.056 +gregor 0.885 0.043 +gregori 0.830 0.057 +gregorian 0.886 0.024 +gregorio 0.912 0.053 +gregory 0.921 0.062 +gregs 0.715 0.037 +gregson 0.920 0.059 +grehan 0.965 0.018 +greider 0.874 0.054 +greif 0.856 0.052 +greifswald 0.932 0.023 +greig 0.908 0.067 +greiner 0.916 0.060 +grek 0.541 0.330 +grell 0.885 0.057 +gremlin 0.739 0.056 +gremlins 0.750 0.056 +gren 0.589 0.211 +grenache 0.916 0.029 +grenada 0.944 0.049 +grenade 0.297 0.029 +grenades 0.166 0.011 +grenadier 0.747 0.066 +grenadiers 0.618 0.051 +grenadin 0.934 0.060 +grenadine 0.681 0.069 +grenadines 0.958 0.037 +grendel 0.843 0.052 +grendon 0.314 0.680 +grenfell 0.882 0.102 +grenier 0.857 0.057 +grenoble 0.717 0.032 +grenville 0.925 0.056 +grenzen 0.795 0.016 +grep 0.053 0.014 +gres 0.759 0.173 +gresham 0.914 0.061 +gresley 0.905 0.084 +gress 0.338 0.047 +gressoney 0.974 0.017 +grestore 0.000 0.000 +gret 0.326 0.149 +greta 0.839 0.107 +gretag 0.970 0.013 +gretch 0.909 0.017 +gretchen 0.877 0.044 +grete 0.658 0.027 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0.044 +grill 0.671 0.042 +grille 0.632 0.052 +grilled 0.445 0.033 +griller 0.812 0.022 +grilles 0.654 0.058 +grilli 0.864 0.053 +grilling 0.672 0.010 +grillo 0.840 0.040 +grills 0.689 0.020 +grillz 0.427 0.013 +grils 0.034 0.003 +grim 0.294 0.023 +grima 0.899 0.045 +grimace 0.200 0.012 +grimaced 0.004 0.000 +grimacing 0.100 0.000 +grimaldi 0.912 0.042 +grimaud 0.658 0.057 +grime 0.446 0.025 +grimes 0.889 0.097 +grimley 0.749 0.235 +grimly 0.093 0.004 +grimm 0.924 0.051 +grimmer 0.708 0.040 +grimmett 0.910 0.084 +grimoire 0.752 0.034 +grimsby 0.915 0.043 +grimshaw 0.921 0.059 +grimsley 0.865 0.118 +grimwood 0.951 0.031 +grimy 0.072 0.009 +grin 0.140 0.091 +grinberg 0.677 0.037 +grinch 0.815 0.048 +grind 0.399 0.039 +grindcore 0.701 0.017 +grindelwald 0.923 0.057 +grinder 0.523 0.062 +grinders 0.706 0.031 +grinding 0.311 0.038 +grindle 0.922 0.058 +grindley 0.784 0.123 +grinds 0.163 0.013 +grindstone 0.465 0.073 +gringo 0.697 0.034 +gringos 0.458 0.029 +grinned 0.005 0.001 +grinnell 0.930 0.057 +grinning 0.154 0.007 +grins 0.155 0.012 +grinspoon 0.879 0.064 +grinstead 0.891 0.041 +grint 0.848 0.037 +griot 0.664 0.061 +grip 0.358 0.062 +gripe 0.267 0.013 +gripen 0.933 0.028 +gripes 0.348 0.011 +griphon 0.013 0.000 +griping 0.069 0.009 +grippe 0.311 0.025 +gripped 0.048 0.003 +gripper 0.518 0.046 +grippers 0.446 0.039 +gripping 0.106 0.007 +grippy 0.252 0.013 +grips 0.444 0.048 +griptape 0.799 0.034 +gris 0.710 0.108 +grise 0.617 0.042 +grisea 0.034 0.018 +griseofulvin 0.485 0.033 +griseus 0.009 0.022 +grisha 0.911 0.008 +grisham 0.919 0.056 +grisly 0.090 0.006 +grisman 0.951 0.029 +grisoft 0.724 0.188 +grissom 0.833 0.138 +grist 0.633 0.034 +gristle 0.586 0.059 +gristmill 0.764 0.006 +griswold 0.886 0.080 +grit 0.399 0.066 +grito 0.438 0.028 +grits 0.499 0.076 +gritted 0.022 0.006 +gritting 0.295 0.025 +gritty 0.228 0.019 +grivel 0.960 0.021 +griz 0.849 0.052 +grizzle 0.679 0.072 +grizzled 0.202 0.003 +grizzlies 0.915 0.021 +grizzly 0.686 0.054 +grk 0.210 0.676 +grl 0.064 0.663 +grls 0.043 0.030 +grm 0.072 0.766 +grml 0.006 0.198 +grn 0.215 0.659 +grnd 0.253 0.422 +gro 0.455 0.356 +groan 0.104 0.016 +groaned 0.003 0.001 +groaning 0.074 0.006 +groans 0.063 0.028 +groat 0.700 0.095 +groats 0.489 0.079 +grob 0.599 0.103 +grobag 0.712 0.070 +groban 0.778 0.025 +groce 0.823 0.067 +grocer 0.449 0.023 +groceries 0.498 0.014 +grocers 0.707 0.037 +grocery 0.646 0.015 +grodno 0.962 0.028 +groen 0.726 0.105 +groene 0.612 0.022 +groeneveld 0.952 0.030 +groening 0.910 0.059 +groep 0.559 0.090 +groesbeck 0.843 0.121 +groesste 0.011 0.004 +groff 0.401 0.016 +grog 0.521 0.037 +grogan 0.904 0.087 +groggy 0.093 0.009 +groh 0.956 0.033 +grohe 0.854 0.068 +grohl 0.880 0.037 +grohol 0.989 0.005 +groin 0.147 0.012 +grok 0.448 0.066 +grokking 0.758 0.000 +groklaw 0.859 0.089 +groks 0.891 0.000 +grokster 0.908 0.007 +grolier 0.876 0.046 +grolsch 0.794 0.061 +grom 0.649 0.144 +gromacs 0.309 0.380 +gromer 0.958 0.036 +gromit 0.941 0.030 +grommet 0.447 0.107 +grommets 0.340 0.037 +gromov 0.963 0.031 +grond 0.179 0.012 +grondahl 0.878 0.088 +gronholm 0.972 0.022 +groningen 0.893 0.020 +groo 0.783 0.086 +groom 0.517 0.038 +groomed 0.119 0.005 +groomer 0.554 0.036 +groomers 0.568 0.023 +grooming 0.643 0.026 +grooms 0.479 0.072 +groomsman 0.513 0.014 +groomsmen 0.580 0.011 +groop 0.862 0.027 +groot 0.802 0.027 +groote 0.923 0.037 +groothuis 0.986 0.006 +grootste 0.050 0.007 +groove 0.528 0.072 +grooved 0.278 0.042 +groover 0.713 0.065 +grooves 0.348 0.057 +groovie 0.741 0.038 +groovin 0.716 0.056 +grooving 0.289 0.041 +groovy 0.625 0.046 +grope 0.144 0.039 +groped 0.101 0.004 +groping 0.130 0.007 +gropius 0.933 0.042 +gropsex 0.000 0.031 +gros 0.464 0.072 +grosbeak 0.820 0.066 +grose 0.815 0.141 +grosfeld 0.920 0.067 +grosgrain 0.447 0.122 +grosjean 0.947 0.044 +gross 0.400 0.047 +grossberg 0.966 0.022 +grossbritannien 0.969 0.012 +grosse 0.650 0.056 +grossed 0.041 0.005 +grossen 0.244 0.035 +grosser 0.518 0.050 +grosses 0.499 0.073 +grossesse 0.030 0.002 +grossest 0.059 0.006 +grosset 0.942 0.043 +grosseto 0.905 0.026 +grossi 0.785 0.063 +grossing 0.259 0.008 +grossly 0.033 0.016 +grossman 0.933 0.047 +grossmann 0.929 0.055 +grossmont 0.929 0.047 +grosso 0.805 0.031 +grosvenor 0.913 0.049 +grosz 0.921 0.050 +grote 0.645 0.027 +grotesk 0.996 0.001 +grotesque 0.208 0.012 +grotesquely 0.024 0.005 +groth 0.861 0.071 +grothendieck 0.984 0.011 +grotius 0.906 0.046 +groton 0.912 0.065 +grotta 0.843 0.067 +grotte 0.721 0.078 +grotto 0.674 0.026 +grottoes 0.564 0.047 +grotty 0.063 0.027 +grou 0.479 0.179 +grouch 0.660 0.031 +groucho 0.875 0.035 +grouchy 0.573 0.010 +groun 0.820 0.013 +ground 0.266 0.028 +groundbreaking 0.168 0.011 +groundcover 0.298 0.023 +groundcovers 0.464 0.062 +grounde 0.009 0.000 +grounded 0.106 0.008 +grounder 0.143 0.011 +groundfish 0.314 0.046 +groundhog 0.876 0.016 +groundhogs 0.558 0.060 +grounding 0.253 0.027 +groundless 0.041 0.010 +groundnut 0.333 0.022 +groundnuts 0.294 0.020 +grounds 0.184 0.016 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0.068 +grump 0.608 0.040 +grumpy 0.468 0.030 +grun 0.666 0.039 +grunberg 0.762 0.062 +grund 0.754 0.031 +grundfos 0.882 0.075 +grundgebuehr 0.000 0.000 +grundig 0.894 0.071 +grundlagen 0.851 0.014 +grundler 0.835 0.008 +grundy 0.881 0.092 +gruner 0.948 0.040 +grunewald 0.950 0.036 +grunfeld 0.867 0.032 +grunge 0.604 0.022 +grungy 0.128 0.019 +grunin 0.996 0.000 +grunt 0.397 0.028 +grunted 0.006 0.000 +grunting 0.107 0.007 +grunts 0.249 0.021 +grunwald 0.937 0.037 +grup 0.346 0.096 +grupa 0.497 0.046 +grupal 0.005 0.003 +grupo 0.587 0.053 +grupos 0.350 0.011 +grupp 0.559 0.136 +gruppe 0.764 0.025 +gruppen 0.809 0.017 +gruppenfick 0.000 0.000 +gruppensex 0.218 0.000 +gruppi 0.289 0.023 +gruppo 0.428 0.083 +grupsex 0.000 0.032 +grus 0.786 0.046 +grusin 0.917 0.065 +gruss 0.849 0.032 +grutter 0.894 0.100 +gruver 0.808 0.122 +gruyere 0.719 0.079 +gruyter 0.983 0.015 +grv 0.160 0.782 +grw 0.081 0.778 +grwp 0.442 0.038 +grwpiau 0.154 0.005 +grx 0.067 0.782 +gry 0.229 0.313 +gryffindor 0.954 0.018 +gryphon 0.892 0.030 +gryphons 0.815 0.026 +grzegorz 0.956 0.013 +gs 0.038 0.829 +gsa 0.007 0.970 +gsas 0.000 0.917 +gsasl 0.017 0.004 +gsave 0.000 0.015 +gsb 0.018 0.914 +gsc 0.013 0.947 +gschem 0.017 0.000 +gsd 0.045 0.891 +gse 0.008 0.921 +gsf 0.008 0.830 +gsfc 0.001 0.989 +gsfonts 0.000 0.000 +gsg 0.011 0.903 +gsh 0.012 0.954 +gsi 0.020 0.905 +gsiftp 0.000 0.023 +gsk 0.009 0.955 +gsl 0.011 0.522 +gsm 0.021 0.846 +gsmes 0.007 0.000 +gsmp 0.000 0.560 +gsn 0.006 0.931 +gso 0.014 0.939 +gsp 0.021 0.935 +gspc 0.000 0.986 +gsph 0.000 0.995 +gsr 0.024 0.860 +gss 0.008 0.899 +gssapi 0.005 0.604 +gst 0.009 0.863 +gstaad 0.936 0.041 +gstreamer 0.040 0.009 +gstring 0.149 0.027 +gsu 0.014 0.918 +gsub 0.013 0.100 +gsus 0.452 0.508 +gsv 0.017 0.911 +gsw 0.013 0.809 +gsx 0.013 0.874 +gsxr 0.037 0.662 +gt 0.041 0.657 +gta 0.015 0.770 +gtap 0.000 0.990 +gtb 0.020 0.915 +gtc 0.006 0.878 +gtd 0.056 0.666 +gte 0.022 0.891 +gtech 0.305 0.637 +gtf 0.022 0.917 +gtg 0.004 0.748 +gtgt 0.000 0.173 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0.007 +guilderland 0.825 0.148 +guilders 0.871 0.007 +guildford 0.924 0.043 +guildhall 0.911 0.059 +guildhouse 0.960 0.000 +guildpact 0.881 0.109 +guilds 0.678 0.016 +guildwars 0.832 0.023 +guile 0.245 0.021 +guilford 0.916 0.066 +guilfoyle 0.922 0.066 +guilhem 0.804 0.015 +guilherme 0.951 0.021 +guilin 0.933 0.026 +guillain 0.958 0.011 +guillaume 0.949 0.027 +guillem 0.940 0.021 +guillemot 0.872 0.063 +guillen 0.940 0.037 +guillermo 0.933 0.041 +guillory 0.773 0.102 +guillot 0.848 0.105 +guillotine 0.473 0.043 +guillotines 0.594 0.095 +guilt 0.128 0.010 +guiltless 0.181 0.012 +guilty 0.148 0.021 +guimaraes 0.924 0.063 +guimond 0.933 0.049 +guin 0.892 0.059 +guinan 0.919 0.068 +guinea 0.901 0.044 +guinean 0.968 0.020 +guineas 0.544 0.020 +guinee 0.833 0.129 +guiness 0.741 0.045 +guinevere 0.909 0.043 +guinn 0.825 0.167 +guinness 0.885 0.066 +guinot 0.807 0.152 +guint 0.018 0.000 +guion 0.875 0.061 +guisborough 0.898 0.042 +guise 0.144 0.015 +guiseley 0.939 0.052 +guiseppe 0.911 0.056 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+gulps 0.100 0.018 +gulshan 0.921 0.045 +gulu 0.943 0.026 +gum 0.391 0.071 +gumball 0.693 0.062 +gumballs 0.631 0.039 +gumbel 0.938 0.035 +gumbet 0.886 0.011 +gumbo 0.657 0.046 +gumby 0.802 0.065 +gummed 0.439 0.046 +gummer 0.919 0.040 +gummerson 0.979 0.007 +gummi 0.627 0.032 +gummy 0.479 0.036 +gump 0.576 0.121 +gumption 0.198 0.111 +gums 0.291 0.056 +gumshoe 0.624 0.025 +gumtree 0.955 0.002 +gun 0.371 0.052 +guna 0.349 0.070 +gunboat 0.452 0.017 +gunboats 0.135 0.012 +gunbound 0.463 0.019 +gunbroker 0.918 0.055 +gund 0.821 0.142 +gundam 0.808 0.047 +gundersen 0.950 0.035 +gunderson 0.931 0.059 +gundlach 0.941 0.048 +gundog 0.749 0.068 +gundy 0.882 0.091 +gunfight 0.484 0.027 +gunfighter 0.657 0.056 +gunfire 0.148 0.013 +gung 0.593 0.028 +gunga 0.891 0.042 +gungahlin 0.754 0.242 +gungrave 0.936 0.024 +gunilla 0.965 0.020 +gunit 0.100 0.069 +gunite 0.554 0.100 +gunk 0.230 0.111 +gunma 0.825 0.159 +gunman 0.331 0.018 +gunmen 0.322 0.010 +gunmetal 0.732 0.073 +gunn 0.910 0.065 +gunna 0.125 0.028 +gunnar 0.949 0.021 +gunnarsson 0.958 0.038 +gunne 0.578 0.278 +gunned 0.049 0.008 +gunnedah 0.757 0.180 +gunnell 0.893 0.092 +gunner 0.622 0.042 +gunners 0.606 0.032 +gunnery 0.608 0.035 +gunning 0.506 0.059 +gunnison 0.912 0.066 +gunns 0.708 0.155 +gunny 0.705 0.018 +gunpoint 0.072 0.009 +gunpowder 0.493 0.032 +guns 0.422 0.034 +gunship 0.552 0.041 +gunships 0.099 0.014 +gunshot 0.173 0.015 +gunshots 0.108 0.015 +gunslinger 0.677 0.046 +gunsmith 0.609 0.065 +gunsmithing 0.708 0.076 +gunsmiths 0.762 0.031 +gunsmoke 0.836 0.091 +gunstar 0.910 0.018 +gunstock 0.793 0.046 +gunston 0.922 0.068 +gunter 0.899 0.072 +guntersville 0.869 0.087 +gunther 0.914 0.055 +gunton 0.866 0.099 +guntur 0.970 0.022 +gunung 0.869 0.054 +gunz 0.695 0.044 +gunzip 0.021 0.016 +guo 0.864 0.062 +gup 0.241 0.531 +guppi 0.487 0.004 +guppies 0.317 0.025 +guppy 0.664 0.055 +gupta 0.877 0.078 +guptill 0.956 0.038 +gur 0.466 0.122 +gura 0.795 0.057 +gurantee 0.267 0.064 +guranteed 0.228 0.065 +gurdjieff 0.934 0.037 +gurdon 0.862 0.100 +gurdwara 0.780 0.020 +gurdy 0.437 0.031 +gure 0.034 0.012 +gurevich 0.953 0.036 +gurgaon 0.954 0.024 +gurgle 0.137 0.033 +gurgling 0.083 0.017 +gurion 0.959 0.023 +gurkha 0.909 0.039 +gurl 0.264 0.085 +gurley 0.873 0.093 +gurls 0.235 0.060 +gurmukhi 0.406 0.509 +gurnee 0.887 0.067 +gurney 0.779 0.055 +gurps 0.062 0.738 +gurr 0.913 0.064 +gursky 0.913 0.029 +gurteen 0.987 0.009 +guru 0.672 0.035 +gurung 0.916 0.053 +gurus 0.460 0.012 +gus 0.755 0.165 +gusev 0.972 0.020 +gush 0.464 0.021 +gushed 0.012 0.002 +gusher 0.348 0.011 +gushers 0.234 0.007 +gushes 0.062 0.006 +gushing 0.193 0.005 +guss 0.712 0.110 +gusset 0.441 0.041 +gusseted 0.416 0.016 +gussets 0.168 0.012 +gussie 0.878 0.101 +gust 0.395 0.234 +gusta 0.130 0.028 +gustaf 0.928 0.039 +gustafson 0.920 0.071 +gustafsson 0.944 0.049 +gustatory 0.176 0.019 +gustav 0.923 0.036 +gustave 0.876 0.034 +gustavo 0.927 0.033 +gustavson 0.936 0.059 +gustavsson 0.973 0.023 +gustavus 0.934 0.057 +guster 0.565 0.020 +gustin 0.870 0.092 +gustine 0.822 0.148 +gusting 0.046 0.098 +gusto 0.286 0.079 +gusts 0.116 0.323 +gusty 0.165 0.211 +gut 0.244 0.051 +gute 0.199 0.010 +guten 0.274 0.010 +gutenberg 0.890 0.099 +guth 0.882 0.081 +guthrie 0.899 0.079 +gutierrez 0.895 0.088 +gutknecht 0.769 0.228 +gutless 0.307 0.023 +gutman 0.935 0.047 +gutmann 0.891 0.049 +guts 0.167 0.037 +gutshot 0.057 0.011 +gutsy 0.228 0.016 +gutta 0.474 0.048 +gutted 0.103 0.016 +guttenberg 0.896 0.081 +gutter 0.371 0.074 +gutteridge 0.942 0.043 +guttering 0.529 0.019 +gutterman 0.443 0.015 +guttermouth 0.701 0.029 +gutters 0.465 0.024 +gutting 0.189 0.018 +guttmacher 0.980 0.015 +guttman 0.918 0.051 +guttmann 0.960 0.028 +guttural 0.123 0.011 +guu 0.740 0.227 +guug 0.000 0.988 +guus 0.875 0.041 +guv 0.399 0.165 +guwahati 0.963 0.031 +guy 0.305 0.019 +guyana 0.948 0.044 +guyane 0.886 0.035 +guyanese 0.975 0.009 +guyer 0.902 0.060 +guymon 0.833 0.136 +guyon 0.823 0.148 +guyot 0.926 0.046 +guys 0.131 0.016 +guysborough 0.956 0.040 +guyton 0.894 0.084 +guyver 0.798 0.054 +guyz 0.193 0.079 +guzman 0.863 0.068 +guzzi 0.895 0.056 +guzzler 0.394 0.035 +guzzlers 0.095 0.070 +guzzles 0.027 0.000 +guzzling 0.123 0.021 +gv 0.052 0.753 +gva 0.085 0.872 +gvanrossum 0.000 0.000 +gvc 0.009 0.940 +gvg 0.005 0.855 +gvhd 0.002 0.970 +gvi 0.023 0.907 +gview 0.001 0.001 +gvim 0.039 0.042 +gvp 0.020 0.914 +gvrd 0.004 0.992 +gvrp 0.000 0.761 +gvsu 0.009 0.960 +gvt 0.206 0.616 +gvw 0.013 0.901 +gvwr 0.006 0.972 +gw 0.024 0.859 +gwa 0.061 0.819 +gwahanol 0.012 0.000 +gwaii 0.943 0.039 +gwaith 0.232 0.008 +gwalior 0.973 0.019 +gwangju 0.974 0.017 +gwar 0.243 0.116 +gwasanaeth 0.460 0.012 +gwasanaethau 0.543 0.022 +gwastraff 0.550 0.014 +gwb 0.005 0.960 +gwc 0.008 0.822 +gwd 0.015 0.809 +gwe 0.323 0.294 +gweather 0.001 0.000 +gwefan 0.458 0.006 +gweithgareddau 0.234 0.013 +gweithio 0.343 0.006 +gweithredu 0.304 0.026 +gweld 0.352 0.020 +gweler 0.566 0.002 +gwella 0.273 0.017 +gwen 0.671 0.036 +gwendolyn 0.918 0.065 +gwenole 0.988 0.000 +gwent 0.957 0.022 +gwerth 0.308 0.041 +gwf 0.018 0.877 +gwg 0.009 0.907 +gwi 0.082 0.862 +gwiazdy 0.012 0.007 +gwilym 0.949 0.037 +gwin 0.703 0.205 +gwinn 0.878 0.106 +gwinnett 0.912 0.053 +gwirfoddol 0.324 0.011 +gwlad 0.889 0.007 +gwm 0.117 0.563 +gwn 0.040 0.805 +gwneud 0.103 0.004 +gwo 0.313 0.467 +gwot 0.021 0.912 +gwp 0.006 0.696 +gwr 0.016 0.896 +gws 0.023 0.889 +gwt 0.036 0.850 +gwtp 0.000 0.047 +gwu 0.023 0.907 +gwy 0.052 0.075 +gwybod 0.031 0.004 +gwybodaeth 0.481 0.014 +gwydion 0.858 0.007 +gwyn 0.867 0.049 +gwynedd 0.966 0.021 +gwyneth 0.924 0.022 +gwynn 0.945 0.038 +gwynne 0.925 0.043 +gx 0.077 0.800 +gxe 0.027 0.881 +gxp 0.012 0.913 +gxs 0.010 0.917 +gy 0.293 0.400 +gya 0.077 0.240 +gyan 0.800 0.109 +gyanendra 0.978 0.013 +gyapower 0.012 0.000 +gyatso 0.942 0.049 +gyd 0.007 0.846 +gyda 0.073 0.020 +gydag 0.038 0.008 +gye 0.599 0.267 +gyeonggi 0.967 0.019 +gyfer 0.011 0.011 +gyffredinol 0.149 0.016 +gyfrifol 0.000 0.000 +gyi 0.335 0.289 +gyllenhaal 0.932 0.016 +gym 0.425 0.038 +gymboree 0.686 0.230 +gymkhana 0.816 0.036 +gymn 0.270 0.390 +gymnasium 0.521 0.020 +gymnasiums 0.660 0.014 +gymnast 0.251 0.033 +gymnastic 0.432 0.060 +gymnastics 0.729 0.031 +gymnasts 0.236 0.018 +gymnema 0.875 0.018 +gymorth 0.279 0.006 +gympie 0.739 0.232 +gymraeg 0.980 0.013 +gymru 0.947 0.048 +gyms 0.640 0.013 +gymuned 0.296 0.010 +gyn 0.282 0.559 +gynaecol 0.987 0.009 +gynaecological 0.435 0.022 +gynaecologist 0.406 0.020 +gynaecologists 0.760 0.011 +gynaecology 0.786 0.031 +gyne 0.756 0.052 +gynecol 0.991 0.006 +gynecologic 0.700 0.019 +gynecological 0.441 0.029 +gynecologist 0.263 0.012 +gynecologists 0.823 0.004 +gynecology 0.803 0.037 +gynecomastia 0.466 0.009 +gynnwys 0.005 0.003 +gyno 0.190 0.007 +gynosex 0.006 0.000 +gynt 0.816 0.059 +gyntaf 0.189 0.028 +gyo 0.507 0.119 +gyorgy 0.963 0.029 +gyp 0.473 0.200 +gypsies 0.706 0.026 +gypsum 0.418 0.123 +gypsy 0.705 0.059 +gypsyman 0.047 0.000 +gyr 0.836 0.102 +gyra 0.888 0.041 +gyrase 0.095 0.044 +gyrating 0.085 0.011 +gyration 0.639 0.149 +gyrations 0.053 0.010 +gyre 0.406 0.028 +gyro 0.447 0.114 +gyros 0.517 0.098 +gyroscope 0.327 0.026 +gyroscopes 0.264 0.033 +gyroscopic 0.249 0.040 +gyrus 0.132 0.008 +gysylltu 0.033 0.000 +gyu 0.558 0.066 +gyula 0.921 0.056 +gz 0.057 0.657 +gza 0.194 0.747 +gzip 0.023 0.766 +gzipped 0.149 0.002 +gzz 0.590 0.013 +h 0.693 0.000 +ha 0.207 0.337 +haa 0.221 0.433 +haabaa 0.998 0.000 +haack 0.922 0.058 +haad 0.836 0.066 +haag 0.795 0.053 +haagen 0.916 0.038 +haak 0.855 0.077 +haake 0.801 0.137 +haakon 0.914 0.053 +haan 0.865 0.065 +haap 0.015 0.978 +haar 0.525 0.017 +haaretz 0.952 0.015 +haarlem 0.885 0.027 +haarp 0.038 0.930 +haart 0.216 0.740 +haas 0.908 0.064 +haase 0.914 0.071 +haass 0.961 0.035 +haast 0.919 0.018 +haat 0.268 0.591 +hab 0.271 0.238 +haba 0.674 0.224 +habakkuk 0.995 0.004 +habana 0.888 0.055 +habanero 0.724 0.031 +habbo 0.695 0.030 +habe 0.109 0.010 +habeas 0.248 0.021 +haben 0.037 0.004 +haber 0.735 0.036 +haberdashery 0.662 0.028 +haberman 0.886 0.082 +habermann 0.908 0.041 +habermas 0.969 0.015 +habersham 0.883 0.068 +habib 0.904 0.050 +habibi 0.831 0.037 +habilitation 0.529 0.032 +habit 0.152 0.021 +habitability 0.256 0.033 +habitable 0.134 0.016 +habitaciones 0.603 0.013 +habitants 0.074 0.009 +habitat 0.318 0.027 +habitation 0.127 0.013 +habitations 0.103 0.011 +habitats 0.176 0.009 +habits 0.174 0.016 +habitual 0.146 0.032 +habitually 0.029 0.004 +habituated 0.054 0.000 +habituation 0.194 0.009 +habitus 0.364 0.007 +habla 0.576 0.034 +hablamos 0.871 0.026 +hablar 0.330 0.014 +hable 0.487 0.075 +habra 0.876 0.067 +habs 0.574 0.196 +habsburg 0.929 0.045 +habt 0.243 0.014 +hac 0.107 0.633 +hacc 0.006 0.975 +haccp 0.006 0.970 +hace 0.112 0.065 +hacen 0.052 0.025 +hacer 0.087 0.031 +hacerlo 0.020 0.009 +hach 0.777 0.159 +hache 0.705 0.236 +hachette 0.856 0.034 +hacia 0.163 0.044 +hacienda 0.807 0.048 +haciendo 0.096 0.015 +hack 0.283 0.054 +hackbarth 0.948 0.049 +hackberry 0.730 0.079 +hacked 0.211 0.115 +hackensack 0.901 0.079 +hacker 0.155 0.341 +hackers 0.240 0.048 +hackett 0.914 0.070 +hackettstown 0.878 0.100 +hackford 0.961 0.027 +hacking 0.367 0.028 +hackle 0.439 0.046 +hackles 0.166 0.018 +hackley 0.922 0.064 +hackman 0.914 0.046 +hackmaster 0.951 0.016 +hackney 0.903 0.041 +hackneyed 0.042 0.003 +hacks 0.572 0.009 +hacksaw 0.525 0.095 +hackworth 0.892 0.093 +hacky 0.512 0.048 +had 0.013 0.003 +hada 0.553 0.087 +hadac 0.018 0.004 +hadad 0.842 0.039 +hadamard 0.943 0.018 +hadar 0.894 0.051 +hadas 0.818 0.041 +hadassah 0.946 0.044 +hadcore 0.035 0.000 +haddad 0.937 0.044 +haddam 0.917 0.058 +haddaway 0.271 0.014 +hadde 0.055 0.005 +hadden 0.768 0.080 +haddington 0.940 0.045 +haddix 0.939 0.038 +haddock 0.617 0.053 +haddon 0.881 0.094 +haddonfield 0.905 0.072 +hade 0.144 0.036 +hadeeth 0.539 0.015 +haden 0.905 0.077 +hades 0.804 0.057 +hadfield 0.803 0.180 +hadi 0.871 0.042 +hadid 0.919 0.034 +hadith 0.645 0.015 +hadiths 0.572 0.040 +hadji 0.790 0.035 +hadleigh 0.862 0.040 +hadley 0.901 0.075 +hadlock 0.837 0.097 +hadn 0.028 0.010 +hadnt 0.028 0.006 +hadrian 0.954 0.027 +hadron 0.336 0.049 +hadronic 0.219 0.031 +hadrons 0.139 0.044 +hads 0.029 0.891 +hadst 0.063 0.000 +hadsy 0.976 0.005 +hae 0.328 0.145 +haec 0.263 0.076 +haeckel 0.961 0.025 +haeger 0.866 0.087 +haem 0.156 0.052 +haematol 0.985 0.013 +haematological 0.290 0.012 +haematology 0.769 0.041 +haemodialysis 0.187 0.017 +haemodynamic 0.192 0.007 +haemoglobin 0.170 0.014 +haemolytic 0.185 0.017 +haemophilia 0.481 0.021 +haemophilus 0.945 0.016 +haemorrhage 0.149 0.021 +haemorrhagic 0.183 0.017 +haemorrhoids 0.538 0.013 +haemostasis 0.605 0.048 +haengetitten 0.000 0.000 +haengetittens 0.000 0.000 +haf 0.143 0.354 +hafan 0.892 0.024 +hafele 0.909 0.070 +hafen 0.362 0.019 +hafer 0.841 0.142 +hafez 0.935 0.033 +haff 0.763 0.092 +haffner 0.935 0.053 +hafiz 0.893 0.036 +hafler 0.839 0.081 +haflinger 0.914 0.015 +hafner 0.918 0.062 +hafnium 0.374 0.037 +haft 0.521 0.060 +hafta 0.066 0.026 +haftung 0.965 0.017 +haftungsausschluss 0.920 0.072 +hag 0.455 0.150 +haga 0.770 0.033 +hagan 0.867 0.078 +haganah 0.887 0.006 +hagans 0.938 0.057 +hagar 0.788 0.048 +hagberg 0.949 0.038 +hage 0.837 0.070 +hagedorn 0.936 0.053 +hagee 0.876 0.086 +hagel 0.918 0.063 +hagelin 0.936 0.061 +hageman 0.910 0.079 +hagemann 0.911 0.071 +hagemeyer 0.934 0.057 +hagen 0.909 0.057 +hagenbuch 0.987 0.009 +hager 0.895 0.082 +hagerman 0.872 0.112 +hagerstown 0.922 0.057 +hagerty 0.748 0.087 +haggadah 0.890 0.043 +haggai 0.991 0.003 +haggar 0.863 0.059 +haggard 0.737 0.049 +haggerty 0.857 0.078 +haggis 0.748 0.027 +haggle 0.098 0.009 +haggling 0.103 0.006 +hagia 0.868 0.016 +hagin 0.912 0.060 +hagiography 0.343 0.007 +hagiwara 0.911 0.052 +hagler 0.883 0.096 +hagley 0.818 0.103 +haglund 0.935 0.054 +hagman 0.923 0.058 +hago 0.281 0.203 +hagood 0.878 0.112 +hagrid 0.902 0.028 +hags 0.275 0.067 +hagstrom 0.907 0.059 +hague 0.951 0.038 +hah 0.370 0.149 +haha 0.193 0.057 +hahah 0.116 0.101 +hahaha 0.199 0.111 +hahahah 0.137 0.139 +hahahaha 0.213 0.176 +hahahahaha 0.204 0.231 +hahahahahaha 0.191 0.289 +hahn 0.896 0.062 +hahnel 0.914 0.051 +hahnemann 0.972 0.020 +hahoo 0.005 0.000 +hai 0.485 0.114 +haibane 0.920 0.024 +haible 0.834 0.000 +haicom 0.910 0.057 +haid 0.676 0.058 +haida 0.901 0.053 +haider 0.877 0.098 +haier 0.927 0.030 +haifa 0.906 0.025 +haig 0.866 0.071 +haigh 0.917 0.069 +haight 0.910 0.049 +haikou 0.877 0.065 +haiku 0.609 0.026 +haikus 0.567 0.014 +hail 0.450 0.098 +haile 0.907 0.061 +hailed 0.083 0.004 +hailey 0.883 0.058 +hailing 0.362 0.008 +hails 0.221 0.035 +hailsham 0.882 0.035 +hailstorm 0.507 0.010 +haim 0.925 0.037 +hain 0.723 0.070 +hainan 0.874 0.030 +hainault 0.904 0.067 +hainaut 0.787 0.158 +haine 0.609 0.044 +haines 0.864 0.109 +haining 0.925 0.056 +haiphong 0.915 0.056 +hair 0.431 0.025 +hairball 0.653 0.021 +hairbrush 0.311 0.049 +haircare 0.907 0.013 +haircolor 0.606 0.029 +haircut 0.248 0.020 +haircuts 0.275 0.022 +haircutting 0.506 0.050 +hairdo 0.136 0.013 +hairdresser 0.428 0.028 +hairdressers 0.702 0.024 +hairdressing 0.700 0.035 +hairdryer 0.568 0.033 +hairdryers 0.706 0.007 +haire 0.746 0.075 +haired 0.464 0.007 +hairless 0.457 0.006 +hairline 0.136 0.016 +hairloss 0.290 0.032 +hairpiece 0.417 0.050 +hairpieces 0.687 0.011 +hairpin 0.194 0.030 +hairpins 0.243 0.016 +hairs 0.067 0.011 +hairspray 0.810 0.032 +hairston 0.912 0.073 +hairstreak 0.852 0.014 +hairstyle 0.266 0.008 +hairstyles 0.234 0.004 +hairstyling 0.620 0.052 +hairstylist 0.446 0.060 +hairstylists 0.876 0.008 +hairy 0.215 0.007 +hairypussy 0.218 0.009 +hait 0.606 0.073 +haitham 0.977 0.007 +haiti 0.946 0.043 +haitian 0.976 0.010 +haitians 0.968 0.018 +haj 0.675 0.189 +hajar 0.946 0.016 +hajduk 0.919 0.039 +hajek 0.899 0.075 +haji 0.872 0.068 +hajime 0.772 0.047 +hajj 0.834 0.020 +hak 0.589 0.174 +haka 0.580 0.056 +hakan 0.876 0.038 +hakata 0.909 0.059 +hake 0.528 0.063 +hakeem 0.971 0.015 +haken 0.883 0.032 +hakim 0.917 0.035 +hakka 0.907 0.014 +hakkinen 0.932 0.042 +hakko 0.753 0.196 +hakodate 0.936 0.044 +hakone 0.924 0.044 +haku 0.620 0.047 +hakuba 0.882 0.097 +hakuna 0.816 0.040 +hakusho 0.847 0.045 +hal 0.666 0.242 +hala 0.725 0.062 +halabja 0.976 0.013 +halacha 0.551 0.016 +halachic 0.394 0.007 +halal 0.673 0.039 +halas 0.896 0.070 +halberstam 0.956 0.030 +halbert 0.885 0.086 +halcrow 0.890 0.102 +halcyon 0.739 0.059 +haldane 0.941 0.036 +haldeman 0.886 0.103 +halden 0.912 0.055 +haldimand 0.916 0.081 +haldir 0.936 0.020 +haldol 0.820 0.045 +hale 0.867 0.092 +haleakala 0.943 0.029 +haledon 0.852 0.133 +haleigh 0.965 0.025 +haleiwa 0.933 0.044 +halekulani 0.890 0.081 +halen 0.633 0.050 +hales 0.852 0.113 +halesowen 0.913 0.030 +halesworth 0.949 0.039 +halevi 0.947 0.041 +halevy 0.955 0.036 +halex 0.785 0.107 +haley 0.882 0.059 +haleyville 0.822 0.098 +half 0.212 0.019 +halfback 0.332 0.009 +halfbakery 0.499 0.000 +halflife 0.497 0.033 +halfling 0.664 0.009 +halfmoon 0.913 0.048 +halford 0.891 0.083 +halfords 0.936 0.016 +halfpenny 0.525 0.129 +halfpipe 0.491 0.055 +halftime 0.157 0.009 +halftone 0.334 0.019 +halftones 0.130 0.010 +halfway 0.219 0.016 +hali 0.726 0.134 +haliaeetus 0.970 0.008 +haliburton 0.941 0.034 +halibut 0.455 0.061 +halide 0.461 0.044 +halides 0.215 0.067 +halifax 0.918 0.046 +halim 0.900 0.052 +halina 0.897 0.059 +halitosis 0.484 0.025 +halkidiki 0.905 0.040 +halkin 0.920 0.069 +hall 0.812 0.041 +halla 0.677 0.094 +halladay 0.907 0.070 +hallam 0.927 0.056 +hallandale 0.882 0.063 +hallberg 0.920 0.070 +halle 0.762 0.023 +halleck 0.917 0.071 +hallelujah 0.810 0.040 +hallen 0.662 0.144 +haller 0.906 0.061 +halles 0.868 0.052 +hallet 0.828 0.103 +hallett 0.898 0.092 +hallettsville 0.766 0.192 +halley 0.888 0.062 +halliburton 0.942 0.033 +halliday 0.915 0.065 +hallie 0.896 0.061 +halligan 0.928 0.057 +hallinan 0.914 0.057 +halling 0.894 0.058 +halliwell 0.817 0.038 +hallman 0.867 0.104 +hallmark 0.547 0.089 +hallmarked 0.401 0.193 +hallmarks 0.130 0.013 +hallo 0.770 0.025 +hallock 0.850 0.133 +halloran 0.889 0.097 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0.830 0.063 +hanae 0.790 0.193 +hanafi 0.953 0.014 +hanahan 0.910 0.082 +hanalei 0.935 0.026 +hanan 0.908 0.040 +hanau 0.906 0.045 +hanbury 0.879 0.060 +hance 0.747 0.061 +hanceville 0.838 0.111 +hancock 0.884 0.079 +hand 0.194 0.023 +handa 0.899 0.043 +handango 0.979 0.002 +handbag 0.413 0.059 +handbags 0.681 0.025 +handball 0.660 0.024 +handbasket 0.594 0.005 +handbell 0.726 0.025 +handbells 0.603 0.039 +handbill 0.383 0.098 +handbills 0.254 0.032 +handblown 0.415 0.055 +handboek 0.225 0.006 +handbook 0.794 0.031 +handbooks 0.697 0.017 +handbrake 0.538 0.038 +handbuch 0.782 0.012 +handcarved 0.481 0.121 +handcraft 0.522 0.052 +handcrafted 0.476 0.029 +handcrafts 0.465 0.031 +handcuff 0.364 0.035 +handcuffed 0.112 0.005 +handcuffs 0.388 0.033 +handcut 0.735 0.037 +handed 0.114 0.010 +handedly 0.005 0.002 +handedness 0.137 0.010 +handel 0.758 0.045 +handels 0.592 0.035 +handelt 0.009 0.000 +hander 0.050 0.006 +handers 0.131 0.008 +handes 0.012 0.000 +handful 0.033 0.004 +handfull 0.248 0.012 +handfuls 0.118 0.006 +handgrip 0.304 0.019 +handgun 0.287 0.044 +handguns 0.319 0.028 +handheld 0.611 0.025 +handhelds 0.881 0.005 +handi 0.684 0.108 +handicap 0.490 0.044 +handicapped 0.409 0.034 +handicapper 0.219 0.016 +handicappers 0.436 0.032 +handicapping 0.424 0.051 +handicaps 0.247 0.018 +handicraft 0.488 0.035 +handicrafts 0.573 0.028 +handily 0.039 0.002 +handing 0.086 0.008 +handit 0.983 0.012 +handiwork 0.059 0.006 +handjob 0.154 0.002 +handjobs 0.056 0.002 +handkerchief 0.216 0.023 +handkerchiefs 0.420 0.030 +handle 0.204 0.025 +handlebar 0.563 0.053 +handlebars 0.568 0.028 +handled 0.047 0.011 +handlekurv 0.312 0.109 +handler 0.238 0.023 +handlers 0.227 0.015 +handles 0.228 0.019 +handley 0.907 0.080 +handling 0.283 0.035 +handloom 0.475 0.047 +handmade 0.506 0.064 +handmaid 0.512 0.018 +handmaiden 0.337 0.021 +handmark 0.916 0.068 +handoff 0.227 0.011 +handout 0.407 0.028 +handouts 0.374 0.023 +handover 0.229 0.032 +handpainted 0.540 0.111 +handphone 0.381 0.018 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0.859 0.019 +hannibal 0.898 0.056 +hannifin 0.870 0.117 +hannigan 0.848 0.035 +hanning 0.843 0.055 +hannity 0.931 0.040 +hanno 0.295 0.018 +hannon 0.901 0.080 +hannover 0.661 0.066 +hanns 0.938 0.036 +hannu 0.906 0.021 +hannukah 0.905 0.018 +hannum 0.924 0.052 +hanoi 0.931 0.036 +hanover 0.912 0.068 +hanoverian 0.907 0.052 +hanrahan 0.932 0.056 +hanro 0.974 0.009 +hans 0.930 0.032 +hansa 0.849 0.097 +hansard 0.958 0.039 +hansastrasse 0.012 0.002 +hanscom 0.930 0.062 +hanse 0.810 0.076 +hanseatic 0.871 0.082 +hansel 0.853 0.079 +hansell 0.895 0.098 +hanselman 0.997 0.002 +hansen 0.939 0.044 +hanser 0.900 0.064 +hansford 0.854 0.120 +hansgrohe 0.535 0.025 +hanshin 0.917 0.055 +hansi 0.440 0.050 +hanso 0.969 0.009 +hansol 0.871 0.050 +hanson 0.911 0.060 +hanssen 0.950 0.039 +hansson 0.961 0.027 +hantai 0.058 0.005 +hantavirus 0.557 0.017 +hants 0.905 0.057 +hantuchova 0.866 0.090 +hanukah 0.911 0.028 +hanukkah 0.920 0.019 +hanuman 0.906 0.041 +hanvey 0.975 0.019 +hanwell 0.899 0.078 +hany 0.854 0.037 +hanya 0.268 0.031 +hanzi 0.783 0.008 +hanzo 0.851 0.066 +hao 0.723 0.113 +hap 0.153 0.638 +hapa 0.613 0.130 +hapag 0.886 0.063 +hapeville 0.914 0.062 +hapgood 0.900 0.084 +haphazard 0.058 0.004 +haphazardly 0.014 0.000 +hapi 0.507 0.289 +hapkido 0.812 0.029 +hapless 0.055 0.003 +haplogroup 0.457 0.013 +haploid 0.092 0.009 +haplotype 0.213 0.008 +haplotypes 0.494 0.005 +haply 0.074 0.002 +hapoel 0.962 0.022 +happ 0.558 0.162 +happen 0.037 0.007 +happend 0.029 0.015 +happened 0.046 0.007 +happenin 0.285 0.040 +happening 0.080 0.012 +happenings 0.439 0.049 +happens 0.047 0.007 +happenstance 0.311 0.011 +happier 0.062 0.005 +happiest 0.261 0.015 +happily 0.133 0.008 +happiness 0.287 0.015 +happy 0.359 0.042 +haps 0.067 0.188 +hapsburg 0.938 0.031 +hapter 0.001 0.956 +haptic 0.318 0.011 +haptics 0.463 0.022 +haq 0.827 0.133 +haque 0.903 0.040 +har 0.260 0.138 +hara 0.780 0.073 +harada 0.919 0.062 +harahan 0.885 0.098 +harajuku 0.862 0.036 +harald 0.959 0.019 +haralson 0.909 0.076 +haram 0.611 0.027 +haran 0.750 0.026 +harangue 0.149 0.005 +harare 0.936 0.056 +harari 0.921 0.042 +harass 0.046 0.010 +harassed 0.046 0.009 +harasser 0.069 0.005 +harassing 0.057 0.010 +harassment 0.297 0.017 +haraway 0.934 0.023 +harb 0.738 0.205 +harbaugh 0.937 0.059 +harbert 0.903 0.090 +harbhajan 0.979 0.011 +harbin 0.925 0.058 +harbinger 0.623 0.027 +harbingers 0.435 0.007 +harbison 0.914 0.080 +harbor 0.758 0.056 +harbord 0.783 0.202 +harbored 0.015 0.002 +harboring 0.046 0.008 +harborne 0.948 0.045 +harborough 0.885 0.041 +harbors 0.424 0.034 +harborside 0.771 0.176 +harborview 0.917 0.053 +harbour 0.713 0.045 +harboured 0.014 0.000 +harbourfront 0.899 0.031 +harbouring 0.035 0.003 +harbours 0.354 0.030 +harbourside 0.781 0.096 +harburg 0.946 0.032 +harcore 0.056 0.014 +harcourt 0.929 0.053 +hard 0.268 0.020 +hardanger 0.742 0.084 +hardaway 0.863 0.071 +hardback 0.697 0.054 +hardbacks 0.589 0.047 +hardball 0.797 0.034 +hardboard 0.280 0.030 +hardbodied 0.963 0.000 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0.019 +harding 0.882 0.068 +hardinge 0.810 0.139 +hardison 0.914 0.076 +hardline 0.291 0.024 +hardliners 0.105 0.007 +hardly 0.086 0.005 +hardman 0.898 0.060 +hardness 0.281 0.025 +hardon 0.309 0.032 +hardore 0.050 0.000 +hardporno 0.007 0.000 +hardrive 0.294 0.044 +hardrock 0.521 0.212 +hards 0.370 0.029 +hardscrabble 0.565 0.025 +hardshell 0.616 0.067 +hardship 0.093 0.012 +hardships 0.030 0.005 +hardside 0.752 0.015 +hardstyle 0.957 0.012 +hardt 0.891 0.033 +hardtail 0.628 0.079 +hardtop 0.605 0.089 +hardwar 0.883 0.041 +hardware 0.646 0.031 +hardwares 0.508 0.046 +hardwear 0.934 0.011 +hardwearing 0.176 0.013 +hardwick 0.916 0.057 +hardwicke 0.915 0.076 +hardwire 0.480 0.040 +hardwired 0.468 0.012 +hardwood 0.417 0.025 +hardwoods 0.347 0.033 +hardworking 0.119 0.009 +hardy 0.758 0.071 +hardys 0.845 0.128 +hare 0.720 0.053 +harefield 0.836 0.145 +harel 0.946 0.032 +harem 0.480 0.044 +haren 0.844 0.053 +hares 0.409 0.050 +harewood 0.779 0.206 +harford 0.905 0.068 +harga 0.343 0.034 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0.892 0.066 +harmful 0.085 0.020 +harming 0.055 0.008 +harmison 0.965 0.015 +harmless 0.067 0.037 +harmlessly 0.011 0.003 +harmon 0.879 0.081 +harmonia 0.836 0.056 +harmonic 0.303 0.030 +harmonica 0.467 0.077 +harmonically 0.082 0.011 +harmonicas 0.732 0.032 +harmonics 0.223 0.022 +harmonie 0.728 0.144 +harmonies 0.137 0.007 +harmonious 0.092 0.005 +harmoniously 0.026 0.002 +harmonisation 0.235 0.013 +harmonise 0.057 0.007 +harmonised 0.199 0.009 +harmonising 0.141 0.008 +harmonium 0.510 0.054 +harmonix 0.871 0.051 +harmonization 0.300 0.020 +harmonize 0.093 0.006 +harmonized 0.406 0.020 +harmonizes 0.050 0.000 +harmonizing 0.180 0.009 +harmony 0.502 0.045 +harms 0.316 0.073 +harn 0.743 0.173 +harnad 0.823 0.047 +harner 0.938 0.049 +harness 0.449 0.050 +harnessed 0.110 0.004 +harnesses 0.613 0.020 +harnessing 0.391 0.021 +harnett 0.855 0.072 +harney 0.918 0.066 +harnish 0.897 0.096 +harnoncourt 0.942 0.048 +haro 0.786 0.123 +harold 0.924 0.059 +haroon 0.906 0.040 +harp 0.524 0.088 +harpe 0.750 0.147 +harpenden 0.919 0.022 +harper 0.922 0.052 +harpercollins 0.854 0.128 +harpers 0.885 0.038 +harping 0.103 0.006 +harpist 0.425 0.018 +harpo 0.860 0.037 +harpoon 0.519 0.089 +harps 0.484 0.044 +harpsichord 0.396 0.086 +harpswell 0.882 0.088 +harpur 0.952 0.044 +harpy 0.592 0.034 +harr 0.694 0.101 +harrah 0.903 0.035 +harrahs 0.323 0.032 +harrap 0.936 0.058 +harrass 0.041 0.004 +harrassed 0.052 0.012 +harrassing 0.015 0.087 +harrassment 0.306 0.022 +harrell 0.888 0.098 +harrelson 0.922 0.060 +harri 0.871 0.052 +harried 0.116 0.007 +harrier 0.845 0.051 +harriers 0.878 0.066 +harries 0.916 0.044 +harriet 0.926 0.054 +harriett 0.906 0.088 +harriette 0.930 0.058 +harrigan 0.929 0.060 +harriman 0.913 0.068 +harring 0.900 0.024 +harrington 0.873 0.073 +harriott 0.896 0.069 +harris 0.897 0.084 +harrisburg 0.907 0.065 +harrison 0.890 0.077 +harrisonburg 0.915 0.062 +harrisons 0.921 0.041 +harrisonville 0.865 0.098 +harrisville 0.841 0.124 +harrod 0.902 0.081 +harrods 0.915 0.054 +harrodsburg 0.882 0.098 +harrogate 0.926 0.041 +harrold 0.860 0.108 +harrop 0.914 0.066 +harrow 0.887 0.044 +harrowing 0.110 0.004 +harrows 0.441 0.056 +harry 0.701 0.237 +harryhausen 0.908 0.082 +harrys 0.724 0.061 +harsh 0.100 0.008 +harsha 0.858 0.037 +harshaw 0.877 0.102 +harsher 0.050 0.003 +harshest 0.013 0.002 +harshly 0.027 0.004 +harshness 0.052 0.004 +harstad 0.940 0.040 +hart 0.789 0.088 +harta 0.660 0.033 +harte 0.892 0.051 +harteis 0.943 0.036 +hartel 0.923 0.060 +harter 0.837 0.114 +hartes 0.947 0.000 +hartfield 0.918 0.066 +hartford 0.893 0.072 +hartig 0.932 0.061 +hartigan 0.933 0.052 +harting 0.528 0.440 +hartington 0.896 0.082 +hartke 0.937 0.041 +hartl 0.929 0.059 +hartland 0.884 0.084 +hartle 0.903 0.090 +hartlepool 0.951 0.026 +hartley 0.891 0.066 +hartline 0.828 0.095 +hartman 0.880 0.074 +hartmann 0.924 0.054 +hartmut 0.960 0.011 +hartnell 0.928 0.062 +hartnett 0.852 0.042 +hartog 0.829 0.133 +harton 0.609 0.376 +hartree 0.909 0.032 +harts 0.661 0.141 +hartsdale 0.896 0.091 +hartselle 0.881 0.094 +hartsfield 0.937 0.040 +hartshorn 0.844 0.084 +hartshorne 0.919 0.068 +hartson 0.922 0.071 +hartstrings 0.945 0.033 +hartsville 0.891 0.084 +hartt 0.885 0.088 +hartung 0.932 0.060 +hartville 0.849 0.106 +hartwell 0.897 0.080 +hartwick 0.912 0.073 +hartwig 0.936 0.043 +harty 0.878 0.078 +hartz 0.839 0.104 +hartzell 0.914 0.075 +haru 0.776 0.033 +haruka 0.803 0.015 +haruki 0.851 0.031 +haruko 0.888 0.016 +harum 0.706 0.077 +harun 0.942 0.032 +harv 0.736 0.201 +harvard 0.952 0.023 +harve 0.915 0.047 +harvest 0.477 0.034 +harvested 0.089 0.015 +harvester 0.729 0.031 +harvesters 0.299 0.014 +harvesting 0.215 0.014 +harvests 0.083 0.014 +harvey 0.910 0.061 +harveys 0.794 0.068 +harvick 0.942 0.030 +harvie 0.907 0.086 +harville 0.910 0.067 +harvmac 0.986 0.000 +harwell 0.920 0.067 +harwich 0.923 0.035 +harwin 0.900 0.090 +harwood 0.882 0.075 +hary 0.184 0.024 +haryana 0.862 0.129 +harz 0.284 0.007 +has 0.017 0.006 +hasa 0.279 0.332 +hasan 0.918 0.035 +hasard 0.280 0.025 +hasattr 0.000 0.000 +hasbro 0.902 0.073 +hasbrouck 0.902 0.085 +hase 0.519 0.253 +hasegawa 0.916 0.064 +hasek 0.909 0.062 +hasen 0.867 0.040 +hash 0.288 0.078 +hashana 0.981 0.009 +hashanah 0.961 0.021 +hashcash 0.776 0.000 +hashed 0.086 0.018 +hashem 0.949 0.028 +hashemi 0.959 0.031 +hashemite 0.964 0.029 +hashes 0.221 0.012 +hashim 0.927 0.034 +hashimoto 0.941 0.048 +hashing 0.246 0.006 +hashish 0.291 0.025 +hashmi 0.910 0.038 +hashtable 0.661 0.003 +hasidic 0.924 0.008 +hasina 0.937 0.030 +haskell 0.799 0.054 +haskin 0.938 0.051 +haskins 0.894 0.093 +haskovo 0.946 0.050 +haslam 0.892 0.090 +haslemere 0.910 0.022 +hasler 0.915 0.070 +haslett 0.924 0.056 +hasn 0.045 0.020 +hasnt 0.027 0.014 +hasp 0.232 0.452 +hass 0.669 0.270 +hassall 0.866 0.123 +hassam 0.940 0.038 +hassan 0.927 0.043 +hasse 0.869 0.062 +hassel 0.615 0.054 +hasselbeck 0.964 0.027 +hasselblad 0.861 0.085 +hasselhoff 0.922 0.027 +hassell 0.901 0.082 +hasselt 0.793 0.149 +hassett 0.943 0.052 +hassle 0.187 0.021 +hassled 0.037 0.009 +hassler 0.910 0.060 +hassles 0.140 0.009 +hassling 0.031 0.007 +hassocks 0.940 0.023 +hasson 0.913 0.078 +hassy 0.978 0.003 +hast 0.078 0.024 +hasta 0.280 0.038 +haste 0.253 0.016 +hasten 0.088 0.007 +hastened 0.013 0.002 +hastening 0.077 0.004 +hastens 0.047 0.011 +hastert 0.921 0.056 +hastie 0.913 0.068 +hastily 0.027 0.001 +hasting 0.764 0.067 +hastings 0.906 0.070 +hasty 0.266 0.026 +haswell 0.900 0.081 +hat 0.575 0.059 +hata 0.687 0.071 +hatboro 0.877 0.107 +hatch 0.588 0.094 +hatchback 0.822 0.053 +hatchbacks 0.804 0.003 +hatched 0.083 0.008 +hatcher 0.863 0.056 +hatcheries 0.303 0.021 +hatchery 0.431 0.038 +hatches 0.358 0.019 +hatchet 0.588 0.031 +hatchets 0.473 0.011 +hatchett 0.867 0.096 +hatching 0.214 0.024 +hatchling 0.459 0.014 +hatchlings 0.172 0.012 +hate 0.196 0.041 +hatebreed 0.636 0.067 +hated 0.157 0.017 +hateful 0.057 0.007 +hatem 0.901 0.038 +hater 0.412 0.046 +haters 0.260 0.047 +hates 0.206 0.033 +hatfield 0.883 0.089 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0.071 +haunches 0.024 0.005 +haunt 0.141 0.014 +haunted 0.549 0.042 +haunting 0.265 0.014 +hauntingly 0.086 0.004 +hauntings 0.552 0.030 +haunts 0.184 0.016 +hauppauge 0.806 0.152 +haupt 0.902 0.062 +hauptbahnhof 0.951 0.028 +hauptmann 0.928 0.032 +hauptseite 0.962 0.023 +hauraki 0.959 0.027 +haurex 0.997 0.000 +haus 0.788 0.042 +hausa 0.982 0.009 +hausbesuch 0.002 0.000 +hausbesuche 0.006 0.000 +hauschka 0.880 0.069 +hausdorff 0.969 0.010 +hause 0.760 0.044 +hauser 0.920 0.063 +hausfeld 0.864 0.041 +hausfrau 0.025 0.000 +hausfrauen 0.028 0.000 +hausfrauensex 0.007 0.000 +hausman 0.952 0.036 +hausmann 0.880 0.043 +haussmann 0.903 0.071 +haut 0.629 0.055 +haute 0.767 0.064 +hautes 0.800 0.024 +hauteur 0.169 0.021 +hauts 0.723 0.057 +hav 0.078 0.178 +hava 0.395 0.475 +havaianas 0.699 0.211 +havana 0.914 0.052 +havanese 0.875 0.021 +havanna 0.905 0.029 +havant 0.923 0.035 +havard 0.904 0.058 +havas 0.798 0.091 +havasu 0.822 0.046 +havdalah 0.902 0.013 +have 0.036 0.006 +haveing 0.138 0.007 +havel 0.932 0.039 +haveli 0.916 0.022 +havelock 0.910 0.067 +haven 0.764 0.058 +havens 0.577 0.050 +havent 0.046 0.016 +haver 0.575 0.070 +haverford 0.933 0.043 +haverfordwest 0.888 0.034 +haverhill 0.911 0.053 +havering 0.961 0.022 +haverstraw 0.792 0.152 +havertown 0.876 0.102 +haves 0.413 0.052 +haviland 0.885 0.068 +havilland 0.924 0.055 +havin 0.185 0.029 +having 0.128 0.005 +havior 0.004 0.003 +havnt 0.037 0.014 +havoc 0.404 0.023 +havok 0.688 0.044 +havp 0.000 0.008 +havre 0.898 0.053 +haw 0.595 0.185 +hawa 0.751 0.129 +hawai 0.874 0.075 +hawaii 0.886 0.032 +hawaiian 0.869 0.042 +hawaiiana 0.892 0.064 +hawaiians 0.886 0.025 +hawaiin 0.425 0.048 +hawarden 0.890 0.092 +hawera 0.913 0.080 +hawes 0.924 0.062 +hawg 0.671 0.206 +hawick 0.946 0.034 +hawk 0.782 0.056 +hawke 0.933 0.037 +hawken 0.949 0.026 +hawker 0.775 0.086 +hawkers 0.366 0.020 +hawkes 0.948 0.039 +hawkesbury 0.946 0.042 +hawkeye 0.846 0.076 +hawkeyes 0.939 0.028 +hawking 0.746 0.082 +hawkins 0.861 0.092 +hawkinson 0.905 0.086 +hawkinsville 0.899 0.076 +hawkish 0.089 0.004 +hawkman 0.792 0.182 +hawks 0.777 0.059 +hawksbill 0.556 0.023 +hawkshead 0.938 0.037 +hawksley 0.919 0.048 +hawksworth 0.937 0.050 +hawkwind 0.741 0.060 +hawl 0.160 0.018 +hawley 0.869 0.110 +hawlfraint 0.848 0.002 +hawliau 0.395 0.031 +hawn 0.846 0.065 +haworth 0.909 0.062 +haws 0.646 0.083 +hawsers 0.022 0.000 +hawt 0.369 0.236 +hawthorn 0.823 0.081 +hawthorne 0.862 0.060 +hawthornesuites 0.000 0.000 +hawthornsuites 0.000 0.000 +hawtin 0.943 0.041 +hax 0.624 0.152 +haxx 0.974 0.005 +hay 0.446 0.055 +haya 0.360 0.029 +hayabusa 0.748 0.091 +hayakawa 0.870 0.073 +hayao 0.957 0.012 +hayashi 0.904 0.081 +hayat 0.876 0.033 +haycock 0.880 0.066 +haydar 0.949 0.016 +hayden 0.912 0.054 +haydn 0.877 0.098 +haydock 0.932 0.054 +haydon 0.889 0.091 +haye 0.816 0.065 +hayek 0.847 0.014 +hayes 0.896 0.072 +hayesville 0.868 0.106 +hayfever 0.684 0.019 +hayfield 0.791 0.098 +hayford 0.940 0.048 +hayfork 0.783 0.139 +hayhurst 0.907 0.085 +hayle 0.917 0.060 +hayles 0.903 0.077 +hayley 0.862 0.073 +haylie 0.873 0.031 +hayling 0.947 0.026 +haymaker 0.658 0.059 +hayman 0.895 0.093 +haymarket 0.883 0.032 +hayne 0.627 0.056 +haynes 0.884 0.091 +haynesville 0.849 0.131 +haynie 0.903 0.086 +hayride 0.638 0.046 +hays 0.874 0.094 +hayseed 0.471 0.019 +haystack 0.438 0.030 +haystacks 0.472 0.042 +haysville 0.866 0.104 +hayter 0.911 0.068 +hayti 0.862 0.094 +hayton 0.907 0.076 +hayward 0.868 0.092 +haywards 0.943 0.032 +haywire 0.229 0.028 +haywood 0.880 0.101 +hayworth 0.817 0.145 +haz 0.472 0.253 +haza 0.787 0.062 +hazan 0.866 0.060 +hazard 0.357 0.051 +hazardous 0.334 0.050 +hazards 0.306 0.032 +haze 0.498 0.059 +hazel 0.774 0.058 +hazelden 0.974 0.016 +hazelhurst 0.892 0.062 +hazell 0.930 0.037 +hazelnut 0.640 0.036 +hazelnuts 0.352 0.022 +hazeltine 0.855 0.125 +hazelton 0.917 0.058 +hazelwood 0.832 0.145 +hazen 0.905 0.073 +hazes 0.577 0.080 +hazing 0.312 0.027 +hazlehurst 0.882 0.093 +hazlet 0.872 0.102 +hazleton 0.879 0.086 +hazlett 0.905 0.087 +hazlewood 0.897 0.070 +hazlitt 0.962 0.031 +hazmat 0.400 0.306 +hazrat 0.955 0.026 +hazus 0.046 0.948 +hazwoper 0.154 0.767 +hazy 0.252 0.022 +hazyview 0.947 0.025 +hazzard 0.875 0.042 +hb 0.048 0.914 +hba 0.012 0.945 +hbb 0.085 0.738 +hbc 0.169 0.790 +hbcu 0.005 0.973 +hbd 0.027 0.834 +hbf 0.193 0.637 +hbg 0.174 0.729 +hbh 0.012 0.960 +hbi 0.022 0.919 +hbk 0.179 0.627 +hbl 0.059 0.754 +hbm 0.004 0.927 +hbn 0.179 0.745 +hbo 0.033 0.921 +hbos 0.049 0.941 +hbox 0.000 0.001 +hbp 0.002 0.975 +hbr 0.109 0.867 +hbs 0.010 0.971 +hbt 0.055 0.909 +hbv 0.002 0.987 +hbw 0.169 0.361 +hc 0.034 0.854 +hca 0.009 0.949 +hcap 0.552 0.393 +hcat 0.021 0.081 +hcb 0.009 0.932 +hcbs 0.000 0.993 +hcc 0.029 0.934 +hcd 0.006 0.762 +hce 0.013 0.937 +hcf 0.011 0.827 +hcfa 0.007 0.979 +hcfc 0.000 0.989 +hcg 0.054 0.678 +hch 0.014 0.912 +hci 0.021 0.757 +hcl 0.051 0.454 +hcm 0.007 0.947 +hcmc 0.006 0.985 +hcn 0.003 0.974 +hco 0.005 0.963 +hcp 0.117 0.736 +hcpcs 0.009 0.980 +hcpl 0.000 0.994 +hcr 0.016 0.958 +hcraes 0.000 0.000 +hcs 0.005 0.966 +hct 0.105 0.818 +hctz 0.027 0.767 +hcv 0.002 0.988 +hcw 0.007 0.954 +hd 0.023 0.910 +hda 0.007 0.388 +hdac 0.006 0.983 +hdb 0.061 0.581 +hdbk 0.114 0.840 +hdc 0.020 0.519 +hdcam 0.003 0.980 +hdcd 0.008 0.933 +hdcp 0.075 0.901 +hdd 0.020 0.896 +hde 0.018 0.617 +hdf 0.003 0.853 +hdfc 0.006 0.937 +hdg 0.093 0.357 +hdh 0.102 0.340 +hdi 0.042 0.864 +hdl 0.021 0.866 +hdlc 0.007 0.911 +hdm 0.011 0.924 +hdmi 0.016 0.938 +hdn 0.011 0.901 +hdo 0.008 0.926 +hdp 0.015 0.792 +hdparm 0.009 0.005 +hdpe 0.018 0.942 +hdr 0.025 0.650 +hds 0.034 0.885 +hdsl 0.007 0.940 +hdsp 0.002 0.868 +hdt 0.062 0.877 +hdtv 0.019 0.928 +hdu 0.008 0.905 +hdv 0.004 0.976 +hdw 0.040 0.916 +he 0.284 0.009 +hea 0.228 0.478 +head 0.314 0.055 +headache 0.298 0.013 +headaches 0.236 0.008 +headband 0.467 0.049 +headbands 0.658 0.035 +headbanger 0.546 0.286 +headboard 0.590 0.018 +headboards 0.735 0.008 +headcount 0.412 0.075 +headcover 0.645 0.168 +headcovers 0.795 0.035 +headdress 0.250 0.054 +headdresses 0.283 0.023 +heade 0.393 0.031 +headed 0.076 0.009 +headedness 0.022 0.011 +headend 0.281 0.019 +header 0.252 0.029 +headers 0.151 0.014 +headfirst 0.298 0.010 +headgear 0.557 0.033 +headhunter 0.692 0.031 +headhunters 0.609 0.058 +headin 0.380 0.031 +heading 0.159 0.021 +headingley 0.942 0.046 +headings 0.208 0.019 +headington 0.882 0.109 +headlamp 0.650 0.089 +headlamps 0.485 0.038 +headland 0.450 0.079 +headlands 0.479 0.018 +headless 0.437 0.026 +headley 0.894 0.083 +headlight 0.577 0.073 +headlights 0.502 0.059 +headline 0.526 0.043 +headlined 0.034 0.004 +headliner 0.420 0.045 +headliners 0.517 0.048 +headlines 0.452 0.045 +headlining 0.240 0.013 +headlock 0.220 0.035 +headlong 0.111 0.005 +headman 0.307 0.021 +headmaster 0.545 0.017 +headmasters 0.493 0.032 +headmistress 0.565 0.008 +headnote 0.505 0.055 +headphone 0.561 0.043 +headphones 0.635 0.027 +headpiece 0.341 0.060 +headpieces 0.537 0.094 +headquarter 0.540 0.031 +headquartered 0.259 0.001 +headquarters 0.478 0.024 +headrest 0.560 0.062 +headrests 0.633 0.010 +headrick 0.858 0.122 +headroom 0.296 0.015 +heads 0.273 0.030 +headscarf 0.169 0.034 +headscarves 0.328 0.008 +headset 0.712 0.040 +headsets 0.797 0.028 +headship 0.304 0.012 +headshot 0.410 0.048 +headshots 0.608 0.029 +headspace 0.351 0.021 +headstart 0.689 0.058 +headstock 0.256 0.037 +headstone 0.272 0.022 +headstones 0.393 0.019 +headstrong 0.439 0.018 +headteacher 0.381 0.009 +headteachers 0.376 0.008 +headunit 0.351 0.048 +headwall 0.364 0.190 +headwater 0.268 0.057 +headwaters 0.403 0.117 +headway 0.314 0.018 +headwear 0.805 0.056 +headwind 0.187 0.016 +headword 0.184 0.006 +headwords 0.221 0.015 +heady 0.167 0.013 +headz 0.627 0.168 +heal 0.238 0.044 +heald 0.791 0.133 +healdsburg 0.897 0.051 +healed 0.053 0.010 +healer 0.455 0.019 +healers 0.418 0.013 +healesville 0.773 0.170 +healey 0.859 0.120 +healing 0.478 0.028 +healings 0.214 0.054 +heals 0.269 0.024 +healt 0.402 0.112 +health 0.647 0.024 +healthbeat 0.964 0.029 +healthc 0.843 0.026 +healthcare 0.583 0.053 +healthcast 0.976 0.004 +healthcheck 0.892 0.016 +healthfinder 0.323 0.004 +healthful 0.134 0.013 +healthier 0.176 0.010 +healthiest 0.074 0.002 +healthily 0.038 0.003 +healthline 0.974 0.016 +healthlink 0.949 0.028 +healthnotes 0.955 0.009 +healthology 0.830 0.152 +healthsouth 0.348 0.555 +healthwatch 0.696 0.269 +healthwise 0.979 0.006 +healthy 0.353 0.015 +healy 0.897 0.082 +heaney 0.931 0.053 +heanor 0.940 0.051 +heap 0.223 0.033 +heaped 0.022 0.003 +heaping 0.084 0.005 +heaps 0.132 0.026 +hear 0.088 0.013 +heard 0.084 0.009 +heared 0.017 0.011 +hearer 0.102 0.010 +hearers 0.032 0.004 +heareth 0.019 0.008 +hearing 0.213 0.030 +hearings 0.292 0.043 +hearken 0.205 0.007 +hearkened 0.008 0.004 +hearn 0.911 0.059 +hearne 0.894 0.085 +hearns 0.909 0.062 +hears 0.091 0.014 +hearsay 0.188 0.026 +hearse 0.345 0.053 +hearst 0.931 0.049 +heart 0.346 0.026 +heartache 0.346 0.039 +heartaches 0.455 0.043 +heartagram 0.562 0.129 +heartbeat 0.262 0.030 +heartbeats 0.538 0.018 +heartbreak 0.539 0.033 +heartbreaker 0.623 0.039 +heartbreakers 0.816 0.059 +heartbreaking 0.124 0.006 +heartbroken 0.171 0.020 +heartburn 0.552 0.009 +hearted 0.131 0.011 +heartedly 0.003 0.003 +heartedness 0.014 0.000 +heartened 0.034 0.003 +heartening 0.025 0.003 +heartfelt 0.143 0.008 +heartgard 0.720 0.044 +hearth 0.633 0.033 +hearths 0.228 0.009 +hearthside 0.879 0.063 +hearthstone 0.808 0.059 +heartily 0.026 0.003 +heartland 0.687 0.112 +heartlands 0.757 0.015 +heartless 0.332 0.020 +heartlight 0.728 0.236 +hearts 0.391 0.029 +heartstrings 0.306 0.016 +heartthrob 0.219 0.020 +heartwarming 0.136 0.005 +heartwood 0.740 0.038 +heartworm 0.391 0.014 +hearty 0.177 0.010 +heasarc 0.000 0.946 +heat 0.319 0.035 +heated 0.224 0.026 +heater 0.463 0.053 +heaters 0.611 0.027 +heath 0.868 0.047 +heathcliff 0.952 0.026 +heathcote 0.851 0.135 +heathen 0.323 0.017 +heathens 0.367 0.027 +heather 0.781 0.039 +heathers 0.778 0.041 +heathfield 0.830 0.105 +heathkit 0.657 0.094 +heathland 0.279 0.009 +heathrow 0.900 0.053 +heaths 0.354 0.015 +heating 0.447 0.035 +heatley 0.849 0.121 +heaton 0.858 0.071 +heatpipe 0.677 0.051 +heats 0.285 0.025 +heatsink 0.423 0.057 +heatsinks 0.671 0.012 +heatstroke 0.371 0.015 +heatwave 0.838 0.032 +heav 0.387 0.162 +heave 0.186 0.021 +heaved 0.011 0.001 +heaven 0.514 0.027 +heavenly 0.515 0.026 +heavens 0.248 0.015 +heavenward 0.215 0.007 +heaves 0.163 0.014 +heavey 0.665 0.075 +heavier 0.060 0.015 +heavies 0.533 0.045 +heaviest 0.063 0.029 +heavily 0.034 0.004 +heaviness 0.072 0.008 +heaving 0.080 0.006 +heaviside 0.953 0.013 +heavy 0.316 0.040 +heavyweight 0.494 0.030 +heavyweights 0.223 0.016 +heb 0.443 0.232 +hebb 0.848 0.101 +hebben 0.016 0.003 +hebden 0.934 0.055 +hebe 0.780 0.092 +hebei 0.925 0.054 +hebel 0.770 0.185 +heber 0.912 0.062 +hebergement 0.216 0.011 +hebert 0.876 0.113 +hebraic 0.919 0.023 +hebrew 0.920 0.020 +hebrews 0.987 0.009 +hebridean 0.955 0.032 +hebrides 0.879 0.055 +hebron 0.910 0.072 +hebt 0.058 0.116 +hec 0.062 0.866 +hecate 0.891 0.054 +hecatomb 0.946 0.007 +heche 0.870 0.034 +hechinger 0.982 0.013 +hecho 0.203 0.029 +hecht 0.935 0.039 +hechter 0.689 0.295 +heck 0.314 0.034 +hecke 0.944 0.042 +heckel 0.925 0.052 +hecker 0.836 0.135 +heckle 0.338 0.032 +heckler 0.759 0.050 +heckling 0.138 0.009 +heckman 0.924 0.049 +heckmondwike 0.915 0.040 +heckscher 0.964 0.030 +hecla 0.878 0.103 +heco 0.457 0.524 +hecs 0.005 0.984 +hectare 0.044 0.011 +hectares 0.051 0.012 +hectic 0.060 0.007 +hector 0.884 0.055 +hecuba 0.929 0.036 +hed 0.373 0.257 +hedberg 0.907 0.028 +hedda 0.911 0.072 +hedden 0.881 0.079 +heddlu 0.607 0.030 +heddon 0.713 0.209 +heder 0.849 0.024 +hedera 0.880 0.049 +hedge 0.370 0.021 +hedged 0.127 0.006 +hedgehog 0.705 0.035 +hedgehogs 0.426 0.021 +hedger 0.723 0.067 +hedgerow 0.392 0.033 +hedgerows 0.170 0.011 +hedges 0.494 0.041 +hedging 0.256 0.012 +hedin 0.931 0.043 +hedis 0.011 0.979 +hedland 0.876 0.082 +hedley 0.913 0.072 +hedlund 0.907 0.036 +hedman 0.909 0.073 +hedonic 0.385 0.012 +hedonism 0.520 0.025 +hedonist 0.608 0.011 +hedonistic 0.146 0.005 +hedrick 0.933 0.052 +hedstrom 0.852 0.050 +hedwig 0.909 0.037 +hedy 0.924 0.041 +hee 0.377 0.039 +heeb 0.928 0.019 +heed 0.089 0.031 +heeded 0.016 0.004 +heeding 0.322 0.006 +heedless 0.094 0.004 +heeft 0.036 0.003 +heehee 0.309 0.015 +heel 0.331 0.033 +heeled 0.177 0.029 +heeler 0.680 0.079 +heeling 0.266 0.046 +heels 0.359 0.031 +heelys 0.832 0.033 +heen 0.693 0.019 +heenan 0.934 0.056 +heep 0.832 0.094 +heer 0.561 0.267 +heerden 0.902 0.065 +heere 0.214 0.039 +heeren 0.834 0.052 +heerenveen 0.943 0.029 +heerlen 0.908 0.025 +heero 0.922 0.032 +hees 0.650 0.191 +heesch 0.994 0.003 +heet 0.132 0.371 +hef 0.338 0.495 +hefce 0.020 0.978 +hefei 0.938 0.046 +heffalump 0.882 0.060 +heffernan 0.885 0.103 +heffley 0.943 0.053 +heffner 0.907 0.064 +heffron 0.926 0.058 +hefley 0.761 0.236 +heflin 0.893 0.088 +hefner 0.864 0.070 +heft 0.609 0.026 +heftet 0.992 0.000 +hefty 0.138 0.016 +hefyd 0.117 0.005 +heg 0.202 0.703 +hegarty 0.919 0.071 +hegde 0.899 0.058 +hege 0.850 0.070 +hegel 0.966 0.015 +hegelian 0.957 0.007 +hegemon 0.735 0.011 +hegemonic 0.086 0.004 +hegemony 0.203 0.010 +heger 0.940 0.044 +hegre 0.807 0.015 +heh 0.384 0.024 +hehe 0.183 0.013 +heheh 0.229 0.010 +hehehe 0.183 0.020 +heheheh 0.234 0.017 +hehehehe 0.197 0.028 +hei 0.376 0.445 +heian 0.963 0.019 +heid 0.636 0.155 +heide 0.907 0.042 +heidegger 0.975 0.010 +heidelberg 0.819 0.039 +heidelberger 0.641 0.016 +heidemann 0.953 0.039 +heiden 0.898 0.077 +heidenreich 0.942 0.042 +heider 0.936 0.051 +heidfeld 0.945 0.044 +heidi 0.880 0.035 +heidrick 0.914 0.036 +heidt 0.926 0.062 +heifer 0.498 0.055 +heifers 0.271 0.045 +heifetz 0.927 0.055 +heigh 0.559 0.077 +height 0.362 0.030 +heighten 0.061 0.003 +heightened 0.051 0.003 +heightening 0.065 0.003 +heightens 0.077 0.004 +heights 0.718 0.088 +heigl 0.853 0.020 +heika 0.976 0.011 +heike 0.929 0.025 +heikki 0.845 0.012 +heikkinen 0.941 0.029 +heiko 0.928 0.014 +heil 0.805 0.096 +heilbronn 0.487 0.030 +heilemann 0.992 0.004 +heilig 0.556 0.046 +heilige 0.457 0.033 +heilman 0.931 0.056 +heilmann 0.960 0.031 +heilongjiang 0.958 0.025 +heim 0.836 0.058 +heiman 0.905 0.076 +heimann 0.932 0.059 +heimat 0.892 0.067 +heimdal 0.280 0.012 +heimer 0.891 0.027 +heimlich 0.357 0.009 +heimliche 0.024 0.000 +hein 0.826 0.096 +heine 0.908 0.052 +heineken 0.897 0.038 +heineman 0.946 0.045 +heinemann 0.962 0.031 +heinen 0.920 0.053 +heiner 0.927 0.035 +heinicke 0.986 0.010 +heinkel 0.843 0.123 +heinle 0.965 0.027 +heinlein 0.936 0.035 +heino 0.910 0.056 +heinonen 0.954 0.036 +heinous 0.053 0.009 +heinrich 0.932 0.041 +heinrichs 0.948 0.045 +heins 0.763 0.039 +heintz 0.918 0.070 +heinz 0.922 0.049 +heinze 0.923 0.059 +heir 0.165 0.027 +heirarchy 0.187 0.006 +heirat 0.909 0.000 +heiress 0.273 0.026 +heirloom 0.624 0.036 +heirlooms 0.559 0.019 +heirs 0.121 0.030 +heise 0.718 0.034 +heisei 0.887 0.075 +heisenberg 0.951 0.027 +heiser 0.895 0.066 +heisey 0.841 0.091 +heisler 0.914 0.071 +heisman 0.947 0.018 +heiss 0.723 0.046 +heisse 0.496 0.001 +heissen 0.010 0.026 +heist 0.478 0.034 +heit 0.790 0.044 +heitman 0.934 0.057 +heitz 0.889 0.099 +heizung 0.128 0.010 +hej 0.615 0.107 +hek 0.317 0.572 +hel 0.366 0.291 +hela 0.574 0.094 +helados 0.966 0.003 +helath 0.433 0.016 +held 0.050 0.011 +helden 0.771 0.093 +helder 0.853 0.031 +helderberg 0.967 0.024 +hele 0.336 0.071 +helen 0.921 0.050 +helena 0.909 0.056 +helene 0.892 0.068 +helens 0.910 0.051 +helensburgh 0.859 0.132 +helfen 0.204 0.090 +helfer 0.924 0.038 +helfrich 0.906 0.080 +helga 0.921 0.034 +helgason 0.976 0.019 +helge 0.892 0.015 +helgenberger 0.838 0.024 +heli 0.684 0.095 +helianthus 0.892 0.031 +helical 0.237 0.031 +helicase 0.075 0.100 +helicases 0.258 0.011 +helice 0.943 0.018 +helices 0.051 0.008 +helicity 0.192 0.038 +helicobacter 0.946 0.011 +helicon 0.901 0.024 +heliconia 0.831 0.044 +helicopter 0.385 0.031 +helicopters 0.402 0.019 +helier 0.933 0.052 +helin 0.769 0.167 +helio 0.833 0.084 +heliocentric 0.289 0.031 +heliopolis 0.936 0.044 +helios 0.784 0.137 +heliosphere 0.345 0.034 +heliospheric 0.539 0.147 +heliotrope 0.659 0.041 +helipad 0.314 0.054 +heliport 0.669 0.120 +heliports 0.822 0.011 +helis 0.747 0.020 +helium 0.373 0.034 +helius 0.964 0.015 +helix 0.474 0.134 +hell 0.365 0.042 +hella 0.516 0.138 +hellacopters 0.884 0.092 +hellah 0.980 0.003 +helland 0.939 0.050 +hellas 0.841 0.130 +hellbent 0.491 0.041 +hellblazer 0.856 0.113 +hellbound 0.804 0.082 +hellboy 0.874 0.082 +hellcat 0.855 0.030 +helle 0.841 0.041 +hellebore 0.636 0.023 +hellen 0.869 0.057 +hellenes 0.977 0.018 +hellenic 0.942 0.040 +hellenism 0.959 0.020 +hellenistic 0.933 0.032 +heller 0.907 0.044 +hellespont 0.984 0.009 +hellfire 0.690 0.062 +hellgate 0.944 0.030 +hellhole 0.240 0.021 +helling 0.879 0.057 +hellion 0.792 0.051 +hellis 0.011 0.984 +hellish 0.127 0.011 +hellman 0.940 0.028 +hellmann 0.910 0.072 +hellmouth 0.888 0.014 +hellmuth 0.763 0.025 +hello 0.818 0.023 +hellogoodbye 0.567 0.155 +hellos 0.264 0.010 +hellow 0.274 0.024 +helloween 0.799 0.098 +hellraiser 0.839 0.086 +hells 0.739 0.043 +hellsing 0.758 0.050 +hellstrom 0.754 0.231 +helluva 0.099 0.016 +hellwig 0.976 0.017 +helly 0.922 0.026 +hellyer 0.909 0.075 +helm 0.478 0.057 +helma 0.736 0.014 +helman 0.919 0.064 +helmed 0.084 0.000 +helmer 0.774 0.057 +helmet 0.467 0.065 +helmeted 0.334 0.011 +helmets 0.609 0.060 +helmholtz 0.974 0.012 +helming 0.586 0.027 +helminth 0.568 0.009 +helmond 0.793 0.028 +helms 0.839 0.085 +helmsley 0.889 0.047 +helmsman 0.446 0.031 +helmut 0.899 0.058 +helmuth 0.815 0.043 +helnwein 0.870 0.101 +helo 0.188 0.453 +heloc 0.063 0.776 +heloise 0.927 0.038 +helotes 0.886 0.098 +help 0.527 0.028 +helpdesk 0.643 0.025 +helpe 0.043 0.008 +helped 0.020 0.003 +helper 0.448 0.026 +helpers 0.571 0.024 +helpfile 0.383 0.042 +helpful 0.175 0.005 +helpfull 0.062 0.019 +helpfully 0.043 0.000 +helpfulness 0.535 0.002 +helphelp 0.628 0.005 +helping 0.173 0.008 +helpings 0.262 0.013 +helpless 0.073 0.006 +helplessly 0.065 0.003 +helplessness 0.061 0.005 +helpline 0.669 0.035 +helplines 0.579 0.024 +helpman 0.979 0.015 +helproom 0.994 0.000 +helps 0.099 0.007 +helpu 0.038 0.009 +helsing 0.897 0.061 +helsingborg 0.941 0.030 +helsingin 0.889 0.102 +helsinki 0.940 0.033 +helston 0.890 0.044 +helt 0.236 0.022 +helter 0.677 0.058 +helton 0.899 0.071 +helv 0.904 0.040 +helvetia 0.874 0.070 +helvetica 0.790 0.012 +helwig 0.921 0.064 +helzberg 0.798 0.012 +hem 0.228 0.114 +hema 0.701 0.185 +hemagglutination 0.505 0.016 +hemagglutinin 0.176 0.034 +heman 0.768 0.092 +hemangioma 0.520 0.022 +hemant 0.886 0.036 +hematite 0.578 0.099 +hematocrit 0.318 0.014 +hematol 0.968 0.022 +hematologic 0.600 0.011 +hematological 0.281 0.024 +hematologists 0.906 0.000 +hematology 0.814 0.042 +hematoma 0.303 0.019 +hematopoiesis 0.337 0.018 +hematopoietic 0.316 0.050 +hematoxylin 0.267 0.013 +hematuria 0.359 0.010 +hembree 0.862 0.128 +heme 0.229 0.063 +hemel 0.913 0.028 +hemenway 0.933 0.058 +hemera 0.857 0.082 +hemerocallis 0.955 0.026 +hemet 0.874 0.061 +hemi 0.493 0.237 +hemiascomycetes 0.881 0.112 +hemingway 0.920 0.048 +hemiplegia 0.418 0.026 +hemiptera 0.938 0.044 +hemisphere 0.478 0.023 +hemispheres 0.244 0.010 +hemispheric 0.342 0.027 +hemispherical 0.215 0.009 +hemline 0.117 0.038 +hemlock 0.540 0.046 +hemme 0.502 0.050 +hemmed 0.204 0.009 +hemmer 0.301 0.671 +hemming 0.698 0.070 +hemmings 0.941 0.030 +hemmingway 0.891 0.043 +hemo 0.521 0.122 +hemochromatosis 0.469 0.017 +hemodialysis 0.279 0.043 +hemodynamic 0.423 0.011 +hemodynamics 0.191 0.022 +hemoglobin 0.272 0.036 +hemoglobins 0.798 0.019 +hemolysin 0.128 0.031 +hemolysis 0.300 0.015 +hemolytic 0.331 0.021 +hemophilia 0.499 0.024 +hemorrhage 0.311 0.022 +hemorrhages 0.085 0.011 +hemorrhagic 0.289 0.015 +hemorrhaging 0.067 0.007 +hemorrhoid 0.542 0.011 +hemorrhoids 0.458 0.012 +hemos 0.241 0.014 +hemostasis 0.509 0.028 +hemostatic 0.280 0.027 +hemp 0.532 0.052 +hempel 0.856 0.123 +hempfield 0.915 0.065 +hemphill 0.880 0.098 +hempstead 0.890 0.073 +hems 0.116 0.177 +hemscott 0.994 0.000 +hemsedal 0.972 0.015 +hemsida 0.399 0.018 +hemsley 0.957 0.025 +hemsworth 0.943 0.046 +hen 0.592 0.058 +henan 0.945 0.036 +henares 0.837 0.067 +henati 0.028 0.000 +hence 0.441 0.002 +henceforth 0.201 0.003 +hench 0.847 0.053 +henchman 0.336 0.020 +henchmen 0.165 0.010 +henckels 0.904 0.073 +hendel 0.953 0.025 +hendershot 0.891 0.083 +henderson 0.906 0.072 +hendersonville 0.919 0.058 +hendler 0.959 0.023 +hendley 0.903 0.084 +hendon 0.897 0.046 +hendra 0.778 0.191 +hendren 0.890 0.086 +hendrerit 0.005 0.000 +hendrick 0.915 0.063 +hendricks 0.899 0.083 +hendrickson 0.920 0.069 +hendrie 0.925 0.040 +hendrik 0.945 0.025 +hendriks 0.895 0.037 +hendrix 0.454 0.039 +hendry 0.885 0.067 +hendy 0.899 0.071 +heneage 0.988 0.010 +heneghan 0.958 0.034 +heng 0.844 0.074 +henge 0.418 0.014 +hengelo 0.855 0.044 +henger 0.198 0.009 +henhouse 0.486 0.022 +henin 0.934 0.049 +henk 0.911 0.025 +henke 0.928 0.052 +henkel 0.908 0.070 +henkes 0.973 0.019 +henkin 0.970 0.024 +henle 0.915 0.058 +henley 0.900 0.063 +henleys 0.843 0.087 +henman 0.951 0.030 +henn 0.838 0.094 +henna 0.602 0.047 +henne 0.713 0.037 +hennepin 0.922 0.056 +henner 0.964 0.015 +hennes 0.707 0.065 +hennessey 0.870 0.095 +hennessy 0.890 0.071 +henney 0.812 0.143 +hennie 0.905 0.047 +hennig 0.913 0.067 +hennigan 0.909 0.053 +henniker 0.914 0.065 +henning 0.926 0.042 +henninger 0.917 0.075 +hennings 0.912 0.069 +henningsen 0.957 0.030 +henny 0.818 0.047 +henri 0.940 0.034 +henrich 0.929 0.057 +henrico 0.904 0.064 +henricus 0.929 0.042 +henrietta 0.886 0.090 +henriette 0.950 0.034 +henrik 0.959 0.015 +henriksen 0.936 0.038 +henrique 0.946 0.021 +henriques 0.899 0.091 +henry 0.914 0.064 +henryetta 0.888 0.097 +henryk 0.957 0.024 +henrys 0.755 0.084 +hens 0.450 0.035 +henschel 0.909 0.068 +hensel 0.923 0.057 +henshall 0.955 0.035 +henshaw 0.930 0.058 +hensive 0.000 0.005 +hensley 0.866 0.105 +henson 0.924 0.055 +henstridge 0.836 0.029 +henta 0.091 0.004 +hentai 0.105 0.005 +hentaii 0.220 0.000 +hentay 0.053 0.004 +hentei 0.018 0.000 +hentermine 0.079 0.000 +henti 0.041 0.001 +hentia 0.037 0.002 +hentoff 0.962 0.031 +hentschel 0.951 0.042 +henty 0.834 0.153 +henwood 0.960 0.028 +henze 0.890 0.092 +heo 0.392 0.438 +hep 0.085 0.800 +hepa 0.132 0.754 +heparan 0.198 0.036 +heparin 0.305 0.020 +hepatectomy 0.252 0.014 +hepatic 0.198 0.023 +hepatica 0.358 0.020 +hepatitis 0.478 0.024 +hepatobiliary 0.513 0.042 +hepatocellular 0.349 0.016 +hepatocyte 0.262 0.024 +hepatocytes 0.087 0.013 +hepatology 0.863 0.059 +hepatoma 0.100 0.031 +hepatotoxicity 0.184 0.015 +hepburn 0.880 0.074 +hepes 0.247 0.738 +hephzibah 0.886 0.084 +hepler 0.902 0.068 +hepnames 0.000 1.000 +hepp 0.649 0.278 +heppner 0.868 0.070 +heps 0.143 0.816 +heptachlor 0.510 0.094 +heptane 0.262 0.092 +heptathlon 0.585 0.037 +hepworth 0.913 0.066 +her 0.075 0.005 +hera 0.513 0.440 +heracles 0.942 0.043 +heraclitus 0.911 0.024 +heraeus 0.893 0.094 +herakles 0.951 0.025 +heraklion 0.928 0.030 +herald 0.927 0.023 +heralded 0.037 0.002 +heraldic 0.488 0.019 +heralding 0.150 0.006 +heraldry 0.644 0.031 +heralds 0.295 0.024 +heras 0.937 0.035 +herat 0.910 0.025 +herault 0.793 0.051 +herausgegeben 0.374 0.056 +herb 0.609 0.036 +herba 0.600 0.086 +herbaceous 0.334 0.021 +herbage 0.165 0.013 +herbal 0.530 0.023 +herbalife 0.539 0.029 +herbaliser 0.837 0.125 +herbalism 0.696 0.014 +herbalist 0.506 0.019 +herbalists 0.542 0.006 +herbals 0.755 0.044 +herbaria 0.661 0.011 +herbarium 0.730 0.014 +herbatint 0.945 0.048 +herbe 0.215 0.028 +herbeau 0.957 0.030 +herbed 0.602 0.045 +herbelin 0.977 0.008 +herber 0.861 0.106 +herbert 0.919 0.064 +herbes 0.367 0.021 +herbicide 0.239 0.048 +herbicides 0.244 0.063 +herbie 0.883 0.054 +herbig 0.901 0.049 +herbivore 0.245 0.019 +herbivores 0.114 0.010 +herbivorous 0.124 0.008 +herbivory 0.168 0.014 +herbology 0.665 0.014 +herbs 0.530 0.024 +herbst 0.914 0.050 +herbstreit 0.997 0.000 +herby 0.662 0.026 +herc 0.766 0.177 +hercegovina 0.817 0.168 +herceptin 0.908 0.041 +herculaneum 0.907 0.056 +hercule 0.882 0.029 +herculean 0.740 0.008 +hercules 0.839 0.072 +herd 0.288 0.022 +herded 0.017 0.003 +herder 0.742 0.021 +herders 0.274 0.005 +herding 0.320 0.022 +herdman 0.878 0.068 +herds 0.098 0.008 +herdsman 0.350 0.048 +herdsmen 0.155 0.009 +here 0.239 0.031 +hereafter 0.121 0.007 +hereby 0.010 0.060 +hereclick 0.000 0.003 +heredia 0.893 0.062 +hereditary 0.229 0.014 +heredity 0.406 0.063 +hereford 0.868 0.106 +herefordshire 0.973 0.014 +herein 0.015 0.029 +hereinabove 0.000 0.007 +hereinafter 0.079 0.005 +hereinbefore 0.007 0.006 +herencia 0.274 0.026 +herend 0.821 0.103 +hereof 0.003 0.018 +hereon 0.037 0.032 +heres 0.398 0.031 +heresies 0.332 0.016 +heresy 0.326 0.017 +heretic 0.596 0.027 +heretical 0.320 0.004 +heretics 0.236 0.015 +heretik 0.926 0.061 +hereto 0.005 0.017 +heretofore 0.049 0.006 +hereunder 0.008 0.031 +hereunto 0.015 0.014 +hereupon 0.286 0.000 +herewith 0.287 0.016 +herfirstbigcock 0.171 0.002 +herford 0.940 0.027 +herger 0.824 0.171 +heri 0.490 0.237 +hering 0.881 0.044 +herington 0.852 0.128 +heriot 0.962 0.024 +heritability 0.471 0.012 +heritable 0.155 0.014 +heritage 0.667 0.035 +heritages 0.174 0.012 +herkimer 0.858 0.107 +herlihy 0.948 0.046 +herm 0.810 0.056 +herma 0.692 0.252 +herman 0.880 0.059 +hermann 0.927 0.045 +hermano 0.410 0.039 +hermanos 0.687 0.105 +hermans 0.842 0.087 +hermanson 0.938 0.042 +hermanus 0.857 0.126 +hermaphrodite 0.124 0.008 +hermaphrodites 0.149 0.004 +hermeneutic 0.194 0.007 +hermeneutical 0.198 0.008 +hermeneutics 0.525 0.015 +hermes 0.788 0.112 +hermetic 0.592 0.028 +hermetically 0.232 0.024 +hermie 0.905 0.035 +hermine 0.851 0.081 +hermione 0.909 0.020 +hermiston 0.836 0.113 +hermit 0.534 0.038 +hermitage 0.816 0.074 +hermite 0.903 0.025 +hermitian 0.746 0.014 +hermits 0.537 0.054 +hermle 0.897 0.026 +hermon 0.924 0.060 +hermosa 0.823 0.051 +hermosas 0.021 0.006 +hermosillo 0.875 0.061 +hern 0.770 0.114 +hernan 0.874 0.069 +hernandez 0.890 0.079 +hernando 0.884 0.086 +herndon 0.901 0.080 +herne 0.879 0.063 +hernia 0.399 0.022 +hernias 0.225 0.016 +herniated 0.313 0.007 +herniation 0.211 0.010 +hero 0.425 0.055 +heroclix 0.786 0.147 +herod 0.941 0.033 +herodotus 0.931 0.024 +heroes 0.598 0.038 +heroic 0.225 0.012 +heroically 0.028 0.003 +heroics 0.093 0.011 +heroin 0.258 0.015 +heroine 0.157 0.016 +heroines 0.313 0.016 +heroism 0.159 0.011 +herold 0.887 0.068 +heron 0.765 0.073 +herons 0.469 0.052 +heros 0.517 0.057 +herp 0.714 0.058 +herpa 0.825 0.096 +herpes 0.334 0.015 +herpesvirus 0.348 0.010 +herpetic 0.303 0.017 +herpetological 0.835 0.030 +herpetology 0.608 0.030 +herr 0.857 0.055 +herradura 0.919 0.039 +herramienta 0.103 0.028 +herramientas 0.250 0.023 +herre 0.693 0.051 +herren 0.814 0.138 +herrera 0.884 0.074 +herrero 0.852 0.125 +herria 0.103 0.002 +herrick 0.876 0.102 +herriman 0.922 0.066 +herrin 0.317 0.062 +herring 0.597 0.049 +herringbone 0.618 0.053 +herrings 0.328 0.025 +herrington 0.894 0.088 +herriot 0.941 0.040 +herrmann 0.918 0.058 +herrn 0.926 0.039 +herron 0.879 0.102 +hers 0.139 0.058 +hersch 0.943 0.035 +herschel 0.948 0.040 +herself 0.048 0.003 +herseth 0.890 0.099 +hersey 0.840 0.084 +hersh 0.917 0.063 +hershberger 0.928 0.064 +hershel 0.915 0.056 +hershey 0.860 0.081 +hersheys 0.671 0.110 +hershman 0.942 0.052 +hersonissos 0.939 0.031 +hersteller 0.929 0.009 +herstory 0.691 0.037 +hert 0.359 0.223 +herta 0.934 0.037 +hertel 0.919 0.071 +herter 0.898 0.065 +hertford 0.902 0.060 +hertfordshire 0.958 0.019 +hertha 0.957 0.030 +hertogenbosch 0.924 0.049 +herts 0.919 0.044 +hertz 0.834 0.038 +hertzberg 0.933 0.060 +hertzog 0.912 0.038 +herunterladen 0.207 0.026 +herve 0.859 0.091 +hervey 0.878 0.094 +herwig 0.678 0.240 +herz 0.743 0.035 +herzberg 0.945 0.029 +herzegovina 0.968 0.025 +herzegowina 0.894 0.100 +herzen 0.893 0.023 +herzfeld 0.953 0.039 +herzigova 0.906 0.015 +herzing 0.973 0.016 +herzl 0.965 0.026 +herzliya 0.945 0.047 +herzog 0.890 0.042 +hes 0.131 0.192 +hesa 0.064 0.900 +heschel 0.965 0.020 +hese 0.055 0.121 +heshe 0.223 0.008 +heshes 0.319 0.000 +hesiod 0.711 0.022 +hesitancy 0.036 0.004 +hesitant 0.028 0.003 +hesitantly 0.082 0.000 +hesitate 0.008 0.010 +hesitated 0.003 0.001 +hesitates 0.070 0.010 +hesitating 0.102 0.005 +hesitation 0.043 0.004 +hesitations 0.058 0.007 +hesketh 0.922 0.057 +heskett 0.954 0.036 +heslop 0.915 0.067 +hesperia 0.846 0.065 +hesperus 0.801 0.069 +hess 0.862 0.113 +hesse 0.917 0.047 +hessel 0.925 0.043 +hessen 0.592 0.018 +hesser 0.935 0.048 +hessian 0.783 0.051 +hessle 0.844 0.035 +hessler 0.924 0.052 +hesston 0.882 0.090 +hest 0.543 0.086 +hester 0.889 0.088 +hestia 0.869 0.038 +heston 0.929 0.041 +het 0.172 0.038 +hetai 0.044 0.003 +hetatm 0.000 1.000 +hetch 0.951 0.027 +hetchy 0.959 0.030 +hete 0.092 0.499 +hetero 0.186 0.031 +heterochromatin 0.184 0.023 +heterocyclic 0.417 0.048 +heterodimer 0.079 0.019 +heterodimers 0.037 0.005 +heterodox 0.212 0.009 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0.918 0.053 +hev 0.098 0.660 +hevea 0.494 0.043 +hever 0.912 0.032 +hew 0.177 0.343 +hewes 0.912 0.073 +hewett 0.819 0.131 +hewit 0.377 0.059 +hewitson 0.948 0.047 +hewitt 0.852 0.036 +hewlet 0.615 0.168 +hewlett 0.897 0.068 +hewllett 0.024 0.972 +hewn 0.105 0.008 +hewson 0.930 0.057 +hex 0.370 0.143 +hexa 0.390 0.102 +hexachlorobenzene 0.508 0.076 +hexadecimal 0.149 0.012 +hexafluoride 0.216 0.034 +hexagon 0.549 0.080 +hexagonal 0.329 0.030 +hexagons 0.201 0.011 +hexagram 0.365 0.063 +hexane 0.210 0.055 +hexapoda 0.822 0.163 +hexavalent 0.292 0.037 +hexcel 0.956 0.036 +hexen 0.786 0.035 +hexes 0.264 0.011 +hexham 0.888 0.059 +hexokinase 0.321 0.035 +hexose 0.172 0.035 +hexus 0.173 0.800 +hexxagon 0.809 0.004 +hey 0.648 0.033 +heya 0.640 0.025 +heyday 0.121 0.009 +heyden 0.835 0.073 +heyer 0.893 0.086 +heyerdahl 0.942 0.037 +heyes 0.956 0.028 +heyman 0.933 0.044 +heymann 0.941 0.050 +heyne 0.919 0.057 +heyre 0.005 0.000 +heys 0.793 0.051 +heysham 0.945 0.034 +heyward 0.925 0.061 +heywood 0.913 0.066 +heyworth 0.824 0.131 +heyy 0.222 0.049 +hezbollah 0.986 0.008 +hezekiah 0.932 0.046 +hf 0.061 0.796 +hfa 0.005 0.940 +hfc 0.009 0.940 +hfd 0.025 0.915 +hfe 0.063 0.810 +hfea 0.000 0.993 +hff 0.256 0.482 +hfh 0.010 0.880 +hfi 0.087 0.784 +hfil 0.000 0.025 +hfill 0.000 0.256 +hfl 0.141 0.641 +hfm 0.026 0.902 +hfma 0.007 0.951 +hfp 0.014 0.895 +hfr 0.095 0.813 +hfs 0.005 0.944 +hfsutils 0.000 0.000 +hft 0.046 0.838 +hfx 0.165 0.640 +hg 0.282 0.651 +hga 0.018 0.930 +hgb 0.294 0.594 +hgc 0.010 0.899 +hgf 0.011 0.757 +hgh 0.065 0.424 +hght 0.148 0.786 +hgnc 0.000 0.984 +hgp 0.008 0.936 +hgr 0.065 0.828 +hgs 0.046 0.841 +hgt 0.144 0.745 +hgts 0.563 0.423 +hgtv 0.010 0.941 +hgv 0.039 0.899 +hh 0.300 0.550 +hha 0.088 0.820 +hhb 0.005 0.960 +hhc 0.026 0.920 +hhd 0.050 0.771 +hhdeerns 0.000 0.000 +hhe 0.061 0.559 +hhg 0.022 0.916 +hhh 0.009 0.870 +hhhh 0.007 0.444 +hhi 0.011 0.890 +hhmi 0.002 0.969 +hhmm 0.046 0.533 +hhn 0.011 0.918 +hhp 0.012 0.912 +hhq 0.008 0.958 +hhr 0.011 0.950 +hhs 0.006 0.972 +hhsc 0.000 0.996 +hht 0.043 0.831 +hhv 0.014 0.955 +hhw 0.025 0.938 +hi 0.622 0.200 +hia 0.081 0.774 +hiaasen 0.944 0.037 +hiace 0.510 0.389 +hialeah 0.901 0.066 +hiatal 0.536 0.009 +hiatt 0.647 0.047 +hiatus 0.274 0.020 +hiawassee 0.897 0.071 +hiawatha 0.890 0.078 +hib 0.597 0.339 +hibachi 0.549 0.039 +hibbard 0.899 0.087 +hibben 0.890 0.056 +hibbert 0.927 0.059 +hibbing 0.839 0.143 +hibbs 0.896 0.091 +hibernate 0.656 0.004 +hibernating 0.150 0.010 +hibernation 0.247 0.010 +hibernia 0.909 0.044 +hibernian 0.944 0.041 +hibi 0.745 0.055 +hibiki 0.922 0.038 +hibiscus 0.740 0.048 +hibs 0.886 0.063 +hic 0.149 0.559 +hiccup 0.210 0.015 +hiccups 0.257 0.010 +hich 0.010 0.032 +hick 0.598 0.047 +hickam 0.898 0.075 +hicker 0.968 0.003 +hickey 0.878 0.077 +hickling 0.897 0.094 +hickman 0.901 0.082 +hickok 0.899 0.074 +hickory 0.797 0.086 +hickox 0.922 0.069 +hicks 0.874 0.083 +hickson 0.935 0.056 +hicksville 0.849 0.107 +hico 0.736 0.196 +hicolor 0.022 0.006 +hicss 0.003 0.992 +hid 0.053 0.369 +hida 0.719 0.236 +hidalgo 0.878 0.072 +hidde 0.253 0.030 +hidden 0.256 0.025 +hiddencam 0.153 0.000 +hiddink 0.972 0.017 +hide 0.489 0.009 +hideaki 0.960 0.018 +hideaway 0.650 0.059 +hideaways 0.579 0.028 +hideki 0.943 0.028 +hiden 0.359 0.031 +hideo 0.950 0.024 +hideous 0.131 0.013 +hideously 0.079 0.005 +hideout 0.577 0.031 +hideouts 0.179 0.008 +hider 0.627 0.044 +hides 0.181 0.018 +hideyuki 0.971 0.017 +hiding 0.177 0.007 +hie 0.245 0.501 +hiebert 0.964 0.030 +hiebook 0.063 0.000 +hiei 0.817 0.041 +hien 0.557 0.040 +hier 0.266 0.026 +hierarch 0.153 0.729 +hierarchic 0.188 0.011 +hierarchical 0.264 0.007 +hierarchically 0.076 0.003 +hierarchies 0.247 0.006 +hierarchy 0.322 0.007 +hierba 0.197 0.007 +hieroglyphic 0.339 0.041 +hieroglyphics 0.506 0.015 +hieroglyphs 0.394 0.016 +hieronymus 0.895 0.031 +hierro 0.718 0.039 +hieu 0.541 0.142 +hif 0.024 0.852 +hifi 0.608 0.149 +hifonics 0.813 0.084 +hig 0.333 0.366 +higa 0.852 0.087 +higashi 0.916 0.046 +higbee 0.815 0.108 +higdon 0.897 0.088 +higginbotham 0.902 0.091 +higgins 0.904 0.077 +higginson 0.904 0.059 +higginsville 0.771 0.184 +higgs 0.945 0.031 +high 0.373 0.027 +higham 0.930 0.047 +highball 0.574 0.080 +highbridge 0.920 0.052 +highbrow 0.229 0.007 +highbury 0.933 0.044 +highchair 0.502 0.053 +highchairs 0.831 0.010 +highend 0.387 0.057 +higher 0.168 0.010 +highers 0.826 0.056 +highest 0.217 0.017 +highfield 0.914 0.071 +highfields 0.742 0.245 +highgate 0.908 0.073 +highgear 0.964 0.016 +highgrove 0.841 0.151 +highland 0.870 0.064 +highlander 0.879 0.059 +highlanders 0.915 0.028 +highlands 0.856 0.040 +highlife 0.552 0.033 +highlight 0.337 0.011 +highlighted 0.064 0.007 +highlighter 0.543 0.037 +highlighters 0.807 0.009 +highlighting 0.135 0.005 +highlights 0.532 0.052 +highline 0.843 0.083 +highly 0.136 0.013 +highmark 0.906 0.058 +highmem 0.027 0.150 +highmoon 0.995 0.000 +highmore 0.889 0.092 +highness 0.795 0.018 +highpass 0.462 0.014 +highpoint 0.498 0.343 +highrise 0.403 0.036 +highs 0.570 0.239 +highschool 0.214 0.015 +highscore 0.489 0.016 +highscores 0.597 0.018 +highsmith 0.938 0.050 +highspeed 0.813 0.012 +highstreet 0.598 0.039 +hight 0.427 0.060 +hightech 0.709 0.101 +hightower 0.898 0.076 +hightstown 0.862 0.107 +highveld 0.780 0.125 +highwater 0.814 0.035 +highway 0.636 0.047 +highwayman 0.580 0.041 +highwaymen 0.670 0.041 +highways 0.300 0.025 +highwire 0.785 0.070 +highwood 0.902 0.075 +higley 0.893 0.096 +higson 0.944 0.048 +higuchi 0.936 0.057 +hih 0.021 0.804 +hihi 0.194 0.076 +hii 0.145 0.592 +hij 0.175 0.116 +hija 0.287 0.042 +hijab 0.500 0.035 +hijack 0.308 0.061 +hijacked 0.136 0.013 +hijacker 0.360 0.013 +hijackers 0.206 0.007 +hijacking 0.248 0.011 +hijackings 0.088 0.005 +hijacks 0.298 0.027 +hijackthis 0.476 0.037 +hijinks 0.363 0.010 +hijinx 0.531 0.021 +hijjah 0.992 0.003 +hijo 0.352 0.055 +hijos 0.288 0.061 +hijra 0.862 0.008 +hijrah 0.919 0.009 +hijri 0.950 0.005 +hikari 0.826 0.052 +hikaru 0.837 0.021 +hike 0.308 0.018 +hiked 0.061 0.003 +hiker 0.584 0.034 +hikers 0.314 0.013 +hikes 0.358 0.015 +hiki 0.425 0.016 +hiking 0.614 0.015 +hiko 0.763 0.050 +hil 0.492 0.268 +hilaire 0.892 0.071 +hilal 0.893 0.051 +hiland 0.911 0.075 +hilario 0.841 0.090 +hilarious 0.156 0.019 +hilariously 0.104 0.008 +hilarity 0.254 0.008 +hilary 0.611 0.022 +hilbert 0.955 0.024 +hild 0.417 0.356 +hilda 0.881 0.087 +hilde 0.931 0.031 +hildebrand 0.911 0.073 +hildebrandt 0.958 0.037 +hildegard 0.919 0.037 +hilden 0.905 0.044 +hildesheim 0.905 0.022 +hildren 0.000 0.721 +hildreth 0.897 0.094 +hile 0.274 0.086 +hilf 0.931 0.019 +hilfe 0.876 0.023 +hilfiger 0.845 0.087 +hilfreich 0.004 0.000 +hilger 0.903 0.056 +hiligaynon 0.895 0.102 +hilite 0.403 0.142 +hill 0.808 0.068 +hilla 0.915 0.024 +hillard 0.842 0.116 +hillarious 0.159 0.041 +hillary 0.919 0.028 +hillarys 0.698 0.165 +hillbillies 0.812 0.036 +hillbilly 0.610 0.057 +hillcrest 0.824 0.124 +hille 0.881 0.074 +hillebrand 0.922 0.067 +hillel 0.932 0.046 +hillenbrand 0.942 0.041 +hiller 0.902 0.074 +hillerman 0.949 0.036 +hillery 0.857 0.067 +hillfort 0.237 0.002 +hillhouse 0.886 0.082 +hilliard 0.887 0.091 +hillier 0.882 0.089 +hillingdon 0.966 0.025 +hillis 0.920 0.068 +hillman 0.807 0.164 +hillock 0.272 0.027 +hills 0.734 0.065 +hillsboro 0.897 0.075 +hillsborough 0.898 0.074 +hillsdale 0.921 0.062 +hillside 0.522 0.064 +hillsides 0.050 0.004 +hillslope 0.228 0.014 +hillsong 0.945 0.017 +hillsville 0.925 0.053 +hillton 0.079 0.003 +hilltop 0.611 0.067 +hilltoppers 0.969 0.021 +hilltops 0.201 0.018 +hilltown 0.795 0.132 +hilltribe 0.688 0.108 +hillview 0.829 0.152 +hillwood 0.750 0.235 +hilly 0.171 0.015 +hillyard 0.917 0.059 +hillyer 0.912 0.082 +hilmar 0.908 0.068 +hilo 0.835 0.051 +hilt 0.182 0.050 +hilti 0.697 0.132 +hilton 0.705 0.032 +hiltonhotel 0.000 0.000 +hiltonhotels 0.000 0.000 +hiltons 0.226 0.080 +hilts 0.590 0.087 +hiltz 0.889 0.088 +hilux 0.533 0.328 +hilversum 0.845 0.040 +him 0.046 0.008 +hima 0.561 0.272 +himachal 0.913 0.073 +himage 0.976 0.006 +himalaya 0.915 0.042 +himalayan 0.912 0.052 +himalayas 0.953 0.019 +himanshu 0.901 0.037 +himc 0.000 0.916 +hime 0.532 0.040 +himeji 0.943 0.030 +himes 0.850 0.102 +himmel 0.876 0.032 +himmler 0.970 0.015 +himsa 0.667 0.058 +himself 0.064 0.003 +himselfe 0.016 0.000 +himss 0.007 0.989 +hin 0.655 0.097 +hina 0.469 0.056 +hinari 0.873 0.107 +hinaus 0.032 0.002 +hinchcliffe 0.964 0.029 +hinchey 0.712 0.285 +hinchinbrook 0.855 0.126 +hinchliffe 0.950 0.044 +hinckley 0.864 0.068 +hind 0.445 0.039 +hinde 0.856 0.069 +hindemith 0.893 0.092 +hinden 0.964 0.009 +hindenburg 0.917 0.045 +hinder 0.087 0.007 +hindered 0.029 0.006 +hindering 0.056 0.009 +hinders 0.116 0.009 +hindi 0.759 0.034 +hindle 0.908 0.069 +hindley 0.926 0.051 +hindlimb 0.299 0.009 +hindman 0.877 0.091 +hindmarsh 0.751 0.205 +hindquarters 0.131 0.043 +hindrance 0.047 0.006 +hindrances 0.101 0.010 +hinds 0.870 0.079 +hindsight 0.235 0.015 +hindu 0.937 0.033 +hinduism 0.948 0.013 +hindus 0.951 0.008 +hindustan 0.934 0.041 +hindustani 0.944 0.023 +hindutva 0.963 0.007 +hine 0.821 0.080 +hiner 0.804 0.056 +hines 0.889 0.076 +hinesburg 0.910 0.070 +hinesville 0.894 0.078 +hing 0.650 0.078 +hinge 0.336 0.074 +hinged 0.364 0.057 +hingegen 0.006 0.000 +hinges 0.348 0.031 +hingham 0.925 0.057 +hingis 0.884 0.019 +hinh 0.235 0.022 +hinkle 0.897 0.083 +hinkley 0.879 0.051 +hinman 0.824 0.159 +hinn 0.847 0.052 +hino 0.497 0.461 +hinojosa 0.836 0.144 +hinoki 0.909 0.018 +hinrich 0.959 0.021 +hinrichs 0.952 0.040 +hinsdale 0.885 0.092 +hinshaw 0.929 0.068 +hinske 0.935 0.014 +hinson 0.886 0.090 +hint 0.301 0.045 +hinted 0.009 0.003 +hinten 0.015 0.002 +hinter 0.181 0.008 +hinterglemm 0.685 0.005 +hinterland 0.427 0.045 +hinterlands 0.401 0.003 +hintern 0.023 0.000 +hinting 0.127 0.010 +hinton 0.916 0.068 +hints 0.460 0.032 +hintz 0.917 0.062 +hinweis 0.927 0.061 +hinweise 0.976 0.017 +hinz 0.880 0.103 +hinze 0.908 0.072 +hio 0.147 0.645 +hip 0.467 0.046 +hipaa 0.016 0.957 +hipc 0.005 0.988 +hiper 0.336 0.610 +hiphop 0.290 0.105 +hipoteca 0.122 0.005 +hipp 0.748 0.210 +hippa 0.080 0.790 +hipparcos 0.828 0.163 +hipped 0.188 0.015 +hippel 0.973 0.016 +hipper 0.270 0.025 +hippest 0.077 0.010 +hippi 0.038 0.908 +hippie 0.437 0.044 +hippies 0.301 0.020 +hippo 0.575 0.041 +hippocampal 0.098 0.011 +hippocampus 0.293 0.011 +hippocrates 0.934 0.025 +hippocratic 0.932 0.013 +hippocrene 0.982 0.010 +hippodrome 0.826 0.059 +hippolyte 0.950 0.024 +hippolytus 0.961 0.035 +hippopotamus 0.546 0.035 +hippos 0.519 0.033 +hippy 0.435 0.087 +hips 0.184 0.050 +hipster 0.526 0.036 +hipsters 0.262 0.019 +hiptop 0.560 0.039 +hir 0.051 0.090 +hira 0.753 0.142 +hiragana 0.450 0.175 +hirai 0.881 0.063 +hiram 0.896 0.083 +hirano 0.924 0.056 +hirata 0.946 0.042 +hirayama 0.930 0.056 +hird 0.645 0.255 +hire 0.543 0.015 +hired 0.093 0.007 +hirer 0.323 0.024 +hires 0.250 0.058 +hiring 0.269 0.029 +hiro 0.817 0.045 +hiroaki 0.968 0.021 +hirohito 0.962 0.016 +hirokazu 0.969 0.013 +hiroki 0.950 0.023 +hiroko 0.787 0.166 +hiromi 0.903 0.026 +hirose 0.903 0.070 +hiroshi 0.963 0.022 +hiroshige 0.927 0.052 +hiroshima 0.943 0.023 +hirota 0.937 0.053 +hiroyuki 0.990 0.005 +hirsch 0.934 0.051 +hirschberg 0.944 0.044 +hirschfeld 0.932 0.050 +hirschhorn 0.941 0.042 +hirschman 0.955 0.039 +hirschmann 0.957 0.031 +hirsh 0.941 0.038 +hirshhorn 0.945 0.043 +hirst 0.909 0.064 +hirsute 0.329 0.009 +hirsutism 0.318 0.015 +hirsutum 0.018 0.012 +hirt 0.814 0.083 +hirundo 0.695 0.010 +his 0.090 0.007 +hisar 0.876 0.103 +hisashi 0.952 0.025 +hiscock 0.836 0.133 +hiscores 0.704 0.019 +hiscox 0.895 0.063 +hisd 0.004 0.972 +hise 0.741 0.093 +hisham 0.882 0.049 +hislop 0.929 0.060 +hisp 0.715 0.255 +hispana 0.531 0.038 +hispanas 0.332 0.006 +hispania 0.900 0.047 +hispanic 0.912 0.045 +hispanics 0.949 0.010 +hispaniola 0.923 0.055 +hispano 0.675 0.037 +hispanos 0.644 0.031 +hispeed 0.078 0.109 +hiss 0.308 0.051 +hissed 0.011 0.001 +hisses 0.090 0.024 +hissing 0.116 0.015 +hissy 0.192 0.022 +hist 0.062 0.080 +histamine 0.348 0.015 +histidine 0.341 0.038 +histiocytosis 0.520 0.026 +histlx 0.000 0.000 +histo 0.642 0.039 +histochem 0.965 0.025 +histochemical 0.321 0.044 +histochemistry 0.393 0.088 +histocompatibility 0.424 0.053 +histogram 0.230 0.022 +histograms 0.194 0.008 +histoire 0.449 0.036 +histoires 0.302 0.024 +histologic 0.206 0.009 +histological 0.245 0.014 +histologically 0.246 0.004 +histology 0.333 0.019 +histolytica 0.038 0.012 +histon 0.931 0.037 +histone 0.231 0.033 +histones 0.368 0.012 +histonet 0.900 0.006 +histopathologic 0.230 0.011 +histopathological 0.239 0.011 +histopathology 0.518 0.037 +histoplasmosis 0.471 0.022 +histor 0.608 0.047 +histori 0.255 0.014 +historia 0.443 0.030 +historian 0.284 0.011 +historians 0.317 0.006 +historias 0.170 0.013 +historic 0.473 0.019 +historica 0.663 0.041 +historical 0.483 0.020 +historically 0.296 0.005 +historicism 0.440 0.014 +historicity 0.190 0.005 +historico 0.555 0.053 +historie 0.536 0.032 +histories 0.342 0.013 +historiographical 0.191 0.012 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0.002 +hitz 0.821 0.060 +hiv 0.004 0.967 +hiva 0.695 0.264 +hive 0.464 0.043 +hivemind 0.235 0.090 +hiver 0.419 0.063 +hives 0.385 0.023 +hiwassee 0.885 0.098 +hiwatt 0.884 0.088 +hiway 0.617 0.159 +hix 0.734 0.198 +hixon 0.915 0.075 +hixson 0.919 0.067 +hiya 0.688 0.021 +hizb 0.960 0.020 +hizballah 0.972 0.018 +hizbollah 0.981 0.006 +hizbullah 0.978 0.014 +hizo 0.084 0.015 +hj 0.050 0.881 +hjc 0.029 0.869 +hjelm 0.876 0.037 +hjelp 0.763 0.029 +hjem 0.727 0.028 +hjemmeside 0.409 0.040 +hjl 0.010 0.113 +hjm 0.007 0.919 +hjr 0.007 0.955 +hjt 0.022 0.896 +hk 0.023 0.898 +hkcr 0.000 0.996 +hkcu 0.000 0.984 +hkd 0.002 0.989 +hkg 0.025 0.937 +hkl 0.012 0.549 +hklm 0.000 0.995 +hkma 0.000 0.990 +hkn 0.012 0.959 +hkr 0.021 0.931 +hks 0.021 0.898 +hksar 0.002 0.991 +hkt 0.008 0.962 +hku 0.003 0.875 +hkust 0.000 0.997 +hl 0.032 0.759 +hla 0.045 0.940 +hlb 0.019 0.846 +hlc 0.011 0.949 +hld 0.064 0.823 +hldgs 0.380 0.612 +hlds 0.044 0.369 +hle 0.039 0.735 +hlf 0.037 0.902 +hlg 0.040 0.896 +hlh 0.014 0.818 +hline 0.047 0.024 +hll 0.039 0.879 +hlm 0.015 0.863 +hlmp 0.000 0.998 +hln 0.009 0.756 +hlp 0.023 0.510 +hlr 0.004 0.941 +hlrz 0.000 0.993 +hls 0.213 0.734 +hlt 0.070 0.780 +hlth 0.361 0.613 +hluhluwe 0.936 0.026 +hluttaw 0.987 0.000 +hlv 0.070 0.897 +hlw 0.013 0.880 +hm 0.119 0.711 +hma 0.010 0.912 +hmac 0.002 0.669 +hmas 0.046 0.939 +hmb 0.019 0.926 +hmc 0.006 0.981 +hmcs 0.007 0.981 +hmd 0.012 0.926 +hmda 0.002 0.984 +hme 0.043 0.587 +hmf 0.035 0.833 +hmg 0.011 0.959 +hmh 0.040 0.800 +hmi 0.012 0.957 +hmic 0.000 0.986 +hmis 0.000 0.992 +hml 0.020 0.887 +hmm 0.541 0.109 +hmmer 0.016 0.270 +hmmm 0.632 0.009 +hmmmm 0.589 0.018 +hmmwv 0.012 0.957 +hmo 0.009 0.947 +hmong 0.929 0.032 +hmp 0.022 0.911 +hmph 0.640 0.031 +hmr 0.025 0.855 +hmrc 0.016 0.921 +hms 0.012 0.941 +hmso 0.003 0.995 +hmt 0.016 0.945 +hmv 0.012 0.969 +hmw 0.011 0.895 +hmx 0.018 0.933 +hn 0.053 0.798 +hnc 0.008 0.960 +hnd 0.029 0.891 +hne 0.014 0.668 +hnf 0.015 0.915 +hnl 0.006 0.972 +hnm 0.009 0.918 +hnn 0.006 0.976 +hno 0.026 0.894 +hnp 0.005 0.822 +hns 0.018 0.868 +hnt 0.048 0.856 +ho 0.483 0.241 +hoa 0.432 0.283 +hoadley 0.816 0.078 +hoag 0.889 0.091 +hoagie 0.538 0.056 +hoagies 0.710 0.038 +hoagland 0.895 0.079 +hoagy 0.919 0.036 +hoan 0.636 0.024 +hoang 0.809 0.050 +hoar 0.656 0.068 +hoard 0.288 0.040 +hoarded 0.173 0.003 +hoarding 0.172 0.012 +hoardings 0.189 0.021 +hoards 0.113 0.012 +hoare 0.908 0.054 +hoarse 0.152 0.007 +hoarsely 0.184 0.000 +hoarseness 0.282 0.005 +hoary 0.399 0.007 +hoax 0.334 0.036 +hoaxes 0.563 0.013 +hob 0.557 0.129 +hoban 0.946 0.041 +hobart 0.911 0.063 +hobb 0.890 0.063 +hobbes 0.873 0.026 +hobbico 0.950 0.019 +hobbie 0.703 0.072 +hobbies 0.903 0.012 +hobbit 0.649 0.026 +hobbits 0.506 0.023 +hobble 0.228 0.026 +hobbled 0.093 0.004 +hobbling 0.072 0.006 +hobbs 0.894 0.071 +hobby 0.558 0.030 +hobbyhostess 0.000 0.000 +hobbyhure 0.010 0.000 +hobbyhuren 0.518 0.000 +hobbyist 0.325 0.020 +hobbyists 0.163 0.005 +hobbynutte 0.010 0.000 +hobbynutten 0.002 0.000 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0.877 0.115 +hodgman 0.880 0.103 +hodgson 0.912 0.076 +hodie 0.579 0.077 +hodograph 0.844 0.010 +hodson 0.885 0.086 +hoe 0.293 0.058 +hoechst 0.833 0.148 +hoedown 0.639 0.054 +hoedspruit 0.930 0.040 +hoefer 0.920 0.066 +hoeffel 0.777 0.216 +hoehn 0.927 0.063 +hoehrmann 0.988 0.000 +hoeing 0.341 0.015 +hoek 0.866 0.043 +hoekstra 0.877 0.109 +hoel 0.559 0.067 +hoem 0.182 0.019 +hoenig 0.875 0.098 +hoes 0.298 0.029 +hoeschen 0.064 0.009 +hoeven 0.940 0.022 +hoey 0.914 0.048 +hof 0.498 0.405 +hofer 0.915 0.054 +hoff 0.891 0.052 +hoffa 0.916 0.051 +hoffer 0.928 0.050 +hoffman 0.922 0.056 +hoffmania 0.966 0.000 +hoffmann 0.913 0.069 +hoffmeister 0.922 0.059 +hoffnung 0.944 0.023 +hofgastein 0.973 0.007 +hofman 0.922 0.040 +hofmann 0.938 0.049 +hofmeister 0.926 0.050 +hofner 0.754 0.172 +hofstadter 0.976 0.015 +hofstede 0.973 0.014 +hofstetter 0.931 0.060 +hofstra 0.914 0.080 +hog 0.431 0.091 +hoga 0.627 0.084 +hogan 0.900 0.065 +hogansville 0.896 0.069 +hogar 0.522 0.055 +hogarth 0.926 0.053 +hoge 0.807 0.050 +hoger 0.264 0.013 +hogeschool 0.853 0.021 +hogg 0.876 0.078 +hoggard 0.946 0.042 +hoggart 0.978 0.016 +hogging 0.105 0.010 +hogle 0.682 0.062 +hogmanay 0.902 0.044 +hogs 0.359 0.050 +hogshead 0.812 0.015 +hogtied 0.063 0.001 +hogue 0.894 0.085 +hogwarts 0.933 0.022 +hogwash 0.400 0.033 +hogwood 0.847 0.065 +hogy 0.047 0.004 +hoh 0.067 0.906 +hohe 0.402 0.019 +hohenheim 0.980 0.009 +hohmann 0.941 0.048 +hohn 0.894 0.059 +hohner 0.782 0.153 +hohokam 0.957 0.021 +hoi 0.666 0.083 +hoilday 0.388 0.018 +hoisin 0.581 0.016 +hoisington 0.771 0.218 +hoist 0.344 0.060 +hoisted 0.027 0.005 +hoisting 0.297 0.027 +hoists 0.526 0.037 +hoja 0.330 0.033 +hojas 0.157 0.025 +hoje 0.244 0.023 +hojo 0.339 0.035 +hok 0.339 0.520 +hoke 0.819 0.060 +hokes 0.348 0.054 +hokey 0.397 0.016 +hoki 0.411 0.040 +hokie 0.871 0.028 +hokies 0.970 0.013 +hokitika 0.953 0.037 +hokkaido 0.898 0.087 +hokkien 0.823 0.007 +hoku 0.794 0.115 +hokum 0.478 0.039 +hokusai 0.916 0.043 +hol 0.269 0.500 +hola 0.641 0.079 +holabird 0.963 0.027 +holand 0.645 0.065 +holanda 0.816 0.030 +holbein 0.907 0.067 +holberg 0.968 0.025 +holbert 0.897 0.094 +holborn 0.944 0.036 +holbrook 0.894 0.087 +holbrooke 0.904 0.093 +holby 0.921 0.048 +holcim 0.939 0.057 +holcomb 0.869 0.109 +holcombe 0.900 0.085 +hold 0.130 0.018 +holdall 0.827 0.060 +holdalls 0.830 0.036 +holdaway 0.923 0.071 +holday 0.082 0.008 +holdback 0.475 0.037 +holde 0.183 0.021 +holdem 0.087 0.004 +holden 0.794 0.147 +holder 0.394 0.059 +holderness 0.947 0.033 +holders 0.393 0.033 +holdin 0.350 0.046 +holding 0.161 0.019 +holdings 0.676 0.066 +holdout 0.143 0.019 +holdouts 0.166 0.006 +holdover 0.189 0.039 +holdrege 0.864 0.120 +holds 0.101 0.011 +holdsworth 0.897 0.076 +holdum 0.108 0.004 +holdup 0.236 0.024 +hole 0.294 0.028 +holed 0.086 0.023 +holes 0.144 0.018 +holey 0.584 0.054 +holford 0.925 0.058 +holga 0.738 0.029 +holgate 0.822 0.141 +holger 0.914 0.021 +holguin 0.925 0.047 +holi 0.776 0.042 +holic 0.294 0.047 +holiday 0.583 0.029 +holidaying 0.139 0.016 +holidayinn 0.029 0.016 +holidayinnexpress 0.004 0.000 +holidayinns 0.000 0.000 +holidaymakers 0.121 0.010 +holidays 0.498 0.020 +holier 0.203 0.011 +holies 0.639 0.013 +holiest 0.100 0.005 +holiness 0.432 0.018 +holing 0.123 0.013 +holism 0.375 0.015 +holistic 0.499 0.015 +holistically 0.090 0.003 +holisticshop 0.987 0.000 +holl 0.350 0.332 +holla 0.393 0.107 +hollaback 0.630 0.017 +holladay 0.912 0.071 +holland 0.865 0.057 +hollandaise 0.584 0.033 +hollandale 0.837 0.120 +hollander 0.948 0.033 +hollands 0.964 0.019 +hollandse 0.098 0.007 +hollandsex 0.000 0.000 +hollar 0.711 0.065 +holle 0.831 0.048 +holleman 0.931 0.058 +hollen 0.829 0.154 +hollenbeck 0.899 0.064 +holler 0.502 0.042 +hollered 0.010 0.000 +hollering 0.126 0.007 +hollers 0.291 0.029 +holley 0.839 0.105 +holli 0.826 0.059 +holliday 0.777 0.061 +hollidaysburg 0.844 0.115 +hollie 0.846 0.045 +hollies 0.850 0.053 +holling 0.961 0.032 +hollinger 0.949 0.048 +hollings 0.808 0.183 +hollingshead 0.826 0.091 +hollingsworth 0.898 0.089 +hollingworth 0.897 0.097 +hollins 0.923 0.051 +hollis 0.829 0.154 +hollister 0.821 0.095 +holliston 0.921 0.064 +holloman 0.891 0.089 +hollow 0.513 0.046 +holloware 0.762 0.034 +holloway 0.891 0.059 +hollowed 0.103 0.006 +holloween 0.537 0.051 +hollowell 0.877 0.115 +hollows 0.294 0.011 +hollowware 0.330 0.072 +holly 0.809 0.055 +hollyday 0.082 0.010 +hollyhock 0.717 0.063 +hollyoaks 0.773 0.055 +hollywood 0.899 0.034 +holm 0.883 0.064 +holman 0.906 0.075 +holmberg 0.938 0.048 +holmdel 0.854 0.112 +holme 0.761 0.184 +holmen 0.876 0.104 +holmer 0.605 0.384 +holmes 0.880 0.062 +holmfirth 0.937 0.043 +holmgren 0.969 0.021 +holmium 0.496 0.038 +holmquist 0.908 0.055 +holmstrom 0.960 0.032 +holmwood 0.690 0.295 +holo 0.489 0.195 +holocaust 0.679 0.019 +holocene 0.950 0.029 +holodeck 0.533 0.019 +holoenzyme 0.051 0.020 +holofoil 0.829 0.100 +hologram 0.434 0.096 +holograms 0.437 0.045 +holograph 0.424 0.011 +holographic 0.455 0.050 +holography 0.425 0.051 +holohan 0.902 0.059 +holomorphic 0.075 0.010 +holon 0.682 0.105 +holonomy 0.092 0.009 +holonyms 0.949 0.000 +holotype 0.480 0.046 +holroyd 0.793 0.191 +hols 0.197 0.051 +holsinger 0.934 0.056 +holst 0.848 0.062 +holstein 0.900 0.063 +holster 0.533 0.181 +holsters 0.655 0.058 +holston 0.880 0.106 +holsworthy 0.769 0.125 +holt 0.892 0.078 +holte 0.892 0.051 +holtek 0.942 0.052 +holter 0.883 0.039 +holton 0.890 0.082 +holts 0.682 0.218 +holtsville 0.834 0.129 +holtville 0.849 0.141 +holtz 0.948 0.036 +holtzman 0.921 0.060 +holub 0.894 0.088 +holux 0.891 0.067 +holy 0.700 0.033 +holyfield 0.908 0.055 +holyhead 0.901 0.027 +holyoke 0.925 0.057 +holyrood 0.944 0.038 +holywell 0.878 0.031 +holywood 0.628 0.190 +holz 0.775 0.079 +holzer 0.884 0.057 +holzman 0.941 0.045 +hom 0.473 0.201 +homa 0.607 0.153 +homage 0.243 0.016 +homail 0.000 0.000 +homan 0.875 0.072 +homann 0.936 0.051 +homas 0.036 0.591 +hombre 0.289 0.030 +hombres 0.123 0.010 +homburg 0.901 0.036 +home 0.682 0.046 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0.029 +homemaking 0.604 0.012 +homens 0.140 0.009 +homeo 0.261 0.027 +homeobox 0.252 0.158 +homeodomain 0.396 0.021 +homeomorphic 0.039 0.000 +homeomorphism 0.036 0.004 +homeopath 0.334 0.013 +homeopathic 0.566 0.023 +homeopathics 0.908 0.025 +homeopaths 0.596 0.009 +homeopathy 0.713 0.020 +homeostasis 0.184 0.015 +homeostatic 0.187 0.010 +homeotic 0.109 0.046 +homeowner 0.357 0.019 +homeowners 0.399 0.015 +homeownership 0.401 0.019 +homepage 0.591 0.020 +homepages 0.327 0.028 +homeport 0.563 0.057 +homer 0.789 0.060 +homered 0.008 0.000 +homeric 0.963 0.013 +homeroom 0.389 0.028 +homers 0.317 0.009 +homerton 0.916 0.068 +homerun 0.351 0.048 +homeruns 0.247 0.026 +homerville 0.879 0.085 +homes 0.496 0.028 +homescape 0.985 0.007 +homeschool 0.667 0.043 +homeschooled 0.323 0.004 +homeschooler 0.496 0.020 +homeschoolers 0.398 0.012 +homeschooling 0.603 0.011 +homesearch 0.699 0.010 +homesick 0.377 0.019 +homesickness 0.193 0.008 +homesite 0.315 0.191 +homesites 0.306 0.023 +homespun 0.600 0.131 +homestake 0.932 0.057 +homestand 0.123 0.021 +homestar 0.850 0.022 +homestay 0.603 0.021 +homestays 0.603 0.011 +homestead 0.702 0.052 +homesteader 0.493 0.032 +homesteaders 0.284 0.019 +homesteading 0.637 0.016 +homesteads 0.238 0.023 +homestore 0.919 0.029 +homestudy 0.497 0.023 +homestyle 0.745 0.043 +hometown 0.547 0.033 +hometowns 0.298 0.007 +hometwat 0.102 0.000 +homevisions 0.943 0.000 +homeward 0.508 0.032 +homeware 0.698 0.015 +homewares 0.856 0.027 +homewood 0.920 0.059 +homewoodsuites 0.000 0.000 +homework 0.500 0.018 +homeworkers 0.426 0.019 +homeworking 0.669 0.013 +homeworks 0.440 0.032 +homeworld 0.725 0.012 +homewrecker 0.791 0.032 +homey 0.155 0.019 +homi 0.728 0.046 +homicidal 0.201 0.017 +homicide 0.371 0.038 +homicides 0.195 0.011 +homie 0.087 0.672 +homies 0.362 0.085 +homilies 0.496 0.022 +homily 0.445 0.033 +hominem 0.127 0.007 +homing 0.259 0.022 +hominid 0.551 0.019 +hominidae 0.982 0.011 +hominids 0.225 0.021 +hominis 0.137 0.019 +hominy 0.583 0.095 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0.320 0.021 +homosexuales 0.009 0.003 +homosexuality 0.268 0.010 +homosexuals 0.230 0.011 +homotopy 0.139 0.016 +homozygotes 0.086 0.003 +homozygous 0.138 0.008 +hompage 0.581 0.009 +homs 0.364 0.184 +homunculus 0.475 0.018 +hon 0.542 0.186 +honaker 0.839 0.146 +honan 0.924 0.052 +honcho 0.418 0.027 +honchos 0.431 0.021 +hond 0.082 0.106 +honda 0.778 0.085 +hondas 0.751 0.033 +hondo 0.825 0.112 +honduran 0.982 0.011 +honduras 0.946 0.041 +hone 0.244 0.077 +honea 0.773 0.124 +honed 0.066 0.009 +honegger 0.846 0.142 +honeoye 0.801 0.148 +hones 0.281 0.043 +honesdale 0.827 0.122 +honest 0.137 0.015 +honestly 0.196 0.011 +honesty 0.197 0.019 +honey 0.529 0.042 +honeybee 0.443 0.027 +honeybees 0.237 0.021 +honeycomb 0.473 0.037 +honeycutt 0.867 0.123 +honeyd 0.249 0.000 +honeydew 0.527 0.052 +honeyeater 0.849 0.026 +honeyed 0.214 0.021 +honeyman 0.886 0.055 +honeymoon 0.543 0.016 +honeymooners 0.210 0.034 +honeymoons 0.768 0.016 +honeynet 0.708 0.008 +honeypot 0.434 0.015 +honeypots 0.592 0.004 +honeys 0.570 0.045 +honeysuckle 0.607 0.049 +honeywell 0.840 0.076 +honfleur 0.888 0.044 +hong 0.945 0.032 +hongkong 0.684 0.084 +hongo 0.759 0.026 +hongrie 0.885 0.068 +honiara 0.946 0.043 +honig 0.932 0.047 +honing 0.278 0.017 +honiton 0.866 0.060 +honk 0.513 0.122 +honkbal 0.095 0.000 +honking 0.097 0.012 +honky 0.665 0.050 +honneur 0.403 0.025 +hono 0.361 0.378 +honolulu 0.950 0.030 +honor 0.381 0.024 +honora 0.873 0.082 +honorable 0.611 0.042 +honorably 0.073 0.012 +honoraria 0.272 0.022 +honorarium 0.229 0.016 +honorary 0.578 0.027 +honore 0.898 0.052 +honored 0.125 0.015 +honoree 0.346 0.049 +honorees 0.349 0.027 +honorific 0.234 0.008 +honoring 0.318 0.051 +honoris 0.453 0.017 +honors 0.515 0.042 +honour 0.261 0.020 +honourable 0.487 0.028 +honourary 0.612 0.028 +honoured 0.090 0.015 +honouring 0.199 0.015 +honours 0.600 0.046 +hons 0.926 0.042 +honshu 0.779 0.196 +hoo 0.372 0.108 +hooah 0.585 0.314 +hoobastank 0.499 0.023 +hoobly 0.998 0.000 +hooch 0.715 0.060 +hoochie 0.640 0.041 +hood 0.591 0.059 +hooded 0.689 0.060 +hoodia 0.361 0.020 +hoodie 0.798 0.048 +hoodies 0.725 0.032 +hoodlum 0.595 0.058 +hoodlums 0.232 0.020 +hoodoo 0.647 0.049 +hoods 0.675 0.023 +hoodwinked 0.916 0.027 +hoody 0.764 0.087 +hooey 0.325 0.035 +hoof 0.420 0.036 +hoofd 0.062 0.004 +hoofddorp 0.889 0.031 +hoofed 0.144 0.016 +hoofer 0.802 0.026 +hoofs 0.123 0.010 +hooft 0.948 0.024 +hoog 0.605 0.028 +hoogle 0.015 0.000 +hook 0.377 0.059 +hooka 0.534 0.052 +hookah 0.550 0.036 +hookahs 0.679 0.030 +hooke 0.931 0.034 +hooked 0.180 0.018 +hooker 0.730 0.051 +hookers 0.398 0.027 +hooking 0.312 0.040 +hooks 0.381 0.044 +hooksett 0.936 0.052 +hookup 0.305 0.211 +hookups 0.421 0.016 +hookworm 0.365 0.012 +hooky 0.299 0.020 +hool 0.226 0.050 +hoole 0.822 0.051 +hooley 0.809 0.169 +hooligan 0.566 0.057 +hooliganism 0.164 0.009 +hooligans 0.608 0.021 +hoon 0.726 0.047 +hoonah 0.865 0.123 +hooo 0.247 0.166 +hoop 0.574 0.065 +hoopa 0.867 0.116 +hooper 0.889 0.087 +hoopes 0.901 0.081 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0.931 0.053 +hopkinson 0.944 0.045 +hopkinsville 0.899 0.077 +hopkinton 0.919 0.070 +hopland 0.852 0.137 +hopman 0.938 0.036 +hopp 0.826 0.102 +hoppe 0.891 0.073 +hopped 0.049 0.005 +hopper 0.613 0.059 +hoppers 0.541 0.061 +hoppin 0.584 0.040 +hopping 0.208 0.017 +hoppipolla 0.989 0.000 +hoppy 0.586 0.077 +hops 0.227 0.035 +hopscotch 0.647 0.054 +hopson 0.884 0.102 +hopton 0.916 0.071 +hopwood 0.924 0.065 +hoquiam 0.835 0.106 +hor 0.399 0.214 +hora 0.605 0.028 +horace 0.906 0.071 +horacio 0.904 0.041 +horaire 0.179 0.039 +horak 0.911 0.066 +horam 0.959 0.011 +horan 0.921 0.066 +horary 0.594 0.012 +horas 0.213 0.031 +horatio 0.866 0.073 +horch 0.914 0.027 +horchow 0.939 0.042 +hord 0.706 0.124 +hordaland 0.947 0.028 +horde 0.767 0.013 +hordern 0.820 0.168 +hordes 0.209 0.013 +hordeum 0.964 0.020 +hore 0.554 0.101 +horeb 0.887 0.094 +horehound 0.744 0.019 +hores 0.085 0.029 +horgan 0.929 0.053 +hori 0.677 0.079 +horicon 0.840 0.133 +horie 0.976 0.017 +horiuchi 0.955 0.032 +horiz 0.496 0.122 +horizo 0.825 0.138 +horizon 0.487 0.035 +horizons 0.672 0.030 +horizontal 0.326 0.026 +horizontally 0.056 0.005 +horizonte 0.827 0.029 +horley 0.937 0.045 +horloge 0.083 0.012 +horloges 0.063 0.006 +horm 0.875 0.066 +hormel 0.841 0.146 +hormonal 0.249 0.014 +hormonally 0.228 0.015 +hormone 0.219 0.019 +hormones 0.276 0.023 +horms 0.938 0.000 +horn 0.607 0.063 +hornaday 0.947 0.044 +hornady 0.825 0.106 +hornbeam 0.611 0.040 +hornbeck 0.858 0.105 +hornberger 0.901 0.095 +hornbill 0.698 0.032 +hornblende 0.150 0.088 +hornblower 0.904 0.057 +hornburg 0.977 0.017 +hornby 0.851 0.109 +horncastle 0.943 0.041 +hornchurch 0.915 0.034 +horne 0.908 0.075 +horned 0.618 0.030 +hornell 0.804 0.155 +horner 0.901 0.078 +hornet 0.755 0.109 +hornets 0.915 0.026 +horney 0.126 0.009 +horniest 0.115 0.037 +hornik 0.488 0.007 +horning 0.844 0.066 +horno 0.495 0.033 +hornpipe 0.778 0.047 +horns 0.347 0.031 +hornsby 0.870 0.095 +hornsea 0.754 0.123 +hornsey 0.939 0.031 +hornstein 0.969 0.025 +hornstr 0.000 0.000 +hornstrasse 0.000 0.000 +hornung 0.904 0.082 +horny 0.332 0.016 +horo 0.692 0.069 +horologium 0.986 0.004 +horology 0.878 0.012 +horoscope 0.587 0.023 +horoscopes 0.763 0.050 +horoscopo 0.188 0.018 +horoskop 0.483 0.005 +horowitz 0.946 0.040 +horrendous 0.040 0.009 +horrendously 0.025 0.004 +horrible 0.291 0.018 +horribly 0.039 0.010 +horrid 0.113 0.019 +horrific 0.056 0.006 +horrified 0.060 0.007 +horrifying 0.063 0.006 +horrocks 0.934 0.051 +horror 0.620 0.033 +horrorpops 0.907 0.047 +horrors 0.355 0.018 +horry 0.899 0.068 +hors 0.417 0.039 +horse 0.380 0.025 +horseback 0.450 0.017 +horsebit 0.367 0.115 +horsefeathers 0.902 0.030 +horsefly 0.831 0.018 +horsefucking 0.004 0.000 +horseguards 0.954 0.021 +horsehair 0.291 0.050 +horsehead 0.823 0.065 +horseheads 0.875 0.092 +horseman 0.635 0.050 +horsemanship 0.542 0.046 +horsemen 0.473 0.026 +horseplay 0.274 0.030 +horsepower 0.320 0.018 +horseracing 0.495 0.102 +horseradish 0.457 0.022 +horseriding 0.552 0.013 +horses 0.350 0.022 +horsesex 0.220 0.002 +horseshoe 0.606 0.062 +horseshoes 0.545 0.027 +horsetail 0.662 0.019 +horsey 0.562 0.037 +horsfall 0.902 0.073 +horsham 0.879 0.084 +horsley 0.896 0.090 +horsman 0.874 0.075 +horst 0.930 0.033 +horstmann 0.917 0.060 +hort 0.821 0.112 +horta 0.888 0.066 +hortense 0.892 0.069 +horticultural 0.533 0.040 +horticulture 0.685 0.044 +horticulturist 0.466 0.020 +hortiplex 0.991 0.006 +horton 0.904 0.076 +hortons 0.883 0.038 +hortonville 0.865 0.112 +hortus 0.858 0.043 +horus 0.820 0.067 +horvat 0.896 0.080 +horvath 0.924 0.059 +horvitz 0.950 0.039 +horwath 0.949 0.044 +horwich 0.964 0.032 +horwitz 0.929 0.066 +horwood 0.933 0.052 +horz 0.533 0.187 +hos 0.191 0.246 +hosa 0.653 0.333 +hosanna 0.861 0.045 +hose 0.388 0.071 +hosea 0.986 0.012 +hoseasons 0.973 0.006 +hosed 0.175 0.010 +hosen 0.687 0.045 +hoser 0.662 0.085 +hoses 0.400 0.040 +hosford 0.875 0.111 +hoshi 0.814 0.047 +hoshiarpur 0.932 0.062 +hoshino 0.901 0.051 +hosiery 0.728 0.040 +hosing 0.257 0.011 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0.472 0.003 +hoteles 0.554 0.007 +hotelier 0.630 0.013 +hoteliers 0.628 0.009 +hotell 0.626 0.040 +hoteller 0.266 0.002 +hotelnet 0.991 0.000 +hotelopia 0.979 0.005 +hotels 0.689 0.010 +hotes 0.180 0.054 +hotesl 0.020 0.000 +hotest 0.225 0.073 +hotetur 0.943 0.038 +hotfix 0.431 0.031 +hotfixes 0.369 0.003 +hoth 0.826 0.107 +hotham 0.815 0.178 +hothouse 0.657 0.027 +hotjobs 0.086 0.012 +hotkey 0.288 0.020 +hotkeys 0.254 0.011 +hotle 0.110 0.002 +hotles 0.062 0.000 +hotlesbian 0.000 0.000 +hotline 0.661 0.056 +hotlines 0.580 0.045 +hotlink 0.587 0.051 +hotlinking 0.263 0.053 +hotlinks 0.667 0.127 +hotlist 0.510 0.017 +hotlists 0.811 0.078 +hotly 0.022 0.003 +hotm 0.007 0.124 +hotma 0.012 0.005 +hotmai 0.014 0.004 +hotmail 0.778 0.007 +hotmailcom 0.030 0.000 +hotmal 0.007 0.000 +hotmali 0.000 0.000 +hotmall 0.000 0.000 +hotmeil 0.000 0.000 +hotmil 0.000 0.000 +hotness 0.338 0.037 +hoto 0.080 0.329 +hotpants 0.573 0.044 +hotpics 0.000 0.000 +hotplate 0.377 0.068 +hotplates 0.173 0.015 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0.020 +hourglass 0.698 0.017 +hourly 0.555 0.029 +hours 0.131 0.015 +hous 0.367 0.109 +housatonic 0.905 0.076 +house 0.607 0.033 +houseboat 0.570 0.025 +houseboats 0.680 0.011 +housebound 0.185 0.047 +housebreaking 0.574 0.013 +housebroken 0.228 0.015 +housecall 0.546 0.032 +housecat 0.664 0.090 +housecleaning 0.423 0.036 +housed 0.073 0.004 +household 0.455 0.030 +householder 0.437 0.138 +householders 0.127 0.031 +households 0.184 0.021 +housekeeper 0.364 0.036 +housekeepers 0.298 0.038 +housekeeping 0.550 0.036 +housemaid 0.277 0.011 +houseman 0.845 0.063 +housemate 0.336 0.020 +housemates 0.277 0.007 +houseplant 0.394 0.162 +houseplants 0.560 0.012 +houser 0.844 0.098 +houses 0.354 0.015 +houseshare 0.694 0.017 +houseware 0.823 0.034 +housewares 0.804 0.007 +housewarming 0.614 0.008 +housewife 0.358 0.011 +housewifes 0.118 0.008 +housewive 0.216 0.010 +housewives 0.254 0.009 +housework 0.192 0.027 +houshold 0.449 0.038 +housing 0.458 0.035 +housings 0.488 0.028 +housley 0.925 0.046 +housman 0.900 0.081 +housse 0.288 0.394 +houston 0.878 0.041 +houswives 0.076 0.006 +hout 0.746 0.038 +houten 0.732 0.034 +houze 0.334 0.027 +hov 0.082 0.868 +hove 0.902 0.030 +hovel 0.270 0.020 +hoven 0.863 0.066 +hover 0.307 0.027 +hovercraft 0.440 0.038 +hovered 0.007 0.002 +hovering 0.093 0.006 +hovers 0.061 0.007 +hovey 0.890 0.097 +hovind 0.972 0.015 +hovis 0.783 0.179 +hovland 0.944 0.037 +hovnanian 0.941 0.050 +how 0.367 0.012 +howard 0.917 0.054 +howardjohnson 0.006 0.000 +howardjohnsons 0.000 0.000 +howards 0.867 0.089 +howarth 0.940 0.047 +howbeit 0.693 0.004 +howden 0.885 0.092 +howdy 0.786 0.038 +howe 0.874 0.072 +howell 0.891 0.084 +howells 0.840 0.147 +hower 0.713 0.104 +howerton 0.875 0.119 +howes 0.878 0.103 +however 0.581 0.004 +howey 0.893 0.075 +howick 0.905 0.083 +howie 0.826 0.044 +howies 0.606 0.070 +howitt 0.932 0.059 +howitzer 0.508 0.043 +howitzers 0.201 0.014 +howl 0.484 0.039 +howland 0.927 0.061 +howled 0.017 0.004 +howler 0.750 0.042 +howlers 0.556 0.030 +howlett 0.897 0.081 +howley 0.949 0.042 +howlin 0.886 0.048 +howling 0.400 0.034 +howls 0.190 0.019 +howrah 0.953 0.044 +hows 0.282 0.026 +howse 0.833 0.091 +howser 0.917 0.051 +howsoever 0.034 0.022 +howson 0.906 0.086 +howstuffworks 0.931 0.000 +howth 0.845 0.126 +howto 0.069 0.772 +howtos 0.820 0.019 +hox 0.631 0.258 +hoxie 0.855 0.112 +hoxton 0.893 0.072 +hoy 0.643 0.059 +hoya 0.882 0.075 +hoyas 0.975 0.014 +hoye 0.838 0.081 +hoyer 0.770 0.208 +hoyhoy 0.084 0.000 +hoylake 0.784 0.037 +hoyle 0.701 0.044 +hoyo 0.941 0.033 +hoyos 0.874 0.057 +hoyt 0.878 0.084 +hoyts 0.898 0.016 +hozelock 0.928 0.045 +hp 0.024 0.881 +hpa 0.022 0.885 +hpana 0.004 0.977 +hpb 0.003 0.571 +hpc 0.011 0.928 +hpcb 0.000 0.507 +hpcc 0.000 0.950 +hpd 0.012 0.926 +hpe 0.019 0.833 +hper 0.009 0.970 +hpf 0.005 0.879 +hpfs 0.000 0.772 +hpg 0.007 0.600 +hpgl 0.014 0.798 +hph 0.053 0.734 +hpi 0.019 0.842 +hpijs 0.000 0.214 +hpk 0.168 0.430 +hpl 0.015 0.893 +hplc 0.005 0.976 +hplip 0.000 0.100 +hpm 0.009 0.930 +hpn 0.258 0.655 +hpo 0.021 0.904 +hpoj 0.000 0.049 +hpp 0.297 0.571 +hppa 0.001 0.040 +hpq 0.085 0.874 +hpr 0.047 0.817 +hprd 0.000 0.987 +hps 0.030 0.894 +hpsg 0.004 0.944 +hpss 0.000 0.832 +hpt 0.091 0.700 +hpu 0.006 0.921 +hpux 0.025 0.588 +hpv 0.041 0.690 +hpw 0.026 0.614 +hpx 0.024 0.726 +hq 0.037 0.874 +hqda 0.000 0.983 +hr 0.028 0.637 +hra 0.017 0.939 +hradec 0.946 0.031 +hraka 0.965 0.000 +hrao 0.000 0.928 +hrb 0.024 0.936 +hrc 0.017 0.951 +hrd 0.027 0.892 +hrdc 0.047 0.839 +hre 0.028 0.773 +hree 0.011 0.559 +href 0.005 0.105 +hreoc 0.000 0.997 +hresult 0.001 0.975 +hrf 0.015 0.874 +hrg 0.180 0.735 +hrh 0.012 0.958 +hri 0.010 0.957 +hris 0.035 0.897 +hristov 0.961 0.028 +hrithik 0.913 0.016 +hrk 0.005 0.988 +hrl 0.011 0.948 +hrli 0.000 0.985 +hrm 0.107 0.794 +hrms 0.014 0.958 +hrn 0.068 0.730 +hro 0.032 0.909 +hrp 0.020 0.928 +hrr 0.030 0.918 +hrrz 0.000 0.990 +hrs 0.130 0.088 +hrsa 0.001 0.981 +hrsdc 0.000 0.969 +hrsg 0.494 0.319 +hrt 0.019 0.911 +hrv 0.103 0.820 +hrvatska 0.956 0.013 +hrvatski 0.859 0.017 +hrvoje 0.975 0.012 +hrw 0.020 0.930 +hry 0.459 0.142 +hryvnia 0.971 0.001 +hs 0.081 0.840 +hsa 0.012 0.632 +hsb 0.018 0.870 +hsbc 0.036 0.889 +hsc 0.008 0.945 +hscsd 0.000 0.963 +hsd 0.011 0.949 +hsdpa 0.001 0.991 +hse 0.128 0.772 +hsf 0.017 0.884 +hsg 0.145 0.771 +hsh 0.018 0.856 +hsi 0.228 0.686 +hsia 0.719 0.194 +hsiang 0.822 0.050 +hsiao 0.933 0.036 +hsieh 0.963 0.026 +hsien 0.747 0.074 +hsin 0.723 0.218 +hsinchu 0.947 0.043 +hsing 0.821 0.063 +hsiung 0.764 0.038 +hsize 0.008 0.076 +hsk 0.253 0.668 +hsl 0.010 0.922 +hslab 0.013 0.969 +hslda 0.000 0.990 +hsm 0.008 0.967 +hsmai 0.000 0.995 +hsn 0.001 0.986 +hso 0.078 0.863 +hsp 0.036 0.855 +hspace 0.006 0.400 +hsphere 0.043 0.004 +hsqldb 0.064 0.269 +hsr 0.006 0.950 +hsrc 0.002 0.990 +hsrp 0.000 0.934 +hss 0.079 0.826 +hssi 0.012 0.884 +hssp 0.000 0.992 +hst 0.015 0.951 +hsu 0.727 0.222 +hsuan 0.899 0.028 +hsueh 0.723 0.029 +hsus 0.011 0.969 +hsv 0.018 0.870 +hsw 0.009 0.956 +hsx 0.104 0.805 +hsync 0.046 0.104 +ht 0.138 0.674 +hta 0.039 0.838 +htaccess 0.019 0.007 +htan 0.052 0.006 +htb 0.010 0.725 +htc 0.056 0.896 +htd 0.073 0.851 +htdig 0.010 0.012 +htdocs 0.008 0.004 +hte 0.030 0.133 +htel 0.054 0.009 +htf 0.013 0.933 +htfr 0.000 0.801 +htg 0.111 0.864 +hth 0.033 0.826 +hti 0.026 0.828 +htl 0.291 0.477 +htlv 0.005 0.990 +htm 0.008 0.165 +htmail 0.000 0.011 +htmerge 0.009 0.000 +html 0.010 0.760 +htmlarea 0.043 0.021 +htmldoc 0.015 0.243 +htmlentities 0.000 0.000 +htmlspecialchars 0.000 0.000 +htn 0.053 0.890 +hto 0.024 0.665 +htonl 0.007 0.007 +htons 0.000 0.012 +htp 0.023 0.724 +htpasswd 0.040 0.005 +htpc 0.002 0.922 +htr 0.210 0.681 +hts 0.357 0.592 +htt 0.028 0.462 +http 0.037 0.539 +httpclient 0.008 0.005 +httpd 0.005 0.028 +httpdocs 0.000 0.000 +https 0.003 0.119 +httpwww 0.001 0.000 +htv 0.010 0.855 +htw 0.007 0.893 +htx 0.015 0.813 +htz 0.021 0.896 +hu 0.417 0.289 +hua 0.835 0.048 +huachuca 0.878 0.078 +huai 0.897 0.026 +hualalai 0.933 0.041 +hualien 0.950 0.035 +huan 0.814 0.047 +huang 0.916 0.041 +huangshan 0.913 0.031 +huarache 0.451 0.095 +huaraz 0.926 0.051 +huard 0.894 0.066 +huat 0.795 0.126 +huatulco 0.937 0.029 +huawei 0.965 0.025 +hub 0.543 0.092 +hubba 0.631 0.056 +hubbard 0.902 0.076 +hubbardston 0.892 0.089 +hubbardton 0.861 0.089 +hubbell 0.955 0.037 +hubbert 0.936 0.039 +hubble 0.899 0.036 +hubbs 0.891 0.090 +hubbub 0.190 0.013 +hubby 0.256 0.015 +hubcap 0.511 0.092 +hubcaps 0.517 0.073 +hubei 0.951 0.031 +huber 0.894 0.081 +huberman 0.958 0.030 +hubert 0.894 0.073 +hubertus 0.880 0.081 +hubicka 0.831 0.000 +hubley 0.811 0.105 +hubli 0.933 0.056 +hublot 0.926 0.040 +hubner 0.927 0.060 +hubris 0.380 0.024 +hubs 0.672 0.031 +huc 0.065 0.866 +huck 0.840 0.078 +huckabee 0.959 0.034 +huckabees 0.895 0.029 +huckaby 0.902 0.079 +huckleberry 0.831 0.037 +hucknall 0.855 0.037 +huckster 0.210 0.016 +hud 0.066 0.866 +huda 0.700 0.228 +hudak 0.924 0.052 +huddersfield 0.936 0.033 +huddle 0.444 0.035 +huddled 0.057 0.003 +huddleston 0.885 0.097 +huddy 0.615 0.035 +hude 0.106 0.032 +hudgens 0.926 0.062 +hudgins 0.901 0.082 +hudnall 0.944 0.053 +hudson 0.891 0.064 +hudsonville 0.863 0.098 +hudspeth 0.880 0.099 +hue 0.417 0.039 +huebner 0.880 0.085 +hued 0.032 0.015 +huelva 0.817 0.072 +hueneme 0.867 0.078 +huerfano 0.867 0.114 +huerta 0.905 0.054 +hues 0.188 0.019 +huesca 0.863 0.048 +huet 0.855 0.073 +huevos 0.370 0.035 +huey 0.885 0.058 +huez 0.821 0.018 +huf 0.017 0.963 +huff 0.787 0.086 +huffaker 0.922 0.069 +huffer 0.876 0.066 +huffing 0.150 0.006 +huffington 0.961 0.014 +hufflepuff 0.919 0.022 +huffman 0.903 0.070 +huffy 0.782 0.038 +hug 0.311 0.057 +huge 0.144 0.034 +hugecock 0.155 0.005 +hugecocks 0.116 0.000 +hugely 0.046 0.009 +huger 0.701 0.073 +huggable 0.439 0.076 +hugged 0.049 0.025 +hugger 0.693 0.042 +huggers 0.451 0.036 +huggie 0.669 0.132 +huggies 0.831 0.064 +hugging 0.125 0.013 +huggins 0.913 0.070 +huggy 0.770 0.047 +hugh 0.900 0.042 +hughes 0.900 0.068 +hughesville 0.846 0.127 +hughey 0.862 0.128 +hughie 0.861 0.045 +hughs 0.719 0.177 +hughson 0.858 0.125 +hugin 0.366 0.070 +huging 0.063 0.000 +hugo 0.845 0.078 +hugoton 0.815 0.162 +hugs 0.361 0.094 +huguenot 0.949 0.033 +huguenots 0.928 0.057 +hugues 0.911 0.048 +huh 0.302 0.036 +huhn 0.858 0.052 +huhuu 0.000 0.000 +hui 0.702 0.102 +huile 0.322 0.056 +huis 0.368 0.014 +huisman 0.932 0.045 +huit 0.657 0.016 +huitema 0.904 0.009 +huizen 0.310 0.019 +huizenga 0.858 0.101 +huizhou 0.966 0.025 +huizinga 0.865 0.033 +hul 0.592 0.188 +hula 0.636 0.054 +hulbert 0.881 0.105 +hulda 0.903 0.071 +huldah 0.891 0.096 +hulen 0.888 0.092 +hulett 0.888 0.088 +hulk 0.779 0.108 +hulking 0.106 0.005 +hull 0.692 0.044 +hullabaloo 0.849 0.012 +hulled 0.130 0.017 +hullo 0.777 0.018 +hulls 0.260 0.038 +hulman 0.928 0.062 +hulme 0.931 0.046 +hulp 0.491 0.015 +hulse 0.873 0.118 +hulsey 0.877 0.113 +hulst 0.930 0.037 +hult 0.929 0.047 +hulton 0.963 0.023 +hulud 0.861 0.040 +hum 0.519 0.162 +huma 0.523 0.311 +humacao 0.873 0.108 +humain 0.183 0.052 +humaine 0.312 0.177 +humaines 0.211 0.021 +humalog 0.827 0.059 +human 0.421 0.020 +humana 0.798 0.033 +humane 0.508 0.020 +humanely 0.028 0.007 +humani 0.320 0.021 +humanism 0.489 0.013 +humanist 0.580 0.027 +humanistic 0.368 0.016 +humanists 0.393 0.011 +humanitarian 0.281 0.017 +humanitarianism 0.449 0.008 +humanitarians 0.225 0.019 +humanities 0.773 0.030 +humanity 0.260 0.026 +humanize 0.143 0.008 +humanized 0.122 0.019 +humanizing 0.235 0.009 +humankind 0.139 0.009 +humanly 0.036 0.007 +humanness 0.057 0.004 +humano 0.259 0.027 +humanoid 0.391 0.014 +humanoids 0.523 0.051 +humanos 0.413 0.041 +humans 0.186 0.008 +humax 0.772 0.137 +humayun 0.960 0.021 +humber 0.871 0.108 +humberside 0.948 0.039 +humbert 0.897 0.072 +humberto 0.901 0.063 +humble 0.259 0.017 +humbled 0.063 0.006 +humbler 0.056 0.009 +humblest 0.049 0.000 +humbling 0.048 0.129 +humbly 0.085 0.008 +humboldt 0.915 0.064 +humbolt 0.370 0.021 +humbrol 0.918 0.056 +humbucker 0.562 0.052 +humbuckers 0.299 0.036 +humbug 0.528 0.080 +humbul 0.928 0.058 +humdrum 0.191 0.013 +hume 0.916 0.060 +humedad 0.924 0.003 +humeral 0.261 0.028 +humerus 0.201 0.028 +humes 0.858 0.091 +humic 0.288 0.028 +humid 0.108 0.021 +humidification 0.397 0.020 +humidified 0.087 0.008 +humidifier 0.542 0.037 +humidifiers 0.755 0.009 +humidistat 0.621 0.022 +humidity 0.561 0.030 +humidor 0.542 0.063 +humidors 0.671 0.041 +humiliate 0.065 0.006 +humiliated 0.123 0.008 +humiliating 0.095 0.003 +humiliation 0.079 0.005 +humiliations 0.087 0.008 +humilis 0.054 0.028 +humility 0.139 0.011 +humm 0.572 0.075 +hummed 0.011 0.002 +hummel 0.661 0.064 +hummels 0.684 0.029 +hummelstown 0.858 0.091 +hummer 0.722 0.180 +hummers 0.617 0.027 +humminbird 0.848 0.050 +humming 0.182 0.017 +hummingbird 0.775 0.056 +hummingbirds 0.535 0.033 +hummm 0.504 0.022 +hummus 0.416 0.055 +humn 0.242 0.673 +humo 0.356 0.100 +humongous 0.334 0.036 +humor 0.558 0.015 +humoral 0.206 0.014 +humored 0.016 0.003 +humorist 0.282 0.012 +humorless 0.120 0.005 +humorous 0.347 0.009 +humorously 0.085 0.000 +humors 0.310 0.014 +humour 0.467 0.023 +humoured 0.012 0.000 +humourous 0.185 0.011 +humours 0.272 0.015 +hump 0.296 0.042 +humpback 0.526 0.020 +humped 0.115 0.009 +humperdinck 0.909 0.071 +humpers 0.836 0.017 +humph 0.771 0.032 +humphrey 0.919 0.064 +humphreys 0.896 0.089 +humphries 0.867 0.115 +humphry 0.925 0.059 +humphrys 0.611 0.377 +humping 0.119 0.002 +humps 0.331 0.008 +humpty 0.823 0.065 +hums 0.104 0.357 +humulin 0.810 0.092 +humus 0.219 0.030 +humvee 0.803 0.059 +humvees 0.826 0.013 +hun 0.261 0.192 +huna 0.839 0.041 +hunain 0.073 0.000 +hunan 0.851 0.062 +hunch 0.059 0.011 +hunchback 0.649 0.054 +hunched 0.036 0.002 +hunches 0.165 0.018 +hund 0.498 0.054 +hunde 0.488 0.015 +hundesex 0.011 0.000 +hundley 0.863 0.116 +hundred 0.114 0.017 +hundreds 0.138 0.011 +hundredth 0.172 0.019 +hundredths 0.023 0.021 +hundredweight 0.080 0.005 +hung 0.236 0.016 +hungaria 0.880 0.063 +hungarian 0.953 0.014 +hungarians 0.964 0.013 +hungary 0.931 0.044 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0.644 0.078 +hurd 0.668 0.060 +hurdle 0.304 0.024 +hurdles 0.290 0.026 +hurdy 0.479 0.030 +hure 0.023 0.006 +huren 0.013 0.001 +hurenalmanach 0.000 0.000 +hurenforum 0.000 0.000 +hurenkontakte 0.000 0.000 +hurenlexikon 0.000 0.000 +hurensuche 0.000 0.000 +hurentest 0.000 0.000 +hurentreff 0.000 0.000 +hurenverzeichnis 0.000 0.000 +hurghada 0.948 0.018 +hurl 0.109 0.257 +hurlburt 0.868 0.123 +hurlbut 0.851 0.142 +hurled 0.020 0.002 +hurler 0.433 0.027 +hurley 0.850 0.068 +hurling 0.431 0.022 +hurls 0.094 0.015 +huron 0.886 0.079 +hurr 0.603 0.085 +hurrah 0.706 0.028 +hurray 0.678 0.081 +hurrell 0.929 0.060 +hurricaine 0.534 0.025 +hurrican 0.710 0.024 +hurricane 0.702 0.042 +hurricanes 0.598 0.020 +hurried 0.023 0.002 +hurriedly 0.038 0.002 +hurries 0.054 0.012 +hurriyat 0.992 0.004 +hurry 0.286 0.047 +hurrying 0.063 0.003 +hurson 0.987 0.010 +hurst 0.887 0.070 +hurstbourne 0.918 0.070 +hurston 0.950 0.026 +hurstville 0.666 0.265 +hurt 0.119 0.015 +hurtado 0.914 0.061 +hurtful 0.039 0.006 +hurtin 0.417 0.034 +hurting 0.101 0.013 +hurtling 0.066 0.003 +hurts 0.176 0.022 +hurwitz 0.963 0.027 +hus 0.354 0.358 +husa 0.874 0.076 +husain 0.909 0.062 +husayn 0.979 0.017 +husb 0.140 0.727 +husband 0.093 0.010 +husbandman 0.250 0.020 +husbandry 0.384 0.027 +husbands 0.150 0.011 +huse 0.504 0.076 +hush 0.641 0.047 +hushed 0.041 0.003 +husic 0.113 0.041 +husk 0.356 0.041 +husker 0.849 0.047 +huskers 0.936 0.022 +huskey 0.857 0.092 +huskie 0.730 0.217 +huskies 0.942 0.021 +huskisson 0.916 0.073 +husks 0.145 0.019 +husky 0.724 0.079 +husler 0.038 0.005 +husqvarna 0.819 0.079 +huss 0.883 0.074 +hussain 0.908 0.053 +hussar 0.737 0.065 +hussars 0.784 0.067 +hussein 0.969 0.018 +husseini 0.965 0.021 +husserl 0.974 0.011 +hussey 0.897 0.075 +hussle 0.697 0.025 +husson 0.925 0.064 +hussy 0.513 0.052 +husted 0.824 0.115 +hustings 0.340 0.016 +hustla 0.778 0.045 +hustle 0.678 0.030 +hustled 0.034 0.004 +hustler 0.700 0.039 +hustlers 0.590 0.035 +hustling 0.148 0.009 +huston 0.916 0.051 +husum 0.894 0.031 +hut 0.557 0.066 +hutch 0.772 0.046 +hutchens 0.875 0.109 +hutcherson 0.923 0.062 +hutches 0.763 0.013 +hutcheson 0.842 0.100 +hutchings 0.918 0.075 +hutchins 0.896 0.088 +hutchinson 0.917 0.068 +hutchison 0.895 0.093 +huth 0.905 0.057 +huts 0.230 0.012 +hutschenreuther 0.937 0.029 +hutson 0.873 0.111 +hutt 0.929 0.052 +hutter 0.888 0.088 +hutto 0.868 0.113 +hutton 0.906 0.074 +hutu 0.970 0.009 +hutus 0.977 0.005 +huu 0.659 0.116 +huur 0.293 0.035 +huuuge 0.009 0.885 +huw 0.911 0.022 +huwelijk 0.020 0.000 +hux 0.752 0.151 +huxley 0.938 0.041 +huxtable 0.914 0.050 +huy 0.455 0.210 +huygens 0.955 0.032 +huynh 0.801 0.050 +huzzah 0.709 0.076 +hv 0.078 0.776 +hva 0.304 0.426 +hvac 0.040 0.913 +hvacr 0.073 0.865 +hvad 0.411 0.012 +hvar 0.823 0.066 +hvb 0.009 0.949 +hvc 0.018 0.863 +hvd 0.040 0.868 +hvdc 0.005 0.970 +hve 0.047 0.227 +hvirtual 0.000 0.000 +hvis 0.523 0.033 +hvl 0.015 0.937 +hvlp 0.063 0.847 +hvn 0.103 0.824 +hvo 0.007 0.910 +hvor 0.210 0.010 +hvordan 0.441 0.006 +hvr 0.007 0.961 +hvs 0.007 0.956 +hvy 0.476 0.354 +hw 0.057 0.781 +hwa 0.611 0.226 +hwan 0.666 0.044 +hwang 0.951 0.027 +hwange 0.971 0.026 +hwb 0.061 0.567 +hwc 0.010 0.882 +hwd 0.069 0.816 +hwg 0.009 0.212 +hwi 0.192 0.678 +hwk 0.146 0.635 +hwm 0.033 0.839 +hwn 0.014 0.023 +hwnd 0.007 0.473 +hwo 0.077 0.324 +hwp 0.011 0.745 +hwr 0.011 0.921 +hws 0.003 0.828 +hwt 0.276 0.635 +hwv 0.016 0.911 +hwy 0.822 0.147 +hx 0.556 0.230 +hy 0.368 0.309 +hya 0.596 0.279 +hyacinth 0.617 0.048 +hyacinthe 0.903 0.068 +hyacinths 0.462 0.047 +hyacinthus 0.928 0.012 +hyades 0.815 0.033 +hyaline 0.177 0.025 +hyaluronan 0.240 0.019 +hyaluronate 0.346 0.046 +hyaluronic 0.587 0.023 +hyams 0.894 0.098 +hyannis 0.928 0.048 +hyapatia 0.900 0.010 +hyat 0.051 0.011 +hyatt 0.905 0.038 +hyatthotel 0.004 0.000 +hyatthotels 0.000 0.000 +hyattregency 0.000 0.000 +hyattsville 0.949 0.040 +hyb 0.828 0.114 +hybrid 0.547 0.027 +hybrida 0.046 0.016 +hybridisation 0.202 0.008 +hybridity 0.263 0.008 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+hydrocortisone 0.597 0.040 +hydroderm 0.907 0.019 +hydrodynamic 0.218 0.024 +hydrodynamics 0.378 0.045 +hydroelectric 0.301 0.024 +hydroelectricity 0.299 0.009 +hydrofluoric 0.352 0.075 +hydrofoil 0.389 0.025 +hydrogel 0.279 0.071 +hydrogels 0.338 0.031 +hydrogen 0.301 0.038 +hydrogenase 0.163 0.050 +hydrogenated 0.247 0.036 +hydrogenation 0.346 0.027 +hydrogenaudio 0.992 0.000 +hydrogenics 0.820 0.137 +hydrogens 0.073 0.017 +hydrogeologic 0.328 0.031 +hydrogeological 0.293 0.018 +hydrogeology 0.616 0.032 +hydrograph 0.488 0.019 +hydrographic 0.545 0.068 +hydrographs 0.504 0.019 +hydrography 0.493 0.113 +hydrolase 0.095 0.155 +hydrolases 0.634 0.006 +hydrologic 0.465 0.030 +hydrological 0.344 0.019 +hydrologist 0.553 0.034 +hydrologists 0.367 0.011 +hydrology 0.619 0.031 +hydrolysate 0.187 0.043 +hydrolysis 0.192 0.018 +hydrolytic 0.141 0.021 +hydrolyzed 0.244 0.031 +hydrolyzing 0.054 0.048 +hydrometeorological 0.541 0.202 +hydrometer 0.369 0.063 +hydromorphone 0.447 0.030 +hydron 0.878 0.045 +hydronephrosis 0.372 0.018 +hydronic 0.515 0.049 +hydroperoxide 0.084 0.057 +hydrophilic 0.179 0.015 +hydrophobic 0.115 0.013 +hydrophobicity 0.180 0.018 +hydrophone 0.193 0.014 +hydroplane 0.479 0.051 +hydroponic 0.506 0.035 +hydroponics 0.659 0.056 +hydropower 0.376 0.023 +hydroquinone 0.465 0.054 +hydrosphere 0.357 0.064 +hydrostatic 0.282 0.027 +hydrotherapy 0.593 0.024 +hydrothermal 0.228 0.026 +hydrous 0.164 0.090 +hydroxide 0.251 0.069 +hydroxides 0.268 0.058 +hydroxy 0.232 0.051 +hydroxyapatite 0.238 0.037 +hydroxybutyrate 0.161 0.024 +hydroxycut 0.698 0.048 +hydroxyethyl 0.200 0.093 +hydroxyl 0.124 0.018 +hydroxylamine 0.270 0.083 +hydroxylase 0.107 0.052 +hydroxylation 0.167 0.035 +hydroxymethyl 0.147 0.073 +hydroxyphenyl 0.103 0.062 +hydroxyproline 0.492 0.034 +hydroxypropyl 0.230 0.104 +hydroxysteroid 0.286 0.063 +hydroxytryptamine 0.101 0.079 +hydroxyurea 0.412 0.020 +hydroxyzine 0.399 0.049 +hye 0.568 0.064 +hyena 0.556 0.037 +hyenas 0.324 0.015 +hyeon 0.493 0.005 +hyeong 0.597 0.006 +hyer 0.887 0.073 +hyfforddi 0.189 0.013 +hyfforddiant 0.313 0.015 +hyg 0.847 0.126 +hygenic 0.590 0.040 +hygiene 0.509 0.026 +hygienic 0.367 0.027 +hygienist 0.481 0.036 +hygienists 0.494 0.021 +hygrometer 0.516 0.083 +hygrometers 0.728 0.028 +hygroscopic 0.176 0.046 +hygyrchedd 0.810 0.000 +hyi 0.424 0.324 +hyip 0.078 0.671 +hyla 0.897 0.055 +hylafax 0.080 0.003 +hyland 0.911 0.072 +hylands 0.882 0.105 +hylexin 0.850 0.057 +hylton 0.939 0.038 +hym 0.094 0.061 +hyman 0.927 0.048 +hymen 0.294 0.013 +hymenoptera 0.928 0.038 +hymn 0.470 0.042 +hymnal 0.692 0.036 +hymnals 0.482 0.028 +hymnes 0.955 0.004 +hymns 0.491 0.034 +hyn 0.012 0.013 +hynde 0.926 0.035 +hyndman 0.904 0.081 +hynek 0.946 0.033 +hynes 0.923 0.064 +hynix 0.918 0.065 +hynny 0.012 0.000 +hyo 0.700 0.060 +hyogo 0.936 0.048 +hyoscyamine 0.613 0.049 +hyosung 0.887 0.081 +hyp 0.207 0.617 +hypatia 0.827 0.034 +hype 0.314 0.039 +hyped 0.062 0.005 +hyper 0.516 0.041 +hyperactive 0.362 0.014 +hyperactivity 0.439 0.010 +hyperalgesia 0.167 0.006 +hyperbaric 0.598 0.022 +hyperbola 0.141 0.014 +hyperbole 0.264 0.007 +hyperbolic 0.183 0.015 +hyperborea 0.868 0.011 +hypercalcemia 0.342 0.015 +hypercard 0.816 0.019 +hypercholesterolemia 0.363 0.021 +hypercom 0.834 0.100 +hypercube 0.336 0.011 +hyperdata 0.138 0.847 +hyperdrive 0.525 0.042 +hyperfine 0.251 0.031 +hypergeometric 0.470 0.010 +hyperglycemia 0.256 0.008 +hypergraph 0.174 0.007 +hyperhidrosis 0.532 0.014 +hypericum 0.805 0.025 +hyperinflation 0.202 0.006 +hyperinsulinemia 0.180 0.007 +hyperion 0.918 0.053 +hyperkalemia 0.382 0.007 +hyperlink 0.241 0.028 +hyperlinked 0.266 0.019 +hyperlinking 0.570 0.007 +hyperlinks 0.245 0.011 +hyperlipidemia 0.454 0.010 +hyperlite 0.828 0.054 +hypermail 0.035 0.000 +hypermarket 0.465 0.010 +hypermarkets 0.347 0.008 +hypermedia 0.465 0.010 +hypernyms 0.843 0.000 +hyperopia 0.419 0.017 +hyperparathyroidism 0.342 0.014 +hyperpigmentation 0.330 0.019 +hyperplane 0.060 0.005 +hyperplanes 0.058 0.005 +hyperplasia 0.348 0.020 +hyperplastic 0.111 0.023 +hyperpolarization 0.082 0.011 +hyperref 0.049 0.000 +hypersensitive 0.096 0.010 +hypersensitivity 0.332 0.018 +hypersomnia 0.308 0.011 +hypersonic 0.592 0.037 +hyperspace 0.568 0.015 +hyperspectral 0.374 0.026 +hypersurface 0.042 0.004 +hypersurfaces 0.096 0.035 +hypertec 0.898 0.093 +hypertech 0.856 0.069 +hypertens 0.979 0.013 +hypertension 0.397 0.015 +hypertensive 0.130 0.020 +hypertext 0.429 0.008 +hyperthermia 0.325 0.021 +hyperthreading 0.537 0.034 +hyperthyroid 0.385 0.012 +hyperthyroidism 0.422 0.015 +hypertonic 0.337 0.019 +hypertrophic 0.357 0.016 +hypertrophy 0.188 0.015 +hyperventilation 0.283 0.011 +hyperwave 0.968 0.007 +hyphae 0.061 0.006 +hyphal 0.096 0.006 +hyphen 0.129 0.042 +hyphenate 0.241 0.008 +hyphenated 0.460 0.006 +hyphenation 0.196 0.006 +hyphens 0.259 0.004 +hyping 0.073 0.009 +hypno 0.448 0.092 +hypnos 0.894 0.032 +hypnose 0.426 0.117 +hypnosis 0.515 0.032 +hypnotherapist 0.527 0.016 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+hypothesis 0.135 0.008 +hypothesised 0.018 0.000 +hypothesize 0.025 0.001 +hypothesized 0.022 0.001 +hypothetical 0.185 0.044 +hypothetically 0.259 0.007 +hypothyroid 0.235 0.014 +hypothyroidism 0.337 0.014 +hypotonic 0.223 0.014 +hypoxanthine 0.319 0.048 +hypoxemia 0.123 0.010 +hypoxia 0.205 0.016 +hypoxic 0.143 0.013 +hyrule 0.925 0.011 +hyrum 0.897 0.082 +hys 0.058 0.554 +hyslop 0.913 0.082 +hyssop 0.546 0.039 +hyster 0.737 0.155 +hysterectomy 0.462 0.010 +hysteresis 0.272 0.018 +hysteria 0.291 0.024 +hysteric 0.624 0.025 +hysterical 0.125 0.013 +hysterically 0.039 0.006 +hysterics 0.061 0.009 +hysteroscopy 0.524 0.014 +hythe 0.911 0.031 +hytrin 0.887 0.036 +hyu 0.060 0.883 +hyuk 0.683 0.033 +hyun 0.776 0.041 +hyundai 0.841 0.097 +hyung 0.867 0.045 +hyves 0.766 0.193 +hywel 0.964 0.022 +hyzaar 0.631 0.107 +hz 0.833 0.122 +hzm 0.004 0.986 +i 0.889 0.000 +ia 0.053 0.875 +iaa 0.017 0.951 +iaac 0.009 0.986 +iaaf 0.004 0.979 +iab 0.010 0.895 +iabc 0.003 0.962 +iac 0.005 0.964 +iacc 0.006 0.969 +iachr 0.000 0.993 +iaci 0.016 0.975 +iacobucci 0.943 0.053 +iacocca 0.943 0.030 +iacp 0.000 0.993 +iacs 0.003 0.970 +iacuc 0.002 0.989 +iad 0.012 0.794 +iadb 0.000 0.991 +iae 0.030 0.821 +iaea 0.005 0.991 +iaf 0.004 0.975 +iafd 0.000 0.710 +iaff 0.004 0.969 +iag 0.018 0.947 +iago 0.736 0.216 +iah 0.025 0.943 +iai 0.064 0.883 +iaido 0.645 0.157 +iaik 0.003 0.429 +iain 0.930 0.024 +iaith 0.396 0.043 +ial 0.019 0.346 +ials 0.000 0.771 +iam 0.250 0.391 +iambic 0.251 0.013 +iams 0.689 0.208 +ian 0.919 0.035 +iana 0.014 0.528 +iand 0.155 0.167 +ians 0.219 0.542 +ianuarie 0.380 0.000 +iao 0.306 0.632 +iap 0.008 0.930 +iapetus 0.920 0.033 +iaq 0.012 0.950 +iar 0.087 0.769 +iarc 0.046 0.949 +iart 0.008 0.887 +iaru 0.007 0.979 +ias 0.008 0.899 +iasa 0.007 0.949 +iasb 0.000 0.996 +iasc 0.007 0.974 +iasi 0.726 0.149 +iasted 0.007 0.990 +iasus 0.298 0.045 +iat 0.019 0.532 +iata 0.017 0.959 +iatp 0.000 0.989 +iatrogenic 0.362 0.016 +iatse 0.006 0.971 +iau 0.127 0.808 +iaudio 0.340 0.490 +iavi 0.029 0.965 +iaw 0.015 0.944 +iawn 0.035 0.005 +iax 0.017 0.814 +ib 0.103 0.718 +iba 0.114 0.726 +ibadan 0.888 0.087 +iban 0.241 0.692 +ibanez 0.834 0.069 +ibaraki 0.757 0.236 +ibarra 0.767 0.051 +ibas 0.401 0.531 +ibatis 0.042 0.282 +ibb 0.024 0.950 +ibbotson 0.941 0.038 +ibc 0.009 0.958 +ibd 0.011 0.939 +ibe 0.103 0.816 +ibec 0.024 0.964 +iber 0.133 0.110 +iberia 0.862 0.063 +iberian 0.951 0.027 +iberica 0.709 0.095 +ibero 0.934 0.041 +iberostar 0.924 0.032 +iberville 0.880 0.075 +ibew 0.010 0.930 +ibex 0.680 0.203 +ibf 0.012 0.959 +ibg 0.096 0.734 +ibi 0.136 0.697 +ibiblio 0.345 0.002 +ibico 0.751 0.171 +ibid 0.746 0.010 +ibidem 0.466 0.023 +ibis 0.555 0.246 +ibiza 0.840 0.039 +ibizan 0.970 0.016 +ibl 0.022 0.903 +ible 0.044 0.077 +ibm 0.008 0.952 +ibma 0.006 0.975 +ibn 0.566 0.089 +ibo 0.262 0.695 +iboc 0.004 0.989 +ibogaine 0.412 0.017 +ibook 0.133 0.078 +ibooks 0.503 0.023 +ibp 0.030 0.895 +ibr 0.037 0.882 +ibra 0.135 0.821 +ibrahim 0.922 0.041 +ibrd 0.002 0.980 +ibrox 0.859 0.102 +ibs 0.053 0.859 +ibsa 0.009 0.986 +ibsen 0.951 0.027 +ibt 0.011 0.951 +ibu 0.289 0.502 +ibuprofen 0.285 0.019 +ic 0.027 0.789 +ica 0.052 0.807 +icac 0.002 0.979 +icaew 0.000 0.997 +icahn 0.945 0.047 +ical 0.011 0.068 +ically 0.000 0.002 +icam 0.057 0.890 +ican 0.107 0.448 +icann 0.007 0.979 +icant 0.026 0.011 +icao 0.002 0.977 +icap 0.021 0.885 +icar 0.034 0.777 +icard 0.388 0.304 +icarus 0.850 0.081 +icas 0.010 0.852 +icasa 0.222 0.768 +icase 0.016 0.730 +icassp 0.000 0.989 +icat 0.021 0.685 +icaza 0.977 0.018 +icb 0.010 0.882 +icba 0.000 0.860 +icbc 0.003 0.972 +icbl 0.000 0.995 +icbm 0.005 0.956 +icbo 0.006 0.979 +icc 0.051 0.903 +icca 0.009 0.942 +iccf 0.000 0.976 +iccp 0.004 0.983 +iccpr 0.000 0.996 +iccs 0.008 0.912 +icd 0.009 0.959 +icde 0.000 0.973 +icdl 0.014 0.927 +ice 0.462 0.085 +iceberg 0.412 0.090 +icebergs 0.292 0.018 +icebox 0.502 0.069 +icebreaker 0.643 0.024 +icebreakers 0.482 0.036 +icecast 0.272 0.002 +icecream 0.255 0.050 +iced 0.536 0.075 +icefields 0.833 0.013 +icehouse 0.637 0.055 +icel 0.737 0.239 +iceland 0.947 0.041 +icelandair 0.952 0.019 +icelanders 0.960 0.012 +icelandic 0.962 0.012 +icem 0.021 0.966 +icemaker 0.343 0.035 +iceman 0.743 0.094 +icemat 0.879 0.093 +iceni 0.765 0.145 +icer 0.295 0.356 +ices 0.063 0.524 +icewind 0.859 0.015 +icewm 0.145 0.013 +icey 0.579 0.110 +icf 0.009 0.942 +icfa 0.007 0.972 +icftu 0.000 0.995 +icg 0.005 0.959 +ich 0.311 0.094 +ichabod 0.872 0.099 +ichael 0.000 0.606 +ichard 0.000 0.843 +ichi 0.503 0.079 +ichiban 0.834 0.049 +ichigo 0.806 0.018 +ichikawa 0.928 0.053 +ichiro 0.775 0.035 +ichthyology 0.779 0.026 +ichthyosis 0.580 0.026 +ici 0.067 0.403 +icici 0.014 0.833 +icicle 0.662 0.060 +icicles 0.653 0.081 +icing 0.241 0.074 +icip 0.000 0.934 +icis 0.039 0.931 +icj 0.003 0.984 +ick 0.288 0.181 +icke 0.661 0.043 +ickes 0.906 0.079 +ickle 0.295 0.022 +icky 0.279 0.030 +icl 0.010 0.764 +icm 0.007 0.958 +icma 0.007 0.967 +icmp 0.006 0.736 +icmr 0.006 0.966 +icms 0.045 0.803 +icn 0.012 0.722 +ico 0.100 0.582 +icom 0.607 0.328 +icomos 0.012 0.984 +icon 0.271 0.023 +icona 0.144 0.033 +iconalt 0.000 0.000 +iconator 0.921 0.000 +iconcepts 0.339 0.506 +icone 0.110 0.082 +icones 0.271 0.011 +iconic 0.157 0.009 +icono 0.212 0.020 +iconoclast 0.546 0.053 +iconoclastic 0.165 0.005 +iconographic 0.194 0.007 +iconography 0.348 0.013 +iconos 0.071 0.004 +iconotec 0.997 0.000 +icons 0.404 0.015 +iconv 0.015 0.011 +iconz 0.456 0.247 +icoo 0.239 0.094 +icos 0.129 0.547 +icosahedral 0.151 0.017 +icosahedron 0.293 0.013 +icp 0.040 0.896 +icpc 0.004 0.853 +icpd 0.000 0.996 +icpsr 0.000 0.992 +icq 0.006 0.927 +icqhackers 0.004 0.000 +icr 0.005 0.938 +icra 0.007 0.967 +icrc 0.000 0.995 +icrf 0.000 0.923 +icrm 0.000 0.977 +icrp 0.006 0.988 +ics 0.011 0.766 +icsa 0.006 0.968 +icsc 0.002 0.986 +icse 0.005 0.940 +icsi 0.004 0.960 +icsid 0.013 0.978 +icsu 0.000 0.988 +ict 0.003 0.971 +icta 0.008 0.971 +ictionary 0.000 0.117 +ictp 0.004 0.979 +ictr 0.000 0.993 +icts 0.019 0.766 +ictures 0.007 0.020 +icty 0.001 0.949 +icu 0.011 0.854 +icv 0.013 0.681 +icw 0.009 0.896 +icwa 0.000 0.976 +icx 0.009 0.916 +icy 0.237 0.056 +id 0.099 0.676 +ida 0.524 0.427 +idabel 0.815 0.149 +idaho 0.932 0.036 +idas 0.444 0.469 +idata 0.019 0.135 +idb 0.005 0.897 +idbi 0.004 0.981 +idc 0.004 0.976 +idcin 0.000 0.000 +idd 0.062 0.871 +iddm 0.004 0.950 +iddo 0.255 0.029 +iddon 0.970 0.023 +iddybud 0.764 0.032 +iddynt 0.000 0.000 +ide 0.033 0.835 +idea 0.081 0.028 +ideal 0.226 0.025 +ideale 0.236 0.028 +idealised 0.057 0.000 +idealism 0.230 0.006 +idealist 0.331 0.021 +idealista 0.002 0.000 +idealistic 0.069 0.005 +idealists 0.203 0.008 +idealization 0.140 0.006 +idealized 0.080 0.004 +ideally 0.418 0.003 +idealo 0.308 0.678 +ideals 0.080 0.033 +ideas 0.280 0.036 +ideation 0.201 0.013 +ideative 0.994 0.000 +ideazon 0.953 0.033 +idec 0.510 0.460 +idee 0.422 0.082 +idei 0.208 0.674 +idem 0.336 0.283 +idema 0.838 0.148 +idempotent 0.099 0.004 +iden 0.220 0.172 +ident 0.252 0.194 +identd 0.098 0.028 +identi 0.081 0.006 +identical 0.048 0.007 +identically 0.013 0.002 +identidad 0.165 0.017 +identifi 0.136 0.010 +identifiable 0.065 0.007 +identifica 0.136 0.017 +identification 0.339 0.032 +identifications 0.160 0.010 +identified 0.023 0.006 +identifier 0.330 0.071 +identifiers 0.226 0.026 +identifies 0.119 0.005 +identify 0.158 0.005 +identifying 0.171 0.011 +identities 0.493 0.005 +identity 0.298 0.017 +identix 0.927 0.059 +idents 0.199 0.029 +ideo 0.122 0.369 +ideograph 0.129 0.792 +ideographic 0.188 0.327 +ideological 0.075 0.004 +ideologically 0.055 0.001 +ideologies 0.164 0.006 +ideologue 0.071 0.004 +ideologues 0.076 0.004 +ideology 0.180 0.010 +ides 0.358 0.265 +idet 0.100 0.582 +idex 0.164 0.749 +idf 0.006 0.937 +idg 0.005 0.989 +idi 0.363 0.490 +idia 0.084 0.102 +idina 0.852 0.044 +idiocy 0.246 0.013 +idiom 0.287 0.015 +idioma 0.333 0.022 +idiomas 0.333 0.044 +idiomatic 0.152 0.004 +idioms 0.675 0.008 +idiopathic 0.293 0.015 +idiosyncrasies 0.062 0.004 +idiosyncratic 0.130 0.002 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0.978 +iechyd 0.568 0.015 +ied 0.010 0.653 +iedereen 0.243 0.013 +iee 0.007 0.971 +ieee 0.003 0.983 +ief 0.013 0.867 +ieg 0.011 0.931 +iei 0.005 0.936 +ieice 0.011 0.984 +ieithoedd 0.753 0.045 +iel 0.014 0.837 +ield 0.000 0.624 +ielts 0.011 0.932 +iem 0.019 0.857 +iema 0.005 0.971 +iemand 0.075 0.006 +ien 0.049 0.491 +iep 0.004 0.981 +iepm 0.001 0.061 +ier 0.062 0.487 +ieri 0.297 0.110 +iero 0.407 0.048 +ierr 0.004 0.378 +ierror 0.005 0.574 +iers 0.019 0.849 +ies 0.002 0.095 +iesaf 0.000 0.996 +iese 0.014 0.940 +iesg 0.000 0.974 +ieso 0.007 0.986 +iet 0.027 0.793 +ieta 0.019 0.287 +ietf 0.016 0.538 +iets 0.054 0.060 +iev 0.014 0.897 +iew 0.020 0.565 +iex 0.024 0.866 +if 0.410 0.015 +ifa 0.055 0.862 +ifac 0.021 0.967 +iface 0.095 0.049 +ifad 0.001 0.989 +ifail 0.000 0.892 +ifanc 0.292 0.021 +ifap 0.000 0.955 +ifas 0.058 0.906 +ifat 0.024 0.903 +ifaw 0.014 0.906 +ifb 0.011 0.914 +ifbb 0.003 0.971 +ifc 0.004 0.924 +ifconfig 0.010 0.009 +ifd 0.025 0.785 +ifdef 0.001 0.012 +ife 0.159 0.653 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+ihn 0.039 0.085 +ihnen 0.641 0.004 +iho 0.104 0.760 +iholsman 0.000 0.000 +ihop 0.051 0.909 +ihp 0.020 0.765 +ihr 0.438 0.087 +ihra 0.010 0.964 +ihre 0.554 0.014 +ihrem 0.654 0.005 +ihren 0.504 0.003 +ihrer 0.500 0.007 +ihres 0.266 0.005 +ihs 0.006 0.976 +ihsa 0.009 0.968 +ihsan 0.829 0.073 +ihss 0.000 0.991 +iht 0.008 0.930 +ii 0.041 0.810 +iia 0.008 0.941 +iiasa 0.000 0.978 +iib 0.009 0.953 +iic 0.013 0.830 +iicd 0.000 0.992 +iid 0.007 0.443 +iida 0.660 0.309 +iidb 0.000 0.996 +iie 0.024 0.921 +iied 0.003 0.988 +iif 0.036 0.708 +iig 0.014 0.786 +iigs 0.002 0.992 +iihf 0.000 0.981 +iihs 0.000 0.990 +iii 0.005 0.815 +iiia 0.003 0.972 +iiib 0.003 0.971 +iiic 0.019 0.768 +iiii 0.011 0.627 +iiimf 0.012 0.084 +iij 0.039 0.713 +iijima 0.809 0.154 +iil 0.040 0.726 +iim 0.018 0.877 +iin 0.116 0.260 +iinclude 0.998 0.000 +iinn 0.000 0.193 +iio 0.222 0.291 +iiop 0.000 0.836 +iip 0.005 0.949 +iips 0.000 0.963 +iir 0.014 0.882 +iirc 0.005 0.863 +iis 0.007 0.934 +iisc 0.010 0.892 +iisd 0.000 0.987 +iiss 0.004 0.775 +iit 0.013 0.897 +iita 0.014 0.981 +iittala 0.444 0.029 +iiyama 0.681 0.110 +ij 0.016 0.222 +ija 0.026 0.857 +ijc 0.004 0.918 +ijcai 0.003 0.982 +ijk 0.003 0.219 +ijkl 0.000 0.267 +ijn 0.024 0.335 +ijs 0.017 0.583 +ijt 0.010 0.262 +ik 0.153 0.283 +ika 0.381 0.383 +ikan 0.504 0.169 +ikara 0.869 0.024 +ikari 0.924 0.031 +ikaruga 0.837 0.053 +ikarus 0.633 0.329 +ikat 0.403 0.101 +ikaw 0.393 0.054 +ike 0.498 0.376 +ikea 0.328 0.504 +ikebana 0.827 0.029 +ikebukuro 0.916 0.036 +ikeda 0.914 0.064 +ikegami 0.818 0.103 +ikelite 0.909 0.017 +ikezoe 0.980 0.000 +ikf 0.026 0.909 +ikh 0.375 0.099 +iki 0.284 0.286 +ikk 0.038 0.890 +ikke 0.102 0.018 +ikkoku 0.845 0.106 +iklan 0.608 0.085 +ikm 0.007 0.957 +ikn 0.024 0.189 +iknow 0.220 0.028 +iko 0.468 0.369 +ikon 0.459 0.447 +ikonboard 0.950 0.002 +ikonos 0.334 0.643 +iks 0.055 0.642 +il 0.098 0.732 +ila 0.255 0.609 +ilam 0.700 0.261 +ilan 0.906 0.040 +ilana 0.919 0.048 +ilar 0.038 0.290 +ilaria 0.728 0.198 +ilas 0.028 0.876 +ilb 0.015 0.920 +ilbo 0.985 0.005 +ilc 0.013 0.959 +ilca 0.008 0.982 +ilcs 0.001 0.998 +ild 0.023 0.607 +ildefonso 0.778 0.041 +ile 0.266 0.610 +ileal 0.218 0.013 +ileana 0.926 0.051 +ilec 0.032 0.955 +ilegal 0.099 0.006 +ilene 0.918 0.054 +ileostomy 0.361 0.076 +iles 0.629 0.106 +ileum 0.311 0.009 +ileus 0.165 0.018 +ilex 0.627 0.252 +ilf 0.063 0.796 +ilford 0.854 0.101 +ilfracombe 0.863 0.061 +ilg 0.289 0.572 +ilga 0.069 0.479 +ilha 0.812 0.048 +ilham 0.897 0.048 +ili 0.192 0.320 +ilia 0.918 0.027 +iliac 0.197 0.035 +iliad 0.943 0.031 +iliamna 0.890 0.102 +ilias 0.514 0.421 +ilic 0.836 0.051 +iliff 0.902 0.089 +ilio 0.613 0.271 +ilion 0.822 0.128 +ilisp 0.013 0.072 +ilita 0.973 0.000 +ility 0.000 0.044 +ilium 0.734 0.020 +ilja 0.644 0.019 +ilk 0.063 0.109 +ilkeston 0.877 0.041 +ilkka 0.953 0.018 +ilkley 0.911 0.036 +ill 0.145 0.073 +illa 0.378 0.079 +illawarra 0.932 0.058 +ille 0.384 0.045 +illeagal 0.027 0.006 +illegal 0.124 0.018 +illegality 0.091 0.010 +illegally 0.063 0.010 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0.796 0.032 +illuminazione 0.062 0.005 +illumined 0.097 0.007 +illus 0.243 0.046 +illusion 0.332 0.023 +illusionary 0.265 0.010 +illusionist 0.634 0.020 +illusions 0.436 0.027 +illusive 0.369 0.016 +illusory 0.087 0.005 +illust 0.539 0.080 +illustrate 0.025 0.002 +illustrated 0.428 0.022 +illustrates 0.021 0.001 +illustrating 0.083 0.005 +illustration 0.428 0.045 +illustrations 0.335 0.039 +illustrative 0.154 0.022 +illustrator 0.743 0.019 +illustrators 0.644 0.020 +illustrious 0.149 0.008 +illy 0.511 0.051 +illyria 0.926 0.044 +ilm 0.048 0.869 +ilmainen 0.508 0.000 +ilmenau 0.958 0.020 +ilmenite 0.231 0.061 +ilmi 0.028 0.744 +ilminster 0.846 0.040 +iln 0.032 0.833 +ilo 0.023 0.929 +ilocano 0.962 0.021 +ilocos 0.853 0.072 +ilog 0.039 0.939 +iloilo 0.859 0.079 +ilokano 0.786 0.153 +ilona 0.622 0.046 +ilp 0.007 0.955 +ilr 0.015 0.937 +ils 0.095 0.682 +ilsa 0.658 0.164 +ilse 0.781 0.072 +ilsley 0.884 0.098 +ilt 0.137 0.795 +ilu 0.069 0.501 +ilug 0.001 0.936 +ilugc 0.912 0.020 +ilwaco 0.865 0.063 +ilwu 0.003 0.989 +ilx 0.026 0.886 +ily 0.031 0.114 +ilya 0.890 0.037 +ilyich 0.965 0.021 +ilyka 0.954 0.000 +ilyushin 0.923 0.049 +im 0.202 0.280 +ima 0.204 0.591 +imac 0.356 0.294 +imacs 0.075 0.717 +imad 0.865 0.095 +imada 0.849 0.139 +imag 0.177 0.155 +image 0.388 0.026 +imageclass 0.145 0.816 +imaged 0.254 0.019 +imagem 0.117 0.007 +imagemagick 0.109 0.005 +imagemap 0.290 0.011 +imagen 0.312 0.040 +imagenes 0.080 0.017 +imagens 0.566 0.008 +imager 0.534 0.039 +imagers 0.338 0.016 +imagerunner 0.080 0.829 +imagery 0.343 0.031 +images 0.330 0.015 +imageshop 0.425 0.000 +imagezoo 0.987 0.006 +imaginable 0.052 0.003 +imaginal 0.126 0.017 +imaginarium 0.946 0.006 +imaginary 0.220 0.013 +imaginat 0.980 0.000 +imagination 0.222 0.012 +imaginations 0.237 0.009 +imaginative 0.118 0.004 +imaginatively 0.034 0.002 +imagine 0.320 0.012 +imagined 0.037 0.004 +imagineering 0.885 0.019 +imagines 0.037 0.003 +imaging 0.520 0.032 +imagini 0.206 0.006 +imagining 0.239 0.010 +imaginings 0.202 0.006 +imagistics 0.868 0.108 +imago 0.705 0.130 +imai 0.877 0.082 +imail 0.404 0.165 +imake 0.170 0.037 +imakefile 0.987 0.000 +imam 0.840 0.018 +imams 0.489 0.008 +imamura 0.938 0.056 +iman 0.784 0.080 +imani 0.886 0.063 +imao 0.007 0.973 +imap 0.023 0.605 +imapd 0.015 0.043 +imaps 0.014 0.652 +imari 0.778 0.177 +imate 0.186 0.085 +imatinib 0.307 0.011 +imation 0.805 0.157 +imax 0.180 0.746 +imb 0.035 0.893 +imba 0.031 0.909 +imbalance 0.127 0.011 +imbalanced 0.104 0.007 +imbalances 0.073 0.006 +imbali 0.991 0.005 +imbecile 0.176 0.018 +imbeciles 0.158 0.017 +imbedded 0.059 0.015 +imbibe 0.092 0.009 +imbibed 0.016 0.000 +imboden 0.883 0.081 +imbolc 0.929 0.052 +imbroglio 0.202 0.015 +imbruglia 0.690 0.050 +imbue 0.198 0.007 +imbued 0.079 0.002 +imc 0.237 0.495 +imca 0.038 0.898 +imci 0.000 0.996 +imco 0.170 0.766 +imd 0.166 0.799 +imdb 0.018 0.565 +imdg 0.000 0.994 +ime 0.069 0.620 +imec 0.018 0.943 +imedia 0.418 0.166 +imeem 0.025 0.000 +imei 0.012 0.792 +imelda 0.904 0.049 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0.864 0.065 +imogen 0.775 0.056 +imogene 0.902 0.071 +imola 0.866 0.050 +imoti 0.983 0.005 +imp 0.355 0.378 +impa 0.240 0.616 +impac 0.270 0.670 +impact 0.217 0.026 +impacted 0.054 0.012 +impactful 0.056 0.006 +impacting 0.084 0.013 +impaction 0.179 0.014 +impacto 0.381 0.044 +impactor 0.245 0.051 +impacts 0.168 0.015 +impair 0.021 0.011 +impaired 0.213 0.023 +impairing 0.029 0.004 +impairment 0.217 0.011 +impairments 0.224 0.029 +impairs 0.052 0.006 +impala 0.716 0.098 +impale 0.227 0.014 +impaled 0.363 0.040 +impaler 0.659 0.033 +impaling 0.092 0.005 +impart 0.028 0.011 +imparted 0.010 0.003 +impartial 0.064 0.006 +impartiality 0.108 0.009 +impartially 0.015 0.003 +imparting 0.061 0.006 +imparts 0.038 0.012 +impassable 0.032 0.027 +impasse 0.138 0.021 +impassioned 0.077 0.002 +impassive 0.036 0.004 +impatience 0.111 0.006 +impatiens 0.747 0.031 +impatient 0.089 0.006 +impatiently 0.040 0.002 +impax 0.703 0.238 +impe 0.596 0.201 +impeach 0.514 0.115 +impeachable 0.212 0.013 +impeached 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0.005 0.054 +iout 0.364 0.469 +iov 0.010 0.073 +iow 0.068 0.816 +iowa 0.942 0.034 +iowahawk 0.876 0.012 +iowan 0.959 0.017 +iowans 0.965 0.031 +iowegian 0.990 0.000 +ip 0.015 0.870 +ipa 0.014 0.912 +ipac 0.017 0.460 +ipaddr 0.018 0.323 +ipaddress 0.026 0.115 +ipanema 0.867 0.043 +ipaq 0.227 0.299 +ipar 0.068 0.552 +ipath 0.653 0.092 +ipb 0.021 0.964 +ipc 0.005 0.912 +ipcc 0.001 0.994 +ipchains 0.028 0.125 +ipconfig 0.054 0.118 +ipcp 0.000 0.855 +ipcs 0.004 0.802 +ipd 0.023 0.878 +ipds 0.006 0.953 +ipe 0.137 0.678 +ipec 0.036 0.949 +ipecac 0.612 0.046 +iped 0.000 0.979 +ipeds 0.000 0.986 +ipex 0.371 0.596 +ipf 0.009 0.721 +ipfilter 0.019 0.066 +ipfix 0.033 0.475 +ipfw 0.015 0.627 +ipfwadm 0.015 0.112 +ipg 0.007 0.925 +iph 0.017 0.496 +iphi 0.030 0.299 +iphigenia 0.913 0.075 +iphoto 0.391 0.015 +ipi 0.018 0.917 +ipip 0.000 0.381 +ipix 0.110 0.740 +ipk 0.042 0.727 +ipkg 0.031 0.029 +ipl 0.006 0.856 +ipm 0.005 0.931 +ipma 0.000 0.993 +ipmasq 0.001 0.031 +ipmi 0.004 0.872 +ipmovie 0.000 0.000 +ipms 0.000 0.899 +ipn 0.027 0.854 +ipo 0.016 0.946 +ipod 0.317 0.208 +ipods 0.495 0.065 +ipodstore 0.000 0.000 +ipoh 0.840 0.088 +ipoints 0.030 0.000 +ipomoea 0.938 0.028 +ipox 0.942 0.035 +ipp 0.029 0.886 +ippc 0.001 0.994 +ippm 0.085 0.734 +ippo 0.412 0.043 +ippolito 0.948 0.040 +ippp 0.000 0.990 +ippr 0.003 0.375 +ipr 0.013 0.945 +ipratropium 0.422 0.029 +iproute 0.004 0.019 +ips 0.033 0.903 +ipsa 0.343 0.310 +ipsc 0.003 0.904 +ipse 0.450 0.104 +ipsec 0.054 0.425 +ipsi 0.046 0.614 +ipsilateral 0.068 0.004 +ipso 0.182 0.245 +ipsos 0.870 0.046 +ipsum 0.132 0.006 +ipswich 0.913 0.055 +ipswitch 0.905 0.057 +ipt 0.024 0.869 +iptables 0.029 0.070 +iptc 0.013 0.903 +iptg 0.000 0.992 +iptv 0.002 0.978 +ipu 0.160 0.778 +ipv 0.007 0.921 +ipvs 0.006 0.497 +ipvsadm 0.003 0.009 +ipw 0.015 0.761 +ipx 0.002 0.792 +ipy 0.012 0.909 +iq 0.026 0.881 +iqaluit 0.930 0.060 +iqbal 0.919 0.043 +iqd 0.003 0.987 +iqf 0.015 0.930 +iqnet 0.000 0.027 +iqpc 0.000 0.996 +iqr 0.010 0.872 +iqs 0.043 0.861 +ique 0.216 0.233 +iquique 0.892 0.060 +iquitos 0.894 0.050 +ir 0.059 0.780 +ira 0.310 0.652 +irac 0.076 0.888 +irae 0.490 0.042 +iraf 0.008 0.792 +irak 0.790 0.089 +iram 0.181 0.720 +iran 0.948 0.030 +irani 0.800 0.021 +iranian 0.927 0.023 +iranians 0.968 0.008 +irap 0.022 0.899 +iraq 0.955 0.025 +iraqi 0.965 0.015 +iraqis 0.982 0.006 +iras 0.059 0.893 +irascible 0.261 0.004 +irate 0.170 0.019 +irb 0.003 0.898 +irbesartan 0.484 0.023 +irby 0.877 0.103 +irc 0.016 0.798 +irca 0.009 0.970 +ircd 0.029 0.085 +ird 0.010 0.828 +irda 0.059 0.408 +irdeto 0.497 0.061 +ire 0.371 0.365 +ireann 0.000 0.004 +irector 0.000 0.854 +ired 0.030 0.624 +iredale 0.910 0.031 +iredell 0.890 0.087 +ireland 0.932 0.031 +irelands 0.905 0.029 +irem 0.407 0.443 +irena 0.908 0.063 +irenaeus 0.979 0.014 +irene 0.903 0.063 +ires 0.030 0.788 +iressa 0.777 0.175 +ireton 0.906 0.088 +irex 0.038 0.946 +irf 0.012 0.930 +irfan 0.861 0.061 +irg 0.010 0.930 +iri 0.061 0.854 +iria 0.721 0.124 +irian 0.928 0.053 +iridescent 0.404 0.058 +iridium 0.756 0.085 +iridology 0.816 0.021 +irie 0.715 0.128 +irin 0.013 0.968 +irina 0.898 0.028 +irinotecan 0.343 0.012 +irion 0.869 0.077 +iris 0.608 0.201 +irises 0.560 0.023 +irish 0.915 0.031 +irishblogs 0.707 0.000 +irishman 0.947 0.020 +irishmen 0.958 0.012 +iriver 0.241 0.309 +irix 0.134 0.784 +irizarry 0.879 0.095 +irk 0.116 0.372 +irked 0.097 0.005 +irks 0.098 0.023 +irksome 0.040 0.000 +irkt 0.000 0.914 +irkutsk 0.945 0.044 +irl 0.053 0.893 +irland 0.448 0.011 +irlanda 0.760 0.032 +irlande 0.698 0.034 +irlines 0.015 0.025 +irlo 0.915 0.071 +irls 0.012 0.440 +irm 0.017 0.894 +irma 0.665 0.249 +irmo 0.883 0.093 +irms 0.060 0.891 +irn 0.070 0.639 +irna 0.144 0.814 +iro 0.230 0.484 +iroc 0.152 0.726 +irock 0.262 0.399 +iron 0.502 0.053 +ironbark 0.619 0.171 +ironbridge 0.953 0.032 +ironclad 0.537 0.020 +irondale 0.887 0.088 +irondequoit 0.917 0.057 +ironed 0.022 0.011 +ironforge 0.971 0.000 +ironhorse 0.901 0.060 +ironic 0.148 0.005 +ironical 0.052 0.003 +ironically 0.604 0.001 +ironies 0.204 0.006 +ironing 0.501 0.020 +ironman 0.844 0.077 +ironmongery 0.632 0.050 +irons 0.675 0.041 +ironside 0.899 0.066 +ironsides 0.914 0.036 +ironstone 0.554 0.098 +ironton 0.873 0.100 +ironwood 0.801 0.093 +ironwork 0.471 0.022 +ironworkers 0.574 0.080 +ironworks 0.579 0.030 +irony 0.202 0.011 +iroquois 0.895 0.066 +irp 0.042 0.915 +irq 0.005 0.516 +irr 0.085 0.790 +irradiance 0.197 0.019 +irradiated 0.124 0.020 +irradiation 0.172 0.034 +irrational 0.136 0.006 +irrationality 0.146 0.006 +irrationally 0.039 0.003 +irrawaddy 0.954 0.024 +irreconcilable 0.126 0.007 +irrecoverable 0.106 0.009 +irreducible 0.067 0.005 +irrefutable 0.133 0.011 +irregardless 0.244 0.009 +irregular 0.231 0.032 +irregularities 0.081 0.012 +irregularity 0.090 0.008 +irregularly 0.067 0.009 +irregulars 0.501 0.023 +irrelevance 0.206 0.007 +irrelevant 0.060 0.005 +irrelevent 0.078 0.009 +irreligious 0.097 0.006 +irreparable 0.081 0.009 +irreparably 0.061 0.004 +irreplaceable 0.069 0.006 +irrepressible 0.117 0.005 +irresistable 0.305 0.036 +irresistible 0.327 0.024 +irresistibly 0.076 0.004 +irrespective 0.085 0.004 +irresponsibility 0.086 0.012 +irresponsible 0.110 0.010 +irresponsibly 0.016 0.003 +irretrievable 0.110 0.019 +irretrievably 0.017 0.003 +irreverence 0.172 0.007 +irreverent 0.228 0.018 +irreversibility 0.213 0.017 +irreversible 0.124 0.019 +irreversibly 0.020 0.003 +irrevocable 0.121 0.023 +irrevocably 0.008 0.029 +irri 0.068 0.802 +irrigate 0.130 0.019 +irrigated 0.233 0.032 +irrigating 0.176 0.018 +irrigation 0.327 0.038 +irrigator 0.521 0.029 +irrigators 0.245 0.021 +irritability 0.115 0.005 +irritable 0.431 0.009 +irritably 0.008 0.000 +irritant 0.196 0.040 +irritants 0.130 0.010 +irritate 0.049 0.018 +irritated 0.047 0.003 +irritates 0.035 0.009 +irritating 0.074 0.014 +irritation 0.067 0.056 +irritations 0.134 0.009 +irs 0.022 0.886 +irshad 0.863 0.031 +irssi 0.272 0.025 +irst 0.014 0.658 +irt 0.011 0.904 +irtc 0.103 0.545 +irtf 0.003 0.821 +iru 0.054 0.684 +irv 0.674 0.290 +irvin 0.888 0.090 +irvine 0.909 0.061 +irving 0.920 0.053 +irvington 0.860 0.113 +irvs 0.932 0.056 +irw 0.030 0.369 +irwin 0.893 0.081 +irwindale 0.912 0.052 +is 0.023 0.009 +isa 0.183 0.620 +isaac 0.917 0.062 +isaacs 0.899 0.077 +isaacson 0.920 0.066 +isaak 0.801 0.045 +isabel 0.881 0.078 +isabela 0.859 0.080 +isabell 0.914 0.061 +isabella 0.886 0.069 +isabelle 0.906 0.046 +isac 0.095 0.873 +isaca 0.108 0.874 +isadora 0.949 0.024 +isadore 0.920 0.057 +isaf 0.081 0.851 +isaiah 0.976 0.017 +isaias 0.907 0.064 +isak 0.911 0.054 +isakmp 0.003 0.705 +isakmpd 0.022 0.068 +isakson 0.835 0.154 +isam 0.268 0.651 +isamu 0.929 0.036 +isan 0.508 0.222 +isang 0.243 0.047 +isanti 0.885 0.091 +isao 0.907 0.065 +isapi 0.014 0.888 +isapnp 0.020 0.155 +isar 0.420 0.517 +isas 0.203 0.688 +isat 0.045 0.896 +isatori 0.797 0.112 +isb 0.014 0.912 +isba 0.046 0.926 +isbe 0.000 0.982 +isbell 0.866 0.121 +isbn 0.002 0.966 +isc 0.023 0.832 +isca 0.125 0.848 +iscariot 0.911 0.033 +iscc 0.005 0.985 +isced 0.018 0.976 +ischaemia 0.060 0.007 +ischaemic 0.163 0.011 +ischemia 0.230 0.018 +ischemic 0.201 0.014 +ischgl 0.953 0.011 +ischia 0.833 0.060 +isco 0.133 0.759 +iscriviti 0.866 0.041 +iscrizione 0.557 0.017 +iscsi 0.028 0.249 +iscussion 0.000 0.940 +isd 0.023 0.934 +isda 0.147 0.817 +isdigit 0.004 0.060 +isdn 0.009 0.849 +isds 0.013 0.975 +ise 0.133 0.681 +isea 0.026 0.920 +isearch 0.112 0.011 +iseb 0.009 0.972 +ised 0.019 0.165 +isee 0.088 0.784 +iseg 0.035 0.901 +isel 0.309 0.179 +iselin 0.895 0.084 +isenberg 0.951 0.035 +isengard 0.924 0.025 +isentropic 0.141 0.288 +iser 0.241 0.596 +isere 0.802 0.042 +iseries 0.195 0.195 +ises 0.019 0.677 +iset 0.096 0.713 +iseult 0.949 0.021 +isf 0.010 0.824 +isfahan 0.930 0.046 +isg 0.008 0.929 +ish 0.080 0.091 +isha 0.864 0.069 +isham 0.855 0.119 +ishaq 0.961 0.022 +ished 0.004 0.014 +isherwood 0.842 0.137 +ishi 0.800 0.064 +ishibashi 0.932 0.050 +ishida 0.932 0.050 +ishiguro 0.958 0.031 +ishihara 0.928 0.054 +ishii 0.926 0.048 +ishikawa 0.893 0.088 +ishing 0.000 0.065 +ishmael 0.950 0.027 +ishop 0.304 0.127 +ishpeming 0.880 0.097 +ishq 0.732 0.065 +ishs 0.000 0.983 +ishtar 0.802 0.055 +isi 0.023 0.917 +isiah 0.921 0.050 +isic 0.006 0.968 +isidore 0.887 0.081 +isidro 0.875 0.074 +isikoff 0.932 0.042 +isin 0.052 0.811 +ising 0.793 0.084 +isinstance 0.000 0.000 +ision 0.046 0.373 +isir 0.004 0.964 +isis 0.341 0.582 +isit 0.113 0.428 +isk 0.028 0.913 +iskandar 0.878 0.045 +iskcon 0.088 0.899 +iskra 0.790 0.093 +isl 0.664 0.292 +isla 0.840 0.055 +islam 0.917 0.021 +islamabad 0.823 0.157 +islami 0.940 0.023 +islamic 0.953 0.022 +islamism 0.958 0.014 +islamist 0.970 0.007 +islamists 0.958 0.008 +islamiyah 0.972 0.018 +islamo 0.870 0.021 +islamofascism 0.921 0.008 +islamophobia 0.925 0.015 +islamorada 0.887 0.038 +islan 0.764 0.125 +island 0.783 0.043 +islander 0.947 0.028 +islanders 0.843 0.031 +islandia 0.903 0.057 +islands 0.867 0.042 +islas 0.925 0.029 +islay 0.899 0.087 +isle 0.899 0.038 +isles 0.908 0.031 +islet 0.306 0.031 +isleta 0.911 0.055 +isleton 0.831 0.118 +islets 0.267 0.014 +isleworth 0.943 0.030 +isley 0.869 0.078 +islington 0.945 0.029 +islip 0.835 0.125 +isls 0.938 0.052 +ism 0.024 0.677 +isma 0.206 0.740 +ismael 0.895 0.066 +ismail 0.926 0.036 +ismaili 0.935 0.026 +ismay 0.762 0.208 +isms 0.095 0.266 +isn 0.042 0.606 +isna 0.036 0.897 +isnot 0.005 0.030 +isnt 0.055 0.020 +isnull 0.010 0.398 +iso 0.022 0.802 +isobar 0.612 0.120 +isobaric 0.016 0.002 +isobars 0.585 0.013 +isobel 0.880 0.071 +isobutane 0.599 0.040 +isobutyl 0.312 0.098 +isoc 0.029 0.903 +isocarboxazid 0.165 0.000 +isochronous 0.304 0.012 +isocitrate 0.355 0.059 +isocyanate 0.153 0.066 +isod 0.081 0.039 +isoelectric 0.465 0.015 +isoenzyme 0.102 0.043 +isoenzymes 0.710 0.008 +isoflavone 0.382 0.024 +isoflavones 0.382 0.014 +isoflurane 0.344 0.017 +isoform 0.057 0.083 +isoforms 0.111 0.023 +isogenic 0.074 0.007 +isokinetic 0.287 0.014 +isol 0.186 0.700 +isola 0.672 0.058 +isolate 0.148 0.014 +isolated 0.115 0.029 +isolates 0.061 0.007 +isolating 0.238 0.012 +isolation 0.216 0.018 +isolationism 0.211 0.009 +isolationist 0.081 0.008 +isolator 0.496 0.159 +isolators 0.482 0.055 +isolde 0.902 0.085 +isole 0.735 0.057 +isoleucine 0.503 0.030 +isom 0.712 0.245 +isomer 0.121 0.037 +isomerase 0.085 0.096 +isomeric 0.171 0.055 +isomerization 0.192 0.063 +isomers 0.101 0.051 +isometric 0.301 0.013 +isometries 0.100 0.011 +isometry 0.041 0.004 +isomorphic 0.034 0.001 +isomorphism 0.068 0.004 +isomorphisms 0.107 0.006 +ison 0.531 0.146 +isoniazid 0.434 0.020 +isoprene 0.214 0.040 +isopropanol 0.280 0.050 +isopropyl 0.328 0.094 +isoproterenol 0.516 0.008 +isopure 0.901 0.057 +isos 0.073 0.186 +isosceles 0.278 0.019 +isosorbide 0.438 0.036 +isospin 0.185 0.025 +isostatic 0.278 0.025 +isosurface 0.226 0.006 +isotherm 0.342 0.038 +isothermal 0.227 0.024 +isotherms 0.122 0.018 +isothiocyanate 0.055 0.021 +isotonic 0.332 0.017 +isotope 0.256 0.035 +isotopes 0.377 0.046 +isotopic 0.179 0.025 +isotretinoin 0.392 0.027 +isotropic 0.104 0.043 +isotropy 0.100 0.022 +isotype 0.634 0.075 +isozyme 0.124 0.109 +isozymes 0.101 0.050 +isp 0.020 0.829 +ispa 0.035 0.939 +ispat 0.723 0.260 +ispe 0.003 0.982 +ispecies 0.008 0.000 +ispell 0.124 0.015 +ispf 0.004 0.971 +ispo 0.044 0.456 +ispra 0.884 0.108 +isps 0.063 0.225 +isql 0.012 0.401 +isr 0.076 0.814 +isra 0.559 0.385 +israel 0.948 0.028 +israeli 0.977 0.011 +israelis 0.983 0.006 +israelite 0.943 0.048 +israelites 0.985 0.009 +israellycool 0.958 0.000 +israels 0.905 0.040 +israpundit 0.980 0.005 +isrc 0.069 0.817 +isreal 0.803 0.066 +isro 0.016 0.971 +isrp 0.000 0.993 +iss 0.255 0.671 +issa 0.536 0.419 +issac 0.826 0.128 +issachar 0.916 0.049 +issaquah 0.772 0.206 +issc 0.000 0.980 +isset 0.001 0.010 +issey 0.758 0.158 +issi 0.090 0.743 +ission 0.000 0.441 +issj 0.000 0.999 +issn 0.009 0.980 +isso 0.569 0.142 +issp 0.003 0.981 +isspace 0.000 0.040 +isss 0.007 0.934 +issu 0.174 0.194 +issuable 0.033 0.011 +issuance 0.130 0.043 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0.093 0.891 +itai 0.782 0.045 +ital 0.489 0.292 +italeri 0.866 0.094 +italia 0.812 0.052 +italian 0.887 0.028 +italiana 0.508 0.067 +italianate 0.967 0.008 +italiane 0.121 0.014 +italiani 0.389 0.032 +italiano 0.798 0.034 +italians 0.941 0.013 +italic 0.833 0.012 +italica 0.666 0.047 +italicised 0.244 0.003 +italicized 0.039 0.000 +italics 0.183 0.011 +italie 0.661 0.080 +italien 0.266 0.013 +italienisch 0.752 0.011 +italienspanien 0.000 0.000 +italo 0.777 0.061 +italy 0.917 0.037 +itam 0.116 0.787 +itamar 0.876 0.017 +itanium 0.939 0.009 +itar 0.300 0.680 +itasca 0.859 0.113 +itat 0.001 0.007 +itawamba 0.892 0.087 +itb 0.009 0.925 +itbs 0.004 0.977 +itc 0.010 0.951 +itch 0.304 0.039 +itchen 0.822 0.051 +itches 0.094 0.022 +itching 0.129 0.012 +itchy 0.211 0.010 +itcl 0.110 0.032 +itcs 0.006 0.970 +itcz 0.000 0.994 +itd 0.020 0.810 +itdg 0.000 0.993 +ite 0.047 0.574 +itea 0.302 0.671 +itec 0.052 0.924 +itech 0.811 0.142 +ited 0.002 0.152 +item 0.336 0.033 +itemid 0.569 0.021 +itemised 0.328 0.006 +itemization 0.278 0.033 +itemize 0.266 0.010 +itemized 0.238 0.032 +items 0.304 0.020 +itemsets 0.106 0.004 +itep 0.006 0.986 +iter 0.067 0.274 +iterate 0.157 0.039 +iterated 0.354 0.007 +iterates 0.081 0.006 +iterating 0.199 0.003 +iteration 0.147 0.017 +iterations 0.071 0.019 +iterative 0.223 0.011 +iteratively 0.066 0.002 +iterator 0.303 0.006 +iterators 0.330 0.005 +ites 0.086 0.509 +itesm 0.001 0.988 +itex 0.066 0.382 +itf 0.015 0.940 +itfs 0.000 0.984 +itg 0.008 0.941 +ith 0.062 0.154 +ithaca 0.860 0.050 +ithe 0.155 0.026 +iti 0.064 0.632 +ities 0.008 0.048 +itil 0.018 0.948 +itin 0.177 0.597 +itinerant 0.207 0.204 +itineraries 0.552 0.018 +itinerary 0.452 0.037 +itis 0.146 0.557 +itive 0.000 0.010 +itk 0.004 0.080 +itl 0.024 0.904 +itle 0.018 0.717 +itll 0.132 0.049 +itm 0.026 0.905 +itms 0.345 0.521 +itn 0.010 0.933 +itnt 0.000 0.994 +ito 0.668 0.192 +itochu 0.591 0.404 +itoh 0.925 0.062 +itojun 0.033 0.013 +itoya 0.899 0.085 +itp 0.005 0.934 +itq 0.010 0.911 +itr 0.041 0.671 +itraconazole 0.297 0.011 +itrc 0.000 0.985 +itri 0.432 0.533 +itrip 0.144 0.226 +itron 0.805 0.165 +itronix 0.970 0.020 +its 0.056 0.011 +itsa 0.140 0.698 +itsc 0.005 0.971 +itself 0.010 0.003 +itsg 0.000 0.998 +itsm 0.008 0.959 +itso 0.011 0.829 +itss 0.033 0.857 +itsy 0.591 0.068 +itt 0.042 0.866 +itta 0.533 0.355 +ittf 0.000 0.990 +itto 0.194 0.703 +itty 0.432 0.073 +itu 0.010 0.889 +itunes 0.256 0.035 +ituri 0.981 0.011 +itv 0.006 0.922 +itw 0.063 0.874 +itx 0.009 0.885 +ity 0.005 0.088 +itype 0.021 0.498 +itz 0.201 0.386 +itza 0.911 0.040 +itzhak 0.964 0.027 +iu 0.069 0.803 +iua 0.007 0.885 +iub 0.154 0.826 +iucn 0.002 0.996 +iud 0.010 0.918 +iue 0.020 0.899 +iufro 0.003 0.986 +iui 0.028 0.712 +iuka 0.846 0.120 +ium 0.016 0.214 +iuma 0.093 0.890 +iun 0.038 0.511 +iup 0.016 0.894 +iupac 0.005 0.961 +iupui 0.011 0.977 +iur 0.496 0.345 +iurp 0.015 0.742 +ius 0.111 0.497 +iustice 0.649 0.000 +iut 0.012 0.761 +iuu 0.007 0.962 +iv 0.010 0.780 +iva 0.216 0.636 +ival 0.062 0.177 +ivan 0.911 0.040 +ivana 0.855 0.037 +ivanhoe 0.831 0.125 +ivanisevic 0.930 0.047 +ivano 0.923 0.040 +ivanov 0.937 0.041 +ivanova 0.931 0.047 +ivanovic 0.921 0.048 +ivanovich 0.961 0.020 +ivar 0.763 0.067 +ivax 0.346 0.613 +ivb 0.012 0.939 +ivc 0.133 0.734 +ivd 0.009 0.962 +ive 0.367 0.046 +iveco 0.570 0.396 +ivens 0.930 0.050 +iver 0.546 0.224 +ivermectin 0.425 0.026 +ivers 0.798 0.102 +iversen 0.938 0.051 +iverson 0.850 0.051 +ives 0.879 0.069 +ivete 0.987 0.002 +ivette 0.778 0.033 +ivey 0.898 0.061 +ivf 0.016 0.922 +ivh 0.009 0.385 +ivi 0.057 0.752 +ivica 0.968 0.017 +ivie 0.836 0.140 +ivig 0.006 0.952 +ivil 0.013 0.792 +ivins 0.936 0.040 +ivision 0.041 0.812 +ivl 0.184 0.739 +ivm 0.014 0.812 +ivo 0.802 0.128 +ivoire 0.869 0.047 +ivonne 0.566 0.033 +ivor 0.909 0.060 +ivorian 0.980 0.008 +ivories 0.410 0.037 +ivory 0.713 0.079 +ivp 0.012 0.931 +ivr 0.017 0.907 +ivrea 0.814 0.084 +ivry 0.879 0.063 +ivs 0.020 0.883 +ivsize 0.000 0.022 +ivt 0.010 0.896 +ivtools 0.000 0.000 +ivtv 0.006 0.103 +ivtype 0.000 0.009 +ivv 0.019 0.936 +ivy 0.765 0.054 +ivybridge 0.943 0.044 +iw 0.096 0.673 +iwa 0.069 0.869 +iwai 0.877 0.105 +iwaki 0.901 0.075 +iwamoto 0.785 0.201 +iwan 0.790 0.098 +iwas 0.600 0.142 +iwasaki 0.914 0.075 +iwata 0.913 0.059 +iwate 0.854 0.133 +iwb 0.013 0.897 +iwc 0.012 0.921 +iwconfig 0.007 0.010 +iwd 0.007 0.921 +iwf 0.002 0.969 +iwg 0.006 0.955 +iwi 0.297 0.112 +iwill 0.871 0.091 +iwin 0.027 0.896 +iwithprefix 0.000 0.000 +iwl 0.015 0.941 +iwm 0.002 0.973 +iwmi 0.000 0.994 +iwo 0.822 0.133 +iwork 0.028 0.706 +iwp 0.007 0.954 +iwpr 0.000 0.990 +iwr 0.005 0.929 +iwrm 0.000 0.994 +iws 0.004 0.688 +iwt 0.011 0.912 +iwu 0.040 0.936 +iww 0.007 0.967 +ix 0.026 0.717 +ixc 0.005 0.950 +ixi 0.326 0.440 +ixia 0.845 0.108 +ixis 0.359 0.598 +ixl 0.044 0.821 +ixo 0.189 0.704 +ixodes 0.955 0.018 +ixos 0.508 0.484 +ixp 0.025 0.880 +ixpk 0.000 0.000 +ixquick 0.469 0.013 +ixtapa 0.953 0.022 +ixus 0.209 0.722 +ixy 0.070 0.877 +ixys 0.044 0.945 +iy 0.107 0.457 +iya 0.462 0.251 +iyad 0.979 0.012 +iyengar 0.924 0.025 +iyer 0.935 0.029 +iyo 0.191 0.146 +iyrics 0.008 0.000 +iz 0.167 0.427 +iza 0.173 0.707 +izaak 0.905 0.037 +izabella 0.886 0.029 +izak 0.909 0.074 +izard 0.855 0.100 +ization 0.001 0.007 +ize 0.442 0.117 +ized 0.003 0.010 +izeqcom 0.000 0.000 +izing 0.006 0.031 +izmir 0.749 0.050 +izod 0.659 0.250 +izquierda 0.239 0.022 +izquierdo 0.792 0.051 +izsdqwww 0.000 0.000 +izu 0.700 0.241 +izumi 0.935 0.032 +izz 0.491 0.297 +izzard 0.869 0.045 +izzo 0.846 0.127 +izzy 0.767 0.038 +j 0.674 0.000 +ja 0.131 0.528 +jaa 0.234 0.591 +jaafari 0.982 0.013 +jaakko 0.909 0.051 +jaan 0.733 0.043 +jaap 0.928 0.021 +jaar 0.167 0.023 +jaas 0.015 0.907 +jab 0.225 0.137 +jabal 0.940 0.033 +jabalpur 0.907 0.069 +jabba 0.826 0.062 +jabbar 0.892 0.057 +jabbed 0.013 0.000 +jabber 0.783 0.007 +jabberd 0.160 0.002 +jabberwacky 0.108 0.000 +jabberwocky 0.865 0.030 +jabbing 0.055 0.005 +jaber 0.925 0.041 +jabez 0.916 0.061 +jabir 0.961 0.027 +jabiru 0.827 0.109 +jablonski 0.936 0.050 +jabra 0.851 0.122 +jabs 0.171 0.078 +jabsco 0.865 0.095 +jac 0.382 0.459 +jacana 0.762 0.135 +jacaranda 0.830 0.061 +jaccard 0.931 0.026 +jace 0.857 0.060 +jacek 0.933 0.019 +jaci 0.850 0.082 +jacinta 0.774 0.141 +jacinto 0.887 0.072 +jack 0.702 0.043 +jackal 0.717 0.041 +jackalope 0.604 0.032 +jackals 0.468 0.027 +jackass 0.605 0.037 +jackasses 0.262 0.027 +jackd 0.023 0.008 +jackdaw 0.756 0.036 +jacke 0.665 0.085 +jacked 0.295 0.052 +jacket 0.544 0.070 +jacketed 0.337 0.052 +jackets 0.728 0.026 +jackhammer 0.483 0.052 +jacki 0.866 0.047 +jackie 0.907 0.041 +jackin 0.650 0.097 +jacking 0.086 0.005 +jackknife 0.369 0.028 +jacklin 0.864 0.118 +jacklyn 0.915 0.047 +jackman 0.869 0.066 +jacko 0.862 0.032 +jackpot 0.440 0.034 +jackpots 0.486 0.014 +jackrabbit 0.567 0.018 +jacks 0.496 0.043 +jacksboro 0.817 0.143 +jackson 0.830 0.061 +jacksonian 0.901 0.028 +jacksons 0.693 0.059 +jacksonville 0.923 0.037 +jacky 0.849 0.044 +jaclyn 0.900 0.061 +jaco 0.841 0.082 +jacob 0.920 0.051 +jacobean 0.904 0.051 +jacobi 0.945 0.033 +jacobian 0.873 0.039 +jacobite 0.902 0.065 +jacobo 0.854 0.044 +jacobowitz 0.994 0.005 +jacobs 0.892 0.071 +jacobsen 0.894 0.084 +jacobson 0.936 0.050 +jacobus 0.930 0.050 +jacoby 0.934 0.051 +jacomo 0.846 0.144 +jacopo 0.909 0.020 +jacq 0.860 0.044 +jacquard 0.679 0.052 +jacque 0.934 0.035 +jacquelin 0.900 0.066 +jacqueline 0.903 0.047 +jacquelyn 0.871 0.102 +jacques 0.941 0.037 +jacquet 0.912 0.064 +jacqui 0.909 0.027 +jacquie 0.900 0.028 +jacquot 0.672 0.043 +jacuzzi 0.815 0.013 +jacuzzis 0.746 0.006 +jad 0.305 0.421 +jada 0.747 0.117 +jadakiss 0.686 0.041 +jade 0.700 0.077 +jaded 0.313 0.014 +jadeite 0.521 0.103 +jaden 0.927 0.023 +jades 0.406 0.040 +jadetex 0.024 0.005 +jadi 0.271 0.070 +jadis 0.839 0.059 +jadmin 0.001 0.001 +jado 0.871 0.095 +jadore 0.606 0.224 +jadu 0.981 0.005 +jae 0.778 0.107 +jaeger 0.920 0.043 +jaen 0.805 0.039 +jaeri 0.005 0.972 +jaf 0.122 0.641 +jafar 0.885 0.070 +jaffa 0.783 0.051 +jaffe 0.943 0.038 +jaffee 0.933 0.054 +jaffer 0.935 0.022 +jaffna 0.959 0.026 +jaffray 0.960 0.033 +jaffrey 0.931 0.050 +jag 0.376 0.309 +jaga 0.689 0.133 +jagan 0.872 0.049 +jagannath 0.925 0.049 +jagdish 0.897 0.071 +jager 0.866 0.071 +jagermeister 0.787 0.064 +jagex 0.918 0.008 +jagged 0.444 0.040 +jagger 0.879 0.041 +jago 0.808 0.094 +jagr 0.902 0.063 +jags 0.683 0.142 +jaguar 0.854 0.073 +jaguars 0.918 0.026 +jah 0.679 0.181 +jahan 0.881 0.031 +jahangir 0.938 0.045 +jaheim 0.718 0.210 +jahia 0.535 0.040 +jahn 0.893 0.072 +jahnke 0.889 0.076 +jahoo 0.004 0.000 +jahr 0.924 0.017 +jahrbuch 0.926 0.060 +jahre 0.915 0.025 +jahren 0.961 0.006 +jahres 0.929 0.010 +jahreszeiten 0.936 0.032 +jahrhundert 0.918 0.016 +jahrhunderts 0.954 0.019 +jahshaka 0.813 0.001 +jai 0.625 0.258 +jail 0.222 0.027 +jailbait 0.541 0.038 +jailbreak 0.692 0.049 +jailed 0.133 0.023 +jailer 0.205 0.062 +jailers 0.211 0.018 +jailhouse 0.689 0.066 +jailing 0.154 0.009 +jails 0.192 0.029 +jaime 0.881 0.048 +jaimie 0.859 0.042 +jain 0.865 0.072 +jaina 0.897 0.067 +jainism 0.960 0.017 +jains 0.944 0.022 +jaipur 0.919 0.048 +jair 0.493 0.180 +jairo 0.898 0.051 +jaisalmer 0.948 0.029 +jaitley 0.938 0.043 +jaj 0.062 0.533 +jaja 0.483 0.059 +jak 0.619 0.139 +jaka 0.792 0.045 +jakarta 0.671 0.025 +jake 0.904 0.037 +jakes 0.825 0.093 +jaki 0.780 0.046 +jakki 0.851 0.035 +jakks 0.753 0.192 +jakma 0.994 0.000 +jako 0.302 0.046 +jakob 0.921 0.020 +jakobsen 0.959 0.036 +jakovljevic 0.995 0.003 +jakub 0.926 0.012 +jakubowski 0.937 0.056 +jal 0.308 0.523 +jala 0.765 0.084 +jalal 0.920 0.019 +jalalabad 0.963 0.033 +jalan 0.911 0.031 +jalandhar 0.965 0.025 +jalapeno 0.492 0.071 +jalapenos 0.367 0.021 +jaleco 0.966 0.027 +jalen 0.915 0.030 +jalgaon 0.989 0.007 +jalic 0.987 0.000 +jalil 0.901 0.060 +jalisco 0.895 0.047 +jalopnik 0.875 0.000 +jalopy 0.617 0.027 +jam 0.482 0.127 +jama 0.127 0.852 +jamaal 0.950 0.034 +jamaat 0.939 0.019 +jamahiriya 0.933 0.061 +jamaica 0.928 0.041 +jamaican 0.858 0.020 +jamaicans 0.930 0.021 +jamail 0.962 0.029 +jamais 0.237 0.037 +jamal 0.905 0.041 +jamali 0.947 0.027 +jamar 0.888 0.093 +jamb 0.339 0.089 +jamba 0.778 0.052 +jambalaya 0.722 0.038 +jambands 0.866 0.040 +jambo 0.775 0.067 +jamboree 0.813 0.061 +jambs 0.153 0.027 +jamc 0.007 0.173 +jamdat 0.487 0.499 +jame 0.735 0.104 +jameco 0.913 0.082 +jameel 0.898 0.045 +jamel 0.898 0.035 +jamelia 0.812 0.059 +jamerson 0.757 0.093 +james 0.909 0.057 +jamesburg 0.873 0.102 +jameson 0.564 0.030 +jamesport 0.882 0.077 +jamestown 0.899 0.073 +jamesville 0.857 0.126 +jamey 0.914 0.034 +jami 0.877 0.046 +jamia 0.826 0.152 +jamie 0.906 0.032 +jamieson 0.899 0.084 +jamil 0.920 0.039 +jamila 0.865 0.042 +jamin 0.581 0.053 +jamiroquai 0.719 0.054 +jamis 0.914 0.031 +jamison 0.743 0.066 +jamma 0.277 0.586 +jammed 0.065 0.010 +jammer 0.655 0.046 +jammers 0.568 0.036 +jammies 0.223 0.310 +jammin 0.726 0.041 +jamming 0.224 0.016 +jammu 0.917 0.073 +jammy 0.471 0.105 +jamnagar 0.974 0.016 +jamo 0.850 0.069 +jamon 0.759 0.032 +jamrock 0.878 0.051 +jams 0.406 0.073 +jamshedpur 0.981 0.014 +jamster 0.971 0.003 +jamul 0.843 0.102 +jamz 0.713 0.095 +jan 0.973 0.021 +jana 0.848 0.055 +janacek 0.902 0.083 +janak 0.934 0.047 +janaki 0.939 0.032 +janata 0.958 0.020 +jancis 0.990 0.008 +janda 0.877 0.054 +jandek 0.889 0.044 +jane 0.915 0.047 +janeane 0.953 0.016 +janeen 0.933 0.035 +janeiro 0.846 0.025 +janek 0.926 0.042 +janel 0.907 0.047 +janell 0.924 0.054 +janelle 0.790 0.128 +janes 0.789 0.074 +janesville 0.882 0.087 +janet 0.758 0.059 +janette 0.914 0.058 +janeway 0.919 0.035 +janey 0.789 0.041 +janez 0.961 0.020 +jang 0.841 0.045 +jangle 0.337 0.024 +jangling 0.060 0.006 +jango 0.823 0.061 +jani 0.906 0.028 +janice 0.925 0.049 +janie 0.868 0.086 +janik 0.897 0.091 +janina 0.889 0.035 +janine 0.892 0.035 +janis 0.572 0.035 +janitor 0.479 0.033 +janitorial 0.801 0.055 +janitors 0.364 0.187 +janjaweed 0.890 0.003 +janke 0.872 0.066 +janklow 0.945 0.044 +janko 0.911 0.047 +jankovic 0.919 0.069 +jankowski 0.940 0.048 +jann 0.906 0.047 +janna 0.894 0.041 +jannaschii 0.006 0.009 +janne 0.875 0.022 +janneman 0.044 0.000 +janney 0.896 0.073 +jannie 0.856 0.065 +janny 0.839 0.058 +jano 0.823 0.049 +janome 0.710 0.102 +janos 0.936 0.033 +jans 0.785 0.132 +jansen 0.897 0.042 +janson 0.898 0.088 +jansport 0.850 0.070 +janssen 0.926 0.047 +janssens 0.933 0.059 +jansson 0.939 0.042 +jantzen 0.764 0.205 +janu 0.874 0.058 +januar 0.783 0.012 +januari 0.219 0.006 +january 0.983 0.013 +janus 0.843 0.068 +janusz 0.949 0.033 +janv 0.193 0.011 +janvier 0.284 0.017 +janz 0.909 0.045 +janzen 0.918 0.059 +jao 0.574 0.216 +jap 0.391 0.303 +japa 0.687 0.151 +japan 0.917 0.034 +japanees 0.038 0.000 +japaneese 0.260 0.003 +japanes 0.188 0.013 +japanese 0.799 0.020 +japaness 0.036 0.002 +japanesse 0.118 0.006 +japanies 0.014 0.000 +japanimation 0.758 0.028 +japanische 0.196 0.009 +japanise 0.083 0.005 +japans 0.625 0.023 +japanse 0.299 0.011 +japen 0.053 0.000 +japenese 0.227 0.008 +japn 0.102 0.776 +japon 0.655 0.065 +japonais 0.353 0.020 +japones 0.118 0.024 +japonica 0.142 0.022 +japonicum 0.017 0.014 +japonicus 0.028 0.013 +japs 0.476 0.032 +japundit 0.738 0.255 +jaqua 0.908 0.062 +jaquard 0.776 0.082 +jaqueline 0.889 0.043 +jaques 0.906 0.067 +jaquette 0.159 0.008 +jaqui 0.977 0.008 +jaquith 0.965 0.031 +jar 0.379 0.115 +jara 0.836 0.070 +jaramillo 0.904 0.078 +jarboe 0.868 0.105 +jard 0.666 0.093 +jardim 0.610 0.029 +jardin 0.623 0.055 +jardine 0.907 0.067 +jardines 0.622 0.036 +jardins 0.583 0.055 +jared 0.912 0.030 +jarek 0.877 0.075 +jaren 0.357 0.022 +jaret 0.925 0.035 +jargon 0.380 0.018 +jarhead 0.921 0.030 +jari 0.885 0.049 +jarig 0.309 0.002 +jark 0.431 0.112 +jarkko 0.962 0.007 +jarl 0.749 0.089 +jarman 0.905 0.076 +jarmo 0.941 0.021 +jarmusch 0.943 0.022 +jarno 0.965 0.014 +jaro 0.559 0.137 +jarod 0.935 0.016 +jaromir 0.924 0.053 +jaron 0.866 0.066 +jaros 0.924 0.062 +jaroslav 0.971 0.022 +jaroslaw 0.959 0.025 +jarrah 0.711 0.035 +jarratt 0.879 0.098 +jarre 0.830 0.109 +jarreau 0.878 0.055 +jarred 0.487 0.024 +jarrell 0.867 0.112 +jarret 0.864 0.082 +jarrett 0.933 0.051 +jarring 0.071 0.036 +jarrod 0.923 0.043 +jarrow 0.932 0.034 +jarry 0.591 0.045 +jars 0.364 0.065 +jarvi 0.931 0.044 +jarvis 0.917 0.055 +jas 0.355 0.207 +jasa 0.331 0.557 +jasc 0.573 0.296 +jasco 0.711 0.184 +jase 0.789 0.043 +jasjar 0.131 0.845 +jasmin 0.736 0.059 +jasmine 0.697 0.044 +jason 0.918 0.036 +jasons 0.846 0.036 +jasper 0.851 0.073 +jaspers 0.851 0.093 +jass 0.579 0.295 +jassie 0.922 0.024 +jaswant 0.942 0.051 +jat 0.376 0.501 +jaton 0.770 0.216 +jatropha 0.759 0.027 +jatwater 0.000 0.000 +jaume 0.933 0.024 +jaundice 0.273 0.014 +jaundiced 0.152 0.007 +jaune 0.495 0.052 +jaunt 0.113 0.027 +jaunts 0.301 0.006 +jaunty 0.177 0.010 +jauron 0.986 0.007 +jav 0.362 0.338 +java 0.724 0.028 +javac 0.071 0.016 +javadoc 0.339 0.016 +javadocs 0.562 0.002 +javagames 0.584 0.016 +javahelp 0.029 0.762 +javalib 0.000 0.009 +javalobby 0.992 0.000 +javamail 0.059 0.420 +javan 0.915 0.029 +javanese 0.969 0.012 +javascript 0.571 0.012 +javascripts 0.617 0.014 +javaspaces 0.126 0.831 +javax 0.005 0.001 +javea 0.866 0.032 +javed 0.930 0.031 +javelin 0.684 0.051 +javelina 0.674 0.039 +javelins 0.346 0.011 +javi 0.722 0.106 +javier 0.917 0.041 +javits 0.918 0.029 +javon 0.921 0.049 +javy 0.746 0.026 +jaw 0.304 0.036 +jawa 0.820 0.064 +jawad 0.901 0.029 +jawahar 0.905 0.059 +jawaharlal 0.962 0.026 +jawbone 0.445 0.019 +jawbreaker 0.835 0.034 +jawed 0.270 0.017 +jaworski 0.950 0.038 +jaws 0.367 0.159 +jax 0.454 0.481 +jaxa 0.022 0.974 +jaxb 0.009 0.830 +jaxon 0.748 0.092 +jaxp 0.010 0.822 +jaxx 0.740 0.086 +jay 0.831 0.042 +jaya 0.889 0.061 +jayallen 0.000 0.000 +jayant 0.878 0.036 +jayanti 0.939 0.029 +jayasuriya 0.980 0.013 +jaybird 0.491 0.025 +jaycee 0.849 0.053 +jaycees 0.940 0.040 +jayco 0.688 0.194 +jayde 0.894 0.013 +jayden 0.924 0.020 +jaye 0.816 0.097 +jayhawk 0.933 0.025 +jayhawks 0.962 0.017 +jayme 0.912 0.042 +jaymes 0.847 0.051 +jayna 0.797 0.026 +jayne 0.905 0.045 +jaynes 0.919 0.054 +jays 0.895 0.030 +jayson 0.930 0.021 +jaz 0.632 0.214 +jazeera 0.957 0.009 +jazmin 0.748 0.067 +jazmine 0.592 0.060 +jazz 0.674 0.043 +jazzanova 0.645 0.262 +jazzed 0.212 0.016 +jazzercise 0.901 0.031 +jazzman 0.602 0.089 +jazzy 0.493 0.046 +jb 0.023 0.898 +jba 0.007 0.923 +jbc 0.012 0.802 +jbd 0.008 0.328 +jbi 0.011 0.838 +jbj 0.017 0.623 +jbl 0.064 0.862 +jbm 0.019 0.868 +jbo 0.058 0.450 +jbod 0.008 0.968 +jboss 0.133 0.097 +jbp 0.003 0.968 +jbr 0.018 0.839 +jbs 0.025 0.743 +jbuilder 0.451 0.098 +jc 0.019 0.921 +jca 0.007 0.881 +jcaho 0.008 0.944 +jcameron 0.000 0.000 +jcb 0.037 0.855 +jcc 0.016 0.933 +jccc 0.000 0.965 +jcd 0.019 0.602 +jce 0.024 0.670 +jcf 0.007 0.691 +jch 0.014 0.533 +jci 0.010 0.914 +jcifs 0.005 0.046 +jck 0.030 0.240 +jcl 0.017 0.919 +jclisttab 0.000 0.000 +jcm 0.027 0.842 +jcn 0.031 0.902 +jco 0.013 0.670 +jcokos 0.000 0.000 +jcop 0.004 0.984 +jcp 0.005 0.959 +jcpenney 0.153 0.284 +jcr 0.004 0.865 +jcs 0.029 0.793 +jcsg 0.001 0.997 +jct 0.390 0.523 +jcu 0.005 0.984 +jcw 0.008 0.848 +jd 0.015 0.940 +jda 0.038 0.846 +jdb 0.018 0.590 +jdbc 0.005 0.745 +jdc 0.004 0.966 +jdclyde 0.002 0.000 +jde 0.026 0.506 +jdev 0.006 0.595 +jdf 0.006 0.807 +jdg 0.294 0.483 +jdh 0.009 0.881 +jdi 0.064 0.834 +jdj 0.006 0.955 +jdk 0.005 0.816 +jdl 0.018 0.852 +jdm 0.062 0.715 +jdo 0.005 0.869 +jdom 0.004 0.296 +jdp 0.019 0.795 +jdr 0.019 0.887 +jdrf 0.000 0.987 +jds 0.013 0.900 +jdsu 0.000 0.985 +jdt 0.026 0.583 +je 0.171 0.395 +jea 0.279 0.611 +jealous 0.137 0.016 +jealousies 0.057 0.000 +jealously 0.054 0.005 +jealousy 0.245 0.012 +jean 0.906 0.048 +jeana 0.872 0.053 +jeane 0.892 0.064 +jeanette 0.908 0.051 +jeanie 0.917 0.037 +jeanine 0.929 0.042 +jeanna 0.824 0.026 +jeanne 0.918 0.048 +jeanneau 0.792 0.105 +jeannette 0.904 0.071 +jeannie 0.843 0.073 +jeannine 0.909 0.064 +jeannot 0.927 0.044 +jeans 0.478 0.118 +jeb 0.837 0.117 +jebel 0.907 0.045 +jebus 0.695 0.034 +jec 0.037 0.780 +ject 0.066 0.027 +jected 0.000 0.000 +jects 0.002 0.004 +jed 0.689 0.088 +jedburgh 0.955 0.032 +jedd 0.730 0.102 +jeddah 0.887 0.081 +jede 0.476 0.023 +jedec 0.021 0.968 +jedediah 0.915 0.062 +jedem 0.071 0.006 +jeden 0.154 0.014 +jedenfalls 0.035 0.000 +jeder 0.250 0.012 +jedes 0.156 0.012 +jedi 0.866 0.041 +jedoch 0.054 0.002 +jee 0.523 0.211 +jeep 0.767 0.075 +jeepers 0.891 0.032 +jeeps 0.553 0.027 +jeepster 0.722 0.078 +jeer 0.126 0.025 +jeered 0.024 0.005 +jeering 0.041 0.007 +jeers 0.521 0.082 +jeet 0.840 0.037 +jeevan 0.853 0.062 +jeeves 0.855 0.008 +jeez 0.702 0.016 +jeezy 0.187 0.012 +jef 0.506 0.271 +jefe 0.757 0.021 +jeff 0.927 0.031 +jeffco 0.910 0.070 +jefferies 0.919 0.067 +jeffers 0.894 0.069 +jefferson 0.899 0.077 +jeffersonian 0.931 0.025 +jeffersons 0.923 0.040 +jeffersontown 0.887 0.086 +jeffersonville 0.914 0.061 +jeffery 0.902 0.080 +jeffords 0.812 0.180 +jeffree 0.324 0.630 +jeffrey 0.924 0.055 +jeffreys 0.920 0.054 +jeffries 0.881 0.104 +jeffry 0.926 0.051 +jeffryv 0.000 0.000 +jeffs 0.804 0.082 +jeg 0.352 0.083 +jeh 0.188 0.501 +jehan 0.923 0.036 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0.884 0.085 +jenn 0.857 0.027 +jenna 0.637 0.024 +jenne 0.884 0.051 +jenner 0.864 0.109 +jenness 0.894 0.070 +jennette 0.880 0.083 +jenni 0.890 0.026 +jennie 0.884 0.072 +jennifer 0.760 0.032 +jennings 0.894 0.078 +jennison 0.858 0.133 +jenny 0.864 0.033 +jennys 0.810 0.025 +jenoptik 0.924 0.067 +jens 0.918 0.023 +jenseits 0.844 0.010 +jensen 0.897 0.077 +jenson 0.912 0.049 +jenteal 0.841 0.023 +jeol 0.137 0.847 +jeon 0.897 0.045 +jeong 0.859 0.020 +jeopardise 0.006 0.003 +jeopardised 0.007 0.000 +jeopardize 0.021 0.006 +jeopardized 0.020 0.008 +jeopardizes 0.105 0.011 +jeopardizing 0.024 0.003 +jeopardy 0.381 0.035 +jep 0.069 0.788 +jeph 0.847 0.059 +jeppe 0.863 0.028 +jeppesen 0.944 0.034 +jepsen 0.923 0.050 +jepson 0.936 0.056 +jer 0.606 0.225 +jerald 0.895 0.090 +jere 0.866 0.078 +jeremiah 0.957 0.029 +jeremias 0.900 0.032 +jeremie 0.859 0.050 +jeremy 0.925 0.024 +jerez 0.900 0.033 +jergens 0.882 0.042 +jeri 0.831 0.046 +jericho 0.904 0.061 +jerico 0.846 0.072 +jerk 0.236 0.025 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0.036 +jeune 0.280 0.021 +jeunes 0.202 0.033 +jeunesse 0.581 0.124 +jeunet 0.958 0.011 +jeux 0.287 0.034 +jevon 0.863 0.047 +jew 0.880 0.025 +jeweiligen 0.000 0.000 +jewel 0.605 0.055 +jeweled 0.609 0.072 +jeweler 0.577 0.037 +jewelers 0.807 0.037 +jewelery 0.519 0.050 +jewell 0.881 0.090 +jewelled 0.504 0.094 +jeweller 0.422 0.044 +jewellers 0.845 0.044 +jewellery 0.802 0.028 +jewellry 0.483 0.095 +jewelries 0.655 0.021 +jewelry 0.778 0.021 +jewels 0.565 0.073 +jewerly 0.616 0.039 +jewett 0.870 0.096 +jewish 0.930 0.020 +jewishness 0.956 0.011 +jewison 0.969 0.023 +jewlery 0.453 0.044 +jewlicious 0.985 0.000 +jewry 0.974 0.016 +jews 0.957 0.013 +jex 0.508 0.303 +jey 0.470 0.281 +jez 0.821 0.036 +jezabel 0.957 0.014 +jezebel 0.887 0.046 +jezebelle 0.896 0.031 +jezel 0.922 0.026 +jezter 0.988 0.000 +jf 0.026 0.875 +jfa 0.033 0.695 +jfc 0.008 0.933 +jfet 0.020 0.932 +jff 0.064 0.472 +jffnms 0.004 0.113 +jfg 0.007 0.841 +jfif 0.003 0.941 +jfk 0.027 0.924 +jfl 0.025 0.597 +jfm 0.005 0.900 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0.005 +jigga 0.691 0.044 +jigger 0.602 0.045 +jigging 0.269 0.058 +jiggle 0.459 0.029 +jiggling 0.075 0.011 +jiggy 0.506 0.069 +jigs 0.448 0.067 +jigsaw 0.605 0.058 +jigsaws 0.765 0.020 +jih 0.568 0.140 +jihad 0.695 0.019 +jihadi 0.345 0.011 +jihadis 0.321 0.005 +jihadist 0.291 0.008 +jihadists 0.286 0.006 +jij 0.131 0.058 +jika 0.512 0.046 +jikes 0.236 0.011 +jil 0.773 0.192 +jilbab 0.615 0.045 +jilin 0.949 0.035 +jill 0.899 0.036 +jillian 0.875 0.040 +jilly 0.844 0.034 +jilted 0.339 0.025 +jim 0.929 0.036 +jima 0.831 0.050 +jimbaran 0.968 0.016 +jimbo 0.795 0.033 +jimenez 0.877 0.074 +jimg 0.007 0.011 +jimi 0.381 0.037 +jiminy 0.852 0.050 +jimmie 0.913 0.061 +jimmy 0.831 0.039 +jimmyo 0.000 0.000 +jimny 0.771 0.148 +jims 0.642 0.155 +jin 0.817 0.050 +jina 0.715 0.153 +jinan 0.939 0.041 +jindabyne 0.817 0.107 +jindal 0.901 0.076 +jing 0.814 0.032 +jingle 0.359 0.024 +jingles 0.476 0.035 +jingling 0.170 0.027 +jingo 0.782 0.053 +jingoistic 0.109 0.000 +jinhua 0.936 0.039 +jini 0.539 0.331 +jinja 0.797 0.059 +jinks 0.633 0.071 +jinn 0.716 0.040 +jinnah 0.949 0.027 +jinny 0.909 0.029 +jinr 0.005 0.988 +jint 0.021 0.030 +jintao 0.988 0.008 +jinx 0.684 0.051 +jinxed 0.377 0.025 +jip 0.515 0.340 +jippii 0.976 0.001 +jira 0.027 0.717 +jirga 0.670 0.026 +jiri 0.942 0.020 +jirka 0.912 0.011 +jiro 0.895 0.045 +jis 0.021 0.856 +jisc 0.004 0.989 +jism 0.201 0.043 +jist 0.092 0.333 +jit 0.153 0.648 +jitendra 0.837 0.062 +jitsu 0.705 0.043 +jitter 0.281 0.014 +jitterbug 0.506 0.028 +jitters 0.317 0.012 +jittery 0.163 0.011 +jiu 0.498 0.333 +jiva 0.707 0.065 +jivago 0.786 0.203 +jive 0.814 0.077 +jizz 0.247 0.051 +jizzed 0.428 0.010 +jizzshot 0.041 0.000 +jj 0.041 0.812 +jja 0.005 0.892 +jjb 0.014 0.889 +jjc 0.009 0.757 +jjj 0.019 0.408 +jjjj 0.005 0.164 +jjm 0.003 0.941 +jk 0.020 0.801 +jka 0.029 0.735 +jkb 0.019 0.297 +jkd 0.019 0.834 +jkl 0.017 0.768 +jkp 0.047 0.686 +jkr 0.004 0.814 +jks 0.029 0.649 +jkt 0.868 0.092 +jl 0.068 0.870 +jla 0.012 0.950 +jlb 0.008 0.512 +jlc 0.009 0.904 +jlg 0.029 0.883 +jlm 0.026 0.815 +jln 0.474 0.468 +jlo 0.119 0.524 +jlp 0.008 0.831 +jls 0.015 0.811 +jlt 0.015 0.881 +jm 0.018 0.936 +jma 0.010 0.898 +jmax 0.107 0.387 +jmb 0.063 0.789 +jmc 0.033 0.841 +jmd 0.003 0.966 +jme 0.124 0.629 +jmeter 0.091 0.004 +jmf 0.005 0.859 +jmg 0.010 0.873 +jmgarvin 0.000 0.000 +jmh 0.009 0.726 +jmi 0.014 0.930 +jmis 0.000 0.059 +jmj 0.052 0.773 +jmk 0.028 0.707 +jml 0.014 0.833 +jmm 0.013 0.854 +jmo 0.017 0.562 +jmob 0.000 0.906 +jmol 0.714 0.072 +jmp 0.024 0.588 +jmr 0.010 0.892 +jms 0.022 0.841 +jmt 0.012 0.812 +jmu 0.016 0.962 +jmw 0.012 0.913 +jmx 0.005 0.838 +jn 0.254 0.619 +jna 0.020 0.889 +jnana 0.643 0.025 +jnb 0.217 0.556 +jnc 0.041 0.793 +jndi 0.004 0.860 +jne 0.122 0.220 +jnf 0.008 0.846 +jni 0.011 0.737 +jnj 0.018 0.801 +jnk 0.015 0.947 +jnl 0.365 0.452 +jnlp 0.004 0.708 +jno 0.872 0.093 +jnr 0.704 0.157 +jns 0.307 0.542 +jnt 0.097 0.749 +jnu 0.016 0.932 +jnz 0.006 0.322 +jo 0.715 0.156 +joa 0.260 0.634 +joab 0.947 0.031 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0.979 0.018 +johannessen 0.954 0.039 +johanns 0.934 0.043 +johannsen 0.938 0.046 +johansen 0.919 0.048 +johanson 0.900 0.049 +johansson 0.947 0.025 +johari 0.895 0.073 +john 0.922 0.047 +johnathan 0.905 0.046 +johnathon 0.907 0.042 +johne 0.915 0.034 +johngomes 0.000 0.000 +johnie 0.836 0.074 +johnnie 0.876 0.081 +johnny 0.845 0.046 +johns 0.894 0.059 +johnsburg 0.827 0.134 +johnsbury 0.921 0.056 +johnsen 0.925 0.059 +johnson 0.884 0.070 +johnsongrass 0.893 0.004 +johnsons 0.792 0.122 +johnsonville 0.835 0.123 +johnsson 0.885 0.074 +johnston 0.897 0.081 +johnstone 0.905 0.080 +johnstown 0.907 0.070 +johnsville 0.805 0.149 +johny 0.776 0.047 +joho 0.710 0.224 +johor 0.930 0.033 +johore 0.922 0.057 +joi 0.781 0.076 +joico 0.855 0.090 +joie 0.658 0.080 +join 0.725 0.024 +joinder 0.285 0.048 +joined 0.673 0.002 +joiner 0.608 0.042 +joiners 0.673 0.054 +joinery 0.616 0.044 +joining 0.153 0.009 +joins 0.244 0.025 +joint 0.396 0.036 +jointed 0.311 0.058 +jointer 0.626 0.075 +jointers 0.840 0.014 +jointing 0.350 0.034 +jointly 0.057 0.006 +joints 0.187 0.019 +joist 0.365 0.056 +joists 0.149 0.028 +jojo 0.160 0.023 +jojoba 0.604 0.032 +jok 0.705 0.097 +joke 0.284 0.027 +joked 0.005 0.001 +joker 0.576 0.059 +jokers 0.788 0.026 +jokes 0.573 0.018 +jokey 0.368 0.012 +jokinen 0.931 0.043 +joking 0.105 0.013 +jokingly 0.030 0.002 +jol 0.527 0.336 +jolee 0.858 0.089 +jolene 0.867 0.041 +joli 0.714 0.094 +jolie 0.718 0.028 +joliet 0.877 0.075 +joliette 0.878 0.099 +jolin 0.762 0.061 +jolla 0.922 0.034 +jollee 0.903 0.018 +jolley 0.918 0.070 +jolliffe 0.881 0.107 +jolly 0.656 0.046 +jolo 0.834 0.082 +jolson 0.852 0.097 +jolt 0.532 0.043 +jolted 0.081 0.004 +jolting 0.065 0.005 +jolts 0.121 0.084 +joly 0.905 0.056 +jolyon 0.978 0.010 +jom 0.246 0.504 +joma 0.847 0.080 +jomashop 0.131 0.000 +jomo 0.909 0.043 +jomtien 0.938 0.017 +jon 0.822 0.031 +jona 0.809 0.091 +jonah 0.951 0.023 +jonas 0.837 0.036 +jonasson 0.906 0.071 +jonathan 0.944 0.031 +jonathon 0.925 0.041 +jone 0.808 0.059 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0.040 +judit 0.937 0.025 +judith 0.935 0.043 +judkins 0.875 0.097 +judo 0.640 0.043 +judson 0.892 0.072 +judy 0.904 0.046 +jue 0.693 0.080 +juego 0.156 0.029 +juegos 0.366 0.009 +juelz 0.290 0.025 +juergen 0.960 0.011 +jueves 0.607 0.032 +jug 0.431 0.174 +juga 0.054 0.015 +jugadores 0.082 0.009 +jugar 0.057 0.010 +juge 0.152 0.029 +jugement 0.158 0.073 +jugend 0.793 0.056 +juges 0.362 0.034 +jugg 0.056 0.002 +juggalo 0.688 0.047 +juggalos 0.843 0.057 +juggernaut 0.562 0.026 +juggies 0.783 0.028 +juggle 0.126 0.041 +juggled 0.085 0.000 +juggler 0.583 0.022 +jugglers 0.484 0.016 +juggles 0.180 0.008 +juggling 0.468 0.015 +juggs 0.449 0.022 +jughead 0.712 0.186 +juglans 0.946 0.032 +jugs 0.242 0.040 +juguetes 0.316 0.010 +jugular 0.164 0.031 +juha 0.941 0.015 +juhani 0.955 0.024 +juhasz 0.952 0.039 +juhi 0.847 0.035 +juhl 0.924 0.053 +jui 0.557 0.243 +juice 0.339 0.029 +juicebox 0.867 0.021 +juiced 0.643 0.025 +juiceman 0.862 0.039 +juicer 0.614 0.040 +juicers 0.838 0.013 +juices 0.193 0.018 +juicing 0.443 0.025 +juicy 0.446 0.057 +juil 0.175 0.058 +juillet 0.287 0.016 +juilliard 0.965 0.021 +juin 0.291 0.033 +jujitsu 0.662 0.028 +juju 0.680 0.070 +jujube 0.519 0.030 +jujuy 0.878 0.088 +juk 0.185 0.140 +juke 0.541 0.097 +jukebox 0.661 0.044 +jukeboxes 0.763 0.014 +jukes 0.832 0.065 +juki 0.714 0.193 +jukka 0.954 0.018 +jul 0.959 0.032 +julbo 0.976 0.010 +jule 0.884 0.046 +julep 0.724 0.041 +jules 0.900 0.035 +julho 0.507 0.010 +juli 0.723 0.026 +julia 0.901 0.047 +julian 0.916 0.038 +juliana 0.887 0.045 +juliane 0.942 0.030 +julianna 0.808 0.041 +julianne 0.925 0.027 +juliano 0.925 0.046 +julians 0.895 0.031 +julich 0.934 0.061 +julie 0.901 0.038 +julien 0.914 0.037 +julienne 0.609 0.033 +juliet 0.888 0.054 +julieta 0.893 0.060 +juliette 0.896 0.041 +julio 0.799 0.045 +julius 0.903 0.058 +julliard 0.892 0.006 +jullie 0.117 0.014 +july 0.976 0.015 +jum 0.434 0.215 +juma 0.881 0.077 +jumanji 0.921 0.046 +jumble 0.667 0.009 +jumbled 0.090 0.005 +jumbo 0.624 0.075 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0.039 +juniors 0.637 0.050 +juniper 0.752 0.051 +juniperus 0.927 0.041 +junit 0.048 0.013 +junius 0.878 0.055 +junk 0.365 0.043 +junked 0.190 0.024 +junker 0.752 0.054 +junkers 0.832 0.063 +junket 0.381 0.019 +junkets 0.246 0.005 +junkfood 0.676 0.160 +junkie 0.532 0.024 +junkies 0.576 0.037 +junkin 0.919 0.044 +junkitz 0.962 0.018 +junko 0.887 0.034 +junks 0.373 0.024 +junky 0.326 0.020 +junkyard 0.622 0.030 +junkyards 0.398 0.020 +juno 0.872 0.056 +junos 0.270 0.678 +junta 0.394 0.042 +juntas 0.259 0.043 +junto 0.373 0.017 +juntos 0.438 0.090 +junya 0.465 0.435 +jup 0.509 0.274 +jupe 0.301 0.046 +jupiter 0.910 0.052 +jupiterimages 0.988 0.010 +jupitermedia 0.998 0.002 +jupiters 0.865 0.028 +jupp 0.901 0.058 +jur 0.578 0.148 +jura 0.851 0.035 +jurado 0.851 0.060 +juraj 0.903 0.019 +juran 0.944 0.033 +jurassic 0.913 0.045 +jure 0.218 0.025 +jurek 0.921 0.031 +jurgen 0.931 0.031 +jurgens 0.920 0.063 +jurgensen 0.862 0.077 +juri 0.793 0.138 +juridical 0.206 0.023 +juridique 0.097 0.023 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0.176 0.635 +jye 0.935 0.035 +jyoti 0.854 0.077 +jython 0.619 0.002 +jyutping 0.388 0.000 +jyvaskyla 0.950 0.042 +jz 0.218 0.547 +k 0.623 0.000 +ka 0.314 0.364 +kaa 0.386 0.307 +kaal 0.637 0.120 +kaan 0.731 0.124 +kaanapali 0.922 0.023 +kaart 0.143 0.015 +kaarten 0.252 0.018 +kaartjes 0.013 0.000 +kaas 0.688 0.056 +kaaza 0.074 0.008 +kab 0.231 0.496 +kaba 0.688 0.209 +kabar 0.642 0.186 +kabat 0.858 0.026 +kabbalah 0.862 0.031 +kabbalistic 0.791 0.008 +kabc 0.004 0.769 +kabe 0.654 0.247 +kabel 0.666 0.076 +kabels 0.862 0.031 +kabhi 0.776 0.054 +kabila 0.873 0.088 +kabir 0.921 0.037 +kable 0.857 0.050 +kabob 0.581 0.058 +kabobs 0.600 0.047 +kaboodle 0.581 0.019 +kaboom 0.687 0.142 +kaboose 0.971 0.002 +kabuki 0.731 0.064 +kabul 0.919 0.058 +kabushiki 0.838 0.136 +kabuto 0.837 0.036 +kac 0.395 0.532 +kacey 0.429 0.030 +kach 0.911 0.045 +kachin 0.972 0.016 +kachina 0.785 0.069 +kaci 0.882 0.060 +kacke 0.007 0.000 +kacken 0.005 0.000 +kacy 0.755 0.123 +kaczmarek 0.929 0.047 +kaczynski 0.966 0.021 +kad 0.258 0.264 +kada 0.496 0.164 +kadabra 0.950 0.021 +kadar 0.471 0.064 +kaddish 0.812 0.021 +kade 0.866 0.039 +kadena 0.858 0.080 +kader 0.729 0.058 +kadi 0.792 0.081 +kadima 0.977 0.012 +kadir 0.859 0.090 +kadlec 0.818 0.090 +kado 0.601 0.089 +kaduna 0.923 0.045 +kae 0.511 0.300 +kaede 0.874 0.018 +kael 0.905 0.025 +kaelin 0.931 0.049 +kaen 0.954 0.020 +kaeser 0.838 0.149 +kaew 0.960 0.017 +kaf 0.249 0.514 +kafe 0.796 0.041 +kaffe 0.300 0.011 +kaffee 0.421 0.083 +kaffeine 0.566 0.043 +kaffir 0.541 0.029 +kafir 0.608 0.014 +kafka 0.898 0.037 +kaftan 0.498 0.206 +kafue 0.983 0.011 +kag 0.211 0.408 +kaga 0.816 0.076 +kagaku 0.883 0.069 +kagan 0.730 0.258 +kagawa 0.951 0.037 +kage 0.838 0.037 +kagero 0.967 0.016 +kagi 0.875 0.049 +kagome 0.500 0.050 +kagoshima 0.917 0.066 +kagyu 0.963 0.012 +kah 0.488 0.178 +kaha 0.606 0.061 +kahala 0.921 0.045 +kahan 0.851 0.039 +kahana 0.906 0.046 +kahanamoku 0.963 0.026 +kahane 0.933 0.053 +kahin 0.841 0.031 +kahit 0.186 0.032 +kahl 0.870 0.091 +kahle 0.927 0.039 +kahler 0.938 0.044 +kahles 0.949 0.024 +kahlil 0.927 0.029 +kahlo 0.878 0.043 +kahlua 0.837 0.057 +kahn 0.926 0.047 +kahnawake 0.964 0.022 +kahne 0.935 0.041 +kahneman 0.987 0.008 +kaho 0.712 0.088 +kahrs 0.830 0.026 +kahuku 0.915 0.066 +kahului 0.951 0.039 +kahuna 0.847 0.054 +kai 0.367 0.047 +kaiba 0.827 0.065 +kaibab 0.920 0.050 +kaif 0.859 0.015 +kaiju 0.805 0.036 +kaikoura 0.967 0.021 +kail 0.602 0.065 +kaila 0.737 0.055 +kailash 0.842 0.102 +kailua 0.920 0.053 +kain 0.843 0.066 +kainate 0.112 0.015 +kaine 0.951 0.028 +kairo 0.611 0.037 +kairomone 0.946 0.000 +kairos 0.602 0.196 +kaisa 0.890 0.023 +kaiser 0.898 0.044 +kaiserslautern 0.910 0.025 +kaisha 0.800 0.137 +kaist 0.019 0.953 +kait 0.474 0.387 +kaitaia 0.929 0.060 +kaitlin 0.906 0.046 +kaitlyn 0.895 0.036 +kaito 0.702 0.140 +kaitos 0.948 0.012 +kaiya 0.419 0.029 +kaiyodo 0.881 0.081 +kaizen 0.782 0.036 +kaizer 0.940 0.021 +kaj 0.386 0.072 +kaja 0.783 0.113 +kaji 0.850 0.061 +kajol 0.759 0.032 +kak 0.425 0.105 +kaka 0.621 0.090 +kakadu 0.931 0.031 +kakar 0.962 0.011 +kakashi 0.772 0.023 +kakasi 0.178 0.058 +kake 0.686 0.177 +kaki 0.654 0.046 +kako 0.345 0.055 +kaktuz 0.731 0.000 +kaku 0.808 0.034 +kakuro 0.866 0.048 +kal 0.606 0.283 +kala 0.679 0.073 +kalahari 0.926 0.017 +kalaheo 0.911 0.058 +kalakaua 0.945 0.046 +kalam 0.871 0.029 +kalama 0.858 0.087 +kalamaki 0.795 0.040 +kalamata 0.722 0.037 +kalamazoo 0.922 0.053 +kalan 0.794 0.095 +kalanchoe 0.847 0.034 +kalani 0.914 0.038 +kalashnikov 0.930 0.024 +kalau 0.243 0.011 +kalaupapa 0.977 0.018 +kalb 0.803 0.136 +kalba 0.104 0.014 +kalbarri 0.705 0.275 +kaldor 0.967 0.024 +kale 0.620 0.051 +kaleb 0.817 0.028 +kaleido 0.914 0.040 +kaleidoscope 0.714 0.040 +kaleidoscopes 0.684 0.036 +kaleidoscopic 0.221 0.007 +kalen 0.807 0.032 +kalender 0.686 0.037 +kaler 0.866 0.054 +kaletra 0.821 0.138 +kaleu 0.039 0.000 +kalevala 0.948 0.025 +kaley 0.851 0.061 +kalgoorlie 0.876 0.098 +kali 0.783 0.036 +kalia 0.897 0.051 +kalifornia 0.832 0.050 +kalil 0.906 0.063 +kalimantan 0.949 0.034 +kalimba 0.731 0.039 +kalin 0.895 0.043 +kalina 0.906 0.054 +kalinga 0.866 0.081 +kaliningrad 0.952 0.037 +kalish 0.946 0.045 +kalispell 0.917 0.061 +kalk 0.667 0.047 +kalkan 0.811 0.048 +kalkaska 0.854 0.112 +kalki 0.933 0.015 +kall 0.476 0.114 +kalla 0.838 0.043 +kalle 0.914 0.019 +kallen 0.898 0.034 +kallikrein 0.212 0.033 +kallio 0.919 0.051 +kallis 0.964 0.019 +kallisti 0.940 0.013 +kalloy 0.958 0.023 +kalman 0.952 0.023 +kalmar 0.927 0.039 +kalmbach 0.970 0.026 +kalo 0.503 0.062 +kalorama 0.881 0.107 +kalos 0.753 0.075 +kalpana 0.915 0.037 +kalra 0.924 0.047 +kalt 0.642 0.111 +kalu 0.812 0.047 +kaluza 0.951 0.040 +kalyan 0.819 0.112 +kalyani 0.919 0.039 +kalymnos 0.869 0.069 +kam 0.501 0.158 +kama 0.752 0.046 +kamagra 0.573 0.067 +kamakura 0.951 0.025 +kamal 0.887 0.048 +kamala 0.911 0.029 +kaman 0.856 0.088 +kamaole 0.943 0.024 +kamara 0.837 0.089 +kamas 0.903 0.052 +kamasutra 0.452 0.013 +kamat 0.944 0.023 +kamath 0.933 0.034 +kamau 0.920 0.036 +kamba 0.937 0.025 +kamchatka 0.931 0.057 +kame 0.220 0.539 +kameez 0.504 0.065 +kamehameha 0.920 0.043 +kamei 0.863 0.087 +kamel 0.897 0.049 +kameleon 0.821 0.074 +kamelot 0.493 0.061 +kamen 0.860 0.041 +kameo 0.970 0.014 +kamer 0.543 0.017 +kamera 0.392 0.012 +kamers 0.631 0.006 +kames 0.449 0.040 +kami 0.549 0.036 +kamigawa 0.956 0.018 +kamik 0.981 0.010 +kamikaze 0.684 0.052 +kamil 0.873 0.060 +kamila 0.924 0.034 +kamille 0.914 0.007 +kamin 0.802 0.047 +kaminari 0.788 0.161 +kamins 0.952 0.009 +kaminski 0.928 0.056 +kaminsky 0.919 0.043 +kamiya 0.924 0.047 +kamloops 0.903 0.049 +kamm 0.899 0.053 +kamma 0.373 0.061 +kammer 0.884 0.041 +kammerer 0.908 0.074 +kamo 0.727 0.097 +kamp 0.839 0.070 +kampala 0.929 0.055 +kampen 0.799 0.111 +kampf 0.896 0.044 +kampong 0.916 0.016 +kamps 0.927 0.044 +kampuchea 0.632 0.327 +kampung 0.604 0.043 +kamran 0.888 0.059 +kamu 0.288 0.116 +kamuela 0.941 0.049 +kamui 0.850 0.049 +kamut 0.819 0.032 +kan 0.283 0.077 +kana 0.519 0.121 +kanaan 0.957 0.030 +kanab 0.912 0.069 +kanada 0.902 0.020 +kanade 0.933 0.010 +kanagawa 0.937 0.047 +kanai 0.908 0.037 +kanak 0.723 0.054 +kanal 0.711 0.043 +kanamycin 0.292 0.015 +kanan 0.835 0.043 +kananaskis 0.919 0.065 +kanata 0.912 0.051 +kanawa 0.901 0.069 +kanawha 0.904 0.083 +kanazawa 0.824 0.031 +kanban 0.650 0.044 +kanchanaburi 0.945 0.023 +kancheepuram 0.977 0.011 +kanchi 0.928 0.017 +kanchipuram 0.915 0.049 +kanda 0.934 0.032 +kandahar 0.941 0.046 +kandel 0.951 0.034 +kander 0.945 0.031 +kandersteg 0.971 0.020 +kandi 0.814 0.089 +kandinsky 0.925 0.035 +kandiyohi 0.907 0.066 +kandy 0.808 0.036 +kane 0.884 0.060 +kanebo 0.873 0.087 +kaneda 0.824 0.085 +kanei 0.059 0.018 +kaneko 0.930 0.058 +kaneohe 0.914 0.054 +kaneshiro 0.888 0.047 +kanetix 0.213 0.000 +kang 0.862 0.060 +kanga 0.826 0.051 +kangaroo 0.685 0.050 +kangaroos 0.614 0.049 +kangas 0.817 0.155 +kangol 0.831 0.079 +kangoo 0.722 0.163 +kangra 0.900 0.085 +kanguru 0.935 0.050 +kangwon 0.962 0.019 +kanha 0.964 0.015 +kani 0.778 0.053 +kanji 0.505 0.037 +kankakee 0.883 0.097 +kanker 0.066 0.004 +kann 0.144 0.010 +kanna 0.886 0.020 +kannada 0.845 0.095 +kannan 0.903 0.040 +kannapolis 0.893 0.074 +kannel 0.457 0.010 +kanner 0.937 0.045 +kanno 0.827 0.057 +kannon 0.908 0.037 +kannst 0.065 0.003 +kannur 0.983 0.012 +kano 0.878 0.054 +kanon 0.591 0.049 +kanoodle 0.932 0.000 +kanotix 0.520 0.332 +kanpur 0.967 0.024 +kans 0.673 0.074 +kansai 0.925 0.054 +kansan 0.926 0.041 +kansans 0.985 0.011 +kansas 0.933 0.031 +kant 0.927 0.025 +kanter 0.932 0.038 +kantian 0.980 0.005 +kantner 0.869 0.122 +kanto 0.903 0.050 +kantor 0.900 0.060 +kanu 0.699 0.243 +kanwar 0.947 0.034 +kanya 0.478 0.098 +kanyakumari 0.953 0.022 +kanye 0.579 0.024 +kao 0.713 0.107 +kaohsiung 0.900 0.088 +kaolin 0.380 0.132 +kaolinite 0.206 0.193 +kaon 0.314 0.142 +kaori 0.875 0.036 +kaoru 0.873 0.021 +kaos 0.646 0.240 +kap 0.396 0.392 +kapa 0.478 0.219 +kapaa 0.939 0.038 +kapadia 0.857 0.035 +kapalua 0.919 0.035 +kapama 0.986 0.004 +kapamilya 0.940 0.014 +kaper 0.874 0.062 +kapers 0.959 0.016 +kapil 0.836 0.039 +kapiolani 0.912 0.061 +kapital 0.781 0.059 +kapitel 0.775 0.045 +kapiti 0.964 0.026 +kaplan 0.934 0.037 +kapler 0.833 0.029 +kapok 0.780 0.085 +kapolei 0.936 0.051 +kapoor 0.875 0.027 +kapor 0.967 0.011 +kaposi 0.966 0.015 +kapow 0.815 0.085 +kapp 0.763 0.149 +kappa 0.750 0.039 +kappan 0.938 0.044 +kaprun 0.929 0.017 +kaps 0.318 0.173 +kaptain 0.708 0.045 +kapton 0.731 0.112 +kaptur 0.604 0.394 +kapur 0.939 0.032 +kapuskasing 0.925 0.066 +kaput 0.364 0.029 +kaqe 0.045 0.012 +kaqws 0.006 0.011 +kar 0.471 0.284 +kara 0.790 0.048 +karabakh 0.919 0.072 +karachi 0.819 0.147 +karadzic 0.924 0.070 +karajan 0.920 0.058 +karakas 0.953 0.007 +karakoram 0.973 0.011 +karam 0.847 0.069 +karamazov 0.939 0.030 +karan 0.852 0.082 +karana 0.810 0.105 +karaoke 0.662 0.064 +karas 0.603 0.038 +karastan 0.886 0.019 +karat 0.505 0.041 +karate 0.668 0.043 +karats 0.842 0.016 +karbala 0.967 0.023 +karch 0.939 0.030 +karcher 0.895 0.052 +kard 0.643 0.082 +kardinal 0.898 0.035 +kardon 0.820 0.096 +kare 0.553 0.300 +kareem 0.849 0.094 +kareena 0.798 0.022 +karel 0.902 0.057 +karelia 0.908 0.072 +karelian 0.956 0.024 +karen 0.922 0.042 +karena 0.498 0.017 +karenina 0.949 0.025 +karens 0.786 0.090 +kareoke 0.414 0.249 +karger 0.944 0.042 +kargil 0.961 0.021 +karhu 0.919 0.045 +kari 0.867 0.050 +kariba 0.954 0.022 +karibik 0.684 0.221 +karie 0.878 0.034 +karim 0.882 0.044 +karimi 0.832 0.065 +karimov 0.970 0.025 +karin 0.894 0.036 +karina 0.829 0.034 +karine 0.882 0.033 +karis 0.883 0.060 +karishma 0.770 0.084 +karissa 0.905 0.035 +kariya 0.889 0.060 +karl 0.929 0.040 +karla 0.897 0.055 +karlheinz 0.952 0.024 +karli 0.890 0.043 +karlin 0.923 0.048 +karloff 0.849 0.125 +karlovy 0.964 0.028 +karls 0.705 0.034 +karlsen 0.956 0.030 +karlskrona 0.950 0.024 +karlson 0.882 0.075 +karlsruhe 0.685 0.015 +karlsson 0.924 0.032 +karlstad 0.899 0.070 +karma 0.813 0.017 +karmaloop 0.967 0.004 +karman 0.847 0.073 +karmann 0.800 0.077 +karmapa 0.974 0.016 +karmel 0.896 0.060 +karmen 0.820 0.127 +karmic 0.400 0.015 +karn 0.864 0.060 +karna 0.749 0.036 +karnak 0.885 0.043 +karnal 0.898 0.064 +karnataka 0.910 0.073 +karner 0.940 0.036 +karnes 0.869 0.111 +karney 0.955 0.028 +karni 0.918 0.034 +karns 0.821 0.149 +karo 0.754 0.056 +karoke 0.421 0.055 +karol 0.933 0.039 +karolina 0.859 0.034 +karolinska 0.979 0.018 +karoly 0.969 0.020 +karon 0.930 0.031 +karoo 0.954 0.021 +karori 0.949 0.029 +karp 0.925 0.056 +karpathos 0.868 0.076 +karpinski 0.889 0.101 +karplus 0.948 0.022 +karpov 0.963 0.021 +karr 0.799 0.168 +karras 0.887 0.077 +karratha 0.845 0.114 +karren 0.910 0.029 +karri 0.824 0.032 +karrie 0.878 0.046 +karriere 0.794 0.022 +karrimor 0.931 0.052 +kars 0.577 0.158 +karsh 0.877 0.071 +karst 0.506 0.032 +karsten 0.953 0.018 +kart 0.726 0.060 +karta 0.529 0.046 +karte 0.380 0.023 +kartel 0.556 0.177 +karten 0.676 0.019 +karthik 0.842 0.019 +karthikeyan 0.913 0.034 +kartik 0.901 0.022 +karting 0.818 0.020 +karts 0.612 0.041 +karty 0.408 0.013 +karuna 0.850 0.030 +karup 0.766 0.087 +karups 0.611 0.036 +karur 0.896 0.063 +karwar 0.996 0.003 +kary 0.830 0.061 +karyn 0.895 0.042 +karyotype 0.199 0.022 +karyotyping 0.705 0.006 +karzai 0.975 0.021 +kas 0.342 0.306 +kasa 0.365 0.401 +kasabian 0.902 0.038 +kasahara 0.943 0.043 +kasai 0.912 0.058 +kasane 0.966 0.016 +kasara 0.989 0.000 +kasbah 0.857 0.024 +kascha 0.041 0.003 +kasco 0.971 0.020 +kasd 0.000 0.034 +kasdan 0.968 0.023 +kase 0.573 0.238 +kasei 0.814 0.158 +kasem 0.817 0.044 +kasey 0.901 0.049 +kash 0.783 0.113 +kasha 0.774 0.034 +kashan 0.770 0.098 +kashgar 0.971 0.015 +kashi 0.852 0.055 +kashif 0.860 0.053 +kashima 0.907 0.081 +kashmar 0.940 0.050 +kashmir 0.936 0.032 +kashmiri 0.940 0.018 +kashmiris 0.978 0.005 +kashrut 0.591 0.042 +kashyap 0.931 0.030 +kasi 0.328 0.034 +kasia 0.778 0.025 +kasim 0.875 0.064 +kasino 0.192 0.009 +kaskaskia 0.828 0.163 +kaslo 0.970 0.018 +kaspar 0.913 0.042 +kasparov 0.947 0.021 +kasper 0.860 0.064 +kaspersky 0.650 0.009 +kass 0.867 0.081 +kassa 0.461 0.038 +kassam 0.938 0.044 +kassandra 0.887 0.057 +kasse 0.933 0.010 +kassebaum 0.876 0.108 +kassel 0.530 0.015 +kassie 0.860 0.026 +kassim 0.936 0.044 +kassin 0.875 0.020 +kasson 0.856 0.095 +kast 0.501 0.158 +kasten 0.887 0.049 +kastner 0.921 0.052 +kastoria 0.879 0.091 +kastrup 0.965 0.016 +kasumi 0.682 0.063 +kat 0.633 0.088 +kata 0.507 0.047 +katadyn 0.966 0.020 +katahdin 0.954 0.028 +katakana 0.430 0.245 +katalin 0.906 0.055 +katalog 0.674 0.032 +kataloge 0.871 0.015 +katalogu 0.024 0.006 +katamari 0.872 0.020 +katana 0.612 0.090 +katanga 0.914 0.066 +kataoka 0.933 0.060 +katarina 0.848 0.032 +katarzyna 0.897 0.035 +katatonia 0.857 0.081 +katavi 0.988 0.000 +katayama 0.914 0.077 +kate 0.850 0.034 +kategori 0.410 0.003 +kategorie 0.822 0.015 +kategorien 0.927 0.016 +kategorier 0.660 0.022 +katella 0.885 0.088 +katelyn 0.898 0.044 +kater 0.733 0.059 +katerina 0.892 0.036 +kates 0.637 0.037 +katey 0.794 0.021 +kath 0.874 0.038 +katha 0.816 0.055 +katharina 0.912 0.043 +katharine 0.913 0.068 +kathe 0.891 0.032 +katherine 0.920 0.052 +katheryn 0.917 0.063 +kathi 0.919 0.037 +kathie 0.915 0.045 +kathleen 0.926 0.051 +kathmandu 0.930 0.048 +katholieke 0.937 0.027 +kathrein 0.961 0.032 +kathrin 0.942 0.024 +kathrine 0.853 0.063 +kathryn 0.932 0.043 +kathy 0.924 0.033 +kati 0.675 0.041 +katia 0.815 0.062 +katich 0.968 0.023 +katie 0.736 0.028 +katies 0.540 0.039 +katif 0.936 0.024 +katina 0.837 0.053 +katja 0.883 0.015 +katmai 0.941 0.027 +katmandu 0.901 0.054 +kato 0.898 0.071 +katoh 0.940 0.054 +katona 0.806 0.041 +katonah 0.891 0.079 +katoomba 0.808 0.151 +katowice 0.883 0.044 +katrin 0.908 0.040 +katrina 0.927 0.028 +katrine 0.789 0.185 +kats 0.756 0.130 +katsu 0.765 0.043 +katsumi 0.852 0.019 +katsura 0.883 0.040 +katt 0.911 0.031 +kattan 0.939 0.024 +katten 0.163 0.007 +katu 0.037 0.920 +katv 0.006 0.974 +katy 0.896 0.045 +katya 0.918 0.023 +katz 0.924 0.046 +katze 0.548 0.014 +katzen 0.635 0.030 +katzenbach 0.921 0.062 +katzi 0.010 0.000 +katzmaier 0.992 0.000 +katzman 0.968 0.027 +kau 0.498 0.132 +kauai 0.900 0.033 +kauf 0.647 0.052 +kaufen 0.220 0.010 +kauffman 0.926 0.053 +kauffmann 0.920 0.073 +kaufman 0.925 0.053 +kaufmann 0.949 0.032 +kaui 0.929 0.008 +kaukauna 0.870 0.106 +kaul 0.920 0.042 +kaum 0.132 0.037 +kaun 0.787 0.118 +kaunakakai 0.936 0.050 +kaunas 0.957 0.028 +kaupapa 0.547 0.018 +kaur 0.866 0.064 +kauri 0.805 0.025 +kaus 0.936 0.046 +kausfiles 0.964 0.000 +kaushal 0.913 0.030 +kaushik 0.918 0.044 +kautz 0.950 0.039 +kav 0.344 0.457 +kava 0.631 0.023 +kavala 0.861 0.103 +kavalier 0.936 0.028 +kavan 0.676 0.044 +kavanagh 0.919 0.063 +kavanaugh 0.891 0.098 +kavarna 0.960 0.036 +kaveh 0.970 0.009 +kavi 0.732 0.176 +kaviar 0.128 0.077 +kaviarerotik 0.000 0.000 +kaviarerotiks 0.000 0.000 +kaviarsex 0.003 0.000 +kavita 0.906 0.029 +kavu 0.850 0.122 +kaw 0.464 0.406 +kawa 0.611 0.063 +kawabata 0.899 0.076 +kawada 0.900 0.062 +kawaguchi 0.897 0.094 +kawahara 0.896 0.085 +kawai 0.845 0.089 +kawaii 0.529 0.047 +kawakami 0.930 0.058 +kawamoto 0.913 0.076 +kawamura 0.864 0.095 +kawana 0.728 0.260 +kawano 0.921 0.070 +kawartha 0.932 0.044 +kawasaki 0.795 0.101 +kawashima 0.689 0.043 +kaweah 0.830 0.158 +kay 0.853 0.067 +kaya 0.606 0.067 +kayak 0.581 0.038 +kayaker 0.519 0.014 +kayakers 0.228 0.018 +kayaking 0.652 0.017 +kayako 0.972 0.000 +kayaks 0.623 0.023 +kayano 0.805 0.029 +kaycee 0.721 0.044 +kaye 0.906 0.063 +kayenta 0.909 0.070 +kayla 0.834 0.044 +kaylani 0.651 0.016 +kaylee 0.917 0.025 +kayleigh 0.846 0.035 +kaylor 0.905 0.079 +kaylynn 0.908 0.050 +kayna 0.986 0.000 +kayne 0.838 0.041 +kayo 0.385 0.075 +kays 0.952 0.019 +kaysar 0.510 0.456 +kayser 0.872 0.084 +kayseri 0.541 0.026 +kaysville 0.914 0.070 +kaytee 0.908 0.060 +kaz 0.654 0.223 +kaza 0.136 0.027 +kazaa 0.176 0.006 +kazak 0.786 0.144 +kazakh 0.942 0.047 +kazakhstan 0.955 0.039 +kazakstan 0.920 0.073 +kazan 0.938 0.028 +kaze 0.783 0.030 +kazehakase 0.234 0.000 +kazemi 0.948 0.042 +kazi 0.808 0.078 +kazimierz 0.961 0.020 +kazoo 0.607 0.031 +kazooie 0.916 0.024 +kazorum 0.065 0.000 +kazu 0.753 0.050 +kazuhiko 0.964 0.019 +kazuhiro 0.951 0.028 +kazuki 0.912 0.048 +kazuko 0.967 0.020 +kazuma 0.893 0.024 +kazumi 0.855 0.056 +kazuo 0.955 0.025 +kazuya 0.897 0.023 +kazza 0.233 0.012 +kb 0.158 0.678 +kba 0.045 0.900 +kbabel 0.141 0.000 +kbb 0.034 0.770 +kbc 0.015 0.928 +kbd 0.074 0.213 +kbe 0.016 0.913 +kbit 0.184 0.008 +kbits 0.352 0.011 +kbp 0.037 0.226 +kbps 0.383 0.011 +kbr 0.009 0.948 +kbs 0.053 0.487 +kbuild 0.055 0.060 +kbyte 0.820 0.012 +kbytes 0.490 0.002 +kc 0.063 0.837 +kca 0.018 0.920 +kcal 0.085 0.175 +kcb 0.012 0.932 +kcbs 0.000 0.995 +kcbt 0.000 0.978 +kcc 0.015 0.888 +kcet 0.004 0.979 +kcfs 0.184 0.307 +kch 0.028 0.876 +kci 0.091 0.835 +kck 0.048 0.853 +kcl 0.021 0.788 +kcm 0.016 0.781 +kcn 0.012 0.964 +kcna 0.000 0.994 +kconfig 0.748 0.002 +kcontrol 0.008 0.000 +kcp 0.014 0.952 +kcr 0.006 0.945 +kcrw 0.007 0.956 +kcs 0.029 0.871 +kctcs 0.000 0.995 +kcts 0.000 0.985 +kd 0.073 0.778 +kda 0.032 0.813 +kdb 0.087 0.396 +kdc 0.011 0.807 +kdd 0.011 0.927 +kddi 0.005 0.971 +kde 0.014 0.660 +kdeaccessibility 0.000 0.000 +kdeaddons 0.003 0.000 +kdeadmin 0.004 0.000 +kdeartwork 0.002 0.000 +kdebase 0.001 0.002 +kdebindings 0.004 0.000 +kdecore 0.000 0.000 +kdeedu 0.002 0.000 +kdegames 0.000 0.000 +kdegraphics 0.004 0.000 +kdelibs 0.006 0.001 +kdemultimedia 0.000 0.000 +kdenetwork 0.002 0.000 +kdepim 0.002 0.020 +kdeprint 0.000 0.000 +kdesdk 0.018 0.001 +kdetoys 0.000 0.000 +kdeui 0.000 0.000 +kdeutils 0.003 0.000 +kdevelop 0.061 0.003 +kdewebdev 0.000 0.000 +kdf 0.008 0.695 +kdg 0.228 0.692 +kdka 0.002 0.979 +kdl 0.011 0.947 +kdm 0.014 0.276 +kdoc 0.015 0.201 +kdp 0.019 0.919 +kdr 0.055 0.726 +kds 0.020 0.804 +kdv 0.011 0.796 +kdx 0.204 0.592 +kdyh 0.000 0.720 +ke 0.199 0.367 +kea 0.749 0.186 +keaau 0.829 0.136 +keach 0.930 0.051 +keady 0.936 0.045 +keaggy 0.923 0.034 +kealakekua 0.914 0.058 +kean 0.852 0.111 +keane 0.834 0.042 +keaney 0.962 0.022 +keansburg 0.884 0.099 +keanu 0.887 0.031 +kearney 0.919 0.065 +kearns 0.914 0.065 +kearny 0.883 0.087 +kearsarge 0.906 0.069 +kearse 0.853 0.119 +kearsley 0.851 0.140 +keast 0.908 0.071 +keat 0.828 0.117 +keath 0.972 0.015 +keathley 0.756 0.033 +keating 0.903 0.048 +keatley 0.965 0.028 +keaton 0.928 0.043 +keats 0.958 0.021 +keauhou 0.935 0.043 +keay 0.921 0.066 +keb 0.712 0.224 +kebab 0.554 0.032 +kebabs 0.464 0.021 +keble 0.953 0.035 +kec 0.067 0.892 +keck 0.915 0.051 +ked 0.102 0.191 +kedah 0.937 0.034 +kedar 0.968 0.016 +kedo 0.036 0.770 +kedron 0.618 0.374 +keds 0.771 0.041 +kedzie 0.869 0.102 +kee 0.684 0.130 +keeble 0.924 0.058 +keebler 0.820 0.074 +keech 0.826 0.137 +keef 0.715 0.053 +keefe 0.865 0.104 +keefer 0.909 0.065 +keegan 0.928 0.046 +keel 0.395 0.050 +keelboat 0.666 0.037 +keele 0.944 0.032 +keeled 0.085 0.006 +keeler 0.897 0.082 +keeley 0.872 0.049 +keelgroup 0.928 0.000 +keeling 0.917 0.055 +keels 0.276 0.025 +keelung 0.906 0.082 +keely 0.844 0.077 +keen 0.265 0.021 +keena 0.879 0.035 +keenan 0.916 0.058 +keene 0.916 0.061 +keeneland 0.954 0.024 +keener 0.685 0.050 +keenest 0.012 0.004 +keeney 0.883 0.103 +keenly 0.020 0.001 +keenness 0.026 0.000 +keenspot 0.980 0.016 +keep 0.209 0.016 +keepalive 0.151 0.064 +keepall 0.779 0.069 +keepe 0.025 0.003 +keeper 0.457 0.032 +keepers 0.473 0.030 +keepin 0.482 0.046 +keeping 0.231 0.010 +keepn 0.008 0.000 +keeps 0.089 0.010 +keepsake 0.581 0.039 +keepsakes 0.672 0.028 +keer 0.288 0.020 +kees 0.848 0.065 +keeshond 0.902 0.038 +keesler 0.878 0.092 +keeton 0.880 0.072 +keewatin 0.939 0.056 +kef 0.224 0.679 +kefalonia 0.879 0.044 +keffer 0.909 0.059 +kefir 0.423 0.046 +keflavik 0.920 0.066 +keflex 0.436 0.014 +keg 0.421 0.089 +kegan 0.986 0.007 +kegel 0.898 0.013 +kegg 0.065 0.925 +kegley 0.922 0.054 +kegs 0.277 0.068 +keh 0.166 0.643 +kehl 0.908 0.071 +kehoe 0.890 0.080 +kehr 0.632 0.347 +kei 0.560 0.201 +keibler 0.573 0.022 +keifer 0.881 0.067 +keighley 0.925 0.038 +keiichi 0.958 0.015 +keiji 0.904 0.038 +keiki 0.730 0.063 +keiko 0.870 0.036 +keil 0.911 0.058 +keillor 0.968 0.024 +keilor 0.614 0.380 +keily 0.185 0.024 +keim 0.876 0.084 +kein 0.232 0.024 +keine 0.174 0.010 +keinen 0.101 0.010 +keiner 0.333 0.021 +keio 0.767 0.224 +keir 0.926 0.034 +keira 0.848 0.031 +keiretsu 0.530 0.008 +keis 0.949 0.033 +keiser 0.920 0.047 +keisha 0.859 0.033 +keister 0.756 0.071 +keisuke 0.943 0.030 +keita 0.888 0.066 +keitai 0.162 0.112 +keitel 0.962 0.025 +keith 0.885 0.041 +keithley 0.904 0.086 +keizai 0.947 0.016 +keizer 0.870 0.087 +kek 0.054 0.889 +keke 0.621 0.060 +kel 0.673 0.141 +kela 0.710 0.179 +kelantan 0.929 0.023 +kelby 0.960 0.019 +keld 0.928 0.034 +kelemen 0.873 0.116 +keli 0.798 0.053 +kelis 0.527 0.031 +kelkoo 0.995 0.000 +kell 0.693 0.064 +kellam 0.866 0.120 +kellan 0.522 0.039 +kellar 0.875 0.101 +kellaway 0.911 0.081 +kelle 0.859 0.039 +kelleher 0.930 0.058 +kellen 0.911 0.050 +keller 0.903 0.065 +kellerman 0.920 0.061 +kellett 0.870 0.099 +kelley 0.904 0.061 +kelli 0.846 0.061 +kellie 0.893 0.047 +kelliher 0.876 0.109 +kellner 0.938 0.043 +kellog 0.829 0.072 +kellogg 0.869 0.114 +kelloggs 0.733 0.142 +kells 0.920 0.047 +kelly 0.634 0.040 +kellys 0.713 0.084 +kellysearch 0.984 0.002 +kellyville 0.700 0.272 +kelman 0.938 0.049 +kelme 0.919 0.043 +kelmscott 0.731 0.184 +kelo 0.755 0.104 +kelowna 0.927 0.037 +kelp 0.499 0.039 +kelpie 0.827 0.041 +kelsall 0.924 0.068 +kelsey 0.910 0.057 +kelseyville 0.846 0.076 +kelso 0.900 0.072 +kelson 0.940 0.035 +keltner 0.891 0.046 +kelton 0.909 0.070 +kelty 0.914 0.030 +kelvin 0.848 0.080 +kelvinator 0.867 0.054 +kely 0.117 0.285 +kem 0.521 0.317 +kemah 0.811 0.066 +kemal 0.923 0.031 +kember 0.971 0.017 +kembla 0.757 0.237 +kemble 0.902 0.080 +kemco 0.907 0.066 +kemer 0.615 0.054 +kemet 0.633 0.351 +kemi 0.713 0.094 +kemmerer 0.895 0.088 +kemp 0.896 0.080 +kempe 0.928 0.049 +kempen 0.897 0.048 +kemper 0.885 0.073 +kempf 0.916 0.060 +kempinski 0.950 0.027 +kempner 0.933 0.045 +kempo 0.851 0.030 +kemps 0.967 0.019 +kempsey 0.736 0.218 +kempster 0.980 0.015 +kempston 0.766 0.058 +kempthorne 0.800 0.185 +kempton 0.839 0.126 +kemptville 0.929 0.035 +ken 0.892 0.048 +kena 0.270 0.041 +kenai 0.896 0.081 +kenalog 0.872 0.014 +kenan 0.920 0.037 +kenansville 0.845 0.117 +kenco 0.651 0.123 +kenda 0.794 0.127 +kendal 0.904 0.056 +kendall 0.905 0.066 +kendallville 0.872 0.107 +kendell 0.941 0.044 +kender 0.698 0.012 +kendo 0.706 0.038 +kendra 0.882 0.040 +kendrick 0.918 0.064 +keneally 0.885 0.062 +kenedy 0.830 0.118 +kener 0.832 0.014 +keng 0.848 0.048 +kenia 0.832 0.042 +kenichi 0.966 0.020 +kenilworth 0.908 0.061 +kenji 0.922 0.024 +kenko 0.892 0.063 +kenkyu 0.712 0.028 +kenley 0.880 0.103 +kenly 0.848 0.097 +kenmare 0.929 0.058 +kenmore 0.831 0.067 +kenn 0.867 0.039 +kenna 0.853 0.072 +kennan 0.927 0.049 +kennard 0.872 0.113 +kenne 0.470 0.119 +kennebec 0.934 0.047 +kennebunk 0.900 0.073 +kennebunkport 0.920 0.041 +kennecott 0.942 0.050 +kennedale 0.833 0.109 +kennedy 0.909 0.069 +kennedys 0.780 0.060 +kennel 0.656 0.036 +kennelly 0.894 0.091 +kennels 0.749 0.024 +kennen 0.445 0.008 +kenner 0.834 0.074 +kennesaw 0.936 0.041 +kennet 0.939 0.036 +kenneth 0.912 0.063 +kennett 0.897 0.086 +kennewick 0.919 0.052 +kenney 0.920 0.064 +kenning 0.826 0.035 +kennington 0.923 0.057 +kennis 0.420 0.020 +kennison 0.955 0.038 +kennith 0.942 0.028 +kennon 0.892 0.095 +kenny 0.780 0.044 +kennys 0.971 0.007 +keno 0.161 0.009 +kenobi 0.922 0.036 +kenora 0.913 0.061 +kenosha 0.867 0.064 +kenpo 0.806 0.038 +kenrick 0.921 0.064 +kenroy 0.967 0.025 +kens 0.386 0.429 +kensal 0.942 0.036 +kenseth 0.959 0.030 +kenshin 0.768 0.031 +kensington 0.899 0.077 +kensit 0.902 0.030 +kent 0.910 0.048 +kenta 0.798 0.107 +kentaro 0.924 0.038 +kentech 0.999 0.001 +kentex 0.973 0.014 +kentfield 0.880 0.077 +kentish 0.892 0.083 +kenton 0.880 0.090 +kentrox 0.820 0.154 +kents 0.840 0.090 +kentuckians 0.978 0.013 +kentucky 0.936 0.034 +kentville 0.920 0.045 +kentwood 0.878 0.096 +kenwood 0.802 0.110 +kenworth 0.671 0.224 +kenworthy 0.922 0.071 +kenya 0.951 0.033 +kenyan 0.966 0.013 +kenyans 0.975 0.008 +kenyatta 0.899 0.033 +kenyon 0.918 0.066 +kenzie 0.677 0.038 +kenzo 0.821 0.125 +keo 0.716 0.128 +keogh 0.933 0.057 +keohane 0.962 0.033 +keokuk 0.882 0.101 +keon 0.826 0.141 +keota 0.845 0.126 +keough 0.902 0.081 +keown 0.600 0.375 +kep 0.293 0.309 +kepada 0.088 0.022 +kephart 0.918 0.065 +kepler 0.655 0.023 +keplerian 0.926 0.002 +kepner 0.765 0.217 +keppel 0.896 0.090 +keppler 0.926 0.053 +keppra 0.719 0.040 +kept 0.023 0.009 +ker 0.381 0.120 +kera 0.685 0.219 +kerala 0.916 0.029 +keramik 0.465 0.034 +kerasotes 0.982 0.004 +kerastase 0.825 0.061 +keratin 0.347 0.030 +keratinocyte 0.208 0.017 +keratinocytes 0.170 0.011 +keratitis 0.293 0.016 +keratoconus 0.441 0.015 +keratoplasty 0.415 0.015 +keratosis 0.482 0.018 +kerb 0.392 0.029 +kerber 0.923 0.063 +kerberos 0.779 0.011 +kerbs 0.317 0.047 +kerbside 0.574 0.008 +kerby 0.877 0.086 +kerchief 0.147 0.023 +kerem 0.886 0.029 +keremeos 0.968 0.026 +keren 0.822 0.032 +kerens 0.831 0.140 +kerf 0.460 0.035 +kerfuffle 0.099 0.004 +kerg 0.020 0.896 +kerguelen 0.965 0.025 +keri 0.865 0.042 +kerik 0.939 0.032 +kerikeri 0.942 0.042 +kerin 0.903 0.063 +kerio 0.753 0.029 +kerja 0.275 0.064 +kerk 0.692 0.030 +kerkorian 0.976 0.013 +kerkove 0.929 0.022 +kerkyra 0.758 0.130 +kerley 0.873 0.115 +kerma 0.694 0.037 +kerman 0.889 0.069 +kermit 0.804 0.071 +kermode 0.913 0.053 +kern 0.667 0.059 +kernal 0.407 0.042 +kernan 0.923 0.065 +kernel 0.197 0.005 +kernelnewbies 0.061 0.000 +kernels 0.157 0.008 +kerner 0.925 0.045 +kernersville 0.885 0.087 +kernighan 0.973 0.012 +kerning 0.338 0.003 +kernow 0.884 0.041 +kerns 0.857 0.081 +kernville 0.835 0.146 +kero 0.679 0.125 +kerobokan 0.988 0.005 +kerosene 0.423 0.035 +kerouac 0.918 0.027 +kerr 0.896 0.088 +kerrang 0.824 0.109 +kerrey 0.792 0.199 +kerri 0.875 0.053 +kerrick 0.918 0.069 +kerridge 0.935 0.044 +kerrie 0.833 0.046 +kerrier 0.963 0.030 +kerrigan 0.925 0.048 +kerrville 0.887 0.056 +kerry 0.934 0.037 +kerryman 0.992 0.000 +kers 0.127 0.120 +kersey 0.822 0.108 +kershaw 0.878 0.079 +kershner 0.927 0.060 +kersten 0.894 0.055 +kerstin 0.910 0.028 +kertesz 0.912 0.063 +kerwin 0.905 0.056 +kes 0.167 0.718 +kesey 0.896 0.061 +kesh 0.799 0.092 +kesher 0.934 0.040 +kesler 0.895 0.086 +kessel 0.807 0.113 +kesselman 0.987 0.011 +kessinger 0.936 0.031 +kessler 0.912 0.062 +kestenbaum 0.974 0.023 +kester 0.870 0.099 +kesteven 0.970 0.026 +kestner 0.914 0.070 +keston 0.942 0.037 +kestrel 0.853 0.037 +kestrels 0.528 0.055 +keswick 0.900 0.058 +ket 0.102 0.363 +ketamine 0.439 0.022 +ketan 0.882 0.027 +ketch 0.570 0.104 +ketcham 0.877 0.115 +ketchikan 0.912 0.070 +ketchum 0.792 0.057 +ketchup 0.337 0.034 +kete 0.617 0.026 +keter 0.588 0.073 +ketera 0.994 0.000 +keting 0.008 0.010 +keto 0.439 0.080 +ketoacidosis 0.251 0.014 +ketoconazole 0.354 0.018 +ketogenic 0.412 0.009 +ketoglutarate 0.234 0.029 +ketone 0.243 0.103 +ketones 0.288 0.055 +ketoprofen 0.372 0.029 +ketorolac 0.386 0.031 +ketosis 0.283 0.010 +kets 0.117 0.109 +kett 0.906 0.041 +kette 0.253 0.020 +kettenis 0.814 0.000 +ketterer 0.936 0.057 +kettering 0.918 0.052 +kettle 0.576 0.041 +kettlebell 0.752 0.039 +kettleman 0.851 0.142 +kettler 0.914 0.040 +kettles 0.795 0.012 +kettlewell 0.955 0.040 +kettner 0.905 0.040 +ketubah 0.615 0.029 +keuka 0.910 0.040 +keuken 0.121 0.003 +keukens 0.017 0.000 +keulen 0.310 0.014 +keung 0.781 0.069 +keurig 0.846 0.096 +kev 0.690 0.116 +kevan 0.908 0.043 +keven 0.916 0.036 +kevin 0.929 0.034 +kevinrose 0.000 0.000 +kevins 0.719 0.044 +kevlar 0.733 0.089 +kevorkian 0.924 0.039 +kevyn 0.927 0.033 +kew 0.869 0.093 +kewanee 0.832 0.135 +kewaunee 0.860 0.120 +keweenaw 0.883 0.094 +kewell 0.823 0.149 +kewl 0.272 0.112 +kewlbox 0.846 0.000 +kewpie 0.578 0.142 +kexi 0.452 0.000 +kexp 0.010 0.888 +key 0.325 0.038 +keya 0.795 0.096 +keybindings 0.139 0.004 +keyboard 0.449 0.035 +keyboarding 0.518 0.050 +keyboardist 0.138 0.013 +keyboards 0.691 0.015 +keychain 0.610 0.104 +keychains 0.802 0.031 +keycode 0.100 0.014 +keye 0.407 0.392 +keyed 0.221 0.025 +keyence 0.877 0.091 +keyer 0.491 0.050 +keyes 0.869 0.073 +keyfile 0.168 0.060 +keyfob 0.593 0.091 +keyframe 0.273 0.011 +keyframes 0.162 0.004 +keygen 0.118 0.023 +keygenerator 0.195 0.010 +keygens 0.093 0.193 +keyholder 0.443 0.101 +keyhole 0.504 0.028 +keying 0.225 0.021 +keyless 0.526 0.092 +keylock 0.618 0.052 +keylogger 0.595 0.010 +keyloggers 0.463 0.005 +keymaker 0.566 0.020 +keymap 0.149 0.040 +keymaps 0.156 0.006 +keynes 0.947 0.024 +keynesian 0.971 0.011 +keynote 0.527 0.023 +keynotes 0.514 0.027 +keynsham 0.949 0.037 +keypad 0.355 0.089 +keypads 0.586 0.078 +keyphrase 0.152 0.004 +keyphrases 0.288 0.007 +keyport 0.831 0.096 +keypress 0.272 0.018 +keyra 0.720 0.011 +keyring 0.502 0.136 +keyrings 0.730 0.041 +keys 0.298 0.032 +keysan 0.996 0.000 +keyser 0.895 0.080 +keyserver 0.116 0.004 +keyset 0.527 0.047 +keyshawn 0.917 0.051 +keyshia 0.565 0.046 +keyspan 0.709 0.252 +keystone 0.821 0.061 +keystones 0.389 0.023 +keystore 0.097 0.005 +keystroke 0.181 0.009 +keystrokes 0.100 0.004 +keysym 0.040 0.038 +keytronic 0.377 0.603 +keyw 0.606 0.234 +keyway 0.562 0.075 +keyword 0.520 0.027 +keywords 0.532 0.019 +kez 0.645 0.082 +keziah 0.853 0.112 +kf 0.058 0.724 +kfa 0.012 0.931 +kfar 0.860 0.103 +kfc 0.054 0.886 +kffl 0.005 0.977 +kfi 0.043 0.850 +kfile 0.000 0.002 +kfjc 0.018 0.973 +kfk 0.015 0.856 +kfm 0.140 0.557 +kfmb 0.000 0.990 +kfog 0.002 0.968 +kfor 0.022 0.858 +kforce 0.972 0.011 +kfree 0.000 0.014 +kfreebsd 0.000 0.000 +kfsw 0.000 0.023 +kft 0.649 0.219 +kfx 0.025 0.823 +kfz 0.196 0.271 +kg 0.079 0.153 +kgalagadi 0.975 0.012 +kgb 0.013 0.945 +kgdb 0.039 0.230 +kget 0.124 0.428 +kgf 0.051 0.259 +kgm 0.033 0.789 +kgo 0.008 0.961 +kgs 0.259 0.229 +kgv 0.006 0.965 +kgw 0.006 0.950 +kh 0.086 0.709 +kha 0.425 0.221 +khabarovsk 0.953 0.038 +khabibulin 0.946 0.046 +khachaturian 0.908 0.078 +khadi 0.631 0.068 +khadija 0.874 0.022 +khai 0.366 0.020 +khaimah 0.875 0.032 +khair 0.720 0.034 +khajuraho 0.946 0.024 +khaki 0.637 0.122 +khakis 0.480 0.036 +khalaf 0.944 0.037 +khaled 0.929 0.024 +khaleej 0.977 0.006 +khalid 0.904 0.055 +khalifa 0.880 0.061 +khalil 0.924 0.040 +khalili 0.959 0.023 +khalsa 0.931 0.034 +kham 0.844 0.034 +khamenei 0.978 0.016 +khamis 0.920 0.054 +khan 0.906 0.042 +khang 0.653 0.067 +khanh 0.861 0.049 +khanna 0.921 0.047 +khanty 0.969 0.022 +khao 0.858 0.029 +kharagpur 0.991 0.006 +khare 0.911 0.040 +kharkiv 0.945 0.032 +kharkov 0.930 0.021 +khartoum 0.944 0.047 +khas 0.713 0.110 +khat 0.412 0.039 +khatami 0.966 0.025 +khatib 0.923 0.044 +khatri 0.925 0.040 +khattab 0.962 0.023 +khayelitsha 0.936 0.058 +khayyam 0.938 0.042 +khc 0.022 0.821 +khe 0.566 0.283 +khel 0.835 0.083 +khelpcenter 0.000 0.000 +khen 0.359 0.030 +khepera 0.972 0.011 +kher 0.893 0.041 +kherson 0.813 0.014 +khi 0.132 0.031 +khin 0.967 0.021 +khir 0.961 0.005 +khmer 0.863 0.050 +kho 0.301 0.052 +khoa 0.465 0.049 +khobar 0.962 0.014 +khodorkovsky 0.982 0.015 +khoi 0.861 0.029 +khoj 0.689 0.108 +khomeini 0.978 0.011 +khon 0.866 0.082 +khong 0.409 0.031 +khoo 0.901 0.062 +khor 0.833 0.053 +khosla 0.955 0.031 +khou 0.026 0.829 +khouri 0.951 0.035 +khoury 0.915 0.067 +khr 0.004 0.982 +khrushchev 0.965 0.015 +khs 0.020 0.912 +khtml 0.004 0.371 +khu 0.212 0.062 +khulna 0.899 0.032 +khumbu 0.950 0.011 +khun 0.861 0.070 +khurana 0.933 0.043 +khushwant 0.995 0.003 +khuyen 0.020 0.003 +khw 0.009 0.904 +khyber 0.915 0.048 +khypermedia 0.937 0.052 +khz 0.280 0.456 +ki 0.414 0.235 +kia 0.727 0.186 +kiama 0.733 0.221 +kian 0.880 0.046 +kiana 0.488 0.040 +kiang 0.820 0.054 +kianna 0.822 0.046 +kiara 0.762 0.128 +kiawah 0.904 0.028 +kibaki 0.961 0.028 +kibble 0.440 0.033 +kibbutz 0.582 0.021 +kibitzer 0.897 0.000 +kibitzing 0.202 0.000 +kibler 0.883 0.082 +kibo 0.867 0.071 +kic 0.100 0.791 +kichler 0.935 0.012 +kick 0.258 0.042 +kickapoo 0.863 0.092 +kickass 0.415 0.037 +kickback 0.389 0.034 +kickbacks 0.146 0.013 +kickball 0.574 0.028 +kickboxer 0.516 0.203 +kickboxing 0.637 0.042 +kicked 0.057 0.008 +kicker 0.339 0.060 +kickers 0.611 0.071 +kickin 0.496 0.083 +kicking 0.300 0.018 +kickoff 0.580 0.026 +kickoffs 0.479 0.159 +kicks 0.236 0.040 +kickstand 0.465 0.062 +kickstart 0.442 0.018 +kid 0.458 0.032 +kida 0.748 0.082 +kidco 0.836 0.090 +kidd 0.876 0.070 +kidde 0.716 0.237 +kidder 0.787 0.167 +kidderminster 0.907 0.041 +kiddicare 0.995 0.000 +kiddie 0.477 0.029 +kiddies 0.185 0.030 +kiddin 0.162 0.034 +kidding 0.102 0.026 +kiddle 0.844 0.059 +kiddo 0.280 0.018 +kiddos 0.416 0.006 +kiddush 0.787 0.025 +kiddy 0.465 0.033 +kidkraft 0.892 0.042 +kidlington 0.856 0.133 +kidlink 0.596 0.388 +kidman 0.878 0.032 +kidnap 0.195 0.019 +kidnapped 0.198 0.015 +kidnapper 0.219 0.016 +kidnappers 0.237 0.008 +kidnapping 0.221 0.020 +kidnappings 0.124 0.008 +kidnaps 0.067 0.005 +kidney 0.437 0.019 +kidneys 0.119 0.012 +kido 0.740 0.142 +kidorable 0.905 0.057 +kidron 0.893 0.080 +kids 0.589 0.027 +kidsline 0.878 0.038 +kidspiration 0.943 0.006 +kidston 0.635 0.302 +kidswear 0.730 0.061 +kidwell 0.890 0.089 +kidz 0.797 0.100 +kidzone 0.676 0.166 +kie 0.395 0.328 +kiefer 0.937 0.039 +kieffer 0.909 0.069 +kiehl 0.913 0.064 +kiel 0.906 0.036 +kielbasa 0.496 0.106 +kielce 0.910 0.030 +kieli 0.174 0.005 +kiely 0.902 0.052 +kiem 0.686 0.045 +kien 0.664 0.057 +kienzle 0.900 0.052 +kier 0.821 0.084 +kiera 0.858 0.026 +kieran 0.927 0.032 +kieren 0.887 0.026 +kierkegaard 0.955 0.012 +kiernan 0.933 0.046 +kieron 0.914 0.025 +kiersten 0.937 0.024 +kies 0.724 0.028 +kiesling 0.937 0.058 +kieslowski 0.963 0.014 +kieth 0.855 0.053 +kiev 0.908 0.043 +kievit 0.990 0.005 +kiewit 0.844 0.143 +kif 0.290 0.506 +kifer 0.925 0.044 +kig 0.280 0.134 +kigali 0.943 0.046 +kiger 0.894 0.079 +kight 0.820 0.092 +kihei 0.946 0.028 +kii 0.394 0.338 +kijiji 0.999 0.000 +kijk 0.413 0.016 +kijken 0.040 0.005 +kik 0.406 0.259 +kika 0.657 0.076 +kiki 0.804 0.075 +kikka 0.986 0.004 +kiko 0.631 0.060 +kiku 0.712 0.110 +kikuchi 0.917 0.071 +kikuyu 0.880 0.013 +kil 0.615 0.157 +kila 0.676 0.097 +kilauea 0.919 0.033 +kilborn 0.916 0.058 +kilbourn 0.906 0.086 +kilbourne 0.899 0.066 +kilbride 0.930 0.041 +kilburn 0.894 0.082 +kilby 0.914 0.064 +kilcher 0.810 0.124 +kilda 0.886 0.085 +kildare 0.944 0.031 +kildee 0.723 0.270 +kildonan 0.958 0.033 +kile 0.650 0.075 +kiley 0.901 0.038 +kilgallen 0.972 0.011 +kilgore 0.889 0.075 +kilgour 0.917 0.062 +kili 0.817 0.061 +kilian 0.939 0.038 +kilim 0.743 0.092 +kilimanjaro 0.952 0.019 +kilims 0.701 0.032 +kilkenny 0.939 0.027 +kill 0.280 0.032 +killa 0.772 0.058 +killah 0.834 0.063 +killall 0.013 0.010 +killaloe 0.902 0.092 +killam 0.911 0.084 +killarney 0.933 0.051 +killaz 0.608 0.275 +killdeer 0.874 0.051 +kille 0.911 0.016 +killebrew 0.853 0.124 +killed 0.085 0.023 +killeen 0.921 0.049 +killen 0.900 0.063 +killer 0.446 0.034 +killers 0.497 0.032 +killian 0.918 0.055 +killifish 0.511 0.022 +killin 0.477 0.036 +killing 0.199 0.015 +killingly 0.862 0.054 +killings 0.154 0.012 +killingsworth 0.916 0.077 +killington 0.928 0.035 +killingworth 0.924 0.056 +killion 0.838 0.143 +kills 0.255 0.023 +killswitch 0.622 0.050 +killzone 0.919 0.027 +kilmarnock 0.941 0.040 +kilmartin 0.951 0.035 +kilmer 0.942 0.039 +kilmore 0.787 0.205 +kiln 0.243 0.047 +kilns 0.326 0.031 +kilo 0.380 0.060 +kilobits 0.151 0.004 +kilobyte 0.176 0.008 +kilobytes 0.272 0.003 +kilogram 0.128 0.010 +kilograms 0.120 0.018 +kilojoules 0.644 0.000 +kilometer 0.110 0.025 +kilometers 0.111 0.005 +kilometre 0.090 0.005 +kilometres 0.108 0.003 +kilos 0.122 0.018 +kilowatt 0.160 0.017 +kilowatts 0.109 0.044 +kilpatrick 0.891 0.095 +kilroy 0.863 0.085 +kilrush 0.962 0.020 +kilsyth 0.861 0.132 +kilt 0.553 0.072 +kilter 0.137 0.008 +kilts 0.605 0.059 +kilwinning 0.959 0.031 +kim 0.767 0.038 +kimani 0.901 0.088 +kimba 0.794 0.118 +kimball 0.910 0.068 +kimbell 0.899 0.066 +kimber 0.879 0.062 +kimberlee 0.901 0.047 +kimberley 0.926 0.050 +kimberling 0.903 0.053 +kimberlite 0.222 0.020 +kimberly 0.893 0.063 +kimble 0.852 0.088 +kimbo 0.862 0.022 +kimbolton 0.579 0.416 +kimbrough 0.891 0.094 +kimchi 0.565 0.018 +kime 0.843 0.083 +kimel 0.835 0.022 +kimi 0.803 0.033 +kimiko 0.829 0.028 +kimm 0.680 0.199 +kimmel 0.944 0.036 +kimmi 0.677 0.020 +kimmie 0.705 0.032 +kimmitt 0.841 0.156 +kimmo 0.930 0.045 +kimmy 0.845 0.024 +kimo 0.821 0.079 +kimono 0.557 0.065 +kimonos 0.253 0.008 +kimora 0.922 0.033 +kimpton 0.934 0.047 +kims 0.742 0.117 +kimura 0.914 0.061 +kin 0.314 0.120 +kina 0.754 0.046 +kinabalu 0.917 0.041 +kinard 0.870 0.115 +kinase 0.129 0.087 +kinases 0.394 0.006 +kincade 0.872 0.084 +kincaid 0.873 0.086 +kincardine 0.942 0.048 +kincardineshire 0.984 0.011 +kinch 0.768 0.082 +kind 0.067 0.019 +kinda 0.117 0.006 +kinde 0.315 0.054 +kinder 0.588 0.047 +kinderdicke 0.000 0.000 +kinderen 0.238 0.014 +kindergarden 0.496 0.028 +kindergarten 0.569 0.022 +kindergartens 0.453 0.018 +kindergartners 0.297 0.006 +kinderhook 0.852 0.116 +kindermann 0.721 0.273 +kindermusik 0.948 0.029 +kindern 0.255 0.000 +kinders 0.787 0.011 +kindersley 0.952 0.041 +kinderstrich 0.000 0.000 +kindest 0.346 0.009 +kindgirls 0.967 0.000 +kindle 0.313 0.026 +kindled 0.023 0.004 +kindler 0.852 0.047 +kindling 0.480 0.010 +kindly 0.142 0.014 +kindness 0.186 0.012 +kindof 0.063 0.005 +kindred 0.606 0.045 +kinds 0.016 0.003 +kine 0.432 0.227 +kinematic 0.243 0.015 +kinematical 0.107 0.009 +kinematics 0.317 0.031 +kinepolis 0.066 0.908 +kinerase 0.897 0.034 +kines 0.382 0.495 +kinesin 0.230 0.055 +kinesiology 0.801 0.033 +kinesis 0.822 0.055 +kinesthetic 0.306 0.011 +kinetic 0.342 0.031 +kinetics 0.507 0.031 +kinetochore 0.067 0.027 +kinfocenter 0.000 0.000 +king 0.762 0.062 +kinga 0.805 0.052 +kingaroy 0.768 0.165 +kingbird 0.811 0.081 +kingdom 0.915 0.019 +kingdome 0.767 0.021 +kingdoms 0.489 0.014 +kingdon 0.923 0.032 +kingery 0.905 0.088 +kingfield 0.878 0.093 +kingfish 0.661 0.047 +kingfisher 0.839 0.071 +kingfishers 0.514 0.060 +kinghorn 0.932 0.059 +kinglet 0.801 0.058 +kingly 0.266 0.011 +kingman 0.901 0.065 +kingmax 0.840 0.129 +kingpin 0.595 0.050 +kingpins 0.283 0.032 +kings 0.763 0.049 +kingsbridge 0.913 0.060 +kingsburg 0.832 0.110 +kingsbury 0.901 0.081 +kingscliff 0.817 0.175 +kingscote 0.705 0.221 +kingsdown 0.812 0.034 +kingsford 0.832 0.132 +kingsgate 0.894 0.096 +kingship 0.282 0.010 +kingsize 0.668 0.108 +kingsland 0.823 0.147 +kingsley 0.907 0.068 +kingsmen 0.886 0.072 +kingsmill 0.923 0.057 +kingsolver 0.952 0.022 +kingsport 0.901 0.080 +kingston 0.895 0.076 +kingstone 0.576 0.398 +kingstown 0.913 0.075 +kingstree 0.896 0.089 +kingsville 0.845 0.122 +kingsway 0.893 0.092 +kingswinford 0.943 0.047 +kingswood 0.850 0.090 +kington 0.661 0.281 +kingturtle 0.993 0.000 +kingussie 0.905 0.081 +kingwin 0.551 0.435 +kingwood 0.884 0.071 +kinh 0.335 0.020 +kini 0.586 0.046 +kinit 0.020 0.016 +kinja 0.883 0.001 +kink 0.388 0.076 +kinkade 0.871 0.050 +kinkaid 0.870 0.077 +kinked 0.182 0.027 +kinki 0.850 0.040 +kinkiest 0.163 0.018 +kinko 0.935 0.021 +kinkos 0.675 0.030 +kinks 0.636 0.039 +kinky 0.564 0.028 +kinley 0.870 0.103 +kinloch 0.894 0.096 +kinnaird 0.939 0.055 +kinne 0.903 0.060 +kinnear 0.945 0.045 +kinnelon 0.825 0.144 +kinneret 0.976 0.010 +kinney 0.880 0.077 +kinnock 0.962 0.032 +kino 0.697 0.076 +kinokuniya 0.834 0.145 +kinoshita 0.923 0.058 +kinowy 0.000 0.000 +kinross 0.953 0.032 +kins 0.189 0.360 +kinsale 0.945 0.027 +kinsella 0.941 0.041 +kinser 0.887 0.080 +kinsey 0.928 0.046 +kinshasa 0.955 0.036 +kinship 0.280 0.019 +kinski 0.908 0.038 +kinsley 0.923 0.066 +kinsman 0.616 0.050 +kinsmen 0.441 0.018 +kinston 0.904 0.068 +kintera 0.976 0.013 +kintyre 0.950 0.032 +kinx 0.009 0.983 +kinyarwanda 0.971 0.008 +kinyo 0.786 0.206 +kinzer 0.875 0.120 +kinzie 0.875 0.042 +kio 0.251 0.289 +kiosk 0.533 0.038 +kiosks 0.322 0.010 +kioslave 0.003 0.000 +kiowa 0.870 0.095 +kip 0.808 0.080 +kiper 0.982 0.007 +kipling 0.913 0.044 +kiplinger 0.942 0.017 +kipp 0.715 0.255 +kippah 0.724 0.053 +kipper 0.761 0.051 +kippur 0.962 0.021 +kips 0.498 0.091 +kir 0.557 0.279 +kira 0.851 0.045 +kiralama 0.157 0.002 +kiraly 0.909 0.042 +kiran 0.852 0.042 +kirby 0.879 0.061 +kirbyville 0.760 0.179 +kirch 0.932 0.036 +kirchberg 0.961 0.019 +kirche 0.842 0.021 +kircher 0.895 0.091 +kirchhoff 0.936 0.038 +kirchner 0.940 0.046 +kirghiz 0.957 0.034 +kirghizia 0.911 0.083 +kiri 0.760 0.042 +kiribati 0.947 0.048 +kiril 0.941 0.025 +kirilenko 0.930 0.048 +kirill 0.945 0.012 +kirin 0.920 0.041 +kirium 0.902 0.035 +kirja 0.770 0.006 +kirk 0.877 0.056 +kirkbride 0.876 0.116 +kirkby 0.887 0.056 +kirkcaldy 0.958 0.027 +kirkcudbright 0.942 0.034 +kirkcudbrightshire 0.964 0.016 +kirke 0.764 0.087 +kirkham 0.883 0.068 +kirkintilloch 0.962 0.027 +kirkland 0.895 0.072 +kirklees 0.973 0.010 +kirkman 0.909 0.073 +kirkpatrick 0.913 0.073 +kirks 0.793 0.134 +kirksville 0.898 0.083 +kirkuk 0.962 0.030 +kirkus 0.963 0.032 +kirkwall 0.939 0.042 +kirkwood 0.883 0.096 +kirlian 0.779 0.055 +kiro 0.263 0.699 +kiron 0.926 0.026 +kiroro 0.222 0.004 +kirov 0.951 0.030 +kirra 0.667 0.289 +kirriemuir 0.945 0.036 +kirsch 0.891 0.045 +kirschbaum 0.937 0.047 +kirschenbaum 0.969 0.022 +kirschner 0.925 0.064 +kirsh 0.888 0.083 +kirshenbaum 0.206 0.008 +kirshner 0.904 0.037 +kirstein 0.895 0.089 +kirsten 0.839 0.027 +kirstie 0.782 0.023 +kirstin 0.880 0.059 +kirsty 0.876 0.039 +kirt 0.785 0.096 +kirtan 0.668 0.033 +kirtland 0.909 0.074 +kirtley 0.913 0.071 +kirton 0.876 0.109 +kiru 0.068 0.800 +kiruna 0.951 0.032 +kirundi 0.967 0.010 +kirwan 0.885 0.079 +kirwin 0.892 0.086 +kiryat 0.946 0.032 +kis 0.218 0.597 +kisa 0.473 0.280 +kisco 0.877 0.085 +kiser 0.866 0.120 +kish 0.874 0.064 +kisha 0.646 0.037 +kishi 0.881 0.052 +kishimoto 0.905 0.066 +kishinev 0.957 0.031 +kishore 0.873 0.051 +kiski 0.948 0.037 +kislev 0.961 0.028 +kismet 0.636 0.052 +kiss 0.432 0.091 +kissable 0.419 0.069 +kissed 0.102 0.010 +kissel 0.939 0.048 +kisser 0.394 0.038 +kisses 0.436 0.034 +kissimmee 0.901 0.044 +kissin 0.591 0.053 +kissing 0.157 0.008 +kissinger 0.949 0.040 +kissograms 0.984 0.003 +kissy 0.631 0.030 +kist 0.428 0.272 +kista 0.896 0.059 +kistler 0.923 0.064 +kisumu 0.954 0.035 +kiswahili 0.960 0.021 +kit 0.636 0.087 +kita 0.474 0.099 +kitab 0.863 0.024 +kitagawa 0.911 0.074 +kitakyushu 0.963 0.020 +kitamura 0.913 0.067 +kitana 0.731 0.017 +kitano 0.934 0.034 +kitaro 0.843 0.062 +kitbag 0.929 0.038 +kitch 0.716 0.060 +kitchen 0.666 0.023 +kitchenaid 0.561 0.158 +kitchenalia 0.827 0.066 +kitchener 0.902 0.043 +kitchenette 0.411 0.018 +kitchenettes 0.329 0.012 +kitchens 0.489 0.023 +kitchenware 0.746 0.028 +kitchin 0.832 0.082 +kitching 0.922 0.060 +kite 0.583 0.046 +kiteboarding 0.647 0.033 +kiten 0.743 0.046 +kites 0.603 0.039 +kitesurf 0.544 0.058 +kitesurfing 0.813 0.015 +kith 0.333 0.159 +kitimat 0.957 0.030 +kiting 0.481 0.015 +kiton 0.833 0.146 +kits 0.671 0.036 +kitsap 0.897 0.070 +kitsch 0.505 0.038 +kitschy 0.219 0.010 +kitsilano 0.946 0.022 +kitson 0.903 0.072 +kitsune 0.732 0.088 +kitt 0.721 0.186 +kittanning 0.854 0.097 +kitted 0.160 0.023 +kittel 0.854 0.037 +kitten 0.519 0.038 +kittens 0.425 0.037 +kittery 0.875 0.093 +kittie 0.684 0.039 +kitties 0.382 0.026 +kittin 0.709 0.094 +kitting 0.438 0.015 +kittitas 0.871 0.102 +kittiwake 0.780 0.052 +kittle 0.815 0.087 +kitto 0.634 0.209 +kittredge 0.946 0.048 +kittrell 0.879 0.107 +kitts 0.947 0.045 +kittson 0.877 0.093 +kitty 0.674 0.054 +kitware 0.944 0.000 +kitzbuhel 0.968 0.008 +kitzel 0.992 0.000 +kitzler 0.024 0.000 +kitzmiller 0.909 0.076 +kiu 0.329 0.108 +kiv 0.115 0.799 +kiva 0.674 0.132 +kivio 0.137 0.000 +kivu 0.962 0.021 +kiwanis 0.949 0.040 +kiwi 0.752 0.052 +kiwifruit 0.669 0.019 +kiwis 0.810 0.028 +kix 0.418 0.271 +kiya 0.646 0.048 +kiyo 0.674 0.034 +kiyosaki 0.945 0.016 +kiyoshi 0.957 0.027 +kizer 0.874 0.089 +kj 0.033 0.803 +kjaer 0.902 0.054 +kjartan 0.873 0.011 +kjeldahl 0.898 0.063 +kjell 0.928 0.031 +kjetil 0.930 0.012 +kjos 0.926 0.058 +kjs 0.005 0.551 +kjv 0.008 0.955 +kjzz 0.000 0.994 +kk 0.250 0.569 +kke 0.008 0.849 +kkk 0.010 0.834 +kkkk 0.004 0.319 +kkr 0.029 0.864 +kl 0.056 0.698 +kla 0.041 0.917 +klaas 0.893 0.036 +klaatu 0.749 0.166 +klagenfurt 0.917 0.061 +klaipeda 0.922 0.041 +klamath 0.911 0.062 +klammer 0.948 0.020 +klan 0.870 0.040 +klang 0.773 0.142 +klantenservice 0.913 0.000 +klar 0.403 0.048 +klara 0.852 0.043 +klare 0.730 0.054 +klart 0.772 0.005 +klas 0.384 0.430 +klass 0.416 0.034 +klasse 0.819 0.024 +klassen 0.916 0.041 +klassik 0.910 0.033 +klassiker 0.899 0.008 +klatt 0.932 0.056 +klau 0.933 0.018 +klaus 0.880 0.025 +klausner 0.988 0.007 +klavier 0.809 0.070 +klawock 0.918 0.076 +klax 0.707 0.262 +klayman 0.661 0.331 +klc 0.054 0.848 +klcc 0.014 0.862 +kld 0.017 0.829 +kldp 0.000 0.990 +klean 0.916 0.052 +klear 0.977 0.011 +kleber 0.851 0.066 +kleberg 0.852 0.128 +klebsiella 0.946 0.017 +kleding 0.159 0.004 +klee 0.881 0.079 +kleen 0.830 0.146 +kleene 0.967 0.011 +kleenex 0.742 0.070 +kleeneze 0.860 0.034 +klei 0.186 0.030 +kleiber 0.915 0.062 +kleider 0.255 0.316 +kleidermarkt 0.000 0.000 +kleidung 0.292 0.003 +kleiman 0.962 0.011 +klein 0.881 0.066 +kleinanzeigen 0.929 0.007 +kleinberg 0.966 0.024 +kleine 0.455 0.032 +kleinen 0.101 0.009 +kleiner 0.763 0.031 +kleines 0.419 0.030 +kleinman 0.943 0.049 +kleinschmidt 0.922 0.071 +kleinwalsertal 0.048 0.000 +kleinwort 0.957 0.032 +kleist 0.938 0.032 +klem 0.740 0.160 +klement 0.905 0.042 +klemm 0.917 0.054 +klemme 0.935 0.047 +klemperer 0.944 0.046 +klensin 0.918 0.013 +kleren 0.014 0.000 +klerk 0.932 0.052 +klerksdorp 0.937 0.050 +klets 0.993 0.002 +klett 0.897 0.079 +klez 0.624 0.060 +klezmatics 0.985 0.011 +klezmer 0.729 0.030 +klf 0.046 0.705 +klg 0.014 0.246 +klh 0.018 0.889 +kli 0.194 0.688 +klic 0.057 0.623 +klick 0.409 0.073 +klicka 0.690 0.010 +klicken 0.266 0.015 +klickitat 0.882 0.085 +klien 0.843 0.056 +klik 0.593 0.035 +klikk 0.866 0.003 +klim 0.667 0.113 +klima 0.693 0.086 +klimt 0.883 0.035 +klin 0.924 0.036 +kline 0.921 0.053 +klinefelter 0.886 0.035 +kling 0.840 0.116 +klingelt 0.095 0.000 +klingeltoene 0.192 0.005 +klingelton 0.769 0.004 +klingeltone 0.068 0.000 +klinger 0.918 0.063 +klinghoffer 0.943 0.027 +klingon 0.920 0.026 +klingons 0.947 0.013 +klinik 0.851 0.049 +klinikum 0.931 0.020 +klinische 0.634 0.098 +klink 0.843 0.105 +klint 0.911 0.042 +klip 0.901 0.029 +klippel 0.945 0.045 +klips 0.527 0.168 +klipsch 0.890 0.036 +klitschko 0.943 0.031 +klm 0.051 0.793 +klmno 0.000 0.958 +klms 0.046 0.075 +kln 0.348 0.549 +klo 0.082 0.199 +klock 0.751 0.183 +kloczek 0.000 0.000 +klog 0.095 0.137 +klogd 0.012 0.007 +klok 0.173 0.029 +klondike 0.874 0.058 +klong 0.849 0.080 +klonopin 0.239 0.009 +kloof 0.906 0.032 +kloot 0.893 0.063 +klor 0.252 0.136 +klos 0.710 0.203 +klose 0.963 0.022 +kloss 0.900 0.048 +kloster 0.864 0.045 +klosterman 0.943 0.025 +klosters 0.945 0.031 +klotz 0.895 0.082 +klr 0.018 0.855 +klru 0.000 0.996 +kls 0.023 0.758 +klse 0.005 0.951 +klu 0.472 0.235 +klub 0.731 0.091 +klubi 0.713 0.015 +klubitus 0.000 0.202 +kludge 0.183 0.064 +klug 0.618 0.302 +kluge 0.839 0.044 +kluger 0.869 0.105 +klugman 0.934 0.049 +klum 0.672 0.024 +klute 0.813 0.082 +klutz 0.727 0.059 +kluwer 0.962 0.034 +klux 0.927 0.016 +klv 0.009 0.910 +klyne 0.911 0.019 +klystron 0.294 0.038 +km 0.065 0.118 +kma 0.075 0.856 +kmail 0.236 0.012 +kmalloc 0.003 0.010 +kmart 0.852 0.055 +kmax 0.219 0.396 +kmb 0.037 0.868 +kmc 0.019 0.922 +kmd 0.020 0.721 +kmdl 0.000 0.013 +kme 0.013 0.848 +kmf 0.002 0.954 +kmfdm 0.173 0.378 +kmg 0.023 0.823 +kmh 0.043 0.215 +kmi 0.022 0.787 +kml 0.004 0.943 +kmp 0.010 0.834 +kmr 0.024 0.848 +kmriley 0.000 0.000 +kms 0.097 0.160 +kmt 0.010 0.963 +kn 0.122 0.551 +knabe 0.616 0.331 +knack 0.215 0.016 +knackarsch 0.000 0.000 +knackered 0.106 0.007 +knackige 0.000 0.000 +knacks 0.316 0.032 +knap 0.780 0.054 +knapp 0.894 0.073 +knapsack 0.332 0.025 +knapweed 0.275 0.011 +knaresborough 0.851 0.033 +knauer 0.858 0.102 +knauf 0.901 0.059 +knaus 0.853 0.074 +knauss 0.850 0.087 +knave 0.404 0.028 +knaves 0.217 0.016 +knaw 0.017 0.927 +knbc 0.000 0.987 +kne 0.238 0.493 +knead 0.320 0.013 +kneaded 0.196 0.008 +kneading 0.178 0.012 +kneale 0.948 0.045 +knebel 0.110 0.015 +knebworth 0.920 0.049 +knecht 0.916 0.047 +knee 0.311 0.025 +kneeboarding 0.981 0.001 +kneecap 0.098 0.012 +kneed 0.092 0.016 +kneel 0.182 0.020 +kneeland 0.870 0.124 +kneeled 0.013 0.000 +kneeling 0.231 0.018 +kneels 0.057 0.006 +kneepads 0.666 0.025 +knees 0.116 0.008 +kneipp 0.879 0.101 +knell 0.281 0.046 +knelt 0.010 0.003 +knepper 0.930 0.056 +knesset 0.982 0.007 +knew 0.027 0.008 +knex 0.704 0.204 +kng 0.395 0.394 +knhc 0.000 0.995 +kni 0.382 0.334 +knick 0.500 0.032 +knicker 0.527 0.056 +knickerbocker 0.889 0.068 +knickers 0.436 0.041 +knicks 0.938 0.030 +knie 0.107 0.011 +kniete 0.000 0.000 +knievel 0.881 0.050 +knife 0.468 0.047 +knifes 0.368 0.069 +knight 0.814 0.050 +knightdale 0.925 0.056 +knighted 0.164 0.006 +knighthood 0.302 0.029 +knightley 0.862 0.025 +knightly 0.498 0.021 +knighton 0.862 0.070 +knights 0.790 0.042 +knightsbridge 0.934 0.042 +knill 0.555 0.433 +knipex 0.834 0.134 +knit 0.456 0.042 +knits 0.685 0.040 +knitted 0.387 0.055 +knitter 0.575 0.027 +knitters 0.479 0.017 +knitting 0.555 0.044 +knitty 0.753 0.007 +knitwear 0.696 0.078 +knive 0.650 0.071 +knives 0.666 0.037 +knline 0.008 0.000 +knn 0.019 0.657 +kno 0.091 0.198 +knob 0.460 0.075 +knobby 0.345 0.037 +knobel 0.856 0.111 +knoblauch 0.887 0.037 +knobs 0.517 0.040 +knock 0.254 0.021 +knockdown 0.308 0.025 +knocked 0.048 0.007 +knocker 0.503 0.094 +knockers 0.345 0.011 +knockin 0.620 0.025 +knocking 0.140 0.011 +knockoff 0.222 0.012 +knockoffs 0.318 0.009 +knockout 0.416 0.032 +knockouts 0.408 0.043 +knocks 0.175 0.023 +knode 0.349 0.010 +knokke 0.684 0.242 +knoll 0.759 0.069 +knolls 0.793 0.087 +knollwood 0.856 0.124 +knoop 0.914 0.034 +knop 0.460 0.052 +knopf 0.974 0.018 +knopfler 0.881 0.068 +knopp 0.872 0.109 +knoppix 0.628 0.144 +knorr 0.857 0.102 +knossos 0.931 0.035 +knot 0.415 0.044 +knots 0.179 0.090 +knott 0.899 0.071 +knotted 0.242 0.034 +knotting 0.101 0.009 +knotts 0.828 0.086 +knotty 0.486 0.037 +knotweed 0.591 0.020 +knotwork 0.485 0.058 +know 0.067 0.011 +knowable 0.033 0.005 +knowe 0.330 0.015 +knowed 0.011 0.005 +knowen 0.003 0.020 +knower 0.341 0.015 +knowest 0.098 0.005 +knoweth 0.014 0.006 +knowhere 0.983 0.005 +knowhow 0.578 0.015 +knowin 0.180 0.010 +knowing 0.175 0.006 +knowingly 0.047 0.015 +knowl 0.215 0.012 +knowle 0.869 0.053 +knowledgable 0.057 0.005 +knowledge 0.256 0.009 +knowledgeable 0.066 0.004 +knowledgebase 0.852 0.026 +knowledges 0.157 0.089 +knowlege 0.253 0.009 +knowles 0.826 0.068 +knowlton 0.906 0.078 +known 0.047 0.007 +knows 0.057 0.009 +knowsley 0.960 0.033 +knox 0.883 0.085 +knoxville 0.893 0.062 +knp 0.016 0.882 +knt 0.298 0.448 +knu 0.050 0.786 +knuckle 0.342 0.050 +knuckleduster 0.978 0.000 +knucklehead 0.587 0.045 +knuckleheads 0.519 0.017 +knuckles 0.412 0.037 +knud 0.939 0.028 +knudsen 0.790 0.182 +knudson 0.925 0.060 +knulla 0.019 0.000 +knurled 0.296 0.045 +knut 0.886 0.039 +knute 0.902 0.053 +knuth 0.862 0.028 +knutsen 0.932 0.056 +knutsford 0.892 0.036 +knutson 0.931 0.053 +knw 0.059 0.156 +knysna 0.962 0.021 +ko 0.301 0.304 +koa 0.270 0.628 +koala 0.698 0.058 +koalas 0.424 0.094 +koan 0.447 0.032 +kob 0.188 0.403 +koba 0.632 0.206 +kobayashi 0.913 0.074 +kobe 0.812 0.061 +kobec 0.956 0.019 +kober 0.835 0.064 +kobes 0.949 0.012 +kobi 0.679 0.064 +kobian 0.978 0.014 +koblenz 0.690 0.017 +kobo 0.800 0.081 +kobold 0.748 0.043 +kobra 0.808 0.098 +kobuk 0.915 0.075 +kobus 0.751 0.051 +koby 0.852 0.056 +koc 0.570 0.370 +koch 0.884 0.087 +kocher 0.894 0.059 +kochi 0.832 0.053 +kochia 0.788 0.010 +kock 0.851 0.079 +kod 0.249 0.151 +koda 0.668 0.064 +kodachrome 0.880 0.065 +kodaikanal 0.965 0.020 +kodak 0.798 0.129 +kodaly 0.904 0.078 +kodama 0.900 0.056 +kodansha 0.975 0.020 +kode 0.489 0.151 +koders 0.988 0.000 +kodiak 0.860 0.092 +kodo 0.697 0.080 +kody 0.225 0.031 +koe 0.188 0.450 +koehler 0.927 0.052 +koehn 0.919 0.068 +koei 0.671 0.305 +koelkast 0.016 0.000 +koeln 0.249 0.017 +koen 0.858 0.034 +koenig 0.925 0.055 +koenigsegg 0.876 0.011 +koepi 0.987 0.000 +koerner 0.921 0.067 +koester 0.908 0.070 +koestler 0.940 0.044 +kof 0.061 0.483 +kofax 0.934 0.049 +koff 0.641 0.187 +koffer 0.138 0.033 +koffice 0.035 0.001 +koffie 0.054 0.002 +kofi 0.963 0.023 +kog 0.390 0.474 +koga 0.762 0.145 +kogal 0.147 0.010 +kogan 0.929 0.061 +kogarah 0.770 0.137 +kogelscharnier 0.000 0.000 +koger 0.887 0.094 +kogut 0.916 0.064 +kogyo 0.821 0.164 +koh 0.843 0.083 +koha 0.701 0.017 +kohala 0.925 0.054 +kohan 0.910 0.034 +kohanim 0.800 0.011 +kohen 0.770 0.086 +kohl 0.881 0.063 +kohlberg 0.935 0.026 +kohler 0.889 0.061 +kohli 0.923 0.053 +kohls 0.709 0.056 +kohn 0.935 0.044 +koho 0.635 0.282 +kohonen 0.941 0.014 +kohsuke 0.194 0.000 +kohut 0.922 0.065 +koi 0.630 0.082 +koichi 0.954 0.022 +koike 0.910 0.055 +koil 0.700 0.122 +koinonia 0.725 0.048 +koins 0.945 0.006 +koirala 0.866 0.014 +koivu 0.877 0.084 +koizumi 0.948 0.046 +kojak 0.811 0.076 +koji 0.723 0.024 +kojima 0.913 0.041 +kojo 0.921 0.049 +kok 0.810 0.080 +koka 0.578 0.073 +kokanee 0.497 0.033 +kokatat 0.966 0.023 +kokb 0.000 0.909 +koken 0.376 0.434 +kokeshi 0.792 0.144 +koki 0.665 0.221 +koko 0.780 0.080 +kokoda 0.956 0.023 +kokomo 0.934 0.037 +kokopelli 0.794 0.117 +kokoro 0.670 0.039 +kokusai 0.891 0.059 +kol 0.594 0.177 +kola 0.745 0.057 +kolab 0.487 0.002 +kolar 0.907 0.075 +kolb 0.929 0.054 +kolbe 0.796 0.190 +kolchak 0.888 0.072 +kolcraft 0.932 0.014 +kold 0.288 0.636 +kolding 0.937 0.041 +kole 0.804 0.110 +kolhapur 0.880 0.074 +kolin 0.798 0.039 +kolk 0.929 0.027 +kolkata 0.913 0.054 +kolker 0.632 0.043 +koll 0.733 0.192 +kollam 0.980 0.013 +kollar 0.928 0.041 +kollection 0.963 0.009 +kollektiv 0.570 0.333 +kollel 0.881 0.028 +koller 0.928 0.047 +kolmogorov 0.979 0.011 +koln 0.885 0.067 +kolo 0.637 0.215 +koloa 0.934 0.033 +kolor 0.684 0.132 +kolorowe 0.459 0.084 +kolpin 0.867 0.110 +kom 0.327 0.245 +koma 0.502 0.240 +komando 0.933 0.017 +komar 0.897 0.072 +komatsu 0.722 0.207 +kombat 0.805 0.032 +kombi 0.738 0.069 +kombucha 0.807 0.023 +komen 0.713 0.016 +komfort 0.784 0.056 +komi 0.712 0.062 +komm 0.372 0.013 +komma 0.268 0.038 +kommander 0.609 0.003 +kommando 0.749 0.037 +kommatos 0.323 0.012 +komme 0.057 0.009 +kommen 0.046 0.006 +kommenden 0.006 0.000 +kommentar 0.875 0.008 +kommentare 0.957 0.004 +kommentarer 0.599 0.006 +kommer 0.132 0.012 +kommersant 0.974 0.015 +kommissar 0.923 0.020 +kommission 0.952 0.018 +kommt 0.103 0.009 +kommunikation 0.820 0.015 +komo 0.118 0.761 +komodo 0.823 0.077 +komondor 0.970 0.008 +komori 0.879 0.080 +komp 0.634 0.160 +kompakt 0.519 0.332 +kompas 0.760 0.092 +kompass 0.912 0.067 +komplett 0.813 0.032 +komplette 0.497 0.006 +komponenten 0.944 0.017 +komponenter 0.874 0.000 +kompressor 0.559 0.216 +komputer 0.445 0.034 +komt 0.086 0.012 +kon 0.628 0.110 +kona 0.860 0.066 +konami 0.931 0.050 +konan 0.890 0.055 +koncert 0.618 0.030 +kondo 0.915 0.055 +kondome 0.795 0.000 +kondor 0.919 0.038 +kondracke 0.933 0.062 +kone 0.297 0.612 +koneisto 0.518 0.000 +konerko 0.940 0.025 +konfabulator 0.941 0.002 +konferenz 0.840 0.013 +konfiguration 0.886 0.004 +kong 0.935 0.035 +konga 0.911 0.038 +kongo 0.918 0.040 +kongress 0.892 0.036 +kongsberg 0.936 0.055 +koni 0.692 0.191 +konica 0.842 0.131 +konig 0.841 0.095 +konigsburg 0.984 0.009 +koning 0.875 0.035 +koninklijke 0.855 0.062 +koninkrijk 0.982 0.004 +konishi 0.906 0.072 +konitz 0.912 0.073 +konka 0.940 0.038 +konkani 0.881 0.022 +konkurrent 0.241 0.006 +konnections 0.998 0.001 +konno 0.945 0.032 +konnte 0.051 0.000 +kono 0.723 0.087 +konq 0.175 0.000 +konqueror 0.635 0.003 +konrad 0.927 0.037 +kons 0.086 0.022 +konsole 0.290 0.005 +konstantin 0.969 0.015 +konstantine 0.415 0.012 +konstantinos 0.923 0.059 +konstanz 0.939 0.019 +kont 0.492 0.105 +konta 0.471 0.022 +kontact 0.485 0.007 +kontakt 0.653 0.046 +kontakta 0.773 0.019 +kontaktanzeige 0.025 0.000 +kontaktanzeigen 0.149 0.002 +kontakte 0.290 0.002 +kontakthof 0.006 0.000 +kontaktmarkt 0.014 0.000 +konto 0.611 0.021 +kontor 0.560 0.220 +kontraband 0.803 0.081 +kontrol 0.621 0.077 +kontron 0.928 0.064 +konus 0.898 0.076 +konversation 0.477 0.000 +konverter 0.885 0.003 +konya 0.879 0.072 +konz 0.923 0.052 +konze 0.995 0.000 +konzept 0.820 0.021 +konzert 0.766 0.070 +konzerte 0.815 0.040 +koo 0.679 0.090 +koob 0.495 0.033 +kooba 0.771 0.059 +kooga 0.807 0.159 +kooi 0.906 0.037 +kook 0.526 0.054 +kooka 0.476 0.029 +kookaburra 0.749 0.119 +kookai 0.792 0.162 +kooks 0.750 0.039 +kooky 0.305 0.026 +kool 0.668 0.079 +koolaid 0.513 0.021 +koolance 0.704 0.267 +koolatron 0.955 0.015 +kooler 0.766 0.049 +koolhaas 0.778 0.008 +koon 0.857 0.080 +koonce 0.906 0.076 +kooning 0.934 0.033 +koons 0.881 0.064 +koontz 0.910 0.059 +koop 0.510 0.058 +koopa 0.830 0.031 +kooper 0.903 0.056 +koopman 0.918 0.035 +koopmans 0.939 0.030 +koori 0.917 0.023 +koos 0.814 0.073 +kootenai 0.897 0.068 +kootenay 0.951 0.038 +kootenays 0.948 0.014 +kop 0.501 0.236 +kopecky 0.958 0.037 +kopel 0.974 0.016 +kopen 0.105 0.008 +koper 0.861 0.066 +kopete 0.369 0.004 +kopf 0.814 0.065 +kopi 0.601 0.045 +kopp 0.913 0.070 +koppel 0.814 0.137 +koppelman 0.924 0.021 +kops 0.743 0.143 +kor 0.296 0.573 +kora 0.553 0.197 +korah 0.957 0.025 +koran 0.924 0.018 +korat 0.940 0.030 +korb 0.883 0.060 +korbel 0.815 0.170 +korben 0.874 0.098 +korcula 0.942 0.026 +kord 0.390 0.241 +korda 0.889 0.069 +kore 0.741 0.117 +korea 0.943 0.038 +korean 0.911 0.020 +koreans 0.960 0.007 +koreas 0.971 0.021 +koren 0.893 0.048 +korento 0.997 0.000 +korepetycje 0.000 0.000 +koresh 0.886 0.029 +koret 0.900 0.067 +korey 0.920 0.042 +korfball 0.875 0.018 +korg 0.819 0.112 +korganizer 0.062 0.000 +korhonen 0.951 0.032 +kori 0.840 0.032 +korman 0.936 0.046 +kormos 0.983 0.013 +korn 0.468 0.026 +korner 0.889 0.080 +kornfeld 0.943 0.036 +korngold 0.886 0.106 +koro 0.737 0.072 +korolev 0.958 0.032 +korona 0.869 0.062 +koror 0.938 0.053 +korpela 0.942 0.010 +korps 0.876 0.039 +korres 0.943 0.017 +kors 0.779 0.160 +korsakov 0.904 0.077 +kort 0.557 0.035 +korte 0.738 0.040 +korth 0.940 0.050 +kortrijk 0.656 0.283 +koru 0.778 0.052 +koruna 0.859 0.003 +koruny 0.965 0.003 +korver 0.925 0.028 +kory 0.904 0.049 +kos 0.853 0.074 +kosa 0.633 0.165 +kosciusko 0.903 0.081 +kosciuszko 0.914 0.079 +kosdaq 0.037 0.961 +kose 0.798 0.157 +kosei 0.931 0.046 +kosg 0.000 0.916 +kosh 0.722 0.151 +kosher 0.671 0.023 +kosi 0.869 0.082 +kosice 0.935 0.048 +kosinski 0.903 0.068 +koski 0.925 0.058 +koskie 0.921 0.045 +koskin 0.858 0.080 +koskinen 0.949 0.038 +kosmetik 0.456 0.018 +kosmo 0.433 0.186 +kosmos 0.772 0.054 +kosnik 0.989 0.003 +kosova 0.910 0.067 +kosovar 0.933 0.052 +kosovars 0.949 0.039 +kosovo 0.954 0.039 +kosrae 0.785 0.206 +koss 0.735 0.233 +kossuth 0.900 0.082 +kost 0.642 0.123 +kosta 0.855 0.058 +kostas 0.893 0.043 +kosten 0.498 0.013 +kostenlos 0.044 0.004 +kostenlose 0.413 0.005 +kostenlosecams 0.000 0.000 +kostenlosen 0.563 0.006 +kostenloser 0.240 0.002 +kostenloses 0.415 0.003 +koster 0.894 0.041 +kostova 0.981 0.015 +kostya 0.907 0.044 +kosuke 0.953 0.028 +kot 0.299 0.058 +kota 0.838 0.081 +kotak 0.865 0.045 +kotaku 0.872 0.002 +kote 0.451 0.126 +kotel 0.894 0.060 +kothari 0.943 0.037 +kotka 0.499 0.463 +kotler 0.923 0.027 +koto 0.505 0.084 +kotobuki 0.636 0.026 +kotobukiya 0.894 0.086 +kotor 0.137 0.777 +kott 0.858 0.112 +kottayam 0.978 0.014 +kotter 0.930 0.035 +kottke 0.831 0.012 +kottonmouth 0.837 0.072 +kotz 0.887 0.050 +kotzebue 0.910 0.085 +kou 0.715 0.064 +koufax 0.937 0.036 +kountry 0.894 0.059 +kountze 0.807 0.147 +kour 0.041 0.832 +kouri 0.948 0.023 +kournikova 0.476 0.023 +kouros 0.717 0.217 +kourosh 0.964 0.011 +kourou 0.955 0.030 +kovac 0.908 0.059 +kovach 0.947 0.046 +kovacs 0.898 0.075 +koval 0.903 0.044 +kovalam 0.929 0.026 +kovalchuk 0.918 0.053 +kovalev 0.917 0.046 +kovar 0.862 0.083 +kovel 0.933 0.052 +kovels 0.953 0.020 +kovu 0.949 0.014 +kow 0.465 0.112 +kowa 0.875 0.073 +kowal 0.916 0.065 +kowalczyk 0.951 0.038 +kowalski 0.880 0.059 +kowloon 0.950 0.032 +koy 0.810 0.096 +koyaanisqatsi 0.852 0.041 +koyama 0.913 0.071 +koyo 0.798 0.142 +koyukuk 0.872 0.105 +koz 0.666 0.141 +koza 0.876 0.043 +kozak 0.926 0.058 +kozhikode 0.914 0.078 +kozik 0.850 0.089 +koziol 0.905 0.054 +kozlov 0.939 0.045 +kozlowski 0.936 0.052 +kozmix 0.175 0.000 +kozo 0.786 0.055 +kozol 0.929 0.021 +kozy 0.791 0.083 +kp 0.083 0.731 +kpa 0.076 0.784 +kpathsea 0.150 0.007 +kpbs 0.051 0.804 +kpc 0.016 0.397 +kpcc 0.000 0.984 +kpd 0.030 0.842 +kpdf 0.029 0.215 +kpfa 0.003 0.975 +kpfk 0.000 0.994 +kpg 0.175 0.579 +kph 0.050 0.138 +kpi 0.019 0.946 +kpic 0.084 0.908 +kpilot 0.075 0.000 +kpl 0.035 0.619 +kpm 0.019 0.753 +kpmg 0.005 0.977 +kpn 0.036 0.805 +kpno 0.000 0.988 +kpop 0.481 0.331 +kpp 0.022 0.759 +kppp 0.057 0.114 +kps 0.056 0.775 +kpt 0.048 0.808 +kpw 0.002 0.993 +kpx 0.000 0.999 +kq 0.147 0.592 +kqed 0.008 0.981 +kqv 0.000 0.996 +kr 0.127 0.544 +kra 0.440 0.422 +kraal 0.435 0.027 +kraan 0.465 0.051 +krab 0.459 0.335 +krabi 0.948 0.015 +kracht 0.529 0.033 +krack 0.487 0.026 +kracker 0.840 0.061 +kraemer 0.929 0.047 +krafft 0.521 0.023 +kraft 0.818 0.076 +kraftwerk 0.695 0.087 +krafty 0.869 0.079 +krag 0.799 0.096 +kragen 0.783 0.026 +krahn 0.937 0.055 +krai 0.660 0.024 +kraig 0.923 0.035 +kraj 0.247 0.022 +krajewski 0.979 0.017 +krajicek 0.880 0.080 +krajina 0.926 0.026 +krak 0.727 0.070 +krakatoa 0.880 0.033 +krakauer 0.946 0.036 +kraken 0.712 0.045 +krakow 0.943 0.028 +kral 0.762 0.122 +krall 0.820 0.045 +kralove 0.960 0.033 +kram 0.677 0.117 +kramer 0.886 0.077 +kramnik 0.975 0.008 +krane 0.886 0.079 +kranjska 0.893 0.021 +krank 0.669 0.110 +krankenversicherung 0.673 0.002 +kranks 0.947 0.030 +kranky 0.625 0.046 +krannert 0.979 0.016 +krantz 0.918 0.068 +kranz 0.929 0.045 +krasner 0.942 0.035 +krasnodar 0.965 0.027 +krasnoyarsk 0.961 0.033 +krass 0.543 0.032 +kratom 0.787 0.007 +kratos 0.667 0.062 +kratz 0.908 0.077 +kratzer 0.916 0.063 +kraus 0.918 0.058 +krause 0.909 0.061 +krauser 0.894 0.063 +krauss 0.867 0.046 +kraut 0.778 0.041 +krauthammer 0.963 0.030 +krautrock 0.661 0.020 +krav 0.606 0.127 +kravchenko 0.953 0.042 +kraven 0.827 0.071 +kravet 0.890 0.024 +kravis 0.962 0.026 +kravitz 0.812 0.046 +krawczyk 0.934 0.047 +kray 0.744 0.067 +krayzie 0.743 0.102 +krazy 0.797 0.071 +krb 0.034 0.206 +krc 0.038 0.784 +kre 0.536 0.263 +kreations 0.935 0.037 +kreative 0.831 0.024 +kreator 0.834 0.088 +krebs 0.880 0.055 +kredit 0.604 0.024 +kreditkarte 0.695 0.000 +krefeld 0.494 0.011 +kreg 0.906 0.040 +kreider 0.912 0.074 +kreidler 0.898 0.077 +kreis 0.898 0.021 +kreisen 0.744 0.239 +kreisler 0.897 0.077 +krell 0.890 0.037 +kreme 0.917 0.022 +kremer 0.928 0.051 +kremlin 0.942 0.035 +kremmling 0.838 0.112 +krems 0.938 0.047 +krensky 0.990 0.006 +krentz 0.938 0.048 +kreps 0.923 0.051 +kresge 0.954 0.035 +kress 0.840 0.135 +kreta 0.627 0.037 +kreuk 0.790 0.017 +kreutz 0.924 0.021 +kreutzer 0.900 0.061 +kreuz 0.871 0.035 +kreuzer 0.799 0.102 +kreuznach 0.779 0.185 +kreviazuk 0.760 0.112 +krew 0.633 0.208 +krewe 0.792 0.048 +kri 0.340 0.500 +krichel 0.979 0.005 +krieg 0.902 0.031 +kriegel 0.955 0.030 +krieger 0.956 0.030 +kriging 0.360 0.011 +krikorian 0.924 0.054 +krill 0.457 0.032 +krim 0.807 0.065 +kring 0.502 0.069 +kringle 0.731 0.046 +kripalu 0.971 0.010 +kripke 0.980 0.008 +kris 0.862 0.048 +krish 0.600 0.066 +krishan 0.859 0.112 +krishna 0.918 0.039 +krishnamurthy 0.952 0.026 +krishnamurti 0.961 0.018 +krishnan 0.923 0.039 +krisiun 0.896 0.080 +krispies 0.642 0.187 +krispy 0.892 0.026 +kriss 0.809 0.069 +krissy 0.861 0.016 +krist 0.858 0.053 +krista 0.829 0.038 +kristal 0.812 0.107 +kristallnacht 0.566 0.011 +kristan 0.875 0.038 +kristanna 0.957 0.008 +kristel 0.841 0.043 +kristen 0.884 0.036 +kristensen 0.938 0.052 +krister 0.946 0.016 +kristeva 0.975 0.012 +kristi 0.917 0.042 +kristian 0.925 0.028 +kristiansand 0.939 0.031 +kristiansen 0.953 0.039 +kristie 0.875 0.053 +kristin 0.915 0.031 +kristina 0.773 0.045 +kristine 0.870 0.050 +kristof 0.902 0.049 +kristofer 0.948 0.026 +kristoff 0.901 0.031 +kristoffer 0.929 0.043 +kristofferson 0.933 0.048 +kristol 0.965 0.024 +kristopher 0.890 0.076 +kristy 0.853 0.031 +kristyn 0.905 0.030 +krita 0.454 0.000 +kritik 0.926 0.006 +kritiken 0.970 0.007 +krix 0.170 0.205 +kriya 0.756 0.036 +kriz 0.834 0.086 +krizia 0.770 0.203 +krk 0.211 0.713 +krn 0.063 0.580 +kro 0.452 0.303 +kroatien 0.135 0.005 +kroc 0.826 0.130 +kroeger 0.926 0.038 +kroes 0.942 0.044 +kroft 0.835 0.080 +krog 0.809 0.112 +kroger 0.875 0.078 +krogh 0.942 0.038 +krohn 0.915 0.065 +krol 0.873 0.103 +kroll 0.894 0.059 +krom 0.853 0.079 +krome 0.850 0.057 +kron 0.340 0.579 +krona 0.870 0.007 +krone 0.746 0.042 +kronecker 0.934 0.007 +kronen 0.245 0.022 +kroner 0.913 0.005 +kronk 0.807 0.170 +kronolith 0.141 0.000 +kronor 0.817 0.004 +kronos 0.941 0.034 +kronur 0.946 0.011 +kroon 0.683 0.006 +kropotkin 0.936 0.015 +kropp 0.924 0.036 +kroq 0.058 0.871 +kross 0.840 0.063 +krow 0.701 0.104 +krs 0.032 0.879 +krsna 0.922 0.012 +krstic 0.955 0.030 +krt 0.009 0.931 +kru 0.561 0.277 +kruder 0.897 0.037 +krueger 0.922 0.054 +krug 0.906 0.057 +kruger 0.975 0.011 +krugerpark 0.990 0.000 +krugman 0.947 0.040 +kruk 0.900 0.011 +krull 0.917 0.052 +krum 0.846 0.093 +krumble 0.999 0.001 +krumlov 0.954 0.022 +krumm 0.940 0.038 +krupa 0.877 0.067 +krupp 0.886 0.075 +krupps 0.944 0.021 +krups 0.872 0.046 +kruse 0.917 0.060 +krusell 0.931 0.058 +krush 0.794 0.109 +kruskal 0.970 0.017 +krusty 0.844 0.032 +krutch 0.227 0.013 +krux 0.806 0.113 +krw 0.002 0.988 +kry 0.363 0.308 +krycek 0.939 0.040 +krylon 0.850 0.072 +krylov 0.919 0.024 +krypto 0.788 0.057 +krypton 0.614 0.056 +kryptonics 0.963 0.017 +kryptonite 0.719 0.038 +krys 0.724 0.073 +krystal 0.736 0.038 +krystle 0.868 0.069 +krystyna 0.930 0.043 +kryten 0.616 0.317 +krzysztof 0.961 0.023 +krzyzewski 0.978 0.012 +ks 0.031 0.930 +ksa 0.008 0.845 +ksb 0.014 0.917 +ksc 0.010 0.960 +kscreensaver 0.000 0.000 +ksd 0.011 0.847 +ksdk 0.000 0.979 +kse 0.008 0.873 +ksf 0.007 0.870 +ksg 0.007 0.895 +ksh 0.071 0.101 +kshv 0.000 0.980 +ksi 0.087 0.390 +ksimus 0.000 0.000 +ksl 0.013 0.944 +ksm 0.028 0.903 +ksn 0.015 0.646 +ksp 0.061 0.750 +ksr 0.033 0.871 +kss 0.057 0.788 +kst 0.231 0.582 +kstars 0.013 0.002 +ksu 0.006 0.930 +kt 0.073 0.630 +kta 0.019 0.863 +ktb 0.014 0.803 +ktc 0.017 0.935 +kth 0.016 0.693 +kti 0.172 0.728 +ktl 0.031 0.815 +ktla 0.014 0.945 +ktm 0.045 0.876 +ktn 0.043 0.905 +kto 0.218 0.301 +ktp 0.009 0.894 +kts 0.051 0.396 +kttv 0.000 0.994 +ktv 0.066 0.746 +ktvt 0.000 0.936 +ku 0.276 0.327 +kua 0.530 0.205 +kuala 0.931 0.046 +kuan 0.874 0.038 +kuang 0.866 0.063 +kuantan 0.893 0.053 +kub 0.256 0.651 +kuba 0.847 0.064 +kuban 0.932 0.046 +kubby 0.964 0.019 +kube 0.606 0.323 +kubert 0.908 0.076 +kubiak 0.943 0.046 +kubik 0.885 0.086 +kubler 0.941 0.036 +kubo 0.893 0.060 +kubota 0.795 0.115 +kubrick 0.907 0.031 +kubuntu 0.782 0.002 +kucera 0.928 0.064 +kuch 0.732 0.049 +kuching 0.904 0.054 +kuchma 0.953 0.033 +kuchnia 0.933 0.004 +kucinich 0.903 0.084 +kuck 0.914 0.046 +kudlow 0.965 0.028 +kudo 0.731 0.069 +kudos 0.666 0.050 +kudrow 0.875 0.025 +kudu 0.672 0.060 +kudzu 0.538 0.018 +kuehl 0.935 0.052 +kuehn 0.903 0.061 +kuehne 0.889 0.048 +kuei 0.844 0.028 +kuen 0.801 0.073 +kuerten 0.957 0.034 +kufa 0.770 0.196 +kuff 0.923 0.003 +kugel 0.735 0.056 +kugler 0.910 0.074 +kuh 0.639 0.079 +kuhio 0.920 0.052 +kuhl 0.910 0.066 +kuhlman 0.915 0.066 +kuhlmann 0.915 0.037 +kuhn 0.929 0.051 +kuhns 0.900 0.074 +kui 0.499 0.055 +kuiper 0.943 0.036 +kuipers 0.970 0.025 +kuk 0.531 0.074 +kuka 0.323 0.578 +kukla 0.917 0.048 +kukui 0.690 0.076 +kul 0.395 0.440 +kula 0.798 0.112 +kuldip 0.960 0.029 +kulik 0.921 0.029 +kulkarni 0.933 0.018 +kull 0.787 0.077 +kulm 0.875 0.085 +kulp 0.915 0.056 +kult 0.820 0.078 +kultur 0.793 0.031 +kultura 0.656 0.037 +kulture 0.701 0.035 +kum 0.633 0.183 +kuma 0.779 0.090 +kumagai 0.926 0.066 +kumamoto 0.942 0.040 +kumar 0.834 0.066 +kumara 0.728 0.029 +kumarakom 0.952 0.033 +kumari 0.841 0.117 +kumasi 0.925 0.041 +kumba 0.735 0.212 +kumbia 0.729 0.106 +kumble 0.940 0.040 +kumho 0.790 0.157 +kumi 0.477 0.027 +kumiko 0.883 0.018 +kumite 0.658 0.079 +kummer 0.944 0.042 +kumon 0.920 0.052 +kumquat 0.692 0.032 +kun 0.407 0.068 +kuna 0.810 0.055 +kunal 0.975 0.006 +kunda 0.748 0.159 +kundalini 0.762 0.027 +kundan 0.559 0.131 +kunde 0.500 0.034 +kunden 0.708 0.026 +kunder 0.244 0.021 +kundera 0.935 0.012 +kune 0.685 0.031 +kunene 0.981 0.014 +kung 0.720 0.044 +kungfu 0.458 0.081 +kuni 0.556 0.130 +kunio 0.958 0.031 +kunis 0.807 0.014 +kunitz 0.937 0.039 +kunkel 0.932 0.058 +kunkle 0.832 0.130 +kunm 0.000 0.952 +kunming 0.936 0.033 +kunna 0.084 0.004 +kunne 0.218 0.011 +kunnen 0.036 0.004 +kuno 0.851 0.057 +kunst 0.743 0.033 +kunstenaar 0.026 0.000 +kunsthalle 0.933 0.038 +kunstler 0.913 0.033 +kunstmuseum 0.949 0.013 +kunt 0.235 0.015 +kuntz 0.902 0.075 +kununurra 0.874 0.096 +kunz 0.929 0.057 +kunze 0.911 0.056 +kunzel 0.962 0.028 +kunzite 0.745 0.090 +kuo 0.859 0.046 +kuomintang 0.990 0.005 +kuoni 0.925 0.047 +kuopio 0.947 0.035 +kup 0.340 0.449 +kuper 0.935 0.044 +kupfer 0.881 0.033 +kupffer 0.962 0.012 +kupu 0.429 0.007 +kur 0.442 0.174 +kura 0.725 0.040 +kurama 0.835 0.021 +kuranda 0.887 0.102 +kurd 0.837 0.021 +kurdish 0.971 0.014 +kurdistan 0.949 0.027 +kurds 0.968 0.014 +kure 0.818 0.063 +kurgan 0.906 0.031 +kuri 0.656 0.058 +kurihara 0.866 0.129 +kuril 0.702 0.287 +kurita 0.907 0.077 +kuriyama 0.884 0.041 +kurka 0.975 0.012 +kurl 0.111 0.849 +kurland 0.950 0.040 +kurnool 0.863 0.086 +kuro 0.736 0.066 +kuroda 0.928 0.060 +kurogane 0.905 0.016 +kurokawa 0.944 0.046 +kurosawa 0.926 0.038 +kuroshio 0.975 0.017 +kurrajong 0.633 0.335 +kurri 0.647 0.264 +kurs 0.545 0.032 +kurse 0.798 0.014 +kurser 0.481 0.021 +kursk 0.879 0.105 +kursy 0.037 0.002 +kurt 0.921 0.036 +kurta 0.554 0.145 +kurtas 0.569 0.073 +kurth 0.943 0.043 +kurtis 0.794 0.035 +kurtosis 0.336 0.016 +kurtz 0.898 0.087 +kurtzman 0.944 0.044 +kuru 0.659 0.037 +kurukshetra 0.928 0.058 +kurumi 0.883 0.023 +kurumin 0.962 0.000 +kurupt 0.876 0.051 +kuryakyn 0.809 0.138 +kurz 0.702 0.051 +kurze 0.345 0.022 +kurzfassung 0.986 0.004 +kurzweil 0.951 0.022 +kus 0.594 0.137 +kusa 0.193 0.705 +kusadasi 0.662 0.032 +kusanagi 0.871 0.031 +kusastro 0.000 0.000 +kush 0.844 0.061 +kushies 0.872 0.073 +kushner 0.960 0.030 +kusic 0.048 0.000 +kuskokwim 0.904 0.092 +kuss 0.619 0.053 +kuster 0.938 0.044 +kustom 0.864 0.069 +kut 0.512 0.222 +kuta 0.944 0.024 +kutch 0.889 0.070 +kutcher 0.881 0.028 +kuti 0.835 0.070 +kutje 0.275 0.000 +kutless 0.895 0.031 +kuts 0.841 0.103 +kutta 0.928 0.022 +kutter 0.823 0.117 +kuttner 0.939 0.050 +kutty 0.641 0.070 +kutv 0.003 0.986 +kutz 0.849 0.126 +kutztown 0.903 0.072 +kuusamo 0.961 0.035 +kuva 0.087 0.007 +kuvasz 0.945 0.010 +kuvat 0.137 0.010 +kuwabara 0.895 0.071 +kuwait 0.944 0.043 +kuwaiti 0.976 0.009 +kuwaitis 0.978 0.009 +kuya 0.478 0.044 +kuykendall 0.846 0.148 +kuyper 0.946 0.042 +kuzma 0.907 0.056 +kuznets 0.969 0.022 +kuznetsov 0.950 0.042 +kuznetsova 0.903 0.091 +kv 0.080 0.754 +kva 0.086 0.788 +kvaerner 0.955 0.041 +kvetch 0.669 0.035 +kvh 0.010 0.975 +kvirc 0.006 0.000 +kvk 0.029 0.534 +kvl 0.016 0.884 +kvm 0.013 0.950 +kvoa 0.000 0.996 +kvr 0.007 0.953 +kvt 0.023 0.711 +kvue 0.000 0.905 +kw 0.058 0.697 +kwa 0.585 0.181 +kwacha 0.966 0.005 +kwai 0.911 0.052 +kwajalein 0.952 0.038 +kwak 0.857 0.060 +kwal 0.018 0.976 +kwame 0.905 0.065 +kwan 0.780 0.039 +kwandwe 0.980 0.004 +kwang 0.890 0.067 +kwangju 0.959 0.028 +kwantlen 0.903 0.080 +kwanza 0.945 0.008 +kwanzaa 0.949 0.022 +kwargs 0.000 0.000 +kwasniewski 0.939 0.039 +kwazulu 0.880 0.049 +kwc 0.029 0.802 +kwd 0.006 0.956 +kweli 0.899 0.028 +kweller 0.849 0.026 +kwh 0.105 0.480 +kwi 0.128 0.692 +kwiatkowski 0.935 0.056 +kwic 0.047 0.779 +kwik 0.838 0.112 +kwiki 0.887 0.002 +kwikset 0.878 0.075 +kwin 0.052 0.055 +kwinana 0.621 0.324 +kwl 0.016 0.791 +kwo 0.184 0.684 +kwoh 0.070 0.927 +kwok 0.880 0.081 +kwon 0.829 0.057 +kwong 0.858 0.066 +kword 0.138 0.015 +kworld 0.630 0.282 +kwq 0.000 0.055 +kws 0.025 0.710 +kwun 0.851 0.047 +kx 0.089 0.770 +kxan 0.000 0.920 +kxt 0.014 0.913 +ky 0.049 0.915 +kya 0.544 0.093 +kyalami 0.941 0.041 +kyan 0.407 0.017 +kyanite 0.555 0.118 +kyat 0.887 0.008 +kyaw 0.951 0.031 +kyb 0.028 0.936 +kybd 0.144 0.754 +kybernhsh 0.084 0.022 +kybernhshs 0.068 0.027 +kyd 0.139 0.849 +kydex 0.693 0.106 +kye 0.587 0.258 +kyeong 0.528 0.006 +kyi 0.845 0.057 +kyiv 0.930 0.050 +kyl 0.737 0.222 +kyla 0.784 0.041 +kyle 0.915 0.042 +kylee 0.896 0.035 +kyler 0.829 0.050 +kyles 0.755 0.080 +kylie 0.740 0.044 +kylix 0.919 0.017 +kym 0.862 0.055 +kymco 0.764 0.123 +kyneton 0.641 0.284 +kynn 0.947 0.000 +kyo 0.591 0.156 +kyocera 0.765 0.123 +kyodo 0.944 0.050 +kyoko 0.894 0.024 +kyolic 0.882 0.106 +kyosho 0.753 0.116 +kyoto 0.873 0.020 +kyouiku 0.986 0.000 +kype 0.006 0.982 +kyphosis 0.351 0.011 +kypriako 0.868 0.032 +kypriakoy 0.773 0.035 +kypros 0.940 0.042 +kyr 0.214 0.149 +kyra 0.875 0.064 +kyrenia 0.951 0.030 +kyrgystan 0.969 0.026 +kyrgyz 0.948 0.048 +kyrgyzstan 0.949 0.046 +kyriad 0.893 0.073 +kyrics 0.000 0.000 +kyrie 0.907 0.042 +kyro 0.691 0.178 +kyser 0.833 0.140 +kyte 0.815 0.069 +kythe 0.979 0.000 +kythira 0.919 0.055 +kyu 0.564 0.068 +kyun 0.764 0.059 +kyung 0.863 0.052 +kyushu 0.955 0.031 +kyuss 0.651 0.036 +kyw 0.007 0.955 +kz 0.121 0.283 +kzn 0.008 0.929 +kzsu 0.002 0.996 +kzt 0.002 0.996 +l 0.705 0.000 +la 0.336 0.247 +laa 0.110 0.614 +laakso 0.933 0.045 +laam 0.450 0.482 +laan 0.821 0.050 +laas 0.143 0.753 +laat 0.531 0.031 +laatste 0.550 0.011 +lab 0.631 0.066 +labadie 0.832 0.119 +laban 0.901 0.044 +labatidora 0.953 0.000 +labatt 0.856 0.092 +labbe 0.876 0.095 +labe 0.610 0.120 +label 0.449 0.046 +labeled 0.053 0.009 +labeler 0.621 0.061 +labelers 0.587 0.029 +labeling 0.310 0.021 +labelle 0.789 0.146 +labelled 0.114 0.008 +labelling 0.324 0.025 +labels 0.402 0.032 +labem 0.951 0.026 +laberge 0.882 0.089 +labetalol 0.414 0.036 +labette 0.890 0.094 +labia 0.071 0.006 +labial 0.217 0.011 +labile 0.080 0.019 +lable 0.172 0.066 +labled 0.039 0.026 +lables 0.304 0.056 +labo 0.507 0.097 +labonte 0.954 0.033 +labor 0.486 0.029 +labora 0.429 0.070 +laboral 0.212 0.023 +laboratoire 0.874 0.023 +laboratoires 0.610 0.113 +laboratories 0.558 0.034 +laboratorio 0.645 0.045 +laboratorium 0.788 0.039 +laboratory 0.565 0.026 +labore 0.059 0.007 +labored 0.031 0.003 +laborer 0.550 0.034 +laborers 0.267 0.055 +laboring 0.098 0.005 +laborious 0.019 0.002 +laboriously 0.019 0.000 +labors 0.103 0.009 +labour 0.485 0.015 +laboured 0.028 0.002 +labourer 0.537 0.028 +labourers 0.171 0.012 +labouring 0.321 0.005 +labours 0.154 0.012 +labrada 0.945 0.046 +labradoodle 0.821 0.038 +labrador 0.925 0.029 +labradorite 0.632 0.149 +labradors 0.783 0.034 +labret 0.604 0.078 +labrets 0.687 0.111 +labrum 0.196 0.026 +labs 0.708 0.044 +labtec 0.819 0.145 +labuan 0.912 0.074 +laburnum 0.723 0.142 +labview 0.569 0.112 +labware 0.677 0.048 +labyrinth 0.557 0.024 +labyrinthine 0.128 0.007 +labyrinths 0.425 0.019 +lac 0.573 0.291 +lacan 0.964 0.013 +lacanche 0.975 0.009 +lacc 0.183 0.786 +lace 0.546 0.080 +laced 0.174 0.018 +laceration 0.165 0.043 +lacerations 0.127 0.010 +laces 0.382 0.050 +lacetti 0.875 0.048 +lacey 0.833 0.057 +lach 0.673 0.064 +lachaise 0.929 0.034 +lachance 0.869 0.108 +lachen 0.277 0.021 +laches 0.256 0.037 +lachey 0.714 0.035 +lachine 0.888 0.093 +lachlan 0.937 0.043 +lachman 0.923 0.060 +laci 0.860 0.088 +lacie 0.488 0.399 +lacing 0.276 0.034 +lack 0.087 0.006 +lackadaisical 0.143 0.000 +lackawanna 0.884 0.084 +lacked 0.009 0.001 +lackey 0.761 0.055 +lackeys 0.054 0.006 +lacking 0.100 0.004 +lackland 0.883 0.080 +lackluster 0.114 0.009 +lacklustre 0.077 0.003 +lacks 0.054 0.005 +laclede 0.865 0.065 +lacnic 0.008 0.911 +laco 0.499 0.455 +lacock 0.935 0.057 +lacombe 0.903 0.084 +lacon 0.744 0.196 +laconia 0.911 0.064 +laconic 0.185 0.007 +lacoste 0.720 0.151 +lacp 0.000 0.770 +lacquer 0.464 0.052 +lacquered 0.348 0.029 +lacquers 0.348 0.042 +lacrimal 0.310 0.021 +lacrimosa 0.402 0.058 +lacroix 0.827 0.122 +lacrosse 0.815 0.036 +lacs 0.566 0.149 +lactam 0.119 0.029 +lactamase 0.063 0.037 +lactamases 0.236 0.013 +lactams 0.311 0.029 +lactase 0.360 0.069 +lactate 0.283 0.032 +lactates 0.927 0.000 +lactating 0.209 0.007 +lactation 0.364 0.010 +lactic 0.297 0.028 +lactis 0.020 0.011 +lacto 0.339 0.043 +lactobacilli 0.250 0.011 +lactobacillus 0.902 0.014 +lactococcus 0.967 0.015 +lactoferrin 0.413 0.026 +lactone 0.090 0.031 +lactones 0.452 0.023 +lactose 0.430 0.019 +lactuca 0.867 0.020 +lactulose 0.537 0.034 +lacuna 0.595 0.050 +lacunae 0.281 0.005 +lacus 0.341 0.045 +lacustrine 0.243 0.023 +lacy 0.684 0.134 +lad 0.256 0.206 +lada 0.789 0.171 +ladakh 0.947 0.024 +ladbroke 0.930 0.022 +ladbrokes 0.857 0.029 +ladd 0.851 0.094 +ladda 0.891 0.003 +ladder 0.392 0.070 +ladders 0.556 0.034 +laddie 0.588 0.042 +lade 0.381 0.109 +laden 0.697 0.012 +lader 0.273 0.018 +ladera 0.902 0.078 +ladi 0.422 0.122 +ladie 0.595 0.065 +ladies 0.514 0.054 +ladieswear 0.781 0.044 +ladin 0.934 0.022 +lading 0.281 0.041 +ladino 0.857 0.027 +ladislav 0.948 0.021 +ladle 0.540 0.071 +ladles 0.625 0.067 +ladner 0.928 0.058 +lado 0.284 0.044 +ladoga 0.832 0.140 +lads 0.204 0.042 +ladson 0.908 0.073 +ladspa 0.014 0.458 +ladue 0.820 0.152 +lady 0.558 0.045 +ladybird 0.707 0.125 +ladyboy 0.046 0.003 +ladyboys 0.061 0.007 +ladybug 0.707 0.069 +ladybugs 0.562 0.044 +ladykillers 0.922 0.048 +ladylike 0.162 0.022 +ladyman 0.840 0.021 +ladys 0.281 0.097 +ladyship 0.271 0.005 +ladysmith 0.920 0.065 +ladytron 0.631 0.030 +lae 0.499 0.249 +lael 0.859 0.099 +laem 0.929 0.046 +laer 0.453 0.284 +laerdal 0.947 0.045 +laertes 0.837 0.142 +laetitia 0.810 0.022 +laevis 0.011 0.020 +laf 0.108 0.698 +lafarge 0.889 0.090 +lafayette 0.907 0.068 +lafco 0.027 0.965 +lafe 0.709 0.035 +laff 0.499 0.140 +laffer 0.813 0.083 +lafferty 0.897 0.058 +laffey 0.930 0.056 +laffy 0.592 0.036 +lafite 0.744 0.234 +lafitte 0.910 0.063 +laflamme 0.908 0.083 +lafleur 0.789 0.176 +lafon 0.890 0.101 +lafond 0.930 0.064 +lafont 0.942 0.033 +lafontaine 0.873 0.099 +laforge 0.356 0.102 +lafourche 0.886 0.101 +lafuma 0.905 0.032 +lag 0.180 0.059 +laga 0.446 0.069 +lagaan 0.913 0.035 +lagan 0.875 0.076 +laganas 0.800 0.030 +lagasse 0.913 0.033 +lage 0.560 0.066 +lager 0.609 0.035 +lagerfeld 0.815 0.161 +lagers 0.303 0.048 +lages 0.183 0.011 +laggard 0.108 0.009 +laggards 0.722 0.013 +lagged 0.093 0.020 +lagging 0.145 0.014 +lagi 0.118 0.022 +lagniappe 0.802 0.047 +lago 0.780 0.062 +lagoa 0.730 0.032 +lagoon 0.612 0.052 +lagoons 0.183 0.016 +lagos 0.877 0.072 +lagrange 0.856 0.110 +lagrangian 0.911 0.014 +lags 0.086 0.016 +lagu 0.227 0.026 +laguardia 0.654 0.147 +laguerre 0.938 0.034 +laguiole 0.874 0.041 +laguna 0.889 0.053 +lagunitas 0.938 0.037 +lagwagon 0.869 0.038 +lah 0.139 0.160 +lahaina 0.944 0.025 +lahat 0.178 0.058 +lahaye 0.816 0.125 +lahey 0.936 0.037 +lahiri 0.953 0.029 +lahn 0.904 0.037 +lahontan 0.917 0.076 +lahore 0.861 0.097 +lahoud 0.973 0.015 +lahr 0.903 0.069 +lahti 0.867 0.102 +lai 0.665 0.185 +laibach 0.789 0.111 +laid 0.138 0.012 +laidback 0.268 0.055 +laidlaw 0.890 0.092 +laidley 0.589 0.407 +laie 0.884 0.044 +laika 0.552 0.132 +laila 0.832 0.044 +lain 0.493 0.040 +laine 0.826 0.071 +laing 0.923 0.059 +laingsburg 0.801 0.153 +lainie 0.849 0.038 +lair 0.666 0.042 +laird 0.888 0.060 +lairg 0.953 0.036 +lairs 0.472 0.017 +lais 0.359 0.119 +laisser 0.250 0.018 +laissez 0.306 0.013 +lait 0.590 0.056 +laithwaites 0.950 0.000 +laity 0.270 0.020 +laj 0.310 0.530 +lajoie 0.866 0.110 +lajos 0.934 0.046 +lak 0.336 0.546 +lakai 0.828 0.067 +lakatos 0.943 0.044 +lake 0.801 0.064 +lakefield 0.892 0.080 +lakefront 0.523 0.048 +lakehead 0.961 0.032 +lakehurst 0.875 0.101 +lakeland 0.886 0.071 +lakelands 0.809 0.146 +lakemont 0.918 0.046 +lakenheath 0.893 0.070 +lakeport 0.855 0.091 +laker 0.833 0.052 +lakeridge 0.848 0.100 +lakers 0.894 0.050 +lakes 0.666 0.046 +lakeshore 0.793 0.067 +lakeside 0.787 0.072 +lakeview 0.872 0.085 +lakeville 0.907 0.064 +lakeway 0.906 0.064 +lakewood 0.889 0.080 +lakey 0.799 0.158 +lakh 0.110 0.008 +lakhs 0.195 0.012 +lakin 0.844 0.102 +lakoff 0.973 0.007 +lakota 0.906 0.058 +laks 0.590 0.237 +lakshadweep 0.951 0.015 +lakshman 0.925 0.042 +lakshmi 0.899 0.051 +lal 0.481 0.415 +lala 0.446 0.097 +lalala 0.342 0.044 +lalande 0.850 0.135 +lalanne 0.767 0.129 +lali 0.709 0.173 +laliberte 0.927 0.059 +lalique 0.765 0.166 +lalit 0.330 0.027 +lalita 0.933 0.030 +lall 0.811 0.104 +lalla 0.883 0.064 +lally 0.900 0.061 +lalo 0.769 0.066 +lalonde 0.832 0.157 +laloo 0.928 0.021 +lalor 0.805 0.188 +lalu 0.726 0.027 +lam 0.401 0.411 +lama 0.831 0.057 +lamai 0.967 0.016 +laman 0.787 0.040 +lamar 0.874 0.095 +lamarck 0.968 0.020 +lamarr 0.887 0.066 +lamartine 0.915 0.053 +lamas 0.693 0.049 +lamateur 0.000 0.000 +lamaze 0.907 0.028 +lamb 0.605 0.070 +lambada 0.777 0.064 +lambasted 0.016 0.000 +lambchop 0.815 0.065 +lambda 0.805 0.020 +lambe 0.823 0.086 +lambeau 0.905 0.067 +lambert 0.874 0.083 +lamberti 0.914 0.059 +lamberton 0.863 0.117 +lamberts 0.880 0.068 +lambertville 0.860 0.096 +lambeth 0.949 0.037 +lambic 0.734 0.018 +lambie 0.822 0.091 +lambing 0.247 0.023 +lamblia 0.084 0.018 +lambo 0.709 0.047 +lamboot 0.066 0.017 +lamborghini 0.860 0.088 +lambourne 0.937 0.041 +lambrecht 0.928 0.058 +lambretta 0.725 0.149 +lambro 0.688 0.305 +lambs 0.482 0.047 +lambskin 0.614 0.065 +lambswool 0.737 0.049 +lambton 0.896 0.094 +lamda 0.407 0.337 +lame 0.176 0.071 +lamellae 0.070 0.007 +lamellar 0.208 0.013 +lameness 0.217 0.015 +lament 0.423 0.020 +lamentable 0.064 0.004 +lamentation 0.296 0.020 +lamentations 0.932 0.004 +lamented 0.022 0.003 +lamenting 0.087 0.006 +laments 0.137 0.007 +lamer 0.535 0.101 +lamers 0.633 0.082 +lamesa 0.777 0.185 +lamest 0.161 0.021 +lamette 0.999 0.000 +lamezia 0.782 0.041 +lami 0.612 0.148 +lamia 0.810 0.074 +lamiaceae 0.892 0.099 +lamictal 0.531 0.075 +lamin 0.401 0.051 +lamina 0.175 0.019 +laminaat 0.009 0.000 +laminae 0.022 0.384 +laminar 0.292 0.031 +laminat 0.447 0.013 +laminate 0.402 0.028 +laminated 0.453 0.057 +laminates 0.427 0.059 +laminating 0.513 0.033 +lamination 0.386 0.042 +laminations 0.282 0.066 +laminator 0.591 0.065 +laminators 0.765 0.025 +laminectomy 0.345 0.021 +lamington 0.578 0.368 +laminin 0.293 0.032 +lamisil 0.578 0.020 +lamivudine 0.342 0.022 +lamkin 0.881 0.099 +lamm 0.880 0.080 +lamma 0.789 0.057 +lammas 0.919 0.044 +lammermoor 0.765 0.225 +lammers 0.890 0.090 +lammy 0.907 0.024 +lamo 0.774 0.051 +lamoille 0.922 0.067 +lamon 0.895 0.083 +lamond 0.838 0.130 +lamoni 0.827 0.150 +lamont 0.900 0.071 +lamontagne 0.881 0.068 +lamothe 0.856 0.127 +lamotrigine 0.370 0.021 +lamott 0.946 0.029 +lamour 0.806 0.056 +lamoureux 0.904 0.085 +lamp 0.470 0.110 +lampa 0.754 0.043 +lampada 0.091 0.029 +lampade 0.034 0.000 +lampang 0.953 0.028 +lampard 0.873 0.074 +lampasas 0.852 0.112 +lampe 0.702 0.053 +lampedusa 0.739 0.047 +lampen 0.193 0.007 +lampert 0.944 0.038 +lampeter 0.855 0.055 +lamping 0.800 0.035 +lampkin 0.906 0.076 +lamplight 0.489 0.053 +lamplighter 0.808 0.067 +lampoon 0.849 0.036 +lamport 0.962 0.026 +lamppost 0.258 0.023 +lampposts 0.135 0.005 +lamprey 0.362 0.033 +lamps 0.593 0.052 +lampshade 0.538 0.057 +lampshades 0.510 0.036 +lampson 0.858 0.132 +lampung 0.903 0.030 +lampwork 0.641 0.125 +lams 0.207 0.661 +lamson 0.757 0.231 +lamu 0.900 0.035 +lamy 0.895 0.069 +lan 0.120 0.771 +lana 0.828 0.061 +lanai 0.787 0.028 +lanark 0.934 0.053 +lanarkshire 0.970 0.016 +lanas 0.131 0.008 +lanc 0.432 0.424 +lancashire 0.947 0.027 +lancaster 0.909 0.063 +lance 0.820 0.041 +lancelot 0.914 0.046 +lanceolata 0.020 0.014 +lanceolate 0.025 0.004 +lancer 0.772 0.087 +lancers 0.823 0.042 +lances 0.220 0.018 +lancet 0.910 0.032 +lancets 0.578 0.044 +lancetti 0.619 0.371 +lanchester 0.948 0.042 +lancia 0.737 0.133 +lancing 0.768 0.041 +lancome 0.830 0.110 +lancs 0.867 0.076 +lanczos 0.905 0.057 +land 0.370 0.030 +landa 0.802 0.115 +landau 0.921 0.039 +landauer 0.964 0.030 +landay 0.941 0.037 +landcare 0.878 0.030 +landcruiser 0.498 0.353 +landdicke 0.000 0.000 +lande 0.756 0.054 +landed 0.084 0.008 +landen 0.633 0.036 +lander 0.771 0.046 +landers 0.836 0.054 +landes 0.881 0.050 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+lands 0.296 0.022 +landsat 0.873 0.103 +landsberg 0.936 0.054 +landsborough 0.654 0.315 +landscape 0.413 0.026 +landscaped 0.104 0.013 +landscaper 0.632 0.025 +landscapers 0.606 0.008 +landscapes 0.535 0.013 +landscaping 0.539 0.025 +landseer 0.825 0.052 +landshut 0.220 0.005 +landslide 0.280 0.021 +landslides 0.231 0.011 +landsman 0.839 0.039 +landspeed 0.535 0.306 +landuse 0.457 0.038 +landward 0.100 0.008 +landwehr 0.941 0.040 +landy 0.848 0.061 +lane 0.721 0.070 +lanegan 0.870 0.109 +lanes 0.200 0.019 +lanesboro 0.903 0.074 +lanesborough 0.870 0.107 +lanett 0.880 0.089 +laney 0.867 0.082 +lanford 0.875 0.105 +lang 0.415 0.094 +langa 0.911 0.036 +langage 0.343 0.012 +langan 0.917 0.062 +langara 0.963 0.023 +langauge 0.322 0.010 +langdale 0.948 0.036 +langdevel 0.000 0.000 +langdon 0.928 0.058 +lange 0.849 0.047 +langella 0.959 0.025 +langen 0.499 0.020 +langenscheidt 0.966 0.017 +langer 0.881 0.045 +langerhans 0.962 0.014 +langevin 0.914 0.073 +langford 0.886 0.099 +langham 0.937 0.046 +langhorne 0.896 0.081 +langille 0.926 0.070 +langkawi 0.934 0.031 +langlade 0.848 0.125 +langland 0.947 0.043 +langlands 0.946 0.045 +langlauf 0.030 0.004 +langlaufing 0.005 0.000 +langley 0.911 0.067 +langlois 0.910 0.071 +langmap 0.000 0.000 +langmuir 0.958 0.032 +langone 0.955 0.029 +langpack 0.017 0.000 +langridge 0.938 0.055 +langs 0.377 0.066 +langsam 0.387 0.044 +langston 0.892 0.053 +langton 0.925 0.051 +langtry 0.894 0.054 +language 0.454 0.017 +languages 0.451 0.016 +langue 0.385 0.022 +languedoc 0.961 0.017 +langues 0.275 0.059 +languid 0.058 0.003 +languish 0.047 0.004 +languished 0.006 0.000 +languishing 0.040 0.003 +languor 0.184 0.012 +lanham 0.950 0.041 +lani 0.877 0.042 +lanie 0.851 0.049 +lanier 0.848 0.068 +lanigan 0.928 0.050 +lanikai 0.899 0.052 +lanius 0.912 0.021 +lank 0.453 0.070 +lanka 0.949 0.035 +lankan 0.912 0.014 +lankans 0.971 0.005 +lankford 0.874 0.114 +lanky 0.155 0.011 +lanl 0.002 0.963 +lanna 0.894 0.068 +lannan 0.959 0.034 +lanner 0.898 0.051 +lanning 0.547 0.370 +lannon 0.831 0.119 +lanny 0.863 0.034 +lanois 0.923 0.040 +lanolin 0.481 0.057 +lanos 0.819 0.108 +lanoxin 0.761 0.064 +lanparty 0.204 0.708 +lans 0.272 0.414 +lansa 0.136 0.849 +lansbury 0.952 0.038 +lansdale 0.890 0.087 +lansdown 0.941 0.045 +lansdowne 0.900 0.089 +lansford 0.863 0.119 +lansing 0.891 0.084 +lansky 0.922 0.055 +lanson 0.766 0.209 +lansoprazole 0.402 0.019 +lant 0.418 0.295 +lanta 0.730 0.025 +lantana 0.827 0.052 +lantau 0.958 0.023 +lantern 0.630 0.071 +lanterns 0.590 0.026 +lanthanide 0.288 0.026 +lanthanum 0.508 0.089 +lantos 0.736 0.258 +lantra 0.730 0.216 +lantronix 0.608 0.385 +lantus 0.706 0.073 +lantz 0.893 0.074 +lanvin 0.836 0.144 +lanya 0.946 0.039 +lanyard 0.527 0.087 +lanyards 0.719 0.025 +lanyon 0.923 0.055 +lanz 0.885 0.055 +lanza 0.810 0.077 +lanzar 0.746 0.206 +lanzarote 0.893 0.027 +lanzhou 0.950 0.031 +lao 0.825 0.089 +laodicea 0.954 0.025 +laoghaire 0.942 0.031 +laois 0.952 0.034 +laon 0.557 0.051 +laoreet 0.004 0.000 +laos 0.950 0.035 +laothian 0.992 0.004 +laotian 0.968 0.014 +lap 0.273 0.071 +lapa 0.457 0.325 +lapack 0.040 0.631 +laparoscopic 0.408 0.026 +laparoscopy 0.463 0.018 +laparotomy 0.204 0.010 +lapb 0.000 0.761 +lapd 0.009 0.956 +lapdance 0.480 0.017 +lapeer 0.865 0.102 +lapel 0.556 0.079 +lapels 0.109 0.014 +lapham 0.785 0.193 +lapidary 0.635 0.040 +lapidus 0.908 0.081 +lapierre 0.913 0.070 +lapin 0.711 0.037 +lapine 0.806 0.090 +lapis 0.703 0.087 +laplace 0.929 0.039 +laplacian 0.924 0.011 +lapland 0.900 0.051 +laplante 0.796 0.176 +laplink 0.757 0.105 +lapointe 0.792 0.129 +laporte 0.844 0.113 +lapp 0.702 0.246 +lapped 0.111 0.010 +lappeenranta 0.673 0.321 +lappin 0.903 0.069 +lapping 0.231 0.018 +laps 0.195 0.049 +lapse 0.135 0.032 +lapsed 0.127 0.036 +lapses 0.097 0.015 +lapsing 0.130 0.050 +laptop 0.505 0.033 +laptops 0.804 0.007 +laptopshop 0.992 0.000 +lapu 0.719 0.078 +laputa 0.910 0.032 +lapwing 0.768 0.032 +laquelle 0.008 0.004 +laquer 0.427 0.077 +laquinta 0.052 0.021 +laquintainn 0.002 0.000 +laquintainns 0.000 0.000 +laquita 0.066 0.009 +lar 0.135 0.223 +lara 0.827 0.057 +laraine 0.935 0.046 +laramie 0.887 0.091 +larc 0.098 0.810 +larceny 0.342 0.095 +larch 0.550 0.088 +larchmont 0.901 0.066 +lard 0.370 0.058 +larder 0.591 0.021 +lardner 0.907 0.085 +laredo 0.877 0.076 +laren 0.866 0.040 +lares 0.725 0.120 +larg 0.184 0.128 +larga 0.296 0.028 +largan 0.935 0.050 +large 0.249 0.025 +largehearted 0.595 0.000 +largely 0.017 0.001 +largemouth 0.418 0.023 +largent 0.817 0.164 +larger 0.244 0.008 +largesse 0.058 0.005 +largest 0.122 0.008 +largo 0.751 0.050 +largos 0.015 0.004 +largs 0.822 0.116 +lari 0.724 0.047 +lariam 0.933 0.033 +lariat 0.684 0.105 +larimer 0.916 0.066 +larimore 0.883 0.103 +lario 0.887 0.082 +larisa 0.910 0.036 +larissa 0.849 0.047 +larix 0.917 0.034 +lark 0.706 0.070 +larkfield 0.917 0.068 +larkhall 0.933 0.048 +larkin 0.906 0.063 +larkins 0.896 0.095 +larks 0.525 0.078 +larkspur 0.798 0.057 +larly 0.000 0.000 +larnaca 0.880 0.057 +larne 0.823 0.145 +larned 0.791 0.113 +larner 0.791 0.192 +laroche 0.906 0.074 +larocque 0.842 0.149 +larose 0.844 0.130 +larousse 0.839 0.045 +larp 0.060 0.819 +larrabee 0.910 0.072 +larrivee 0.904 0.053 +larry 0.917 0.051 +lars 0.903 0.032 +larscom 0.674 0.247 +larsen 0.908 0.073 +larson 0.912 0.069 +larsson 0.950 0.033 +lartc 0.000 0.959 +larter 0.880 0.051 +lartigue 0.926 0.065 +laruan 0.023 0.000 +larue 0.718 0.161 +larus 0.968 0.011 +larva 0.349 0.013 +larvae 0.134 0.011 +larval 0.214 0.011 +lary 0.597 0.087 +laryngeal 0.406 0.015 +laryngitis 0.478 0.016 +laryngol 0.974 0.009 +laryngoscope 0.780 0.037 +larynx 0.263 0.025 +las 0.696 0.053 +lasa 0.341 0.449 +lasagna 0.561 0.049 +lasagne 0.468 0.041 +lasalle 0.579 0.312 +lasat 0.832 0.078 +lascaux 0.937 0.023 +lascelles 0.830 0.160 +lascivious 0.168 0.064 +lasco 0.170 0.803 +lase 0.160 0.670 +lasek 0.455 0.436 +laser 0.577 0.045 +lasercorner 0.950 0.000 +laserdisc 0.481 0.054 +laserdiscs 0.633 0.040 +laserjet 0.522 0.203 +laserlight 0.848 0.084 +laserpoint 0.501 0.007 +lasers 0.377 0.159 +laserwriter 0.678 0.169 +lasgo 0.727 0.057 +lash 0.439 0.082 +lashed 0.093 0.009 +lasher 0.883 0.054 +lashes 0.227 0.021 +lashing 0.157 0.015 +lashings 0.179 0.010 +lashkar 0.953 0.019 +lashley 0.923 0.060 +lasica 0.989 0.005 +lasik 0.333 0.410 +lasing 0.155 0.034 +lasix 0.612 0.034 +laska 0.430 0.163 +lasker 0.923 0.051 +laskey 0.883 0.103 +laski 0.161 0.009 +laskin 0.931 0.061 +lasko 0.888 0.050 +laskowski 0.929 0.056 +lasky 0.948 0.036 +lasley 0.915 0.079 +lasonic 0.980 0.007 +lass 0.340 0.123 +lassa 0.899 0.042 +lassale 0.977 0.005 +lasse 0.898 0.019 +lassen 0.622 0.048 +lasser 0.820 0.031 +lasses 0.176 0.086 +lasseter 0.969 0.027 +lassi 0.686 0.103 +lassie 0.752 0.054 +lassiter 0.895 0.074 +lassithi 0.846 0.093 +lasso 0.530 0.052 +last 0.409 0.013 +lasted 0.024 0.004 +laster 0.756 0.076 +lastest 0.244 0.018 +lasting 0.102 0.009 +lastly 0.748 0.005 +lastminute 0.608 0.009 +lastname 0.364 0.154 +lasts 0.083 0.012 +lasvegas 0.199 0.035 +laswell 0.848 0.116 +laszlo 0.925 0.038 +lat 0.238 0.091 +lata 0.452 0.319 +latah 0.853 0.068 +latch 0.302 0.140 +latched 0.084 0.018 +latches 0.338 0.056 +latching 0.250 0.037 +late 0.145 0.018 +latecomers 0.262 0.031 +lated 0.002 0.007 +lateef 0.903 0.068 +lateline 0.963 0.032 +lately 0.144 0.005 +laten 0.090 0.017 +latencies 0.060 0.002 +latency 0.224 0.006 +lateness 0.141 0.015 +latent 0.172 0.031 +later 0.101 0.008 +lateral 0.269 0.019 +lateralis 0.063 0.012 +laterality 0.571 0.013 +laterally 0.046 0.005 +laterals 0.237 0.022 +lateran 0.973 0.012 +laterne 0.038 0.000 +laters 0.399 0.029 +lates 0.158 0.369 +latest 0.410 0.030 +latex 0.335 0.038 +lath 0.299 0.078 +latha 0.651 0.101 +latham 0.903 0.083 +lathan 0.936 0.039 +lathe 0.395 0.122 +lathem 0.782 0.182 +lather 0.307 0.024 +lathes 0.473 0.052 +lathrop 0.880 0.091 +lathyrus 0.926 0.032 +lati 0.268 0.316 +latics 0.950 0.033 +latif 0.910 0.041 +latifah 0.841 0.026 +latifolia 0.065 0.014 +latigo 0.801 0.054 +latimer 0.878 0.105 +latin 0.728 0.043 +latina 0.230 0.007 +latinas 0.084 0.003 +latinasex 0.015 0.005 +latine 0.441 0.021 +lating 0.024 0.010 +latino 0.635 0.033 +latinoamericana 0.694 0.104 +latinoamericano 0.738 0.067 +latinos 0.567 0.014 +latins 0.453 0.011 +latinsex 0.006 0.000 +latinteen 0.000 0.000 +latinus 0.955 0.007 +lation 0.013 0.010 +lations 0.002 0.006 +latis 0.931 0.045 +latitude 0.582 0.053 +latitudes 0.222 0.013 +latitudinal 0.142 0.013 +latium 0.929 0.032 +latkes 0.450 0.036 +latn 0.552 0.318 +lato 0.316 0.083 +lator 0.178 0.072 +latorre 0.923 0.055 +latour 0.872 0.103 +latoya 0.812 0.091 +latreille 0.960 0.025 +latrine 0.140 0.015 +latrines 0.078 0.013 +latrobe 0.892 0.084 +lats 0.756 0.056 +latt 0.415 0.300 +latta 0.852 0.104 +latte 0.513 0.040 +latter 0.054 0.003 +latterly 0.152 0.000 +lattes 0.261 0.022 +lattice 0.224 0.029 +lattices 0.162 0.043 +lattimer 0.830 0.064 +lattimore 0.872 0.057 +lattner 0.945 0.013 +latvia 0.953 0.040 +latvian 0.973 0.011 +latvians 0.955 0.006 +latvija 0.937 0.040 +latvijas 0.924 0.059 +latviski 0.934 0.016 +lau 0.793 0.126 +laub 0.901 0.076 +laubach 0.941 0.051 +lauber 0.928 0.055 +lauch 0.387 0.020 +laud 0.448 0.066 +lauda 0.869 0.057 +laudable 0.025 0.003 +laude 0.368 0.014 +lauded 0.070 0.006 +lauder 0.826 0.110 +lauderdale 0.901 0.041 +lauderhill 0.875 0.059 +lauds 0.385 0.044 +laue 0.862 0.080 +lauer 0.910 0.062 +laufen 0.397 0.017 +laufer 0.900 0.082 +laufhaus 0.000 0.000 +laugh 0.137 0.014 +laughable 0.070 0.006 +laughably 0.089 0.000 +laughed 0.039 0.003 +laughin 0.266 0.039 +laughing 0.265 0.013 +laughingly 0.041 0.000 +laughlin 0.831 0.068 +laughs 0.193 0.018 +laughter 0.241 0.044 +laughton 0.910 0.082 +laun 0.595 0.073 +launcelot 0.857 0.137 +launceston 0.900 0.066 +launch 0.304 0.031 +launched 0.125 0.007 +launcher 0.436 0.047 +launchers 0.522 0.012 +launches 0.431 0.030 +launching 0.151 0.010 +launchpad 0.722 0.009 +launder 0.233 0.059 +laundered 0.051 0.015 +launderers 0.214 0.031 +launderette 0.568 0.018 +laundering 0.267 0.020 +laundress 0.495 0.013 +laundries 0.649 0.025 +laundromat 0.695 0.035 +laundromats 0.595 0.028 +laundry 0.557 0.028 +lauper 0.705 0.057 +laur 0.576 0.169 +laura 0.903 0.048 +laurance 0.919 0.065 +laure 0.870 0.030 +laurea 0.288 0.009 +laureate 0.539 0.015 +laureates 0.534 0.028 +laureen 0.909 0.046 +laurel 0.857 0.068 +laurell 0.933 0.041 +laurels 0.335 0.083 +lauren 0.822 0.083 +laurence 0.938 0.041 +laurens 0.889 0.079 +laurent 0.934 0.039 +laurentian 0.940 0.043 +laurentides 0.916 0.059 +laurentiis 0.791 0.180 +laureus 0.872 0.116 +lauri 0.719 0.030 +lauria 0.903 0.067 +laurie 0.920 0.050 +laurier 0.930 0.054 +laurin 0.919 0.063 +laurinburg 0.911 0.072 +lauriston 0.949 0.045 +lauritzen 0.950 0.046 +lauro 0.888 0.067 +laursen 0.940 0.041 +laurus 0.920 0.045 +lauryl 0.440 0.079 +lauryn 0.880 0.052 +laus 0.460 0.272 +lausanne 0.948 0.030 +lausd 0.010 0.946 +laut 0.607 0.056 +lautenberg 0.752 0.242 +lauter 0.747 0.057 +lauterbach 0.884 0.074 +lautrec 0.902 0.047 +laux 0.878 0.082 +lauzon 0.849 0.118 +lav 0.357 0.404 +lava 0.452 0.079 +lavaca 0.845 0.115 +lavage 0.184 0.012 +laval 0.896 0.075 +lavalas 0.952 0.025 +lavalier 0.694 0.055 +lavalife 0.779 0.012 +lavallee 0.860 0.118 +lavandula 0.812 0.040 +lavas 0.151 0.015 +lavasoft 0.592 0.006 +lavatories 0.238 0.023 +lavatory 0.556 0.021 +lavazza 0.826 0.061 +lave 0.460 0.046 +laveen 0.900 0.087 +lavelle 0.893 0.092 +lavendar 0.613 0.071 +lavender 0.681 0.055 +lavenham 0.949 0.033 +laver 0.728 0.037 +laverda 0.839 0.101 +lavergne 0.786 0.181 +laverne 0.840 0.121 +laverton 0.686 0.308 +laverty 0.899 0.089 +lavery 0.886 0.084 +lavi 0.841 0.062 +lavie 0.109 0.885 +lavigne 0.401 0.017 +lavin 0.911 0.059 +lavina 0.832 0.143 +lavine 0.857 0.063 +lavington 0.670 0.261 +lavinia 0.922 0.051 +lavish 0.125 0.009 +lavished 0.018 0.002 +lavishly 0.120 0.005 +lavoie 0.899 0.081 +lavoisier 0.887 0.018 +lavon 0.892 0.082 +lavonia 0.900 0.071 +lavonne 0.931 0.046 +lavori 0.092 0.018 +lavoro 0.122 0.245 +lavs 0.863 0.020 +law 0.475 0.027 +lawe 0.150 0.139 +lawer 0.215 0.023 +lawerence 0.912 0.045 +lawes 0.424 0.072 +lawford 0.921 0.062 +lawful 0.075 0.012 +lawfully 0.016 0.010 +lawfulness 0.108 0.026 +lawgiver 0.331 0.013 +lawler 0.898 0.083 +lawless 0.589 0.045 +lawlessness 0.096 0.008 +lawley 0.798 0.131 +lawlor 0.907 0.076 +lawmaker 0.310 0.009 +lawmakers 0.246 0.007 +lawmaking 0.212 0.009 +lawman 0.433 0.053 +lawmen 0.336 0.057 +lawn 0.613 0.035 +lawncare 0.703 0.083 +lawndale 0.898 0.065 +lawnmower 0.492 0.048 +lawnmowers 0.611 0.024 +lawns 0.258 0.016 +lawrance 0.923 0.049 +lawre 0.967 0.025 +lawrence 0.924 0.060 +lawrenceburg 0.834 0.095 +lawrenceville 0.894 0.077 +lawrie 0.894 0.078 +lawry 0.896 0.060 +laws 0.230 0.027 +lawson 0.907 0.071 +lawsuit 0.212 0.012 +lawsuits 0.209 0.010 +lawton 0.902 0.072 +lawweb 0.000 0.000 +lawyer 0.466 0.009 +lawyering 0.530 0.027 +lawyers 0.580 0.011 +lax 0.187 0.506 +laxative 0.308 0.018 +laxatives 0.290 0.042 +laxity 0.132 0.006 +laxman 0.966 0.016 +laxmi 0.858 0.086 +laxton 0.930 0.056 +lay 0.175 0.015 +laya 0.713 0.049 +layard 0.964 0.030 +layaway 0.580 0.099 +layby 0.545 0.033 +laycock 0.900 0.093 +laydown 0.379 0.051 +laye 0.695 0.088 +layed 0.033 0.013 +layer 0.280 0.023 +layered 0.225 0.021 +layering 0.205 0.020 +layers 0.145 0.014 +layette 0.800 0.031 +layin 0.282 0.021 +laying 0.135 0.011 +layla 0.815 0.035 +layman 0.398 0.030 +laymen 0.148 0.008 +laymon 0.886 0.083 +layne 0.914 0.052 +layo 0.790 0.054 +layoff 0.244 0.033 +layoffs 0.242 0.015 +layout 0.270 0.017 +layouts 0.350 0.012 +layover 0.204 0.018 +laypeople 0.087 0.000 +layperson 0.139 0.007 +laypersons 0.096 0.025 +lays 0.091 0.011 +layton 0.919 0.059 +laytonville 0.880 0.114 +layup 0.046 0.818 +laz 0.459 0.170 +lazar 0.925 0.038 +lazard 0.919 0.062 +lazare 0.917 0.053 +lazaro 0.871 0.083 +lazartigue 0.933 0.033 +lazarus 0.874 0.034 +laze 0.208 0.029 +lazear 0.966 0.030 +lazenby 0.903 0.073 +lazer 0.642 0.121 +lazier 0.515 0.047 +lazily 0.024 0.001 +laziness 0.158 0.007 +lazing 0.175 0.009 +lazio 0.864 0.076 +lazlo 0.836 0.035 +lazne 0.913 0.025 +lazo 0.797 0.057 +lazuli 0.614 0.080 +lazy 0.301 0.022 +lazzaro 0.919 0.040 +lb 0.069 0.409 +lba 0.007 0.919 +lbb 0.006 0.960 +lbc 0.029 0.902 +lbd 0.067 0.872 +lbe 0.011 0.827 +lbf 0.019 0.439 +lbg 0.009 0.681 +lbh 0.034 0.811 +lbi 0.014 0.890 +lbian 0.000 0.000 +lbj 0.029 0.948 +lbl 0.092 0.770 +lbm 0.021 0.691 +lbn 0.006 0.734 +lbnl 0.000 0.987 +lbo 0.006 0.386 +lbox 0.023 0.890 +lbp 0.003 0.937 +lbr 0.110 0.786 +lbs 0.047 0.062 +lbt 0.015 0.865 +lbv 0.166 0.779 +lbw 0.019 0.352 +lbx 0.036 0.901 +lc 0.022 0.831 +lca 0.005 0.933 +lcb 0.008 0.956 +lcbo 0.000 0.959 +lcc 0.013 0.919 +lccc 0.000 0.974 +lccn 0.005 0.982 +lcd 0.021 0.889 +lcdproc 0.503 0.002 +lcdr 0.020 0.957 +lcds 0.214 0.325 +lcdtv 0.065 0.795 +lce 0.025 0.878 +lcf 0.008 0.867 +lcfg 0.000 0.349 +lcg 0.003 0.807 +lch 0.302 0.638 +lci 0.021 0.881 +lck 0.291 0.438 +lcl 0.022 0.716 +lcm 0.008 0.881 +lcms 0.041 0.674 +lcn 0.018 0.897 +lco 0.012 0.901 +lcom 0.140 0.121 +lcos 0.048 0.659 +lcp 0.005 0.919 +lcpl 0.062 0.909 +lcr 0.006 0.964 +lcra 0.000 0.988 +lcrypt 0.000 0.000 +lcs 0.009 0.953 +lcsc 0.009 0.763 +lcsh 0.000 0.868 +lcsw 0.026 0.969 +lct 0.018 0.895 +lcu 0.007 0.942 +lcv 0.008 0.918 +lcw 0.009 0.917 +lcx 0.014 0.902 +lcy 0.011 0.905 +ld 0.040 0.600 +lda 0.089 0.703 +ldap 0.014 0.689 +ldapsearch 0.009 0.013 +ldaptor 0.020 0.000 +ldas 0.000 0.931 +ldb 0.006 0.691 +ldc 0.006 0.927 +ldconfig 0.002 0.007 +ldct 0.000 0.994 +ldd 0.011 0.392 +lddlflags 0.000 0.017 +lde 0.024 0.662 +ldf 0.023 0.891 +ldflags 0.000 0.768 +ldg 0.192 0.676 +ldh 0.058 0.869 +ldi 0.009 0.784 +ldif 0.006 0.693 +ldk 0.006 0.941 +ldl 0.005 0.771 +ldm 0.008 0.810 +ldn 0.129 0.750 +ldo 0.007 0.872 +ldp 0.003 0.808 +ldpe 0.028 0.934 +ldr 0.131 0.710 +lds 0.025 0.897 +ldt 0.058 0.820 +ldu 0.006 0.879 +ldv 0.202 0.764 +ldw 0.008 0.827 +ldx 0.010 0.703 +ldy 0.102 0.621 +le 0.433 0.113 +lea 0.454 0.457 +leach 0.764 0.072 +leachate 0.186 0.028 +leached 0.040 0.007 +leaching 0.172 0.015 +leachman 0.903 0.083 +leacock 0.941 0.046 +lead 0.190 0.026 +leadbeater 0.951 0.038 +leadbelly 0.877 0.043 +leadbetter 0.921 0.053 +leaded 0.374 0.055 +leaden 0.161 0.009 +leader 0.311 0.020 +leaderboard 0.703 0.020 +leaderboards 0.737 0.083 +leaders 0.252 0.020 +leadership 0.401 0.017 +leaderships 0.081 0.004 +leadeth 0.111 0.015 +leading 0.125 0.009 +leadoff 0.119 0.024 +leads 0.363 0.012 +leadsinger 0.391 0.547 +leadtek 0.830 0.146 +leadtime 0.323 0.033 +leadville 0.896 0.083 +leaf 0.391 0.046 +leafed 0.082 0.011 +leafing 0.269 0.019 +leafless 0.103 0.004 +leaflet 0.269 0.025 +leaflets 0.275 0.041 +leafnode 0.091 0.001 +leafs 0.783 0.088 +leafstaff 0.000 0.000 +leafy 0.166 0.022 +league 0.722 0.042 +leaguer 0.547 0.020 +leaguers 0.536 0.013 +leagues 0.564 0.027 +leah 0.886 0.039 +leahy 0.851 0.141 +leak 0.241 0.033 +leakage 0.180 0.020 +leakages 0.072 0.012 +leake 0.874 0.106 +leaked 0.112 0.008 +leakey 0.899 0.075 +leaking 0.124 0.015 +leakproof 0.318 0.012 +leaks 0.146 0.018 +leaky 0.403 0.013 +leal 0.803 0.066 +leaman 0.909 0.083 +leamington 0.948 0.034 +lean 0.415 0.032 +leander 0.865 0.059 +leandro 0.870 0.081 +leane 0.377 0.032 +leaned 0.005 0.003 +leaner 0.136 0.014 +leaning 0.159 0.009 +leanings 0.151 0.005 +leann 0.732 0.093 +leanna 0.872 0.047 +leanne 0.899 0.037 +leanni 0.928 0.024 +leans 0.046 0.009 +leant 0.010 0.002 +leap 0.332 0.105 +leaped 0.009 0.002 +leaper 0.688 0.068 +leapfrog 0.594 0.133 +leaping 0.234 0.016 +leappad 0.674 0.190 +leaps 0.210 0.057 +leapster 0.886 0.068 +leapt 0.008 0.002 +lear 0.828 0.070 +learing 0.316 0.058 +learjet 0.777 0.135 +learmonth 0.896 0.097 +learn 0.581 0.009 +learnability 0.347 0.007 +learnable 0.132 0.006 +learndirect 0.281 0.026 +learned 0.078 0.006 +learner 0.259 0.013 +learners 0.239 0.009 +learni 0.351 0.585 +learnin 0.556 0.024 +learning 0.435 0.019 +learnings 0.321 0.020 +learns 0.095 0.012 +learnt 0.037 0.005 +leary 0.834 0.058 +leas 0.708 0.088 +lease 0.302 0.056 +leaseback 0.343 0.027 +leased 0.176 0.032 +leasehold 0.438 0.032 +leaseholder 0.247 0.014 +leaseholders 0.220 0.010 +leases 0.237 0.037 +leash 0.315 0.028 +leashed 0.095 0.009 +leashes 0.678 0.021 +leasing 0.580 0.029 +least 0.027 0.007 +leasure 0.631 0.093 +leat 0.168 0.079 +leath 0.518 0.294 +leathe 0.684 0.080 +leather 0.541 0.063 +leatherback 0.405 0.020 +leathercraft 0.700 0.072 +leatherette 0.585 0.056 +leatherface 0.896 0.047 +leatherhead 0.914 0.027 +leatherman 0.890 0.054 +leathernecks 0.965 0.011 +leathers 0.534 0.040 +leatherwood 0.791 0.106 +leatherworking 0.895 0.007 +leathery 0.086 0.005 +leav 0.143 0.065 +leave 0.222 0.017 +leaved 0.097 0.024 +leavell 0.797 0.198 +leaven 0.153 0.044 +leavened 0.079 0.006 +leavening 0.226 0.040 +leavenworth 0.911 0.055 +leaver 0.639 0.039 +leavers 0.258 0.015 +leaves 0.153 0.013 +leavin 0.407 0.026 +leaving 0.172 0.011 +leavitt 0.935 0.061 +leavy 0.877 0.089 +leawood 0.919 0.061 +leb 0.378 0.527 +lebanese 0.935 0.012 +lebanon 0.937 0.045 +lebaron 0.676 0.139 +lebeau 0.813 0.134 +lebec 0.881 0.110 +lebedev 0.953 0.037 +lebel 0.700 0.072 +leben 0.789 0.026 +lebens 0.882 0.016 +lebenslauf 0.652 0.004 +leber 0.899 0.070 +lebesgue 0.973 0.006 +lebian 0.036 0.002 +lebih 0.078 0.016 +leblanc 0.719 0.222 +lebo 0.804 0.142 +lebowitz 0.905 0.039 +lebowski 0.847 0.042 +lebra 0.933 0.026 +lebron 0.557 0.144 +lebrun 0.852 0.119 +lec 0.211 0.724 +lecavalier 0.898 0.072 +lecce 0.847 0.062 +lecco 0.852 0.058 +lech 0.881 0.058 +leche 0.590 0.034 +lecherous 0.116 0.006 +lechner 0.936 0.052 +lecithin 0.580 0.038 +leck 0.724 0.128 +lecken 0.003 0.001 +leckie 0.930 0.056 +leckt 0.000 0.000 +leckte 0.000 0.000 +leclair 0.798 0.164 +leclerc 0.856 0.083 +leco 0.305 0.675 +leconte 0.876 0.101 +lecs 0.019 0.873 +lect 0.515 0.269 +lected 0.000 0.023 +lecter 0.895 0.032 +lectern 0.466 0.036 +lecterns 0.774 0.016 +lecteur 0.156 0.020 +lectin 0.138 0.055 +lectins 0.528 0.007 +lection 0.048 0.095 +lectionary 0.744 0.017 +lector 0.413 0.072 +lectra 0.661 0.298 +lectric 0.509 0.175 +lectura 0.406 0.050 +lecture 0.519 0.029 +lectured 0.054 0.001 +lecturer 0.598 0.024 +lecturers 0.339 0.016 +lectures 0.377 0.016 +lectureship 0.721 0.026 +lecturing 0.170 0.007 +lectus 0.055 0.009 +led 0.077 0.222 +leda 0.669 0.233 +ledbetter 0.877 0.087 +ledbury 0.741 0.181 +leddy 0.830 0.052 +lede 0.355 0.053 +ledeen 0.965 0.023 +leden 0.402 0.029 +leder 0.651 0.039 +lederer 0.906 0.050 +lederman 0.940 0.046 +ledesma 0.879 0.079 +ledford 0.900 0.082 +ledge 0.299 0.036 +ledger 0.702 0.037 +ledgers 0.218 0.028 +ledges 0.184 0.016 +ledgewood 0.906 0.061 +ledoux 0.858 0.088 +leds 0.372 0.283 +leduc 0.882 0.102 +ledyard 0.912 0.058 +lee 0.868 0.077 +leeann 0.714 0.047 +leech 0.551 0.069 +leechburg 0.855 0.128 +leecher 0.500 0.015 +leechers 0.719 0.003 +leeches 0.306 0.016 +leeching 0.150 0.010 +leed 0.109 0.845 +leederville 0.594 0.313 +leedom 0.824 0.042 +leeds 0.926 0.034 +leedy 0.879 0.085 +leek 0.659 0.043 +leeks 0.356 0.019 +leela 0.899 0.045 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+legendary 0.300 0.018 +legende 0.724 0.060 +legendia 0.982 0.013 +legendre 0.915 0.050 +legends 0.696 0.047 +leger 0.826 0.105 +legere 0.689 0.137 +leges 0.129 0.012 +legg 0.913 0.056 +legge 0.393 0.037 +legged 0.254 0.021 +leggere 0.090 0.106 +leggett 0.875 0.099 +leggi 0.590 0.015 +leggings 0.582 0.041 +leggo 0.812 0.039 +leggs 0.491 0.034 +leggy 0.414 0.034 +leghorn 0.787 0.102 +legi 0.159 0.144 +legian 0.969 0.012 +legibility 0.138 0.009 +legible 0.042 0.013 +legibly 0.034 0.058 +legion 0.801 0.050 +legionary 0.314 0.026 +legionella 0.870 0.017 +legionnaire 0.824 0.037 +legionnaires 0.800 0.025 +legions 0.305 0.010 +legis 0.346 0.186 +legisla 0.145 0.020 +legislate 0.059 0.027 +legislated 0.060 0.005 +legislating 0.260 0.008 +legislation 0.229 0.019 +legislations 0.206 0.015 +legislative 0.478 0.043 +legislatively 0.125 0.008 +legislator 0.392 0.016 +legislators 0.280 0.010 +legislature 0.603 0.049 +legislatures 0.303 0.006 +legit 0.225 0.068 +legitimacy 0.082 0.005 +legitimate 0.065 0.007 +legitimately 0.008 0.003 +legitimation 0.186 0.072 +legitimise 0.008 0.005 +legitimize 0.024 0.005 +legitimized 0.071 0.000 +legitimizing 0.111 0.004 +legler 0.987 0.012 +legless 0.334 0.024 +legno 0.195 0.042 +lego 0.399 0.472 +legoland 0.653 0.318 +legolas 0.896 0.035 +legos 0.558 0.106 +legrand 0.853 0.109 +legroom 0.289 0.005 +legs 0.134 0.010 +legte 0.000 0.000 +leguizamo 0.947 0.017 +legume 0.255 0.055 +legumes 0.314 0.019 +leguminosae 0.885 0.089 +leguminous 0.156 0.028 +legwear 0.857 0.024 +legwork 0.030 0.002 +leh 0.435 0.151 +lehane 0.948 0.035 +lehi 0.931 0.047 +lehigh 0.906 0.068 +lehighton 0.863 0.101 +lehman 0.911 0.070 +lehmann 0.939 0.045 +lehmer 0.984 0.011 +lehn 0.904 0.076 +lehner 0.923 0.063 +lehnert 0.943 0.034 +lehr 0.875 0.083 +lehre 0.619 0.009 +lehrer 0.815 0.146 +lehrman 0.951 0.042 +lehrstuhl 0.986 0.011 +lehtinen 0.841 0.150 +lehto 0.887 0.046 +lehtonen 0.939 0.042 +lei 0.426 0.390 +leia 0.815 0.071 +leib 0.915 0.057 +leiber 0.910 0.055 +leibniz 0.981 0.009 +leibovitz 0.926 0.037 +leibowitz 0.938 0.044 +leica 0.884 0.070 +leicester 0.931 0.034 +leicestershire 0.961 0.020 +leichhardt 0.803 0.152 +leicht 0.315 0.023 +leics 0.862 0.094 +leiden 0.906 0.030 +leider 0.398 0.021 +leierkasten 0.000 0.000 +leif 0.885 0.048 +leifer 0.936 0.051 +leigh 0.896 0.047 +leight 0.822 0.065 +leighton 0.914 0.057 +leiko 0.989 0.000 +leila 0.896 0.045 +leilani 0.894 0.044 +leim 0.157 0.062 +lein 0.391 0.086 +leinart 0.943 0.026 +leiner 0.888 0.058 +leininger 0.909 0.077 +leinster 0.947 0.043 +leiomyoma 0.510 0.018 +leiomyosarcoma 0.514 0.011 +leipsic 0.869 0.095 +leipzig 0.733 0.017 +leipziglastminute 0.000 0.000 +leiria 0.917 0.036 +leis 0.447 0.082 +leisa 0.865 0.108 +leishman 0.885 0.101 +leishmania 0.890 0.032 +leishmaniasis 0.359 0.024 +leister 0.851 0.111 +leisure 0.684 0.032 +leisurely 0.057 0.003 +leisures 0.545 0.024 +leisurewear 0.871 0.015 +leitch 0.887 0.077 +leitchfield 0.880 0.103 +leite 0.761 0.048 +leiter 0.960 0.026 +leith 0.906 0.053 +leitl 0.950 0.000 +leitner 0.918 0.047 +leitrim 0.954 0.018 +leitz 0.779 0.176 +lejaby 0.837 0.116 +lejeune 0.852 0.120 +lek 0.709 0.170 +lekcje 0.000 0.000 +leki 0.807 0.161 +lekker 0.205 0.078 +lekman 0.950 0.020 +leko 0.921 0.035 +lel 0.095 0.688 +lela 0.836 0.107 +leland 0.902 0.075 +lele 0.672 0.053 +lelia 0.908 0.074 +lelie 0.868 0.036 +lelong 0.891 0.019 +lely 0.845 0.110 +lelystad 0.849 0.041 +lem 0.258 0.329 +lema 0.675 0.172 +lemaire 0.896 0.081 +leman 0.823 0.099 +lemans 0.760 0.149 +lemar 0.842 0.101 +lemay 0.829 0.118 +lemberg 0.395 0.599 +lemburg 0.887 0.003 +leme 0.579 0.201 +lemeridien 0.015 0.000 +lemhi 0.913 0.067 +lemieux 0.917 0.055 +lemire 0.880 0.105 +lemke 0.921 0.056 +lemley 0.915 0.076 +lemma 0.668 0.019 +lemmas 0.335 0.006 +lemme 0.401 0.017 +lemmer 0.439 0.545 +lemming 0.621 0.021 +lemmings 0.614 0.024 +lemmon 0.903 0.073 +lemmy 0.890 0.054 +lemo 0.445 0.415 +lemoine 0.832 0.159 +lemon 0.554 0.047 +lemonade 0.520 0.035 +lemond 0.876 0.051 +lemongrass 0.611 0.070 +lemonhead 0.914 0.010 +lemonheads 0.891 0.043 +lemonrock 0.996 0.000 +lemons 0.467 0.040 +lemont 0.847 0.131 +lemony 0.841 0.029 +lemoore 0.830 0.105 +lemos 0.933 0.042 +lemoyne 0.823 0.150 +lempicka 0.798 0.161 +lempira 0.976 0.003 +lems 0.037 0.050 +lemuel 0.887 0.089 +lemur 0.495 0.064 +lemuria 0.913 0.030 +lemurs 0.411 0.011 +lemus 0.463 0.035 +len 0.329 0.055 +lena 0.863 0.073 +lenape 0.906 0.071 +lenard 0.913 0.064 +lenawee 0.832 0.148 +lence 0.065 0.016 +lencioni 0.983 0.012 +lenco 0.962 0.029 +lend 0.118 0.017 +lender 0.273 0.011 +lenders 0.277 0.009 +lending 0.359 0.016 +lendl 0.829 0.067 +lends 0.047 0.005 +lene 0.782 0.041 +lenexa 0.941 0.042 +leng 0.686 0.109 +lenge 0.044 0.008 +lenges 0.005 0.003 +lenght 0.230 0.044 +length 0.304 0.029 +lengthen 0.105 0.011 +lengthened 0.027 0.003 +lengthening 0.154 0.012 +lengthens 0.069 0.005 +lengthier 0.040 0.000 +lengths 0.075 0.030 +lengthwise 0.029 0.009 +lengthy 0.032 0.003 +lengua 0.410 0.034 +lenguaje 0.404 0.021 +lenhart 0.905 0.077 +leni 0.869 0.052 +leniency 0.116 0.007 +lenient 0.035 0.006 +lenihan 0.966 0.027 +lenin 0.935 0.031 +lening 0.180 0.000 +leningrad 0.943 0.039 +leninism 0.958 0.010 +leninist 0.927 0.008 +lenk 0.886 0.067 +lenka 0.810 0.047 +lenker 0.455 0.022 +lenmar 0.881 0.112 +lenn 0.799 0.093 +lennar 0.890 0.063 +lennard 0.863 0.113 +lennart 0.673 0.011 +lenni 0.873 0.022 +lennie 0.931 0.043 +lennon 0.891 0.058 +lennox 0.864 0.056 +lenny 0.864 0.045 +leno 0.919 0.030 +lenoble 0.487 0.014 +lenoir 0.902 0.077 +lenora 0.870 0.114 +lenore 0.916 0.050 +lenovo 0.882 0.105 +lenox 0.892 0.054 +lenoxx 0.969 0.022 +lens 0.460 0.043 +lensdeksel 0.000 0.000 +lense 0.333 0.044 +lensed 0.158 0.024 +lenser 0.653 0.291 +lenses 0.531 0.022 +lensing 0.265 0.022 +lenski 0.951 0.039 +lensmaster 0.968 0.000 +lent 0.421 0.024 +lente 0.313 0.035 +lentek 0.943 0.025 +lenten 0.914 0.033 +lentes 0.081 0.010 +lenth 0.404 0.064 +lenticular 0.487 0.049 +lentil 0.459 0.163 +lentils 0.432 0.020 +lento 0.649 0.038 +lenton 0.909 0.071 +lentz 0.906 0.082 +lenya 0.475 0.008 +lenz 0.900 0.045 +lenzen 0.283 0.016 +leo 0.831 0.104 +leod 0.887 0.079 +leol 0.313 0.017 +leola 0.890 0.075 +leominster 0.806 0.160 +leon 0.899 0.059 +leona 0.887 0.075 +leonard 0.916 0.065 +leonardi 0.915 0.066 +leonardo 0.885 0.050 +leonards 0.903 0.056 +leonardtown 0.903 0.080 +leonberger 0.910 0.019 +leone 0.942 0.039 +leonean 0.974 0.015 +leonel 0.901 0.051 +leones 0.805 0.062 +leonetto 0.986 0.004 +leong 0.887 0.087 +leonhard 0.948 0.040 +leonhardt 0.814 0.081 +leoni 0.865 0.053 +leonia 0.853 0.121 +leonid 0.951 0.026 +leonidas 0.928 0.049 +leonids 0.907 0.051 +leonie 0.927 0.034 +leonor 0.910 0.045 +leonora 0.934 0.057 +leonore 0.922 0.048 +leopard 0.595 0.072 +leopards 0.559 0.031 +leopardstown 0.954 0.019 +leopold 0.920 0.059 +leopoldo 0.826 0.128 +leora 0.910 0.052 +leos 0.754 0.174 +leota 0.896 0.086 +leotard 0.417 0.120 +leotards 0.472 0.078 +leoville 0.760 0.210 +lep 0.085 0.880 +lepage 0.870 0.091 +lepanto 0.889 0.066 +lepc 0.004 0.991 +lepel 0.870 0.086 +leper 0.353 0.024 +lepers 0.163 0.017 +lepidoptera 0.926 0.033 +lepidus 0.798 0.068 +lepied 0.995 0.000 +lepore 0.831 0.126 +lepp 0.828 0.159 +leppard 0.593 0.069 +lepper 0.894 0.053 +leprae 0.007 0.006 +leprechaun 0.716 0.044 +leprechauns 0.527 0.024 +leprosy 0.322 0.027 +leptin 0.281 0.011 +lepton 0.208 0.033 +leptonic 0.136 0.024 +leptons 0.132 0.031 +leptoprin 0.557 0.023 +leptospira 0.922 0.014 +leptospirosis 0.501 0.028 +lepus 0.916 0.023 +leq 0.173 0.107 +lequel 0.017 0.006 +ler 0.124 0.331 +lerch 0.888 0.058 +lerche 0.915 0.034 +lerdorf 0.978 0.000 +leren 0.153 0.007 +lerida 0.800 0.100 +lerma 0.912 0.075 +lerman 0.950 0.039 +lernen 0.410 0.010 +lerner 0.949 0.028 +leros 0.838 0.086 +leroux 0.887 0.089 +leroy 0.864 0.103 +lert 0.454 0.197 +lerwick 0.952 0.041 +les 0.407 0.051 +lesa 0.714 0.185 +lesabre 0.440 0.267 +lesage 0.872 0.103 +lesb 0.403 0.017 +lesbain 0.058 0.002 +lesbains 0.140 0.000 +lesbe 0.003 0.000 +lesben 0.086 0.001 +lesbensex 0.017 0.000 +lesbentest 0.000 0.000 +lesbi 0.247 0.001 +lesbia 0.394 0.022 +lesbian 0.199 0.010 +lesbiana 0.032 0.001 +lesbianas 0.017 0.001 +lesbianism 0.160 0.003 +lesbianporn 0.011 0.000 +lesbianporno 0.000 0.000 +lesbians 0.125 0.005 +lesbiansex 0.201 0.001 +lesbica 0.001 0.003 +lesbicas 0.002 0.000 +lesbiche 0.042 0.007 +lesbico 0.003 0.011 +lesbicos 0.000 0.000 +lesbien 0.124 0.002 +lesbienne 0.009 0.001 +lesbiennes 0.059 0.006 +lesbiens 0.167 0.012 +lesbijki 0.012 0.001 +lesbin 0.240 0.000 +lesbins 0.284 0.000 +lesbion 0.288 0.000 +lesbions 0.289 0.000 +lesbis 0.297 0.000 +lesbisch 0.023 0.000 +lesbische 0.035 0.000 +lesbo 0.209 0.009 +lesbos 0.185 0.003 +lesch 0.944 0.044 +lescol 0.603 0.055 +lesedi 0.987 0.010 +lesen 0.268 0.024 +leser 0.827 0.024 +lesh 0.867 0.031 +leshan 0.963 0.012 +lesher 0.911 0.073 +lesiban 0.022 0.000 +lesion 0.087 0.022 +lesioned 0.031 0.007 +lesions 0.066 0.020 +lesko 0.926 0.030 +lesley 0.930 0.036 +leslie 0.911 0.052 +lesnar 0.900 0.031 +lesney 0.666 0.230 +lesotho 0.952 0.044 +less 0.136 0.012 +lessard 0.956 0.036 +lessdisks 0.010 0.000 +lesse 0.217 0.022 +lessee 0.366 0.040 +lessees 0.148 0.018 +lessen 0.036 0.007 +lessened 0.011 0.004 +lessening 0.040 0.005 +lessens 0.051 0.018 +lesser 0.295 0.026 +lessig 0.952 0.017 +lessing 0.922 0.042 +lessman 0.952 0.017 +lesson 0.391 0.024 +lessons 0.361 0.020 +lessor 0.410 0.042 +lessors 0.627 0.039 +lessp 0.000 0.747 +lesstif 0.109 0.001 +lest 0.184 0.013 +lestat 0.842 0.066 +leste 0.908 0.041 +lester 0.898 0.074 +lesvos 0.885 0.062 +leszek 0.934 0.028 +let 0.377 0.014 +leta 0.703 0.142 +letcher 0.862 0.113 +letchworth 0.904 0.047 +letdown 0.209 0.015 +lete 0.144 0.075 +leth 0.436 0.431 +letha 0.807 0.061 +lethal 0.295 0.020 +lethality 0.157 0.013 +lethargic 0.076 0.006 +lethargy 0.150 0.009 +lethbridge 0.922 0.059 +lethe 0.855 0.021 +lethem 0.916 0.048 +leticia 0.852 0.082 +letitcia 0.997 0.000 +letitia 0.909 0.071 +letizia 0.750 0.029 +leto 0.855 0.042 +letourneau 0.702 0.122 +letra 0.118 0.011 +letras 0.274 0.009 +letrozole 0.405 0.011 +lets 0.191 0.019 +lett 0.967 0.018 +lette 0.360 0.196 +letter 0.310 0.055 +lettera 0.109 0.011 +letteratura 0.204 0.028 +letterbox 0.511 0.055 +letterboxed 0.668 0.007 +letterboxes 0.257 0.009 +letterboxing 0.626 0.012 +lettere 0.160 0.024 +lettered 0.199 0.018 +letterhead 0.369 0.028 +letterheads 0.429 0.021 +lettering 0.307 0.027 +letterkenny 0.934 0.050 +letterman 0.859 0.037 +lettermen 0.747 0.068 +letterpress 0.466 0.033 +letters 0.429 0.036 +letterstyle 0.035 0.000 +letterwinners 0.629 0.078 +lettie 0.925 0.051 +lettin 0.239 0.024 +letting 0.194 0.015 +lettings 0.639 0.014 +letto 0.171 0.030 +letton 0.150 0.800 +lettore 0.095 0.029 +lettori 0.193 0.017 +lettre 0.337 0.022 +lettres 0.355 0.040 +letts 0.847 0.124 +lettuce 0.307 0.028 +lettuces 0.687 0.007 +letty 0.843 0.052 +letwin 0.977 0.016 +letzte 0.473 0.017 +letzten 0.070 0.011 +letzter 0.683 0.009 +leu 0.257 0.709 +leuba 0.926 0.029 +leubsdorf 0.995 0.003 +leucadia 0.923 0.046 +leucaena 0.811 0.015 +leucine 0.356 0.027 +leucocyte 0.235 0.045 +leucocytes 0.068 0.020 +leucovorin 0.425 0.024 +leucyl 0.400 0.060 +leuk 0.490 0.041 +leukaemia 0.310 0.020 +leuke 0.242 0.029 +leukemia 0.491 0.015 +leukemias 0.303 0.017 +leukemic 0.092 0.019 +leukocyte 0.313 0.035 +leukocytes 0.287 0.016 +leukopenia 0.273 0.008 +leukoplakia 0.306 0.015 +leukotriene 0.346 0.026 +leukotrienes 0.413 0.017 +leung 0.896 0.073 +leupold 0.876 0.045 +leupp 0.945 0.037 +leuprolide 0.532 0.033 +leur 0.054 0.010 +leura 0.808 0.180 +leurs 0.059 0.015 +leute 0.812 0.009 +leuven 0.890 0.078 +lev 0.603 0.157 +leva 0.594 0.049 +levan 0.845 0.078 +levant 0.888 0.051 +levante 0.880 0.033 +levaquin 0.487 0.041 +levasseur 0.883 0.108 +levbid 0.898 0.009 +leve 0.395 0.076 +levee 0.360 0.041 +levees 0.153 0.023 +level 0.250 0.021 +leveled 0.084 0.008 +leveler 0.684 0.035 +levelers 0.471 0.028 +leveling 0.356 0.031 +levelland 0.802 0.166 +levelled 0.038 0.002 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0.000 +lexico 0.894 0.002 +lexicographic 0.143 0.006 +lexicography 0.551 0.022 +lexicon 0.622 0.026 +lexicons 0.590 0.005 +lexie 0.934 0.025 +lexikon 0.786 0.013 +lexington 0.903 0.063 +lexinton 0.022 0.000 +lexis 0.590 0.360 +lexmark 0.801 0.104 +lexpert 0.428 0.566 +lexus 0.870 0.066 +lexx 0.773 0.157 +lexy 0.821 0.050 +ley 0.650 0.036 +leybold 0.718 0.163 +leyburn 0.837 0.153 +leyden 0.881 0.092 +leydig 0.946 0.019 +leyes 0.208 0.035 +leyla 0.840 0.037 +leyland 0.787 0.182 +leys 0.827 0.042 +leysin 0.964 0.017 +leyte 0.902 0.060 +leyton 0.936 0.041 +leytonstone 0.943 0.026 +leyva 0.921 0.066 +lez 0.350 0.050 +lezbian 0.265 0.004 +lezbiens 0.000 0.000 +lezen 0.060 0.005 +lezley 0.880 0.029 +lezzie 0.613 0.008 +lezzies 0.458 0.013 +lf 0.032 0.738 +lfa 0.005 0.963 +lfb 0.011 0.922 +lfc 0.014 0.929 +lfd 0.237 0.558 +lfe 0.030 0.877 +lff 0.089 0.756 +lfg 0.015 0.933 +lfh 0.018 0.899 +lfi 0.048 0.855 +lfl 0.034 0.695 +lfm 0.006 0.831 +lfn 0.002 0.148 +lfo 0.042 0.874 +lfp 0.010 0.923 +lfr 0.031 0.875 +lfs 0.008 0.839 +lft 0.071 0.655 +lftp 0.016 0.028 +lg 0.107 0.761 +lga 0.005 0.971 +lgb 0.021 0.899 +lgbt 0.002 0.958 +lgbtq 0.000 0.937 +lgc 0.009 0.881 +lgd 0.118 0.785 +lgdbm 0.000 0.000 +lge 0.555 0.334 +lgf 0.003 0.773 +lgi 0.011 0.955 +lgic 0.144 0.834 +lgl 0.131 0.724 +lglib 0.000 0.000 +lgm 0.007 0.939 +lgn 0.031 0.813 +lgp 0.020 0.881 +lgpl 0.000 0.975 +lgr 0.032 0.869 +lgrics 0.411 0.000 +lgs 0.016 0.923 +lgt 0.164 0.751 +lgth 0.618 0.180 +lgu 0.006 0.942 +lgv 0.067 0.879 +lgw 0.005 0.934 +lh 0.050 0.867 +lha 0.055 0.567 +lhas 0.011 0.870 +lhasa 0.922 0.038 +lhb 0.011 0.948 +lhc 0.004 0.983 +lhcc 0.000 0.991 +lhd 0.021 0.858 +lhe 0.100 0.411 +lhi 0.027 0.837 +lhmu 0.000 0.875 +lho 0.120 0.698 +lhp 0.004 0.895 +lhr 0.019 0.931 +lhrh 0.000 0.990 +lhrics 0.411 0.000 +lhs 0.020 0.702 +li 0.606 0.174 +lia 0.612 0.185 +liab 0.539 0.286 +liabilities 0.184 0.072 +liability 0.227 0.062 +liable 0.007 0.063 +liaise 0.220 0.003 +liaising 0.186 0.002 +liaison 0.492 0.023 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0.249 +libdirectfb 0.000 0.000 +libdps 0.000 0.000 +libdv 0.008 0.000 +libdvdcss 0.010 0.000 +libe 0.345 0.184 +libel 0.204 0.018 +libellous 0.049 0.000 +libelous 0.016 0.003 +liber 0.681 0.122 +libera 0.416 0.169 +liberace 0.919 0.056 +liberal 0.513 0.017 +liberalisation 0.163 0.008 +liberalise 0.025 0.000 +liberalised 0.065 0.004 +liberalising 0.137 0.009 +liberalism 0.384 0.011 +liberality 0.093 0.010 +liberalization 0.158 0.013 +liberalize 0.037 0.005 +liberalized 0.067 0.005 +liberalizing 0.123 0.006 +liberally 0.209 0.005 +liberals 0.518 0.014 +liberate 0.174 0.011 +liberated 0.125 0.008 +liberates 0.070 0.009 +liberating 0.204 0.006 +liberation 0.543 0.020 +liberator 0.733 0.058 +liberators 0.239 0.017 +liberec 0.961 0.029 +liberi 0.110 0.387 +liberia 0.932 0.043 +liberian 0.977 0.010 +liberians 0.988 0.007 +liberman 0.930 0.056 +libero 0.201 0.159 +liberouter 0.119 0.000 +libert 0.724 0.084 +libertad 0.647 0.071 +libertadores 0.973 0.014 +libertarian 0.607 0.017 +libertarianism 0.501 0.006 +libertarians 0.442 0.006 +libertas 0.873 0.079 +liberte 0.713 0.097 +libertel 0.821 0.118 +liberties 0.403 0.013 +libertine 0.668 0.046 +libertines 0.766 0.040 +liberty 0.656 0.051 +libertyville 0.877 0.097 +libeskind 0.955 0.017 +libexec 0.001 0.002 +libexecdir 0.000 0.037 +libexif 0.002 0.000 +libffi 0.003 0.002 +libg 0.002 0.013 +libgal 0.000 0.000 +libgcc 0.002 0.011 +libgcj 0.015 0.000 +libgcrypt 0.065 0.023 +libgd 0.002 0.004 +libgda 0.012 0.000 +libgdk 0.000 0.000 +libgimp 0.000 0.009 +libglade 0.027 0.001 +libglib 0.000 0.000 +libgmodule 0.000 0.000 +libgnome 0.001 0.000 +libgnomecanvas 0.000 0.000 +libgnomedb 0.007 0.000 +libgnomemm 0.000 0.000 +libgnomeprint 0.000 0.000 +libgnomeprintui 0.000 0.000 +libgnomeui 0.000 0.000 +libgnutls 0.000 0.012 +libgpg 0.018 0.000 +libgsf 0.004 0.000 +libgtk 0.000 0.000 +libgtkhtml 0.000 0.000 +libgtkmm 0.000 0.000 +libgtop 0.005 0.000 +libguile 0.004 0.000 +libguppi 0.000 0.000 +libhtml 0.000 0.000 +libi 0.715 0.054 +libia 0.913 0.040 +libiberty 0.008 0.005 +libical 0.054 0.000 +libiconv 0.003 0.043 +libidn 0.075 0.009 +libido 0.338 0.061 +libintl 0.000 0.174 +libio 0.041 0.005 +libitum 0.051 0.007 +libjava 0.006 0.000 +libjpeg 0.006 0.048 +libltdl 0.012 0.096 +libm 0.050 0.106 +libmad 0.012 0.000 +libmcrypt 0.033 0.000 +libmng 0.004 0.003 +libmowitz 0.000 0.000 +libmudflap 0.000 0.000 +libname 0.005 0.084 +libnet 0.048 0.008 +libnss 0.000 0.000 +libobjc 0.000 0.000 +libobjs 0.000 0.176 +libogg 0.009 0.000 +libor 0.245 0.672 +libosan 0.000 0.000 +libosp 0.000 0.000 +libpam 0.000 0.003 +libpath 0.002 0.503 +libpcap 0.044 0.007 +libperl 0.000 0.008 +libpng 0.010 0.019 +libpq 0.023 0.013 +libpth 0.000 0.000 +libpthread 0.000 0.067 +libqt 0.000 0.056 +libr 0.432 0.307 +libra 0.837 0.065 +librairie 0.633 0.017 +libranet 0.965 0.003 +librar 0.494 0.059 +librarian 0.656 0.017 +librarians 0.431 0.032 +librarianship 0.487 0.042 +libraries 0.488 0.018 +library 0.714 0.025 +libre 0.480 0.035 +libreria 0.636 0.050 +libres 0.307 0.067 +libretto 0.500 0.075 +libreville 0.925 0.063 +libri 0.562 0.062 +libris 0.659 0.098 +librium 0.429 0.011 +libro 0.387 0.044 +libros 0.350 0.444 +libroxen 0.000 0.000 +librsvg 0.008 0.000 +libs 0.049 0.095 +libsane 0.000 0.000 +libsdl 0.000 0.000 +libsigc 0.018 0.000 +libsndfile 0.014 0.005 +libsoup 0.008 0.000 +libssl 0.000 0.019 +libstdc 0.001 0.000 +libstdcxx 0.000 0.000 +libtiff 0.010 0.017 +libtool 0.035 0.027 +libtoolize 0.005 0.029 +libuclibc 0.000 0.000 +libungif 0.004 0.000 +libusb 0.020 0.004 +libvisual 0.018 0.000 +libvorbis 0.002 0.000 +libwmf 0.000 0.000 +libwnck 0.005 0.000 +libwpd 0.005 0.000 +libwww 0.019 0.005 +libxext 0.000 0.000 +libxi 0.000 0.000 +libxine 0.005 0.000 +libxml 0.012 0.004 +libxmu 0.000 0.000 +libxslt 0.016 0.002 +libxt 0.000 0.000 +libxv 0.000 0.000 +libya 0.950 0.039 +libyan 0.956 0.037 +libyans 0.970 0.018 +libz 0.067 0.103 +lic 0.384 0.424 +lice 0.353 0.032 +licen 0.323 0.293 +licence 0.323 0.021 +licenced 0.277 0.038 +licences 0.241 0.025 +licencia 0.196 0.014 +licencing 0.457 0.037 +licens 0.248 0.053 +licensable 0.204 0.007 +license 0.584 0.026 +licensed 0.242 0.019 +licensee 0.274 0.050 +licensees 0.182 0.020 +licenses 0.281 0.044 +licensing 0.548 0.036 +licensor 0.552 0.088 +licensors 0.026 0.035 +licensure 0.329 0.049 +licentiate 0.676 0.015 +licentious 0.067 0.005 +licenza 0.503 0.020 +lich 0.425 0.028 +lichen 0.406 0.023 +lichens 0.306 0.016 +lichfield 0.929 0.040 +licht 0.454 0.028 +lichtenberg 0.958 0.032 +lichtenstein 0.898 0.061 +lichter 0.843 0.042 +lichtman 0.917 0.070 +licious 0.332 0.059 +licit 0.095 0.020 +lick 0.332 0.031 +licked 0.317 0.003 +licker 0.272 0.044 +lickers 0.180 0.030 +lickin 0.472 0.113 +licking 0.226 0.009 +licks 0.366 0.035 +licorice 0.549 0.029 +licq 0.201 0.036 +lics 0.058 0.720 +licznik 0.004 0.000 +liczniki 0.004 0.000 +lid 0.269 0.177 +lida 0.749 0.176 +lidar 0.239 0.349 +lidcombe 0.818 0.170 +lidded 0.365 0.183 +liddell 0.880 0.103 +liddle 0.855 0.067 +liddy 0.931 0.037 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0.860 0.111 +lieutenant 0.738 0.024 +lieutenants 0.302 0.017 +lieux 0.172 0.024 +liev 0.914 0.026 +lieve 0.347 0.016 +lieven 0.921 0.024 +liew 0.917 0.045 +lif 0.219 0.464 +life 0.344 0.024 +lifeblog 0.613 0.175 +lifeblood 0.109 0.012 +lifeboat 0.489 0.054 +lifeboats 0.334 0.049 +lifebook 0.389 0.326 +lifecycle 0.614 0.004 +lifecycles 0.365 0.007 +lifedrive 0.331 0.276 +lifeforce 0.759 0.063 +lifeform 0.508 0.097 +lifeforms 0.477 0.010 +lifeguard 0.583 0.046 +lifeguards 0.352 0.025 +lifehacker 0.888 0.003 +lifehacks 0.241 0.000 +lifehouse 0.187 0.008 +lifejacket 0.423 0.047 +lifejackets 0.652 0.023 +lifeless 0.086 0.017 +lifelike 0.291 0.028 +lifeline 0.569 0.038 +lifelines 0.536 0.035 +lifelong 0.351 0.013 +lifer 0.352 0.152 +liferaft 0.583 0.021 +liferafts 0.729 0.015 +lifers 0.219 0.041 +lifes 0.293 0.033 +lifesaver 0.426 0.038 +lifesavers 0.556 0.025 +lifesaving 0.418 0.044 +lifesex 0.014 0.000 +lifesexlist 0.000 0.000 +lifesize 0.632 0.072 +lifeskills 0.680 0.067 +lifesong 0.942 0.019 +lifespan 0.296 0.020 +lifespans 0.134 0.005 +lifestream 0.843 0.035 +lifestyle 0.601 0.038 +lifestyles 0.509 0.029 +lifetime 0.338 0.030 +lifetimes 0.109 0.009 +lifev 0.034 0.000 +lifeview 0.774 0.178 +lifewise 0.177 0.757 +liff 0.844 0.055 +liffe 0.138 0.776 +liffey 0.925 0.037 +lifo 0.023 0.904 +lifshitz 0.955 0.036 +lift 0.324 0.049 +lifted 0.058 0.012 +lifter 0.489 0.063 +lifters 0.356 0.034 +liftgate 0.418 0.062 +lifting 0.262 0.023 +liftoff 0.442 0.037 +lifton 0.930 0.055 +lifts 0.420 0.020 +lig 0.325 0.252 +liga 0.745 0.098 +ligabue 0.817 0.030 +ligament 0.173 0.010 +ligaments 0.137 0.008 +ligand 0.167 0.036 +ligands 0.206 0.026 +ligase 0.113 0.079 +ligases 0.650 0.011 +ligated 0.018 0.004 +ligation 0.208 0.016 +ligature 0.206 0.323 +ligatures 0.358 0.007 +lige 0.334 0.038 +liger 0.590 0.057 +ligeti 0.906 0.071 +liggett 0.907 0.064 +ligh 0.675 0.047 +light 0.354 0.036 +lightblue 0.288 0.057 +lightbody 0.935 0.032 +lightbox 0.718 0.015 +lightboxes 0.524 0.387 +lightbulb 0.295 0.019 +lightbulbs 0.342 0.036 +lightcurve 0.430 0.017 +lighted 0.328 0.038 +lighten 0.281 0.016 +lightened 0.070 0.010 +lightening 0.332 0.031 +lightens 0.148 0.007 +lighter 0.315 0.036 +lighters 0.605 0.061 +lightest 0.080 0.010 +lightfoot 0.890 0.076 +lightheaded 0.207 0.015 +lightheadedness 0.075 0.003 +lighthearted 0.078 0.003 +lighthouse 0.726 0.044 +lighthouses 0.662 0.024 +lighting 0.632 0.031 +lightings 0.560 0.013 +lightly 0.152 0.008 +lightman 0.904 0.042 +lightner 0.910 0.073 +lightness 0.259 0.010 +lightnin 0.755 0.105 +lightning 0.546 0.046 +lightnings 0.318 0.019 +lightolier 0.852 0.103 +lightroom 0.959 0.002 +lights 0.430 0.035 +lightsaber 0.477 0.045 +lightsabers 0.540 0.030 +lightscribe 0.679 0.136 +lightship 0.327 0.550 +lightspeed 0.430 0.015 +lightstalkers 0.979 0.000 +lighttpd 0.121 0.002 +lightwave 0.817 0.052 +lightweight 0.360 0.022 +lightyear 0.784 0.079 +ligier 0.958 0.034 +lignan 0.694 0.025 +lignans 0.360 0.013 +ligne 0.110 0.021 +lignes 0.180 0.017 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0.067 +lilac 0.621 0.113 +lilacs 0.535 0.061 +lilah 0.899 0.043 +lilangeni 0.988 0.001 +lilas 0.757 0.095 +lilburn 0.903 0.072 +lile 0.632 0.172 +lileks 0.918 0.066 +liles 0.870 0.098 +lili 0.807 0.065 +lilia 0.911 0.045 +liliaceae 0.893 0.091 +lilian 0.904 0.040 +liliana 0.890 0.039 +liliane 0.945 0.033 +lilienthal 0.923 0.053 +lilies 0.564 0.018 +liliopsida 0.984 0.006 +lilith 0.897 0.032 +lilium 0.881 0.041 +liliuokalani 0.254 0.017 +lilja 0.914 0.035 +lill 0.737 0.105 +lilla 0.816 0.055 +lillard 0.892 0.083 +lille 0.724 0.029 +lillehammer 0.955 0.022 +lilley 0.923 0.056 +lilli 0.793 0.138 +lillian 0.921 0.062 +lillie 0.868 0.114 +lillies 0.664 0.036 +lillington 0.896 0.087 +lilliput 0.833 0.099 +lillis 0.899 0.082 +lillo 0.892 0.037 +lillooet 0.967 0.029 +lilly 0.853 0.056 +lilo 0.374 0.276 +lilongwe 0.945 0.045 +lilt 0.299 0.091 +lilting 0.066 0.005 +lilug 0.946 0.032 +lily 0.726 0.041 +lilydale 0.724 0.233 +lilypond 0.167 0.007 +lim 0.424 0.134 +lima 0.844 0.065 +liman 0.910 0.032 +limar 0.885 0.066 +limassol 0.878 0.056 +limavady 0.815 0.171 +limb 0.175 0.027 +limba 0.160 0.010 +limbaugh 0.947 0.024 +limbed 0.047 0.006 +limber 0.304 0.033 +limbic 0.243 0.011 +limbo 0.454 0.039 +limbs 0.113 0.017 +limburg 0.796 0.026 +lime 0.488 0.066 +limehouse 0.915 0.057 +limelight 0.426 0.023 +limerick 0.879 0.027 +limericks 0.557 0.019 +limes 0.391 0.046 +limestone 0.389 0.063 +limestones 0.126 0.024 +limewire 0.491 0.008 +limey 0.725 0.030 +limi 0.610 0.057 +liminal 0.335 0.013 +limine 0.224 0.038 +liming 0.509 0.066 +limit 0.184 0.028 +limita 0.077 0.015 +limitada 0.434 0.108 +limitation 0.116 0.117 +limitations 0.181 0.031 +limite 0.243 0.094 +limited 0.437 0.054 +limiteds 0.951 0.012 +limiter 0.276 0.032 +limiters 0.334 0.019 +limites 0.165 0.070 +limiting 0.105 0.015 +limitless 0.223 0.006 +limits 0.173 0.025 +limnol 0.988 0.008 +limnology 0.785 0.024 +limo 0.606 0.025 +limoges 0.823 0.053 +limon 0.827 0.071 +limone 0.781 0.048 +limonene 0.401 0.066 +limos 0.603 0.021 +limosine 0.535 0.019 +limousin 0.935 0.037 +limousine 0.617 0.026 +limousines 0.973 0.002 +limp 0.249 0.022 +limped 0.009 0.002 +limpet 0.431 0.047 +limpid 0.079 0.008 +limpieza 0.446 0.012 +limping 0.111 0.010 +limpopo 0.953 0.022 +limps 0.063 0.016 +lims 0.035 0.886 +lin 0.700 0.146 +lina 0.835 0.056 +linac 0.365 0.133 +linares 0.901 0.048 +linas 0.743 0.023 +linate 0.859 0.054 +linc 0.298 0.538 +linchpin 0.104 0.010 +lincity 0.023 0.000 +linco 0.144 0.077 +lincoln 0.906 0.060 +lincolns 0.852 0.048 +lincolnshire 0.958 0.021 +lincolnton 0.889 0.078 +lincolnville 0.925 0.059 +lincolnwood 0.884 0.093 +lincroft 0.876 0.098 +lincs 0.672 0.262 +lind 0.866 0.070 +linda 0.913 0.047 +lindahl 0.898 0.030 +lindale 0.876 0.097 +lindane 0.492 0.069 +lindas 0.090 0.015 +lindau 0.942 0.020 +lindauer 0.929 0.061 +lindberg 0.926 0.052 +lindbergh 0.930 0.050 +lindblad 0.969 0.024 +lindblom 0.924 0.057 +linde 0.893 0.058 +lindeberg 0.622 0.356 +lindell 0.930 0.057 +lindeman 0.886 0.104 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0.459 0.065 +linklog 0.590 0.039 +linkmore 0.000 0.000 +linkoping 0.950 0.036 +linkout 0.315 0.662 +linkpartners 0.828 0.011 +links 0.595 0.047 +linkset 0.214 0.000 +linksys 0.854 0.076 +linkup 0.570 0.071 +linkware 0.450 0.032 +linkworld 0.824 0.046 +linky 0.538 0.022 +linley 0.910 0.064 +linlithgow 0.958 0.029 +linn 0.854 0.088 +linnaeus 0.971 0.022 +linne 0.778 0.074 +linnea 0.914 0.037 +linnean 0.907 0.088 +linnell 0.910 0.065 +linnet 0.809 0.050 +linney 0.936 0.032 +lino 0.524 0.079 +linode 0.160 0.000 +linoleic 0.371 0.022 +linolenic 0.292 0.012 +linoleum 0.438 0.028 +linotype 0.978 0.005 +linpack 0.381 0.389 +linphone 0.412 0.000 +linq 0.435 0.492 +lins 0.683 0.101 +linse 0.907 0.019 +linseed 0.394 0.067 +linsey 0.618 0.022 +linsley 0.918 0.071 +linspire 0.929 0.008 +lint 0.274 0.048 +lintel 0.340 0.044 +lintels 0.267 0.038 +linthicum 0.918 0.059 +lintian 0.284 0.000 +lintl 0.007 0.000 +linton 0.838 0.142 +linu 0.257 0.016 +linus 0.935 0.017 +linux 0.752 0.015 +linuxconf 0.185 0.000 +linuxdoc 0.112 0.003 +linuxhq 0.000 0.000 +linuxsa 0.006 0.000 +linuxthreads 0.033 0.000 +linuxtrent 0.613 0.000 +linuxworld 0.211 0.502 +linville 0.892 0.075 +linwood 0.867 0.109 +linx 0.615 0.211 +linz 0.778 0.092 +linzer 0.898 0.064 +linzi 0.683 0.018 +lio 0.358 0.283 +lion 0.686 0.056 +lionbridge 0.974 0.022 +lionel 0.812 0.070 +lioness 0.613 0.027 +lionfish 0.595 0.016 +lionhead 0.859 0.025 +lionheart 0.898 0.035 +lions 0.788 0.036 +lior 0.917 0.023 +liotta 0.945 0.028 +liou 0.947 0.036 +liouville 0.973 0.020 +lip 0.410 0.065 +lipa 0.326 0.635 +lipari 0.899 0.053 +lipase 0.295 0.043 +lipcolor 0.806 0.057 +lipe 0.797 0.112 +lipgloss 0.547 0.121 +liphook 0.944 0.039 +lipid 0.240 0.041 +lipids 0.383 0.023 +lipinski 0.863 0.116 +lipitor 0.175 0.008 +lipkin 0.949 0.042 +lipman 0.942 0.045 +lipo 0.281 0.041 +lipodystrophy 0.611 0.009 +lipoic 0.656 0.023 +lipolysis 0.184 0.015 +lipoma 0.480 0.032 +lipophilic 0.090 0.012 +lipoplasty 0.844 0.004 +lipopolysaccharide 0.134 0.015 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0.539 0.062 +listas 0.292 0.013 +listbox 0.285 0.016 +liste 0.439 0.028 +listed 0.247 0.015 +listen 0.428 0.051 +listenable 0.227 0.154 +listened 0.032 0.003 +listener 0.251 0.027 +listeners 0.216 0.015 +listenin 0.171 0.032 +listening 0.273 0.016 +listens 0.122 0.009 +lister 0.904 0.029 +listera 0.984 0.000 +listeria 0.878 0.036 +listerine 0.797 0.049 +listeriosis 0.421 0.025 +listers 0.079 0.002 +listes 0.333 0.024 +listgroup 0.003 0.986 +listinfo 0.003 0.000 +listing 0.562 0.009 +listings 0.510 0.033 +listino 0.193 0.017 +listless 0.130 0.006 +listlevel 0.000 0.000 +listmania 0.977 0.000 +listmaster 0.304 0.002 +listname 0.025 0.066 +listology 0.993 0.000 +liston 0.908 0.067 +listowel 0.960 0.033 +listowner 0.365 0.067 +listowners 0.878 0.017 +listp 0.000 0.519 +listprice 0.124 0.127 +listprocessor 0.982 0.000 +lists 0.465 0.012 +listserv 0.220 0.523 +listserve 0.387 0.024 +listserver 0.475 0.013 +listserves 0.557 0.011 +listservs 0.479 0.018 +listview 0.216 0.007 +listwork 0.921 0.000 +listy 0.434 0.043 +liszt 0.863 0.078 +lit 0.283 0.086 +lita 0.550 0.114 +litany 0.252 0.017 +litas 0.848 0.003 +litchfield 0.891 0.089 +lite 0.733 0.089 +litem 0.278 0.036 +liteon 0.644 0.255 +liter 0.260 0.046 +litera 0.513 0.018 +literacies 0.476 0.014 +literacy 0.488 0.016 +literal 0.307 0.042 +literally 0.075 0.005 +literals 0.176 0.011 +literaria 0.786 0.011 +literary 0.495 0.015 +literate 0.141 0.005 +literati 0.424 0.011 +literatur 0.828 0.028 +literatura 0.550 0.020 +literature 0.508 0.023 +literatures 0.618 0.032 +literotica 0.164 0.001 +liters 0.169 0.016 +lites 0.707 0.067 +litespeed 0.918 0.020 +litestep 0.814 0.000 +lith 0.811 0.077 +lithe 0.079 0.006 +lithgow 0.886 0.079 +lithia 0.889 0.072 +lithic 0.286 0.065 +lithium 0.625 0.050 +litho 0.523 0.144 +lithograph 0.598 0.064 +lithographed 0.214 0.027 +lithographic 0.308 0.031 +lithographs 0.481 0.065 +lithography 0.392 0.038 +lithologic 0.254 0.041 +lithology 0.170 0.067 +lithonia 0.903 0.065 +lithos 0.646 0.128 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0.069 +littlerock 0.715 0.178 +littles 0.752 0.047 +littlest 0.604 0.069 +littleton 0.912 0.064 +littlewood 0.931 0.048 +littlewoods 0.923 0.003 +littman 0.900 0.038 +littmann 0.934 0.028 +litton 0.900 0.074 +littoral 0.345 0.025 +littrell 0.928 0.042 +liturgical 0.418 0.017 +liturgies 0.280 0.015 +liturgy 0.543 0.029 +litwin 0.949 0.045 +lity 0.501 0.037 +litz 0.731 0.091 +liu 0.884 0.081 +liue 0.006 0.000 +liuna 0.023 0.972 +liv 0.521 0.211 +livability 0.234 0.026 +livable 0.378 0.018 +live 0.362 0.042 +liveable 0.329 0.019 +liveaboard 0.512 0.037 +liveaboards 0.753 0.021 +livecam 0.029 0.000 +livecamchat 0.000 0.000 +livecams 0.294 0.001 +livecamsex 0.004 0.000 +livecd 0.074 0.026 +livechat 0.046 0.110 +livechats 0.029 0.000 +lived 0.036 0.005 +livedoor 0.905 0.006 +livejournal 0.286 0.012 +livelier 0.044 0.003 +liveliest 0.130 0.003 +livelihood 0.139 0.008 +livelihoods 0.196 0.016 +liveliness 0.067 0.004 +livelink 0.980 0.010 +livello 0.189 0.034 +lively 0.149 0.010 +liven 0.216 0.012 +liveness 0.240 0.008 +liveperson 0.936 0.025 +liver 0.320 0.020 +liveries 0.254 0.019 +livermore 0.909 0.053 +liverpool 0.911 0.043 +livers 0.259 0.033 +livery 0.318 0.038 +lives 0.110 0.010 +livesay 0.866 0.121 +livescore 0.316 0.062 +livesex 0.051 0.000 +livesexcam 0.009 0.000 +livesexcams 0.012 0.000 +livesexchat 0.002 0.000 +livesexlist 0.005 0.000 +livesexshows 0.098 0.000 +livesexvideo 0.000 0.000 +livesey 0.941 0.044 +liveshow 0.045 0.004 +liveshows 0.761 0.026 +livesquot 0.000 0.000 +livestock 0.406 0.033 +livestrip 0.010 0.000 +livestrong 0.287 0.163 +livet 0.662 0.021 +liveth 0.041 0.014 +livevideo 0.004 0.000 +livewire 0.778 0.083 +livexcams 0.000 0.000 +livi 0.771 0.064 +livia 0.841 0.029 +livid 0.440 0.030 +livigno 0.889 0.019 +livin 0.588 0.037 +living 0.454 0.026 +livingroom 0.358 0.029 +livings 0.250 0.029 +livingston 0.896 0.078 +livingstone 0.950 0.038 +livio 0.920 0.034 +liviu 0.836 0.021 +livonia 0.897 0.065 +livorno 0.905 0.037 +livraison 0.301 0.027 +livre 0.302 0.026 +livres 0.601 0.048 +livro 0.497 0.022 +livros 0.388 0.026 +livy 0.961 0.020 +lix 0.227 0.526 +lixy 0.991 0.004 +liz 0.893 0.047 +liza 0.857 0.053 +lizabeth 0.672 0.229 +lizard 0.631 0.044 +lizards 0.444 0.024 +lizenz 0.837 0.003 +lizenzen 0.926 0.000 +lizette 0.828 0.094 +lizz 0.858 0.034 +lizzard 0.628 0.040 +lizzie 0.880 0.060 +lizzy 0.795 0.047 +lj 0.029 0.864 +ljava 0.997 0.000 +ljk 0.012 0.845 +ljmcnive 0.000 0.000 +ljrics 0.419 0.000 +ljubicic 0.954 0.036 +ljubljana 0.939 0.041 +ljung 0.969 0.015 +ljungberg 0.896 0.058 +lk 0.205 0.582 +lkb 0.010 0.635 +lke 0.097 0.271 +lkm 0.011 0.550 +lkml 0.000 0.472 +lkn 0.021 0.895 +lkr 0.018 0.968 +lks 0.106 0.764 +lkt 0.022 0.871 +ll 0.244 0.384 +lla 0.050 0.475 +lladro 0.842 0.067 +llai 0.107 0.010 +llam 0.886 0.057 +llama 0.596 0.032 +llamada 0.150 0.032 +llamado 0.401 0.023 +llamar 0.326 0.045 +llamas 0.522 0.040 +llame 0.365 0.028 +llan 0.520 0.094 +llanberis 0.956 0.026 +llandaff 0.880 0.112 +llandeilo 0.825 0.028 +llandovery 0.833 0.031 +llandrindod 0.909 0.018 +llandudno 0.935 0.025 +llanelli 0.934 0.039 +llanfair 0.878 0.112 +llangefni 0.845 0.020 +llangollen 0.958 0.023 +llanidloes 0.821 0.020 +llano 0.881 0.076 +llanos 0.811 0.046 +llanrwst 0.832 0.024 +llantwit 0.942 0.044 +llave 0.360 0.031 +llawer 0.018 0.000 +llawn 0.118 0.010 +llb 0.008 0.960 +llc 0.015 0.954 +lld 0.011 0.782 +lldpe 0.010 0.959 +lle 0.077 0.221 +lled 0.066 0.108 +lledo 0.695 0.254 +llegada 0.294 0.021 +llegar 0.130 0.090 +lleida 0.814 0.083 +lleol 0.429 0.007 +lleoliad 0.575 0.014 +ller 0.003 0.055 +llew 0.907 0.013 +llewellyn 0.940 0.043 +llewelyn 0.956 0.033 +lleyton 0.918 0.054 +llg 0.009 0.929 +lli 0.032 0.479 +lll 0.009 0.593 +llll 0.006 0.429 +lllp 0.001 0.995 +llm 0.018 0.942 +lln 0.016 0.875 +llnl 0.001 0.940 +llo 0.047 0.468 +llobregat 0.869 0.067 +llona 0.987 0.005 +lloret 0.864 0.025 +llosa 0.953 0.027 +lloyd 0.914 0.057 +lloydminster 0.874 0.114 +lloyds 0.876 0.038 +llp 0.014 0.980 +llr 0.008 0.885 +lls 0.009 0.602 +llt 0.022 0.718 +llu 0.053 0.730 +lluis 0.874 0.033 +llun 0.482 0.040 +lluniau 0.627 0.004 +lluvia 0.562 0.040 +llvm 0.000 0.052 +llw 0.008 0.925 +llwyd 0.921 0.016 +lly 0.011 0.315 +llyfr 0.547 0.097 +llyfrau 0.468 0.127 +llyfrgell 0.870 0.013 +llyn 0.867 0.019 +llys 0.564 0.048 +llywio 0.528 0.007 +llywodraeth 0.801 0.014 +lm 0.039 0.674 +lma 0.009 0.914 +lmao 0.041 0.489 +lmax 0.366 0.267 +lmb 0.003 0.974 +lmc 0.024 0.929 +lmd 0.012 0.912 +lmdc 0.000 0.981 +lmds 0.003 0.982 +lme 0.015 0.807 +lmetzger 0.000 0.000 +lmf 0.009 0.876 +lmfao 0.046 0.526 +lmft 0.022 0.974 +lmg 0.016 0.933 +lmh 0.020 0.899 +lmi 0.007 0.888 +lmk 0.169 0.630 +lml 0.008 0.253 +lmm 0.024 0.833 +lmn 0.010 0.831 +lmo 0.029 0.613 +lmodern 0.000 0.000 +lmp 0.037 0.873 +lmpg 0.000 0.981 +lmr 0.012 0.929 +lms 0.023 0.889 +lmsc 0.000 0.990 +lmt 0.041 0.921 +lmtp 0.000 0.542 +lmu 0.005 0.961 +lmw 0.007 0.867 +ln 0.228 0.298 +lna 0.008 0.872 +lnai 0.000 0.990 +lname 0.095 0.238 +lnb 0.007 0.922 +lnc 0.019 0.807 +lncs 0.000 0.985 +lnd 0.137 0.737 +lne 0.105 0.526 +lner 0.007 0.878 +lnf 0.018 0.681 +lng 0.071 0.842 +lnk 0.038 0.553 +lnline 0.008 0.000 +lnm 0.009 0.783 +lnn 0.032 0.483 +lno 0.030 0.618 +lnp 0.004 0.910 +lnr 0.017 0.842 +lns 0.025 0.807 +lnsl 0.000 0.003 +lnt 0.030 0.847 +lnx 0.040 0.656 +lnxc 0.000 0.000 +lnxh 0.000 0.000 +lo 0.460 0.131 +loa 0.380 0.431 +loach 0.655 0.181 +load 0.210 0.034 +loadable 0.227 0.006 +loadavg 0.000 0.001 +loaded 0.204 0.027 +loader 0.394 0.049 +loaders 0.461 0.032 +loading 0.448 0.017 +loadings 0.106 0.019 +loadout 0.123 0.681 +loads 0.161 0.021 +loadza 0.967 0.000 +loaf 0.426 0.046 +loafer 0.518 0.040 +loafers 0.613 0.049 +loafing 0.646 0.017 +loaiza 0.933 0.041 +loam 0.162 0.073 +loams 0.079 0.050 +loamy 0.152 0.032 +loan 0.320 0.016 +loand 0.032 0.000 +loaned 0.072 0.009 +loaner 0.293 0.026 +loaning 0.146 0.009 +loans 0.499 0.012 +loath 0.033 0.007 +loathe 0.071 0.018 +loathed 0.037 0.007 +loathes 0.153 0.012 +loathing 0.456 0.017 +loathsome 0.234 0.010 +loaves 0.183 0.016 +lob 0.065 0.837 +lobal 0.018 0.761 +lobb 0.817 0.120 +lobbed 0.027 0.000 +lobbied 0.022 0.002 +lobbies 0.121 0.012 +lobby 0.352 0.025 +lobbying 0.254 0.014 +lobbyist 0.286 0.021 +lobbyists 0.274 0.011 +lobdell 0.839 0.145 +lobe 0.204 0.022 +lobed 0.078 0.013 +lobel 0.961 0.028 +lobelia 0.819 0.031 +lobes 0.055 0.007 +loblolly 0.341 0.027 +lobo 0.829 0.065 +lobortis 0.003 0.000 +lobos 0.912 0.047 +lobotomy 0.424 0.022 +lobster 0.552 0.035 +lobsters 0.340 0.016 +lobular 0.286 0.013 +loc 0.624 0.189 +loca 0.263 0.265 +local 0.356 0.021 +locale 0.114 0.005 +localedata 0.001 0.000 +locales 0.158 0.008 +localhost 0.009 0.003 +locali 0.108 0.050 +localisation 0.395 0.013 +localised 0.095 0.004 +localism 0.262 0.014 +localities 0.667 0.007 +locality 0.336 0.040 +localization 0.321 0.026 +localizations 0.280 0.008 +localize 0.202 0.011 +localized 0.125 0.019 +localizer 0.578 0.032 +localizes 0.059 0.003 +localizing 0.291 0.008 +locallife 0.987 0.003 +locally 0.121 0.010 +localname 0.006 0.036 +locals 0.273 0.032 +localstatedir 0.000 0.012 +localtime 0.032 0.015 +locanda 0.872 0.067 +locarno 0.918 0.029 +locat 0.180 0.110 +locate 0.292 0.050 +located 0.143 0.011 +locatelli 0.908 0.077 +locater 0.556 0.033 +locates 0.094 0.006 +locatie 0.588 0.031 +locating 0.223 0.010 +location 0.614 0.024 +locational 0.247 0.033 +locations 0.437 0.021 +locative 0.291 0.014 +locator 0.609 0.033 +locators 0.675 0.016 +locaux 0.081 0.019 +loch 0.758 0.045 +lochaber 0.954 0.038 +lochalsh 0.947 0.045 +locher 0.953 0.035 +lochgelly 0.948 0.043 +lochgilphead 0.961 0.025 +lochhead 0.963 0.033 +lochinvar 0.881 0.092 +lochner 0.943 0.046 +lochs 0.346 0.018 +loci 0.107 0.020 +lock 0.331 0.062 +locka 0.670 0.097 +lockable 0.367 0.036 +lockard 0.888 0.107 +lockback 0.727 0.084 +lockbox 0.485 0.040 +lockd 0.121 0.007 +lockdown 0.767 0.029 +locke 0.916 0.046 +locked 0.245 0.019 +locker 0.436 0.029 +lockerbie 0.955 0.032 +lockergnome 0.886 0.001 +lockerroom 0.244 0.058 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0.035 +lodestar 0.561 0.138 +lodestone 0.756 0.032 +lodge 0.826 0.032 +lodged 0.176 0.006 +lodgement 0.350 0.025 +lodgepole 0.524 0.054 +lodger 0.485 0.024 +lodgers 0.170 0.021 +lodges 0.740 0.012 +lodging 0.596 0.019 +lodgings 0.309 0.012 +lodgment 0.236 0.016 +lodhi 0.940 0.038 +lodi 0.886 0.073 +lodine 0.621 0.025 +lodis 0.933 0.031 +lodita 0.978 0.000 +lodoss 0.825 0.066 +lodwick 0.943 0.035 +lodz 0.934 0.030 +loe 0.611 0.203 +loeb 0.928 0.045 +loeffler 0.932 0.056 +loehmann 0.963 0.010 +loehr 0.953 0.039 +loess 0.359 0.078 +loestrin 0.833 0.031 +loew 0.663 0.031 +loewe 0.900 0.080 +loewen 0.920 0.062 +loewenstein 0.929 0.065 +loewis 0.628 0.000 +loews 0.914 0.027 +loewy 0.943 0.042 +lof 0.148 0.446 +lofar 0.014 0.873 +lofgren 0.814 0.176 +lofi 0.216 0.426 +lofoten 0.872 0.104 +lofra 0.946 0.028 +loft 0.515 0.055 +lofted 0.166 0.005 +lofthouse 0.932 0.054 +loftier 0.021 0.000 +loftin 0.876 0.113 +lofting 0.589 0.027 +loftis 0.894 0.092 +lofton 0.897 0.068 +lofts 0.532 0.033 +loftus 0.928 0.062 +lofty 0.180 0.018 +log 0.585 0.027 +loga 0.455 0.049 +logan 0.885 0.084 +logansport 0.935 0.049 +loganville 0.888 0.084 +logarithm 0.090 0.006 +logarithmic 0.159 0.014 +logarithmically 0.030 0.000 +logarithms 0.214 0.008 +logbook 0.553 0.023 +logbooks 0.454 0.028 +logcheck 0.010 0.000 +logd 0.048 0.196 +loge 0.310 0.532 +logement 0.273 0.030 +logfile 0.236 0.093 +logfiles 0.135 0.047 +logg 0.659 0.089 +logga 0.570 0.058 +logge 0.105 0.004 +logged 0.401 0.010 +logger 0.414 0.028 +loggerhead 0.528 0.025 +loggerheads 0.499 0.010 +loggers 0.348 0.018 +loggia 0.756 0.017 +logging 0.246 0.013 +loggins 0.896 0.071 +loghi 0.477 0.004 +logi 0.295 0.236 +logic 0.379 0.030 +logica 0.698 0.083 +logical 0.175 0.021 +logically 0.089 0.003 +logician 0.348 0.006 +logicians 0.159 0.005 +logiciel 0.095 0.006 +logiciels 0.407 0.031 +logics 0.394 0.015 +logie 0.839 0.107 +logik 0.853 0.063 +login 0.703 0.041 +loginfo 0.040 0.013 +logins 0.262 0.050 +logique 0.399 0.020 +logis 0.601 0.126 +logistic 0.304 0.049 +logistical 0.142 0.010 +logistically 0.121 0.003 +logistics 0.653 0.026 +logistik 0.870 0.032 +logistique 0.167 0.016 +logisys 0.531 0.432 +logit 0.238 0.022 +logitech 0.879 0.072 +logix 0.803 0.140 +logjam 0.170 0.029 +logkit 0.012 0.000 +logn 0.063 0.165 +logname 0.006 0.615 +lognormal 0.258 0.010 +logo 0.480 0.021 +logoed 0.608 0.009 +logoer 0.720 0.020 +logoff 0.526 0.066 +logon 0.479 0.047 +logons 0.352 0.009 +logos 0.394 0.020 +logotype 0.183 0.012 +logotyper 0.882 0.000 +logotypes 0.368 0.019 +logout 0.798 0.022 +logowear 0.786 0.021 +logrotate 0.052 0.002 +logs 0.261 0.014 +logsdon 0.903 0.088 +logtool 0.013 0.018 +logue 0.710 0.050 +logwatch 0.167 0.000 +logy 0.155 0.090 +loh 0.489 0.267 +lohan 0.451 0.012 +lohengrin 0.918 0.047 +lohman 0.845 0.115 +lohmann 0.917 0.058 +lohn 0.693 0.133 +lohr 0.879 0.107 +lohse 0.923 0.058 +loi 0.435 0.201 +loic 0.847 0.019 +loin 0.316 0.057 +loincloth 0.109 0.024 +loins 0.295 0.017 +loir 0.866 0.050 +loira 0.044 0.012 +loire 0.899 0.030 +lois 0.877 0.064 +loisirs 0.271 0.118 +loita 0.082 0.118 +loiter 0.068 0.023 +loitering 0.205 0.029 +loja 0.647 0.030 +lojban 0.802 0.002 +lok 0.760 0.154 +loka 0.560 0.104 +lokal 0.714 0.012 +lokale 0.396 0.074 +loke 0.668 0.050 +loken 0.934 0.024 +loker 0.417 0.035 +lokey 0.859 0.059 +loki 0.768 0.040 +loking 0.096 0.029 +loko 0.501 0.181 +lokomotiv 0.951 0.030 +lol 0.036 0.299 +lola 0.829 0.069 +loleta 0.658 0.114 +loli 0.185 0.024 +lolita 0.211 0.019 +lolitacam 0.000 0.000 +lolitas 0.067 0.006 +loliti 0.972 0.000 +lolits 0.005 0.005 +lolitta 0.039 0.006 +lolium 0.942 0.034 +loll 0.277 0.071 +lollapalooza 0.910 0.022 +lolli 0.654 0.082 +lollies 0.532 0.025 +lollipop 0.577 0.050 +lollipops 0.594 0.030 +lollita 0.048 0.005 +lolly 0.593 0.051 +lollypop 0.465 0.062 +lolo 0.769 0.052 +lolol 0.017 0.413 +lolz 0.082 0.122 +lom 0.377 0.497 +loma 0.864 0.095 +loman 0.926 0.045 +lomani 0.862 0.128 +lomas 0.899 0.071 +lomax 0.886 0.081 +lomb 0.832 0.056 +lombard 0.910 0.051 +lombardi 0.928 0.047 +lombardia 0.672 0.042 +lombardo 0.896 0.066 +lombardy 0.942 0.030 +lombok 0.920 0.023 +lomborg 0.983 0.012 +lomboz 0.873 0.004 +lome 0.769 0.143 +lomi 0.702 0.043 +lomita 0.832 0.086 +lomo 0.486 0.198 +lomography 0.733 0.016 +lomond 0.921 0.052 +lomonosov 0.912 0.070 +lompoc 0.902 0.058 +lomu 0.895 0.043 +lon 0.580 0.120 +lona 0.621 0.074 +lond 0.881 0.045 +londen 0.493 0.078 +londo 0.821 0.064 +londolozi 0.982 0.005 +london 0.896 0.052 +londonderry 0.875 0.110 +londondicke 0.000 0.000 +londoner 0.919 0.016 +londoners 0.972 0.011 +londonist 0.907 0.000 +londons 0.671 0.177 +londra 0.752 0.052 +londres 0.816 0.024 +lone 0.617 0.050 +loneliest 0.386 0.017 +loneliness 0.231 0.011 +lonely 0.469 0.019 +loner 0.258 0.028 +lonergan 0.947 0.038 +loners 0.260 0.013 +lonesome 0.669 0.057 +lonestar 0.790 0.141 +lonewolf 0.562 0.060 +loney 0.809 0.067 +long 0.222 0.021 +longa 0.233 0.064 +longaberger 0.684 0.122 +longacre 0.832 0.158 +longboard 0.678 0.052 +longboards 0.756 0.035 +longboat 0.854 0.032 +longbottom 0.941 0.035 +longbow 0.699 0.047 +longbridge 0.958 0.034 +longchamp 0.828 0.066 +longdblsize 0.000 0.000 +longden 0.921 0.069 +longe 0.349 0.045 +longed 0.010 0.003 +longer 0.033 0.008 +longest 0.226 0.014 +longevity 0.305 0.022 +longfellow 0.910 0.065 +longfield 0.901 0.052 +longford 0.926 0.042 +longhair 0.706 0.036 +longhaired 0.510 0.016 +longhi 0.834 0.057 +longhorn 0.778 0.019 +longhorns 0.821 0.140 +longhouse 0.571 0.034 +longhurst 0.905 0.087 +longifolia 0.225 0.015 +longines 0.791 0.083 +longing 0.147 0.011 +longingly 0.011 0.000 +longings 0.098 0.006 +longint 0.321 0.151 +longish 0.058 0.007 +longitude 0.614 0.055 +longitudes 0.276 0.013 +longitudinal 0.280 0.015 +longitudinally 0.044 0.004 +longjmp 0.012 0.022 +longleaf 0.517 0.042 +longley 0.871 0.116 +longline 0.282 0.030 +longlongsize 0.000 0.003 +longman 0.973 0.020 +longmans 0.980 0.018 +longmeadow 0.892 0.084 +longmire 0.859 0.079 +longmont 0.923 0.055 +longo 0.836 0.050 +longoria 0.890 0.034 +longos 0.035 0.003 +longreach 0.851 0.091 +longridge 0.917 0.019 +longs 0.286 0.031 +longshore 0.601 0.044 +longshoremen 0.505 0.036 +longshot 0.234 0.014 +longsize 0.000 0.015 +longsleeve 0.786 0.073 +longstaff 0.912 0.079 +longstanding 0.031 0.011 +longstreet 0.939 0.044 +longsword 0.452 0.013 +longterm 0.168 0.020 +longtime 0.118 0.004 +longton 0.891 0.084 +longtown 0.438 0.559 +longue 0.220 0.043 +longueuil 0.894 0.082 +longueur 0.469 0.013 +longueville 0.757 0.232 +longus 0.193 0.021 +longview 0.889 0.068 +longville 0.780 0.142 +longwall 0.334 0.016 +longwave 0.383 0.060 +longwell 0.881 0.070 +longwood 0.897 0.070 +longworth 0.951 0.043 +longyearbyen 0.984 0.012 +loni 0.662 0.106 +lonicera 0.890 0.030 +lonley 0.172 0.014 +lonnie 0.899 0.071 +lonny 0.926 0.037 +lonoke 0.880 0.082 +lons 0.385 0.111 +lonsdale 0.895 0.083 +lonvig 0.832 0.009 +lonza 0.882 0.102 +loo 0.437 0.087 +looe 0.939 0.036 +loofah 0.517 0.081 +loogootee 0.871 0.098 +look 0.221 0.018 +lookahead 0.140 0.042 +lookalike 0.160 0.013 +lookalikes 0.482 0.073 +lookback 0.360 0.016 +looked 0.012 0.003 +looker 0.486 0.089 +lookers 0.501 0.018 +lookie 0.474 0.042 +lookin 0.295 0.031 +looking 0.230 0.012 +lookout 0.532 0.047 +lookouts 0.350 0.027 +looks 0.117 0.011 +looksmart 0.814 0.065 +lookup 0.649 0.018 +lookups 0.552 0.013 +looky 0.358 0.077 +loom 0.441 0.077 +loomed 0.067 0.006 +looming 0.120 0.008 +loomis 0.886 0.081 +loompa 0.856 0.021 +looms 0.225 0.019 +loon 0.684 0.060 +looney 0.780 0.057 +loong 0.773 0.058 +loonie 0.472 0.077 +loonies 0.333 0.017 +loons 0.439 0.053 +loony 0.420 0.023 +looong 0.073 0.080 +loooong 0.061 0.065 +loop 0.327 0.049 +loopback 0.254 0.027 +looped 0.120 0.018 +looper 0.674 0.073 +loophole 0.147 0.017 +loopholes 0.117 0.009 +looping 0.372 0.016 +loops 0.198 0.023 +loopy 0.465 0.037 +loos 0.669 0.059 +loose 0.282 0.026 +loosed 0.137 0.010 +looseleaf 0.573 0.085 +loosely 0.098 0.003 +loosen 0.219 0.010 +loosened 0.016 0.003 +looseness 0.063 0.007 +loosening 0.086 0.006 +loosens 0.109 0.011 +looser 0.113 0.014 +looses 0.035 0.008 +loosestrife 0.318 0.022 +loosing 0.089 0.029 +loot 0.439 0.038 +looted 0.129 0.010 +looter 0.509 0.032 +looters 0.217 0.010 +looting 0.157 0.010 +loots 0.496 0.098 +loox 0.317 0.650 +lop 0.223 0.298 +lopate 0.979 0.016 +lope 0.539 0.050 +loper 0.835 0.105 +loperamide 0.467 0.041 +lopers 0.958 0.008 +lopes 0.865 0.060 +lopez 0.552 0.037 +lopid 0.603 0.090 +lopinavir 0.338 0.017 +loppers 0.661 0.029 +lopping 0.382 0.027 +lopressor 0.813 0.023 +lops 0.489 0.111 +lopsided 0.140 0.005 +loquacious 0.233 0.007 +loquax 0.941 0.002 +loquitur 0.497 0.008 +lor 0.179 0.412 +lora 0.811 0.106 +lorain 0.887 0.087 +loraine 0.867 0.105 +loral 0.895 0.075 +loran 0.597 0.344 +loras 0.879 0.111 +loratadine 0.321 0.031 +lorax 0.722 0.102 +lorazepam 0.192 0.008 +lorber 0.962 0.031 +lorca 0.854 0.069 +lorcet 0.425 0.007 +lorch 0.802 0.173 +lord 0.820 0.099 +lorde 0.913 0.015 +lordly 0.225 0.026 +lords 0.805 0.022 +lordsburg 0.865 0.122 +lordship 0.521 0.011 +lordships 0.884 0.002 +lordy 0.600 0.029 +lore 0.567 0.059 +loreal 0.693 0.098 +loree 0.882 0.072 +loreena 0.694 0.023 +lorelai 0.826 0.136 +lorelei 0.911 0.045 +lorelle 0.961 0.011 +lorem 0.759 0.002 +loren 0.935 0.034 +lorena 0.780 0.110 +lorene 0.821 0.160 +lorentz 0.954 0.031 +lorentzian 0.945 0.010 +lorenz 0.884 0.055 +lorenzen 0.917 0.067 +lorenzi 0.892 0.075 +lorenzo 0.906 0.061 +loreto 0.875 0.084 +loretta 0.916 0.059 +lorette 0.879 0.060 +loretto 0.880 0.092 +lorex 0.809 0.176 +lorg 0.836 0.020 +lori 0.916 0.043 +loria 0.628 0.324 +lorida 0.251 0.402 +lorie 0.889 0.035 +lorien 0.833 0.049 +lorient 0.901 0.056 +lorikeet 0.781 0.023 +lorillard 0.920 0.067 +lorimer 0.938 0.051 +lorin 0.895 0.050 +loring 0.906 0.073 +loris 0.861 0.057 +lorman 0.951 0.025 +lorn 0.444 0.063 +lorna 0.905 0.061 +lorne 0.914 0.069 +loro 0.224 0.094 +lorrain 0.837 0.080 +lorraine 0.912 0.051 +lorre 0.938 0.036 +lorri 0.896 0.048 +lorrie 0.914 0.045 +lorries 0.238 0.020 +lorry 0.372 0.049 +lors 0.144 0.055 +lorsch 0.234 0.004 +lorsque 0.352 0.005 +lortab 0.148 0.006 +lorton 0.938 0.050 +lorus 0.858 0.097 +lory 0.852 0.060 +los 0.773 0.050 +losartan 0.307 0.015 +lose 0.145 0.017 +loser 0.388 0.050 +losers 0.348 0.044 +loses 0.119 0.014 +losey 0.912 0.071 +losh 0.851 0.119 +losi 0.749 0.088 +losin 0.430 0.039 +losing 0.201 0.010 +losman 0.905 0.079 +losmandy 0.986 0.005 +loss 0.231 0.023 +losses 0.104 0.017 +lossiemouth 0.960 0.031 +lossless 0.349 0.014 +lossy 0.118 0.010 +lost 0.339 0.030 +lostock 0.906 0.088 +lostprophets 0.603 0.021 +lostwithiel 0.841 0.028 +lot 0.110 0.055 +lota 0.564 0.177 +lote 0.309 0.603 +lotensin 0.797 0.045 +loteria 0.373 0.072 +loterij 0.051 0.106 +lotfi 0.905 0.027 +loth 0.386 0.123 +lothar 0.958 0.017 +lothario 0.770 0.007 +lothian 0.925 0.033 +lothians 0.982 0.007 +lothlorien 0.924 0.019 +lothrop 0.874 0.088 +loti 0.847 0.015 +lotion 0.614 0.075 +lotions 0.588 0.029 +loto 0.376 0.334 +lotos 0.313 0.588 +lotr 0.021 0.895 +lotrimin 0.853 0.019 +lotronex 0.788 0.124 +lots 0.243 0.024 +lotsa 0.405 0.032 +lott 0.831 0.111 +lotta 0.524 0.037 +lotte 0.837 0.066 +lotter 0.411 0.031 +lotteries 0.634 0.023 +lottery 0.517 0.028 +lotti 0.723 0.141 +lottie 0.894 0.074 +lotto 0.567 0.048 +lottso 0.694 0.137 +lotus 0.855 0.048 +lotusphere 0.986 0.004 +lotz 0.783 0.107 +lou 0.872 0.071 +loucks 0.876 0.095 +loud 0.167 0.030 +louden 0.897 0.066 +louder 0.159 0.021 +loudest 0.108 0.024 +loudly 0.023 0.010 +loudmouth 0.492 0.027 +loudness 0.246 0.027 +loudon 0.916 0.064 +loudonville 0.818 0.129 +loudoun 0.945 0.035 +louds 0.782 0.077 +loudspeaker 0.350 0.024 +loudspeakers 0.489 0.020 +loue 0.219 0.027 +louella 0.882 0.085 +louer 0.112 0.022 +lough 0.895 0.048 +loughborough 0.946 0.038 +lougheed 0.915 0.071 +loughlin 0.866 0.083 +loughran 0.931 0.058 +loughton 0.948 0.037 +loui 0.763 0.128 +louie 0.847 0.069 +louis 0.888 0.049 +louisa 0.909 0.073 +louisana 0.920 0.040 +louisbourg 0.947 0.030 +louisburg 0.861 0.112 +louise 0.907 0.054 +louisiana 0.935 0.032 +louisville 0.928 0.043 +lounge 0.692 0.031 +lounged 0.033 0.000 +lounger 0.663 0.045 +loungers 0.406 0.015 +lounges 0.627 0.021 +loungewear 0.800 0.022 +lounging 0.139 0.010 +lounsbury 0.916 0.068 +loup 0.758 0.091 +loupe 0.523 0.141 +loupes 0.689 0.043 +lourdes 0.871 0.075 +lourenco 0.927 0.039 +lourie 0.882 0.086 +lous 0.410 0.087 +louse 0.256 0.023 +lousiana 0.937 0.017 +lousy 0.175 0.013 +lout 0.185 0.121 +louth 0.913 0.049 +louvain 0.906 0.083 +louver 0.526 0.058 +louvered 0.476 0.044 +louvers 0.359 0.043 +louvre 0.883 0.033 +louvres 0.478 0.037 +louw 0.817 0.072 +lov 0.354 0.216 +lovable 0.182 0.013 +lovage 0.712 0.036 +lovastatin 0.373 0.027 +love 0.349 0.040 +loveable 0.178 0.023 +lovebird 0.614 0.077 +lovebirds 0.433 0.038 +lovech 0.940 0.052 +lovecraft 0.911 0.035 +loved 0.107 0.021 +loveday 0.793 0.184 +lovegate 0.019 0.000 +lovegrove 0.845 0.072 +lovehammers 0.933 0.015 +lovejoy 0.891 0.079 +lovelace 0.787 0.060 +lovelady 0.790 0.163 +loveland 0.906 0.066 +loveless 0.716 0.063 +lovelier 0.234 0.017 +lovelies 0.287 0.017 +loveliest 0.079 0.008 +loveliness 0.104 0.007 +lovell 0.900 0.079 +lovelock 0.902 0.079 +lovelorn 0.245 0.015 +lovely 0.221 0.043 +lovemaking 0.149 0.006 +lovenox 0.726 0.063 +lovepump 0.995 0.000 +lover 0.385 0.026 +loverboy 0.516 0.030 +lovers 0.372 0.028 +loves 0.229 0.033 +loveseat 0.637 0.059 +loveseats 0.507 0.013 +lovesick 0.507 0.033 +loveth 0.027 0.008 +lovett 0.896 0.084 +lovette 0.737 0.053 +lovey 0.433 0.055 +lovie 0.691 0.052 +lovin 0.582 0.040 +lovina 0.949 0.036 +loving 0.240 0.023 +lovingkindness 0.129 0.007 +lovingly 0.082 0.006 +lovington 0.808 0.143 +lovins 0.956 0.027 +lovitt 0.854 0.034 +lovitz 0.965 0.016 +lovley 0.508 0.083 +low 0.350 0.032 +lowa 0.839 0.079 +lowball 0.119 0.005 +lowboy 0.614 0.121 +lowbrow 0.599 0.010 +lowcarb 0.204 0.031 +lowcost 0.303 0.004 +lowcountry 0.871 0.046 +lowden 0.838 0.094 +lowder 0.906 0.066 +lowdown 0.540 0.034 +lowe 0.872 0.086 +lowed 0.003 0.003 +lowel 0.917 0.042 +lowell 0.910 0.065 +lowen 0.914 0.054 +lowenstein 0.921 0.059 +lowenthal 0.953 0.041 +lowepro 0.510 0.475 +lower 0.187 0.040 +lowercase 0.114 0.013 +lowered 0.069 0.012 +lowering 0.180 0.016 +lowermost 0.044 0.004 +lowers 0.164 0.040 +lowery 0.902 0.077 +lowes 0.488 0.053 +lowest 0.408 0.019 +lowestoft 0.913 0.039 +lowey 0.661 0.329 +lowfat 0.386 0.064 +lowing 0.019 0.005 +lowland 0.348 0.031 +lowlands 0.360 0.075 +lowlife 0.497 0.066 +lowlights 0.370 0.034 +lowly 0.109 0.006 +lowman 0.896 0.072 +lown 0.578 0.098 +lowndes 0.924 0.061 +lowpass 0.256 0.020 +lowrance 0.863 0.096 +lowrey 0.865 0.110 +lowrider 0.495 0.058 +lowriders 0.566 0.052 +lowrie 0.907 0.071 +lowry 0.918 0.065 +lows 0.532 0.242 +lowther 0.864 0.108 +lowveld 0.960 0.004 +lowville 0.839 0.136 +lowy 0.875 0.046 +lox 0.367 0.370 +loxahatchee 0.892 0.081 +loxley 0.827 0.145 +loxton 0.748 0.205 +loy 0.832 0.109 +loya 0.746 0.039 +loyal 0.312 0.020 +loyale 0.882 0.049 +loyalist 0.553 0.022 +loyalists 0.360 0.009 +loyally 0.023 0.000 +loyalties 0.089 0.008 +loyalty 0.269 0.015 +loyd 0.840 0.108 +loyola 0.951 0.036 +loz 0.559 0.157 +lozada 0.938 0.052 +lozano 0.917 0.064 +lozenge 0.345 0.050 +lozenges 0.476 0.058 +lozier 0.963 0.028 +lp 0.059 0.863 +lpa 0.014 0.925 +lpar 0.019 0.892 +lparam 0.000 0.889 +lpb 0.009 0.888 +lpc 0.014 0.883 +lpctstr 0.000 0.996 +lpd 0.009 0.586 +lpe 0.015 0.757 +lpf 0.025 0.875 +lpfm 0.000 0.949 +lpg 0.021 0.930 +lpga 0.006 0.972 +lpgs 0.000 0.923 +lph 0.032 0.762 +lpi 0.017 0.806 +lpic 0.017 0.947 +lpl 0.018 0.902 +lpm 0.040 0.668 +lpn 0.091 0.858 +lpo 0.053 0.875 +lpp 0.181 0.581 +lpq 0.014 0.205 +lpr 0.011 0.401 +lprng 0.007 0.021 +lps 0.028 0.827 +lpt 0.012 0.885 +lpthread 0.000 0.000 +lptv 0.000 0.991 +lpv 0.007 0.917 +lq 0.096 0.790 +lqfp 0.000 0.996 +lqg 0.000 0.979 +lqqk 0.008 0.988 +lr 0.026 0.782 +lra 0.003 0.959 +lrb 0.002 0.961 +lrc 0.003 0.786 +lrd 0.006 0.915 +lre 0.007 0.912 +lresolv 0.000 0.000 +lresult 0.000 0.937 +lrf 0.017 0.923 +lrg 0.304 0.538 +lrh 0.006 0.962 +lri 0.017 0.941 +lrics 0.335 0.000 +lrl 0.046 0.840 +lrm 0.007 0.923 +lrn 0.179 0.781 +lro 0.014 0.851 +lrp 0.040 0.904 +lrqh 0.000 0.964 +lrr 0.040 0.834 +lrrd 0.210 0.143 +lrs 0.006 0.847 +lrt 0.005 0.874 +lru 0.005 0.869 +lrv 0.012 0.958 +lrwxr 0.000 0.000 +lrwxrwxrwx 0.000 0.000 +lryics 0.335 0.000 +ls 0.056 0.692 +lsa 0.020 0.875 +lsat 0.133 0.703 +lsb 0.132 0.698 +lsc 0.003 0.959 +lsd 0.019 0.889 +lsda 0.000 0.988 +lse 0.031 0.935 +lseek 0.014 0.009 +lseeksize 0.000 0.000 +lsf 0.039 0.870 +lsg 0.044 0.728 +lsh 0.023 0.431 +lsi 0.013 0.938 +lsid 0.002 0.403 +lsl 0.005 0.943 +lsm 0.020 0.827 +lsmod 0.000 0.018 +lsn 0.017 0.702 +lso 0.046 0.774 +lsocket 0.000 0.000 +lsof 0.042 0.028 +lsp 0.012 0.902 +lspci 0.000 0.009 +lsr 0.008 0.907 +lss 0.022 0.795 +lssu 0.006 0.983 +lst 0.025 0.330 +lsta 0.000 0.990 +lstat 0.025 0.050 +lstratego 0.000 0.000 +lstyle 0.000 0.002 +lsu 0.010 0.960 +lsv 0.013 0.934 +lsw 0.027 0.857 +lsx 0.020 0.880 +lt 0.138 0.598 +lta 0.004 0.460 +ltb 0.011 0.919 +ltc 0.044 0.912 +ltd 0.808 0.160 +ltda 0.756 0.166 +lte 0.026 0.862 +lter 0.001 0.749 +ltf 0.027 0.866 +ltg 0.055 0.873 +lth 0.059 0.489 +lthr 0.341 0.511 +lti 0.032 0.856 +ltj 0.053 0.798 +ltk 0.107 0.684 +ltl 0.014 0.943 +ltm 0.011 0.929 +ltn 0.175 0.782 +lto 0.019 0.904 +ltp 0.005 0.613 +ltr 0.213 0.523 +ltrics 0.406 0.000 +ltrs 0.281 0.207 +lts 0.060 0.809 +ltsn 0.000 0.994 +ltsp 0.117 0.531 +ltt 0.021 0.705 +ltte 0.004 0.990 +ltu 0.029 0.911 +ltv 0.019 0.892 +ltw 0.236 0.678 +ltx 0.073 0.704 +ltype 0.007 0.903 +ltz 0.068 0.732 +lu 0.497 0.311 +lua 0.691 0.070 +luan 0.740 0.050 +luana 0.888 0.054 +luanda 0.927 0.058 +luang 0.956 0.024 +luangwa 0.987 0.007 +luann 0.901 0.062 +luanne 0.920 0.059 +luas 0.638 0.246 +luau 0.676 0.064 +lub 0.097 0.278 +luba 0.643 0.268 +lubavitch 0.962 0.014 +lubbers 0.837 0.046 +lubbock 0.880 0.087 +lube 0.594 0.076 +lubec 0.879 0.079 +lubeck 0.834 0.121 +lubed 0.125 0.021 +luberon 0.889 0.039 +lubes 0.805 0.043 +lubicon 0.978 0.015 +lubin 0.837 0.089 +lublin 0.918 0.030 +lubomir 0.982 0.012 +lubos 0.944 0.015 +lubricant 0.441 0.060 +lubricants 0.596 0.095 +lubricate 0.244 0.017 +lubricated 0.271 0.022 +lubricates 0.237 0.018 +lubricating 0.333 0.067 +lubrication 0.387 0.027 +lubricity 0.177 0.018 +luby 0.908 0.078 +luc 0.866 0.071 +luca 0.885 0.055 +lucado 0.947 0.040 +lucan 0.918 0.046 +lucas 0.907 0.052 +lucasarts 0.777 0.127 +lucasfilm 0.944 0.049 +lucasi 0.893 0.040 +lucaya 0.934 0.023 +lucca 0.895 0.037 +lucchese 0.859 0.063 +lucchesi 0.881 0.044 +lucchino 0.976 0.019 +lucci 0.862 0.083 +luce 0.729 0.075 +lucena 0.897 0.072 +lucene 0.526 0.020 +lucent 0.879 0.055 +lucerne 0.846 0.053 +lucero 0.855 0.116 +luces 0.372 0.044 +lucey 0.904 0.073 +lucha 0.523 0.053 +lucht 0.544 0.050 +luchthaven 0.069 0.003 +luchtzak 0.789 0.000 +luci 0.603 0.039 +lucia 0.931 0.047 +lucian 0.929 0.036 +luciana 0.654 0.150 +luciani 0.913 0.047 +lucianne 0.912 0.004 +luciano 0.892 0.055 +lucid 0.388 0.026 +lucida 0.904 0.015 +lucidity 0.442 0.018 +lucidly 0.044 0.000 +lucidum 0.335 0.010 +lucie 0.880 0.067 +lucien 0.892 0.066 +lucienne 0.927 0.036 +lucier 0.879 0.036 +lucifer 0.855 0.048 +luciferase 0.230 0.009 +lucile 0.923 0.051 +lucilla 0.685 0.292 +lucille 0.895 0.082 +lucinda 0.888 0.095 +lucio 0.816 0.065 +lucious 0.629 0.057 +lucipo 0.978 0.000 +lucite 0.611 0.134 +lucius 0.899 0.054 +luck 0.218 0.039 +lucked 0.023 0.004 +luckett 0.889 0.084 +luckey 0.791 0.133 +luckie 0.952 0.025 +luckier 0.048 0.005 +luckiest 0.288 0.017 +luckily 0.719 0.002 +luckless 0.100 0.007 +lucknow 0.924 0.063 +lucky 0.377 0.034 +luclin 0.981 0.003 +lucrative 0.054 0.010 +lucre 0.359 0.126 +lucretia 0.901 0.075 +lucretius 0.926 0.035 +lucrezia 0.935 0.036 +lucy 0.893 0.054 +lud 0.517 0.267 +luda 0.749 0.079 +ludacris 0.685 0.032 +luddite 0.821 0.009 +luddites 0.799 0.011 +lude 0.309 0.172 +luder 0.048 0.002 +ludgate 0.937 0.054 +ludger 0.950 0.033 +ludhiana 0.925 0.066 +ludi 0.791 0.055 +ludicrous 0.057 0.008 +ludicrously 0.038 0.000 +ludington 0.879 0.084 +ludlam 0.833 0.080 +ludlow 0.902 0.063 +ludlum 0.926 0.054 +ludmila 0.953 0.025 +ludmilla 0.837 0.124 +ludo 0.794 0.058 +ludovic 0.946 0.015 +ludovico 0.964 0.023 +ludvig 0.917 0.035 +ludwick 0.912 0.065 +ludwig 0.912 0.050 +ludwigsburg 0.917 0.033 +ludwigshafen 0.943 0.028 +lue 0.423 0.197 +luebeck 0.904 0.038 +lueders 0.822 0.137 +luego 0.220 0.020 +luella 0.865 0.094 +luer 0.753 0.051 +luf 0.046 0.881 +luff 0.607 0.068 +lufkin 0.866 0.082 +luft 0.797 0.101 +lufthansa 0.890 0.032 +luftwaffe 0.900 0.066 +lug 0.172 0.367 +lugano 0.907 0.040 +lugansk 0.950 0.013 +lugar 0.482 0.076 +lugares 0.277 0.088 +luge 0.774 0.030 +luger 0.850 0.054 +lugg 0.522 0.417 +luggage 0.658 0.026 +lugged 0.160 0.017 +lugging 0.099 0.004 +luglio 0.428 0.019 +lugo 0.865 0.069 +lugod 0.012 0.856 +lugoff 0.893 0.082 +lugosi 0.923 0.041 +lugs 0.256 0.103 +lugz 0.916 0.028 +luh 0.504 0.197 +luhmann 0.960 0.025 +luhrmann 0.951 0.018 +luhrs 0.628 0.051 +lui 0.302 0.052 +luigi 0.937 0.029 +luik 0.807 0.020 +luis 0.906 0.049 +luisa 0.836 0.076 +luise 0.922 0.039 +luister 0.781 0.003 +luiz 0.947 0.027 +lujan 0.917 0.054 +lujo 0.437 0.029 +luk 0.665 0.167 +luka 0.866 0.053 +lukacs 0.952 0.038 +lukalist 0.985 0.000 +lukas 0.920 0.034 +lukashenko 0.930 0.065 +lukasz 0.859 0.013 +luke 0.933 0.034 +lukens 0.829 0.164 +luker 0.918 0.058 +lukes 0.772 0.137 +lukewarm 0.088 0.007 +lukin 0.798 0.053 +lukka 0.959 0.014 +lukoil 0.546 0.445 +luks 0.383 0.085 +lul 0.253 0.362 +lula 0.885 0.076 +lulac 0.041 0.952 +lulc 0.000 0.994 +luling 0.833 0.130 +lull 0.195 0.024 +lullabies 0.623 0.030 +lullaby 0.750 0.039 +lullabye 0.768 0.043 +lulled 0.053 0.002 +lulls 0.035 0.004 +lully 0.822 0.074 +lulu 0.858 0.036 +lulworth 0.882 0.099 +lum 0.630 0.127 +luma 0.546 0.105 +lumb 0.847 0.097 +lumbar 0.367 0.020 +lumbee 0.955 0.030 +lumber 0.548 0.047 +lumbering 0.158 0.007 +lumberjack 0.480 0.025 +lumberjacks 0.772 0.018 +lumberton 0.861 0.109 +lumbosacral 0.390 0.025 +lumby 0.948 0.035 +lume 0.126 0.172 +lumen 0.372 0.047 +lumens 0.550 0.061 +lumet 0.971 0.018 +lumi 0.441 0.229 +lumicon 0.986 0.007 +lumiere 0.894 0.060 +lumina 0.769 0.116 +luminaire 0.326 0.090 +luminaires 0.343 0.034 +luminal 0.563 0.007 +luminance 0.225 0.017 +luminaries 0.181 0.008 +luminary 0.433 0.031 +lumines 0.910 0.031 +luminescence 0.327 0.026 +luminescent 0.423 0.023 +luminosities 0.066 0.006 +luminosity 0.188 0.025 +luminous 0.348 0.018 +luminox 0.820 0.059 +lumiscope 0.932 0.047 +lumix 0.912 0.060 +lumley 0.931 0.051 +lummi 0.897 0.036 +lumo 0.260 0.656 +lump 0.139 0.063 +lumpectomy 0.272 0.008 +lumped 0.074 0.007 +lumping 0.113 0.005 +lumpkin 0.836 0.100 +lumps 0.213 0.014 +lumpur 0.929 0.046 +lumpy 0.336 0.022 +lums 0.172 0.757 +lumsden 0.933 0.060 +lumumba 0.896 0.070 +lun 0.391 0.295 +luna 0.810 0.079 +lunacy 0.431 0.017 +lunaire 0.837 0.019 +lunar 0.573 0.049 +lunarpages 0.924 0.010 +lunas 0.794 0.074 +lunatech 0.046 0.000 +lunatic 0.372 0.016 +lunatics 0.312 0.038 +lunch 0.370 0.029 +lunchbox 0.592 0.066 +lunchboxes 0.744 0.045 +luncheon 0.509 0.034 +luncheons 0.393 0.025 +lunches 0.213 0.014 +lunching 0.223 0.008 +lunchroom 0.531 0.031 +lunchtime 0.275 0.013 +lund 0.925 0.051 +lundberg 0.932 0.043 +lundby 0.819 0.130 +lunde 0.936 0.050 +lundell 0.911 0.081 +lundgren 0.950 0.037 +lundh 0.985 0.008 +lundi 0.320 0.024 +lundin 0.949 0.040 +lundquist 0.937 0.049 +lundqvist 0.968 0.027 +lundstrom 0.934 0.051 +lundy 0.851 0.133 +lune 0.683 0.084 +lunenburg 0.919 0.062 +lunes 0.588 0.023 +lunesta 0.616 0.029 +lunettes 0.273 0.043 +lung 0.429 0.019 +lunga 0.507 0.038 +lunge 0.273 0.051 +lunged 0.008 0.002 +lungen 0.945 0.027 +lunges 0.158 0.015 +lunging 0.235 0.081 +lungo 0.204 0.037 +lungren 0.883 0.109 +lungs 0.104 0.011 +luni 0.133 0.746 +lunn 0.915 0.058 +lunsford 0.883 0.097 +lunt 0.884 0.090 +luntz 0.958 0.029 +luo 0.879 0.066 +luogo 0.154 0.051 +luoma 0.906 0.027 +luong 0.831 0.036 +luongo 0.924 0.048 +luoyang 0.928 0.033 +lup 0.221 0.451 +lupa 0.479 0.103 +lupah 0.892 0.051 +lupe 0.827 0.058 +lupi 0.799 0.098 +lupin 0.828 0.040 +lupine 0.673 0.053 +lupinus 0.950 0.022 +lupita 0.839 0.048 +lupo 0.803 0.077 +lupron 0.738 0.040 +lupton 0.918 0.070 +lupus 0.528 0.023 +luque 0.930 0.052 +lura 0.816 0.130 +luray 0.882 0.082 +lurch 0.309 0.016 +lurched 0.003 0.000 +lurching 0.100 0.017 +lure 0.295 0.046 +lured 0.083 0.011 +lures 0.469 0.058 +lurex 0.767 0.083 +lurgan 0.834 0.146 +luria 0.949 0.040 +lurics 0.409 0.000 +lurid 0.166 0.007 +lurie 0.939 0.041 +luring 0.132 0.007 +lurk 0.129 0.009 +lurked 0.019 0.002 +lurker 0.567 0.004 +lurkers 0.495 0.037 +lurking 0.116 0.007 +lurks 0.107 0.008 +lurve 0.305 0.070 +lus 0.124 0.267 +lusaka 0.948 0.044 +lusby 0.901 0.085 +luscious 0.335 0.032 +luscombe 0.715 0.256 +lush 0.224 0.053 +lushly 0.101 0.007 +lusitania 0.900 0.059 +lusk 0.882 0.098 +luskin 0.979 0.012 +lussier 0.861 0.111 +lusso 0.768 0.100 +lust 0.359 0.051 +lusted 0.167 0.015 +luster 0.380 0.058 +lustful 0.267 0.009 +lustgrotte 0.000 0.000 +lusthaus 0.027 0.001 +lustig 0.754 0.036 +lusting 0.137 0.010 +lustloch 0.000 0.000 +lustmodelle 0.000 0.000 +lustre 0.381 0.067 +lustrous 0.242 0.030 +lusts 0.021 0.007 +lusty 0.317 0.023 +lut 0.136 0.670 +lutar 0.984 0.001 +lute 0.495 0.052 +lutea 0.142 0.024 +luteal 0.172 0.009 +lutein 0.654 0.016 +luteinizing 0.507 0.020 +lutes 0.687 0.050 +luteum 0.215 0.014 +luth 0.795 0.130 +luther 0.933 0.044 +lutheran 0.923 0.064 +lutheranism 0.979 0.012 +lutherans 0.983 0.010 +lutherville 0.930 0.055 +luthier 0.502 0.081 +luthiers 0.516 0.096 +luthor 0.912 0.062 +lutil 0.000 0.003 +lution 0.013 0.011 +luton 0.934 0.034 +lutron 0.858 0.093 +lutschen 0.003 0.000 +lutte 0.310 0.023 +lutter 0.748 0.030 +lutterworth 0.878 0.042 +luttrell 0.874 0.109 +lutyens 0.963 0.021 +lutz 0.890 0.070 +luu 0.590 0.105 +luv 0.438 0.120 +luvana 0.939 0.023 +luverne 0.840 0.122 +luvox 0.797 0.027 +luvs 0.473 0.091 +lux 0.600 0.197 +luxe 0.699 0.084 +luxembourg 0.947 0.041 +luxembourgish 0.983 0.004 +luxemburg 0.896 0.056 +luxeon 0.841 0.096 +luxist 0.985 0.000 +luxo 0.634 0.167 +luxor 0.868 0.028 +luxuary 0.045 0.015 +luxuriant 0.080 0.005 +luxuries 0.192 0.012 +luxurious 0.209 0.018 +luxuriously 0.167 0.009 +luxury 0.542 0.026 +luxus 0.682 0.085 +luz 0.632 0.048 +luzern 0.896 0.038 +luzerne 0.856 0.105 +luzon 0.911 0.072 +lv 0.058 0.727 +lva 0.073 0.850 +lvalue 0.066 0.022 +lvalues 0.035 0.000 +lvc 0.024 0.933 +lvd 0.024 0.920 +lvds 0.003 0.978 +lvdt 0.006 0.946 +lve 0.068 0.344 +lvg 0.112 0.647 +lvh 0.005 0.967 +lvi 0.024 0.759 +lviv 0.948 0.024 +lvl 0.194 0.460 +lvlug 0.614 0.022 +lvm 0.002 0.561 +lvmh 0.021 0.905 +lvn 0.030 0.802 +lvov 0.960 0.028 +lvp 0.045 0.843 +lvr 0.046 0.892 +lvs 0.029 0.686 +lvt 0.011 0.906 +lvw 0.009 0.965 +lw 0.034 0.859 +lwa 0.051 0.796 +lwb 0.024 0.926 +lwc 0.012 0.797 +lwd 0.011 0.825 +lwe 0.034 0.866 +lwf 0.003 0.879 +lwidth 0.000 0.005 +lwin 0.916 0.048 +lwip 0.004 0.026 +lwl 0.021 0.878 +lwlan 0.000 0.000 +lwn 0.010 0.935 +lwo 0.016 0.198 +lwork 0.000 0.754 +lwp 0.002 0.794 +lwr 0.089 0.860 +lws 0.007 0.755 +lwt 0.259 0.671 +lwv 0.004 0.890 +lww 0.018 0.938 +lx 0.223 0.650 +lxdirect 0.402 0.000 +lxf 0.001 0.985 +lxi 0.069 0.762 +lxr 0.002 0.954 +lxx 0.051 0.857 +lxxxiii 0.000 0.918 +ly 0.165 0.209 +lyall 0.911 0.072 +lyapunov 0.970 0.013 +lyase 0.105 0.101 +lyases 0.802 0.014 +lybia 0.941 0.027 +lybrand 0.956 0.035 +lyc 0.303 0.427 +lyceum 0.886 0.028 +lychee 0.542 0.041 +lycia 0.930 0.035 +lyco 0.539 0.237 +lycoming 0.889 0.091 +lycopene 0.538 0.018 +lycopersicon 0.952 0.026 +lycopodium 0.867 0.060 +lycoris 0.963 0.004 +lycos 0.959 0.012 +lycra 0.691 0.058 +lycurgus 0.977 0.020 +lyd 0.152 0.804 +lyda 0.558 0.056 +lydd 0.757 0.049 +lyde 0.376 0.550 +lyden 0.814 0.127 +lydia 0.908 0.066 +lydian 0.845 0.041 +lydney 0.936 0.051 +lydon 0.924 0.047 +lye 0.485 0.058 +lyeics 0.411 0.000 +lyell 0.948 0.046 +lyfe 0.539 0.132 +lyfics 0.411 0.000 +lyford 0.836 0.136 +lygics 0.419 0.000 +lygo 0.984 0.007 +lygon 0.823 0.156 +lyics 0.384 0.000 +lyin 0.587 0.025 +lying 0.119 0.013 +lyircs 0.436 0.000 +lyk 0.044 0.078 +lyke 0.580 0.063 +lyla 0.825 0.039 +lyle 0.911 0.061 +lyles 0.861 0.127 +lylli 0.000 0.000 +lym 0.451 0.165 +lyman 0.894 0.085 +lyme 0.878 0.034 +lymington 0.880 0.062 +lymm 0.938 0.043 +lymph 0.208 0.014 +lymphadenopathy 0.157 0.011 +lymphatic 0.413 0.016 +lymphedema 0.592 0.039 +lymphoblastic 0.254 0.010 +lymphocyte 0.323 0.018 +lymphocytes 0.207 0.010 +lymphocytic 0.425 0.013 +lymphoid 0.186 0.020 +lymphokines 0.727 0.021 +lymphoma 0.472 0.013 +lymphomas 0.228 0.015 +lymphoproliferative 0.273 0.014 +lymphotropic 0.101 0.009 +lyn 0.861 0.066 +lynam 0.801 0.174 +lynbrook 0.821 0.143 +lynch 0.902 0.055 +lynchburg 0.914 0.060 +lynched 0.073 0.010 +lynchet 0.003 0.001 +lynching 0.285 0.015 +lynchings 0.154 0.008 +lynd 0.841 0.088 +lynda 0.912 0.043 +lyndale 0.834 0.156 +lynde 0.932 0.054 +lynden 0.902 0.062 +lyndhurst 0.874 0.100 +lyndon 0.930 0.052 +lyndonville 0.868 0.112 +lyndsay 0.918 0.033 +lyndsey 0.913 0.033 +lyne 0.876 0.042 +lyneham 0.853 0.139 +lynette 0.924 0.048 +lyngby 0.932 0.030 +lynley 0.949 0.033 +lynmouth 0.944 0.038 +lynn 0.898 0.055 +lynndie 0.899 0.014 +lynne 0.933 0.040 +lynnette 0.925 0.041 +lynnfield 0.906 0.076 +lynnville 0.871 0.113 +lynnwood 0.887 0.089 +lynsey 0.857 0.027 +lynton 0.888 0.100 +lynwood 0.875 0.098 +lynx 0.547 0.114 +lynyrd 0.763 0.039 +lynzy 0.997 0.000 +lyoko 0.760 0.034 +lyon 0.850 0.062 +lyondell 0.878 0.118 +lyonnais 0.832 0.060 +lyonne 0.917 0.032 +lyons 0.897 0.081 +lyophilized 0.297 0.013 +lyotard 0.977 0.009 +lyr 0.616 0.189 +lyra 0.772 0.138 +lyrae 0.920 0.051 +lyrcis 0.394 0.000 +lyrcs 0.396 0.000 +lyre 0.358 0.034 +lyred 0.996 0.000 +lyric 0.341 0.009 +lyrica 0.509 0.046 +lyrical 0.241 0.014 +lyrically 0.308 0.004 +lyricc 0.410 0.000 +lyricd 0.397 0.000 +lyrice 0.418 0.000 +lyricism 0.073 0.003 +lyricist 0.411 0.013 +lyricists 0.342 0.018 +lyricq 0.419 0.000 +lyrics 0.552 0.024 +lyricsbox 0.000 0.012 +lyricsfind 0.729 0.225 +lyricw 0.411 0.000 +lyricx 0.404 0.000 +lyricz 0.433 0.004 +lyrids 0.447 0.007 +lyrifs 0.411 0.000 +lyrik 0.073 0.001 +lyris 0.765 0.006 +lyrisc 0.400 0.000 +lyriss 0.416 0.000 +lyrivs 0.410 0.000 +lyrix 0.852 0.015 +lyrixs 0.411 0.000 +lyrjcs 0.411 0.000 +lyrkcs 0.411 0.000 +lyrlcs 0.456 0.000 +lyrocs 0.411 0.000 +lyrucs 0.408 0.000 +lys 0.164 0.800 +lysa 0.442 0.081 +lysander 0.889 0.092 +lysate 0.202 0.007 +lysates 0.277 0.002 +lysator 0.963 0.002 +lyse 0.416 0.037 +lysed 0.013 0.002 +lysergic 0.460 0.021 +lysh 0.049 0.033 +lysine 0.398 0.028 +lysis 0.191 0.017 +lysistrata 0.897 0.076 +lyskom 0.012 0.000 +lysol 0.805 0.080 +lyson 0.924 0.025 +lysosomal 0.146 0.031 +lysosome 0.179 0.018 +lysosomes 0.327 0.010 +lysozyme 0.250 0.088 +lysyl 0.256 0.049 +lyt 0.499 0.322 +lyte 0.824 0.063 +lytham 0.951 0.017 +lytic 0.243 0.022 +lytics 0.434 0.000 +lytle 0.868 0.103 +lytt 0.990 0.007 +lyttelton 0.947 0.045 +lyttle 0.858 0.077 +lytton 0.904 0.086 +lyubov 0.975 0.005 +lywics 0.420 0.000 +lyx 0.119 0.036 +lyxzen 0.996 0.000 +lz 0.121 0.546 +lzh 0.063 0.527 +lzo 0.009 0.301 +lzs 0.011 0.400 +lzw 0.008 0.849 +m 0.656 0.000 +ma 0.098 0.802 +maa 0.184 0.679 +maac 0.007 0.981 +maadi 0.710 0.246 +maag 0.730 0.203 +maak 0.415 0.031 +maakt 0.053 0.007 +maal 0.692 0.080 +maalox 0.769 0.030 +maam 0.314 0.325 +maan 0.570 0.054 +maand 0.092 0.012 +maandag 0.138 0.003 +maar 0.160 0.023 +maariv 0.957 0.015 +maart 0.285 0.027 +maarten 0.922 0.036 +maas 0.833 0.073 +maasai 0.956 0.022 +maasdam 0.943 0.035 +maass 0.923 0.059 +maastricht 0.939 0.020 +maat 0.328 0.074 +maathai 0.951 0.015 +maatschappij 0.728 0.042 +maax 0.506 0.410 +maazel 0.925 0.066 +mab 0.321 0.547 +mabe 0.608 0.115 +mabee 0.891 0.071 +mabel 0.891 0.090 +maben 0.913 0.072 +mabey 0.599 0.039 +mabi 0.074 0.031 +mable 0.798 0.113 +mablethorpe 0.792 0.039 +mableton 0.904 0.074 +mabo 0.892 0.044 +mabon 0.932 0.044 +mabry 0.894 0.092 +mabs 0.801 0.167 +mabuhay 0.534 0.351 +mabuse 0.931 0.033 +maby 0.262 0.023 +mabye 0.264 0.009 +mac 0.754 0.143 +maca 0.495 0.139 +macabre 0.468 0.029 +macaca 0.962 0.014 +macadam 0.657 0.071 +macadamia 0.556 0.134 +macalester 0.964 0.030 +macalister 0.761 0.209 +macallan 0.894 0.050 +macally 0.902 0.065 +macaluso 0.926 0.061 +macam 0.550 0.014 +macanudo 0.913 0.050 +macao 0.948 0.043 +macapagal 0.911 0.050 +macaque 0.196 0.017 +macaques 0.112 0.010 +macarena 0.857 0.039 +macaroni 0.500 0.060 +macaroons 0.518 0.054 +macarthur 0.679 0.239 +macau 0.952 0.039 +macaulay 0.938 0.044 +macauley 0.928 0.059 +macaw 0.630 0.073 +macaws 0.459 0.034 +macbeth 0.848 0.055 +macc 0.477 0.469 +macca 0.752 0.067 +maccabee 0.934 0.030 +maccabees 0.980 0.013 +maccabi 0.945 0.035 +macchina 0.157 0.018 +macchine 0.243 0.028 +macclenny 0.756 0.052 +macclesfield 0.930 0.038 +maccoll 0.864 0.080 +macd 0.017 0.944 +macdonald 0.844 0.131 +macduff 0.795 0.164 +mace 0.641 0.147 +macedo 0.926 0.060 +macedon 0.860 0.127 +macedonia 0.945 0.049 +macedonian 0.959 0.030 +macedonians 0.917 0.074 +maceo 0.876 0.086 +macer 0.391 0.029 +macerata 0.823 0.044 +maces 0.493 0.043 +macey 0.899 0.066 +macfarlane 0.846 0.127 +macgregor 0.671 0.214 +mach 0.711 0.106 +macha 0.813 0.071 +machado 0.709 0.045 +mache 0.430 0.072 +machek 0.994 0.003 +machen 0.315 0.025 +machesney 0.852 0.120 +machete 0.487 0.071 +machetes 0.282 0.010 +machi 0.254 0.028 +machias 0.884 0.086 +machiavelli 0.944 0.024 +machiavellian 0.906 0.010 +machida 0.936 0.051 +machin 0.658 0.123 +machina 0.665 0.055 +machinations 0.092 0.004 +machine 0.347 0.032 +machined 0.251 0.028 +machinegun 0.231 0.029 +machineries 0.358 0.047 +machinery 0.471 0.042 +machines 0.327 0.016 +machinima 0.675 0.010 +machining 0.468 0.055 +machinist 0.647 0.062 +machinists 0.572 0.102 +machismo 0.192 0.012 +macho 0.394 0.062 +machol 0.994 0.003 +macht 0.355 0.016 +machtlfinger 0.000 0.000 +machts 0.003 0.000 +machu 0.924 0.042 +machynlleth 0.868 0.024 +macias 0.881 0.092 +maciej 0.970 0.011 +maciel 0.873 0.075 +macintosh 0.913 0.022 +macintoshes 0.959 0.006 +macintyre 0.848 0.102 +mack 0.857 0.080 +mackall 0.948 0.044 +mackay 0.868 0.111 +macke 0.906 0.035 +macken 0.953 0.035 +mackenzie 0.875 0.090 +mackerel 0.367 0.048 +mackerras 0.967 0.026 +mackey 0.892 0.090 +mackie 0.896 0.074 +mackin 0.845 0.071 +mackinac 0.914 0.047 +mackinaw 0.834 0.078 +mackinnon 0.696 0.263 +mackintosh 0.899 0.051 +macklin 0.912 0.082 +macks 0.715 0.200 +maclaren 0.806 0.051 +maclay 0.875 0.104 +maclean 0.854 0.121 +macleay 0.870 0.125 +maclennan 0.882 0.100 +macleod 0.821 0.128 +macmillan 0.958 0.034 +macnee 0.969 0.025 +macneil 0.747 0.204 +maco 0.548 0.340 +macola 0.993 0.003 +macom 0.528 0.463 +macomb 0.889 0.076 +macomber 0.918 0.068 +macon 0.897 0.075 +macos 0.028 0.043 +macosx 0.096 0.083 +macosxhints 0.002 0.000 +macoupin 0.858 0.118 +macpherson 0.867 0.064 +macppc 0.003 0.003 +macquarie 0.902 0.084 +macr 0.089 0.779 +macrae 0.804 0.139 +macrame 0.569 0.121 +macro 0.343 0.047 +macrobiotic 0.575 0.009 +macrobiotics 0.703 0.013 +macroblock 0.232 0.006 +macrocode 0.000 0.000 +macrocosm 0.290 0.041 +macroeconomic 0.384 0.051 +macroeconomics 0.767 0.036 +macroevolution 0.281 0.025 +macroglobulin 0.088 0.082 +macroinvertebrate 0.264 0.025 +macroinvertebrates 0.248 0.021 +macrolide 0.146 0.020 +macrolides 0.318 0.025 +macromedia 0.926 0.018 +macromolecular 0.592 0.030 +macromolecule 0.178 0.016 +macromolecules 0.428 0.037 +macron 0.306 0.404 +macronuclear 0.811 0.004 +macronutrients 0.427 0.009 +macrophage 0.238 0.021 +macrophages 0.187 0.008 +macrophylla 0.043 0.014 +macrophytes 0.145 0.016 +macros 0.261 0.012 +macroscopic 0.140 0.011 +macross 0.861 0.075 +macrovision 0.879 0.016 +macrumors 0.070 0.000 +macs 0.861 0.059 +macsense 0.935 0.048 +macsimum 0.996 0.000 +mact 0.006 0.975 +macula 0.222 0.014 +macular 0.440 0.013 +maculata 0.053 0.017 +maculatum 0.078 0.018 +maculatus 0.029 0.015 +macungie 0.887 0.098 +macvision 0.968 0.009 +macworld 0.935 0.047 +macy 0.798 0.124 +macys 0.571 0.042 +mad 0.435 0.096 +mada 0.666 0.124 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0.029 +maduros 0.031 0.002 +madwifi 0.256 0.029 +mae 0.755 0.088 +maechler 0.922 0.000 +maecuff 0.000 0.000 +maeda 0.916 0.062 +maedchen 0.168 0.011 +maeder 0.880 0.027 +maekawa 0.871 0.118 +mael 0.712 0.082 +maelin 0.990 0.006 +maelstrom 0.676 0.022 +maemo 0.208 0.000 +maen 0.468 0.137 +maent 0.360 0.000 +maersk 0.841 0.135 +maes 0.669 0.108 +maesteg 0.739 0.040 +maestra 0.668 0.038 +maestri 0.856 0.054 +maestro 0.745 0.051 +maestros 0.413 0.057 +maeva 0.875 0.067 +maeve 0.929 0.038 +maf 0.055 0.846 +maff 0.051 0.930 +maffei 0.926 0.064 +mafia 0.555 0.052 +mafic 0.161 0.024 +mafioso 0.583 0.027 +mag 0.497 0.182 +maga 0.526 0.172 +magadan 0.964 0.023 +magali 0.899 0.036 +magallon 0.981 0.014 +magalluf 0.943 0.022 +magaluf 0.892 0.016 +magasin 0.275 0.024 +magasins 0.303 0.014 +magazi 0.773 0.036 +magazin 0.605 0.048 +magazine 0.649 0.032 +magazinecity 0.900 0.011 +magazines 0.778 0.020 +magazzino 0.958 0.001 +magda 0.900 0.044 +magdalen 0.931 0.034 +magdalena 0.898 0.064 +magdalene 0.943 0.032 +magdeburg 0.725 0.019 +magdesians 0.958 0.027 +mage 0.692 0.066 +magee 0.910 0.062 +magellan 0.872 0.061 +magellanic 0.938 0.043 +magellans 0.984 0.001 +magen 0.802 0.050 +magenta 0.681 0.081 +mager 0.830 0.094 +mages 0.460 0.027 +maggi 0.790 0.092 +maggie 0.902 0.053 +maggiemuffet 0.017 0.000 +maggio 0.585 0.034 +maggiore 0.755 0.027 +maggiori 0.534 0.014 +maggot 0.525 0.033 +maggots 0.266 0.031 +maggs 0.921 0.055 +maggy 0.889 0.055 +magh 0.815 0.028 +magherafelt 0.698 0.294 +maghreb 0.939 0.028 +maghrib 0.854 0.058 +magi 0.709 0.118 +magia 0.629 0.127 +magic 0.616 0.045 +magica 0.787 0.047 +magical 0.352 0.020 +magically 0.081 0.004 +magicfilter 0.004 0.000 +magician 0.494 0.024 +magicians 0.503 0.020 +magick 0.577 0.023 +magickal 0.566 0.037 +magico 0.622 0.039 +magicolor 0.578 0.075 +magics 0.397 0.037 +magid 0.777 0.192 +magie 0.641 0.103 +magik 0.671 0.068 +magill 0.839 0.151 +magimix 0.912 0.044 +maginnis 0.904 0.085 +magique 0.536 0.061 +magis 0.578 0.072 +magister 0.781 0.032 +magisterial 0.351 0.029 +magisterium 0.653 0.017 +magistracy 0.348 0.010 +magistrate 0.398 0.030 +magistrates 0.460 0.016 +magitronic 0.144 0.842 +magix 0.533 0.208 +magizine 0.155 0.031 +magle 0.911 0.083 +maglev 0.528 0.113 +magli 0.909 0.052 +maglite 0.856 0.081 +magloire 0.953 0.027 +magma 0.537 0.063 +magmas 0.107 0.028 +magmatic 0.176 0.016 +magmatism 0.138 0.017 +magn 0.730 0.090 +magna 0.600 0.049 +magnaflow 0.840 0.090 +magnani 0.940 0.047 +magnanimity 0.086 0.007 +magnanimous 0.106 0.009 +magnat 0.914 0.037 +magnate 0.288 0.009 +magnates 0.087 0.005 +magnatune 0.867 0.000 +magnavox 0.862 0.090 +magne 0.639 0.198 +magner 0.927 0.058 +magnes 0.932 0.029 +magnesia 0.648 0.036 +magnesite 0.353 0.048 +magnesium 0.460 0.040 +magness 0.889 0.071 +magnet 0.578 0.053 +magnetic 0.308 0.038 +magnetically 0.267 0.017 +magnetics 0.699 0.079 +magnetism 0.507 0.035 +magnetite 0.235 0.037 +magnetization 0.095 0.012 +magnetized 0.162 0.021 +magneto 0.641 0.053 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0.139 +mahayana 0.958 0.011 +mahdi 0.934 0.028 +mahe 0.798 0.167 +mahendra 0.917 0.050 +maher 0.910 0.065 +mahesh 0.903 0.031 +maheshwari 0.872 0.061 +mahfouz 0.951 0.030 +mahi 0.624 0.050 +mahidol 0.960 0.018 +mahila 0.861 0.094 +mahinda 0.977 0.008 +mahindra 0.724 0.244 +mahjong 0.815 0.026 +mahjongg 0.797 0.023 +mahle 0.729 0.223 +mahler 0.903 0.078 +mahlon 0.897 0.049 +mahmood 0.952 0.026 +mahmoud 0.963 0.020 +mahmud 0.954 0.021 +mahnomen 0.849 0.110 +maho 0.793 0.110 +mahogany 0.582 0.083 +mahomet 0.891 0.085 +mahon 0.909 0.070 +mahone 0.904 0.055 +mahoney 0.912 0.068 +mahoning 0.884 0.093 +mahony 0.936 0.054 +mahopac 0.874 0.099 +mahoromatic 0.907 0.015 +mahou 0.870 0.007 +mahr 0.785 0.089 +mahwah 0.928 0.052 +mahy 0.902 0.034 +mai 0.631 0.078 +maia 0.840 0.081 +maico 0.783 0.076 +maid 0.484 0.031 +maida 0.890 0.056 +maidan 0.886 0.060 +maiden 0.427 0.049 +maidenform 0.928 0.014 +maidenhead 0.940 0.031 +maidens 0.378 0.034 +maidment 0.833 0.160 +maids 0.324 0.025 +maidstone 0.901 0.067 +maier 0.927 0.048 +maigret 0.926 0.050 +maihof 0.004 0.000 +maija 0.926 0.023 +maik 0.795 0.130 +maiko 0.705 0.037 +mail 0.268 0.024 +mailback 0.300 0.004 +mailbag 0.801 0.088 +mailbox 0.337 0.026 +mailboxes 0.334 0.013 +mailcap 0.063 0.013 +maildir 0.434 0.068 +maildrop 0.078 0.004 +maile 0.737 0.178 +mailed 0.068 0.032 +mailer 0.587 0.056 +mailers 0.469 0.093 +mailhost 0.399 0.064 +mailing 0.381 0.022 +mailinglist 0.466 0.023 +mailinglists 0.495 0.017 +mailings 0.123 0.010 +maillard 0.895 0.065 +maille 0.480 0.321 +mailling 0.657 0.007 +maillist 0.186 0.007 +maillists 0.888 0.000 +maillot 0.687 0.053 +mailman 0.623 0.002 +mailnotify 0.000 0.000 +mailorder 0.543 0.028 +mailout 0.387 0.043 +mailparse 0.183 0.000 +mailrings 0.990 0.000 +mailroom 0.728 0.014 +mails 0.062 0.013 +mailscanner 0.051 0.001 +mailserver 0.199 0.023 +mailspeed 0.987 0.000 +mailstop 0.930 0.019 +mailto 0.020 0.006 +mailutils 0.110 0.000 +mailx 0.016 0.006 +maim 0.231 0.030 +maimed 0.071 0.009 +maiming 0.065 0.009 +maimon 0.953 0.027 +maimonides 0.961 0.031 +main 0.481 0.050 +mainboard 0.557 0.024 +mainboards 0.872 0.014 +maine 0.928 0.030 +maines 0.874 0.067 +maineville 0.851 0.129 +mainframe 0.344 0.029 +mainframes 0.372 0.040 +maingate 0.926 0.031 +mainichi 0.892 0.076 +mainland 0.583 0.013 +mainline 0.370 0.029 +mainly 0.050 0.008 +mainmenu 0.172 0.046 +mainpage 0.487 0.236 +mains 0.435 0.072 +mainsail 0.346 0.096 +mainscreen 0.982 0.005 +mainspring 0.277 0.070 +mainstage 0.622 0.053 +mainstay 0.209 0.021 +mainstays 0.081 0.008 +mainstem 0.240 0.043 +mainstream 0.181 0.010 +mainstreamed 0.041 0.003 +mainstreaming 0.344 0.016 +mainstreet 0.791 0.084 +maint 0.362 0.438 +maintain 0.085 0.006 +maintainability 0.297 0.018 +maintainable 0.058 0.008 +maintainance 0.290 0.037 +maintained 0.167 0.005 +maintainence 0.473 0.015 +maintainer 0.688 0.018 +maintainers 0.411 0.106 +maintaining 0.133 0.007 +maintains 0.075 0.004 +maintanence 0.381 0.038 +mainte 0.158 0.023 +maintenace 0.423 0.056 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0.052 +majlis 0.886 0.026 +majo 0.597 0.101 +majolica 0.596 0.170 +major 0.257 0.021 +majora 0.722 0.025 +majorana 0.917 0.021 +majorca 0.860 0.031 +majordom 0.002 0.000 +majordomo 0.223 0.007 +majored 0.050 0.004 +majorette 0.645 0.142 +majoring 0.087 0.003 +majoritarian 0.123 0.004 +majorities 0.116 0.004 +majority 0.080 0.008 +majorly 0.063 0.037 +majors 0.354 0.046 +majumdar 0.956 0.034 +majuro 0.926 0.051 +majus 0.124 0.028 +mak 0.435 0.220 +maka 0.606 0.052 +makah 0.954 0.028 +makaha 0.886 0.072 +makai 0.836 0.034 +makalu 0.904 0.034 +makan 0.467 0.029 +makar 0.862 0.059 +makara 0.882 0.031 +makarov 0.923 0.049 +makassar 0.906 0.038 +makati 0.904 0.042 +makaveli 0.738 0.072 +makawao 0.966 0.024 +make 0.160 0.014 +makeba 0.907 0.056 +maked 0.053 0.010 +makedev 0.008 0.616 +makefile 0.885 0.003 +makefiles 0.536 0.011 +makefont 0.000 0.000 +makeinfo 0.025 0.185 +makeing 0.102 0.019 +makelaar 0.027 0.000 +makelaars 0.032 0.005 +maken 0.075 0.009 +makena 0.900 0.048 +makeover 0.560 0.021 +makeovers 0.553 0.030 +makepeace 0.950 0.039 +maker 0.493 0.027 +makerere 0.959 0.030 +makers 0.322 0.016 +makes 0.082 0.011 +makeshift 0.094 0.006 +maketext 0.791 0.015 +maketh 0.028 0.007 +makeup 0.489 0.037 +makgadikgadi 0.981 0.014 +maki 0.781 0.057 +makiko 0.960 0.012 +makin 0.498 0.047 +making 0.171 0.011 +makings 0.136 0.012 +makino 0.924 0.062 +makita 0.808 0.134 +makkah 0.959 0.019 +mako 0.752 0.098 +makoto 0.948 0.022 +makro 0.796 0.098 +maks 0.428 0.301 +maksim 0.914 0.029 +maksutov 0.934 0.036 +maktoum 0.974 0.020 +mal 0.398 0.092 +mala 0.719 0.067 +malabar 0.921 0.051 +malabsorption 0.254 0.014 +malacca 0.953 0.021 +malachi 0.981 0.010 +malachite 0.630 0.089 +malachy 0.915 0.053 +malad 0.813 0.101 +maladaptive 0.091 0.008 +maladie 0.136 0.016 +maladies 0.277 0.024 +maladministration 0.089 0.007 +malady 0.199 0.015 +malaga 0.802 0.032 +malagasy 0.965 0.024 +malahat 0.960 0.033 +malahide 0.935 0.048 +malaika 0.802 0.032 +malaise 0.168 0.010 +malak 0.772 0.137 +malakoff 0.731 0.245 +malam 0.544 0.053 +malamud 0.897 0.067 +malamute 0.878 0.025 +malan 0.898 0.079 +malang 0.810 0.024 +malar 0.515 0.042 +malaria 0.400 0.012 +malarial 0.123 0.012 +malarkey 0.641 0.019 +malas 0.687 0.034 +malasia 0.912 0.050 +malaspina 0.973 0.021 +malata 0.938 0.042 +malate 0.464 0.054 +malatesta 0.785 0.199 +malathion 0.402 0.096 +malattie 0.193 0.016 +malawi 0.953 0.041 +malawian 0.967 0.018 +malay 0.902 0.015 +malaya 0.903 0.064 +malayalam 0.744 0.111 +malayan 0.927 0.044 +malayo 0.888 0.019 +malays 0.883 0.012 +malaysia 0.923 0.038 +malaysian 0.924 0.024 +malaysians 0.950 0.008 +malbec 0.915 0.032 +malc 0.815 0.080 +malco 0.861 0.089 +malcolm 0.930 0.044 +malcom 0.867 0.059 +malcontent 0.661 0.024 +malcontents 0.124 0.007 +malden 0.912 0.060 +maldi 0.019 0.967 +maldive 0.935 0.043 +maldives 0.944 0.042 +maldivian 0.934 0.020 +maldon 0.890 0.070 +maldonado 0.898 0.078 +male 0.419 0.033 +maleate 0.401 0.086 +maledom 0.113 0.020 +maleficent 0.742 0.036 +maleic 0.328 0.081 +malek 0.863 0.105 +malelane 0.952 0.022 +malena 0.854 0.033 +malene 0.959 0.027 +maleness 0.089 0.004 +maleny 0.687 0.253 +maler 0.750 0.017 +males 0.214 0.024 +malesuada 0.003 0.000 +malet 0.864 0.067 +malev 0.827 0.122 +malevich 0.919 0.047 +malevolence 0.238 0.019 +malevolent 0.320 0.027 +maley 0.878 0.108 +malfeasance 0.096 0.010 +malformation 0.234 0.018 +malformations 0.190 0.030 +malformed 0.281 0.007 +malfoy 0.919 0.014 +malfunction 0.133 0.031 +malfunctioned 0.013 0.008 +malfunctioning 0.065 0.007 +malfunctions 0.084 0.020 +malheur 0.827 0.103 +malhotra 0.931 0.053 +mali 0.920 0.060 +malia 0.841 0.065 +malian 0.848 0.011 +malibu 0.865 0.068 +malic 0.396 0.072 +malice 0.354 0.023 +malicious 0.117 0.006 +maliciously 0.025 0.006 +malick 0.964 0.019 +malign 0.057 0.017 +malignancies 0.158 0.011 +malignancy 0.122 0.036 +malignant 0.278 0.027 +maligned 0.045 0.004 +malik 0.939 0.030 +malika 0.849 0.039 +malin 0.884 0.053 +malina 0.881 0.064 +malinda 0.867 0.097 +malindi 0.927 0.041 +maling 0.643 0.118 +malingering 0.378 0.010 +malinois 0.921 0.014 +malinowski 0.912 0.072 +malis 0.825 0.027 +malissa 0.841 0.094 +malizia 0.871 0.082 +malka 0.921 0.039 +malkin 0.971 0.014 +malkmus 0.889 0.069 +malkovich 0.926 0.036 +mall 0.684 0.043 +malla 0.855 0.038 +mallaig 0.954 0.035 +mallard 0.778 0.092 +mallards 0.578 0.042 +malle 0.878 0.030 +malleability 0.303 0.006 +malleable 0.205 0.031 +mallee 0.785 0.040 +maller 0.939 0.032 +mallet 0.637 0.061 +mallets 0.618 0.039 +mallett 0.866 0.114 +malley 0.873 0.077 +mallika 0.879 0.015 +mallinckrodt 0.790 0.153 +malling 0.878 0.073 +malloc 0.042 0.025 +malloch 0.943 0.052 +mallon 0.847 0.068 +mallorca 0.658 0.022 +malloreigh 0.978 0.000 +mallory 0.892 0.078 +mallow 0.641 0.045 +malloy 0.930 0.051 +mallrats 0.875 0.042 +malls 0.721 0.007 +mally 0.314 0.023 +malm 0.864 0.064 +malmaison 0.930 0.042 +malmberg 0.964 0.026 +malmesbury 0.889 0.046 +malmo 0.922 0.037 +malmsteen 0.665 0.090 +malmstrom 0.917 0.056 +malnourished 0.057 0.005 +malnutrition 0.193 0.009 +malo 0.754 0.083 +malocclusion 0.537 0.009 +malone 0.898 0.070 +maloney 0.890 0.099 +maloof 0.853 0.030 +malory 0.938 0.041 +malott 0.860 0.085 +malouf 0.928 0.050 +maloy 0.898 0.086 +malpas 0.823 0.055 +malpensa 0.839 0.060 +malpractice 0.639 0.021 +mals 0.192 0.197 +malt 0.391 0.109 +malta 0.919 0.045 +maltby 0.920 0.068 +malte 0.884 0.038 +malted 0.376 0.039 +maltese 0.905 0.027 +malthouse 0.623 0.028 +malthus 0.956 0.014 +malthusian 0.960 0.008 +malti 0.904 0.037 +maltin 0.957 0.026 +malting 0.365 0.036 +maltings 0.883 0.032 +maltodextrin 0.426 0.051 +malton 0.904 0.043 +maltose 0.293 0.041 +maltreated 0.088 0.007 +maltreatment 0.244 0.017 +malts 0.332 0.038 +malty 0.131 0.007 +maltz 0.930 0.025 +malu 0.459 0.172 +maluku 0.962 0.027 +malus 0.799 0.055 +malva 0.847 0.056 +malvaceae 0.893 0.097 +malveaux 0.603 0.389 +malvern 0.861 0.111 +malverne 0.842 0.125 +malvina 0.918 0.060 +malvinas 0.934 0.051 +malvo 0.962 0.029 +malware 0.403 0.007 +maly 0.836 0.049 +mam 0.233 0.434 +mama 0.645 0.052 +mamacita 0.745 0.030 +mamada 0.021 0.000 +mamadas 0.022 0.001 +mamadou 0.928 0.058 +maman 0.658 0.071 +mamando 0.005 0.000 +mamaroneck 0.909 0.071 +mamas 0.662 0.106 +mamba 0.648 0.058 +mambazo 0.950 0.038 +mamber 0.970 0.000 +mambo 0.877 0.021 +mamboserver 0.916 0.000 +mambot 0.564 0.000 +mambots 0.632 0.003 +mame 0.221 0.463 +mamet 0.939 0.033 +mami 0.546 0.109 +mamie 0.837 0.096 +mamiya 0.877 0.071 +mamm 0.727 0.205 +mamma 0.698 0.039 +mammal 0.376 0.027 +mammalia 0.944 0.025 +mammalian 0.176 0.022 +mammalogy 0.809 0.080 +mammals 0.414 0.019 +mammaries 0.080 0.009 +mammary 0.220 0.027 +mammas 0.544 0.042 +mammillaria 0.936 0.017 +mammogram 0.237 0.017 +mammograms 0.267 0.009 +mammographic 0.240 0.013 +mammography 0.478 0.016 +mammon 0.645 0.022 +mammoth 0.613 0.050 +mammoths 0.377 0.015 +mammut 0.914 0.044 +mammy 0.635 0.066 +mamoru 0.953 0.012 +mamou 0.899 0.073 +mams 0.095 0.262 +mamta 0.616 0.055 +man 0.296 0.030 +mana 0.592 0.054 +manabu 0.939 0.015 +manado 0.925 0.034 +manag 0.620 0.067 +manage 0.275 0.007 +manageability 0.224 0.006 +manageable 0.057 0.003 +managed 0.223 0.019 +managem 0.551 0.060 +manageme 0.562 0.095 +managemen 0.442 0.054 +management 0.548 0.020 +managements 0.225 0.016 +manager 0.647 0.024 +managerial 0.311 0.020 +managers 0.333 0.015 +managertime 0.000 0.000 +manages 0.088 0.002 +managing 0.473 0.012 +managment 0.518 0.024 +managua 0.929 0.048 +manahawkin 0.850 0.118 +manakin 0.835 0.067 +manalapan 0.866 0.109 +manali 0.919 0.037 +manama 0.882 0.090 +manan 0.876 0.052 +manana 0.711 0.054 +manar 0.758 0.179 +manara 0.799 0.073 +manas 0.748 0.124 +manasquan 0.881 0.089 +manassas 0.923 0.056 +manasseh 0.975 0.017 +manat 0.665 0.027 +manatee 0.690 0.109 +manatees 0.400 0.021 +manaus 0.928 0.027 +manawa 0.813 0.114 +manawatu 0.983 0.014 +manayunk 0.932 0.022 +manc 0.582 0.095 +manca 0.667 0.036 +mancala 0.680 0.021 +mance 0.161 0.016 +mancelona 0.761 0.198 +mancha 0.792 0.052 +manchaca 0.833 0.148 +manche 0.718 0.037 +manchego 0.822 0.018 +manchester 0.913 0.041 +manchin 0.972 0.026 +manchu 0.907 0.057 +manchuria 0.983 0.010 +manchurian 0.941 0.037 +mancini 0.901 0.066 +manco 0.858 0.074 +mancos 0.818 0.154 +mancunians 0.995 0.000 +mancuso 0.881 0.056 +mand 0.164 0.057 +manda 0.726 0.041 +mandal 0.817 0.076 +mandala 0.680 0.041 +mandalas 0.607 0.026 +mandalay 0.845 0.048 +mandaluyong 0.913 0.057 +mandamus 0.144 0.034 +mandan 0.893 0.065 +mandar 0.443 0.028 +mandara 0.881 0.037 +mandarin 0.837 0.029 +mandarina 0.816 0.025 +mandarine 0.335 0.018 +mandarins 0.394 0.020 +mandat 0.224 0.049 +mandate 0.148 0.014 +mandated 0.077 0.010 +mandates 0.165 0.017 +mandating 0.093 0.006 +mandatory 0.226 0.040 +mande 0.576 0.062 +mandel 0.931 0.035 +mandela 0.924 0.024 +mandelbaum 0.942 0.035 +mandelbrot 0.903 0.014 +mandell 0.950 0.038 +mandelson 0.975 0.019 +mander 0.713 0.035 +manderlay 0.937 0.060 +manders 0.747 0.076 +manderson 0.869 0.091 +mandeville 0.903 0.076 +mandi 0.753 0.034 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+manga 0.330 0.025 +mangal 0.855 0.068 +mangala 0.819 0.062 +mangalore 0.943 0.041 +mangan 0.904 0.063 +manganese 0.434 0.058 +mangano 0.856 0.099 +mangas 0.256 0.010 +mange 0.264 0.019 +mangement 0.650 0.024 +manger 0.534 0.026 +mangere 0.954 0.031 +mangers 0.233 0.008 +manges 0.850 0.065 +mangeshkar 0.921 0.046 +mangia 0.748 0.070 +mangiare 0.666 0.084 +mangini 0.979 0.014 +mangione 0.901 0.051 +mangle 0.133 0.065 +mangled 0.125 0.006 +mangler 0.549 0.025 +mangling 0.083 0.006 +mango 0.643 0.054 +mangoes 0.293 0.023 +mangold 0.937 0.041 +mangos 0.445 0.025 +mangosteen 0.486 0.020 +mangrove 0.312 0.039 +mangroves 0.207 0.010 +mangt 0.944 0.048 +mangum 0.878 0.106 +mangy 0.266 0.023 +manh 0.553 0.155 +manhasset 0.825 0.156 +manhattan 0.913 0.029 +manhattanville 0.938 0.059 +manhatten 0.850 0.029 +manheim 0.884 0.058 +manhole 0.305 0.107 +manholes 0.252 0.047 +manhood 0.190 0.022 +manhunt 0.687 0.031 +manhunter 0.809 0.113 +mani 0.681 0.080 +mania 0.677 0.042 +maniac 0.535 0.049 +maniacal 0.150 0.010 +maniacs 0.656 0.049 +maniatis 0.968 0.027 +manic 0.491 0.036 +manicotti 0.730 0.048 +manics 0.751 0.033 +manicure 0.583 0.049 +manicured 0.087 0.010 +manicures 0.923 0.001 +manicuring 0.610 0.026 +manicurist 0.405 0.045 +manicurists 0.803 0.008 +manie 0.249 0.018 +manier 0.174 0.019 +manifest 0.159 0.061 +manifestation 0.095 0.009 +manifestations 0.118 0.012 +manifested 0.016 0.003 +manifesting 0.164 0.012 +manifestly 0.047 0.003 +manifesto 0.571 0.050 +manifestos 0.513 0.022 +manifests 0.051 0.005 +manifold 0.279 0.051 +manifolds 0.247 0.032 +manik 0.818 0.102 +manikin 0.520 0.044 +manikins 0.616 0.029 +manila 0.820 0.034 +manilla 0.757 0.101 +manilow 0.904 0.042 +manilva 0.705 0.025 +manin 0.898 0.032 +manion 0.885 0.094 +manip 0.579 0.025 +manipal 0.895 0.042 +manipulate 0.052 0.003 +manipulated 0.038 0.005 +manipulates 0.077 0.004 +manipulating 0.177 0.005 +manipulation 0.235 0.009 +manipulations 0.113 0.009 +manipulative 0.187 0.014 +manipulatives 0.557 0.012 +manipulator 0.339 0.018 +manipulators 0.274 0.019 +manipur 0.963 0.029 +manis 0.737 0.077 +manish 0.809 0.045 +manisha 0.729 0.034 +manistee 0.846 0.120 +manistique 0.849 0.125 +manito 0.810 0.116 +manitoba 0.949 0.036 +manitou 0.883 0.059 +manitoulin 0.929 0.053 +manitowoc 0.887 0.096 +manji 0.934 0.017 +manjimup 0.521 0.155 +manju 0.824 0.040 +manjula 0.931 0.026 +mankato 0.929 0.053 +mankiewicz 0.974 0.023 +mankin 0.877 0.038 +mankind 0.229 0.016 +mankiw 0.963 0.028 +manko 0.933 0.019 +manley 0.915 0.069 +manliness 0.146 0.006 +manlius 0.874 0.113 +manly 0.544 0.069 +manmade 0.262 0.027 +manmohan 0.977 0.015 +mann 0.854 0.064 +manna 0.584 0.069 +mannan 0.575 0.032 +mannar 0.932 0.038 +mannatech 0.564 0.022 +manne 0.801 0.085 +manned 0.193 0.011 +mannen 0.312 0.029 +mannequin 0.460 0.075 +mannequins 0.476 0.022 +manner 0.012 0.006 +mannered 0.050 0.006 +mannering 0.811 0.183 +mannerism 0.507 0.010 +mannerisms 0.082 0.003 +manners 0.319 0.022 +mannes 0.876 0.030 +mannesmann 0.802 0.153 +mannheim 0.690 0.022 +manni 0.725 0.068 +mannie 0.865 0.043 +manning 0.840 0.058 +manningham 0.839 0.114 +mannington 0.793 0.065 +manningtree 0.941 0.032 +mannion 0.968 0.025 +mannitol 0.335 0.037 +mannix 0.921 0.059 +manno 0.713 0.059 +mannose 0.238 0.043 +mannosidase 0.133 0.098 +manns 0.858 0.094 +mannschaft 0.938 0.000 +mannville 0.378 0.618 +manny 0.878 0.038 +mano 0.436 0.047 +manoa 0.892 0.071 +manoel 0.956 0.031 +manoeuvre 0.094 0.009 +manoeuvres 0.256 0.026 +manoeuvring 0.129 0.013 +manohar 0.924 0.054 +manoir 0.883 0.054 +manoj 0.876 0.030 +manolis 0.907 0.052 +manolo 0.859 0.064 +manometer 0.319 0.036 +manometry 0.218 0.004 +manon 0.913 0.047 +manor 0.708 0.182 +manors 0.628 0.029 +manorville 0.848 0.124 +manos 0.708 0.050 +manova 0.120 0.811 +manowar 0.657 0.076 +manpage 0.079 0.004 +manpages 0.142 0.007 +manpath 0.000 0.765 +manpower 0.460 0.024 +manque 0.073 0.016 +mans 0.551 0.080 +mansa 0.821 0.061 +manse 0.617 0.031 +mansell 0.730 0.255 +mansfield 0.899 0.070 +manship 0.720 0.034 +mansi 0.905 0.036 +mansion 0.553 0.053 +mansions 0.383 0.022 +manslaughter 0.241 0.023 +manson 0.483 0.035 +mansoni 0.011 0.010 +mansoor 0.897 0.047 +mansour 0.929 0.044 +mansun 0.895 0.058 +mansur 0.940 0.037 +mant 0.369 0.238 +manta 0.717 0.060 +mantas 0.615 0.081 +manteca 0.871 0.063 +mantegna 0.946 0.033 +mantel 0.537 0.041 +mantell 0.939 0.040 +mantelpiece 0.050 0.005 +mantels 0.524 0.018 +mantenimiento 0.145 0.048 +manteno 0.836 0.114 +manteo 0.895 0.071 +manti 0.845 0.077 +manticore 0.870 0.027 +mantilla 0.705 0.070 +mantis 0.714 0.051 +mantissa 0.230 0.034 +mantle 0.361 0.052 +mantled 0.099 0.019 +mantles 0.413 0.034 +manto 0.789 0.041 +manton 0.853 0.107 +mantooth 0.778 0.187 +mantova 0.833 0.039 +mantovani 0.885 0.093 +mantra 0.379 0.034 +mantras 0.382 0.021 +mantric 0.795 0.128 +mantua 0.890 0.069 +mantz 0.971 0.022 +manu 0.598 0.106 +manual 0.500 0.061 +manuale 0.133 0.009 +manuales 0.281 0.011 +manuali 0.093 0.010 +manually 0.076 0.006 +manualmente 0.000 0.000 +manuals 0.505 0.052 +manuel 0.869 0.048 +manuela 0.881 0.037 +manuels 0.435 0.023 +manuf 0.740 0.034 +manufac 0.410 0.073 +manufact 0.557 0.155 +manufactory 0.620 0.041 +manufactu 0.918 0.012 +manufactuer 0.603 0.019 +manufactur 0.256 0.028 +manufacturability 0.266 0.009 +manufacture 0.255 0.020 +manufactured 0.251 0.018 +manufacturer 0.624 0.015 +manufacturers 0.481 0.026 +manufactures 0.278 0.014 +manufacturing 0.530 0.021 +manugistics 0.915 0.028 +manuka 0.866 0.038 +manukau 0.950 0.032 +manulife 0.949 0.032 +manure 0.179 0.014 +manures 0.191 0.022 +manurewa 0.895 0.097 +manus 0.717 0.051 +manuscript 0.301 0.019 +manuscripts 0.373 0.022 +manutenzione 0.133 0.028 +manuva 0.856 0.096 +manvel 0.872 0.062 +manville 0.908 0.063 +manwl 0.139 0.006 +manx 0.889 0.049 +many 0.143 0.006 +manyara 0.957 0.027 +manyeleti 0.993 0.000 +manylion 0.336 0.026 +manz 0.755 0.115 +manzanar 0.952 0.025 +manzanillo 0.915 0.042 +manzanita 0.753 0.045 +manzano 0.868 0.066 +manzella 0.961 0.033 +manzi 0.917 0.055 +manzini 0.938 0.048 +manzo 0.848 0.072 +manzoni 0.722 0.147 +mao 0.754 0.171 +maoi 0.028 0.642 +maoist 0.972 0.006 +maoists 0.977 0.004 +maor 0.694 0.100 +maori 0.950 0.021 +maoris 0.923 0.020 +maos 0.368 0.038 +map 0.658 0.034 +mapa 0.599 0.043 +mapas 0.519 0.010 +mapc 0.124 0.559 +mapd 0.281 0.171 +mapdelta 0.000 0.000 +mape 0.247 0.307 +mapes 0.902 0.065 +mapex 0.753 0.114 +mapfile 0.082 0.041 +maphack 0.197 0.010 +mapi 0.051 0.859 +mapics 0.103 0.792 +mapk 0.005 0.983 +maple 0.722 0.069 +mapleleaf 0.151 0.019 +maples 0.703 0.044 +maplesoft 0.969 0.027 +mapleton 0.813 0.163 +maplewood 0.868 0.110 +maplin 0.728 0.005 +mapmaker 0.467 0.119 +mapp 0.437 0.469 +mappa 0.506 0.219 +mappe 0.442 0.188 +mapped 0.065 0.012 +mapper 0.598 0.035 +mappers 0.367 0.011 +mappin 0.914 0.055 +mapping 0.497 0.022 +mappings 0.148 0.009 +mapplethorpe 0.907 0.057 +mapques 0.000 0.000 +mapquest 0.466 0.032 +maps 0.594 0.031 +mapserver 0.630 0.017 +mapsource 0.624 0.103 +maptech 0.964 0.022 +mapuche 0.890 0.033 +maputo 0.948 0.038 +mapw 0.305 0.122 +mapx 0.318 0.069 +maq 0.152 0.716 +maquette 0.702 0.070 +maquiladora 0.649 0.011 +maquiladoras 0.324 0.012 +maquina 0.223 0.052 +maquinaria 0.132 0.047 +maquis 0.609 0.125 +maquoketa 0.828 0.151 +mar 0.937 0.042 +mara 0.853 0.071 +marable 0.920 0.072 +marabou 0.600 0.107 +maracaibo 0.925 0.032 +maracas 0.521 0.069 +marad 0.162 0.794 +maradona 0.843 0.078 +marae 0.529 0.011 +marah 0.805 0.078 +marais 0.824 0.084 +maran 0.892 0.025 +marana 0.905 0.069 +maranatha 0.917 0.048 +maranda 0.909 0.060 +maranello 0.855 0.061 +marano 0.923 0.063 +marant 0.533 0.459 +marantz 0.852 0.096 +maraschino 0.395 0.022 +marat 0.922 0.040 +maratha 0.897 0.027 +marathi 0.934 0.012 +marathon 0.683 0.041 +marathons 0.420 0.009 +marauder 0.784 0.072 +marauders 0.691 0.029 +marauding 0.172 0.022 +marbella 0.823 0.023 +marble 0.508 0.047 +marbled 0.390 0.035 +marblehead 0.914 0.061 +marbles 0.516 0.052 +marbling 0.352 0.022 +marburg 0.934 0.040 +marbury 0.926 0.051 +marc 0.850 0.105 +marca 0.437 0.067 +marcar 0.243 0.006 +marcas 0.321 0.024 +marcasite 0.737 0.090 +marcato 0.750 0.050 +marceau 0.883 0.033 +marcel 0.922 0.035 +marcela 0.901 0.030 +marceline 0.847 0.087 +marcelino 0.857 0.067 +marcell 0.899 0.042 +marcella 0.874 0.083 +marcelle 0.916 0.061 +marcello 0.912 0.040 +marcellus 0.891 0.080 +marcelo 0.916 0.025 +marcescens 0.022 0.020 +march 0.950 0.016 +marcha 0.322 0.176 +marchal 0.904 0.059 +marchand 0.803 0.074 +marchandises 0.043 0.166 +marchant 0.883 0.081 +marchbein 0.997 0.001 +marche 0.689 0.065 +marched 0.020 0.002 +marchers 0.216 0.009 +marches 0.326 0.025 +marchese 0.913 0.039 +marchesi 0.940 0.045 +marchetti 0.903 0.083 +marchi 0.638 0.185 +marching 0.398 0.025 +marci 0.895 0.056 +marcia 0.908 0.045 +marcial 0.874 0.073 +marciano 0.839 0.122 +marcie 0.893 0.038 +marcil 0.871 0.029 +marcin 0.933 0.016 +marcio 0.883 0.031 +marcle 0.131 0.865 +marco 0.889 0.048 +marcom 0.726 0.151 +marcon 0.848 0.127 +marconi 0.895 0.055 +marcos 0.921 0.041 +marcot 0.217 0.011 +marcotte 0.916 0.075 +marcoux 0.914 0.079 +marcum 0.885 0.087 +marcus 0.911 0.035 +marcuse 0.951 0.025 +marcy 0.896 0.064 +mard 0.173 0.658 +marden 0.772 0.197 +marder 0.919 0.048 +mardi 0.319 0.015 +mardigras 0.225 0.025 +mardin 0.922 0.050 +mardis 0.846 0.054 +marduk 0.809 0.091 +mardy 0.883 0.036 +mare 0.545 0.064 +marea 0.773 0.069 +marebito 0.975 0.023 +marechal 0.877 0.064 +maree 0.865 0.047 +mareeba 0.749 0.174 +marek 0.892 0.034 +maremma 0.797 0.125 +maren 0.907 0.047 +marengo 0.848 0.121 +mares 0.546 0.072 +maresme 0.389 0.008 +maret 0.804 0.063 +marfa 0.821 0.106 +marfan 0.937 0.018 +marg 0.798 0.070 +marga 0.722 0.123 +margalit 0.919 0.045 +margao 0.991 0.007 +margaret 0.923 0.060 +margareta 0.940 0.038 +margarete 0.921 0.056 +margaretha 0.932 0.061 +margarets 0.736 0.239 +margaretta 0.900 0.077 +margarine 0.167 0.020 +margarita 0.746 0.060 +margaritas 0.389 0.025 +margaritaville 0.898 0.044 +margate 0.867 0.083 +margaux 0.876 0.092 +marge 0.804 0.044 +margenta 0.000 0.000 +margera 0.689 0.056 +margery 0.942 0.047 +margherita 0.877 0.044 +margi 0.850 0.093 +margie 0.907 0.066 +margiela 0.115 0.862 +margin 0.162 0.034 +marginal 0.194 0.014 +marginalia 0.478 0.050 +marginalisation 0.079 0.006 +marginalised 0.033 0.003 +marginality 0.261 0.016 +marginalization 0.124 0.006 +marginalize 0.025 0.003 +marginalized 0.035 0.003 +marginally 0.036 0.007 +marginals 0.129 0.044 +marginata 0.126 0.027 +margins 0.109 0.014 +margit 0.942 0.033 +margo 0.921 0.050 +margolin 0.927 0.055 +margolis 0.857 0.035 +margot 0.932 0.040 +margrave 0.861 0.026 +margret 0.908 0.056 +marguerite 0.920 0.056 +margulies 0.940 0.031 +margulis 0.965 0.022 +mari 0.775 0.090 +maria 0.893 0.053 +mariachi 0.729 0.052 +mariage 0.163 0.012 +mariah 0.602 0.026 +mariam 0.866 0.062 +marian 0.907 0.063 +mariana 0.944 0.041 +marianas 0.940 0.038 +mariani 0.954 0.035 +mariann 0.941 0.035 +marianna 0.883 0.058 +marianne 0.926 0.042 +mariano 0.922 0.041 +marias 0.855 0.086 +maribel 0.880 0.044 +maribeth 0.922 0.039 +maribor 0.891 0.068 +maribyrnong 0.801 0.132 +maric 0.917 0.048 +maricopa 0.893 0.076 +mariculture 0.391 0.026 +marie 0.896 0.055 +maried 0.048 0.005 +mariehamn 0.931 0.030 +marieke 0.904 0.018 +mariel 0.894 0.059 +mariella 0.864 0.121 +marielle 0.892 0.040 +marien 0.925 0.037 +marienbad 0.973 0.019 +maries 0.789 0.090 +marietta 0.910 0.066 +mariette 0.940 0.045 +marigold 0.725 0.051 +marigolds 0.426 0.019 +marigot 0.953 0.017 +marihuana 0.271 0.020 +mariinsky 0.971 0.022 +marija 0.927 0.033 +marijke 0.882 0.019 +marijuana 0.356 0.019 +marik 0.816 0.030 +marika 0.925 0.026 +mariko 0.917 0.024 +marilee 0.933 0.044 +marilla 0.893 0.095 +marillion 0.721 0.067 +marilu 0.966 0.016 +marily 0.132 0.011 +marilyn 0.663 0.041 +marilynn 0.911 0.062 +marilynne 0.987 0.010 +marimba 0.536 0.139 +marimekko 0.866 0.050 +marin 0.889 0.055 +marina 0.786 0.050 +marinade 0.320 0.058 +marinades 0.745 0.027 +marinara 0.465 0.039 +marinas 0.640 0.021 +marinate 0.330 0.012 +marinated 0.400 0.031 +marinating 0.171 0.011 +marine 0.694 0.045 +marineland 0.888 0.057 +marinelli 0.928 0.060 +mariner 0.798 0.073 +mariners 0.866 0.032 +marines 0.812 0.055 +marinette 0.872 0.110 +marini 0.835 0.053 +marino 0.932 0.050 +marinos 0.782 0.045 +marinus 0.349 0.043 +mario 0.860 0.037 +marion 0.894 0.082 +marionette 0.683 0.025 +marionettes 0.560 0.017 +marios 0.650 0.246 +mariot 0.072 0.005 +mariott 0.431 0.006 +mariotti 0.921 0.057 +mariposa 0.865 0.067 +maris 0.842 0.090 +marisa 0.887 0.033 +mariscal 0.926 0.040 +mariska 0.869 0.023 +marisol 0.862 0.060 +marissa 0.890 0.044 +marist 0.931 0.057 +marit 0.863 0.064 +marita 0.922 0.047 +marital 0.402 0.030 +marithe 0.135 0.803 +maritim 0.537 0.031 +maritima 0.126 0.063 +maritime 0.676 0.034 +maritimes 0.589 0.026 +maritimo 0.834 0.038 +marittima 0.669 0.067 +maritz 0.936 0.039 +maritza 0.884 0.046 +mariucci 0.980 0.012 +mariupol 0.948 0.017 +marius 0.909 0.023 +mariusz 0.947 0.026 +marj 0.831 0.052 +marja 0.883 0.018 +marjan 0.820 0.028 +marjolein 0.595 0.018 +marjoram 0.462 0.038 +marjorie 0.924 0.055 +marjory 0.933 0.053 +mark 0.715 0.031 +marka 0.437 0.050 +markdown 0.728 0.014 +markdowns 0.432 0.016 +marke 0.548 0.039 +marked 0.048 0.013 +markedly 0.012 0.001 +markee 0.944 0.027 +markel 0.866 0.061 +marken 0.902 0.024 +marker 0.309 0.058 +markers 0.326 0.022 +market 0.318 0.029 +marketa 0.900 0.018 +marketability 0.140 0.010 +marketable 0.151 0.012 +marketed 0.100 0.010 +marketeer 0.510 0.013 +marketeers 0.230 0.009 +marketer 0.325 0.017 +marketers 0.296 0.018 +marketin 0.688 0.071 +marketing 0.570 0.017 +marketingx 0.000 0.000 +marketocracy 0.901 0.000 +marketplace 0.669 0.057 +marketplaces 0.516 0.004 +markets 0.368 0.030 +marketshare 0.265 0.007 +marketwatch 0.620 0.306 +marketworks 0.947 0.017 +markey 0.816 0.152 +markham 0.913 0.069 +markie 0.812 0.053 +marking 0.267 0.043 +markings 0.165 0.036 +markka 0.950 0.011 +markku 0.960 0.012 +markland 0.894 0.091 +markle 0.903 0.082 +markley 0.881 0.097 +marklin 0.775 0.146 +markman 0.947 0.023 +marknet 0.041 0.095 +marko 0.902 0.027 +markoff 0.890 0.100 +markos 0.912 0.033 +markov 0.950 0.016 +markovian 0.945 0.012 +markovic 0.928 0.049 +markovich 0.932 0.043 +markowitz 0.959 0.026 +marks 0.252 0.033 +marksman 0.647 0.056 +marksmanship 0.410 0.028 +marksmen 0.275 0.018 +markstarmer 0.000 0.000 +marksville 0.839 0.079 +markt 0.714 0.069 +marktplatz 0.942 0.021 +markup 0.376 0.006 +markups 0.140 0.138 +markus 0.887 0.021 +markwell 0.811 0.177 +markwest 0.018 0.031 +marky 0.772 0.060 +markzware 0.963 0.033 +marl 0.412 0.153 +marla 0.898 0.061 +marland 0.888 0.084 +marlboro 0.687 0.049 +marlborough 0.938 0.044 +marleau 0.922 0.061 +marlee 0.835 0.121 +marleen 0.833 0.029 +marlena 0.900 0.028 +marlene 0.906 0.051 +marler 0.853 0.059 +marlette 0.859 0.100 +marley 0.604 0.055 +marlies 0.827 0.148 +marlin 0.794 0.058 +marlins 0.954 0.026 +marlo 0.882 0.059 +marlon 0.885 0.077 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0.754 0.029 +marseilles 0.941 0.036 +marsh 0.731 0.065 +marsha 0.920 0.050 +marshal 0.662 0.038 +marshaled 0.024 0.000 +marshaling 0.207 0.007 +marshall 0.917 0.059 +marshalled 0.106 0.006 +marshalling 0.227 0.010 +marshalls 0.817 0.028 +marshalltown 0.896 0.090 +marshals 0.499 0.028 +marshes 0.256 0.016 +marshfield 0.904 0.075 +marshland 0.304 0.025 +marshlands 0.336 0.040 +marshmallow 0.542 0.052 +marshmallows 0.266 0.011 +marshy 0.093 0.006 +marsland 0.913 0.073 +marson 0.712 0.272 +marsteller 0.939 0.042 +marsters 0.878 0.041 +marston 0.920 0.060 +marstons 0.922 0.046 +marsupial 0.368 0.015 +marsupials 0.318 0.019 +mart 0.861 0.051 +marta 0.787 0.148 +marte 0.879 0.048 +martek 0.861 0.113 +martel 0.915 0.058 +martell 0.909 0.068 +martelli 0.856 0.028 +martello 0.734 0.040 +marten 0.735 0.047 +martens 0.877 0.032 +martes 0.666 0.024 +martex 0.937 0.032 +marth 0.869 0.045 +martha 0.908 0.064 +marthas 0.784 0.037 +marthe 0.923 0.047 +marti 0.879 0.059 +martial 0.641 0.020 +martian 0.846 0.031 +martians 0.869 0.036 +martie 0.900 0.017 +martijn 0.927 0.010 +martika 0.374 0.091 +martin 0.891 0.049 +martina 0.710 0.063 +martinborough 0.950 0.042 +martindale 0.973 0.021 +martine 0.871 0.083 +martineau 0.928 0.053 +martinelli 0.909 0.061 +martinet 0.567 0.023 +martinez 0.887 0.076 +martingale 0.255 0.011 +martingales 0.429 0.016 +martini 0.695 0.053 +martinique 0.942 0.048 +martinis 0.494 0.019 +martino 0.913 0.054 +martins 0.845 0.054 +martinsburg 0.909 0.069 +martinson 0.940 0.051 +martinsville 0.880 0.091 +martinu 0.897 0.086 +martinus 0.949 0.025 +martinville 0.810 0.176 +martis 0.774 0.168 +martius 0.907 0.028 +martock 0.934 0.041 +marton 0.931 0.046 +martone 0.893 0.052 +marts 0.548 0.037 +martti 0.911 0.019 +marty 0.925 0.041 +martyn 0.935 0.035 +martyr 0.449 0.020 +martyrdom 0.255 0.011 +martyred 0.084 0.008 +martyrs 0.491 0.022 +martz 0.954 0.031 +maru 0.786 0.100 +marui 0.791 0.096 +marunouchi 0.933 0.053 +maruti 0.849 0.095 +maruyama 0.943 0.045 +marv 0.880 0.064 +marva 0.901 0.065 +marvel 0.725 0.109 +marveled 0.007 0.004 +marveling 0.045 0.003 +marvell 0.745 0.041 +marvelled 0.009 0.000 +marvellous 0.171 0.015 +marvellously 0.041 0.000 +marvelous 0.187 0.018 +marvelously 0.054 0.004 +marvels 0.320 0.035 +marvin 0.891 0.061 +marvy 0.877 0.047 +marwan 0.920 0.041 +marware 0.870 0.120 +marwick 0.942 0.048 +marx 0.871 0.045 +marxian 0.951 0.008 +marxism 0.916 0.006 +marxist 0.921 0.009 +marxists 0.907 0.004 +mary 0.907 0.060 +marya 0.931 0.028 +maryam 0.898 0.034 +maryann 0.872 0.078 +maryanne 0.870 0.053 +marybeth 0.839 0.049 +maryborough 0.813 0.157 +maryellen 0.865 0.062 +maryhill 0.923 0.030 +maryjane 0.558 0.082 +maryknoll 0.855 0.137 +maryland 0.925 0.031 +marylebone 0.957 0.027 +marylhurst 0.902 0.039 +marylin 0.802 0.047 +marylou 0.826 0.071 +marymount 0.948 0.043 +maryport 0.816 0.056 +marys 0.814 0.119 +maryse 0.916 0.033 +marysville 0.877 0.090 +maryvale 0.835 0.158 +maryville 0.889 0.087 +marywood 0.915 0.075 +marz 0.764 0.110 +marzano 0.883 0.055 +marzi 0.522 0.109 +marzipan 0.506 0.032 +marzo 0.496 0.026 +marzocchi 0.858 0.099 +mas 0.195 0.227 +masa 0.449 0.189 +masaaki 0.969 0.020 +masada 0.911 0.068 +masaharu 0.963 0.015 +masahiko 0.953 0.022 +masahiro 0.965 0.022 +masai 0.935 0.030 +masaki 0.906 0.070 +masako 0.942 0.025 +masala 0.571 0.035 +masami 0.948 0.028 +masamune 0.853 0.047 +masanori 0.975 0.015 +masao 0.960 0.025 +masaru 0.959 0.024 +masaryk 0.977 0.019 +masashi 0.922 0.020 +masataka 0.973 0.011 +masato 0.882 0.015 +masatoshi 0.978 0.015 +masaya 0.720 0.028 +masayoshi 0.963 0.024 +masayuki 0.977 0.013 +masc 0.140 0.485 +mascagni 0.917 0.041 +mascara 0.580 0.083 +mascarenhas 0.959 0.034 +mascarpone 0.437 0.020 +maschera 0.662 0.048 +maschine 0.295 0.022 +maschinen 0.668 0.036 +maschinenbau 0.795 0.157 +mascis 0.941 0.029 +masco 0.734 0.222 +mascot 0.496 0.073 +mascots 0.373 0.050 +mascotte 0.807 0.097 +mascoutah 0.835 0.121 +masculin 0.524 0.053 +masculine 0.159 0.021 +masculinities 0.565 0.014 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0.298 +maspalomas 0.939 0.012 +maspeth 0.873 0.106 +maspiro 0.000 0.000 +masq 0.220 0.365 +masque 0.707 0.057 +masquerade 0.735 0.046 +masquerades 0.198 0.010 +masquerading 0.185 0.008 +masques 0.641 0.026 +masri 0.959 0.030 +mass 0.320 0.031 +massa 0.534 0.029 +massac 0.918 0.061 +massachusettes 0.814 0.034 +massachusetts 0.945 0.025 +massachussets 0.937 0.018 +massachussetts 0.876 0.021 +massacration 0.999 0.000 +massacre 0.493 0.030 +massacred 0.026 0.006 +massacres 0.103 0.013 +massad 0.969 0.023 +massage 0.557 0.025 +massaged 0.025 0.005 +massagen 0.018 0.000 +massager 0.648 0.067 +massagers 0.760 0.016 +massages 0.240 0.013 +massagestudio 0.000 0.000 +massaging 0.301 0.015 +massana 0.979 0.014 +massanutten 0.884 0.034 +massapequa 0.827 0.141 +massaro 0.920 0.038 +masse 0.274 0.028 +massed 0.110 0.007 +massena 0.770 0.175 +massenet 0.907 0.080 +masses 0.155 0.009 +masset 0.935 0.030 +masseur 0.375 0.029 +masseurs 0.608 0.011 +masseuse 0.418 0.021 +massey 0.885 0.089 +massie 0.891 0.087 +massif 0.627 0.030 +massillon 0.856 0.120 +massimiliano 0.943 0.020 +massimo 0.814 0.125 +massing 0.225 0.018 +massiot 0.430 0.005 +massiv 0.733 0.056 +massive 0.171 0.020 +massively 0.274 0.007 +massless 0.062 0.012 +masson 0.910 0.072 +massoud 0.957 0.033 +massy 0.737 0.055 +mast 0.306 0.105 +masta 0.786 0.061 +mastectomy 0.350 0.016 +masted 0.109 0.021 +masten 0.904 0.075 +master 0.595 0.040 +masterbate 0.024 0.005 +masterbating 0.036 0.002 +masterbation 0.040 0.004 +masterbetion 0.000 0.000 +masterbuilt 0.866 0.073 +mastercard 0.799 0.082 +masterclass 0.706 0.045 +masterclasses 0.575 0.033 +mastercraft 0.791 0.083 +mastered 0.089 0.009 +masterfile 0.789 0.082 +masterful 0.092 0.005 +masterfully 0.073 0.003 +mastering 0.590 0.024 +masterly 0.054 0.006 +mastermind 0.421 0.039 +masterminded 0.036 0.004 +masterminding 0.063 0.012 +masterminds 0.600 0.015 +mastermix 0.850 0.096 +masterpiece 0.323 0.024 +masterpieces 0.468 0.023 +masterplan 0.625 0.042 +masterprint 0.997 0.001 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0.050 +materiali 0.251 0.054 +materialien 0.954 0.016 +materialise 0.101 0.012 +materialised 0.030 0.000 +materialism 0.223 0.009 +materialist 0.134 0.007 +materialistic 0.067 0.005 +materialists 0.142 0.000 +materiality 0.161 0.008 +materialization 0.153 0.013 +materialize 0.023 0.007 +materialized 0.078 0.019 +materializes 0.011 0.007 +materially 0.009 0.010 +materials 0.295 0.038 +materiel 0.507 0.047 +materion 0.349 0.020 +maternal 0.349 0.018 +maternally 0.185 0.012 +maternity 0.532 0.021 +mates 0.243 0.021 +matewan 0.901 0.075 +matey 0.259 0.038 +matfer 0.974 0.008 +math 0.519 0.097 +mathbb 0.000 0.000 +mathbf 0.000 0.000 +mathcad 0.813 0.048 +mathe 0.490 0.042 +mathematic 0.587 0.021 +mathematica 0.921 0.027 +mathematical 0.436 0.031 +mathematically 0.157 0.004 +mathematician 0.163 0.005 +mathematicians 0.271 0.008 +mathematics 0.654 0.025 +mathematik 0.905 0.023 +mathematische 0.795 0.054 +mathemetics 0.983 0.000 +matheny 0.903 0.062 +mather 0.896 0.074 +mathers 0.904 0.054 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0.027 +mattei 0.948 0.045 +mattel 0.892 0.066 +matteo 0.831 0.083 +matter 0.106 0.013 +mattered 0.056 0.005 +matterhorn 0.907 0.045 +mattern 0.933 0.053 +matters 0.251 0.023 +mattes 0.662 0.031 +matteson 0.912 0.072 +matthau 0.957 0.030 +matthes 0.903 0.078 +matthew 0.937 0.033 +matthews 0.864 0.084 +matthey 0.902 0.086 +matthias 0.963 0.015 +matthiessen 0.945 0.047 +matthieu 0.916 0.020 +matthijs 0.886 0.018 +matti 0.918 0.020 +mattia 0.879 0.040 +mattias 0.938 0.026 +mattie 0.870 0.097 +mattila 0.949 0.039 +matting 0.452 0.034 +mattingly 0.860 0.115 +mattiolo 0.592 0.402 +mattis 0.745 0.040 +mattison 0.899 0.084 +mattituck 0.825 0.128 +matto 0.804 0.035 +mattoon 0.865 0.116 +mattos 0.894 0.071 +mattox 0.906 0.076 +mattress 0.465 0.030 +mattresses 0.571 0.015 +matts 0.559 0.290 +mattson 0.904 0.077 +mattsson 0.926 0.062 +matty 0.799 0.036 +matur 0.084 0.015 +matura 0.125 0.023 +maturation 0.110 0.012 +mature 0.204 0.006 +matured 0.053 0.008 +matures 0.259 0.009 +maturesex 0.305 0.000 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0.922 0.049 +mauricio 0.921 0.043 +maurier 0.896 0.058 +maurin 0.932 0.049 +maurine 0.888 0.092 +mauris 0.413 0.003 +mauritania 0.953 0.044 +mauritanian 0.995 0.003 +mauritian 0.926 0.016 +mauritius 0.940 0.047 +maurits 0.897 0.012 +maurizio 0.886 0.080 +mauro 0.862 0.081 +maury 0.916 0.058 +maus 0.758 0.100 +mauser 0.814 0.064 +mausoleum 0.536 0.018 +mauston 0.854 0.113 +mauvais 0.250 0.019 +mauve 0.516 0.088 +mauviel 0.860 0.137 +mav 0.224 0.653 +mava 0.068 0.151 +mavala 0.810 0.174 +maven 0.517 0.012 +mavens 0.388 0.011 +maverick 0.738 0.048 +mavericks 0.928 0.025 +mavi 0.778 0.090 +mavic 0.888 0.063 +mavica 0.762 0.073 +mavis 0.872 0.073 +mavs 0.848 0.107 +maw 0.479 0.304 +mawdsley 0.956 0.038 +mawhinney 0.929 0.056 +mawk 0.089 0.022 +mawr 0.815 0.057 +mawrth 0.952 0.046 +maws 0.241 0.544 +mawson 0.786 0.185 +max 0.557 0.152 +maxalt 0.694 0.114 +maxam 0.905 0.064 +maxchan 0.000 0.010 +maxdata 0.276 0.632 +maxed 0.215 0.019 +maxell 0.745 0.226 +maxent 0.775 0.112 +maxey 0.906 0.081 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0.878 0.064 +maynooth 0.949 0.028 +mayo 0.840 0.037 +mayonnaise 0.269 0.021 +mayor 0.719 0.037 +mayoral 0.453 0.032 +mayores 0.086 0.011 +mayorga 0.909 0.060 +mayors 0.475 0.025 +mayotte 0.961 0.036 +maypearl 0.845 0.138 +maypole 0.855 0.013 +mayport 0.880 0.089 +mayr 0.920 0.056 +mayra 0.838 0.062 +mayrhofen 0.976 0.010 +mays 0.704 0.082 +mayst 0.037 0.000 +maysville 0.859 0.104 +maytag 0.890 0.036 +maytals 0.895 0.057 +mayumi 0.892 0.025 +mayur 0.861 0.071 +mayville 0.851 0.121 +mayweather 0.937 0.032 +maywood 0.884 0.084 +maz 0.545 0.240 +maza 0.803 0.054 +mazak 0.806 0.134 +mazal 0.778 0.119 +mazama 0.848 0.069 +mazar 0.942 0.026 +mazarin 0.923 0.044 +mazarron 0.286 0.012 +mazatlan 0.921 0.028 +mazda 0.846 0.082 +mazdaspeed 0.477 0.454 +maze 0.439 0.031 +mazel 0.823 0.054 +mazen 0.964 0.017 +mazer 0.934 0.036 +mazes 0.387 0.014 +mazi 0.431 0.051 +mazie 0.923 0.049 +mazin 0.875 0.027 +mazinger 0.863 0.049 +mazo 0.813 0.051 +mazon 0.599 0.179 +mazowieckie 0.176 0.012 +mazumdar 0.921 0.069 +mazur 0.922 0.046 +mazurka 0.785 0.026 +mazz 0.397 0.035 +mazza 0.831 0.029 +mazzer 0.920 0.027 +mazzi 0.517 0.042 +mazzini 0.925 0.049 +mazzola 0.915 0.059 +mazzone 0.949 0.039 +mazzy 0.671 0.020 +mb 0.130 0.803 +mba 0.012 0.922 +mbabane 0.927 0.059 +mbar 0.037 0.138 +mbb 0.008 0.893 +mbbs 0.004 0.980 +mbc 0.006 0.932 +mbd 0.038 0.757 +mbda 0.054 0.932 +mbe 0.006 0.952 +mbeki 0.978 0.018 +mber 0.012 0.119 +mbf 0.030 0.849 +mbg 0.010 0.911 +mbh 0.063 0.799 +mbi 0.030 0.816 +mbia 0.014 0.944 +mbit 0.941 0.018 +mbits 0.964 0.004 +mbj 0.010 0.942 +mbk 0.025 0.856 +mbl 0.039 0.876 +mbm 0.011 0.852 +mbms 0.000 0.992 +mbna 0.051 0.749 +mbo 0.049 0.796 +mbone 0.198 0.259 +mbox 0.136 0.096 +mbp 0.143 0.732 +mbps 0.919 0.043 +mbr 0.072 0.761 +mbs 0.056 0.836 +mbsa 0.000 0.971 +mbsf 0.000 0.015 +mbstring 0.000 0.009 +mbt 0.051 0.844 +mbta 0.008 0.966 +mbti 0.008 0.955 +mbu 0.128 0.791 +mbuf 0.036 0.024 +mbus 0.335 0.494 +mbw 0.016 0.841 +mbx 0.027 0.640 +mbyte 0.934 0.031 +mbytes 0.965 0.010 +mc 0.236 0.657 +mca 0.060 0.886 +mcad 0.011 0.959 +mcadams 0.427 0.253 +mcafee 0.258 0.268 +mcal 0.186 0.645 +mcalester 0.612 0.289 +mcallen 0.664 0.192 +mcallister 0.349 0.530 +mcarthur 0.379 0.507 +mcas 0.009 0.979 +mcast 0.103 0.245 +mcat 0.015 0.910 +mcb 0.016 0.898 +mcbride 0.230 0.140 +mcc 0.013 0.936 +mccabe 0.402 0.453 +mccain 0.199 0.339 +mccall 0.426 0.379 +mccallum 0.456 0.443 +mccann 0.322 0.428 +mccarthy 0.257 0.315 +mccartney 0.152 0.121 +mccarty 0.243 0.552 +mcclain 0.335 0.563 +mcclellan 0.287 0.562 +mcclintock 0.350 0.324 +mcclure 0.324 0.559 +mccollum 0.209 0.738 +mccomb 0.556 0.378 +mcconnell 0.195 0.561 +mccormack 0.223 0.641 +mccormick 0.306 0.470 +mccoy 0.328 0.430 +mccoypottery 0.994 0.000 +mccracken 0.237 0.578 +mccs 0.008 0.962 +mccullagh 0.873 0.103 +mcculloch 0.430 0.270 +mccullough 0.330 0.525 +mccurry 0.078 0.898 +mcd 0.021 0.854 +mcdaniel 0.287 0.616 +mcdba 0.012 0.955 +mcdermott 0.418 0.459 +mcdonald 0.572 0.312 +mcdonalds 0.316 0.193 +mcdonnell 0.219 0.622 +mcdonough 0.577 0.316 +mcdougal 0.208 0.242 +mcdowell 0.282 0.517 +mcdst 0.008 0.976 +mce 0.016 0.887 +mcentire 0.374 0.173 +mcf 0.107 0.805 +mcfadden 0.394 0.440 +mcfarland 0.308 0.554 +mcfarlane 0.410 0.385 +mcferrin 0.092 0.062 +mcfly 0.370 0.255 +mcg 0.017 0.317 +mcgee 0.356 0.421 +mcgill 0.290 0.405 +mcgovern 0.407 0.463 +mcgowan 0.301 0.227 +mcgrath 0.325 0.485 +mcgraw 0.406 0.310 +mcgregor 0.344 0.410 +mcguire 0.332 0.403 +mch 0.081 0.861 +mchenry 0.567 0.307 +mci 0.034 0.919 +mcintosh 0.385 0.448 +mcintyre 0.246 0.562 +mcis 0.000 0.974 +mcj 0.010 0.957 +mck 0.051 0.854 +mckay 0.421 0.385 +mckee 0.495 0.409 +mckenna 0.515 0.269 +mckennitt 0.108 0.046 +mckenzie 0.419 0.282 +mckinley 0.377 0.403 +mckinleyville 0.654 0.122 +mckinney 0.534 0.331 +mckinnon 0.355 0.561 +mcknight 0.447 0.208 +mcl 0.018 0.891 +mclachlan 0.290 0.096 +mclaren 0.497 0.212 +mclaughlin 0.318 0.530 +mcle 0.004 0.947 +mclean 0.553 0.323 +mclennan 0.407 0.413 +mcleod 0.504 0.405 +mcm 0.063 0.829 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0.021 +mdk 0.083 0.563 +mdl 0.034 0.897 +mdm 0.209 0.716 +mdma 0.012 0.921 +mdn 0.108 0.687 +mdnt 0.007 0.981 +mdo 0.040 0.810 +mdoc 0.060 0.722 +mdot 0.870 0.122 +mdp 0.006 0.926 +mdr 0.014 0.916 +mds 0.105 0.797 +mdt 0.002 0.981 +mdu 0.017 0.875 +mdv 0.027 0.894 +mdw 0.024 0.850 +mdx 0.045 0.819 +mdy 0.271 0.603 +me 0.144 0.049 +mea 0.162 0.308 +meac 0.003 0.983 +meacham 0.885 0.095 +meacher 0.973 0.023 +mead 0.816 0.078 +meade 0.894 0.072 +meador 0.897 0.090 +meadow 0.660 0.083 +meadowbank 0.831 0.158 +meadowbrook 0.824 0.146 +meadowlands 0.864 0.082 +meadowlark 0.821 0.058 +meadowood 0.837 0.147 +meadows 0.730 0.071 +meadowview 0.810 0.178 +meads 0.717 0.134 +meadville 0.944 0.042 +meaford 0.945 0.043 +meagan 0.862 0.040 +meager 0.072 0.008 +meaghan 0.922 0.039 +meagher 0.919 0.072 +meagre 0.029 0.002 +meakin 0.695 0.176 +meal 0.215 0.020 +mealey 0.929 0.065 +meals 0.313 0.017 +mealtime 0.438 0.011 +mealtimes 0.181 0.005 +mealworms 0.336 0.025 +mealy 0.441 0.024 +mean 0.119 0.016 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0.322 0.028 +meatball 0.596 0.044 +meatballs 0.466 0.060 +meath 0.941 0.016 +meatless 0.602 0.022 +meatloaf 0.558 0.063 +meatpacking 0.817 0.003 +meatriarchy 0.991 0.000 +meats 0.383 0.031 +meaty 0.208 0.016 +meaux 0.872 0.081 +meb 0.153 0.742 +mebane 0.892 0.077 +mebbe 0.329 0.000 +mec 0.073 0.692 +meca 0.211 0.708 +mecc 0.069 0.908 +mecca 0.780 0.037 +meccano 0.761 0.170 +mecer 0.908 0.064 +mech 0.627 0.143 +mecha 0.449 0.085 +mechan 0.536 0.035 +mechanic 0.552 0.038 +mechanical 0.455 0.033 +mechanically 0.106 0.013 +mechanicals 0.354 0.041 +mechanics 0.490 0.039 +mechanicsburg 0.900 0.080 +mechanicsville 0.893 0.080 +mechanicville 0.809 0.146 +mechanisation 0.285 0.016 +mechanised 0.226 0.013 +mechanism 0.099 0.011 +mechanisms 0.112 0.011 +mechanistic 0.187 0.013 +mechanix 0.874 0.086 +mechanization 0.307 0.020 +mechanize 0.679 0.004 +mechanized 0.300 0.017 +mechatronic 0.638 0.021 +mechatronics 0.753 0.041 +meche 0.865 0.065 +mechelen 0.827 0.134 +mechs 0.507 0.011 +mechwarrior 0.785 0.079 +meck 0.845 0.086 +meckel 0.954 0.027 +mecklenburg 0.916 0.054 +meckler 0.925 0.053 +meclizine 0.619 0.027 +meco 0.552 0.379 +meconium 0.349 0.018 +mecosta 0.773 0.189 +mecs 0.048 0.477 +mecum 0.312 0.029 +med 0.675 0.117 +meda 0.334 0.565 +medabots 0.878 0.030 +medaille 0.772 0.079 +medal 0.629 0.046 +medalist 0.500 0.025 +medalists 0.445 0.040 +medallion 0.621 0.080 +medallions 0.555 0.043 +medallist 0.317 0.024 +medallists 0.507 0.021 +medals 0.472 0.038 +medan 0.807 0.056 +medc 0.014 0.967 +medco 0.735 0.120 +meddle 0.189 0.021 +meddling 0.100 0.008 +meddwl 0.207 0.012 +medea 0.744 0.215 +medecine 0.616 0.083 +medecins 0.816 0.150 +medeia 0.976 0.004 +medeiros 0.894 0.057 +medela 0.794 0.056 +medellin 0.891 0.039 +medem 0.934 0.051 +medes 0.936 0.041 +medeski 0.933 0.034 +medevac 0.365 0.249 +medfield 0.921 0.062 +medford 0.902 0.076 +medgar 0.903 0.051 +medi 0.687 0.152 +media 0.665 0.029 +mediabistro 0.232 0.000 +mediabook 0.937 0.059 +mediacenter 0.498 0.020 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0.029 +mediterranee 0.813 0.122 +mediterraneo 0.808 0.069 +mediterraneum 0.781 0.201 +medium 0.448 0.034 +mediums 0.275 0.015 +mediumship 0.497 0.036 +medix 0.923 0.051 +medizin 0.796 0.091 +medizinische 0.597 0.204 +medjugorje 0.929 0.055 +medlem 0.241 0.008 +medley 0.655 0.059 +medlin 0.879 0.102 +medline 0.107 0.889 +medlock 0.918 0.072 +medoc 0.780 0.181 +medor 0.059 0.833 +medora 0.846 0.121 +medpundit 0.871 0.000 +medrano 0.896 0.084 +medrol 0.749 0.071 +medroxyprogesterone 0.471 0.032 +meds 0.324 0.039 +medscape 0.967 0.006 +medtech 0.785 0.088 +medtronic 0.936 0.052 +medulla 0.360 0.016 +medullary 0.183 0.014 +medulloblastoma 0.488 0.010 +medusa 0.720 0.062 +medved 0.928 0.033 +medvedev 0.934 0.036 +medway 0.941 0.043 +mee 0.370 0.153 +meech 0.905 0.059 +meed 0.168 0.421 +meedio 0.957 0.001 +meehan 0.882 0.110 +meek 0.535 0.071 +meeker 0.878 0.087 +meekly 0.035 0.002 +meekness 0.133 0.013 +meeks 0.872 0.098 +meem 0.234 0.517 +meen 0.085 0.071 +meena 0.779 0.085 +meenakshi 0.917 0.040 +meep 0.379 0.161 +meer 0.460 0.021 +meera 0.931 0.031 +meerkat 0.719 0.035 +meers 0.892 0.069 +meerschaum 0.559 0.159 +meerut 0.980 0.016 +mees 0.567 0.359 +meese 0.876 0.053 +meest 0.586 0.033 +meet 0.227 0.014 +meetic 0.347 0.001 +meetin 0.432 0.031 +meeting 0.334 0.030 +meetinghouse 0.660 0.029 +meetings 0.329 0.023 +meets 0.205 0.017 +meetup 0.974 0.002 +meetups 0.951 0.002 +mef 0.015 0.920 +mefloquine 0.345 0.013 +meg 0.696 0.107 +mega 0.605 0.106 +megabit 0.453 0.010 +megabits 0.159 0.004 +megabucks 0.597 0.046 +megabyte 0.191 0.036 +megabytes 0.192 0.032 +megaco 0.580 0.186 +megadeth 0.589 0.077 +megadrive 0.700 0.132 +megahertz 0.450 0.038 +megalith 0.924 0.005 +megalithic 0.794 0.005 +megaliths 0.822 0.014 +megalomania 0.362 0.018 +megalomaniac 0.285 0.011 +megalopolis 0.524 0.053 +megaman 0.628 0.041 +megami 0.888 0.031 +megamix 0.708 0.104 +megan 0.895 0.040 +megane 0.734 0.139 +megaphone 0.418 0.058 +megaphones 0.574 0.027 +megapixel 0.677 0.012 +megapixels 0.628 0.012 +megaplex 0.737 0.041 +megaraid 0.124 0.106 +megas 0.597 0.082 +megasite 0.447 0.088 +megasitio 0.000 0.000 +megaspider 0.003 0.000 +megastar 0.410 0.057 +megastore 0.909 0.025 +megastores 0.970 0.002 +megatech 0.888 0.060 +megatokyo 0.739 0.006 +megaton 0.628 0.031 +megatones 0.533 0.000 +megatrends 0.744 0.044 +megatron 0.829 0.067 +megaupload 0.497 0.051 +megawati 0.979 0.018 +megawatt 0.138 0.014 +megawatts 0.077 0.010 +meget 0.141 0.009 +megeve 0.792 0.131 +megger 0.695 0.116 +meggie 0.886 0.020 +megginson 0.981 0.017 +megha 0.876 0.046 +meghalaya 0.955 0.041 +meghan 0.907 0.040 +megiddo 0.881 0.037 +megis 0.026 0.145 +meglio 0.294 0.033 +mego 0.384 0.128 +megs 0.507 0.024 +meguiar 0.975 0.021 +meguiars 0.829 0.138 +megumi 0.886 0.024 +meguro 0.943 0.029 +meh 0.384 0.093 +meharry 0.935 0.041 +mehdi 0.919 0.035 +mehefin 0.979 0.017 +meher 0.841 0.036 +mehl 0.851 0.127 +mehlis 0.955 0.012 +mehlman 0.952 0.034 +mehmet 0.933 0.037 +mehndi 0.653 0.066 +mehr 0.375 0.031 +mehra 0.927 0.053 +mehran 0.818 0.037 +mehrere 0.168 0.000 +mehrotra 0.967 0.027 +mehta 0.936 0.044 +mei 0.593 0.194 +meier 0.942 0.040 +meigs 0.897 0.087 +meijer 0.915 0.038 +meiji 0.949 0.032 +meikle 0.895 0.067 +meilen 0.978 0.011 +meilleur 0.221 0.017 +meilleure 0.107 0.018 +meilleures 0.525 0.012 +meilleurs 0.113 0.012 +mein 0.550 0.037 +meindl 0.925 0.038 +meine 0.491 0.014 +meineke 0.953 0.026 +meinem 0.054 0.007 +meinen 0.088 0.005 +meiner 0.118 0.015 +meines 0.077 0.009 +meinl 0.816 0.146 +meinung 0.959 0.005 +meio 0.384 0.022 +meiosis 0.243 0.022 +meiotic 0.104 0.020 +meir 0.935 0.039 +meira 0.878 0.032 +meirelles 0.960 0.023 +meis 0.612 0.189 +meisel 0.932 0.054 +meisje 0.076 0.004 +meisjes 0.081 0.015 +meisler 0.688 0.015 +meisner 0.921 0.069 +meissen 0.821 0.135 +meissner 0.935 0.037 +meist 0.221 0.000 +meisten 0.005 0.000 +meister 0.811 0.037 +meito 0.899 0.045 +mej 0.094 0.383 +mejia 0.899 0.068 +mejor 0.226 0.029 +mejorar 0.138 0.012 +mejores 0.046 0.009 +mek 0.156 0.651 +mekhi 0.964 0.016 +mekong 0.962 0.024 +mekons 0.935 0.029 +mel 0.818 0.091 +mela 0.642 0.150 +melaka 0.932 0.023 +melaleuca 0.767 0.062 +melamed 0.915 0.039 +melamine 0.500 0.051 +melancholia 0.392 0.014 +melancholic 0.201 0.006 +melancholy 0.193 0.009 +melancon 0.885 0.104 +melanesia 0.980 0.012 +melanesian 0.974 0.017 +melange 0.498 0.032 +melania 0.841 0.026 +melanie 0.904 0.040 +melanin 0.199 0.012 +melanocyte 0.250 0.020 +melanocytes 0.194 0.010 +melanogaster 0.006 0.020 +melanoma 0.361 0.017 +melanomas 0.104 0.009 +melanson 0.804 0.080 +melas 0.477 0.270 +melati 0.667 0.011 +melatonin 0.454 0.020 +melay 0.983 0.000 +melayu 0.755 0.012 +melb 0.704 0.162 +melba 0.796 0.124 +melbourne 0.912 0.039 +melcher 0.907 0.073 +melchior 0.902 0.061 +melchizedek 0.964 0.027 +melco 0.739 0.211 +meld 0.221 0.093 +melded 0.028 0.000 +melden 0.094 0.006 +melding 0.160 0.009 +meldrum 0.902 0.089 +melds 0.054 0.003 +meldungen 0.945 0.009 +mele 0.744 0.089 +melee 0.473 0.012 +melendez 0.916 0.064 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0.075 +melodia 0.398 0.053 +melodias 0.290 0.006 +melodic 0.252 0.013 +melodica 0.534 0.043 +melodie 0.486 0.043 +melodies 0.186 0.018 +melodijas 0.554 0.000 +melodious 0.176 0.010 +melodrama 0.319 0.007 +melodramatic 0.056 0.003 +melody 0.493 0.031 +melon 0.499 0.045 +melonentitten 0.000 0.000 +meloni 0.905 0.033 +melons 0.331 0.017 +melos 0.506 0.053 +meloxicam 0.374 0.031 +meloy 0.943 0.037 +melphalan 0.446 0.015 +melquiades 0.958 0.020 +melrose 0.886 0.085 +mels 0.501 0.226 +melson 0.896 0.090 +melt 0.244 0.031 +meltdown 0.441 0.039 +melted 0.058 0.007 +melter 0.401 0.085 +melting 0.259 0.025 +melton 0.875 0.095 +melts 0.145 0.028 +meltwater 0.127 0.013 +meltzer 0.956 0.035 +melua 0.806 0.077 +melungeon 0.977 0.014 +melville 0.906 0.079 +melvin 0.894 0.079 +melvina 0.882 0.108 +melvindale 0.866 0.109 +melvins 0.836 0.076 +melvyl 0.481 0.499 +melvyn 0.942 0.039 +melyssa 0.523 0.017 +melzer 0.926 0.061 +mem 0.656 0.134 +mema 0.184 0.703 +memantine 0.545 0.018 +memb 0.334 0.311 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0.452 0.017 +meningiomas 0.205 0.014 +meningitidis 0.012 0.008 +meningitis 0.373 0.020 +meningococcal 0.430 0.023 +menino 0.561 0.016 +meniscal 0.289 0.013 +meniscus 0.248 0.013 +menke 0.929 0.049 +menken 0.961 0.022 +menlo 0.936 0.041 +menne 0.405 0.020 +mennen 0.899 0.061 +menninger 0.948 0.038 +menno 0.861 0.062 +mennonite 0.958 0.028 +mennonites 0.967 0.014 +meno 0.480 0.049 +menominee 0.882 0.096 +menomonee 0.906 0.072 +menomonie 0.885 0.095 +menon 0.937 0.035 +menopausal 0.196 0.010 +menopause 0.526 0.014 +menor 0.467 0.031 +menorah 0.604 0.057 +menorahs 0.738 0.018 +menorca 0.857 0.028 +menores 0.086 0.033 +menorrhagia 0.449 0.010 +menos 0.086 0.020 +menotti 0.924 0.056 +mens 0.782 0.073 +mensa 0.774 0.113 +mensagem 0.539 0.012 +mensagens 0.345 0.007 +mensah 0.895 0.062 +mensaje 0.348 0.010 +mensajes 0.458 0.020 +mensch 0.723 0.024 +menschen 0.932 0.009 +mensen 0.212 0.011 +menses 0.113 0.012 +menstrual 0.240 0.011 +menstruating 0.095 0.005 +menstruation 0.339 0.008 +menswear 0.748 0.026 +ment 0.013 0.016 +mental 0.394 0.018 +mentale 0.342 0.034 +mentalism 0.645 0.059 +mentalist 0.658 0.011 +mentalities 0.096 0.007 +mentality 0.147 0.007 +mentally 0.141 0.012 +mentary 0.022 0.013 +mentation 0.007 0.004 +mente 0.268 0.035 +mented 0.002 0.001 +mentee 0.239 0.033 +mentees 0.206 0.007 +menten 0.955 0.018 +menter 0.698 0.061 +mentha 0.882 0.041 +menthe 0.541 0.057 +menthol 0.470 0.062 +menting 0.034 0.004 +mention 0.069 0.009 +mentioned 0.047 0.005 +mentioning 0.032 0.004 +mentionned 0.008 0.000 +mentions 0.154 0.009 +mentis 0.485 0.042 +mento 0.447 0.041 +menton 0.858 0.061 +mentone 0.825 0.141 +mentor 0.469 0.033 +mentored 0.215 0.009 +mentoring 0.448 0.013 +mentors 0.300 0.011 +mentorship 0.423 0.016 +mentos 0.677 0.046 +mentre 0.205 0.183 +ments 0.002 0.007 +mentzer 0.908 0.075 +menu 0.442 0.035 +menubar 0.101 0.006 +menuconfig 0.070 0.004 +menudo 0.442 0.038 +menue 0.318 0.027 +menuet 0.918 0.032 +menuhin 0.917 0.062 +menuires 0.877 0.065 +menuitem 0.007 0.083 +menus 0.324 0.012 +meny 0.382 0.083 +menzel 0.919 0.048 +menzies 0.919 0.068 +menziesii 0.021 0.020 +meo 0.268 0.506 +meola 0.898 0.067 +meon 0.600 0.017 +meow 0.548 0.144 +mep 0.009 0.952 +meperidine 0.476 0.025 +mephisto 0.893 0.038 +mephistopheles 0.714 0.110 +mepis 0.432 0.464 +meps 0.014 0.963 +meq 0.082 0.379 +mequon 0.908 0.070 +mer 0.405 0.200 +mera 0.572 0.153 +merah 0.791 0.074 +merak 0.838 0.034 +meramec 0.772 0.205 +merano 0.915 0.038 +merc 0.565 0.212 +mercado 0.655 0.062 +mercantil 0.780 0.042 +mercantila 0.993 0.000 +mercantile 0.701 0.067 +mercantilism 0.349 0.014 +mercaptoethanol 0.235 0.017 +mercato 0.305 0.027 +mercator 0.886 0.047 +mercatus 0.924 0.051 +merce 0.449 0.030 +merced 0.897 0.066 +mercedes 0.862 0.066 +mercedez 0.834 0.021 +mercenaries 0.484 0.014 +mercenary 0.540 0.016 +mercer 0.910 0.066 +mercerized 0.589 0.050 +mercersburg 0.847 0.101 +merch 0.596 0.097 +merchandise 0.538 0.036 +merchandiser 0.719 0.055 +merchandisers 0.430 0.070 +merchandising 0.478 0.026 +merchant 0.642 0.008 +merchantability 0.002 0.713 +merchantable 0.076 0.136 +merchants 0.220 0.008 +merchantville 0.852 0.100 +merci 0.579 0.049 +mercia 0.921 0.056 +mercial 0.005 0.007 +mercie 0.937 0.009 +mercier 0.902 0.054 +mercies 0.254 0.014 +merciful 0.327 0.015 +mercifully 0.194 0.002 +merciless 0.246 0.026 +mercilessly 0.012 0.002 +merck 0.905 0.057 +merckx 0.901 0.046 +mercola 0.971 0.012 +mercosur 0.669 0.325 +mercredi 0.377 0.024 +mercruiser 0.759 0.120 +mercs 0.516 0.089 +mercure 0.864 0.090 +mercurial 0.411 0.031 +mercuric 0.367 0.057 +mercurio 0.787 0.050 +mercurius 0.822 0.040 +mercury 0.700 0.057 +mercutio 0.821 0.124 +mercy 0.460 0.034 +mercyful 0.732 0.056 +mercyhurst 0.943 0.050 +merde 0.636 0.025 +merdeka 0.873 0.043 +mere 0.099 0.006 +meredith 0.899 0.058 +mereka 0.102 0.006 +merely 0.018 0.003 +merengue 0.689 0.038 +meres 0.278 0.103 +merest 0.008 0.000 +merganser 0.738 0.056 +merge 0.273 0.032 +merged 0.112 0.014 +mergent 0.761 0.057 +merger 0.238 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0.050 +merseybeat 0.968 0.011 +merseyside 0.942 0.023 +mershon 0.921 0.066 +mersin 0.875 0.071 +merson 0.890 0.082 +merster 0.000 0.000 +mert 0.545 0.168 +merten 0.910 0.066 +mertens 0.938 0.048 +merthyr 0.925 0.036 +merton 0.940 0.045 +mertz 0.901 0.071 +meru 0.904 0.060 +merv 0.818 0.128 +merveilles 0.649 0.103 +mervin 0.873 0.095 +mervyn 0.921 0.064 +merwe 0.916 0.076 +merwin 0.893 0.069 +mery 0.675 0.095 +meryl 0.931 0.021 +merz 0.878 0.068 +merzbow 0.780 0.116 +mes 0.176 0.286 +mesa 0.836 0.083 +mesage 0.328 0.036 +mesaj 0.368 0.010 +mesangial 0.084 0.014 +mesas 0.334 0.025 +mescalero 0.891 0.059 +mescaline 0.241 0.015 +mese 0.202 0.076 +meself 0.027 0.007 +mesenchymal 0.165 0.023 +mesenchyme 0.070 0.008 +mesenger 0.085 0.010 +mesenteric 0.273 0.014 +mesentery 0.374 0.021 +meserve 0.672 0.323 +meses 0.105 0.025 +mesg 0.484 0.073 +mesh 0.376 0.059 +meshed 0.144 0.010 +meshes 0.191 0.015 +meshing 0.313 0.015 +meshuggah 0.525 0.118 +mesi 0.271 0.138 +mesic 0.375 0.048 +mesilla 0.939 0.040 +meskill 0.936 0.011 +mesmer 0.867 0.017 +mesmerising 0.082 0.007 +mesmerize 0.343 0.022 +mesmerized 0.156 0.012 +mesmerizing 0.115 0.018 +mesmo 0.073 0.056 +mesnil 0.820 0.113 +meso 0.254 0.381 +mesoamerica 0.951 0.023 +mesoamerican 0.947 0.026 +mesoderm 0.142 0.009 +mesolithic 0.942 0.011 +meson 0.239 0.041 +mesonet 0.446 0.380 +mesons 0.123 0.062 +mesoporous 0.412 0.029 +mesopotamia 0.861 0.018 +mesopotamian 0.898 0.079 +mesoscale 0.366 0.069 +mesoscopic 0.452 0.014 +mesosphere 0.270 0.040 +mesothelioma 0.497 0.007 +mesotherapy 0.773 0.023 +mesozoic 0.941 0.033 +mesquite 0.738 0.044 +mess 0.159 0.028 +messa 0.413 0.113 +message 0.404 0.012 +messageboard 0.573 0.061 +messageboards 0.741 0.018 +messaged 0.077 0.036 +messager 0.390 0.025 +messagerie 0.112 0.374 +messages 0.508 0.006 +messagewall 0.000 0.000 +messaggi 0.440 0.031 +messaggio 0.399 0.007 +messaging 0.570 0.007 +messanger 0.358 0.020 +messe 0.886 0.039 +messed 0.062 0.009 +messege 0.153 0.025 +messen 0.509 0.200 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0.020 +metacarpal 0.131 0.030 +metacharacters 0.113 0.000 +metacity 0.325 0.001 +metaclass 0.169 0.040 +metacognition 0.398 0.017 +metacognitive 0.199 0.008 +metacrawler 0.885 0.008 +metacritic 0.979 0.000 +metacycbuff 0.000 0.000 +metadata 0.387 0.009 +metafile 0.598 0.011 +metafilter 0.772 0.002 +metafont 0.371 0.413 +metaframe 0.852 0.054 +metairie 0.894 0.085 +metajy 0.040 0.007 +metakit 0.591 0.000 +metal 0.488 0.049 +metalcore 0.538 0.011 +metalhead 0.477 0.051 +metalheads 0.495 0.025 +metalic 0.468 0.148 +metalized 0.428 0.051 +metall 0.716 0.070 +metallic 0.497 0.046 +metallica 0.411 0.022 +metallicity 0.136 0.021 +metallics 0.604 0.040 +metallization 0.251 0.109 +metallized 0.475 0.081 +metallo 0.406 0.057 +metallocene 0.310 0.379 +metalloprotease 0.143 0.034 +metalloproteinase 0.130 0.037 +metalloproteinases 0.268 0.011 +metallothionein 0.327 0.031 +metallurgical 0.527 0.049 +metallurgist 0.479 0.046 +metallurgy 0.632 0.042 +metals 0.413 0.045 +metalsmith 0.819 0.023 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0.010 +metcalf 0.905 0.082 +metcalfe 0.870 0.081 +mete 0.298 0.058 +meted 0.020 0.010 +meteo 0.437 0.180 +meteomar 0.368 0.628 +meteor 0.574 0.056 +meteora 0.815 0.069 +meteoric 0.093 0.018 +meteorite 0.252 0.045 +meteorites 0.383 0.067 +meteorobs 0.006 0.000 +meteorol 0.943 0.027 +meteorological 0.544 0.046 +meteorologist 0.487 0.041 +meteorologists 0.310 0.008 +meteorology 0.741 0.026 +meteors 0.471 0.034 +meteos 0.934 0.019 +meteosat 0.697 0.287 +meter 0.628 0.029 +metered 0.283 0.038 +metering 0.531 0.053 +meters 0.187 0.027 +metes 0.178 0.065 +metformin 0.342 0.020 +meth 0.487 0.055 +methacholine 0.334 0.007 +methacrylate 0.204 0.057 +methadone 0.324 0.012 +methamphetamine 0.283 0.014 +methamphetamines 0.264 0.010 +methane 0.255 0.029 +methanococcus 0.978 0.009 +methanol 0.233 0.039 +methanosarcina 0.971 0.007 +metheny 0.876 0.043 +methicillin 0.341 0.012 +methinks 0.383 0.004 +methionine 0.342 0.034 +metho 0.242 0.081 +method 0.230 0.052 +methode 0.600 0.063 +methoden 0.891 0.009 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+metoclopramide 0.413 0.025 +metodo 0.497 0.028 +metolachlor 0.348 0.060 +metolius 0.956 0.029 +metoprolol 0.418 0.023 +metr 0.237 0.567 +metra 0.750 0.120 +metre 0.197 0.055 +metres 0.060 0.020 +metric 0.338 0.037 +metrical 0.189 0.013 +metrics 0.340 0.012 +metrix 0.913 0.042 +metro 0.792 0.054 +metroactive 0.985 0.000 +metroblogging 0.949 0.000 +metrobus 0.914 0.059 +metrodome 0.933 0.042 +metrofashion 0.712 0.000 +metroid 0.904 0.016 +metrokane 0.935 0.051 +metroland 0.938 0.055 +metrolink 0.898 0.048 +metrologic 0.910 0.064 +metrological 0.246 0.017 +metrology 0.592 0.051 +metromix 0.740 0.000 +metron 0.795 0.103 +metronidazole 0.378 0.018 +metronome 0.503 0.055 +metronomes 0.862 0.026 +metroplex 0.747 0.076 +metropol 0.850 0.102 +metropole 0.873 0.034 +metropolis 0.686 0.050 +metropolises 0.092 0.005 +metropolitan 0.672 0.041 +metropolitana 0.788 0.074 +metrorail 0.942 0.017 +metros 0.164 0.004 +metrosexual 0.403 0.015 +metrowerks 0.954 0.014 +metrowest 0.875 0.066 +metry 0.055 0.010 +mets 0.881 0.075 +metso 0.937 0.054 +metta 0.425 0.043 +mette 0.822 0.029 +metter 0.758 0.095 +mettez 0.858 0.004 +mettle 0.191 0.065 +mettler 0.696 0.282 +mettre 0.203 0.007 +metu 0.058 0.809 +metuchen 0.895 0.088 +metus 0.041 0.002 +metz 0.896 0.064 +metzeler 0.849 0.096 +metzger 0.936 0.050 +metzler 0.914 0.063 +metzner 0.952 0.034 +meu 0.513 0.162 +meubles 0.114 0.019 +meucci 0.918 0.025 +meudon 0.905 0.039 +meulen 0.928 0.037 +meunier 0.875 0.103 +meur 0.543 0.397 +meurer 0.956 0.034 +meursault 0.860 0.094 +meus 0.201 0.044 +meuse 0.910 0.053 +meuser 0.977 0.015 +mev 0.140 0.815 +mevacor 0.681 0.072 +mevagissey 0.933 0.056 +mew 0.508 0.092 +mewes 0.959 0.020 +mewn 0.064 0.011 +mews 0.786 0.067 +mewtwo 0.873 0.046 +mex 0.574 0.320 +mexborough 0.950 0.038 +mexi 0.751 0.083 +mexia 0.858 0.098 +mexic 0.468 0.039 +mexica 0.876 0.024 +mexicali 0.730 0.027 +mexican 0.810 0.024 +mexicana 0.656 0.049 +mexicanas 0.185 0.017 +mexicano 0.671 0.044 +mexicanos 0.507 0.041 +mexicans 0.895 0.014 +mexico 0.905 0.036 +mexiko 0.923 0.010 +mexique 0.839 0.057 +mexri 0.080 0.010 +mexx 0.816 0.144 +mey 0.725 0.129 +meyda 0.969 0.014 +meyer 0.922 0.058 +meyerbeer 0.935 0.056 +meyerco 0.909 0.087 +meyerhoff 0.916 0.070 +meyering 0.929 0.010 +meyerowitz 0.943 0.048 +meyers 0.912 0.058 +meyerson 0.951 0.043 +meynell 0.880 0.054 +meyrick 0.962 0.033 +meyrin 0.870 0.125 +mez 0.368 0.345 +meza 0.906 0.059 +mezco 0.910 0.074 +mezlan 0.898 0.052 +mezmerize 0.759 0.049 +mezuzah 0.781 0.020 +mezz 0.306 0.574 +mezzanine 0.493 0.070 +mezzanines 0.324 0.020 +mezzo 0.480 0.055 +mezzoblue 0.269 0.000 +mf 0.020 0.899 +mfa 0.005 0.974 +mfb 0.020 0.759 +mfc 0.065 0.882 +mfd 0.087 0.754 +mfe 0.012 0.927 +mff 0.092 0.667 +mfg 0.322 0.227 +mfgr 0.663 0.234 +mfh 0.011 0.915 +mfi 0.021 0.953 +mfixed 0.004 0.000 +mfj 0.008 0.956 +mfl 0.021 0.874 +mfm 0.012 0.847 +mfn 0.037 0.857 +mfo 0.004 0.948 +mfp 0.012 0.865 +mfr 0.723 0.173 +mfrs 0.676 0.171 +mfs 0.056 0.807 +mft 0.006 0.982 +mfume 0.946 0.050 +mfw 0.004 0.874 +mfx 0.038 0.803 +mg 0.061 0.214 +mga 0.058 0.478 +mgb 0.026 0.919 +mgc 0.012 0.895 +mgcp 0.022 0.782 +mgd 0.030 0.726 +mge 0.016 0.939 +mget 0.006 0.258 +mgetty 0.016 0.001 +mgf 0.022 0.925 +mgg 0.038 0.847 +mgh 0.010 0.894 +mgi 0.004 0.977 +mgj 0.015 0.315 +mgl 0.018 0.860 +mgm 0.030 0.846 +mgmnt 0.766 0.085 +mgmt 0.729 0.169 +mgn 0.056 0.885 +mgp 0.003 0.932 +mgr 0.614 0.226 +mgrs 0.662 0.208 +mgs 0.016 0.812 +mgsa 0.000 0.985 +mgt 0.572 0.327 +mgw 0.013 0.918 +mgx 0.002 0.990 +mh 0.039 0.788 +mha 0.039 0.873 +mhash 0.054 0.063 +mhc 0.009 0.953 +mhd 0.014 0.941 +mhe 0.063 0.842 +mhf 0.040 0.902 +mhh 0.455 0.458 +mhi 0.042 0.865 +mhk 0.006 0.850 +mhl 0.011 0.786 +mhm 0.107 0.618 +mhn 0.040 0.409 +mho 0.053 0.710 +mhonarc 0.056 0.029 +mhp 0.013 0.929 +mhr 0.021 0.910 +mhra 0.000 0.992 +mhs 0.012 0.902 +mhsa 0.000 0.994 +mhsaa 0.006 0.989 +mhsic 0.306 0.000 +mht 0.015 0.863 +mhv 0.011 0.944 +mhw 0.006 0.791 +mhz 0.515 0.331 +mi 0.096 0.593 +mia 0.512 0.316 +miaa 0.003 0.983 +miac 0.023 0.972 +miah 0.782 0.074 +miami 0.885 0.043 +miamisburg 0.889 0.086 +mian 0.729 0.042 +miao 0.872 0.065 +mias 0.183 0.189 +miasma 0.410 0.027 +miata 0.837 0.064 +mib 0.008 0.929 +mibs 0.084 0.359 +mic 0.386 0.244 +mica 0.470 0.238 +micaela 0.961 0.019 +micah 0.948 0.021 +micallef 0.920 0.067 +micanopy 0.871 0.072 +micardis 0.773 0.064 +micarta 0.450 0.027 +micawber 0.949 0.029 +miccosukee 0.889 0.048 +mice 0.387 0.028 +miceli 0.929 0.050 +micellar 0.409 0.035 +micelle 0.166 0.034 +micelles 0.164 0.040 +mich 0.396 0.120 +micha 0.772 0.138 +michae 0.626 0.130 +michael 0.918 0.040 +michaela 0.915 0.030 +michaelangelo 0.870 0.044 +michaelis 0.930 0.053 +michaelmas 0.933 0.056 +michaels 0.845 0.036 +michaelson 0.925 0.064 +michail 0.926 0.053 +michal 0.893 0.053 +michalak 0.916 0.054 +michalek 0.797 0.107 +michalis 0.928 0.036 +michalski 0.935 0.042 +michaud 0.899 0.090 +michaux 0.887 0.101 +miche 0.784 0.101 +micheal 0.799 0.053 +michel 0.907 0.049 +michela 0.916 0.036 +michelangelo 0.935 0.030 +michele 0.909 0.038 +micheli 0.943 0.043 +michelin 0.900 0.045 +micheline 0.893 0.062 +michell 0.843 0.071 +michelle 0.884 0.032 +michelob 0.867 0.086 +michels 0.911 0.072 +michelsen 0.927 0.047 +michelson 0.933 0.045 +michener 0.943 0.043 +michi 0.743 0.040 +michiana 0.807 0.052 +michie 0.915 0.061 +michiel 0.842 0.012 +michigan 0.913 0.030 +michiko 0.834 0.145 +michio 0.972 0.021 +michiru 0.817 0.019 +michoacan 0.887 0.058 +mick 0.891 0.044 +mickael 0.905 0.032 +mickel 0.840 0.121 +mickelson 0.946 0.030 +mickey 0.859 0.071 +mickeys 0.789 0.058 +micki 0.861 0.032 +mickie 0.914 0.034 +mickiewicz 0.850 0.132 +mickle 0.771 0.065 +micky 0.834 0.053 +micmac 0.847 0.062 +mico 0.418 0.184 +micom 0.565 0.353 +micon 0.941 0.040 +miconazole 0.546 0.029 +micr 0.168 0.743 +micra 0.716 0.182 +micrel 0.900 0.094 +micro 0.626 0.064 +microalbuminuria 0.223 0.009 +microalgae 0.185 0.016 +microanalysis 0.538 0.035 +microarchitecture 0.434 0.005 +microarray 0.409 0.014 +microarrays 0.429 0.016 +microb 0.903 0.051 +microbe 0.410 0.104 +microbes 0.242 0.033 +microbial 0.374 0.027 +microbicide 0.257 0.026 +microbicides 0.420 0.016 +microbiol 0.985 0.011 +microbiological 0.383 0.025 +microbiologist 0.463 0.030 +microbiologists 0.366 0.008 +microbiology 0.643 0.041 +microblaze 0.097 0.004 +microboards 0.885 0.100 +microbreweries 0.233 0.010 +microbrewery 0.522 0.012 +microcar 0.951 0.033 +microcassette 0.685 0.056 +microcell 0.702 0.028 +microcentrifuge 0.277 0.019 +microcephaly 0.411 0.021 +microchannel 0.319 0.033 +microchip 0.603 0.042 +microchips 0.582 0.013 +microcircuit 0.522 0.282 +microcircuits 0.785 0.051 +microcirculation 0.408 0.017 +microclimate 0.187 0.015 +microcode 0.198 0.063 +microcom 0.794 0.124 +microcomputer 0.494 0.048 +microcomputers 0.447 0.092 +microcontent 0.384 0.010 +microcontroller 0.347 0.024 +microcontrollers 0.424 0.048 +microcosm 0.335 0.054 +microcosms 0.147 0.009 +microcredit 0.629 0.009 +microcrystalline 0.315 0.036 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0.042 0.005 +micrograph 0.292 0.007 +micrographs 0.094 0.005 +microgravity 0.399 0.027 +microids 0.933 0.023 +microinjection 0.248 0.015 +microkernel 0.306 0.004 +microlensing 0.269 0.052 +microlight 0.653 0.084 +microline 0.674 0.274 +microliters 0.008 0.000 +microm 0.058 0.034 +micromachined 0.358 0.076 +micromachining 0.398 0.059 +micromark 0.898 0.068 +micromat 0.935 0.051 +micromedex 0.773 0.220 +micrometer 0.270 0.100 +micrometers 0.177 0.019 +micromol 0.000 0.000 +micromuse 0.946 0.024 +micron 0.438 0.089 +micronesia 0.950 0.047 +micronesian 0.960 0.028 +micronet 0.802 0.163 +micronics 0.845 0.115 +micronized 0.563 0.041 +microns 0.051 0.033 +micronucleus 0.225 0.034 +micronutrient 0.303 0.014 +micronutrients 0.253 0.017 +microorganism 0.151 0.018 +microorganisms 0.163 0.022 +microparticles 0.166 0.033 +micropayments 0.503 0.004 +microphone 0.415 0.048 +microphones 0.676 0.019 +microphysical 0.142 0.010 +microplane 0.872 0.060 +microplate 0.316 0.020 +microplates 0.405 0.011 +micropolitan 0.894 0.020 +microporous 0.311 0.131 +micropower 0.610 0.235 +microprobe 0.258 0.039 +microprocessor 0.355 0.039 +microprocessors 0.392 0.116 +micros 0.402 0.324 +microsano 0.020 0.001 +microsatellite 0.231 0.012 +microsatellites 0.198 0.016 +microscale 0.501 0.034 +microscan 0.859 0.074 +microscope 0.333 0.040 +microscopes 0.625 0.028 +microscopic 0.176 0.015 +microscopical 0.508 0.022 +microscopically 0.111 0.026 +microscopy 0.459 0.020 +microsecond 0.065 0.021 +microseconds 0.038 0.007 +microsimulation 0.419 0.012 +microsite 0.726 0.006 +microsites 0.672 0.019 +microsoft 0.937 0.015 +microsofts 0.821 0.005 +microsomal 0.092 0.073 +microsomes 0.370 0.035 +microsound 0.024 0.003 +microsphere 0.254 0.079 +microspheres 0.254 0.050 +microstar 0.669 0.060 +microstation 0.841 0.047 +microstrip 0.358 0.040 +microstructural 0.385 0.023 +microstructure 0.284 0.037 +microstructures 0.357 0.036 +microsuede 0.757 0.028 +microsurgery 0.575 0.021 +microsurgical 0.339 0.017 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0.053 +middleburg 0.876 0.090 +middlebury 0.940 0.046 +middlefield 0.938 0.046 +middleman 0.201 0.019 +middlemarch 0.943 0.044 +middlemen 0.077 0.008 +middleport 0.821 0.155 +middles 0.298 0.025 +middlesboro 0.840 0.121 +middlesborough 0.933 0.039 +middlesbrough 0.945 0.030 +middlesex 0.915 0.066 +middleton 0.897 0.086 +middletown 0.889 0.083 +middleville 0.874 0.100 +middleware 0.450 0.005 +middleweight 0.593 0.025 +middlewesterner 0.988 0.000 +middlewich 0.827 0.041 +middling 0.123 0.006 +middot 0.001 0.000 +middx 0.901 0.062 +mideast 0.868 0.084 +midem 0.433 0.535 +midern 0.988 0.000 +midfield 0.246 0.031 +midfielder 0.197 0.031 +midfielders 0.435 0.034 +midfoot 0.105 0.004 +midgard 0.861 0.019 +midge 0.648 0.068 +midges 0.268 0.027 +midget 0.445 0.036 +midgets 0.503 0.015 +midgley 0.916 0.074 +midgut 0.060 0.010 +midheaven 0.929 0.014 +midhurst 0.846 0.054 +midi 0.224 0.532 +midian 0.931 0.018 +midiland 0.252 0.733 +midiman 0.765 0.156 +midis 0.426 0.076 +midkiff 0.906 0.070 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0.774 0.030 +midwest 0.896 0.039 +midwestern 0.814 0.025 +midwife 0.308 0.024 +midwifery 0.655 0.025 +midwinter 0.703 0.049 +midwives 0.440 0.017 +midwood 0.836 0.116 +midyear 0.446 0.030 +mie 0.439 0.294 +miedo 0.256 0.036 +miego 0.996 0.000 +miei 0.150 0.074 +mieke 0.897 0.022 +miel 0.623 0.054 +miele 0.864 0.063 +mielke 0.936 0.052 +miembro 0.678 0.003 +miembros 0.420 0.026 +mien 0.251 0.030 +mientkiewicz 0.953 0.019 +mientras 0.224 0.013 +mier 0.686 0.120 +miers 0.965 0.022 +mies 0.716 0.062 +mieten 0.125 0.003 +mietwagen 0.953 0.000 +mieux 0.134 0.012 +mif 0.036 0.805 +mifepristone 0.436 0.021 +miffed 0.093 0.006 +mifflin 0.965 0.026 +miffy 0.782 0.075 +mifune 0.919 0.029 +mig 0.300 0.426 +miga 0.146 0.799 +might 0.027 0.004 +mightier 0.204 0.015 +mightiest 0.150 0.032 +mightily 0.019 0.003 +mighty 0.485 0.034 +miglia 0.885 0.077 +miglin 0.901 0.079 +miglior 0.110 0.014 +migliore 0.382 0.091 +migliori 0.145 0.018 +mignola 0.906 0.077 +mignon 0.655 0.053 +mignonne 0.899 0.006 +mignotte 0.097 0.005 +migo 0.720 0.081 +migra 0.362 0.052 +migraine 0.468 0.014 +migraines 0.540 0.007 +migrant 0.383 0.015 +migrants 0.157 0.011 +migrate 0.142 0.007 +migrated 0.049 0.008 +migrates 0.121 0.008 +migrating 0.316 0.009 +migration 0.376 0.016 +migrations 0.296 0.011 +migrator 0.920 0.010 +migratory 0.283 0.019 +migs 0.697 0.184 +miguel 0.907 0.046 +mih 0.062 0.754 +miha 0.798 0.119 +mihai 0.922 0.030 +mihail 0.945 0.037 +mihaly 0.962 0.029 +mihara 0.619 0.246 +mihi 0.124 0.047 +mihir 0.910 0.029 +mihm 0.919 0.045 +miho 0.757 0.135 +mihov 0.956 0.008 +mii 0.089 0.671 +miike 0.908 0.048 +mij 0.106 0.143 +mijas 0.918 0.017 +mijn 0.330 0.013 +mik 0.647 0.116 +mika 0.867 0.044 +mikado 0.867 0.078 +mikael 0.954 0.017 +mikaela 0.923 0.023 +mikal 0.884 0.031 +mikami 0.838 0.053 +mikan 0.922 0.023 +mikasa 0.907 0.051 +mike 0.895 0.032 +mikel 0.860 0.042 +mikem 0.028 0.005 +miken 0.839 0.062 +mikes 0.113 0.009 +mikesell 0.910 0.055 +mikey 0.791 0.058 +mikhail 0.960 0.020 +mikhailov 0.953 0.041 +miki 0.846 0.057 +mikimoto 0.796 0.110 +miking 0.346 0.009 +mikio 0.823 0.043 +mikkel 0.907 0.035 +mikkelsen 0.913 0.075 +mikki 0.861 0.043 +mikko 0.933 0.014 +miklos 0.938 0.037 +mikmod 0.018 0.003 +miko 0.632 0.077 +mikro 0.582 0.083 +mikula 0.950 0.026 +mikulski 0.780 0.216 +mikuni 0.745 0.176 +mikvah 0.634 0.011 +mil 0.238 0.304 +mila 0.788 0.076 +milaca 0.860 0.100 +milady 0.672 0.040 +milage 0.323 0.032 +milagro 0.841 0.061 +milagros 0.831 0.058 +milam 0.883 0.095 +milan 0.903 0.047 +milanese 0.823 0.068 +milani 0.924 0.053 +milano 0.629 0.075 +milante 0.980 0.016 +milazzo 0.863 0.088 +milbank 0.909 0.072 +milberg 0.934 0.050 +milblogs 0.765 0.055 +milburn 0.905 0.081 +milby 0.815 0.131 +milch 0.554 0.034 +milchtitten 0.000 0.000 +mild 0.186 0.018 +mildenhall 0.927 0.046 +milder 0.124 0.012 +mildest 0.046 0.010 +mildew 0.242 0.023 +mildly 0.100 0.005 +mildness 0.086 0.011 +mildred 0.898 0.088 +mildura 0.878 0.103 +mile 0.262 0.036 +mileage 0.414 0.045 +milena 0.832 0.025 +milepost 0.330 0.207 +miler 0.571 0.093 +miles 0.173 0.015 +milestone 0.386 0.025 +milestones 0.488 0.041 +miletus 0.961 0.026 +miley 0.896 0.079 +milf 0.255 0.036 +milfcruiser 0.160 0.005 +milfhunter 0.027 0.000 +milfhunters 0.296 0.000 +milfoil 0.316 0.022 +milford 0.887 0.082 +milfrider 0.321 0.003 +milfriders 0.300 0.005 +milfs 0.146 0.003 +milfseeker 0.090 0.001 +milfseekers 0.268 0.001 +milgrain 0.880 0.018 +milgram 0.960 0.017 +milgrom 0.969 0.027 +milhares 0.760 0.000 +milhaud 0.899 0.088 +milhouse 0.865 0.033 +mili 0.513 0.116 +milian 0.781 0.040 +miliband 0.972 0.017 +milieu 0.169 0.013 +mililani 0.913 0.066 +milind 0.923 0.020 +milion 0.182 0.023 +militaire 0.526 0.084 +militancy 0.142 0.006 +militant 0.198 0.010 +militants 0.130 0.010 +militar 0.305 0.033 +militare 0.151 0.019 +militares 0.119 0.009 +militaria 0.857 0.048 +militaries 0.190 0.007 +militarily 0.052 0.005 +militarism 0.232 0.012 +militaristic 0.423 0.002 +militarization 0.253 0.016 +militarized 0.142 0.006 +military 0.386 0.024 +militate 0.024 0.000 +militia 0.339 0.019 +militiamen 0.070 0.009 +militias 0.078 0.005 +militum 0.954 0.002 +milk 0.296 0.033 +milka 0.840 0.055 +milked 0.047 0.007 +milken 0.987 0.008 +milking 0.182 0.012 +milkman 0.521 0.050 +milkmen 0.693 0.095 +milks 0.292 0.030 +milkshake 0.342 0.027 +milkshakes 0.294 0.033 +milkweed 0.611 0.020 +milky 0.558 0.023 +milkyway 0.595 0.030 +mill 0.601 0.058 +milla 0.848 0.028 +millage 0.319 0.154 +millais 0.955 0.030 +millan 0.898 0.064 +millar 0.912 0.066 +millard 0.885 0.095 +millay 0.927 0.033 +millbank 0.892 0.097 +millbrae 0.913 0.049 +millbrook 0.902 0.075 +millburn 0.912 0.067 +millbury 0.881 0.094 +millcreek 0.871 0.082 +mille 0.695 0.070 +milled 0.303 0.024 +milledgeville 0.895 0.071 +millefiori 0.747 0.111 +millen 0.819 0.116 +millencolin 0.831 0.120 +millenia 0.634 0.037 +millenium 0.706 0.069 +millennia 0.346 0.013 +millennial 0.521 0.021 +millennium 0.729 0.051 +miller 0.902 0.069 +millers 0.694 0.121 +millersburg 0.825 0.147 +millersville 0.891 0.083 +millerton 0.854 0.127 +milles 0.696 0.050 +millet 0.509 0.038 +millett 0.908 0.076 +millfield 0.873 0.101 +millhouse 0.828 0.086 +milli 0.465 0.051 +millibars 0.061 0.029 +millican 0.891 0.103 +millicent 0.890 0.088 +millie 0.904 0.059 +milligan 0.897 0.087 +milligram 0.261 0.107 +milligrams 0.045 0.008 +millikan 0.932 0.047 +milliken 0.918 0.064 +millikin 0.852 0.136 +milliliter 0.057 0.010 +milliliters 0.075 0.020 +milliman 0.931 0.058 +millimeter 0.265 0.028 +millimeters 0.118 0.115 +millimetre 0.132 0.009 +millimetres 0.040 0.016 +milliner 0.561 0.040 +millinery 0.543 0.045 +milling 0.409 0.048 +millington 0.867 0.110 +millinocket 0.771 0.108 +million 0.082 0.009 +millionaire 0.707 0.024 +millionaires 0.390 0.017 +millions 0.212 0.016 +millionth 0.200 0.021 +millionths 0.007 0.000 +millipede 0.591 0.035 +millipedes 0.391 0.015 +millipore 0.822 0.158 +millis 0.802 0.061 +millisec 0.010 0.007 +millisecond 0.121 0.015 +milliseconds 0.027 0.004 +millitary 0.370 0.038 +millivolt 0.442 0.053 +milliyet 0.696 0.262 +millman 0.906 0.062 +millner 0.837 0.145 +millom 0.756 0.072 +millon 0.697 0.052 +millones 0.128 0.023 +millor 0.862 0.015 +milloy 0.966 0.027 +millpond 0.502 0.030 +millport 0.874 0.087 +mills 0.745 0.073 +millsap 0.872 0.117 +millsaps 0.910 0.079 +millsboro 0.869 0.098 +millstone 0.723 0.053 +millstream 0.784 0.182 +milltown 0.871 0.108 +millville 0.894 0.089 +millwall 0.932 0.039 +millward 0.930 0.057 +millwood 0.900 0.075 +millwork 0.621 0.041 +millwright 0.592 0.091 +milly 0.894 0.042 +milman 0.869 0.120 +milne 0.934 0.050 +milner 0.937 0.053 +milnerton 0.940 0.046 +milnes 0.875 0.116 +milngavie 0.980 0.013 +milnor 0.928 0.056 +milnrow 0.972 0.021 +milo 0.774 0.104 +milonakis 0.687 0.030 +milonga 0.626 0.099 +milonic 0.875 0.002 +milos 0.883 0.073 +milosevic 0.927 0.070 +milosz 0.952 0.018 +milpitas 0.905 0.060 +milroy 0.817 0.165 +mils 0.155 0.126 +milsap 0.903 0.074 +milstein 0.915 0.071 +milt 0.886 0.058 +miltary 0.378 0.090 +milter 0.181 0.009 +milton 0.914 0.056 +milw 0.631 0.325 +milwaukee 0.929 0.032 +milwaukie 0.889 0.064 +mim 0.191 0.651 +mima 0.520 0.335 +mimas 0.553 0.386 +mimd 0.005 0.969 +mime 0.165 0.647 +mimedefang 0.665 0.001 +mimeo 0.348 0.013 +mimer 0.855 0.105 +mimes 0.285 0.032 +mimesis 0.502 0.019 +mimetic 0.165 0.019 +mimetype 0.347 0.018 +mimetypes 0.028 0.014 +mimi 0.831 0.050 +mimic 0.194 0.030 +mimicked 0.008 0.000 +mimicking 0.083 0.006 +mimicry 0.262 0.015 +mimics 0.069 0.024 +mimio 0.596 0.086 +mimix 0.224 0.770 +mimms 0.710 0.188 +mimo 0.057 0.896 +mimosa 0.712 0.100 +mimosas 0.450 0.234 +mims 0.711 0.260 +mimulus 0.915 0.027 +min 0.219 0.091 +mina 0.794 0.066 +minako 0.952 0.019 +minal 0.161 0.023 +minami 0.921 0.038 +minar 0.935 0.024 +minard 0.933 0.059 +minardi 0.927 0.042 +minaret 0.440 0.024 +minarets 0.214 0.015 +minarik 0.914 0.078 +minas 0.872 0.036 +mination 0.000 0.007 +minato 0.948 0.035 +minature 0.460 0.139 +minatures 0.520 0.067 +minaya 0.967 0.009 +minbari 0.959 0.013 +minc 0.183 0.309 +mince 0.270 0.025 +minced 0.084 0.008 +mincemeat 0.380 0.023 +mincer 0.643 0.074 +mincha 0.753 0.135 +minchan 0.000 0.000 +minchin 0.895 0.075 +mincing 0.332 0.016 +minco 0.788 0.160 +mind 0.203 0.014 +minda 0.826 0.072 +mindanao 0.924 0.053 +mindblowing 0.144 0.033 +minde 0.072 0.004 +minded 0.066 0.007 +mindedly 0.000 0.000 +mindedness 0.049 0.005 +mindef 0.086 0.900 +mindell 0.951 0.030 +minden 0.849 0.080 +minder 0.559 0.047 +minders 0.242 0.012 +mindestens 0.053 0.000 +mindful 0.191 0.008 +mindfulness 0.412 0.014 +mindhunters 0.953 0.029 +mindi 0.781 0.029 +minding 0.424 0.028 +mindjet 0.981 0.013 +mindless 0.197 0.006 +mindlessly 0.030 0.000 +mindoro 0.848 0.091 +mindprint 0.932 0.028 +mindre 0.358 0.000 +minds 0.217 0.015 +mindscape 0.878 0.070 +mindset 0.114 0.009 +mindsets 0.126 0.007 +mindshare 0.386 0.013 +mindspring 0.277 0.025 +mindstorms 0.730 0.205 +mindy 0.847 0.039 +mine 0.255 0.023 +mined 0.097 0.016 +minefield 0.236 0.013 +minefields 0.167 0.009 +minehead 0.878 0.045 +minelli 0.845 0.108 +minelres 0.004 0.989 +mineo 0.856 0.076 +mineola 0.854 0.116 +miner 0.643 0.039 +minera 0.661 0.069 +mineral 0.415 0.058 +mineralisation 0.086 0.010 +mineralization 0.150 0.021 +mineralized 0.085 0.011 +mineralogical 0.642 0.025 +mineralogist 0.747 0.051 +mineralogy 0.527 0.048 +minerals 0.471 0.039 +miners 0.322 0.025 +minersville 0.826 0.130 +minerva 0.857 0.110 +minerve 0.894 0.052 +mines 0.424 0.036 +minestrone 0.614 0.057 +minesweeper 0.698 0.009 +minet 0.213 0.193 +mineta 0.923 0.060 +minette 0.810 0.149 +ming 0.787 0.065 +mingel 0.914 0.000 +mingetty 0.009 0.000 +minghella 0.972 0.018 +mingle 0.178 0.011 +mingled 0.029 0.003 +mingles 0.278 0.018 +mingling 0.449 0.002 +mingo 0.813 0.143 +mingus 0.920 0.046 +mingw 0.142 0.036 +minh 0.812 0.030 +minha 0.237 0.020 +minho 0.930 0.031 +mini 0.606 0.096 +miniatur 0.899 0.034 +miniature 0.506 0.056 +miniatures 0.723 0.073 +miniaturization 0.186 0.024 +miniaturized 0.177 0.024 +minibar 0.387 0.063 +minibars 0.122 0.004 +minibox 0.938 0.026 +minibuffer 0.091 0.000 +minibus 0.270 0.063 +minibuses 0.396 0.012 +minic 0.666 0.177 +minichamps 0.851 0.118 +miniclip 0.806 0.003 +minicom 0.600 0.040 +minicomputer 0.202 0.024 +minicomputers 0.243 0.019 +minidisc 0.610 0.090 +minidiscs 0.545 0.039 +minidoka 0.895 0.085 +minidv 0.153 0.248 +minier 0.751 0.105 +minifig 0.982 0.005 +minigame 0.392 0.005 +minigames 0.622 0.004 +minigolf 0.694 0.011 +minim 0.204 0.057 +minima 0.301 0.018 +minimal 0.249 0.009 +minimalism 0.365 0.010 +minimalist 0.317 0.006 +minimalistic 0.358 0.004 +minimality 0.170 0.008 +minimally 0.354 0.013 +minimap 0.116 0.000 +minimax 0.355 0.124 +minimis 0.077 0.012 +minimisation 0.236 0.016 +minimise 0.060 0.009 +minimised 0.015 0.002 +minimises 0.056 0.002 +minimising 0.157 0.008 +minimization 0.226 0.032 +minimize 0.162 0.005 +minimized 0.037 0.033 +minimizer 0.521 0.018 +minimizes 0.079 0.005 +minimizing 0.150 0.006 +minimo 0.402 0.026 +minimoto 0.582 0.140 +minimum 0.245 0.029 +minimums 0.257 0.024 +minimus 0.272 0.021 +mining 0.477 0.031 +mininova 0.257 0.000 +minion 0.693 0.013 +minions 0.330 0.014 +miniport 0.595 0.008 +miniportal 0.004 0.000 +minis 0.756 0.025 +minisat 0.008 0.067 +miniscule 0.043 0.006 +miniseries 0.359 0.024 +minish 0.883 0.014 +minisites 0.134 0.077 +miniskirt 0.367 0.009 +miniskirts 0.046 0.006 +minister 0.731 0.016 +ministere 0.637 0.147 +ministered 0.011 0.003 +ministerial 0.590 0.027 +ministerie 0.616 0.013 +ministering 0.163 0.009 +ministerio 0.716 0.035 +ministero 0.394 0.018 +ministers 0.539 0.014 +ministration 0.038 0.011 +ministrations 0.018 0.000 +ministre 0.241 0.013 +ministries 0.663 0.028 +ministro 0.476 0.032 +ministry 0.729 0.021 +minit 0.337 0.056 +minitab 0.663 0.281 +minitel 0.702 0.016 +minititten 0.000 0.000 +minitokyo 0.959 0.000 +minitower 0.714 0.101 +miniture 0.412 0.183 +minivan 0.518 0.020 +minivans 0.561 0.018 +minix 0.418 0.174 +mink 0.582 0.097 +minka 0.624 0.044 +minke 0.378 0.021 +minkoff 0.894 0.092 +minkowski 0.975 0.016 +minks 0.455 0.075 +minkus 0.219 0.333 +minky 0.879 0.025 +minn 0.737 0.176 +minna 0.864 0.032 +minne 0.836 0.026 +minneapolis 0.919 0.035 +minnehaha 0.916 0.061 +minnelli 0.934 0.046 +minneola 0.872 0.117 +minner 0.920 0.040 +minnesota 0.941 0.026 +minnesotans 0.979 0.017 +minnetonka 0.927 0.039 +minnich 0.834 0.042 +minnick 0.936 0.060 +minnie 0.841 0.103 +minnis 0.917 0.074 +minnow 0.601 0.035 +minnows 0.226 0.030 +mino 0.656 0.114 +minoan 0.880 0.103 +minocqua 0.872 0.094 +minocycline 0.389 0.021 +minogue 0.655 0.046 +minolta 0.837 0.101 +minooka 0.830 0.142 +minor 0.316 0.034 +minorca 0.916 0.031 +minori 0.440 0.029 +minorities 0.208 0.015 +minority 0.294 0.020 +minors 0.325 0.035 +minoru 0.963 0.026 +minos 0.453 0.339 +minot 0.898 0.077 +minotaur 0.866 0.031 +minotel 0.906 0.086 +minott 0.835 0.129 +minoura 0.850 0.128 +minow 0.988 0.008 +minox 0.896 0.078 +minoxidil 0.506 0.025 +mins 0.059 0.013 +minsk 0.946 0.037 +minsky 0.927 0.021 +minster 0.805 0.054 +minstrel 0.525 0.040 +minstrels 0.517 0.041 +mint 0.478 0.267 +minta 0.526 0.040 +mintage 0.561 0.098 +minted 0.186 0.032 +mintek 0.877 0.079 +mintel 0.751 0.021 +minter 0.894 0.071 +minting 0.246 0.022 +minto 0.789 0.140 +minton 0.880 0.093 +mints 0.535 0.091 +mintues 0.082 0.023 +minturn 0.899 0.066 +minty 0.541 0.087 +mintz 0.812 0.050 +mintzberg 0.960 0.014 +minu 0.347 0.050 +minuet 0.705 0.048 +minuets 0.247 0.014 +minuit 0.662 0.141 +minumum 0.228 0.033 +minus 0.171 0.096 +minuscule 0.060 0.005 +minuses 0.229 0.018 +minut 0.184 0.036 +minute 0.214 0.015 +minutely 0.019 0.008 +minuteman 0.904 0.058 +minutemen 0.921 0.024 +minuten 0.514 0.002 +minutes 0.167 0.023 +minuti 0.064 0.012 +minutia 0.207 0.017 +minutiae 0.299 0.003 +minuto 0.750 0.016 +minutos 0.145 0.118 +minx 0.622 0.079 +minyan 0.672 0.014 +mio 0.599 0.157 +miocene 0.717 0.273 +mip 0.026 0.900 +mips 0.016 0.465 +mipsel 0.002 0.007 +mipt 0.008 0.717 +miq 0.711 0.217 +miquel 0.944 0.030 +miquelon 0.950 0.044 +mir 0.393 0.194 +mira 0.603 0.089 +mirabeau 0.903 0.072 +mirabel 0.909 0.071 +mirabella 0.888 0.048 +mirabelle 0.862 0.042 +mirabelli 0.947 0.026 +mirabilis 0.445 0.037 +miracle 0.507 0.041 +miracles 0.400 0.026 +miracoil 0.918 0.003 +miraculous 0.201 0.012 +miraculously 0.126 0.003 +mirada 0.808 0.062 +mirador 0.877 0.057 +miraflores 0.956 0.022 +mirage 0.774 0.079 +mirages 0.455 0.023 +mirago 0.260 0.001 +mirah 0.854 0.036 +mirai 0.736 0.102 +miramar 0.909 0.050 +miramare 0.890 0.079 +miramax 0.973 0.018 +mirame 0.985 0.002 +miramichi 0.949 0.036 +miramonte 0.860 0.128 +miranda 0.896 0.048 +mirant 0.922 0.070 +miraplacid 0.974 0.000 +mirapoint 0.991 0.003 +mirc 0.153 0.156 +mircea 0.926 0.022 +mircette 0.815 0.009 +mirco 0.780 0.034 +mircosoft 0.876 0.002 +mire 0.289 0.036 +mired 0.070 0.005 +mireille 0.893 0.039 +mirek 0.897 0.039 +mirella 0.886 0.030 +mires 0.406 0.059 +mirex 0.541 0.156 +mirfield 0.928 0.042 +miri 0.805 0.105 +miriam 0.905 0.042 +mirjam 0.939 0.018 +mirjana 0.957 0.028 +mirka 0.769 0.035 +mirkin 0.929 0.019 +mirko 0.765 0.023 +mirkwood 0.951 0.013 +miro 0.872 0.070 +miroir 0.624 0.051 +miroku 0.888 0.023 +miron 0.863 0.074 +mironov 0.962 0.033 +miroslav 0.946 0.024 +mirra 0.848 0.098 +mirren 0.913 0.037 +mirro 0.746 0.090 +mirrodin 0.942 0.032 +mirror 0.427 0.035 +mirrored 0.271 0.021 +mirroring 0.305 0.004 +mirrors 0.538 0.023 +mirtazapine 0.399 0.037 +mirtgage 0.000 0.000 +mirth 0.388 0.016 +mirus 0.882 0.044 +mirza 0.880 0.039 +mis 0.163 0.378 +misa 0.618 0.291 +misadventure 0.415 0.009 +misadventures 0.441 0.011 +misaki 0.918 0.031 +misaligned 0.103 0.008 +misalignment 0.133 0.012 +misanthrope 0.586 0.027 +misanthropic 0.320 0.038 +misanthropy 0.553 0.013 +misao 0.575 0.383 +misapplication 0.077 0.014 +misapplied 0.090 0.008 +misapprehension 0.016 0.000 +misappropriated 0.045 0.007 +misappropriation 0.105 0.029 +misato 0.698 0.012 +misawa 0.903 0.069 +misb 0.012 0.946 +misbehave 0.099 0.008 +misbehavin 0.836 0.060 +misbehaving 0.202 0.007 +misbehavior 0.156 0.010 +misbehaviour 0.091 0.008 +misbranded 0.120 0.083 +misc 0.655 0.082 +miscalculated 0.028 0.010 +miscalculation 0.073 0.007 +miscalculations 0.073 0.004 +miscanthus 0.795 0.040 +miscarriage 0.352 0.011 +miscarriages 0.140 0.007 +miscarried 0.068 0.005 +miscategorized 0.086 0.000 +miscegenation 0.202 0.009 +miscelaneous 0.785 0.105 +miscellanea 0.865 0.024 +miscellaneous 0.856 0.047 +miscellania 0.458 0.458 +miscellanies 0.874 0.022 +miscellanous 0.870 0.018 +miscellany 0.838 0.030 +mischa 0.883 0.022 +mischief 0.332 0.031 +mischievous 0.136 0.008 +mischke 0.987 0.009 +miscible 0.223 0.035 +misclassification 0.144 0.006 +misclassified 0.052 0.004 +misco 0.988 0.008 +miscommunication 0.122 0.006 +misconceived 0.050 0.000 +misconception 0.092 0.007 +misconceptions 0.234 0.010 +misconduct 0.186 0.021 +misconfiguration 0.045 0.000 +misconfigured 0.077 0.003 +misconstrued 0.023 0.003 +miscreant 0.281 0.010 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0.006 +misidentified 0.090 0.004 +misinformation 0.096 0.007 +misinformed 0.060 0.005 +misinterpret 0.028 0.003 +misinterpretation 0.063 0.005 +misinterpretations 0.062 0.012 +misinterpreted 0.019 0.003 +misinterpreting 0.060 0.003 +mision 0.720 0.068 +misiones 0.863 0.031 +misjudged 0.044 0.035 +miskolc 0.928 0.033 +misl 0.038 0.912 +mislabeled 0.119 0.026 +mislaid 0.098 0.014 +mislead 0.042 0.009 +misleading 0.065 0.008 +misleadingly 0.018 0.000 +misleads 0.166 0.014 +misled 0.075 0.009 +misma 0.084 0.027 +mismanaged 0.066 0.005 +mismanagement 0.081 0.010 +mismatch 0.118 0.022 +mismatched 0.118 0.009 +mismatches 0.122 0.010 +mismo 0.053 0.064 +mismos 0.022 0.068 +misnamed 0.080 0.005 +misner 0.934 0.059 +misnomer 0.075 0.006 +miso 0.318 0.364 +misogynist 0.110 0.006 +misogynistic 0.082 0.004 +misogyny 0.201 0.012 +misoprostol 0.357 0.021 +misperception 0.100 0.005 +misperceptions 0.138 0.006 +misplace 0.001 0.000 +misplaced 0.140 0.017 +misprint 0.115 0.062 +misprints 0.039 0.005 +misquoted 0.065 0.011 +misr 0.288 0.676 +misra 0.900 0.076 +misread 0.043 0.004 +misreading 0.138 0.004 +misreporting 0.133 0.004 +misrepresent 0.026 0.014 +misrepresentation 0.094 0.023 +misrepresentations 0.080 0.012 +misrepresented 0.020 0.025 +misrepresenting 0.276 0.006 +misrepresents 0.052 0.009 +misrule 0.328 0.011 +miss 0.452 0.041 +missa 0.795 0.121 +missal 0.723 0.031 +missaukee 0.875 0.097 +missbrauch 0.966 0.000 +missbraucht 0.000 0.000 +misschien 0.203 0.000 +missed 0.081 0.206 +missenden 0.862 0.126 +missense 0.197 0.004 +misses 0.347 0.018 +misshapen 0.073 0.003 +missi 0.634 0.140 +missile 0.319 0.026 +missiles 0.146 0.014 +missin 0.293 0.029 +missing 0.297 0.027 +mission 0.475 0.034 +missional 0.540 0.009 +missionaries 0.275 0.026 +missionary 0.427 0.021 +missions 0.331 0.027 +mississauga 0.915 0.051 +mississippi 0.928 0.043 +mississippian 0.907 0.079 +missive 0.178 0.124 +missives 0.281 0.008 +missle 0.402 0.042 +missles 0.139 0.017 +missoni 0.830 0.137 +missoula 0.929 0.049 +missoulian 0.967 0.019 +missouri 0.926 0.038 +missourian 0.979 0.009 +missourians 0.939 0.058 +misspell 0.101 0.009 +misspelled 0.174 0.011 +misspelling 0.082 0.008 +misspellings 0.155 0.003 +misspent 0.404 0.016 +misstated 0.018 0.008 +misstatement 0.040 0.012 +misstatements 0.044 0.009 +misstep 0.104 0.003 +missteps 0.089 0.003 +misstress 0.534 0.009 +missus 0.347 0.011 +missy 0.784 0.041 +mist 0.513 0.060 +mista 0.682 0.078 +mistake 0.066 0.010 +mistaken 0.085 0.006 +mistakenly 0.025 0.007 +mistakes 0.146 0.014 +mistaking 0.105 0.003 +mister 0.799 0.043 +mistery 0.704 0.017 +misti 0.822 0.089 +mistic 0.576 0.048 +misting 0.412 0.023 +mistletoe 0.511 0.031 +misto 0.654 0.041 +mistook 0.102 0.004 +mistral 0.828 0.069 +mistreat 0.053 0.011 +mistreated 0.088 0.008 +mistreating 0.057 0.004 +mistreatment 0.150 0.006 +mistres 0.393 0.003 +mistress 0.244 0.011 +mistresses 0.334 0.015 +mistrial 0.161 0.021 +mistrust 0.074 0.006 +mistrustful 0.011 0.000 +mistry 0.907 0.046 +mists 0.386 0.030 +misty 0.534 0.035 +mistyped 0.012 0.000 +misunderstand 0.023 0.003 +misunderstanding 0.064 0.006 +misunderstandings 0.065 0.008 +misunderstood 0.140 0.009 +misura 0.292 0.029 +misuse 0.163 0.017 +misused 0.037 0.006 +misuses 0.144 0.012 +misusing 0.083 0.012 +misys 0.945 0.040 +mit 0.047 0.496 +mita 0.808 0.138 +mitac 0.797 0.156 +mitarbeiter 0.898 0.008 +mitch 0.926 0.031 +mitcham 0.816 0.124 +mitchel 0.859 0.097 +mitchell 0.904 0.070 +mitchells 0.757 0.202 +mitchellville 0.842 0.126 +mitchinson 0.961 0.018 +mitchum 0.926 0.052 +mite 0.322 0.058 +mitel 0.864 0.103 +miter 0.578 0.051 +mitered 0.341 0.023 +mites 0.238 0.024 +mitford 0.937 0.040 +mitglied 0.988 0.002 +mitglieder 0.972 0.007 +mith 0.240 0.515 +mithai 0.813 0.005 +mithra 0.894 0.026 +mithras 0.934 0.021 +mithril 0.796 0.029 +miti 0.208 0.630 +mitigate 0.040 0.005 +mitigated 0.108 0.011 +mitigates 0.052 0.008 +mitigating 0.191 0.010 +mitigation 0.309 0.026 +mitment 0.000 0.000 +mitnick 0.892 0.023 +mito 0.614 0.076 +mitochondria 0.247 0.020 +mitochondrial 0.239 0.044 +mitochondrion 0.249 0.013 +mitogen 0.291 0.066 +mitogenic 0.088 0.012 +mitogens 0.462 0.005 +mitomycin 0.419 0.050 +mitosis 0.251 0.021 +mitotic 0.123 0.020 +mitoxantrone 0.403 0.014 +mitra 0.893 0.050 +mitral 0.362 0.015 +mitre 0.515 0.345 +mitrovica 0.942 0.054 +mits 0.241 0.369 +mitsu 0.741 0.091 +mitsuba 0.908 0.034 +mitsubishi 0.831 0.099 +mitsui 0.911 0.069 +mitsuko 0.441 0.542 +mitsumi 0.651 0.314 +mitsuo 0.966 0.019 +mitsuru 0.958 0.027 +mitt 0.703 0.064 +mittagong 0.808 0.120 +mittal 0.929 0.053 +mitte 0.800 0.062 +mitted 0.022 0.016 +mittee 0.002 0.017 +mitteilungen 0.962 0.026 +mittel 0.711 0.027 +mitten 0.537 0.067 +mittens 0.554 0.037 +mitterrand 0.955 0.029 +mitton 0.891 0.091 +mitts 0.660 0.059 +mittweida 0.038 0.000 +mittwoch 0.986 0.004 +mitty 0.787 0.044 +mitutoyo 0.791 0.134 +mitzi 0.932 0.031 +mitzva 0.259 0.027 +mitzvah 0.744 0.014 +mitzvahs 0.656 0.016 +mitzvot 0.419 0.015 +miu 0.630 0.288 +miura 0.745 0.138 +miva 0.740 0.203 +miw 0.147 0.781 +miwa 0.888 0.066 +mix 0.371 0.048 +mixa 0.524 0.456 +mixdown 0.420 0.029 +mixed 0.325 0.034 +mixer 0.521 0.055 +mixers 0.689 0.028 +mixes 0.381 0.041 +mixin 0.388 0.013 +mixing 0.239 0.032 +mixins 0.114 0.000 +mixmag 0.661 0.303 +mixmaster 0.341 0.033 +mixon 0.888 0.097 +mixtape 0.534 0.075 +mixtapes 0.617 0.068 +mixture 0.060 0.013 +mixtures 0.158 0.031 +mixup 0.273 0.018 +mixx 0.696 0.188 +miya 0.764 0.038 +miyagawa 0.615 0.118 +miyagi 0.850 0.068 +miyajima 0.935 0.041 +miyake 0.820 0.150 +miyako 0.849 0.049 +miyamoto 0.921 0.054 +miyata 0.812 0.167 +miyauchi 0.944 0.046 +miyazaki 0.911 0.057 +miyazawa 0.877 0.090 +miyoshi 0.887 0.063 +miyu 0.887 0.026 +miyuki 0.860 0.050 +miz 0.600 0.145 +mizar 0.871 0.062 +mize 0.639 0.076 +mizell 0.884 0.095 +mizer 0.308 0.060 +mizner 0.937 0.053 +mizoguchi 0.941 0.046 +mizoram 0.964 0.031 +mizpah 0.927 0.047 +mizrachi 0.962 0.017 +mizrahi 0.946 0.037 +mizu 0.417 0.380 +mizuho 0.915 0.049 +mizuki 0.901 0.035 +mizuno 0.884 0.054 +mizutani 0.910 0.076 +mizz 0.585 0.139 +mizzou 0.897 0.055 +mj 0.025 0.924 +mja 0.035 0.848 +mjb 0.020 0.616 +mjc 0.021 0.771 +mjd 0.004 0.832 +mjf 0.020 0.852 +mjg 0.022 0.913 +mjh 0.007 0.744 +mjm 0.024 0.737 +mjp 0.147 0.701 +mjpeg 0.065 0.693 +mjr 0.108 0.739 +mjs 0.011 0.775 +mjsic 0.306 0.000 +mju 0.213 0.361 +mk 0.179 0.674 +mka 0.117 0.538 +mkb 0.020 0.811 +mkc 0.013 0.906 +mkd 0.014 0.879 +mkdir 0.007 0.021 +mke 0.034 0.759 +mkea 0.000 0.925 +mkg 0.062 0.837 +mki 0.061 0.837 +mkii 0.021 0.927 +mkinitrd 0.006 0.000 +mkinstalldirs 0.000 0.059 +mkisofs 0.032 0.014 +mkk 0.010 0.906 +mkl 0.037 0.851 +mkm 0.028 0.808 +mkn 0.299 0.545 +mknod 0.014 0.024 +mkp 0.020 0.860 +mkportal 0.825 0.005 +mkr 0.160 0.613 +mks 0.030 0.850 +mkstemp 0.000 0.004 +mkt 0.591 0.303 +mktemp 0.012 0.012 +mktg 0.342 0.540 +mktime 0.003 0.000 +mkts 0.750 0.129 +mkv 0.010 0.869 +ml 0.026 0.438 +mla 0.017 0.950 +mladen 0.955 0.027 +mladic 0.956 0.040 +mlb 0.008 0.964 +mlc 0.009 0.956 +mld 0.017 0.765 +mldonkey 0.494 0.001 +mle 0.238 0.667 +mlf 0.014 0.800 +mlg 0.016 0.869 +mlh 0.008 0.918 +mli 0.039 0.851 +mlis 0.004 0.977 +mlj 0.005 0.947 +mlk 0.011 0.948 +mll 0.043 0.859 +mlle 0.945 0.024 +mlm 0.062 0.683 +mlmmj 0.000 0.011 +mln 0.073 0.184 +mlo 0.037 0.941 +mlode 0.016 0.000 +mlp 0.012 0.931 +mlr 0.016 0.875 +mls 0.016 0.870 +mlt 0.041 0.837 +mlterm 0.006 0.000 +mlu 0.044 0.911 +mlug 0.004 0.986 +mlv 0.005 0.954 +mlw 0.013 0.801 +mlx 0.040 0.810 +mm 0.056 0.211 +mma 0.036 0.891 +mmap 0.028 0.079 +mmb 0.008 0.887 +mmbtu 0.060 0.686 +mmc 0.005 0.951 +mmcx 0.011 0.918 +mmd 0.011 0.924 +mmdb 0.000 0.975 +mmds 0.003 0.964 +mme 0.629 0.295 +mmf 0.086 0.532 +mmff 0.051 0.493 +mmg 0.010 0.841 +mmh 0.094 0.663 +mmi 0.006 0.921 +mmic 0.018 0.967 +mmii 0.004 0.989 +mmiii 0.000 0.996 +mmis 0.000 0.976 +mmiv 0.000 0.989 +mmj 0.007 0.775 +mmk 0.020 0.945 +mml 0.004 0.845 +mmm 0.283 0.318 +mmmf 0.081 0.667 +mmmm 0.464 0.117 +mmn 0.009 0.942 +mmo 0.004 0.912 +mmog 0.001 0.954 +mmol 0.002 0.002 +mmorpg 0.016 0.870 +mmp 0.098 0.841 +mmpa 0.000 0.985 +mmpi 0.026 0.946 +mmr 0.003 0.969 +mms 0.007 0.888 +mmsd 0.000 0.981 +mmse 0.000 0.981 +mmt 0.021 0.860 +mmu 0.008 0.814 +mmug 0.000 0.987 +mmusic 0.164 0.246 +mmv 0.002 0.960 +mmvi 0.000 0.998 +mmw 0.027 0.873 +mmwr 0.000 0.992 +mmx 0.004 0.781 +mn 0.055 0.881 +mna 0.037 0.879 +mnb 0.013 0.901 +mnc 0.005 0.921 +mnd 0.038 0.855 +mne 0.224 0.511 +mnem 0.005 0.004 +mnemo 0.383 0.007 +mnemoc 0.012 0.000 +mnemonic 0.402 0.040 +mnemonics 0.323 0.029 +mnemosyne 0.822 0.021 +mnet 0.427 0.218 +mnf 0.047 0.888 +mnfrs 0.912 0.002 +mng 0.116 0.714 +mngt 0.632 0.275 +mnh 0.002 0.965 +mni 0.093 0.702 +mnie 0.046 0.021 +mnl 0.074 0.843 +mnm 0.022 0.814 +mnn 0.027 0.910 +mno 0.010 0.344 +mnogosearch 0.004 0.000 +mnp 0.008 0.913 +mnr 0.087 0.858 +mnras 0.000 0.987 +mns 0.061 0.594 +mnst 0.000 0.984 +mnt 0.048 0.412 +mnu 0.024 0.751 +mo 0.193 0.669 +moa 0.136 0.796 +moab 0.892 0.071 +moak 0.923 0.052 +moakley 0.589 0.356 +moan 0.174 0.015 +moana 0.867 0.079 +moaned 0.008 0.001 +moanin 0.797 0.037 +moaning 0.095 0.006 +moans 0.084 0.019 +moapa 0.866 0.051 +moat 0.529 0.040 +moats 0.549 0.032 +mob 0.402 0.118 +mobb 0.746 0.057 +mobbed 0.112 0.010 +mobbing 0.366 0.034 +moberg 0.950 0.039 +moberly 0.864 0.095 +mobi 0.553 0.182 +mobic 0.465 0.027 +mobiel 0.183 0.040 +mobiele 0.486 0.007 +mobil 0.684 0.082 +mobile 0.647 0.030 +mobiledia 0.989 0.000 +mobilehome 0.350 0.057 +mobilephone 0.366 0.062 +mobiles 0.740 0.015 +mobili 0.303 0.074 +mobilis 0.382 0.027 +mobilisation 0.208 0.012 +mobilise 0.103 0.005 +mobilised 0.022 0.003 +mobilising 0.209 0.010 +mobilit 0.990 0.000 +mobilities 0.149 0.033 +mobility 0.441 0.027 +mobilization 0.251 0.076 +mobilizations 0.108 0.016 +mobilize 0.144 0.009 +mobilized 0.153 0.006 +mobilizes 0.210 0.018 +mobilizing 0.282 0.012 +mobilon 0.968 0.011 +mobiltelefon 0.348 0.000 +mobiltelefoner 0.808 0.005 +mobipocket 0.973 0.008 +mobius 0.838 0.057 +moble 0.438 0.033 +mobley 0.906 0.078 +moblie 0.532 0.129 +moblog 0.396 0.021 +moblogging 0.619 0.008 +moblogs 0.380 0.060 +mobo 0.271 0.094 +mobos 0.711 0.019 +mobridge 0.846 0.109 +mobs 0.438 0.011 +mobster 0.338 0.032 +mobsters 0.435 0.014 +mobutu 0.927 0.059 +moby 0.692 0.101 +mobygames 0.016 0.000 +mobzy 0.709 0.287 +moc 0.115 0.812 +moca 0.187 0.720 +mocca 0.714 0.176 +moccasin 0.631 0.047 +moccasins 0.623 0.029 +mocha 0.711 0.054 +moche 0.730 0.041 +mochi 0.499 0.044 +mochizuki 0.924 0.056 +mochrie 0.972 0.018 +mock 0.422 0.027 +mocked 0.033 0.008 +mockery 0.103 0.011 +mocking 0.159 0.009 +mockingbird 0.725 0.038 +mockingly 0.025 0.000 +mocks 0.241 0.025 +mocksville 0.865 0.104 +mockumentary 0.540 0.006 +mockup 0.283 0.007 +mockups 0.207 0.006 +mocldy 0.000 0.945 +mocs 0.751 0.090 +mocvd 0.004 0.992 +mod 0.403 0.160 +moda 0.672 0.101 +modafinil 0.338 0.008 +modal 0.255 0.028 +modalities 0.137 0.014 +modality 0.295 0.010 +modals 0.227 0.030 +modan 0.942 0.039 +modano 0.863 0.071 +modas 0.022 0.933 +modblog 0.510 0.015 +modbury 0.633 0.302 +modbus 0.788 0.156 +modchip 0.467 0.044 +modchips 0.625 0.042 +modd 0.066 0.043 +modded 0.380 0.016 +modder 0.739 0.016 +modders 0.531 0.022 +modding 0.756 0.022 +mode 0.291 0.031 +model 0.325 0.028 +modele 0.202 0.075 +modeled 0.068 0.004 +modeleng 0.000 0.000 +modeler 0.632 0.031 +modelers 0.290 0.014 +modeline 0.612 0.012 +modeling 0.415 0.017 +modell 0.715 0.035 +modelle 0.183 0.007 +modelled 0.051 0.004 +modellen 0.293 0.009 +modeller 0.493 0.096 +modellers 0.292 0.020 +modelli 0.144 0.013 +modelling 0.408 0.018 +modellista 0.909 0.023 +modello 0.376 0.036 +modelo 0.271 0.048 +modelos 0.193 0.016 +models 0.213 0.017 +modem 0.400 0.033 +modems 0.686 0.016 +moden 0.271 0.563 +modena 0.845 0.055 +moder 0.548 0.041 +moderate 0.276 0.034 +moderated 0.291 0.011 +moderately 0.237 0.032 +moderates 0.160 0.011 +moderating 0.183 0.008 +moderation 0.238 0.011 +moderato 0.632 0.030 +moderator 0.713 0.009 +moderators 0.733 0.004 +modern 0.394 0.022 +moderna 0.553 0.034 +moderne 0.545 0.048 +modernes 0.265 0.036 +modernisation 0.325 0.013 +modernise 0.040 0.008 +modernised 0.084 0.009 +modernising 0.480 0.021 +modernism 0.456 0.016 +modernist 0.328 0.020 +modernists 0.450 0.005 +modernity 0.342 0.011 +modernization 0.381 0.025 +modernize 0.077 0.010 +modernized 0.096 0.020 +modernizing 0.267 0.015 +moderno 0.589 0.053 +moderns 0.398 0.020 +modes 0.333 0.012 +modest 0.152 0.009 +modestly 0.044 0.003 +modesto 0.877 0.061 +modesty 0.229 0.013 +modflow 0.077 0.894 +modi 0.531 0.050 +modica 0.881 0.054 +modicon 0.766 0.121 +modicum 0.020 0.003 +modif 0.461 0.098 +modifed 0.167 0.012 +modifiable 0.130 0.007 +modifiant 0.000 0.094 +modifica 0.255 0.011 +modification 0.259 0.040 +modifications 0.232 0.028 +modified 0.270 0.010 +modifieds 0.788 0.070 +modifier 0.225 0.052 +modifiers 0.270 0.050 +modifies 0.160 0.023 +modify 0.415 0.026 +modifying 0.223 0.014 +modigliani 0.893 0.085 +modine 0.897 0.060 +modis 0.067 0.922 +modle 0.086 0.041 +modles 0.021 0.009 +modlogan 0.021 0.000 +modo 0.179 0.046 +modoc 0.862 0.083 +modperl 0.037 0.004 +modprobe 0.016 0.010 +modra 0.956 0.032 +modrone 0.976 0.020 +mods 0.585 0.038 +modu 0.235 0.201 +modul 0.642 0.069 +modula 0.883 0.024 +modular 0.470 0.038 +modularity 0.272 0.009 +modularization 0.345 0.006 +modularized 0.159 0.006 +modulate 0.059 0.025 +modulated 0.124 0.012 +modulates 0.055 0.009 +modulating 0.112 0.014 +modulation 0.285 0.023 +modulations 0.137 0.011 +modulator 0.468 0.040 +modulators 0.411 0.041 +modulatory 0.116 0.012 +module 0.355 0.031 +modulename 0.015 0.024 +moduler 0.408 0.000 +modules 0.296 0.011 +moduli 0.177 0.017 +modulo 0.125 0.087 +modulus 0.217 0.023 +modus 0.456 0.034 +modutils 0.012 0.002 +mody 0.704 0.197 +moe 0.629 0.240 +moebius 0.822 0.057 +moel 0.707 0.055 +moeller 0.915 0.055 +moen 0.897 0.044 +moench 0.956 0.033 +moes 0.664 0.113 +moese 0.003 0.000 +moesen 0.006 0.000 +moet 0.362 0.066 +moeten 0.015 0.006 +moevenpick 0.641 0.059 +mof 0.020 0.824 +mofa 0.148 0.815 +mofaz 0.992 0.005 +moff 0.775 0.073 +moffat 0.885 0.097 +moffatt 0.933 0.048 +moffett 0.917 0.065 +moffit 0.874 0.072 +moffitt 0.885 0.103 +mofo 0.360 0.169 +mofos 0.039 0.031 +mog 0.318 0.593 +moga 0.702 0.175 +mogadishu 0.951 0.032 +mogadore 0.828 0.138 +mogas 0.253 0.718 +mogelijk 0.017 0.004 +mogens 0.941 0.023 +mogensen 0.953 0.039 +mogg 0.901 0.070 +mogged 0.106 0.242 +mogilev 0.963 0.026 +moglen 0.974 0.015 +moglie 0.040 0.235 +mogollon 0.789 0.056 +mogs 0.274 0.608 +mogu 0.306 0.047 +mogul 0.618 0.040 +moguls 0.393 0.021 +mogwai 0.814 0.082 +moh 0.125 0.795 +mohaa 0.147 0.513 +mohair 0.514 0.102 +mohali 0.971 0.009 +mohamad 0.903 0.052 +mohamed 0.916 0.046 +mohammad 0.938 0.031 +mohammed 0.940 0.035 +mohammedan 0.962 0.011 +mohan 0.905 0.054 +mohandas 0.979 0.010 +mohanty 0.946 0.036 +mohave 0.904 0.073 +mohawk 0.685 0.128 +mohawks 0.815 0.023 +mohd 0.859 0.097 +mohegan 0.698 0.043 +moher 0.927 0.026 +mohican 0.790 0.058 +mohicans 0.899 0.040 +mohit 0.879 0.037 +mohler 0.924 0.044 +mohn 0.878 0.063 +moho 0.762 0.078 +mohr 0.926 0.053 +mohs 0.806 0.091 +mohsen 0.869 0.076 +mohsin 0.903 0.038 +moi 0.323 0.118 +moieties 0.042 0.012 +moiety 0.037 0.012 +moin 0.470 0.023 +moine 0.798 0.061 +moines 0.918 0.056 +moins 0.045 0.011 +moir 0.863 0.086 +moira 0.895 0.051 +moire 0.534 0.050 +mois 0.149 0.056 +moise 0.869 0.067 +moises 0.774 0.044 +moissanite 0.817 0.020 +moist 0.169 0.035 +moisten 0.209 0.026 +moistened 0.074 0.018 +moisture 0.210 0.041 +moisturiser 0.506 0.085 +moisturisers 0.611 0.018 +moisturising 0.521 0.057 +moisturization 0.639 0.000 +moisturize 0.207 0.012 +moisturizer 0.526 0.032 +moisturizers 0.614 0.012 +moisturizes 0.279 0.006 +moisturizing 0.536 0.026 +moive 0.056 0.009 +moives 0.048 0.007 +moj 0.242 0.426 +moja 0.472 0.080 +mojacar 0.894 0.016 +mojave 0.899 0.058 +moje 0.566 0.027 +mojito 0.672 0.044 +mojo 0.716 0.129 +mok 0.687 0.153 +moka 0.833 0.063 +moke 0.485 0.290 +mokelumne 0.884 0.112 +mokena 0.896 0.078 +moki 0.816 0.068 +moko 0.698 0.061 +moksha 0.656 0.037 +mol 0.583 0.086 +mola 0.488 0.259 +molalla 0.874 0.065 +molar 0.219 0.027 +molars 0.085 0.007 +molasses 0.285 0.035 +mold 0.392 0.036 +moldavia 0.902 0.088 +moldavian 0.932 0.042 +molde 0.814 0.038 +molded 0.343 0.051 +molder 0.439 0.059 +molders 0.386 0.209 +molding 0.375 0.051 +moldings 0.372 0.034 +moldova 0.949 0.045 +moldovan 0.956 0.039 +molds 0.359 0.047 +moldy 0.288 0.017 +mole 0.506 0.043 +molec 0.662 0.068 +molecular 0.513 0.035 +moleculargastronomy 0.000 0.000 +molecularly 0.203 0.009 +molecule 0.127 0.050 +molecules 0.112 0.015 +molehill 0.568 0.009 +molen 0.817 0.055 +molenaar 0.941 0.035 +moler 0.826 0.091 +moles 0.308 0.023 +molesey 0.933 0.038 +moleskin 0.675 0.040 +moleskine 0.803 0.039 +moleskines 0.984 0.000 +molest 0.102 0.023 +molestation 0.198 0.031 +molested 0.084 0.010 +molester 0.242 0.019 +molesters 0.343 0.015 +molestie 0.004 0.000 +molesting 0.156 0.013 +molesworth 0.859 0.128 +molex 0.675 0.141 +moley 0.255 0.015 +moliere 0.883 0.054 +moliets 0.978 0.008 +molina 0.898 0.077 +molinard 0.826 0.144 +molinari 0.748 0.217 +molinaro 0.934 0.054 +moline 0.891 0.081 +molino 0.811 0.056 +molinos 0.722 0.095 +molise 0.912 0.032 +molitor 0.825 0.060 +moll 0.759 0.068 +molla 0.822 0.065 +molle 0.512 0.261 +moller 0.916 0.068 +mollie 0.896 0.070 +mollige 0.017 0.000 +mollis 0.124 0.026 +mollison 0.924 0.060 +mollohan 0.607 0.389 +molloy 0.899 0.089 +mollusc 0.332 0.024 +mollusca 0.834 0.085 +molluscan 0.421 0.038 +molluscs 0.308 0.028 +molluscum 0.579 0.014 +mollusk 0.456 0.027 +mollusks 0.339 0.022 +molly 0.896 0.043 +molnar 0.927 0.060 +moloch 0.866 0.030 +molokai 0.934 0.040 +moloko 0.735 0.061 +moloney 0.928 0.057 +molotov 0.699 0.025 +mols 0.306 0.065 +molson 0.850 0.068 +molt 0.217 0.084 +molten 0.305 0.038 +molting 0.172 0.019 +moltke 0.864 0.038 +molto 0.361 0.030 +molton 0.886 0.081 +moluccas 0.830 0.159 +moly 0.494 0.080 +molybdate 0.254 0.112 +molybdenum 0.454 0.049 +molyneux 0.915 0.071 +mom 0.416 0.035 +moma 0.201 0.610 +mombasa 0.915 0.041 +mome 0.157 0.126 +momen 0.305 0.021 +momeni 0.956 0.021 +moment 0.072 0.010 +momenta 0.079 0.017 +momentarily 0.042 0.005 +momentary 0.181 0.014 +momento 0.130 0.021 +momentos 0.285 0.034 +momentous 0.056 0.005 +moments 0.230 0.018 +momentum 0.188 0.015 +momentus 0.893 0.049 +mometasone 0.554 0.029 +momjian 0.710 0.000 +momma 0.689 0.026 +mommas 0.620 0.021 +mommie 0.708 0.045 +mommies 0.622 0.014 +mommy 0.619 0.023 +momo 0.546 0.323 +moms 0.285 0.017 +momsanaladventure 0.286 0.002 +momson 0.240 0.000 +momsonfilm 0.291 0.000 +momus 0.807 0.039 +mon 0.939 0.030 +mona 0.861 0.065 +monaca 0.803 0.110 +monaco 0.924 0.045 +monacor 0.973 0.018 +monad 0.478 0.019 +monadic 0.229 0.009 +monadnock 0.938 0.044 +monads 0.289 0.049 +monaghan 0.933 0.033 +monahan 0.907 0.058 +monahans 0.842 0.121 +monarch 0.643 0.042 +monarchical 0.076 0.004 +monarchies 0.177 0.007 +monarchist 0.484 0.023 +monarchs 0.537 0.019 +monarchy 0.284 0.010 +monaro 0.824 0.117 +monash 0.961 0.031 +monasteries 0.231 0.010 +monasterio 0.885 0.034 +monastery 0.452 0.014 +monastic 0.203 0.011 +monasticism 0.471 0.056 +monastir 0.902 0.042 +monat 0.937 0.020 +monate 0.932 0.009 +monatsabo 0.000 0.000 +monaural 0.446 0.064 +monbiot 0.956 0.023 +moncada 0.920 0.066 +monceau 0.889 0.073 +monch 0.909 0.027 +moncks 0.891 0.086 +monclova 0.851 0.126 +moncrief 0.912 0.081 +moncrieff 0.822 0.164 +moncton 0.931 0.050 +moncur 0.970 0.018 +moncure 0.910 0.079 +mond 0.571 0.114 +mondadori 0.704 0.011 +mondaine 0.889 0.025 +mondale 0.942 0.046 +mondavi 0.921 0.058 +monday 0.958 0.027 +mondays 0.948 0.025 +monde 0.434 0.028 +mondello 0.874 0.061 +mondeo 0.529 0.115 +mondera 0.974 0.009 +mondes 0.643 0.028 +mondi 0.780 0.092 +mondial 0.618 0.057 +mondiale 0.276 0.079 +mondo 0.605 0.039 +mondovi 0.816 0.170 +mondragon 0.889 0.066 +mondrian 0.848 0.025 +mone 0.385 0.098 +moneda 0.248 0.009 +monedas 0.186 0.006 +monee 0.811 0.139 +monel 0.720 0.073 +monessen 0.864 0.094 +monet 0.869 0.056 +moneta 0.554 0.068 +monetarily 0.035 0.000 +monetary 0.364 0.040 +monete 0.095 0.008 +monetization 0.500 0.006 +monetize 0.370 0.004 +monetizing 0.422 0.007 +monett 0.840 0.118 +monette 0.864 0.097 +money 0.319 0.025 +moneyback 0.508 0.084 +moneyball 0.879 0.067 +moneybookers 0.808 0.035 +moneybrother 0.934 0.056 +moneydance 0.176 0.000 +moneyed 0.054 0.005 +moneyextra 0.986 0.004 +moneymaker 0.537 0.031 +moneymaking 0.204 0.017 +moneypenny 0.838 0.036 +moneys 0.087 0.029 +monfort 0.898 0.078 +mong 0.466 0.063 +monge 0.920 0.047 +monger 0.523 0.051 +mongering 0.131 0.008 +mongers 0.413 0.012 +mongkok 0.904 0.049 +mongo 0.764 0.115 +mongol 0.940 0.017 +mongolia 0.949 0.041 +mongolian 0.941 0.032 +mongoloid 0.683 0.023 +mongols 0.951 0.012 +mongoose 0.796 0.061 +mongrel 0.534 0.035 +monheit 0.861 0.105 +moni 0.413 0.095 +monia 0.608 0.199 +monic 0.181 0.022 +monica 0.675 0.037 +monie 0.555 0.060 +monies 0.075 0.035 +monik 0.976 0.007 +monika 0.842 0.042 +moniker 0.212 0.007 +monikers 0.144 0.008 +monin 0.867 0.107 +monique 0.871 0.047 +monisha 0.974 0.005 +monism 0.283 0.011 +monistat 0.882 0.050 +monit 0.386 0.095 +moniteau 0.862 0.109 +moniter 0.212 0.068 +moniteur 0.310 0.023 +monitor 0.436 0.035 +monitored 0.056 0.007 +monitores 0.171 0.018 +monitoring 0.332 0.020 +monitors 0.617 0.016 +moniz 0.896 0.086 +monk 0.627 0.038 +monkee 0.778 0.046 +monkees 0.876 0.062 +monkey 0.626 0.036 +monkeypox 0.630 0.008 +monkeys 0.477 0.034 +monkfish 0.432 0.035 +monkland 0.439 0.557 +monks 0.324 0.015 +monkton 0.931 0.055 +monly 0.007 0.010 +monmouth 0.886 0.077 +monmouthshire 0.969 0.017 +monnaie 0.476 0.054 +monnet 0.943 0.043 +monnier 0.956 0.021 +mono 0.584 0.057 +monoamine 0.308 0.016 +monobloc 0.755 0.027 +monoblock 0.523 0.124 +monochromatic 0.212 0.030 +monochromator 0.170 0.053 +monochrome 0.579 0.016 +monoclinic 0.265 0.049 +monoclonal 0.397 0.026 +monocoque 0.303 0.014 +monocot 0.429 0.012 +monocular 0.683 0.034 +monoculars 0.859 0.011 +monoculture 0.142 0.009 +monocyte 0.192 0.014 +monocytes 0.253 0.006 +monocytic 0.245 0.018 +monocytogenes 0.024 0.016 +monod 0.890 0.072 +monodevelop 0.501 0.000 +monodoc 0.126 0.000 +monodromy 0.111 0.013 +monofilament 0.409 0.034 +monofone 0.521 0.000 +monofoniche 0.992 0.000 +monofoon 0.933 0.009 +monogamous 0.076 0.005 +monogamy 0.291 0.013 +monogatari 0.680 0.025 +monogenic 0.077 0.531 +monogr 0.963 0.016 +monogram 0.805 0.032 +monogrammed 0.569 0.030 +monogramming 0.617 0.028 +monograms 0.632 0.056 +monograph 0.455 0.029 +monographic 0.377 0.021 +monographs 0.595 0.024 +monohydrate 0.482 0.054 +monoid 0.184 0.076 +monoidal 0.057 0.007 +monokini 0.233 0.003 +monolake 0.550 0.271 +monolayer 0.095 0.014 +monolayers 0.154 0.025 +monolingual 0.361 0.009 +monolith 0.583 0.039 +monolithic 0.313 0.024 +monolithics 0.937 0.029 +monoliths 0.177 0.038 +monolog 0.648 0.112 +monologue 0.269 0.016 +monologues 0.512 0.026 +monomer 0.108 0.030 +monomeric 0.132 0.039 +monomers 0.110 0.020 +monomial 0.090 0.010 +monomials 0.069 0.003 +monon 0.734 0.111 +monona 0.881 0.095 +monongahela 0.828 0.144 +monongalia 0.929 0.063 +mononitrate 0.424 0.047 +mononoke 0.782 0.025 +mononuclear 0.270 0.007 +mononucleosis 0.427 0.043 +monooxygenase 0.207 0.063 +monophonic 0.612 0.010 +monophonics 0.891 0.000 +monophoniques 0.618 0.000 +monophosphate 0.167 0.046 +monophyletic 0.035 0.003 +monopod 0.618 0.071 +monopods 0.863 0.003 +monopole 0.260 0.033 +monopoles 0.184 0.040 +monopolies 0.205 0.011 +monopolist 0.065 0.004 +monopolistic 0.141 0.006 +monopolization 0.135 0.008 +monopolize 0.040 0.006 +monopolized 0.024 0.003 +monopoly 0.324 0.031 +monopril 0.794 0.067 +monorail 0.607 0.021 +monos 0.312 0.036 +monosaccharide 0.421 0.008 +monosodium 0.404 0.057 +monospace 0.336 0.046 +monospaced 0.377 0.023 +monosyllabic 0.122 0.004 +monotheism 0.364 0.011 +monotheistic 0.070 0.008 +monotherapy 0.122 0.006 +monotone 0.154 0.004 +monotones 0.526 0.014 +monotonic 0.212 0.008 +monotonically 0.012 0.001 +monotonicity 0.204 0.008 +monotonous 0.040 0.003 +monotony 0.124 0.005 +monotype 0.846 0.020 +monounsaturated 0.350 0.004 +monovalent 0.159 0.010 +monoxide 0.303 0.039 +monozygotic 0.242 0.012 +monro 0.892 0.088 +monroe 0.825 0.073 +monroeville 0.870 0.100 +monrovia 0.897 0.075 +mons 0.634 0.148 +monsanto 0.953 0.039 +monserrat 0.951 0.028 +monsey 0.825 0.097 +monsieur 0.764 0.047 +monsignor 0.898 0.031 +monson 0.915 0.068 +monsoon 0.451 0.066 +monsoons 0.221 0.012 +monster 0.568 0.047 +monstercock 0.526 0.007 +monstercocks 0.056 0.008 +monstercom 0.004 0.000 +monstergamer 0.886 0.000 +monsterpimmel 0.000 0.000 +monsters 0.518 0.032 +monsterschwaenze 0.000 0.000 +monsterschwanz 0.000 0.000 +monstrosities 0.071 0.049 +monstrosity 0.158 0.018 +monstrous 0.148 0.010 +mont 0.814 0.124 +monta 0.724 0.067 +montag 0.958 0.014 +montage 0.442 0.040 +montages 0.290 0.021 +montagna 0.349 0.022 +montagne 0.400 0.052 +montagnes 0.347 0.021 +montagu 0.892 0.097 +montague 0.897 0.084 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0.970 0.025 +montesquieu 0.948 0.016 +montessori 0.912 0.052 +montevallo 0.904 0.074 +monteverde 0.924 0.032 +monteverdi 0.921 0.058 +montevideo 0.927 0.044 +montez 0.840 0.081 +montezuma 0.892 0.077 +montford 0.914 0.068 +montfort 0.946 0.044 +montgenevre 0.959 0.019 +montgomerie 0.944 0.049 +montgomery 0.913 0.064 +montgomeryshire 0.973 0.022 +montgomeryville 0.907 0.043 +month 0.254 0.023 +monthan 0.900 0.081 +monthlies 0.685 0.020 +monthly 0.451 0.028 +months 0.148 0.011 +monthy 0.695 0.012 +monti 0.856 0.097 +monticello 0.881 0.084 +montiel 0.910 0.068 +montien 0.931 0.016 +montigny 0.907 0.072 +montlake 0.978 0.014 +montly 0.669 0.010 +montmartre 0.879 0.042 +montmorency 0.875 0.094 +montmorillonite 0.221 0.270 +monto 0.693 0.185 +montour 0.856 0.112 +montoursville 0.829 0.120 +montoya 0.928 0.051 +montparnasse 0.884 0.051 +montpelier 0.922 0.062 +montpellier 0.863 0.031 +montr 0.596 0.260 +montrachet 0.805 0.174 +montrail 0.970 0.016 +montre 0.150 0.042 +montreal 0.878 0.045 +montreat 0.932 0.038 +montres 0.237 0.023 +montreuil 0.853 0.107 +montreux 0.901 0.051 +montrose 0.877 0.090 +montross 0.855 0.109 +monts 0.760 0.070 +montserrat 0.943 0.052 +montsouris 0.943 0.011 +montt 0.914 0.040 +montvale 0.882 0.091 +montville 0.830 0.154 +monty 0.879 0.038 +monuc 0.032 0.965 +monument 0.575 0.033 +monumental 0.228 0.019 +monuments 0.416 0.023 +mony 0.339 0.147 +monza 0.817 0.088 +moo 0.575 0.221 +mooch 0.504 0.047 +mood 0.329 0.019 +moodie 0.924 0.065 +moodiness 0.132 0.003 +moodle 0.393 0.005 +moods 0.357 0.040 +moody 0.762 0.060 +mooers 0.805 0.140 +moog 0.855 0.065 +moogle 0.589 0.009 +mooi 0.426 0.026 +mooie 0.273 0.010 +mook 0.794 0.052 +mookie 0.876 0.050 +moolah 0.472 0.023 +mooloolaba 0.865 0.086 +moom 0.530 0.276 +moomin 0.738 0.089 +moon 0.621 0.041 +moonbase 0.456 0.020 +moonbat 0.725 0.023 +moonbats 0.612 0.012 +moonbeam 0.776 0.053 +moonbeams 0.613 0.043 +moondance 0.887 0.049 +moondog 0.602 0.032 +moone 0.721 0.120 +moonee 0.754 0.193 +mooney 0.883 0.086 +moonglow 0.775 0.119 +moonie 0.860 0.049 +mooning 0.340 0.014 +moonlight 0.576 0.038 +moonlighting 0.653 0.023 +moonlit 0.368 0.025 +moonlite 0.501 0.032 +moono 0.598 0.393 +moonraker 0.822 0.102 +moonrise 0.803 0.017 +moonroof 0.466 0.196 +moons 0.368 0.023 +moonset 0.806 0.010 +moonshadow 0.840 0.049 +moonshine 0.596 0.072 +moonspell 0.868 0.061 +moonstone 0.776 0.097 +moonstruck 0.849 0.053 +moonves 0.951 0.043 +moonwalk 0.605 0.042 +moony 0.716 0.026 +moor 0.781 0.047 +moorabbin 0.720 0.226 +moorage 0.347 0.047 +moorcock 0.975 0.019 +moorcroft 0.826 0.132 +moore 0.893 0.070 +moorea 0.927 0.035 +moored 0.136 0.011 +moorefield 0.860 0.091 +moorehead 0.943 0.046 +moorer 0.922 0.058 +moores 0.896 0.066 +moorestown 0.873 0.099 +mooresville 0.905 0.066 +moorgate 0.952 0.022 +moorhead 0.902 0.081 +moorhen 0.902 0.023 +moorhouse 0.895 0.059 +mooring 0.381 0.042 +moorings 0.515 0.033 +moorish 0.929 0.015 +moorland 0.481 0.058 +moorlands 0.739 0.065 +moorman 0.912 0.074 +moorpark 0.899 0.061 +moors 0.739 0.029 +moos 0.734 0.144 +moosa 0.894 0.059 +moose 0.705 0.059 +moosehead 0.889 0.049 +moosejaw 0.977 0.005 +moosic 0.610 0.069 +moot 0.296 0.027 +mooted 0.017 0.003 +moots 0.543 0.023 +mootsies 0.764 0.034 +moovie 0.391 0.008 +mop 0.238 0.468 +mopac 0.563 0.361 +mopar 0.666 0.174 +mope 0.162 0.113 +moped 0.450 0.058 +mopeds 0.568 0.025 +moping 0.132 0.007 +mopped 0.049 0.005 +mopping 0.293 0.014 +mops 0.366 0.364 +moq 0.079 0.875 +moqtada 0.997 0.000 +mor 0.392 0.245 +mora 0.752 0.078 +morabito 0.912 0.080 +moradabad 0.943 0.047 +moraes 0.940 0.037 +morag 0.931 0.042 +moraga 0.880 0.064 +moraine 0.716 0.049 +moraines 0.135 0.009 +moraira 0.637 0.018 +morais 0.865 0.089 +moral 0.153 0.010 +morale 0.159 0.012 +morales 0.923 0.045 +moralist 0.120 0.009 +moralistic 0.063 0.002 +moralists 0.189 0.006 +morality 0.242 0.011 +moralizing 0.074 0.004 +morally 0.049 0.004 +morals 0.195 0.014 +moran 0.880 0.078 +morand 0.918 0.073 +morandi 0.880 0.055 +morang 0.623 0.371 +moranis 0.944 0.017 +morano 0.950 0.033 +morant 0.920 0.062 +morass 0.092 0.012 +moratorium 0.144 0.023 +moravec 0.940 0.042 +moravia 0.910 0.067 +moravian 0.942 0.041 +moray 0.903 0.021 +morayshire 0.980 0.013 +morb 0.518 0.456 +morbi 0.918 0.012 +morbid 0.413 0.028 +morbidities 0.039 0.008 +morbidity 0.214 0.011 +morbidly 0.104 0.007 +morbihan 0.849 0.020 +morbius 0.896 0.032 +morbus 0.853 0.011 +morceau 0.204 0.009 +morceaux 0.374 0.066 +morcheeba 0.869 0.048 +mord 0.454 0.072 +mordant 0.375 0.048 +mordaunt 0.851 0.126 +mordecai 0.939 0.042 +mordechai 0.970 0.021 +morden 0.910 0.054 +mordor 0.767 0.023 +mordred 0.934 0.016 +more 0.270 0.017 +morea 0.608 0.040 +moreau 0.894 0.073 +morecambe 0.913 0.030 +moree 0.830 0.107 +morehead 0.904 0.074 +morehouse 0.898 0.076 +moreinfo 0.023 0.010 +moreira 0.923 0.058 +morel 0.845 0.052 +moreland 0.883 0.100 +morelia 0.938 0.032 +morell 0.897 0.064 +morella 0.671 0.318 +morelli 0.941 0.043 +morello 0.747 0.179 +morelos 0.909 0.034 +morels 0.380 0.020 +moremi 0.991 0.003 +morena 0.602 0.037 +morenas 0.028 0.003 +morenci 0.843 0.116 +moreni 0.815 0.167 +moreno 0.896 0.066 +moreover 0.882 0.001 +mores 0.150 0.016 +moresby 0.915 0.076 +moreso 0.095 0.007 +moresome 0.044 0.000 +moret 0.848 0.114 +moreton 0.788 0.201 +moretti 0.904 0.052 +morex 0.328 0.652 +morey 0.881 0.077 +morford 0.897 0.077 +morg 0.535 0.325 +morgage 0.256 0.007 +morgages 0.282 0.015 +morgaine 0.850 0.016 +morgan 0.891 0.070 +morgana 0.810 0.061 +morgane 0.279 0.014 +morgannwg 0.946 0.022 +morgans 0.860 0.060 +morganton 0.899 0.072 +morgantown 0.902 0.070 +morganville 0.742 0.238 +morgen 0.545 0.039 +morgenstern 0.940 0.037 +morgenthau 0.946 0.043 +morgoth 0.920 0.023 +morgue 0.393 0.053 +morhaim 0.990 0.004 +mori 0.686 0.210 +moria 0.831 0.032 +moriah 0.876 0.098 +morial 0.837 0.028 +moriarty 0.909 0.060 +moribund 0.175 0.013 +morice 0.955 0.038 +moriches 0.793 0.170 +morientes 0.865 0.052 +morillo 0.893 0.067 +morimoto 0.925 0.053 +morin 0.897 0.070 +morinda 0.827 0.018 +moring 0.528 0.057 +morini 0.576 0.394 +morioka 0.891 0.080 +morire 0.771 0.037 +morishita 0.914 0.046 +morison 0.898 0.091 +morisset 0.639 0.271 +morissette 0.815 0.064 +morita 0.924 0.061 +moritz 0.928 0.037 +moriyama 0.902 0.072 +mork 0.856 0.061 +morlan 0.948 0.040 +morland 0.904 0.064 +morley 0.897 0.079 +mormon 0.918 0.027 +mormonism 0.948 0.027 +mormons 0.925 0.015 +morn 0.287 0.071 +mornay 0.872 0.028 +morne 0.906 0.021 +morneau 0.952 0.039 +mornin 0.396 0.028 +morning 0.252 0.029 +morningglory 0.888 0.004 +mornings 0.174 0.018 +morningside 0.909 0.077 +morningstar 0.958 0.026 +mornington 0.874 0.102 +morningwood 0.937 0.025 +moro 0.858 0.061 +moroccan 0.948 0.016 +moroccans 0.973 0.004 +morocco 0.942 0.038 +moroder 0.901 0.041 +moron 0.263 0.050 +moroney 0.930 0.060 +morongo 0.451 0.029 +moroni 0.915 0.057 +moronic 0.131 0.012 +morons 0.236 0.038 +morose 0.234 0.036 +moroso 0.802 0.148 +morovia 0.920 0.005 +moroz 0.923 0.049 +morozov 0.913 0.045 +morpeth 0.911 0.049 +morph 0.381 0.037 +morphed 0.035 0.003 +morpheme 0.221 0.006 +morphemes 0.082 0.004 +morpher 0.796 0.025 +morpheus 0.664 0.023 +morpheux 0.491 0.000 +morphic 0.414 0.010 +morphin 0.749 0.079 +morphine 0.329 0.020 +morphing 0.323 0.011 +morphism 0.036 0.003 +morphisms 0.082 0.008 +morphix 0.861 0.006 +morpho 0.452 0.030 +morphogenesis 0.198 0.018 +morphogenetic 0.361 0.019 +morphol 0.775 0.013 +morphologic 0.207 0.017 +morphological 0.207 0.017 +morphologically 0.091 0.005 +morphologies 0.085 0.007 +morphology 0.276 0.023 +morphometric 0.288 0.024 +morphometrics 0.811 0.010 +morphometry 0.278 0.022 +morphs 0.196 0.035 +morphy 0.896 0.073 +morpork 0.953 0.000 +morr 0.650 0.133 +morre 0.179 0.018 +morrell 0.906 0.077 +morrice 0.857 0.099 +morricone 0.884 0.072 +morrie 0.900 0.070 +morrigan 0.573 0.008 +morrill 0.907 0.080 +morrilton 0.847 0.123 +morris 0.893 0.085 +morrisette 0.813 0.059 +morrisey 0.870 0.058 +morrish 0.904 0.090 +morrison 0.906 0.068 +morrisons 0.867 0.075 +morrisonville 0.730 0.237 +morriss 0.862 0.071 +morrissey 0.872 0.075 +morriston 0.936 0.051 +morristown 0.881 0.095 +morrisville 0.897 0.080 +morro 0.899 0.050 +morrocan 0.734 0.033 +morrocco 0.970 0.012 +morrow 0.633 0.059 +morrowind 0.801 0.020 +morrus 0.995 0.000 +mors 0.446 0.194 +morse 0.866 0.074 +morsel 0.076 0.009 +morsels 0.265 0.014 +mort 0.611 0.110 +morta 0.203 0.028 +mortage 0.371 0.015 +mortages 0.388 0.012 +mortal 0.401 0.021 +mortalities 0.099 0.007 +mortality 0.215 0.011 +mortally 0.047 0.002 +mortals 0.147 0.009 +mortar 0.255 0.021 +mortars 0.230 0.019 +morte 0.374 0.027 +mortem 0.213 0.025 +morten 0.941 0.023 +mortensen 0.947 0.024 +mortenson 0.918 0.064 +mortes 0.767 0.027 +mortgae 0.030 0.000 +mortgag 0.064 0.014 +mortgage 0.449 0.016 +mortgaged 0.138 0.030 +mortgagee 0.295 0.060 +mortgagemavericksonline 0.003 0.000 +mortgages 0.612 0.015 +mortgaging 0.181 0.015 +mortgagor 0.215 0.123 +mortgagr 0.005 0.000 +mortgge 0.007 0.000 +mortgsge 0.004 0.000 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0.073 +moshi 0.755 0.058 +moshiach 0.874 0.077 +mosi 0.601 0.338 +mosier 0.877 0.080 +mosinee 0.862 0.120 +mosk 0.956 0.019 +moskau 0.849 0.034 +moskow 0.881 0.064 +moskowitz 0.951 0.032 +moskva 0.964 0.026 +moslem 0.907 0.019 +moslems 0.921 0.009 +mosler 0.818 0.090 +mosley 0.923 0.064 +mosman 0.778 0.188 +mosque 0.421 0.011 +mosques 0.332 0.009 +mosquito 0.464 0.040 +mosquitoes 0.189 0.010 +mosquitos 0.330 0.020 +moss 0.748 0.067 +mossad 0.929 0.042 +mossberg 0.868 0.058 +mosse 0.837 0.072 +mossel 0.953 0.016 +mosser 0.891 0.087 +mosses 0.336 0.012 +mossimo 0.734 0.152 +mossley 0.929 0.053 +mossman 0.840 0.118 +mosso 0.180 0.184 +mossy 0.597 0.073 +most 0.210 0.010 +mostafa 0.892 0.029 +mostar 0.929 0.050 +mosteroticteens 0.091 0.000 +mostly 0.262 0.057 +mostlyclean 0.000 0.000 +mostra 0.734 0.021 +mostrando 0.310 0.000 +mostrar 0.758 0.001 +mostre 0.799 0.014 +mostro 0.486 0.071 +mostyn 0.948 0.036 +mosul 0.959 0.030 +mosunny 0.000 0.996 +mot 0.212 0.471 +mota 0.834 0.098 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0.299 0.038 +moulder 0.631 0.069 +moulders 0.743 0.026 +moulding 0.452 0.038 +mouldings 0.490 0.028 +moulds 0.362 0.076 +mouldy 0.246 0.018 +moule 0.752 0.080 +moulin 0.865 0.052 +moulineaux 0.892 0.043 +moulinex 0.867 0.079 +moulins 0.855 0.045 +moult 0.306 0.024 +moulton 0.874 0.093 +moultrie 0.938 0.047 +moun 0.433 0.051 +mound 0.465 0.044 +mounds 0.367 0.030 +moundsville 0.892 0.089 +mount 0.655 0.092 +mounta 0.872 0.053 +mountable 0.432 0.024 +mountain 0.715 0.038 +mountainbike 0.634 0.023 +mountainbikes 0.434 0.358 +mountainbiking 0.853 0.005 +mountaineer 0.742 0.049 +mountaineering 0.658 0.035 +mountaineers 0.845 0.016 +mountainous 0.058 0.009 +mountains 0.508 0.021 +mountainside 0.461 0.041 +mountainsmith 0.948 0.017 +mountaintop 0.335 0.047 +mountaintops 0.158 0.013 +mountainview 0.781 0.106 +mountbatten 0.937 0.053 +mounted 0.276 0.026 +mountfield 0.907 0.063 +mountford 0.927 0.068 +mountian 0.587 0.075 +mountie 0.786 0.054 +mounties 0.831 0.082 +mounting 0.365 0.035 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0.680 0.025 +mouthing 0.107 0.007 +mouthpiece 0.305 0.041 +mouthpieces 0.558 0.015 +mouths 0.076 0.009 +mouthwash 0.438 0.033 +mouthwatering 0.165 0.015 +mouton 0.827 0.105 +mouvement 0.411 0.058 +mov 0.070 0.385 +mova 0.140 0.174 +movable 0.771 0.007 +movabletype 0.310 0.020 +movado 0.858 0.044 +movant 0.210 0.012 +movb 0.000 0.347 +move 0.159 0.030 +moveable 0.465 0.026 +moved 0.093 0.023 +movei 0.004 0.833 +moveis 0.091 0.006 +movem 0.018 0.951 +movement 0.219 0.015 +movements 0.146 0.012 +movenpick 0.929 0.026 +mover 0.318 0.019 +movers 0.609 0.016 +moves 0.153 0.022 +moveto 0.002 0.005 +movi 0.149 0.063 +movie 0.411 0.024 +movieclip 0.071 0.004 +movieclips 0.041 0.004 +moviefone 0.985 0.001 +moviegoer 0.508 0.073 +moviegoers 0.164 0.003 +movielink 0.968 0.007 +moviemaking 0.236 0.008 +moviemarz 0.000 0.000 +moviepost 0.090 0.034 +movies 0.592 0.026 +moviesfree 0.006 0.000 +moview 0.332 0.053 +moviez 0.100 0.068 +movil 0.392 0.028 +moviles 0.302 0.012 +movimento 0.411 0.034 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0.460 0.068 +mozambican 0.981 0.010 +mozambique 0.957 0.038 +mozart 0.887 0.066 +mozila 0.580 0.000 +mozilla 0.702 0.003 +mozzarella 0.388 0.024 +mp 0.020 0.823 +mpa 0.034 0.833 +mpaa 0.006 0.983 +mpac 0.062 0.851 +mpact 0.094 0.774 +mpas 0.275 0.213 +mpb 0.015 0.848 +mpc 0.085 0.823 +mpca 0.000 0.996 +mpd 0.008 0.715 +mpe 0.008 0.894 +mpeg 0.055 0.445 +mpegs 0.130 0.012 +mpep 0.000 0.967 +mperia 0.992 0.004 +mpf 0.006 0.891 +mpg 0.043 0.265 +mpge 0.004 0.048 +mpgs 0.094 0.026 +mph 0.005 0.283 +mpi 0.011 0.905 +mpich 0.008 0.460 +mpio 0.235 0.597 +mpirun 0.007 0.039 +mpix 0.838 0.083 +mpk 0.048 0.814 +mpl 0.030 0.744 +mpla 0.006 0.954 +mplab 0.006 0.975 +mplayer 0.186 0.004 +mployment 0.000 0.590 +mplpost 0.000 0.000 +mpls 0.190 0.648 +mpm 0.008 0.783 +mpn 0.003 0.980 +mpo 0.005 0.964 +mpoa 0.000 0.825 +mporei 0.041 0.011 +mpower 0.629 0.106 +mpp 0.005 0.919 +mpr 0.006 0.928 +mpre 0.029 0.711 +mpreferred 0.000 0.000 +mps 0.031 0.852 +mpsc 0.000 0.985 +mpsf 0.000 0.995 +mpsm 0.000 0.994 +mpt 0.014 0.671 +mptp 0.000 0.994 +mpu 0.014 0.834 +mpumalanga 0.970 0.016 +mpv 0.030 0.905 +mpw 0.002 0.883 +mpx 0.041 0.795 +mq 0.080 0.769 +mqm 0.008 0.823 +mqt 0.013 0.961 +mr 0.684 0.273 +mra 0.033 0.930 +mrad 0.096 0.033 +mraz 0.846 0.040 +mrb 0.020 0.843 +mrbrown 0.000 0.000 +mrc 0.004 0.943 +mrcgp 0.000 0.896 +mrcog 0.012 0.822 +mrcp 0.006 0.926 +mrcs 0.005 0.883 +mrd 0.052 0.831 +mre 0.157 0.722 +mrem 0.003 0.011 +mrf 0.038 0.925 +mrg 0.100 0.726 +mrgreen 0.000 0.000 +mrh 0.034 0.880 +mri 0.012 0.957 +mrj 0.016 0.888 +mrk 0.206 0.668 +mrl 0.011 0.938 +mrm 0.036 0.910 +mrn 0.040 0.802 +mrna 0.020 0.763 +mro 0.015 0.953 +mrp 0.028 0.914 +mrq 0.002 0.512 +mrr 0.069 0.820 +mrs 0.789 0.147 +mrsa 0.007 0.977 +mrsc 0.015 0.972 +mrt 0.070 0.797 +mrtg 0.015 0.423 +mrtgage 0.012 0.000 +mru 0.023 0.834 +mrv 0.011 0.926 +mrw 0.015 0.854 +mrx 0.324 0.604 +mry 0.071 0.853 +mrz 0.768 0.173 +ms 0.123 0.745 +msa 0.003 0.983 +msac 0.006 0.974 +msad 0.061 0.921 +msar 0.000 0.971 +msas 0.012 0.916 +msat 0.036 0.845 +msb 0.004 0.872 +msba 0.043 0.941 +msc 0.028 0.918 +msci 0.010 0.975 +msconfig 0.114 0.465 +mscs 0.007 0.968 +msd 0.009 0.875 +msde 0.006 0.950 +msdn 0.002 0.963 +msdos 0.009 0.496 +msdp 0.000 0.769 +msds 0.008 0.946 +mse 0.023 0.930 +msec 0.012 0.067 +msee 0.004 0.983 +msek 0.003 0.961 +mserver 0.014 0.004 +msf 0.032 0.924 +msfc 0.002 0.974 +msfn 0.009 0.975 +msft 0.014 0.941 +msg 0.333 0.263 +msgfmt 0.001 0.073 +msgid 0.003 0.004 +msgp 0.000 0.897 +msgr 0.929 0.031 +msgs 0.426 0.098 +msgstr 0.000 0.000 +msgt 0.078 0.908 +msh 0.012 0.818 +msha 0.002 0.993 +msi 0.032 0.845 +msia 0.136 0.772 +msic 0.220 0.156 +msid 0.000 0.304 +msie 0.000 0.991 +msil 0.221 0.705 +msis 0.010 0.970 +msj 0.006 0.635 +msk 0.017 0.867 +msl 0.008 0.892 +mslp 0.000 0.901 +msm 0.027 0.871 +msmq 0.005 0.951 +msn 0.014 0.887 +msnbc 0.003 0.951 +msncom 0.009 0.009 +msnm 0.000 0.941 +msnmessenger 0.000 0.000 +msnn 0.000 0.008 +msnsearch 0.039 0.000 +mso 0.001 0.172 +msoe 0.014 0.969 +msoft 0.080 0.051 +msop 0.003 0.991 +msp 0.014 0.787 +mspb 0.000 0.988 +msps 0.226 0.511 +msq 0.029 0.620 +msql 0.241 0.157 +msr 0.022 0.878 +msrc 0.003 0.937 +msri 0.000 0.990 +msrp 0.003 0.987 +mss 0.060 0.793 +mssa 0.000 0.971 +mssg 0.863 0.085 +mssm 0.000 0.620 +mssql 0.012 0.757 +mst 0.006 0.962 +mstp 0.000 0.954 +mstr 0.360 0.498 +mstu 0.000 0.992 +msu 0.006 0.967 +msub 0.023 0.841 +msuic 0.282 0.024 +msv 0.007 0.898 +msvc 0.002 0.764 +msvcrt 0.011 0.167 +msw 0.008 0.936 +msword 0.008 0.163 +msx 0.014 0.926 +msxml 0.004 0.871 +msy 0.013 0.902 +msys 0.110 0.534 +mt 0.326 0.605 +mta 0.011 0.841 +mtab 0.006 0.110 +mtas 0.000 0.985 +mtasc 0.030 0.392 +mtb 0.040 0.863 +mtbe 0.001 0.994 +mtbf 0.002 0.987 +mtbr 0.021 0.837 +mtc 0.011 0.827 +mtct 0.000 0.994 +mtd 0.037 0.658 +mte 0.031 0.763 +mtext 0.027 0.823 +mtf 0.015 0.892 +mtg 0.422 0.420 +mtgs 0.593 0.163 +mth 0.138 0.566 +mths 0.109 0.132 +mti 0.020 0.944 +mtime 0.002 0.009 +mtj 0.012 0.781 +mtk 0.034 0.874 +mtl 0.113 0.724 +mtm 0.041 0.882 +mtn 0.561 0.374 +mtnl 0.011 0.952 +mtns 0.732 0.178 +mto 0.027 0.810 +mtools 0.039 0.007 +mtp 0.010 0.910 +mtr 0.134 0.549 +mtrj 0.013 0.970 +mtrr 0.002 0.389 +mtrs 0.151 0.276 +mts 0.141 0.739 +mtsu 0.010 0.974 +mtt 0.035 0.852 +mtu 0.007 0.756 +mtune 0.002 0.003 +mtv 0.023 0.894 +mtvn 0.000 0.999 +mtw 0.033 0.908 +mtwr 0.000 0.993 +mtwrf 0.000 0.974 +mtx 0.035 0.772 +mty 0.091 0.483 +mu 0.265 0.397 +mua 0.126 0.367 +muah 0.218 0.287 +muaic 0.304 0.000 +muammar 0.962 0.020 +muang 0.950 0.026 +muay 0.852 0.038 +mub 0.031 0.856 +mubarak 0.934 0.032 +muc 0.151 0.590 +much 0.048 0.009 +mucha 0.696 0.059 +muchas 0.300 0.038 +muchly 0.105 0.009 +mucho 0.221 0.027 +muchos 0.207 0.021 +mucic 0.446 0.046 +mucin 0.137 0.026 +mucinous 0.350 0.008 +muck 0.190 0.032 +mucked 0.035 0.000 +mucking 0.149 0.008 +muckle 0.510 0.031 +muckraker 0.728 0.025 +mucky 0.535 0.028 +mucosa 0.277 0.009 +mucosal 0.128 0.011 +mucositis 0.263 0.012 +mucous 0.099 0.018 +mucus 0.117 0.010 +mud 0.282 0.125 +muda 0.610 0.071 +mudcat 0.919 0.012 +mudd 0.767 0.084 +muddied 0.047 0.008 +muddle 0.208 0.020 +muddled 0.093 0.005 +muddling 0.233 0.008 +muddy 0.346 0.049 +mudflap 0.632 0.081 +mudflats 0.083 0.005 +mudge 0.932 0.047 +mudgee 0.845 0.099 +mudguard 0.363 0.109 +mudguards 0.646 0.074 +mudhoney 0.860 0.040 +mudic 0.264 0.000 +mudie 0.937 0.053 +mudra 0.566 0.045 +mudras 0.750 0.009 +muds 0.218 0.126 +mudslide 0.391 0.029 +mudslides 0.205 0.019 +mudstone 0.101 0.487 +mudvayne 0.087 0.008 +mudville 0.976 0.005 +mue 0.138 0.707 +muebles 0.082 0.024 +mueic 0.305 0.000 +muelhens 0.875 0.105 +mueller 0.925 0.044 +muench 0.950 0.037 +muenchen 0.323 0.026 +muenster 0.627 0.055 +muerte 0.476 0.044 +muerto 0.491 0.029 +muertos 0.739 0.035 +muesli 0.444 0.047 +muestra 0.090 0.017 +muestras 0.091 0.021 +muf 0.103 0.686 +muff 0.458 0.047 +muffdived 0.971 0.000 +muffdiving 0.934 0.000 +muffin 0.508 0.035 +muffins 0.516 0.069 +muffle 0.185 0.027 +muffled 0.048 0.007 +muffler 0.537 0.090 +mufflers 0.666 0.045 +muffs 0.557 0.049 +muffy 0.820 0.092 +mufti 0.781 0.031 +mug 0.555 0.113 +mugabe 0.969 0.015 +mugello 0.899 0.030 +mugen 0.643 0.102 +mugged 0.137 0.011 +mugger 0.536 0.132 +muggers 0.202 0.013 +mugging 0.207 0.018 +muggle 0.741 0.009 +muggles 0.596 0.016 +muggs 0.925 0.029 +muggy 0.116 0.018 +mughal 0.946 0.025 +mugla 0.883 0.053 +mugler 0.905 0.071 +muglo 0.010 0.123 +mugs 0.551 0.033 +mugshot 0.461 0.166 +mugshots 0.639 0.018 +mugu 0.511 0.333 +muguet 0.614 0.177 +mugwort 0.609 0.020 +muh 0.206 0.350 +muhammad 0.951 0.030 +muhammed 0.905 0.050 +muharram 0.966 0.013 +muhl 0.543 0.441 +muhlenberg 0.935 0.057 +muhly 0.217 0.017 +muhsin 0.955 0.036 +mui 0.499 0.264 +muic 0.278 0.045 +muine 0.685 0.009 +muir 0.917 0.059 +muirfield 0.906 0.049 +muirhead 0.914 0.070 +muisc 0.427 0.013 +muito 0.132 0.024 +mujahedeen 0.479 0.005 +mujahedin 0.604 0.029 +mujahid 0.790 0.034 +mujahideen 0.658 0.006 +mujer 0.512 0.017 +mujeres 0.255 0.016 +muk 0.590 0.190 +mukai 0.905 0.062 +mukesh 0.870 0.070 +mukherjee 0.936 0.036 +mukhopadhyay 0.962 0.032 +mukhtar 0.923 0.029 +mukilteo 0.891 0.071 +mukti 0.753 0.044 +mukul 0.888 0.022 +mukwonago 0.864 0.101 +mul 0.177 0.187 +mula 0.359 0.064 +mulan 0.759 0.059 +mularkey 0.959 0.019 +mulatta 0.049 0.018 +mulatto 0.377 0.014 +mulayam 0.995 0.003 +mulberry 0.759 0.077 +mulberrytech 0.005 0.000 +mulcahy 0.918 0.068 +mulch 0.267 0.037 +mulched 0.049 0.021 +mulches 0.340 0.016 +mulching 0.376 0.051 +muldaur 0.936 0.048 +mulder 0.873 0.103 +muldoon 0.928 0.057 +muldrow 0.855 0.130 +mule 0.437 0.077 +mulero 0.976 0.017 +mules 0.514 0.048 +muleshoe 0.674 0.287 +mulford 0.886 0.106 +mulga 0.625 0.182 +mulgrave 0.727 0.201 +mulgrew 0.910 0.035 +mulhall 0.919 0.064 +mulher 0.022 0.002 +mulheres 0.240 0.022 +mulhern 0.913 0.067 +mulholland 0.912 0.055 +mulhouse 0.816 0.064 +muli 0.616 0.058 +mulino 0.800 0.083 +mulit 0.508 0.032 +mulitple 0.273 0.040 +mulk 0.904 0.023 +mulkey 0.844 0.114 +mull 0.757 0.036 +mulla 0.866 0.042 +mullah 0.773 0.011 +mullahs 0.368 0.013 +mullally 0.921 0.037 +mullan 0.920 0.055 +mullane 0.954 0.042 +mullaney 0.817 0.059 +mullard 0.782 0.152 +mulled 0.477 0.022 +mullein 0.720 0.025 +mullen 0.886 0.067 +mullens 0.847 0.130 +mullenweg 0.985 0.000 +muller 0.913 0.058 +mullet 0.400 0.037 +mullets 0.346 0.034 +mulley 0.923 0.036 +mullica 0.881 0.102 +mulligan 0.877 0.061 +mulliken 0.897 0.072 +mullin 0.924 0.062 +mulling 0.261 0.007 +mullingar 0.857 0.119 +mullins 0.900 0.078 +mullion 0.595 0.152 +mullis 0.936 0.056 +mulls 0.268 0.026 +mullumbimby 0.693 0.240 +mulroney 0.963 0.024 +mult 0.451 0.151 +multan 0.859 0.090 +multi 0.453 0.032 +multiage 0.914 0.004 +multiagent 0.527 0.009 +multiarch 0.018 0.000 +multiband 0.542 0.042 +multibay 0.734 0.177 +multibeam 0.374 0.061 +multibillion 0.083 0.005 +multiboot 0.391 0.009 +multibyte 0.295 0.009 +multicast 0.304 0.013 +multicasting 0.360 0.019 +multicellular 0.125 0.009 +multicenter 0.407 0.010 +multicentre 0.214 0.007 +multichannel 0.481 0.019 +multiclass 0.370 0.024 +multicolor 0.497 0.066 +multicolore 0.390 0.012 +multicolored 0.296 0.018 +multicolour 0.682 0.045 +multicoloured 0.383 0.042 +multicomponent 0.261 0.026 +multicore 0.539 0.035 +multicriteria 0.516 0.014 +multics 0.744 0.153 +multicultural 0.566 0.019 +multiculturalism 0.463 0.024 +multiculturalist 0.804 0.000 +multidapt 0.982 0.016 +multidimensional 0.298 0.011 +multidisciplinary 0.236 0.011 +multidrug 0.193 0.040 +multiemployer 0.325 0.031 +multienzyme 0.780 0.016 +multiethnic 0.252 0.011 +multifaceted 0.070 0.004 +multifactor 0.374 0.010 +multifactorial 0.153 0.010 +multifamily 0.495 0.039 +multifarious 0.078 0.004 +multiflora 0.257 0.013 +multifocal 0.478 0.011 +multiform 0.125 0.534 +multiformat 0.582 0.016 +multiforme 0.292 0.013 +multifractal 0.274 0.022 +multifunction 0.720 0.034 +multifunctional 0.405 0.037 +multifunctions 0.766 0.007 +multigene 0.486 0.027 +multigenerational 0.386 0.008 +multigrade 0.530 0.139 +multigrid 0.394 0.014 +multihomed 0.289 0.005 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0.515 0.038 +multiplatforms 0.983 0.008 +multiplay 0.654 0.034 +multiplayer 0.415 0.011 +multiple 0.245 0.014 +multiples 0.318 0.030 +multiplet 0.067 0.007 +multiplets 0.052 0.012 +multiplex 0.479 0.046 +multiplexed 0.206 0.011 +multiplexer 0.452 0.120 +multiplexers 0.679 0.019 +multiplexes 0.403 0.007 +multiplexing 0.296 0.015 +multiplexor 0.400 0.014 +multiplication 0.227 0.013 +multiplications 0.041 0.010 +multiplicative 0.130 0.007 +multiplicities 0.107 0.025 +multiplicity 0.152 0.025 +multiplied 0.020 0.005 +multiplier 0.278 0.021 +multipliers 0.255 0.047 +multiplies 0.111 0.006 +multiply 0.315 0.017 +multiplying 0.144 0.014 +multipoint 0.418 0.025 +multipolar 0.166 0.013 +multipole 0.345 0.033 +multiport 0.595 0.045 +multiprocessing 0.332 0.013 +multiprocessor 0.345 0.013 +multiprocessors 0.421 0.006 +multiprotocol 0.691 0.023 +multipurpose 0.526 0.033 +multiracial 0.452 0.024 +multirate 0.524 0.025 +multiregion 0.735 0.055 +multiresolution 0.435 0.013 +multiroom 0.725 0.010 +multis 0.537 0.026 +multiscale 0.492 0.022 +multisectoral 0.219 0.008 +multisensory 0.352 0.013 +multiservice 0.580 0.024 +multisession 0.363 0.015 +multiset 0.122 0.034 +multisite 0.510 0.014 +multispecies 0.320 0.019 +multispectral 0.312 0.101 +multisport 0.678 0.033 +multistage 0.310 0.031 +multistate 0.526 0.029 +multistep 0.191 0.018 +multisync 0.453 0.091 +multisystem 0.458 0.040 +multitap 0.619 0.179 +multitask 0.231 0.006 +multitasking 0.201 0.006 +multitech 0.813 0.154 +multithread 0.211 0.043 +multithreaded 0.257 0.003 +multithreading 0.373 0.009 +multitool 0.685 0.038 +multitools 0.904 0.008 +multitrack 0.574 0.018 +multitude 0.029 0.003 +multitudes 0.124 0.005 +multitudinous 0.030 0.000 +multiuser 0.310 0.014 +multivalent 0.202 0.010 +multivalued 0.215 0.009 +multivariable 0.480 0.021 +multivariate 0.362 0.013 +multiverse 0.233 0.008 +multivision 0.724 0.051 +multivitamin 0.414 0.021 +multivitamins 0.546 0.031 +multiway 0.537 0.036 +multiyear 0.144 0.025 +multizone 0.592 0.055 +multnomah 0.935 0.046 +multocida 0.014 0.010 +multum 0.929 0.010 +mulund 0.581 0.036 +mulvaney 0.919 0.074 +mulvey 0.926 0.062 +mulvihill 0.911 0.080 +mum 0.372 0.039 +mumba 0.750 0.194 +mumbai 0.848 0.069 +mumble 0.142 0.017 +mumbled 0.012 0.000 +mumbles 0.496 0.018 +mumbling 0.219 0.004 +mumbo 0.409 0.018 +mumford 0.894 0.085 +mumia 0.938 0.040 +mumm 0.813 0.133 +mumma 0.799 0.096 +mummer 0.674 0.034 +mummers 0.771 0.028 +mummies 0.463 0.023 +mummification 0.274 0.014 +mummified 0.196 0.012 +mummy 0.553 0.038 +mumol 0.000 0.000 +mumps 0.436 0.128 +mums 0.415 0.044 +mumtaz 0.914 0.054 +mumu 0.099 0.023 +mun 0.527 0.317 +muna 0.607 0.083 +munca 0.082 0.024 +munch 0.697 0.036 +munchausen 0.944 0.033 +munched 0.034 0.009 +munchen 0.912 0.043 +muncher 0.699 0.025 +munchers 0.504 0.037 +munchies 0.467 0.029 +munching 0.154 0.013 +munchkin 0.783 0.049 +munchkins 0.603 0.023 +muncie 0.900 0.060 +muncy 0.842 0.132 +mund 0.257 0.023 +munda 0.875 0.042 +mundane 0.124 0.004 +mundaring 0.525 0.380 +munday 0.852 0.114 +mundelein 0.894 0.082 +mundell 0.940 0.044 +munden 0.917 0.062 +mundi 0.712 0.075 +mundial 0.580 0.051 +mundine 0.945 0.031 +mundo 0.462 0.030 +mundt 0.942 0.048 +mundus 0.744 0.111 +mundy 0.903 0.079 +mune 0.370 0.048 +munford 0.864 0.126 +mung 0.484 0.052 +munge 0.301 0.040 +munger 0.893 0.051 +munging 0.173 0.004 +mungo 0.871 0.046 +muni 0.566 0.336 +munic 0.508 0.303 +munication 0.000 0.004 +munications 0.000 0.007 +munich 0.947 0.026 +municipal 0.550 0.041 +municipalities 0.217 0.018 +municipality 0.355 0.039 +municipally 0.092 0.015 +municipals 0.519 0.242 +municipio 0.617 0.070 +munin 0.265 0.007 +munir 0.926 0.039 +munising 0.849 0.116 +munities 0.000 0.006 +munition 0.253 0.017 +munitions 0.239 0.024 +munity 0.003 0.005 +muniz 0.901 0.057 +munk 0.865 0.058 +munky 0.701 0.046 +munmap 0.000 0.000 +munn 0.871 0.110 +munnar 0.935 0.022 +munoz 0.822 0.070 +munro 0.914 0.068 +munroe 0.896 0.082 +munsch 0.951 0.026 +munsell 0.905 0.082 +munsey 0.933 0.057 +munshi 0.921 0.032 +munsingwear 0.880 0.038 +munson 0.899 0.082 +munster 0.909 0.055 +munsters 0.812 0.057 +munt 0.247 0.034 +munten 0.096 0.006 +munter 0.842 0.030 +muntz 0.862 0.092 +munz 0.896 0.078 +muon 0.296 0.054 +muonline 0.079 0.027 +muons 0.158 0.031 +mup 0.053 0.808 +muppet 0.795 0.037 +muppets 0.819 0.056 +muqtada 0.993 0.004 +mur 0.197 0.617 +mura 0.478 0.086 +murad 0.882 0.050 +murai 0.916 0.056 +murakami 0.248 0.183 +mural 0.374 0.038 +murali 0.894 0.027 +muralitharan 0.984 0.012 +murals 0.432 0.045 +muramatsu 0.924 0.060 +murano 0.804 0.104 +murasaki 0.382 0.016 +murat 0.879 0.054 +murata 0.833 0.145 +muratec 0.820 0.154 +murawski 0.959 0.033 +murayama 0.920 0.066 +murch 0.847 0.048 +murchison 0.804 0.176 +murcia 0.799 0.036 +murcielago 0.856 0.051 +murcof 0.899 0.075 +murda 0.672 0.074 +murder 0.303 0.027 +murderball 0.972 0.018 +murderdolls 0.519 0.037 +murdered 0.091 0.012 +murderer 0.140 0.023 +murderers 0.127 0.016 +murdering 0.081 0.011 +murderous 0.187 0.008 +murders 0.243 0.020 +murdo 0.893 0.077 +murdoc 0.851 0.062 +murdoch 0.942 0.038 +murdock 0.903 0.072 +mure 0.358 0.057 +mures 0.697 0.069 +murex 0.792 0.094 +murfreesboro 0.905 0.071 +muri 0.402 0.317 +muridae 0.972 0.010 +muriel 0.923 0.056 +murillo 0.919 0.059 +murinae 0.982 0.000 +murine 0.141 0.018 +murk 0.471 0.075 +murkowski 0.788 0.205 +murky 0.120 0.008 +murmansk 0.922 0.068 +murmur 0.182 0.016 +murmured 0.004 0.001 +murmuring 0.078 0.007 +murmurs 0.272 0.020 +murnane 0.954 0.039 +murnau 0.955 0.020 +muro 0.760 0.053 +murph 0.818 0.030 +murphey 0.903 0.077 +murphree 0.889 0.105 +murphy 0.908 0.064 +murphys 0.779 0.067 +murphysboro 0.819 0.140 +murr 0.776 0.121 +murrah 0.879 0.110 +murray 0.912 0.069 +murrayfield 0.938 0.044 +murrays 0.504 0.231 +murrelet 0.568 0.027 +murrell 0.890 0.100 +murrells 0.916 0.054 +murrey 0.856 0.054 +murrieta 0.881 0.068 +murrin 0.593 0.399 +murrina 0.982 0.003 +murrow 0.969 0.021 +murrumbidgee 0.972 0.024 +murry 0.832 0.118 +murrysville 0.887 0.098 +murs 0.541 0.180 +murtagh 0.950 0.040 +murtaugh 0.913 0.065 +murtha 0.940 0.048 +murthy 0.911 0.056 +murton 0.925 0.047 +murty 0.924 0.043 +murwillumbah 0.637 0.302 +murzynki 0.011 0.000 +mus 0.599 0.308 +musa 0.832 0.114 +musab 0.979 0.004 +musashi 0.897 0.044 +musc 0.092 0.798 +muscarinic 0.330 0.017 +muscat 0.837 0.052 +muscatine 0.845 0.143 +muschi 0.098 0.001 +muschibilder 0.000 0.000 +muschicam 0.000 0.000 +muschies 0.007 0.000 +muschis 0.009 0.000 +musci 0.382 0.016 +muscle 0.254 0.022 +musclecar 0.882 0.023 +muscled 0.386 0.004 +musclemen 0.060 0.012 +muscles 0.124 0.007 +muscletech 0.895 0.072 +muscogee 0.910 0.074 +muscovite 0.487 0.040 +muscovy 0.904 0.028 +muscular 0.284 0.010 +musculature 0.110 0.007 +musculo 0.405 0.044 +musculoskeletal 0.532 0.035 +musculus 0.008 0.008 +muse 0.665 0.096 +musea 0.703 0.114 +mused 0.021 0.010 +musee 0.838 0.046 +musei 0.403 0.097 +museo 0.679 0.038 +museology 0.676 0.016 +muses 0.593 0.044 +musette 0.682 0.073 +museu 0.817 0.024 +museum 0.762 0.022 +museums 0.612 0.025 +museveni 0.979 0.018 +musgrave 0.935 0.058 +musgrove 0.904 0.089 +mush 0.304 0.115 +musharraf 0.984 0.012 +musher 0.445 0.033 +mushers 0.360 0.070 +mushi 0.722 0.049 +mushing 0.375 0.062 +mushkin 0.664 0.307 +mushroom 0.528 0.043 +mushroomed 0.018 0.000 +mushroomhead 0.507 0.042 +mushrooming 0.108 0.004 +mushrooms 0.367 0.023 +mushtaq 0.925 0.032 +mushy 0.155 0.013 +musi 0.327 0.422 +musial 0.876 0.082 +music 0.634 0.038 +musica 0.466 0.048 +musical 0.687 0.013 +musicale 0.382 0.025 +musicales 0.391 0.031 +musicali 0.467 0.022 +musicality 0.118 0.009 +musically 0.205 0.007 +musicals 0.731 0.017 +musicas 0.075 0.061 +musicbrainz 0.159 0.009 +musician 0.391 0.013 +musicians 0.332 0.017 +musicianship 0.192 0.014 +musiciens 0.500 0.032 +musick 0.745 0.058 +musicke 0.967 0.003 +musicman 0.504 0.180 +musicmatch 0.593 0.249 +musicmobs 0.764 0.000 +musicological 0.586 0.018 +musicologist 0.147 0.016 +musicology 0.545 0.167 +musicroom 0.930 0.001 +musics 0.348 0.032 +musictalk 0.007 0.000 +musid 0.307 0.000 +musif 0.306 0.000 +musik 0.724 0.095 +musikhaus 0.995 0.000 +musikk 0.427 0.117 +musil 0.949 0.024 +musing 0.522 0.007 +musings 0.696 0.012 +musiq 0.653 0.211 +musique 0.340 0.022 +musiques 0.548 0.041 +musis 0.364 0.008 +musition 0.995 0.000 +musiv 0.304 0.000 +musix 0.583 0.011 +musk 0.455 0.163 +muskc 0.306 0.000 +muskego 0.858 0.114 +muskegon 0.902 0.071 +musket 0.291 0.043 +musketeer 0.818 0.043 +musketeers 0.885 0.028 +muskets 0.214 0.016 +muskie 0.751 0.028 +muskies 0.671 0.022 +muskingum 0.913 0.074 +muskogee 0.888 0.094 +muskoka 0.929 0.041 +muskrat 0.584 0.055 +musky 0.344 0.040 +muslc 0.411 0.000 +muslim 0.931 0.012 +muslims 0.934 0.010 +muslin 0.383 0.113 +muso 0.643 0.053 +musoc 0.309 0.000 +muss 0.093 0.034 +mussel 0.334 0.030 +musselburgh 0.952 0.040 +musselman 0.889 0.082 +mussels 0.321 0.020 +musselshell 0.874 0.104 +musselwhite 0.939 0.047 +musser 0.891 0.095 +mussette 0.965 0.002 +mussina 0.887 0.033 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0.346 0.344 +muxic 0.302 0.000 +muy 0.096 0.165 +muybridge 0.927 0.056 +muyo 0.568 0.041 +muz 0.516 0.149 +muzaffarabad 0.883 0.111 +muzak 0.653 0.060 +muze 0.998 0.000 +muzi 0.954 0.037 +muzic 0.384 0.043 +muzica 0.556 0.018 +muziek 0.409 0.072 +muzik 0.679 0.147 +muzika 0.347 0.036 +muzio 0.914 0.066 +muzyka 0.373 0.042 +muzzle 0.250 0.028 +muzzled 0.113 0.011 +muzzleloader 0.370 0.046 +muzzleloading 0.648 0.044 +muzzles 0.509 0.018 +muzzy 0.745 0.130 +mv 0.024 0.618 +mva 0.012 0.845 +mvb 0.009 0.938 +mvc 0.063 0.849 +mvd 0.013 0.909 +mvelopes 0.990 0.003 +mvfr 0.000 0.997 +mvi 0.017 0.799 +mvk 0.018 0.948 +mvl 0.013 0.957 +mvm 0.017 0.954 +mvn 0.027 0.945 +mvno 0.002 0.987 +mvoies 0.012 0.000 +mvp 0.008 0.958 +mvr 0.005 0.949 +mvs 0.006 0.944 +mvt 0.268 0.465 +mvv 0.006 0.941 +mvx 0.015 0.886 +mw 0.043 0.898 +mwa 0.072 0.778 +mwah 0.219 0.213 +mwanza 0.952 0.038 +mwave 0.536 0.254 +mwb 0.023 0.897 +mwc 0.003 0.970 +mwd 0.013 0.937 +mweb 0.055 0.854 +mwf 0.001 0.991 +mwg 0.021 0.857 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0.593 0.053 +myleene 0.405 0.011 +mylene 0.705 0.069 +myles 0.922 0.044 +mylex 0.889 0.067 +mylist 0.125 0.059 +mylo 0.883 0.056 +mylogo 0.000 0.990 +mymusic 0.016 0.008 +myn 0.189 0.208 +myna 0.660 0.198 +myname 0.033 0.080 +mynd 0.206 0.038 +myne 0.870 0.016 +mynediad 0.427 0.014 +mynegai 0.902 0.003 +mynx 0.820 0.033 +mynydd 0.851 0.029 +myo 0.376 0.239 +myob 0.035 0.934 +myoblasts 0.078 0.009 +myocardial 0.297 0.011 +myocarditis 0.373 0.018 +myocardium 0.405 0.008 +myoclonic 0.316 0.018 +myoclonus 0.374 0.015 +myocyte 0.152 0.014 +myocytes 0.075 0.006 +myofascial 0.607 0.013 +myogenic 0.265 0.018 +myoglobin 0.398 0.051 +myopathy 0.207 0.111 +myopia 0.339 0.014 +myopic 0.230 0.007 +myoplex 0.873 0.048 +myosin 0.210 0.048 +myosins 0.686 0.006 +myositis 0.511 0.025 +myoss 0.004 0.026 +myotis 0.751 0.025 +myotonic 0.422 0.022 +myott 0.687 0.187 +myp 0.010 0.890 +mypet 0.997 0.000 +myr 0.073 0.912 +myra 0.902 0.063 +myrddin 0.797 0.014 +myriad 0.126 0.009 +myriads 0.145 0.005 +myriam 0.859 0.052 +myrick 0.816 0.134 +myrics 0.000 0.000 +myrinet 0.883 0.011 +myristate 0.163 0.053 +myrna 0.919 0.058 +myron 0.917 0.057 +myrow 0.311 0.239 +myrrh 0.553 0.045 +myrtaceae 0.902 0.090 +myrtle 0.808 0.041 +myrurgia 0.874 0.114 +mys 0.248 0.461 +myself 0.044 0.006 +mysic 0.313 0.000 +mysites 0.000 0.993 +myskina 0.780 0.042 +myson 0.936 0.041 +mysore 0.954 0.027 +myspace 0.464 0.029 +myspacecom 0.235 0.000 +myspell 0.011 0.000 +mysql 0.116 0.069 +mysqladmin 0.004 0.004 +mysqld 0.006 0.007 +mysqldump 0.015 0.004 +mysqli 0.008 0.000 +myss 0.888 0.092 +myst 0.811 0.089 +mystere 0.881 0.048 +mysteries 0.529 0.027 +mysterio 0.817 0.051 +mysterious 0.216 0.013 +mysteriously 0.044 0.003 +mysterium 0.740 0.044 +mystery 0.607 0.027 +mystic 0.738 0.043 +mystica 0.601 0.038 +mystical 0.339 0.021 +mysticism 0.546 0.013 +mystics 0.546 0.019 +mystified 0.159 0.007 +mystify 0.430 0.020 +mystifying 0.146 0.010 +mystik 0.857 0.052 +mystikal 0.870 0.040 +mystique 0.611 0.042 +myt 0.025 0.931 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0.849 +nabucco 0.889 0.070 +nac 0.061 0.878 +naca 0.010 0.905 +nacaa 0.445 0.550 +nacc 0.015 0.913 +nacd 0.000 0.991 +nace 0.103 0.849 +nacelle 0.209 0.051 +nach 0.160 0.016 +nacha 0.188 0.750 +nachbarin 0.083 0.000 +naches 0.838 0.096 +nachi 0.263 0.707 +nachman 0.955 0.036 +nacho 0.765 0.046 +nachos 0.477 0.049 +nachricht 0.990 0.002 +nachrichten 0.957 0.013 +nacht 0.788 0.044 +nachtclub 0.015 0.000 +nachtclubs 0.005 0.000 +nachtleben 0.033 0.000 +nacimiento 0.248 0.027 +nacional 0.777 0.032 +nacionales 0.472 0.039 +naciones 0.652 0.191 +nack 0.425 0.371 +nacked 0.026 0.003 +nackt 0.033 0.002 +nacktaufnahmen 0.000 0.000 +nacktbilder 0.030 0.000 +nackte 0.110 0.004 +nacl 0.071 0.667 +naco 0.316 0.633 +nacogdoches 0.897 0.075 +nacre 0.516 0.103 +nacs 0.019 0.944 +nad 0.079 0.628 +nada 0.438 0.225 +nadal 0.889 0.040 +nadar 0.767 0.089 +nadav 0.920 0.014 +nade 0.250 0.334 +nadeau 0.913 0.066 +nadeem 0.903 0.034 +nadel 0.911 0.078 +nader 0.932 0.040 +nadesico 0.864 0.056 +nadezhda 0.798 0.014 +nadh 0.021 0.956 +nadi 0.853 0.048 +nadia 0.845 0.043 +nadie 0.433 0.032 +nadim 0.919 0.023 +nadine 0.839 0.051 +nadir 0.421 0.028 +nadja 0.893 0.036 +nadler 0.771 0.222 +nado 0.415 0.238 +nadolig 0.976 0.015 +nadp 0.013 0.963 +nadph 0.006 0.981 +nads 0.500 0.208 +nadu 0.788 0.197 +nady 0.918 0.061 +nadya 0.848 0.042 +nae 0.058 0.831 +naeem 0.902 0.042 +naep 0.001 0.992 +naes 0.096 0.435 +naeyc 0.012 0.973 +naf 0.205 0.756 +naff 0.296 0.070 +nafi 0.248 0.730 +nafo 0.013 0.975 +nafsa 0.010 0.977 +nafta 0.040 0.945 +nag 0.288 0.331 +naga 0.711 0.086 +nagai 0.900 0.066 +nagaland 0.954 0.040 +nagano 0.866 0.115 +nagao 0.910 0.072 +nagaoka 0.937 0.044 +nagar 0.876 0.081 +nagarajan 0.926 0.041 +nagarjuna 0.922 0.024 +nagas 0.835 0.015 +nagasaki 0.960 0.022 +nagase 0.889 0.080 +nagashima 0.929 0.061 +nagata 0.919 0.059 +nagdu 0.000 0.048 +nage 0.262 0.167 +nagel 0.878 0.055 +nagged 0.030 0.000 +nagging 0.082 0.007 +nagi 0.666 0.046 +nagin 0.942 0.028 +nagios 0.172 0.003 +nagle 0.883 0.080 +nagler 0.955 0.026 +nago 0.269 0.024 +nagorno 0.953 0.043 +nagoya 0.945 0.038 +nagpra 0.004 0.985 +nagpur 0.945 0.039 +nagra 0.682 0.116 +nagravision 0.829 0.033 +nags 0.609 0.207 +naguib 0.949 0.033 +nagy 0.894 0.058 +nah 0.575 0.042 +naha 0.800 0.145 +nahant 0.894 0.059 +nahar 0.916 0.037 +nahb 0.004 0.992 +nahe 0.487 0.047 +nahi 0.215 0.122 +nahin 0.522 0.033 +nahl 0.482 0.496 +nahuatl 0.927 0.017 +nahum 0.991 0.007 +nai 0.401 0.410 +naia 0.036 0.945 +naiad 0.588 0.086 +naias 0.016 0.958 +naic 0.014 0.965 +naics 0.002 0.996 +naidoo 0.802 0.078 +naidu 0.936 0.039 +naif 0.520 0.201 +naik 0.839 0.058 +nail 0.477 0.055 +nailed 0.160 0.011 +nailer 0.637 0.132 +nailers 0.731 0.032 +nailing 0.218 0.012 +nails 0.386 0.029 +nailsea 0.953 0.028 +nailsworth 0.669 0.150 +nailtiques 0.909 0.041 +naim 0.735 0.066 +naima 0.754 0.187 +nain 0.734 0.127 +naing 0.938 0.038 +nainital 0.939 0.041 +naipaul 0.955 0.031 +nair 0.867 0.050 +naira 0.901 0.008 +nairn 0.939 0.047 +nairnshire 0.988 0.009 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0.798 0.097 +nandor 0.955 0.018 +nandrolone 0.472 0.012 +nandy 0.891 0.028 +nanette 0.870 0.093 +nanfa 0.000 0.939 +nang 0.723 0.056 +nanga 0.766 0.072 +nanhai 0.960 0.029 +nani 0.711 0.060 +nanjing 0.937 0.028 +nankai 0.943 0.035 +nanking 0.685 0.012 +nanna 0.771 0.038 +nanni 0.770 0.171 +nannie 0.845 0.125 +nannies 0.585 0.019 +nanning 0.885 0.044 +nanno 0.032 0.915 +nannofossil 0.019 0.835 +nannofossils 0.012 0.916 +nannos 0.027 0.754 +nanny 0.684 0.028 +nano 0.595 0.083 +nanobiotechnology 0.788 0.010 +nanocomposite 0.361 0.156 +nanocomposites 0.386 0.173 +nanocrystalline 0.332 0.061 +nanocrystals 0.233 0.080 +nanoelectronics 0.668 0.017 +nanofabrication 0.642 0.032 +nanog 0.095 0.682 +nanogen 0.848 0.143 +nanogram 0.654 0.128 +nanomaterial 0.463 0.326 +nanomaterials 0.597 0.088 +nanomedicine 0.733 0.073 +nanometer 0.205 0.014 +nanometers 0.051 0.005 +nanook 0.894 0.041 +nanoose 0.958 0.035 +nanoparticle 0.388 0.099 +nanoparticles 0.317 0.049 +nanophase 0.643 0.257 +nanopublishing 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0.039 +narayanan 0.950 0.027 +narberth 0.828 0.084 +narbonne 0.912 0.049 +narc 0.381 0.483 +narciso 0.823 0.151 +narcissa 0.907 0.048 +narcisse 0.799 0.147 +narcissism 0.440 0.015 +narcissist 0.240 0.018 +narcissistic 0.333 0.006 +narcissists 0.420 0.005 +narcissus 0.823 0.036 +narco 0.558 0.047 +narcolepsy 0.466 0.015 +narconon 0.962 0.025 +narcosis 0.284 0.052 +narcotic 0.313 0.046 +narcotics 0.393 0.036 +nardi 0.830 0.061 +nardil 0.792 0.029 +nardin 0.922 0.037 +nardo 0.830 0.050 +narendra 0.878 0.042 +nares 0.403 0.178 +naresh 0.868 0.061 +narf 0.692 0.206 +nargs 0.006 0.060 +nari 0.433 0.450 +nariman 0.884 0.056 +narita 0.912 0.058 +narmada 0.958 0.028 +narn 0.779 0.159 +narnia 0.930 0.045 +naro 0.496 0.400 +narooma 0.713 0.169 +naropa 0.984 0.008 +narr 0.787 0.139 +narrabeen 0.642 0.288 +narrabri 0.859 0.103 +narragansett 0.921 0.064 +narrandera 0.832 0.118 +narrate 0.080 0.005 +narrated 0.374 0.006 +narrates 0.039 0.005 +narrating 0.181 0.006 +narration 0.176 0.020 +narrations 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0.950 0.014 +nashik 0.975 0.018 +nashoba 0.898 0.079 +nashua 0.916 0.063 +nashville 0.927 0.039 +nasi 0.456 0.168 +nasik 0.903 0.050 +nasim 0.660 0.128 +nasional 0.830 0.042 +nasir 0.910 0.042 +nasiriyah 0.969 0.023 +nasl 0.031 0.631 +naslund 0.910 0.054 +nasm 0.011 0.441 +nasn 0.003 0.987 +naso 0.554 0.156 +nasogastric 0.190 0.011 +nason 0.906 0.065 +nasonex 0.647 0.042 +nasopharyngeal 0.398 0.012 +nasopharynx 0.279 0.030 +nasp 0.005 0.956 +nasr 0.897 0.078 +nasrallah 0.972 0.018 +nass 0.276 0.667 +nassar 0.928 0.039 +nassau 0.890 0.046 +nasscom 0.460 0.523 +nasse 0.050 0.003 +nasser 0.950 0.031 +nast 0.853 0.073 +nastase 0.899 0.074 +nastassja 0.955 0.014 +nastier 0.046 0.009 +nasties 0.332 0.015 +nastiest 0.201 0.036 +nastiness 0.082 0.005 +nastolatki 0.023 0.002 +nastran 0.448 0.521 +nasturtium 0.629 0.058 +nasty 0.283 0.028 +nasu 0.656 0.269 +nasum 0.768 0.197 +nasw 0.004 0.982 +nat 0.508 0.328 +nata 0.233 0.562 +natacha 0.865 0.043 +natal 0.769 0.028 +natale 0.519 0.044 +natalee 0.917 0.029 +natali 0.833 0.047 +natalia 0.864 0.030 +natalie 0.833 0.031 +natalya 0.933 0.041 +natan 0.929 0.030 +natarajan 0.948 0.032 +natas 0.298 0.223 +natascha 0.911 0.016 +natasha 0.873 0.035 +natation 0.239 0.054 +natatorium 0.817 0.033 +natch 0.165 0.031 +natchez 0.903 0.068 +natchitoches 0.895 0.087 +nate 0.833 0.048 +nated 0.002 0.016 +nately 0.101 0.008 +nates 0.370 0.010 +nath 0.872 0.067 +nathalie 0.891 0.033 +nathan 0.920 0.042 +nathanael 0.962 0.022 +nathaniel 0.909 0.066 +nathans 0.861 0.042 +nathanson 0.947 0.031 +nati 0.523 0.190 +natick 0.912 0.070 +natin 0.124 0.050 +nating 0.010 0.014 +natio 0.551 0.093 +nation 0.346 0.021 +nationa 0.503 0.128 +nationaal 0.707 0.023 +national 0.692 0.030 +nationalbank 0.929 0.018 +nationale 0.547 0.040 +nationales 0.288 0.048 +nationalisation 0.269 0.020 +nationalised 0.226 0.011 +nationalism 0.324 0.011 +nationalist 0.454 0.019 +nationalistic 0.051 0.004 +nationalists 0.277 0.007 +nationalities 0.172 0.008 +nationality 0.496 0.025 +nationalization 0.159 0.011 +nationalize 0.131 0.008 +nationalized 0.098 0.005 +nationally 0.119 0.005 +nationals 0.618 0.020 +nationaux 0.213 0.035 +nationhood 0.240 0.007 +nations 0.612 0.027 +nationwide 0.426 0.017 +native 0.473 0.020 +natively 0.032 0.002 +natives 0.282 0.013 +natividad 0.812 0.061 +nativities 0.787 0.021 +nativity 0.662 0.069 +natl 0.929 0.064 +nato 0.065 0.915 +natoma 0.866 0.096 +natomas 0.923 0.057 +natori 0.943 0.025 +natpe 0.006 0.991 +natra 0.929 0.060 +natriuretic 0.325 0.020 +natrol 0.831 0.110 +natrona 0.887 0.100 +nats 0.612 0.307 +natsu 0.801 0.025 +natsuki 0.833 0.018 +natsume 0.926 0.022 +natt 0.489 0.159 +natta 0.724 0.177 +natter 0.625 0.020 +nattering 0.473 0.004 +natty 0.702 0.049 +natu 0.352 0.110 +natur 0.596 0.067 +natura 0.681 0.086 +naturade 0.920 0.075 +naturae 0.700 0.011 +natural 0.390 0.025 +naturale 0.540 0.075 +naturales 0.497 0.022 +naturaleza 0.442 0.032 +naturali 0.241 0.036 +naturalisation 0.260 0.008 +naturalised 0.237 0.004 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0.921 0.051 +naumann 0.946 0.046 +naumburg 0.967 0.016 +naur 0.983 0.004 +nauru 0.953 0.044 +nausea 0.191 0.015 +nauseam 0.147 0.015 +nauseated 0.029 0.004 +nauseating 0.050 0.005 +nauseous 0.032 0.004 +nauseum 0.082 0.009 +nausicaa 0.892 0.054 +nauta 0.888 0.046 +nautic 0.715 0.091 +nautica 0.811 0.069 +nautical 0.615 0.058 +nautilus 0.617 0.024 +nautique 0.624 0.074 +nauvoo 0.900 0.073 +nav 0.760 0.133 +nava 0.755 0.176 +navaho 0.705 0.062 +navaids 0.360 0.090 +navair 0.034 0.939 +navajo 0.909 0.056 +navajos 0.973 0.014 +naval 0.678 0.055 +navan 0.939 0.037 +navara 0.848 0.116 +navarone 0.819 0.089 +navarra 0.772 0.120 +navarre 0.884 0.087 +navarro 0.860 0.071 +navas 0.915 0.051 +navasota 0.856 0.112 +navassa 0.978 0.011 +navbar 0.510 0.024 +nave 0.476 0.042 +naveed 0.827 0.038 +naveen 0.854 0.040 +navegador 0.058 0.004 +navel 0.595 0.043 +naves 0.699 0.027 +navfac 0.005 0.990 +navi 0.586 0.146 +navia 0.862 0.043 +navid 0.617 0.046 +navidad 0.601 0.054 +navier 0.963 0.028 +navies 0.390 0.014 +navigability 0.169 0.011 +navigable 0.111 0.029 +navigant 0.894 0.072 +navigate 0.220 0.015 +navigated 0.021 0.002 +navigates 0.097 0.009 +navigateur 0.064 0.003 +navigatie 0.674 0.005 +navigating 0.398 0.010 +navigation 0.570 0.018 +navigational 0.223 0.015 +navigations 0.439 0.025 +navigator 0.816 0.035 +navigators 0.526 0.041 +navigazione 0.486 0.020 +navigon 0.686 0.258 +navin 0.894 0.036 +navionics 0.965 0.030 +navis 0.763 0.053 +navision 0.934 0.017 +navistar 0.855 0.116 +navman 0.856 0.104 +navn 0.686 0.017 +navona 0.946 0.022 +navratilova 0.915 0.070 +navsari 0.993 0.006 +navsea 0.012 0.980 +navteq 0.219 0.760 +navy 0.798 0.075 +naw 0.497 0.190 +nawa 0.699 0.196 +nawab 0.892 0.021 +nawal 0.840 0.037 +nawaz 0.954 0.025 +nawbo 0.013 0.976 +nawcc 0.000 0.987 +nawqa 0.000 0.982 +naxis 0.033 0.874 +naxos 0.869 0.096 +nay 0.542 0.079 +naya 0.741 0.071 +nayak 0.932 0.045 +nayar 0.966 0.026 +nayarit 0.895 0.047 +naylor 0.924 0.062 +nays 0.487 0.263 +naysayers 0.137 0.010 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0.995 +ncaaf 0.000 0.996 +ncac 0.004 0.989 +ncadi 0.000 0.990 +ncap 0.008 0.937 +ncar 0.002 0.876 +ncas 0.005 0.977 +ncat 0.032 0.901 +ncate 0.000 0.994 +ncb 0.003 0.957 +ncba 0.002 0.990 +ncbi 0.000 0.946 +ncc 0.004 0.949 +ncca 0.004 0.932 +nccam 0.000 0.980 +nccc 0.002 0.972 +ncci 0.004 0.979 +nccp 0.000 0.991 +nccr 0.000 0.987 +nccu 0.002 0.983 +ncd 0.014 0.934 +ncdc 0.001 0.991 +nce 0.010 0.524 +ncea 0.002 0.969 +ncep 0.001 0.978 +nces 0.000 0.953 +ncest 0.341 0.009 +ncf 0.004 0.933 +ncftp 0.015 0.018 +ncg 0.020 0.851 +ncga 0.000 0.985 +ncgs 0.000 0.997 +nch 0.037 0.740 +ncha 0.005 0.980 +nchan 0.010 0.526 +nchrp 0.000 0.997 +nchs 0.001 0.974 +nci 0.008 0.950 +ncia 0.000 0.424 +ncic 0.002 0.980 +ncid 0.000 0.506 +ncis 0.015 0.942 +ncix 0.002 0.989 +ncj 0.000 0.987 +ncjrs 0.000 0.995 +ncl 0.014 0.887 +nclb 0.001 0.979 +nclex 0.079 0.842 +nclr 0.000 0.987 +nclug 0.000 0.963 +ncm 0.057 0.833 +ncma 0.000 0.990 +ncn 0.007 0.851 +nco 0.019 0.846 +ncoa 0.010 0.956 +ncol 0.027 0.249 +ncols 0.021 0.127 +ncp 0.005 0.933 +ncpa 0.000 0.991 +ncpfs 0.002 0.021 +ncq 0.008 0.951 +ncqa 0.000 0.990 +ncr 0.009 0.956 +ncra 0.000 0.927 +ncrp 0.008 0.984 +ncs 0.005 0.938 +ncsa 0.002 0.954 +ncsc 0.003 0.958 +ncse 0.000 0.974 +ncsl 0.002 0.992 +ncss 0.003 0.984 +ncsu 0.005 0.959 +nct 0.010 0.897 +ncta 0.004 0.984 +nctc 0.000 0.971 +ncte 0.004 0.987 +nctm 0.003 0.990 +ncu 0.011 0.904 +ncua 0.002 0.993 +ncum 0.000 0.998 +ncurses 0.095 0.010 +ncv 0.023 0.851 +ncvo 0.000 0.984 +ncw 0.025 0.872 +ncwa 0.000 0.934 +nd 0.023 0.657 +nda 0.005 0.886 +ndad 0.000 0.997 +ndata 0.026 0.260 +ndb 0.017 0.794 +ndbc 0.000 0.949 +ndc 0.005 0.931 +ndcc 0.000 0.963 +ndd 0.011 0.487 +nde 0.022 0.652 +ndebele 0.949 0.030 +ndebug 0.000 0.904 +ndef 0.714 0.031 +nder 0.015 0.255 +ndex 0.034 0.688 +ndf 0.005 0.809 +ndg 0.006 0.922 +ndh 0.020 0.893 +ndi 0.113 0.649 +ndia 0.012 0.703 +ndim 0.017 0.498 +nding 0.007 0.063 +ndis 0.029 0.800 +ndiswrapper 0.076 0.006 +ndk 0.035 0.791 +ndl 0.051 0.778 +ndm 0.015 0.860 +ndmp 0.004 0.967 +ndn 0.022 0.923 +ndo 0.035 0.652 +ndp 0.001 0.969 +ndr 0.025 0.881 +nds 0.010 0.819 +ndsu 0.004 0.985 +ndt 0.008 0.948 +ndtv 0.000 0.930 +ndu 0.094 0.710 +ndustry 0.000 0.848 +ndv 0.008 0.956 +ndvi 0.000 0.991 +ndw 0.040 0.502 +ndx 0.050 0.453 +ne 0.066 0.740 +nea 0.153 0.723 +neagle 0.907 0.049 +neah 0.797 0.080 +neal 0.897 0.075 +neale 0.926 0.054 +nealon 0.932 0.048 +nealy 0.801 0.100 +neame 0.928 0.056 +neanderthal 0.843 0.015 +neanderthals 0.871 0.019 +neap 0.130 0.530 +neapolis 0.851 0.041 +neapolitan 0.942 0.022 +near 0.143 0.029 +nearby 0.465 0.010 +nearctic 0.928 0.035 +neared 0.003 0.002 +nearer 0.077 0.005 +nearest 0.202 0.010 +nearing 0.145 0.014 +nearly 0.106 0.005 +nearness 0.258 0.016 +nears 0.249 0.036 +nearshore 0.276 0.045 +nearsighted 0.145 0.008 +nearsightedness 0.266 0.011 +neary 0.862 0.103 +neas 0.540 0.151 +neasden 0.946 0.020 +neat 0.161 0.049 +neater 0.053 0.010 +neatest 0.084 0.011 +neath 0.784 0.057 +neatly 0.028 0.006 +neatness 0.299 0.014 +neato 0.473 0.159 +neave 0.861 0.058 +neb 0.269 0.598 +nebbiolo 0.920 0.041 +nebel 0.833 0.039 +neben 0.382 0.010 +nebo 0.650 0.108 +nebosh 0.025 0.722 +nebr 0.850 0.130 +nebraska 0.952 0.030 +nebs 0.066 0.841 +nebuchadnezzar 0.975 0.011 +nebula 0.639 0.048 +nebulae 0.313 0.047 +nebular 0.334 0.019 +nebulizer 0.397 0.035 +nebulizers 0.619 0.011 +nebulous 0.117 0.007 +nec 0.089 0.751 +neca 0.227 0.751 +necc 0.021 0.920 +neccesarily 0.003 0.003 +neccesary 0.018 0.011 +neccessarily 0.006 0.003 +neccessary 0.041 0.009 +neces 0.007 0.005 +necesario 0.033 0.014 +necesidad 0.051 0.012 +necesita 0.181 0.021 +necesito 0.376 0.046 +necessaries 0.121 0.007 +necessarily 0.007 0.003 +necessary 0.017 0.007 +necessitate 0.005 0.004 +necessitated 0.004 0.003 +necessitates 0.012 0.003 +necessitating 0.007 0.003 +necessities 0.394 0.009 +necessity 0.085 0.011 +neches 0.828 0.159 +neck 0.321 0.035 +neckar 0.916 0.019 +neckband 0.511 0.046 +necked 0.072 0.045 +necker 0.900 0.028 +necking 0.129 0.011 +necklace 0.572 0.107 +necklaces 0.705 0.040 +necklet 0.690 0.101 +neckline 0.111 0.019 +necks 0.197 0.014 +neckstrap 0.501 0.194 +necktie 0.503 0.079 +neckties 0.530 0.042 +neckwear 0.780 0.023 +necn 0.000 0.985 +neco 0.406 0.379 +necro 0.666 0.049 +necrology 0.899 0.037 +necromancer 0.851 0.017 +necromancy 0.547 0.020 +necronomicon 0.540 0.026 +necrophilia 0.315 0.019 +necropolis 0.709 0.023 +necropsy 0.277 0.028 +necrosis 0.253 0.013 +necrotic 0.115 0.014 +necrotizing 0.351 0.015 +nect 0.053 0.147 +nectar 0.503 0.084 +nectarine 0.574 0.113 +nectarines 0.329 0.033 +nected 0.000 0.006 +nection 0.007 0.007 +ned 0.570 0.235 +neda 0.431 0.488 +nedbank 0.946 0.045 +nedd 0.427 0.058 +nederland 0.742 0.016 +nederlander 0.951 0.017 +nederlands 0.909 0.011 +nederlandse 0.741 0.022 +nedis 0.899 0.096 +nedit 0.114 0.010 +nedlands 0.760 0.197 +nedlloyd 0.850 0.142 +nedra 0.742 0.239 +neds 0.269 0.258 +nedstat 0.982 0.002 +nedved 0.898 0.052 +nee 0.219 0.084 +need 0.132 0.012 +needed 0.060 0.016 +neededforbuild 0.000 0.000 +needful 0.342 0.014 +needham 0.924 0.061 +neediest 0.198 0.018 +needing 0.074 0.006 +needle 0.302 0.034 +needlecraft 0.672 0.036 +needled 0.274 0.016 +needleman 0.973 0.021 +needlenose 0.918 0.004 +needlepoint 0.633 0.091 +needles 0.369 0.042 +needless 0.603 0.004 +needlessly 0.028 0.005 +needlestick 0.378 0.022 +needlework 0.594 0.051 +needling 0.195 0.011 +needs 0.087 0.011 +needville 0.812 0.140 +needy 0.183 0.016 +neel 0.882 0.068 +neelam 0.857 0.096 +neeley 0.891 0.099 +neelix 0.927 0.041 +neely 0.898 0.086 +neem 0.623 0.039 +neena 0.812 0.024 +neenah 0.897 0.082 +neener 0.317 0.143 +neeon 0.732 0.182 +neer 0.409 0.133 +neeraj 0.890 0.046 +neering 0.019 0.014 +nees 0.399 0.281 +neese 0.888 0.084 +neeson 0.962 0.026 +neet 0.316 0.364 +nef 0.266 0.552 +nefac 0.000 0.995 +nefarious 0.147 0.012 +nefazodone 0.305 0.022 +nefertiti 0.713 0.035 +neff 0.852 0.099 +neg 0.297 0.236 +nega 0.294 0.039 +negara 0.780 0.031 +negate 0.072 0.024 +negated 0.028 0.206 +negates 0.050 0.007 +negating 0.059 0.005 +negation 0.162 0.018 +negations 0.085 0.000 +negativ 0.366 0.013 +negative 0.133 0.021 +negatived 0.045 0.006 +negatively 0.021 0.005 +negatives 0.146 0.019 +negativity 0.122 0.009 +negativland 0.929 0.030 +negaunee 0.839 0.122 +negeri 0.825 0.027 +neges 0.161 0.004 +negev 0.940 0.017 +negi 0.925 0.031 +neglect 0.165 0.014 +neglected 0.062 0.005 +neglectful 0.049 0.004 +neglecting 0.110 0.004 +neglects 0.026 0.003 +negli 0.053 0.016 +negligee 0.248 0.057 +negligence 0.134 0.120 +negligent 0.094 0.017 +negligently 0.028 0.006 +negligible 0.078 0.015 +nego 0.209 0.041 +negocio 0.298 0.041 +negocios 0.387 0.017 +negombo 0.968 0.019 +negotiable 0.375 0.042 +negotiate 0.087 0.008 +negotiated 0.085 0.011 +negotiates 0.111 0.009 +negotiating 0.221 0.009 +negotiation 0.234 0.011 +negotiations 0.126 0.011 +negotiator 0.354 0.034 +negotiators 0.169 0.016 +negozio 0.537 0.042 +negra 0.370 0.024 +negras 0.219 0.011 +negreanu 0.943 0.010 +negri 0.890 0.037 +negril 0.942 0.017 +negrito 0.764 0.027 +negro 0.705 0.035 +negroes 0.633 0.016 +negron 0.884 0.084 +negroponte 0.967 0.019 +negros 0.323 0.025 +negs 0.126 0.072 +negus 0.767 0.181 +neh 0.268 0.560 +neha 0.680 0.182 +nehalem 0.847 0.075 +nehemiah 0.983 0.012 +nehmen 0.302 0.006 +nehring 0.946 0.040 +nehru 0.944 0.036 +nei 0.284 0.277 +neic 0.003 0.979 +neice 0.152 0.041 +neige 0.384 0.044 +neiges 0.714 0.051 +neigh 0.156 0.031 +neighbor 0.188 0.013 +neighborhood 0.551 0.012 +neighborhoods 0.296 0.012 +neighboring 0.072 0.005 +neighborly 0.292 0.019 +neighbors 0.241 0.012 +neighbour 0.152 0.011 +neighbourhood 0.374 0.012 +neighbourhoods 0.299 0.007 +neighbouring 0.065 0.003 +neighbours 0.258 0.010 +neil 0.918 0.039 +neilb 0.000 0.013 +neill 0.900 0.067 +neillsville 0.796 0.175 +neils 0.857 0.071 +neilsen 0.889 0.082 +neilson 0.904 0.071 +neily 0.961 0.013 +neiman 0.938 0.033 +nein 0.648 0.043 +neira 0.725 0.253 +neis 0.308 0.616 +neisseria 0.966 0.015 +neit 0.078 0.092 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0.126 +nemours 0.922 0.072 +nems 0.053 0.920 +nen 0.159 0.274 +nena 0.427 0.233 +nenad 0.950 0.017 +nenagh 0.977 0.018 +nenana 0.895 0.092 +nene 0.766 0.122 +neng 0.446 0.336 +nent 0.380 0.010 +nents 0.000 0.003 +neo 0.567 0.082 +neoadjuvant 0.328 0.014 +neoclassical 0.349 0.014 +neocon 0.461 0.033 +neocons 0.301 0.016 +neoconservative 0.168 0.013 +neoconservatives 0.166 0.003 +neocortex 0.118 0.012 +neocortical 0.125 0.017 +neocron 0.881 0.061 +neodymium 0.537 0.044 +neoformans 0.005 0.009 +neogene 0.932 0.049 +neogeo 0.130 0.548 +neohapsis 0.999 0.000 +neola 0.830 0.149 +neoliberal 0.190 0.008 +neoliberalism 0.335 0.022 +neolibertarian 0.754 0.010 +neolithic 0.835 0.031 +neologism 0.243 0.007 +neologisms 0.524 0.006 +neomycin 0.436 0.037 +neon 0.583 0.098 +neonatal 0.410 0.025 +neonate 0.227 0.041 +neonates 0.114 0.012 +neonatology 0.847 0.019 +neonode 0.841 0.106 +neons 0.583 0.056 +neopet 0.654 0.071 +neopets 0.692 0.073 +neophyte 0.435 0.016 +neophytes 0.119 0.005 +neoplasia 0.269 0.022 +neoplasm 0.673 0.036 +neoplasms 0.879 0.022 +neoplastic 0.313 0.023 +neopoint 0.627 0.343 +neoprene 0.560 0.060 +neoral 0.854 0.064 +neos 0.460 0.358 +neoseek 0.000 0.000 +neoseeker 0.987 0.000 +neosho 0.831 0.137 +neosporin 0.814 0.048 +neotropical 0.649 0.019 +neots 0.931 0.051 +neous 0.008 0.018 +neova 0.970 0.008 +neovascularization 0.407 0.009 +neovo 0.642 0.313 +neoware 0.924 0.072 +neowin 0.939 0.002 +nep 0.033 0.819 +nepa 0.021 0.970 +nepad 0.108 0.888 +nepal 0.942 0.039 +nepalese 0.973 0.010 +nepali 0.912 0.020 +nepean 0.933 0.058 +nepenthes 0.458 0.017 +neph 0.230 0.685 +nephew 0.218 0.015 +nephews 0.042 0.005 +nephi 0.938 0.052 +nephilim 0.848 0.056 +nephrectomy 0.299 0.014 +nephritis 0.353 0.047 +nephrol 0.950 0.037 +nephrologists 0.845 0.000 +nephrology 0.862 0.039 +nephron 0.426 0.033 +nephropathy 0.185 0.014 +nephrotic 0.349 0.034 +nephrotoxicity 0.148 0.012 +neponset 0.815 0.146 +nepotism 0.251 0.022 +neptun 0.809 0.091 +neptune 0.888 0.064 +neptunes 0.839 0.066 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0.967 0.015 +nesses 0.008 0.003 +nessie 0.706 0.099 +nessun 0.679 0.025 +nessuna 0.270 0.011 +nessuno 0.500 0.032 +nessus 0.545 0.007 +nessusd 0.037 0.000 +nest 0.401 0.046 +nesta 0.443 0.387 +neste 0.639 0.031 +nestea 0.856 0.069 +nested 0.398 0.199 +nester 0.760 0.054 +nesters 0.312 0.011 +nesting 0.238 0.018 +nestle 0.874 0.039 +nestled 0.319 0.008 +nestles 0.226 0.024 +nestling 0.272 0.010 +nestlings 0.099 0.008 +neston 0.877 0.032 +nestor 0.886 0.074 +nestref 0.000 0.000 +nests 0.146 0.011 +nesw 0.010 0.461 +net 0.332 0.205 +neta 0.397 0.476 +netanya 0.944 0.041 +netanyahu 0.973 0.023 +netatalk 0.094 0.005 +netbackup 0.653 0.126 +netball 0.733 0.030 +netbase 0.106 0.015 +netbeans 0.539 0.023 +netbios 0.122 0.267 +netblk 0.000 0.999 +netboot 0.102 0.003 +netbsd 0.031 0.033 +netcare 0.831 0.163 +netcast 0.836 0.039 +netcat 0.178 0.010 +netcdf 0.078 0.048 +netcenter 0.914 0.064 +netcom 0.858 0.102 +netcomm 0.800 0.173 +netconcepts 0.824 0.012 +netconf 0.102 0.177 +netcraft 0.939 0.007 +netdev 0.008 0.125 +neteller 0.702 0.034 +netfilter 0.291 0.056 +netfinity 0.847 0.093 +netfirms 0.975 0.002 +netflix 0.868 0.056 +netflow 0.478 0.042 +netgear 0.718 0.239 +neth 0.815 0.132 +nethack 0.207 0.004 +nether 0.653 0.032 +nethercutt 0.680 0.314 +netherland 0.756 0.138 +netherlands 0.947 0.037 +netherton 0.878 0.046 +netherworld 0.528 0.020 +neti 0.664 0.103 +netic 0.017 0.012 +netimperative 0.982 0.000 +netinet 0.000 0.008 +netiquette 0.630 0.016 +netix 0.965 0.031 +netizen 0.824 0.008 +netizens 0.429 0.013 +netjuke 0.453 0.002 +netkit 0.025 0.004 +netl 0.014 0.951 +netlabel 0.524 0.022 +netlabels 0.820 0.002 +netley 0.830 0.155 +netlib 0.409 0.097 +netlink 0.515 0.079 +netlist 0.186 0.173 +netmag 0.999 0.000 +netmask 0.157 0.039 +netmeeting 0.241 0.010 +netminder 0.145 0.005 +netname 0.082 0.076 +netnews 0.620 0.038 +neto 0.830 0.067 +netobjects 0.461 0.296 +netopia 0.874 0.083 +netpbm 0.019 0.002 +netperf 0.102 0.005 +netplan 0.833 0.009 +netpond 0.753 0.093 +netra 0.880 0.065 +netram 0.997 0.000 +netrition 0.982 0.000 +netrix 0.979 0.007 +netroots 0.549 0.000 +nets 0.434 0.074 +netsaint 0.071 0.000 +netscaler 0.993 0.000 +netscape 0.928 0.010 +netscreen 0.690 0.089 +netscript 0.016 0.000 +netserver 0.412 0.224 +netsky 0.835 0.032 +netspace 0.755 0.023 +netsplit 0.152 0.042 +netstat 0.087 0.039 +netsuke 0.692 0.120 +nett 0.377 0.097 +nette 0.190 0.015 +netted 0.054 0.006 +netter 0.669 0.032 +nettet 0.030 0.000 +nettie 0.875 0.098 +nettime 0.499 0.019 +netting 0.295 0.032 +nettle 0.596 0.031 +nettles 0.650 0.056 +nettleton 0.880 0.109 +netto 0.621 0.059 +nettoyage 0.164 0.020 +nettwerk 0.915 0.021 +netui 0.005 0.005 +netview 0.664 0.062 +netw 0.462 0.236 +netware 0.823 0.066 +netwerk 0.393 0.016 +netwo 0.562 0.041 +networ 0.455 0.101 +network 0.560 0.023 +networkable 0.357 0.026 +networked 0.321 0.008 +networker 0.705 0.064 +networkers 0.562 0.043 +networking 0.754 0.014 +networks 0.588 0.020 +networth 0.330 0.206 +networx 0.803 0.053 +netwosix 0.888 0.006 +netz 0.583 0.022 +netzer 0.947 0.028 +netzero 0.668 0.043 +netzwerk 0.849 0.017 +netzwerke 0.978 0.000 +neu 0.277 0.137 +neubauer 0.939 0.048 +neubauten 0.809 0.116 +neuberger 0.921 0.067 +neubert 0.931 0.045 +neuchatel 0.921 0.046 +neue 0.565 0.028 +neuem 0.007 0.000 +neuen 0.172 0.007 +neuenschwander 0.960 0.036 +neuer 0.384 0.011 +neues 0.627 0.025 +neueste 0.546 0.247 +neuf 0.394 0.197 +neufeld 0.959 0.036 +neugebauer 0.904 0.084 +neuhaus 0.934 0.041 +neuhauser 0.958 0.032 +neuheiten 0.950 0.019 +neuigkeiten 0.958 0.012 +neuilly 0.857 0.079 +neuken 0.115 0.002 +neuman 0.915 0.061 +neumann 0.932 0.046 +neur 0.305 0.446 +neural 0.407 0.017 +neuralgia 0.433 0.012 +neuraminidase 0.349 0.031 +neurite 0.092 0.011 +neuritis 0.347 0.018 +neuro 0.575 0.040 +neuroanatomy 0.586 0.030 +neurobehavioral 0.383 0.020 +neurobiol 0.972 0.023 +neurobiological 0.277 0.016 +neurobiology 0.669 0.043 +neuroblastoma 0.439 0.014 +neurochem 0.984 0.012 +neurochemical 0.227 0.033 +neurochemistry 0.597 0.109 +neurocognitive 0.275 0.010 +neurodegeneration 0.297 0.015 +neurodegenerative 0.229 0.027 +neurodevelopmental 0.388 0.010 +neuroectodermal 0.428 0.005 +neuroendocrine 0.290 0.018 +neuroendocrinology 0.787 0.063 +neurofeedback 0.606 0.012 +neurofibromatosis 0.539 0.024 +neurofilament 0.361 0.021 +neurogenesis 0.165 0.015 +neurogenic 0.330 0.022 +neuroimaging 0.414 0.074 +neuroinformatics 0.788 0.037 +neurol 0.982 0.013 +neuroleptic 0.249 0.011 +neuroleptics 0.146 0.012 +neurologic 0.374 0.015 +neurological 0.423 0.019 +neurologically 0.154 0.008 +neurologist 0.244 0.011 +neurologists 0.572 0.004 +neurology 0.829 0.034 +neuroma 0.456 0.021 +neuromancer 0.862 0.037 +neuromuscular 0.461 0.016 +neuron 0.295 0.026 +neuronal 0.157 0.016 +neurone 0.413 0.018 +neurones 0.029 0.007 +neurons 0.138 0.009 +neurontin 0.383 0.015 +neuropathic 0.224 0.012 +neuropathies 0.389 0.012 +neuropathology 0.607 0.040 +neuropathy 0.247 0.015 +neuropeptide 0.365 0.027 +neuropeptides 0.504 0.020 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0.023 +neverending 0.338 0.384 +neverfail 0.985 0.010 +neverland 0.901 0.040 +nevermind 0.525 0.024 +nevermore 0.755 0.069 +nevers 0.760 0.145 +nevertheless 0.629 0.001 +neverwhere 0.859 0.077 +neverwinter 0.893 0.007 +neves 0.841 0.085 +neveu 0.902 0.044 +nevi 0.271 0.134 +nevil 0.910 0.059 +nevill 0.908 0.084 +neville 0.902 0.067 +nevin 0.927 0.051 +nevins 0.898 0.076 +nevirapine 0.339 0.014 +nevis 0.948 0.043 +nevo 0.731 0.177 +nevow 0.544 0.000 +nevron 0.959 0.008 +nevsky 0.955 0.036 +nevus 0.452 0.026 +new 0.505 0.075 +newa 0.153 0.158 +newage 0.570 0.087 +newall 0.901 0.085 +newark 0.906 0.058 +newave 0.934 0.020 +newaygo 0.822 0.144 +neways 0.519 0.058 +newb 0.345 0.036 +newbee 0.392 0.029 +newberg 0.914 0.049 +newbern 0.870 0.098 +newberry 0.885 0.096 +newbery 0.919 0.064 +newbie 0.694 0.013 +newbies 0.475 0.023 +newbiggin 0.963 0.030 +newbin 0.990 0.000 +newbins 0.988 0.000 +newblock 0.007 0.000 +newbold 0.893 0.082 +newborn 0.485 0.025 +newborns 0.296 0.011 +newborough 0.765 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0.873 0.078 +ngv 0.005 0.964 +ngx 0.005 0.963 +nh 0.019 0.913 +nha 0.347 0.187 +nhac 0.437 0.088 +nhan 0.395 0.045 +nhanes 0.002 0.989 +nhanh 0.024 0.027 +nhat 0.776 0.026 +nhau 0.029 0.004 +nhb 0.022 0.897 +nhc 0.007 0.925 +nhd 0.011 0.896 +nhe 0.065 0.583 +nhf 0.004 0.956 +nhfb 0.000 0.001 +nhgri 0.000 0.988 +nhhs 0.000 0.998 +nhi 0.151 0.489 +nhis 0.000 0.964 +nhk 0.005 0.970 +nhl 0.008 0.958 +nhlbi 0.000 0.991 +nhlpa 0.000 0.988 +nhm 0.020 0.881 +nhmrc 0.000 0.994 +nho 0.213 0.274 +nhp 0.008 0.925 +nhpa 0.000 0.989 +nhpr 0.000 0.962 +nhr 0.012 0.758 +nhra 0.007 0.967 +nhrc 0.000 0.996 +nhrp 0.000 0.837 +nhs 0.003 0.986 +nht 0.012 0.927 +nhtsa 0.001 0.994 +nhu 0.192 0.066 +nhung 0.333 0.030 +nhw 0.012 0.265 +nhx 0.001 0.993 +ni 0.287 0.347 +nia 0.382 0.384 +niaaa 0.002 0.983 +niace 0.011 0.962 +niacin 0.555 0.020 +niacinamide 0.620 0.028 +niagara 0.872 0.056 +niagra 0.820 0.021 +niaid 0.001 0.996 +nial 0.375 0.080 +niall 0.943 0.020 +niamey 0.933 0.051 +niamh 0.895 0.036 +niams 0.000 0.975 +nian 0.401 0.041 +niantic 0.879 0.095 +nias 0.484 0.459 +niaspan 0.438 0.090 +nib 0.038 0.886 +nibbana 0.687 0.010 +nibble 0.203 0.029 +nibbled 0.046 0.003 +nibbler 0.747 0.062 +nibblers 0.891 0.008 +nibbles 0.441 0.025 +nibbling 0.092 0.006 +nibh 0.002 0.006 +niblett 0.884 0.089 +nibley 0.904 0.042 +nibs 0.386 0.220 +nic 0.277 0.562 +nica 0.330 0.220 +nicad 0.441 0.384 +nicaea 0.966 0.020 +nical 0.008 0.027 +nicam 0.611 0.339 +nicaragua 0.948 0.041 +nicaraguan 0.987 0.008 +nicasio 0.846 0.106 +nication 0.000 0.004 +nications 0.000 0.008 +nicci 0.801 0.069 +niccolo 0.946 0.026 +nicd 0.267 0.601 +nice 0.231 0.036 +niceblog 0.020 0.000 +niceblogers 0.000 0.000 +nicely 0.083 0.008 +nicene 0.823 0.016 +niceness 0.158 0.013 +nicer 0.047 0.009 +nicesex 0.000 0.000 +nicest 0.068 0.019 +niceties 0.048 0.003 +niceville 0.902 0.051 +nich 0.350 0.144 +nichd 0.000 0.996 +niche 0.271 0.028 +nichelle 0.955 0.021 +niches 0.248 0.013 +nichiren 0.977 0.016 +nichol 0.892 0.084 +nichola 0.911 0.045 +nicholas 0.928 0.053 +nicholasville 0.887 0.089 +nichole 0.842 0.056 +nicholl 0.916 0.069 +nicholls 0.895 0.088 +nichols 0.890 0.091 +nicholson 0.906 0.072 +nicht 0.082 0.011 +nichts 0.117 0.008 +nici 0.548 0.264 +nick 0.863 0.033 +nicke 0.269 0.013 +nicked 0.076 0.043 +nickel 0.511 0.060 +nickelback 0.246 0.009 +nickell 0.940 0.050 +nickelodeon 0.894 0.034 +nickels 0.681 0.047 +nickent 0.962 0.022 +nickerson 0.888 0.101 +nicki 0.866 0.035 +nickie 0.910 0.023 +nicking 0.180 0.010 +nicklas 0.923 0.044 +nicklaus 0.896 0.062 +nickle 0.531 0.074 +nickleback 0.731 0.044 +nickleby 0.946 0.044 +nicklen 0.912 0.072 +nickles 0.528 0.409 +nickname 0.751 0.008 +nicknamed 0.099 0.002 +nicknames 0.331 0.012 +nicko 0.761 0.031 +nickolas 0.923 0.040 +nicks 0.463 0.039 +nickson 0.912 0.059 +nicktoons 0.899 0.068 +nicky 0.861 0.040 +niclas 0.875 0.012 +nicmos 0.009 0.984 +nico 0.788 0.083 +nicobar 0.920 0.055 +nicodemo 0.983 0.010 +nicodemus 0.918 0.056 +nicol 0.865 0.102 +nicola 0.926 0.032 +nicolae 0.930 0.033 +nicolai 0.923 0.047 +nicolas 0.937 0.033 +nicolau 0.928 0.048 +nicolaus 0.871 0.078 +nicolay 0.942 0.046 +nicole 0.835 0.038 +nicolet 0.867 0.095 +nicoletta 0.811 0.164 +nicolette 0.895 0.040 +nicoletti 0.909 0.073 +nicoll 0.914 0.072 +nicolle 0.889 0.054 +nicollet 0.931 0.054 +nicollette 0.894 0.021 +nicolls 0.906 0.059 +nicolo 0.920 0.035 +nicolson 0.931 0.059 +nicorette 0.783 0.076 +nicos 0.729 0.144 +nicosia 0.898 0.075 +nicotiana 0.947 0.016 +nicotinamide 0.264 0.042 +nicotine 0.326 0.016 +nicotinic 0.304 0.016 +nicoya 0.956 0.016 +nics 0.103 0.547 +nicu 0.072 0.880 +nid 0.101 0.604 +nida 0.282 0.686 +nidal 0.954 0.023 +niddk 0.003 0.976 +niddm 0.003 0.978 +nide 0.032 0.016 +nido 0.712 0.093 +nidrr 0.000 0.995 +nids 0.011 0.233 +nidulans 0.003 0.011 +nie 0.142 0.376 +niebuhr 0.955 0.038 +niece 0.131 0.012 +nieces 0.030 0.004 +nied 0.204 0.347 +niederau 0.990 0.004 +niederlande 0.914 0.042 +niedermayer 0.952 0.038 +niedersachsen 0.430 0.016 +niehaus 0.923 0.059 +niehs 0.002 0.993 +niekerk 0.889 0.103 +niel 0.849 0.061 +niels 0.953 0.021 +nielsen 0.939 0.042 +nielson 0.923 0.059 +niem 0.247 0.305 +nieman 0.951 0.030 +niemand 0.329 0.013 +niemann 0.924 0.065 +niemeyer 0.836 0.049 +niemi 0.932 0.038 +nieminen 0.955 0.040 +nien 0.726 0.037 +niente 0.351 0.038 +nies 0.253 0.112 +niet 0.066 0.019 +nieto 0.879 0.084 +niets 0.122 0.015 +nietzsche 0.970 0.010 +nieuport 0.945 0.036 +nieuw 0.566 0.066 +nieuwe 0.446 0.021 +nieuws 0.651 0.044 +nieuwsbrief 0.499 0.164 +nieuwsoverzicht 0.024 0.000 +nieuwste 0.371 0.079 +nieve 0.396 0.019 +nieves 0.881 0.065 +nif 0.058 0.769 +nifedipine 0.423 0.020 +nifer 0.191 0.004 +niffenegger 0.963 0.032 +nificant 0.000 0.000 +nificantly 0.000 0.000 +nifl 0.001 0.986 +nifos 0.800 0.085 +nifty 0.264 0.014 +nig 0.305 0.319 +nigam 0.885 0.085 +nigel 0.942 0.033 +nigella 0.875 0.035 +niger 0.925 0.043 +nigeria 0.921 0.044 +nigerian 0.943 0.022 +nigerians 0.958 0.014 +nigg 0.849 0.046 +nigga 0.196 0.037 +niggas 0.205 0.022 +niggaz 0.234 0.039 +nigger 0.239 0.193 +niggers 0.157 0.155 +niggling 0.050 0.000 +nigh 0.136 0.027 +night 0.311 0.036 +nightbreeds 0.000 0.000 +nightcap 0.241 0.015 +nightclub 0.473 0.033 +nightclubs 0.644 0.010 +nightcrawler 0.740 0.084 +nightdress 0.506 0.068 +nighter 0.355 0.026 +nighters 0.150 0.065 +nightfall 0.376 0.021 +nightfire 0.628 0.033 +nightgown 0.309 0.085 +nightgowns 0.431 0.019 +nighthawk 0.762 0.072 +nighthawks 0.832 0.057 +nightie 0.466 0.103 +nightime 0.480 0.058 +nightingale 0.795 0.051 +nightingales 0.602 0.031 +nightjar 0.708 0.033 +nightlife 0.697 0.014 +nightlight 0.516 0.104 +nightlights 0.681 0.022 +nightline 0.770 0.211 +nightly 0.597 0.009 +nightmare 0.461 0.034 +nightmares 0.304 0.024 +nightmarish 0.035 0.004 +nights 0.358 0.023 +nightshade 0.730 0.018 +nightshift 0.603 0.189 +nightshirt 0.532 0.043 +nightshirts 0.604 0.012 +nightspot 0.220 0.007 +nightspots 0.294 0.189 +nightstand 0.528 0.020 +nightstands 0.762 0.028 +nighttime 0.241 0.020 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0.019 +niko 0.821 0.059 +nikola 0.841 0.028 +nikolaev 0.943 0.043 +nikolai 0.864 0.028 +nikolaj 0.950 0.029 +nikolaos 0.925 0.048 +nikolas 0.936 0.025 +nikolaus 0.904 0.032 +nikolay 0.973 0.017 +nikolic 0.873 0.054 +nikon 0.823 0.088 +nikonians 0.830 0.084 +nikonos 0.875 0.077 +nikos 0.927 0.048 +niks 0.240 0.034 +nikt 0.156 0.039 +niku 0.767 0.108 +nikwax 0.952 0.032 +nil 0.223 0.176 +nila 0.291 0.061 +niland 0.878 0.112 +nile 0.915 0.047 +niles 0.879 0.091 +nilesh 0.830 0.060 +nilfisk 0.785 0.099 +nill 0.480 0.147 +nilly 0.220 0.009 +nilo 0.850 0.053 +nilpotent 0.076 0.013 +nils 0.883 0.070 +nilsen 0.945 0.041 +nilson 0.875 0.094 +nilsson 0.947 0.040 +nim 0.262 0.507 +nima 0.385 0.519 +nimal 0.361 0.213 +niman 0.780 0.030 +nimbin 0.927 0.036 +nimble 0.251 0.013 +nimbly 0.039 0.000 +nimbus 0.851 0.045 +nimby 0.096 0.863 +nimda 0.771 0.063 +nimes 0.876 0.054 +nimh 0.143 0.740 +nimi 0.404 0.150 +nimitz 0.896 0.073 +nimmer 0.859 0.049 +nimmo 0.927 0.053 +nimo 0.387 0.160 +nimoy 0.956 0.024 +nimrod 0.829 0.076 +nims 0.148 0.835 +nimue 0.916 0.026 +nin 0.402 0.341 +nina 0.873 0.054 +ninco 0.761 0.129 +ninds 0.002 0.978 +nine 0.261 0.024 +ninemsn 0.021 0.001 +niner 0.797 0.034 +niners 0.809 0.046 +nines 0.449 0.029 +nineteen 0.361 0.022 +nineteenth 0.285 0.012 +nineties 0.237 0.011 +ninetieth 0.331 0.037 +ninette 0.377 0.615 +ninety 0.348 0.023 +nineveh 0.951 0.032 +ninfeta 0.007 0.000 +ning 0.328 0.020 +ningaloo 0.822 0.162 +ningbo 0.917 0.063 +ninguna 0.174 0.063 +ningxia 0.941 0.034 +ninh 0.744 0.025 +nini 0.705 0.053 +ninian 0.938 0.047 +ninja 0.737 0.062 +ninjas 0.567 0.039 +ninjutsu 0.703 0.023 +ninn 0.973 0.015 +nino 0.842 0.061 +ninos 0.660 0.041 +nint 0.091 0.549 +nintek 0.868 0.124 +nintendo 0.886 0.043 +nintendogs 0.934 0.029 +ninth 0.455 0.034 +nio 0.055 0.781 +niobe 0.868 0.050 +niobium 0.411 0.055 +niobrara 0.785 0.205 +nioc 0.000 0.989 +nion 0.101 0.516 +nios 0.662 0.191 +niosh 0.003 0.985 +nioxin 0.869 0.069 +nip 0.130 0.211 +nipa 0.143 0.741 +nipc 0.008 0.965 +nipigon 0.949 0.045 +nipissing 0.968 0.027 +niple 0.067 0.007 +niples 0.012 0.000 +nipomo 0.815 0.096 +nipon 0.808 0.149 +nipped 0.079 0.007 +nipper 0.709 0.093 +nippers 0.625 0.052 +nipping 0.159 0.006 +nipple 0.148 0.011 +nipples 0.072 0.004 +nippo 0.954 0.026 +nippon 0.859 0.094 +nippy 0.409 0.033 +nips 0.203 0.147 +nique 0.128 0.045 +niques 0.002 0.005 +nir 0.255 0.676 +nira 0.325 0.637 +niraj 0.677 0.020 +niranjan 0.900 0.040 +nirmal 0.900 0.049 +nirmala 0.847 0.133 +niro 0.918 0.057 +nirs 0.007 0.962 +nirvana 0.388 0.024 +nis 0.063 0.784 +nisa 0.481 0.413 +nisan 0.854 0.023 +nisbet 0.898 0.085 +nisc 0.009 0.982 +nish 0.475 0.216 +nisha 0.847 0.055 +nishi 0.914 0.043 +nishida 0.943 0.049 +nishikawa 0.942 0.049 +nishimoto 0.953 0.045 +nishimura 0.908 0.065 +nishio 0.919 0.070 +nishiyama 0.838 0.155 +nisi 0.275 0.051 +nisim 0.842 0.073 +niska 0.939 0.016 +niskayuna 0.893 0.088 +nisku 0.689 0.291 +nisl 0.005 0.023 +nism 0.008 0.023 +nismo 0.512 0.326 +nisms 0.000 0.000 +niso 0.025 0.922 +nisqually 0.947 0.045 +niss 0.286 0.648 +nissan 0.830 0.084 +nissen 0.882 0.079 +nissim 0.932 0.029 +nisswa 0.853 0.114 +nist 0.009 0.965 +nistelrooy 0.893 0.042 +nistir 0.000 0.995 +nisus 0.838 0.041 +nit 0.113 0.447 +nita 0.837 0.109 +nite 0.516 0.064 +nited 0.003 0.743 +nites 0.386 0.096 +niti 0.532 0.211 +nities 0.000 0.006 +nitin 0.878 0.045 +nition 0.000 0.002 +nito 0.306 0.078 +nitpick 0.183 0.049 +nitpicker 0.798 0.007 +nitpicking 0.136 0.004 +nitra 0.918 0.049 +nitrate 0.253 0.055 +nitrates 0.304 0.030 +nitric 0.406 0.025 +nitride 0.330 0.064 +nitrides 0.333 0.078 +nitrification 0.202 0.035 +nitrile 0.553 0.087 +nitrite 0.266 0.055 +nitrites 0.345 0.015 +nitrix 0.794 0.142 +nitro 0.679 0.101 +nitrobenzene 0.362 0.097 +nitrocellulose 0.148 0.017 +nitrofurantoin 0.526 0.039 +nitrogen 0.243 0.030 +nitrogenase 0.290 0.043 +nitrogenous 0.211 0.021 +nitroglycerin 0.413 0.030 +nitrophenol 0.354 0.088 +nitrophenyl 0.133 0.058 +nitroprusside 0.358 0.028 +nitrosamines 0.397 0.021 +nitroso 0.357 0.078 +nitrous 0.514 0.049 +nitrox 0.705 0.088 +nits 0.167 0.131 +nitschke 0.901 0.086 +nitta 0.896 0.078 +nittany 0.961 0.017 +nitte 0.989 0.004 +nitto 0.797 0.090 +nitty 0.460 0.059 +nity 0.005 0.013 +nitz 0.803 0.089 +niu 0.228 0.714 +niue 0.948 0.048 +niuyue 0.000 0.000 +niv 0.047 0.906 +niva 0.607 0.232 +nivea 0.651 0.142 +niveau 0.134 0.018 +niveaux 0.090 0.014 +nivel 0.621 0.028 +niveles 0.104 0.020 +niven 0.917 0.053 +niversity 0.002 0.770 +niw 0.033 0.595 +niwa 0.374 0.584 +niwas 0.934 0.047 +niwot 0.935 0.039 +nix 0.389 0.130 +nixa 0.856 0.105 +nixdorf 0.917 0.065 +nixed 0.142 0.022 +nixes 0.530 0.081 +nixie 0.584 0.079 +nixon 0.928 0.041 +nixvue 0.986 0.012 +niya 0.110 0.035 +niyazov 0.955 0.042 +nizam 0.879 0.054 +nization 0.000 0.007 +nize 0.025 0.024 +nized 0.000 0.002 +nizhny 0.965 0.021 +nizkor 0.950 0.029 +nizlopi 0.962 0.026 +nizoral 0.854 0.030 +nizza 0.773 0.059 +nj 0.012 0.938 +nja 0.013 0.915 +njac 0.000 0.998 +njas 0.000 0.186 +njc 0.007 0.929 +njcaa 0.003 0.976 +njd 0.047 0.884 +njdep 0.000 0.943 +njdot 0.000 0.895 +nje 0.068 0.235 +njh 0.322 0.309 +njit 0.007 0.933 +njn 0.015 0.790 +njs 0.012 0.772 +njsa 0.000 0.998 +nk 0.041 0.730 +nkf 0.030 0.742 +nkjv 0.007 0.984 +nkk 0.018 0.931 +nkr 0.217 0.731 +nkrumah 0.941 0.044 +nks 0.015 0.712 +nkt 0.015 0.843 +nku 0.019 0.932 +nl 0.011 0.690 +nla 0.020 0.900 +nlb 0.005 0.919 +nlc 0.003 0.974 +nlcs 0.011 0.975 +nld 0.010 0.895 +nle 0.052 0.891 +nlf 0.007 0.947 +nlg 0.021 0.953 +nlh 0.008 0.772 +nli 0.008 0.628 +nlib 0.005 0.906 +nline 0.014 0.108 +nlines 0.015 0.063 +nlist 0.010 0.083 +nll 0.015 0.866 +nlm 0.001 0.975 +nlme 0.000 0.052 +nln 0.013 0.903 +nlo 0.010 0.934 +nlp 0.018 0.901 +nlr 0.009 0.951 +nlra 0.000 0.995 +nlrb 0.001 0.998 +nls 0.007 0.682 +nlsref 0.000 0.000 +nlt 0.036 0.933 +nlu 0.171 0.786 +nlug 0.000 0.300 +nluug 0.000 0.986 +nlw 0.010 0.935 +nly 0.010 0.298 +nm 0.027 0.663 +nma 0.010 0.915 +nmac 0.001 0.992 +nmake 0.014 0.321 +nmap 0.512 0.083 +nmax 0.109 0.594 +nmb 0.065 0.863 +nmbd 0.007 0.057 +nmc 0.008 0.921 +nmci 0.000 0.980 +nmd 0.011 0.944 +nmda 0.001 0.994 +nme 0.011 0.895 +nmea 0.006 0.955 +nmed 0.011 0.961 +nmf 0.010 0.870 +nmfs 0.000 0.998 +nmg 0.006 0.829 +nmh 0.095 0.200 +nmha 0.000 0.927 +nmhc 0.000 0.995 +nmi 0.009 0.811 +nml 0.061 0.821 +nmlkj 0.000 0.000 +nmlug 0.000 0.995 +nmm 0.018 0.824 +nmma 0.000 0.991 +nmn 0.037 0.609 +nmo 0.021 0.761 +nmol 0.001 0.007 +nmos 0.004 0.937 +nmp 0.007 0.868 +nmr 0.012 0.962 +nmra 0.004 0.980 +nms 0.018 0.911 +nmsa 0.000 0.998 +nmsu 0.002 0.985 +nmt 0.020 0.922 +nmu 0.005 0.874 +nmw 0.012 0.770 +nn 0.494 0.287 +nna 0.024 0.752 +nnamdi 0.922 0.059 +nnc 0.008 0.781 +nnd 0.010 0.442 +nndb 0.000 0.973 +nne 0.006 0.939 +nng 0.021 0.460 +nni 0.004 0.789 +nnm 0.005 0.900 +nnn 0.012 0.740 +nnnn 0.011 0.639 +nno 0.032 0.683 +nnp 0.002 0.977 +nnpg 0.000 0.000 +nnpgx 0.000 0.000 +nnr 0.013 0.931 +nnrp 0.000 0.988 +nnrti 0.000 0.988 +nns 0.005 0.802 +nnsa 0.004 0.994 +nnt 0.006 0.822 +nntp 0.015 0.639 +nnu 0.034 0.767 +nnual 0.000 0.881 +nnw 0.001 0.993 +nny 0.157 0.409 +no 0.354 0.057 +noa 0.308 0.587 +noaa 0.003 0.983 +noach 0.898 0.027 +noack 0.608 0.364 +noah 0.886 0.069 +noahs 0.708 0.092 +noakes 0.920 0.065 +noam 0.934 0.036 +noao 0.003 0.931 +noarch 0.001 0.000 +noarlunga 0.585 0.359 +noatun 0.333 0.000 +nob 0.640 0.159 +nobby 0.714 0.147 +nobel 0.937 0.026 +nobile 0.664 0.087 +nobilis 0.380 0.029 +nobility 0.269 0.019 +nobis 0.286 0.027 +noble 0.659 0.030 +nobleman 0.148 0.010 +noblemen 0.116 0.005 +nobler 0.044 0.006 +nobles 0.378 0.033 +noblesse 0.610 0.046 +noblest 0.057 0.019 +noblesville 0.912 0.071 +nobly 0.051 0.004 +nobo 0.377 0.524 +nobodies 0.425 0.023 +nobody 0.330 0.016 +nobodys 0.514 0.051 +noboru 0.953 0.018 +nobr 0.002 0.050 +nobs 0.507 0.114 +nobu 0.855 0.062 +nobunaga 0.898 0.020 +nobuo 0.962 0.012 +nobuyuki 0.967 0.017 +noc 0.072 0.841 +nocache 0.014 0.096 +nocardia 0.944 0.013 +nocase 0.012 0.034 +nocd 0.021 0.072 +noce 0.709 0.070 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0.434 0.470 +nolan 0.905 0.064 +noland 0.883 0.106 +noleggio 0.211 0.007 +nolen 0.912 0.077 +nolensville 0.928 0.056 +noles 0.869 0.079 +noli 0.770 0.057 +nolin 0.732 0.042 +noline 0.031 0.018 +nolita 0.848 0.134 +noll 0.892 0.081 +nolo 0.645 0.069 +nologies 0.000 0.011 +nologo 0.007 0.034 +nology 0.216 0.030 +nols 0.041 0.926 +nolte 0.934 0.045 +nolvadex 0.517 0.059 +nom 0.299 0.166 +noma 0.513 0.215 +nomad 0.694 0.110 +nomade 0.836 0.027 +nomadic 0.336 0.009 +nomadix 0.969 0.013 +nomads 0.505 0.056 +nomail 0.017 0.330 +nomar 0.835 0.033 +nomatica 0.883 0.114 +nombre 0.382 0.044 +nombres 0.235 0.023 +nombreux 0.032 0.006 +nome 0.641 0.050 +nomen 0.484 0.038 +nomenclatural 0.569 0.018 +nomenclature 0.470 0.051 +nomes 0.495 0.012 +nomex 0.663 0.185 +nomi 0.434 0.046 +nomic 0.111 0.005 +nomics 0.036 0.012 +nominal 0.237 0.026 +nominally 0.062 0.002 +nominate 0.246 0.035 +nominated 0.183 0.011 +nominates 0.229 0.021 +nominating 0.501 0.024 +nomination 0.257 0.028 +nominations 0.430 0.024 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0.104 +nori 0.699 0.055 +noriega 0.938 0.043 +noriko 0.870 0.047 +norio 0.962 0.023 +noris 0.828 0.098 +noritake 0.848 0.086 +noriyuki 0.974 0.017 +norland 0.926 0.050 +norm 0.310 0.046 +norma 0.861 0.068 +normal 0.218 0.024 +normalcy 0.107 0.008 +normale 0.581 0.027 +normalisation 0.259 0.022 +normalise 0.135 0.011 +normalised 0.169 0.006 +normality 0.162 0.011 +normalization 0.229 0.011 +normalize 0.187 0.011 +normalized 0.197 0.014 +normalizes 0.157 0.004 +normalizing 0.209 0.015 +normally 0.173 0.005 +normalmente 0.788 0.000 +normals 0.282 0.151 +normaly 0.137 0.021 +norman 0.920 0.055 +normanby 0.798 0.196 +normand 0.891 0.075 +normandie 0.867 0.047 +normandy 0.916 0.043 +normans 0.936 0.041 +normanton 0.857 0.058 +normas 0.363 0.086 +normativa 0.554 0.012 +normative 0.246 0.009 +normblog 0.666 0.003 +normdoering 0.000 0.000 +norme 0.235 0.027 +normed 0.118 0.014 +normes 0.167 0.064 +norml 0.023 0.951 +normotensive 0.045 0.007 +norms 0.130 0.008 +noro 0.808 0.082 +norodom 0.940 0.042 +noronha 0.951 0.026 +norovirus 0.613 0.007 +norplant 0.868 0.075 +norpro 0.959 0.021 +norquay 0.968 0.027 +norquist 0.972 0.020 +norrath 0.972 0.009 +norrell 0.935 0.034 +norridge 0.909 0.068 +norrie 0.770 0.156 +norrington 0.940 0.039 +norris 0.911 0.062 +norristown 0.893 0.081 +norse 0.926 0.026 +norseman 0.527 0.051 +norsemen 0.978 0.009 +norsk 0.849 0.051 +norske 0.613 0.046 +norstar 0.861 0.064 +nort 0.626 0.204 +norte 0.832 0.068 +nortek 0.753 0.197 +nortel 0.857 0.095 +nortgage 0.000 0.000 +north 0.833 0.044 +northallerton 0.908 0.037 +northam 0.872 0.088 +northampton 0.926 0.043 +northamptonshire 0.966 0.017 +northanger 0.899 0.035 +northants 0.924 0.039 +northboro 0.880 0.102 +northborough 0.926 0.057 +northbound 0.379 0.058 +northbridge 0.832 0.068 +northbrook 0.916 0.068 +northcentral 0.752 0.084 +northcliffe 0.801 0.189 +northcote 0.854 0.115 +northcott 0.825 0.156 +northcutt 0.890 0.094 +northeast 0.703 0.061 +northeasterly 0.085 0.035 +northeastern 0.645 0.034 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0.913 0.031 +northwind 0.856 0.067 +northwood 0.907 0.062 +northwoods 0.831 0.064 +norton 0.796 0.058 +nortons 0.619 0.021 +nortriptyline 0.391 0.020 +norval 0.845 0.134 +norvasc 0.660 0.028 +norvegicus 0.014 0.022 +norvell 0.900 0.081 +norville 0.751 0.228 +norvir 0.885 0.078 +norwalk 0.911 0.062 +norway 0.929 0.049 +norwegen 0.213 0.002 +norwegian 0.930 0.028 +norwegians 0.962 0.011 +norweigan 0.875 0.010 +norwell 0.871 0.116 +norwest 0.857 0.083 +norwich 0.928 0.041 +norwood 0.887 0.088 +nos 0.178 0.416 +noscript 0.026 0.254 +nose 0.251 0.030 +nosearch 0.000 0.007 +nosebleed 0.601 0.022 +nosebleeds 0.468 0.006 +nosed 0.247 0.021 +nosedive 0.256 0.008 +noses 0.113 0.021 +nosey 0.375 0.025 +nosferatu 0.768 0.052 +nosh 0.570 0.044 +nosing 0.217 0.032 +nosocomial 0.308 0.009 +nosotros 0.341 0.037 +nospam 0.019 0.247 +noss 0.701 0.200 +nossa 0.324 0.057 +nosso 0.484 0.014 +nossos 0.305 0.011 +nostalgia 0.538 0.040 +nostalgic 0.327 0.027 +nostalgie 0.760 0.026 +nostdinc 0.000 0.000 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0.045 +nozzles 0.340 0.031 +np 0.033 0.791 +npa 0.005 0.974 +npac 0.033 0.944 +npaci 0.000 0.869 +npat 0.006 0.966 +npb 0.005 0.969 +npc 0.007 0.936 +npca 0.000 0.991 +npcc 0.000 0.964 +npd 0.004 0.967 +npdes 0.001 0.995 +npe 0.027 0.909 +npf 0.004 0.956 +npg 0.011 0.823 +npgsql 0.831 0.104 +nph 0.097 0.659 +nphase 0.997 0.001 +npi 0.004 0.964 +npk 0.015 0.889 +npl 0.008 0.956 +npm 0.014 0.927 +npn 0.012 0.911 +npo 0.018 0.909 +npov 0.002 0.964 +npower 0.142 0.032 +npp 0.006 0.950 +nppa 0.011 0.972 +nppl 0.007 0.963 +npr 0.005 0.955 +npri 0.000 0.977 +nprm 0.000 0.997 +nprotect 0.025 0.833 +nps 0.004 0.968 +npsa 0.000 0.998 +npt 0.007 0.937 +nptl 0.000 0.611 +npts 0.023 0.459 +npu 0.005 0.937 +npv 0.014 0.958 +npws 0.000 0.997 +npy 0.015 0.943 +nq 0.109 0.664 +nqa 0.001 0.995 +nqf 0.004 0.779 +nqt 0.004 0.955 +nr 0.150 0.699 +nra 0.004 0.975 +nrao 0.000 0.939 +nrb 0.065 0.853 +nrc 0.001 0.980 +nrca 0.000 0.995 +nrcc 0.000 0.982 +nrcs 0.000 0.996 +nrd 0.032 0.894 +nrdc 0.002 0.990 +nre 0.015 0.870 +nref 0.020 0.225 +nrel 0.003 0.986 +nren 0.000 0.959 +nrf 0.015 0.950 +nrfb 0.002 0.971 +nrg 0.097 0.816 +nrha 0.000 0.991 +nrhs 0.005 0.744 +nri 0.011 0.961 +nrich 0.025 0.933 +nrj 0.021 0.788 +nrk 0.070 0.869 +nrl 0.008 0.949 +nrm 0.019 0.930 +nrma 0.009 0.972 +nrn 0.018 0.934 +nro 0.035 0.907 +nroff 0.036 0.217 +nrop 0.009 0.140 +nrow 0.021 0.236 +nrows 0.034 0.098 +nrp 0.006 0.929 +nrr 0.007 0.949 +nrs 0.006 0.969 +nrsa 0.000 0.987 +nrsc 0.000 0.993 +nrsv 0.015 0.963 +nrt 0.007 0.605 +nrti 0.000 0.986 +nru 0.661 0.302 +nrv 0.014 0.912 +nrw 0.006 0.183 +nrz 0.013 0.944 +ns 0.020 0.640 +nsa 0.003 0.965 +nsaid 0.009 0.892 +nsaids 0.025 0.833 +nsap 0.007 0.803 +nsapi 0.003 0.930 +nsb 0.005 0.950 +nsba 0.000 0.989 +nsbe 0.000 0.949 +nsc 0.008 0.946 +nsca 0.008 0.887 +nscaa 0.000 0.998 +nscc 0.000 0.986 +nscd 0.004 0.085 +nsclc 0.000 0.984 +nsd 0.063 0.665 +nsdap 0.000 0.922 +nsdi 0.000 0.992 +nsdl 0.001 0.971 +nsdq 0.000 0.965 +nse 0.007 0.872 +nsec 0.005 0.288 +nserc 0.001 0.993 +nses 0.000 0.479 +nsession 0.000 0.000 +nsf 0.003 0.957 +nsfnet 0.000 0.944 +nsfw 0.014 0.811 +nsg 0.044 0.933 +nsgmls 0.000 0.034 +nsh 0.122 0.758 +nsi 0.013 0.931 +nsic 0.000 0.989 +nsis 0.038 0.736 +nsk 0.028 0.653 +nsl 0.008 0.856 +nslds 0.000 0.991 +nslookup 0.083 0.072 +nslp 0.000 0.949 +nsls 0.007 0.984 +nsm 0.010 0.819 +nsn 0.005 0.916 +nso 0.024 0.875 +nsp 0.006 0.527 +nspcc 0.002 0.989 +nspe 0.000 0.988 +nspire 0.310 0.673 +nspr 0.000 0.154 +nsps 0.000 0.987 +nsr 0.004 0.927 +nss 0.014 0.719 +nssa 0.004 0.917 +nssdc 0.000 0.995 +nsse 0.008 0.974 +nst 0.031 0.716 +nsta 0.838 0.157 +nstar 0.375 0.571 +nstc 0.000 0.974 +nstitute 0.000 0.888 +nstx 0.003 0.813 +nsu 0.006 0.133 +nsurance 0.033 0.451 +nsv 0.010 0.677 +nsw 0.005 0.977 +nswc 0.000 0.947 +nsx 0.035 0.860 +nsync 0.132 0.362 +nt 0.009 0.852 +nta 0.006 0.882 +ntb 0.018 0.873 +ntc 0.014 0.847 +ntd 0.008 0.967 +ntdll 0.004 0.066 +nte 0.042 0.742 +nter 0.017 0.302 +nternational 0.001 0.759 +nternet 0.008 0.455 +ntes 0.011 0.906 +nteu 0.000 0.992 +ntf 0.009 0.862 +ntfs 0.017 0.781 +ntg 0.005 0.898 +nth 0.378 0.123 +nti 0.022 0.863 +ntia 0.003 0.964 +ntis 0.002 0.989 +ntk 0.016 0.899 +ntl 0.041 0.574 +ntlk 0.000 0.999 +ntlm 0.006 0.841 +ntm 0.016 0.913 +ntn 0.049 0.885 +ntnu 0.000 0.948 +nto 0.130 0.316 +ntohl 0.000 0.012 +ntohs 0.000 0.013 +ntop 0.392 0.045 +ntot 0.981 0.009 +ntp 0.006 0.711 +ntpc 0.004 0.965 +ntpd 0.009 0.060 +ntpdate 0.008 0.010 +ntr 0.041 0.720 +ntra 0.056 0.846 +ntroduction 0.000 0.965 +ntrp 0.000 0.991 +nts 0.154 0.491 +ntsb 0.003 0.976 +ntsc 0.015 0.961 +ntt 0.005 0.970 +ntu 0.013 0.934 +ntuc 0.007 0.925 +ntum 0.000 0.991 +ntuple 0.272 0.058 +ntv 0.048 0.862 +ntwk 0.287 0.681 +ntx 0.042 0.816 +nu 0.394 0.226 +nua 0.310 0.144 +nual 0.012 0.026 +nuala 0.766 0.192 +nuance 0.411 0.027 +nuanced 0.020 0.002 +nuances 0.034 0.003 +nuas 0.009 0.023 +nub 0.200 0.083 +nuba 0.764 0.031 +nubes 0.848 0.015 +nubia 0.929 0.037 +nubian 0.715 0.032 +nubians 0.908 0.037 +nubile 0.268 0.014 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0.018 +nunziata 0.987 0.010 +nunzio 0.940 0.042 +nuoc 0.166 0.029 +nuon 0.840 0.135 +nuova 0.597 0.045 +nuove 0.352 0.042 +nuovi 0.335 0.035 +nuovo 0.510 0.091 +nup 0.192 0.401 +nuptial 0.348 0.011 +nuptials 0.274 0.011 +nuptse 0.893 0.033 +nur 0.307 0.156 +nuray 0.993 0.003 +nurbs 0.101 0.701 +nurburgring 0.885 0.047 +nure 0.072 0.402 +nuremberg 0.966 0.021 +nuremburg 0.956 0.017 +nureyev 0.940 0.046 +nurhaliza 0.129 0.007 +nuri 0.872 0.057 +nuria 0.818 0.044 +nurit 0.780 0.151 +nurnberg 0.923 0.046 +nurs 0.405 0.553 +nurse 0.478 0.030 +nursed 0.020 0.003 +nurseries 0.596 0.036 +nursery 0.637 0.036 +nurses 0.432 0.018 +nursing 0.579 0.084 +nurture 0.188 0.010 +nurtured 0.041 0.004 +nurtures 0.056 0.005 +nurturing 0.191 0.008 +nus 0.024 0.694 +nusa 0.931 0.043 +nusbaum 0.948 0.043 +nuse 0.109 0.083 +nusic 0.035 0.006 +nusrat 0.851 0.088 +nuss 0.795 0.135 +nussbaum 0.943 0.043 +nussle 0.738 0.254 +nut 0.390 0.134 +nutbar 0.879 0.000 +nutcase 0.255 0.015 +nutch 0.476 0.082 +nutcracker 0.845 0.053 +nutcrackers 0.785 0.037 +nute 0.525 0.192 +nutech 0.929 0.051 +nutella 0.576 0.049 +nuthatch 0.796 0.038 +nuthatches 0.376 0.072 +nuthin 0.404 0.028 +nuthouse 0.761 0.068 +nutjob 0.313 0.010 +nutley 0.899 0.080 +nutmeg 0.355 0.033 +nutone 0.843 0.066 +nutool 0.799 0.157 +nutr 0.887 0.104 +nutra 0.844 0.063 +nutrabolics 0.922 0.076 +nutraceutical 0.509 0.048 +nutraceuticals 0.698 0.104 +nutraceutics 0.961 0.019 +nutramax 0.934 0.055 +nutramerica 0.993 0.000 +nutrex 0.926 0.069 +nutri 0.764 0.071 +nutria 0.428 0.039 +nutricology 0.908 0.086 +nutrient 0.257 0.016 +nutrients 0.159 0.021 +nutrition 0.714 0.024 +nutritional 0.399 0.018 +nutritionally 0.124 0.005 +nutritionals 0.860 0.018 +nutritionist 0.427 0.016 +nutritionists 0.857 0.002 +nutritious 0.098 0.006 +nutritive 0.281 0.050 +nutro 0.846 0.031 +nuts 0.321 0.056 +nutsedge 0.751 0.008 +nutshell 0.472 0.019 +nutt 0.887 0.069 +nuttall 0.937 0.047 +nutte 0.011 0.000 +nutten 0.001 0.000 +nuttenkontakt 0.000 0.000 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0.770 +nwn 0.002 0.957 +nwo 0.012 0.908 +nwobhm 0.562 0.421 +nwot 0.033 0.934 +nwp 0.008 0.978 +nwr 0.007 0.933 +nws 0.003 0.960 +nwt 0.009 0.950 +nwu 0.006 0.883 +nww 0.022 0.624 +nx 0.103 0.657 +nxg 0.091 0.662 +nxi 0.079 0.080 +nxpg 0.000 0.002 +nxpk 0.000 0.000 +nxrest 0.000 0.000 +nxt 0.138 0.696 +nxx 0.022 0.932 +ny 0.014 0.948 +nya 0.337 0.232 +nyack 0.887 0.094 +nyah 0.393 0.154 +nyal 0.041 0.890 +nyala 0.845 0.037 +nyberg 0.964 0.029 +nybot 0.035 0.952 +nyc 0.017 0.838 +nycbug 0.000 0.125 +nyce 0.552 0.328 +nycrr 0.000 0.997 +nycwireless 0.000 0.000 +nydia 0.911 0.060 +nye 0.583 0.278 +nyg 0.008 0.961 +nygaard 0.917 0.066 +nygren 0.903 0.034 +nyha 0.000 0.983 +nyhan 0.845 0.150 +nyheder 0.762 0.034 +nyhedsbrev 0.533 0.162 +nyheter 0.682 0.072 +nyi 0.082 0.796 +nyiso 0.000 0.996 +nyisutter 0.109 0.000 +nyit 0.007 0.969 +nyj 0.004 0.950 +nyk 0.054 0.816 +nyko 0.581 0.400 +nyl 0.470 0.358 +nyla 0.263 0.577 +nylabone 0.853 0.089 +nylander 0.946 0.042 +nyle 0.817 0.051 +nylon 0.438 0.040 +nylons 0.112 0.008 +nylonschlampen 0.000 0.000 +nylonsex 0.010 0.000 +nylug 0.001 0.035 +nym 0.113 0.757 +nyman 0.925 0.052 +nymex 0.124 0.859 +nymph 0.495 0.024 +nymphaea 0.942 0.023 +nymphet 0.153 0.005 +nymphetamine 0.398 0.016 +nymphets 0.081 0.013 +nympho 0.466 0.012 +nymphomaniac 0.297 0.012 +nymphomanin 0.439 0.000 +nymphos 0.325 0.031 +nymphs 0.332 0.022 +nyn 0.121 0.571 +nynex 0.202 0.777 +nynorsk 0.477 0.002 +nyo 0.372 0.196 +nyomi 0.909 0.016 +nyon 0.749 0.070 +nyp 0.008 0.963 +nypa 0.037 0.956 +nypd 0.008 0.934 +nyphp 0.000 0.087 +nypl 0.005 0.978 +nyquil 0.658 0.027 +nyquist 0.899 0.024 +nyr 0.030 0.937 +nyra 0.043 0.940 +nyro 0.834 0.141 +nys 0.039 0.893 +nysa 0.239 0.743 +nyse 0.005 0.965 +nysed 0.000 0.994 +nyserda 0.008 0.988 +nysgrc 0.000 0.999 +nyssa 0.831 0.135 +nystagmus 0.298 0.019 +nystatin 0.477 0.037 +nystrom 0.915 0.045 +nyt 0.012 0.957 +nytimes 0.359 0.336 +nytr 0.000 0.000 +nytt 0.381 0.046 +nyu 0.016 0.909 +nyunt 0.986 0.011 +nyx 0.442 0.404 +nyy 0.020 0.946 +nz 0.012 0.930 +nzb 0.016 0.763 +nzd 0.001 0.995 +nzdt 0.000 0.999 +nze 0.105 0.517 +nzherald 0.000 0.000 +nzl 0.050 0.926 +nzlug 0.000 0.091 +nzm 0.000 0.961 +nzqa 0.000 0.995 +nzs 0.001 0.990 +nzst 0.000 0.998 +nzt 0.004 0.934 +nzx 0.002 0.993 +nzxt 0.007 0.989 +o 0.544 0.000 +oa 0.074 0.740 +oaa 0.009 0.958 +oab 0.026 0.871 +oac 0.004 0.940 +oacute 0.405 0.000 +oad 0.062 0.557 +oadby 0.826 0.030 +oaf 0.060 0.193 +oag 0.028 0.929 +oah 0.031 0.898 +oahu 0.895 0.034 +oai 0.009 0.424 +oais 0.005 0.975 +oaj 0.005 0.967 +oak 0.695 0.091 +oakbrook 0.900 0.073 +oakdale 0.858 0.109 +oaken 0.410 0.019 +oakenfold 0.661 0.033 +oakes 0.901 0.085 +oakey 0.665 0.262 +oakfield 0.863 0.114 +oakford 0.882 0.097 +oakham 0.940 0.049 +oakhill 0.825 0.129 +oakhurst 0.870 0.087 +oakland 0.920 0.044 +oaklands 0.805 0.151 +oaklawn 0.914 0.066 +oakleaf 0.840 0.062 +oakleigh 0.713 0.250 +oakley 0.824 0.071 +oakman 0.865 0.098 +oakmont 0.874 0.108 +oakmoss 0.269 0.006 +oakridge 0.874 0.105 +oaks 0.825 0.078 +oakton 0.899 0.073 +oaktree 0.848 0.074 +oakview 0.741 0.247 +oakville 0.900 0.066 +oakwood 0.898 0.081 +oal 0.052 0.768 +oam 0.016 0.882 +oamaru 0.950 0.031 +oamc 0.005 0.989 +oan 0.049 0.247 +oanda 0.142 0.807 +oao 0.015 0.956 +oap 0.011 0.905 +oar 0.085 0.631 +oard 0.096 0.711 +oars 0.178 0.077 +oas 0.019 0.904 +oasdi 0.000 0.993 +oase 0.363 0.192 +oases 0.194 0.067 +oasi 0.263 0.616 +oasis 0.429 0.150 +oast 0.500 0.342 +oasys 0.508 0.412 +oat 0.381 0.185 +oaten 0.944 0.013 +oates 0.919 0.057 +oath 0.198 0.027 +oaths 0.228 0.022 +oatlands 0.818 0.171 +oatley 0.812 0.178 +oatman 0.910 0.069 +oatmeal 0.496 0.059 +oats 0.412 0.078 +oau 0.004 0.984 +oav 0.012 0.897 +oaxaca 0.899 0.028 +oaxacan 0.950 0.025 +ob 0.135 0.489 +oba 0.354 0.549 +obadiah 0.989 0.009 +obagi 0.876 0.036 +obama 0.950 0.034 +oban 0.908 0.049 +obasanjo 0.975 0.019 +obata 0.896 0.086 +obc 0.014 0.902 +obd 0.017 0.898 +obe 0.056 0.856 +obed 0.848 0.064 +obedience 0.232 0.017 +obedient 0.084 0.009 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0.034 +oestrogen 0.145 0.010 +oet 0.031 0.791 +oetiker 0.585 0.009 +oeuvre 0.113 0.056 +oeuvres 0.225 0.031 +oex 0.139 0.446 +of 0.014 0.016 +ofa 0.020 0.532 +ofac 0.006 0.962 +ofb 0.027 0.525 +ofc 0.383 0.508 +ofccp 0.000 0.995 +ofcom 0.879 0.115 +ofcourse 0.267 0.010 +ofcs 0.085 0.902 +ofd 0.035 0.356 +ofda 0.000 0.995 +ofdm 0.002 0.982 +ofe 0.037 0.365 +ofer 0.650 0.042 +oferta 0.399 0.062 +ofertas 0.497 0.013 +off 0.195 0.047 +offa 0.467 0.095 +offal 0.209 0.053 +offaly 0.942 0.012 +offbeat 0.645 0.020 +offe 0.276 0.114 +offen 0.157 0.137 +offenbach 0.902 0.056 +offence 0.046 0.006 +offences 0.178 0.021 +offend 0.024 0.007 +offended 0.024 0.008 +offender 0.243 0.025 +offenders 0.179 0.021 +offending 0.099 0.007 +offends 0.032 0.011 +offense 0.130 0.043 +offenses 0.170 0.041 +offensive 0.190 0.015 +offensively 0.165 0.002 +offensives 0.077 0.008 +offer 0.196 0.021 +offered 0.139 0.015 +offeree 0.074 0.015 +offering 0.151 0.007 +offerings 0.219 0.014 +offerman 0.952 0.025 +offeror 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0.005 0.983 +oht 0.229 0.679 +ohta 0.889 0.091 +ohv 0.004 0.912 +oi 0.268 0.285 +oia 0.354 0.584 +oic 0.006 0.913 +oics 0.005 0.026 +oictures 0.005 0.000 +oid 0.057 0.574 +oids 0.041 0.205 +oie 0.102 0.822 +oif 0.032 0.662 +oig 0.006 0.981 +oii 0.060 0.785 +oikos 0.729 0.154 +oil 0.393 0.042 +oilcloth 0.458 0.089 +oiled 0.341 0.011 +oiler 0.549 0.093 +oilers 0.909 0.042 +oilfield 0.554 0.056 +oilfields 0.285 0.012 +oilily 0.720 0.193 +oiling 0.302 0.028 +oils 0.467 0.039 +oilseed 0.285 0.039 +oilseeds 0.432 0.039 +oily 0.331 0.024 +oim 0.059 0.835 +oin 0.062 0.176 +oingo 0.897 0.029 +oink 0.389 0.306 +oint 0.075 0.496 +ointment 0.447 0.034 +ointments 0.395 0.017 +oip 0.011 0.817 +oir 0.125 0.631 +oireachtas 0.964 0.034 +ois 0.017 0.582 +oise 0.367 0.508 +oiseau 0.550 0.037 +oiseaux 0.220 0.021 +oishi 0.860 0.102 +oishii 0.846 0.005 +oit 0.005 0.881 +oita 0.930 0.047 +oix 0.007 0.037 +oj 0.026 0.886 +oja 0.707 0.214 +ojai 0.902 0.053 +ojala 0.706 0.059 +ojb 0.002 0.269 +ojc 0.074 0.909 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0.012 +okmulgee 0.936 0.055 +oko 0.464 0.257 +okoboji 0.902 0.040 +okolona 0.887 0.076 +okotoks 0.919 0.051 +okra 0.468 0.049 +okrent 0.955 0.023 +oks 0.125 0.371 +oksana 0.932 0.021 +okt 0.596 0.051 +oktibbeha 0.897 0.089 +oktober 0.657 0.014 +oktoberfest 0.888 0.026 +oku 0.507 0.146 +okubo 0.921 0.059 +okuda 0.931 0.060 +okuma 0.800 0.126 +okumura 0.775 0.198 +okun 0.899 0.085 +okura 0.931 0.038 +ol 0.143 0.405 +ola 0.590 0.210 +olaf 0.858 0.089 +olah 0.806 0.055 +olam 0.649 0.061 +olan 0.474 0.078 +olang 0.083 0.007 +olanzapine 0.326 0.014 +olap 0.041 0.919 +olarak 0.025 0.042 +olas 0.813 0.074 +olate 0.891 0.007 +olathe 0.910 0.069 +olav 0.931 0.032 +olay 0.769 0.119 +olazabal 0.973 0.022 +olb 0.006 0.909 +olbas 0.917 0.055 +olbermann 0.896 0.090 +olbia 0.864 0.032 +olc 0.036 0.836 +olcott 0.927 0.049 +old 0.263 0.028 +oldboy 0.873 0.068 +oldbury 0.907 0.076 +oldcastle 0.935 0.055 +olde 0.777 0.045 +olden 0.397 0.049 +oldenburg 0.770 0.038 +older 0.184 0.012 +oldest 0.506 0.003 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0.238 0.017 +olg 0.043 0.873 +olga 0.836 0.113 +oli 0.483 0.188 +olicy 0.000 0.879 +olie 0.623 0.047 +olifants 0.926 0.017 +oligarchs 0.126 0.028 +oligarchy 0.136 0.008 +oligo 0.346 0.023 +oligocene 0.793 0.199 +oligodendrocytes 0.085 0.006 +oligodeoxyribonucleotides 0.880 0.005 +oligomer 0.107 0.035 +oligomeric 0.294 0.016 +oligomerization 0.147 0.071 +oligomers 0.162 0.012 +oligonucleotide 0.216 0.010 +oligonucleotides 0.236 0.014 +oligopeptide 0.142 0.049 +oligopeptides 0.815 0.009 +oligopoly 0.396 0.012 +oligos 0.265 0.014 +oligosaccharide 0.113 0.023 +oligosaccharides 0.300 0.017 +oligotrophic 0.186 0.011 +olika 0.030 0.003 +olim 0.449 0.046 +olimpia 0.796 0.059 +olin 0.886 0.074 +olina 0.767 0.051 +olinda 0.866 0.099 +oline 0.257 0.014 +olinger 0.888 0.101 +olio 0.486 0.061 +oliphant 0.884 0.083 +olis 0.242 0.620 +oliva 0.804 0.032 +olivares 0.906 0.059 +olivas 0.853 0.083 +olive 0.545 0.060 +oliveira 0.916 0.066 +oliver 0.923 0.048 +olivera 0.949 0.039 +oliveri 0.890 0.036 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0.031 +olu 0.720 0.116 +oludeniz 0.862 0.020 +olufsen 0.848 0.077 +olug 0.010 0.146 +olume 0.002 0.839 +olusegun 0.965 0.024 +olution 0.097 0.194 +olv 0.049 0.544 +olver 0.725 0.245 +olvera 0.913 0.071 +oly 0.500 0.295 +olymp 0.616 0.346 +olympia 0.898 0.061 +olympiad 0.884 0.032 +olympiada 0.967 0.018 +olympiakos 0.888 0.085 +olympian 0.941 0.032 +olympians 0.948 0.020 +olympic 0.921 0.035 +olympics 0.933 0.028 +olympique 0.812 0.032 +olympisch 0.011 0.000 +olympos 0.829 0.129 +olympus 0.824 0.113 +olyphant 0.926 0.051 +om 0.202 0.320 +oma 0.119 0.548 +omac 0.088 0.838 +omada 0.136 0.038 +omafick 0.000 0.000 +omaficken 0.000 0.000 +omagh 0.810 0.182 +omaha 0.785 0.035 +omak 0.804 0.127 +omake 0.553 0.023 +oman 0.941 0.046 +omani 0.970 0.018 +omantik 0.000 0.000 +omap 0.011 0.886 +omaporno 0.000 0.000 +omar 0.886 0.052 +omari 0.871 0.050 +omarion 0.639 0.071 +omas 0.528 0.200 +omasex 0.492 0.007 +omb 0.004 0.980 +ombre 0.506 0.119 +ombuds 0.696 0.046 +ombudsman 0.790 0.020 +ombudsmen 0.637 0.010 +ombudsperson 0.732 0.021 +omc 0.020 0.877 +omd 0.073 0.826 +omdat 0.173 0.003 +ome 0.081 0.420 +omeg 0.050 0.905 +omega 0.798 0.055 +omegatron 0.963 0.000 +omelet 0.461 0.044 +omelets 0.558 0.015 +omelette 0.512 0.031 +omelettes 0.300 0.020 +omen 0.531 0.096 +omens 0.481 0.022 +omeprazole 0.299 0.024 +omer 0.816 0.078 +omerta 0.814 0.050 +omf 0.006 0.676 +omfg 0.047 0.677 +omg 0.041 0.680 +omh 0.005 0.923 +omi 0.325 0.568 +omia 0.002 0.984 +omicron 0.776 0.072 +omid 0.835 0.080 +omidyar 0.978 0.007 +omim 0.018 0.967 +ominous 0.151 0.008 +ominously 0.081 0.002 +omis 0.304 0.263 +omission 0.056 0.022 +omissions 0.031 0.013 +omit 0.152 0.022 +omits 0.045 0.015 +omitted 0.047 0.097 +omitting 0.238 0.003 +oml 0.022 0.891 +omline 0.239 0.000 +omm 0.089 0.789 +ommission 0.027 0.740 +ommittee 0.000 0.933 +ommunity 0.000 0.851 +omn 0.179 0.524 +omnes 0.225 0.026 +omni 0.745 0.133 +omnia 0.595 0.085 +omnibook 0.369 0.465 +omnibus 0.633 0.047 +omnicom 0.855 0.129 +omnidirectional 0.427 0.036 +omnihotel 0.000 0.000 +omnihotels 0.000 0.000 +omnimedia 0.963 0.025 +omnimount 0.704 0.265 +omnipage 0.536 0.125 +omnipotence 0.247 0.008 +omnipotent 0.221 0.008 +omnipresence 0.179 0.013 +omnipresent 0.115 0.007 +omnis 0.701 0.057 +omniscience 0.213 0.009 +omniscient 0.194 0.009 +omnitech 0.961 0.024 +omnitel 0.756 0.062 +omnitron 0.873 0.123 +omniture 0.754 0.197 +omnium 0.691 0.046 +omniview 0.605 0.312 +omnivore 0.409 0.025 +omnivorous 0.257 0.007 +omo 0.510 0.292 +omori 0.923 0.055 +omp 0.033 0.757 +ompany 0.003 0.653 +omphale 0.994 0.000 +omputer 0.042 0.374 +omr 0.020 0.953 +omri 0.630 0.340 +omron 0.795 0.133 +oms 0.026 0.817 +omsk 0.928 0.043 +omt 0.007 0.911 +omura 0.923 0.068 +omv 0.022 0.939 +omws 0.113 0.004 +omx 0.009 0.950 +omy 0.031 0.085 +on 0.067 0.016 +ona 0.446 0.266 +onal 0.073 0.102 +onalaska 0.868 0.100 +onan 0.590 0.278 +onanie 0.047 0.000 +onassis 0.896 0.037 +onboard 0.278 0.023 +onbody 0.114 0.000 +onc 0.187 0.536 +once 0.303 0.009 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0.094 +onside 0.119 0.017 +onsite 0.448 0.038 +onslaught 0.270 0.013 +onslow 0.889 0.088 +onsource 0.003 0.204 +onstage 0.127 0.023 +ont 0.593 0.153 +ontact 0.006 0.618 +ontarians 0.981 0.016 +ontario 0.929 0.029 +ontents 0.000 0.901 +onthe 0.062 0.019 +ontime 0.158 0.487 +onto 0.012 0.006 +ontogenetic 0.245 0.014 +ontogeny 0.355 0.034 +ontolog 0.278 0.022 +ontological 0.216 0.006 +ontologies 0.400 0.004 +ontology 0.457 0.007 +ontonagon 0.844 0.122 +ontop 0.067 0.034 +ontrack 0.821 0.044 +ontrol 0.000 0.753 +ontwerp 0.213 0.017 +ontwikkeling 0.248 0.011 +onu 0.108 0.771 +onur 0.764 0.050 +onus 0.054 0.013 +onward 0.233 0.021 +onwards 0.099 0.010 +ony 0.087 0.085 +onyx 0.779 0.083 +onyxia 0.927 0.014 +onze 0.337 0.029 +oo 0.471 0.256 +ooa 0.012 0.898 +ooak 0.045 0.845 +oob 0.024 0.736 +ooc 0.009 0.856 +oocysts 0.082 0.034 +oocyte 0.100 0.013 +oocytes 0.146 0.009 +ood 0.012 0.583 +oodle 0.965 0.005 +oodles 0.244 0.020 +oof 0.118 0.318 +ooff 0.005 0.169 +oog 0.172 0.255 +oogenesis 0.161 0.020 +oogie 0.862 0.047 +oogle 0.022 0.007 +ooh 0.519 0.077 +ooi 0.795 0.130 +ooions 0.000 0.000 +ook 0.117 0.090 +ooks 0.029 0.234 +ool 0.041 0.301 +oolite 0.832 0.007 +oolong 0.693 0.061 +ools 0.004 0.279 +ooltewah 0.901 0.079 +oom 0.149 0.409 +oomoo 0.988 0.009 +oompa 0.854 0.031 +oomph 0.329 0.109 +ooms 0.345 0.085 +oon 0.128 0.282 +oona 0.879 0.071 +ooo 0.024 0.042 +oooh 0.590 0.037 +oooo 0.260 0.161 +ooooh 0.618 0.048 +ooops 0.699 0.043 +oop 0.070 0.798 +oophorectomy 0.126 0.011 +oops 0.212 0.040 +oopsla 0.009 0.954 +oor 0.109 0.191 +oorn 0.011 0.000 +oort 0.891 0.064 +oos 0.059 0.752 +oost 0.353 0.028 +oostende 0.780 0.140 +oosterhuis 0.957 0.022 +oot 0.087 0.301 +ooty 0.903 0.031 +ooze 0.120 0.504 +oozed 0.006 0.000 +oozes 0.046 0.009 +oozing 0.098 0.008 +op 0.268 0.165 +opa 0.305 0.578 +opac 0.019 0.915 +opacities 0.080 0.009 +opacity 0.173 0.195 +opal 0.628 0.151 +opalescent 0.550 0.104 +opals 0.631 0.068 +opamp 0.433 0.213 +opaque 0.348 0.048 +opaques 0.574 0.233 +opas 0.194 0.633 +opatija 0.896 0.062 +opb 0.012 0.841 +opba 0.000 0.992 +opc 0.026 0.835 +opch 0.006 0.990 +opciones 0.356 0.011 +opcode 0.244 0.084 +opcodes 0.088 0.033 +opcw 0.000 0.995 +opd 0.009 0.900 +opdateret 0.662 0.000 +opdyke 0.853 0.125 +ope 0.132 0.530 +opec 0.128 0.861 +oped 0.043 0.054 +opel 0.751 0.064 +opelika 0.919 0.051 +opelousas 0.898 0.074 +open 0.476 0.025 +openacs 0.066 0.003 +openafs 0.014 0.001 +openal 0.432 0.000 +openbeos 0.000 0.000 +openbook 0.978 0.003 +openbsd 0.107 0.074 +openca 0.255 0.000 +opencdk 0.000 0.000 +opencms 0.017 0.000 +opendir 0.019 0.005 +opendtv 0.000 0.000 +opendx 0.012 0.000 +opened 0.061 0.011 +openejb 0.003 0.026 +opener 0.356 0.041 +openers 0.604 0.024 +openexr 0.579 0.000 +opengl 0.114 0.049 +openib 0.038 0.000 +opening 0.252 0.027 +openings 0.433 0.025 +openjade 0.024 0.000 +openldap 0.046 0.005 +openly 0.064 0.003 +openmcl 0.802 0.000 +openmotif 0.076 0.000 +openness 0.139 0.007 +openning 0.260 0.049 +openoffice 0.061 0.002 +openpkg 0.002 0.004 +opens 0.222 0.017 +opensc 0.003 0.000 +openscenegraph 0.030 0.000 +openscotland 0.014 0.000 +openshaw 0.928 0.056 +opensolaris 0.038 0.146 +opensource 0.257 0.006 +openssh 0.035 0.006 +openssl 0.015 0.013 +opensuse 0.011 0.000 +openswan 0.565 0.000 +openvpn 0.525 0.002 +openwall 0.913 0.000 +openwave 0.916 0.045 +openwebmail 0.023 0.005 +openwin 0.015 0.004 +openzone 0.958 0.033 +oper 0.313 0.272 +opera 0.705 0.041 +operability 0.160 0.020 +operable 0.224 0.103 +operacion 0.146 0.026 +operaciones 0.186 0.023 +operand 0.095 0.021 +operandi 0.166 0.013 +operands 0.068 0.030 +operant 0.318 0.013 +operas 0.358 0.016 +operat 0.182 0.070 +operate 0.039 0.014 +operated 0.109 0.017 +operates 0.058 0.003 +operatic 0.262 0.019 +operating 0.377 0.024 +operation 0.200 0.021 +operational 0.254 0.018 +operationalize 0.086 0.000 +operationalized 0.026 0.000 +operationally 0.156 0.004 +operations 0.304 0.024 +operative 0.141 0.018 +operatively 0.006 0.002 +operatives 0.074 0.011 +operator 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0.112 +orbsvcs 0.000 0.000 +orc 0.491 0.325 +orca 0.603 0.201 +orcas 0.753 0.039 +orch 0.334 0.600 +orchard 0.721 0.061 +orchards 0.374 0.029 +orchester 0.882 0.070 +orchestra 0.700 0.053 +orchestral 0.503 0.028 +orchestras 0.406 0.017 +orchestrate 0.096 0.005 +orchestrated 0.061 0.004 +orchestrating 0.199 0.005 +orchestration 0.379 0.007 +orchestrations 0.350 0.009 +orchestrator 0.629 0.014 +orchestre 0.732 0.099 +orchid 0.778 0.035 +orchidaceae 0.909 0.077 +orchids 0.564 0.025 +orchis 0.816 0.042 +orci 0.238 0.035 +orcinus 0.939 0.002 +orcish 0.683 0.009 +orcl 0.011 0.875 +orcs 0.494 0.043 +orcutt 0.874 0.111 +ord 0.439 0.338 +ordain 0.047 0.051 +ordained 0.142 0.043 +ordbok 0.068 0.000 +ordboksoek 0.000 0.000 +orde 0.442 0.129 +ordeal 0.129 0.013 +ordeals 0.208 0.007 +orden 0.537 0.054 +ordenador 0.058 0.006 +ordenadores 0.098 0.006 +ordenar 0.760 0.013 +order 0.322 0.036 +orderable 0.309 0.027 +orderby 0.023 0.027 +ordered 0.094 0.042 +orderform 0.612 0.090 +ordering 0.352 0.040 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0.009 +organist 0.307 0.020 +organists 0.474 0.039 +organiz 0.295 0.188 +organiza 0.107 0.019 +organizaciones 0.314 0.071 +organization 0.326 0.020 +organizational 0.356 0.021 +organizationally 0.197 0.003 +organizations 0.277 0.013 +organize 0.203 0.007 +organized 0.122 0.008 +organizer 0.563 0.032 +organizers 0.487 0.018 +organizes 0.113 0.005 +organizing 0.289 0.014 +organo 0.379 0.073 +organochlorine 0.354 0.018 +organochlorines 0.230 0.012 +organogenesis 0.297 0.034 +organometallic 0.564 0.055 +organometallics 0.778 0.067 +organon 0.866 0.059 +organophosphate 0.266 0.016 +organophosphates 0.262 0.027 +organophosphorus 0.555 0.026 +organs 0.154 0.016 +organza 0.650 0.098 +orgasam 0.013 0.000 +orgasams 0.013 0.000 +orgasem 0.000 0.000 +orgasems 0.000 0.000 +orgasim 0.020 0.007 +orgasims 0.007 0.000 +orgasm 0.191 0.008 +orgasmic 0.318 0.022 +orgasmo 0.077 0.006 +orgasms 0.091 0.005 +orgasmus 0.049 0.006 +orge 0.420 0.112 +orgel 0.872 0.051 +orgi 0.200 0.004 +orgia 0.028 0.005 +orgias 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0.602 +orla 0.830 0.050 +orland 0.860 0.069 +orlando 0.886 0.028 +orlane 0.825 0.117 +orld 0.004 0.502 +orlean 0.882 0.049 +orleans 0.902 0.040 +orli 0.887 0.022 +orlimar 0.863 0.049 +orlin 0.911 0.050 +orlistat 0.386 0.019 +orloff 0.932 0.049 +orlov 0.936 0.041 +orlowski 0.476 0.018 +orly 0.803 0.118 +orm 0.127 0.639 +orman 0.863 0.073 +ormandy 0.842 0.145 +orme 0.860 0.089 +ormeau 0.668 0.292 +ormerod 0.938 0.054 +ormiston 0.904 0.087 +ormond 0.883 0.065 +ormonde 0.925 0.059 +orms 0.113 0.393 +ormsby 0.893 0.090 +ormskirk 0.946 0.041 +orn 0.253 0.255 +orna 0.736 0.069 +ornament 0.554 0.068 +ornamental 0.416 0.037 +ornamentals 0.375 0.036 +ornamentation 0.114 0.013 +ornamented 0.129 0.004 +ornaments 0.569 0.039 +ornate 0.280 0.081 +ornately 0.090 0.019 +orne 0.817 0.071 +ornella 0.899 0.037 +ornery 0.281 0.010 +ornet 0.821 0.159 +ornette 0.845 0.029 +ornish 0.860 0.030 +ornithine 0.461 0.032 +ornithological 0.781 0.023 +ornithologist 0.265 0.008 +ornithologists 0.664 0.025 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0.528 0.284 +ortho 0.730 0.034 +orthodontia 0.658 0.016 +orthodontic 0.420 0.030 +orthodontics 0.749 0.029 +orthodontist 0.500 0.027 +orthodontists 0.819 0.015 +orthodox 0.773 0.018 +orthodoxy 0.501 0.010 +orthogonal 0.143 0.009 +orthogonality 0.151 0.013 +orthographic 0.279 0.043 +orthography 0.323 0.008 +ortholog 0.124 0.002 +orthologous 0.029 0.001 +orthologs 0.128 0.000 +orthology 0.610 0.199 +orthonormal 0.067 0.008 +orthop 0.982 0.010 +orthopaedic 0.723 0.025 +orthopaedics 0.841 0.027 +orthopedic 0.617 0.028 +orthopedics 0.852 0.033 +orthopedists 0.795 0.005 +orthophosphate 0.258 0.083 +orthophoto 0.774 0.006 +orthoptera 0.924 0.053 +orthorhombic 0.215 0.040 +orthoses 0.260 0.019 +orthosis 0.262 0.108 +orthostatic 0.317 0.009 +orthotic 0.540 0.035 +orthotics 0.545 0.047 +orthotopic 0.157 0.040 +ortigas 0.895 0.032 +orting 0.742 0.092 +ortiz 0.894 0.075 +ortlieb 0.948 0.038 +orto 0.623 0.085 +ortofon 0.867 0.109 +orton 0.889 0.068 +ortonville 0.810 0.125 +ortovox 0.951 0.043 +orts 0.217 0.143 +oru 0.363 0.425 +orudis 0.914 0.019 +orum 0.229 0.488 +orv 0.247 0.710 +orval 0.882 0.090 +orvieto 0.928 0.032 +orville 0.841 0.066 +orvis 0.945 0.034 +orwell 0.897 0.022 +orwellian 0.935 0.012 +orxonox 0.243 0.000 +ory 0.182 0.186 +oryctolagus 0.974 0.014 +oryx 0.818 0.064 +oryza 0.968 0.008 +oryzae 0.032 0.012 +orz 0.383 0.178 +orzo 0.538 0.037 +os 0.047 0.847 +osa 0.144 0.766 +osada 0.208 0.009 +osaf 0.001 0.527 +osage 0.854 0.099 +osaka 0.938 0.038 +osama 0.921 0.019 +osamu 0.918 0.024 +osan 0.807 0.084 +osap 0.005 0.937 +osasuna 0.955 0.021 +osawa 0.868 0.103 +osb 0.012 0.941 +osborn 0.882 0.100 +osborne 0.900 0.079 +osbourne 0.738 0.070 +osbournes 0.884 0.079 +osburn 0.839 0.112 +osc 0.045 0.844 +osca 0.440 0.502 +oscar 0.873 0.075 +oscars 0.911 0.022 +osce 0.003 0.992 +osceola 0.870 0.100 +oscillate 0.145 0.007 +oscillates 0.026 0.003 +oscillating 0.317 0.027 +oscillation 0.262 0.018 +oscillations 0.135 0.026 +oscillator 0.311 0.029 +oscillators 0.267 0.081 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0.744 0.017 +oxytetracycline 0.414 0.044 +oxytocin 0.342 0.020 +oy 0.617 0.211 +oya 0.657 0.251 +oyama 0.935 0.045 +oye 0.640 0.121 +oyen 0.912 0.051 +oyez 0.929 0.055 +oyj 0.830 0.157 +oyo 0.718 0.208 +oyrics 0.000 0.000 +oys 0.073 0.255 +oyster 0.597 0.059 +oystercatcher 0.791 0.033 +oysters 0.328 0.026 +oyu 0.520 0.058 +oyun 0.249 0.032 +oz 0.165 0.100 +ozaki 0.794 0.197 +ozark 0.873 0.074 +ozarks 0.874 0.056 +ozaukee 0.898 0.069 +ozawa 0.751 0.049 +ozbek 0.859 0.133 +ozdip 0.012 0.006 +ozeki 0.811 0.071 +ozer 0.873 0.053 +ozgur 0.672 0.044 +ozi 0.546 0.146 +ozma 0.930 0.034 +ozomatli 0.924 0.027 +ozon 0.764 0.051 +ozona 0.814 0.145 +ozone 0.403 0.056 +ozric 0.833 0.040 +ozs 0.121 0.046 +oztivo 0.005 0.002 +ozu 0.847 0.042 +ozz 0.663 0.175 +ozzfest 0.804 0.096 +ozzie 0.857 0.043 +ozzy 0.751 0.068 +p 0.625 0.000 +pa 0.050 0.865 +paa 0.080 0.751 +paal 0.780 0.102 +paan 0.057 0.845 +paar 0.190 0.023 +paare 0.275 0.002 +paarl 0.956 0.027 +paas 0.396 0.418 +paasche 0.906 0.062 +paavo 0.955 0.025 +pab 0.071 0.875 +paba 0.086 0.863 +pablo 0.876 0.046 +pabst 0.824 0.081 +pabx 0.034 0.907 +pac 0.438 0.489 +paca 0.281 0.483 +pacc 0.033 0.914 +paccar 0.455 0.537 +pacchetti 0.399 0.003 +pace 0.250 0.087 +paced 0.068 0.008 +pacem 0.501 0.043 +pacemaker 0.369 0.044 +pacemakers 0.353 0.046 +pacer 0.577 0.242 +pacers 0.926 0.037 +paces 0.170 0.044 +pacesetter 0.816 0.045 +pacey 0.799 0.034 +pach 0.489 0.085 +pacha 0.820 0.104 +pacheco 0.924 0.057 +pachelbel 0.880 0.046 +pachinko 0.467 0.025 +pachislo 0.212 0.020 +pachyderm 0.561 0.016 +paci 0.561 0.326 +pacientes 0.265 0.014 +pacific 0.825 0.038 +pacifica 0.908 0.036 +pacification 0.228 0.014 +pacifico 0.856 0.061 +pacificpoker 0.061 0.008 +pacified 0.049 0.004 +pacifier 0.597 0.037 +pacifiers 0.594 0.027 +pacifique 0.846 0.101 +pacifism 0.475 0.008 +pacifist 0.215 0.007 +pacifists 0.255 0.006 +pacify 0.046 0.006 +pacing 0.204 0.013 +pacini 0.745 0.246 +pacino 0.907 0.053 +paciotti 0.576 0.379 +pacis 0.650 0.163 +pack 0.582 0.059 +packa 0.419 0.027 +packable 0.487 0.021 +package 0.327 0.034 +packaged 0.287 0.021 +packager 0.760 0.012 +packagers 0.453 0.094 +packages 0.380 0.014 +packaging 0.468 0.050 +packagings 0.196 0.038 +packard 0.871 0.078 +packed 0.111 0.021 +packer 0.748 0.053 +packers 0.844 0.045 +packet 0.239 0.017 +packeteer 0.870 0.113 +packetloss 0.874 0.000 +packets 0.109 0.017 +packhorse 0.184 0.010 +packin 0.403 0.047 +packing 0.387 0.044 +packings 0.296 0.058 +packman 0.740 0.054 +packrat 0.474 0.084 +packs 0.577 0.036 +packwood 0.854 0.105 +paclitaxel 0.349 0.019 +pacman 0.589 0.049 +paco 0.806 0.141 +pacoima 0.844 0.099 +pacolet 0.904 0.087 +pacon 0.925 0.067 +pacquiao 0.943 0.031 +pacs 0.117 0.838 +pacsafe 0.959 0.020 +pact 0.359 0.146 +pacts 0.180 0.090 +pacu 0.133 0.765 +pad 0.398 0.139 +pada 0.209 0.059 +padang 0.864 0.041 +padawan 0.743 0.008 +padd 0.031 0.940 +padded 0.371 0.046 +paddies 0.123 0.010 +padding 0.115 0.086 +paddington 0.875 0.084 +paddingtons 0.948 0.026 +paddle 0.447 0.033 +paddleball 0.824 0.024 +paddled 0.148 0.003 +paddler 0.487 0.018 +paddlers 0.304 0.016 +paddles 0.536 0.023 +paddlesports 0.363 0.001 +paddling 0.501 0.025 +paddock 0.577 0.051 +paddocks 0.240 0.016 +paddy 0.742 0.027 +paden 0.856 0.095 +paderborn 0.944 0.017 +padgett 0.904 0.078 +padi 0.093 0.837 +padilla 0.918 0.060 +padlock 0.345 0.065 +padlocks 0.603 0.045 +padma 0.839 0.060 +padmanabhan 0.949 0.025 +padme 0.761 0.132 +padova 0.805 0.043 +padraic 0.943 0.027 +padraig 0.935 0.022 +padre 0.788 0.040 +padres 0.893 0.022 +padron 0.871 0.056 +pads 0.548 0.046 +padstow 0.801 0.106 +padua 0.933 0.036 +paducah 0.859 0.112 +pae 0.159 0.582 +paean 0.136 0.011 +paediatr 0.983 0.014 +paediatric 0.579 0.023 +paediatrician 0.405 0.053 +paediatricians 0.264 0.009 +paediatrics 0.812 0.024 +paedophile 0.209 0.014 +paedophiles 0.136 0.009 +paedophilia 0.200 0.011 +paella 0.537 0.035 +paeonia 0.928 0.036 +paes 0.475 0.141 +paese 0.447 0.040 +paesi 0.424 0.032 +paessler 0.957 0.003 +paestum 0.937 0.028 +paez 0.791 0.068 +paf 0.023 0.930 +pafos 0.866 0.050 +pag 0.229 0.363 +paga 0.251 0.128 +pagamento 0.064 0.014 +pagan 0.669 0.024 +pagani 0.842 0.038 +paganini 0.760 0.048 +paganism 0.606 0.013 +pagano 0.873 0.050 +pagans 0.610 0.009 +pagar 0.333 0.026 +page 0.586 0.019 +pageant 0.515 0.079 +pageantry 0.294 0.015 +pageants 0.488 0.034 +paged 0.133 0.015 +pagel 0.922 0.053 +pagelist 0.010 0.006 +pagels 0.957 0.034 +pagemaker 0.673 0.071 +pagemaster 0.794 0.037 +pagename 0.040 0.118 +pagenation 0.992 0.000 +pagent 0.212 0.028 +pager 0.431 0.043 +pagerank 0.332 0.064 +pagers 0.474 0.019 +pages 0.407 0.018 +pagesize 0.101 0.186 +paget 0.917 0.044 +pagetop 0.678 0.011 +pageview 0.350 0.009 +pageviews 0.399 0.001 +pagina 0.197 0.011 +paginas 0.117 0.016 +paginasnbspsimilares 0.000 0.000 +paginated 0.585 0.005 +pagination 0.297 0.033 +pagine 0.462 0.019 +paging 0.445 0.053 +paglia 0.887 0.051 +pagliacci 0.908 0.056 +pagnell 0.938 0.042 +pago 0.519 0.053 +pagoda 0.628 0.029 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0.034 +pallette 0.422 0.034 +palliation 0.139 0.007 +palliative 0.520 0.023 +pallid 0.250 0.014 +pallida 0.067 0.012 +pallidum 0.026 0.009 +pallidus 0.122 0.010 +palliser 0.898 0.037 +pallister 0.904 0.046 +pallium 0.094 0.012 +pallone 0.715 0.251 +pallor 0.098 0.009 +pally 0.561 0.035 +palm 0.770 0.036 +palma 0.870 0.037 +palmar 0.571 0.031 +palmas 0.831 0.052 +palmatum 0.045 0.022 +palmax 0.980 0.002 +palmcorder 0.952 0.014 +palmdale 0.865 0.082 +palme 0.897 0.035 +palmeiro 0.893 0.025 +palmer 0.899 0.075 +palmers 0.779 0.156 +palmerston 0.917 0.066 +palmerton 0.826 0.122 +palmetto 0.800 0.053 +palmieri 0.902 0.084 +palmira 0.913 0.059 +palmisano 0.944 0.047 +palmistry 0.583 0.035 +palmitate 0.443 0.034 +palmitic 0.459 0.024 +palmitoyl 0.266 0.025 +palmolive 0.816 0.125 +palmone 0.318 0.495 +palmos 0.046 0.023 +palms 0.594 0.045 +palmtop 0.641 0.020 +palmtops 0.675 0.011 +palmyra 0.868 0.087 +palo 0.902 0.044 +paloma 0.804 0.072 +palomar 0.921 0.049 +palomas 0.610 0.035 +palomino 0.741 0.048 +palooza 0.702 0.052 +palos 0.861 0.078 +palouse 0.891 0.067 +palpable 0.031 0.003 +palpably 0.020 0.000 +palpatine 0.900 0.067 +palpation 0.242 0.010 +palpitations 0.269 0.005 +pals 0.437 0.151 +palsy 0.497 0.014 +paltak 0.000 0.000 +paltalk 0.783 0.017 +paltrow 0.908 0.022 +paltry 0.062 0.003 +paltz 0.919 0.057 +palu 0.693 0.087 +palumbo 0.933 0.047 +palustris 0.019 0.016 +paly 0.575 0.038 +pam 0.628 0.191 +pama 0.725 0.225 +pamala 0.108 0.013 +pambazuka 0.857 0.136 +pamela 0.658 0.037 +pamelor 0.736 0.020 +pami 0.144 0.798 +pamibe 0.648 0.000 +pamintuan 0.074 0.008 +pamir 0.898 0.070 +pamlico 0.915 0.064 +pamp 0.152 0.748 +pampa 0.814 0.106 +pampanga 0.868 0.063 +pampas 0.542 0.148 +pamper 0.579 0.021 +pampered 0.394 0.031 +pampering 0.332 0.022 +pampers 0.734 0.040 +pamphlet 0.289 0.018 +pamphlets 0.292 0.022 +pamplin 0.913 0.064 +pamplona 0.877 0.035 +pamporovo 0.966 0.023 +pams 0.170 0.730 +pamuk 0.961 0.017 +pamukkale 0.775 0.057 +pan 0.614 0.061 +pana 0.333 0.467 +panacea 0.312 0.039 +panache 0.645 0.035 +panadoc 0.000 0.000 +panadol 0.818 0.036 +panafax 0.899 0.072 +panagiotis 0.939 0.045 +panaji 0.934 0.051 +panama 0.927 0.043 +panamanian 0.985 0.006 +panamax 0.847 0.103 +panamera 0.995 0.000 +panamericana 0.833 0.061 +panaracer 0.873 0.091 +panas 0.581 0.170 +panasonic 0.830 0.101 +panathinaikos 0.904 0.086 +panavise 0.830 0.164 +panavision 0.921 0.049 +panax 0.873 0.035 +pancake 0.499 0.051 +pancakes 0.453 0.031 +pancetta 0.383 0.017 +panchayat 0.640 0.020 +panchayats 0.518 0.009 +panchen 0.962 0.024 +panchkula 0.980 0.018 +pancho 0.864 0.062 +pancras 0.966 0.024 +pancreas 0.336 0.025 +pancreatic 0.352 0.018 +pancreatitis 0.278 0.015 +pand 0.157 0.073 +panda 0.643 0.047 +pandagon 0.944 0.002 +pandamonium 0.928 0.016 +pandan 0.756 0.037 +pandanus 0.627 0.048 +pandas 0.559 0.052 +panday 0.852 0.079 +pande 0.926 0.033 +pandemic 0.312 0.010 +pandemics 0.211 0.026 +pandemonium 0.609 0.039 +pander 0.200 0.013 +pandering 0.137 0.008 +pandex 0.054 0.941 +pandey 0.910 0.053 +pandie 0.991 0.000 +pandit 0.879 0.076 +pando 0.878 0.047 +pandora 0.848 0.053 +pandoras 0.388 0.030 +panduit 0.747 0.200 +pandy 0.830 0.064 +pandya 0.935 0.044 +pane 0.244 0.015 +paned 0.145 0.009 +paneer 0.549 0.031 +panel 0.495 0.029 +paneled 0.294 0.026 +paneling 0.239 0.017 +panelist 0.509 0.012 +panelists 0.388 0.022 +panelized 0.529 0.015 +panelled 0.176 0.019 +panelling 0.163 0.016 +panellists 0.296 0.009 +panels 0.306 0.025 +panera 0.914 0.029 +panerai 0.766 0.050 +panes 0.134 0.017 +panetta 0.911 0.082 +panfish 0.548 0.067 +pang 0.643 0.044 +pangaea 0.911 0.057 +pangasinan 0.847 0.079 +pangborn 0.930 0.064 +pangbourne 0.812 0.178 +pangea 0.894 0.043 +pangkor 0.869 0.089 +pango 0.360 0.006 +pangs 0.118 0.008 +panguitch 0.848 0.090 +panhandle 0.731 0.108 +panhandling 0.203 0.016 +panhard 0.836 0.046 +panhead 0.712 0.089 +panhellenic 0.948 0.028 +pani 0.471 0.137 +paniagua 0.928 0.051 +panic 0.355 0.034 +panicked 0.056 0.006 +panicking 0.131 0.006 +panicky 0.053 0.005 +panicle 0.254 0.006 +panico 0.760 0.041 +panics 0.133 0.050 +paniculata 0.067 0.023 +panicum 0.527 0.013 +panier 0.321 0.022 +panies 0.006 0.007 +panik 0.892 0.034 +panini 0.700 0.067 +panipat 0.923 0.066 +panis 0.797 0.070 +panjab 0.930 0.024 +panjabi 0.789 0.022 +panjang 0.787 0.035 +panjim 0.949 0.039 +pank 0.563 0.036 +pankaj 0.871 0.061 +pankhurst 0.916 0.050 +pankow 0.906 0.062 +panky 0.702 0.030 +panmure 0.876 0.112 +panna 0.445 0.151 +panne 0.706 0.033 +panned 0.083 0.006 +pannel 0.326 0.059 +pannell 0.847 0.135 +pannier 0.662 0.101 +panniers 0.474 0.037 +panning 0.267 0.019 +panny 0.682 0.012 +pano 0.575 0.046 +panola 0.858 0.124 +panoply 0.114 0.008 +panopticon 0.774 0.019 +panorama 0.660 0.063 +panoramas 0.645 0.015 +panoramic 0.418 0.021 +panoramica 0.812 0.022 +panoramics 0.778 0.026 +panos 0.773 0.134 +panose 0.128 0.019 +panoz 0.966 0.026 +panpipes 0.265 0.524 +pans 0.505 0.026 +pansat 0.418 0.188 +pansies 0.469 0.050 +pansonic 0.952 0.022 +pansy 0.641 0.067 +pant 0.700 0.062 +panta 0.357 0.198 +pantages 0.931 0.017 +pantagraph 0.947 0.007 +pantagruel 0.758 0.010 +pantai 0.833 0.056 +pantalla 0.203 0.021 +pantaloons 0.297 0.030 +pantanal 0.930 0.036 +pantano 0.900 0.065 +pantech 0.934 0.042 +panted 0.014 0.003 +pantene 0.848 0.061 +panter 0.847 0.062 +pantera 0.228 0.020 +pantex 0.952 0.037 +pantheism 0.493 0.011 +panthenol 0.647 0.027 +pantheon 0.715 0.024 +panther 0.785 0.077 +panthera 0.913 0.013 +panthers 0.926 0.028 +pantie 0.109 0.019 +pantiehose 0.052 0.006 +panties 0.205 0.020 +pantin 0.826 0.112 +panting 0.101 0.010 +panto 0.575 0.045 +pantograph 0.288 0.245 +pantoliano 0.975 0.013 +pantomime 0.357 0.023 +pantomimetic 0.017 0.000 +panton 0.754 0.148 +pantone 0.598 0.338 +pantoprazole 0.362 0.026 +pantothenate 0.435 0.028 +pantothenic 0.777 0.023 +pantries 0.209 0.016 +pantry 0.531 0.042 +pants 0.481 0.045 +pantsuit 0.467 0.047 +panty 0.294 0.019 +pantyhose 0.222 0.009 +pantyhosed 0.301 0.005 +pantys 0.092 0.014 +panu 0.891 0.047 +panwest 0.015 0.980 +pany 0.024 0.037 +panza 0.909 0.053 +panzer 0.855 0.062 +panzers 0.861 0.039 +pao 0.495 0.392 +paok 0.029 0.927 +paola 0.818 0.113 +paoli 0.794 0.176 +paolini 0.939 0.039 +paolo 0.884 0.051 +paonia 0.894 0.065 +pap 0.340 0.470 +papa 0.520 0.040 +papacy 0.457 0.012 +papadakis 0.940 0.039 +papadimitriou 0.949 0.024 +papadopoulos 0.951 0.044 +papagayo 0.895 0.039 +papago 0.902 0.059 +papai 0.945 0.007 +papain 0.425 0.035 +papakura 0.925 0.063 +papal 0.465 0.021 +papandreou 0.935 0.063 +papanicolaou 0.920 0.048 +paparazzi 0.403 0.019 +papas 0.730 0.128 +papaver 0.787 0.036 +papaverine 0.514 0.040 +papaya 0.564 0.030 +papayas 0.358 0.021 +pape 0.623 0.302 +papeete 0.934 0.041 +papel 0.291 0.039 +papeles 0.621 0.028 +papen 0.841 0.075 +paper 0.344 0.084 +paperback 0.924 0.012 +paperbacks 0.966 0.009 +paperboard 0.376 0.102 +paperbound 0.736 0.011 +paperboy 0.591 0.035 +paperclip 0.361 0.049 +paperclips 0.301 0.015 +papercraft 0.814 0.029 +papercut 0.596 0.014 +papered 0.105 0.051 +paperjet 0.910 0.059 +paperless 0.410 0.015 +papermaking 0.413 0.061 +papermate 0.680 0.257 +papers 0.507 0.037 +papert 0.944 0.011 +paperweight 0.522 0.141 +paperweights 0.739 0.035 +paperwight 0.921 0.000 +paperwork 0.162 0.015 +papery 0.117 0.006 +paphiopedilum 0.871 0.022 +paphos 0.868 0.043 +papi 0.510 0.324 +papier 0.467 0.039 +papilio 0.885 0.031 +papilla 0.085 0.010 +papillae 0.057 0.006 +papillary 0.291 0.012 +papillion 0.827 0.117 +papilloma 0.404 0.015 +papillomavirus 0.313 0.011 +papillon 0.850 0.044 +papineau 0.939 0.051 +papio 0.889 0.028 +papist 0.716 0.006 +papists 0.649 0.004 +papo 0.550 0.045 +papoose 0.676 0.086 +papp 0.775 0.196 +pappa 0.801 0.057 +pappas 0.911 0.066 +pappy 0.775 0.044 +paprika 0.327 0.034 +paps 0.308 0.371 +papst 0.536 0.283 +papua 0.946 0.047 +papuan 0.976 0.018 +papuans 0.992 0.005 +papules 0.082 0.007 +papworth 0.948 0.042 +papyri 0.456 0.013 +papyrus 0.620 0.040 +paq 0.019 0.966 +paquet 0.763 0.051 +paquete 0.266 0.026 +paquetes 0.339 0.005 +paquette 0.896 0.089 +paquin 0.898 0.033 +par 0.188 0.098 +para 0.155 0.076 +paraben 0.753 0.020 +parabens 0.517 0.050 +parable 0.315 0.015 +parables 0.356 0.025 +parabola 0.268 0.028 +parabolic 0.293 0.025 +paracel 0.980 0.011 +paracelsus 0.922 0.053 +paracetamol 0.344 0.022 +parachute 0.479 0.035 +parachutes 0.440 0.025 +parachuting 0.583 0.016 +parachutist 0.508 0.041 +paraclete 0.541 0.014 +paracrine 0.110 0.009 +parada 0.470 0.043 +parade 0.484 0.031 +paraded 0.008 0.002 +parades 0.280 0.019 +paradi 0.937 0.029 +paradies 0.749 0.027 +paradiesde 0.000 0.000 +paradigm 0.291 0.015 +paradigma 0.855 0.018 +paradigmatic 0.100 0.006 +paradigms 0.245 0.012 +parading 0.092 0.009 +paradis 0.714 0.080 +paradise 0.706 0.051 +paradiso 0.830 0.089 +paradisus 0.926 0.021 +parador 0.877 0.027 +paradores 0.628 0.011 +paradox 0.498 0.033 +paradoxes 0.293 0.014 +paradoxical 0.134 0.006 +paradoxically 0.399 0.001 +paradyne 0.816 0.172 +paraffin 0.358 0.036 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0.124 +parliment 0.561 0.028 +parlin 0.927 0.050 +parlons 0.834 0.007 +parlophone 0.747 0.164 +parlor 0.438 0.031 +parlors 0.308 0.026 +parlour 0.549 0.023 +parlours 0.395 0.008 +parlux 0.867 0.112 +parm 0.169 0.312 +parma 0.847 0.073 +parmalat 0.942 0.047 +parmar 0.902 0.068 +parmelee 0.861 0.128 +parmenides 0.855 0.015 +parmenter 0.916 0.066 +parmentier 0.888 0.071 +parmer 0.888 0.089 +parmesan 0.656 0.032 +parmi 0.193 0.170 +parmigiana 0.651 0.112 +parmigiano 0.770 0.027 +parms 0.080 0.095 +parnassus 0.929 0.033 +parnate 0.775 0.017 +parnell 0.921 0.063 +paro 0.695 0.098 +parochial 0.357 0.019 +parodi 0.889 0.061 +parodied 0.023 0.008 +parodies 0.523 0.012 +parody 0.366 0.009 +parol 0.256 0.047 +parola 0.378 0.019 +parole 0.308 0.040 +paroled 0.247 0.031 +parolee 0.211 0.112 +parolees 0.161 0.056 +paroles 0.425 0.008 +paros 0.765 0.149 +parotid 0.297 0.020 +parowan 0.918 0.055 +paroxetine 0.400 0.015 +paroxysmal 0.356 0.015 +parp 0.035 0.908 +parport 0.055 0.287 +parque 0.839 0.032 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+particular 0.015 0.021 +particulares 0.066 0.008 +particularily 0.051 0.000 +particularities 0.078 0.005 +particularity 0.057 0.004 +particularized 0.023 0.006 +particularly 0.024 0.001 +particulars 0.175 0.037 +particulary 0.055 0.007 +particulate 0.275 0.022 +particulates 0.175 0.042 +particulier 0.049 0.021 +particuliers 0.088 0.024 +partida 0.265 0.021 +partido 0.350 0.016 +partidos 0.053 0.005 +partie 0.237 0.054 +partied 0.158 0.009 +parties 0.187 0.017 +partiesquot 0.000 0.000 +partij 0.177 0.006 +partijen 0.022 0.000 +partin 0.821 0.122 +parting 0.296 0.048 +partington 0.928 0.052 +partir 0.041 0.016 +partire 0.017 0.007 +partisan 0.155 0.017 +partisans 0.311 0.013 +partisanship 0.187 0.012 +partita 0.725 0.046 +partite 0.094 0.007 +partition 0.192 0.015 +partitioned 0.099 0.008 +partitioning 0.280 0.009 +partitions 0.193 0.019 +partito 0.133 0.084 +partizan 0.844 0.041 +partlow 0.865 0.099 +partly 0.419 0.102 +partman 0.019 0.000 +partment 0.003 0.016 +partner 0.450 0.021 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0.384 0.231 +pasadena 0.865 0.049 +pasado 0.166 0.024 +pasar 0.343 0.030 +pasaran 0.868 0.021 +pasay 0.877 0.064 +pascagoula 0.884 0.095 +pascal 0.847 0.055 +pascale 0.874 0.088 +pascha 0.443 0.016 +paschal 0.805 0.048 +pasco 0.872 0.098 +pascoe 0.862 0.122 +pascua 0.814 0.058 +pascual 0.892 0.064 +pase 0.253 0.383 +paseo 0.903 0.044 +pash 0.587 0.193 +pasha 0.848 0.065 +pashley 0.891 0.091 +pashmina 0.701 0.084 +pashto 0.952 0.010 +pashtun 0.976 0.006 +pasi 0.724 0.177 +pasifika 0.929 0.017 +pasig 0.894 0.053 +pasion 0.626 0.045 +pasir 0.877 0.049 +pask 0.455 0.493 +pasko 0.520 0.038 +pasley 0.861 0.090 +paslode 0.838 0.073 +paso 0.869 0.066 +pasok 0.044 0.925 +pasolini 0.925 0.053 +pasos 0.350 0.072 +pasp 0.016 0.936 +pasqua 0.740 0.040 +pasqual 0.930 0.061 +pasquale 0.924 0.048 +pasquarelli 0.995 0.003 +pasquini 0.966 0.015 +pasquotank 0.917 0.062 +pass 0.259 0.090 +passa 0.331 0.123 +passable 0.069 0.007 +passage 0.224 0.023 +passages 0.136 0.009 +passageway 0.065 0.019 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0.024 +pasts 0.190 0.008 +pasture 0.231 0.025 +pastured 0.194 0.011 +pastureland 0.167 0.060 +pastures 0.180 0.016 +pasty 0.380 0.014 +pasv 0.008 0.859 +pasword 0.168 0.023 +pat 0.781 0.083 +pata 0.191 0.677 +pataca 0.980 0.002 +patagonia 0.897 0.041 +patagonian 0.942 0.020 +pataki 0.956 0.037 +patan 0.905 0.061 +patanjali 0.967 0.014 +patanol 0.785 0.053 +patapsco 0.914 0.067 +patas 0.226 0.051 +pataskala 0.865 0.117 +patc 0.286 0.544 +patch 0.311 0.134 +patched 0.259 0.010 +patchen 0.521 0.079 +patcher 0.466 0.028 +patches 0.369 0.022 +patchett 0.939 0.053 +patching 0.229 0.024 +patchlevel 0.176 0.271 +patchogue 0.859 0.122 +patchouli 0.553 0.082 +patchs 0.746 0.017 +patchset 0.197 0.094 +patchutils 0.014 0.000 +patchwork 0.524 0.068 +patchy 0.286 0.123 +pate 0.578 0.138 +pated 0.009 0.005 +patek 0.884 0.031 +patel 0.908 0.051 +patella 0.380 0.021 +patellar 0.286 0.012 +patency 0.147 0.008 +patens 0.143 0.012 +patent 0.487 0.028 +patentability 0.136 0.016 +patentable 0.061 0.008 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0.009 +pathologist 0.415 0.021 +pathologists 0.570 0.015 +pathology 0.380 0.028 +pathom 0.975 0.016 +pathophysiologic 0.213 0.008 +pathophysiological 0.136 0.008 +pathophysiology 0.460 0.022 +pathos 0.157 0.014 +paths 0.158 0.010 +pathumwan 0.944 0.015 +pathway 0.225 0.022 +pathways 0.311 0.016 +pati 0.540 0.090 +patiala 0.966 0.028 +patience 0.182 0.013 +patient 0.235 0.022 +patiently 0.059 0.003 +patients 0.118 0.008 +patil 0.859 0.063 +patina 0.349 0.060 +patinkin 0.965 0.019 +patio 0.529 0.027 +pation 0.020 0.013 +patios 0.412 0.018 +patisserie 0.710 0.049 +patlabor 0.892 0.084 +patman 0.816 0.087 +patmos 0.776 0.145 +patna 0.953 0.036 +patnaik 0.926 0.044 +patni 0.914 0.040 +pato 0.564 0.183 +patois 0.303 0.022 +patoka 0.787 0.164 +paton 0.920 0.059 +patong 0.914 0.012 +patons 0.799 0.137 +patou 0.873 0.101 +patr 0.397 0.363 +patra 0.739 0.150 +patras 0.947 0.040 +patri 0.766 0.072 +patria 0.646 0.117 +patriarch 0.614 0.019 +patriarchal 0.141 0.007 +patriarchate 0.853 0.021 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0.896 0.066 +patter 0.265 0.030 +patterdale 0.948 0.020 +patterico 0.989 0.005 +pattern 0.251 0.025 +patterned 0.278 0.026 +patterning 0.204 0.015 +patterns 0.247 0.019 +patters 0.261 0.030 +patterson 0.900 0.077 +patti 0.905 0.051 +pattie 0.842 0.059 +patties 0.340 0.058 +patting 0.062 0.003 +pattinson 0.892 0.073 +pattison 0.906 0.083 +patton 0.898 0.073 +patty 0.849 0.051 +patuxent 0.916 0.067 +paty 0.622 0.057 +pau 0.605 0.100 +paua 0.705 0.082 +paucity 0.027 0.003 +pauillac 0.917 0.071 +paul 0.899 0.040 +paula 0.893 0.043 +paulding 0.887 0.084 +paule 0.891 0.035 +paulette 0.911 0.057 +pauley 0.903 0.064 +pauli 0.918 0.036 +paulie 0.869 0.041 +paulin 0.857 0.118 +paulina 0.749 0.066 +pauline 0.929 0.049 +pauling 0.967 0.025 +paulini 0.872 0.016 +paulinka 0.005 0.000 +paulino 0.896 0.074 +paulist 0.988 0.009 +paulista 0.907 0.045 +paulk 0.835 0.077 +paull 0.882 0.089 +paulo 0.890 0.034 +paulos 0.902 0.037 +pauls 0.877 0.067 +paulsboro 0.827 0.125 +paulsen 0.943 0.035 +paulson 0.866 0.057 +paulus 0.902 0.039 +pauly 0.858 0.026 +pauma 0.873 0.102 +paun 0.911 0.036 +paup 0.221 0.715 +pauper 0.622 0.053 +pauperis 0.155 0.033 +paupers 0.224 0.016 +paus 0.565 0.112 +pauschal 0.015 0.000 +pauschalreisen 0.967 0.000 +pause 0.261 0.057 +paused 0.023 0.011 +pauses 0.083 0.009 +pausing 0.164 0.005 +pausini 0.847 0.033 +pav 0.491 0.377 +pavan 0.905 0.032 +pavane 0.879 0.055 +pavano 0.913 0.026 +pavarotti 0.827 0.061 +pave 0.355 0.081 +paved 0.142 0.018 +pavel 0.944 0.024 +pavement 0.312 0.099 +pavements 0.247 0.021 +paver 0.549 0.074 +pavers 0.482 0.050 +paves 0.091 0.017 +pavia 0.870 0.038 +pavilion 0.680 0.203 +pavilions 0.480 0.029 +pavillion 0.712 0.092 +pavillon 0.862 0.057 +pavimenti 0.019 0.004 +paving 0.462 0.062 +pavlik 0.959 0.031 +pavlina 0.952 0.012 +pavlos 0.892 0.061 +pavlov 0.897 0.032 +pavlova 0.799 0.091 +pavlovian 0.921 0.009 +pavlovic 0.939 0.049 +pavlovich 0.943 0.047 +pavo 0.658 0.192 +pavol 0.902 0.085 +pavone 0.832 0.134 +pavoni 0.937 0.026 +paw 0.523 0.144 +pawan 0.864 0.061 +pawar 0.920 0.050 +pawcatuck 0.913 0.070 +pawe 0.975 0.015 +pawel 0.951 0.014 +pawhuska 0.816 0.140 +pawing 0.079 0.006 +pawl 0.329 0.101 +pawlak 0.923 0.051 +pawlenty 0.985 0.013 +pawlet 0.933 0.044 +pawley 0.896 0.075 +pawleys 0.923 0.037 +pawling 0.877 0.106 +pawlowski 0.938 0.050 +pawn 0.474 0.030 +pawnbroker 0.283 0.028 +pawnbrokers 0.767 0.033 +pawned 0.055 0.023 +pawnee 0.841 0.132 +pawns 0.206 0.019 +pawnshop 0.368 0.058 +pawprint 0.361 0.027 +paws 0.466 0.175 +pawson 0.961 0.031 +pawtucket 0.912 0.067 +pax 0.476 0.177 +paxil 0.240 0.006 +paxman 0.902 0.076 +paxson 0.877 0.117 +paxton 0.905 0.069 +pay 0.183 0.023 +paya 0.729 0.115 +payable 0.129 0.048 +payables 0.358 0.031 +payal 0.817 0.059 +payback 0.378 0.024 +paybacks 0.379 0.024 +paycheck 0.222 0.015 +paychecks 0.347 0.010 +paychex 0.824 0.139 +payday 0.457 0.005 +paye 0.084 0.805 +payed 0.034 0.027 +payee 0.292 0.045 +payees 0.207 0.024 +payer 0.220 0.036 +payers 0.122 0.029 +payes 0.060 0.014 +payet 0.962 0.025 +payette 0.857 0.109 +payflow 0.952 0.003 +payg 0.017 0.942 +payin 0.244 0.032 +paying 0.128 0.023 +paykel 0.929 0.030 +payless 0.843 0.034 +payline 0.371 0.004 +payload 0.291 0.016 +payloads 0.126 0.022 +paymaster 0.628 0.025 +paymate 0.814 0.088 +payment 0.338 0.031 +payments 0.240 0.038 +payne 0.881 0.083 +paynes 0.768 0.195 +paynesville 0.713 0.247 +paynter 0.896 0.071 +payo 0.162 0.017 +payoff 0.192 0.011 +payoffs 0.122 0.007 +payoh 0.879 0.082 +payola 0.588 0.018 +payor 0.213 0.038 +payors 0.161 0.016 +payot 0.894 0.093 +payout 0.299 0.014 +payouts 0.265 0.053 +paypal 0.524 0.217 +payphone 0.456 0.030 +payphones 0.352 0.030 +payroll 0.427 0.028 +payrolls 0.161 0.076 +pays 0.156 0.028 +paysage 0.421 0.018 +paysite 0.387 0.027 +paysites 0.331 0.045 +payson 0.897 0.070 +payton 0.896 0.061 +paytv 0.004 0.003 +paz 0.844 0.068 +pazza 0.699 0.015 +pazzo 0.630 0.029 +pb 0.202 0.640 +pba 0.007 0.957 +pbar 0.593 0.206 +pbars 0.679 0.000 +pbase 0.198 0.089 +pbb 0.037 0.894 +pbc 0.013 0.934 +pbcc 0.000 0.982 +pbd 0.007 0.954 +pbde 0.000 0.990 +pbe 0.013 0.787 +pbem 0.004 0.971 +pbf 0.022 0.815 +pbg 0.012 0.890 +pbgc 0.002 0.992 +pbh 0.029 0.914 +pbi 0.023 0.779 +pbj 0.011 0.830 +pbk 0.247 0.185 +pbl 0.020 0.949 +pbm 0.013 0.832 +pbmc 0.000 0.997 +pbn 0.026 0.928 +pbo 0.023 0.885 +pbp 0.020 0.880 +pbr 0.007 0.918 +pbs 0.007 0.932 +pbt 0.016 0.950 +pbuh 0.031 0.390 +pbuilder 0.004 0.000 +pbw 0.010 0.822 +pbwiki 0.000 0.000 +pbx 0.023 0.911 +pc 0.021 0.861 +pca 0.007 0.963 +pcanywhere 0.072 0.177 +pcaob 0.004 0.989 +pcap 0.108 0.269 +pcat 0.026 0.798 +pcb 0.014 0.871 +pcbs 0.131 0.690 +pcc 0.004 0.951 +pccard 0.047 0.653 +pccc 0.006 0.985 +pccw 0.003 0.987 +pcd 0.012 0.887 +pcdata 0.009 0.885 +pcdd 0.000 0.995 +pcdi 0.041 0.930 +pcdj 0.014 0.756 +pce 0.099 0.750 +pcf 0.007 0.796 +pcg 0.027 0.913 +pcga 0.008 0.904 +pcgs 0.007 0.942 +pch 0.054 0.653 +pci 0.011 0.900 +pcie 0.030 0.923 +pcifu 0.954 0.000 +pcinu 0.846 0.000 +pcitures 0.432 0.000 +pciutils 0.000 0.000 +pck 0.112 0.693 +pcl 0.026 0.842 +pclinuxos 0.007 0.004 +pcm 0.005 0.740 +pcmcia 0.019 0.715 +pcms 0.025 0.873 +pcn 0.009 0.948 +pcna 0.008 0.980 +pcntl 0.000 0.775 +pco 0.011 0.932 +pcol 0.009 0.891 +pcos 0.006 0.915 +pcp 0.009 0.912 +pcpn 0.111 0.852 +pcr 0.003 0.980 +pcre 0.005 0.393 +pcs 0.097 0.486 +pcsc 0.004 0.420 +pct 0.358 0.518 +pctechtalk 0.011 0.000 +pctel 0.056 0.549 +pctures 0.305 0.000 +pctv 0.036 0.666 +pcu 0.006 0.951 +pcusa 0.008 0.976 +pcv 0.011 0.863 +pcw 0.020 0.875 +pcx 0.010 0.854 +pd 0.083 0.811 +pda 0.015 0.913 +pdas 0.368 0.140 +pdate 0.000 0.838 +pdb 0.005 0.652 +pdc 0.017 0.921 +pdd 0.011 0.904 +pde 0.101 0.801 +pdev 0.002 0.025 +pdf 0.007 0.760 +pdfadobe 0.000 0.000 +pdflatex 0.012 0.029 +pdfs 0.019 0.124 +pdftex 0.005 0.004 +pdfwrite 0.000 0.000 +pdg 0.022 0.893 +pdga 0.000 0.982 +pdgf 0.002 0.988 +pdh 0.014 0.925 +pdi 0.022 0.919 +pdif 0.006 0.959 +pdip 0.006 0.975 +pdk 0.013 0.883 +pdksh 0.009 0.005 +pdl 0.008 0.859 +pdm 0.022 0.799 +pdms 0.027 0.869 +pdn 0.013 0.877 +pdns 0.379 0.127 +pdo 0.004 0.889 +pdp 0.004 0.954 +pdq 0.015 0.873 +pdr 0.022 0.841 +pds 0.015 0.925 +pdsa 0.011 0.934 +pdsn 0.000 0.743 +pdt 0.001 0.997 +pdu 0.009 0.933 +pdv 0.009 0.946 +pdvsa 0.062 0.931 +pdw 0.011 0.869 +pdx 0.047 0.698 +pdz 0.009 0.929 +pe 0.071 0.731 +pea 0.474 0.121 +peabody 0.919 0.053 +peac 0.139 0.740 +peace 0.412 0.031 +peaceable 0.280 0.012 +peaceably 0.043 0.004 +peacebuilding 0.503 0.018 +peacefrog 0.565 0.320 +peaceful 0.142 0.012 +peacefully 0.065 0.005 +peacefulness 0.060 0.006 +peacekeeper 0.672 0.025 +peacekeepers 0.198 0.020 +peacekeeping 0.248 0.020 +peacemaker 0.648 0.044 +peacemakers 0.502 0.027 +peacemaking 0.374 0.014 +peacetime 0.084 0.018 +peaceville 0.942 0.046 +peach 0.650 0.062 +peaches 0.565 0.046 +peachey 0.873 0.077 +peachez 0.777 0.014 +peachland 0.940 0.050 +peachpit 0.965 0.029 +peachtree 0.892 0.069 +peachy 0.581 0.040 +peacock 0.719 0.079 +peacocks 0.469 0.034 +peak 0.337 0.027 +peake 0.849 0.103 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0.002 +pedantry 0.352 0.004 +peddie 0.896 0.086 +peddle 0.202 0.047 +peddled 0.017 0.000 +peddler 0.579 0.047 +peddlers 0.476 0.039 +peddling 0.100 0.008 +pede 0.140 0.043 +peden 0.926 0.065 +peder 0.918 0.035 +pedersen 0.913 0.043 +pederson 0.936 0.054 +pedestal 0.554 0.042 +pedestals 0.587 0.036 +pedestrian 0.249 0.022 +pedestrians 0.144 0.012 +pedi 0.553 0.149 +pedia 0.544 0.025 +pediatr 0.987 0.009 +pediatric 0.632 0.026 +pediatrician 0.317 0.010 +pediatricians 0.608 0.008 +pediatrics 0.859 0.033 +pedic 0.583 0.035 +pedicle 0.148 0.023 +pedicure 0.563 0.042 +pedicures 0.522 0.010 +pedido 0.487 0.071 +pedigree 0.597 0.049 +pedigreed 0.269 0.014 +pedigrees 0.317 0.021 +pediment 0.230 0.021 +pedir 0.077 0.008 +pedlar 0.667 0.056 +pedley 0.924 0.065 +pedo 0.115 0.016 +pedometer 0.671 0.054 +pedometers 0.749 0.015 +pedophile 0.199 0.019 +pedophiles 0.189 0.015 +pedophilia 0.322 0.019 +pedra 0.805 0.040 +pedro 0.889 0.052 +pedros 0.952 0.023 +pedrosa 0.933 0.052 +peds 0.559 0.156 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0.536 0.021 +peevish 0.386 0.003 +peewee 0.646 0.112 +pef 0.017 0.925 +pefc 0.000 0.993 +peformance 0.451 0.039 +peg 0.387 0.384 +pega 0.152 0.497 +pegaso 0.838 0.082 +pegasos 0.823 0.024 +pegasus 0.873 0.057 +pegasys 0.646 0.267 +pegboard 0.419 0.044 +pegg 0.889 0.083 +pegged 0.060 0.008 +peggie 0.940 0.037 +pegging 0.103 0.005 +peggy 0.892 0.055 +pegi 0.180 0.704 +pegmatite 0.253 0.029 +pegpwrlw 0.000 0.000 +pegram 0.891 0.100 +pegs 0.326 0.081 +pegylated 0.265 0.013 +peh 0.449 0.317 +pehrson 0.963 0.030 +pei 0.285 0.637 +peice 0.065 0.062 +peices 0.056 0.045 +peine 0.313 0.022 +peinture 0.256 0.049 +peirce 0.923 0.046 +peis 0.069 0.815 +pej 0.126 0.802 +peja 0.871 0.041 +pejman 0.985 0.005 +pejmanesque 0.993 0.002 +pejorative 0.054 0.002 +pek 0.340 0.415 +pekar 0.921 0.024 +pekin 0.856 0.102 +peking 0.932 0.027 +pekingese 0.909 0.035 +pekka 0.958 0.017 +pekoe 0.866 0.018 +pel 0.150 0.688 +pela 0.310 0.046 +pelada 0.073 0.009 +pelados 0.010 0.027 +pelagic 0.293 0.093 +pelargonium 0.859 0.063 +pelayo 0.836 0.074 +pelco 0.784 0.188 +pele 0.850 0.047 +peled 0.952 0.020 +pelee 0.938 0.028 +peleg 0.945 0.041 +peleus 0.991 0.005 +pelham 0.898 0.080 +peli 0.713 0.050 +pelican 0.829 0.081 +pelicans 0.489 0.039 +pelicula 0.011 0.004 +peliculas 0.083 0.016 +peligro 0.368 0.095 +pelikan 0.802 0.129 +pelion 0.892 0.082 +pelirrojas 0.142 0.000 +pell 0.846 0.079 +pella 0.882 0.062 +pelle 0.786 0.065 +pellegrini 0.911 0.060 +pellegrino 0.927 0.055 +pellentesque 0.675 0.000 +pellepennan 1.000 0.000 +peller 0.915 0.021 +pellerin 0.888 0.095 +pellet 0.295 0.032 +pelleted 0.134 0.010 +pelletier 0.923 0.065 +pellets 0.247 0.077 +pelley 0.866 0.113 +pelling 0.796 0.033 +pellston 0.874 0.099 +pelly 0.890 0.068 +pelo 0.406 0.016 +peloponnese 0.911 0.068 +peloponnesian 0.971 0.009 +pelosi 0.878 0.104 +peloton 0.514 0.008 +pels 0.466 0.247 +pelt 0.597 0.060 +pelted 0.033 0.005 +peltier 0.874 0.062 +pelting 0.056 0.004 +pelton 0.874 0.101 +peltor 0.789 0.068 +pelts 0.217 0.075 +peltz 0.902 0.066 +peluso 0.943 0.041 +pelvic 0.289 0.015 +pelvis 0.207 0.036 +pelz 0.915 0.033 +pelzer 0.928 0.048 +pem 0.074 0.853 +pema 0.618 0.351 +pemba 0.951 0.037 +pemberton 0.892 0.092 +pembina 0.903 0.081 +pembridge 0.616 0.368 +pembroke 0.904 0.062 +pembrokeshire 0.970 0.013 +pemco 0.294 0.334 +pemex 0.638 0.343 +pemiscot 0.845 0.123 +pemium 0.990 0.000 +pemphigus 0.487 0.019 +pems 0.016 0.445 +pen 0.464 0.105 +pena 0.757 0.067 +penaeus 0.879 0.105 +penal 0.485 0.026 +penalise 0.029 0.005 +penalised 0.017 0.003 +penalities 0.026 0.012 +penalize 0.036 0.007 +penalized 0.042 0.013 +penalizes 0.052 0.007 +penalizing 0.075 0.011 +penalties 0.199 0.039 +penalty 0.163 0.048 +penance 0.276 0.019 +penang 0.925 0.033 +penarth 0.897 0.033 +penasco 0.817 0.069 +penasquitos 0.916 0.057 +pence 0.361 0.063 +penchant 0.026 0.003 +pencil 0.389 0.046 +penciled 0.278 0.005 +pencilled 0.094 0.008 +pencils 0.522 0.032 +pend 0.528 0.147 +pendaflex 0.779 0.190 +pendant 0.637 0.086 +pendants 0.787 0.023 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0.559 0.049 +pentacles 0.755 0.035 +pentagon 0.939 0.024 +pentagonal 0.245 0.012 +pentagram 0.532 0.070 +pentair 0.840 0.135 +pentamidine 0.453 0.019 +pentane 0.291 0.084 +pentateuch 0.966 0.021 +pentathlon 0.752 0.049 +pentatonic 0.331 0.014 +pentax 0.816 0.118 +pentazocine 0.565 0.017 +pente 0.375 0.034 +pentecost 0.952 0.031 +pentecostal 0.902 0.033 +pentecostalism 0.944 0.012 +pentecostals 0.923 0.011 +pentel 0.790 0.161 +pentermine 0.101 0.000 +pentex 0.254 0.725 +penthouse 0.703 0.044 +penthouses 0.424 0.015 +penticton 0.944 0.035 +pentium 0.924 0.023 +pentiumpro 0.000 0.000 +pentland 0.878 0.105 +pentobarbital 0.421 0.014 +penton 0.968 0.016 +pentonville 0.967 0.017 +pentop 0.839 0.017 +pentose 0.295 0.021 +pentoxifylline 0.491 0.022 +pentre 0.925 0.045 +pentru 0.118 0.027 +pentti 0.966 0.024 +pentwater 0.831 0.117 +penultimate 0.203 0.009 +penumbra 0.575 0.012 +penwith 0.968 0.020 +penwortham 0.938 0.057 +penza 0.955 0.024 +penzance 0.937 0.031 +peo 0.090 0.442 +peole 0.334 0.007 +peolpe 0.450 0.007 +peon 0.561 0.045 +peonies 0.601 0.031 +peons 0.188 0.058 +peony 0.667 0.054 +peop 0.490 0.059 +peope 0.449 0.004 +peopel 0.333 0.009 +peopie 0.570 0.000 +peopl 0.292 0.053 +people 0.193 0.011 +peopled 0.041 0.002 +peoples 0.317 0.023 +peoplesoft 0.702 0.104 +peoplesound 0.717 0.267 +peoria 0.909 0.062 +peotone 0.828 0.143 +pep 0.185 0.473 +pepa 0.640 0.227 +pepcid 0.799 0.081 +pepco 0.649 0.345 +pepe 0.653 0.120 +peper 0.431 0.029 +pepi 0.719 0.153 +pepin 0.857 0.095 +peple 0.365 0.009 +peplum 0.786 0.032 +pepole 0.399 0.013 +pepp 0.283 0.634 +peppard 0.958 0.032 +pepper 0.453 0.039 +peppercorn 0.623 0.044 +peppercorns 0.247 0.013 +pepperdine 0.961 0.030 +peppered 0.218 0.015 +pepperell 0.904 0.069 +pepperidge 0.911 0.033 +peppermill 0.953 0.004 +peppermint 0.646 0.061 +pepperoni 0.449 0.039 +peppers 0.506 0.038 +peppertree 0.863 0.068 +peppery 0.106 0.006 +pepple 0.695 0.013 +peppy 0.495 0.073 +peps 0.197 0.297 +pepsi 0.840 0.051 +pepsico 0.716 0.218 +pepsin 0.360 0.031 +peptic 0.465 0.017 +peptidase 0.231 0.029 +peptidases 0.065 0.005 +peptide 0.259 0.026 +peptides 0.333 0.014 +peptidoglycan 0.215 0.016 +peptidyl 0.313 0.063 +pepto 0.858 0.029 +peptone 0.301 0.053 +pepys 0.923 0.028 +peq 0.054 0.396 +pequannock 0.857 0.134 +pequeno 0.508 0.041 +pequot 0.912 0.065 +per 0.092 0.024 +pera 0.509 0.318 +perabo 0.774 0.074 +peradon 0.931 0.061 +perak 0.923 0.040 +peralta 0.911 0.056 +perature 0.000 0.002 +perc 0.361 0.302 +percale 0.596 0.066 +perce 0.903 0.058 +perceivable 0.033 0.009 +perceive 0.014 0.003 +perceived 0.056 0.004 +perceives 0.011 0.003 +perceiving 0.143 0.005 +percent 0.111 0.025 +percentage 0.223 0.019 +percentages 0.191 0.019 +percentile 0.604 0.014 +percentiles 0.238 0.016 +percents 0.290 0.036 +percep 0.103 0.023 +percept 0.528 0.019 +perceptible 0.018 0.002 +perception 0.215 0.012 +perceptions 0.177 0.013 +perceptive 0.153 0.006 +perceptron 0.396 0.017 +perceptual 0.238 0.011 +perceptually 0.132 0.004 +perceval 0.894 0.070 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0.341 0.015 +perennially 0.057 0.002 +perennials 0.546 0.028 +perens 0.989 0.004 +perera 0.944 0.041 +peres 0.919 0.055 +perestroika 0.505 0.020 +peretti 0.899 0.059 +peretz 0.963 0.027 +perez 0.898 0.066 +perf 0.499 0.170 +perfe 0.624 0.035 +perfect 0.259 0.022 +perfecta 0.573 0.100 +perfected 0.077 0.013 +perfecting 0.191 0.014 +perfection 0.327 0.025 +perfectionism 0.315 0.010 +perfectionist 0.179 0.012 +perfections 0.198 0.013 +perfective 0.187 0.020 +perfectly 0.056 0.006 +perfecto 0.640 0.116 +perfects 0.159 0.019 +perfekt 0.453 0.038 +perfer 0.080 0.053 +perfformiad 0.300 0.027 +perfidious 0.288 0.008 +perfidy 0.459 0.008 +perfil 0.521 0.030 +perfo 0.303 0.130 +perfomance 0.433 0.028 +perfor 0.115 0.017 +perforate 0.117 0.016 +perforated 0.366 0.033 +perforating 0.369 0.028 +perforation 0.244 0.020 +perforations 0.185 0.028 +perforatum 0.119 0.013 +perforce 0.624 0.093 +perform 0.090 0.009 +performa 0.817 0.063 +performace 0.259 0.030 +performan 0.456 0.189 +performanc 0.688 0.095 +performance 0.300 0.022 +performances 0.189 0.012 +performancing 0.930 0.004 +performative 0.154 0.006 +performed 0.058 0.011 +performer 0.468 0.021 +performers 0.294 0.026 +performing 0.363 0.014 +performs 0.131 0.005 +perfringens 0.048 0.017 +perfs 0.086 0.043 +perfum 0.463 0.118 +perfumania 0.945 0.008 +perfume 0.574 0.041 +perfumed 0.436 0.053 +perfumer 0.704 0.039 +perfumers 0.754 0.108 +perfumery 0.661 0.023 +perfumes 0.776 0.019 +perfumy 0.232 0.064 +perfunctory 0.038 0.003 +perfused 0.027 0.014 +perfusion 0.219 0.016 +pergamon 0.910 0.047 +pergo 0.703 0.031 +pergola 0.590 0.025 +pergolas 0.660 0.015 +pergolesi 0.898 0.058 +perham 0.890 0.082 +perhaps 0.310 0.002 +peri 0.385 0.164 +perianal 0.189 0.020 +pericardial 0.277 0.011 +pericarditis 0.430 0.022 +pericardium 0.260 0.018 +pericles 0.905 0.071 +pericom 0.894 0.097 +peridot 0.732 0.089 +perience 0.176 0.021 +perigee 0.648 0.027 +perignon 0.876 0.052 +perigord 0.876 0.044 +perihelion 0.377 0.011 +peril 0.308 0.022 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0.958 0.023 +peris 0.841 0.068 +periscope 0.608 0.043 +perish 0.099 0.012 +perishable 0.160 0.022 +perishables 0.255 0.020 +perished 0.088 0.005 +perishing 0.065 0.007 +peristalsis 0.152 0.006 +peristaltic 0.500 0.020 +perito 0.837 0.039 +peritoneal 0.299 0.017 +peritoneum 0.195 0.023 +peritonitis 0.330 0.020 +perivascular 0.127 0.007 +periwinkle 0.691 0.054 +periyar 0.949 0.030 +perjury 0.087 0.023 +perk 0.308 0.054 +perkasie 0.857 0.103 +perked 0.027 0.006 +perkin 0.818 0.160 +perkins 0.913 0.066 +perko 0.852 0.129 +perks 0.365 0.034 +perky 0.249 0.009 +perl 0.486 0.037 +perla 0.800 0.136 +perlas 0.862 0.039 +perldoc 0.211 0.029 +perle 0.829 0.076 +perles 0.484 0.037 +perley 0.927 0.062 +perlin 0.925 0.032 +perlina 0.680 0.040 +perlis 0.910 0.027 +perlite 0.366 0.039 +perllibs 0.000 0.000 +perlman 0.959 0.028 +perlmutter 0.952 0.042 +perloff 0.957 0.037 +perls 0.670 0.117 +perlstein 0.952 0.039 +perm 0.464 0.172 +perma 0.542 0.070 +permaculture 0.496 0.017 +permafrost 0.319 0.018 +permalink 0.771 0.062 +permalinks 0.265 0.014 +permanant 0.267 0.030 +permanence 0.190 0.012 +permanency 0.244 0.029 +permanent 0.398 0.016 +permanente 0.791 0.020 +permanently 0.087 0.010 +permanganate 0.234 0.059 +permeability 0.175 0.020 +permeabilized 0.029 0.006 +permeable 0.166 0.046 +permease 0.030 0.051 +permeases 0.591 0.011 +permeate 0.054 0.009 +permeated 0.012 0.002 +permeates 0.009 0.003 +permeating 0.036 0.003 +permeation 0.212 0.036 +permeo 0.983 0.000 +permet 0.121 0.004 +permethrin 0.453 0.061 +permettant 0.000 0.012 +permettre 0.025 0.000 +permian 0.920 0.064 +permis 0.068 0.034 +permissable 0.082 0.030 +permissible 0.102 0.034 +permission 0.095 0.015 +permissions 0.561 0.007 +permissive 0.117 0.016 +permit 0.202 0.041 +permite 0.063 0.017 +permits 0.235 0.024 +permitted 0.047 0.026 +permittee 0.280 0.014 +permittees 0.328 0.011 +permitting 0.123 0.011 +permittivity 0.129 0.019 +permlink 0.953 0.002 +perms 0.272 0.034 +permutation 0.135 0.011 +permutations 0.114 0.007 +permute 0.205 0.044 +permuted 0.159 0.023 +pern 0.924 0.036 +perna 0.834 0.052 +pernambuco 0.885 0.028 +pernell 0.816 0.142 +pernice 0.937 0.033 +pernicious 0.127 0.006 +pernik 0.943 0.050 +pernod 0.889 0.052 +pernottato 0.000 0.000 +pero 0.239 0.025 +perodua 0.944 0.043 +peron 0.814 0.100 +peroneal 0.251 0.011 +perot 0.941 0.044 +perotti 0.958 0.035 +perouse 0.887 0.071 +peroutka 0.887 0.105 +perovskite 0.184 0.052 +peroxidase 0.290 0.033 +peroxidases 0.568 0.009 +peroxidation 0.132 0.020 +peroxide 0.256 0.042 +peroxides 0.380 0.039 +peroxisomal 0.174 0.044 +peroxisome 0.250 0.033 +peroxisomes 0.201 0.007 +peroxynitrite 0.177 0.008 +perp 0.268 0.227 +perpendicular 0.073 0.007 +perpendicularly 0.012 0.000 +perpetrate 0.011 0.003 +perpetrated 0.098 0.003 +perpetrating 0.020 0.003 +perpetration 0.073 0.007 +perpetrator 0.054 0.011 +perpetrators 0.056 0.006 +perpetua 0.639 0.038 +perpetual 0.421 0.022 +perpetually 0.064 0.003 +perpetuate 0.023 0.004 +perpetuated 0.021 0.002 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0.138 0.018 +personalia 0.918 0.030 +personalisation 0.422 0.010 +personalise 0.588 0.030 +personalised 0.428 0.048 +personalities 0.358 0.023 +personality 0.299 0.014 +personalization 0.540 0.013 +personalize 0.424 0.023 +personalized 0.470 0.017 +personalizing 0.378 0.012 +personally 0.187 0.006 +personals 0.589 0.033 +personalss 0.000 0.070 +personaly 0.218 0.017 +personas 0.175 0.012 +persone 0.124 0.023 +personel 0.289 0.045 +personen 0.809 0.005 +personer 0.134 0.006 +personhood 0.224 0.009 +personification 0.105 0.006 +personified 0.094 0.008 +personifies 0.096 0.000 +personify 0.113 0.003 +personnal 0.238 0.015 +personne 0.188 0.015 +personnel 0.318 0.030 +personnelles 0.037 0.026 +personnels 0.103 0.026 +personnes 0.100 0.021 +personol 0.132 0.019 +persons 0.165 0.018 +persoon 0.734 0.031 +persoonlijke 0.347 0.000 +perspec 0.171 0.012 +perspect 0.949 0.019 +perspective 0.229 0.013 +perspectives 0.430 0.022 +perspex 0.452 0.070 +perspirant 0.702 0.037 +perspiration 0.117 0.008 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0.040 +pessoal 0.292 0.010 +pessoas 0.174 0.014 +pest 0.557 0.048 +pestana 0.951 0.034 +peste 0.325 0.032 +pester 0.171 0.019 +pestered 0.069 0.000 +pestering 0.035 0.003 +pesticide 0.373 0.034 +pesticides 0.278 0.029 +pestilence 0.223 0.016 +pestis 0.043 0.013 +pestle 0.378 0.051 +pesto 0.540 0.036 +pestova 0.904 0.027 +pests 0.254 0.022 +pet 0.644 0.065 +peta 0.221 0.700 +petal 0.554 0.061 +petaling 0.902 0.067 +petals 0.375 0.050 +petaluma 0.915 0.047 +petanque 0.694 0.022 +petar 0.901 0.031 +petawawa 0.920 0.069 +petcare 0.454 0.341 +petch 0.912 0.076 +petco 0.555 0.408 +pete 0.897 0.043 +peter 0.938 0.034 +peterbilt 0.725 0.154 +peterboro 0.910 0.054 +peterborough 0.931 0.042 +peterburg 0.925 0.036 +peterhead 0.904 0.084 +peterkin 0.934 0.058 +peterlee 0.804 0.044 +peterman 0.876 0.105 +peterpaulxxxcom 0.000 0.000 +peters 0.885 0.085 +petersburg 0.936 0.039 +petersen 0.939 0.049 +petersfield 0.909 0.031 +petersham 0.857 0.118 +peterson 0.924 0.059 +petersons 0.790 0.028 +petersson 0.958 0.034 +petes 0.649 0.079 +petey 0.842 0.032 +petfinder 0.831 0.016 +peth 0.403 0.125 +peti 0.255 0.096 +petiole 0.191 0.010 +petioles 0.105 0.000 +petit 0.695 0.053 +petite 0.506 0.033 +petites 0.730 0.044 +petition 0.253 0.037 +petitioned 0.033 0.006 +petitioner 0.350 0.029 +petitioners 0.340 0.025 +petitioning 0.118 0.012 +petitions 0.311 0.050 +petitive 0.000 0.006 +petits 0.436 0.062 +petmate 0.951 0.022 +petmeds 0.783 0.013 +peto 0.855 0.067 +petone 0.951 0.032 +petoskey 0.898 0.063 +petr 0.903 0.059 +petra 0.855 0.072 +petrarch 0.957 0.020 +petras 0.917 0.051 +petre 0.877 0.051 +petrel 0.742 0.046 +petrels 0.413 0.038 +petri 0.828 0.035 +petrick 0.910 0.043 +petrie 0.906 0.073 +petrified 0.488 0.032 +petrilli 0.341 0.011 +petro 0.754 0.085 +petrobras 0.913 0.079 +petrochem 0.730 0.045 +petrochemical 0.442 0.041 +petrochemicals 0.513 0.039 +petroglyph 0.738 0.021 +petroglyphs 0.476 0.013 +petrograd 0.976 0.017 +petrographic 0.324 0.029 +petrol 0.479 0.036 +petroleum 0.562 0.060 +petrolia 0.888 0.100 +petrology 0.657 0.051 +petronas 0.812 0.142 +petrone 0.919 0.064 +petronius 0.924 0.030 +petropavlovsk 0.950 0.043 +petros 0.883 0.068 +petrov 0.943 0.041 +petrova 0.883 0.101 +petrovic 0.888 0.078 +petrovich 0.940 0.031 +petrozavodsk 0.976 0.021 +petrucci 0.666 0.042 +petrus 0.891 0.061 +petry 0.666 0.085 +pets 0.745 0.024 +petsmart 0.690 0.108 +pett 0.745 0.195 +petted 0.034 0.003 +petter 0.914 0.030 +pettersen 0.940 0.046 +petterson 0.910 0.077 +pettersson 0.957 0.037 +pettibone 0.889 0.085 +petticoat 0.464 0.094 +petticoats 0.374 0.030 +pettigrew 0.935 0.054 +pettiness 0.055 0.004 +petting 0.380 0.020 +pettis 0.862 0.104 +pettit 0.896 0.089 +pettitt 0.884 0.103 +pettitte 0.924 0.032 +petts 0.933 0.043 +pettus 0.833 0.151 +petty 0.506 0.041 +petula 0.890 0.082 +petulant 0.073 0.005 +petunia 0.776 0.036 +petunias 0.519 0.014 +petwear 0.983 0.003 +petworth 0.961 0.027 +petz 0.813 0.055 +petzl 0.896 0.035 +petzold 0.957 0.035 +peu 0.072 0.061 +peugeot 0.722 0.099 +peuple 0.276 0.063 +peur 0.370 0.026 +peut 0.046 0.008 +peuvent 0.004 0.007 +peux 0.057 0.031 +pevensey 0.943 0.045 +pevonia 0.944 0.011 +pevsner 0.961 0.027 +pew 0.747 0.061 +pewaukee 0.901 0.073 +pewee 0.812 0.056 +pews 0.124 0.025 +pewsey 0.939 0.052 +pewter 0.679 0.081 +pex 0.197 0.591 +peyer 0.920 0.031 +peyote 0.510 0.021 +peyronie 0.779 0.007 +peyroux 0.945 0.044 +peyser 0.908 0.087 +peyton 0.911 0.061 +pez 0.520 0.272 +pezzi 0.389 0.059 +pf 0.047 0.777 +pfa 0.024 0.905 +pfaelzer 0.987 0.008 +pfaff 0.823 0.092 +pfaltzgraff 0.911 0.046 +pfalz 0.895 0.024 +pfam 0.916 0.067 +pfb 0.016 0.700 +pfc 0.176 0.807 +pfd 0.055 0.841 +pfe 0.012 0.812 +pfeffer 0.917 0.036 +pfeifer 0.927 0.038 +pfeiffer 0.918 0.048 +pfeil 0.720 0.066 +pfennig 0.856 0.034 +pferdefick 0.000 0.000 +pferdepenis 0.000 0.000 +pferdesex 0.004 0.000 +pff 0.082 0.762 +pfft 0.483 0.057 +pfg 0.029 0.877 +pfi 0.009 0.957 +pfiesteria 0.939 0.014 +pfile 0.038 0.117 +pfister 0.875 0.077 +pfizer 0.836 0.045 +pfk 0.024 0.903 +pfl 0.056 0.846 +pflag 0.022 0.893 +pflanzen 0.673 0.017 +pflege 0.922 0.006 +pflp 0.000 0.988 +pflueger 0.822 0.100 +pflug 0.964 0.027 +pflugerville 0.862 0.055 +pfm 0.019 0.888 +pfn 0.016 0.634 +pfo 0.015 0.901 +pfoa 0.000 0.996 +pforzheim 0.906 0.024 +pfp 0.009 0.911 +pfr 0.084 0.825 +pfs 0.016 0.862 +pft 0.082 0.781 +pfu 0.781 0.144 +pfw 0.004 0.947 +pfx 0.085 0.468 +pg 0.135 0.614 +pga 0.011 0.916 +pgadmin 0.016 0.008 +pgbuildfarm 0.615 0.000 +pgc 0.006 0.868 +pgce 0.006 0.969 +pgd 0.110 0.714 +pge 0.013 0.857 +pgf 0.028 0.776 +pgg 0.021 0.641 +pgh 0.287 0.319 +pgi 0.019 0.854 +pgina 0.007 0.000 +pgk 0.077 0.896 +pgl 0.006 0.934 +pgm 0.130 0.676 +pgn 0.393 0.522 +pgo 0.064 0.669 +pgp 0.010 0.848 +pgplot 0.014 0.757 +pgr 0.036 0.887 +pgrn 0.000 0.992 +pgs 0.129 0.224 +pgsql 0.002 0.006 +pgt 0.012 0.667 +pgv 0.004 0.946 +pgw 0.028 0.933 +pgy 0.007 0.969 +ph 0.423 0.355 +pha 0.123 0.660 +phaedra 0.904 0.044 +phaedrus 0.719 0.030 +phaeton 0.842 0.047 +phage 0.175 0.039 +phages 0.167 0.024 +phagocytes 0.177 0.014 +phagocytic 0.096 0.011 +phagocytosis 0.289 0.013 +phai 0.286 0.054 +phaidon 0.833 0.140 +phair 0.899 0.038 +phalaborwa 0.946 0.038 +phalacrocorax 0.987 0.007 +phalaenopsis 0.848 0.013 +phalanx 0.553 0.020 +phalaris 0.849 0.033 +phalarope 0.795 0.068 +phalen 0.928 0.058 +phalle 0.853 0.130 +phallic 0.244 0.021 +phallix 0.839 0.018 +phallus 0.301 0.019 +pham 0.579 0.044 +phan 0.791 0.051 +phaneuf 0.908 0.051 +phang 0.948 0.022 +phangan 0.932 0.041 +phantasia 0.754 0.021 +phantasm 0.765 0.074 +phantasmagoria 0.627 0.040 +phantasy 0.801 0.056 +phantom 0.731 0.056 +phantoms 0.638 0.037 +phar 0.452 0.229 +pharaoh 0.877 0.018 +pharaohs 0.740 0.030 +pharaonic 0.779 0.017 +pharcyde 0.895 0.039 +phare 0.544 0.322 +phares 0.794 0.052 +pharisee 0.937 0.016 +pharisees 0.961 0.008 +pharm 0.820 0.081 +pharma 0.757 0.059 +pharmac 0.531 0.212 +pharmacare 0.737 0.063 +pharmaceutica 0.843 0.073 +pharmaceutical 0.517 0.031 +pharmaceutically 0.058 0.003 +pharmaceuticals 0.754 0.033 +pharmaceutics 0.699 0.050 +pharmacia 0.785 0.061 +pharmacie 0.426 0.020 +pharmacies 0.489 0.006 +pharmacist 0.230 0.019 +pharmacists 0.373 0.014 +pharmacodynamic 0.231 0.011 +pharmacodynamics 0.415 0.019 +pharmacogenetics 0.749 0.018 +pharmacogenomics 0.638 0.037 +pharmacokinetic 0.257 0.010 +pharmacokinetics 0.261 0.013 +pharmacol 0.981 0.014 +pharmacologic 0.288 0.012 +pharmacological 0.281 0.029 +pharmacologically 0.089 0.007 +pharmacologist 0.498 0.025 +pharmacology 0.278 0.026 +pharmacopeia 0.840 0.037 +pharmacopoeia 0.743 0.019 +pharmacotherapy 0.533 0.034 +pharmacovigilance 0.570 0.041 +pharmacy 0.418 0.028 +pharmacys 0.036 0.003 +pharmaton 0.947 0.043 +pharming 0.489 0.021 +pharoah 0.884 0.040 +pharos 0.823 0.158 +pharr 0.881 0.099 +pharrell 0.838 0.067 +pharyngeal 0.213 0.025 +pharyngitis 0.418 0.012 +pharyngula 0.929 0.000 +pharynx 0.269 0.029 +phas 0.287 0.485 +phase 0.340 0.029 +phased 0.121 0.013 +phaseolus 0.925 0.028 +phaseout 0.243 0.038 +phaser 0.778 0.099 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0.046 +pickling 0.322 0.039 +pickpocket 0.400 0.044 +pickpockets 0.168 0.019 +picks 0.533 0.046 +pickton 0.838 0.138 +pickup 0.526 0.059 +pickups 0.394 0.052 +pickwick 0.897 0.061 +picky 0.140 0.012 +picmg 0.000 0.988 +picnic 0.518 0.030 +picnicking 0.346 0.006 +picnics 0.338 0.016 +picno 0.009 0.003 +pico 0.718 0.107 +picogram 0.858 0.013 +picolinate 0.599 0.030 +picon 0.877 0.011 +picos 0.808 0.033 +picosecond 0.304 0.038 +picot 0.718 0.048 +picotto 0.857 0.062 +picoult 0.933 0.035 +picpost 0.074 0.014 +picrures 0.465 0.000 +pics 0.289 0.026 +picsfree 0.002 0.000 +picsnude 0.000 0.000 +pict 0.355 0.207 +picters 0.019 0.000 +pictionary 0.727 0.052 +pictires 0.431 0.000 +pictish 0.958 0.010 +pictogram 0.198 0.033 +pictograms 0.720 0.005 +pictographs 0.241 0.009 +picton 0.912 0.073 +pictorial 0.511 0.031 +pictorials 0.582 0.030 +pictou 0.947 0.034 +pictres 0.399 0.000 +pictrues 0.292 0.000 +picts 0.262 0.024 +pictu 0.830 0.031 +pictuer 0.042 0.003 +pictueres 0.000 0.000 +pictuers 0.127 0.001 +pictues 0.188 0.004 +pictur 0.464 0.009 +picture 0.376 0.018 +picturea 0.491 0.000 +picturebooks 0.833 0.004 +pictured 0.221 0.018 +picturee 0.460 0.000 +picturemate 0.364 0.202 +pictures 0.235 0.012 +picturesof 0.219 0.000 +picturesque 0.095 0.007 +picturew 0.485 0.000 +picturex 0.544 0.000 +picturez 0.530 0.004 +picturing 0.397 0.018 +picturs 0.236 0.005 +picturse 0.424 0.000 +pictutes 0.504 0.000 +pictyres 0.425 0.000 +picu 0.024 0.929 +picures 0.249 0.003 +picutres 0.258 0.004 +picyures 0.229 0.000 +picz 0.395 0.046 +pid 0.033 0.487 +pide 0.168 0.131 +pidfile 0.014 0.176 +pidgeon 0.822 0.056 +pidgin 0.713 0.012 +pids 0.174 0.370 +pie 0.444 0.103 +piebald 0.700 0.037 +piece 0.192 0.029 +pieced 0.200 0.024 +piecemeal 0.054 0.004 +pieces 0.184 0.020 +piecewise 0.159 0.009 +piecing 0.355 0.029 +pied 0.588 0.044 +piedi 0.059 0.025 +piedmont 0.896 0.058 +piedra 0.753 0.049 +piedras 0.851 0.076 +pieds 0.159 0.021 +piel 0.651 0.047 +piemonte 0.783 0.050 +pienaar 0.865 0.121 +pieper 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0.988 0.000 +pilatus 0.876 0.083 +pilbara 0.955 0.029 +pilch 0.711 0.265 +pilcher 0.910 0.071 +pile 0.171 0.027 +pileated 0.696 0.050 +piled 0.049 0.003 +piledriver 0.499 0.089 +pileggi 0.919 0.061 +piler 0.284 0.034 +piles 0.116 0.021 +pileup 0.157 0.034 +pilfered 0.091 0.000 +pilger 0.901 0.061 +pilgrim 0.671 0.121 +pilgrimage 0.391 0.021 +pilgrimages 0.391 0.057 +pilgrims 0.417 0.018 +pili 0.360 0.164 +piling 0.195 0.083 +pilings 0.154 0.020 +pilipinas 0.915 0.032 +pilipino 0.815 0.037 +pilkey 0.956 0.036 +pilkington 0.930 0.055 +pill 0.198 0.021 +pillage 0.269 0.027 +pillaged 0.050 0.005 +pillaging 0.098 0.005 +pillai 0.919 0.054 +pillar 0.467 0.034 +pillars 0.324 0.017 +pillay 0.927 0.059 +pillbox 0.336 0.042 +pillbugs 0.903 0.000 +pille 0.378 0.032 +piller 0.775 0.130 +pilling 0.603 0.043 +pillion 0.308 0.044 +pillory 0.331 0.016 +pillow 0.515 0.051 +pillowcase 0.519 0.093 +pillowcases 0.574 0.052 +pillows 0.568 0.025 +pillowtop 0.669 0.027 +pills 0.206 0.015 +pillsbury 0.882 0.056 +pillscatalog 0.000 0.000 +pillwant 0.000 0.000 +pilocarpine 0.464 0.034 +pilon 0.816 0.138 +pilot 0.406 0.035 +pilotage 0.401 0.051 +pilote 0.152 0.027 +piloted 0.067 0.007 +pilotes 0.174 0.009 +pilothouse 0.625 0.037 +piloting 0.232 0.015 +pilots 0.300 0.024 +pils 0.346 0.120 +pilsen 0.970 0.017 +pilsener 0.878 0.031 +pilsner 0.746 0.039 +pilt 0.568 0.363 +piltdown 0.947 0.020 +pilton 0.829 0.158 +pilus 0.193 0.018 +pilz 0.659 0.037 +pim 0.105 0.731 +pima 0.836 0.109 +pimco 0.092 0.895 +pimenta 0.459 0.129 +pimentel 0.915 0.072 +pimento 0.516 0.038 +pimlico 0.907 0.069 +pimm 0.855 0.121 +pimmel 0.033 0.002 +pimp 0.564 0.092 +pimped 0.416 0.030 +pimpernel 0.816 0.046 +pimpin 0.470 0.039 +pimping 0.279 0.019 +pimple 0.250 0.036 +pimples 0.229 0.017 +pimppa 0.000 0.011 +pimps 0.464 0.036 +pims 0.046 0.845 +pimsleur 0.957 0.017 +pin 0.317 0.196 +pina 0.611 0.069 +pinafore 0.634 0.101 +pinal 0.895 0.083 +pinang 0.943 0.021 +pinar 0.884 0.073 +pinard 0.819 0.045 +pinarello 0.923 0.045 +pinas 0.357 0.028 +pinata 0.622 0.057 +pinatas 0.706 0.041 +pinatubo 0.921 0.018 +pinay 0.289 0.022 +pinback 0.671 0.085 +pinbacks 0.837 0.055 +pinball 0.709 0.031 +pinboard 0.604 0.010 +pinc 0.140 0.770 +pincer 0.316 0.032 +pincers 0.222 0.024 +pinch 0.218 0.030 +pinchas 0.973 0.017 +pinched 0.109 0.008 +pincher 0.736 0.054 +pinches 0.223 0.026 +pinching 0.197 0.005 +pinchot 0.960 0.027 +pinckney 0.920 0.069 +pinckneyville 0.760 0.202 +pincode 0.385 0.116 +pincus 0.946 0.040 +pincushion 0.476 0.040 +pindar 0.933 0.053 +pinder 0.833 0.063 +pine 0.629 0.074 +pineal 0.305 0.019 +pineapple 0.495 0.046 +pineapples 0.340 0.025 +pineau 0.860 0.091 +pinecone 0.580 0.130 +pinecones 0.461 0.032 +pinecrest 0.824 0.127 +pineda 0.894 0.075 +pinedale 0.891 0.090 +pinehurst 0.900 0.056 +pinel 0.940 0.030 +pineland 0.800 0.098 +pinelands 0.817 0.098 +pinellas 0.886 0.056 +pinero 0.908 0.061 +pines 0.741 0.067 +pinetop 0.873 0.072 +pinetown 0.874 0.104 +pineview 0.853 0.124 +pineville 0.866 0.096 +pinewood 0.800 0.073 +piney 0.827 0.088 +pinfo 0.019 0.037 +ping 0.461 0.074 +pingback 0.842 0.000 +pingbacks 0.870 0.000 +pinged 0.406 0.003 +pinger 0.620 0.017 +pinging 0.637 0.002 +pingo 0.864 0.031 +pingpong 0.178 0.021 +pingree 0.872 0.109 +pings 0.579 0.006 +pingu 0.817 0.047 +pingus 0.750 0.006 +pinhead 0.620 0.063 +pinheiro 0.851 0.067 +pinhole 0.526 0.046 +pinholes 0.164 0.037 +pini 0.716 0.081 +pininfarina 0.935 0.035 +pining 0.111 0.008 +pinion 0.374 0.110 +pinions 0.247 0.071 +pinjarra 0.707 0.278 +pink 0.525 0.076 +pinkas 0.957 0.031 +pinker 0.900 0.028 +pinkerton 0.908 0.057 +pinkett 0.907 0.026 +pinkham 0.906 0.087 +pinkie 0.541 0.037 +pinkish 0.107 0.037 +pinkney 0.926 0.067 +pinko 0.509 0.252 +pinks 0.532 0.047 +pinkston 0.890 0.091 +pinkworld 0.032 0.000 +pinky 0.613 0.047 +pinless 0.798 0.086 +pinn 0.670 0.221 +pinna 0.496 0.043 +pinnacle 0.719 0.101 +pinnacles 0.593 0.038 +pinned 0.225 0.009 +pinnell 0.873 0.088 +pinner 0.890 0.055 +pinney 0.924 0.063 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0.874 +pjb 0.011 0.763 +pjc 0.006 0.941 +pje 0.024 0.521 +pjl 0.009 0.897 +pjm 0.003 0.959 +pjrst 0.000 0.992 +pjs 0.154 0.439 +pjur 0.893 0.066 +pk 0.177 0.642 +pka 0.029 0.896 +pkb 0.011 0.962 +pkc 0.003 0.960 +pkcs 0.040 0.800 +pkd 0.137 0.738 +pke 0.249 0.529 +pker 0.096 0.016 +pkf 0.014 0.893 +pkg 0.185 0.125 +pkgadd 0.045 0.006 +pkgconfig 0.002 0.007 +pkgs 0.284 0.102 +pkgsrc 0.005 0.001 +pkgtools 0.000 0.000 +pki 0.007 0.928 +pkix 0.028 0.485 +pkk 0.003 0.973 +pkm 0.011 0.929 +pkn 0.031 0.493 +pko 0.019 0.864 +pkp 0.012 0.888 +pkr 0.003 0.963 +pks 0.100 0.660 +pkt 0.172 0.232 +pkts 0.235 0.032 +pku 0.009 0.943 +pkwy 0.846 0.148 +pky 0.620 0.360 +pkzip 0.067 0.665 +pl 0.172 0.568 +pla 0.180 0.559 +plaat 0.131 0.027 +plaatje 0.169 0.010 +plaatjes 0.178 0.010 +plaats 0.515 0.006 +plaatsen 0.057 0.005 +plab 0.082 0.755 +plac 0.033 0.678 +placa 0.291 0.036 +placard 0.183 0.036 +placards 0.238 0.017 +placas 0.097 0.019 +placate 0.028 0.003 +place 0.221 0.019 +placebo 0.221 0.012 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0.022 +planetariums 0.635 0.020 +planetary 0.617 0.034 +planete 0.490 0.093 +planetes 0.913 0.035 +planetizen 0.957 0.038 +planetlab 0.367 0.000 +planets 0.413 0.013 +planetside 0.910 0.006 +planification 0.294 0.029 +planing 0.263 0.043 +plank 0.439 0.037 +planked 0.545 0.012 +planking 0.133 0.021 +planks 0.156 0.010 +plankton 0.304 0.021 +planktonic 0.082 0.355 +plann 0.640 0.108 +planned 0.187 0.013 +planner 0.706 0.025 +planners 0.532 0.012 +planning 0.478 0.021 +plano 0.825 0.052 +planon 0.841 0.141 +planos 0.234 0.021 +planque 0.147 0.844 +plans 0.280 0.015 +plant 0.356 0.030 +planta 0.488 0.044 +plantae 0.971 0.006 +plantagenet 0.839 0.152 +plantago 0.891 0.018 +plantain 0.458 0.044 +plantains 0.278 0.024 +plantanswers 0.000 0.000 +plantar 0.357 0.013 +plantarum 0.399 0.033 +plantas 0.161 0.023 +plantation 0.566 0.032 +plantations 0.180 0.024 +plante 0.785 0.066 +planted 0.078 0.007 +planter 0.519 0.063 +planters 0.598 0.034 +plantes 0.456 0.037 +planting 0.228 0.024 +plantinga 0.986 0.010 +plantings 0.103 0.009 +plantronics 0.786 0.183 +plants 0.286 0.027 +planum 0.708 0.023 +planus 0.424 0.017 +plaque 0.447 0.050 +plaquemine 0.851 0.135 +plaquemines 0.911 0.078 +plaques 0.572 0.029 +plar 0.012 0.905 +plas 0.601 0.138 +plasa 0.304 0.598 +plasm 0.154 0.046 +plasma 0.493 0.035 +plasmapheresis 0.397 0.043 +plasmas 0.455 0.060 +plasmatics 0.878 0.031 +plasmid 0.167 0.018 +plasmids 0.358 0.007 +plasmin 0.290 0.011 +plasminogen 0.363 0.016 +plasmodium 0.952 0.010 +plasmon 0.516 0.066 +plass 0.637 0.048 +plast 0.769 0.112 +plaster 0.316 0.034 +plasterboard 0.494 0.030 +plastered 0.076 0.007 +plasterer 0.615 0.059 +plasterers 0.807 0.036 +plastering 0.600 0.044 +plasters 0.458 0.039 +plasti 0.602 0.194 +plastic 0.435 0.041 +plastica 0.322 0.136 +plasticity 0.227 0.020 +plasticizer 0.199 0.035 +plasticizers 0.308 0.042 +plastics 0.595 0.069 +plastid 0.252 0.008 +plastik 0.688 0.081 +plastimo 0.977 0.015 +plastique 0.323 0.062 +plat 0.355 0.108 +plata 0.879 0.039 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0.123 +pleine 0.335 0.059 +pleiotropic 0.143 0.014 +pleistocene 0.834 0.147 +plementation 0.000 0.000 +plen 0.131 0.368 +plena 0.365 0.052 +plenary 0.499 0.040 +plenipotentiary 0.691 0.024 +plenitude 0.310 0.025 +plentiful 0.039 0.004 +plenty 0.141 0.013 +plenum 0.690 0.041 +pleomorphic 0.292 0.028 +ples 0.069 0.022 +plese 0.409 0.056 +plesk 0.833 0.035 +plessey 0.904 0.080 +plessis 0.855 0.126 +plessy 0.955 0.023 +pletcher 0.947 0.049 +plete 0.004 0.028 +pleted 0.000 0.057 +pletely 0.000 0.019 +pleth 0.029 0.958 +plethora 0.046 0.004 +plett 0.959 0.021 +plettenberg 0.970 0.012 +pleura 0.213 0.018 +pleural 0.275 0.010 +pleurisy 0.404 0.023 +pleven 0.953 0.036 +plex 0.487 0.088 +plexes 0.105 0.012 +plexi 0.419 0.064 +plexiglas 0.728 0.088 +plexiglass 0.341 0.039 +plexis 0.939 0.020 +plexity 0.000 0.000 +plextor 0.801 0.147 +plexus 0.453 0.028 +pleyra 0.000 0.000 +plf 0.196 0.625 +plg 0.226 0.610 +plh 0.014 0.831 +pli 0.126 0.609 +pliable 0.133 0.035 +pliance 0.004 0.009 +pliant 0.300 0.014 +plication 0.012 0.006 +plications 0.000 0.004 +plied 0.018 0.005 +plier 0.637 0.106 +pliers 0.525 0.090 +plies 0.038 0.014 +plight 0.080 0.012 +pliko 0.733 0.052 +plimpton 0.945 0.043 +pline 0.114 0.097 +pliner 0.952 0.014 +pling 0.033 0.020 +plink 0.285 0.088 +plinth 0.297 0.041 +pliny 0.951 0.023 +pliocene 0.696 0.289 +plip 0.078 0.604 +plist 0.009 0.166 +pll 0.017 0.914 +pllc 0.035 0.957 +plm 0.013 0.938 +plmn 0.000 0.975 +pln 0.009 0.955 +plo 0.042 0.898 +plod 0.238 0.052 +plodding 0.081 0.006 +ploeg 0.867 0.041 +plog 0.332 0.124 +ploidy 0.248 0.022 +plone 0.847 0.004 +plonk 0.503 0.068 +plop 0.283 0.076 +plopped 0.012 0.003 +plor 0.010 0.858 +plosive 0.084 0.009 +plossl 0.937 0.022 +plot 0.295 0.025 +plotinus 0.938 0.042 +plotkin 0.955 0.033 +plotline 0.054 0.009 +plotlines 0.082 0.000 +plots 0.248 0.010 +plott 0.862 0.074 +plotted 0.024 0.004 +plotter 0.473 0.061 +plotters 0.641 0.016 +plotting 0.201 0.011 +plotutils 0.047 0.000 +plough 0.542 0.050 +ploughed 0.025 0.003 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0.140 0.016 +plumber 0.459 0.032 +plumbers 0.632 0.040 +plumbing 0.663 0.042 +plumbworld 0.366 0.000 +plume 0.303 0.042 +plumed 0.231 0.015 +plumer 0.924 0.030 +plumeria 0.705 0.095 +plumes 0.130 0.047 +plummer 0.908 0.064 +plummet 0.160 0.039 +plummeted 0.005 0.002 +plummeting 0.061 0.008 +plummets 0.232 0.011 +plump 0.187 0.008 +plumper 0.422 0.011 +plumpers 0.144 0.015 +plumping 0.449 0.042 +plumpton 0.800 0.164 +plums 0.394 0.053 +plumstead 0.924 0.043 +plumtree 0.934 0.024 +plunder 0.172 0.011 +plundered 0.054 0.004 +plundering 0.146 0.007 +plunge 0.239 0.024 +plunged 0.015 0.002 +plunger 0.289 0.048 +plungers 0.358 0.107 +plunges 0.098 0.012 +plunging 0.085 0.008 +plunk 0.361 0.036 +plunket 0.927 0.043 +plunkett 0.939 0.051 +plupart 0.000 0.000 +plur 0.072 0.296 +plural 0.188 0.015 +pluralism 0.312 0.011 +pluralist 0.154 0.006 +pluralistic 0.132 0.008 +plurality 0.041 0.004 +plurals 0.186 0.013 +pluribus 0.689 0.044 +pluripotent 0.177 0.010 +plus 0.419 0.062 +pluses 0.176 0.015 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0.000 +pnum 0.030 0.098 +pnw 0.003 0.942 +pny 0.041 0.933 +po 0.056 0.832 +poa 0.133 0.798 +poaceae 0.929 0.066 +poach 0.235 0.018 +poached 0.374 0.029 +poacher 0.564 0.053 +poachers 0.316 0.017 +poaching 0.173 0.012 +poate 0.154 0.012 +pob 0.107 0.636 +pobl 0.216 0.010 +poblano 0.500 0.024 +pobox 0.085 0.647 +pobre 0.558 0.027 +pobreza 0.378 0.017 +poc 0.037 0.873 +poca 0.487 0.258 +pocahontas 0.877 0.074 +pocasset 0.927 0.050 +pocatello 0.892 0.085 +poch 0.695 0.169 +poche 0.464 0.065 +pochette 0.291 0.057 +pock 0.435 0.088 +pocker 0.174 0.010 +pocket 0.650 0.031 +pocketbook 0.298 0.027 +pocketbooks 0.198 0.038 +pocketec 0.784 0.157 +pocketed 0.145 0.012 +pocketful 0.628 0.033 +pocketing 0.083 0.013 +pocketpc 0.077 0.011 +pockets 0.172 0.020 +pocklington 0.819 0.049 +pocky 0.769 0.028 +poco 0.525 0.061 +pocock 0.892 0.093 +pocomoke 0.910 0.068 +pocono 0.894 0.041 +poconos 0.843 0.024 +poct 0.004 0.336 +poctures 0.504 0.000 +pocus 0.663 0.037 +pod 0.381 0.280 +podcast 0.662 0.023 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0.023 +poetry 0.602 0.018 +poets 0.470 0.028 +pof 0.025 0.699 +poff 0.613 0.180 +pog 0.220 0.602 +pogge 0.711 0.084 +poggi 0.659 0.241 +poggio 0.914 0.062 +pogo 0.887 0.024 +pogrom 0.203 0.010 +pogroms 0.106 0.006 +pogue 0.931 0.048 +pogues 0.692 0.035 +poh 0.541 0.315 +pohang 0.939 0.050 +pohl 0.937 0.047 +pohnpei 0.906 0.076 +poi 0.223 0.387 +poiana 0.957 0.014 +poids 0.292 0.039 +poignancy 0.020 0.000 +poignant 0.077 0.003 +poignantly 0.033 0.000 +poin 0.398 0.116 +poincare 0.952 0.028 +poinciana 0.837 0.060 +poindexter 0.890 0.071 +poinsett 0.897 0.078 +poinsettia 0.664 0.055 +poinsettias 0.500 0.024 +point 0.244 0.026 +pointcut 0.134 0.003 +pointde 0.000 0.000 +pointe 0.842 0.076 +pointed 0.026 0.004 +pointedly 0.025 0.002 +pointelle 0.720 0.040 +pointer 0.166 0.040 +pointers 0.184 0.024 +pointing 0.124 0.013 +pointless 0.229 0.014 +points 0.232 0.021 +pointscore 0.899 0.042 +pointwise 0.135 0.019 +pointy 0.196 0.023 +poipu 0.932 0.031 +poirier 0.891 0.094 +poirot 0.935 0.043 +pois 0.373 0.112 +poise 0.193 0.031 +poised 0.103 0.013 +poison 0.455 0.037 +poisoned 0.182 0.013 +poisoning 0.291 0.017 +poisonings 0.230 0.022 +poisonous 0.176 0.022 +poisons 0.336 0.027 +poisson 0.756 0.020 +poissons 0.316 0.017 +poitier 0.922 0.037 +poitiers 0.870 0.041 +poitou 0.948 0.023 +pojo 0.296 0.597 +pok 0.455 0.169 +poka 0.474 0.049 +pokazuje 0.042 0.000 +poke 0.237 0.048 +poked 0.090 0.004 +pokemon 0.495 0.033 +poker 0.216 0.009 +pokerparty 0.033 0.013 +pokerroom 0.112 0.005 +pokers 0.219 0.007 +pokerstars 0.508 0.019 +pokes 0.170 0.017 +poket 0.104 0.016 +pokey 0.643 0.058 +pokhara 0.933 0.037 +pokie 0.594 0.033 +pokies 0.361 0.024 +poking 0.092 0.004 +poko 0.770 0.100 +pokolbin 0.890 0.105 +pokorny 0.944 0.048 +pokr 0.104 0.017 +pol 0.541 0.270 +pola 0.593 0.310 +polacco 0.951 0.014 +polak 0.902 0.058 +polamalu 0.921 0.054 +polanco 0.938 0.041 +poland 0.917 0.057 +polanski 0.939 0.026 +polanyi 0.978 0.016 +polar 0.582 0.047 +polara 0.844 0.074 +polarimeter 0.383 0.028 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0.053 0.006 +pollinating 0.087 0.010 +pollination 0.186 0.017 +pollinator 0.286 0.021 +pollinators 0.160 0.008 +polling 0.298 0.029 +pollini 0.688 0.258 +pollitt 0.948 0.042 +pollo 0.563 0.160 +pollock 0.818 0.056 +polloi 0.379 0.059 +pollok 0.902 0.082 +polls 0.546 0.015 +pollstar 0.910 0.047 +pollster 0.414 0.009 +pollsters 0.169 0.035 +pollut 0.751 0.049 +pollutant 0.321 0.024 +pollutants 0.212 0.017 +pollute 0.075 0.023 +polluted 0.083 0.009 +polluter 0.179 0.011 +polluters 0.119 0.017 +pollutes 0.064 0.005 +polluting 0.061 0.008 +pollution 0.347 0.028 +pollux 0.794 0.050 +polly 0.892 0.057 +pollyanna 0.895 0.038 +polo 0.732 0.098 +pologne 0.871 0.067 +poloidal 0.115 0.011 +polokwane 0.935 0.057 +polonaise 0.810 0.055 +polonia 0.820 0.045 +polonica 0.671 0.154 +polonium 0.411 0.028 +polonius 0.766 0.220 +polos 0.863 0.022 +polperro 0.906 0.039 +pols 0.231 0.582 +polsce 0.708 0.012 +polska 0.775 0.032 +polski 0.857 0.042 +polskie 0.502 0.024 +polsku 0.152 0.033 +polson 0.893 0.076 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0.323 0.029 +polygonal 0.242 0.006 +polygons 0.200 0.009 +polygonum 0.944 0.017 +polygram 0.784 0.124 +polygraph 0.349 0.025 +polyhedra 0.319 0.010 +polyhedral 0.462 0.010 +polyhedron 0.381 0.013 +polyimide 0.390 0.072 +polyline 0.107 0.682 +polylogarithms 0.910 0.000 +polym 0.902 0.064 +polymath 0.474 0.052 +polymer 0.378 0.066 +polymerase 0.239 0.029 +polymerases 0.376 0.020 +polymeric 0.258 0.057 +polymerisation 0.198 0.018 +polymerization 0.298 0.072 +polymerized 0.117 0.043 +polymers 0.361 0.113 +polymorph 0.499 0.034 +polymorpha 0.015 0.010 +polymorphic 0.183 0.011 +polymorphism 0.274 0.020 +polymorphisms 0.252 0.016 +polymorphonuclear 0.089 0.016 +polymyalgia 0.704 0.010 +polymyositis 0.449 0.016 +polymyxin 0.521 0.037 +polynesia 0.943 0.050 +polynesian 0.925 0.022 +polynesians 0.890 0.084 +polyneuropathy 0.223 0.019 +polynomial 0.124 0.009 +polynomially 0.053 0.000 +polynomials 0.174 0.013 +polynucleotide 0.161 0.032 +polynucleotides 0.285 0.054 +polyol 0.181 0.066 +polyolefin 0.393 0.151 +polyolefins 0.399 0.161 +polyols 0.256 0.046 +polyomavirus 0.261 0.008 +polyp 0.249 0.033 +polypeptide 0.066 0.030 +polypeptides 0.078 0.016 +polyphase 0.377 0.032 +polyphemus 0.585 0.026 +polyphenols 0.272 0.013 +polyphon 0.823 0.004 +polyphone 0.546 0.204 +polyphonic 0.590 0.024 +polyphonics 0.597 0.061 +polyphonique 0.069 0.000 +polyphoniques 0.375 0.009 +polyphony 0.344 0.013 +polyphosphate 0.163 0.052 +polyposis 0.203 0.018 +polypropylene 0.432 0.054 +polyprotein 0.066 0.102 +polyps 0.218 0.008 +polyresin 0.455 0.037 +polys 0.350 0.027 +polysaccharide 0.144 0.025 +polysaccharides 0.360 0.075 +polysemy 0.129 0.005 +polysilicon 0.257 0.031 +polysorbate 0.508 0.067 +polystyrene 0.331 0.048 +polytech 0.764 0.124 +polytechnic 0.919 0.032 +polytechnical 0.905 0.023 +polytechnics 0.389 0.017 +polytechnique 0.914 0.025 +polytetrafluoroethylene 0.508 0.033 +polytheism 0.240 0.011 +polythene 0.403 0.032 +polytone 0.553 0.007 +polytones 0.266 0.004 +polytope 0.085 0.006 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0.001 +pompom 0.439 0.056 +pompous 0.082 0.005 +pompton 0.879 0.109 +poms 0.288 0.165 +pon 0.321 0.238 +ponape 0.717 0.278 +ponca 0.886 0.076 +ponce 0.883 0.073 +ponchatoula 0.801 0.100 +poncho 0.494 0.076 +ponchos 0.571 0.040 +pond 0.525 0.049 +ponder 0.311 0.029 +pondered 0.033 0.002 +pondering 0.212 0.007 +ponderings 0.669 0.016 +ponderosa 0.619 0.049 +ponderous 0.081 0.004 +ponders 0.238 0.020 +pondicherry 0.930 0.052 +ponding 0.158 0.027 +ponds 0.320 0.029 +pondweed 0.290 0.029 +pone 0.236 0.046 +ponent 0.090 0.012 +ponents 0.000 0.004 +poner 0.072 0.022 +pong 0.586 0.039 +pongal 0.808 0.049 +pongo 0.754 0.036 +ponies 0.476 0.034 +pono 0.281 0.056 +ponoka 0.972 0.025 +ponr 0.014 0.032 +pons 0.699 0.085 +ponsa 0.921 0.028 +ponson 0.889 0.028 +ponsonby 0.937 0.035 +pont 0.804 0.092 +ponta 0.868 0.057 +pontchartrain 0.899 0.071 +ponte 0.890 0.047 +pontefract 0.916 0.055 +pontevedra 0.838 0.092 +ponti 0.792 0.064 +pontiac 0.832 0.091 +pontifex 0.758 0.047 +pontiff 0.479 0.013 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0.148 0.005 +porirua 0.952 0.039 +pork 0.433 0.069 +porkbusters 0.662 0.011 +porker 0.292 0.019 +porkster 0.969 0.000 +porky 0.768 0.090 +porm 0.023 0.008 +porn 0.185 0.017 +pornage 0.000 0.000 +pornagraphy 0.004 0.000 +porne 0.032 0.000 +porno 0.123 0.004 +pornobilder 0.029 0.000 +pornocams 0.008 0.000 +pornodarsteller 0.003 0.000 +pornofilm 0.171 0.000 +pornofilme 0.031 0.000 +pornoflat 0.000 0.000 +pornoflats 0.000 0.000 +pornofotos 0.004 0.000 +pornogallery 0.000 0.000 +pornografia 0.024 0.009 +pornograficos 0.000 0.008 +pornographer 0.373 0.146 +pornographers 0.692 0.019 +pornographic 0.131 0.012 +pornographie 0.042 0.003 +pornography 0.191 0.012 +pornogratis 0.000 0.000 +pornokino 0.000 0.000 +pornoklub 0.000 0.000 +pornonutten 0.000 0.000 +pornoparty 0.000 0.000 +pornoqueen 0.000 0.000 +pornos 0.022 0.003 +pornoshop 0.042 0.000 +pornostar 0.101 0.013 +pornostars 0.207 0.045 +pornosuche 0.000 0.000 +pornothek 0.000 0.000 +pornpics 0.023 0.000 +porns 0.074 0.003 +pornsite 0.742 0.003 +pornsites 0.121 0.021 +pornstar 0.598 0.018 +pornstars 0.419 0.040 +poro 0.250 0.027 +poron 0.326 0.122 +poros 0.773 0.135 +porosity 0.265 0.029 +porous 0.182 0.035 +porphyria 0.412 0.021 +porphyrin 0.244 0.021 +porphyrins 0.474 0.026 +porphyry 0.464 0.035 +porpoise 0.476 0.029 +porpoises 0.252 0.011 +porque 0.186 0.018 +porr 0.050 0.016 +porras 0.908 0.059 +porridge 0.469 0.019 +porro 0.755 0.032 +porsche 0.854 0.066 +porsches 0.900 0.010 +porshe 0.433 0.096 +port 0.499 0.043 +porta 0.646 0.084 +portabella 0.604 0.032 +portability 0.369 0.018 +portable 0.631 0.029 +portables 0.578 0.040 +portacribs 0.994 0.000 +portada 0.340 0.038 +portadown 0.858 0.093 +portage 0.753 0.056 +portail 0.467 0.014 +portal 0.585 0.016 +portale 0.464 0.028 +portales 0.530 0.043 +portals 0.554 0.017 +portant 0.007 0.012 +portarlington 0.860 0.136 +portas 0.660 0.065 +portatili 0.508 0.009 +portation 0.005 0.015 +portaudio 0.602 0.000 +portcullis 0.936 0.003 +portdir 0.000 0.028 +porte 0.617 0.115 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0.826 0.039 +portofino 0.895 0.034 +portola 0.909 0.066 +porton 0.930 0.032 +portra 0.723 0.170 +portrait 0.521 0.028 +portraits 0.530 0.022 +portraiture 0.416 0.013 +portray 0.015 0.003 +portrayal 0.062 0.006 +portrayals 0.124 0.004 +portrayed 0.023 0.002 +portraying 0.054 0.003 +portrays 0.027 0.003 +portree 0.938 0.051 +portrush 0.847 0.139 +ports 0.306 0.017 +portsea 0.896 0.098 +portside 0.598 0.052 +portsmouth 0.927 0.043 +portswood 0.966 0.019 +portugal 0.918 0.039 +portugese 0.910 0.018 +portugu 0.857 0.006 +portugues 0.730 0.022 +portuguesa 0.693 0.034 +portuguese 0.931 0.011 +portunity 0.012 0.000 +pos 0.225 0.434 +posa 0.401 0.344 +posable 0.261 0.061 +posada 0.903 0.034 +posadas 0.895 0.036 +posal 0.005 0.012 +posando 0.005 0.000 +posay 0.907 0.037 +posc 0.025 0.964 +posco 0.259 0.726 +pose 0.098 0.014 +poseable 0.486 0.080 +posed 0.029 0.010 +poseidon 0.846 0.088 +posen 0.556 0.415 +poser 0.369 0.027 +posers 0.164 0.039 +poses 0.121 0.007 +posesses 0.018 0.000 +posession 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0.008 +possesses 0.036 0.003 +possessing 0.085 0.006 +possession 0.123 0.020 +possessions 0.093 0.011 +possessive 0.147 0.012 +possessor 0.108 0.007 +possessors 0.107 0.005 +possessory 0.120 0.019 +possi 0.042 0.043 +possibile 0.031 0.014 +possibilites 0.061 0.010 +possibilities 0.080 0.009 +possibility 0.032 0.031 +possibilty 0.098 0.012 +possible 0.049 0.008 +possibles 0.112 0.027 +possiblities 0.089 0.014 +possiblity 0.026 0.014 +possibly 0.081 0.006 +posso 0.147 0.061 +possono 0.022 0.006 +possum 0.591 0.053 +possums 0.301 0.021 +post 0.561 0.017 +posta 0.457 0.054 +postage 0.547 0.071 +postal 0.793 0.029 +postale 0.162 0.021 +postales 0.167 0.010 +postaroo 0.996 0.000 +postbaccalaureate 0.582 0.025 +postback 0.195 0.006 +postbag 0.764 0.020 +postbank 0.824 0.022 +postboks 0.971 0.010 +postbox 0.670 0.029 +postbus 0.948 0.015 +postcard 0.526 0.073 +postcards 0.642 0.042 +postcode 0.493 0.041 +postcodes 0.540 0.053 +postcolonial 0.474 0.011 +postcondition 0.269 0.009 +postconditions 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0.972 0.009 +powertec 0.911 0.052 +powertools 0.669 0.054 +powertoys 0.881 0.000 +powertrain 0.553 0.044 +powerup 0.229 0.048 +powerups 0.152 0.008 +powerview 0.927 0.044 +powerware 0.693 0.294 +powerweb 0.254 0.059 +powerwinch 0.933 0.060 +poweshiek 0.889 0.078 +powhatan 0.901 0.071 +powis 0.909 0.075 +pownal 0.861 0.079 +powr 0.520 0.302 +powter 0.580 0.043 +powwow 0.628 0.049 +powwows 0.956 0.002 +powys 0.952 0.035 +pox 0.314 0.062 +poy 0.034 0.230 +poydras 0.885 0.103 +poyner 0.944 0.046 +poynter 0.990 0.007 +poynting 0.921 0.038 +poynton 0.905 0.073 +poz 0.135 0.577 +poza 0.678 0.027 +poze 0.318 0.064 +poznan 0.902 0.032 +pozo 0.849 0.101 +pozosta 0.836 0.133 +pozuje 0.000 0.000 +pozycjonowanie 0.834 0.000 +pozzi 0.823 0.068 +pozzo 0.763 0.116 +pp 0.062 0.135 +ppa 0.009 0.926 +ppar 0.014 0.931 +ppb 0.019 0.178 +ppbv 0.000 0.070 +ppc 0.007 0.558 +ppd 0.010 0.750 +ppe 0.004 0.958 +ppendix 0.000 0.957 +ppf 0.012 0.908 +ppg 0.007 0.685 +pph 0.027 0.830 +ppi 0.017 0.840 +pping 0.000 0.866 +ppk 0.053 0.513 +ppl 0.016 0.309 +pple 0.043 0.061 +pplication 0.000 0.844 +ppm 0.003 0.211 +ppml 0.000 0.151 +ppmv 0.000 0.030 +ppn 0.007 0.850 +ppo 0.014 0.911 +ppp 0.005 0.621 +pppd 0.006 0.046 +pppl 0.000 0.970 +pppn 0.000 0.171 +pppoe 0.007 0.157 +pppp 0.004 0.464 +ppq 0.013 0.891 +ppr 0.044 0.789 +pprn 0.011 0.015 +pps 0.007 0.619 +ppt 0.011 0.636 +pptp 0.002 0.778 +ppu 0.011 0.813 +ppv 0.007 0.900 +ppxp 0.000 0.001 +pq 0.057 0.712 +pqa 0.017 0.870 +pqe 0.010 0.839 +pqi 0.079 0.876 +pqr 0.014 0.746 +pqrst 0.000 0.962 +pqs 0.015 0.851 +pqt 0.003 0.977 +pr 0.149 0.725 +pra 0.137 0.615 +praag 0.812 0.027 +prabang 0.954 0.028 +prabha 0.523 0.409 +prabhakar 0.927 0.041 +prabhakaran 0.963 0.028 +prabhat 0.904 0.058 +prabhu 0.799 0.050 +prabhupada 0.982 0.013 +prac 0.764 0.027 +praca 0.257 0.029 +pract 0.793 0.113 +practi 0.195 0.023 +practica 0.382 0.038 +practicability 0.084 0.008 +practicable 0.016 0.004 +practical 0.257 0.013 +practicalities 0.312 0.017 +practicality 0.108 0.006 +practically 0.096 0.003 +practicals 0.408 0.023 +practice 0.315 0.017 +practiced 0.020 0.003 +practices 0.244 0.013 +practicing 0.241 0.006 +practicum 0.569 0.056 +practioner 0.499 0.024 +practioners 0.529 0.013 +practise 0.151 0.006 +practised 0.019 0.002 +practises 0.106 0.006 +practising 0.148 0.006 +practitioner 0.346 0.017 +practitioners 0.324 0.008 +pracy 0.175 0.023 +prada 0.683 0.118 +pradeep 0.863 0.047 +prader 0.958 0.020 +pradesh 0.890 0.100 +pradhan 0.897 0.056 +prado 0.790 0.145 +praeger 0.990 0.009 +praesent 0.552 0.000 +praetor 0.608 0.016 +praetorian 0.589 0.013 +praetorians 0.833 0.016 +prag 0.233 0.025 +praga 0.633 0.047 +prager 0.952 0.032 +pragma 0.128 0.054 +pragmas 0.156 0.005 +pragmatic 0.227 0.006 +pragmatically 0.137 0.000 +pragmatics 0.528 0.016 +pragmatism 0.350 0.010 +pragmatist 0.289 0.006 +pragmatists 0.246 0.006 +prague 0.911 0.044 +praha 0.908 0.056 +prahalad 0.966 0.009 +prahran 0.781 0.175 +praia 0.651 0.024 +prairie 0.750 0.056 +prairies 0.543 0.032 +prairieville 0.844 0.132 +praise 0.409 0.023 +praised 0.054 0.005 +praises 0.246 0.029 +praiseworthy 0.071 0.004 +praising 0.099 0.008 +praize 0.879 0.098 +prakash 0.895 0.055 +praktica 0.876 0.086 +praktika 0.718 0.016 +praktike 0.511 0.000 +praktische 0.574 0.028 +praline 0.638 0.056 +pralines 0.563 0.022 +prallen 0.000 0.000 +pram 0.342 0.326 +pramod 0.855 0.062 +prams 0.553 0.171 +pran 0.757 0.061 +prana 0.794 0.036 +pranayama 0.580 0.021 +prance 0.321 0.028 +prancing 0.284 0.022 +prang 0.765 0.070 +prange 0.910 0.046 +pranic 0.738 0.050 +prank 0.408 0.033 +pranks 0.473 0.035 +prankster 0.463 0.015 +pranksters 0.479 0.015 +prarie 0.705 0.120 +pras 0.709 0.190 +prasad 0.893 0.060 +prasanna 0.876 0.029 +prashant 0.857 0.042 +praslin 0.932 0.043 +prat 0.689 0.072 +prata 0.695 0.048 +pratap 0.889 0.059 +pratchett 0.929 0.033 +pratense 0.045 0.017 +pratensis 0.017 0.016 +prater 0.917 0.064 +prather 0.885 0.094 +prati 0.661 0.046 +pratical 0.352 0.031 +pratice 0.356 0.031 +pratik 0.853 0.044 +pratique 0.223 0.033 +pratiques 0.125 0.021 +prato 0.807 0.036 +prats 0.666 0.057 +pratt 0.901 0.080 +prattle 0.373 0.007 +prattville 0.916 0.063 +prava 0.286 0.028 +pravachol 0.429 0.024 +pravastatin 0.420 0.018 +pravda 0.799 0.113 +praveen 0.811 0.047 +pravin 0.887 0.046 +prawa 0.189 0.153 +prawf 0.324 0.017 +prawn 0.506 0.054 +prawns 0.299 0.027 +prawny 0.899 0.000 +praxair 0.802 0.190 +praxis 0.706 0.108 +pray 0.202 0.023 +prayed 0.022 0.005 +prayer 0.453 0.030 +prayerful 0.116 0.012 +prayerfully 0.121 0.006 +prayers 0.240 0.021 +praying 0.198 0.019 +prays 0.070 0.014 +prazosin 0.382 0.024 +prb 0.025 0.910 +prc 0.017 0.886 +prca 0.006 0.970 +prcs 0.011 0.278 +prd 0.201 0.717 +pre 0.382 0.040 +preach 0.119 0.011 +preached 0.037 0.006 +preacher 0.336 0.024 +preachers 0.418 0.032 +preaches 0.051 0.008 +preachin 0.879 0.024 +preaching 0.224 0.012 +preachy 0.048 0.004 +preah 0.973 0.014 +preakness 0.832 0.027 +preamble 0.343 0.067 +preamp 0.397 0.045 +preamplifier 0.390 0.040 +preamplifiers 0.611 0.015 +preamps 0.603 0.011 +preapproval 0.269 0.027 +preapproved 0.273 0.023 +prearranged 0.147 0.011 +preauthorization 0.260 0.052 +prebble 0.883 0.109 +prebinding 0.759 0.041 +prebiotic 0.231 0.020 +preble 0.910 0.075 +prebook 0.321 0.564 +prebuffer 0.002 0.000 +prebuilt 0.201 0.014 +prec 0.219 0.186 +precalculus 0.779 0.053 +precambrian 0.926 0.028 +precancerous 0.345 0.004 +precarious 0.056 0.005 +precariously 0.023 0.002 +precast 0.464 0.095 +precaution 0.100 0.017 +precautionary 0.191 0.024 +precautions 0.234 0.080 +precede 0.041 0.014 +preceded 0.079 0.004 +precedence 0.372 0.011 +precedent 0.092 0.014 +precedente 0.504 0.018 +precedential 0.078 0.193 +precedents 0.140 0.010 +precedes 0.035 0.012 +preceding 0.030 0.009 +preceeded 0.028 0.014 +preceeding 0.044 0.023 +precept 0.457 0.030 +preceptor 0.350 0.026 +preceptors 0.269 0.012 +preceptorship 0.499 0.049 +precepts 0.142 0.008 +precertification 0.657 0.027 +precession 0.183 0.017 +precharge 0.411 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0.000 0.000 +proprietary 0.193 0.021 +proprietor 0.253 0.020 +proprietors 0.268 0.018 +proprietorship 0.276 0.041 +proprietorships 0.187 0.012 +propriety 0.063 0.006 +proprio 0.101 0.013 +proprioception 0.281 0.012 +proprioceptive 0.196 0.010 +props 0.408 0.031 +propter 0.154 0.008 +propuesta 0.216 0.039 +propulsid 0.829 0.038 +propulsion 0.515 0.031 +propulsive 0.063 0.007 +propyl 0.219 0.104 +propylene 0.404 0.063 +propylparaben 0.649 0.050 +proquest 0.805 0.081 +prorate 0.210 0.035 +prorated 0.125 0.046 +proration 0.204 0.372 +pros 0.621 0.031 +prosaic 0.069 0.003 +proscar 0.160 0.013 +proscenium 0.286 0.017 +prosciutto 0.437 0.037 +proscribe 0.019 0.004 +proscribed 0.059 0.015 +proscription 0.059 0.004 +prose 0.300 0.015 +prosecco 0.842 0.038 +prosecute 0.042 0.009 +prosecuted 0.025 0.014 +prosecutes 0.125 0.006 +prosecuting 0.214 0.017 +prosecution 0.165 0.014 +prosecutions 0.275 0.013 +prosecutor 0.351 0.021 +prosecutorial 0.161 0.015 +prosecutors 0.241 0.007 +proselytize 0.171 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0.349 0.011 +provincetown 0.920 0.036 +provincia 0.524 0.028 +provincial 0.399 0.021 +provinciale 0.385 0.035 +provincially 0.154 0.008 +provincials 0.581 0.028 +provincie 0.713 0.018 +proving 0.169 0.009 +proviral 0.074 0.011 +provision 0.107 0.016 +provisional 0.383 0.047 +provisionally 0.110 0.014 +provisioned 0.076 0.005 +provisioner 0.903 0.006 +provisioning 0.435 0.008 +provisions 0.092 0.035 +proviso 0.179 0.020 +provisos 0.130 0.027 +provo 0.927 0.044 +provocateur 0.606 0.098 +provocation 0.108 0.037 +provocations 0.252 0.014 +provocative 0.113 0.009 +provocatively 0.051 0.003 +provoke 0.040 0.018 +provoked 0.025 0.003 +provokes 0.092 0.017 +provoking 0.044 0.004 +provolone 0.455 0.022 +provost 0.817 0.027 +prow 0.141 0.101 +prowess 0.073 0.013 +prowl 0.364 0.043 +prowler 0.801 0.065 +prowling 0.214 0.013 +prowse 0.951 0.035 +prox 0.315 0.254 +proxied 0.117 0.004 +proxies 0.199 0.012 +proxim 0.896 0.059 +proxima 0.716 0.122 +proximal 0.116 0.010 +proximate 0.098 0.012 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0.977 +psu 0.013 0.903 +psuedo 0.207 0.026 +psutils 0.000 0.000 +psv 0.028 0.911 +psw 0.024 0.871 +psx 0.036 0.680 +psy 0.438 0.395 +psyc 0.135 0.838 +psych 0.577 0.143 +psychadelic 0.428 0.017 +psyche 0.284 0.041 +psyched 0.106 0.019 +psychedelia 0.586 0.019 +psychedelic 0.516 0.027 +psychedelics 0.397 0.011 +psychedellic 0.981 0.000 +psyches 0.101 0.005 +psychiatr 0.982 0.010 +psychiatric 0.423 0.022 +psychiatrie 0.684 0.086 +psychiatrist 0.226 0.012 +psychiatrists 0.450 0.008 +psychiatry 0.802 0.026 +psychic 0.449 0.031 +psychical 0.219 0.008 +psychically 0.054 0.000 +psychics 0.461 0.023 +psycho 0.579 0.051 +psychoactive 0.250 0.012 +psychoanalysis 0.524 0.020 +psychoanalyst 0.190 0.012 +psychoanalysts 0.299 0.007 +psychoanalytic 0.496 0.021 +psychoanalytical 0.329 0.012 +psychobilly 0.617 0.123 +psychobiology 0.721 0.044 +psychodrama 0.602 0.016 +psychodynamic 0.463 0.010 +psychoeducational 0.448 0.020 +psychogenic 0.291 0.018 +psychol 0.916 0.033 +psycholinguistic 0.404 0.013 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0.084 0.837 +psytrance 0.546 0.040 +pt 0.223 0.509 +pta 0.029 0.937 +ptac 0.021 0.948 +ptah 0.835 0.048 +ptarmigan 0.718 0.035 +ptas 0.554 0.286 +ptb 0.011 0.924 +ptc 0.023 0.816 +ptca 0.004 0.988 +ptcl 0.009 0.905 +ptcldy 0.001 0.932 +ptd 0.060 0.774 +pte 0.726 0.209 +pten 0.105 0.878 +pter 0.074 0.042 +pterodactyl 0.586 0.028 +pterygota 0.986 0.004 +ptex 0.006 0.030 +ptf 0.007 0.961 +ptfe 0.015 0.947 +ptg 0.086 0.772 +pth 0.056 0.671 +pthc 0.044 0.020 +pthread 0.017 0.006 +pthreads 0.137 0.008 +pti 0.008 0.952 +ption 0.000 0.297 +ptk 0.017 0.914 +ptl 0.068 0.818 +ptlib 0.000 0.017 +ptm 0.046 0.794 +ptn 0.099 0.722 +pto 0.042 0.890 +ptolemaic 0.955 0.017 +ptolemy 0.905 0.025 +ptosis 0.268 0.032 +ptp 0.010 0.877 +ptr 0.031 0.535 +ptra 0.004 0.095 +ptrace 0.046 0.049 +ptrf 0.000 0.064 +ptrs 0.137 0.505 +ptrsize 0.000 0.014 +pts 0.278 0.253 +ptsa 0.001 0.993 +ptsd 0.005 0.975 +ptsunny 0.000 0.996 +ptt 0.013 0.862 +ptu 0.011 0.894 +ptv 0.026 0.884 +ptw 0.014 0.876 +ptx 0.026 0.532 +pty 0.909 0.070 +ptype 0.026 0.179 +ptz 0.012 0.939 +pu 0.340 0.458 +pua 0.451 0.440 +pub 0.595 0.046 +pubblica 0.373 0.025 +pubblicazione 0.315 0.007 +pubblicazioni 0.623 0.045 +pubblici 0.057 0.011 +pubblicitari 0.000 0.000 +pubblico 0.153 0.051 +pubcookie 0.291 0.000 +pubd 0.017 0.011 +pubdate 0.460 0.283 +pubertal 0.138 0.024 +puberty 0.169 0.010 +pubes 0.100 0.011 +pubescens 0.024 0.013 +pubescent 0.052 0.002 +pubic 0.170 0.010 +pubis 0.119 0.015 +publ 0.753 0.078 +publi 0.754 0.030 +publib 0.211 0.773 +public 0.409 0.025 +publica 0.533 0.082 +publicaciones 0.614 0.037 +publicado 0.673 0.004 +publically 0.049 0.009 +publican 0.342 0.037 +publicans 0.227 0.032 +publicar 0.547 0.009 +publicat 0.584 0.263 +publicati 0.973 0.020 +publicaties 0.605 0.010 +publicatio 0.929 0.011 +publication 0.462 0.016 +publications 0.675 0.033 +publichealth 0.003 0.004 +publicidad 0.368 0.039 +publicis 0.900 0.040 +publicise 0.094 0.003 +publicised 0.013 0.001 +publicising 0.185 0.005 +publicist 0.210 0.015 +publicists 0.352 0.011 +publicity 0.340 0.017 +publicize 0.192 0.005 +publicized 0.014 0.002 +publicizing 0.142 0.014 +publick 0.555 0.014 +publicly 0.053 0.005 +publico 0.289 0.037 +publicola 0.936 0.000 +publics 0.158 0.021 +publiez 0.970 0.012 +publikationen 0.940 0.014 +publique 0.367 0.075 +publiques 0.067 0.032 +publis 0.949 0.024 +publish 0.290 0.021 +publishable 0.084 0.008 +published 0.322 0.008 +publisher 0.812 0.016 +publishers 0.691 0.020 +publishes 0.167 0.009 +publishi 0.971 0.022 +publishin 0.981 0.003 +publishing 0.725 0.019 +publius 0.928 0.039 +publix 0.845 0.081 +pubmed 0.588 0.365 +pubns 0.992 0.004 +pubs 0.650 0.022 +pubsub 0.186 0.021 +puc 0.046 0.887 +pucca 0.530 0.125 +pucci 0.835 0.100 +puccini 0.903 0.068 +puce 0.207 0.029 +puch 0.660 0.084 +puchong 0.881 0.062 +puck 0.479 0.043 +pucka 0.059 0.913 +pucker 0.475 0.026 +puckered 0.075 0.007 +puckett 0.889 0.098 +pucks 0.533 0.049 +puco 0.009 0.965 +puctures 0.455 0.000 +pud 0.099 0.791 +puddin 0.614 0.050 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0.027 +pugsley 0.882 0.073 +pugster 0.802 0.177 +pugwash 0.891 0.059 +puh 0.441 0.141 +pui 0.579 0.284 +puig 0.866 0.117 +puis 0.171 0.011 +puissance 0.335 0.040 +puissant 0.338 0.016 +puja 0.745 0.018 +pujol 0.839 0.141 +pujols 0.836 0.057 +puk 0.140 0.687 +puka 0.574 0.078 +puke 0.320 0.039 +puked 0.036 0.013 +pukekohe 0.907 0.069 +puking 0.183 0.011 +pukka 0.610 0.151 +pul 0.096 0.153 +pula 0.877 0.030 +pulaski 0.887 0.079 +pulau 0.917 0.029 +pulborough 0.941 0.044 +puli 0.906 0.029 +pulido 0.876 0.086 +pulitzer 0.946 0.022 +pulizia 0.454 0.004 +pull 0.195 0.023 +pullback 0.116 0.019 +pulldown 0.182 0.026 +pulled 0.030 0.005 +pullen 0.901 0.071 +puller 0.529 0.098 +pullers 0.588 0.037 +pulley 0.436 0.121 +pulleys 0.479 0.026 +pulliam 0.928 0.057 +pullin 0.540 0.053 +pulling 0.127 0.008 +pullman 0.919 0.046 +pullout 0.217 0.036 +pullover 0.685 0.051 +pullovers 0.609 0.024 +pulls 0.215 0.019 +pullup 0.308 0.042 +pulmicort 0.635 0.092 +pulmonary 0.401 0.018 +pulmonology 0.904 0.013 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0.821 0.066 +punahou 0.935 0.044 +punc 0.146 0.249 +punch 0.435 0.070 +punchbowl 0.801 0.063 +punched 0.131 0.030 +puncher 0.466 0.027 +punches 0.367 0.027 +punching 0.238 0.030 +punchline 0.420 0.041 +punchlines 0.168 0.012 +punchy 0.158 0.020 +punctata 0.049 0.021 +punctate 0.068 0.008 +punctatus 0.019 0.021 +punctual 0.088 0.007 +punctuality 0.289 0.018 +punctually 0.019 0.002 +punctuate 0.106 0.006 +punctuated 0.061 0.003 +punctuation 0.178 0.014 +puncture 0.206 0.020 +punctured 0.077 0.009 +punctures 0.121 0.011 +puncturing 0.126 0.007 +pundit 0.868 0.011 +punditry 0.442 0.007 +pundits 0.452 0.006 +pune 0.885 0.050 +puneet 0.850 0.039 +pungent 0.142 0.025 +puni 0.849 0.036 +punic 0.922 0.024 +punish 0.096 0.012 +punishable 0.007 0.008 +punished 0.053 0.007 +punisher 0.744 0.088 +punishes 0.075 0.006 +punishing 0.093 0.007 +punishment 0.207 0.014 +punishments 0.120 0.020 +punitive 0.073 0.159 +punja 0.356 0.636 +punjab 0.915 0.063 +punjabi 0.864 0.036 +punk 0.520 0.038 +punkin 0.675 0.049 +punkrock 0.530 0.032 +punks 0.403 0.039 +punkt 0.642 0.122 +punkte 0.974 0.002 +punky 0.507 0.037 +puno 0.790 0.066 +puns 0.311 0.016 +punt 0.578 0.039 +punta 0.895 0.036 +puntarenas 0.963 0.021 +punted 0.040 0.004 +punter 0.392 0.023 +punters 0.229 0.012 +punti 0.175 0.057 +punting 0.525 0.118 +punto 0.365 0.045 +puntos 0.431 0.023 +punts 0.446 0.115 +punx 0.637 0.181 +punxsutawney 0.880 0.089 +puny 0.133 0.010 +punya 0.231 0.030 +puoi 0.276 0.009 +pup 0.338 0.116 +pupa 0.595 0.069 +pupae 0.137 0.017 +pupal 0.068 0.007 +pupil 0.256 0.109 +pupillary 0.244 0.012 +pupils 0.172 0.031 +pupp 0.616 0.276 +puppet 0.454 0.038 +puppeteer 0.367 0.010 +puppeteers 0.316 0.013 +puppetry 0.518 0.014 +puppets 0.549 0.025 +puppies 0.489 0.033 +puppy 0.434 0.038 +pups 0.246 0.054 +pupular 0.986 0.000 +pur 0.201 0.258 +pura 0.630 0.217 +purana 0.879 0.027 +puranas 0.893 0.011 +purbeck 0.950 0.027 +purcell 0.891 0.061 +purcellville 0.915 0.060 +purch 0.446 0.322 +purchace 0.046 0.014 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0.864 0.022 +purity 0.258 0.029 +purkinje 0.939 0.026 +purl 0.446 0.248 +purley 0.910 0.029 +purloined 0.358 0.015 +purnell 0.896 0.092 +purnima 0.923 0.037 +puro 0.522 0.069 +purolator 0.825 0.040 +purp 0.496 0.244 +purple 0.573 0.069 +purples 0.462 0.034 +purplish 0.095 0.015 +purport 0.017 0.041 +purported 0.047 0.005 +purportedly 0.027 0.002 +purporting 0.012 0.003 +purports 0.011 0.003 +purpose 0.146 0.051 +purposed 0.028 0.006 +purposeful 0.100 0.005 +purposefully 0.031 0.003 +purposeless 0.035 0.005 +purposely 0.041 0.007 +purposes 0.020 0.015 +purposive 0.125 0.007 +purpura 0.419 0.024 +purpurea 0.154 0.017 +purr 0.403 0.049 +purred 0.159 0.002 +purrfect 0.646 0.071 +purring 0.122 0.009 +purrs 0.166 0.195 +purse 0.368 0.070 +pursed 0.193 0.000 +purser 0.680 0.057 +purses 0.587 0.034 +pursh 0.981 0.015 +pursing 0.068 0.000 +purslane 0.509 0.019 +pursuance 0.030 0.004 +pursuant 0.112 0.032 +pursue 0.034 0.004 +pursued 0.016 0.003 +pursuer 0.099 0.009 +pursuers 0.055 0.004 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0.000 0.000 +pusssy 0.018 0.002 +pussy 0.133 0.012 +pussycam 0.002 0.002 +pussycat 0.635 0.018 +pussycats 0.793 0.039 +pussycum 0.008 0.018 +pussylips 0.654 0.008 +pussyman 0.908 0.051 +pussys 0.033 0.006 +pustules 0.085 0.005 +pusy 0.029 0.003 +put 0.092 0.012 +puta 0.184 0.080 +putain 0.075 0.013 +putamen 0.158 0.004 +putas 0.033 0.007 +putative 0.130 0.050 +putatively 0.024 0.000 +putc 0.007 0.142 +putchar 0.005 0.021 +putco 0.925 0.051 +pute 0.046 0.012 +puted 0.000 0.000 +putenv 0.000 0.017 +puter 0.056 0.012 +puters 0.077 0.005 +putfile 0.966 0.003 +putida 0.014 0.019 +putin 0.943 0.042 +puting 0.085 0.010 +putman 0.868 0.091 +putnam 0.916 0.068 +putney 0.934 0.040 +puto 0.206 0.166 +putonghua 0.895 0.010 +putra 0.821 0.074 +putrajaya 0.893 0.074 +putrescine 0.226 0.032 +putrid 0.213 0.020 +puts 0.072 0.009 +putsch 0.562 0.031 +putt 0.455 0.030 +puttane 0.013 0.022 +putte 0.822 0.031 +putted 0.008 0.000 +putten 0.833 0.044 +putter 0.549 0.071 +putters 0.717 0.024 +puttin 0.428 0.038 +putting 0.141 0.006 +putts 0.236 0.069 +putty 0.501 0.050 +putumayo 0.950 0.031 +putz 0.628 0.049 +puu 0.741 0.131 +puy 0.772 0.138 +puyallup 0.748 0.223 +puyo 0.941 0.022 +puzo 0.916 0.054 +puzzle 0.515 0.034 +puzzled 0.114 0.005 +puzzlement 0.092 0.008 +puzzler 0.444 0.021 +puzzlers 0.601 0.014 +puzzles 0.553 0.021 +puzzling 0.163 0.006 +pv 0.028 0.825 +pva 0.010 0.883 +pval 0.043 0.114 +pvc 0.025 0.874 +pvcs 0.024 0.741 +pvd 0.016 0.935 +pvdf 0.004 0.982 +pve 0.019 0.733 +pvfs 0.004 0.727 +pvftools 0.000 0.000 +pvg 0.039 0.911 +pvi 0.016 0.901 +pvl 0.070 0.877 +pvm 0.016 0.714 +pvo 0.006 0.969 +pvp 0.019 0.746 +pvpgn 0.003 0.016 +pvr 0.011 0.897 +pvs 0.021 0.869 +pvss 0.162 0.831 +pvst 0.012 0.897 +pvt 0.650 0.316 +pw 0.029 0.698 +pwa 0.016 0.929 +pwat 0.005 0.972 +pwb 0.011 0.942 +pwc 0.013 0.840 +pwd 0.130 0.343 +pwebstats 0.000 0.000 +pwg 0.022 0.874 +pwgsc 0.000 0.998 +pwh 0.005 0.963 +pwi 0.011 0.924 +pwind 0.000 0.984 +pwl 0.037 0.790 +pwlib 0.021 0.088 +pwllheli 0.853 0.049 +pwm 0.006 0.932 +pwn 0.081 0.443 +pwned 0.190 0.184 +pwns 0.212 0.121 +pwp 0.009 0.873 +pwr 0.172 0.685 +pws 0.014 0.800 +pwt 0.024 0.874 +pwv 0.013 0.916 +pww 0.004 0.984 +pwy 0.563 0.219 +pwyllgor 0.830 0.035 +px 0.066 0.446 +pxa 0.011 0.551 +pxc 0.017 0.806 +pxe 0.008 0.802 +pxi 0.003 0.985 +pxl 0.053 0.331 +pxm 0.005 0.938 +py 0.105 0.410 +pyaar 0.740 0.032 +pyar 0.735 0.060 +pyatt 0.873 0.100 +pyblosxom 0.163 0.000 +pyc 0.066 0.322 +pyca 0.000 0.006 +pycnogenol 0.900 0.034 +pye 0.779 0.162 +pyelonephritis 0.390 0.021 +pyftpd 0.000 0.000 +pyg 0.013 0.957 +pygeum 0.880 0.021 +pygmalion 0.888 0.033 +pygmies 0.563 0.028 +pygmy 0.581 0.036 +pygtk 0.006 0.002 +pyi 0.087 0.885 +pyjama 0.542 0.078 +pyjamas 0.538 0.130 +pyke 0.889 0.071 +pyle 0.823 0.158 +pyles 0.864 0.099 +pylon 0.503 0.073 +pylons 0.295 0.013 +pylori 0.084 0.008 +pyloric 0.321 0.015 +pym 0.679 0.274 +pymt 0.563 0.238 +pynchon 0.906 0.020 +pynciau 0.717 0.012 +pyne 0.895 0.071 +pyo 0.363 0.295 +pyogenes 0.010 0.011 +pyon 0.119 0.754 +pyongyang 0.967 0.024 +pyotr 0.965 0.016 +pypy 0.003 0.001 +pyr 0.329 0.488 +pyramid 0.553 0.046 +pyramidal 0.164 0.011 +pyramids 0.498 0.023 +pyrazinamide 0.429 0.026 +pyre 0.269 0.040 +pyrene 0.134 0.057 +pyrenean 0.906 0.021 +pyrenees 0.927 0.028 +pyrethrins 0.437 0.109 +pyrethroid 0.178 0.017 +pyrethroids 0.179 0.022 +pyrethrum 0.510 0.039 +pyrex 0.671 0.067 +pyrics 0.000 0.000 +pyridine 0.216 0.050 +pyridines 0.834 0.020 +pyridostigmine 0.562 0.025 +pyridoxal 0.424 0.046 +pyridoxine 0.512 0.031 +pyridyl 0.074 0.034 +pyrilamine 0.738 0.027 +pyrimethamine 0.309 0.018 +pyrimidine 0.232 0.036 +pyrimidines 0.497 0.026 +pyrite 0.235 0.230 +pyrmont 0.886 0.090 +pyro 0.568 0.128 +pyroclastic 0.195 0.013 +pyrococcus 0.947 0.027 +pyrography 0.835 0.046 +pyrolysis 0.281 0.064 +pyrolytic 0.532 0.024 +pyrophosphatase 0.087 0.069 +pyrophosphate 0.170 0.090 +pyros 0.652 0.154 +pyrotechnic 0.261 0.022 +pyrotechnics 0.393 0.025 +pyroxene 0.124 0.110 +pyrrhus 0.939 0.016 +pyrrole 0.186 0.041 +pyrus 0.921 0.039 +pyruvate 0.364 0.036 +pyt 0.130 0.685 +pythagoras 0.837 0.117 +pythagorean 0.908 0.009 +pythia 0.439 0.387 +pythium 0.918 0.022 +python 0.616 0.010 +pythonmac 0.950 0.033 +pythons 0.717 0.021 +pytz 0.000 0.000 +pyx 0.426 0.289 +pyxis 0.785 0.084 +pz 0.219 0.537 +pzl 0.025 0.925 +pzt 0.019 0.950 +q 0.675 0.000 +qa 0.044 0.638 +qaa 0.027 0.959 +qabalah 0.782 0.055 +qad 0.046 0.887 +qaddafi 0.954 0.023 +qadir 0.947 0.030 +qae 0.031 0.934 +qaeda 0.978 0.010 +qaf 0.210 0.676 +qaida 0.981 0.006 +qam 0.009 0.939 +qamar 0.902 0.040 +qantas 0.870 0.088 +qap 0.008 0.965 +qapp 0.000 0.965 +qar 0.039 0.942 +qas 0.023 0.921 +qasim 0.938 0.033 +qasr 0.936 0.034 +qat 0.240 0.499 +qatar 0.941 0.049 +qatari 0.984 0.006 +qato 0.996 0.000 +qawwali 0.856 0.018 +qazi 0.915 0.037 +qb 0.029 0.893 +qbasic 0.191 0.198 +qbe 0.106 0.853 +qbic 0.314 0.641 +qboosh 0.000 0.000 +qbs 0.024 0.833 +qc 0.036 0.853 +qca 0.003 0.941 +qcad 0.029 0.089 +qcc 0.029 0.894 +qcd 0.036 0.886 +qcif 0.000 0.947 +qcm 0.012 0.895 +qcom 0.030 0.856 +qcount 0.000 0.011 +qcp 0.011 0.910 +qcs 0.014 0.901 +qd 0.058 0.741 +qda 0.064 0.870 +qdbm 0.000 0.087 +qdi 0.017 0.917 +qdisc 0.086 0.007 +qdr 0.007 0.928 +qe 0.070 0.661 +qearch 0.000 0.000 +qed 0.098 0.817 +qee 0.596 0.273 +qeii 0.002 0.993 +qema 0.011 0.016 +qemata 0.026 0.009 +qemu 0.454 0.167 +qep 0.015 0.956 +qesh 0.009 0.021 +qessalonikh 0.897 0.100 +qew 0.028 0.880 +qex 0.048 0.174 +qeynos 0.963 0.003 +qf 0.079 0.740 +qfd 0.015 0.923 +qfe 0.006 0.883 +qff 0.021 0.933 +qfn 0.006 0.979 +qfp 0.006 0.963 +qft 0.013 0.887 +qg 0.153 0.437 +qh 0.177 0.599 +qi 0.492 0.280 +qiagen 0.438 0.555 +qian 0.910 0.033 +qiang 0.917 0.023 +qiao 0.895 0.045 +qiblah 0.904 0.007 +qic 0.021 0.903 +qid 0.096 0.362 +qif 0.020 0.324 +qigong 0.814 0.016 +qin 0.811 0.048 +qing 0.880 0.038 +qingdao 0.924 0.052 +qinghai 0.947 0.023 +qio 0.016 0.933 +qip 0.036 0.876 +qis 0.049 0.801 +qiu 0.836 0.077 +qj 0.097 0.546 +qk 0.131 0.390 +ql 0.054 0.602 +qla 0.013 0.645 +qld 0.283 0.698 +qlen 0.005 0.016 +qlinks 0.994 0.000 +qlogic 0.435 0.471 +qlt 0.054 0.910 +qm 0.056 0.742 +qmail 0.166 0.007 +qmailadmin 0.060 0.000 +qmake 0.020 0.031 +qmb 0.017 0.950 +qmc 0.007 0.886 +qmjhl 0.000 0.994 +qml 0.006 0.974 +qms 0.042 0.923 +qmul 0.000 0.745 +qn 0.189 0.468 +qname 0.045 0.181 +qnd 0.012 0.188 +qnh 0.003 0.986 +qnx 0.005 0.916 +qo 0.171 0.405 +qof 0.043 0.388 +qol 0.025 0.839 +qollasuyu 0.021 0.000 +qom 0.854 0.114 +qong 0.030 0.000 +qool 0.911 0.021 +qos 0.066 0.395 +qosmio 0.899 0.029 +qotd 0.043 0.778 +qotsa 0.021 0.852 +qotw 0.006 0.301 +qoute 0.229 0.030 +qoutes 0.195 0.011 +qp 0.131 0.602 +qpa 0.023 0.928 +qpf 0.002 0.948 +qpl 0.004 0.953 +qpm 0.008 0.962 +qpopper 0.363 0.011 +qpr 0.007 0.949 +qps 0.022 0.826 +qpsk 0.002 0.972 +qpsmtpd 0.048 0.000 +qq 0.367 0.317 +qqq 0.017 0.658 +qqqq 0.003 0.767 +qr 0.046 0.745 +qrp 0.013 0.937 +qrs 0.025 0.904 +qrt 0.219 0.421 +qrv 0.007 0.914 +qrw 0.010 0.709 +qry 0.088 0.138 +qrz 0.023 0.910 +qs 0.203 0.575 +qsa 0.008 0.928 +qsar 0.019 0.934 +qsc 0.014 0.944 +qsf 0.012 0.628 +qsi 0.040 0.827 +qsl 0.030 0.922 +qso 0.009 0.949 +qsort 0.030 0.029 +qsp 0.032 0.856 +qsr 0.012 0.760 +qss 0.041 0.868 +qst 0.028 0.914 +qt 0.343 0.347 +qtc 0.027 0.701 +qte 0.091 0.273 +qtec 0.380 0.520 +qtek 0.887 0.079 +qth 0.039 0.834 +qti 0.015 0.715 +qtl 0.017 0.942 +qtopia 0.908 0.004 +qtp 0.024 0.899 +qtr 0.750 0.108 +qtrly 0.907 0.036 +qtrs 0.783 0.062 +qts 0.203 0.526 +qtvr 0.006 0.933 +qty 0.824 0.107 +qu 0.350 0.199 +qua 0.131 0.039 +quabbin 0.927 0.062 +quack 0.521 0.056 +quackenbush 0.916 0.074 +quackery 0.441 0.019 +quackgrass 0.765 0.007 +quacks 0.216 0.019 +quad 0.632 0.112 +quadband 0.866 0.027 +quade 0.845 0.118 +quadra 0.859 0.049 +quadral 0.956 0.029 +quadrangle 0.560 0.022 +quadrangles 0.311 0.012 +quadrant 0.434 0.143 +quadrants 0.148 0.024 +quadrat 0.341 0.024 +quadrate 0.590 0.006 +quadratic 0.180 0.010 +quadrats 0.070 0.004 +quadrature 0.257 0.019 +quadrennial 0.583 0.026 +quadri 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0.227 0.023 +qualification 0.275 0.030 +qualifications 0.344 0.051 +qualified 0.154 0.013 +qualifier 0.469 0.035 +qualifiers 0.464 0.016 +qualifies 0.069 0.012 +qualify 0.078 0.010 +qualifying 0.289 0.028 +qualit 0.254 0.075 +qualitative 0.247 0.013 +qualitatively 0.058 0.001 +qualities 0.075 0.010 +quality 0.279 0.025 +qualityinn 0.000 0.000 +qualityinns 0.000 0.000 +qualls 0.883 0.094 +qualms 0.031 0.003 +qualquer 0.140 0.024 +quals 0.540 0.089 +qualsiasi 0.151 0.017 +qualstar 0.954 0.042 +quam 0.232 0.033 +quan 0.316 0.046 +quanah 0.802 0.118 +quand 0.357 0.016 +quandary 0.287 0.044 +quando 0.360 0.018 +quandry 0.286 0.028 +quandt 0.959 0.034 +quang 0.762 0.031 +quanh 0.041 0.004 +quanity 0.559 0.065 +quannum 0.498 0.247 +quant 0.588 0.078 +quanta 0.369 0.039 +quantal 0.279 0.021 +quantaray 0.941 0.020 +quantex 0.884 0.082 +quanti 0.189 0.014 +quantic 0.867 0.079 +quantico 0.898 0.077 +quantifiable 0.085 0.004 +quantification 0.265 0.014 +quantified 0.054 0.005 +quantifier 0.134 0.008 +quantifiers 0.158 0.007 +quantifies 0.071 0.014 +quantify 0.052 0.003 +quantifying 0.325 0.012 +quantile 0.239 0.010 +quantiles 0.245 0.006 +quantitated 0.010 0.000 +quantitation 0.320 0.020 +quantitative 0.308 0.027 +quantitatively 0.051 0.001 +quantities 0.096 0.017 +quantity 0.652 0.038 +quantization 0.221 0.020 +quantize 0.231 0.014 +quantized 0.205 0.013 +quantizer 0.206 0.008 +quanto 0.206 0.019 +quantom 0.969 0.000 +quantrill 0.936 0.036 +quantum 0.470 0.045 +quanzhou 0.936 0.043 +quapaw 0.822 0.150 +quar 0.282 0.145 +quarantine 0.358 0.022 +quarantined 0.127 0.010 +quarantines 0.187 0.015 +quare 0.668 0.079 +quark 0.473 0.038 +quarks 0.210 0.024 +quarles 0.922 0.067 +quarrel 0.075 0.009 +quarreling 0.071 0.005 +quarrelled 0.022 0.000 +quarrelling 0.040 0.000 +quarrels 0.092 0.006 +quarrelsome 0.068 0.006 +quarried 0.070 0.004 +quarries 0.333 0.027 +quarry 0.484 0.038 +quarrying 0.263 0.038 +quart 0.518 0.036 +quarta 0.513 0.028 +quarter 0.277 0.028 +quarterback 0.190 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0.555 0.281 +quikbook 0.984 0.000 +quiklok 0.961 0.030 +quiksilver 0.867 0.080 +quilcene 0.820 0.091 +quill 0.707 0.068 +quillen 0.909 0.081 +quilling 0.674 0.068 +quills 0.570 0.025 +quilt 0.488 0.064 +quilted 0.551 0.057 +quilter 0.729 0.044 +quilters 0.644 0.058 +quilting 0.600 0.039 +quilts 0.616 0.030 +quilty 0.751 0.082 +quim 0.587 0.077 +quimby 0.961 0.025 +quimica 0.564 0.097 +quimper 0.852 0.092 +quin 0.789 0.103 +quinapril 0.413 0.045 +quinault 0.862 0.059 +quince 0.623 0.083 +quinceanera 0.890 0.023 +quincey 0.934 0.049 +quincy 0.890 0.066 +quindi 0.146 0.007 +quindlen 0.943 0.041 +quine 0.903 0.029 +quinidine 0.381 0.030 +quinine 0.351 0.034 +quinlan 0.888 0.091 +quinn 0.908 0.064 +quinne 0.985 0.006 +quinney 0.935 0.046 +quinnipiac 0.949 0.043 +quinny 0.723 0.104 +quinoa 0.459 0.026 +quinoline 0.267 0.108 +quinolone 0.179 0.013 +quinolones 0.351 0.029 +quinone 0.203 0.039 +quinones 0.758 0.059 +quins 0.903 0.040 +quint 0.853 0.058 +quinta 0.901 0.050 +quintal 0.555 0.059 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0.000 +qur 0.649 0.293 +quran 0.900 0.022 +quranic 0.938 0.011 +qureshi 0.932 0.047 +qusay 0.973 0.011 +qush 0.007 0.000 +qut 0.005 0.975 +qutb 0.977 0.008 +quy 0.278 0.026 +qv 0.041 0.463 +qvc 0.018 0.946 +qvga 0.003 0.977 +qvs 0.040 0.921 +qw 0.042 0.310 +qwerty 0.142 0.715 +qwest 0.907 0.055 +qwik 0.797 0.154 +qx 0.181 0.488 +qxl 0.007 0.965 +qy 0.184 0.484 +qz 0.154 0.700 +r 0.656 0.000 +ra 0.119 0.650 +raa 0.097 0.767 +raab 0.874 0.043 +raabe 0.703 0.038 +raad 0.774 0.059 +raadt 0.977 0.005 +raaf 0.064 0.921 +raaga 0.342 0.542 +raak 0.096 0.009 +raam 0.286 0.546 +raat 0.564 0.095 +rab 0.325 0.557 +raba 0.544 0.360 +rabanne 0.865 0.116 +rabat 0.918 0.045 +rabaul 0.954 0.041 +rabb 0.805 0.142 +rabbah 0.946 0.023 +rabbani 0.945 0.039 +rabbi 0.836 0.015 +rabbinic 0.497 0.010 +rabbinical 0.580 0.029 +rabbis 0.410 0.007 +rabbit 0.565 0.040 +rabbits 0.397 0.026 +rabbitt 0.808 0.093 +rabble 0.176 0.008 +rabck 0.000 0.991 +rabe 0.828 0.063 +rabelais 0.914 0.035 +raben 0.903 0.065 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0.008 0.978 +rach 0.616 0.188 +racha 0.867 0.034 +rachael 0.915 0.035 +rache 0.855 0.039 +rachel 0.865 0.037 +rachelle 0.876 0.044 +rachels 0.760 0.114 +rachid 0.868 0.085 +rachlin 0.962 0.033 +rachmad 0.993 0.005 +rachmaninoff 0.911 0.058 +rachmaninov 0.858 0.123 +racial 0.232 0.016 +racially 0.074 0.004 +racicot 0.861 0.132 +racin 0.644 0.051 +racine 0.883 0.063 +racing 0.650 0.042 +racionais 0.997 0.000 +racism 0.301 0.017 +racist 0.147 0.017 +racists 0.124 0.022 +rack 0.534 0.052 +racke 0.617 0.009 +racked 0.078 0.005 +racket 0.418 0.043 +racketeering 0.224 0.026 +rackets 0.478 0.034 +rackham 0.927 0.048 +racking 0.334 0.030 +rackley 0.845 0.136 +rackmount 0.686 0.121 +rackmountable 0.574 0.053 +racks 0.680 0.027 +rackspace 0.891 0.003 +raclette 0.726 0.026 +raco 0.476 0.449 +raconteur 0.260 0.009 +racoon 0.399 0.047 +racor 0.908 0.058 +racquel 0.848 0.023 +racquet 0.678 0.036 +racquetball 0.779 0.020 +racquets 0.659 0.012 +ract 0.006 0.857 +racv 0.000 0.990 +racy 0.218 0.026 +rad 0.318 0.336 +rada 0.631 0.219 +radar 0.614 0.040 +radars 0.543 0.029 +radarsat 0.230 0.757 +radb 0.008 0.915 +radboud 0.943 0.011 +radcliff 0.877 0.088 +radcliffe 0.902 0.045 +radd 0.468 0.191 +radda 0.926 0.058 +raddb 0.000 0.000 +raddison 0.178 0.004 +raddisson 0.045 0.000 +rade 0.350 0.415 +radek 0.894 0.019 +rademacher 0.945 0.042 +radeon 0.640 0.232 +radeox 0.061 0.003 +rader 0.851 0.076 +radford 0.915 0.071 +radha 0.916 0.037 +radhakrishnan 0.942 0.042 +radhika 0.912 0.028 +radi 0.353 0.181 +radia 0.534 0.049 +radial 0.327 0.042 +radially 0.044 0.007 +radials 0.270 0.028 +radian 0.511 0.302 +radiance 0.543 0.036 +radiances 0.110 0.010 +radians 0.167 0.047 +radiant 0.526 0.030 +radiat 0.957 0.023 +radiata 0.400 0.029 +radiate 0.186 0.012 +radiated 0.456 0.006 +radiates 0.033 0.004 +radiating 0.099 0.009 +radiation 0.307 0.033 +radiations 0.185 0.061 +radiative 0.210 0.033 +radiator 0.536 0.108 +radiators 0.658 0.019 +radic 0.843 0.043 +radica 0.789 0.123 +radical 0.271 0.022 +radicalism 0.237 0.024 +radically 0.038 0.003 +radicals 0.205 0.018 +radicchio 0.475 0.029 +radice 0.913 0.028 +radii 0.081 0.061 +radikal 0.613 0.203 +radim 0.694 0.016 +radin 0.911 0.069 +radio 0.598 0.041 +radioactive 0.254 0.043 +radioactivity 0.233 0.025 +radiobiology 0.700 0.043 +radiocarbon 0.422 0.014 +radiochemical 0.355 0.067 +radiochemistry 0.643 0.052 +radiocommunication 0.625 0.038 +radiocommunications 0.683 0.042 +radiodurans 0.015 0.028 +radioed 0.019 0.004 +radiofrequency 0.358 0.019 +radiograph 0.150 0.010 +radiographer 0.425 0.048 +radiographers 0.434 0.038 +radiographic 0.307 0.024 +radiographs 0.158 0.007 +radiography 0.192 0.015 +radiohead 0.759 0.033 +radioimmunoassay 0.510 0.014 +radioisotope 0.403 0.029 +radioisotopes 0.786 0.032 +radiol 0.956 0.018 +radiolabeled 0.164 0.007 +radiolaria 0.073 0.888 +radioligand 0.377 0.008 +radiologic 0.643 0.049 +radiological 0.468 0.027 +radiologist 0.372 0.022 +radiologists 0.481 0.014 +radiology 0.762 0.032 +radiometer 0.522 0.037 +radiometers 0.254 0.062 +radiometric 0.307 0.022 +radiometrically 0.017 0.845 +radiometry 0.547 0.025 +radion 0.472 0.046 +radionavigation 0.209 0.314 +radionics 0.741 0.047 +radionuclide 0.213 0.018 +radionuclides 0.180 0.024 +radiopharmaceutical 0.265 0.039 +radiopharmaceuticals 0.518 0.053 +radios 0.617 0.026 +radioshack 0.717 0.113 +radiosity 0.395 0.008 +radiosonde 0.240 0.039 +radiosurgery 0.343 0.014 +radiotelephone 0.497 0.042 +radiotherapy 0.261 0.013 +radish 0.452 0.045 +radishes 0.304 0.021 +radison 0.151 0.005 +radisson 0.905 0.042 +radissonhotel 0.000 0.000 +radissonhotels 0.000 0.000 +radium 0.579 0.041 +radius 0.189 0.162 +radiusd 0.008 0.005 +radix 0.486 0.078 +radke 0.930 0.047 +radko 0.854 0.073 +radlett 0.944 0.038 +radley 0.899 0.062 +radm 0.021 0.965 +radmin 0.643 0.039 +radmind 0.277 0.387 +radner 0.930 0.031 +radnor 0.868 0.097 +radnorshire 0.987 0.009 +rado 0.722 0.101 +radom 0.804 0.037 +radome 0.409 0.061 +radon 0.475 0.029 +radovan 0.939 0.044 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0.024 +ragdoll 0.786 0.027 +rage 0.433 0.052 +raged 0.012 0.007 +rager 0.803 0.091 +rages 0.155 0.014 +ragg 0.688 0.134 +ragga 0.776 0.086 +ragged 0.238 0.015 +raggedy 0.749 0.081 +raggett 0.983 0.009 +raggi 0.761 0.054 +ragging 0.238 0.023 +raggio 0.771 0.039 +raghav 0.843 0.077 +raghavan 0.950 0.033 +raghavendra 0.930 0.036 +raghu 0.893 0.027 +ragin 0.924 0.024 +raging 0.465 0.022 +raglan 0.882 0.027 +ragland 0.899 0.086 +ragnar 0.915 0.023 +ragnarok 0.589 0.015 +rago 0.923 0.037 +ragout 0.498 0.034 +rags 0.390 0.059 +ragsdale 0.908 0.081 +ragtag 0.082 0.007 +ragtime 0.723 0.050 +ragu 0.642 0.095 +ragusa 0.929 0.034 +ragweed 0.626 0.018 +ragwort 0.439 0.023 +rah 0.384 0.265 +raha 0.669 0.086 +rahab 0.965 0.022 +rahal 0.929 0.035 +raheem 0.890 0.056 +rahi 0.657 0.092 +rahim 0.902 0.051 +rahm 0.911 0.054 +rahman 0.903 0.037 +rahmen 0.918 0.027 +rahn 0.908 0.064 +rahtz 0.877 0.004 +rahul 0.892 0.029 +rahway 0.862 0.103 +rahxephon 0.915 0.022 +rai 0.640 0.212 +raia 0.894 0.097 +raiatea 0.924 0.054 +raible 0.980 0.011 +raices 0.578 0.086 +raich 0.963 0.032 +raichle 0.945 0.027 +raid 0.200 0.516 +raided 0.079 0.011 +raiden 0.921 0.023 +raider 0.751 0.044 +raiders 0.881 0.038 +raiding 0.133 0.008 +raidmax 0.780 0.184 +raids 0.167 0.015 +raiffeisen 0.942 0.021 +raihan 0.250 0.006 +raii 0.010 0.950 +raikes 0.837 0.137 +raikkonen 0.959 0.029 +rail 0.466 0.042 +railbirds 0.005 0.000 +railcar 0.433 0.039 +railcars 0.154 0.019 +railed 0.081 0.011 +railfan 0.666 0.028 +railgun 0.712 0.008 +railing 0.222 0.118 +railings 0.261 0.029 +railpage 0.997 0.000 +railroad 0.535 0.044 +railroader 0.865 0.025 +railroading 0.506 0.034 +railroads 0.412 0.036 +rails 0.510 0.023 +railtrack 0.931 0.038 +railway 0.544 0.033 +railways 0.595 0.034 +raiment 0.062 0.007 +raimi 0.851 0.024 +raimondi 0.914 0.042 +raimondo 0.944 0.036 +raimund 0.938 0.033 +raimundo 0.913 0.033 +rain 0.372 0.080 +raina 0.888 0.038 +rainbow 0.669 0.048 +rainbows 0.587 0.034 +raincoat 0.414 0.050 +raincoats 0.540 0.022 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0.955 0.033 +rajagopalan 0.959 0.034 +rajah 0.854 0.038 +rajan 0.919 0.039 +rajasthan 0.909 0.059 +rajasthani 0.946 0.018 +rajat 0.878 0.050 +rajeev 0.901 0.038 +rajendra 0.889 0.068 +rajesh 0.896 0.042 +raji 0.885 0.050 +rajinder 0.839 0.142 +rajiv 0.938 0.028 +rajkot 0.948 0.036 +rajkumar 0.919 0.039 +rajmohan 0.990 0.005 +rajon 0.366 0.138 +rajput 0.934 0.032 +rajshahi 0.897 0.041 +raju 0.876 0.058 +rajya 0.876 0.108 +rak 0.338 0.482 +rake 0.325 0.039 +rakeback 0.515 0.016 +raked 0.067 0.010 +raker 0.715 0.070 +rakes 0.588 0.039 +rakesh 0.874 0.045 +rakhi 0.796 0.014 +rakim 0.867 0.048 +raking 0.148 0.010 +raksha 0.869 0.029 +raku 0.652 0.066 +rakuten 0.925 0.008 +rakyat 0.616 0.036 +ral 0.130 0.467 +raleigh 0.924 0.048 +raley 0.880 0.096 +ralf 0.949 0.014 +rall 0.880 0.040 +ralliart 0.783 0.140 +rallied 0.008 0.001 +rallies 0.315 0.013 +rallisport 0.910 0.026 +ralls 0.820 0.144 +rally 0.510 0.033 +rallye 0.766 0.071 +rallying 0.304 0.013 +raloxifene 0.427 0.012 +ralph 0.878 0.079 +ralphie 0.887 0.026 +ralphs 0.861 0.056 +ralphy 0.228 0.013 +ralston 0.906 0.076 +ralstonia 0.936 0.048 +ram 0.188 0.693 +rama 0.758 0.058 +ramachandra 0.872 0.048 +ramachandran 0.942 0.038 +ramad 0.034 0.002 +ramada 0.909 0.055 +ramadainn 0.002 0.000 +ramadan 0.939 0.024 +ramadhan 0.913 0.030 +ramadi 0.953 0.041 +ramage 0.867 0.080 +ramah 0.917 0.050 +ramakrishna 0.921 0.027 +ramakrishnan 0.961 0.029 +ramallah 0.921 0.069 +raman 0.920 0.048 +ramana 0.898 0.031 +ramanathan 0.950 0.038 +ramani 0.916 0.038 +ramanuja 0.874 0.010 +ramanujan 0.972 0.014 +ramapo 0.890 0.096 +ramasubramanian 0.983 0.005 +ramaswamy 0.949 0.040 +ramat 0.943 0.036 +ramayana 0.947 0.025 +ramazzotti 0.818 0.072 +rambam 0.926 0.051 +rambla 0.909 0.039 +ramblas 0.917 0.037 +ramble 0.394 0.022 +rambled 0.057 0.004 +rambler 0.862 0.063 +ramblers 0.870 0.036 +rambles 0.619 0.012 +ramblin 0.797 0.105 +rambling 0.351 0.010 +ramblings 0.650 0.012 +rambo 0.851 0.091 +rambone 0.861 0.011 +rambouillet 0.916 0.052 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0.241 0.016 +ramped 0.100 0.013 +ramping 0.187 0.010 +rampling 0.912 0.038 +ramps 0.375 0.029 +rampton 0.847 0.132 +ramrod 0.546 0.065 +rams 0.810 0.070 +ramsar 0.937 0.060 +ramsay 0.926 0.061 +ramsbottom 0.899 0.060 +ramsdell 0.895 0.083 +ramsden 0.922 0.064 +ramses 0.831 0.064 +ramsey 0.909 0.066 +ramsgate 0.893 0.047 +ramshackle 0.150 0.007 +ramstein 0.812 0.092 +ramu 0.817 0.056 +ramus 0.563 0.045 +ramy 0.809 0.041 +ramzi 0.953 0.022 +ramzy 0.857 0.119 +ran 0.064 0.039 +rana 0.891 0.043 +ranbaxy 0.802 0.062 +rance 0.711 0.090 +ranch 0.697 0.057 +rancher 0.438 0.032 +rancheria 0.857 0.078 +ranchero 0.761 0.058 +ranchers 0.198 0.013 +ranches 0.493 0.041 +ranchi 0.914 0.019 +ranching 0.242 0.018 +rancho 0.891 0.063 +ranchos 0.827 0.064 +rancid 0.291 0.021 +rancilio 0.911 0.026 +rancor 0.304 0.022 +rand 0.613 0.215 +randa 0.892 0.033 +randal 0.922 0.056 +randall 0.913 0.065 +randalls 0.871 0.098 +randallstown 0.930 0.052 +randazzo 0.890 0.093 +randburg 0.934 0.041 +randel 0.914 0.069 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0.083 +rapacious 0.053 0.004 +rapacity 0.017 0.000 +rapala 0.848 0.095 +rapallo 0.879 0.071 +rapamycin 0.202 0.038 +rapaport 0.869 0.055 +rapd 0.009 0.971 +rape 0.362 0.005 +raped 0.078 0.013 +raper 0.676 0.098 +rapes 0.109 0.009 +rapeseed 0.279 0.066 +rapesex 0.207 0.000 +raph 0.658 0.074 +raphael 0.898 0.043 +raphaelite 0.928 0.023 +raphe 0.259 0.014 +raphson 0.960 0.021 +raphy 0.062 0.020 +rapid 0.346 0.029 +rapida 0.426 0.045 +rapide 0.345 0.052 +rapides 0.738 0.084 +rapidity 0.044 0.006 +rapidly 0.029 0.005 +rapido 0.518 0.074 +rapids 0.861 0.063 +rapidshare 0.525 0.008 +rapier 0.577 0.047 +raping 0.064 0.011 +rapist 0.206 0.013 +rapists 0.156 0.009 +rapoport 0.935 0.057 +raportu 0.989 0.000 +rapp 0.860 0.112 +rappa 0.959 0.014 +rappahannock 0.917 0.065 +rappaport 0.929 0.056 +rapped 0.031 0.014 +rappel 0.441 0.032 +rappelling 0.429 0.021 +rapper 0.278 0.021 +rappers 0.221 0.022 +rappin 0.494 0.044 +rapping 0.188 0.013 +rapport 0.328 0.028 +rapporteur 0.805 0.023 +rapporteurs 0.441 0.030 +rapporto 0.145 0.010 +rapports 0.348 0.047 +rappresenta 0.010 0.000 +rapprochement 0.095 0.013 +raps 0.240 0.177 +rapson 0.651 0.032 +rapster 0.688 0.066 +rapt 0.148 0.051 +raptor 0.703 0.115 +raptors 0.810 0.023 +rapture 0.582 0.042 +rapturous 0.078 0.003 +rapunzel 0.846 0.067 +raq 0.395 0.377 +raquel 0.754 0.048 +rar 0.125 0.391 +rara 0.155 0.721 +rare 0.277 0.170 +rarefied 0.141 0.016 +rarely 0.080 0.005 +rarer 0.054 0.025 +rares 0.483 0.119 +rarest 0.182 0.046 +raring 0.097 0.012 +raritan 0.816 0.163 +rarities 0.523 0.076 +rarity 0.329 0.020 +raro 0.462 0.069 +rarotonga 0.952 0.026 +rarp 0.006 0.778 +rary 0.061 0.023 +ras 0.345 0.468 +rasa 0.762 0.052 +rasberry 0.638 0.103 +rasc 0.051 0.906 +rascal 0.362 0.051 +rascals 0.663 0.066 +rasch 0.886 0.035 +rasco 0.811 0.130 +rase 0.355 0.198 +rasen 0.809 0.033 +raser 0.650 0.119 +rash 0.216 0.023 +rashad 0.936 0.030 +rashard 0.946 0.033 +rasheed 0.924 0.036 +rashes 0.200 0.009 +rashguards 0.886 0.023 +rashi 0.905 0.065 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0.212 0.027 +ratepayer 0.362 0.026 +ratepayers 0.205 0.012 +rater 0.370 0.042 +raters 0.409 0.006 +rates 0.283 0.018 +rath 0.729 0.116 +rathaus 0.939 0.027 +rathbone 0.919 0.067 +rathbun 0.900 0.091 +rathdrum 0.844 0.068 +rathe 0.781 0.023 +rather 0.097 0.002 +rathergate 0.690 0.013 +rathmines 0.859 0.125 +rathore 0.931 0.036 +rati 0.358 0.059 +ratification 0.178 0.024 +ratifications 0.250 0.022 +ratified 0.067 0.011 +ratifies 0.177 0.039 +ratify 0.118 0.020 +ratifying 0.092 0.023 +rating 0.698 0.021 +ratingen 0.956 0.022 +ratings 0.445 0.015 +ratio 0.272 0.043 +ration 0.154 0.019 +rational 0.285 0.009 +rationale 0.267 0.038 +rationales 0.165 0.008 +rationalisation 0.146 0.015 +rationalise 0.063 0.002 +rationalised 0.044 0.000 +rationalising 0.135 0.005 +rationalism 0.258 0.009 +rationalist 0.286 0.016 +rationalists 0.365 0.005 +rationality 0.223 0.008 +rationalization 0.160 0.009 +rationalizations 0.212 0.003 +rationalize 0.040 0.003 +rationalized 0.045 0.002 +rationalizing 0.248 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0.005 +ravaging 0.083 0.005 +ravalli 0.917 0.055 +ravana 0.964 0.014 +ravda 0.934 0.063 +rave 0.496 0.073 +raved 0.016 0.009 +ravel 0.736 0.106 +ravello 0.930 0.035 +raven 0.744 0.036 +ravenclaw 0.931 0.021 +ravenel 0.899 0.093 +ravenhill 0.960 0.033 +ravenloft 0.958 0.024 +ravenna 0.877 0.076 +ravenous 0.348 0.021 +ravens 0.869 0.028 +ravensburger 0.943 0.025 +ravenscroft 0.939 0.045 +ravenswood 0.915 0.073 +ravenwood 0.901 0.067 +raveonettes 0.822 0.073 +raver 0.584 0.087 +ravers 0.435 0.046 +raves 0.610 0.015 +ravi 0.895 0.041 +ravin 0.828 0.051 +ravindra 0.870 0.069 +ravine 0.460 0.025 +ravines 0.129 0.011 +raving 0.364 0.020 +ravings 0.624 0.006 +ravinia 0.919 0.034 +ravioli 0.565 0.047 +ravished 0.194 0.004 +ravishing 0.296 0.038 +ravl 0.399 0.597 +ravn 0.793 0.092 +ravnica 0.913 0.070 +ravo 0.965 0.023 +raw 0.390 0.090 +rawa 0.247 0.621 +rawalpindi 0.866 0.099 +rawat 0.883 0.076 +rawcliffe 0.953 0.036 +rawdon 0.831 0.141 +rawhide 0.523 0.047 +rawk 0.871 0.039 +rawkus 0.817 0.132 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0.691 +rc 0.023 0.798 +rca 0.035 0.919 +rcaf 0.003 0.982 +rcb 0.009 0.752 +rcbs 0.020 0.869 +rcc 0.007 0.953 +rcd 0.513 0.425 +rce 0.004 0.880 +rcf 0.019 0.841 +rcg 0.050 0.868 +rcgp 0.000 0.988 +rch 0.072 0.543 +rci 0.034 0.899 +rcia 0.007 0.966 +rck 0.093 0.659 +rcl 0.023 0.906 +rcm 0.008 0.957 +rcmp 0.003 0.979 +rcn 0.010 0.926 +rco 0.017 0.716 +rcon 0.085 0.584 +rconv 0.000 0.004 +rcp 0.006 0.662 +rcpt 0.058 0.744 +rcr 0.012 0.936 +rcra 0.014 0.983 +rcs 0.006 0.888 +rcsb 0.000 0.979 +rcsl 0.000 0.994 +rct 0.018 0.921 +rctc 0.005 0.986 +rcu 0.002 0.925 +rcv 0.242 0.503 +rcvd 0.192 0.134 +rcvr 0.303 0.391 +rcw 0.000 0.996 +rcx 0.006 0.833 +rd 0.644 0.242 +rda 0.007 0.945 +rdata 0.030 0.438 +rdate 0.009 0.289 +rdb 0.120 0.652 +rdbms 0.003 0.928 +rdc 0.020 0.874 +rdd 0.020 0.906 +rde 0.056 0.591 +rder 0.011 0.571 +rdesktop 0.062 0.006 +rdev 0.009 0.024 +rdf 0.042 0.678 +rdfs 0.000 0.208 +rdg 0.204 0.542 +rdh 0.013 0.886 +rdi 0.007 0.860 +rdiff 0.013 0.002 +rdist 0.029 0.018 +rdl 0.015 0.896 +rdm 0.018 0.856 +rdma 0.005 0.941 +rdn 0.015 0.917 +rdo 0.021 0.801 +rdp 0.011 0.876 +rdr 0.096 0.795 +rdram 0.023 0.917 +rds 0.075 0.752 +rdt 0.006 0.944 +rdu 0.017 0.943 +rdv 0.041 0.787 +rdw 0.047 0.619 +rdx 0.016 0.859 +rdy 0.064 0.749 +re 0.759 0.100 +rea 0.404 0.248 +reabsorption 0.062 0.011 +reac 0.063 0.277 +reach 0.121 0.023 +reachability 0.212 0.008 +reachable 0.051 0.013 +reached 0.012 0.004 +reacher 0.792 0.025 +reachers 0.889 0.008 +reaches 0.079 0.011 +reaching 0.117 0.008 +react 0.093 0.033 +reactance 0.189 0.020 +reactant 0.104 0.017 +reactants 0.064 0.010 +reacted 0.007 0.005 +reactie 0.385 0.004 +reacties 0.348 0.016 +reacting 0.114 0.006 +reaction 0.179 0.016 +reactionaries 0.090 0.008 +reactionary 0.092 0.005 +reactions 0.142 0.028 +reactivate 0.174 0.011 +reactivated 0.052 0.009 +reactivation 0.190 0.020 +reactive 0.245 0.022 +reactivity 0.345 0.078 +reactome 0.901 0.094 +reactor 0.311 0.040 +reactors 0.216 0.038 +reacts 0.192 0.011 +read 0.488 0.022 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0.035 +realaudio 0.170 0.052 +realbasic 0.919 0.010 +realcities 0.816 0.000 +reale 0.549 0.058 +realer 0.766 0.006 +reales 0.392 0.057 +realest 0.488 0.039 +realestate 0.415 0.027 +realfooty 0.321 0.000 +reali 0.321 0.044 +realidad 0.314 0.022 +realign 0.187 0.039 +realigned 0.053 0.008 +realigning 0.153 0.017 +realignment 0.321 0.029 +realignments 0.142 0.021 +realisable 0.033 0.003 +realisation 0.127 0.010 +realisations 0.181 0.030 +realise 0.030 0.004 +realised 0.087 0.002 +realises 0.025 0.029 +realising 0.167 0.004 +realism 0.316 0.010 +realist 0.363 0.022 +realistic 0.152 0.011 +realistically 0.154 0.003 +realistics 0.957 0.010 +realists 0.264 0.008 +realities 0.185 0.016 +reality 0.275 0.015 +realizable 0.062 0.007 +realizar 0.317 0.011 +realization 0.127 0.007 +realizations 0.112 0.010 +realize 0.025 0.003 +realized 0.026 0.003 +realizes 0.017 0.002 +realizing 0.180 0.003 +realizzazione 0.555 0.023 +reall 0.190 0.073 +reallly 0.039 0.056 +realloc 0.035 0.034 +reallocate 0.086 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0.920 +rfl 0.085 0.757 +rflp 0.002 0.991 +rfm 0.029 0.901 +rfn 0.079 0.826 +rfo 0.015 0.879 +rfp 0.010 0.965 +rfq 0.014 0.968 +rfr 0.014 0.874 +rfs 0.005 0.947 +rft 0.059 0.828 +rfu 0.014 0.959 +rfx 0.022 0.846 +rg 0.059 0.855 +rga 0.013 0.870 +rgb 0.003 0.881 +rgba 0.012 0.764 +rgbhv 0.000 0.991 +rgbt 0.000 0.014 +rgc 0.014 0.907 +rgd 0.005 0.968 +rgds 0.580 0.058 +rge 0.108 0.712 +rgh 0.063 0.833 +rgi 0.018 0.866 +rgl 0.043 0.669 +rgm 0.024 0.843 +rgn 0.158 0.692 +rgnl 0.664 0.328 +rgp 0.036 0.802 +rgr 0.094 0.753 +rgs 0.037 0.869 +rgt 0.336 0.538 +rgu 0.008 0.943 +rgv 0.020 0.807 +rgw 0.006 0.920 +rh 0.083 0.831 +rha 0.057 0.857 +rhabdomyolysis 0.279 0.005 +rhabdomyosarcoma 0.485 0.011 +rhaeto 0.985 0.005 +rhaglen 0.335 0.025 +rhaglenni 0.307 0.048 +rhagor 0.364 0.008 +rhai 0.025 0.005 +rhaid 0.270 0.005 +rhain 0.030 0.009 +rhames 0.970 0.020 +rhamnus 0.963 0.018 +rhan 0.192 0.021 +rhapsody 0.585 0.015 +rhayader 0.955 0.027 +rhb 0.021 0.913 +rhc 0.008 0.903 +rhce 0.008 0.961 +rhcp 0.014 0.848 +rhd 0.031 0.896 +rhe 0.057 0.287 +rhea 0.856 0.073 +rhee 0.937 0.037 +rheem 0.827 0.050 +rheims 0.991 0.007 +rhein 0.886 0.039 +rheingold 0.949 0.029 +rheinland 0.909 0.021 +rhel 0.004 0.825 +rhema 0.717 0.130 +rhenium 0.454 0.039 +rheoli 0.409 0.017 +rheoliadau 0.777 0.011 +rheological 0.293 0.023 +rheology 0.488 0.093 +rhestr 0.581 0.012 +rhesus 0.330 0.022 +rhetoric 0.277 0.011 +rhetorical 0.183 0.007 +rhetorically 0.081 0.000 +rhetorics 0.525 0.011 +rhett 0.926 0.035 +rheum 0.915 0.018 +rheumatic 0.477 0.025 +rheumatica 0.548 0.009 +rheumatism 0.418 0.040 +rheumatoid 0.483 0.012 +rheumatol 0.984 0.012 +rheumatologist 0.342 0.017 +rheumatologists 0.706 0.000 +rheumatology 0.870 0.027 +rhf 0.052 0.911 +rhi 0.142 0.755 +rhian 0.938 0.024 +rhianna 0.916 0.030 +rhiannon 0.883 0.034 +rhic 0.005 0.965 +rhif 0.711 0.025 +rhin 0.841 0.041 +rhine 0.923 0.028 +rhinebeck 0.907 0.057 +rhinehart 0.903 0.078 +rhineland 0.942 0.025 +rhinelander 0.888 0.089 +rhinestone 0.585 0.144 +rhinestones 0.433 0.167 +rhinitis 0.347 0.022 +rhino 0.807 0.045 +rhinoceros 0.563 0.031 +rhinocort 0.648 0.171 +rhinoplasty 0.683 0.011 +rhinos 0.591 0.055 +rhinotek 0.663 0.298 +rhinovirus 0.581 0.032 +rhizobium 0.922 0.016 +rhizoctonia 0.930 0.022 +rhizome 0.517 0.014 +rhizomes 0.164 0.009 +rhizosphere 0.154 0.015 +rhl 0.016 0.696 +rhm 0.024 0.832 +rhn 0.006 0.428 +rho 0.534 0.119 +rhoades 0.888 0.100 +rhoads 0.907 0.067 +rhoda 0.904 0.074 +rhodamine 0.433 0.033 +rhode 0.950 0.033 +rhoden 0.885 0.103 +rhodes 0.907 0.057 +rhodesia 0.925 0.058 +rhodesian 0.927 0.037 +rhodia 0.876 0.093 +rhodiola 0.899 0.022 +rhodium 0.751 0.042 +rhodobacter 0.936 0.044 +rhodochrosite 0.730 0.081 +rhododendron 0.756 0.033 +rhododendrons 0.425 0.019 +rhodolite 0.703 0.113 +rhodopseudomonas 0.955 0.032 +rhodopsin 0.281 0.034 +rhodos 0.740 0.107 +rhodri 0.936 0.023 +rhody 0.920 0.041 +rhoi 0.077 0.010 +rhomb 0.855 0.049 +rhombus 0.585 0.033 +rhome 0.673 0.198 +rhona 0.889 0.050 +rhonda 0.904 0.051 +rhondda 0.963 0.020 +rhone 0.884 0.063 +rhos 0.840 0.068 +rhosts 0.048 0.013 +rhowch 0.897 0.002 +rhp 0.005 0.896 +rhr 0.011 0.918 +rhs 0.014 0.641 +rhsa 0.000 0.998 +rht 0.078 0.588 +rhu 0.535 0.349 +rhubarb 0.564 0.054 +rhum 0.571 0.195 +rhumba 0.634 0.100 +rhus 0.761 0.036 +rhwng 0.055 0.006 +rhy 0.457 0.161 +rhyl 0.912 0.038 +rhyme 0.327 0.022 +rhymed 0.087 0.011 +rhymefest 0.625 0.010 +rhymes 0.532 0.032 +rhyming 0.237 0.016 +rhyne 0.796 0.191 +rhyno 0.874 0.048 +rhyolite 0.470 0.044 +rhys 0.933 0.031 +rhythm 0.426 0.039 +rhythmbox 0.616 0.000 +rhythmic 0.194 0.039 +rhythmical 0.051 0.005 +rhythmically 0.044 0.004 +rhythms 0.309 0.024 +ri 0.051 0.831 +ria 0.187 0.677 +riaa 0.008 0.962 +riad 0.670 0.116 +rial 0.784 0.025 +rials 0.319 0.052 +rialto 0.859 0.090 +rian 0.565 0.272 +rias 0.317 0.483 +riassunto 0.398 0.026 +riau 0.930 0.034 +riaz 0.876 0.079 +rib 0.365 0.137 +riba 0.261 0.657 +ribald 0.188 0.011 +ribas 0.922 0.028 +ribavirin 0.327 0.016 +ribbed 0.482 0.049 +ribbing 0.125 0.014 +ribbit 0.738 0.060 +ribble 0.951 0.029 +ribbon 0.540 0.062 +ribbons 0.545 0.040 +ribcage 0.132 0.010 +ribe 0.758 0.121 +ribeiro 0.859 0.113 +ribera 0.862 0.051 +ribes 0.887 0.046 +ribeye 0.566 0.075 +ribisi 0.949 0.011 +riboflavin 0.575 0.023 +ribonuclease 0.335 0.070 +ribonucleases 0.791 0.007 +ribonucleic 0.200 0.111 +ribonucleoprotein 0.144 0.049 +ribonucleotide 0.264 0.063 +ribose 0.329 0.037 +ribosomal 0.261 0.058 +ribosome 0.182 0.029 +ribosomes 0.245 0.031 +ribosylation 0.079 0.050 +ribot 0.896 0.064 +ribozyme 0.148 0.039 +ribozymes 0.154 0.045 +ribs 0.279 0.042 +ribulose 0.332 0.058 +ric 0.580 0.294 +rica 0.884 0.036 +rican 0.893 0.018 +ricans 0.909 0.013 +ricard 0.901 0.069 +ricardian 0.979 0.007 +ricardo 0.908 0.040 +ricaud 0.974 0.017 +ricca 0.767 0.096 +riccardi 0.942 0.046 +riccardo 0.898 0.061 +riccarton 0.933 0.048 +riccati 0.969 0.018 +ricci 0.802 0.064 +ricciardi 0.933 0.046 +riccio 0.910 0.049 +riccione 0.632 0.143 +ricco 0.827 0.064 +rice 0.565 0.049 +ricehammer 0.000 0.000 +ricerca 0.392 0.060 +ricerche 0.719 0.042 +rices 0.447 0.136 +ricetta 0.037 0.000 +ricette 0.134 0.019 +riceville 0.816 0.148 +rich 0.323 0.027 +richa 0.771 0.097 +richard 0.931 0.048 +richards 0.868 0.074 +richardson 0.900 0.073 +richboro 0.837 0.142 +richburg 0.854 0.128 +riche 0.448 0.070 +richelieu 0.912 0.051 +richelle 0.892 0.070 +richens 0.889 0.053 +richer 0.166 0.015 +richert 0.938 0.053 +riches 0.273 0.019 +richest 0.396 0.005 +richey 0.886 0.074 +richfield 0.879 0.098 +richford 0.902 0.072 +richie 0.822 0.045 +richiesta 0.308 0.030 +richieste 0.184 0.024 +richland 0.896 0.080 +richlands 0.752 0.189 +richly 0.086 0.005 +richman 0.921 0.045 +richmond 0.894 0.065 +richness 0.046 0.005 +richt 0.586 0.021 +richter 0.921 0.045 +richtig 0.055 0.006 +richton 0.885 0.095 +richwood 0.883 0.092 +richy 0.771 0.037 +ricin 0.368 0.020 +ricinus 0.676 0.025 +rick 0.924 0.035 +rickard 0.943 0.041 +rickards 0.921 0.067 +rickenbacker 0.872 0.066 +ricker 0.888 0.066 +rickert 0.931 0.053 +rickets 0.320 0.024 +ricketts 0.901 0.086 +rickettsia 0.878 0.009 +rickety 0.086 0.011 +rickey 0.860 0.079 +ricki 0.881 0.038 +rickie 0.913 0.050 +rickles 0.955 0.033 +rickman 0.886 0.059 +rickmansworth 0.946 0.036 +ricko 0.846 0.059 +ricks 0.831 0.092 +rickshaw 0.424 0.021 +rickshaws 0.206 0.009 +ricky 0.634 0.039 +rico 0.908 0.054 +ricochet 0.779 0.034 +ricoeur 0.976 0.016 +ricoh 0.802 0.157 +ricola 0.909 0.066 +ricordi 0.781 0.054 +ricotta 0.448 0.029 +rics 0.081 0.802 +ricta 0.894 0.069 +rictionary 0.000 0.000 +rid 0.055 0.051 +rida 0.622 0.140 +ridata 0.825 0.155 +riddance 0.447 0.030 +riddell 0.913 0.065 +ridden 0.096 0.009 +ridder 0.973 0.017 +riddick 0.912 0.044 +riddim 0.561 0.065 +riddims 0.447 0.046 +ridding 0.140 0.015 +riddle 0.639 0.052 +riddled 0.041 0.004 +riddler 0.838 0.074 +riddles 0.594 0.014 +ride 0.311 0.032 +rideable 0.584 0.005 +rideau 0.859 0.048 +ridenour 0.949 0.048 +rideout 0.864 0.098 +rider 0.497 0.044 +riders 0.401 0.028 +ridership 0.211 0.017 +rides 0.399 0.020 +rideshare 0.586 0.015 +ridesharing 0.295 0.011 +ridge 0.774 0.087 +ridgeback 0.890 0.063 +ridgecrest 0.891 0.073 +ridged 0.274 0.021 +ridgedale 0.874 0.067 +ridgefield 0.903 0.071 +ridgeland 0.891 0.091 +ridgeline 0.724 0.033 +ridgely 0.893 0.091 +ridgemont 0.887 0.067 +ridger 0.939 0.040 +ridges 0.199 0.052 +ridgetop 0.672 0.107 +ridgeview 0.889 0.100 +ridgeville 0.849 0.116 +ridgeway 0.876 0.098 +ridgewood 0.867 0.111 +ridgid 0.558 0.286 +ridging 0.064 0.481 +ridgway 0.870 0.107 +ridicule 0.078 0.004 +ridiculed 0.016 0.003 +ridicules 0.113 0.007 +ridiculing 0.055 0.003 +ridiculous 0.071 0.010 +ridiculously 0.097 0.009 +ridiculousness 0.093 0.004 +ridin 0.507 0.035 +riding 0.393 0.024 +ridings 0.450 0.042 +ridley 0.908 0.045 +ridout 0.848 0.145 +rids 0.148 0.157 +rie 0.385 0.322 +rieb 0.025 0.053 +riece 0.027 0.000 +ried 0.333 0.046 +riedel 0.913 0.052 +riedell 0.935 0.040 +rieder 0.935 0.055 +riedl 0.935 0.035 +rief 0.291 0.357 +riefenstahl 0.946 0.029 +riegel 0.835 0.087 +rieger 0.913 0.040 +riegle 0.926 0.070 +riehl 0.946 0.034 +rieke 0.899 0.077 +rieker 0.933 0.032 +riel 0.901 0.016 +riemann 0.970 0.017 +riemannian 0.951 0.015 +riemer 0.935 0.054 +rien 0.349 0.034 +rience 0.009 0.006 +riera 0.912 0.058 +ries 0.437 0.048 +riese 0.824 0.051 +riesenpenis 0.000 0.000 +riesenpimmel 0.000 0.000 +riesenschwanz 0.002 0.000 +riesgo 0.143 0.030 +riesige 0.014 0.000 +riesigemuschi 0.000 0.000 +riesling 0.902 0.040 +riess 0.942 0.044 +riesz 0.975 0.018 +riet 0.686 0.081 +rieti 0.641 0.341 +rietveld 0.923 0.044 +rieu 0.820 0.140 +rif 0.185 0.668 +rifabutin 0.312 0.010 +rifampicin 0.337 0.016 +rifampin 0.348 0.009 +rifat 0.925 0.038 +rife 0.265 0.083 +riferimento 0.226 0.016 +riff 0.382 0.103 +riffe 0.879 0.095 +riffic 0.476 0.023 +riffing 0.049 0.009 +riffle 0.378 0.124 +riffles 0.112 0.008 +riffs 0.246 0.009 +rifkin 0.954 0.030 +rifkind 0.950 0.045 +rifle 0.437 0.049 +rifled 0.167 0.018 +rifleman 0.719 0.046 +riflemen 0.576 0.014 +rifles 0.441 0.034 +riflescope 0.833 0.029 +riflescopes 0.787 0.027 +rifling 0.155 0.016 +rift 0.486 0.027 +rifting 0.111 0.011 +rifts 0.412 0.088 +rig 0.336 0.061 +riga 0.913 0.041 +rigas 0.924 0.057 +rigatoni 0.637 0.050 +rigaud 0.915 0.054 +rigby 0.883 0.070 +rigdon 0.919 0.065 +rigel 0.869 0.046 +rigg 0.909 0.051 +rigged 0.102 0.018 +rigger 0.558 0.066 +riggers 0.540 0.048 +rigging 0.440 0.046 +riggins 0.835 0.121 +riggs 0.853 0.099 +righ 0.291 0.088 +right 0.139 0.018 +rightarrow 0.127 0.041 +righted 0.022 0.005 +righteous 0.186 0.013 +righteously 0.073 0.007 +righteousness 0.083 0.010 +rightful 0.037 0.006 +rightfully 0.024 0.004 +righthand 0.163 0.016 +righties 0.193 0.008 +righting 0.357 0.015 +rightist 0.225 0.014 +rightly 0.069 0.003 +rightmost 0.021 0.011 +rightness 0.052 0.008 +rights 0.391 0.016 +rightward 0.128 0.008 +rightwing 0.306 0.010 +righty 0.383 0.040 +rigi 0.398 0.027 +rigid 0.213 0.030 +rigidities 0.149 0.004 +rigidity 0.099 0.010 +rigidly 0.022 0.004 +rigney 0.916 0.075 +rigo 0.861 0.057 +rigoletto 0.915 0.053 +rigor 0.157 0.011 +rigorous 0.053 0.002 +rigorously 0.022 0.001 +rigors 0.017 0.004 +rigour 0.046 0.002 +rigours 0.023 0.000 +rigs 0.294 0.053 +rigsby 0.875 0.110 +rigueur 0.036 0.019 +rihanna 0.140 0.006 +rihga 0.518 0.458 +rii 0.073 0.813 +riis 0.874 0.060 +rijeka 0.911 0.048 +rijk 0.879 0.016 +rijksmuseum 0.934 0.015 +rijn 0.917 0.035 +rijndael 0.672 0.060 +rijswijk 0.893 0.044 +rik 0.813 0.105 +rika 0.748 0.057 +riken 0.068 0.906 +riker 0.864 0.110 +riki 0.850 0.052 +rikishi 0.718 0.023 +rikki 0.885 0.036 +rikku 0.327 0.007 +riko 0.850 0.050 +rikon 0.922 0.052 +riksbank 0.974 0.017 +riku 0.855 0.017 +ril 0.088 0.676 +rila 0.907 0.069 +rile 0.230 0.042 +riled 0.092 0.005 +riles 0.575 0.035 +riley 0.872 0.080 +rilke 0.937 0.016 +rill 0.367 0.118 +rilling 0.817 0.099 +rilo 0.867 0.029 +rim 0.342 0.342 +rima 0.687 0.122 +rimadyl 0.754 0.020 +rimage 0.841 0.135 +rimantadine 0.350 0.009 +rimbaud 0.880 0.019 +rime 0.399 0.211 +rimes 0.779 0.069 +rimfire 0.592 0.068 +rimi 0.761 0.177 +rimini 0.871 0.033 +rimjob 0.853 0.005 +rimless 0.610 0.060 +rimm 0.223 0.719 +rimmed 0.260 0.029 +rimmel 0.746 0.146 +rimmer 0.786 0.167 +rimming 0.275 0.006 +rimouski 0.919 0.063 +rimrock 0.858 0.075 +rims 0.400 0.094 +rimsky 0.906 0.081 +rimu 0.735 0.029 +rin 0.300 0.320 +rina 0.671 0.221 +rinaldi 0.924 0.046 +rinaldo 0.940 0.032 +rincewind 0.903 0.006 +rincon 0.783 0.049 +rinconada 0.943 0.035 +rind 0.305 0.022 +rindge 0.921 0.063 +rinds 0.236 0.023 +rine 0.375 0.074 +rinehart 0.904 0.071 +riner 0.875 0.102 +rinex 0.417 0.533 +ring 0.457 0.054 +ringback 0.228 0.015 +ringe 0.487 0.022 +ringed 0.274 0.019 +ringel 0.909 0.076 +ringen 0.195 0.025 +ringer 0.767 0.021 +ringers 0.534 0.027 +ringetone 0.383 0.001 +ringetoner 0.413 0.004 +ringette 0.779 0.034 +ringgit 0.905 0.013 +ringgits 0.976 0.000 +ringgold 0.863 0.113 +ringing 0.174 0.016 +ringle 0.860 0.103 +ringleader 0.222 0.011 +ringlets 0.109 0.015 +ringling 0.911 0.059 +ringmaster 0.557 0.030 +ringo 0.858 0.058 +rings 0.633 0.033 +ringside 0.534 0.055 +ringsignaler 0.426 0.003 +ringspun 0.591 0.154 +ringtone 0.289 0.013 +ringtones 0.502 0.029 +ringu 0.854 0.046 +ringwald 0.918 0.022 +ringwood 0.845 0.125 +ringwork 0.009 0.000 +ringworm 0.587 0.022 +rini 0.891 0.041 +rink 0.449 0.036 +rinker 0.875 0.096 +rinks 0.508 0.032 +rinna 0.647 0.021 +rinnai 0.908 0.037 +rinne 0.850 0.041 +rino 0.575 0.376 +rinoa 0.830 0.012 +rinpoche 0.966 0.015 +rinse 0.411 0.031 +rinsed 0.036 0.004 +rinses 0.255 0.042 +rinsho 0.993 0.003 +rinsing 0.116 0.013 +rint 0.076 0.258 +rio 0.829 0.073 +riod 0.004 0.037 +riog 0.006 0.865 +rioja 0.888 0.040 +rion 0.753 0.043 +rior 0.015 0.129 +riordan 0.907 0.061 +rios 0.870 0.053 +riot 0.437 0.045 +rioters 0.113 0.008 +rioting 0.112 0.008 +riotous 0.087 0.013 +riots 0.232 0.020 +rioux 0.903 0.077 +rioworks 0.957 0.017 +rip 0.232 0.347 +ripa 0.505 0.312 +riparian 0.241 0.017 +ripcord 0.601 0.095 +ripcurl 0.564 0.314 +ripe 0.031 0.767 +ripen 0.048 0.005 +ripencc 0.000 0.000 +ripened 0.105 0.009 +ripeness 0.092 0.011 +ripening 0.100 0.011 +ripens 0.169 0.000 +riper 0.539 0.046 +ripken 0.844 0.106 +ripley 0.875 0.078 +ripoff 0.221 0.045 +ripoffs 0.381 0.025 +ripon 0.910 0.062 +riposte 0.347 0.083 +ripp 0.603 0.197 +ripped 0.164 0.015 +ripper 0.701 0.021 +rippers 0.725 0.013 +rippin 0.505 0.050 +ripping 0.184 0.011 +ripple 0.388 0.041 +rippled 0.127 0.011 +ripples 0.269 0.017 +rippling 0.123 0.009 +rippon 0.920 0.053 +riprap 0.262 0.147 +rips 0.275 0.072 +ripstop 0.488 0.035 +riptide 0.803 0.050 +ripton 0.799 0.056 +rir 0.016 0.911 +rirdc 0.000 0.983 +rire 0.160 0.050 +ris 0.110 0.728 +risa 0.705 0.187 +risborough 0.935 0.047 +risc 0.038 0.908 +risch 0.924 0.050 +rischio 0.050 0.020 +risco 0.537 0.124 +riscos 0.045 0.515 +risd 0.005 0.922 +rise 0.217 0.022 +risedronate 0.436 0.026 +risen 0.111 0.011 +riser 0.493 0.106 +risers 0.442 0.131 +riserva 0.781 0.083 +riservati 0.016 0.018 +rises 0.126 0.014 +rish 0.423 0.158 +rishi 0.830 0.040 +rishikesh 0.921 0.056 +rishon 0.954 0.013 +risin 0.579 0.033 +rising 0.335 0.023 +risk 0.221 0.022 +riske 0.946 0.022 +risked 0.037 0.004 +riskier 0.046 0.002 +riskiness 0.032 0.000 +risking 0.082 0.007 +riskless 0.095 0.000 +risks 0.132 0.015 +risky 0.168 0.015 +risley 0.908 0.084 +riso 0.549 0.255 +rison 0.678 0.128 +risorse 0.485 0.025 +risotto 0.472 0.031 +risoul 0.937 0.025 +risparmia 0.062 0.010 +risperdal 0.601 0.084 +risperidone 0.393 0.018 +rispondi 0.909 0.000 +risposta 0.244 0.051 +risposte 0.283 0.007 +risque 0.305 0.048 +risques 0.205 0.039 +riss 0.441 0.418 +risser 0.881 0.089 +risso 0.901 0.040 +rist 0.714 0.122 +risto 0.909 0.031 +ristorante 0.820 0.040 +ristoranti 0.463 0.007 +risultati 0.370 0.012 +risultato 0.083 0.054 +risus 0.181 0.013 +rit 0.096 0.761 +rita 0.856 0.056 +ritalin 0.565 0.011 +ritch 0.854 0.060 +ritchey 0.908 0.068 +ritchie 0.904 0.062 +rite 0.624 0.073 +ritek 0.776 0.161 +ritenour 0.916 0.066 +rites 0.349 0.046 +ritesh 0.858 0.032 +rithm 0.003 0.002 +rithms 0.000 0.000 +ritmo 0.690 0.076 +rito 0.707 0.087 +ritonavir 0.243 0.012 +ritorno 0.359 0.045 +rits 0.070 0.289 +ritt 0.817 0.101 +rittal 0.863 0.069 +rittenhouse 0.939 0.038 +ritter 0.905 0.067 +rittman 0.864 0.120 +ritts 0.776 0.180 +ritu 0.821 0.057 +ritual 0.313 0.021 +ritualistic 0.137 0.011 +ritualized 0.085 0.000 +ritually 0.038 0.004 +rituals 0.253 0.011 +rituxan 0.850 0.089 +rituximab 0.429 0.015 +rity 0.004 0.026 +ritz 0.882 0.029 +ritzcarlton 0.000 0.000 +ritzville 0.847 0.090 +ritzy 0.414 0.021 +riu 0.596 0.106 +rium 0.008 0.016 +riv 0.420 0.426 +riva 0.700 0.155 +rivage 0.701 0.037 +rival 0.176 0.011 +rivaled 0.017 0.000 +rivaling 0.042 0.008 +rivalries 0.276 0.007 +rivalry 0.249 0.011 +rivals 0.226 0.013 +rivard 0.915 0.068 +rivas 0.821 0.066 +rive 0.568 0.226 +rived 0.012 0.007 +riven 0.518 0.055 +rivendell 0.684 0.015 +river 0.708 0.061 +rivera 0.907 0.061 +riverbank 0.506 0.048 +riverbanks 0.253 0.010 +riverbed 0.668 0.005 +riverbelle 0.357 0.069 +riverbend 0.893 0.062 +riverboat 0.518 0.023 +riverboats 0.404 0.019 +riverdale 0.900 0.068 +riverdance 0.903 0.048 +riverdeep 0.909 0.081 +riverfront 0.673 0.042 +rivergate 0.966 0.026 +riverhead 0.898 0.065 +riverina 0.957 0.032 +riverine 0.270 0.020 +riverkeeper 0.953 0.029 +riverland 0.949 0.031 +rivermen 0.922 0.025 +rivero 0.922 0.043 +rivers 0.519 0.030 +riversdale 0.965 0.030 +riverside 0.853 0.060 +riverstone 0.853 0.077 +riverton 0.886 0.099 +riverview 0.849 0.127 +riverwalk 0.909 0.028 +riverway 0.892 0.042 +riverwood 0.807 0.138 +riverwoods 0.923 0.050 +rives 0.825 0.068 +rivest 0.966 0.015 +rivet 0.531 0.082 +riveted 0.184 0.016 +riveter 0.759 0.079 +riveting 0.154 0.011 +rivets 0.365 0.040 +rivier 0.876 0.038 +riviera 0.882 0.042 +riviere 0.831 0.115 +rivieres 0.931 0.038 +rivington 0.864 0.051 +rivista 0.602 0.069 +riviste 0.477 0.054 +rivka 0.939 0.022 +rivkin 0.947 0.048 +rivlin 0.939 0.056 +rivm 0.000 0.996 +rivoli 0.872 0.071 +rivotril 0.251 0.014 +rivulet 0.293 0.071 +rivulets 0.155 0.012 +riw 0.020 0.925 +rix 0.697 0.203 +riya 0.798 0.014 +riyad 0.951 0.016 +riyadh 0.931 0.051 +riyal 0.932 0.012 +riyals 0.909 0.006 +riz 0.526 0.109 +riza 0.738 0.165 +rizal 0.863 0.056 +rize 0.721 0.099 +rized 0.000 0.024 +rizla 0.689 0.123 +rizvi 0.936 0.042 +rizwan 0.837 0.047 +rizzi 0.906 0.062 +rizzo 0.896 0.048 +rizzoli 0.949 0.028 +rizzuto 0.908 0.058 +rj 0.021 0.928 +rjc 0.015 0.889 +rjd 0.013 0.939 +rje 0.055 0.595 +rjm 0.014 0.818 +rjr 0.058 0.912 +rjs 0.035 0.782 +rk 0.079 0.741 +rkc 0.014 0.886 +rkm 0.088 0.582 +rko 0.009 0.951 +rks 0.019 0.682 +rl 0.019 0.903 +rla 0.033 0.861 +rlba 0.000 0.504 +rlc 0.007 0.938 +rld 0.030 0.550 +rle 0.020 0.783 +rlf 0.025 0.870 +rlg 0.005 0.921 +rli 0.017 0.779 +rlin 0.007 0.921 +rlineto 0.000 0.000 +rll 0.026 0.870 +rlm 0.013 0.856 +rlo 0.015 0.818 +rlogin 0.091 0.045 +rlp 0.015 0.810 +rlr 0.027 0.888 +rls 0.068 0.727 +rlt 0.054 0.808 +rlug 0.000 0.584 +rlv 0.007 0.948 +rlx 0.068 0.881 +rly 0.292 0.264 +rm 0.131 0.508 +rma 0.002 0.954 +rmac 0.004 0.909 +rmail 0.429 0.071 +rman 0.033 0.671 +rmap 0.086 0.199 +rmation 0.000 0.022 +rmax 0.310 0.317 +rmb 0.024 0.917 +rmc 0.013 0.938 +rmd 0.019 0.857 +rmdir 0.004 0.016 +rme 0.017 0.897 +rmf 0.021 0.872 +rmg 0.011 0.887 +rmh 0.017 0.790 +rmi 0.007 0.885 +rmit 0.002 0.983 +rmj 0.069 0.654 +rmk 0.006 0.957 +rml 0.009 0.876 +rmm 0.031 0.734 +rmmod 0.000 0.006 +rmn 0.048 0.865 +rmo 0.010 0.923 +rmon 0.006 0.851 +rmoveto 0.000 0.000 +rmp 0.010 0.948 +rmq 0.002 0.989 +rmr 0.008 0.921 +rms 0.027 0.727 +rmsd 0.018 0.627 +rmse 0.009 0.908 +rmt 0.027 0.855 +rmu 0.011 0.876 +rmv 0.018 0.629 +rmvb 0.104 0.442 +rmw 0.009 0.898 +rmx 0.308 0.391 +rn 0.078 0.803 +rna 0.003 0.985 +rnas 0.019 0.428 +rnav 0.010 0.978 +rnb 0.244 0.370 +rnc 0.017 0.926 +rnd 0.431 0.425 +rne 0.021 0.569 +rng 0.091 0.451 +rni 0.014 0.787 +rnib 0.000 0.990 +rnid 0.004 0.986 +rnk 0.394 0.555 +rnli 0.002 0.990 +rno 0.026 0.798 +rnp 0.006 0.961 +rnr 0.039 0.867 +rns 0.036 0.869 +rnt 0.027 0.688 +rnum 0.007 0.284 +rnw 0.056 0.918 +rnwl 0.089 0.899 +rny 0.006 0.933 +ro 0.205 0.416 +roa 0.250 0.666 +roach 0.470 0.043 +roache 0.935 0.050 +roaches 0.325 0.033 +road 0.627 0.045 +roadbed 0.188 0.036 +roadblock 0.206 0.018 +roadblocks 0.190 0.015 +roader 0.351 0.044 +roadfly 0.931 0.060 +roadhouse 0.813 0.046 +roadie 0.618 0.063 +roadies 0.402 0.027 +roading 0.379 0.020 +roadkill 0.624 0.039 +roadless 0.369 0.024 +roadmap 0.608 0.016 +roadmaps 0.523 0.011 +roadmaster 0.809 0.088 +roadmate 0.726 0.166 +roadrunner 0.756 0.073 +roadrunners 0.905 0.042 +roads 0.306 0.027 +roadshow 0.790 0.051 +roadshows 0.608 0.015 +roadside 0.427 0.050 +roadsides 0.088 0.013 +roadstar 0.813 0.133 +roadster 0.710 0.079 +roadsters 0.631 0.031 +roadtrip 0.597 0.070 +roadtrips 0.754 0.026 +roadway 0.219 0.058 +roadways 0.139 0.035 +roadwork 0.441 0.035 +roadworks 0.467 0.058 +roady 0.836 0.100 +roald 0.950 0.025 +roam 0.190 0.030 +roaman 0.988 0.005 +roamans 0.690 0.006 +roamed 0.035 0.005 +roamer 0.747 0.069 +roaming 0.296 0.016 +roams 0.050 0.022 +roan 0.718 0.069 +roane 0.904 0.076 +roanoke 0.920 0.055 +roar 0.314 0.070 +roared 0.052 0.007 +roaring 0.426 0.030 +roark 0.869 0.072 +roarke 0.958 0.021 +roars 0.173 0.037 +roast 0.498 0.048 +roasted 0.407 0.028 +roaster 0.611 0.028 +roasters 0.670 0.021 +roasting 0.387 0.016 +roasts 0.346 0.016 +roatan 0.950 0.018 +rob 0.797 0.033 +roba 0.455 0.241 +roback 0.983 0.012 +robar 0.372 0.483 +robards 0.948 0.041 +robarts 0.946 0.045 +robb 0.861 0.060 +robbe 0.900 0.026 +robbed 0.080 0.012 +robben 0.823 0.029 +robber 0.286 0.030 +robberies 0.144 0.019 +robbers 0.274 0.021 +robbery 0.263 0.041 +robbie 0.681 0.037 +robbin 0.866 0.032 +robbing 0.118 0.009 +robbins 0.914 0.061 +robbinsdale 0.881 0.093 +robbinsville 0.834 0.124 +robbo 0.771 0.031 +robbs 0.168 0.015 +robby 0.931 0.030 +robe 0.386 0.042 +robed 0.094 0.010 +robeez 0.892 0.047 +rober 0.851 0.076 +roberge 0.926 0.066 +robern 0.967 0.020 +roberson 0.885 0.101 +robert 0.928 0.053 +roberta 0.869 0.057 +robertcmartin 0.000 0.000 +roberto 0.858 0.091 +roberts 0.892 0.064 +robertsdale 0.811 0.167 +robertshaw 0.759 0.139 +robertson 0.913 0.070 +robes 0.385 0.016 +robeson 0.888 0.077 +robespierre 0.956 0.018 +robey 0.924 0.055 +robi 0.579 0.149 +robic 0.768 0.170 +robichaud 0.911 0.082 +robichaux 0.955 0.040 +robie 0.915 0.039 +robillard 0.926 0.064 +robin 0.876 0.042 +robina 0.728 0.220 +robinette 0.888 0.094 +robins 0.829 0.066 +robinson 0.899 0.084 +robinsons 0.919 0.030 +robinsonville 0.827 0.055 +robison 0.913 0.073 +robitaille 0.911 0.082 +robitussin 0.848 0.025 +roble 0.825 0.069 +robles 0.860 0.071 +roblin 0.810 0.161 +robo 0.705 0.114 +robocop 0.834 0.082 +roboraptor 0.863 0.071 +robosapien 0.893 0.043 +robot 0.402 0.021 +robotech 0.821 0.107 +robotic 0.417 0.020 +robotics 0.720 0.054 +robots 0.431 0.020 +robs 0.187 0.041 +robson 0.925 0.055 +robstown 0.836 0.128 +robt 0.884 0.083 +robur 0.426 0.033 +robust 0.151 0.008 +robusta 0.316 0.031 +robustly 0.034 0.002 +robustness 0.202 0.006 +robusto 0.823 0.048 +roby 0.761 0.091 +robyn 0.917 0.037 +roc 0.318 0.614 +roca 0.790 0.110 +rocawear 0.796 0.089 +rocca 0.908 0.056 +rocco 0.834 0.074 +roccobarocco 0.845 0.136 +roce 0.026 0.686 +roces 0.794 0.073 +rocess 0.000 0.756 +roch 0.871 0.082 +rocha 0.905 0.056 +rochas 0.830 0.144 +rochdale 0.947 0.028 +roche 0.888 0.051 +rochefort 0.820 0.159 +rochelle 0.888 0.071 +rochen 0.989 0.000 +rocher 0.881 0.048 +roches 0.661 0.202 +rochester 0.892 0.054 +rochford 0.924 0.062 +rochie 0.040 0.000 +rochon 0.921 0.061 +rocio 0.856 0.054 +rock 0.599 0.047 +rockabilly 0.628 0.072 +rockall 0.983 0.013 +rockaway 0.832 0.117 +rockbox 0.746 0.015 +rockbridge 0.899 0.072 +rockcastle 0.880 0.098 +rockdale 0.826 0.127 +rocked 0.091 0.038 +rockefeller 0.945 0.038 +rocker 0.513 0.053 +rockers 0.480 0.038 +rocket 0.519 0.039 +rocketboom 0.767 0.021 +rocketed 0.008 0.003 +rocketeer 0.888 0.043 +rocketing 0.089 0.008 +rocketman 0.843 0.042 +rocketry 0.656 0.017 +rockets 0.610 0.028 +rockett 0.902 0.070 +rockfall 0.484 0.041 +rockfish 0.328 0.187 +rockford 0.883 0.078 +rockhampton 0.868 0.111 +rockhill 0.854 0.132 +rockhopper 0.610 0.253 +rockhounds 0.920 0.005 +rockhouse 0.762 0.202 +rockhurst 0.950 0.037 +rocki 0.855 0.027 +rockies 0.949 0.033 +rockin 0.590 0.065 +rocking 0.416 0.034 +rockingham 0.897 0.082 +rockit 0.729 0.091 +rockland 0.902 0.075 +rockledge 0.902 0.078 +rockler 0.960 0.011 +rockley 0.848 0.119 +rocklin 0.875 0.042 +rockman 0.869 0.046 +rockmart 0.891 0.078 +rockne 0.950 0.031 +rocko 0.767 0.043 +rockport 0.886 0.042 +rockridge 0.881 0.037 +rocks 0.349 0.055 +rockstar 0.774 0.037 +rocksteady 0.580 0.128 +rockton 0.839 0.129 +rockville 0.934 0.050 +rockwall 0.769 0.052 +rockwell 0.885 0.067 +rockwood 0.815 0.153 +rockwool 0.580 0.047 +rocky 0.762 0.048 +roco 0.782 0.140 +rococo 0.772 0.063 +rod 0.584 0.079 +roda 0.713 0.131 +rodale 0.933 0.016 +rodan 0.924 0.036 +rodd 0.724 0.241 +rodda 0.890 0.073 +roddenberry 0.960 0.033 +rodder 0.660 0.139 +rodders 0.622 0.024 +roddick 0.924 0.026 +rodding 0.581 0.050 +roddy 0.903 0.060 +rode 0.141 0.030 +roden 0.897 0.074 +rodenstock 0.910 0.061 +rodent 0.377 0.024 +rodentia 0.932 0.028 +rodenticide 0.709 0.100 +rodenticides 0.153 0.539 +rodents 0.233 0.015 +rodeo 0.782 0.053 +rodeos 0.488 0.016 +roderic 0.956 0.037 +roderick 0.895 0.056 +rodes 0.747 0.098 +rodeway 0.949 0.041 +rodewayinn 0.000 0.000 +rodger 0.906 0.066 +rodgers 0.905 0.072 +rodham 0.949 0.042 +rodi 0.717 0.111 +rodier 0.865 0.121 +rodin 0.902 0.050 +rodino 0.965 0.030 +rodman 0.905 0.049 +rodney 0.920 0.045 +rodo 0.669 0.173 +rodolfo 0.916 0.058 +rodolphe 0.919 0.037 +rodopi 0.918 0.075 +rodos 0.711 0.219 +rodrick 0.925 0.046 +rodrigo 0.916 0.035 +rodrigue 0.892 0.073 +rodrigues 0.890 0.071 +rodriguez 0.882 0.069 +rodriquez 0.894 0.076 +rods 0.433 0.046 +roduct 0.004 0.556 +roducts 0.009 0.613 +rodwell 0.927 0.060 +roe 0.749 0.165 +roebling 0.883 0.061 +roebuck 0.854 0.098 +roedd 0.556 0.000 +roeder 0.907 0.054 +roederer 0.926 0.046 +roehampton 0.970 0.022 +roel 0.875 0.049 +roeland 0.953 0.031 +roelofs 0.929 0.028 +roemer 0.802 0.183 +roenick 0.923 0.054 +roentgen 0.631 0.041 +roeper 0.950 0.023 +roes 0.327 0.169 +roesch 0.864 0.056 +roesler 0.870 0.122 +roessler 0.445 0.009 +roethke 0.982 0.008 +roethlisberger 0.915 0.070 +roex 0.412 0.053 +rof 0.033 0.460 +rofecoxib 0.314 0.016 +rofessional 0.000 0.679 +roff 0.512 0.100 +rofl 0.044 0.440 +roflmao 0.039 0.702 +rog 0.531 0.270 +rogaine 0.498 0.034 +rogaland 0.930 0.046 +rogan 0.814 0.136 +rogar 0.921 0.047 +rogelio 0.847 0.096 +roger 0.925 0.045 +rogers 0.880 0.081 +rogerson 0.929 0.063 +rogersville 0.842 0.120 +roget 0.992 0.003 +rogge 0.938 0.052 +rogier 0.941 0.025 +rogoff 0.983 0.013 +rogram 0.001 0.791 +rograms 0.000 0.762 +rogue 0.616 0.050 +rogues 0.608 0.046 +roguish 0.189 0.006 +roh 0.588 0.345 +rohan 0.904 0.052 +rohc 0.041 0.595 +rohde 0.879 0.096 +rohe 0.845 0.034 +rohini 0.892 0.049 +rohit 0.841 0.035 +rohl 0.859 0.086 +rohm 0.737 0.246 +rohmer 0.928 0.054 +rohn 0.904 0.062 +rohnert 0.900 0.049 +rohr 0.713 0.057 +rohrbach 0.938 0.050 +rohrer 0.896 0.082 +rohs 0.103 0.512 +rohtak 0.896 0.096 +rohypnol 0.799 0.013 +roi 0.077 0.842 +roids 0.368 0.049 +roig 0.877 0.068 +roiling 0.158 0.004 +roimhe 0.933 0.000 +roinn 0.896 0.031 +rois 0.550 0.052 +roisin 0.912 0.052 +roissy 0.843 0.077 +roj 0.394 0.182 +roja 0.732 0.033 +rojak 0.906 0.011 +rojas 0.879 0.058 +roject 0.000 0.695 +rojects 0.000 0.442 +rojo 0.852 0.034 +rok 0.245 0.453 +rokeby 0.932 0.063 +rokenbok 0.935 0.044 +roker 0.926 0.027 +rokr 0.150 0.825 +roku 0.745 0.027 +rol 0.114 0.670 +rola 0.642 0.115 +roland 0.890 0.056 +rolando 0.808 0.074 +roldan 0.902 0.059 +role 0.161 0.011 +rolemaster 0.953 0.015 +rolen 0.857 0.051 +roleplay 0.679 0.021 +roleplayers 0.436 0.010 +roleplaying 0.678 0.010 +roles 0.139 0.009 +roleta 0.014 0.000 +rolette 0.781 0.076 +rolex 0.489 0.046 +rolf 0.919 0.052 +rolfe 0.919 0.073 +rolfing 0.845 0.029 +rolfs 0.941 0.030 +roli 0.436 0.022 +rolie 0.905 0.047 +roll 0.437 0.054 +rolla 0.889 0.078 +rolland 0.863 0.091 +rollaway 0.681 0.022 +rollaways 0.801 0.111 +rollback 0.227 0.103 +rollbacks 0.740 0.005 +rollcall 0.386 0.180 +rolle 0.854 0.045 +rolled 0.125 0.030 +rollei 0.880 0.091 +rolleiflex 0.828 0.095 +rollenspiele 0.833 0.000 +roller 0.534 0.054 +rollerball 0.780 0.096 +rollerblade 0.735 0.057 +rollerblades 0.337 0.079 +rollerblading 0.395 0.010 +rollercoaster 0.491 0.028 +rollergirls 0.932 0.019 +rollers 0.405 0.044 +rolleston 0.903 0.088 +rolleyes 0.005 0.000 +rollicking 0.144 0.006 +rollie 0.895 0.044 +rollin 0.599 0.041 +rolling 0.473 0.034 +rollins 0.915 0.061 +rollinsford 0.914 0.061 +rollo 0.863 0.035 +rollout 0.225 0.012 +rollouts 0.149 0.010 +rollover 0.568 0.018 +rollovers 0.352 0.014 +rolls 0.478 0.051 +rollup 0.525 0.114 +rolly 0.771 0.047 +rolo 0.656 0.057 +rolodex 0.614 0.124 +rolph 0.894 0.089 +rolston 0.936 0.056 +rolt 0.520 0.463 +roly 0.736 0.049 +rom 0.151 0.708 +roma 0.763 0.059 +romagna 0.865 0.033 +romain 0.872 0.040 +romaine 0.613 0.035 +romaji 0.782 0.007 +roman 0.899 0.028 +romana 0.669 0.024 +romance 0.649 0.019 +romances 0.417 0.021 +romancing 0.722 0.029 +romane 0.782 0.033 +romanek 0.832 0.039 +romanesque 0.854 0.086 +romani 0.848 0.064 +romania 0.920 0.048 +romanian 0.921 0.021 +romanians 0.937 0.032 +romanic 0.825 0.024 +romanization 0.457 0.006 +romanized 0.530 0.009 +romano 0.876 0.049 +romanoff 0.930 0.050 +romanov 0.900 0.063 +romanow 0.970 0.022 +romanowski 0.879 0.049 +romans 0.955 0.029 +romansh 0.993 0.003 +romantic 0.453 0.014 +romantica 0.791 0.038 +romantically 0.088 0.007 +romantici 0.006 0.000 +romanticism 0.663 0.015 +romanticized 0.025 0.000 +romantico 0.771 0.030 +romantics 0.110 0.005 +romantik 0.445 0.015 +romantikdicke 0.000 0.000 +romanum 0.927 0.034 +romanus 0.873 0.026 +romany 0.866 0.034 +romberg 0.908 0.055 +rome 0.920 0.028 +romenesko 0.991 0.001 +romeo 0.832 0.089 +romeoville 0.853 0.116 +romer 0.932 0.051 +romero 0.916 0.062 +romesh 0.972 0.024 +romeu 0.688 0.043 +romford 0.921 0.032 +romi 0.742 0.134 +romijn 0.851 0.016 +romika 0.931 0.018 +romina 0.882 0.045 +romine 0.850 0.127 +romita 0.868 0.093 +romm 0.783 0.088 +rommel 0.907 0.041 +romney 0.943 0.034 +romo 0.830 0.090 +romp 0.134 0.085 +rompe 0.881 0.009 +romper 0.696 0.079 +rompers 0.644 0.057 +romping 0.248 0.006 +rompl 0.493 0.013 +romps 0.139 0.028 +roms 0.287 0.145 +romsey 0.901 0.058 +romulan 0.937 0.028 +romulans 0.965 0.009 +romulo 0.861 0.095 +romulus 0.904 0.064 +romy 0.842 0.062 +ron 0.914 0.045 +rona 0.753 0.159 +ronald 0.920 0.063 +ronaldinho 0.743 0.065 +ronaldo 0.769 0.115 +ronan 0.875 0.044 +ronchi 0.835 0.077 +ronco 0.850 0.070 +rond 0.474 0.045 +ronda 0.883 0.051 +ronde 0.786 0.049 +rondeau 0.880 0.059 +rondebosch 0.943 0.044 +rondell 0.863 0.062 +rondelle 0.411 0.123 +rondo 0.832 0.056 +rone 0.456 0.078 +ronen 0.924 0.035 +roney 0.858 0.080 +rong 0.687 0.098 +ronge 0.931 0.052 +roni 0.827 0.067 +ronin 0.886 0.038 +ronja 0.440 0.012 +ronkonkoma 0.847 0.128 +ronment 0.000 0.004 +ronmental 0.000 0.004 +ronn 0.852 0.077 +ronna 0.878 0.044 +ronne 0.885 0.029 +ronni 0.882 0.025 +ronnie 0.901 0.054 +ronny 0.914 0.040 +rons 0.241 0.068 +ronson 0.840 0.069 +ronstadt 0.855 0.049 +ronstan 0.972 0.025 +rony 0.809 0.071 +roo 0.693 0.110 +rood 0.650 0.058 +roodepoort 0.917 0.058 +roof 0.316 0.037 +roofed 0.054 0.010 +roofer 0.551 0.062 +roofers 0.600 0.033 +roofing 0.663 0.053 +roofline 0.144 0.010 +roofs 0.238 0.022 +rooftop 0.365 0.024 +rooftops 0.196 0.009 +rooibos 0.800 0.020 +rook 0.656 0.042 +rooke 0.858 0.104 +rooker 0.946 0.045 +rookery 0.652 0.030 +rookie 0.571 0.091 +rookies 0.557 0.071 +rooks 0.606 0.075 +rookwood 0.892 0.078 +rools 0.046 0.016 +room 0.416 0.024 +roomate 0.073 0.008 +roomates 0.106 0.003 +roomba 0.863 0.036 +roome 0.248 0.031 +roomed 0.025 0.014 +roomful 0.271 0.021 +roomie 0.101 0.009 +roomies 0.482 0.038 +roominess 0.746 0.008 +rooming 0.349 0.037 +roommate 0.169 0.005 +roommates 0.200 0.003 +rooms 0.385 0.015 +roomshare 0.970 0.000 +roomy 0.162 0.013 +roon 0.616 0.041 +rooney 0.855 0.056 +roop 0.865 0.070 +roor 0.854 0.037 +roorkee 0.951 0.032 +roos 0.805 0.079 +roose 0.834 0.095 +roosendaal 0.921 0.031 +roosevelt 0.932 0.048 +roost 0.405 0.034 +rooster 0.658 0.077 +roosters 0.632 0.055 +roosting 0.123 0.008 +roosts 0.100 0.013 +root 0.123 0.029 +rootbeer 0.614 0.068 +rooted 0.056 0.008 +rooter 0.651 0.033 +rooters 0.650 0.172 +rooting 0.138 0.010 +rootkit 0.296 0.005 +rootkits 0.524 0.005 +rootless 0.227 0.007 +roots 0.295 0.054 +rootstock 0.201 0.024 +rootstocks 0.183 0.017 +rootsweb 0.702 0.183 +rootsy 0.106 0.012 +rootworm 0.306 0.019 +rooty 0.647 0.182 +rooyen 0.901 0.068 +rop 0.169 0.667 +ropa 0.200 0.240 +rope 0.357 0.048 +roped 0.138 0.012 +roper 0.857 0.085 +ropers 0.728 0.035 +roperty 0.004 0.540 +ropes 0.369 0.024 +roping 0.544 0.054 +roppongi 0.910 0.027 +rops 0.169 0.757 +roq 0.189 0.086 +roque 0.888 0.061 +roquefort 0.875 0.025 +roques 0.921 0.045 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0.550 0.068 +roseburg 0.896 0.067 +rosebush 0.515 0.136 +rosecrans 0.897 0.091 +rosedale 0.881 0.095 +rosegarden 0.654 0.010 +rosehill 0.871 0.107 +rosehip 0.628 0.059 +roseland 0.920 0.058 +roselawn 0.871 0.115 +rosell 0.935 0.056 +rosella 0.828 0.106 +roselle 0.886 0.089 +roselyn 0.829 0.023 +roseman 0.867 0.055 +rosemarie 0.892 0.079 +rosemary 0.791 0.038 +rosemead 0.870 0.087 +rosemont 0.933 0.047 +rosemount 0.912 0.069 +rosen 0.923 0.050 +rosenau 0.941 0.035 +rosenbaum 0.920 0.061 +rosenberg 0.942 0.038 +rosenberger 0.929 0.059 +rosenblatt 0.941 0.046 +rosenbloom 0.954 0.042 +rosenblum 0.952 0.038 +rosenbluth 0.951 0.024 +rosenborg 0.943 0.032 +rosencrantz 0.850 0.120 +rosendahl 0.956 0.034 +rosendale 0.861 0.110 +rosenderg 0.000 0.000 +rosenfeld 0.948 0.043 +rosenfield 0.950 0.045 +rosengarten 0.955 0.033 +rosengren 0.963 0.032 +rosenheim 0.271 0.006 +rosenkranz 0.905 0.079 +rosenman 0.952 0.042 +rosenrot 0.920 0.024 +rosenstein 0.959 0.036 +rosenstiel 0.948 0.043 +rosenstock 0.967 0.024 +rosenthal 0.915 0.057 +rosenwald 0.906 0.049 +rosenzweig 0.961 0.031 +roser 0.845 0.081 +roses 0.625 0.040 +rosetown 0.978 0.019 +rosetta 0.880 0.038 +rosette 0.466 0.047 +rosetten 0.013 0.000 +rosettes 0.501 0.020 +rosetti 0.802 0.094 +roseville 0.887 0.072 +rosewater 0.622 0.164 +rosewill 0.639 0.022 +rosewood 0.666 0.087 +rosey 0.774 0.054 +rosh 0.939 0.023 +roshan 0.909 0.031 +roshi 0.821 0.021 +rosholt 0.852 0.130 +rosi 0.656 0.254 +rosicrucian 0.918 0.036 +rosie 0.893 0.049 +rosier 0.650 0.060 +rosiere 0.750 0.217 +rosiglitazone 0.406 0.027 +rosin 0.584 0.082 +rosina 0.904 0.071 +rosing 0.961 0.022 +rosita 0.900 0.055 +roskilde 0.936 0.026 +roskill 0.959 0.030 +rosle 0.967 0.006 +roslin 0.944 0.031 +roslindale 0.897 0.084 +roslyn 0.880 0.080 +rosman 0.813 0.078 +rosner 0.927 0.053 +rosny 0.847 0.081 +ross 0.904 0.070 +rossa 0.785 0.054 +rossby 0.980 0.013 +rossdale 0.896 0.046 +rosse 0.575 0.055 +rossellini 0.898 0.079 +rossen 0.941 0.037 +rossendale 0.951 0.043 +rosser 0.908 0.076 +rosset 0.937 0.054 +rossetti 0.924 0.043 +rossford 0.844 0.116 +rossi 0.862 0.065 +rossignol 0.870 0.048 +rossii 0.812 0.026 +rossini 0.903 0.065 +rossiter 0.913 0.073 +rossland 0.968 0.023 +rosslare 0.951 0.018 +rosslyn 0.923 0.060 +rossman 0.899 0.080 +rossmann 0.922 0.052 +rossmoor 0.898 0.088 +rosso 0.779 0.064 +rosson 0.926 0.066 +rossport 0.960 0.021 +rossum 0.959 0.012 +rossville 0.841 0.129 +rost 0.763 0.162 +roster 0.591 0.054 +rostered 0.123 0.010 +rostering 0.293 0.013 +rosters 0.542 0.034 +rostock 0.897 0.022 +rostov 0.961 0.027 +rostral 0.072 0.006 +rostropovich 0.931 0.055 +rostrum 0.311 0.019 +roswell 0.909 0.051 +rosy 0.333 0.033 +rosyth 0.946 0.028 +rot 0.218 0.086 +rota 0.583 0.106 +rotan 0.535 0.143 +rotana 0.916 0.028 +rotaract 0.941 0.040 +rotarian 0.951 0.032 +rotarians 0.974 0.017 +rotary 0.684 0.056 +rotatable 0.222 0.030 +rotate 0.236 0.021 +rotated 0.048 0.014 +rotates 0.063 0.011 +rotating 0.234 0.034 +rotation 0.189 0.026 +rotational 0.225 0.018 +rotationally 0.156 0.018 +rotations 0.202 0.012 +rotator 0.439 0.029 +rotators 0.530 0.027 +rotavirus 0.353 0.017 +rotax 0.700 0.226 +rotc 0.009 0.965 +rote 0.200 0.021 +rotection 0.000 0.787 +rotel 0.900 0.043 +rotella 0.777 0.167 +roten 0.371 0.031 +rotenberg 0.932 0.059 +rotenone 0.334 0.072 +roter 0.706 0.045 +rotfl 0.011 0.535 +rotflmao 0.011 0.803 +roth 0.902 0.069 +rothbard 0.980 0.014 +rothberg 0.949 0.038 +rothbury 0.825 0.155 +rothchild 0.937 0.045 +rothe 0.907 0.060 +rothenberg 0.950 0.043 +rothenburg 0.899 0.042 +rother 0.913 0.052 +rotherham 0.942 0.035 +rotherhithe 0.960 0.022 +rothermel 0.938 0.056 +rothery 0.910 0.046 +rothesay 0.929 0.058 +rothko 0.921 0.021 +rothman 0.920 0.067 +rothmans 0.757 0.052 +rothrock 0.887 0.078 +rothschild 0.887 0.088 +rothstein 0.913 0.076 +rothwell 0.868 0.064 +roti 0.522 0.071 +rotic 0.282 0.043 +rotiserie 0.000 0.000 +rotisserie 0.560 0.023 +rotisseries 0.806 0.007 +rotisserrie 0.000 0.000 +rotj 0.007 0.904 +rotk 0.024 0.923 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0.023 +rousseau 0.919 0.050 +roussel 0.906 0.077 +roussillon 0.963 0.016 +rousskov 0.970 0.000 +roussos 0.908 0.052 +rout 0.259 0.061 +routable 0.088 0.004 +route 0.411 0.029 +routed 0.070 0.010 +routeing 0.361 0.020 +routemaster 0.762 0.185 +router 0.459 0.021 +routers 0.578 0.008 +routes 0.229 0.026 +routh 0.901 0.063 +routine 0.124 0.031 +routinely 0.021 0.002 +routines 0.072 0.013 +routing 0.331 0.016 +routings 0.203 0.013 +routledge 0.987 0.010 +routs 0.260 0.028 +routt 0.898 0.087 +roux 0.817 0.054 +rouyn 0.913 0.072 +rov 0.101 0.782 +rovaniemi 0.934 0.042 +rove 0.928 0.022 +rover 0.827 0.082 +rovers 0.833 0.038 +rovigo 0.859 0.036 +roving 0.468 0.031 +rovinj 0.904 0.056 +rovira 0.949 0.040 +rovner 0.859 0.124 +row 0.356 0.077 +rowan 0.895 0.053 +rowand 0.937 0.025 +rowboat 0.294 0.024 +rowdy 0.402 0.028 +rowe 0.904 0.068 +rowed 0.060 0.010 +rowell 0.866 0.080 +rowen 0.923 0.041 +rowena 0.882 0.065 +rowenta 0.867 0.074 +rower 0.515 0.030 +rowers 0.357 0.025 +rowhouse 0.630 0.020 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+rpsl 0.000 0.981 +rpt 0.414 0.446 +rptr 0.771 0.109 +rpts 0.786 0.124 +rpv 0.062 0.880 +rq 0.112 0.581 +rqm 0.002 0.979 +rr 0.334 0.578 +rra 0.007 0.699 +rrb 0.004 0.938 +rrc 0.003 0.702 +rrd 0.010 0.552 +rrds 0.000 0.019 +rrdtool 0.007 0.027 +rre 0.013 0.596 +rree 0.010 0.007 +rrf 0.008 0.877 +rrg 0.016 0.910 +rri 0.010 0.797 +rrl 0.012 0.867 +rrm 0.006 0.842 +rro 0.008 0.766 +rrp 0.006 0.954 +rrq 0.009 0.902 +rrr 0.007 0.286 +rrrr 0.033 0.392 +rrs 0.016 0.917 +rrsp 0.001 0.971 +rrt 0.012 0.898 +rs 0.559 0.371 +rsa 0.012 0.917 +rsac 0.000 0.957 +rsb 0.012 0.840 +rsbc 0.000 0.995 +rsc 0.008 0.897 +rscg 0.034 0.948 +rsch 0.597 0.361 +rsd 0.015 0.881 +rse 0.010 0.840 +rset 0.020 0.366 +rsf 0.010 0.935 +rsg 0.012 0.895 +rsgb 0.005 0.978 +rsgi 0.001 0.997 +rsh 0.027 0.250 +rsi 0.013 0.914 +rsip 0.000 0.964 +rsj 0.007 0.952 +rsk 0.063 0.828 +rsl 0.007 0.935 +rsm 0.006 0.874 +rsmmc 0.005 0.976 +rsn 0.017 0.885 +rsna 0.000 0.994 +rso 0.011 0.932 +rsp 0.048 0.769 +rspa 0.000 0.965 +rspan 0.011 0.916 +rspb 0.004 0.944 +rspca 0.021 0.948 +rsq 0.061 0.824 +rsr 0.028 0.874 +rsrch 0.496 0.467 +rss 0.006 0.903 +rssi 0.007 0.891 +rsss 0.005 0.965 +rst 0.037 0.371 +rstp 0.000 0.949 +rstr 0.233 0.132 +rsu 0.050 0.859 +rsv 0.037 0.902 +rsvp 0.005 0.896 +rsw 0.011 0.952 +rsx 0.029 0.847 +rsync 0.058 0.019 +rt 0.168 0.705 +rta 0.029 0.907 +rtai 0.041 0.694 +rtas 0.006 0.904 +rtb 0.012 0.925 +rtc 0.006 0.855 +rtcp 0.000 0.931 +rtcw 0.017 0.737 +rtd 0.035 0.915 +rte 0.498 0.424 +rtecs 0.004 0.992 +rtems 0.007 0.637 +rtf 0.006 0.763 +rtfm 0.007 0.736 +rtg 0.157 0.660 +rth 0.074 0.372 +rti 0.009 0.923 +rticle 0.000 0.856 +rtime 0.006 0.108 +rtk 0.016 0.891 +rtl 0.014 0.639 +rtm 0.008 0.887 +rtn 0.762 0.179 +rto 0.019 0.885 +rtog 0.000 0.985 +rtos 0.005 0.952 +rtp 0.021 0.886 +rtpi 0.003 0.989 +rtr 0.037 0.808 +rtrv 0.017 0.896 +rts 0.037 0.826 +rtsp 0.002 0.625 +rtt 0.011 0.847 +rtti 0.002 0.361 +rttl 0.025 0.579 +rtttl 0.032 0.783 +rtty 0.005 0.965 +rtu 0.022 0.900 +rtv 0.014 0.884 +rtw 0.005 0.934 +rtx 0.026 0.442 +rty 0.022 0.308 +ru 0.143 0.408 +rua 0.793 0.092 +ruach 0.694 0.049 +ruaha 0.974 0.010 +ruan 0.878 0.081 +ruanda 0.930 0.033 +ruane 0.928 0.041 +ruaok 0.000 0.000 +ruapehu 0.968 0.015 +rub 0.291 0.172 +rubbed 0.123 0.008 +rubber 0.432 0.049 +rubberball 0.965 0.002 +rubberband 0.431 0.035 +rubberized 0.264 0.073 +rubbermaid 0.800 0.104 +rubbers 0.412 0.085 +rubbery 0.074 0.038 +rubbing 0.112 0.008 +rubbings 0.480 0.012 +rubbish 0.375 0.017 +rubble 0.129 0.020 +rube 0.797 0.042 +rubel 0.941 0.020 +rubella 0.432 0.022 +ruben 0.896 0.059 +rubens 0.862 0.058 +rubensdame 0.000 0.000 +rubenstein 0.949 0.041 +ruber 0.178 0.073 +rubes 0.600 0.018 +rubi 0.683 0.092 +rubia 0.199 0.011 +rubiaceae 0.887 0.108 +rubias 0.033 0.003 +rubicon 0.854 0.065 +rubidium 0.469 0.052 +rubies 0.593 0.054 +rubik 0.890 0.032 +rubin 0.905 0.075 +rubinetto 0.018 0.442 +rubino 0.790 0.058 +rubinstein 0.930 0.058 +rubio 0.771 0.043 +rubis 0.720 0.094 +rubix 0.834 0.042 +ruble 0.563 0.037 +rubles 0.520 0.010 +rubra 0.132 0.028 +rubric 0.372 0.026 +rubrics 0.349 0.015 +rubrik 0.920 0.021 +rubripes 0.007 0.000 +rubrique 0.258 0.039 +rubriques 0.199 0.020 +rubrum 0.083 0.025 +rubs 0.392 0.019 +rubus 0.959 0.016 +ruby 0.710 0.045 +rubys 0.277 0.046 +ruc 0.015 0.948 +ruch 0.830 0.061 +ruched 0.606 0.075 +ruck 0.502 0.076 +rucka 0.962 0.022 +rucker 0.870 0.106 +ruckman 0.627 0.068 +rucksack 0.420 0.108 +rucksacks 0.656 0.047 +ruckus 0.568 0.033 +rud 0.398 0.353 +ruda 0.645 0.039 +rudbeckia 0.887 0.035 +rudd 0.899 0.063 +rudder 0.322 0.033 +rudders 0.204 0.072 +ruddock 0.930 0.063 +ruddy 0.581 0.047 +rude 0.294 0.032 +rudelbumsen 0.495 0.000 +rudelfick 0.000 0.000 +rudelficken 0.000 0.000 +rudely 0.023 0.004 +rudeness 0.216 0.009 +ruder 0.683 0.037 +ruderman 0.955 0.037 +rudge 0.916 0.069 +rudi 0.895 0.049 +rudiger 0.890 0.078 +rudimentary 0.062 0.005 +rudiments 0.174 0.019 +rudin 0.952 0.034 +rudl 0.844 0.035 +rudman 0.927 0.060 +rudner 0.970 0.021 +rudnick 0.928 0.052 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0.840 0.071 +rugs 0.683 0.033 +ruh 0.441 0.355 +ruhe 0.856 0.038 +ruhl 0.907 0.064 +ruhr 0.811 0.017 +ruhrgebiet 0.222 0.013 +rui 0.817 0.107 +ruidoso 0.873 0.055 +ruin 0.193 0.021 +ruined 0.091 0.012 +ruining 0.108 0.014 +ruinous 0.041 0.004 +ruins 0.355 0.012 +ruislip 0.952 0.031 +ruiz 0.918 0.060 +ruk 0.233 0.257 +ruka 0.882 0.032 +rukh 0.894 0.023 +rul 0.577 0.231 +rula 0.861 0.073 +rule 0.280 0.028 +rulebook 0.479 0.058 +ruled 0.061 0.007 +rulemaking 0.306 0.037 +rulemakings 0.538 0.008 +ruler 0.260 0.025 +rulers 0.223 0.011 +rulership 0.200 0.009 +rules 0.390 0.027 +ruleset 0.118 0.004 +rulesets 0.281 0.004 +ruleta 0.146 0.028 +rulez 0.333 0.147 +ruling 0.133 0.014 +rulings 0.254 0.017 +rull 0.973 0.007 +rulon 0.916 0.068 +rulz 0.378 0.368 +rum 0.482 0.073 +rumah 0.513 0.041 +rumania 0.931 0.046 +rumanian 0.993 0.002 +rumba 0.656 0.112 +rumbaugh 0.938 0.057 +rumble 0.699 0.052 +rumbled 0.030 0.006 +rumblepad 0.918 0.048 +rumblers 0.956 0.017 +rumbles 0.607 0.018 +rumbling 0.116 0.012 +rumblings 0.334 0.012 +rumbo 0.803 0.045 +rumen 0.221 0.015 +rumex 0.958 0.023 +rumford 0.893 0.076 +rumi 0.917 0.030 +rumiko 0.946 0.013 +ruminal 0.157 0.013 +ruminant 0.310 0.020 +ruminants 0.154 0.015 +ruminate 0.584 0.002 +ruminating 0.141 0.017 +rumination 0.270 0.017 +ruminations 0.694 0.009 +rummage 0.326 0.042 +rummaged 0.009 0.000 +rummaging 0.110 0.004 +rummel 0.932 0.055 +rummy 0.784 0.027 +rumney 0.906 0.078 +rumor 0.464 0.031 +rumored 0.090 0.006 +rumori 0.390 0.000 +rumors 0.394 0.016 +rumour 0.470 0.022 +rumoured 0.064 0.008 +rumours 0.327 0.020 +rump 0.293 0.042 +rumped 0.040 0.072 +rumpled 0.061 0.004 +rumpole 0.914 0.051 +rumps 0.065 0.005 +rumpus 0.487 0.031 +rums 0.662 0.087 +rumsey 0.928 0.055 +rumsfeld 0.944 0.043 +rumson 0.850 0.143 +run 0.187 0.027 +runa 0.791 0.054 +runabout 0.662 0.061 +runaround 0.506 0.039 +runaway 0.540 0.040 +runaways 0.560 0.061 +runboard 0.977 0.000 +runciman 0.953 0.037 +runco 0.915 0.065 +runcorn 0.887 0.052 +rund 0.137 0.007 +runde 0.805 0.037 +rundfunk 0.868 0.029 +rundgren 0.911 0.036 +rundle 0.902 0.075 +rundown 0.192 0.034 +rundschau 0.912 0.046 +rune 0.716 0.042 +runeberg 0.973 0.020 +runes 0.580 0.046 +runescape 0.484 0.021 +rung 0.155 0.047 +runga 0.830 0.025 +runge 0.914 0.060 +rungs 0.091 0.009 +runic 0.647 0.109 +runing 0.129 0.029 +runit 0.020 0.025 +runlevel 0.095 0.049 +runn 0.489 0.154 +runnable 0.483 0.018 +runnels 0.709 0.103 +runnemede 0.871 0.099 +runner 0.560 0.049 +runners 0.382 0.033 +runneth 0.272 0.018 +runnin 0.604 0.021 +running 0.225 0.012 +runnings 0.734 0.036 +runny 0.140 0.004 +runnymede 0.918 0.066 +runoff 0.156 0.026 +runout 0.251 0.035 +runs 0.105 0.012 +runsolver 0.000 0.000 +runt 0.363 0.198 +runterladen 0.775 0.000 +runtime 0.404 0.031 +runtimes 0.302 0.005 +runup 0.133 0.032 +runway 0.374 0.041 +runways 0.139 0.015 +runyan 0.920 0.037 +runyon 0.878 0.093 +ruolo 0.393 0.011 +rup 0.165 0.675 +rupa 0.590 0.153 +rupe 0.794 0.094 +rupee 0.903 0.012 +rupees 0.693 0.016 +rupert 0.932 0.038 +rupiah 0.854 0.013 +rupiahs 0.956 0.000 +rupp 0.887 0.084 +ruppert 0.933 0.049 +ruprecht 0.929 0.025 +rupture 0.184 0.023 +ruptured 0.189 0.012 +ruptures 0.103 0.011 +rur 0.042 0.919 +rural 0.386 0.028 +ruralbookshop 0.000 0.000 +rurales 0.278 0.045 +rurouni 0.750 0.043 +rus 0.281 0.536 +rusa 0.289 0.478 +rusch 0.917 0.068 +ruscha 0.901 0.046 +ruse 0.512 0.035 +rusedski 0.962 0.031 +rush 0.484 0.065 +rushcliffe 0.970 0.025 +rushden 0.960 0.026 +rushdie 0.959 0.018 +rushed 0.031 0.004 +rusher 0.300 0.021 +rushes 0.188 0.053 +rushford 0.818 0.150 +rushing 0.293 0.066 +rushkoff 0.886 0.024 +rushmoor 0.969 0.023 +rushmore 0.883 0.043 +rushton 0.896 0.074 +rushville 0.917 0.066 +rushworth 0.873 0.123 +rusi 0.302 0.670 +rusia 0.663 0.084 +rusian 0.162 0.007 +rusk 0.846 0.110 +ruskie 0.882 0.007 +ruskin 0.954 0.037 +ruslan 0.966 0.019 +russ 0.885 0.074 +russa 0.691 0.026 +russain 0.661 0.007 +russe 0.519 0.080 +russel 0.856 0.068 +russell 0.918 0.058 +russells 0.795 0.069 +russellville 0.874 0.098 +russen 0.111 0.004 +russensex 0.000 0.000 +russert 0.821 0.168 +russes 0.878 0.014 +russet 0.545 0.061 +russi 0.841 0.054 +russia 0.932 0.038 +russian 0.854 0.026 +russians 0.940 0.015 +russias 0.924 0.018 +russie 0.866 0.059 +russisch 0.476 0.005 +russische 0.084 0.002 +russkaja 0.995 0.002 +russkij 0.967 0.003 +russland 0.588 0.018 +russo 0.907 0.051 +russound 0.896 0.077 +rust 0.412 0.052 +rustam 0.937 0.020 +rustavi 0.985 0.008 +rustbelt 0.948 0.002 +rusted 0.307 0.019 +rustenburg 0.936 0.052 +rustic 0.475 0.034 +rustica 0.566 0.039 +rusticana 0.661 0.049 +rustico 0.831 0.046 +rustics 0.167 0.010 +rustin 0.900 0.058 +rusting 0.091 0.013 +rustle 0.168 0.011 +rustled 0.009 0.000 +rustler 0.747 0.053 +rustlers 0.482 0.049 +rustling 0.064 0.010 +ruston 0.888 0.085 +rustproof 0.340 0.021 +rusts 0.140 0.081 +rusty 0.690 0.038 +rut 0.188 0.192 +ruta 0.701 0.076 +rutabaga 0.573 0.022 +rutan 0.895 0.078 +rutger 0.950 0.024 +rutgers 0.941 0.037 +ruth 0.907 0.049 +ruthenium 0.388 0.073 +ruther 0.836 0.070 +rutherford 0.919 0.066 +rutherfordton 0.860 0.101 +rutherglen 0.933 0.059 +ruthie 0.879 0.038 +ruthin 0.873 0.027 +ruthless 0.179 0.020 +ruthlessly 0.033 0.002 +ruthlessness 0.064 0.003 +ruthven 0.861 0.103 +rutile 0.330 0.063 +rutin 0.621 0.038 +rutkowski 0.919 0.067 +rutland 0.950 0.040 +rutledge 0.889 0.093 +ruts 0.214 0.042 +rutt 0.822 0.041 +rutted 0.019 0.006 +rutten 0.948 0.022 +rutter 0.928 0.056 +rutting 0.127 0.278 +ruud 0.895 0.039 +ruxpin 0.885 0.067 +ruy 0.893 0.064 +ruz 0.723 0.115 +ruzicka 0.924 0.064 +rv 0.081 0.687 +rva 0.021 0.789 +rval 0.096 0.075 +rvc 0.007 0.918 +rvd 0.022 0.815 +rvf 0.011 0.866 +rvi 0.016 0.652 +rviswanadha 0.000 0.000 +rvm 0.016 0.740 +rvn 0.009 0.932 +rvp 0.008 0.943 +rvr 0.139 0.790 +rvs 0.190 0.439 +rvsm 0.084 0.886 +rvt 0.018 0.716 +rvv 0.018 0.146 +rw 0.005 0.428 +rwa 0.019 0.905 +rwanda 0.950 0.042 +rwandan 0.981 0.014 +rwandans 0.990 0.005 +rwandese 0.971 0.023 +rwb 0.016 0.902 +rwc 0.006 0.761 +rwd 0.227 0.703 +rwe 0.026 0.914 +rwf 0.023 0.934 +rwh 0.003 0.915 +rwi 0.008 0.837 +rwiki 0.002 0.000 +rwj 0.227 0.724 +rwjf 0.000 0.991 +rwl 0.013 0.849 +rwm 0.009 0.801 +rwp 0.039 0.840 +rwr 0.006 0.900 +rws 0.025 0.806 +rwt 0.014 0.921 +rwth 0.005 0.944 +rwx 0.004 0.110 +rwxr 0.000 0.000 +rwxrwxr 0.000 0.000 +rwy 0.397 0.529 +rx 0.340 0.426 +rxboard 0.988 0.000 +rxd 0.024 0.891 +rxe 0.008 0.958 +rxn 0.114 0.567 +rxp 0.026 0.673 +rxr 0.002 0.279 +rxte 0.000 0.996 +rxu 0.046 0.766 +rxvt 0.035 0.021 +ry 0.202 0.324 +rya 0.058 0.883 +ryah 0.989 0.004 +ryall 0.934 0.055 +ryan 0.899 0.046 +ryanair 0.905 0.033 +ryanodine 0.262 0.032 +ryans 0.757 0.063 +rybak 0.928 0.062 +rycroft 0.907 0.053 +rydal 0.908 0.080 +rydberg 0.938 0.036 +ryde 0.875 0.077 +rydell 0.930 0.045 +ryden 0.847 0.040 +ryder 0.845 0.067 +ryders 0.859 0.047 +rydex 0.857 0.119 +rydges 0.953 0.036 +rydych 0.504 0.000 +rydym 0.531 0.003 +rye 0.666 0.066 +ryedale 0.974 0.019 +ryegate 0.899 0.072 +ryegrass 0.374 0.027 +ryerson 0.902 0.083 +ryka 0.881 0.031 +ryker 0.763 0.053 +rykiel 0.758 0.233 +ryko 0.822 0.149 +rykodisc 0.721 0.266 +ryl 0.145 0.772 +ryland 0.929 0.045 +rylander 0.965 0.026 +rylands 0.951 0.034 +rylant 0.986 0.011 +ryle 0.913 0.050 +ryley 0.872 0.066 +ryman 0.971 0.018 +rymer 0.930 0.064 +ryn 0.721 0.178 +ryne 0.937 0.046 +ryo 0.821 0.090 +ryobi 0.743 0.143 +ryokan 0.773 0.021 +ryoko 0.758 0.017 +rys 0.737 0.191 +ryszard 0.960 0.025 +rythm 0.398 0.040 +ryton 0.842 0.041 +ryu 0.812 0.041 +ryuichi 0.854 0.104 +ryuji 0.964 0.025 +ryukyu 0.858 0.097 +ryun 0.774 0.203 +ryxi 0.000 0.953 +ryze 0.901 0.028 +ryzom 0.989 0.002 +rz 0.119 0.694 +rza 0.127 0.794 +rzb 0.002 0.985 +rzepa 0.661 0.000 +rzpd 0.000 0.988 +s 0.450 0.000 +sa 0.141 0.665 +saa 0.063 0.830 +saab 0.837 0.119 +saac 0.004 0.979 +saad 0.884 0.061 +saada 0.762 0.065 +saadi 0.926 0.047 +saadiq 0.856 0.048 +saag 0.388 0.185 +saal 0.702 0.145 +saalbach 0.968 0.009 +saale 0.702 0.018 +saam 0.172 0.658 +saami 0.884 0.085 +saan 0.246 0.207 +saanich 0.951 0.043 +saanichton 0.964 0.032 +saap 0.010 0.969 +saar 0.710 0.224 +saarbrucken 0.948 0.033 +saarc 0.068 0.927 +saari 0.758 0.060 +saarinen 0.935 0.029 +saarland 0.572 0.015 +saas 0.672 0.249 +saat 0.422 0.113 +saatchi 0.959 0.021 +saavedra 0.925 0.050 +sab 0.267 0.626 +saba 0.851 0.110 +sabadell 0.730 0.076 +sabah 0.919 0.053 +sabal 0.862 0.068 +saban 0.947 0.030 +sabana 0.874 0.069 +sabatier 0.909 0.041 +sabatini 0.858 0.117 +sabatino 0.933 0.051 +sabato 0.737 0.017 +sabbah 0.967 0.014 +sabbat 0.831 0.054 +sabbath 0.743 0.039 +sabbaths 0.580 0.011 +sabbatical 0.326 0.017 +sabbaticals 0.312 0.023 +sabbats 0.829 0.024 +sabc 0.005 0.984 +sabe 0.251 0.128 +sabel 0.886 0.057 +sabella 0.920 0.048 +sabena 0.847 0.121 +saber 0.419 0.085 +saberhagen 0.942 0.049 +sabermetrics 0.807 0.000 +sabers 0.529 0.027 +sabertooth 0.908 0.027 +sabes 0.313 0.280 +sabha 0.879 0.084 +sabharwal 0.971 0.022 +sabi 0.871 0.017 +sabian 0.683 0.263 +sabie 0.958 0.019 +sabin 0.917 0.048 +sabina 0.828 0.057 +sabine 0.879 0.068 +sabino 0.872 0.055 +sabio 0.785 0.034 +sabir 0.893 0.062 +sable 0.594 0.057 +sablefish 0.333 0.049 +sables 0.704 0.041 +sablevm 0.020 0.000 +sablon 0.870 0.060 +sablotron 0.680 0.010 +sabo 0.780 0.171 +sabor 0.632 0.085 +sabot 0.798 0.048 +sabotage 0.288 0.021 +sabotaged 0.077 0.008 +sabotaging 0.150 0.009 +saboteur 0.632 0.087 +saboteurs 0.276 0.012 +sabourin 0.866 0.121 +sabr 0.081 0.859 +sabra 0.871 0.051 +sabre 0.734 0.095 +sabrent 0.745 0.248 +sabres 0.890 0.053 +sabretooth 0.797 0.118 +sabri 0.929 0.036 +sabrina 0.790 0.041 +sabrine 0.679 0.029 +sabs 0.112 0.787 +sabu 0.876 0.073 +sac 0.199 0.483 +saca 0.294 0.410 +sacagawea 0.888 0.083 +sacajawea 0.921 0.045 +sacc 0.237 0.710 +saccade 0.103 0.005 +saccades 0.142 0.005 +saccadic 0.164 0.010 +saccharin 0.306 0.072 +saccharine 0.179 0.013 +saccharomyces 0.979 0.012 +saccharum 0.467 0.040 +sacchi 0.928 0.042 +sacco 0.859 0.059 +sacd 0.016 0.955 +sace 0.051 0.855 +sacerdotal 0.068 0.004 +sach 0.597 0.177 +sacha 0.842 0.053 +sachar 0.949 0.017 +sachdev 0.948 0.039 +sache 0.620 0.026 +sachem 0.738 0.087 +sachen 0.769 0.011 +sacher 0.902 0.048 +sachet 0.498 0.065 +sachets 0.484 0.049 +sachi 0.849 0.051 +sachiko 0.927 0.033 +sachin 0.873 0.032 +sachs 0.923 0.049 +sachse 0.898 0.076 +sachsen 0.586 0.021 +sack 0.341 0.099 +sackcloth 0.116 0.008 +sacked 0.090 0.011 +sackett 0.885 0.087 +sacking 0.130 0.012 +sackler 0.974 0.016 +sacks 0.493 0.052 +sackville 0.917 0.068 +saclay 0.909 0.079 +saco 0.730 0.138 +sacp 0.000 0.993 +sacra 0.643 0.048 +sacral 0.350 0.038 +sacrament 0.530 0.021 +sacramental 0.247 0.014 +sacramento 0.921 0.036 +sacraments 0.451 0.022 +sacre 0.720 0.148 +sacred 0.501 0.028 +sacredness 0.097 0.008 +sacrifice 0.139 0.014 +sacrificed 0.032 0.005 +sacrifices 0.054 0.007 +sacrificial 0.160 0.011 +sacrificing 0.046 0.004 +sacrilege 0.247 0.026 +sacrilegious 0.088 0.006 +sacro 0.567 0.108 +sacroiliac 0.382 0.021 +sacrosanct 0.110 0.008 +sacrum 0.267 0.025 +sacs 0.119 0.423 +sacto 0.821 0.069 +sacu 0.050 0.934 +sad 0.177 0.058 +sada 0.607 0.244 +sadako 0.890 0.037 +sadam 0.783 0.036 +sadar 0.788 0.102 +sadat 0.955 0.026 +sadc 0.007 0.981 +sadd 0.292 0.614 +saddam 0.972 0.011 +saddened 0.038 0.006 +saddens 0.012 0.004 +sadder 0.089 0.007 +saddest 0.210 0.015 +saddle 0.499 0.062 +saddleback 0.857 0.075 +saddlebag 0.553 0.128 +saddlebags 0.518 0.047 +saddlebred 0.864 0.044 +saddled 0.055 0.003 +saddler 0.652 0.150 +saddlers 0.828 0.036 +saddlery 0.828 0.037 +saddles 0.652 0.053 +saddleworth 0.910 0.083 +saddo 0.903 0.003 +saddr 0.006 0.066 +sadducees 0.981 0.010 +sade 0.805 0.075 +sadek 0.869 0.076 +sader 0.889 0.032 +sadhana 0.597 0.113 +sadhu 0.683 0.029 +sadi 0.586 0.165 +sadie 0.887 0.052 +sadipscing 0.000 0.000 +sadiq 0.918 0.037 +sadism 0.209 0.005 +sadist 0.336 0.035 +sadistic 0.166 0.013 +sadler 0.890 0.078 +sadly 0.464 0.004 +sadmin 0.014 0.008 +sadness 0.196 0.008 +sado 0.211 0.018 +sadomaso 0.032 0.005 +sadomasochism 0.322 0.004 +sadona 0.991 0.003 +sadowski 0.926 0.058 +sadr 0.944 0.041 +sae 0.058 0.829 +saeco 0.880 0.039 +saeed 0.911 0.040 +saen 0.719 0.213 +saenger 0.885 0.045 +saens 0.831 0.121 +saenz 0.895 0.073 +saerch 0.309 0.000 +saesneg 0.962 0.017 +saeta 0.956 0.023 +saez 0.793 0.082 +saf 0.198 0.727 +safa 0.724 0.214 +safar 0.849 0.043 +safari 0.872 0.014 +safariland 0.876 0.084 +safaris 0.764 0.032 +safavieh 0.943 0.044 +safc 0.010 0.884 +safco 0.843 0.144 +safe 0.315 0.083 +safebuy 0.875 0.032 +safeco 0.752 0.121 +safed 0.696 0.113 +safeguard 0.150 0.015 +safeguarded 0.041 0.006 +safeguarding 0.245 0.014 +safeguards 0.181 0.019 +safehouse 0.482 0.034 +safekeeping 0.122 0.021 +safelist 0.543 0.054 +safelists 0.439 0.046 +safelite 0.963 0.027 +safely 0.093 0.011 +safer 0.198 0.032 +safes 0.597 0.033 +safest 0.093 0.014 +safeties 0.254 0.052 +safety 0.514 0.031 +safeware 0.969 0.009 +safeway 0.899 0.054 +safex 0.783 0.192 +saff 0.383 0.556 +saffir 0.812 0.077 +safflower 0.400 0.050 +safford 0.883 0.093 +saffron 0.646 0.031 +safi 0.744 0.138 +safin 0.931 0.033 +safir 0.843 0.127 +safire 0.865 0.110 +safle 0.339 0.004 +safleoedd 0.290 0.047 +safon 0.278 0.058 +safonau 0.406 0.021 +safra 0.734 0.234 +safran 0.801 0.074 +saft 0.747 0.150 +saftey 0.595 0.057 +safty 0.414 0.103 +sag 0.264 0.472 +saga 0.605 0.068 +sagacious 0.166 0.009 +sagacity 0.268 0.007 +sagadahoc 0.933 0.049 +sagal 0.804 0.037 +sagamore 0.906 0.061 +sagan 0.927 0.039 +sagar 0.848 0.074 +sagarin 0.970 0.012 +sagas 0.611 0.020 +sage 0.642 0.160 +sagebrush 0.523 0.023 +sagem 0.826 0.069 +sagen 0.236 0.071 +sager 0.795 0.147 +sages 0.362 0.069 +saget 0.861 0.083 +sagged 0.014 0.007 +sagging 0.092 0.009 +saggy 0.466 0.005 +sagi 0.736 0.178 +saginaw 0.900 0.072 +sagitta 0.823 0.046 +sagittal 0.270 0.015 +sagittarius 0.902 0.046 +sagittis 0.000 0.000 +sago 0.784 0.059 +sagrada 0.839 0.026 +sagradas 0.998 0.000 +sags 0.133 0.055 +sagt 0.069 0.047 +sagte 0.014 0.000 +saguache 0.865 0.105 +saguaro 0.774 0.033 +saguenay 0.941 0.038 +sah 0.189 0.438 +saha 0.793 0.135 +sahaja 0.725 0.026 +sahar 0.867 0.050 +sahara 0.904 0.068 +saharan 0.964 0.016 +saharanpur 0.945 0.045 +sahel 0.910 0.067 +sahelian 0.942 0.010 +sahib 0.879 0.028 +sahih 0.871 0.018 +sahil 0.856 0.031 +sahin 0.864 0.105 +sahitya 0.764 0.019 +sahm 0.352 0.574 +sahni 0.904 0.034 +sahu 0.826 0.068 +sahuarita 0.920 0.073 +sai 0.578 0.249 +saia 0.592 0.201 +saic 0.006 0.970 +said 0.014 0.003 +saida 0.784 0.061 +saide 0.082 0.046 +saidi 0.648 0.263 +saif 0.539 0.416 +saiga 0.701 0.107 +saigon 0.905 0.044 +sail 0.370 0.059 +sailboat 0.396 0.051 +sailboats 0.493 0.016 +sailed 0.057 0.004 +sailer 0.766 0.030 +sailers 0.869 0.014 +sailfish 0.594 0.044 +sailing 0.533 0.026 +sailings 0.196 0.012 +sailnet 0.994 0.000 +sailor 0.426 0.030 +sailormoon 0.227 0.014 +sailors 0.321 0.033 +sailplane 0.492 0.033 +sailplanes 0.705 0.008 +sails 0.328 0.039 +sain 0.739 0.106 +saini 0.886 0.071 +sains 0.810 0.050 +sainsbury 0.950 0.022 +sainsburys 0.888 0.010 +saint 0.878 0.056 +sainte 0.894 0.063 +saintes 0.917 0.043 +sainthood 0.355 0.022 +saintly 0.215 0.010 +saints 0.708 0.035 +sainz 0.905 0.057 +saipan 0.905 0.082 +sair 0.249 0.309 +sais 0.149 0.317 +saison 0.591 0.045 +saisons 0.687 0.073 +sait 0.184 0.483 +saitama 0.912 0.070 +saitek 0.908 0.062 +saith 0.022 0.009 +saito 0.922 0.059 +saitoh 0.875 0.111 +saiyan 0.810 0.023 +saiyuki 0.879 0.035 +saj 0.101 0.163 +saja 0.183 0.288 +sajid 0.760 0.039 +sajjad 0.887 0.030 +sak 0.391 0.406 +saka 0.655 0.097 +sakaguchi 0.952 0.038 +sakai 0.224 0.012 +sakaiproject 0.000 0.000 +sakaki 0.774 0.185 +sakamoto 0.877 0.092 +sakar 0.785 0.148 +sakata 0.915 0.059 +sake 0.088 0.011 +saker 0.592 0.082 +sakes 0.066 0.018 +sakhalin 0.962 0.030 +sakharov 0.951 0.034 +saki 0.768 0.051 +sakic 0.858 0.105 +sako 0.733 0.140 +saks 0.874 0.057 +saku 0.783 0.065 +sakuma 0.920 0.057 +sakura 0.721 0.054 +sakurai 0.927 0.053 +sal 0.564 0.222 +sala 0.675 0.072 +salaam 0.862 0.047 +salaat 0.801 0.011 +salable 0.076 0.030 +salacious 0.228 0.025 +salad 0.503 0.052 +salade 0.263 0.017 +saladin 0.938 0.029 +salado 0.891 0.073 +salads 0.520 0.027 +salah 0.802 0.033 +salaire 0.728 0.004 +salaires 0.061 0.011 +salam 0.749 0.041 +salama 0.901 0.037 +salamanca 0.882 0.042 +salamander 0.650 0.035 +salamanders 0.276 0.020 +salamat 0.525 0.064 +salami 0.419 0.036 +salamis 0.843 0.024 +salamon 0.918 0.061 +salar 0.314 0.029 +salaried 0.238 0.026 +salaries 0.290 0.079 +salary 0.487 0.032 +salas 0.789 0.051 +salat 0.643 0.035 +salaun 0.031 0.003 +salazar 0.872 0.073 +salbutamol 0.343 0.023 +salcedo 0.906 0.072 +salcombe 0.860 0.028 +saldana 0.920 0.054 +saldanha 0.948 0.038 +sale 0.471 0.066 +saleable 0.061 0.038 +saleem 0.919 0.039 +saleen 0.870 0.041 +saleh 0.903 0.047 +salem 0.906 0.054 +salen 0.473 0.028 +saler 0.573 0.062 +salerno 0.893 0.046 +sales 0.530 0.032 +salesforce 0.746 0.010 +salesian 0.901 0.079 +salesman 0.259 0.022 +salesmanship 0.350 0.021 +salesmen 0.165 0.027 +salespeople 0.206 0.007 +salesperson 0.278 0.026 +salespersons 0.386 0.024 +salford 0.955 0.028 +salg 0.182 0.055 +salgado 0.907 0.062 +sali 0.655 0.127 +saliba 0.921 0.058 +salicylate 0.398 0.062 +salicylates 0.291 0.032 +salicylic 0.408 0.034 +salida 0.620 0.058 +salience 0.123 0.010 +salient 0.195 0.014 +salieri 0.862 0.100 +salih 0.931 0.039 +salil 0.894 0.024 +salim 0.914 0.040 +salima 0.722 0.241 +salina 0.865 0.074 +salinas 0.907 0.062 +saline 0.391 0.049 +salinger 0.923 0.021 +salinities 0.061 0.005 +salinity 0.252 0.029 +salir 0.159 0.034 +salis 0.658 0.191 +salisbury 0.906 0.071 +salish 0.935 0.037 +saliva 0.260 0.014 +salivary 0.286 0.018 +salivate 0.044 0.004 +salivating 0.054 0.004 +salivation 0.154 0.011 +salix 0.938 0.037 +salk 0.916 0.053 +sall 0.544 0.152 +sallallahu 0.342 0.004 +sallam 0.232 0.008 +salle 0.828 0.052 +sallee 0.884 0.096 +salles 0.668 0.043 +salley 0.887 0.069 +sallie 0.881 0.071 +sallis 0.926 0.058 +sallisaw 0.859 0.118 +sallow 0.198 0.007 +sally 0.910 0.039 +salm 0.616 0.263 +salma 0.721 0.029 +salman 0.921 0.029 +salmeterol 0.363 0.017 +salmi 0.908 0.036 +salminen 0.960 0.032 +salmo 0.944 0.025 +salmon 0.483 0.041 +salmond 0.955 0.038 +salmonella 0.843 0.032 +salmonellosis 0.452 0.036 +salmonid 0.267 0.017 +salmonids 0.146 0.009 +salmons 0.738 0.091 +salo 0.735 0.141 +salome 0.882 0.069 +salomon 0.867 0.040 +salon 0.749 0.034 +salone 0.534 0.066 +salonen 0.945 0.028 +salonga 0.930 0.036 +salonika 0.762 0.200 +salons 0.792 0.018 +saloon 0.739 0.046 +saloons 0.339 0.017 +salop 0.920 0.045 +salope 0.032 0.061 +salou 0.836 0.030 +sals 0.188 0.282 +salsa 0.643 0.051 +salsas 0.735 0.012 +salsbury 0.863 0.080 +salsoul 0.598 0.353 +salt 0.492 0.045 +salta 0.830 0.067 +saltash 0.930 0.053 +saltburn 0.814 0.050 +saltcoats 0.948 0.040 +salted 0.295 0.042 +salter 0.892 0.082 +salters 0.862 0.077 +salterton 0.823 0.029 +salti 0.032 0.407 +saltillo 0.837 0.083 +salting 0.207 0.019 +saltire 0.543 0.076 +saltman 0.965 0.016 +saltmarsh 0.502 0.032 +salto 0.452 0.122 +salton 0.886 0.075 +salts 0.297 0.042 +saltwater 0.601 0.042 +salty 0.278 0.020 +saltz 0.936 0.039 +saltzman 0.952 0.042 +salud 0.532 0.031 +saluda 0.838 0.111 +saludo 0.160 0.051 +saludos 0.655 0.051 +saluki 0.875 0.032 +salukis 0.972 0.009 +salus 0.792 0.079 +salut 0.604 0.034 +salutary 0.029 0.003 +salutation 0.568 0.018 +salutations 0.457 0.021 +salute 0.401 0.038 +saluted 0.035 0.005 +salutes 0.332 0.044 +saluting 0.303 0.024 +salva 0.685 0.045 +salvador 0.934 0.043 +salvadoran 0.980 0.013 +salvage 0.411 0.059 +salvageable 0.201 0.013 +salvaged 0.161 0.016 +salvaging 0.247 0.032 +salvaje 0.528 0.024 +salvame 0.996 0.001 +salvapantallas 0.052 0.003 +salvar 0.025 0.004 +salvation 0.394 0.020 +salvator 0.889 0.038 +salvatore 0.854 0.114 +salve 0.596 0.035 +salves 0.467 0.017 +salvi 0.872 0.060 +salvia 0.639 0.032 +salvo 0.637 0.033 +salw 0.018 0.819 +salwar 0.549 0.089 +salyer 0.868 0.122 +salz 0.846 0.110 +salzberg 0.968 0.018 +salzburg 0.772 0.030 +salzburger 0.952 0.035 +salzman 0.948 0.044 +sam 0.786 0.116 +sama 0.276 0.139 +samachar 0.846 0.102 +samad 0.915 0.049 +samadhi 0.553 0.032 +samael 0.871 0.076 +samaj 0.899 0.043 +saman 0.721 0.045 +samana 0.894 0.027 +samanta 0.711 0.036 +samantha 0.858 0.039 +samar 0.840 0.094 +samara 0.913 0.034 +samaras 0.911 0.030 +samaria 0.974 0.016 +samaritan 0.783 0.150 +samaritans 0.935 0.022 +samarium 0.542 0.038 +samarkand 0.950 0.030 +samarra 0.945 0.045 +samba 0.611 0.049 +sambar 0.669 0.044 +sambit 0.981 0.003 +sambo 0.760 0.078 +sambrook 0.972 0.025 +sambuca 0.753 0.057 +sambucus 0.940 0.029 +samburu 0.950 0.027 +samco 0.541 0.429 +same 0.054 0.008 +sameday 0.679 0.061 +samedi 0.391 0.040 +sameer 0.847 0.045 +samen 0.242 0.018 +sameness 0.123 0.008 +samenvatting 0.751 0.021 +samer 0.799 0.037 +sames 0.663 0.069 +samet 0.929 0.030 +sametime 0.890 0.008 +samford 0.886 0.105 +samhain 0.848 0.028 +samhsa 0.003 0.992 +sami 0.798 0.063 +samia 0.826 0.050 +samiam 0.848 0.046 +samick 0.760 0.125 +samir 0.851 0.032 +samira 0.875 0.046 +samiti 0.863 0.058 +samizdat 0.786 0.007 +samizdata 0.948 0.001 +saml 0.197 0.688 +samm 0.553 0.285 +samma 0.185 0.021 +sammamish 0.899 0.062 +samme 0.101 0.022 +sammenlign 0.998 0.000 +sammi 0.798 0.040 +sammie 0.756 0.061 +sammlung 0.837 0.017 +sammo 0.958 0.011 +sammon 0.916 0.039 +sammons 0.888 0.084 +sammy 0.791 0.054 +samo 0.357 0.091 +samoa 0.944 0.047 +samoan 0.957 0.014 +samoans 0.947 0.027 +samochody 0.087 0.000 +samokov 0.984 0.013 +samos 0.848 0.099 +samosa 0.418 0.036 +samovar 0.728 0.030 +samoyed 0.931 0.029 +samp 0.132 0.246 +sampaio 0.829 0.068 +sampath 0.876 0.044 +sampdoria 0.933 0.056 +sampe 0.048 0.748 +sampels 0.384 0.000 +sampl 0.128 0.069 +sample 0.338 0.025 +sampled 0.084 0.010 +sampler 0.559 0.045 +samplers 0.578 0.029 +samples 0.206 0.019 +sampling 0.213 0.020 +samplings 0.168 0.010 +sampo 0.832 0.126 +sampras 0.960 0.016 +sampson 0.907 0.070 +sams 0.736 0.167 +samsara 0.665 0.069 +samson 0.549 0.062 +samsonite 0.796 0.118 +samstag 0.947 0.011 +samsun 0.755 0.098 +samsung 0.801 0.079 +samt 0.038 0.069 +samtec 0.866 0.124 +samual 0.876 0.088 +samudra 0.878 0.071 +samuel 0.936 0.051 +samuels 0.909 0.068 +samuelson 0.956 0.039 +samuelsson 0.961 0.030 +samui 0.937 0.013 +samurai 0.782 0.046 +samus 0.864 0.038 +samut 0.957 0.027 +samwise 0.876 0.015 +samy 0.860 0.043 +san 0.889 0.054 +sana 0.506 0.151 +sanaa 0.763 0.201 +sanam 0.777 0.074 +sanat 0.727 0.068 +sanatorium 0.474 0.036 +sanayi 0.583 0.375 +sanborn 0.901 0.075 +sanbornton 0.929 0.055 +sanc 0.300 0.165 +sancerre 0.926 0.036 +sanchar 0.808 0.171 +sanches 0.808 0.045 +sanchez 0.887 0.075 +sancho 0.900 0.042 +sanco 0.245 0.746 +sancta 0.689 0.069 +sancti 0.739 0.034 +sanctification 0.203 0.018 +sanctified 0.102 0.011 +sanctify 0.147 0.008 +sanctifying 0.122 0.007 +sanctimonious 0.083 0.008 +sanction 0.144 0.020 +sanctioned 0.148 0.011 +sanctioning 0.168 0.019 +sanctions 0.162 0.018 +sanctity 0.208 0.013 +sanctuaries 0.385 0.017 +sanctuary 0.593 0.036 +sanctum 0.623 0.027 +sanctus 0.591 0.038 +sand 0.389 0.048 +sanda 0.834 0.057 +sandakan 0.927 0.051 +sandal 0.601 0.034 +sandall 0.899 0.087 +sandals 0.669 0.038 +sandalwood 0.513 0.083 +sandanski 0.905 0.056 +sandbach 0.871 0.035 +sandbag 0.471 0.055 +sandbags 0.244 0.018 +sandbanks 0.562 0.018 +sandbar 0.460 0.058 +sandberg 0.921 0.061 +sandblast 0.548 0.062 +sandblasted 0.356 0.023 +sandblasting 0.499 0.036 +sandbox 0.662 0.007 +sandburg 0.975 0.017 +sandcastle 0.735 0.028 +sandcastles 0.628 0.054 +sande 0.898 0.051 +sanded 0.133 0.022 +sandee 0.888 0.051 +sandeep 0.845 0.041 +sandefjord 0.966 0.026 +sandefur 0.936 0.052 +sandel 0.862 0.093 +sandell 0.937 0.050 +sander 0.786 0.081 +sanderling 0.881 0.052 +sanders 0.881 0.074 +sanderson 0.895 0.079 +sandersville 0.896 0.088 +sandestin 0.923 0.023 +sandford 0.911 0.072 +sandgate 0.924 0.068 +sandhill 0.666 0.133 +sandhills 0.825 0.041 +sandhu 0.932 0.044 +sandhurst 0.921 0.064 +sandhya 0.862 0.049 +sandi 0.895 0.036 +sandia 0.926 0.049 +sandie 0.916 0.040 +sandiego 0.636 0.093 +sandifer 0.902 0.080 +sandiford 0.864 0.131 +sanding 0.423 0.045 +sandinista 0.962 0.014 +sandinistas 0.978 0.009 +sandino 0.878 0.078 +sandip 0.841 0.029 +sandisk 0.708 0.198 +sandler 0.912 0.033 +sandles 0.211 0.076 +sandlin 0.820 0.168 +sandlot 0.736 0.061 +sandman 0.630 0.059 +sandon 0.871 0.114 +sandor 0.912 0.045 +sandoval 0.905 0.074 +sandow 0.944 0.041 +sandown 0.895 0.058 +sandoz 0.792 0.081 +sandpaper 0.339 0.025 +sandpiper 0.844 0.068 +sandpipers 0.607 0.145 +sandpit 0.363 0.044 +sandpoint 0.821 0.078 +sandra 0.815 0.041 +sandras 0.885 0.013 +sandridge 0.912 0.071 +sandrine 0.913 0.024 +sandringham 0.872 0.117 +sandro 0.856 0.056 +sands 0.690 0.051 +sandspit 0.892 0.036 +sandston 0.864 0.085 +sandstone 0.408 0.060 +sandstones 0.136 0.017 +sandstorm 0.370 0.058 +sandstrom 0.931 0.056 +sandtimer 0.979 0.012 +sandton 0.967 0.019 +sandusky 0.884 0.078 +sandvik 0.828 0.147 +sandwell 0.955 0.038 +sandwich 0.606 0.036 +sandwiched 0.166 0.005 +sandwiches 0.446 0.027 +sandwichfick 0.000 0.000 +sandwitch 0.785 0.025 +sandy 0.660 0.051 +sandyford 0.961 0.028 +sandylion 0.826 0.149 +sandys 0.911 0.046 +sane 0.154 0.111 +saner 0.277 0.026 +sanet 0.141 0.282 +sanfilippo 0.792 0.200 +sanford 0.894 0.081 +sanfrancisco 0.143 0.050 +sang 0.230 0.024 +sanga 0.742 0.071 +sangalo 0.989 0.001 +sangam 0.868 0.075 +sangamon 0.849 0.135 +sangat 0.331 0.038 +sangean 0.798 0.179 +sangeet 0.812 0.067 +sangeeta 0.881 0.065 +sangen 0.018 0.003 +sanger 0.888 0.069 +sangh 0.925 0.022 +sangha 0.806 0.031 +sangiovese 0.917 0.033 +sango 0.838 0.033 +sangoma 0.870 0.018 +sangre 0.515 0.048 +sangria 0.594 0.048 +sangster 0.922 0.065 +sangue 0.163 0.022 +sanguine 0.376 0.012 +sanguinetti 0.946 0.049 +sanguino 0.968 0.000 +sangyo 0.869 0.101 +sanh 0.597 0.036 +sanhedrin 0.959 0.013 +sani 0.819 0.089 +sania 0.804 0.034 +sanibel 0.897 0.030 +sanilac 0.874 0.088 +sanit 0.819 0.072 +sanita 0.789 0.039 +sanitaire 0.608 0.042 +sanitarian 0.595 0.051 +sanitarium 0.624 0.062 +sanitary 0.417 0.046 +sanitaryware 0.571 0.036 +sanitation 0.400 0.029 +sanitised 0.141 0.000 +sanitization 0.219 0.013 +sanitize 0.180 0.012 +sanitized 0.139 0.039 +sanitizer 0.453 0.043 +sanitizers 0.569 0.061 +sanitizing 0.338 0.028 +sanity 0.364 0.016 +sanja 0.807 0.034 +sanjay 0.902 0.045 +sanjeev 0.889 0.038 +sanjiv 0.908 0.031 +sanjiva 0.959 0.004 +sanjoy 0.957 0.024 +sank 0.036 0.008 +sankar 0.910 0.036 +sankara 0.940 0.025 +sankaran 0.925 0.028 +sanken 0.855 0.121 +sankey 0.909 0.074 +sankt 0.947 0.024 +sankyo 0.808 0.135 +sanlam 0.828 0.163 +sanmina 0.898 0.088 +sanna 0.852 0.041 +sano 0.777 0.071 +sanofi 0.725 0.033 +sanomat 0.884 0.098 +sanpete 0.912 0.076 +sanremo 0.878 0.029 +sanrio 0.803 0.078 +sans 0.449 0.115 +sansa 0.879 0.042 +sanskrit 0.943 0.015 +sansom 0.894 0.072 +sanson 0.870 0.109 +sansone 0.934 0.040 +sansui 0.731 0.181 +sant 0.791 0.110 +santa 0.892 0.050 +santamaria 0.900 0.070 +santana 0.646 0.046 +santander 0.897 0.034 +santangelo 0.917 0.069 +santas 0.820 0.037 +santayana 0.969 0.021 +sante 0.809 0.071 +santee 0.872 0.080 +santen 0.944 0.032 +santeria 0.838 0.032 +santi 0.823 0.048 +santiago 0.876 0.036 +santiam 0.878 0.095 +santini 0.874 0.057 +santino 0.929 0.028 +santis 0.896 0.066 +santo 0.894 0.045 +santoku 0.892 0.023 +santoni 0.781 0.195 +santorini 0.844 0.076 +santoro 0.930 0.055 +santorum 0.894 0.088 +santos 0.892 0.065 +santosh 0.785 0.058 +sants 0.810 0.043 +santucci 0.871 0.120 +sanuk 0.941 0.021 +sanur 0.965 0.016 +sanus 0.764 0.200 +sanwa 0.785 0.166 +sanya 0.888 0.035 +sanyo 0.769 0.153 +sanz 0.837 0.068 +sao 0.781 0.121 +saone 0.803 0.127 +saosin 0.812 0.047 +saou 0.995 0.003 +sap 0.043 0.800 +sapa 0.783 0.151 +sapard 0.149 0.841 +sape 0.250 0.279 +sapere 0.302 0.051 +saphenous 0.267 0.010 +saphir 0.759 0.129 +saphire 0.679 0.079 +sapi 0.073 0.671 +sapien 0.405 0.133 +sapiens 0.040 0.012 +sapient 0.783 0.039 +sapienza 0.854 0.023 +sapir 0.915 0.051 +sapling 0.521 0.038 +saplings 0.192 0.010 +sapo 0.425 0.322 +saponins 0.365 0.013 +sapp 0.817 0.144 +sapped 0.031 0.003 +sapper 0.740 0.055 +sappers 0.615 0.016 +sapphic 0.479 0.027 +sapphicerotica 0.487 0.007 +sapphire 0.705 0.102 +sapphires 0.487 0.064 +sappho 0.901 0.024 +sappi 0.689 0.261 +sapping 0.050 0.004 +sappington 0.891 0.094 +sapporo 0.959 0.028 +sappy 0.179 0.010 +saps 0.070 0.502 +sapsucker 0.782 0.061 +sapulpa 0.970 0.022 +sapwood 0.152 0.013 +saq 0.130 0.748 +saqa 0.061 0.931 +saqib 0.962 0.009 +saquinavir 0.301 0.014 +sar 0.075 0.854 +sara 0.734 0.079 +saraband 0.979 0.007 +sarabande 0.903 0.056 +saracen 0.861 0.104 +saracens 0.958 0.019 +sarafem 0.635 0.025 +sarah 0.887 0.052 +sarahs 0.637 0.031 +sarai 0.866 0.049 +sarajevo 0.921 0.057 +saraland 0.894 0.079 +saramago 0.958 0.013 +saran 0.758 0.036 +saranac 0.867 0.095 +sarandon 0.936 0.021 +saras 0.787 0.107 +sarasin 0.965 0.025 +sarasota 0.897 0.048 +saraswati 0.944 0.030 +saratoga 0.887 0.061 +saratov 0.974 0.017 +sarawak 0.878 0.096 +sarb 0.162 0.768 +sarbanes 0.947 0.030 +sarbox 0.963 0.029 +sarc 0.072 0.754 +sarcasm 0.183 0.013 +sarcastic 0.150 0.007 +sarcastically 0.035 0.003 +sarch 0.247 0.013 +sarcoidosis 0.447 0.018 +sarcoma 0.393 0.019 +sarcomas 0.163 0.013 +sarcophagus 0.276 0.037 +sarcoplasmic 0.232 0.036 +sard 0.282 0.476 +sarda 0.732 0.082 +sardar 0.899 0.041 +sardegna 0.534 0.038 +sardi 0.552 0.359 +sardine 0.417 0.035 +sardines 0.278 0.021 +sardinia 0.875 0.050 +sardinian 0.974 0.011 +sardis 0.903 0.077 +sardonic 0.239 0.005 +sards 0.009 0.020 +sare 0.242 0.526 +saree 0.424 0.089 +sarees 0.632 0.053 +sarex 0.015 0.346 +sarg 0.212 0.080 +sargasso 0.939 0.026 +sarge 0.551 0.018 +sargeant 0.861 0.073 +sargent 0.892 0.078 +sargents 0.957 0.024 +sargon 0.932 0.027 +sari 0.661 0.106 +sarin 0.602 0.021 +sarina 0.841 0.115 +saris 0.570 0.065 +sariska 0.962 0.022 +sarita 0.815 0.102 +sark 0.823 0.111 +sarkar 0.927 0.044 +sarkis 0.945 0.038 +sarkozy 0.943 0.017 +sarl 0.206 0.692 +sarlat 0.873 0.049 +sarma 0.889 0.070 +sarmiento 0.893 0.072 +sarna 0.933 0.032 +sarnia 0.921 0.056 +sarno 0.948 0.040 +sarnoff 0.946 0.039 +saro 0.799 0.139 +saroj 0.640 0.036 +sarong 0.618 0.053 +sarongs 0.607 0.075 +sarouk 0.871 0.112 +sarpy 0.915 0.073 +sarracenia 0.952 0.015 +sarraf 0.988 0.006 +sars 0.059 0.903 +sarsaparilla 0.725 0.035 +sarsfield 0.903 0.087 +sarsgaard 0.960 0.014 +sart 0.263 0.561 +sartain 0.897 0.056 +sartell 0.883 0.104 +sarto 0.887 0.030 +sartor 0.801 0.166 +sartori 0.907 0.062 +sartorial 0.241 0.012 +sartorius 0.872 0.048 +sartre 0.877 0.081 +saru 0.589 0.262 +sarum 0.821 0.120 +saruman 0.915 0.029 +sarva 0.555 0.052 +sarver 0.860 0.119 +sarwar 0.939 0.031 +sary 0.104 0.010 +sas 0.056 0.876 +sasa 0.511 0.340 +sasaki 0.931 0.051 +sasc 0.039 0.927 +sascha 0.912 0.022 +sasco 0.670 0.309 +sase 0.036 0.904 +sasebo 0.897 0.068 +sash 0.387 0.065 +sasha 0.864 0.049 +sashes 0.311 0.027 +sashimi 0.381 0.029 +sasi 0.199 0.740 +sask 0.779 0.188 +saskachewan 0.996 0.000 +saskatchewan 0.955 0.034 +saskatoon 0.932 0.043 +saskia 0.657 0.016 +sasl 0.015 0.587 +saso 0.420 0.523 +sasol 0.750 0.202 +sasquatch 0.757 0.039 +sass 0.480 0.333 +sassafras 0.787 0.063 +sassari 0.886 0.030 +sasse 0.897 0.085 +sassen 0.945 0.026 +sasser 0.868 0.056 +sassi 0.729 0.217 +sasso 0.871 0.062 +sasson 0.938 0.034 +sassone 0.971 0.018 +sassoon 0.947 0.029 +sassy 0.755 0.026 +sast 0.091 0.896 +sastre 0.882 0.038 +sastry 0.944 0.037 +sasuke 0.768 0.028 +sat 0.759 0.080 +sata 0.043 0.907 +satalite 0.815 0.006 +satan 0.868 0.044 +satanic 0.580 0.041 +satanism 0.810 0.036 +satanist 0.707 0.029 +satanists 0.808 0.020 +satans 0.720 0.058 +satara 0.860 0.055 +satay 0.560 0.045 +satb 0.027 0.938 +satc 0.015 0.928 +satchel 0.674 0.048 +satchell 0.920 0.049 +satchels 0.622 0.023 +satcher 0.953 0.040 +satchmo 0.822 0.074 +satcom 0.397 0.462 +sate 0.363 0.044 +sated 0.050 0.004 +sateen 0.746 0.028 +satel 0.457 0.072 +satelite 0.718 0.020 +satellite 0.602 0.041 +satellites 0.235 0.021 +sater 0.852 0.042 +sates 0.712 0.011 +sather 0.851 0.059 +sathorn 0.978 0.014 +sathya 0.876 0.032 +sati 0.493 0.137 +satiate 0.059 0.007 +satiated 0.044 0.000 +satie 0.897 0.068 +satiety 0.103 0.014 +satin 0.601 0.067 +satine 0.824 0.096 +satins 0.477 0.090 +satiny 0.191 0.038 +sation 0.126 0.017 +satire 0.441 0.017 +satires 0.404 0.015 +satiric 0.110 0.008 +satirical 0.141 0.005 +satirist 0.192 0.008 +satis 0.233 0.049 +satisfaction 0.316 0.026 +satisfactions 0.097 0.012 +satisfactorily 0.015 0.005 +satisfactory 0.186 0.015 +satisfiability 0.342 0.011 +satisfiable 0.175 0.050 +satisfied 0.077 0.011 +satisfies 0.034 0.007 +satisfy 0.049 0.008 +satisfying 0.047 0.003 +satish 0.877 0.047 +sativa 0.240 0.014 +sativum 0.046 0.028 +sativus 0.075 0.024 +satlug 0.043 0.946 +satnav 0.474 0.234 +sato 0.804 0.167 +satoh 0.913 0.074 +satomi 0.885 0.035 +satori 0.791 0.053 +satoru 0.905 0.015 +satoshi 0.953 0.023 +satriani 0.678 0.096 +sats 0.163 0.597 +satsang 0.735 0.036 +satsuma 0.773 0.096 +satta 0.754 0.104 +sattar 0.939 0.045 +sattelite 0.693 0.020 +satterfield 0.883 0.108 +satterwhite 0.897 0.074 +sattler 0.908 0.070 +satu 0.488 0.059 +satur 0.798 0.112 +saturable 0.109 0.009 +saturate 0.120 0.020 +saturated 0.178 0.012 +saturates 0.103 0.009 +saturating 0.056 0.007 +saturation 0.232 0.018 +saturday 0.944 0.029 +saturdays 0.945 0.027 +saturn 0.902 0.058 +saturna 0.945 0.022 +saturnalia 0.881 0.028 +saturnia 0.881 0.089 +satya 0.860 0.031 +satyajit 0.989 0.004 +satyam 0.905 0.042 +satyr 0.619 0.027 +satyricon 0.690 0.045 +satz 0.819 0.039 +sau 0.220 0.173 +sauber 0.882 0.059 +sauce 0.370 0.036 +saucedo 0.920 0.069 +saucepan 0.218 0.008 +saucepans 0.534 0.017 +saucer 0.525 0.128 +saucers 0.460 0.120 +sauces 0.615 0.026 +saucier 0.783 0.088 +saucony 0.889 0.020 +saucy 0.406 0.031 +saud 0.923 0.036 +sauder 0.834 0.027 +saudi 0.948 0.040 +saudia 0.877 0.046 +saudis 0.972 0.015 +sauer 0.894 0.080 +sauereien 0.000 0.000 +sauerkraut 0.382 0.035 +sauf 0.197 0.023 +saugatuck 0.898 0.063 +saugerties 0.900 0.071 +saugus 0.897 0.068 +sauk 0.877 0.100 +saukville 0.867 0.103 +saul 0.930 0.037 +saulnier 0.859 0.097 +sauls 0.886 0.089 +sault 0.924 0.053 +saumur 0.910 0.053 +sauna 0.418 0.019 +saunacam 0.000 0.000 +saunaclub 0.021 0.000 +saunaclubs 0.000 0.000 +saunas 0.645 0.014 +saunders 0.912 0.073 +saunderson 0.864 0.113 +saundra 0.941 0.042 +saunier 0.894 0.073 +saunter 0.179 0.021 +sauntered 0.006 0.000 +saur 0.817 0.100 +saurabh 0.875 0.034 +sauron 0.904 0.034 +saurus 0.613 0.059 +sausage 0.440 0.048 +sausages 0.285 0.018 +sausalito 0.935 0.031 +saussure 0.962 0.026 +saut 0.429 0.053 +saute 0.538 0.014 +sauteed 0.342 0.035 +sauter 0.845 0.049 +sauternes 0.896 0.049 +sauvage 0.711 0.089 +sauve 0.747 0.071 +sauveur 0.860 0.067 +sauvignon 0.920 0.035 +sauze 0.964 0.016 +sav 0.280 0.482 +sava 0.737 0.171 +savage 0.693 0.065 +savaged 0.115 0.009 +savagely 0.029 0.004 +savagery 0.063 0.005 +savages 0.269 0.018 +savalas 0.848 0.124 +savana 0.695 0.062 +savane 0.868 0.013 +savanna 0.368 0.016 +savannah 0.874 0.034 +savannas 0.352 0.011 +savant 0.772 0.034 +savants 0.219 0.014 +savapoint 0.992 0.002 +savard 0.922 0.061 +savas 0.873 0.054 +savastore 0.900 0.002 +savatage 0.592 0.069 +save 0.593 0.029 +saved 0.215 0.012 +savegame 0.308 0.044 +saver 0.730 0.017 +saverio 0.729 0.231 +savers 0.573 0.027 +savery 0.909 0.061 +saves 0.238 0.030 +saveset 0.098 0.763 +saveur 0.703 0.068 +savi 0.631 0.275 +savidge 0.770 0.222 +savigny 0.894 0.078 +savile 0.952 0.035 +savill 0.953 0.039 +saville 0.868 0.103 +savills 0.959 0.015 +savin 0.810 0.075 +saving 0.334 0.015 +savings 0.370 0.024 +savino 0.903 0.068 +savio 0.902 0.055 +savior 0.743 0.020 +saviors 0.551 0.022 +saviour 0.771 0.024 +saviours 0.523 0.042 +savo 0.692 0.157 +savoia 0.906 0.060 +savoie 0.857 0.054 +savoir 0.301 0.015 +savola 0.920 0.006 +savon 0.529 0.049 +savona 0.895 0.069 +savor 0.258 0.011 +savored 0.012 0.003 +savoring 0.228 0.005 +savory 0.626 0.019 +savour 0.159 0.009 +savoury 0.373 0.022 +savoy 0.888 0.064 +savute 0.996 0.002 +savuti 0.991 0.007 +savvis 0.626 0.337 +savvy 0.333 0.012 +savy 0.489 0.051 +saw 0.101 0.027 +sawa 0.782 0.090 +sawada 0.912 0.071 +sawai 0.930 0.050 +sawan 0.894 0.051 +sawant 0.727 0.047 +sawasdee 0.952 0.009 +sawbridgeworth 0.791 0.065 +sawdust 0.277 0.023 +sawed 0.128 0.014 +sawfish 0.414 0.005 +sawgrass 0.813 0.040 +sawhney 0.936 0.045 +sawicki 0.929 0.052 +sawicky 0.969 0.000 +sawing 0.428 0.031 +sawmill 0.532 0.051 +sawmills 0.542 0.022 +sawn 0.229 0.048 +saws 0.648 0.050 +sawtell 0.793 0.201 +sawtooth 0.609 0.064 +sawubona 0.999 0.000 +sawyer 0.897 0.064 +sawyers 0.747 0.160 +sawzall 0.790 0.077 +sax 0.372 0.260 +saxaphone 0.375 0.143 +saxby 0.916 0.074 +saxe 0.903 0.070 +saxena 0.922 0.054 +saxes 0.298 0.035 +saxifraga 0.903 0.031 +saxifrage 0.577 0.021 +saxman 0.766 0.036 +saxo 0.730 0.128 +saxon 0.876 0.051 +saxons 0.951 0.016 +saxony 0.931 0.039 +saxophone 0.483 0.055 +saxophones 0.422 0.028 +saxophonist 0.158 0.004 +saxton 0.864 0.121 +say 0.084 0.011 +saya 0.460 0.032 +sayan 0.880 0.034 +sayang 0.428 0.034 +saybrook 0.915 0.047 +sayd 0.062 0.007 +saye 0.461 0.259 +sayed 0.858 0.036 +sayeed 0.959 0.029 +sayer 0.825 0.080 +sayers 0.781 0.080 +sayest 0.030 0.000 +sayeth 0.240 0.032 +sayfa 0.634 0.048 +sayid 0.937 0.026 +sayin 0.130 0.020 +saying 0.040 0.005 +sayings 0.369 0.022 +sayle 0.646 0.027 +sayles 0.884 0.060 +saylor 0.864 0.089 +sayonara 0.793 0.040 +sayre 0.894 0.083 +sayreville 0.850 0.111 +says 0.088 0.007 +sayuri 0.914 0.039 +sayville 0.820 0.150 +sayward 0.966 0.026 +saywhat 0.005 0.007 +sayyaf 0.982 0.012 +sayyid 0.969 0.010 +saz 0.376 0.282 +sb 0.050 0.869 +sba 0.010 0.941 +sbac 0.000 0.906 +sbar 0.054 0.520 +sbarro 0.914 0.062 +sbay 0.335 0.125 +sbb 0.020 0.820 +sbc 0.023 0.895 +sbcl 0.192 0.320 +sbd 0.014 0.922 +sbdc 0.002 0.973 +sbe 0.013 0.936 +sbf 0.017 0.929 +sbg 0.026 0.828 +sbh 0.006 0.876 +sbi 0.008 0.848 +sbic 0.006 0.952 +sbig 0.019 0.964 +sbin 0.000 0.003 +sbindir 0.000 0.123 +sbir 0.002 0.985 +sbj 0.035 0.844 +sbjct 0.998 0.000 +sbk 0.052 0.881 +sbl 0.013 0.800 +sbm 0.014 0.881 +sbml 0.000 0.925 +sbn 0.015 0.949 +sbo 0.009 0.901 +sbornik 0.687 0.028 +sborrata 0.000 0.000 +sbox 0.149 0.060 +sbp 0.010 0.674 +sbr 0.011 0.903 +sbrt 0.004 0.984 +sbs 0.006 0.957 +sbt 0.036 0.818 +sbu 0.011 0.959 +sbus 0.139 0.380 +sbw 0.021 0.612 +sbx 0.016 0.862 +sby 0.038 0.812 +sc 0.042 0.875 +sca 0.051 0.872 +scab 0.230 0.084 +scabbard 0.329 0.055 +scabies 0.559 0.014 +scabs 0.180 0.054 +scac 0.004 0.969 +scacchi 0.445 0.019 +scad 0.088 0.788 +scada 0.055 0.870 +scads 0.117 0.046 +scaffold 0.253 0.042 +scaffolding 0.415 0.029 +scaffolds 0.240 0.021 +scag 0.207 0.666 +scaggs 0.881 0.091 +scaife 0.931 0.053 +scal 0.135 0.298 +scala 0.817 0.083 +scalability 0.227 0.005 +scalable 0.245 0.006 +scalar 0.264 0.041 +scalars 0.167 0.020 +scald 0.272 0.062 +scalded 0.109 0.017 +scalding 0.112 0.011 +scale 0.222 0.034 +scaleable 0.156 0.018 +scaled 0.293 0.008 +scalefont 0.000 0.000 +scaler 0.555 0.042 +scalers 0.639 0.057 +scales 0.386 0.029 +scaletta 0.369 0.012 +scalextric 0.713 0.182 +scali 0.858 0.087 +scalia 0.927 0.064 +scaling 0.228 0.014 +scalise 0.871 0.106 +scalito 0.871 0.105 +scallion 0.426 0.029 +scallions 0.156 0.009 +scallop 0.451 0.061 +scalloped 0.457 0.063 +scallops 0.414 0.031 +scally 0.633 0.083 +scalp 0.274 0.021 +scalpel 0.281 0.044 +scalpels 0.452 0.026 +scalper 0.091 0.004 +scalpers 0.278 0.008 +scalping 0.363 0.011 +scalps 0.106 0.011 +scaly 0.242 0.013 +scalzi 0.965 0.022 +scam 0.292 0.111 +scambio 0.217 0.239 +scambisti 0.000 0.000 +scammed 0.180 0.029 +scammer 0.263 0.161 +scammers 0.310 0.053 +scamming 0.174 0.024 +scamp 0.084 0.860 +scamper 0.265 0.046 +scampered 0.004 0.000 +scampi 0.433 0.219 +scams 0.423 0.022 +scan 0.370 0.048 +scand 0.963 0.021 +scandal 0.263 0.017 +scandalized 0.056 0.004 +scandalous 0.247 0.017 +scandals 0.225 0.010 +scandanavian 0.789 0.023 +scandia 0.848 0.096 +scandic 0.897 0.047 +scandinavia 0.938 0.032 +scandinavian 0.928 0.028 +scandinavians 0.958 0.007 +scandinavica 0.752 0.216 +scandisk 0.438 0.066 +scandium 0.591 0.040 +scaner 0.198 0.054 +scanf 0.042 0.010 +scania 0.755 0.161 +scanjet 0.449 0.080 +scanlan 0.936 0.056 +scanline 0.155 0.011 +scanlon 0.934 0.055 +scannable 0.305 0.036 +scanned 0.128 0.005 +scannell 0.931 0.051 +scanner 0.485 0.038 +scanners 0.765 0.014 +scanning 0.300 0.013 +scanpan 0.912 0.063 +scans 0.211 0.028 +scansoft 0.504 0.408 +scant 0.059 0.005 +scantily 0.063 0.002 +scantron 0.617 0.054 +scanty 0.083 0.006 +scap 0.091 0.704 +scapa 0.783 0.106 +scape 0.348 0.087 +scapegoat 0.262 0.015 +scapegoating 0.202 0.008 +scapegoats 0.149 0.021 +scapes 0.345 0.026 +scappoose 0.848 0.081 +scapula 0.208 0.017 +scapular 0.408 0.038 +scar 0.308 0.118 +scarab 0.446 0.036 +scarabeo 0.824 0.032 +scaramouche 0.795 0.025 +scarboro 0.895 0.087 +scarborough 0.908 0.062 +scarbrough 0.906 0.084 +scarce 0.118 0.055 +scarcely 0.049 0.001 +scarcer 0.053 0.022 +scarcity 0.139 0.009 +scare 0.154 0.018 +scarecrow 0.762 0.046 +scarecrows 0.306 0.015 +scared 0.151 0.016 +scaredy 0.629 0.036 +scares 0.106 0.011 +scarey 0.221 0.052 +scarf 0.435 0.068 +scarface 0.157 0.015 +scarfs 0.573 0.034 +scarica 0.553 0.042 +scaricare 0.154 0.004 +scarier 0.073 0.006 +scariest 0.257 0.023 +scarification 0.273 0.018 +scaring 0.114 0.009 +scarlatti 0.858 0.118 +scarlet 0.707 0.046 +scarlets 0.928 0.026 +scarlett 0.912 0.030 +scarlette 0.953 0.005 +scarp 0.238 0.088 +scarpa 0.917 0.034 +scarpe 0.192 0.065 +scarpetta 0.971 0.015 +scarred 0.198 0.011 +scarring 0.121 0.005 +scarry 0.737 0.035 +scars 0.251 0.026 +scarsdale 0.851 0.064 +scart 0.430 0.411 +scarves 0.614 0.026 +scary 0.276 0.021 +scat 0.110 0.023 +scathing 0.044 0.004 +scatman 0.506 0.021 +scats 0.176 0.165 +scatter 0.215 0.017 +scattered 0.230 0.039 +scatterers 0.077 0.006 +scattering 0.160 0.037 +scatterplot 0.262 0.012 +scatters 0.132 0.007 +scattyfox 0.006 0.000 +scaup 0.669 0.078 +scav 0.848 0.058 +scavenge 0.171 0.035 +scavenger 0.496 0.023 +scavengers 0.318 0.015 +scavenging 0.142 0.014 +scavo 0.788 0.021 +scb 0.021 0.837 +scba 0.005 0.970 +scc 0.006 0.939 +scca 0.003 0.957 +sccc 0.002 0.972 +sccm 0.019 0.455 +sccp 0.002 0.917 +sccs 0.004 0.797 +scd 0.023 0.897 +scdma 0.000 0.993 +sce 0.037 0.809 +scea 0.021 0.960 +scee 0.027 0.949 +sceen 0.094 0.015 +scegli 0.917 0.016 +sceince 0.114 0.011 +scelta 0.459 0.009 +scen 0.345 0.241 +scena 0.615 0.026 +scenari 0.029 0.036 +scenario 0.208 0.015 +scenarios 0.174 0.009 +scence 0.084 0.011 +scene 0.276 0.029 +sceneries 0.234 0.014 +scenery 0.271 0.011 +scenes 0.236 0.015 +scenester 0.546 0.011 +scenic 0.522 0.035 +scenics 0.845 0.025 +scent 0.278 0.035 +scented 0.468 0.054 +scents 0.450 0.039 +scepter 0.470 0.055 +sceptic 0.212 0.013 +sceptical 0.076 0.005 +scepticism 0.125 0.006 +sceptics 0.241 0.007 +sceptre 0.571 0.134 +scet 0.003 0.986 +scf 0.012 0.885 +scfm 0.008 0.574 +scg 0.031 0.876 +sch 0.390 0.463 +scha 0.386 0.417 +schaaf 0.906 0.080 +schaal 0.430 0.023 +schaap 0.915 0.045 +schach 0.684 0.025 +schacht 0.831 0.155 +schachter 0.915 0.035 +schad 0.889 0.072 +schade 0.779 0.047 +schadenfreude 0.610 0.012 +schaefer 0.930 0.053 +schaeffer 0.948 0.040 +schafer 0.935 0.052 +schaff 0.918 0.051 +schaffe 0.019 0.000 +schaffer 0.893 0.083 +schaffhausen 0.903 0.022 +schaffner 0.922 0.065 +schal 0.166 0.064 +schalk 0.934 0.042 +schalke 0.959 0.022 +schall 0.805 0.096 +schaller 0.852 0.129 +schallplatten 0.646 0.215 +schama 0.959 0.030 +schamhaare 0.005 0.000 +schamlippen 0.010 0.000 +schank 0.940 0.041 +schantz 0.928 0.063 +schapelle 0.910 0.036 +schaper 0.893 0.085 +schapiro 0.933 0.052 +scharf 0.687 0.033 +scharff 0.933 0.056 +schatten 0.907 0.027 +schatz 0.905 0.051 +schau 0.560 0.028 +schaub 0.916 0.068 +schauberger 0.981 0.011 +schauer 0.937 0.049 +schaum 0.957 0.028 +schaumburg 0.929 0.049 +schaums 0.983 0.011 +sche 0.210 0.145 +schechter 0.934 0.029 +scheck 0.810 0.068 +schecter 0.883 0.055 +sched 0.393 0.114 +scheda 0.331 0.029 +schede 0.452 0.021 +schedule 0.526 0.057 +scheduled 0.134 0.014 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0.610 0.030 +schmalz 0.852 0.059 +schmeiser 0.970 0.024 +schmeling 0.899 0.082 +schmelke 0.917 0.070 +schmelzer 0.947 0.042 +schmid 0.916 0.062 +schmidt 0.925 0.056 +schmieg 0.978 0.020 +schmit 0.875 0.097 +schmitt 0.909 0.070 +schmitz 0.935 0.045 +schmo 0.817 0.014 +schmoe 0.719 0.008 +schmooze 0.367 0.040 +schmoozing 0.200 0.017 +schmuck 0.584 0.037 +schmutz 0.918 0.026 +schnabel 0.917 0.055 +schnappi 0.574 0.015 +schnapps 0.588 0.026 +schnauzer 0.794 0.052 +schnauzers 0.662 0.028 +schnee 0.728 0.047 +schneider 0.926 0.058 +schneiderman 0.955 0.036 +schneier 0.966 0.010 +schnell 0.444 0.027 +schnelle 0.468 0.022 +schneller 0.418 0.039 +schnelles 0.019 0.000 +schnellsuche 0.928 0.038 +schnitzel 0.490 0.145 +schnitzer 0.917 0.048 +schnitzler 0.917 0.067 +schnoor 0.984 0.012 +schnupperzugang 0.000 0.000 +schnyder 0.857 0.126 +scho 0.224 0.660 +schob 0.038 0.000 +schober 0.935 0.053 +schoch 0.939 0.052 +schock 0.811 0.051 +schocken 0.983 0.013 +schodack 0.936 0.047 +schoeller 0.915 0.044 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0.931 0.053 +schumann 0.905 0.073 +schumer 0.836 0.146 +schumi 0.875 0.028 +schumpeter 0.987 0.009 +schur 0.936 0.033 +schurz 0.931 0.056 +schuster 0.964 0.028 +schutt 0.936 0.044 +schutte 0.929 0.058 +schutz 0.834 0.048 +schutzhund 0.791 0.019 +schuur 0.926 0.037 +schuurman 0.652 0.024 +schuyler 0.894 0.083 +schuylkill 0.894 0.083 +schw 0.273 0.239 +schwa 0.333 0.083 +schwab 0.940 0.032 +schwabe 0.911 0.048 +schwaenze 0.004 0.000 +schwag 0.482 0.015 +schwager 0.915 0.040 +schwaiger 0.990 0.007 +schwalbe 0.901 0.075 +schwan 0.946 0.042 +schwanger 0.026 0.002 +schwangerschaft 0.770 0.010 +schwann 0.957 0.017 +schwanz 0.085 0.003 +schwanzlutschen 0.003 0.000 +schwanzlutscher 0.005 0.000 +schwartz 0.946 0.042 +schwartzman 0.945 0.028 +schwarz 0.802 0.057 +schwarze 0.388 0.018 +schwarzenegger 0.930 0.035 +schwarzer 0.795 0.039 +schwarzkopf 0.934 0.038 +schwarzschild 0.973 0.022 +schwarzwald 0.241 0.009 +schweden 0.409 0.007 +schweiger 0.952 0.036 +schweinereien 0.004 0.000 +schweinfurt 0.924 0.038 +schweitzer 0.946 0.044 +schweiz 0.755 0.013 +schweizer 0.806 0.144 +schweizerische 0.893 0.054 +schwenk 0.936 0.052 +schweppes 0.911 0.067 +schwer 0.432 0.061 +schwerin 0.403 0.019 +schwert 0.926 0.024 +schwester 0.229 0.006 +schwimmer 0.957 0.028 +schwinger 0.954 0.033 +schwinn 0.835 0.058 +schwul 0.024 0.002 +schwule 0.142 0.003 +schylling 0.947 0.035 +sci 0.712 0.171 +sciamachy 0.051 0.924 +sciatic 0.253 0.009 +sciatica 0.501 0.013 +scid 0.022 0.600 +scie 0.443 0.346 +scien 0.363 0.062 +scienc 0.591 0.043 +science 0.716 0.026 +sciencefiction 0.007 0.000 +sciences 0.782 0.033 +sciene 0.119 0.000 +scient 0.689 0.048 +scienti 0.550 0.020 +scientia 0.710 0.054 +scientif 0.656 0.210 +scientific 0.438 0.019 +scientifica 0.521 0.048 +scientifically 0.118 0.005 +scientifics 0.919 0.031 +scientifique 0.507 0.043 +scientifiques 0.197 0.037 +scientist 0.488 0.018 +scientists 0.269 0.009 +scientologist 0.899 0.014 +scientologists 0.901 0.013 +scientology 0.930 0.026 +scientometrics 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0.013 +sclerosis 0.548 0.015 +sclerotherapy 0.533 0.013 +sclerotic 0.025 0.003 +sclk 0.009 0.949 +sclug 0.004 0.066 +scm 0.009 0.836 +scmp 0.000 0.957 +scn 0.045 0.807 +sco 0.072 0.790 +scobey 0.870 0.095 +scoble 0.893 0.005 +scobleizer 0.904 0.001 +scoff 0.134 0.012 +scoffed 0.008 0.002 +scoffs 0.074 0.012 +scofield 0.859 0.062 +scoggins 0.855 0.113 +scoil 0.386 0.043 +scola 0.600 0.345 +scolaire 0.096 0.039 +scolaires 0.036 0.070 +scolari 0.943 0.027 +scold 0.202 0.014 +scolded 0.017 0.003 +scolding 0.073 0.004 +scolds 0.175 0.014 +scoliosis 0.487 0.014 +scom 0.055 0.230 +scommesse 0.080 0.000 +sconce 0.739 0.054 +sconces 0.684 0.040 +scone 0.646 0.073 +scones 0.461 0.021 +scons 0.053 0.023 +scoobie 0.860 0.019 +scooby 0.803 0.058 +scool 0.206 0.040 +scoop 0.516 0.041 +scooped 0.076 0.005 +scooper 0.458 0.028 +scooping 0.157 0.005 +scoops 0.514 0.091 +scoot 0.512 0.091 +scooted 0.006 0.000 +scooter 0.534 0.052 +scooters 0.664 0.021 +scop 0.142 0.774 +scopa 0.182 0.094 +scopata 0.004 0.090 +scopate 0.009 0.003 +scope 0.247 0.042 +scoped 0.163 0.018 +scopes 0.634 0.024 +scoping 0.354 0.024 +scopolamine 0.482 0.026 +scopus 0.830 0.144 +scor 0.158 0.647 +scorch 0.495 0.033 +scorched 0.346 0.016 +scorcher 0.488 0.077 +scorching 0.128 0.014 +score 0.580 0.030 +scoreboard 0.843 0.044 +scoreboards 0.700 0.168 +scorecard 0.712 0.037 +scorecards 0.607 0.022 +scored 0.059 0.007 +scorekeeper 0.423 0.057 +scoreland 0.338 0.102 +scoreless 0.035 0.003 +scoreline 0.087 0.025 +scorer 0.335 0.020 +scorers 0.488 0.041 +scores 0.406 0.028 +scoresby 0.708 0.285 +scoresheet 0.378 0.151 +scoring 0.351 0.039 +scorm 0.034 0.886 +scorn 0.095 0.009 +scorned 0.169 0.022 +scornful 0.052 0.004 +scornfully 0.018 0.000 +scorns 0.089 0.006 +scorpio 0.784 0.061 +scorpion 0.722 0.058 +scorpions 0.628 0.046 +scorpius 0.887 0.041 +scorsese 0.968 0.020 +scosche 0.666 0.326 +scot 0.831 0.078 +scotch 0.782 0.058 +scotchgard 0.959 0.019 +scoter 0.723 0.072 +scotia 0.938 0.038 +scotiabank 0.924 0.045 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0.909 +sdcc 0.003 0.473 +sdcfh 0.006 0.933 +sdcl 0.000 0.998 +sdd 0.005 0.943 +sddr 0.021 0.939 +sdds 0.003 0.978 +sde 0.041 0.852 +sdf 0.014 0.620 +sdg 0.030 0.899 +sdh 0.004 0.960 +sdi 0.008 0.956 +sdio 0.006 0.975 +sdj 0.002 0.975 +sdk 0.005 0.784 +sdl 0.003 0.885 +sdlc 0.003 0.819 +sdlp 0.000 0.991 +sdlt 0.020 0.957 +sdm 0.019 0.876 +sdmi 0.000 0.990 +sdn 0.641 0.322 +sdnp 0.000 0.994 +sdny 0.000 0.997 +sdo 0.008 0.814 +sdp 0.002 0.848 +sdr 0.015 0.920 +sdrac 0.000 0.000 +sdram 0.013 0.957 +sds 0.036 0.910 +sdsc 0.000 0.899 +sdsdb 0.003 0.972 +sdsdh 0.003 0.981 +sdsl 0.028 0.931 +sdsm 0.005 0.989 +sdss 0.000 0.911 +sdsu 0.009 0.966 +sdt 0.025 0.794 +sdts 0.000 0.979 +sdtv 0.003 0.989 +sdu 0.027 0.919 +sdv 0.035 0.861 +sdw 0.037 0.690 +sdwa 0.000 0.997 +sdx 0.013 0.599 +sdy 0.019 0.848 +se 0.096 0.534 +sea 0.523 0.060 +seaarch 0.010 0.000 +seabass 0.485 0.048 +seabed 0.183 0.017 +seabees 0.830 0.086 +seabird 0.407 0.037 +seabirds 0.241 0.015 +seabiscuit 0.910 0.049 +seaboard 0.618 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0.068 +seahawks 0.935 0.043 +seahorse 0.575 0.084 +seahorses 0.463 0.038 +seal 0.543 0.073 +sealab 0.815 0.042 +sealable 0.138 0.030 +sealand 0.889 0.078 +sealant 0.388 0.065 +sealants 0.684 0.042 +seale 0.795 0.114 +sealed 0.375 0.233 +sealer 0.453 0.070 +sealers 0.579 0.034 +sealevel 0.532 0.052 +sealey 0.927 0.054 +sealife 0.750 0.074 +sealift 0.626 0.074 +sealine 0.891 0.073 +sealing 0.318 0.038 +seals 0.403 0.052 +sealy 0.845 0.051 +sealyham 0.956 0.024 +seam 0.219 0.050 +seaman 0.685 0.064 +seamans 0.806 0.096 +seamanship 0.568 0.033 +seamaster 0.763 0.092 +seamed 0.248 0.016 +seamen 0.300 0.023 +seamer 0.519 0.050 +seaming 0.176 0.037 +seamless 0.291 0.016 +seamlessly 0.037 0.001 +seamonkey 0.200 0.000 +seamount 0.575 0.076 +seamounts 0.268 0.014 +seams 0.094 0.016 +seamstress 0.444 0.021 +seamus 0.905 0.041 +sean 0.780 0.025 +seanad 0.831 0.168 +seance 0.446 0.044 +seances 0.594 0.120 +seancody 0.263 0.000 +seanix 0.740 0.255 +seann 0.931 0.017 +seapets 0.919 0.000 +seaplane 0.564 0.082 +seaplanes 0.560 0.031 +seaport 0.676 0.043 +seaports 0.185 0.026 +sear 0.325 0.288 +searay 0.505 0.075 +searc 0.219 0.159 +searcb 0.328 0.000 +searcch 0.000 0.000 +searcg 0.361 0.000 +search 0.717 0.045 +searchable 0.282 0.007 +searchbar 0.734 0.005 +searchblog 0.975 0.000 +searchbox 0.149 0.013 +searchde 0.000 0.000 +searched 0.159 0.004 +searchengine 0.281 0.098 +searchengines 0.731 0.002 +searcher 0.646 0.013 +searchers 0.375 0.032 +searches 0.653 0.027 +searchgals 0.215 0.000 +searchh 0.021 0.000 +searchin 0.577 0.036 +searching 0.302 0.008 +searchlight 0.745 0.035 +searchlights 0.477 0.027 +searchs 0.206 0.011 +searchword 0.288 0.030 +searcj 0.324 0.000 +searcm 0.348 0.000 +searcn 0.328 0.000 +searct 0.342 0.000 +searcu 0.328 0.000 +searcy 0.753 0.070 +seardh 0.322 0.000 +seared 0.345 0.024 +searfh 0.328 0.000 +searh 0.239 0.004 +searhc 0.309 0.056 +searing 0.198 0.009 +searle 0.928 0.058 +searles 0.904 0.081 +searls 0.979 0.006 +searo 0.001 0.996 +searrch 0.000 0.000 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0.899 0.085 +seaview 0.806 0.066 +seawall 0.392 0.035 +seaward 0.285 0.027 +seawater 0.158 0.015 +seaway 0.842 0.049 +seawch 0.349 0.000 +seaweed 0.355 0.026 +seaweeds 0.259 0.019 +seawolf 0.797 0.084 +seawolves 0.975 0.019 +seaworld 0.847 0.062 +seaworthy 0.229 0.021 +seay 0.883 0.090 +seb 0.433 0.383 +seba 0.660 0.208 +sebaceous 0.237 0.013 +sebadoh 0.927 0.030 +sebagai 0.106 0.009 +sebago 0.913 0.044 +sebald 0.963 0.021 +sebastian 0.911 0.047 +sebastiani 0.957 0.033 +sebastiano 0.923 0.028 +sebastien 0.927 0.028 +sebastopol 0.902 0.060 +sebel 0.926 0.044 +sebelius 0.925 0.064 +seben 0.862 0.044 +sebi 0.116 0.843 +sebo 0.653 0.229 +sebold 0.942 0.028 +seborrheic 0.527 0.017 +sebring 0.878 0.065 +sebum 0.119 0.008 +sec 0.312 0.254 +seca 0.572 0.232 +secada 0.876 0.066 +secam 0.044 0.930 +secant 0.356 0.026 +secateurs 0.650 0.063 +secaucus 0.893 0.084 +secc 0.024 0.889 +secchi 0.723 0.135 +seccion 0.172 0.033 +secciones 0.250 0.125 +secede 0.154 0.014 +seceded 0.021 0.000 +secession 0.340 0.019 +secessionist 0.156 0.018 +sechelt 0.952 0.033 +sechrest 0.926 0.030 +sechs 0.368 0.021 +secker 0.900 0.088 +secluded 0.156 0.013 +seclusion 0.127 0.013 +seco 0.513 0.261 +secon 0.290 0.181 +second 0.237 0.016 +seconda 0.256 0.025 +secondaire 0.184 0.048 +secondaries 0.301 0.015 +secondarily 0.177 0.005 +secondary 0.362 0.029 +seconde 0.167 0.027 +seconded 0.113 0.064 +seconder 0.271 0.077 +secondes 0.057 0.021 +secondhand 0.506 0.029 +secondi 0.431 0.026 +secondly 0.728 0.003 +secondment 0.285 0.010 +secondments 0.280 0.010 +secondo 0.289 0.029 +seconds 0.102 0.007 +secor 0.817 0.133 +secord 0.886 0.082 +secours 0.696 0.083 +secr 0.488 0.216 +secre 0.587 0.027 +secrecy 0.210 0.014 +secrest 0.894 0.074 +secret 0.416 0.035 +secretaria 0.657 0.042 +secretarial 0.715 0.020 +secretariat 0.817 0.019 +secretariats 0.480 0.007 +secretaries 0.266 0.012 +secretary 0.740 0.025 +secretarys 0.250 0.016 +secretase 0.129 0.020 +secrete 0.042 0.011 +secreted 0.079 0.008 +secretes 0.059 0.008 +secretin 0.357 0.012 +secreting 0.031 0.007 +secretion 0.047 0.012 +secretions 0.074 0.007 +secretive 0.090 0.004 +secretly 0.109 0.007 +secreto 0.285 0.035 +secretory 0.160 0.017 +secrets 0.553 0.042 +secs 0.203 0.021 +secsg 0.000 1.000 +sect 0.459 0.112 +sectarian 0.136 0.011 +sectarianism 0.243 0.015 +secteur 0.211 0.036 +section 0.427 0.057 +sectional 0.315 0.020 +sectionals 0.690 0.031 +sectioned 0.126 0.014 +sectioning 0.131 0.010 +sections 0.372 0.046 +sector 0.252 0.019 +sectoral 0.238 0.018 +sectorial 0.264 0.018 +sectors 0.142 0.012 +sects 0.182 0.027 +secu 0.308 0.167 +secuestro 0.976 0.003 +secular 0.227 0.008 +secularism 0.332 0.009 +secularist 0.127 0.006 +secularists 0.163 0.005 +secularization 0.211 0.008 +secunda 0.690 0.035 +secundaria 0.337 0.019 +secunderabad 0.966 0.026 +secundum 0.171 0.015 +secunia 0.985 0.014 +secur 0.506 0.171 +secura 0.864 0.083 +secure 0.409 0.025 +secured 0.211 0.017 +securely 0.084 0.009 +securement 0.253 0.033 +securepoint 0.921 0.000 +secures 0.262 0.028 +securi 0.374 0.033 +securicor 0.927 0.060 +securing 0.282 0.017 +securit 0.613 0.145 +securite 0.255 0.330 +securiteam 0.608 0.022 +securities 0.466 0.036 +securitisation 0.467 0.021 +securitization 0.353 0.025 +securitized 0.219 0.030 +security 0.580 0.022 +securityfocus 0.128 0.148 +secy 0.490 0.402 +sed 0.131 0.191 +seda 0.315 0.541 +sedai 0.964 0.000 +sedaka 0.888 0.092 +sedalia 0.860 0.108 +sedan 0.671 0.085 +sedans 0.541 0.012 +sedar 0.259 0.689 +sedaris 0.921 0.007 +sedate 0.049 0.008 +sedated 0.242 0.013 +sedating 0.088 0.014 +sedation 0.258 0.016 +sedative 0.114 0.010 +sedatives 0.293 0.010 +sedbergh 0.885 0.105 +seddon 0.845 0.129 +sede 0.419 0.069 +sedentary 0.103 0.006 +seder 0.750 0.027 +sedge 0.425 0.043 +sedgefield 0.952 0.039 +sedges 0.249 0.012 +sedgewick 0.899 0.064 +sedgley 0.898 0.076 +sedgwick 0.904 0.075 +sedi 0.085 0.368 +sediment 0.194 0.037 +sedimentary 0.271 0.019 +sedimentation 0.218 0.024 +sedimentology 0.631 0.028 +sediments 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0.981 0.010 +segfault 0.150 0.014 +segfaults 0.071 0.005 +segid 0.001 0.010 +segment 0.198 0.035 +segmental 0.276 0.029 +segmentation 0.343 0.016 +segmented 0.193 0.020 +segmenting 0.306 0.011 +segments 0.089 0.012 +segnala 0.831 0.037 +segni 0.183 0.047 +segno 0.121 0.019 +segond 0.985 0.014 +segovia 0.881 0.058 +segre 0.777 0.037 +segregate 0.071 0.007 +segregated 0.121 0.015 +segregating 0.085 0.007 +segregation 0.172 0.014 +segs 0.121 0.347 +segue 0.391 0.070 +segues 0.070 0.008 +seguin 0.830 0.110 +seguir 0.070 0.018 +segun 0.484 0.046 +segunda 0.452 0.027 +segundo 0.774 0.062 +segundos 0.250 0.008 +segura 0.789 0.048 +seguridad 0.354 0.034 +seguro 0.223 0.017 +seguros 0.332 0.025 +segv 0.006 0.826 +segway 0.866 0.041 +segye 0.997 0.000 +seh 0.109 0.485 +sehen 0.059 0.002 +sehgal 0.946 0.040 +sehk 0.000 0.996 +sehr 0.168 0.010 +sehwag 0.965 0.010 +sei 0.235 0.482 +seibel 0.910 0.058 +seiberg 0.967 0.015 +seibert 0.917 0.063 +seicento 0.736 0.154 +seid 0.507 0.066 +seidel 0.947 0.035 +seiden 0.895 0.038 +seidenberg 0.959 0.033 +seidio 0.992 0.005 +seidl 0.862 0.111 +seidler 0.942 0.041 +seidman 0.942 0.042 +seif 0.896 0.054 +seifer 0.894 0.029 +seifert 0.937 0.053 +seifried 0.960 0.023 +seige 0.381 0.046 +seigel 0.879 0.096 +seigneur 0.450 0.025 +seiichi 0.952 0.029 +seiji 0.930 0.026 +seiken 0.920 0.020 +seiki 0.771 0.151 +seiko 0.780 0.119 +seil 0.865 0.078 +seiler 0.896 0.079 +seimens 0.685 0.118 +sein 0.228 0.014 +seine 0.585 0.047 +seinem 0.015 0.003 +seinen 0.045 0.004 +seiner 0.095 0.011 +seines 0.091 0.025 +seinfeld 0.912 0.032 +seing 0.096 0.022 +seins 0.133 0.015 +seipp 0.951 0.033 +seir 0.593 0.376 +seirus 0.962 0.033 +seis 0.264 0.387 +seismic 0.339 0.029 +seismically 0.087 0.012 +seismicity 0.329 0.030 +seismogram 0.644 0.018 +seismograms 0.261 0.017 +seismograph 0.371 0.021 +seismological 0.696 0.020 +seismology 0.667 0.029 +seit 0.261 0.020 +seite 0.912 0.016 +seiten 0.947 0.003 +seitenanfang 0.984 0.004 +seitensprung 0.197 0.000 +seitz 0.935 0.053 +seiu 0.003 0.992 +seixas 0.985 0.010 +seiya 0.744 0.051 +seiyuu 0.560 0.005 +seize 0.178 0.014 +seized 0.077 0.010 +seizes 0.184 0.018 +seizing 0.161 0.011 +seizure 0.161 0.024 +seizures 0.167 0.011 +seja 0.482 0.020 +sejm 0.770 0.193 +sejour 0.522 0.058 +sek 0.023 0.941 +seka 0.547 0.124 +sekai 0.869 0.016 +seki 0.795 0.082 +sekiguchi 0.933 0.054 +seko 0.723 0.186 +sekolah 0.563 0.021 +sekonda 0.854 0.060 +sekonic 0.847 0.088 +seks 0.014 0.009 +sektion 0.908 0.018 +sektor 0.565 0.053 +sekunde 0.095 0.000 +sekunden 0.954 0.004 +sel 0.215 0.479 +sela 0.673 0.230 +selah 0.872 0.071 +selamat 0.666 0.074 +selangor 0.949 0.027 +selanne 0.919 0.063 +selassie 0.882 0.071 +selatan 0.821 0.034 +selber 0.104 0.007 +selborne 0.958 0.032 +selbst 0.081 0.004 +selbstbefriedigung 0.002 0.000 +selby 0.906 0.058 +selbyville 0.921 0.056 +selction 0.055 0.010 +selcuk 0.838 0.088 +selden 0.892 0.083 +seldom 0.085 0.006 +seldon 0.898 0.050 +seldovia 0.875 0.110 +sele 0.391 0.325 +selec 0.169 0.054 +seleccion 0.319 0.028 +seleccionar 0.683 0.006 +seleccione 0.767 0.005 +select 0.600 0.034 +selecta 0.782 0.055 +selectable 0.267 0.007 +selected 0.203 0.032 +selecteer 0.863 0.000 +selectin 0.135 0.024 +selecting 0.236 0.008 +selection 0.208 0.016 +selections 0.394 0.021 +selective 0.285 0.018 +selectively 0.047 0.005 +selectivity 0.161 0.026 +selectman 0.834 0.022 +selectmen 0.745 0.043 +selector 0.405 0.163 +selectors 0.301 0.021 +selectric 0.741 0.131 +selects 0.337 0.020 +selegiline 0.301 0.018 +selen 0.325 0.036 +selena 0.799 0.049 +selene 0.846 0.082 +selenite 0.428 0.070 +selenium 0.506 0.032 +seles 0.882 0.056 +selex 0.449 0.509 +seleziona 0.754 0.036 +self 0.300 0.016 +selfe 0.064 0.004 +selfhelp 0.112 0.068 +selfhood 0.194 0.006 +selfhtml 0.015 0.051 +selfish 0.110 0.009 +selfishly 0.037 0.002 +selfishness 0.121 0.007 +selfless 0.112 0.009 +selflessly 0.022 0.003 +selflessness 0.058 0.004 +selfridge 0.878 0.085 +selfridges 0.921 0.024 +selfsame 0.012 0.005 +selig 0.919 0.034 +seligman 0.922 0.066 +selim 0.909 0.061 +selina 0.888 0.053 +selinger 0.947 0.034 +selinsgrove 0.884 0.090 +selinux 0.018 0.034 +seljuk 0.976 0.010 +selket 0.977 0.005 +selkirk 0.932 0.051 +selkirkshire 0.990 0.007 +sell 0.456 0.078 +sella 0.668 0.056 +sellable 0.062 0.006 +sellafield 0.969 0.016 +sellar 0.715 0.061 +sellars 0.906 0.084 +selle 0.856 0.054 +selleck 0.883 0.069 +seller 0.506 0.009 +sellers 0.610 0.137 +sellersburg 0.881 0.078 +sellersville 0.847 0.126 +sellin 0.539 0.024 +selling 0.324 0.020 +sello 0.557 0.062 +sellotape 0.515 0.233 +sellout 0.240 0.044 +sells 0.205 0.018 +selly 0.927 0.032 +selma 0.882 0.064 +selman 0.860 0.106 +selmer 0.862 0.084 +selo 0.756 0.032 +selon 0.163 0.015 +selous 0.965 0.013 +selphy 0.467 0.519 +sels 0.177 0.234 +seltzer 0.830 0.033 +selv 0.051 0.546 +selva 0.824 0.060 +selves 0.104 0.009 +selway 0.889 0.065 +selwyn 0.932 0.052 +selzer 0.930 0.043 +selznick 0.980 0.014 +sem 0.210 0.539 +sema 0.179 0.705 +semaine 0.196 0.075 +semaines 0.059 0.270 +seman 0.234 0.022 +semana 0.346 0.034 +semanas 0.138 0.020 +semantic 0.389 0.005 +semantical 0.146 0.005 +semantically 0.096 0.001 +semantics 0.238 0.009 +semaphore 0.316 0.026 +semaphores 0.214 0.007 +semarang 0.840 0.056 +sematech 0.360 0.637 +sembilan 0.934 0.025 +semblance 0.034 0.006 +semble 0.046 0.004 +semco 0.420 0.549 +seme 0.518 0.102 +semel 0.886 0.029 +semele 0.931 0.029 +semen 0.340 0.014 +semenax 0.639 0.011 +semenov 0.934 0.051 +semester 0.278 0.033 +semesters 0.127 0.009 +semi 0.340 0.038 +semialdehyde 0.053 0.063 +semiannual 0.384 0.029 +semiannually 0.106 0.012 +semiarid 0.154 0.024 +semiautomatic 0.178 0.022 +semibold 0.952 0.011 +semicircle 0.063 0.154 +semicircular 0.110 0.010 +semiclassical 0.242 0.039 +semicolon 0.062 0.035 +semicolons 0.085 0.004 +semicon 0.527 0.385 +semiconducting 0.256 0.039 +semiconductor 0.666 0.029 +semiconductors 0.801 0.025 +semidefinite 0.291 0.008 +semifinal 0.339 0.039 +semifinalist 0.425 0.021 +semifinalists 0.390 0.021 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0.027 +semper 0.592 0.068 +sempervirens 0.198 0.020 +semple 0.855 0.071 +sempra 0.918 0.076 +sempre 0.177 0.028 +sempron 0.913 0.056 +sems 0.216 0.518 +semtech 0.763 0.235 +semua 0.230 0.060 +sen 0.648 0.212 +sena 0.839 0.073 +senao 0.762 0.140 +senario 0.378 0.029 +senat 0.833 0.102 +senate 0.907 0.059 +senates 0.807 0.009 +senato 0.744 0.019 +senatobia 0.870 0.110 +senator 0.865 0.036 +senatorial 0.557 0.112 +senators 0.694 0.023 +sence 0.057 0.022 +senco 0.452 0.258 +sencor 0.598 0.389 +send 0.669 0.015 +senda 0.395 0.519 +sendai 0.939 0.035 +sendak 0.936 0.042 +sende 0.436 0.009 +senden 0.240 0.012 +sender 0.533 0.014 +sendero 0.864 0.044 +senders 0.222 0.016 +sendfile 0.016 0.016 +sending 0.104 0.010 +sendit 0.950 0.014 +sendmail 0.328 0.012 +sendo 0.864 0.067 +sends 0.080 0.010 +sendto 0.034 0.026 +sene 0.354 0.302 +seneca 0.869 0.077 +senecio 0.944 0.022 +senegal 0.944 0.046 +senegalese 0.962 0.017 +senescence 0.136 0.023 +senescent 0.251 0.028 +seneschal 0.692 0.020 +seng 0.862 0.091 +senge 0.945 0.024 +senger 0.624 0.039 +sengoku 0.923 0.041 +sengupta 0.901 0.078 +senha 0.068 0.003 +seni 0.518 0.062 +senile 0.188 0.017 +senility 0.300 0.025 +senior 0.581 0.026 +seniority 0.247 0.023 +seniors 0.482 0.016 +senn 0.846 0.081 +senna 0.778 0.050 +sennen 0.880 0.053 +sennett 0.912 0.062 +sennheiser 0.888 0.077 +seno 0.416 0.107 +senor 0.758 0.068 +senora 0.752 0.030 +senorita 0.712 0.049 +sens 0.430 0.160 +sensa 0.670 0.142 +sensation 0.224 0.023 +sensational 0.302 0.035 +sensationalism 0.150 0.006 +sensationalist 0.049 0.000 +sensations 0.379 0.025 +sense 0.097 0.009 +sensed 0.037 0.005 +sensei 0.715 0.034 +senseless 0.124 0.019 +sensenbrenner 0.675 0.315 +senseo 0.899 0.031 +senses 0.170 0.014 +sensex 0.868 0.076 +senshi 0.746 0.010 +sensi 0.588 0.068 +sensibilisation 0.542 0.024 +sensibilities 0.026 0.002 +sensibility 0.382 0.012 +sensible 0.159 0.008 +sensibly 0.116 0.013 +sensing 0.410 0.022 +sensis 0.947 0.013 +sensitisation 0.166 0.016 +sensitised 0.128 0.013 +sensitive 0.110 0.019 +sensitively 0.027 0.001 +sensitiveness 0.057 0.008 +sensitivities 0.117 0.009 +sensitivity 0.202 0.014 +sensitization 0.171 0.033 +sensitize 0.063 0.005 +sensitized 0.076 0.017 +sensitizer 0.175 0.032 +sensitizing 0.228 0.014 +senso 0.629 0.045 +sensor 0.407 0.035 +sensorial 0.222 0.015 +sensorimotor 0.201 0.014 +sensorineural 0.326 0.024 +sensormatic 0.858 0.083 +sensoro 0.824 0.154 +sensors 0.349 0.026 +sensory 0.297 0.015 +sensu 0.021 0.006 +sensual 0.317 0.028 +sensuality 0.223 0.016 +sensually 0.140 0.022 +sensuous 0.195 0.014 +sensus 0.432 0.092 +sent 0.126 0.026 +senta 0.771 0.086 +sentai 0.847 0.020 +sentance 0.125 0.011 +sentara 0.931 0.052 +sentation 0.000 0.003 +sentative 0.000 0.011 +sentatives 0.000 0.031 +sente 0.338 0.032 +sentech 0.911 0.035 +sented 0.004 0.002 +sentence 0.098 0.010 +sentenced 0.102 0.020 +sentences 0.093 0.008 +sentencing 0.300 0.020 +sententia 0.927 0.002 +sentential 0.178 0.006 +senter 0.748 0.072 +senthil 0.791 0.033 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0.036 +seperate 0.115 0.016 +seperated 0.093 0.010 +seperately 0.052 0.032 +seperates 0.166 0.032 +seperating 0.153 0.012 +seperation 0.247 0.026 +seperator 0.190 0.079 +sephadex 0.917 0.014 +sephardi 0.984 0.006 +sephardic 0.934 0.035 +sepharose 0.902 0.004 +sephia 0.834 0.063 +sephiroth 0.837 0.021 +sephora 0.913 0.024 +sepia 0.561 0.043 +sepik 0.901 0.084 +sepp 0.493 0.377 +seppo 0.916 0.019 +sepracor 0.828 0.168 +seps 0.058 0.877 +sepsis 0.265 0.011 +sept 0.911 0.046 +septa 0.123 0.568 +septage 0.269 0.034 +septal 0.271 0.015 +septem 0.813 0.019 +september 0.978 0.012 +septembre 0.289 0.018 +septet 0.660 0.047 +septic 0.423 0.029 +septicaemia 0.157 0.023 +septicemia 0.467 0.044 +septiembre 0.478 0.023 +septimus 0.860 0.099 +septuagint 0.993 0.005 +septum 0.183 0.013 +sepulcher 0.553 0.011 +sepulchre 0.491 0.018 +sepultura 0.657 0.077 +sepulveda 0.870 0.106 +seq 0.139 0.129 +seqno 0.053 0.299 +seqrch 0.328 0.000 +seqres 0.000 0.992 +seqs 0.154 0.010 +seqtype 0.000 0.997 +sequal 0.129 0.052 +sequatchie 0.876 0.101 +sequeira 0.947 0.040 +sequel 0.215 0.016 +sequelae 0.131 0.016 +sequels 0.298 0.009 +sequence 0.220 0.072 +sequenced 0.113 0.016 +sequencer 0.345 0.021 +sequencers 0.571 0.011 +sequences 0.141 0.008 +sequencing 0.287 0.028 +sequent 0.273 0.015 +sequential 0.255 0.022 +sequentially 0.045 0.006 +sequester 0.062 0.016 +sequestered 0.053 0.006 +sequestering 0.133 0.023 +sequestration 0.238 0.019 +sequim 0.900 0.054 +sequin 0.486 0.105 +sequined 0.506 0.069 +sequins 0.378 0.090 +sequitur 0.345 0.017 +sequoia 0.854 0.042 +sequoias 0.667 0.064 +sequoyah 0.880 0.103 +ser 0.328 0.368 +sera 0.341 0.054 +serac 0.647 0.147 +serach 0.298 0.006 +serafin 0.905 0.061 +serafina 0.904 0.053 +serafini 0.939 0.052 +serait 0.015 0.037 +seral 0.139 0.050 +serangoon 0.910 0.049 +seraph 0.762 0.036 +seraphic 0.822 0.013 +seraphim 0.811 0.035 +serb 0.933 0.051 +serbia 0.949 0.040 +serbian 0.964 0.021 +serbo 0.976 0.010 +serbs 0.957 0.033 +serc 0.025 0.800 +serch 0.274 0.015 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+sheaffer 0.830 0.097 +sheahan 0.942 0.056 +shealy 0.912 0.081 +shean 0.802 0.130 +shear 0.262 0.059 +shearaton 0.006 0.000 +sheard 0.929 0.048 +sheared 0.164 0.046 +shearer 0.887 0.062 +shearing 0.384 0.033 +shearling 0.616 0.042 +shearman 0.923 0.054 +shears 0.609 0.058 +shearwater 0.846 0.070 +sheath 0.291 0.042 +sheathed 0.132 0.018 +sheathing 0.201 0.039 +sheaths 0.272 0.023 +sheave 0.606 0.055 +sheaves 0.212 0.026 +sheba 0.812 0.091 +shebang 0.260 0.015 +shebop 0.987 0.003 +sheboy 0.273 0.001 +sheboygan 0.853 0.063 +sheboys 0.282 0.000 +shechem 0.984 0.010 +sheckley 0.970 0.023 +shed 0.319 0.022 +shedd 0.880 0.061 +shedding 0.209 0.010 +sheds 0.414 0.018 +shedstore 0.983 0.000 +shee 0.182 0.131 +sheed 0.859 0.039 +sheedy 0.894 0.064 +sheehan 0.934 0.033 +sheehy 0.918 0.068 +sheek 0.757 0.063 +sheela 0.870 0.047 +sheeler 0.542 0.040 +sheen 0.616 0.037 +sheena 0.896 0.038 +sheep 0.354 0.029 +sheepdog 0.865 0.028 +sheepdogs 0.734 0.035 +sheepish 0.342 0.006 +sheepishly 0.040 0.000 +sheeple 0.240 0.028 +sheeps 0.426 0.026 +sheepshead 0.649 0.094 +sheepskin 0.562 0.053 +sheepskins 0.504 0.023 +sheer 0.281 0.022 +sheerness 0.885 0.036 +sheers 0.585 0.059 +sheesh 0.655 0.020 +sheet 0.469 0.059 +sheetal 0.795 0.036 +sheeted 0.104 0.011 +sheetfed 0.541 0.019 +sheeting 0.263 0.039 +sheetlet 0.388 0.199 +sheetmetal 0.447 0.100 +sheetmusic 0.787 0.049 +sheetrock 0.488 0.049 +sheets 0.412 0.044 +sheetz 0.885 0.056 +sheezy 0.888 0.007 +shef 0.305 0.483 +sheff 0.862 0.098 +sheffer 0.923 0.065 +sheffield 0.913 0.044 +shefford 0.896 0.077 +sheik 0.813 0.028 +sheikh 0.946 0.016 +sheiks 0.471 0.034 +sheil 0.912 0.064 +sheila 0.921 0.042 +sheild 0.420 0.092 +shek 0.516 0.048 +shekel 0.913 0.003 +shekels 0.695 0.002 +shekhar 0.916 0.029 +shekinah 0.784 0.062 +shel 0.706 0.044 +shelagh 0.945 0.025 +shelah 0.864 0.099 +shelbee 0.966 0.013 +shelbourne 0.887 0.098 +shelburne 0.916 0.065 +shelby 0.848 0.075 +shelbyville 0.880 0.097 +shelden 0.942 0.045 +sheldon 0.908 0.068 +sheldrake 0.894 0.053 +shelf 0.406 0.036 +shelfmark 0.815 0.022 +shelford 0.914 0.078 +shelftag 0.000 0.000 +shelfwear 0.089 0.024 +shelia 0.903 0.074 +shell 0.400 0.047 +shellac 0.461 0.054 +shellcode 0.162 0.023 +shelled 0.175 0.031 +shellen 0.743 0.000 +sheller 0.708 0.058 +shelley 0.916 0.051 +shellfish 0.444 0.024 +shellharbour 0.723 0.269 +shelli 0.915 0.031 +shellie 0.856 0.044 +shelling 0.154 0.011 +shells 0.251 0.026 +shellshock 0.851 0.060 +shelly 0.870 0.061 +shelter 0.373 0.024 +sheltered 0.201 0.015 +sheltering 0.246 0.020 +shelters 0.296 0.018 +sheltie 0.775 0.041 +shelties 0.775 0.028 +shelton 0.909 0.070 +shelve 0.151 0.020 +shelved 0.210 0.081 +shelves 0.292 0.021 +shelving 0.568 0.036 +shem 0.841 0.044 +shema 0.803 0.024 +shemal 0.083 0.011 +shemale 0.128 0.004 +shemalecocktail 0.287 0.000 +shemales 0.143 0.008 +shemalestrokers 0.324 0.000 +shemesh 0.887 0.033 +shemp 0.230 0.012 +shen 0.857 0.061 +shenandoah 0.913 0.068 +shenango 0.895 0.077 +shenanigans 0.330 0.014 +sheng 0.812 0.051 +shenk 0.937 0.048 +shenker 0.968 0.024 +shenmue 0.867 0.036 +shenni 0.997 0.000 +shenoy 0.946 0.032 +shenton 0.915 0.074 +shenyang 0.964 0.026 +shenzhen 0.929 0.041 +shenzhou 0.939 0.035 +sheol 0.758 0.024 +shep 0.722 0.142 +shepard 0.892 0.053 +sheperd 0.745 0.068 +shephard 0.870 0.062 +shepherd 0.761 0.055 +shepherdess 0.565 0.031 +shepherding 0.271 0.009 +shepherds 0.552 0.029 +shepherdstown 0.934 0.049 +shepherdsville 0.863 0.113 +sheplers 0.981 0.005 +shepp 0.876 0.089 +sheppard 0.901 0.078 +shepparton 0.849 0.126 +shepperd 0.792 0.179 +shepperton 0.948 0.034 +sheppey 0.940 0.049 +shepshed 0.780 0.036 +shepton 0.859 0.050 +sheqel 0.600 0.019 +sher 0.829 0.073 +sheraton 0.913 0.033 +sherawat 0.836 0.007 +sherbert 0.607 0.115 +sherbet 0.573 0.063 +sherborn 0.925 0.058 +sherborne 0.926 0.045 +sherbourne 0.863 0.033 +sherbrooke 0.938 0.046 +sherburn 0.834 0.137 +sherburne 0.859 0.092 +sherdog 0.859 0.114 +sherds 0.088 0.004 +shere 0.836 0.037 +sheree 0.893 0.048 +sherer 0.898 0.074 +shereton 0.015 0.000 +sheri 0.909 0.042 +sheridan 0.903 0.064 +sherif 0.852 0.030 +sheriff 0.663 0.045 +sheriffs 0.540 0.048 +sherilyn 0.911 0.028 +sheringham 0.941 0.044 +sherlock 0.893 0.061 +sherm 0.840 0.037 +sherman 0.898 0.066 +shermans 0.913 0.033 +shermer 0.949 0.032 +sherpa 0.700 0.050 +sherpani 0.985 0.011 +sherpas 0.803 0.011 +sherr 0.903 0.046 +sherrard 0.843 0.139 +sherratt 0.877 0.086 +sherri 0.893 0.051 +sherrie 0.900 0.061 +sherriff 0.777 0.054 +sherrill 0.893 0.085 +sherrington 0.964 0.029 +sherrod 0.903 0.085 +sherry 0.793 0.054 +sherton 0.041 0.002 +sherwin 0.883 0.088 +sherwood 0.900 0.076 +sheryl 0.840 0.051 +shes 0.206 0.036 +sheth 0.954 0.028 +shetland 0.916 0.032 +shetty 0.878 0.024 +sheung 0.904 0.053 +sheva 0.896 0.040 +shevat 0.965 0.026 +shevchenko 0.934 0.043 +shew 0.144 0.012 +shewanella 0.953 0.009 +shewe 0.007 0.000 +shewed 0.006 0.003 +shewing 0.098 0.010 +shewn 0.010 0.003 +shey 0.676 0.029 +shf 0.061 0.834 +shg 0.009 0.961 +shh 0.497 0.236 +shhh 0.526 0.171 +shhhh 0.576 0.064 +shi 0.533 0.139 +shia 0.935 0.024 +shias 0.958 0.005 +shiatsu 0.748 0.031 +shiawassee 0.883 0.096 +shiba 0.873 0.072 +shibata 0.946 0.045 +shibboleth 0.696 0.005 +shibuya 0.901 0.042 +shied 0.014 0.004 +shiel 0.898 0.039 +shiela 0.838 0.064 +shield 0.534 0.046 +shielded 0.291 0.051 +shielding 0.236 0.040 +shields 0.623 0.051 +shiels 0.913 0.054 +shier 0.851 0.084 +shiffman 0.951 0.032 +shiflett 0.834 0.030 +shift 0.213 0.041 +shifted 0.048 0.005 +shifter 0.457 0.062 +shifters 0.577 0.037 +shifting 0.159 0.027 +shifts 0.093 0.014 +shifty 0.338 0.022 +shiga 0.882 0.047 +shigeki 0.960 0.018 +shigella 0.924 0.016 +shigellosis 0.533 0.038 +shigeo 0.958 0.021 +shigeru 0.960 0.019 +shih 0.824 0.042 +shihab 0.950 0.026 +shihan 0.889 0.030 +shiitake 0.589 0.027 +shiite 0.982 0.004 +shiites 0.984 0.003 +shijiazhuang 0.916 0.059 +shik 0.709 0.077 +shikai 0.896 0.072 +shiki 0.182 0.706 +shikoku 0.934 0.048 +shildon 0.771 0.048 +shill 0.259 0.023 +shiller 0.960 0.022 +shilling 0.840 0.022 +shillings 0.239 0.032 +shillington 0.828 0.133 +shillong 0.975 0.022 +shills 0.188 0.011 +shilo 0.914 0.047 +shiloh 0.883 0.063 +shilpa 0.747 0.039 +shilton 0.889 0.058 +shim 0.512 0.112 +shima 0.756 0.074 +shimada 0.911 0.068 +shimadzu 0.867 0.109 +shimane 0.957 0.030 +shimano 0.830 0.077 +shimbun 0.940 0.025 +shimizu 0.918 0.067 +shimkus 0.788 0.189 +shimla 0.922 0.052 +shimmer 0.521 0.082 +shimmering 0.222 0.035 +shimmers 0.283 0.025 +shimmery 0.252 0.054 +shimmy 0.497 0.032 +shimoda 0.932 0.051 +shimomura 0.939 0.047 +shimon 0.947 0.025 +shims 0.447 0.043 +shimura 0.949 0.037 +shin 0.759 0.050 +shinagawa 0.947 0.034 +shinawatra 0.984 0.012 +shinbun 0.906 0.013 +shinco 0.795 0.181 +shinder 0.962 0.029 +shindig 0.403 0.028 +shine 0.381 0.045 +shined 0.061 0.008 +shinedown 0.051 0.001 +shiner 0.616 0.077 +shiners 0.212 0.025 +shines 0.146 0.020 +shiney 0.329 0.060 +shing 0.752 0.062 +shingle 0.510 0.040 +shingles 0.323 0.025 +shingo 0.936 0.030 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0.027 +shits 0.149 0.029 +shitter 0.256 0.021 +shitting 0.072 0.007 +shitty 0.120 0.018 +shiu 0.872 0.053 +shiur 0.549 0.020 +shiv 0.789 0.127 +shiva 0.883 0.038 +shivae 0.993 0.000 +shivaji 0.918 0.052 +shive 0.942 0.022 +shively 0.894 0.090 +shiver 0.334 0.042 +shivered 0.009 0.004 +shivering 0.111 0.005 +shivers 0.372 0.039 +shiz 0.434 0.052 +shiznit 0.335 0.057 +shizuka 0.890 0.016 +shizuoka 0.904 0.072 +shizzle 0.333 0.030 +shj 0.019 0.299 +shk 0.082 0.705 +shl 0.033 0.631 +shld 0.086 0.484 +shleifer 0.977 0.019 +shlib 0.004 0.091 +shlibs 0.008 0.083 +shlomi 0.967 0.008 +shlomo 0.958 0.022 +shm 0.017 0.613 +shmem 0.050 0.175 +shmera 0.073 0.015 +shmop 0.015 0.021 +shmuel 0.956 0.022 +shn 0.033 0.617 +shneiderman 0.970 0.015 +shniad 0.086 0.000 +shnm 0.000 0.111 +sho 0.321 0.340 +shoah 0.929 0.040 +shoaib 0.951 0.014 +shoal 0.658 0.090 +shoalhaven 0.909 0.079 +shoals 0.716 0.093 +shobo 0.985 0.003 +shobou 0.998 0.000 +shock 0.308 0.038 +shocked 0.147 0.024 +shocker 0.504 0.054 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0.521 0.045 +shorebird 0.464 0.022 +shorebirds 0.294 0.022 +shoreditch 0.929 0.038 +shoreham 0.895 0.066 +shoreland 0.512 0.054 +shoreline 0.403 0.046 +shorelines 0.270 0.018 +shorenstein 0.961 0.035 +shores 0.561 0.042 +shoreview 0.891 0.087 +shorewall 0.254 0.001 +shorewood 0.900 0.076 +shorey 0.868 0.102 +shoring 0.266 0.041 +shorn 0.138 0.013 +short 0.271 0.025 +shortage 0.119 0.012 +shortages 0.105 0.010 +shortall 0.849 0.048 +shortbread 0.560 0.033 +shortcake 0.748 0.088 +shortchanged 0.078 0.008 +shortcoming 0.013 0.003 +shortcomings 0.056 0.005 +shortcut 0.368 0.008 +shortcuts 0.488 0.010 +shorted 0.452 0.013 +shorten 0.130 0.009 +shortened 0.067 0.005 +shortening 0.115 0.014 +shortens 0.089 0.017 +shorter 0.116 0.009 +shortest 0.126 0.005 +shortfall 0.102 0.009 +shortfalls 0.085 0.007 +shorthair 0.805 0.029 +shorthaired 0.824 0.017 +shorthand 0.192 0.140 +shorthanded 0.229 0.020 +shorthaul 0.044 0.000 +shorthoppers 0.000 0.000 +shorthorn 0.861 0.049 +shortie 0.646 0.074 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0.011 +shouldest 0.036 0.006 +shouldn 0.095 0.014 +shouldnt 0.060 0.014 +shouldst 0.041 0.000 +shounen 0.742 0.006 +shoup 0.860 0.104 +shouse 0.792 0.076 +shout 0.434 0.038 +shoutblock 0.800 0.000 +shoutbox 0.782 0.012 +shoutcast 0.534 0.018 +shouted 0.013 0.002 +shouting 0.065 0.016 +shoutout 0.346 0.026 +shoutouts 0.696 0.018 +shouts 0.526 0.006 +shov 0.018 0.024 +shove 0.224 0.023 +shoved 0.018 0.004 +shovel 0.319 0.036 +shoveled 0.063 0.006 +shoveler 0.779 0.054 +shoveling 0.184 0.011 +shovels 0.453 0.017 +shoves 0.074 0.012 +shoving 0.055 0.006 +show 0.439 0.019 +showa 0.872 0.073 +showalter 0.933 0.055 +showbiz 0.774 0.056 +showboat 0.694 0.049 +showbox 0.804 0.098 +showbread 0.255 0.005 +showcase 0.634 0.034 +showcased 0.078 0.010 +showcases 0.315 0.012 +showcasing 0.199 0.005 +showdown 0.517 0.027 +showdowns 0.092 0.478 +showed 0.005 0.002 +shower 0.390 0.028 +showered 0.052 0.004 +showerhead 0.511 0.038 +showerheads 0.516 0.015 +showering 0.250 0.006 +showers 0.296 0.119 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0.032 +shrubbery 0.159 0.013 +shrubby 0.246 0.009 +shrubland 0.391 0.052 +shrublands 0.459 0.016 +shrubs 0.298 0.018 +shrug 0.210 0.031 +shrugged 0.209 0.005 +shrugging 0.173 0.003 +shrugs 0.302 0.012 +shrum 0.879 0.091 +shrunk 0.170 0.012 +shrunken 0.232 0.013 +shruti 0.772 0.054 +shs 0.177 0.755 +shsu 0.000 0.955 +sht 0.189 0.388 +shtetl 0.446 0.019 +shtick 0.228 0.012 +shtml 0.007 0.101 +shts 0.460 0.227 +shtuff 0.757 0.006 +shu 0.575 0.235 +shub 0.845 0.047 +shubb 0.854 0.125 +shubert 0.950 0.033 +shuck 0.589 0.103 +shucks 0.313 0.015 +shud 0.033 0.088 +shudder 0.092 0.008 +shuddered 0.005 0.001 +shuddering 0.055 0.002 +shudders 0.066 0.008 +shue 0.868 0.029 +shuffle 0.492 0.035 +shuffleboard 0.476 0.029 +shuffled 0.061 0.004 +shuffler 0.496 0.091 +shuffles 0.257 0.020 +shuffling 0.080 0.005 +shug 0.854 0.055 +shugart 0.936 0.047 +shui 0.765 0.040 +shuichi 0.945 0.015 +shukla 0.901 0.064 +shul 0.479 0.017 +shula 0.929 0.041 +shuler 0.910 0.081 +shull 0.893 0.074 +shulman 0.942 0.048 +shults 0.882 0.091 +shultz 0.915 0.074 +shum 0.814 0.062 +shumaker 0.860 0.123 +shuman 0.988 0.009 +shumate 0.870 0.121 +shumen 0.980 0.016 +shumway 0.876 0.098 +shun 0.474 0.031 +shunde 0.944 0.040 +shunned 0.064 0.004 +shunning 0.164 0.006 +shuns 0.154 0.017 +shunt 0.249 0.040 +shunted 0.032 0.014 +shunting 0.150 0.015 +shunts 0.238 0.025 +shuo 0.763 0.027 +shupe 0.907 0.079 +shupp 0.957 0.020 +shuppa 0.958 0.000 +shuppan 0.986 0.001 +shur 0.803 0.099 +shura 0.834 0.028 +shure 0.808 0.104 +shuriken 0.697 0.019 +shurtleff 0.913 0.082 +shush 0.366 0.069 +shuster 0.793 0.197 +shuswap 0.955 0.031 +shut 0.177 0.029 +shutdown 0.222 0.045 +shutdowns 0.121 0.017 +shute 0.821 0.123 +shutoff 0.208 0.035 +shutout 0.098 0.015 +shutouts 0.327 0.055 +shuts 0.174 0.014 +shutt 0.852 0.086 +shutter 0.463 0.030 +shutterbug 0.750 0.012 +shuttered 0.103 0.008 +shutterfly 0.988 0.001 +shutters 0.428 0.023 +shutterstock 0.985 0.000 +shutting 0.186 0.012 +shuttle 0.552 0.044 +shuttlecock 0.379 0.022 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0.014 +siblings 0.171 0.012 +siblu 0.673 0.000 +sibs 0.219 0.129 +sibu 0.706 0.065 +sibutramine 0.391 0.016 +sibyl 0.849 0.045 +sic 0.067 0.575 +sica 0.520 0.239 +sicamous 0.957 0.017 +sicav 0.186 0.541 +sice 0.208 0.332 +sich 0.017 0.005 +sicher 0.411 0.006 +sicherheit 0.925 0.015 +sicht 0.933 0.005 +sichuan 0.943 0.021 +sicilia 0.698 0.044 +sicilian 0.935 0.022 +siciliano 0.866 0.058 +sicily 0.911 0.044 +sick 0.195 0.026 +sickbay 0.413 0.033 +sickels 0.977 0.018 +sicken 0.066 0.013 +sickened 0.073 0.011 +sickening 0.087 0.009 +sickens 0.078 0.016 +sicker 0.232 0.010 +sickest 0.365 0.031 +sickle 0.486 0.023 +sickles 0.706 0.062 +sickly 0.064 0.008 +sickness 0.274 0.015 +sicknesses 0.045 0.007 +sicko 0.389 0.049 +sicrhau 0.091 0.003 +sics 0.019 0.582 +sictionary 0.000 0.000 +sicurezza 0.342 0.027 +sicuro 0.233 0.458 +sicut 0.236 0.007 +sid 0.461 0.239 +sida 0.365 0.290 +sidan 0.264 0.009 +sidcup 0.945 0.029 +siddall 0.890 0.091 +siddeley 0.873 0.101 +siddha 0.747 0.028 +siddharth 0.912 0.033 +siddhartha 0.950 0.016 +siddiqi 0.961 0.019 +siddique 0.872 0.032 +siddiqui 0.910 0.056 +siddons 0.927 0.064 +siddur 0.752 0.020 +side 0.175 0.018 +sidearm 0.184 0.023 +sideband 0.183 0.025 +sidebands 0.058 0.010 +sidebar 0.435 0.019 +sidebars 0.260 0.011 +sideboard 0.528 0.077 +sideboards 0.719 0.015 +sideburns 0.411 0.025 +sidecar 0.590 0.041 +sided 0.237 0.033 +sideeffects 0.044 0.007 +sidekick 0.566 0.067 +sidekicks 0.541 0.029 +sidelights 0.444 0.039 +sideline 0.370 0.062 +sidelined 0.061 0.005 +sidelines 0.191 0.035 +sideman 0.239 0.027 +siden 0.151 0.009 +sidenote 0.632 0.013 +sider 0.491 0.016 +sidereal 0.370 0.040 +sidered 0.000 0.000 +siders 0.428 0.052 +sides 0.092 0.013 +sideshow 0.758 0.043 +sidestep 0.191 0.019 +sidestepped 0.008 0.000 +sidestepping 0.157 0.005 +sidesteps 0.151 0.017 +sidetrack 0.388 0.038 +sidetracked 0.147 0.005 +sidewalk 0.222 0.032 +sidewalks 0.181 0.025 +sidewall 0.202 0.027 +sidewalls 0.126 0.015 +sideways 0.330 0.020 +sidewinder 0.739 0.052 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0.025 +sierpinski 0.956 0.010 +sierra 0.915 0.042 +sierras 0.767 0.024 +siesta 0.694 0.069 +siete 0.448 0.037 +sieur 0.732 0.026 +sieve 0.297 0.038 +sieved 0.087 0.019 +sievers 0.912 0.062 +sievert 0.769 0.044 +sieves 0.328 0.059 +sieving 0.255 0.028 +siew 0.856 0.076 +siewert 0.770 0.217 +sif 0.104 0.807 +sife 0.754 0.219 +siff 0.575 0.348 +siffredi 0.911 0.014 +sifnos 0.854 0.100 +sifre 0.365 0.012 +sifry 0.978 0.003 +sift 0.366 0.066 +sifted 0.080 0.006 +sifter 0.484 0.114 +sifting 0.198 0.009 +sifu 0.830 0.025 +sify 0.719 0.079 +sig 0.185 0.371 +siga 0.157 0.157 +sigaction 0.006 0.005 +sigal 0.872 0.088 +sigc 0.004 0.048 +sigchi 0.005 0.959 +sigchld 0.000 0.923 +sigcomm 0.066 0.915 +sige 0.242 0.136 +sigel 0.887 0.076 +sigerson 0.698 0.264 +sigg 0.699 0.271 +siggraph 0.141 0.843 +siggy 0.468 0.045 +sigh 0.242 0.017 +sighed 0.007 0.001 +sighing 0.205 0.005 +sighs 0.150 0.014 +sight 0.170 0.018 +sighted 0.078 0.009 +sightedness 0.106 0.022 +sighting 0.266 0.034 +sightings 0.405 0.026 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0.047 +signi 0.044 0.004 +signicant 0.023 0.000 +signif 0.220 0.033 +signifi 0.021 0.002 +significa 0.079 0.015 +significance 0.145 0.011 +significant 0.063 0.009 +significantly 0.033 0.002 +signification 0.158 0.006 +signified 0.014 0.003 +signifier 0.085 0.004 +signifiers 0.050 0.000 +signifies 0.042 0.010 +signify 0.036 0.011 +signifying 0.207 0.006 +signin 0.160 0.107 +signing 0.173 0.019 +signings 0.307 0.031 +signity 0.958 0.017 +signo 0.405 0.051 +signoff 0.171 0.131 +signon 0.250 0.091 +signor 0.728 0.026 +signora 0.529 0.183 +signore 0.280 0.017 +signoria 0.950 0.020 +signpost 0.385 0.028 +signposted 0.051 0.006 +signposting 0.299 0.011 +signposts 0.396 0.022 +signs 0.325 0.030 +signum 0.603 0.100 +signup 0.723 0.033 +signups 0.410 0.019 +sigourney 0.900 0.061 +sigpipe 0.000 0.935 +sigplan 0.039 0.954 +sigrid 0.916 0.055 +sigs 0.362 0.110 +sigsegv 0.003 0.877 +sigterm 0.003 0.965 +sigtran 0.289 0.410 +sigue 0.469 0.050 +siguiente 0.515 0.018 +siguientes 0.041 0.017 +sigur 0.760 0.035 +sigurd 0.956 0.031 +sih 0.191 0.398 +sihanouk 0.968 0.028 +sihanoukville 0.826 0.022 +sihh 0.000 0.996 +sii 0.056 0.834 +siia 0.007 0.948 +siig 0.209 0.778 +siin 0.055 0.827 +sik 0.489 0.142 +sika 0.530 0.311 +sikes 0.886 0.097 +sikeston 0.767 0.100 +sikh 0.937 0.020 +sikhism 0.956 0.017 +sikhs 0.941 0.024 +sikkim 0.948 0.034 +sikora 0.907 0.065 +sikorski 0.935 0.052 +sikorsky 0.906 0.073 +sikri 0.943 0.036 +siku 0.771 0.136 +sil 0.211 0.629 +sila 0.362 0.067 +silage 0.236 0.045 +silane 0.270 0.057 +silanes 0.696 0.041 +silas 0.909 0.070 +silat 0.800 0.030 +silber 0.769 0.054 +silberman 0.938 0.052 +silbermond 0.386 0.015 +silberstein 0.892 0.046 +silc 0.050 0.601 +sildenafil 0.188 0.006 +sile 0.551 0.046 +silence 0.305 0.021 +silenced 0.138 0.012 +silencer 0.539 0.061 +silencers 0.567 0.067 +silences 0.241 0.036 +silencing 0.188 0.012 +silencio 0.736 0.021 +silene 0.898 0.028 +silent 0.459 0.024 +silently 0.069 0.003 +silentnight 0.933 0.041 +silents 0.674 0.026 +siler 0.861 0.095 +silesia 0.893 0.082 +silesian 0.966 0.021 +siletz 0.870 0.074 +silex 0.848 0.067 +silflay 0.959 0.000 +silhouette 0.592 0.036 +silhouetted 0.158 0.003 +silhouettes 0.592 0.019 +silica 0.288 0.066 +silicate 0.214 0.042 +silicates 0.258 0.061 +siliceous 0.460 0.227 +silico 0.287 0.021 +silicon 0.620 0.046 +silicone 0.523 0.062 +silicones 0.513 0.121 +silicosis 0.409 0.021 +siliguri 0.984 0.013 +silistra 0.976 0.020 +silk 0.543 0.058 +silke 0.813 0.088 +silken 0.434 0.042 +silkk 0.856 0.051 +silks 0.430 0.046 +silkscreen 0.448 0.037 +silkwood 0.801 0.165 +silkworm 0.560 0.028 +silky 0.326 0.030 +sill 0.421 0.085 +silla 0.510 0.319 +sillas 0.147 0.012 +sillier 0.065 0.005 +silliest 0.175 0.013 +silliman 0.940 0.033 +silliness 0.233 0.013 +sills 0.507 0.050 +silly 0.245 0.012 +silmarillion 0.878 0.031 +silo 0.407 0.109 +siloam 0.878 0.087 +silom 0.958 0.019 +silos 0.212 0.021 +sils 0.367 0.531 +silsbee 0.840 0.124 +silt 0.214 0.147 +siltation 0.214 0.202 +silts 0.068 0.022 +siltstone 0.138 0.266 +silty 0.099 0.332 +silurian 0.922 0.056 +silv 0.347 0.554 +silva 0.860 0.056 +silvan 0.852 0.081 +silvana 0.896 0.039 +silvano 0.902 0.052 +silvas 0.848 0.069 +silve 0.627 0.153 +silveira 0.915 0.062 +silver 0.650 0.080 +silvera 0.927 0.022 +silverado 0.836 0.086 +silverback 0.690 0.039 +silverberg 0.953 0.040 +silverchair 0.648 0.044 +silverdale 0.898 0.070 +silvered 0.315 0.037 +silverfish 0.699 0.082 +silverlake 0.871 0.076 +silverleaf 0.685 0.113 +silverline 0.804 0.146 +silverlink 0.951 0.018 +silverman 0.957 0.031 +silvermoon 0.910 0.021 +silverplate 0.723 0.078 +silverplated 0.652 0.111 +silvers 0.711 0.051 +silverscreen 0.476 0.030 +silversea 0.949 0.016 +silverside 0.758 0.041 +silversmith 0.557 0.038 +silversmiths 0.747 0.026 +silverstein 0.918 0.039 +silverstone 0.779 0.157 +silverthorne 0.936 0.041 +silvertide 0.547 0.046 +silverton 0.842 0.078 +silvertone 0.697 0.085 +silverware 0.479 0.027 +silverwood 0.843 0.127 +silvery 0.176 0.019 +silvester 0.892 0.049 +silvestre 0.823 0.109 +silvestri 0.902 0.071 +silvia 0.781 0.058 +silvicultural 0.220 0.014 +silviculture 0.516 0.021 +silvio 0.897 0.026 +silvis 0.776 0.182 +silvo 0.920 0.012 +silvstedt 0.734 0.025 +silymarin 0.575 0.020 +sim 0.386 0.351 +sima 0.693 0.242 +simap 0.077 0.903 +simard 0.898 0.082 +simatic 0.319 0.585 +simazine 0.424 0.107 +simba 0.841 0.085 +simbad 0.246 0.607 +simbel 0.932 0.036 +simberg 0.992 0.004 +simca 0.935 0.053 +simcards 0.831 0.016 +simcha 0.760 0.040 +simchat 0.973 0.013 +simcity 0.119 0.022 +simcoe 0.948 0.039 +simd 0.003 0.954 +sime 0.736 0.162 +simenon 0.903 0.064 +simens 0.289 0.037 +simeon 0.922 0.046 +simeone 0.874 0.104 +simethicone 0.731 0.030 +simferopol 0.970 0.017 +simfree 0.979 0.003 +simh 0.012 0.066 +simi 0.764 0.063 +simian 0.571 0.028 +simic 0.897 0.071 +simien 0.973 0.018 +similac 0.677 0.127 +similaires 0.278 0.007 +similan 0.868 0.025 +similar 0.315 0.005 +similares 0.583 0.002 +similarities 0.078 0.016 +similarity 0.160 0.050 +similarly 0.612 0.001 +similasan 0.981 0.016 +simile 0.108 0.055 +similes 0.184 0.011 +similiar 0.158 0.009 +similitude 0.120 0.014 +simkin 0.832 0.132 +simkins 0.917 0.070 +simla 0.914 0.062 +simlock 0.388 0.062 +simm 0.132 0.799 +simmel 0.948 0.020 +simmental 0.917 0.065 +simmer 0.264 0.011 +simmered 0.098 0.022 +simmering 0.130 0.015 +simmers 0.346 0.152 +simmonds 0.896 0.075 +simmons 0.895 0.070 +simms 0.833 0.123 +simo 0.702 0.155 +simon 0.927 0.035 +simona 0.753 0.033 +simonds 0.908 0.085 +simone 0.901 0.031 +simonelli 0.737 0.051 +simonetta 0.734 0.242 +simonetti 0.929 0.053 +simoni 0.910 0.040 +simonides 0.930 0.063 +simonis 0.944 0.030 +simons 0.914 0.058 +simonsen 0.945 0.047 +simonson 0.915 0.077 +simonton 0.925 0.063 +simony 0.563 0.040 +simp 0.242 0.169 +simpatico 0.593 0.040 +simpits 0.186 0.000 +simpkins 0.871 0.110 +simpl 0.615 0.139 +simple 0.236 0.012 +simpleboard 0.942 0.000 +simplement 0.086 0.012 +simplemente 0.214 0.022 +simpler 0.056 0.003 +simples 0.142 0.018 +simplest 0.063 0.002 +simpletech 0.414 0.559 +simpleton 0.399 0.014 +simplex 0.328 0.043 +simpli 0.175 0.003 +simplices 0.045 0.004 +simplicial 0.096 0.011 +simplicity 0.217 0.013 +simplification 0.321 0.011 +simplifications 0.064 0.002 +simplified 0.464 0.010 +simplifies 0.111 0.008 +simplify 0.202 0.005 +simplifying 0.245 0.004 +simplistic 0.045 0.003 +simplot 0.860 0.126 +simply 0.186 0.005 +simpson 0.547 0.036 +simpsons 0.678 0.034 +simpsonville 0.913 0.065 +simputer 0.698 0.015 +simpy 0.855 0.001 +simrad 0.911 0.082 +simran 0.530 0.025 +sims 0.671 0.065 +simsbury 0.923 0.062 +simson 0.772 0.115 +simtel 0.937 0.017 +simu 0.112 0.142 +simul 0.286 0.040 +simula 0.362 0.101 +simulacra 0.492 0.014 +simulacrum 0.388 0.017 +simulant 0.266 0.025 +simular 0.047 0.017 +simulate 0.082 0.008 +simulated 0.233 0.043 +simulates 0.080 0.009 +simulating 0.238 0.011 +simulation 0.385 0.018 +simulations 0.232 0.012 +simulator 0.478 0.023 +simulators 0.424 0.015 +simulcast 0.379 0.034 +simulink 0.873 0.071 +simultaneity 0.156 0.010 +simultaneous 0.216 0.013 +simultaneously 0.054 0.003 +simvastatin 0.388 0.025 +sin 0.288 0.054 +sina 0.461 0.293 +sinai 0.946 0.033 +sinais 0.059 0.000 +sinal 0.116 0.029 +sinaloa 0.838 0.087 +sinan 0.866 0.089 +sinar 0.836 0.101 +sinatra 0.864 0.053 +sinbad 0.901 0.061 +sinc 0.201 0.210 +since 0.256 0.008 +sincere 0.075 0.010 +sincerely 0.601 0.007 +sincerest 0.092 0.008 +sincerity 0.143 0.009 +sincerly 0.518 0.032 +sinclair 0.905 0.065 +sinclaire 0.645 0.040 +sinclar 0.508 0.066 +sind 0.093 0.012 +sindbad 0.667 0.041 +sindee 0.923 0.030 +sindh 0.952 0.029 +sindhi 0.950 0.021 +sindhu 0.808 0.031 +sindicato 0.423 0.170 +sindra 0.993 0.000 +sinds 0.154 0.003 +sindy 0.739 0.153 +sine 0.267 0.113 +sinead 0.899 0.043 +sinemet 0.844 0.083 +sinensis 0.123 0.016 +sineplex 0.985 0.011 +sinequan 0.880 0.032 +sinergy 0.858 0.043 +sines 0.498 0.073 +sinew 0.130 0.021 +sinewave 0.353 0.060 +sinews 0.096 0.011 +sinewy 0.035 0.000 +sinex 0.338 0.538 +sinfest 0.910 0.005 +sinfonia 0.926 0.040 +sinfonietta 0.938 0.036 +sinful 0.179 0.016 +sinfull 0.063 0.001 +sinfully 0.418 0.027 +sinfulness 0.030 0.003 +sing 0.304 0.033 +singalong 0.430 0.043 +singapore 0.933 0.033 +singaporean 0.895 0.009 +singaporeans 0.959 0.006 +singapur 0.925 0.033 +singapura 0.925 0.029 +singe 0.319 0.029 +singed 0.114 0.020 +singel 0.632 0.050 +singer 0.403 0.025 +singers 0.447 0.029 +singh 0.927 0.051 +singha 0.887 0.083 +singhal 0.935 0.038 +singhalese 0.985 0.009 +singin 0.605 0.045 +singing 0.224 0.020 +singita 0.986 0.004 +singl 0.260 0.102 +single 0.299 0.025 +singled 0.015 0.001 +singlemode 0.563 0.110 +singleness 0.227 0.008 +singleplayer 0.655 0.010 +singles 0.593 0.016 +singlet 0.304 0.060 +singletary 0.900 0.088 +singleton 0.646 0.064 +singletons 0.239 0.009 +singletrack 0.502 0.027 +singlets 0.559 0.028 +singley 0.863 0.086 +singling 0.081 0.003 +singly 0.073 0.008 +sings 0.287 0.028 +singulair 0.525 0.066 +singular 0.123 0.016 +singularities 0.145 0.016 +singularity 0.379 0.012 +singularly 0.044 0.003 +sinh 0.107 0.022 +sinha 0.928 0.047 +sinhala 0.830 0.106 +sinhalese 0.976 0.008 +sini 0.333 0.149 +sinica 0.847 0.069 +sinise 0.961 0.025 +sinister 0.307 0.021 +sink 0.268 0.029 +sinker 0.377 0.041 +sinkers 0.476 0.056 +sinkhole 0.268 0.027 +sinkholes 0.181 0.020 +sinking 0.215 0.020 +sinks 0.513 0.018 +sinless 0.078 0.013 +sinn 0.870 0.023 +sinne 0.659 0.007 +sinned 0.037 0.008 +sinner 0.266 0.024 +sinners 0.240 0.020 +sinning 0.114 0.013 +sinnott 0.927 0.061 +sino 0.728 0.068 +sinon 0.531 0.047 +sinope 0.982 0.005 +sinopec 0.845 0.152 +sinorhizobium 0.978 0.004 +sinovia 0.997 0.000 +sins 0.184 0.019 +sint 0.633 0.075 +sintef 0.075 0.921 +sinter 0.363 0.043 +sintered 0.340 0.053 +sintering 0.305 0.053 +sinterklaas 0.873 0.014 +sintesi 0.826 0.055 +sinthetic 0.970 0.006 +sinton 0.845 0.113 +sintra 0.880 0.063 +sinuous 0.136 0.007 +sinus 0.382 0.029 +sinuses 0.112 0.017 +sinusitis 0.452 0.013 +sinusoid 0.095 0.014 +sinusoidal 0.107 0.139 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0.101 +sirleaf 0.948 0.044 +sirloin 0.489 0.060 +sirmione 0.934 0.030 +siro 0.887 0.050 +sirocco 0.765 0.099 +sirolimus 0.495 0.017 +sirota 0.971 0.018 +sirs 0.488 0.318 +sirsi 0.911 0.085 +sirtis 0.214 0.005 +sis 0.144 0.377 +sisal 0.512 0.088 +sisco 0.800 0.151 +sisi 0.448 0.202 +sisk 0.888 0.094 +siskin 0.848 0.058 +siskind 0.981 0.014 +siskiyou 0.921 0.063 +sisko 0.821 0.150 +sisler 0.918 0.071 +sisley 0.887 0.088 +siso 0.078 0.864 +sisqo 0.481 0.022 +sissa 0.164 0.798 +sissel 0.817 0.104 +sisseton 0.866 0.121 +sissi 0.704 0.202 +sissies 0.268 0.024 +sisson 0.899 0.090 +sissy 0.345 0.026 +sist 0.332 0.105 +sista 0.500 0.094 +sistah 0.540 0.041 +sistance 0.000 0.010 +sistani 0.987 0.005 +sistas 0.256 0.029 +siste 0.554 0.060 +sistem 0.351 0.063 +sistema 0.268 0.048 +sistemas 0.513 0.056 +sistemi 0.583 0.052 +sistent 0.000 0.000 +sister 0.236 0.020 +sisterhood 0.688 0.029 +sisterly 0.262 0.015 +sisters 0.410 0.026 +sistina 0.666 0.027 +sistine 0.939 0.017 +sisto 0.950 0.028 +sists 0.000 0.000 +sisu 0.359 0.172 +siswati 0.987 0.004 +sisyphus 0.898 0.007 +sit 0.093 0.057 +sita 0.459 0.477 +sitar 0.430 0.042 +sitc 0.011 0.975 +sitcom 0.232 0.014 +sitcoms 0.594 0.011 +site 0.424 0.023 +sitebuilder 0.756 0.015 +sitecom 0.864 0.068 +sited 0.099 0.008 +sitedownload 0.000 0.000 +sitefinder 0.909 0.012 +sitemap 0.802 0.039 +sitemaps 0.683 0.088 +sitemeter 0.710 0.012 +sitename 0.116 0.253 +sites 0.382 0.020 +sitesearch 0.123 0.045 +siteseeing 0.907 0.004 +sitewide 0.280 0.034 +sitework 0.803 0.054 +sitewww 0.000 0.000 +sitges 0.828 0.038 +sith 0.888 0.035 +siti 0.317 0.042 +sities 0.014 0.014 +siting 0.258 0.023 +sitio 0.208 0.019 +sition 0.000 0.008 +sitions 0.000 0.000 +sitios 0.120 0.011 +sitka 0.897 0.066 +sito 0.170 0.122 +sitosterol 0.334 0.015 +sits 0.038 0.014 +sitt 0.183 0.126 +sitta 0.884 0.018 +sitte 0.250 0.013 +sitter 0.598 0.020 +sitters 0.495 0.023 +sitteth 0.010 0.008 +sittin 0.443 0.027 +sitting 0.132 0.012 +sittingbourne 0.903 0.035 +sittings 0.354 0.033 +situ 0.149 0.024 +situa 0.018 0.007 +situate 0.050 0.016 +situated 0.176 0.007 +situating 0.335 0.010 +situation 0.056 0.010 +situational 0.435 0.029 +situationist 0.629 0.013 +situations 0.059 0.005 +situs 0.500 0.030 +sity 0.020 0.011 +sitz 0.681 0.072 +siu 0.385 0.569 +siuc 0.043 0.950 +siue 0.013 0.913 +sium 0.169 0.080 +siute 0.011 0.000 +siutes 0.028 0.000 +siv 0.339 0.603 +siva 0.868 0.053 +sivakumar 0.939 0.031 +sivan 0.907 0.046 +sivananda 0.944 0.023 +sive 0.034 0.021 +sively 0.008 0.006 +siver 0.743 0.049 +sivy 0.991 0.004 +siw 0.144 0.772 +six 0.229 0.019 +sixbit 0.023 0.926 +sixer 0.836 0.017 +sixers 0.820 0.134 +sixes 0.399 0.027 +sixonetonoffun 0.000 0.000 +sixpack 0.632 0.061 +sixpence 0.566 0.091 +sixt 0.855 0.107 +sixteen 0.326 0.021 +sixteenth 0.319 0.024 +sixth 0.438 0.026 +sixties 0.348 0.025 +sixtieth 0.246 0.034 +sixtus 0.967 0.020 +sixty 0.330 0.042 +sixways 0.993 0.003 +sixx 0.767 0.119 +siya 0.100 0.032 +siyabona 0.998 0.001 +siz 0.323 0.215 +sizable 0.026 0.002 +size 0.429 0.041 +sizeable 0.023 0.003 +sized 0.124 0.011 +sizegenetics 0.041 0.004 +sizemore 0.915 0.052 +sizeof 0.002 0.018 +sizer 0.650 0.057 +sizes 0.236 0.032 +sizing 0.414 0.033 +sizzix 0.570 0.283 +sizzla 0.809 0.099 +sizzle 0.436 0.049 +sizzler 0.776 0.054 +sizzles 0.246 0.034 +sizzlin 0.745 0.115 +sizzling 0.320 0.024 +sj 0.035 0.899 +sja 0.028 0.893 +sjb 0.014 0.825 +sjc 0.008 0.935 +sjd 0.023 0.890 +sjf 0.007 0.949 +sji 0.023 0.841 +sjis 0.000 0.645 +sjm 0.009 0.938 +sjoberg 0.897 0.052 +sjoerd 0.930 0.007 +sjogren 0.942 0.021 +sjostrom 0.624 0.026 +sjp 0.015 0.839 +sjr 0.003 0.974 +sjs 0.010 0.876 +sjsu 0.002 0.976 +sjt 0.037 0.909 +sju 0.019 0.922 +sk 0.066 0.747 +ska 0.582 0.104 +skachat 0.203 0.000 +skadden 0.939 0.055 +skagen 0.882 0.049 +skaggs 0.885 0.099 +skagit 0.904 0.070 +skagway 0.926 0.048 +skal 0.165 0.037 +skala 0.748 0.048 +skald 0.847 0.012 +skall 0.108 0.008 +skaller 0.295 0.000 +skalpel 0.861 0.100 +skam 0.603 0.157 +skamania 0.896 0.079 +skandia 0.899 0.070 +skandinavisk 0.980 0.005 +skaneateles 0.878 0.093 +skank 0.530 0.046 +skanky 0.465 0.018 +skanska 0.963 0.031 +skare 0.955 0.017 +skat 0.515 0.202 +skatalites 0.883 0.063 +skate 0.545 0.060 +skateboard 0.592 0.057 +skateboarder 0.480 0.034 +skateboarders 0.291 0.014 +skateboarding 0.698 0.025 +skateboards 0.670 0.043 +skated 0.042 0.003 +skatepark 0.623 0.023 +skateparks 0.758 0.030 +skater 0.514 0.038 +skaters 0.394 0.020 +skates 0.586 0.051 +skating 0.617 0.027 +skaven 0.797 0.034 +skb 0.014 0.587 +skc 0.013 0.937 +skd 0.025 0.862 +ske 0.224 0.476 +skechers 0.744 0.186 +sked 0.216 0.466 +skee 0.669 0.074 +skeen 0.679 0.263 +skeena 0.953 0.038 +skeet 0.667 0.057 +skeeter 0.842 0.060 +skegness 0.915 0.046 +skein 0.191 0.056 +skeins 0.273 0.101 +skel 0.109 0.034 +skelaxin 0.580 0.007 +skeletal 0.244 0.021 +skeleton 0.441 0.032 +skeletons 0.314 0.018 +skeletor 0.600 0.041 +skelly 0.864 0.084 +skelmersdale 0.854 0.043 +skelter 0.636 0.045 +skelton 0.829 0.122 +skene 0.903 0.052 +skeptic 0.532 0.023 +skeptical 0.189 0.007 +skepticism 0.225 0.006 +skeptics 0.405 0.014 +skerries 0.837 0.032 +skerritt 0.961 0.034 +skerry 0.933 0.021 +sketch 0.343 0.034 +sketchbook 0.526 0.047 +sketchbooks 0.367 0.097 +sketched 0.041 0.005 +sketcher 0.604 0.054 +sketches 0.355 0.029 +sketching 0.369 0.015 +sketchpad 0.752 0.016 +sketchy 0.156 0.010 +skew 0.215 0.046 +skewed 0.080 0.006 +skewer 0.194 0.019 +skewered 0.205 0.009 +skewers 0.422 0.033 +skewing 0.085 0.004 +skewness 0.274 0.012 +skews 0.147 0.012 +skf 0.004 0.960 +skg 0.022 0.936 +ski 0.635 0.036 +skiathos 0.845 0.110 +skiatook 0.801 0.167 +skibo 0.897 0.091 +skid 0.420 0.059 +skidded 0.033 0.010 +skidding 0.137 0.014 +skidmore 0.913 0.075 +skidoo 0.581 0.137 +skids 0.383 0.040 +skied 0.073 0.005 +skier 0.488 0.023 +skiers 0.185 0.016 +skies 0.398 0.036 +skiff 0.510 0.063 +skiing 0.592 0.015 +skil 0.698 0.140 +skiles 0.913 0.072 +skilful 0.059 0.003 +skilfully 0.031 0.000 +skill 0.230 0.015 +skilled 0.194 0.020 +skillet 0.335 0.020 +skillets 0.766 0.012 +skillful 0.079 0.004 +skillfully 0.056 0.002 +skilling 0.783 0.018 +skillman 0.873 0.117 +skills 0.225 0.014 +skillset 0.677 0.021 +skillz 0.485 0.039 +skils 0.739 0.036 +skim 0.293 0.020 +skimmed 0.081 0.010 +skimmer 0.502 0.039 +skimmers 0.630 0.042 +skimming 0.138 0.011 +skimp 0.078 0.011 +skimpy 0.082 0.005 +skims 0.080 0.031 +skin 0.366 0.030 +skinbase 0.972 0.000 +skincare 0.676 0.034 +skinceuticals 0.750 0.032 +sking 0.398 0.057 +skinhead 0.333 0.052 +skinheads 0.340 0.029 +skink 0.593 0.027 +skinless 0.355 0.030 +skinnable 0.267 0.002 +skinned 0.098 0.009 +skinner 0.891 0.070 +skinners 0.597 0.059 +skinning 0.632 0.010 +skinny 0.435 0.021 +skins 0.508 0.022 +skint 0.472 0.190 +skintight 0.684 0.024 +skinz 0.801 0.102 +skip 0.744 0.016 +skipa 0.048 0.929 +skipe 0.011 0.954 +skiping 0.073 0.000 +skipjack 0.506 0.120 +skipn 0.000 0.989 +skipped 0.249 0.023 +skipper 0.538 0.045 +skippered 0.286 0.010 +skippers 0.562 0.027 +skipping 0.229 0.016 +skippy 0.661 0.023 +skips 0.189 0.030 +skipton 0.900 0.057 +skiptrace 0.982 0.000 +skirmish 0.322 0.021 +skirmisher 0.200 0.723 +skirmishers 0.161 0.013 +skirmishes 0.108 0.006 +skirt 0.240 0.048 +skirted 0.271 0.021 +skirting 0.372 0.020 +skirts 0.392 0.028 +skis 0.514 0.025 +skiset 0.988 0.005 +skit 0.392 0.035 +skits 0.240 0.015 +skittish 0.126 0.004 +skittle 0.573 0.031 +skittles 0.695 0.043 +skiwear 0.587 0.079 +skk 0.005 0.888 +skl 0.106 0.701 +sklansky 0.872 0.011 +sklar 0.944 0.034 +sklave 0.013 0.000 +sklaven 0.023 0.000 +sklavin 0.022 0.003 +sklenarikova 0.899 0.007 +sklep 0.380 0.152 +sklyarov 0.255 0.009 +skm 0.051 0.822 +skn 0.032 0.879 +skng 0.517 0.004 +sknt 0.003 0.966 +sko 0.239 0.431 +skoda 0.863 0.061 +skog 0.885 0.042 +skoglund 0.899 0.087 +skoki 0.869 0.007 +skokie 0.912 0.054 +skole 0.497 0.054 +skolelinux 0.426 0.003 +skolem 0.580 0.235 +skoll 0.978 0.007 +skolnick 0.889 0.095 +skolnik 0.940 0.054 +skoog 0.944 0.044 +skookumchuck 0.949 0.046 +skool 0.544 0.084 +skopelos 0.868 0.064 +skopje 0.914 0.073 +skor 0.343 0.297 +skort 0.636 0.107 +skorts 0.666 0.048 +skos 0.039 0.622 +skov 0.884 0.072 +skowhegan 0.878 0.092 +skp 0.055 0.781 +skr 0.358 0.486 +skratch 0.760 0.102 +skrev 0.008 0.000 +skrevet 0.789 0.000 +skrewdriver 0.384 0.014 +skriv 0.869 0.006 +skrive 0.009 0.000 +skriver 0.441 0.007 +sks 0.083 0.780 +skt 0.430 0.459 +sku 0.068 0.896 +skua 0.608 0.040 +skuespiller 0.987 0.000 +skukuza 0.982 0.012 +skuld 0.892 0.038 +skulking 0.122 0.000 +skull 0.464 0.061 +skullcandy 0.807 0.186 +skullcap 0.656 0.027 +skullduggery 0.553 0.016 +skulle 0.046 0.003 +skulls 0.494 0.041 +skully 0.724 0.090 +skunk 0.565 0.046 +skunks 0.366 0.028 +sky 0.514 0.061 +skyblog 0.146 0.005 +skyblue 0.416 0.047 +skybox 0.552 0.137 +skycity 0.195 0.788 +skydive 0.644 0.028 +skydiver 0.465 0.029 +skydivers 0.455 0.024 +skydiving 0.613 0.017 +skydome 0.855 0.044 +skye 0.903 0.036 +skyhawk 0.826 0.118 +skyhawks 0.962 0.024 +skyjacker 0.751 0.121 +skykomish 0.832 0.097 +skylab 0.890 0.063 +skyland 0.913 0.065 +skylar 0.874 0.057 +skylark 0.769 0.094 +skylarking 0.853 0.052 +skyler 0.904 0.037 +skylight 0.546 0.082 +skylights 0.479 0.036 +skyline 0.586 0.053 +skylines 0.584 0.043 +skylon 0.891 0.042 +skymaster 0.841 0.087 +skynet 0.720 0.118 +skynyrd 0.745 0.039 +skype 0.950 0.010 +skyrocket 0.231 0.017 +skyrocketed 0.006 0.002 +skyrocketing 0.105 0.007 +skyrockets 0.313 0.032 +skys 0.506 0.051 +skyscape 0.771 0.009 +skyscraper 0.502 0.017 +skyscrapers 0.420 0.006 +skytrain 0.717 0.028 +skyview 0.821 0.134 +skywalk 0.626 0.022 +skywalker 0.874 0.044 +skyward 0.288 0.041 +skywarn 0.713 0.276 +skywatch 0.858 0.087 +skywatcher 0.756 0.187 +skyway 0.825 0.071 +skyways 0.873 0.023 +skywell 0.993 0.003 +skyworks 0.927 0.065 +skyworth 0.982 0.015 +skyy 0.728 0.142 +sl 0.074 0.769 +sla 0.035 0.899 +slab 0.267 0.060 +slabs 0.184 0.041 +slac 0.002 0.973 +slack 0.340 0.037 +slacken 0.058 0.026 +slackened 0.010 0.005 +slacker 0.572 0.018 +slackers 0.578 0.042 +slacking 0.187 0.007 +slacklining 0.617 0.000 +slacks 0.345 0.059 +slacktivist 0.635 0.008 +slackware 0.784 0.005 +slade 0.876 0.076 +sladen 0.946 0.032 +slag 0.225 0.049 +slagging 0.088 0.011 +slagle 0.877 0.098 +slags 0.346 0.028 +slain 0.104 0.011 +slake 0.221 0.195 +slalom 0.615 0.044 +slam 0.507 0.162 +slamball 0.571 0.071 +slamdance 0.949 0.025 +slammed 0.085 0.009 +slammer 0.680 0.048 +slammers 0.719 0.080 +slammin 0.581 0.079 +slamming 0.103 0.012 +slams 0.258 0.062 +slander 0.257 0.017 +slandered 0.035 0.008 +slandering 0.084 0.009 +slanderous 0.050 0.006 +slanders 0.092 0.020 +slane 0.896 0.054 +slaney 0.915 0.068 +slang 0.311 0.028 +slangrtl 0.000 0.000 +slant 0.462 0.040 +slanted 0.220 0.022 +slanting 0.084 0.005 +slants 0.258 0.017 +slap 0.283 0.049 +slapd 0.014 0.020 +slapp 0.156 0.804 +slappa 0.815 0.175 +slapped 0.074 0.033 +slapper 0.476 0.028 +slappers 0.209 0.024 +slapping 0.094 0.011 +slappy 0.734 0.050 +slaps 0.167 0.026 +slapshot 0.711 0.045 +slapstick 0.365 0.008 +slash 0.347 0.036 +slashdot 0.894 0.002 +slashed 0.097 0.030 +slasher 0.451 0.030 +slashers 0.789 0.027 +slashes 0.102 0.012 +slashfood 0.981 0.000 +slashing 0.247 0.056 +slat 0.295 0.302 +slate 0.536 0.044 +slatec 0.024 0.301 +slated 0.078 0.011 +slater 0.892 0.071 +slates 0.293 0.049 +slatkin 0.878 0.061 +slaton 0.833 0.143 +slats 0.236 0.026 +slatted 0.355 0.036 +slattery 0.908 0.078 +slatwall 0.684 0.050 +slaty 0.642 0.120 +slaughter 0.394 0.046 +slaughtered 0.049 0.010 +slaughterhouse 0.489 0.028 +slaughterhouses 0.126 0.009 +slaughtering 0.109 0.010 +slaughters 0.291 0.039 +slav 0.769 0.115 +slava 0.875 0.026 +slave 0.311 0.024 +slaved 0.552 0.009 +slavegirl 0.072 0.003 +slaveholders 0.156 0.015 +slaven 0.875 0.061 +slaver 0.405 0.025 +slavery 0.276 0.015 +slaves 0.154 0.014 +slavia 0.821 0.117 +slavic 0.945 0.027 +slavin 0.879 0.067 +slaving 0.088 0.008 +slavish 0.059 0.003 +slavishly 0.018 0.000 +slavonic 0.953 0.023 +slavs 0.947 0.017 +slaw 0.463 0.056 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0.862 0.038 +sleet 0.159 0.101 +sleeve 0.559 0.057 +sleeved 0.422 0.051 +sleeveless 0.751 0.034 +sleeves 0.304 0.044 +sleeving 0.579 0.062 +sleigh 0.560 0.039 +sleight 0.345 0.022 +slen 0.069 0.138 +slender 0.257 0.012 +slendertone 0.855 0.087 +slept 0.056 0.006 +sles 0.011 0.718 +sleuth 0.678 0.023 +sleuthing 0.261 0.006 +sleuthkit 0.019 0.000 +sleuths 0.626 0.022 +slevin 0.929 0.057 +slew 0.144 0.034 +slewing 0.396 0.275 +slezak 0.947 0.044 +slf 0.016 0.889 +slg 0.054 0.927 +slh 0.016 0.886 +sli 0.031 0.917 +slib 0.015 0.266 +slic 0.115 0.737 +slice 0.285 0.022 +sliced 0.155 0.014 +slicer 0.604 0.068 +slicers 0.773 0.029 +slices 0.123 0.011 +slicing 0.263 0.023 +slick 0.363 0.029 +slicked 0.040 0.006 +slicker 0.454 0.047 +slickers 0.678 0.050 +slicks 0.226 0.036 +slid 0.014 0.023 +slide 0.449 0.030 +slidell 0.845 0.114 +slider 0.391 0.035 +sliders 0.458 0.040 +slides 0.333 0.022 +slideshow 0.396 0.021 +slideshows 0.573 0.026 +sliding 0.277 0.022 +sliema 0.935 0.038 +slieve 0.954 0.030 +slifer 0.853 0.090 +slight 0.099 0.043 +slighted 0.037 0.004 +slightest 0.021 0.003 +slightly 0.042 0.007 +slights 0.182 0.009 +slighty 0.135 0.015 +sligo 0.950 0.031 +slik 0.708 0.131 +slike 0.100 0.015 +slim 0.535 0.064 +slime 0.365 0.060 +slimline 0.669 0.136 +slimmed 0.139 0.006 +slimmer 0.240 0.023 +slimmers 0.867 0.014 +slimmest 0.145 0.039 +slimming 0.541 0.049 +slims 0.542 0.041 +slimy 0.138 0.013 +sling 0.504 0.060 +slingback 0.611 0.058 +slingbacks 0.663 0.041 +slingbox 0.940 0.004 +slinger 0.721 0.050 +slingerland 0.804 0.107 +slinging 0.125 0.010 +slingo 0.554 0.074 +slings 0.560 0.034 +slingshot 0.621 0.144 +slingshots 0.569 0.072 +slink 0.219 0.031 +slinky 0.639 0.061 +slint 0.894 0.026 +slip 0.245 0.044 +slipcase 0.427 0.056 +slipcover 0.579 0.079 +slipcovers 0.668 0.010 +slipknot 0.410 0.016 +sliplock 0.050 0.939 +slipmats 0.777 0.095 +slippage 0.105 0.009 +slipped 0.040 0.004 +slipper 0.550 0.053 +slippers 0.527 0.043 +slippery 0.354 0.029 +slippin 0.513 0.044 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0.021 0.880 +slr 0.020 0.893 +slrn 0.021 0.046 +sls 0.084 0.854 +slt 0.026 0.881 +slu 0.044 0.813 +sludge 0.271 0.032 +sludges 0.145 0.037 +slug 0.357 0.276 +slugfest 0.641 0.028 +slugged 0.023 0.482 +slugger 0.743 0.024 +sluggers 0.552 0.029 +slugging 0.265 0.014 +sluggish 0.110 0.005 +sluggishness 0.061 0.004 +sluggo 0.819 0.044 +sluggy 0.915 0.019 +slugnet 0.329 0.000 +slugs 0.340 0.029 +sluice 0.218 0.035 +slum 0.326 0.023 +slumber 0.378 0.019 +slumbering 0.182 0.005 +slumberjack 0.961 0.019 +slumberland 0.892 0.022 +slumbers 0.320 0.010 +slumming 0.333 0.026 +slump 0.175 0.018 +slumped 0.039 0.004 +slumping 0.145 0.015 +slumps 0.180 0.011 +slums 0.187 0.013 +slung 0.052 0.010 +slur 0.117 0.019 +slurp 0.635 0.016 +slurpee 0.678 0.022 +slurping 0.167 0.014 +slurred 0.085 0.005 +slurries 0.164 0.085 +slurry 0.215 0.048 +slurs 0.099 0.008 +slush 0.315 0.062 +slusher 0.761 0.196 +slushy 0.158 0.056 +slut 0.243 0.023 +slutlittle 0.000 0.000 +sluts 0.164 0.017 +slutscum 0.000 0.000 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0.006 +smalltown 0.615 0.127 +smallville 0.857 0.049 +smallwares 0.900 0.020 +smallwood 0.894 0.077 +smalto 0.793 0.185 +smap 0.105 0.467 +smarmy 0.133 0.007 +smart 0.531 0.081 +smartads 0.992 0.003 +smartass 0.246 0.016 +smartcard 0.370 0.022 +smartcards 0.413 0.012 +smartchoice 0.040 0.958 +smartdisk 0.374 0.602 +smarte 0.971 0.004 +smarteam 0.047 0.946 +smarter 0.306 0.037 +smartest 0.322 0.017 +smarthome 0.633 0.332 +smarties 0.828 0.022 +smarting 0.087 0.005 +smartly 0.128 0.008 +smartmedia 0.594 0.119 +smartmovie 0.110 0.024 +smartnet 0.250 0.678 +smartor 0.999 0.000 +smartphone 0.828 0.008 +smartphones 0.699 0.003 +smartridge 0.972 0.017 +smarts 0.548 0.096 +smartsound 0.098 0.878 +smartt 0.744 0.219 +smartweed 0.768 0.012 +smartwool 0.923 0.039 +smarty 0.727 0.020 +smartypants 0.644 0.013 +smash 0.542 0.052 +smashbox 0.587 0.088 +smashed 0.127 0.012 +smasher 0.708 0.055 +smashes 0.180 0.033 +smashing 0.483 0.025 +smashmethod 0.000 0.000 +smattering 0.042 0.003 +smaug 0.462 0.439 +smb 0.010 0.868 +smbc 0.016 0.801 +smbclient 0.010 0.010 +smbd 0.005 0.037 +smbfs 0.008 0.062 +smbpasswd 0.008 0.007 +smc 0.036 0.874 +smcc 0.005 0.894 +smcp 0.027 0.946 +smd 0.007 0.944 +smds 0.003 0.813 +sme 0.008 0.940 +smead 0.843 0.143 +smeagol 0.822 0.045 +smeal 0.882 0.109 +smear 0.196 0.019 +smeared 0.078 0.006 +smearing 0.104 0.006 +smears 0.176 0.020 +smeaton 0.918 0.076 +smectic 0.201 0.017 +smectite 0.123 0.192 +smedley 0.800 0.156 +smee 0.682 0.097 +smeets 0.911 0.049 +smeg 0.845 0.067 +smell 0.123 0.013 +smelled 0.020 0.005 +smelling 0.075 0.007 +smells 0.193 0.013 +smelly 0.271 0.030 +smelt 0.172 0.023 +smelter 0.267 0.019 +smelters 0.194 0.021 +smelting 0.308 0.027 +smes 0.043 0.469 +smet 0.729 0.248 +smetana 0.873 0.099 +smethport 0.845 0.147 +smethwick 0.947 0.039 +smets 0.895 0.077 +smf 0.033 0.923 +smg 0.015 0.870 +smh 0.002 0.941 +smi 0.057 0.889 +smic 0.041 0.890 +smid 0.517 0.357 +smidgen 0.053 0.006 +smidt 0.935 0.052 +smil 0.054 0.813 +smilax 0.876 0.020 +smile 0.239 0.052 +smiled 0.011 0.001 +smiler 0.727 0.033 +smiles 0.274 0.037 +smiley 0.554 0.041 +smileys 0.526 0.005 +smilie 0.346 0.017 +smilies 0.889 0.001 +smilin 0.557 0.041 +smiling 0.175 0.012 +smillie 0.901 0.045 +smime 0.045 0.178 +smirk 0.297 0.013 +smirked 0.004 0.000 +smirking 0.688 0.002 +smirks 0.082 0.020 +smirky 0.873 0.000 +smirnoff 0.817 0.071 +smirnov 0.922 0.057 +smit 0.755 0.157 +smite 0.165 0.029 +smith 0.895 0.068 +smithee 0.868 0.103 +smither 0.904 0.060 +smithereens 0.423 0.033 +smitherman 0.927 0.061 +smithers 0.928 0.046 +smithfield 0.894 0.083 +smithies 0.873 0.038 +smithing 0.615 0.011 +smiths 0.801 0.074 +smithson 0.906 0.068 +smithsonian 0.985 0.008 +smithton 0.769 0.177 +smithtown 0.854 0.116 +smithville 0.852 0.109 +smithy 0.559 0.027 +smiting 0.209 0.009 +smits 0.929 0.045 +smitten 0.180 0.012 +smitty 0.848 0.048 +smj 0.134 0.789 +smjpeg 0.000 0.015 +smk 0.141 0.764 +sml 0.096 0.771 +smm 0.016 0.899 +smme 0.004 0.983 +smn 0.049 0.710 +smo 0.040 0.884 +smock 0.537 0.071 +smocked 0.595 0.050 +smocking 0.525 0.051 +smocks 0.448 0.101 +smog 0.392 0.053 +smok 0.228 0.226 +smoke 0.303 0.037 +smoked 0.365 0.024 +smokefree 0.654 0.017 +smokehouse 0.792 0.031 +smokeless 0.455 0.024 +smoker 0.395 0.024 +smokers 0.249 0.020 +smokes 0.262 0.018 +smokescreen 0.371 0.025 +smokestack 0.399 0.025 +smokestacks 0.243 0.030 +smokey 0.774 0.059 +smokie 0.723 0.070 +smokies 0.834 0.078 +smokin 0.589 0.060 +smoking 0.412 0.025 +smoky 0.649 0.041 +smoldering 0.082 0.008 +smolensk 0.954 0.034 +smolt 0.217 0.011 +smolts 0.075 0.005 +smoltz 0.934 0.030 +smooch 0.413 0.064 +smooches 0.454 0.058 +smoochy 0.778 0.084 +smoot 0.840 0.070 +smooth 0.227 0.019 +smoothed 0.111 0.010 +smoother 0.092 0.009 +smoothes 0.205 0.007 +smoothest 0.061 0.009 +smoothie 0.621 0.051 +smoothies 0.564 0.021 +smoothing 0.260 0.018 +smoothly 0.016 0.003 +smoothness 0.086 0.007 +smooths 0.159 0.014 +smoothwall 0.668 0.007 +smoove 0.744 0.084 +smorgasbord 0.290 0.026 +smote 0.029 0.012 +smother 0.099 0.004 +smothered 0.157 0.012 +smothering 0.221 0.008 +smothers 0.683 0.067 +smouldering 0.067 0.007 +smp 0.006 0.731 +smpeg 0.006 0.114 +smpp 0.007 0.763 +smps 0.007 0.913 +smpte 0.011 0.938 +smr 0.012 0.957 +smrt 0.127 0.683 +sms 0.016 0.783 +smsa 0.000 0.982 +smsc 0.007 0.850 +smsclient 0.000 0.000 +smsu 0.000 0.965 +smt 0.106 0.816 +smth 0.169 0.184 +smtp 0.008 0.818 +smtpd 0.004 0.071 +smu 0.011 0.935 +smucker 0.918 0.069 +smud 0.009 0.976 +smudge 0.355 0.057 +smudged 0.106 0.007 +smudges 0.130 0.015 +smudging 0.338 0.015 +smug 0.098 0.040 +smuggle 0.043 0.007 +smuggled 0.070 0.007 +smuggler 0.497 0.027 +smugglers 0.400 0.024 +smuggling 0.162 0.013 +smugly 0.025 0.003 +smugmug 0.011 0.000 +smugness 0.064 0.005 +smurf 0.655 0.076 +smurfit 0.929 0.044 +smurfs 0.710 0.106 +smut 0.373 0.130 +smuts 0.854 0.041 +smutty 0.253 0.020 +smv 0.024 0.873 +smw 0.017 0.889 +smx 0.016 0.897 +smyrna 0.878 0.059 +smyth 0.912 0.071 +smythe 0.910 0.064 +sn 0.171 0.575 +sna 0.023 0.884 +snac 0.075 0.695 +snack 0.396 0.029 +snacking 0.270 0.009 +snacks 0.485 0.026 +snaffle 0.525 0.068 +snafu 0.387 0.238 +snag 0.214 0.066 +snagged 0.075 0.005 +snagging 0.195 0.007 +snagless 0.539 0.391 +snags 0.209 0.021 +snail 0.355 0.034 +snails 0.334 0.020 +snaith 0.930 0.052 +snake 0.553 0.039 +snakebite 0.476 0.062 +snaked 0.021 0.007 +snakes 0.438 0.033 +snakeskin 0.476 0.099 +snaking 0.140 0.008 +sname 0.022 0.235 +snap 0.380 0.122 +snapback 0.077 0.010 +snapcase 0.882 0.054 +snapdragon 0.691 0.038 +snapdragons 0.458 0.014 +snape 0.911 0.023 +snapfish 0.930 0.003 +snapp 0.691 0.241 +snapped 0.059 0.009 +snapper 0.550 0.057 +snappers 0.361 0.035 +snapping 0.150 0.010 +snapple 0.826 0.047 +snappy 0.381 0.024 +snaps 0.305 0.031 +snapscan 0.074 0.018 +snapshot 0.546 0.046 +snapshots 0.391 0.016 +snapstream 0.496 0.457 +snare 0.379 0.100 +snared 0.096 0.007 +snares 0.319 0.050 +snarf 0.340 0.241 +snark 0.546 0.198 +snarky 0.306 0.005 +snarl 0.278 0.042 +snarled 0.028 0.003 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0.309 0.018 +soars 0.229 0.044 +soas 0.014 0.945 +soave 0.801 0.068 +sob 0.073 0.364 +soba 0.487 0.147 +sobaka 0.040 0.005 +sobbed 0.006 0.002 +sobbing 0.059 0.007 +sobe 0.514 0.178 +sobek 0.881 0.084 +sobel 0.943 0.037 +sober 0.265 0.019 +sobered 0.029 0.000 +sobering 0.122 0.011 +soberly 0.031 0.003 +sobers 0.744 0.041 +sobg 0.516 0.007 +sobie 0.123 0.010 +sobieski 0.871 0.035 +sobig 0.765 0.048 +sobol 0.953 0.037 +sobolev 0.964 0.028 +sobrante 0.855 0.073 +sobre 0.111 0.025 +sobriety 0.304 0.019 +sobs 0.087 0.032 +soc 0.654 0.303 +soca 0.621 0.147 +socal 0.584 0.149 +socan 0.028 0.959 +soccer 0.702 0.033 +soccernet 0.967 0.001 +socceroos 0.822 0.152 +soccerway 0.991 0.000 +soccorso 0.148 0.041 +sochi 0.925 0.034 +soci 0.219 0.554 +sociaal 0.132 0.003 +sociability 0.240 0.008 +sociable 0.132 0.007 +social 0.460 0.019 +sociale 0.155 0.016 +sociales 0.353 0.040 +sociali 0.162 0.017 +socialisation 0.160 0.008 +socialise 0.043 0.004 +socialising 0.125 0.005 +socialism 0.397 0.013 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0.358 0.031 +sockaddr 0.003 0.018 +socked 0.060 0.022 +socket 0.496 0.049 +sockets 0.389 0.028 +sockeye 0.371 0.054 +sockfd 0.004 0.011 +sockliner 0.058 0.005 +socklog 0.000 0.000 +socks 0.576 0.057 +soco 0.400 0.513 +socom 0.188 0.747 +socorro 0.927 0.056 +socrates 0.837 0.134 +socratic 0.919 0.013 +socs 0.215 0.644 +sod 0.222 0.350 +soda 0.347 0.065 +sodalite 0.626 0.110 +sodas 0.257 0.023 +sodbury 0.933 0.050 +sodden 0.039 0.004 +sodding 0.352 0.112 +soddy 0.831 0.085 +soden 0.904 0.069 +soderberg 0.925 0.056 +soderbergh 0.902 0.041 +soderstrom 0.947 0.044 +sodexho 0.941 0.036 +sodimm 0.035 0.924 +sodipodi 0.281 0.000 +sodium 0.402 0.057 +sodom 0.925 0.039 +sodomania 0.908 0.044 +sodomie 0.033 0.006 +sodomisation 0.006 0.000 +sodomized 0.184 0.017 +sodomy 0.317 0.033 +sodor 0.894 0.069 +sods 0.713 0.031 +soduko 0.222 0.015 +sodus 0.819 0.134 +soe 0.153 0.744 +soehnle 0.961 0.013 +soekris 0.862 0.002 +soelden 0.067 0.003 +soem 0.058 0.027 +soemthing 0.034 0.007 +soeren 0.832 0.009 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0.703 0.063 +solani 0.047 0.034 +solanki 0.937 0.035 +solano 0.889 0.071 +solanum 0.944 0.024 +solar 0.473 0.044 +solara 0.851 0.070 +solaray 0.953 0.035 +solarcam 0.000 0.000 +solare 0.383 0.030 +solari 0.851 0.040 +solaris 0.871 0.019 +solariu 0.000 0.000 +solarium 0.227 0.015 +solariumbilder 0.000 0.000 +solariumcam 0.281 0.000 +solariumcams 0.000 0.000 +solariumkamera 0.000 0.000 +solariums 0.360 0.006 +solariumsex 0.000 0.000 +solariumtv 0.000 0.000 +solariumwebcam 0.000 0.000 +solarum 0.004 0.000 +solas 0.344 0.561 +solberg 0.947 0.044 +sold 0.173 0.080 +soldano 0.928 0.030 +soldat 0.650 0.035 +solden 0.971 0.008 +solder 0.326 0.079 +soldered 0.085 0.024 +soldering 0.460 0.050 +solderless 0.519 0.206 +solders 0.306 0.033 +soldeu 0.977 0.011 +soldi 0.209 0.416 +soldier 0.441 0.028 +soldiering 0.230 0.013 +soldiers 0.244 0.019 +soldner 0.831 0.056 +soldotna 0.872 0.109 +sole 0.140 0.036 +solectron 0.926 0.072 +soled 0.117 0.022 +soledad 0.819 0.091 +soleil 0.828 0.051 +soleilmoon 0.352 0.028 +solely 0.009 0.022 +solemn 0.117 0.008 +solemnity 0.187 0.010 +solemnly 0.034 0.010 +solen 0.757 0.100 +solenoid 0.423 0.060 +solenoids 0.388 0.089 +solent 0.950 0.020 +soler 0.851 0.092 +solera 0.858 0.040 +soles 0.236 0.032 +soleus 0.684 0.011 +solex 0.676 0.083 +soley 0.284 0.039 +solfataricus 0.009 0.014 +solfege 0.346 0.009 +solgar 0.790 0.047 +solheim 0.971 0.022 +soli 0.517 0.067 +solicam 0.017 0.000 +solicit 0.076 0.013 +solicitation 0.227 0.063 +solicitations 0.243 0.145 +solicited 0.083 0.013 +soliciting 0.130 0.018 +solicitor 0.501 0.018 +solicitors 0.630 0.033 +solicitous 0.020 0.000 +solicits 0.141 0.016 +solicitud 0.489 0.032 +solicitude 0.047 0.003 +solid 0.346 0.045 +solidago 0.851 0.016 +solidaridad 0.604 0.084 +solidarity 0.385 0.020 +solider 0.608 0.015 +soliders 0.294 0.055 +solidi 0.458 0.161 +solidification 0.260 0.059 +solidified 0.056 0.006 +solidifies 0.111 0.029 +solidify 0.053 0.005 +solidifying 0.075 0.005 +solidity 0.060 0.005 +solidly 0.048 0.004 +solido 0.653 0.151 +solids 0.294 0.042 +solidus 0.334 0.190 +solidworks 0.562 0.201 +solihull 0.943 0.026 +soliloquies 0.623 0.009 +soliloquy 0.471 0.024 +soliman 0.924 0.049 +solingen 0.834 0.063 +solipsism 0.331 0.013 +solis 0.866 0.070 +solitaire 0.695 0.040 +solitaires 0.748 0.048 +solitamente 0.991 0.000 +solitare 0.428 0.064 +solitary 0.210 0.013 +soliton 0.165 0.023 +solitons 0.312 0.033 +solittletime 0.000 0.000 +solitude 0.417 0.021 +solitudes 0.444 0.027 +soll 0.390 0.027 +sollarium 0.000 0.000 +sollen 0.075 0.004 +soller 0.924 0.040 +sollers 0.190 0.797 +sollte 0.100 0.003 +sollten 0.203 0.006 +solly 0.932 0.036 +soln 0.283 0.221 +solna 0.923 0.054 +solo 0.407 0.051 +sologig 0.992 0.000 +sologirl 0.985 0.000 +soloing 0.227 0.012 +soloist 0.296 0.031 +soloists 0.348 0.022 +soloman 0.876 0.081 +solomon 0.938 0.049 +solomons 0.908 0.046 +solon 0.883 0.079 +solos 0.370 0.029 +solothurn 0.926 0.015 +solow 0.959 0.026 +soloway 0.930 0.035 +solr 0.035 0.843 +sols 0.570 0.101 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0.035 0.005 +somma 0.725 0.065 +sommaire 0.617 0.108 +somme 0.722 0.033 +sommelier 0.584 0.016 +sommer 0.900 0.041 +sommerfeld 0.925 0.036 +sommers 0.912 0.041 +sommerville 0.870 0.090 +sommes 0.068 0.017 +sommet 0.615 0.032 +somnolence 0.213 0.011 +somoa 0.987 0.012 +somogyi 0.963 0.028 +somone 0.106 0.011 +somos 0.481 0.050 +somoza 0.962 0.026 +soms 0.248 0.115 +somthing 0.063 0.018 +somtimes 0.286 0.010 +son 0.270 0.019 +sona 0.633 0.201 +sonable 0.000 0.000 +sonal 0.164 0.047 +sonali 0.833 0.025 +soname 0.009 0.046 +sonance 0.838 0.053 +sonar 0.434 0.147 +sonartec 0.927 0.033 +sonata 0.710 0.037 +sonatas 0.706 0.062 +sonate 0.831 0.079 +sonatina 0.897 0.044 +sonb 0.501 0.005 +sondage 0.285 0.033 +sonde 0.329 0.081 +sonderangebote 0.950 0.017 +sondern 0.017 0.002 +sondheim 0.953 0.022 +sondra 0.911 0.044 +sondre 0.911 0.023 +sone 0.453 0.077 +sonera 0.892 0.059 +sones 0.670 0.057 +sonesta 0.905 0.032 +sonet 0.121 0.822 +sonf 0.512 0.007 +song 0.408 0.020 +songbird 0.650 0.033 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0.216 0.002 +sonneries 0.423 0.004 +sonnet 0.679 0.095 +sonnets 0.543 0.025 +sonntag 0.912 0.063 +sonny 0.884 0.053 +sono 0.271 0.031 +sonoco 0.886 0.092 +sonogram 0.261 0.039 +sonographer 0.707 0.032 +sonographic 0.271 0.012 +sonography 0.449 0.023 +sonoma 0.913 0.048 +sonor 0.750 0.136 +sonora 0.778 0.059 +sonoran 0.942 0.032 +sonore 0.276 0.171 +sonorous 0.108 0.010 +sonos 0.923 0.044 +sonr 0.524 0.005 +sons 0.434 0.030 +sonship 0.375 0.021 +sonst 0.092 0.006 +sonstige 0.607 0.026 +sonstiges 0.971 0.004 +sont 0.032 0.011 +sontag 0.946 0.034 +sonu 0.788 0.033 +sonus 0.838 0.122 +sonv 0.514 0.009 +sony 0.822 0.099 +sonya 0.880 0.050 +sonyericsson 0.145 0.209 +soo 0.361 0.090 +sood 0.844 0.064 +sook 0.704 0.048 +sooke 0.952 0.033 +soon 0.182 0.025 +sooner 0.103 0.009 +sooners 0.941 0.021 +soonest 0.003 0.000 +soong 0.928 0.027 +sooo 0.093 0.099 +soooo 0.103 0.096 +soop 0.119 0.832 +soos 0.559 0.107 +soot 0.208 0.025 +sooth 0.135 0.014 +soothe 0.165 0.012 +soothed 0.018 0.002 +soother 0.635 0.091 +soothes 0.188 0.005 +soothing 0.211 0.014 +soothingly 0.028 0.000 +soothsayer 0.509 0.033 +sooty 0.520 0.043 +sop 0.045 0.817 +sopa 0.417 0.203 +sopac 0.007 0.985 +soper 0.867 0.102 +soph 0.678 0.117 +sophia 0.880 0.060 +sophie 0.880 0.039 +sophist 0.565 0.012 +sophisticate 0.513 0.035 +sophisticated 0.143 0.004 +sophisticates 0.467 0.018 +sophistication 0.059 0.005 +sophistry 0.144 0.006 +sophists 0.650 0.010 +sophmore 0.397 0.019 +sophocles 0.939 0.031 +sophomore 0.395 0.020 +sophomores 0.310 0.029 +sophomoric 0.079 0.004 +sophos 0.910 0.040 +sophy 0.728 0.053 +soporte 0.666 0.026 +sopot 0.916 0.042 +sopping 0.085 0.006 +sopra 0.363 0.057 +soprani 0.943 0.032 +soprano 0.407 0.026 +sopranos 0.686 0.042 +sopron 0.877 0.030 +sops 0.173 0.240 +sopwith 0.820 0.044 +soquel 0.878 0.077 +sor 0.253 0.336 +sora 0.762 0.077 +sorat 0.413 0.564 +soraya 0.919 0.034 +sorb 0.440 0.238 +sorbate 0.350 0.116 +sorbed 0.053 0.013 +sorbent 0.268 0.079 +sorbents 0.368 0.111 +sorbet 0.580 0.083 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0.292 0.314 +souce 0.459 0.019 +souci 0.799 0.100 +soucy 0.908 0.077 +soudan 0.879 0.069 +souder 0.740 0.225 +souderton 0.878 0.113 +souffle 0.520 0.073 +soufriere 0.941 0.049 +sought 0.037 0.011 +souix 0.976 0.006 +souk 0.557 0.025 +soukup 0.923 0.069 +soul 0.467 0.041 +sould 0.172 0.024 +souldiers 0.484 0.000 +soule 0.649 0.068 +souled 0.346 0.034 +soulfly 0.620 0.072 +soulful 0.316 0.020 +soulier 0.930 0.032 +soulive 0.943 0.030 +souljah 0.837 0.065 +soulless 0.187 0.010 +soulmate 0.231 0.019 +soulmates 0.869 0.012 +souls 0.310 0.026 +soulseek 0.504 0.007 +soulwax 0.777 0.144 +soumis 0.141 0.011 +soun 0.498 0.193 +sound 0.374 0.036 +soundbite 0.296 0.300 +soundbites 0.347 0.025 +soundblaster 0.670 0.071 +soundboard 0.578 0.025 +soundboards 0.664 0.011 +soundcard 0.313 0.031 +soundcards 0.590 0.034 +soundcheck 0.544 0.041 +soundcraft 0.840 0.116 +sounded 0.020 0.003 +sounder 0.579 0.037 +sounders 0.734 0.062 +soundex 0.849 0.041 +soundgarden 0.774 0.026 +sounding 0.101 0.021 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0.631 0.057 +sourpuss 0.665 0.017 +sours 0.422 0.048 +sous 0.216 0.035 +sousa 0.898 0.068 +sousse 0.876 0.031 +sout 0.452 0.224 +souter 0.900 0.081 +south 0.833 0.041 +southafrica 0.031 0.013 +southall 0.938 0.042 +southam 0.935 0.050 +southampton 0.931 0.036 +southard 0.876 0.093 +southaven 0.888 0.092 +southbank 0.913 0.056 +southborough 0.891 0.048 +southbound 0.392 0.051 +southbridge 0.871 0.048 +southbury 0.914 0.066 +southcentral 0.765 0.076 +southcoast 0.819 0.053 +southdown 0.891 0.089 +southeast 0.744 0.055 +southeasterly 0.093 0.039 +southeastern 0.601 0.086 +southend 0.933 0.040 +souther 0.752 0.072 +southerland 0.855 0.134 +southerly 0.147 0.064 +southern 0.733 0.035 +southerner 0.699 0.012 +southerners 0.655 0.008 +southernmost 0.269 0.009 +southey 0.849 0.143 +southfield 0.913 0.066 +southfields 0.870 0.025 +southgate 0.897 0.081 +southington 0.912 0.068 +southlake 0.897 0.061 +southland 0.930 0.044 +southold 0.887 0.099 +southpark 0.680 0.078 +southpaw 0.598 0.048 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0.030 +sowk 0.003 0.993 +sown 0.049 0.023 +sownload 0.003 0.000 +sows 0.171 0.024 +sox 0.819 0.124 +soy 0.436 0.044 +soya 0.405 0.039 +soybean 0.345 0.041 +soybeans 0.318 0.052 +soyer 0.914 0.071 +soyez 0.675 0.012 +soyinka 0.967 0.021 +soylent 0.912 0.037 +soymilk 0.273 0.018 +soyo 0.474 0.473 +soyuz 0.953 0.029 +soz 0.426 0.106 +soze 0.847 0.026 +soziale 0.517 0.030 +sozo 0.885 0.045 +sozopol 0.934 0.032 +sp 0.089 0.584 +spa 0.734 0.071 +spaans 0.862 0.006 +spac 0.217 0.508 +space 0.334 0.026 +spaceballs 0.899 0.040 +spacebar 0.269 0.144 +spaceborne 0.478 0.127 +spacecraft 0.309 0.043 +spaced 0.096 0.014 +spaceflight 0.585 0.020 +spacek 0.932 0.040 +spacelab 0.867 0.066 +spacelabs 0.968 0.028 +spacemaker 0.845 0.036 +spaceman 0.662 0.056 +spacemen 0.777 0.041 +spaceport 0.528 0.035 +spacer 0.286 0.088 +spacers 0.384 0.051 +spaces 0.238 0.015 +spaceship 0.345 0.029 +spaceships 0.380 0.013 +spacesuit 0.403 0.017 +spacetime 0.134 0.011 +spacetimes 0.108 0.013 +spacewalk 0.268 0.026 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+spangenberg 0.921 0.070 +spangle 0.675 0.099 +spangled 0.697 0.036 +spangler 0.907 0.079 +spanglish 0.872 0.081 +spaniard 0.950 0.015 +spaniards 0.977 0.005 +spaniel 0.823 0.032 +spaniels 0.713 0.050 +spanien 0.395 0.005 +spanier 0.931 0.046 +spanisch 0.804 0.011 +spanish 0.892 0.021 +spanje 0.597 0.007 +spank 0.099 0.015 +spanked 0.216 0.007 +spankin 0.546 0.034 +spanking 0.200 0.006 +spankings 0.123 0.004 +spanks 0.335 0.015 +spanky 0.721 0.050 +spann 0.866 0.116 +spanne 0.057 0.007 +spanned 0.014 0.003 +spannen 0.004 0.000 +spanner 0.385 0.082 +spannerbilder 0.000 0.000 +spannercam 0.000 0.000 +spannercams 0.000 0.000 +spannerfotos 0.000 0.000 +spanners 0.575 0.081 +spanning 0.158 0.004 +spano 0.902 0.080 +spanos 0.915 0.052 +spans 0.046 0.010 +spansion 0.735 0.263 +spantree 0.045 0.114 +spanx 0.843 0.127 +spar 0.348 0.291 +sparc 0.072 0.186 +sparco 0.780 0.142 +sparcs 0.780 0.150 +spare 0.279 0.040 +spared 0.024 0.005 +sparen 0.124 0.007 +spareribs 0.511 0.044 +spares 0.561 0.094 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0.288 0.013 +spat 0.141 0.058 +spate 0.117 0.009 +spathiphyllum 0.902 0.009 +spatial 0.291 0.012 +spatially 0.126 0.006 +spatio 0.300 0.011 +spatiotemporal 0.286 0.012 +spats 0.292 0.064 +spatter 0.257 0.040 +spattered 0.054 0.007 +spatula 0.407 0.027 +spatulas 0.679 0.030 +spatz 0.881 0.061 +spaulding 0.906 0.077 +spaun 0.956 0.019 +spaw 0.294 0.301 +spawar 0.023 0.955 +spawn 0.387 0.059 +spawned 0.055 0.005 +spawner 0.269 0.012 +spawners 0.076 0.012 +spawning 0.173 0.008 +spawns 0.176 0.011 +spay 0.434 0.048 +spayed 0.136 0.022 +spaying 0.293 0.014 +spaz 0.566 0.086 +spazio 0.531 0.079 +spb 0.245 0.608 +spc 0.237 0.711 +spca 0.009 0.943 +spcc 0.010 0.961 +spch 0.105 0.887 +spck 0.018 0.966 +spd 0.302 0.529 +spdc 0.000 0.996 +spdif 0.011 0.899 +spdr 0.051 0.932 +spdt 0.005 0.980 +spdy 0.009 0.985 +spe 0.116 0.459 +spea 0.157 0.689 +speach 0.161 0.020 +speak 0.155 0.016 +speake 0.488 0.046 +speakeasy 0.809 0.064 +speaker 0.554 0.047 +speakercraft 0.810 0.110 +speakerphone 0.555 0.019 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0.016 +spect 0.069 0.635 +spectabilis 0.069 0.017 +spectacle 0.193 0.015 +spectacled 0.522 0.024 +spectacles 0.218 0.030 +spectacular 0.464 0.013 +spectacularly 0.043 0.003 +spectaculars 0.821 0.017 +spectator 0.617 0.020 +spectators 0.140 0.010 +spectec 0.890 0.103 +specter 0.657 0.127 +spective 0.037 0.008 +spectively 0.000 0.000 +spector 0.907 0.036 +spectra 0.315 0.062 +spectral 0.267 0.023 +spectrally 0.137 0.005 +spectrasonics 0.884 0.085 +spectre 0.673 0.052 +spectres 0.387 0.036 +spectrin 0.295 0.050 +spectro 0.529 0.095 +spectrogram 0.265 0.010 +spectrograms 0.395 0.019 +spectrograph 0.407 0.074 +spectrom 0.890 0.017 +spectrometer 0.380 0.033 +spectrometers 0.280 0.089 +spectrometric 0.178 0.032 +spectrometry 0.363 0.040 +spectrophotometer 0.341 0.024 +spectrophotometers 0.536 0.032 +spectrophotometric 0.319 0.031 +spectrophotometry 0.620 0.062 +spectrosc 0.959 0.035 +spectroscopic 0.285 0.030 +spectroscopy 0.396 0.046 +spectrum 0.320 0.030 +spectrums 0.260 0.018 +specular 0.215 0.035 +speculate 0.022 0.003 +speculated 0.004 0.002 +speculates 0.046 0.002 +speculating 0.058 0.003 +speculation 0.173 0.007 +speculations 0.206 0.010 +speculative 0.220 0.015 +speculator 0.409 0.050 +speculators 0.160 0.004 +speculum 0.382 0.031 +sped 0.037 0.253 +spedisci 0.989 0.000 +spee 0.533 0.217 +speech 0.322 0.016 +speechd 0.032 0.000 +speeches 0.429 0.017 +speechless 0.219 0.015 +speechwriter 0.150 0.009 +speed 0.369 0.031 +speedball 0.746 0.055 +speedbar 0.124 0.018 +speedboat 0.434 0.035 +speeded 0.036 0.010 +speeder 0.487 0.114 +speeders 0.256 0.020 +speedhorn 0.883 0.100 +speedier 0.092 0.010 +speedily 0.010 0.003 +speeding 0.209 0.064 +speedlight 0.717 0.067 +speedline 0.858 0.024 +speedlite 0.850 0.070 +speedman 0.984 0.005 +speedmaster 0.827 0.062 +speedo 0.722 0.072 +speedometer 0.393 0.059 +speedos 0.201 0.011 +speedplay 0.954 0.017 +speeds 0.122 0.011 +speedskating 0.827 0.021 +speedster 0.604 0.115 +speedstream 0.561 0.056 +speedtest 0.833 0.005 +speedtouch 0.291 0.031 +speedup 0.202 0.010 +speedups 0.095 0.000 +speedwagon 0.883 0.051 +speedway 0.875 0.047 +speedwell 0.779 0.099 +speedy 0.343 0.040 +speek 0.046 0.009 +speel 0.532 0.031 +speelgoed 0.110 0.000 +speer 0.890 0.083 +speers 0.837 0.110 +speex 0.368 0.010 +speeze 0.519 0.465 +speicher 0.784 0.034 +speichern 0.175 0.003 +speier 0.864 0.112 +speight 0.903 0.079 +speirs 0.895 0.076 +spek 0.798 0.066 +speke 0.788 0.067 +spektor 0.912 0.024 +spektrum 0.895 0.057 +spel 0.413 0.052 +spelen 0.105 0.007 +spell 0.255 0.019 +spellbinder 0.837 0.039 +spellbinding 0.092 0.007 +spellbook 0.531 0.082 +spellbound 0.635 0.035 +spellcaster 0.575 0.071 +spellcasting 0.402 0.012 +spellcheck 0.385 0.012 +spellchecker 0.321 0.008 +spellcraft 0.846 0.015 +spelled 0.027 0.005 +speller 0.550 0.046 +spelletjes 0.289 0.018 +spellforce 0.914 0.013 +spelling 0.258 0.013 +spellings 0.215 0.007 +spellman 0.939 0.050 +spells 0.289 0.017 +spelman 0.953 0.037 +spelpunt 0.997 0.000 +spelt 0.112 0.015 +spelthorne 0.979 0.015 +spelunking 0.519 0.008 +spelvin 0.498 0.014 +spen 0.708 0.088 +spence 0.892 0.085 +spencer 0.905 0.065 +spencerport 0.847 0.115 +spencers 0.735 0.105 +spencerville 0.874 0.100 +spenco 0.875 0.104 +spend 0.102 0.006 +spender 0.600 0.050 +spenders 0.247 0.019 +spending 0.136 0.011 +spends 0.052 0.004 +spendthrift 0.212 0.039 +spengler 0.931 0.042 +spennymoor 0.814 0.045 +spenser 0.942 0.036 +spent 0.036 0.004 +sper 0.606 0.128 +speranza 0.475 0.030 +sperber 0.956 0.023 +sperling 0.929 0.051 +sperm 0.164 0.010 +sperma 0.076 0.012 +spermadusche 0.000 0.000 +spermaschlucken 0.000 0.000 +spermatogenesis 0.211 0.017 +spermatophyta 0.970 0.011 +spermatozoa 0.262 0.015 +sperme 0.025 0.005 +spermicide 0.304 0.008 +spermidine 0.235 0.028 +spermine 0.274 0.027 +spermshack 0.017 0.000 +spermswap 0.359 0.010 +spero 0.799 0.043 +sperry 0.897 0.069 +spes 0.397 0.403 +spese 0.131 0.017 +spessartite 0.645 0.152 +spetses 0.904 0.057 +spetsnaz 0.804 0.073 +spettacoli 0.925 0.005 +spettacolo 0.542 0.019 +spew 0.163 0.046 +spewed 0.051 0.003 +spewing 0.038 0.005 +spews 0.135 0.329 +spex 0.670 0.232 +spey 0.805 0.057 +speyer 0.933 0.038 +speyside 0.949 0.033 +spezia 0.881 0.069 +spezial 0.691 0.234 +spezialnutten 0.000 0.000 +spezza 0.835 0.084 +spf 0.040 0.876 +spg 0.043 0.862 +spgs 0.623 0.360 +sph 0.031 0.903 +sphaeroides 0.019 0.036 +sphagnum 0.537 0.007 +sphalerite 0.312 0.074 +sphere 0.283 0.026 +spheres 0.197 0.018 +spherex 0.966 0.030 +spheric 0.134 0.012 +spherical 0.213 0.021 +spherically 0.087 0.015 +spherion 0.937 0.041 +spheroid 0.255 0.120 +spheroidal 0.233 0.017 +sphincter 0.110 0.009 +sphingosine 0.339 0.014 +sphinx 0.643 0.063 +sphr 0.009 0.972 +sphygmomanometer 0.591 0.033 +sphynx 0.810 0.038 +spi 0.028 0.875 +spiagge 0.042 0.016 +spiaggia 0.170 0.015 +spic 0.287 0.364 +spica 0.833 0.062 +spicata 0.060 0.024 +spice 0.436 0.075 +spiced 0.485 0.043 +spicer 0.898 0.064 +spices 0.395 0.022 +spicewood 0.875 0.076 +spicey 0.398 0.101 +spicing 0.245 0.012 +spicoli 0.963 0.012 +spicules 0.100 0.366 +spicy 0.407 0.029 +spid 0.085 0.627 +spidean 0.996 0.000 +spider 0.649 0.062 +spiderbait 0.333 0.009 +spidered 0.296 0.000 +spidering 0.313 0.003 +spiderman 0.697 0.074 +spiders 0.456 0.020 +spiderweb 0.624 0.050 +spidey 0.767 0.039 +spie 0.020 0.969 +spied 0.144 0.009 +spiegel 0.735 0.209 +spiegelau 0.975 0.006 +spiegelman 0.947 0.027 +spiel 0.337 0.028 +spielberg 0.970 0.017 +spiele 0.655 0.011 +spielen 0.182 0.009 +spieler 0.734 0.062 +spielman 0.950 0.042 +spielzeug 0.270 0.003 +spier 0.783 0.043 +spiers 0.882 0.056 +spies 0.117 0.010 +spiess 0.931 0.050 +spiewak 0.917 0.050 +spiff 0.485 0.080 +spiffy 0.397 0.018 +spiga 0.864 0.084 +spigot 0.225 0.295 +spigots 0.360 0.008 +spike 0.619 0.037 +spiked 0.243 0.025 +spikelet 0.113 0.004 +spikelets 0.337 0.085 +spiker 0.800 0.065 +spikes 0.219 0.022 +spikey 0.501 0.030 +spiking 0.166 0.010 +spiky 0.221 0.015 +spil 0.430 0.131 +spill 0.339 0.044 +spillage 0.144 0.049 +spillages 0.131 0.010 +spillane 0.936 0.048 +spilled 0.105 0.026 +spiller 0.773 0.060 +spillet 0.148 0.005 +spilling 0.076 0.009 +spillman 0.910 0.081 +spillover 0.135 0.014 +spillovers 0.236 0.006 +spills 0.159 0.030 +spillway 0.337 0.041 +spilsbury 0.939 0.011 +spilt 0.208 0.015 +spim 0.132 0.448 +spin 0.320 0.047 +spina 0.606 0.031 +spinach 0.431 0.050 +spinal 0.366 0.017 +spindle 0.427 0.070 +spindler 0.917 0.058 +spindles 0.369 0.027 +spindly 0.066 0.014 +spindrift 0.807 0.040 +spine 0.269 0.023 +spined 0.185 0.026 +spinel 0.447 0.074 +spineless 0.266 0.019 +spinelli 0.937 0.038 +spiner 0.939 0.022 +spines 0.094 0.012 +spineshank 0.507 0.030 +spink 0.908 0.068 +spinks 0.868 0.100 +spinlock 0.349 0.018 +spinna 0.829 0.065 +spinnaker 0.631 0.040 +spinner 0.579 0.059 +spinners 0.579 0.056 +spinney 0.867 0.078 +spinnin 0.500 0.043 +spinning 0.339 0.035 +spinoff 0.189 0.019 +spinoffs 0.233 0.038 +spinone 0.934 0.023 +spinor 0.084 0.030 +spinors 0.123 0.019 +spinosa 0.243 0.039 +spinoza 0.949 0.014 +spins 0.183 0.031 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0.317 0.039 +spitting 0.241 0.016 +spittle 0.271 0.022 +spitz 0.868 0.046 +spitzer 0.951 0.029 +spivak 0.935 0.043 +spivey 0.895 0.076 +spj 0.025 0.929 +spk 0.240 0.638 +spkr 0.338 0.434 +spkrs 0.606 0.199 +spl 0.055 0.796 +spla 0.013 0.953 +splanchnic 0.235 0.026 +splash 0.471 0.045 +splashback 0.568 0.058 +splashbacks 0.630 0.009 +splashdown 0.785 0.025 +splashed 0.050 0.006 +splashes 0.202 0.017 +splashing 0.100 0.010 +splashy 0.163 0.010 +splat 0.533 0.121 +splatter 0.497 0.031 +splattered 0.104 0.014 +splattering 0.057 0.010 +splatters 0.253 0.008 +splay 0.149 0.048 +splayed 0.129 0.009 +splc 0.000 0.988 +spleen 0.271 0.019 +spleens 0.108 0.015 +splenda 0.640 0.134 +splendens 0.148 0.025 +splendid 0.257 0.023 +splendide 0.862 0.026 +splendidly 0.053 0.003 +splendor 0.470 0.028 +splendora 0.879 0.103 +splendored 0.770 0.031 +splendors 0.470 0.019 +splendour 0.295 0.020 +splenectomy 0.387 0.018 +splenic 0.262 0.014 +splenocytes 0.101 0.005 +splenomegaly 0.310 0.015 +splice 0.282 0.039 +spliced 0.178 0.017 +spliceosome 0.059 0.028 +splicer 0.541 0.110 +splices 0.165 0.013 +splicing 0.200 0.026 +spliff 0.445 0.057 +spline 0.270 0.127 +splines 0.228 0.021 +splint 0.379 0.037 +splinter 0.747 0.027 +splintered 0.173 0.007 +splintering 0.127 0.007 +splinters 0.254 0.014 +splinting 0.541 0.013 +splints 0.496 0.012 +splish 0.795 0.051 +split 0.271 0.031 +splits 0.369 0.036 +splitted 0.083 0.003 +splitter 0.531 0.051 +splitters 0.642 0.034 +splitting 0.187 0.010 +splittings 0.078 0.016 +splm 0.000 0.991 +splodge 0.916 0.006 +sploid 0.879 0.076 +splot 0.104 0.074 +splunk 0.618 0.327 +splurge 0.240 0.016 +splus 0.751 0.125 +spm 0.044 0.848 +spn 0.058 0.709 +spng 0.370 0.056 +spo 0.097 0.775 +spock 0.878 0.049 +spode 0.839 0.090 +spofford 0.922 0.055 +spogg 0.996 0.000 +spohn 0.906 0.082 +spohr 0.691 0.294 +spoil 0.108 0.014 +spoilage 0.091 0.018 +spoiled 0.145 0.016 +spoiler 0.443 0.137 +spoilers 0.519 0.108 +spoiling 0.100 0.008 +spoils 0.164 0.015 +spoilt 0.189 0.014 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0.369 0.012 +staaten 0.976 0.009 +staats 0.890 0.077 +staatsoper 0.951 0.028 +stab 0.166 0.057 +stabat 0.912 0.053 +stabbed 0.085 0.015 +stabbin 0.413 0.024 +stabbing 0.212 0.015 +stabenow 0.824 0.168 +stabil 0.435 0.055 +stabila 0.840 0.133 +stabile 0.545 0.035 +stabilisation 0.325 0.015 +stabilise 0.029 0.004 +stabilised 0.108 0.012 +stabiliser 0.354 0.071 +stabilisers 0.368 0.023 +stabilising 0.123 0.008 +stability 0.203 0.021 +stabilization 0.317 0.029 +stabilize 0.054 0.011 +stabilized 0.174 0.020 +stabilizer 0.468 0.048 +stabilizers 0.470 0.040 +stabilizes 0.064 0.018 +stabilizing 0.146 0.025 +stabilo 0.670 0.268 +stable 0.175 0.028 +stableford 0.817 0.063 +stabler 0.824 0.071 +stables 0.569 0.034 +stabling 0.303 0.077 +stably 0.035 0.003 +stabs 0.099 0.041 +stac 0.303 0.520 +staccato 0.353 0.027 +stace 0.821 0.039 +stacey 0.887 0.044 +staci 0.859 0.033 +stacia 0.821 0.040 +stacie 0.874 0.045 +stack 0.246 0.033 +stackable 0.612 0.038 +stacked 0.234 0.028 +stacker 0.675 0.052 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0.033 +staphylococcal 0.498 0.029 +staphylococci 0.188 0.018 +staphylococcus 0.931 0.015 +staple 0.272 0.036 +stapled 0.217 0.022 +stapleford 0.910 0.052 +stapler 0.561 0.081 +staplers 0.768 0.026 +staples 0.788 0.042 +stapleton 0.863 0.122 +stapling 0.305 0.032 +stapp 0.720 0.037 +star 0.625 0.055 +stara 0.880 0.048 +starbase 0.674 0.116 +starboard 0.331 0.030 +starbright 0.851 0.085 +starbuck 0.878 0.058 +starbucks 0.877 0.023 +starburst 0.562 0.076 +starch 0.305 0.042 +starched 0.104 0.007 +starcher 0.611 0.369 +starches 0.179 0.047 +starchild 0.817 0.075 +starchy 0.141 0.007 +starck 0.878 0.049 +starcom 0.900 0.056 +starcraft 0.760 0.021 +stardate 0.646 0.037 +stardic 0.551 0.000 +stardict 0.012 0.000 +stardock 0.919 0.015 +stardom 0.191 0.024 +stardust 0.841 0.050 +stare 0.133 0.023 +stared 0.008 0.002 +stares 0.073 0.010 +starfield 0.709 0.054 +starfighter 0.768 0.051 +starfire 0.505 0.056 +starfish 0.547 0.046 +starfleet 0.932 0.042 +starforce 0.515 0.032 +starfox 0.659 0.068 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0.878 0.073 +stf 0.097 0.786 +stfu 0.019 0.646 +stg 0.152 0.561 +sth 0.213 0.152 +sthenic 0.000 0.000 +sthn 0.068 0.037 +sti 0.042 0.872 +stian 0.833 0.020 +stibo 0.989 0.000 +stic 0.460 0.301 +stich 0.708 0.060 +stiches 0.109 0.026 +stichting 0.455 0.036 +stick 0.399 0.035 +sticked 0.062 0.004 +sticker 0.488 0.052 +stickers 0.587 0.051 +stickfigure 0.886 0.015 +stickies 0.477 0.013 +stickin 0.317 0.022 +stickiness 0.421 0.005 +sticking 0.104 0.009 +stickleback 0.246 0.044 +stickler 0.520 0.026 +stickley 0.807 0.094 +stickman 0.603 0.078 +stickney 0.886 0.099 +sticks 0.391 0.043 +stickwitu 0.573 0.016 +sticky 0.476 0.018 +stickymoan 0.981 0.000 +stid 0.056 0.854 +stidham 0.861 0.125 +stiefel 0.555 0.032 +stiefelfetisch 0.000 0.000 +stieff 0.847 0.086 +stieglitz 0.887 0.093 +stier 0.890 0.060 +stiers 0.963 0.024 +stiff 0.200 0.031 +stiffen 0.046 0.004 +stiffened 0.052 0.005 +stiffener 0.202 0.070 +stiffeners 0.185 0.077 +stiffening 0.195 0.008 +stiffer 0.055 0.006 +stiffly 0.023 0.002 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0.626 0.087 +subtitled 0.724 0.009 +subtitles 0.401 0.014 +subtitling 0.487 0.008 +subtitrari 0.140 0.006 +subtitulos 0.047 0.002 +subtle 0.087 0.005 +subtler 0.030 0.000 +subtleties 0.067 0.005 +subtlety 0.077 0.011 +subtly 0.037 0.002 +subtopic 0.343 0.080 +subtopics 0.541 0.009 +subtotal 0.703 0.135 +subtotals 0.399 0.153 +subtract 0.371 0.028 +subtracted 0.063 0.007 +subtracting 0.138 0.007 +subtraction 0.238 0.016 +subtractions 0.182 0.044 +subtractive 0.238 0.012 +subtracts 0.126 0.004 +subtree 0.078 0.007 +subtrees 0.047 0.004 +subtropical 0.257 0.030 +subttl 0.015 0.969 +subtype 0.151 0.095 +subtypes 0.096 0.008 +subtyping 0.258 0.008 +subunit 0.050 0.081 +subunits 0.078 0.010 +suburb 0.477 0.030 +suburban 0.517 0.041 +suburbanites 0.146 0.005 +suburbanlodge 0.000 0.000 +suburbia 0.546 0.028 +suburbs 0.474 0.069 +subvention 0.237 0.027 +subventions 0.316 0.027 +subversion 0.549 0.003 +subversions 0.083 0.004 +subversive 0.217 0.012 +subvert 0.104 0.036 +subverted 0.052 0.004 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0.027 +sudbury 0.900 0.039 +sudden 0.147 0.010 +suddenly 0.193 0.004 +suddenness 0.022 0.005 +sudeep 0.906 0.023 +sudeki 0.935 0.024 +sudha 0.852 0.048 +sudhakar 0.866 0.064 +sudhian 0.993 0.000 +sudhir 0.919 0.027 +sudini 0.972 0.008 +sudo 0.113 0.025 +sudoku 0.812 0.034 +suds 0.398 0.191 +suduko 0.286 0.023 +sue 0.724 0.035 +suecia 0.835 0.061 +sued 0.128 0.013 +suede 0.611 0.073 +sueded 0.582 0.020 +suedtirol 0.027 0.000 +suelo 0.084 0.018 +suen 0.889 0.062 +sueno 0.793 0.069 +suenos 0.835 0.040 +suerte 0.438 0.041 +sues 0.373 0.026 +suess 0.826 0.051 +suesses 0.003 0.000 +suet 0.560 0.043 +suetonius 0.970 0.018 +sueur 0.866 0.068 +suexec 0.039 0.019 +suey 0.527 0.048 +suez 0.870 0.104 +suf 0.140 0.189 +suff 0.617 0.048 +suffer 0.036 0.007 +suffered 0.009 0.004 +sufferer 0.080 0.007 +sufferers 0.136 0.010 +suffering 0.080 0.006 +sufferings 0.048 0.006 +suffern 0.876 0.094 +suffers 0.046 0.005 +suffi 0.112 0.002 +suffice 0.213 0.006 +sufficed 0.017 0.000 +suffices 0.009 0.001 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0.201 0.018 +sugg 0.832 0.064 +suggerimenti 0.338 0.013 +suggest 0.276 0.010 +suggested 0.204 0.012 +suggesting 0.013 0.003 +suggestion 0.254 0.009 +suggestions 0.338 0.013 +suggestive 0.075 0.005 +suggests 0.049 0.006 +suggs 0.898 0.083 +sugimoto 0.926 0.057 +sugiura 0.926 0.059 +sugiyama 0.928 0.064 +sugoi 0.913 0.041 +suh 0.654 0.150 +suhali 0.916 0.018 +suharto 0.986 0.010 +suhr 0.905 0.064 +sui 0.435 0.309 +suicidal 0.276 0.018 +suicidality 0.205 0.015 +suicide 0.286 0.019 +suicidegirls 0.023 0.888 +suicides 0.401 0.015 +suicidio 0.078 0.008 +suid 0.261 0.247 +suif 0.300 0.575 +suikoden 0.902 0.026 +suing 0.114 0.007 +suis 0.072 0.023 +suisse 0.781 0.062 +suisun 0.841 0.060 +suit 0.178 0.032 +suitability 0.165 0.051 +suitable 0.127 0.007 +suitably 0.045 0.002 +suitcase 0.314 0.046 +suitcases 0.269 0.025 +suite 0.710 0.035 +suited 0.053 0.009 +suiter 0.789 0.039 +suites 0.778 0.033 +suiting 0.218 0.097 +suitland 0.912 0.068 +suitor 0.183 0.017 +suitors 0.092 0.014 +suits 0.303 0.021 +suivant 0.398 0.009 +suivante 0.274 0.010 +suivantes 0.021 0.019 +suivants 0.010 0.024 +suivi 0.334 0.014 +suivre 0.136 0.023 +suiza 0.831 0.056 +sujata 0.900 0.030 +sujet 0.266 0.025 +sujets 0.275 0.013 +suk 0.721 0.062 +suka 0.312 0.042 +sukanta 0.842 0.004 +sukarno 0.958 0.023 +sukhoi 0.910 0.044 +sukhothai 0.951 0.026 +sukhumvit 0.974 0.015 +suki 0.788 0.030 +sukkah 0.615 0.016 +sukkot 0.958 0.014 +sul 0.395 0.086 +sula 0.793 0.068 +sulaiman 0.921 0.044 +sulawesi 0.945 0.025 +sulcus 0.140 0.008 +suleiman 0.953 0.030 +sulekha 0.757 0.218 +suleyman 0.947 0.027 +sulfa 0.240 0.032 +sulfamethoxazole 0.408 0.019 +sulfasalazine 0.463 0.020 +sulfate 0.307 0.074 +sulfated 0.164 0.041 +sulfates 0.425 0.036 +sulfhydryl 0.475 0.026 +sulfide 0.203 0.064 +sulfides 0.308 0.081 +sulfite 0.286 0.056 +sulfites 0.387 0.025 +sulfolobus 0.974 0.013 +sulfonamide 0.175 0.033 +sulfonamides 0.561 0.035 +sulfonate 0.169 0.095 +sulfone 0.150 0.058 +sulfonic 0.204 0.103 +sulfonyl 0.218 0.033 +sulfonylurea 0.303 0.018 +sulfotransferase 0.079 0.085 +sulfoxide 0.249 0.044 +sulfur 0.285 0.040 +sulfuric 0.282 0.049 +sulindac 0.459 0.018 +sulk 0.203 0.064 +sulking 0.076 0.005 +sulky 0.457 0.081 +sull 0.221 0.022 +sulla 0.222 0.098 +sulle 0.073 0.019 +sullen 0.116 0.008 +sullenly 0.037 0.000 +sullied 0.048 0.000 +sullivan 0.918 0.067 +sullivans 0.878 0.069 +sully 0.800 0.060 +sulph 0.383 0.054 +sulphate 0.261 0.039 +sulphide 0.170 0.024 +sulphides 0.159 0.017 +sulphite 0.317 0.067 +sulphur 0.531 0.058 +sulphuric 0.232 0.028 +sulpice 0.925 0.041 +sult 0.088 0.048 +sultan 0.794 0.052 +sultana 0.806 0.078 +sultanahmet 0.720 0.034 +sultanate 0.822 0.030 +sultans 0.589 0.047 +sulting 0.000 0.006 +sultry 0.243 0.019 +sults 0.006 0.009 +sulu 0.889 0.043 +sulzberger 0.952 0.038 +sulzer 0.804 0.090 +sum 0.152 0.065 +suma 0.361 0.492 +sumac 0.541 0.043 +suman 0.875 0.035 +sumas 0.855 0.077 +sumatera 0.801 0.132 +sumatra 0.933 0.032 +sumatran 0.961 0.012 +sumatriptan 0.358 0.042 +sumbrella 0.998 0.000 +sumdex 0.955 0.026 +sume 0.092 0.025 +sumea 0.829 0.129 +sumed 0.021 0.007 +sumer 0.405 0.211 +sumerian 0.941 0.026 +sumerians 0.975 0.007 +sumers 0.076 0.017 +sumi 0.715 0.109 +sumida 0.895 0.081 +sumisas 0.000 0.000 +sumision 0.000 0.000 +sumit 0.788 0.052 +sumitomo 0.893 0.094 +summ 0.376 0.401 +summa 0.579 0.055 +summand 0.015 0.016 +summar 0.506 0.315 +summaries 0.468 0.035 +summarily 0.032 0.009 +summarise 0.104 0.003 +summarised 0.033 0.004 +summarises 0.020 0.001 +summarising 0.174 0.004 +summarization 0.331 0.010 +summarize 0.146 0.006 +summarized 0.039 0.004 +summarizer 0.583 0.000 +summarizes 0.044 0.001 +summarizing 0.192 0.005 +summary 0.615 0.093 +summation 0.162 0.088 +summations 0.054 0.004 +summative 0.315 0.022 +summe 0.489 0.041 +summed 0.021 0.003 +summer 0.457 0.038 +summerclub 0.000 0.996 +summerdale 0.843 0.119 +summerfest 0.920 0.044 +summerfield 0.895 0.087 +summerhill 0.883 0.066 +summerhouse 0.478 0.023 +summerhouses 0.674 0.009 +summerland 0.864 0.071 +summerlin 0.855 0.039 +summers 0.626 0.042 +summerside 0.928 0.039 +summersville 0.842 0.127 +summertime 0.569 0.029 +summerton 0.895 0.078 +summertown 0.788 0.196 +summervacation 0.000 0.000 +summerville 0.897 0.069 +summery 0.231 0.029 +summing 0.311 0.010 +summit 0.695 0.043 +summits 0.473 0.014 +summitt 0.917 0.055 +summitville 0.914 0.071 +summon 0.238 0.015 +summoned 0.061 0.007 +summoner 0.817 0.015 +summoning 0.380 0.019 +summons 0.204 0.026 +summonses 0.172 0.021 +sumner 0.886 0.086 +sumo 0.596 0.147 +sump 0.360 0.042 +sumps 0.221 0.020 +sumpter 0.777 0.087 +sumption 0.098 0.010 +sumptuous 0.110 0.006 +sumptuously 0.114 0.000 +sumrall 0.890 0.100 +sums 0.071 0.015 +sumter 0.915 0.062 +sumthin 0.172 0.032 +sumthing 0.150 0.025 +sumvision 0.914 0.068 +sumy 0.878 0.052 +sumycin 0.891 0.012 +sun 0.781 0.038 +suna 0.673 0.170 +sunapee 0.936 0.038 +sunbathe 0.095 0.004 +sunbathing 0.295 0.009 +sunbeam 0.734 0.142 +sunbeams 0.332 0.030 +sunbed 0.527 0.065 +sunbeds 0.254 0.037 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0.116 +sunol 0.872 0.085 +sunos 0.032 0.120 +sunpak 0.874 0.106 +sunpentown 0.959 0.011 +sunray 0.653 0.123 +sunridge 0.913 0.067 +sunrise 0.719 0.065 +sunrises 0.427 0.012 +sunriver 0.891 0.050 +sunroof 0.504 0.108 +sunroofs 0.646 0.044 +sunroom 0.378 0.030 +sunrooms 0.726 0.023 +sunrpc 0.002 0.038 +suns 0.763 0.077 +sunsation 0.926 0.015 +sunscape 0.938 0.025 +sunscreen 0.343 0.021 +sunscreens 0.475 0.028 +sunseeker 0.890 0.076 +sunset 0.662 0.054 +sunsets 0.442 0.018 +sunshade 0.533 0.044 +sunshades 0.370 0.026 +sunshine 0.674 0.049 +sunsoft 0.907 0.022 +sunspecs 0.984 0.000 +sunspot 0.427 0.034 +sunspots 0.329 0.055 +sunspree 0.795 0.039 +sunstar 0.810 0.112 +sunstein 0.971 0.025 +sunstone 0.808 0.103 +sunstroke 0.558 0.023 +sunstudio 0.000 0.000 +sunt 0.080 0.012 +suntan 0.373 0.028 +suntec 0.859 0.074 +sunterra 0.914 0.033 +suntory 0.895 0.065 +suntour 0.845 0.069 +suntrust 0.452 0.102 +suntv 0.000 0.991 +sununu 0.844 0.152 +sunvisor 0.493 0.136 +sunw 0.005 0.915 +sunway 0.869 0.074 +sunwear 0.804 0.023 +suny 0.051 0.935 +suo 0.139 0.135 +suoi 0.061 0.014 +suomea 0.987 0.000 +suomeksi 0.752 0.067 +suomen 0.920 0.040 +suomi 0.810 0.056 +suoneria 0.154 0.023 +suonerie 0.493 0.005 +suozzi 0.980 0.015 +sup 0.244 0.164 +supa 0.610 0.171 +supe 0.309 0.386 +super 0.688 0.059 +superannuation 0.502 0.026 +superb 0.203 0.056 +superba 0.374 0.036 +superball 0.245 0.021 +superbe 0.381 0.125 +superbike 0.867 0.043 +superbikes 0.784 0.084 +superbit 0.959 0.023 +superblock 0.137 0.015 +superbly 0.137 0.010 +superboat 0.964 0.014 +superbookdeals 0.948 0.000 +superbowl 0.591 0.066 +superboy 0.843 0.109 +superbreak 0.988 0.003 +superbug 0.408 0.079 +supercar 0.730 0.043 +supercars 0.712 0.088 +supercase 0.056 0.935 +supercede 0.024 0.017 +superceded 0.119 0.022 +supercedes 0.217 0.047 +supercell 0.259 0.059 +supercenter 0.821 0.042 +supercharge 0.556 0.033 +supercharged 0.544 0.054 +supercharger 0.471 0.049 +superchargers 0.633 0.013 +supercharging 0.620 0.014 +superchips 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0.769 +sutherland 0.926 0.060 +sutherlin 0.896 0.079 +sutor 0.922 0.033 +sutphen 0.948 0.033 +sutra 0.754 0.040 +sutras 0.579 0.017 +sutro 0.882 0.048 +sutta 0.781 0.014 +sutter 0.930 0.048 +suttle 0.838 0.075 +sutton 0.906 0.069 +suttons 0.874 0.082 +suture 0.249 0.027 +sutured 0.050 0.008 +sutures 0.219 0.019 +suturing 0.176 0.013 +suu 0.784 0.192 +suum 0.046 0.014 +suunto 0.844 0.081 +suv 0.037 0.872 +suva 0.906 0.081 +suvari 0.875 0.016 +suvs 0.208 0.172 +suw 0.535 0.393 +suwa 0.654 0.294 +suwanee 0.896 0.083 +suwannee 0.923 0.063 +suwon 0.945 0.036 +sux 0.096 0.202 +suy 0.168 0.045 +suz 0.590 0.291 +suzan 0.845 0.043 +suzana 0.385 0.020 +suzanna 0.868 0.049 +suzanne 0.922 0.041 +suze 0.868 0.029 +suzette 0.881 0.054 +suzhou 0.928 0.039 +suzi 0.857 0.043 +suzie 0.893 0.033 +suzuka 0.901 0.048 +suzuki 0.839 0.084 +suzy 0.893 0.033 +suzys 0.861 0.015 +sv 0.076 0.640 +sva 0.104 0.830 +svalbard 0.856 0.142 +svan 0.849 0.067 +svante 0.916 0.042 +svar 0.275 0.115 +svat 0.149 0.844 +svb 0.013 0.909 +svc 0.453 0.469 +svcd 0.011 0.865 +svcdoc 0.000 0.000 +svce 0.824 0.106 +svcs 0.738 0.210 +svd 0.008 0.858 +sve 0.103 0.530 +svein 0.955 0.026 +svelte 0.270 0.028 +sven 0.915 0.022 +svend 0.920 0.039 +svendsen 0.939 0.041 +svengali 0.762 0.033 +svensk 0.956 0.003 +svenska 0.790 0.027 +svenson 0.933 0.040 +svensson 0.942 0.045 +sverdlovsk 0.961 0.029 +sverdrup 0.952 0.040 +sverige 0.872 0.009 +sveriges 0.946 0.024 +sverre 0.946 0.023 +svet 0.502 0.133 +sveta 0.740 0.047 +sveti 0.899 0.072 +svetlana 0.896 0.027 +svg 0.008 0.790 +svga 0.012 0.932 +svgalib 0.048 0.064 +svh 0.023 0.910 +svhs 0.016 0.809 +svi 0.068 0.754 +svideo 0.234 0.284 +sviluppo 0.315 0.043 +svizzera 0.766 0.055 +svk 0.040 0.763 +svl 0.010 0.652 +svlug 0.000 0.042 +svm 0.006 0.935 +svn 0.005 0.340 +svnadmin 0.000 0.006 +svo 0.115 0.781 +svoboda 0.745 0.046 +svp 0.013 0.882 +svq 0.005 0.944 +svr 0.426 0.515 +svs 0.078 0.902 +svsu 0.000 0.987 +svt 0.029 0.828 +svu 0.017 0.850 +svx 0.036 0.828 +sw 0.045 0.862 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0.034 +swann 0.860 0.122 +swannanoa 0.898 0.075 +swans 0.606 0.105 +swansboro 0.864 0.088 +swansea 0.936 0.037 +swanson 0.890 0.054 +swanston 0.913 0.074 +swanton 0.890 0.084 +swanwick 0.932 0.046 +swanzey 0.922 0.062 +swap 0.371 0.058 +swapp 0.918 0.058 +swappable 0.182 0.030 +swapped 0.048 0.013 +swapper 0.716 0.024 +swappers 0.308 0.032 +swapping 0.252 0.016 +swaps 0.360 0.047 +swaraj 0.700 0.166 +swarbrick 0.952 0.039 +swarch 0.316 0.012 +sward 0.268 0.030 +sware 0.030 0.028 +swarm 0.419 0.050 +swarmed 0.042 0.003 +swarming 0.280 0.006 +swarms 0.206 0.010 +swarovski 0.747 0.132 +swart 0.832 0.086 +swarthmore 0.935 0.038 +swarthy 0.121 0.005 +swartz 0.917 0.062 +swash 0.826 0.023 +swashbuckler 0.663 0.018 +swashbucklers 0.841 0.022 +swashbuckling 0.203 0.006 +swastika 0.383 0.062 +swastikas 0.265 0.017 +swat 0.152 0.676 +swatch 0.569 0.066 +swatches 0.404 0.027 +swath 0.097 0.034 +swathe 0.040 0.005 +swathed 0.057 0.000 +swathes 0.019 0.000 +swaths 0.023 0.004 +swati 0.851 0.063 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0.863 0.110 +sweep 0.281 0.035 +sweeper 0.550 0.031 +sweepers 0.531 0.040 +sweeping 0.116 0.012 +sweeps 0.328 0.028 +sweepstake 0.379 0.036 +sweepstakes 0.675 0.027 +sweet 0.454 0.035 +sweetcorn 0.432 0.032 +sweeten 0.288 0.023 +sweetened 0.153 0.020 +sweetener 0.262 0.035 +sweeteners 0.373 0.110 +sweetening 0.215 0.024 +sweeter 0.199 0.015 +sweetest 0.360 0.025 +sweetgrass 0.682 0.150 +sweetheart 0.472 0.043 +sweethearts 0.679 0.036 +sweetie 0.450 0.026 +sweeties 0.590 0.014 +sweeting 0.899 0.045 +sweetland 0.915 0.067 +sweetly 0.110 0.006 +sweetman 0.938 0.051 +sweetness 0.162 0.010 +sweetpea 0.647 0.045 +sweetpotato 0.457 0.031 +sweets 0.623 0.031 +sweetser 0.892 0.094 +sweetwater 0.924 0.053 +sweety 0.579 0.028 +sweex 0.800 0.179 +swell 0.230 0.077 +swelled 0.013 0.002 +swellendam 0.957 0.033 +swelling 0.086 0.006 +swellings 0.054 0.006 +swells 0.090 0.044 +sweltering 0.060 0.005 +swen 0.583 0.098 +swensen 0.916 0.040 +swenson 0.924 0.057 +swept 0.101 0.010 +swerve 0.406 0.033 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0.947 0.032 +swooping 0.126 0.008 +swoops 0.131 0.055 +swoosh 0.690 0.039 +swop 0.187 0.493 +swope 0.877 0.101 +sword 0.413 0.037 +swordfish 0.544 0.051 +swordplay 0.619 0.007 +swords 0.535 0.038 +swordsman 0.603 0.035 +swordsmanship 0.434 0.012 +swordsmen 0.444 0.127 +swore 0.016 0.008 +sworn 0.135 0.023 +swot 0.029 0.885 +swp 0.012 0.913 +swpp 0.000 0.996 +swr 0.018 0.921 +sws 0.016 0.881 +swsusp 0.238 0.027 +swt 0.035 0.734 +swum 0.035 0.019 +swung 0.020 0.003 +swv 0.051 0.827 +sww 0.012 0.788 +swx 0.012 0.632 +swydd 0.286 0.018 +swyddfa 0.705 0.013 +swyddi 0.581 0.043 +swyddog 0.705 0.012 +sx 0.068 0.727 +sxc 0.023 0.459 +sxe 0.027 0.177 +sxga 0.006 0.981 +sxi 0.139 0.632 +sxm 0.019 0.892 +sxn 0.003 0.988 +sxrd 0.000 0.881 +sxsw 0.002 0.930 +sxt 0.041 0.894 +sxx 0.130 0.104 +sy 0.258 0.496 +sya 0.102 0.217 +sybase 0.875 0.067 +syberia 0.799 0.031 +sybex 0.836 0.150 +sybian 0.536 0.015 +sybil 0.910 0.054 +sybilla 0.341 0.650 +sybille 0.893 0.034 +sybr 0.054 0.937 +syc 0.085 0.720 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0.050 0.018 +sylvia 0.856 0.050 +sylvian 0.857 0.054 +sylvie 0.879 0.077 +sylw 0.196 0.003 +sylwadau 0.387 0.006 +sylweddol 0.009 0.000 +sym 0.295 0.264 +symantec 0.879 0.068 +symb 0.274 0.150 +symbian 0.901 0.009 +symbio 0.669 0.039 +symbiont 0.135 0.009 +symbios 0.884 0.041 +symbiosis 0.350 0.029 +symbiotic 0.178 0.012 +symbiotics 0.872 0.096 +symbol 0.397 0.047 +symbole 0.375 0.015 +symbolic 0.188 0.008 +symbolical 0.084 0.013 +symbolically 0.086 0.003 +symbolise 0.016 0.000 +symbolised 0.011 0.000 +symbolises 0.016 0.000 +symbolism 0.268 0.036 +symbolize 0.025 0.003 +symbolized 0.012 0.002 +symbolizes 0.027 0.003 +symbolizing 0.056 0.003 +symbologies 0.278 0.013 +symbology 0.380 0.018 +symbols 0.227 0.017 +symboylio 0.830 0.026 +symboylioy 0.859 0.017 +syme 0.943 0.039 +symes 0.853 0.106 +symetrix 0.666 0.265 +symfony 0.151 0.006 +symfwna 0.498 0.005 +symi 0.904 0.053 +symington 0.923 0.066 +symlink 0.046 0.021 +symlinks 0.041 0.003 +symmes 0.899 0.095 +symmetra 0.764 0.216 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0.340 +synaesthesia 0.390 0.019 +synagogue 0.404 0.016 +synagogues 0.374 0.034 +synalar 0.881 0.011 +synanthsh 0.144 0.071 +synapse 0.556 0.032 +synapses 0.188 0.007 +synaptic 0.234 0.013 +synaptics 0.696 0.013 +synaptosomes 0.300 0.016 +sync 0.468 0.056 +synce 0.027 0.005 +synced 0.109 0.004 +synch 0.377 0.033 +synched 0.117 0.006 +synching 0.184 0.006 +synchro 0.619 0.059 +synchron 0.749 0.126 +synchronic 0.303 0.008 +synchronicity 0.502 0.030 +synchronisation 0.268 0.010 +synchronise 0.237 0.006 +synchronised 0.193 0.010 +synchronising 0.254 0.007 +synchronism 0.350 0.027 +synchronization 0.290 0.007 +synchronize 0.210 0.009 +synchronized 0.156 0.009 +synchronizer 0.610 0.017 +synchronizes 0.187 0.003 +synchronizing 0.289 0.006 +synchronous 0.314 0.021 +synchronously 0.057 0.003 +synchrony 0.259 0.012 +synchrotron 0.429 0.039 +syncing 0.215 0.004 +syncmaster 0.551 0.115 +syncopated 0.259 0.024 +syncopation 0.328 0.020 +syncope 0.308 0.019 +syncretism 0.232 0.011 +syncro 0.859 0.040 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0.693 0.171 +synopsys 0.887 0.054 +synoptic 0.449 0.055 +synoptics 0.638 0.075 +synovial 0.251 0.011 +synovitis 0.317 0.024 +synplicity 0.908 0.080 +syntace 0.924 0.062 +syntactic 0.158 0.007 +syntactical 0.089 0.003 +syntactically 0.083 0.002 +syntagma 0.824 0.098 +syntax 0.386 0.104 +syntaxes 0.172 0.009 +syntaxin 0.218 0.026 +synteny 0.511 0.007 +synth 0.437 0.029 +synthase 0.121 0.052 +synthases 0.227 0.013 +synthelabo 0.907 0.059 +synthese 0.776 0.084 +syntheses 0.386 0.034 +synthesis 0.298 0.031 +synthesise 0.055 0.000 +synthesised 0.078 0.005 +synthesiser 0.241 0.024 +synthesize 0.084 0.008 +synthesized 0.079 0.014 +synthesizer 0.341 0.020 +synthesizers 0.401 0.012 +synthesizes 0.053 0.018 +synthesizing 0.176 0.014 +synthetase 0.061 0.078 +synthetases 0.058 0.016 +synthetic 0.360 0.036 +synthetically 0.059 0.004 +synthetics 0.410 0.033 +synthpop 0.407 0.027 +synthroid 0.592 0.020 +synths 0.425 0.013 +syntrax 0.946 0.041 +synuclein 0.174 0.008 +synxis 0.969 0.027 +syo 0.244 0.644 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0.975 0.017 +sze 0.705 0.153 +szechuan 0.925 0.021 +szechwan 0.931 0.027 +szeged 0.924 0.028 +szene 0.761 0.073 +szent 0.926 0.043 +szko 0.081 0.004 +szl 0.002 0.985 +szmidt 0.979 0.004 +sztaki 0.033 0.866 +szukaj 0.804 0.010 +szul 0.724 0.258 +szymanski 0.942 0.048 +t 0.633 0.000 +ta 0.159 0.478 +taa 0.048 0.810 +taal 0.598 0.032 +taas 0.030 0.857 +tab 0.331 0.077 +taba 0.832 0.057 +tabac 0.428 0.064 +tabacco 0.456 0.044 +tabaco 0.129 0.011 +tabacum 0.045 0.014 +tabak 0.482 0.028 +tabard 0.746 0.033 +tabasco 0.760 0.115 +tabata 0.885 0.058 +tabatha 0.674 0.030 +tabb 0.807 0.157 +tabbed 0.346 0.014 +tabber 0.867 0.010 +tabbing 0.215 0.009 +tabby 0.605 0.047 +tabe 0.131 0.515 +tabel 0.334 0.033 +tabela 0.280 0.018 +tabella 0.082 0.009 +tabelle 0.238 0.005 +tabellen 0.435 0.009 +taber 0.915 0.067 +tabernacle 0.548 0.032 +tabernacles 0.587 0.023 +tabi 0.555 0.101 +tabindex 0.037 0.105 +tabitha 0.870 0.045 +tabl 0.304 0.153 +tabla 0.407 0.047 +tablas 0.231 0.018 +tablature 0.459 0.024 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0.028 +tac 0.199 0.690 +taca 0.152 0.756 +tacacs 0.029 0.696 +tacc 0.021 0.948 +tacchini 0.817 0.165 +tach 0.304 0.355 +tache 0.480 0.077 +tachi 0.538 0.060 +tachibana 0.903 0.048 +tachikara 0.890 0.078 +tachikawa 0.944 0.036 +tacho 0.172 0.029 +tachometer 0.573 0.055 +tachometers 0.654 0.030 +tachycardia 0.265 0.009 +tachyon 0.608 0.018 +tacis 0.486 0.509 +tacit 0.157 0.009 +tacitly 0.013 0.001 +taciturn 0.208 0.007 +tacitus 0.836 0.016 +tack 0.460 0.049 +tacked 0.034 0.006 +tacker 0.653 0.109 +tackett 0.891 0.096 +tacking 0.247 0.016 +tackle 0.277 0.029 +tackled 0.046 0.003 +tackles 0.175 0.032 +tackling 0.245 0.010 +tacks 0.430 0.029 +tacktick 0.959 0.012 +tacky 0.207 0.018 +taco 0.641 0.059 +tacom 0.022 0.968 +tacoma 0.883 0.054 +taconic 0.939 0.042 +taconite 0.581 0.037 +tacos 0.444 0.044 +tacrolimus 0.479 0.014 +tacs 0.494 0.367 +tact 0.129 0.100 +tactel 0.813 0.051 +tactful 0.073 0.006 +tactfully 0.116 0.003 +tactic 0.146 0.009 +tactical 0.502 0.033 +tactically 0.106 0.004 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+tagesgalerie 0.000 0.000 +tagespasswort 0.000 0.000 +tageszugang 0.000 0.000 +tagg 0.816 0.109 +taggart 0.893 0.065 +tagged 0.224 0.006 +tagger 0.413 0.018 +taggers 0.245 0.046 +tagging 0.321 0.012 +tagish 0.978 0.014 +tagless 0.855 0.032 +tagliabue 0.916 0.066 +taglib 0.158 0.005 +taglibs 0.199 0.002 +tagline 0.361 0.025 +taglines 0.165 0.004 +tagname 0.020 0.073 +tagoh 0.041 0.942 +tagore 0.958 0.021 +tagout 0.584 0.035 +tags 0.473 0.025 +tagset 0.513 0.007 +taguchi 0.941 0.030 +tagung 0.966 0.015 +tagungsdicke 0.000 0.000 +tagus 0.921 0.029 +tagzania 0.477 0.000 +tah 0.255 0.404 +taha 0.880 0.047 +tahara 0.615 0.281 +tahari 0.946 0.029 +tahc 0.000 0.196 +taher 0.890 0.036 +tahini 0.386 0.021 +tahir 0.872 0.054 +tahiti 0.857 0.049 +tahitian 0.816 0.106 +tahlequah 0.871 0.105 +tahoe 0.866 0.041 +tahoma 0.909 0.010 +tahoo 0.013 0.000 +tahrir 0.939 0.023 +tahsis 0.970 0.013 +taht 0.061 0.043 +tahu 0.646 0.033 +tahun 0.359 0.031 +tai 0.706 0.076 +taichi 0.962 0.004 +taichung 0.894 0.097 +taiga 0.615 0.030 +taiji 0.772 0.017 +taijiquan 0.865 0.018 +taiko 0.726 0.039 +tail 0.301 0.038 +tailback 0.143 0.005 +tailbone 0.139 0.008 +tailed 0.085 0.031 +tailer 0.228 0.036 +tailers 0.237 0.008 +tailgate 0.642 0.055 +tailgater 0.909 0.026 +tailgates 0.469 0.017 +tailgating 0.612 0.046 +tailing 0.196 0.018 +tailings 0.231 0.025 +taille 0.385 0.036 +taillight 0.583 0.070 +taillights 0.601 0.023 +tailor 0.309 0.017 +tailored 0.129 0.021 +tailoring 0.446 0.021 +tailormade 0.502 0.039 +tailors 0.636 0.030 +tailpiece 0.373 0.081 +tailpipe 0.246 0.028 +tails 0.364 0.035 +tailspin 0.223 0.016 +tailwater 0.316 0.049 +tailwind 0.458 0.059 +tain 0.212 0.030 +tainan 0.906 0.076 +tained 0.004 0.003 +tainer 0.382 0.052 +taining 0.019 0.005 +tainment 0.262 0.021 +taino 0.906 0.045 +tains 0.037 0.006 +taint 0.157 0.017 +tainted 0.242 0.016 +tainting 0.146 0.007 +taints 0.079 0.005 +tainty 0.004 0.004 +taipan 0.816 0.062 +taipei 0.932 0.052 +taiping 0.939 0.032 +tair 0.105 0.522 +taira 0.889 0.051 +tais 0.386 0.217 +taisen 0.934 0.013 +taisho 0.954 0.029 +tait 0.855 0.082 +taita 0.931 0.026 +taito 0.935 0.044 +taiwan 0.949 0.035 +taiwanese 0.950 0.012 +taiyo 0.909 0.071 +taiyuan 0.904 0.060 +taizhou 0.821 0.044 +taj 0.871 0.045 +taji 0.881 0.042 +tajik 0.937 0.056 +tajikistan 0.951 0.045 +tajima 0.893 0.065 +tajiri 0.950 0.031 +tak 0.413 0.080 +taka 0.824 0.039 +takacs 0.924 0.066 +takada 0.925 0.052 +takafumi 0.974 0.007 +takagi 0.906 0.064 +takahashi 0.896 0.082 +takahiro 0.969 0.019 +takai 0.840 0.096 +takako 0.859 0.039 +takamatsu 0.929 0.052 +takamine 0.855 0.079 +takano 0.919 0.063 +takao 0.930 0.042 +takapuna 0.943 0.040 +takara 0.853 0.103 +takashi 0.823 0.019 +takashima 0.938 0.042 +takata 0.905 0.058 +takayama 0.843 0.138 +takayuki 0.966 0.018 +take 0.168 0.011 +takeaway 0.520 0.091 +takeaways 0.652 0.014 +takeda 0.929 0.050 +takedown 0.588 0.045 +takei 0.954 0.030 +takemoto 0.931 0.063 +takemura 0.836 0.125 +taken 0.060 0.007 +takenaka 0.938 0.054 +takeo 0.924 0.026 +takeoff 0.187 0.039 +takeoffs 0.188 0.018 +takeout 0.373 0.022 +takeover 0.236 0.018 +takeovers 0.381 0.018 +taker 0.327 0.041 +takers 0.150 0.022 +takes 0.070 0.008 +takeshi 0.936 0.026 +taketh 0.061 0.008 +takeuchi 0.899 0.084 +taki 0.727 0.044 +takimata 0.000 0.005 +takin 0.343 0.032 +taking 0.125 0.008 +takings 0.265 0.020 +takis 0.889 0.059 +takk 0.794 0.030 +tako 0.413 0.084 +takoma 0.937 0.046 +taks 0.023 0.890 +taksim 0.715 0.040 +taku 0.842 0.042 +takuma 0.904 0.050 +takumi 0.926 0.043 +takuro 0.994 0.003 +takuya 0.900 0.021 +tal 0.315 0.153 +tala 0.906 0.019 +talabani 0.960 0.030 +talaga 0.065 0.035 +talal 0.932 0.038 +talat 0.895 0.069 +talavera 0.820 0.072 +talbert 0.902 0.082 +talbot 0.899 0.072 +talbots 0.782 0.162 +talbott 0.915 0.069 +talc 0.380 0.164 +talcott 0.889 0.077 +talcum 0.344 0.092 +tale 0.384 0.020 +taleban 0.968 0.021 +talen 0.530 0.067 +talent 0.260 0.020 +talented 0.137 0.012 +talentless 0.206 0.014 +talents 0.091 0.008 +tales 0.634 0.039 +talese 0.972 0.015 +tali 0.600 0.148 +talia 0.877 0.041 +taliaferro 0.908 0.076 +talib 0.913 0.028 +taliban 0.962 0.010 +taliesin 0.936 0.026 +talinux 0.658 0.058 +talis 0.782 0.074 +talisman 0.687 0.057 +talismans 0.526 0.031 +talitha 0.692 0.047 +talk 0.462 0.018 +talkabout 0.758 0.064 +talkative 0.137 0.007 +talkback 0.817 0.068 +talkbacks 0.581 0.000 +talked 0.018 0.004 +talkeetna 0.908 0.076 +talker 0.440 0.023 +talkers 0.477 0.016 +talkgold 0.787 0.096 +talkie 0.410 0.069 +talkies 0.430 0.048 +talkin 0.398 0.041 +talking 0.200 0.013 +talks 0.196 0.016 +talktime 0.657 0.011 +talky 0.276 0.020 +tall 0.290 0.033 +talla 0.673 0.066 +talladega 0.902 0.077 +tallaght 0.936 0.019 +tallahassee 0.857 0.052 +tallahatchie 0.875 0.109 +tallapoosa 0.879 0.100 +tallassee 0.886 0.071 +tallent 0.744 0.071 +taller 0.289 0.011 +talleres 0.329 0.045 +tallest 0.131 0.009 +talley 0.885 0.093 +talleyrand 0.944 0.042 +tallgrass 0.503 0.029 +tallied 0.071 0.020 +tallies 0.307 0.042 +tallin 0.845 0.043 +tallinn 0.943 0.034 +tallis 0.869 0.069 +tallit 0.746 0.013 +tallmadge 0.861 0.111 +tallman 0.824 0.077 +tallon 0.936 0.042 +tallow 0.284 0.041 +tallulah 0.901 0.064 +tally 0.403 0.066 +tallying 0.090 0.017 +talmadge 0.902 0.087 +talmage 0.895 0.074 +talman 0.908 0.042 +talmud 0.962 0.016 +talmudic 0.873 0.012 +talon 0.786 0.078 +talons 0.408 0.036 +talos 0.824 0.075 +talpa 0.705 0.127 +tals 0.074 0.075 +talsorian 0.997 0.000 +talu 0.231 0.106 +taluk 0.542 0.059 +talus 0.455 0.027 +talwin 0.645 0.015 +tam 0.529 0.271 +tama 0.790 0.086 +tamadol 0.043 0.000 +tamagotchi 0.693 0.099 +tamaki 0.919 0.048 +tamale 0.629 0.054 +tamales 0.451 0.037 +tamalpais 0.939 0.036 +taman 0.903 0.040 +tamaqua 0.800 0.123 +tamar 0.932 0.038 +tamara 0.922 0.041 +tamarac 0.866 0.077 +tamarack 0.864 0.051 +tamari 0.553 0.028 +tamarin 0.588 0.054 +tamarind 0.580 0.062 +tamarindo 0.895 0.027 +tamarisk 0.438 0.032 +tamas 0.856 0.025 +tamaulipas 0.908 0.050 +tamayo 0.917 0.054 +tamba 0.585 0.383 +tambien 0.281 0.039 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0.040 +tanzanian 0.990 0.007 +tanzanite 0.686 0.098 +tanzer 0.919 0.056 +tao 0.742 0.148 +taoiseach 0.977 0.009 +taoism 0.917 0.013 +taoist 0.914 0.013 +taonga 0.597 0.038 +taormina 0.916 0.034 +taos 0.877 0.065 +taoyuan 0.899 0.094 +tap 0.323 0.133 +tapa 0.376 0.209 +tapan 0.888 0.060 +tapas 0.566 0.032 +tapatio 0.912 0.039 +tapco 0.676 0.285 +tape 0.381 0.054 +taped 0.134 0.017 +tapenade 0.562 0.030 +taper 0.378 0.079 +tapered 0.328 0.033 +tapering 0.075 0.031 +tapers 0.406 0.142 +tapes 0.432 0.045 +tapestries 0.725 0.016 +tapestry 0.595 0.068 +tapeta 0.006 0.021 +tapety 0.084 0.058 +tapeworm 0.362 0.016 +tapeworms 0.275 0.013 +tapi 0.129 0.492 +tapia 0.904 0.073 +taping 0.239 0.020 +tapio 0.872 0.031 +tapioca 0.185 0.023 +tapir 0.470 0.055 +tapis 0.241 0.044 +tapley 0.855 0.133 +taplin 0.906 0.073 +tapos 0.170 0.058 +tapp 0.736 0.222 +tappahannock 0.879 0.085 +tappan 0.871 0.080 +tapped 0.253 0.066 +tappen 0.916 0.056 +tapper 0.732 0.065 +tappi 0.139 0.821 +tapping 0.244 0.031 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0.181 0.008 +targetting 0.155 0.006 +targhee 0.747 0.241 +targum 0.954 0.011 +targus 0.812 0.159 +tarheel 0.810 0.051 +tarheels 0.838 0.060 +tari 0.761 0.068 +tarif 0.501 0.023 +tarifa 0.668 0.119 +tarifas 0.234 0.036 +tariff 0.382 0.058 +tariffa 0.358 0.044 +tariffe 0.104 0.008 +tariffed 0.080 0.011 +tariffs 0.282 0.018 +tarifs 0.631 0.010 +tarik 0.799 0.047 +tarin 0.743 0.191 +tarina 0.838 0.030 +tariq 0.894 0.034 +tarja 0.964 0.010 +tarjan 0.967 0.018 +tarjeta 0.189 0.108 +tarjetas 0.415 0.018 +tarka 0.797 0.076 +tarkan 0.583 0.022 +tarkett 0.795 0.044 +tarkington 0.882 0.106 +tarkovsky 0.938 0.025 +tarlac 0.848 0.083 +tarleton 0.918 0.071 +tarlton 0.925 0.067 +tarmac 0.324 0.033 +tarn 0.820 0.047 +tarnation 0.789 0.037 +tarnish 0.148 0.024 +tarnished 0.181 0.014 +tarnishing 0.091 0.012 +tarnovo 0.957 0.010 +taro 0.644 0.069 +taronga 0.930 0.025 +tarot 0.648 0.036 +tarp 0.292 0.122 +tarpaulin 0.354 0.081 +tarpaulins 0.499 0.039 +tarpley 0.905 0.079 +tarpon 0.727 0.065 +tarporley 0.956 0.031 +tarps 0.566 0.050 +tarquin 0.885 0.034 +tarr 0.847 0.110 +tarragon 0.482 0.033 +tarragona 0.796 0.059 +tarrant 0.904 0.066 +tarred 0.124 0.009 +tarrie 0.989 0.000 +tarry 0.238 0.019 +tarrytown 0.926 0.049 +tars 0.313 0.161 +tarsal 0.350 0.018 +tarski 0.641 0.351 +tarsus 0.818 0.015 +tart 0.470 0.050 +tartan 0.746 0.047 +tartans 0.725 0.021 +tartar 0.425 0.032 +tartare 0.403 0.028 +tartaric 0.348 0.078 +tartars 0.956 0.015 +tartaruga 0.098 0.008 +tartarus 0.828 0.019 +tarte 0.545 0.025 +tarter 0.803 0.052 +tartrate 0.319 0.090 +tarts 0.626 0.043 +tartt 0.938 0.043 +tartu 0.951 0.041 +tartuffe 0.900 0.057 +tarun 0.788 0.124 +tarver 0.918 0.065 +tary 0.047 0.013 +taryn 0.930 0.024 +tarzan 0.910 0.049 +tarzana 0.893 0.061 +tas 0.199 0.702 +tasa 0.221 0.468 +tasb 0.000 0.733 +tasc 0.047 0.920 +tasca 0.783 0.061 +tascam 0.781 0.172 +tasche 0.653 0.033 +taschen 0.690 0.236 +taschenbuch 0.921 0.012 +taschengeld 0.003 0.000 +tasco 0.829 0.107 +taser 0.597 0.150 +tasers 0.654 0.018 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0.412 0.126 +tatu 0.472 0.363 +tatum 0.883 0.084 +tatung 0.912 0.078 +tatupu 0.946 0.049 +tatus 0.018 0.796 +tatyana 0.918 0.026 +tau 0.578 0.096 +taub 0.907 0.062 +taube 0.866 0.042 +tauber 0.935 0.046 +taubman 0.921 0.060 +tauchen 0.721 0.009 +tauck 0.962 0.006 +taught 0.071 0.007 +taunt 0.246 0.018 +taunted 0.037 0.003 +taunting 0.294 0.005 +taunton 0.897 0.075 +taunts 0.084 0.006 +taunus 0.607 0.035 +taupe 0.738 0.075 +taupin 0.893 0.041 +taupo 0.954 0.032 +tauranga 0.940 0.038 +tauren 0.890 0.009 +tauri 0.910 0.049 +taurine 0.533 0.022 +tauris 0.874 0.105 +taurus 0.740 0.079 +taus 0.877 0.022 +tauscher 0.794 0.193 +taussig 0.950 0.040 +taut 0.092 0.027 +tautology 0.096 0.010 +tautou 0.925 0.024 +taux 0.160 0.019 +tauzin 0.793 0.202 +tav 0.260 0.428 +tava 0.415 0.130 +tavares 0.886 0.070 +tavarez 0.914 0.032 +tavel 0.371 0.022 +tavener 0.914 0.077 +tavern 0.754 0.033 +taverna 0.758 0.029 +tavernas 0.199 0.009 +taverner 0.885 0.070 +tavernier 0.879 0.055 +taverns 0.535 0.025 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0.821 +tceq 0.000 0.990 +tcf 0.136 0.772 +tcg 0.008 0.917 +tch 0.064 0.613 +tchad 0.908 0.073 +tchaikovsky 0.904 0.081 +tchr 0.179 0.720 +tci 0.008 0.960 +tck 0.091 0.774 +tcl 0.530 0.206 +tclp 0.000 0.986 +tcltk 0.008 0.008 +tclug 0.000 0.919 +tcm 0.005 0.592 +tcmseq 0.000 0.000 +tcn 0.011 0.880 +tcnj 0.027 0.878 +tco 0.005 0.918 +tcom 0.028 0.366 +tcon 0.046 0.849 +tcp 0.005 0.818 +tcpa 0.000 0.973 +tcpd 0.007 0.070 +tcpdump 0.034 0.039 +tcpip 0.279 0.470 +tcpquota 0.000 0.000 +tcr 0.010 0.951 +tcrp 0.000 0.991 +tcs 0.006 0.952 +tcsh 0.027 0.036 +tct 0.040 0.702 +tcu 0.014 0.967 +tcv 0.015 0.906 +tcw 0.018 0.757 +td 0.021 0.612 +tda 0.010 0.916 +tdb 0.008 0.674 +tdc 0.008 0.947 +tdci 0.102 0.265 +tdcj 0.000 0.973 +tdd 0.010 0.971 +tde 0.015 0.901 +tdf 0.010 0.831 +tdg 0.014 0.922 +tdh 0.073 0.862 +tdi 0.063 0.818 +tdk 0.135 0.833 +tdl 0.040 0.717 +tdm 0.003 0.939 +tdma 0.012 0.927 +tdn 0.015 0.925 +tdo 0.011 0.744 +tdoc 0.739 0.118 +tdp 0.010 0.918 +tdr 0.009 0.910 +tds 0.017 0.903 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0.018 +teapot 0.539 0.102 +teapots 0.676 0.032 +tear 0.208 0.026 +teardown 0.337 0.056 +teardrop 0.577 0.085 +teardrops 0.645 0.059 +tearful 0.141 0.008 +tearfully 0.047 0.000 +tearfund 0.857 0.063 +tearing 0.110 0.011 +tearoom 0.485 0.015 +tears 0.273 0.021 +tearsheets 0.777 0.014 +teary 0.133 0.008 +teas 0.585 0.035 +teasdale 0.912 0.056 +tease 0.296 0.021 +teased 0.033 0.003 +teaser 0.533 0.042 +teasers 0.604 0.029 +teases 0.188 0.004 +teasing 0.193 0.006 +teasingly 0.052 0.000 +teaspoon 0.054 0.007 +teaspoonful 0.018 0.006 +teaspoons 0.053 0.014 +teat 0.236 0.045 +teater 0.726 0.055 +teather 0.843 0.042 +teatime 0.499 0.032 +teatro 0.682 0.028 +teats 0.216 0.044 +teays 0.933 0.045 +teb 0.093 0.719 +teba 0.261 0.680 +tec 0.487 0.412 +tecate 0.885 0.054 +tech 0.684 0.047 +techbargains 0.453 0.517 +techdirt 0.696 0.000 +techical 0.540 0.033 +techie 0.477 0.012 +techies 0.293 0.011 +techincal 0.478 0.037 +techindex 0.000 0.951 +techmedia 0.599 0.397 +techn 0.679 0.109 +technet 0.667 0.108 +technetium 0.606 0.022 +technews 0.235 0.736 +techni 0.385 0.041 +technibond 0.968 0.024 +technic 0.628 0.086 +technica 0.887 0.061 +technical 0.509 0.026 +technicalities 0.354 0.008 +technicality 0.067 0.006 +technically 0.181 0.006 +technicals 0.653 0.086 +technician 0.634 0.045 +technicians 0.331 0.033 +technicolor 0.818 0.040 +technics 0.545 0.338 +technik 0.853 0.044 +technika 0.816 0.045 +technikon 0.850 0.041 +technine 0.929 0.030 +technion 0.956 0.027 +technique 0.192 0.015 +techniques 0.211 0.012 +technisat 0.981 0.010 +technische 0.841 0.022 +technischen 0.513 0.010 +technium 0.961 0.013 +techno 0.477 0.027 +technobabble 0.845 0.003 +technocrati 0.898 0.000 +technocratic 0.112 0.003 +technocrats 0.153 0.013 +technographics 0.995 0.000 +technol 0.742 0.089 +technolgies 0.753 0.043 +technolgy 0.587 0.070 +technolo 0.598 0.065 +technolog 0.742 0.109 +technologi 0.511 0.151 +technologic 0.473 0.023 +technological 0.205 0.011 +technologically 0.061 0.003 +technologie 0.595 0.093 +technologien 0.965 0.014 +technologies 0.533 0.042 +technologist 0.600 0.044 +technologists 0.426 0.029 +technology 0.570 0.026 +technoloy 0.154 0.006 +technomarine 0.619 0.184 +technoogies 0.008 0.986 +technorati 0.907 0.004 +technote 0.727 0.031 +technotes 0.778 0.068 +techo 0.474 0.049 +techology 0.535 0.033 +techonology 0.246 0.016 +techreport 0.073 0.301 +techs 0.769 0.018 +techtalk 0.608 0.010 +techvibes 0.455 0.519 +techweb 0.603 0.356 +techworld 0.992 0.006 +techwr 0.004 0.762 +techwyse 0.025 0.000 +techy 0.516 0.022 +teck 0.798 0.113 +tecmo 0.938 0.031 +tecnica 0.665 0.043 +tecnicas 0.220 0.045 +tecniche 0.237 0.041 +tecnico 0.310 0.033 +tecnicos 0.095 0.060 +tecnik 0.973 0.017 +tecno 0.617 0.132 +tecnologia 0.591 0.038 +tecnologico 0.804 0.040 +tecnologie 0.538 0.071 +tecnology 0.590 0.051 +teco 0.250 0.701 +tecra 0.707 0.151 +tect 0.100 0.088 +tected 0.000 0.004 +tection 0.008 0.012 +tectonic 0.311 0.022 +tectonics 0.417 0.040 +tectonophysics 0.959 0.021 +tecture 0.018 0.005 +tecum 0.238 0.044 +tecumseh 0.834 0.108 +ted 0.838 0.065 +tedd 0.814 0.063 +tedder 0.851 0.090 +teddie 0.741 0.085 +teddies 0.756 0.090 +teddington 0.890 0.096 +teddy 0.714 0.070 +teddybear 0.495 0.111 +teddys 0.783 0.075 +tedeschi 0.932 0.031 +tedesco 0.711 0.068 +tedford 0.904 0.084 +tedious 0.030 0.002 +tedium 0.085 0.010 +teds 0.467 0.461 +tedy 0.755 0.039 +tee 0.610 0.066 +teech 0.771 0.170 +teed 0.369 0.081 +teehee 0.303 0.020 +teeing 0.223 0.019 +teel 0.693 0.169 +teem 0.124 0.556 +teema 0.080 0.017 +teeming 0.046 0.003 +teemix 0.962 0.033 +teems 0.109 0.032 +teemu 0.936 0.032 +teen 0.206 0.009 +teena 0.865 0.045 +teenage 0.220 0.016 +teenaged 0.113 0.004 +teenager 0.193 0.011 +teenagers 0.189 0.009 +teenagersex 0.004 0.000 +teenblowjob 0.003 0.000 +teenboys 0.083 0.014 +teenerotik 0.000 0.000 +teenfick 0.000 0.000 +teenfuck 0.010 0.000 +teengirl 0.095 0.000 +teengirls 0.043 0.000 +teenie 0.366 0.026 +teeniefick 0.000 0.000 +teeniefiles 0.116 0.000 +teenielesben 0.000 0.000 +teenies 0.341 0.012 +teenlesben 0.000 0.000 +teenmodel 0.051 0.002 +teenmoese 0.000 0.000 +teenmuschi 0.000 0.000 +teennutten 0.000 0.000 +teenorgie 0.000 0.000 +teenporn 0.016 0.003 +teenreport 0.000 0.000 +teens 0.168 0.010 +teenschlampe 0.000 0.000 +teenschlampen 0.000 0.000 +teensex 0.181 0.005 +teensforcash 0.281 0.004 +teensy 0.124 0.018 +teentitten 0.000 0.000 +teeny 0.330 0.022 +teenys 0.913 0.000 +teenysex 0.000 0.000 +teenz 0.239 0.022 +teepee 0.440 0.066 +teer 0.492 0.097 +teers 0.019 0.030 +tees 0.647 0.059 +teesdale 0.914 0.070 +teese 0.879 0.032 +teeside 0.952 0.023 +teesside 0.973 0.014 +teeter 0.684 0.048 +teetering 0.079 0.004 +teeters 0.389 0.051 +teeth 0.162 0.022 +teether 0.652 0.100 +teethers 0.729 0.012 +teething 0.452 0.015 +teevee 0.253 0.079 +tef 0.132 0.729 +tefal 0.889 0.072 +tefc 0.004 0.990 +teff 0.610 0.109 +tefillin 0.570 0.012 +tefl 0.040 0.896 +teflon 0.781 0.064 +teg 0.143 0.650 +tegan 0.845 0.040 +tegel 0.875 0.052 +tegen 0.144 0.009 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0.840 +tg 0.076 0.834 +tga 0.008 0.840 +tgb 0.002 0.983 +tgc 0.008 0.860 +tgd 0.017 0.879 +tge 0.055 0.400 +tgf 0.009 0.974 +tgg 0.006 0.747 +tgh 0.332 0.519 +tgi 0.047 0.917 +tgif 0.028 0.794 +tgirl 0.339 0.020 +tgirls 0.344 0.015 +tgl 0.023 0.469 +tgm 0.023 0.915 +tgn 0.015 0.887 +tgo 0.041 0.535 +tgp 0.057 0.303 +tgps 0.170 0.035 +tgr 0.026 0.906 +tgs 0.014 0.950 +tgstores 0.000 0.000 +tgt 0.033 0.710 +tgv 0.017 0.877 +tgw 0.011 0.725 +tgz 0.009 0.099 +th 0.156 0.123 +tha 0.322 0.118 +thabo 0.966 0.028 +thacher 0.940 0.049 +thacker 0.899 0.080 +thackeray 0.946 0.044 +thad 0.897 0.059 +thaddeus 0.924 0.052 +thai 0.808 0.029 +thailand 0.912 0.031 +thaimassage 0.006 0.000 +thain 0.886 0.044 +thais 0.887 0.042 +thakkar 0.620 0.047 +thaksin 0.984 0.012 +thakur 0.897 0.056 +thal 0.544 0.111 +thalamic 0.214 0.016 +thalamus 0.233 0.012 +thalassa 0.861 0.087 +thalassaemia 0.341 0.019 +thalassemia 0.396 0.023 +thalasso 0.659 0.033 +thalassotherapy 0.726 0.035 +thaler 0.892 0.044 +thales 0.881 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0.074 +that 0.041 0.004 +thatch 0.303 0.021 +thatcham 0.930 0.050 +thatched 0.207 0.013 +thatcher 0.944 0.035 +thats 0.237 0.021 +thatthe 0.019 0.010 +thauvin 0.981 0.005 +thaw 0.318 0.049 +thawed 0.056 0.009 +thawing 0.158 0.013 +thaws 0.064 0.009 +thawte 0.863 0.027 +thaxton 0.825 0.159 +thay 0.143 0.019 +thayer 0.903 0.074 +thayers 0.945 0.044 +thayne 0.894 0.061 +thb 0.002 0.994 +thc 0.036 0.698 +thd 0.024 0.739 +the 0.152 0.010 +thea 0.574 0.312 +thead 0.106 0.247 +theale 0.936 0.046 +theanine 0.699 0.021 +theat 0.372 0.185 +theater 0.650 0.028 +theaters 0.695 0.023 +theatr 0.737 0.110 +theatre 0.732 0.030 +theatreland 0.885 0.018 +theatreorgans 0.884 0.000 +theatres 0.595 0.015 +theatrical 0.513 0.024 +theatrically 0.097 0.003 +theatrics 0.138 0.007 +theban 0.955 0.024 +thebes 0.920 0.024 +thecus 0.298 0.700 +theda 0.765 0.066 +thedelboy 0.006 0.000 +thedford 0.845 0.136 +thee 0.154 0.011 +thees 0.178 0.012 +theese 0.155 0.017 +thef 0.043 0.060 +theforum 0.622 0.000 +theft 0.469 0.030 +thefts 0.182 0.038 +thegame 0.007 0.005 +thehun 0.082 0.000 +thehuns 0.017 0.000 +thei 0.088 0.014 +theif 0.301 0.064 +theil 0.923 0.035 +thein 0.915 0.032 +their 0.033 0.003 +theirs 0.066 0.006 +theis 0.710 0.079 +theisen 0.903 0.051 +theism 0.428 0.012 +theismann 0.988 0.008 +theiss 0.878 0.081 +theist 0.186 0.006 +theistic 0.331 0.004 +theists 0.414 0.003 +theives 0.268 0.035 +thel 0.310 0.144 +thelema 0.914 0.027 +thelen 0.938 0.054 +thelist 0.001 0.000 +thelma 0.887 0.090 +thelonious 0.923 0.046 +them 0.010 0.005 +thema 0.904 0.023 +thematic 0.395 0.020 +thematically 0.118 0.002 +thematics 0.660 0.156 +theme 0.422 0.016 +themed 0.301 0.017 +themen 0.921 0.042 +themepark 0.816 0.004 +themes 0.454 0.019 +theming 0.316 0.007 +themis 0.583 0.384 +themoderatevoice 0.000 0.000 +thems 0.121 0.017 +themself 0.006 0.006 +themselves 0.007 0.002 +themuzicman 0.000 0.000 +then 0.159 0.012 +thence 0.104 0.062 +thenceforth 0.165 0.000 +theo 0.632 0.037 +theobald 0.931 0.061 +theobromine 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0.006 +theyll 0.205 0.007 +theyre 0.163 0.015 +theyve 0.173 0.007 +thf 0.030 0.812 +thg 0.037 0.829 +thh 0.058 0.734 +thhe 0.122 0.012 +thi 0.292 0.066 +thia 0.464 0.085 +thiago 0.877 0.019 +thiamin 0.617 0.016 +thiamine 0.464 0.031 +thiazide 0.301 0.022 +thibault 0.908 0.075 +thibaut 0.897 0.059 +thibeault 0.769 0.075 +thibodaux 0.881 0.094 +thibodeau 0.894 0.096 +thibodeaux 0.879 0.110 +thich 0.859 0.018 +thick 0.130 0.021 +thicke 0.844 0.036 +thicken 0.077 0.038 +thickened 0.049 0.007 +thickener 0.304 0.034 +thickeners 0.369 0.057 +thickening 0.185 0.019 +thickens 0.224 0.015 +thicker 0.119 0.011 +thickest 0.044 0.010 +thicket 0.330 0.023 +thickets 0.068 0.003 +thickly 0.042 0.002 +thickness 0.258 0.026 +thicknesses 0.049 0.020 +thie 0.263 0.037 +thief 0.501 0.028 +thiel 0.911 0.070 +thiele 0.931 0.053 +thielen 0.902 0.087 +thieme 0.959 0.029 +thien 0.857 0.039 +thier 0.044 0.018 +thierry 0.928 0.039 +thiers 0.755 0.047 +thies 0.871 0.058 +thiessen 0.780 0.035 +thiet 0.294 0.007 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0.029 +thiophene 0.258 0.051 +thioredoxin 0.327 0.061 +thioridazine 0.379 0.036 +thiosulfate 0.245 0.090 +thiourea 0.313 0.067 +thir 0.213 0.047 +third 0.221 0.019 +thirdly 0.737 0.004 +thirdparty 0.739 0.005 +thirds 0.029 0.005 +thirsk 0.910 0.039 +thirst 0.146 0.012 +thirsting 0.168 0.009 +thirsty 0.276 0.054 +thirteen 0.377 0.023 +thirteenth 0.438 0.038 +thirties 0.186 0.011 +thirtieth 0.188 0.033 +thirty 0.227 0.016 +thirtysomething 0.203 0.013 +thiru 0.876 0.036 +thiruvananthapuram 0.908 0.085 +this 0.279 0.011 +thiscategory 0.000 0.000 +thisis 0.418 0.017 +thistle 0.772 0.043 +thistles 0.223 0.011 +thither 0.065 0.002 +thk 0.084 0.388 +thks 0.194 0.543 +thl 0.051 0.740 +thm 0.194 0.292 +thn 0.038 0.054 +thnk 0.058 0.041 +thnx 0.268 0.046 +tho 0.175 0.049 +thoas 0.811 0.013 +thole 0.193 0.019 +thom 0.904 0.040 +thoma 0.818 0.082 +thomann 0.941 0.049 +thomas 0.875 0.101 +thomason 0.909 0.066 +thomass 0.832 0.125 +thomasson 0.881 0.108 +thomastik 0.917 0.060 +thomaston 0.889 0.084 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0.803 0.011 +throng 0.048 0.005 +thronged 0.012 0.003 +throngs 0.077 0.005 +throop 0.883 0.108 +throttle 0.376 0.047 +throttled 0.070 0.006 +throttles 0.196 0.028 +throttling 0.179 0.074 +throu 0.098 0.035 +throug 0.113 0.026 +through 0.064 0.010 +throughly 0.023 0.010 +throughout 0.080 0.004 +throughput 0.173 0.010 +throughputs 0.083 0.005 +throughs 0.255 0.009 +throught 0.075 0.013 +throw 0.225 0.023 +throwable 0.828 0.002 +throwaway 0.155 0.014 +throwback 0.503 0.085 +throwbacks 0.386 0.050 +throwdown 0.700 0.030 +thrower 0.491 0.054 +throwers 0.322 0.036 +throwin 0.244 0.021 +throwing 0.153 0.008 +thrown 0.045 0.005 +throws 0.278 0.013 +thru 0.154 0.090 +thruout 0.117 0.039 +thrus 0.247 0.030 +thrush 0.551 0.037 +thrushes 0.419 0.065 +thrust 0.167 0.020 +thruster 0.320 0.078 +thrusters 0.312 0.039 +thrusting 0.070 0.009 +thrustmaster 0.816 0.114 +thrusts 0.071 0.010 +thruway 0.865 0.046 +thruxton 0.715 0.269 +ths 0.022 0.078 +thse 0.120 0.017 +thsi 0.241 0.025 +tht 0.067 0.314 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0.096 +thunderbird 0.794 0.029 +thunderbirds 0.865 0.080 +thunderbolt 0.647 0.079 +thunderbolts 0.571 0.124 +thundercats 0.769 0.137 +thunderdome 0.888 0.041 +thundered 0.014 0.000 +thunderhead 0.916 0.022 +thundering 0.582 0.012 +thunderous 0.089 0.009 +thunders 0.516 0.046 +thunderstone 0.867 0.118 +thunderstorm 0.374 0.110 +thunderstorms 0.196 0.206 +thunderstruck 0.383 0.027 +thune 0.895 0.092 +thunk 0.159 0.035 +thuong 0.152 0.021 +thur 0.872 0.078 +thuraya 0.892 0.083 +thurber 0.919 0.063 +thurgood 0.922 0.044 +thuringia 0.942 0.023 +thuringiensis 0.029 0.064 +thurles 0.945 0.041 +thurlow 0.923 0.067 +thurman 0.882 0.061 +thurmond 0.780 0.100 +thurmont 0.910 0.076 +thurow 0.965 0.024 +thurrock 0.960 0.028 +thurrott 0.989 0.003 +thurs 0.920 0.045 +thursby 0.963 0.029 +thursday 0.961 0.028 +thursdays 0.954 0.024 +thurso 0.951 0.034 +thurston 0.903 0.073 +thus 0.440 0.002 +thusly 0.106 0.003 +thuy 0.825 0.055 +thv 0.019 0.859 +thw 0.129 0.203 +thwaites 0.912 0.080 +thwart 0.077 0.007 +thwarted 0.063 0.006 +thwarting 0.132 0.007 +thwarts 0.128 0.012 +thx 0.191 0.442 +thy 0.207 0.013 +thye 0.320 0.060 +thylakoid 0.112 0.021 +thyme 0.460 0.026 +thymes 0.911 0.035 +thymic 0.170 0.016 +thymidine 0.335 0.022 +thymidylate 0.372 0.065 +thymine 0.275 0.035 +thymocytes 0.052 0.006 +thymoma 0.475 0.008 +thymus 0.393 0.021 +thyristor 0.492 0.084 +thyristors 0.549 0.129 +thyroglobulin 0.399 0.022 +thyroid 0.391 0.019 +thyroidectomy 0.316 0.015 +thyroiditis 0.315 0.020 +thyrotropin 0.543 0.024 +thyroxine 0.421 0.028 +thyself 0.169 0.013 +thyssen 0.929 0.036 +ti 0.248 0.392 +tia 0.275 0.589 +tiaa 0.015 0.968 +tiago 0.914 0.022 +tial 0.021 0.012 +tially 0.000 0.001 +tiamat 0.893 0.044 +tian 0.765 0.039 +tiana 0.869 0.042 +tiananmen 0.965 0.012 +tianjin 0.946 0.042 +tianna 0.782 0.048 +tiara 0.635 0.113 +tiaras 0.664 0.037 +tiare 0.869 0.040 +tias 0.065 0.738 +tiava 0.090 0.000 +tib 0.229 0.597 +tibbetts 0.907 0.075 +tibbitts 0.960 0.035 +tibbs 0.851 0.085 +tibco 0.191 0.799 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0.052 +tierney 0.887 0.081 +tierporno 0.000 0.000 +tierra 0.737 0.047 +tiers 0.209 0.032 +tiersen 0.856 0.051 +tiersex 0.013 0.001 +ties 0.262 0.028 +tiesto 0.507 0.044 +tieten 0.430 0.000 +tif 0.047 0.665 +tifa 0.338 0.051 +tiff 0.082 0.718 +tiffani 0.801 0.023 +tiffany 0.286 0.019 +tiffanys 0.694 0.038 +tiffen 0.907 0.066 +tiffin 0.860 0.088 +tific 0.000 0.022 +tification 0.000 0.009 +tified 0.000 0.013 +tifosi 0.695 0.135 +tift 0.849 0.080 +tifton 0.963 0.030 +tify 0.002 0.007 +tig 0.149 0.711 +tiga 0.778 0.131 +tigard 0.933 0.043 +tige 0.589 0.077 +tiger 0.760 0.071 +tigerdirect 0.840 0.018 +tigerlily 0.882 0.030 +tigers 0.879 0.027 +tigger 0.733 0.120 +tigh 0.754 0.039 +tighe 0.911 0.061 +tight 0.169 0.013 +tighten 0.182 0.014 +tightened 0.028 0.005 +tightening 0.102 0.010 +tightens 0.213 0.030 +tighter 0.083 0.007 +tightest 0.056 0.016 +tightly 0.036 0.005 +tightness 0.071 0.009 +tightpoker 0.085 0.000 +tightrope 0.391 0.024 +tights 0.495 0.039 +tightsplease 0.991 0.000 +tigi 0.341 0.617 +tignanello 0.944 0.030 +tignes 0.910 0.028 +tigr 0.021 0.832 +tigra 0.803 0.101 +tigran 0.950 0.016 +tigray 0.969 0.022 +tigre 0.759 0.059 +tigres 0.822 0.032 +tigress 0.608 0.055 +tigrinya 0.980 0.010 +tigris 0.872 0.016 +tihs 0.550 0.019 +tii 0.174 0.569 +tiing 0.075 0.000 +tij 0.152 0.245 +tijd 0.216 0.033 +tijdens 0.165 0.004 +tijdschrift 0.722 0.028 +tijeras 0.880 0.078 +tijuana 0.719 0.026 +tik 0.385 0.206 +tika 0.614 0.064 +tikal 0.941 0.030 +tike 0.675 0.043 +tikes 0.823 0.065 +tiket 0.793 0.003 +tiki 0.687 0.041 +tikka 0.706 0.086 +tikki 0.743 0.024 +tikkun 0.760 0.039 +tikrit 0.922 0.061 +tikva 0.926 0.042 +til 0.168 0.042 +tila 0.321 0.397 +tilak 0.886 0.040 +tilapia 0.509 0.025 +tilbage 0.788 0.012 +tilbake 0.711 0.020 +tilbrook 0.933 0.041 +tilbud 0.486 0.112 +tilburg 0.898 0.025 +tilbury 0.868 0.076 +tilda 0.837 0.093 +tilde 0.131 0.156 +tilden 0.875 0.100 +tile 0.489 0.042 +tiled 0.201 0.051 +tiler 0.719 0.039 +tiles 0.369 0.032 +tilford 0.907 0.083 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0.079 +timbers 0.434 0.039 +timberwolf 0.800 0.073 +timberwolves 0.962 0.020 +timbo 0.680 0.055 +timbre 0.213 0.014 +timbres 0.141 0.025 +timbuktu 0.930 0.023 +time 0.231 0.019 +timebase 0.360 0.041 +timebomb 0.480 0.038 +timecard 0.308 0.024 +timeclock 0.420 0.035 +timecode 0.284 0.037 +timed 0.151 0.020 +timeframe 0.247 0.012 +timeframes 0.131 0.014 +timekeeper 0.590 0.032 +timekeepers 0.256 0.029 +timekeeping 0.416 0.013 +timeless 0.380 0.024 +timelessness 0.141 0.014 +timeline 0.624 0.028 +timelines 0.406 0.021 +timeliness 0.107 0.057 +timely 0.066 0.010 +timeout 0.195 0.132 +timeouts 0.138 0.007 +timepiece 0.213 0.031 +timepieces 0.634 0.035 +timeport 0.891 0.024 +timer 0.354 0.037 +timerang 0.000 0.032 +timers 0.433 0.029 +times 0.339 0.015 +timesaver 0.436 0.090 +timesaving 0.536 0.004 +timescale 0.181 0.024 +timescales 0.106 0.013 +timeshare 0.627 0.033 +timeshares 0.585 0.011 +timesharing 0.273 0.040 +timesheet 0.481 0.010 +timesheets 0.361 0.011 +timeshift 0.646 0.086 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0.077 +tipa 0.187 0.411 +tipi 0.399 0.061 +tiple 0.044 0.015 +tipo 0.366 0.054 +tipoff 0.495 0.088 +tipos 0.128 0.011 +tipp 0.701 0.140 +tippah 0.868 0.117 +tippecanoe 0.913 0.068 +tipped 0.154 0.017 +tippee 0.781 0.133 +tipper 0.697 0.074 +tipperary 0.951 0.031 +tippers 0.572 0.025 +tippet 0.584 0.037 +tippett 0.925 0.067 +tippin 0.681 0.041 +tipping 0.418 0.026 +tipple 0.359 0.039 +tippmann 0.819 0.056 +tipps 0.823 0.043 +tippy 0.621 0.059 +tips 0.623 0.022 +tipster 0.637 0.082 +tipsters 0.559 0.025 +tipsy 0.410 0.036 +tiptoe 0.205 0.021 +tiptoes 0.352 0.032 +tipton 0.870 0.100 +tiptree 0.934 0.036 +tiptronic 0.776 0.095 +tipu 0.789 0.031 +tique 0.107 0.060 +tir 0.435 0.361 +tira 0.596 0.076 +tirade 0.138 0.011 +tirades 0.208 0.021 +tirage 0.330 0.018 +tiramisu 0.569 0.046 +tiran 0.535 0.024 +tirana 0.877 0.094 +tirane 0.679 0.305 +tire 0.504 0.047 +tired 0.175 0.011 +tiredness 0.100 0.004 +tiree 0.904 0.053 +tireless 0.057 0.005 +tirelessly 0.011 0.002 +tires 0.422 0.045 +tiresome 0.035 0.002 +tiring 0.063 0.004 +tirith 0.913 0.029 +tiro 0.436 0.113 +tirol 0.496 0.013 +tirunelveli 0.927 0.063 +tirupati 0.920 0.045 +tirupur 0.988 0.008 +tis 0.317 0.145 +tisa 0.530 0.402 +tisbury 0.917 0.067 +tiscali 0.807 0.023 +tisch 0.880 0.040 +tiscover 0.894 0.001 +tisdale 0.928 0.063 +tise 0.111 0.070 +tish 0.865 0.034 +tisha 0.910 0.032 +tishomingo 0.809 0.166 +tisk 0.204 0.074 +tiss 0.583 0.269 +tisserand 0.798 0.185 +tissot 0.792 0.056 +tissue 0.231 0.032 +tissues 0.081 0.011 +tisza 0.952 0.030 +tit 0.125 0.019 +tita 0.562 0.149 +titan 0.844 0.068 +titanate 0.287 0.106 +titania 0.682 0.073 +titanic 0.512 0.035 +titanium 0.641 0.062 +titans 0.191 0.010 +titbit 0.184 0.150 +titchfield 0.953 0.032 +titchmarsh 0.921 0.048 +tite 0.536 0.106 +titec 0.948 0.033 +titel 0.897 0.020 +titels 0.612 0.005 +titen 0.027 0.003 +titer 0.097 0.013 +titers 0.044 0.004 +titfuck 0.176 0.002 +tithe 0.313 0.015 +tithes 0.155 0.015 +tithing 0.342 0.025 +titi 0.477 0.058 +titian 0.896 0.035 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0.006 0.713 +tmr 0.014 0.853 +tms 0.028 0.922 +tmt 0.036 0.901 +tmu 0.027 0.906 +tmv 0.010 0.966 +tmw 0.023 0.855 +tmwc 0.000 0.990 +tmx 0.032 0.879 +tn 0.029 0.923 +tna 0.015 0.919 +tnb 0.064 0.906 +tnc 0.006 0.966 +tnd 0.004 0.974 +tne 0.096 0.314 +tnef 0.005 0.530 +tnf 0.008 0.979 +tng 0.038 0.803 +tnh 0.009 0.926 +tnhh 0.000 0.974 +tni 0.011 0.914 +tniv 0.024 0.967 +tnk 0.041 0.814 +tnl 0.133 0.744 +tnm 0.050 0.853 +tnn 0.024 0.911 +tno 0.011 0.931 +tnp 0.036 0.816 +tnr 0.018 0.885 +tnrcc 0.000 0.990 +tns 0.021 0.864 +tnt 0.028 0.660 +tnv 0.018 0.739 +tnx 0.319 0.242 +to 0.036 0.011 +toa 0.401 0.348 +toad 0.606 0.071 +toadies 0.593 0.032 +toads 0.406 0.034 +toadstool 0.692 0.058 +toady 0.469 0.017 +toal 0.756 0.093 +toan 0.333 0.037 +toast 0.405 0.038 +toasted 0.250 0.029 +toaster 0.642 0.028 +toasters 0.802 0.011 +toasting 0.476 0.021 +toastmaster 0.865 0.060 +toastmasters 0.937 0.024 +toasts 0.394 0.013 +toasty 0.228 0.032 +toate 0.597 0.010 +tob 0.444 0.293 +toba 0.762 0.118 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0.188 0.046 +toed 0.187 0.020 +toefl 0.075 0.816 +toei 0.836 0.139 +toeic 0.015 0.910 +toekomst 0.053 0.004 +toen 0.312 0.016 +toenail 0.367 0.019 +toenails 0.204 0.009 +toeplitz 0.926 0.024 +toerisme 0.073 0.003 +toes 0.138 0.015 +toestel 0.121 0.004 +toevoegen 0.343 0.003 +toews 0.964 0.027 +tof 0.053 0.693 +toff 0.444 0.179 +toffee 0.617 0.043 +toffler 0.955 0.034 +toffs 0.709 0.060 +tofino 0.843 0.025 +tofranil 0.870 0.025 +toft 0.862 0.106 +tofte 0.871 0.082 +tofu 0.482 0.032 +tog 0.254 0.262 +toga 0.349 0.157 +togaf 0.000 0.994 +together 0.101 0.008 +togetherness 0.219 0.022 +togethers 0.169 0.005 +toggle 0.508 0.026 +toggled 0.031 0.003 +toggles 0.322 0.026 +toggling 0.172 0.004 +togo 0.939 0.049 +togs 0.473 0.113 +toh 0.479 0.196 +tohatsu 0.861 0.049 +tohmatsu 0.991 0.007 +toho 0.785 0.065 +tohoku 0.952 0.039 +tohono 0.954 0.041 +tohru 0.924 0.011 +toi 0.323 0.214 +toil 0.082 0.024 +toile 0.551 0.093 +toiled 0.012 0.002 +toilet 0.282 0.020 +toileting 0.464 0.010 +toiletries 0.384 0.139 +toiletry 0.492 0.296 +toilets 0.308 0.012 +toilette 0.844 0.070 +toilettencam 0.000 0.000 +toiling 0.167 0.006 +toils 0.053 0.007 +toit 0.780 0.079 +toivonen 0.936 0.044 +tojo 0.886 0.041 +tok 0.417 0.193 +tokai 0.843 0.127 +tokamak 0.389 0.047 +tokay 0.829 0.104 +toke 0.152 0.016 +tokelau 0.955 0.041 +token 0.248 0.042 +tokenizer 0.501 0.005 +tokens 0.221 0.020 +toker 0.816 0.037 +toki 0.755 0.046 +tokico 0.878 0.099 +tokina 0.907 0.045 +tokio 0.608 0.050 +toko 0.656 0.276 +tokugawa 0.963 0.013 +tokunaga 0.901 0.093 +tokushima 0.848 0.036 +tokyo 0.919 0.044 +tokyopop 0.600 0.372 +tokyu 0.925 0.053 +tol 0.225 0.427 +tolan 0.885 0.057 +toland 0.896 0.082 +tolar 0.875 0.019 +tolbert 0.909 0.079 +tolbutamide 0.390 0.029 +told 0.021 0.006 +tolde 0.003 0.000 +tole 0.587 0.115 +toledo 0.896 0.064 +tolentino 0.882 0.088 +toler 0.685 0.084 +tolerability 0.161 0.008 +tolerable 0.083 0.005 +tolerably 0.018 0.000 +tolerance 0.247 0.018 +tolerances 0.171 0.030 +tolerancing 0.461 0.122 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0.060 +tonights 0.375 0.039 +toning 0.405 0.041 +tonino 0.872 0.113 +tonio 0.801 0.037 +tonise 0.063 0.000 +tonite 0.342 0.067 +tonk 0.659 0.065 +tonka 0.733 0.114 +tonkawa 0.839 0.124 +tonkin 0.888 0.064 +tonks 0.832 0.033 +tonle 0.927 0.024 +tonn 0.281 0.630 +tonnage 0.282 0.038 +tonne 0.149 0.020 +tonneau 0.694 0.025 +tonner 0.804 0.071 +tonnes 0.057 0.008 +tonny 0.616 0.178 +tono 0.420 0.238 +tonopah 0.862 0.086 +tonos 0.502 0.038 +tons 0.173 0.045 +tonsil 0.475 0.024 +tonsillectomy 0.430 0.026 +tonsillitis 0.450 0.011 +tonsils 0.134 0.010 +tonto 0.826 0.065 +tonuri 0.808 0.000 +tony 0.917 0.034 +tonya 0.804 0.042 +tonys 0.809 0.087 +too 0.084 0.011 +toob 0.754 0.087 +toobin 0.657 0.335 +toodles 0.563 0.044 +tooele 0.913 0.073 +toogle 0.095 0.004 +toohey 0.898 0.086 +took 0.020 0.003 +tooke 0.514 0.079 +tookie 0.898 0.033 +tool 0.314 0.024 +toolbar 0.615 0.018 +toolbars 0.377 0.005 +toolbox 0.876 0.017 +toolboxes 0.528 0.009 +toolchain 0.087 0.007 +toole 0.826 0.071 +tooled 0.750 0.018 +tooley 0.908 0.074 +tooling 0.422 0.040 +toolkit 0.641 0.019 +toolkits 0.599 0.007 +toolmakers 0.430 0.036 +toolroom 0.647 0.180 +tools 0.615 0.028 +toolset 0.351 0.007 +toolsets 0.282 0.009 +toolshed 0.616 0.266 +tooltip 0.386 0.005 +tooltips 0.377 0.002 +toolz 0.653 0.068 +toombs 0.892 0.092 +toomer 0.914 0.065 +toomey 0.887 0.089 +toon 0.400 0.037 +toonami 0.852 0.023 +toone 0.695 0.088 +toons 0.250 0.027 +toontown 0.828 0.022 +toonz 0.712 0.069 +tooo 0.058 0.100 +toooo 0.060 0.099 +toop 0.748 0.061 +toor 0.595 0.063 +toorak 0.762 0.186 +toot 0.509 0.100 +tooth 0.352 0.034 +toothache 0.353 0.013 +toothbrush 0.472 0.053 +toothbrushes 0.565 0.035 +toothed 0.113 0.010 +toothless 0.155 0.012 +toothpaste 0.412 0.029 +toothpastes 0.281 0.115 +toothpick 0.316 0.040 +toothpicks 0.325 0.078 +toothy 0.201 0.012 +tootie 0.833 0.070 +tooting 0.825 0.023 +toots 0.791 0.054 +tootsie 0.810 0.045 +tootsies 0.755 0.015 +toowong 0.708 0.221 +toowoomba 0.835 0.136 +top 0.513 0.067 +topa 0.745 0.126 +topalov 0.985 0.007 +topamax 0.413 0.052 +topanga 0.412 0.033 +topas 0.779 0.155 +topaz 0.732 0.097 +topband 0.976 0.004 +topco 0.882 0.096 +topcoat 0.341 0.064 +topcon 0.664 0.146 +tope 0.503 0.086 +topeak 0.886 0.096 +topeka 0.913 0.063 +topex 0.124 0.867 +topfield 0.926 0.038 +toph 0.122 0.406 +topham 0.924 0.060 +topher 0.834 0.017 +topi 0.151 0.734 +topiaries 0.605 0.015 +topiary 0.733 0.025 +topic 0.401 0.014 +topica 0.917 0.033 +topical 0.423 0.034 +topicality 0.186 0.016 +topically 0.088 0.007 +topicals 0.741 0.056 +topicinfo 0.000 0.995 +topiclist 0.001 0.994 +topicmoved 0.000 0.468 +topicparent 0.000 0.978 +topics 0.487 0.021 +topiramate 0.341 0.014 +topix 0.899 0.083 +topkapi 0.878 0.046 +toplayer 0.011 0.971 +topless 0.120 0.004 +toplevel 0.099 0.022 +topley 0.862 0.124 +topline 0.450 0.074 +toplist 0.540 0.035 +toplists 0.823 0.019 +topload 0.350 0.619 +toploader 0.692 0.169 +topmost 0.079 0.014 +topnotch 0.308 0.052 +topo 0.543 0.206 +topoff 0.036 0.944 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0.817 0.158 +torbay 0.945 0.044 +torben 0.938 0.020 +torbole 0.458 0.025 +torc 0.677 0.212 +torch 0.495 0.096 +torched 0.097 0.008 +torches 0.608 0.019 +torchiere 0.759 0.037 +torchieres 0.857 0.011 +torching 0.160 0.005 +torchlight 0.657 0.012 +torcs 0.054 0.115 +tord 0.775 0.037 +tore 0.200 0.027 +toread 0.007 0.007 +toreador 0.885 0.025 +torelli 0.912 0.065 +toren 0.890 0.034 +torex 0.930 0.040 +torey 0.924 0.040 +torfaen 0.984 0.013 +torg 0.359 0.154 +torgerson 0.902 0.088 +tori 0.720 0.034 +toric 0.704 0.021 +tories 0.849 0.017 +torii 0.826 0.045 +torin 0.939 0.032 +toring 0.010 0.020 +torino 0.838 0.034 +tork 0.738 0.075 +torme 0.906 0.066 +torment 0.250 0.018 +tormenta 0.743 0.064 +tormented 0.147 0.006 +tormenting 0.071 0.005 +tormentor 0.569 0.036 +tormentors 0.149 0.009 +torments 0.126 0.006 +tormod 0.970 0.017 +torn 0.149 0.016 +torna 0.696 0.026 +tornado 0.520 0.080 +tornadoes 0.335 0.062 +tornados 0.500 0.043 +torneo 0.695 0.042 +tornillo 0.564 0.190 +toro 0.847 0.063 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0.955 0.025 +toshiro 0.945 0.021 +toshiyuki 0.981 0.015 +tosho 0.970 0.008 +tosi 0.821 0.098 +toskana 0.057 0.008 +toslink 0.789 0.151 +toso 0.310 0.106 +toss 0.296 0.023 +tossa 0.901 0.027 +tossed 0.105 0.007 +tosser 0.304 0.026 +tossers 0.651 0.038 +tosses 0.087 0.008 +tossing 0.100 0.004 +tost 0.344 0.384 +tot 0.331 0.419 +tota 0.499 0.173 +totaal 0.339 0.008 +total 0.503 0.077 +totalbet 0.363 0.003 +totale 0.291 0.045 +totaled 0.020 0.003 +totalement 0.016 0.004 +totali 0.122 0.018 +totaling 0.029 0.007 +totalitarian 0.105 0.007 +totalitarianism 0.201 0.008 +totality 0.080 0.006 +totalizer 0.538 0.049 +totalizing 0.353 0.022 +totaljobs 0.968 0.000 +totalled 0.017 0.004 +totalling 0.017 0.004 +totally 0.121 0.016 +totalmente 0.015 0.007 +totals 0.501 0.117 +totaltravel 0.105 0.000 +totaly 0.068 0.028 +tote 0.673 0.067 +totem 0.556 0.072 +totems 0.416 0.023 +toten 0.751 0.065 +totes 0.779 0.027 +totesport 0.579 0.008 +toth 0.900 0.072 +tothe 0.025 0.041 +toting 0.087 0.004 +totl 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0.137 0.519 +tra 0.181 0.243 +traadol 0.017 0.000 +trabajadores 0.358 0.019 +trabajar 0.221 0.022 +trabajo 0.228 0.043 +trabajos 0.123 0.014 +trabalhadores 0.209 0.006 +trabalho 0.212 0.015 +trabalhos 0.068 0.007 +trabant 0.881 0.068 +trabecular 0.173 0.008 +trabel 0.034 0.004 +trabuco 0.840 0.108 +trabzon 0.604 0.048 +trac 0.811 0.059 +trace 0.301 0.072 +traceability 0.345 0.015 +traceable 0.107 0.015 +traceback 0.586 0.009 +traced 0.023 0.005 +tracer 0.415 0.089 +traceroute 0.284 0.013 +tracers 0.247 0.019 +tracert 0.185 0.076 +traces 0.137 0.013 +tracey 0.899 0.047 +tracfone 0.372 0.079 +trach 0.476 0.056 +trachea 0.257 0.018 +tracheal 0.223 0.014 +tracheostomy 0.457 0.056 +tracheotomy 0.285 0.013 +trachoma 0.384 0.018 +trachomatis 0.030 0.014 +trachtenberg 0.881 0.020 +traci 0.739 0.043 +tracie 0.890 0.065 +tracing 0.370 0.014 +tracings 0.232 0.025 +track 0.589 0.022 +trackable 0.269 0.038 +trackage 0.105 0.034 +trackback 0.814 0.002 +trackbacked 0.765 0.000 +trackbacks 0.768 0.010 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0.116 +traf 0.142 0.381 +trafalgar 0.925 0.048 +traffic 0.348 0.029 +traffick 0.623 0.100 +trafficked 0.045 0.005 +trafficker 0.094 0.013 +traffickers 0.089 0.007 +trafficking 0.224 0.018 +traffics 0.126 0.014 +trafford 0.945 0.029 +trafic 0.086 0.017 +traficant 0.644 0.353 +tragedies 0.237 0.012 +tragedy 0.253 0.021 +trager 0.949 0.029 +tragic 0.134 0.009 +tragically 0.342 0.010 +trahan 0.819 0.171 +trai 0.197 0.185 +traian 0.927 0.059 +traidcraft 0.971 0.012 +trail 0.570 0.035 +trailblazer 0.685 0.109 +trailblazers 0.827 0.037 +trailblazing 0.698 0.004 +trailed 0.031 0.006 +trailer 0.476 0.037 +trailering 0.781 0.020 +trailers 0.619 0.037 +trailhead 0.380 0.022 +trailheads 0.270 0.009 +trailing 0.189 0.020 +traill 0.823 0.159 +trailor 0.314 0.060 +trailors 0.437 0.017 +trails 0.443 0.025 +trailside 0.732 0.043 +trailways 0.875 0.040 +train 0.333 0.027 +traina 0.922 0.024 +trainable 0.228 0.029 +trained 0.055 0.007 +trainee 0.591 0.046 +trainees 0.233 0.018 +traineeship 0.449 0.024 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0.261 0.031 +transcripts 0.385 0.033 +transcultural 0.602 0.020 +transcutaneous 0.452 0.013 +transderm 0.887 0.014 +transdermal 0.348 0.038 +transdisciplinary 0.325 0.014 +transduced 0.042 0.005 +transducer 0.280 0.047 +transducers 0.442 0.044 +transducing 0.139 0.047 +transduction 0.266 0.022 +transect 0.246 0.022 +transection 0.089 0.023 +transects 0.096 0.008 +transen 0.004 0.000 +transept 0.288 0.015 +transesophageal 0.447 0.011 +transessuale 0.001 0.000 +transex 0.005 0.001 +transexuais 0.000 0.001 +transexual 0.052 0.002 +transexuales 0.004 0.000 +transexualism 0.008 0.000 +transexuals 0.045 0.005 +transf 0.333 0.128 +transfected 0.026 0.002 +transfection 0.390 0.004 +transfer 0.324 0.028 +transferability 0.303 0.031 +transferable 0.178 0.021 +transferase 0.131 0.084 +transferases 0.450 0.014 +transfered 0.078 0.037 +transferee 0.187 0.019 +transferees 0.178 0.022 +transference 0.188 0.013 +transfering 0.227 0.018 +transferor 0.188 0.019 +transferrable 0.113 0.024 +transferred 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0.006 +transgressed 0.015 0.004 +transgressing 0.164 0.005 +transgression 0.108 0.010 +transgressions 0.056 0.007 +transgressive 0.253 0.009 +transgressors 0.048 0.009 +transhipment 0.194 0.023 +transhumanism 0.257 0.004 +transhumanist 0.637 0.008 +transi 0.136 0.021 +transience 0.362 0.010 +transient 0.246 0.027 +transiently 0.024 0.003 +transients 0.181 0.020 +transistor 0.327 0.069 +transistors 0.278 0.054 +transit 0.542 0.024 +transiting 0.213 0.036 +transition 0.225 0.026 +transitional 0.457 0.038 +transitioned 0.069 0.004 +transitioning 0.235 0.011 +transitions 0.263 0.018 +transitive 0.134 0.026 +transitivity 0.204 0.013 +transitory 0.119 0.017 +transits 0.361 0.022 +transkei 0.865 0.122 +transl 0.142 0.016 +translatable 0.077 0.051 +translate 0.504 0.015 +translated 0.214 0.007 +translates 0.047 0.002 +translating 0.241 0.009 +translation 0.398 0.013 +translational 0.237 0.014 +translations 0.398 0.010 +translator 0.510 0.037 +translators 0.588 0.009 +translatum 0.820 0.000 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0.485 0.044 +transp 0.560 0.230 +transpacific 0.549 0.045 +transparencies 0.444 0.022 +transparency 0.262 0.015 +transparent 0.235 0.017 +transparently 0.026 0.001 +transpersonal 0.546 0.023 +transpiration 0.153 0.012 +transpire 0.094 0.007 +transpired 0.006 0.003 +transpires 0.008 0.000 +transplant 0.376 0.019 +transplantation 0.445 0.030 +transplanted 0.074 0.011 +transplanting 0.218 0.013 +transplants 0.370 0.017 +transpo 0.682 0.089 +transponder 0.322 0.035 +transponders 0.204 0.021 +transpor 0.385 0.085 +transporation 0.556 0.089 +transport 0.445 0.028 +transporta 0.312 0.020 +transportable 0.310 0.027 +transportat 0.905 0.033 +transportation 0.600 0.044 +transportations 0.667 0.015 +transporte 0.212 0.023 +transported 0.026 0.006 +transporter 0.470 0.042 +transporters 0.295 0.025 +transportes 0.744 0.089 +transporting 0.133 0.023 +transports 0.255 0.019 +transposable 0.391 0.028 +transposase 0.159 0.071 +transpose 0.284 0.028 +transposed 0.112 0.016 +transposing 0.190 0.009 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0.051 0.004 +traumatized 0.097 0.007 +traumatology 0.777 0.033 +traumtitten 0.000 0.000 +traurig 0.827 0.056 +trautman 0.874 0.083 +trav 0.390 0.193 +travail 0.168 0.033 +travailler 0.361 0.006 +travailleurs 0.222 0.049 +travails 0.166 0.007 +traval 0.416 0.004 +travan 0.803 0.162 +travancore 0.807 0.157 +travaux 0.307 0.038 +trave 0.286 0.068 +travel 0.705 0.020 +traveled 0.045 0.004 +traveler 0.765 0.011 +travelers 0.319 0.014 +travelex 0.921 0.028 +travelguide 0.660 0.161 +travelhotel 0.000 0.000 +travelin 0.772 0.044 +traveline 0.788 0.012 +traveling 0.258 0.011 +travelled 0.044 0.004 +traveller 0.675 0.014 +travellers 0.311 0.015 +travellerspoint 0.998 0.000 +travelling 0.253 0.013 +travellodge 0.060 0.000 +travellodges 0.000 0.000 +travelmate 0.341 0.199 +travelocity 0.935 0.015 +travelodge 0.920 0.047 +travelodges 0.198 0.006 +travelog 0.580 0.008 +travelogue 0.451 0.024 +travelogues 0.813 0.018 +travelon 0.971 0.012 +travelpro 0.833 0.108 +travels 0.317 0.018 +travelstar 0.808 0.095 +travelzoo 0.983 0.004 +travelzoocom 0.000 0.000 +traver 0.809 0.113 +travers 0.737 0.055 +traversal 0.255 0.004 +traversals 0.128 0.000 +traverse 0.535 0.072 +traversed 0.013 0.002 +traverses 0.038 0.006 +traversing 0.113 0.007 +travertine 0.504 0.042 +travesti 0.001 0.000 +travestie 0.143 0.006 +travestis 0.004 0.001 +travesty 0.169 0.018 +traviata 0.848 0.056 +traviesas 0.010 0.000 +travis 0.842 0.050 +travl 0.086 0.029 +travle 0.049 0.000 +travolta 0.910 0.039 +trawick 0.826 0.044 +trawl 0.233 0.034 +trawled 0.351 0.005 +trawler 0.440 0.045 +trawlers 0.246 0.017 +trawling 0.146 0.011 +trawls 0.081 0.031 +trax 0.691 0.199 +traxdata 0.803 0.121 +traxion 0.637 0.265 +traxler 0.905 0.076 +traxx 0.661 0.151 +traxxas 0.763 0.091 +tray 0.383 0.069 +traylor 0.872 0.100 +traynor 0.907 0.063 +trays 0.481 0.037 +trazodone 0.385 0.020 +trb 0.023 0.928 +trc 0.033 0.904 +trd 0.063 0.840 +tre 0.377 0.136 +trea 0.391 0.199 +treacher 0.964 0.010 +treacherous 0.102 0.007 +treacherously 0.015 0.000 +treachery 0.164 0.011 +treacle 0.486 0.028 +treacy 0.941 0.040 +tread 0.252 0.033 +treader 0.875 0.050 +treading 0.180 0.009 +treadle 0.277 0.052 +treadmill 0.587 0.022 +treadmills 0.634 0.008 +treads 0.252 0.027 +treadway 0.881 0.077 +treadwell 0.895 0.088 +treament 0.465 0.026 +treanor 0.938 0.055 +treas 0.695 0.193 +treason 0.317 0.032 +treasonable 0.035 0.006 +treasonous 0.059 0.016 +treasure 0.533 0.037 +treasured 0.224 0.018 +treasurer 0.726 0.057 +treasurers 0.577 0.039 +treasures 0.591 0.056 +treasuries 0.610 0.016 +treasury 0.802 0.036 +treat 0.144 0.016 +treatability 0.325 0.061 +treatable 0.065 0.016 +treated 0.037 0.010 +treaters 0.252 0.022 +treaties 0.308 0.033 +treating 0.155 0.011 +treatise 0.339 0.019 +treatises 0.281 0.019 +treatment 0.229 0.019 +treatments 0.280 0.019 +treats 0.333 0.024 +treaty 0.538 0.017 +treble 0.360 0.059 +trebled 0.015 0.000 +treblinka 0.946 0.036 +trebor 0.740 0.052 +trebuchet 0.893 0.003 +trec 0.081 0.878 +tred 0.561 0.149 +tredegar 0.923 0.064 +tree 0.406 0.027 +treebank 0.594 0.005 +treece 0.883 0.089 +treed 0.152 0.043 +treefrog 0.612 0.019 +treehouse 0.766 0.026 +treehouses 0.701 0.018 +treehugger 0.762 0.002 +treeless 0.609 0.007 +treeline 0.311 0.048 +treen 0.608 0.190 +trees 0.237 0.018 +treestands 0.799 0.025 +treet 0.061 0.557 +treetop 0.624 0.023 +treetops 0.549 0.034 +treeview 0.272 0.029 +tref 0.369 0.499 +treff 0.414 0.033 +treffen 0.321 0.004 +treffs 0.022 0.000 +trefoil 0.504 0.037 +trego 0.835 0.088 +trehalose 0.214 0.050 +treiber 0.543 0.008 +trejo 0.923 0.054 +trek 0.787 0.062 +trekked 0.022 0.000 +trekker 0.787 0.090 +trekkers 0.438 0.024 +trekkie 0.728 0.033 +trekkies 0.761 0.028 +trekking 0.546 0.019 +treks 0.493 0.033 +trelawny 0.920 0.041 +trelleborg 0.968 0.020 +trellian 0.919 0.005 +trellis 0.531 0.059 +trellises 0.563 0.008 +treloar 0.898 0.096 +trem 0.339 0.087 +tremain 0.893 0.070 +tremaine 0.950 0.037 +tremayne 0.919 0.074 +trembl 0.018 0.158 +tremblant 0.914 0.017 +tremblay 0.904 0.084 +tremble 0.158 0.014 +trembled 0.021 0.002 +trembles 0.193 0.034 +trembling 0.124 0.007 +treme 0.407 0.174 +tremendous 0.037 0.005 +tremendously 0.013 0.004 +trementina 0.984 0.007 +tremolo 0.469 0.057 +tremont 0.885 0.088 +tremor 0.283 0.034 +tremors 0.339 0.028 +trempealeau 0.855 0.129 +tremper 0.896 0.040 +tremulous 0.054 0.004 +tren 0.325 0.295 +trench 0.330 0.035 +trenchant 0.092 0.005 +trenchcoat 0.316 0.049 +trencher 0.343 0.052 +trenches 0.242 0.014 +trenching 0.433 0.037 +trenchless 0.615 0.060 +trend 0.283 0.035 +trended 0.063 0.079 +trendiest 0.030 0.005 +trending 0.147 0.021 +trendline 0.479 0.038 +trendlines 0.634 0.036 +trendnet 0.273 0.707 +trends 0.448 0.030 +trendsetter 0.658 0.031 +trendsetters 0.394 0.026 +trendware 0.453 0.536 +trendy 0.357 0.049 +trent 0.906 0.045 +trentbasin 0.171 0.000 +trente 0.352 0.026 +trentham 0.787 0.203 +trentino 0.816 0.031 +trento 0.910 0.030 +trenton 0.882 0.092 +trenz 0.845 0.107 +treo 0.903 0.035 +trepidation 0.036 0.003 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0.582 0.005 +triamcinolone 0.538 0.042 +triamterene 0.413 0.056 +trian 0.320 0.030 +triana 0.895 0.069 +triang 0.621 0.212 +triangle 0.544 0.058 +triangles 0.212 0.011 +triangular 0.197 0.029 +triangulate 0.145 0.014 +triangulated 0.136 0.012 +triangulation 0.233 0.013 +triangulations 0.220 0.009 +trianon 0.882 0.046 +trias 0.786 0.108 +triassic 0.938 0.040 +triathlete 0.636 0.013 +triathletes 0.388 0.023 +triathlon 0.775 0.036 +triathlons 0.388 0.009 +triax 0.893 0.039 +triaxial 0.401 0.033 +triazine 0.198 0.092 +triazolam 0.361 0.019 +trib 0.706 0.171 +tribal 0.488 0.034 +tribalism 0.241 0.015 +tribally 0.296 0.024 +tribals 0.262 0.013 +triband 0.660 0.129 +tribble 0.787 0.050 +tribe 0.447 0.026 +tribeca 0.921 0.028 +tribes 0.397 0.013 +tribesman 0.308 0.019 +tribesmen 0.128 0.008 +tribology 0.702 0.034 +triboro 0.971 0.020 +tribu 0.525 0.137 +tribulation 0.509 0.023 +tribulations 0.182 0.011 +tribulus 0.868 0.022 +tribunal 0.610 0.024 +tribunals 0.310 0.016 +tribune 0.930 0.038 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0.807 0.128 +tricolor 0.389 0.064 +tricolour 0.310 0.166 +tricor 0.599 0.092 +tricot 0.449 0.150 +trict 0.000 0.026 +tricuspid 0.336 0.012 +tricycle 0.619 0.029 +tricyclen 0.267 0.007 +tricycles 0.567 0.030 +tricyclic 0.314 0.015 +trident 0.778 0.072 +tridentata 0.020 0.014 +tridge 0.094 0.003 +tridiagonal 0.125 0.036 +trie 0.259 0.040 +tried 0.034 0.004 +triennial 0.552 0.022 +trier 0.671 0.033 +tries 0.061 0.006 +trieste 0.913 0.037 +triethanolamine 0.512 0.143 +trifari 0.701 0.206 +trifecta 0.564 0.102 +triffids 0.864 0.060 +trifle 0.160 0.015 +trifles 0.256 0.012 +trifling 0.031 0.004 +trifluoperazine 0.496 0.030 +trifluoromethyl 0.128 0.071 +trifold 0.692 0.076 +trifolium 0.944 0.025 +triforce 0.845 0.023 +trig 0.272 0.110 +trigem 0.848 0.122 +trigeminal 0.415 0.012 +trigg 0.885 0.078 +trigger 0.252 0.033 +triggered 0.052 0.005 +triggering 0.183 0.007 +triggers 0.174 0.014 +triggs 0.920 0.057 +triglyceride 0.122 0.017 +triglycerides 0.349 0.011 +trigon 0.885 0.047 +trigonal 0.232 0.032 +trigonometric 0.279 0.010 +trigonometry 0.571 0.030 +trigram 0.266 0.035 +trigraphs 0.012 0.000 +trigue 0.841 0.099 +trigun 0.820 0.057 +trihalomethanes 0.504 0.037 +trihydrate 0.216 0.276 +triiodothyronine 0.542 0.017 +trijicon 0.885 0.066 +trike 0.496 0.082 +trikes 0.307 0.024 +trilateral 0.641 0.017 +trilby 0.752 0.087 +trileptal 0.642 0.050 +trilinear 0.243 0.013 +trilingual 0.423 0.019 +trilinos 0.931 0.000 +trill 0.394 0.074 +trillian 0.823 0.011 +trilling 0.700 0.021 +trillion 0.144 0.024 +trillions 0.107 0.021 +trillium 0.877 0.045 +trills 0.148 0.008 +trilobite 0.530 0.043 +trilobites 0.449 0.040 +trilogy 0.630 0.035 +trim 0.408 0.089 +trimaran 0.411 0.056 +trimark 0.969 0.024 +trimble 0.778 0.205 +trimedica 0.915 0.076 +trimer 0.109 0.029 +trimester 0.382 0.019 +trimesters 0.114 0.006 +trimestre 0.128 0.043 +trimethoprim 0.431 0.020 +trimethyl 0.228 0.099 +trimline 0.847 0.060 +trimmed 0.167 0.020 +trimmer 0.671 0.082 +trimmers 0.738 0.025 +trimming 0.289 0.026 +trimmings 0.235 0.023 +trims 0.413 0.033 +trimsize 0.996 0.000 +trimspa 0.481 0.093 +trin 0.545 0.129 +trina 0.385 0.011 +trincomalee 0.952 0.046 +trine 0.545 0.036 +tring 0.560 0.075 +tringa 0.988 0.006 +trinh 0.671 0.036 +trini 0.773 0.084 +trinidad 0.942 0.043 +trinidadian 0.954 0.017 +trinitarian 0.722 0.011 +trinitron 0.778 0.049 +trinity 0.879 0.051 +trinka 0.983 0.008 +trinket 0.564 0.152 +trinkets 0.288 0.046 +trio 0.519 0.076 +triode 0.399 0.055 +triomphe 0.895 0.031 +trion 0.767 0.078 +trios 0.512 0.055 +trioxide 0.199 0.117 +trip 0.325 0.021 +tripadvisor 0.516 0.008 +tripartite 0.315 0.013 +tripathi 0.887 0.057 +tripe 0.213 0.021 +triphasil 0.678 0.007 +triphosphate 0.450 0.019 +triple 0.564 0.060 +tripled 0.024 0.008 +tripler 0.803 0.097 +triples 0.501 0.027 +triplet 0.195 0.050 +triplets 0.401 0.022 +triplett 0.875 0.092 +triplex 0.501 0.056 +triplexes 0.210 0.008 +triplicate 0.128 0.018 +tripling 0.049 0.012 +triploid 0.282 0.014 +triply 0.105 0.025 +tripod 0.591 0.050 +tripods 0.836 0.020 +tripoli 0.894 0.073 +tripos 0.834 0.086 +tripp 0.859 0.118 +tripped 0.057 0.015 +tripper 0.723 0.043 +trippers 0.219 0.020 +trippi 0.921 0.048 +trippin 0.649 0.028 +tripping 0.377 0.030 +tripple 0.173 0.026 +tripplite 0.620 0.347 +trippy 0.256 0.020 +trips 0.374 0.043 +tripso 0.993 0.003 +triptych 0.569 0.042 +tripura 0.953 0.041 +tripwire 0.762 0.019 +tris 0.723 0.120 +trish 0.758 0.025 +trisha 0.884 0.040 +triskele 0.915 0.010 +trisol 0.116 0.020 +trisomy 0.461 0.018 +trisphosphate 0.160 0.032 +trista 0.811 0.026 +tristan 0.915 0.052 +tristania 0.549 0.046 +tristano 0.943 0.041 +tristar 0.750 0.195 +tristate 0.139 0.039 +triste 0.364 0.034 +tristeza 0.557 0.044 +tristram 0.958 0.030 +trite 0.104 0.007 +triticale 0.500 0.040 +triticum 0.948 0.021 +tritium 0.470 0.029 +triton 0.797 0.127 +tritone 0.590 0.057 +tritt 0.641 0.040 +tritton 0.856 0.131 +trium 0.835 0.073 +triumf 0.094 0.890 +triumph 0.510 0.062 +triumphal 0.210 0.011 +triumphant 0.212 0.015 +triumphantly 0.033 0.003 +triumphed 0.032 0.003 +triumphs 0.223 0.013 +triumvirate 0.496 0.018 +triune 0.581 0.020 +triunfo 0.461 0.036 +trivago 0.000 0.009 +trivalent 0.167 0.020 +trivandrum 0.963 0.021 +trivedi 0.932 0.043 +trivet 0.609 0.106 +trivets 0.755 0.032 +trivia 0.678 0.027 +trivial 0.145 0.012 +triviality 0.110 0.007 +trivialize 0.031 0.005 +trivially 0.055 0.000 +trivium 0.227 0.007 +trix 0.604 0.137 +trixie 0.658 0.020 +triz 0.058 0.914 +trk 0.343 0.321 +trl 0.187 0.781 +trleft 0.000 0.000 +trm 0.068 0.782 +trmadol 0.016 0.000 +trmm 0.000 0.990 +trn 0.229 0.568 +trna 0.144 0.628 +trnc 0.000 0.992 +trng 0.533 0.293 +tro 0.217 0.364 +troan 0.993 0.000 +trobe 0.976 0.019 +trocadero 0.710 0.216 +trocar 0.205 0.147 +trod 0.068 0.026 +trodden 0.054 0.005 +troe 0.110 0.055 +trof 0.167 0.783 +trofeo 0.823 0.073 +troff 0.100 0.056 +trog 0.454 0.116 +trogdor 0.729 0.119 +troggs 0.870 0.080 +trogir 0.924 0.042 +troglodytes 0.187 0.007 +trogon 0.906 0.051 +troi 0.738 0.121 +troia 0.324 0.036 +troie 0.093 0.023 +troika 0.735 0.046 +troilus 0.842 0.115 +trois 0.592 0.034 +troj 0.967 0.013 +trojan 0.682 0.043 +trojans 0.772 0.020 +trol 0.087 0.039 +troll 0.511 0.048 +trolled 0.019 0.009 +troller 0.313 0.028 +trolley 0.514 0.049 +trolleys 0.548 0.030 +trolling 0.369 0.050 +trollope 0.939 0.042 +trolls 0.358 0.026 +trolltech 0.966 0.002 +trolly 0.482 0.077 +trols 0.008 0.021 +trom 0.122 0.446 +troma 0.893 0.074 +trombone 0.547 0.070 +trombones 0.572 0.025 +trombonist 0.216 0.006 +tromelin 0.991 0.008 +tromey 0.716 0.000 +tromp 0.715 0.052 +trompe 0.556 0.034 +tromso 0.938 0.040 +tron 0.605 0.131 +trona 0.729 0.135 +tronco 0.125 0.015 +trond 0.967 0.006 +trondheim 0.934 0.029 +trong 0.125 0.009 +tronic 0.458 0.201 +tronics 0.589 0.108 +tronix 0.831 0.061 +troon 0.920 0.041 +troop 0.454 0.027 +trooper 0.681 0.058 +troopers 0.655 0.028 +troops 0.138 0.016 +troost 0.893 0.065 +trop 0.557 0.051 +trope 0.307 0.016 +tropea 0.891 0.040 +tropes 0.299 0.005 +tropez 0.875 0.047 +trophic 0.187 0.017 +trophies 0.547 0.029 +trophoblast 0.127 0.018 +trophoblastic 0.453 0.012 +trophy 0.602 0.043 +tropi 0.736 0.059 +tropic 0.650 0.051 +tropica 0.631 0.049 +tropical 0.536 0.047 +tropicale 0.690 0.034 +tropicalis 0.023 0.005 +tropicals 0.791 0.030 +tropicana 0.775 0.033 +tropico 0.874 0.040 +tropics 0.375 0.027 +tropism 0.173 0.137 +tropo 0.186 0.035 +tropomyosin 0.268 0.043 +troponin 0.395 0.021 +tropopause 0.189 0.041 +tropos 0.730 0.093 +troposphere 0.142 0.022 +tropospheric 0.230 0.023 +troppo 0.415 0.028 +trossachs 0.944 0.032 +trost 0.835 0.068 +trot 0.411 0.057 +troth 0.437 0.031 +trotman 0.925 0.066 +trots 0.269 0.030 +trotsky 0.950 0.020 +trotskyism 0.981 0.007 +trotskyist 0.925 0.004 +trott 0.906 0.077 +trotta 0.936 0.036 +trotted 0.005 0.000 +trotter 0.840 0.089 +trotters 0.812 0.036 +trottier 0.895 0.098 +trotting 0.309 0.030 +trotwood 0.894 0.083 +trotz 0.245 0.004 +trotzdem 0.184 0.000 +trou 0.412 0.109 +troubador 0.800 0.029 +troubadour 0.677 0.037 +troubadours 0.537 0.031 +trouble 0.221 0.013 +troubled 0.209 0.008 +troublemaker 0.401 0.021 +troublemakers 0.182 0.014 +troubleman 0.856 0.045 +troubles 0.183 0.010 +troubleshoot 0.276 0.013 +troubleshooter 0.775 0.024 +troubleshooters 0.691 0.017 +troubleshooting 0.634 0.015 +troublesome 0.099 0.007 +troubling 0.066 0.004 +trough 0.163 0.124 +troughs 0.118 0.026 +troughton 0.890 0.058 +trounce 0.219 0.041 +trounced 0.027 0.009 +troup 0.620 0.054 +troupe 0.336 0.025 +troupes 0.173 0.012 +trousdale 0.861 0.108 +trouser 0.556 0.058 +trousers 0.575 0.060 +trout 0.456 0.035 +troutdale 0.911 0.052 +troutman 0.866 0.109 +troutville 0.912 0.062 +trouve 0.044 0.017 +trouver 0.211 0.017 +trouvez 0.441 0.007 +trova 0.636 0.025 +trovare 0.052 0.007 +trovato 0.426 0.042 +trovatore 0.809 0.060 +trove 0.539 0.017 +trow 0.502 0.113 +trowbridge 0.902 0.055 +trowd 0.000 0.000 +trowel 0.465 0.072 +trowels 0.698 0.023 +trower 0.855 0.081 +troxel 0.932 0.052 +troxell 0.863 0.127 +troxler 0.888 0.090 +troy 0.881 0.072 +troya 0.916 0.034 +troyan 0.902 0.041 +troyer 0.891 0.071 +troyes 0.872 0.050 +trp 0.192 0.745 +trpt 0.803 0.065 +trq 0.025 0.896 +trr 0.033 0.750 +trs 0.023 0.894 +trt 0.092 0.801 +trta 0.002 0.996 +tru 0.497 0.296 +truancy 0.318 0.026 +truant 0.253 0.043 +truax 0.866 0.115 +truc 0.212 0.048 +trucchi 0.125 0.010 +trucco 0.617 0.099 +truce 0.250 0.018 +truck 0.484 0.049 +trucked 0.041 0.006 +truckee 0.898 0.062 +trucker 0.648 0.054 +truckers 0.322 0.021 +truckin 0.680 0.068 +trucking 0.578 0.048 +truckload 0.272 0.022 +truckloads 0.101 0.017 +trucks 0.481 0.031 +truckstop 0.545 0.058 +trucos 0.239 0.013 +trucs 0.319 0.041 +trudeau 0.932 0.045 +trudel 0.881 0.105 +trudge 0.067 0.014 +trudged 0.005 0.000 +trudging 0.104 0.004 +trudi 0.932 0.038 +trudy 0.904 0.048 +true 0.226 0.061 +trueblood 0.882 0.086 +truelove 0.717 0.142 +truely 0.108 0.020 +trueman 0.895 0.088 +truer 0.103 0.006 +truesdale 0.875 0.111 +truest 0.075 0.007 +truetone 0.335 0.038 +truetones 0.701 0.070 +truett 0.922 0.067 +truetype 0.333 0.011 +truex 0.901 0.059 +truffaut 0.935 0.034 +truffle 0.584 0.029 +truffles 0.502 0.023 +truism 0.055 0.005 +truisms 0.334 0.009 +truitt 0.915 0.073 +trujillo 0.907 0.069 +truk 0.735 0.169 +trulia 0.999 0.000 +trulli 0.891 0.040 +trully 0.068 0.021 +truly 0.079 0.009 +trum 0.121 0.059 +truman 0.932 0.048 +trumansburg 0.854 0.107 +trumbo 0.940 0.047 +trumbull 0.905 0.071 +trump 0.774 0.028 +trumped 0.070 0.004 +trumper 0.947 0.031 +trumpet 0.455 0.050 +trumpeted 0.017 0.000 +trumpeter 0.491 0.033 +trumpeters 0.250 0.012 +trumpeting 0.112 0.005 +trumpets 0.379 0.030 +trumps 0.433 0.031 +trunc 0.058 0.333 +truncate 0.120 0.082 +truncated 0.073 0.114 +truncates 0.091 0.008 +truncating 0.194 0.006 +truncation 0.184 0.011 +trundle 0.540 0.053 +trung 0.589 0.019 +trungpa 0.964 0.022 +trunk 0.160 0.024 +trunked 0.522 0.027 +trunking 0.457 0.021 +trunkline 0.447 0.396 +trunks 0.324 0.028 +trunnion 0.397 0.098 +truong 0.790 0.044 +truro 0.921 0.048 +trus 0.445 0.334 +truscott 0.826 0.157 +trushkin 0.982 0.000 +truss 0.621 0.066 +trussardi 0.805 0.148 +trussell 0.853 0.061 +trusses 0.297 0.025 +trussville 0.910 0.066 +trust 0.486 0.032 +truste 0.750 0.129 +trusted 0.520 0.016 +trustedbsd 0.000 0.949 +trustee 0.493 0.039 +trustees 0.653 0.034 +trusteeship 0.357 0.022 +trustful 0.057 0.006 +trusting 0.134 0.007 +trustix 0.919 0.004 +trustkill 0.817 0.098 +trusts 0.504 0.024 +trustworthiness 0.192 0.008 +trustworthy 0.131 0.010 +trusty 0.144 0.017 +truth 0.279 0.023 +truthful 0.060 0.011 +truthfully 0.157 0.006 +truthfulness 0.224 0.010 +truthiness 0.227 0.003 +truthout 0.339 0.009 +truths 0.193 0.012 +truvativ 0.904 0.076 +trux 0.582 0.159 +truxedo 0.881 0.095 +truxton 0.820 0.142 +truy 0.119 0.035 +truyen 0.243 0.012 +truzzi 0.982 0.013 +trv 0.028 0.672 +trw 0.028 0.878 +trwy 0.089 0.010 +trx 0.103 0.759 +try 0.273 0.016 +tryed 0.038 0.011 +trygve 0.944 0.026 +tryin 0.518 0.019 +trying 0.059 0.005 +trymedia 0.957 0.000 +tryna 0.165 0.029 +tryon 0.902 0.076 +tryout 0.392 0.026 +tryouts 0.530 0.042 +tryp 0.870 0.079 +trypanosoma 0.958 0.031 +trypanosomes 0.126 0.020 +trypanosomiasis 0.419 0.015 +trypsin 0.369 0.036 +tryptic 0.249 0.013 +tryptophan 0.368 0.027 +trys 0.114 0.019 +tryst 0.616 0.016 +ts 0.055 0.676 +tsa 0.033 0.908 +tsai 0.914 0.046 +tsang 0.888 0.072 +tsao 0.895 0.049 +tsar 0.711 0.088 +tsarist 0.651 0.006 +tsars 0.517 0.044 +tsavo 0.945 0.028 +tsavorite 0.710 0.071 +tsawwassen 0.980 0.010 +tsb 0.019 0.893 +tsc 0.010 0.870 +tsca 0.003 0.988 +tsch 0.022 0.021 +tschechien 0.072 0.001 +tschechische 0.208 0.005 +tscm 0.005 0.965 +tsd 0.023 0.908 +tse 0.406 0.536 +tseaver 0.000 0.000 +tseng 0.920 0.033 +tsering 0.955 0.023 +tset 0.024 0.047 +tsetse 0.235 0.017 +tsf 0.008 0.900 +tsg 0.014 0.967 +tsh 0.040 0.890 +tshirt 0.378 0.087 +tshirts 0.400 0.017 +tshwane 0.943 0.048 +tsi 0.064 0.825 +tsig 0.013 0.849 +tsilivi 0.717 0.024 +tsim 0.889 0.068 +tsing 0.936 0.038 +tsinghua 0.983 0.009 +tsitsikamma 0.954 0.016 +tsk 0.163 0.227 +tskb 0.000 0.894 +tsl 0.010 0.916 +tsm 0.010 0.923 +tsmc 0.002 0.986 +tsmf 0.000 0.985 +tsn 0.003 0.969 +tsno 0.000 0.982 +tso 0.137 0.827 +tsol 0.084 0.483 +tsonga 0.984 0.008 +tsop 0.030 0.933 +tsp 0.029 0.258 +tsr 0.014 0.954 +tsra 0.000 0.991 +tsrh 0.004 0.409 +tss 0.016 0.925 +tssa 0.000 0.987 +tssop 0.006 0.992 +tst 0.095 0.626 +tstm 0.522 0.451 +tstms 0.050 0.922 +tsu 0.253 0.613 +tsubasa 0.846 0.037 +tsubo 0.818 0.092 +tsuchiya 0.889 0.085 +tsuda 0.933 0.049 +tsuen 0.959 0.030 +tsuga 0.941 0.029 +tsui 0.934 0.049 +tsuji 0.908 0.071 +tsukamoto 0.932 0.055 +tsukasa 0.931 0.016 +tsuki 0.644 0.031 +tsukihime 0.960 0.012 +tsukuba 0.976 0.017 +tsumura 0.967 0.028 +tsun 0.707 0.108 +tsunami 0.511 0.034 +tsunamis 0.333 0.014 +tsung 0.767 0.028 +tsutomu 0.952 0.022 +tsutsui 0.891 0.047 +tsuyoshi 0.912 0.033 +tsv 0.057 0.794 +tsvangirai 0.981 0.016 +tsvn 0.000 0.993 +tsw 0.017 0.901 +tswana 0.959 0.018 +tsx 0.008 0.956 +tsys 0.603 0.250 +tsz 0.336 0.575 +tt 0.385 0.455 +tta 0.004 0.812 +ttab 0.002 0.910 +ttb 0.009 0.901 +ttc 0.004 0.868 +ttcn 0.000 0.917 +ttd 0.003 0.979 +tte 0.019 0.574 +ttf 0.002 0.762 +ttff 0.000 0.336 +ttfn 0.007 0.796 +ttfonts 0.000 0.024 +ttg 0.005 0.799 +tth 0.032 0.838 +tthe 0.254 0.018 +tthhee 0.000 0.213 +tti 0.011 0.790 +ttk 0.034 0.829 +ttl 0.016 0.792 +ttlb 0.000 0.988 +ttm 0.001 0.399 +ttn 0.019 0.690 +tto 0.037 0.516 +ttoo 0.027 0.175 +ttorney 0.000 0.210 +ttp 0.005 0.679 +ttpp 0.000 0.991 +ttr 0.016 0.851 +tts 0.023 0.793 +ttt 0.006 0.726 +tttt 0.006 0.447 +ttu 0.006 0.948 +ttv 0.012 0.818 +ttw 0.014 0.877 +ttx 0.013 0.834 +tty 0.018 0.700 +ttyl 0.022 0.183 +ttys 0.011 0.093 +tu 0.488 0.191 +tua 0.177 0.184 +tual 0.026 0.012 +tualatin 0.909 0.054 +tually 0.005 0.000 +tuam 0.820 0.021 +tuan 0.832 0.078 +tuareg 0.772 0.060 +tuaw 0.001 0.991 +tub 0.566 0.027 +tuba 0.604 0.108 +tubac 0.926 0.055 +tubal 0.651 0.016 +tuban 0.980 0.009 +tubas 0.570 0.024 +tubb 0.857 0.119 +tubbs 0.894 0.076 +tubby 0.753 0.068 +tube 0.325 0.049 +tubed 0.367 0.056 +tubeless 0.485 0.079 +tuber 0.250 0.024 +tuberc 0.987 0.005 +tubercle 0.166 0.040 +tuberculin 0.301 0.030 +tuberculosis 0.361 0.023 +tuberculous 0.216 0.032 +tuberose 0.563 0.021 +tuberosum 0.031 0.023 +tuberous 0.449 0.020 +tubers 0.252 0.017 +tubes 0.341 0.040 +tubey 0.974 0.000 +tubi 0.160 0.128 +tubing 0.385 0.082 +tubingen 0.962 0.033 +tubman 0.862 0.045 +tubo 0.328 0.067 +tubos 0.498 0.047 +tubs 0.541 0.023 +tubular 0.332 0.036 +tubule 0.129 0.011 +tubules 0.232 0.006 +tubulin 0.202 0.044 +tuc 0.121 0.768 +tucan 0.847 0.046 +tucano 0.832 0.119 +tucci 0.929 0.044 +tuchman 0.779 0.213 +tuck 0.661 0.033 +tuckahoe 0.926 0.056 +tucked 0.135 0.005 +tucker 0.877 0.086 +tuckerman 0.897 0.080 +tuckerton 0.866 0.106 +tucking 0.098 0.005 +tucks 0.459 0.017 +tucows 0.914 0.059 +tucson 0.909 0.043 +tucuman 0.903 0.051 +tucumcari 0.863 0.119 +tud 0.045 0.383 +tudalen 0.573 0.014 +tude 0.056 0.029 +tudent 0.003 0.790 +tudes 0.076 0.014 +tudies 0.000 0.859 +tudjman 0.923 0.068 +tudo 0.403 0.040 +tudor 0.862 0.064 +tudors 0.934 0.040 +tudy 0.143 0.750 +tue 0.972 0.020 +tuebingen 0.915 0.026 +tuen 0.863 0.078 +tuer 0.707 0.024 +tues 0.910 0.059 +tuesday 0.962 0.029 +tuesdays 0.947 0.026 +tuf 0.330 0.564 +tufa 0.361 0.071 +tuff 0.602 0.137 +tuffy 0.818 0.087 +tufnell 0.947 0.023 +tufo 0.861 0.078 +tuft 0.298 0.032 +tufte 0.947 0.010 +tufted 0.489 0.037 +tuftonboro 0.927 0.070 +tufts 0.838 0.032 +tug 0.295 0.103 +tugboat 0.487 0.058 +tugboats 0.515 0.015 +tugged 0.008 0.001 +tuggeranong 0.888 0.104 +tugging 0.060 0.004 +tuggle 0.879 0.109 +tugjob 0.268 0.004 +tugjobs 0.236 0.012 +tugrik 0.985 0.003 +tugs 0.307 0.039 +tuh 0.044 0.208 +tui 0.347 0.315 +tuileries 0.933 0.029 +tuin 0.172 0.007 +tuinen 0.096 0.005 +tuition 0.403 0.048 +tuitions 0.214 0.029 +tujunga 0.826 0.092 +tuk 0.337 0.188 +tukey 0.957 0.019 +tukwila 0.911 0.057 +tul 0.443 0.476 +tula 0.849 0.050 +tulalip 0.783 0.051 +tulane 0.959 0.025 +tulare 0.882 0.090 +tularemia 0.474 0.028 +tularensis 0.011 0.011 +tularosa 0.878 0.093 +tulbagh 0.980 0.015 +tule 0.692 0.065 +tulear 0.927 0.030 +tuli 0.847 0.041 +tulia 0.759 0.209 +tulip 0.723 0.080 +tulipa 0.934 0.015 +tulips 0.626 0.028 +tull 0.854 0.075 +tullahoma 0.881 0.096 +tullamarine 0.831 0.116 +tullamore 0.911 0.047 +tulle 0.456 0.088 +tullio 0.937 0.041 +tullis 0.880 0.101 +tullius 0.977 0.015 +tulloch 0.923 0.063 +tullow 0.954 0.040 +tully 0.906 0.070 +tulsa 0.903 0.056 +tulsi 0.844 0.044 +tulum 0.928 0.019 +tum 0.361 0.147 +tuma 0.859 0.065 +tumba 0.745 0.036 +tumble 0.560 0.022 +tumbled 0.261 0.023 +tumbler 0.625 0.075 +tumblers 0.653 0.057 +tumbles 0.163 0.033 +tumbleweed 0.816 0.038 +tumbleweeds 0.615 0.035 +tumbling 0.326 0.029 +tumbnails 0.318 0.000 +tumefaciens 0.005 0.024 +tumescent 0.621 0.008 +tumi 0.759 0.136 +tummies 0.160 0.011 +tummy 0.485 0.024 +tumor 0.238 0.015 +tumorigenesis 0.080 0.016 +tumorigenic 0.167 0.112 +tumors 0.175 0.016 +tumour 0.138 0.011 +tumours 0.108 0.009 +tums 0.592 0.239 +tumult 0.122 0.016 +tumultuous 0.046 0.003 +tumut 0.831 0.160 +tumwater 0.890 0.076 +tun 0.418 0.196 +tuna 0.441 0.053 +tunable 0.327 0.037 +tunas 0.567 0.052 +tunbridge 0.915 0.048 +tunc 0.148 0.583 +tundra 0.613 0.045 +tune 0.320 0.028 +tuned 0.102 0.018 +tuneful 0.102 0.008 +tunel 0.146 0.702 +tuner 0.559 0.048 +tuners 0.664 0.021 +tunes 0.357 0.036 +tuneup 0.347 0.033 +tung 0.782 0.046 +tungsten 0.738 0.036 +tunguska 0.931 0.043 +tunic 0.431 0.051 +tunica 0.554 0.035 +tunics 0.366 0.026 +tuning 0.385 0.027 +tunings 0.274 0.020 +tunis 0.926 0.040 +tunisia 0.945 0.044 +tunisian 0.972 0.011 +tunisie 0.752 0.064 +tunities 0.043 0.017 +tunity 0.013 0.008 +tunkhannock 0.834 0.120 +tunnel 0.350 0.026 +tunneled 0.101 0.004 +tunneling 0.326 0.011 +tunnell 0.805 0.114 +tunnelling 0.365 0.022 +tunnels 0.259 0.019 +tunney 0.935 0.033 +tunning 0.037 0.004 +tuns 0.597 0.089 +tunstall 0.798 0.087 +tunturi 0.872 0.090 +tuo 0.092 0.027 +tuohy 0.938 0.055 +tuoi 0.085 0.011 +tuolumne 0.892 0.078 +tuomas 0.898 0.008 +tuong 0.745 0.033 +tuote 0.070 0.011 +tup 0.173 0.455 +tupac 0.772 0.049 +tupe 0.090 0.838 +tupelo 0.868 0.060 +tuple 0.064 0.022 +tuples 0.075 0.004 +tupolev 0.945 0.037 +tuppence 0.516 0.019 +tupper 0.866 0.100 +tupperware 0.713 0.113 +tur 0.285 0.381 +tura 0.636 0.241 +turabian 0.886 0.102 +tural 0.012 0.031 +turan 0.906 0.072 +turandot 0.904 0.065 +turb 0.553 0.290 +turba 0.254 0.009 +turban 0.339 0.031 +turbans 0.297 0.014 +turbid 0.100 0.020 +turbidity 0.347 0.041 +turbine 0.389 0.045 +turbines 0.204 0.052 +turbo 0.715 0.073 +turbocharged 0.215 0.016 +turbocharger 0.447 0.023 +turbochargers 0.561 0.017 +turboesprit 0.000 0.000 +turbojet 0.231 0.048 +turbolinux 0.869 0.102 +turbomachinery 0.642 0.040 +turbonegro 0.822 0.097 +turboprop 0.448 0.019 +turbos 0.635 0.013 +turbot 0.379 0.041 +turbotax 0.300 0.091 +turbulence 0.253 0.034 +turbulent 0.207 0.020 +turck 0.653 0.210 +turco 0.831 0.073 +turcotte 0.909 0.074 +turd 0.307 0.040 +turds 0.319 0.049 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0.214 0.015 +turnabout 0.560 0.032 +turnage 0.864 0.105 +turnaround 0.261 0.020 +turnarounds 0.208 0.011 +turnberry 0.933 0.040 +turnbuckle 0.403 0.085 +turnbull 0.916 0.066 +turndown 0.613 0.014 +turned 0.026 0.004 +turner 0.875 0.072 +turners 0.716 0.103 +turnersville 0.851 0.105 +turney 0.873 0.102 +turnhout 0.621 0.347 +turnin 0.310 0.024 +turning 0.213 0.014 +turnings 0.271 0.029 +turnip 0.433 0.040 +turnips 0.262 0.023 +turnkey 0.407 0.025 +turnoff 0.180 0.021 +turnout 0.245 0.040 +turnouts 0.151 0.025 +turnover 0.213 0.020 +turnovers 0.261 0.102 +turnovo 0.888 0.073 +turnovr 0.000 1.000 +turnpike 0.817 0.043 +turns 0.117 0.009 +turnstile 0.349 0.038 +turnstiles 0.270 0.016 +turnstone 0.867 0.045 +turntable 0.496 0.060 +turntables 0.723 0.020 +turntablism 0.659 0.025 +turntablists 0.883 0.004 +turok 0.855 0.059 +turow 0.956 0.033 +turp 0.269 0.649 +turpentine 0.325 0.033 +turpin 0.875 0.102 +turpis 0.006 0.000 +turpitude 0.083 0.023 +turquesa 0.920 0.026 +turquie 0.465 0.062 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0.027 +tutankhamun 0.884 0.031 +tute 0.159 0.037 +tutelage 0.028 0.003 +tutes 0.167 0.021 +tuthill 0.917 0.072 +tuticorin 0.903 0.080 +tution 0.112 0.018 +tutions 0.034 0.009 +tuto 0.312 0.149 +tutor 0.495 0.023 +tutored 0.140 0.005 +tutorial 0.514 0.025 +tutoriales 0.551 0.019 +tutorials 0.646 0.014 +tutoring 0.503 0.016 +tutors 0.370 0.014 +tuts 0.490 0.163 +tutsi 0.975 0.005 +tutsis 0.979 0.010 +tutt 0.807 0.148 +tutta 0.176 0.015 +tutte 0.368 0.023 +tutti 0.527 0.038 +tuttle 0.922 0.065 +tutto 0.245 0.022 +tutu 0.728 0.054 +tutwiler 0.756 0.229 +tuuli 0.836 0.018 +tuv 0.036 0.898 +tuva 0.802 0.152 +tuvalu 0.948 0.050 +tuvok 0.942 0.040 +tux 0.538 0.183 +tuxedo 0.606 0.072 +tuxedos 0.717 0.023 +tuxes 0.846 0.006 +tuxpaint 0.053 0.000 +tuy 0.738 0.022 +tuyen 0.503 0.069 +tuzla 0.931 0.052 +tv 0.021 0.872 +tva 0.013 0.913 +tvb 0.014 0.540 +tvc 0.002 0.976 +tvd 0.018 0.827 +tve 0.024 0.810 +tver 0.945 0.025 +tversky 0.983 0.013 +tvf 0.009 0.732 +tvg 0.005 0.925 +tvi 0.014 0.896 +tvilum 0.984 0.010 +tvl 0.100 0.826 +tvm 0.048 0.822 +tvn 0.009 0.743 +tvnz 0.002 0.976 +tvo 0.046 0.741 +tvp 0.014 0.782 +tvpg 0.000 0.994 +tvr 0.048 0.896 +tvs 0.188 0.390 +tvt 0.054 0.861 +tvu 0.010 0.711 +tvw 0.002 0.983 +tw 0.056 0.636 +twa 0.054 0.843 +twaddle 0.410 0.027 +twain 0.520 0.060 +twang 0.357 0.047 +twangy 0.097 0.012 +twas 0.558 0.063 +twat 0.151 0.027 +twats 0.157 0.035 +twatt 0.040 0.006 +twatts 0.000 0.000 +twayne 0.973 0.009 +twb 0.022 0.817 +twc 0.008 0.948 +twd 0.003 0.975 +twe 0.044 0.772 +tweak 0.371 0.016 +tweaked 0.116 0.011 +tweaker 0.537 0.037 +tweakers 0.684 0.007 +tweaking 0.290 0.004 +tweaks 0.456 0.011 +twee 0.191 0.025 +tweed 0.710 0.067 +tweeddale 0.901 0.096 +tweede 0.346 0.022 +tweedehands 0.201 0.000 +tweeden 0.605 0.011 +tweedie 0.949 0.036 +tweedle 0.784 0.048 +tweedsmuir 0.977 0.019 +tweedy 0.830 0.047 +tweek 0.420 0.034 +tweeks 0.698 0.062 +tween 0.221 0.011 +tweenies 0.836 0.102 +tweens 0.350 0.237 +tweet 0.701 0.070 +tweeter 0.565 0.038 +tweeters 0.422 0.087 +tweety 0.688 0.104 +tweezer 0.567 0.094 +tweezerman 0.871 0.101 +tweezers 0.443 0.061 +twelfth 0.514 0.030 +twelve 0.282 0.020 +twente 0.956 0.019 +twenties 0.196 0.009 +twentieth 0.378 0.016 +twenty 0.261 0.019 +twentynine 0.821 0.086 +twentyone 0.027 0.008 +twentysomething 0.331 0.026 +twf 0.050 0.785 +twg 0.008 0.917 +twh 0.030 0.830 +twi 0.375 0.521 +twice 0.085 0.017 +twickenham 0.924 0.039 +twiddle 0.319 0.026 +twiddling 0.092 0.005 +twig 0.393 0.072 +twigg 0.899 0.070 +twiggs 0.931 0.048 +twiggy 0.698 0.065 +twigs 0.175 0.020 +twiki 0.017 0.001 +twila 0.924 0.045 +twilight 0.792 0.025 +twill 0.635 0.039 +twillingate 0.909 0.029 +twin 0.606 0.060 +twinax 0.678 0.149 +twine 0.361 0.083 +twined 0.078 0.007 +twinge 0.043 0.004 +twinhan 0.699 0.120 +twinhead 0.610 0.364 +twining 0.593 0.064 +twinings 0.934 0.032 +twink 0.245 0.009 +twinkie 0.853 0.013 +twinkies 0.699 0.042 +twinkle 0.547 0.041 +twinkled 0.013 0.000 +twinkling 0.158 0.013 +twinks 0.088 0.005 +twinlab 0.806 0.079 +twinmos 0.543 0.397 +twinn 0.905 0.042 +twinned 0.139 0.014 +twinning 0.442 0.027 +twinroom 0.600 0.000 +twins 0.553 0.031 +twinsburg 0.886 0.084 +twinstuff 0.921 0.000 +twinx 0.398 0.557 +twirl 0.447 0.046 +twirled 0.037 0.005 +twirling 0.330 0.031 +twirls 0.159 0.024 +twisp 0.833 0.072 +twiss 0.857 0.097 +twist 0.407 0.042 +twista 0.860 0.045 +twisted 0.431 0.029 +twister 0.720 0.099 +twisters 0.617 0.053 +twisting 0.139 0.009 +twists 0.095 0.009 +twisty 0.381 0.013 +twistys 0.708 0.092 +twit 0.227 0.154 +twitch 0.364 0.025 +twitched 0.007 0.000 +twitchell 0.893 0.100 +twitches 0.119 0.017 +twitching 0.073 0.008 +twitchy 0.148 0.009 +twits 0.432 0.039 +twitty 0.851 0.096 +twix 0.673 0.072 +twixt 0.336 0.026 +twiztid 0.086 0.003 +twl 0.007 0.964 +twm 0.079 0.421 +twn 0.021 0.101 +two 0.167 0.014 +twofish 0.642 0.100 +twofold 0.039 0.003 +twoftpd 0.000 0.000 +twombly 0.896 0.066 +twomey 0.907 0.068 +twos 0.287 0.046 +twosome 0.333 0.023 +twp 0.689 0.274 +twr 0.114 0.834 +twra 0.070 0.257 +tws 0.086 0.848 +twsocket 0.000 0.000 +twsp 0.742 0.216 +twst 0.011 0.938 +twt 0.010 0.841 +twu 0.026 0.935 +twv 0.004 0.919 +twwly 0.992 0.000 +twx 0.023 0.911 +twyford 0.934 0.044 +twyla 0.932 0.033 +twyman 0.933 0.056 +tx 0.035 0.937 +txc 0.021 0.841 +txd 0.023 0.859 +txl 0.018 0.900 +txn 0.096 0.436 +txne 0.000 0.991 +txo 0.007 0.946 +txp 0.256 0.545 +txs 0.064 0.725 +txt 0.028 0.496 +txu 0.008 0.916 +ty 0.368 0.237 +tyagi 0.885 0.054 +tyan 0.669 0.278 +tybee 0.903 0.038 +tyc 0.037 0.898 +tyce 0.979 0.013 +tycho 0.928 0.033 +tyco 0.787 0.145 +tycoon 0.728 0.024 +tycoons 0.245 0.037 +tydfil 0.925 0.027 +tye 0.638 0.062 +tyee 0.831 0.097 +tyers 0.661 0.252 +tyf 0.005 0.098 +tyg 0.502 0.345 +tyger 0.895 0.036 +tygo 0.970 0.023 +tygon 0.513 0.431 +tyhe 0.151 0.008 +tying 0.255 0.022 +tyke 0.517 0.035 +tykes 0.650 0.061 +tyl 0.575 0.262 +tyla 0.802 0.134 +tyldesley 0.930 0.062 +tyle 0.396 0.223 +tylene 0.799 0.006 +tylenol 0.677 0.028 +tyler 0.891 0.048 +tylko 0.286 0.008 +tylor 0.862 0.035 +tym 0.248 0.111 +tyme 0.643 0.061 +tymers 0.185 0.009 +tymes 0.427 0.031 +tymoshenko 0.973 0.018 +tympanic 0.202 0.013 +tyn 0.686 0.195 +tynan 0.895 0.040 +tyndale 0.952 0.039 +tyndall 0.911 0.070 +tyne 0.948 0.028 +tynedale 0.960 0.033 +tynemouth 0.854 0.031 +tyner 0.884 0.095 +tynes 0.817 0.087 +tyneside 0.976 0.015 +tyngsboro 0.921 0.053 +tyo 0.103 0.435 +typ 0.361 0.261 +type 0.435 0.039 +typecast 0.130 0.024 +typed 0.115 0.024 +typedef 0.025 0.002 +typedefs 0.424 0.012 +typeface 0.217 0.006 +typefaces 0.190 0.010 +typeinfo 0.005 0.005 +typemap 0.041 0.035 +typename 0.007 0.018 +typeof 0.013 0.118 +typepad 0.631 0.009 +typer 0.475 0.047 +types 0.274 0.012 +typescript 0.326 0.012 +typeset 0.239 0.017 +typesetter 0.192 0.032 +typesetting 0.322 0.045 +typestyle 0.505 0.012 +typewriter 0.627 0.025 +typewriters 0.473 0.024 +typewriting 0.515 0.050 +typewritten 0.132 0.017 +typha 0.949 0.019 +typhi 0.312 0.012 +typhimurium 0.205 0.023 +typhoid 0.400 0.022 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0.921 0.068 +tyrwhitt 0.983 0.013 +tys 0.089 0.682 +tysabri 0.886 0.100 +tyskland 0.971 0.011 +tyson 0.883 0.061 +tysons 0.889 0.065 +tytu 0.521 0.025 +tyumen 0.961 0.030 +tyvek 0.828 0.087 +tz 0.078 0.724 +tzadik 0.779 0.097 +tze 0.689 0.108 +tzedakah 0.682 0.016 +tzid 0.000 0.969 +tzs 0.001 0.992 +tzu 0.802 0.036 +u 0.585 0.000 +ua 0.047 0.761 +uaa 0.007 0.967 +uab 0.010 0.974 +uac 0.008 0.957 +uacc 0.000 0.974 +uad 0.021 0.838 +uae 0.034 0.904 +uaf 0.002 0.980 +uag 0.018 0.909 +uah 0.007 0.983 +uahoo 0.000 0.000 +uai 0.009 0.914 +ual 0.007 0.408 +uality 0.008 0.735 +ualr 0.007 0.966 +uals 0.000 0.027 +uam 0.027 0.873 +uams 0.003 0.987 +uan 0.055 0.738 +uap 0.028 0.752 +uar 0.023 0.632 +uars 0.004 0.982 +uart 0.023 0.860 +uas 0.015 0.880 +uat 0.016 0.771 +uate 0.005 0.039 +uation 0.000 0.010 +uav 0.015 0.953 +uaw 0.007 0.980 +uaz 0.032 0.880 +ub 0.063 0.753 +uba 0.171 0.718 +ubb 0.009 0.892 +ubc 0.005 0.974 +ubd 0.009 0.935 +ube 0.263 0.565 +uber 0.678 0.046 +ubernostrum 0.000 0.000 +ubersite 0.976 0.001 +ubf 0.022 0.690 +ubi 0.604 0.286 +ubid 0.185 0.086 +ubik 0.602 0.083 +ubin 0.813 0.103 +ubiquinol 0.199 0.055 +ubiquinone 0.187 0.057 +ubiquitin 0.223 0.064 +ubiquitination 0.188 0.007 +ubiquitous 0.187 0.005 +ubiquitously 0.051 0.011 +ubiquity 0.447 0.058 +ubisoft 0.949 0.037 +ubl 0.026 0.734 +ublic 0.000 0.783 +ubnd 0.000 0.978 +ubon 0.938 0.040 +ubp 0.038 0.893 +ubr 0.010 0.689 +ubs 0.011 0.950 +ubu 0.570 0.315 +ubud 0.950 0.014 +ubuntu 0.832 0.006 +ubyssey 0.697 0.235 +uc 0.013 0.920 +uca 0.089 0.857 +ucables 0.599 0.299 +ucan 0.106 0.793 +ucar 0.039 0.856 +ucas 0.018 0.950 +ucb 0.004 0.775 +ucc 0.007 0.907 +uccs 0.000 0.973 +ucd 0.002 0.887 +uce 0.012 0.876 +ucf 0.026 0.873 +ucfv 0.000 0.986 +ucg 0.009 0.943 +uch 0.093 0.403 +uchaf 0.436 0.023 +uchar 0.024 0.219 +uche 0.857 0.016 +uchel 0.091 0.009 +uchi 0.471 0.046 +uchida 0.926 0.054 +uchiyama 0.834 0.146 +uci 0.006 0.946 +ucita 0.015 0.975 +ucits 0.024 0.969 +uck 0.089 0.477 +uckfield 0.958 0.030 +ucl 0.002 0.943 +ucla 0.009 0.966 +uclibc 0.001 0.001 +uclick 0.058 0.000 +uclinux 0.007 0.029 +ucluelet 0.976 0.015 +ucm 0.018 0.840 +ucmj 0.000 0.980 +ucn 0.027 0.948 +uco 0.252 0.700 +ucol 0.009 0.963 +uconn 0.421 0.464 +ucop 0.005 0.959 +ucp 0.006 0.912 +ucr 0.004 0.963 +ucrel 0.000 0.037 +ucrl 0.000 0.997 +ucs 0.006 0.797 +ucsb 0.005 0.967 +ucsc 0.003 0.963 +ucsd 0.004 0.963 +ucsf 0.011 0.970 +ucspi 0.000 0.023 +uct 0.014 0.581 +ucts 0.000 0.025 +ucu 0.016 0.942 +ucw 0.004 0.874 +ucx 0.006 0.954 +ud 0.072 0.706 +uda 0.173 0.713 +udaipur 0.968 0.019 +udall 0.842 0.137 +udate 0.446 0.019 +uday 0.907 0.021 +udb 0.004 0.968 +udc 0.034 0.926 +udder 0.363 0.030 +uddi 0.024 0.846 +uddin 0.841 0.053 +ude 0.265 0.167 +udeb 0.002 0.017 +udell 0.848 0.132 +uden 0.479 0.055 +udev 0.017 0.010 +udf 0.008 0.854 +udg 0.036 0.816 +udget 0.000 0.847 +udgiver 0.915 0.000 +udhr 0.000 0.992 +udi 0.306 0.514 +udig 0.018 0.189 +udine 0.840 0.043 +udinese 0.957 0.031 +udit 0.541 0.328 +udl 0.018 0.882 +udld 0.000 0.685 +udm 0.011 0.872 +udma 0.010 0.862 +udo 0.695 0.251 +udocs 0.000 0.000 +udon 0.682 0.118 +udot 0.020 0.943 +udp 0.005 0.789 +udrp 0.000 0.947 +uds 0.040 0.822 +udt 0.012 0.858 +udupi 0.949 0.037 +udy 0.132 0.758 +udyog 0.854 0.126 +ue 0.045 0.728 +uea 0.008 0.949 +ueber 0.268 0.037 +uec 0.012 0.935 +ued 0.037 0.164 +ueda 0.919 0.064 +uefa 0.076 0.881 +uehara 0.878 0.050 +uei 0.066 0.872 +uel 0.069 0.769 +uematsu 0.935 0.023 +uemura 0.856 0.047 +uen 0.084 0.791 +uence 0.000 0.007 +ueno 0.920 0.054 +uer 0.011 0.884 +ues 0.011 0.396 +uf 0.039 0.826 +ufa 0.486 0.483 +ufc 0.026 0.896 +ufcw 0.004 0.988 +ufd 0.009 0.904 +ufe 0.056 0.866 +uff 0.253 0.490 +ufficiale 0.196 0.026 +ufficio 0.425 0.018 +uffizi 0.930 0.019 +ufi 0.298 0.496 +ufj 0.009 0.956 +ufl 0.051 0.771 +ufm 0.017 0.921 +ufn 0.019 0.900 +ufo 0.034 0.699 +ufoc 0.145 0.841 +ufos 0.207 0.335 +ufp 0.016 0.875 +ufs 0.009 0.597 +ufsd 0.050 0.939 +uft 0.011 0.874 +ufw 0.006 0.966 +ug 0.043 0.498 +uga 0.026 0.927 +uganda 0.951 0.042 +ugandan 0.975 0.010 +ugandans 0.984 0.007 +ugarte 0.929 0.043 +ugas 0.136 0.519 +ugb 0.008 0.959 +ugc 0.006 0.946 +uge 0.168 0.366 +ugg 0.490 0.233 +uggabugga 0.671 0.000 +uggs 0.437 0.078 +ugh 0.461 0.104 +ugi 0.102 0.579 +uglier 0.065 0.008 +uglies 0.538 0.088 +ugliest 0.233 0.019 +ugliness 0.074 0.023 +ugly 0.286 0.029 +ugm 0.000 0.033 +ugn 0.010 0.925 +ugo 0.354 0.560 +ugric 0.956 0.014 +ugs 0.018 0.905 +ugss 0.000 0.718 +ugsu 0.000 0.800 +ugu 0.195 0.556 +ugur 0.911 0.035 +ugust 0.000 0.822 +ugx 0.000 0.987 +ugz 0.004 0.713 +uh 0.340 0.222 +uhaul 0.258 0.092 +uhc 0.022 0.824 +uhci 0.000 0.547 +uhe 0.081 0.821 +uher 0.219 0.769 +uhf 0.010 0.944 +uhh 0.360 0.098 +uhhh 0.465 0.027 +uhhhh 0.435 0.045 +uhi 0.063 0.856 +uhl 0.586 0.363 +uhlig 0.940 0.051 +uhlmann 0.898 0.059 +uhlsport 0.703 0.027 +uhm 0.391 0.202 +uhmw 0.018 0.882 +uhn 0.547 0.269 +uhp 0.021 0.923 +uhr 0.764 0.027 +uhrde 0.000 0.000 +uhren 0.724 0.029 +uhs 0.013 0.810 +uht 0.110 0.797 +uhu 0.155 0.723 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0.849 0.056 +ulladulla 0.880 0.109 +ullah 0.832 0.064 +ullamcorper 0.003 0.000 +ullapool 0.960 0.026 +uller 0.131 0.112 +ulli 0.874 0.077 +ullin 0.798 0.145 +ullman 0.925 0.044 +ullmann 0.947 0.033 +ulloa 0.886 0.075 +ullrich 0.949 0.032 +ullswater 0.926 0.051 +ulm 0.642 0.148 +ulmer 0.924 0.056 +ulmus 0.913 0.035 +uln 0.023 0.937 +ulna 0.220 0.039 +ulnar 0.221 0.026 +ulogd 0.016 0.009 +ulong 0.046 0.449 +ulp 0.027 0.690 +ulric 0.739 0.231 +ulrich 0.952 0.028 +ulrik 0.949 0.019 +ulrika 0.818 0.019 +ulrike 0.953 0.018 +uls 0.017 0.907 +ulsan 0.937 0.041 +ulster 0.937 0.043 +ult 0.224 0.372 +ulta 0.477 0.306 +ultegra 0.911 0.051 +ulterior 0.148 0.007 +ulti 0.352 0.178 +ultima 0.805 0.050 +ultimas 0.312 0.028 +ultimate 0.523 0.038 +ultimately 0.166 0.002 +ultimates 0.710 0.150 +ultimatum 0.229 0.020 +ultime 0.367 0.033 +ultimi 0.446 0.019 +ultimo 0.633 0.053 +ultra 0.660 0.067 +ultrabay 0.803 0.133 +ultracentrifugation 0.390 0.018 +ultracet 0.354 0.005 +ultracompact 0.273 0.004 +ultradev 0.183 0.007 +ultrafast 0.511 0.047 +ultrafiltration 0.297 0.116 +ultrafine 0.421 0.091 +ultraflex 0.884 0.025 +ultrahigh 0.337 0.071 +ultralast 0.840 0.155 +ultralife 0.859 0.134 +ultralight 0.599 0.046 +ultralights 0.621 0.040 +ultralingua 0.955 0.007 +ultralink 0.546 0.446 +ultralite 0.773 0.093 +ultram 0.186 0.006 +ultramafic 0.162 0.020 +ultraman 0.786 0.133 +ultramarine 0.626 0.062 +ultramix 0.739 0.235 +ultramobile 0.991 0.000 +ultramodern 0.589 0.000 +ultraportable 0.366 0.021 +ultrapure 0.342 0.242 +ultras 0.488 0.061 +ultraseek 0.975 0.008 +ultrashort 0.258 0.042 +ultrasoft 0.578 0.035 +ultrasone 0.948 0.036 +ultrasonic 0.499 0.047 +ultrasonics 0.689 0.075 +ultrasonography 0.295 0.007 +ultrasound 0.438 0.025 +ultrasounds 0.444 0.006 +ultrastar 0.828 0.127 +ultrastructural 0.366 0.032 +ultrastructure 0.064 0.009 +ultratec 0.987 0.008 +ultrathin 0.372 0.051 +ultraviolet 0.392 0.069 +ultravox 0.846 0.102 +ultrawideband 0.745 0.006 +ultrium 0.853 0.117 +ultrix 0.586 0.252 +ultron 0.931 0.046 +ulty 0.038 0.011 +ulu 0.516 0.378 +uludag 0.665 0.040 +uluru 0.958 0.019 +ulv 0.042 0.906 +ulver 0.836 0.105 +ulverston 0.834 0.069 +ulverstone 0.781 0.146 +uly 0.061 0.787 +ulysse 0.888 0.073 +ulysses 0.886 0.068 +um 0.213 0.244 +uma 0.384 0.122 +umaga 0.820 0.021 +umami 0.503 0.027 +uman 0.283 0.522 +umansky 0.972 0.013 +umar 0.934 0.033 +umart 0.984 0.007 +umask 0.030 0.044 +umass 0.144 0.732 +umatilla 0.905 0.070 +umax 0.394 0.484 +umb 0.033 0.766 +umbc 0.021 0.964 +umber 0.238 0.478 +umberto 0.908 0.038 +umbilical 0.207 0.011 +umbra 0.563 0.038 +umbrage 0.131 0.007 +umbral 0.411 0.014 +umbrella 0.407 0.030 +umbrellas 0.604 0.019 +umbrello 0.298 0.000 +umbria 0.895 0.032 +umbrian 0.937 0.022 +umbro 0.891 0.082 +umc 0.008 0.961 +umcor 0.000 0.996 +umcp 0.001 0.990 +umd 0.007 0.957 +umdnj 0.007 0.980 +ume 0.169 0.213 +umea 0.927 0.054 +umeda 0.931 0.054 +umes 0.022 0.606 +umesh 0.776 0.027 +umf 0.015 0.938 +umfragen 0.985 0.000 +umg 0.013 0.943 +umgebung 0.841 0.006 +umh 0.070 0.843 +umhlanga 0.939 0.024 +umhs 0.000 0.996 +umi 0.230 0.671 +umist 0.020 0.972 +umit 0.829 0.083 +umkc 0.007 0.982 +umkleidekabine 0.000 0.000 +umkleideraum 0.000 0.000 +uml 0.029 0.832 +umlaut 0.287 0.019 +umlauts 0.173 0.002 +umls 0.005 0.956 +umm 0.496 0.107 +umma 0.576 0.137 +ummah 0.755 0.017 +ummary 0.000 0.961 +ummc 0.000 0.989 +ummm 0.478 0.018 +ummmm 0.525 0.037 +umn 0.012 0.510 +umno 0.269 0.695 +umo 0.075 0.711 +umount 0.012 0.010 +ump 0.102 0.652 +umphrey 0.914 0.070 +umpire 0.426 0.032 +umpires 0.607 0.048 +umpiring 0.442 0.092 +umpqua 0.911 0.075 +umpteen 0.056 0.008 +umpteenth 0.041 0.004 +umr 0.010 0.966 +umra 0.227 0.713 +umrah 0.896 0.047 +ums 0.053 0.552 +umsl 0.000 0.927 +umsonst 0.015 0.002 +umt 0.012 0.912 +umtata 0.860 0.134 +umts 0.006 0.949 +umuc 0.004 0.968 +umw 0.015 0.933 +umwelt 0.947 0.020 +un 0.093 0.439 +una 0.159 0.059 +unabashed 0.093 0.004 +unabashedly 0.090 0.000 +unabated 0.051 0.006 +unable 0.131 0.006 +unabomber 0.872 0.034 +unabridged 0.778 0.045 +unac 0.042 0.750 +unacceptable 0.083 0.016 +unacceptably 0.035 0.007 +unaccompanied 0.207 0.022 +unaccountable 0.047 0.005 +unaccounted 0.155 0.019 +unaccustomed 0.072 0.004 +unachievable 0.026 0.000 +unacknowledged 0.080 0.007 +unacquainted 0.017 0.000 +unaddressed 0.168 0.040 +unadilla 0.836 0.134 +unadjusted 0.287 0.108 +unadorned 0.083 0.002 +unadulterated 0.133 0.013 +unadvertised 0.215 0.017 +unaffected 0.047 0.005 +unaffiliated 0.284 0.015 +unaffordable 0.045 0.006 +unafraid 0.143 0.012 +unaided 0.084 0.007 +unaids 0.004 0.990 +unaired 0.207 0.072 +unalakleet 0.893 0.089 +unalaska 0.873 0.117 +unalienable 0.173 0.012 +unaligned 0.154 0.013 +unallocated 0.470 0.099 +unallowable 0.212 0.025 +unalloyed 0.115 0.010 +unalterable 0.034 0.004 +unaltered 0.038 0.011 +unam 0.068 0.757 +unambiguous 0.032 0.002 +unambiguously 0.008 0.002 +uname 0.009 0.022 +unamortized 0.387 0.015 +unamsil 0.009 0.985 +unanimity 0.064 0.005 +unanimous 0.141 0.025 +unanimously 0.037 0.058 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0.181 +usim 0.004 0.974 +usin 0.099 0.082 +usine 0.185 0.092 +usiness 0.009 0.629 +using 0.151 0.007 +usis 0.013 0.938 +usitc 0.000 0.997 +usj 0.020 0.913 +usk 0.576 0.297 +usl 0.008 0.950 +usleep 0.000 0.021 +usm 0.007 0.960 +usma 0.024 0.931 +usman 0.753 0.114 +usmc 0.019 0.929 +usmle 0.035 0.879 +usms 0.000 0.995 +usn 0.008 0.920 +usna 0.028 0.932 +usnm 0.000 0.996 +usno 0.004 0.966 +usnr 0.002 0.990 +usns 0.000 0.976 +uso 0.102 0.320 +usoc 0.001 0.991 +usp 0.020 0.908 +uspap 0.000 0.996 +usps 0.002 0.966 +uspstf 0.000 0.971 +uspto 0.003 0.988 +usq 0.007 0.950 +usr 0.001 0.018 +usra 0.018 0.954 +uss 0.010 0.948 +ussa 0.012 0.906 +ussc 0.005 0.923 +ussd 0.004 0.492 +ussery 0.879 0.114 +ussf 0.000 0.994 +ussite 0.000 0.028 +ussr 0.005 0.981 +usssa 0.019 0.911 +ussy 0.028 0.012 +ust 0.077 0.758 +usta 0.037 0.898 +ustad 0.936 0.031 +ustar 0.006 0.024 +ustc 0.000 0.975 +usted 0.232 0.030 +ustedes 0.185 0.054 +usti 0.919 0.044 +ustice 0.009 0.899 +ustinov 0.946 0.044 +ustr 0.061 0.862 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0.925 0.047 +uto 0.253 0.281 +utopia 0.684 0.081 +utopian 0.358 0.014 +utopias 0.496 0.019 +utp 0.006 0.969 +utpa 0.000 0.994 +utr 0.018 0.808 +utra 0.097 0.813 +utran 0.004 0.988 +utrecht 0.893 0.024 +utrition 0.805 0.127 +uts 0.014 0.891 +utsa 0.013 0.965 +utt 0.291 0.474 +uttar 0.917 0.073 +uttaranchal 0.954 0.034 +utter 0.108 0.014 +utterance 0.052 0.005 +utterances 0.060 0.004 +utterback 0.925 0.056 +uttered 0.014 0.001 +uttering 0.061 0.018 +utterly 0.059 0.005 +uttermost 0.362 0.012 +utters 0.316 0.016 +utton 0.121 0.078 +uttoxeter 0.643 0.032 +utu 0.199 0.653 +uture 0.000 0.829 +utv 0.039 0.892 +utz 0.812 0.122 +uu 0.609 0.293 +uua 0.002 0.960 +uuc 0.007 0.907 +uucp 0.005 0.452 +uudecode 0.029 0.052 +uuencode 0.069 0.116 +uuencoded 0.048 0.035 +uug 0.007 0.636 +uuid 0.028 0.442 +uum 0.046 0.356 +uunet 0.016 0.641 +uuo 0.036 0.933 +uup 0.020 0.925 +uur 0.044 0.099 +uut 0.077 0.634 +uuu 0.118 0.572 +uuuu 0.007 0.194 +uv 0.013 0.903 +uva 0.123 0.694 +uvalde 0.875 0.084 +uvb 0.006 0.963 +uvc 0.003 0.984 +uve 0.299 0.101 +uveitis 0.426 0.013 +uvex 0.652 0.251 +uvf 0.006 0.908 +uvh 0.834 0.121 +uvi 0.014 0.948 +uvic 0.191 0.711 +uvm 0.003 0.792 +uvp 0.012 0.764 +uvr 0.018 0.891 +uvs 0.117 0.712 +uvsc 0.003 0.976 +uvula 0.244 0.034 +uvw 0.007 0.765 +uvwxyz 0.000 0.951 +uw 0.034 0.864 +uwa 0.013 0.962 +uwb 0.002 0.981 +uwc 0.005 0.932 +uwch 0.478 0.030 +uwe 0.793 0.171 +uwec 0.025 0.955 +uwf 0.004 0.964 +uwharrie 0.966 0.021 +uwi 0.016 0.854 +uwic 0.012 0.978 +uwin 0.065 0.727 +uwm 0.004 0.949 +uwo 0.010 0.932 +uwp 0.007 0.889 +uws 0.005 0.910 +uwsp 0.002 0.978 +ux 0.032 0.834 +uxbridge 0.932 0.050 +uxga 0.005 0.975 +uxo 0.009 0.974 +uy 0.184 0.300 +uyghur 0.963 0.021 +uygur 0.936 0.023 +uyp 0.001 0.976 +uyu 0.014 0.932 +uz 0.122 0.599 +uzb 0.106 0.840 +uzbek 0.940 0.047 +uzbekistan 0.949 0.044 +uzbeks 0.977 0.010 +uzi 0.595 0.238 +v 0.623 0.000 +va 0.043 0.878 +vaa 0.202 0.540 +vaal 0.910 0.058 +vaas 0.731 0.061 +vaasa 0.922 0.065 +vaastu 0.830 0.082 +vab 0.055 0.801 +vac 0.301 0.574 +vaca 0.616 0.097 +vacaciones 0.083 0.009 +vacances 0.310 0.016 +vacancies 0.468 0.026 +vacancy 0.298 0.035 +vacant 0.376 0.042 +vacanza 0.089 0.008 +vacanze 0.200 0.013 +vacate 0.080 0.036 +vacated 0.038 0.031 +vacating 0.145 0.061 +vacation 0.515 0.015 +vacationer 0.337 0.036 +vacationers 0.217 0.006 +vacationing 0.230 0.007 +vacations 0.673 0.012 +vacature 0.168 0.007 +vacatures 0.442 0.007 +vacaville 0.893 0.059 +vacc 0.434 0.292 +vacca 0.844 0.056 +vaccaro 0.920 0.053 +vaccinate 0.319 0.019 +vaccinated 0.043 0.009 +vaccinating 0.167 0.012 +vaccination 0.254 0.018 +vaccinations 0.259 0.015 +vaccine 0.253 0.019 +vaccines 0.316 0.021 +vaccinia 0.268 0.020 +vaccinium 0.960 0.013 +vaccum 0.398 0.043 +vaccuum 0.220 0.024 +vache 0.601 0.041 +vacheron 0.906 0.031 +vachon 0.876 0.085 +vachs 0.948 0.021 +vaclav 0.958 0.025 +vacs 0.671 0.138 +vaction 0.329 0.020 +vacu 0.794 0.044 +vacua 0.082 0.020 +vacum 0.241 0.059 +vacuo 0.031 0.005 +vacuolar 0.156 0.052 +vacuole 0.065 0.006 +vacuoles 0.168 0.003 +vacuous 0.074 0.006 +vacuum 0.494 0.036 +vacuumed 0.037 0.008 +vacuuming 0.272 0.010 +vacuums 0.760 0.018 +vad 0.184 0.513 +vada 0.542 0.143 +vade 0.619 0.063 +vadem 0.981 0.016 +vaden 0.865 0.114 +vader 0.849 0.072 +vadim 0.919 0.044 +vadis 0.740 0.085 +vadnais 0.874 0.113 +vado 0.533 0.061 +vadodara 0.906 0.078 +vadose 0.354 0.043 +vaduz 0.955 0.023 +vae 0.293 0.457 +vag 0.142 0.636 +vaga 0.697 0.219 +vagabond 0.751 0.053 +vagabonds 0.422 0.057 +vagal 0.139 0.010 +vagaries 0.053 0.005 +vagas 0.822 0.014 +vagina 0.111 0.009 +vaginal 0.282 0.013 +vaginalis 0.045 0.015 +vaginally 0.022 0.006 +vaginas 0.109 0.005 +vaginitis 0.465 0.012 +vaginosis 0.355 0.011 +vagotomy 0.357 0.013 +vagrancy 0.418 0.032 +vagrant 0.503 0.063 +vagrants 0.196 0.020 +vague 0.076 0.009 +vaguely 0.064 0.003 +vagueness 0.177 0.008 +vagus 0.404 0.019 +vagy 0.041 0.014 +vah 0.400 0.364 +vahid 0.863 0.030 +vai 0.442 0.141 +vaidya 0.927 0.032 +vaidyanathan 0.961 0.022 +vail 0.920 0.041 +vailable 0.000 0.341 +vaile 0.884 0.101 +vaillancourt 0.870 0.089 +vaillant 0.850 0.082 +vain 0.097 0.012 +vainglory 0.068 0.011 +vainio 0.872 0.114 +vainly 0.056 0.001 +vaio 0.188 0.720 +vair 0.125 0.028 +vais 0.116 0.047 +vaisala 0.917 0.073 +vaishali 0.911 0.040 +vaishnava 0.936 0.012 +vaja 0.849 0.023 +vajda 0.627 0.044 +vajpayee 0.985 0.010 +vajra 0.821 0.031 +vajrayana 0.903 0.015 +vakantie 0.068 0.003 +vakantiehuisje 0.977 0.000 +vakanties 0.530 0.001 +vakil 0.939 0.035 +vaknin 0.962 0.028 +val 0.394 0.302 +vala 0.724 0.129 +valacyclovir 0.442 0.043 +valais 0.943 0.019 +valance 0.546 0.059 +valances 0.600 0.040 +valar 0.964 0.010 +valarie 0.905 0.067 +valarray 0.013 0.000 +valbonne 0.850 0.129 +valco 0.791 0.119 +valcom 0.860 0.133 +valdecoxib 0.353 0.014 +valdemar 0.931 0.025 +valderrama 0.947 0.031 +valdes 0.911 0.056 +valdez 0.910 0.064 +valdiff 0.000 0.000 +valdis 0.974 0.010 +valdivia 0.921 0.047 +valdosta 0.944 0.034 +vale 0.760 0.157 +valedictorian 0.355 0.016 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0.019 +valiant 0.593 0.037 +valiantly 0.017 0.003 +valic 0.315 0.666 +valid 0.272 0.022 +validate 0.226 0.010 +validated 0.135 0.012 +validates 0.184 0.004 +validating 0.298 0.008 +validation 0.383 0.020 +validations 0.352 0.011 +validator 0.460 0.006 +validators 0.341 0.007 +valide 0.248 0.019 +validity 0.111 0.013 +validly 0.006 0.004 +valie 0.843 0.112 +valier 0.732 0.074 +valign 0.006 0.128 +valin 0.929 0.034 +valine 0.495 0.030 +valis 0.457 0.172 +valise 0.416 0.031 +valium 0.141 0.005 +valjean 0.951 0.030 +valk 0.858 0.051 +valkenburg 0.927 0.051 +valkyrie 0.815 0.057 +valkyries 0.870 0.032 +vall 0.718 0.125 +valla 0.695 0.195 +valladolid 0.835 0.036 +vallance 0.879 0.087 +vallarta 0.883 0.021 +valle 0.869 0.065 +vallee 0.888 0.081 +vallejo 0.869 0.081 +vallely 0.898 0.056 +valles 0.862 0.084 +valletta 0.947 0.035 +valley 0.834 0.059 +valleys 0.283 0.036 +valleyview 0.951 0.029 +valli 0.933 0.033 +vallis 0.864 0.065 +vallon 0.843 0.103 +vallone 0.927 0.058 +valls 0.880 0.065 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0.039 +vandiver 0.883 0.102 +vandoren 0.884 0.098 +vandread 0.796 0.045 +vandross 0.866 0.080 +vandy 0.784 0.041 +vane 0.471 0.059 +vanek 0.868 0.119 +vaneli 0.949 0.013 +vanes 0.299 0.039 +vanessa 0.807 0.049 +vang 0.569 0.036 +vangelis 0.582 0.052 +vango 0.886 0.054 +vanguard 0.798 0.068 +vanguards 0.711 0.118 +vanhanen 0.983 0.011 +vani 0.648 0.119 +vania 0.503 0.040 +vanier 0.936 0.055 +vanilla 0.479 0.048 +vanille 0.424 0.128 +vanilli 0.421 0.026 +vanillin 0.253 0.095 +vaniqa 0.551 0.019 +vanish 0.094 0.012 +vanished 0.097 0.008 +vanishes 0.110 0.011 +vanishing 0.417 0.027 +vanities 0.602 0.022 +vanity 0.553 0.039 +vanmark 0.938 0.029 +vann 0.859 0.082 +vanna 0.773 0.037 +vannelli 0.884 0.081 +vannes 0.839 0.062 +vannet 0.012 0.981 +vanni 0.900 0.045 +vanpool 0.449 0.019 +vanquish 0.473 0.025 +vanquished 0.111 0.007 +vans 0.571 0.053 +vanstone 0.920 0.071 +vant 0.138 0.055 +vantaa 0.935 0.050 +vantage 0.555 0.082 +vantec 0.763 0.226 +vanuatu 0.949 0.045 +vanuit 0.068 0.011 +vanunu 0.961 0.028 +vanya 0.897 0.032 +vanzant 0.904 0.058 +vanzari 0.782 0.005 +vanzetti 0.926 0.037 +vao 0.151 0.351 +vap 0.109 0.657 +vapi 0.970 0.022 +vapid 0.127 0.007 +vapor 0.318 0.063 +vaporization 0.181 0.015 +vaporize 0.060 0.020 +vaporized 0.042 0.016 +vaporizer 0.545 0.043 +vaporizers 0.737 0.015 +vapors 0.172 0.063 +vaporware 0.256 0.010 +vapour 0.231 0.028 +vapours 0.101 0.011 +vaquero 0.720 0.075 +var 0.040 0.053 +vara 0.273 0.067 +varad 0.876 0.076 +varadarajan 0.954 0.030 +varadero 0.933 0.020 +varanasi 0.948 0.034 +varargs 0.092 0.040 +varas 0.754 0.042 +varchar 0.020 0.328 +vard 0.192 0.069 +varda 0.891 0.044 +varden 0.867 0.029 +vardenafil 0.351 0.010 +vardi 0.951 0.017 +vards 0.012 0.026 +vardy 0.928 0.041 +vare 0.327 0.107 +varekai 0.847 0.023 +varela 0.925 0.053 +varese 0.845 0.069 +varga 0.873 0.072 +vargas 0.896 0.066 +varghese 0.883 0.052 +vargo 0.924 0.058 +vari 0.257 0.062 +varia 0.380 0.086 +variabilis 0.020 0.074 +variability 0.124 0.012 +variable 0.195 0.022 +variablename 0.002 0.945 +variables 0.127 0.017 +variably 0.113 0.045 +varian 0.806 0.131 +variance 0.185 0.022 +variances 0.158 0.022 +variant 0.184 0.069 +variants 0.181 0.016 +varias 0.170 0.028 +variate 0.078 0.015 +variation 0.178 0.019 +variational 0.276 0.022 +variationen 0.964 0.014 +variations 0.199 0.015 +variax 0.878 0.054 +varicella 0.422 0.025 +varices 0.319 0.014 +varick 0.937 0.049 +varicocele 0.371 0.011 +varicose 0.483 0.016 +varie 0.372 0.047 +varied 0.046 0.004 +variegata 0.445 0.045 +variegated 0.425 0.039 +varies 0.107 0.007 +varietal 0.630 0.010 +varietals 0.372 0.034 +varieties 0.141 0.014 +variety 0.074 0.008 +varifocal 0.702 0.056 +varig 0.691 0.187 +varina 0.923 0.051 +vario 0.785 0.093 +variogram 0.169 0.014 +variola 0.492 0.011 +varios 0.400 0.065 +various 0.190 0.020 +variously 0.031 0.002 +varitek 0.883 0.033 +varity 0.304 0.064 +varius 0.207 0.024 +varla 0.944 0.012 +varley 0.911 0.065 +varma 0.887 0.040 +varmint 0.561 0.062 +varna 0.857 0.065 +varname 0.015 0.136 +varner 0.895 0.080 +varney 0.883 0.100 +varnish 0.365 0.051 +varnished 0.165 0.016 +varnishes 0.398 0.037 +varnum 0.821 0.129 +varo 0.594 0.289 +varon 0.829 0.039 +varro 0.945 0.034 +varroa 0.579 0.020 +vars 0.184 0.063 +varsity 0.706 0.050 +varta 0.790 0.176 +vartan 0.890 0.047 +varun 0.865 0.055 +varuna 0.934 0.026 +varus 0.615 0.024 +varvatos 0.876 0.106 +vary 0.030 0.007 +varying 0.053 0.011 +vas 0.274 0.346 +vasa 0.693 0.118 +vasant 0.923 0.052 +vasari 0.916 0.057 +vasc 0.744 0.217 +vasca 0.153 0.013 +vasche 0.059 0.000 +vasco 0.721 0.066 +vasconcelos 0.930 0.043 +vascular 0.442 0.021 +vasculature 0.077 0.008 +vasculitis 0.307 0.012 +vase 0.508 0.110 +vasectomy 0.418 0.020 +vased 0.575 0.000 +vasel 0.989 0.005 +vaseline 0.546 0.065 +vases 0.610 0.039 +vasey 0.864 0.114 +vash 0.756 0.055 +vashem 0.949 0.021 +vashon 0.917 0.045 +vashti 0.904 0.045 +vasi 0.275 0.518 +vasil 0.922 0.056 +vasile 0.916 0.059 +vasili 0.915 0.021 +vasilis 0.850 0.089 +vasily 0.964 0.021 +vaso 0.407 0.080 +vasoactive 0.364 0.014 +vasoconstriction 0.209 0.005 +vasoconstrictor 0.365 0.006 +vasodilation 0.231 0.005 +vasodilator 0.521 0.006 +vasodilators 0.290 0.056 +vasomotor 0.256 0.013 +vasopressin 0.211 0.020 +vasospasm 0.198 0.007 +vasotec 0.676 0.050 +vasp 0.099 0.827 +vasque 0.950 0.021 +vasquez 0.889 0.066 +vass 0.748 0.186 +vassal 0.188 0.051 +vassalboro 0.896 0.090 +vassallo 0.945 0.042 +vassals 0.071 0.003 +vassar 0.921 0.052 +vasseur 0.866 0.064 +vassilis 0.953 0.026 +vassily 0.887 0.019 +vast 0.064 0.015 +vaste 0.159 0.017 +vasters 0.995 0.000 +vastly 0.026 0.006 +vastness 0.045 0.005 +vastu 0.869 0.022 +vasu 0.932 0.015 +vasudeva 0.678 0.014 +vasudevan 0.940 0.030 +vat 0.039 0.848 +vata 0.611 0.095 +vate 0.050 0.043 +vated 0.000 0.008 +vater 0.767 0.085 +vatican 0.937 0.048 +vaticano 0.757 0.039 +vation 0.009 0.011 +vations 0.014 0.012 +vats 0.127 0.143 +vatterott 0.971 0.016 +vatton 0.505 0.083 +vatu 0.976 0.003 +vau 0.640 0.172 +vaucanson 0.386 0.000 +vaucluse 0.911 0.043 +vaud 0.888 0.049 +vaude 0.835 0.112 +vaudeville 0.426 0.024 +vaudreuil 0.935 0.039 +vaughan 0.899 0.071 +vaughn 0.900 0.070 +vaught 0.884 0.095 +vault 0.733 0.038 +vaulted 0.194 0.025 +vaulting 0.359 0.014 +vaults 0.782 0.009 +vaunted 0.013 0.002 +vaux 0.880 0.086 +vauxhall 0.859 0.108 +vav 0.243 0.562 +vavin 0.919 0.014 +vaw 0.026 0.903 +vawa 0.003 0.992 +vawter 0.943 0.047 +vax 0.168 0.644 +vay 0.236 0.131 +vaya 0.643 0.105 +vaz 0.792 0.165 +vazirani 0.985 0.006 +vazquez 0.894 0.065 +vb 0.039 0.814 +vba 0.014 0.898 +vbac 0.006 0.957 +vbc 0.021 0.854 +vbd 0.009 0.846 +vbe 0.042 0.706 +vbg 0.010 0.854 +vbi 0.011 0.862 +vbn 0.006 0.873 +vbox 0.043 0.067 +vbp 0.011 0.919 +vbr 0.006 0.875 +vbs 0.015 0.786 +vbscript 0.106 0.060 +vbulletin 0.220 0.010 +vbv 0.014 0.169 +vbz 0.005 0.694 +vc 0.036 0.814 +vca 0.071 0.897 +vcalendar 0.010 0.748 +vcam 0.025 0.949 +vcaps 0.859 0.061 +vcard 0.100 0.195 +vcat 0.009 0.861 +vcb 0.107 0.827 +vcc 0.252 0.698 +vcci 0.002 0.990 +vccs 0.000 0.967 +vcd 0.017 0.837 +vcds 0.117 0.588 +vce 0.039 0.922 +vcf 0.012 0.850 +vcg 0.008 0.737 +vch 0.054 0.890 +vchkpw 0.000 0.000 +vci 0.029 0.803 +vcl 0.016 0.839 +vcm 0.216 0.754 +vcn 0.018 0.857 +vco 0.009 0.933 +vcom 0.132 0.651 +vcon 0.116 0.640 +vcore 0.577 0.081 +vcp 0.017 0.878 +vcr 0.027 0.876 +vcrs 0.273 0.147 +vcs 0.020 0.827 +vcsel 0.007 0.981 +vct 0.014 0.942 +vcu 0.016 0.955 +vcx 0.092 0.882 +vd 0.106 0.616 +vda 0.126 0.760 +vdata 0.990 0.002 +vdb 0.078 0.757 +vdc 0.179 0.792 +vdd 0.233 0.688 +vde 0.028 0.886 +vdet 0.175 0.814 +vdf 0.018 0.837 +vdh 0.028 0.938 +vdi 0.012 0.942 +vdl 0.009 0.865 +vdm 0.029 0.881 +vdo 0.035 0.910 +vdot 0.008 0.975 +vdp 0.018 0.906 +vdr 0.006 0.385 +vds 0.074 0.664 +vdsl 0.007 0.934 +vdt 0.012 0.773 +vdu 0.015 0.910 +vdw 0.013 0.749 +ve 0.063 0.230 +vea 0.508 0.307 +veach 0.784 0.089 +veal 0.519 0.044 +veale 0.873 0.115 +veatch 0.933 0.060 +veb 0.011 0.963 +veba 0.536 0.452 +veblen 0.952 0.033 +vec 0.134 0.309 +vecchi 0.586 0.169 +vecchia 0.684 0.050 +vecchio 0.745 0.047 +veces 0.069 0.018 +vechten 0.886 0.027 +vect 0.179 0.147 +vectis 0.888 0.076 +vector 0.263 0.031 +vectored 0.170 0.020 +vectorial 0.172 0.009 +vectorization 0.275 0.008 +vectorized 0.106 0.032 +vectors 0.179 0.012 +vectra 0.763 0.137 +vectrex 0.969 0.007 +ved 0.232 0.112 +veda 0.778 0.121 +vedanta 0.923 0.022 +vedas 0.925 0.021 +vedder 0.903 0.051 +vedere 0.187 0.005 +vedi 0.673 0.031 +vedic 0.864 0.039 +vedio 0.169 0.031 +vedios 0.038 0.000 +vedra 0.906 0.056 +vedral 0.987 0.008 +vee 0.623 0.185 +veeco 0.854 0.113 +veeder 0.883 0.095 +veel 0.191 0.014 +veen 0.863 0.038 +veena 0.778 0.047 +veendam 0.937 0.024 +veenstra 0.959 0.033 +veep 0.538 0.123 +veer 0.583 0.043 +veered 0.018 0.012 +veering 0.094 0.079 +veers 0.142 0.032 +vef 0.028 0.872 +veg 0.580 0.078 +vega 0.780 0.106 +vegan 0.592 0.022 +veganism 0.609 0.005 +vegans 0.333 0.034 +vegas 0.788 0.030 +vegastrike 0.028 0.000 +vege 0.393 0.061 +vegemite 0.673 0.032 +vegeta 0.654 0.038 +vegetable 0.427 0.033 +vegetables 0.325 0.019 +vegetal 0.357 0.028 +vegetarian 0.597 0.015 +vegetarianism 0.443 0.013 +vegetarians 0.354 0.013 +vegetated 0.122 0.012 +vegetation 0.186 0.016 +vegetative 0.157 0.014 +vegf 0.007 0.984 +veggie 0.588 0.034 +veggies 0.333 0.019 +vegicaps 0.536 0.101 +vegreville 0.973 0.020 +vegs 0.246 0.018 +veh 0.335 0.417 +vehemence 0.236 0.037 +vehement 0.042 0.004 +vehemently 0.011 0.003 +vehi 0.133 0.045 +vehicle 0.316 0.027 +vehicles 0.403 0.024 +vehicular 0.294 0.036 +vehicule 0.420 0.018 +vei 0.150 0.359 +veiga 0.890 0.081 +veil 0.346 0.053 +veiled 0.227 0.010 +veiling 0.207 0.009 +veillard 0.947 0.004 +veille 0.050 0.004 +veils 0.445 0.038 +veilside 0.880 0.027 +vein 0.177 0.016 +veined 0.192 0.034 +veins 0.185 0.020 +veirs 0.905 0.056 +veit 0.826 0.036 +veitch 0.874 0.112 +veith 0.939 0.051 +veiw 0.176 0.036 +vej 0.613 0.057 +veja 0.767 0.014 +vejle 0.949 0.022 +vek 0.783 0.083 +vel 0.546 0.093 +vela 0.592 0.058 +velar 0.175 0.012 +velarde 0.905 0.058 +velas 0.469 0.036 +velasco 0.886 0.069 +velasquez 0.889 0.056 +velazquez 0.874 0.091 +velba 0.207 0.017 +velbon 0.872 0.117 +velcro 0.634 0.071 +veld 0.379 0.055 +velde 0.928 0.048 +velden 0.836 0.037 +vele 0.331 0.028 +velez 0.891 0.063 +velform 0.523 0.148 +velg 0.866 0.011 +velha 0.754 0.032 +velho 0.703 0.052 +veli 0.772 0.036 +veliko 0.935 0.022 +velingrad 0.951 0.034 +velit 0.014 0.000 +vell 0.640 0.071 +vella 0.904 0.050 +velleman 0.839 0.132 +vellore 0.934 0.035 +vellum 0.574 0.066 +velma 0.861 0.103 +velmont 0.146 0.000 +velo 0.775 0.090 +veloc 0.380 0.040 +veloce 0.697 0.063 +velocidad 0.195 0.031 +velocimetry 0.422 0.029 +velociraptor 0.632 0.101 +velocities 0.054 0.012 +velocity 0.253 0.028 +velociworld 0.990 0.000 +velodrome 0.737 0.019 +velodyne 0.892 0.051 +velomobile 0.843 0.000 +velop 0.000 0.006 +veloped 0.000 0.000 +velopment 0.002 0.010 +veloso 0.922 0.042 +velour 0.550 0.086 +velox 0.814 0.046 +velux 0.457 0.364 +velveeta 0.714 0.096 +velvet 0.622 0.065 +velveteen 0.731 0.028 +velvets 0.599 0.054 +velvety 0.105 0.011 +velvia 0.890 0.033 +vem 0.313 0.247 +ven 0.525 0.138 +vena 0.306 0.028 +venable 0.870 0.116 +venables 0.940 0.046 +venal 0.099 0.009 +venango 0.908 0.068 +vence 0.857 0.059 +vend 0.444 0.102 +venda 0.709 0.016 +vende 0.232 0.037 +vendee 0.617 0.060 +vendeen 0.952 0.024 +vender 0.267 0.024 +venders 0.268 0.014 +vendetta 0.675 0.059 +vendeur 0.299 0.029 +vending 0.500 0.036 +vendio 0.988 0.009 +vendita 0.085 0.013 +vendo 0.256 0.055 +vendome 0.854 0.112 +vendor 0.365 0.300 +vendors 0.328 0.013 +vendre 0.121 0.158 +vendredi 0.358 0.028 +vene 0.335 0.082 +venecia 0.768 0.040 +venedig 0.375 0.005 +veneer 0.404 0.032 +veneered 0.234 0.028 +veneers 0.411 0.010 +venegas 0.901 0.066 +venema 0.980 0.009 +veneman 0.935 0.050 +venera 0.878 0.068 +venerable 0.276 0.006 +venerate 0.030 0.007 +venerated 0.069 0.004 +veneration 0.104 0.007 +venere 0.817 0.045 +venereal 0.292 0.023 +veneta 0.761 0.121 +venetia 0.857 0.096 +venetian 0.818 0.043 +venetians 0.912 0.011 +veneto 0.906 0.025 +venez 0.499 0.143 +venezia 0.717 0.069 +veneziana 0.940 0.006 +veneziano 0.825 0.074 +venezuela 0.935 0.047 +venezuelan 0.976 0.008 +venezuelans 0.981 0.010 +vengaboys 0.496 0.027 +vengeance 0.490 0.026 +vengeful 0.154 0.006 +vengence 0.406 0.040 +veni 0.801 0.051 +veniam 0.014 0.000 +venice 0.905 0.032 +venipuncture 0.217 0.018 +venir 0.056 0.032 +venis 0.869 0.035 +venise 0.687 0.069 +venison 0.425 0.034 +venizelos 0.951 0.038 +venkat 0.852 0.024 +venkata 0.848 0.084 +venkataraman 0.927 0.042 +venkatesh 0.924 0.032 +venkman 0.693 0.087 +venla 0.987 0.003 +venlafaxine 0.338 0.014 +venlo 0.843 0.050 +venn 0.797 0.032 +venner 0.733 0.078 +venom 0.607 0.050 +venomous 0.309 0.015 +venoms 0.656 0.043 +venous 0.198 0.016 +vent 0.402 0.059 +venta 0.230 0.027 +ventana 0.617 0.035 +ventas 0.496 0.047 +vente 0.118 0.016 +vented 0.373 0.040 +venter 0.879 0.035 +ventes 0.265 0.022 +venti 0.677 0.034 +ventilate 0.276 0.070 +ventilated 0.209 0.023 +ventilating 0.463 0.030 +ventilation 0.317 0.029 +ventilator 0.302 0.022 +ventilators 0.431 0.024 +ventilatory 0.151 0.011 +ventimiglia 0.887 0.055 +venting 0.294 0.024 +vention 0.008 0.010 +ventless 0.471 0.023 +ventnor 0.854 0.078 +vento 0.738 0.118 +ventolin 0.803 0.056 +ventral 0.092 0.008 +ventre 0.651 0.034 +ventricle 0.077 0.008 +ventricles 0.383 0.005 +ventricular 0.187 0.010 +ventrilo 0.817 0.012 +ventriloquism 0.467 0.061 +ventriloquist 0.445 0.025 +vents 0.263 0.048 +ventshade 0.922 0.065 +ventspils 0.943 0.043 +ventura 0.895 0.056 +venture 0.447 0.022 +ventured 0.017 0.002 +venturer 0.696 0.184 +venturers 0.657 0.013 +ventures 0.587 0.033 +venturi 0.802 0.034 +venturing 0.306 0.011 +ventus 0.922 0.031 +venu 0.757 0.021 +venue 0.467 0.043 +venues 0.478 0.015 +venus 0.881 0.053 +venusian 0.885 0.020 +venuto 0.191 0.011 +veo 0.508 0.197 +veolia 0.928 0.064 +vep 0.187 0.700 +ver 0.371 0.083 +vera 0.725 0.104 +veracity 0.073 0.007 +veracruz 0.905 0.044 +veranda 0.360 0.030 +verandah 0.339 0.015 +verandahs 0.299 0.012 +verandas 0.258 0.008 +verano 0.553 0.056 +veranstaltungen 0.904 0.013 +verantwortlich 0.239 0.000 +verapamil 0.361 0.020 +veras 0.458 0.031 +verb 0.144 0.032 +verba 0.622 0.026 +verbal 0.183 0.013 +verbalize 0.063 0.004 +verbally 0.038 0.007 +verband 0.739 0.033 +verbatim 0.523 0.138 +verbeek 0.928 0.039 +verbena 0.726 0.053 +verbiage 0.086 0.007 +verbier 0.901 0.021 +verbindung 0.483 0.007 +verbo 0.103 0.024 +verbose 0.124 0.065 +verbosity 0.509 0.014 +verboten 0.072 0.013 +verbotener 0.000 0.000 +verbs 0.223 0.017 +verbum 0.642 0.030 +vercelli 0.907 0.031 +verdad 0.261 0.037 +verdana 0.762 0.003 +verdant 0.270 0.012 +verde 0.906 0.049 +verden 0.484 0.043 +verder 0.175 0.012 +verdes 0.841 0.046 +verdi 0.884 0.067 +verdict 0.253 0.026 +verdicts 0.321 0.020 +verdienen 0.032 0.003 +verdier 0.896 0.057 +verdigris 0.673 0.047 +verdin 0.876 0.063 +verdon 0.896 0.056 +verdugo 0.892 0.071 +verdun 0.885 0.086 +verdure 0.270 0.020 +vere 0.802 0.065 +vereeniging 0.922 0.062 +verein 0.931 0.028 +vereinigte 0.972 0.010 +vereinigung 0.959 0.021 +verena 0.893 0.042 +verenigde 0.929 0.040 +vereniging 0.733 0.050 +verfahren 0.909 0.031 +verga 0.708 0.063 +vergara 0.779 0.042 +vergata 0.888 0.028 +verge 0.215 0.023 +vergence 0.163 0.005 +vergennes 0.891 0.089 +verger 0.717 0.064 +verges 0.227 0.060 +vergessen 0.041 0.005 +vergeten 0.046 0.013 +vergewaltigt 0.006 0.000 +verghese 0.972 0.021 +vergil 0.919 0.038 +verging 0.122 0.004 +vergist 0.000 0.000 +vergleich 0.595 0.006 +vergleichen 0.742 0.000 +vergne 0.926 0.053 +verhaal 0.109 0.015 +verhalen 0.309 0.058 +verheugen 0.908 0.082 +verheyen 0.953 0.036 +verhindern 0.008 0.000 +verhoef 0.962 0.033 +verhoeven 0.942 0.033 +verhuur 0.173 0.047 +veri 0.228 0.095 +verifiability 0.330 0.006 +verifiable 0.087 0.011 +verifica 0.236 0.021 +verification 0.289 0.020 +verifications 0.320 0.013 +verified 0.260 0.088 +verifier 0.377 0.069 +verifiers 0.428 0.017 +verifies 0.124 0.026 +verifone 0.737 0.178 +verify 0.222 0.016 +verifying 0.249 0.009 +verilog 0.567 0.014 +verilux 0.911 0.013 +verily 0.451 0.004 +verino 0.805 0.191 +verio 0.742 0.137 +verion 0.240 0.010 +verisign 0.917 0.020 +verisimilitude 0.187 0.009 +verison 0.408 0.015 +veritable 0.039 0.006 +veritas 0.550 0.383 +verite 0.427 0.054 +veriton 0.933 0.053 +verity 0.877 0.019 +veriuni 0.799 0.189 +verizon 0.838 0.028 +verjaardag 0.029 0.002 +verkaik 0.492 0.014 +verkauf 0.477 0.035 +verkaufen 0.091 0.003 +verkehr 0.505 0.018 +verkoop 0.274 0.022 +verla 0.787 0.047 +verlag 0.960 0.022 +verlaine 0.881 0.041 +verleih 0.622 0.008 +verlichting 0.064 0.034 +verlinden 0.905 0.055 +verloren 0.226 0.012 +verma 0.912 0.048 +vermeer 0.860 0.052 +vermeil 0.788 0.085 +vermeulen 0.933 0.038 +vermicelli 0.399 0.032 +vermiculite 0.258 0.043 +vermilion 0.823 0.069 +vermillion 0.778 0.061 +vermin 0.279 0.022 +vermont 0.943 0.028 +vermonters 0.986 0.008 +vermouth 0.456 0.035 +vermox 0.885 0.013 +vern 0.881 0.060 +verna 0.853 0.067 +vernacular 0.335 0.012 +vernal 0.599 0.035 +vernalis 0.653 0.048 +verne 0.921 0.040 +verner 0.909 0.062 +vernet 0.869 0.110 +verney 0.962 0.033 +vernier 0.679 0.078 +vernis 0.558 0.080 +vernon 0.899 0.077 +vernonia 0.876 0.053 +vernor 0.916 0.048 +vero 0.690 0.066 +veromax 0.722 0.016 +veron 0.795 0.094 +verona 0.875 0.056 +veronese 0.908 0.050 +veronica 0.840 0.042 +veronicas 0.833 0.061 +veronika 0.787 0.027 +veronique 0.804 0.161 +verre 0.305 0.060 +verrier 0.939 0.044 +verry 0.140 0.039 +vers 0.206 0.057 +versa 0.142 0.062 +versace 0.747 0.162 +versailles 0.841 0.079 +versal 0.629 0.008 +versand 0.650 0.013 +versandfertig 0.285 0.000 +versandhandel 0.962 0.000 +versandkosten 0.978 0.009 +versant 0.796 0.062 +versar 0.087 0.911 +versata 0.971 0.023 +versatile 0.196 0.014 +versatility 0.149 0.010 +versaut 0.012 0.000 +versaute 0.113 0.003 +verschicken 0.040 0.000 +verschiedene 0.220 0.028 +verschiedenen 0.005 0.004 +verschil 0.027 0.000 +verse 0.375 0.033 +versed 0.064 0.006 +versenden 0.038 0.003 +verses 0.209 0.015 +versi 0.348 0.036 +versicherung 0.487 0.012 +versicolor 0.180 0.017 +versie 0.123 0.015 +versija 0.020 0.000 +versilia 0.890 0.026 +versio 0.304 0.060 +version 0.425 0.017 +versione 0.615 0.025 +versioned 0.112 0.003 +versionen 0.853 0.004 +versioning 0.275 0.005 +versions 0.127 0.008 +versitile 0.141 0.018 +versity 0.022 0.006 +verso 0.456 0.038 +verson 0.371 0.069 +versteckte 0.026 0.000 +verstehen 0.198 0.007 +verstring 0.000 0.000 +versuffix 0.000 0.000 +versuri 0.625 0.000 +versus 0.120 0.021 +vert 0.451 0.119 +verte 0.574 0.059 +vertebra 0.104 0.016 +vertebrae 0.237 0.014 +vertebral 0.193 0.014 +vertebrata 0.972 0.009 +vertebrate 0.372 0.022 +vertebrates 0.218 0.017 +vertex 0.137 0.416 +verti 0.435 0.026 +vertical 0.341 0.027 +vertically 0.071 0.006 +verticals 0.348 0.040 +vertices 0.070 0.003 +verticillata 0.033 0.015 +verticillium 0.864 0.016 +verticle 0.284 0.161 +vertigo 0.638 0.071 +verto 0.896 0.072 +vertrag 0.336 0.004 +vertrieb 0.799 0.028 +verts 0.349 0.050 +vertu 0.376 0.027 +vertue 0.178 0.010 +veruca 0.686 0.023 +verum 0.452 0.059 +verus 0.557 0.041 +vervain 0.779 0.032 +verve 0.762 0.066 +verviers 0.388 0.598 +verview 0.000 0.949 +verwaltung 0.889 0.021 +verwandte 0.806 0.011 +verwenden 0.364 0.006 +verwendet 0.008 0.002 +verwendung 0.963 0.016 +verwood 0.932 0.047 +very 0.106 0.019 +verze 0.125 0.045 +verzeichnis 0.991 0.000 +verzekering 0.125 0.000 +verzekeringen 0.053 0.007 +verzend 0.929 0.000 +verzorging 0.041 0.000 +ves 0.184 0.335 +vesa 0.165 0.746 +vesey 0.903 0.078 +vesicle 0.086 0.022 +vesicles 0.094 0.033 +vesicular 0.229 0.034 +vesna 0.877 0.039 +vespa 0.708 0.074 +vespasian 0.930 0.048 +vesper 0.801 0.085 +vespers 0.805 0.034 +vespucci 0.831 0.037 +vess 0.793 0.109 +vessel 0.178 0.021 +vessels 0.147 0.015 +vest 0.505 0.076 +vesta 0.855 0.086 +vestal 0.818 0.067 +vestas 0.765 0.218 +vestavia 0.919 0.055 +vestax 0.871 0.079 +vested 0.062 0.009 +vestel 0.906 0.055 +vester 0.754 0.058 +vestfold 0.959 0.032 +vesti 0.545 0.037 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0.090 0.004 +vexatious 0.065 0.009 +vexcom 0.946 0.000 +vexed 0.113 0.010 +vexing 0.075 0.004 +vey 0.291 0.056 +veyron 0.714 0.013 +vez 0.226 0.027 +vf 0.051 0.809 +vfa 0.006 0.967 +vfat 0.008 0.308 +vfb 0.058 0.799 +vfc 0.007 0.890 +vfd 0.011 0.913 +vfl 0.049 0.877 +vfm 0.007 0.930 +vfo 0.008 0.907 +vfork 0.000 0.012 +vfp 0.010 0.949 +vfr 0.007 0.938 +vfs 0.007 0.405 +vft 0.021 0.907 +vfu 0.004 0.805 +vfunc 0.000 0.005 +vfw 0.010 0.935 +vfx 0.044 0.862 +vg 0.064 0.819 +vga 0.015 0.916 +vgc 0.009 0.842 +vgcheate 0.000 0.000 +vgex 0.000 0.995 +vgf 0.022 0.877 +vgm 0.086 0.859 +vgn 0.036 0.920 +vgp 0.009 0.923 +vgr 0.035 0.897 +vgrd 0.000 0.994 +vgroup 0.997 0.000 +vgs 0.143 0.697 +vh 0.094 0.748 +vha 0.015 0.953 +vhat 0.065 0.011 +vhc 0.018 0.956 +vhcs 0.004 0.890 +vhdci 0.030 0.952 +vhdl 0.009 0.855 +vhe 0.024 0.924 +vhf 0.013 0.940 +vhi 0.336 0.605 +vhl 0.018 0.951 +vhost 0.068 0.061 +vhosts 0.004 0.001 +vhp 0.005 0.970 +vhs 0.012 0.933 +vht 0.138 0.831 +vi 0.084 0.624 +via 0.074 0.036 +viability 0.090 0.015 +viable 0.041 0.005 +viaccess 0.479 0.072 +viacom 0.960 0.032 +viacreme 0.246 0.010 +viaduct 0.485 0.028 +viagara 0.406 0.006 +viaggi 0.476 0.021 +viaggia 0.952 0.000 +viaggiatore 0.013 0.000 +viaggiatori 0.012 0.000 +viaggio 0.327 0.016 +viagra 0.190 0.013 +viajar 0.246 0.013 +viaje 0.367 0.023 +viajeros 0.015 0.001 +viajes 0.211 0.015 +vial 0.283 0.075 +viale 0.881 0.048 +vials 0.339 0.043 +vialta 0.945 0.022 +vian 0.748 0.105 +viana 0.918 0.049 +vianney 0.918 0.064 +viareggio 0.861 0.041 +vias 0.233 0.062 +viatical 0.322 0.029 +viator 0.882 0.026 +vib 0.220 0.444 +vibber 0.690 0.075 +vibe 0.461 0.124 +vibert 0.824 0.132 +vibes 0.506 0.097 +viborg 0.935 0.043 +vibra 0.629 0.078 +vibram 0.875 0.054 +vibrance 0.680 0.041 +vibrancy 0.044 0.007 +vibrant 0.140 0.013 +vibrantly 0.076 0.004 +vibraphone 0.379 0.202 +vibrate 0.174 0.018 +vibrated 0.051 0.005 +vibrater 0.199 0.002 +vibrates 0.075 0.013 +vibrating 0.509 0.035 +vibration 0.348 0.023 +vibrational 0.279 0.033 +vibrations 0.283 0.021 +vibrato 0.257 0.024 +vibrator 0.171 0.010 +vibrators 0.207 0.008 +vibratory 0.411 0.039 +vibrio 0.934 0.017 +vibro 0.596 0.173 +vibs 0.977 0.016 +viburnum 0.796 0.057 +vic 0.429 0.528 +vica 0.221 0.536 +vicar 0.532 0.060 +vicarage 0.603 0.059 +vicarious 0.296 0.015 +vicariously 0.041 0.004 +vicars 0.555 0.071 +vicca 0.906 0.030 +vicco 0.892 0.068 +vice 0.620 0.021 +vicente 0.914 0.048 +vicenza 0.847 0.051 +viceroy 0.678 0.034 +vices 0.142 0.070 +vichy 0.840 0.073 +vici 0.626 0.189 +vicia 0.948 0.024 +vicini 0.328 0.556 +vicinity 0.252 0.017 +vicino 0.140 0.013 +vicious 0.266 0.019 +viciously 0.026 0.004 +viciousness 0.055 0.000 +vicissitudes 0.078 0.008 +vick 0.856 0.062 +vickers 0.926 0.057 +vickery 0.874 0.109 +vicki 0.899 0.047 +vickie 0.895 0.057 +vickrey 0.960 0.031 +vicks 0.882 0.044 +vicksburg 0.898 0.061 +vicky 0.852 0.045 +vico 0.847 0.073 +vicodin 0.160 0.006 +vicomte 0.768 0.054 +vicon 0.743 0.231 +vicoprofen 0.421 0.010 +vicor 0.872 0.105 +vics 0.419 0.501 +vict 0.662 0.147 +victim 0.171 0.017 +victimhood 0.121 0.021 +victimisation 0.170 0.011 +victimised 0.077 0.004 +victimization 0.260 0.012 +victimized 0.066 0.006 +victimless 0.139 0.031 +victims 0.174 0.015 +victionary 0.009 0.000 +victo 0.654 0.090 +victoire 0.605 0.144 +victor 0.882 0.054 +victori 0.762 0.118 +victoria 0.905 0.043 +victorian 0.857 0.068 +victoriana 0.871 0.067 +victorians 0.954 0.019 +victorias 0.592 0.058 +victoriaville 0.913 0.077 +victories 0.156 0.011 +victorinox 0.921 0.044 +victorio 0.937 0.033 +victorious 0.180 0.019 +victoriously 0.016 0.002 +victors 0.292 0.033 +victorville 0.891 0.054 +victory 0.286 0.029 +victrola 0.745 0.072 +victuals 0.122 0.006 +vid 0.058 0.037 +vida 0.489 0.061 +vidal 0.851 0.056 +vidalia 0.880 0.065 +vidar 0.910 0.042 +vidas 0.441 0.147 +vidcaps 0.377 0.020 +vidcast 0.722 0.004 +vidco 0.956 0.029 +vide 0.343 0.034 +vided 0.002 0.015 +videk 0.770 0.095 +videl 0.157 0.049 +video 0.498 0.028 +videoblog 0.379 0.092 +videoblogging 0.332 0.015 +videocams 0.928 0.000 +videocard 0.397 0.016 +videocards 0.615 0.025 +videocassette 0.373 0.029 +videocassettes 0.517 0.012 +videochat 0.070 0.017 +videoclip 0.096 0.017 +videoclips 0.296 0.012 +videoconference 0.321 0.018 +videoconferences 0.274 0.013 +videoconferencing 0.375 0.014 +videodisc 0.287 0.082 +videodrome 0.819 0.150 +videogame 0.355 0.052 +videogames 0.480 0.030 +videogiochi 0.222 0.013 +videographer 0.577 0.012 +videographers 0.748 0.008 +videography 0.696 0.022 +videojuegos 0.896 0.006 +videolan 0.060 0.002 +videologic 0.976 0.015 +videomaker 0.825 0.101 +videonics 0.720 0.209 +videophone 0.382 0.031 +videopoker 0.393 0.009 +videoprojector 0.537 0.021 +videorecording 0.313 0.039 +videoroll 0.056 0.028 +videos 0.477 0.031 +videoseven 0.928 0.059 +videosex 0.015 0.000 +videospiele 0.651 0.005 +videotape 0.178 0.213 +videotaped 0.081 0.008 +videotapes 0.199 0.021 +videotaping 0.202 0.019 +videotex 0.700 0.026 +vides 0.068 0.015 +videx 0.828 0.142 +vidi 0.573 0.056 +vidieo 0.127 0.006 +vidin 0.935 0.047 +viding 0.009 0.005 +vidio 0.053 0.006 +vidios 0.051 0.002 +vidmar 0.913 0.043 +vido 0.214 0.094 +vidoe 0.181 0.014 +vidoes 0.050 0.005 +vidor 0.891 0.089 +vidos 0.042 0.044 +vidro 0.600 0.015 +vids 0.195 0.019 +vidsvidsvids 0.094 0.000 +vidual 0.006 0.003 +viduals 0.000 0.002 +vidya 0.840 0.051 +vidyalaya 0.911 0.072 +vidz 0.546 0.008 +vie 0.342 0.113 +viec 0.162 0.033 +vied 0.042 0.016 +viedo 0.035 0.011 +vieille 0.380 0.111 +vieilles 0.535 0.100 +vieira 0.917 0.056 +vieja 0.675 0.024 +viejas 0.389 0.020 +viejo 0.873 0.049 +viel 0.227 0.027 +viele 0.449 0.009 +vielen 0.295 0.009 +vieles 0.012 0.000 +vielle 0.554 0.256 +vielleicht 0.294 0.004 +vien 0.449 0.067 +viena 0.836 0.042 +viendo 0.086 0.004 +viene 0.092 0.027 +vienna 0.934 0.039 +vienne 0.820 0.068 +viennese 0.950 0.020 +viens 0.461 0.038 +vient 0.129 0.013 +vientiane 0.970 0.022 +viento 0.911 0.010 +vientos 0.930 0.028 +vieques 0.952 0.031 +vier 0.517 0.051 +viera 0.810 0.139 +vierge 0.351 0.021 +vieri 0.860 0.061 +vierling 0.943 0.032 +viernes 0.592 0.030 +vies 0.174 0.067 +viet 0.862 0.054 +vieta 0.826 0.013 +vietcong 0.855 0.021 +vieth 0.370 0.024 +vietnam 0.920 0.031 +vietnamese 0.926 0.010 +vietri 0.845 0.066 +vieux 0.676 0.045 +view 0.657 0.025 +viewable 0.193 0.010 +viewauth 0.000 0.000 +viewbook 0.688 0.010 +viewcam 0.768 0.077 +viewcom 0.988 0.007 +viewcvs 0.004 0.001 +viewed 0.368 0.005 +viewer 0.451 0.011 +viewers 0.224 0.010 +viewership 0.089 0.005 +viewfinder 0.451 0.018 +viewing 0.317 0.011 +viewings 0.167 0.012 +viewmaster 0.688 0.211 +viewmol 0.261 0.009 +viewperf 0.981 0.006 +viewpoint 0.332 0.028 +viewpoints 0.313 0.030 +viewport 0.234 0.024 +viewports 0.269 0.010 +views 0.391 0.009 +viewscreen 0.171 0.030 +viewsonic 0.663 0.217 +viewtiful 0.968 0.013 +viewtopic 0.036 0.000 +vif 0.241 0.357 +vig 0.264 0.097 +viggo 0.918 0.019 +vigil 0.499 0.044 +vigilance 0.276 0.015 +vigilant 0.134 0.013 +vigilante 0.482 0.036 +vigilantes 0.393 0.062 +vigilanza 0.025 0.018 +vigils 0.349 0.012 +vigina 0.031 0.003 +viglen 0.985 0.007 +vigna 0.910 0.048 +vignaud 0.992 0.003 +vigne 0.689 0.104 +vignes 0.728 0.093 +vignette 0.710 0.014 +vignettes 0.267 0.033 +vignetting 0.450 0.003 +vigo 0.852 0.073 +vigor 0.314 0.042 +vigorish 0.006 0.000 +vigorous 0.067 0.007 +vigorously 0.017 0.003 +vigour 0.048 0.008 +vigra 0.255 0.105 +vigrx 0.128 0.019 +vigueur 0.004 0.056 +vih 0.036 0.744 +vihar 0.886 0.077 +vii 0.005 0.772 +viii 0.004 0.777 +viiv 0.619 0.372 +vij 0.695 0.095 +vijay 0.897 0.040 +vijaya 0.897 0.052 +vijayan 0.939 0.025 +vijayawada 0.976 0.016 +vijver 0.222 0.010 +vik 0.622 0.292 +vika 0.318 0.019 +vikas 0.850 0.074 +vikes 0.923 0.030 +viki 0.847 0.060 +viking 0.898 0.049 +vikings 0.928 0.033 +vikki 0.813 0.041 +vikram 0.923 0.022 +viktor 0.925 0.052 +viktoria 0.944 0.023 +vil 0.274 0.199 +vila 0.872 0.056 +vilamoura 0.923 0.021 +vilar 0.909 0.048 +vilas 0.853 0.106 +vile 0.228 0.024 +viles 0.582 0.228 +vilest 0.038 0.004 +vilification 0.116 0.007 +vilified 0.043 0.002 +vilify 0.021 0.004 +viljoen 0.880 0.115 +vilket 0.050 0.000 +vill 0.271 0.255 +villa 0.682 0.045 +villach 0.938 0.029 +villafranca 0.854 0.075 +village 0.563 0.042 +villager 0.681 0.049 +villagers 0.124 0.007 +villages 0.241 0.013 +villaggio 0.558 0.068 +villahermosa 0.920 0.050 +villain 0.264 0.014 +villainous 0.390 0.007 +villains 0.469 0.073 +villainy 0.433 0.011 +villalba 0.863 0.089 +villalobos 0.894 0.080 +villalon 0.978 0.017 +villamartin 0.858 0.078 +villani 0.884 0.070 +villanova 0.951 0.035 +villanueva 0.896 0.068 +villar 0.894 0.065 +villaraigosa 0.971 0.025 +villard 0.920 0.051 +villareal 0.892 0.066 +villarreal 0.935 0.050 +villars 0.932 0.042 +villas 0.578 0.022 +villaware 0.936 0.030 +ville 0.560 0.045 +villefranche 0.911 0.074 +villegas 0.899 0.061 +villeneuve 0.879 0.079 +villepin 0.975 0.020 +villeroy 0.965 0.018 +villers 0.858 0.116 +villes 0.505 0.024 +villette 0.839 0.073 +villi 0.270 0.017 +villian 0.302 0.022 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+vinegars 0.630 0.012 +vineland 0.909 0.074 +viner 0.934 0.036 +vines 0.432 0.060 +viney 0.837 0.108 +vineyard 0.705 0.032 +vineyards 0.573 0.020 +ving 0.599 0.040 +vinge 0.926 0.018 +vingt 0.291 0.025 +vinh 0.840 0.037 +vinho 0.383 0.013 +vini 0.331 0.059 +vinicius 0.878 0.037 +vinifera 0.241 0.041 +vining 0.861 0.066 +vinings 0.950 0.033 +vinita 0.860 0.098 +vink 0.892 0.064 +vinland 0.933 0.049 +vinni 0.957 0.011 +vinnie 0.911 0.032 +vinnitsa 0.924 0.009 +vinny 0.906 0.037 +vino 0.406 0.030 +vinod 0.870 0.039 +vinorelbine 0.356 0.024 +vinos 0.221 0.014 +vinpocetine 0.749 0.014 +vins 0.351 0.112 +vinschen 0.981 0.000 +vinson 0.908 0.077 +vint 0.505 0.361 +vintage 0.610 0.130 +vintages 0.129 0.017 +vinten 0.763 0.149 +vintner 0.604 0.028 +vintners 0.675 0.027 +vinton 0.878 0.095 +vinum 0.618 0.036 +vinyard 0.792 0.064 +vinyasa 0.716 0.037 +vinyl 0.530 0.113 +vinyls 0.444 0.192 +vio 0.179 0.147 +viognier 0.921 0.028 +viol 0.703 0.105 +viola 0.672 0.072 +violacion 0.006 0.003 +violas 0.546 0.037 +violate 0.060 0.008 +violated 0.021 0.010 +violates 0.032 0.012 +violating 0.054 0.009 +violation 0.099 0.029 +violations 0.202 0.028 +violative 0.016 0.006 +violator 0.269 0.059 +violators 0.309 0.014 +violence 0.247 0.014 +violencia 0.267 0.022 +violent 0.174 0.011 +violently 0.033 0.006 +violet 0.612 0.065 +violeta 0.797 0.046 +violets 0.513 0.063 +violetta 0.862 0.075 +violette 0.866 0.079 +violin 0.480 0.046 +violinist 0.197 0.010 +violinists 0.306 0.015 +violins 0.475 0.035 +violist 0.194 0.012 +violon 0.417 0.089 +violoncello 0.523 0.127 +vionnet 0.886 0.108 +viorst 0.950 0.017 +vios 0.125 0.041 +vious 0.019 0.003 +viously 0.000 0.000 +vioxx 0.530 0.025 +vip 0.045 0.862 +vipassana 0.740 0.022 +viper 0.732 0.088 +vipers 0.640 0.048 +vipps 0.006 0.918 +vips 0.084 0.719 +vipul 0.841 0.054 +vir 0.369 0.210 +vira 0.607 0.105 +virage 0.878 0.066 +virago 0.713 0.121 +viral 0.371 0.014 +viramune 0.774 0.184 +virchow 0.940 0.024 +virco 0.888 0.096 +virden 0.886 0.099 +viread 0.838 0.116 +viremia 0.174 0.005 +viren 0.835 0.016 +virender 0.963 0.026 +vireo 0.779 0.060 +vires 0.111 0.037 +virex 0.849 0.042 +virg 0.648 0.246 +virge 0.683 0.050 +virgen 0.557 0.032 +virgenes 0.383 0.057 +virgie 0.822 0.141 +virgil 0.902 0.071 +virgilio 0.768 0.057 +virgin 0.761 0.035 +virgina 0.822 0.034 +virginal 0.170 0.011 +virginia 0.936 0.032 +virginian 0.957 0.028 +virginiana 0.074 0.025 +virginians 0.970 0.024 +virginica 0.085 0.026 +virginie 0.798 0.028 +virginity 0.196 0.077 +virgins 0.165 0.014 +virgo 0.829 0.077 +virial 0.139 0.057 +viridian 0.664 0.025 +viridiplantae 0.985 0.004 +viridis 0.129 0.023 +virii 0.204 0.015 +virile 0.122 0.010 +virility 0.451 0.010 +virion 0.217 0.009 +virions 0.145 0.003 +viro 0.769 0.042 +virol 0.994 0.004 +virologic 0.266 0.014 +virological 0.200 0.029 +virology 0.650 0.047 +vironment 0.004 0.013 +viroqua 0.857 0.113 +virt 0.378 0.078 +virtanen 0.942 0.027 +virtex 0.942 0.023 +virtu 0.376 0.108 +virtua 0.817 0.034 +virtuagirl 0.462 0.010 +virtual 0.509 0.013 +virtuale 0.316 0.016 +virtuales 0.137 0.016 +virtualisation 0.332 0.002 +virtuality 0.333 0.018 +virtualization 0.614 0.002 +virtualized 0.225 0.004 +virtually 0.099 0.003 +virtue 0.138 0.010 +virtuel 0.268 0.008 +virtuelle 0.262 0.009 +virtues 0.162 0.008 +virtuosi 0.688 0.032 +virtuosic 0.045 0.000 +virtuosity 0.154 0.022 +virtuoso 0.542 0.015 +virtuous 0.128 0.007 +virtuozzo 0.976 0.002 +virtus 0.583 0.160 +viru 0.640 0.059 +virulence 0.191 0.025 +virulent 0.094 0.010 +virus 0.348 0.021 +viruses 0.217 0.017 +virusscan 0.269 0.177 +vis 0.232 0.183 +visa 0.591 0.107 +visable 0.087 0.029 +visage 0.507 0.030 +visakhapatnam 0.972 0.022 +visalia 0.891 0.069 +visant 0.040 0.017 +visar 0.170 0.199 +visas 0.424 0.024 +visayas 0.904 0.069 +visby 0.958 0.023 +viscera 0.334 0.019 +visceral 0.152 0.014 +visco 0.540 0.057 +viscoelastic 0.247 0.017 +viscometer 0.422 0.039 +visconti 0.891 0.084 +viscose 0.563 0.029 +viscosities 0.089 0.014 +viscosity 0.219 0.039 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0.015 +vism 0.024 0.940 +visn 0.007 0.973 +visnjic 0.952 0.035 +viso 0.464 0.147 +vison 0.463 0.072 +visonik 0.408 0.579 +visor 0.650 0.054 +visors 0.663 0.036 +visp 0.291 0.628 +visscher 0.947 0.042 +vissen 0.036 0.000 +visser 0.792 0.054 +vist 0.349 0.073 +vista 0.806 0.066 +vistana 0.889 0.038 +vistas 0.295 0.031 +visted 0.193 0.007 +vistek 0.992 0.006 +visteon 0.930 0.053 +visting 0.273 0.024 +visto 0.357 0.017 +vistor 0.387 0.168 +vistors 0.393 0.078 +vistos 0.785 0.000 +vistula 0.959 0.020 +visu 0.350 0.143 +visual 0.607 0.016 +visualisation 0.375 0.011 +visualisations 0.174 0.005 +visualise 0.106 0.008 +visualised 0.023 0.003 +visualiser 0.213 0.012 +visualising 0.319 0.008 +visualizador 0.014 0.000 +visualization 0.440 0.011 +visualizations 0.261 0.016 +visualize 0.212 0.013 +visualized 0.029 0.002 +visualizer 0.712 0.011 +visualizes 0.093 0.014 +visualizing 0.387 0.010 +visualizza 0.862 0.002 +visually 0.179 0.013 +visuals 0.360 0.019 +visum 0.064 0.021 +viswanathan 0.960 0.027 +visy 0.817 0.175 +vit 0.517 0.230 +vita 0.645 0.123 +vitabath 0.929 0.038 +vitacost 0.967 0.001 +vitae 0.483 0.067 +vital 0.239 0.021 +vitale 0.940 0.032 +vitali 0.915 0.046 +vitalic 0.726 0.197 +vitalis 0.894 0.056 +vitality 0.375 0.017 +vitaliy 0.905 0.014 +vitally 0.018 0.015 +vitals 0.520 0.061 +vitaly 0.952 0.022 +vitam 0.577 0.040 +vitamin 0.550 0.020 +vitamina 0.045 0.043 +vitaminas 0.022 0.003 +vitaminder 0.913 0.084 +vitamine 0.157 0.007 +vitaminic 0.835 0.138 +vitamins 0.567 0.020 +vitanet 0.907 0.000 +vitara 0.839 0.091 +vitas 0.632 0.217 +vite 0.324 0.108 +vitebsk 0.967 0.022 +vitek 0.715 0.265 +vitello 0.773 0.078 +viterbi 0.933 0.013 +viterbo 0.923 0.051 +vitesse 0.716 0.063 +vitex 0.846 0.056 +vith 0.370 0.215 +viti 0.752 0.035 +vitiate 0.012 0.000 +viticultural 0.260 0.023 +viticulture 0.535 0.142 +vitiligo 0.535 0.019 +vitis 0.803 0.047 +vito 0.767 0.156 +vitol 0.909 0.087 +viton 0.766 0.123 +vitor 0.882 0.032 +vitoria 0.835 0.054 +vitra 0.751 0.065 +vitrectomy 0.373 0.024 +vitreous 0.410 0.033 +vitrification 0.274 0.111 +vitrified 0.324 0.037 +vitriol 0.421 0.025 +vitriolic 0.095 0.003 +vitro 0.162 0.019 +vitt 0.913 0.034 +vittadini 0.749 0.233 +vitter 0.853 0.128 +vittles 0.649 0.051 +vittoria 0.870 0.057 +vittorio 0.912 0.052 +vitus 0.890 0.045 +viv 0.654 0.134 +viva 0.768 0.100 +vivace 0.671 0.066 +vivacious 0.185 0.010 +vivaciously 0.003 0.000 +vivacity 0.155 0.050 +vivaldi 0.855 0.068 +vivanco 0.967 0.020 +vivant 0.557 0.042 +vivarium 0.589 0.053 +vivas 0.669 0.096 +vivatar 0.991 0.005 +vivax 0.095 0.027 +vive 0.643 0.066 +vivek 0.858 0.035 +viveka 0.874 0.023 +vivekananda 0.943 0.036 +vivelle 0.926 0.044 +vivendi 0.903 0.061 +vivere 0.349 0.047 +vives 0.817 0.053 +vivi 0.282 0.030 +vivian 0.891 0.064 +viviana 0.817 0.043 +viviane 0.771 0.027 +vivica 0.825 0.023 +vivicam 0.755 0.113 +vivid 0.430 0.035 +vividly 0.025 0.004 +vividness 0.040 0.000 +vivien 0.765 0.112 +vivienda 0.257 0.042 +viviendas 0.107 0.012 +vivienne 0.780 0.166 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0.011 +vliegtuig 0.022 0.000 +vliet 0.870 0.050 +vlist 0.713 0.031 +vliw 0.003 0.956 +vlm 0.062 0.805 +vln 0.246 0.315 +vloer 0.020 0.000 +vloeren 0.010 0.000 +vlog 0.524 0.059 +vlogging 0.394 0.003 +vlogs 0.447 0.120 +vlos 0.012 0.935 +vlp 0.012 0.942 +vlr 0.011 0.930 +vls 0.028 0.619 +vlsi 0.015 0.966 +vlt 0.024 0.908 +vltava 0.901 0.088 +vlucht 0.015 0.000 +vluchten 0.059 0.000 +vlv 0.051 0.819 +vly 0.528 0.441 +vm 0.030 0.809 +vma 0.009 0.453 +vmax 0.632 0.178 +vmb 0.021 0.904 +vmc 0.015 0.923 +vmd 0.012 0.677 +vme 0.006 0.888 +vmf 0.011 0.893 +vmg 0.018 0.929 +vmi 0.020 0.941 +vml 0.004 0.902 +vmlinux 0.000 0.003 +vmlinuz 0.003 0.004 +vmm 0.015 0.840 +vmp 0.031 0.644 +vmps 0.007 0.700 +vmr 0.021 0.873 +vms 0.008 0.884 +vmstat 0.011 0.012 +vmt 0.004 0.959 +vmu 0.004 0.933 +vmware 0.146 0.130 +vmx 0.005 0.417 +vn 0.057 0.772 +vna 0.018 0.936 +vnbiz 0.861 0.094 +vnc 0.012 0.688 +vnd 0.010 0.907 +vnet 0.317 0.391 +vni 0.072 0.835 +vnn 0.042 0.684 +vnode 0.046 0.011 +vns 0.046 0.895 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0.027 +voluntarily 0.022 0.009 +voluntariness 0.110 0.011 +voluntarism 0.347 0.013 +voluntary 0.265 0.023 +volunteer 0.492 0.023 +volunteered 0.021 0.009 +volunteering 0.485 0.013 +volunteerism 0.433 0.013 +volunteers 0.337 0.015 +voluptua 0.074 0.000 +voluptuous 0.370 0.016 +volusia 0.846 0.092 +volution 0.300 0.175 +volutpat 0.004 0.000 +volved 0.003 0.004 +volver 0.505 0.042 +volvo 0.866 0.073 +volvos 0.896 0.017 +volvulus 0.184 0.018 +volz 0.885 0.095 +vom 0.134 0.076 +vomit 0.173 0.023 +vomited 0.021 0.006 +vomiting 0.116 0.023 +vomits 0.072 0.012 +voms 0.003 0.568 +von 0.191 0.035 +vonage 0.906 0.034 +vonda 0.892 0.079 +vong 0.617 0.026 +vonk 0.945 0.040 +vonnegut 0.917 0.024 +vonnie 0.879 0.038 +vons 0.807 0.101 +vont 0.044 0.015 +voo 0.603 0.115 +voodoo 0.720 0.039 +voogle 0.000 0.000 +voom 0.439 0.417 +voor 0.062 0.015 +voorbeeld 0.192 0.003 +voorbehouden 0.018 0.000 +voorhees 0.860 0.114 +voorhis 0.939 0.054 +voorn 0.945 0.034 +voorraad 0.831 0.001 +voorwaarden 0.605 0.010 +vop 0.064 0.821 +voq 0.794 0.188 +vor 0.070 0.150 +vora 0.803 0.082 +voracious 0.101 0.006 +vorarlberg 0.959 0.019 +vorb 0.983 0.005 +vorbehalten 0.004 0.010 +vorbei 0.105 0.008 +vorbis 0.620 0.004 +vorderman 0.778 0.073 +vore 0.547 0.053 +vores 0.259 0.005 +vorhanden 0.027 0.002 +vorherige 0.645 0.006 +vorheriges 0.959 0.000 +vorige 0.611 0.028 +vorkosigan 0.968 0.000 +vornado 0.911 0.043 +voronezh 0.951 0.029 +voronin 0.869 0.103 +voronoi 0.923 0.008 +vorpommern 0.907 0.021 +vorschau 0.426 0.009 +vorspiel 0.133 0.005 +vorst 0.871 0.068 +vorster 0.931 0.065 +vort 0.328 0.450 +vortac 0.014 0.982 +vortec 0.775 0.093 +vortech 0.878 0.025 +vortex 0.492 0.047 +vortices 0.117 0.026 +vorticity 0.136 0.037 +vortrag 0.938 0.008 +vos 0.408 0.119 +vose 0.840 0.138 +vosges 0.813 0.025 +voska 0.034 0.000 +vosonic 0.695 0.298 +voss 0.898 0.070 +vostok 0.918 0.056 +vostro 0.197 0.015 +vot 0.148 0.417 +vota 0.507 0.120 +vote 0.303 0.035 +voted 0.135 0.020 +voter 0.325 0.039 +voters 0.203 0.020 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0.017 +voyeurisme 0.313 0.000 +voyeuristic 0.056 0.006 +voyeurs 0.197 0.010 +voyeursex 0.412 0.000 +voyeurweb 0.161 0.000 +voyour 0.254 0.000 +voyuer 0.025 0.000 +voyuerweb 0.074 0.000 +voyure 0.298 0.000 +voz 0.523 0.068 +vp 0.035 0.853 +vpa 0.009 0.920 +vpath 0.011 0.775 +vpb 0.012 0.861 +vpc 0.009 0.895 +vpd 0.018 0.859 +vpdn 0.000 0.614 +vpf 0.014 0.891 +vph 0.027 0.563 +vpi 0.011 0.840 +vpim 0.013 0.850 +vpl 0.018 0.910 +vpls 0.000 0.909 +vpm 0.013 0.849 +vpn 0.011 0.921 +vpnc 0.005 0.241 +vpo 0.074 0.825 +vpon 0.060 0.015 +vpop 0.018 0.939 +vpopmail 0.042 0.007 +vpp 0.174 0.713 +vppon 0.010 0.000 +vpr 0.135 0.595 +vprintf 0.449 0.005 +vps 0.017 0.890 +vpsp 0.987 0.005 +vpt 0.025 0.622 +vpts 0.000 0.007 +vpu 0.044 0.918 +vpx 0.071 0.885 +vq 0.164 0.649 +vqa 0.004 0.421 +vqf 0.049 0.762 +vr 0.032 0.861 +vra 0.040 0.875 +vraag 0.171 0.020 +vragen 0.251 0.005 +vrai 0.135 0.066 +vraiment 0.075 0.011 +vrain 0.867 0.115 +vram 0.040 0.870 +vrana 0.923 0.033 +vratsa 0.987 0.008 +vrb 0.027 0.849 +vrbo 0.004 0.974 +vrc 0.014 0.953 +vrd 0.041 0.900 +vre 0.017 0.705 +vredestein 0.886 0.101 +vree 0.052 0.003 +vreeland 0.918 0.054 +vref 0.374 0.527 +vreme 0.547 0.051 +vrf 0.008 0.564 +vrg 0.185 0.736 +vri 0.115 0.794 +vriend 0.388 0.018 +vrienden 0.292 0.024 +vries 0.923 0.042 +vrij 0.561 0.015 +vrijdag 0.184 0.005 +vrije 0.797 0.022 +vrl 0.016 0.912 +vrm 0.013 0.856 +vrml 0.009 0.839 +vrms 0.656 0.155 +vrn 0.273 0.645 +vroman 0.935 0.047 +vronsky 0.944 0.004 +vroom 0.689 0.089 +vrouw 0.846 0.002 +vrouwen 0.398 0.016 +vrp 0.017 0.927 +vrrp 0.040 0.738 +vrs 0.061 0.755 +vrt 0.028 0.846 +vru 0.020 0.931 +vrwc 0.000 0.955 +vrx 0.031 0.869 +vs 0.161 0.148 +vsa 0.006 0.946 +vsam 0.015 0.964 +vsan 0.011 0.575 +vsat 0.026 0.920 +vsb 0.040 0.922 +vsc 0.033 0.917 +vsd 0.012 0.893 +vse 0.076 0.713 +vsearch 0.000 0.000 +vsed 0.000 0.004 +vserver 0.295 0.004 +vsf 0.009 0.915 +vsftpd 0.013 0.035 +vsg 0.022 0.895 +vsi 0.026 0.878 +vsize 0.001 0.021 +vskip 0.000 0.000 +vsl 0.015 0.880 +vsm 0.025 0.908 +vsn 0.105 0.616 +vsnet 0.000 0.377 +vsnl 0.004 0.903 +vso 0.022 0.788 +vsolj 0.000 0.980 +vsop 0.023 0.939 +vsp 0.019 0.857 +vspace 0.009 0.140 +vsr 0.034 0.868 +vss 0.096 0.805 +vst 0.024 0.849 +vsto 0.007 0.977 +vsts 0.005 0.972 +vsu 0.004 0.960 +vsv 0.010 0.928 +vswr 0.000 0.985 +vsx 0.015 0.931 +vsya 0.998 0.000 +vsync 0.149 0.199 +vt 0.018 0.928 +vta 0.009 0.941 +vtable 0.135 0.015 +vtam 0.007 0.983 +vtc 0.009 0.944 +vtd 0.007 0.982 +vte 0.028 0.584 +vtec 0.090 0.756 +vtech 0.784 0.135 +vtf 0.039 0.853 +vtg 0.187 0.762 +vth 0.581 0.324 +vti 0.047 0.804 +vtk 0.012 0.605 +vtkusers 0.000 0.000 +vtl 0.047 0.843 +vtm 0.019 0.904 +vtp 0.004 0.805 +vtr 0.022 0.933 +vts 0.023 0.908 +vtt 0.017 0.871 +vtv 0.039 0.823 +vtx 0.042 0.689 +vty 0.015 0.186 +vu 0.286 0.423 +vua 0.219 0.172 +vuarnet 0.859 0.091 +vub 0.059 0.885 +vue 0.547 0.171 +vuelo 0.251 0.022 +vuelos 0.426 0.005 +vuelta 0.725 0.036 +vuelve 0.351 0.032 +vuh 0.694 0.156 +vui 0.177 0.064 +vuitton 0.528 0.084 +vuk 0.692 0.100 +vukovar 0.899 0.083 +vul 0.509 0.164 +vulcan 0.864 0.077 +vulcanized 0.312 0.035 +vulcano 0.802 0.049 +vulcans 0.946 0.011 +vulgar 0.198 0.018 +vulgare 0.041 0.019 +vulgaris 0.108 0.020 +vulgarity 0.118 0.020 +vulgate 0.981 0.013 +vulkan 0.888 0.051 +vuln 0.673 0.027 +vulnerabilities 0.272 0.003 +vulnerability 0.429 0.006 +vulnerable 0.107 0.008 +vulnificus 0.029 0.010 +vulns 0.899 0.000 +vulpes 0.644 0.013 +vulputate 0.005 0.000 +vulture 0.662 0.045 +vultures 0.403 0.027 +vulva 0.122 0.011 +vulvar 0.581 0.007 +vulvva 0.000 0.000 +vumc 0.000 0.953 +vung 0.876 0.031 +vuoi 0.414 0.020 +vuokko 0.996 0.000 +vuole 0.024 0.010 +vuong 0.906 0.042 +vuoto 0.064 0.012 +vupoint 0.558 0.401 +vuv 0.004 0.984 +vuw 0.009 0.902 +vv 0.305 0.503 +vva 0.018 0.901 +vvi 0.007 0.886 +vvs 0.028 0.919 +vvt 0.044 0.889 +vvv 0.007 0.608 +vvvv 0.003 0.329 +vw 0.055 0.772 +vwar 0.829 0.044 +vwd 0.009 0.853 +vwic 0.000 0.984 +vwr 0.012 0.919 +vws 0.108 0.694 +vwxyz 0.000 0.828 +vx 0.137 0.663 +vxa 0.017 0.931 +vxd 0.072 0.614 +vxi 0.042 0.595 +vxr 0.016 0.905 +vy 0.178 0.454 +vyacheslav 0.975 0.021 +vyas 0.919 0.036 +vygotsky 0.971 0.008 +vying 0.053 0.003 +vyotech 0.930 0.067 +vz 0.139 0.660 +vzv 0.000 0.975 +vzw 0.016 0.460 +w 0.653 0.000 +wa 0.041 0.892 +waa 0.222 0.487 +waaaay 0.073 0.076 +waaay 0.113 0.100 +waal 0.904 0.068 +waals 0.966 0.013 +waar 0.210 0.022 +waarom 0.484 0.018 +waas 0.097 0.859 +wab 0.127 0.683 +waba 0.148 0.575 +wabash 0.873 0.106 +wabasha 0.861 0.102 +wabbit 0.574 0.044 +wabc 0.003 0.978 +wabcams 0.000 0.000 +wabi 0.664 0.128 +wabs 0.021 0.097 +wac 0.012 0.974 +waca 0.024 0.968 +wacc 0.009 0.782 +waccamaw 0.875 0.081 +wach 0.408 0.154 +wachee 0.912 0.073 +wachovia 0.897 0.047 +wachowski 0.965 0.013 +wachs 0.887 0.083 +wachtel 0.934 0.058 +wachter 0.932 0.058 +wachtwoord 0.742 0.000 +wachusett 0.918 0.063 +wack 0.429 0.063 +wacked 0.232 0.024 +wackenhut 0.902 0.050 +wacker 0.857 0.086 +wackiest 0.260 0.012 +wackiness 0.313 0.000 +wacko 0.356 0.023 +wackos 0.388 0.019 +wacky 0.509 0.032 +waco 0.842 0.120 +wacoal 0.900 0.031 +wacom 0.787 0.113 +waconia 0.875 0.094 +wad 0.135 0.171 +wada 0.486 0.486 +waddell 0.901 0.086 +wadden 0.954 0.027 +wadding 0.343 0.056 +waddington 0.913 0.067 +waddle 0.561 0.102 +waddling 0.336 0.007 +waddy 0.727 0.191 +wade 0.822 0.071 +wadebridge 0.859 0.031 +waded 0.011 0.002 +wadena 0.871 0.092 +wader 0.330 0.472 +waders 0.498 0.053 +wades 0.469 0.039 +wadesboro 0.863 0.099 +wadham 0.934 0.040 +wadhurst 0.951 0.042 +wadi 0.782 0.069 +wadia 0.910 0.047 +wading 0.307 0.049 +wadler 0.615 0.371 +wadley 0.846 0.125 +wado 0.659 0.196 +wads 0.176 0.117 +wadsworth 0.907 0.075 +wae 0.103 0.623 +wael 0.795 0.048 +waf 0.058 0.822 +wafa 0.727 0.221 +wafer 0.281 0.070 +wafers 0.240 0.037 +waffen 0.730 0.044 +waffle 0.663 0.034 +waffles 0.546 0.027 +waffling 0.214 0.014 +wafs 0.008 0.970 +waft 0.070 0.031 +wafted 0.018 0.000 +wafting 0.041 0.000 +wag 0.272 0.390 +wage 0.241 0.020 +waged 0.024 0.003 +wagen 0.575 0.071 +wagener 0.943 0.050 +wageningen 0.965 0.020 +wager 0.272 0.017 +wagered 0.093 0.007 +wagering 0.236 0.014 +wagers 0.291 0.017 +wages 0.193 0.023 +wagga 0.874 0.111 +wagging 0.099 0.011 +waggon 0.326 0.025 +waggoner 0.868 0.093 +waging 0.197 0.011 +wagle 0.902 0.034 +wagner 0.914 0.059 +wagon 0.508 0.070 +wagoneer 0.806 0.073 +wagoner 0.862 0.098 +wagonlit 0.774 0.145 +wagons 0.435 0.021 +wagram 0.790 0.119 +wags 0.311 0.194 +wagstaff 0.876 0.066 +wagtail 0.788 0.039 +wah 0.566 0.098 +wahab 0.910 0.063 +waheed 0.882 0.040 +wahhabi 0.970 0.010 +wahhabism 0.965 0.010 +wahiawa 0.917 0.060 +wahid 0.928 0.043 +wahine 0.825 0.055 +wahkiakum 0.889 0.091 +wahl 0.876 0.076 +wahlberg 0.910 0.037 +wahm 0.102 0.840 +wahoo 0.703 0.070 +wahpeton 0.918 0.067 +wahre 0.045 0.002 +wahrheit 0.944 0.012 +waht 0.126 0.030 +wai 0.435 0.485 +waialae 0.949 0.045 +waialua 0.928 0.057 +waianae 0.927 0.059 +waid 0.883 0.071 +waif 0.204 0.124 +waifs 0.631 0.065 +waiheke 0.941 0.033 +waihi 0.898 0.094 +waikato 0.979 0.015 +waikiki 0.896 0.047 +waikoloa 0.932 0.039 +wail 0.198 0.060 +wailea 0.923 0.026 +wailed 0.009 0.003 +wailers 0.872 0.090 +wailing 0.253 0.013 +wails 0.110 0.047 +wailua 0.952 0.025 +wailuku 0.944 0.046 +waimanalo 0.932 0.048 +waimate 0.933 0.060 +waimea 0.861 0.046 +wain 0.736 0.114 +wainscoting 0.437 0.007 +wainscott 0.792 0.194 +wainwright 0.909 0.055 +waipahu 0.935 0.054 +wairarapa 0.983 0.011 +wairoa 0.952 0.039 +wais 0.062 0.818 +waist 0.278 0.042 +waistband 0.129 0.012 +waistcoat 0.296 0.078 +waistcoats 0.575 0.024 +waisted 0.187 0.018 +waistline 0.099 0.025 +waists 0.067 0.009 +wait 0.152 0.023 +waitakere 0.938 0.057 +waitaki 0.975 0.018 +waitangi 0.967 0.023 +waite 0.853 0.079 +waitec 0.921 0.033 +waited 0.020 0.003 +waiter 0.339 0.028 +waiters 0.271 0.017 +waites 0.815 0.094 +waith 0.113 0.013 +waitin 0.304 0.021 +waiting 0.164 0.013 +waitlist 0.597 0.026 +waitlisted 0.579 0.112 +waitomo 0.972 0.022 +waitpid 0.008 0.004 +waitress 0.260 0.054 +waitresses 0.213 0.016 +waitrose 0.953 0.010 +waits 0.308 0.021 +waitsfield 0.892 0.082 +waitstaff 0.183 0.031 +waive 0.064 0.026 +waived 0.058 0.025 +waiver 0.255 0.047 +waivered 0.040 0.754 +waivers 0.263 0.033 +waives 0.061 0.046 +waiving 0.196 0.054 +wajda 0.934 0.047 +wak 0.414 0.305 +waka 0.712 0.066 +wakabayashi 0.935 0.054 +wakamatsu 0.923 0.022 +wakarusa 0.857 0.121 +wakayama 0.894 0.089 +wake 0.438 0.031 +wakeboard 0.661 0.070 +wakeboarding 0.851 0.008 +wakeboards 0.573 0.034 +waked 0.074 0.005 +wakefield 0.899 0.062 +wakefulness 0.163 0.008 +wakeham 0.885 0.087 +wakelin 0.869 0.099 +wakeling 0.953 0.036 +wakely 0.913 0.074 +wakeman 0.870 0.098 +waken 0.102 0.012 +wakened 0.040 0.004 +waker 0.785 0.024 +wakes 0.092 0.010 +wakeup 0.355 0.044 +waking 0.282 0.013 +wakka 0.868 0.012 +wako 0.755 0.134 +wakulla 0.906 0.065 +wal 0.908 0.046 +wala 0.249 0.151 +walang 0.268 0.055 +walberg 0.943 0.043 +walbridge 0.849 0.125 +walbro 0.758 0.171 +walch 0.912 0.075 +walcott 0.854 0.062 +walczak 0.914 0.076 +wald 0.588 0.040 +waldeck 0.902 0.074 +waldemar 0.924 0.058 +walden 0.924 0.049 +waldenbooks 0.940 0.038 +walder 0.919 0.057 +waldman 0.929 0.060 +waldmann 0.905 0.031 +waldner 0.915 0.067 +waldo 0.923 0.041 +waldoboro 0.844 0.130 +waldock 0.944 0.020 +waldon 0.871 0.110 +waldorf 0.883 0.038 +waldport 0.838 0.072 +waldron 0.885 0.091 +waldrop 0.892 0.098 +waldwick 0.773 0.217 +wale 0.769 0.047 +waleed 0.876 0.033 +wales 0.953 0.027 +walesa 0.933 0.037 +walford 0.691 0.300 +walgreen 0.821 0.104 +walgreens 0.719 0.028 +walhalla 0.825 0.112 +wali 0.771 0.041 +walid 0.929 0.035 +walk 0.273 0.021 +walkable 0.289 0.008 +walkabout 0.713 0.042 +walkabouts 0.812 0.044 +walkaround 0.697 0.023 +walke 0.763 0.072 +walked 0.028 0.003 +walken 0.913 0.024 +walker 0.858 0.079 +walkera 0.845 0.112 +walkers 0.486 0.036 +walkersville 0.876 0.104 +walkerton 0.931 0.053 +walkerville 0.792 0.192 +walkie 0.485 0.067 +walkin 0.575 0.046 +walking 0.311 0.016 +walkley 0.874 0.116 +walkman 0.791 0.058 +walkmans 0.776 0.024 +walkmen 0.891 0.029 +walkout 0.263 0.029 +walkover 0.369 0.025 +walks 0.202 0.014 +walkthrough 0.442 0.041 +walkthroughs 0.697 0.009 +walkup 0.832 0.069 +walkway 0.238 0.024 +walkways 0.180 0.016 +walky 0.753 0.084 +wall 0.501 0.037 +walla 0.900 0.060 +wallabies 0.738 0.037 +wallaby 0.660 0.030 +wallace 0.904 0.073 +wallaceburg 0.959 0.031 +wallach 0.950 0.034 +wallaroo 0.503 0.335 +wallasey 0.948 0.033 +wallboard 0.342 0.025 +wallclock 0.109 0.030 +wallcovering 0.730 0.024 +wallcoverings 0.752 0.032 +walle 0.880 0.041 +walled 0.207 0.016 +wallen 0.825 0.064 +wallenberg 0.954 0.035 +wallenstein 0.924 0.066 +waller 0.811 0.079 +wallerstein 0.965 0.027 +wallet 0.498 0.083 +wallets 0.677 0.031 +walley 0.884 0.049 +walleye 0.538 0.035 +walleyes 0.357 0.030 +wallflower 0.611 0.031 +wallflowers 0.828 0.042 +wallhack 0.193 0.073 +wallhanging 0.669 0.066 +wallice 0.984 0.005 +wallies 0.638 0.244 +wallin 0.914 0.058 +walling 0.698 0.055 +wallingford 0.925 0.049 +wallington 0.912 0.067 +wallis 0.927 0.063 +wallkill 0.816 0.149 +wallmount 0.755 0.081 +wallner 0.928 0.051 +wallonia 0.933 0.047 +walloon 0.881 0.053 +wallop 0.528 0.045 +wallops 0.789 0.095 +wallow 0.154 0.011 +wallowa 0.876 0.072 +wallowing 0.079 0.007 +wallpaper 0.420 0.021 +wallpapering 0.650 0.045 +wallpapers 0.571 0.019 +wallplate 0.516 0.137 +wallplates 0.883 0.008 +walls 0.190 0.015 +wallsend 0.855 0.130 +wallstreet 0.718 0.085 +wally 0.909 0.035 +walmart 0.791 0.023 +walmer 0.920 0.062 +walmsley 0.872 0.121 +walnut 0.744 0.079 +walnuts 0.258 0.017 +walpaper 0.049 0.014 +walpole 0.905 0.079 +walrus 0.608 0.039 +walsall 0.948 0.033 +walsch 0.958 0.024 +walsenburg 0.897 0.083 +walser 0.940 0.042 +walsh 0.916 0.069 +walsham 0.933 0.046 +walshe 0.940 0.051 +walsingham 0.951 0.040 +walston 0.923 0.067 +walt 0.847 0.041 +walter 0.924 0.055 +walterboro 0.907 0.078 +walters 0.898 0.070 +walthall 0.902 0.087 +waltham 0.921 0.053 +walthamstow 0.953 0.026 +walther 0.807 0.050 +walthers 0.908 0.069 +waltman 0.896 0.075 +walton 0.911 0.063 +waltons 0.941 0.037 +waltrip 0.934 0.051 +waltz 0.756 0.047 +waltzes 0.538 0.043 +waltzing 0.645 0.034 +walvis 0.938 0.044 +walworth 0.881 0.083 +walz 0.877 0.072 +walzer 0.942 0.039 +wam 0.136 0.749 +wamego 0.881 0.094 +wamp 0.522 0.351 +wampanoag 0.940 0.045 +wampler 0.906 0.086 +wampum 0.822 0.015 +wamsutta 0.904 0.029 +wamu 0.047 0.858 +wan 0.328 0.556 +wana 0.281 0.094 +wanadoo 0.724 0.019 +wanaka 0.957 0.018 +wanamaker 0.896 0.089 +wananga 0.899 0.012 +wanchai 0.954 0.030 +wand 0.425 0.073 +wanda 0.877 0.058 +wandel 0.855 0.034 +wander 0.134 0.012 +wandered 0.026 0.002 +wanderer 0.610 0.031 +wanderers 0.846 0.043 +wandering 0.288 0.012 +wanderings 0.324 0.015 +wanderlust 0.827 0.014 +wanders 0.141 0.006 +wands 0.644 0.031 +wandsworth 0.955 0.030 +wane 0.261 0.080 +waned 0.005 0.002 +wanes 0.086 0.012 +wanessa 0.997 0.000 +wang 0.904 0.052 +wanganui 0.965 0.028 +wangaratta 0.819 0.171 +wani 0.764 0.060 +waning 0.546 0.005 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0.890 0.059 +warrick 0.890 0.089 +warrier 0.916 0.019 +warriner 0.894 0.096 +warring 0.221 0.016 +warringah 0.815 0.173 +warrington 0.929 0.043 +warrior 0.680 0.038 +warriors 0.691 0.032 +warrnambool 0.883 0.106 +warroad 0.799 0.148 +wars 0.740 0.047 +warsaw 0.939 0.038 +warschau 0.140 0.006 +warshaw 0.946 0.047 +warship 0.355 0.025 +warships 0.432 0.017 +warsong 0.958 0.005 +warszawa 0.883 0.044 +wart 0.397 0.031 +wartburg 0.884 0.069 +warthog 0.741 0.033 +wartime 0.239 0.020 +warton 0.932 0.056 +warts 0.328 0.012 +warty 0.514 0.047 +warum 0.376 0.011 +warwick 0.915 0.057 +warwickshire 0.970 0.017 +wary 0.087 0.008 +warz 0.419 0.046 +warzone 0.799 0.052 +was 0.015 0.004 +wasa 0.388 0.429 +wasabi 0.606 0.047 +wasaga 0.891 0.033 +wasallam 0.350 0.013 +wasanaethau 0.116 0.005 +wasat 0.835 0.138 +wasatch 0.915 0.065 +wasc 0.005 0.789 +waschk 0.989 0.000 +wasco 0.794 0.168 +waseca 0.862 0.108 +waseda 0.935 0.038 +wasg 0.690 0.101 +wash 0.388 0.073 +washable 0.433 0.022 +washakie 0.918 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0.552 0.022 +waterkant 0.977 0.008 +waterless 0.470 0.035 +waterlily 0.727 0.042 +waterline 0.302 0.029 +waterlogged 0.145 0.012 +waterlogging 0.116 0.008 +waterloo 0.915 0.060 +waterlooville 0.939 0.042 +waterman 0.854 0.086 +watermark 0.386 0.016 +watermarked 0.354 0.007 +watermarking 0.608 0.030 +watermarks 0.616 0.007 +watermelon 0.538 0.044 +watermelons 0.514 0.029 +watermill 0.720 0.034 +waterpark 0.713 0.017 +waterpik 0.878 0.054 +waterpolo 0.743 0.045 +waterproof 0.572 0.041 +waterproofing 0.594 0.035 +waterproofs 0.635 0.023 +waters 0.312 0.052 +waterscapes 0.847 0.010 +watershed 0.468 0.023 +watersheds 0.390 0.010 +watership 0.892 0.040 +waterside 0.748 0.026 +waterski 0.602 0.065 +waterskiing 0.894 0.005 +waterskis 0.361 0.009 +waterslide 0.343 0.033 +waterslides 0.102 0.010 +watersmeet 0.871 0.086 +waterson 0.897 0.055 +watersport 0.332 0.010 +watersports 0.603 0.014 +waterston 0.968 0.024 +waterstone 0.940 0.032 +waterstones 0.856 0.019 +watertight 0.235 0.020 +waterton 0.941 0.034 +watertown 0.909 0.062 +waterview 0.714 0.125 +waterville 0.885 0.083 +watervliet 0.840 0.134 +waterway 0.443 0.041 +waterways 0.399 0.027 +waterworks 0.525 0.071 +waterworld 0.880 0.046 +watery 0.144 0.009 +watford 0.929 0.037 +wath 0.676 0.060 +watkin 0.889 0.101 +watkins 0.902 0.079 +watkinson 0.933 0.053 +watkinsville 0.899 0.078 +watley 0.902 0.079 +watling 0.931 0.047 +watlington 0.922 0.068 +watonga 0.751 0.214 +watrous 0.882 0.102 +wats 0.235 0.254 +watseka 0.795 0.165 +watson 0.881 0.064 +watsons 0.769 0.143 +watsonville 0.883 0.087 +watt 0.673 0.061 +wattage 0.453 0.024 +wattenberg 0.843 0.153 +watters 0.905 0.068 +watterson 0.936 0.052 +wattle 0.523 0.209 +wattles 0.605 0.035 +watton 0.861 0.123 +watts 0.678 0.046 +wau 0.430 0.421 +wauchope 0.811 0.163 +wauchula 0.870 0.097 +wauconda 0.842 0.098 +waugh 0.939 0.047 +waukee 0.831 0.089 +waukegan 0.901 0.071 +waukesha 0.917 0.057 +waunakee 0.867 0.111 +waupaca 0.846 0.131 +waupun 0.861 0.114 +wausau 0.921 0.061 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0.047 +whodunit 0.511 0.019 +whodunnit 0.562 0.018 +whoever 0.289 0.006 +whoi 0.011 0.950 +whois 0.459 0.184 +whol 0.542 0.140 +whole 0.086 0.011 +wholefood 0.498 0.051 +wholehearted 0.052 0.005 +wholeheartedly 0.019 0.003 +wholemeal 0.315 0.017 +wholeness 0.249 0.013 +wholes 0.114 0.035 +wholesale 0.594 0.050 +wholesaler 0.348 0.023 +wholesalers 0.440 0.019 +wholesales 0.420 0.062 +wholesaling 0.564 0.021 +wholesome 0.150 0.008 +wholesomeness 0.287 0.004 +wholistic 0.446 0.021 +wholly 0.034 0.006 +whom 0.040 0.006 +whome 0.022 0.009 +whomever 0.045 0.004 +whomsoever 0.027 0.003 +whoo 0.625 0.100 +whooo 0.489 0.159 +whoop 0.353 0.082 +whooped 0.022 0.015 +whoopee 0.689 0.065 +whoopi 0.944 0.025 +whoopie 0.624 0.090 +whooping 0.438 0.017 +whoops 0.611 0.028 +whoosh 0.349 0.125 +whoozit 0.916 0.017 +whopper 0.503 0.064 +whoppers 0.334 0.016 +whopping 0.022 0.009 +whore 0.272 0.021 +whorehouse 0.461 0.047 +whores 0.305 0.027 +whoring 0.269 0.019 +whorl 0.573 0.014 +whorls 0.085 0.007 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0.108 +wilsonville 0.920 0.054 +wilt 0.280 0.027 +wilted 0.168 0.013 +wilting 0.153 0.009 +wilton 0.753 0.066 +wilts 0.836 0.042 +wiltshire 0.956 0.023 +wily 0.393 0.018 +wim 0.723 0.197 +wimax 0.455 0.236 +wimberley 0.889 0.074 +wimberly 0.795 0.179 +wimbledon 0.912 0.042 +wimborne 0.923 0.050 +wimmer 0.953 0.035 +wimmera 0.928 0.028 +wimp 0.199 0.214 +wimps 0.261 0.081 +wimpy 0.315 0.024 +wimsey 0.941 0.029 +win 0.313 0.065 +winamp 0.563 0.018 +winans 0.894 0.053 +winapi 0.004 0.859 +winavi 0.103 0.015 +winbind 0.160 0.005 +winboard 0.117 0.000 +winbond 0.861 0.053 +winbook 0.297 0.674 +wincanton 0.942 0.047 +wince 0.094 0.016 +winced 0.002 0.000 +winch 0.504 0.096 +winchell 0.885 0.065 +winchelsea 0.910 0.084 +winchendon 0.933 0.055 +winches 0.646 0.042 +winchester 0.888 0.072 +wincing 0.080 0.000 +winco 0.875 0.108 +wincor 0.961 0.018 +wincraft 0.966 0.015 +wind 0.458 0.074 +windage 0.208 0.030 +windblown 0.206 0.015 +windbreak 0.273 0.023 +windbreaker 0.523 0.073 +windbreaks 0.224 0.031 +windchill 0.974 0.001 +windchime 0.682 0.075 +windchimes 0.662 0.061 +winded 0.047 0.005 +windel 0.053 0.005 +windelerziehung 0.000 0.000 +windemere 0.818 0.075 +winder 0.679 0.077 +windermere 0.894 0.054 +winders 0.877 0.018 +windex 0.710 0.055 +windfall 0.260 0.020 +windfalls 0.195 0.012 +windfarm 0.325 0.022 +windfarms 0.429 0.016 +windgate 0.052 0.004 +windham 0.851 0.058 +windhoek 0.968 0.025 +windies 0.955 0.009 +winding 0.233 0.026 +windings 0.105 0.012 +windir 0.466 0.160 +windjammer 0.859 0.031 +windlass 0.476 0.055 +windlasses 0.780 0.017 +windle 0.880 0.095 +windley 0.904 0.018 +windmill 0.619 0.054 +windmills 0.417 0.083 +windo 0.587 0.054 +windom 0.833 0.130 +window 0.190 0.013 +windowblinds 0.249 0.008 +windowed 0.195 0.017 +windowing 0.250 0.007 +windowless 0.111 0.007 +windowpane 0.569 0.040 +windows 0.816 0.030 +windowsill 0.166 0.011 +windowsxp 0.041 0.011 +windowtext 0.000 0.000 +windoze 0.659 0.009 +windpipe 0.066 0.007 +windpower 0.638 0.128 +windproof 0.454 0.048 +windrow 0.385 0.039 +windrush 0.935 0.052 +winds 0.230 0.180 +windscreen 0.413 0.049 +windscreens 0.558 0.036 +windshield 0.426 0.042 +windshields 0.452 0.051 +windshirt 0.838 0.054 +windshirts 0.936 0.013 +windsock 0.630 0.069 +windsocks 0.609 0.096 +windsong 0.767 0.112 +windsor 0.873 0.059 +windspeed 0.380 0.041 +windstar 0.849 0.067 +windstopper 0.821 0.110 +windstorm 0.417 0.030 +windsurf 0.505 0.030 +windsurfer 0.574 0.027 +windsurfers 0.296 0.007 +windsurfing 0.711 0.016 +windswept 0.345 0.025 +windtalkers 0.912 0.057 +windu 0.849 0.081 +windup 0.359 0.072 +windus 0.944 0.050 +windvd 0.074 0.101 +windward 0.669 0.070 +windy 0.504 0.073 +wine 0.572 0.037 +winelands 0.920 0.008 +winemaker 0.435 0.024 +winemakers 0.379 0.013 +winemaking 0.362 0.020 +winer 0.940 0.013 +wineries 0.512 0.025 +winery 0.694 0.022 +wines 0.477 0.022 +winfast 0.829 0.040 +winfax 0.363 0.118 +winfield 0.877 0.097 +winfixer 0.272 0.015 +winforms 0.349 0.060 +winfred 0.888 0.083 +winfrey 0.855 0.041 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0.034 +winners 0.484 0.040 +winneshiek 0.886 0.097 +winnetka 0.893 0.074 +winnfield 0.863 0.115 +winni 0.527 0.134 +winnick 0.963 0.031 +winnie 0.780 0.119 +winnifred 0.913 0.076 +winning 0.270 0.020 +winningest 0.093 0.015 +winnings 0.232 0.018 +winnipeg 0.888 0.043 +winnipesaukee 0.908 0.029 +winnov 0.318 0.670 +winnow 0.511 0.016 +winnowing 0.195 0.017 +winns 0.759 0.124 +winnsboro 0.855 0.119 +winnt 0.063 0.732 +winny 0.570 0.048 +wino 0.514 0.046 +winograd 0.959 0.027 +winona 0.879 0.068 +winooski 0.942 0.045 +winrar 0.181 0.022 +winrock 0.950 0.041 +wins 0.247 0.068 +winsford 0.844 0.056 +winship 0.932 0.057 +winslet 0.818 0.019 +winslow 0.865 0.109 +winsock 0.694 0.035 +winsome 0.606 0.067 +winsor 0.856 0.079 +winstanley 0.936 0.053 +winstar 0.825 0.042 +winstead 0.901 0.072 +winsted 0.890 0.081 +winston 0.918 0.038 +winstone 0.909 0.045 +winstrol 0.284 0.021 +winsup 0.002 0.000 +wint 0.545 0.135 +wintec 0.831 0.089 +wintel 0.836 0.054 +winter 0.576 0.036 +winterberg 0.915 0.023 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0.884 0.019 +wireframe 0.326 0.012 +wirefree 0.672 0.041 +wirehaired 0.933 0.015 +wireles 0.516 0.053 +wireless 0.672 0.029 +wirelessly 0.176 0.007 +wireline 0.381 0.028 +wires 0.280 0.038 +wiretap 0.294 0.019 +wiretapping 0.286 0.007 +wiretaps 0.344 0.009 +wirewound 0.750 0.047 +wiring 0.392 0.038 +wirklich 0.067 0.006 +wirksworth 0.896 0.035 +wirless 0.351 0.050 +wirral 0.931 0.032 +wirst 0.048 0.005 +wirt 0.869 0.073 +wirth 0.891 0.059 +wirtschaft 0.941 0.013 +wirtschafts 0.956 0.020 +wirtz 0.913 0.077 +wiry 0.072 0.014 +wis 0.412 0.439 +wisbech 0.938 0.046 +wisc 0.490 0.309 +wiscasset 0.916 0.069 +wisconsin 0.932 0.030 +wisden 0.970 0.021 +wisdom 0.373 0.021 +wisdoms 0.307 0.011 +wise 0.312 0.047 +wiseco 0.730 0.171 +wiseguy 0.142 0.016 +wisely 0.115 0.010 +wiseman 0.894 0.068 +wiser 0.170 0.034 +wises 0.248 0.632 +wisest 0.032 0.061 +wish 0.340 0.012 +wishart 0.866 0.119 +wishaw 0.952 0.032 +wishbone 0.689 0.051 +wished 0.032 0.003 +wisher 0.340 0.031 +wishers 0.053 0.011 +wishes 0.132 0.011 +wishful 0.280 0.014 +wishin 0.403 0.032 +wishing 0.165 0.012 +wishlist 0.521 0.028 +wishlists 0.464 0.004 +wishmaster 0.706 0.043 +wishy 0.159 0.009 +wisi 0.603 0.016 +wiskunde 0.812 0.012 +wisma 0.930 0.032 +wismar 0.938 0.023 +wisner 0.883 0.102 +wisniewski 0.924 0.068 +wisp 0.195 0.610 +wispa 0.075 0.880 +wisper 0.201 0.028 +wisps 0.137 0.023 +wispy 0.170 0.024 +wiss 0.765 0.117 +wissahickon 0.920 0.062 +wissen 0.542 0.046 +wissenschaft 0.847 0.024 +wissenschaften 0.895 0.042 +wissenschaftliche 0.671 0.019 +wist 0.260 0.232 +wistar 0.975 0.016 +wister 0.842 0.124 +wisteria 0.717 0.063 +wistful 0.120 0.006 +wistfully 0.026 0.000 +wists 0.220 0.001 +wit 0.201 0.072 +witbank 0.945 0.043 +witch 0.648 0.043 +witchblade 0.703 0.145 +witchcraft 0.535 0.029 +witched 0.557 0.206 +witcher 0.895 0.085 +witchery 0.764 0.062 +witches 0.583 0.029 +witching 0.592 0.095 +witchvox 0.974 0.000 +witchy 0.725 0.023 +wite 0.261 0.032 +with 0.059 0.011 +witha 0.052 0.018 +withal 0.022 0.001 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+wkn 0.011 0.880 +wknd 0.435 0.104 +wks 0.107 0.030 +wkt 0.146 0.605 +wkts 0.169 0.060 +wku 0.010 0.927 +wky 0.009 0.947 +wl 0.219 0.644 +wla 0.010 0.811 +wlad 0.300 0.043 +wladimir 0.956 0.028 +wladyslaw 0.955 0.027 +wlan 0.019 0.878 +wlb 0.013 0.928 +wlc 0.007 0.912 +wld 0.156 0.551 +wle 0.013 0.899 +wlemb 0.000 0.000 +wlf 0.030 0.909 +wli 0.028 0.651 +wll 0.038 0.701 +wlm 0.042 0.891 +wln 0.103 0.847 +wlox 0.000 0.996 +wlp 0.009 0.844 +wlr 0.004 0.978 +wls 0.016 0.932 +wlse 0.000 0.984 +wlt 0.015 0.923 +wlu 0.014 0.960 +wlug 0.164 0.212 +wlw 0.011 0.898 +wm 0.363 0.542 +wma 0.018 0.761 +wmal 0.000 0.989 +wmap 0.007 0.964 +wmata 0.000 0.987 +wmb 0.013 0.713 +wmc 0.010 0.933 +wmd 0.002 0.972 +wmf 0.016 0.837 +wmg 0.038 0.915 +wmh 0.012 0.954 +wmi 0.009 0.938 +wmii 0.000 0.034 +wmissing 0.999 0.000 +wmk 0.224 0.306 +wml 0.006 0.747 +wmm 0.014 0.925 +wmn 0.420 0.499 +wmns 0.501 0.388 +wmo 0.002 0.982 +wmp 0.005 0.907 +wmr 0.076 0.860 +wms 0.072 0.851 +wmst 0.009 0.950 +wmt 0.008 0.798 +wmu 0.003 0.958 +wmv 0.036 0.558 +wn 0.042 0.895 +wna 0.013 0.750 +wnat 0.055 0.021 +wnba 0.003 0.986 +wnbc 0.003 0.989 +wnbl 0.000 0.996 +wnc 0.010 0.944 +wnd 0.019 0.873 +wndu 0.000 0.994 +wnet 0.047 0.757 +wneud 0.015 0.004 +wnn 0.234 0.269 +wno 0.984 0.011 +wnpp 0.000 0.180 +wnr 0.058 0.354 +wns 0.046 0.889 +wnt 0.610 0.280 +wnv 0.002 0.981 +wnw 0.001 0.995 +wny 0.124 0.813 +wnyc 0.002 0.980 +wo 0.213 0.416 +woa 0.196 0.564 +woad 0.407 0.103 +woah 0.468 0.092 +wob 0.160 0.543 +wobble 0.332 0.039 +wobbled 0.023 0.009 +wobbler 0.731 0.076 +wobbles 0.152 0.024 +wobbling 0.245 0.010 +wobbly 0.301 0.017 +wobegon 0.958 0.023 +wobenzym 0.942 0.031 +woburn 0.931 0.054 +woc 0.041 0.780 +woce 0.006 0.980 +woche 0.858 0.094 +wochen 0.958 0.004 +wochenend 0.010 0.000 +wochenende 0.141 0.002 +wod 0.075 0.588 +woda 0.491 0.054 +wodehouse 0.937 0.030 +woden 0.796 0.117 +wodna 0.970 0.000 +wodonga 0.802 0.159 +wody 0.871 0.006 +woe 0.338 0.046 +woeful 0.086 0.006 +woefully 0.025 0.003 +woensdag 0.127 0.003 +woerner 0.944 0.048 +woes 0.224 0.014 +wof 0.030 0.543 +wofford 0.932 0.058 +wog 0.392 0.349 +wogan 0.923 0.056 +woh 0.438 0.138 +wohin 0.305 0.003 +wohl 0.470 0.029 +wohlers 0.941 0.034 +wohnen 0.671 0.027 +wohnheim 0.984 0.000 +wohnung 0.363 0.003 +wohnungen 0.258 0.004 +wojciech 0.963 0.020 +wojciechowski 0.985 0.013 +wojcik 0.906 0.077 +wojtek 0.886 0.026 +wojtyla 0.973 0.013 +wok 0.551 0.058 +woke 0.075 0.006 +woken 0.103 0.005 +woking 0.898 0.037 +wokingham 0.876 0.019 +woks 0.779 0.012 +wol 0.136 0.556 +wolbachia 0.974 0.007 +wolcott 0.928 0.046 +wold 0.701 0.049 +wolde 0.377 0.016 +wolds 0.894 0.031 +wole 0.753 0.027 +wolf 0.758 0.056 +wolfcraft 0.832 0.107 +wolfe 0.918 0.061 +wolfeboro 0.917 0.070 +wolfen 0.747 0.050 +wolfensohn 0.968 0.029 +wolfenstein 0.917 0.009 +wolff 0.921 0.049 +wolfgang 0.950 0.021 +wolfhound 0.842 0.037 +wolfie 0.834 0.018 +wolfman 0.838 0.055 +wolfmother 0.915 0.054 +wolford 0.830 0.093 +wolfowitz 0.959 0.029 +wolfpack 0.935 0.030 +wolfram 0.873 0.012 +wolfs 0.556 0.104 +wolfsburg 0.904 0.037 +wolfsheim 0.677 0.023 +wolfson 0.919 0.044 +wolfville 0.930 0.030 +wolfy 0.724 0.017 +wolin 0.963 0.024 +wolk 0.882 0.051 +wolky 0.918 0.003 +woll 0.724 0.088 +wollaston 0.940 0.044 +wolle 0.214 0.012 +wollen 0.237 0.022 +wollman 0.900 0.067 +wollongong 0.921 0.054 +wollstonecraft 0.949 0.029 +wollte 0.026 0.000 +wolman 0.923 0.035 +wolof 0.957 0.010 +wolpe 0.942 0.052 +wolpert 0.959 0.032 +wolseley 0.610 0.372 +wolsey 0.880 0.105 +wolski 0.931 0.048 +wolstenholme 0.939 0.052 +wolter 0.923 0.056 +wolters 0.949 0.038 +wolverhampton 0.909 0.030 +wolverine 0.783 0.090 +wolverines 0.925 0.020 +wolverton 0.880 0.058 +wolves 0.574 0.030 +wom 0.184 0.584 +womack 0.889 0.084 +womad 0.295 0.676 +woman 0.253 0.021 +womanhood 0.286 0.010 +womanizer 0.154 0.008 +womanly 0.125 0.010 +womans 0.376 0.070 +womb 0.131 0.014 +wombat 0.687 0.077 +wombats 0.401 0.170 +womble 0.812 0.052 +wombs 0.104 0.009 +wome 0.410 0.053 +women 0.439 0.020 +womens 0.725 0.053 +womenswear 0.735 0.030 +womma 0.046 0.884 +womyn 0.527 0.025 +won 0.146 0.022 +wonder 0.223 0.019 +wonderboy 0.749 0.035 +wonderbra 0.931 0.031 +wondered 0.012 0.002 +wonderfalls 0.924 0.038 +wonderful 0.141 0.018 +wonderfulbuys 0.981 0.000 +wonderfull 0.173 0.040 +wonderfully 0.071 0.005 +wonderin 0.204 0.015 +wondering 0.058 0.004 +wonderland 0.774 0.042 +wonderment 0.075 0.005 +wonderous 0.224 0.017 +wonders 0.318 0.019 +wonderswan 0.942 0.008 +wonderwall 0.307 0.010 +wonderware 0.955 0.015 +wondir 0.976 0.010 +wondrous 0.261 0.009 +wonen 0.292 0.009 +wong 0.894 0.062 +wonga 0.588 0.320 +woningbouw 0.047 0.000 +wonk 0.648 0.014 +wonka 0.822 0.031 +wonkette 0.936 0.006 +wonks 0.649 0.010 +wonky 0.213 0.017 +wont 0.047 0.029 +wonton 0.452 0.040 +wonu 0.661 0.318 +wonwinglo 0.005 0.000 +woo 0.598 0.084 +wood 0.520 0.051 +woodall 0.897 0.092 +woodard 0.892 0.084 +woodberry 0.857 0.132 +woodbine 0.863 0.083 +woodblock 0.468 0.043 +woodbridge 0.904 0.067 +woodburn 0.912 0.060 +woodburning 0.611 0.021 +woodbury 0.890 0.085 +woodcarving 0.555 0.074 +woodchuck 0.562 0.025 +woodcliff 0.843 0.140 +woodcock 0.780 0.106 +woodcraft 0.827 0.056 +woodcrafts 0.728 0.050 +woodcrest 0.880 0.104 +woodcut 0.348 0.031 +woodcuts 0.312 0.034 +wooded 0.131 0.022 +wooden 0.426 0.048 +woodend 0.815 0.163 +woodenware 0.870 0.027 +woodfield 0.862 0.105 +woodfin 0.963 0.029 +woodford 0.906 0.077 +woodgate 0.918 0.063 +woodgrain 0.509 0.061 +woodhall 0.919 0.054 +woodham 0.919 0.059 +woodhaven 0.829 0.121 +woodhead 0.886 0.062 +woodhill 0.909 0.069 +woodhouse 0.924 0.061 +woodhull 0.868 0.105 +woodie 0.811 0.046 +woodies 0.661 0.218 +wooding 0.892 0.054 +woodinville 0.927 0.044 +woodlake 0.888 0.105 +woodland 0.608 0.049 +woodlands 0.629 0.037 +woodlawn 0.904 0.079 +woodley 0.905 0.079 +woodline 0.977 0.005 +woodlot 0.359 0.023 +woodlots 0.160 0.008 +woodman 0.884 0.063 +woodmen 0.865 0.060 +woodmere 0.850 0.116 +woodmont 0.931 0.063 +woodpecker 0.711 0.045 +woodpeckers 0.458 0.045 +woodridge 0.871 0.093 +woodring 0.933 0.056 +woodroffe 0.855 0.134 +woodrow 0.927 0.056 +woodruff 0.855 0.127 +woods 0.652 0.049 +woodsboro 0.790 0.172 +woodshed 0.518 0.030 +woodshop 0.561 0.032 +woodside 0.884 0.093 +woodsman 0.747 0.037 +woodson 0.900 0.078 +woodstock 0.898 0.060 +woodstove 0.296 0.037 +woodstown 0.832 0.143 +woodsy 0.342 0.016 +woodturning 0.709 0.134 +woodview 0.803 0.188 +woodville 0.825 0.148 +woodward 0.926 0.059 +woodway 0.917 0.053 +woodwind 0.781 0.046 +woodwinds 0.688 0.023 +woodwork 0.394 0.093 +woodworker 0.632 0.026 +woodworkers 0.580 0.033 +woodworking 0.694 0.039 +woodworks 0.854 0.052 +woodworm 0.667 0.040 +woodworth 0.885 0.104 +woody 0.637 0.035 +wooed 0.043 0.003 +woof 0.509 0.101 +woofer 0.388 0.081 +woofers 0.354 0.029 +woogie 0.618 0.069 +woohoo 0.487 0.137 +wooing 0.190 0.013 +wook 0.513 0.024 +wookey 0.922 0.026 +wookie 0.666 0.050 +wookiee 0.860 0.034 +wool 0.451 0.067 +woolacombe 0.955 0.016 +woolard 0.853 0.112 +wooldridge 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0.037 +wordes 0.020 0.000 +wordfast 0.994 0.001 +wordfinder 0.022 0.004 +wording 0.091 0.019 +wordings 0.217 0.014 +wordless 0.260 0.009 +wordlet 0.999 0.000 +wordlist 0.173 0.020 +wordly 0.453 0.028 +wordmark 0.182 0.004 +wordnet 0.273 0.013 +wordpad 0.625 0.027 +wordperfect 0.598 0.155 +wordplay 0.456 0.028 +wordpress 0.669 0.004 +words 0.155 0.013 +wordsearch 0.455 0.058 +wordsmith 0.608 0.021 +wordsworth 0.963 0.021 +wordt 0.056 0.005 +wordtracker 0.786 0.007 +wordwrap 0.059 0.016 +wordy 0.180 0.014 +wore 0.045 0.006 +worf 0.842 0.125 +work 0.153 0.017 +workability 0.170 0.020 +workable 0.042 0.007 +workaholic 0.167 0.009 +workamping 0.987 0.000 +workaround 0.330 0.022 +workarounds 0.230 0.019 +workbench 0.658 0.027 +workbenches 0.708 0.020 +workbook 0.576 0.035 +workbooks 0.383 0.020 +workcenter 0.826 0.038 +workcentre 0.544 0.266 +workday 0.151 0.014 +workdays 0.120 0.020 +worke 0.350 0.019 +worked 0.042 0.005 +worker 0.292 0.025 +workers 0.232 0.014 +worketh 0.010 0.007 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0.064 +worrell 0.899 0.078 +worried 0.072 0.007 +worries 0.123 0.012 +worrisome 0.052 0.004 +worry 0.076 0.008 +worrying 0.084 0.005 +worryingly 0.223 0.000 +worse 0.083 0.009 +worsen 0.035 0.012 +worsened 0.020 0.003 +worsening 0.069 0.005 +worsens 0.114 0.010 +worsham 0.889 0.097 +worship 0.357 0.020 +worshiped 0.018 0.005 +worshiper 0.184 0.012 +worshipers 0.104 0.007 +worshipful 0.561 0.019 +worshiping 0.129 0.008 +worshipped 0.045 0.004 +worshipper 0.191 0.015 +worshippers 0.131 0.009 +worshipping 0.180 0.007 +worships 0.162 0.010 +worsley 0.915 0.076 +worst 0.211 0.020 +worstall 0.992 0.002 +worsted 0.433 0.039 +wort 0.569 0.038 +worte 0.750 0.023 +worth 0.252 0.020 +wortham 0.834 0.121 +worthen 0.903 0.086 +worthies 0.251 0.015 +worthily 0.415 0.000 +worthiness 0.059 0.006 +worthing 0.926 0.032 +worthington 0.907 0.072 +worthless 0.103 0.014 +worthlessness 0.033 0.004 +worthwhile 0.048 0.003 +worthy 0.199 0.009 +wortley 0.925 0.066 +wortman 0.909 0.082 +worx 0.887 0.068 +wos 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0.014 0.697 +wpt 0.025 0.704 +wpx 0.004 0.959 +wq 0.192 0.525 +wqs 0.005 0.948 +wr 0.029 0.892 +wra 0.238 0.498 +wrack 0.332 0.024 +wracked 0.095 0.004 +wracking 0.011 0.002 +wragg 0.859 0.130 +wraggster 0.029 0.000 +wraith 0.780 0.042 +wraiths 0.553 0.008 +wral 0.004 0.951 +wrangell 0.916 0.075 +wrangle 0.165 0.027 +wrangler 0.767 0.089 +wranglers 0.756 0.039 +wrangling 0.091 0.004 +wrap 0.402 0.059 +wrapables 0.983 0.000 +wraparound 0.365 0.053 +wraped 0.096 0.025 +wraping 0.087 0.007 +wrapped 0.129 0.016 +wrapper 0.214 0.021 +wrappers 0.328 0.015 +wrapping 0.134 0.012 +wrappings 0.173 0.014 +wraps 0.380 0.032 +wrapup 0.538 0.150 +wrasse 0.501 0.029 +wrath 0.372 0.022 +wrathful 0.215 0.006 +wratten 0.582 0.059 +wray 0.908 0.069 +wrb 0.014 0.741 +wrc 0.011 0.920 +wrd 0.040 0.898 +wre 0.066 0.539 +wreak 0.049 0.005 +wreaked 0.006 0.000 +wreaking 0.040 0.003 +wreaks 0.086 0.008 +wreath 0.464 0.044 +wreathed 0.082 0.006 +wreaths 0.516 0.017 +wreck 0.362 0.022 +wreckage 0.134 0.013 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0.144 +wrightsville 0.820 0.077 +wrightwood 0.881 0.083 +wrigley 0.927 0.040 +wrigleyville 0.928 0.005 +wring 0.085 0.011 +wringer 0.412 0.052 +wringing 0.044 0.005 +wrinkle 0.469 0.030 +wrinkled 0.120 0.008 +wrinkles 0.174 0.013 +wrinkling 0.085 0.009 +wrinkly 0.429 0.028 +wrist 0.469 0.034 +wristband 0.490 0.082 +wristbands 0.606 0.044 +wristlet 0.524 0.114 +wrists 0.058 0.008 +wristwatch 0.400 0.097 +wristwatches 0.761 0.009 +writ 0.181 0.084 +writable 0.113 0.008 +write 0.534 0.019 +writeable 0.108 0.012 +writeback 0.310 0.008 +writefile 0.000 0.017 +writeln 0.132 0.079 +writely 0.919 0.000 +writen 0.113 0.016 +writer 0.403 0.025 +writers 0.443 0.015 +writes 0.061 0.004 +writeup 0.447 0.005 +writeups 0.550 0.001 +writhe 0.088 0.008 +writhed 0.012 0.000 +writhing 0.069 0.004 +writin 0.283 0.025 +writing 0.307 0.013 +writings 0.340 0.014 +writs 0.212 0.026 +written 0.135 0.008 +writting 0.110 0.024 +wrk 0.112 0.438 +wrl 0.009 0.746 +wrld 0.439 0.282 +wrm 0.214 0.646 +wrn 0.024 0.938 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0.029 0.920 +wsj 0.002 0.958 +wsk 0.066 0.366 +wsl 0.069 0.795 +wsm 0.021 0.829 +wsmo 0.000 0.974 +wsn 0.007 0.913 +wso 0.004 0.893 +wsop 0.016 0.294 +wsp 0.046 0.863 +wspa 0.000 0.961 +wspd 0.090 0.468 +wsr 0.008 0.963 +wsrc 0.000 0.970 +wsrf 0.000 0.477 +wsrp 0.000 0.501 +wsrt 0.000 0.959 +wss 0.015 0.862 +wssd 0.000 0.986 +wst 0.022 0.897 +wsta 0.000 0.994 +wste 0.015 0.040 +wsu 0.003 0.959 +wsus 0.004 0.930 +wsw 0.003 0.982 +wsws 0.000 0.979 +wsx 0.009 0.913 +wsxga 0.008 0.977 +wszystkie 0.396 0.019 +wt 0.188 0.389 +wta 0.012 0.937 +wtae 0.000 0.997 +wtb 0.041 0.908 +wtc 0.017 0.912 +wtd 0.100 0.830 +wte 0.038 0.816 +wtf 0.025 0.659 +wtg 0.143 0.748 +wth 0.081 0.226 +wthr 0.069 0.912 +wti 0.017 0.914 +wtih 0.100 0.041 +wtl 0.006 0.817 +wtm 0.010 0.897 +wtmj 0.000 0.992 +wtmp 0.005 0.143 +wtn 0.040 0.899 +wto 0.005 0.959 +wtop 0.002 0.975 +wtp 0.010 0.870 +wtr 0.392 0.500 +wts 0.075 0.804 +wtt 0.036 0.884 +wttc 0.000 0.996 +wttw 0.000 0.977 +wtw 0.007 0.920 +wty 0.280 0.652 +wtzr 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0.035 +wuv 0.262 0.187 +wuxga 0.011 0.962 +wuxi 0.936 0.045 +wuxia 0.758 0.007 +wuz 0.141 0.039 +wv 0.016 0.956 +wva 0.030 0.890 +wvc 0.006 0.940 +wvdial 0.029 0.009 +wve 0.023 0.140 +wvec 0.004 0.977 +wvi 0.007 0.969 +wvo 0.008 0.844 +wvs 0.005 0.927 +wvu 0.006 0.967 +ww 0.138 0.723 +wwa 0.013 0.852 +wwb 0.018 0.694 +wwc 0.004 0.964 +wwd 0.012 0.907 +wwdc 0.000 0.975 +wwe 0.037 0.815 +wwf 0.015 0.885 +wwi 0.004 0.952 +wwii 0.006 0.942 +wwjd 0.018 0.916 +wwl 0.008 0.878 +wwn 0.003 0.865 +wwp 0.003 0.565 +wwr 0.008 0.931 +wwrite 0.998 0.000 +wws 0.016 0.772 +wwslog 0.000 0.000 +wwsympa 0.000 0.001 +wwt 0.015 0.893 +wwtp 0.003 0.988 +wwu 0.010 0.947 +www 0.013 0.242 +wwwb 0.000 0.044 +wwwc 0.000 0.055 +wwwdocs 0.000 0.004 +wwwe 0.014 0.021 +wwwgoo 0.000 0.000 +wwwgoogle 0.000 0.000 +wwwgooglecom 0.000 0.000 +wwwmsn 0.000 0.000 +wwwoffle 0.001 0.061 +wwwp 0.000 0.042 +wwwroot 0.002 0.047 +wwwsex 0.017 0.000 +wwww 0.020 0.192 +wwwwyahoo 0.000 0.000 +wwwyahoo 0.000 0.000 +wwyahoo 0.000 0.000 +wx 0.516 0.290 +wxga 0.005 0.987 +wxh 0.006 0.103 +wxia 0.000 0.992 +wxp 0.055 0.871 +wxpn 0.000 0.989 +wxpp 0.039 0.913 +wxyz 0.004 0.874 +wy 0.034 0.925 +wyahoo 0.000 0.000 +wyandot 0.903 0.074 +wyandotte 0.871 0.089 +wyant 0.863 0.128 +wyatt 0.896 0.070 +wybierz 0.547 0.023 +wybod 0.014 0.003 +wybodaeth 0.113 0.005 +wyc 0.107 0.862 +wychavon 0.534 0.009 +wyche 0.902 0.082 +wychwood 0.932 0.052 +wyck 0.889 0.093 +wyckoff 0.899 0.084 +wyclef 0.886 0.061 +wycliffe 0.989 0.009 +wycombe 0.887 0.039 +wyd 0.180 0.612 +wydawnictwo 0.692 0.036 +wyden 0.850 0.145 +wye 0.619 0.294 +wyeth 0.885 0.071 +wyk 0.695 0.151 +wyke 0.923 0.058 +wyland 0.883 0.062 +wyld 0.722 0.196 +wylde 0.711 0.056 +wylder 0.985 0.010 +wyle 0.913 0.044 +wyler 0.942 0.039 +wylie 0.889 0.092 +wyllie 0.934 0.052 +wylug 0.923 0.062 +wyman 0.909 0.066 +wymondham 0.859 0.037 +wymore 0.858 0.114 +wyn 0.834 0.071 +wyncote 0.820 0.127 +wynd 0.842 0.072 +wyndam 0.160 0.008 +wyndham 0.894 0.045 +wynette 0.843 0.122 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0.053 +xandros 0.955 0.015 +xanex 0.261 0.000 +xanga 0.569 0.009 +xango 0.513 0.029 +xanh 0.156 0.016 +xante 0.906 0.072 +xanthan 0.471 0.096 +xanthi 0.909 0.062 +xanthia 0.959 0.004 +xanthine 0.302 0.040 +xanthomonas 0.972 0.010 +xanthus 0.476 0.018 +xantia 0.753 0.139 +xantrex 0.830 0.158 +xap 0.378 0.440 +xapian 0.630 0.000 +xar 0.099 0.208 +xara 0.776 0.035 +xaraya 0.928 0.001 +xarch 0.008 0.000 +xards 0.000 0.000 +xargs 0.005 0.013 +xas 0.058 0.686 +xaser 0.790 0.056 +xatom 0.000 0.984 +xattr 0.004 0.024 +xau 0.037 0.924 +xauth 0.137 0.190 +xaver 0.886 0.042 +xavier 0.920 0.043 +xaw 0.591 0.032 +xawtv 0.042 0.007 +xaxis 0.025 0.046 +xb 0.168 0.696 +xbase 0.281 0.021 +xbel 0.020 0.540 +xbl 0.017 0.824 +xbm 0.058 0.556 +xbmc 0.078 0.688 +xboard 0.166 0.016 +xbox 0.783 0.100 +xbr 0.032 0.801 +xbrite 0.039 0.948 +xbrl 0.002 0.975 +xbs 0.012 0.794 +xbt 0.007 0.903 +xbx 0.032 0.753 +xc 0.059 0.654 +xcams 0.000 0.000 +xcaret 0.830 0.033 +xcat 0.032 0.069 +xcb 0.248 0.327 +xcc 0.067 0.474 +xcd 0.016 0.841 +xcdroast 0.050 0.008 +xceed 0.923 0.036 +xcel 0.769 0.190 +xcelite 0.922 0.073 +xcen 0.005 0.979 +xcf 0.053 0.565 +xchange 0.629 0.153 +xchat 0.114 0.003 +xcin 0.052 0.142 +xcite 0.927 0.033 +xcode 0.839 0.007 +xcom 0.304 0.295 +xconfig 0.228 0.009 +xconq 0.321 0.000 +xcopy 0.215 0.209 +xcoral 0.020 0.000 +xcp 0.026 0.889 +xcr 0.022 0.936 +xcs 0.023 0.811 +xd 0.112 0.756 +xda 0.118 0.811 +xdb 0.031 0.426 +xdc 0.182 0.524 +xdcam 0.000 0.987 +xdcc 0.027 0.654 +xdd 0.047 0.708 +xde 0.022 0.667 +xdebug 0.425 0.009 +xdelta 0.074 0.047 +xdg 0.016 0.122 +xdm 0.013 0.210 +xdmcp 0.044 0.773 +xdoc 0.012 0.039 +xdoclet 0.217 0.006 +xdocs 0.005 0.000 +xdr 0.010 0.864 +xdrs 0.000 0.006 +xds 0.053 0.814 +xdsl 0.031 0.347 +xdt 0.025 0.541 +xdvi 0.034 0.014 +xe 0.261 0.421 +xearch 0.000 0.000 +xecuter 0.889 0.045 +xecutive 0.011 0.921 +xed 0.050 0.043 +xel 0.590 0.277 +xelibri 0.954 0.023 +xeloda 0.824 0.108 +xem 0.457 0.019 +xemacs 0.025 0.003 +xen 0.689 0.057 +xena 0.878 0.068 +xenadrine 0.660 0.020 +xenakis 0.896 0.066 +xend 0.111 0.104 +xeni 0.608 0.028 +xenia 0.825 0.079 +xenical 0.397 0.011 +xenium 0.934 0.022 +xenix 0.550 0.328 +xeno 0.769 0.043 +xenobiotic 0.181 0.022 +xenobiotics 0.283 0.030 +xenogears 0.865 0.029 +xenograft 0.177 0.021 +xenografts 0.081 0.014 +xenon 0.663 0.116 +xenophobia 0.282 0.016 +xenophobic 0.086 0.005 +xenophon 0.941 0.022 +xenopus 0.887 0.013 +xenos 0.818 0.150 +xenosaga 0.832 0.029 +xenotransplantation 0.358 0.021 +xenu 0.758 0.047 +xeon 0.856 0.108 +xep 0.009 0.312 +xer 0.347 0.458 +xerces 0.573 0.031 +xeric 0.518 0.044 +xeriscape 0.670 0.019 +xero 0.702 0.059 +xeroderma 0.443 0.041 +xerox 0.821 0.125 +xers 0.946 0.005 +xert 0.974 0.021 +xerxes 0.876 0.055 +xes 0.081 0.218 +xetra 0.675 0.321 +xeu 0.002 0.991 +xev 0.530 0.048 +xex 0.030 0.081 +xexp 0.005 0.972 +xf 0.041 0.305 +xfaces 0.000 0.000 +xfail 0.010 0.783 +xfc 0.416 0.212 +xfce 0.447 0.104 +xfe 0.098 0.075 +xfer 0.127 0.142 +xff 0.004 0.016 +xfig 0.052 0.017 +xfire 0.677 0.049 +xfl 0.044 0.788 +xfm 0.036 0.083 +xfn 0.001 0.978 +xfonts 0.003 0.000 +xforms 0.142 0.033 +xfp 0.009 0.904 +xfr 0.034 0.667 +xfree 0.157 0.021 +xfs 0.005 0.383 +xfsprogs 0.000 0.000 +xft 0.475 0.090 +xfx 0.033 0.929 +xg 0.208 0.563 +xga 0.010 0.972 +xgcc 0.004 0.002 +xgettext 0.000 0.178 +xgi 0.067 0.899 +xgl 0.104 0.779 +xgp 0.005 0.968 +xh 0.197 0.473 +xhat 0.014 0.006 +xhilaration 0.933 0.029 +xhosa 0.958 0.016 +xhost 0.044 0.011 +xhtml 0.003 0.916 +xi 0.239 0.551 +xia 0.814 0.068 +xiamen 0.933 0.047 +xian 0.796 0.035 +xiang 0.821 0.036 +xiao 0.853 0.047 +xiaoping 0.990 0.006 +xiaxue 0.849 0.006 +xico 0.070 0.060 +xicor 0.877 0.117 +xictionary 0.000 0.000 +xid 0.036 0.406 +xie 0.768 0.159 +xii 0.005 0.753 +xiii 0.007 0.754 +xilinx 0.904 0.066 +xilisoft 0.899 0.002 +xilo 0.025 0.101 +xim 0.053 0.545 +ximage 0.006 0.933 +ximeta 0.607 0.384 +ximian 0.702 0.003 +xin 0.563 0.068 +xindice 0.331 0.004 +xine 0.118 0.008 +xinerama 0.555 0.054 +xinetd 0.052 0.005 +xing 0.681 0.143 +xingtone 0.888 0.007 +xinhua 0.917 0.075 +xinhuanet 0.954 0.017 +xinitrc 0.009 0.007 +xinjiang 0.958 0.026 +xion 0.739 0.154 +xiong 0.835 0.066 +xip 0.495 0.218 +xiph 0.165 0.003 +xircom 0.780 0.116 +xit 0.163 0.344 +xitel 0.914 0.056 +xiu 0.844 0.053 +xiv 0.008 0.759 +xix 0.006 0.787 +xj 0.124 0.697 +xjack 0.038 0.919 +xjr 0.042 0.868 +xjs 0.043 0.863 +xk 0.136 0.564 +xkb 0.037 0.523 +xke 0.019 0.869 +xkr 0.030 0.897 +xl 0.027 0.882 +xla 0.024 0.498 +xlabel 0.011 0.023 +xlarge 0.438 0.335 +xlc 0.022 0.403 +xle 0.015 0.934 +xlf 0.005 0.658 +xlg 0.132 0.784 +xli 0.026 0.641 +xlib 0.543 0.101 +xlibmesa 0.000 0.000 +xlibris 0.946 0.042 +xlibs 0.000 0.001 +xlii 0.008 0.761 +xliii 0.006 0.741 +xlink 0.242 0.099 +xliv 0.003 0.724 +xlix 0.004 0.734 +xloadimage 0.026 0.000 +xlock 0.155 0.028 +xlog 0.260 0.056 +xlogmaster 0.023 0.000 +xlr 0.011 0.951 +xls 0.016 0.563 +xlt 0.020 0.917 +xlv 0.006 0.790 +xlvi 0.005 0.741 +xlvii 0.000 0.756 +xlviii 0.003 0.726 +xm 0.081 0.800 +xmail 0.135 0.016 +xmalloc 0.019 0.039 +xmame 0.200 0.039 +xmas 0.634 0.104 +xmax 0.103 0.154 +xmb 0.006 0.967 +xmcd 0.028 0.174 +xmen 0.427 0.105 +xmi 0.022 0.869 +xmin 0.063 0.142 +xmit 0.319 0.286 +xml 0.006 0.847 +xmlbeans 0.005 0.116 +xmlblaster 0.000 0.000 +xmlc 0.102 0.537 +xmlj 0.000 0.995 +xmlns 0.002 0.023 +xmlrpc 0.007 0.352 +xmlsec 0.007 0.008 +xmltv 0.004 0.280 +xmm 0.005 0.940 +xmml 0.352 0.530 +xmms 0.020 0.253 +xmod 0.306 0.122 +xmodem 0.385 0.346 +xmodmap 0.208 0.004 +xmods 0.158 0.417 +xmp 0.045 0.588 +xmpp 0.002 0.818 +xmpuzzles 0.000 0.000 +xms 0.028 0.903 +xmt 0.166 0.368 +xn 0.227 0.288 +xna 0.015 0.952 +xnest 0.746 0.000 +xnet 0.533 0.154 +xno 0.145 0.080 +xns 0.029 0.689 +xnxx 0.013 0.003 +xo 0.090 0.610 +xoanon 0.992 0.000 +xof 0.023 0.870 +xoff 0.298 0.448 +xoftspy 0.219 0.055 +xom 0.076 0.729 +xon 0.236 0.570 +xone 0.737 0.168 +xong 0.038 0.006 +xonix 0.657 0.009 +xoops 0.242 0.681 +xor 0.043 0.556 +xorg 0.139 0.057 +xoro 0.835 0.124 +xorp 0.250 0.416 +xownload 0.000 0.000 +xox 0.018 0.237 +xoxo 0.048 0.508 +xoxox 0.006 0.193 +xoxoxo 0.012 0.292 +xp 0.022 0.845 +xpa 0.035 0.776 +xpand 0.795 0.110 +xpass 0.001 0.996 +xpat 0.488 0.395 +xpath 0.164 0.182 +xpc 0.008 0.956 +xpcom 0.002 0.566 +xpd 0.012 0.921 +xpdf 0.141 0.018 +xpe 0.064 0.722 +xperience 0.494 0.202 +xpert 0.679 0.190 +xpf 0.004 0.963 +xph 0.018 0.874 +xphone 0.871 0.019 +xpi 0.022 0.203 +xpilot 0.214 0.005 +xplanet 0.063 0.000 +xplod 0.559 0.212 +xplode 0.772 0.154 +xplor 0.819 0.135 +xplore 0.901 0.055 +xplorer 0.776 0.122 +xplosion 0.889 0.061 +xpm 0.078 0.437 +xpn 0.010 0.826 +xport 0.210 0.205 +xpos 0.134 0.100 +xposed 0.904 0.034 +xposure 0.730 0.191 +xpower 0.096 0.878 +xpp 0.038 0.870 +xpres 0.424 0.537 +xpress 0.835 0.089 +xpresso 0.821 0.159 +xprint 0.724 0.050 +xprt 0.147 0.048 +xps 0.011 0.936 +xpt 0.044 0.846 +xpu 0.693 0.232 +xpuzzles 0.000 0.000 +xq 0.234 0.523 +xqes 0.076 0.000 +xr 0.029 0.361 +xrange 0.018 0.051 +xrated 0.141 0.021 +xray 0.310 0.235 +xrc 0.010 0.421 +xrd 0.016 0.938 +xref 0.338 0.233 +xrefs 0.161 0.011 +xrf 0.004 0.971 +xri 0.010 0.577 +xrlq 0.781 0.200 +xronia 0.036 0.034 +xrp 0.019 0.944 +xrs 0.037 0.814 +xrt 0.062 0.696 +xrv 0.007 0.903 +xs 0.082 0.641 +xsane 0.064 0.015 +xsara 0.831 0.130 +xscale 0.337 0.146 +xscape 0.898 0.050 +xscreensaver 0.016 0.001 +xsd 0.004 0.466 +xsed 0.995 0.000 +xsel 0.002 0.002 +xselect 0.100 0.847 +xseries 0.149 0.687 +xserve 0.953 0.021 +xserver 0.366 0.011 +xsession 0.451 0.012 +xset 0.366 0.019 +xsi 0.014 0.667 +xsize 0.036 0.178 +xsl 0.003 0.416 +xslt 0.005 0.853 +xsltproc 0.005 0.071 +xsmall 0.464 0.192 +xsonic 0.976 0.019 +xsp 0.007 0.472 +xspec 0.033 0.932 +xspf 0.000 0.893 +xsrc 0.030 0.009 +xss 0.023 0.842 +xst 0.135 0.651 +xstrata 0.952 0.037 +xstream 0.464 0.082 +xsv 0.010 0.893 +xt 0.176 0.656 +xtal 0.371 0.447 +xtasy 0.727 0.207 +xtc 0.082 0.859 +xte 0.042 0.822 +xteddy 0.002 0.000 +xtel 0.013 0.025 +xtend 0.636 0.208 +xtension 0.402 0.514 +xterm 0.068 0.017 +xterra 0.833 0.105 +xti 0.115 0.740 +xtina 0.565 0.036 +xtine 0.924 0.006 +xtm 0.020 0.741 +xtn 0.058 0.830 +xto 0.050 0.659 +xtr 0.029 0.823 +xtra 0.766 0.121 +xtradius 0.004 0.002 +xtraordinary 0.926 0.032 +xtras 0.694 0.071 +xtreme 0.886 0.049 +xts 0.022 0.845 +xtt 0.016 0.407 +xttp 0.000 0.002 +xtx 0.005 0.840 +xu 0.739 0.137 +xuan 0.861 0.035 +xue 0.825 0.037 +xul 0.033 0.849 +xun 0.839 0.040 +xupiter 0.887 0.003 +xuv 0.045 0.865 +xuxa 0.088 0.007 +xv 0.047 0.736 +xvcd 0.004 0.787 +xvf 0.005 0.020 +xvi 0.005 0.778 +xvid 0.346 0.162 +xview 0.099 0.016 +xviewg 0.000 0.000 +xvii 0.004 0.740 +xviii 0.004 0.754 +xw 0.086 0.538 +xwave 0.430 0.040 +xwd 0.012 0.798 +xwem 0.008 0.052 +xwindows 0.585 0.039 +xwra 0.009 0.070 +xwras 0.007 0.008 +xwres 0.006 0.013 +xwris 0.098 0.023 +xx 0.069 0.523 +xxasdf 0.094 0.005 +xxi 0.008 0.796 +xxii 0.004 0.712 +xxiii 0.006 0.782 +xxiv 0.004 0.698 +xxix 0.004 0.752 +xxl 0.013 0.885 +xxs 0.011 0.864 +xxv 0.010 0.737 +xxvi 0.003 0.720 +xxvii 0.004 0.738 +xxviii 0.003 0.746 +xxx 0.043 0.211 +xxxcam 0.000 0.000 +xxxff 0.000 0.000 +xxxi 0.004 0.733 +xxxii 0.004 0.721 +xxxiii 0.003 0.764 +xxxiv 0.003 0.758 +xxxix 0.007 0.779 +xxxl 0.008 0.907 +xxxpics 0.014 0.004 +xxxv 0.003 0.785 +xxxvi 0.005 0.769 +xxxvii 0.005 0.758 +xxxviii 0.006 0.718 +xxxvogue 0.143 0.000 +xxxx 0.009 0.327 +xxxxing 0.000 0.000 +xxxxl 0.014 0.947 +xy 0.034 0.433 +xybernaut 0.986 0.007 +xyes 0.114 0.003 +xyience 0.867 0.118 +xylanase 0.180 0.126 +xylella 0.980 0.010 +xylem 0.174 0.013 +xylene 0.334 0.114 +xylenes 0.463 0.121 +xylitol 0.583 0.028 +xylocaine 0.779 0.066 +xylophone 0.441 0.201 +xylose 0.247 0.062 +xymox 0.838 0.096 +xyron 0.779 0.176 +xythos 0.996 0.000 +xyz 0.008 0.707 +xyzzy 0.099 0.153 +xz 0.105 0.556 +xzibit 0.621 0.033 +xzvff 0.000 0.000 +xzzzf 0.001 0.000 +y 0.496 0.000 +ya 0.215 0.084 +yaa 0.351 0.271 +yaacov 0.940 0.029 +yaakov 0.957 0.024 +yaar 0.496 0.044 +yabba 0.580 0.163 +yabe 0.431 0.035 +yabloko 0.849 0.140 +yaboo 0.016 0.000 +yaboot 0.134 0.009 +yac 0.041 0.911 +yacc 0.236 0.226 +yachats 0.913 0.023 +yacht 0.615 0.037 +yachting 0.732 0.045 +yachtmaster 0.679 0.064 +yachts 0.666 0.024 +yachtsman 0.574 0.032 +yack 0.575 0.080 +yacoub 0.868 0.108 +yacute 0.522 0.000 +yad 0.719 0.183 +yada 0.254 0.032 +yadav 0.927 0.051 +yadda 0.172 0.009 +yadkin 0.906 0.075 +yadkinville 0.852 0.109 +yaeger 0.909 0.078 +yael 0.908 0.027 +yaesu 0.822 0.100 +yaf 0.042 0.576 +yaffe 0.934 0.052 +yafro 0.603 0.189 +yag 0.072 0.779 +yaga 0.860 0.049 +yager 0.906 0.061 +yagi 0.695 0.108 +yagoo 0.007 0.000 +yah 0.326 0.065 +yaho 0.084 0.005 +yahoo 0.947 0.010 +yahoocom 0.036 0.000 +yahoogames 0.012 0.000 +yahoogroup 0.149 0.012 +yahoogroups 0.071 0.007 +yahooligans 0.973 0.001 +yahoomail 0.016 0.004 +yahooo 0.074 0.026 +yahoos 0.273 0.025 +yahootravel 0.003 0.000 +yahshua 0.884 0.110 +yahtzee 0.807 0.054 +yahweh 0.949 0.043 +yahya 0.935 0.028 +yai 0.832 0.068 +yair 0.789 0.025 +yajoo 0.000 0.000 +yak 0.615 0.099 +yakama 0.947 0.034 +yaki 0.580 0.057 +yakima 0.921 0.052 +yakov 0.956 0.017 +yakovlev 0.914 0.073 +yaks 0.361 0.034 +yaktrax 0.893 0.098 +yakumo 0.794 0.089 +yakutat 0.885 0.108 +yakutia 0.936 0.053 +yakutsk 0.969 0.022 +yakuza 0.683 0.035 +yal 0.234 0.455 +yala 0.869 0.054 +yale 0.940 0.039 +yaletown 0.934 0.030 +yali 0.488 0.229 +yall 0.108 0.084 +yallingup 0.701 0.276 +yalta 0.952 0.019 +yam 0.504 0.245 +yama 0.646 0.055 +yamada 0.890 0.058 +yamagata 0.890 0.073 +yamaguchi 0.929 0.057 +yamaha 0.771 0.117 +yamakawa 0.966 0.016 +yamamoto 0.845 0.136 +yamamura 0.911 0.077 +yamanaka 0.922 0.063 +yamanashi 0.830 0.155 +yamane 0.924 0.052 +yamaoka 0.845 0.107 +yamasaki 0.907 0.052 +yamashita 0.919 0.057 +yamato 0.831 0.102 +yamauchi 0.900 0.080 +yamazaki 0.927 0.053 +yamba 0.832 0.131 +yambol 0.926 0.073 +yamhill 0.875 0.063 +yami 0.768 0.030 +yamila 0.867 0.010 +yaml 0.016 0.786 +yampa 0.908 0.069 +yams 0.509 0.047 +yamuna 0.926 0.040 +yan 0.783 0.058 +yana 0.874 0.041 +yanagisawa 0.904 0.078 +yancey 0.896 0.080 +yancy 0.858 0.087 +yandell 0.940 0.050 +yanez 0.895 0.089 +yang 0.745 0.045 +yangon 0.849 0.137 +yangshuo 0.922 0.014 +yangtze 0.954 0.023 +yangzhou 0.956 0.031 +yani 0.667 0.044 +yaniv 0.940 0.025 +yank 0.417 0.026 +yanked 0.037 0.005 +yankee 0.898 0.035 +yankees 0.902 0.045 +yankers 0.872 0.021 +yanking 0.152 0.005 +yankovic 0.929 0.031 +yanks 0.725 0.027 +yankton 0.904 0.072 +yanmar 0.762 0.139 +yann 0.905 0.033 +yanni 0.738 0.060 +yannick 0.917 0.023 +yannis 0.890 0.051 +yano 0.878 0.067 +yanoo 0.017 0.000 +yantai 0.906 0.076 +yantis 0.614 0.373 +yantra 0.809 0.040 +yantras 0.817 0.013 +yanuk 0.662 0.223 +yanukovych 0.969 0.026 +yao 0.885 0.048 +yaoi 0.304 0.029 +yaoo 0.014 0.003 +yaooh 0.000 0.000 +yaounde 0.907 0.054 +yap 0.661 0.183 +yapc 0.000 0.806 +yapp 0.761 0.100 +yapping 0.165 0.009 +yaqui 0.904 0.041 +yaquina 0.940 0.048 +yar 0.618 0.123 +yara 0.843 0.061 +yarborough 0.886 0.099 +yarbrough 0.891 0.095 +yard 0.310 0.033 +yardage 0.555 0.067 +yardbirds 0.900 0.062 +yarder 0.024 0.002 +yardley 0.871 0.104 +yardmaster 0.859 0.041 +yards 0.155 0.028 +yardstick 0.382 0.008 +yardsticks 0.209 0.031 +yaris 0.788 0.085 +yarm 0.913 0.056 +yarmouth 0.918 0.056 +yarn 0.447 0.048 +yarnell 0.891 0.085 +yarns 0.446 0.033 +yaron 0.970 0.009 +yaroslav 0.960 0.008 +yaroslavl 0.953 0.022 +yarra 0.895 0.083 +yarrawonga 0.663 0.262 +yarrow 0.753 0.055 +yas 0.421 0.220 +yasa 0.145 0.789 +yaser 0.958 0.014 +yash 0.864 0.058 +yasha 0.800 0.058 +yashica 0.743 0.204 +yashin 0.922 0.048 +yasin 0.872 0.051 +yasir 0.921 0.025 +yasmeen 0.897 0.027 +yasmin 0.683 0.028 +yasmine 0.642 0.020 +yass 0.789 0.099 +yasser 0.961 0.020 +yassin 0.967 0.018 +yassir 0.952 0.015 +yast 0.336 0.330 +yasuda 0.886 0.061 +yasuhiro 0.928 0.023 +yasui 0.812 0.162 +yasukuni 0.982 0.006 +yasuo 0.965 0.019 +yasushi 0.966 0.024 +yat 0.758 0.095 +yata 0.441 0.063 +yate 0.644 0.045 +yateley 0.938 0.046 +yates 0.892 0.085 +yatra 0.736 0.030 +yatsura 0.848 0.139 +yatta 0.387 0.052 +yatton 0.534 0.457 +yau 0.881 0.062 +yauoo 0.000 0.000 +yavapai 0.923 0.062 +yavin 0.909 0.040 +yaw 0.344 0.071 +yawl 0.405 0.162 +yawn 0.293 0.159 +yawned 0.008 0.002 +yawning 0.155 0.009 +yawns 0.196 0.022 +yaws 0.332 0.069 +yaxis 0.030 0.059 +yaxley 0.849 0.138 +yay 0.468 0.169 +yaya 0.517 0.095 +yayo 0.831 0.051 +yayoi 0.678 0.028 +yayoo 0.000 0.000 +yaz 0.356 0.336 +yazd 0.932 0.035 +yazoo 0.835 0.111 +yazzie 0.939 0.040 +yb 0.241 0.585 +ybarra 0.904 0.073 +ybco 0.000 0.996 +ybor 0.903 0.045 +yc 0.081 0.766 +ycc 0.017 0.931 +ycen 0.002 0.984 +ychwanegol 0.112 0.007 +ychwanegu 0.520 0.000 +yd 0.101 0.441 +ydl 0.007 0.843 +ydq 0.014 0.961 +yds 0.454 0.232 +ydych 0.077 0.004 +ye 0.209 0.059 +yea 0.500 0.104 +yeadon 0.546 0.433 +yeager 0.834 0.075 +yeah 0.523 0.026 +yeahs 0.726 0.029 +yeaman 0.329 0.035 +yeap 0.600 0.034 +year 0.230 0.021 +yearbook 0.727 0.049 +yearbooks 0.608 0.024 +yearend 0.201 0.044 +yearling 0.530 0.059 +yearlings 0.296 0.035 +yearlong 0.080 0.004 +yearly 0.335 0.022 +yearn 0.058 0.009 +yearned 0.011 0.002 +yearning 0.140 0.007 +yearnings 0.066 0.004 +yearns 0.055 0.007 +yearold 0.008 0.008 +years 0.104 0.011 +yearwood 0.910 0.057 +yeas 0.479 0.240 +yeast 0.246 0.018 +yeasts 0.278 0.016 +yeates 0.904 0.073 +yeats 0.956 0.019 +yec 0.014 0.954 +yee 0.824 0.064 +yeesh 0.717 0.018 +yeh 0.544 0.063 +yehey 0.133 0.739 +yehoshua 0.955 0.022 +yehuda 0.950 0.027 +yehudah 0.981 0.012 +yehudi 0.908 0.042 +yekaterinburg 0.958 0.030 +yel 0.303 0.421 +yelena 0.927 0.042 +yell 0.243 0.086 +yelled 0.013 0.003 +yeller 0.717 0.033 +yellin 0.701 0.036 +yelling 0.062 0.030 +yello 0.679 0.086 +yellow 0.715 0.043 +yellowcake 0.213 0.018 +yellowcard 0.858 0.064 +yellowdog 0.291 0.003 +yellowed 0.063 0.015 +yellowfin 0.438 0.048 +yellowhead 0.915 0.035 +yellowing 0.096 0.013 +yellowish 0.074 0.056 +yellowjackets 0.819 0.031 +yellowknife 0.930 0.053 +yellowlegs 0.753 0.120 +yellowman 0.880 0.070 +yellowpages 0.369 0.320 +yellows 0.294 0.021 +yellowstone 0.929 0.040 +yellowtail 0.479 0.057 +yellowthroat 0.816 0.057 +yells 0.043 0.009 +yelm 0.874 0.068 +yelo 0.113 0.850 +yelow 0.230 0.029 +yelp 0.647 0.007 +yelped 0.005 0.000 +yelton 0.877 0.119 +yeltsin 0.959 0.034 +yelverton 0.889 0.099 +yema 0.916 0.022 +yemen 0.948 0.046 +yemeni 0.980 0.011 +yemenite 0.939 0.023 +yen 0.546 0.035 +yeni 0.616 0.076 +yenta 0.636 0.028 +yeo 0.830 0.128 +yeoh 0.961 0.022 +yeoman 0.599 0.047 +yeomanry 0.740 0.060 +yeomans 0.886 0.088 +yeomen 0.512 0.040 +yeon 0.586 0.031 +yeong 0.732 0.023 +yeovil 0.929 0.036 +yep 0.700 0.024 +yepp 0.495 0.413 +yeppoon 0.738 0.171 +yer 0.194 0.065 +yerba 0.841 0.040 +yerevan 0.916 0.068 +yerington 0.796 0.134 +yerkes 0.920 0.046 +yermo 0.836 0.113 +yers 0.120 0.142 +yersinia 0.954 0.011 +yerushalayim 0.969 0.014 +yes 0.649 0.084 +yesh 0.467 0.068 +yeshiva 0.739 0.055 +yeshua 0.959 0.028 +yess 0.519 0.168 +yesss 0.416 0.173 +yester 0.427 0.038 +yesterday 0.466 0.011 +yesterdays 0.627 0.048 +yesteryear 0.323 0.046 +yet 0.194 0.006 +yeti 0.810 0.036 +yeu 0.433 0.119 +yeung 0.863 0.090 +yeux 0.311 0.113 +yevgeny 0.965 0.028 +yew 0.639 0.049 +yey 0.308 0.199 +yezdk 0.000 0.000 +yf 0.116 0.590 +yfc 0.012 0.926 +yfp 0.007 0.913 +yg 0.155 0.485 +yggdrasil 0.883 0.050 +yglesias 0.972 0.004 +ygnacio 0.788 0.192 +yh 0.119 0.699 +yha 0.019 0.934 +yhaoo 0.004 0.000 +yhe 0.111 0.044 +yhoo 0.002 0.901 +yht 0.019 0.836 +yhvh 0.007 0.966 +yhwh 0.046 0.926 +yi 0.608 0.148 +yiannis 0.884 0.049 +yichang 0.939 0.041 +yid 0.593 0.114 +yiddish 0.966 0.015 +yield 0.221 0.024 +yielded 0.006 0.003 +yielding 0.058 0.006 +yields 0.089 0.014 +yiff 0.149 0.055 +yigal 0.928 0.019 +yih 0.823 0.110 +yikes 0.692 0.082 +yildiz 0.633 0.210 +yilmaz 0.802 0.173 +yim 0.250 0.618 +yimou 0.974 0.011 +yin 0.707 0.059 +ying 0.810 0.045 +yiorg 0.000 0.000 +yip 0.785 0.098 +yipee 0.584 0.100 +yippee 0.774 0.075 +yippie 0.601 0.057 +yisrael 0.952 0.025 +yisroel 0.952 0.016 +yit 0.207 0.372 +yitzchak 0.985 0.011 +yitzhak 0.975 0.020 +yiu 0.815 0.073 +yiwu 0.917 0.040 +yixing 0.886 0.048 +yizkor 0.939 0.020 +yj 0.106 0.653 +yk 0.101 0.671 +ykk 0.017 0.926 +yks 0.089 0.887 +yl 0.077 0.438 +ylabel 0.010 0.022 +ylang 0.567 0.117 +ylc 0.007 0.952 +yld 0.330 0.597 +yle 0.054 0.740 +yli 0.292 0.480 +yliopisto 0.109 0.126 +ylt 0.002 0.653 +ylw 0.128 0.783 +ylx 0.000 0.986 +ym 0.061 0.581 +yma 0.105 0.068 +ymarfer 0.431 0.012 +ymateb 0.386 0.008 +ymax 0.094 0.181 +ymca 0.020 0.940 +ymchwil 0.530 0.010 +ymd 0.532 0.278 +ymddiriedolaeth 0.853 0.022 +ymgynghori 0.355 0.016 +ymin 0.088 0.173 +ymlaen 0.096 0.159 +ymmv 0.002 0.929 +ymweld 0.356 0.019 +ymwneud 0.012 0.005 +yn 0.069 0.044 +yna 0.114 0.072 +ynet 0.492 0.320 +ynez 0.851 0.092 +yng 0.052 0.085 +ynghyd 0.025 0.000 +ynghylch 0.077 0.010 +yngwie 0.718 0.068 +ynp 0.005 0.956 +ynys 0.926 0.018 +ynysoedd 0.994 0.001 +yo 0.426 0.090 +yoakam 0.939 0.042 +yoakum 0.809 0.144 +yoav 0.869 0.013 +yob 0.311 0.231 +yobs 0.134 0.054 +yocum 0.876 0.109 +yod 0.508 0.161 +yoda 0.845 0.062 +yodel 0.532 0.075 +yodeling 0.392 0.017 +yoder 0.909 0.074 +yodl 0.020 0.035 +yoel 0.928 0.025 +yog 0.671 0.108 +yoga 0.717 0.031 +yogalates 0.973 0.019 +yogananda 0.957 0.020 +yogawithmoby 0.000 0.000 +yogesh 0.818 0.060 +yoghurt 0.381 0.022 +yogi 0.786 0.041 +yogic 0.391 0.024 +yogis 0.435 0.013 +yogurt 0.366 0.053 +yogurts 0.244 0.013 +yogyakarta 0.933 0.024 +yoh 0.678 0.103 +yohan 0.921 0.017 +yohimbe 0.729 0.020 +yohimbine 0.465 0.017 +yohji 0.679 0.285 +yohko 0.937 0.013 +yoho 0.836 0.114 +yoichi 0.965 0.022 +yoji 0.917 0.024 +yojimbo 0.827 0.076 +yok 0.481 0.115 +yoke 0.258 0.046 +yoked 0.130 0.011 +yokel 0.600 0.023 +yokes 0.238 0.029 +yoko 0.839 0.065 +yokogawa 0.749 0.237 +yokohama 0.937 0.040 +yokosuka 0.930 0.051 +yokota 0.872 0.089 +yokoyama 0.910 0.075 +yol 0.664 0.134 +yolanda 0.858 0.051 +yolande 0.943 0.035 +yolen 0.974 0.016 +yolk 0.151 0.025 +yolks 0.046 0.007 +yolo 0.865 0.118 +yom 0.907 0.034 +yomi 0.735 0.035 +yomiuri 0.892 0.095 +yon 0.559 0.039 +yona 0.895 0.031 +yonah 0.933 0.031 +yond 0.035 0.020 +yonder 0.366 0.017 +yoneda 0.948 0.044 +yonex 0.837 0.106 +yong 0.701 0.039 +yonge 0.932 0.040 +yongkang 0.952 0.025 +yonhap 0.882 0.116 +yoni 0.749 0.023 +yonka 0.723 0.041 +yonkers 0.897 0.066 +yonsei 0.963 0.020 +yoo 0.762 0.064 +yoogle 0.021 0.000 +yoon 0.924 0.043 +yoox 0.218 0.774 +yop 0.316 0.267 +yoper 0.890 0.018 +yopy 0.926 0.059 +yor 0.376 0.207 +yoram 0.969 0.019 +yorba 0.907 0.048 +yore 0.149 0.022 +yori 0.726 0.033 +yorick 0.773 0.013 +york 0.923 0.035 +yorke 0.922 0.036 +yorker 0.934 0.023 +yorkers 0.960 0.021 +yorkie 0.644 0.041 +yorkies 0.502 0.030 +yorks 0.861 0.061 +yorkshire 0.941 0.027 +yorkton 0.936 0.052 +yorktown 0.914 0.063 +yorkville 0.887 0.082 +yorn 0.829 0.049 +yoru 0.283 0.020 +yoruba 0.915 0.060 +yos 0.432 0.205 +yosef 0.956 0.018 +yosemite 0.926 0.030 +yosh 0.548 0.076 +yoshi 0.804 0.037 +yoshiaki 0.972 0.016 +yoshida 0.917 0.068 +yoshie 0.972 0.012 +yoshihiro 0.961 0.024 +yoshikawa 0.934 0.050 +yoshiki 0.864 0.037 +yoshiko 0.936 0.032 +yoshimi 0.897 0.032 +yoshimoto 0.916 0.055 +yoshimura 0.812 0.102 +yoshino 0.921 0.041 +yoshinori 0.976 0.011 +yoshio 0.929 0.035 +yoshioka 0.906 0.064 +yoshitaka 0.902 0.025 +yoshitoshi 0.772 0.189 +yoshiyuki 0.970 0.020 +yosi 0.789 0.019 +yossarian 0.744 0.010 +yossi 0.946 0.019 +yost 0.881 0.105 +yot 0.360 0.525 +you 0.186 0.012 +youd 0.167 0.018 +youg 0.053 0.016 +youger 0.005 0.000 +youghal 0.950 0.031 +youie 0.270 0.000 +youkai 0.363 0.005 +youll 0.322 0.028 +youmans 0.863 0.128 +youn 0.500 0.055 +younes 0.933 0.034 +young 0.294 0.020 +youngadventurous 0.000 0.000 +youngblood 0.852 0.119 +youngbloodz 0.772 0.180 +youngboy 0.063 0.000 +younge 0.556 0.045 +younger 0.126 0.008 +youngest 0.118 0.009 +younggirls 0.251 0.000 +youngman 0.862 0.058 +youngmodels 0.277 0.000 +youngporn 0.240 0.000 +youngpussy 0.244 0.000 +youngs 0.922 0.025 +youngsex 0.259 0.000 +youngster 0.077 0.007 +youngsters 0.107 0.012 +youngstown 0.920 0.059 +youngsville 0.861 0.110 +youngtown 0.805 0.164 +younis 0.962 0.018 +yount 0.814 0.148 +yountville 0.894 0.049 +your 0.196 0.016 +yourdirtymind 0.872 0.000 +youre 0.207 0.027 +yourguide 0.194 0.003 +yourish 0.927 0.002 +yourname 0.062 0.089 +yours 0.210 0.017 +yourself 0.149 0.013 +yourselfer 0.121 0.012 +yourselfers 0.232 0.005 +yourselves 0.027 0.014 +yous 0.276 0.036 +youse 0.186 0.016 +yousef 0.939 0.037 +youself 0.088 0.025 +yousif 0.961 0.017 +youssef 0.888 0.042 +youssou 0.877 0.102 +yousuf 0.953 0.025 +yout 0.173 0.066 +youth 0.559 0.034 +youthful 0.157 0.008 +youthfulness 0.069 0.005 +youths 0.170 0.017 +youve 0.200 0.023 +youville 0.925 0.057 +yow 0.445 0.193 +yoy 0.052 0.211 +yoyo 0.357 0.178 +yp 0.066 0.692 +yparxei 0.098 0.012 +ypbind 0.008 0.008 +ypc 0.009 0.846 +ypd 0.004 0.971 +ype 0.040 0.529 +ypf 0.011 0.959 +ypg 0.005 0.526 +ypn 0.012 0.913 +ypo 0.059 0.202 +ypos 0.146 0.098 +ypoyrgos 0.368 0.012 +ypres 0.939 0.046 +ypserv 0.003 0.005 +ypsilanti 0.919 0.059 +yq 0.256 0.490 +yr 0.235 0.141 +yreka 0.837 0.097 +yrics 0.000 0.000 +yro 0.009 0.900 +yrs 0.119 0.051 +ys 0.155 0.528 +ysabel 0.832 0.123 +ysatis 0.687 0.243 +ysgol 0.475 0.021 +ysgolion 0.397 0.018 +yshoo 0.000 0.000 +ysi 0.009 0.887 +ysidro 0.890 0.075 +ysis 0.008 0.038 +ysl 0.047 0.897 +ysp 0.009 0.941 +yss 0.034 0.432 +yssk 0.000 0.965 +yst 0.146 0.633 +ystem 0.000 0.756 +ystems 0.015 0.763 +ystod 0.018 0.004 +ystyried 0.035 0.008 +ysu 0.025 0.927 +yt 0.052 0.730 +ytd 0.005 0.917 +yth 0.623 0.250 +ytl 0.009 0.915 +ytmnd 0.005 0.541 +yto 0.211 0.278 +ytterbium 0.488 0.041 +yttrium 0.408 0.074 +ytv 0.008 0.904 +yu 0.742 0.092 +yuan 0.688 0.023 +yuasa 0.896 0.064 +yub 0.495 0.092 +yuba 0.890 0.075 +yucaipa 0.842 0.096 +yucatan 0.917 0.039 +yucca 0.838 0.039 +yuck 0.439 0.112 +yucky 0.216 0.020 +yuden 0.934 0.049 +yudhoyono 0.979 0.016 +yue 0.843 0.060 +yueh 0.888 0.039 +yuen 0.913 0.053 +yuffie 0.682 0.014 +yug 0.315 0.618 +yuga 0.627 0.019 +yugi 0.836 0.052 +yugioh 0.545 0.080 +yugo 0.917 0.051 +yugoslav 0.950 0.045 +yugoslavia 0.941 0.053 +yugoslavian 0.937 0.031 +yuh 0.343 0.044 +yui 0.834 0.067 +yuichi 0.953 0.020 +yuji 0.946 0.022 +yujin 0.733 0.206 +yuk 0.574 0.117 +yuka 0.793 0.095 +yukari 0.913 0.038 +yukawa 0.966 0.023 +yuki 0.843 0.035 +yukihiro 0.952 0.030 +yukiko 0.924 0.032 +yukio 0.944 0.031 +yuko 0.863 0.048 +yukon 0.926 0.048 +yukos 0.678 0.317 +yul 0.565 0.326 +yule 0.851 0.047 +yulee 0.899 0.061 +yuletide 0.749 0.034 +yulia 0.932 0.014 +yum 0.448 0.122 +yuma 0.905 0.059 +yume 0.660 0.032 +yumi 0.571 0.029 +yumiko 0.888 0.026 +yummi 0.886 0.059 +yummy 0.349 0.053 +yun 0.618 0.249 +yuna 0.433 0.040 +yung 0.520 0.049 +yunis 0.957 0.029 +yunnan 0.949 0.026 +yunus 0.928 0.037 +yuo 0.164 0.113 +yuong 0.042 0.004 +yup 0.619 0.025 +yuppie 0.222 0.018 +yuppies 0.500 0.015 +yur 0.137 0.065 +yura 0.836 0.067 +yuri 0.873 0.031 +yuriko 0.946 0.026 +yuriy 0.954 0.026 +yurman 0.668 0.149 +yurt 0.522 0.035 +yurts 0.447 0.015 +yury 0.960 0.015 +yusef 0.914 0.059 +yushchenko 0.961 0.023 +yusuf 0.805 0.021 +yusuke 0.910 0.033 +yutaka 0.957 0.021 +yuu 0.741 0.046 +yuugi 0.829 0.037 +yuv 0.012 0.853 +yuval 0.915 0.022 +yuvraj 0.948 0.014 +yuyao 0.904 0.063 +yv 0.129 0.568 +yvan 0.927 0.028 +yvelines 0.785 0.044 +yves 0.919 0.042 +yvette 0.897 0.047 +yvon 0.938 0.038 +yvonne 0.916 0.044 +yvr 0.016 0.924 +yw 0.046 0.386 +ywam 0.014 0.955 +yware 0.000 0.000 +ywca 0.014 0.973 +ywhoo 0.000 0.000 +yx 0.090 0.487 +yxboom 0.016 0.000 +yy 0.368 0.328 +yyc 0.021 0.883 +yymmdd 0.000 0.382 +yynn 0.000 0.865 +yytext 0.000 0.000 +yyvsp 0.000 0.000 +yyy 0.010 0.519 +yyyy 0.001 0.389 +yyyymmdd 0.000 0.734 +yyz 0.011 0.906 +yz 0.115 0.621 +yzerman 0.871 0.084 +yzf 0.020 0.890 +z 0.666 0.000 +za 0.075 0.703 +zaad 0.584 0.011 +zaadz 0.664 0.000 +zaandam 0.897 0.034 +zaar 0.181 0.008 +zab 0.595 0.256 +zaba 0.404 0.436 +zabasearch 0.498 0.171 +zabel 0.939 0.051 +zabriskie 0.927 0.054 +zac 0.731 0.129 +zacarias 0.962 0.027 +zacatecas 0.919 0.037 +zach 0.917 0.028 +zachariah 0.908 0.076 +zacharias 0.947 0.036 +zachary 0.923 0.053 +zachery 0.947 0.029 +zack 0.895 0.029 +zackary 0.956 0.027 +zacks 0.885 0.106 +zacky 0.358 0.013 +zadar 0.936 0.040 +zadeh 0.917 0.025 +zadie 0.954 0.025 +zadina 0.064 0.003 +zadok 0.943 0.027 +zaf 0.020 0.971 +zafar 0.879 0.075 +zafira 0.756 0.144 +zag 0.531 0.114 +zagat 0.913 0.053 +zagora 0.942 0.046 +zagreb 0.926 0.044 +zags 0.638 0.048 +zahar 0.934 0.021 +zahara 0.878 0.038 +zaheer 0.918 0.029 +zahid 0.905 0.037 +zahir 0.895 0.039 +zahl 0.847 0.030 +zahlen 0.712 0.014 +zahn 0.624 0.330 +zahra 0.896 0.055 +zai 0.482 0.118 +zaid 0.912 0.028 +zaidi 0.881 0.037 +zain 0.865 0.061 +zainab 0.893 0.035 +zaire 0.917 0.074 +zaitsev 0.902 0.086 +zajac 0.949 0.038 +zak 0.844 0.072 +zakaria 0.936 0.039 +zakat 0.731 0.017 +zaken 0.360 0.023 +zakharov 0.952 0.036 +zaki 0.876 0.045 +zakim 0.827 0.004 +zakir 0.919 0.035 +zakk 0.676 0.058 +zakopane 0.796 0.015 +zakynthos 0.858 0.039 +zal 0.151 0.074 +zale 0.715 0.045 +zales 0.930 0.008 +zaleski 0.891 0.103 +zalewski 0.956 0.035 +zalman 0.785 0.176 +zam 0.531 0.327 +zama 0.796 0.113 +zaman 0.743 0.128 +zambezi 0.986 0.007 +zambia 0.949 0.036 +zambian 0.978 0.010 +zamboanga 0.856 0.099 +zamboni 0.914 0.023 +zambrano 0.901 0.044 +zami 0.950 0.026 +zamir 0.879 0.052 +zammit 0.916 0.066 +zamora 0.904 0.056 +zan 0.720 0.096 +zana 0.811 0.074 +zanaflex 0.673 0.007 +zanardi 0.940 0.032 +zanax 0.191 0.015 +zand 0.490 0.289 +zander 0.904 0.028 +zandt 0.947 0.038 +zandvoort 0.902 0.022 +zane 0.917 0.040 +zanesville 0.867 0.101 +zanetti 0.870 0.090 +zang 0.786 0.104 +zango 0.850 0.007 +zanotti 0.740 0.241 +zant 0.955 0.026 +zantac 0.664 0.041 +zante 0.776 0.020 +zantrex 0.667 0.039 +zanu 0.526 0.454 +zanussi 0.862 0.076 +zany 0.384 0.021 +zanzibar 0.941 0.036 +zao 0.588 0.208 +zap 0.508 0.235 +zapata 0.869 0.071 +zapatero 0.917 0.037 +zapatista 0.912 0.015 +zapatistas 0.917 0.015 +zapatos 0.193 0.018 +zapf 0.876 0.090 +zaphod 0.831 0.057 +zaporozhye 0.973 0.017 +zapotec 0.922 0.048 +zapp 0.793 0.119 +zappa 0.875 0.042 +zapped 0.191 0.034 +zapper 0.783 0.055 +zapping 0.272 0.019 +zappos 0.665 0.002 +zaps 0.205 0.099 +zaptel 0.189 0.012 +zar 0.082 0.891 +zara 0.665 0.119 +zaragoza 0.856 0.032 +zarah 0.839 0.027 +zarate 0.894 0.068 +zarathustra 0.930 0.025 +zardoz 0.921 0.022 +zari 0.491 0.048 +zarina 0.940 0.020 +zark 0.865 0.044 +zarlink 0.957 0.040 +zarqawi 0.983 0.008 +zas 0.013 0.970 +zasshi 0.960 0.017 +zat 0.341 0.218 +zatch 0.912 0.052 +zaterdag 0.174 0.007 +zathura 0.976 0.017 +zation 0.001 0.010 +zations 0.000 0.004 +zatoichi 0.873 0.061 +zaun 0.763 0.034 +zaurus 0.879 0.009 +zavala 0.901 0.080 +zaventem 0.794 0.060 +zaw 0.801 0.099 +zawahiri 0.973 0.017 +zawahri 0.974 0.006 +zawodny 0.975 0.001 +zawya 0.756 0.000 +zayas 0.928 0.052 +zaye 0.997 0.000 +zayed 0.876 0.055 +zaza 0.764 0.063 +zazen 0.492 0.030 +zazie 0.733 0.067 +zazzle 0.973 0.004 +zb 0.129 0.624 +zba 0.027 0.947 +zbig 0.966 0.008 +zbigniew 0.942 0.045 +zbl 0.827 0.154 +zboard 0.763 0.035 +zbrush 0.749 0.028 +zc 0.136 0.618 +zcat 0.011 0.063 +zcm 0.005 0.975 +zcom 0.078 0.172 +zczc 0.000 0.995 +zd 0.167 0.608 +zdenek 0.974 0.017 +zdenka 0.836 0.063 +zdf 0.014 0.874 +zdjecia 0.050 0.008 +zdnet 0.071 0.556 +zdp 0.007 0.971 +zdrive 0.995 0.000 +zdv 0.003 0.950 +ze 0.232 0.204 +zea 0.854 0.068 +zeal 0.247 0.020 +zealand 0.952 0.027 +zealander 0.977 0.008 +zealanders 0.988 0.005 +zealands 0.946 0.011 +zealot 0.535 0.012 +zealotry 0.157 0.005 +zealots 0.259 0.013 +zealous 0.077 0.006 +zealously 0.020 0.003 +zearch 0.004 0.000 +zeaxanthin 0.351 0.010 +zeb 0.727 0.175 +zeballos 0.973 0.020 +zebedee 0.791 0.027 +zebra 0.677 0.073 +zebrafish 0.343 0.010 +zebrahead 0.896 0.059 +zebras 0.548 0.020 +zebulon 0.862 0.090 +zec 0.556 0.349 +zech 0.871 0.093 +zechariah 0.991 0.006 +zecheezie 0.018 0.008 +zeck 0.322 0.597 +zed 0.749 0.080 +zedekiah 0.970 0.020 +zedong 0.975 0.010 +zee 0.755 0.066 +zeebrugge 0.928 0.029 +zeek 0.811 0.045 +zeeks 0.982 0.005 +zeeland 0.845 0.053 +zeeman 0.931 0.032 +zeer 0.255 0.017 +zeeshan 0.869 0.030 +zeev 0.954 0.010 +zef 0.272 0.623 +zefal 0.824 0.135 +zeffirelli 0.974 0.020 +zegna 0.880 0.090 +zeh 0.616 0.157 +zehnder 0.926 0.048 +zehr 0.915 0.061 +zei 0.205 0.432 +zeichen 0.526 0.011 +zeige 0.911 0.006 +zeigefreudig 0.000 0.000 +zeigen 0.073 0.001 +zeiger 0.862 0.128 +zeigler 0.885 0.100 +zeigt 0.073 0.000 +zeile 0.866 0.027 +zeilenga 0.915 0.000 +zein 0.607 0.052 +zeiss 0.894 0.056 +zeist 0.840 0.045 +zeit 0.878 0.045 +zeiten 0.895 0.028 +zeitgeist 0.799 0.039 +zeitlin 0.950 0.033 +zeitner 0.978 0.013 +zeitschrift 0.791 0.183 +zeitschriften 0.957 0.008 +zeitung 0.760 0.025 +zek 0.838 0.043 +zeke 0.868 0.062 +zel 0.603 0.122 +zeland 0.863 0.036 +zelazny 0.949 0.023 +zelco 0.992 0.004 +zelda 0.714 0.020 +zeldman 0.866 0.002 +zelenka 0.909 0.075 +zelf 0.066 0.006 +zelienople 0.861 0.096 +zelig 0.770 0.038 +zeljko 0.947 0.017 +zell 0.938 0.031 +zella 0.895 0.079 +zeller 0.907 0.063 +zellers 0.882 0.057 +zellner 0.929 0.064 +zellweger 0.873 0.031 +zelnorm 0.780 0.021 +zem 0.525 0.112 +zeman 0.867 0.085 +zemanova 0.544 0.012 +zembla 0.964 0.014 +zemeckis 0.973 0.009 +zemin 0.973 0.016 +zen 0.813 0.074 +zena 0.762 0.089 +zenas 0.936 0.035 +zend 0.942 0.008 +zenda 0.850 0.120 +zender 0.784 0.065 +zeneca 0.862 0.101 +zenegra 0.278 0.046 +zener 0.572 0.142 +zeng 0.934 0.044 +zenger 0.935 0.034 +zenia 0.884 0.056 +zenit 0.687 0.257 +zenith 0.724 0.086 +zeno 0.791 0.050 +zenobia 0.874 0.055 +zenon 0.683 0.267 +zens 0.281 0.024 +zensonic 0.977 0.010 +zentralblatt 0.866 0.130 +zentrum 0.931 0.029 +zenwalk 0.977 0.000 +zeo 0.144 0.754 +zeolite 0.274 0.202 +zeolites 0.297 0.174 +zeon 0.824 0.117 +zeos 0.935 0.046 +zep 0.693 0.155 +zepeda 0.918 0.071 +zeph 0.816 0.081 +zephaniah 0.993 0.006 +zephyr 0.606 0.035 +zephyrhills 0.890 0.085 +zephyrs 0.751 0.041 +zepp 0.483 0.049 +zeppelin 0.487 0.048 +zepplin 0.590 0.041 +zeps 0.061 0.022 +zer 0.315 0.175 +zerbe 0.877 0.096 +zerbisias 0.989 0.005 +zerg 0.640 0.015 +zerit 0.872 0.079 +zermatt 0.857 0.087 +zero 0.300 0.046 +zerodegrees 1.000 0.000 +zeroed 0.040 0.050 +zeroes 0.113 0.025 +zeroing 0.264 0.023 +zeromancer 0.345 0.008 +zeropaid 0.980 0.000 +zeros 0.180 0.025 +zeroth 0.187 0.009 +zest 0.294 0.032 +zestra 0.984 0.008 +zestril 0.536 0.038 +zesty 0.413 0.021 +zet 0.515 0.117 +zeta 0.730 0.060 +zetec 0.842 0.100 +zetex 0.894 0.090 +zetia 0.482 0.096 +zettel 0.937 0.033 +zeu 0.004 0.994 +zeus 0.819 0.116 +zev 0.569 0.393 +zevon 0.747 0.029 +zew 0.045 0.926 +zex 0.114 0.228 +zf 0.087 0.707 +zfc 0.006 0.967 +zfin 0.000 0.994 +zfish 0.029 0.000 +zfs 0.005 0.729 +zfx 0.102 0.814 +zg 0.257 0.520 +zh 0.210 0.352 +zha 0.620 0.135 +zhai 0.909 0.025 +zhan 0.821 0.072 +zhang 0.934 0.045 +zhangjiagang 0.934 0.049 +zhao 0.908 0.060 +zhaopin 0.022 0.000 +zhaoqing 0.970 0.023 +zhaoxing 0.956 0.005 +zhark 0.493 0.029 +zhe 0.481 0.155 +zhejiang 0.951 0.029 +zhen 0.898 0.027 +zheng 0.908 0.046 +zhengzhou 0.920 0.055 +zhi 0.716 0.056 +zhivago 0.892 0.051 +zhong 0.879 0.037 +zhongguo 0.920 0.042 +zhonghua 0.981 0.012 +zhongshan 0.941 0.033 +zhongwen 0.958 0.003 +zhou 0.918 0.050 +zhu 0.897 0.052 +zhuang 0.904 0.054 +zhuhai 0.931 0.043 +zhukov 0.954 0.033 +zhumell 0.997 0.000 +zhurnal 0.664 0.182 +zi 0.400 0.217 +zia 0.889 0.053 +ziad 0.909 0.044 +ziagen 0.817 0.116 +zic 0.240 0.205 +zicam 0.863 0.036 +zich 0.043 0.036 +zick 0.792 0.166 +zico 0.903 0.043 +zid 0.095 0.694 +zida 0.953 0.029 +zidane 0.814 0.052 +zidergirl 0.024 0.000 +zidovudine 0.362 0.019 +zie 0.455 0.034 +ziegfeld 0.934 0.042 +ziegler 0.923 0.057 +ziehen 0.076 0.004 +ziel 0.790 0.018 +zielinski 0.922 0.069 +zielona 0.822 0.024 +ziemba 0.424 0.031 +zien 0.184 0.043 +ziering 0.824 0.022 +zif 0.073 0.864 +ziff 0.962 0.036 +zig 0.640 0.080 +ziggurat 0.592 0.032 +ziggy 0.842 0.046 +ziglar 0.953 0.033 +zigzag 0.246 0.168 +zihuatanejo 0.934 0.030 +zij 0.266 0.033 +zijn 0.025 0.007 +zikr 0.243 0.650 +zil 0.308 0.248 +zilch 0.356 0.053 +zildjian 0.850 0.094 +zile 0.422 0.032 +zilker 0.952 0.027 +zilla 0.809 0.042 +zillah 0.829 0.061 +ziller 0.963 0.021 +zillion 0.816 0.006 +zillions 0.350 0.012 +zilog 0.883 0.073 +zilpha 0.943 0.044 +zilver 0.173 0.017 +zim 0.739 0.168 +zima 0.610 0.168 +zimbabwe 0.951 0.039 +zimbabwean 0.957 0.012 +zimbabweans 0.988 0.006 +zimbalist 0.951 0.028 +zimbra 0.802 0.004 +zimmer 0.884 0.042 +zimmerman 0.919 0.065 +zimmermann 0.944 0.041 +zin 0.551 0.130 +zina 0.754 0.081 +zinc 0.409 0.053 +zinco 0.116 0.830 +zinda 0.892 0.071 +zindagi 0.727 0.039 +zine 0.426 0.038 +zinedine 0.898 0.026 +zines 0.448 0.037 +zinfandel 0.886 0.048 +zing 0.541 0.092 +zinger 0.694 0.060 +zingy 0.878 0.003 +zini 0.705 0.251 +zinik 0.982 0.010 +zinio 0.909 0.008 +zink 0.837 0.072 +zinkle 1.000 0.000 +zinman 0.958 0.033 +zinn 0.885 0.036 +zinni 0.969 0.026 +zinnia 0.699 0.054 +zinnias 0.606 0.023 +zino 0.850 0.114 +zinta 0.778 0.013 +zio 0.565 0.179 +zion 0.904 0.054 +zionism 0.947 0.014 +zionist 0.941 0.016 +zionists 0.924 0.011 +zions 0.875 0.064 +zionsville 0.941 0.048 +zip 0.389 0.258 +zipcode 0.452 0.127 +zipcodes 0.118 0.009 +zipf 0.916 0.027 +zipfile 0.126 0.048 +ziping 0.108 0.000 +ziploc 0.678 0.037 +ziplock 0.459 0.071 +zipp 0.833 0.089 +zipped 0.308 0.026 +zippel 0.945 0.041 +zipper 0.389 0.042 +zippered 0.394 0.022 +zippers 0.317 0.030 +zipping 0.153 0.007 +zippo 0.808 0.096 +zippos 0.778 0.127 +zippy 0.693 0.082 +zips 0.424 0.076 +zircon 0.421 0.069 +zirconia 0.697 0.053 +zirconium 0.502 0.041 +zircons 0.295 0.038 +zire 0.760 0.029 +zirh 0.661 0.333 +zis 0.139 0.238 +zisofs 0.000 0.018 +zissou 0.942 0.020 +zit 0.244 0.056 +zita 0.884 0.051 +zitat 0.952 0.007 +zither 0.437 0.038 +zithromax 0.346 0.012 +ziti 0.533 0.092 +zito 0.897 0.032 +zits 0.359 0.021 +zitting 0.968 0.006 +ziua 0.127 0.023 +ziv 0.866 0.094 +ziyi 0.924 0.017 +zizek 0.955 0.017 +zj 0.259 0.509 +zk 0.174 0.598 +zklfk 0.000 0.662 +zl 0.157 0.555 +zlata 0.880 0.056 +zlatko 0.948 0.025 +zlib 0.387 0.026 +zlin 0.878 0.071 +zloty 0.749 0.005 +zlotych 0.922 0.036 +zlotys 0.850 0.000 +zlwk 0.010 0.718 +zm 0.100 0.645 +zma 0.026 0.929 +zmailer 0.016 0.001 +zmax 0.226 0.284 +zmi 0.048 0.715 +zmk 0.001 0.897 +zmodem 0.507 0.243 +zn 0.727 0.192 +zna 0.002 0.980 +znd 0.031 0.090 +zo 0.397 0.202 +zoa 0.222 0.676 +zoals 0.120 0.004 +zoar 0.881 0.061 +zobacz 0.523 0.014 +zobel 0.900 0.063 +zoc 0.008 0.984 +zocalo 0.855 0.035 +zocor 0.381 0.025 +zod 0.691 0.187 +zodb 0.199 0.748 +zodiac 0.774 0.036 +zodiacal 0.505 0.021 +zodiaco 0.201 0.056 +zodiacs 0.659 0.038 +zoe 0.864 0.060 +zoek 0.702 0.022 +zoeken 0.549 0.021 +zoekmachine 0.168 0.005 +zoekt 0.145 0.011 +zoeller 0.926 0.057 +zoellick 0.958 0.035 +zoetermeer 0.794 0.047 +zoetrope 0.856 0.026 +zoey 0.832 0.040 +zofran 0.786 0.100 +zog 0.258 0.117 +zogby 0.959 0.020 +zohar 0.934 0.026 +zoid 0.688 0.087 +zoidberg 0.797 0.028 +zoids 0.620 0.068 +zoinks 0.831 0.027 +zojirushi 0.941 0.020 +zol 0.384 0.225 +zola 0.897 0.052 +zoladex 0.856 0.095 +zoll 0.632 0.161 +zoller 0.925 0.058 +zollinger 0.947 0.029 +zollverein 0.988 0.002 +zoloft 0.169 0.006 +zolpidem 0.368 0.038 +zoltan 0.943 0.021 +zomba 0.824 0.089 +zombi 0.694 0.157 +zombie 0.460 0.025 +zombies 0.451 0.035 +zombo 0.962 0.024 +zomig 0.799 0.138 +zon 0.457 0.198 +zona 0.526 0.048 +zonal 0.341 0.059 +zonas 0.259 0.028 +zonation 0.194 0.021 +zondag 0.262 0.007 +zonder 0.119 0.015 +zondervan 0.957 0.020 +zone 0.566 0.044 +zonealarm 0.343 0.048 +zoned 0.243 0.025 +zoneinfo 0.001 0.005 +zoner 0.849 0.050 +zones 0.314 0.027 +zonet 0.869 0.113 +zong 0.458 0.022 +zoning 0.532 0.057 +zonk 0.741 0.091 +zonta 0.913 0.068 +zoo 0.541 0.038 +zooba 0.984 0.000 +zoobab 0.003 0.000 +zoobooks 0.961 0.011 +zooey 0.877 0.033 +zoofilia 0.064 0.003 +zoog 0.827 0.014 +zook 0.884 0.053 +zookeeper 0.795 0.011 +zool 0.791 0.139 +zoolander 0.809 0.047 +zoological 0.765 0.044 +zoologist 0.460 0.028 +zoologists 0.398 0.007 +zoology 0.793 0.039 +zoom 0.678 0.049 +zoomable 0.397 0.006 +zoomed 0.116 0.006 +zoomer 0.724 0.026 +zoomin 0.938 0.011 +zooming 0.193 0.009 +zoomlevel 0.981 0.000 +zooms 0.151 0.013 +zoon 0.589 0.036 +zoonoses 0.514 0.033 +zoonotic 0.298 0.018 +zoophile 0.128 0.007 +zoophilia 0.125 0.001 +zoophilie 0.239 0.004 +zooplankton 0.217 0.026 +zooropa 0.888 0.039 +zoos 0.521 0.029 +zoosex 0.030 0.009 +zoot 0.764 0.091 +zope 0.781 0.005 +zoppini 0.786 0.067 +zopyrus 0.992 0.000 +zor 0.588 0.120 +zora 0.878 0.077 +zoran 0.911 0.030 +zorb 0.901 0.032 +zorba 0.827 0.071 +zorg 0.508 0.035 +zork 0.831 0.054 +zorkmidden 0.004 0.000 +zorn 0.896 0.062 +zoro 0.655 0.037 +zoroaster 0.955 0.017 +zoroastrian 0.959 0.018 +zoroastrianism 0.957 0.015 +zorpia 0.960 0.007 +zorras 0.017 0.005 +zorro 0.901 0.042 +zortic 0.994 0.000 +zoster 0.289 0.019 +zot 0.564 0.198 +zoto 0.960 0.008 +zotob 0.908 0.039 +zou 0.554 0.050 +zouave 0.953 0.011 +zouch 0.881 0.033 +zouk 0.880 0.034 +zovirax 0.589 0.021 +zowie 0.875 0.045 +zoya 0.907 0.041 +zp 0.192 0.496 +zpl 0.005 0.972 +zpt 0.011 0.889 +zq 0.274 0.515 +zr 0.286 0.590 +zrh 0.011 0.963 +zrt 0.097 0.747 +zs 0.134 0.708 +zsa 0.338 0.624 +zschech 0.956 0.024 +zsh 0.143 0.022 +zsnes 0.077 0.527 +zsolt 0.940 0.037 +zt 0.098 0.632 +zte 0.006 0.959 +zu 0.075 0.027 +zubair 0.898 0.043 +zuber 0.927 0.061 +zubin 0.935 0.039 +zucca 0.643 0.117 +zucchero 0.760 0.069 +zucchini 0.486 0.039 +zucchino 0.785 0.043 +zuck 0.908 0.045 +zucker 0.953 0.029 +zuckerman 0.938 0.052 +zuckte 0.000 0.000 +zudem 0.068 0.000 +zuerich 0.750 0.057 +zuerst 0.082 0.081 +zug 0.747 0.182 +zugang 0.771 0.010 +zui 0.813 0.109 +zuid 0.800 0.021 +zuiko 0.741 0.102 +zuji 0.272 0.715 +zuk 0.705 0.066 +zukerman 0.951 0.039 +zukowski 0.949 0.042 +zukunft 0.822 0.018 +zul 0.723 0.077 +zula 0.937 0.034 +zuletzt 0.389 0.000 +zullen 0.017 0.004 +zulu 0.879 0.067 +zululand 0.942 0.033 +zulus 0.936 0.021 +zum 0.022 0.002 +zuma 0.844 0.077 +zumanity 0.920 0.035 +zumwalt 0.923 0.068 +zunch 0.988 0.005 +zundel 0.953 0.035 +zuni 0.855 0.066 +zuniga 0.913 0.060 +zuo 0.780 0.049 +zup 0.150 0.107 +zupan 0.925 0.046 +zupko 0.980 0.007 +zur 0.216 0.017 +zurich 0.934 0.034 +zus 0.001 0.998 +zusammen 0.064 0.003 +zusammenarbeit 0.982 0.008 +zusammenfassung 0.759 0.023 +zutano 0.949 0.017 +zutons 0.918 0.054 +zuzana 0.916 0.025 +zv 0.152 0.560 +zval 0.006 0.040 +zvents 0.981 0.000 +zvezda 0.871 0.035 +zvi 0.908 0.065 +zvon 0.372 0.604 +zvonenia 0.234 0.000 +zw 0.121 0.515 +zwan 0.861 0.051 +zwane 0.807 0.014 +zwar 0.510 0.006 +zwart 0.466 0.028 +zwarte 0.374 0.011 +zwd 0.000 0.998 +zwei 0.352 0.045 +zweifel 0.964 0.025 +zweig 0.923 0.040 +zweite 0.376 0.025 +zwembad 0.044 0.000 +zwembaden 0.011 0.000 +zwergensex 0.000 0.000 +zwick 0.955 0.030 +zwicker 0.909 0.081 +zwicky 0.948 0.027 +zwiki 0.425 0.000 +zwingli 0.975 0.013 +zwischen 0.102 0.010 +zwo 0.957 0.026 +zwolle 0.789 0.038 +zx 0.046 0.786 +zy 0.127 0.455 +zyban 0.250 0.011 +zydeco 0.777 0.052 +zygmunt 0.941 0.037 +zygote 0.315 0.027 +zygotic 0.404 0.035 +zyklon 0.924 0.042 +zyl 0.880 0.081 +zyliss 0.952 0.031 +zyloprim 0.884 0.012 +zyme 0.689 0.048 +zymol 0.927 0.015 +zyprexa 0.527 0.028 +zyrtec 0.481 0.021 +zytel 0.931 0.034 +zyvex 0.969 0.022 +zyx 0.134 0.729 +zyxel 0.680 0.214 +zz 0.135 0.578 +zzgl 0.000 0.000 +zzr 0.006 0.924 +zzw 0.000 0.964 +zzy 0.000 0.866 +zzyy 0.000 0.987 +zzz 0.032 0.328 +zzzz 0.041 0.160 diff --git a/data/ptb3/clusters b/data/ptb3/clusters new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdccf62ed --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ptb3/clusters @@ -0,0 +1,316709 @@ +0000 Titoism 1 +0000 ---Credit 1 +0000 Disintegrated 1 +0000 Gulls 1 +0000 pinschers 1 +0000 cometh 1 +0000 5,520,404 1 +0000 guest. 1 +0000 Reread 1 +0000 Limericks 1 +0000 abuse. 1 +0000 igual 1 +0000 Redux 1 +0000 Septem 1 +0000 Hankies 1 +0000 Contains 1 +0000 whip-sawed 1 +0000 Feels 1 +0000 appropriate. 1 +0000 Downturn 1 +0000 Heighten 1 +0000 BONO 1 +0000 Ut 1 +0000 Hooverism 1 +0000 Ashiver 1 +0000 cytologists 1 +0000 Shareowners 1 +0000 Bulba 1 +0000 sures 1 +0000 lariats 1 +0000 Reopen 1 +0000 3,925,000 1 +0000 pildora 1 +0000 Scribblers 1 +0000 Pyasutsi 1 +0000 MOBY 1 +0000 Serail 1 +0000 Valjean 1 +0000 quo-plus 1 +0000 1650-1750 1 +0000 Hops 1 +0000 chops. 1 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+0000 cow. 1 +0000 should. 1 +0000 Dorritt 1 +0000 Campfire 1 +0000 weird. 1 +0000 481,500 1 +0000 24024 1 +0000 44299 1 +0000 Tabito 1 +0000 account-holders 1 +0000 non-catastrophic 1 +0000 BALSAMS 1 +0000 Boit. 1 +0000 EXPENSES. 1 +0000 Oye 1 +0000 useless. 1 +0000 Jean-Bedel 1 +0000 Stingy 1 +0000 Partenavia 1 +0000 ellipse 1 +0000 seems/ 1 +0000 of/ 1 +0000 face. 1 +0000 effectors 1 +0000 Dendron 1 +0000 alatus 1 +0000 Termites 1 +0000 feed-dollar 1 +0000 spooler 1 +0000 Masontown-based 1 +0000 slowly. 1 +0000 DRAFTERS 1 +0000 Defers 1 +0000 vinaigrette 1 +0000 dithyrambs 1 +0000 Polkas 1 +0000 lait 1 +0000 birthin 1 +0000 Lentivirus 1 +0000 pneumophilia 1 +0000 word. 1 +0000 Bactrian 1 +0000 hidin 1 +0000 leg-wrappings 1 +0000 Overstepped 1 +0000 Mangoes 1 +0000 prejudicially 1 +0000 tierra 1 +0000 Mega-store 1 +0000 Heldenleben 1 +0000 sensualis 1 +0000 LEARNED 1 +0000 Moth 1 +0000 belongs. 1 +0000 maddens 1 +0000 nuit 1 +0000 Prachuab 1 +0000 Barabbas 1 +0000 Degrees 1 +0000 Fadduh 1 +0000 Infrastructures 1 +0000 mudwrestler 1 +0000 Spiral 1 +0000 -K 1 +0000 jay-zoo-DAH-s 1 +0000 ethos. 1 +0000 exoskeleton 1 +0000 Toady 1 +0000 intitative 1 +0000 L.A./ 1 +0000 capitalisme 1 +0000 perspective. 1 +0000 overlay. 1 +0000 II/Hang 1 +0000 Apple. 1 +0000 animality 1 +0000 self-underwritten 1 +0000 ALL. 1 +0000 getaways 1 +0000 Buzzing 1 +0000 classicus 1 +0000 halibut 1 +0000 Predispose 1 +0000 undergrad 1 +0000 Mishap 1 +0000 Independiente 1 +0000 offstage. 1 +0000 1850-1910 1 +0000 verlange 1 +0000 Chuvalo 1 +0000 blue-stocking 1 +0000 buddie 1 +0000 RECHECK 1 +0000 out-ness 1 +0000 17-Year-Olds 1 +0000 illegal. 1 +0000 answerability 1 +0000 Medine 1 +0000 Implicated 1 +0000 Misled 1 +0000 rippers 1 +0000 Bestows 1 +0000 replied. 1 +0000 bugger 1 +0000 Soars 1 +0000 already. 1 +0000 re-industrialization 1 +0000 Buns 1 +0000 MECO. 1 +0000 Trickling 1 +0000 Resuscitate 1 +0000 Dwellers 1 +0000 substantially. 1 +0000 Weevils 1 +0000 10:00/ 1 +0000 Republicans. 1 +0000 Gamson/Dance 1 +0000 Revisited. 1 +0000 ubcrbe 1 +0000 ipsos 1 +0000 intrest 1 +0000 out-and-out-theft 1 +0000 Fou 1 +0000 Exploits 1 +0000 ich 1 +0000 denk 1 +0000 gratings 1 +0000 Presages 1 +0000 piousness 1 +0000 Meeserables. 1 +0000 Lad 1 +0000 Nkululeko 1 +0000 Approves 1 +0000 boys. 1 +0000 Baiser 1 +0000 Porker 1 +0000 policiers 1 +0000 Deepen 1 +0000 fillin 1 +0000 olds. 1 +0000 Antartica 1 +0000 Mistook 1 +0000 quittin 1 +0000 Ripped 1 +0000 Krappa 1 +0000 Prognosticator 1 +0000 LEFT-HANDERS 1 +0000 Kassetten 1 +0000 SSIF. 1 +0000 Latch 1 +0000 Snowpacks 1 +0000 anything. 1 +0000 Slaw 1 +0000 here/And 1 +0000 Shengli 1 +0000 137,612 1 +0000 tearin 1 +0000 pira 1 +0000 Khin 1 +0000 romanized 1 +0000 interessant 1 +0000 wahs 1 +0000 Couture 1 +0000 rien 1 +0000 doble 1 +0000 terribles 1 +0000 slip. 1 +0000 Simon. 1 +0000 Founder. 1 +0000 FINANCIALLY 1 +0000 as-Sa 1 +0000 disinigration 1 +0000 git 1 +0000 Diavolo 1 +0000 Belgische 1 +0000 etage 1 +0000 reapers 1 +0000 khalodny 1 +0000 jack-in-the-boxes 1 +0000 nympho. 1 +0000 hermano 1 +0000 Anno 1 +0000 Prospers 1 +0000 Conquer 1 +0000 cantilenas 1 +0000 hoverin 1 +0000 Sing-Off 1 +0000 Duckula 1 +0000 operator. 1 +0000 vengefully 1 +0000 Lustschloss 1 +0000 emptors 1 +0000 M-4735 1 +0000 Mornin 1 +0000 UPI. 1 +0000 Pickups 1 +0000 Soeur 1 +0000 Rupture 1 +0000 mississippiensis 1 +0000 anonymity. 1 +0000 kickin 1 +0000 drop-the-handkerchief 1 +0000 trendy. 1 +0000 Commericals 1 +0000 Flamingos 1 +0000 liebe 1 +0000 KHD. 1 +0000 Catchier 1 +0000 Argumenty 1 +0000 watchers. 1 +0000 li 1 +0000 Eats 1 +0000 fluffs 1 +0000 18-49 1 +0000 self-caution 1 +0000 near-elimination 1 +0000 Pirata 1 +0000 Brucie 1 +0000 DULLARDS 1 +0000 puttin 1 +0000 enthusiast. 1 +0000 Novarum 1 +0000 1500-2000 1 +0000 perche 1 +0000 discendere 1 +0000 Lecouvreur. 1 +0000 Oughta 1 +0000 Ljubomir 1 +0000 Malade 1 +0000 assoluta 1 +0000 MFBZ. 1 +0000 TAXMAN 1 +0000 throughout. 1 +0000 HOPE. 1 +0000 Trasho 1 +0000 crassifolium 1 +0000 Top-of-the-Line 1 +0000 ticket. 1 +0000 Bisected 1 +0000 Prescribed 1 +0000 voting. 1 +0000 truley 1 +0000 brand. 1 +0000 Renovating 1 +0000 Boissons 1 +0000 NOTHIN 1 +0000 BLOWING 1 +0000 Ceremony 1 +0000 bidding. 1 +0000 hawsers 1 +0000 nurturance 1 +0000 bankrupt. 1 +0000 Wrecks 1 +0000 Bothers 1 +0000 Boys. 1 +0000 button. 1 +0000 vacation. 1 +0000 get-out 1 +0000 silly. 1 +0000 Marez 1 +0000 Christian-Marxism 1 +0000 Ichiban 1 +0000 Contend 1 +0000 strategies. 1 +0000 +122.4 1 +0000 Interned 1 +0000 patholgy 1 +0000 ashore. 1 +0000 Emigdio 1 +0000 WHOSE 1 +0000 Conceals 1 +0000 Necesarily 1 +0000 Adalbert 1 +0000 better. 1 +0000 Offend 1 +0000 Shui 1 +0000 BILS 1 +0000 Monday. 1 +0000 code. 1 +0000 reunions. 1 +0000 RS. 1 +0000 Court-Martial 1 +0000 El-Fateh 1 +0000 Greenwhich 1 +0000 Messiahs 1 +0000 Inquisitive 1 +0000 facism 1 +0000 Teferi 1 +0000 Frothy 1 +0000 trip. 1 +0000 hangin 1 +0000 248,200 1 +0000 happy. 1 +0000 died. 1 +0000 Winkerbean 1 +0000 pastits 1 +0000 Shalt 1 +0000 feelin 1 +0000 Life-Revco 1 +0000 Theodoros 1 +0000 Diable. 1 +0000 Jolie 1 +0000 poivre 1 +0000 Perspiration 1 +0000 spa-goers 1 +0000 Tycho 1 +0000 Grab-It-All 1 +0000 congratulation 1 +0000 implanters 1 +0000 Earns 1 +0000 Machines. 1 +0000 Swerve 1 +0000 Horseback 1 +0000 heavily. 1 +0000 Gusmao 1 +0000 stink. 1 +0000 Pigeons 1 +0000 Jaroslaw 1 +0000 CHEWING 1 +0000 1,087,875 1 +0000 Low-Rent 1 +0000 Man. 2 +0000 DEDUCTIONS. 2 +0000 ipsa 2 +0000 TAXES. 2 +0000 Necdet 2 +0000 SDS. 2 +0000 Cassius 2 +0000 Lawsuit 2 +0000 Leaps 2 +0000 sinensis 2 +0000 abroad. 2 +0000 Yak 2 +0000 kali 2 +0000 galbula 2 +0000 cristata 2 +0000 AGE. 2 +0000 Nibble 2 +0000 Benefited 2 +0000 Self-Healing 2 +0000 Flaw 2 +0000 Nachtmusik 2 +0000 Emptor 2 +0000 Drood 2 +0000 Barocco 2 +0000 Wlodzimierz 2 +0000 Regains 2 +0000 Stijl 2 +0000 Blankes 2 +0000 LTV. 2 +0000 alls 2 +0000 Lesley-Anne 2 +0000 ,, 2 +0000 MILK 2 +0000 Staked 2 +0000 Flop 2 +0000 Thinks 2 +0000 IV. 2 +0000 Canines 2 +0000 Wake-Up 2 +0000 developments. 2 +0000 Happens 2 +0000 Avoids 2 +0000 tutte 2 +0000 Business-Cost 2 +0000 Sum 2 +0000 Tongue 2 +0000 Solved 2 +0000 NLRB. 2 +0000 Appointees 2 +0000 Disturb 2 +0000 Raisonne 2 +0000 MGM. 2 +0000 oeil 2 +0000 Slept 3 +0000 Zealots 3 +0000 Saddles 3 +0000 !!! 3 +0000 WASN 3 +0000 Lyre 3 +0000 'Til 3 +0000 Lina 3 +0000 BS 3 +0000 with. 3 +0000 Lovin 3 +0000 Yer 3 +0000 Biz 3 +0000 Bush. 3 +0000 end. 3 +0000 Bother 3 +0000 Stuarda 3 +0000 meno 3 +0000 Lets 3 +0000 DIDN 4 +0000 talkin 4 +0000 Pose 4 +0000 jus 4 +0000 Tutte 4 +0000 Mahn 4 +0000 Reptile 4 +0000 Happen 5 +0000 GTE. 5 +0000 Learned 5 +0000 OK. 5 +0000 ME 6 +0000 MCI. 7 +0000 DNA. 7 +0000 HUD. 7 +0000 !! 9 +0000 SDI. 10 +0000 TROOPS 18 +0000 TV. 31 +0000 -RSB- 254 +0000 ? 18919 +0000 ! 2214 +0001 Inflatia 1 +0001 Oxford-based 1 +0001 reppresented 1 +0001 IRRADIATED 1 +0001 Infarction 1 +0001 BLAST 1 +0001 AXP 1 +0001 08/17/87 1 +0001 Malted 1 +0001 consitute 1 +0001 Willemien 1 +0001 KBS. 1 +0001 Testator 1 +0001 Kicks 1 +0001 Forvaltningsaktiebolaget 1 +0001 Euro-Shocker 1 +0001 4,182,083 1 +0001 899,062 1 +0001 Tomoya 1 +0001 Naif 1 +0001 NNY. 1 +0001 Remands 1 +0001 10/08/87 1 +0001 Kyota 1 +0001 lassoed 1 +0001 tov 1 +0001 29,945,762 1 +0001 aller 1 +0001 NYCB. 1 +0001 Momchilo 1 +0001 Wertpapiersparen 1 +0001 Etona 1 +0001 Ammar 1 +0001 Narong 1 +0001 Lifts 1 +0001 Heats 1 +0001 Pongsak 1 +0001 Poonam 1 +0001 CHICAGO-AREA 1 +0001 Bunnies 1 +0001 kanu 1 +0001 Argue 1 +0001 Debie 1 +0001 DNE 1 +0001 VA. 1 +0001 Puzzles 1 +0001 FDP. 1 +0001 Euro-Repackaged 1 +0001 Presage 1 +0001 Eurochart 1 +0001 Snobs 1 +0001 Carrol 1 +0001 Telma 1 +0001 Hidekazu 1 +0001 dran 1 +0001 Eye-ven 1 +0001 Mika 1 +0001 Chohyoh 1 +0001 Keiske 1 +0001 Videnovic 1 +0001 Maja 1 +0001 03/10/87 1 +0001 Anke 1 +0001 Philharmonisches 1 +0001 4,269 1 +0001 2,602 1 +0001 Rodel 1 +0001 Tidnigarnas 1 +0001 RNA. 1 +0001 Tomoyuki 1 +0001 Gerd-Juergen 1 +0001 Faouzi 1 +0001 quede 1 +0001 Lowel 1 +0001 219,664 1 +0001 Gerolamo 1 +0001 DVF. 1 +0001 NOW. 1 +0001 Creeps 1 +0001 sachem 1 +0001 Marjeanne 1 +0001 Luis-Angel 1 +0001 Radha 1 +0001 @@ 1 +0001 Matsujiro 1 +0001 Antos 1 +0001 Moli 1 +0001 Suzan 1 +0001 4,285,917 1 +0001 Ladybug 1 +0001 Gabu 1 +0001 Namio 1 +0001 wordage 1 +0001 132,290 1 +0001 massacre. 1 +0001 Charalambos 1 +0001 Hometowns 1 +0001 Bedsheet 1 +0001 4,624 1 +0001 Kimindo 1 +0001 Sherhan 1 +0001 Maadhava 1 +0001 Cottas 1 +0001 Chaovalit 1 +0001 Siddhi 1 +0001 Blayne 1 +0001 Smarts 1 +0001 Discovers 1 +0001 Yasuichi 1 +0001 UMB. 1 +0001 katchi 1 +0001 only. 1 +0001 WDG. 1 +0001 Einot 1 +0001 WITHHOLD 1 +0001 Margis 1 +0001 239,232 1 +0001 10,616,751 1 +0001 Laima 1 +0001 Mishal 1 +0001 CAE. 1 +0001 Bald/But 1 +0001 ELECTRICITY 1 +0001 Shanter 1 +0001 Weismiller 1 +0001 smooth-speaking 1 +0001 Shunji 1 +0001 Angelos 1 +0001 11,716,681 1 +0001 rep. 1 +0001 Corporate/investor 1 +0001 9,325,093 1 +0001 6,790 1 +0001 Ozker 1 +0001 shelter. 1 +0001 Pagni 1 +0001 Somboon 1 +0001 Ilhan 1 +0001 Anonim 1 +0001 Massinov 1 +0001 Pastures 1 +0001 Etsuro 1 +0001 Tino 1 +0001 Marcell 1 +0001 0.0239 1 +0001 Yasutoshi 1 +0001 Mikie 1 +0001 Giai 1 +0001 SAVOY 1 +0001 Elmar 1 +0001 Vickey 1 +0001 Cento 1 +0001 mah-zoh-VYET-skee 1 +0001 Type-B 1 +0001 XXII. 1 +0001 nthngel 1 +0001 Inches 1 +0001 Lame 1 +0001 thrombocytopenic 2 +0001 Styli 2 +0001 Nadir 2 +0001 Julianne 2 +0001 Akifumi 2 +0001 249,700 2 +0001 Flunks 2 +0001 Seh 2 +0001 Appoints 2 +0001 Shizuka 2 +0001 Sits 2 +0001 Chooses 2 +0001 MBA. 2 +0001 Arkady 2 +0001 Eiichiro 3 +0001 Dolf 4 +0001 AB. 5 +0001 EST. 7 +0001 Loses 9 +0001 USA. 11 +0001 EDT. 16 +0001 . 1787712 +0001 III. 16 +001000 camp-following 1 +001000 Ginevra 1 +001000 Elegans 1 +001000 5070448 1 +001000 effort-and 1 +001000 Creig 1 +001000 sacre 1 +001000 Pleaded 1 +001000 Subsystem 1 +001000 Norns 1 +001000 Relative-Value 1 +001000 Nariz 1 +001000 Spack 1 +001000 76er 1 +001000 D-E-F-A-U-L-T 1 +001000 Moussavi 1 +001000 reggia 1 +001000 bateador 1 +001000 homopolymers 1 +001000 Dallasite 1 +001000 dodderers 1 +001000 Magentas 1 +001000 Baluchi 1 +001000 17-8 1 +001000 growth-factors 1 +001000 Powerplus 1 +001000 Beery 1 +001000 pharmaceutical-grade 1 +001000 graupel 1 +001000 Hund 1 +001000 cornerman 1 +001000 Sole24 1 +001000 C2J 1 +001000 C2K 1 +001000 vanille 1 +001000 game-in 1 +001000 .286 1 +001000 suffragist 1 +001000 Intrigues 1 +001000 Manages 1 +001000 GIROZENTRALE 1 +001000 Fillmores 1 +001000 Smells 1 +001000 HUNTLEY 1 +001000 methysticum 1 +001000 Toodle-oo 1 +001000 Libere 1 +001000 Worsen 1 +001000 stones. 1 +001000 Papo 1 +001000 Tactic 1 +001000 logrollers 1 +001000 navy. 1 +001000 Chiao 2 +001000 Exchangeable 2 +001000 gapped 2 +001000 Farhad 2 +001000 Voisin 2 +001000 tuxes 2 +001000 ENTERS 2 +001000 Sole-24 2 +001000 Bayezid 2 +001000 pizzicatos 2 +001000 spake 2 +001000 WITHDREW 2 +001000 --is 2 +001000 Craze 2 +001000 Chose 2 +001000 antiperspirant 2 +001000 coarsely 2 +001000 89-104 2 +001000 Corp.-- 2 +001000 Poirot 2 +001000 --and 3 +001000 Petroliferos 3 +001000 THREATENED 3 +001000 , 2206890 +001000 Bahman 10 +00100100 destroyer-naval 1 +00100100 Yongsan 1 +00100100 folowing 1 +00100100 Pereulok 1 +00100100 1/2-deck 1 +00100100 Nusserwanji 1 +00100100 lb. 1 +00100100 re-proving 1 +00100100 Hebrew-lettered 1 +00100100 electrical-hydraulic 1 +00100100 silk-and-polyester 1 +00100100 handpainting 1 +00100100 Kombinat 1 +00100100 93,201 1 +00100100 51,919 1 +00100100 2,314 1 +00100100 3,364 1 +00100100 7,882 1 +00100100 .-based 1 +00100100 82,689 1 +00100100 2,856 1 +00100100 44,530 1 +00100100 Talyo 1 +00100100 7,943.7 1 +00100100 41,706 1 +00100100 3,778 1 +00100100 79,238 1 +00100100 analyst. 1 +00100100 parameter 1 +00100100 hazardous-material 1 +00100100 -Includes 1 +00100100 3,525 1 +00100100 49,415 1 +00100100 89,359 1 +00100100 85,575 1 +00100100 5,886 1 +00100100 46,445 1 +00100100 17,934.1 1 +00100100 7,481.6 1 +00100100 16,614.4 1 +00100100 Cmptr 1 +00100100 Eq 1 +00100100 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+00100101 Autograf 1 +00100101 Kapral 1 +00100101 Spiritualists 1 +00100101 half-staffed 1 +00100101 Rottweilers 1 +00100101 for-rent 1 +00100101 debentures. 1 +00100101 Gawky 1 +00100101 unseamanlike 1 +00100101 Hilarious 1 +00100101 FERVC 1 +00100101 dam-break 1 +00100101 yapping 1 +00100101 Dogmatic 1 +00100101 WBCS-AM 1 +00100101 WGR-AM 1 +00100101 SACILOR 1 +00100101 SQA-A 1 +00100101 misrouted 1 +00100101 Joffrette 1 +00100101 overinvoicing 1 +00100101 gin-buyers 1 +00100101 5-feet-4 1 +00100101 godowns 1 +00100101 sulfur-cured 1 +00100101 half-forgotten 1 +00100101 KMGI-FM 1 +00100101 stoicaly 1 +00100101 Unpredictable 1 +00100101 Marketing-promotion 1 +00100101 Gangly 1 +00100101 Ebdon 1 +00100101 price-markups 1 +00100101 Siegried 1 +00100101 finalizes 1 +00100101 well-wrapped 1 +00100101 aSante 1 +00100101 864-5400 1 +00100101 Jailings 1 +00100101 stage-four 1 +00100101 Caveats 1 +00100101 Tanned 1 +00100101 overedited 1 +00100101 Massachusetts-born 1 +00100101 heem 1 +00100101 1988-models 1 +00100101 Malfunctions 1 +00100101 BC117 1 +00100101 hedge-buying 1 +00100101 Karajannis 1 +00100101 Aprotinine 1 +00100101 3,675 1 +00100101 Rimbaud 1 +00100101 WARILY 1 +00100101 Mustian 1 +00100101 Qwinzy 1 +00100101 TMSTA 1 +00100101 Dullness 1 +00100101 8825093 1 +00100101 1099-R 1 +00100101 IRAFV 1 +00100101 deplaned 2 +00100101 00-952774 2 +00100101 minkes 2 +00100101 exonerates 2 +00100101 Syrup 2 +00100101 compassionately 2 +00100101 unloosed 2 +00100101 Corpses 2 +00100101 Excursions 2 +00100101 teasers 2 +00100101 WMAQ 2 +00100101 HCM 2 +00100101 Scan 3 +00100101 clank 3 +00100101 Amati 3 +00100101 IROC-Z 3 +00100101 Manohar 3 +00100101 ELECTION 3 +00100101 echos 3 +00100101 Carlotta 4 +00100101 cinched 6 +00100101 Recognized 6 +00100101 BEGAN 10 +00100101 Clever 11 +00100101 blared 13 +00100101 Agrees 20 +00100101 -- 94774 +00100101 HAVE 38 +00100110 Whistler. 1 +00100110 Nippon-Brazil 1 +00100110 Finanzanalyse 1 +00100110 Shuns 1 +00100110 Karnival 1 +00100110 Autologous 1 +00100110 Funis 1 +00100110 Sallee 1 +00100110 bodyslammed 1 +00100110 Hermine 1 +00100110 705.4 1 +00100110 shootup 1 +00100110 3.5127 1 +00100110 2.8218 1 +00100110 Sivaporn 1 +00100110 Mitsunori 1 +00100110 Fredy 1 +00100110 Maintains 1 +00100110 Tega 1 +00100110 Harrison. 1 +00100110 10825 1 +00100110 small-school 1 +00100110 Anniversario 1 +00100110 Ideonomical 1 +00100110 MODERATES 1 +00100110 Ailanthus 1 +00100110 Malcolmn 1 +00100110 3.5273 1 +00100110 3.4956 1 +00100110 2.8345 1 +00100110 2.8090 1 +00100110 descries 1 +00100110 subscribershl 1 +00100110 Fredegond 1 +00100110 Kati 1 +00100110 Luftfahttechnik 1 +00100110 DRYCLEAN 1 +00100110 clA 1 +00100110 -44.3 1 +00100110 Wickhams 1 +00100110 GERALD 1 +00100110 Pocketing 1 +00100110 Tsuneta 1 +00100110 ERWIN 1 +00100110 Veronique 1 +00100110 YORK-James 1 +00100110 ear-marked 1 +00100110 116,228 1 +00100110 society-gossip 1 +00100110 31,707 1 +00100110 64,205 1 +00100110 hel 1 +00100110 Ecton 1 +00100110 Killips 1 +00100110 649-2 1 +00100110 BLENDING 1 +00100110 Karkazis 1 +00100110 desiderat 1 +00100110 saidJohn 1 +00100110 19,152.0 1 +00100110 Mitsuhiro 1 +00100110 Dev 1 +00100110 Nomo 1 +00100110 Dru 1 +00100110 .94 1 +00100110 e-in 1 +00100110 20,110.9 1 +00100110 1,759.6 1 +00100110 Ferrous 1 +00100110 Lorito 1 +00100110 estancias 1 +00100110 7,730 1 +00100110 4344 1 +00100110 Kikuo 1 +00100110 Geotechnical 1 +00100110 Khawaja 1 +00100110 Elvis-shaped 1 +00100110 Lhenya 1 +00100110 Emel 1 +00100110 Soraya 1 +00100110 cos 1 +00100110 Territory/Western 1 +00100110 nobis 1 +00100110 rain. 2 +00100110 Ruslander 2 +00100110 Lyford 2 +00100110 TELL 2 +00100110 Odis 2 +00100110 Lucile 2 +00100110 Versus 2 +00100110 Riken 2 +00100110 PlyGem 2 +00100110 Patio 2 +00100110 Dusen 2 +00100110 Creates 2 +00100110 CANAL 2 +00100110 LAURENCE 2 +00100110 Autoveicoli 2 +00100110 Mailed 2 +00100110 Musicale 2 +00100110 Pola 2 +00100110 Inds 3 +00100110 .27 3 +00100110 Kal 3 +00100110 ar 3 +00100110 ## 3 +00100110 Auguste 5 +00100110 Nicodemo 7 +00100110 Se 7 +00100110 Bless 10 +00100110 ABOUT 15 +00100110 -LRB- 49075 +00100110 Than 51 +00100111 1040-OCR 1 +00100111 venturists 1 +00100111 Chymic 1 +00100111 updating. 1 +00100111 GAMBIT 1 +00100111 Zeffirelli-designed 1 +00100111 L.V. 1 +00100111 wrote. 1 +00100111 claustrophic 1 +00100111 D-flat 1 +00100111 WHOLESALER 1 +00100111 buddleia 1 +00100111 Soared 1 +00100111 Heui 1 +00100111 Brehmer 1 +00100111 wood-and-leather 1 +00100111 dealer. 1 +00100111 BALLS 1 +00100111 warns. 1 +00100111 Shichiro 1 +00100111 ship. 1 +00100111 Terdema 1 +00100111 EARN 1 +00100111 Danah 1 +00100111 programs. 1 +00100111 couldn 1 +00100111 Hocart 1 +00100111 Co-Prosperity 1 +00100111 cannonball 1 +00100111 UP. 1 +00100111 100,000-to-250,000-square-foot 1 +00100111 SHOOK 1 +00100111 SERVICERS 1 +00100111 in-house. 1 +00100111 Vbased 1 +00100111 TRADITIONALLY 1 +00100111 Definition 1 +00100111 page-story 1 +00100111 Chemifix 1 +00100111 apartheid. 1 +00100111 reads. 1 +00100111 Vineyards. 1 +00100111 harvest. 1 +00100111 Grenadiers 1 +00100111 mannequin/ 1 +00100111 againto 1 +00100111 mealymouths 1 +00100111 DISTRICT 1 +00100111 assent. 1 +00100111 listens. 1 +00100111 GAMBLED 1 +00100111 GROW. 1 +00100111 flat-footed. 1 +00100111 WELL. 1 +00100111 living-room-size 1 +00100111 Proprietorships 1 +00100111 Burnis 1 +00100111 Penda 1 +00100111 Thatcher-type 1 +00100111 SPREAD. 1 +00100111 Exceeds 1 +00100111 ZIM 1 +00100111 Riles 1 +00100111 RESIST 1 +00100111 EXPLAINED 1 +00100111 trader. 1 +00100111 Crisanti. 1 +00100111 carol 1 +00100111 court-induced 1 +00100111 56'55 1 +00100111 income-aid 1 +00100111 ALIVE 1 +00100111 ANSWERED 1 +00100111 slot. 1 +00100111 insists. 1 +00100111 prof. 1 +00100111 Gilvin 1 +00100111 reverse. 1 +00100111 ENCORE 1 +00100111 Ilobasco 1 +00100111 RESUMES. 1 +00100111 Offender-Drug 1 +00100111 WDH. 1 +00100111 Leann 1 +00100111 746,792 1 +00100111 Gould. 1 +00100111 STOCKS. 1 +00100111 BACKED 1 +00100111 548,986 1 +00100111 BOG 1 +00100111 CDE. 1 +00100111 HADN 1 +00100111 hemerocallis 1 +00100111 MILLION. 1 +00100111 spokesman. 1 +00100111 YEUNG 1 +00100111 tightly. 1 +00100111 ECHC 1 +00100111 bidder. 1 +00100111 territories. 1 +00100111 long-circulating 1 +00100111 mood. 1 +00100111 GRASS-ROOTS 1 +00100111 Agapito 1 +00100111 67,349 1 +00100111 NOVELIST 1 +00100111 LASHED 1 +00100111 FOLK 1 +00100111 Elyakim 1 +00100111 undenominated 1 +00100111 overmatch 1 +00100111 Morihisa 1 +00100111 scarab 1 +00100111 neocountry 1 +00100111 singalong 1 +00100111 outpitched 1 +00100111 639,975 1 +00100111 bizarre. 1 +00100111 water-lily 1 +00100111 -1.581 1 +00100111 import-free 1 +00100111 Pothole 1 +00100111 REBATE 1 +00100111 BASKETBALL 1 +00100111 -c 1 +00100111 Marteau 1 +00100111 Autumnal 1 +00100111 2,793 1 +00100111 turnovers. 1 +00100111 Irgeen 1 +00100111 Conway. 1 +00100111 FISHIN 1 +00100111 18-month-to-two-year 1 +00100111 Unwarranted 1 +00100111 DISNEYLAND 1 +00100111 street. 1 +00100111 Aloft 1 +00100111 PUNITIVE 1 +00100111 SIL. 1 +00100111 BOURSIN 1 +00100111 Spouse. 1 +00100111 Chaplin-like 1 +00100111 Jeroboam 1 +00100111 Indicate 1 +00100111 HMO-financed 1 +00100111 COULDN 1 +00100111 Suemeg 1 +00100111 SURROUNDING 1 +00100111 pleasure. 1 +00100111 DRAIN 1 +00100111 Theroux. 1 +00100111 KPE. 1 +00100111 MERRELL 1 +00100111 Handwork 1 +00100111 100.00 1 +00100111 POET 1 +00100111 DWIGHT 1 +00100111 Rugunda. 1 +00100111 saereaivl 1 +00100111 littleness. 1 +00100111 Fatah-trained 1 +00100111 Vary 2 +00100111 OSHA. 2 +00100111 ROYALTY 2 +00100111 FEEL 2 +00100111 REMAINS 2 +00100111 driver. 2 +00100111 SOLD 2 +00100111 NFL. 2 +00100111 Poong 2 +00100111 Affect 2 +00100111 MIGHT 2 +00100111 Climbs 2 +00100111 LAACO 2 +00100111 PRAISED 2 +00100111 Database 2 +00100111 RECOMMENDATION 3 +00100111 Draws 3 +00100111 recalls. 3 +00100111 DISCUSSED 3 +00100111 FARE 3 +00100111 Brings 4 +00100111 IBP. 5 +00100111 JITTERS 6 +00100111 LEHMAN 9 +00100111 WORRIES 9 +00100111 = 10 +00100111 : 51250 +00100111 FELL 13 +00101000 out-performs 1 +00101000 technology-security 1 +00101000 carrier-led 1 +00101000 infra-red 1 +00101000 virology-and 1 +00101000 pricesand 1 +00101000 ever-so-properly 1 +00101000 hole-in-the-wall 1 +00101000 EH-60 1 +00101000 directeur 1 +00101000 Queensize 1 +00101000 Kensetsu 1 +00101000 DREW 1 +00101000 aluminate 2 +00101000 technology-control 2 +00101000 reignites 2 +00101000 lounge-lizard 2 +00101000 Bugatti 2 +00101000 Suspends 2 +00101000 V/O 3 +00101000 profiling 6 +00101000 shortens 8 +00101000 cum 11 +00101000 and 743332 +00101000 and/or 162 +0010100100 uncomic 1 +0010100100 beach-and 1 +0010100100 mini-movies 1 +0010100100 indictated 1 +0010100100 neo-hippie 1 +0010100100 minces 1 +0010100100 contrives 1 +0010100100 alternations 1 +0010100100 obbligatos 1 +0010100100 hemetin 1 +0010100100 Mr.Pickens 1 +0010100100 three-putting 1 +0010100100 risktaking 1 +0010100100 howcome 1 +0010100100 constables 1 +0010100100 Tark 2 +0010100100 Letzebuerg 2 +0010100100 Sebastos 2 +0010100100 WHTZ 2 +0010100100 C-W 2 +0010100100 SECCA 3 +0010100100 discoursing 3 +0010100100 Arifin 3 +0010100100 Branwell 3 +0010100100 VAG 4 +0010100100 para 4 +0010100100 but 73730 +0010100100 wherein 15 +001010010100 reined-in 1 +001010010100 long-before 1 +001010010100 ejects 1 +001010010100 lower-intensity 1 +001010010100 Lydenburg 1 +001010010100 rubber-band 1 +001010010100 then-Yale 1 +001010010100 -as 1 +001010010100 non-offsetting 1 +001010010100 daily-double 1 +001010010100 Oestgoeta 1 +001010010100 reconceptualizes 1 +001010010100 ex-junkie 1 +001010010100 nuzzling 1 +001010010100 Biostatistical 1 +001010010100 front-porch 1 +001010010100 Butterhead 1 +001010010100 marketizing 1 +001010010100 then-state 1 +001010010100 38,000-man 1 +001010010100 365,025 1 +001010010100 Reiterated 1 +001010010100 intranasal 1 +001010010100 mega-developer 1 +001010010100 2,594,595 1 +001010010100 re-enforcing 1 +001010010100 tie-died 1 +001010010100 20-gallon 1 +001010010100 N.C.-ased 1 +001010010100 JF 1 +001010010100 better-schooled 1 +001010010100 de-funded 1 +001010010100 one-fiftieth 1 +001010010100 checkmating 1 +001010010100 business-suit-clad 1 +001010010100 low-capacity 1 +001010010100 mineral-oil 1 +001010010100 Enjoys 1 +001010010100 D.F.A. 1 +001010010100 stir-frying 1 +001010010100 super-dry 1 +001010010100 9-foot-long 1 +001010010100 unaccented 1 +001010010100 repurchse 1 +001010010100 T&C 1 +001010010100 DESTROYING 1 +001010010100 3,824,000-kilowatt 1 +001010010100 forever-reviewing-the-troops 1 +001010010100 seldom-traded 1 +001010010100 Gioachino 1 +001010010100 begetting 1 +001010010100 9,250,000 1 +001010010100 Reconstitute 1 +001010010100 Revitalize 1 +001010010100 non-inflating 1 +001010010100 California-manufactured 1 +001010010100 multitoned 1 +001010010100 ex-basketball 1 +001010010100 Amigo 1 +001010010100 slap-you-on-the-back 1 +001010010100 gravel-throated 1 +001010010100 chastizing 1 +001010010100 gabbles 1 +001010010100 refuse-derived 1 +001010010100 amputating 1 +001010010100 Vancenase 1 +001010010100 radioactive-tagged 1 +001010010100 buy-at-any-price 1 +001010010100 no-leadership 1 +001010010100 -but 1 +001010010100 telemarketing-fraud 1 +001010010100 on-the-edge 1 +001010010100 headline-fitting 1 +001010010100 1965-1986 1 +001010010100 461,714 1 +001010010100 circulation-stopping 1 +001010010100 324,744 1 +001010010100 besneakered 1 +001010010100 clucked 1 +001010010100 1986-the 1 +001010010100 Spain-dominated 1 +001010010100 Achieved 1 +001010010100 unbolted 1 +001010010100 /Provides 1 +001010010100 esp. 1 +001010010100 190-proof 1 +001010010100 vacation-business 1 +001010010100 legitimatized 1 +001010010100 stilling 1 +001010010100 unplugs 1 +001010010100 denaturing 1 +001010010100 post-cruzado 1 +001010010100 267,198 1 +001010010100 Two-hundred 1 +001010010100 high-nutrition 1 +001010010100 free-base 1 +001010010100 test-counting 1 +001010010100 2,000-person-strong 1 +001010010100 pre-supposes 1 +001010010100 bone-wearing 1 +001010010100 Holliday/ 1 +001010010100 Naughty 1 +001010010100 1395 1 +001010010100 1,212,000 1 +001010010100 quick-to-prepare 1 +001010010100 4,675,435 1 +001010010100 9-by-12 1 +001010010100 pantomiming 1 +001010010100 once-patient 1 +001010010100 nuclearizing 1 +001010010100 hydrated 1 +001010010100 Chico-San 1 +001010010100 outgeneraling 1 +001010010100 Regulating 1 +001010010100 clutters 1 +001010010100 2,793,875 1 +001010010100 eastern-most 1 +001010010100 uncoiled 1 +001010010100 fellow-Texan 1 +001010010100 208-pound 1 +001010010100 Troxey 1 +001010010100 continung 1 +001010010100 Skanaviska 1 +001010010100 Enable 1 +001010010100 700-acre 1 +001010010100 predciting 1 +001010010100 otherwise-comparable 1 +001010010100 regrooms 1 +001010010100 lower-resistance 1 +001010010100 3,728 1 +001010010100 resketched 1 +001010010100 2,361,112 1 +001010010100 Masseria 1 +001010010100 bemustached 1 +001010010100 dedspite 1 +001010010100 begot 1 +001010010100 capital-stretching 1 +001010010100 10-inch-wide 1 +001010010100 acheived 1 +001010010100 ill-cut 1 +001010010100 head-butting 1 +001010010100 refecting 1 +001010010100 10,660,800 1 +001010010100 CHEM 1 +001010010100 seconding 1 +001010010100 readopting 1 +001010010100 1328 1 +001010010100 faux-Democrats 1 +001010010100 JutlandFunen 1 +001010010100 ursodeoxycholic 1 +001010010100 Viennese-style 1 +001010010100 booby-trapping 1 +001010010100 1,200-for 1 +001010010100 life-filled 1 +001010010100 sayeth 1 +001010010100 company-town 1 +001010010100 cadges 1 +001010010100 black-striped 1 +001010010100 unhousebroken 1 +001010010100 CareFree 1 +001010010100 tousling 1 +001010010100 Jenifer 1 +001010010100 Lebanese-controlled 1 +001010010100 Inpex 1 +001010010100 Sunda 1 +001010010100 skippering 1 +001010010100 elucidates 1 +001010010100 AllenBradley 1 +001010010100 feature-packed 1 +001010010100 suceeding 1 +001010010100 classicize 1 +001010010100 Mid-career 1 +001010010100 intervention-shy 1 +001010010100 Interinsurance 1 +001010010100 soft-footed 1 +001010010100 Fernanda 1 +001010010100 Instill 1 +001010010100 supermodel 1 +001010010100 Communist-designed 1 +001010010100 barrel-aged 1 +001010010100 sinister-looking 1 +001010010100 Pedigree-contemplating 1 +001010010100 1,813,363 1 +001010010100 W.O. 1 +001010010100 R.P.M. 1 +001010010100 commuter-type 1 +001010010100 Recoup 1 +001010010100 slow-changing 1 +001010010100 wheeling-and-dealing 1 +001010010100 breadfruit-carting 1 +001010010100 125-bed 1 +001010010100 Revinex 1 +001010010100 Mollye 1 +001010010100 Tagayasu 1 +001010010100 Pilipinas 1 +001010010100 vide 1 +001010010100 R-Vee 1 +001010010100 Krung 1 +001010010100 much-over-budget 1 +001010010100 enshrouding 1 +001010010100 2537 1 +001010010100 salt-free 1 +001010010100 ectopic 1 +001010010100 cell-transplant 1 +001010010100 less-offensive 1 +001010010100 sycamore 1 +001010010100 lower-performance 1 +001010010100 CH-1201 1 +001010010100 code-naming 1 +001010010100 no-spaghetti 1 +001010010100 contining 1 +001010010100 B.C.-643 1 +001010010100 self-determining 1 +001010010100 broad-gauge 1 +001010010100 scenting 1 +001010010100 Naomichi 1 +001010010100 reconnoiter 1 +001010010100 8-point 1 +001010010100 domesticates 1 +001010010100 Messerschmidt-Boelkow 1 +001010010100 conference-calling 1 +001010010100 all-federal 1 +001010010100 168803 1 +001010010100 outputbased 1 +001010010100 domino-effect 1 +001010010100 dumbfounding 1 +001010010100 Directs 1 +001010010100 salsafied 1 +001010010100 hand-linked 1 +001010010100 business-insurance 1 +001010010100 Leoluca 1 +001010010100 21-branch 1 +001010010100 harder-to-make 1 +001010010100 co-curated 1 +001010010100 club-class 1 +001010010100 waggled 1 +001010010100 protracts 1 +001010010100 Oei 1 +001010010100 vilifies 1 +001010010100 pre-Duarte 1 +001010010100 S.E.H. 1 +001010010100 LEAVING 1 +001010010100 gadget-filled 1 +001010010100 10,551 1 +001010010100 Borj 1 +001010010100 reorganizational 1 +001010010100 Schizophrenic 1 +001010010100 M.Ed 1 +001010010100 Extolling 1 +001010010100 Othal 1 +001010010100 Announces 1 +001010010100 bully-boy 1 +001010010100 carbon-impregnated 1 +001010010100 klutz-proof 1 +001010010100 315-pound 1 +001010010100 coffee-gulping 1 +001010010100 undisposable 1 +001010010100 prefacing 1 +001010010100 AZT-type 1 +001010010100 prpbably 1 +001010010100 Michelin/ 1 +001010010100 seniority-system 1 +001010010100 TRS-80 1 +001010010100 coedited 1 +001010010100 Zug-based 1 +001010010100 ascorbic 1 +001010010100 French-inspired 1 +001010010100 teeth-grinding 1 +001010010100 oil-poor 1 +001010010100 time-blackened 1 +001010010100 let's-get-a-consensus 1 +001010010100 37,000-ton 1 +001010010100 21-foot-long 1 +001010010100 Integrate 2 +001010010100 1309 2 +001010010100 Yetsuo 2 +001010010100 2,076,165 2 +001010010100 a.k.a 2 +001010010100 distrusting 2 +001010010100 elating 2 +001010010100 Hallee 2 +001010010100 miring 2 +001010010100 self-leveling 2 +001010010100 submarine-detecting 2 +001010010100 outdueling 2 +001010010100 Texas.-based 2 +001010010100 Cassiel 2 +001010010100 incuding 2 +001010010100 reelecting 2 +001010010100 outshining 3 +001010010100 sleepy-eyed 3 +001010010100 Information/service 3 +001010010100 ext. 3 +001010010100 7227 3 +001010010100 Soichiro 4 +001010010100 Liberalizing 4 +001010010100 te 4 +001010010100 hefting 4 +001010010100 IL 5 +001010010100 aka 5 +001010010100 nee 7 +001010010100 presaging 7 +001010010100 obviating 7 +001010010100 Permit 8 +001010010100 excepting 14 +001010010100 complementing 14 +001010010100 necessitating 14 +001010010100 rivaling 15 +001010010100 dwarfing 19 +001010010100 surpassing 169 +001010010100 excluding 672 +001010010100 citing 1793 +001010010100 including 19035 +001010010100 via 2810 +001010010101 Ont.-based 1 +001010010101 many-hued 1 +001010010101 bullet-ridden 1 +001010010101 Pa-based 1 +001010010101 plain-folks 1 +001010010101 non-glamorous 1 +001010010101 fix-up 1 +001010010101 angular-boxy 1 +001010010101 state-supplied 1 +001010010101 cast-of-thousands 1 +001010010101 gunmetal-gray 1 +001010010101 pat-you-on-the-back 1 +001010010101 turnof-the-century 1 +001010010101 super-absorbing 1 +001010010101 Nixon-vintage 1 +001010010101 50-stunt 1 +001010010101 half-dog 1 +001010010101 semi-military 1 +001010010101 paint-store 1 +001010010101 semi-ornate 1 +001010010101 soul-killing 1 +001010010101 back-lit 1 +001010010101 home-sweep 1 +001010010101 20-megahertz 1 +001010010101 16-megahertz 1 +001010010101 Levelland-based 1 +001010010101 second-inning 1 +001010010101 less-strenuous 1 +001010010101 Redbirds 1 +001010010101 222,930,000 1 +001010010101 two-station 1 +001010010101 steel-supply 1 +001010010101 Foodorama 1 +001010010101 paper-like 1 +001010010101 245-pound 1 +001010010101 highway-equipment 1 +001010010101 10-exam 1 +001010010101 professional-publishing 1 +001010010101 freethinking 1 +001010010101 IAM/Secure 1 +001010010101 Hammerschmidt 1 +001010010101 208,133,100 1 +001010010101 takeover-generated 1 +001010010101 India-based 1 +001010010101 236,814 1 +001010010101 table-tennis 1 +001010010101 rink-rat 1 +001010010101 low-rimmed 1 +001010010101 wellness-related 1 +001010010101 risk-conscious 1 +001010010101 parallel-strand 1 +001010010101 division-based 1 +001010010101 25,350 1 +001010010101 franchise-oriented 1 +001010010101 ship-killing 1 +001010010101 skimmed-milk 1 +001010010101 Calif.-born 1 +001010010101 class-ridden 1 +001010010101 storage-bin 1 +001010010101 terror-free 1 +001010010101 automotive-window 1 +001010010101 nonretail 1 +001010010101 Catholic-oriented 1 +001010010101 680,000-square-foot 1 +001010010101 good-sense 1 +001010010101 Kirkland-based 1 +001010010101 acknowleding 1 +001010010101 260-megawatt 1 +001010010101 34-mile 1 +001010010101 individual-income-tax 1 +001010010101 gingery 1 +001010010101 non-escrowed 1 +001010010101 low-land 1 +001010010101 gritty-voiced 1 +001010010101 shelter-related 1 +001010010101 NVF-controlled 1 +001010010101 12th-ranked 1 +001010010101 peat-fired 1 +001010010101 deep-socketed 1 +001010010101 175-horsepower 1 +001010010101 silent-screen 1 +001010010101 super-Yalta 1 +001010010101 four-wagon 1 +001010010101 eight-bar 1 +001010010101 electric-red 1 +001010010101 towel-dispenser 1 +001010010101 dead-white 1 +001010010101 regular-shaped 1 +001010010101 spike-marked 1 +001010010101 matterlike 1 +001010010101 grandchild-producing 1 +001010010101 blue-on-blue 1 +001010010101 few-frills 1 +001010010101 three-piece-suited 1 +001010010101 Bralley-Willett 1 +001010010101 108,584 1 +001010010101 multi-hosted 1 +001010010101 generic-goods 1 +001010010101 tough-leadership 1 +001010010101 well-sprung 1 +001010010101 McGovern-style 1 +001010010101 brass-bed 1 +001010010101 five-stadium 1 +001010010101 KNT 1 +001010010101 less-objectionable 1 +001010010101 HookSupeRx 1 +001010010101 Grieving 1 +001010010101 law-skirting 1 +001010010101 non-radar 1 +001010010101 403,105 1 +001010010101 housing-density 1 +001010010101 10-room 1 +001010010101 nine-foot-wide 1 +001010010101 bug-like 1 +001010010101 Houston-bred 1 +001010010101 unfishy 1 +001010010101 358,785 1 +001010010101 preloaded 1 +001010010101 return-to-tradition 1 +001010010101 solarpowered 1 +001010010101 Bisquick 1 +001010010101 4,633,152 1 +001010010101 atom-plant 1 +001010010101 well-considered 1 +001010010101 market-inspired 1 +001010010101 in-town 1 +001010010101 motor-inn 1 +001010010101 overarmed 1 +001010010101 auxilliary 1 +001010010101 blond-tinted 1 +001010010101 single-breadwinner 1 +001010010101 1,264,087 1 +001010010101 uncoerced 1 +001010010101 902,228 1 +001010010101 lubricious 1 +001010010101 Audio/ 1 +001010010101 black-streaked 1 +001010010101 burnt-orange 1 +001010010101 unflavored 1 +001010010101 schoolwide 1 +001010010101 toxin-containing 1 +001010010101 4,681,516 1 +001010010101 human-backboard 1 +001010010101 easier-to-handle 1 +001010010101 chain-like 1 +001010010101 810,000-share 1 +001010010101 600,000-share 1 +001010010101 computer-jockey 1 +001010010101 densely-packed 1 +001010010101 GI-donated 1 +001010010101 storm-drainage 1 +001010010101 wirelike 1 +001010010101 almost-obsessive 1 +001010010101 multi-shift 1 +001010010101 down-tomorrow 1 +001010010101 scrappier 1 +001010010101 28,564,723 1 +001010010101 107,167 1 +001010010101 lispy 1 +001010010101 18,842,200 1 +001010010101 quasi-philosophical 1 +001010010101 CBR 1 +001010010101 688,750 1 +001010010101 foul-tasting 1 +001010010101 misfocused 1 +001010010101 532,676 1 +001010010101 supermarket-discount 1 +001010010101 gimme-gimme 1 +001010010101 non-export-related 1 +001010010101 out-of-tolerance 1 +001010010101 fragile-looking 1 +001010010101 uninflected 1 +001010010101 517,004 1 +001010010101 factory-style 1 +001010010101 long-distance-transmission 1 +001010010101 drug-products 1 +001010010101 hipper-than-thou 1 +001010010101 hawklike 1 +001010010101 994,400 1 +001010010101 wood-trimmed 1 +001010010101 porcupine-like 1 +001010010101 bar-room 1 +001010010101 20-gauge 1 +001010010101 .58 1 +001010010101 laser-systems 1 +001010010101 Bass-owned 1 +001010010101 never-arriving 1 +001010010101 O'Rourke-type 1 +001010010101 86-foot 1 +001010010101 9,706,000 1 +001010010101 457,660 1 +001010010101 Miss.-nuclear 1 +001010010101 N.C.based 1 +001010010101 Singh-distributed 1 +001010010101 stuck-on 1 +001010010101 tails-I-lose 1 +001010010101 economic-crimes 1 +001010010101 fraud-protection 1 +001010010101 liver-red 1 +001010010101 unhomogenized 1 +001010010101 wise-man 1 +001010010101 multiseed 1 +001010010101 onshore-oil 1 +001010010101 opinion-research 1 +001010010101 Kickapoo 1 +001010010101 112-nation 1 +001010010101 Pauliasi 1 +001010010101 listen-here 1 +001010010101 196-square-yard 1 +001010010101 clear-glass 1 +001010010101 parkside 1 +001010010101 no-chemicals 1 +001010010101 low-investment 1 +001010010101 mother-and-child 1 +001010010101 532,734 1 +001010010101 military-oriented 1 +001010010101 416,500 1 +001010010101 Anaheim-based 1 +001010010101 private-operator 1 +001010010101 loyalty-building 1 +001010010101 422,832 1 +001010010101 Perushaan 1 +001010010101 Warrego 1 +001010010101 out-in-right-field 1 +001010010101 barn-door-size 1 +001010010101 rank-smelling 1 +001010010101 economy-model 1 +001010010101 prairie-chicken 1 +001010010101 crew-cutted 1 +001010010101 Peoria-area 1 +001010010101 over-treatment 1 +001010010101 training-school 1 +001010010101 sitar 1 +001010010101 NASA-produced 1 +001010010101 4-ounce 1 +001010010101 pre-caught 1 +001010010101 image-tarnishing 1 +001010010101 trumpet-filled 1 +001010010101 memory-enhancing 1 +001010010101 384,615 1 +001010010101 780,450 1 +001010010101 54,264 1 +001010010101 semi-obscene 1 +001010010101 Balanchine-inspired 1 +001010010101 1,090,000 1 +001010010101 beady-eyed 1 +001010010101 low-carbohydrate 1 +001010010101 Magee-Womens 1 +001010010101 Canadiancontrolled 1 +001010010101 bonier 1 +001010010101 4,767,895 1 +001010010101 PMZ 1 +001010010101 optimizes 1 +001010010101 Moirs 1 +001010010101 unvented 1 +001010010101 thermal-activated 1 +001010010101 Ark.based 1 +001010010101 asbestos-mine 1 +001010010101 grosgrain 1 +001010010101 fumeless 1 +001010010101 tobacco-stained 1 +001010010101 dye-laser 1 +001010010101 Ericsson-designed 1 +001010010101 5,165,000 1 +001010010101 photo-heavy 1 +001010010101 antique-guide 1 +001010010101 more-soothing 1 +001010010101 1.7-ounce 1 +001010010101 13.4-ounce 1 +001010010101 tradition-driven 1 +001010010101 370-person 1 +001010010101 106,251 1 +001010010101 backwoodsy 1 +001010010101 Texasbased 1 +001010010101 114,000-square-foot 1 +001010010101 chocolate-dipped 1 +001010010101 incubator-consulting 1 +001010010101 hand-cramping 1 +001010010101 boy-and-girl-fall-in-love 1 +001010010101 par-70 1 +001010010101 balloon-like 1 +001010010101 2,050,000 1 +001010010101 flower-by-wire 1 +001010010101 gone-tomorrow 1 +001010010101 nontherapeutic 1 +001010010101 Intaglio 1 +001010010101 Clebe 1 +001010010101 pro-alliance 1 +001010010101 Ohio-truck 1 +001010010101 raisin-product 1 +001010010101 mattress-covered 1 +001010010101 pattern-on-pattern 1 +001010010101 108-bed 1 +001010010101 photo-supply 1 +001010010101 inflation-warning 1 +001010010101 apple-wine 1 +001010010101 sermon-like 1 +001010010101 white-faced 1 +001010010101 Blames 1 +001010010101 three-boat 1 +001010010101 one-boat 1 +001010010101 one-stop-shopping 1 +001010010101 MIT-graduate 1 +001010010101 bist 1 +001010010101 3,307-yard 1 +001010010101 Fl.-based 1 +001010010101 232,755 1 +001010010101 cedar-shingled 1 +001010010101 155-day 1 +001010010101 5-foot-6-inch 1 +001010010101 cancer-afflicted 1 +001010010101 no-points 1 +001010010101 group-term 1 +001010010101 fish-bait 1 +001010010101 pictoral 1 +001010010101 pay-cut 1 +001010010101 computer-peripheral-parts 1 +001010010101 confident-looking 1 +001010010101 IVB 1 +001010010101 not-so-volatile 1 +001010010101 seven-pound 1 +001010010101 budget-breaking 1 +001010010101 44-flick 1 +001010010101 big-engined 1 +001010010101 more-confusing 1 +001010010101 customset 1 +001010010101 Houston-supplies 1 +001010010101 11,075,341 1 +001010010101 655,184 1 +001010010101 pouty-faced 1 +001010010101 385-yard 1 +001010010101 eelskin 1 +001010010101 whole-wheat 1 +001010010101 bit-map 1 +001010010101 26,624,375 1 +001010010101 42,000-kilowatt 1 +001010010101 47,806,810 1 +001010010101 adventure-oriented 1 +001010010101 ConVest 1 +001010010101 Ropespinner-inspired 1 +001010010101 Colo.based 1 +001010010101 capital-fed 1 +001010010101 bowler-hatted 1 +001010010101 nonliterary 1 +001010010101 390,783 1 +001010010101 sales-channel 1 +001010010101 cidery 1 +001010010101 unlimited-mileage 1 +001010010101 size-theory 1 +001010010101 express-train 1 +001010010101 elbow-baring 1 +001010010101 back-panel 1 +001010010101 pesd 1 +001010010101 slut-ridden 1 +001010010101 2,178,132 1 +001010010101 Japanese-run 1 +001010010101 649,922 1 +001010010101 long-in-back 1 +001010010101 70,000-share 1 +001010010101 difficult-to-crack 1 +001010010101 ideology-bound 1 +001010010101 spectatorss 1 +001010010101 broadcast-license 1 +001010010101 all-parts 1 +001010010101 863-mile-long 1 +001010010101 wind-knocked 1 +001010010101 indulge-yourself 1 +001010010101 lashless 1 +001010010101 play-by-number 1 +001010010101 half-protesting 1 +001010010101 hard-to-see 1 +001010010101 win-too-soon 1 +001010010101 104,700 1 +001010010101 record-promoter 1 +001010010101 job-offer 1 +001010010101 Ariz.-bank 1 +001010010101 W.Va.-area 1 +001010010101 less-stressful 1 +001010010101 multiple-variable 1 +001010010101 prevously 1 +001010010101 31,353,025 1 +001010010101 Clveland-Cliffs 1 +001010010101 thick-bodied 1 +001010010101 wildland 1 +001010010101 stick-built 1 +001010010101 tire-screeching 1 +001010010101 552,596 1 +001010010101 offshore-drilling-rig 1 +001010010101 pump-style 1 +001010010101 moonlike 1 +001010010101 Minn.based 1 +001010010101 needle-threading 1 +001010010101 dust-covered 1 +001010010101 369-yard 1 +001010010101 slimier 1 +001010010101 not-very-profitable 1 +001010010101 525-room 1 +001010010101 engineering/scientific 1 +001010010101 Ore-based 1 +001010010101 detail-conscious 1 +001010010101 noncompressed 1 +001010010101 Stichting 1 +001010010101 R.I.based 1 +001010010101 323,100 1 +001010010101 76-unit 1 +001010010101 pseudo-metaphysical 1 +001010010101 unatmospheric 1 +001010010101 Silkience 1 +001010010101 folkish 1 +001010010101 four-ringed 1 +001010010101 under-publicized 1 +001010010101 Capitol-EMI 1 +001010010101 jelly-filled 1 +001010010101 once-fierce 1 +001010010101 Uwe-Jens 1 +001010010101 round-white 1 +001010010101 gas-filled 1 +001010010101 1,807 1 +001010010101 28,938 1 +001010010101 638-room 1 +001010010101 arm-slinging 1 +001010010101 angst-filled 1 +001010010101 Maine.-based 1 +001010010101 non-addicting 1 +001010010101 Vietnam-veteran 1 +001010010101 Hutton-commissioned 1 +001010010101 eerie-sounding 1 +001010010101 slang-filled 1 +001010010101 porcelain-enameled 1 +001010010101 mood-influencing 1 +001010010101 index-member 1 +001010010101 ocean-cruise 1 +001010010101 curlicued 1 +001010010101 arm-flapping 1 +001010010101 rug-covered 1 +001010010101 5,614,436 1 +001010010101 banking-holding 1 +001010010101 business-supported 1 +001010010101 MBLE. 1 +001010010101 tune-strangling 1 +001010010101 anti-contractor 1 +001010010101 13-game 1 +001010010101 handnumbing 1 +001010010101 open-to-the 1 +001010010101 more-chicken-for-the-money 1 +001010010101 thrice-widowed 1 +001010010101 Skews 1 +001010010101 non-worldly 1 +001010010101 shipbuiding 1 +001010010101 Kerstin 1 +001010010101 free-rolling 1 +001010010101 videogame-roller-ball 1 +001010010101 GermanRussian 1 +001010010101 most-repeated 1 +001010010101 privately-owned 1 +001010010101 maze-like 1 +001010010101 traditional-sized 1 +001010010101 381-yard 1 +001010010101 10,000-square-foot 1 +001010010101 Tiffanyesque 1 +001010010101 scientific-research 1 +001010010101 actable 1 +001010010101 Dori 1 +001010010101 uncollectivized 1 +001010010101 16-ton 1 +001010010101 tool-scattered 1 +001010010101 fire-and-ice 1 +001010010101 company-commissioned 1 +001010010101 1,626,142 1 +001010010101 5,554 1 +001010010101 Mich.based 1 +001010010101 31-question 1 +001010010101 913,842 1 +001010010101 laugh-at-the-things-that-make-you-cry-as-you-conquer-them 1 +001010010101 Monteverdiesque 1 +001010010101 40-train 1 +001010010101 home-brewed 1 +001010010101 Graves-designed 1 +001010010101 725,287 1 +001010010101 Ericsson-GE 1 +001010010101 Regimental 1 +001010010101 muchsought 1 +001010010101 1,687 1 +001010010101 minimedical 1 +001010010101 11-story-high 1 +001010010101 2,771 1 +001010010101 602,100 1 +001010010101 anti-bacterial 1 +001010010101 pocket-held 1 +001010010101 overawed 1 +001010010101 less-than-spectacular 1 +001010010101 lower-mileage 1 +001010010101 co-axial 1 +001010010101 dango-run 1 +001010010101 non-dango 1 +001010010101 K.B. 1 +001010010101 castlelike 1 +001010010101 gulf-based 1 +001010010101 cowboy-like 1 +001010010101 nonfungible 1 +001010010101 Europeo 1 +001010010101 gibbering 1 +001010010101 factory.The 1 +001010010101 iceberg-busting 1 +001010010101 often-unpopular 1 +001010010101 Bath-based 1 +001010010101 nonfiltered 1 +001010010101 German-nationalist 1 +001010010101 120-pound 1 +001010010101 8,840,205 1 +001010010101 Kans.-based 1 +001010010101 brown-and-gray 1 +001010010101 705,938 1 +001010010101 hard-time 1 +001010010101 out-of-focus 1 +001010010101 Dailey-Thorp 1 +001010010101 Arkansas-reared 1 +001010010101 ORBITEL 1 +001010010101 247,189 1 +001010010101 hamburger-chain 1 +001010010101 technological-services 1 +001010010101 fly-infested 1 +001010010101 nose-wrinkling 1 +001010010101 half-Indian 1 +001010010101 radio-program 1 +001010010101 spy-plane 1 +001010010101 blitzkrieg-style 1 +001010010101 tic-a-minute 1 +001010010101 ever-admiring 1 +001010010101 vitamin-filled 1 +001010010101 Waspy 1 +001010010101 pesticide-heavy 1 +001010010101 process-engineering 1 +001010010101 polymath 1 +001010010101 Quang 1 +001010010101 47,900 1 +001010010101 pear-flavored 1 +001010010101 1,464 1 +001010010101 vinyl-products 1 +001010010101 meat-eating 1 +001010010101 no-muss 1 +001010010101 bathtub-shaped 1 +001010010101 coup-prone 1 +001010010101 quasi-documentary 1 +001010010101 crucifix-dangling 1 +001010010101 sure-shot 1 +001010010101 chloronated 1 +001010010101 arcanely 1 +001010010101 4,400-square-foot 1 +001010010101 PKL 1 +001010010101 drum-driven 1 +001010010101 mismeasuring 1 +001010010101 Daihyaku 1 +001010010101 long-overlooked 1 +001010010101 DAW 1 +001010010101 border-to-border 1 +001010010101 light-weight 1 +001010010101 91,159 1 +001010010101 wood-finishing 1 +001010010101 22-part 1 +001010010101 antioxidants 1 +001010010101 adoption-business 1 +001010010101 telecommunciations 1 +001010010101 one-big-decision-at-a-time 1 +001010010101 white-tennis-shoe 1 +001010010101 risk-assessing 1 +001010010101 200-square-foot 1 +001010010101 CSX/ 1 +001010010101 20-peso 1 +001010010101 86,356 1 +001010010101 proto-feminist 1 +001010010101 hibiscuses 1 +001010010101 federally-supervised 1 +001010010101 Finland-based 1 +001010010101 closed-mouth 1 +001010010101 Rheinish 1 +001010010101 discount-coupon-book 1 +001010010101 oxygen-depleted 1 +001010010101 dominate-the-world 1 +001010010101 Bedav 1 +001010010101 more-exhaustive 1 +001010010101 ever-quarrelsome 1 +001010010101 Saskatchewan-based 1 +001010010101 spend-and-tax 1 +001010010101 Yamatake 1 +001010010101 roll-up-your 1 +001010010101 publicly-owned 1 +001010010101 weakwilled 1 +001010010101 big-equipment 1 +001010010101 female-income 1 +001010010101 loose-credit 1 +001010010101 worked-out 1 +001010010101 Pinstripe 1 +001010010101 technology-linked 1 +001010010101 reading-the-paper 1 +001010010101 SMB 1 +001010010101 171,885 1 +001010010101 251,219 1 +001010010101 163,895 1 +001010010101 339,512 1 +001010010101 310,022 1 +001010010101 410,234 1 +001010010101 agricultural-seed 1 +001010010101 union-fearing 1 +001010010101 egg-on-the-face 1 +001010010101 car-finance 1 +001010010101 aerospace-technology 1 +001010010101 two-evening 1 +001010010101 274,598 1 +001010010101 yield-reducing 1 +001010010101 FAS-related 1 +001010010101 Tokyo-area 1 +001010010101 peace-brokering 1 +001010010101 AM/FM-cassette 1 +001010010101 potbelly 1 +001010010101 8,954,161 1 +001010010101 healthy-looking 1 +001010010101 407,954 1 +001010010101 hunting-gear 1 +001010010101 bar-staged 1 +001010010101 skaking 1 +001010010101 cloud-flecked 1 +001010010101 free-port 1 +001010010101 be-wimpy 1 +001010010101 Socony 1 +001010010101 broken-trumpet 1 +001010010101 kid-pleasing 1 +001010010101 hail-fellow 1 +001010010101 flat-ribbon 1 +001010010101 nonsubsidized 1 +001010010101 hot-pressed 1 +001010010101 white-speckled 1 +001010010101 Angiostat 1 +001010010101 lettristic 1 +001010010101 1,776-foot-long 1 +001010010101 father-like 1 +001010010101 480,000-square-foot 1 +001010010101 sleep-walking 1 +001010010101 drug-avoiding 1 +001010010101 cargo-transportation 1 +001010010101 1,312,500 1 +001010010101 often-curable 1 +001010010101 Metro-Mobile 1 +001010010101 rubicund 1 +001010010101 382-yard 1 +001010010101 organization-minded 1 +001010010101 commodities-oriented 1 +001010010101 corrections-consulting 1 +001010010101 loudspeaker-systems 1 +001010010101 after-church 1 +001010010101 Swedish-bottled 1 +001010010101 10-win 1 +001010010101 radiation-sterilization 1 +001010010101 easy-to-make 1 +001010010101 1,617,100 1 +001010010101 anti-procurement 1 +001010010101 golf-greens 1 +001010010101 solarpanel 1 +001010010101 light-fixture 1 +001010010101 reanimating 1 +001010010101 Western-minded 1 +001010010101 pea-green 1 +001010010101 litigation-management 1 +001010010101 90-bed 1 +001010010101 preprocessed 1 +001010010101 thin-crusted 1 +001010010101 140,266are 1 +001010010101 systems-oriented 1 +001010010101 emotion-stirring 1 +001010010101 land-supply 1 +001010010101 Hemex 1 +001010010101 car-dodging 1 +001010010101 Karo 2 +001010010101 Coosje 2 +001010010101 Va.based 2 +001010010101 uncertified 2 +001010010101 Issey 2 +001010010101 low-status 2 +001010010101 Arizona-based 2 +001010010101 379,422 2 +001010010101 stereo-cassette 2 +001010010101 stone-walled 2 +001010010101 0.272 2 +001010010101 oil-boom-era 2 +001010010101 bejeweled 2 +001010010101 take-away 2 +001010010101 tandoori 2 +001010010101 N.J-based 2 +001010010101 multi-center 2 +001010010101 lower-value 2 +001010010101 five-day-a-week 2 +001010010101 Pa.based 2 +001010010101 camping-gear 2 +001010010101 75-chapter 2 +001010010101 drop-in 2 +001010010101 N.Y.based 2 +001010010101 Md.based 2 +001010010101 spotlit 2 +001010010101 168,598 2 +001010010101 Retractable 2 +001010010101 22,691 2 +001010010101 pocket-chartered 2 +001010010101 ratepayer-supported 2 +001010010101 multiuse 2 +001010010101 steer-roping 2 +001010010101 boutique-style 2 +001010010101 less-fuel-efficient 2 +001010010101 time-capsule 2 +001010010101 Ca.-based 2 +001010010101 Wis.based 2 +001010010101 scrawling 2 +001010010101 Koeppel 2 +001010010101 metal-plate 2 +001010010101 Penn.-based 2 +001010010101 medium-haul 2 +001010010101 slaughter-and-fabrication 2 +001010010101 white-capped 2 +001010010101 columned 2 +001010010101 silty 2 +001010010101 petroleum-derived 2 +001010010101 mio 2 +001010010101 PCC/Drug 2 +001010010101 255-pound 2 +001010010101 Malcolm-Jamal 2 +001010010101 Tenn.based 2 +001010010101 bundled-up 2 +001010010101 easy-chair 2 +001010010101 hardboiled 2 +001010010101 Austria-based 2 +001010010101 deboned 2 +001010010101 Conn-based 2 +001010010101 ultracompetitive 2 +001010010101 45-pound 2 +001010010101 N.J.based 3 +001010010101 Ginji 3 +001010010101 Ohiobased 3 +001010010101 Phar 3 +001010010101 black-haired 3 +001010010101 two-bath 3 +001010010101 batlike 3 +001010010101 high-reward 3 +001010010101 Mont.-based 3 +001010010101 Indonesia-based 3 +001010010101 Grigory 3 +001010010101 Alaska-based 3 +001010010101 rights-oriented 3 +001010010101 his-and-hers 3 +001010010101 baldish 3 +001010010101 Tex.-based 4 +001010010101 N.Y-based 4 +001010010101 shaggy-haired 4 +001010010101 Ill.based 4 +001010010101 Fla.based 4 +001010010101 Ivo 4 +001010010101 1111 4 +001010010101 Bahamas-based 5 +001010010101 Conn.based 5 +001010010101 Wyo.-based 5 +001010010101 France-based 6 +001010010101 Manitoba-based 6 +001010010101 Spain-based 6 +001010010101 Mass.based 7 +001010010101 50,000-mile 8 +001010010101 66th 8 +001010010101 Mexico-based 9 +001010010101 N.M.-based 9 +001010010101 Canada-based 11 +001010010101 Sweden-based 11 +001010010101 Calif-based 12 +001010010101 Calif.based 12 +001010010101 Miss.-based 14 +001010010101 Scotland-based 16 +001010010101 Vt.-based 17 +001010010101 Italy-based 18 +001010010101 W.Va.-based 18 +001010010101 sans 19 +001010010101 -based 23 +001010010101 non-B 24 +001010010101 La.-based 25 +001010010101 Maine-based 27 +001010010101 S.C.-based 27 +001010010101 Idaho-based 37 +001010010101 Nev.-based 37 +001010010101 Kan.-based 40 +001010010101 Ark.-based 41 +001010010101 Ontario-based 46 +001010010101 England-based 48 +001010010101 off-again 49 +001010010101 Neb.-based 50 +001010010101 N.H.-based 53 +001010010101 Iowa-based 53 +001010010101 Wis.-based 62 +001010010101 Switzerland-based 63 +001010010101 Ga.-based 69 +001010010101 Ala.-based 72 +001010010101 R.I.-based 74 +001010010101 Ind.-based 81 +001010010101 Ore.-based 89 +001010010101 Colo.-based 94 +001010010101 Del.-based 99 +001010010101 Mo.-based 102 +001010010101 Ky.-based 105 +001010010101 Okla.-based 107 +001010010101 Wash.-based 111 +001010010101 Alberta-based 114 +001010010101 Minn.-based 130 +001010010101 Tenn.-based 142 +001010010101 D.C.-based 142 +001010010101 N.C.-based 184 +001010010101 Ariz.-based 185 +001010010101 bank-backed 186 +001010010101 Md.-based 192 +001010010101 Fla.-based 277 +001010010101 Va.-based 304 +001010010101 Mich.-based 311 +001010010101 Pa.-based 321 +001010010101 Ill.-based 362 +001010010101 Ohio-based 415 +001010010101 Texas-based 420 +001010010101 N.Y.-based 546 +001010010101 Mass.-based 666 +001010010101 Conn.-based 733 +001010010101 N.J.-based 734 +001010010101 whose 7963 +001010010101 Calif.-based 1744 +001010010110 slike 1 +001010010110 SIDETRACKED 1 +001010010110 big-school 1 +001010010110 Resembled 1 +001010010110 alios 1 +001010010110 derails 1 +001010010110 browner 1 +001010010110 mobbing 1 +001010010110 shortage-prone 1 +001010010110 SEEING 1 +001010010110 diesel-mechanic 1 +001010010110 indelicately 1 +001010010110 pesters 1 +001010010110 disagreed-including 1 +001010010110 lifeless. 1 +001010010110 pre-signed 1 +001010010110 11:20-to-11:50 1 +001010010110 growthy 1 +001010010110 comfirm 1 +001010010110 outvoting 2 +001010010110 confrere 2 +001010010110 Tic 2 +001010010110 stuns 2 +001010010110 GAVE 2 +001010010110 remorseful 2 +001010010110 cash-heavy 3 +001010010110 overcrowd 3 +001010010110 Pippa 3 +001010010110 decisis 3 +001010010110 effeminate 3 +001010010110 ingest 4 +001010010110 fated 5 +001010010110 desiring 5 +001010010110 populating 5 +001010010110 disproves 6 +001010010110 inhabiting 6 +001010010110 salutes 8 +001010010110 dogging 9 +001010010110 imploring 14 +001010010110 like 21594 +001010010110 resembling 82 +001010010111 /Though 1 +001010010111 spacewalk 1 +001010010111 INDICATIONS 1 +001010010111 mid-1963 1 +001010010111 avowing 1 +001010010111 smokescreens 1 +001010010111 hydras 1 +001010010111 hero-images 1 +001010010111 voice-synthesizer 1 +001010010111 single-sum 1 +001010010111 Heath/Zenith 1 +001010010111 anti-missile-tests 1 +001010010111 DLA 1 +001010010111 program-generated 1 +001010010111 Demonstrate 1 +001010010111 notdoing 1 +001010010111 1889-1894 1 +001010010111 deal-doers 1 +001010010111 averring 1 +001010010111 kerogen 1 +001010010111 GUV 1 +001010010111 McSpeak 1 +001010010111 syncytia 1 +001010010111 semitrailers 1 +001010010111 81-81 1 +001010010111 contactors 1 +001010010111 1493-1800 1 +001010010111 mulitiply 1 +001010010111 full-strength 1 +001010010111 1/300th 1 +001010010111 Acknowledged 1 +001010010111 France-conceded 1 +001010010111 self-bailing 1 +001010010111 spiritualism 1 +001010010111 fulminating 1 +001010010111 three-in-four 1 +001010010111 flashlamps 1 +001010010111 self-deregulators 1 +001010010111 Ruhakano 1 +001010010111 deducing 2 +001010010111 intimating 2 +001010010111 ackowledged 2 +001010010111 havin 2 +001010010111 Dosso 2 +001010010111 Wonders 2 +001010010111 5-FU 2 +001010010111 bulldogging 2 +001010010111 loss-leaders 2 +001010010111 rerunning 2 +001010010111 Vajno 2 +001010010111 chancing 2 +001010010111 ascertains 2 +001010010111 cesium-137 2 +001010010111 unobvious 2 +001010010111 quipping 2 +001010010111 Rudolfo 2 +001010010111 captioned 3 +001010010111 relearning 3 +001010010111 open-ending 3 +001010010111 COMPLAIN 3 +001010010111 lugs 4 +001010010111 warbling 4 +001010010111 rubato 4 +001010010111 decreeing 5 +001010010111 oftentimes 5 +001010010111 deface 5 +001010010111 Innocenti 5 +001010010111 reprimanding 5 +001010010111 opining 5 +001010010111 ballyhooing 5 +001010010111 intoning 6 +001010010111 defacing 6 +001010010111 foreseeing 7 +001010010111 regretting 8 +001010010111 draping 8 +001010010111 insinuating 8 +001010010111 exclaiming 9 +001010010111 signifying 14 +001010010111 presuming 15 +001010010111 remarking 16 +001010010111 suspecting 16 +001010010111 stipulating 17 +001010010111 vaulting 18 +001010010111 pausing 22 +001010010111 imagining 24 +001010010111 cautioning 26 +001010010111 attributing 31 +001010010111 reiterating 38 +001010010111 forgetting 41 +001010010111 pretending 45 +001010010111 illustrating 45 +001010010111 boasting 59 +001010010111 hinting 64 +001010010111 remembering 65 +001010010111 sensing 67 +001010010111 proclaiming 70 +001010010111 implying 89 +001010010111 conceding 106 +001010010111 estimating 164 +001010010111 confirming 188 +001010010111 concluding 205 +001010010111 acknowledging 205 +001010010111 realizing 208 +001010010111 recognizing 217 +001010010111 stressing 221 +001010010111 stating 247 +001010010111 fearing 257 +001010010111 signaling 263 +001010010111 believing 267 +001010010111 ensuring 271 +001010010111 asserting 274 +001010010111 contending 278 +001010010111 declaring 304 +001010010111 insisting 311 +001010010111 knowing 545 +001010010111 explaining 550 +001010010111 assuming 740 +001010010111 alleging 818 +001010010111 claiming 842 +001010010111 arguing 852 +001010010111 suggesting 956 +001010010111 indicating 1093 +001010010111 noting 1098 +001010010111 charging 1113 +001010010111 saying 6102 +001010010111 adding 3053 +0010100110 16/ 1 +0010100110 Karamyshevskaya 1 +0010100110 op. 1 +0010100110 godly 1 +0010100110 29/ 1 +0010100110 educnd 1 +0010100110 neoliberally 1 +0010100110 24/ 1 +0010100110 28/ 1 +0010100110 ministate 1 +0010100110 Swifts 1 +0010100110 overscored 1 +0010100110 26/ 1 +0010100110 snored 1 +0010100110 on-base 1 +0010100110 secs. 1 +0010100110 aborbs 1 +0010100110 sanctionably 1 +0010100110 comme 1 +0010100110 most-talked 1 +0010100110 shares-turnover 1 +0010100110 lead-soldered 2 +0010100110 Scrappy 2 +0010100110 380-megabyte 2 +0010100110 hectarage 2 +0010100110 impoverishes 2 +0010100110 fives 3 +0010100110 10/ 3 +0010100110 18/ 3 +0010100110 22.0 3 +0010100110 29.0 4 +0010100110 Kansallis 4 +0010100110 MONTHS 4 +0010100110 turbine-powered 5 +0010100110 --a 5 +0010100110 foreshadowing 8 +0010100110 Op. 13 +0010100110 Ulitsa 16 +0010100110 or 108733 +0010100110 versus 107 +0010100111 1911-1947 1 +0010100111 1945-1959 1 +0010100111 Vilma 1 +0010100111 train-cars 1 +0010100111 customer-related 1 +0010100111 moyesii 1 +0010100111 rubrifolia 1 +0010100111 No-risk 1 +0010100111 lead-by-doing 1 +0010100111 month-and-a-half 1 +0010100111 Gallus 1 +0010100111 deal-oriented 1 +0010100111 ago-an 1 +0010100111 Espagnole 1 +0010100111 1879-1902 1 +0010100111 leaf-moisture 1 +0010100111 Revitalizes 1 +0010100111 Kop 1 +0010100111 Mahal-style 1 +0010100111 Ischia 1 +0010100111 1908-1983 1 +0010100111 COPYRIGHT 1 +0010100111 1898-1922 1 +0010100111 1565-1628 1 +0010100111 Self-justifying 1 +0010100111 no-play 1 +0010100111 mixed-bathing 1 +0010100111 relected 1 +0010100111 deinstitutionalized 1 +0010100111 Major-League 1 +0010100111 Rendered 1 +0010100111 IGNORE 1 +0010100111 bike-ride 1 +0010100111 New-fangled 1 +0010100111 Gimmicks. 1 +0010100111 C128D 1 +0010100111 Omnia 1 +0010100111 1961-63 1 +0010100111 1869-1918 1 +0010100111 1916-1930 1 +0010100111 1870-1930 1 +0010100111 alte 1 +0010100111 fund-drive 1 +0010100111 inyangas 1 +0010100111 1915-1940 1 +0010100111 conservation-related 1 +0010100111 all-will-be-well 1 +0010100111 soit 1 +0010100111 Disli 1 +0010100111 1830-1930 1 +0010100111 Boilerplate 1 +0010100111 SIDERURGICA 1 +0010100111 1,114,300 1 +0010100111 interruped 1 +0010100111 Potted 1 +0010100111 OPPOSE 1 +0010100111 Gibran 1 +0010100111 1920-1987 1 +0010100111 Narcotic 1 +0010100111 1928-1983 1 +0010100111 FURNISH 1 +0010100111 super-civilized 1 +0010100111 Patenting 1 +0010100111 per-body 1 +0010100111 Dominate 1 +0010100111 1918-1941 1 +0010100111 III/Geostar 1 +0010100111 Oppressing 1 +0010100111 10-axis 1 +0010100111 Interbrand 1 +0010100111 1941-1945 1 +0010100111 in-the-box 1 +0010100111 1785-1789 1 +0010100111 Flashlight 1 +0010100111 1550-1900 1 +0010100111 Implores 1 +0010100111 FA-4 1 +0010100111 Corp.-and 1 +0010100111 487,335 1 +0010100111 acrosshe 1 +0010100111 Nansen 1 +0010100111 B-No.1 1 +0010100111 very-good-storing 1 +0010100111 forelorn 1 +0010100111 1979-1989 1 +0010100111 regrette 1 +0010100111 Stadt 1 +0010100111 concrete-bowl 1 +0010100111 Geographical 1 +0010100111 1968-1988 1 +0010100111 3,185 1 +0010100111 Fellas 1 +0010100111 ostensbily 1 +0010100111 1938-39 1 +0010100111 1912-1928 1 +0010100111 Tehiya 1 +0010100111 free-trades 1 +0010100111 Admire 1 +0010100111 braves 1 +0010100111 brainstormed 1 +0010100111 militarily-sensitive 1 +0010100111 two-systems 1 +0010100111 CAUSES 1 +0010100111 Surpassed 1 +0010100111 lawful-to-advertise 1 +0010100111 3,998 1 +0010100111 Trade-Up 1 +0010100111 1940-1977 1 +0010100111 text-retrieval 1 +0010100111 washer-to-dryer 1 +0010100111 .64 1 +0010100111 ship-defense 1 +0010100111 Single-subject 1 +0010100111 Shinn-Liang 1 +0010100111 Underarm 1 +0010100111 TRIPLE-MILEAGE 1 +0010100111 said.EPA 1 +0010100111 Pianos 1 +0010100111 GIS 1 +0010100111 Shrs 1 +0010100111 Inst 1 +0010100111 Kleinians 1 +0010100111 Carrot 1 +0010100111 3,545 1 +0010100111 Ti-da 1 +0010100111 on-the-go 1 +0010100111 Invoke 1 +0010100111 1900-1989 1 +0010100111 reconnected 1 +0010100111 Ashore. 1 +0010100111 Coinoperated 1 +0010100111 analysed 1 +0010100111 7,602 1 +0010100111 politicizes 1 +0010100111 Martov 1 +0010100111 Corp./USPS 1 +0010100111 Reaction. 1 +0010100111 proven-track-record 1 +0010100111 Microeconomic 1 +0010100111 W-owned 1 +0010100111 Cotonelle 1 +0010100111 Skywalker. 1 +0010100111 1751-1809 1 +0010100111 aginst 1 +0010100111 ?? 1 +0010100111 superabsorbent 2 +0010100111 resenting 2 +0010100111 Violate 2 +0010100111 CUTS 2 +0010100111 Continues 2 +0010100111 Flowing 2 +0010100111 Druckmaschinen 2 +0010100111 rimless 2 +0010100111 broker-remarketed 2 +0010100111 Pail 2 +0010100111 snub-nosed 2 +0010100111 MALPRACTICE 2 +0010100111 1940-45 2 +0010100111 MRS. 3 +0010100111 Seduce 3 +0010100111 Ballpark 3 +0010100111 limits-to-growth 3 +0010100111 System/400 3 +0010100111 Crowd 3 +0010100111 Trinitron 3 +0010100111 Toe 3 +0010100111 Brownian 3 +0010100111 Nobuya 4 +0010100111 Fates 4 +0010100111 Query 4 +0010100111 Deliberative 5 +0010100111 Balloon 5 +0010100111 ' 40244 +0010100111 Stockholder 5 +00101010 prototypal 1 +00101010 fourth-game 1 +00101010 eitheir 1 +00101010 2,510,000 1 +00101010 egalitarianly 1 +00101010 TART 1 +00101010 expell 1 +00101010 Ricart 1 +00101010 unchic 1 +00101010 Anglicism 1 +00101010 5,949 1 +00101010 ditherers 1 +00101010 land-grabbers 1 +00101010 ect 1 +00101010 9-JACX 1 +00101010 Varilite 1 +00101010 unfondly 1 +00101010 Clara-Sugar 1 +00101010 Lella 1 +00101010 texturized 1 +00101010 top-100 1 +00101010 out-of-district 1 +00101010 Liahna 1 +00101010 flip-down 1 +00101010 scrapings 1 +00101010 expunging 1 +00101010 scraper 1 +00101010 pre-hype 1 +00101010 small-government 1 +00101010 Amarilloans 1 +00101010 love/hate 1 +00101010 ennobled 1 +00101010 aboutbut 1 +00101010 242,351 1 +00101010 Bohemians 1 +00101010 Relifex 1 +00101010 Dossi 2 +00101010 114,866 2 +00101010 --as 2 +00101010 that 392472 +00101010 censuring 5 +001010110 4-1-1 1 +001010110 cutrate 1 +001010110 nonseasonal 1 +001010110 confidence-inspiring 1 +001010110 E-flats 1 +001010110 mock-scientific 1 +001010110 weekend-plays 1 +001010110 11-1-1-A 1 +001010110 dull-minded 1 +001010110 land-hungry 1 +001010110 Kroc-era 1 +001010110 whereof 1 +001010110 taste-tested 1 +001010110 32-B-1 1 +001010110 unstylishly 1 +001010110 investigatorsand 1 +001010110 pop/jazz 1 +001010110 radar-reflecting 1 +001010110 10-year-life 1 +001010110 surpised 1 +001010110 undergirded 1 +001010110 green-lipped 1 +001010110 sharp-focus 1 +001010110 higher-toned 1 +001010110 ex-Mengers 1 +001010110 extaordinarily 1 +001010110 unspooling 2 +001010110 boding 3 +001010110 outpolled 4 +001010110 boded 5 +001010110 as 196710 +001010110 auguring 8 +001010111000 Caymus 1 +001010111000 Jaboulet 1 +001010111000 Barbi 1 +001010111000 31-17 1 +001010111000 iv 1 +001010111000 Wishbook 1 +001010111000 outpolling 1 +001010111000 reauthorizes 1 +001010111000 Milestones 1 +001010111000 Climens 1 +001010111000 Rieussec 1 +001010111000 Torte 1 +001010111000 Sodaccio 1 +001010111000 formed. 1 +001010111000 1972-December 1 +001010111000 metals-stock 1 +001010111000 snowboards 1 +001010111000 left-vs.-right 1 +001010111000 Dulcie 1 +001010111000 Mullah 1 +001010111000 Lyeth 2 +001010111000 apprehensively 2 +001010111000 litterateur 2 +001010111000 c. 6 +001010111000 since 22918 +001010111000 circa 25 +001010111001 3686 1 +001010111001 GGC 1 +001010111001 role-reversal 1 +001010111001 Post-Oct. 1 +001010111001 half-picked 1 +001010111001 stores-within-stores 1 +001010111001 avis 1 +001010111001 1262.54 1 +001010111001 faxer 1 +001010111001 linguine-lover 1 +001010111001 EDS-GM 1 +001010111001 parents-of-us-all 1 +001010111001 nation-sized 1 +001010111001 392-2 1 +001010111001 69/89 1 +001010111001 bod 1 +001010111001 2216 1 +001010111001 bewteen 1 +001010111001 8752010 1 +001010111001 221,000-job 1 +001010111001 well-rested 2 +001010111001 ornamentals 2 +001010111001 detonates 2 +001010111001 Amend 2 +001010111001 Myint 5 +001010111001 'til 12 +001010111001 until 13766 +001010111001 till 185 +001010111010 windowdressing 1 +001010111010 1,129,000 1 +001010111010 happened. 1 +001010111010 malarky 1 +001010111010 B.C.-fourth 1 +001010111010 nho 1 +001010111010 sightsee 1 +001010111010 headlocks 1 +001010111010 calls. 1 +001010111010 McOne 1 +001010111010 5,923 1 +001010111010 quailing 1 +001010111010 earlier.For 1 +001010111010 invented. 1 +001010111010 uder 1 +001010111010 under-35 1 +001010111010 judgment-proof 2 +001010111010 returner 2 +001010111010 outrank 2 +001010111010 Citrosuco 3 +001010111010 before 25700 +001010111010 unravels 6 +001010111011 52-0 1 +001010111011 primary-mill 1 +001010111011 190,100 1 +001010111011 Re-Create 1 +001010111011 Yogifying 1 +001010111011 steel-trade 1 +001010111011 Aud 1 +001010111011 DM235 1 +001010111011 commercial-satellite 2 +001010111011 discoloring 2 +001010111011 after 41256 +001010111011 secretively 3 +00101011110 More-than-fair 1 +00101011110 swap-related 1 +00101011110 becaue 1 +00101011110 largley 1 +00101011110 Southern-bred 1 +00101011110 non-dessert 1 +00101011110 standards-driven 1 +00101011110 Bach-in-a-box 1 +00101011110 unplumbed 1 +00101011110 demagoging 1 +00101011110 intrinsicate 1 +00101011110 ill-financed 1 +00101011110 abrogates 1 +00101011110 upholder 1 +00101011110 1,000,052 1 +00101011110 polarizations 1 +00101011110 nondrinking 1 +00101011110 exurbia 1 +00101011110 attentuate 1 +00101011110 barbarisms 1 +00101011110 traversal 1 +00101011110 all-print 1 +00101011110 colorations 1 +00101011110 beacuse 1 +00101011110 tongue-in-chic 1 +00101011110 sticklike 1 +00101011110 oppposes 1 +00101011110 non-Greek 2 +00101011110 becasue 2 +00101011110 interweaving 2 +00101011110 molder 2 +00101011110 quarterdeck 2 +00101011110 rehashes 3 +00101011110 heedless 4 +00101011110 f-As 8 +00101011110 smacking 12 +00101011110 because 44087 +00101011110 'cause 18 +0010101111100 vainglorious 1 +0010101111100 nto 1 +0010101111100 RAMIS 1 +0010101111100 rasher 1 +0010101111100 post-Iranamok 1 +0010101111100 Keri 1 +0010101111100 delphiniums 1 +0010101111100 Speller 1 +0010101111100 E-150s 1 +0010101111100 sys 1 +0010101111100 1,541 1 +0010101111100 Pajunen 1 +0010101111100 Petkim 1 +0010101111100 Sumerbank 1 +0010101111100 more-reputable 1 +0010101111100 disrespected 1 +0010101111100 ursurping 1 +0010101111100 Slumming 1 +0010101111100 damming 1 +0010101111100 Tapewatch 1 +0010101111100 Highsmith 1 +0010101111100 glamorizes 1 +0010101111100 I-77 1 +0010101111100 superbly-played 1 +0010101111100 Redirect 1 +0010101111100 fossil-proof 1 +0010101111100 carbonates 1 +0010101111100 OBLIGED 1 +0010101111100 MISURASATA 1 +0010101111100 duking 1 +0010101111100 stone-poor 1 +0010101111100 post-Bork 1 +0010101111100 WTVX 1 +0010101111100 Heigh 1 +0010101111100 4:35 1 +0010101111100 ET. 1 +0010101111100 Glycosphingolipid 1 +0010101111100 weening 1 +0010101111100 dressmakers 1 +0010101111100 autobiographers 1 +0010101111100 Betserai 1 +0010101111100 baggers 1 +0010101111100 ambivalently 1 +0010101111100 individuation 1 +0010101111100 quick-freeze 1 +0010101111100 bromidic 1 +0010101111100 self-cannibalization 1 +0010101111100 Nazilike 1 +0010101111100 ethologists 1 +0010101111100 immigrantrights 1 +0010101111100 Lifebouy 1 +0010101111100 Cured 1 +0010101111100 Adamgrove 1 +0010101111100 nonsexists 1 +0010101111100 alphabetizing 1 +0010101111100 6:59:60 1 +0010101111100 Omit 1 +0010101111100 Satisfy 1 +0010101111100 SAM-5s 1 +0010101111100 fictionalizes 1 +0010101111100 13-to-15-inch-long 1 +0010101111100 Succumbing 1 +0010101111100 uneasier 1 +0010101111100 re-invented 1 +0010101111100 WOPEC 1 +0010101111100 worser 1 +0010101111100 glasnosting 1 +0010101111100 re-written 1 +0010101111100 Harjo 1 +0010101111100 well-operated 1 +0010101111100 once-lowly 1 +0010101111100 further-beyond 1 +0010101111100 Fingernails 1 +0010101111100 tattle 1 +0010101111100 post-freedom 1 +0010101111100 recapitulated 1 +0010101111100 repack 1 +0010101111100 exiling 1 +0010101111100 Staffware 1 +0010101111100 mellifera 1 +0010101111100 Cenemesa 1 +0010101111100 wiggers 1 +0010101111100 yellower 1 +0010101111100 ad-libbing 1 +0010101111100 Funneling 1 +0010101111100 non-Magyars 1 +0010101111100 aduanales 1 +0010101111100 astrophysicists 1 +0010101111100 abolitionists 1 +0010101111100 pokeweed 1 +0010101111100 unhatched 1 +0010101111100 Widowed 1 +0010101111100 Kamenev 1 +0010101111100 cyan 1 +0010101111100 scrooges 1 +0010101111100 1,081 1 +0010101111100 actuate 1 +0010101111100 honde 1 +0010101111100 nonantitrust 1 +0010101111100 Barbariccia 1 +0010101111100 non-secrets 1 +0010101111100 newswomen 1 +0010101111100 Rocephin 2 +0010101111100 no-tar 2 +0010101111100 podiatry 2 +0010101111100 1025 2 +0010101111100 expansion-recession 2 +0010101111100 hybridoma 2 +0010101111100 Pago 2 +0010101111100 Anytown 2 +0010101111100 geez 2 +0010101111100 half-horse 2 +0010101111100 aleatory 2 +0010101111100 decanters 2 +0010101111100 organlike 2 +0010101111100 lidocaine 2 +0010101111100 Women-At-Large 2 +0010101111100 Moledet 2 +0010101111100 LMRCD 2 +0010101111100 zero-coupons 2 +0010101111100 anti-God 2 +0010101111100 stammering 2 +0010101111100 Perkasie 2 +0010101111100 16:30-18:00 2 +0010101111100 Krasnopresnenskaya 2 +0010101111100 no-loss 2 +0010101111100 KREDITBANKEN 2 +0010101111100 pomegranates 2 +0010101111100 tootling 2 +0010101111100 Freudians 2 +0010101111100 charitable-gift 3 +0010101111100 knottier 3 +0010101111100 sparser 3 +0010101111100 ragweed 3 +0010101111100 clammy 6 +0010101111100 Yakov 7 +0010101111100 a.k.a. 16 +0010101111100 whereupon 16 +0010101111100 conversely 16 +0010101111100 er 20 +0010101111100 hey 30 +0010101111100 oh 36 +0010101111100 ironically 131 +0010101111100 i.e. 172 +0010101111100 though 10644 +0010101111100 namely 201 +0010101111101 gutter-to-gutter 1 +0010101111101 Bookbinders 1 +0010101111101 kindergartner 1 +0010101111101 semaphoric 1 +0010101111101 quasijudicial 1 +0010101111101 conga-record 1 +0010101111101 three-masted 1 +0010101111101 CONTRADICTED 1 +0010101111101 tan-colored 1 +0010101111101 dumbly 1 +0010101111101 wracks 1 +0010101111101 printmakers 1 +0010101111101 less-intensive 1 +0010101111101 batter-dipped 1 +0010101111101 non-weapon 1 +0010101111101 29,345,101 1 +0010101111101 begoggled 1 +0010101111101 unphotographable 1 +0010101111101 Legume 1 +0010101111101 maniacally 1 +0010101111101 air-frame 1 +0010101111101 small-parcel 1 +0010101111101 angioplastically 1 +0010101111101 contract-based 1 +0010101111101 food-stores 1 +0010101111101 403,000-person 1 +0010101111101 federal-asset 1 +0010101111101 non-metallurgical 1 +0010101111101 low-contrast 1 +0010101111101 21,189,852 1 +0010101111101 car-part 1 +0010101111101 dairy-product 1 +0010101111101 ever-better 1 +0010101111101 chalky 1 +0010101111101 California-oriented 1 +0010101111101 home-furniture 1 +0010101111101 pathos-filled 1 +0010101111101 ballroom-sized 1 +0010101111101 branch-bank 1 +0010101111101 uncollective 1 +0010101111101 whole-institution 1 +0010101111101 Shirah 1 +0010101111101 eviction-related 1 +0010101111101 therby 1 +0010101111101 haughtily 1 +0010101111101 personal-financial 1 +0010101111101 ESystems 1 +0010101111101 kibbutz-grown 1 +0010101111101 2,911,297 1 +0010101111101 bascially 1 +0010101111101 four-letter-word 1 +0010101111101 dare-devil 1 +0010101111101 brainlike 1 +0010101111101 24-inch-diameter 1 +0010101111101 wraiths 1 +0010101111101 steel-can 1 +0010101111101 great-granddaddy 1 +0010101111101 Polish-style 2 +0010101111101 standardizes 2 +0010101111101 SCOR 2 +0010101111101 94,900 2 +0010101111101 festivalgoers 2 +0010101111101 bedevils 2 +0010101111101 Tharco 2 +0010101111101 skip-stop 2 +0010101111101 Wah-Chang 2 +0010101111101 encodes 2 +0010101111101 therewith 3 +0010101111101 genially 3 +0010101111101 Bozo 3 +0010101111101 slackjawed 3 +0010101111101 metaphorically 4 +0010101111101 encircles 5 +0010101111101 D.C.-area 6 +0010101111101 transcending 9 +0010101111101 likening 10 +0010101111101 terming 21 +0010101111101 whereas 197 +0010101111101 besides 452 +0010101111101 unlike 932 +0010101111101 while 21578 +0010101111101 although 5342 +0010101111110 sogged 1 +0010101111110 5,716,758 1 +0010101111110 counterbalances 1 +0010101111110 depoliticizing 1 +0010101111110 abuts 1 +0010101111110 extricates 1 +0010101111110 post-dates 1 +0010101111110 abhorring 1 +0010101111110 cleaving 1 +0010101111110 Guitar-Shaped 1 +0010101111110 redistricted 1 +0010101111110 privies 1 +0010101111110 Alabama/Inside 1 +0010101111110 armoring 1 +0010101111110 unitswhere 1 +0010101111110 INDICATES 1 +0010101111110 list-less 1 +0010101111110 besmirches 1 +0010101111110 demarcates 1 +0010101111110 assesments 1 +0010101111110 tames 1 +0010101111110 palming 1 +0010101111110 lionizes 1 +0010101111110 ofdatwhat 1 +0010101111110 intersperse 1 +0010101111110 kiddingly 1 +0010101111110 Qopaqhawana 1 +0010101111110 strenghtens 1 +0010101111110 unmotorized 1 +0010101111110 bisect 1 +0010101111110 NATO-member 1 +0010101111110 party-giver 1 +0010101111110 evisions 1 +0010101111110 calumnious 1 +0010101111110 470,591 1 +0010101111110 uncoils 1 +0010101111110 pleasure/For 1 +0010101111110 -about 1 +0010101111110 misspell 1 +0010101111110 crinkle 1 +0010101111110 rejuvenates 1 +0010101111110 re-animates 1 +0010101111110 encases 1 +0010101111110 reenforce 2 +0010101111110 greases 3 +0010101111110 preempts 3 +0010101111110 overexcited 3 +0010101111110 supposing 4 +0010101111110 Necessarily 5 +0010101111110 underpins 6 +0010101111110 paralyzes 7 +0010101111110 befits 23 +0010101111110 if 37718 +0010101111110 unless 2871 +00101011111110 capital-poor 1 +00101011111110 whomp 1 +00101011111110 detention-center 1 +00101011111110 althought 1 +00101011111110 Multigenerational 1 +00101011111110 Meowy 1 +00101011111110 structural-metal 1 +00101011111110 Pro-hotel 1 +00101011111110 gray-headed 1 +00101011111110 accenting 1 +00101011111110 anaylze 1 +00101011111110 corporate-college 1 +00101011111110 fez-wearing 1 +00101011111110 company-devoted 1 +00101011111110 poorer-paid 1 +00101011111110 Ensures 1 +00101011111110 Mousalreza 1 +00101011111110 Connagel 1 +00101011111110 pockmark 1 +00101011111110 bakery-science 1 +00101011111110 3,276 1 +00101011111110 better-read 1 +00101011111110 7,494 1 +00101011111110 580s 1 +00101011111110 amnesty-eligible 1 +00101011111110 multi-generational 1 +00101011111110 vulgarize 1 +00101011111110 all-but-nonexistent 1 +00101011111110 Snow-Belt 1 +00101011111110 indic 1 +00101011111110 109,678 1 +00101011111110 low-scale 1 +00101011111110 single-women 1 +00101011111110 FirstSelect 1 +00101011111110 get-in-line-for-a-job 1 +00101011111110 broad-rumped 1 +00101011111110 Moudad 1 +00101011111110 export-bound 1 +00101011111110 tropical-country 1 +00101011111110 cardiovascular-rehabilitation 1 +00101011111110 fake-snapped 1 +00101011111110 Depauw 1 +00101011111110 neural-net 1 +00101011111110 Insults 1 +00101011111110 empty-headed 1 +00101011111110 sari-clad 1 +00101011111110 wrongminded 1 +00101011111110 2,120,000 2 +00101011111110 2,273,000 2 +00101011111110 coveting 2 +00101011111110 scorch 2 +00101011111110 synchronizing 3 +00101011111110 whilst 3 +00101011111110 decontrolling 4 +00101011111110 publishable 4 +00101011111110 perplexes 7 +00101011111110 where 16421 +00101011111110 whence 14 +00101011111111 coding-machine 1 +00101011111111 theatricals 1 +00101011111111 L-V-S 1 +00101011111111 re-booked 1 +00101011111111 tea-country 1 +00101011111111 rebuckling 1 +00101011111111 aftr 1 +00101011111111 consigns 1 +00101011111111 pistol-holster 1 +00101011111111 DEFENDED 2 +00101011111111 chrome-laden 2 +00101011111111 debug 2 +00101011111111 construes 3 +00101011111111 lest 117 +00101011111111 SAID 134 +00101011111111 wherever 159 +00101011111111 when 41287 +00101011111111 whenever 372 +0010110 art-department 1 +0010110 4000S 1 +0010110 unraveled.The 1 +0010110 earlier-the 1 +0010110 iss 1 +0010110 Meredith-type 1 +0010110 Accunet 1 +0010110 DeVito-like 1 +0010110 season-end 1 +0010110 Topsider 1 +0010110 duck-race 1 +0010110 101/TF 1 +0010110 ExinLines 1 +0010110 center-stage 1 +0010110 narrow-tape 1 +0010110 3510 1 +0010110 WRONGLY 1 +0010110 silver-medalist 1 +0010110 workshop-like 1 +0010110 Steel/Sumitomo 1 +0010110 dashingly 1 +0010110 125-member 1 +0010110 wou 1 +0010110 Perusahan 1 +0010110 ethnic-voter 1 +0010110 hunger-strike 1 +0010110 McCorkle 1 +0010110 Appliance/Oster 1 +0010110 andits 1 +0010110 management-group 1 +0010110 numbs 1 +0010110 entrylevel 1 +0010110 Letterman-style 1 +0010110 NATO-like 1 +0010110 secret-payments 1 +0010110 arms-Contra 1 +0010110 never-wrong 1 +0010110 Kuts 1 +0010110 280,781 1 +0010110 reallocates 1 +0010110 renumbered 1 +0010110 Resendetwo 1 +0010110 engine-fire 1 +0010110 Volcker-isn't-dispensible 1 +0010110 export-weighted 1 +0010110 Rooseveltian 1 +0010110 Antitrust-sensitive 1 +0010110 News/WSJ 1 +0010110 power-saw 1 +0010110 pourriture 1 +0010110 off-his 1 +0010110 utility-index 1 +0010110 criminal-division 1 +0010110 currenci 1 +0010110 corporate-management 1 +0010110 2,500-macrocell 1 +0010110 shoe-industry 1 +0010110 353,241 1 +0010110 Khan-financed 1 +0010110 junk-mail 1 +0010110 Montecruz 1 +0010110 Boxstyle 1 +0010110 Khudozhestvennaya 1 +0010110 Morris-style 1 +0010110 Accepts 1 +0010110 drug-claims 1 +0010110 sweat-shirt 1 +0010110 limestone-clad 1 +0010110 workplace-testing 1 +0010110 inverted-Y 1 +0010110 P.F. 1 +0010110 Al-Islami 1 +0010110 space-futures 1 +0010110 Whitehead-Gould 1 +0010110 Security-Plus 1 +0010110 Elektricitaets 1 +0010110 Mousse/Clarion 1 +0010110 cakes/Ore-Ida 1 +0010110 said.The 1 +0010110 Uhairman 1 +0010110 philosophized 1 +0010110 War.The 1 +0010110 formula-one 1 +0010110 Tax-Overhaul 1 +0010110 Schoenburg 1 +0010110 seventh-most-admired 1 +0010110 drink-'em-up 1 +0010110 Charon 1 +0010110 English-style 1 +0010110 spin-control 1 +0010110 X/MP-48 1 +0010110 test-drives 1 +0010110 Siderurgia 1 +0010110 refineries-the 1 +0010110 AUDITED 2 +0010110 Lures 2 +0010110 Muggs 2 +0010110 Today-type 2 +0010110 planned-community 2 +0010110 Corp.-designed 2 +0010110 Grupe 2 +0010110 Puffs 2 +0010110 Envelope 2 +0010110 free-goods 2 +0010110 109,342 2 +0010110 Foils 2 +0010110 Hagelberger 2 +0010110 Corp.-led 2 +0010110 counselled 3 +0010110 Beng 3 +0010110 refrigerated-warehouse 3 +0010110 L-100-30 3 +0010110 Lucero 3 +0010110 nixes 3 +0010110 PLC-led 4 +0010110 Gangster 8 +0010110 Scotia-based 12 +0010110 's 428205 +0010110 al-Arab 12 +00101110 underdeclared 1 +00101110 khn 1 +00101110 hogged 1 +00101110 outproduces 1 +00101110 Nafcoal 1 +00101110 Suceeding 1 +00101110 First-ranked 1 +00101110 nore 1 +00101110 re-synthesized 1 +00101110 condominum 1 +00101110 retools 1 +00101110 Anglo-Japanese 1 +00101110 nyets 1 +00101110 complained. 1 +00101110 neck-and-necked 1 +00101110 disfavors 1 +00101110 Spook 1 +00101110 pistons. 1 +00101110 Marys 1 +00101110 doublebilled 1 +00101110 scuppered 1 +00101110 extendeds 1 +00101110 Apisz 1 +00101110 soays 1 +00101110 AutoZaz 1 +00101110 Floats 2 +00101110 Weakens 2 +00101110 Corfo 2 +00101110 Wyborcza 2 +00101110 corraled 2 +00101110 pronto 4 +00101110 said 293948 +00101110 drawled 4 +00101111 Dilek 1 +00101111 91-1 1 +00101111 KRISHAN 1 +00101111 90-shot 1 +00101111 SOOTHING 1 +00101111 Battle-ready 1 +00101111 Lincoln-Mercury-Merkur 1 +00101111 Theologian 1 +00101111 vixen 1 +00101111 PASSIONATE 1 +00101111 al-Khalili 1 +00101111 method. 1 +00101111 Cottage. 1 +00101111 PRIME-TIME 1 +00101111 Habil 1 +00101111 Urla 1 +00101111 Yagami 1 +00101111 Alzada 1 +00101111 Pix 1 +00101111 CONSTITUTION 1 +00101111 MISSED 1 +00101111 Jadis 1 +00101111 shellacked 1 +00101111 Kuo-cheng 1 +00101111 CONFUSING 1 +00101111 co-chairman. 1 +00101111 misquotes 1 +00101111 Scoffs 1 +00101111 TANNING 1 +00101111 CHILD-LABOR 1 +00101111 Ponta 1 +00101111 monogram 1 +00101111 Memoria 1 +00101111 Deulonder 1 +00101111 Post-majority 1 +00101111 Huko 1 +00101111 Tzus 1 +00101111 telphoned 1 +00101111 HANS-JORG 1 +00101111 boker 1 +00101111 out-twirling 1 +00101111 INFESTED 1 +00101111 sobers 1 +00101111 Spotlite 1 +00101111 Adversary 1 +00101111 desu 1 +00101111 player-coach 1 +00101111 Voicing 1 +00101111 Firefighter 1 +00101111 Margret 1 +00101111 Sigi 1 +00101111 Thirty-eight-year-old 1 +00101111 Grujic 1 +00101111 esteems 1 +00101111 Reads 1 +00101111 Broadcaster 1 +00101111 snuffboxes 1 +00101111 Mezzo-soprano 1 +00101111 All-conference 1 +00101111 ARMS-SUMMIT 1 +00101111 Cioffimeister 1 +00101111 eastmarks 1 +00101111 Mikhael 1 +00101111 Groans 1 +00101111 deep-breathed 1 +00101111 underutilizes 1 +00101111 steamrolls 1 +00101111 Yifei 1 +00101111 1954-5 1 +00101111 LONGHORN 1 +00101111 determinisms 1 +00101111 Aba 1 +00101111 Ivanon 1 +00101111 Shunheng 1 +00101111 Kangarlu 1 +00101111 Fahri 1 +00101111 MISS 1 +00101111 Irrefutable 1 +00101111 Shou 1 +00101111 executives. 1 +00101111 Jubiliant 1 +00101111 Cherie 1 +00101111 Pufang 1 +00101111 Suspend 1 +00101111 Nonsmoker 1 +00101111 Changhai 1 +00101111 Passionately 1 +00101111 veepstakes 1 +00101111 Gushes 1 +00101111 Poising 1 +00101111 Esiason 1 +00101111 FAKE 1 +00101111 Syssoev 1 +00101111 idealization 1 +00101111 Blue-eyed 1 +00101111 OWENS-CORNING 1 +00101111 ring. 1 +00101111 ROB 1 +00101111 Ying-shek 1 +00101111 Co-curator 1 +00101111 Pradelli 1 +00101111 Brooklyn-bred 1 +00101111 Mayee 1 +00101111 Laconic 1 +00101111 outflew 1 +00101111 missile-killers 1 +00101111 Brags 1 +00101111 IH. 1 +00101111 Satsuki 1 +00101111 Kusto 1 +00101111 Weici 1 +00101111 Nathenson 1 +00101111 Vachratith 1 +00101111 Yukihiro 1 +00101111 D.O. 1 +00101111 BALANCED 1 +00101111 Isaam 1 +00101111 goes. 1 +00101111 non-doctrine 1 +00101111 all-purpose. 1 +00101111 Iordanou 2 +00101111 warbles 2 +00101111 Stepan 2 +00101111 MARCEL 2 +00101111 gurgles 2 +00101111 brays 2 +00101111 Lizondo 2 +00101111 Butowsky 2 +00101111 mammas 2 +00101111 croaks 2 +00101111 Duncanville 2 +00101111 Psychotherapist 2 +00101111 Instructor 2 +00101111 impersonated 2 +00101111 Minoso 2 +00101111 Overexposed 2 +00101111 Sucrose 2 +00101111 grunted 3 +00101111 Laddie 3 +00101111 chirped 3 +00101111 Zivojinovic 3 +00101111 endows 3 +00101111 deadpans 3 +00101111 detests 3 +00101111 MS. 3 +00101111 Baz 3 +00101111 carps 3 +00101111 Vishwanath 4 +00101111 philosophizes 4 +00101111 enthuses 5 +00101111 rejoins 6 +00101111 mourns 6 +00101111 glowed 7 +00101111 exults 7 +00101111 sobs 8 +00101111 huffs 9 +00101111 coos 9 +00101111 inquires 11 +00101111 growled 12 +00101111 chortles 12 +00101111 scolds 12 +00101111 gloats 13 +00101111 intoned 16 +00101111 snorts 17 +00101111 gushes 18 +00101111 thunders 19 +00101111 sighed 19 +00101111 growls 20 +00101111 moans 21 +00101111 grouses 29 +00101111 intones 29 +00101111 mutters 29 +00101111 swears 30 +00101111 sniffs 38 +00101111 exclaimed 42 +00101111 exclaims 46 +00101111 says. 47 +00101111 grumbles 51 +00101111 retorts 51 +00101111 muses 58 +00101111 marvels 61 +00101111 confides 71 +00101111 quips 78 +00101111 sighs 86 +00101111 laments 170 +00101111 observes 349 +00101111 declares 484 +00101111 complains 640 +00101111 warns 693 +00101111 asserts 854 +00101111 concedes 1267 +00101111 asks 1440 +00101111 explains 1665 +00101111 says 94235 +00101111 recalls 1755 +00110 tosell 1 +00110 350-patient 1 +00110 wish-fulfillment 1 +00110 maintainance 1 +00110 Playfair 1 +00110 de-South 1 +00110 predebate 1 +00110 HSR 1 +00110 TREATIES 1 +00110 charcoal-black 1 +00110 Setia 1 +00110 DEBATES 1 +00110 OENOPHILES 1 +00110 offroad 1 +00110 wonder-drug 1 +00110 Rhoadeses 1 +00110 STADIUMS 1 +00110 Marinoto-Jensen 1 +00110 drunkenly 1 +00110 camel-pullers 1 +00110 mayflies 1 +00110 finance-director 1 +00110 toy-TV 1 +00110 bassett 1 +00110 maintenace 1 +00110 2,706 1 +00110 beneficient 1 +00110 survivor-builders 1 +00110 VACATIONERS 1 +00110 15-12 1 +00110 income-leveler 1 +00110 two-panel 1 +00110 unfeminist 1 +00110 exchange-risk 1 +00110 720,722 1 +00110 1,296,018 1 +00110 3,739,700 1 +00110 1,259,939 1 +00110 2,479,761 1 +00110 1,220,469 1 +00110 180,655 1 +00110 QUARREL 1 +00110 30,995 1 +00110 unshirted 1 +00110 530-to-470 1 +00110 comment.The 1 +00110 15-million-person 1 +00110 second-set 2 +00110 to 1008056 +00110 top-of-the-page 2 +001110 GBCB. 1 +001110 JEP. 1 +001110 out-polled 1 +001110 BWAY. 1 +001110 five-ship 1 +001110 passenger-cargo 1 +001110 oustide 1 +001110 Fosforico 1 +001110 Przemyslaw 1 +001110 196,694 1 +001110 Evgeni 1 +001110 artist/composer 1 +001110 ElBee 1 +001110 scanted 1 +001110 WF. 1 +001110 Jasem 1 +001110 BHA. 1 +001110 1,105,150 1 +001110 keg-style 1 +001110 health-warning 1 +001110 nearly-identical 1 +001110 Dussick 1 +001110 resets 1 +001110 Priok 1 +001110 CETH. 1 +001110 RCM. 1 +001110 Stole 1 +001110 CPT. 1 +001110 RII. 1 +001110 AMF. 1 +001110 PDF. 1 +001110 drug-culture 1 +001110 petrifies 1 +001110 ARS. 1 +001110 AFP. 1 +001110 Multichannel 1 +001110 4,751,009 1 +001110 Tokihiko 1 +001110 Esin 1 +001110 Nokia-manufactured 1 +001110 TRANSMARK 1 +001110 872,887 1 +001110 first-offender 1 +001110 Aenne 1 +001110 36W-32L 1 +001110 practical-chore 1 +001110 college-board 1 +001110 Zichron 1 +001110 Renzo 1 +001110 VIAPR. 1 +001110 SAA. 1 +001110 Press/Twentieth 1 +001110 WMRK. 1 +001110 ITAN. 1 +001110 Isam 1 +001110 comedy/dramas 1 +001110 SOCIEDAD 1 +001110 BPL. 1 +001110 VIOLATE 1 +001110 101,665 1 +001110 Parital 1 +001110 4,744,808 1 +001110 overlicensing 1 +001110 Michiyuki 1 +001110 624,750 1 +001110 82,448 1 +001110 Jaromil 1 +001110 investment-and-marketing 1 +001110 MDW. 1 +001110 APGI. 1 +001110 reanimates 1 +001110 BRX. 1 +001110 88-39 1 +001110 SIN. 1 +001110 vitamin-fortified 1 +001110 DAF. 1 +001110 732,229 1 +001110 10340 1 +001110 ASB. 1 +001110 2,320,200 1 +001110 enfolds 1 +001110 Leni 1 +001110 MBN. 1 +001110 14,404 1 +001110 narrow-topped 1 +001110 decoyed 1 +001110 HEXX. 1 +001110 DXR. 1 +001110 property-finance 1 +001110 SPI. 1 +001110 Georges-Marc 1 +001110 CMK. 1 +001110 awes 1 +001110 oversimplifies 1 +001110 DGII. 1 +001110 recapitulates 1 +001110 malo 1 +001110 Cockerill 1 +001110 GEG. 1 +001110 Farbwerke 1 +001110 non-luxury 1 +001110 wherewith 2 +001110 knowledgable 2 +001110 cargo-passenger 2 +001110 lightning-fast 2 +001110 Ea 3 +001110 of 1054553 +001110 adorning 5 +0011110 Mauing 1 +0011110 air-shipping 1 +0011110 bank-rolling 1 +0011110 Gemeinschaftskraftwerk 1 +0011110 Lunacy 1 +0011110 Rio-Sao 1 +0011110 Beto 1 +0011110 Evelio 1 +0011110 U.S.-NATO 1 +0011110 exchanges-the 1 +0011110 twiddling 1 +0011110 beclouds 1 +0011110 fight-make 1 +0011110 pain-bringing 1 +0011110 647,716 1 +0011110 Suites-Downtown 1 +0011110 mist-covered 1 +0011110 rimming 3 +0011110 in 690292 +0011110 --in 4 +001111100 1-in-10 1 +001111100 Mohzen 1 +001111100 ou 1 +001111100 Zenichiro 1 +001111100 567,800 1 +001111100 1,612 1 +001111100 Overwhelms 1 +001111100 715th 1 +001111100 459,600 1 +001111100 Gernot 1 +001111100 mocha 1 +001111100 883,251 1 +001111100 feathers. 1 +001111100 untrueat 1 +001111100 sales-floor 1 +001111100 83,700 1 +001111100 6,103,091 1 +001111100 611,600 1 +001111100 Uslar 2 +001111100 --at 2 +001111100 at 189607 +001111100 318,900 2 +001111101 weeks-with 1 +001111101 fron 1 +001111101 1979-July 1 +001111101 ruby-and-diamond 1 +001111101 Denationalizing 1 +001111101 3,925 1 +001111101 retells 1 +001111101 Ceanothus 1 +001111101 -55.9 1 +001111101 -24.9 1 +001111101 Angolan-related 1 +001111101 church-operated 1 +001111101 lath 1 +001111101 4,171 1 +001111101 ghosting 1 +001111101 purloin 1 +001111101 Charlestonians 1 +001111101 Zdenek 2 +001111101 fom 3 +001111101 from 192850 +001111101 vs. 524 +001111110 oil-barrel 1 +001111110 355,313 1 +001111110 AFDC-Unemployed 1 +001111110 404,900 1 +001111110 608,600 1 +001111110 20,881 1 +001111110 1,072,900 1 +001111110 301,900 1 +001111110 zip-closing 1 +001111110 ALLGEMEINE 1 +001111110 1,176,426 1 +001111110 209,800 1 +001111110 dieticians 1 +001111110 1,000,900 1 +001111110 byu 1 +001111110 848,600 1 +001111110 equitywarrant 1 +001111110 Yaqui 1 +001111110 300-119 1 +001111110 EL. 1 +001111110 1,457,000 1 +001111110 1,818,200 1 +001111110 top-name 1 +001111110 left-to-liberal 1 +001111110 1,956,900 1 +001111110 labor-but 1 +001111110 HEM. 1 +001111110 2,106,000 1 +001111110 1,887,900 1 +001111110 2,486,031 1 +001111110 66,400 1 +001111110 24-16 1 +001111110 non-experienced 1 +001111110 147.42 1 +001111110 239,750 1 +001111110 484,770 1 +001111110 1,631,900 1 +001111110 2,299 1 +001111110 anti-Minorco 1 +001111110 129,400 1 +001111110 futures-commission 1 +001111110 scandal-tarnished 1 +001111110 2,498,000 1 +001111110 16,650,000 1 +001111110 400,500 1 +001111110 91,166 1 +001111110 354,051 1 +001111110 bio-chemical 1 +001111110 betide 1 +001111110 reconfirms 1 +001111110 631,900 1 +001111110 243,400 1 +001111110 value-seekers 1 +001111110 216,049 1 +001111110 2,377,000 1 +001111110 26-15 1 +001111110 4,605,261 1 +001111110 1,930,500 1 +001111110 shareholders-as 1 +001111110 40.56 1 +001111110 F.I. 1 +001111110 cute-beaked 1 +001111110 1,970,900 1 +001111110 48,139 1 +001111110 4,028,850 1 +001111110 2,201,700 1 +001111110 2,704 1 +001111110 1,761,600 1 +001111110 094-B 1 +001111110 889,000 1 +001111110 pensionless 1 +001111110 665,184 1 +001111110 less-combative 1 +001111110 tranport 1 +001111110 485,697 1 +001111110 2,481,000 1 +001111110 1,556,315 1 +001111110 2200/200 1 +001111110 Maestoso-Allegro 1 +001111110 vocational-retraining 1 +001111110 329,225 1 +001111110 54,991 1 +001111110 87,350 1 +001111110 2,207,000 1 +001111110 1,751,900 1 +001111110 1,843,559 1 +001111110 bythe 1 +001111110 chocolate-pudding 1 +001111110 spaces. 1 +001111110 race-of-victim 1 +001111110 2,249,600 1 +001111110 hurricane-ravaged 1 +001111110 4,224,404 1 +001111110 store-front 1 +001111110 2,788,200 1 +001111110 discount-option 1 +001111110 372,089 1 +001111110 2,364 1 +001111110 one-platoon 1 +001111110 Corkin 1 +001111110 2,027,100 1 +001111110 2,018,000 1 +001111110 conclusionthat 1 +001111110 2,123,500 1 +001111110 2,154,200 1 +001111110 2,264,150 1 +001111110 2,784,700 1 +001111110 28,345 1 +001111110 2,091,400 1 +001111110 2,380,237 1 +001111110 530,300 1 +001111110 189,504 1 +001111110 macaque 1 +001111110 725,400 1 +001111110 1,865,000 1 +001111110 2,737,200 1 +001111110 2,193,000 1 +001111110 2,869,700 1 +001111110 2,248,000 1 +001111110 2,774,400 1 +001111110 510,400 1 +001111110 165,400 1 +001111110 game-farm 1 +001111110 2,916,300 1 +001111110 2,551,000 1 +001111110 2,130,900 1 +001111110 2,204,000 1 +001111110 full-flavor 1 +001111110 31,626 1 +001111110 2,462,000 1 +001111110 2,856,500 1 +001111110 2,630,281 1 +001111110 2,710,900 1 +001111110 2,631,400 1 +001111110 965,555 1 +001111110 29-21 1 +001111110 2,134,400 1 +001111110 Musselwhite 1 +001111110 Eastmain 1 +001111110 450,600 1 +001111110 87year-old 1 +001111110 1,516 1 +001111110 1,899,900 1 +001111110 companion-CMO 1 +001111110 2,245,600 1 +001111110 1,883,600 1 +001111110 2,103,000 1 +001111110 2093 1 +001111110 486,200 1 +001111110 2,030,700 1 +001111110 27,677 1 +001111110 2,237,800 1 +001111110 893,933 1 +001111110 anti-shock 1 +001111110 once-prospering 1 +001111110 2,073,700 1 +001111110 2,124,200 1 +001111110 231,500 1 +001111110 2,065,200 1 +001111110 1,940,500 1 +001111110 sonography 1 +001111110 2,353,300 1 +001111110 debt-holder 1 +001111110 1,951,900 1 +001111110 959,403 1 +001111110 259,577 1 +001111110 Moscow-made 1 +001111110 1,910,100 1 +001111110 rebasing 1 +001111110 less-expansive 1 +001111110 Serengeti-like 1 +001111110 ROCK 2 +001111110 Stinnes 2 +001111110 Tomei 2 +001111110 125,700 2 +001111110 Transformer 2 +001111110 then-failing 2 +001111110 197,500 2 +001111110 tighter-than-expected 3 +001111110 by 200097 +001111110 f-Includes 5 +0011111110 re-adjusted 1 +0011111110 Jacobean-style 1 +0011111110 extra-legal 1 +0011111110 1,033,238 1 +0011111110 Damns 1 +0011111110 fora 1 +0011111110 2,894,850 1 +0011111110 megaton 1 +0011111110 32,415,680 1 +0011111110 60,000-70,000 1 +0011111110 11.466 1 +0011111110 Ks 1 +0011111110 testoperations 1 +0011111110 388,800 1 +0011111110 Pipestill 1 +0011111110 increaded 1 +0011111110 world-freight 1 +0011111110 GETAC. 1 +0011111110 rock/heavy 1 +0011111110 ENDORSED 2 +0011111110 Financiera 2 +0011111110 for 374409 +0011111110 Provides 6 +00111111110 Sueo 1 +00111111110 Shia-Sunni 1 +00111111110 Thamir 1 +00111111110 state-inspection 1 +00111111110 Afghan-government 1 +00111111110 school-aged 1 +00111111110 comservative 1 +00111111110 brooking 1 +00111111110 jaywalker 1 +00111111110 Doubleday/Bantam/ 1 +00111111110 what-if-the-communists-attack 1 +00111111110 forseeing 1 +00111111110 medium-diesel 1 +00111111110 ANZUS. 1 +00111111110 USAir-Pacific 1 +00111111110 Arvo 1 +00111111110 Allied-Lyons/Hiram 1 +00111111110 ventilatory 1 +00111111110 Trump-controlled 1 +00111111110 poli 1 +00111111110 Smarty 1 +00111111110 Stoleshnikov 1 +00111111110 re-recording 1 +00111111110 valence 1 +00111111110 semi-verbal 1 +00111111110 7,406,775 1 +00111111110 3,258 1 +00111111110 .233 1 +00111111110 Union-California 1 +00111111110 Maasai 1 +00111111110 diptheria-pertussis-tetanus 1 +00111111110 Rowntree-Nestle 1 +00111111110 red-roofed 1 +00111111110 three-card 2 +00111111110 wtih 2 +00111111110 Szanghaj 2 +00111111110 deposit-taker 2 +00111111110 Cermak 2 +00111111110 enfeebles 2 +00111111110 wih 4 +00111111110 rainbow-colored 4 +00111111110 entailing 6 +00111111110 with 198430 +00111111110 symbolizing 17 +001111111110 open-sea 1 +001111111110 mobil-home 1 +001111111110 8739053 1 +001111111110 static-analysis 1 +001111111110 421,469,000 1 +001111111110 286,500 1 +001111111110 4,484,000 1 +001111111110 cigaret 1 +001111111110 e-In 1 +001111111110 firm-fixed-price 1 +001111111110 employee-funded 1 +001111111110 ruled. 1 +001111111110 throughought 1 +001111111110 aniticipates 1 +001111111110 systems-related 1 +001111111110 reemphasizes 1 +001111111110 ot 3 +001111111110 907,450 3 +001111111110 on 228445 +001111111110 exalting 3 +001111111111000 Indo-Soviet 1 +001111111111000 congregates 1 +001111111111000 1953-69 1 +001111111111000 poll-driven 1 +001111111111000 super-potent 1 +001111111111000 Clete 1 +001111111111000 technology. 1 +001111111111000 lee 1 +001111111111000 hemorrhaged 1 +001111111111000 8,594,324 1 +001111111111000 Balkanizes 1 +001111111111000 fluoresces 1 +001111111111000 icludes 1 +001111111111000 ex-ANC 1 +001111111111000 supercedes 1 +001111111111000 suggestion. 1 +001111111111000 MANmen 1 +001111111111000 trade-press 1 +001111111111000 bedplus 1 +001111111111000 game-ranching 1 +001111111111000 parching 1 +001111111111000 unwonted 2 +001111111111000 Serb 2 +001111111111000 depoliticizes 2 +001111111111000 much-desired 2 +001111111111000 incites 2 +001111111111000 azure-eyed 2 +001111111111000 hobo 2 +001111111111000 vaporizes 3 +001111111111000 adjudicates 3 +001111111111000 befalls 3 +001111111111000 crystallizes 4 +001111111111000 out-performed 5 +001111111111000 supplants 5 +001111111111000 outgained 7 +001111111111000 eclipses 8 +001111111111000 corroborates 9 +001111111111000 foreshadows 12 +001111111111000 approximates 20 +001111111111000 encompassed 20 +001111111111000 entailed 39 +001111111111000 equaled 78 +001111111111000 constituted 160 +001111111111000 comprises 233 +001111111111000 featured 350 +001111111111000 contained 874 +001111111111000 exceeded 1198 +001111111111000 involves 1412 +001111111111000 reflected 2032 +001111111111000 includes 5131 +001111111111000 included 5957 +0011111111110010 senators-who 1 +0011111111110010 unreviewable 1 +0011111111110010 manhauling 1 +0011111111110010 disc-brake 1 +0011111111110010 highballs 1 +0011111111110010 Hispanic-community 1 +0011111111110010 how-do-I-get-a-handle-on-this-guy 1 +0011111111110010 receiving-dish 1 +0011111111110010 karate-chopping 1 +0011111111110010 Manhattan-bred 1 +0011111111110010 kidnaps 1 +0011111111110010 235-page 1 +0011111111110010 city-limit 1 +0011111111110010 still-unconfirmed 1 +0011111111110010 relects 1 +0011111111110010 bowel-clenching 1 +0011111111110010 non-arbitrage 1 +0011111111110010 bewailing 1 +0011111111110010 sourceless 1 +0011111111110010 peremptorily 1 +0011111111110010 gastro-intestinal 1 +0011111111110010 squashes 1 +0011111111110010 pseudoscientific 1 +0011111111110010 enumerating 2 +0011111111110010 doffs 2 +0011111111110010 three-hit 2 +0011111111110010 bides 2 +0011111111110010 forestalls 2 +0011111111110010 evidencing 2 +0011111111110010 embroiders 2 +0011111111110010 Fermina 2 +0011111111110010 Compressing 2 +0011111111110010 joshed 2 +0011111111110010 pantomime 3 +0011111111110010 hamstrings 3 +0011111111110010 rekindles 3 +0011111111110010 precipitates 3 +0011111111110010 irking 3 +0011111111110010 vaporizing 3 +0011111111110010 muffles 3 +0011111111110010 punctuating 4 +0011111111110010 obviates 4 +0011111111110010 exuding 5 +0011111111110010 imbues 5 +0011111111110010 belying 6 +0011111111110010 reinstates 6 +0011111111110010 dooming 6 +0011111111110010 blunts 6 +0011111111110010 besting 7 +0011111111110010 paralleling 8 +0011111111110010 erases 10 +0011111111110010 commemorates 12 +0011111111110010 befitting 12 +0011111111110010 amidst 14 +0011111111110010 underlining 14 +0011111111110010 disrupts 16 +0011111111110010 mirroring 25 +0011111111110010 belies 32 +0011111111110010 heightens 38 +0011111111110010 underscores 259 +0011111111110010 reflecting 1865 +0011111111110010 amid 2438 +0011111111110010 reflects 2634 +0011111111110010 nor 2754 +0011111111110010 despite 6018 +0011111111110011 four-TV-camera 1 +0011111111110011 frothier 1 +0011111111110011 cleverer 1 +0011111111110011 quality-care 1 +0011111111110011 cyclical-type 1 +0011111111110011 bank-product 1 +0011111111110011 strums 1 +0011111111110011 integrated-electronics 1 +0011111111110011 bad-guy 1 +0011111111110011 clear-channel 1 +0011111111110011 sinkings 1 +0011111111110011 50-foot-tall 1 +0011111111110011 non-budgetary 1 +0011111111110011 488th 1 +0011111111110011 1,613 1 +0011111111110011 FORMED 1 +0011111111110011 reinvited 1 +0011111111110011 U.D. 1 +0011111111110011 gut-grabbing 1 +0011111111110011 Immortal 2 +0011111111110011 bannered 2 +0011111111110011 176,037 2 +0011111111110011 synchrotron 2 +0011111111110011 engagingly 2 +0011111111110011 dauntless 2 +0011111111110011 corporate-provided 2 +0011111111110011 unscrews 2 +0011111111110011 anouncing 2 +0011111111110011 bracketing 2 +0011111111110011 5-foot-11 3 +0011111111110011 earth-colored 3 +0011111111110011 Seamus 3 +0011111111110011 clasping 3 +0011111111110011 bedeviling 3 +0011111111110011 strumming 4 +0011111111110011 FDN. 5 +0011111111110011 rebutting 9 +0011111111110011 swamping 10 +0011111111110011 Seek 10 +0011111111110011 pervading 13 +0011111111110011 eclipsing 38 +0011111111110011 constituting 39 +0011111111110011 echoing 71 +0011111111110011 comprising 112 +0011111111110011 following 6292 +0011111111110011 representing 2126 +001111111111010 act-one 1 +001111111111010 SS20s 1 +001111111111010 AMong 1 +001111111111010 tough-but-funny 1 +001111111111010 lens-solution 1 +001111111111010 Egyptian-held 1 +001111111111010 EJS 1 +001111111111010 7,875,000 1 +001111111111010 X-ray-like 1 +001111111111010 IRAKASTEN 1 +001111111111010 3.4453 1 +001111111111010 2.8033 1 +001111111111010 2.7628 1 +001111111111010 EXPLORING 1 +001111111111010 creasing 1 +001111111111010 12,837,000 1 +001111111111010 662,437 1 +001111111111010 wi 1 +001111111111010 303,700 1 +001111111111010 Seascape 1 +001111111111010 RELISHES 1 +001111111111010 wth 1 +001111111111010 270,300 1 +001111111111010 and-file 1 +001111111111010 expenses. 1 +001111111111010 Fernay 1 +001111111111010 ADD. 2 +001111111111010 894,200 2 +001111111111010 576,300 2 +001111111111010 287,700 2 +001111111111010 beween 3 +001111111111010 betwen 5 +001111111111010 between 22612 +001111111111010 betweeen 6 +001111111111011 Vitis 1 +001111111111011 football-team 1 +001111111111011 Maued 1 +001111111111011 coarsening 1 +001111111111011 re-flower 1 +001111111111011 military-clad 1 +001111111111011 half-wit 1 +001111111111011 clean-living 1 +001111111111011 refrigerates 1 +001111111111011 681,400 1 +001111111111011 rerigging 1 +001111111111011 cliche-blinded 1 +001111111111011 medium-lift 1 +001111111111011 coconut-wine 1 +001111111111011 Confuse 1 +001111111111011 4,997 1 +001111111111011 steely-eyed 1 +001111111111011 activist-oriented 1 +001111111111011 equicidal 1 +001111111111011 deep-frying 1 +001111111111011 nonmonogamous 1 +001111111111011 portaging 1 +001111111111011 mid-state 1 +001111111111011 phosphate-based 1 +001111111111011 surounding 1 +001111111111011 discriminated-against 1 +001111111111011 kimono-clad 1 +001111111111011 state-fair 1 +001111111111011 Jofu 1 +001111111111011 subdivides 1 +001111111111011 near-retirement-aged 1 +001111111111011 guitar-solo 1 +001111111111011 motorizing 1 +001111111111011 2,743 1 +001111111111011 5,912 1 +001111111111011 job-conscious 1 +001111111111011 Day/Night 1 +001111111111011 racist-minded 1 +001111111111011 seduming 1 +001111111111011 Mixtec 1 +001111111111011 rifle-carrying 1 +001111111111011 30-ish 1 +001111111111011 all-silk 1 +001111111111011 public-use 1 +001111111111011 anti-impressionist 1 +001111111111011 guts-out 1 +001111111111011 Dickens-Capra 1 +001111111111011 mystery-draped 1 +001111111111011 persauding 1 +001111111111011 spattering 1 +001111111111011 4.5-liter 1 +001111111111011 gay-bashing 1 +001111111111011 all-America 1 +001111111111011 Japanese-related 1 +001111111111011 division-level 1 +001111111111011 uplinking-sending 1 +001111111111011 reinsuring 1 +001111111111011 no-children 1 +001111111111011 lassoing 1 +001111111111011 cause-conscious 1 +001111111111011 Greek-Danish 1 +001111111111011 Underrepresented 1 +001111111111011 Rustico 1 +001111111111011 -sock 1 +001111111111011 proprietary-design 1 +001111111111011 neckless 1 +001111111111011 old-generation 1 +001111111111011 reconnecting 1 +001111111111011 cash-happy 1 +001111111111011 conscripting 1 +001111111111011 shrimp-eating 1 +001111111111011 Christmastree 1 +001111111111011 finger-like 1 +001111111111011 pre-owned 1 +001111111111011 M.B.A.-toting 1 +001111111111011 preferrring 1 +001111111111011 post-1963 1 +001111111111011 spick-and-span 1 +001111111111011 batter-fried 1 +001111111111011 mountain-sized 1 +001111111111011 bezoar 1 +001111111111011 video-mad 1 +001111111111011 topof-the-line 1 +001111111111011 208-seat 2 +001111111111011 debauching 2 +001111111111011 whop 2 +001111111111011 mushed 2 +001111111111011 recentralizing 2 +001111111111011 cherishing 2 +001111111111011 reproaching 2 +001111111111011 permeating 3 +001111111111011 rids 3 +001111111111011 severs 3 +001111111111011 1241 3 +001111111111011 enrages 3 +001111111111011 conquers 3 +001111111111011 foretelling 4 +001111111111011 manifesting 4 +001111111111011 deluging 5 +001111111111011 blitzing 6 +001111111111011 engulfing 9 +001111111111011 implicating 24 +001111111111011 among 14685 +001111111111011 plaguing 43 +001111111111100 Turkish-occupied 1 +001111111111100 0.523 1 +001111111111100 Synchro-Energized 1 +001111111111100 208,800 1 +001111111111100 127,252 1 +001111111111100 antithrombotic 1 +001111111111100 business-governmental 1 +001111111111100 designer-priced 1 +001111111111100 300,499 1 +001111111111100 1,040,000 1 +001111111111100 571,429 1 +001111111111100 railroad-themed 1 +001111111111100 deep-sixed 1 +001111111111100 1,864,649 1 +001111111111100 liabililty 1 +001111111111100 questionning 1 +001111111111100 912,200 1 +001111111111100 363,100 1 +001111111111100 186,542,990 1 +001111111111100 paved-over 1 +001111111111100 402,500 1 +001111111111100 390,573 1 +001111111111100 fr 1 +001111111111100 better-than-standard 1 +001111111111100 balkanizing 1 +001111111111100 1,287,030 1 +001111111111100 AVX-CTS 1 +001111111111100 three-snake 1 +001111111111100 Gotham-area 1 +001111111111100 swiftly-revamping 1 +001111111111100 860,323 1 +001111111111100 horrible-looking 1 +001111111111100 keek 1 +001111111111100 1,511,480 1 +001111111111100 overextends 1 +001111111111100 284,500 1 +001111111111100 115,300 1 +001111111111100 517,350 1 +001111111111100 protester-type 1 +001111111111100 maladaptive 1 +001111111111100 uptrack 1 +001111111111100 credit-financed 1 +001111111111100 737,700 1 +001111111111100 short-borrowing 1 +001111111111100 taxi-fleet 1 +001111111111100 Sirimavo 1 +001111111111100 1,972,515 1 +001111111111100 off-thus 1 +001111111111100 238,300 1 +001111111111100 858,309 1 +001111111111100 platelet 2 +001111111111100 exalts 2 +001111111111100 denoting 3 +001111111111100 into 39448 +001111111111100 onto 1088 +0011111111111010 winegrower-and 1 +0011111111111010 892,262 1 +0011111111111010 deconstructs 1 +0011111111111010 bicontinental 1 +0011111111111010 230,750 1 +0011111111111010 3,765,286 1 +0011111111111010 non-polemic 1 +0011111111111010 hot-wired 1 +0011111111111010 Darla 1 +0011111111111010 lawyer-Naderite 1 +0011111111111010 novelty-seeking 1 +0011111111111010 realleges 1 +0011111111111010 1,399,564 1 +0011111111111010 261,132 1 +0011111111111010 Ranzino 1 +0011111111111010 2,744,600 1 +0011111111111010 predating 1 +0011111111111010 1,469,885 1 +0011111111111010 745,700 1 +0011111111111010 higher-seniority 1 +0011111111111010 mob-dominated 1 +0011111111111010 1,499,966 1 +0011111111111010 438,436 1 +0011111111111010 re-ignited 1 +0011111111111010 proscribing 1 +0011111111111010 935,900 1 +0011111111111010 872,700 1 +0011111111111010 few-including 1 +0011111111111010 deficiency-related 1 +0011111111111010 1,920,527 1 +0011111111111010 Speranza 1 +0011111111111010 floursack 1 +0011111111111010 scaremongered 1 +0011111111111010 267,200 1 +0011111111111010 --just 1 +0011111111111010 348,733 1 +0011111111111010 444,965 1 +0011111111111010 itselfthe 1 +0011111111111010 498,991 1 +0011111111111010 overthrows 1 +0011111111111010 7,215,631 1 +0011111111111010 tippy 1 +0011111111111010 135,033 1 +0011111111111010 339,200 1 +0011111111111010 avium 1 +0011111111111010 6,621,900 1 +0011111111111010 Mousse/Sara 1 +0011111111111010 1,206,827 1 +0011111111111010 136,720 1 +0011111111111010 herder 1 +0011111111111010 Ohne 1 +0011111111111010 yesterdayin 1 +0011111111111010 4,145,998 1 +0011111111111010 againt 3 +0011111111111010 bisecting 3 +0011111111111010 enjoining 39 +0011111111111010 against 25550 +0011111111111010 vis-a-vis 58 +00111111111110110 16,980 1 +00111111111110110 Czarist-era 1 +00111111111110110 post-Aquino 1 +00111111111110110 Brecker 1 +00111111111110110 couch-lined 1 +00111111111110110 mosquito-filled 1 +00111111111110110 Deadheaded 1 +00111111111110110 bbom 1 +00111111111110110 iron-hulled 1 +00111111111110110 shoebox-shaped 1 +00111111111110110 3-from 1 +00111111111110110 permit-holders 1 +00111111111110110 daydreamer 1 +00111111111110110 nonarbitrable 1 +00111111111110110 convenant 1 +00111111111110110 100-0 1 +00111111111110110 tothe 1 +00111111111110110 whithout 1 +00111111111110110 detectably 1 +00111111111110110 afterwords 1 +00111111111110110 benevolently 1 +00111111111110110 stuffer 1 +00111111111110110 chinless 1 +00111111111110110 independently-owned 1 +00111111111110110 large-position 1 +00111111111110110 Plasson 1 +00111111111110110 Pittsburghers 1 +00111111111110110 repetitively 1 +00111111111110110 shrine-like 1 +00111111111110110 endswithout 1 +00111111111110110 spring-and-summer 1 +00111111111110110 sales-free 1 +00111111111110110 humidity-starved 1 +00111111111110110 exudations 1 +00111111111110110 quasi-publicly 1 +00111111111110110 foregoes 1 +00111111111110110 230-megawatt 1 +00111111111110110 Introduces 1 +00111111111110110 prepainted 1 +00111111111110110 reformatory 2 +00111111111110110 Drastically 2 +00111111111110110 fringing 2 +00111111111110110 Emmy-award 2 +00111111111110110 limited-access 2 +00111111111110110 ligament 2 +00111111111110110 cornbread 3 +00111111111110110 rack-and-pinion 4 +00111111111110110 non-income 4 +00111111111110110 deceitfully 5 +00111111111110110 without 12747 +00111111111110110 begets 11 +00111111111110111 hazarded 1 +00111111111110111 jinshi 1 +00111111111110111 --toward 1 +00111111111110111 Soviet-embassy 1 +00111111111110111 out-worn 1 +00111111111110111 slab-sided 1 +00111111111110111 1280 1 +00111111111110111 squad-style 1 +00111111111110111 semi-detached 1 +00111111111110111 school-color 1 +00111111111110111 slip-resistant 1 +00111111111110111 pre-existed 1 +00111111111110111 perceptual-cognitive 1 +00111111111110111 hard-shelled 1 +00111111111110111 antagonised 1 +00111111111110111 ski-racing 1 +00111111111110111 financial-group 1 +00111111111110111 tall-oil 1 +00111111111110111 31,461 1 +00111111111110111 24,118 1 +00111111111110111 agency-licensed 1 +00111111111110111 in-dash 1 +00111111111110111 option-disclosure 1 +00111111111110111 unfastening 1 +00111111111110111 codenamed 2 +00111111111110111 accrual-based 2 +00111111111110111 vexes 2 +00111111111110111 idles 3 +00111111111110111 rousting 3 +00111111111110111 reauthorizing 6 +00111111111110111 shrouding 6 +00111111111110111 abolishes 8 +00111111111110111 enveloping 9 +00111111111110111 besetting 11 +00111111111110111 pre-empts 13 +00111111111110111 encompassing 34 +00111111111110111 afflicting 39 +00111111111110111 documenting 42 +00111111111110111 detailing 121 +00111111111110111 whereby 136 +00111111111110111 towards 148 +00111111111110111 featuring 436 +00111111111110111 containing 445 +00111111111110111 affecting 638 +00111111111110111 surrounding 780 +00111111111110111 concerning 925 +00111111111110111 covering 1106 +00111111111110111 regarding 1265 +00111111111110111 involving 3003 +00111111111110111 toward 6102 +0011111111111100 doff 1 +0011111111111100 Klomfass 1 +0011111111111100 a-From 1 +0011111111111100 tatin 1 +0011111111111100 ridded 1 +0011111111111100 anti-Zionists 1 +0011111111111100 barbae 1 +0011111111111100 higher. 1 +0011111111111100 outshooting 1 +0011111111111100 out-distance 1 +0011111111111100 downrated 1 +0011111111111100 -on 1 +0011111111111100 stake-welcomed 1 +0011111111111100 well-below 1 +0011111111111100 -completed 1 +0011111111111100 problem-meeting 1 +0011111111111100 Akki 1 +0011111111111100 obsesses 1 +0011111111111100 whets 1 +0011111111111100 choco 1 +0011111111111100 disempower 1 +0011111111111100 picked-over 1 +0011111111111100 betoken 1 +0011111111111100 -twice 1 +0011111111111100 Fleabag 1 +0011111111111100 lacerates 1 +0011111111111100 quinone 1 +0011111111111100 saleswise 1 +0011111111111100 contro 1 +0011111111111100 WRIT-TEN 1 +0011111111111100 performance-wise 1 +0011111111111100 Charmers 1 +0011111111111100 disassembling 2 +0011111111111100 -to 2 +0011111111111100 pawing 3 +0011111111111100 08 3 +0011111111111100 outshines 4 +0011111111111100 Riba 6 +0011111111111100 Super-NOW 11 +0011111111111100 undervalues 15 +0011111111111100 approximating 16 +0011111111111100 Thirty-month 62 +0011111111111100 outstripping 65 +0011111111111100 exceeds 542 +0011111111111100 exceeding 611 +0011111111111100 above 5899 +0011111111111100 below 5679 +00111111111111010 abouton 1 +00111111111111010 retail-deposit 1 +00111111111111010 Swiss-listed 1 +00111111111111010 mini-stores 1 +00111111111111010 too-activist 1 +00111111111111010 1,439,498 1 +00111111111111010 pintail 1 +00111111111111010 swain 1 +00111111111111010 1,319,850 1 +00111111111111010 ringworm 1 +00111111111111010 level-further 1 +00111111111111010 royale 1 +00111111111111010 microwave-generated 1 +00111111111111010 767,015 1 +00111111111111010 162,900 1 +00111111111111010 8-8-88 1 +00111111111111010 quashes 1 +00111111111111010 unbecoming 2 +00111111111111010 embroiling 3 +00111111111111010 corrodes 3 +00111111111111010 sun-aged 3 +00111111111111010 inflames 4 +00111111111111010 hogging 5 +00111111111111010 chronicling 15 +00111111111111010 predated 17 +00111111111111010 dramatizes 19 +00111111111111010 over 37398 +00111111111111010 escalates 23 +001111111111110110 outnumbers 1 +001111111111110110 health-endangering 1 +001111111111110110 unhired 1 +001111111111110110 reweaving 1 +001111111111110110 mischaracterized 1 +001111111111110110 A-37 1 +001111111111110110 kaboom 1 +001111111111110110 pre-dating 1 +001111111111110110 undeployed 1 +001111111111110110 streetssomething 1 +001111111111110110 beaching 1 +001111111111110110 Nazi-dominated 1 +001111111111110110 hile 1 +001111111111110110 two-million-electron-volt 1 +001111111111110110 short-dropping 1 +001111111111110110 hatswith 1 +001111111111110110 reat 1 +001111111111110110 once-strident 1 +001111111111110110 encrust 2 +001111111111110110 unprofitably 2 +001111111111110110 cross-examining 2 +001111111111110110 cartelizing 2 +001111111111110110 impelling 3 +001111111111110110 athwart 3 +001111111111110110 destabilizes 3 +001111111111110110 embellishing 3 +001111111111110110 pierces 4 +001111111111110110 Caused 4 +001111111111110110 contravened 4 +001111111111110110 bests 5 +001111111111110110 muddies 6 +001111111111110110 ruffling 6 +001111111111110110 amongst 6 +001111111111110110 punctuate 6 +001111111111110110 wracking 7 +001111111111110110 sharpens 9 +001111111111110110 outweighing 10 +001111111111110110 impairs 17 +001111111111110110 outstrips 18 +001111111111110110 surpasses 29 +001111111111110110 outweighs 37 +001111111111110110 unto 48 +001111111111110110 diminishes 59 +001111111111110110 underneath 92 +001111111111110110 beside 158 +001111111111110110 atop 167 +001111111111110110 alongside 248 +001111111111110110 beneath 287 +001111111111110110 upon 2464 +001111111111110110 beyond 3190 +001111111111110110 across 3343 +001111111111110110 behind 4204 +001111111111110111 detoxing 1 +001111111111110111 adjusted-rate 1 +001111111111110111 custom-tailor 1 +001111111111110111 Hulkamania 1 +001111111111110111 beaux 1 +001111111111110111 leading-edge-up 1 +001111111111110111 hypnotherapists 1 +001111111111110111 cashers 1 +001111111111110111 bannering 1 +001111111111110111 first-release 1 +001111111111110111 1,291,635 1 +001111111111110111 karet 1 +001111111111110111 ferryboats 1 +001111111111110111 flash-freeze 1 +001111111111110111 mein 1 +001111111111110111 2,133,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,153,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,258,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,318,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,483,000 2 +001111111111110111 fogs 2 +001111111111110111 Creedence 2 +001111111111110111 2,549,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,287,000 2 +001111111111110111 malevolently 2 +001111111111110111 2,679,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,010,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,658,000 2 +001111111111110111 1.8338 2 +001111111111110111 2,168,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,323,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,244,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,208,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,431,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,238,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,211,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,319,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,101,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,154,000 2 +001111111111110111 44.27 2 +001111111111110111 2,162,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,056,000 2 +001111111111110111 312,680 2 +001111111111110111 2,069,000 2 +001111111111110111 prowled 2 +001111111111110111 2,052,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,454,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,096,000 2 +001111111111110111 at. 2 +001111111111110111 2,436,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,381,000 2 +001111111111110111 around. 2 +001111111111110111 2,053,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,033,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,507,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,477,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,058,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,071,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,327,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,179,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,467,000 2 +001111111111110111 double-time 2 +001111111111110111 2,256,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,417,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,623,000 2 +001111111111110111 bongos 2 +001111111111110111 2,294,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,384,000 2 +001111111111110111 1,993,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,173,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,463,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,031,000 2 +001111111111110111 2,389,000 2 +001111111111110111 adulterating 2 +001111111111110111 double-parked 3 +001111111111110111 2,275,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,022,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,255,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,132,000 3 +001111111111110111 3,340 3 +001111111111110111 2,077,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,089,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,119,000 3 +001111111111110111 2,107,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,032,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,020,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,090,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,070,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,000,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,247,000 4 +001111111111110111 2,175,000 5 +001111111111110111 voce 5 +001111111111110111 outta 5 +001111111111110111 multiplies 8 +001111111111110111 crisscrossing 8 +001111111111110111 trimmers 11 +001111111111110111 around 10418 +001111111111110111 aboard 524 +0011111111111110 incinerates 1 +0011111111111110 Amphibious 1 +0011111111111110 3-inch 1 +0011111111111110 green-lined 1 +0011111111111110 83,309 1 +0011111111111110 rolled-over 1 +0011111111111110 studding 1 +0011111111111110 quick-sell 1 +0011111111111110 lysing 1 +0011111111111110 lyse 1 +0011111111111110 mosaiclike 1 +0011111111111110 stepped-back 1 +0011111111111110 mallard-suspendered 1 +0011111111111110 WHEELCHAIR 1 +0011111111111110 dperessed 1 +0011111111111110 nonburdensome 1 +0011111111111110 firstserved 1 +0011111111111110 exotoxin 1 +0011111111111110 handicap-accessibility 1 +0011111111111110 six-burner 1 +0011111111111110 populist-tinged 1 +0011111111111110 wood-chip 1 +0011111111111110 185-pound 1 +0011111111111110 Syrian-Lebanese 1 +0011111111111110 excepts 1 +0011111111111110 statistical-quality 1 +0011111111111110 four-inch-wide 1 +0011111111111110 metal-tainted 1 +0011111111111110 high-blood 1 +0011111111111110 Urbanites 1 +0011111111111110 less-painful 1 +0011111111111110 nonaerosol 1 +0011111111111110 flowerlike 1 +0011111111111110 Laser-probe 1 +0011111111111110 285,329 1 +0011111111111110 8,363 1 +0011111111111110 smog-like 1 +0011111111111110 barely-profitable 1 +0011111111111110 20,000-square-feet 1 +0011111111111110 brain-tissue 1 +0011111111111110 insurer-owned 1 +0011111111111110 data-bus 1 +0011111111111110 taxonomical 1 +0011111111111110 well-conditioned 1 +0011111111111110 re-opening 1 +0011111111111110 SHUN 1 +0011111111111110 bet-the-mortgage 1 +0011111111111110 20-pound 1 +0011111111111110 benign-sounding 1 +0011111111111110 22/11 1 +0011111111111110 Deficiences 1 +0011111111111110 688-Class 1 +0011111111111110 letterpress 1 +0011111111111110 38,552 1 +0011111111111110 Brio 1 +0011111111111110 world- 1 +0011111111111110 prelicensed 1 +0011111111111110 black-suited 1 +0011111111111110 exclamatory 1 +0011111111111110 32-degree 1 +0011111111111110 nightgown-clad 1 +0011111111111110 superspeed 1 +0011111111111110 much-bemoaned 1 +0011111111111110 high-mounted 2 +0011111111111110 gleans 2 +0011111111111110 flouts 2 +0011111111111110 out-of-the 2 +0011111111111110 time-urgent 2 +0011111111111110 besieging 2 +0011111111111110 lyses 2 +0011111111111110 reshapes 3 +0011111111111110 warranting 4 +0011111111111110 under 25260 +0011111111111110 bemoaning 11 +00111111111111110 Egypt-Israel 1 +00111111111111110 227,700 1 +00111111111111110 836,902 1 +00111111111111110 micro-gravity 1 +00111111111111110 1/4-inches 1 +00111111111111110 4,877 1 +00111111111111110 99,450 1 +00111111111111110 Giuseppina 1 +00111111111111110 1,082,100 1 +00111111111111110 already-fearful 1 +00111111111111110 Inflicting 1 +00111111111111110 1,289,700 1 +00111111111111110 2,569 1 +00111111111111110 redrew 1 +00111111111111110 tough-federal 1 +00111111111111110 1,745,500 1 +00111111111111110 653,900 1 +00111111111111110 3,253 1 +00111111111111110 205,534 1 +00111111111111110 Israeli-government 1 +00111111111111110 window-side 1 +00111111111111110 1,355,706 1 +00111111111111110 dawdlers 1 +00111111111111110 1,110,600 1 +00111111111111110 car-bombing 2 +00111111111111110 168,882 2 +00111111111111110 through 24695 +00111111111111110 thru 14 +001111111111111110 adjudge 1 +001111111111111110 Archives. 1 +001111111111111110 sub-100-million 1 +001111111111111110 1-ranking 1 +001111111111111110 crude-rose 1 +001111111111111110 generations. 1 +001111111111111110 flowed. 1 +001111111111111110 mantis 1 +001111111111111110 408-6 1 +001111111111111110 2361 1 +001111111111111110 2,652 1 +001111111111111110 24-hours 1 +001111111111111110 nose-wipe 1 +001111111111111110 betokens 1 +001111111111111110 crash-was 1 +001111111111111110 D-88 1 +001111111111111110 transecting 1 +001111111111111110 709,538 1 +001111111111111110 outwait 1 +001111111111111110 833,143 1 +001111111111111110 403,195 1 +001111111111111110 b11.06 1 +001111111111111110 845,681 1 +001111111111111110 1,254,251 1 +001111111111111110 78,607 1 +001111111111111110 14.92 1 +001111111111111110 empaneling 2 +001111111111111110 entrechats 2 +001111111111111110 50,700 2 +001111111111111110 flight-testing 2 +001111111111111110 demolishes 3 +001111111111111110 3-ranked 4 +001111111111111110 toeing 4 +001111111111111110 reformulating 5 +001111111111111110 2-ranked 7 +001111111111111110 dismantles 7 +001111111111111110 astride 11 +001111111111111110 1-ranked 14 +001111111111111110 obscures 41 +001111111111111110 spanning 45 +001111111111111110 within 8546 +001111111111111110 narrows 252 +001111111111111111 tail-wagging 1 +001111111111111111 weathers 1 +001111111111111111 Illustrate 1 +001111111111111111 kibbitzes 1 +001111111111111111 bookending 1 +001111111111111111 grooving 1 +001111111111111111 Crvena 1 +001111111111111111 EVACUATED 1 +001111111111111111 liberates 1 +001111111111111111 wreathing 1 +001111111111111111 leafletted 1 +001111111111111111 acompanying 1 +001111111111111111 inscribes 1 +001111111111111111 --on 1 +001111111111111111 forthlike 1 +001111111111111111 girdling 1 +001111111111111111 Gallically 1 +001111111111111111 hotwired 1 +001111111111111111 inside/outside 1 +001111111111111111 liquefies 1 +001111111111111111 underperforms 1 +001111111111111111 rustles 1 +001111111111111111 Imperils 1 +001111111111111111 libbed 1 +001111111111111111 Billboarding 1 +001111111111111111 substantially-and 1 +001111111111111111 RESIGNING 1 +001111111111111111 stage-manage 1 +001111111111111111 co-own 2 +001111111111111111 mimicks 2 +001111111111111111 transiting 2 +001111111111111111 reclaims 2 +001111111111111111 mediates 2 +001111111111111111 abutting 3 +001111111111111111 retook 3 +001111111111111111 thoughout 4 +001111111111111111 verifies 8 +001111111111111111 predates 18 +001111111111111111 commemorating 31 +001111111111111111 bucked 73 +001111111111111111 during 15713 +001111111111111111 throughout 2235 +0100000 1/2-5 1 +0100000 corn-harvest 1 +0100000 billion-acre 1 +0100000 1/2-month-old 1 +0100000 billionmark 1 +0100000 heavy-volume 1 +0100000 RANKING 1 +0100000 Ziad 1 +0100000 1/2-to-5 1 +0100000 Thes. 1 +0100000 internatonal 1 +0100000 158.43 1 +0100000 3.4896 1 +0100000 726.0 1 +0100000 million-bale 1 +0100000 Who's-News-page 1 +0100000 Naugahyde-encased 1 +0100000 billion-the 1 +0100000 billion-nearly 1 +0100000 gigabits 1 +0100000 1/2-ton 1 +0100000 Weiyun 1 +0100000 a.m.-5 1 +0100000 parts-per-million 1 +0100000 gang-infested 1 +0100000 back-scrubber 1 +0100000 Investissetes 1 +0100000 Smallframe 1 +0100000 taught. 1 +0100000 3/4s 1 +0100000 1/2point 1 +0100000 potato-producing 1 +0100000 pence-ashare 1 +0100000 1/2-mile-high 1 +0100000 marks-a-share 1 +0100000 co-pay 1 +0100000 billion-mile 1 +0100000 b-unchanged 1 +0100000 KKCY 1 +0100000 departmental-size 1 +0100000 5000/80 1 +0100000 trillion-cubic-foot 1 +0100000 Hartfield-Zodys 1 +0100000 Denrees 1 +0100000 barrier-bashing 1 +0100000 bdr 1 +0100000 2,802,832 1 +0100000 2,839,374 1 +0100000 a-Total 1 +0100000 Subfields 1 +0100000 fluorouracil 1 +0100000 unch 1 +0100000 gigawatts 1 +0100000 cent-a-liter 1 +0100000 BILLION 1 +0100000 p.m.EST 1 +0100000 preferred-equity 1 +0100000 Finlandia 1 +0100000 million-passenger-a-year 2 +0100000 Jeanneret 2 +0100000 millionshare 2 +0100000 pm 2 +0100000 million-or-so 2 +0100000 billlion 2 +0100000 gigabit 2 +0100000 microglobulin 2 +0100000 1/4-mile 2 +0100000 ton-a-day 2 +0100000 a.m.-noon 2 +0100000 billion-krona 2 +0100000 mil 2 +0100000 ashare 3 +0100000 bilion 3 +0100000 RBIs 3 +0100000 marks/dollar 3 +0100000 billion-pound 4 +0100000 1/2-foot 4 +0100000 1/2-page 4 +0100000 Fayva 4 +0100000 kilobyte 4 +0100000 1/2-acre 4 +0100000 billion-bushel 4 +0100000 p.m.-conclusion 5 +0100000 million-kilowatt 5 +0100000 cetera 5 +0100000 billion-lire 5 +0100000 1/2-to-1 5 +0100000 milligram 6 +0100000 1/2-minute 7 +0100000 billon 7 +0100000 1/2-week 7 +0100000 trillion-lire 7 +0100000 1/2-day 8 +0100000 a.m 8 +0100000 megawatt 8 +0100000 million-pound 9 +0100000 million-acre 10 +0100000 billion-kroner 10 +0100000 million-unit 12 +0100000 p.m 12 +0100000 billion-asset 16 +0100000 ppm 17 +0100000 million-ton 21 +0100000 billion-franc 23 +0100000 p.m.-midnight 24 +0100000 pence-a-share 25 +0100000 1/2-year-old 25 +0100000 1/2-month 29 +0100000 billion-mark 33 +0100000 1/4-inch 38 +0100000 billion-plus 44 +0100000 1/2-hour 56 +0100000 1/2-inch 67 +0100000 million-a-year 81 +0100000 1/2-year 118 +0100000 billion-a-year 120 +0100000 million-share 129 +0100000 OFFERED 207 +0100000 a.m. 1497 +0100000 trillion 1708 +0100000 billion 64213 +0100000 p.m. 2427 +0100001 BM-12 1 +0100001 Algerian-backed 1 +0100001 million-per-year 1 +0100001 B-1Bs 1 +0100001 686,287 1 +0100001 summer-job 1 +0100001 carved-marble 1 +0100001 million-subscriber 1 +0100001 high-camp 1 +0100001 billional 1 +0100001 2/32-6/32 1 +0100001 XH 1 +0100001 millonassets 1 +0100001 passenges 1 +0100001 billion-won 1 +0100001 million-gain 1 +0100001 karats 1 +0100001 stone-washed 1 +0100001 coral-fringed 1 +0100001 islets 1 +0100001 coastal-barrier 1 +0100001 student-correspondents 1 +0100001 body-shop 1 +0100001 mailsorters 1 +0100001 million-mark-loss 1 +0100001 railroad-transit 1 +0100001 office-visit 1 +0100001 bejungled 1 +0100001 craftspeople 1 +0100001 trusses 1 +0100001 airport-identification 1 +0100001 kilobits 1 +0100001 Toyopets 1 +0100001 offences 1 +0100001 other-model 1 +0100001 telecomunications 1 +0100001 gallons-per-flush 1 +0100001 snow-removal 1 +0100001 lower-altitude 1 +0100001 -57.0 1 +0100001 -73.8 1 +0100001 million-start 1 +0100001 million-expense 1 +0100001 placard-carrying 1 +0100001 seven-gallon 1 +0100001 Soviet-foreign 1 +0100001 T37B 1 +0100001 lbs 1 +0100001 non-staff 1 +0100001 Courtyards 1 +0100001 boozed-up 1 +0100001 million-won 1 +0100001 Stanzas 1 +0100001 mllion 1 +0100001 municipal-court 1 +0100001 decorative-arts 1 +0100001 72,275 1 +0100001 101,111 1 +0100001 23,423 1 +0100001 2,446,078 1 +0100001 1,401,831 1 +0100001 +15.0 1 +0100001 million-the 1 +0100001 realist-expressionist 1 +0100001 square-feet 1 +0100001 skilled-job 1 +0100001 water-softening 1 +0100001 7,333 1 +0100001 15,824 1 +0100001 13,882 1 +0100001 8,325 1 +0100001 11,343,761 1 +0100001 therms 1 +0100001 39,487 1 +0100001 10,837 1 +0100001 5,722 1 +0100001 11,942 1 +0100001 19,655 1 +0100001 8,775,801 1 +0100001 522,669 1 +0100001 478,795 1 +0100001 146,042 1 +0100001 153,070 1 +0100001 +292.4 1 +0100001 55,473 1 +0100001 129,834 1 +0100001 86,481 1 +0100001 398,270 1 +0100001 3,112,744 1 +0100001 1,225,647 1 +0100001 2,208,698 1 +0100001 64,669 1 +0100001 61,840 1 +0100001 204,101 1 +0100001 83,098 1 +0100001 4,083,577 1 +0100001 Swiss-EC 1 +0100001 millilon 1 +0100001 IM 1 +0100001 Evan-Picone 1 +0100001 1/8-bid 1 +0100001 big-index 1 +0100001 muscle-packed 1 +0100001 German-Jewish 1 +0100001 definitive-merger 1 +0100001 DCIS 1 +0100001 Starships 1 +0100001 Natl.Mortgage 1 +0100001 24-pound 1 +0100001 million-car 2 +0100001 million-vehicle 2 +0100001 million-common 2 +0100001 iL 2 +0100001 micrometers 2 +0100001 stated-value 2 +0100001 liftoffs 2 +0100001 million-level 2 +0100001 04/32 2 +0100001 mile-per-gallon 2 +0100001 becerel 2 +0100001 million-barrel-a-day 2 +0100001 kilotons 2 +0100001 GLE 2 +0100001 milligauss 2 +0100001 Blows 3 +0100001 billion-peseta 3 +0100001 lbs. 3 +0100001 Gripen 3 +0100001 S2 3 +0100001 4/5 3 +0100001 ZX 3 +0100001 Kelvins 4 +0100001 millirems 4 +0100001 million-punt 5 +0100001 million-kronor 5 +0100001 ppb 5 +0100001 million-kroner 6 +0100001 million-yen 7 +0100001 kilobit 7 +0100001 mg. 8 +0100001 million-asset 9 +0100001 billion-yen 9 +0100001 million. 10 +0100001 mg 10 +0100001 million-guilder 12 +0100001 millon 14 +0100001 billion-kronor 14 +0100001 million-franc 14 +0100001 hertz 16 +0100001 milllion 17 +0100001 decibels 17 +0100001 milion 21 +0100001 million-mark 24 +0100001 cent-a-share 27 +0100001 million-square-foot 28 +0100001 liter 34 +0100001 mpg 46 +0100001 million 178703 +0100001 million-plus 46 +0100010 billion-a 1 +0100010 638,952 1 +0100010 721,293 1 +0100010 629,255 1 +0100010 323,937 1 +0100010 624,619 1 +0100010 two-slide 1 +0100010 premarital-testing 1 +0100010 Spanish-dubbed 1 +0100010 Dalmatians 1 +0100010 1/2-cents 1 +0100010 3/8s 1 +0100010 million-about 1 +0100010 billion-a-month 1 +0100010 39/32 1 +0100010 non-pitchers 1 +0100010 PDRs 1 +0100010 1/2-cent-a-pound 1 +0100010 frivolous-return 1 +0100010 plane-loads 1 +0100010 Januarys 1 +0100010 cent-a-pound 1 +0100010 FBI-reported 1 +0100010 commuter-drivers 1 +0100010 two-stars 1 +0100010 737-100 1 +0100010 cents-a-pad 1 +0100010 1/2-fold 1 +0100010 1/2-a-share 1 +0100010 Clothesworks 1 +0100010 3,357,864 1 +0100010 cents-a-gallon 1 +0100010 million-share-a-day 1 +0100010 cents-a-bushel 1 +0100010 6,954 1 +0100010 7,095.7 1 +0100010 miligrams 1 +0100010 Friedrichshafen 1 +0100010 cent-a-pack 1 +0100010 +144.55 1 +0100010 million-tie 1 +0100010 bath-supplies 1 +0100010 +120.12 1 +0100010 foundaries 1 +0100010 fire-patrol 1 +0100010 calls-a 1 +0100010 -27.3 1 +0100010 -10.0 1 +0100010 +75.0 1 +0100010 +18.2 1 +0100010 angstroms 2 +0100010 01/32 2 +0100010 25/ 2 +0100010 STAFFERS 2 +0100010 07/32 2 +0100010 lb 2 +0100010 1/2-cent 2 +0100010 cents-an-hour 2 +0100010 399,353 2 +0100010 7/8s 2 +0100010 19/ 2 +0100010 6/ 2 +0100010 +14.8 2 +0100010 kilorads 2 +0100010 cent-a-bushel 3 +0100010 1/ 3 +0100010 3/ 4 +0100010 basis-point 4 +0100010 cosponsors 5 +0100010 11/ 5 +0100010 15/ 6 +0100010 3/4-point 6 +0100010 5/ 7 +0100010 9/ 9 +0100010 13/ 9 +0100010 cents-a-share 10 +0100010 7/ 10 +0100010 1/4-year 12 +0100010 micrograms 20 +0100010 kilobytes 24 +0100010 3/4-year 34 +0100010 28/32 60 +0100010 24/32 61 +0100010 23/32 61 +0100010 31/32 62 +0100010 19/32 80 +0100010 29/32 90 +0100010 27/32 93 +0100010 30/32 96 +0100010 25/32 100 +0100010 mph 115 +0100010 % 185193 +0100010 26/32 126 +01000110 3/8. 1 +01000110 reimbursment 1 +01000110 165,888 1 +01000110 168,888 1 +01000110 950,346 1 +01000110 159,219 1 +01000110 268,535 1 +01000110 -64,814 1 +01000110 284,497 1 +01000110 462,341 1 +01000110 908,196 1 +01000110 1-800-228-0391 1 +01000110 Ocona 1 +01000110 USC:1307 1 +01000110 HRs 1 +01000110 3/8-1/2 1 +01000110 18/32-22/32 1 +01000110 10/32-14/32 1 +01000110 XA4 1 +01000110 2/1 1 +01000110 1/2-cent-a-share 1 +01000110 mini-essays 1 +01000110 wheelboxes 1 +01000110 non-coms 1 +01000110 Heures 1 +01000110 million-loss 1 +01000110 million-profit 1 +01000110 Eurosecurities 1 +01000110 roties 1 +01000110 chip-makers 1 +01000110 roundabouts 1 +01000110 SPARKED 1 +01000110 Januaries 1 +01000110 million-half 1 +01000110 pge 1 +01000110 instititions 1 +01000110 U.S.Hcompanies 1 +01000110 Yow 1 +01000110 letter-legislators 1 +01000110 1-800-233-4050 1 +01000110 1/32-5/32 1 +01000110 mile-an-hour 1 +01000110 ents 1 +01000110 17/32-21/32 1 +01000110 Ogonyoks 1 +01000110 apeice 1 +01000110 island-states 1 +01000110 square-footer 1 +01000110 turbo-props 1 +01000110 million-a-plane 1 +01000110 1,852 1 +01000110 705,663 1 +01000110 in-betweeners 1 +01000110 GREETED 1 +01000110 knotter 1 +01000110 cnets 1 +01000110 WELCOMED 2 +01000110 1/4-3/8 2 +01000110 8,192 2 +01000110 716,686 2 +01000110 hours. 2 +01000110 go-arounds 2 +01000110 non-dailies 3 +01000110 cents. 3 +01000110 mm 4 +01000110 mile-per-hour 6 +01000110 kopeks 9 +01000110 intis 40 +01000110 cents 29969 +01000110 cent 868 +01000111 163.10 1 +01000111 0.0041 1 +01000111 plant-opinionated 1 +01000111 0.0232 1 +01000111 79.24 1 +01000111 0.0051 1 +01000111 170.98 1 +01000111 154.56 1 +01000111 0.0170 1 +01000111 0.0169 1 +01000111 0.0122 1 +01000111 0.0127 1 +01000111 schoolteaching 1 +01000111 232.90 1 +01000111 0.0200 1 +01000111 0.0405 1 +01000111 118.71 1 +01000111 0.0210 1 +01000111 508.32 1 +01000111 0.0410 1 +01000111 35.30 1 +01000111 362.6 1 +01000111 468.41 1 +01000111 809.14 1 +01000111 229.52 1 +01000111 490,868 1 +01000111 955,191 1 +01000111 220,400 1 +01000111 296,973 1 +01000111 4228.06 1 +01000111 335.21 1 +01000111 687.79 1 +01000111 0.0064 1 +01000111 0.0272 1 +01000111 0.0112 1 +01000111 0.0263 1 +01000111 +126.2 1 +01000111 30.0 1 +01000111 0.0043 1 +01000111 160.81 1 +01000111 0.0172 1 +01000111 229.76 1 +01000111 0.0132 1 +01000111 110.94 1 +01000111 0.0235 1 +01000111 57.48 1 +01000111 283.48 1 +01000111 54.77 1 +01000111 0.0081 1 +01000111 0.0162 1 +01000111 29.92 1 +01000111 333.78 1 +01000111 F/A-18Cs 1 +01000111 0.0066 1 +01000111 0.0198 1 +01000111 0.0195 1 +01000111 trekkers 1 +01000111 waste-hauler 1 +01000111 0.0136 1 +01000111 insolvent. 1 +01000111 236.10 1 +01000111 431.69 1 +01000111 352.41 1 +01000111 27.20 1 +01000111 0.0076 1 +01000111 0.0230 1 +01000111 109.64 1 +01000111 Karratha 1 +01000111 201.84 1 +01000111 37.42 1 +01000111 44.54 1 +01000111 0.0063 1 +01000111 78.82 1 +01000111 84.16 1 +01000111 152.84 1 +01000111 0.0262 1 +01000111 166.71 1 +01000111 0.0139 1 +01000111 8559 1 +01000111 33.08 1 +01000111 0.0049 1 +01000111 245.80 1 +01000111 218.21 1 +01000111 0.0171 1 +01000111 289.14 1 +01000111 0.0079 1 +01000111 .0070 1 +01000111 135.42 1 +01000111 p.m.-climax 1 +01000111 Eletrica 1 +01000111 0.0053 1 +01000111 0.0216 1 +01000111 554,028 1 +01000111 0.0163 1 +01000111 0.0253 1 +01000111 0.0106 1 +01000111 205.51 1 +01000111 0.0176 1 +01000111 0.0056 1 +01000111 analogously 1 +01000111 14.01 1 +01000111 267.57 1 +01000111 secs 1 +01000111 69.42 1 +01000111 0.0317 1 +01000111 115.76 1 +01000111 103.10 1 +01000111 147.70 1 +01000111 Malconsorts 1 +01000111 6/16 1 +01000111 134.64 1 +01000111 30.92 1 +01000111 billion-sales 1 +01000111 328.14 1 +01000111 0.0130 1 +01000111 0.0218 1 +01000111 0.0091 1 +01000111 0.0068 1 +01000111 0.0116 1 +01000111 0.0166 1 +01000111 151.36 1 +01000111 0.0037 1 +01000111 288.25 1 +01000111 51.10 1 +01000111 327.82 1 +01000111 0.0129 1 +01000111 22.00 1 +01000111 significantly. 1 +01000111 0.0320 1 +01000111 91.19 1 +01000111 0.0119 1 +01000111 130.27 1 +01000111 89.20 1 +01000111 aphids. 1 +01000111 0.0173 1 +01000111 141.99 1 +01000111 27.98 1 +01000111 0.007 1 +01000111 107.33 1 +01000111 24.41 1 +01000111 0.0220 1 +01000111 24.53 1 +01000111 116.40 1 +01000111 94.39 1 +01000111 97.53 1 +01000111 bagagge 1 +01000111 0.0093 1 +01000111 80.98 1 +01000111 112.42 1 +01000111 142.69 1 +01000111 119.35 1 +01000111 shock-waves 1 +01000111 175.31 1 +01000111 70.76 1 +01000111 60.97 1 +01000111 0.0273 1 +01000111 58.30 1 +01000111 0.0188 1 +01000111 0.0047 1 +01000111 75.42 1 +01000111 3/4three 1 +01000111 NeimanMarcus 1 +01000111 0.0124 1 +01000111 post-college 1 +01000111 counterbidders 1 +01000111 109.61 1 +01000111 0.0184 1 +01000111 160.18 1 +01000111 1-16 1 +01000111 29.53 1 +01000111 251.34 1 +01000111 287.21 1 +01000111 221.07 1 +01000111 165.45 1 +01000111 28.00 1 +01000111 somewhere. 1 +01000111 1/2/ 1 +01000111 151.66 1 +01000111 27.32 1 +01000111 0.0517 1 +01000111 0.0153 1 +01000111 city-rich 1 +01000111 400.90 1 +01000111 291.56 1 +01000111 Janulako 1 +01000111 0.0102 1 +01000111 15.41 1 +01000111 0.438 1 +01000111 260.6 1 +01000111 1/3/4 1 +01000111 52.48 1 +01000111 193.90 1 +01000111 59.81 1 +01000111 0.0131 1 +01000111 0.0158 1 +01000111 0.0036 1 +01000111 0.0094 1 +01000111 42.16 1 +01000111 0.0318 1 +01000111 Jours 1 +01000111 173.47 1 +01000111 27.69 1 +01000111 207.09 1 +01000111 0.0180 1 +01000111 255,214 1 +01000111 datadope 1 +01000111 1/4s 1 +01000111 Frigatronics 1 +01000111 189.18 1 +01000111 3,245,983 1 +01000111 33.48 1 +01000111 434.81 1 +01000111 0.0240 1 +01000111 0.0208 1 +01000111 110.73 1 +01000111 0.0101 1 +01000111 35.39 1 +01000111 Eriskay 1 +01000111 0.0886 1 +01000111 269.69 1 +01000111 0.147 1 +01000111 cents-21 1 +01000111 0.013 1 +01000111 days.10.06 1 +01000111 1016.41 1 +01000111 .53 1 +01000111 0.0297 1 +01000111 0.0201 1 +01000111 30.19 1 +01000111 251.67 1 +01000111 0.0190 1 +01000111 44.43 1 +01000111 79.74 1 +01000111 187.69 1 +01000111 122.16 1 +01000111 billion-a-year-market 1 +01000111 27.94 1 +01000111 391.13 1 +01000111 49.0 1 +01000111 0.0415 1 +01000111 78.97 1 +01000111 rockfalls 1 +01000111 404.95 1 +01000111 71.36 1 +01000111 .5 1 +01000111 80.06 1 +01000111 0.0087 1 +01000111 138.84 1 +01000111 0.0344 1 +01000111 209.34 1 +01000111 0.0207 1 +01000111 19.06 1 +01000111 0.0157 1 +01000111 140.19 1 +01000111 156.62 1 +01000111 0.0303 1 +01000111 11,706 1 +01000111 55.40 1 +01000111 411.49 1 +01000111 0.0237 1 +01000111 652.6 1 +01000111 355.5 1 +01000111 50.18 1 +01000111 61.20 1 +01000111 mimickers 1 +01000111 0.197 1 +01000111 0.0223 1 +01000111 0.0279 1 +01000111 0.0271 1 +01000111 SKr19 1 +01000111 0.0026 1 +01000111 0.0085 1 +01000111 0.0595 1 +01000111 maharajah-bashing 1 +01000111 0.0267 1 +01000111 213.46 1 +01000111 0.0001 1 +01000111 0.0113 1 +01000111 Portsall 1 +01000111 126.88 1 +01000111 25.47 1 +01000111 162.85 2 +01000111 80.41 2 +01000111 33.03 2 +01000111 193.09 2 +01000111 445.57 2 +01000111 256.60 2 +01000111 93.29 2 +01000111 193.07 2 +01000111 215.82 2 +01000111 724.9 2 +01000111 17.46 2 +01000111 23.28 2 +01000111 246.92 2 +01000111 86.51 2 +01000111 09/32 2 +01000111 1/2s 2 +01000111 39.96 2 +01000111 102.74 2 +01000111 0.0016 2 +01000111 +0.3 2 +01000111 146.77 2 +01000111 132.01 2 +01000111 167.00 2 +01000111 0.0061 2 +01000111 0.0165 2 +01000111 0.0144 2 +01000111 484.11 2 +01000111 300.06 2 +01000111 119.69 2 +01000111 0.0008 2 +01000111 32.69 2 +01000111 319.41 2 +01000111 0.0105 2 +01000111 306.55 2 +01000111 171.82 2 +01000111 96.85 2 +01000111 0.0160 2 +01000111 278.66 2 +01000111 84.29 2 +01000111 141.34 2 +01000111 138.19 2 +01000111 274.44 2 +01000111 41.12 2 +01000111 140.39 2 +01000111 164.78 2 +01000111 36.62 2 +01000111 152.56 2 +01000111 57.86 2 +01000111 0.0214 2 +01000111 77.69 2 +01000111 0.0140 2 +01000111 84.94 2 +01000111 144.14 2 +01000111 0.0067 2 +01000111 160.66 2 +01000111 45.60 2 +01000111 54.12 2 +01000111 195.14 2 +01000111 334.48 2 +01000111 82.58 2 +01000111 0.0242 2 +01000111 0.0257 2 +01000111 0.0115 2 +01000111 167.18 2 +01000111 381.68 2 +01000111 509.74 2 +01000111 0.275 2 +01000111 65.69 2 +01000111 0.0039 2 +01000111 230.09 2 +01000111 36.76 2 +01000111 271.15 2 +01000111 257.43 2 +01000111 662.60 2 +01000111 218.64 2 +01000111 158.01 2 +01000111 0.0096 2 +01000111 731.91 2 +01000111 344,330 2 +01000111 672,093 2 +01000111 151.69 2 +01000111 297.05 2 +01000111 288.31 2 +01000111 28.22 2 +01000111 126.76 2 +01000111 0.035 2 +01000111 0.0098 2 +01000111 139.66 2 +01000111 21.77 2 +01000111 139.07 2 +01000111 0.0082 2 +01000111 194.18 2 +01000111 324.55 2 +01000111 416.93 2 +01000111 25.43 2 +01000111 28.41 2 +01000111 0.0104 2 +01000111 99.36 2 +01000111 43.13 2 +01000111 0.0108 2 +01000111 216.78 2 +01000111 172.66 2 +01000111 0.0107 2 +01000111 0.0205 2 +01000111 248.24 2 +01000111 0.0083 2 +01000111 177.90 2 +01000111 113.95 2 +01000111 0.0193 2 +01000111 384.97 2 +01000111 301.99 2 +01000111 28.02 2 +01000111 Nimrods 2 +01000111 0.0032 2 +01000111 21.07 2 +01000111 23.30 2 +01000111 334.41 2 +01000111 395.14 2 +01000111 245.03 2 +01000111 361.82 2 +01000111 17.09 2 +01000111 190.33 2 +01000111 365.45 2 +01000111 146.11 2 +01000111 216.39 2 +01000111 157.24 2 +01000111 86.89 2 +01000111 0.0044 2 +01000111 82.60 2 +01000111 317.0 2 +01000111 p.m.midnight 2 +01000111 0.0069 2 +01000111 80.24 2 +01000111 242.15 2 +01000111 22.55 2 +01000111 0.0019 2 +01000111 0.0168 2 +01000111 550.45 2 +01000111 22.64 2 +01000111 0.0027 2 +01000111 251.20 2 +01000111 222.12 2 +01000111 0.0118 2 +01000111 272.13 2 +01000111 0.0058 2 +01000111 0.0004 2 +01000111 186.48 2 +01000111 38.23 2 +01000111 155.08 2 +01000111 116.64 2 +01000111 30.93 3 +01000111 7/8-point 3 +01000111 0.0182 3 +01000111 30.26 3 +01000111 36.79 3 +01000111 0.0084 3 +01000111 0.0012 3 +01000111 24.89 3 +01000111 0.0095 3 +01000111 0.0123 3 +01000111 430.05 3 +01000111 0.0017 3 +01000111 313.64 3 +01000111 0.0103 3 +01000111 0.0077 3 +01000111 0.0057 3 +01000111 40.26 3 +01000111 0.0142 3 +01000111 40.45 3 +01000111 27.19 3 +01000111 649.70 3 +01000111 0.0059 3 +01000111 225.53 3 +01000111 22.71 3 +01000111 0.0002 3 +01000111 0.0185 3 +01000111 70.64 3 +01000111 47.58 3 +01000111 0.0046 3 +01000111 36.72 3 +01000111 44.92 3 +01000111 0.0031 3 +01000111 26.48 3 +01000111 0.0175 3 +01000111 0.0167 3 +01000111 0.0097 3 +01000111 22.60 3 +01000111 36.47 3 +01000111 0.0088 3 +01000111 70.66 3 +01000111 0.0072 3 +01000111 56.20 3 +01000111 0.0143 3 +01000111 0.0006 3 +01000111 30.12 3 +01000111 384.08 3 +01000111 0.0014 3 +01000111 18.32 3 +01000111 24.01 3 +01000111 19.39 3 +01000111 294.13 3 +01000111 24.00 3 +01000111 22.07 3 +01000111 180.36 3 +01000111 27.03 3 +01000111 0.0155 3 +01000111 17.99 3 +01000111 266.16 3 +01000111 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+010010 VoiceScribe 1 +010010 DIAL-IT 1 +010010 Benin. 1 +010010 hedgehop 1 +010010 Rt. 1 +010010 650. 1 +010010 CardiOmega 1 +010010 hedge-hop 1 +010010 dividend-adjusted 1 +010010 Design. 1 +010010 poloniun 1 +010010 -25.1 1 +010010 34,809 1 +010010 692,027 1 +010010 Darvocet-N 1 +010010 decade-high 1 +010010 non-Fortune 1 +010010 priceadjusted 1 +010010 3,859 1 +010010 aide. 1 +010010 calendar-adjusted 1 +010010 AS/ 1 +010010 Lichtenstein. 1 +010010 8/ 1 +010010 Faberge. 1 +010010 ceramics. 1 +010010 much-slower 1 +010010 270,000to 1 +010010 12,784.4 1 +010010 148.74. 1 +010010 limit-high 1 +010010 multipacks 1 +010010 36,395 1 +010010 still-light 1 +010010 799,389 1 +010010 Improv 1 +010010 153.55. 1 +010010 nearrecord 1 +010010 resubstantiated 1 +010010 3,438 1 +010010 Velazquez. 1 +010010 non-Firestone-owned 1 +010010 pre-Verdi-era 1 +010010 copies. 1 +010010 six-under 1 +010010 153.76. 1 +010010 four-under-par 1 +010010 sec. 2 +010010 Pop. 2 +010010 induct 2 +010010 AN/ALQ 2 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+010011000 37.84 1 +010011000 1,013.5 1 +010011000 7.923 1 +010011000 9.814 1 +010011000 12.382 1 +010011000 2.605 1 +010011000 9.973 1 +010011000 8.893 1 +010011000 14.063 1 +010011000 61.45 1 +010011000 59.82 1 +010011000 56.56 1 +010011000 60.35 1 +010011000 59.94 1 +010011000 112.67 1 +010011000 12:40 1 +010011000 9.498 1 +010011000 112.30 1 +010011000 2.845 1 +010011000 6.904 1 +010011000 6.644 1 +010011000 5.505 1 +010011000 1027.50 1 +010011000 53.49 1 +010011000 2.9132 1 +010011000 -3.3 1 +010011000 -1.3 1 +010011000 -3.2 1 +010011000 -1.4 1 +010011000 9.503 1 +010011000 65.46 1 +010011000 59.08 1 +010011000 63.36 1 +010011000 67.98 1 +010011000 59.40 1 +010011000 3:00 1 +010011000 0.026 1 +010011000 7.463 1 +010011000 68.26 1 +010011000 1.6086 1 +010011000 579.5 1 +010011000 10.135 1 +010011000 1.772 1 +010011000 6.724 1 +010011000 6.289 1 +010011000 6.247 1 +010011000 2.9547 1 +010011000 -1.29 1 +010011000 -0.76 1 +010011000 8.859 1 +010011000 633.5 1 +010011000 2.107 1 +010011000 760,628 1 +010011000 9.402 1 +010011000 10.036 1 +010011000 7.0625 1 +010011000 30.49 1 +010011000 14.168 1 +010011000 222.01 1 +010011000 270.27 1 +010011000 1.211 1 +010011000 383.50 1 +010011000 927.80 1 +010011000 279.78 1 +010011000 311.17 1 +010011000 99.88 1 +010011000 625.96 1 +010011000 4.620 1 +010011000 4.848 1 +010011000 38.44 1 +010011000 46.87 1 +010011000 7.055 1 +010011000 31.99 1 +010011000 10.195 1 +010011000 3.679 1 +010011000 1.151 1 +010011000 6.165 1 +010011000 59.52 1 +010011000 63.59 1 +010011000 Propose 1 +010011000 1,043.8 1 +010011000 7.686 1 +010011000 226.03 1 +010011000 6.889 1 +010011000 6.874 1 +010011000 35.48 1 +010011000 6.968 1 +010011000 7.682 1 +010011000 9.703 1 +010011000 9.558 1 +010011000 9.772 1 +010011000 5.863 1 +010011000 2.074 1 +010011000 2.499 1 +010011000 6.773 1 +010011000 1.523 1 +010011000 266.40 1 +010011000 2.9864 1 +010011000 7.979 1 +010011000 7.955 1 +010011000 1.321 1 +010011000 6.377 1 +010011000 3.225 1 +010011000 6.812 1 +010011000 13.283 1 +010011000 2.416 1 +010011000 56.06 1 +010011000 non-8 1 +010011000 46.95 1 +010011000 72.59 1 +010011000 6.601 1 +010011000 5.642 1 +010011000 7.679 1 +010011000 7.729 1 +010011000 9.578 1 +010011000 9.346 1 +010011000 1.046 1 +010011000 469.22 1 +010011000 440.69 1 +010011000 909.92 1 +010011000 8.593 1 +010011000 2.768 1 +010011000 3.670 1 +010011000 32.980 1 +010011000 135.989 1 +010011000 146.199 1 +010011000 10.210 1 +010011000 13.480 1 +010011000 14.330 1 +010011000 6.746 1 +010011000 7.303 1 +010011000 7.289 1 +010011000 7.402 1 +010011000 29.07 1 +010011000 10.281 1 +010011000 270.2 1 +010011000 7.783 1 +010011000 7.439 1 +010011000 2.9512 1 +010011000 3.685 1 +010011000 48.79 1 +010011000 55.93 1 +010011000 58.69 1 +010011000 8.203 1 +010011000 52.09 1 +010011000 56.71 1 +010011000 5.814 1 +010011000 59.85 1 +010011000 7.605 1 +010011000 Mundulea 1 +010011000 8.036 1 +010011000 25.21 1 +010011000 3.3069 1 +010011000 7.179 1 +010011000 5.855 1 +010011000 5.905 1 +010011000 6.957 1 +010011000 8.809 1 +010011000 8.061 1 +010011000 7.177 1 +010011000 7.663 1 +010011000 minus-1 1 +010011000 19.798 1 +010011000 32.099 1 +010011000 8.644 1 +010011000 5.789 1 +010011000 13.72 1 +010011000 6.741 1 +010011000 8.358 1 +010011000 208.52 1 +010011000 7.468 1 +010011000 206.55 1 +010011000 10.075 1 +010011000 10.025 1 +010011000 564.1 1 +010011000 1,097.50 1 +010011000 3.635 1 +010011000 3.928 1 +010011000 11.352 1 +010011000 9.245 1 +010011000 363.71 1 +010011000 10.936 1 +010011000 335.50 1 +010011000 8.317 1 +010011000 3.828 1 +010011000 1.142 1 +010011000 34.38 1 +010011000 1,092.50 1 +010011000 13.78 1 +010011000 7.363 1 +010011000 7.054 1 +010011000 1,046.00 1 +010011000 9.915 1 +010011000 9.638 1 +010011000 93.53 1 +010011000 85.23 1 +010011000 6.328 1 +010011000 6.468 1 +010011000 6.448 1 +010011000 1.9663 1 +010011000 461.80 1 +010011000 92.85 1 +010011000 15.390 1 +010011000 150.449 1 +010011000 50.58 1 +010011000 161.587 1 +010011000 11.138 1 +010011000 14.460 1 +010011000 683.8 1 +010011000 7.025 1 +010011000 8.492 1 +010011000 risk-pools 1 +010011000 60.18 1 +010011000 15.524 1 +010011000 1.117 1 +010011000 1.581 1 +010011000 7.0961 1 +010011000 9.169 1 +010011000 10.146 1 +010011000 7.263 1 +010011000 7.115 1 +010011000 348.14-a 1 +010011000 6.548 1 +010011000 8.462 1 +010011000 108.41 1 +010011000 207.95 1 +010011000 114.70 1 +010011000 67.48 1 +010011000 107.071 1 +010011000 3.1853 1 +010011000 3.1892 1 +010011000 34.78 1 +010011000 8.932 1 +010011000 28.74 1 +010011000 578.90 1 +010011000 Mitsubishi/Chrysler 1 +010011000 42.72 1 +010011000 31.433 1 +010011000 8.021 1 +010011000 625.66 1 +010011000 9.194 1 +010011000 346.26 1 +010011000 9.037 1 +010011000 O.1 1 +010011000 72.82 1 +010011000 56.46 1 +010011000 HIA 1 +010011000 519.46 1 +010011000 9.649 1 +010011000 812,419 1 +010011000 103,652 1 +010011000 :8.725 1 +010011000 5.090 1 +010011000 3.938 1 +010011000 2.0500 1 +010011000 2.2000 1 +010011000 6.948 1 +010011000 7.038 1 +010011000 120:1 1 +010011000 332.80 1 +010011000 91.57 1 +010011000 5.070 1 +010011000 6.809 1 +010011000 8.218 1 +010011000 55.89 1 +010011000 53.38 1 +010011000 58.79 1 +010011000 6.436 1 +010011000 7.837 1 +010011000 3.360 1 +010011000 266.20 1 +010011000 20.79 1 +010011000 2.9333 1 +010011000 210.70 1 +010011000 1.357 1 +010011000 244.00 1 +010011000 7.048 1 +010011000 9.021 1 +010011000 631.00 1 +010011000 .9.92 1 +010011000 23.74 1 +010011000 77.52 1 +010011000 430.21 1 +010011000 136.81 1 +010011000 331.13 1 +010011000 4.475 1 +010011000 4.515 1 +010011000 7.673 1 +010011000 3.0875 1 +010011000 3.105 1 +010011000 3.0933 1 +010011000 8.828 1 +010011000 59.29 1 +010011000 54.34 1 +010011000 56.59 1 +010011000 55.31 1 +010011000 560.2 1 +010011000 645.5 1 +010011000 2.368 1 +010011000 6.869 1 +010011000 62.78 1 +010011000 110.57 1 +010011000 9.062 1 +010011000 1.182 1 +010011000 7.6855 1 +010011000 9.017 1 +010011000 3.1130 1 +010011000 1.528 1 +010011000 3.572 1 +010011000 125.47 1 +010011000 112.04 1 +010011000 920.44 1 +010011000 1.010 1 +010011000 1.144 1 +010011000 NYN 1 +010011000 195.25 1 +010011000 182.78 1 +010011000 377.95 1 +010011000 Byblos 1 +010011000 .10.03 1 +010011000 TBSB 1 +010011000 4.472 1 +010011000 7.898 1 +010011000 2,411 1 +010011000 41.48 1 +010011000 124.94 1 +010011000 570.46 1 +010011000 131.72 1 +010011000 7.465 1 +010011000 7.359 1 +010011000 1.85-1.87 1 +010011000 4.823 1 +010011000 10.035 1 +010011000 4.525 1 +010011000 6.788 1 +010011000 HM 1 +010011000 6.841 1 +010011000 1.8010 1 +010011000 8.298 1 +010011000 8.405 1 +010011000 1.9460 1 +010011000 8.313 1 +010011000 8.204 1 +010011000 2.517 1 +010011000 32.0 1 +010011000 284.50 1 +010011000 8.6625 1 +010011000 10.157 1 +010011000 7.388 1 +010011000 9.523 1 +010011000 44.691 1 +010011000 1.729 1 +010011000 3.007 1 +010011000 30.355 1 +010011000 7.991 1 +010011000 68.624 1 +010011000 177.832 1 +010011000 8.4650 1 +010011000 8.4425 1 +010011000 8.6650 1 +010011000 364.09 1 +010011000 62.61 1 +010011000 123.86 1 +010011000 7.448 1 +010011000 7.269 1 +010011000 571.812 1 +010011000 black-and-blue 1 +010011000 67.20 1 +010011000 560.02 1 +010011000 162.60 1 +010011000 8,890 1 +010011000 569.86 1 +010011000 54.26 1 +010011000 448.41 1 +010011000 50.22 1 +010011000 394.87 1 +010011000 191.0 1 +010011000 103.26 1 +010011000 909.27 1 +010011000 936.37 1 +010011000 62.79 1 +010011000 975.93 1 +010011000 42.53 1 +010011000 2.147 1 +010011000 162.83 1 +010011000 872.71 1 +010011000 686.24 1 +010011000 Wassili 1 +010011000 1.510 1 +010011000 4.244 1 +010011000 109.019 1 +010011000 8.588 1 +010011000 0.488 1 +010011000 0.527 1 +010011000 0.557 1 +010011000 0.534 1 +010011000 0.495 1 +010011000 200.03 1 +010011000 0.469 1 +010011000 0.586 1 +010011000 102.392 1 +010011000 149.40 1 +010011000 641.38 1 +010011000 207.61 1 +010011000 848.99 1 +010011000 7.615 1 +010011000 2.008 1 +010011000 39.11 1 +010011000 29.72 1 +010011000 1.431 1 +010011000 1.950 1 +010011000 5.662 1 +010011000 496.74 1 +010011000 +62 1 +010011000 28.94 1 +010011000 40.83 1 +010011000 67.17 1 +010011000 433.4 1 +010011000 4.645 1 +010011000 1.714 1 +010011000 2.304 1 +010011000 83.72 1 +010011000 42.12 1 +010011000 2.046 1 +010011000 10.263 1 +010011000 1.7350-1.7400 1 +010011000 689.2 1 +010011000 38.79 1 +010011000 24.46 1 +010011000 772.17 1 +010011000 2.920 1 +010011000 775.84 1 +010011000 37.04 1 +010011000 1.585 1 +010011000 ScotTissues 1 +010011000 15.195 1 +010011000 919.491 1 +010011000 3.220 1 +010011000 38.100 1 +010011000 147.51 1 +010011000 6.520 1 +010011000 6.511 1 +010011000 6.539 1 +010011000 8.494 1 +010011000 6.515 1 +010011000 10.071 1 +010011000 8.261 1 +010011000 7.604 1 +010011000 5.395 1 +010011000 49.70 1 +010011000 240.80 1 +010011000 819.3 1 +010011000 6.619 1 +010011000 6.709 1 +010011000 11.677 1 +010011000 16.48 1 +010011000 6.745 1 +010011000 9.955 1 +010011000 20.03 1 +010011000 1.290 1 +010011000 102.85 1 +010011000 557.24 1 +010011000 9.429 1 +010011000 41.96 1 +010011000 10.061 1 +010011000 3.818 1 +010011000 LLY 1 +010011000 8.387 1 +010011000 15.91 1 +010011000 12.027 1 +010011000 8.923 1 +010011000 49.13 1 +010011000 12.010 1 +010011000 9.680 1 +010011000 25.287 1 +010011000 109.49 1 +010011000 101.219 1 +010011000 60.82 1 +010011000 1.968 1 +010011000 1.751 1 +010011000 1082 1 +010011000 22.068 1 +010011000 TISHMAN 1 +010011000 8.411 1 +010011000 3.293 1 +010011000 51.86 1 +010011000 6.589 1 +010011000 6.655 1 +010011000 49.53 1 +010011000 48.27 1 +010011000 7.571 1 +010011000 7.687 1 +010011000 8.288 1 +010011000 79.13 1 +010011000 3.0822 1 +010011000 9.425 1 +010011000 1.186 1 +010011000 7.167 1 +010011000 3.0718 1 +010011000 7.814 1 +010011000 7.174 1 +010011000 10:55 1 +010011000 .9.81 1 +010011000 3.1010 1 +010011000 1.6733 1 +010011000 10.706 1 +010011000 440.01 1 +010011000 8.337 1 +010011000 high-20 1 +010011000 9.237 1 +010011000 7.326 1 +010011000 10.201 1 +010011000 111.20 1 +010011000 7.773 1 +010011000 9.724 1 +010011000 8.769 1 +010011000 6.598 1 +010011000 .9.97 1 +010011000 then-7.7 1 +010011000 2.430 1 +010011000 5.330 1 +010011000 9.542 1 +010011000 1.8895 1 +010011000 249.70 1 +010011000 7.945 1 +010011000 30,205 1 +010011000 2.03-to-2.05 1 +010011000 9.142 1 +010011000 CKE 1 +010011000 2X 1 +010011000 8.294 1 +010011000 6.994 1 +010011000 245.34 1 +010011000 557.12 1 +010011000 1.110 1 +010011000 30.81 1 +010011000 Thighs/Hips 1 +010011000 Figure/Physique 1 +010011000 80.21 1 +010011000 257.45 1 +010011000 59.41 1 +010011000 117.91 1 +010011000 67.54 1 +010011000 224.07 1 +010011000 238.47 1 +010011000 193.71 1 +010011000 404.41 1 +010011000 12.460 1 +010011000 112.07 1 +010011000 1199 1 +010011000 79.06 1 +010011000 3.226 1 +010011000 191.50 1 +010011000 46.94 1 +010011000 1.550 1 +010011000 643.36 1 +010011000 10.425 1 +010011000 MKC 1 +010011000 8.628 1 +010011000 98.19 1 +010011000 8.525 1 +010011000 1.8910 1 +010011000 8.4256 1 +010011000 8.585 1 +010011000 118.17 1 +010011000 33.42 1 +010011000 3.1378 1 +010011000 3.1375 1 +010011000 .383 1 +010011000 56.77 1 +010011000 8.748 1 +010011000 Confidence-inspiring 1 +010011000 56.85 1 +010011000 26.58 1 +010011000 221.08 1 +010011000 292.37 1 +010011000 3.671 1 +010011000 1.6910 1 +010011000 7.941 1 +010011000 41.40 1 +010011000 300.10 1 +010011000 259,645 1 +010011000 190.17 1 +010011000 43.128 1 +010011000 WHX 1 +010011000 177.1 1 +010011000 7.146 1 +010011000 2.531 1 +010011000 740.60 1 +010011000 9.642 1 +010011000 .10.06 1 +010011000 1.231 1 +010011000 820.42 1 +010011000 8.074 1 +010011000 8.077 1 +010011000 6.618 1 +010011000 8.649 1 +010011000 8.663 1 +010011000 8.479 1 +010011000 632.50 1 +010011000 8.921 1 +010011000 +23.6 1 +010011000 8.083 1 +010011000 8.253 1 +010011000 8.956 1 +010011000 9.475 1 +010011000 6.819 1 +010011000 4.9261 1 +010011000 4.8963 1 +010011000 10.962 1 +010011000 8.701 1 +010011000 12.464 1 +010011000 209.10 1 +010011000 9.231 1 +010011000 789.5 1 +010011000 8.226 1 +010011000 9.421 1 +010011000 161.50 1 +010011000 40.24 1 +010011000 366.50 1 +010011000 1.358 1 +010011000 21.36 1 +010011000 65.94 1 +010011000 98.84 1 +010011000 1.014 1 +010011000 289.69 1 +010011000 122.95 1 +010011000 43.0 1 +010011000 236.0 1 +010011000 64.0 1 +010011000 78.0 1 +010011000 Electrosound 1 +010011000 234.0 1 +010011000 225.6 1 +010011000 103.0 1 +010011000 97.0 1 +010011000 91.0 1 +010011000 90.0 1 +010011000 45.0 1 +010011000 40.0 1 +010011000 4.955 1 +010011000 300.0 1 +010011000 8.111 1 +010011000 9.293 1 +010011000 200.0 1 +010011000 6.8771 1 +010011000 6.8532 1 +010011000 8.009 1 +010011000 8.018 1 +010011000 1.8790 1 +010011000 10.273 1 +010011000 10.278 1 +010011000 12:06 1 +010011000 1.709 1 +010011000 51.131 1 +010011000 59.88 1 +010011000 1.8688 1 +010011000 BDK 1 +010011000 157.85 1 +010011000 56.72 1 +010011000 58.05 1 +010011000 100.62 1 +010011000 17.31 1 +010011000 383.43 1 +010011000 479.5 1 +010011000 951.99 1 +010011000 1.6852 1 +010011000 1.8803 1 +010011000 8.056 1 +010011000 471.00 1 +010011000 276.3 1 +010011000 NMK 1 +010011000 10.277 1 +010011000 10.276 1 +010011000 5.210 1 +010011000 93.55 1 +010011000 1,396.20 1 +010011000 Adtech 1 +010011000 36.13 1 +010011000 63.12 1 +010011000 972.07 1 +010011000 899.52 1 +010011000 7.230 1 +010011000 7.902 1 +010011000 698.56 1 +010011000 7.935 1 +010011000 9.922 1 +010011000 699.10 1 +010011000 Zahnradfabrik 1 +010011000 430.5 1 +010011000 7.035 1 +010011000 6.992 1 +010011000 7.0184 1 +010011000 6.908 1 +010011000 10.8475 1 +010011000 10.8482 1 +010011000 9.579 1 +010011000 107.10 1 +010011000 113.90 1 +010011000 1.606 1 +010011000 148.09 1 +010011000 1.547 1 +010011000 5.145 1 +010011000 9.155 1 +010011000 7.205 1 +010011000 225.15 1 +010011000 310.14 1 +010011000 NOC 1 +010011000 47.89 1 +010011000 5.215 1 +010011000 251.30 1 +010011000 34.63 1 +010011000 151.257 1 +010011000 192.599 1 +010011000 9.362 1 +010011000 14.700 1 +010011000 1.942 1 +010011000 263.20 1 +010011000 27.267 1 +010011000 463.57 1 +010011000 8.553 1 +010011000 5.758 1 +010011000 2.746 1 +010011000 12.679 1 +010011000 12.310 1 +010011000 9.944 1 +010011000 334.12 1 +010011000 32,429 1 +010011000 08:00:00 1 +010011000 65.060 1 +010011000 5.384 1 +010011000 334.56 1 +010011000 5.245 1 +010011000 1.9020 1 +010011000 3.1775 1 +010011000 40.82 1 +010011000 23.79 1 +010011000 8.141 1 +010011000 8.1255 1 +010011000 138.80 1 +010011000 299.90 1 +010011000 8.285 1 +010011000 81.06 1 +010011000 35.86 1 +010011000 8.6745 1 +010011000 8.733 1 +010011000 9.970 1 +010011000 .10.07 1 +010011000 17.576 1 +010011000 3.638 1 +010011000 7.993 1 +010011000 7.994 1 +010011000 8.007 1 +010011000 62.39 1 +010011000 63.01 1 +010011000 29.71 1 +010011000 58.28 1 +010011000 56.30 1 +010011000 ERB 1 +010011000 9.024 1 +010011000 9.175 1 +010011000 37.61 1 +010011000 23.84 1 +010011000 17.362 1 +010011000 9.404 1 +010011000 8.409 1 +010011000 ACCEPTANCES:8.65 1 +010011000 .9.95 1 +010011000 :8.60 1 +010011000 CMZ 1 +010011000 .9.54 1 +010011000 9.019 1 +010011000 6.998 1 +010011000 10.107 1 +010011000 +5.7 1 +010011000 9.594 1 +010011000 6.703 1 +010011000 +1.7 1 +010011000 890.33 1 +010011000 3.824 1 +010011000 3.154 1 +010011000 1.9695 1 +010011000 10.055 1 +010011000 99.896 1 +010011000 653.50 1 +010011000 6.8845 1 +010011000 220,000,002 1 +010011000 +1.5 1 +010011000 267.70 1 +010011000 SFD 1 +010011000 8.346 1 +010011000 7.004 1 +010011000 9.451 1 +010011000 9.041 1 +010011000 111.31 1 +010011000 96.89 1 +010011000 Certifying 1 +010011000 1.037 1 +010011000 672.555 1 +010011000 55.156 1 +010011000 499.22 1 +010011000 7.707 1 +010011000 8.256 1 +010011000 8.234 1 +010011000 8.289 1 +010011000 8.270 1 +010011000 8.078 1 +010011000 7.005 1 +010011000 9.331 1 +010011000 9.389 1 +010011000 1.1761 1 +010011000 252.04 1 +010011000 66.30 1 +010011000 35.09 1 +010011000 674.22 1 +010011000 417.50 1 +010011000 4.835 1 +010011000 84.0 1 +010011000 -0.1 1 +010011000 -1.1 1 +010011000 4.685 1 +010011000 4.585 1 +010011000 13.365 1 +010011000 6.055 1 +010011000 2.277 1 +010011000 1.333 1 +010011000 67.01 1 +010011000 13.873 1 +010011000 6.966 1 +010011000 2.510 1 +010011000 35.195 1 +010011000 10.437 1 +010011000 955.73 1 +010011000 3.443 1 +010011000 92.40 1 +010011000 3.857 1 +010011000 748.34 1 +010011000 148.97 1 +010011000 8.512 1 +010011000 821.1 1 +010011000 8.153 1 +010011000 8.185 1 +010011000 228.21 1 +010011000 211.53 1 +010011000 15.540 1 +010011000 1.671 1 +010011000 2.229 1 +010011000 8.641 1 +010011000 2.999 1 +010011000 1.7400 1 +010011000 1.7320 1 +010011000 4.196 1 +010011000 6.030 1 +010011000 1.834 1 +010011000 3.0636 1 +010011000 3.815 1 +010011000 717.47 1 +010011000 341.22 1 +010011000 507.09 1 +010011000 8,675 1 +010011000 67.47 1 +010011000 75.17 1 +010011000 4.039 1 +010011000 1.426 1 +010011000 7.549 1 +010011000 7.638 1 +010011000 7.649 1 +010011000 Furness-Houlder 1 +010011000 261.30 1 +010011000 10.058 1 +010011000 8.856 1 +010011000 884.79 1 +010011000 7.421 1 +010011000 8.396 1 +010011000 99.828 1 +010011000 7.446 1 +010011000 57.57 1 +010011000 6.653 1 +010011000 Endorse 1 +010011000 65.31 1 +010011000 62.54 1 +010011000 59.36 1 +010011000 768.61 1 +010011000 261.02 1 +010011000 248.41 1 +010011000 53.43 1 +010011000 8.651 1 +010011000 5.085 1 +010011000 735.7 1 +010011000 679.1 1 +010011000 288.15 1 +010011000 30.61 1 +010011000 8.578 1 +010011000 8.562 1 +010011000 460.88 1 +010011000 4.845 1 +010011000 MCIC 1 +010011000 27.107 1 +010011000 9.065 1 +010011000 10.736 1 +010011000 8.169 1 +010011000 7.799 1 +010011000 7.885 1 +010011000 268.33 1 +010011000 7.603 1 +010011000 32.53 1 +010011000 43.34 1 +010011000 8.963 1 +010011000 5.897 2 +010011000 17.98 2 +010011000 7.358 2 +010011000 32.18 2 +010011000 7.417 2 +010011000 9.495 2 +010011000 then-35.6 2 +010011000 5.851 2 +010011000 1.6218 2 +010011000 6.921 2 +010011000 2.9047 2 +010011000 7.2978 2 +010011000 7.305 2 +010011000 7.4395 2 +010011000 47.30 2 +010011000 3,310 2 +010011000 8.7446 2 +010011000 8.543 2 +010011000 9.492 2 +010011000 8.981 2 +010011000 7.184 2 +010011000 6.152 2 +010011000 5.902 2 +010011000 6.5188 2 +010011000 5.974 2 +010011000 1.8178 2 +010011000 9.479 2 +010011000 9.785 2 +010011000 6.726 2 +010011000 8.774 2 +010011000 3.028 2 +010011000 39.09 2 +010011000 8.832 2 +010011000 71.59 2 +010011000 9.437 2 +010011000 8.565 2 +010011000 2.9254 2 +010011000 7.294 2 +010011000 6.287 2 +010011000 4.894 2 +010011000 1.8453 2 +010011000 6.458 2 +010011000 6.096 2 +010011000 7.017 2 +010011000 6.069 2 +010011000 1.9885 2 +010011000 50.62 2 +010011000 2.8558 2 +010011000 1.9471 2 +010011000 99.77 2 +010011000 54.08 2 +010011000 7.9691 2 +010011000 13.18 2 +010011000 10.806 2 +010011000 1.9440 2 +010011000 7.501 2 +010011000 72.19 2 +010011000 10.958 2 +010011000 55.0 2 +010011000 Kowloon 2 +010011000 7.353 2 +010011000 7.4635 2 +010011000 6.894 2 +010011000 7.6346 2 +010011000 7.694 2 +010011000 6.876 2 +010011000 5.769 2 +010011000 5.812 2 +010011000 19-6 2 +010011000 3.0488 2 +010011000 5.779 2 +010011000 56.699 2 +010011000 7.280 2 +010011000 29.96 2 +010011000 109.28 2 +010011000 701.7 2 +010011000 8.086 2 +010011000 1.9183 2 +010011000 8.085 2 +010011000 7.182 2 +010011000 136.77 2 +010011000 1.8393 2 +010011000 129.73 2 +010011000 9.101 2 +010011000 178.93 2 +010011000 1.9180 2 +010011000 17.68 2 +010011000 A-plus-plus- 2 +010011000 54.05 2 +010011000 2.0056 2 +010011000 6.956 2 +010011000 52.0 2 +010011000 30.55 2 +010011000 1.6360 2 +010011000 5.325 2 +010011000 14.21 2 +010011000 63.08 2 +010011000 2.8741 2 +010011000 61.31 2 +010011000 62.0 2 +010011000 1.9281 2 +010011000 338.6 2 +010011000 7.252 2 +010011000 7.0485 2 +010011000 70.0 2 +010011000 6.7916 2 +010011000 6.879 2 +010011000 8.393 2 +010011000 5.385 2 +010011000 6.667 2 +010011000 7.0634 2 +010011000 6.066 2 +010011000 1.9145 2 +010011000 4,670 2 +010011000 8.686 2 +010011000 6:40 2 +010011000 6.1005 2 +010011000 8.364 2 +010011000 59.95 2 +010011000 1.6677 2 +010011000 9.453 2 +010011000 9.438 2 +010011000 8.3470 2 +010011000 6.431 2 +010011000 6.4306 2 +010011000 5.6875 2 +010011000 7.119 2 +010011000 296.3 2 +010011000 327.7 2 +010011000 2.9936 2 +010011000 6.8756 2 +010011000 7.069 2 +010011000 6.567 2 +010011000 6.6226 2 +010011000 33.06 2 +010011000 2.8818 2 +010011000 1.8421 2 +010011000 1.7982 2 +010011000 64.83 2 +010011000 1.9240 2 +010011000 7.948 2 +010011000 638.5 2 +010011000 1.9303 2 +010011000 106.05 2 +010011000 106.19 2 +010011000 8.6150 2 +010011000 34.13 2 +010011000 30.60 2 +010011000 363.40 2 +010011000 2.0150 2 +010011000 83.83 2 +010011000 8.5825 2 +010011000 1,351 2 +010011000 8.536 2 +010011000 8.483 2 +010011000 7.075 2 +010011000 8.0135 2 +010011000 8.5915 2 +010011000 8.464 2 +010011000 1,305 2 +010011000 7.4295 2 +010011000 7.4852 2 +010011000 4.615 2 +010011000 9.575 2 +010011000 10.042 2 +010011000 256.09 2 +010011000 28.0 2 +010011000 61.48 2 +010011000 8.749 2 +010011000 1,222 2 +010011000 4.535 2 +010011000 1.7640 2 +010011000 7.4737 2 +010011000 7.6182 2 +010011000 9.195 2 +010011000 7.8875 2 +010011000 92.0 2 +010011000 13.997 2 +010011000 1.845 2 +010011000 8.1567 2 +010011000 2.9421 2 +010011000 1.8339 2 +010011000 1.8945 2 +010011000 60.46 2 +010011000 659.50 2 +010011000 5.045 2 +010011000 28.46 2 +010011000 7.583 2 +010011000 7.347 2 +010011000 26,100 2 +010011000 6.243 2 +010011000 6.3234 2 +010011000 5.874 2 +010011000 33.63 2 +010011000 8.142 2 +010011000 7.9688 2 +010011000 262.4 2 +010011000 8.845 2 +010011000 7.8584 2 +010011000 >7 2 +010011000 656.50 2 +010011000 8.224 2 +010011000 11,061 2 +010011000 139.21 2 +010011000 83.0 2 +010011000 7.2614 2 +010011000 7.4094 2 +010011000 7.129 2 +010011000 7.0977 2 +010011000 6.622 2 +010011000 451.50 2 +010011000 6.2861 2 +010011000 6.2536 2 +010011000 6.339 2 +010011000 31.05 2 +010011000 7.1849 2 +010011000 7.1725 2 +010011000 1.6957 2 +010011000 1.7011 2 +010011000 1.6790 2 +010011000 290.5 2 +010011000 66.55 2 +010011000 278.21 2 +010011000 8.687 2 +010011000 7.1175 2 +010011000 6.9367 2 +010011000 7.492 2 +010011000 1.0594 2 +010011000 1.7210 2 +010011000 9.012 2 +010011000 1.8660 2 +010011000 31.81 2 +010011000 21.83 2 +010011000 104.56 2 +010011000 7.3945 2 +010011000 6.385 2 +010011000 61.47 2 +010011000 8.465 2 +010011000 56.29 2 +010011000 53.83 2 +010011000 98.833 2 +010011000 16.71 2 +010011000 7.2694 2 +010011000 7.4376 2 +010011000 7.8769 2 +010011000 1.8354 2 +010011000 2.9513 2 +010011000 6.367 2 +010011000 4.675 2 +010011000 9.269 2 +010011000 6.535 2 +010011000 8.785 2 +010011000 8.1218 2 +010011000 8.1393 2 +010011000 8.2689 2 +010011000 8.249 2 +010011000 8.181 2 +010011000 80.33 2 +010011000 9.001 2 +010011000 424.6 2 +010011000 8.2195 2 +010011000 8.2401 2 +010011000 8.1982 2 +010011000 1,788 2 +010011000 29.67 2 +010011000 9.913 2 +010011000 9.901 2 +010011000 1.905 2 +010011000 4.985 2 +010011000 6.465 2 +010011000 102.42 2 +010011000 8.155 2 +010011000 8.182 2 +010011000 25.92 2 +010011000 4.775 2 +010011000 7.9432 2 +010011000 8.052 2 +010011000 431.22 2 +010011000 9.233 2 +010011000 8.389 2 +010011000 4.575 2 +010011000 2.373 2 +010011000 35.45 2 +010011000 6.7842 2 +010011000 513.50 2 +010011000 6.8785 2 +010011000 34.99 2 +010011000 39.17 2 +010011000 345.53 2 +010011000 19-2 2 +010011000 7.5394 2 +010011000 7.6409 2 +010011000 50.03 2 +010011000 95.63 2 +010011000 7.675 2 +010011000 27.04 2 +010011000 8.2956 2 +010011000 8.3135 2 +010011000 310.85 2 +010011000 6.2415 2 +010011000 6.269 2 +010011000 8.065 2 +010011000 7.567 2 +010011000 7.5943 2 +010011000 3,731,000 2 +010011000 293.50 2 +010011000 100.22 2 +010011000 8.255 2 +010011000 5.881 2 +010011000 5.753 2 +010011000 8.965 2 +010011000 7.282 2 +010011000 7.2118 2 +010011000 7.144 2 +010011000 7.155 2 +010011000 248.50 2 +010011000 6.779 2 +010011000 6.689 2 +010011000 6.642 2 +010011000 7.206 2 +010011000 2.0070 2 +010011000 18,943 2 +010011000 6.826 2 +010011000 6.693 2 +010011000 6.6192 2 +010011000 6.7095 2 +010011000 1.6553 2 +010011000 6.882 2 +010011000 6.7456 2 +010011000 13.367 2 +010011000 9.465 2 +010011000 8.469 2 +010011000 8.491 2 +010011000 6.9216 2 +010011000 6.6483 2 +010011000 6.748 2 +010011000 8.962 2 +010011000 9.165 2 +010011000 8.015 2 +010011000 10.332 2 +010011000 25.31 2 +010011000 8.6557 2 +010011000 6.5941 2 +010011000 6.6472 2 +010011000 8.4740 2 +010011000 1.9665 2 +010011000 7.385 2 +010011000 1.9773 2 +010011000 7.503 2 +010011000 7.5163 2 +010011000 253.85 2 +010011000 8.823 2 +010011000 7.204 2 +010011000 605.50 2 +010011000 10:05 2 +010011000 6.7605 2 +010011000 1.9711 2 +010011000 9.886 2 +010011000 3.0720 2 +010011000 1,318 2 +010011000 7.6695 2 +010011000 7.6529 2 +010011000 48.87 2 +010011000 6.878 2 +010011000 9.422 2 +010011000 9.343 2 +010011000 23.67 2 +010011000 7.1495 2 +010011000 6.5902 2 +010011000 1,809 2 +010011000 2.0003 2 +010011000 1.6396 2 +010011000 1.9693 2 +010011000 57.29 2 +010011000 58.41 2 +010011000 243.24 2 +010011000 6.924 2 +010011000 6.218 2 +010011000 6.1996 2 +010011000 10.596 2 +010011000 9.424 2 +010011000 5.195 2 +010011000 6.187 2 +010011000 6.195 2 +010011000 9.328 2 +010011000 32.08 2 +010011000 8.199 2 +010011000 19,523 2 +010011000 1.8309 2 +010011000 8.4557 2 +010011000 8.6647 2 +010011000 6.989 2 +010011000 6.827 2 +010011000 8.433 2 +010011000 2.9338 2 +010011000 6.9422 2 +010011000 7.034 2 +010011000 28.390 2 +010011000 67.19 2 +010011000 8,410 2 +010011000 6.895 2 +010011000 6.922 2 +010011000 7.2086 2 +010011000 6.9305 2 +010011000 6.9159 2 +010011000 7.049 2 +010011000 6.628 2 +010011000 31.17 2 +010011000 16.44 2 +010011000 6.5894 2 +010011000 5.205 2 +010011000 6.8198 2 +010011000 8.878 2 +010011000 23.46 2 +010011000 2.0163 2 +010011000 2.0100 2 +010011000 27,871 2 +010011000 20.00 2 +010011000 8.545 2 +010011000 6.684 2 +010011000 2,599 2 +010011000 317.4 2 +010011000 58.89 2 +010011000 1.7765 2 +010011000 9.891 2 +010011000 6.961 2 +010011000 6.685 2 +010011000 6.6266 2 +010011000 6.5545 2 +010011000 11.057 2 +010011000 9.469 2 +010011000 6.294 2 +010011000 5.055 2 +010011000 6.967 3 +010011000 7.245 3 +010011000 6.857 3 +010011000 8.925 3 +010011000 8.386 3 +010011000 6.925 3 +010011000 66.29 3 +010011000 1.8098 3 +010011000 8.064 3 +010011000 8.045 3 +010011000 1.7819 3 +010011000 8.214 3 +010011000 8.538 3 +010011000 7.185 3 +010011000 5.065 3 +010011000 8.165 3 +010011000 1.7752 3 +010011000 9.047 3 +010011000 1.7929 3 +010011000 6.605 3 +010011000 :8.75 3 +010011000 2,044 3 +010011000 8.815 3 +010011000 7.297 3 +010011000 2,276 3 +010011000 8.385 3 +010011000 47.73 3 +010011000 5.928 3 +010011000 6.938 3 +010011000 1.8113 3 +010011000 8.347 3 +010011000 8.058 3 +010011000 1.7825 3 +010011000 1.8071 3 +010011000 11.19 3 +010011000 1.8365 3 +010011000 3,170 3 +010011000 1.7914 3 +010011000 1,945 3 +010011000 1.8425 3 +010011000 1.7948 3 +010011000 1.7826 3 +010011000 317.9 3 +010011000 1.8248 3 +010011000 1.8139 3 +010011000 8.427 3 +010011000 92.60 3 +010011000 1.8118 3 +010011000 1.6955 3 +010011000 1.7050 3 +010011000 10.185 3 +010011000 6.845 3 +010011000 364.50 3 +010011000 1.7958 3 +010011000 32.86 3 +010011000 1.289 3 +010011000 1.7780 3 +010011000 1.7575 3 +010011000 1.7065 3 +010011000 1.6965 3 +010011000 1.6848 3 +010011000 7.3946 3 +010011000 1.5980 3 +010011000 1.6913 3 +010011000 601.74 3 +010011000 7.225 3 +010011000 25.00 3 +010011000 17.0 3 +010011000 5:15 3 +010011000 1.6737 3 +010011000 1.7017 3 +010011000 1.6803 3 +010011000 5.075 3 +010011000 1.6760 3 +010011000 99.15 3 +010011000 1.5947 3 +010011000 32.07 3 +010011000 1.6888 3 +010011000 1.6878 3 +010011000 1,098 3 +010011000 97.12 3 +010011000 1.6998 3 +010011000 Function 3 +010011000 3.9375 3 +010011000 1.7905 3 +010011000 1.6917 3 +010011000 1.8224 3 +010011000 11:10 3 +010011000 6.225 3 +010011000 44.23 3 +010011000 1.7270 3 +010011000 6.949 3 +010011000 1.7900 3 +010011000 1.8185 3 +010011000 9.689 3 +010011000 1.8128 3 +010011000 1.8255 3 +010011000 1.8231 3 +010011000 8.715 3 +010011000 36.96 3 +010011000 6.899 3 +010011000 1.8054 3 +010011000 1.6930 3 +010011000 1.8523 3 +010011000 23.64 3 +010011000 1.6558 3 +010011000 10:35 3 +010011000 6.695 3 +010011000 1.8621 3 +010011000 1.8643 3 +010011000 1.8601 3 +010011000 7.128 3 +010011000 1.6919 3 +010011000 1.8583 3 +010011000 1.6522 3 +010011000 1.8933 3 +010011000 1.8836 3 +010011000 1.6555 3 +010011000 1.6702 3 +010011000 1.8899 3 +010011000 1.8924 3 +010011000 1.6690 3 +010011000 1.6892 3 +010011000 1.6793 3 +010011000 1.8173 3 +010011000 1.6600 3 +010011000 7.2295 3 +010011000 1.8288 3 +010011000 1.6307 3 +010011000 564.5 3 +010011000 1.6280 3 +010011000 1.6674 3 +010011000 1.8465 3 +010011000 1.8343 3 +010011000 35.15 3 +010011000 1.8296 3 +010011000 6.725 3 +010011000 16.77 3 +010011000 1.8293 3 +010011000 1.6458 3 +010011000 1.8398 3 +010011000 6.219 3 +010011000 11.82 3 +010011000 1.8329 3 +010011000 1.8285 3 +010011000 255.80 3 +010011000 6.868 3 +010011000 6.898 3 +010011000 1.8438 3 +010011000 6.556 3 +010011000 4.935 3 +010011000 4.965 3 +010011000 1.6580 3 +010011000 0.993 3 +010011000 1.8715 3 +010011000 1.6817 3 +010011000 8.044 3 +010011000 4.975 3 +010011000 1.6295 3 +010011000 8.174 3 +010011000 5.015 3 +010011000 1.9600 3 +010011000 1.7585 3 +010011000 1.9655 3 +010011000 37.14 3 +010011000 5.798 3 +010011000 1.8358 3 +010011000 31.97 3 +010011000 1.8817 3 +010011000 8.489 3 +010011000 1.8765 3 +010011000 5.265 3 +010011000 310.95 3 +010011000 8.575 3 +010011000 20.21 3 +010011000 5.165 3 +010011000 1.6720 3 +010011000 8.0825 3 +010011000 1.8559 3 +010011000 25.0 3 +010011000 35.43 3 +010011000 1.8530 3 +010011000 28.96 3 +010011000 5.105 3 +010011000 5.185 3 +010011000 8.082 3 +010011000 5.915 3 +010011000 5.777 3 +010011000 8.793 3 +010011000 102.80 3 +010011000 23.0 3 +010011000 1.6569 3 +010011000 1.6685 3 +010011000 33.24 3 +010011000 23.73 3 +010011000 438.5 3 +010011000 23.04 3 +010011000 1.8158 3 +010011000 1.7085 3 +010011000 7.589 3 +010011000 7.594 3 +010011000 4.695 3 +010011000 7.985 3 +010011000 12.63 3 +010011000 1.8023 3 +010011000 1.7750 3 +010011000 1.7100 4 +010011000 97.35 4 +010011000 6.752 4 +010011000 20.32 4 +010011000 17.71 4 +010011000 6.525 4 +010011000 16.49 4 +010011000 4.825 4 +010011000 1.8505 4 +010011000 5.175 4 +010011000 5.135 4 +010011000 1.8554 4 +010011000 1.8280 4 +010011000 1.7710 4 +010011000 1.7113 4 +010011000 24.04 4 +010011000 7.147 4 +010011000 1.6585 4 +010011000 1.7995 4 +010011000 8.594 4 +010011000 8.369 4 +010011000 1.7845 4 +010011000 6:45 4 +010011000 1.6704 4 +010011000 36.74 4 +010011000 260.5 4 +010011000 8.325 4 +010011000 6.298 4 +010011000 7:35 4 +010011000 1.8340 4 +010011000 1.6855 4 +010011000 20.66 4 +010011000 1.8143 4 +010011000 335.5 4 +010011000 1.7868 4 +010011000 1.7975 4 +010011000 1.7945 4 +010011000 1.6470 4 +010011000 10.89 4 +010011000 1.6275 4 +010011000 6.099 4 +010011000 4.1875 4 +010011000 1.7960 4 +010011000 6.435 4 +010011000 1.6290 4 +010011000 8.841 4 +010011000 1.8046 4 +010011000 61.30 4 +010011000 1.8403 4 +010011000 1.8065 4 +010011000 21.57 4 +010011000 1.9580 4 +010011000 1.8152 4 +010011000 23.59 4 +010011000 1.6400 4 +010011000 11.83 4 +010011000 1.5945 4 +010011000 6.675 4 +010011000 1.8335 4 +010011000 1.6620 4 +010011000 1.8145 4 +010011000 1.7850 4 +010011000 1.8390 4 +010011000 1.8565 4 +010011000 1.8295 4 +010011000 1.7950 4 +010011000 1.8325 4 +010011000 1.7635 4 +010011000 1.8942 4 +010011000 1.8520 4 +010011000 16.17 4 +010011000 1.6540 4 +010011000 229.2 4 +010011000 1.7120 4 +010011000 4,480 4 +010011000 1.7963 4 +010011000 1.7836 4 +010011000 1.7918 4 +010011000 1.6885 5 +010011000 1.7637 5 +010011000 1.7788 5 +010011000 6.635 5 +010011000 1.8210 5 +010011000 1.8055 5 +010011000 13.91 5 +010011000 1.8160 5 +010011000 1.8595 5 +010011000 16.21 5 +010011000 1.8230 5 +010011000 20.0 5 +010011000 51.33 5 +010011000 1.7023 5 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+010011000 1.7718 5 +010011000 1.6630 5 +010011000 1.9625 5 +010011000 1.6925 5 +010011000 1.9055 5 +010011000 308.2 5 +010011000 6.775 5 +010011000 1.6938 6 +010011000 1.8175 6 +010011000 7.825 6 +010011000 1.8615 6 +010011000 150.44 6 +010011000 1.6640 6 +010011000 12.0 6 +010011000 7.975 6 +010011000 1.8245 6 +010011000 1.8350 6 +010011000 1.8970 6 +010011000 1.8180 6 +010011000 328.5 6 +010011000 1.8063 6 +010011000 1.6390 6 +010011000 142.03 6 +010011000 1.8195 6 +010011000 1.8310 6 +010011000 11.59 6 +010011000 18.03 6 +010011000 101.25 6 +010011000 1.5880 6 +010011000 1.8605 6 +010011000 7.525 6 +010011000 1.6775 6 +010011000 1.6313 6 +010011000 1.7675 6 +010011000 1.7920 6 +010011000 7.725 6 +010011000 -6 6 +010011000 1.8450 6 +010011000 1.6827 6 +010011000 21.0 6 +010011000 7.475 6 +010011000 1.6795 6 +010011000 1.6710 6 +010011000 1.8170 6 +010011000 16.33 6 +010011000 14.91 6 +010011000 15.19 7 +010011000 1.7095 7 +010011000 1.8085 7 +010011000 1.8600 7 +010011000 1.6650 7 +010011000 15.0 7 +010011000 1.8179 7 +010011000 1.6200 7 +010011000 16.18 7 +010011000 1.9210 7 +010011000 1.8088 7 +010011000 1.7815 7 +010011000 21.68 7 +010011000 1.6768 7 +010011000 7.775 7 +010011000 8.025 7 +010011000 1.8718 7 +010011000 1.6915 7 +010011000 1.8675 7 +010011000 8.175 7 +010011000 1.7020 7 +010011000 1.8155 7 +010011000 8.825 7 +010011000 1.8110 7 +010011000 17.82 7 +010011000 1.7783 7 +010011000 1.8650 7 +010011000 1.8625 7 +010011000 11.57 7 +010011000 1.8105 7 +010011000 1.8305 7 +010011000 13.85 7 +010011000 1.8225 7 +010011000 13.04 7 +010011000 1.8150 7 +010011000 10.72 8 +010011000 1.7938 8 +010011000 1.8535 8 +010011000 24.03 8 +010011000 1.6950 8 +010011000 1.8649 8 +010011000 1.6625 8 +010011000 1.8100 8 +010011000 1.8415 8 +010011000 6.00 8 +010011000 14.35 8 +010011000 18.0 8 +010011000 10.79 8 +010011000 13.68 8 +010011000 1.6695 8 +010011000 1.6325 8 +010011000 1.8103 8 +010011000 1.6335 8 +010011000 1.8273 8 +010011000 13.08 9 +010011000 1.6605 9 +010011000 7.325 9 +010011000 754 9 +010011000 11.76 9 +010011000 1.8205 9 +010011000 259.5 9 +010011000 1.8328 9 +010011000 10.86 9 +010011000 1.8275 9 +010011000 10.63 9 +010011000 1.8580 9 +010011000 1.6765 9 +010011000 50.97 9 +010011000 1.7775 9 +010011000 1.7495 9 +010011000 8.775 9 +010011000 8.225 9 +010011000 1.6745 9 +010011000 10.0 10 +010011000 10.61 10 +010011000 1.6825 10 +010011000 8.675 10 +010011000 3:45 10 +010011000 10.81 10 +010011000 354.5 10 +010011000 33.33 10 +010011000 7.425 10 +010011000 8.275 10 +010011000 1.8153 10 +010011000 11.22 10 +010011000 1.8825 11 +010011000 10.52 11 +010011000 Date- 11 +010011000 1.8183 11 +010011000 12.85 11 +010011000 1.6750 11 +010011000 8.725 11 +010011000 10.64 11 +010011000 1.8278 11 +010011000 8.750 11 +010011000 8.075 12 +010011000 10.12 12 +010011000 11.02 12 +010011000 11.53 12 +010011000 11.08 12 +010011000 9.48 12 +010011000 100.0 12 +010011000 10.47 12 +010011000 9.74 12 +010011000 9.58 12 +010011000 20.04 13 +010011000 9.87 13 +010011000 9.49 13 +010011000 11.05 13 +010011000 9.62 13 +010011000 9.71 13 +010011000 9.96 13 +010011000 10.97 13 +010011000 10.07 13 +010011000 10.29 14 +010011000 10.58 14 +010011000 7.0 14 +010011000 9.61 14 +010011000 9.67 14 +010011000 10.26 15 +010011000 10.17 15 +010011000 9.19 15 +010011000 676 16 +010011000 10.55 16 +010011000 10.22 16 +010011000 10.36 16 +010011000 9.84 17 +010011000 10.21 17 +010011000 10.42 17 +010011000 10.44 17 +010011000 9.66 17 +010011000 9.41 17 +010011000 9.73 17 +010011000 10.43 18 +010011000 1.8300 18 +010011000 10.70 18 +010011000 9.82 18 +010011000 9.91 18 +010011000 10.08 18 +010011000 10.73 19 +010011000 8.0 19 +010011000 9.69 19 +010011000 10.18 19 +010011000 9.57 19 +010011000 5.94 19 +010011000 10.31 19 +010011000 9.36 19 +010011000 10.09 20 +010011000 9.68 20 +010011000 10.33 20 +010011000 10.14 20 +010011000 9.59 20 +010011000 8.46 20 +010011000 9.93 20 +010011000 8.00 20 +010011000 9.44 21 +010011000 10.34 21 +010011000 9.37 21 +010011000 9.43 21 +010011000 6.49 21 +010011000 9.52 22 +010011000 9.38 22 +010011000 9.23 22 +010011000 10.48 23 +010011000 9.63 23 +010011000 7.96 23 +010011000 6.29 23 +010011000 6.48 23 +010011000 10.27 23 +010011000 9.72 23 +010011000 9.92 24 +010011000 8.56 24 +010011000 10.16 24 +010011000 8.61 24 +010011000 9.03 24 +010011000 9.88 25 +010011000 10.05 25 +010011000 9.27 25 +010011000 10.38 25 +010011000 9.16 25 +010011000 10.37 25 +010011000 9.98 25 +010011000 10.04 25 +010011000 8.88 25 +010011000 10.23 26 +010011000 10.03 26 +010011000 9.21 26 +010011000 6.92 26 +010011000 10.32 26 +010011000 6.26 26 +010011000 7.03 26 +010011000 9.81 26 +010011000 10.06 26 +010011000 9.24 26 +010011000 10.28 26 +010011000 6.09 26 +010011000 9.22 27 +010011000 9.97 27 +010011000 10.11 27 +010011000 6.33 27 +010011000 8.39 27 +010011000 6.11 27 +010011000 9.54 27 +010011000 5.56 28 +010011000 10.10 28 +010011000 5.66 28 +010011000 7.01 28 +010011000 7.62 28 +010011000 8.41 28 +010011000 8.59 28 +010011000 10.24 28 +010011000 9.08 28 +010011000 9.85 29 +010011000 10.30 29 +010011000 5.78 29 +010011000 6.66 29 +010011000 9.07 29 +010011000 6.86 29 +010011000 6.61 29 +010011000 5.97 30 +010011000 6.12 30 +010011000 9.39 30 +010011000 6.27 30 +010011000 5.44 30 +010011000 9.18 30 +010011000 6.22 30 +010011000 9.83 31 +010011000 5.61 31 +010011000 5.53 31 +010011000 6.23 31 +010011000 9.34 31 +010011000 9.17 31 +010011000 9.47 31 +010011000 7.87 31 +010011000 6.07 31 +010011000 6.31 32 +010011000 7.12 32 +010011000 7.67 32 +010011000 7.91 32 +010011000 7.61 32 +010011000 6.88 32 +010011000 6.14 32 +010011000 8.67 32 +010011000 9.80 33 +010011000 8.04 33 +010011000 8.99 33 +010011000 8.94 33 +010011000 9.02 33 +010011000 9.70 33 +010011000 7.78 33 +010011000 6.41 33 +010011000 9.42 33 +010011000 10.13 33 +010011000 9.46 33 +010011000 6.96 33 +010011000 5.98 33 +010011000 8.86 33 +010011000 7.16 34 +010011000 9.14 34 +010011000 6.32 34 +010011000 6.89 34 +010011000 7.74 34 +010011000 10.19 34 +010011000 6.34 34 +010011000 9.30 34 +010011000 6.69 34 +010011000 8.34 35 +010011000 8.84 35 +010011000 5.77 35 +010011000 8.24 35 +010011000 7.29 35 +010011000 5.99 35 +010011000 6.03 36 +010011000 8.96 36 +010011000 9.33 36 +010011000 7.66 36 +010011000 8.54 36 +010011000 6.91 36 +010011000 6.74 36 +010011000 6.54 36 +010011000 6.16 36 +010011000 6.53 36 +010011000 9.28 36 +010011000 7.11 37 +010011000 6.51 37 +010011000 7.08 37 +010011000 6.52 37 +010011000 7.42 37 +010011000 9.04 37 +010011000 6.37 37 +010011000 8.64 37 +010011000 5.34 37 +010011000 9.55 37 +010011000 7.69 37 +010011000 5.79 37 +010011000 5.93 37 +010011000 7.81 38 +010011000 7.02 38 +010011000 5.58 38 +010011000 8.58 38 +010011000 8.51 38 +010011000 10.15 38 +010011000 7.07 38 +010011000 8.83 38 +010011000 6.85 38 +010011000 5.48 38 +010011000 6.94 38 +010011000 5.88 38 +010011000 7.68 38 +010011000 9.06 39 +010011000 7.27 39 +010011000 9.90 39 +010011000 7.04 39 +010011000 6.62 39 +010011000 7.41 39 +010011000 6.01 39 +010011000 9.11 39 +010011000 5.57 39 +010011000 8.73 39 +010011000 8.71 39 +010011000 9.13 39 +010011000 6.73 39 +010011000 8.66 39 +010011000 6.87 40 +010011000 7.56 40 +010011000 6.13 40 +010011000 8.74 40 +010011000 7.19 40 +010011000 5.83 40 +010011000 5.74 40 +010011000 7.57 40 +010011000 5.89 40 +010011000 7.76 40 +010011000 5.82 40 +010011000 6.97 40 +010011000 7.86 40 +010011000 7.77 40 +010011000 5.86 41 +010011000 8.89 41 +010011000 8.06 41 +010011000 6.78 41 +010011000 8.63 41 +010011000 6.81 41 +010011000 8.37 41 +010011000 5.87 41 +010011000 7.63 41 +010011000 7.38 42 +010011000 6.39 42 +010011000 6.68 42 +010011000 6.84 42 +010011000 8.11 42 +010011000 6.35 42 +010011000 8.57 42 +010011000 6.76 42 +010011000 7.36 42 +010011000 6.59 42 +010011000 7.21 42 +010011000 8.21 42 +010011000 7.97 42 +010011000 9.15 42 +010011000 9.60 42 +010011000 6.93 43 +010011000 7.89 43 +010011000 7.71 43 +010011000 8.49 43 +010011000 8.69 43 +010011000 6.56 43 +010011000 6.17 43 +010011000 8.81 43 +010011000 8.48 43 +010011000 7.58 43 +010011000 6.05 43 +010011000 9.35 43 +010011000 9.65 43 +010011000 9.20 43 +010011000 8.14 43 +010011000 6.20 43 +010011000 8.44 43 +010011000 7.14 43 +010011000 8.91 44 +010011000 8.98 44 +010011000 8.77 44 +010011000 7.26 44 +010011000 6.43 44 +010011000 6.98 44 +010011000 9.40 45 +010011000 6.77 45 +010011000 5.65 45 +010011000 6.44 45 +010011000 7.51 45 +010011000 8.19 45 +010011000 5.81 45 +010011000 6.99 45 +010011000 6.65 46 +010011000 6.58 46 +010011000 7.22 46 +010011000 7.59 46 +010011000 8.68 46 +010011000 7.52 46 +010011000 5.72 46 +010011000 6.64 46 +010011000 7.44 47 +010011000 6.90 47 +010011000 8.79 47 +010011000 6.28 47 +010011000 7.39 47 +010011000 7.13 47 +010011000 6.46 47 +010011000 7.18 47 +010011000 8.76 47 +010011000 8.36 48 +010011000 7.98 48 +010011000 6.57 48 +010011000 6.04 48 +010011000 7.93 48 +010011000 9.01 48 +010011000 8.92 48 +010011000 7.82 49 +010011000 7.84 49 +010011000 7.88 49 +010011000 7.06 49 +010011000 5.64 49 +010011000 8.01 49 +010011000 6.83 49 +010011000 7.49 50 +010011000 9.09 50 +010011000 7.46 50 +010011000 6.71 50 +010011000 7.64 50 +010011000 8.93 50 +010011000 8.97 51 +010011000 7.33 51 +010011000 8.29 51 +010011000 9.45 51 +010011000 6.06 51 +010011000 5.51 51 +010011000 6.82 51 +010011000 8.22 51 +010011000 8.82 51 +010011000 8.47 52 +010011000 7.83 52 +010011000 6.42 52 +010011000 7.34 52 +010011000 7.99 52 +010011000 8.72 52 +010011000 9.05 52 +010011000 8.43 53 +010011000 8.33 53 +010011000 5.62 53 +010011000 8.78 54 +010011000 8.62 54 +010011000 8.52 55 +010011000 7.43 55 +010011000 7.17 55 +010011000 8.23 55 +010011000 6.67 55 +010011000 8.53 56 +010011000 8.87 56 +010011000 8.26 56 +010011000 8.31 57 +010011000 7.92 57 +010011000 7.79 57 +010011000 6.72 57 +010011000 7.09 57 +010011000 8.18 57 +010011000 7.72 58 +010011000 6.70 58 +010011000 7.73 59 +010011000 6.55 59 +010011000 5.59 60 +010011000 7.23 61 +010011000 8.38 61 +010011000 7.37 61 +010011000 8.02 62 +010011000 8.27 62 +010011000 7.47 62 +010011000 8.09 63 +010011000 8.16 63 +010011000 5.85 63 +010011000 5.80 63 +010011000 7.28 64 +010011000 8.42 68 +010011000 7.94 69 +010011000 8.17 69 +010011000 8.28 69 +010011000 7.48 69 +010011000 8.32 70 +010011000 7:30 70 +010011000 8.08 73 +010011000 7.60 73 +010011000 8.07 74 +010011000 7.54 75 +010011000 6.95 75 +010011000 7.30 75 +010011000 7.70 76 +010011000 9.10 76 +010011000 7.32 76 +010011000 8.12 76 +010011000 7.05 77 +010011000 8.60 80 +010011000 8.03 80 +010011000 8.90 81 +010011000 8.13 84 +010011000 7.15 84 +010011000 8.375 85 +010011000 8.65 87 +010011000 7.10 89 +010011000 7.125 92 +010011000 8.55 93 +010011000 8.40 99 +010011000 7.65 100 +010011000 7.90 102 +010011000 7.45 102 +010011000 8.95 103 +010011000 0 103 +010011000 7.625 106 +010011000 7.85 106 +010011000 7.875 106 +010011000 8.35 109 +010011000 8.625 109 +010011000 7.35 109 +010011000 7.40 110 +010011000 7.95 110 +010011000 7.375 113 +010011000 8.45 114 +010011000 8.80 120 +010011000 7.55 121 +010011000 8.85 122 +010011000 8.70 124 +010011000 7.80 125 +010011000 8.30 128 +010011000 4.875 137 +010011000 8.05 146 +010011000 8.20 157 +010011000 7.20 162 +010011000 8.125 183 +010011000 8.10 188 +010011000 8.15 229 +010011000 3.375 245 +010011000 7.25 289 +010011000 7.75 300 +010011000 8.25 376 +010011000 8.75 390 +010011000 7.50 442 +010011000 12:01 444 +010011000 8.50 491 +010011000 101 817 +010011000 8 9963 +010011000 6 7028 +010011000 9 6611 +010011000 7 7222 +0100110010 32-to- 1 +0100110010 9.359 1 +0100110010 2120 1 +0100110010 6,000- 1 +0100110010 4,000- 1 +0100110010 3S/400 1 +0100110010 12,000- 1 +0100110010 75- 1 +0100110010 42,195 1 +0100110010 57.65 1 +0100110010 420.81 1 +0100110010 214.07 1 +0100110010 1176 1 +0100110010 15.36-a-share 1 +0100110010 3836.46 1 +0100110010 158.19 1 +0100110010 268.87 1 +0100110010 182.711 1 +0100110010 17-to- 1 +0100110010 8.668 1 +0100110010 297-77 1 +0100110010 21,840 1 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1 +0100110010 12,459 1 +0100110010 30-billion-a-year 1 +0100110010 3.55- 1 +0100110010 37.96 1 +0100110010 2-million-to- 1 +0100110010 1334 1 +0100110010 43,268 1 +0100110010 5.4-million 1 +0100110010 unhelpfully 1 +0100110010 42.55 1 +0100110010 50,000- 1 +0100110010 30,000- 1 +0100110010 100,000- 1 +0100110010 75,000- 1 +0100110010 30,949 1 +0100110010 10,000- 1 +0100110010 20,000- 1 +0100110010 500-to- 1 +0100110010 10-million-a-year 1 +0100110010 9300 1 +0100110010 450- 1 +0100110010 68.0 1 +0100110010 82-to- 1 +0100110010 460- 1 +0100110010 1,494,120-Olson 1 +0100110010 224,860.75 1 +0100110010 1.239 1 +0100110010 037432 1 +0100110010 102,042 1 +0100110010 40- 1 +0100110010 360- 1 +0100110010 12,000-to- 1 +0100110010 ounce. 1 +0100110010 10,819 1 +0100110010 187,187 1 +0100110010 362,793 1 +0100110010 2428 1 +0100110010 34.125-lower 1 +0100110010 250-to- 1 +0100110010 1-to 1 +0100110010 2-a-word 1 +0100110010 600- 1 +0100110010 37.24 1 +0100110010 23.29 1 +0100110010 14289 1 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+0100110010 5. 2 +0100110010 351.26 2 +0100110010 717.1 2 +0100110010 4-to- 2 +0100110010 95.43 2 +0100110010 29.38 2 +0100110010 990,003 2 +0100110010 3271 2 +0100110010 40,000- 2 +0100110010 1.40- 2 +0100110010 36.54 2 +0100110010 22.86 2 +0100110010 35,250 2 +0100110010 6-10 2 +0100110010 65- 2 +0100110010 545.2 2 +0100110010 18-to- 2 +0100110010 IMMEDIATELY 2 +0100110010 9.50- 2 +0100110010 20-29 2 +0100110010 30,980 2 +0100110010 687,187 2 +0100110010 13-to- 2 +0100110010 400- 2 +0100110010 20-to- 2 +0100110010 321.4 2 +0100110010 24.12 2 +0100110010 5,000- 2 +0100110010 46- 2 +0100110010 1.8445 2 +0100110010 514.3 2 +0100110010 80.43 2 +0100110010 94.88 2 +0100110010 400-to- 2 +0100110010 30-286 2 +0100110010 360018 2 +0100110010 9- 2 +0100110010 10-to- 2 +0100110010 7. 2 +0100110010 21.52 2 +0100110010 116.75 3 +0100110010 731.1 3 +0100110010 SHARPLY 3 +0100110010 24.78 3 +0100110010 20.61 3 +0100110010 600S 3 +0100110010 3. 3 +0100110010 13.71 3 +0100110010 21.74 4 +0100110010 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3.74 31 +0100110011 5.02 32 +0100110011 4.27 32 +0100110011 5.91 32 +0100110011 3.69 32 +0100110011 4.88 32 +0100110011 4.28 32 +0100110011 4.14 32 +0100110011 4.92 33 +0100110011 3.56 33 +0100110011 3.09 33 +0100110011 9.12 33 +0100110011 10.35 33 +0100110011 4.49 33 +0100110011 4.66 33 +0100110011 3.62 33 +0100110011 12:30 33 +0100110011 3.36 33 +0100110011 5.31 34 +0100110011 4.30 34 +0100110011 3.49 34 +0100110011 3.27 34 +0100110011 3.77 34 +0100110011 4.19 34 +0100110011 6.38 34 +0100110011 3.39 34 +0100110011 5.42 34 +0100110011 4.99 34 +0100110011 10.20 34 +0100110011 5.16 34 +0100110011 5.69 34 +0100110011 5.04 34 +0100110011 4.78 34 +0100110011 9.89 35 +0100110011 3.57 35 +0100110011 5.52 35 +0100110011 4.31 35 +0100110011 9.51 35 +0100110011 13.22 35 +0100110011 2.91 35 +0100110011 6.15 35 +0100110011 3.94 35 +0100110011 2.94 36 +0100110011 3.81 36 +0100110011 4.85 36 +0100110011 6.21 36 +0100110011 4.13 36 +0100110011 6.02 36 +0100110011 5.03 36 +0100110011 22.95 36 +0100110011 4.36 36 +0100110011 3.73 36 +0100110011 1.00 36 +0100110011 4.17 36 +0100110011 3.78 36 +0100110011 3.67 37 +0100110011 3.06 37 +0100110011 3.08 37 +0100110011 4.98 37 +0100110011 3.19 37 +0100110011 3.61 37 +0100110011 4:30 38 +0100110011 3.64 38 +0100110011 3.11 38 +0100110011 2.74 38 +0100110011 5.22 38 +0100110011 4.90 39 +0100110011 9.53 39 +0100110011 4.05 39 +0100110011 14.95 39 +0100110011 5.39 39 +0100110011 6.47 39 +0100110011 3.82 39 +0100110011 3.66 39 +0100110011 7.31 39 +0100110011 4.95 39 +0100110011 4.63 39 +0100110011 3.18 39 +0100110011 2.81 39 +0100110011 3.22 39 +0100110011 5.10 39 +0100110011 3.76 39 +0100110011 3.01 39 +0100110011 5.49 39 +0100110011 2.71 40 +0100110011 13.83 40 +0100110011 3.31 40 +0100110011 4.33 40 +0100110011 3.48 40 +0100110011 15.95 40 +0100110011 2.97 40 +0100110011 6.40 40 +0100110011 2.69 41 +0100110011 3.59 41 +0100110011 5.20 41 +0100110011 5.43 41 +0100110011 3.83 42 +0100110011 5.41 42 +0100110011 1:30 42 +0100110011 2.83 42 +0100110011 5.30 42 +0100110011 6.24 43 +0100110011 3.79 43 +0100110011 5.76 43 +0100110011 4.12 43 +0100110011 6:30 43 +0100110011 2.89 43 +0100110011 2.79 43 +0100110011 6.08 43 +0100110011 5.15 44 +0100110011 3.47 44 +0100110011 4.35 44 +0100110011 3.26 44 +0100110011 3.95 45 +0100110011 6.60 45 +0100110011 5.96 45 +0100110011 4.70 45 +0100110011 3.46 45 +0100110011 5.67 45 +0100110011 3.17 45 +0100110011 2.93 46 +0100110011 4.45 46 +0100110011 2.0 46 +0100110011 3.0 46 +0100110011 3.29 46 +0100110011 5.95 46 +0100110011 4.80 46 +0100110011 4.60 46 +0100110011 2.84 47 +0100110011 3.51 47 +0100110011 3.07 47 +0100110011 2.92 48 +0100110011 11.125 48 +0100110011 4.02 48 +0100110011 2.99 48 +0100110011 3.44 48 +0100110011 2.21 48 +0100110011 2.73 48 +0100110011 10:30 48 +0100110011 2.78 48 +0100110011 4.40 49 +0100110011 4.10 49 +0100110011 4.20 49 +0100110011 3.32 49 +0100110011 4.18 49 +0100110011 2.52 49 +0100110011 3.16 49 +0100110011 2.41 49 +0100110011 4.55 49 +0100110011 6.79 49 +0100110011 5.73 50 +0100110011 5.45 50 +0100110011 5.60 50 +0100110011 5.68 50 +0100110011 3.24 50 +0100110011 3.13 51 +0100110011 2.86 51 +0100110011 5.35 51 +0100110011 6.45 51 +0100110011 5.40 51 +0100110011 3.90 51 +0100110011 29.95 51 +0100110011 3.23 52 +0100110011 3.28 52 +0100110011 2.18 53 +0100110011 2.82 53 +0100110011 5.46 53 +0100110011 2.62 53 +0100110011 2.46 54 +0100110011 23.25 54 +0100110011 2.61 54 +0100110011 2.58 54 +0100110011 2.57 54 +0100110011 11:30 54 +0100110011 6.63 54 +0100110011 2:30 54 +0100110011 2.34 55 +0100110011 2.14 55 +0100110011 2.59 55 +0100110011 10.375 55 +0100110011 3.12 55 +0100110011 2.98 55 +0100110011 2.88 55 +0100110011 6.10 55 +0100110011 3.03 55 +0100110011 3.21 55 +0100110011 6.80 55 +0100110011 6.30 56 +0100110011 3.42 56 +0100110011 3.38 56 +0100110011 3.04 56 +0100110011 2.63 56 +0100110011 3.34 56 +0100110011 2.96 56 +0100110011 3:30 57 +0100110011 5.70 57 +0100110011 2.54 57 +0100110011 2.37 57 +0100110011 5:30 57 +0100110011 3.55 57 +0100110011 2.49 58 +0100110011 2.76 58 +0100110011 3.33 58 +0100110011 5.05 58 +0100110011 2.68 59 +0100110011 7.53 59 +0100110011 3.05 59 +0100110011 3.45 59 +0100110011 2.77 59 +0100110011 2.24 60 +0100110011 2.22 60 +0100110011 3.52 60 +0100110011 2.39 60 +0100110011 5.23 60 +0100110011 3.02 61 +0100110011 5.63 61 +0100110011 4.65 62 +0100110011 24.95 62 +0100110011 1.97 63 +0100110011 3.14 63 +0100110011 1.98 63 +0100110011 7.24 63 +0100110011 5.90 64 +0100110011 2.11 64 +0100110011 5.55 65 +0100110011 2.09 65 +0100110011 3.65 65 +0100110011 6.19 65 +0100110011 2.72 66 +0100110011 4.15 67 +0100110011 1.94 67 +0100110011 2.43 67 +0100110011 24.25 67 +0100110011 2.87 67 +0100110011 2.64 67 +0100110011 2.29 68 +0100110011 6.625 68 +0100110011 2.67 69 +0100110011 3.85 69 +0100110011 9.875 69 +0100110011 2.17 69 +0100110011 2.51 69 +0100110011 6.875 69 +0100110011 6.18 70 +0100110011 3.80 70 +0100110011 8.875 70 +0100110011 3.15 71 +0100110011 3.30 71 +0100110011 2.31 71 +0100110011 5.47 71 +0100110011 2.01 72 +0100110011 2.42 72 +0100110011 2.08 72 +0100110011 3.40 72 +0100110011 2.27 72 +0100110011 9.125 72 +0100110011 3.87 73 +0100110011 16.95 73 +0100110011 2.66 74 +0100110011 2.04 74 +0100110011 2.12 74 +0100110011 2.26 74 +0100110011 1.99 75 +0100110011 9:30 75 +0100110011 2.23 76 +0100110011 2.56 77 +0100110011 2.33 78 +0100110011 2.38 78 +0100110011 5.84 79 +0100110011 2.16 79 +0100110011 9.375 80 +0100110011 3.60 81 +0100110011 1.61 81 +0100110011 2.44 81 +0100110011 2.60 82 +0100110011 2.02 82 +0100110011 2.45 82 +0100110011 2.95 83 +0100110011 2.07 83 +0100110011 2.36 83 +0100110011 2.03 83 +0100110011 1.96 83 +0100110011 8:30 84 +0100110011 3.10 85 +0100110011 16.25 86 +0100110011 2.06 88 +0100110011 1.89 88 +0100110011 1.83 89 +0100110011 2.13 90 +0100110011 1.82 90 +0100110011 1.81 92 +0100110011 2.28 93 +0100110011 1.88 93 +0100110011 2.53 94 +0100110011 3.20 94 +0100110011 2.85 95 +0100110011 2.90 96 +0100110011 1.91 98 +0100110011 2.55 98 +0100110011 1.84 99 +0100110011 2.32 100 +0100110011 1.67 100 +0100110011 1.92 100 +0100110011 1.86 101 +0100110011 2.47 101 +0100110011 1.63 102 +0100110011 17.95 105 +0100110011 2.35 105 +0100110011 15.75 106 +0100110011 1.72 106 +0100110011 1.41 106 +0100110011 1.56 107 +0100110011 1.79 107 +0100110011 2.80 107 +0100110011 1.68 110 +0100110011 1.76 111 +0100110011 2.48 111 +0100110011 1.66 111 +0100110011 2.30 111 +0100110011 2.19 111 +0100110011 1.93 111 +0100110011 1.87 111 +0100110011 15.25 112 +0100110011 14.75 112 +0100110011 1.53 115 +0100110011 2.40 116 +0100110011 12.75 117 +0100110011 1.71 118 +0100110011 13.75 119 +0100110011 14.25 120 +0100110011 1.62 120 +0100110011 2.20 121 +0100110011 1.52 122 +0100110011 2.70 124 +0100110011 1.64 125 +0100110011 1.59 125 +0100110011 1.48 126 +0100110011 3.35 126 +0100110011 1.57 127 +0100110011 2.65 129 +0100110011 2.05 129 +0100110011 1.74 129 +0100110011 1.39 130 +0100110011 1.54 131 +0100110011 1.47 131 +0100110011 1.44 132 +0100110011 1.43 133 +0100110011 13.25 134 +0100110011 1.51 134 +0100110011 1.42 136 +0100110011 1.36 136 +0100110011 1.31 136 +0100110011 18.95 138 +0100110011 1.77 140 +0100110011 1.49 140 +0100110011 1.69 141 +0100110011 12.25 141 +0100110011 2.15 141 +0100110011 1.78 142 +0100110011 1.28 143 +0100110011 1.29 143 +0100110011 1.58 143 +0100110011 1.23 146 +0100110011 1.34 146 +0100110011 1.46 146 +0100110011 1.73 148 +0100110011 1.22 149 +0100110011 1.17 151 +0100110011 1.37 154 +0100110011 1.26 156 +0100110011 1.12 156 +0100110011 1.24 157 +0100110011 19.95 158 +0100110011 1.21 163 +0100110011 1.85 163 +0100110011 0.25 164 +0100110011 1.33 171 +0100110011 1.01 171 +0100110011 11.75 172 +0100110011 1.11 173 +0100110011 1.18 175 +0100110011 1.38 176 +0100110011 10.25 180 +0100110011 1.27 181 +0100110011 1.32 184 +0100110011 1.55 186 +0100110011 1.30 188 +0100110011 1.07 191 +0100110011 1.13 195 +0100110011 1.14 199 +0100110011 10.75 201 +0100110011 1.09 202 +0100110011 1.19 206 +0100110011 1.16 207 +0100110011 9.50 207 +0100110011 1.95 207 +0100110011 11.25 208 +0100110011 1.10 212 +0100110011 1.08 213 +0100110011 1.03 217 +0100110011 1.04 218 +0100110011 5.75 219 +0100110011 1.65 219 +0100110011 5.25 220 +0100110011 4.75 222 +0100110011 1.45 226 +0100110011 1.02 228 +0100110011 13.50 235 +0100110011 6.50 251 +0100110011 4.25 252 +0100110011 1.06 254 +0100110011 9.25 255 +0100110011 6.75 268 +0100110011 1.35 272 +0100110011 3.25 283 +0100110011 9.75 287 +0100110011 2.75 292 +0100110011 1.05 303 +0100110011 3.75 354 +0100110011 0.9 468 +0100110011 2.25 507 +0100110011 0.8 536 +0100110011 1.75 575 +0100110011 0.7 622 +0100110011 0.1 679 +0100110011 0.6 707 +0100110011 0.3 798 +0100110011 0.4 807 +0100110011 0.2 886 +0100110011 0.5 976 +0100110011 1.25 1054 +0100110011 5 10057 +0100110011 2 12452 +0100110011 4 7094 +0100110011 3 9223 +01001101000 interoperable 1 +01001101000 Metropolitana 1 +01001101000 1.0975 1 +01001101000 Genossenschafts-Zentralbank 1 +01001101000 1.02-a-share 1 +01001101000 30-on 1 +01001101000 1.375to 1 +01001101000 1,315,000 1 +01001101000 Goradok 1 +01001101000 38.71 1 +01001101000 24.77 1 +01001101000 Estero 1 +01001101000 315,238 1 +01001101000 Luang 1 +01001101000 Corp.9 1 +01001101000 interpretable 1 +01001101000 17-26. 1 +01001101000 57,439,846.75 1 +01001101000 24,384,830.31 1 +01001101000 constructive. 2 +01001101000 1-23 2 +01001101000 1,776,000 2 +01001101000 1,193 2 +01001101000 export. 2 +01001101000 50-60 2 +01001101000 1,005 2 +01001101000 15-20 3 +01001101000 1,058 3 +01001101000 30 17674 +01001101000 1-4 4 +01001101001 27-March 1 +01001101001 15-29 1 +01001101001 TANs 1 +01001101001 RANs 1 +01001101001 semiofficially 1 +01001101001 botanicals 1 +01001101001 re-sales 1 +01001101001 27-Aug. 1 +01001101001 5-June 1 +01001101001 Conin 1 +01001101001 27-31 1 +01001101001 17-29 1 +01001101001 NIC-bashing 1 +01001101001 10-Aug. 1 +01001101001 Aix-la-Chapelle 1 +01001101001 VTV 1 +01001101001 Inhale 1 +01001101001 HARMs 1 +01001101001 7-Jan. 1 +01001101001 6-20 1 +01001101001 2-23 1 +01001101001 24-Dec. 1 +01001101001 30Sept. 1 +01001101001 2-June 1 +01001101001 27-Nov. 1 +01001101001 hat-passing 1 +01001101001 14-18 1 +01001101001 microfilariae 1 +01001101001 creativity. 1 +01001101001 14-May 1 +01001101001 12-Feb. 1 +01001101001 14-Jan. 1 +01001101001 topiary 1 +01001101001 EWI 1 +01001101001 438-8888 1 +01001101001 spacewalks 1 +01001101001 22-24 1 +01001101001 21-29 1 +01001101001 5997 1 +01001101001 15-early 1 +01001101001 proprietorships. 1 +01001101001 7-Sunday 1 +01001101001 congealing 1 +01001101001 8-Sunday 1 +01001101001 MLPs. 1 +01001101001 1,783,548 1 +01001101001 LIC 1 +01001101001 2-27 1 +01001101001 houngans 1 +01001101001 clattering 1 +01001101001 1.40-dollar-a-share 1 +01001101001 10-13 1 +01001101001 46-cent-a-share 1 +01001101001 31-Sept. 1 +01001101001 9-23 1 +01001101001 21-Aug. 1 +01001101001 16-July 1 +01001101001 29-Aug. 1 +01001101001 17,1987-Jan. 1 +01001101001 Bolshevist-Leninist 1 +01001101001 12-Aug. 1 +01001101001 31-nearly 1 +01001101001 16-22 1 +01001101001 8184 1 +01001101001 31-Aug. 1 +01001101001 15-Nov. 1 +01001101001 11-Oct. 1 +01001101001 20-months 1 +01001101001 12-15 1 +01001101001 10. 1 +01001101001 AMRO 1 +01001101001 1416 1 +01001101001 41-cent-a-share 1 +01001101001 12-Dec. 1 +01001101001 9-30 1 +01001101001 8-Jan. 1 +01001101001 23-Jan. 1 +01001101001 21-Nov. 1 +01001101001 16-Nov. 1 +01001101001 15-Sunday 1 +01001101001 15-Dec. 1 +01001101001 23-31 1 +01001101001 7-17 1 +01001101001 26-Dec. 1 +01001101001 Wachses 1 +01001101001 WARN 1 +01001101001 14-17 1 +01001101001 carbonation 1 +01001101001 TCE 1 +01001101001 carbon-containing 1 +01001101001 ties. 1 +01001101001 faddy 1 +01001101001 8-24 1 +01001101001 25th. 1 +01001101001 disappearances. 1 +01001101001 9:6:4 1 +01001101001 Baltimoe 1 +01001101001 1-31 1 +01001101001 15-25 1 +01001101001 14-Nov. 1 +01001101001 6-27 1 +01001101001 11-Jan. 1 +01001101001 30-Oct. 1 +01001101001 21-26 1 +01001101001 26-29 1 +01001101001 un- 1 +01001101001 undyed 1 +01001101001 Puskinskaya 1 +01001101001 1-Dec. 1 +01001101001 11-Nov. 1 +01001101001 flattop 1 +01001101001 9-July 1 +01001101001 16-Jan. 1 +01001101001 19-April 1 +01001101001 IGF-1 1 +01001101001 flecked 1 +01001101001 Existentialism 1 +01001101001 semicoordinated 1 +01001101001 14-25 1 +01001101001 combatted 1 +01001101001 GEN 1 +01001101001 caftan 1 +01001101001 5-12 1 +01001101001 4-18 1 +01001101001 glass-cutters 1 +01001101001 Gunman 1 +01001101001 8-Sept. 1 +01001101001 5-April 1 +01001101001 5-Oct. 1 +01001101001 22-April 1 +01001101001 underbred 1 +01001101001 pro-defendant 1 +01001101001 monoclones 1 +01001101001 three-winker 1 +01001101001 21-Monday 1 +01001101001 13-Dec. 1 +01001101001 Micro-that 1 +01001101001 NIEX 1 +01001101001 Bryde 1 +01001101001 Libid 1 +01001101001 18-May 1 +01001101001 9-14 1 +01001101001 13-Aug. 1 +01001101001 28-May 1 +01001101001 31-March 1 +01001101001 JTIDs 1 +01001101001 Cepal 1 +01001101001 AggieMae 1 +01001101001 geomancy 1 +01001101001 troubadours 1 +01001101001 eightpage 1 +01001101001 MAMA 1 +01001101001 ETM 1 +01001101001 ISDNs 1 +01001101001 DBCP 1 +01001101001 5-Mar. 1 +01001101001 GMCSF 1 +01001101001 1-April 1 +01001101001 non-telephone-company 1 +01001101001 Mongolism 1 +01001101001 OSG 1 +01001101001 hoojin 1 +01001101001 1-Wednesday 1 +01001101001 17-March 1 +01001101001 29-May 1 +01001101001 3-July 1 +01001101001 1,2007 1 +01001101001 hypoglycemia 1 +01001101001 16-June 1 +01001101001 Rihani 1 +01001101001 ETU 1 +01001101001 17-24 1 +01001101001 9-Monday 1 +01001101001 out-trades 1 +01001101001 Nots 1 +01001101001 Not. 1 +01001101001 POs 1 +01001101001 unlivable 1 +01001101001 7-12 1 +01001101001 20-April 1 +01001101001 27-29 1 +01001101001 3-7 1 +01001101001 28-31 1 +01001101001 22-June 1 +01001101001 11-13 1 +01001101001 10-16 1 +01001101001 quasi-alternatives 1 +01001101001 20-Sept. 1 +01001101001 22-Thursday 1 +01001101001 QFs 1 +01001101001 38,288,457 1 +01001101001 11-14 1 +01001101001 4-July 1 +01001101001 1-June 1 +01001101001 5-Sunday 1 +01001101001 ownerhip 1 +01001101001 large-patterned 1 +01001101001 non-frilly 1 +01001101001 spelunking 1 +01001101001 Riccione 1 +01001101001 11,544,000 1 +01001101001 self-repetition 1 +01001101001 21-25 1 +01001101001 15-March 1 +01001101001 10-Dec. 1 +01001101001 28Sept. 1 +01001101001 4-Oct. 1 +01001101001 6-May 1 +01001101001 3-May 1 +01001101001 26-March 1 +01001101001 copy-boys 1 +01001101001 Raisinets 1 +01001101001 23-26 1 +01001101001 23-Sept. 1 +01001101001 24,290 1 +01001101001 21,696 1 +01001101001 19,528 1 +01001101001 16,892 1 +01001101001 12,695 1 +01001101001 IVCs 1 +01001101001 boatsmen 1 +01001101001 2.1-million-barrel 1 +01001101001 5-15 1 +01001101001 25-March 1 +01001101001 solenoid 1 +01001101001 unbelief 1 +01001101001 detention. 1 +01001101001 protist 1 +01001101001 Aquamarines 1 +01001101001 4-June 1 +01001101001 16-May 1 +01001101001 28-Feb. 1 +01001101001 27-Feb. 1 +01001101001 turpentine 1 +01001101001 20-25 1 +01001101001 professons 1 +01001101001 HDTVs 1 +01001101001 go-fer 1 +01001101001 Actup 1 +01001101001 2-19 1 +01001101001 4-Nov. 1 +01001101001 22-28 1 +01001101001 17-May 1 +01001101001 humoresque 1 +01001101001 Iranjersey 1 +01001101001 26-Jan. 1 +01001101001 27-Jan. 1 +01001101001 1-down 1 +01001101001 18-June 1 +01001101001 81-cent-a-share 1 +01001101001 BICs 1 +01001101001 15-23 1 +01001101001 21-Oct. 1 +01001101001 7-March 1 +01001101001 25-June 1 +01001101001 BMIRs 1 +01001101001 Prisa 1 +01001101001 13-Sunday 1 +01001101001 Fourons 1 +01001101001 90-car 1 +01001101001 Vormaerz 1 +01001101001 UBSS 1 +01001101001 24/31 1 +01001101001 11-15 1 +01001101001 yaw 1 +01001101001 Metropolitan. 1 +01001101001 STRIPS 1 +01001101001 SSIDs 1 +01001101001 13-Oct. 1 +01001101001 18-July 1 +01001101001 12-July 1 +01001101001 mothers-in-law 1 +01001101001 Mohau 1 +01001101001 unapproachable 1 +01001101001 jocose 1 +01001101001 lending. 1 +01001101001 deceptive. 1 +01001101001 12-and 1 +01001101001 Sultans 1 +01001101001 20-Sunday 1 +01001101001 19-26 1 +01001101001 Saum 1 +01001101001 154,738 1 +01001101001 23-June 1 +01001101001 EFPs 1 +01001101001 English-fluent 1 +01001101001 19-like 1 +01001101001 2-26 1 +01001101001 SEMI 1 +01001101001 +75 1 +01001101001 +51 1 +01001101001 29-Thursday 1 +01001101001 blocked-artery 1 +01001101001 bouzoukis 1 +01001101001 3l 1 +01001101001 ark-building 1 +01001101001 2-11 1 +01001101001 4-25 1 +01001101001 underpainting 1 +01001101001 11-May 1 +01001101001 P-M-T 1 +01001101001 864-1414 1 +01001101001 56,320 1 +01001101001 18-24 1 +01001101001 17-20 1 +01001101001 non-statements 1 +01001101001 NYCE 1 +01001101001 Collier-Mason 1 +01001101001 Hib 1 +01001101001 arduous-sounding 1 +01001101001 vivax 1 +01001101001 pixel 1 +01001101001 plaice 1 +01001101001 bulk-advertising 1 +01001101001 17-April 1 +01001101001 27-April 1 +01001101001 Finsat 1 +01001101001 leashed 1 +01001101001 6-9 1 +01001101001 1-July 1 +01001101001 8-Aug. 1 +01001101001 21-July 1 +01001101001 6-13 1 +01001101001 26-July 1 +01001101001 17-Nov. 1 +01001101001 '94 1 +01001101001 7-16 1 +01001101001 charter-type 1 +01001101001 21-March 1 +01001101001 2226 1 +01001101001 21-24 1 +01001101001 chaperoning 1 +01001101001 52-cent-a-share 1 +01001101001 17-23 1 +01001101001 Wading 1 +01001101001 Turnverein 1 +01001101001 nasi 1 +01001101001 12-May 1 +01001101001 2231 1 +01001101001 19-Oct. 1 +01001101001 29,536.1 1 +01001101001 3-April 1 +01001101001 174,401.6 1 +01001101001 210,438.2 1 +01001101001 214,455.7 1 +01001101001 5-19 1 +01001101001 ABC-Washington 1 +01001101001 council-member 1 +01001101001 12-Nov. 1 +01001101001 23-Nov. 1 +01001101001 14-Sunday 1 +01001101001 23. 1 +01001101001 22-July 1 +01001101001 11-28 1 +01001101001 21-27 1 +01001101001 retinol 1 +01001101001 17-Feb. 1 +01001101001 17-Apr. 1 +01001101001 overglamorization 1 +01001101001 16-21 1 +01001101001 3-22 1 +01001101001 overexpressed 1 +01001101001 34,542.1 1 +01001101001 20,231.4 1 +01001101001 19,364.4 1 +01001101001 248,454.2 1 +01001101001 400,718.2 1 +01001101001 369,445.0 1 +01001101001 9,496.6 1 +01001101001 pilling 1 +01001101001 birettas 1 +01001101001 1-megs 1 +01001101001 instreams 1 +01001101001 obsequiousness 1 +01001101001 BC118 1 +01001101001 24-June 1 +01001101001 15-April 1 +01001101001 6-Jan. 1 +01001101001 27-Sept. 1 +01001101001 UNESA 1 +01001101001 SV-10 1 +01001101001 BSTS 1 +01001101001 24. 1 +01001101001 11-27 1 +01001101001 28-Dec. 1 +01001101001 13-April 1 +01001101001 26-30 1 +01001101001 bluejays 1 +01001101001 39,620 1 +01001101001 dram 1 +01001101001 171,315 1 +01001101001 takeaways 1 +01001101001 near-tragedy 1 +01001101001 8-31 1 +01001101001 1-Aug. 1 +01001101001 14-16 1 +01001101001 847. 1 +01001101001 noncustomer 1 +01001101001 1,1996 1 +01001101001 seronegative 1 +01001101001 MFLOPS 1 +01001101001 quasi-taxes 1 +01001101001 29-Jan. 1 +01001101001 3-Nov. 1 +01001101001 27-Oct. 1 +01001101001 16-Aug. 1 +01001101001 19-24 1 +01001101001 13-17 1 +01001101001 29-Sept. 1 +01001101001 non-market-oriented 1 +01001101001 fed-fund 1 +01001101001 11-Aug. 1 +01001101001 8-25 1 +01001101001 18-23 1 +01001101001 unsaddling 1 +01001101001 inflation-meter 1 +01001101001 14. 1 +01001101001 2-16 1 +01001101001 2-Dec. 1 +01001101001 2-Nov. 1 +01001101001 1-29 1 +01001101001 3-Jan. 1 +01001101001 16-17 2 +01001101001 26-April 2 +01001101001 21-April 2 +01001101001 29-June 2 +01001101001 1,563 2 +01001101001 12-17 2 +01001101001 10-June 2 +01001101001 28-Oct. 2 +01001101001 25-Friday 2 +01001101001 sheeplike 2 +01001101001 Foray 2 +01001101001 193.10 2 +01001101001 19-23 2 +01001101001 22-27 2 +01001101001 25-Mar. 2 +01001101001 Narkhoz 2 +01001101001 28-Aug. 2 +01001101001 9-Nov. 2 +01001101001 19-Nov. 2 +01001101001 173.60 2 +01001101001 220.75 2 +01001101001 93.62 2 +01001101001 25-28 2 +01001101001 23-27 2 +01001101001 repotting 2 +01001101001 Egalite 2 +01001101001 13-16 2 +01001101001 9-Oct. 2 +01001101001 12-13 2 +01001101001 recapitalizes 2 +01001101001 94.86 2 +01001101001 13-Nov. 2 +01001101001 93.36 2 +01001101001 Prevail 2 +01001101001 3-8 2 +01001101001 7-Aug. 2 +01001101001 22. 2 +01001101001 23-Aug. 2 +01001101001 13-Jan. 2 +01001101001 20-June 2 +01001101001 17-Sept. 2 +01001101001 25-May 2 +01001101001 12-April 2 +01001101001 26-Aug. 2 +01001101001 5-Sept. 2 +01001101001 20-22 2 +01001101001 3-March 2 +01001101001 11-April 2 +01001101001 24-Nov. 2 +01001101001 31-Oct. 2 +01001101001 11-Dec. 2 +01001101001 16-20 2 +01001101001 11-July 2 +01001101001 230,700 2 +01001101001 15-June 2 +01001101001 22-Tuesday 2 +01001101001 30-Nov. 2 +01001101001 1-9 2 +01001101001 179.41 2 +01001101001 174.79 2 +01001101001 183.20 2 +01001101001 177.75 2 +01001101001 221.52 2 +01001101001 29-Oct. 2 +01001101001 24-26 2 +01001101001 LANs 2 +01001101001 25-Dec. 2 +01001101001 18-April 2 +01001101001 9-April 2 +01001101001 14-20 2 +01001101001 2-Aug. 2 +01001101001 Attract 2 +01001101001 Swoon 2 +01001101001 drought-breaking 2 +01001101001 12-Sept. 2 +01001101001 28-30 2 +01001101001 198.58 2 +01001101001 187.71 2 +01001101001 21-28 2 +01001101001 3-11 2 +01001101001 12-June 2 +01001101001 180.65 2 +01001101001 majlis 2 +01001101001 26-27 2 +01001101001 1,342 2 +01001101001 17-Oct. 2 +01001101001 93.20 2 +01001101001 178.70 2 +01001101001 26. 2 +01001101001 180.48 2 +01001101001 29-March 2 +01001101001 175.32 2 +01001101001 Wheelwright 2 +01001101001 DTSA 2 +01001101001 29-31 2 +01001101001 20-Oct. 2 +01001101001 219.71 2 +01001101001 4-8 2 +01001101001 13-Sept. 2 +01001101001 27-30 2 +01001101001 10,335 2 +01001101001 23-24 2 +01001101001 25-Aug. 2 +01001101001 11-Sept. 2 +01001101001 1215 2 +01001101001 5-July 2 +01001101001 30-Aug. 2 +01001101001 27-July 2 +01001101001 12-Oct. 2 +01001101001 20-May 2 +01001101001 11-30 2 +01001101001 1-Sept. 2 +01001101001 14-June 2 +01001101001 10-14 2 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3 +01001101001 alai 3 +01001101001 16-30 3 +01001101001 18-Oct. 4 +01001101001 30-31 4 +01001101001 20-21 4 +01001101001 14-15 4 +01001101001 8. 4 +01001101001 29. 4 +01001101001 11-12 4 +01001101001 4. 4 +01001101001 17-18 4 +01001101001 16-19 4 +01001101001 19-22 4 +01001101001 25-Sept. 4 +01001101001 28-29 4 +01001101001 5-8 4 +01001101001 10-15 4 +01001101001 18-19 5 +01001101001 23-25 5 +01001101001 21-22 5 +01001101001 21-30 5 +01001101001 5-7 5 +01001101001 6-7 5 +01001101001 22-23 5 +01001101001 27-28 5 +01001101001 21-23 5 +01001101001 20. 5 +01001101001 13-14 5 +01001101001 15-17 6 +01001101001 1-5 6 +01001101001 24-25 6 +01001101001 25-29 6 +01001101001 29-30 6 +01001101001 19-20 6 +01001101001 RIG 6 +01001101001 Strips 7 +01001101001 15. 7 +01001101001 30. 7 +01001101001 5-6 8 +01001101001 15-16 8 +01001101001 10-12 8 +01001101001 3-4 9 +01001101001 18-20 9 +01001101001 31. 10 +01001101001 21-31 15 +01001101001 1. 16 +01001101001 Richstone 16 +01001101001 1-10 16 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14 +01001101010 763 15 +01001101010 649 16 +01001101010 736 17 +01001101010 646 21 +01001101010 699 21 +01001101010 non-contract 47 +01001101010 29 3328 +01001101010 27 3506 +01001101010 26 3653 +01001101010 23 3861 +01001101010 24 3956 +01001101010 21 4009 +01001101010 19 5451 +01001101010 28 4059 +01001101010 22 4270 +01001101010 13 6337 +01001101010 14 6218 +01001101010 16 5733 +01001101010 17 5155 +01001101011 2-point-something-million 1 +01001101011 18.17 1 +01001101011 791,241 1 +01001101011 9,652-per-person 1 +01001101011 1,131.75 1 +01001101011 250,000-a-month 1 +01001101011 603,000-a-year 1 +01001101011 5-billion 1 +01001101011 5,500-a-copy 1 +01001101011 58.50-ashare 1 +01001101011 130,768 1 +01001101011 4-billion 1 +01001101011 3,000-a-month 1 +01001101011 178,320-a-year 1 +01001101011 rate-31.1 1 +01001101011 2.2-billion-a-year 1 +01001101011 un-tripled 1 +01001101011 270-million 1 +01001101011 700,000-a-month 1 +01001101011 80-89 1 +01001101011 48,000-a-year 1 +01001101011 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2 +01001101110 54.66 2 +01001101110 0.656 2 +01001101110 50.48 2 +01001101110 33.47 2 +01001101110 83.04 2 +01001101110 112.17 2 +01001101110 693.9 2 +01001101110 63.77 2 +01001101110 81.47 2 +01001101110 45.29 2 +01001101110 91.00 2 +01001101110 22.675 2 +01001101110 62.10 2 +01001101110 75.52 2 +01001101110 528.5 2 +01001101110 99.47 2 +01001101110 283.1 2 +01001101110 7.6125 2 +01001101110 F&F 2 +01001101110 265.87 2 +01001101110 51.24 2 +01001101110 28-8 2 +01001101110 306.5 2 +01001101110 Cheskin+Masten 2 +01001101110 319.5 2 +01001101110 50.64 2 +01001101110 523.5 2 +01001101110 60.52 2 +01001101110 73.96 2 +01001101110 635.5 2 +01001101110 98.40 2 +01001101110 991.8 2 +01001101110 50.89 2 +01001101110 73.45 2 +01001101110 550.5 2 +01001101110 72.35 2 +01001101110 56.18 2 +01001101110 48.28 2 +01001101110 683.5 2 +01001101110 49.93 2 +01001101110 469.8 2 +01001101110 53.64 2 +01001101110 103.875 3 +01001101110 64.90 3 +01001101110 66.65 3 +01001101110 64.13 3 +01001101110 70.875 3 +01001101110 272.5 3 +01001101110 1.013 3 +01001101110 50.08 3 +01001101110 57.43 3 +01001101110 46.32 3 +01001101110 47.01 3 +01001101110 43.41 3 +01001101110 46.39 3 +01001101110 97.25 4 +01001101110 19.99 4 +01001101110 56.81 4 +01001101110 220.5 4 +01001101110 49.99 4 +01001101110 21.76 4 +01001101110 18-8 5 +01001101110 1,084 5 +01001101110 21.12 5 +01001101110 14.13 5 +01001101110 CMV 5 +01001101110 49.97 6 +01001101110 18.34 6 +01001101110 15.93 7 +01001101110 13.33 7 +01001101110 3,760 8 +01001101110 80.25 8 +01001101110 18.08 9 +01001101110 967 12 +01001101110 25.77 14 +01001101110 15.02 14 +01001101110 99.9 43 +01001101110 9.99 46 +01001101110 60.5 53 +01001101110 80.1 54 +01001101110 60.1 61 +01001101110 50.5 73 +01001101110 9.95 81 +01001101110 159 119 +01001101110 50.1 131 +01001101110 49.9 133 +01001101110 124 151 +01001101110 38.5 165 +01001101110 24.9 224 +01001101110 107 255 +01001101110 106 273 +01001101110 104 301 +01001101110 103 421 +01001101110 102 449 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1899 +01001101110 48 1921 +01001101110 37 1947 +01001101110 42 1953 +01001101110 36 1964 +01001101110 51 1999 +01001101110 38 2075 +01001101110 32 2090 +01001101110 33 2242 +01001101110 65 2460 +01001101110 55 2490 +01001101110 70 3691 +01001101110 35 4112 +01001101110 80 4130 +01001101110 50 13596 +01001101110 40 8287 +010011011110 mid-40 1 +010011011110 28.59 1 +010011011110 32.15 1 +010011011110 31.96 1 +010011011110 47.44 1 +010011011110 80-90 1 +010011011110 8.215 1 +010011011110 26.24 1 +010011011110 186.07 1 +010011011110 0.012 1 +010011011110 101.87 1 +010011011110 7.052 1 +010011011110 mid-60 1 +010011011110 Dukakis-42 1 +010011011110 post-1945 1 +010011011110 1.965 1 +010011011110 1.373 1 +010011011110 109.39 1 +010011011110 32.67 1 +010011011110 91.66 1 +010011011110 65.89 1 +010011011110 5.53. 1 +010011011110 5.801 1 +010011011110 50-billion-a-year 1 +010011011110 40.67 1 +010011011110 83.57 1 +010011011110 98.79 1 +010011011110 2,676.1 1 +010011011110 -5.2 1 +010011011110 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2 +010011011110 45.67 2 +010011011110 30.07 2 +010011011110 3,465 2 +010011011110 24.07 2 +010011011110 1,359 2 +010011011110 16.19 2 +010011011110 84.13 2 +010011011110 600-a-week 2 +010011011110 mid-11 2 +010011011110 4.995 2 +010011011110 1.095 2 +010011011110 9.472 2 +010011011110 103.08 2 +010011011110 0.425 2 +010011011110 24.43 2 +010011011110 266.80 2 +010011011110 72.55 2 +010011011110 5,832 2 +010011011110 42.51 2 +010011011110 462.43 2 +010011011110 50.36 2 +010011011110 50.88 3 +010011011110 32.19 3 +010011011110 13.74 3 +010011011110 1,466,000 3 +010011011110 66.67 3 +010011011110 18.49 4 +010011011110 50.05 4 +010011011110 99.99 4 +010011011110 50.01 5 +010011011110 25.13 5 +010011011110 24.99 5 +010011011110 2:00 5 +010011011110 20.15 6 +010011011110 12.48 6 +010011011110 999 32 +010011011110 10 21477 +010011011110 15 13700 +010011011110 20 15792 +010011011111 Vido 1 +010011011111 4023 1 +010011011111 -to-95 1 +010011011111 99.9999 1 +010011011111 ninety 1 +010011011111 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+010011011111 14.983 1 +010011011111 market:8.83 1 +010011011111 Xylophila 1 +010011011111 -to-3.75 1 +010011011111 14,023 1 +010011011111 482,186 1 +010011011111 176,184 1 +010011011111 35,491.9 1 +010011011111 105,802.6 1 +010011011111 26,491.8 1 +010011011111 190,555.8 1 +010011011111 185,063.6 1 +010011011111 pre-tax-reform 1 +010011011111 -38 1 +010011011111 2,380,123 1 +010011011111 7,073 1 +010011011111 -7.5 1 +010011011111 -10.5 1 +010011011111 42,744.4 1 +010011011111 17,286.0 1 +010011011111 19,724.9 1 +010011011111 229,741.7 1 +010011011111 8,647.3 1 +010011011111 two-billion-Australian-dollar 1 +010011011111 2.0050 1 +010011011111 27,398 1 +010011011111 46,324 1 +010011011111 159,939 1 +010011011111 290,526 1 +010011011111 2,438,996 1 +010011011111 78,668 1 +010011011111 17,560 1 +010011011111 9,494 1 +010011011111 73,350 1 +010011011111 31,720 1 +010011011111 164,770 1 +010011011111 488,647 1 +010011011111 +20.3 1 +010011011111 -125 1 +010011011111 -16.3 1 +010011011111 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70.4 30 +01001110 429 30 +01001110 75.5 30 +01001110 777 30 +01001110 68.6 30 +01001110 59.6 30 +01001110 488 30 +01001110 60.3 30 +01001110 65.8 30 +01001110 59.1 30 +01001110 81.7 31 +01001110 79.5 31 +01001110 71.5 31 +01001110 299.5 31 +01001110 72.8 31 +01001110 532 31 +01001110 564 31 +01001110 70.3 31 +01001110 482 31 +01001110 62.1 31 +01001110 392 31 +01001110 73.5 31 +01001110 58.7 31 +01001110 98.6 31 +01001110 81.2 31 +01001110 59.7 31 +01001110 55.2 31 +01001110 594 31 +01001110 795 32 +01001110 474 32 +01001110 72.9 32 +01001110 67.9 32 +01001110 67.4 32 +01001110 90.1 32 +01001110 462 32 +01001110 89.5 32 +01001110 65.1 32 +01001110 605 32 +01001110 578 32 +01001110 558 32 +01001110 46.9 32 +01001110 648 32 +01001110 64.4 32 +01001110 477 32 +01001110 76.7 32 +01001110 69.5 32 +01001110 71.9 32 +01001110 494 32 +01001110 442 32 +01001110 80.3 32 +01001110 65.3 32 +01001110 396 32 +01001110 82.1 33 +01001110 63.9 33 +01001110 98.4 33 +01001110 98.5 33 +01001110 43.1 33 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+01001110 404 35 +01001110 509 35 +01001110 69.8 35 +01001110 538 35 +01001110 362 35 +01001110 457 35 +01001110 65.5 35 +01001110 42.3 35 +01001110 451 36 +01001110 58.4 36 +01001110 46.7 36 +01001110 504 36 +01001110 463 36 +01001110 87.4 36 +01001110 46.4 36 +01001110 80.4 36 +01001110 74.9 36 +01001110 63.2 36 +01001110 68.5 36 +01001110 73.7 36 +01001110 76.2 36 +01001110 432 36 +01001110 56.7 36 +01001110 391 36 +01001110 81.8 36 +01001110 369 36 +01001110 78.8 36 +01001110 422 36 +01001110 483 36 +01001110 64.6 36 +01001110 45.2 36 +01001110 66.2 37 +01001110 61.3 37 +01001110 73.8 37 +01001110 416 37 +01001110 45.8 37 +01001110 566 37 +01001110 57.2 37 +01001110 64.7 37 +01001110 65.9 37 +01001110 78.2 37 +01001110 57.4 37 +01001110 52.1 37 +01001110 66.5 37 +01001110 61.7 37 +01001110 48.2 37 +01001110 41.6 37 +01001110 277 37 +01001110 44.4 37 +01001110 83.7 37 +01001110 55.6 37 +01001110 572 38 +01001110 559 38 +01001110 985 38 +01001110 62.3 38 +01001110 68.3 38 +01001110 51.3 38 +01001110 518 38 +01001110 454 38 +01001110 70.2 38 +01001110 45.9 38 +01001110 39.1 38 +01001110 85.2 38 +01001110 56.1 38 +01001110 60.2 38 +01001110 855 38 +01001110 77.6 38 +01001110 502 38 +01001110 443 38 +01001110 54.7 38 +01001110 555 38 +01001110 54.5 38 +01001110 46.6 38 +01001110 406 39 +01001110 60.7 39 +01001110 90.4 39 +01001110 407 39 +01001110 65.6 39 +01001110 61.6 39 +01001110 47.1 39 +01001110 612 39 +01001110 476 39 +01001110 49.2 39 +01001110 389 39 +01001110 59.8 39 +01001110 65.7 39 +01001110 466 39 +01001110 585 39 +01001110 359 39 +01001110 44.6 39 +01001110 54.4 39 +01001110 53.6 39 +01001110 58.8 39 +01001110 70.5 39 +01001110 53.2 40 +01001110 66.6 40 +01001110 35.1 40 +01001110 67.7 40 +01001110 372 40 +01001110 447 40 +01001110 60.8 40 +01001110 311 40 +01001110 287 40 +01001110 456 40 +01001110 66.4 40 +01001110 870 40 +01001110 60.6 40 +01001110 323 40 +01001110 88.5 40 +01001110 423 40 +01001110 42.1 40 +01001110 35.9 40 +01001110 54.8 40 +01001110 58.3 40 +01001110 48.1 41 +01001110 419 41 +01001110 97.5 41 +01001110 54.6 41 +01001110 56.6 41 +01001110 40.2 41 +01001110 32.1 41 +01001110 49.8 41 +01001110 645 41 +01001110 82.6 41 +01001110 76.5 41 +01001110 82.4 41 +01001110 920 41 +01001110 42.6 41 +01001110 433 41 +01001110 50.6 41 +01001110 910 41 +01001110 368 41 +01001110 249 41 +01001110 293 41 +01001110 536 41 +01001110 428 41 +01001110 695 41 +01001110 43.7 41 +01001110 321 42 +01001110 48.3 42 +01001110 363 42 +01001110 55.4 42 +01001110 328 42 +01001110 54.2 42 +01001110 101.5 42 +01001110 343 42 +01001110 297 42 +01001110 31.9 42 +01001110 45.3 42 +01001110 229 42 +01001110 50.8 42 +01001110 358 42 +01001110 65.4 42 +01001110 51.9 42 +01001110 291 42 +01001110 371 42 +01001110 34.3 42 +01001110 59.2 42 +01001110 449 42 +01001110 329 42 +01001110 51.7 42 +01001110 54.3 42 +01001110 47.4 43 +01001110 51.2 43 +01001110 57.3 43 +01001110 565 43 +01001110 298 43 +01001110 48.9 43 +01001110 339 43 +01001110 324 43 +01001110 55.3 43 +01001110 398 43 +01001110 388 43 +01001110 43.9 43 +01001110 57.7 43 +01001110 464 43 +01001110 940 43 +01001110 64.3 43 +01001110 57.1 43 +01001110 37.7 43 +01001110 414 43 +01001110 83.6 43 +01001110 381 43 +01001110 44.2 43 +01001110 83.1 43 +01001110 64.5 44 +01001110 56.4 44 +01001110 595 44 +01001110 62.7 44 +01001110 40.1 44 +01001110 49.4 44 +01001110 63.5 44 +01001110 383 44 +01001110 55.7 44 +01001110 38.7 44 +01001110 357 44 +01001110 51.4 44 +01001110 382 44 +01001110 665 44 +01001110 41.3 45 +01001110 472 45 +01001110 35.8 45 +01001110 319 45 +01001110 47.7 45 +01001110 44.8 45 +01001110 56.8 45 +01001110 72.5 45 +01001110 56.2 45 +01001110 33.9 45 +01001110 47.9 45 +01001110 48.4 45 +01001110 393 45 +01001110 715 45 +01001110 69.3 45 +01001110 341 46 +01001110 46.3 46 +01001110 318 46 +01001110 83.8 46 +01001110 47.2 46 +01001110 52.2 46 +01001110 83.5 46 +01001110 49.3 46 +01001110 44.9 46 +01001110 615 46 +01001110 975 46 +01001110 41.8 46 +01001110 512 46 +01001110 513 46 +01001110 70.6 46 +01001110 376 46 +01001110 51.6 46 +01001110 52.7 46 +01001110 322 46 +01001110 82.5 46 +01001110 45.4 46 +01001110 41.1 46 +01001110 40.8 46 +01001110 364 46 +01001110 36.1 46 +01001110 39.8 46 +01001110 56.3 46 +01001110 58.2 47 +01001110 53.4 47 +01001110 42.4 47 +01001110 49.6 47 +01001110 418 47 +01001110 52.6 47 +01001110 32.9 47 +01001110 348 47 +01001110 426 47 +01001110 685 47 +01001110 44.7 47 +01001110 58.5 48 +01001110 327 48 +01001110 39.6 48 +01001110 347 48 +01001110 444 48 +01001110 61.9 48 +01001110 40.4 48 +01001110 37.3 48 +01001110 56.9 48 +01001110 59.9 48 +01001110 49.1 48 +01001110 635 48 +01001110 42.8 49 +01001110 57.6 49 +01001110 58.6 49 +01001110 314 49 +01001110 54.9 49 +01001110 39.7 49 +01001110 43.6 49 +01001110 544 49 +01001110 790 49 +01001110 378 49 +01001110 309 49 +01001110 351 49 +01001110 384 49 +01001110 45.6 49 +01001110 459 49 +01001110 52.9 49 +01001110 44.3 49 +01001110 33.1 49 +01001110 43.8 49 +01001110 55.8 50 +01001110 710 50 +01001110 58.9 50 +01001110 349 50 +01001110 63.6 50 +01001110 42.9 50 +01001110 66.7 50 +01001110 367 50 +01001110 246 51 +01001110 53.9 51 +01001110 37.1 51 +01001110 81.5 51 +01001110 32.7 51 +01001110 307 51 +01001110 61.8 51 +01001110 354 51 +01001110 374 51 +01001110 467 51 +01001110 47.3 51 +01001110 452 51 +01001110 296 51 +01001110 48.7 52 +01001110 42.7 52 +01001110 590 52 +01001110 72.7 52 +01001110 209 52 +01001110 344 52 +01001110 337 52 +01001110 655 52 +01001110 37.4 52 +01001110 48.6 52 +01001110 56.5 52 +01001110 543 52 +01001110 46.8 52 +01001110 59.5 52 +01001110 820 52 +01001110 42.2 53 +01001110 37.2 53 +01001110 272 53 +01001110 445 53 +01001110 60.4 53 +01001110 40.6 53 +01001110 41.9 53 +01001110 505 53 +01001110 52.3 53 +01001110 306 53 +01001110 35.4 53 +01001110 810 54 +01001110 408 54 +01001110 50.2 54 +01001110 27.8 54 +01001110 244 54 +01001110 261 54 +01001110 38.1 54 +01001110 397 55 +01001110 40.3 55 +01001110 36.9 55 +01001110 55.5 55 +01001110 64.8 55 +01001110 356 55 +01001110 292 55 +01001110 284 56 +01001110 760 56 +01001110 194 56 +01001110 334 56 +01001110 35.3 56 +01001110 47.8 56 +01001110 402 56 +01001110 279 56 +01001110 495 56 +01001110 37.8 56 +01001110 50.9 56 +01001110 266 56 +01001110 51.8 56 +01001110 48.8 57 +01001110 409 57 +01001110 35.7 57 +01001110 41.4 57 +01001110 545 57 +01001110 860 57 +01001110 32.3 57 +01001110 303 57 +01001110 247 57 +01001110 80.5 57 +01001110 253 57 +01001110 33.7 58 +01001110 231 58 +01001110 67.5 58 +01001110 53.8 58 +01001110 352 58 +01001110 59.3 58 +01001110 37.6 58 +01001110 53.3 58 +01001110 52.8 58 +01001110 219 58 +01001110 473 58 +01001110 201 58 +01001110 46.2 58 +01001110 880 59 +01001110 40.5 59 +01001110 34.8 59 +01001110 289 59 +01001110 830 59 +01001110 50.4 59 +01001110 890 60 +01001110 50.7 60 +01001110 46.1 60 +01001110 485 60 +01001110 740 60 +01001110 36.3 60 +01001110 465 60 +01001110 38.2 60 +01001110 251 60 +01001110 38.4 60 +01001110 269 60 +01001110 925 61 +01001110 304 61 +01001110 207 61 +01001110 45.1 61 +01001110 61.5 61 +01001110 213 61 +01001110 316 61 +01001110 690 61 +01001110 455 62 +01001110 43.4 62 +01001110 39.4 62 +01001110 48.5 62 +01001110 29.1 62 +01001110 28.9 62 +01001110 775 63 +01001110 227 63 +01001110 197 63 +01001110 333 63 +01001110 51.5 63 +01001110 34.4 63 +01001110 258 63 +01001110 326 63 +01001110 970 63 +01001110 273 63 +01001110 33.2 63 +01001110 515 63 +01001110 33.4 64 +01001110 257 64 +01001110 405 64 +01001110 45.5 64 +01001110 33.8 64 +01001110 49.7 64 +01001110 412 64 +01001110 825 64 +01001110 31.4 64 +01001110 36.8 65 +01001110 271 65 +01001110 39.5 65 +01001110 37.9 65 +01001110 32.4 65 +01001110 282 65 +01001110 40.9 65 +01001110 44.1 65 +01001110 53.5 65 +01001110 31.1 65 +01001110 31.6 66 +01001110 34.1 66 +01001110 237 66 +01001110 32.8 66 +01001110 46.5 66 +01001110 34.6 67 +01001110 332 67 +01001110 29.8 67 +01001110 38.3 67 +01001110 610 67 +01001110 30.3 67 +01001110 395 67 +01001110 35.2 67 +01001110 34.7 68 +01001110 52.4 68 +01001110 274 68 +01001110 30.2 68 +01001110 302 68 +01001110 39.2 68 +01001110 202 68 +01001110 36.4 69 +01001110 33.6 69 +01001110 28.1 69 +01001110 24.1 70 +01001110 203 70 +01001110 216 70 +01001110 204 70 +01001110 299 70 +01001110 281 70 +01001110 30.1 70 +01001110 725 70 +01001110 45.7 71 +01001110 254 71 +01001110 625 71 +01001110 31.7 71 +01001110 29.7 71 +01001110 770 71 +01001110 41.5 71 +01001110 25.7 71 +01001110 377 71 +01001110 38.8 71 +01001110 36.7 71 +01001110 41.2 71 +01001110 980 71 +01001110 259 72 +01001110 278 72 +01001110 193 72 +01001110 31.3 72 +01001110 268 72 +01001110 31.2 72 +01001110 338 72 +01001110 47.6 72 +01001110 248 73 +01001110 27.3 73 +01001110 52.5 73 +01001110 228 73 +01001110 36.2 73 +01001110 206 73 +01001110 39.3 73 +01001110 313 73 +01001110 670 73 +01001110 43.2 73 +01001110 34.2 74 +01001110 226 74 +01001110 236 74 +01001110 283 74 +01001110 27.4 74 +01001110 28.2 74 +01001110 308 74 +01001110 317 75 +01001110 31.8 75 +01001110 222 75 +01001110 187 75 +01001110 177 75 +01001110 355 75 +01001110 26.9 75 +01001110 28.7 75 +01001110 189 76 +01001110 263 76 +01001110 221 76 +01001110 41.7 76 +01001110 223 76 +01001110 30.9 76 +01001110 385 76 +01001110 29.6 76 +01001110 211 77 +01001110 252 77 +01001110 36.5 77 +01001110 28.3 77 +01001110 35.5 77 +01001110 276 77 +01001110 30.6 77 +01001110 29.2 77 +01001110 294 77 +01001110 24.3 78 +01001110 267 78 +01001110 208 78 +01001110 49.5 78 +01001110 186 78 +01001110 43.3 78 +01001110 720 78 +01001110 39.9 78 +01001110 510 78 +01001110 288 79 +01001110 233 79 +01001110 580 79 +01001110 34.9 79 +01001110 30.7 79 +01001110 27.6 79 +01001110 241 79 +01001110 32.2 79 +01001110 25.8 79 +01001110 218 80 +01001110 490 80 +01001110 43.5 80 +01001110 27.7 80 +01001110 960 80 +01001110 27.9 80 +01001110 930 81 +01001110 184 81 +01001110 38.6 81 +01001110 33.5 81 +01001110 234 81 +01001110 44.5 81 +01001110 264 81 +01001110 183 82 +01001110 345 82 +01001110 26.6 82 +01001110 26.1 82 +01001110 680 82 +01001110 24.7 82 +01001110 262 82 +01001110 730 82 +01001110 32.6 82 +01001110 196 83 +01001110 387 83 +01001110 312 83 +01001110 27.2 83 +01001110 238 84 +01001110 57.5 84 +01001110 25.2 84 +01001110 50.3 84 +01001110 188 85 +01001110 875 85 +01001110 36.6 86 +01001110 47.5 86 +01001110 24.6 86 +01001110 23.2 86 +01001110 30.4 86 +01001110 243 86 +01001110 25.1 86 +01001110 28.8 86 +01001110 27.1 86 +01001110 26.3 87 +01001110 217 87 +01001110 23.6 88 +01001110 25.9 88 +01001110 28.4 88 +01001110 630 88 +01001110 23.9 89 +01001110 570 89 +01001110 508 89 +01001110 192 89 +01001110 34.5 89 +01001110 171 90 +01001110 30.8 90 +01001110 169 90 +01001110 24.4 90 +01001110 173 90 +01001110 181 90 +01001110 26.4 91 +01001110 151 91 +01001110 172 91 +01001110 675 92 +01001110 30.5 92 +01001110 23.4 92 +01001110 29.3 92 +01001110 28.6 93 +01001110 178 93 +01001110 182 93 +01001110 295 94 +01001110 191 94 +01001110 26.7 94 +01001110 163 94 +01001110 174 94 +01001110 33.3 95 +01001110 239 95 +01001110 20.9 96 +01001110 25.4 96 +01001110 20.8 96 +01001110 22.3 96 +01001110 23.8 96 +01001110 840 96 +01001110 22.9 97 +01001110 410 99 +01001110 305 99 +01001110 780 99 +01001110 29.4 100 +01001110 214 100 +01001110 224 101 +01001110 199 102 +01001110 23.1 103 +01001110 161 103 +01001110 26.8 103 +01001110 22.4 103 +01001110 21.2 103 +01001110 575 103 +01001110 620 104 +01001110 24.8 104 +01001110 22.1 104 +01001110 22.8 104 +01001110 415 104 +01001110 25.6 104 +01001110 28.5 105 +01001110 32.5 105 +01001110 20.1 107 +01001110 168 107 +01001110 23.7 108 +01001110 21.6 108 +01001110 176 108 +01001110 21.1 109 +01001110 22.7 110 +01001110 21.3 110 +01001110 29.5 110 +01001110 23.3 110 +01001110 139 110 +01001110 198 111 +01001110 21.4 111 +01001110 22.2 112 +01001110 660 113 +01001110 19.1 114 +01001110 31.5 114 +01001110 18.1 114 +01001110 365 114 +01001110 20.4 115 +01001110 20.3 116 +01001110 35.6 116 +01001110 19.7 116 +01001110 26.2 116 +01001110 158 117 +01001110 520 117 +01001110 20.7 117 +01001110 24.2 118 +01001110 17.1 118 +01001110 435 119 +01001110 133 119 +01001110 255 119 +01001110 16.1 119 +01001110 21.7 120 +01001110 25.3 120 +01001110 166 121 +01001110 167 121 +01001110 21.8 122 +01001110 21.9 122 +01001110 540 122 +01001110 19.2 123 +01001110 153 123 +01001110 42.5 123 +01001110 141 124 +01001110 164 124 +01001110 245 124 +01001110 20.2 125 +01001110 154 125 +01001110 19.4 125 +01001110 26.5 125 +01001110 17.9 125 +01001110 256 126 +01001110 19.3 127 +01001110 25.5 127 +01001110 18.2 127 +01001110 335 127 +01001110 127 129 +01001110 480 129 +01001110 315 129 +01001110 131 131 +01001110 162 132 +01001110 525 132 +01001110 640 132 +01001110 195 133 +01001110 470 133 +01001110 129 133 +01001110 17.2 134 +01001110 530 134 +01001110 390 135 +01001110 142 136 +01001110 17.8 137 +01001110 24.5 137 +01001110 285 139 +01001110 310 139 +01001110 16.4 139 +01001110 147 139 +01001110 17.4 140 +01001110 16.9 141 +01001110 148 142 +01001110 265 145 +01001110 215 145 +01001110 156 145 +01001110 460 146 +01001110 152 146 +01001110 16.7 147 +01001110 16.3 147 +01001110 18.4 147 +01001110 430 147 +01001110 19.8 148 +01001110 146 149 +01001110 29.9 150 +01001110 157 150 +01001110 420 150 +01001110 18.9 150 +01001110 136 150 +01001110 137 151 +01001110 235 151 +01001110 23.5 151 +01001110 22.6 151 +01001110 17.7 152 +01001110 18.8 152 +01001110 15.3 153 +01001110 11.9 153 +01001110 123 153 +01001110 18.3 153 +01001110 18.7 153 +01001110 17.3 153 +01001110 121 154 +01001110 440 154 +01001110 425 154 +01001110 15.4 155 +01001110 475 156 +01001110 20.6 157 +01001110 134 158 +01001110 16.8 158 +01001110 143 162 +01001110 205 168 +01001110 122 171 +01001110 370 172 +01001110 138 172 +01001110 380 175 +01001110 13.1 176 +01001110 117 177 +01001110 14.2 179 +01001110 19.9 179 +01001110 15.1 179 +01001110 950 180 +01001110 16.2 181 +01001110 340 181 +01001110 14.1 182 +01001110 19.6 183 +01001110 126 185 +01001110 15.9 186 +01001110 18.6 188 +01001110 144 189 +01001110 27.5 189 +01001110 15.7 190 +01001110 20.5 191 +01001110 12.9 191 +01001110 14.4 191 +01001110 12.1 193 +01001110 14.6 194 +01001110 15.6 198 +01001110 118 198 +01001110 15.2 199 +01001110 13.3 199 +01001110 290 200 +01001110 13.9 201 +01001110 16.6 201 +01001110 21.5 203 +01001110 13.7 203 +01001110 116 204 +01001110 375 204 +01001110 128 205 +01001110 14.7 206 +01001110 132 207 +01001110 14.3 208 +01001110 114 209 +01001110 17.6 210 +01001110 13.8 212 +01001110 109 214 +01001110 185 214 +01001110 113 215 +01001110 14.8 226 +01001110 13.4 226 +01001110 360 230 +01001110 10.9 231 +01001110 11.8 231 +01001110 19.5 232 +01001110 12.7 242 +01001110 11.1 242 +01001110 112 243 +01001110 12.6 249 +01001110 11.2 250 +01001110 13.2 250 +01001110 11.7 254 +01001110 12.4 256 +01001110 11.6 259 +01001110 12.3 261 +01001110 15.8 262 +01001110 330 264 +01001110 155 268 +01001110 10.1 268 +01001110 280 269 +01001110 13.6 269 +01001110 325 274 +01001110 22.5 276 +01001110 12.2 276 +01001110 320 281 +01001110 210 282 +01001110 165 282 +01001110 12.8 284 +01001110 15.5 289 +01001110 145 289 +01001110 18.5 291 +01001110 10.6 291 +01001110 16.5 292 +01001110 10.4 294 +01001110 14.9 295 +01001110 190 297 +01001110 850 301 +01001110 11.3 301 +01001110 10.7 302 +01001110 10.2 308 +01001110 275 311 +01001110 11.4 314 +01001110 8.1 331 +01001110 14.5 334 +01001110 260 336 +01001110 10.8 338 +01001110 17.5 345 +01001110 220 349 +01001110 9.3 361 +01001110 230 362 +01001110 1.15 364 +01001110 9.7 367 +01001110 8.7 368 +01001110 9.2 376 +01001110 8.9 381 +01001110 240 385 +01001110 9.1 394 +01001110 9.6 406 +01001110 7.9 415 +01001110 13.5 421 +01001110 8.6 425 +01001110 9.4 433 +01001110 108 433 +01001110 8.8 447 +01001110 9.8 448 +01001110 8.3 450 +01001110 135 451 +01001110 8.4 458 +01001110 6.1 462 +01001110 8.2 473 +01001110 115 478 +01001110 650 479 +01001110 6.9 479 +01001110 6.4 482 +01001110 11.5 483 +01001110 175 483 +01001110 7.8 486 +01001110 7.1 488 +01001110 7.6 496 +01001110 7.7 500 +01001110 550 502 +01001110 6.2 506 +01001110 7.4 507 +01001110 7.3 514 +01001110 170 515 +01001110 7.2 525 +01001110 6.6 530 +01001110 10.3 533 +01001110 6.8 538 +01001110 105 552 +01001110 6.3 566 +01001110 10.5 572 +01001110 6.7 579 +01001110 5.9 607 +01001110 4.7 621 +01001110 5.6 628 +01001110 5.8 640 +01001110 5.1 640 +01001110 4.1 650 +01001110 4.8 658 +01001110 5.7 658 +01001110 5.4 667 +01001110 225 671 +01001110 160 686 +01001110 4.6 715 +01001110 4.9 720 +01001110 9.5 724 +01001110 3.9 738 +01001110 900 754 +01001110 750 754 +01001110 5.3 758 +01001110 4.4 761 +01001110 450 783 +01001110 4.3 785 +01001110 5.2 786 +01001110 130 793 +01001110 3.4 838 +01001110 3.1 839 +01001110 3.7 847 +01001110 140 856 +01001110 110 882 +01001110 8.5 884 +01001110 3.6 884 +01001110 3.8 900 +01001110 2.9 907 +01001110 3.2 914 +01001110 6.5 926 +01001110 4.2 928 +01001110 3.3 929 +01001110 125 959 +01001110 350 1013 +01001110 2.8 1048 +01001110 5.5 1069 +01001110 2.7 1079 +01001110 2.6 1123 +01001110 2.1 1136 +01001110 7.5 1139 +01001110 2.4 1152 +01001110 2.3 1152 +01001110 1.9 1258 +01001110 700 1313 +01001110 2.2 1317 +01001110 4.5 1423 +01001110 800 1433 +01001110 1.8 1530 +01001110 1.6 1631 +01001110 1.7 1658 +01001110 3.5 1696 +01001110 600 1847 +01001110 1.4 1892 +01001110 1.3 1937 +01001110 1.1 2038 +01001110 250 2181 +01001110 1.2 2263 +01001110 2.5 2623 +01001110 400 2663 +01001110 150 3186 +01001110 300 3409 +01001110 1.5 3570 +01001110 100 11001 +01001110 500 4852 +01001110 200 4834 +01001111 820,111 1 +01001111 945,568 1 +01001111 189,101 1 +01001111 711,731 1 +01001111 648,087 1 +01001111 69,241 1 +01001111 337,349 1 +01001111 5,597 1 +01001111 125,457 1 +01001111 1.80s 1 +01001111 11-a-unit 1 +01001111 1.7943 1 +01001111 779,172 1 +01001111 249,676 1 +01001111 26,364 1 +01001111 89,900 1 +01001111 19-a-barrel 1 +01001111 474.50 1 +01001111 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+01001111 842,810 1 +01001111 237,615 1 +01001111 76,887 1 +01001111 70.125-a-share 1 +01001111 67,617 1 +01001111 742,700 1 +01001111 3.438 1 +01001111 903,800 1 +01001111 3.5-million 1 +01001111 465.00 1 +01001111 1.2925 1 +01001111 750K 1 +01001111 10,955 1 +01001111 275,182 1 +01001111 254,634 1 +01001111 130-a-day 1 +01001111 7.438 1 +01001111 6,698 1 +01001111 3,190,000 1 +01001111 12.50-ashare 1 +01001111 181,060 1 +01001111 12,610 1 +01001111 222,617 1 +01001111 417,508 1 +01001111 12,154 1 +01001111 552.80 1 +01001111 7.312 1 +01001111 106,800 1 +01001111 491,136 1 +01001111 121,600 1 +01001111 75-a-week 1 +01001111 26,438 1 +01001111 173,638 1 +01001111 347,051 1 +01001111 603,917 1 +01001111 8,498 1 +01001111 623,327 1 +01001111 104,025 1 +01001111 26,300 1 +01001111 56.973 1 +01001111 56.848 1 +01001111 715,459 1 +01001111 442.50 1 +01001111 1.0057 1 +01001111 197,382 1 +01001111 1,900-a-person 1 +01001111 225-a-term 1 +01001111 16,629 1 +01001111 6,719 1 +01001111 15,089 1 +01001111 7,339 1 +01001111 100-a-head 1 +01001111 born-in-America 1 +01001111 25,168.39 1 +01001111 23,282.28 1 +01001111 725,392 1 +01001111 357,435 1 +01001111 1.0613 1 +01001111 26.438 1 +01001111 26.063 1 +01001111 276.75 1 +01001111 229,480 1 +01001111 204,950 1 +01001111 311.46 1 +01001111 7.217 1 +01001111 2.423 1 +01001111 2,006 1 +01001111 25-per-shipment 1 +01001111 56,957,000 1 +01001111 1,895,000 1 +01001111 989,714 1 +01001111 1.0075 1 +01001111 1.0226 1 +01001111 96.25 1 +01001111 243,845 1 +01001111 199,097 1 +01001111 79,575 1 +01001111 97,100 1 +01001111 39.6285 1 +01001111 103.54 1 +01001111 23,950,000 1 +01001111 104.45 1 +01001111 6.935 1 +01001111 2,125 1 +01001111 13,875 1 +01001111 18,831 1 +01001111 280,000,000 1 +01001111 9.9-billion 1 +01001111 446.60 1 +01001111 11,088,000 1 +01001111 20,240,000 1 +01001111 27,710 1 +01001111 12,679 1 +01001111 13,093 1 +01001111 27,797 1 +01001111 28,390 1 +01001111 17,920 1 +01001111 15,327 1 +01001111 23,168 1 +01001111 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200-commission 1 +01001111 580.80 1 +01001111 914,202 1 +01001111 799,751 1 +01001111 753,317 1 +01001111 1-a-gallon 1 +01001111 218,666 1 +01001111 199,851 1 +01001111 418,517 1 +01001111 23.635 1 +01001111 1,092,000 1 +01001111 9.9125 1 +01001111 119,681 1 +01001111 858,625 1 +01001111 62,810 1 +01001111 448.10 1 +01001111 304,800 1 +01001111 883,000 1 +01001111 509,787 1 +01001111 128.375 1 +01001111 35,960,000 1 +01001111 567,002 1 +01001111 573.90 1 +01001111 5.3475 1 +01001111 451.30 1 +01001111 1.5990 1 +01001111 380,615 1 +01001111 539,575 1 +01001111 20.10-a-share 1 +01001111 1,119.03 1 +01001111 525,788 1 +01001111 1.6176 1 +01001111 257,339 1 +01001111 71,660 1 +01001111 56,132 1 +01001111 483,332 1 +01001111 55.175 1 +01001111 48.1141 1 +01001111 340,500 1 +01001111 1,369 1 +01001111 446.80 1 +01001111 150-a-month 1 +01001111 177.375 1 +01001111 167,104.83 1 +01001111 377-a-year 1 +01001111 881,094 1 +01001111 100-an-ounce 1 +01001111 181.50 1 +01001111 6,051 1 +01001111 167.50 1 +01001111 65,967.50 1 +01001111 90-million 1 +01001111 13,462 1 +01001111 2,489 1 +01001111 27,379 1 +01001111 109,040 1 +01001111 2,928 1 +01001111 7,338 1 +01001111 10,000-a-day 1 +01001111 100,920 1 +01001111 28,429 1 +01001111 68,036.98 1 +01001111 11.09-a-share 1 +01001111 742,545 1 +01001111 28.058 1 +01001111 246,949 1 +01001111 31.954 1 +01001111 25.0156 1 +01001111 27.233 1 +01001111 139,700 1 +01001111 198.41 1 +01001111 121,275 1 +01001111 1,006.45 1 +01001111 913,388 1 +01001111 14.094 1 +01001111 67.33 1 +01001111 23,333 1 +01001111 50,000-plus 1 +01001111 18.018 1 +01001111 29,460 1 +01001111 10,939 1 +01001111 2.8125 1 +01001111 21.00 1 +01001111 4,090,000 1 +01001111 1.5930 1 +01001111 1.5888 1 +01001111 624.80 1 +01001111 847,193 1 +01001111 50-a-week 1 +01001111 17,502 1 +01001111 291,758 1 +01001111 178,570 1 +01001111 764,493 1 +01001111 2,500-astore 1 +01001111 5,863,981 1 +01001111 477.60 1 +01001111 1.5788 1 +01001111 648.70 1 +01001111 6,773,000 1 +01001111 13,138,462 1 +01001111 719,516 1 +01001111 1,697,366 1 +01001111 17,714 1 +01001111 Blend-A-Med 1 +01001111 464,996 1 +01001111 899,997 1 +01001111 313,841 1 +01001111 634.60 1 +01001111 87,840 1 +01001111 5,280,000 1 +01001111 1,316 1 +01001111 762,693 1 +01001111 880,243 1 +01001111 161.375 1 +01001111 108.91 1 +01001111 6,775 1 +01001111 1.5970 1 +01001111 371,369 1 +01001111 310.76 1 +01001111 312.55 1 +01001111 312.01 1 +01001111 3,001,895 1 +01001111 49,409 1 +01001111 203,210 1 +01001111 319,737 1 +01001111 3.30-a-share 1 +01001111 188.125 1 +01001111 15,384 1 +01001111 63,450 1 +01001111 1,001,000 1 +01001111 1.50-a-unit 1 +01001111 610.30 1 +01001111 7.951 1 +01001111 781,739 1 +01001111 12,232,400 1 +01001111 19.475 1 +01001111 349,762 1 +01001111 13,250 1 +01001111 371,030 1 +01001111 23.275 1 +01001111 1.5983 1 +01001111 1.0391 1 +01001111 2,016 1 +01001111 1,241,965 1 +01001111 1.70-a-bushel 1 +01001111 24,005 1 +01001111 135,281 1 +01001111 1,685,350 1 +01001111 258,482 1 +01001111 1,016,800 1 +01001111 982,046 1 +01001111 106,199 1 +01001111 2,798 1 +01001111 12,527 1 +01001111 43,956 1 +01001111 505.40 1 +01001111 1.0915 1 +01001111 1.1060 1 +01001111 1.1870 1 +01001111 1.1740 1 +01001111 1.2629 1 +01001111 1.7019 1 +01001111 64,952 1 +01001111 139,420 1 +01001111 158,222 1 +01001111 73,375 1 +01001111 171,288 1 +01001111 42,235 1 +01001111 155,363 1 +01001111 6,516,000 1 +01001111 C2.50 1 +01001111 C29.50 1 +01001111 9,378 1 +01001111 11,587 1 +01001111 12,730 1 +01001111 780,071 1 +01001111 750-per-employee 1 +01001111 7.705 1 +01001111 503,263 1 +01001111 9,362 1 +01001111 9,295 1 +01001111 8,595 1 +01001111 13,276 1 +01001111 17,575 1 +01001111 6,595 1 +01001111 26,001 1 +01001111 761,499 1 +01001111 17,355 1 +01001111 129,052 1 +01001111 7,497 1 +01001111 30,480 1 +01001111 39,995 1 +01001111 172,995 1 +01001111 142,300 1 +01001111 145,200 1 +01001111 0.8280 1 +01001111 934,786 1 +01001111 321,980 1 +01001111 1.1990 1 +01001111 510.60 1 +01001111 6.3850 1 +01001111 400.00 1 +01001111 0.8196 1 +01001111 0.8274 1 +01001111 0.8266 1 +01001111 4,921,000 1 +01001111 7,927 1 +01001111 1.6920 1 +01001111 1,220,950 1 +01001111 509.80 1 +01001111 1.2385 1 +01001111 1.2440 1 +01001111 2.80-a-share 1 +01001111 107,579.75 1 +01001111 3,150,000 1 +01001111 85,178 1 +01001111 594,541,000 1 +01001111 3,714 1 +01001111 1.2924 1 +01001111 1.0850 1 +01001111 1.0825 1 +01001111 1.2140 1 +01001111 614,500 1 +01001111 10,550 1 +01001111 25,883 1 +01001111 2,733-per-person 1 +01001111 42-billion 1 +01001111 14-a-barrel 1 +01001111 288,750 1 +01001111 898,000 1 +01001111 82.05 1 +01001111 40-a-barrel 1 +01001111 112.875 1 +01001111 144,481 1 +01001111 89.636 1 +01001111 491,231 1 +01001111 722,446 1 +01001111 270,864 1 +01001111 10,255 1 +01001111 335,242 1 +01001111 1.0655 1 +01001111 89-ashare 1 +01001111 10,753,627 1 +01001111 401.60 1 +01001111 503.80 1 +01001111 1.0945 1 +01001111 1.1735 1 +01001111 25,014 1 +01001111 166,765 1 +01001111 222,354 1 +01001111 74.64 1 +01001111 46.20 1 +01001111 12,299 1 +01001111 6.90-an-hour 1 +01001111 5,080,000 1 +01001111 2.28125 1 +01001111 89-a-share 1 +01001111 138,900 1 +01001111 10.342 1 +01001111 1.0705 1 +01001111 1.1500 1 +01001111 1.2290 1 +01001111 1.3025 1 +01001111 494.40 1 +01001111 844,800 1 +01001111 8.63-a-share 1 +01001111 11.125-a-share 1 +01001111 259,252 1 +01001111 1.2535 1 +01001111 1.2550 1 +01001111 1.7463 1 +01001111 18.25-a-share 1 +01001111 2.30-a-share 1 +01001111 4995 1 +01001111 5495 1 +01001111 1,024.50 1 +01001111 35,978,360 1 +01001111 322,700 1 +01001111 518.40 1 +01001111 6.3750 1 +01001111 1.7525 1 +01001111 157,784.59 1 +01001111 1008.96 1 +01001111 1,019.06 1 +01001111 88.25-a-share 1 +01001111 1,341 1 +01001111 1.2270 1 +01001111 1.2780 1 +01001111 318,294 1 +01001111 13,430 1 +01001111 452,125 1 +01001111 1.2471 1 +01001111 538.90 1 +01001111 1.2460 1 +01001111 1.3410 1 +01001111 38,805 1 +01001111 33,405 1 +01001111 5,399 1 +01001111 4,993 1 +01001111 116,135 1 +01001111 4,778 1 +01001111 0.77775 1 +01001111 20-million 1 +01001111 315,777 1 +01001111 90,347 1 +01001111 1.1350 1 +01001111 1.1340 1 +01001111 1.2240 1 +01001111 40,805 1 +01001111 313,757 1 +01001111 44,850 1 +01001111 31,590 1 +01001111 1,760,000 1 +01001111 160.625 1 +01001111 39,362 1 +01001111 144,338 1 +01001111 7,944 1 +01001111 11,851 1 +01001111 1.2180 1 +01001111 1.2930 1 +01001111 6.3950 1 +01001111 519.40 1 +01001111 527.50 1 +01001111 28,440 1 +01001111 95,995 1 +01001111 107,450 1 +01001111 49,200 1 +01001111 178.125 1 +01001111 8.5625 1 +01001111 236,460 1 +01001111 79,910 1 +01001111 271,550 1 +01001111 116,440 1 +01001111 179,170 1 +01001111 510.10 1 +01001111 6.2750 1 +01001111 1,216 1 +01001111 798,000 1 +01001111 196,900 1 +01001111 7.816 1 +01001111 50,000-a-day 1 +01001111 2,767,361 1 +01001111 5,668,000 1 +01001111 527.90 1 +01001111 6.6850 1 +01001111 1,022 1 +01001111 25,862.80 1 +01001111 24,362.80 1 +01001111 11.9625 1 +01001111 168.08 1 +01001111 426.70 1 +01001111 169,200 1 +01001111 379,900 1 +01001111 549,100 1 +01001111 1,167,000 1 +01001111 64,769 1 +01001111 31,349 1 +01001111 29.73 1 +01001111 13,880 1 +01001111 2,151 1 +01001111 29,852 1 +01001111 6,020 1 +01001111 9,963 1 +01001111 43,042 1 +01001111 53,179 1 +01001111 1,063,069 1 +01001111 949,300 1 +01001111 267,315 1 +01001111 384,224 1 +01001111 524.10 1 +01001111 1,796,850 1 +01001111 10,000. 1 +01001111 22,235 1 +01001111 14,770 1 +01001111 11,120 1 +01001111 9,690 1 +01001111 298,355 1 +01001111 80,370 1 +01001111 250,518 1 +01001111 444,219 1 +01001111 1,005,479,643.75 1 +01001111 6,199 1 +01001111 36.42 1 +01001111 44.02 1 +01001111 85,619 1 +01001111 12-or 1 +01001111 1,079.13 1 +01001111 24-ashare 1 +01001111 1.7005 1 +01001111 273,527 1 +01001111 234,428 1 +01001111 630,678. 1 +01001111 1.0010 1 +01001111 6.7450 1 +01001111 436.30 1 +01001111 282,517 1 +01001111 585,520 1 +01001111 712,200 1 +01001111 27,501 1 +01001111 825,549 1 +01001111 445,750 1 +01001111 480,108 1 +01001111 217,518 1 +01001111 253.01 1 +01001111 15.73 1 +01001111 304,300 1 +01001111 2.9075 1 +01001111 8.5925 1 +01001111 4.1475 1 +01001111 4,086,521 1 +01001111 46.80 1 +01001111 90.30 1 +01001111 66.40 1 +01001111 11,009 1 +01001111 25,253 1 +01001111 92,100 1 +01001111 15,260 1 +01001111 235,055 1 +01001111 888,648 1 +01001111 253,778 1 +01001111 104,590 1 +01001111 5,434,730 1 +01001111 9,584,327 1 +01001111 9,946,000 1 +01001111 9-an-acre 1 +01001111 7,885 1 +01001111 6,702 1 +01001111 1.0090 1 +01001111 1098.87 1 +01001111 1,525 1 +01001111 9,731,251 1 +01001111 432.51 1 +01001111 10,000-a-person 1 +01001111 32,387 1 +01001111 6,194 1 +01001111 26,193 1 +01001111 19,154 1 +01001111 225,964 1 +01001111 6,000-a-month 1 +01001111 2,000-a-month 1 +01001111 1,494 1 +01001111 643,425 1 +01001111 148,147 1 +01001111 345,071 1 +01001111 7.10-a-share 1 +01001111 16,909 1 +01001111 26,008 1 +01001111 28,250 1 +01001111 20,306 1 +01001111 18,098 1 +01001111 32,274 1 +01001111 20.7178 1 +01001111 eveything 1 +01001111 587,645 1 +01001111 117,529 1 +01001111 19,850 1 +01001111 6,149 1 +01001111 21,920 1 +01001111 12,909 1 +01001111 6.357 1 +01001111 1.1465 1 +01001111 1.2713 1 +01001111 204,100 1 +01001111 7.6425 1 +01001111 303,547 1 +01001111 22,004 1 +01001111 2,845 1 +01001111 5.825 1 +01001111 1,088.45 1 +01001111 1,085.38 1 +01001111 1.1390 1 +01001111 35-a-ton 1 +01001111 0.8175 1 +01001111 0.8203 1 +01001111 0.8200 1 +01001111 125,136 1 +01001111 1,154,592 1 +01001111 114,624 1 +01001111 359,925 1 +01001111 331,986 1 +01001111 226,582 1 +01001111 400,335 1 +01001111 190,264 1 +01001111 250-billion-a-year 1 +01001111 68,670 1 +01001111 70,975 1 +01001111 44,466 1 +01001111 36,830 1 +01001111 45,285 1 +01001111 419,536 1 +01001111 415.40 1 +01001111 413.20 1 +01001111 1.8495 1 +01001111 86.80-a-share 1 +01001111 21,890,000 1 +01001111 386,600 1 +01001111 24,301 1 +01001111 10,485,959 1 +01001111 657,010 1 +01001111 925,819 1 +01001111 522.80 1 +01001111 845,674 1 +01001111 1,518,180 1 +01001111 0.8223 1 +01001111 0.8216 1 +01001111 0.8250 1 +01001111 0.8207 1 +01001111 1.1230 1 +01001111 399.20 1 +01001111 204.89 1 +01001111 10,481.86 1 +01001111 1.1535 1 +01001111 1.1515 1 +01001111 1.0395 1 +01001111 490.60 1 +01001111 6.3530 1 +01001111 399.55 1 +01001111 27.78 1 +01001111 10,418 1 +01001111 22,360 1 +01001111 314.69 1 +01001111 324.92 1 +01001111 322.13 1 +01001111 10,248 1 +01001111 2,056,480 1 +01001111 788,600 1 +01001111 522.00 1 +01001111 430.30 1 +01001111 1.0530 1 +01001111 1.0370 1 +01001111 21.203 1 +01001111 195,333 1 +01001111 18.924 1 +01001111 0.5351 1 +01001111 12,000-a-year 1 +01001111 18.635 1 +01001111 4,869 1 +01001111 123,868 1 +01001111 2,776 1 +01001111 6,964 1 +01001111 14,102 1 +01001111 16,208 1 +01001111 28,032 1 +01001111 520.10 1 +01001111 6.5650 1 +01001111 1.0245 1 +01001111 789,321 1 +01001111 421.75 1 +01001111 489,200 1 +01001111 152,900 1 +01001111 30.98 1 +01001111 868,683 1 +01001111 350,909 1 +01001111 580,909 1 +01001111 1.2366 1 +01001111 418.75 1 +01001111 0.8182 1 +01001111 1.6794 1 +01001111 7,549 1 +01001111 11,849 1 +01001111 792,500-a-year 1 +01001111 4,654,000 1 +01001111 12,654,000 1 +01001111 6,849 1 +01001111 22,299 1 +01001111 4-a-bag 1 +01001111 800-million-a-year 1 +01001111 14,250 1 +01001111 460.10 1 +01001111 13,184 1 +01001111 9,594 1 +01001111 8,997 1 +01001111 10,989 1 +01001111 11,793 1 +01001111 7,449 1 +01001111 8,195 1 +01001111 1,094.09 1 +01001111 1.1479 1 +01001111 8,480 1 +01001111 303,543 1 +01001111 530,651 1 +01001111 7,499 1 +01001111 157,938 1 +01001111 1,079.57 1 +01001111 44,750 1 +01001111 899,800 1 +01001111 6,095 1 +01001111 10,535 1 +01001111 11,105 1 +01001111 13,599 1 +01001111 12,782 1 +01001111 11,562 1 +01001111 12,449 1 +01001111 30.27 1 +01001111 1.3825 1 +01001111 1.1277 1 +01001111 562.60 1 +01001111 88,731 1 +01001111 85,782 1 +01001111 29,633,815,000 1 +01001111 2,174 1 +01001111 43.97 1 +01001111 13,113 1 +01001111 212,750 1 +01001111 6,810,000 1 +01001111 40.44 1 +01001111 1,438,000 1 +01001111 10,000-a-week 1 +01001111 1.3495 1 +01001111 1.1704 1 +01001111 6.0275 1 +01001111 736,100 1 +01001111 1.6244 1 +01001111 131,900 1 +01001111 2,082,000 1 +01001111 703,210 1 +01001111 1,854 1 +01001111 155.875 1 +01001111 1.6273 1 +01001111 25,550,000 1 +01001111 20-a-ton 1 +01001111 629,976 1 +01001111 53.60 1 +01001111 90.90 1 +01001111 5,627 1 +01001111 10,347 1 +01001111 25-per-head 1 +01001111 300-a-month 1 +01001111 1.67-a-share 1 +01001111 43.50-a-share 1 +01001111 24,037 1 +01001111 24,445 1 +01001111 15,432 1 +01001111 16,995 1 +01001111 16.875-a-share 1 +01001111 3,172 1 +01001111 578.20 1 +01001111 6.3930 1 +01001111 40,597 1 +01001111 13,494 1 +01001111 6,661 1 +01001111 250-a-yard 1 +01001111 315.94 1 +01001111 316.05 1 +01001111 563,597 1 +01001111 551,342 1 +01001111 442,406 1 +01001111 711,900 1 +01001111 737,715 1 +01001111 652,576 1 +01001111 721,525 1 +01001111 1,250-an-ounce 1 +01001111 1-a-night 1 +01001111 40,793 1 +01001111 1.1178 1 +01001111 1.6543 1 +01001111 73.825 1 +01001111 1.2426 1 +01001111 196,940 1 +01001111 840,626 1 +01001111 461.70 1 +01001111 137,000-a-year 1 +01001111 139,741 1 +01001111 159.14 1 +01001111 858,840 1 +01001111 137.92 1 +01001111 40-a-ton 1 +01001111 14.935 1 +01001111 6,980 1 +01001111 26.39 1 +01001111 183.75 1 +01001111 168,900 1 +01001111 6,977 1 +01001111 33,830 1 +01001111 21,260 1 +01001111 190.25 1 +01001111 400-a-night 1 +01001111 66,795 1 +01001111 218.25 1 +01001111 567,500 1 +01001111 15-per-ton 1 +01001111 125-per-square-foot 1 +01001111 459.10 1 +01001111 884,705 1 +01001111 973,000 1 +01001111 519,900 1 +01001111 1,264,000 1 +01001111 1,654,000 1 +01001111 8,020,000 1 +01001111 740,898 1 +01001111 1.6100 1 +01001111 1.2468 1 +01001111 745,329 1 +01001111 718,677 1 +01001111 210,575 1 +01001111 13.985 1 +01001111 772,685 1 +01001111 165,756 1 +01001111 613,695 1 +01001111 2.985 1 +01001111 393,372 1 +01001111 809,243 1 +01001111 6,260,000 1 +01001111 1.6190 1 +01001111 1.2015 1 +01001111 12.945 1 +01001111 97.39 1 +01001111 990-a-year 1 +01001111 1.6438 1 +01001111 96.375 1 +01001111 272,495 1 +01001111 65,365 1 +01001111 71,077 1 +01001111 1,838 1 +01001111 461.40 1 +01001111 1,204,358 1 +01001111 159.52 1 +01001111 225,455 1 +01001111 3,366 1 +01001111 29,188,000 1 +01001111 220-million 1 +01001111 35,374 1 +01001111 25,748 1 +01001111 8,990 1 +01001111 9,975 1 +01001111 8,490 1 +01001111 477,862 1 +01001111 942,923 1 +01001111 2,063 1 +01001111 32.695 1 +01001111 28.906 1 +01001111 20.39375 1 +01001111 1.3360 1 +01001111 1.3265 1 +01001111 6.2480 1 +01001111 16.572 1 +01001111 543.80 1 +01001111 379,842 1 +01001111 11,851,809 1 +01001111 21,400 1 +01001111 851,968 1 +01001111 3,680,000 1 +01001111 2-a-pound 1 +01001111 1.3100 1 +01001111 1.3610 1 +01001111 21,995 1 +01001111 32.5903 1 +01001111 7,554 1 +01001111 27,977 1 +01001111 14,070 1 +01001111 1.79-a-can 1 +01001111 174,094 1 +01001111 563.20 1 +01001111 1.4190 1 +01001111 10,000-a-plate 1 +01001111 12.30-a-barrel 1 +01001111 71,250 1 +01001111 279,141 1 +01001111 207,500 1 +01001111 120.75 1 +01001111 414.90 1 +01001111 219,700 1 +01001111 1.398 1 +01001111 1.448 1 +01001111 95,715 1 +01001111 A7.90 1 +01001111 Muschocho 1 +01001111 2.40-a-unit 1 +01001111 876,922 1 +01001111 919,285 1 +01001111 691,896 1 +01001111 501,634 1 +01001111 1,497,945 1 +01001111 1.4115 1 +01001111 1.4380 1 +01001111 970,049 1 +01001111 91.125 1 +01001111 323.75 1 +01001111 HK6-a-share 1 +01001111 540,355 1 +01001111 377,200 1 +01001111 1.4170 1 +01001111 537.70 1 +01001111 6.4050 1 +01001111 414.70 1 +01001111 1.3335 1 +01001111 40,950 1 +01001111 25,630 1 +01001111 12,430 1 +01001111 13,086 1 +01001111 10,158,277 1 +01001111 34.95. 1 +01001111 2,561,500 1 +01001111 100-per-visit 1 +01001111 11,195 1 +01001111 7,595 1 +01001111 423,077 1 +01001111 16.94-a-barrel 1 +01001111 26.479 1 +01001111 2.1125 1 +01001111 1,160,143 1 +01001111 1.3940 1 +01001111 433,500 1 +01001111 77,100 1 +01001111 tea-vendors 1 +01001111 2,576,000,000 1 +01001111 2,581,000,000 1 +01001111 1.3325 1 +01001111 1.4140 1 +01001111 1.4650 1 +01001111 527.20 1 +01001111 6.2550 1 +01001111 408.80 1 +01001111 852,500 1 +01001111 1.7922 1 +01001111 1.4560 1 +01001111 590.50 1 +01001111 178,770 1 +01001111 1.3675 1 +01001111 1.4325 1 +01001111 579.70 1 +01001111 16,836 1 +01001111 1.30-a-unit 1 +01001111 371,875 1 +01001111 444.08 1 +01001111 159.74 1 +01001111 559.35 1 +01001111 651,000 1 +01001111 232,034 1 +01001111 1.4230 1 +01001111 1.4880 1 +01001111 6.4250 1 +01001111 800,000-a-year 1 +01001111 78,000-a-year 1 +01001111 523,800 1 +01001111 731,018 1 +01001111 287,300 1 +01001111 5,382 1 +01001111 1.3130 1 +01001111 185,847 1 +01001111 101,380 1 +01001111 14.9375 1 +01001111 4.2billion 1 +01001111 6.4450 1 +01001111 425.20 1 +01001111 1.2727 1 +01001111 19.98 1 +01001111 34,000-a-month 1 +01001111 1,383,000 1 +01001111 12,470,766 1 +01001111 315,119 1 +01001111 146,300 1 +01001111 50,371 1 +01001111 34,999 1 +01001111 192,063 1 +01001111 423.70 1 +01001111 577.70 1 +01001111 13.10-a-share 1 +01001111 20,198,917 1 +01001111 1,250,828 1 +01001111 582,887,000 1 +01001111 1,082,887 1 +01001111 156,020 1 +01001111 199,760 1 +01001111 500,625 1 +01001111 7,257,000 1 +01001111 7,348,000 1 +01001111 495,650 1 +01001111 125,825 1 +01001111 7,458,000 1 +01001111 905,744 1 +01001111 Undercurrent 1 +01001111 26,070 1 +01001111 1.4630 1 +01001111 303,293 1 +01001111 1.3890 1 +01001111 314,300 1 +01001111 1.2725 1 +01001111 587.80 1 +01001111 6.5350 1 +01001111 160,950 1 +01001111 64,380 1 +01001111 38.46 1 +01001111 1,403 1 +01001111 3.687 1 +01001111 12,155,647 1 +01001111 23,997 1 +01001111 24,595 1 +01001111 129,604.76 1 +01001111 19,275.58 1 +01001111 134,716 1 +01001111 5,175 1 +01001111 2,602.60 1 +01001111 831,847 1 +01001111 9,133 1 +01001111 94,104 1 +01001111 59,533 1 +01001111 41,288 1 +01001111 38,492 1 +01001111 22,240 1 +01001111 23,204 1 +01001111 15,768 1 +01001111 14,064 1 +01001111 81.375 1 +01001111 273,701 1 +01001111 564,854 1 +01001111 507,618 1 +01001111 500-per-employee 1 +01001111 286,700-a-year 1 +01001111 18,954 1 +01001111 37,908 1 +01001111 621,100 1 +01001111 1.4317 1 +01001111 454.30 1 +01001111 442,638 1 +01001111 57,236 1 +01001111 375,745 1 +01001111 581,662 1 +01001111 41.69 1 +01001111 86.10 1 +01001111 556.26 1 +01001111 1,051,000 1 +01001111 26,435 1 +01001111 36,291 1 +01001111 3,162,245 1 +01001111 8,930,856 1 +01001111 8,536,181 1 +01001111 1,158.00 1 +01001111 1,203.05 1 +01001111 233.375 1 +01001111 140-a-share 1 +01001111 119.20 1 +01001111 117.07 1 +01001111 48,250,000 1 +01001111 389.50 1 +01001111 47.03 1 +01001111 2,503,500 1 +01001111 2,866,200 1 +01001111 221,222 1 +01001111 1,215.22 1 +01001111 1,094.01 1 +01001111 19-a-pound 1 +01001111 707.87 1 +01001111 10,513,717 1 +01001111 10,758,000 1 +01001111 461,618 1 +01001111 7,515 1 +01001111 233-a-night 1 +01001111 18,646 1 +01001111 105.875 1 +01001111 5,397 1 +01001111 333,200 1 +01001111 544,400 1 +01001111 5,969 1 +01001111 63,121 1 +01001111 25,156,000 1 +01001111 299,930 1 +01001111 23,562 1 +01001111 34,560 1 +01001111 420,147 1 +01001111 141,486 1 +01001111 535,500 1 +01001111 153,150 1 +01001111 71,950 1 +01001111 34,902 1 +01001111 14.45-a-share 1 +01001111 15.469 1 +01001111 403.10 1 +01001111 64.67 1 +01001111 2,076,000 1 +01001111 170,366 1 +01001111 143.375 1 +01001111 1,026.25 1 +01001111 32.775 1 +01001111 168,328 1 +01001111 582.70 1 +01001111 1,044.40 1 +01001111 11.833 1 +01001111 26.6875 1 +01001111 2,806 1 +01001111 9,915 1 +01001111 1,571 1 +01001111 11,622 1 +01001111 10,499 1 +01001111 2,004 1 +01001111 10,625 1 +01001111 33.30-a-share 1 +01001111 21.49-a-share 1 +01001111 2.15-a-share 1 +01001111 390.90 1 +01001111 167,400 1 +01001111 1,080.50 1 +01001111 1,284,100 1 +01001111 133,503 1 +01001111 408,727 1 +01001111 174,700 1 +01001111 73,600 1 +01001111 672.51 1 +01001111 393.80 1 +01001111 1.4379 1 +01001111 10,714.65 1 +01001111 8,897,000 1 +01001111 7,565,000 1 +01001111 87,750 1 +01001111 61,992 1 +01001111 10.559 1 +01001111 135,605 1 +01001111 16.595 1 +01001111 1.3011 1 +01001111 108,907 1 +01001111 11.247 1 +01001111 18.325 1 +01001111 21.18 1 +01001111 36,300 1 +01001111 482,050,000 1 +01001111 15,950 1 +01001111 1.4293 1 +01001111 17.825 1 +01001111 6,887,700 1 +01001111 493.70 1 +01001111 8,166 1 +01001111 7.80-a-share 1 +01001111 756,507 1 +01001111 56-a-month 1 +01001111 937.2 1 +01001111 111,700 1 +01001111 1.4282 1 +01001111 22,872 1 +01001111 19,518 1 +01001111 309.72 1 +01001111 157,680 1 +01001111 2,500-a-store 1 +01001111 33,530 1 +01001111 8,741 1 +01001111 1,773 1 +01001111 177,245 1 +01001111 1,088.82 1 +01001111 414.10 1 +01001111 5.986 1 +01001111 5.945 1 +01001111 238,735 1 +01001111 2,083,094 1 +01001111 1,116.50 1 +01001111 413.50 1 +01001111 20,750 1 +01001111 2,013,991 1 +01001111 149.75 1 +01001111 410.80 1 +01001111 74,900 1 +01001111 110,849 1 +01001111 23.674 1 +01001111 740,274 1 +01001111 315,133 1 +01001111 158,952 1 +01001111 58,400 1 +01001111 77,862 1 +01001111 23.63 1 +01001111 476.10 1 +01001111 12.37-a-share 1 +01001111 54.33 1 +01001111 34.70 1 +01001111 23.339 1 +01001111 235,841 1 +01001111 305,341 1 +01001111 25,750 1 +01001111 219,509 1 +01001111 1-off 1 +01001111 844,400 1 +01001111 1.4225 1 +01001111 7,335,200 1 +01001111 571,000-a-year 1 +01001111 487,389 1 +01001111 363,324 1 +01001111 58.82 1 +01001111 1196.95 1 +01001111 1,165.77 1 +01001111 2.9033 1 +01001111 623,506 1 +01001111 5,000-a-couple 1 +01001111 68,400-a-year 1 +01001111 39,925 1 +01001111 79,850 1 +01001111 75,100 1 +01001111 14,840 1 +01001111 12,144 1 +01001111 1,481 1 +01001111 10,992 1 +01001111 11,288 1 +01001111 2,792 1 +01001111 1.4267 1 +01001111 44,541 1 +01001111 4,095 1 +01001111 482.30 1 +01001111 629.19 1 +01001111 671.14 1 +01001111 1.4258 1 +01001111 451.40 1 +01001111 20.51 1 +01001111 160.24-a-share 1 +01001111 14.015 1 +01001111 1,120.40 1 +01001111 285,998 1 +01001111 1,074.25 1 +01001111 667,455 1 +01001111 1,617,455 1 +01001111 86.95 1 +01001111 150,216 1 +01001111 348,200 1 +01001111 39,150 1 +01001111 11.17-a-share 1 +01001111 886,565 1 +01001111 5,765 1 +01001111 12.80-a-share 1 +01001111 28.61 1 +01001111 5,000-base-price 1 +01001111 7,926 1 +01001111 10,125 1 +01001111 22.525 1 +01001111 28,000-plus 1 +01001111 119,100 1 +01001111 100,700 1 +01001111 209,094 1 +01001111 333,057 1 +01001111 23,910 1 +01001111 22,995 1 +01001111 78,415 1 +01001111 66,083,000 1 +01001111 1,077.60 1 +01001111 12,550 1 +01001111 18-million 1 +01001111 43.617 1 +01001111 424,527 1 +01001111 60.50-a-share 1 +01001111 774,036 1 +01001111 242,350 1 +01001111 11,210,433 1 +01001111 117.75 1 +01001111 7.056 1 +01001111 512.84 1 +01001111 4-an-hour 1 +01001111 728,906 1 +01001111 3.40-an-hour 1 +01001111 1.5075 1 +01001111 512,358 1 +01001111 228,812 1 +01001111 1.88-a-share 1 +01001111 258,600 1 +01001111 26.3684 1 +01001111 15.316 1 +01001111 110.15 1 +01001111 1.2411 1 +01001111 27.648 1 +01001111 289,700 1 +01001111 2-a-gallon 1 +01001111 153,000-a-year 1 +01001111 50.60 1 +01001111 44.30 1 +01001111 146.375 1 +01001111 410.60 1 +01001111 501,807 1 +01001111 23-million-a-year 1 +01001111 636,300 1 +01001111 8,088 1 +01001111 6,978 1 +01001111 6,548 1 +01001111 7,878 1 +01001111 26.512 1 +01001111 511,011 1 +01001111 1.0803 1 +01001111 2,135 1 +01001111 13.063 1 +01001111 10.313 1 +01001111 1,380,300 1 +01001111 447,138 1 +01001111 290,564 1 +01001111 58.478 1 +01001111 55.12 1 +01001111 525.70 1 +01001111 124,800 1 +01001111 9,623 1 +01001111 105.75 1 +01001111 4,425 1 +01001111 4.6325 1 +01001111 1,091.75 1 +01001111 726,436 1 +01001111 425,557 1 +01001111 401.10 1 +01001111 405.40 1 +01001111 514.50 1 +01001111 39.60 1 +01001111 305.17 1 +01001111 305.47 1 +01001111 308.17 1 +01001111 306.40 1 +01001111 46,965 1 +01001111 42,475 1 +01001111 392.70 1 +01001111 141.375 1 +01001111 25,150 1 +01001111 24,370 1 +01001111 28-a-unit 1 +01001111 21,150 1 +01001111 731,715 1 +01001111 51,981 1 +01001111 42.70 1 +01001111 29,483 1 +01001111 41,988 1 +01001111 62,273 1 +01001111 63,231 1 +01001111 66,111 1 +01001111 67,595 1 +01001111 71,628 1 +01001111 15,510 1 +01001111 11,110 1 +01001111 8,390 1 +01001111 1,097.49 1 +01001111 72,032 1 +01001111 1.5390 1 +01001111 1.2465 1 +01001111 3,430,849 1 +01001111 139.625 1 +01001111 606,250 1 +01001111 2,702,458 1 +01001111 38,239,241 1 +01001111 995.74 1 +01001111 5,195 1 +01001111 7,095 1 +01001111 7,245 1 +01001111 7.30-a-share 1 +01001111 726,667 1 +01001111 1,107,500 1 +01001111 100,285 1 +01001111 450,298 1 +01001111 236.53 1 +01001111 WRIV 1 +01001111 5.0625 1 +01001111 27,700 1 +01001111 5,849 1 +01001111 23,508 1 +01001111 22,973 1 +01001111 10,039 1 +01001111 9,859 1 +01001111 10,415.90 1 +01001111 131.25 1 +01001111 308,900 1 +01001111 5-a-week 1 +01001111 15,475 1 +01001111 1.5188 1 +01001111 1.5180 1 +01001111 68-a-day 1 +01001111 50.68 1 +01001111 10,457 1 +01001111 27.075 1 +01001111 31-a-unit 1 +01001111 12,150 1 +01001111 85.40 1 +01001111 457,500 1 +01001111 3.3975 1 +01001111 2.7245 1 +01001111 788,042 1 +01001111 1.5213 1 +01001111 1.5290 1 +01001111 394.90 1 +01001111 11,780 1 +01001111 48.10 1 +01001111 Rifadin 1 +01001111 1,499,995 1 +01001111 1-million 1 +01001111 70.10 1 +01001111 49.40 1 +01001111 138.375 1 +01001111 50,815 1 +01001111 23,274 1 +01001111 2,787,000 1 +01001111 777,900 1 +01001111 33,861 1 +01001111 25,257 1 +01001111 628,193 1 +01001111 164.80 1 +01001111 205.70 1 +01001111 78.95 1 +01001111 1-a-ticket 1 +01001111 42.80 1 +01001111 2,700,000 1 +01001111 7,000-a-year 1 +01001111 191,800 1 +01001111 518,800 1 +01001111 601.50 1 +01001111 8.149 1 +01001111 51.254 1 +01001111 57,900 1 +01001111 102,600 1 +01001111 3,065 1 +01001111 45.26 1 +01001111 27.534 1 +01001111 31.60-a-share 1 +01001111 641,702 1 +01001111 1.6682 1 +01001111 1,045,000 1 +01001111 0.08330 1 +01001111 44,543,000 1 +01001111 232,401,000 1 +01001111 9,451 1 +01001111 111,470 1 +01001111 127.625 1 +01001111 621.80 1 +01001111 8,795 1 +01001111 10,295 1 +01001111 8,089 1 +01001111 7,748 1 +01001111 455.90 1 +01001111 8,322 1 +01001111 457.70 1 +01001111 34,470 1 +01001111 2.225 1 +01001111 14.185 1 +01001111 1,190,000 1 +01001111 17.3875 1 +01001111 4,188 1 +01001111 574.60 1 +01001111 1,226.00 1 +01001111 122.60 1 +01001111 28,738 1 +01001111 184,789 1 +01001111 119.50 1 +01001111 10,050 1 +01001111 1.6696 1 +01001111 1.26-a-share 1 +01001111 20M 1 +01001111 1,984 1 +01001111 1,572 1 +01001111 137,824,000 1 +01001111 153,497,000 1 +01001111 589.80 1 +01001111 14,461 1 +01001111 17,744 1 +01001111 18,284 1 +01001111 9,552 1 +01001111 19,208 1 +01001111 12.665 1 +01001111 835,500 1 +01001111 1.1416 1 +01001111 469.90 1 +01001111 18,580 1 +01001111 254,400 1 +01001111 269,400 1 +01001111 82,085 1 +01001111 310,525 1 +01001111 87.125 1 +01001111 1,492,000 1 +01001111 1,110.20 1 +01001111 1,127.70 1 +01001111 281,561 1 +01001111 26.581 1 +01001111 16,349 1 +01001111 6,273 1 +01001111 9,919 1 +01001111 2,251 1 +01001111 13,485 1 +01001111 19,838 1 +01001111 13.736 1 +01001111 155,496 1 +01001111 1,135,000 1 +01001111 642,421 1 +01001111 774,024 1 +01001111 551,560 1 +01001111 1.1850 1 +01001111 7.984 1 +01001111 1.6622 1 +01001111 110.29 1 +01001111 6.75-a-share 1 +01001111 29.43 1 +01001111 1,067.50 1 +01001111 1,027.60 1 +01001111 1.1587 1 +01001111 1.6978 1 +01001111 15,101 1 +01001111 12,890 1 +01001111 35.236 1 +01001111 69,279 1 +01001111 362,526 1 +01001111 32,990 1 +01001111 34,810 1 +01001111 925,300 1 +01001111 49,523 1 +01001111 41,175 1 +01001111 1,608,300 1 +01001111 13,722 1 +01001111 618,000 1 +01001111 630.50 1 +01001111 8.685 1 +01001111 4,013,000 1 +01001111 35/bbl 1 +01001111 1.6851 1 +01001111 148.02 1 +01001111 203.60 1 +01001111 134,200 1 +01001111 130,200 1 +01001111 147,500 1 +01001111 25.93 1 +01001111 7,894,000 1 +01001111 8,763,000 1 +01001111 80,000-plus 1 +01001111 395-a-month 1 +01001111 163.375 1 +01001111 12,149 1 +01001111 54,800 1 +01001111 63,270 1 +01001111 2-a-day 1 +01001111 111.80 1 +01001111 1,126.70 1 +01001111 309.37 1 +01001111 107.3-million 1 +01001111 89,538 1 +01001111 2,235,000 1 +01001111 10.435 1 +01001111 9.685 1 +01001111 457.60 1 +01001111 94,800 1 +01001111 37.58 1 +01001111 10,374 1 +01001111 456,047 1 +01001111 32,267 1 +01001111 94,450 1 +01001111 602.80 1 +01001111 33-a-barrel 1 +01001111 41,775 1 +01001111 45,960 1 +01001111 304,724 1 +01001111 8,083 1 +01001111 41,147 1 +01001111 8,682 1 +01001111 9,153 1 +01001111 61.00 1 +01001111 44,600 1 +01001111 612.20 1 +01001111 11,750 1 +01001111 908,320 1 +01001111 10.0625 1 +01001111 18,832 1 +01001111 98,832 1 +01001111 10,354,000 1 +01001111 165.36 1 +01001111 19.0956 1 +01001111 1.7186 1 +01001111 1,091.70 1 +01001111 203,500 1 +01001111 1,105.93 1 +01001111 31,475 1 +01001111 1.6073 1 +01001111 54.78 1 +01001111 473.30 1 +01001111 9.124 1 +01001111 624.60 1 +01001111 677,265 1 +01001111 822,250,000 1 +01001111 73.58 1 +01001111 17.18 1 +01001111 1.0004 1 +01001111 55,468 1 +01001111 1,857.95 1 +01001111 116.675 1 +01001111 327,889 1 +01001111 340,689 1 +01001111 472.30 1 +01001111 47,480 1 +01001111 97,853 1 +01001111 350-a-month 1 +01001111 129,014 1 +01001111 365,309 1 +01001111 8,553 1 +01001111 478.30 1 +01001111 628.00 1 +01001111 636,200 1 +01001111 307,135 1 +01001111 868,117 1 +01001111 313,814 1 +01001111 75.94 1 +01001111 156.75 1 +01001111 143,708 1 +01001111 201,890 1 +01001111 419.70 1 +01001111 368,195 1 +01001111 322,348 1 +01001111 138,667 1 +01001111 82,400 1 +01001111 63,200 1 +01001111 8.855 1 +01001111 617.70 1 +01001111 17.857 1 +01001111 1,100.31 1 +01001111 51.72 1 +01001111 27,172 1 +01001111 2,728,332 1 +01001111 7,644,228 1 +01001111 661,500 1 +01001111 470.30 1 +01001111 25.16 1 +01001111 374,300 1 +01001111 485,622 1 +01001111 1,069,547 1 +01001111 90,307 1 +01001111 5,086 1 +01001111 18,339 1 +01001111 966,764 1 +01001111 657,184 1 +01001111 31-per-unit 1 +01001111 11,741 1 +01001111 10,411 1 +01001111 1,895 1 +01001111 6-an-ounce 1 +01001111 23.47 1 +01001111 1,953,000 1 +01001111 155,781,000 1 +01001111 1,118.30 1 +01001111 116.375 1 +01001111 96,300 1 +01001111 380,273 1 +01001111 1,040,533 1 +01001111 2,125,000 1 +01001111 305.13 1 +01001111 307.28 1 +01001111 310.45 1 +01001111 564.10 1 +01001111 9,075 1 +01001111 6,011 1 +01001111 2,306 1 +01001111 94.375 1 +01001111 3,113 1 +01001111 56.43 1 +01001111 36.43 1 +01001111 151,775 1 +01001111 206,770 1 +01001111 125,478 1 +01001111 474.80 1 +01001111 23,597 1 +01001111 28-as-hare 1 +01001111 47,050 1 +01001111 350-a-night 1 +01001111 47,620 1 +01001111 45.62 1 +01001111 1.0997 1 +01001111 584.50 1 +01001111 72,300-a-year 1 +01001111 486,225 1 +01001111 1,038,919.33 1 +01001111 1.6254 1 +01001111 147.625 1 +01001111 746.14 1 +01001111 144,500 1 +01001111 402,797 1 +01001111 63,317.02 1 +01001111 13,432 1 +01001111 22,439 1 +01001111 694,137 1 +01001111 44,925 1 +01001111 301,800 1 +01001111 119,669 1 +01001111 45,561 1 +01001111 147,180 1 +01001111 9,458 1 +01001111 5,629 1 +01001111 55,943 1 +01001111 3,453 1 +01001111 655,356 1 +01001111 448.58 1 +01001111 465.60 1 +01001111 617.10 1 +01001111 8,169 1 +01001111 10,648 1 +01001111 591.90 1 +01001111 370,0000 1 +01001111 11,076 1 +01001111 8,645 1 +01001111 10,690 1 +01001111 12,013 1 +01001111 8,474 1 +01001111 6,107 1 +01001111 9,918 1 +01001111 379,159 1 +01001111 432.25 1 +01001111 18,650 1 +01001111 363,931 1 +01001111 7,970,000 1 +01001111 20,460 1 +01001111 607.70 1 +01001111 2,000-a-day 1 +01001111 66,026 1 +01001111 53,063 1 +01001111 394,492 1 +01001111 31,057 1 +01001111 123,517 1 +01001111 251.82 1 +01001111 350.03 1 +01001111 357.58 1 +01001111 1,052.86 1 +01001111 103.79 1 +01001111 267,750 1 +01001111 501,530 1 +01001111 923,000 1 +01001111 1.09375 1 +01001111 91.875 1 +01001111 330,468 1 +01001111 1,003,229 1 +01001111 567.10 1 +01001111 6.765 1 +01001111 1.0250 1 +01001111 363,388 1 +01001111 70,196 1 +01001111 1.6240 1 +01001111 26,967 1 +01001111 29,440 1 +01001111 13,483 1 +01001111 400,100 1 +01001111 54.27 1 +01001111 438,202 1 +01001111 106,131 1 +01001111 561,900 1 +01001111 147.59 1 +01001111 102.04 1 +01001111 6.18-an-ounce 1 +01001111 6.603 1 +01001111 23.428 1 +01001111 2.2-billion 1 +01001111 32,840 1 +01001111 3.8956 1 +01001111 1.3615 1 +01001111 6.888 1 +01001111 504,491 1 +01001111 1.2354 1 +01001111 949,829 1 +01001111 128,024 1 +01001111 381,218 1 +01001111 2,393,000 1 +01001111 10,481 1 +01001111 365,883 1 +01001111 400,662 1 +01001111 962,912 1 +01001111 15,630 1 +01001111 31,125 1 +01001111 412,355 1 +01001111 44.05 1 +01001111 794,727 1 +01001111 447,740 1 +01001111 1,527,043 1 +01001111 582.40 1 +01001111 106,944 1 +01001111 439,887 1 +01001111 80,741 1 +01001111 26.25-a-share 1 +01001111 28-per-share 1 +01001111 3,585 1 +01001111 589,800 1 +01001111 67-a-week 1 +01001111 2,245,000 1 +01001111 3.312 1 +01001111 117,513 1 +01001111 9-a-ticket 1 +01001111 34.56 1 +01001111 1.146 1 +01001111 157.625 1 +01001111 260,400 1 +01001111 817,200 1 +01001111 49.33 1 +01001111 110,863 1 +01001111 1.1222 1 +01001111 583.70 1 +01001111 12,368 1 +01001111 12,468 1 +01001111 6,456 1 +01001111 6,918 1 +01001111 463.70 1 +01001111 1.6647 1 +01001111 1.6665 1 +01001111 1.6562 1 +01001111 35.54 1 +01001111 457,111 1 +01001111 586.30 1 +01001111 7.796 1 +01001111 22,721 1 +01001111 118,800 1 +01001111 966,759 1 +01001111 200-a-month 1 +01001111 1,105.20 1 +01001111 1,066.60 1 +01001111 96,127 1 +01001111 438,819 1 +01001111 382.4 1 +01001111 60.67 1 +01001111 1.1444 1 +01001111 7.415 1 +01001111 250,031 1 +01001111 100,000-a-day 1 +01001111 15,394,000 1 +01001111 42.29 1 +01001111 35.17 1 +01001111 541,667 1 +01001111 124,000-a-year 1 +01001111 453.80 1 +01001111 72,242 1 +01001111 139,133 1 +01001111 861,327 1 +01001111 561,125 1 +01001111 188,300 1 +01001111 12-a-day 1 +01001111 133,700 1 +01001111 119,224 1 +01001111 182,039 1 +01001111 605,984 1 +01001111 15-20M 1 +01001111 1.6480 1 +01001111 1,485,000 1 +01001111 813,450 1 +01001111 618.30 1 +01001111 7.785 1 +01001111 549,028 1 +01001111 288,254 1 +01001111 7,725 1 +01001111 45-million 1 +01001111 465.30 1 +01001111 9,500-a-year 1 +01001111 540,871 1 +01001111 122.80 1 +01001111 19.938 1 +01001111 14.188 1 +01001111 47,450 1 +01001111 50,450 1 +01001111 171,400 1 +01001111 172.125 1 +01001111 22,341 1 +01001111 10,395 1 +01001111 4,899 1 +01001111 1,461,000 1 +01001111 205.375 1 +01001111 210.50 1 +01001111 10,000-an-acre 1 +01001111 7,324 1 +01001111 7,758,000 1 +01001111 1.6527 1 +01001111 244,361 1 +01001111 70,120 1 +01001111 7,460,000 1 +01001111 30,403 1 +01001111 166,953 1 +01001111 196,800 1 +01001111 165.125 1 +01001111 404,198 1 +01001111 840,851 1 +01001111 205,152 1 +01001111 647,036 1 +01001111 30.22 1 +01001111 372,736 1 +01001111 601,467 1 +01001111 78,569 1 +01001111 355,235 1 +01001111 4,111,000 1 +01001111 166.125 1 +01001111 12,499 1 +01001111 12,649 1 +01001111 10,799 1 +01001111 10,949 1 +01001111 1.5840 1 +01001111 1.6000 1 +01001111 159.625 1 +01001111 484,600 1 +01001111 39,750 1 +01001111 576.70 1 +01001111 172.61 1 +01001111 496.52 1 +01001111 256.81 1 +01001111 452.60 1 +01001111 250-a-person 1 +01001111 1,071.88 1 +01001111 713,795 1 +01001111 400,119 1 +01001111 91.47 1 +01001111 1.895 1 +01001111 1.83125 1 +01001111 824,600,000 1 +01001111 1,036.06 1 +01001111 135,500 1 +01001111 129,200 1 +01001111 36,308 1 +01001111 61.10 1 +01001111 80.30 1 +01001111 131,815 1 +01001111 163,465 1 +01001111 83,407 1 +01001111 782,176 1 +01001111 23.35 1 +01001111 12,820 1 +01001111 18,197 1 +01001111 447.80 1 +01001111 7,395 1 +01001111 1,424 1 +01001111 2,281 1 +01001111 10,416.67 1 +01001111 497.10 1 +01001111 1.8378 1 +01001111 475,700 1 +01001111 44.825 1 +01001111 541,100 1 +01001111 12.745 1 +01001111 380,800 1 +01001111 159.95 1 +01001111 501.70 1 +01001111 5,789 1 +01001111 11,982 1 +01001111 5,932 1 +01001111 23.084 1 +01001111 1.8382 1 +01001111 600-billion 1 +01001111 12,766 1 +01001111 303,589 1 +01001111 603,192 1 +01001111 307,784 1 +01001111 894,498 1 +01001111 6.978 1 +01001111 30-a-hundred-weight 1 +01001111 6.139 1 +01001111 4.4643 1 +01001111 4.461 1 +01001111 1,000-a-person 1 +01001111 3.2-billion 1 +01001111 14,000-a-year 1 +01001111 52,174 1 +01001111 22,737,370 1 +01001111 22,729,000 1 +01001111 926,000 1 +01001111 879,000 1 +01001111 5,215 1 +01001111 28,400 1 +01001111 75-odd 1 +01001111 488.80 1 +01001111 299,061 1 +01001111 13,698,056 1 +01001111 215,050 1 +01001111 722,272 1 +01001111 14,079 1 +01001111 532,815 1 +01001111 103,375 1 +01001111 971,289 1 +01001111 340,338 1 +01001111 950,287 1 +01001111 417,472 1 +01001111 484.50 1 +01001111 1.8052 1 +01001111 45,362 1 +01001111 73,851 1 +01001111 1.042 1 +01001111 59,790,000 1 +01001111 422.41 1 +01001111 621.49 1 +01001111 824,000 1 +01001111 3,379 1 +01001111 15,966 1 +01001111 1,342.30 1 +01001111 800,000-plus 1 +01001111 1.52-a-share 1 +01001111 105,806 1 +01001111 118,363 1 +01001111 12,400-per-interest 1 +01001111 840,767 1 +01001111 80,001 1 +01001111 54,001 1 +01001111 8,088,000 1 +01001111 890,497 1 +01001111 40-billion 1 +01001111 102,668 1 +01001111 1.0694 1 +01001111 57.95 1 +01001111 50-and-up 1 +01001111 22,688 1 +01001111 5,848 1 +01001111 10,668 1 +01001111 13,344 1 +01001111 54.30 1 +01001111 32.97 1 +01001111 89,500-a-year 1 +01001111 40,760.86 1 +01001111 8,149 1 +01001111 17,226 1 +01001111 158.875 1 +01001111 140,300 1 +01001111 2.375-a-share 1 +01001111 6,760 1 +01001111 471,200 1 +01001111 348,719 1 +01001111 25-a-barrel 1 +01001111 50-an-employee 1 +01001111 suburb-to-city 1 +01001111 479.80 1 +01001111 316.54 1 +01001111 140,912 1 +01001111 424,123,000 1 +01001111 133,843,000 1 +01001111 501,021 1 +01001111 1.8355 1 +01001111 475,000-a-year 1 +01001111 491.10 1 +01001111 6.756 1 +01001111 6.915 1 +01001111 48.064 1 +01001111 357,542 1 +01001111 70,351 1 +01001111 735,382 1 +01001111 604,500 1 +01001111 4,998 1 +01001111 639,096 1 +01001111 1,870.38 1 +01001111 189.99 1 +01001111 160-ashare 1 +01001111 2.32-a-share 1 +01001111 1.8318 1 +01001111 7.0781 1 +01001111 662,700,000 1 +01001111 25,105 1 +01001111 520.90 1 +01001111 400,200 1 +01001111 22,062 1 +01001111 34,547 1 +01001111 310,500 1 +01001111 28.689 1 +01001111 75,350 1 +01001111 70,600 1 +01001111 233,321 1 +01001111 2,677,000 1 +01001111 3,165,000 1 +01001111 987,799 1 +01001111 901,453 1 +01001111 33,000-plus 1 +01001111 811,002 1 +01001111 152,839 1 +01001111 58,000-a-year 1 +01001111 22,000-a-year 1 +01001111 200,000-a-year 1 +01001111 50,000-per-farm 1 +01001111 468,722 1 +01001111 35,652 1 +01001111 410.90 1 +01001111 18,784,000 1 +01001111 717.0 1 +01001111 157,704 1 +01001111 8.98-a-share 1 +01001111 482,665 1 +01001111 172,750 1 +01001111 19,029 1 +01001111 152,823 1 +01001111 188,922 1 +01001111 133,794 1 +01001111 422,650 1 +01001111 526,299 1 +01001111 313,599 1 +01001111 1.4765 1 +01001111 1.4867 1 +01001111 17.535 1 +01001111 1,017.90 1 +01001111 15,000-a-year 1 +01001111 412.30 1 +01001111 52.90 1 +01001111 530.70 1 +01001111 687,446 1 +01001111 4,118,000 1 +01001111 508,257,000 1 +01001111 43.05 1 +01001111 21.935 1 +01001111 5,550,000 1 +01001111 828,266 1 +01001111 993,907 1 +01001111 68,116,000 1 +01001111 406.20 1 +01001111 9.13-a-share 1 +01001111 228,688 1 +01001111 271,312 1 +01001111 151.50 1 +01001111 80,712 1 +01001111 6,378 1 +01001111 1.4860 1 +01001111 1,052.50 1 +01001111 1,118.75 1 +01001111 777,959 1 +01001111 54,555 1 +01001111 7,190 1 +01001111 8,178 1 +01001111 154,165 1 +01001111 0.028169 1 +01001111 480,154 1 +01001111 173,185 1 +01001111 4,555 1 +01001111 48,155 1 +01001111 11,860 1 +01001111 600-and-up 1 +01001111 79,400 1 +01001111 1,448,000 1 +01001111 29,400 1 +01001111 1.4728 1 +01001111 28.62 1 +01001111 5,912,711 1 +01001111 5,870,304 1 +01001111 402.90 1 +01001111 1.4885 1 +01001111 612,600 1 +01001111 180-a-share 1 +01001111 457,350 1 +01001111 133,200 1 +01001111 95,050 1 +01001111 24.935 1 +01001111 102,700 1 +01001111 1,867 1 +01001111 460,800 1 +01001111 390,144 1 +01001111 1,084.25 1 +01001111 243,500 1 +01001111 320-million-grossing 1 +01001111 37,986 1 +01001111 30,504 1 +01001111 415.70 1 +01001111 3,730 1 +01001111 410.30 1 +01001111 460,350 1 +01001111 4,583 1 +01001111 6,944 1 +01001111 1.13249 1 +01001111 42.22 1 +01001111 4,121 1 +01001111 16,841 1 +01001111 18,544 1 +01001111 25,644 1 +01001111 1.5245 1 +01001111 1.5231 1 +01001111 110.50 1 +01001111 979,000 1 +01001111 1,656,000 1 +01001111 64.34 1 +01001111 10,479 1 +01001111 10,693 1 +01001111 9,965 1 +01001111 387,858 1 +01001111 1,000-a-month 1 +01001111 1,157.98 1 +01001111 1,117.51 1 +01001111 1,141.88 1 +01001111 4,788,000 1 +01001111 250,011 1 +01001111 8,425,000 1 +01001111 3,014 1 +01001111 11-a-day 1 +01001111 9.64-a-share 1 +01001111 7.71-a-share 1 +01001111 96-a-week 1 +01001111 60-a-week 1 +01001111 demystifying 1 +01001111 53,547 1 +01001111 416.30 1 +01001111 412.66 1 +01001111 392,700 1 +01001111 309,517 1 +01001111 105,016 1 +01001111 250-an-hour 1 +01001111 415.90 1 +01001111 5,688 1 +01001111 7.50-a-unit 1 +01001111 893,117 1 +01001111 72,593 1 +01001111 127,906 1 +01001111 2,940,000 1 +01001111 7,482 1 +01001111 1,778 1 +01001111 5,512 1 +01001111 5,561 1 +01001111 59,251 1 +01001111 2,119,400 1 +01001111 1.2525 1 +01001111 519.50 1 +01001111 5.515 1 +01001111 5s 1 +01001111 730,800 1 +01001111 1,388,600 1 +01001111 1,474.45 1 +01001111 82,802 1 +01001111 307.98 1 +01001111 6-a-ton 1 +01001111 632,705 1 +01001111 422.40 1 +01001111 1.5191 1 +01001111 1.5340 1 +01001111 155.50 1 +01001111 423.40 1 +01001111 279,300 1 +01001111 1,086.11 1 +01001111 17.325 1 +01001111 40.61 1 +01001111 20-and-up 1 +01001111 690,250 1 +01001111 409,715 1 +01001111 43,180 1 +01001111 339,344 1 +01001111 265,199 1 +01001111 623,803 1 +01001111 342,583 1 +01001111 2,048,700 1 +01001111 7,657 1 +01001111 22.635 1 +01001111 673,800 1 +01001111 957,770 1 +01001111 437,444 1 +01001111 1,166.25 1 +01001111 26,698 1 +01001111 41,700 1 +01001111 144,470 1 +01001111 190,723 1 +01001111 20,250 1 +01001111 10,898 1 +01001111 8,898 1 +01001111 5,948 1 +01001111 435,611 1 +01001111 16,949 1 +01001111 11,899 1 +01001111 11,649 1 +01001111 578.50 1 +01001111 369.50 1 +01001111 104.75 1 +01001111 2,562,000 1 +01001111 1,655,000 1 +01001111 601.60 1 +01001111 411.35 1 +01001111 55.82 1 +01001111 43,562,000 1 +01001111 43,599,000 1 +01001111 16.5248 1 +01001111 997,486 1 +01001111 11,230 1 +01001111 10-a-unit 1 +01001111 1.6603 1 +01001111 insincerely 1 +01001111 135,925 1 +01001111 11,024 1 +01001111 10,875 1 +01001111 103.125 1 +01001111 456.05 1 +01001111 1.50. 1 +01001111 1,847 1 +01001111 134,600 1 +01001111 11,666 1 +01001111 19,509 1 +01001111 16,612 1 +01001111 7,938 1 +01001111 50,025 1 +01001111 255,199 1 +01001111 101,131 1 +01001111 48,507 1 +01001111 19.13 1 +01001111 456.80 1 +01001111 3,146 1 +01001111 2,136 1 +01001111 40,377,000 1 +01001111 10,096 1 +01001111 43.15 1 +01001111 1,391,000 1 +01001111 467.30 1 +01001111 239.75 1 +01001111 1,377 1 +01001111 244,960 1 +01001111 48.125-a-share 1 +01001111 300,232 1 +01001111 200,076 1 +01001111 137,268 1 +01001111 38.73 1 +01001111 1,458.33 1 +01001111 1,022,539 1 +01001111 740,352 1 +01001111 127,605 1 +01001111 47.94 1 +01001111 54.90 1 +01001111 1,858 1 +01001111 29,750 1 +01001111 2.90-a-share 1 +01001111 96-a-share 1 +01001111 482,667 1 +01001111 4-a-year 1 +01001111 41.628 1 +01001111 40,412,692 1 +01001111 4,299,000 1 +01001111 81.625 1 +01001111 1,055.63 1 +01001111 612,700 1 +01001111 47.91 1 +01001111 362,710 1 +01001111 212.50 1 +01001111 1.4617 1 +01001111 2,244,200 1 +01001111 15,000,000 1 +01001111 39,204 1 +01001111 2,025,888 1 +01001111 64,800 1 +01001111 2,341,000 1 +01001111 43.25-a-share 1 +01001111 3,237,193 1 +01001111 41.79 1 +01001111 421,874 1 +01001111 403,784 1 +01001111 105,463 1 +01001111 14.954 1 +01001111 8,503 1 +01001111 11,610 1 +01001111 10,766 1 +01001111 81,110 1 +01001111 175-a-person 1 +01001111 109.125 1 +01001111 1,224,000 1 +01001111 1,202,000 1 +01001111 7.677 1 +01001111 1.1549 1 +01001111 cama 1 +01001111 1.56-a-share 1 +01001111 32,739 1 +01001111 37,481 1 +01001111 6,375,000 1 +01001111 392.90 1 +01001111 393,000 1 +01001111 305.36 1 +01001111 308.52 1 +01001111 1,406 1 +01001111 400,914 1 +01001111 3,029,000 1 +01001111 39.87 1 +01001111 5,547 1 +01001111 44,376,000 1 +01001111 394.80 1 +01001111 283,783 1 +01001111 60.94 1 +01001111 705,850 1 +01001111 12,036 1 +01001111 22,755 1 +01001111 745,901 1 +01001111 236,755 1 +01001111 13,170 1 +01001111 1,440,000 1 +01001111 400,000-a-month 1 +01001111 979,003 1 +01001111 827,982 1 +01001111 1.5670 1 +01001111 27.05 1 +01001111 32,005 1 +01001111 33,648 1 +01001111 26-a-month 1 +01001111 84,800 1 +01001111 150.125 1 +01001111 10.93-a-share 1 +01001111 286,870 1 +01001111 200,445 1 +01001111 200,784 1 +01001111 201,930 1 +01001111 2,300-a-dose 1 +01001111 144,569 1 +01001111 74,812.50 1 +01001111 153,068 1 +01001111 8,779 1 +01001111 9,239 1 +01001111 7,349 1 +01001111 12,579 1 +01001111 611,200 1 +01001111 279-a-pair 1 +01001111 447.30 1 +01001111 1.32-a-share 1 +01001111 68,662.50 1 +01001111 239,375 1 +01001111 2,626,278 1 +01001111 763,364 1 +01001111 26,554 1 +01001111 40,424 1 +01001111 28,031 1 +01001111 900,938 1 +01001111 29,203 1 +01001111 440,200 1 +01001111 904,900 1 +01001111 94,023 1 +01001111 189,951 1 +01001111 7,634 1 +01001111 80,300 1 +01001111 81,800 1 +01001111 168,800 1 +01001111 462,003 1 +01001111 162,400 1 +01001111 857,227 1 +01001111 749,482 1 +01001111 107,745 1 +01001111 275,000-a-year 1 +01001111 450.10 1 +01001111 l8,758 1 +01001111 7,952 1 +01001111 539.50 1 +01001111 6.5450 1 +01001111 634,262 1 +01001111 3,344,352 1 +01001111 441.60 1 +01001111 456.40 1 +01001111 542.50 1 +01001111 10.296 1 +01001111 38.20-an-ounce 1 +01001111 7.250 1 +01001111 10,402 1 +01001111 240,600 1 +01001111 684,713 1 +01001111 295,296 1 +01001111 128,663 1 +01001111 12,913 1 +01001111 5,066,904 1 +01001111 5,070,029 1 +01001111 298,421 1 +01001111 8,695 1 +01001111 258,851 1 +01001111 7,225 1 +01001111 1,008,000 1 +01001111 184,770 1 +01001111 189,361 1 +01001111 389,263 1 +01001111 1,000-for-everyone 1 +01001111 1,000-a-seat 1 +01001111 407,500 1 +01001111 1,104.81 1 +01001111 11,142 1 +01001111 18.50-per-share 1 +01001111 928,522 1 +01001111 1.309 1 +01001111 74,850 1 +01001111 147,300 1 +01001111 18,000. 1 +01001111 165,900 1 +01001111 1,200-a-car 1 +01001111 12.40-a-share 1 +01001111 1,034,438 1 +01001111 21,091 1 +01001111 346.50 1 +01001111 111.625 1 +01001111 307,500 1 +01001111 941,900 1 +01001111 5.335 1 +01001111 5.095 1 +01001111 530,800 1 +01001111 897,969 1 +01001111 758,729 1 +01001111 832,240 1 +01001111 4,888 1 +01001111 857,100 1 +01001111 845,700 1 +01001111 300,940 1 +01001111 164,025 1 +01001111 158.125 1 +01001111 282,962 1 +01001111 151.625 1 +01001111 1.328 1 +01001111 28,332 1 +01001111 2,883.60 1 +01001111 20,550 1 +01001111 177,800 1 +01001111 59,202 1 +01001111 310,276 1 +01001111 823,500 1 +01001111 680,287 1 +01001111 28,125 1 +01001111 86,134 1 +01001111 82,440 1 +01001111 75,978 1 +01001111 63,339 1 +01001111 78,300 1 +01001111 129,775 1 +01001111 3,745 1 +01001111 3,161 1 +01001111 992,017 1 +01001111 952,500 1 +01001111 151,115 1 +01001111 66,987 1 +01001111 8.3875 1 +01001111 1.8729 1 +01001111 74,692 1 +01001111 49,990 1 +01001111 163,340 1 +01001111 21,990 1 +01001111 59,179 1 +01001111 11,583,553 1 +01001111 11,702 1 +01001111 18,683 1 +01001111 805.50 1 +01001111 515.90 1 +01001111 106,034 1 +01001111 88,414 1 +01001111 7,309 1 +01001111 665,869 1 +01001111 652,361 1 +01001111 11,333 1 +01001111 743.45 1 +01001111 365.40 1 +01001111 473.50 1 +01001111 1.2895 1 +01001111 279,711 1 +01001111 2,126,000 1 +01001111 24,100 1 +01001111 526.20 1 +01001111 181,700 1 +01001111 9,088,000 1 +01001111 105,121 1 +01001111 65,836,000 1 +01001111 1,026,000 1 +01001111 22,195 1 +01001111 8,669 1 +01001111 6,269 1 +01001111 22,094.93 1 +01001111 791,500 1 +01001111 517,066 1 +01001111 cliff-hanging 1 +01001111 2,379,000 1 +01001111 2,511,000 1 +01001111 22.45 1 +01001111 254,409 1 +01001111 850.27 1 +01001111 377,620 1 +01001111 1.2375 1 +01001111 25,892 1 +01001111 84,884 1 +01001111 2,855 1 +01001111 369.30 1 +01001111 5,075 1 +01001111 108,957 1 +01001111 445.40 1 +01001111 1,942,782 1 +01001111 163.625 1 +01001111 376.60 1 +01001111 5,001,485 1 +01001111 483,600 1 +01001111 1.3553 1 +01001111 306.56 1 +01001111 1.6050 1 +01001111 11,499 1 +01001111 17,499 1 +01001111 447.20 1 +01001111 801,600 1 +01001111 1.256 1 +01001111 63.47 1 +01001111 69.08 1 +01001111 2.25-a-share 1 +01001111 26,983 1 +01001111 822,093 1 +01001111 292,403 1 +01001111 45.598 1 +01001111 1.2670 1 +01001111 101,100 1 +01001111 445.60 1 +01001111 11.375-a-share 1 +01001111 95.20 1 +01001111 5.2150 1 +01001111 8,535 1 +01001111 10,459 1 +01001111 13,593 1 +01001111 59,453 1 +01001111 187,839 1 +01001111 186,043 1 +01001111 2,145 1 +01001111 6,784 1 +01001111 4,703 1 +01001111 53,019 1 +01001111 209,358 1 +01001111 100-a-person 1 +01001111 185-a-person 1 +01001111 657,658 1 +01001111 415.84-a-month 1 +01001111 16-a-common-share 1 +01001111 229,725 1 +01001111 374,017 1 +01001111 230,324 1 +01001111 2-per-unit 1 +01001111 1.343 1 +01001111 3.675 1 +01001111 1.3801 1 +01001111 231,300 1 +01001111 1,255 1 +01001111 2,168 1 +01001111 1,059.50 1 +01001111 1,092.79 1 +01001111 2,147.49 1 +01001111 27,000-a-year 1 +01001111 12,270 1 +01001111 8,329 1 +01001111 5,373,322 1 +01001111 11,361,046 1 +01001111 576,720 1 +01001111 270,800 1 +01001111 290,871 1 +01001111 240,245,000 1 +01001111 87,136 1 +01001111 2,004.23 1 +01001111 2,593.74 1 +01001111 1,593.74 1 +01001111 3,699 1 +01001111 15,565 1 +01001111 24,915 1 +01001111 4,912 1 +01001111 1,213 1 +01001111 46,600 1 +01001111 148.25 1 +01001111 1,566,000 1 +01001111 70,000-a-year 1 +01001111 1.0650 1 +01001111 1.3832 1 +01001111 2.5725 1 +01001111 227,800 1 +01001111 3.28-a-share 1 +01001111 4,486,969 1 +01001111 40,000-a-month 1 +01001111 5,280,825 1 +01001111 2,293,408 1 +01001111 54,391,453.80 1 +01001111 26,295,590 1 +01001111 2,655,800 1 +01001111 231,548 1 +01001111 191,071 1 +01001111 91,054 1 +01001111 93,959 1 +01001111 233,637 1 +01001111 60-billion-a-year 1 +01001111 614.50 1 +01001111 1.7952 1 +01001111 446,700 1 +01001111 717,564 1 +01001111 773,260 1 +01001111 1.7810 1 +01001111 1.7838 1 +01001111 16.50-a 1 +01001111 1.2785 1 +01001111 39.5625 1 +01001111 136,749 1 +01001111 274,712 1 +01001111 953,730 1 +01001111 695,400 1 +01001111 106,175 1 +01001111 1.8574 1 +01001111 1.7964 1 +01001111 5,445 1 +01001111 25,414,000 1 +01001111 514,800 1 +01001111 71,901 1 +01001111 89,561 1 +01001111 43,151 1 +01001111 1,557 1 +01001111 24.063 1 +01001111 1.0175 1 +01001111 l.02 1 +01001111 7.3050 1 +01001111 1.3488 1 +01001111 186,774 1 +01001111 6,272,786 1 +01001111 1,641,000 1 +01001111 325-a-year 1 +01001111 58,800 1 +01001111 1.712 1 +01001111 112,890 1 +01001111 85,100 1 +01001111 659,725,000 1 +01001111 1.003 1 +01001111 1,950,000,000 1 +01001111 1.430 1 +01001111 47,800 1 +01001111 5,578 1 +01001111 222,500 1 +01001111 12.625-a-share 1 +01001111 88,200 1 +01001111 138,200 1 +01001111 73,500 1 +01001111 1.0750 1 +01001111 1.4072 1 +01001111 8.3125 1 +01001111 35-40 1 +01001111 5.243 1 +01001111 1.2545 1 +01001111 300-an-hour 1 +01001111 156.25 1 +01001111 19.53125 1 +01001111 6,772 1 +01001111 964,000-a-year 1 +01001111 1.60-a-year 1 +01001111 1,108.10 1 +01001111 141,100 1 +01001111 5.3750 1 +01001111 372,417 1 +01001111 734,843 1 +01001111 1.2280 1 +01001111 126,868 1 +01001111 50-plus-per-ton 1 +01001111 489.80 1 +01001111 5.235 1 +01001111 1.5800 1 +01001111 2,065 1 +01001111 60-a-night 1 +01001111 471,176 1 +01001111 93.625 1 +01001111 21,955,000 1 +01001111 11,855,000 1 +01001111 7.3125 1 +01001111 WNRW-TV 1 +01001111 3,481 1 +01001111 2.183 1 +01001111 30-a-day 1 +01001111 .72 1 +01001111 1,970,625 1 +01001111 8,908 1 +01001111 8,597 1 +01001111 433,400 1 +01001111 60,100 1 +01001111 40,531 1 +01001111 475,500 1 +01001111 700,169 1 +01001111 171,090 1 +01001111 38-a-unit 1 +01001111 3.40-a-share 1 +01001111 12.30-an-ounce 1 +01001111 25.916 1 +01001111 39.666 1 +01001111 8,670,000 1 +01001111 30,228 1 +01001111 17,108 1 +01001111 28.87-a-share 1 +01001111 6.7950 1 +01001111 0.363 1 +01001111 5.6546 1 +01001111 239,893 1 +01001111 579.40 1 +01001111 44.49 1 +01001111 2,855,000 1 +01001111 597.50 1 +01001111 590.60 1 +01001111 539,717 1 +01001111 65-a-month 1 +01001111 458.20 1 +01001111 6.6750 1 +01001111 557.50 1 +01001111 241,405 1 +01001111 1,068.25 1 +01001111 1.15-a-share 1 +01001111 3.965 1 +01001111 465,600 1 +01001111 310,387 1 +01001111 39,575 1 +01001111 9,825 1 +01001111 13,678 1 +01001111 4,032 1 +01001111 2.5-billion 1 +01001111 5,270 1 +01001111 4,868 1 +01001111 1,084.38 1 +01001111 1,558,000 1 +01001111 257,258 1 +01001111 51,887,168 1 +01001111 567,890 1 +01001111 466,034 1 +01001111 30-a-barrel 1 +01001111 144,241 1 +01001111 317.06 1 +01001111 320.86 1 +01001111 522,650 1 +01001111 112,390,000 1 +01001111 7,784 1 +01001111 87,710 1 +01001111 83,943 1 +01001111 16.625-a-share 1 +01001111 626,650 1 +01001111 5,121,000 1 +01001111 86.20 1 +01001111 25,000-a-month 1 +01001111 42,777,000 1 +01001111 2,409,000 1 +01001111 2,411,000 1 +01001111 600,000-a-year 1 +01001111 22.47 1 +01001111 1.5723 1 +01001111 507.50 1 +01001111 11,883 1 +01001111 13,776 1 +01001111 473.16 1 +01001111 5,583 1 +01001111 22,330 1 +01001111 771,428 1 +01001111 27.15 1 +01001111 2-million 1 +01001111 462.40 1 +01001111 6.8650 1 +01001111 3,337,000 1 +01001111 3,167,000 1 +01001111 75-80 1 +01001111 110,500 1 +01001111 91.90 1 +01001111 47.80 1 +01001111 634,839 1 +01001111 10,298 1 +01001111 14,411 1 +01001111 610.90 1 +01001111 615.70 1 +01001111 33.70 1 +01001111 1.3377 1 +01001111 13,700,000 1 +01001111 1.813 1 +01001111 584.00 1 +01001111 2,395,413 1 +01001111 3,882,046 1 +01001111 3,990,503 1 +01001111 7,629 1 +01001111 162,248 1 +01001111 15,799 1 +01001111 147,350 1 +01001111 17.71-a-share 1 +01001111 6,975,000 1 +01001111 78.84 1 +01001111 16.59-a-share 1 +01001111 28.1256 1 +01001111 61,800 1 +01001111 8,000-a-year 1 +01001111 456,499 1 +01001111 4,947.75 1 +01001111 390,600 1 +01001111 1.7535 1 +01001111 581,665 1 +01001111 612,631 1 +01001111 8.735 1 +01001111 251,711 1 +01001111 478,645 1 +01001111 10.125-a-share 1 +01001111 24,348 1 +01001111 982.50 1 +01001111 190,565 1 +01001111 8,750,000 1 +01001111 16,690 1 +01001111 14,330 1 +01001111 14,820 1 +01001111 1.273 1 +01001111 5,000-plus 1 +01001111 598,412 1 +01001111 11.75-a-share 1 +01001111 835,800 1 +01001111 778,200 1 +01001111 948,894 1 +01001111 6,635 1 +01001111 13,140 1 +01001111 12,810 1 +01001111 11,150 1 +01001111 8,895 1 +01001111 9,145 1 +01001111 461,610 1 +01001111 150-a-plate 1 +01001111 556,036 1 +01001111 3,579,000 1 +01001111 69,380 1 +01001111 26,560 1 +01001111 178,314 1 +01001111 219,819 1 +01001111 125-a-head 1 +01001111 24,545,000 1 +01001111 17.09-a-share 1 +01001111 53- 1 +01001111 90,940 1 +01001111 191,172 1 +01001111 75,131 1 +01001111 13.806 1 +01001111 8.695 1 +01001111 201,100 1 +01001111 174,399 1 +01001111 41,485,000 1 +01001111 11,225,000 1 +01001111 336,312 1 +01001111 143,761 1 +01001111 1,515.15 1 +01001111 347,565 1 +01001111 337,570,000 1 +01001111 12.75-a-share 1 +01001111 107-a-share 1 +01001111 1,547 1 +01001111 339,821 1 +01001111 280.25 1 +01001111 37,790 1 +01001111 39,880 1 +01001111 16,585 1 +01001111 45-by 1 +01001111 6.447 1 +01001111 6,747 1 +01001111 7,127 1 +01001111 92,800 1 +01001111 8,977 1 +01001111 9,093 1 +01001111 6,586 1 +01001111 40.93 1 +01001111 15,074 1 +01001111 3,166,825 1 +01001111 109,400 1 +01001111 7,358 1 +01001111 1.6260 1 +01001111 1,014.26 1 +01001111 1,072.50 1 +01001111 1.8302 1 +01001111 62.48 1 +01001111 288.75 1 +01001111 9,156 1 +01001111 33,245 1 +01001111 6,345 1 +01001111 12.50-a-gallon 1 +01001111 138,850 1 +01001111 243,075 1 +01001111 53,398,497 1 +01001111 120-million 1 +01001111 129,374 1 +01001111 554,806 1 +01001111 16,897,000 1 +01001111 1,127,000 1 +01001111 2.188 1 +01001111 24,215,000 1 +01001111 27,685,000 1 +01001111 82,332 1 +01001111 110,800 1 +01001111 1.5650 1 +01001111 3,333,334 1 +01001111 423,990 1 +01001111 1,205,000 1 +01001111 214,488 1 +01001111 17,975 1 +01001111 1.0325 1 +01001111 304,999 1 +01001111 840,896 1 +01001111 315.77 1 +01001111 35,700 1 +01001111 95,000-a-year 1 +01001111 158.08 1 +01001111 867.50 1 +01001111 13,810 1 +01001111 32,928 1 +01001111 156.375 1 +01001111 2,852 1 +01001111 757,720 1 +01001111 9,133.35 1 +01001111 27,660,000 1 +01001111 4,994,000 1 +01001111 4.2-billion 1 +01001111 514,558 1 +01001111 2.205 1 +01001111 269,131 1 +01001111 60,961 1 +01001111 1,813,414 1 +01001111 1,920,226 1 +01001111 472,896 1 +01001111 721,330 1 +01001111 300,809 1 +01001111 8,581 1 +01001111 187,316 1 +01001111 66,912 1 +01001111 44,910 1 +01001111 31,497 1 +01001111 20,535 1 +01001111 1,203.50 1 +01001111 199,500 1 +01001111 15.45-a-share 1 +01001111 25,720 1 +01001111 65,400 1 +01001111 7,614 1 +01001111 1,140,335 1 +01001111 840,300 1 +01001111 604,215 1 +01001111 207,610 1 +01001111 650-million 1 +01001111 26,250 1 +01001111 24.1-million 1 +01001111 36,250 1 +01001111 488,990 1 +01001111 7,374 1 +01001111 222,187 1 +01001111 296,981 1 +01001111 1.8705 1 +01001111 977,086 1 +01001111 192,370 1 +01001111 900,730 1 +01001111 2,448,400.66 1 +01001111 19,630 1 +01001111 16,672 1 +01001111 59.00 1 +01001111 584,881 1 +01001111 30.64 1 +01001111 2.905 1 +01001111 2.442 1 +01001111 283.25 1 +01001111 7,458 1 +01001111 19,864 1 +01001111 267,900 1 +01001111 2.38194 1 +01001111 36,985 1 +01001111 7,445 1 +01001111 11,152 1 +01001111 10,423 1 +01001111 37.25-a-share 1 +01001111 855,796 1 +01001111 200,322 1 +01001111 437.30 1 +01001111 30.24 1 +01001111 400.29 1 +01001111 9,000-a-year 1 +01001111 117,847 1 +01001111 19.25-a-share 1 +01001111 18,000-a-year 1 +01001111 473,408 1 +01001111 5.1720 1 +01001111 77,065 1 +01001111 37,845 1 +01001111 365.00 1 +01001111 162,461 1 +01001111 22,513 1 +01001111 441.90 1 +01001111 124-a-share 1 +01001111 184,250,000 1 +01001111 664.37 1 +01001111 73.80-a-share 1 +01001111 1,206,180,000 1 +01001111 62,400,000 1 +01001111 74.50-a-share 1 +01001111 9,776 1 +01001111 1,000-a-year 1 +01001111 163,628 1 +01001111 4,951,000 1 +01001111 1,059.06 1 +01001111 21,958 1 +01001111 38,346 1 +01001111 25,803 1 +01001111 13,647 1 +01001111 1,176.25 1 +01001111 1,167.50 1 +01001111 33,908 1 +01001111 436.20 1 +01001111 27.65 1 +01001111 33,803 1 +01001111 1,325.76 1 +01001111 100,000-per-deposit 1 +01001111 32,137 1 +01001111 7-an-ounce 1 +01001111 5.1570 1 +01001111 20.71 1 +01001111 20,505 1 +01001111 1.2870 1 +01001111 113,366 1 +01001111 546,305 1 +01001111 1.8477 1 +01001111 2.9750 1 +01001111 29.50-a-share 1 +01001111 19,640 1 +01001111 329.90 1 +01001111 923,832 1 +01001111 1.2570 1 +01001111 59.93 1 +01001111 1,986,950 1 +01001111 1,455 1 +01001111 803,369 1 +01001111 86.37 1 +01001111 33,005 1 +01001111 18,929 1 +01001111 67,331 1 +01001111 26,075 1 +01001111 3,572,000 1 +01001111 31,010 1 +01001111 49,030 1 +01001111 41,690 1 +01001111 29,154 1 +01001111 10,744 1 +01001111 111.875 1 +01001111 25,294 1 +01001111 179,474 1 +01001111 444,589 1 +01001111 148,070 1 +01001111 9,000-plus 1 +01001111 1.7699 1 +01001111 819,000 1 +01001111 2,091 1 +01001111 12,590 1 +01001111 1,975,000 1 +01001111 399.95 1 +01001111 550,596 1 +01001111 1,411 1 +01001111 8,384 1 +01001111 1.8455 1 +01001111 432,035 1 +01001111 12,388 1 +01001111 13,250,000 1 +01001111 50-limit 1 +01001111 75-a-shift 1 +01001111 47.250 1 +01001111 36.731 1 +01001111 139,391 1 +01001111 313,625 1 +01001111 813,996 1 +01001111 24,615 1 +01001111 47.31 1 +01001111 9,650 1 +01001111 14,753 1 +01001111 16,437 1 +01001111 41,200 1 +01001111 61.766 1 +01001111 165,000-a-year 1 +01001111 21.40-a-share 1 +01001111 359.95 1 +01001111 165,200 1 +01001111 117.625 1 +01001111 101,930 1 +01001111 154,848 1 +01001111 25,800 1 +01001111 792,954 1 +01001111 556,086 1 +01001111 61,886 1 +01001111 14,529 1 +01001111 11,929 1 +01001111 2,075,000 1 +01001111 5,495 1 +01001111 73.50-a-share 1 +01001111 98,082 1 +01001111 2,380,952,414 1 +01001111 694,574 1 +01001111 5-billion-a-year 1 +01001111 402,871 1 +01001111 850,340,136 1 +01001111 8,760 1 +01001111 12.435 1 +01001111 73,523 1 +01001111 513,121 1 +01001111 79,648.21 1 +01001111 9,706 1 +01001111 13,543 1 +01001111 161,649 1 +01001111 37,808 1 +01001111 40,602,915 1 +01001111 4,319,313 1 +01001111 27.825 1 +01001111 27.61 1 +01001111 24,900 1 +01001111 445.10 1 +01001111 1.8940 1 +01001111 29,841 1 +01001111 6.4650 1 +01001111 5-per-share 1 +01001111 47.75-a-share 1 +01001111 2.9-million 1 +01001111 13.4-billion 1 +01001111 30-a-hundredweight 1 +01001111 106,600 1 +01001111 871,309 1 +01001111 91.20 1 +01001111 1.5533 1 +01001111 1.5500 1 +01001111 1,259,072 1 +01001111 829.55 1 +01001111 2,355,709 1 +01001111 4.5-billion 1 +01001111 1.16-a-share 1 +01001111 108.375 1 +01001111 861,589 1 +01001111 32,959 1 +01001111 8,958 1 +01001111 27,624 1 +01001111 7,694 1 +01001111 748,458 1 +01001111 77,235 1 +01001111 14,880 1 +01001111 1.2450 1 +01001111 1.6554 1 +01001111 365.10 1 +01001111 477.30 1 +01001111 1.2380 1 +01001111 192,930 1 +01001111 400-million-a-year 1 +01001111 30,230 1 +01001111 6,285 1 +01001111 8,252,992 1 +01001111 540.40 1 +01001111 1,001.43 1 +01001111 1,696 1 +01001111 22,850 1 +01001111 7,149 1 +01001111 21,550 1 +01001111 2,115,527,100 1 +01001111 120-a-square-foot 1 +01001111 2,850,783 1 +01001111 2,973,544 1 +01001111 51,550 1 +01001111 50,900 1 +01001111 622,500 1 +01001111 14,424 1 +01001111 600,723 1 +01001111 1,019.54 1 +01001111 65,137 1 +01001111 600-a-person 1 +01001111 272,795 1 +01001111 112,549 1 +01001111 10,283 1 +01001111 69.60 1 +01001111 35.10 1 +01001111 8,550 1 +01001111 504.70 1 +01001111 9,099 1 +01001111 15,240 1 +01001111 29,757 1 +01001111 1-per-acre 1 +01001111 78,600 1 +01001111 20-per-passenger 1 +01001111 6.135 1 +01001111 247,830 1 +01001111 11,999 1 +01001111 156.125 1 +01001111 4.5625 1 +01001111 18.93 1 +01001111 356,192 1 +01001111 86,815 1 +01001111 72,400 1 +01001111 87,420 1 +01001111 457.00 1 +01001111 332,122.50 1 +01001111 6,801 1 +01001111 6,906 1 +01001111 72,681 1 +01001111 15,920 1 +01001111 14,180 1 +01001111 14,895 1 +01001111 18,645 1 +01001111 316.48 1 +01001111 317.72 1 +01001111 317.97 1 +01001111 200,004 1 +01001111 88.375 1 +01001111 305,638 1 +01001111 17,515 1 +01001111 470,474 1 +01001111 39,600 1 +01001111 35,125 1 +01001111 168,790 1 +01001111 34,375 1 +01001111 9,283 1 +01001111 845,257 1 +01001111 154,402 1 +01001111 18,840 1 +01001111 834,457 1 +01001111 12,635 1 +01001111 480,916 1 +01001111 774,302 1 +01001111 3,975 1 +01001111 2,501,915 1 +01001111 1.8995 1 +01001111 .54 1 +01001111 6,700,000 1 +01001111 526.70 1 +01001111 0.8451 1 +01001111 0.8530 1 +01001111 1.7540 1 +01001111 448,200 1 +01001111 80,000-a-year 1 +01001111 1.8878 1 +01001111 36,254 1 +01001111 646,855 1 +01001111 107.50 1 +01001111 39,645 1 +01001111 3,346,775 1 +01001111 401,250 1 +01001111 107,835,293 1 +01001111 41.74 1 +01001111 63,384 1 +01001111 1.0375 1 +01001111 6.434 1 +01001111 999,999,999.99 1 +01001111 2,000-a-dose 1 +01001111 25,866 1 +01001111 19,164 1 +01001111 940,872 1 +01001111 633,300 1 +01001111 7.1125 1 +01001111 28.333 1 +01001111 31.421 1 +01001111 817,447 1 +01001111 342,411 1 +01001111 1.685 1 +01001111 1.3190 1 +01001111 1.2155 1 +01001111 480.80 1 +01001111 2,531 1 +01001111 49,576 1 +01001111 1.5525 1 +01001111 5,289 1 +01001111 12,317,743 1 +01001111 29,160 1 +01001111 11,950 1 +01001111 29,610 1 +01001111 565,901 1 +01001111 615,967 1 +01001111 28,846 1 +01001111 52,096 1 +01001111 5,601 1 +01001111 35,173 1 +01001111 118.80 1 +01001111 5,699,000 1 +01001111 866.49 1 +01001111 306.25 1 +01001111 1.8905 1 +01001111 1.2480 1 +01001111 366.00 1 +01001111 5.9675 1 +01001111 13,458 1 +01001111 23.16-a-share 1 +01001111 158,700 1 +01001111 111,263 1 +01001111 87,559 1 +01001111 1,717,311 1 +01001111 488,800 1 +01001111 238,108 1 +01001111 1,087,500 1 +01001111 2,869 1 +01001111 975,266 1 +01001111 800,700 1 +01001111 726,923 1 +01001111 39.13 1 +01001111 659,656 1 +01001111 838,268 1 +01001111 479,370 1 +01001111 531,889 1 +01001111 Deladumone 1 +01001111 1.8596 1 +01001111 Tace 1 +01001111 206,880,000 1 +01001111 41.99 1 +01001111 48.21 1 +01001111 471,280 1 +01001111 250,000,000 1 +01001111 196,609 1 +01001111 46,750 1 +01001111 39,450 1 +01001111 3,863 1 +01001111 961,800 1 +01001111 20.85-a-share 1 +01001111 999,042 1 +01001111 31.95 1 +01001111 47,999 1 +01001111 591,821 1 +01001111 790,445 1 +01001111 290.75 1 +01001111 3,730,000 1 +01001111 11.479 1 +01001111 5,666 1 +01001111 110-aashare 1 +01001111 16,116 1 +01001111 124,989 1 +01001111 137,154 1 +01001111 16.425 1 +01001111 144,600 1 +01001111 139,400 1 +01001111 12.662 1 +01001111 1.5526 1 +01001111 647,452 1 +01001111 31.675 1 +01001111 17.42-a-share 1 +01001111 15,066,700 1 +01001111 808,835 1 +01001111 949,760 1 +01001111 791,883 1 +01001111 25,516 1 +01001111 717,625 1 +01001111 549,661 1 +01001111 1.2770 1 +01001111 10,754 1 +01001111 25,407 1 +01001111 92,460 1 +01001111 345,359 1 +01001111 86,638 1 +01001111 165.375 1 +01001111 34,120,000 1 +01001111 12,025 1 +01001111 12,535 1 +01001111 440-an-ounce 1 +01001111 568,700 1 +01001111 18,959 1 +01001111 8,759 1 +01001111 14,639 1 +01001111 15,519 1 +01001111 23.55 1 +01001111 54-an-ounce 1 +01001111 6,929 1 +01001111 14.183-a-share 1 +01001111 85.875 1 +01001111 36.10 1 +01001111 91.40 1 +01001111 102,525 1 +01001111 HK50,000 1 +01001111 HK20,000 1 +01001111 48,038 1 +01001111 22,917 1 +01001111 507,698 1 +01001111 946,106 1 +01001111 236,100 1 +01001111 301,650 1 +01001111 346,890 1 +01001111 10.925 1 +01001111 486.20 1 +01001111 518.10 1 +01001111 1,509 1 +01001111 1.107 1 +01001111 173,008 1 +01001111 500,229 1 +01001111 472,190 1 +01001111 26,524 1 +01001111 1.3705 1 +01001111 1.3035 1 +01001111 5.1530 1 +01001111 8,098 1 +01001111 6,148 1 +01001111 8,620 1 +01001111 6,477 1 +01001111 138.875 1 +01001111 954.93 1 +01001111 914.74 1 +01001111 16,495 1 +01001111 533.80 1 +01001111 439.00 1 +01001111 1.2572 1 +01001111 3,898 1 +01001111 3,039 1 +01001111 8,737 1 +01001111 1,694 1 +01001111 17,246,000 1 +01001111 5,292 1 +01001111 7,923 1 +01001111 3,795 1 +01001111 7.50-ashare 1 +01001111 44.38-a-share 1 +01001111 107,212 1 +01001111 3,117 1 +01001111 175-per-person 1 +01001111 1,000-a-ticket 1 +01001111 1.1647 1 +01001111 1.3057 1 +01001111 8,770,000 1 +01001111 435-an-ounce 1 +01001111 185-a-night 1 +01001111 1.3150 1 +01001111 88-a-month 1 +01001111 79,690 1 +01001111 99,956 1 +01001111 7,249 1 +01001111 194.50 1 +01001111 6,188 1 +01001111 14,725,000 1 +01001111 1.1225 1 +01001111 18.50-a-barrel 1 +01001111 .56 1 +01001111 .60 1 +01001111 10,035,000 1 +01001111 .41 1 +01001111 30,933 1 +01001111 31,380 1 +01001111 37,905 1 +01001111 38,475 1 +01001111 29,763 1 +01001111 32,700 1 +01001111 60,300 1 +01001111 469,000 1 +01001111 800-a-month 1 +01001111 122,976 1 +01001111 10,088 1 +01001111 1.0883 1 +01001111 35,805 1 +01001111 250,000. 1 +01001111 53,185,000 1 +01001111 440,300 1 +01001111 68,075 1 +01001111 1.7070 1 +01001111 1.7192 1 +01001111 16,575 1 +01001111 20,126 1 +01001111 34,850 1 +01001111 19,422 1 +01001111 17,865 1 +01001111 28,505 1 +01001111 200-a-share 1 +01001111 143.625 1 +01001111 3.0625 1 +01001111 4761373 1 +01001111 22,916-a-month 1 +01001111 200-a-bottle 1 +01001111 137,191 1 +01001111 24,810 1 +01001111 20-an-hour 1 +01001111 cutsie 1 +01001111 8,048 1 +01001111 24,460 1 +01001111 78,039 1 +01001111 7,530,802,000 1 +01001111 18,457,957,000 1 +01001111 388,889 1 +01001111 24,462 1 +01001111 3,926 1 +01001111 4,308 1 +01001111 1.2675 1 +01001111 2.415 1 +01001111 207.50 1 +01001111 11.71 1 +01001111 9,023,000 1 +01001111 5.766 1 +01001111 3,574,000 1 +01001111 346,800,000 1 +01001111 1.5463 1 +01001111 47.10 1 +01001111 half-a-billion 1 +01001111 136,255 1 +01001111 13,650 1 +01001111 8,465 1 +01001111 45,050 1 +01001111 1,308 1 +01001111 2,915 1 +01001111 3,214 1 +01001111 30,388 1 +01001111 1.2860 1 +01001111 7,428,000 1 +01001111 411.99 1 +01001111 486.30 1 +01001111 366.10 1 +01001111 5.1430 1 +01001111 434.40 1 +01001111 9,750,000,000 1 +01001111 8.324 1 +01001111 1.1667 1 +01001111 1.1906 1 +01001111 35-billion 1 +01001111 45-per-share 1 +01001111 181,677 1 +01001111 442,168 1 +01001111 642,916 1 +01001111 1,559 1 +01001111 15,910 1 +01001111 995,335 1 +01001111 8,023,034 1 +01001111 288,229 1 +01001111 736,501 1 +01001111 6,035,219 1 +01001111 8,006,682 1 +01001111 11.495 1 +01001111 13.245 1 +01001111 300,518 1 +01001111 15.047 1 +01001111 754,802 1 +01001111 126,533 1 +01001111 1.5445 1 +01001111 426,500 1 +01001111 1,406,512 1 +01001111 1,772,506 1 +01001111 646,232 1 +01001111 887,497 1 +01001111 481.20 1 +01001111 21.9-million 1 +01001111 997,231 1 +01001111 1,063,000 1 +01001111 108,550,000 1 +01001111 2,395 1 +01001111 443,400 1 +01001111 17.15-a-share 1 +01001111 7.1550 1 +01001111 569.50 1 +01001111 105.88 1 +01001111 144,900 1 +01001111 255,608 1 +01001111 77,922 1 +01001111 435.10 1 +01001111 7.2250 1 +01001111 551.30 1 +01001111 72,530 1 +01001111 24,081 1 +01001111 64,434 1 +01001111 814,801 1 +01001111 9.505 1 +01001111 3,902 1 +01001111 551.40 1 +01001111 7.1650 1 +01001111 3.3350 1 +01001111 18,895 1 +01001111 65,300 1 +01001111 105,100 1 +01001111 111,100 1 +01001111 108,900 1 +01001111 58,700 1 +01001111 221,025 1 +01001111 24,895 1 +01001111 209,072 1 +01001111 94,774 1 +01001111 483.70 1 +01001111 11,953 1 +01001111 76,200 1 +01001111 12,017 1 +01001111 26.841 1 +01001111 7,960 1 +01001111 157,356 1 +01001111 1.1498 1 +01001111 1.70-a-share 1 +01001111 525,687 1 +01001111 618,871 1 +01001111 106,308 1 +01001111 10,350,000 1 +01001111 90,872 1 +01001111 29,190 1 +01001111 76,380 1 +01001111 127,600 1 +01001111 1,017.42 1 +01001111 370,941 1 +01001111 551.50 1 +01001111 79.625 1 +01001111 27.60 1 +01001111 616,800 1 +01001111 172,920 1 +01001111 442.70 1 +01001111 16.313 1 +01001111 732,900 1 +01001111 582,000 1 +01001111 12-per-share 1 +01001111 13,239 1 +01001111 12,846 1 +01001111 3,840,000 1 +01001111 15,644 1 +01001111 1.676 1 +01001111 1.7060 1 +01001111 320.05 1 +01001111 323.05 1 +01001111 321.67 1 +01001111 322.60 1 +01001111 86.625 1 +01001111 1,128,000 1 +01001111 1,078,000 1 +01001111 10,703 1 +01001111 526,992 1 +01001111 466,284 1 +01001111 6,290 1 +01001111 7,280 1 +01001111 585,109 1 +01001111 25,995 1 +01001111 20,804 1 +01001111 1.8265 1 +01001111 38,304 1 +01001111 33,492 1 +01001111 24,120 1 +01001111 1,812 1 +01001111 1,815 1 +01001111 29,580 1 +01001111 2,791 1 +01001111 313.875 1 +01001111 77,800 1 +01001111 1.7425 1 +01001111 7,205 1 +01001111 16,149 1 +01001111 8,376 1 +01001111 564-million 1 +01001111 13,408 1 +01001111 10,066 1 +01001111 9,084 1 +01001111 14,272 1 +01001111 13,734 1 +01001111 46,129 1 +01001111 28,006 1 +01001111 793,625 1 +01001111 195,663 1 +01001111 108.625 1 +01001111 17,221 1 +01001111 198,681 1 +01001111 962,000,000 1 +01001111 115,748,000 1 +01001111 198,175,000 1 +01001111 23,175,000 1 +01001111 1,237,000 1 +01001111 17,127,000 1 +01001111 2,177,000 1 +01001111 2,527,000 1 +01001111 2,057,000 1 +01001111 73,800 1 +01001111 71,405,000 1 +01001111 83,630,000 1 +01001111 295,337.30 1 +01001111 301,400 1 +01001111 1.183 1 +01001111 31,370,000 1 +01001111 16,619,000 1 +01001111 280,012 1 +01001111 1,039,000 1 +01001111 1,651,689 1 +01001111 76,125 1 +01001111 233,874 1 +01001111 1,047.25 1 +01001111 1,151,000 1 +01001111 2,439 1 +01001111 445.70 1 +01001111 559.40 1 +01001111 501,210 1 +01001111 167,070 1 +01001111 55,999 1 +01001111 123.625 1 +01001111 20,521 1 +01001111 34,950 1 +01001111 165,479 1 +01001111 39,950 1 +01001111 123,400 1 +01001111 550.33 1 +01001111 4,165 1 +01001111 54,956 1 +01001111 181,200 1 +01001111 83,460 1 +01001111 479,374 1 +01001111 431,464 1 +01001111 30,253 1 +01001111 113,220 1 +01001111 112,900 1 +01001111 102,591 1 +01001111 347,500 1 +01001111 763,220 1 +01001111 423,155 1 +01001111 352,800 1 +01001111 252,800 1 +01001111 2-an-hour 1 +01001111 1.2865 1 +01001111 100-plus-a-share 1 +01001111 1.6125 1 +01001111 153,883 1 +01001111 5.7138 1 +01001111 143,877 1 +01001111 755.70 1 +01001111 510.57 1 +01001111 28-a-barrel 1 +01001111 12,325,000 1 +01001111 9,695 1 +01001111 7,949 1 +01001111 6,449 1 +01001111 8,484 1 +01001111 8,979 1 +01001111 2,854.77 1 +01001111 1,369,700 1 +01001111 807.06 1 +01001111 2.00-a-share 1 +01001111 1,891,000 1 +01001111 590,834 1 +01001111 2,140,000 1 +01001111 646,632 1 +01001111 303,884 1 +01001111 119,250,000 1 +01001111 97,115,000 1 +01001111 80,625,000 1 +01001111 113,325,000 1 +01001111 24,280,000 1 +01001111 94,970,000 1 +01001111 11,969 1 +01001111 11,429 1 +01001111 11,819 1 +01001111 14,829 1 +01001111 15,269 1 +01001111 10,971 1 +01001111 10,719 1 +01001111 more-seasoned 1 +01001111 34,391 1 +01001111 24,701 1 +01001111 1,108.92 1 +01001111 half-a-million 1 +01001111 31,545 1 +01001111 531.10 1 +01001111 6.6350 1 +01001111 35.50-a-share 1 +01001111 10.90-per-share 1 +01001111 84.189 1 +01001111 30.50-a-share 1 +01001111 93.262 1 +01001111 92,520,000 1 +01001111 62,495,000 1 +01001111 1,045.75 1 +01001111 42,000-a-year 1 +01001111 772,181 1 +01001111 3,860,903 1 +01001111 1,322,265 1 +01001111 106,904 1 +01001111 1,335,759 1 +01001111 1,803,196 1 +01001111 2-plus 1 +01001111 790,094 1 +01001111 254,280 1 +01001111 758,454 1 +01001111 251,254 1 +01001111 1,318,242 1 +01001111 1,253.55 1 +01001111 143,829,000 1 +01001111 154,671,000 1 +01001111 25,819,000 1 +01001111 546.18 1 +01001111 1,042.72 1 +01001111 566,866 1 +01001111 2,800-per-home 1 +01001111 2,634 1 +01001111 1,487,116 1 +01001111 774.12 1 +01001111 662,594 1 +01001111 326,270 1 +01001111 991,892 1 +01001111 982,831 1 +01001111 7,035,831 1 +01001111 904,101 1 +01001111 240,003 1 +01001111 7,345,000 1 +01001111 13,000-a-year 1 +01001111 5.333 1 +01001111 15,738 1 +01001111 87-a-share 1 +01001111 66,781 1 +01001111 83,696 1 +01001111 1.2760 1 +01001111 1.126 1 +01001111 109,599 1 +01001111 770,301 1 +01001111 282.375 1 +01001111 53.26 1 +01001111 1.1265 1 +01001111 68,140 1 +01001111 282.75 1 +01001111 5.313 1 +01001111 506.50 1 +01001111 9,995,000 1 +01001111 9,857,000 1 +01001111 3,235,000 1 +01001111 397,611 1 +01001111 22,352 1 +01001111 311.50 1 +01001111 324.68 1 +01001111 325.27 1 +01001111 100-par 1 +01001111 2,636.49 1 +01001111 1,400-a-worker 1 +01001111 1,429,500 1 +01001111 17.50-a-share-offer 1 +01001111 31,563 1 +01001111 46,630 1 +01001111 72-ashare 1 +01001111 24,350 1 +01001111 638,400 1 +01001111 38,461 1 +01001111 183,799 1 +01001111 2,762 1 +01001111 17,644 1 +01001111 29,573 1 +01001111 21,286 1 +01001111 154,143 1 +01001111 139,647 1 +01001111 905,106 1 +01001111 117,545 1 +01001111 108,750 1 +01001111 1.1778 1 +01001111 1.3184 1 +01001111 1.2170 1 +01001111 1.0926 1 +01001111 1.0307 1 +01001111 1,379,000 1 +01001111 271.92 1 +01001111 6,319 1 +01001111 18,805 1 +01001111 4,509.61 1 +01001111 974,720 1 +01001111 25,495 1 +01001111 70-a-ton 1 +01001111 32.16 1 +01001111 10,140,000 1 +01001111 10,120,000 1 +01001111 519.90 1 +01001111 28,715 1 +01001111 631,300 1 +01001111 117.375 1 +01001111 1,390,000 1 +01001111 1,140,909 1 +01001111 16,328,000 1 +01001111 10,190,712 1 +01001111 1,317,000 1 +01001111 992,000 1 +01001111 37,306 1 +01001111 591,400 1 +01001111 120,806 1 +01001111 89.06 1 +01001111 127,446 1 +01001111 112,383 1 +01001111 166,537 1 +01001111 328,446 1 +01001111 16.57 1 +01001111 23,763.77 1 +01001111 308.32 1 +01001111 27,468 1 +01001111 15,744 1 +01001111 16,594 1 +01001111 25,205 1 +01001111 27,218 1 +01001111 9,118 1 +01001111 6,076 1 +01001111 1,668 1 +01001111 65,663 1 +01001111 428,154 1 +01001111 6.80-a-share 1 +01001111 96,095,000 1 +01001111 66,250,000 1 +01001111 240,800 1 +01001111 10,025,000 1 +01001111 14.425 1 +01001111 42,087 1 +01001111 7,963 1 +01001111 15,972,000 1 +01001111 1.2805 1 +01001111 1.3370 1 +01001111 1.2790 1 +01001111 4.75-a-share 1 +01001111 11.96-a-share 1 +01001111 130.625 1 +01001111 543.85 1 +01001111 486.90 1 +01001111 279,375 1 +01001111 408,750 1 +01001111 13,595 1 +01001111 1.7079 1 +01001111 1,062.50 1 +01001111 1.375-a-share 1 +01001111 10.9375 1 +01001111 10,608,901 1 +01001111 2,652,026 1 +01001111 6,842,500 1 +01001111 608,971 1 +01001111 454,569 1 +01001111 420,624 1 +01001111 432.60 1 +01001111 67,131,430 1 +01001111 12.185 1 +01001111 68,135,000 1 +01001111 56,300,000 1 +01001111 7,375 1 +01001111 9,894 1 +01001111 11,495 1 +01001111 88,375,000 1 +01001111 57,980,000 1 +01001111 291,350 1 +01001111 9,985 1 +01001111 12,227 1 +01001111 337,182 1 +01001111 729.03 1 +01001111 532,231 1 +01001111 100-a-year 1 +01001111 36,277,800 1 +01001111 73,895,000 1 +01001111 1,585,277 1 +01001111 41-billion-a-year 1 +01001111 5,055 1 +01001111 44,579 1 +01001111 401,211 1 +01001111 3.055 1 +01001111 12.850 1 +01001111 200-a-couple 1 +01001111 4.25-a-share 1 +01001111 24,501 1 +01001111 60,000-plus 1 +01001111 24-a-year 1 +01001111 221.70 1 +01001111 330.80 1 +01001111 4,442 1 +01001111 4,525 1 +01001111 118.875 1 +01001111 450-a-month 1 +01001111 7,269 1 +01001111 491.30 1 +01001111 5.1230 1 +01001111 467,198 1 +01001111 594,351 1 +01001111 1.33-a-share 1 +01001111 27,776 1 +01001111 439,422 1 +01001111 329,409 1 +01001111 316,829 1 +01001111 13,999 1 +01001111 1.1055 1 +01001111 484.60 1 +01001111 104.875 1 +01001111 54,738 1 +01001111 439.40 1 +01001111 397,437 1 +01001111 20.94-a-share 1 +01001111 2,963,000 1 +01001111 4,886,000 1 +01001111 3,662,800 1 +01001111 83,050 1 +01001111 2,243,000 1 +01001111 1,153,000 1 +01001111 13,675,000 1 +01001111 9,105,000 1 +01001111 450-an-hour 1 +01001111 1,338,306 1 +01001111 14,520 1 +01001111 38,800 1 +01001111 18,750,000 1 +01001111 50,000. 1 +01001111 560,780 1 +01001111 79,260 1 +01001111 371.40 1 +01001111 498.60 1 +01001111 359,550 1 +01001111 92,426 1 +01001111 158,669 1 +01001111 14,738 1 +01001111 191,600 1 +01001111 1,343,902 1 +01001111 1,902 1 +01001111 734,527 1 +01001111 113.625 1 +01001111 125.125 1 +01001111 57.40 1 +01001111 10,022.65 1 +01001111 768,948.67 1 +01001111 1,000-a-plate 1 +01001111 3,599 1 +01001111 231,051 1 +01001111 70,685 1 +01001111 5,416 1 +01001111 120,696 1 +01001111 17,765 1 +01001111 16,476 1 +01001111 431,986 1 +01001111 15-a-month 1 +01001111 34.98 1 +01001111 7.0390 1 +01001111 486.40 1 +01001111 1.2625 1 +01001111 1,118,700 1 +01001111 .67 1 +01001111 9.69-an-hour 1 +01001111 35,000-a-year 1 +01001111 456,728 1 +01001111 5,054,067 1 +01001111 31,033 1 +01001111 7,275 1 +01001111 676,323 1 +01001111 1.7899 1 +01001111 15.l0 1 +01001111 7.1180 1 +01001111 16,660,490 1 +01001111 228,710 1 +01001111 446,451 1 +01001111 438,671 1 +01001111 27,243 1 +01001111 113,967 1 +01001111 690,478 1 +01001111 1.3452 1 +01001111 23,080 1 +01001111 19,618 1 +01001111 16,617 1 +01001111 10,503 1 +01001111 36,253 1 +01001111 33,308 1 +01001111 49,962 1 +01001111 496,550 1 +01001111 53,079 1 +01001111 78,867 1 +01001111 758,187 1 +01001111 864,559 1 +01001111 7,207 1 +01001111 27,475 1 +01001111 171,130 1 +01001111 17,604 1 +01001111 172,345,000 1 +01001111 840,556 1 +01001111 31.57 1 +01001111 6.872 1 +01001111 488.20 1 +01001111 104,900 1 +01001111 16.633 1 +01001111 16.830 1 +01001111 126,600 1 +01001111 21-million 1 +01001111 18.6252 1 +01001111 4,599 1 +01001111 2,799 1 +01001111 3.075 1 +01001111 63,225 1 +01001111 558,167 1 +01001111 38,225 1 +01001111 74,189,000 1 +01001111 180,700 1 +01001111 530,900 1 +01001111 654,967 1 +01001111 40,373 1 +01001111 19,695,000 1 +01001111 4,197,000 1 +01001111 4,023,000 1 +01001111 1.2185 1 +01001111 350s 1 +01001111 5.207 1 +01001111 374.70 1 +01001111 9,705 1 +01001111 27,420 1 +01001111 19,739 1 +01001111 33,776 1 +01001111 13,225 1 +01001111 946,188 1 +01001111 15,658,000 1 +01001111 18,557 1 +01001111 9,085 1 +01001111 40,510 1 +01001111 19,758 1 +01001111 21,337 1 +01001111 6,745 1 +01001111 5,395 1 +01001111 11,898 1 +01001111 567.90 1 +01001111 508,078 1 +01001111 133,856 1 +01001111 1.1592 1 +01001111 30-ashare 1 +01001111 2,982,000 1 +01001111 13,114.79 1 +01001111 4,179 1 +01001111 404,520 1 +01001111 600,000-plus 1 +01001111 63,846 1 +01001111 4.124 1 +01001111 11,312 1 +01001111 302,562 1 +01001111 5,699 1 +01001111 69.30 1 +01001111 86.70 1 +01001111 415,684 1 +01001111 2,965,000 1 +01001111 5.3350 1 +01001111 500-an-ounce 1 +01001111 504.50 1 +01001111 68,922 1 +01001111 22,864,000 1 +01001111 737,744 1 +01001111 521,310 1 +01001111 90-a-night 1 +01001111 1.2120 1 +01001111 63,400 1 +01001111 372.30 1 +01001111 63,705 1 +01001111 229,145 1 +01001111 113,118 1 +01001111 18.758 1 +01001111 1.0590 1 +01001111 92,600 1 +01001111 4.437 1 +01001111 1.975 1 +01001111 3,829,500,000 1 +01001111 1,170,500,000 1 +01001111 24.68 1 +01001111 1.718 1 +01001111 566.70 1 +01001111 1.0385 1 +01001111 93,200 1 +01001111 338.53 1 +01001111 560,600 1 +01001111 459.00 1 +01001111 595.00 1 +01001111 1.0380 1 +01001111 1,555 1 +01001111 48,750,995 1 +01001111 899.65 1 +01001111 367,300 1 +01001111 935,800 1 +01001111 230,100 1 +01001111 53.95 1 +01001111 53.42 1 +01001111 2,695 1 +01001111 80,498 1 +01001111 24,680 1 +01001111 105.58 1 +01001111 1.3630 1 +01001111 103,325 1 +01001111 737,900 1 +01001111 7,273 1 +01001111 2,203 1 +01001111 11.437 1 +01001111 23.925 1 +01001111 16,257 1 +01001111 17,393-a-month 1 +01001111 2,025,000 1 +01001111 68,828 1 +01001111 150,971 1 +01001111 1.7854 1 +01001111 1.8167 1 +01001111 1.7830 1 +01001111 13,000-a-page 1 +01001111 1.5660 1 +01001111 6,034,000 1 +01001111 197,310 1 +01001111 20,139 1 +01001111 490.90 1 +01001111 1.1890 1 +01001111 12,079 1 +01001111 16,599 1 +01001111 11,909 1 +01001111 16,399 1 +01001111 13,749 1 +01001111 13,499 1 +01001111 200,000,000 1 +01001111 43.906 1 +01001111 85,800 1 +01001111 11,550 1 +01001111 373.10 1 +01001111 5.355 1 +01001111 25,950,000 1 +01001111 320.40 1 +01001111 319.93 1 +01001111 46,060 1 +01001111 discreetness 1 +01001111 861,000 1 +01001111 4,109 1 +01001111 4,595 1 +01001111 5,720,000 1 +01001111 362,651 1 +01001111 1,631.55 1 +01001111 85.31 1 +01001111 340,050 1 +01001111 1,096.83 1 +01001111 71,750 1 +01001111 32,450 1 +01001111 5-a-month 1 +01001111 5,731 1 +01001111 19,450 1 +01001111 75.90-a-share 1 +01001111 1.0165 1 +01001111 975-a-night 1 +01001111 24,414 1 +01001111 10,620 1 +01001111 4,370,000 1 +01001111 36,320 1 +01001111 85,895,000 1 +01001111 26,915 1 +01001111 36,980 1 +01001111 31,785,000 1 +01001111 30,365 1 +01001111 3,424 1 +01001111 44.73 1 +01001111 47.64 1 +01001111 29,258 1 +01001111 1,783 1 +01001111 237,565,000 1 +01001111 78,218 1 +01001111 102,811 1 +01001111 1.6475 1 +01001111 66,181 1 +01001111 245,843 1 +01001111 348,500 1 +01001111 360.69 1 +01001111 1,684,875 1 +01001111 7.2950 1 +01001111 585.60 1 +01001111 670,193 1 +01001111 2,197,000 1 +01001111 9,924 1 +01001111 50,600 1 +01001111 51,433 1 +01001111 2,175 1 +01001111 3,664 1 +01001111 36,891 1 +01001111 316.12 1 +01001111 5,199 1 +01001111 10,299 1 +01001111 110.375 1 +01001111 1,582,925 1 +01001111 3.688 1 +01001111 3-a-passenger 1 +01001111 543.50 1 +01001111 3.1125 1 +01001111 12,500-a-month 1 +01001111 14,329 1 +01001111 9,149 1 +01001111 81,818 1 +01001111 18,125 1 +01001111 18,325 1 +01001111 13,375 1 +01001111 14,718 1 +01001111 17,395 1 +01001111 14,995 1 +01001111 14,564 1 +01001111 1.2075 1 +01001111 6,113,085 1 +01001111 1,987,588 1 +01001111 1,536,469.72 1 +01001111 480.20 1 +01001111 5,212 1 +01001111 964,008 1 +01001111 1.0885 1 +01001111 1.5825 1 +01001111 57.21 1 +01001111 66,394 1 +01001111 830,500 1 +01001111 258.50 1 +01001111 250-a-share 1 +01001111 575.90 1 +01001111 6.9050 1 +01001111 1.3417 1 +01001111 1.825 1 +01001111 146-billion 1 +01001111 376,573 1 +01001111 25,157 1 +01001111 21,860 1 +01001111 7,383,500 1 +01001111 400,000-plus 1 +01001111 Chartist 1 +01001111 7,925 1 +01001111 WPMI-TV 1 +01001111 20,534 1 +01001111 8,884.50 1 +01001111 3,676.50 1 +01001111 6,539 1 +01001111 873,494 1 +01001111 17,280 1 +01001111 985,440 1 +01001111 299,520 1 +01001111 135,972 1 +01001111 8,494 1 +01001111 348,594 1 +01001111 685,920 1 +01001111 455,500 1 +01001111 151,800 1 +01001111 456,500,000 1 +01001111 1,245.85 1 +01001111 124,585 1 +01001111 441.10 1 +01001111 18,990 1 +01001111 8,545 1 +01001111 10,925 1 +01001111 6,195 1 +01001111 17,699 1 +01001111 13,640 1 +01001111 10,915 1 +01001111 430,165 1 +01001111 172,066 1 +01001111 45.71 1 +01001111 22,216 1 +01001111 115,486 1 +01001111 150,000-in-earnings 1 +01001111 7,767,481 1 +01001111 522.67 1 +01001111 480.70 1 +01001111 5.7725 1 +01001111 3,076 1 +01001111 352,420 1 +01001111 18,134 1 +01001111 19,789 1 +01001111 13,698 1 +01001111 616,733 1 +01001111 11,588 1 +01001111 156-million 1 +01001111 931,328 1 +01001111 13,078 1 +01001111 83,116 1 +01001111 902,800 1 +01001111 72,912 1 +01001111 46,080 1 +01001111 494,697 1 +01001111 261,732 1 +01001111 102,475,000 1 +01001111 49,275,000 1 +01001111 198,179 1 +01001111 159,100 1 +01001111 501.20 1 +01001111 201,833 1 +01001111 772,703 1 +01001111 13,794 1 +01001111 10,660 1 +01001111 9.585 1 +01001111 140,594 1 +01001111 104,810 1 +01001111 17,964 1 +01001111 37,950 1 +01001111 56,739 1 +01001111 440.30 1 +01001111 1.1155 1 +01001111 6.8550 1 +01001111 61,774 1 +01001111 41,854 1 +01001111 402,676 1 +01001111 8.795 1 +01001111 766,057 1 +01001111 3.8825 1 +01001111 27.13 1 +01001111 26,423 1 +01001111 5,620 1 +01001111 1,654 1 +01001111 67.60 1 +01001111 323.40 2 +01001111 3,972 2 +01001111 120.375 2 +01001111 7.9375 2 +01001111 1.6175 2 +01001111 10-million 2 +01001111 10,120 2 +01001111 937,500 2 +01001111 100-million-plus 2 +01001111 3.0775 2 +01001111 1.4573 2 +01001111 18,888 2 +01001111 122,400 2 +01001111 1.3050 2 +01001111 67.875 2 +01001111 62,800 2 +01001111 278,888 2 +01001111 16,150 2 +01001111 101,500 2 +01001111 408.20 2 +01001111 12. 2 +01001111 8,037 2 +01001111 1,031 2 +01001111 212,425 2 +01001111 Antioquia 2 +01001111 397.27 2 +01001111 51.61 2 +01001111 2,970,000 2 +01001111 1.6298 2 +01001111 82,700 2 +01001111 26,700 2 +01001111 318.64 2 +01001111 2,075 2 +01001111 481.90 2 +01001111 89.125 2 +01001111 1,913 2 +01001111 9,509 2 +01001111 393.20 2 +01001111 646,000 2 +01001111 349,700 2 +01001111 4,585 2 +01001111 14,160 2 +01001111 4,068 2 +01001111 132,700 2 +01001111 282,127 2 +01001111 293,676 2 +01001111 1.6281 2 +01001111 1.8612 2 +01001111 3,670 2 +01001111 317.24 2 +01001111 318.07 2 +01001111 311,224 2 +01001111 483.30 2 +01001111 1.5408 2 +01001111 1,123 2 +01001111 123,790 2 +01001111 10,920 2 +01001111 brushfires 2 +01001111 489.70 2 +01001111 15.641 2 +01001111 1.7465 2 +01001111 152.50 2 +01001111 370,823 2 +01001111 6,399 2 +01001111 30,825 2 +01001111 6,650,000 2 +01001111 1,446 2 +01001111 12,145 2 +01001111 20,050 2 +01001111 6,699 2 +01001111 1.5600 2 +01001111 133,400 2 +01001111 116,800 2 +01001111 1.6822 2 +01001111 43,150 2 +01001111 263,000 2 +01001111 12,226 2 +01001111 162.875 2 +01001111 1,934 2 +01001111 415.50 2 +01001111 74.49 2 +01001111 11,595,000 2 +01001111 100-million 2 +01001111 406.50 2 +01001111 ejido 2 +01001111 106,500 2 +01001111 1.5393 2 +01001111 1.7760 2 +01001111 503,000 2 +01001111 558,000 2 +01001111 288.46 2 +01001111 54.55 2 +01001111 408.30 2 +01001111 469.10 2 +01001111 4.9375 2 +01001111 530.90 2 +01001111 1.6020 2 +01001111 374.60 2 +01001111 374,119 2 +01001111 408.50 2 +01001111 11.90 2 +01001111 43.40 2 +01001111 1.5715 2 +01001111 6,012 2 +01001111 367.45 2 +01001111 40.75-a-share 2 +01001111 1.5853 2 +01001111 440.60 2 +01001111 1,295,000 2 +01001111 1.7510 2 +01001111 2,769 2 +01001111 2,195 2 +01001111 2,688,000 2 +01001111 546,250 2 +01001111 29.70 2 +01001111 1.6505 2 +01001111 40,100 2 +01001111 36,400 2 +01001111 8,350 2 +01001111 256,500 2 +01001111 23,740 2 +01001111 2,840,000 2 +01001111 1,331 2 +01001111 118.25 2 +01001111 410.40 2 +01001111 5.445 2 +01001111 483.90 2 +01001111 370.10 2 +01001111 1.5480 2 +01001111 1,535 2 +01001111 1,897 2 +01001111 127,200 2 +01001111 20.39 2 +01001111 286,154 2 +01001111 408.25 2 +01001111 4,359 2 +01001111 24.28 2 +01001111 59.99 2 +01001111 1.7685 2 +01001111 15-a-ton 2 +01001111 570.50 2 +01001111 1,499 2 +01001111 1,899 2 +01001111 63,995 2 +01001111 1.4688 2 +01001111 1.5933 2 +01001111 3,588 2 +01001111 85,795,000 2 +01001111 406.90 2 +01001111 400.20 2 +01001111 200-million-a-year 2 +01001111 1.175 2 +01001111 1.4685 2 +01001111 6.0625 2 +01001111 10,720 2 +01001111 283,417 2 +01001111 1,569 2 +01001111 1,540,230 2 +01001111 47-range 2 +01001111 23,675 2 +01001111 1,657,810 2 +01001111 2,422 2 +01001111 1.7673 2 +01001111 1.8182 2 +01001111 290,109 2 +01001111 17,195 2 +01001111 479.60 2 +01001111 150,100 2 +01001111 19.6875 2 +01001111 1.6365 2 +01001111 427,678 2 +01001111 1.6155 2 +01001111 9,270 2 +01001111 194,169 2 +01001111 10,465 2 +01001111 483,870 2 +01001111 6,950 2 +01001111 596.50 2 +01001111 111.25 2 +01001111 1.5203 2 +01001111 5,724 2 +01001111 599,000 2 +01001111 92,700 2 +01001111 166.25 2 +01001111 474,500 2 +01001111 1.6085 2 +01001111 146,800 2 +01001111 26,990 2 +01001111 24,650 2 +01001111 1.5275 2 +01001111 126.16 2 +01001111 1.6288 2 +01001111 80.625 2 +01001111 1,353,000 2 +01001111 359.50 2 +01001111 2.675 2 +01001111 15,250 2 +01001111 433.40 2 +01001111 392.10 2 +01001111 1,335,000 2 +01001111 310,200 2 +01001111 5,390 2 +01001111 1.2595 2 +01001111 45,700 2 +01001111 48.23 2 +01001111 578,000 2 +01001111 4,125 2 +01001111 1,540,000 2 +01001111 188,001 2 +01001111 4,549 2 +01001111 919,000 2 +01001111 47.36 2 +01001111 629,000 2 +01001111 24,772 2 +01001111 8,150,000 2 +01001111 382,500 2 +01001111 370,500 2 +01001111 15.777 2 +01001111 159,900 2 +01001111 554,537,766 2 +01001111 174,800 2 +01001111 1.4795 2 +01001111 402.40 2 +01001111 94,500 2 +01001111 352,500 2 +01001111 9,360 2 +01001111 59,900 2 +01001111 1,508 2 +01001111 1.7420 2 +01001111 17-a-barrel 2 +01001111 160,200 2 +01001111 317,500 2 +01001111 248,846 2 +01001111 285,004 2 +01001111 26.41 2 +01001111 95.625 2 +01001111 170,134 2 +01001111 404.30 2 +01001111 124,875 2 +01001111 77.625 2 +01001111 1,386 2 +01001111 114,500 2 +01001111 33.10 2 +01001111 10-an-ounce 2 +01001111 1.4313 2 +01001111 40.62 2 +01001111 265,900 2 +01001111 1.7570 2 +01001111 41,800 2 +01001111 1.6318 2 +01001111 63,873.75 2 +01001111 8,808 2 +01001111 55,400 2 +01001111 683,100 2 +01001111 1,263,000 2 +01001111 1.5185 2 +01001111 56,250 2 +01001111 1,810,000 2 +01001111 1,866 2 +01001111 50,400 2 +01001111 19,900 2 +01001111 1.6655 2 +01001111 70,800 2 +01001111 2,530,000 2 +01001111 10,670 2 +01001111 72,300 2 +01001111 355,200 2 +01001111 46,800 2 +01001111 15-million 2 +01001111 32,000-a-year 2 +01001111 494.90 2 +01001111 498.80 2 +01001111 1,441 2 +01001111 1.5835 2 +01001111 6.9375 2 +01001111 514.70 2 +01001111 5.475 2 +01001111 1.7485 2 +01001111 232,500 2 +01001111 1.5643 2 +01001111 1,891 2 +01001111 9,549 2 +01001111 9,555 2 +01001111 1.4430 2 +01001111 1.4575 2 +01001111 652,500 2 +01001111 688,667 2 +01001111 1,287 2 +01001111 5.293 2 +01001111 137,500 2 +01001111 833.34 2 +01001111 1,469 2 +01001111 286,837 2 +01001111 1.3730 2 +01001111 84,500 2 +01001111 273,800 2 +01001111 389,700 2 +01001111 151,994 2 +01001111 1,005,000 2 +01001111 242,863 2 +01001111 345,400 2 +01001111 133,600 2 +01001111 141.75 2 +01001111 236,500 2 +01001111 1.4850 2 +01001111 74,700 2 +01001111 1.5225 2 +01001111 11,770 2 +01001111 3,402 2 +01001111 70,300 2 +01001111 986,000 2 +01001111 68,750 2 +01001111 152,300 2 +01001111 698,000 2 +01001111 1.7695 2 +01001111 9,750,000 2 +01001111 150.375 2 +01001111 30-a-month 2 +01001111 30-a-week 2 +01001111 459.50 2 +01001111 452.55 2 +01001111 32.25-a-share 2 +01001111 201,028 2 +01001111 12,425,000 2 +01001111 51,135,000 2 +01001111 1,912 2 +01001111 395.30 2 +01001111 9,840 2 +01001111 348.10 2 +01001111 5,000-a-day 2 +01001111 104.25 2 +01001111 17,775 2 +01001111 1,493,000 2 +01001111 2,443 2 +01001111 256,600 2 +01001111 astrophysics 2 +01001111 460,600 2 +01001111 21.10 2 +01001111 167,800 2 +01001111 103,700 2 +01001111 90,200 2 +01001111 96,600 2 +01001111 3,299 2 +01001111 19,999 2 +01001111 208,699 2 +01001111 28.88 2 +01001111 4,810 2 +01001111 7.98-a-share 2 +01001111 89.625 2 +01001111 10,215.50 2 +01001111 223.50 2 +01001111 137,900 2 +01001111 1,684 2 +01001111 687,000 2 +01001111 121,400 2 +01001111 2,639 2 +01001111 3,135 2 +01001111 1.7740 2 +01001111 409.10 2 +01001111 1,095 2 +01001111 30,950 2 +01001111 281.125 2 +01001111 123,900 2 +01001111 164,350 2 +01001111 513,153 2 +01001111 1,546,686 2 +01001111 1.4314 2 +01001111 42,800 2 +01001111 2,000-plus 2 +01001111 2,086 2 +01001111 1.5644 2 +01001111 13,134 2 +01001111 287,669 2 +01001111 150-a-share 2 +01001111 2.1875 2 +01001111 1,584 2 +01001111 45,000-a-year 2 +01001111 1.5798 2 +01001111 145,790 2 +01001111 627,500 2 +01001111 34.24 2 +01001111 16.27 2 +01001111 474,900 2 +01001111 82.50-a-share 2 +01001111 506.70 2 +01001111 442,200 2 +01001111 36,800 2 +01001111 1.2376 2 +01001111 1,805 2 +01001111 3.4638 2 +01001111 5.435 2 +01001111 477.80 2 +01001111 358.50 2 +01001111 610,600 2 +01001111 2.7835 2 +01001111 5,980,000 2 +01001111 1,006 2 +01001111 731,000 2 +01001111 7,895 2 +01001111 3,045 2 +01001111 2,231,000 2 +01001111 20,300 2 +01001111 419.20 2 +01001111 61.13 2 +01001111 6- 2 +01001111 464.90 2 +01001111 2,121,000 2 +01001111 29.25-a-share 2 +01001111 1.5383 2 +01001111 365.20 2 +01001111 74.95 2 +01001111 226,600 2 +01001111 8,190 2 +01001111 1.7530 2 +01001111 1,056 2 +01001111 1,795 2 +01001111 1.4710 2 +01001111 7,260 2 +01001111 81.125 2 +01001111 438,000 2 +01001111 1,667 2 +01001111 480.90 2 +01001111 370.50 2 +01001111 8,399 2 +01001111 83,200 2 +01001111 14,600 2 +01001111 194.30 2 +01001111 1.7672 2 +01001111 4,410 2 +01001111 1-billion 2 +01001111 1.4297 2 +01001111 2,295 2 +01001111 863,000 2 +01001111 1.5883 2 +01001111 454.70 2 +01001111 25.23-a-share 2 +01001111 1,699 2 +01001111 94.25 2 +01001111 284,417 2 +01001111 2,399 2 +01001111 4,240 2 +01001111 10,250,000 2 +01001111 1,309 2 +01001111 2,160,000 2 +01001111 36.20 2 +01001111 2-a-year 2 +01001111 456.20 2 +01001111 92.875 2 +01001111 10,998 2 +01001111 263,600 2 +01001111 231,495 2 +01001111 20,900 2 +01001111 279.75 2 +01001111 23.10 2 +01001111 65.10 2 +01001111 319,600 2 +01001111 90,500 2 +01001111 7,199 2 +01001111 20,649 2 +01001111 1.7680 2 +01001111 491.50 2 +01001111 427.70 2 +01001111 1.7012 2 +01001111 468.10 2 +01001111 103.625 2 +01001111 103.25 2 +01001111 122.75 2 +01001111 1,322 2 +01001111 641,000 2 +01001111 2.10-a-share 2 +01001111 100,500 2 +01001111 209,500 2 +01001111 7.1875 2 +01001111 1.1970 2 +01001111 151,043 2 +01001111 1.8920 2 +01001111 131,500 2 +01001111 25,238 2 +01001111 20,198 2 +01001111 160,379 2 +01001111 2,180,000 2 +01001111 2,309 2 +01001111 471.60 2 +01001111 592,129 2 +01001111 302,600 2 +01001111 800-plus 2 +01001111 365.90 2 +01001111 1.4565 2 +01001111 320,500 2 +01001111 310.10 2 +01001111 1.6070 2 +01001111 693,336 2 +01001111 1,769 2 +01001111 307.94 2 +01001111 1,521 2 +01001111 475.70 2 +01001111 1.6845 2 +01001111 151,400 2 +01001111 1,785,000 2 +01001111 43,700 2 +01001111 418.50 2 +01001111 361,200 2 +01001111 277,200 2 +01001111 966,000 2 +01001111 411.70 2 +01001111 70,500 2 +01001111 2,473 2 +01001111 384,600 2 +01001111 6,225 2 +01001111 338,975 2 +01001111 26,078 2 +01001111 305,149 2 +01001111 1.6043 2 +01001111 22,653.79 2 +01001111 1,806,300 2 +01001111 1.0765 2 +01001111 420.20 2 +01001111 330,390 2 +01001111 4,430 2 +01001111 8,010 2 +01001111 15,495 2 +01001111 7,990 2 +01001111 457.20 2 +01001111 7,299 2 +01001111 130,300 2 +01001111 25,700 2 +01001111 110.25 2 +01001111 155.90 2 +01001111 15,160,000 2 +01001111 3.70-a-share 2 +01001111 7-plus 2 +01001111 63.60 2 +01001111 1.6784 2 +01001111 39,200 2 +01001111 471.50 2 +01001111 2,000-per-subscriber 2 +01001111 10,154,000 2 +01001111 1.7660 2 +01001111 10,290,000 2 +01001111 1.1860 2 +01001111 101.375 2 +01001111 9,593 2 +01001111 1,167 2 +01001111 33,400 2 +01001111 28,600 2 +01001111 1,000- 2 +01001111 1.6530 2 +01001111 7,618 2 +01001111 74,400 2 +01001111 361.20 2 +01001111 860,998 2 +01001111 1.0425 2 +01001111 148.75 2 +01001111 422.20 2 +01001111 148,500 2 +01001111 531.25 2 +01001111 125,635 2 +01001111 1.6713 2 +01001111 1.6900 2 +01001111 aquiline 2 +01001111 83-a-share 2 +01001111 1,981 2 +01001111 36,700 2 +01001111 60,500 2 +01001111 17,150 2 +01001111 1-an-hour 2 +01001111 91-a-share 2 +01001111 67.38 2 +01001111 301,545 2 +01001111 1,985 2 +01001111 25,000-a-day 2 +01001111 2,407,000 2 +01001111 5.75-a-share 2 +01001111 463.30 2 +01001111 562,500 2 +01001111 1,796 2 +01001111 80- 2 +01001111 400-a-month 2 +01001111 83,800 2 +01001111 58.50-a-share 2 +01001111 74,600 2 +01001111 1.2695 2 +01001111 454.40 2 +01001111 1,969 2 +01001111 794,423 2 +01001111 .19 2 +01001111 104,330 2 +01001111 4,574 2 +01001111 112.625 2 +01001111 463.50 2 +01001111 598,000 2 +01001111 444,000 2 +01001111 17- 2 +01001111 22,397 2 +01001111 1.6064 2 +01001111 3,780,000 2 +01001111 453.95 2 +01001111 7,313 2 +01001111 8,960,000 2 +01001111 644,900 2 +01001111 65,500 2 +01001111 134,800 2 +01001111 5,975 2 +01001111 1.064 2 +01001111 486.80 2 +01001111 93,750 2 +01001111 1,825 2 +01001111 2,987 2 +01001111 2,199,000 2 +01001111 314.38 2 +01001111 312.09 2 +01001111 10,000-a-year 2 +01001111 808,500 2 +01001111 1,663 2 +01001111 366.25 2 +01001111 1,236 2 +01001111 475.40 2 +01001111 5,220 2 +01001111 2,034 2 +01001111 3,620 2 +01001111 11,100 2 +01001111 7,988 2 +01001111 70.62 2 +01001111 1.7615 2 +01001111 1.6960 2 +01001111 317.28 2 +01001111 607,000 2 +01001111 15-billion 2 +01001111 284,207 2 +01001111 28.80 2 +01001111 1.8047 2 +01001111 434,745 2 +01001111 100-a-week 2 +01001111 19.62 2 +01001111 41.16 2 +01001111 912,763 2 +01001111 1.7220 2 +01001111 1.7715 2 +01001111 468.20 2 +01001111 1.5890 2 +01001111 13,410 2 +01001111 1.5915 2 +01001111 1.7450 2 +01001111 45.63 2 +01001111 8,035 2 +01001111 17.81 2 +01001111 678,000 2 +01001111 39.99 2 +01001111 29,676 2 +01001111 207,148 2 +01001111 6,295 2 +01001111 2,395,000 2 +01001111 10,609 2 +01001111 611,000 2 +01001111 50,675 2 +01001111 5.275 2 +01001111 14,450 2 +01001111 1.6747 2 +01001111 321.78 2 +01001111 1.7170 2 +01001111 3,146,413 2 +01001111 3,485,927 2 +01001111 1,497,000 2 +01001111 52,552 2 +01001111 1.8785 2 +01001111 158,400 2 +01001111 1.0100 2 +01001111 103.72 2 +01001111 1.5717 2 +01001111 2,560,000 2 +01001111 33,800 2 +01001111 1.6680 2 +01001111 143,900 2 +01001111 461.10 2 +01001111 6.355 2 +01001111 546,700 2 +01001111 1.8136 2 +01001111 467.00 2 +01001111 1.063 2 +01001111 175,500 2 +01001111 22.425 2 +01001111 4,176 2 +01001111 1.8360 2 +01001111 1.6343 2 +01001111 46.75-a-share 2 +01001111 118,900 2 +01001111 1.6433 2 +01001111 10,943 2 +01001111 398.30 2 +01001111 69.31 2 +01001111 1,427,000 2 +01001111 6.3350 2 +01001111 39.63 2 +01001111 102,500 2 +01001111 2,352,000 2 +01001111 1.7605 2 +01001111 137,100 2 +01001111 1.6080 2 +01001111 1.154 2 +01001111 72,783 2 +01001111 464.20 2 +01001111 3,814 2 +01001111 7,152 2 +01001111 9,995 2 +01001111 9,920 2 +01001111 17,225,000 2 +01001111 6,668,000 2 +01001111 121,185,000 2 +01001111 1.3440 2 +01001111 1,964,000 2 +01001111 518.50 2 +01001111 1,852,000 2 +01001111 290,700 2 +01001111 16,415 2 +01001111 5,856 2 +01001111 653,100 2 +01001111 34,381,743 2 +01001111 1.7507 2 +01001111 969,000 2 +01001111 15.675 2 +01001111 1,088,000 2 +01001111 29,300 2 +01001111 453.60 2 +01001111 131,100 2 +01001111 38,910 2 +01001111 1.8815 2 +01001111 1.925 2 +01001111 8.9375 2 +01001111 2,442 2 +01001111 5,470 2 +01001111 4,733 2 +01001111 469,700 2 +01001111 3,267,000 2 +01001111 914,000 2 +01001111 42.23 2 +01001111 94.75 2 +01001111 869,000 2 +01001111 12,995 2 +01001111 578,981 2 +01001111 1,305,610 2 +01001111 479.20 2 +01001111 1,533,000 2 +01001111 1.7518 2 +01001111 287,931 2 +01001111 443.10 2 +01001111 60,700 2 +01001111 3,669 2 +01001111 109.25 2 +01001111 2,465 2 +01001111 74,815,000 2 +01001111 1,438 2 +01001111 1.7676 2 +01001111 12,998 2 +01001111 1,000-deductible 2 +01001111 19.375-a-share 2 +01001111 1.3750 2 +01001111 527,400 2 +01001111 121.50 2 +01001111 1.2010 2 +01001111 172,406 2 +01001111 144,800 2 +01001111 1.6989 2 +01001111 1.2030 2 +01001111 3-a-unit 2 +01001111 1,701 2 +01001111 4,050,000 2 +01001111 1.7156 2 +01001111 1,085,000 2 +01001111 10-a-month 2 +01001111 16.3125 2 +01001111 400,400 2 +01001111 1.6949 2 +01001111 1.6265 2 +01001111 243.875 2 +01001111 79,840 2 +01001111 9,386 2 +01001111 438.20 2 +01001111 1,230,000 2 +01001111 761,000 2 +01001111 279,916 2 +01001111 408.60 2 +01001111 1.7127 2 +01001111 251.125 2 +01001111 105.50 2 +01001111 459,393,918 2 +01001111 667,500 2 +01001111 1.7470 2 +01001111 1.1090 2 +01001111 1.1170 2 +01001111 121.125 2 +01001111 46,300 2 +01001111 6.4750 2 +01001111 1.2750 2 +01001111 16-a-barrel 2 +01001111 5,725 2 +01001111 183,950 2 +01001111 2,775 2 +01001111 5,714 2 +01001111 411.40 2 +01001111 1.8190 2 +01001111 3,520 2 +01001111 1.2830 2 +01001111 1.7285 2 +01001111 1,864 2 +01001111 444.10 2 +01001111 83,445,000 2 +01001111 17.41-a-share 2 +01001111 1.7338 2 +01001111 54,050 2 +01001111 122.625 2 +01001111 1.9090 2 +01001111 3,495 2 +01001111 1.6952 2 +01001111 974,000 2 +01001111 1.077 2 +01001111 938,000 2 +01001111 2-a-month 2 +01001111 5,999 2 +01001111 69.875 2 +01001111 1.6221 2 +01001111 19,750 2 +01001111 58.22 2 +01001111 1.5750 2 +01001111 30-billion 2 +01001111 1,759 2 +01001111 736,000 2 +01001111 45.50-a-share 2 +01001111 1.1750 2 +01001111 396.80 2 +01001111 28,085 2 +01001111 6,970 2 +01001111 2,699 2 +01001111 1.4820 2 +01001111 1.2990 2 +01001111 268,080 2 +01001111 1,560,000 2 +01001111 47.40 2 +01001111 86.25 2 +01001111 1.6901 2 +01001111 398.20 2 +01001111 29.835-a-share 2 +01001111 1.8330 2 +01001111 43.70 2 +01001111 39.10 2 +01001111 425.60 2 +01001111 24,760 2 +01001111 6,385 2 +01001111 8,859 2 +01001111 5,499 2 +01001111 1.3510 2 +01001111 77,300 2 +01001111 33.50-a-share 2 +01001111 1,566 2 +01001111 .37 2 +01001111 419,500 2 +01001111 97,000-a-year 2 +01001111 576.50 2 +01001111 1,980,000 2 +01001111 579.80 2 +01001111 500,000-plus 2 +01001111 7,999 2 +01001111 188,400 2 +01001111 1,010,000 2 +01001111 143.75 2 +01001111 491,200 2 +01001111 433.50 2 +01001111 4,720 2 +01001111 304,331 2 +01001111 241,500 2 +01001111 34,600 2 +01001111 24,700 2 +01001111 4,657 2 +01001111 1.7091 2 +01001111 502,202 2 +01001111 165,500 2 +01001111 77.125 2 +01001111 27,495 2 +01001111 31.75-a-share 2 +01001111 440.70 2 +01001111 908,500 2 +01001111 7.865 2 +01001111 319.50 2 +01001111 34.75-a-share 2 +01001111 580.40 2 +01001111 447.60 2 +01001111 44,900 2 +01001111 837,000 2 +01001111 872,220 2 +01001111 26.575 2 +01001111 94.125 2 +01001111 1,615 2 +01001111 165.50 2 +01001111 346,600 2 +01001111 313.50 2 +01001111 670,400 2 +01001111 260,600 2 +01001111 279.60 2 +01001111 257,879 2 +01001111 492,500 2 +01001111 11- 2 +01001111 259,200 2 +01001111 128,600 2 +01001111 428.90 2 +01001111 3,240 2 +01001111 313,125 2 +01001111 537.50 2 +01001111 1.7768 2 +01001111 8,150 2 +01001111 1.7688 2 +01001111 1.6935 2 +01001111 15,249 2 +01001111 1.4840 2 +01001111 10,495 2 +01001111 42,900 2 +01001111 23.25-a-share 2 +01001111 8,883,000 2 +01001111 957.50 2 +01001111 727,830 2 +01001111 410,700 2 +01001111 205,400 2 +01001111 22-million 2 +01001111 219.25 2 +01001111 2.9375 2 +01001111 1.03125 2 +01001111 446,300 2 +01001111 121,300 2 +01001111 1.7722 2 +01001111 30,487 2 +01001111 1.3650 2 +01001111 118.125 2 +01001111 123.90 2 +01001111 3,080 2 +01001111 424.70 2 +01001111 1.5991 2 +01001111 303,838 2 +01001111 182.89 2 +01001111 1,270,000 2 +01001111 206,600 2 +01001111 1,901,000 2 +01001111 817,000 2 +01001111 268,700 2 +01001111 422,500 2 +01001111 9,221 2 +01001111 2,028 2 +01001111 1,905 2 +01001111 270.50 2 +01001111 1.7797 2 +01001111 276,260 2 +01001111 1.5772 2 +01001111 6,850,000 2 +01001111 265,421 2 +01001111 1.6160 2 +01001111 500-million 2 +01001111 100,031 2 +01001111 6.6250 2 +01001111 78.92 2 +01001111 221,127 2 +01001111 52,234 2 +01001111 185,300 2 +01001111 311.85 2 +01001111 Mednews 2 +01001111 281.75 2 +01001111 77,250 2 +01001111 16,000-a-year 2 +01001111 1,488,000 2 +01001111 2,437,000 2 +01001111 50-a-day 2 +01001111 132,300 2 +01001111 24,400 2 +01001111 30,850 2 +01001111 1,772 2 +01001111 89,400 2 +01001111 1.4218 2 +01001111 1.5512 2 +01001111 88.875 2 +01001111 1,032 2 +01001111 1.0150 2 +01001111 1.005 2 +01001111 2,072,900 2 +01001111 8,653 2 +01001111 1,954 2 +01001111 147,325 2 +01001111 167.875 2 +01001111 1.397 2 +01001111 1.405 2 +01001111 66,800 2 +01001111 160.23 2 +01001111 417,455 2 +01001111 21,900 2 +01001111 84,400 2 +01001111 483,000 2 +01001111 2,431 2 +01001111 145,700 2 +01001111 1,556 2 +01001111 1.6320 2 +01001111 119.875 2 +01001111 1.114 2 +01001111 455.10 2 +01001111 297,523 2 +01001111 5,715,000 2 +01001111 11,130 2 +01001111 322.02 2 +01001111 402.50 2 +01001111 116,810 2 +01001111 14.75-a-share 2 +01001111 126,887 2 +01001111 3.5625 2 +01001111 6,425 2 +01001111 80.125 2 +01001111 40-a-week 2 +01001111 292,400 2 +01001111 2,220,000 2 +01001111 15.75-a-share 2 +01001111 357,200 2 +01001111 1.4265 2 +01001111 183,789 2 +01001111 1.6651 2 +01001111 1,396 2 +01001111 50-a-barrel 2 +01001111 809,700 2 +01001111 32- 2 +01001111 109.975 2 +01001111 11,542 2 +01001111 10,440 2 +01001111 1.5797 2 +01001111 45,125 2 +01001111 500,726 2 +01001111 943,000 2 +01001111 3-a-person 2 +01001111 82-a-share 2 +01001111 1.5773 2 +01001111 64.80 2 +01001111 59,100 2 +01001111 26.01 2 +01001111 360.20 2 +01001111 6,740 2 +01001111 6,640 2 +01001111 5,790 2 +01001111 33,600 2 +01001111 1.7043 2 +01001111 10.15-a-share 2 +01001111 1,559,000 2 +01001111 299,985 2 +01001111 5,822,000 2 +01001111 1,241,000 2 +01001111 456.70 2 +01001111 11.250 2 +01001111 389.80 2 +01001111 44,400 2 +01001111 393.10 2 +01001111 33.65-a-share 2 +01001111 11,407 2 +01001111 10,798 2 +01001111 84.125 2 +01001111 387,500 2 +01001111 1,625,000 2 +01001111 462.05 2 +01001111 16.92 2 +01001111 289,255 2 +01001111 13,566 2 +01001111 1.5385 2 +01001111 1.5792 2 +01001111 139,300 2 +01001111 1.6552 2 +01001111 1.6270 2 +01001111 1.8515 2 +01001111 proverty 2 +01001111 281,192 2 +01001111 14.183 2 +01001111 150,700 2 +01001111 2.175 2 +01001111 81.875 2 +01001111 786,000 2 +01001111 55.44 2 +01001111 222.10 2 +01001111 575.50 2 +01001111 3,574 2 +01001111 6.7150 2 +01001111 273,121 2 +01001111 10,385 2 +01001111 1.5460 2 +01001111 370.35 2 +01001111 32,200 2 +01001111 492.30 2 +01001111 146.94 2 +01001111 445.30 2 +01001111 54,100 2 +01001111 43,300 2 +01001111 23,800 2 +01001111 31,700 2 +01001111 100,000-plus 2 +01001111 1,142.86 2 +01001111 150,800 2 +01001111 1.4340 2 +01001111 39,400 2 +01001111 56,900 2 +01001111 14.93 2 +01001111 2,025 2 +01001111 29.31 2 +01001111 717,000 2 +01001111 500-a-day 2 +01001111 27,315 2 +01001111 272,726 2 +01001111 4-a-barrel 2 +01001111 12,329 2 +01001111 6,660 2 +01001111 15,468 2 +01001111 57,700 2 +01001111 1,555,000 2 +01001111 485,547 2 +01001111 1,321,700 2 +01001111 1.5488 2 +01001111 734,900 2 +01001111 788,000 2 +01001111 1,410,000 2 +01001111 2,112,000 2 +01001111 532.60 2 +01001111 20.25-a-share 2 +01001111 120,300 2 +01001111 490.40 2 +01001111 35,400 2 +01001111 1.8290 2 +01001111 26,850 2 +01001111 21,750,000 2 +01001111 28,800 2 +01001111 485.30 2 +01001111 337,993 2 +01001111 854,669 2 +01001111 7,569 2 +01001111 288,514 2 +01001111 2,027,000 2 +01001111 286,110 2 +01001111 315.79 2 +01001111 1.6982 2 +01001111 5,040 2 +01001111 217,500 2 +01001111 317.16 2 +01001111 318,500 2 +01001111 500-a-plate 2 +01001111 233,325 2 +01001111 148,200 2 +01001111 1.5375 2 +01001111 113.75 2 +01001111 2,490,000 2 +01001111 51,700 2 +01001111 53,700 2 +01001111 300,196,770.97 2 +01001111 1,312 2 +01001111 66,710 2 +01001111 25,910 2 +01001111 109.75 2 +01001111 3,462 2 +01001111 1.4310 2 +01001111 279,507 2 +01001111 17,250 2 +01001111 40.80 2 +01001111 2,829 2 +01001111 1,392,000 2 +01001111 1,442,000 2 +01001111 156,576 2 +01001111 481,250 2 +01001111 1,595 2 +01001111 69,333 2 +01001111 53.35 2 +01001111 620,200 2 +01001111 1,256 2 +01001111 481.50 2 +01001111 6,723 2 +01001111 11.1875 2 +01001111 12,287 2 +01001111 3,571 2 +01001111 448.20 2 +01001111 12,474 2 +01001111 802,200 2 +01001111 325,400 2 +01001111 45- 2 +01001111 23-a-barrel 2 +01001111 41.05 2 +01001111 79,700 2 +01001111 5,000-a-month 2 +01001111 483.50 2 +01001111 1.7863 2 +01001111 112,400 2 +01001111 93,600 2 +01001111 1,743 2 +01001111 31,600 2 +01001111 10-an-hour 2 +01001111 449.20 2 +01001111 502.70 2 +01001111 478.20 2 +01001111 1.5875 2 +01001111 1.4333 2 +01001111 388.40 2 +01001111 566,000 2 +01001111 87.625 2 +01001111 75,500 2 +01001111 48.66 2 +01001111 9,495 2 +01001111 123,100 2 +01001111 2,187,000 2 +01001111 276.50 2 +01001111 83.375 2 +01001111 10,680 2 +01001111 8,802 2 +01001111 133,500 2 +01001111 4,295 2 +01001111 761,250 2 +01001111 110.75 2 +01001111 266,005 2 +01001111 229,407 2 +01001111 105,200 2 +01001111 469.50 2 +01001111 155,131 2 +01001111 1,305,000 2 +01001111 14,822 2 +01001111 1.7144 2 +01001111 1,936,000 2 +01001111 405.60 2 +01001111 1,395 2 +01001111 95,600 2 +01001111 443.80 2 +01001111 1.6238 2 +01001111 7,775 2 +01001111 445.50 2 +01001111 5.9325 2 +01001111 1.20-a-share 2 +01001111 17,945 2 +01001111 12,230 2 +01001111 17,345 2 +01001111 13,495 2 +01001111 10,275 2 +01001111 629,847 2 +01001111 937,000 2 +01001111 1.6138 2 +01001111 1.5637 2 +01001111 448.80 2 +01001111 .06 2 +01001111 24,464 2 +01001111 368,400 2 +01001111 80.375 2 +01001111 2,393 2 +01001111 12,999 2 +01001111 411.50 2 +01001111 200,000-plus 2 +01001111 5,590 2 +01001111 4,944 2 +01001111 34.72 2 +01001111 956,000 2 +01001111 1,127 2 +01001111 lytic 2 +01001111 152,500 2 +01001111 74.625 2 +01001111 32,300 2 +01001111 7,425 2 +01001111 1,232,000 2 +01001111 31,800 2 +01001111 446.50 2 +01001111 8,500,000 2 +01001111 1.6113 2 +01001111 412.60 2 +01001111 702,044 2 +01001111 1.6163 2 +01001111 738,996 2 +01001111 1.011 2 +01001111 444.30 2 +01001111 92.625 2 +01001111 1.6042 2 +01001111 175,100 2 +01001111 43,200 2 +01001111 5.975 2 +01001111 442.80 2 +01001111 444.90 2 +01001111 28,855 2 +01001111 25,200 2 +01001111 81,500 2 +01001111 164.50 2 +01001111 405.70 2 +01001111 36.15 2 +01001111 227,412 2 +01001111 305,741 2 +01001111 401,464 2 +01001111 47,418 2 +01001111 14,214 2 +01001111 12,539 2 +01001111 555.80 2 +01001111 13,899 2 +01001111 44,200 2 +01001111 1.8832 2 +01001111 1.5878 2 +01001111 1.5344 2 +01001111 547.50 2 +01001111 1,327 2 +01001111 62.125 2 +01001111 310,300 2 +01001111 3,660 2 +01001111 228,306 2 +01001111 3.25-a-share 2 +01001111 124,500 2 +01001111 100,100 2 +01001111 1.7915 2 +01001111 42,927 2 +01001111 2,340,000 2 +01001111 922,000 2 +01001111 1,248 2 +01001111 1,665 2 +01001111 17,697 2 +01001111 859,700 2 +01001111 1,180,000 2 +01001111 1.8608 2 +01001111 421.10 2 +01001111 455.50 2 +01001111 563.60 2 +01001111 262,540 2 +01001111 16,062 2 +01001111 6,075,329 2 +01001111 56,500 2 +01001111 7,742 2 +01001111 48.69 2 +01001111 64.15-a-share 2 +01001111 156.50 2 +01001111 32.98 2 +01001111 9,419 2 +01001111 33,900 2 +01001111 4,990 2 +01001111 22,650 2 +01001111 6,490 2 +01001111 20.24 2 +01001111 298,010 2 +01001111 421.80 2 +01001111 421,250 2 +01001111 30,264,116 2 +01001111 1,803 2 +01001111 1.1160 2 +01001111 30,200 2 +01001111 52,600 2 +01001111 129,600 2 +01001111 1,423 2 +01001111 2,895 2 +01001111 1.6008 2 +01001111 451.60 2 +01001111 7,747,000 2 +01001111 934,153 2 +01001111 443.70 2 +01001111 1.6038 2 +01001111 705,000 2 +01001111 871,000 2 +01001111 71,500 2 +01001111 309.18 2 +01001111 291,900 2 +01001111 2,045 2 +01001111 131.625 2 +01001111 3,261,000 2 +01001111 1,860,000 2 +01001111 6,042 2 +01001111 460.80 2 +01001111 299,366 2 +01001111 1,951 2 +01001111 21.32 2 +01001111 9,399 2 +01001111 1.6283 2 +01001111 577,500 2 +01001111 1.132 2 +01001111 5,470,000 2 +01001111 81,600 2 +01001111 535.70 2 +01001111 278,300 2 +01001111 107,200 2 +01001111 190,809 2 +01001111 408,500 2 +01001111 1.4338 2 +01001111 395.50 2 +01001111 1.6025 2 +01001111 2,360 2 +01001111 1,984,000 2 +01001111 936,000 2 +01001111 370.80 2 +01001111 13.00 2 +01001111 29.59 2 +01001111 1.8870 2 +01001111 614,000 2 +01001111 61,275 2 +01001111 15,150 2 +01001111 288,970 2 +01001111 453.70 2 +01001111 8,690,000 2 +01001111 32.77 2 +01001111 500-a-store 2 +01001111 1.6590 2 +01001111 4,299 2 +01001111 26,600 2 +01001111 27,900 2 +01001111 116.125 2 +01001111 58,540 2 +01001111 1.5735 2 +01001111 9,850 2 +01001111 39-a-share 2 +01001111 307.59 2 +01001111 129,764 2 +01001111 10.75-a-share 2 +01001111 294,510 2 +01001111 708,333 2 +01001111 459.40 2 +01001111 31,850 2 +01001111 1.9005 2 +01001111 36.125-a-share 2 +01001111 165,630 2 +01001111 11,203 2 +01001111 8.365 2 +01001111 88,900 2 +01001111 171.07 2 +01001111 1,351.50 2 +01001111 1,110,000 2 +01001111 1,567 2 +01001111 293,566 2 +01001111 1.6030 2 +01001111 1,361 2 +01001111 769,000 2 +01001111 6,800,000 2 +01001111 58.45 2 +01001111 1.5780 2 +01001111 1.5683 2 +01001111 1.6296 2 +01001111 21.88 2 +01001111 1.305 2 +01001111 66,100 2 +01001111 18.385 2 +01001111 294,858 2 +01001111 440.90 2 +01001111 1.6185 2 +01001111 1,226 2 +01001111 7,529 2 +01001111 9,136 2 +01001111 8,823 2 +01001111 545.20 2 +01001111 70-million 2 +01001111 310.42 2 +01001111 155,453 2 +01001111 7,653 2 +01001111 77.75 2 +01001111 1.6977 2 +01001111 263,344 2 +01001111 18,484 2 +01001111 831,000 2 +01001111 1,789 2 +01001111 311.81 2 +01001111 58,995 2 +01001111 3,539,000 2 +01001111 201,141 2 +01001111 91.375 2 +01001111 478.50 2 +01001111 6,488 2 +01001111 994,000 2 +01001111 1.0465 2 +01001111 280.50 2 +01001111 56,700 2 +01001111 410.20 2 +01001111 470.60 2 +01001111 1,670,000 2 +01001111 949,000 2 +01001111 3,769 2 +01001111 32,639 2 +01001111 3,169 2 +01001111 200-billion 2 +01001111 134,467 2 +01001111 282,297 2 +01001111 15,600 3 +01001111 367.60 3 +01001111 59,700 3 +01001111 1,360,000 3 +01001111 25.40 3 +01001111 1.5610 3 +01001111 30.10 3 +01001111 87,500 3 +01001111 25,400 3 +01001111 70.625 3 +01001111 462.90 3 +01001111 452.75 3 +01001111 2165 3 +01001111 14,700 3 +01001111 18,900 3 +01001111 132-a-share 3 +01001111 82.625 3 +01001111 10,450 3 +01001111 111.125 3 +01001111 73.125 3 +01001111 1,815,000 3 +01001111 431,000 3 +01001111 383,000 3 +01001111 98,100 3 +01001111 210.75 3 +01001111 1,140,000 3 +01001111 57,600 3 +01001111 4,760 3 +01001111 699,000 3 +01001111 116,500 3 +01001111 10,350 3 +01001111 57,183 3 +01001111 250,000-a-year 3 +01001111 2,514 3 +01001111 899,443 3 +01001111 3.4375 3 +01001111 92.50-a-share 3 +01001111 106,900 3 +01001111 41.875 3 +01001111 23.95 3 +01001111 308.14 3 +01001111 306.71 3 +01001111 18,100 3 +01001111 882,000 3 +01001111 1.702 3 +01001111 14,240 3 +01001111 .21 3 +01001111 2,516 3 +01001111 402.20 3 +01001111 864,000 3 +01001111 4,499 3 +01001111 5,795 3 +01001111 1,116 3 +01001111 64.125 3 +01001111 114.25 3 +01001111 123,700 3 +01001111 66.625 3 +01001111 117.50 3 +01001111 65.375 3 +01001111 2,898 3 +01001111 79.375 3 +01001111 71,900 3 +01001111 84.875 3 +01001111 916,000 3 +01001111 638,000 3 +01001111 1.6045 3 +01001111 262,500 3 +01001111 450.20 3 +01001111 11,250,000 3 +01001111 2,099 3 +01001111 3,840 3 +01001111 4,770,000 3 +01001111 134,500 3 +01001111 392.20 3 +01001111 91,700 3 +01001111 111,600 3 +01001111 79.125 3 +01001111 5,000-a-year 3 +01001111 69.375 3 +01001111 759,000 3 +01001111 828,000 3 +01001111 1,451,000 3 +01001111 452.20 3 +01001111 400-an-ounce 3 +01001111 1,253 3 +01001111 125-a-share 3 +01001111 108-a-share 3 +01001111 1,840,000 3 +01001111 Yawk 3 +01001111 violence-prone 3 +01001111 26,000-a-year 3 +01001111 154.50 3 +01001111 921,000 3 +01001111 125,800 3 +01001111 2,686 3 +01001111 71.625 3 +01001111 Acutrim 3 +01001111 622,725 3 +01001111 172,500 3 +01001111 1.5535 3 +01001111 122,600 3 +01001111 133,250 3 +01001111 25-million 3 +01001111 26,800 3 +01001111 121.31 3 +01001111 390.30 3 +01001111 911,000 3 +01001111 12,340 3 +01001111 693,000 3 +01001111 147.75 3 +01001111 1.6220 3 +01001111 48.50-a-share 3 +01001111 841-a-share 3 +01001111 100.125 3 +01001111 514,000 3 +01001111 1,637,000 3 +01001111 92.25 3 +01001111 76,500 3 +01001111 58,900 3 +01001111 5-million 3 +01001111 34,500 3 +01001111 103.75 3 +01001111 127,100 3 +01001111 68,500 3 +01001111 494,000 3 +01001111 43,400 3 +01001111 1.3625 3 +01001111 912,000 3 +01001111 2,060 3 +01001111 24.61 3 +01001111 1,757,000 3 +01001111 72.375 3 +01001111 99,300 3 +01001111 68,100 3 +01001111 23.20 3 +01001111 23,700 3 +01001111 894,000 3 +01001111 39,700 3 +01001111 42,300 3 +01001111 18.47 3 +01001111 801,000 3 +01001111 307,491 3 +01001111 8,230,000 3 +01001111 1,973 3 +01001111 1.6800 3 +01001111 621,000 3 +01001111 429,000 3 +01001111 297,400 3 +01001111 29,900 3 +01001111 1.8030 3 +01001111 1.8315 3 +01001111 5,799 3 +01001111 15,790 3 +01001111 477.10 3 +01001111 1,370,000 3 +01001111 696,000 3 +01001111 766,000 3 +01001111 33,500 3 +01001111 8,495 3 +01001111 5,295 3 +01001111 939,000 3 +01001111 .32 3 +01001111 41.45 3 +01001111 543,000 3 +01001111 459,000 3 +01001111 336,640 3 +01001111 714,000 3 +01001111 2,370,000 3 +01001111 1,671 3 +01001111 169,500 3 +01001111 812,500 3 +01001111 1,665,000 3 +01001111 8,999 3 +01001111 23,900 3 +01001111 82,800 3 +01001111 46,500 3 +01001111 1,736 3 +01001111 1,820,000 3 +01001111 21,250 3 +01001111 103,900 3 +01001111 1,261,000 3 +01001111 48,600 3 +01001111 6,299 3 +01001111 403.40 3 +01001111 403.60 3 +01001111 .13 3 +01001111 66,342 3 +01001111 1,999 3 +01001111 3-a-barrel 3 +01001111 76.875 3 +01001111 1,489 3 +01001111 84.625 3 +01001111 453.10 3 +01001111 19.07 3 +01001111 1.8915 3 +01001111 1.7075 3 +01001111 666,666 3 +01001111 89.875 3 +01001111 17.05-a-share 3 +01001111 82.875 3 +01001111 928,000 3 +01001111 51,200 3 +01001111 92.375 3 +01001111 701,000 3 +01001111 1,409 3 +01001111 456.60 3 +01001111 40,000-plus 3 +01001111 301,774 3 +01001111 33,200 3 +01001111 11,995 3 +01001111 7,995 3 +01001111 2,184 3 +01001111 6,120 3 +01001111 115,600 3 +01001111 1,730,000 3 +01001111 278,503 3 +01001111 52,200 3 +01001111 11,295 3 +01001111 24.25-a-share 3 +01001111 50.72 3 +01001111 1.7735 3 +01001111 953,000 3 +01001111 10,480 3 +01001111 486,000 3 +01001111 486.10 3 +01001111 1.7405 3 +01001111 1.7645 3 +01001111 7.75-a-share 3 +01001111 52.725 3 +01001111 450.80 3 +01001111 461.90 3 +01001111 2,026,000 3 +01001111 876,000 3 +01001111 53.15 3 +01001111 978,000 3 +01001111 2,025,850 3 +01001111 14.80-a-share 3 +01001111 3,985,000 3 +01001111 303,390 3 +01001111 1.0920 3 +01001111 7,380 3 +01001111 2,095 3 +01001111 1.7030 3 +01001111 1,035,000 3 +01001111 1,103 3 +01001111 463.55 3 +01001111 244,949 3 +01001111 269,537 3 +01001111 56.875 3 +01001111 1,475,000 3 +01001111 2,046,000 3 +01001111 102.25 3 +01001111 316,500 3 +01001111 106.50 3 +01001111 1,023,000 3 +01001111 113.125 3 +01001111 4,450 3 +01001111 896,000 3 +01001111 1,332 3 +01001111 1,012 3 +01001111 79,900 3 +01001111 758,000 3 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32.625 19 +01001111 66-a-share 19 +01001111 28.625 19 +01001111 300-a-share 19 +01001111 48-a-share 19 +01001111 60.50 19 +01001111 48.25 19 +01001111 156,000 19 +01001111 1,450 19 +01001111 67.50 19 +01001111 2,750,000 19 +01001111 13.50-a-share 19 +01001111 36.125 19 +01001111 56.50 19 +01001111 752,000 19 +01001111 1,550 19 +01001111 143,000 19 +01001111 144,000 19 +01001111 345,000 20 +01001111 60.75 20 +01001111 5-a-share 20 +01001111 32.125 20 +01001111 264,000 20 +01001111 780,000 20 +01001111 304,000 20 +01001111 67-a-share 20 +01001111 106,000 20 +01001111 283,000 20 +01001111 930,000 20 +01001111 287,000 20 +01001111 54.50 20 +01001111 31.375 20 +01001111 73.50 20 +01001111 5,900 20 +01001111 42.625 20 +01001111 9,600 20 +01001111 1,060 20 +01001111 91,000 20 +01001111 346,000 20 +01001111 77-a-share 20 +01001111 53.125 20 +01001111 35.375 20 +01001111 8,800 20 +01001111 570,000 20 +01001111 123,000 20 +01001111 7,800 20 +01001111 87,000 20 +01001111 69,000 20 +01001111 262,000 20 +01001111 3,750 20 +01001111 585,000 20 +01001111 209,000 20 +01001111 326,000 20 +01001111 520,000 20 +01001111 98,000 21 +01001111 36.875 21 +01001111 113,000 21 +01001111 58.75 21 +01001111 17.90 21 +01001111 44.875 21 +01001111 28.375 21 +01001111 126,000 21 +01001111 183,000 21 +01001111 825,000 21 +01001111 29.125 21 +01001111 44.50 21 +01001111 14,500 21 +01001111 42.875 21 +01001111 132,000 21 +01001111 1,650,000 21 +01001111 245,000 21 +01001111 27.125 21 +01001111 355,000 21 +01001111 56-a-share 21 +01001111 35.875 21 +01001111 30.375 21 +01001111 45.75 21 +01001111 118,000 22 +01001111 410,000 22 +01001111 219,000 22 +01001111 18.50-a-share 22 +01001111 31.625 22 +01001111 53.75 22 +01001111 112,000 22 +01001111 128,000 22 +01001111 335,000 22 +01001111 142,000 22 +01001111 49.75 22 +01001111 49.25 22 +01001111 39.95 22 +01001111 93,000 22 +01001111 61,000 22 +01001111 100-a-share 22 +01001111 136,000 22 +01001111 46.125 22 +01001111 630,000 22 +01001111 6,600 23 +01001111 590,000 23 +01001111 11-a-share 23 +01001111 34.375 23 +01001111 290,000 23 +01001111 71,000 23 +01001111 26.125 23 +01001111 323,000 23 +01001111 43.875 23 +01001111 12.50-a-share 23 +01001111 38.75 23 +01001111 435,000 23 +01001111 64-a-share 23 +01001111 11.50-a-share 23 +01001111 4,900 23 +01001111 74.50 23 +01001111 13-a-share 23 +01001111 59.50 23 +01001111 8,200 23 +01001111 1,150,000 23 +01001111 36-a-share 23 +01001111 2,250 23 +01001111 31.875 23 +01001111 32,500 24 +01001111 27.625 24 +01001111 61-a-share 24 +01001111 116,000 24 +01001111 110-a-share 24 +01001111 34.625 24 +01001111 44.25 24 +01001111 205,000 24 +01001111 67,000 24 +01001111 92.50 24 +01001111 76,000 24 +01001111 30.875 24 +01001111 68.50 24 +01001111 265,000 24 +01001111 43-a-share 24 +01001111 235,000 24 +01001111 42.75 24 +01001111 37.375 24 +01001111 27.375 24 +01001111 510,000 25 +01001111 670,000 25 +01001111 38.25 25 +01001111 7,700 25 +01001111 27-a-share 25 +01001111 25.375 25 +01001111 365,000 25 +01001111 21.375 25 +01001111 24.875 25 +01001111 20.875 25 +01001111 55.50 25 +01001111 18-a-share 25 +01001111 660,000 25 +01001111 22.125 25 +01001111 41.25 25 +01001111 73,000 26 +01001111 107,000 26 +01001111 16,500 26 +01001111 285,000 26 +01001111 127,000 26 +01001111 26.625 26 +01001111 18.125 26 +01001111 415,000 26 +01001111 475,000 26 +01001111 9-a-share 26 +01001111 1,650 26 +01001111 640,000 26 +01001111 17,500 26 +01001111 21-a-share 26 +01001111 5,600 26 +01001111 460,000 26 +01001111 22.625 26 +01001111 21.125 26 +01001111 88,000 27 +01001111 54.25 27 +01001111 27,500 27 +01001111 34.125 27 +01001111 17.50-a-share 27 +01001111 37.875 27 +01001111 72.50 27 +01001111 94,000 27 +01001111 24.125 27 +01001111 11,500 27 +01001111 78,000 27 +01001111 19.125 28 +01001111 37-a-share 28 +01001111 31.125 28 +01001111 39.25 28 +01001111 27.875 28 +01001111 23.875 28 +01001111 53.50 28 +01001111 84,000 28 +01001111 103,000 28 +01001111 22.875 28 +01001111 3,900 28 +01001111 47.25 28 +01001111 4,700 28 +01001111 83,000 28 +01001111 37.75 28 +01001111 30.625 28 +01001111 46.25 28 +01001111 29.375 28 +01001111 6,800 28 +01001111 5,700 28 +01001111 1,150 29 +01001111 17.125 29 +01001111 19-a-share 29 +01001111 875,000 29 +01001111 35.125 29 +01001111 74-a-share 29 +01001111 37.25 29 +01001111 6,400 29 +01001111 82,000 29 +01001111 51.50 29 +01001111 23.375 29 +01001111 470,000 29 +01001111 34.875 30 +01001111 26.875 30 +01001111 29.625 30 +01001111 40.75 30 +01001111 960,000 30 +01001111 7,600 30 +01001111 74,000 30 +01001111 32.75 30 +01001111 1,350 30 +01001111 24.375 30 +01001111 26.375 30 +01001111 385,000 30 +01001111 19.875 30 +01001111 530,000 30 +01001111 1,350,000 30 +01001111 28.125 31 +01001111 36.75 31 +01001111 25.875 31 +01001111 30.125 31 +01001111 5,300 31 +01001111 19.625 31 +01001111 18.625 31 +01001111 580,000 31 +01001111 45.25 31 +01001111 57.50 31 +01001111 49,000 31 +01001111 22.375 31 +01001111 315,000 31 +01001111 25.625 31 +01001111 295,000 31 +01001111 2,250,000 31 +01001111 215,000 31 +01001111 6,200 31 +01001111 20.125 32 +01001111 4,100 32 +01001111 50.50 32 +01001111 23.125 32 +01001111 10,500 32 +01001111 39.50 32 +01001111 79,000 32 +01001111 66,000 32 +01001111 68,000 32 +01001111 6,300 32 +01001111 24.625 32 +01001111 33.25 32 +01001111 63,000 32 +01001111 89,500 32 +01001111 42.25 32 +01001111 390,000 32 +01001111 185,000 32 +01001111 90-a-share 32 +01001111 560,000 33 +01001111 39.75 33 +01001111 680,000 33 +01001111 34.50 33 +01001111 13.875 33 +01001111 105,000 33 +01001111 255,000 33 +01001111 9,500 33 +01001111 104,000 33 +01001111 480,000 33 +01001111 52-a-share 33 +01001111 16-a-share 33 +01001111 5,800 33 +01001111 24-a-share 33 +01001111 55-a-share 34 +01001111 540,000 34 +01001111 575,000 34 +01001111 49.50 34 +01001111 36.25 34 +01001111 430,000 34 +01001111 44.75 34 +01001111 6,100 34 +01001111 16.375 35 +01001111 3.00 35 +01001111 33.75 35 +01001111 41.75 35 +01001111 108,000 35 +01001111 725,000 35 +01001111 21.875 35 +01001111 43.50 35 +01001111 195,000 35 +01001111 26-a-share 35 +01001111 43.25 35 +01001111 17.375 36 +01001111 41.50 36 +01001111 58,000 37 +01001111 61.50 37 +01001111 1,050 37 +01001111 1,950,000 37 +01001111 19.375 37 +01001111 15.375 37 +01001111 52.50 37 +01001111 420,000 37 +01001111 62.50 38 +01001111 17.625 38 +01001111 7,200 38 +01001111 28.25 38 +01001111 46.75 38 +01001111 1,750 38 +01001111 13,500 38 +01001111 35.75 38 +01001111 14.125 39 +01001111 45.50 39 +01001111 370,000 39 +01001111 145,000 39 +01001111 20.625 39 +01001111 18-a-barrel 39 +01001111 46.50 40 +01001111 16.625 40 +01001111 13.625 40 +01001111 42.50 40 +01001111 56,000 40 +01001111 14-a-share 40 +01001111 32-a-share 41 +01001111 11.375 41 +01001111 8-a-share 41 +01001111 22-a-share 42 +01001111 72,000 42 +01001111 13.375 42 +01001111 51,000 42 +01001111 3,100 42 +01001111 44-a-share 43 +01001111 14.625 43 +01001111 5,400 43 +01001111 440,000 43 +01001111 95,000 43 +01001111 11.625 43 +01001111 35-a-share 43 +01001111 5,200 43 +01001111 18.375 43 +01001111 41-a-share 43 +01001111 380,000 44 +01001111 15-a-share 44 +01001111 38.50 44 +01001111 12.375 44 +01001111 34.75 44 +01001111 53,000 44 +01001111 16.875 45 +01001111 17.875 45 +01001111 18.875 45 +01001111 57,000 45 +01001111 4,400 45 +01001111 21.625 45 +01001111 52,000 45 +01001111 17-a-share 46 +01001111 30.25 46 +01001111 80-a-share 46 +01001111 31-a-share 46 +01001111 15.125 46 +01001111 72-a-share 47 +01001111 13.125 47 +01001111 4,600 47 +01001111 31.75 47 +01001111 33-a-share 47 +01001111 42-a-share 47 +01001111 15.625 47 +01001111 4,300 47 +01001111 41,000 47 +01001111 4,200 47 +01001111 40.50 47 +01001111 7-a-share 48 +01001111 16.125 48 +01001111 25.75 48 +01001111 4,800 48 +01001111 25-a-share 48 +01001111 33.50 48 +01001111 28.75 48 +01001111 28-a-share 48 +01001111 39,000 49 +01001111 62,000 49 +01001111 425,000 49 +01001111 30.75 49 +01001111 47.50 49 +01001111 310,000 49 +01001111 35.50 49 +01001111 3.70 50 +01001111 36.50 50 +01001111 21.75 50 +01001111 23.75 50 +01001111 35.25 51 +01001111 6.125 51 +01001111 950,000 51 +01001111 675,000 51 +01001111 32.25 51 +01001111 280,000 51 +01001111 14.875 52 +01001111 12.875 52 +01001111 320,000 52 +01001111 54,000 52 +01001111 75-a-share 52 +01001111 270,000 53 +01001111 12.625 53 +01001111 34.25 53 +01001111 155,000 53 +01001111 48.50 54 +01001111 3,700 54 +01001111 9.625 54 +01001111 325,000 54 +01001111 64,000 54 +01001111 27.75 54 +01001111 10.625 54 +01001111 38,000 54 +01001111 12,500 55 +01001111 525,000 55 +01001111 330,000 56 +01001111 1,750,000 56 +01001111 3,800 56 +01001111 70-a-share 56 +01001111 2,900 57 +01001111 47-a-share 57 +01001111 34,000 57 +01001111 31.50 57 +01001111 24.75 57 +01001111 3,400 57 +01001111 10.875 57 +01001111 12.125 58 +01001111 46,000 59 +01001111 29.75 59 +01001111 22.75 59 +01001111 44,000 59 +01001111 26.75 59 +01001111 8,500 59 +01001111 625,000 60 +01001111 15.875 60 +01001111 165,000 60 +01001111 20.75 60 +01001111 29.25 60 +01001111 22.25 61 +01001111 210,000 61 +01001111 29,000 61 +01001111 31,000 62 +01001111 43,000 62 +01001111 4.375 62 +01001111 135,000 62 +01001111 3,600 62 +01001111 25.25 62 +01001111 47,000 63 +01001111 1,250 64 +01001111 10-a-share 64 +01001111 19.75 64 +01001111 5.375 64 +01001111 275,000 64 +01001111 27.25 64 +01001111 65-a-share 64 +01001111 20.25 65 +01001111 10.125 65 +01001111 42,000 65 +01001111 260,000 65 +01001111 63-a-share 66 +01001111 14.375 66 +01001111 33,000 66 +01001111 29.50 66 +01001111 30.50 67 +01001111 37,000 67 +01001111 12-a-share 67 +01001111 11.875 69 +01001111 21.25 69 +01001111 360,000 72 +01001111 5.625 72 +01001111 340,000 72 +01001111 4.125 73 +01001111 190,000 73 +01001111 26.25 73 +01001111 5.125 73 +01001111 375,000 74 +01001111 6.375 74 +01001111 24.50 74 +01001111 4.625 74 +01001111 220,000 75 +01001111 5.875 75 +01001111 170,000 75 +01001111 28.50 76 +01001111 40-a-share 77 +01001111 37.50 77 +01001111 230,000 78 +01001111 25.50 78 +01001111 18.25 78 +01001111 30-a-share 81 +01001111 23.50 81 +01001111 2,600 82 +01001111 240,000 82 +01001111 32.50 82 +01001111 17.75 83 +01001111 19.25 84 +01001111 85,000 85 +01001111 45-a-share 86 +01001111 3,300 87 +01001111 1,250,000 87 +01001111 20-a-share 87 +01001111 19,000 88 +01001111 3.625 89 +01001111 50-a-share 91 +01001111 21,000 92 +01001111 48,000 92 +01001111 16.75 93 +01001111 20.50 93 +01001111 32,000 94 +01001111 115,000 96 +01001111 225,000 97 +01001111 27,000 97 +01001111 27.50 97 +01001111 36,000 98 +01001111 26,000 98 +01001111 19.50 99 +01001111 3.875 99 +01001111 21.50 100 +01001111 175,000 100 +01001111 2,400 101 +01001111 850,000 101 +01001111 17.25 102 +01001111 3.125 102 +01001111 2,700 104 +01001111 140,000 104 +01001111 2,300 105 +01001111 1,900 105 +01001111 28,000 107 +01001111 1000 108 +01001111 5,500 108 +01001111 2,100 110 +01001111 6,500 110 +01001111 110,000 113 +01001111 3,200 115 +01001111 26.50 116 +01001111 2.875 116 +01001111 160,000 118 +01001111 7,500 119 +01001111 2.625 123 +01001111 23,000 125 +01001111 65,000 126 +01001111 22.50 128 +01001111 2.10 129 +01001111 15.50 130 +01001111 130,000 131 +01001111 2,800 131 +01001111 24,000 136 +01001111 180,000 138 +01001111 22,000 143 +01001111 650,000 143 +01001111 55,000 147 +01001111 2,200 149 +01001111 550,000 150 +01001111 16.50 151 +01001111 17,000 155 +01001111 2.375 156 +01001111 14.50 160 +01001111 11.50 161 +01001111 1,700 167 +01001111 4,500 168 +01001111 18.50 171 +01001111 13,000 176 +01001111 2.125 180 +01001111 1.40 185 +01001111 125,000 191 +01001111 450,000 192 +01001111 60-a-share 194 +01001111 1,800 194 +01001111 17.50 196 +01001111 45,000 198 +01001111 1.875 201 +01001111 1.90 202 +01001111 1.70 203 +01001111 3,500 203 +01001111 14,000 204 +01001111 1,100 204 +01001111 1,600 206 +01001111 18,000 206 +01001111 120,000 207 +01001111 1,400 210 +01001111 16,000 212 +01001111 10.50 212 +01001111 90,000 214 +01001111 5.50 216 +01001111 1.60 228 +01001111 1.80 229 +01001111 9,000 231 +01001111 11,000 236 +01001111 1,300 247 +01001111 12.50 247 +01001111 1.625 254 +01001111 900,000 264 +01001111 35,000 267 +01001111 350,000 268 +01001111 1.20 280 +01001111 80,000 281 +01001111 70,000 281 +01001111 4.50 285 +01001111 75,000 315 +01001111 1.375 331 +01001111 3.50 344 +01001111 7,000 373 +01001111 12,000 379 +01001111 8,000 380 +01001111 1.125 387 +01001111 750,000 387 +01001111 700,000 397 +01001111 800,000 404 +01001111 60,000 465 +01001111 1,200 474 +01001111 6,000 490 +01001111 2,500 497 +01001111 600,000 567 +01001111 150,000 577 +01001111 2.50 600 +01001111 15,000 642 +01001111 40,000 666 +01001111 4,000 668 +01001111 400,000 679 +01001111 1,500 682 +01001111 25,000 702 +01001111 1.50 752 +01001111 30,000 754 +01001111 250,000 812 +01001111 300,000 896 +01001111 3,000 946 +01001111 20,000 989 +01001111 200,000 1118 +01001111 50,000 1320 +01001111 2,000 1364 +01001111 5,000 1375 +01001111 500,000 1486 +01001111 10,000 2146 +01001111 1,000 3632 +01001111 100,000 2353 +01010000000 6,863,863 1 +01010000000 mistranslated 1 +01010000000 3,839,039 1 +01010000000 9,616,584 1 +01010000000 14,302,517 1 +01010000000 9,327,601 1 +01010000000 1,164,000 1 +01010000000 147,200 1 +01010000000 overeaten 1 +01010000000 58,649,744 1 +01010000000 jerrybuilt 1 +01010000000 bossing 1 +01010000000 541,617 1 +01010000000 5,011,166 1 +01010000000 17,038,415 1 +01010000000 3,582 1 +01010000000 43,600,000 1 +01010000000 3,054,044 1 +01010000000 6,294,912 1 +01010000000 re-insert 1 +01010000000 14,078,066 1 +01010000000 7,682,127 1 +01010000000 9,480,380 1 +01010000000 out-traded 1 +01010000000 1,835,250 1 +01010000000 7,606,465 1 +01010000000 cigarette-caused 1 +01010000000 77,099 1 +01010000000 2,193,102 1 +01010000000 2,227,846 1 +01010000000 9,119,889 1 +01010000000 10,269,000 1 +01010000000 Chinese-Malay 1 +01010000000 2,808,404 1 +01010000000 1,691 1 +01010000000 10,751,300 1 +01010000000 outbranched 1 +01010000000 7,963,000 1 +01010000000 4,436,000 1 +01010000000 4,791,073 1 +01010000000 reembrace 1 +01010000000 7,169,648 1 +01010000000 7,557,670 1 +01010000000 faired 1 +01010000000 err/ 1 +01010000000 379,628 1 +01010000000 11,868,148 1 +01010000000 1,976,000 1 +01010000000 5,450,000 1 +01010000000 4,552,693 1 +01010000000 spoilt 1 +01010000000 4,074 1 +01010000000 misspecified 1 +01010000000 redominated 1 +01010000000 5,776,500 1 +01010000000 10,312,234 1 +01010000000 droppped 1 +01010000000 strenghened 1 +01010000000 9,310,603 1 +01010000000 1,785,867 1 +01010000000 48,950 1 +01010000000 warrent 1 +01010000000 5,225,000 1 +01010000000 2,052,970 1 +01010000000 detoothed 1 +01010000000 self-initiate 1 +01010000000 7,178,808 1 +01010000000 3,624,266 1 +01010000000 9,960,033 1 +01010000000 citied 1 +01010000000 1,949 1 +01010000000 11,842,694 1 +01010000000 well-fitted 1 +01010000000 13,053,000 1 +01010000000 1,895,650 1 +01010000000 2,128,000 1 +01010000000 underperfomed 1 +01010000000 19,043,380 1 +01010000000 harrass 1 +01010000000 overpromoted 1 +01010000000 566,100 1 +01010000000 unbundled 1 +01010000000 Kremlinized 1 +01010000000 26,810,911 1 +01010000000 jaw-boned 1 +01010000000 2,702,248 1 +01010000000 14,432,000 1 +01010000000 4,056 1 +01010000000 advocated/predicted 1 +01010000000 caulked 1 +01010000000 labelled 1 +01010000000 18,829,530 1 +01010000000 8,719 1 +01010000000 outsubsidized 1 +01010000000 quick-fired 1 +01010000000 burn-related 1 +01010000000 ex-housing 1 +01010000000 549,917 1 +01010000000 71,255,000 1 +01010000000 13,134,000 1 +01010000000 1,992 2 +01010000000 trespassed 2 +01010000000 flailed 2 +01010000000 61,400 3 +01010000000 become 11573 +01010000000 undergone 131 +010100000010 reburbish 1 +010100000010 MCA-machine 1 +010100000010 out-of-the-ghetto 1 +010100000010 PowerJet 1 +010100000010 Reagan-cabinet 1 +010100000010 787,800 1 +010100000010 asume 1 +010100000010 daily-item 1 +010100000010 noshes 1 +010100000010 aspirate 1 +010100000010 Southern-based 1 +010100000010 faculty-sponsored 1 +010100000010 Caliph 1 +010100000010 called-for 1 +010100000010 unring 1 +010100000010 Ozal-was-shot-for-defending-the-Greeks 1 +010100000010 thwack 1 +010100000010 stengthen 2 +010100000010 appall 2 +010100000010 Stifle 2 +010100000010 befit 2 +010100000010 business-sponsored 2 +010100000010 prefigure 2 +010100000010 obstructs 2 +010100000010 antagonizes 2 +010100000010 recieve 2 +010100000010 refloated 2 +010100000010 pre-date 5 +010100000010 denote 8 +010100000010 predate 8 +010100000010 bespeak 8 +010100000010 brandish 9 +010100000010 hearten 9 +010100000010 secrete 10 +010100000010 typify 11 +010100000010 epitomize 11 +010100000010 outsell 15 +010100000010 obligate 18 +010100000010 adorn 19 +010100000010 underlie 25 +010100000010 exemplify 26 +010100000010 transcend 27 +010100000010 afflict 42 +010100000010 foreshadow 44 +010100000010 precede 47 +010100000010 presage 50 +010100000010 encompass 53 +010100000010 depict 77 +010100000010 portend 83 +010100000010 outnumber 99 +010100000010 comprise 133 +010100000010 outweigh 139 +010100000010 resemble 221 +010100000010 exclude 352 +010100000010 constitute 454 +010100000010 contain 907 +010100000010 involve 1395 +010100000010 represent 2324 +010100000010 include 8935 +010100000010 reflect 2946 +010100000011 re-inspect 1 +010100000011 outstay 1 +010100000011 overfish 1 +010100000011 cremate 1 +010100000011 inititate 1 +010100000011 misguide 1 +010100000011 sanctifying 1 +010100000011 more-significant 1 +010100000011 --for 1 +010100000011 bow-hunt 1 +010100000011 outbox 1 +010100000011 non-Brazilian 1 +010100000011 overcentralize 1 +010100000011 alway 1 +010100000011 whiffing 1 +010100000011 out-give 1 +010100000011 retitle 1 +010100000011 discomfit 1 +010100000011 relight 1 +010100000011 re-acquire 1 +010100000011 fulfull 1 +010100000011 asssume 1 +010100000011 apprises 1 +010100000011 revalidate 1 +010100000011 guest-starring 1 +010100000011 adduce 1 +010100000011 re-affirms 1 +010100000011 excecute 1 +010100000011 addresssing 1 +010100000011 memorialize 2 +010100000011 overstimulate 2 +010100000011 embitter 2 +010100000011 double-deck 2 +010100000011 comanage 2 +010100000011 bureaucratize 2 +010100000011 Widen 2 +010100000011 re-educate 3 +010100000011 spot-check 3 +010100000011 resolicit 4 +010100000011 titillate 4 +010100000011 mystify 4 +010100000011 impel 4 +010100000011 ensnare 4 +010100000011 stigmatize 5 +010100000011 suffocate 5 +010100000011 abridge 5 +010100000011 shadowing 5 +010100000011 daunt 5 +010100000011 proscribe 6 +010100000011 shackle 6 +010100000011 vex 7 +010100000011 bedevil 7 +010100000011 fascinate 8 +010100000011 undervalue 8 +010100000011 befall 9 +010100000011 roil 9 +010100000011 co-manage 10 +010100000011 shortchange 10 +010100000011 contravene 10 +010100000011 glorify 10 +010100000011 disenfranchise 11 +010100000011 rile 11 +010100000011 embolden 12 +010100000011 renationalize 12 +010100000011 handcuff 14 +010100000011 relegate 14 +010100000011 pollute 14 +010100000011 outshine 16 +010100000011 infuriate 18 +010100000011 confound 20 +010100000011 pervade 21 +010100000011 strangle 21 +010100000011 reassume 22 +010100000011 necessitate 23 +010100000011 negate 23 +010100000011 preempt 24 +010100000011 signify 27 +010100000011 skew 29 +010100000011 devastate 30 +010100000011 supersede 30 +010100000011 imperil 31 +010100000011 condone 35 +010100000011 empower 43 +010100000011 tempt 53 +010100000011 disappoint 53 +010100000011 overwhelm 67 +010100000011 pre-empt 78 +010100000011 entail 95 +010100000011 distort 96 +010100000011 cripple 98 +010100000011 impair 101 +010100000011 forbid 108 +010100000011 penalize 119 +010100000011 inhibit 120 +010100000011 exacerbate 122 +010100000011 endanger 126 +010100000011 hinder 134 +010100000011 hamper 157 +010100000011 impede 167 +010100000011 preclude 167 +010100000011 entitle 210 +010100000011 jeopardize 228 +010100000011 invite 257 +010100000011 urge 521 +010100000011 prohibit 536 +010100000011 discourage 649 +010100000011 prompt 683 +010100000011 violate 721 +010100000011 enable 1151 +010100000011 permit 1462 +010100000011 encourage 1536 +010100000011 assume 1634 +010100000011 affect 2285 +010100000011 mean 3130 +010100000011 allow 5771 +010100000011 require 4422 +0101000001000 high-fived 1 +0101000001000 arent 1 +0101000001000 high-salaried 1 +0101000001000 swaddle 1 +0101000001000 out-busy 1 +0101000001000 32,449 1 +0101000001000 high-tax-bracket 1 +0101000001000 over-commit 1 +0101000001000 overexpose 1 +0101000001000 nonfarmer 1 +0101000001000 heckle 1 +0101000001000 perturb 1 +0101000001000 prime-plus 1 +0101000001000 flagellated 1 +0101000001000 scuffing 1 +0101000001000 undesiring 1 +0101000001000 addling 1 +0101000001000 no-strings 1 +0101000001000 outshout 1 +0101000001000 re-educating 1 +0101000001000 non-Finnish 1 +0101000001000 unmix 1 +0101000001000 out-yell 1 +0101000001000 saddens 1 +0101000001000 razz 1 +0101000001000 arraying 1 +0101000001000 harrassed 1 +0101000001000 for/with/to 1 +0101000001000 compell 1 +0101000001000 air-freighted 1 +0101000001000 bad-rapping 1 +0101000001000 bumiputra 1 +0101000001000 non-Mafia 1 +0101000001000 red-flags 1 +0101000001000 goldstock 1 +0101000001000 electonically 1 +0101000001000 re-propose 1 +0101000001000 sadden 1 +0101000001000 reimplanted 1 +0101000001000 remold 2 +0101000001000 Shenzen 2 +0101000001000 waylay 2 +0101000001000 disconcert 2 +0101000001000 recoated 2 +0101000001000 Margarite 2 +0101000001000 enumerate 2 +0101000001000 astonish 2 +0101000001000 outpolitic 2 +0101000001000 complimenting 2 +0101000001000 spank 2 +0101000001000 enmesh 2 +0101000001000 outwork 2 +0101000001000 convenience-minded 2 +0101000001000 obsess 2 +0101000001000 hoodwink 2 +0101000001000 unshackle 2 +0101000001000 apprise 2 +0101000001000 dehumanize 2 +0101000001000 out-compete 2 +0101000001000 anesthetize 3 +0101000001000 regale 3 +0101000001000 squish 3 +0101000001000 circumscribe 3 +0101000001000 predispose 3 +0101000001000 disabuse 3 +0101000001000 debrief 3 +0101000001000 situate 3 +0101000001000 one-up 3 +0101000001000 squirreling 4 +0101000001000 shoo 4 +0101000001000 astound 4 +0101000001000 excoriate 5 +0101000001000 smite 5 +0101000001000 terrify 5 +0101000001000 pester 5 +0101000001000 disown 5 +0101000001000 crucify 6 +0101000001000 re-elect 6 +0101000001000 begrudge 7 +0101000001000 persecute 7 +0101000001000 detach 7 +0101000001000 accost 7 +0101000001000 tabulate 8 +0101000001000 debase 8 +0101000001000 divvy 8 +0101000001000 abet 8 +0101000001000 freshen 10 +0101000001000 pummel 10 +0101000001000 endear 13 +0101000001000 dub 14 +0101000001000 consign 14 +0101000001000 liven 14 +0101000001000 seduce 15 +0101000001000 outlive 18 +0101000001000 annoy 19 +0101000001000 disparage 19 +0101000001000 devour 24 +0101000001000 bless 24 +0101000001000 catapult 26 +0101000001000 implicate 29 +0101000001000 summon 47 +0101000001000 distract 51 +0101000001000 lighten 57 +0101000001000 soak 59 +0101000001000 surround 62 +0101000001000 greet 74 +0101000001000 rob 76 +0101000001000 frighten 77 +0101000001000 deprive 107 +0101000001000 compel 160 +0101000001000 accuse 212 +0101000001000 remind 250 +0101000001000 lend 973 +0101000001000 pick 1493 +0101000001000 let 3989 +0101000001000 give 10621 +0101000001001 Reliance-associated 1 +0101000001001 vacation-sensitive 1 +0101000001001 recyle 1 +0101000001001 synopsize 1 +0101000001001 ingore 1 +0101000001001 SmithKline-making 1 +0101000001001 re-raise 1 +0101000001001 41,979 1 +0101000001001 47,443 1 +0101000001001 interlink 1 +0101000001001 3,655 1 +0101000001001 ENJOY 1 +0101000001001 out-service 1 +0101000001001 more-remote 1 +0101000001001 incourage 1 +0101000001001 enflame 1 +0101000001001 schmoozed 1 +0101000001001 rerelease 1 +0101000001001 franker 1 +0101000001001 price/quality 1 +0101000001001 83,340 1 +0101000001001 lower-asset 1 +0101000001001 more-visceral 1 +0101000001001 protray 1 +0101000001001 768,318 1 +0101000001001 696,192 1 +0101000001001 unrequest 1 +0101000001001 gold-standard 1 +0101000001001 conflictive 1 +0101000001001 prettify 1 +0101000001001 unmerciful 1 +0101000001001 outstrategize 1 +0101000001001 fire-and-brimstone 1 +0101000001001 dogrant 1 +0101000001001 regurgitate 1 +0101000001001 thriftless 1 +0101000001001 finance-driven 1 +0101000001001 sear 1 +0101000001001 more-popular 1 +0101000001001 flay 1 +0101000001001 strenthen 1 +0101000001001 forcefeed 1 +0101000001001 20.46 1 +0101000001001 equilibrate 1 +0101000001001 non-university 1 +0101000001001 CNB. 1 +0101000001001 over-price 1 +0101000001001 dimiss 1 +0101000001001 969,091 1 +0101000001001 underdo 1 +0101000001001 pre-emptory 1 +0101000001001 long-stagnant 1 +0101000001001 nursingcare 1 +0101000001001 full-board 1 +0101000001001 official-priced 1 +0101000001001 non-maritime 1 +0101000001001 overinterpret 2 +0101000001001 reattach 2 +0101000001001 repave 2 +0101000001001 divebomb 2 +0101000001001 7,540 2 +0101000001001 high-tail 2 +0101000001001 mechanize 2 +0101000001001 serialize 2 +0101000001001 hand-deliver 2 +0101000001001 annotate 2 +0101000001001 rephrase 2 +0101000001001 unhinge 2 +0101000001001 incapacitate 2 +0101000001001 disinvite 2 +0101000001001 recirculate 3 +0101000001001 dislose 3 +0101000001001 subjugate 3 +0101000001001 test-fire 3 +0101000001001 re-direct 3 +0101000001001 christen 3 +0101000001001 cadge 3 +0101000001001 discombobulate 3 +0101000001001 botch 4 +0101000001001 imbue 4 +0101000001001 encrypt 4 +0101000001001 encapsulate 4 +0101000001001 decriminalize 4 +0101000001001 unwrap 5 +0101000001001 pooh-pooh 5 +0101000001001 force-feed 5 +0101000001001 repulse 5 +0101000001001 dehydrate 5 +0101000001001 crumple 6 +0101000001001 pulverize 6 +0101000001001 muffle 7 +0101000001001 baffle 7 +0101000001001 reroute 9 +0101000001001 cheapen 11 +0101000001001 ruffle 12 +0101000001001 obliterate 13 +0101000001001 nab 13 +0101000001001 contaminate 16 +0101000001001 etch 17 +0101000001001 stymie 34 +0101000001001 elude 48 +0101000001001 elicit 53 +0101000001001 furnish 82 +0101000001001 deflect 103 +0101000001001 accompany 124 +0101000001001 prescribe 124 +0101000001001 render 152 +0101000001001 deter 393 +0101000001001 make 26950 +0101000001001 prevent 2834 +0101000001010 families/you 1 +0101000001010 100-times 1 +0101000001010 shivered 1 +0101000001010 tip-toe 1 +0101000001010 veg 1 +0101000001010 deputize 2 +0101000001010 roust 2 +0101000001010 foot-drag 2 +0101000001010 expiate 2 +0101000001010 reconvert 2 +0101000001010 prance 2 +0101000001010 misinform 2 +0101000001010 chickened 2 +0101000001010 fondle 3 +0101000001010 slink 3 +0101000001010 blurt 5 +0101000001010 peter 6 +0101000001010 bulldoze 6 +0101000001010 mete 6 +0101000001010 leach 7 +0101000001010 wriggle 7 +0101000001010 chug 8 +0101000001010 flail 9 +0101000001010 whisk 10 +0101000001010 radiate 10 +0101000001010 winnow 10 +0101000001010 thrash 17 +0101000001010 spew 20 +0101000001010 lug 23 +0101000001010 ferret 27 +0101000001010 drown 28 +0101000001010 eke 31 +0101000001010 flatten 33 +0101000001010 pry 36 +0101000001010 don 38 +0101000001010 churn 43 +0101000001010 straighten 49 +0101000001010 unleash 87 +0101000001010 carve 97 +0101000001010 pour 176 +0101000001010 wipe 248 +0101000001010 translate 283 +0101000001010 throw 679 +0101000001010 pull 1050 +0101000001010 get 20821 +0101000001010 carry 2721 +0101000001011 reward-based 1 +0101000001011 ESCALATES 1 +0101000001011 railpolitik 1 +0101000001011 more-desperate 1 +0101000001011 hurdy-gurdy 1 +0101000001011 ciphers 1 +0101000001011 suports 1 +0101000001011 conveythat 1 +0101000001011 contraction-oriented 1 +0101000001011 phone-ordered 1 +0101000001011 dust-reducing 1 +0101000001011 lower-than-forecast 1 +0101000001011 post-court 1 +0101000001011 post-market-crash 1 +0101000001011 minmal 1 +0101000001011 cantilever 1 +0101000001011 smoothe 1 +0101000001011 airline-takeover 1 +0101000001011 post-audit 1 +0101000001011 Newsday/WNBC 1 +0101000001011 ct 1 +0101000001011 ad-ban 1 +0101000001011 pencil-neck 1 +0101000001011 slower-than-normal 1 +0101000001011 tyrannize 2 +0101000001011 productivity-enhancing 2 +0101000001011 steepen 3 +0101000001011 sate 5 +0101000001011 consecrate 5 +0101000001011 skewer 7 +0101000001011 agonize 9 +0101000001011 gloat 11 +0101000001011 compress 15 +0101000001011 haggle 23 +0101000001011 mull 26 +0101000001011 pore 32 +0101000001011 cede 45 +0101000001011 take 18920 +0101000001011 preside 89 +0101000001100 sheathe 1 +0101000001100 WASP-dom 1 +0101000001100 out-Lenin 1 +0101000001100 reprove 1 +0101000001100 de-Yogi 1 +0101000001100 demonstate 1 +0101000001100 mislay 1 +0101000001100 relitigate 1 +0101000001100 overindulge 1 +0101000001100 rechannel 1 +0101000001100 outgross 1 +0101000001100 double-teamed 1 +0101000001100 recondition 1 +0101000001100 34440.09 1 +0101000001100 hardhead 1 +0101000001100 Godforsaken 1 +0101000001100 whap 1 +0101000001100 34529.22 1 +0101000001100 bethought 1 +0101000001100 less-provincial 1 +0101000001100 Carter-bashing 1 +0101000001100 hagiographic 1 +0101000001100 high-teens 1 +0101000001100 outcuss 1 +0101000001100 exhume 2 +0101000001100 inveigle 2 +0101000001100 reengage 2 +0101000001100 unplug 2 +0101000001100 hero-worship 2 +0101000001100 Wore 2 +0101000001100 rerecorded 2 +0101000001100 overemphasize 2 +0101000001100 pooh-poohs 3 +0101000001100 conciliate 3 +0101000001100 sentimentalize 3 +0101000001100 refresh 3 +0101000001100 tantalize 3 +0101000001100 pigeonhole 3 +0101000001100 disassemble 3 +0101000001100 relearn 3 +0101000001100 fumigate 3 +0101000001100 overpower 4 +0101000001100 beseech 4 +0101000001100 interject 4 +0101000001100 ostracize 4 +0101000001100 demobilize 4 +0101000001100 intone 5 +0101000001100 transcribe 5 +0101000001100 underrate 6 +0101000001100 smother 8 +0101000001100 maim 8 +0101000001100 adore 8 +0101000001100 belabor 8 +0101000001100 overhear 9 +0101000001100 double-check 11 +0101000001100 repress 12 +0101000001100 nourish 13 +0101000001100 peruse 14 +0101000001100 boo 15 +0101000001100 misunderstand 15 +0101000001100 corroborate 15 +0101000001100 despise 16 +0101000001100 mourn 17 +0101000001100 assail 20 +0101000001100 congratulate 29 +0101000001100 infer 31 +0101000001100 cherish 32 +0101000001100 fathom 37 +0101000001100 ascertain 42 +0101000001100 pronounce 43 +0101000001100 exaggerate 51 +0101000001100 comprehend 62 +0101000001100 discern 68 +0101000001100 ponder 91 +0101000001100 underestimate 100 +0101000001100 characterize 118 +0101000001100 admire 132 +0101000001100 applaud 150 +0101000001100 thank 160 +0101000001100 calculate 239 +0101000001100 criticize 294 +0101000001100 define 341 +0101000001100 discover 349 +0101000001100 accomplish 373 +0101000001100 reveal 404 +0101000001100 appreciate 409 +0101000001100 assure 548 +0101000001100 imagine 550 +0101000001100 describe 651 +0101000001100 explain 1400 +0101000001100 hear 1771 +0101000001100 ask 2797 +0101000001100 tell 3111 +0101000001100 see 12169 +0101000001101 functionless 1 +0101000001101 tiger-team 1 +0101000001101 over-stock 1 +0101000001101 inscribe 1 +0101000001101 evalute 1 +0101000001101 recraft 1 +0101000001101 undercharge 1 +0101000001101 rebill 1 +0101000001101 relfect 1 +0101000001101 recognie 1 +0101000001101 overinflate 2 +0101000001101 deconglomerate 2 +0101000001101 ding 2 +0101000001101 annualize 2 +0101000001101 sublimate 2 +0101000001101 Finlandize 2 +0101000001101 demote 3 +0101000001101 supercede 3 +0101000001101 plagiarize 3 +0101000001101 recentralize 3 +0101000001101 bewail 3 +0101000001101 conceptualize 4 +0101000001101 misjudge 4 +0101000001101 unfreeze 4 +0101000001101 disclaim 4 +0101000001101 delude 7 +0101000001101 amaze 7 +0101000001101 mutilate 7 +0101000001101 fertilize 7 +0101000001101 gainsay 7 +0101000001101 startle 7 +0101000001101 misappropriate 9 +0101000001101 misinterpret 9 +0101000001101 insinuate 9 +0101000001101 traverse 10 +0101000001101 unscramble 11 +0101000001101 disobey 12 +0101000001101 construe 13 +0101000001101 berate 13 +0101000001101 extol 13 +0101000001101 mar 13 +0101000001101 detest 14 +0101000001101 patronize 15 +0101000001101 belittle 15 +0101000001101 flout 16 +0101000001101 forsake 18 +0101000001101 disavow 19 +0101000001101 arbitrate 19 +0101000001101 bemoan 20 +0101000001101 accentuate 21 +0101000001101 misrepresent 21 +0101000001101 abhor 21 +0101000001101 scour 22 +0101000001101 espouse 23 +0101000001101 dedicate 25 +0101000001101 incite 25 +0101000001101 countenance 25 +0101000001101 betray 27 +0101000001101 recite 31 +0101000001101 decry 32 +0101000001101 deplore 32 +0101000001101 spurn 34 +0101000001101 repudiate 40 +0101000001101 downplay 40 +0101000001101 affirm 47 +0101000001101 delete 54 +0101000001101 refute 56 +0101000001101 evoke 64 +0101000001101 obey 68 +0101000001101 inherit 74 +0101000001101 proclaim 75 +0101000001101 denounce 80 +0101000001101 contradict 90 +0101000001101 certify 90 +0101000001101 hasten 91 +0101000001101 overlook 93 +0101000001101 invent 96 +0101000001101 contemplate 105 +0101000001101 possess 116 +0101000001101 defy 123 +0101000001101 invoke 129 +0101000001101 shun 132 +0101000001101 derail 149 +0101000001101 ratify 162 +0101000001101 convey 184 +0101000001101 attach 190 +0101000001101 observe 203 +0101000001101 await 214 +0101000001101 interpret 231 +0101000001101 tolerate 236 +0101000001101 endorse 338 +0101000001101 miss 444 +0101000001101 declare 486 +0101000001101 emphasize 490 +0101000001101 ignore 662 +0101000001101 resist 666 +0101000001101 enjoy 761 +0101000001101 submit 767 +0101000001101 reject 838 +0101000001101 recommend 923 +0101000001101 confirm 928 +0101000001101 propose 959 +0101000001101 deny 1112 +0101000001101 recognize 1152 +0101000001101 oppose 1177 +0101000001101 approve 1824 +0101000001101 accept 3240 +0101000001101 consider 5031 +0101000001101 find 7418 +0101000001110 HartScott-Rodino 1 +0101000001110 misapply 1 +0101000001110 creat 1 +0101000001110 capsulize 1 +0101000001110 determinine 1 +0101000001110 stiff-arm 1 +0101000001110 side-step 1 +0101000001110 Reich-like 1 +0101000001110 intuit 2 +0101000001110 oscillate 4 +0101000001110 arrogate 7 +0101000001110 affix 9 +0101000001110 wreak 31 +0101000001110 designate 86 +0101000001110 dictate 197 +0101000001110 distinguish 210 +0101000001110 elect 443 +0101000001110 threaten 611 +0101000001110 contribute 1005 +0101000001110 choose 1359 +0101000001110 learn 1462 +0101000001110 prove 2077 +0101000001110 determine 2163 +0101000001110 decide 2670 +0101000001110 add 2814 +0101000001110 seek 5219 +0101000001111 INSIST 1 +0101000001111 --mdespite 1 +0101000001111 70-0 1 +0101000001111 time-trial 1 +0101000001111 concering 1 +0101000001111 cumulate 1 +0101000001111 shoewear 1 +0101000001111 downstream-refining 1 +0101000001111 SS-16s 1 +0101000001111 relighted 1 +0101000001111 overtrain 1 +0101000001111 forewarn 1 +0101000001111 deficit-competitiveness 1 +0101000001111 acknowlege 1 +0101000001111 GROWN 1 +0101000001111 specifiy 1 +0101000001111 ACCEPT 1 +0101000001111 nostalgize 1 +0101000001111 Thubten 1 +0101000001111 outbacks 1 +0101000001111 Mexico-U.S. 1 +0101000001111 Chicago-centric 1 +0101000001111 receivable-supported 1 +0101000001111 soft-play 1 +0101000001111 unintimidating 1 +0101000001111 pursuade 1 +0101000001111 tank-engine 1 +0101000001111 durably 2 +0101000001111 WALK 2 +0101000001111 pinch-hit 2 +0101000001111 microwaving 2 +0101000001111 fly-line 2 +0101000001111 prayable 2 +0101000001111 opticians 2 +0101000001111 buzzers 2 +0101000001111 upbraiding 3 +0101000001111 localize 3 +0101000001111 presuppose 4 +0101000001111 idiot-proof 5 +0101000001111 prophesy 6 +0101000001111 Hide 9 +0101000001111 snicker 14 +0101000001111 upstage 19 +0101000001111 hound 19 +0101000001111 belie 24 +0101000001111 paraphrase 25 +0101000001111 receivable 116 +0101000001111 illustrate 216 +0101000001111 imply 221 +0101000001111 conclude 653 +0101000001111 demonstrate 675 +0101000001111 ensure 1609 +0101000001111 show 9165 +0101000001111 indicate 2099 +01010000100 de-sleazed 1 +01010000100 overdevelop 1 +01010000100 barehanded 1 +01010000100 hitchhiked 1 +01010000100 municipalize 1 +01010000100 reindustrialize 1 +01010000100 maitain 1 +01010000100 TELLING 1 +01010000100 limn 1 +01010000100 re-formulating 1 +01010000100 Deflect 1 +01010000100 dive-bomb 1 +01010000100 re-orient 1 +01010000100 asphyxiate 1 +01010000100 out-hoity-toity 1 +01010000100 reoganize 1 +01010000100 out-reform 1 +01010000100 regild 1 +01010000100 launders 1 +01010000100 out-jab 1 +01010000100 rehears 1 +01010000100 divy 1 +01010000100 out-propagandize 1 +01010000100 Affirming 1 +01010000100 body-block 1 +01010000100 rebait 1 +01010000100 triangulate 1 +01010000100 restage 1 +01010000100 rains/Until 1 +01010000100 harrumphing 1 +01010000100 refire 1 +01010000100 knead 1 +01010000100 Shamoo 1 +01010000100 end-all 1 +01010000100 regin 1 +01010000100 38,662 1 +01010000100 5,372,190 1 +01010000100 overplay 1 +01010000100 air-ship 1 +01010000100 out-white 1 +01010000100 filch 1 +01010000100 net-debtor 1 +01010000100 just-in-case 1 +01010000100 challange 1 +01010000100 Deceive 1 +01010000100 deinstitutionalize 1 +01010000100 smooth-talk 1 +01010000100 re-address 1 +01010000100 circumnavigate 1 +01010000100 re-marketed 1 +01010000100 relink 1 +01010000100 rustproof 1 +01010000100 pre-heat 1 +01010000100 joned 1 +01010000100 air-condition 1 +01010000100 pre-determine 1 +01010000100 underserviced 1 +01010000100 recode 1 +01010000100 copyread 1 +01010000100 over-regulates 1 +01010000100 underly 1 +01010000100 Savoring 1 +01010000100 rein-in 1 +01010000100 dynamize 1 +01010000100 hand-pick 1 +01010000100 enamor 1 +01010000100 Japanese-Nicaraguan 1 +01010000100 unbutton 1 +01010000100 overquote 1 +01010000100 randomize 1 +01010000100 push-start 1 +01010000100 abbetting 1 +01010000100 Trudeau-style 1 +01010000100 front-load 1 +01010000100 administrates 1 +01010000100 more-accommodating 1 +01010000100 test-run 1 +01010000100 re-lease 1 +01010000100 thresh 1 +01010000100 repopen 1 +01010000100 overrate 1 +01010000100 emblazon 1 +01010000100 wrests 1 +01010000100 re-approved 1 +01010000100 investigators-- 1 +01010000100 reconsecrate 1 +01010000100 refortify 1 +01010000100 streamlime 1 +01010000100 out-cheap 1 +01010000100 outstep 1 +01010000100 3,463,164 1 +01010000100 renotify 1 +01010000100 hand-paint 1 +01010000100 reinculcate 1 +01010000100 over-stress 1 +01010000100 recork 1 +01010000100 ever-racier 1 +01010000100 rehouse 1 +01010000100 retell 1 +01010000100 misdirect 1 +01010000100 primary-dealership 1 +01010000100 illumine 1 +01010000100 retracting 1 +01010000100 re-stabilize 1 +01010000100 re-buy 1 +01010000100 re-nationalize 1 +01010000100 recopy 1 +01010000100 satistfy 1 +01010000100 outglitz 1 +01010000100 84,897 1 +01010000100 bioengineer 1 +01010000100 resew 1 +01010000100 redistrict 1 +01010000100 bobtail 1 +01010000100 uncapping 1 +01010000100 re-boost 1 +01010000100 McDonaldize 1 +01010000100 uncap 1 +01010000100 federalize 1 +01010000100 re-cut 1 +01010000100 miscoloring 1 +01010000100 annoint 1 +01010000100 pedantify 1 +01010000100 Sweeten 1 +01010000100 snipping 1 +01010000100 re-state 1 +01010000100 European-subsidized 1 +01010000100 decapitalize 1 +01010000100 distend 1 +01010000100 ever-shorter 1 +01010000100 re-adjust 1 +01010000100 re-enforce 1 +01010000100 down-played 1 +01010000100 overmanage 1 +01010000100 reprovision 1 +01010000100 re-auction 1 +01010000100 city-like 1 +01010000100 overfatten 1 +01010000100 reinvoke 1 +01010000100 lobotomize 1 +01010000100 de-list 1 +01010000100 overdiagnose 1 +01010000100 unfetter 1 +01010000100 circumcise 1 +01010000100 underdeclare 1 +01010000100 restaurantize 1 +01010000100 Gennarosince 1 +01010000100 Knight-Ridder. 1 +01010000100 exempt-fund 1 +01010000100 underemphasize 1 +01010000100 reborrow 1 +01010000100 festoon 1 +01010000100 uninterpretable 1 +01010000100 embellishes 1 +01010000100 undeceive 1 +01010000100 12,655 1 +01010000100 box-in 1 +01010000100 liquidize 1 +01010000100 Discourage 1 +01010000100 caging 1 +01010000100 reconceive 1 +01010000100 out-dove 1 +01010000100 overfulfill 1 +01010000100 re-audit 2 +01010000100 defames 2 +01010000100 individualize 2 +01010000100 reintegrate 2 +01010000100 capsize 2 +01010000100 re-open 2 +01010000100 prefund 2 +01010000100 vitiate 2 +01010000100 dislocate 2 +01010000100 Defraud 2 +01010000100 strenghten 2 +01010000100 aggrandize 2 +01010000100 destablize 2 +01010000100 decolonize 2 +01010000100 redub 2 +01010000100 re-start 2 +01010000100 depoliticize 2 +01010000100 satiate 2 +01010000100 reconnect 2 +01010000100 leaven 2 +01010000100 enchance 2 +01010000100 overgraze 2 +01010000100 reweave 2 +01010000100 sex-blind 2 +01010000100 requite 2 +01010000100 re-extend 2 +01010000100 reincarnate 2 +01010000100 excrete 3 +01010000100 Impoverished 3 +01010000100 regionalize 3 +01010000100 garnishee 3 +01010000100 de-escalate 3 +01010000100 truncate 3 +01010000100 exorcise 3 +01010000100 civilize 3 +01010000100 plumb 3 +01010000100 transmute 3 +01010000100 baptize 3 +01010000100 congest 3 +01010000100 pollutes 3 +01010000100 pilfer 3 +01010000100 remarket 3 +01010000100 reargue 3 +01010000100 recompute 4 +01010000100 captivate 4 +01010000100 delegitimize 4 +01010000100 mismanage 4 +01010000100 re-think 4 +01010000100 prioritize 4 +01010000100 unclog 4 +01010000100 radicalize 4 +01010000100 ravage 5 +01010000100 overvalue 5 +01010000100 besmirch 5 +01010000100 reawaken 5 +01010000100 elucidate 5 +01010000100 condense 5 +01010000100 prorate 5 +01010000100 immobilize 5 +01010000100 overtax 6 +01010000100 reassemble 6 +01010000100 enrage 6 +01010000100 reconfirm 7 +01010000100 jump-start 7 +01010000100 defund 7 +01010000100 redraft 7 +01010000100 retest 8 +01010000100 eviscerate 8 +01010000100 optimize 9 +01010000100 sully 9 +01010000100 outgrow 9 +01010000100 relabel 9 +01010000100 disable 9 +01010000100 puncture 10 +01010000100 jawbone 10 +01010000100 broach 10 +01010000100 rework 10 +01010000100 unnerve 10 +01010000100 constrict 10 +01010000100 reorient 10 +01010000100 instigate 10 +01010000100 embroil 10 +01010000100 reconfigure 10 +01010000100 restock 11 +01010000100 rediscover 11 +01010000100 redo 12 +01010000100 degrade 13 +01010000100 desegregate 13 +01010000100 reflate 13 +01010000100 blurs 14 +01010000100 downsize 14 +01010000100 internationalize 14 +01010000100 delineate 14 +01010000100 polarize 14 +01010000100 obviate 15 +01010000100 douse 16 +01010000100 reorder 16 +01010000100 reenter 16 +01010000100 burnish 16 +01010000100 readjust 17 +01010000100 democratize 17 +01010000100 apportion 18 +01010000100 redouble 18 +01010000100 summarize 19 +01010000100 codify 20 +01010000100 criminalize 20 +01010000100 darken 20 +01010000100 computerize 21 +01010000100 paralyze 21 +01010000100 sterilize 22 +01010000100 abrogate 22 +01010000100 magnify 22 +01010000100 politicize 23 +01010000100 foment 24 +01010000100 stoke 24 +01010000100 revalue 24 +01010000100 formalize 24 +01010000100 usurp 25 +01010000100 underpin 25 +01010000100 falsify 25 +01010000100 de-emphasize 25 +01010000100 inflame 26 +01010000100 flex 26 +01010000100 legitimize 26 +01010000100 invigorate 27 +01010000100 deflate 28 +01010000100 hone 28 +01010000100 harden 28 +01010000100 reinvigorate 29 +01010000100 decentralize 30 +01010000100 redistribute 30 +01010000100 normalize 30 +01010000100 reignite 31 +01010000100 shatter 32 +01010000100 spearhead 33 +01010000100 centralize 33 +01010000100 reexamine 34 +01010000100 substantiate 34 +01010000100 realign 36 +01010000100 harmonize 36 +01010000100 reevaluate 37 +01010000100 reestablish 38 +01010000100 deplete 38 +01010000100 renounce 39 +01010000100 refurbish 39 +01010000100 understate 40 +01010000100 redefine 41 +01010000100 constrain 41 +01010000100 stanch 42 +01010000100 redirect 43 +01010000100 fine-tune 43 +01010000100 reconstruct 43 +01010000100 re-establish 43 +01010000100 fatten 43 +01010000100 re-examine 43 +01010000100 revolutionize 44 +01010000100 underline 45 +01010000100 rejuvenate 45 +01010000100 outstrip 46 +01010000100 re-evaluate 48 +01010000100 retard 48 +01010000100 overstate 49 +01010000100 devalue 49 +01010000100 disband 50 +01010000100 stiffen 51 +01010000100 compute 53 +01010000100 aggravate 54 +01010000100 solidify 57 +01010000100 buttress 61 +01010000100 automate 62 +01010000100 mitigate 62 +01010000100 sever 63 +01010000100 halve 63 +01010000100 defray 63 +01010000100 lengthen 64 +01010000100 augment 64 +01010000100 re-enter 65 +01010000100 reassess 66 +01010000100 reclaim 67 +01010000100 dampen 69 +01010000100 refine 71 +01010000100 sharpen 72 +01010000100 unify 75 +01010000100 rekindle 75 +01010000100 deepen 77 +01010000100 deregulate 79 +01010000100 publicize 84 +01010000100 outpace 85 +01010000100 expedite 88 +01010000100 reaffirm 89 +01010000100 replenish 91 +01010000100 inflate 92 +01010000100 heighten 93 +01010000100 toughen 95 +01010000100 restate 97 +01010000100 omit 97 +01010000100 stifle 97 +01010000100 reshape 98 +01010000100 revitalize 101 +01010000100 escalate 101 +01010000100 prolong 105 +01010000100 buoy 106 +01010000100 rethink 107 +01010000100 allay 110 +01010000100 enlarge 110 +01010000100 shorten 110 +01010000100 loosen 122 +01010000100 simplify 126 +01010000100 revamp 129 +01010000100 recapitalize 138 +01010000100 discontinue 144 +01010000100 liberalize 147 +01010000100 pave 148 +01010000100 complicate 164 +01010000100 dismantle 169 +01010000100 alleviate 180 +01010000100 pare 198 +01010000100 conceal 207 +01010000100 intensify 210 +01010000100 reinforce 210 +01010000100 soften 214 +01010000100 lessen 217 +01010000100 reorganize 224 +01010000100 relax 227 +01010000100 erode 232 +01010000100 streamline 233 +01010000100 disrupt 246 +01010000100 diminish 249 +01010000100 sweeten 251 +01010000100 damp 253 +01010000100 restrain 259 +01010000100 widen 276 +01010000100 dilute 278 +01010000100 amend 278 +01010000100 curtail 282 +01010000100 revise 287 +01010000100 minimize 290 +01010000100 modernize 309 +01010000100 facilitate 314 +01010000100 coordinate 318 +01010000100 rebuild 327 +01010000100 renew 337 +01010000100 depress 362 +01010000100 maximize 364 +01010000100 suspend 393 +01010000100 broaden 402 +01010000100 reconsider 424 +01010000100 diversify 435 +01010000100 undermine 439 +01010000100 regain 457 +01010000100 consolidate 459 +01010000100 slash 460 +01010000100 revive 464 +01010000100 weaken 518 +01010000100 adjust 548 +01010000100 abandon 595 +01010000100 alter 599 +01010000100 accelerate 606 +01010000100 shrink 614 +01010000100 restrict 675 +01010000100 stabilize 700 +01010000100 stimulate 710 +01010000100 spur 720 +01010000100 trim 755 +01010000100 tighten 761 +01010000100 preserve 773 +01010000100 enhance 800 +01010000100 curb 807 +01010000100 restore 849 +01010000100 bolster 919 +01010000100 strengthen 1205 +01010000100 extend 1476 +01010000100 ease 1602 +01010000100 expand 3341 +01010000100 improve 3371 +01010000100 reduce 7423 +010100001010 beging 1 +010100001010 retracts 1 +010100001010 re-register 1 +010100001010 pro-female 1 +010100001010 self-identify 1 +010100001010 idemnify 1 +010100001010 RHII 1 +010100001010 Laude 1 +010100001010 more-prosaic 1 +010100001010 troubleshoot 1 +010100001010 conflict-ridden 1 +010100001010 fermentable 1 +010100001010 gang-up 1 +010100001010 near-Classical 1 +010100001010 parse 2 +010100001010 effectuate 2 +010100001010 224.84 2 +010100001010 bestride 2 +010100001010 overstaff 2 +010100001010 three-times 2 +010100001010 recalibrate 2 +010100001010 re-engage 2 +010100001010 cartelize 2 +010100001010 re-issue 2 +010100001010 160,160 2 +010100001010 Westernize 2 +010100001010 reenlist 3 +010100001010 homogenize 3 +010100001010 overextend 3 +010100001010 dispell 3 +010100001010 unlink 4 +010100001010 5,090 4 +010100001010 refloat 4 +010100001010 proofread 5 +010100001010 foist 5 +010100001010 embroider 6 +010100001010 deep-six 6 +010100001010 reregulate 6 +010100001010 displease 6 +010100001010 outguess 6 +010100001010 reunify 6 +010100001010 contrive 6 +010100001010 lampoon 6 +010100001010 implore 7 +010100001010 slay 7 +010100001010 dignify 8 +010100001010 colonize 8 +010100001010 re-emphasize 9 +010100001010 vibrate 9 +010100001010 declassify 9 +010100001010 calibrate 9 +010100001010 debunk 9 +010100001010 soft-pedal 9 +010100001010 promulgate 10 +010100001010 recant 10 +010100001010 recalculate 14 +010100001010 retract 15 +010100001010 short-circuit 15 +010100001010 flaunt 18 +010100001010 redraw 18 +010100001010 reunite 19 +010100001010 parlay 19 +010100001010 flunk 21 +010100001010 disarm 24 +010100001010 savor 24 +010100001010 finalize 25 +010100001010 visualize 27 +010100001010 quicken 29 +010100001010 activate 30 +010100001010 revisit 31 +010100001010 equate 32 +010100001010 bankroll 32 +010100001010 illuminate 32 +010100001010 decipher 36 +010100001010 rebut 39 +010100001010 rectify 41 +010100001010 reiterate 42 +010100001010 dramatize 42 +010100001010 abort 50 +010100001010 adjourn 51 +010100001010 replicate 55 +010100001010 unwind 57 +010100001010 heal 66 +010100001010 mend 72 +010100001010 uncover 83 +010100001010 tailor 83 +010100001010 outlaw 87 +010100001010 pinpoint 91 +010100001010 quantify 99 +010100001010 recapture 102 +010100001010 digest 103 +010100001010 divulge 106 +010100001010 relish 113 +010100001010 dispel 116 +010100001010 unravel 122 +010100001010 reconcile 134 +010100001010 underscore 144 +010100001010 salvage 149 +010100001010 verify 165 +010100001010 duplicate 177 +010100001010 connect 181 +010100001010 tackle 212 +010100001010 celebrate 215 +010100001010 clarify 236 +010100001010 unveil 238 +010100001010 consult 240 +010100001010 embrace 260 +010100001010 override 366 +010100001010 compare 469 +010100001010 assess 497 +010100001010 capture 503 +010100001010 reopen 552 +010100001010 express 558 +010100001010 examine 562 +010100001010 overcome 667 +010100001010 monitor 758 +010100001010 escape 791 +010100001010 solve 824 +010100001010 investigate 827 +010100001010 merge 1099 +010100001010 resolve 1451 +010100001010 announce 1502 +010100001010 match 1520 +010100001010 address 1691 +010100001010 identify 1836 +010100001010 disclose 2583 +010100001010 discuss 2745 +010100001010 cover 3528 +010100001010 complete 3686 +010100001010 meet 5787 +010100001010 win 4011 +0101000010110 fossilize 1 +0101000010110 remilitarize 1 +0101000010110 12-pound 1 +0101000010110 hyrdrofluoric 1 +0101000010110 118,647 1 +0101000010110 soft-peddle 1 +0101000010110 Merge 1 +0101000010110 high-seniority 1 +0101000010110 early-retiring 1 +0101000010110 5,596 1 +0101000010110 perjures 1 +0101000010110 multiproblem 1 +0101000010110 sod-grass 1 +0101000010110 out-did 1 +0101000010110 glad-hand 1 +0101000010110 flood-devastated 1 +0101000010110 bestir 1 +0101000010110 financea 1 +0101000010110 fence-post 1 +0101000010110 muscle-straining 1 +0101000010110 resplices 1 +0101000010110 4,297 1 +0101000010110 reclothe 1 +0101000010110 pocket-television 1 +0101000010110 minority-dominated 1 +0101000010110 British-administered 1 +0101000010110 26,295 1 +0101000010110 investment-starved 1 +0101000010110 high-limit 1 +0101000010110 impale 1 +0101000010110 famishing 1 +0101000010110 leather-draped 1 +0101000010110 outmuscle 1 +0101000010110 3,020,000 1 +0101000010110 25,306 1 +0101000010110 Eject 1 +0101000010110 non-drug-using 1 +0101000010110 out-pay 1 +0101000010110 Eretz 1 +0101000010110 overcommit 1 +0101000010110 convince/pressure 1 +0101000010110 28.57 1 +0101000010110 7.7855 1 +0101000010110 class-traitor 1 +0101000010110 devirginize 1 +0101000010110 machete-wielding 1 +0101000010110 7,432 1 +0101000010110 more-skeptical 1 +0101000010110 tranform 1 +0101000010110 disported 1 +0101000010110 solvent-laden 1 +0101000010110 4,439,000 1 +0101000010110 extradict 1 +0101000010110 57,188 1 +0101000010110 18,751 1 +0101000010110 disburden 1 +0101000010110 1,874 1 +0101000010110 re-prove 1 +0101000010110 restigmatize 1 +0101000010110 private-paying 1 +0101000010110 rolling-mill 1 +0101000010110 finger-pointer 1 +0101000010110 Nikhil 1 +0101000010110 cross-reference 1 +0101000010110 war-devasted 1 +0101000010110 betaken 1 +0101000010110 now-excluded 1 +0101000010110 533,692 1 +0101000010110 baseball-starved 1 +0101000010110 Shanghai-strain 1 +0101000010110 memory-chips 1 +0101000010110 85,273 1 +0101000010110 Silverstone 1 +0101000010110 sandblast 1 +0101000010110 black-American 1 +0101000010110 life.But 1 +0101000010110 less-than-half-time 1 +0101000010110 2,327 1 +0101000010110 reoil 1 +0101000010110 28-stories 1 +0101000010110 abasing 1 +0101000010110 allout 1 +0101000010110 re-election-minded 1 +0101000010110 heat-sterilize 1 +0101000010110 once-off-limits 1 +0101000010110 blues-loving 1 +0101000010110 freedom-of-choice 2 +0101000010110 incubate 2 +0101000010110 re-sign 2 +0101000010110 demonize 2 +0101000010110 Pursue 2 +0101000010110 unseparate 2 +0101000010110 renumber 2 +0101000010110 torching 2 +0101000010110 depopulate 2 +0101000010110 rededicate 2 +0101000010110 outfox 2 +0101000010110 torn-down 2 +0101000010110 re-employ 2 +0101000010110 lower-to-middle-income 2 +0101000010110 reprogram 2 +0101000010110 deify 2 +0101000010110 reacquaint 2 +0101000010110 unburden 2 +0101000010110 brutalize 3 +0101000010110 bamboozle 3 +0101000010110 debilitate 3 +0101000010110 disembowel 3 +0101000010110 propound 3 +0101000010110 sensitize 3 +0101000010110 engrave 3 +0101000010110 coopt 3 +0101000010110 jumpstart 3 +0101000010110 hypnotize 3 +0101000010110 shunt 3 +0101000010110 befuddle 3 +0101000010110 extrude 3 +0101000010110 remunerate 3 +0101000010110 bewilder 3 +0101000010110 propitiate 3 +0101000010110 kick-start 3 +0101000010110 upbraid 3 +0101000010110 accustom 3 +0101000010110 molest 3 +0101000010110 slake 3 +0101000010110 dilate 3 +0101000010110 deform 3 +0101000010110 Defend 4 +0101000010110 accomodate 4 +0101000010110 prejudge 4 +0101000010110 perjure 4 +0101000010110 inundate 4 +0101000010110 outdraw 4 +0101000010110 1,004 4 +0101000010110 accredit 4 +0101000010110 browbeat 4 +0101000010110 quench 4 +0101000010110 levitate 4 +0101000010110 entrap 4 +0101000010110 Americanize 4 +0101000010110 flog 4 +0101000010110 refight 4 +0101000010110 2,215 4 +0101000010110 brainwash 4 +0101000010110 re-enact 4 +0101000010110 trounce 4 +0101000010110 rearm 5 +0101000010110 misstate 5 +0101000010110 blacken 5 +0101000010110 embellish 5 +0101000010110 incarcerate 5 +0101000010110 enslave 5 +0101000010110 industrialize 5 +0101000010110 exterminate 5 +0101000010110 refashion 5 +0101000010110 defame 5 +0101000010110 disentangle 5 +0101000010110 reappraise 5 +0101000010110 unmask 6 +0101000010110 coddle 6 +0101000010110 inoculate 6 +0101000010110 entangle 6 +0101000010110 amputate 6 +0101000010110 abduct 6 +0101000010110 vilify 6 +0101000010110 immerse 6 +0101000010110 besiege 6 +0101000010110 idolize 6 +0101000010110 recheck 6 +0101000010110 re-equip 7 +0101000010110 narrate 7 +0101000010110 hospitalize 7 +0101000010110 recommit 7 +0101000010110 befriend 7 +0101000010110 undersell 7 +0101000010110 outsmart 7 +0101000010110 dissociate 7 +0101000010110 tweak 7 +0101000010110 oppress 7 +0101000010110 exhort 7 +0101000010110 out-perform 7 +0101000010110 chastise 7 +0101000010110 enshrine 7 +0101000010110 pervert 8 +0101000010110 underprice 8 +0101000010110 outflank 8 +0101000010110 envelop 8 +0101000010110 inculcate 8 +0101000010110 castigate 8 +0101000010110 disassociate 8 +0101000010110 reflag 8 +0101000010110 modulate 8 +0101000010110 pre-sell 8 +0101000010110 acquit 9 +0101000010110 bad-mouth 9 +0101000010110 annul 9 +0101000010110 expropriate 9 +0101000010110 admonish 9 +0101000010110 badger 9 +0101000010110 irk 9 +0101000010110 incriminate 9 +0101000010110 exonerate 9 +0101000010110 submerge 9 +0101000010110 preoccupy 10 +0101000010110 trivialize 10 +0101000010110 demystify 10 +0101000010110 subdue 10 +0101000010110 retry 10 +0101000010110 impoverish 10 +0101000010110 goad 10 +0101000010110 encircle 10 +0101000010110 annihilate 11 +0101000010110 pamper 11 +0101000010110 impugn 11 +0101000010110 categorize 11 +0101000010110 humanize 11 +0101000010110 reinterpret 11 +0101000010110 permeate 11 +0101000010110 clobber 11 +0101000010110 decimate 11 +0101000010110 pacify 12 +0101000010110 apprehend 12 +0101000010110 Quit 12 +0101000010110 imprison 12 +0101000010110 disprove 12 +0101000010110 demean 12 +0101000010110 adjudicate 12 +0101000010110 re-regulate 12 +0101000010110 dissect 12 +0101000010110 fortify 12 +0101000010110 bombard 13 +0101000010110 impeach 13 +0101000010110 unsettle 13 +0101000010110 animate 13 +0101000010110 glean 13 +0101000010110 uproot 13 +0101000010110 reconstitute 14 +0101000010110 purify 14 +0101000010110 denigrate 14 +0101000010110 bilk 14 +0101000010110 immunize 14 +0101000010110 banish 14 +0101000010110 outwit 14 +0101000010110 decouple 14 +0101000010110 familiarize 14 +0101000010110 whet 15 +0101000010110 outmaneuver 15 +0101000010110 ingratiate 15 +0101000010110 hurl 15 +0101000010110 humiliate 15 +0101000010110 dismember 15 +0101000010110 populate 15 +0101000010110 lambaste 16 +0101000010110 cross-examine 16 +0101000010110 co-opt 16 +0101000010110 resettle 16 +0101000010110 terrorize 16 +0101000010110 untangle 16 +0101000010110 enlighten 16 +0101000010110 acquaint 16 +0101000010110 sew 16 +0101000010110 interdict 17 +0101000010110 outspend 17 +0101000010110 detain 17 +0101000010110 interrogate 18 +0101000010110 entrust 18 +0101000010110 equalize 18 +0101000010110 outlast 19 +0101000010110 amuse 19 +0101000010110 ply 20 +0101000010110 institutionalize 20 +0101000010110 enliven 21 +0101000010110 disconnect 21 +0101000010110 cleanse 21 +0101000010110 engulf 21 +0101000010110 depose 21 +0101000010110 recreate 21 +0101000010110 antagonize 22 +0101000010110 cajole 22 +0101000010110 spook 22 +0101000010110 rouse 22 +0101000010110 vindicate 23 +0101000010110 amplify 23 +0101000010110 yank 24 +0101000010110 recuse 24 +0101000010110 demolish 24 +0101000010110 overshadow 24 +0101000010110 meld 24 +0101000010110 segregate 25 +0101000010110 reinvent 25 +0101000010110 pierce 25 +0101000010110 assimilate 25 +0101000010110 absolve 25 +0101000010110 avenge 25 +0101000010110 unlock 27 +0101000010110 reassign 27 +0101000010110 rehire 27 +0101000010110 retrain 28 +0101000010110 eschew 28 +0101000010110 ameliorate 28 +0101000010110 infect 29 +0101000010110 galvanize 29 +0101000010110 outdo 29 +0101000010110 squelch 29 +0101000010110 reposition 29 +0101000010110 confiscate 29 +0101000010110 extricate 30 +0101000010110 infuse 30 +0101000010110 irritate 32 +0101000010110 evict 32 +0101000010110 infiltrate 32 +0101000010110 hobble 33 +0101000010110 tarnish 33 +0101000010110 second-guess 33 +0101000010110 excite 34 +0101000010110 energize 34 +0101000010110 validate 34 +0101000010110 amortize 34 +0101000010110 evacuate 35 +0101000010110 decorate 35 +0101000010110 nationalize 36 +0101000010110 dislodge 36 +0101000010110 injure 36 +0101000010110 deport 36 +0101000010110 wean 36 +0101000010110 clog 36 +0101000010110 resuscitate 37 +0101000010110 orchestrate 38 +0101000010110 assassinate 38 +0101000010110 snatch 39 +0101000010110 supplant 41 +0101000010110 legalize 42 +0101000010110 harass 42 +0101000010110 overtake 45 +0101000010110 liberate 45 +0101000010110 displace 46 +0101000010110 rename 46 +0101000010110 juggle 46 +0101000010110 eradicate 46 +0101000010110 subvert 47 +0101000010110 monopolize 47 +0101000010110 confine 47 +0101000010110 discard 48 +0101000010110 coerce 49 +0101000010110 expel 49 +0101000010110 deceive 50 +0101000010110 commemorate 51 +0101000010110 elevate 52 +0101000010110 extradite 53 +0101000010110 rehabilitate 53 +0101000010110 rationalize 53 +0101000010110 perpetuate 54 +0101000010110 indulge 54 +0101000010110 intercept 55 +0101000010110 reassert 56 +0101000010110 spoil 58 +0101000010110 mollify 59 +0101000010110 destabilize 59 +0101000010110 conquer 60 +0101000010110 soothe 61 +0101000010110 align 61 +0101000010110 symbolize 61 +0101000010110 cultivate 61 +0101000010110 disperse 62 +0101000010110 disturb 62 +0101000010110 assuage 63 +0101000010110 enrich 64 +0101000010110 instruct 64 +0101000010110 coax 65 +0101000010110 overrule 65 +0101000010110 snare 66 +0101000010110 classify 67 +0101000010110 neutralize 67 +0101000010110 rejoin 67 +0101000010110 imitate 68 +0101000010110 utilize 73 +0101000010110 indict 74 +0101000010110 indemnify 74 +0101000010110 frustrate 76 +0101000010110 isolate 76 +0101000010110 interrupt 76 +0101000010110 entrench 79 +0101000010110 counteract 81 +0101000010110 alienate 82 +0101000010110 mimic 85 +0101000010110 enlist 85 +0101000010110 mobilize 87 +0101000010110 intimidate 89 +0101000010110 scuttle 89 +0101000010110 disqualify 89 +0101000010110 motivate 89 +0101000010110 emulate 90 +0101000010110 placate 90 +0101000010110 tout 90 +0101000010110 scrutinize 91 +0101000010110 differentiate 92 +0101000010110 bury 92 +0101000010110 sidestep 94 +0101000010110 condemn 94 +0101000010110 reinvest 95 +0101000010110 discredit 96 +0101000010110 embarrass 97 +0101000010110 dissuade 97 +0101000010110 retrieve 98 +0101000010110 unseat 98 +0101000010110 haunt 99 +0101000010110 invade 100 +0101000010110 erase 100 +0101000010110 entice 101 +0101000010110 topple 103 +0101000010110 revoke 105 +0101000010110 entertain 106 +0101000010110 propel 108 +0101000010110 prod 111 +0101000010110 mislead 111 +0101000010110 offend 112 +0101000010110 assign 116 +0101000010110 safeguard 117 +0101000010110 appease 120 +0101000010110 reinstate 124 +0101000010110 insulate 125 +0101000010110 undo 131 +0101000010110 dissolve 146 +0101000010110 enjoin 148 +0101000010110 impress 148 +0101000010110 confuse 149 +0101000010110 penetrate 151 +0101000010110 educate 161 +0101000010110 abolish 161 +0101000010110 insure 177 +0101000010110 supervise 192 +0101000010110 deploy 193 +0101000010110 outperform 197 +0101000010110 punish 199 +0101000010110 reimburse 204 +0101000010110 manipulate 205 +0101000010110 expose 206 +0101000010110 prosecute 208 +0101000010110 woo 208 +0101000010110 induce 218 +0101000010110 reassure 223 +0101000010110 nominate 232 +0101000010110 inform 234 +0101000010110 defraud 239 +0101000010110 transform 239 +0101000010110 divest 243 +0101000010110 steer 244 +0101000010110 portray 251 +0101000010110 steal 251 +0101000010110 notify 256 +0101000010110 relieve 271 +0101000010110 divide 274 +0101000010110 subsidize 277 +0101000010110 confront 278 +0101000010110 recruit 298 +0101000010110 exploit 309 +0101000010110 oust 311 +0101000010110 regulate 446 +0101000010110 accommodate 479 +0101000010110 oversee 494 +0101000010110 advise 497 +0101000010110 dismiss 513 +0101000010110 dominate 514 +0101000010110 teach 535 +0101000010110 destroy 564 +0101000010110 absorb 566 +0101000010110 sustain 571 +0101000010110 commit 571 +0101000010110 assist 573 +0101000010110 justify 674 +0101000010110 satisfy 727 +0101000010110 convince 772 +0101000010110 persuade 917 +0101000010110 treat 956 +0101000010110 kill 960 +0101000010110 deliver 1049 +0101000010110 remove 1270 +0101000010110 defend 1299 +0101000010110 fill 1316 +0101000010110 manage 1459 +0101000010110 eliminate 1693 +0101000010110 handle 1831 +0101000010110 send 1850 +0101000010110 replace 1913 +0101000010110 join 2047 +0101000010110 protect 2763 +0101000010110 stop 3251 +0101000010110 keep 8548 +0101000010110 bring 4413 +0101000010111 NDF-sponsored 1 +0101000010111 government-established 1 +0101000010111 general-revenue 1 +0101000010111 329,999 1 +0101000010111 massmarketed 1 +0101000010111 1,195.5 1 +0101000010111 out-connive 1 +0101000010111 Vigorously 1 +0101000010111 shoplift 1 +0101000010111 Truls 1 +0101000010111 Immortalize 1 +0101000010111 mah 1 +0101000010111 robin's-egg 1 +0101000010111 VQT. 1 +0101000010111 177,679 1 +0101000010111 board-assisted 1 +0101000010111 joint-managing 1 +0101000010111 forment 1 +0101000010111 confect 1 +0101000010111 Elect 1 +0101000010111 honey-coat 1 +0101000010111 post-1972 1 +0101000010111 verbalize 1 +0101000010111 Adelia 1 +0101000010111 Bluebell 1 +0101000010111 Relieve 1 +0101000010111 Rima 1 +0101000010111 non-patentable 1 +0101000010111 four-times-larger 1 +0101000010111 mislabel 1 +0101000010111 Torvald 1 +0101000010111 already-excessive 1 +0101000010111 grow-but 1 +0101000010111 less-congested 1 +0101000010111 consumate 1 +0101000010111 ever-deeper 1 +0101000010111 macadamia-nut 1 +0101000010111 U.S-financed 1 +0101000010111 opppose 1 +0101000010111 central-plan 1 +0101000010111 664,945 1 +0101000010111 alliterate 1 +0101000010111 babysit 1 +0101000010111 skin-diving 1 +0101000010111 Morteo 1 +0101000010111 2,830. 1 +0101000010111 1,710. 1 +0101000010111 persue 1 +0101000010111 Madelaine 1 +0101000010111 late-filing 1 +0101000010111 government-developed 1 +0101000010111 fluoresce 1 +0101000010111 Europeanize 1 +0101000010111 4,743 1 +0101000010111 reinoculate 1 +0101000010111 Nduka 1 +0101000010111 disinfest 1 +0101000010111 Vladmir 1 +0101000010111 wacked-out 1 +0101000010111 green-light 1 +0101000010111 resod 1 +0101000010111 ceteris 1 +0101000010111 conflict-free 1 +0101000010111 misbrand 1 +0101000010111 sex-for-hire 1 +0101000010111 overcommercialize 1 +0101000010111 deficit-finance 1 +0101000010111 extinquish 1 +0101000010111 SSMC. 1 +0101000010111 AKER 1 +0101000010111 203,899 1 +0101000010111 more-upscale 1 +0101000010111 zero-out 1 +0101000010111 Alzheimertype 1 +0101000010111 alumina-production 1 +0101000010111 mulct 1 +0101000010111 custom-make 1 +0101000010111 re-route 1 +0101000010111 24,418 1 +0101000010111 custom-fit 1 +0101000010111 Nyckeln 1 +0101000010111 Ostlandske 1 +0101000010111 Kimsong 1 +0101000010111 overexplain 1 +0101000010111 Naberizhniye 1 +0101000010111 guerrilla-affiliated 1 +0101000010111 similarly-equipped 1 +0101000010111 impregnate 1 +0101000010111 Consorzio 1 +0101000010111 1,918,499 1 +0101000010111 Mitterrandian 1 +0101000010111 Netcenter 1 +0101000010111 defang 1 +0101000010111 download 1 +0101000010111 full-house 1 +0101000010111 synchronize 2 +0101000010111 impanel 2 +0101000010111 282,358 2 +0101000010111 impersonate 2 +0101000010111 restimulate 2 +0101000010111 twirl 2 +0101000010111 recommission 2 +0101000010111 SKW 2 +0101000010111 evince 2 +0101000010111 2180 2 +0101000010111 titrate 2 +0101000010111 beatify 2 +0101000010111 detoxify 2 +0101000010111 legitimatize 2 +0101000010111 underplay 2 +0101000010111 doublecheck 2 +0101000010111 extirpating 2 +0101000010111 re-energize 3 +0101000010111 reinspect 3 +0101000010111 deaden 3 +0101000010111 transfuse 3 +0101000010111 handpick 3 +0101000010111 reapportion 3 +0101000010111 sanctify 3 +0101000010111 empanel 3 +0101000010111 oversimplify 3 +0101000010111 administrate 3 +0101000010111 enunciate 3 +0101000010111 excavate 3 +0101000010111 reforest 4 +0101000010111 commandeer 4 +0101000010111 unblock 4 +0101000010111 ventilate 4 +0101000010111 readmit 4 +0101000010111 disinfect 4 +0101000010111 1230 4 +0101000010111 decertify 4 +0101000010111 pressurize 5 +0101000010111 pillory 5 +0101000010111 colorize 6 +0101000010111 dethrone 6 +0101000010111 reauthorize 6 +0101000010111 reenact 6 +0101000010111 saturate 6 +0101000010111 refile 7 +0101000010111 unseal 7 +0101000010111 underreport 7 +0101000010111 vaporize 7 +0101000010111 micromanage 7 +0101000010111 perpetrate 8 +0101000010111 subdivide 8 +0101000010111 personify 8 +0101000010111 sculpt 9 +0101000010111 decode 9 +0101000010111 encode 10 +0101000010111 co-produce 10 +0101000010111 forswear 11 +0101000010111 collateralize 11 +0101000010111 popularize 12 +0101000010111 co-develop 12 +0101000010111 transact 13 +0101000010111 synthesize 13 +0101000010111 regenerate 15 +0101000010111 detonate 15 +0101000010111 redevelop 15 +0101000010111 inaugurate 16 +0101000010111 endow 20 +0101000010111 delist 20 +0101000010111 appraise 22 +0101000010111 fabricate 22 +0101000010111 reactivate 22 +0101000010111 sidetrack 24 +0101000010111 concoct 26 +0101000010111 re-create 26 +0101000010111 surmount 26 +0101000010111 clinch 27 +0101000010111 impart 28 +0101000010111 shelve 28 +0101000010111 procure 31 +0101000010111 rehear 32 +0101000010111 reintroduce 38 +0101000010111 disseminate 39 +0101000010111 instill 44 +0101000010111 compile 46 +0101000010111 commercialize 46 +0101000010111 reimpose 47 +0101000010111 standardize 49 +0101000010111 smuggle 50 +0101000010111 simulate 52 +0101000010111 renovate 55 +0101000010111 nullify 59 +0101000010111 repel 63 +0101000010111 quash 65 +0101000010111 obstruct 69 +0101000010111 diagnose 70 +0101000010111 resurrect 73 +0101000010111 mediate 74 +0101000010111 wrest 82 +0101000010111 formulate 91 +0101000010111 convene 92 +0101000010111 privatize 93 +0101000010111 suppress 98 +0101000010111 invalidate 113 +0101000010111 evade 120 +0101000010111 attain 123 +0101000010111 rescind 146 +0101000010111 circumvent 147 +0101000010111 defuse 152 +0101000010111 uphold 155 +0101000010111 integrate 176 +0101000010111 forestall 178 +0101000010111 forgo 186 +0101000010111 quell 193 +0101000010111 incorporate 194 +0101000010111 withstand 201 +0101000010111 forge 201 +0101000010111 inspect 208 +0101000010111 locate 211 +0101000010111 undertake 214 +0101000010111 construct 215 +0101000010111 administer 217 +0101000010111 waive 223 +0101000010111 devise 226 +0101000010111 initiate 240 +0101000010111 assemble 265 +0101000010111 enact 281 +0101000010111 overturn 298 +0101000010111 analyze 301 +0101000010111 avert 305 +0101000010111 seize 317 +0101000010111 terminate 378 +0101000010111 postpone 399 +0101000010111 organize 404 +0101000010111 publish 420 +0101000010111 detect 452 +0101000010111 thwart 471 +0101000010111 install 473 +0101000010111 enforce 531 +0101000010111 implement 613 +0101000010111 arrange 678 +0101000010111 evaluate 684 +0101000010111 explore 695 +0101000010111 adopt 928 +0101000010111 introduce 1075 +0101000010111 promote 1254 +0101000010111 achieve 1285 +0101000010111 enter 1540 +0101000010111 establish 1604 +0101000010111 negotiate 1687 +0101000010111 obtain 1698 +0101000010111 pursue 1938 +0101000010111 settle 2032 +0101000010111 maintain 2705 +0101000010111 develop 3227 +0101000010111 avoid 3602 +0101000010111 acquire 7850 +0101000010111 build 4446 +010100001100 blemish-free 1 +010100001100 estrange 1 +010100001100 midriver 1 +010100001100 self-defined 1 +010100001100 deemphasize 1 +010100001100 race-specific 1 +010100001100 reclean 1 +010100001100 simplifiy 1 +010100001100 deconstruct 1 +010100001100 low-financing 1 +010100001100 elasticize 1 +010100001100 eulogize 1 +010100001100 publicly-financed 1 +010100001100 eye-irritant 1 +010100001100 sousing 1 +010100001100 forward-sales 1 +010100001100 bank-subsidized 1 +010100001100 insinuates 1 +010100001100 jeopordizing 1 +010100001100 interstate-compact 1 +010100001100 abbreviate 1 +010100001100 fine-diameter 1 +010100001100 76.92 1 +010100001100 3.435 1 +010100001100 sieze 1 +010100001100 single-priced 1 +010100001100 Latinize 1 +010100001100 unspools 1 +010100001100 scuff 1 +010100001100 stoploss 1 +010100001100 regrowing 1 +010100001100 dry-dock 1 +010100001100 secreting 1 +010100001100 consoliate 1 +010100001100 repunch 1 +010100001100 sneak-preview 1 +010100001100 lip-synch 1 +010100001100 center-based 1 +010100001100 deep-fry 1 +010100001100 red-flag 1 +010100001100 mailing-list 1 +010100001100 revaccinate 1 +010100001100 defease 1 +010100001100 re-rescue 1 +010100001100 billboard-sized 1 +010100001100 overstaying 1 +010100001100 retargets 1 +010100001100 no-fat 1 +010100001100 share-purchasing 1 +010100001100 fourth-fifths 1 +010100001100 revaluate 1 +010100001100 2,502,338 1 +010100001100 inactivate 2 +010100001100 685,365 2 +010100001100 recommence 2 +010100001100 re-transmit 2 +010100001100 reevalute 2 +010100001100 gladden 2 +010100001100 redesignate 2 +010100001100 re-evalute 2 +010100001100 re-impose 2 +010100001100 emboss 2 +010100001100 139,500 2 +010100001100 restyle 2 +010100001100 garble 2 +010100001100 109,628 2 +010100001100 Scrooge-like 2 +010100001100 desalinate 2 +010100001100 co-sign 3 +010100001100 reoffer 3 +010100001100 overbook 3 +010100001100 glamorize 3 +010100001100 monetize 3 +010100001100 refigure 3 +010100001100 reinstall 3 +010100001100 ruing 3 +010100001100 encase 3 +010100001100 87,900 3 +010100001100 lead-manage 3 +010100001100 Promote 3 +010100001100 quadruples 3 +010100001100 re-sell 4 +010100001100 gnash 4 +010100001100 denominate 4 +010100001100 decommission 4 +010100001100 tape-record 4 +010100001100 rezone 4 +010100001100 superimpose 4 +010100001100 retype 4 +010100001100 obfuscate 5 +010100001100 ogle 5 +010100001100 incinerate 5 +010100001100 reemphasize 5 +010100001100 reprocess 5 +010100001100 re-flag 5 +010100001100 deactivate 6 +010100001100 propagate 6 +010100001100 enclose 6 +010100001100 recombine 7 +010100001100 unpack 7 +010100001100 overdraw 7 +010100001100 embed 7 +010100001100 remanufacture 8 +010100001100 self-insure 8 +010100001100 wend 9 +010100001100 refuel 9 +010100001100 shuck 9 +010100001100 bequeath 9 +010100001100 bide 10 +010100001100 reprice 10 +010100001100 encumber 10 +010100001100 raze 12 +010100001100 pre-pay 12 +010100001100 unearth 12 +010100001100 personalize 13 +010100001100 reread 16 +010100001100 customize 17 +010100001100 mothball 17 +010100001100 televise 18 +010100001100 extinguish 18 +010100001100 sublease 18 +010100001100 memorize 19 +010100001100 reacquire 20 +010100001100 rearrange 23 +010100001100 remodel 25 +010100001100 resubmit 25 +010100001100 vacate 29 +010100001100 jettison 30 +010100001100 denationalize 32 +010100001100 reclassify 33 +010100001100 redeploy 34 +010100001100 repackage 37 +010100001100 prepay 47 +010100001100 depreciate 47 +010100001100 recycle 71 +010100001100 peddle 84 +010100001100 equip 84 +010100001100 resell 142 +010100001100 relocate 175 +010100001100 renegotiate 177 +010100001100 unload 210 +010100001100 execute 228 +010100001100 modify 284 +010100001100 fulfill 295 +010100001100 refinance 340 +010100001100 liquidate 344 +010100001100 cancel 391 +010100001100 underwrite 453 +010100001100 combine 510 +010100001100 shed 793 +010100001100 distribute 799 +010100001100 repay 860 +010100001100 restructure 912 +010100001100 convert 936 +010100001100 sell 17748 +010100001100 redeem 1082 +010100001101 333,731 1 +010100001101 still-virgin 1 +010100001101 48,700 1 +010100001101 126,997 1 +010100001101 98,489 1 +010100001101 172,552 1 +010100001101 111,376 1 +010100001101 168,111 1 +010100001101 100,221 1 +010100001101 271,135 1 +010100001101 161,266 1 +010100001101 173,702 1 +010100001101 80,206 1 +010100001101 175,626 1 +010100001101 162,904 1 +010100001101 57.85 1 +010100001101 Avante/Garde 1 +010100001101 74,141 1 +010100001101 465,465,564 1 +010100001101 394,300 1 +010100001101 32,494,029 1 +010100001101 653,284 1 +010100001101 65,048 1 +010100001101 30,115,616 1 +010100001101 63,073 1 +010100001101 24636.46 1 +010100001101 635,693 1 +010100001101 3.7919 1 +010100001101 286,634 1 +010100001101 pre-place 1 +010100001101 868,709 1 +010100001101 775,843 1 +010100001101 246,828,744 1 +010100001101 2.29751 1 +010100001101 232,199,275 1 +010100001101 1,239,000 1 +010100001101 89,619 1 +010100001101 19,909 1 +010100001101 46,335 1 +010100001101 76,509 1 +010100001101 8,640,762 1 +010100001101 274,194 1 +010100001101 non-finished 1 +010100001101 outgoon 1 +010100001101 350,500 1 +010100001101 3665.93 1 +010100001101 201,786 1 +010100001101 14,893 1 +010100001101 98,664 1 +010100001101 159,449 1 +010100001101 141,895 1 +010100001101 84,240 1 +010100001101 101,374 1 +010100001101 36,249,159 1 +010100001101 988,300 1 +010100001101 Marshmallows 1 +010100001101 demimunicipal 1 +010100001101 214,574 1 +010100001101 264,824 1 +010100001101 334,165 1 +010100001101 841,850 1 +010100001101 beand 1 +010100001101 446.76 1 +010100001101 unspool 1 +010100001101 72.098 1 +010100001101 654.74 1 +010100001101 450,741 1 +010100001101 4,493,470 1 +010100001101 8,677,500 1 +010100001101 331.90 1 +010100001101 989,568 1 +010100001101 self-regulate 1 +010100001101 510,675 1 +010100001101 35,235,783 1 +010100001101 249,183,477 1 +010100001101 Asianet 1 +010100001101 7,849,000 1 +010100001101 fledglings 1 +010100001101 276,074 1 +010100001101 4,809 1 +010100001101 33,495,843 1 +010100001101 crumble/ 1 +010100001101 6,240 1 +010100001101 21,430 1 +010100001101 80,986 1 +010100001101 50,255 1 +010100001101 507,868 1 +010100001101 433.57 1 +010100001101 74,531 1 +010100001101 decaffeinate 1 +010100001101 35,719 1 +010100001101 militarize 1 +010100001101 250,557 1 +010100001101 23,362 1 +010100001101 96,746 1 +010100001101 1,071,327 1 +010100001101 MANIFATTURA 1 +010100001101 428.87 1 +010100001101 576,535 1 +010100001101 250,759 1 +010100001101 319,326 1 +010100001101 131,915 1 +010100001101 494,395 1 +010100001101 96,521 1 +010100001101 1,130,338 1 +010100001101 76,663 1 +010100001101 113,720,000 1 +010100001101 115,200 1 +010100001101 24,566 1 +010100001101 33,574 1 +010100001101 278,932 1 +010100001101 8,374,291 1 +010100001101 26,268 1 +010100001101 5,556,533 1 +010100001101 lasso 1 +010100001101 32,772,671 1 +010100001101 pre-order 1 +010100001101 deferred-month 1 +010100001101 Israel-aimed 1 +010100001101 399,300 1 +010100001101 363,517 1 +010100001101 497,632 1 +010100001101 5,721,100 1 +010100001101 4,130 1 +010100001101 110,712 1 +010100001101 30,752 1 +010100001101 69,644 1 +010100001101 1,591,900 1 +010100001101 25,120 1 +010100001101 143,300 1 +010100001101 79,442 1 +010100001101 2,201,589 1 +010100001101 157,316 1 +010100001101 978,091 1 +010100001101 512,962 1 +010100001101 1,093,067 1 +010100001101 34,391,764 1 +010100001101 150,804 1 +010100001101 3,310,500 1 +010100001101 21.245 1 +010100001101 21.293 1 +010100001101 34,364 1 +010100001101 75,845 1 +010100001101 87,237 1 +010100001101 236,143,019 1 +010100001101 Komanoff 1 +010100001101 camera-clicking 1 +010100001101 Engender 1 +010100001101 19,329 1 +010100001101 6,316 1 +010100001101 3,502 1 +010100001101 Prentiss/ 1 +010100001101 77,573 1 +010100001101 disrobe 1 +010100001101 76.48 1 +010100001101 higher-rent 1 +010100001101 53,796 1 +010100001101 881,612 1 +010100001101 26,425,000 1 +010100001101 STC. 1 +010100001101 10,089 1 +010100001101 535,632 1 +010100001101 1.4985 1 +010100001101 9,103 1 +010100001101 13,775 1 +010100001101 takoevers 1 +010100001101 36,013,289 1 +010100001101 461,539,056 1 +010100001101 3,954,510 1 +010100001101 421,714 1 +010100001101 1,456,436 1 +010100001101 province-related 1 +010100001101 14,870,200 1 +010100001101 more-usable 1 +010100001101 741.5 1 +010100001101 17,140 1 +010100001101 6,205,654 1 +010100001101 73,899 1 +010100001101 1,003,913 1 +010100001101 85,553 1 +010100001101 6,048,900 1 +010100001101 63,059,170 1 +010100001101 304,706 1 +010100001101 840,723 1 +010100001101 363.04 1 +010100001101 521,074 1 +010100001101 1.6473 1 +010100001101 364.07 1 +010100001101 33,768 1 +010100001101 21,100 1 +010100001101 Mastery 1 +010100001101 Iran/Iraq 1 +010100001101 1,810,692 1 +010100001101 213,983,702 1 +010100001101 222,223 1 +010100001101 357.87 1 +010100001101 1,878,770 1 +010100001101 11,404 1 +010100001101 1.6413 1 +010100001101 27,572 1 +010100001101 292,102 1 +010100001101 399,579 1 +010100001101 1,383,068 1 +010100001101 355,551 1 +010100001101 279,582 1 +010100001101 184,936,231 1 +010100001101 359.03 1 +010100001101 111,519 1 +010100001101 3.2737 1 +010100001101 361.01 1 +010100001101 357.73 1 +010100001101 162.47 1 +010100001101 Supersteak 1 +010100001101 74.81 1 +010100001101 300,108 1 +010100001101 1,646,180 1 +010100001101 1.5243 1 +010100001101 Generate 1 +010100001101 392.04 1 +010100001101 399.38 1 +010100001101 over-regulate 1 +010100001101 Mudville 1 +010100001101 169,248 1 +010100001101 106,435 1 +010100001101 310,583 1 +010100001101 24,867 1 +010100001101 162.82 1 +010100001101 160-seat 1 +010100001101 417.39 1 +010100001101 59,225 1 +010100001101 26,130 1 +010100001101 91,716 1 +010100001101 306,381 1 +010100001101 31,704,221 1 +010100001101 287,734 1 +010100001101 68,912 1 +010100001101 409.18 1 +010100001101 1.2121 1 +010100001101 1,033,598 1 +010100001101 1.5368 1 +010100001101 mass-manufacture 1 +010100001101 428.3 1 +010100001101 33,912,960 1 +010100001101 5450 1 +010100001101 winkle 1 +010100001101 59,916 1 +010100001101 133,834 1 +010100001101 24,074 1 +010100001101 neoexpressionist 1 +010100001101 1.4753 1 +010100001101 2,093,000 1 +010100001101 conscientize 1 +010100001101 4950 1 +010100001101 74,915 1 +010100001101 1.4870 1 +010100001101 420.53 1 +010100001101 88,632 1 +010100001101 168,456 1 +010100001101 691,803 1 +010100001101 355.86 1 +010100001101 570,002 1 +010100001101 74.74 1 +010100001101 1,144,178 1 +010100001101 1.4648 1 +010100001101 101,352 1 +010100001101 97,317 1 +010100001101 670,977 1 +010100001101 1,840,811 1 +010100001101 1,510,361 1 +010100001101 726,255 1 +010100001101 197,942,072 1 +010100001101 hitchhike 1 +010100001101 16,635 1 +010100001101 31,373 1 +010100001101 5250 1 +010100001101 5.9413 1 +010100001101 149,777 1 +010100001101 70,198 1 +010100001101 1.4995 1 +010100001101 4,044 1 +010100001101 2,873,300 1 +010100001101 458,143,918 1 +010100001101 63,300 1 +010100001101 13,862 1 +010100001101 68,275 1 +010100001101 2,371 1 +010100001101 sucrose-intoxicated 1 +010100001101 115,536 1 +010100001101 outruns 1 +010100001101 413.54 1 +010100001101 87,542 1 +010100001101 22,576,570 1 +010100001101 whistle-blow 1 +010100001101 694,208 1 +010100001101 1.4838 1 +010100001101 more-colorful 1 +010100001101 13,392,500 1 +010100001101 61,451 1 +010100001101 308,232 1 +010100001101 1.5220 1 +010100001101 1.4983 1 +010100001101 325,540 1 +010100001101 de-ice 1 +010100001101 3,979,619 1 +010100001101 296,574 1 +010100001101 585,830 1 +010100001101 882,404 1 +010100001101 8,124 1 +010100001101 5.6545 1 +010100001101 19,939,200 1 +010100001101 190,552,351 1 +010100001101 41,153 1 +010100001101 83,174 1 +010100001101 124,327 1 +010100001101 27,126 1 +010100001101 39,182 1 +010100001101 91,286 1 +010100001101 11,432,000 1 +010100001101 113,309 1 +010100001101 21,851 1 +010100001101 overpreach 1 +010100001101 MLX. 1 +010100001101 CJI. 1 +010100001101 21,138 1 +010100001101 24,882 1 +010100001101 16,657 1 +010100001101 32,087,854 1 +010100001101 U.S.-distilled 1 +010100001101 385.46 1 +010100001101 726,700 1 +010100001101 1.6039 1 +010100001101 1,381,438 1 +010100001101 1353.63 1 +010100001101 Arkwright-Boston 1 +010100001101 diesel-electric-powered 1 +010100001101 366.02 1 +010100001101 111,138 1 +010100001101 145,176 1 +010100001101 313,978 1 +010100001101 586,025 1 +010100001101 5,960,776 1 +010100001101 28,591 1 +010100001101 62,558 1 +010100001101 105,963 1 +010100001101 2,521,600 1 +010100001101 28,523 1 +010100001101 secede. 1 +010100001101 73.71 1 +010100001101 27,632,052 1 +010100001101 409,286,890 1 +010100001101 Garp 1 +010100001101 390.75 1 +010100001101 1.4928 1 +010100001101 984,012 1 +010100001101 7,521,798 1 +010100001101 335,327 1 +010100001101 1.5438 1 +010100001101 389.55 1 +010100001101 972,500 1 +010100001101 59,797 1 +010100001101 Write-Downs 1 +010100001101 S.T.E.W. 1 +010100001101 43,692 1 +010100001101 60,944 1 +010100001101 920,940 1 +010100001101 241,700 1 +010100001101 35,124,731 1 +010100001101 429.39 1 +010100001101 113,077 1 +010100001101 Self-Promotion 1 +010100001101 1979-model 1 +010100001101 Whet 1 +010100001101 349.62 1 +010100001101 206,245,304 1 +010100001101 351.30 1 +010100001101 348.76 1 +010100001101 348.03 1 +010100001101 347.32 1 +010100001101 6.4775 1 +010100001101 516,928 1 +010100001101 352.29 1 +010100001101 Iran-inspired 1 +010100001101 Agitate 1 +010100001101 3,630,000 1 +010100001101 27,641,267 1 +010100001101 8,444,449 1 +010100001101 97,849 1 +010100001101 41,793 1 +010100001101 78,983 1 +010100001101 2,645,923 1 +010100001101 high-absorbency 1 +010100001101 LIPA. 1 +010100001101 BAR/LNS 1 +010100001101 637,768 1 +010100001101 1.4232 1 +010100001101 509.5 1 +010100001101 786,668 1 +010100001101 re-excite 1 +010100001101 78.83 1 +010100001101 204,270 1 +010100001101 football-helmet-shaped 1 +010100001101 192,001 1 +010100001101 308,277 1 +010100001101 104,920 1 +010100001101 dangerous-bone-marrow 1 +010100001101 98,938 1 +010100001101 65,626 1 +010100001101 33,842 1 +010100001101 621.5 1 +010100001101 190,417,798 1 +010100001101 140,275,780 1 +010100001101 50,142,018 1 +010100001101 77,746 1 +010100001101 62,563 1 +010100001101 Oklahoma-based 1 +010100001101 319,500 1 +010100001101 saccharine/cutsey 1 +010100001101 54,217 1 +010100001101 1,350,358 1 +010100001101 284,085 1 +010100001101 1,003,142 1 +010100001101 62,064 1 +010100001101 211,966 1 +010100001101 hedging-type 1 +010100001101 306,758 1 +010100001101 104,243 1 +010100001101 10,684 1 +010100001101 40,390 1 +010100001101 90,590 1 +010100001101 Alberic 1 +010100001101 378,653 1 +010100001101 163,473 1 +010100001101 178,448,097 1 +010100001101 543,459 1 +010100001101 52,076,794 1 +010100001101 Anglicanism 1 +010100001101 77,966 1 +010100001101 77,501 1 +010100001101 198,172 1 +010100001101 161,911 1 +010100001101 332,057 1 +010100001101 119,356 1 +010100001101 287,537 1 +010100001101 29.64 1 +010100001101 954,161 1 +010100001101 5,352 1 +010100001101 12,952 1 +010100001101 313,204 1 +010100001101 576.5 1 +010100001101 487,199 1 +010100001101 460,173,531 1 +010100001101 2,807,681 1 +010100001101 55,984 1 +010100001101 1.3830 1 +010100001101 547,347,585 1 +010100001101 50,246 1 +010100001101 495,904 1 +010100001101 1.3695 1 +010100001101 0.8145 1 +010100001101 Balzac. 1 +010100001101 2,213 1 +010100001101 95,426 1 +010100001101 242.89 1 +010100001101 3,084,750 1 +010100001101 247,550 1 +010100001101 fin-tailed 1 +010100001101 78.73 1 +010100001101 54,186 1 +010100001101 11,707 1 +010100001101 55,068 1 +010100001101 4,838 1 +010100001101 24,691 1 +010100001101 890,168 1 +010100001101 14,718,106 1 +010100001101 45.98 1 +010100001101 896,468 1 +010100001101 3,865 1 +010100001101 208,266 1 +010100001101 borrow-and-pay 1 +010100001101 near-front-runner 1 +010100001101 OH58D 1 +010100001101 56,676,853 1 +010100001101 193,099,772 1 +010100001101 convey. 1 +010100001101 freeze-dry 1 +010100001101 587,534 1 +010100001101 516.50 1 +010100001101 388.46 1 +010100001101 hard-boiling 1 +010100001101 272,167 1 +010100001101 80.09 1 +010100001101 1,365,000 1 +010100001101 12,027 1 +010100001101 20,038 1 +010100001101 22,536 1 +010100001101 95,482 1 +010100001101 terminal-related 1 +010100001101 144,954 1 +010100001101 22,640 1 +010100001101 42,979 1 +010100001101 71,284 1 +010100001101 740,500 1 +010100001101 domestic-theme 1 +010100001101 CGS. 1 +010100001101 Latino-owned 1 +010100001101 103,273 1 +010100001101 56,574 1 +010100001101 non-U.S.flag 1 +010100001101 RealData 1 +010100001101 NTC. 1 +010100001101 297.72 1 +010100001101 80.51 1 +010100001101 536,050 1 +010100001101 537,076 1 +010100001101 denude 1 +010100001101 105,632 1 +010100001101 1.3605 1 +010100001101 24,683 1 +010100001101 3,563 1 +010100001101 14,251 1 +010100001101 5,926 1 +010100001101 115,106 1 +010100001101 339,997 1 +010100001101 209,961,787 1 +010100001101 139,029,369 1 +010100001101 76,198 1 +010100001101 63,288,585 1 +010100001101 152,520,428 1 +010100001101 WesPar 1 +010100001101 707,593 1 +010100001101 intra-Community 1 +010100001101 quasisports 1 +010100001101 5,128,206 1 +010100001101 5,208,000 1 +010100001101 367,413 1 +010100001101 224,889 1 +010100001101 18,950 1 +010100001101 overbill 1 +010100001101 32,021 1 +010100001101 misroute 1 +010100001101 20,4l6,216 1 +010100001101 reinter 1 +010100001101 228,870 1 +010100001101 7,070,000 1 +010100001101 jackknife 1 +010100001101 WSY 1 +010100001101 2,442,405 1 +010100001101 OPEC-decreed 1 +010100001101 7,735 1 +010100001101 1,173,675 1 +010100001101 1,500,398 1 +010100001101 1,398,969 1 +010100001101 807,995 1 +010100001101 34,403,291 1 +010100001101 156,806 1 +010100001101 151,092,000 1 +010100001101 safekeep 1 +010100001101 52,902 1 +010100001101 2,670,876 1 +010100001101 92,454 1 +010100001101 14,489,200 1 +010100001101 108,132 1 +010100001101 43,859 1 +010100001101 persist. 1 +010100001101 203,977 1 +010100001101 16,171 1 +010100001101 342,637 1 +010100001101 80,134 1 +010100001101 124,674 1 +010100001101 deworm 1 +010100001101 gerry-rigged 1 +010100001101 111,250 1 +010100001101 2.9762 1 +010100001101 33,943 1 +010100001101 19,156 1 +010100001101 289,640 1 +010100001101 puffers 1 +010100001101 72,941 1 +010100001101 1,180,335 1 +010100001101 4,308,144 1 +010100001101 public/society 1 +010100001101 cityfolk 1 +010100001101 129,090 1 +010100001101 42,223 1 +010100001101 52,641 1 +010100001101 forstall 1 +010100001101 SKr413 1 +010100001101 1.1753 1 +010100001101 224,100 1 +010100001101 29,284,965 1 +010100001101 380,369,863 1 +010100001101 900,360 1 +010100001101 666,800 1 +010100001101 adulterate 1 +010100001101 371,819 1 +010100001101 691,700 1 +010100001101 self-induce 1 +010100001101 206,354 1 +010100001101 1,022,725 1 +010100001101 79,636 1 +010100001101 1,174,841 1 +010100001101 83,329 1 +010100001101 150,396 1 +010100001101 1,770,937 1 +010100001101 128,104 1 +010100001101 30,880,000 1 +010100001101 499,136 1 +010100001101 11,772.69 1 +010100001101 1.3450 1 +010100001101 18,680,000 1 +010100001101 Goudchaux/Maison 1 +010100001101 99,430 1 +010100001101 29,225 1 +010100001101 38,948 1 +010100001101 179,297 1 +010100001101 11,975 1 +010100001101 13,985 1 +010100001101 3,193 1 +010100001101 59,368 1 +010100001101 out-guess 2 +010100001101 3,590 2 +010100001101 Vaseretic 2 +010100001101 bright-colored 2 +010100001101 exasperate 2 +010100001101 889,301 2 +010100001101 30,800 2 +010100001101 deregister 2 +010100001101 Civilize 2 +010100001101 3,475 2 +010100001101 strategize 2 +010100001101 pre-announce 2 +010100001101 consumers. 2 +010100001101 Evict 2 +010100001101 161,800 2 +010100001101 denuclearize 2 +010100001101 Bountiful 2 +010100001101 8,786,497 2 +010100001101 1,898 2 +010100001101 242.20 2 +010100001101 embezzel 2 +010100001101 co-found 2 +010100001101 1,383 2 +010100001101 winter-sown 2 +010100001101 1,431 2 +010100001101 innoculate 2 +010100001101 Diagnose 2 +010100001101 30,197,347 2 +010100001101 336,806 2 +010100001101 2,160,292 2 +010100001101 supercharge 2 +010100001101 Interhome 2 +010100001101 1,207 2 +010100001101 backdate 2 +010100001101 idealize 2 +010100001101 tailor-make 2 +010100001101 sicken 2 +010100001101 nark 2 +010100001101 14-pound 2 +010100001101 Handle 2 +010100001101 4680 2 +010100001101 Unite 2 +010100001101 debar 3 +010100001101 emasculate 3 +010100001101 co-finance 3 +010100001101 repropose 3 +010100001101 asbestos-laden 3 +010100001101 A-plus- 3 +010100001101 3,025 3 +010100001101 reconquer 3 +010100001101 658.5 3 +010100001101 decapitate 3 +010100001101 achieve. 3 +010100001101 decontaminate 3 +010100001101 328,098 3 +010100001101 co-market 3 +010100001101 vaccinate 3 +010100001101 liquefy 4 +010100001101 guzzle 4 +010100001101 Swallow 4 +010100001101 4,340 4 +010100001101 Acquire 4 +010100001101 1,085 4 +010100001101 3,010 5 +010100001101 4,260 5 +010100001101 1,020,000 5 +010100001101 poach 6 +010100001101 remarry 6 +010100001101 micro-manage 7 +010100001101 Replace 8 +010100001101 repossess 8 +010100001101 Prevent 9 +010100001101 irrigate 10 +010100001101 rehearse 10 +010100001101 reinsure 10 +010100001101 reformulate 11 +010100001101 retake 11 +010100001101 securitize 15 +010100001101 accumulate 177 +010100001101 buy 17951 +010100001101 plead 407 +0101000011100 3,715 1 +0101000011100 near-historic 1 +0101000011100 quicky 1 +0101000011100 vaunting 1 +0101000011100 coagulate 1 +0101000011100 laser-scan 1 +0101000011100 higher-skill 1 +0101000011100 float-building 1 +0101000011100 Sumitomo-group 1 +0101000011100 self-inject 1 +0101000011100 desalt 1 +0101000011100 high-default 1 +0101000011100 pre-Sterling 1 +0101000011100 ECU-based 1 +0101000011100 ungrudging 1 +0101000011100 muff 1 +0101000011100 Poloniuslike 1 +0101000011100 misplace 1 +0101000011100 mesmerize 2 +0101000011100 expunge 2 +0101000011100 hand-make 2 +0101000011100 co-fund 2 +0101000011100 dicate 2 +0101000011100 fulfil 2 +0101000011100 publicity-conscious 2 +0101000011100 pre-screen 2 +0101000011100 outdistance 3 +0101000011100 cross-subsidize 4 +0101000011100 connote 5 +0101000011100 pre-fund 5 +0101000011100 distill 7 +0101000011100 feign 7 +0101000011100 proffer 7 +0101000011100 kindle 7 +0101000011100 exude 10 +0101000011100 reinstitute 12 +0101000011100 brook 12 +0101000011100 forego 15 +0101000011100 reallocate 24 +0101000011100 embody 26 +0101000011100 engender 28 +0101000011100 herald 39 +0101000011100 emit 40 +0101000011100 amass 54 +0101000011100 arouse 59 +0101000011100 inflict 61 +0101000011100 precipitate 65 +0101000011100 spawn 67 +0101000011100 ignite 76 +0101000011100 erect 77 +0101000011100 wield 86 +0101000011100 garner 89 +0101000011100 inspire 141 +0101000011100 exert 160 +0101000011100 transmit 180 +0101000011100 extract 185 +0101000011100 undergo 198 +0101000011100 provoke 205 +0101000011100 divert 226 +0101000011100 inject 236 +0101000011100 incur 239 +0101000011100 withhold 242 +0101000011100 authorize 315 +0101000011100 appoint 327 +0101000011100 reap 343 +0101000011100 foster 349 +0101000011100 solicit 362 +0101000011100 spark 422 +0101000011100 employ 545 +0101000011100 pose 620 +0101000011100 hire 1010 +0101000011100 impose 1224 +0101000011100 generate 1395 +0101000011100 attract 1570 +0101000011100 create 3479 +0101000011100 produce 4251 +0101000011100 provide 8696 +0101000011100 receive 5283 +0101000011101 finished-product 1 +0101000011101 94,645,000 1 +0101000011101 17,049,000 1 +0101000011101 remortgage 1 +0101000011101 relends 1 +0101000011101 Thursdayfor 1 +0101000011101 underfund 1 +0101000011101 re-award 1 +0101000011101 cross-pollinate 1 +0101000011101 6,673,026 1 +0101000011101 17,992,000 1 +0101000011101 51,540,000 1 +0101000011101 electrify 1 +0101000011101 productivity-oriented 1 +0101000011101 1,549 1 +0101000011101 whosever 1 +0101000011101 48,599,000 1 +0101000011101 316,372,000 1 +0101000011101 re-insure 1 +0101000011101 3,039,697 1 +0101000011101 267,773,000 1 +0101000011101 41,790,000 1 +0101000011101 foreignersso 1 +0101000011101 509,635 1 +0101000011101 20-times 1 +0101000011101 overexpand 2 +0101000011101 underpay 2 +0101000011101 overstay 2 +0101000011101 2,036 2 +0101000011101 re-invest 2 +0101000011101 ransack 2 +0101000011101 discolor 2 +0101000011101 pre-position 2 +0101000011101 regularize 3 +0101000011101 snacked 3 +0101000011101 out-earn 3 +0101000011101 marshall 4 +0101000011101 outsource 4 +0101000011101 mangle 6 +0101000011101 overstep 6 +0101000011101 relend 6 +0101000011101 deduce 10 +0101000011101 relive 10 +0101000011101 allot 10 +0101000011101 embezzle 11 +0101000011101 retrace 13 +0101000011101 generalize 15 +0101000011101 dangle 15 +0101000011101 abdicate 15 +0101000011101 earmark 17 +0101000011101 extrapolate 19 +0101000011101 disburse 20 +0101000011101 impound 20 +0101000011101 cull 21 +0101000011101 remit 25 +0101000011101 squander 27 +0101000011101 subtract 28 +0101000011101 expend 28 +0101000011101 repatriate 35 +0101000011101 launder 35 +0101000011101 disallow 37 +0101000011101 extort 48 +0101000011101 disgorge 63 +0101000011101 wring 65 +0101000011101 derive 73 +0101000011101 accrue 79 +0101000011101 forfeit 88 +0101000011101 funnel 101 +0101000011101 forgive 112 +0101000011101 reschedule 114 +0101000011101 conserve 125 +0101000011101 surpass 149 +0101000011101 donate 153 +0101000011101 allocate 154 +0101000011101 consume 164 +0101000011101 relinquish 186 +0101000011101 devote 246 +0101000011101 recoup 271 +0101000011101 deduct 328 +0101000011101 fetch 368 +0101000011101 defer 399 +0101000011101 collect 793 +0101000011101 suffer 837 +0101000011101 borrow 897 +0101000011101 withdraw 994 +0101000011101 recover 1168 +0101000011101 exceed 1649 +0101000011101 earn 1652 +0101000011101 retain 1887 +0101000011101 save 2001 +0101000011101 lose 2570 +0101000011101 raise 7161 +0101000011101 spend 3314 +0101000011110 chowing 1 +0101000011110 plough 2 +0101000011110 imbibe 3 +0101000011110 jaywalk 3 +0101000011110 overbuild 3 +0101000011110 declaim 3 +0101000011110 controvert 3 +0101000011110 choreograph 4 +0101000011110 quaff 4 +0101000011110 victimize 4 +0101000011110 fillet 4 +0101000011110 eject 5 +0101000011110 mass-produce 6 +0101000011110 unfurl 6 +0101000011110 remand 6 +0101000011110 scavenge 6 +0101000011110 procrastinate 7 +0101000011110 sprinkle 9 +0101000011110 expound 9 +0101000011110 replant 9 +0101000011110 scribble 9 +0101000011110 drape 9 +0101000011110 shoehorn 10 +0101000011110 honk 10 +0101000011110 trample 11 +0101000011110 revere 12 +0101000011110 crisscross 12 +0101000011110 jot 12 +0101000011110 munch 13 +0101000011110 mow 13 +0101000011110 ripen 13 +0101000011110 bathe 14 +0101000011110 splice 15 +0101000011110 corral 16 +0101000011110 inhale 17 +0101000011110 reprint 17 +0101000011110 gouge 17 +0101000011110 tuck 19 +0101000011110 underperform 19 +0101000011110 unionize 20 +0101000011110 improvise 22 +0101000011110 bestow 25 +0101000011110 zap 25 +0101000011110 awaken 26 +0101000011110 regroup 31 +0101000011110 weave 33 +0101000011110 rotate 34 +0101000011110 inhabit 34 +0101000011110 bleed 36 +0101000011110 starve 36 +0101000011110 stagger 36 +0101000011110 compose 38 +0101000011110 brighten 39 +0101000011110 navigate 39 +0101000011110 chop 39 +0101000011110 dissipate 41 +0101000011110 nurture 44 +0101000011110 rattle 45 +0101000011110 litigate 46 +0101000011110 roam 51 +0101000011110 oblige 53 +0101000011110 retrench 54 +0101000011110 preach 55 +0101000011110 edit 58 +0101000011110 tread 59 +0101000011110 legislate 65 +0101000011110 clamp 66 +0101000011110 plow 71 +0101000011110 enroll 71 +0101000011110 dispense 72 +0101000011110 circulate 74 +0101000011110 multiply 76 +0101000011110 reproduce 79 +0101000011110 shave 80 +0101000011110 skip 96 +0101000011110 unite 114 +0101000011110 breathe 117 +0101000011110 heed 122 +0101000011110 marry 131 +0101000011110 flee 138 +0101000011110 endure 158 +0101000011110 muster 169 +0101000011110 occupy 173 +0101000011110 swallow 189 +0101000011110 sing 213 +0101000011110 worsen 216 +0101000011110 sink 240 +0101000011110 weigh 262 +0101000011110 govern 269 +0101000011110 grab 293 +0101000011110 burn 297 +0101000011110 advertise 323 +0101000011110 shoot 328 +0101000011110 gather 337 +0101000011110 mount 362 +0101000011110 register 378 +0101000011110 hide 386 +0101000011110 tap 437 +0101000011110 sue 626 +0101000011110 attend 680 +0101000011110 wear 695 +0101000011110 eat 727 +0101000011110 perform 934 +0101000011110 fly 976 +0101000011110 survive 983 +0101000011110 draw 1288 +0101000011110 write 1710 +0101000011110 pass 1790 +0101000011110 file 1954 +0101000011110 serve 2367 +0101000011110 follow 2511 +0101000011110 grow 2732 +0101000011110 operate 2811 +0101000011110 reach 3559 +0101000011110 hold 6236 +0101000011110 leave 4168 +0101000011111 40,958 1 +0101000011111 80,628 1 +0101000011111 54,762 1 +0101000011111 13,167 1 +0101000011111 70,593 1 +0101000011111 126,064 1 +0101000011111 81,317 1 +0101000011111 45,005 1 +0101000011111 349,328 1 +0101000011111 86,264 1 +0101000011111 64,299 1 +0101000011111 328,455 1 +0101000011111 130,493 1 +0101000011111 191,340 1 +0101000011111 108,619 1 +0101000011111 88,730 1 +0101000011111 31,651 1 +0101000011111 446,686 1 +0101000011111 21,452 1 +0101000011111 544,246 1 +0101000011111 531,253 1 +0101000011111 557,086 1 +0101000011111 95,689 1 +0101000011111 48,265 1 +0101000011111 329,295 1 +0101000011111 78,555 1 +0101000011111 vye 1 +0101000011111 142,248 1 +0101000011111 296,965 1 +0101000011111 207,823 1 +0101000011111 499.56 1 +0101000011111 1,834,188 1 +0101000011111 2,034,000 1 +0101000011111 484,875 1 +0101000011111 332,781 1 +0101000011111 730,545 1 +0101000011111 558,887 1 +0101000011111 1,093,169 1 +0101000011111 160,509 1 +0101000011111 2,531,000 1 +0101000011111 non-craft 1 +0101000011111 116,162 1 +0101000011111 196,988 1 +0101000011111 163,210 1 +0101000011111 150,704 1 +0101000011111 82,109 1 +0101000011111 191,525 1 +0101000011111 263,629 1 +0101000011111 242,171 1 +0101000011111 121,121 1 +0101000011111 842,322 1 +0101000011111 382.38 1 +0101000011111 135,540 1 +0101000011111 3,689,000 1 +0101000011111 1,782,000 1 +0101000011111 149,134 1 +0101000011111 24,714 1 +0101000011111 19,667 1 +0101000011111 2412.7 1 +0101000011111 381,124 1 +0101000011111 WQBA 1 +0101000011111 442,221 1 +0101000011111 1,979 1 +0101000011111 71,674 1 +0101000011111 144,566 1 +0101000011111 346,536 1 +0101000011111 infrastucture 1 +0101000011111 423,681 1 +0101000011111 320,030 1 +0101000011111 577,533 1 +0101000011111 633,869 1 +0101000011111 344,068 1 +0101000011111 scimitars 1 +0101000011111 88,722 1 +0101000011111 144,816 1 +0101000011111 1,031,382 1 +0101000011111 expatiate 1 +0101000011111 2,766 1 +0101000011111 605,309 1 +0101000011111 380,00 1 +0101000011111 1,033,305 1 +0101000011111 0.5600 1 +0101000011111 474,336 1 +0101000011111 936,916 1 +0101000011111 688,708 1 +0101000011111 777,682 1 +0101000011111 27,775 1 +0101000011111 10,528 1 +0101000011111 225,995 1 +0101000011111 157,386 1 +0101000011111 71,146 1 +0101000011111 331,471 1 +0101000011111 259,413 1 +0101000011111 120,913 1 +0101000011111 52,975 1 +0101000011111 plea-bargains 1 +0101000011111 119,762 1 +0101000011111 444,975 1 +0101000011111 324,915 1 +0101000011111 747,608 1 +0101000011111 42,948 1 +0101000011111 123,380 1 +0101000011111 109,254 1 +0101000011111 184,425 1 +0101000011111 134,598 1 +0101000011111 304,266 1 +0101000011111 123,580 1 +0101000011111 65,331 1 +0101000011111 178,261 1 +0101000011111 medium-income 1 +0101000011111 315,100 1 +0101000011111 31.406 1 +0101000011111 56,529 1 +0101000011111 26,362 1 +0101000011111 32,645 1 +0101000011111 174,133 1 +0101000011111 157,129 1 +0101000011111 168,695 1 +0101000011111 138,208 1 +0101000011111 184,812 1 +0101000011111 295,422 1 +0101000011111 pro-rate 1 +0101000011111 1,059,000 1 +0101000011111 230,238 1 +0101000011111 154,578 1 +0101000011111 11,168 1 +0101000011111 704,390 1 +0101000011111 800,300 1 +0101000011111 1,088,095 1 +0101000011111 731,795 1 +0101000011111 483,254 1 +0101000011111 1,899,000 1 +0101000011111 2,612,000 1 +0101000011111 1,786,000 1 +0101000011111 111,086 1 +0101000011111 1,492 1 +0101000011111 105,429 1 +0101000011111 10,401 1 +0101000011111 2,603 1 +0101000011111 322,200 1 +0101000011111 65,853 1 +0101000011111 86,049 1 +0101000011111 84,906 1 +0101000011111 137,844 1 +0101000011111 148,734 1 +0101000011111 53,907 1 +0101000011111 40,767 1 +0101000011111 89,288 1 +0101000011111 228,398 1 +0101000011111 88,913 1 +0101000011111 126,667 1 +0101000011111 32,608 1 +0101000011111 20,893 1 +0101000011111 fivemember 1 +0101000011111 958,623 1 +0101000011111 125,406 1 +0101000011111 re-tool 1 +0101000011111 5,178 1 +0101000011111 486,645 1 +0101000011111 36,820 1 +0101000011111 10,675 1 +0101000011111 45,817 1 +0101000011111 393,091 1 +0101000011111 244,940 1 +0101000011111 260,387 1 +0101000011111 Baal 1 +0101000011111 1,248,783 1 +0101000011111 918,892 1 +0101000011111 3,060,742 1 +0101000011111 472,293 1 +0101000011111 aviation-engine 1 +0101000011111 300,513 1 +0101000011111 462,468 1 +0101000011111 140,128 1 +0101000011111 137,483 1 +0101000011111 2,214,000 1 +0101000011111 3,012,000 1 +0101000011111 6,268,000 1 +0101000011111 164,6893 1 +0101000011111 418,600 1 +0101000011111 890,339 1 +0101000011111 155,589 1 +0101000011111 1,042,956 1 +0101000011111 6,361 1 +0101000011111 12,249,174 1 +0101000011111 161,643 1 +0101000011111 22,011 1 +0101000011111 352,550 1 +0101000011111 103,013 1 +0101000011111 32,234 1 +0101000011111 2,215,173 1 +0101000011111 1,807,377 1 +0101000011111 1,138,069 1 +0101000011111 1,048,528 1 +0101000011111 592,063 1 +0101000011111 86,240 1 +0101000011111 393,740 1 +0101000011111 ponied-up 1 +0101000011111 827,199 1 +0101000011111 528,605 1 +0101000011111 1,086,988 1 +0101000011111 gold-card-carrying 1 +0101000011111 95,687 1 +0101000011111 49,879 1 +0101000011111 399,532 1 +0101000011111 39,533 1 +0101000011111 91,491 1 +0101000011111 141,297 1 +0101000011111 508,319 1 +0101000011111 6,080 1 +0101000011111 32,190 1 +0101000011111 49,806 1 +0101000011111 340,806 1 +0101000011111 18,704 1 +0101000011111 88,188 1 +0101000011111 73,268 1 +0101000011111 8,161 1 +0101000011111 183,196 1 +0101000011111 118,669 1 +0101000011111 294,333 1 +0101000011111 76,934 1 +0101000011111 172,865 1 +0101000011111 98,094 1 +0101000011111 141,649 1 +0101000011111 12,349,000 1 +0101000011111 874,718 1 +0101000011111 955,171 1 +0101000011111 1,929,000 1 +0101000011111 1,134,238 1 +0101000011111 319,427 1 +0101000011111 150,631 1 +0101000011111 54,931 1 +0101000011111 14,008 1 +0101000011111 25,137 1 +0101000011111 83,826 1 +0101000011111 31,132 1 +0101000011111 33,156 1 +0101000011111 118,019 1 +0101000011111 248,367 1 +0101000011111 57,911 1 +0101000011111 127,676 1 +0101000011111 10,887 1 +0101000011111 11,976 1 +0101000011111 780,489 1 +0101000011111 304,471 1 +0101000011111 112,985 1 +0101000011111 487,196 1 +0101000011111 8,848 1 +0101000011111 1,218.5 1 +0101000011111 359,391 1 +0101000011111 502,234 1 +0101000011111 140,830 1 +0101000011111 29,518 1 +0101000011111 86,676 1 +0101000011111 210,441 1 +0101000011111 17,339 1 +0101000011111 McCarthyist 1 +0101000011111 391.03 1 +0101000011111 39,495 1 +0101000011111 440,737 1 +0101000011111 2,226,313 1 +0101000011111 168,904 1 +0101000011111 547,779 1 +0101000011111 40,379 1 +0101000011111 49,971 1 +0101000011111 3,638,279 1 +0101000011111 289,638 1 +0101000011111 906,739 1 +0101000011111 67,353 1 +0101000011111 fly-fish 1 +0101000011111 446,614 1 +0101000011111 21,015 1 +0101000011111 18,749 1 +0101000011111 58,474 1 +0101000011111 206,721 1 +0101000011111 247,470 1 +0101000011111 507,860 1 +0101000011111 366.03 2 +0101000011111 pontificate 2 +0101000011111 27,189 2 +0101000011111 countersue 3 +0101000011111 ce 3 +0101000011111 finagle 3 +0101000011111 base-pay 4 +0101000011111 impute 5 +0101000011111 high- 6 +0101000011111 reapply 9 +0101000011111 atone 9 +0101000011111 itemize 28 +0101000011111 retool 31 +0101000011111 compensate 505 +0101000011111 qualify 676 +0101000011111 pay 17356 +0101000011111 prepare 775 +01010001000 HOPEFUL 1 +01010001000 footers 1 +01010001000 unaccidental 1 +01010001000 agreeed 1 +01010001000 municpalities 1 +01010001000 CONTEND 1 +01010001000 hotfooting 1 +01010001000 disobeys 1 +01010001000 counterargue 1 +01010001000 scald 1 +01010001000 decked-out 1 +01010001000 cobs 1 +01010001000 hallucinates 1 +01010001000 posit 2 +01010001000 hypothesize 4 +01010001000 INDICATED 5 +01010001000 opine 7 +01010001000 chide 7 +01010001000 aver 8 +01010001000 theorize 22 +01010001000 laud 22 +01010001000 presume 34 +01010001000 stipulate 37 +01010001000 reckon 52 +01010001000 resent 136 +01010001000 allege 296 +01010001000 assert 414 +01010001000 warn 613 +01010001000 acknowledge 614 +01010001000 concede 626 +01010001000 admit 763 +01010001000 insist 1004 +01010001000 contend 1544 +01010001000 argue 2071 +01010001000 believe 8477 +01010001000 suggest 2314 +01010001001 Delfs-Haven 1 +01010001001 groats 1 +01010001001 overeat 1 +01010001001 Comptables 1 +01010001001 purvey 1 +01010001001 Berghuys 1 +01010001001 re-loading. 1 +01010001001 Seguradora 1 +01010001001 BLISS 1 +01010001001 spiderweb 1 +01010001001 1542 1 +01010001001 nurserymen 1 +01010001001 ADMITTED 1 +01010001001 snooped 1 +01010001001 agreement-in-principle 1 +01010001001 SERIOUS 1 +01010001001 underordered 1 +01010001001 SUFFER 1 +01010001001 Visnik 1 +01010001001 Lawhorn 1 +01010001001 AWAIT 1 +01010001001 overspeculated 1 +01010001001 Hou 1 +01010001001 osf 1 +01010001001 naturalize 1 +01010001001 Amochaev 1 +01010001001 misspecify 1 +01010001001 dragoon 1 +01010001001 Yabunaka 1 +01010001001 Seipen 1 +01010001001 firmwide 1 +01010001001 might. 1 +01010001001 111C 1 +01010001001 P2 1 +01010001001 Danan 1 +01010001001 back-checked 1 +01010001001 Bodil 1 +01010001001 offguard 1 +01010001001 intersected 1 +01010001001 includee 1 +01010001001 misbill 1 +01010001001 righthander 1 +01010001001 RECRUIT 1 +01010001001 poultices 1 +01010001001 issurers 1 +01010001001 Vater 1 +01010001001 clumped 1 +01010001001 yukked 1 +01010001001 Schornsteinfeger 1 +01010001001 misconverted 1 +01010001001 duelled 1 +01010001001 Mespel 1 +01010001001 Musikfreunde 1 +01010001001 T-cuirasses 1 +01010001001 influence-lawmakers 1 +01010001001 JOIN 1 +01010001001 descibe 1 +01010001001 dosed 1 +01010001001 226.45 2 +01010001001 225.93 2 +01010001001 171.35 2 +01010001001 belive 2 +01010001001 224.61 2 +01010001001 218.16 2 +01010001001 emeriti 2 +01010001001 211.02 2 +01010001001 223.00 2 +01010001001 non-Germans 2 +01010001001 183.44 2 +01010001001 210.39 2 +01010001001 212.69 2 +01010001001 want. 2 +01010001001 Slabbert 2 +01010001001 199.39 2 +01010001001 Eb 2 +01010001001 Haik 2 +01010001001 216.23 2 +01010001001 192.83 2 +01010001001 171.29 2 +01010001001 174.37 2 +01010001001 210.04 2 +01010001001 Lengthen 2 +01010001001 Erde 2 +01010001001 170.52 2 +01010001001 Lap-Chee 2 +01010001001 Unwisely 2 +01010001001 games. 2 +01010001001 177.39 2 +01010001001 175.08 2 +01010001001 202.84 3 +01010001001 STEAM 3 +01010001001 198.47 3 +01010001001 185.87 3 +01010001001 176.33 3 +01010001001 180.24 3 +01010001001 179.53 3 +01010001001 Gomberg 3 +01010001001 176.51 3 +01010001001 174.25 3 +01010001001 180.54 3 +01010001001 say. 4 +01010001001 203.71 4 +01010001001 180.06 4 +01010001001 oversell 4 +01010001001 216.49 4 +01010001001 Heyden 4 +01010001001 Embrace 5 +01010001001 squealed 5 +01010001001 demur 5 +01010001001 do. 7 +01010001001 say 30847 +01010001001 predict 1485 +01010001010 Nesterenko 1 +01010001010 possest 1 +01010001010 backslapped 1 +01010001010 manage. 1 +01010001010 mortuum 1 +01010001010 overlent 1 +01010001010 detoxed 1 +01010001010 learn. 1 +01010001010 failed. 1 +01010001010 asks. 1 +01010001010 skinny-dipped 1 +01010001010 populi 2 +01010001010 vulgarized 2 +01010001010 did. 2 +01010001010 trespasses 2 +01010001010 baby-sat 2 +01010001010 offed 3 +01010001010 grumped 3 +01010001010 dunno 3 +01010001010 yukking 3 +01010001010 can. 3 +01010001010 encapsulates 3 +01010001010 ar-re 3 +01010001010 Improvise 4 +01010001010 rhapsodized 4 +01010001010 unscrewed 5 +01010001010 Corinthians 5 +01010001010 Pagliacci 5 +01010001010 Rusticana 5 +01010001010 conjectures 6 +01010001010 overdid 6 +01010001010 dreamt 6 +01010001010 despaired 7 +01010001010 willed 8 +01010001010 snore 9 +01010001010 bragged 30 +01010001010 Attraction 36 +01010001010 whispered 41 +01010001010 swear 52 +01010001010 inquired 59 +01010001010 confess 84 +01010001010 guessed 90 +01010001010 cared 105 +01010001010 forgot 110 +01010001010 hated 114 +01010001010 regrets 127 +01010001010 regret 233 +01010001010 loved 274 +01010001010 liked 499 +01010001010 guess 712 +01010001010 realized 879 +01010001010 wish 898 +01010001010 suspect 964 +01010001010 learned 1873 +01010001010 knew 2215 +01010001010 felt 2279 +01010001010 thought 4901 +01010001010 hope 4013 +010100010110 Teure 1 +010100010110 cover-short-range 1 +010100010110 relabels 1 +010100010110 stylize 1 +010100010110 node-negative 1 +010100010110 overengineered 1 +010100010110 Fiamminghi 1 +010100010110 prize-winners 1 +010100010110 Pont-a-Mousson 1 +010100010110 avez 1 +010100010110 masturbate 1 +010100010110 mooned 1 +010100010110 teure 1 +010100010110 testify/Donald 1 +010100010110 Volgas 1 +010100010110 gots 1 +010100010110 anti-BST 1 +010100010110 Graham-and-Dodder 1 +010100010110 remolded 1 +010100010110 venerate 1 +010100010110 monkeymaking 1 +010100010110 air-evac 1 +010100010110 hoover 1 +010100010110 domesticate 1 +010100010110 stick-and-ball 1 +010100010110 saound 1 +010100010110 re-lay 1 +010100010110 outscore 2 +010100010110 deprecate 3 +010100010110 Shrunk 4 +010100010110 horrify 4 +010100010110 daresay 4 +010100010110 doin' 4 +010100010110 overdo 8 +010100010110 Hate 13 +010100010110 commend 26 +010100010110 suppose 230 +010100010110 feel 3861 +010100010110 think 13443 +010100010111 shanked 1 +010100010111 Vach 1 +010100010111 unclench 1 +010100010111 Dazzle 1 +010100010111 JIMBO 1 +010100010111 e-a-r-l-y 1 +010100010111 terrestris 1 +010100010111 Exercens 1 +010100010111 DEPRECIATE 1 +010100010111 imagaine 1 +010100010111 andrewsi 1 +010100010111 Bugger 1 +010100010111 cloudiness 1 +010100010111 name-it 1 +010100010111 elastica 1 +010100010111 Tittle 1 +010100010111 rasa 1 +010100010111 vivisectionists 1 +010100010111 Eichmanns 1 +010100010111 overpromise 1 +010100010111 genealogically 1 +010100010111 contract/strike 1 +010100010111 Cellini 1 +010100010111 understimate 1 +010100010111 sons-a-bleeps 1 +010100010111 non-fans 1 +010100010111 shido 1 +010100010111 trolled 1 +010100010111 Madecasses 1 +010100010111 cheerers 1 +010100010111 ghilianii 1 +010100010111 Mexiko 1 +010100010111 mistyeyed 1 +010100010111 masticate 1 +010100010111 virtueless 1 +010100010111 curled/But 1 +010100010111 capsulizes 1 +010100010111 Senbonzakura 1 +010100010111 dies. 1 +010100010111 gano 1 +010100010111 Florez 1 +010100010111 thirstier 1 +010100010111 three-on-one 1 +010100010111 bought-but 1 +010100010111 loped 1 +010100010111 byting 1 +010100010111 Redress 1 +010100010111 Zajick 1 +010100010111 birdhead 1 +010100010111 shimasu 1 +010100010111 generationally 1 +010100010111 threat-reactive 1 +010100010111 syem 2 +010100010111 Ordinis 2 +010100010111 need. 2 +010100010111 recollect 2 +010100010111 sugarcoat 3 +010100010111 know. 3 +010100010111 Patriarch 3 +010100010111 have. 4 +010100010111 shirk 7 +010100010111 faze 18 +010100010111 wondered 224 +010100010111 forget 571 +010100010111 specify 770 +010100010111 remember 957 +010100010111 wonder 1212 +010100010111 realize 1361 +010100010111 understand 2065 +010100010111 know 9243 +010100011000 bantered 1 +010100011000 re-allocate 1 +010100011000 tut-tut 1 +010100011000 figure-eights 1 +010100011000 primp 1 +010100011000 clomp 1 +010100011000 skulk 1 +010100011000 burble 1 +010100011000 fulminate 2 +010100011000 equivocate 2 +010100011000 huffy 2 +010100011000 free-associate 2 +010100011000 lolled 2 +010100011000 dawdle 2 +010100011000 enthuse 3 +010100011000 rhapsodize 4 +010100011000 fidget 4 +010100011000 Insist 4 +010100011000 prattling 4 +010100011000 moan 5 +010100011000 ruminate 5 +010100011000 screech 5 +010100011000 grieve 5 +010100011000 comport 5 +010100011000 chortle 5 +010100011000 dickered 5 +010100011000 bruise 6 +010100011000 seethe 7 +010100011000 fume 8 +010100011000 exclaim 8 +010100011000 reminisce 9 +010100011000 fantasize 10 +010100011000 dicker 10 +010100011000 confide 11 +010100011000 bicker 12 +010100011000 mutter 12 +010100011000 incline 15 +010100011000 congregate 19 +010100011000 jibe 21 +010100011000 squeal 24 +010100011000 quibble 33 +010100011000 grouse 34 +010100011000 brag 37 +010100011000 grumble 41 +010100011000 correspond 46 +010100011000 gripe 56 +010100011000 concur 58 +010100011000 attest 72 +010100011000 pretend 125 +010100011000 fret 138 +010100011000 boast 154 +010100011000 conform 155 +010100011000 bother 275 +010100011000 disagree 494 +010100011000 speculate 586 +010100011000 stick 768 +010100011000 complain 927 +010100011000 worry 2223 +010100011000 appear 3192 +010100011000 agree 3502 +010100011000 talk 3737 +010100011001 streetball 1 +010100011001 Backstairs 1 +010100011001 dead-ends 1 +010100011001 drooler 1 +010100011001 Heston-like 1 +010100011001 long-divisioning 1 +010100011001 bench-press 1 +010100011001 plumbs 1 +010100011001 preconizes 1 +010100011001 colorup 1 +010100011001 Mugged 1 +010100011001 Weirdos 1 +010100011001 salivates 1 +010100011001 Balk 1 +010100011001 Skit 1 +010100011001 non-adept 1 +010100011001 lookin' 1 +010100011001 eloped 1 +010100011001 affluents 1 +010100011001 unconsious 1 +010100011001 heresiarchs 1 +010100011001 Schwab-Free 1 +010100011001 loyalities 1 +010100011001 Take-Off 1 +010100011001 susan 1 +010100011001 choke-point 1 +010100011001 peskiest 1 +010100011001 Localities 1 +010100011001 hitmakers 1 +010100011001 straightaways 1 +010100011001 overbids 1 +010100011001 46-36 1 +010100011001 jingoists 1 +010100011001 reconstitutes 1 +010100011001 non-medalists 1 +010100011001 flamingly 1 +010100011001 slabmakers 1 +010100011001 vengefulness 1 +010100011001 non-swimmer 1 +010100011001 bottlenecked 1 +010100011001 sinker-baller 1 +010100011001 1,713 1 +010100011001 Gawd 1 +010100011001 SLOGANS 1 +010100011001 Humorists 1 +010100011001 leave-taking 1 +010100011001 devlopments 1 +010100011001 noodger 1 +010100011001 idea-mongers 1 +010100011001 salivated 1 +010100011001 Rooftops 1 +010100011001 melter 1 +010100011001 Unsafe 1 +010100011001 coheres 1 +010100011001 squared-off 1 +010100011001 Misfires 1 +010100011001 picketeers 1 +010100011001 assurance-but 1 +010100011001 Kermesse 1 +010100011001 townsmen 1 +010100011001 semiologists 1 +010100011001 step-downs 1 +010100011001 560th 1 +010100011001 squiggling 1 +010100011001 sentinels 1 +010100011001 superhub 1 +010100011001 body-and-assembly 1 +010100011001 boondoggler 2 +010100011001 scoffer 2 +010100011001 misbehaved 2 +010100011001 drool 2 +010100011001 caddied 2 +010100011001 Tilting 2 +010100011001 spritz 2 +010100011001 twinkled 2 +010100011001 two-pounder 2 +010100011001 tinkle 2 +010100011001 titter 2 +010100011001 particpate 3 +010100011001 loudmouth 3 +010100011001 jokester 3 +010100011001 salivate 3 +010100011001 ached 3 +010100011001 gnawed 3 +010100011001 gaped 4 +010100011001 billow 4 +010100011001 scamper 5 +010100011001 teeter 5 +010100011001 snipe 7 +010100011001 ditties 7 +010100011001 trembled 7 +010100011001 sniped 8 +010100011001 glittered 8 +010100011001 gawk 8 +010100011001 glared 8 +010100011001 chafes 8 +010100011001 sneeze 10 +010100011001 gnaws 10 +010100011001 peeks 11 +010100011001 bridle 12 +010100011001 gazed 13 +010100011001 swipes 14 +010100011001 blanch 14 +010100011001 ache 16 +010100011001 chafe 20 +010100011001 sneer 22 +010100011001 glances 28 +010100011001 cringe 28 +010100011001 stab 30 +010100011001 bristle 31 +010100011001 smelled 36 +010100011001 shudder 36 +010100011001 swipe 41 +010100011001 stare 47 +010100011001 marvel 50 +010100011001 stares 54 +010100011001 peek 58 +010100011001 scoff 63 +010100011001 balk 104 +010100011001 sounded 268 +010100011001 sounds 785 +010100011001 looked 1547 +010100011001 look 6585 +010100011001 looks 2255 +010100011010 Datsun-hunting 1 +010100011010 35,955 1 +010100011010 53,800 1 +010100011010 low-40s 1 +010100011010 stockpile-building 1 +010100011010 1361.00 1 +010100011010 included> 1 +010100011010 1565.4 1 +010100011010 24297.15 1 +010100011010 21500 1 +010100011010 24118.01 1 +010100011010 2,176,000 1 +010100011010 23964.91 1 +010100011010 1.8537 1 +010100011010 27324.02 1 +010100011010 homeport 1 +010100011010 Vneshechnombank 1 +010100011010 27532.25 1 +010100011010 1,579.9 1 +010100011010 376.49 1 +010100011010 resprout 1 +010100011010 reintensify 1 +010100011010 27894.81 1 +010100011010 969,522 1 +010100011010 fraternize 1 +010100011010 28970.03 1 +010100011010 783,170 1 +010100011010 2,618 1 +010100011010 28134.33 1 +010100011010 27976.92 1 +010100011010 particiapte 1 +010100011010 27582.29 1 +010100011010 27521.00 1 +010100011010 28234.51 1 +010100011010 pressure-test 1 +010100011010 28049.27 1 +010100011010 7ucceed 1 +010100011010 sooth 1 +010100011010 2,157,000 1 +010100011010 PERUSHAAN 1 +010100011010 Bangui 1 +010100011010 WCZY 1 +010100011010 whistlestops 1 +010100011010 emote 1 +010100011010 26,533 1 +010100011010 extirpate 1 +010100011010 counterretaliate 1 +010100011010 repond 1 +010100011010 top-notchers 1 +010100011010 bushwhack 1 +010100011010 69,149 1 +010100011010 35,036 1 +010100011010 245,827 1 +010100011010 273,441 1 +010100011010 2.9187 1 +010100011010 12,114,000 1 +010100011010 fill-light 1 +010100011010 anotherwise 1 +010100011010 9,739 1 +010100011010 198,818 1 +010100011010 14,890 1 +010100011010 computerdom 1 +010100011010 10,544 1 +010100011010 94.0 1 +010100011010 2,284 1 +010100011010 2,997 1 +010100011010 208.0 1 +010100011010 49,172 1 +010100011010 153,512 1 +010100011010 370.23-still 1 +010100011010 dial-switch 1 +010100011010 euthanize 1 +010100011010 Sevastapol 1 +010100011010 94-17 1 +010100011010 pyrite 1 +010100011010 saybut 1 +010100011010 nitpick 1 +010100011010 27628.88 1 +010100011010 281,392 1 +010100011010 34801.99 1 +010100011010 233,710 1 +010100011010 Kordofan 1 +010100011010 roosted 1 +010100011010 466.89 1 +010100011010 under-perform 1 +010100011010 664.50 1 +010100011010 49-30 1 +010100011010 hire-and-fire 1 +010100011010 nonreaders 1 +010100011010 106,667 1 +010100011010 254th 1 +010100011010 694,900 1 +010100011010 1060 1 +010100011010 1260 1 +010100011010 1250 1 +010100011010 1,149,341 1 +010100011010 3,936,000 1 +010100011010 3,939,000 1 +010100011010 21,657.67 1 +010100011010 171,730 1 +010100011010 20,675 1 +010100011010 1,880,776 1 +010100011010 373.73 1 +010100011010 1,359,020 1 +010100011010 3,788,325 1 +010100011010 1,233,158 1 +010100011010 2,555,167 1 +010100011010 1,256,471 1 +010100011010 155,398 1 +010100011010 387.66 1 +010100011010 fence-sit 1 +010100011010 wakefulness 1 +010100011010 aggress 1 +010100011010 remonstrated 1 +010100011010 23077.86 1 +010100011010 undertreat 1 +010100011010 equityholders 1 +010100011010 rusticate 1 +010100011010 555,194 1 +010100011010 zoologists 2 +010100011010 cohabit 2 +010100011010 partake 2 +010100011010 glower 2 +010100011010 6,822 2 +010100011010 2,198 2 +010100011010 23947.40 2 +010100011010 3362.39 2 +010100011010 1,182 2 +010100011010 27554.87 2 +010100011010 abscond 2 +010100011010 4,020 2 +010100011010 reaffiliate 2 +010100011010 luxuriate 2 +010100011010 procede 2 +010100011010 1240 2 +010100011010 narrow-shouldered 2 +010100011010 1,389 2 +010100011010 24483.82 2 +010100011010 hibernate 2 +010100011010 Menus 3 +010100011010 matted 3 +010100011010 partied 3 +010100011010 self-medicate 3 +010100011010 sup 4 +010100011010 235.41 4 +010100011010 exult 4 +010100011010 commiserate 4 +010100011010 exalt 4 +010100011010 collude 5 +010100011010 disembarked 5 +010100011010 macadamia 5 +010100011010 bottom-fish 5 +010100011010 dally 5 +010100011010 connive 5 +010100011010 puttering 5 +010100011010 misbehave 6 +010100011010 meditate 6 +010100011010 empathize 7 +010100011010 loiter 8 +010100011010 dovetail 8 +010100011010 cavort 9 +010100011010 decompose 9 +010100011010 overproduce 9 +010100011010 germinate 9 +010100011010 chime 9 +010100011010 hobnob 9 +010100011010 wallow 10 +010100011010 militate 10 +010100011010 flirt 11 +010100011010 simmer 11 +010100011010 persevere 13 +010100011010 resonate 14 +010100011010 meddle 16 +010100011010 gyrate 16 +010100011010 predominate 18 +010100011010 bask 19 +010100011010 culminate 19 +010100011010 socialize 20 +010100011010 revel 20 +010100011010 weep 20 +010100011010 collide 22 +010100011010 dabble 24 +010100011010 huddle 24 +010100011010 correlate 26 +010100011010 coexist 28 +010100011010 mingle 30 +010100011010 excel 31 +010100011010 converge 32 +010100011010 reincorporate 33 +010100011010 innovate 40 +010100011010 dine 41 +010100011010 tamper 44 +010100011010 languish 46 +010100011010 tinker 48 +010100011010 interact 49 +010100011010 err 51 +010100011010 collaborate 52 +010100011010 usher 54 +010100011010 originate 54 +010100011010 sympathize 57 +010100011010 wrestle 57 +010100011010 reside 68 +010100011010 confer 70 +010100011010 grapple 73 +010100011010 hover 82 +010100011010 thrive 109 +010100011010 grips 110 +010100011010 fluctuate 116 +010100011010 coincide 141 +010100011010 explode 148 +010100011010 behave 173 +010100011010 discriminate 182 +010100011010 specialize 183 +010100011010 rein 197 +010100011010 retaliate 230 +010100011010 communicate 298 +010100011010 interfere 305 +010100011010 prevail 334 +010100011010 intervene 435 +010100011010 cope 443 +010100011010 engage 479 +010100011010 arrive 518 +010100011010 testify 571 +010100011010 comply 746 +010100011010 cooperate 769 +010100011010 proceed 1207 +010100011010 participate 1382 +010100011010 invest 2032 +010100011010 compete 2168 +010100011010 live 2543 +010100011010 remain 6770 +010100011010 stay 2992 +0101000110110 1678.3 1 +0101000110110 rostand 1 +0101000110110 slunk 1 +0101000110110 respire 1 +0101000110110 21,644.32 1 +0101000110110 25512.79 1 +0101000110110 589.50 1 +0101000110110 RNT 1 +0101000110110 288.90 1 +0101000110110 2143.3 1 +0101000110110 24009.03 1 +0101000110110 panted 1 +0101000110110 negogiate 1 +0101000110110 glopped 1 +0101000110110 2214.2 1 +0101000110110 exapnd 1 +0101000110110 runes 1 +0101000110110 cash-needy 1 +0101000110110 shilly-shally 1 +0101000110110 riffled 1 +0101000110110 whiles 1 +0101000110110 1734.6 1 +0101000110110 lazing 1 +0101000110110 shooing 1 +0101000110110 wetted 1 +0101000110110 beavered 1 +0101000110110 check-signing 1 +0101000110110 Karelia 1 +0101000110110 riffle 1 +0101000110110 34759.48 1 +0101000110110 391.63 1 +0101000110110 2,010.85 1 +0101000110110 unshackling 1 +0101000110110 284.30 1 +0101000110110 Cauce 1 +0101000110110 sub-basement 1 +0101000110110 30MAY90 1 +0101000110110 387.10 1 +0101000110110 34515.83 1 +0101000110110 rewire 1 +0101000110110 27728.13 1 +0101000110110 rappel 2 +0101000110110 blackbirds 2 +0101000110110 1320 2 +0101000110110 pranced 2 +0101000110110 schlep 2 +0101000110110 cohere 2 +0101000110110 fudges 2 +0101000110110 Jask 2 +0101000110110 straggle 3 +0101000110110 vegetate 3 +0101000110110 marinate 3 +0101000110110 bobble 3 +0101000110110 pussyfoot 3 +0101000110110 sleepwalk 3 +0101000110110 slither 3 +0101000110110 obtrude 4 +0101000110110 Eternite 4 +0101000110110 devolve 4 +0101000110110 declasse 4 +0101000110110 fritter 5 +0101000110110 taketh 5 +0101000110110 gnaw 5 +0101000110110 flit 7 +0101000110110 regress 7 +0101000110110 meander 7 +0101000110110 trudge 7 +0101000110110 waft 7 +0101000110110 plod 8 +0101000110110 trundle 8 +0101000110110 zigzag 8 +0101000110110 zipping 9 +0101000110110 ramble 9 +0101000110110 slosh 9 +0101000110110 clamber 9 +0101000110110 careen 9 +0101000110110 tiptoe 10 +0101000110110 hark 11 +0101000110110 chisel 11 +0101000110110 rummage 12 +0101000110110 mince 13 +0101000110110 browse 13 +0101000110110 cower 13 +0101000110110 tagging 14 +0101000110110 coalesce 16 +0101000110110 scurry 18 +0101000110110 veer 19 +0101000110110 gravitate 20 +0101000110110 degenerate 22 +0101000110110 seep 22 +0101000110110 pounce 24 +0101000110110 wade 24 +0101000110110 disintegrate 26 +0101000110110 whittle 30 +0101000110110 sift 32 +0101000110110 intrude 33 +0101000110110 revolve 39 +0101000110110 migrate 40 +0101000110110 delve 43 +0101000110110 inquire 44 +0101000110110 descend 50 +0101000110110 wander 71 +0101000110110 evolve 76 +0101000110110 creep 82 +0101000110110 sail 108 +0101000110110 fade 176 +0101000110110 bounce 210 +0101000110110 slip 417 +0101000110110 lie 585 +0101000110110 walk 751 +0101000110110 sit 1096 +0101000110110 go 12662 +0101000110110 happen 1900 +0101000110111 213,164,234 1 +0101000110111 1,731,100 1 +0101000110111 two-putt 1 +0101000110111 5,290,000 1 +0101000110111 1,788,600 1 +0101000110111 A-1/single-A 1 +0101000110111 26,681,500 1 +0101000110111 6,605,000 1 +0101000110111 29,689 1 +0101000110111 4,023 1 +0101000110111 9,080 1 +0101000110111 1,589,300 1 +0101000110111 1,742,800 1 +0101000110111 mean. 1 +0101000110111 1,779,200 1 +0101000110111 534,771 1 +0101000110111 3,097,726 1 +0101000110111 6,007,645 1 +0101000110111 350,017 1 +0101000110111 672,192 1 +0101000110111 1,776,300 1 +0101000110111 2,215,500 1 +0101000110111 4,937 1 +0101000110111 4,240,000 1 +0101000110111 7,439,000 1 +0101000110111 34,958,000 1 +0101000110111 776,844 1 +0101000110111 17,492,000 1 +0101000110111 760,522 1 +0101000110111 2,230,500 1 +0101000110111 2,156,700 1 +0101000110111 2,200,100 1 +0101000110111 totter 1 +0101000110111 2,093,500 1 +0101000110111 6,098 1 +0101000110111 20900 1 +0101000110111 2,251,600 1 +0101000110111 178,384 1 +0101000110111 CFQ 1 +0101000110111 ELXSI 1 +0101000110111 40,709 1 +0101000110111 44,109 1 +0101000110111 10,143 1 +0101000110111 55,686 1 +0101000110111 7,163 1 +0101000110111 0.6500 1 +0101000110111 4,139,000 1 +0101000110111 100.35 1 +0101000110111 279,575 1 +0101000110111 31,362 1 +0101000110111 1,817,400 1 +0101000110111 3,195,500 1 +0101000110111 Entebbe 1 +0101000110111 979,919 1 +0101000110111 1,021,333 1 +0101000110111 triple-B-minus/A3 1 +0101000110111 single-A-two 1 +0101000110111 27149.55 1 +0101000110111 8,164,535 1 +0101000110111 343,008 1 +0101000110111 1,717,600 1 +0101000110111 7,195,999 1 +0101000110111 1,906,900 1 +0101000110111 1,957,900 1 +0101000110111 5,092,464 1 +0101000110111 1,729,800 1 +0101000110111 provisional-single-A-1 1 +0101000110111 966,538 1 +0101000110111 1,888,900 1 +0101000110111 1,684,600 1 +0101000110111 21,350 1 +0101000110111 4,947,049 1 +0101000110111 2,314,949 1 +0101000110111 1,797,200 1 +0101000110111 5,123 1 +0101000110111 990,383 1 +0101000110111 77,032 1 +0101000110111 673,987 1 +0101000110111 suffer. 1 +0101000110111 1,899,400 1 +0101000110111 309,561 1 +0101000110111 572,051 1 +0101000110111 2,746,997 1 +0101000110111 5,336,235 1 +0101000110111 1,434 1 +0101000110111 1,633,100 1 +0101000110111 678,405 1 +0101000110111 Arequipa 1 +0101000110111 733,750 1 +0101000110111 330,671 1 +0101000110111 1,656,400 1 +0101000110111 1,699,300 1 +0101000110111 27,931.24 1 +0101000110111 139,002 1 +0101000110111 600,573 1 +0101000110111 2,434,200 1 +0101000110111 2387.92 1 +0101000110111 Ba3 1 +0101000110111 2,317,200 1 +0101000110111 3,110,400 1 +0101000110111 60,158 1 +0101000110111 94,120 1 +0101000110111 2,212,500 1 +0101000110111 2,659,300 1 +0101000110111 3,148,000 1 +0101000110111 3,296,900 1 +0101000110111 5,614 1 +0101000110111 3,356 1 +0101000110111 24-1 1 +0101000110111 6,238 1 +0101000110111 104,479 1 +0101000110111 3,248 1 +0101000110111 23,286 1 +0101000110111 18,064 1 +0101000110111 16,607 1 +0101000110111 20,802 1 +0101000110111 Aa-2 1 +0101000110111 2,639,700 1 +0101000110111 12,857 1 +0101000110111 2,570,000 1 +0101000110111 2,687,500 1 +0101000110111 3,057,100 1 +0101000110111 342,150 1 +0101000110111 742,922 1 +0101000110111 Compri 1 +0101000110111 2,292,200 1 +0101000110111 594,080 1 +0101000110111 41,019 1 +0101000110111 3,079,200 1 +0101000110111 439.2 1 +0101000110111 441.2 1 +0101000110111 2,492,300 1 +0101000110111 21,913 1 +0101000110111 4,193 1 +0101000110111 2,895,200 1 +0101000110111 3,540,872 1 +0101000110111 2,246,400 1 +0101000110111 259,551 1 +0101000110111 hang-glided 1 +0101000110111 281,384 1 +0101000110111 412,824 1 +0101000110111 2,077,600 1 +0101000110111 74,081 1 +0101000110111 2,215,600 1 +0101000110111 1,763,200 1 +0101000110111 1,976,900 1 +0101000110111 12,099 1 +0101000110111 275,061 1 +0101000110111 3,223,100 1 +0101000110111 1,037,000 1 +0101000110111 2,132,400 1 +0101000110111 2,199,700 1 +0101000110111 27,638 1 +0101000110111 820,860 1 +0101000110111 852,650 1 +0101000110111 Not-Prime 1 +0101000110111 2,469,000 1 +0101000110111 3,116,800 1 +0101000110111 223,551 1 +0101000110111 384,196 1 +0101000110111 596,159 1 +0101000110111 305,483 1 +0101000110111 859,355 1 +0101000110111 2,783,300 1 +0101000110111 556,9535 1 +0101000110111 15,183,000 1 +0101000110111 2,925,200 1 +0101000110111 38,441 1 +0101000110111 83,600 1 +0101000110111 1,952,600 1 +0101000110111 doubleA-3 1 +0101000110111 2,014,100 1 +0101000110111 18964.01 1 +0101000110111 673,334 1 +0101000110111 2,685,800 1 +0101000110111 stop. 1 +0101000110111 2,869,200 1 +0101000110111 retire. 1 +0101000110111 26,234 1 +0101000110111 4,717 1 +0101000110111 4,858,537 1 +0101000110111 2,156,200 1 +0101000110111 2,786,300 1 +0101000110111 16,710 1 +0101000110111 2,914,300 1 +0101000110111 228,991 1 +0101000110111 124,323 1 +0101000110111 97,184 1 +0101000110111 A-1/single-A-plus 1 +0101000110111 SUPR 1 +0101000110111 3,817,675 1 +0101000110111 277,615 1 +0101000110111 352,867 1 +0101000110111 245,667 1 +0101000110111 299,915 1 +0101000110111 2,252,600 1 +0101000110111 1,343,822 1 +0101000110111 boy-size 1 +0101000110111 reaccelerate 1 +0101000110111 2,019,100 1 +0101000110111 1,953,900 1 +0101000110111 re-secede 1 +0101000110111 low-single-A 1 +0101000110111 ex-spouses 1 +0101000110111 42,961 1 +0101000110111 78,659 1 +0101000110111 33,036 1 +0101000110111 233,293 1 +0101000110111 11,855 1 +0101000110111 2,131,800 1 +0101000110111 8,020 1 +0101000110111 39,734 1 +0101000110111 1,191 1 +0101000110111 102.038 1 +0101000110111 228,789 1 +0101000110111 2,092,400 1 +0101000110111 58,904,000 1 +0101000110111 15,211 1 +0101000110111 6,386 1 +0101000110111 2,028,100 1 +0101000110111 30,801 1 +0101000110111 189,245 1 +0101000110111 2,711,900 1 +0101000110111 1,978,000 1 +0101000110111 24,798 1 +0101000110111 39,611 1 +0101000110111 hyprocrisy 1 +0101000110111 132,004 1 +0101000110111 mid-2600s 1 +0101000110111 2,233,400 1 +0101000110111 Triple-B-Plus 1 +0101000110111 2,716,700 1 +0101000110111 2,771,900 1 +0101000110111 46,121 1 +0101000110111 2,731,600 1 +0101000110111 Toscani 1 +0101000110111 42,489 1 +0101000110111 95,372 1 +0101000110111 34,667 1 +0101000110111 25,287 1 +0101000110111 68,859 1 +0101000110111 46,073 1 +0101000110111 Single-B-minus/C 1 +0101000110111 Triple-C-minus 1 +0101000110111 2,859,500 1 +0101000110111 85,533 1 +0101000110111 snigger 1 +0101000110111 843,234 1 +0101000110111 917,450 1 +0101000110111 2,777,100 1 +0101000110111 2.3-to-1 1 +0101000110111 3.1-to-1 1 +0101000110111 2,633,400 1 +0101000110111 2,552,000 1 +0101000110111 2,066,200 1 +0101000110111 4673 1 +0101000110111 34719.80 1 +0101000110111 2,244,600 1 +0101000110111 see. 1 +0101000110111 2,701,896 1 +0101000110111 6,384,178 1 +0101000110111 1,883,100 1 +0101000110111 2,729 1 +0101000110111 sell. 1 +0101000110111 46,182 1 +0101000110111 read. 1 +0101000110111 1,807,300 1 +0101000110111 1.3290 1 +0101000110111 2,123,200 1 +0101000110111 5,264 1 +0101000110111 orginate 1 +0101000110111 Televisionland 1 +0101000110111 1198.35 1 +0101000110111 51,093 1 +0101000110111 1,840,600 1 +0101000110111 376.03 1 +0101000110111 2,004,600 1 +0101000110111 A/A-1 1 +0101000110111 21,475 1 +0101000110111 2,072,700 1 +0101000110111 29,619,992 1 +0101000110111 1,818,351 1 +0101000110111 2,032,700 1 +0101000110111 833,404 1 +0101000110111 2,355,300 1 +0101000110111 2141 1 +0101000110111 1,911,100 1 +0101000110111 312,074 1 +0101000110111 2,808,700 1 +0101000110111 4,301,787 1 +0101000110111 1,854,300 1 +0101000110111 1,134,400 1 +0101000110111 22,688,000 1 +0101000110111 7,354,000 1 +0101000110111 1,900,600 1 +0101000110111 16,950,000 1 +0101000110111 181,843 1 +0101000110111 double-C-minus 2 +0101000110111 65,200 2 +0101000110111 Single-B-1 2 +0101000110111 1,939,500 2 +0101000110111 burgeon 2 +0101000110111 347,052 2 +0101000110111 triple-B-A2 2 +0101000110111 2,518 2 +0101000110111 transpire 2 +0101000110111 3160 2 +0101000110111 unroll 2 +0101000110111 triple-B-plus/A-2 2 +0101000110111 234.55 2 +0101000110111 2,135,900 2 +0101000110111 1160 2 +0101000110111 perspire 3 +0101000110111 genuflect 3 +0101000110111 1767.9 3 +0101000110111 Single-C 3 +0101000110111 wheeze 3 +0101000110111 pulsate 4 +0101000110111 digress 4 +0101000110111 be. 4 +0101000110111 superconduct 4 +0101000110111 atrophy 5 +0101000110111 forbear 5 +0101000110111 overreach 5 +0101000110111 snuggle 6 +0101000110111 mutate 7 +0101000110111 reemerge 9 +0101000110111 decelerate 9 +0101000110111 sputter 9 +0101000110111 elapse 9 +0101000110111 wilt 10 +0101000110111 tremble 11 +0101000110111 percolate 11 +0101000110111 reverberate 11 +0101000110111 relent 12 +0101000110111 re-emerge 13 +0101000110111 self-destruct 13 +0101000110111 disengage 13 +0101000110111 flounder 15 +0101000110111 recuperate 15 +0101000110111 flinch 15 +0101000110111 emanate 16 +0101000110111 secede 16 +0101000110111 shrivel 18 +0101000110111 recoil 18 +0101000110111 stagnate 18 +0101000110111 waver 19 +0101000110111 slacken 21 +0101000110111 resurface 23 +0101000110111 blossom 25 +0101000110111 diverge 25 +0101000110111 overheat 30 +0101000110111 skyrocket 31 +0101000110111 reappear 32 +0101000110111 deviate 33 +0101000110111 sprout 35 +0101000110111 abstain 36 +0101000110111 ensue 37 +0101000110111 detract 41 +0101000110111 wither 41 +0101000110111 recur 46 +0101000110111 abate 50 +0101000110111 unfold 52 +0101000110111 proliferate 53 +0101000110111 vanish 53 +0101000110111 dwindle 57 +0101000110111 crumble 58 +0101000110111 subside 61 +0101000110111 falter 65 +0101000110111 linger 66 +0101000110111 evaporate 68 +0101000110111 budge 73 +0101000110111 erupt 85 +0101000110111 loom 90 +0101000110111 emigrate 96 +0101000110111 depart 119 +0101000110111 backfire 123 +0101000110111 prosper 140 +0101000110111 materialize 166 +0101000110111 persist 277 +0101000110111 refrain 280 +0101000110111 arise 295 +0101000110111 disappear 325 +0101000110111 differ 388 +0101000110111 die 706 +0101000110111 resign 854 +0101000110111 exist 898 +0101000110111 emerge 1006 +0101000110111 come 10902 +0101000110111 occur 1178 +010100011100 curare 1 +010100011100 Clamor 1 +010100011100 counter-bidder 1 +010100011100 snookers 1 +010100011100 Flocking 1 +010100011100 rememeber 1 +010100011100 ophthamologist 1 +010100011100 taker-bartender-porter 1 +010100011100 cruddy 1 +010100011100 commited 1 +010100011100 mamba-ing 1 +010100011100 likley 1 +010100011100 Awaken 1 +010100011100 two-stepping 1 +010100011100 tring 1 +010100011100 boogey 1 +010100011100 inbounded 2 +010100011100 waggle 2 +010100011100 Pierced 2 +010100011100 connnected 2 +010100011100 colorfast 3 +010100011100 hestitate 3 +010100011100 deign 4 +010100011100 enchant 5 +010100011100 Ought 5 +010100011100 kowtow 5 +010100011100 bequeaths 5 +010100011100 purport 30 +010100011100 aspire 54 +010100011100 deem 58 +010100011100 profess 69 +010100011100 hesitate 152 +010100011100 belong 326 +010100011100 hate 334 +010100011100 intend 1046 +010100011100 prefer 1085 +010100011100 tend 1820 +010100011100 seem 4212 +010100011100 want 11950 +0101000111010 supersale 1 +0101000111010 Quadrupedis 1 +0101000111010 Piso 1 +0101000111010 week-did 1 +0101000111010 vulgare 1 +0101000111010 orientale 1 +0101000111010 Jubilate 1 +0101000111010 Makewater 1 +0101000111010 duhMAHko 1 +0101000111010 Atomica 1 +0101000111010 Maku 1 +0101000111010 Dink 1 +0101000111010 Chaplain 1 +0101000111010 cathartica 1 +0101000111010 betacea 1 +0101000111010 tithymaloides 1 +0101000111010 japonica 1 +0101000111010 quamoclit 1 +0101000111010 elegans 1 +0101000111010 Nevesta 1 +0101000111010 icones 1 +0101000111010 Cantato 1 +0101000111010 passu 1 +0101000111010 government-though 1 +0101000111010 bisporus 1 +0101000111010 chives 1 +0101000111010 pleurer 1 +0101000111010 Battleground 1 +0101000111010 bako 1 +0101000111010 unaesthetic 1 +0101000111010 indica 1 +0101000111010 1961-1987 1 +0101000111010 1:25:87 1 +0101000111010 Careline 1 +0101000111010 fantasia 1 +0101000111010 Tracts 1 +0101000111010 Mucho 1 +0101000111010 Ghostrider 1 +0101000111010 nei/wai 1 +0101000111010 giocoso 1 +0101000111010 miniata 1 +0101000111010 wing-building 1 +0101000111010 60-to 1 +0101000111010 acuta 1 +0101000111010 step-if 1 +0101000111010 jasminoides 1 +0101000111010 pygmea 1 +0101000111010 semidecandra 1 +0101000111010 bitchiuense 1 +0101000111010 olde 1 +0101000111010 bijin 1 +0101000111010 card-replacement 1 +0101000111010 unrolls 2 +0101000111010 pitying 2 +0101000111010 Kabanova 2 +0101000111010 bitingly 2 +0101000111010 ADOPT 2 +0101000111010 acculturated 2 +0101000111010 USES 2 +0101000111010 yearn 31 +0101000111010 prowl 50 +0101000111010 dare 122 +0101000111010 regard 957 +0101000111010 need 9114 +0101000111011 duetize 1 +0101000111011 prodcuced 1 +0101000111011 rescreened 1 +0101000111011 unbolt 1 +0101000111011 ossify 1 +0101000111011 undercalled 1 +0101000111011 exorcize 1 +0101000111011 dispirit 1 +0101000111011 boggle 1 +0101000111011 unlease 1 +0101000111011 overanswers 1 +0101000111011 dishearten 1 +0101000111011 outswim 1 +0101000111011 forcast 1 +0101000111011 de-link 1 +0101000111011 overflown 1 +0101000111011 re-leverage 1 +0101000111011 excpect 1 +0101000111011 abso- 1 +0101000111011 reachng 1 +0101000111011 overdramatize 1 +0101000111011 countermand 1 +0101000111011 unfasten 1 +0101000111011 uneducate 1 +0101000111011 orientate 1 +0101000111011 unbunch 1 +0101000111011 misconceive 1 +0101000111011 beleive 1 +0101000111011 spoon-feed 1 +0101000111011 Captures 1 +0101000111011 sensationalize 1 +0101000111011 outstare 1 +0101000111011 spindled 1 +0101000111011 incriminated 1 +0101000111011 transmogrify 1 +0101000111011 forwent 2 +0101000111011 re-embrace 2 +0101000111011 behoove 2 +0101000111011 forsee 2 +0101000111011 prefered 2 +0101000111011 miscalculate 3 +0101000111011 indentify 3 +0101000111011 misconstrue 3 +0101000111011 outclass 4 +0101000111011 ill-afford 4 +0101000111011 Seem 5 +0101000111011 FIELDER 5 +0101000111011 foretell 15 +0101000111011 ascribe 17 +0101000111011 deride 19 +0101000111011 envisage 19 +0101000111011 liken 20 +0101000111011 covet 22 +0101000111011 crave 41 +0101000111011 envision 117 +0101000111011 perceive 190 +0101000111011 attribute 222 +0101000111011 foresee 237 +0101000111011 owe 304 +0101000111011 deserve 376 +0101000111011 cite 465 +0101000111011 anticipate 535 +0101000111011 expect 7315 +0101000111011 afford 1458 +010100011110 pamphleteering 1 +010100011110 Serbo-Croatians 1 +010100011110 102.10 1 +010100011110 1.7350 1 +010100011110 103.35 1 +010100011110 Pentecostalism 1 +010100011110 Dalmatia 1 +010100011110 reoperate 1 +010100011110 reallow 1 +010100011110 Totalcorp 1 +010100011110 103.39 1 +010100011110 gether 1 +010100011110 31000 1 +010100011110 97.78 1 +010100011110 Lou-ah-vull 1 +010100011110 SCURRY 1 +010100011110 98.48 1 +010100011110 100.475 1 +010100011110 Tarawa 2 +010100011110 harken 2 +010100011110 98.175 2 +010100011110 cleave 2 +010100011110 hearken 2 +010100011110 98.85 2 +010100011110 append 2 +010100011110 Corneille 2 +010100011110 contine 2 +010100011110 condescend 3 +010100011110 redound 5 +010100011110 overspend 5 +010100011110 grovel 8 +010100011110 allude 8 +010100011110 ascend 11 +010100011110 capitulate 13 +010100011110 immigrate 15 +010100011110 pander 15 +010100011110 hew 16 +010100011110 conspire 16 +010100011110 pertain 21 +010100011110 acquiesce 22 +010100011110 accede 30 +010100011110 overreact 35 +010100011110 succumb 50 +010100011110 suffice 68 +010100011110 cling 80 +010100011110 strive 83 +010100011110 revert 89 +010100011110 cater 120 +010100011110 subscribe 139 +010100011110 adhere 151 +010100011110 adapt 193 +010100011110 relate 230 +010100011110 refer 382 +010100011110 listen 489 +010100011110 react 538 +010100011110 refuse 671 +010100011110 fail 1125 +010100011110 respond 1617 +010100011110 apply 1696 +010100011110 continue 10565 +010100011110 try 5146 +010100011111 crosscheck 1 +010100011111 24158.52 1 +010100011111 need-tough 1 +010100011111 1779.58 1 +010100011111 1730.59 1 +010100011111 1767.23 1 +010100011111 pre-tourney 1 +010100011111 sixth-best 1 +010100011111 long-complaining 1 +010100011111 Ladbrokes 1 +010100011111 Pulitzer-prize 1 +010100011111 624,679 1 +010100011111 testifiy 1 +010100011111 10-billion-dollar 1 +010100011111 single-molecule 1 +010100011111 2114.10 1 +010100011111 heaviness 1 +010100011111 25862.45 1 +010100011111 spring-for 1 +010100011111 31,217 1 +010100011111 sypathetic 1 +010100011111 1097.28 1 +010100011111 Israel-Jordan 1 +010100011111 1,850,395 1 +010100011111 2139.63 1 +010100011111 fifth-longest 1 +010100011111 submachine-gun 1 +010100011111 less-central 1 +010100011111 BNKW 1 +010100011111 once-high 1 +010100011111 40-voice 1 +010100011111 7.7525 1 +010100011111 Basra-region 1 +010100011111 269.30 1 +010100011111 carbon-14 1 +010100011111 2,838 1 +010100011111 14,572 1 +010100011111 2197.20 1 +010100011111 Disney-generation 1 +010100011111 creap 1 +010100011111 34855.45 1 +010100011111 2208.13 1 +010100011111 unmold 1 +010100011111 devilish-looking 1 +010100011111 2197.49 1 +010100011111 Singapura 1 +010100011111 33,286 1 +010100011111 Decentralize 1 +010100011111 re-charge 1 +010100011111 historial 1 +010100011111 27,427 1 +010100011111 broken-field 1 +010100011111 doyens 1 +010100011111 ostinato 1 +010100011111 1986-returns 1 +010100011111 2206.55 1 +010100011111 re-canonizations 1 +010100011111 2,600-member 1 +010100011111 extra-market 1 +010100011111 Jonathan-the-53-year-old 1 +010100011111 14,651 1 +010100011111 35063.14 1 +010100011111 7,980 2 +010100011111 tri-service 2 +010100011111 telecommute 2 +010100011111 incease 2 +010100011111 configure 2 +010100011111 crystal-ball 2 +010100011111 heritages 3 +010100011111 reinject 3 +010100011111 exhale 4 +010100011111 Alkem 4 +010100011111 squint 6 +010100011111 reconvene 39 +010100011111 commence 57 +010100011111 cease 235 +010100011111 finish 744 +010100011111 retire 1153 +010100011111 resume 1281 +010100011111 expire 1406 +010100011111 begin 6010 +010100011111 start 5628 +01010010 proably 1 +01010010 straight-in 1 +01010010 SPELLED 1 +01010010 site-characterization 1 +01010010 unmindfully 1 +01010010 drug-surveillance 1 +01010010 tetherball 1 +01010010 conscionably 1 +01010010 thenceforward 1 +01010010 posibly 1 +01010010 CHEAPER 1 +01010010 ENJOYING 1 +01010010 SIMPLY 1 +01010010 crowd-controlling 1 +01010010 PROMOTING 1 +01010010 listenership 1 +01010010 JOINING 1 +01010010 Beshada 1 +01010010 Denetim 1 +01010010 frostily 1 +01010010 82,434 1 +01010010 incontrovertibly 2 +01010010 n't 158802 +01010010 't 7 +010100110 MH-53 1 +010100110 365,207 1 +010100110 wrong-doers 1 +010100110 fled. 1 +010100110 stablilizers 1 +010100110 foxhounds 1 +010100110 low-thrust 1 +010100110 wrily 1 +010100110 bleakly 1 +010100110 twanged 1 +010100110 subminimums 1 +010100110 forehandedly 1 +010100110 two-games-of-three 1 +010100110 pridefully 1 +010100110 season-long 1 +010100110 1984-are 1 +010100110 planning-never 1 +010100110 monkeyed 1 +010100110 SLOVO 1 +010100110 molded-in 1 +010100110 consitently 1 +010100110 21-foot-seas 1 +010100110 been 75150 +010100110 lain 6 +010100111 expresss 1 +010100111 formaldehyde-treated 1 +010100111 25-year-olds 1 +010100111 Jettas 1 +010100111 groin-muscle 1 +010100111 particulartly 1 +010100111 dollar-Deutsche 1 +010100111 Perunding 1 +010100111 posess 1 +010100111 3/30A-4 1 +010100111 cutification 1 +010100111 castrate 1 +010100111 Appease 1 +010100111 straight-arming 1 +010100111 non-publicly 1 +010100111 13,140,000 1 +010100111 612,400 1 +010100111 475,800 1 +010100111 attact 2 +010100111 be 172150 +010100111 stablilize 2 +0101010000000 sleaze-ridden 1 +0101010000000 capital-bred 1 +0101010000000 bounteous 1 +0101010000000 braggarts 1 +0101010000000 oftener 1 +0101010000000 roquefort 1 +0101010000000 deep-dyed 1 +0101010000000 impactful 1 +0101010000000 sub-optimal 1 +0101010000000 optimisitc 1 +0101010000000 testaments 1 +0101010000000 chocolaty 1 +0101010000000 ruble-spending 1 +0101010000000 anther 1 +0101010000000 resource-starved 1 +0101010000000 employee-guests 1 +0101010000000 budget-sensitive 1 +0101010000000 wellplaced 1 +0101010000000 feelings/Time 1 +0101010000000 obeisant 1 +0101010000000 coldhearted 1 +0101010000000 drams 1 +0101010000000 worthwile 1 +0101010000000 offhanded 1 +0101010000000 throughput 2 +0101010000000 milds 2 +0101010000000 fool-hardy 2 +0101010000000 poppycock 3 +0101010000000 PACTS 3 +0101010000000 devoutly 8 +0101010000000 antithetical 19 +0101010000000 attuned 45 +0101010000000 analogous 54 +0101010000000 amenable 69 +0101010000000 resistant 102 +0101010000000 susceptible 149 +0101010000000 apt 200 +0101010000000 vulnerable 1192 +0101010000000 likely 12640 +0101010000000 unlikely 1943 +0101010000001 self-walking 1 +0101010000001 Veriano 1 +0101010000001 fiddling. 1 +0101010000001 Ionamin 1 +0101010000001 metolazone 1 +0101010000001 reformed-politically 1 +0101010000001 piezoelectric 1 +0101010000001 truck-served 1 +0101010000001 rail-served 1 +0101010000001 disclosure-overkill 1 +0101010000001 non-racist 1 +0101010000001 underinflated 1 +0101010000001 tourniquets 1 +0101010000001 accepatable 1 +0101010000001 Ashurbanipal 1 +0101010000001 Beny 1 +0101010000001 halfbacks 1 +0101010000001 bimbettes 1 +0101010000001 half-German 1 +0101010000001 Munawir 1 +0101010000001 Enso 1 +0101010000001 sardine-sized 1 +0101010000001 naked. 1 +0101010000001 sol 1 +0101010000001 fa 1 +0101010000001 half-deserted 1 +0101010000001 equanimical 1 +0101010000001 scrambling. 1 +0101010000001 semimorons 1 +0101010000001 gastly 1 +0101010000001 Sandknit 1 +0101010000001 non-Muslims 1 +0101010000001 unconstitional 1 +0101010000001 communist-inspired 1 +0101010000001 unfair. 1 +0101010000001 Franco-Russian 1 +0101010000001 selfsupporting 1 +0101010000001 prolix 1 +0101010000001 ultra-reliable 1 +0101010000001 KFBK-AM 1 +0101010000001 A.S.A.P. 1 +0101010000001 107.018 1 +0101010000001 helpful. 1 +0101010000001 N.O. 1 +0101010000001 Chucho 1 +0101010000001 completed. 1 +0101010000001 DISASTERS 1 +0101010000001 selfserving 1 +0101010000001 naturally-occurring 1 +0101010000001 Ba-a-ad 1 +0101010000001 issueless. 1 +0101010000001 hazel. 1 +0101010000001 PRO-LIFE 1 +0101010000001 THC 1 +0101010000001 Relaxin 1 +0101010000001 GOfer 1 +0101010000001 233.45 1 +0101010000001 schedued 1 +0101010000001 crated 1 +0101010000001 Nelusko 1 +0101010000001 inarticulable 1 +0101010000001 spending-crazy 1 +0101010000001 job-caused 1 +0101010000001 oversimple 1 +0101010000001 sectorized 1 +0101010000001 AMBAC-insured 1 +0101010000001 anerotic 1 +0101010000001 self-deceptive 1 +0101010000001 right-hand-drive 1 +0101010000001 AK-47s 1 +0101010000001 involved. 1 +0101010000001 semi-big 1 +0101010000001 co-responsible 1 +0101010000001 109.448 1 +0101010000001 repeat-Caesareans 1 +0101010000001 Formigao 1 +0101010000001 event-neutral 1 +0101010000001 irrecoverable 1 +0101010000001 part-Japanese 1 +0101010000001 overfolded 1 +0101010000001 under-capitalized 1 +0101010000001 functionalists 1 +0101010000001 undefensive 1 +0101010000001 antiAmerican 1 +0101010000001 disputable 1 +0101010000001 company-induced 1 +0101010000001 1.535 1 +0101010000001 naturals 1 +0101010000001 negotiability 1 +0101010000001 flavorless 1 +0101010000001 12-2 1 +0101010000001 Sepakat 1 +0101010000001 pre-analytical 1 +0101010000001 threathening 1 +0101010000001 hep 1 +0101010000001 microfilm-based 1 +0101010000001 diptychs 1 +0101010000001 disodium 1 +0101010000001 Lota 1 +0101010000001 terrorist-proof 1 +0101010000001 103.65 1 +0101010000001 clofibrate 1 +0101010000001 hotsy-totsy 1 +0101010000001 kin-deep 1 +0101010000001 BYUWI 1 +0101010000001 overaddiction 1 +0101010000001 Pro-urokinase 1 +0101010000001 140/90 1 +0101010000001 cloudly 1 +0101010000001 off-cream 1 +0101010000001 antipathetic 1 +0101010000001 Megaproject 1 +0101010000001 Neuschwanstein 1 +0101010000001 Imminent 1 +0101010000001 120,261 1 +0101010000001 budget-neutral 1 +0101010000001 KIOI-FM 1 +0101010000001 employee-related 1 +0101010000001 everwatchful 1 +0101010000001 belived 1 +0101010000001 Magellanesque 1 +0101010000001 helium-neon 1 +0101010000001 demonized 1 +0101010000001 Calcimar 1 +0101010000001 submetered 1 +0101010000001 over-taxed 1 +0101010000001 800-843-4315 1 +0101010000001 country-sized 1 +0101010000001 spy-proof 1 +0101010000001 Josabeth 1 +0101010000001 Canadian-sourced 1 +0101010000001 nondisciplinary 1 +0101010000001 self-exhausting 1 +0101010000001 inalienable. 1 +0101010000001 calcuated 1 +0101010000001 polygamous 1 +0101010000001 dazzlers 1 +0101010000001 TGT 1 +0101010000001 rolling. 1 +0101010000001 KD-TV 1 +0101010000001 KWEX 1 +0101010000001 revenue-oriented 1 +0101010000001 shoutingly 1 +0101010000001 colossally 1 +0101010000001 mean-minded 1 +0101010000001 nizatidine 1 +0101010000001 crumbly 1 +0101010000001 targetting 1 +0101010000001 unfearing 1 +0101010000001 WOWIQ 1 +0101010000001 fiiming 1 +0101010000001 unlikley 1 +0101010000001 semifree 1 +0101010000001 do-able 1 +0101010000001 demassifying 1 +0101010000001 Papuans 1 +0101010000001 education-minded 1 +0101010000001 Hysterical 1 +0101010000001 1,3-butadiene 1 +0101010000001 marriageableness 1 +0101010000001 Vitellia 1 +0101010000001 under-worked 1 +0101010000001 qinsha 1 +0101010000001 Blagoveshchensk 1 +0101010000001 actorish 1 +0101010000001 Non-Trivial 1 +0101010000001 on-target 1 +0101010000001 taxable. 1 +0101010000001 aboil 1 +0101010000001 Renault-appointed 1 +0101010000001 Fengdu 1 +0101010000001 uncalculated 1 +0101010000001 debt-led 1 +0101010000001 capacity-short 1 +0101010000001 soroche 1 +0101010000001 two-posted 1 +0101010000001 Pennsylvania-born 1 +0101010000001 well-poised 1 +0101010000001 resilient. 1 +0101010000001 relicensed 1 +0101010000001 23-feet-long 1 +0101010000001 militant. 1 +0101010000001 strong. 1 +0101010000001 racketeer-dominated 1 +0101010000001 moisture-stressed 1 +0101010000001 Lulamae 1 +0101010000001 steel-based 1 +0101010000001 eclectic-omelettes 1 +0101010000001 b.s 1 +0101010000001 triaged 1 +0101010000001 Chandrapore 1 +0101010000001 whiskey-colored 1 +0101010000001 monosuppliers 1 +0101010000001 Eurobaseball 1 +0101010000001 tenant-driven 1 +0101010000001 Bayou-bound 1 +0101010000001 fungibility 1 +0101010000001 liquid-fueled 1 +0101010000001 jam-proof 1 +0101010000001 orange-red 1 +0101010000001 J-sized 1 +0101010000001 state-procured 1 +0101010000001 remediable 1 +0101010000001 Yuhua 1 +0101010000001 wallpapering 1 +0101010000001 Hosiden 1 +0101010000001 agit-prop 1 +0101010000001 hypericin 1 +0101010000001 handleable 1 +0101010000001 Anckarstroem 1 +0101010000001 4-feet-8 1 +0101010000001 thoughtprovoking 1 +0101010000001 anti-plot 1 +0101010000001 PIM 1 +0101010000001 14-14 1 +0101010000001 baseliners 1 +0101010000001 overprescribed 1 +0101010000001 unpoliceable 1 +0101010000001 timesaving 1 +0101010000001 1969-86 1 +0101010000001 KBJR-TV 1 +0101010000001 0-3 1 +0101010000001 DPC-Strittmatter 1 +0101010000001 illsuited 1 +0101010000001 sanctions-containment 1 +0101010000001 postmen 1 +0101010000001 contracyclical 1 +0101010000001 sanctions-proof 1 +0101010000001 discovere 1 +0101010000001 diacetyl 1 +0101010000001 non-ephemeral 1 +0101010000001 106.222 1 +0101010000001 Gadjah 1 +0101010000001 Primedica 1 +0101010000001 better-maintained 1 +0101010000001 un-Quaker-like 1 +0101010000001 KPP 1 +0101010000001 bantay-kotse 1 +0101010000001 shampooed 1 +0101010000001 ascribable 1 +0101010000001 slowing. 1 +0101010000001 countable 1 +0101010000001 un-European 1 +0101010000001 thin-hipped 1 +0101010000001 trend-followers 1 +0101010000001 doubled-edged 1 +0101010000001 widely-expected 1 +0101010000001 Dresylon 1 +0101010000001 Acarbose 1 +0101010000001 providin 1 +0101010000001 unsafe. 1 +0101010000001 inconstant 1 +0101010000001 expcted 1 +0101010000001 pseudoregulated 1 +0101010000001 overstored 1 +0101010000001 fawn-colored 1 +0101010000001 tailgating 1 +0101010000001 overserved 1 +0101010000001 fortyish 1 +0101010000001 Andrex 1 +0101010000001 Saami 1 +0101010000001 Unverity 1 +0101010000001 staff-on-loan 1 +0101010000001 past-oriented 1 +0101010000001 difluoromethylornithine 1 +0101010000001 gun-crazed 1 +0101010000001 1,311,792 2 +0101010000001 chuffed 2 +0101010000001 beatable 2 +0101010000001 mindboggling 2 +0101010000001 116.191 2 +0101010000001 116.374 2 +0101010000001 WAXY-FM 2 +0101010000001 absorbents 2 +0101010000001 attemping 2 +0101010000001 10-fold 2 +0101010000001 lagniappe 3 +0101010000001 semiretired 3 +0101010000001 countersuing 3 +0101010000001 jejune 4 +0101010000001 unelectable 5 +0101010000001 expected 23370 +0101010000001 anathema 59 +0101010000010 re-integrated 1 +0101010000010 pro-FESS-ionals 1 +0101010000010 wilfully 1 +0101010000010 crudites 1 +0101010000010 hog-tied 1 +0101010000010 translatable 1 +0101010000010 graveyardish 1 +0101010000010 arrestados 1 +0101010000010 chickening 1 +0101010000010 cock-ahoop 1 +0101010000010 assimilable 1 +0101010000010 auroras 1 +0101010000010 loupe 1 +0101010000010 schoolseager 1 +0101010000010 atrophying 2 +0101010000010 pimping 2 +0101010000010 mutating 2 +0101010000010 capital-constrained 2 +0101010000010 refracted 3 +0101010000010 psyched 4 +0101010000010 hellbent 5 +0101010000010 goin' 5 +0101010000010 cottoned 6 +0101010000010 hurrying 20 +0101010000010 venturing 28 +0101010000010 flocking 67 +0101010000010 going 14078 +0101010000010 rushing 252 +01010100000110 duty-bound 1 +01010100000110 Eurotechnica 1 +01010100000110 re-analyzed 1 +01010100000110 protestant 1 +01010100000110 103.59 1 +01010100000110 better-suited 1 +01010100000110 re-landscaped 1 +01010100000110 preferrable 1 +01010100000110 111.93 1 +01010100000110 reloaned 1 +01010100000110 109.79 1 +01010100000110 downscaled 1 +01010100000110 h--- 1 +01010100000110 103.46 1 +01010100000110 110.69 1 +01010100000110 104.86 1 +01010100000110 hard-stretched 1 +01010100000110 computer-selected 1 +01010100000110 retimed 1 +01010100000110 redelivered 1 +01010100000110 profit-sensitive 1 +01010100000110 debited 1 +01010100000110 willling 1 +01010100000110 re-introduced 1 +01010100000110 comitted 1 +01010100000110 hesistant 2 +01010100000110 executioners 2 +01010100000110 tranferred 2 +01010100000110 hard-put 2 +01010100000110 entreated 2 +01010100000110 re-rated 2 +01010100000110 best-positioned 2 +01010100000110 reconverted 5 +01010100000110 readier 6 +01010100000110 unfaithful 11 +01010100000110 well-advised 16 +01010100000110 relegated 56 +01010100000110 tempted 179 +01010100000110 subjected 195 +01010100000110 obliged 196 +01010100000110 able 6698 +01010100000110 compelled 267 +01010100000111 gulph 1 +01010100000111 acclimated 1 +01010100000111 oversensitized 1 +01010100000111 beginnning 1 +01010100000111 more-than-adequate 1 +01010100000111 sidebars 1 +01010100000111 desiged 1 +01010100000111 exected 1 +01010100000111 boorishly 1 +01010100000111 1,947,792 1 +01010100000111 honorbound 1 +01010100000111 upper-middle- 1 +01010100000111 jabberwocky 1 +01010100000111 clammily 1 +01010100000111 scambling 1 +01010100000111 underexposed 1 +01010100000111 sold/donated 1 +01010100000111 counter-cyclically 1 +01010100000111 preprogrammed 1 +01010100000111 nonattention 1 +01010100000111 oh-so-crucial 1 +01010100000111 Allrez 1 +01010100000111 privvy 1 +01010100000111 abjectly 1 +01010100000111 raring 2 +01010100000111 65-35 2 +01010100000111 frontloaded 2 +01010100000111 buttermilk 2 +01010100000111 qual 2 +01010100000111 throwbacks 3 +01010100000111 incitement 3 +01010100000111 Belongs 4 +01010100000111 irrelevent 4 +01010100000111 kowtowing 5 +01010100000111 unequipped 5 +01010100000111 gravitating 7 +01010100000111 unafraid 9 +01010100000111 readmitted 9 +01010100000111 predisposed 11 +01010100000111 inimical 12 +01010100000111 hesitating 15 +01010100000111 disinclined 15 +01010100000111 answerable 17 +01010100000111 impervious 20 +01010100000111 well-equipped 20 +01010100000111 subscribing 22 +01010100000111 beholden 26 +01010100000111 itching 30 +01010100000111 wedded 34 +01010100000111 averse 36 +01010100000111 adhering 46 +01010100000111 clinging 51 +01010100000111 privy 51 +01010100000111 conducive 52 +01010100000111 intending 55 +01010100000111 oblivious 56 +01010100000111 objecting 57 +01010100000111 addicted 60 +01010100000111 tantamount 82 +01010100000111 resorting 87 +01010100000111 loath 95 +01010100000111 preferable 110 +01010100000111 wishing 112 +01010100000111 akin 124 +01010100000111 hesitant 140 +01010100000111 prone 169 +01010100000111 obligated 201 +01010100000111 reacting 231 +01010100000111 glad 256 +01010100000111 accustomed 268 +01010100000111 scrambling 316 +01010100000111 inclined 412 +01010100000111 unwilling 414 +01010100000111 anxious 425 +01010100000111 responding 589 +01010100000111 attempting 835 +01010100000111 entitled 938 +01010100000111 reluctant 1145 +01010100000111 eager 1206 +01010100000111 unable 1336 +01010100000111 supposed 1562 +01010100000111 trying 8229 +01010100000111 willing 3502 +0101010000100 304-100 1 +0101010000100 Birthrights 1 +0101010000100 101.682 1 +0101010000100 check-offs 1 +0101010000100 99.108 1 +0101010000100 Destroyers 1 +0101010000100 bivouacked 1 +0101010000100 10,150,000 1 +0101010000100 362,959 1 +0101010000100 114,400,000 1 +0101010000100 price-comparing 1 +0101010000100 relevence 1 +0101010000100 self-select 1 +0101010000100 asset-building 1 +0101010000100 agri-operations 1 +0101010000100 docketed 1 +0101010000100 well-inventoried 1 +0101010000100 Canticle 1 +0101010000100 50.32 1 +0101010000100 re-launched 1 +0101010000100 BEES 1 +0101010000100 99.173 1 +0101010000100 Masontown 1 +0101010000100 Cocktails 1 +0101010000100 11-related 1 +0101010000100 bumming 1 +0101010000100 99.325 1 +0101010000100 42-1 1 +0101010000100 79-11 1 +0101010000100 106.78 1 +0101010000100 neccesary 1 +0101010000100 big-account 1 +0101010000100 reknowned 1 +0101010000100 French-led 1 +0101010000100 schedueld 1 +0101010000100 caddies 1 +0101010000100 99.224 1 +0101010000100 fishermen-shareholders 1 +0101010000100 207-178 1 +0101010000100 unretrievable 1 +0101010000100 98.415 1 +0101010000100 99.368 1 +0101010000100 Romances 1 +0101010000100 ghostwritten 1 +0101010000100 273-127 1 +0101010000100 grapsing 1 +0101010000100 mine-strewn 1 +0101010000100 Shepodies 1 +0101010000100 99.617 1 +0101010000100 razzing 1 +0101010000100 100.591 1 +0101010000100 polystrene 1 +0101010000100 outperformance 1 +0101010000100 gang-busters 1 +0101010000100 all-searching 1 +0101010000100 Unavailable 1 +0101010000100 99.013 1 +0101010000100 dairying 1 +0101010000100 code-language 1 +0101010000100 welltailored 1 +0101010000100 unpropitious 1 +0101010000100 gimping 1 +0101010000100 Nachus 1 +0101010000100 warehouse-showroom 1 +0101010000100 18-14 1 +0101010000100 consumer-satisfaction 1 +0101010000100 ever-alert 1 +0101010000100 49.23 1 +0101010000100 83.56 1 +0101010000100 Wearever-ProctorSilex 1 +0101010000100 368-to-29 1 +0101010000100 246-155 1 +0101010000100 rock-steady 1 +0101010000100 world-beaters 1 +0101010000100 celebs 1 +0101010000100 Cheeseheads 1 +0101010000100 heliports 1 +0101010000100 3,116 1 +0101010000100 Corlopam 1 +0101010000100 hungers 1 +0101010000100 230-170 1 +0101010000100 BOON 1 +0101010000100 chest-thumping 1 +0101010000100 leg-shaking 1 +0101010000100 full-deductibility 1 +0101010000100 even-steven 2 +0101010000100 clowned 2 +0101010000100 25-9 2 +0101010000100 Electrosila 2 +0101010000100 53-43 2 +0101010000100 Fanfare 2 +0101010000100 thirsting 2 +0101010000100 re-recorded 2 +0101010000100 hogtied 2 +0101010000100 33-3 2 +0101010000100 pined 2 +0101010000100 overbudgeted 2 +0101010000100 named. 2 +0101010000100 Gluttons 2 +0101010000100 sodding 2 +0101010000100 Clapping 2 +0101010000100 responsibile 3 +0101010000100 well-compensated 3 +0101010000100 note-takers 3 +0101010000100 overcompensating 3 +0101010000100 reponsible 3 +0101010000100 disfranchised 3 +0101010000100 adusted 3 +0101010000100 rebalanced 4 +0101010000100 co-agents 4 +0101010000100 thirsts 4 +0101010000100 hungering 5 +0101010000100 abstinent 5 +0101010000100 tit 5 +0101010000100 reapplying 6 +0101010000100 shoehorned 6 +0101010000100 pining 7 +0101010000100 foursquare 8 +0101010000100 uncalled 8 +0101010000100 scrounging 10 +0101010000100 puttable 14 +0101010000100 incommunicado 14 +0101010000100 unaccounted 17 +0101010000100 grist 22 +0101010000100 agitating 22 +0101010000100 zoned 23 +0101010000100 tailor-made 24 +0101010000100 rooting 30 +0101010000100 girding 30 +0101010000100 ill-prepared 33 +0101010000100 gunning 33 +0101010000100 apologizing 36 +0101010000100 angling 38 +0101010000100 delving 39 +0101010000100 starved 44 +0101010000100 nonrefundable 51 +0101010000100 groping 52 +0101010000100 yearning 57 +0101010000100 ineligible 59 +0101010000100 opting 62 +0101010000100 scurrying 63 +0101010000100 jockeying 73 +0101010000100 braced 79 +0101010000100 staring 89 +0101010000100 clamoring 106 +0101010000100 vying 107 +0101010000100 non-callable 132 +0101010000100 bracing 149 +0101010000100 caring 172 +0101010000100 accountable 203 +0101010000100 aiming 204 +0101010000100 noncallable 210 +0101010000100 ripe 220 +0101010000100 unavailable 322 +0101010000100 searching 402 +0101010000100 liable 496 +0101010000100 waiting 1864 +0101010000100 responsible 2428 +0101010000100 adjusted 3109 +0101010000100 looking 5063 +0101010000101 dull-witted 1 +0101010000101 dutiable 1 +0101010000101 good-selling 1 +0101010000101 deficit-prone 1 +0101010000101 surplus-prone 1 +0101010000101 mistakes. 1 +0101010000101 sycophantive 1 +0101010000101 well-flagged 1 +0101010000101 half-metric 1 +0101010000101 anti-papal 1 +0101010000101 rodeoing 1 +0101010000101 riffed 1 +0101010000101 skin-deep 1 +0101010000101 six-feet 1 +0101010000101 dose-rate 1 +0101010000101 classified. 1 +0101010000101 reframed 1 +0101010000101 passenger-oriented 1 +0101010000101 platinum-crazy 1 +0101010000101 Mabuse 1 +0101010000101 agreedupon 1 +0101010000101 acclaiming 1 +0101010000101 gasoholics 1 +0101010000101 acccepted 1 +0101010000101 peccadillo 1 +0101010000101 creative. 1 +0101010000101 reinfused 1 +0101010000101 soley 1 +0101010000101 purred 1 +0101010000101 unsuppressed 1 +0101010000101 pump-primers 1 +0101010000101 re-announced 1 +0101010000101 inititiated 1 +0101010000101 jockographies 1 +0101010000101 presented. 1 +0101010000101 downside-oriented 1 +0101010000101 pre-registered 1 +0101010000101 true-Blue 1 +0101010000101 waterholes 1 +0101010000101 superpatriotic 1 +0101010000101 animalized 1 +0101010000101 half-Hispanic 1 +0101010000101 small. 1 +0101010000101 candy-coated 1 +0101010000101 America-dependent 1 +0101010000101 recompensed 1 +0101010000101 shovelling 1 +0101010000101 19041.24 1 +0101010000101 overemotional 1 +0101010000101 isssued 1 +0101010000101 underchoreographed 1 +0101010000101 NEVA 1 +0101010000101 Ostrowsized 1 +0101010000101 place-kicker 1 +0101010000101 demythologized 1 +0101010000101 ept 1 +0101010000101 knuckling 1 +0101010000101 slickered 1 +0101010000101 narcotized 1 +0101010000101 andhealth-care 1 +0101010000101 multi-technological 1 +0101010000101 higher-ticket 1 +0101010000101 U.K.-oriented 1 +0101010000101 loitered 1 +0101010000101 triazolam 1 +0101010000101 winless 1 +0101010000101 junkless 1 +0101010000101 interdealing 1 +0101010000101 Trilene 1 +0101010000101 PLAM-scam 1 +0101010000101 paper-waste 1 +0101010000101 non-issues 1 +0101010000101 credentialized 1 +0101010000101 w/respect 1 +0101010000101 organized-U.S. 1 +0101010000101 overmalled 1 +0101010000101 shoplifted 1 +0101010000101 ahead. 1 +0101010000101 quasipsychiatrists 1 +0101010000101 evaluted 1 +0101010000101 condo-ized 1 +0101010000101 opium-free 1 +0101010000101 ransom-paying 1 +0101010000101 black. 2 +0101010000101 altruists 2 +0101010000101 imams 2 +0101010000101 Indian-owned 2 +0101010000101 shorthanded 2 +0101010000101 backless 2 +0101010000101 fumigated 2 +0101010000101 smelted 2 +0101010000101 germinating 2 +0101010000101 crumpling 2 +0101010000101 class-consciousness 2 +0101010000101 certificated 2 +0101010000101 on-hand 2 +0101010000101 reinflation 2 +0101010000101 time-saving 2 +0101010000101 CWEP 2 +0101010000101 re-exported 2 +0101010000101 reoiled 2 +0101010000101 determinable 2 +0101010000101 prosperity-proof 2 +0101010000101 oxymorons 2 +0101010000101 show-stoppers 2 +0101010000101 watertight 2 +0101010000101 air-dropped 2 +0101010000101 earlobes 2 +0101010000101 409,951,390 3 +0101010000101 D-day 3 +0101010000101 767,892 3 +0101010000101 well-handled 3 +0101010000101 strip-searched 3 +0101010000101 unhorsed 3 +0101010000101 transferrable 3 +0101010000101 available. 3 +0101010000101 remastered 3 +0101010000101 market-ready 3 +0101010000101 Italian-Americans 3 +0101010000101 Izmir 3 +0101010000101 kaput 3 +0101010000101 MIRVed 3 +0101010000101 domiciled 4 +0101010000101 non-redeemable 4 +0101010000101 pre-packaged 4 +0101010000101 court-martialed 5 +0101010000101 flogged 5 +0101010000101 nuisances 5 +0101010000101 part-owners 5 +0101010000101 serialized 6 +0101010000101 reevaluated 6 +0101010000101 actionable 6 +0101010000101 dunned 6 +0101010000101 wallowed 6 +0101010000101 expensed 6 +0101010000101 de-iced 6 +0101010000101 backfiring 7 +0101010000101 sellouts 7 +0101010000101 habit-forming 7 +0101010000101 overcooked 7 +0101010000101 safeguarded 8 +0101010000101 budging 9 +0101010000101 auditioned 9 +0101010000101 recyclable 10 +0101010000101 quarantined 10 +0101010000101 redistributed 11 +0101010000101 retrained 12 +0101010000101 admissible 12 +0101010000101 moored 12 +0101010000101 fleeced 13 +0101010000101 incapacitated 13 +0101010000101 microwaved 14 +0101010000101 obtainable 14 +0101010000101 overexposed 19 +0101010000101 configured 19 +0101010000101 irradiated 20 +0101010000101 repatriated 21 +0101010000101 reachable 25 +0101010000101 incarcerated 28 +0101010000101 rationed 28 +0101010000101 embargoed 30 +0101010000101 tradable 36 +0101010000101 vaccinated 37 +0101010000101 abating 44 +0101010000101 transferable 47 +0101010000101 callable 51 +0101010000101 off-limits 56 +0101010000101 fattened 64 +0101010000101 subscribed 73 +0101010000101 commonplace 114 +0101010000101 harvested 160 +0101010000101 stored 283 +0101010000101 exercisable 288 +0101010000101 processed 294 +0101010000101 vacant 501 +0101010000101 deductible 501 +0101010000101 manufactured 595 +0101010000101 eligible 807 +0101010000101 available 7189 +0101010000101 tendered 1518 +0101010000110 reword 1 +0101010000110 overbullish 1 +0101010000110 162-days 1 +0101010000110 singled-out 1 +0101010000110 tailormade 1 +0101010000110 blamed-air 1 +0101010000110 well-cared 1 +0101010000110 backwards-looking 1 +0101010000110 soldered 1 +0101010000110 reducible 2 +0101010000110 pre-subscribed 2 +0101010000110 99.892 2 +0101010000110 99.622 2 +0101010000110 sidehill 2 +0101010000110 ill-fitted 2 +0101010000110 well-situated 5 +0101010000110 analagous 5 +0101010000110 unready 5 +0101010000110 hankering 5 +0101010000110 sops 6 +0101010000110 beckoning 6 +0101010000110 hardpressed 7 +0101010000110 ill-suited 12 +0101010000110 inured 13 +0101010000110 unsuited 14 +0101010000110 tethered 18 +0101010000110 well-suited 19 +0101010000110 primed 23 +0101010000110 traceable 26 +0101010000110 keyed 43 +0101010000110 unprepared 55 +0101010000110 well-positioned 66 +0101010000110 striving 125 +0101010000110 tailored 149 +0101010000110 destined 164 +0101010000110 suited 171 +0101010000110 geared 219 +0101010000110 attributable 289 +0101010000110 confined 323 +0101010000110 poised 340 +0101010000110 slated 625 +0101010000110 bound 693 +0101010000110 rumored 720 +0101010000110 hoping 1159 +0101010000110 tied 1242 +0101010000110 linked 1322 +0101010000110 ready 2156 +0101010000110 intended 2582 +0101010000110 prepared 2878 +0101010000110 designed 4605 +0101010000110 scheduled 6131 +01010100001110 deathtraps 1 +01010100001110 softies 1 +01010100001110 valentines 2 +01010100001110 insensate 2 +01010100001110 inadvisable 2 +01010100001110 necesssary 3 +01010100001110 rezoned 3 +01010100001110 reloaded 3 +01010100001110 desensitized 3 +01010100001110 metabolized 3 +01010100001110 unperceived 3 +01010100001110 transmogrified 3 +01010100001110 best-suited 4 +01010100001110 re-regulated 4 +01010100001110 neccessary 4 +01010100001110 suprised 5 +01010100001110 degenerates 5 +01010100001110 germane 6 +01010100001110 transposed 8 +01010100001110 destabilized 8 +01010100001110 shamed 8 +01010100001110 appended 8 +01010100001110 harnessed 9 +01010100001110 brainwashed 9 +01010100001110 deluded 9 +01010100001110 redone 11 +01010100001110 counter-productive 11 +01010100001110 conscripted 13 +01010100001110 affixed 15 +01010100001110 cowed 16 +01010100001110 fine-tuned 16 +01010100001110 inapplicable 17 +01010100001110 renominated 18 +01010100001110 unsympathetic 20 +01010100001110 riveted 21 +01010100001110 ill-equipped 22 +01010100001110 loathe 22 +01010100001110 chained 22 +01010100001110 likelier 22 +01010100001110 inaccessible 23 +01010100001110 razed 23 +01010100001110 attested 24 +01010100001110 redeployed 24 +01010100001110 subsiding 25 +01010100001110 thankful 32 +01010100001110 awakened 40 +01010100001110 extradited 52 +01010100001110 afoot 54 +01010100001110 overreacting 54 +01010100001110 coerced 63 +01010100001110 transplanted 65 +01010100001110 astonished 70 +01010100001110 empowered 79 +01010100001110 accorded 86 +01010100001110 allotted 89 +01010100001110 timed 102 +01010100001110 programmed 110 +01010100001110 hard-pressed 113 +01010100001110 presumed 136 +01010100001110 adapted 146 +01010100001110 constrained 153 +01010100001110 trusted 154 +01010100001110 forbidden 167 +01010100001110 bothered 169 +01010100001110 warranted 179 +01010100001110 pegged 182 +01010100001110 doomed 187 +01010100001110 allocated 289 +01010100001110 shocked 412 +01010100001110 attached 542 +01010100001110 devoted 576 +01010100001110 exposed 708 +01010100001110 permitted 912 +01010100001110 converted 1046 +01010100001110 meant 1511 +01010100001110 committed 1642 +01010100001110 surprised 1837 +01010100001110 determined 2188 +01010100001110 necessary 3197 +01010100001110 allowed 3985 +01010100001110 required 4671 +01010100001110 needed 4735 +01010100001111 tough-fisted 1 +01010100001111 expropiated 1 +01010100001111 dopamine-producing 1 +01010100001111 screaching 1 +01010100001111 stimulators 1 +01010100001111 tolled 1 +01010100001111 25,000-30,000 1 +01010100001111 supersensitized 1 +01010100001111 palavered 1 +01010100001111 retroruns 1 +01010100001111 tidied 1 +01010100001111 low-beam 1 +01010100001111 critiqued 2 +01010100001111 merchandised 2 +01010100001111 mutilates 2 +01010100001111 upgradable 2 +01010100001111 handier 2 +01010100001111 slurped 2 +01010100001111 benched 3 +01010100001111 crewed 3 +01010100001111 MX-6s 3 +01010100001111 besmirched 4 +01010100001111 pre-addressed 4 +01010100001111 reoriented 4 +01010100001111 swaddled 5 +01010100001111 proffered 22 +01010100001111 consigned 26 +01010100001111 peddled 27 +01010100001111 apportioned 27 +01010100001111 glued 34 +01010100001111 groomed 53 +01010100001111 anchored 60 +01010100001111 tuned 118 +01010100001111 judged 246 +01010100001111 marketed 521 +01010100001111 distributed 984 +01010100001111 used 15489 +01010100001111 applied 1286 +010101000100 3,212 1 +010101000100 herniating 1 +010101000100 Decides 1 +010101000100 1445 1 +010101000100 immigrates 1 +010101000100 chivalrous 1 +010101000100 misportrayed 1 +010101000100 5-inches 1 +010101000100 long-exposed 1 +010101000100 -or 1 +010101000100 Amounting 1 +010101000100 1,339 1 +010101000100 Chained 1 +010101000100 1,239 1 +010101000100 1,412 1 +010101000100 elegiacally 1 +010101000100 2,471 1 +010101000100 3/8- 1 +010101000100 fund-hoping 1 +010101000100 Norkay 1 +010101000100 genus-mates 1 +010101000100 Resorting 1 +010101000100 1,374 1 +010101000100 1,392 1 +010101000100 acccording 1 +010101000100 Tributes 1 +010101000100 Disconcerted 1 +010101000100 unbeholden 1 +010101000100 ostensibily 1 +010101000100 .420 1 +010101000100 1,4543 1 +010101000100 Xayt 1 +010101000100 7,573 1 +010101000100 1592 1 +010101000100 1,057 1 +010101000100 49,037 1 +010101000100 Pariahs 1 +010101000100 Wuth 1 +010101000100 ambassador-designee 1 +010101000100 endeavour 2 +010101000100 acording 2 +010101000100 truckling 2 +010101000100 redounds 3 +010101000100 Veniamin 3 +010101000100 refering 6 +010101000100 unbeknownst 7 +010101000100 unbeknown 8 +010101000100 alluding 53 +010101000100 vowing 74 +010101000100 preferring 97 +010101000100 amounting 173 +010101000100 thanks 536 +010101000100 according 13599 +010101000100 referring 774 +0101010001010 illpositioned 1 +0101010001010 Marya 1 +0101010001010 Ofelia 1 +0101010001010 108,000,000 1 +0101010001010 99-year-old 1 +0101010001010 relucant 1 +0101010001010 110,485,479 1 +0101010001010 less-than-absolute 1 +0101010001010 Wendie 1 +0101010001010 Congress-by-opinion-poll 1 +0101010001010 Min-Yau 1 +0101010001010 59-cent 1 +0101010001010 4,283,306 1 +0101010001010 Reveres 1 +0101010001010 Octaviano 1 +0101010001010 excitingly 1 +0101010001010 quarrelsomely 1 +0101010001010 self-insuring 1 +0101010001010 Jerrydoe 1 +0101010001010 Nicholaas 1 +0101010001010 unlicenseable 1 +0101010001010 small-store 1 +0101010001010 Elene 1 +0101010001010 215-200 1 +0101010001010 bullmarket 1 +0101010001010 Chava 1 +0101010001010 scythed 1 +0101010001010 Southern-grown 1 +0101010001010 test-flying 1 +0101010001010 boosterish 1 +0101010001010 disapppointing 1 +0101010001010 unclamped 1 +0101010001010 yoked 1 +0101010001010 42-degree 1 +0101010001010 Jacques-Louis 1 +0101010001010 misspending 1 +0101010001010 Rong 1 +0101010001010 more-typical 1 +0101010001010 Shawon 1 +0101010001010 art-theater 1 +0101010001010 sandbagging 1 +0101010001010 ex-Detroiters 1 +0101010001010 Shogo 1 +0101010001010 4,713 1 +0101010001010 artists-in-residence 1 +0101010001010 106-pounder 1 +0101010001010 harrowed 1 +0101010001010 Diedra 1 +0101010001010 professional-grade 1 +0101010001010 director-class 1 +0101010001010 51,207 1 +0101010001010 ex-Eagle 1 +0101010001010 widely-thought 1 +0101010001010 sex-abuse 1 +0101010001010 2,789 1 +0101010001010 WestDeutsche 1 +0101010001010 37-to-1 1 +0101010001010 non-banker 1 +0101010001010 Nawser 1 +0101010001010 insufficent 2 +0101010001010 WRU 2 +0101010001010 postulating 2 +0101010001010 recertified 2 +0101010001010 tasked 2 +0101010001010 Meets 2 +0101010001010 co-piloting 3 +0101010001010 kayoed 3 +0101010001010 reappointed 47 +0101010001010 reelected 64 +0101010001010 re-elected 119 +0101010001010 sentenced 684 +0101010001010 appointed 1717 +0101010001010 named 10201 +0101010001010 elected 2969 +01010100010110 smooooooother 1 +01010100010110 ratheir 1 +01010100010110 sodomites 1 +01010100010110 citizen-king 1 +01010100010110 paper-shuffling-faster 1 +01010100010110 Gloomier 1 +01010100010110 Mame 1 +01010100010110 31-more 1 +01010100010110 percentage-wise 1 +01010100010110 rotaters 1 +01010100010110 bond-picker 1 +01010100010110 crayfishing 1 +01010100010110 Disorganized 1 +01010100010110 lovelier 1 +01010100010110 subventions 1 +01010100010110 handsomer 1 +01010100010110 witre 1 +01010100010110 Cinematheque 1 +01010100010110 pile-ons 1 +01010100010110 footings 1 +01010100010110 1981less 1 +01010100010110 tomorrows 1 +01010100010110 picure 1 +01010100010110 accident-longer 1 +01010100010110 grainier 1 +01010100010110 neater 1 +01010100010110 post-Hugo 1 +01010100010110 billionmore 1 +01010100010110 REALLY 2 +01010100010110 ozone-destroyer 2 +01010100010110 righter 3 +01010100010110 skinnier 3 +01010100010110 genteelly 4 +01010100010110 rather 7492 +01010100010110 mightier 5 +01010100010111 star-turned-mayor 1 +01010100010111 iron-glove 1 +01010100010111 Ati 1 +01010100010111 Maximiano 1 +01010100010111 noon-2 1 +01010100010111 8:30-9:30 1 +01010100010111 Merri 1 +01010100010111 10-10:50 1 +01010100010111 9-10:53 1 +01010100010111 2:30-6 1 +01010100010111 Mamma 1 +01010100010111 director/choreographer 1 +01010100010111 too-pale 1 +01010100010111 134,975 1 +01010100010111 fast-flowing 1 +01010100010111 maladept 1 +01010100010111 federal-Judge 1 +01010100010111 Binkow 1 +01010100010111 8.279 1 +01010100010111 Lubriderm 1 +01010100010111 1:30-2:30 1 +01010100010111 Tyrus 1 +01010100010111 40.73 1 +01010100010111 conventional-adjustable 1 +01010100010111 conventional-fixed 1 +01010100010111 inn-owner 1 +01010100010111 47.013 1 +01010100010111 et. 1 +01010100010111 1:56-8 1 +01010100010111 producer-writer-director 1 +01010100010111 more-sustainable 1 +01010100010111 director-designer 1 +01010100010111 P.D. 1 +01010100010111 Disregards 1 +01010100010111 1:30-3:30 1 +01010100010111 Ecclesiae 1 +01010100010111 Ventura/Santa 1 +01010100010111 5:45-6 1 +01010100010111 Zehli 1 +01010100010111 butane-powered 1 +01010100010111 8:05-10:20 1 +01010100010111 onevote 1 +01010100010111 museum-like 1 +01010100010111 3:30-8 1 +01010100010111 2:30-7 1 +01010100010111 12th-seeded 1 +01010100010111 bacteria-free 1 +01010100010111 unphilosophical 1 +01010100010111 founder-director 1 +01010100010111 4:45-8 1 +01010100010111 1:30-5 1 +01010100010111 1:30-4:30 1 +01010100010111 7:30-9 1 +01010100010111 colpoon 1 +01010100010111 10:05-11 1 +01010100010111 9:30-10:30 1 +01010100010111 8-9:20 1 +01010100010111 succeeeds 1 +01010100010111 ADA-producing 1 +01010100010111 dim-bulb 1 +01010100010111 8-10:30 1 +01010100010111 wallows 1 +01010100010111 Pani 1 +01010100010111 Nezhari 1 +01010100010111 2-4:30 1 +01010100010111 171.78 1 +01010100010111 1.967 1 +01010100010111 264.38 1 +01010100010111 2.137 1 +01010100010111 121.04 1 +01010100010111 282.33 1 +01010100010111 74.72 1 +01010100010111 1.854 1 +01010100010111 113.05 1 +01010100010111 111.24 1 +01010100010111 2.448 1 +01010100010111 2.443 1 +01010100010111 284.23 1 +01010100010111 2.120 1 +01010100010111 2:30-3:30 1 +01010100010111 87.88 1 +01010100010111 neo-Mahlerian 1 +01010100010111 5663 1 +01010100010111 19-year-incumbent 1 +01010100010111 stutter-steps 1 +01010100010111 Beta2 1 +01010100010111 two-commercial 1 +01010100010111 8:05-10:05 1 +01010100010111 8-9:45 1 +01010100010111 eight-pound 1 +01010100010111 CG&E 1 +01010100010111 20.86 1 +01010100010111 Hojjatolislam 1 +01010100010111 580.32 1 +01010100010111 1,051.52 1 +01010100010111 long-legged 1 +01010100010111 caiman 1 +01010100010111 PFC 1 +01010100010111 Montclairian 1 +01010100010111 Ambassador-at-Large 1 +01010100010111 citizeness 1 +01010100010111 10-11:15 1 +01010100010111 5-6:30 1 +01010100010111 Secutities 1 +01010100010111 8:05-9:05 1 +01010100010111 super-lawyer 1 +01010100010111 Ellisse 1 +01010100010111 Elektronische 1 +01010100010111 Upholds 1 +01010100010111 Estrellita 1 +01010100010111 8-9:50 1 +01010100010111 13th-seeded 1 +01010100010111 Orejuela 1 +01010100010111 diammonium 1 +01010100010111 53.511 1 +01010100010111 zim 1 +01010100010111 Midbar 1 +01010100010111 36.55 1 +01010100010111 thin-lipped 1 +01010100010111 3-4:30 1 +01010100010111 Aye 1 +01010100010111 10:30-11:30 1 +01010100010111 first-named 1 +01010100010111 7.064 1 +01010100010111 Zulfiqar 1 +01010100010111 businessman-racer 1 +01010100010111 1:30-3 1 +01010100010111 2.098 1 +01010100010111 Jackson-appointee 1 +01010100010111 publisher-developer 1 +01010100010111 4:30-6:30 1 +01010100010111 9.504 1 +01010100010111 market-to-book 1 +01010100010111 SpainJose 1 +01010100010111 13.247 1 +01010100010111 Muppeteer 1 +01010100010111 first-baseman 1 +01010100010111 1:01 1 +01010100010111 Azlan 2 +01010100010111 noon-3 2 +01010100010111 Charles-Edouard 2 +01010100010111 9-10:20 2 +01010100010111 8:30-10 2 +01010100010111 noon-3:30 2 +01010100010111 3:30-7 2 +01010100010111 2:30-4 2 +01010100010111 4.025 2 +01010100010111 8:05-11:05 2 +01010100010111 8:30-11 2 +01010100010111 Mahmad 2 +01010100010111 Navarrete 2 +01010100010111 10:05-11:05 2 +01010100010111 12:38 2 +01010100010111 HARRY 2 +01010100010111 2-3:30 2 +01010100010111 295.17 2 +01010100010111 8:00 2 +01010100010111 RheothRx 2 +01010100010111 Vienna-born 2 +01010100010111 California-born 2 +01010100010111 Muhammed 2 +01010100010111 stock-only 2 +01010100010111 raspy-voiced 2 +01010100010111 oafish 2 +01010100010111 225-pound 2 +01010100010111 Physik 2 +01010100010111 Xiao 2 +01010100010111 Arnim 2 +01010100010111 poulet 2 +01010100010111 Alok 3 +01010100010111 2:30-4:30 3 +01010100010111 unthreatening 3 +01010100010111 7-7:30 3 +01010100010111 exec 3 +01010100010111 3-6 3 +01010100010111 National-Oilwell 3 +01010100010111 midnight-1:30 3 +01010100010111 202-restaurant 3 +01010100010111 3:30-6 3 +01010100010111 2-6 3 +01010100010111 Jigme 3 +01010100010111 9-9:30 3 +01010100010111 7:30-8 3 +01010100010111 reptilian 3 +01010100010111 6-6:30 3 +01010100010111 Marrel 4 +01010100010111 9:30-10 4 +01010100010111 5-foot-6 4 +01010100010111 suceeds 4 +01010100010111 co-starring 4 +01010100010111 3-5 4 +01010100010111 midnight-1 4 +01010100010111 8-9:30 5 +01010100010111 Jr.-led 5 +01010100010111 1-3 5 +01010100010111 6:30-7 5 +01010100010111 2-4 5 +01010100010111 demoting 5 +01010100010111 10:30-11 6 +01010100010111 9:30-11 6 +01010100010111 8-8:30 6 +01010100010111 4:30-6 7 +01010100010111 10-10:30 7 +01010100010111 10-11:30 7 +01010100010111 7-8 8 +01010100010111 Vetere 8 +01010100010111 8:30-9 10 +01010100010111 9-11:30 10 +01010100010111 4-6 12 +01010100010111 8-11 16 +01010100010111 Wrote 26 +01010100010111 8-10 39 +01010100010111 9-10:30 41 +01010100010111 8-9 85 +01010100010111 10-11 106 +01010100010111 one-vote 111 +01010100010111 et 114 +01010100010111 9-10 114 +01010100010111 9-11 162 +01010100010111 starring 184 +01010100010111 6/2 193 +01010100010111 succeeding 1035 +01010100010111 formerly 2740 +01010100010111 succeeds 2451 +0101010001100 well-stacked 1 +0101010001100 emotes 1 +0101010001100 timpanists 1 +0101010001100 I-80 1 +0101010001100 woodsmoke 1 +0101010001100 WXEX-TV 1 +0101010001100 capitalizating 1 +0101010001100 basses 1 +0101010001100 calcluated 1 +0101010001100 price-setters 1 +0101010001100 Divergences 1 +0101010001100 vivaciously 1 +0101010001100 best-dressed 1 +0101010001100 noshing 1 +0101010001100 out-manuevered 1 +0101010001100 Reposing 1 +0101010001100 wispy-bearded 1 +0101010001100 Fixation 1 +0101010001100 counterpunching 1 +0101010001100 Laertes 1 +0101010001100 BankWest 1 +0101010001100 sub-.500 1 +0101010001100 Big-Steel 1 +0101010001100 Namco 1 +0101010001100 0.3-point 1 +0101010001100 flowerbeds 1 +0101010001100 smack-dab 1 +0101010001100 Erring 1 +0101010001100 remelted 1 +0101010001100 Capitalize 1 +0101010001100 hydroplaning 1 +0101010001100 hand-writing 1 +0101010001100 WBKO 1 +0101010001100 H.Q. 1 +0101010001100 barn-burners 1 +0101010001100 Placated 1 +0101010001100 silted 1 +0101010001100 ensconsed 1 +0101010001100 buiding 1 +0101010001100 requiescat 1 +0101010001100 25,311 1 +0101010001100 then-commander 1 +0101010001100 dabbed 1 +0101010001100 Malmstrom 1 +0101010001100 homeported 1 +0101010001100 DRL 1 +0101010001100 headquarterd 1 +0101010001100 AOSWI 1 +0101010001100 ductwork 1 +0101010001100 alights 1 +0101010001100 convenienced 1 +0101010001100 tightlipped 1 +0101010001100 excessively-overshooting 1 +0101010001100 pressure-proof 1 +0101010001100 Salvationists 1 +0101010001100 PNW 1 +0101010001100 glommed 1 +0101010001100 fixating 1 +0101010001100 power-brokering 1 +0101010001100 well-based 1 +0101010001100 evildoers 1 +0101010001100 WXYZ 1 +0101010001100 Wordsmiths 1 +0101010001100 Kyungje 1 +0101010001100 poseurs 1 +0101010001100 TKOs 1 +0101010001100 goo-goo 1 +0101010001100 Fumbles 1 +0101010001100 Unice 1 +0101010001100 Cybelia 1 +0101010001100 Economize 1 +0101010001100 Gilden 1 +0101010001100 soft-shoeing 1 +0101010001100 impecuniosity 1 +0101010001100 WBMW-FM 1 +0101010001100 non-cytopathic 1 +0101010001100 KBIM 1 +0101010001100 fence-straddling 1 +0101010001100 sub-editors 1 +0101010001100 WABC 1 +0101010001100 grandpas 1 +0101010001100 growingup 1 +0101010001100 Egged 1 +0101010001100 Nimmer 1 +0101010001100 rabbiting 1 +0101010001100 bugsnug 1 +0101010001100 blamable 1 +0101010001100 WKQX 1 +0101010001100 Pile 1 +0101010001100 WEBE-FM 1 +0101010001100 WMMR-FM 1 +0101010001100 KRLD-AM 1 +0101010001100 Seabats 1 +0101010001100 WJAR-TV 1 +0101010001100 WRC 1 +0101010001100 WNYC-TV 1 +0101010001100 OSW 1 +0101010001100 RICO-able 1 +0101010001100 buying-off 1 +0101010001100 eighth-highest 1 +0101010001100 Clozaril 1 +0101010001100 3,378 1 +0101010001100 market-supportive 1 +0101010001100 waaay 1 +0101010001100 economizes 1 +0101010001100 WJZ-TV 1 +0101010001100 hooped 1 +0101010001100 prevarication 1 +0101010001100 luxuriating 1 +0101010001100 due-dates 1 +0101010001100 KCTV 2 +0101010001100 overdependent 2 +0101010001100 26-1 2 +0101010001100 ratting 2 +0101010001100 garaged 2 +0101010001100 plops 2 +0101010001100 piggybacks 2 +0101010001100 WGBO-TV 2 +0101010001100 Luncheon 2 +0101010001100 StageWest 2 +0101010001100 impinging 2 +0101010001100 WTLV 2 +0101010001100 blathering 2 +0101010001100 seventh-graders 2 +0101010001100 KSPR 2 +0101010001100 tatooed 2 +0101010001100 verged 3 +0101010001100 erring 3 +0101010001100 excelling 3 +0101010001100 alighting 3 +0101010001100 ruminating 3 +0101010001100 mirabile 3 +0101010001100 reneges 3 +0101010001100 lounged 3 +0101010001100 hinging 3 +0101010001100 preying 4 +0101010001100 crouching 5 +0101010001100 impaled 5 +0101010001100 dibs 5 +0101010001100 Fiddler 7 +0101010001100 pouncing 7 +0101010001100 preyed 8 +0101010001100 encroached 8 +0101010001100 encroaches 9 +0101010001100 egged 10 +0101010001100 expounding 12 +0101010001100 ushering 14 +0101010001100 verging 15 +0101010001100 verges 18 +0101010001100 superimposed 19 +0101010001100 premised 19 +0101010001100 fixated 21 +0101010001100 frowned 22 +0101010001100 nestled 23 +0101010001100 centering 31 +0101010001100 hinged 37 +0101010001100 embarking 39 +0101010001100 predicated 46 +0101010001100 perched 63 +0101010001100 patterned 65 +0101010001100 headquartered 71 +0101010001100 capitalizing 71 +0101010001100 depended 102 +0101010001100 hinges 115 +0101010001100 modeled 136 +0101010001100 centered 291 +0101010001100 concentrating 333 +0101010001100 focuses 333 +0101010001100 relying 361 +0101010001100 conditioned 404 +0101010001100 contingent 683 +0101010001100 located 770 +0101010001100 focusing 900 +0101010001100 depends 993 +0101010001100 based 13880 +0101010001100 depending 1067 +0101010001101 colada 1 +0101010001101 lechuzas 1 +0101010001101 WPGH 1 +0101010001101 sub-underwritten 1 +0101010001101 well-summarized 1 +0101010001101 doingbusiness 1 +0101010001101 MODELS 1 +0101010001101 2,626 1 +0101010001101 unclipped 1 +0101010001101 gloried 1 +0101010001101 coproducing 1 +0101010001101 ESP. 1 +0101010001101 sun-blue 1 +0101010001101 Readings 1 +0101010001101 spluttering 1 +0101010001101 failsafe 1 +0101010001101 well-invested 1 +0101010001101 Claimant 1 +0101010001101 lobotomized 1 +0101010001101 Shake-up 1 +0101010001101 upper-classmen 1 +0101010001101 Primatologist 1 +0101010001101 revalidated 1 +0101010001101 moldered 1 +0101010001101 0-5 1 +0101010001101 cocooned 1 +0101010001101 Reinvesting 1 +0101010001101 KARK-TV 1 +0101010001101 semi-stranded 1 +0101010001101 rejected/suppressed 1 +0101010001101 pretested 1 +0101010001101 abuilding 1 +0101010001101 refired 1 +0101010001101 self-front-runnning 1 +0101010001101 thrillingly 1 +0101010001101 guffaw 1 +0101010001101 order-filler 1 +0101010001101 ball-bashing 1 +0101010001101 beltways 1 +0101010001101 0-14 1 +0101010001101 non-programmatic 1 +0101010001101 Pan-Arab 1 +0101010001101 yield-driven 1 +0101010001101 grip-squeezers 1 +0101010001101 strategizing 1 +0101010001101 WAPT 1 +0101010001101 unchanaged 1 +0101010001101 doo-wopping 1 +0101010001101 Topless 1 +0101010001101 Fuel-switching 1 +0101010001101 ill-cast 1 +0101010001101 reclined 1 +0101010001101 plenipotentiary 1 +0101010001101 ADMINISTRATORS 1 +0101010001101 Showroom 1 +0101010001101 incubated 1 +0101010001101 Spurts 1 +0101010001101 consensuses 1 +0101010001101 monologuists 1 +0101010001101 nose-deep 1 +0101010001101 dirty-danced 1 +0101010001101 etherialized 1 +0101010001101 glorying 1 +0101010001101 birthed 1 +0101010001101 ERUPTED 1 +0101010001101 unfetching 1 +0101010001101 Ceprano 1 +0101010001101 resurveyed 1 +0101010001101 elbow-deep 1 +0101010001101 Sewn 1 +0101010001101 Slumber 1 +0101010001101 headquarted 1 +0101010001101 Murmurs 1 +0101010001101 caparisoned 1 +0101010001101 17,000-strong 1 +0101010001101 stormless 1 +0101010001101 underspending 1 +0101010001101 over-sensitive 1 +0101010001101 Hugger-Mugger 1 +0101010001101 re-educated 1 +0101010001101 mega-players 1 +0101010001101 Upsurges 1 +0101010001101 bonked 1 +0101010001101 bottom-picking 1 +0101010001101 Pyramide 1 +0101010001101 COLLAPSED 1 +0101010001101 invulnerable-bases 1 +0101010001101 management-sheltering 1 +0101010001101 Oktyabr 1 +0101010001101 WFMY 1 +0101010001101 clumpy 1 +0101010001101 35-0 1 +0101010001101 motes 1 +0101010001101 Comiso 1 +0101010001101 dog-catcher 1 +0101010001101 850th 1 +0101010001101 rising-especially 1 +0101010001101 panelled 1 +0101010001101 binging 1 +0101010001101 WTXF 1 +0101010001101 braggable 1 +0101010001101 Gored 1 +0101010001101 Bathed 1 +0101010001101 unprotectionist 1 +0101010001101 Antibiotici 1 +0101010001101 de-worse-ification 1 +0101010001101 heat-sealed 1 +0101010001101 freeloads 1 +0101010001101 footsoldiers 1 +0101010001101 patchworked 1 +0101010001101 Muesli 1 +0101010001101 inhere 1 +0101010001101 nugatory 1 +0101010001101 swelter 1 +0101010001101 hereof 1 +0101010001101 TINTING 1 +0101010001101 non-status 1 +0101010001101 headhunted 1 +0101010001101 non-conformists 1 +0101010001101 Bordeauxlike 1 +0101010001101 Nini 1 +0101010001101 Paddler 1 +0101010001101 believeth 1 +0101010001101 Bozyk 1 +0101010001101 FAILURES 1 +0101010001101 reinvolved 1 +0101010001101 Medicare-eligible 1 +0101010001101 re-enrolled 1 +0101010001101 under-invested 1 +0101010001101 glassed 1 +0101010001101 globules 1 +0101010001101 WDBD 1 +0101010001101 right-on 1 +0101010001101 goose-step 1 +0101010001101 value-neutral 1 +0101010001101 Ballo 1 +0101010001101 luxuriates 2 +0101010001101 reargued 2 +0101010001101 over-stored 2 +0101010001101 Ninety-Two 2 +0101010001101 WJIB 2 +0101010001101 walketh 2 +0101010001101 LHXs 2 +0101010001101 DOCKYARD 2 +0101010001101 forevermore 2 +0101010001101 lubricated 2 +0101010001101 spottier 2 +0101010001101 enshrouded 2 +0101010001101 eighty-sixed 2 +0101010001101 luxuriated 2 +0101010001101 disembark 2 +0101010001101 drop-outs 2 +0101010001101 under-investing 2 +0101010001101 sanctified 2 +0101010001101 moonwalking 2 +0101010001101 jingling 2 +0101010001101 SOARS 2 +0101010001101 Herodias 2 +0101010001101 neglectful 2 +0101010001101 abstemious 2 +0101010001101 co-educational 3 +0101010001101 WKRP 3 +0101010001101 interlocked 3 +0101010001101 disinvesting 3 +0101010001101 unfrozen 3 +0101010001101 cradled 3 +0101010001101 subjugated 3 +0101010001101 puckering 3 +0101010001101 complicit 4 +0101010001101 wreathed 4 +0101010001101 encamped 4 +0101010001101 homed 5 +0101010001101 compensations 5 +0101010001101 meddled 5 +0101010001101 overweighted 5 +0101010001101 welled 5 +0101010001101 memorialized 6 +0101010001101 garbed 6 +0101010001101 Gorillas 6 +0101010001101 overrepresented 7 +0101010001101 ascendant 7 +0101010001101 encased 7 +0101010001101 uppermost 7 +0101010001101 cashes 7 +0101010001101 infeasible 8 +0101010001101 basked 8 +0101010001101 occuring 8 +0101010001101 sheathed 9 +0101010001101 indoctrinated 9 +0101010001101 knee-deep 9 +0101010001101 swathed 9 +0101010001101 engrossed 10 +0101010001101 ensnarled 10 +0101010001101 closeted 10 +0101010001101 zapped 11 +0101010001101 remiss 11 +0101010001101 versed 11 +0101010001101 uninvolved 12 +0101010001101 interned 12 +0101010001101 entwined 13 +0101010001101 well-versed 13 +0101010001101 schooled 13 +0101010001101 attired 15 +0101010001101 cloaked 16 +0101010001101 underrepresented 16 +0101010001101 ARRIVED 16 +0101010001101 chimed 18 +0101010001101 imbedded 19 +0101010001101 majoring 19 +0101010001101 revels 19 +0101010001101 reveling 19 +0101010001101 enumerated 19 +0101010001101 hemmed 20 +0101010001101 underweighted 20 +0101010001101 wallowing 21 +0101010001101 zeroing 21 +0101010001101 ensnared 22 +0101010001101 basking 23 +0101010001101 reveled 23 +0101010001101 resettled 24 +0101010001101 couched 25 +0101010001101 bathed 25 +0101010001101 snarled 27 +0101010001101 enmeshed 27 +0101010001101 enshrined 31 +0101010001101 immersed 32 +0101010001101 shrouded 32 +0101010001101 reined 33 +0101010001101 steeped 33 +0101010001101 raked 34 +0101010001101 zeroed 34 +0101010001101 residing 34 +0101010001101 stashed 35 +0101010001101 raking 35 +0101010001101 underway 37 +0101010001101 caved 37 +0101010001101 uninterested 40 +0101010001101 engages 46 +0101010001101 participates 46 +0101010001101 etched 47 +0101010001101 fluent 55 +0101010001101 entangled 56 +0101010001101 clad 60 +0101010001101 embodied 62 +0101010001101 ushered 63 +0101010001101 resides 64 +0101010001101 embedded 68 +0101010001101 factored 68 +0101010001101 implanted 74 +0101010001101 awash 96 +0101010001101 housed 105 +0101010001101 prominently 130 +0101010001101 mired 132 +0101010001101 stationed 133 +0101010001101 enrolled 143 +0101010001101 rooted 153 +0101010001101 embroiled 163 +0101010001101 instrumental 183 +0101010001101 trapped 187 +0101010001101 denominated 233 +0101010001101 implicated 263 +0101010001101 occurring 267 +0101010001101 invests 284 +0101010001101 dressed 303 +0101010001101 lacking 320 +0101010001101 incorporated 391 +0101010001101 specializing 397 +0101010001101 participated 423 +0101010001101 locked 564 +0101010001101 specializes 567 +0101010001101 evident 612 +0101010001101 engaged 1095 +0101010001101 interested 3499 +0101010001101 involved 6763 +0101010001110 negotiatons 1 +0101010001110 relined 1 +0101010001110 Toying 1 +0101010001110 Lily-White 1 +0101010001110 watercourses 1 +0101010001110 solemnized 1 +0101010001110 interefere 1 +0101010001110 co-authoring 1 +0101010001110 aglitter 1 +0101010001110 administraton 1 +0101010001110 coruscate 1 +0101010001110 free-handed 1 +0101010001110 co-invested 1 +0101010001110 nonaffiliation 1 +0101010001110 simulataneously 1 +0101010001110 coterminous 1 +0101010001110 beautified 1 +0101010001110 comingling 1 +0101010001110 teemed 1 +0101010001110 chocka-block 1 +0101010001110 inter-operably 1 +0101010001110 overglazed 1 +0101010001110 Chenonceaux 1 +0101010001110 seethed 1 +0101010001110 inconversant 1 +0101010001110 likenot 1 +0101010001110 asssociated 1 +0101010001110 over-saturated 1 +0101010001110 cobbled-together 1 +0101010001110 jousted 1 +0101010001110 ad-men 1 +0101010001110 Colonials 1 +0101010001110 dealed 1 +0101010001110 field-checked 1 +0101010001110 Flirt 1 +0101010001110 copulating 1 +0101010001110 rasp 1 +0101010001110 innocent-students 1 +0101010001110 honeymooning 1 +0101010001110 overcomply 1 +0101010001110 skirmished 1 +0101010001110 bedizened 1 +0101010001110 middays 1 +0101010001110 incrusted 1 +0101010001110 10-zip 1 +0101010001110 chivvied 1 +0101010001110 scatology 1 +0101010001110 Absraction 1 +0101010001110 peroxides 1 +0101010001110 nonowners 1 +0101010001110 tortellini 1 +0101010001110 fancy-free 1 +0101010001110 familier 1 +0101010001110 lock-curlers 1 +0101010001110 21-year-olds 1 +0101010001110 refurnished 1 +0101010001110 fist-fighting 1 +0101010001110 aswarm 1 +0101010001110 EMI/Angel 1 +0101010001110 micro-epidemics 1 +0101010001110 frolicked 1 +0101010001110 activitated 1 +0101010001110 picnicking 1 +0101010001110 pre-injected 1 +0101010001110 satori 1 +0101010001110 Beauharnois 1 +0101010001110 concert-goer 1 +0101010001110 QE-2 1 +0101010001110 synonomous 1 +0101010001110 co-CEO 1 +0101010001110 SWATed 1 +0101010001110 hued 1 +0101010001110 beloveds 1 +0101010001110 atria 1 +0101010001110 decompressing 1 +0101010001110 incontinencies 1 +0101010001110 overfortified 1 +0101010001110 interfaced 1 +0101010001110 interchangable 1 +0101010001110 Korobytsins 1 +0101010001110 xerophilous 1 +0101010001110 stablized 1 +0101010001110 gabbed 1 +0101010001110 jives 1 +0101010001110 dissatisfation 1 +0101010001110 cosy 1 +0101010001110 interlocks 1 +0101010001110 hobnobbed 1 +0101010001110 caucusing 1 +0101010001110 conferrals 1 +0101010001110 disapointed 1 +0101010001110 yeasty 1 +0101010001110 refusniks 1 +0101010001110 smilodons 1 +0101010001110 20-10 2 +0101010001110 affilated 2 +0101010001110 non-annualized 2 +0101010001110 well-satisfied 2 +0101010001110 funning 2 +0101010001110 unacquainted 2 +0101010001110 fresh-looking 2 +0101010001110 twangs 2 +0101010001110 intercut 2 +0101010001110 sugar-coated 2 +0101010001110 overidentified 2 +0101010001110 freighted 2 +0101010001110 out-of-step 2 +0101010001110 kissy-kissy 2 +0101010001110 trifled 2 +0101010001110 aggregated 2 +0101010001110 chock-a-block 2 +0101010001110 overconcerned 2 +0101010001110 intermingled 2 +0101010001110 Odalisque 2 +0101010001110 racqueteers 2 +0101010001110 tinkers 2 +0101010001110 oneness 2 +0101010001110 GRAPPLE 2 +0101010001110 inset 2 +0101010001110 specked 2 +0101010001110 snitched 2 +0101010001110 contra-cyclical 2 +0101010001110 interferred 3 +0101010001110 rumba 3 +0101010001110 misaligned 3 +0101010001110 Filled 3 +0101010001110 30-year-olds 3 +0101010001110 spray-painted 3 +0101010001110 appliqued 3 +0101010001110 collides 3 +0101010001110 inculcated 3 +0101010001110 well-acquainted 3 +0101010001110 teem 3 +0101010001110 overprogrammed 3 +0101010001110 dueled 4 +0101010001110 resonating 4 +0101010001110 collaborates 4 +0101010001110 consonant 4 +0101010001110 protectable 4 +0101010001110 absconded 4 +0101010001110 parsimonious 4 +0101010001110 incised 4 +0101010001110 bantering 4 +0101010001110 mispositioned 4 +0101010001110 aglow 5 +0101010001110 slathered 5 +0101010001110 lathered 5 +0101010001110 federated 5 +0101010001110 brims 5 +0101010001110 commiserating 5 +0101010001110 interacted 5 +0101010001110 ribbed 5 +0101010001110 sympathizing 5 +0101010001110 comports 5 +0101010001110 tangling 5 +0101010001110 interacts 6 +0101010001110 crackled 6 +0101010001110 fraternizing 6 +0101010001110 pre-printed 6 +0101010001110 congruent 6 +0101010001110 interlaced 6 +0101010001110 jam-packed 7 +0101010001110 coexisting 7 +0101010001110 suffused 7 +0101010001110 ornamented 7 +0101010001110 marbled 7 +0101010001110 scuffled 7 +0101010001110 bedecked 7 +0101010001110 infatuated 8 +0101010001110 drugged 8 +0101010001110 booby-trapped 8 +0101010001110 hobnobbing 8 +0101010001110 meshed 9 +0101010001110 juxtaposed 9 +0101010001110 flirts 9 +0101010001110 conversant 9 +0101010001110 encoded 9 +0101010001110 interacting 10 +0101010001110 familar 11 +0101010001110 interwoven 12 +0101010001110 inlaid 12 +0101010001110 Casuals 13 +0101010001110 festooned 13 +0101010001110 commingled 13 +0101010001110 scented 13 +0101010001110 larded 13 +0101010001110 embossed 13 +0101010001110 imprinted 14 +0101010001110 encrusted 14 +0101010001110 colliding 15 +0101010001110 embellished 16 +0101010001110 neck-and-neck 17 +0101010001110 correlated 19 +0101010001110 flavored 22 +0101010001110 affiliating 22 +0101010001110 infested 23 +0101010001110 grappled 23 +0101010001110 bristling 23 +0101010001110 tinged 23 +0101010001110 unconnected 24 +0101010001110 tinkered 24 +0101010001110 mingled 24 +0101010001110 interspersed 25 +0101010001110 disagreeing 25 +0101010001110 stained 26 +0101010001110 imbued 26 +0101010001110 dripping 26 +0101010001110 toying 29 +0101010001110 fungible 29 +0101010001110 tampered 30 +0101010001110 bubbling 31 +0101010001110 abuzz 31 +0101010001110 studded 32 +0101010001110 peppered 32 +0101010001110 flirted 32 +0101010001110 sprinkled 33 +0101010001110 flirting 33 +0101010001110 chatting 33 +0101010001110 toyed 34 +0101010001110 fortified 34 +0101010001110 conflicted 35 +0101010001110 conferring 36 +0101010001110 brimming 38 +0101010001110 overflowing 40 +0101010001110 parted 40 +0101010001110 replete 41 +0101010001110 clashing 44 +0101010001110 acquainted 45 +0101010001110 collaborating 46 +0101010001110 endowed 47 +0101010001110 teeming 49 +0101010001110 commensurate 50 +0101010001110 laden 51 +0101010001110 outfitted 51 +0101010001110 experimented 52 +0101010001110 bursting 53 +0101010001110 laced 53 +0101010001110 interferes 54 +0101010001110 dotted 57 +0101010001110 fitted 59 +0101010001110 cluttered 61 +0101010001110 adorned 62 +0101010001110 riddled 62 +0101010001110 littered 64 +0101010001110 blessed 71 +0101010001110 synonymous 76 +0101010001110 grappling 76 +0101010001110 aligned 78 +0101010001110 blended 78 +0101010001110 disenchanted 78 +0101010001110 fraught 79 +0101010001110 siding 80 +0101010001110 stocked 82 +0101010001110 crammed 83 +0101010001110 reconciled 89 +0101010001110 rife 105 +0101010001110 incompatible 107 +0101010001110 associating 107 +0101010001110 coping 113 +0101010001110 interfering 122 +0101010001110 sided 125 +0101010001110 unfamiliar 131 +0101010001110 decorated 136 +0101010001110 experimenting 140 +0101010001110 obsessed 151 +0101010001110 complied 155 +0101010001110 complying 159 +0101010001110 flush 162 +0101010001110 dissatisfied 165 +0101010001110 interfered 178 +0101010001110 preoccupied 181 +0101010001110 saddled 186 +0101010001110 stuffed 188 +0101010001110 wrestling 190 +0101010001110 clashed 207 +0101010001110 inconsistent 220 +0101010001110 allied 240 +0101010001110 loaded 282 +0101010001110 compatible 356 +0101010001110 cooperating 453 +0101010001110 credited 480 +0101010001110 infected 511 +0101010001110 connected 521 +0101010001110 equipped 557 +0101010001110 affiliated 613 +0101010001110 consistent 852 +0101010001110 merged 1046 +0101010001110 dealing 1471 +0101010001110 associated 1826 +0101010001110 familiar 3055 +0101010001110 combined 2844 +01010100011110 Grappling 1 +01010100011110 Milwaukeeans 1 +01010100011110 BORED 1 +01010100011110 raddle 1 +01010100011110 rebuilders 1 +01010100011110 tag-teamed 1 +01010100011110 emblazened 1 +01010100011110 D.C.-Dulles 1 +01010100011110 bebops 1 +01010100011110 dragster 1 +01010100011110 breakfasting 1 +01010100011110 Releases 1 +01010100011110 socializes 1 +01010100011110 hopitals 1 +01010100011110 basted 1 +01010100011110 Thrilled 1 +01010100011110 overcompliance 1 +01010100011110 americans 1 +01010100011110 85-pounder 1 +01010100011110 bonbons 1 +01010100011110 COMPETE 1 +01010100011110 -flat 1 +01010100011110 unaligned 1 +01010100011110 rebetting 1 +01010100011110 vacherin 1 +01010100011110 furbished 1 +01010100011110 cross-react 1 +01010100011110 garlanded 2 +01010100011110 Restauracja 2 +01010100011110 resounds 2 +01010100011110 garnished 4 +01010100011110 coinciding 19 +01010100011110 coupled 451 +01010100011110 compared 10435 +01010100011110 compares 556 +01010100011111 palpitates 1 +01010100011111 discriminatorily 1 +01010100011111 stewn 1 +01010100011111 pipleines 1 +01010100011111 girdled 1 +01010100011111 convulsed 1 +01010100011111 BUMBERSHOOT 1 +01010100011111 uncommemorated 1 +01010100011111 Webern 1 +01010100011111 Disagreed 1 +01010100011111 surfeited 1 +01010100011111 acquaintanceship 1 +01010100011111 banters 1 +01010100011111 twirlers 1 +01010100011111 extra-special 1 +01010100011111 flesh-tone 1 +01010100011111 drearier 1 +01010100011111 lations 1 +01010100011111 crusted 1 +01010100011111 bus-way 1 +01010100011111 MDs 1 +01010100011111 invisibly 1 +01010100011111 pro-Hoosier 1 +01010100011111 cavorts 1 +01010100011111 upcourt 1 +01010100011111 technicolored 1 +01010100011111 15-5 1 +01010100011111 now-simmering 1 +01010100011111 choreographs 1 +01010100011111 auto-exposure 1 +01010100011111 crack-the-whip 1 +01010100011111 preoccuption 1 +01010100011111 27-week 1 +01010100011111 swagged 1 +01010100011111 cantatas 1 +01010100011111 separation-by-law 1 +01010100011111 jalapenos 1 +01010100011111 incorporator 1 +01010100011111 Binoche 1 +01010100011111 caressed 1 +01010100011111 drug-runners 1 +01010100011111 chummier 1 +01010100011111 Nattiel 1 +01010100011111 abracadabra 1 +01010100011111 untampered 1 +01010100011111 converses 1 +01010100011111 intersects 1 +01010100011111 gleamed 1 +01010100011111 footsy 1 +01010100011111 natural-fabric 1 +01010100011111 co-existed 1 +01010100011111 skiless 1 +01010100011111 Landcruiser 1 +01010100011111 consorted 1 +01010100011111 stride-for-stride 1 +01010100011111 compacter 1 +01010100011111 Associating 1 +01010100011111 no-hitters 1 +01010100011111 intermixed 1 +01010100011111 brimmed 1 +01010100011111 unflatteringly 1 +01010100011111 cuirasses 1 +01010100011111 Schotz 1 +01010100011111 nest-making 1 +01010100011111 beach-blasting 1 +01010100011111 decamps 1 +01010100011111 Pyongyang-bashing 1 +01010100011111 down-the-line 1 +01010100011111 ruminative-narrative 1 +01010100011111 rationalist 2 +01010100011111 peaceably 2 +01010100011111 comported 2 +01010100011111 warred 2 +01010100011111 twined 2 +01010100011111 cutesiness 2 +01010100011111 hob 2 +01010100011111 beserk 2 +01010100011111 woofy 2 +01010100011111 five-record 2 +01010100011111 blotched 2 +01010100011111 pedants 2 +01010100011111 gargles 2 +01010100011111 shambling 2 +01010100011111 razzed 2 +01010100011111 anti-Tory 3 +01010100011111 chockablock 3 +01010100011111 jibed 3 +01010100011111 half-filled 3 +01010100011111 hobnobs 3 +01010100011111 sociologically 3 +01010100011111 swatter 3 +01010100011111 glistens 3 +01010100011111 caked 3 +01010100011111 retouched 4 +01010100011111 coexists 4 +01010100011111 roofed 4 +01010100011111 eyeball-to-eyeball 5 +01010100011111 vibrates 5 +01010100011111 dovetails 6 +01010100011111 consorting 6 +01010100011111 lettered 6 +01010100011111 teems 7 +01010100011111 overflows 7 +01010100011111 overflowed 7 +01010100011111 reverberates 8 +01010100011111 dovetailed 9 +01010100011111 vies 9 +01010100011111 copes 9 +01010100011111 fiddles 9 +01010100011111 overlapped 11 +01010100011111 toe-to-toe 12 +01010100011111 hand-in-hand 13 +01010100011111 corresponded 14 +01010100011111 merrily 14 +01010100011111 grapples 15 +01010100011111 sympathizes 16 +01010100011111 wrestles 19 +01010100011111 rhymes 24 +01010100011111 merges 30 +01010100011111 side-by-side 34 +01010100011111 collided 44 +01010100011111 complies 52 +01010100011111 emblazoned 66 +01010100011111 coincides 70 +01010100011111 head-on 88 +01010100011111 head-to-head 90 +01010100011111 contrasted 107 +01010100011111 coincided 116 +01010100011111 competes 118 +01010100011111 contrasts 185 +01010100011111 disagrees 206 +01010100011111 along 5981 +01010100011111 capped 550 +010101001000 1959-1961 1 +010101001000 246,370 1 +010101001000 TEMPERED 1 +010101001000 ATL 1 +010101001000 nine-volume 1 +010101001000 onwards 1 +010101001000 hip-deep 1 +010101001000 2147 1 +010101001000 9988 1 +010101001000 volume-wise 1 +010101001000 CROWING 1 +010101001000 because. 1 +010101001000 Financieros 1 +010101001000 retrying 1 +010101001000 light-haters 1 +010101001000 hacienda 1 +010101001000 ago.The 1 +010101001000 2065 1 +010101001000 anecdotally 1 +010101001000 ealier 2 +010101001000 off-target 2 +010101001000 plumper 2 +010101001000 earlier. 2 +010101001000 leafless 2 +010101001000 Diazyde 2 +010101001000 stiff-armed 2 +010101001000 2045 2 +010101001000 1575 2 +010101001000 2040 3 +010101001000 outrider 3 +010101001000 1975-76 6 +010101001000 earlier 25082 +010101001000 2000 699 +0101010010010 collegiate-hoops 1 +0101010010010 small-flowered 1 +0101010010010 1960-75 1 +0101010010010 Sakonnet 1 +0101010010010 coal-state 1 +0101010010010 EDS-led 1 +0101010010010 horse-head 1 +0101010010010 firefly 1 +0101010010010 Gauche 1 +0101010010010 Arab-Christian 1 +0101010010010 MITI-sponsored 1 +0101010010010 Occidental-led 1 +0101010010010 dollar-bill 1 +0101010010010 Madonna-meets-the-Duchess-of-Windsor 1 +0101010010010 11-10 1 +0101010010010 Cravers 1 +0101010010010 Tau-Con 1 +0101010010010 1895-1906 1 +0101010010010 creamy-colored 1 +0101010010010 croc-hunting 1 +0101010010010 Hamlet-like 1 +0101010010010 pre-motherhood 1 +0101010010010 guy-bad 1 +0101010010010 85-pound 1 +0101010010010 tax-abatement 1 +0101010010010 cop-avenges-his-buddy 1 +0101010010010 industrial-recruiting 1 +0101010010010 drug-ravaged 1 +0101010010010 military-testing 1 +0101010010010 cop/bad 1 +0101010010010 Ohio-businessman 1 +0101010010010 stock-playing 1 +0101010010010 ferret-like 1 +0101010010010 Woodstock-goers 1 +0101010010010 art-dealing 1 +0101010010010 history-amid 1 +0101010010010 art-through-the-ages 1 +0101010010010 obsessiveness 2 +0101010010010 gimpy 2 +0101010010010 Epiphany 2 +0101010010010 acropolis 2 +0101010010010 18-foot-high 2 +0101010010010 chukar 2 +0101010010010 two-tone 2 +0101010010010 Bloomsbury 2 +0101010010010 auto-da-fe 2 +0101010010010 Cucuta 2 +0101010010010 Wailing 2 +0101010010010 Hoschton 2 +0101010010010 2405 2 +0101010010010 arrhythmia 2 +0101010010010 east-side 2 +0101010010010 undemonstrative 2 +0101010010010 omphalos 2 +0101010010010 unplaceable 2 +0101010010010 slutty 2 +0101010010010 Kanda 2 +0101010010010 Amdo 2 +0101010010010 undershirt 2 +0101010010010 semiprecious 2 +0101010010010 Yakuza 2 +0101010010010 rum-runners 2 +0101010010010 drunkest 2 +0101010010010 Misfit 2 +0101010010010 almost-forgotten 2 +0101010010010 faith-healing 2 +0101010010010 slow-flying 2 +0101010010010 much-traveled 2 +0101010010010 steambath 2 +0101010010010 Ultraswitch 2 +0101010010010 corniche 2 +0101010010010 single-seat 2 +0101010010010 apple-cheeked 2 +0101010010010 inch-long 2 +0101010010010 25-to-34 2 +0101010010010 M0 2 +0101010010010 Tajo 2 +0101010010010 airfoil 2 +0101010010010 gullet 2 +0101010010010 undersigned 2 +0101010010010 ulema 2 +0101010010010 overenthusiastic 2 +0101010010010 kuroyon 2 +0101010010010 Nexrad 2 +0101010010010 ionized 2 +0101010010010 heads-I-win 2 +0101010010010 not-so-old 2 +0101010010010 1970-87 2 +0101010010010 1982-1988 2 +0101010010010 hammock 2 +0101010010010 enforcement-minded 2 +0101010010010 Ainsophia 2 +0101010010010 continental-shelf 3 +0101010010010 1960-1965 3 +0101010010010 ministering 3 +0101010010010 achievement-oriented 3 +0101010010010 male-determining 3 +0101010010010 Melaleuca 3 +0101010010010 5-foot-4 3 +0101010010010 Wirtschaftswunder 3 +0101010010010 unfeeling 3 +0101010010010 old. 3 +0101010010010 Dyna 3 +0101010010010 witchy 4 +0101010010010 sweet-natured 4 +0101010010010 11-hour 4 +0101010010010 oracular 4 +0101010010010 good-guy 4 +0101010010010 beechwood 4 +0101010010010 Clairtone 4 +0101010010010 gladiator 4 +0101010010010 deadliest 5 +0101010010010 HIV-positive 5 +0101010010010 1982-1985 6 +0101010010010 Serengeti 6 +0101010010010 commercial-grade 6 +0101010010010 Obrenovich 6 +0101010010010 ole 6 +0101010010010 Ridiculous 6 +0101010010010 Acusyst 8 +0101010010010 beta-amyloid 8 +0101010010010 Jima 12 +0101010010010 non-A 23 +0101010010010 old 10355 +0101010010010 11-year-old 45 +0101010010011 a-coming 1 +0101010010011 330,355 1 +0101010010011 98,414 1 +0101010010011 1,033,373 1 +0101010010011 --conspiracy 1 +0101010010011 eyeballing 1 +0101010010011 later-long 1 +0101010010011 Entity 1 +0101010010011 1951-1980 1 +0101010010011 ago-though 1 +0101010010011 MCMXXV 1 +0101010010011 Flagellator 1 +0101010010011 Gudjewg 1 +0101010010011 1912-40 1 +0101010010011 week-in 1 +0101010010011 2098 1 +0101010010011 ago.They 1 +0101010010011 PETROBRAS 1 +0101010010011 1990-93 1 +0101010010011 438.0 1 +0101010010011 547.1 1 +0101010010011 2,188 1 +0101010010011 1966-1981 1 +0101010010011 ago-quarter 1 +0101010010011 semimemorial 1 +0101010010011 year-olds 1 +0101010010011 1984-89 2 +0101010010011 earier 2 +0101010010011 xanh 2 +0101010010011 Styne 2 +0101010010011 Publicos 2 +0101010010011 after. 2 +0101010010011 oiler 3 +0101010010011 ago. 4 +0101010010011 AGO 11 +0101010010011 ago 15503 +0101010010011 olds 20 +0101010010100 1,513,000 1 +0101010010100 6,503,000 1 +0101010010100 12,509,100 1 +0101010010100 stock-touting 1 +0101010010100 3.7748 1 +0101010010100 59-11 1 +0101010010100 late-middle 1 +0101010010100 5-to-2 1 +0101010010100 guest-room 1 +0101010010100 gamines 1 +0101010010100 Penfolds 1 +0101010010100 729,942 1 +0101010010100 I.P.E. 1 +0101010010100 29-1 1 +0101010010100 6,381 1 +0101010010100 color-clashing 1 +0101010010100 53,935 1 +0101010010100 ROMEOS 1 +0101010010100 103,896 1 +0101010010100 RUMMAGING 1 +0101010010100 91,654 1 +0101010010100 computer-giant 1 +0101010010100 1.8695 1 +0101010010100 417-0 1 +0101010010100 42-8 1 +0101010010100 1,426 1 +0101010010100 8,350,000 1 +0101010010100 11,350,000 1 +0101010010100 strike-split 1 +0101010010100 50-46 1 +0101010010100 279,838 1 +0101010010100 Shawn-dynasty 1 +0101010010100 Demirsar 1 +0101010010100 8,840,000 1 +0101010010100 light-volume 1 +0101010010100 64,430 1 +0101010010100 Irish-born 1 +0101010010100 Schlosses 1 +0101010010100 wools 1 +0101010010100 LOOMS 1 +0101010010100 1,015,190 1 +0101010010100 defir 1 +0101010010100 91.16 1 +0101010010100 650-person 1 +0101010010100 47,224 1 +0101010010100 166,788 1 +0101010010100 1.7395 1 +0101010010100 socialist-leaning 1 +0101010010100 1,569.3 1 +0101010010100 40,819 1 +0101010010100 22,012 1 +0101010010100 16,449 1 +0101010010100 much-acclaimed 1 +0101010010100 late-late 1 +0101010010100 204.63 1 +0101010010100 24,589.23 1 +0101010010100 178,732 1 +0101010010100 Pernand-Vergelesses 1 +0101010010100 Meursault 1 +0101010010100 Aligote 1 +0101010010100 1097.93 1 +0101010010100 often-invoked 1 +0101010010100 Olivetti-style 1 +0101010010100 156,545 1 +0101010010100 184-154 1 +0101010010100 786,268 1 +0101010010100 5,236 1 +0101010010100 no-results 1 +0101010010100 once-blighted 1 +0101010010100 301,100 1 +0101010010100 debarring 1 +0101010010100 2,020,300 1 +0101010010100 statesmanly 1 +0101010010100 liquor-saturated 1 +0101010010100 75-00 1 +0101010010100 Pfc 1 +0101010010100 now-blossoming 1 +0101010010100 30,875 1 +0101010010100 arts-minded 1 +0101010010100 219,677 1 +0101010010100 195,190 1 +0101010010100 899,462 1 +0101010010100 246.11 1 +0101010010100 242.23 1 +0101010010100 67,672 1 +0101010010100 104,842 1 +0101010010100 three-set 1 +0101010010100 97,487 1 +0101010010100 26,046 1 +0101010010100 50,407 1 +0101010010100 Sawgrass 1 +0101010010100 1736.74 1 +0101010010100 34-restaurant 1 +0101010010100 lumpen-intellectual 1 +0101010010100 Dubaih 1 +0101010010100 Purushothaman 1 +0101010010100 better-than-usual 1 +0101010010100 32,380,000 1 +0101010010100 adobe-style 1 +0101010010100 31,516 1 +0101010010100 strike-shortened 1 +0101010010100 revolution-from-the-throne 1 +0101010010100 Malang 1 +0101010010100 HORRORS 1 +0101010010100 116,090 1 +0101010010100 1,062,200 1 +0101010010100 x-Year-to-date 2 +0101010010100 Sabry 2 +0101010010100 7,000-square-foot 2 +0101010010100 drizzly 2 +0101010010100 Petrograd 2 +0101010010100 Michalis 2 +0101010010100 Nebula 2 +0101010010100 2,535 2 +0101010010100 360,380 2 +0101010010100 114.86 2 +0101010010100 62,700 2 +0101010010100 65-8 2 +0101010010100 263-85 2 +0101010010100 Western-Central 3 +0101010010100 August-September 3 +0101010010100 late- 3 +0101010010100 August-October 3 +0101010010100 dead-center 3 +0101010010100 117-year-old 3 +0101010010100 new-year 3 +0101010010100 blow-up 3 +0101010010100 mid-to-late 5 +0101010010100 Tysons 8 +0101010010100 mid-morning 42 +0101010010100 Papua 67 +0101010010100 late 12948 +0101010010100 upstate 83 +0101010010101 inflation-powered 1 +0101010010101 nonhedged 1 +0101010010101 Canadianizing 1 +0101010010101 post-expansion 1 +0101010010101 ZOOMS 1 +0101010010101 HALLOWEEN 1 +0101010010101 pre-deregulation 1 +0101010010101 0.6-hour 1 +0101010010101 Rhodesian-war 1 +0101010010101 India-brokered 1 +0101010010101 verification-process 1 +0101010010101 earlier-than-planned 1 +0101010010101 pre-Nazi 1 +0101010010101 Restaurante 1 +0101010010101 Yuppified 1 +0101010010101 zaftig 1 +0101010010101 Egyptian-Israeli 1 +0101010010101 pre-stock-market 1 +0101010010101 then-mandatory 1 +0101010010101 vetoability 1 +0101010010101 negotiable-options 1 +0101010010101 astigmatic 1 +0101010010101 all-Wagner 1 +0101010010101 2,478 1 +0101010010101 Abominable 1 +0101010010101 Cleveland-McKinley 1 +0101010010101 Harding-Coolidge-Hoover 1 +0101010010101 Wright-endorsed 1 +0101010010101 Qattara 1 +0101010010101 July-October 1 +0101010010101 38-to-65 1 +0101010010101 morale-busting 1 +0101010010101 conservation-oriented 1 +0101010010101 dyed-blonde 1 +0101010010101 encainide 1 +0101010010101 682,953 1 +0101010010101 toyland 1 +0101010010101 full-price 1 +0101010010101 energy-conscious 1 +0101010010101 Kotto 1 +0101010010101 1985-1991 1 +0101010010101 gunsights 1 +0101010010101 hot-ticket 1 +0101010010101 Corybantic 1 +0101010010101 forshadowing 1 +0101010010101 less-famished 1 +0101010010101 sharky 2 +0101010010101 Sabri 2 +0101010010101 inflation-ridden 2 +0101010010101 Virtuous 2 +0101010010101 quads 2 +0101010010101 21-hour 2 +0101010010101 Rennes 2 +0101010010101 co-plaintiffs 2 +0101010010101 takeover-crazed 2 +0101010010101 Wassily 2 +0101010010101 Beville 2 +0101010010101 Centenaire 3 +0101010010101 11-point 3 +0101010010101 8-5 3 +0101010010101 Israeli-Egyptian 3 +0101010010101 8-6 3 +0101010010101 Jader 3 +0101010010101 counterfeits 3 +0101010010101 recession-plagued 3 +0101010010101 Indian-brokered 4 +0101010010101 credulous 5 +0101010010101 early- 5 +0101010010101 pre-recession 5 +0101010010101 palmy 5 +0101010010101 pre-October 8 +0101010010101 Roaring 12 +0101010010101 early 15777 +0101010010101 mid 49 +0101010010110 electronics-retailing 1 +0101010010110 DIRECT/36 1 +0101010010110 beatnik 1 +0101010010110 already-weakened 1 +0101010010110 defensive-type 1 +0101010010110 entrepreneurial-investment 1 +0101010010110 lower-capitalized 1 +0101010010110 O'Hara-style 1 +0101010010110 Carter/Ward 1 +0101010010110 Iranian-laid 1 +0101010010110 500-level 1 +0101010010110 2,486 1 +0101010010110 Co-chairwoman 1 +0101010010110 IMF-administered 1 +0101010010110 urge-to-merge 1 +0101010010110 forward-currency 1 +0101010010110 retail-intensive 1 +0101010010110 teaching-excellence 1 +0101010010110 twoweek 1 +0101010010110 largest-capitalized 1 +0101010010110 price-to-book-ratio 1 +0101010010110 pollutioncontrol 1 +0101010010110 theme-oriented 1 +0101010010110 night-session 1 +0101010010110 low-information 1 +0101010010110 uptrending 1 +0101010010110 mortgage-issue 1 +0101010010110 listed-option 1 +0101010010110 energy-project 1 +0101010010110 1963-82 1 +0101010010110 five-a-month 1 +0101010010110 under-merchandised 1 +0101010010110 Granddad 1 +0101010010110 Gleaner 1 +0101010010110 65-stock 1 +0101010010110 OPEC-eve 1 +0101010010110 domestic-sector 1 +0101010010110 export-sector 1 +0101010010110 Off-exchange 1 +0101010010110 off-bourse 1 +0101010010110 day-today 1 +0101010010110 lube-oil 1 +0101010010110 unreclaimed 1 +0101010010110 1,284 1 +0101010010110 already-competitive 1 +0101010010110 Yellowstain 1 +0101010010110 Gordon-like 1 +0101010010110 variable-life-insurance 1 +0101010010110 feather-light 1 +0101010010110 largest-insider 1 +0101010010110 superliquidity 1 +0101010010110 1,192 1 +0101010010110 high-profitability 1 +0101010010110 global-portfolio 1 +0101010010110 AIDS-control 1 +0101010010110 Ex-Drexel 1 +0101010010110 operating-business 1 +0101010010110 least-favorite 1 +0101010010110 later-round 1 +0101010010110 perservation 1 +0101010010110 salvation-by-society 1 +0101010010110 stocks-boosted 1 +0101010010110 2,524 1 +0101010010110 generic-drug-company 1 +0101010010110 4,948,840x 1 +0101010010110 fishmarket 1 +0101010010110 ad-linage 1 +0101010010110 institution-sized 1 +0101010010110 per-capita-income 1 +0101010010110 aspirin-company 1 +0101010010110 Chinese-government 1 +0101010010110 asset-related 1 +0101010010110 Choppy 1 +0101010010110 then-rising 1 +0101010010110 626,995 1 +0101010010110 Pre-market 1 +0101010010110 sleepiest 1 +0101010010110 highyielding 1 +0101010010110 once-distinct 1 +0101010010110 1,926 1 +0101010010110 already-lackluster 1 +0101010010110 silver-coated 1 +0101010010110 MMI-contract 1 +0101010010110 Spooks 1 +0101010010110 Stale 1 +0101010010110 5,503 1 +0101010010110 insder 1 +0101010010110 retroviral 1 +0101010010110 SMALL-COMPANY 1 +0101010010110 second-lightest 1 +0101010010110 inter-market 1 +0101010010110 shuttle-service 1 +0101010010110 4,419,768-x 1 +0101010010110 Toronto-listed 1 +0101010010110 periferico 1 +0101010010110 2,413 1 +0101010010110 1,321 1 +0101010010110 British-bond 1 +0101010010110 225-selected 1 +0101010010110 most-used 1 +0101010010110 early-cycle 2 +0101010010110 stock-index-option 2 +0101010010110 Blinder-underwritten 2 +0101010010110 once-banned 2 +0101010010110 X-shaped 2 +0101010010110 4,715 2 +0101010010110 East-Bloc 2 +0101010010110 non-UMW 2 +0101010010110 Japanese-stock 2 +0101010010110 Stuttgarter 2 +0101010010110 off-board 2 +0101010010110 gymnasium-sized 2 +0101010010110 most-liquid 2 +0101010010110 least-liquid 2 +0101010010110 non-floor 2 +0101010010110 triple-witching-hour 2 +0101010010110 own-account 2 +0101010010110 top-60 2 +0101010010110 4,401 3 +0101010010110 smaller-company 3 +0101010010110 off-floor 3 +0101010010110 country-debt 3 +0101010010110 narrow-range 3 +0101010010110 index-options 3 +0101010010110 4,635 3 +0101010010110 initial-public-offering 4 +0101010010110 Prearranged 4 +0101010010110 Sueddeutsche 4 +0101010010110 overthe-counter 4 +0101010010110 screen-based 5 +0101010010110 market-system 5 +0101010010110 pre-issue 5 +0101010010110 inter-dealer 5 +0101010010110 fund-company 5 +0101010010110 over-thecounter 6 +0101010010110 emerging-growth 9 +0101010010110 larger-capitalization 10 +0101010010110 third-market 11 +0101010010110 first-section 12 +0101010010110 pre-announcement 13 +0101010010110 off-exchange 14 +0101010010110 mortgage-securities 15 +0101010010110 pre-bid 16 +0101010010110 non-NMS 18 +0101010010110 interdealer 39 +0101010010110 dividend-related 55 +0101010010110 exchange-listed 57 +0101010010110 insider 1848 +0101010010110 over-the-counter 5083 +0101010010110 OTC 2176 +0101010010111 100-sized 1 +0101010010111 400-industrials 1 +0101010010111 Commission/Commodity 1 +0101010010111 interest-rate-swaps 1 +0101010010111 Tornto 1 +0101010010111 post-settlement 1 +0101010010111 straight-dollar 1 +0101010010111 Saturnia 1 +0101010010111 snail-paced 1 +0101010010111 dividendrelated 1 +0101010010111 Other-Finance 1 +0101010010111 warehouse-copper 2 +0101010010111 Hill-based 2 +0101010010111 national-over-the-counter 6 +0101010010111 composite 10233 +0101010010111 Composite 288 +0101010011000 94.77 1 +0101010011000 94.87 1 +0101010011000 1,848 1 +0101010011000 7l 1 +0101010011000 ousttanding 1 +0101010011000 757-695 1 +0101010011000 736-719 1 +0101010011000 963-959 1 +0101010011000 743-717 1 +0101010011000 crustacea 1 +0101010011000 92.96 1 +0101010011000 839-713 1 +0101010011000 93.41 1 +0101010011000 95.06 1 +0101010011000 95.07 1 +0101010011000 92.92 1 +0101010011000 92.81 1 +0101010011000 93.06 1 +0101010011000 93.17 1 +0101010011000 conventionally. 1 +0101010011000 814-735 1 +0101010011000 93.35 1 +0101010011000 95.51 1 +0101010011000 95.48 1 +0101010011000 95.25 1 +0101010011000 95.30 1 +0101010011000 95.38 1 +0101010011000 94.99 1 +0101010011000 95.11 1 +0101010011000 95.01 1 +0101010011000 94.98 1 +0101010011000 95.12 1 +0101010011000 respresent 1 +0101010011000 yestersday 1 +0101010011000 94.95 1 +0101010011000 94.97 1 +0101010011000 logics 1 +0101010011000 94.96 1 +0101010011000 94.67 1 +0101010011000 95.03 1 +0101010011000 94.83 1 +0101010011000 94.18 1 +0101010011000 94.49 1 +0101010011000 93.94 1 +0101010011000 95.39 1 +0101010011000 celibacy 1 +0101010011000 95.26 1 +0101010011000 stock-redesignated 1 +0101010011000 95.17 1 +0101010011000 94.78 1 +0101010011000 93.37 1 +0101010011000 93.65 1 +0101010011000 1012 1 +0101010011000 835-629 1 +0101010011000 916-583 1 +0101010011000 Radhakrishnan 1 +0101010011000 1.09-for-1 1 +0101010011000 981-483 1 +0101010011000 948-670 1 +0101010011000 794-624 1 +0101010011000 656-334 1 +0101010011000 388,309 1 +0101010011000 2,186 1 +0101010011000 6,927 1 +0101010011000 coupon-clippers 1 +0101010011000 0.775 1 +0101010011000 816-720 1 +0101010011000 67-3890 1 +0101010011000 1,001-538 1 +0101010011000 outstandings 2 +0101010011000 95.40 2 +0101010011000 dweeb 2 +0101010011000 95.02 2 +0101010011000 94.62 2 +0101010011000 outstanding. 2 +0101010011000 94.94 2 +0101010011000 93.27 2 +0101010011000 93.21 2 +0101010011000 94.71 2 +0101010011000 93.01 3 +0101010011000 93.43 3 +0101010011000 94.85 4 +0101010011000 oustanding 15 +0101010011000 outstanding 11000 +0101010011000 issuable 16 +0101010011001 Bifocal 1 +0101010011001 Bustanil 1 +0101010011001 Can-Can 1 +0101010011001 Saxatilis 1 +0101010011001 Italics 1 +0101010011001 Teile 1 +0101010011001 po-kah-zoo-kah 1 +0101010011001 21-15 1 +0101010011001 Palmahol 1 +0101010011001 658-8063 1 +0101010011001 overadjustment 1 +0101010011001 scatterometer 1 +0101010011001 850-2000 1 +0101010011001 623-9001 1 +0101010011001 273-7877 1 +0101010011001 deoperfumes 1 +0101010011001 info-mercials 1 +0101010011001 violated. 1 +0101010011001 Zebedee 1 +0101010011001 OHHaww 1 +0101010011001 Torque-speak 1 +0101010011001 peruke-makers 1 +0101010011001 Mazstang 1 +0101010011001 N.F.W. 1 +0101010011001 preclearance 1 +0101010011001 beatup. 1 +0101010011001 techno-burbs 1 +0101010011001 deathspiral 1 +0101010011001 246-6807 1 +0101010011001 971-9150 1 +0101010011001 581-7907 1 +0101010011001 were. 1 +0101010011001 MaxSafety 1 +0101010011001 materalized 1 +0101010011001 wah-kah-ho-ri-ku 1 +0101010011001 Banques 1 +0101010011001 PATRICIA 1 +0101010011001 482,673 1 +0101010011001 wonderful. 1 +0101010011001 /FDP 1 +0101010011001 545-6555 1 +0101010011001 547-7424 1 +0101010011001 797-0657 1 +0101010011001 872-4700 1 +0101010011001 864-4130 1 +0101010011001 585-2573 1 +0101010011001 footsie 1 +0101010011001 STYLES 1 +0101010011001 Chevrolet-Buick-Pontiac-Oldsmobile 1 +0101010011001 hushhush 1 +0101010011001 Sa-low-mi 1 +0101010011001 EAVN 1 +0101010011001 mousetrapped 1 +0101010011001 atklatiba 1 +0101010011001 takeover-itis 1 +0101010011001 537-3507 1 +0101010011001 Okogie 1 +0101010011001 unstable-stability 1 +0101010011001 Aide 1 +0101010011001 Stumpfel 1 +0101010011001 ooey-pooey 1 +0101010011001 Monjardin 1 +0101010011001 Matull 1 +0101010011001 work-doh 1 +0101010011001 pitchpoling 1 +0101010011001 Galveas 1 +0101010011001 mega-contracts 1 +0101010011001 Freeburg 1 +0101010011001 superplane 1 +0101010011001 219-3910 1 +0101010011001 220-8616 1 +0101010011001 Ingramii 1 +0101010011001 625-4275 1 +0101010011001 I.L.J. 1 +0101010011001 Torquemada 1 +0101010011001 925-2750 1 +0101010011001 Key-paw 1 +0101010011001 housebroken 1 +0101010011001 Hornaday 1 +0101010011001 praiseries 1 +0101010011001 nottori 1 +0101010011001 862-7352 1 +0101010011001 intolerable. 1 +0101010011001 NPH 1 +0101010011001 572-6037 1 +0101010011001 621-0379 1 +0101010011001 crunchies 1 +0101010011001 Topper 1 +0101010011001 MESSERSCHMIDT-BOELKOW 1 +0101010011001 overdrawing 1 +0101010011001 VanDevender 1 +0101010011001 beasted 1 +0101010011001 overcomplicated 1 +0101010011001 Musafe 1 +0101010011001 superbe 1 +0101010011001 621-9893 1 +0101010011001 hightest 1 +0101010011001 D.-Ga 1 +0101010011001 Debtman 1 +0101010011001 unartistic 1 +0101010011001 SOES-ed 1 +0101010011001 junkers 1 +0101010011001 Hodur 1 +0101010011001 582-1821 1 +0101010011001 Terrific 1 +0101010011001 straightforward. 1 +0101010011001 Dreamstage 1 +0101010011001 finger-paintings 1 +0101010011001 Meisterschlocker 1 +0101010011001 Abair 1 +0101010011001 Indiscreet 1 +0101010011001 symphonia 1 +0101010011001 265-7300 1 +0101010011001 Toshiba-bashing 1 +0101010011001 Dougster 1 +0101010011001 Danger-Explosives 1 +0101010011001 unfood-looking 1 +0101010011001 up-phase 1 +0101010011001 DuhMAWko 1 +0101010011001 Ooooh 1 +0101010011001 over-prescribing 1 +0101010011001 underdogged 1 +0101010011001 Movietone 1 +0101010011001 Bordello 1 +0101010011001 Pana-dollars 1 +0101010011001 towny 1 +0101010011001 warrigal 1 +0101010011001 dude-oir 1 +0101010011001 hardtack 1 +0101010011001 hopscotching 1 +0101010011001 870-5690 1 +0101010011001 Markstein 1 +0101010011001 counter-sanctions 1 +0101010011001 769-5305 1 +0101010011001 assetstripping 1 +0101010011001 Kost 1 +0101010011001 airyfairy 1 +0101010011001 Lamotte 1 +0101010011001 Prieskel 1 +0101010011001 salary-men 1 +0101010011001 McPinion 1 +0101010011001 Bodywatching 1 +0101010011001 Resonance 1 +0101010011001 YEEEEEH 1 +0101010011001 WHEEEARG 1 +0101010011001 Minimize 1 +0101010011001 Eggzibitions 1 +0101010011001 677-8960 1 +0101010011001 871-0090 1 +0101010011001 732-5813 1 +0101010011001 598-7150 1 +0101010011001 Ram-bro 1 +0101010011001 ecclesiastical-medieval 1 +0101010011001 disadvantaged. 1 +0101010011001 vacationland 1 +0101010011001 governmentinsured 1 +0101010011001 exist. 1 +0101010011001 Distinctions 1 +0101010011001 Adios 1 +0101010011001 Dizziest 1 +0101010011001 Rockschool 1 +0101010011001 Zardoz 1 +0101010011001 Upheavals 1 +0101010011001 D.-Calif 1 +0101010011001 734-3614 1 +0101010011001 624-2345 1 +0101010011001 yech 1 +0101010011001 lowballing 1 +0101010011001 steamroller. 1 +0101010011001 mini-trial 1 +0101010011001 than. 1 +0101010011001 chickenhawk 1 +0101010011001 Jolles 1 +0101010011001 handfasting 1 +0101010011001 Exonerated 1 +0101010011001 484-7278 1 +0101010011001 775-8169 1 +0101010011001 Mmm-minestrone 1 +0101010011001 Cato-logs 1 +0101010011001 cateologue 1 +0101010011001 cauterized 1 +0101010011001 ill-bred 1 +0101010011001 insistences 1 +0101010011001 non-comedogenic 1 +0101010011001 Finke 1 +0101010011001 Pahkahs 1 +0101010011001 Blanding 1 +0101010011001 Somethings 1 +0101010011001 Marmaduke 1 +0101010011001 1208 1 +0101010011001 Anticipate 1 +0101010011001 fisk 1 +0101010011001 Indianized 1 +0101010011001 cash-crisis 1 +0101010011001 burajah 1 +0101010011001 Martern 1 +0101010011001 xxx 1 +0101010011001 shah-WEE 1 +0101010011001 tac-tac 1 +0101010011001 903-9600 1 +0101010011001 362-8719 1 +0101010011001 874-SING 1 +0101010011001 eye-poppers 1 +0101010011001 307-5320 1 +0101010011001 690-4100 1 +0101010011001 642-LIVE 1 +0101010011001 de-rocker 1 +0101010011001 fanciful. 1 +0101010011001 dumpster-diving 1 +0101010011001 misgraded 1 +0101010011001 Coma 1 +0101010011001 Hee-Haw 1 +0101010011001 Barril 1 +0101010011001 institution-power 1 +0101010011001 Self-exile 1 +0101010011001 smokosphere 1 +0101010011001 Persevere 1 +0101010011001 trolls 1 +0101010011001 Terry-yakis 1 +0101010011001 presidents-for-life 1 +0101010011001 Greenbride 1 +0101010011001 Tech-Busters 1 +0101010011001 681-3344 1 +0101010011001 2420800 1 +0101010011001 236-6510 1 +0101010011001 Reaganize 1 +0101010011001 sissies 1 +0101010011001 Svenson 1 +0101010011001 answerse 1 +0101010011001 paper-profiteering 1 +0101010011001 Tzamarelatos 1 +0101010011001 aggiornamento 1 +0101010011001 744-4430 1 +0101010011001 cd-v 1 +0101010011001 POINK 1 +0101010011001 globe-trot 1 +0101010011001 Rembleske 1 +0101010011001 out-butterflied 1 +0101010011001 Libuse 1 +0101010011001 628-0888 1 +0101010011001 769-5315 1 +0101010011001 pinang 1 +0101010011001 Knoop 1 +0101010011001 -savings 1 +0101010011001 Pray-SEE 1 +0101010011001 SHOAH 1 +0101010011001 Ltd.said 1 +0101010011001 roadworthy 1 +0101010011001 v-e-t-o 1 +0101010011001 Fairman 1 +0101010011001 entreprementors 1 +0101010011001 horsepreneurs 1 +0101010011001 aliteracy 1 +0101010011001 amhain 1 +0101010011001 honneur 1 +0101010011001 Loops 1 +0101010011001 de-Christianization 1 +0101010011001 Grisdela 1 +0101010011001 greater. 1 +0101010011001 WHITEHAT 1 +0101010011001 Voland 1 +0101010011001 nonendorsable 1 +0101010011001 spritzer 1 +0101010011001 996-1100 1 +0101010011001 Brunsman 1 +0101010011001 682-9346 1 +0101010011001 922-0061 1 +0101010011001 592-7111 1 +0101010011001 359-0009 1 +0101010011001 attitudinally 1 +0101010011001 blurrier 1 +0101010011001 consciousnesses 1 +0101010011001 Ecownomics 1 +0101010011001 Meza 1 +0101010011001 Borelando 1 +0101010011001 Bedenracher 1 +0101010011001 giance 1 +0101010011001 M.A.S.H. 1 +0101010011001 customer-focused 1 +0101010011001 663-0048 1 +0101010011001 799-3100 1 +0101010011001 guesstimated 1 +0101010011001 Tevis 1 +0101010011001 442-7666 1 +0101010011001 Umali 1 +0101010011001 Deadland 1 +0101010011001 Keinath 1 +0101010011001 undefeatable 1 +0101010011001 Surferboy 1 +0101010011001 mouth-feel 1 +0101010011001 Kinabalu 1 +0101010011001 dedo 1 +0101010011001 Copass 1 +0101010011001 Slapshot 1 +0101010011001 643-4550 1 +0101010011001 266-3605 1 +0101010011001 Athalia 1 +0101010011001 533-5555 1 +0101010011001 accelerato 1 +0101010011001 profitflation 1 +0101010011001 publishere 1 +0101010011001 abated. 1 +0101010011001 Tirale 1 +0101010011001 338-1433 1 +0101010011001 Schmook 1 +0101010011001 argutas 1 +0101010011001 744-3315 1 +0101010011001 684-4059 1 +0101010011001 agritourism 1 +0101010011001 871-1881 1 +0101010011001 9311255 1 +0101010011001 622-3771 1 +0101010011001 826-6837 1 +0101010011001 587-8681 1 +0101010011001 362-8060 1 +0101010011001 L.N. 1 +0101010011001 parented 1 +0101010011001 Jijunagrandisimas 1 +0101010011001 Gunslingers 1 +0101010011001 243-0745 1 +0101010011001 357-2700 1 +0101010011001 disambiguation 1 +0101010011001 Zygalski 1 +0101010011001 cocktailed 1 +0101010011001 Besky 1 +0101010011001 Zaslove 1 +0101010011001 535-7710 1 +0101010011001 822-4757 1 +0101010011001 559-2330 1 +0101010011001 695-3738 1 +0101010011001 Torchon 1 +0101010011001 Haefele 1 +0101010011001 Austropa 1 +0101010011001 life-costing 1 +0101010011001 nonpersonal 1 +0101010011001 chn 1 +0101010011001 accessibly 1 +0101010011001 alpo 1 +0101010011001 380-5031 1 +0101010011001 220-8700 1 +0101010011001 UOAs 1 +0101010011001 Epargne 1 +0101010011001 nitpicky 1 +0101010011001 immemorable 1 +0101010011001 544-4477 1 +0101010011001 724-8700 1 +0101010011001 Gabarro 1 +0101010011001 lumpfish 1 +0101010011001 matter-of-actly 1 +0101010011001 voltigeurs 1 +0101010011001 houngan 1 +0101010011001 anti-hunting/anti-gun 1 +0101010011001 A-wham-bam-alamb-bam-a-lamb-bam-bam 1 +0101010011001 pro-imperialist 1 +0101010011001 unsurveyed 1 +0101010011001 drk 1 +0101010011001 AUSIMONT 1 +0101010011001 1904-5 1 +0101010011001 jardin 1 +0101010011001 bravo 1 +0101010011001 Husick 1 +0101010011001 Societally-Conscious 1 +0101010011001 cured. 1 +0101010011001 GOWN 1 +0101010011001 multiskilled 1 +0101010011001 datuk 1 +0101010011001 imagineers 1 +0101010011001 interesting. 1 +0101010011001 Billis 1 +0101010011001 Malarkey 1 +0101010011001 Fledermice 1 +0101010011001 924-0070 1 +0101010011001 Helzer 1 +0101010011001 suc 1 +0101010011001 unregulation 1 +0101010011001 popcorn-like 1 +0101010011001 lawyer-to-lawyer 1 +0101010011001 epifelacticos 1 +0101010011001 Sandinocommunism 1 +0101010011001 Hospitaliano 1 +0101010011001 minidress 1 +0101010011001 Greensleaves 1 +0101010011001 Mixed-Up 1 +0101010011001 wojrk 1 +0101010011001 w-o-j-r 1 +0101010011001 DupontF 1 +0101010011001 Ohhhhh 1 +0101010011001 Crillon 1 +0101010011001 midpreneurs 1 +0101010011001 Humbug 1 +0101010011001 but-untrue-to-the-Agatha-Christie- 1 +0101010011001 Heroism 1 +0101010011001 Pulchritude 1 +0101010011001 non-material 1 +0101010011001 maltuition 1 +0101010011001 Ooohhhhhhh. 1 +0101010011001 Swist 1 +0101010011001 Strouss 1 +0101010011001 organoleptically 1 +0101010011001 Sociale 1 +0101010011001 Standiford 1 +0101010011001 Gunbelt 1 +0101010011001 Radarange 1 +0101010011001 KEISHI 1 +0101010011001 Moonwalk 1 +0101010011001 head-shaking 1 +0101010011001 Schilffarth 1 +0101010011001 577-7863 1 +0101010011001 deal-blocker 1 +0101010011001 downhearted 1 +0101010011001 Vicenzo 1 +0101010011001 Insensitive 1 +0101010011001 Bushism 1 +0101010011001 ENCYCLOPAEDIA 1 +0101010011001 Evident 1 +0101010011001 Longstocking 1 +0101010011001 usurers 1 +0101010011001 DeLorenzo 1 +0101010011001 Pagulayan 1 +0101010011001 Lynett 1 +0101010011001 men-o-rama 1 +0101010011001 nemawashi 1 +0101010011001 mah-zo-VYET-ski 1 +0101010011001 contra-selection 1 +0101010011001 class-to-the-class 1 +0101010011001 Carmilla 1 +0101010011001 Vetr 1 +0101010011001 fully. 1 +0101010011001 over-imbibing 1 +0101010011001 Lincolnpoops 1 +0101010011001 Pudge 1 +0101010011001 feuding. 1 +0101010011001 Generelli 1 +0101010011001 medicinalis 1 +0101010011001 Eurocentrism 1 +0101010011001 GATT-illegal 1 +0101010011001 sprinklered 1 +0101010011001 people-meters 1 +0101010011001 Porres 1 +0101010011001 889-5581 1 +0101010011001 Charal 1 +0101010011001 227-3227 1 +0101010011001 mapbook 1 +0101010011001 RAY 1 +0101010011001 Heyns 1 +0101010011001 Givray 1 +0101010011001 colorblindness 1 +0101010011001 camou-mail 1 +0101010011001 Marinkovich 1 +0101010011001 mega-warehouses 1 +0101010011001 kimilbee 1 +0101010011001 Chopsticks 1 +0101010011001 tubefeeder 1 +0101010011001 Winterson 1 +0101010011001 Mikro-Quat 1 +0101010011001 firetrap 1 +0101010011001 network-legal 1 +0101010011001 collectivas 1 +0101010011001 We. 1 +0101010011001 reLBO 1 +0101010011001 fastigheter 1 +0101010011001 727-8787 1 +0101010011001 Slaughterhouse-Five 1 +0101010011001 pavian 1 +0101010011001 contextualized 1 +0101010011001 believa 1 +0101010011001 self-correct 1 +0101010011001 automaticity 1 +0101010011001 Dinersaurs 1 +0101010011001 bathroom. 1 +0101010011001 super-banker 1 +0101010011001 Boum 1 +0101010011001 superannuation 1 +0101010011001 patrie 1 +0101010011001 Ginley 1 +0101010011001 Vercillo 1 +0101010011001 Weinburg 1 +0101010011001 546-7391 1 +0101010011001 Lucrezia 1 +0101010011001 Vasilyev 1 +0101010011001 CHRONIC 1 +0101010011001 Luminas 1 +0101010011001 preservations 1 +0101010011001 Grantchester 1 +0101010011001 Hard-Liners 1 +0101010011001 Iri 1 +0101010011001 conking 1 +0101010011001 guruism 1 +0101010011001 SSSSSSS 1 +0101010011001 Medication 1 +0101010011001 Velde 1 +0101010011001 mixologists 1 +0101010011001 787-8000 1 +0101010011001 Kneuttel 1 +0101010011001 Star-News 1 +0101010011001 Noids 1 +0101010011001 Diosese 1 +0101010011001 963-5246 1 +0101010011001 553-2230 1 +0101010011001 861-7500 1 +0101010011001 492-2777 1 +0101010011001 647-8789 1 +0101010011001 951-1011 1 +0101010011001 631-3307 1 +0101010011001 546-WINE 1 +0101010011001 579-0577 1 +0101010011001 bushido 1 +0101010011001 533-7400 1 +0101010011001 McFrozen 1 +0101010011001 Dis-Service 1 +0101010011001 unretire 1 +0101010011001 456-6666 1 +0101010011001 Ablove 1 +0101010011001 producer/writers 1 +0101010011001 bravissimo 1 +0101010011001 pumpers 1 +0101010011001 Wattoo/Wattoo 1 +0101010011001 higher-profit-goods 1 +0101010011001 Moto-ized 1 +0101010011001 clapboards 1 +0101010011001 kvetchmeisters 1 +0101010011001 broke. 1 +0101010011001 revisal 1 +0101010011001 Caygillomics 1 +0101010011001 alopecia 1 +0101010011001 Masquerade 1 +0101010011001 Lower-quality 1 +0101010011001 psycho-boom 1 +0101010011001 panderer 1 +0101010011001 596-9507 1 +0101010011001 972-7211 1 +0101010011001 537-6191 1 +0101010011001 355-6100 1 +0101010011001 Jardincour 1 +0101010011001 bell-ringers 1 +0101010011001 625-8250 1 +0101010011001 678-3268 1 +0101010011001 658-2507 1 +0101010011001 prophetism 1 +0101010011001 Cowett 1 +0101010011001 Rendira 1 +0101010011001 yellow-carded 1 +0101010011001 Trexler 1 +0101010011001 661-7067 1 +0101010011001 pitless 1 +0101010011001 Krocak 1 +0101010011001 break-evens 1 +0101010011001 YS-11s 1 +0101010011001 flushometer 1 +0101010011001 capitulatory 1 +0101010011001 show-runners 1 +0101010011001 overhour 1 +0101010011001 emollient 1 +0101010011001 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 1 +0101010011001 alles 1 +0101010011001 MASTERCARD 1 +0101010011001 technostress 1 +0101010011001 Escaler 1 +0101010011001 0.450 1 +0101010011001 6.0s 1 +0101010011001 I-Ching 1 +0101010011001 successful. 1 +0101010011001 Bruccoli 1 +0101010011001 Bissel 1 +0101010011001 232-7636 1 +0101010011001 799-9595 1 +0101010011001 quarteritis 1 +0101010011001 Ser 1 +0101010011001 10,192,201 1 +0101010011001 STALIN 1 +0101010011001 Mahathir-beset 1 +0101010011001 trouble-makers 1 +0101010011001 Rogerama 1 +0101010011001 Mezquitillo 1 +0101010011001 sluts 1 +0101010011001 Shulevitz 1 +0101010011001 disconnected. 1 +0101010011001 Bakhtiar 1 +0101010011001 rustout 1 +0101010011001 deer. 1 +0101010011001 Mentum 1 +0101010011001 Orgasm 1 +0101010011001 Funakoshi 1 +0101010011001 Hibberd 1 +0101010011001 Karangelen 1 +0101010011001 Run-D.M.C. 1 +0101010011001 CR103 1 +0101010011001 Memoriale 1 +0101010011001 1974-83 1 +0101010011001 ineffective. 1 +0101010011001 Victor/Victoria 1 +0101010011001 heat-pasteurized 1 +0101010011001 Montredon 1 +0101010011001 willies 1 +0101010011001 Mazess 1 +0101010011001 paper. 1 +0101010011001 macrosociety 1 +0101010011001 Hiristo 1 +0101010011001 Champaigne 1 +0101010011001 Geisert 1 +0101010011001 affected. 1 +0101010011001 nerveux 1 +0101010011001 domaine 1 +0101010011001 singularized 1 +0101010011001 Swarns 1 +0101010011001 Groark 1 +0101010011001 Harlettes 1 +0101010011001 Telecomunicazioni 1 +0101010011001 j.g. 1 +0101010011001 N.F. 1 +0101010011001 Cereno 1 +0101010011001 meltdowns 1 +0101010011001 indeterminable 1 +0101010011001 mensch 1 +0101010011001 3447381 1 +0101010011001 caro 1 +0101010011001 Gottardo 1 +0101010011001 panderetas 1 +0101010011001 856-7500 1 +0101010011001 577-5198 1 +0101010011001 Rouen 1 +0101010011001 has. 1 +0101010011001 877-2011 1 +0101010011001 945-0505 1 +0101010011001 cimbalom 1 +0101010011001 Raffaello 1 +0101010011001 Trackdown 1 +0101010011001 two-reeler 1 +0101010011001 Endings 1 +0101010011001 W.I.L.D. 1 +0101010011001 non-conventional. 1 +0101010011001 Feehan 1 +0101010011001 we. 1 +0101010011001 Gar-nay 1 +0101010011001 beautitul 1 +0101010011001 overearning 1 +0101010011001 Karpa 1 +0101010011001 Tarbell 1 +0101010011001 Yalim 1 +0101010011001 Hizmetleri 1 +0101010011001 round-robins 1 +0101010011001 DuTAXus 1 +0101010011001 palliated 1 +0101010011001 253-5900 1 +0101010011001 547-2255 1 +0101010011001 733-3050 1 +0101010011001 684-6402 1 +0101010011001 54-29-58 1 +0101010011001 R-A-V-I-N-I-A 1 +0101010011001 Wed 1 +0101010011001 Foege 1 +0101010011001 Froslid 1 +0101010011001 Konuntakiet 1 +0101010011001 Politan 1 +0101010011001 Dopebusters 1 +0101010011001 Amalfitano 1 +0101010011001 TAH-day-OOSH 1 +0101010011001 344-5910 1 +0101010011001 Jarvi 1 +0101010011001 989-2987 1 +0101010011001 Dance/France 1 +0101010011001 eveners 1 +0101010011001 Sayin 1 +0101010011001 Spoelberch 1 +0101010011001 erythrae 1 +0101010011001 heh-JEM-a-ne 1 +0101010011001 Trash-Dos 1 +0101010011001 Tris-Dos 1 +0101010011001 Kong-Tokyo 1 +0101010011001 committed. 1 +0101010011001 Rundfunk/Hamburg 1 +0101010011001 write-top 1 +0101010011001 re-instated 1 +0101010011001 Serai 1 +0101010011001 JUCHE 1 +0101010011001 Pauletta 1 +0101010011001 mini-meltdown 1 +0101010011001 first-to-apply 1 +0101010011001 Satirino 1 +0101010011001 re-Germanization 1 +0101010011001 debottlenecking 1 +0101010011001 623-1223 1 +0101010011001 college-educated. 1 +0101010011001 Bagawan 1 +0101010011001 Corporal 1 +0101010011001 dumbbells 1 +0101010011001 Broner 1 +0101010011001 Lile 1 +0101010011001 I.R.S. 2 +0101010011001 coeur 2 +0101010011001 Servicios 2 +0101010011001 Ordained 2 +0101010011001 unlatch 2 +0101010011001 premillennialists 2 +0101010011001 461-9541 2 +0101010011001 Goldfinger 2 +0101010011001 Gala 2 +0101010011001 supercautious 2 +0101010011001 Lawns 2 +0101010011001 but. 2 +0101010011001 874-2424 2 +0101010011001 Ger 2 +0101010011001 intertwine 2 +0101010011001 cryoprobe 2 +0101010011001 everything. 2 +0101010011001 VAX-killer 2 +0101010011001 Manguno 2 +0101010011001 Five-0 2 +0101010011001 Cheeseburger 2 +0101010011001 compacting 2 +0101010011001 961-0644 2 +0101010011001 854-7890 2 +0101010011001 480-3232 2 +0101010011001 Salchow 2 +0101010011001 857-0900 2 +0101010011001 Nightingales 2 +0101010011001 outsources 2 +0101010011001 jells 2 +0101010011001 288-8889 2 +0101010011001 Evolutionary 2 +0101010011001 audit-proof 2 +0101010011001 Urbervilles 2 +0101010011001 Espagna 2 +0101010011001 changarros 2 +0101010011001 otlichno 2 +0101010011001 Oppornockety 2 +0101010011001 371-5656 2 +0101010011001 1-800-4-CANCER 2 +0101010011001 stardust 2 +0101010011001 Strut 2 +0101010011001 marginalize 2 +0101010011001 beanbag 2 +0101010011001 farfetched 2 +0101010011001 623-5775 2 +0101010011001 Peilin 2 +0101010011001 Artistes 2 +0101010011001 Icelanders 2 +0101010011001 outplaced 2 +0101010011001 Marmion 2 +0101010011001 Pieta 2 +0101010011001 thunk 2 +0101010011001 normalizes 2 +0101010011001 muffs 2 +0101010011001 reported. 2 +0101010011001 517-ASIA 2 +0101010011001 Bartee 2 +0101010011001 220-2322 2 +0101010011001 .............................. 2 +0101010011001 commie 2 +0101010011001 aeruginosa 2 +0101010011001 Satie 2 +0101010011001 443-4711 2 +0101010011001 596-5556 2 +0101010011001 loan. 2 +0101010011001 392-4900 2 +0101010011001 extortionist 2 +0101010011001 860-1335 2 +0101010011001 Adam-12 2 +0101010011001 Nibelungen 2 +0101010011001 Desarrollo 2 +0101010011001 476-9064 2 +0101010011001 Riz 2 +0101010011001 893-1930 3 +0101010011001 636-4100 3 +0101010011001 prepossessing 3 +0101010011001 Melo 3 +0101010011001 notes. 3 +0101010011001 Rev 3 +0101010011001 crystalized 3 +0101010011001 unarguable 3 +0101010011001 Capt 3 +0101010011001 Ternyila 3 +0101010011001 creaming 3 +0101010011001 864-3330 3 +0101010011001 diclosed 3 +0101010011001 minimis 3 +0101010011001 721-8222 3 +0101010011001 Ets 3 +0101010011001 vended 3 +0101010011001 mine-related 3 +0101010011001 Adm 3 +0101010011001 Taps 3 +0101010011001 status. 3 +0101010011001 652-5577 3 +0101010011001 924-0077 3 +0101010011001 Gama 4 +0101010011001 avows 4 +0101010011001 overstretch 4 +0101010011001 Lt 4 +0101010011001 2-8 4 +0101010011001 Grieux 4 +0101010011001 Lammermoor 4 +0101010011001 362-1911 4 +0101010011001 inc 4 +0101010011001 Regatta 4 +0101010011001 sloo 4 +0101010011001 ................ 4 +0101010011001 Bhd 4 +0101010011001 874-6770 5 +0101010011001 dislosed 5 +0101010011001 .......................... 5 +0101010011001 332-2244 5 +0101010011001 minimus 5 +0101010011001 na 5 +0101010011001 ........................... 5 +0101010011001 procrastinated 5 +0101010011001 disclosed. 5 +0101010011001 870-5570 6 +0101010011001 Tues 6 +0101010011001 ing 6 +0101010011001 Sgt 6 +0101010011001 246-8989 6 +0101010011001 Tombs 6 +0101010011001 227-ARTS 6 +0101010011001 Dromey 7 +0101010011001 242-0800 7 +0101010011001 Thurs 8 +0101010011001 affaires 8 +0101010011001 Dept 8 +0101010011001 247-7800 9 +0101010011001 ............................. 10 +0101010011001 Ret 10 +0101010011001 beckoned 11 +0101010011001 ........................ 12 +0101010011001 Gov 12 +0101010011001 ................. 12 +0101010011001 mon 12 +0101010011001 ......................... 12 +0101010011001 .............. 12 +0101010011001 ........... 12 +0101010011001 Sdn 13 +0101010011001 Msgr 13 +0101010011001 ............ 13 +0101010011001 Col 14 +0101010011001 Gen 14 +0101010011001 ............... 14 +0101010011001 Pte 15 +0101010011001 362-6000 15 +0101010011001 ....... 15 +0101010011001 ..................... 15 +0101010011001 DIFF 17 +0101010011001 ........ 17 +0101010011001 .......... 17 +0101010011001 .................. 17 +0101010011001 ...... 19 +0101010011001 ............. 19 +0101010011001 ................... 19 +0101010011001 ....................... 19 +0101010011001 ...................... 20 +0101010011001 ..... 22 +0101010011001 sic 22 +0101010011001 .................... 23 +0101010011001 Ms 30 +0101010011001 Brig 31 +0101010011001 Mrs 32 +0101010011001 Sen 44 +0101010011001 Pty 47 +0101010011001 Zarett 76 +0101010011001 s 96 +0101010011001 .. 107 +0101010011001 Bros 121 +0101010011001 Ludcke 122 +0101010011001 v 266 +0101010011001 vs 302 +0101010011001 disclosed 6271 +0101010011001 Mr 848 +0101010011010 gawps 1 +0101010011010 document-checking 1 +0101010011010 Naef 1 +0101010011010 Roadhouse 1 +0101010011010 snow-plowing 1 +0101010011010 asset-switching 1 +0101010011010 Kwang-Sun 1 +0101010011010 ranger-naturalist 1 +0101010011010 outsanding 1 +0101010011010 close-downs 1 +0101010011010 re-gasified 1 +0101010011010 stock-valued 1 +0101010011010 Amwas 1 +0101010011010 7756 1 +0101010011010 5,858 1 +0101010011010 Cafes 1 +0101010011010 constructor 1 +0101010011010 1013 1 +0101010011010 priceclosed 1 +0101010011010 3E 1 +0101010011010 pavillion 1 +0101010011010 Themepark 1 +0101010011010 law-in-practice 1 +0101010011010 oinked 1 +0101010011010 trend-spotter 1 +0101010011010 Porczak 1 +0101010011010 berms 1 +0101010011010 2,606 1 +0101010011010 scotch-sodas 1 +0101010011010 pallbearer 1 +0101010011010 apothecaries 1 +0101010011010 unsurprised 1 +0101010011010 hazard-free 1 +0101010011010 position-balancing 1 +0101010011010 C-18 1 +0101010011010 re-arrested 1 +0101010011010 information-selling 1 +0101010011010 patient-advocates 1 +0101010011010 Fless 1 +0101010011010 shares-valued 1 +0101010011010 consomme 1 +0101010011010 dislcosed 1 +0101010011010 scholar-in-residence 1 +0101010011010 1014 2 +0101010011010 closed 19470 +0101010011010 sneered 17 +01010100110110 miscoded 1 +01010100110110 rescreens 1 +01010100110110 squishing 1 +01010100110110 crash-tested 1 +01010100110110 waybills 1 +01010100110110 fawn-pink 1 +01010100110110 boogying 1 +01010100110110 Curators 1 +01010100110110 F-15Es 1 +01010100110110 bah-humbugs 1 +01010100110110 Dismissals 1 +01010100110110 Schoene 1 +01010100110110 avaiable 1 +01010100110110 stuttered 1 +01010100110110 Asleep 1 +01010100110110 gapes 1 +01010100110110 provident 1 +01010100110110 surgeon-in-chief 1 +01010100110110 R-1 1 +01010100110110 re-looking 1 +01010100110110 wakened 1 +01010100110110 de-accessioned 1 +01010100110110 jaggedly 1 +01010100110110 availble 1 +01010100110110 Caniaris 1 +01010100110110 guffawed 1 +01010100110110 M-Z 1 +01010100110110 A-L 1 +01010100110110 yowled 1 +01010100110110 feinting 1 +01010100110110 rematerializes 1 +01010100110110 Greekfest 1 +01010100110110 121,761 1 +01010100110110 2105 1 +01010100110110 mid-park 1 +01010100110110 ascendent 1 +01010100110110 interning 2 +01010100110110 potlines 2 +01010100110110 transshipped 3 +01010100110110 congregating 3 +01010100110110 base-priced 3 +01010100110110 putable 4 +01010100110110 bridles 4 +01010100110110 champing 5 +01010100110110 cringes 5 +01010100110110 scoffing 5 +01010100110110 marveling 5 +01010100110110 berthed 5 +01010100110110 winked 7 +01010100110110 repriced 13 +01010100110110 hooted 14 +01010100110110 nipping 18 +01010100110110 scoffed 51 +01010100110110 balking 68 +01010100110110 scoffs 74 +01010100110110 adept 128 +01010100110110 aimed 2759 +01010100110110 quoted 3344 +01010100110110 valued 4237 +01010100110110 priced 3965 +01010100110111 1668.1 1 +01010100110111 1244.98 1 +01010100110111 1260.68 1 +01010100110111 1304.41 1 +01010100110111 1311.22 1 +01010100110111 1222.41 1 +01010100110111 1248.01 1 +01010100110111 upthrust 1 +01010100110111 46-0 1 +01010100110111 1291.49 1 +01010100110111 1299.96 1 +01010100110111 93.711 1 +01010100110111 1299.72 1 +01010100110111 1305.85 1 +01010100110111 deadsville 1 +01010100110111 unprofessional. 1 +01010100110111 301-115 1 +01010100110111 1314.38 1 +01010100110111 1303.70 1 +01010100110111 1312.41 1 +01010100110111 1324.74 1 +01010100110111 99.949 1 +01010100110111 spoonfed 1 +01010100110111 1297.63 1 +01010100110111 1303.40 1 +01010100110111 prevaricating 1 +01010100110111 over-compensated 1 +01010100110111 62-25 1 +01010100110111 1109.08 1 +01010100110111 whomped 1 +01010100110111 437,195,449 1 +01010100110111 marketwise 1 +01010100110111 122.30 1 +01010100110111 void. 1 +01010100110111 Waukee 1 +01010100110111 faux-naif 1 +01010100110111 1246.13 1 +01010100110111 1256.80 1 +01010100110111 1257.38 1 +01010100110111 1264.48 1 +01010100110111 honeycoated 1 +01010100110111 juridically 1 +01010100110111 Stormin 1 +01010100110111 disconsolately 1 +01010100110111 barnburners 1 +01010100110111 unsweepable 1 +01010100110111 tire-kickers 1 +01010100110111 1219.50 1 +01010100110111 sayin 1 +01010100110111 38-24 1 +01010100110111 99.804 1 +01010100110111 pro-steel 1 +01010100110111 entreat 1 +01010100110111 badness 1 +01010100110111 368,579,336 1 +01010100110111 floozies 1 +01010100110111 lightkeepers 1 +01010100110111 1312.52 1 +01010100110111 false-first 1 +01010100110111 1289.24 1 +01010100110111 piebald 1 +01010100110111 99.936 1 +01010100110111 1261.09 1 +01010100110111 1240.24 1 +01010100110111 1249.18 1 +01010100110111 1281.20 1 +01010100110111 higgledy-piggledy 1 +01010100110111 1262.23 1 +01010100110111 279,969,907 1 +01010100110111 shocked. 1 +01010100110111 1251.94 1 +01010100110111 rear- 1 +01010100110111 1238.54 1 +01010100110111 1250.17 1 +01010100110111 1253.69 1 +01010100110111 1245.67 1 +01010100110111 250-170 1 +01010100110111 272-152 1 +01010100110111 269-141 1 +01010100110111 1236.35 1 +01010100110111 1227.75 1 +01010100110111 1230.00 1 +01010100110111 1239.40 1 +01010100110111 1224.89 1 +01010100110111 88,211 1 +01010100110111 1252.29 1 +01010100110111 1248.03 1 +01010100110111 1949-58 1 +01010100110111 1260.28 1 +01010100110111 1254.34 1 +01010100110111 0-and-5 1 +01010100110111 reunites 1 +01010100110111 1257.40 1 +01010100110111 short-changing 1 +01010100110111 tube-like 1 +01010100110111 1426.18 1 +01010100110111 1431.64 1 +01010100110111 fluoric 1 +01010100110111 1205.65 1 +01010100110111 unindustrialized 1 +01010100110111 Downer 1 +01010100110111 1236.13 1 +01010100110111 meaninglessly 1 +01010100110111 sacreligious 1 +01010100110111 1247.08 1 +01010100110111 1648 1 +01010100110111 Oxford-cloth 1 +01010100110111 Kalyayevskaya 1 +01010100110111 1256.88 1 +01010100110111 dilutants 1 +01010100110111 1239.62 1 +01010100110111 1250.29 1 +01010100110111 rapine 1 +01010100110111 1176.54 1 +01010100110111 three-deep 1 +01010100110111 1189.29 1 +01010100110111 1172.04 1 +01010100110111 1162.27 1 +01010100110111 1166.90 1 +01010100110111 1170.79 1 +01010100110111 waist-long 1 +01010100110111 99.117 1 +01010100110111 dark-Dawson 1 +01010100110111 1248.56 1 +01010100110111 64-34 1 +01010100110111 transgressed 1 +01010100110111 protected. 1 +01010100110111 1148.38 1 +01010100110111 restudied 1 +01010100110111 motivated. 1 +01010100110111 1160.55 1 +01010100110111 1181.28 1 +01010100110111 1169.74 1 +01010100110111 1163.64 1 +01010100110111 1171.71 1 +01010100110111 1253.43 1 +01010100110111 exprostitutes 1 +01010100110111 1256.10 1 +01010100110111 1251.20 1 +01010100110111 concerti 1 +01010100110111 self-financeable 1 +01010100110111 pigmented 1 +01010100110111 1241.47 1 +01010100110111 overswinging 1 +01010100110111 President. 1 +01010100110111 42.890 1 +01010100110111 1254.95 1 +01010100110111 1250.31 1 +01010100110111 unforecastable 1 +01010100110111 1264.03 1 +01010100110111 digressive 1 +01010100110111 Enco 1 +01010100110111 pre-worn 1 +01010100110111 national-security-related 1 +01010100110111 11,612 1 +01010100110111 1286.18 1 +01010100110111 1273.68 1 +01010100110111 off-line 1 +01010100110111 unfulfillable 1 +01010100110111 under-declared 1 +01010100110111 1417.28 1 +01010100110111 1421.01 1 +01010100110111 14-7 1 +01010100110111 peevish 1 +01010100110111 dimmest 1 +01010100110111 45-to-1 1 +01010100110111 682,800 1 +01010100110111 99.968 1 +01010100110111 patrilineage 1 +01010100110111 1410.39 1 +01010100110111 8:26.52 1 +01010100110111 penitence 1 +01010100110111 1429.91 1 +01010100110111 liquid. 1 +01010100110111 pro-Long 1 +01010100110111 consumer-controlled 1 +01010100110111 94.196 1 +01010100110111 de-Americanized 1 +01010100110111 pushed. 1 +01010100110111 99.863 1 +01010100110111 58,632 1 +01010100110111 frowned-upon 1 +01010100110111 hammy 1 +01010100110111 Nembutal 1 +01010100110111 tape-delayed 1 +01010100110111 93.367 1 +01010100110111 gender- 1 +01010100110111 Conquistadore 1 +01010100110111 1292.94 1 +01010100110111 1280.64 1 +01010100110111 underpraised 1 +01010100110111 1282.15 1 +01010100110111 1296.37 1 +01010100110111 orthopod 1 +01010100110111 satiable 1 +01010100110111 99.908 1 +01010100110111 163,235,000 1 +01010100110111 Togolese 1 +01010100110111 1315.95 1 +01010100110111 1256.91 1 +01010100110111 1293.83 1 +01010100110111 1291.47 1 +01010100110111 refranchised 1 +01010100110111 weakest. 1 +01010100110111 99.909 1 +01010100110111 194,100 1 +01010100110111 99.681 1 +01010100110111 99.849 1 +01010100110111 99.772 1 +01010100110111 99.862 1 +01010100110111 1397.04 1 +01010100110111 1380.65 1 +01010100110111 non-failure 1 +01010100110111 out-dealt 1 +01010100110111 1420.75 1 +01010100110111 1408.79 1 +01010100110111 contaminant-free 1 +01010100110111 1345.48 1 +01010100110111 oversleeping 1 +01010100110111 94.014 1 +01010100110111 2230 1 +01010100110111 Westville 1 +01010100110111 1319.87 1 +01010100110111 1335.74 1 +01010100110111 undertreated 1 +01010100110111 1385.61 1 +01010100110111 1391.19 1 +01010100110111 war-crazy 1 +01010100110111 1376.29 1 +01010100110111 1383.79 1 +01010100110111 Malwenn 1 +01010100110111 under-collateralized 1 +01010100110111 Wendelike 1 +01010100110111 1276.70 1 +01010100110111 1288.86 1 +01010100110111 1282.10 1 +01010100110111 1289.09 1 +01010100110111 1291.20 1 +01010100110111 107-106 1 +01010100110111 330,967 1 +01010100110111 entertainments. 1 +01010100110111 undiscussed 1 +01010100110111 1292.53 1 +01010100110111 1302.90 1 +01010100110111 collectable 1 +01010100110111 93.387 1 +01010100110111 1268.02 1 +01010100110111 1280.52 1 +01010100110111 Tokyo-bound 1 +01010100110111 1274.81 1 +01010100110111 1287.66 1 +01010100110111 1265.02 1 +01010100110111 1274.44 1 +01010100110111 non-sexy 1 +01010100110111 180th 1 +01010100110111 euthanized 1 +01010100110111 acrylonitrile 1 +01010100110111 steelworking 1 +01010100110111 appeasement-minded 1 +01010100110111 1307.88 1 +01010100110111 1313.74 1 +01010100110111 unexposable 1 +01010100110111 1299.63 1 +01010100110111 1310.42 1 +01010100110111 1305.55 1 +01010100110111 1315.81 1 +01010100110111 62,234 1 +01010100110111 1306.88 1 +01010100110111 1313.09 1 +01010100110111 1313.14 1 +01010100110111 1321.01 1 +01010100110111 241.60 1 +01010100110111 1210.63 1 +01010100110111 1227.84 1 +01010100110111 lower-seeming 1 +01010100110111 1198.90 1 +01010100110111 guilt-avoidance 1 +01010100110111 239.65 1 +01010100110111 overlighted 1 +01010100110111 1219.82 1 +01010100110111 no-bones-about-it 1 +01010100110111 1286.60 1 +01010100110111 1293.89 1 +01010100110111 649,312 1 +01010100110111 1253.06 1 +01010100110111 postscripts 1 +01010100110111 1234.39 1 +01010100110111 1216.95 1 +01010100110111 94.257 1 +01010100110111 1244.74 1 +01010100110111 1253.61 1 +01010100110111 communist-funded 1 +01010100110111 hyper-achievers 1 +01010100110111 orchidic 1 +01010100110111 requested. 1 +01010100110111 266,578,847 1 +01010100110111 2,098,800 1 +01010100110111 Mozartian 1 +01010100110111 equivlent 1 +01010100110111 undercompensated 1 +01010100110111 86,999 1 +01010100110111 1,599.63 1 +01010100110111 pro-consumer. 1 +01010100110111 1440.32 1 +01010100110111 require. 1 +01010100110111 1172.45 1 +01010100110111 1184.35 1 +01010100110111 roly-poly 1 +01010100110111 20,862 1 +01010100110111 35,625 1 +01010100110111 attenuate 1 +01010100110111 time-comsuming 1 +01010100110111 yours. 1 +01010100110111 1,577,000 1 +01010100110111 94.353 1 +01010100110111 1426.28 1 +01010100110111 unaired 1 +01010100110111 1427.92 1 +01010100110111 1429.31 1 +01010100110111 bowwow 1 +01010100110111 99.889 1 +01010100110111 LeCar 1 +01010100110111 Iranistan 1 +01010100110111 Contradeception 1 +01010100110111 301,850,875 1 +01010100110111 99.948 1 +01010100110111 3-and-1 1 +01010100110111 lyin 1 +01010100110111 disqualifed 1 +01010100110111 17,268 1 +01010100110111 1227.73 1 +01010100110111 1223.98 1 +01010100110111 canceled. 1 +01010100110111 1231.90 1 +01010100110111 uncombed 1 +01010100110111 illogical. 1 +01010100110111 1216.98 1 +01010100110111 1205.75 1 +01010100110111 1329.22 1 +01010100110111 untheatrical 1 +01010100110111 318,169 1 +01010100110111 re-leasable 1 +01010100110111 127,166 1 +01010100110111 roughshot 1 +01010100110111 23981.94 1 +01010100110111 Carson-related 1 +01010100110111 out-organized 1 +01010100110111 abridges 1 +01010100110111 chairwomen 1 +01010100110111 378,225 1 +01010100110111 652,261 1 +01010100110111 bottom-feeding 1 +01010100110111 134,207,800 1 +01010100110111 nonacquisitive 1 +01010100110111 1948-1964 1 +01010100110111 yearly. 1 +01010100110111 1232.86 1 +01010100110111 1239.32 1 +01010100110111 palatially 1 +01010100110111 uncataloged 1 +01010100110111 frost-riven 1 +01010100110111 scratchers 1 +01010100110111 1228.59 1 +01010100110111 retch 1 +01010100110111 part-Western 1 +01010100110111 1294.25 1 +01010100110111 1287.18 1 +01010100110111 redskins 1 +01010100110111 lowwage 1 +01010100110111 1243.76 1 +01010100110111 1237.73 1 +01010100110111 shifty-eyed 1 +01010100110111 Mengistus 1 +01010100110111 224-197 1 +01010100110111 24,036 1 +01010100110111 359,239 1 +01010100110111 128,679 1 +01010100110111 rapers 1 +01010100110111 taxdeductible 1 +01010100110111 Flopsy 1 +01010100110111 1204.80 1 +01010100110111 electromedicine 1 +01010100110111 1327.83 1 +01010100110111 adornments 1 +01010100110111 Parmesan 1 +01010100110111 1281.50 1 +01010100110111 1267.42 1 +01010100110111 1277.71 1 +01010100110111 Alar-free 1 +01010100110111 genuflected 1 +01010100110111 uncrated 1 +01010100110111 418-to-0 1 +01010100110111 1280.07 1 +01010100110111 textbook. 1 +01010100110111 1276.45 1 +01010100110111 1286.40 1 +01010100110111 1265.72 1 +01010100110111 1314.41 1 +01010100110111 mega-inventory 1 +01010100110111 1275.89 1 +01010100110111 12-and-8 1 +01010100110111 1281.36 1 +01010100110111 parous 1 +01010100110111 85.876 1 +01010100110111 true/false 1 +01010100110111 1282.71 1 +01010100110111 1326.77 1 +01010100110111 1323.41 1 +01010100110111 23,530 1 +01010100110111 1311.70 1 +01010100110111 1298.32 1 +01010100110111 1249.82 1 +01010100110111 nonrealistic 1 +01010100110111 1251.40 1 +01010100110111 1240.88 1 +01010100110111 Underperform 1 +01010100110111 1305.28 1 +01010100110111 1265.56 1 +01010100110111 1253.24 1 +01010100110111 easy. 1 +01010100110111 feeble-hearted 1 +01010100110111 1249.85 1 +01010100110111 eliminated. 1 +01010100110111 1243.78 1 +01010100110111 born. 1 +01010100110111 competition-oriented 1 +01010100110111 1258.24 1 +01010100110111 nine-inches 1 +01010100110111 5.9s 1 +01010100110111 DOA 1 +01010100110111 1280.49 1 +01010100110111 assents 1 +01010100110111 1323.15 1 +01010100110111 1306.15 1 +01010100110111 1273.88 1 +01010100110111 1270.19 1 +01010100110111 1271.90 1 +01010100110111 shor 1 +01010100110111 1216.92 1 +01010100110111 well-qualified. 1 +01010100110111 34911.80 1 +01010100110111 1223.62 1 +01010100110111 423-28 1 +01010100110111 aphasic 1 +01010100110111 pouty-looking 1 +01010100110111 858,899 1 +01010100110111 1,275,848 1 +01010100110111 unprospected 1 +01010100110111 1219.94 1 +01010100110111 1216.00 1 +01010100110111 61,077,000 1 +01010100110111 seven-years 1 +01010100110111 1219.02 1 +01010100110111 1221.47 1 +01010100110111 11,135 1 +01010100110111 unjustifiable. 1 +01010100110111 metalheads 1 +01010100110111 unspontaneous 1 +01010100110111 1217.90 1 +01010100110111 1212.35 1 +01010100110111 1208.76 1 +01010100110111 1210.92 1 +01010100110111 bull-forward 1 +01010100110111 1211.82 1 +01010100110111 national/international 1 +01010100110111 cholorfluorocarbons 1 +01010100110111 1212.60 1 +01010100110111 1219.33 1 +01010100110111 Shapinsay 1 +01010100110111 Rousay 1 +01010100110111 172,283 1 +01010100110111 431,933 1 +01010100110111 cost-prohibitive 1 +01010100110111 1202.19 1 +01010100110111 1201.04 1 +01010100110111 yen- 1 +01010100110111 owl-shaped 1 +01010100110111 70,000- 1 +01010100110111 semi-demoralized 1 +01010100110111 given. 1 +01010100110111 Dicarban 1 +01010100110111 639,720 1 +01010100110111 90-3 1 +01010100110111 177,145 1 +01010100110111 hyper-ambitious 1 +01010100110111 sorry. 1 +01010100110111 fly-free 1 +01010100110111 flipper-free 1 +01010100110111 Methotrexata 1 +01010100110111 1248.21 1 +01010100110111 drought-triggered 1 +01010100110111 flight-tested 1 +01010100110111 1241.53 1 +01010100110111 816,700 1 +01010100110111 malled 1 +01010100110111 1236.92 1 +01010100110111 active. 1 +01010100110111 deliberate. 1 +01010100110111 bid-only 1 +01010100110111 bodice-ripping 1 +01010100110111 impressive. 1 +01010100110111 13-5 1 +01010100110111 .292 1 +01010100110111 1251.68 1 +01010100110111 1245.68 1 +01010100110111 112,945 1 +01010100110111 28,224.16 1 +01010100110111 bum-rushed 1 +01010100110111 unbankable 1 +01010100110111 1222.07 1 +01010100110111 1230.38 1 +01010100110111 demythologize 1 +01010100110111 1228.99 1 +01010100110111 1223.45 1 +01010100110111 Symmetrel 1 +01010100110111 autarkies 1 +01010100110111 1228.38 1 +01010100110111 Japan-related 1 +01010100110111 4,280,000 1 +01010100110111 1244.42 1 +01010100110111 1249.35 1 +01010100110111 1229.12 1 +01010100110111 offputting 2 +01010100110111 torchbearer 2 +01010100110111 uno 2 +01010100110111 discontinued. 2 +01010100110111 1244.05 2 +01010100110111 beefcake 2 +01010100110111 de-alignment 2 +01010100110111 cupcakes 2 +01010100110111 misanthropes 2 +01010100110111 ingloriously 2 +01010100110111 900-1900 2 +01010100110111 flyover 2 +01010100110111 product-short 2 +01010100110111 Birdland 2 +01010100110111 silent. 2 +01010100110111 Geolite 2 +01010100110111 99.893 2 +01010100110111 Xeroxed 2 +01010100110111 menudo 2 +01010100110111 Italy. 2 +01010100110111 captious 2 +01010100110111 barefoot. 2 +01010100110111 mini-warehouse 2 +01010100110111 99.502 2 +01010100110111 2,944 2 +01010100110111 declaimed 2 +01010100110111 something. 2 +01010100110111 Giardia 2 +01010100110111 decontaminated 2 +01010100110111 Trandate 2 +01010100110111 2.6-to-1 2 +01010100110111 mortared 2 +01010100110111 unreviewed 2 +01010100110111 Cottontail 2 +01010100110111 unsellable 2 +01010100110111 druggie 2 +01010100110111 Calfou 2 +01010100110111 unnoticeable 2 +01010100110111 1226.72 2 +01010100110111 well-secured 2 +01010100110111 perspicacious 2 +01010100110111 dead-even 2 +01010100110111 untraceable 2 +01010100110111 underequipped 2 +01010100110111 signal-caller 2 +01010100110111 1268.19 2 +01010100110111 detonography 2 +01010100110111 1246.88 2 +01010100110111 oxytocin 2 +01010100110111 13-3 2 +01010100110111 irretrievable 2 +01010100110111 valedictorian 2 +01010100110111 crosscut 2 +01010100110111 hushmail 2 +01010100110111 unpegged 2 +01010100110111 262-155 2 +01010100110111 goggling 2 +01010100110111 fit-looking 2 +01010100110111 trammeled 2 +01010100110111 filched 2 +01010100110111 tails-you-lose 2 +01010100110111 riches-to-rags 2 +01010100110111 flossing 2 +01010100110111 xericity 2 +01010100110111 henna 2 +01010100110111 46-10 2 +01010100110111 polarizer 2 +01010100110111 yo 2 +01010100110111 formals 2 +01010100110111 fly-casting 2 +01010100110111 beer-drinkers 2 +01010100110111 sneezed 2 +01010100110111 WAGA-TV 3 +01010100110111 WTAF-TV 3 +01010100110111 over-represented 3 +01010100110111 Notch 3 +01010100110111 302-102 3 +01010100110111 manana 3 +01010100110111 profanities 3 +01010100110111 stultified 3 +01010100110111 half-completed 3 +01010100110111 pollinating 3 +01010100110111 treasonable 3 +01010100110111 Bubbles 3 +01010100110111 cantaloupe 3 +01010100110111 unimpressively 3 +01010100110111 sombreros 3 +01010100110111 awestruck 3 +01010100110111 watercooled 3 +01010100110111 LIES 3 +01010100110111 underperformers 4 +01010100110111 quartered 4 +01010100110111 10-0 4 +01010100110111 16-1 4 +01010100110111 decriminalized 4 +01010100110111 keening 4 +01010100110111 administrable 4 +01010100110111 unpolitical 4 +01010100110111 morons 4 +01010100110111 psychodrama 4 +01010100110111 C- 4 +01010100110111 whoopee 4 +01010100110111 shirtless 5 +01010100110111 noncancerous 5 +01010100110111 embroideries 5 +01010100110111 cringing 5 +01010100110111 bougainvillea 5 +01010100110111 tonton 5 +01010100110111 shucks 5 +01010100110111 water-skiing 5 +01010100110111 debugged 6 +01010100110111 unhurt 6 +01010100110111 little-changed 6 +01010100110111 23-20 6 +01010100110111 seceded 6 +01010100110111 conniving 7 +01010100110111 uninhabitable 7 +01010100110111 inaudible 7 +01010100110111 unrecognizable 7 +01010100110111 bleary-eyed 7 +01010100110111 unobtainable 7 +01010100110111 imperceptibly 7 +01010100110111 first-timers 7 +01010100110111 under-represented 7 +01010100110111 groggy 7 +01010100110111 blah 8 +01010100110111 Gabriela 9 +01010100110111 unaltered 10 +01010100110111 zilch 10 +01010100110111 inconclusively 10 +01010100110111 unshaken 12 +01010100110111 7-6 12 +01010100110111 imperceptible 12 +01010100110111 unavailing 12 +01010100110111 6-4 13 +01010100110111 ands 15 +01010100110111 finders 16 +01010100110111 trembling 17 +01010100110111 6-1 19 +01010100110111 indistinguishable 39 +01010100110111 aghast 46 +01010100110111 nil 57 +01010100110111 aloof 70 +01010100110111 peaking 92 +01010100110111 asleep 105 +01010100110111 oversubscribed 148 +01010100110111 yes 499 +01010100110111 flat 1814 +01010100110111 mixed 2415 +01010100110111 unchanged 4314 +01010100111000 disinformational 1 +01010100111000 unstyled 1 +01010100111000 1.70s 1 +01010100111000 fullbacks 1 +01010100111000 self-seeding 1 +01010100111000 adds. 1 +01010100111000 game-show-host 1 +01010100111000 unitized 1 +01010100111000 elevator-repair 1 +01010100111000 distract-the-guard 1 +01010100111000 reawakens 1 +01010100111000 back-fits 1 +01010100111000 polytonal 1 +01010100111000 line-readings 1 +01010100111000 less-specific 1 +01010100111000 assimilationism 1 +01010100111000 body-language 1 +01010100111000 sendoff 1 +01010100111000 Moonie 1 +01010100111000 re-registered 1 +01010100111000 free-verse 1 +01010100111000 cranium 1 +01010100111000 eforts 1 +01010100111000 weapons-sales 1 +01010100111000 bitchiness 1 +01010100111000 tile-walled 1 +01010100111000 internal-body 1 +01010100111000 metaloids 1 +01010100111000 positive-working 1 +01010100111000 sweptback 1 +01010100111000 tmes 1 +01010100111000 seminar-cruises 1 +01010100111000 gray-shingled 1 +01010100111000 untillable 1 +01010100111000 l-lysine 1 +01010100111000 puts-rights 1 +01010100111000 cement-and-glass 1 +01010100111000 center-party 1 +01010100111000 ropey 1 +01010100111000 white-glove 1 +01010100111000 redefection 1 +01010100111000 acid-neutralizing 1 +01010100111000 African-language 1 +01010100111000 7-iron 1 +01010100111000 frontpage 1 +01010100111000 penetrative 1 +01010100111000 china-doll 1 +01010100111000 arms-for-oil 1 +01010100111000 workstation-like 1 +01010100111000 admissions-test 1 +01010100111000 precedent-making 1 +01010100111000 odes 1 +01010100111000 anti-defamation 1 +01010100111000 woodfiber 1 +01010100111000 dissembled 1 +01010100111000 jawan 1 +01010100111000 human-scale 1 +01010100111000 trout. 1 +01010100111000 electricty 1 +01010100111000 counterreaction 1 +01010100111000 travel-cost 1 +01010100111000 corporate-pilot 1 +01010100111000 print-ready 1 +01010100111000 counterattck 1 +01010100111000 draft-Hart 1 +01010100111000 silver-grey 1 +01010100111000 terrain-reading 1 +01010100111000 dismissed. 1 +01010100111000 Washington-PAC 1 +01010100111000 brother-director 1 +01010100111000 loan-defaulters 1 +01010100111000 arbitration-eligibility 1 +01010100111000 Franco-French 1 +01010100111000 medical-record 1 +01010100111000 proem 1 +01010100111000 four-footers 1 +01010100111000 reinfested 1 +01010100111000 non-Texas-based 1 +01010100111000 scroll-like 1 +01010100111000 precooking 1 +01010100111000 Tudorstyle 1 +01010100111000 jargoned 1 +01010100111000 wine-marinated 1 +01010100111000 ferromanganese 1 +01010100111000 split-uppable 1 +01010100111000 cocaine-tainted 1 +01010100111000 2-4-6-8-10 1 +01010100111000 technical-personnel 1 +01010100111000 vase-like 1 +01010100111000 Aebi 1 +01010100111000 1.8430-mark 1 +01010100111000 casuals 1 +01010100111000 hot-formed 1 +01010100111000 grow-up 1 +01010100111000 10th-century 1 +01010100111000 rock-lined 1 +01010100111000 extra-high 1 +01010100111000 suggestible 1 +01010100111000 sections. 1 +01010100111000 recombined 1 +01010100111000 oil-on-canvas 1 +01010100111000 multi-union 1 +01010100111000 pre-first 1 +01010100111000 1,017,000 2 +01010100111000 software-driven 2 +01010100111000 plated 2 +01010100111000 aleck 2 +01010100111000 bondmarket 2 +01010100111000 overenforced 2 +01010100111000 extra-early 2 +01010100111000 pinch-hitting 2 +01010100111000 counterarguments 2 +01010100111000 drug-tainted 2 +01010100111000 Somocistas 2 +01010100111000 busy-work 2 +01010100111000 procreative 2 +01010100111000 biocomputing 2 +01010100111000 preferrential 2 +01010100111000 self-inspired 2 +01010100111000 automatons 2 +01010100111000 stayers 2 +01010100111000 left-over 2 +01010100111000 gangways 3 +01010100111000 determinative 3 +01010100111000 11-2 3 +01010100111000 1,278 3 +01010100111000 attention-getters 3 +01010100111000 returnable 3 +01010100111000 fonder 3 +01010100111000 basmati 3 +01010100111000 suction 4 +01010100111000 correctable 4 +01010100111000 fealty 6 +01010100111000 on-call 6 +01010100111000 amniocentesis 7 +01010100111000 sufficent 7 +01010100111000 fructose 10 +01010100111000 facie 15 +01010100111000 uncommon 136 +01010100111000 ample 292 +01010100111000 insufficient 350 +01010100111000 adequate 972 +01010100111000 enough 9349 +01010100111000 sufficient 1272 +01010100111001 redefected 1 +01010100111001 yaws 1 +01010100111001 reexported 1 +01010100111001 twice-rejected 1 +01010100111001 situation-based 1 +01010100111001 3:59:50 1 +01010100111001 1,548 1 +01010100111001 1398 1 +01010100111001 14,029 1 +01010100111001 shimmies 1 +01010100111001 22- 1 +01010100111001 fetishistic 1 +01010100111001 7,890 1 +01010100111001 Sulaimaniya 1 +01010100111001 10,104 1 +01010100111001 Veritys 1 +01010100111001 non-actors 1 +01010100111001 Cuapa 1 +01010100111001 adjustability 1 +01010100111001 jacket-flap 1 +01010100111001 Northeast-originated 1 +01010100111001 unenlightening 1 +01010100111001 eligibles 1 +01010100111001 1,197 1 +01010100111001 embarkation 1 +01010100111001 8,657 1 +01010100111001 date-of-birth 1 +01010100111001 run-the-company 1 +01010100111001 263-254 1 +01010100111001 physician-administrators 1 +01010100111001 non-Babbitts 1 +01010100111001 280.93 1 +01010100111001 30.08 1 +01010100111001 1,531 1 +01010100111001 5,343 1 +01010100111001 Transcaucasia 1 +01010100111001 Cuxhaven 1 +01010100111001 reel-life 1 +01010100111001 hortatory 1 +01010100111001 0.5500 1 +01010100111001 underreact 1 +01010100111001 150-152 1 +01010100111001 2240 1 +01010100111001 WRLT-FM 1 +01010100111001 144,050 1 +01010100111001 staff/counselor 1 +01010100111001 non-diabetics 1 +01010100111001 16,496 1 +01010100111001 99.055 1 +01010100111001 brainwork 1 +01010100111001 electrifyingly 1 +01010100111001 worker-days 1 +01010100111001 Tranyslvania 1 +01010100111001 post-romantic 1 +01010100111001 99.682 1 +01010100111001 9-Ball 1 +01010100111001 fusion-breakthroughs 1 +01010100111001 99.655 1 +01010100111001 Fugger 1 +01010100111001 trans-shipping 1 +01010100111001 8,531 1 +01010100111001 Pennsylvanians 1 +01010100111001 99.812 1 +01010100111001 charge-related 1 +01010100111001 key-light 1 +01010100111001 KZEW-FM 1 +01010100111001 hexachlorobenzene 1 +01010100111001 yawing 1 +01010100111001 1,547,500 1 +01010100111001 Ponchatoula 1 +01010100111001 aversions 1 +01010100111001 5.7305 1 +01010100111001 3.4026 1 +01010100111001 99.542 1 +01010100111001 2,211 1 +01010100111001 oedipal 1 +01010100111001 97.14 1 +01010100111001 Johnny-come-latelys 1 +01010100111001 36-hour-drive 1 +01010100111001 rock-scissors-paper 1 +01010100111001 capital-recycling 1 +01010100111001 1/4-percentage-point 1 +01010100111001 0.008000 1 +01010100111001 Busser 1 +01010100111001 Lupron 1 +01010100111001 talent-management 1 +01010100111001 retrospects 1 +01010100111001 discriminatry 1 +01010100111001 net-leased 1 +01010100111001 multileveled 1 +01010100111001 leonine 1 +01010100111001 recommitting 1 +01010100111001 Shatilla 1 +01010100111001 NOD 1 +01010100111001 re-enlisted 1 +01010100111001 uncommitteds 1 +01010100111001 technocracy 1 +01010100111001 overcooks 1 +01010100111001 9,230 1 +01010100111001 CBS/Records 1 +01010100111001 accompnaying 1 +01010100111001 WJLA 1 +01010100111001 retransmited 1 +01010100111001 Bensonhurt 1 +01010100111001 stock-heavy 1 +01010100111001 anti-big-business 1 +01010100111001 canners 1 +01010100111001 reconversion 1 +01010100111001 3,019,449 1 +01010100111001 sublets 1 +01010100111001 linen-services 1 +01010100111001 disencentives 1 +01010100111001 inthe 1 +01010100111001 97.37 1 +01010100111001 porticoes 1 +01010100111001 Nov.30 1 +01010100111001 two-wheelers 1 +01010100111001 antitrypsin 1 +01010100111001 Vashi 1 +01010100111001 240.90 1 +01010100111001 97.04 1 +01010100111001 hairpins 1 +01010100111001 106-33 1 +01010100111001 1,212 2 +01010100111001 devotional 2 +01010100111001 Wallpapers 2 +01010100111001 re-sale 2 +01010100111001 non-specialists 2 +01010100111001 1,086 2 +01010100111001 1,272 2 +01010100111001 1,646 2 +01010100111001 2375 2 +01010100111001 enshrines 2 +01010100111001 arrestees 2 +01010100111001 hell-for-leather 2 +01010100111001 ungenerous 2 +01010100111001 odd-ball 2 +01010100111001 hewing 3 +01010100111001 hydrogenated 3 +01010100111001 49-month 3 +01010100111001 tie-dyed 3 +01010100111001 1,087 3 +01010100111001 1,106 3 +01010100111001 Summons 3 +01010100111001 1,091 3 +01010100111001 1,078 3 +01010100111001 capitulating 4 +01010100111001 indecipherable 4 +01010100111001 1,144 4 +01010100111001 1,343 4 +01010100111001 1,069 5 +01010100111001 1,178 5 +01010100111001 1,021 5 +01010100111001 35- 5 +01010100111001 25- 6 +01010100111001 perpendicular 6 +01010100111001 acquiescing 8 +01010100111001 60- 11 +01010100111001 acceding 12 +01010100111001 unaccountable 12 +01010100111001 Cruelty 14 +01010100111001 inattentive 16 +01010100111001 reverting 22 +01010100111001 succumbing 25 +01010100111001 consenting 32 +01010100111001 purporting 32 +01010100111001 scheming 35 +01010100111001 pandering 35 +01010100111001 unaccustomed 41 +01010100111001 pursuant 78 +01010100111001 pertaining 90 +01010100111001 catering 134 +01010100111001 belonging 135 +01010100111001 applicable 163 +01010100111001 retroactive 205 +01010100111001 adjacent 283 +01010100111001 conspiring 284 +01010100111001 listening 371 +01010100111001 dedicated 374 +01010100111001 identical 384 +01010100111001 relating 519 +01010100111001 refusing 532 +01010100111001 unrelated 546 +01010100111001 agreeing 693 +01010100111001 failing 1384 +01010100111001 closer 1423 +01010100111001 equal 2389 +01010100111001 related 5157 +01010100111010 292,527 1 +01010100111010 1/500th 1 +01010100111010 .175 1 +01010100111010 546,686 1 +01010100111010 3/5-second 1 +01010100111010 fetchingly 1 +01010100111010 1,421,484 1 +01010100111010 700,714 1 +01010100111010 quilty 1 +01010100111010 67,500 1 +01010100111010 straight-arm 1 +01010100111010 wastrels 2 +01010100111010 self-regulator 2 +01010100111010 cultch 2 +01010100111010 Abra 2 +01010100111010 1,011 3 +01010100111010 co-chair 4 +01010100111010 overtaxing 4 +01010100111010 scuffling 4 +01010100111010 adjuncts 9 +01010100111010 replying 16 +01010100111010 innocent 592 +01010100111010 content 734 +01010100111010 guilty 2192 +01010100111010 starting 2637 +01010100111010 subject 6178 +01010100111010 beginning 4510 +010101001110110 bright/Be 1 +010101001110110 sample-collecting 1 +010101001110110 redogmatizing 1 +010101001110110 abutments 1 +010101001110110 sugarcoated 1 +010101001110110 Inboards 1 +010101001110110 blood-letting 1 +010101001110110 price-battering 1 +010101001110110 Owenites 1 +010101001110110 nuclear-dump 1 +010101001110110 top-of-the-charts 1 +010101001110110 Becketts 1 +010101001110110 barbie 1 +010101001110110 aff-idav-it 1 +010101001110110 1,000-yen-level 1 +010101001110110 ritz 1 +010101001110110 Perrys 1 +010101001110110 secretariate 1 +010101001110110 early-comers 1 +010101001110110 hokier 1 +010101001110110 doodoo 1 +010101001110110 Spares 1 +010101001110110 pro-pledge 1 +010101001110110 300,000-ton 1 +010101001110110 Mandela-mania 1 +010101001110110 gloaming 1 +010101001110110 curacy 1 +010101001110110 Euroministers 1 +010101001110110 parapets 1 +010101001110110 no-brains 1 +010101001110110 not-so-in-love 1 +010101001110110 proletariats 1 +010101001110110 cancer-producing 1 +010101001110110 Bumsteads 1 +010101001110110 Getty-Texaco 1 +010101001110110 Chippendale 1 +010101001110110 tax-burden 1 +010101001110110 broadsword 1 +010101001110110 most-admirable 1 +010101001110110 phantasmagorical 1 +010101001110110 low-80s 1 +010101001110110 ex-fox 1 +010101001110110 herbicide-exposure 1 +010101001110110 abilility 1 +010101001110110 offset-printed 1 +010101001110110 Guelphs 1 +010101001110110 weak-hearted 1 +010101001110110 J-curvers 1 +010101001110110 conservative/moderate 1 +010101001110110 always-voters 1 +010101001110110 Preamble 1 +010101001110110 SH60s 1 +010101001110110 on-the-one 1 +010101001110110 counterattempt 1 +010101001110110 Crucifix 1 +010101001110110 Souvlaki 1 +010101001110110 unconventionality 1 +010101001110110 traditional-conservative 1 +010101001110110 kidnappable 1 +010101001110110 guerrilla-linked 1 +010101001110110 farthest-left 1 +010101001110110 5:02 1 +010101001110110 88-18 1 +010101001110110 least-depressed 1 +010101001110110 underjaw 1 +010101001110110 SOCIALITES 1 +010101001110110 mulelifts 1 +010101001110110 technospeak 1 +010101001110110 gateman 1 +010101001110110 market-goers 1 +010101001110110 Galillee 1 +010101001110110 knout 1 +010101001110110 preferred-stockholders 1 +010101001110110 semi-famous 1 +010101001110110 1,600- 1 +010101001110110 Martells 1 +010101001110110 under-privileged 1 +010101001110110 Orifice 1 +010101001110110 commision 1 +010101001110110 oppositionin-exile 1 +010101001110110 Prelims 1 +010101001110110 Rockefeller-Feldstein 1 +010101001110110 investor-company 1 +010101001110110 MWRA 1 +010101001110110 crash-stocks 1 +010101001110110 root-and-branch 1 +010101001110110 crash-proof 1 +010101001110110 Ardennes 1 +010101001110110 foreward 1 +010101001110110 sceptered 1 +010101001110110 MC6300 1 +010101001110110 Bible-inspired 1 +010101001110110 Everlys 1 +010101001110110 originalists 1 +010101001110110 1.8550-mark 1 +010101001110110 wifey 1 +010101001110110 ex-arbitrager 1 +010101001110110 gunpit 1 +010101001110110 Cleavers 1 +010101001110110 nonspecialist 1 +010101001110110 then-17-year-old 1 +010101001110110 story-mongering 1 +010101001110110 chromosome-altering 1 +010101001110110 coolies 1 +010101001110110 525i 1 +010101001110110 where-was-George 1 +010101001110110 Preliminaries 1 +010101001110110 successor-state 1 +010101001110110 distaff 1 +010101001110110 PMs 1 +010101001110110 stanchion 1 +010101001110110 high-cultural 1 +010101001110110 lik 1 +010101001110110 dirt-blackened 1 +010101001110110 hinderance 1 +010101001110110 driers 1 +010101001110110 raod 1 +010101001110110 seedings 1 +010101001110110 maintenanceare 1 +010101001110110 checkout-stand 1 +010101001110110 shabbiest 2 +010101001110110 dampness 2 +010101001110110 director-defendants 2 +010101001110110 marshlands 2 +010101001110110 Maypo 2 +010101001110110 melanocytes 2 +010101001110110 impressor 2 +010101001110110 spindle 2 +010101001110110 walnut-sized 2 +010101001110110 heave-ho 2 +010101001110110 gridirons 2 +010101001110110 Ramparts 2 +010101001110110 hypotenuse 2 +010101001110110 disinfected 2 +010101001110110 ICCH 2 +010101001110110 suicidally 2 +010101001110110 Annunciation 2 +010101001110110 revivified 2 +010101001110110 larks 2 +010101001110110 hide-out 2 +010101001110110 Rhones 2 +010101001110110 88-38 2 +010101001110110 dose-related 2 +010101001110110 civic-action 2 +010101001110110 sclerotic 2 +010101001110110 non-specialist 2 +010101001110110 16-0 2 +010101001110110 san 2 +010101001110110 family-wage 2 +010101001110110 communistic 2 +010101001110110 do-si-do 2 +010101001110110 unconcealed 3 +010101001110110 seamier 3 +010101001110110 sacraments 3 +010101001110110 ambiguously 3 +010101001110110 unresolvable 3 +010101001110110 approvers 3 +010101001110110 steamier 3 +010101001110110 keffiyeh 3 +010101001110110 SS-23s 3 +010101001110110 ionosphere 3 +010101001110110 lumbered 3 +010101001110110 twerp 3 +010101001110110 rabble 3 +010101001110110 IBF 3 +010101001110110 hungriest 3 +010101001110110 Russkies 3 +010101001110110 sloths 3 +010101001110110 initative 3 +010101001110110 judicial-restraint 3 +010101001110110 half-Japanese 4 +010101001110110 horny 4 +010101001110110 mile-high 4 +010101001110110 pavements 5 +010101001110110 TIN 5 +010101001110110 2655 5 +010101001110110 nahcolyte 5 +010101001110110 D-mark 5 +010101001110110 elasticity 5 +010101001110110 mountaineering 5 +010101001110110 Excalibur 6 +010101001110110 hourglass 6 +010101001110110 gloomiest 6 +010101001110110 Zeitgeist 6 +010101001110110 vagina 6 +010101001110110 supine 7 +010101001110110 floorboards 8 +010101001110110 meanness 9 +010101001110110 prancing 9 +010101001110110 temerity 9 +010101001110110 wont 12 +010101001110110 credulity 14 +010101001110110 fizzling 15 +010101001110110 cornea 16 +010101001110110 totem 16 +010101001110110 farthest 24 +010101001110110 uptown 25 +010101001110110 heir-apparent 25 +010101001110110 furthest 28 +010101001110110 J-curve 31 +010101001110110 waist 47 +010101001110110 heir 209 +010101001110110 upside 277 +010101001110110 hardest 322 +010101001110110 contrary 626 +010101001110110 right 10808 +010101001110110 opposite 689 +010101001110111 CFC-made 1 +010101001110111 four-wheel-steering 1 +010101001110111 walk-ons 1 +010101001110111 1,163,100 1 +010101001110111 Nov.9 1 +010101001110111 industry-ranging 1 +010101001110111 tax-increasers 1 +010101001110111 brain-tuner 1 +010101001110111 six-gun 1 +010101001110111 Citicorp-led 1 +010101001110111 baler 1 +010101001110111 334,640 1 +010101001110111 clorazepate 1 +010101001110111 boogeyman 1 +010101001110111 augmentees 1 +010101001110111 Whiffenpoofs 1 +010101001110111 BAMM 1 +010101001110111 chorale 1 +010101001110111 214,425 1 +010101001110111 industrial-distribution 1 +010101001110111 margin-slashing 1 +010101001110111 FAA-approved 1 +010101001110111 375,940 1 +010101001110111 2,265,140 1 +010101001110111 superregion 1 +010101001110111 immnue 1 +010101001110111 BuckPac 1 +010101001110111 Plaza-Suites 1 +010101001110111 662,400 1 +010101001110111 Lifer 1 +010101001110111 already-deployed 1 +010101001110111 ribaldry 1 +010101001110111 curency 1 +010101001110111 T46A 1 +010101001110111 324,250 1 +010101001110111 6,480,500 1 +010101001110111 PDQ 1 +010101001110111 much-litigated 1 +010101001110111 trade-checking 1 +010101001110111 2,200-employee 1 +010101001110111 Atlanta-bound 1 +010101001110111 then-senator 1 +010101001110111 proprietarily 1 +010101001110111 carhop 1 +010101001110111 MedCare 1 +010101001110111 Hendlers 1 +010101001110111 we've-never-had-it-so-good 1 +010101001110111 herbicide-tainting 1 +010101001110111 no-nothings 1 +010101001110111 myelodysplastic 1 +010101001110111 1,006,592 1 +010101001110111 Meretrends 1 +010101001110111 wrsales 1 +010101001110111 103,100 1 +010101001110111 warrantee 1 +010101001110111 few/Who 1 +010101001110111 Bolsheviki 1 +010101001110111 1,073,000 1 +010101001110111 investigationally 1 +010101001110111 843,833 1 +010101001110111 12-to-15-year-olds 1 +010101001110111 battlefronts 1 +010101001110111 price-shares 1 +010101001110111 643,690 1 +010101001110111 6,042,250 1 +010101001110111 non-expert 1 +010101001110111 newest-comers 1 +010101001110111 flagstick 1 +010101001110111 L-phenylalanine 1 +010101001110111 non-competitively 1 +010101001110111 432,795 1 +010101001110111 shiploadings 1 +010101001110111 free-marketers 1 +010101001110111 Trotters 1 +010101001110111 M-Whatever 1 +010101001110111 Decatron 1 +010101001110111 Federalsburg 1 +010101001110111 Kitchen-Aid 1 +010101001110111 PCB-burning 1 +010101001110111 dominance. 1 +010101001110111 correspondent/doctor 1 +010101001110111 All-in-one 1 +010101001110111 228,200 1 +010101001110111 843,691 1 +010101001110111 conpletion 1 +010101001110111 560,700 1 +010101001110111 2,820,500 1 +010101001110111 477,555 1 +010101001110111 716,333 1 +010101001110111 419,564 1 +010101001110111 handle-pullers 1 +010101001110111 Rabbis 1 +010101001110111 4,928,600 1 +010101001110111 boat/bank 1 +010101001110111 Loganair 1 +010101001110111 455,200 1 +010101001110111 patient-consumer 1 +010101001110111 335,300 1 +010101001110111 294,133 1 +010101001110111 670,300 1 +010101001110111 386SX-technology 1 +010101001110111 918,240 1 +010101001110111 75,300 1 +010101001110111 overspill 1 +010101001110111 RIT 1 +010101001110111 hand-helds 1 +010101001110111 4,441,816 1 +010101001110111 rifleman 2 +010101001110111 re-legalization 2 +010101001110111 withdrawl 2 +010101001110111 drawal 2 +010101001110111 Dewe 2 +010101001110111 hyper-reality 2 +010101001110111 Zolfo 2 +010101001110111 stonemasons 2 +010101001110111 Wimp 2 +010101001110111 glossies 2 +010101001110111 immune-deficiency 3 +010101001110111 1930-33 3 +010101001110111 admixture 3 +010101001110111 goodnight 3 +010101001110111 Shang 3 +010101001110111 high-point 3 +010101001110111 copy-guard 5 +010101001110111 materiality 5 +010101001110111 Levitts 5 +010101001110111 effrontery 5 +010101001110111 phalanxes 5 +010101001110111 bounties 12 +010101001110111 excerpts 128 +010101001110111 immune 986 +010101001110111 proceeds 3397 +010101001110111 equivalent 2789 +01010100111100 pre-science 1 +01010100111100 2,829,100 1 +01010100111100 triskaidekaphobia 1 +01010100111100 all-GOP 1 +01010100111100 casket-shaped 1 +01010100111100 unplannable 1 +01010100111100 Ucak 1 +01010100111100 bronze-and-jade-tinted 1 +01010100111100 PROMOTION 1 +01010100111100 ORATORY 1 +01010100111100 ACADEMIA 1 +01010100111100 Versenden 1 +01010100111100 Grungy 1 +01010100111100 Vicarious 1 +01010100111100 1,476 1 +01010100111100 Tokelau 1 +01010100111100 torchbearers 1 +01010100111100 5146B3 1 +01010100111100 re-exerted 1 +01010100111100 Dukakis-Bentsen-Jackson 1 +01010100111100 Snips 1 +01010100111100 election-time 1 +01010100111100 10:00-18:00 1 +01010100111100 49,536 1 +01010100111100 tongs-wielding 1 +01010100111100 stationary-bicycle 1 +01010100111100 10/12/52-6/17/85 1 +01010100111100 rule-breaking 1 +01010100111100 Rulav 1 +01010100111100 Gratuities 1 +01010100111100 copper-nickel 1 +01010100111100 squally 1 +01010100111100 Installment-sale 1 +01010100111100 Joint-return 1 +01010100111100 hackneyitis 1 +01010100111100 back-lighted 1 +01010100111100 402.7 1 +01010100111100 Aguila 1 +01010100111100 2,062 1 +01010100111100 formalistic 1 +01010100111100 warehouse-size 1 +01010100111100 chip-consuming 1 +01010100111100 Eccles. 1 +01010100111100 108.555 1 +01010100111100 album-sized 1 +01010100111100 Underview 1 +01010100111100 AmeriSteel 1 +01010100111100 semi-legal 1 +01010100111100 gentrify 1 +01010100111100 School-based 1 +01010100111100 reburied 1 +01010100111100 power-breakfast 1 +01010100111100 WOWI 1 +01010100111100 30-D 1 +01010100111100 Gliding 1 +01010100111100 surface-active 1 +01010100111100 Carverian 1 +01010100111100 camel-herding 1 +01010100111100 maskirovka 1 +01010100111100 nonwithheld 1 +01010100111100 uncontained 1 +01010100111100 Assuranties 1 +01010100111100 Consolidate 1 +01010100111100 AUTOGRAPHS 1 +01010100111100 2,858 1 +01010100111100 radar-absorbent 1 +01010100111100 anti-consumption 1 +01010100111100 108,146 1 +01010100111100 48222 1 +01010100111100 unhypocritical 1 +01010100111100 cratering 1 +01010100111100 A-shaped 1 +01010100111100 by-wheelchair 1 +01010100111100 illimitable 1 +01010100111100 Millersport 1 +01010100111100 Baker/Meese/Deaver/Stockman/Darman/Fuller 1 +01010100111100 Jacqui 1 +01010100111100 VOLUME 1 +01010100111100 lowin 1 +01010100111100 Restock 1 +01010100111100 wooly 1 +01010100111100 12,607,350 1 +01010100111100 welladvanced 1 +01010100111100 unlinked 1 +01010100111100 freedom-fighting 1 +01010100111100 sixth-form 1 +01010100111100 Carnivale 1 +01010100111100 mushroom-like 1 +01010100111100 Jeekill 1 +01010100111100 Pre-hearing 1 +01010100111100 no-smokers 1 +01010100111100 yearslong 1 +01010100111100 inflationlinked 1 +01010100111100 mortar-launcher 1 +01010100111100 Linger 2 +01010100111100 mooing 2 +01010100111100 WCAU-TV 2 +01010100111100 3,705 2 +01010100111100 begining 2 +01010100111100 Lt.-Gen 2 +01010100111100 Pays 2 +01010100111100 news-oriented 2 +01010100111100 Nesuhi 3 +01010100111100 NC 3 +01010100111100 self-referential 3 +01010100111100 censorious 3 +01010100111100 emotionless 4 +01010100111100 well-located 4 +01010100111100 centralism 4 +01010100111100 Sanka 6 +01010100111100 Louisa 10 +01010100111100 amendable 15 +01010100111100 matures 43 +01010100111100 expiring 153 +01010100111100 dated 481 +01010100111100 mature 766 +01010100111100 WSJ 1021 +01010100111100 expired 1032 +01010100111100 expires 1143 +01010100111100 payable 1424 +01010100111100 effective 4123 +01010100111101 Mthiyane 1 +01010100111101 ago-before 1 +01010100111101 thromboses 1 +01010100111101 Buy-Backs 1 +01010100111101 1950-1965 1 +01010100111101 699.98 1 +01010100111101 1965-1982 1 +01010100111101 hair-raiser 1 +01010100111101 18561.25 1 +01010100111101 1555-64 1 +01010100111101 endingSept. 1 +01010100111101 3912.93 1 +01010100111101 work-turn 1 +01010100111101 palavering 1 +01010100111101 601,516 1 +01010100111101 ago-that 1 +01010100111101 TOR 1 +01010100111101 elapses 2 +01010100111101 ending 2729 +01010100111101 ended 12294 +01010100111110 optics. 1 +01010100111110 culminatingin 1 +01010100111110 4,514 1 +01010100111110 tough-procedures 1 +01010100111110 squattish 1 +01010100111110 Raptors 1 +01010100111110 1986-April 1 +01010100111110 1,692 1 +01010100111110 5,340 1 +01010100111110 1482 1 +01010100111110 1184.32 1 +01010100111110 1491.12 1 +01010100111110 Kishori 1 +01010100111110 marketin 1 +01010100111110 Bylines 1 +01010100111110 ^alling 1 +01010100111110 Carnegie-style 1 +01010100111110 ### 1 +01010100111110 365.01 1 +01010100111110 Sept.-Oct. 1 +01010100111110 suppressions 1 +01010100111110 over-target 1 +01010100111110 anthropic 1 +01010100111110 non-graded 1 +01010100111110 pulped 2 +01010100111110 funds-with 4 +01010100111110 95.19 4 +01010100111110 due 9716 +01010100111110 maturing 443 +01010100111111 joshing 1 +01010100111111 Medserve 1 +01010100111111 Mornaghia 1 +01010100111111 purling 1 +01010100111111 oboists 1 +01010100111111 1652 1 +01010100111111 exculpated 1 +01010100111111 DEMURRAGE 1 +01010100111111 pruners 1 +01010100111111 ingress 1 +01010100111111 DECIDE 1 +01010100111111 PDs 1 +01010100111111 upwind 1 +01010100111111 battle-worn 1 +01010100111111 dowm 1 +01010100111111 wiched 1 +01010100111111 Houston-formed 1 +01010100111111 outlawry 1 +01010100111111 jinni 1 +01010100111111 Diehards 1 +01010100111111 Vegetables 1 +01010100111111 de-listed 1 +01010100111111 line-of-sight 1 +01010100111111 gleened 1 +01010100111111 protrudes 1 +01010100111111 fuzzing 1 +01010100111111 Refraining 1 +01010100111111 fall-out 1 +01010100111111 puddle-jumped 1 +01010100111111 concededly 1 +01010100111111 softener/whitener 1 +01010100111111 jut 1 +01010100111111 growingcompetition 1 +01010100111111 punchdrunk 1 +01010100111111 cumulating 1 +01010100111111 fencelike 1 +01010100111111 croaky 1 +01010100111111 kitty-cornered 1 +01010100111111 suctioned 1 +01010100111111 desisted 1 +01010100111111 convalesced 1 +01010100111111 ladled 2 +01010100111111 small-combo 2 +01010100111111 rifled 2 +01010100111111 skitter 2 +01010100111111 1970-85 2 +01010100111111 18-to-24 2 +01010100111111 half-remembered 2 +01010100111111 bombmakers 2 +01010100111111 souffles 2 +01010100111111 Reply 2 +01010100111111 leafing 3 +01010100111111 slicked 3 +01010100111111 tapioca 3 +01010100111111 decoupled 4 +01010100111111 flax 4 +01010100111111 gentrified 5 +01010100111111 re-imported 5 +01010100111111 emanates 6 +01010100111111 detracting 6 +01010100111111 Mongols 7 +01010100111111 scampering 7 +01010100111111 jutting 8 +01010100111111 distinguishable 10 +01010100111111 harking 11 +01010100111111 lurching 12 +01010100111111 inseparable 12 +01010100111111 darting 15 +01010100111111 emigrating 15 +01010100111111 refraining 18 +01010100111111 seeping 20 +01010100111111 erupting 21 +01010100111111 wedged 21 +01010100111111 sandwiched 22 +01010100111111 cascading 25 +01010100111111 recuperating 34 +01010100111111 smarting 40 +01010100111111 emanating 53 +01010100111111 midway 56 +01010100111111 originating 59 +01010100111111 culled 60 +01010100111111 gleaned 64 +01010100111111 profiting 64 +01010100111111 retreating 84 +01010100111111 graduating 133 +01010100111111 reeling 184 +01010100111111 dating 225 +01010100111111 flowing 270 +01010100111111 arising 308 +01010100111111 derived 319 +01010100111111 benefiting 357 +01010100111111 exempt 663 +01010100111111 stemming 695 +01010100111111 emerging 719 +01010100111111 ranged 806 +01010100111111 ranging 1345 +01010100111111 coming 4763 +01010100111111 resulting 1658 +010101010000 fleshes 1 +010101010000 jutted 1 +010101010000 conks 1 +010101010000 Dragged 1 +010101010000 Seouled 1 +010101010000 pooching 1 +010101010000 cluckings 1 +010101010000 77,443 1 +010101010000 weaseled 1 +010101010000 wimping 1 +010101010000 Lashing 1 +010101010000 clip-clopping 1 +010101010000 pasing 1 +010101010000 jotting 1 +010101010000 hunkers 1 +010101010000 Ironing 1 +010101010000 mainstreamed 1 +010101010000 Qataris 1 +010101010000 fast-forwarded 1 +010101010000 perambulate 1 +010101010000 bawling 1 +010101010000 kayaked 1 +010101010000 gawping 1 +010101010000 rafted 1 +010101010000 yapped 1 +010101010000 oven-dried 1 +010101010000 Carve 1 +010101010000 HURRIES 1 +010101010000 whited 1 +010101010000 Warding 1 +010101010000 Shirttail 1 +010101010000 scud 1 +010101010000 weirded 1 +010101010000 lops 1 +010101010000 highballing 1 +010101010000 2,966 1 +010101010000 devotions 1 +010101010000 canoed 1 +010101010000 congeal 1 +010101010000 averageran 1 +010101010000 liquefying 1 +010101010000 capering 1 +010101010000 achievement-orientation 1 +010101010000 gouges 1 +010101010000 re-expanded 1 +010101010000 browned 1 +010101010000 wolfs 1 +010101010000 shinnied 1 +010101010000 pincushioned 1 +010101010000 slaloming 2 +010101010000 toddles 2 +010101010000 straightens 2 +010101010000 ricocheted 2 +010101010000 hewn 2 +010101010000 clacks 2 +010101010000 hones 2 +010101010000 ekes 2 +010101010000 wolfed 2 +010101010000 trundling 2 +010101010000 wimped 2 +010101010000 leaches 2 +010101010000 waddles 2 +010101010000 dozes 2 +010101010000 fends 2 +010101010000 saunters 2 +010101010000 snuffs 2 +010101010000 wobbled 3 +010101010000 slithered 3 +010101010000 reinserted 3 +010101010000 evens 3 +010101010000 thronging 3 +010101010000 whiled 3 +010101010000 creaked 3 +010101010000 smoothes 3 +010101010000 raffled 3 +010101010000 wriggled 3 +010101010000 pawed 3 +010101010000 mows 3 +010101010000 sauntered 3 +010101010000 careering 3 +010101010000 chomped 3 +010101010000 wafts 3 +010101010000 clambered 4 +010101010000 skims 4 +010101010000 telescoped 4 +010101010000 clambers 4 +010101010000 lugged 4 +010101010000 divisible 4 +010101010000 pecked 4 +010101010000 conked 4 +010101010000 oozed 4 +010101010000 keeled 4 +010101010000 ambled 4 +010101010000 doodled 4 +010101010000 peeping 5 +010101010000 scrounged 5 +010101010000 flamed 5 +010101010000 bedded 5 +010101010000 bails 5 +010101010000 barreled 5 +010101010000 warded 5 +010101010000 twirled 5 +010101010000 reintegrated 5 +010101010000 juts 5 +010101010000 metamorphosed 5 +010101010000 lucked 5 +010101010000 hollowed 5 +010101010000 rinsed 5 +010101010000 flattens 5 +010101010000 dripped 5 +010101010000 freaked 6 +010101010000 careened 6 +010101010000 leached 6 +010101010000 jotted 6 +010101010000 drowns 6 +010101010000 jetted 6 +010101010000 smooths 6 +010101010000 trundled 6 +010101010000 hosed 6 +010101010000 thronged 7 +010101010000 plumped 7 +010101010000 shooed 7 +010101010000 gravitated 7 +010101010000 calms 7 +010101010000 galloped 7 +010101010000 teed 7 +010101010000 hashed 7 +010101010000 crunched 7 +010101010000 churns 7 +010101010000 ferreted 7 +010101010000 tiptoed 8 +010101010000 dozed 8 +010101010000 clawed 8 +010101010000 coalesced 8 +010101010000 belted 8 +010101010000 sheared 8 +010101010000 winnowed 8 +010101010000 dribbled 8 +010101010000 bubbled 8 +010101010000 spaced 8 +010101010000 lashes 8 +010101010000 bogging 8 +010101010000 glares 8 +010101010000 blurts 8 +010101010000 blurted 9 +010101010000 snuck 9 +010101010000 fleshed 10 +010101010000 carves 10 +010101010000 stomped 10 +010101010000 scribbles 11 +010101010000 slung 11 +010101010000 squirreled 11 +010101010000 spits 11 +010101010000 blacked 11 +010101010000 rowed 11 +010101010000 barged 11 +010101010000 plucks 11 +010101010000 hunkered 12 +010101010000 doles 12 +010101010000 dashes 12 +010101010000 stampeding 12 +010101010000 zipped 12 +010101010000 frittered 12 +010101010000 shuttled 12 +010101010000 hitched 13 +010101010000 forked 13 +010101010000 mowed 13 +010101010000 trekked 13 +010101010000 buzzed 13 +010101010000 plopped 13 +010101010000 elbowed 13 +010101010000 streamed 13 +010101010000 rips 14 +010101010000 sneaks 14 +010101010000 nosed 14 +010101010000 dished 14 +010101010000 banged 14 +010101010000 weeded 15 +010101010000 thumbed 15 +010101010000 trickled 15 +010101010000 petered 16 +010101010000 snuffed 16 +010101010000 spews 16 +010101010000 peered 16 +010101010000 thundered 17 +010101010000 crystallized 17 +010101010000 jerked 17 +010101010000 pored 17 +010101010000 swooped 17 +010101010000 parceled 17 +010101010000 swam 18 +010101010000 ascended 18 +010101010000 veering 18 +010101010000 seeped 18 +010101010000 carted 19 +010101010000 latched 19 +010101010000 scurried 19 +010101010000 rotated 19 +010101010000 flung 19 +010101010000 stampeded 20 +010101010000 buckled 20 +010101010000 evened 20 +010101010000 delved 20 +010101010000 degenerated 20 +010101010000 peeled 20 +010101010000 hiked 21 +010101010000 meted 21 +010101010000 straightened 21 +010101010000 wipes 21 +010101010000 drummed 22 +010101010000 shrugging 22 +010101010000 swarmed 22 +010101010000 trotted 23 +010101010000 tricked 23 +010101010000 reeled 23 +010101010000 camped 23 +010101010000 piped 24 +010101010000 rammed 24 +010101010000 agonized 24 +010101010000 herded 24 +010101010000 pasted 25 +010101010000 ticked 25 +010101010000 cleans 25 +010101010000 ducked 25 +010101010000 wrung 26 +010101010000 spewed 26 +010101010000 sewn 26 +010101010000 doled 27 +010101010000 booted 27 +010101010000 smoothed 27 +010101010000 slimmed 28 +010101010000 sneaked 28 +010101010000 clamped 29 +010101010000 toned 29 +010101010000 bundled 29 +010101010000 decked 29 +010101010000 chewed 30 +010101010000 cranked 30 +010101010000 plunked 30 +010101010000 farmed 31 +010101010000 skimmed 32 +010101010000 lopped 32 +010101010000 tripped 33 +010101010000 ironed 33 +010101010000 mapped 33 +010101010000 shuts 33 +010101010000 branched 34 +010101010000 sketched 35 +010101010000 sped 36 +010101010000 panned 36 +010101010000 filtered 37 +010101010000 nailed 37 +010101010000 veered 37 +010101010000 eked 38 +010101010000 ticks 38 +010101010000 churned 38 +010101010000 gunned 38 +010101010000 pours 39 +010101010000 shoved 40 +010101010000 boiled 41 +010101010000 whittled 43 +010101010000 flipped 43 +010101010000 chipped 45 +010101010000 lashed 45 +010101010000 punched 45 +010101010000 shelled 46 +010101010000 snatched 47 +010101010000 siphoned 48 +010101010000 plowed 50 +010101010000 warmed 51 +010101010000 squared 51 +010101010000 wandered 51 +010101010000 melted 52 +010101010000 ventured 53 +010101010000 tilted 54 +010101010000 choked 55 +010101010000 boarded 56 +010101010000 pinned 56 +010101010000 sorted 58 +010101010000 plugged 60 +010101010000 nudged 61 +010101010000 pops 62 +010101010000 sucked 63 +010101010000 tore 64 +010101010000 yanked 64 +010101010000 brushed 65 +010101010000 chopped 65 +010101010000 pounded 67 +010101010000 slammed 72 +010101010000 watered 72 +010101010000 staked 73 +010101010000 lays 75 +010101010000 bumped 77 +010101010000 stormed 77 +010101010000 hauled 81 +010101010000 smashed 82 +010101010000 popped 86 +010101010000 tucked 88 +010101010000 washed 90 +010101010000 shied 97 +010101010000 bowed 100 +010101010000 bailed 104 +010101010000 dug 122 +010101010000 rode 122 +010101010000 tipped 124 +010101010000 ripped 131 +010101010000 cracked 133 +010101010000 bogged 135 +010101010000 bottomed 137 +010101010000 tossed 138 +010101010000 singled 140 +010101010000 carved 141 +010101010000 folded 146 +010101010000 leveled 147 +010101010000 spelled 152 +010101010000 shrugged 156 +010101010000 stumbled 160 +010101010000 presided 169 +010101010000 pumped 170 +010101010000 spilled 173 +010101010000 pulls 178 +010101010000 blew 191 +010101010000 weighed 219 +010101010000 scaled 220 +010101010000 kicked 227 +010101010000 translated 230 +010101010000 bounced 264 +010101010000 poured 268 +010101010000 hung 293 +010101010000 dragged 310 +010101010000 rolled 318 +010101010000 knocked 318 +010101010000 wiped 370 +010101010000 handed 434 +010101010000 touched 469 +010101010000 threw 481 +010101010000 thrown 516 +010101010000 walked 517 +010101010000 fought 786 +010101010000 stepped 811 +010101010000 pointed 868 +010101010000 laid 949 +010101010000 pulled 1033 +010101010000 turns 1239 +010101010000 broke 1673 +010101010000 entered 1683 +010101010000 ran 1851 +010101010000 opened 2743 +010101010000 moved 4081 +010101010000 turned 4609 +0101010100010 mucks 1 +0101010100010 scrounges 1 +0101010100010 Pumped 1 +0101010100010 roughs 1 +0101010100010 bulked 1 +0101010100010 849.91 1 +0101010100010 gussies 1 +0101010100010 suiting 1 +0101010100010 quacked 1 +0101010100010 sliming 1 +0101010100010 shit 1 +0101010100010 tidies 1 +0101010100010 louses 1 +0101010100010 bellied 1 +0101010100010 anteed 1 +0101010100010 henhouses 1 +0101010100010 peashooter 1 +0101010100010 spiffed 1 +0101010100010 limbers 1 +0101010100010 wrong-side 1 +0101010100010 Lofting 1 +0101010100010 hepped 1 +0101010100010 Summing 1 +0101010100010 gussy 1 +0101010100010 hushes 1 +0101010100010 goosed 1 +0101010100010 dolled 1 +0101010100010 flubbing 1 +0101010100010 divvies 1 +0101010100010 Categorizing 1 +0101010100010 smarten 1 +0101010100010 wooshes 1 +0101010100010 one-minute-plus 1 +0101010100010 limbering 1 +0101010100010 gooses 1 +0101010100010 toking 1 +0101010100010 creepier 1 +0101010100010 jazzing 1 +0101010100010 mosey 1 +0101010100010 squinches 1 +0101010100010 wising 1 +0101010100010 Generalities 1 +0101010100010 sidled 1 +0101010100010 levering 1 +0101010100010 over-swept 1 +0101010100010 vacuumed 2 +0101010100010 mussed 2 +0101010100010 juiced 2 +0101010100010 buttering 2 +0101010100010 whomping 2 +0101010100010 Picked 2 +0101010100010 wheezed 2 +0101010100010 ponying 2 +0101010100010 souping 2 +0101010100010 sidles 2 +0101010100010 teeing 2 +0101010100010 clammed 3 +0101010100010 boning 3 +0101010100010 pent 3 +0101010100010 queued 3 +0101010100010 fogging 3 +0101010100010 dirtied 3 +0101010100010 pouted 3 +0101010100010 holing 3 +0101010100010 totting 3 +0101010100010 ramping 3 +0101010100010 fessing 3 +0101010100010 tidying 3 +0101010100010 spiff 3 +0101010100010 cozies 3 +0101010100010 clamming 3 +0101010100010 sopped 4 +0101010100010 pepping 4 +0101010100010 dammed 4 +0101010100010 tanked 4 +0101010100010 bellying 4 +0101010100010 ratcheted 4 +0101010100010 divvying 4 +0101010100010 lightens 4 +0101010100010 wised 4 +0101010100010 cozied 4 +0101010100010 ganged 4 +0101010100010 Acuras 4 +0101010100010 waked 4 +0101010100010 cooped 5 +0101010100010 sidle 5 +0101010100010 mopped 5 +0101010100010 ponied 5 +0101010100010 chalking 5 +0101010100010 woken 5 +0101010100010 gobbles 5 +0101010100010 revs 5 +0101010100010 right-side 6 +0101010100010 boned 6 +0101010100010 souped 6 +0101010100010 chalks 6 +0101010100010 spiffing 6 +0101010100010 shucked 6 +0101010100010 gussied 7 +0101010100010 trumped 7 +0101010100010 revved 7 +0101010100010 anted 7 +0101010100010 divvied 7 +0101010100010 roughed 7 +0101010100010 tots 8 +0101010100010 jazzed 8 +0101010100010 revving 8 +0101010100010 livened 8 +0101010100010 fess 8 +0101010100010 cozying 8 +0101010100010 spruced 9 +0101010100010 ganging 9 +0101010100010 crumpled 10 +0101010100010 cranks 10 +0101010100010 beefs 10 +0101010100010 buttoned 10 +0101010100010 jacked 11 +0101010100010 welling 11 +0101010100010 sprucing 12 +0101010100010 spiced 14 +0101010100010 summing 14 +0101010100010 perking 14 +0101010100010 soaks 15 +0101010100010 rev 16 +0101010100010 mopping 17 +0101010100010 conjured 19 +0101010100010 dredged 19 +0101010100010 coughed 19 +0101010100010 smacked 19 +0101010100010 scooping 20 +0101010100010 patching 20 +0101010100010 shored 21 +0101010100010 messed 22 +0101010100010 pony 22 +0101010100010 puffed 23 +0101010100010 warms 23 +0101010100010 hushed 24 +0101010100010 mop 26 +0101010100010 patched 26 +0101010100010 wakes 28 +0101010100010 screwed 30 +0101010100010 cropping 30 +0101010100010 spiked 31 +0101010100010 dries 31 +0101010100010 holed 31 +0101010100010 scooped 31 +0101010100010 conjure 33 +0101010100010 racking 34 +0101010100010 conjures 35 +0101010100010 gobble 36 +0101010100010 jack 37 +0101010100010 shoring 42 +0101010100010 speeded 45 +0101010100010 soaked 46 +0101010100010 gobbled 46 +0101010100010 woke 47 +0101010100010 perked 47 +0101010100010 springing 47 +0101010100010 chalked 52 +0101010100010 cropped 57 +0101010100010 spruce 59 +0101010100010 summed 64 +0101010100010 propped 68 +0101010100010 beefed 70 +0101010100010 whipped 70 +0101010100010 heats 75 +0101010100010 sprung 84 +0101010100010 beefing 85 +0101010100010 drying 86 +0101010100010 rounded 102 +0101010100010 gearing 107 +0101010100010 cooked 112 +0101010100010 racked 119 +0101010100010 cleaned 129 +0101010100010 teamed 138 +0101010100010 piled 142 +0101010100010 dreamed 153 +0101010100010 drum 156 +0101010100010 wrapped 167 +0101010100010 hooked 177 +0101010100010 dried 219 +0101010100010 lining 256 +0101010100010 snapped 279 +0101010100010 prop 340 +0101010100010 lined 346 +0101010100010 picks 373 +0101010100010 shore 392 +0101010100010 fed 403 +0101010100010 wound 445 +0101010100010 cast 1102 +0101010100010 picked 1216 +0101010100010 set 12192 +0101010100010 shot 1729 +01010101000110 Mysticism 1 +01010101000110 Scroll 1 +01010101000110 bodied 1 +01010101000110 106mm 1 +01010101000110 scarfing 1 +01010101000110 resplicing 1 +01010101000110 Danders 1 +01010101000110 now-worthless 1 +01010101000110 sapper 1 +01010101000110 764,000 1 +01010101000110 pre-positioned 1 +01010101000110 rachet 1 +01010101000110 Fruit-of-the-Loom 1 +01010101000110 dirty-dance 1 +01010101000110 fenisch 1 +01010101000110 perms 1 +01010101000110 756,975 1 +01010101000110 Holderlin 1 +01010101000110 similiarity 1 +01010101000110 ungutted 1 +01010101000110 pre-shut 1 +01010101000110 tamp 1 +01010101000110 puchase 2 +01010101000110 sallied 2 +01010101000110 jangled 2 +01010101000110 stir-fried 2 +01010101000110 fastens 2 +01010101000110 matriculating 2 +01010101000110 whupped 3 +01010101000110 nestle 3 +01010101000110 recut 3 +01010101000110 pyramided 3 +01010101000110 uncoupling 3 +01010101000110 swerving 3 +01010101000110 Balsam 3 +01010101000110 clued 4 +01010101000110 winnows 4 +01010101000110 disbelieve 5 +01010101000110 batten 7 +01010101000110 plop 8 +01010101000110 cobble 8 +01010101000110 perused 9 +01010101000110 fasten 9 +01010101000110 lob 9 +01010101000110 hunker 13 +01010101000110 stitch 14 +01010101000110 underbid 17 +01010101000110 plunk 19 +01010101000110 hoist 23 +01010101000110 stitched 27 +01010101000110 pieced 31 +01010101000110 banded 34 +01010101000110 suck 36 +01010101000110 rip 59 +01010101000110 knock 235 +01010101000110 shake 337 +01010101000110 lay 760 +01010101000110 beat 1043 +01010101000110 shut 1057 +01010101000110 put 11397 +01010101000110 read 2317 +01010101000111 tuppence 1 +01010101000111 three-iron 1 +01010101000111 Vasconcelos 1 +01010101000111 palmed 1 +01010101000111 rail-restructuring 1 +01010101000111 mooch 1 +01010101000111 hied 1 +01010101000111 U-turned 1 +01010101000111 bollix 1 +01010101000111 non-claim 1 +01010101000111 rose-gold 1 +01010101000111 re-investigate 1 +01010101000111 hived 1 +01010101000111 non-itemized 1 +01010101000111 syphon 1 +01010101000111 2,021 1 +01010101000111 house-turned-office 1 +01010101000111 issus 1 +01010101000111 thow 1 +01010101000111 fobbing 1 +01010101000111 pissed 1 +01010101000111 wheatland 1 +01010101000111 foists 1 +01010101000111 tharaises 1 +01010101000111 one-star 2 +01010101000111 scatted 2 +01010101000111 non-discretionary 2 +01010101000111 1.56-to-1 2 +01010101000111 1,903 2 +01010101000111 187.99 2 +01010101000111 fob 2 +01010101000111 typecast 4 +01010101000111 sloughed 4 +01010101000111 glints 5 +01010101000111 cordon 6 +01010101000111 ricochet 7 +01010101000111 tailed 8 +01010101000111 slacked 9 +01010101000111 slough 9 +01010101000111 roped 12 +01010101000111 cordoned 12 +01010101000111 dusted 14 +01010101000111 taper 16 +01010101000111 tapers 18 +01010101000111 lop 20 +01010101000111 staved 23 +01010101000111 tapered 37 +01010101000111 fended 38 +01010101000111 siphon 40 +01010101000111 recast 48 +01010101000111 shrug 97 +01010101000111 leveling 102 +01010101000111 stave 137 +01010101000111 ward 273 +01010101000111 fend 391 +01010101000111 spun 457 +01010101000111 cut 9969 +01010101000111 spin 530 +0101010100100 writer-producers 1 +0101010100100 Kosicka 1 +0101010100100 trick-or-treat 1 +0101010100100 succeeed 1 +0101010100100 gate-crash 1 +0101010100100 Yello 1 +0101010100100 teachs 1 +0101010100100 Fenley 1 +0101010100100 hallucinated 1 +0101010100100 loafed 1 +0101010100100 Curves 1 +0101010100100 overdelegates 1 +0101010100100 Arbiter 1 +0101010100100 Savignac 1 +0101010100100 partakes 1 +0101010100100 vieta 1 +0101010100100 Feedyards 1 +0101010100100 resurfaces 1 +0101010100100 Mavropoulos 1 +0101010100100 Wenying 1 +0101010100100 Oldsmobile-Jeep-Renault 1 +0101010100100 Ozenfant 1 +0101010100100 Sarthy 1 +0101010100100 Xuedong 1 +0101010100100 backbites 1 +0101010100100 forages 1 +0101010100100 vituperates 1 +0101010100100 Lixiu 1 +0101010100100 slather 1 +0101010100100 writhed 1 +0101010100100 Kanellopolus 1 +0101010100100 Nakhirunkanok 1 +0101010100100 Gattai 1 +0101010100100 Tschanz 1 +0101010100100 blathers 1 +0101010100100 sunned 1 +0101010100100 Paskalis 1 +0101010100100 Bennings 1 +0101010100100 moonlighted 1 +0101010100100 Pelada 1 +0101010100100 Szuros 1 +0101010100100 perishes 1 +0101010100100 Yongkuan 1 +0101010100100 Staniszkis 1 +0101010100100 gesticulate 1 +0101010100100 normalytechs 1 +0101010100100 Scarpa 2 +0101010100100 non-concur 2 +0101010100100 disinterred 2 +0101010100100 handwrote 2 +0101010100100 supped 2 +0101010100100 skulked 2 +0101010100100 Stertz 2 +0101010100100 masqueraded 2 +0101010100100 foraged 2 +0101010100100 thomped 2 +0101010100100 special-ordered 2 +0101010100100 conversed 2 +0101010100100 squatted 2 +0101010100100 moos 2 +0101010100100 rasped 2 +0101010100100 homesteaded 2 +0101010100100 cornflakes 2 +0101010100100 quivered 2 +0101010100100 patios 2 +0101010100100 tootle 2 +0101010100100 miscarried 2 +0101010100100 cavorted 2 +0101010100100 gesticulates 2 +0101010100100 picnicked 2 +0101010100100 empathizes 2 +0101010100100 sashaying 2 +0101010100100 droops 2 +0101010100100 reddens 2 +0101010100100 coexisted 2 +0101010100100 Tecco 2 +0101010100100 imbibes 2 +0101010100100 reemerges 2 +0101010100100 droned 3 +0101010100100 fasted 3 +0101010100100 dallied 3 +0101010100100 ratchets 3 +0101010100100 burped 3 +0101010100100 meddles 3 +0101010100100 discoursed 3 +0101010100100 matriculated 3 +0101010100100 dotes 3 +0101010100100 commiserates 3 +0101010100100 cowers 3 +0101010100100 belches 3 +0101010100100 skimps 3 +0101010100100 Emerges 3 +0101010100100 jousts 3 +0101010100100 Derrida 3 +0101010100100 stammered 3 +0101010100100 slinks 3 +0101010100100 twine 3 +0101010100100 breakfasted 3 +0101010100100 blanches 3 +0101010100100 golfed 3 +0101010100100 thomp 3 +0101010100100 co-starred 3 +0101010100100 eavesdropped 3 +0101010100100 Choonhavan 3 +0101010100100 crunchy 3 +0101010100100 chortled 3 +0101010100100 festered 3 +0101010100100 moonlights 4 +0101010100100 crooned 4 +0101010100100 expounds 4 +0101010100100 throb 4 +0101010100100 loll 4 +0101010100100 vomits 4 +0101010100100 gestured 4 +0101010100100 fidgets 4 +0101010100100 filibustered 4 +0101010100100 bunked 4 +0101010100100 roomed 4 +0101010100100 disinvested 4 +0101010100100 fidgeted 4 +0101010100100 vomited 4 +0101010100100 creak 4 +0101010100100 crouches 5 +0101010100100 apprenticed 5 +0101010100100 overdosed 5 +0101010100100 dawdled 5 +0101010100100 babbled 5 +0101010100100 sobbed 5 +0101010100100 pounces 5 +0101010100100 officiated 5 +0101010100100 seethes 5 +0101010100100 caucused 5 +0101010100100 lunged 5 +0101010100100 repented 5 +0101010100100 nudges 5 +0101010100100 winces 5 +0101010100100 blanched 5 +0101010100100 recuperated 5 +0101010100100 knelt 5 +0101010100100 cluck 5 +0101010100100 clerked 5 +0101010100100 grimaced 6 +0101010100100 crash-landed 6 +0101010100100 bridled 6 +0101010100100 squats 6 +0101010100100 squirms 6 +0101010100100 meanders 6 +0101010100100 boomeranged 6 +0101010100100 three-putted 6 +0101010100100 winced 7 +0101010100100 scouted 7 +0101010100100 weaved 7 +0101010100100 lunched 7 +0101010100100 CRASHED 7 +0101010100100 agonizes 7 +0101010100100 browsed 7 +0101010100100 decamped 7 +0101010100100 putted 7 +0101010100100 cringed 7 +0101010100100 overreached 7 +0101010100100 commiserated 7 +0101010100100 grinned 7 +0101010100100 twinkles 7 +0101010100100 hissed 7 +0101010100100 feasted 8 +0101010100100 rejoiced 8 +0101010100100 hustles 8 +0101010100100 moaned 8 +0101010100100 vacationed 8 +0101010100100 brooded 8 +0101010100100 dabbles 8 +0101010100100 fantasized 8 +0101010100100 giggled 8 +0101010100100 recurred 8 +0101010100100 whistled 8 +0101010100100 backpedaled 8 +0101010100100 fainted 8 +0101010100100 sympathized 9 +0101010100100 predominated 9 +0101010100100 bloomed 9 +0101010100100 barked 9 +0101010100100 bickered 9 +0101010100100 re-emerged 9 +0101010100100 swooned 9 +0101010100100 flinched 9 +0101010100100 crouched 9 +0101010100100 snickered 10 +0101010100100 flickered 10 +0101010100100 lusted 10 +0101010100100 jogs 10 +0101010100100 errs 11 +0101010100100 dwelt 11 +0101010100100 simmered 11 +0101010100100 GROWS 12 +0101010100100 wrangled 12 +0101010100100 skated 12 +0101010100100 pounced 12 +0101010100100 regrouped 12 +0101010100100 wince 12 +0101010100100 squabbled 13 +0101010100100 waffled 13 +0101010100100 feuded 13 +0101010100100 dines 13 +0101010100100 haggled 14 +0101010100100 chuckled 16 +0101010100100 immigrated 16 +0101010100100 majored 16 +0101010100100 bristled 16 +0101010100100 persevered 16 +0101010100100 swims 17 +0101010100100 revolted 17 +0101010100100 resided 17 +0101010100100 gasped 17 +0101010100100 toiled 17 +0101010100100 nodded 18 +0101010100100 blundered 18 +0101010100100 blinked 20 +0101010100100 quarreled 20 +0101010100100 malfunctioned 20 +0101010100100 wept 21 +0101010100100 excels 22 +0101010100100 interceded 22 +0101010100100 excelled 22 +0101010100100 rebelled 22 +0101010100100 converged 23 +0101010100100 demurred 23 +0101010100100 sparred 24 +0101010100100 awoke 24 +0101010100100 sputtered 24 +0101010100100 prayed 25 +0101010100100 dabbled 26 +0101010100100 chatted 26 +0101010100100 coped 27 +0101010100100 reappeared 27 +0101010100100 reigned 27 +0101010100100 rioted 27 +0101010100100 resigns 29 +0101010100100 remarried 29 +0101010100100 floundered 30 +0101010100100 intervenes 30 +0101010100100 perished 30 +0101010100100 hails 31 +0101010100100 lingered 32 +0101010100100 dawned 32 +0101010100100 migrated 32 +0101010100100 bolted 33 +0101010100100 starred 34 +0101010100100 stared 34 +0101010100100 shopped 38 +0101010100100 chafed 38 +0101010100100 sleeps 39 +0101010100100 consults 40 +0101010100100 blossomed 41 +0101010100100 resurfaced 42 +0101010100100 relented 44 +0101010100100 departs 45 +0101010100100 bristles 45 +0101010100100 collaborated 46 +0101010100100 rested 46 +0101010100100 paused 47 +0101010100100 yelled 47 +0101010100100 abstained 48 +0101010100100 behaved 51 +0101010100100 functioned 52 +0101010100100 raged 52 +0101010100100 unraveled 55 +0101010100100 screamed 58 +0101010100100 foundered 61 +0101010100100 thrived 61 +0101010100100 danced 61 +0101010100100 labored 64 +0101010100100 drowned 68 +0101010100100 descended 70 +0101010100100 smiled 72 +0101010100100 huddled 81 +0101010100100 qualifies 83 +0101010100100 erred 83 +0101010100100 flourished 83 +0101010100100 slept 87 +0101010100100 cried 100 +0101010100100 laughed 112 +0101010100100 competed 116 +0101010100100 flopped 124 +0101010100100 campaigned 133 +0101010100100 persisted 136 +0101010100100 differed 139 +0101010100100 dissented 143 +0101010100100 retires 143 +0101010100100 profited 162 +0101010100100 cooperated 170 +0101010100100 arrives 217 +0101010100100 graduated 219 +0101010100100 lobbied 244 +0101010100100 prevailed 300 +0101010100100 waited 323 +0101010100100 exploded 344 +0101010100100 landed 350 +0101010100100 surfaced 381 +0101010100100 disappeared 407 +0101010100100 intervened 418 +0101010100100 speaks 435 +0101010100100 sat 460 +0101010100100 gathered 535 +0101010100100 spoke 674 +0101010100100 lived 750 +0101010100100 acted 996 +0101010100100 arrived 1040 +0101010100100 emerged 1099 +0101010100100 died 1914 +0101010100100 served 2271 +0101010100100 resigned 3529 +0101010100100 worked 3896 +0101010100101 cross-licensed 1 +0101010100101 1,862,100 1 +0101010100101 porkbarrel 1 +0101010100101 overcorrected 1 +0101010100101 abortions. 1 +0101010100101 de-Islamized 1 +0101010100101 Blondchen 1 +0101010100101 trepidations 1 +0101010100101 underachieved 1 +0101010100101 mine-infested 1 +0101010100101 ZIPP 1 +0101010100101 microshakes 1 +0101010100101 .214 1 +0101010100101 reason. 1 +0101010100101 1,074 1 +0101010100101 pop-sounding 1 +0101010100101 Indians. 1 +0101010100101 cowritten 1 +0101010100101 film-musical 1 +0101010100101 releveraged 1 +0101010100101 Life-Palmer 1 +0101010100101 Peepokun 1 +0101010100101 repurcussions 1 +0101010100101 cheapies 1 +0101010100101 unravelled 1 +0101010100101 disappeared-seized 1 +0101010100101 begun. 1 +0101010100101 on-the-field 1 +0101010100101 chickenpox 1 +0101010100101 digressed 1 +0101010100101 2-by-3 1 +0101010100101 bodybuilding 1 +0101010100101 expresssed 1 +0101010100101 55,418 1 +0101010100101 70-foot-tall 1 +0101010100101 Indiatowns 1 +0101010100101 over-plotted 1 +0101010100101 entoiled 1 +0101010100101 sufferd 1 +0101010100101 oversedation 1 +0101010100101 Tele-PrompTers 1 +0101010100101 reskinned 1 +0101010100101 THX 1 +0101010100101 scarily 1 +0101010100101 awoken 1 +0101010100101 decreases. 1 +0101010100101 offbase 1 +0101010100101 panic. 1 +0101010100101 double-cast 1 +0101010100101 luged 1 +0101010100101 Napoleons 1 +0101010100101 overpromised 1 +0101010100101 Xephrey 1 +0101010100101 jet-propelled 1 +0101010100101 hob-nobbed 1 +0101010100101 effects. 1 +0101010100101 6,176 1 +0101010100101 gardened 1 +0101010100101 marketed. 1 +0101010100101 learnt 1 +0101010100101 costsharing 1 +0101010100101 bulletholes 1 +0101010100101 contiued 1 +0101010100101 gotton 1 +0101010100101 casted 2 +0101010100101 lazuli 2 +0101010100101 flouncy 2 +0101010100101 beastie 2 +0101010100101 well-fortified 2 +0101010100101 selling. 2 +0101010100101 lazed 2 +0101010100101 slumbered 2 +0101010100101 propagandized 2 +0101010100101 urinated 2 +0101010100101 travelled 2 +0101010100101 been. 2 +0101010100101 prospected 2 +0101010100101 overinvested 2 +0101010100101 fledged 2 +0101010100101 bummed 2 +0101010100101 undershipped 2 +0101010100101 cohabited 2 +0101010100101 bumbled 3 +0101010100101 self-destructed 3 +0101010100101 battened 3 +0101010100101 ratted 3 +0101010100101 sizzled 4 +0101010100101 rots 4 +0101010100101 punted 4 +0101010100101 slouched 4 +0101010100101 temporized 4 +0101010100101 separable 4 +0101010100101 relapsed 4 +0101010100101 regressed 4 +0101010100101 hiccuped 4 +0101010100101 decelerated 5 +0101010100101 deputized 5 +0101010100101 zigzagged 5 +0101010100101 beeped 5 +0101010100101 devolved 6 +0101010100101 swerved 7 +0101010100101 congregated 7 +0101010100101 overproduced 7 +0101010100101 reemerged 8 +0101010100101 clasped 9 +0101010100101 outshone 9 +0101010100101 striven 9 +0101010100101 retrenched 10 +0101010100101 burgeoned 10 +0101010100101 clicked 12 +0101010100101 sufficed 12 +0101010100101 slackens 15 +0101010100101 vacillated 15 +0101010100101 snowballed 16 +0101010100101 diverged 19 +0101010100101 outgrown 19 +0101010100101 mellowed 20 +0101010100101 steadied 21 +0101010100101 transpired 23 +0101010100101 shriveled 27 +0101010100101 wavered 28 +0101010100101 wilted 29 +0101010100101 triumphed 33 +0101010100101 ebbed 33 +0101010100101 unfolded 35 +0101010100101 sprouted 38 +0101010100101 stagnated 39 +0101010100101 withered 44 +0101010100101 mattered 47 +0101010100101 brightened 49 +0101010100101 receded 49 +0101010100101 lapsed 51 +0101010100101 mushroomed 53 +0101010100101 strayed 54 +0101010100101 proliferated 57 +0101010100101 crumbled 58 +0101010100101 slackened 59 +0101010100101 matured 59 +0101010100101 dimmed 62 +0101010100101 abated 64 +0101010100101 dissipated 65 +0101010100101 subsided 66 +0101010100101 budged 71 +0101010100101 fluctuated 80 +0101010100101 waned 80 +0101010100101 multiplied 84 +0101010100101 skyrocketed 84 +0101010100101 boomed 87 +0101010100101 evaporated 89 +0101010100101 arisen 89 +0101010100101 backfired 89 +0101010100101 deepened 92 +0101010100101 progressed 92 +0101010100101 prospered 99 +0101010100101 ballooned 99 +0101010100101 faltered 103 +0101010100101 languished 111 +0101010100101 dwindled 123 +0101010100101 vanished 130 +0101010100101 sunk 140 +0101010100101 cooled 178 +0101010100101 deteriorated 182 +0101010100101 evolved 186 +0101010100101 worsened 186 +0101010100101 faded 240 +0101010100101 stabilized 240 +0101010100101 shrunk 248 +0101010100101 lagged 360 +0101010100101 existed 421 +0101010100101 shifted 531 +0101010100101 gotten 895 +0101010100101 slowed 1140 +0101010100101 grown 1583 +0101010100101 risen 1710 +0101010100101 fallen 1779 +0101010100101 occurred 1804 +0101010100101 happened 1829 +0101010100101 gone 2570 +0101010100101 changed 4498 +0101010100101 begun 2588 +0101010100110 rumor-fueled 1 +0101010100110 out-hyped 1 +0101010100110 Kops-paced 1 +0101010100110 CONSIDERS 1 +0101010100110 Third-market 1 +0101010100110 rototills 1 +0101010100110 Kannen 1 +0101010100110 pre-session 1 +0101010100110 dollar-inspired 1 +0101010100110 raucously 1 +0101010100110 investment-type 1 +0101010100110 PA-32s 1 +0101010100110 out-glitz 1 +0101010100110 Ltd.-1983 1 +0101010100110 puddle-of-consciousness 1 +0101010100110 COMPUTER-SCREEN 1 +0101010100110 welded-wire 1 +0101010100110 disgorges 1 +0101010100110 MiG-26 1 +0101010100110 deficiency-notice 1 +0101010100110 1058 2 +0101010100110 overexpanding 2 +0101010100110 mini-skirts 2 +0101010100110 exchange-based 2 +0101010100110 equal-quantity 2 +0101010100110 spooks 3 +0101010100110 RESUMED 4 +0101010100110 thickened 4 +0101010100110 climaxing 4 +0101010100110 sucks 9 +0101010100110 commences 10 +0101010100110 debuted 13 +0101010100110 reconvenes 20 +0101010100110 premiered 24 +0101010100110 ceases 26 +0101010100110 climaxed 31 +0101010100110 convenes 36 +0101010100110 reopens 36 +0101010100110 commenced 64 +0101010100110 culminated 68 +0101010100110 ceased 183 +0101010100110 closes 284 +0101010100110 crashed 480 +0101010100110 opens 527 +0101010100110 resumed 602 +0101010100110 collapsed 763 +0101010100110 starts 1418 +0101010100110 begins 1578 +0101010100110 began 11586 +0101010100110 started 4500 +01010101001110 Kepone 1 +01010101001110 putt-putt 1 +01010101001110 helmet-first 1 +01010101001110 dishware 1 +01010101001110 sculpin 1 +01010101001110 sluiced 1 +01010101001110 peeped 1 +01010101001110 roughnecked 1 +01010101001110 interweave 1 +01010101001110 over-expanded 1 +01010101001110 palpitate 1 +01010101001110 re-orienting 1 +01010101001110 jouncing 1 +01010101001110 Holmeses 1 +01010101001110 Phelpses 1 +01010101001110 break-dances 1 +01010101001110 Polovchak 1 +01010101001110 peeps 1 +01010101001110 swishes 1 +01010101001110 drowsing 1 +01010101001110 clattered 1 +01010101001110 posses 1 +01010101001110 corkscrewed 1 +01010101001110 chartboards 1 +01010101001110 Hopscotching 1 +01010101001110 bops 1 +01010101001110 goalward 1 +01010101001110 litigates 1 +01010101001110 modulates 1 +01010101001110 sups 1 +01010101001110 airlock 1 +01010101001110 Tenzing 1 +01010101001110 dead-ending 1 +01010101001110 lanked 1 +01010101001110 themsselves 1 +01010101001110 ice-skated 1 +01010101001110 canters 1 +01010101001110 illegalized 1 +01010101001110 media-manipulated 1 +01010101001110 teeters 1 +01010101001110 rusts 1 +01010101001110 rummages 1 +01010101001110 desklegs 1 +01010101001110 expatiated 1 +01010101001110 re-injecting 1 +01010101001110 taxies 1 +01010101001110 boogied 1 +01010101001110 Papen 1 +01010101001110 tap-danced 1 +01010101001110 non-REIT 1 +01010101001110 voyaged 1 +01010101001110 self-navigates 1 +01010101001110 traipsing 1 +01010101001110 Knocks 1 +01010101001110 POURED 1 +01010101001110 Lucretius 1 +01010101001110 traipses 1 +01010101001110 scoots 1 +01010101001110 Faltered 1 +01010101001110 L1011 1 +01010101001110 shinny 1 +01010101001110 hushed-up 1 +01010101001110 pulsed 1 +01010101001110 record-buying 1 +01010101001110 hove 1 +01010101001110 snoozes 1 +01010101001110 splish-splashing 1 +01010101001110 Coursing 1 +01010101001110 fatigue-testing 1 +01010101001110 EIS 1 +01010101001110 Weeding 1 +01010101001110 somnambulates 1 +01010101001110 shoe-horned 1 +01010101001110 trenched 1 +01010101001110 laser-carved 1 +01010101001110 tropical-looking 1 +01010101001110 Subcommission 1 +01010101001110 Kleissas 1 +01010101001110 fentanyl 1 +01010101001110 orate 2 +01010101001110 ramrodded 2 +01010101001110 trebles 2 +01010101001110 ferments 2 +01010101001110 bulled 2 +01010101001110 sloshes 2 +01010101001110 thrashes 2 +01010101001110 detoured 2 +01010101001110 wiggled 2 +01010101001110 tromping 2 +01010101001110 soldiered 2 +01010101001110 clangs 2 +01010101001110 antes 2 +01010101001110 1373 2 +01010101001110 segued 2 +01010101001110 intercedes 2 +01010101001110 captivates 2 +01010101001110 Tumbles 2 +01010101001110 reclines 2 +01010101001110 bicycled 2 +01010101001110 writhes 2 +01010101001110 motored 2 +01010101001110 exhaling 2 +01010101001110 totters 2 +01010101001110 glom 2 +01010101001110 slobbing 2 +01010101001110 galumphing 2 +01010101001110 disowning 2 +01010101001110 whooshed 2 +01010101001110 tramped 3 +01010101001110 limps 3 +01010101001110 impinged 3 +01010101001110 trembles 3 +01010101001110 coursed 3 +01010101001110 impinges 3 +01010101001110 genealogies 3 +01010101001110 prances 3 +01010101001110 snuggled 3 +01010101001110 harkens 3 +01010101001110 quiets 3 +01010101001110 faints 3 +01010101001110 cartwheeled 3 +01010101001110 cartwheeling 3 +01010101001110 spread-eagled 3 +01010101001110 BUILDS 3 +01010101001110 scrimped 3 +01010101001110 converges 3 +01010101001110 hurtles 3 +01010101001110 squints 3 +01010101001110 welshed 3 +01010101001110 expends 3 +01010101001110 urinates 3 +01010101001110 bobs 3 +01010101001110 flapped 3 +01010101001110 room-nights 3 +01010101001110 gravitates 3 +01010101001110 bustles 4 +01010101001110 bobbed 4 +01010101001110 plods 4 +01010101001110 partway 4 +01010101001110 leafs 4 +01010101001110 slogs 4 +01010101001110 segues 4 +01010101001110 scampers 4 +01010101001110 waltzed 4 +01010101001110 percolated 4 +01010101001110 rambles 4 +01010101001110 whirls 4 +01010101001110 preys 4 +01010101001110 snaked 4 +01010101001110 flits 4 +01010101001110 tiptoes 4 +01010101001110 doted 4 +01010101001110 rummaged 4 +01010101001110 scurries 4 +01010101001110 swerves 4 +01010101001110 nestles 4 +01010101001110 decomposes 4 +01010101001110 squinting 4 +01010101001110 rapped 5 +01010101001110 zips 5 +01010101001110 tramping 5 +01010101001110 heaves 5 +01010101001110 decays 5 +01010101001110 traipse 5 +01010101001110 eavesdrops 5 +01010101001110 subsists 5 +01010101001110 skitters 5 +01010101001110 hurtled 5 +01010101001110 sashays 5 +01010101001110 pivots 5 +01010101001110 kneels 5 +01010101001110 darted 6 +01010101001110 capitalizes 6 +01010101001110 coasted 6 +01010101001110 crumbles 6 +01010101001110 ambles 6 +01010101001110 rampaged 6 +01010101001110 paddled 6 +01010101001110 migrates 6 +01010101001110 wafted 6 +01010101001110 careens 6 +01010101001110 secreted 6 +01010101001110 roams 6 +01010101001110 mutates 6 +01010101001110 countenances 6 +01010101001110 reconciles 6 +01010101001110 peeked 6 +01010101001110 muddles 7 +01010101001110 inflicts 7 +01010101001110 tramples 7 +01010101001110 seeps 7 +01010101001110 meshes 7 +01010101001110 plodded 7 +01010101001110 sifts 7 +01010101001110 flutters 7 +01010101001110 cascaded 7 +01010101001110 slogged 7 +01010101001110 scampered 7 +01010101001110 sprawls 8 +01010101001110 wades 8 +01010101001110 parachuted 8 +01010101001110 rambled 8 +01010101001110 trudges 8 +01010101001110 straggled 9 +01010101001110 forges 9 +01010101001110 hums 9 +01010101001110 swoops 9 +01010101001110 forecloses 9 +01010101001110 harks 9 +01010101001110 coursing 10 +01010101001110 goofed 10 +01010101001110 elaborates 10 +01010101001110 whizzed 10 +01010101001110 breezed 10 +01010101001110 taxied 10 +01010101001110 glanced 11 +01010101001110 delves 11 +01010101001110 mumbles 11 +01010101001110 trudged 11 +01010101001110 crawls 11 +01010101001110 shies 12 +01010101001110 intrudes 12 +01010101001110 intruded 12 +01010101001110 glided 12 +01010101001110 rumbled 12 +01010101001110 trickles 12 +01010101001110 gazes 12 +01010101001110 waded 13 +01010101001110 veers 13 +01010101001110 hurries 13 +01010101001110 limped 14 +01010101001110 strode 14 +01010101001110 scrambles 15 +01010101001110 embarks 15 +01010101001110 strolled 15 +01010101001110 zooms 16 +01010101001110 squeaked 16 +01010101001110 tumbles 17 +01010101001110 dwells 17 +01010101001110 weaves 18 +01010101001110 shuffles 19 +01010101001110 lurches 19 +01010101001110 evolves 20 +01010101001110 descends 20 +01010101001110 skips 20 +01010101001110 melts 20 +01010101001110 cools 20 +01010101001110 crawled 21 +01010101001110 hopped 21 +01010101001110 glides 23 +01010101001110 strolls 23 +01010101001110 infringes 23 +01010101001110 lurks 24 +01010101001110 roars 25 +01010101001110 shone 25 +01010101001110 grinds 27 +01010101001110 flips 27 +01010101001110 drifts 29 +01010101001110 shines 30 +01010101001110 rained 31 +01010101001110 frowns 31 +01010101001110 fluctuates 32 +01010101001110 wanders 35 +01010101001110 stumbles 37 +01010101001110 bounces 42 +01010101001110 rushes 47 +01010101001110 thrives 49 +01010101001110 sprinted 50 +01010101001110 leaned 56 +01010101001110 drags 58 +01010101001110 boils 60 +01010101001110 revolves 60 +01010101001110 lingers 62 +01010101001110 flashed 66 +01010101001110 roared 76 +01010101001110 rang 77 +01010101001110 climbs 79 +01010101001110 sailed 83 +01010101001110 raced 91 +01010101001110 leans 92 +01010101001110 disappears 95 +01010101001110 concentrates 116 +01010101001110 translates 162 +01010101001110 hangs 171 +01010101001110 marched 194 +01010101001110 rests 199 +01010101001110 walks 226 +01010101001110 extends 276 +01010101001110 relies 284 +01010101001110 sits 501 +01010101001110 flew 581 +01010101001110 falls 878 +01010101001110 went 5810 +01010101001110 goes 3196 +01010101001111 triggerman 1 +01010101001111 Brayer 1 +01010101001111 jerkily 1 +01010101001111 abstains 1 +01010101001111 ZTR 1 +01010101001111 Kagero 1 +01010101001111 Want-not 1 +01010101001111 Kwang-Su 1 +01010101001111 I-79 1 +01010101001111 epiphyte 1 +01010101001111 HWY 1 +01010101001111 Applewhite 1 +01010101001111 inqueries 1 +01010101001111 mini-breaks 1 +01010101001111 Buckets 1 +01010101001111 prefunded 1 +01010101001111 SUFFERS 1 +01010101001111 smarted 1 +01010101001111 1294 1 +01010101001111 first-timer 1 +01010101001111 plains-dwellers 1 +01010101001111 instated 1 +01010101001111 FVF 1 +01010101001111 HYP 1 +01010101001111 ACD 1 +01010101001111 CHT 1 +01010101001111 somersaulted 1 +01010101001111 fummoxed 1 +01010101001111 preventers 1 +01010101001111 ONA 1 +01010101001111 filches 1 +01010101001111 price-9 1 +01010101001111 Cabo 1 +01010101001111 PNF 1 +01010101001111 berrying 1 +01010101001111 reflows 1 +01010101001111 glowers 2 +01010101001111 smouldering 2 +01010101001111 exerpts 2 +01010101001111 steepens 2 +01010101001111 recuperates 2 +01010101001111 discolors 2 +01010101001111 throbbed 2 +01010101001111 zigged 2 +01010101001111 unreels 2 +01010101001111 WASH-FM 2 +01010101001111 undulates 3 +01010101001111 blurting 4 +01010101001111 protruded 4 +01010101001111 condenses 4 +01010101001111 simmers 5 +01010101001111 shuddered 5 +01010101001111 beeps 5 +01010101001111 flitted 5 +01010101001111 snipped 5 +01010101001111 throbs 5 +01010101001111 concetion 6 +01010101001111 recoils 6 +01010101001111 fluttering 6 +01010101001111 protrude 6 +01010101001111 emanated 7 +01010101001111 germinated 7 +01010101001111 recoiled 7 +01010101001111 deviates 7 +01010101001111 diverges 7 +01010101001111 steepened 7 +01010101001111 disintegrates 7 +01010101001111 lurked 9 +01010101001111 detracted 9 +01010101001111 deviated 10 +01010101001111 benefitted 10 +01010101001111 reverberated 13 +01010101001111 accrues 14 +01010101001111 rakes 15 +01010101001111 lurk 15 +01010101001111 refrains 15 +01010101001111 paled 16 +01010101001111 detracts 16 +01010101001111 resonates 16 +01010101001111 lurched 17 +01010101001111 occured 17 +01010101001111 circulates 18 +01010101001111 revolved 19 +01010101001111 erupts 22 +01010101001111 pales 36 +01010101001111 loomed 36 +01010101001111 fades 53 +01010101001111 swirled 61 +01010101001111 refrained 64 +01010101001111 sprang 83 +01010101001111 flared 83 +01010101001111 looms 109 +01010101001111 varies 112 +01010101001111 fizzled 119 +01010101001111 derives 119 +01010101001111 differs 145 +01010101001111 arises 169 +01010101001111 suffers 196 +01010101001111 flowed 209 +01010101001111 erupted 294 +01010101001111 emerges 302 +01010101001111 arose 364 +01010101001111 occurs 457 +01010101001111 stemmed 560 +01010101001111 stems 604 +01010101001111 benefited 785 +01010101001111 lies 808 +01010101001111 resulted 1940 +01010101001111 came 8787 +01010101001111 comes 4408 +0101010101000 uninflated 1 +0101010101000 scathed 1 +0101010101000 confuted 1 +0101010101000 notifed 1 +0101010101000 embowered 1 +0101010101000 disapponted 1 +0101010101000 1,732 1 +0101010101000 whiplashed 1 +0101010101000 out-hit 1 +0101010101000 Fertilised 1 +0101010101000 Bactrim 1 +0101010101000 Pared 1 +0101010101000 re-jigging 1 +0101010101000 overtopped 1 +0101010101000 subpoened 1 +0101010101000 Fooled 1 +0101010101000 counterpointed 1 +0101010101000 Justified 1 +0101010101000 Riled 1 +0101010101000 dismisssed 1 +0101010101000 outmuscled 1 +0101010101000 embrittled 1 +0101010101000 reinfected 1 +0101010101000 Comex-inspired 1 +0101010101000 engrosses 1 +0101010101000 offet 1 +0101010101000 near-maddened 1 +0101010101000 prefigured 1 +0101010101000 peformed 2 +0101010101000 offest 2 +0101010101000 superceded 2 +0101010101000 Streptase 2 +0101010101000 backstopped 2 +0101010101000 misplayed 2 +0101010101000 scourged 2 +0101010101000 bushwhacked 2 +0101010101000 Seventh-Day 2 +0101010101000 marketize 2 +0101010101000 rechoreographed 2 +0101010101000 monetized 3 +0101010101000 nonplused 3 +0101010101000 titillates 3 +0101010101000 cued 3 +0101010101000 singed 3 +0101010101000 sideswiped 3 +0101010101000 overfilled 3 +0101010101000 quenched 4 +0101010101000 overhung 4 +0101010101000 co-financed 4 +0101010101000 wagged 4 +0101010101000 outproduced 4 +0101010101000 intimidates 4 +0101010101000 scandalized 4 +0101010101000 outclassed 4 +0101010101000 telegraphing 5 +0101010101000 sundered 5 +0101010101000 outdistanced 5 +0101010101000 obviated 5 +0101010101000 walloped 5 +0101010101000 damps 6 +0101010101000 beguiled 6 +0101010101000 startles 6 +0101010101000 co-written 7 +0101010101000 nagged 7 +0101010101000 mauled 7 +0101010101000 denuded 7 +0101010101000 outdistancing 7 +0101010101000 shadowed 7 +0101010101000 blind-sided 7 +0101010101000 nettled 7 +0101010101000 ringed 9 +0101010101000 occasioned 9 +0101010101000 waylaid 10 +0101010101000 surmounted 10 +0101010101000 sowed 11 +0101010101000 presaged 11 +0101010101000 outrun 12 +0101010101000 blindsided 13 +0101010101000 dazzled 13 +0101010101000 invigorated 13 +0101010101000 belied 13 +0101010101000 obliterated 13 +0101010101000 enveloped 14 +0101010101000 buffered 14 +0101010101000 assuaged 14 +0101010101000 enlivened 14 +0101010101000 soothed 14 +0101010101000 brutalized 14 +0101010101000 reignited 15 +0101010101000 nourished 16 +0101010101000 rivaled 17 +0101010101000 felled 17 +0101010101000 crimped 17 +0101010101000 perpetuated 17 +0101010101000 mobbed 18 +0101010101000 daunted 18 +0101010101000 furthered 18 +0101010101000 bettered 18 +0101010101000 co-produced 19 +0101010101000 corroborated 20 +0101010101000 spotlighted 20 +0101010101000 usurped 20 +0101010101000 blanketed 20 +0101010101000 torpedoed 20 +0101010101000 muddied 21 +0101010101000 piqued 21 +0101010101000 pervaded 22 +0101010101000 sullied 22 +0101010101000 humbled 23 +0101010101000 personified 23 +0101010101000 permeated 23 +0101010101000 dampened 23 +0101010101000 bedeviled 24 +0101010101000 graced 24 +0101010101000 whetted 25 +0101010101000 squelched 26 +0101010101000 traumatized 26 +0101010101000 pierced 27 +0101010101000 whipsawed 27 +0101010101000 allayed 27 +0101010101000 thinned 27 +0101010101000 ruffled 28 +0101010101000 quelled 28 +0101010101000 instigated 28 +0101010101000 blinded 30 +0101010101000 mitigated 31 +0101010101000 necessitated 32 +0101010101000 buttressed 32 +0101010101000 embittered 32 +0101010101000 paralleled 32 +0101010101000 upstaged 33 +0101010101000 dispelled 34 +0101010101000 alleviated 34 +0101010101000 rankled 34 +0101010101000 jarred 34 +0101010101000 superseded 35 +0101010101000 defused 37 +0101010101000 accentuated 37 +0101010101000 decimated 39 +0101010101000 dramatized 39 +0101010101000 cushioned 40 +0101010101000 blunted 42 +0101010101000 dented 44 +0101010101000 stunted 44 +0101010101000 supplanted 45 +0101010101000 confounded 49 +0101010101000 wracked 49 +0101010101000 sapped 50 +0101010101000 irked 50 +0101010101000 impeded 50 +0101010101000 roiled 51 +0101010101000 unnerved 56 +0101010101000 facilitated 57 +0101010101000 ravaged 57 +0101010101000 calmed 58 +0101010101000 pinched 58 +0101010101000 gripped 61 +0101010101000 stifled 61 +0101010101000 spooked 63 +0101010101000 overtaken 63 +0101010101000 rattled 65 +0101010101000 clobbered 66 +0101010101000 hobbled 67 +0101010101000 fanned 71 +0101010101000 underperformed 74 +0101010101000 infuriated 74 +0101010101000 outweighed 75 +0101010101000 mirrored 76 +0101010101000 outstripped 79 +0101010101000 afforded 79 +0101010101000 overrun 83 +0101010101000 marred 85 +0101010101000 obscured 86 +0101010101000 eclipsed 87 +0101010101000 fostered 89 +0101010101000 hindered 90 +0101010101000 irritated 91 +0101010101000 reassured 92 +0101010101000 stung 96 +0101010101000 jolted 97 +0101010101000 startled 97 +0101010101000 ignited 101 +0101010101000 precipitated 103 +0101010101000 overseen 105 +0101010101000 aggravated 110 +0101010101000 masked 114 +0101010101000 offended 118 +0101010101000 stimulated 121 +0101010101000 rocked 123 +0101010101000 clouded 123 +0101010101000 buffeted 127 +0101010101000 devastated 130 +0101010101000 dogged 132 +0101010101000 dictated 138 +0101010101000 beset 142 +0101010101000 stymied 142 +0101010101000 aroused 142 +0101010101000 overshadowed 145 +0101010101000 harmed 146 +0101010101000 damped 153 +0101010101000 erased 156 +0101010101000 trailed 160 +0101010101000 highlighted 168 +0101010101000 abide 176 +0101010101000 outperformed 179 +0101010101000 cheered 179 +0101010101000 underscored 188 +0101010101000 disrupted 201 +0101010101000 exacerbated 202 +0101010101000 overwhelmed 205 +0101010101000 spawned 207 +0101010101000 guided 216 +0101010101000 undermined 220 +0101010101000 illustrated 225 +0101010101000 surpassed 234 +0101010101000 reinforced 237 +0101010101000 hampered 253 +0101010101000 tracked 257 +0101010101000 angered 272 +0101010101000 undercut 318 +0101010101000 stunned 344 +0101010101000 inspired 379 +0101010101000 plagued 430 +0101010101000 matched 443 +0101010101000 influenced 455 +0101010101000 bolstered 472 +0101010101000 topped 513 +0101010101000 spurred 675 +0101010101000 fueled 846 +0101010101000 sparked 932 +0101010101000 triggered 1087 +0101010101000 marked 1189 +0101010101000 generated 1423 +0101010101000 prompted 1920 +0101010101000 offset 2233 +0101010101000 hit 4306 +0101010101000 caused 4120 +0101010101000 hurt 4154 +01010101010010 1,013 1 +01010101010010 greenmailed 1 +01010101010010 more-pressing 1 +01010101010010 caustically 1 +01010101010010 Wesblot 1 +01010101010010 30-megabyte 1 +01010101010010 ornithologists 1 +01010101010010 unfixable 1 +01010101010010 hepled 1 +01010101010010 pre-conceived 1 +01010101010010 flannel-shirted 1 +01010101010010 jigsawed 1 +01010101010010 Discreetly 1 +01010101010010 fall-caught 1 +01010101010010 extrudes 1 +01010101010010 humored 1 +01010101010010 nick-named 1 +01010101010010 rest-room 1 +01010101010010 midcourt 1 +01010101010010 grinningly 1 +01010101010010 anti-religion 1 +01010101010010 grocery-based 1 +01010101010010 portentiously 1 +01010101010010 non-athletes 1 +01010101010010 Senghor 1 +01010101010010 way-out 1 +01010101010010 Expresses 2 +01010101010010 catholic 2 +01010101010010 misappropriates 2 +01010101010010 Tollison 2 +01010101010010 internalized 2 +01010101010010 feigns 3 +01010101010010 democratized 3 +01010101010010 evinced 6 +01010101010010 prods 8 +01010101010010 deflects 10 +01010101010010 exuded 10 +01010101010010 dared 90 +01010101010010 voiced 303 +01010101010010 enabled 382 +01010101010010 helps 1085 +01010101010010 expressed 2550 +01010101010010 helped 6236 +01010101010011 drill-avoiders 1 +01010101010011 Spartanized 1 +01010101010011 subunderwritten 1 +01010101010011 R&V 1 +01010101010011 recommeded 1 +01010101010011 unmodulated 1 +01010101010011 footballdom 1 +01010101010011 unfelt 1 +01010101010011 smarminess 1 +01010101010011 hexed 1 +01010101010011 rear-ended 1 +01010101010011 underknown 1 +01010101010011 officered 1 +01010101010011 weeny 1 +01010101010011 Leuker 1 +01010101010011 adventitiously 1 +01010101010011 singleA-plus 1 +01010101010011 Andropovs 1 +01010101010011 well-defended 1 +01010101010011 unalarmed 1 +01010101010011 diltiazen 1 +01010101010011 nicardipine 1 +01010101010011 slinked 1 +01010101010011 blinkered 1 +01010101010011 uncrushed 1 +01010101010011 OPERATE 1 +01010101010011 unshrouded 1 +01010101010011 2,625,000 1 +01010101010011 GMHE 1 +01010101010011 282,090 1 +01010101010011 657,100 1 +01010101010011 283,428 1 +01010101010011 73-22 1 +01010101010011 unappeased 1 +01010101010011 profferred 1 +01010101010011 pre-screened 1 +01010101010011 Screg 1 +01010101010011 reinvestigated 1 +01010101010011 tripleB 1 +01010101010011 sportshirts 1 +01010101010011 INFORM 1 +01010101010011 Televizor 1 +01010101010011 equilibriums 1 +01010101010011 retailated 1 +01010101010011 under-invoicing 1 +01010101010011 reapproved 1 +01010101010011 Aliran 1 +01010101010011 tongue-lashed 1 +01010101010011 undistracted 1 +01010101010011 Melded 1 +01010101010011 BA-3 1 +01010101010011 Unhindered 1 +01010101010011 unthreatened 1 +01010101010011 recopied 1 +01010101010011 mid-drunk 1 +01010101010011 PROMISED 1 +01010101010011 half-choked 1 +01010101010011 over-hired 1 +01010101010011 SP1 1 +01010101010011 tripleB-plus 1 +01010101010011 selfemployment 1 +01010101010011 Grille 1 +01010101010011 tootled 1 +01010101010011 unsheathed 1 +01010101010011 rebadged 1 +01010101010011 outshown 1 +01010101010011 Hedren 1 +01010101010011 multipled 1 +01010101010011 schadkhan 1 +01010101010011 105,280 1 +01010101010011 mis-shifted 1 +01010101010011 lept 1 +01010101010011 40-14 1 +01010101010011 Duerer 1 +01010101010011 ABBA 1 +01010101010011 out-maneuvered 1 +01010101010011 613,689 1 +01010101010011 double-Aminus 1 +01010101010011 unshaped 1 +01010101010011 unfleshed 1 +01010101010011 Coupes 1 +01010101010011 physician-bashing 1 +01010101010011 Meps 1 +01010101010011 409,293 1 +01010101010011 succored 1 +01010101010011 court-bashing 1 +01010101010011 Helmsleyed 1 +01010101010011 propositioned 1 +01010101010011 assumably 1 +01010101010011 coled 1 +01010101010011 micro-managed 2 +01010101010011 uncowed 2 +01010101010011 Reprinted 2 +01010101010011 emplacements 2 +01010101010011 unflustered 2 +01010101010011 midwifed 2 +01010101010011 doubleA 2 +01010101010011 singleA 2 +01010101010011 bedazzled 2 +01010101010011 buffaloed 2 +01010101010011 unmarred 3 +01010101010011 defrayed 3 +01010101010011 menaced 3 +01010101010011 atoned 3 +01010101010011 micromanaged 3 +01010101010011 aped 3 +01010101010011 SP1-plus 4 +01010101010011 co-signed 4 +01010101010011 pocked 4 +01010101010011 buffed 4 +01010101010011 leavened 5 +01010101010011 bouyed 5 +01010101010011 rubber-stamped 6 +01010101010011 unburdened 7 +01010101010011 trod 7 +01010101010011 beseiged 7 +01010101010011 tantalized 7 +01010101010011 co-published 7 +01010101010011 co-chaired 9 +01010101010011 heckled 9 +01010101010011 serenaded 10 +01010101010011 vetted 13 +01010101010011 impelled 13 +01010101010011 abides 15 +01010101010011 complemented 18 +01010101010011 transfixed 19 +01010101010011 narrated 20 +01010101010011 frequented 20 +01010101010011 typified 20 +01010101010011 flanked 27 +01010101010011 underpinned 31 +01010101010011 symbolized 40 +01010101010011 co-managed 41 +01010101010011 authored 57 +01010101010011 supplemented 60 +01010101010011 punctuated 60 +01010101010011 emboldened 64 +01010101010011 chaired 82 +01010101010011 spearheaded 92 +01010101010011 paced 124 +01010101010011 propelled 190 +01010101010011 preceded 198 +01010101010011 surrounded 306 +01010101010011 buoyed 475 +01010101010011 accompanied 571 +01010101010011 sponsored 782 +01010101010011 aided 787 +01010101010011 dominated 946 +01010101010011 supported 1651 +01010101010011 backed 1770 +01010101010011 led 8086 +01010101010011 headed 2324 +0101010101010 group-led 1 +0101010101010 fact-fudging 1 +0101010101010 arrranged 1 +0101010101010 cossetted 1 +0101010101010 breathable 1 +0101010101010 resistible 1 +0101010101010 -guaranteed 1 +0101010101010 hopscotched 1 +0101010101010 acquiried 1 +0101010101010 no-frill 1 +0101010101010 unawed 1 +0101010101010 enruptured 1 +0101010101010 out-recruited 1 +0101010101010 unhobbled 1 +0101010101010 tureens 1 +0101010101010 partly-owned 1 +0101010101010 long-controlled 1 +0101010101010 part-owned 1 +0101010101010 overdominance 1 +0101010101010 shockable 1 +0101010101010 Sketches 1 +0101010101010 waivable 1 +0101010101010 over-persuaded 1 +0101010101010 lashings 1 +0101010101010 overowned 1 +0101010101010 re-equipped 1 +0101010101010 onlent 1 +0101010101010 organzied 1 +0101010101010 acqired 1 +0101010101010 administrated 1 +0101010101010 well-covered 1 +0101010101010 -refundable 1 +0101010101010 herbed-out 1 +0101010101010 Giftwraps 1 +0101010101010 well-fattened 1 +0101010101010 pre-sorted 1 +0101010101010 overarched 1 +0101010101010 Suppressed 1 +0101010101010 expiated 1 +0101010101010 roadblocked 1 +0101010101010 re-xamined 1 +0101010101010 long-opposed 1 +0101010101010 -acquired 1 +0101010101010 Dutch-state-owned 1 +0101010101010 unstained 1 +0101010101010 trisected 1 +0101010101010 bulletpocked 1 +0101010101010 percieved 1 +0101010101010 unimplemented 1 +0101010101010 contolled 1 +0101010101010 -full 1 +0101010101010 half-crazed 1 +0101010101010 criticism- 1 +0101010101010 imaged 1 +0101010101010 Wrongdoing 1 +0101010101010 non-reimbursed 1 +0101010101010 deafened 1 +0101010101010 co-supported 1 +0101010101010 Permanone 1 +0101010101010 wrapups 1 +0101010101010 limned 2 +0101010101010 edified 2 +0101010101010 Mode 2 +0101010101010 co-anchored 2 +0101010101010 merchandized 2 +0101010101010 unscarred 2 +0101010101010 long-practiced 2 +0101010101010 Energiverk 2 +0101010101010 -backed 2 +0101010101010 inflected 2 +0101010101010 co-headed 2 +0101010101010 theatened 2 +0101010101010 co-led 2 +0101010101010 curtained 3 +0101010101010 terminable 3 +0101010101010 one-upped 3 +0101010101010 gulled 3 +0101010101010 identifed 3 +0101010101010 represented. 3 +0101010101010 unmonitored 3 +0101010101010 discomfited 3 +0101010101010 trivialized 4 +0101010101010 subsumed 4 +0101010101010 awe-struck 4 +0101010101010 bisected 4 +0101010101010 asphyxiated 4 +0101010101010 sired 4 +0101010101010 ill-served 4 +0101010101010 augured 4 +0101010101010 expounded 4 +0101010101010 excreted 4 +0101010101010 metered 5 +0101010101010 underserved 5 +0101010101010 unaccompanied 6 +0101010101010 fettered 6 +0101010101010 cross-examined 7 +0101010101010 reinsured 7 +0101010101010 hypnotized 7 +0101010101010 muzzled 7 +0101010101010 lead-managed 8 +0101010101010 riven 8 +0101010101010 unswayed 8 +0101010101010 overspent 8 +0101010101010 encircled 10 +0101010101010 mistrusted 10 +0101010101010 abided 10 +0101010101010 co-owned 11 +0101010101010 undersubscribed 12 +0101010101010 comforted 12 +0101010101010 counterbalanced 12 +0101010101010 policed 14 +0101010101010 peopled 14 +0101010101010 patronized 14 +0101010101010 unhampered 14 +0101010101010 half-owned 16 +0101010101010 fazed 20 +0101010101010 gauged 21 +0101010101010 unmoved 24 +0101010101010 -controlled 25 +0101010101010 mesmerized 25 +0101010101010 unfazed 26 +0101010101010 captivated 27 +0101010101010 sampled 29 +0101010101010 inhabited 30 +0101010101010 undeterred 30 +0101010101010 pre-empted 31 +0101010101010 piloted 31 +0101010101010 amplified 32 +0101010101010 impacted 35 +0101010101010 encumbered 36 +0101010101010 hamstrung 37 +0101010101010 scarred 38 +0101010101010 -held 44 +0101010101010 augmented 47 +0101010101010 exemplified 50 +0101010101010 punishable 56 +0101010101010 magnified 58 +0101010101010 evidenced 67 +0101010101010 dwarfed 70 +0101010101010 victimized 70 +0101010101010 heartened 71 +0101010101010 majority-owned 73 +0101010101010 serviced 74 +0101010101010 haunted 76 +0101010101010 baffled 86 +0101010101010 sung 93 +0101010101010 staffed 95 +0101010101010 intimidated 96 +0101010101010 swayed 98 +0101010101010 besieged 100 +0101010101010 unaffected 103 +0101010101010 tempered 127 +0101010101010 populated 128 +0101010101010 powered 159 +0101010101010 governed 173 +0101010101010 monitored 212 +0101010101010 administered 240 +0101010101010 compounded 255 +0101010101010 polled 297 +0101010101010 underwritten 321 +0101010101010 motivated 374 +0101010101010 funded 587 +0101010101010 compiled 650 +0101010101010 measured 754 +0101010101010 shared 795 +0101010101010 surveyed 854 +0101010101010 protected 926 +0101010101010 calculated 1216 +0101010101010 -owned 1381 +0101010101010 covered 1707 +0101010101010 affected 2535 +0101010101010 owned 4961 +0101010101010 controlled 2665 +01010101010110 bewitches 1 +01010101010110 high-cube 1 +01010101010110 critizied 1 +01010101010110 prices.Ono 1 +01010101010110 Hans-Jorg 1 +01010101010110 Erdoel-Raffinerie 1 +01010101010110 A.I.B.C. 1 +01010101010110 JDM 1 +01010101010110 tided 1 +01010101010110 Xiangying 1 +01010101010110 Baker-watchers 1 +01010101010110 badmouthed 1 +01010101010110 tapered-shape 1 +01010101010110 Asian-Far 1 +01010101010110 pro-financial 1 +01010101010110 16,481 1 +01010101010110 1,405 1 +01010101010110 Dwell 1 +01010101010110 Khoo-owned 1 +01010101010110 ALARMED 1 +01010101010110 seascape 1 +01010101010110 AGAINST 1 +01010101010110 Janitrol 1 +01010101010110 outguessed 1 +01010101010110 nickel-and-dimed 1 +01010101010110 Kewpie 1 +01010101010110 HOVER 1 +01010101010110 360KB 1 +01010101010110 direcly 1 +01010101010110 constrictors 1 +01010101010110 round-table 1 +01010101010110 underwriten 1 +01010101010110 Japanee 1 +01010101010110 Jheryl 1 +01010101010110 assimilables 1 +01010101010110 all-textile 1 +01010101010110 Price-Fixing 2 +01010101010110 Clip 2 +01010101010110 skippered 2 +01010101010110 gossip-column 2 +01010101010110 defoliated 4 +01010101010110 constrictor 5 +01010101010110 wagered 7 +01010101010110 HELD 7 +01010101010110 mimicked 16 +01010101010110 scrutinized 106 +01010101010110 held 12561 +01010101010110 watched 1085 +01010101010111 comprehending 1 +01010101010111 race-neutral 1 +01010101010111 superior-performing 1 +01010101010111 cash-price 1 +01010101010111 co-obligators 1 +01010101010111 hope-springs-eternal 1 +01010101010111 A-I-D-S 1 +01010101010111 embearrassed 1 +01010101010111 renegged 1 +01010101010111 added. 1 +01010101010111 silk-crazed 1 +01010101010111 1,026 1 +01010101010111 over-sold 1 +01010101010111 fox-trotting 1 +01010101010111 synomymous 1 +01010101010111 7485 1 +01010101010111 messageless 1 +01010101010111 1,602 1 +01010101010111 1,644 1 +01010101010111 1,704 1 +01010101010111 1,384 1 +01010101010111 Await 1 +01010101010111 edes 1 +01010101010111 794-575 1 +01010101010111 2,984 1 +01010101010111 semi-numismatic 1 +01010101010111 Mac-II 1 +01010101010111 plebe 1 +01010101010111 799-712 1 +01010101010111 4,712 1 +01010101010111 747SP 1 +01010101010111 pluralized 1 +01010101010111 847-725 1 +01010101010111 keeling 1 +01010101010111 runneth 1 +01010101010111 drug-and-crime-infested 1 +01010101010111 bicolored 1 +01010101010111 noticable 1 +01010101010111 ratesensitive 1 +01010101010111 hanker 1 +01010101010111 well-wired 1 +01010101010111 182nd 1 +01010101010111 1,206 1 +01010101010111 ARISES 1 +01010101010111 Robinson-underwritten 2 +01010101010111 GOOF 2 +01010101010111 blinkers 2 +01010101010111 1,271 2 +01010101010111 Believes 2 +01010101010111 drooled 2 +01010101010111 garrisoned 2 +01010101010111 Bloombergs 2 +01010101010111 speared 2 +01010101010111 obsessing 2 +01010101010111 standardless 2 +01010101010111 371.25 2 +01010101010111 Differ 2 +01010101010111 strenghtened 2 +01010101010111 reposed 2 +01010101010111 1,172 2 +01010101010111 Slams 2 +01010101010111 hair-splitting 3 +01010101010111 1,121 3 +01010101010111 laze 3 +01010101010111 gyrates 3 +01010101010111 trodden 3 +01010101010111 1,293 3 +01010101010111 bogeys 4 +01010101010111 grazed 4 +01010101010111 fawned 4 +01010101010111 harped 5 +01010101010111 1,366 5 +01010101010111 skimped 5 +01010101010111 short-sold 6 +01010101010111 mutilating 7 +01010101010111 impacting 10 +01010101010111 tattooed 10 +01010101010111 dwelled 11 +01010101010111 outnumbering 12 +01010101010111 replayed 13 +01010101010111 backtracked 14 +01010101010111 foisted 14 +01010101010111 teetered 16 +01010101010111 glossed 17 +01010101010111 repayable 27 +01010101010111 draped 31 +01010101010111 lavished 33 +01010101010111 heaped 38 +01010101010111 bordering 38 +01010101010111 splintered 42 +01010101010111 reliant 44 +01010101010111 elaborated 51 +01010101010111 reneged 54 +01010101010111 tacked 70 +01010101010111 deadlocked 88 +01010101010111 infringed 106 +01010101010111 embarked 137 +01010101010111 presiding 149 +01010101010111 outpaced 245 +01010101010111 capitalized 250 +01010101010111 outnumbered 290 +01010101010111 defaulted 310 +01010101010111 relied 396 +01010101010111 concentrated 598 +01010101010111 dependent 687 +01010101010111 focused 1198 +01010101010111 divided 1247 +01010101010111 traded 4981 +01010101010111 listed 1797 +01010101011000 1233.54 1 +01010101011000 resizing 1 +01010101011000 unraced 1 +01010101011000 1238.57 1 +01010101011000 1229.06 1 +01010101011000 1241.09 1 +01010101011000 Beingness 1 +01010101011000 1258.93 1 +01010101011000 ill-manned 1 +01010101011000 coachable 1 +01010101011000 tummy-warming 1 +01010101011000 1204.50 1 +01010101011000 1261.34 1 +01010101011000 1261.44 1 +01010101011000 overdubbed 1 +01010101011000 78,160 1 +01010101011000 themeless 1 +01010101011000 overriden 1 +01010101011000 1273.55 1 +01010101011000 1284.06 1 +01010101011000 1301.01 1 +01010101011000 media-loving 1 +01010101011000 low-capability 1 +01010101011000 1246.74 1 +01010101011000 1,163,700 1 +01010101011000 1210.56 1 +01010101011000 1219.00 1 +01010101011000 677,300 1 +01010101011000 1215.89 1 +01010101011000 1218.11 1 +01010101011000 1194.10 1 +01010101011000 mob-run 1 +01010101011000 overglorified 1 +01010101011000 American-raised 1 +01010101011000 snuggling 2 +01010101011000 Tubing 2 +01010101011000 teargassed 2 +01010101011000 pistol-whipped 2 +01010101011000 gamboling 2 +01010101011000 goosestepping 2 +01010101011000 clench 2 +01010101011000 sun-tanned 2 +01010101011000 cold-shouldered 2 +01010101011000 miswired 2 +01010101011000 reaccelerating 2 +01010101011000 re-spent 2 +01010101011000 diddles 2 +01010101011000 indented 2 +01010101011000 comingled 2 +01010101011000 pacified 2 +01010101011000 1227.90 2 +01010101011000 nervosa 2 +01010101011000 over-extended 2 +01010101011000 wise. 2 +01010101011000 re-indicted 2 +01010101011000 hibernating 3 +01010101011000 battle-weary 3 +01010101011000 retold 3 +01010101011000 exhumed 3 +01010101011000 countermanded 3 +01010101011000 uplifted 3 +01010101011000 cross-referenced 3 +01010101011000 assayed 3 +01010101011000 deflowered 3 +01010101011000 defrosted 3 +01010101011000 pre-placed 3 +01010101011000 saxophonists 3 +01010101011000 gang-raped 3 +01010101011000 debarred 3 +01010101011000 Christianized 3 +01010101011000 hunky-dory 3 +01010101011000 bellmen 3 +01010101011000 entombed 4 +01010101011000 vacates 4 +01010101011000 indisposed 4 +01010101011000 waltzing 4 +01010101011000 foulmouthed 4 +01010101011000 cribbed 4 +01010101011000 desecrated 4 +01010101011000 paraphrased 4 +01010101011000 browbeaten 4 +01010101011000 avenged 4 +01010101011000 sedated 4 +01010101011000 slandered 4 +01010101011000 impaneled 4 +01010101011000 tear-gassed 4 +01010101011000 inseminated 5 +01010101011000 mummified 5 +01010101011000 fingerprinted 5 +01010101011000 exterminated 5 +01010101011000 shipshape 5 +01010101011000 resealed 5 +01010101011000 becalmed 5 +01010101011000 re-enacted 5 +01010101011000 innoculated 5 +01010101011000 perspiring 5 +01010101011000 desiccated 5 +01010101011000 worshipped 6 +01010101011000 defanged 6 +01010101011000 sited 6 +01010101011000 equalized 6 +01010101011000 mislaid 6 +01010101011000 debriefed 6 +01010101011000 overlaid 6 +01010101011000 pricked 6 +01010101011000 harangued 6 +01010101011000 wincing 6 +01010101011000 splattered 6 +01010101011000 rearrested 7 +01010101011000 expunged 7 +01010101011000 gassed 7 +01010101011000 blemished 7 +01010101011000 steamrollered 7 +01010101011000 interred 7 +01010101011000 mended 7 +01010101011000 sighing 7 +01010101011000 annihilated 7 +01010101011000 colonized 8 +01010101011000 misspent 8 +01010101011000 X-rayed 8 +01010101011000 reappraised 8 +01010101011000 nonplussed 8 +01010101011000 drubbed 8 +01010101011000 sated 8 +01010101011000 decommissioned 8 +01010101011000 stilled 8 +01010101011000 enslaved 9 +01010101011000 ransacked 9 +01010101011000 firebombed 9 +01010101011000 cashiered 9 +01010101011000 decertified 9 +01010101011000 outflanked 9 +01010101011000 finessed 9 +01010101011000 fiddled 9 +01010101011000 second-guessed 9 +01010101011000 hassled 9 +01010101011000 disfigured 10 +01010101011000 groaned 10 +01010101011000 lynched 10 +01010101011000 reenacted 10 +01010101011000 refiled 10 +01010101011000 reassembled 10 +01010101011000 electrocuted 10 +01010101011000 deduced 10 +01010101011000 transcribed 11 +01010101011000 beheaded 11 +01010101011000 incinerated 11 +01010101011000 envied 11 +01010101011000 ditched 11 +01010101011000 impregnated 11 +01010101011000 paroled 11 +01010101011000 excised 12 +01010101011000 baptized 12 +01010101011000 jeered 12 +01010101011000 torched 12 +01010101011000 retrofitted 12 +01010101011000 dislodged 12 +01010101011000 outvoted 12 +01010101011000 chiseled 12 +01010101011000 excavated 12 +01010101011000 inoculated 12 +01010101011000 partitioned 12 +01010101011000 fused 12 +01010101011000 slighted 13 +01010101011000 tarred 13 +01010101011000 mutilated 13 +01010101011000 repainted 13 +01010101011000 mislabeled 14 +01010101011000 misquoted 14 +01010101011000 disbarred 14 +01010101011000 disengaged 14 +01010101011000 relaunched 14 +01010101011000 milked 14 +01010101011000 jostled 14 +01010101011000 barraged 15 +01010101011000 bankrupted 15 +01010101011000 reassessed 15 +01010101011000 resuscitated 15 +01010101011000 axed 15 +01010101011000 outgunned 15 +01010101011000 drenched 15 +01010101011000 excerpted 16 +01010101011000 rationalized 16 +01010101011000 tabulated 16 +01010101011000 wined 16 +01010101011000 devoured 16 +01010101011000 distrusted 17 +01010101011000 initialed 17 +01010101011000 pelted 17 +01010101011000 blacklisted 17 +01010101011000 plundered 17 +01010101011000 disarmed 17 +01010101011000 accosted 17 +01010101011000 smothered 17 +01010101011000 feted 17 +01010101011000 junked 18 +01010101011000 overpowered 18 +01010101011000 emulated 18 +01010101011000 tamed 18 +01010101011000 counterattacked 18 +01010101011000 resubmitted 18 +01010101011000 ostracized 18 +01010101011000 butchered 19 +01010101011000 inferred 19 +01010101011000 reused 19 +01010101011000 squashed 19 +01010101011000 replenished 20 +01010101011000 rehearsed 20 +01010101011000 obstructed 20 +01010101011000 pardoned 20 +01010101011000 reconvened 21 +01010101011000 smeared 21 +01010101011000 mistreated 21 +01010101011000 ejected 21 +01010101011000 bugged 21 +01010101011000 equated 22 +01010101011000 reborn 22 +01010101011000 infused 22 +01010101011000 tabled 22 +01010101011000 overthrown 22 +01010101011000 dismembered 23 +01010101011000 immobilized 23 +01010101011000 maimed 23 +01010101011000 proscribed 23 +01010101011000 crowned 23 +01010101011000 stumped 24 +01010101011000 reared 24 +01010101011000 vanquished 24 +01010101011000 uprooted 24 +01010101011000 deliberated 24 +01010101011000 mugged 25 +01010101011000 disintegrated 25 +01010101011000 nabbed 25 +01010101011000 doused 25 +01010101011000 seeded 25 +01010101011000 shortchanged 25 +01010101011000 splashed 25 +01010101011000 sidetracked 25 +01010101011000 vilified 25 +01010101011000 profiled 26 +01010101011000 retracted 26 +01010101011000 punctured 26 +01010101011000 sequestered 26 +01010101011000 trounced 26 +01010101011000 looted 27 +01010101011000 extinguished 27 +01010101011000 ambushed 30 +01010101011000 massacred 30 +01010101011000 nullified 31 +01010101011000 bloodied 31 +01010101011000 evicted 31 +01010101011000 censored 31 +01010101011000 cloned 31 +01010101011000 apprehended 32 +01010101011000 insulted 32 +01010101011000 duped 33 +01010101011000 silenced 33 +01010101011000 seduced 33 +01010101011000 hounded 33 +01010101011000 sown 34 +01010101011000 energized 34 +01010101011000 dissuaded 35 +01010101011000 sabotaged 35 +01010101011000 formalized 35 +01010101011000 corrupted 36 +01010101011000 booed 36 +01010101011000 demoted 36 +01010101011000 cancelled 36 +01010101011000 recessed 37 +01010101011000 pummeled 37 +01010101011000 brewed 38 +01010101011000 stabbed 38 +01010101011000 subtracted 39 +01010101011000 recaptured 39 +01010101011000 hanged 39 +01010101011000 intercepted 39 +01010101011000 handcuffed 39 +01010101011000 deceiving 40 +01010101011000 persecuted 41 +01010101011000 rehabilitated 41 +01010101011000 delisted 41 +01010101011000 reunited 41 +01010101011000 banished 42 +01010101011000 dispensed 42 +01010101011000 snagged 42 +01010101011000 slain 43 +01010101011000 poisoned 44 +01010101011000 sacked 44 +01010101011000 digested 45 +01010101011000 overextended 45 +01010101011000 hatched 45 +01010101011000 engulfed 45 +01010101011000 scratched 45 +01010101011000 gutted 46 +01010101011000 minimized 46 +01010101011000 slaughtered 47 +01010101011000 humiliated 47 +01010101011000 sidelined 47 +01010101011000 demolished 48 +01010101011000 plucked 48 +01010101011000 assaulted 49 +01010101011000 purged 50 +01010101011000 reprinted 50 +01010101011000 deluged 51 +01010101011000 restarted 52 +01010101011000 inhibited 52 +01010101011000 raped 52 +01010101011000 exonerated 53 +01010101011000 excused 54 +01010101011000 reckoned 55 +01010101011000 inundated 58 +01010101011000 conferred 58 +01010101011000 tagged 58 +01010101011000 precluded 62 +01010101011000 abducted 63 +01010101011000 evacuated 64 +01010101011000 liberated 66 +01010101011000 stricken 67 +01010101011000 activated 67 +01010101011000 sprayed 67 +01010101011000 stranded 68 +01010101011000 enraged 68 +01010101011000 bombarded 69 +01010101011000 mismanaged 70 +01010101011000 insulated 70 +01010101011000 photographed 70 +01010101011000 assassinated 71 +01010101011000 sheltered 72 +01010101011000 heralded 72 +01010101011000 shielded 74 +01010101011000 discredited 76 +01010101011000 deported 76 +01010101011000 scuttled 77 +01010101011000 toppled 77 +01010101011000 misunderstood 80 +01010101011000 deleted 82 +01010101011000 rebuilt 85 +01010101011000 harassed 86 +01010101011000 disqualified 89 +01010101011000 censured 89 +01010101011000 clarified 92 +01010101011000 numbered 93 +01010101011000 suppressed 98 +01010101011000 dispersed 98 +01010101011000 framed 98 +01010101011000 cheated 98 +01010101011000 confiscated 100 +01010101011000 afflicted 102 +01010101011000 derailed 102 +01010101011000 disbanded 103 +01010101011000 shelved 103 +01010101011000 dashed 108 +01010101011000 slapped 108 +01010101011000 betrayed 108 +01010101011000 discharged 109 +01010101011000 inspected 112 +01010101011000 discarded 113 +01010101011000 extracted 113 +01010101011000 averted 113 +01010101011000 ruined 118 +01010101011000 repaired 120 +01010101011000 enjoined 120 +01010101011000 hospitalized 122 +01010101011000 kidnapped 123 +01010101011000 grounded 126 +01010101011000 compromised 126 +01010101011000 dismantled 129 +01010101011000 distracted 129 +01010101011000 jammed 135 +01010101011000 diagnosed 137 +01010101011000 rescued 137 +01010101011000 copied 140 +01010101011000 shattered 142 +01010101011000 swamped 156 +01010101011000 repealed 161 +01010101011000 deducted 162 +01010101011000 paralyzed 163 +01010101011000 honored 164 +01010101011000 abolished 166 +01010101011000 concealed 168 +01010101011000 crushed 169 +01010101011000 burdened 174 +01010101011000 exempted 175 +01010101011000 departed 180 +01010101011000 abused 183 +01010101011000 dissolved 183 +01010101011000 rewarded 185 +01010101011000 murdered 187 +01010101011000 divorced 188 +01010101011000 imprisoned 189 +01010101011000 searched 190 +01010101011000 jailed 197 +01010101011000 flooded 199 +01010101011000 consulted 199 +01010101011000 crippled 208 +01010101011000 interrupted 209 +01010101011000 expelled 216 +01010101011000 sealed 219 +01010101011000 disciplined 219 +01010101011000 separated 223 +01010101011000 subpoenaed 226 +01010101011000 reopened 233 +01010101011000 scrapped 237 +01010101011000 confronted 242 +01010101011000 exhausted 245 +01010101011000 detained 246 +01010101011000 buried 271 +01010101011000 debated 272 +01010101011000 absent 286 +01010101011000 greeted 290 +01010101011000 packed 298 +01010101011000 withheld 306 +01010101011000 discouraged 312 +01010101011000 freed 345 +01010101011000 disagreed 375 +01010101011000 restored 394 +01010101011000 ousted 411 +01010101011000 excluded 431 +01010101011000 wounded 435 +01010101011000 recalled 480 +01010101011000 prohibited 486 +01010101011000 stalled 488 +01010101011000 dealt 544 +01010101011000 withdrawn 545 +01010101011000 defeated 610 +01010101011000 interviewed 619 +01010101011000 postponed 660 +01010101011000 damaged 663 +01010101011000 destroyed 664 +01010101011000 injured 714 +01010101011000 banned 720 +01010101011000 halted 749 +01010101011000 ignored 863 +01010101011000 born 884 +01010101011000 indicted 928 +01010101011000 canceled 945 +01010101011000 eliminated 952 +01010101011000 barred 957 +01010101011000 arrested 1112 +01010101011000 faced 1187 +01010101011000 replaced 1232 +01010101011000 removed 1331 +01010101011000 discussed 1382 +01010101011000 filled 1396 +01010101011000 delayed 1472 +01010101011000 dismissed 1537 +01010101011000 suspended 1665 +01010101011000 fired 1915 +01010101011000 killed 2340 +01010101011000 charged 4110 +01010101011000 met 3280 +010101010110010 non-Orthodox 1 +010101010110010 disfigure 1 +010101010110010 intrepreted 1 +010101010110010 execrated 1 +010101010110010 proprerties 1 +010101010110010 well-cast 1 +010101010110010 PROLIFERATE 1 +010101010110010 veiwed 1 +010101010110010 prissiness 1 +010101010110010 intepreted 1 +010101010110010 image-builders 1 +010101010110010 Fuling 1 +010101010110010 Krabbe 1 +010101010110010 anesthetizing 1 +010101010110010 platinum-driven 1 +010101010110010 oooed 1 +010101010110010 graylisted 1 +010101010110010 recaptured-repaid 1 +010101010110010 marsh/ 1 +010101010110010 free-lanced 1 +010101010110010 oil-finder 1 +010101010110010 pre-billed 1 +010101010110010 meticulousness 1 +010101010110010 Shintoism 1 +010101010110010 dissociates 1 +010101010110010 product-swap 1 +010101010110010 re-classified 1 +010101010110010 peyote 2 +010101010110010 cudgeled 2 +010101010110010 EMERGED 2 +010101010110010 esthetic 2 +010101010110010 5-11 2 +010101010110010 inflators 2 +010101010110010 tabbed 2 +010101010110010 spoofed 2 +010101010110010 noncontenders 2 +010101010110010 whirred 3 +010101010110010 reemerging 3 +010101010110010 slam-dunks 3 +010101010110010 singeing 3 +010101010110010 asparagine 3 +010101010110010 masquerades 3 +010101010110010 debuting 3 +010101010110010 intentioned 4 +010101010110010 nauseated 4 +010101010110010 damnable 5 +010101010110010 stigmatized 5 +010101010110010 RESIGNED 6 +010101010110010 modulated 6 +010101010110010 reincarnated 6 +010101010110010 footnoted 7 +010101010110010 caricatured 7 +010101010110010 burnished 9 +010101010110010 ticketed 9 +010101010110010 miscast 12 +010101010110010 classed 17 +010101010110010 masquerading 21 +010101010110010 reviled 22 +010101010110010 categorized 22 +010101010110010 politic 24 +010101010110010 styled 29 +010101010110010 construed 91 +010101010110010 disguised 118 +010101010110010 strapped 161 +010101010110010 positioned 229 +010101010110010 touted 244 +010101010110010 billed 316 +010101010110010 structured 351 +010101010110010 interpreted 443 +010101010110010 defined 572 +010101010110010 perceived 635 +010101010110010 regarded 946 +010101010110010 known 6634 +010101010110010 viewed 1501 +010101010110011 hangable 1 +010101010110011 over-collateralized 1 +010101010110011 whined 1 +010101010110011 non-sterilized 1 +010101010110011 prefixized 1 +010101010110011 superconducted 1 +010101010110011 shawl-clad 1 +010101010110011 orating 1 +010101010110011 placarded 1 +010101010110011 unquotable 1 +010101010110011 tearyeyed 1 +010101010110011 hacked-together 1 +010101010110011 repairable 1 +010101010110011 surfed 1 +010101010110011 executed. 1 +010101010110011 holdsway 1 +010101010110011 presumptuously 1 +010101010110011 Noriegismo 1 +010101010110011 leakproof 1 +010101010110011 convulsively 1 +010101010110011 conquering. 1 +010101010110011 semiautobiographical 1 +010101010110011 Populares 1 +010101010110011 off-the-mark 1 +010101010110011 got. 1 +010101010110011 deceives 1 +010101010110011 ten-foured 1 +010101010110011 Bowenized 1 +010101010110011 dissavers 1 +010101010110011 consequences. 1 +010101010110011 predeceased 1 +010101010110011 to. 1 +010101010110011 hypothecated 2 +010101010110011 bridling 2 +010101010110011 splurging 2 +010101010110011 written. 2 +010101010110011 fathomed 2 +010101010110011 interdicted 2 +010101010110011 declawed 2 +010101010110011 steeled 2 +010101010110011 craftsmanlike 2 +010101010110011 re-set 2 +010101010110011 lanced 2 +010101010110011 Austens 2 +010101010110011 optimized 2 +010101010110011 necessary. 3 +010101010110011 outplayed 3 +010101010110011 expected. 3 +010101010110011 strip-mined 3 +010101010110011 pigeon-holed 3 +010101010110011 kneaded 3 +010101010110011 redressed 3 +010101010110011 thumped 3 +010101010110011 reemployed 3 +010101010110011 immolated 3 +010101010110011 elucidated 4 +010101010110011 glamorized 4 +010101010110011 resonated 4 +010101010110011 indentified 4 +010101010110011 mumbled 4 +010101010110011 unpacked 4 +010101010110011 cowered 4 +010101010110011 misfired 4 +010101010110011 spoon-fed 5 +010101010110011 gagged 5 +010101010110011 rethought 5 +010101010110011 demobilized 5 +010101010110011 undersold 5 +010101010110011 short-handed 6 +010101010110011 adjudicated 6 +010101010110011 immortalized 6 +010101010110011 shafted 6 +010101010110011 vaporized 6 +010101010110011 countenanced 6 +010101010110011 overmatched 7 +010101010110011 cataloged 7 +010101010110011 incubating 7 +010101010110011 sandbagged 7 +010101010110011 neutered 7 +010101010110011 retried 7 +010101010110011 pigeonholed 7 +010101010110011 re-offered 7 +010101010110011 conserved 7 +010101010110011 propagated 7 +010101010110011 overplayed 8 +010101010110011 deciphered 8 +010101010110011 explainable 8 +010101010110011 ameliorated 8 +010101010110011 misdiagnosed 8 +010101010110011 unmasked 8 +010101010110011 lampooned 9 +010101010110011 accessed 9 +010101010110011 reprogrammed 9 +010101010110011 lionized 9 +010101010110011 recreated 9 +010101010110011 stowed 9 +010101010110011 ascertained 9 +010101010110011 readjusted 11 +010101010110011 rectified 11 +010101010110011 denigrated 11 +010101010110011 bridged 11 +010101010110011 disproved 12 +010101010110011 blackmailed 12 +010101010110011 forewarned 12 +010101010110011 reciprocated 12 +010101010110011 re-evaluated 12 +010101010110011 reexamined 13 +010101010110011 plateaued 13 +010101010110011 impeached 13 +010101010110011 appeased 13 +010101010110011 re-created 13 +010101010110011 foretold 14 +010101010110011 inconvenienced 14 +010101010110011 flip-flopped 16 +010101010110011 discerned 17 +010101010110011 pilloried 17 +010101010110011 re-established 17 +010101010110011 eradicated 17 +010101010110011 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+010101010110011 overridden 45 +010101010110011 summarized 45 +010101010110011 foreseen 46 +010101010110011 substantiated 47 +010101010110011 disseminated 47 +010101010110011 resurrected 48 +010101010110011 utilized 49 +010101010110011 articulated 52 +010101010110011 communicated 56 +010101010110011 duplicated 56 +010101010110011 fooled 57 +010101010110011 uttered 58 +010101010110011 penetrated 61 +010101010110011 cured 62 +010101010110011 verified 63 +010101010110011 attained 80 +010101010110011 forgiven 82 +010101010110011 deterred 84 +010101010110011 sacrificed 94 +010101010110011 tolerated 110 +010101010110011 vindicated 110 +010101010110011 imagined 121 +010101010110011 materialized 121 +010101010110011 depicted 124 +010101010110011 exploited 125 +010101010110011 fulfilled 137 +010101010110011 explored 140 +010101010110011 spared 143 +010101010110011 evaluated 152 +010101010110011 punished 160 +010101010110011 preserved 161 +010101010110011 practiced 169 +010101010110011 overlooked 185 +010101010110011 conceived 189 +010101010110011 constructed 197 +010101010110011 enforced 197 +010101010110011 prosecuted 208 +010101010110011 deployed 227 +010101010110011 remembered 258 +010101010110011 corrected 270 +010101010110011 forgotten 298 +010101010110011 solved 328 +010101010110011 justified 428 +010101010110011 accomplished 461 +010101010110011 taxed 469 +010101010110011 counted 493 +010101010110011 addressed 521 +010101010110011 recognized 841 +010101010110011 performed 863 +010101010110011 mentioned 906 +010101010110011 resolved 944 +010101010110011 achieved 976 +010101010110011 treated 1099 +010101010110011 succeeded 1179 +010101010110011 heard 1938 +010101010110011 identified 2038 +010101010110011 done 5732 +010101010110011 seen 5071 +0101010101101000 under-prime 1 +0101010101101000 insurance-theft-claim 1 +0101010101101000 Strengthened 2 +0101010101101000 braked 5 +0101010101101000 craved 5 +0101010101101000 fomented 7 +0101010101101000 imparted 7 +0101010101101000 marshaled 13 +0101010101101000 wreaked 18 +0101010101101000 delegated 43 +0101010101101000 plotted 46 +0101010101101000 hastened 46 +0101010101101000 misused 65 +0101010101101000 loaned 70 +0101010101101000 mobilized 72 +0101010101101000 nurtured 81 +0101010101101000 formulated 84 +0101010101101000 conveyed 88 +0101010101101000 cultivated 90 +0101010101101000 championed 99 +0101010101101000 misappropriated 104 +0101010101101000 crafted 125 +0101010101101000 edited 138 +0101010101101000 surrendered 154 +0101010101101000 shunned 184 +0101010101101000 neglected 234 +0101010101101000 envisioned 263 +0101010101101000 advocated 276 +0101010101101000 donated 295 +0101010101101000 lent 385 +0101010101101000 promoted 577 +0101010101101000 supplied 582 +0101010101101000 appealed 637 +0101010101101000 favored 852 +0101010101101000 attracted 1013 +0101010101101000 arranged 1089 +0101010101101000 presented 1252 +0101010101101000 requested 1253 +0101010101101000 encouraged 1256 +0101010101101000 submitted 1275 +0101010101101000 proved 1403 +0101010101101000 promised 1629 +0101010101101000 threatened 1814 +0101010101101000 opposed 2080 +0101010101101000 managed 2178 +0101010101101000 sought 3475 +0101010101101000 offered 7334 +0101010101101000 provided 3539 +0101010101101001 dead-heading 1 +0101010101101001 pooped 1 +0101010101101001 helmeted 1 +0101010101101001 projectable 1 +0101010101101001 de-academicized 1 +0101010101101001 hand-stuffed 1 +0101010101101001 Bolcomized 1 +0101010101101001 fast-followers 1 +0101010101101001 forklifted 1 +0101010101101001 chanelled 1 +0101010101101001 reabsorbed 1 +0101010101101001 82,271 1 +0101010101101001 braille 1 +0101010101101001 sledgehammered 2 +0101010101101001 wheedling 2 +0101010101101001 donwgraded 2 +0101010101101001 swatted 2 +0101010101101001 squired 2 +0101010101101001 co-advisers 2 +0101010101101001 blissed 2 +0101010101101001 relegates 2 +0101010101101001 coverted 2 +0101010101101001 helicoptered 2 +0101010101101001 refashioned 3 +0101010101101001 trilling 3 +0101010101101001 subleased 3 +0101010101101001 64,101 3 +0101010101101001 haled 3 +0101010101101001 transmuted 3 +0101010101101001 blanked 4 +0101010101101001 reinjected 4 +0101010101101001 recommitted 4 +0101010101101001 rousted 6 +0101010101101001 hoarded 6 +0101010101101001 extrapolated 7 +0101010101101001 kidded 7 +0101010101101001 rebated 7 +0101010101101001 pestered 8 +0101010101101001 reallocated 8 +0101010101101001 deeded 9 +0101010101101001 bludgeoned 9 +0101010101101001 transfered 9 +0101010101101001 blazed 9 +0101010101101001 melded 9 +0101010101101001 rippled 10 +0101010101101001 airlifted 11 +0101010101101001 spliced 11 +0101010101101001 faxed 11 +0101010101101001 inducted 13 +0101010101101001 hacked 14 +0101010101101001 incited 14 +0101010101101001 bused 15 +0101010101101001 ferried 15 +0101010101101001 goaded 15 +0101010101101001 trooped 16 +0101010101101001 tugged 16 +0101010101101001 trucked 17 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hollered 4 +01010101011010110 bustled 4 +01010101011010110 flayed 4 +01010101011010110 beggared 4 +01010101011010110 worshiped 5 +01010101011010110 downstage 5 +01010101011010110 fudged 5 +01010101011010110 suceeded 5 +01010101011010110 pries 5 +01010101011010110 streaked 5 +01010101011010110 carded 5 +01010101011010110 inventoried 5 +01010101011010110 rechecked 6 +01010101011010110 defaced 6 +01010101011010110 dunked 6 +01010101011010110 invades 6 +01010101011010110 unmentionable 6 +01010101011010110 commemorated 7 +01010101011010110 impugned 7 +01010101011010110 tutored 7 +01010101011010110 delineated 7 +01010101011010110 minced 7 +01010101011010110 squeals 7 +01010101011010110 decapitated 7 +01010101011010110 tussled 7 +01010101011010110 outscored 8 +01010101011010110 replanted 8 +01010101011010110 barricaded 8 +01010101011010110 thawed 8 +01010101011010110 blitzed 9 +01010101011010110 stiffed 9 +01010101011010110 stapled 9 +01010101011010110 whirled 9 +01010101011010110 reinvented 9 +01010101011010110 straddled 9 +01010101011010110 saps 9 +01010101011010110 juggles 9 +01010101011010110 cocked 10 +01010101011010110 overstayed 10 +01010101011010110 parodied 10 +01010101011010110 corralled 10 +01010101011010110 teased 10 +01010101011010110 suckered 10 +01010101011010110 ingested 11 +01010101011010110 plied 12 +01010101011010110 gored 12 +01010101011010110 de-emphasized 12 +01010101011010110 dissected 12 +01010101011010110 memorized 13 +01010101011010110 remade 13 +01010101011010110 cajoled 13 +01010101011010110 clocked 13 +01010101011010110 wagging 13 +01010101011010110 loathed 13 +01010101011010110 cruised 14 +01010101011010110 grafted 14 +01010101011010110 greased 14 +01010101011010110 fumbled 14 +01010101011010110 relished 14 +01010101011010110 outlasted 14 +01010101011010110 crucified 15 +01010101011010110 walled 15 +01010101011010110 pried 16 +01010101011010110 slit 16 +01010101011010110 eyed 16 +01010101011010110 creamed 16 +01010101011010110 forsaken 17 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+01010101011010110 shakes 87 +01010101011010110 alienated 103 +01010101011010110 lit 109 +01010101011010110 deserted 113 +01010101011010110 weathered 113 +01010101011010110 smoked 115 +01010101011010110 paved 118 +01010101011010110 shouted 120 +01010101011010110 bore 147 +01010101011010110 soured 148 +01010101011010110 parked 165 +01010101011010110 checked 272 +01010101011010110 crossed 290 +01010101011010110 escaped 317 +01010101011010110 scared 330 +01010101011010110 fled 347 +01010101011010110 painted 396 +01010101011010110 burned 437 +01010101011010110 survived 450 +01010101011010110 resisted 481 +01010101011010110 saved 604 +01010101011010110 stuck 624 +01010101011010110 avoided 668 +01010101011010110 missed 773 +01010101011010110 married 819 +01010101011010110 quit 997 +01010101011010110 caught 1429 +01010101011010110 stopped 1680 +01010101011010110 left 7675 +01010101011010110 kept 2734 +01010101011010111 out-chirps 1 +01010101011010111 grow/A 1 +01010101011010111 over-stretching 1 +01010101011010111 sashayed 1 +01010101011010111 fluffed 1 +01010101011010111 443,151 1 +01010101011010111 glasnost-happy 1 +01010101011010111 puchased 1 +01010101011010111 stabled 2 +01010101011010111 fronted 3 +01010101011010111 gladdened 3 +01010101011010111 flubbed 3 +01010101011010111 scarfed 3 +01010101011010111 strafed 4 +01010101011010111 righted 5 +01010101011010111 unwinds 5 +01010101011010111 cannibalized 5 +01010101011010111 purveyed 5 +01010101011010111 skewered 5 +01010101011010111 requisitioned 5 +01010101011010111 suffocated 5 +01010101011010111 relearned 6 +01010101011010111 chugged 6 +01010101011010111 loosed 7 +01010101011010111 prefaced 8 +01010101011010111 catalogued 8 +01010101011010111 lobbed 8 +01010101011010111 extorted 8 +01010101011010111 padlocked 9 +01010101011010111 flaunted 10 +01010101011010111 approximated 10 +01010101011010111 scanned 10 +01010101011010111 short-changed 10 +01010101011010111 clutched 11 +01010101011010111 threaded 14 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+01010101011010111 originated 174 +01010101011010111 waged 175 +01010101011010111 spotted 179 +01010101011010111 rendered 216 +01010101011010111 shaped 222 +01010101011010111 detected 232 +01010101011010111 aired 264 +01010101011010111 invented 264 +01010101011010111 stirred 265 +01010101011010111 undertaken 286 +01010101011010111 planted 296 +01010101011010111 absorbed 302 +01010101011010111 uncovered 338 +01010101011010111 displayed 346 +01010101011010111 pursued 444 +01010101011010111 mounted 457 +01010101011010111 assembled 488 +01010101011010111 prevented 534 +01010101011010111 reviewed 666 +01010101011010111 handled 1007 +01010101011010111 developed 3072 +01010101011010111 produced 3293 +01010101011010111 made 25061 +01010101011010111 built 3416 +0101010101101100 acccounted 1 +0101010101101100 harder-pressed 1 +0101010101101100 summered 1 +0101010101101100 broken-slowed 1 +0101010101101100 thirsted 1 +0101010101101100 --10 1 +0101010101101100 subsitituted 1 +0101010101101100 magical. 1 +0101010101101100 100.83 1 +0101010101101100 104.22 1 +0101010101101100 evangelized 1 +0101010101101100 catheterized 1 +0101010101101100 sweatened 1 +0101010101101100 nonselected 1 +0101010101101100 0.901 1 +0101010101101100 Equivalents 1 +0101010101101100 avilable 1 +0101010101101100 WHSI 1 +0101010101101100 Creayted 1 +0101010101101100 half-weeks 1 +0101010101101100 well-rewarded 1 +0101010101101100 overbidding 1 +0101010101101100 job-slashing 1 +0101010101101100 jelling 1 +0101010101101100 requalifies 1 +0101010101101100 consumated 1 +0101010101101100 exhanged 1 +0101010101101100 overcompensated 1 +0101010101101100 underaccounted 1 +0101010101101100 TRIA 1 +0101010101101100 easer 1 +0101010101101100 well-remembered 2 +0101010101101100 misattributed 2 +0101010101101100 clamors 2 +0101010101101100 seamed 2 +0101010101101100 market-focused 2 +0101010101101100 bayed 2 +0101010101101100 interchanged 2 +0101010101101100 103.82 2 +0101010101101100 amerced 2 +0101010101101100 payed 3 +0101010101101100 apppointed 3 +0101010101101100 overpays 3 +0101010101101100 cross-checked 3 +0101010101101100 jockeyed 3 +0101010101101100 gropes 3 +0101010101101100 retailed 7 +0101010101101100 vouched 11 +0101010101101100 retested 11 +0101010101101100 substituted 85 +0101010101101100 swapped 205 +0101010101101100 earmarked 224 +0101010101101100 exchanged 457 +0101010101101100 reserved 465 +0101010101101100 reached 9709 +0101010101101100 accounted 1645 +0101010101101101 owns. 1 +0101010101101101 110.5885 1 +0101010101101101 inhered 1 +0101010101101101 over-obligated 1 +0101010101101101 truth-in-labeling 1 +0101010101101101 Waston 1 +0101010101101101 Cesmig 1 +0101010101101101 pro-patent 1 +0101010101101101 anti-anti-communist 1 +0101010101101101 social-religious 1 +0101010101101101 aerated 1 +0101010101101101 resolved. 1 +0101010101101101 sold. 1 +0101010101101101 choosers 1 +0101010101101101 coir 1 +0101010101101101 assumed. 1 +0101010101101101 terminated. 1 +0101010101101101 119-111 1 +0101010101101101 full-cycle 1 +0101010101101101 KFAC-AM/FM 1 +0101010101101101 pro-sex 1 +0101010101101101 mistated 1 +0101010101101101 derisory 1 +0101010101101101 Arriagada 1 +0101010101101101 Ottmers 1 +0101010101101101 Ozyegin 1 +0101010101101101 Taga 1 +0101010101101101 Zummoff 1 +0101010101101101 zip-deedo 1 +0101010101101101 well-predicted 1 +0101010101101101 delegitimized 1 +0101010101101101 reprocessed 1 +0101010101101101 Kallaor 1 +0101010101101101 Kitahara 1 +0101010101101101 Adedeji 1 +0101010101101101 pro-red 1 +0101010101101101 Horinouchi 1 +0101010101101101 Andreassen 1 +0101010101101101 112.41 1 +0101010101101101 re-sliced 1 +0101010101101101 defeminizing 1 +0101010101101101 roo-lay 1 +0101010101101101 drug-production 1 +0101010101101101 dropped. 1 +0101010101101101 self-incriminating 1 +0101010101101101 copy-proof 1 +0101010101101101 Petkevich 1 +0101010101101101 Jeffersonians 1 +0101010101101101 reinstalled 1 +0101010101101101 Mositho 1 +0101010101101101 reworded 1 +0101010101101101 prereserved 1 +0101010101101101 concussed 1 +0101010101101101 experience-rated 1 +0101010101101101 McTheater 1 +0101010101101101 shriller 1 +0101010101101101 well-advanced 1 +0101010101101101 badgered. 1 +0101010101101101 SQA-Pf 1 +0101010101101101 well-taken 1 +0101010101101101 111.981 1 +0101010101101101 non-subsidizers 1 +0101010101101101 Europe-sized 1 +0101010101101101 118-110 1 +0101010101101101 Albanianized 1 +0101010101101101 interruptable 1 +0101010101101101 Steimer 1 +0101010101101101 Lendel 1 +0101010101101101 mulched 1 +0101010101101101 4.056 1 +0101010101101101 105.867 1 +0101010101101101 fired. 1 +0101010101101101 anathematized 1 +0101010101101101 susto 1 +0101010101101101 roseas 1 +0101010101101101 self-composed 1 +0101010101101101 dango-related 1 +0101010101101101 Mac-driven 1 +0101010101101101 inadequate. 1 +0101010101101101 Ravnholt 1 +0101010101101101 antidilutive 1 +0101010101101101 tting 1 +0101010101101101 OPEC-driven 1 +0101010101101101 Augenfeld 1 +0101010101101101 Feddis 1 +0101010101101101 re-earned 1 +0101010101101101 a. 1 +0101010101101101 Newark-by-theSwamp 1 +0101010101101101 Pendle 1 +0101010101101101 Bloca-bomb 1 +0101010101101101 Katy-bar-the-door 1 +0101010101101101 mega-hits 1 +0101010101101101 internal. 1 +0101010101101101 obstructionists 1 +0101010101101101 objectified 1 +0101010101101101 top-of-the-wallet 1 +0101010101101101 unenergetic 1 +0101010101101101 masochists 1 +0101010101101101 getable 1 +0101010101101101 emboldening 1 +0101010101101101 Nunez-Lagos 1 +0101010101101101 recylable 1 +0101010101101101 purveys 1 +0101010101101101 general-distribution 1 +0101010101101101 Ersparniskasse 1 +0101010101101101 coagulating 1 +0101010101101101 identitied 1 +0101010101101101 Japanese-engineered 1 +0101010101101101 Paprocki 1 +0101010101101101 anti-conservative 1 +0101010101101101 Srisilpavongse 1 +0101010101101101 Leshem 1 +0101010101101101 Ohl 1 +0101010101101101 specific. 1 +0101010101101101 workas 1 +0101010101101101 pealing 1 +0101010101101101 Annah 1 +0101010101101101 Friday-oriented 1 +0101010101101101 weapons-capable 1 +0101010101101101 under-reported 1 +0101010101101101 McFooled 1 +0101010101101101 well-spent 1 +0101010101101101 268-233 1 +0101010101101101 EPSN 1 +0101010101101101 well-bought 1 +0101010101101101 re-anointed 1 +0101010101101101 big. 1 +0101010101101101 overharvested 1 +0101010101101101 Khachadour 1 +0101010101101101 Probed 1 +0101010101101101 faster-operating 1 +0101010101101101 undersold. 1 +0101010101101101 reincarcerated 1 +0101010101101101 Soviet-ocentric 1 +0101010101101101 landfilled 1 +0101010101101101 grandioso 1 +0101010101101101 build-ups 1 +0101010101101101 17-7 1 +0101010101101101 severe. 1 +0101010101101101 Grow-by-Chance 1 +0101010101101101 heard. 1 +0101010101101101 20-7 1 +0101010101101101 moneylosers 1 +0101010101101101 strike. 1 +0101010101101101 reuses 1 +0101010101101101 surface-level 1 +0101010101101101 bedmates. 1 +0101010101101101 commission-based 1 +0101010101101101 action-results 1 +0101010101101101 re-emphasizes 1 +0101010101101101 project-specific 1 +0101010101101101 recasts 1 +0101010101101101 rewarded. 1 +0101010101101101 Hackstein 1 +0101010101101101 restubbing 1 +0101010101101101 demerged 1 +0101010101101101 cost-justified 1 +0101010101101101 31-24 1 +0101010101101101 28-10 1 +0101010101101101 tough-going 1 +0101010101101101 still-born 1 +0101010101101101 bird-useful 1 +0101010101101101 unblipped 1 +0101010101101101 AitLaoussine 1 +0101010101101101 72-60 1 +0101010101101101 upticked 1 +0101010101101101 counterproductive. 1 +0101010101101101 technophobic 1 +0101010101101101 Fidis 1 +0101010101101101 894,350 1 +0101010101101101 overdecorated 1 +0101010101101101 occurred. 2 +0101010101101101 wowing 2 +0101010101101101 regularized 2 +0101010101101101 outsourced 2 +0101010101101101 overidden 2 +0101010101101101 unstopped 2 +0101010101101101 short-winded 2 +0101010101101101 blackjacked 2 +0101010101101101 infection-free 2 +0101010101101101 rephrased 2 +0101010101101101 composted 2 +0101010101101101 reshot 3 +0101010101101101 retrenches 3 +0101010101101101 itches 3 +0101010101101101 placated 3 +0101010101101101 resupplied 3 +0101010101101101 Ait-Laoussine 3 +0101010101101101 staunched 4 +0101010101101101 undercharged 5 +0101010101101101 reheated 5 +0101010101101101 mourned 5 +0101010101101101 preplaced 6 +0101010101101101 re-examined 8 +0101010101101101 reorganizes 8 +0101010101101101 reauthorized 9 +0101010101101101 stanched 9 +0101010101101101 revisited 10 +0101010101101101 refueled 11 +0101010101101101 quantified 14 +0101010101101101 remedied 15 +0101010101101101 annulled 15 +0101010101101101 abrogated 15 +0101010101101101 commercialized 17 +0101010101101101 reactivated 20 +0101010101101101 misidentified 20 +0101010101101101 repulsed 28 +0101010101101101 misspelled 37 +0101010101101101 effected 39 +0101010101101101 undone 48 +0101010101101101 arraigned 56 +0101010101101101 consummated 58 +0101010101101101 finalized 81 +0101010101101101 rescinded 92 +0101010101101101 jeopardized 109 +0101010101101101 misstated 400 +0101010101101101 exercised 500 +0101010101101101 implemented 502 +0101010101101101 completed 6614 +0101010101101101 terminated 594 +01010101011011100 flatted 1 +01010101011011100 modularized 1 +01010101011011100 race- 1 +01010101011011100 underinsured 1 +01010101011011100 redetained 1 +01010101011011100 resentenced 1 +01010101011011100 overwithheld 1 +01010101011011100 pro-freedom 1 +01010101011011100 trailer-mounted 1 +01010101011011100 cross-trained 1 +01010101011011100 DOUBLED 1 +01010101011011100 proapartheid 1 +01010101011011100 pinballs 1 +01010101011011100 outshot 1 +01010101011011100 privitized 1 +01010101011011100 silk-screened 1 +01010101011011100 bewitched 2 +01010101011011100 offerred 2 +01010101011011100 139.39 2 +01010101011011100 hydroponically 2 +01010101011011100 leafed 2 +01010101011011100 cedes 2 +01010101011011100 raddled 2 +01010101011011100 refigured 2 +01010101011011100 retransmitted 3 +01010101011011100 depreciates 3 +01010101011011100 tilled 3 +01010101011011100 cherry-picked 3 +01010101011011100 spattered 3 +01010101011011100 prepped 3 +01010101011011100 ransomed 3 +01010101011011100 field-tested 3 +01010101011011100 grieved 4 +01010101011011100 recharged 4 +01010101011011100 burgled 4 +01010101011011100 preened 4 +01010101011011100 paged 5 +01010101011011100 innovated 7 +01010101011011100 snowed 9 +01010101011011100 gouged 9 +01010101011011100 wafting 12 +01010101011011100 nibbled 14 +01010101011011100 dangled 17 +01010101011011100 readied 17 +01010101011011100 procured 18 +01010101011011100 sifted 19 +01010101011011100 unwound 19 +01010101011011100 reclassified 24 +01010101011011100 reproduced 38 +01010101011011100 reintroduced 40 +01010101011011100 grouped 55 +01010101011011100 tallied 57 +01010101011011100 screened 75 +01010101011011100 disbursed 76 +01010101011011100 reoffered 77 +01010101011011100 transported 85 +01010101011011100 cashed 104 +01010101011011100 resold 106 +01010101011011100 refinanced 110 +01010101011011100 reassigned 126 +01010101011011100 floated 148 +01010101011011100 drilled 158 +01010101011011100 consumed 236 +01010101011011100 auctioned 262 +01010101011011100 dumped 319 +01010101011011100 exported 323 +01010101011011100 liquidated 329 +01010101011011100 executed 349 +01010101011011100 redeemed 440 +01010101011011100 investigated 480 +01010101011011100 shipped 774 +01010101011011100 tested 1042 +01010101011011100 operated 1245 +01010101011011100 sold 15771 +01010101011011100 settled 2184 +01010101011011101 1,888,008 1 +01010101011011101 Remington. 1 +01010101011011101 6,835,000 1 +01010101011011101 28,130,000 1 +01010101011011101 re-markets 1 +01010101011011101 SUFFERED 1 +01010101011011101 OVERTURNED 1 +01010101011011101 ALREADY 1 +01010101011011101 BUOYANT 1 +01010101011011101 QUOTED 1 +01010101011011101 6,320,758 1 +01010101011011101 3,787,798 1 +01010101011011101 oeconomicus 1 +01010101011011101 7,920,579 1 +01010101011011101 REFORMS 1 +01010101011011101 EMPLOYED 1 +01010101011011101 27,988,000 1 +01010101011011101 1,524,743 1 +01010101011011101 858,767 1 +01010101011011101 11,020,505 1 +01010101011011101 CONCLUDED 1 +01010101011011101 3,456,400 1 +01010101011011101 BOMBED 1 +01010101011011101 23,154,506 1 +01010101011011101 ENROLLMENT 1 +01010101011011101 3,392,575 1 +01010101011011101 6,518,991 1 +01010101011011101 ELUDES 1 +01010101011011101 169,338 1 +01010101011011101 114,266,381 1 +01010101011011101 2,367,782 1 +01010101011011101 INCLUDE 1 +01010101011011101 poo-poos 1 +01010101011011101 9,544,385 1 +01010101011011101 17,545,000 1 +01010101011011101 49,850,000 1 +01010101011011101 MEALS 1 +01010101011011101 RECESSED 1 +01010101011011101 22,943,000 1 +01010101011011101 9,452,346 1 +01010101011011101 POLITICOS 1 +01010101011011101 9,994,484 1 +01010101011011101 civilization. 1 +01010101011011101 39,624,286 1 +01010101011011101 CAST 1 +01010101011011101 21,275,170 1 +01010101011011101 10,637,771 1 +01010101011011101 93,984,000 1 +01010101011011101 CORNER 1 +01010101011011101 1,684,573 1 +01010101011011101 UNDERGO 1 +01010101011011101 1,986,316 1 +01010101011011101 DRAW 1 +01010101011011101 769,744 1 +01010101011011101 coregroup 1 +01010101011011101 6,950,000 1 +01010101011011101 36,978,525 1 +01010101011011101 ATTEMPT 1 +01010101011011101 FLOODED 1 +01010101011011101 571,920 1 +01010101011011101 342,243 1 +01010101011011101 4,573,235 1 +01010101011011101 BATTERIES 1 +01010101011011101 SURPLUS 1 +01010101011011101 1,584,700 1 +01010101011011101 INTENSIFIED 1 +01010101011011101 5,610,000 1 +01010101011011101 35,493,771 1 +01010101011011101 PARTICIPATED 1 +01010101011011101 BREWS 1 +01010101011011101 FOILED 1 +01010101011011101 STOPPAGES 1 +01010101011011101 46,289,657 1 +01010101011011101 8,276,810 1 +01010101011011101 harked 1 +01010101011011101 spooned 2 +01010101011011101 airmailed 2 +01010101011011101 SANK 2 +01010101011011101 re-embraced 2 +01010101011011101 ford 2 +01010101011011101 levitates 2 +01010101011011101 SEIZED 2 +01010101011011101 conjugated 2 +01010101011011101 interjecting 2 +01010101011011101 retyped 3 +01010101011011101 PROPOSE 3 +01010101011011101 PLUMMETED 3 +01010101011011101 guzzled 3 +01010101011011101 tunneled 3 +01010101011011101 good-for-nothing 3 +01010101011011101 overbilled 4 +01010101011011101 MOUNTED 4 +01010101011011101 PASSED 4 +01010101011011101 EASED 4 +01010101011011101 QUIT 5 +01010101011011101 SKIDDED 6 +01010101011011101 scoot 6 +01010101011011101 REBOUNDED 6 +01010101011011101 alternated 8 +01010101011011101 SOARED 9 +01010101011011101 SEEK 9 +01010101011011101 TUMBLED 9 +01010101011011101 reacquired 9 +01010101011011101 fished 10 +01010101011011101 GREW 10 +01010101011011101 dangles 10 +01010101011011101 hawked 14 +01010101011011101 RALLIED 15 +01010101011011101 outsold 15 +01010101011011101 PLUNGED 15 +01010101011011101 SURGED 19 +01010101011011101 exited 22 +01010101011011101 snared 32 +01010101011011101 shorted 42 +01010101011011101 retrieved 51 +01010101011011101 unloaded 105 +01010101011011101 repurchased 190 +01010101011011101 injected 209 +01010101011011101 ranked 491 +01010101011011101 seized 660 +01010101011011101 placed 2687 +01010101011011101 bought 7281 +01010101011011101 purchased 3939 +01010101011011110 wacked 1 +01010101011011110 fun-mobiles 1 +01010101011011110 Wednesdayfor 1 +01010101011011110 flyable 2 +01010101011011110 mated 2 +01010101011011110 disinherited 3 +01010101011011110 quaffed 4 +01010101011011110 sloshed 5 +01010101011011110 sways 6 +01010101011011110 ploughed 6 +01010101011011110 angled 7 +01010101011011110 transacted 11 +01010101011011110 reissued 19 +01010101011011110 indemnified 26 +01010101011011110 graded 29 +01010101011011110 furloughed 30 +01010101011011110 flushed 31 +01010101011011110 expended 42 +01010101011011110 bargained 50 +01010101011011110 entrusted 54 +01010101011011110 mined 54 +01010101011011110 computed 55 +01010101011011110 paired 59 +01010101011011110 refunded 60 +01010101011011110 overpaid 69 +01010101011011110 furnished 94 +01010101011011110 penalized 100 +01010101011011110 pitched 111 +01010101011011110 reinvested 127 +01010101011011110 hedged 139 +01010101011011110 reimbursed 141 +01010101011011110 appropriated 160 +01010101011011110 budgeted 161 +01010101011011110 transmitted 173 +01010101011011110 compensated 174 +01010101011011110 levied 187 +01010101011011110 rented 194 +01010101011011110 assessed 209 +01010101011011110 deposited 225 +01010101011011110 booked 226 +01010101011011110 leased 395 +01010101011011110 contracted 397 +01010101011011110 repaid 447 +01010101011011110 licensed 490 +01010101011011110 trained 541 +01010101011011110 collected 644 +01010101011011110 targeted 691 +01010101011011110 fined 785 +01010101011011110 employed 812 +01010101011011110 owed 955 +01010101011011110 incurred 978 +01010101011011110 recorded 999 +01010101011011110 registered 1048 +01010101011011110 financed 1199 +01010101011011110 paid 9061 +01010101011011110 negotiated 1383 +01010101011011111 arms-control-centered 1 +01010101011011111 3,371,000 1 +01010101011011111 7,032,000 1 +01010101011011111 3,843,000 1 +01010101011011111 52,165,826 1 +01010101011011111 3,738,500 1 +01010101011011111 fund-and 1 +01010101011011111 4,410,459 1 +01010101011011111 outwitted 1 +01010101011011111 2,391,000 1 +01010101011011111 6,550,000 1 +01010101011011111 3,885,000 1 +01010101011011111 18,776,000 1 +01010101011011111 498,120 1 +01010101011011111 980,741 1 +01010101011011111 3,031,546 1 +01010101011011111 4,809,389 1 +01010101011011111 5,027,730 1 +01010101011011111 4,521,834 1 +01010101011011111 11,285 1 +01010101011011111 3,760,885 1 +01010101011011111 20,040,000 1 +01010101011011111 1,451,407 1 +01010101011011111 9,413,107 1 +01010101011011111 480,206 1 +01010101011011111 1,557,994 1 +01010101011011111 907,600 1 +01010101011011111 137,614,844 1 +01010101011011111 18,092,609 1 +01010101011011111 10,888,000 1 +01010101011011111 2,514,000 1 +01010101011011111 7,429,310 1 +01010101011011111 13,414,075 1 +01010101011011111 11,760,828 1 +01010101011011111 13,557,700 1 +01010101011011111 2,540,000 1 +01010101011011111 8,912,822 1 +01010101011011111 custom-tailors 1 +01010101011011111 reactor-grade 1 +01010101011011111 settled.These 1 +01010101011011111 602,698 1 +01010101011011111 2,781,632 1 +01010101011011111 25,856,000 1 +01010101011011111 2,122,500 1 +01010101011011111 5,765,000 1 +01010101011011111 6,878,721 1 +01010101011011111 47,214,318 1 +01010101011011111 1,177,000 1 +01010101011011111 6,063,828 1 +01010101011011111 dirty-field 1 +01010101011011111 9,853,290 1 +01010101011011111 3,426,861 1 +01010101011011111 429,787 1 +01010101011011111 613,979 1 +01010101011011111 5,853,595 1 +01010101011011111 256,340 1 +01010101011011111 504,700 1 +01010101011011111 1,293,660 1 +01010101011011111 23,614,393 1 +01010101011011111 3,912,099 1 +01010101011011111 749,937 1 +01010101011011111 8,063,652 1 +01010101011011111 2,617,040 1 +01010101011011111 14,720 1 +01010101011011111 4,683,575 1 +01010101011011111 628,360 1 +01010101011011111 25,175,000 1 +01010101011011111 5,476,759 1 +01010101011011111 1,084,000 1 +01010101011011111 10,332 1 +01010101011011111 Craf-Cassini 1 +01010101011011111 22,575,000 1 +01010101011011111 2,882,000 1 +01010101011011111 79,529,000 1 +01010101011011111 1,036,625 1 +01010101011011111 1,789,165 1 +01010101011011111 7,247,278 1 +01010101011011111 6,724,892 1 +01010101011011111 more-ordinary 1 +01010101011011111 12,349,493 1 +01010101011011111 by-guess-and-by-golly 1 +01010101011011111 2,442,000 1 +01010101011011111 7,181,000 1 +01010101011011111 3,375,000 1 +01010101011011111 3,626,790 1 +01010101011011111 1,998 1 +01010101011011111 450,535 1 +01010101011011111 1,682,436 1 +01010101011011111 parches 1 +01010101011011111 futures-the 1 +01010101011011111 12,489,000 1 +01010101011011111 897,728 1 +01010101011011111 4,266,080 1 +01010101011011111 re-invested 2 +01010101011011111 slimed 2 +01010101011011111 unleased 2 +01010101011011111 lances 2 +01010101011011111 pontificated 2 +01010101011011111 second-guesses 2 +01010101011011111 umpired 2 +01010101011011111 recommissioned 2 +01010101011011111 tappet 2 +01010101011011111 develped 2 +01010101011011111 curried 3 +01010101011011111 stinky 3 +01010101011011111 treaded 3 +01010101011011111 birdied 4 +01010101011011111 mimed 4 +01010101011011111 husbanded 4 +01010101011011111 grated 5 +01010101011011111 ruminated 6 +01010101011011111 raved 8 +01010101011011111 shoveled 9 +01010101011011111 sweated 10 +01010101011011111 muscled 11 +01010101011011111 fathered 14 +01010101011011111 retraced 17 +01010101011011111 bared 17 +01010101011011111 massed 21 +01010101011011111 spanned 26 +01010101011011111 jettisoned 26 +01010101011011111 batted 28 +01010101011011111 impounded 28 +01010101011011111 banked 29 +01010101011011111 laundered 30 +01010101011011111 wrested 35 +01010101011011111 squandered 37 +01010101011011111 embezzled 37 +01010101011011111 logged 69 +01010101011011111 grossed 73 +01010101011011111 recouped 78 +01010101011011111 wasted 193 +01010101011011111 regained 196 +01010101011011111 appreciated 242 +01010101011011111 equals 277 +01010101011011111 lasted 308 +01010101011011111 yielding 363 +01010101011011111 yielded 372 +01010101011011111 captured 470 +01010101011011111 accumulated 582 +01010101011011111 borrowed 984 +01010101011011111 invested 1598 +01010101011011111 spent 3949 +01010101011011111 lost 6788 +010101010111000 outnegotiated 1 +010101010111000 revolutionizes 1 +010101010111000 556,625 1 +010101010111000 2,563,238 1 +010101010111000 re-configured 1 +010101010111000 quells 1 +010101010111000 refaced 1 +010101010111000 test-smoked 1 +010101010111000 outmarketed 1 +010101010111000 out-negotiating 1 +010101010111000 parroted 1 +010101010111000 pre-ordered 1 +010101010111000 reconverting 1 +010101010111000 blackball 1 +010101010111000 outdrew 1 +010101010111000 pipe-bombed 1 +010101010111000 disorients 1 +010101010111000 challeneged 1 +010101010111000 majority.The 1 +010101010111000 suppported 1 +010101010111000 overstimulates 1 +010101010111000 88,752 1 +010101010111000 master-minded 1 +010101010111000 digitizes 1 +010101010111000 similar-raising 1 +010101010111000 transcribes 1 +010101010111000 suceeed 1 +010101010111000 private-but 1 +010101010111000 slayed 1 +010101010111000 preceeded 2 +010101010111000 outmanuevered 2 +010101010111000 knifed 2 +010101010111000 treed 2 +010101010111000 inveigled 2 +010101010111000 scammed 2 +010101010111000 humanized 2 +010101010111000 enervated 2 +010101010111000 whopped 2 +010101010111000 falsifies 2 +010101010111000 petted 2 +010101010111000 outpriced 2 +010101010111000 reproached 2 +010101010111000 seduces 2 +010101010111000 reproved 3 +010101010111000 under-performed 3 +010101010111000 carped 3 +010101010111000 impugns 4 +010101010111000 out-earned 4 +010101010111000 misperceived 4 +010101010111000 ogled 4 +010101010111000 eulogized 4 +010101010111000 greasing 4 +010101010111000 blackballed 4 +010101010111000 beseeched 5 +010101010111000 importuned 5 +010101010111000 parried 5 +010101010111000 outranked 6 +010101010111000 hoodwinked 6 +010101010111000 regaled 6 +010101010111000 upbraided 6 +010101010111000 reinterpreted 7 +010101010111000 prejudged 7 +010101010111000 spanked 7 +010101010111000 footed 7 +010101010111000 detested 8 +010101010111000 machine-gunned 8 +010101010111000 plagiarized 8 +010101010111000 propounded 8 +010101010111000 adjudged 8 +010101010111000 antagonized 9 +010101010111000 coddled 9 +010101010111000 pooh-poohed 9 +010101010111000 molested 9 +010101010111000 seconded 10 +010101010111000 previewed 10 +010101010111000 disowned 10 +010101010111000 unlocked 10 +010101010111000 clubbed 11 +010101010111000 subverted 11 +010101010111000 blockaded 11 +010101010111000 emasculated 12 +010101010111000 libeled 12 +010101010111000 belittled 12 +010101010111000 badgered 13 +010101010111000 nursed 13 +010101010111000 bemoaned 13 +010101010111000 complimented 13 +010101010111000 radioed 14 +010101010111000 leapfrogged 14 +010101010111000 scoured 14 +010101010111000 fingered 15 +010101010111000 remanded 15 +010101010111000 canvassed 16 +010101010111000 outmaneuvered 17 +010101010111000 hugged 17 +010101010111000 shepherded 18 +010101010111000 implored 18 +010101010111000 misapplied 19 +010101010111000 saluted 19 +010101010111000 savaged 20 +010101010111000 quizzed 20 +010101010111000 revolutionized 20 +010101010111000 trashed 20 +010101010111000 snubbed 21 +010101010111000 toasted 22 +010101010111000 disparaged 22 +010101010111000 scolded 22 +010101010111000 probed 22 +010101010111000 befriended 23 +010101010111000 refuted 23 +010101010111000 annexed 23 +010101010111000 defamed 24 +010101010111000 castigated 25 +010101010111000 outspent 25 +010101010111000 berated 26 +010101010111000 patrolled 27 +010101010111000 interrogated 27 +010101010111000 pinpointed 28 +010101010111000 kissed 29 +010101010111000 christened 31 +010101010111000 queried 33 +010101010111000 chronicled 33 +010101010111000 picketed 34 +010101010111000 abetted 34 +010101010111000 bested 35 +010101010111000 broached 35 +010101010111000 thanked 35 +010101010111000 scorned 36 +010101010111000 pondered 36 +010101010111000 congratulated 37 +010101010111000 reshaped 39 +010101010111000 co-founded 39 +010101010111000 lambasted 39 +010101010111000 miscalculated 41 +010101010111000 lectured 42 +010101010111000 misjudged 42 +010101010111000 clinched 43 +010101010111000 misread 44 +010101010111000 chastised 45 +010101010111000 begged 46 +010101010111000 deceived 46 +010101010111000 disliked 46 +010101010111000 preached 47 +010101010111000 rebuked 47 +010101010111000 countersued 48 +010101010111000 repudiated 49 +010101010111000 tackled 52 +010101010111000 chided 54 +010101010111000 coined 55 +010101010111000 assailed 56 +010101010111000 counseled 57 +010101010111000 bypassed 59 +010101010111000 ridiculed 62 +010101010111000 bribed 64 +010101010111000 researched 66 +010101010111000 trumpeted 67 +010101010111000 entertained 67 +010101010111000 lauded 68 +010101010111000 reprimanded 68 +010101010111000 prodded 71 +010101010111000 wooed 73 +010101010111000 eluded 76 +010101010111000 courted 82 +010101010111000 overcharged 85 +010101010111000 alerted 101 +010101010111000 telephoned 109 +010101010111000 petitioned 111 +010101010111000 phoned 114 +010101010111000 raided 117 +010101010111000 admired 119 +010101010111000 summoned 130 +010101010111000 invaded 132 +010101010111000 manipulated 152 +010101010111000 grabbed 160 +010101010111000 battled 161 +010101010111000 underestimated 169 +010101010111000 faulted 177 +010101010111000 briefed 178 +010101010111000 invoked 179 +010101010111000 condemned 205 +010101010111000 supervised 207 +010101010111000 misled 224 +010101010111000 applauded 228 +010101010111000 embraced 234 +010101010111000 renamed 250 +010101010111000 denounced 258 +010101010111000 tapped 262 +010101010111000 instructed 286 +010101010111000 examined 352 +010101010111000 answered 391 +010101010111000 nominated 467 +010101010111000 welcomed 489 +010101010111000 contacted 518 +010101010111000 pressed 555 +010101010111000 taught 562 +010101010111000 persuaded 568 +010101010111000 praised 571 +010101010111000 visited 632 +010101010111000 studied 676 +010101010111000 challenged 787 +010101010111000 attacked 792 +010101010111000 approached 857 +010101010111000 advised 910 +010101010111000 directed 957 +010101010111000 questioned 994 +010101010111000 criticized 1703 +010101010111000 sued 1774 +010101010111000 urged 2015 +010101010111000 asked 7817 +010101010111000 ordered 2925 +010101010111001 suckled 1 +010101010111001 propounds 1 +010101010111001 gilds 1 +010101010111001 Cevallos 1 +010101010111001 variable-account 1 +010101010111001 parsed 1 +010101010111001 Disparaged 1 +010101010111001 burnishes 1 +010101010111001 reattaches 1 +010101010111001 slow-to-perform 1 +010101010111001 Gained 1 +010101010111001 four-putted 1 +010101010111001 dynamites 1 +010101010111001 Captivates 1 +010101010111001 chivied 1 +010101010111001 4,173 1 +010101010111001 cuddles 1 +010101010111001 out-toughs 1 +010101010111001 riden 1 +010101010111001 Berlinguer 1 +010101010111001 deports 1 +010101010111001 envokes 1 +010101010111001 whitens 1 +010101010111001 wisked 1 +010101010111001 Punctured 1 +010101010111001 Phuangrach 1 +010101010111001 crooking 1 +010101010111001 unchains 1 +010101010111001 bird-dogs 1 +010101010111001 Sued 1 +010101010111001 patronizes 1 +010101010111001 less-patient 1 +010101010111001 hectored 1 +010101010111001 inducts 1 +010101010111001 outlives 1 +010101010111001 re-accelerates 1 +010101010111001 gate-crashed 1 +010101010111001 cuckolds 1 +010101010111001 poleaxed 1 +010101010111001 big-turnout 1 +010101010111001 forewarns 1 +010101010111001 illegalled 1 +010101010111001 disbands 1 +010101010111001 Lapse 1 +010101010111001 synopsizes 1 +010101010111001 dislodges 1 +010101010111001 Self-wringing 1 +010101010111001 re-retired. 1 +010101010111001 clenches 1 +010101010111001 Benedetti-type 1 +010101010111001 upbraids 1 +010101010111001 Haris 1 +010101010111001 hyperexaggerates 1 +010101010111001 Han-ming 1 +010101010111001 cross-examines 1 +010101010111001 psychoanalyzing 1 +010101010111001 Fishworm 1 +010101010111001 Cranach 1 +010101010111001 Polked 1 +010101010111001 plan-six 1 +010101010111001 ladles 1 +010101010111001 puckers 1 +010101010111001 gasconade 1 +010101010111001 reprieved 1 +010101010111001 Teng-tsung 1 +010101010111001 unholstered 1 +010101010111001 Jikun 1 +010101010111001 gaveled 1 +010101010111001 reprised 1 +010101010111001 sex-starved 1 +010101010111001 1,229 1 +010101010111001 reinvents 1 +010101010111001 pricking 1 +010101010111001 unglamorized 1 +010101010111001 much-sought-after 1 +010101010111001 gladhands 1 +010101010111001 Lanqing 1 +010101010111001 re-reinterprets 1 +010101010111001 eviscerated 2 +010101010111001 extolls 2 +010101010111001 fast-talks 2 +010101010111001 reconnoitered 2 +010101010111001 zinged 2 +010101010111001 gypped 2 +010101010111001 overfills 2 +010101010111001 Cleared 2 +010101010111001 double-crossed 2 +010101010111001 pursuaded 2 +010101010111001 dazzles 2 +010101010111001 botches 2 +010101010111001 patent-process 2 +010101010111001 Lira 2 +010101010111001 buttonholes 2 +010101010111001 parlays 2 +010101010111001 whistle-stopped 2 +010101010111001 crucifying 2 +010101010111001 redeposited 2 +010101010111001 decapitalizing 2 +010101010111001 upended 3 +010101010111001 disarms 3 +010101010111001 outscoring 3 +010101010111001 rues 3 +010101010111001 slugged 3 +010101010111001 toed 3 +010101010111001 regales 3 +010101010111001 hand-carried 3 +010101010111001 douses 4 +010101010111001 familiarized 4 +010101010111001 excoriates 4 +010101010111001 blackmailing 4 +010101010111001 bootstrapped 4 +010101010111001 bad-mouthed 4 +010101010111001 conceives 4 +010101010111001 stroked 5 +010101010111001 insulates 5 +010101010111001 patted 5 +010101010111001 defunded 5 +010101010111001 satirized 5 +010101010111001 overhears 5 +010101010111001 outearned 5 +010101010111001 quizzing 5 +010101010111001 persecuting 5 +010101010111001 excommunicated 6 +010101010111001 teases 6 +010101010111001 decribed 6 +010101010111001 conned 6 +010101010111001 titillated 6 +010101010111001 scours 7 +010101010111001 outfoxed 7 +010101010111001 fancied 7 +010101010111001 buttonholed 7 +010101010111001 co-chairs 7 +010101010111001 consoled 7 +010101010111001 savoring 8 +010101010111001 despairs 9 +010101010111001 stonewalled 9 +010101010111001 reassumed 10 +010101010111001 mouthed 11 +010101010111001 mispriced 11 +010101010111001 wowed 12 +010101010111001 savored 12 +010101010111001 crisscrossed 16 +010101010111001 unseated 16 +010101010111001 badgering 17 +010101010111001 endeared 17 +010101010111001 excoriated 19 +010101010111001 strangled 19 +010101010111001 re-entered 21 +010101010111001 taunted 22 +010101010111001 absolved 22 +010101010111001 mocked 25 +010101010111001 recited 28 +010101010111001 greets 28 +010101010111001 thanking 30 +010101010111001 exhorted 30 +010101010111001 admonished 30 +010101010111001 rejoined 33 +010101010111001 informs 47 +010101010111001 recounted 56 +010101010111001 derided 74 +010101010111001 toured 80 +010101010111001 possessed 90 +010101010111001 praises 99 +010101010111001 defrauded 189 +010101010111001 joins 204 +010101010111001 accuses 236 +010101010111001 reminded 267 +010101010111001 portrayed 304 +010101010111001 hailed 337 +010101010111001 notified 535 +010101010111001 defended 569 +010101010111001 characterized 571 +010101010111001 assured 673 +010101010111001 informed 891 +010101010111001 tells 1246 +010101010111001 accused 2251 +010101010111001 described 2301 +010101010111001 told 9410 +010101010111001 joined 2463 +010101010111010 ribonuclease 1 +010101010111010 Industrializing 1 +010101010111010 forswears 1 +010101010111010 shoulder-carried 1 +010101010111010 computer-languages 1 +010101010111010 co-created 1 +010101010111010 RAW. 1 +010101010111010 star-actor 1 +010101010111010 job-loyalty 1 +010101010111010 10-country 1 +010101010111010 confides. 1 +010101010111010 black-edged 1 +010101010111010 auditorium-like 1 +010101010111010 WRITING. 1 +010101010111010 tobacco-extract 1 +010101010111010 forbearance. 1 +010101010111010 crime-and-car-chase 1 +010101010111010 recalled. 1 +010101010111010 disappointed. 1 +010101010111010 auburn-haired- 1 +010101010111010 legs-together 1 +010101010111010 twerpy 1 +010101010111010 McDill 1 +010101010111010 tools-North 1 +010101010111010 secure. 1 +010101010111010 N.C-based 1 +010101010111010 Sambac 1 +010101010111010 B40 1 +010101010111010 incumbent-protected 1 +010101010111010 day-before-the-race 1 +010101010111010 lo-fi 1 +010101010111010 Gals 1 +010101010111010 Schuykill 1 +010101010111010 wanted. 1 +010101010111010 Clerverly 1 +010101010111010 Mid-Size 1 +010101010111010 Club. 1 +010101010111010 Margaretta 1 +010101010111010 retitled 1 +010101010111010 hipped-up 1 +010101010111010 Predict 1 +010101010111010 explains. 1 +010101010111010 WBEZ. 1 +010101010111010 Sankai 1 +010101010111010 mistitled 1 +010101010111010 retorts. 1 +010101010111010 fake-looking 1 +010101010111010 mercenary. 1 +010101010111010 explained. 1 +010101010111010 sewers- 1 +010101010111010 coreopsis 1 +010101010111010 agrees. 1 +010101010111010 brainlessly 1 +010101010111010 sentimentalizing 1 +010101010111010 SLIPPED 1 +010101010111010 warbled 1 +010101010111010 venture. 1 +010101010111010 regulator-inspired 1 +010101010111010 condensing 1 +010101010111010 low-decibel 1 +010101010111010 WFXT. 1 +010101010111010 ratings-obsessed 1 +010101010111010 subWagnerian 1 +010101010111010 FX. 1 +010101010111010 34-inch 1 +010101010111010 financial-offering 1 +010101010111010 BLUEPRINT 1 +010101010111010 Marhaba 1 +010101010111010 critized 2 +010101010111010 stonelike 2 +010101010111010 anoints 2 +010101010111010 unconvincingly 2 +010101010111010 clanged 2 +010101010111010 redubbed 2 +010101010111010 Jello 2 +010101010111010 didn 2 +010101010111010 analogized 2 +010101010111010 interleukin-4 2 +010101010111010 Setemer 2 +010101010111010 Vecernje 2 +010101010111010 plumping 2 +010101010111010 forded 2 +010101010111010 blotted 2 +010101010111010 propagandizes 2 +010101010111010 co-edited 2 +010101010111010 foretells 2 +010101010111010 re-enters 2 +010101010111010 sloughs 2 +010101010111010 brand-named 2 +010101010111010 commends 2 +010101010111010 Police-man 2 +010101010111010 skewers 2 +010101010111010 sandblasts 2 +010101010111010 Earvin 3 +010101010111010 re-sold 3 +010101010111010 glorifies 3 +010101010111010 topples 3 +010101010111010 debunks 3 +010101010111010 tarnishes 3 +010101010111010 steams 4 +010101010111010 groped 4 +010101010111010 Urges 4 +010101010111010 wends 4 +010101010111010 reentered 5 +010101010111010 mistreats 5 +010101010111010 substantiates 6 +010101010111010 needled 6 +010101010111010 crooning 7 +010101010111010 mischarged 8 +010101010111010 chastises 9 +010101010111010 aced 10 +010101010111010 repays 10 +010101010111010 assails 11 +010101010111010 rechristened 14 +010101010111010 spied 19 +010101010111010 dubs 23 +010101010111010 deplored 23 +010101010111010 extolled 27 +010101010111010 subtitled 29 +010101010111010 chanted 32 +010101010111010 downplayed 34 +010101010111010 said. 37 +010101010111010 commended 42 +010101010111010 decried 46 +010101010111010 code-named 50 +010101010111010 headlined 53 +010101010111010 nicknamed 70 +010101010111010 likened 86 +010101010111010 ascribed 113 +010101010111010 blasted 139 +010101010111010 titled 182 +010101010111010 dubbed 323 +010101010111010 labeled 335 +010101010111010 termed 436 +010101010111010 blamed 1208 +010101010111010 called 12429 +010101010111010 attributed 2067 +010101010111011 superprotection 1 +010101010111011 atmospheres 1 +010101010111011 atoning 1 +010101010111011 income-supports 1 +010101010111011 duetizing 1 +010101010111011 candiate 1 +010101010111011 Hodsell 1 +010101010111011 point-for-point 1 +010101010111011 value-packed 1 +010101010111011 Strelzin 1 +010101010111011 over-buying 1 +010101010111011 chaffs 1 +010101010111011 101.22 1 +010101010111011 Juventus 1 +010101010111011 meteorlogist 1 +010101010111011 You. 1 +010101010111011 slap-and-tickle 1 +010101010111011 overleaps 1 +010101010111011 Muranyi 1 +010101010111011 Rouault 1 +010101010111011 111.37 1 +010101010111011 111.13 1 +010101010111011 Gaullette 1 +010101010111011 disports 1 +010101010111011 reseating 1 +010101010111011 cannibalizes 1 +010101010111011 methylsalicylate 1 +010101010111011 press-basher 1 +010101010111011 78.59 1 +010101010111011 Air-Head 1 +010101010111011 gourmands 1 +010101010111011 patterning 1 +010101010111011 limited-English-speakers 1 +010101010111011 non-cholesterol 1 +010101010111011 closeting 1 +010101010111011 Free-World 1 +010101010111011 fill-ins 1 +010101010111011 acounted 1 +010101010111011 tub-thump 1 +010101010111011 bargain-seekers 1 +010101010111011 alllowing 1 +010101010111011 emceed 1 +010101010111011 reapplied 1 +010101010111011 employer-testing 1 +010101010111011 cheesing 1 +010101010111011 deadlines. 1 +010101010111011 realpolitik 1 +010101010111011 queueing 1 +010101010111011 dispiritedly 1 +010101010111011 Jahan 1 +010101010111011 photo-tools 1 +010101010111011 succesors 1 +010101010111011 checkoffs 1 +010101010111011 90day 1 +010101010111011 unburdening 1 +010101010111011 bleach-filled 1 +010101010111011 transmutes 2 +010101010111011 affixes 2 +010101010111011 quarterhorses 2 +010101010111011 teleprompters 2 +010101010111011 semiparalyzed 2 +010101010111011 plumps 2 +010101010111011 VMIG-1 2 +010101010111011 fly-rodding 2 +010101010111011 Waites 2 +010101010111011 antiperspirants 2 +010101010111011 recoiling 2 +010101010111011 chaining 3 +010101010111011 reproaches 3 +010101010111011 rechristening 3 +010101010111011 meterologist 3 +010101010111011 spokesdog 3 +010101010111011 perjuring 3 +010101010111011 raps 3 +010101010111011 underprepared 3 +010101010111011 baiting 3 +010101010111011 Isidore 3 +010101010111011 sentencings 4 +010101010111011 reasons. 4 +010101010111011 availing 4 +010101010111011 girds 5 +010101010111011 confiding 10 +010101010111011 deluding 12 +010101010111011 apologizes 12 +010101010111011 opts 25 +010101010111011 distancing 30 +010101010111011 amends 44 +010101010111011 begging 72 +010101010111011 pleading 155 +010101010111011 adjusting 426 +010101010111011 calling 2069 +010101010111011 calls 6670 +010101010111100 decollectivized 1 +010101010111100 price-leader 1 +010101010111100 9,477 1 +010101010111100 desmadre 1 +010101010111100 organo-phosphorus 1 +010101010111100 InterAgency 1 +010101010111100 appproached 1 +010101010111100 deposit-guarantee 1 +010101010111100 AIDS-acquired 1 +010101010111100 34,427 1 +010101010111100 45,530 1 +010101010111100 automatic-braking 1 +010101010111100 sub-clinical 1 +010101010111100 2,859 1 +010101010111100 69,375 1 +010101010111100 24-karat-gold 1 +010101010111100 2,566 1 +010101010111100 4,006,796 1 +010101010111100 not-unimpressive 1 +010101010111100 171,185 1 +010101010111100 matched-sale 1 +010101010111100 552,774 1 +010101010111100 embezzles 1 +010101010111100 flexicoker 1 +010101010111100 4,844 1 +010101010111100 28,083 1 +010101010111100 286-type 1 +010101010111100 ether-substitutes 1 +010101010111100 18,419 2 +010101010111100 2,655 2 +010101010111100 transfigured 2 +010101010111100 canonized 3 +010101010111100 amnestied 3 +010101010111100 Spectrums 3 +010101010111100 co-developed 3 +010101010111100 air-shipped 3 +010101010111100 re-released 3 +010101010111100 9mm 3 +010101010111100 bludgeons 3 +010101010111100 reattached 4 +010101010111100 idolized 4 +010101010111100 aquired 4 +010101010111100 retaken 4 +010101010111100 radiated 5 +010101010111100 reincorporated 5 +010101010111100 scavenged 5 +010101010111100 bamboozled 5 +010101010111100 enfranchised 6 +010101010111100 reinvests 6 +010101010111100 undefeated 9 +010101010111100 anointed 10 +010101010111100 dethroned 11 +010101010111100 refreshed 13 +010101010111100 disassembled 13 +010101010111100 synthesized 31 +010101010111100 remodeled 33 +010101010111100 minted 40 +010101010111100 reconstituted 42 +010101010111100 denationalized 67 +010101010111100 downed 71 +010101010111100 divested 104 +010101010111100 filmed 114 +010101010111100 severed 125 +010101010111100 outbid 125 +010101010111100 orchestrated 137 +010101010111100 enlisted 149 +010101010111100 privatized 162 +010101010111100 branded 171 +010101010111100 displaced 177 +010101010111100 forged 203 +010101010111100 assisted 289 +010101010111100 inherited 292 +010101010111100 reorganized 294 +010101010111100 recruited 356 +010101010111100 engineered 590 +010101010111100 experienced 1062 +010101010111100 founded 1088 +010101010111100 organized 1230 +010101010111100 retained 1263 +010101010111100 selected 1273 +010101010111100 hired 2237 +010101010111100 established 2393 +010101010111100 acquired 8443 +010101010111100 formed 2946 +0101010101111010 27,019 1 +0101010101111010 14,375 1 +0101010101111010 flaw-prone 1 +0101010101111010 copycatting 1 +0101010101111010 cattle-drive 1 +0101010101111010 out-slicked 1 +0101010101111010 helpful-established 1 +0101010101111010 4,909 1 +0101010101111010 20,620 1 +0101010101111010 redesignated 2 +0101010101111010 speed-ups 2 +0101010101111010 legitimated 3 +0101010101111010 mooted 4 +0101010101111010 force-fed 4 +0101010101111010 empaneled 7 +0101010101111010 cradling 7 +0101010101111010 showcased 8 +0101010101111010 short-circuited 8 +0101010101111010 postmarked 12 +0101010101111010 codified 14 +0101010101111010 unfurled 14 +0101010101111010 reimposed 20 +0101010101111010 test-marketed 21 +0101010101111010 promulgated 36 +0101010101111010 inaugurated 54 +0101010101111010 vacated 96 +0101010101111010 convened 162 +0101010101111010 adjourned 188 +0101010101111010 instituted 236 +0101010101111010 commissioned 269 +0101010101111010 drafted 372 +0101010101111010 outlined 399 +0101010101111010 enacted 744 +0101010101111010 installed 748 +0101010101111010 delivered 1136 +0101010101111010 conducted 1487 +0101010101111010 imposed 1516 +0101010101111010 awarded 1853 +0101010101111010 published 2129 +0101010101111010 introduced 2528 +0101010101111010 launched 3003 +0101010101111010 released 3473 +0101010101111010 issued 5827 +0101010101111010 created 3962 +0101010101111011 dead-set 1 +0101010101111011 ill-armed 1 +0101010101111011 II-low 1 +0101010101111011 3,183 1 +0101010101111011 spruce-pine-fir 1 +0101010101111011 fulminates 1 +0101010101111011 haggles 1 +0101010101111011 cumulates 1 +0101010101111011 man-tailored 1 +0101010101111011 ranted 1 +0101010101111011 militated 1 +0101010101111011 portering 1 +0101010101111011 appproved 1 +0101010101111011 52-42 1 +0101010101111011 ultra-expensive 1 +0101010101111011 6-1-1 1 +0101010101111011 17-0-1 1 +0101010101111011 inveighed 1 +0101010101111011 Bets 2 +0101010101111011 Triathlon 2 +0101010101111011 rereleased 2 +0101010101111011 shish 2 +0101010101111011 inveighing 3 +0101010101111011 subbed 3 +0101010101111011 referenced 3 +0101010101111011 fulminated 3 +0101010101111011 inveighs 3 +0101010101111011 silhouetted 3 +0101010101111011 SLIPS 4 +0101010101111011 knighted 4 +0101010101111011 vied 23 +0101010101111011 discriminates 52 +0101010101111011 retaliated 66 +0101010101111011 unsealed 66 +0101010101111011 lodged 89 +0101010101111011 filed 8542 +0101010101111011 discriminated 121 +0101010101111100 wangles 1 +0101010101111100 Fixedincome 1 +0101010101111100 Amex-traded 1 +0101010101111100 Bankrupted 1 +0101010101111100 underplays 1 +0101010101111100 systematizes 1 +0101010101111100 soldified 1 +0101010101111100 uncompensated-care 1 +0101010101111100 Viacheslav 1 +0101010101111100 early-logged 1 +0101010101111100 60.81 1 +0101010101111100 52,198 1 +0101010101111100 underpays 2 +0101010101111100 kited 2 +0101010101111100 reassigns 2 +0101010101111100 finagled 2 +0101010101111100 fixed-priced 2 +0101010101111100 proffers 2 +0101010101111100 re-examines 2 +0101010101111100 munched 3 +0101010101111100 nix 4 +0101010101111100 discerns 4 +0101010101111100 Ishino 5 +0101010101111100 muffed 5 +0101010101111100 swiped 6 +0101010101111100 kindled 10 +0101010101111100 disobeyed 12 +0101010101111100 copped 14 +0101010101111100 juggled 15 +0101010101111100 forestalled 15 +0101010101111100 dodged 16 +0101010101111100 merited 16 +0101010101111100 solicits 16 +0101010101111100 parlayed 18 +0101010101111100 exacted 18 +0101010101111100 mustered 22 +0101010101111100 harbored 32 +0101010101111100 withstood 44 +0101010101111100 fielded 51 +0101010101111100 pocketed 52 +0101010101111100 elicited 55 +0101010101111100 fetched 62 +0101010101111100 neared 88 +0101010101111100 netted 94 +0101010101111100 commanded 98 +0101010101111100 garnered 119 +0101010101111100 endured 129 +0101010101111100 reaped 151 +0101010101111100 witnessed 167 +0101010101111100 amassed 184 +0101010101111100 solicited 186 +0101010101111100 encountered 338 +0101010101111100 lacked 361 +0101010101111100 scored 403 +0101010101111100 enjoyed 587 +0101010101111100 suffered 1291 +0101010101111100 violated 1370 +0101010101111100 obtained 1384 +0101010101111100 received 9488 +0101010101111100 won 5006 +0101010101111101 tulipically 1 +0101010101111101 SCRAPPED 1 +0101010101111101 cut-back 1 +0101010101111101 rebroke 1 +0101010101111101 FORESEES 1 +0101010101111101 sbig 1 +0101010101111101 ANT 1 +0101010101111101 opertes 1 +0101010101111101 scowled 1 +0101010101111101 expectorated 1 +0101010101111101 chisels 1 +0101010101111101 Finn-type 1 +0101010101111101 redecorates 1 +0101010101111101 STIR 1 +0101010101111101 Princetonian 1 +0101010101111101 positing 1 +0101010101111101 DETAINED 1 +0101010101111101 plaits 1 +0101010101111101 Corp.and 1 +0101010101111101 DRINKING 1 +0101010101111101 Foresee 1 +0101010101111101 ESTABLISHED 1 +0101010101111101 PRODUCED 1 +0101010101111101 PLC-despite 1 +0101010101111101 PLAYED 1 +0101010101111101 SPENDS 1 +0101010101111101 vocalized 1 +0101010101111101 ENLISTED 1 +0101010101111101 Blesse 1 +0101010101111101 Wspolnota 1 +0101010101111101 co-teaches 1 +0101010101111101 RATIFIES 1 +0101010101111101 off-setting 1 +0101010101111101 SWUNG 1 +0101010101111101 asembled 1 +0101010101111101 KONINKLIJKE 1 +0101010101111101 GAINED 1 +0101010101111101 telecopied 1 +0101010101111101 Inc.said 1 +0101010101111101 RIPS 1 +0101010101111101 Davidowitz. 1 +0101010101111101 Decker-Slaney 1 +0101010101111101 unfurls 1 +0101010101111101 connived 1 +0101010101111101 chancelleries 1 +0101010101111101 ABORTED 1 +0101010101111101 CHOOSE 1 +0101010101111101 prophesies 1 +0101010101111101 raisesanother 1 +0101010101111101 IMPOSE 2 +0101010101111101 shirks 2 +0101010101111101 ISSUED 2 +0101010101111101 fondles 2 +0101010101111101 PLAYS 2 +0101010101111101 SCHEDULED 2 +0101010101111101 UNVEILED 2 +0101010101111101 DEPORTED 2 +0101010101111101 ESCORTED 2 +0101010101111101 NEARED 2 +0101010101111101 SCORED 2 +0101010101111101 INHERITS 2 +0101010101111101 DECLINED 2 +0101010101111101 KIDNAPPED 3 +0101010101111101 included. 3 +0101010101111101 plunks 3 +0101010101111101 blistered 3 +0101010101111101 Detect 3 +0101010101111101 STRUCK 3 +0101010101111101 unwraps 3 +0101010101111101 plumbed 3 +0101010101111101 soft-pedaled 3 +0101010101111101 PROCLAIMED 3 +0101010101111101 beatified 4 +0101010101111101 Evolves 4 +0101010101111101 SIGNED 4 +0101010101111101 CONDUCTED 4 +0101010101111101 STAGED 4 +0101010101111101 concocts 4 +0101010101111101 REPORTED 5 +0101010101111101 ADOPTED 5 +0101010101111101 PRESENTED 5 +0101010101111101 RELEASED 5 +0101010101111101 CHARGED 5 +0101010101111101 LAUNCHED 7 +0101010101111101 ARRESTED 7 +0101010101111101 Becomes 8 +0101010101111101 IMPOSED 8 +0101010101111101 ATTACKED 9 +0101010101111101 APPROVED 11 +0101010101111101 RECEIVED 12 +0101010101111101 REJECTED 16 +0101010101111101 FACES 22 +0101010101111101 notched 23 +0101010101111101 foresees 137 +0101010101111101 awaited 186 +0101010101111101 cites 509 +0101010101111101 faces 2369 +0101010101111101 posted 4309 +0101010101111101 cited 3517 +0101010101111110 reoccupied 1 +0101010101111110 matings 1 +0101010101111110 rompts 1 +0101010101111110 micro-manages 1 +0101010101111110 atacked 1 +0101010101111110 Maisky 1 +0101010101111110 more-concrete 1 +0101010101111110 salvages 2 +0101010101111110 spouted 2 +0101010101111110 backstops 2 +0101010101111110 denoted 3 +0101010101111110 alighted 3 +0101010101111110 shrieked 4 +0101010101111110 squirmed 4 +0101010101111110 test-fired 4 +0101010101111110 repudiates 5 +0101010101111110 uncorked 5 +0101010101111110 interjected 6 +0101010101111110 imbibed 7 +0101010101111110 entrenches 7 +0101010101111110 traversed 7 +0101010101111110 nipped 9 +0101010101111110 mediated 16 +0101010101111110 culminates 17 +0101010101111110 brandished 18 +0101010101111110 epitomized 20 +0101010101111110 sported 22 +0101010101111110 commandeered 23 +0101010101111110 choreographed 23 +0101010101111110 quieted 24 +0101010101111110 detonated 25 +0101010101111110 foreshadowed 26 +0101010101111110 masterminded 32 +0101010101111110 bankrolled 33 +0101010101111110 repelled 33 +0101010101111110 popularized 40 +0101010101111110 evoked 42 +0101010101111110 espoused 44 +0101010101111110 underlined 44 +0101010101111110 co-authored 46 +0101010101111110 co-sponsored 48 +0101010101111110 resembled 57 +0101010101111110 concocted 75 +0101010101111110 contradicted 81 +0101010101111110 defied 112 +0101010101111110 unleashed 118 +0101010101111110 hosted 124 +0101010101111110 pioneered 145 +0101010101111110 echoed 182 +0101010101111110 provoked 245 +0101010101111110 posed 360 +0101010101111110 devised 378 +0101010101111110 staged 501 +0101010101111110 initiated 567 +0101010101111110 attended 697 +0101010101111110 struck 1087 +0101010101111110 follows 1657 +0101010101111110 represented 1710 +0101010101111110 played 2159 +0101010101111110 passed 3230 +0101010101111110 followed 3563 +0101010101111110 signed 4740 +0101010101111111 mud-plaster 1 +0101010101111111 3,611,947 1 +0101010101111111 6,595,721 1 +0101010101111111 31,330,395 1 +0101010101111111 Rundfunk 1 +0101010101111111 5,743,151 1 +0101010101111111 5,263,620 1 +0101010101111111 5,165,859 1 +0101010101111111 interleaves 1 +0101010101111111 6,459,939 1 +0101010101111111 1,326,478 1 +0101010101111111 15.8446 1 +0101010101111111 upends 1 +0101010101111111 9,432,279 1 +0101010101111111 1,072,028,302 1 +0101010101111111 12,740,000 1 +0101010101111111 handwrites 1 +0101010101111111 2,565,513 1 +0101010101111111 9,968,000 1 +0101010101111111 5,701,500 1 +0101010101111111 6,718,996 1 +0101010101111111 2,674,551 1 +0101010101111111 aproved 1 +0101010101111111 scribing 1 +0101010101111111 ammended 1 +0101010101111111 68,174,113 1 +0101010101111111 71,583,889 1 +0101010101111111 2,304,000 1 +0101010101111111 okays 1 +0101010101111111 7,029,050 1 +0101010101111111 re-count 1 +0101010101111111 11,473,986 1 +0101010101111111 7,538,874 1 +0101010101111111 8,462,631 1 +0101010101111111 44,059,930 1 +0101010101111111 Pursues 1 +0101010101111111 8,146,128 1 +0101010101111111 sicked 1 +0101010101111111 669,964 2 +0101010101111111 apprising 2 +0101010101111111 Herself 2 +0101010101111111 collared 2 +0101010101111111 3,068,167 2 +0101010101111111 proofreads 2 +0101010101111111 convoked 2 +0101010101111111 4,159,454 2 +0101010101111111 coo 2 +0101010101111111 winches 3 +0101010101111111 deemphasized 4 +0101010101111111 counteracted 4 +0101010101111111 OPENED 4 +0101010101111111 butted 5 +0101010101111111 navigated 6 +0101010101111111 reheard 6 +0101010101111111 cosponsored 6 +0101010101111111 redrafted 6 +0101010101111111 UPHELD 7 +0101010101111111 reestablished 8 +0101010101111111 pocket-vetoed 10 +0101010101111111 appropriates 10 +0101010101111111 overturns 11 +0101010101111111 ratifies 14 +0101010101111111 preempted 16 +0101010101111111 enacts 18 +0101010101111111 scotched 20 +0101010101111111 nixed 21 +0101010101111111 disavowed 24 +0101010101111111 skirted 29 +0101010101111111 boycotted 43 +0101010101111111 foiled 52 +0101010101111111 quashed 52 +0101010101111111 upholds 60 +0101010101111111 sidestepped 60 +0101010101111111 voided 62 +0101010101111111 invalidated 85 +0101010101111111 overruled 91 +0101010101111111 sanctioned 93 +0101010101111111 revoked 111 +0101010101111111 thwarted 162 +0101010101111111 spurned 179 +0101010101111111 reinstated 183 +0101010101111111 approves 202 +0101010101111111 vetoed 232 +0101010101111111 overturned 266 +0101010101111111 ratified 305 +0101010101111111 rebuffed 501 +0101010101111111 endorsed 697 +0101010101111111 reversed 712 +0101010101111111 blocked 749 +0101010101111111 upheld 846 +0101010101111111 cleared 952 +0101010101111111 granted 1788 +0101010101111111 authorized 2191 +0101010101111111 adopted 2315 +0101010101111111 accepted 2361 +0101010101111111 declared 2483 +0101010101111111 approved 7628 +0101010101111111 rejected 4089 +0101010110000 irradiating 1 +0101010110000 de-funds 1 +0101010110000 decontrols 1 +0101010110000 undergird 1 +0101010110000 Nander 1 +0101010110000 matching-grant 1 +0101010110000 BOUSSAC 1 +0101010110000 Parviz 1 +0101010110000 jingled 1 +0101010110000 1975-87 1 +0101010110000 juxtapose 1 +0101010110000 chlorofluorocarbon-containing 1 +0101010110000 3,964 1 +0101010110000 road-racing 1 +0101010110000 ennobles 1 +0101010110000 enthralls 1 +0101010110000 minnow-sized 1 +0101010110000 ionizes 1 +0101010110000 pre-rigged 1 +0101010110000 repossesses 1 +0101010110000 weeth 1 +0101010110000 mass-produces 1 +0101010110000 relaunches 1 +0101010110000 lymphokine 1 +0101010110000 quite-interesting 1 +0101010110000 enthrall 1 +0101010110000 neighbored 1 +0101010110000 shore-grown 1 +0101010110000 disenfranchises 1 +0101010110000 primarycare 1 +0101010110000 one-ton-cargo 1 +0101010110000 eye-straining 1 +0101010110000 sates 1 +0101010110000 blank-tape 1 +0101010110000 humbles 1 +0101010110000 crash-tests 1 +0101010110000 characterizered 1 +0101010110000 remounts 1 +0101010110000 beguiles 1 +0101010110000 14,435 1 +0101010110000 outdistances 1 +0101010110000 re-reciting 1 +0101010110000 conect 1 +0101010110000 late-coming 1 +0101010110000 charactized 1 +0101010110000 Boojumr 1 +0101010110000 harasses 1 +0101010110000 shortchanges 1 +0101010110000 co-brokered 1 +0101010110000 ailed 1 +0101010110000 Danuta 1 +0101010110000 specially-trained 1 +0101010110000 grubstaked 1 +0101010110000 befouled 1 +0101010110000 NASD-developed 1 +0101010110000 Contessa 1 +0101010110000 hard-to-ship 1 +0101010110000 super-conservative 1 +0101010110000 Class-2600 1 +0101010110000 approval-consumer 1 +0101010110000 support-structure 1 +0101010110000 practieow 1 +0101010110000 out-fished 1 +0101010110000 get-away-from-it-all 1 +0101010110000 nourishes 2 +0101010110000 predisposes 2 +0101010110000 televises 2 +0101010110000 immunizes 2 +0101010110000 imprisons 2 +0101010110000 swaddles 2 +0101010110000 emboldens 2 +0101010110000 appalls 2 +0101010110000 encloses 2 +0101010110000 disables 2 +0101010110000 unsettles 2 +0101010110000 conserves 2 +0101010110000 warps 2 +0101010110000 pre-terminal 2 +0101010110000 calibrates 2 +0101010110000 wallops 2 +0101010110000 bombards 2 +0101010110000 dignifies 2 +0101010110000 garbling 2 +0101010110000 enmeshes 2 +0101010110000 breast-fed 2 +0101010110000 piques 2 +0101010110000 delists 2 +0101010110000 doffed 2 +0101010110000 Wintergreen 2 +0101010110000 lipped 2 +0101010110000 enshrouds 2 +0101010110000 unifies 2 +0101010110000 appeases 2 +0101010110000 reconverts 3 +0101010110000 centralizes 3 +0101010110000 goads 3 +0101010110000 tabulates 3 +0101010110000 co-organized 3 +0101010110000 galvanizes 3 +0101010110000 prowls 3 +0101010110000 blesses 3 +0101010110000 enjoins 3 +0101010110000 splatters 3 +0101010110000 shames 3 +0101010110000 mitigates 3 +0101010110000 lubricates 3 +0101010110000 Ate 3 +0101010110000 emulates 3 +0101010110000 vitiates 3 +0101010110000 terrorizes 3 +0101010110000 devalues 3 +0101010110000 purifies 3 +0101010110000 bankrupts 3 +0101010110000 displeases 3 +0101010110000 disallows 3 +0101010110000 refreshes 3 +0101010110000 sickens 3 +0101010110000 contaminates 3 +0101010110000 traverses 3 +0101010110000 detaches 3 +0101010110000 interposes 3 +0101010110000 remarkets 3 +0101010110000 segregates 3 +0101010110000 re-establishes 3 +0101010110000 behooves 4 +0101010110000 pre-dated 4 +0101010110000 instills 4 +0101010110000 implicates 4 +0101010110000 wows 4 +0101010110000 remits 4 +0101010110000 roils 4 +0101010110000 refurbishes 4 +0101010110000 relabeled 4 +0101010110000 devastates 4 +0101010110000 mutes 4 +0101010110000 horrifies 4 +0101010110000 accentuates 4 +0101010110000 mobilizes 4 +0101010110000 reveres 4 +0101010110000 cheapens 4 +0101010110000 revokes 4 +0101010110000 bisects 4 +0101010110000 squanders 4 +0101010110000 rehabilitates 4 +0101010110000 siphons 4 +0101010110000 criminalizes 4 +0101010110000 Drives 4 +0101010110000 fortifies 4 +0101010110000 astonishes 5 +0101010110000 mystifies 5 +0101010110000 counteracts 5 +0101010110000 bewilders 5 +0101010110000 envelops 5 +0101010110000 replenishes 5 +0101010110000 reasserts 5 +0101010110000 hobbles 5 +0101010110000 equips 5 +0101010110000 suffuses 5 +0101010110000 punctuates 5 +0101010110000 disseminates 5 +0101010110000 augments 5 +0101010110000 penetrates 5 +0101010110000 bestows 5 +0101010110000 circumvents 5 +0101010110000 impels 5 +0101010110000 infest 5 +0101010110000 arbitrates 5 +0101010110000 depletes 5 +0101010110000 overrules 5 +0101010110000 repels 6 +0101010110000 imperils 6 +0101010110000 trivializes 6 +0101010110000 absolving 6 +0101010110000 stymies 6 +0101010110000 aligns 6 +0101010110000 bakes 6 +0101010110000 adorns 6 +0101010110000 misunderstands 6 +0101010110000 discredits 6 +0101010110000 subverts 6 +0101010110000 adjoins 6 +0101010110000 unloads 6 +0101010110000 preoccupies 6 +0101010110000 reintroduces 6 +0101010110000 categorizes 7 +0101010110000 revamps 7 +0101010110000 alienates 7 +0101010110000 retards 7 +0101010110000 orchestrates 7 +0101010110000 mars 7 +0101010110000 animates 7 +0101010110000 bathes 7 +0101010110000 proscribes 7 +0101010110000 dims 7 +0101010110000 crimps 7 +0101010110000 infests 7 +0101010110000 differentiates 7 +0101010110000 recoups 7 +0101010110000 satirizes 7 +0101010110000 prosecutes 7 +0101010110000 demeans 7 +0101010110000 misleads 8 +0101010110000 codifies 8 +0101010110000 usurps 8 +0101010110000 displaces 8 +0101010110000 repackages 8 +0101010110000 infuses 8 +0101010110000 tolerates 8 +0101010110000 appraises 8 +0101010110000 alleviates 8 +0101010110000 taints 8 +0101010110000 distresses 8 +0101010110000 automates 8 +0101010110000 propels 8 +0101010110000 disappoints 8 +0101010110000 peddles 8 +0101010110000 toughens 8 +0101010110000 injures 8 +0101010110000 absolves 8 +0101010110000 unleashes 8 +0101010110000 imitates 9 +0101010110000 stiffens 9 +0101010110000 overshadows 9 +0101010110000 withstands 9 +0101010110000 fascinates 9 +0101010110000 enriches 9 +0101010110000 smothers 9 +0101010110000 isolates 9 +0101010110000 elevates 9 +0101010110000 replicates 9 +0101010110000 sterilizes 9 +0101010110000 galls 9 +0101010110000 annoys 10 +0101010110000 repeals 10 +0101010110000 rotates 10 +0101010110000 tempts 10 +0101010110000 reassures 10 +0101010110000 amplifies 10 +0101010110000 enlarges 10 +0101010110000 distracts 10 +0101010110000 dooms 10 +0101010110000 utilizes 10 +0101010110000 spawns 10 +0101010110000 envisages 11 +0101010110000 devours 11 +0101010110000 solidifies 11 +0101010110000 corrupts 11 +0101010110000 suppresses 11 +0101010110000 baffles 11 +0101010110000 reproduces 11 +0101010110000 constrains 11 +0101010110000 outpaces 11 +0101010110000 fabricates 11 +0101010110000 notifies 11 +0101010110000 outperforms 11 +0101010110000 dismays 11 +0101010110000 refutes 11 +0101010110000 bespeaks 11 +0101010110000 condones 12 +0101010110000 furnishes 12 +0101010110000 undid 12 +0101010110000 activates 12 +0101010110000 pares 12 +0101010110000 averts 12 +0101010110000 funnels 12 +0101010110000 rebuilds 12 +0101010110000 obligates 12 +0101010110000 legitimizes 12 +0101010110000 boggles 13 +0101010110000 reimburses 13 +0101010110000 postpones 13 +0101010110000 punishes 13 +0101010110000 validates 13 +0101010110000 negates 13 +0101010110000 excites 13 +0101010110000 eludes 13 +0101010110000 magnifies 13 +0101010110000 impresses 13 +0101010110000 denotes 13 +0101010110000 accommodates 14 +0101010110000 simplifies 14 +0101010110000 confounds 14 +0101010110000 modifies 14 +0101010110000 infuriates 14 +0101010110000 befell 14 +0101010110000 maximizes 15 +0101010110000 deters 15 +0101010110000 vindicates 15 +0101010110000 revises 15 +0101010110000 aggravates 15 +0101010110000 diverts 15 +0101010110000 locates 16 +0101010110000 hinders 16 +0101010110000 facilitates 16 +0101010110000 empowers 16 +0101010110000 suspends 16 +0101010110000 angers 16 +0101010110000 endangers 17 +0101010110000 ails 17 +0101010110000 entertains 17 +0101010110000 stifles 17 +0101010110000 elicits 17 +0101010110000 integrates 17 +0101010110000 uncovers 17 +0101010110000 renews 18 +0101010110000 overwhelms 18 +0101010110000 irks 18 +0101010110000 permeates 18 +0101010110000 withholds 18 +0101010110000 frustrates 18 +0101010110000 initiates 18 +0101010110000 supersedes 18 +0101010110000 offends 19 +0101010110000 mimics 19 +0101010110000 waives 19 +0101010110000 spotlights 19 +0101010110000 riles 19 +0101010110000 misrepresents 19 +0101010110000 compels 19 +0101010110000 inspects 20 +0101010110000 minimizes 20 +0101010110000 restrains 20 +0101010110000 provokes 20 +0101010110000 impedes 20 +0101010110000 unites 20 +0101010110000 overrides 20 +0101010110000 simulates 21 +0101010110000 epitomizes 21 +0101010110000 exacerbates 21 +0101010110000 robs 21 +0101010110000 confuses 21 +0101010110000 obliges 22 +0101010110000 furthers 22 +0101010110000 harms 22 +0101010110000 condemns 22 +0101010110000 thwarts 22 +0101010110000 irritates 23 +0101010110000 dilutes 23 +0101010110000 transforms 23 +0101010110000 rankles 24 +0101010110000 overtook 24 +0101010110000 confers 25 +0101010110000 frightens 25 +0101010110000 depresses 25 +0101010110000 understates 25 +0101010110000 jeopardizes 25 +0101010110000 perpetuates 26 +0101010110000 illuminates 26 +0101010110000 penalizes 27 +0101010110000 overstates 27 +0101010110000 overthrew 27 +0101010110000 resells 27 +0101010110000 emits 28 +0101010110000 hampers 28 +0101010110000 trims 29 +0101010110000 erodes 29 +0101010110000 heralds 29 +0101010110000 lessens 29 +0101010110000 forbade 30 +0101010110000 fulfills 30 +0101010110000 relieves 31 +0101010110000 transcends 31 +0101010110000 precedes 32 +0101010110000 motivates 32 +0101010110000 affirms 32 +0101010110000 reaffirms 32 +0101010110000 sustains 33 +0101010110000 organizes 33 +0101010110000 executes 33 +0101010110000 convinces 33 +0101010110000 clarifies 34 +0101010110000 renders 34 +0101010110000 enforces 34 +0101010110000 omits 34 +0101010110000 complements 34 +0101010110000 plagues 35 +0101010110000 evaluates 35 +0101010110000 underlies 36 +0101010110000 undercuts 36 +0101010110000 inhibits 37 +0101010110000 embodies 37 +0101010110000 retails 37 +0101010110000 induces 37 +0101010110000 typifies 38 +0101010110000 restores 38 +0101010110000 complicates 38 +0101010110000 distinguishes 39 +0101010110000 revives 39 +0101010110000 disturbs 40 +0101010110000 fosters 40 +0101010110000 solves 41 +0101010110000 affords 42 +0101010110000 deprives 42 +0101010110000 connects 43 +0101010110000 distorts 43 +0101010110000 pleases 43 +0101010110000 upsets 44 +0101010110000 stimulates 44 +0101010110000 transmits 44 +0101010110000 entitling 44 +0101010110000 pervades 45 +0101010110000 alters 45 +0101010110000 instructs 45 +0101010110000 overlooks 45 +0101010110000 satisfies 47 +0101010110000 subsidizes 48 +0101010110000 confronts 49 +0101010110000 afflicts 50 +0101010110000 coordinates 51 +0101010110000 exposes 52 +0101010110000 paves 53 +0101010110000 bolsters 53 +0101010110000 defies 53 +0101010110000 detects 54 +0101010110000 compensates 54 +0101010110000 symbolizes 54 +0101010110000 scares 55 +0101010110000 investigates 55 +0101010110000 precludes 55 +0101010110000 encompasses 55 +0101010110000 divides 58 +0101010110000 accompanies 60 +0101010110000 explores 63 +0101010110000 incorporates 66 +0101010110000 contradicts 67 +0101010110000 surrounds 68 +0101010110000 destroys 68 +0101010110000 frees 68 +0101010110000 resolves 71 +0101010110000 depicts 71 +0101010110000 prompts 72 +0101010110000 analyzes 73 +0101010110000 undermines 75 +0101010110000 justifies 75 +0101010110000 exempts 75 +0101010110000 gathers 77 +0101010110000 eases 81 +0101010110000 bothers 84 +0101010110000 governs 84 +0101010110000 discourages 87 +0101010110000 triggers 88 +0101010110000 enhances 89 +0101010110000 separates 91 +0101010110000 authorizes 92 +0101010110000 reinforces 92 +0101010110000 forbids 99 +0101010110000 invites 102 +0101010110000 awaits 102 +0101010110000 lowers 109 +0101010110000 weakens 110 +0101010110000 establishes 120 +0101010110000 strengthens 125 +0101010110000 assures 125 +0101010110000 attracts 129 +0101010110000 saves 138 +0101010110000 entitles 143 +0101010110000 restricts 144 +0101010110000 insures 149 +0101010110000 kills 150 +0101010110000 clears 151 +0101010110000 imposes 164 +0101010110000 treats 172 +0101010110000 promotes 173 +0101010110000 improves 179 +0101010110000 excludes 181 +0101010110000 removes 183 +0101010110000 resembles 184 +0101010110000 replaces 185 +0101010110000 combines 194 +0101010110000 hurts 195 +0101010110000 eliminates 200 +0101010110000 manufactures 217 +0101010110000 regulates 237 +0101010110000 constitutes 242 +0101010110000 prevents 251 +0101010110000 enables 268 +0101010110000 protects 274 +0101010110000 encourages 294 +0101010110000 violates 307 +0101010110000 poses 350 +0101010110000 lets 373 +0101010110000 presents 425 +0101010110000 prohibits 437 +0101010110000 distributes 440 +0101010110000 affects 462 +0101010110000 reduces 468 +0101010110000 creates 569 +0101010110000 contains 866 +0101010110000 covers 979 +0101010110000 leaves 1449 +0101010110000 puts 1501 +0101010110000 allows 1861 +0101010110000 requires 2454 +0101010110000 gives 3009 +0101010110000 makes 9769 +0101010110000 provides 3050 +0101010110001 posseses 1 +0101010110001 Marathon. 1 +0101010110001 pre-breathe 1 +0101010110001 Televisor 1 +0101010110001 rehires 1 +0101010110001 tut-tuts 1 +0101010110001 product-purchase 1 +0101010110001 2,390,000 1 +0101010110001 incudes 1 +0101010110001 ghostwrite 1 +0101010110001 undershoot 1 +0101010110001 clomped 1 +0101010110001 reconnects 1 +0101010110001 Haag. 1 +0101010110001 News-Tribune 1 +0101010110001 respresents 1 +0101010110001 high-taxed 1 +0101010110001 WSCV-TV/Channel 1 +0101010110001 nonpermissible 1 +0101010110001 banana-pineapple 1 +0101010110001 meow 1 +0101010110001 Brown-baggers 1 +0101010110001 300-B4 1 +0101010110001 devlops 1 +0101010110001 rebalances 1 +0101010110001 2,521 1 +0101010110001 Hall. 1 +0101010110001 Serra. 1 +0101010110001 pro-private 1 +0101010110001 2,174,000 1 +0101010110001 enwraps 1 +0101010110001 doctor-dominated 1 +0101010110001 fissions 1 +0101010110001 9,957,530 1 +0101010110001 self-reflecting 1 +0101010110001 Washlet-style 1 +0101010110001 REAPED 1 +0101010110001 contitute 1 +0101010110001 joint-ventured 1 +0101010110001 disaffiliated 1 +0101010110001 circumnavigated 1 +0101010110001 2,526 1 +0101010110001 plys 1 +0101010110001 bench-presses 1 +0101010110001 outspends 2 +0101010110001 forsees 2 +0101010110001 recieved 2 +0101010110001 browses 2 +0101010110001 trounces 2 +0101010110001 refereed 2 +0101010110001 scatters 2 +0101010110001 pollinates 2 +0101010110001 diversifies 2 +0101010110001 securitizes 2 +0101010110001 amasses 2 +0101010110001 haberdashers 2 +0101010110001 grazes 2 +0101010110001 existent 2 +0101010110001 inverts 2 +0101010110001 adminsters 2 +0101010110001 eelgrass 2 +0101010110001 repatriates 3 +0101010110001 dulls 3 +0101010110001 declaims 3 +0101010110001 compresses 3 +0101010110001 unwrapped 3 +0101010110001 lavishes 3 +0101010110001 juxtaposes 3 +0101010110001 co-manages 3 +0101010110001 barnstormed 4 +0101010110001 disburses 4 +0101010110001 entices 4 +0101010110001 WBBM 4 +0101010110001 accredits 4 +0101010110001 enrolls 5 +0101010110001 Launches 5 +0101010110001 spearheads 5 +0101010110001 crams 6 +0101010110001 composes 6 +0101010110001 garners 7 +0101010110001 nurtures 7 +0101010110001 outsells 7 +0101010110001 refinances 7 +0101010110001 allots 8 +0101010110001 grasps 8 +0101010110001 formulates 8 +0101010110001 wholesales 9 +0101010110001 reminisces 9 +0101010110001 secures 13 +0101010110001 communicates 14 +0101010110001 co-owns 14 +0101010110001 bypasses 15 +0101010110001 infects 15 +0101010110001 reaps 16 +0101010110001 recycles 18 +0101010110001 fetches 19 +0101010110001 donates 19 +0101010110001 underwrites 19 +0101010110001 terminates 20 +0101010110001 refines 21 +0101010110001 deploys 22 +0101010110001 undergoes 22 +0101010110001 researches 23 +0101010110001 incurs 24 +0101010110001 designates 24 +0101010110001 dispenses 26 +0101010110001 accumulates 27 +0101010110001 originates 29 +0101010110001 classifies 29 +0101010110001 adjusts 35 +0101010110001 absorbs 35 +0101010110001 allocates 35 +0101010110001 restructures 36 +0101010110001 consolidates 38 +0101010110001 devises 40 +0101010110001 withdraws 46 +0101010110001 consumes 48 +0101010110001 installs 49 +0101010110001 arranges 51 +0101010110001 spans 52 +0101010110001 compiles 55 +0101010110001 possesses 62 +0101010110001 edits 63 +0101010110001 obtains 65 +0101010110001 advertises 68 +0101010110001 devotes 70 +0101010110001 occupies 80 +0101010110001 borrows 80 +0101010110001 supervises 81 +0101010110001 assembles 86 +0101010110001 underwrote 87 +0101010110001 administers 88 +0101010110001 negotiates 104 +0101010110001 lasts 120 +0101010110001 weighs 125 +0101010110001 delivers 144 +0101010110001 performs 152 +0101010110001 collects 177 +0101010110001 dominates 228 +0101010110001 generates 237 +0101010110001 conducts 247 +0101010110001 earns 253 +0101010110001 builds 412 +0101010110001 retains 427 +0101010110001 reaches 478 +0101010110001 handles 481 +0101010110001 develops 486 +0101010110001 oversees 486 +0101010110001 owes 490 +0101010110001 spends 532 +0101010110001 publishes 557 +0101010110001 acquires 594 +0101010110001 receives 618 +0101010110001 employs 643 +0101010110001 carries 839 +0101010110001 manages 880 +0101010110001 serves 888 +0101010110001 buys 890 +0101010110001 pays 1101 +0101010110001 produces 1264 +0101010110001 sells 2111 +0101010110001 runs 2170 +0101010110001 operates 2615 +0101010110001 represents 2981 +0101010110001 owns 5398 +0101010110001 holds 5255 +01010101100100 Torques 1 +01010101100100 BOMBARDED 1 +01010101100100 Carlton-Jones 1 +01010101100100 lip-syncs 1 +01010101100100 Geyser 1 +01010101100100 writhe 1 +01010101100100 hijacks 1 +01010101100100 adovocate 1 +01010101100100 176-cubic-foot 1 +01010101100100 mesmerizes 1 +01010101100100 driven-labeled 1 +01010101100100 9/2-1 1 +01010101100100 consitutes 1 +01010101100100 sparklingly 1 +01010101100100 Canchari 1 +01010101100100 manager-wife 1 +01010101100100 basely 1 +01010101100100 belives 1 +01010101100100 loks 1 +01010101100100 quadrangles 1 +01010101100100 long-timers 1 +01010101100100 infuriatingly 1 +01010101100100 pacifies 1 +01010101100100 Prodotti 1 +01010101100100 bravoed 1 +01010101100100 Castro-Munoz 1 +01010101100100 Bracamonte 1 +01010101100100 WINDOW 1 +01010101100100 perspired 1 +01010101100100 whosoever 1 +01010101100100 rhetorician 1 +01010101100100 fat-cholesterol 1 +01010101100100 reimplanting 1 +01010101100100 underlay 2 +01010101100100 hospitalizing 2 +01010101100100 daubed 2 +01010101100100 de-emphasizes 2 +01010101100100 hurdled 2 +01010101100100 peripherally 2 +01010101100100 renovates 2 +01010101100100 scandalizes 2 +01010101100100 forebode 2 +01010101100100 co-directed 2 +01010101100100 Manku 2 +01010101100100 disperses 3 +01010101100100 Recommends 3 +01010101100100 upstages 3 +01010101100100 contort 3 +01010101100100 portended 3 +01010101100100 flunks 5 +01010101100100 deducts 8 +01010101100100 conceals 12 +01010101100100 arouses 17 +01010101100100 presages 22 +01010101100100 evokes 51 +01010101100100 deems 66 +01010101100100 becomes 1728 +01010101100100 remains 5569 +01010101100100 became 4780 +010101011001010 sprucely 1 +010101011001010 one-putted 1 +010101011001010 dumbfounds 1 +010101011001010 lane-without 1 +010101011001010 Strabo 1 +010101011001010 encompassses 1 +010101011001010 half-expecting 1 +010101011001010 twines 1 +010101011001010 solders 1 +010101011001010 got-from 1 +010101011001010 Godwinand 1 +010101011001010 27,292 1 +010101011001010 DISLIKED 1 +010101011001010 re-target 1 +010101011001010 restringing 1 +010101011001010 near-lifelike 1 +010101011001010 demystifies 1 +010101011001010 misgauged 1 +010101011001010 definitiely 1 +010101011001010 jump-started 1 +010101011001010 certanly 1 +010101011001010 uncorks 1 +010101011001010 hibernates 1 +010101011001010 overrendered 1 +010101011001010 spraining 1 +010101011001010 Palin 1 +010101011001010 abrupty 1 +010101011001010 Upped 1 +010101011001010 Jackness 1 +010101011001010 personifying 1 +010101011001010 deregulates 1 +010101011001010 contravenes 2 +010101011001010 hefted 2 +010101011001010 Bailkin 2 +010101011001010 CONSIDERATIONS 2 +010101011001010 Covers 2 +010101011001010 convulse 2 +010101011001010 weds 2 +010101011001010 harmonizes 2 +010101011001010 camouflages 2 +010101011001010 LIMIT 2 +010101011001010 bobbled 2 +010101011001010 unpacks 2 +010101011001010 co-invented 2 +010101011001010 mopes 2 +010101011001010 Spent 2 +010101011001010 Ching-ling 2 +010101011001010 pedaled 2 +010101011001010 dirtiness 2 +010101011001010 scuttles 3 +010101011001010 tinkled 3 +010101011001010 Uehling 3 +010101011001010 relocates 4 +010101011001010 institutionalizes 4 +010101011001010 meditated 4 +010101011001010 berates 5 +010101011001010 unfurling 6 +010101011001010 etches 6 +010101011001010 flaunts 7 +010101011001010 totes 7 +010101011001010 wove 8 +010101011001010 wangled 8 +010101011001010 soothes 8 +010101011001010 croons 8 +010101011001010 readies 9 +010101011001010 Loved 9 +010101011001010 degrades 10 +010101011001010 oozes 11 +010101011001010 sipped 13 +010101011001010 braved 17 +010101011001010 heaved 17 +010101011001010 slams 20 +010101011001010 poked 21 +010101011001010 donned 26 +010101011001010 breathed 34 +010101011001010 hid 60 +010101011001010 ate 127 +010101011001010 wears 255 +010101011001010 deserves 341 +010101011001010 got 8419 +010101011001010 gets 2779 +010101011001011 Mondalizes 1 +010101011001011 out-earns 1 +010101011001011 stay-fresh 1 +010101011001011 adult-only 1 +010101011001011 astounds 1 +010101011001011 jilts 1 +010101011001011 tooks 1 +010101011001011 disgusts 1 +010101011001011 doglegs 1 +010101011001011 canonizes 1 +010101011001011 out-snatched 1 +010101011001011 twohanded 1 +010101011001011 neo-Marxists 1 +010101011001011 hagiographical 1 +010101011001011 compatibly 1 +010101011001011 funnelled 1 +010101011001011 delimited 1 +010101011001011 not-so-minor 1 +010101011001011 money-jingling 1 +010101011001011 ventilates 1 +010101011001011 intoxicates 1 +010101011001011 behooved 1 +010101011001011 water-soaked 1 +010101011001011 ousts 1 +010101011001011 repulses 1 +010101011001011 four-stanza 1 +010101011001011 stupefies 1 +010101011001011 reassembles 1 +010101011001011 moseys 1 +010101011001011 leapfrogs 1 +010101011001011 air-expressed 1 +010101011001011 crafstmen 1 +010101011001011 frizz 1 +010101011001011 misinforming 1 +010101011001011 many-leveled 1 +010101011001011 customizes 1 +010101011001011 well-arranged 1 +010101011001011 fuzzed 1 +010101011001011 rechristens 1 +010101011001011 discretely 1 +010101011001011 flounces 1 +010101011001011 unembarrassedly 1 +010101011001011 demoralizes 1 +010101011001011 emptiest 1 +010101011001011 superimposes 2 +010101011001011 sublimated 2 +010101011001011 procures 2 +010101011001011 sandblasted 2 +010101011001011 pre-dates 2 +010101011001011 anguishes 2 +010101011001011 expropriates 2 +010101011001011 nabs 2 +010101011001011 immune-based 2 +010101011001011 piercingly 2 +010101011001011 wangle 2 +010101011001011 recharges 3 +010101011001011 flails 3 +010101011001011 confiscates 3 +010101011001011 freshens 3 +010101011001011 chugs 3 +010101011001011 ensnares 3 +010101011001011 lorded 3 +010101011001011 vibrated 3 +010101011001011 papery 3 +010101011001011 accosts 3 +010101011001011 undoes 3 +010101011001011 fusses 4 +010101011001011 embeds 4 +010101011001011 outran 4 +010101011001011 humiliates 4 +010101011001011 forfeits 4 +010101011001011 constricts 4 +010101011001011 munches 4 +010101011001011 yanks 4 +010101011001011 sews 4 +010101011001011 evinces 4 +010101011001011 flatters 4 +010101011001011 clapped 4 +010101011001011 redid 4 +010101011001011 wrings 4 +010101011001011 legalizes 4 +010101011001011 evades 5 +010101011001011 decorates 5 +010101011001011 gloated 5 +010101011001011 loathes 5 +010101011001011 buries 6 +010101011001011 digests 6 +010101011001011 refocuses 6 +010101011001011 whisks 6 +010101011001011 erects 7 +010101011001011 fussed 7 +010101011001011 stuffs 8 +010101011001011 exhorts 8 +010101011001011 glosses 8 +010101011001011 embarrasses 8 +010101011001011 distills 8 +010101011001011 sewed 9 +010101011001011 staggers 10 +010101011001011 outdid 10 +010101011001011 forgave 11 +010101011001011 rubs 11 +010101011001011 amazes 13 +010101011001011 begat 15 +010101011001011 mistook 15 +010101011001011 mulls 16 +010101011001011 overran 16 +010101011001011 seizes 16 +010101011001011 loosens 17 +010101011001011 slaps 19 +010101011001011 corrects 21 +010101011001011 injects 21 +010101011001011 regains 23 +010101011001011 pegs 25 +010101011001011 persuades 25 +010101011001011 appoints 25 +010101011001011 cancels 27 +010101011001011 tosses 29 +010101011001011 betrays 31 +010101011001011 overrode 32 +010101011001011 wields 34 +010101011001011 prolongs 35 +010101011001011 inspires 38 +010101011001011 waved 39 +010101011001011 dissolves 43 +010101011001011 stirs 46 +010101011001011 presides 56 +010101011001011 overcame 67 +010101011001011 commits 69 +010101011001011 eats 73 +010101011001011 lifts 81 +010101011001011 undertook 115 +010101011001011 introduces 116 +010101011001011 underwent 117 +010101011001011 stole 125 +010101011001011 lends 127 +010101011001011 froze 129 +010101011001011 throws 152 +010101011001011 pushes 161 +010101011001011 shook 162 +010101011001011 reminds 183 +010101011001011 enters 201 +010101011001011 wore 226 +010101011001011 fills 262 +010101011001011 completes 292 +010101011001011 draws 346 +010101011001011 sends 399 +010101011001011 drove 680 +010101011001011 drew 817 +010101011001011 brings 994 +010101011001011 keeps 1060 +010101011001011 takes 3366 +010101011001011 gave 4461 +010101011001011 took 8657 +01010101100110 short-oils 1 +01010101100110 hectors 1 +01010101100110 Nagi 1 +01010101100110 anglicized 1 +01010101100110 tiger-teamed 1 +01010101100110 kneads 1 +01010101100110 rewrap 1 +01010101100110 disassociates 1 +01010101100110 codirected 1 +01010101100110 annihilates 1 +01010101100110 impunes 1 +01010101100110 Confessing 1 +01010101100110 code-names 1 +01010101100110 short-shrifts 1 +01010101100110 Dukakisas 1 +01010101100110 overexerts 1 +01010101100110 co-insure 1 +01010101100110 out-flanked 1 +01010101100110 renationalized 1 +01010101100110 italicizes 1 +01010101100110 recrossed 1 +01010101100110 spritzed 1 +01010101100110 pillaged 1 +01010101100110 coauthored 1 +01010101100110 cadging 1 +01010101100110 clinks 1 +01010101100110 interweaves 1 +01010101100110 foreswore 1 +01010101100110 reshuffles 1 +01010101100110 Passe 1 +01010101100110 mangages 1 +01010101100110 readjusts 1 +01010101100110 Sheinon 1 +01010101100110 sub-licenses 1 +01010101100110 overrates 1 +01010101100110 self-boodling 1 +01010101100110 swats 1 +01010101100110 adminstered 1 +01010101100110 deprecates 1 +01010101100110 hoboed 1 +01010101100110 re-elects 1 +01010101100110 beseeches 1 +01010101100110 superintended 1 +01010101100110 MONTHLY 1 +01010101100110 scalded 1 +01010101100110 misplaces 1 +01010101100110 scrawls 1 +01010101100110 reorchestrated 1 +01010101100110 sentimentalizes 1 +01010101100110 mentionable 1 +01010101100110 flays 1 +01010101100110 importunes 1 +01010101100110 accelerates. 1 +01010101100110 bilks 1 +01010101100110 hand-printed 1 +01010101100110 assassinates 1 +01010101100110 marvelled 1 +01010101100110 recuses 1 +01010101100110 captained 1 +01010101100110 underestmated 1 +01010101100110 scants 1 +01010101100110 detoxified 1 +01010101100110 disinflate 1 +01010101100110 comprehends 1 +01010101100110 terrifies 1 +01010101100110 demonopolizes 1 +01010101100110 RELAXES 1 +01010101100110 mail-ordered 2 +01010101100110 submerges 2 +01010101100110 divined 2 +01010101100110 misconstrues 2 +01010101100110 misinforms 2 +01010101100110 chain-smokes 2 +01010101100110 mistrusts 2 +01010101100110 infiltrates 2 +01010101100110 inhabits 2 +01010101100110 hurls 2 +01010101100110 deludes 2 +01010101100110 stuccoed 2 +01010101100110 overdoes 2 +01010101100110 oversteps 2 +01010101100110 micromanages 2 +01010101100110 flipflopped 2 +01010101100110 reviles 2 +01010101100110 pampers 2 +01010101100110 Dazs 2 +01010101100110 serenades 2 +01010101100110 curated 2 +01010101100110 peruses 2 +01010101100110 junks 2 +01010101100110 clinches 2 +01010101100110 breeched 2 +01010101100110 flub 2 +01010101100110 tut-tutted 2 +01010101100110 disentangles 2 +01010101100110 populates 2 +01010101100110 diffuses 2 +01010101100110 denigrates 2 +01010101100110 intertwines 2 +01010101100110 jiggled 2 +01010101100110 reinjured 2 +01010101100110 sabotages 3 +01010101100110 entrusts 3 +01010101100110 relives 3 +01010101100110 honks 3 +01010101100110 forsakes 3 +01010101100110 fondling 3 +01010101100110 interrogates 3 +01010101100110 postulated 3 +01010101100110 proferred 3 +01010101100110 divines 3 +01010101100110 suctions 3 +01010101100110 leavens 3 +01010101100110 mans 3 +01010101100110 decisioned 3 +01010101100110 retraces 3 +01010101100110 bares 4 +01010101100110 divulges 4 +01010101100110 rebuts 4 +01010101100110 enumerates 4 +01010101100110 blushes 4 +01010101100110 castigates 4 +01010101100110 ruffles 4 +01010101100110 rehearses 4 +01010101100110 foots 4 +01010101100110 jabbed 4 +01010101100110 spouts 4 +01010101100110 DEMANDED 4 +01010101100110 resurrects 4 +01010101100110 re-emphasized 4 +01010101100110 imparts 4 +01010101100110 obeys 4 +01010101100110 saddles 4 +01010101100110 strangles 4 +01010101100110 damns 4 +01010101100110 envies 4 +01010101100110 reconstructs 4 +01010101100110 renames 5 +01010101100110 subtracts 5 +01010101100110 paraphrases 5 +01010101100110 dedicates 5 +01010101100110 crisscrosses 5 +01010101100110 quantifies 5 +01010101100110 babbles 5 +01010101100110 mischaracterizes 5 +01010101100110 whacks 5 +01010101100110 wreaks 5 +01010101100110 retrieves 5 +01010101100110 frequents 5 +01010101100110 visualizes 5 +01010101100110 acquits 5 +01010101100110 busied 5 +01010101100110 CONFIRMED 5 +01010101100110 congratulates 5 +01010101100110 cofounded 5 +01010101100110 redefines 5 +01010101100110 laces 5 +01010101100110 weeps 5 +01010101100110 disavows 6 +01010101100110 forgives 6 +01010101100110 attains 6 +01010101100110 hollers 6 +01010101100110 lauds 6 +01010101100110 chews 6 +01010101100110 enlists 6 +01010101100110 hoists 6 +01010101100110 articulates 6 +01010101100110 cabled 6 +01010101100110 restates 6 +01010101100110 recreates 6 +01010101100110 re-creates 6 +01010101100110 disqualifies 6 +01010101100110 musters 6 +01010101100110 rasps 6 +01010101100110 lambastes 7 +01010101100110 crushes 7 +01010101100110 savors 7 +01010101100110 disregards 7 +01010101100110 cherishes 7 +01010101100110 flings 7 +01010101100110 despises 7 +01010101100110 heeds 7 +01010101100110 inaugurates 7 +01010101100110 implores 7 +01010101100110 befriends 7 +01010101100110 outgrew 7 +01010101100110 bluffed 7 +01010101100110 manipulates 7 +01010101100110 admonishes 8 +01010101100110 monopolizes 8 +01010101100110 amuses 8 +01010101100110 sculpts 8 +01010101100110 bemoans 8 +01010101100110 dissects 8 +01010101100110 shoves 8 +01010101100110 forsook 8 +01010101100110 sprinkles 8 +01010101100110 worships 8 +01010101100110 forgoes 8 +01010101100110 belittles 9 +01010101100110 radiates 9 +01010101100110 divests 9 +01010101100110 adores 9 +01010101100110 brandishes 9 +01010101100110 DECLARED 9 +01010101100110 Runs 9 +01010101100110 derides 10 +01010101100110 utters 10 +01010101100110 snorted 10 +01010101100110 relinquishes 10 +01010101100110 pronounces 10 +01010101100110 ridicules 10 +01010101100110 disparages 11 +01010101100110 liquidates 11 +01010101100110 nominates 11 +01010101100110 interjects 11 +01010101100110 distrusts 11 +01010101100110 abhors 11 +01010101100110 spurns 12 +01010101100110 dispels 12 +01010101100110 extols 12 +01010101100110 scorns 12 +01010101100110 narrates 12 +01010101100110 shaves 13 +01010101100110 invents 13 +01010101100110 coaxes 13 +01010101100110 sips 13 +01010101100110 redeems 13 +01010101100110 cultivates 13 +01010101100110 breathes 13 +01010101100110 whooped 14 +01010101100110 co-wrote 14 +01010101100110 personifies 14 +01010101100110 decries 14 +01010101100110 waxes 14 +01010101100110 reiterates 14 +01010101100110 brightens 15 +01010101100110 fancies 15 +01010101100110 downplays 15 +01010101100110 discards 15 +01010101100110 scrutinizes 15 +01010101100110 craves 16 +01010101100110 mocks 16 +01010101100110 indulges 17 +01010101100110 woos 17 +01010101100110 denounces 17 +01010101100110 invokes 17 +01010101100110 sidesteps 17 +01010101100110 presumes 18 +01010101100110 chides 18 +01010101100110 equates 18 +01010101100110 exudes 18 +01010101100110 disdains 19 +01010101100110 recites 19 +01010101100110 covets 20 +01010101100110 underestimates 21 +01010101100110 espouses 21 +01010101100110 assesses 21 +01010101100110 tackles 21 +01010101100110 inherits 22 +01010101100110 rewrote 23 +01010101100110 muttered 23 +01010101100110 swore 24 +01010101100110 certifies 24 +01010101100110 summarizes 24 +01010101100110 softens 25 +01010101100110 ponders 25 +01010101100110 prescribes 27 +01010101100110 smokes 27 +01010101100110 submits 28 +01010101100110 abandons 28 +01010101100110 resents 28 +01010101100110 accomplishes 29 +01010101100110 unveils 30 +01010101100110 marries 30 +01010101100110 deplores 31 +01010101100110 forgets 32 +01010101100110 sues 32 +01010101100110 interrupts 33 +01010101100110 interprets 33 +01010101100110 applauds 34 +01010101100110 exemplifies 34 +01010101100110 chronicles 35 +01010101100110 eschews 36 +01010101100110 imagines 37 +01010101100110 conveys 37 +01010101100110 relishes 37 +01010101100110 selects 39 +01010101100110 quits 41 +01010101100110 begs 41 +01010101100110 appreciates 43 +01010101100110 celebrates 44 +01010101100110 dislikes 47 +01010101100110 contemplates 49 +01010101100110 resists 50 +01010101100110 yells 51 +01010101100110 shuns 51 +01010101100110 foresaw 52 +01010101100110 touts 52 +01010101100110 embraces 54 +01010101100110 prides 54 +01010101100110 preaches 56 +01010101100110 perceives 57 +01010101100110 attends 58 +01010101100110 admires 59 +01010101100110 hates 60 +01010101100110 achieves 65 +01010101100110 drank 65 +01010101100110 likens 66 +01010101100110 captures 69 +01010101100110 characterizes 70 +01010101100110 adopts 74 +01010101100110 proclaims 78 +01010101100110 discovers 79 +01010101100110 shrugs 79 +01010101100110 examines 79 +01010101100110 welcomes 88 +01010101100110 endorses 89 +01010101100110 recounts 91 +01010101100110 discusses 93 +01010101100110 sang 95 +01010101100110 pursues 99 +01010101100110 criticizes 103 +01010101100110 finishes 106 +01010101100110 discloses 107 +01010101100110 portrays 108 +01010101100110 learns 114 +01010101100110 identifies 117 +01010101100110 expresses 119 +01010101100110 mentions 123 +01010101100110 sings 126 +01010101100110 oversaw 133 +01010101100110 hears 133 +01010101100110 realizes 148 +01010101100110 defines 153 +01010101100110 cares 154 +01010101100110 determines 158 +01010101100110 misses 165 +01010101100110 avoids 172 +01010101100110 envisions 175 +01010101100110 regards 183 +01010101100110 directs 184 +01010101100110 dismisses 188 +01010101100110 defends 194 +01010101100110 announces 201 +01010101100110 ignores 212 +01010101100110 loves 223 +01010101100110 emphasizes 233 +01010101100110 rejects 235 +01010101100110 stresses 237 +01010101100110 accepts 244 +01010101100110 blames 255 +01010101100110 urges 256 +01010101100110 wonders 256 +01010101100110 enjoys 267 +01010101100110 teaches 274 +01010101100110 boasts 303 +01010101100110 remembers 315 +01010101100110 recognizes 317 +01010101100110 advises 318 +01010101100110 understands 330 +01010101100110 reads 342 +01010101100110 recommends 378 +01010101100110 loses 418 +01010101100110 assumes 425 +01010101100110 lacks 478 +01010101100110 meets 569 +01010101100110 opposes 633 +01010101100110 wins 655 +01010101100110 describes 725 +01010101100110 favors 771 +01010101100110 denies 805 +01010101100110 supports 825 +01010101100110 feels 835 +01010101100110 considers 862 +01010101100110 writes 961 +01010101100110 finds 1072 +01010101100110 sees 1841 +01010101100110 knows 2097 +01010101100110 thinks 2316 +01010101100110 saw 2638 +01010101100110 believes 4484 +01010101100110 wrote 2663 +010101011001110 respresented 1 +010101011001110 87-42 1 +010101011001110 underrepresents 1 +010101011001110 graphed 1 +010101011001110 ACKNOWLEDGE 1 +010101011001110 node 1 +010101011001110 atomizer 1 +010101011001110 datelined 1 +010101011001110 cockateel 1 +010101011001110 237,800 1 +010101011001110 8716058 1 +010101011001110 bandwaves 1 +010101011001110 dency 1 +010101011001110 piercer 1 +010101011001110 endears 1 +010101011001110 pestle 1 +010101011001110 37,767 1 +010101011001110 12-session 1 +010101011001110 CONCUR 1 +010101011001110 pictureas 1 +010101011001110 clockings 1 +010101011001110 boot-maker 1 +010101011001110 obfuscates 1 +010101011001110 out-weigh 1 +010101011001110 channel-witching 1 +010101011001110 suggesets 1 +010101011001110 trotter 1 +010101011001110 keypads 1 +010101011001110 SPECIFY 1 +010101011001110 tailgunner 1 +010101011001110 impeaches 2 +010101011001110 technicalese 2 +010101011001110 reemphasized 2 +010101011001110 spicing 2 +010101011001110 ecoles 2 +010101011001110 assuages 3 +010101011001110 rouses 3 +010101011001110 equalled 3 +010101011001110 exacts 4 +010101011001110 swoons 4 +010101011001110 posits 5 +010101011001110 skews 5 +010101011001110 cruncher 6 +010101011001110 delineates 6 +010101011001110 silences 8 +010101011001110 clogs 9 +010101011001110 formalizes 10 +010101011001110 relievers 13 +010101011001110 engenders 14 +010101011001110 picturing 16 +010101011001110 signifies 26 +010101011001110 underlines 50 +010101011001110 stipulates 53 +010101011001110 sheds 55 +010101011001110 portends 58 +010101011001110 specifies 64 +010101011001110 ensures 133 +010101011001110 reveals 243 +010101011001110 demonstrates 274 +010101011001110 implies 279 +010101011001110 confirms 311 +010101011001110 illustrates 458 +010101011001110 indicates 1515 +010101011001110 suggests 2436 +010101011001110 showing 2539 +010101011001110 shows 4577 +010101011001110 showed 3834 +010101011001111 TBS/Audubon/WETA-TV 1 +010101011001111 tantalizes 1 +010101011001111 Berthe 1 +010101011001111 wounded-puppy 1 +010101011001111 sensitive-type 1 +010101011001111 MORALITY 1 +010101011001111 Launch. 1 +010101011001111 A&E/BBC 1 +010101011001111 Teen-Ager 1 +010101011001111 neo-Palladian 1 +010101011001111 well-sourced 1 +010101011001111 INTERVIEWS 1 +010101011001111 exludes 1 +010101011001111 anti-Manhattan 1 +010101011001111 loan-pricing 1 +010101011001111 link-and 1 +010101011001111 Endures 1 +010101011001111 outranks 1 +010101011001111 preliterate 1 +010101011001111 Swallowed 1 +010101011001111 two-faceted 1 +010101011001111 Engelbert 1 +010101011001111 Loin 1 +010101011001111 55-64 1 +010101011001111 dissuades 1 +010101011001111 soft-mindedness 1 +010101011001111 Blossomed 1 +010101011001111 Vale/Of 1 +010101011001111 energizes 1 +010101011001111 pact-under 1 +010101011001111 Western-subsidized 1 +010101011001111 woolly-minded 1 +010101011001111 innovates 2 +010101011001111 Zazz 2 +010101011001111 extinguishes 2 +010101011001111 expels 2 +010101011001111 nips 3 +010101011001111 caresses 3 +010101011001111 Houdini 3 +010101011001111 V.V. 3 +010101011001111 mano 3 +010101011001111 trills 3 +010101011001111 perverts 3 +010101011001111 parries 3 +010101011001111 posited 4 +010101011001111 oppresses 4 +010101011001111 undergirding 4 +010101011001111 glisten 5 +010101011001111 evidences 5 +010101011001111 nullifies 6 +010101011001111 heals 7 +010101011001111 spoofs 7 +010101011001111 manifests 8 +010101011001111 strays 8 +010101011001111 neutralizes 9 +010101011001111 signified 10 +010101011001111 pinpoints 11 +010101011001111 presupposes 11 +010101011001111 lengthens 13 +010101011001111 cripples 13 +010101011001111 rewrites 13 +010101011001111 buttresses 14 +010101011001111 tailors 14 +010101011001111 connotes 15 +010101011001111 messes 17 +010101011001111 disguises 18 +010101011001111 augurs 23 +010101011001111 slashes 25 +010101011001111 intensifies 49 +010101011001111 accelerates 52 +010101011001111 entails 76 +010101011001111 echoes 85 +010101011001111 dictates 86 +010101011001111 reverses 88 +010101011001111 casts 125 +010101011001111 traces 151 +010101011001111 highlights 195 +010101011001111 proves 256 +010101011001111 fits 345 +010101011001111 meaning 989 +010101011001111 causes 997 +010101011001111 raises 1239 +010101011001111 ends 1318 +010101011001111 means 5022 +0101010110100 MARATHON 1 +0101010110100 wheedles 1 +0101010110100 fast-spawning 1 +0101010110100 Koapeng 1 +0101010110100 Hears 1 +0101010110100 wrinkle-removing 1 +0101010110100 nonpolluting 1 +0101010110100 Pashukanis 1 +0101010110100 babysits 1 +0101010110100 off-footnote 1 +0101010110100 Ornament 1 +0101010110100 Yongzhi 1 +0101010110100 cardboard-like 1 +0101010110100 bogeyed 1 +0101010110100 margin-buying 1 +0101010110100 remonstrates 1 +0101010110100 sermonizes 1 +0101010110100 garbles 1 +0101010110100 wau 1 +0101010110100 Jr 1 +0101010110100 blustered 1 +0101010110100 grovels 1 +0101010110100 surfs 1 +0101010110100 Saint-Fort 1 +0101010110100 cash-shy 1 +0101010110100 Quencher 1 +0101010110100 Seigal 1 +0101010110100 cogitate 1 +0101010110100 soft-soaps 1 +0101010110100 Cahier 1 +0101010110100 McClusky 1 +0101010110100 foreign-sponsored 1 +0101010110100 Jiahai 1 +0101010110100 SAGA 1 +0101010110100 Nightmares 1 +0101010110100 profit-poor 1 +0101010110100 exclams 1 +0101010110100 desponded 1 +0101010110100 double-bogeyed 1 +0101010110100 Vainglory 1 +0101010110100 FEAST 1 +0101010110100 TRENDS 1 +0101010110100 LIEDTKE 1 +0101010110100 convulses 1 +0101010110100 sports-talk 1 +0101010110100 overwrote 1 +0101010110100 non-adoption 1 +0101010110100 Loathing 1 +0101010110100 Dongchang 1 +0101010110100 half-animal 1 +0101010110100 Pengnian 1 +0101010110100 vilely 1 +0101010110100 rationalizes 1 +0101010110100 protrusive 1 +0101010110100 cackles 1 +0101010110100 EXIT 1 +0101010110100 superpessimists 1 +0101010110100 pie-in-the-skyish 1 +0101010110100 round-trips 1 +0101010110100 Meathead 1 +0101010110100 blubbers 1 +0101010110100 Wuon 1 +0101010110100 harrumphs 1 +0101010110100 Derails 1 +0101010110100 1866-1943 1 +0101010110100 moonbeams 1 +0101010110100 nepenthes 1 +0101010110100 Bingan 1 +0101010110100 preens 1 +0101010110100 emphazised 1 +0101010110100 warning-signals 1 +0101010110100 undiplomatically 1 +0101010110100 sure-footedness 1 +0101010110100 comanages 1 +0101010110100 habilitation 1 +0101010110100 proselytizes 1 +0101010110100 Guangwei 1 +0101010110100 photo-portrait 1 +0101010110100 Blackston 1 +0101010110100 unillusioned 1 +0101010110100 dinks 1 +0101010110100 counter-attacked 1 +0101010110100 lies. 1 +0101010110100 DOCTOR 1 +0101010110100 improvises 2 +0101010110100 BUYS 2 +0101010110100 Disagree 2 +0101010110100 goeth 2 +0101010110100 sulks 2 +0101010110100 dicta 2 +0101010110100 Orta 2 +0101010110100 Pavillion 2 +0101010110100 sass 2 +0101010110100 exhales 2 +0101010110100 daydreams 2 +0101010110100 soloed 2 +0101010110100 HESS 2 +0101010110100 Va 2 +0101010110100 stunk 2 +0101010110100 cajoles 2 +0101010110100 recollects 2 +0101010110100 chainsmokes 2 +0101010110100 propellors 2 +0101010110100 Mehren 2 +0101010110100 reconsiders 2 +0101010110100 Veruschka 2 +0101010110100 Sande 3 +0101010110100 bellum 3 +0101010110100 burbles 3 +0101010110100 re-shot 3 +0101010110100 warmups 3 +0101010110100 knows. 3 +0101010110100 Vows 3 +0101010110100 dreads 3 +0101010110100 averred 4 +0101010110100 grumps 6 +0101010110100 moors 7 +0101010110100 postulates 7 +0101010110100 jests 8 +0101010110100 reminisced 11 +0101010110100 surmises 11 +0101010110100 mused 11 +0101010110100 demurs 21 +0101010110100 opines 21 +0101010110100 avers 35 +0101010110100 chuckles 39 +0101010110100 concurs 58 +0101010110100 quipped 58 +0101010110100 whispers 61 +0101010110100 confesses 75 +0101010110100 responds 239 +0101010110100 replies 256 +0101010110100 counters 261 +0101010110100 replied 542 +0101010110100 agrees 1068 +0101010110100 added 14143 +0101010110100 adds 4999 +01010101101010 el-Beit 1 +01010101101010 eye-rollings 1 +01010101101010 Festschrift 1 +01010101101010 exorcises 1 +01010101101010 Holzschuher 1 +01010101101010 Bellotto 1 +01010101101010 nutsiness 1 +01010101101010 Firgau 1 +01010101101010 acknolwedged 1 +01010101101010 draglines 1 +01010101101010 grater 1 +01010101101010 sublayers 1 +01010101101010 inisted 1 +01010101101010 predicited 1 +01010101101010 thundershowers 1 +01010101101010 linalool 1 +01010101101010 1973-years 1 +01010101101010 demagogued 1 +01010101101010 syllabuses 1 +01010101101010 Nepomuk 1 +01010101101010 countercharged 1 +01010101101010 target-prices 1 +01010101101010 mangles 1 +01010101101010 bidets 1 +01010101101010 Fyt 1 +01010101101010 Ahram 1 +01010101101010 ackowledges 1 +01010101101010 Flad 1 +01010101101010 turbulently 1 +01010101101010 ations 1 +01010101101010 paper-industries 1 +01010101101010 X-MP12 1 +01010101101010 abolitionism 1 +01010101101010 incident-ridden 1 +01010101101010 Tijd 1 +01010101101010 88-67 1 +01010101101010 Bolden 1 +01010101101010 supersuckers 1 +01010101101010 a-hoping 1 +01010101101010 rescinds 2 +01010101101010 rants 2 +01010101101010 jested 2 +01010101101010 Honglin 3 +01010101101010 hypothesizes 4 +01010101101010 testifed 5 +01010101101010 editorializes 5 +01010101101010 wailed 8 +01010101101010 murmured 8 +01010101101010 snipes 8 +01010101101010 exulted 9 +01010101101010 rhapsodizes 9 +01010101101010 hypothesized 10 +01010101101010 intimated 12 +01010101101010 griped 13 +01010101101010 bellowed 15 +01010101101010 surmised 16 +01010101101010 crowed 17 +01010101101010 acknowleged 17 +01010101101010 marveled 18 +01010101101010 howled 18 +01010101101010 theorizes 19 +01010101101010 groused 19 +01010101101010 editorialized 19 +01010101101010 sniffed 26 +01010101101010 fumed 27 +01010101101010 theorized 28 +01010101101010 gambled 34 +01010101101010 grumbled 34 +01010101101010 retorted 39 +01010101101010 opined 39 +01010101101010 brags 40 +01010101101010 confided 51 +01010101101010 fretted 55 +01010101101010 lamented 57 +01010101101010 reckons 60 +01010101101010 decreed 68 +01010101101010 concurred 76 +01010101101010 speculates 78 +01010101101010 joked 96 +01010101101010 frets 100 +01010101101010 boasted 126 +01010101101010 reasoned 158 +01010101101010 remarked 158 +01010101101010 calculates 194 +01010101101010 countered 209 +01010101101010 cautions 226 +01010101101010 commented 226 +01010101101010 doubted 253 +01010101101010 hinted 376 +01010101101010 observed 504 +01010101101010 concludes 544 +01010101101010 cautioned 634 +01010101101010 admits 644 +01010101101010 reiterated 651 +01010101101010 emphasized 738 +01010101101010 stressed 746 +01010101101010 feared 783 +01010101101010 acknowledges 793 +01010101101010 conceded 812 +01010101101010 maintains 842 +01010101101010 speculated 854 +01010101101010 alleges 952 +01010101101010 testified 979 +01010101101010 contended 981 +01010101101010 explained 1045 +01010101101010 insists 1046 +01010101101010 asserted 1187 +01010101101010 insisted 1210 +01010101101010 predicts 1251 +01010101101010 complained 1354 +01010101101010 argues 1498 +01010101101010 acknowledged 1727 +01010101101010 contends 1773 +01010101101010 claimed 1799 +01010101101010 recommended 1813 +01010101101010 concluded 1838 +01010101101010 warned 1960 +01010101101010 argued 2253 +01010101101010 confirmed 2588 +01010101101010 predicted 3008 +01010101101010 noted 5169 +01010101101010 suggested 3201 +01010101101011 absented 1 +01010101101011 notifified 1 +01010101101011 undertsood 1 +01010101101011 bandanas 1 +01010101101011 recommits 1 +01010101101011 tape-recordings 1 +01010101101011 re-paid 1 +01010101101011 gorged 2 +01010101101011 wormed 2 +01010101101011 Nilde 2 +01010101101011 flagellating 2 +01010101101011 insinuated 3 +01010101101011 dissociated 3 +01010101101011 extricated 3 +01010101101011 vitiated 3 +01010101101011 belched 4 +01010101101011 ingratiated 4 +01010101101011 outsmarted 4 +01010101101011 tweaked 5 +01010101101011 disassociated 5 +01010101101011 signalled 6 +01010101101011 prophesied 6 +01010101101011 disclaims 7 +01010101101011 availed 7 +01010101101011 rebutted 8 +01010101101011 perjured 9 +01010101101011 recused 15 +01010101101011 disclaimed 16 +01010101101011 reasserted 23 +01010101101011 recanted 25 +01010101101011 renounced 30 +01010101101011 prided 34 +01010101101011 distanced 34 +01010101101011 regretted 38 +01010101101011 sensed 75 +01010101101011 ensured 93 +01010101101011 proclaimed 194 +01010101101011 circulated 275 +01010101101011 protested 293 +01010101101011 signaled 393 +01010101101011 noticed 406 +01010101101011 revealed 463 +01010101101011 figured 599 +01010101101011 demonstrated 660 +01010101101011 demanded 840 +01010101101011 admitted 941 +01010101101011 assumed 1036 +01010101101011 maintained 1134 +01010101101011 discovered 1515 +01010101101011 ruled 2699 +01010101101011 found 8999 +01010101101011 denied 3191 +01010101101100 castelike 1 +01010101101100 Technion 1 +01010101101100 Massport-type 1 +01010101101100 stock-accumulation 1 +01010101101100 idemnity 1 +01010101101100 pay-for-knowledge 1 +01010101101100 punched-in 1 +01010101101100 RADIATOR 1 +01010101101100 super-saver 1 +01010101101100 zero-coinsurance 1 +01010101101100 genteeler 1 +01010101101100 Omegas 1 +01010101101100 ASSOCIATIONS 1 +01010101101100 DEBT-RELIEF 1 +01010101101100 restaffed 1 +01010101101100 line-drawers 1 +01010101101100 energy-tax 1 +01010101101100 cafeteria-benefit 1 +01010101101100 no-energy 1 +01010101101100 65,144 1 +01010101101100 debt-syndication 1 +01010101101100 frequent-buyer 1 +01010101101100 decribes 2 +01010101101100 annnounced 2 +01010101101100 Betacam 2 +01010101101100 value-maximizing 2 +01010101101100 SUSPENDED 3 +01010101101100 DISCLOSED 3 +01010101101100 anounced 3 +01010101101100 MAPS 5 +01010101101100 computes 5 +01010101101100 stock-rights 5 +01010101101100 ANNOUNCED 13 +01010101101100 REACHED 15 +01010101101100 announced 10730 +01010101101100 unveiled 723 +01010101101101 parodic 1 +01010101101101 graduate/ex-law 1 +01010101101101 2915 1 +01010101101101 addressed. 1 +01010101101101 AGVET 1 +01010101101101 more-controlled 1 +01010101101101 gonfalon 1 +01010101101101 Mapimpianti 1 +01010101101101 Dojo 1 +01010101101101 Strafford 1 +01010101101101 BISF 1 +01010101101101 Unf. 1 +01010101101101 Unfrn. 1 +01010101101101 Bandido 1 +01010101101101 re-regulates 1 +01010101101101 replow 1 +01010101101101 incarnated 1 +01010101101101 Heartbook 1 +01010101101101 Logabax 1 +01010101101101 softwoods 1 +01010101101101 80X 1 +01010101101101 Mihajlov 1 +01010101101101 Gesselshaft 1 +01010101101101 Abeto 1 +01010101101101 overproduces 1 +01010101101101 EFE 1 +01010101101101 unrevealed 1 +01010101101101 Qaboos 1 +01010101101101 Abderahmane 1 +01010101101101 Harkabi 1 +01010101101101 System/PCW-1 1 +01010101101101 unvisualizable 1 +01010101101101 LGFE 1 +01010101101101 Moriches 1 +01010101101101 Euralliance 1 +01010101101101 drought-propelled 1 +01010101101101 unstraps 1 +01010101101101 Gambier 1 +01010101101101 cholangitis 1 +01010101101101 Teresina 1 +01010101101101 2-loss 2 +01010101101101 Awards-type 2 +01010101101101 Ogonek 2 +01010101101101 reported 16784 +01010101101101 written-off 4 +01010101101110 multibillion-mark 1 +01010101101110 Clarins-Lanvin 1 +01010101101110 Coke-G&W 1 +01010101101110 panic-fueled 1 +01010101101110 Conquest-Cenergy 1 +01010101101110 heavist 1 +01010101101110 inflation-rate 1 +01010101101110 peach-and-gilt 1 +01010101101110 Senate-Commons 1 +01010101101110 federalizes 1 +01010101101110 Bass-sponsored 1 +01010101101110 staff-proposed 1 +01010101101110 Harsher 1 +01010101101110 GE-Thomson 1 +01010101101110 Isenheim 1 +01010101101110 pre-expiration 1 +01010101101110 Pinball 1 +01010101101110 1376 1 +01010101101110 copper-foil 1 +01010101101110 IEWJ 1 +01010101101110 hurricane-panic 1 +01010101101110 Soviet-Hungarian 1 +01010101101110 superaggressive 1 +01010101101110 industrial-vehicles 1 +01010101101110 flower-bedecked 1 +01010101101110 RepublicBank-InterFirst 1 +01010101101110 cross-hatched 1 +01010101101110 artifical 1 +01010101101110 celebrity-laden 1 +01010101101110 Vietnamese-Soviet 1 +01010101101110 revolte 1 +01010101101110 AT&T-requested 1 +01010101101110 rock-film 1 +01010101101110 Aeronica 1 +01010101101110 ITT/CGE 1 +01010101101110 Corp.a 1 +01010101101110 Guinness/Distillers 1 +01010101101110 neo-rococo 1 +01010101101110 Pacific-Overnite 1 +01010101101110 3,300-foot 1 +01010101101110 air-pressure 1 +01010101101110 cable-channel 1 +01010101101110 23,400 1 +01010101101110 96-cent-a-bushel 1 +01010101101110 less-humid 1 +01010101101110 mould 1 +01010101101110 television-dictated 1 +01010101101110 Nord-Highland 1 +01010101101110 freight-passenger 1 +01010101101110 Korean-airliner 1 +01010101101110 3.9-point 1 +01010101101110 shareholder-payout 1 +01010101101110 underenforces 1 +01010101101110 recently-filed 1 +01010101101110 Johnson-Mundell 1 +01010101101110 highest-capacity 1 +01010101101110 dog-rose 1 +01010101101110 median-income 1 +01010101101110 4,235,000 1 +01010101101110 blue/white 1 +01010101101110 1910-29 1 +01010101101110 fist-and-rifle 1 +01010101101110 Nippon-Inland 1 +01010101101110 Gothamite 1 +01010101101110 Coniston-Gillette 1 +01010101101110 13,008 1 +01010101101110 minimum-age 2 +01010101101110 one-syllable 2 +01010101101110 IBM-Chen 2 +01010101101110 USAir-PSA 2 +01010101101110 Jeep-making 2 +01010101101110 American-AirCal 2 +01010101101110 TAN 2 +01010101101110 Onoda-Brierley 2 +01010101101110 U.S.-brokered 2 +01010101101110 SF-SP 2 +01010101101110 Robins-Rorer 2 +01010101101110 long-anticipated 2 +01010101101110 Peat-KMG 3 +01010101101110 late-March 3 +01010101101110 team-concept 3 +01010101101110 twice-delayed 3 +01010101101110 Thatcher-style 3 +01010101101110 nine-day-old 4 +01010101101110 Chandlers 4 +01010101101110 now-notorious 4 +01010101101110 transurethral 4 +01010101101110 Libera 4 +01010101101110 VAX-station 4 +01010101101110 Presque 5 +01010101101110 now-completed 5 +01010101101110 star-crossed 6 +01010101101110 almost-completed 8 +01010101101110 much-delayed 15 +01010101101110 FTS 23 +01010101101110 bylaw 31 +01010101101110 proposed 12035 +01010101101110 planned 5469 +010101011011110 once-dry 1 +010101011011110 noodlings 1 +010101011011110 architectwhat 1 +010101011011110 instrinsic 1 +010101011011110 constuctive 1 +010101011011110 highwax 1 +010101011011110 PLEADED 1 +010101011011110 Boetcker 1 +010101011011110 unascertainable 1 +010101011011110 1s 1 +010101011011110 real-market 1 +010101011011110 ensnaring 1 +010101011011110 not-very-exciting 1 +010101011011110 rain-gutter 1 +010101011011110 unsexy 1 +010101011011110 even-earlier 1 +010101011011110 PERVADES 1 +010101011011110 seven-mile-long 1 +010101011011110 WCBC 1 +010101011011110 toughed 2 +010101011011110 high-sodium 2 +010101011011110 controverted 2 +010101011011110 pled 8 +010101011011110 pleads 48 +010101011011110 stipulated 97 +010101011011110 widens 236 +010101011011110 implied 323 +010101011011110 stated 1074 +010101011011110 pleaded 1229 +010101011011110 indicated 5112 +010101011011111 DISCLOSURES 1 +010101011011111 unknownprobably 1 +010101011011111 operating-budget 1 +010101011011111 deficitof 1 +010101011011111 adduces 1 +010101011011111 almost-crushing 1 +010101011011111 123.33 1 +010101011011111 unbridgeable 1 +010101011011111 18-cent-a-share 1 +010101011011111 tithed 1 +010101011011111 export-favorable 1 +010101011011111 Excedrin-sized 1 +010101011011111 officiate 1 +010101011011111 Gaullists 2 +010101011011111 FUME 2 +010101011011111 armrest 2 +010101011011111 interpolated 2 +010101011011111 Creek-related 2 +010101011011111 unrevised 4 +010101011011111 upward-revised 4 +010101011011111 indictable 5 +010101011011111 forecasted 19 +010101011011111 appraised 91 +010101011011111 approximate 138 +010101011011111 anticipated 1464 +010101011011111 estimated 7422 +010101011011111 projected 1787 +010101011100 re-accelerated 1 +010101011100 1984-and 1 +010101011100 WTVJ-Channel 1 +010101011100 Contribute 1 +010101011100 CONFORM 1 +010101011100 beta-type 1 +010101011100 Vladimirskaya 1 +010101011100 4x4 1 +010101011100 hydromatic 1 +010101011100 Stuermer. 1 +010101011100 KMEX-TV/Channel 1 +010101011100 5,308.5 1 +010101011100 12,410.8 1 +010101011100 3,460.8 1 +010101011100 yen-about 1 +010101011100 farmer. 1 +010101011100 worker. 1 +010101011100 SPRINTS 1 +010101011100 Dance. 1 +010101011100 29,234.5 1 +010101011100 16,490.4 1 +010101011100 8,281.7 1 +010101011100 7.252.5 1 +010101011100 14,022.7 1 +010101011100 12,142.0 1 +010101011100 5,143.7 1 +010101011100 5,394.5 1 +010101011100 12,369.9 1 +010101011100 6,022.5 1 +010101011100 tholins 1 +010101011100 trading/sales 1 +010101011100 EURODOLLARS:8 1 +010101011100 Excell 1 +010101011100 27,749.3 1 +010101011100 28,466.7 1 +010101011100 21,270.8 1 +010101011100 32,645.9 1 +010101011100 13,752.0 1 +010101011100 15,179.7 1 +010101011100 1,902.5 1 +010101011100 2,408.1 1 +010101011100 2,075.4 1 +010101011100 547.0 1 +010101011100 375.0 1 +010101011100 1,089.6 1 +010101011100 b14.05 1 +010101011100 b39.27 1 +010101011100 2,986 1 +010101011100 OWED 1 +010101011100 30.58 1 +010101011100 bc58.82 1 +010101011100 f14.02 1 +010101011100 b48.58 1 +010101011100 66.35 1 +010101011100 2,321 1 +010101011100 Av. 1 +010101011100 SIMMER 1 +010101011100 14,247.4 2 +010101011100 Rover-c 3 +010101011100 Romeo-b 3 +010101011100 29-April 3 +010101011100 20-Aug. 3 +010101011100 6-June 4 +010101011100 18-Aug. 4 +010101011100 Sys 4 +010101011100 d-NAV 6 +010101011100 ROSE 20 +010101011100 spurted 112 +010101011100 leaped 165 +010101011100 skidded 251 +010101011100 dipped 320 +010101011100 slid 827 +010101011100 tumbled 968 +010101011100 plunged 1638 +010101011100 soared 1862 +010101011100 surged 2146 +010101011100 climbed 2764 +010101011100 jumped 3310 +010101011100 rose 28575 +010101011100 fell 17907 +0101010111010 PREVAILS 1 +0101010111010 name-both 1 +0101010111010 sitting-in 1 +0101010111010 20-cents-a-barrel 1 +0101010111010 juice-added 1 +0101010111010 adjustment-related 1 +0101010111010 transited 1 +0101010111010 SUCCEED 1 +0101010111010 subsidiary-posted 1 +0101010111010 reporta 1 +0101010111010 132.56 1 +0101010111010 Noordaa 1 +0101010111010 industriously 1 +0101010111010 represenatives 2 +0101010111010 woofing 2 +0101010111010 COOL 2 +0101010111010 refract 2 +0101010111010 sunbathe 2 +0101010111010 rustled 2 +0101010111010 zig-zagged 3 +0101010111010 wobbles 3 +0101010111010 burrowed 3 +0101010111010 oscillated 3 +0101010111010 scooted 4 +0101010111010 lapped 6 +0101010111010 jogged 7 +0101010111010 spirals 7 +0101010111010 bulged 7 +0101010111010 crested 8 +0101010111010 toted 8 +0101010111010 yawned 9 +0101010111010 meandered 10 +0101010111010 trended 10 +0101010111010 curled 10 +0101010111010 sags 10 +0101010111010 spiraled 12 +0101010111010 gyrated 20 +0101010111010 balks 26 +0101010111010 hovers 44 +0101010111010 soars 48 +0101010111010 crept 89 +0101010111010 slows 187 +0101010111010 hovered 192 +0101010111010 balked 248 +0101010111010 inched 328 +0101010111010 fared 340 +0101010111010 drifted 347 +0101010111010 grows 367 +0101010111010 stays 396 +0101010111010 peaked 410 +0101010111010 stayed 854 +0101010111010 edged 967 +0101010111010 stood 1774 +0101010111010 finished 2062 +0101010111010 grew 3138 +0101010111010 remained 2398 +0101010111011 yo-yoing 1 +0101010111011 perianth 1 +0101010111011 studies. 1 +0101010111011 30/32-100 1 +0101010111011 out-shined 1 +0101010111011 Custodian-B 1 +0101010111011 REFINE 1 +0101010111011 post-Jan. 1 +0101010111011 1981. 1 +0101010111011 X-PM 1 +0101010111011 thyristor 1 +0101010111011 Wheelwriters 1 +0101010111011 forJapanese 1 +0101010111011 radome 1 +0101010111011 2,001.4 1 +0101010111011 28,540.0 1 +0101010111011 20,355.6 1 +0101010111011 24,226.6 1 +0101010111011 +142 1 +0101010111011 Grp 1 +0101010111011 Htls 1 +0101010111011 +172 1 +0101010111011 7700 1 +0101010111011 plummetted 1 +0101010111011 30,711.5 1 +0101010111011 31,771.4 1 +0101010111011 39,317.7 1 +0101010111011 1,625.9 1 +0101010111011 1/4-90 1 +0101010111011 3/4-99 1 +0101010111011 little-employed 1 +0101010111011 Resourcesrose 1 +0101010111011 3/8-89 1 +0101010111011 3/4-107 1 +0101010111011 Doer 2 +0101010111011 engineer. 3 +0101010111011 130.30 3 +0101010111011 Bake 4 +0101010111011 pivoted 5 +0101010111011 Res 8 +0101010111011 Intl 13 +0101010111011 nosedived 15 +0101010111011 bounded 16 +0101010111011 seesawed 18 +0101010111011 nose-dived 26 +0101010111011 zoomed 34 +0101010111011 dived 44 +0101010111011 rocketed 49 +0101010111011 recovers 49 +0101010111011 vaulted 49 +0101010111011 skidding 57 +0101010111011 leapt 62 +0101010111011 sagged 110 +0101010111011 firmed 341 +0101010111011 retreated 351 +0101010111011 sank 520 +0101010111011 slumped 523 +0101010111011 plummeted 612 +0101010111011 rallied 704 +0101010111011 rebounded 711 +0101010111011 recovered 964 +0101010111011 eased 1652 +0101010111011 slipped 1924 +0101010111011 advanced 2995 +0101010111011 dropped 6424 +0101010111011 gained 4473 +0101010111100 dificulties 1 +0101010111100 intramarketing 1 +0101010111100 HIGHS 1 +0101010111100 Ex-Tax 1 +0101010111100 ambulance-chasers 1 +0101010111100 trick-or-treating 1 +0101010111100 face-out 1 +0101010111100 cheeseballs 1 +0101010111100 savior-like 1 +0101010111100 ressemblance 1 +0101010111100 print-out 1 +0101010111100 chokecherries 1 +0101010111100 over-publicized 1 +0101010111100 picture-takers 1 +0101010111100 care-adviser 1 +0101010111100 bumbles 2 +0101010111100 plodders 2 +0101010111100 REPAIRS 2 +0101010111100 plans 19313 +0101010111100 Broughams 2 +01010101111010 appropropriate 1 +01010101111010 sublimed 1 +01010101111010 underspent 1 +01010101111010 well-euipped 1 +01010101111010 Cardiol 1 +01010101111010 acceeded 1 +01010101111010 hasn 1 +01010101111010 believesis 1 +01010101111010 inudustry 1 +01010101111010 re-christen 1 +01010101111010 underweights 1 +01010101111010 runby 1 +01010101111010 succors 1 +01010101111010 impalatable 1 +01010101111010 re-lent 1 +01010101111010 exhumes 1 +01010101111010 refects 1 +01010101111010 criss-crosses 1 +01010101111010 acknowleges 1 +01010101111010 Participazioni 1 +01010101111010 Ait 1 +01010101111010 prostituting 1 +01010101111010 doubled-checked 1 +01010101111010 aspirating 1 +01010101111010 whiffed 1 +01010101111010 wholesaled 1 +01010101111010 Husqvarna 1 +01010101111010 frame-by-frame 1 +01010101111010 refits 1 +01010101111010 reenters 2 +01010101111010 extradites 2 +01010101111010 overemphasizes 2 +01010101111010 double-billed 5 +01010101111010 anticipates 318 +01010101111010 expects 12577 +01010101111010 intends 2382 +010101011110110 Intasun 1 +010101011110110 dixon 1 +010101011110110 Kaji 1 +010101011110110 wearies 1 +010101011110110 Franca 2 +010101011110110 splurges 2 +010101011110110 places. 2 +010101011110110 trestles 2 +010101011110110 brainstorms 2 +010101011110110 misjudges 2 +010101011110110 supersensitive 3 +010101011110110 artifices 3 +010101011110110 Boghammar 3 +010101011110110 milks 3 +010101011110110 equivocated 3 +010101011110110 is. 4 +010101011110110 motioned 4 +010101011110110 2,625 4 +010101011110110 flinches 4 +010101011110110 Tuffier 4 +010101011110110 quizzes 6 +010101011110110 boogie 6 +010101011110110 screeches 8 +010101011110110 15- 8 +010101011110110 fly-by 8 +010101011110110 cradles 9 +010101011110110 prays 12 +010101011110110 Seeks 12 +010101011110110 disapproves 13 +010101011110110 adapts 14 +010101011110110 yearns 15 +010101011110110 hesitates 21 +010101011110110 Goes 37 +010101011110110 attaches 54 +010101011110110 pauses 82 +010101011110110 desires 111 +010101011110110 waits 120 +010101011110110 prepares 157 +010101011110110 vows 179 +010101011110110 travels 201 +010101011110110 pledges 231 +010101011110110 struggles 231 +010101011110110 wishes 421 +010101011110110 aims 524 +010101011110110 likes 914 +010101011110110 promises 1186 +010101011110110 hopes 3860 +010101011110110 needs 4570 +010101011110111 Adhere 1 +010101011110111 guarantied 1 +010101011110111 deputizes 1 +010101011110111 deputed 1 +010101011110111 Aerospacial 1 +010101011110111 cottons 1 +010101011110111 emigrates 1 +010101011110111 TEND 1 +010101011110111 stuggles 1 +010101011110111 revisits 2 +010101011110111 drooped 2 +010101011110111 ill-positioned 2 +010101011110111 itched 3 +010101011110111 Tries 3 +010101011110111 drop-kicked 3 +010101011110111 LEARN 3 +010101011110111 educates 4 +010101011110111 awakes 4 +010101011110111 Apt 4 +010101011110111 zaps 6 +010101011110111 ascends 7 +010101011110111 accedes 7 +010101011110111 Wants 10 +010101011110111 flees 10 +010101011110111 subscribes 11 +010101011110111 ascribes 12 +010101011110111 succumbs 15 +010101011110111 aspired 15 +010101011110111 defers 20 +010101011110111 aspires 21 +010101011110111 undertakes 21 +010101011110111 pretended 23 +010101011110111 strives 24 +010101011110111 hastens 27 +010101011110111 adheres 28 +010101011110111 neglects 29 +010101011110111 dares 30 +010101011110111 pretends 30 +010101011110111 elects 41 +010101011110111 assigns 52 +010101011110111 professes 54 +010101011110111 listens 62 +010101011110111 deserved 134 +010101011110111 chooses 206 +010101011110111 prefers 367 +010101011110111 refuses 436 +010101011110111 proposes 509 +010101011110111 tries 833 +010101011110111 leads 858 +010101011110111 chose 906 +010101011110111 ought 1026 +010101011110111 seeks 1554 +010101011110111 wants 6143 +010101011110111 wanted 4604 +01010101111100 conitinue 1 +01010101111100 Bounties 1 +01010101111100 PACked 1 +01010101111100 witheld 1 +01010101111100 2-2-1 1 +01010101111100 hungered 2 +01010101111100 day-trade 2 +01010101111100 vouches 2 +01010101111100 responsed 2 +01010101111100 inveigh 2 +01010101111100 commendably 2 +01010101111100 four-square 3 +01010101111100 deigned 3 +01010101111100 refered 3 +01010101111100 sulked 3 +01010101111100 subsisted 3 +01010101111100 sinned 3 +01010101111100 crusaded 4 +01010101111100 clamored 9 +01010101111100 yearned 15 +01010101111100 longed 18 +01010101111100 railed 27 +01010101111100 hesitated 68 +01010101111100 apologized 95 +01010101111100 confessed 112 +01010101111100 volunteered 112 +01010101111100 lied 113 +01010101111100 wished 145 +01010101111100 proceeded 163 +01010101111100 opted 186 +01010101111100 decides 557 +01010101111100 reacted 610 +01010101111100 pledged 847 +01010101111100 talked 924 +01010101111100 responded 1013 +01010101111100 understood 1028 +01010101111100 hoped 1344 +01010101111100 voted 2826 +01010101111100 decided 6084 +01010101111100 believed 2898 +010101011111010 Sanayi 1 +010101011111010 telefaxed 1 +010101011111010 automaticaqual 1 +010101011111010 Beckoning 1 +010101011111010 treasonably 1 +010101011111010 WENT 1 +010101011111010 sexists 1 +010101011111010 ro0 1 +010101011111010 22,407 1 +010101011111010 WWAY-TV 1 +010101011111010 retransferred 1 +010101011111010 Batcave 1 +010101011111010 contribued 1 +010101011111010 Stickers 1 +010101011111010 22,270 1 +010101011111010 trans-shipped 1 +010101011111010 tarried 1 +010101011111010 re-applied 1 +010101011111010 abdicates 2 +010101011111010 Delivers 2 +010101011111010 Addicted 2 +010101011111010 SHRANK 2 +010101011111010 SWELLED 2 +010101011111010 arrogated 3 +010101011111010 conspires 4 +010101011111010 Sought 4 +010101011111010 strived 6 +010101011111010 colluded 7 +010101011111010 assented 8 +010101011111010 strove 12 +010101011111010 endeavored 14 +010101011111010 schemed 15 +010101011111010 acceded 25 +010101011111010 AGREED 47 +010101011111010 definitively 182 +010101011111010 consented 228 +010101011111010 conspired 250 +010101011111010 agreed 16135 +010101011111010 vowed 576 +010101011111011 midchapter 1 +010101011111011 under-taxed 1 +010101011111011 slaved 1 +010101011111011 plannned 1 +010101011111011 gondola-maker 1 +010101011111011 asbestos-like 1 +010101011111011 re-formed 1 +010101011111011 back-dated 1 +010101011111011 open-letter 1 +010101011111011 pleged 1 +010101011111011 ballfield 1 +010101011111011 JETTED 1 +010101011111011 reshipped 1 +010101011111011 law-amendments 1 +010101011111011 long-nurtured 1 +010101011111011 crinkled 2 +010101011111011 non-adherence 2 +010101011111011 sleepwalked 2 +010101011111011 overreacts 2 +010101011111011 cooing 2 +010101011111011 half-crown 2 +010101011111011 redounded 2 +010101011111011 air-time 3 +010101011111011 pandered 3 +010101011111011 condescended 3 +010101011111011 ministered 3 +010101011111011 hewed 4 +010101011111011 journeying 6 +010101011111011 enroute 6 +010101011111011 hews 7 +010101011111011 screeched 8 +010101011111011 conformed 12 +010101011111011 journeyed 21 +010101011111011 catered 23 +010101011111011 capitulated 25 +010101011111011 carte 31 +010101011111011 reverted 33 +010101011111011 emigrated 42 +010101011111011 acquiesced 42 +010101011111011 adhered 48 +010101011111011 alluded 51 +010101011111011 clung 52 +010101011111011 overreacted 65 +010101011111011 succumbed 77 +010101011111011 flocked 86 +010101011111011 resorted 93 +010101011111011 defected 104 +010101011111011 scrambled 144 +010101011111011 listened 151 +010101011111011 belonged 174 +010101011111011 struggled 242 +010101011111011 traveled 380 +010101011111011 objected 403 +010101011111011 tended 447 +010101011111011 referred 715 +010101011111011 attempted 749 +010101011111011 returned 1939 +010101011111011 refused 2731 +010101011111011 access 2848 +010101011111011 failed 5347 +010101011111011 tried 3584 +01010101111110 Theater. 1 +01010101111110 Culotta 1 +01010101111110 Sieckman 1 +01010101111110 1,217 1 +01010101111110 Papoulias 1 +01010101111110 Jean-Jack 1 +01010101111110 Mtshali 1 +01010101111110 Mosavi 1 +01010101111110 Vorotnikov 1 +01010101111110 1,286 1 +01010101111110 Ribalta. 1 +01010101111110 Wurman 1 +01010101111110 aquiesced 1 +01010101111110 workgroups 1 +01010101111110 HANDSHAKE 1 +01010101111110 Loek 1 +01010101111110 premieres. 1 +01010101111110 Witkowicz 1 +01010101111110 mananged 1 +01010101111110 MOTHER 1 +01010101111110 F13 1 +01010101111110 Warms 1 +01010101111110 congresssmen 1 +01010101111110 declinced 1 +01010101111110 Nome-based 1 +01010101111110 Cask 1 +01010101111110 Scheler 1 +01010101111110 TRANSITION 1 +01010101111110 TONIGHT 1 +01010101111110 1437 1 +01010101111110 political-relation 1 +01010101111110 subcribers 1 +01010101111110 engraves 1 +01010101111110 Efimov 1 +01010101111110 Otters 1 +01010101111110 1,566.0 1 +01010101111110 tribulation 1 +01010101111110 935s 1 +01010101111110 over-payments 1 +01010101111110 Parmigianino. 1 +01010101111110 Sandals 1 +01010101111110 expedition. 1 +01010101111110 Krawcyk 1 +01010101111110 Caniglia 1 +01010101111110 23,352.8 1 +01010101111110 7,786.8 1 +01010101111110 nigun 1 +01010101111110 northwestward 1 +01010101111110 32,287.1 1 +01010101111110 1,079 1 +01010101111110 Weilbacher 1 +01010101111110 Six-Packs 1 +01010101111110 Benzinger 1 +01010101111110 11,442 1 +01010101111110 Mudhens 1 +01010101111110 Decimalists 1 +01010101111110 garbage-dumpers 1 +01010101111110 1,428 1 +01010101111110 ontributed 1 +01010101111110 car-pooled 2 +01010101111110 747-100s 2 +01010101111110 Contributed 2 +01010101111110 EXPLODED 5 +01010101111110 swung 252 +01010101111110 declined 14771 +01010101111110 contributed 2574 +01010101111111 apears 1 +01010101111111 sider 1 +01010101111111 conduce 1 +01010101111111 degasser 1 +01010101111111 shelfspace 1 +01010101111111 React 1 +01010101111111 revaluated 1 +01010101111111 rock-making 1 +01010101111111 intrusted 1 +01010101111111 apppears 1 +01010101111111 asets 1 +01010101111111 repledged 1 +01010101111111 happenened 1 +01010101111111 reconveyed 1 +01010101111111 sinecure-counsel 1 +01010101111111 sandpapered 1 +01010101111111 referrred 1 +01010101111111 windsurfs 1 +01010101111111 danciness 1 +01010101111111 reprises 2 +01010101111111 Crucians 2 +01010101111111 KIND 2 +01010101111111 quivers 2 +01010101111111 Hibby 2 +01010101111111 Maretha 2 +01010101111111 rejoices 3 +01010101111111 CONTINUES 3 +01010101111111 SITE 3 +01010101111111 Happened 4 +01010101111111 panders 5 +01010101111111 hardens 6 +01010101111111 attesting 6 +01010101111111 suffices 6 +01010101111111 pertained 10 +01010101111111 transpires 10 +01010101111111 pertains 13 +01010101111111 alludes 16 +01010101111111 behaves 23 +01010101111111 conforms 25 +01010101111111 attests 27 +01010101111111 reverts 28 +01010101111111 clings 32 +01010101111111 corresponds 34 +01010101111111 Agreed 34 +01010101111111 testifies 38 +01010101111111 purports 42 +01010101111111 reacts 52 +01010101111111 caters 63 +01010101111111 relates 179 +01010101111111 contributes 183 +01010101111111 belongs 270 +01010101111111 refers 304 +01010101111111 threatens 459 +01010101111111 amounted 527 +01010101111111 tends 573 +01010101111111 applies 591 +01010101111111 fails 728 +01010101111111 happens 1205 +01010101111111 seemed 2418 +01010101111111 appeared 2684 +01010101111111 continues 3638 +01010101111111 appears 3892 +01010101111111 seems 5446 +0101011000 stress-caused 1 +0101011000 state-return 1 +0101011000 Tolkienlike 1 +0101011000 Deltas 1 +0101011000 wine-grape 1 +0101011000 doctrinarily 1 +0101011000 lives/more 1 +0101011000 democratically-minded 1 +0101011000 underwhelmingly 1 +0101011000 Polski 1 +0101011000 cofinancing 1 +0101011000 fairy-talelike 1 +0101011000 ultraviolent 1 +0101011000 camp-aged 1 +0101011000 incentive-sensitive 1 +0101011000 repugnantly 1 +0101011000 positive-to-negative 1 +0101011000 ta 1 +0101011000 tempus 1 +0101011000 deflation-adjusted 1 +0101011000 unstylish 1 +0101011000 exculpating 1 +0101011000 semihardened 1 +0101011000 speculative-oriented 1 +0101011000 difficult. 1 +0101011000 regulatory-minded 1 +0101011000 minicompanies 1 +0101011000 airlines-even 1 +0101011000 Russian-Orthodox-patriotically 1 +0101011000 fuel-making 1 +0101011000 doodle 1 +0101011000 partisanly 1 +0101011000 SU-26 1 +0101011000 early-redemption 1 +0101011000 audience-friendly 1 +0101011000 yield-sensitive 1 +0101011000 non-Islam 1 +0101011000 murkily 1 +0101011000 nimble-like 1 +0101011000 rate-competitive 1 +0101011000 blunt. 1 +0101011000 academic-minded 1 +0101011000 exercise-conscious 1 +0101011000 damned-hard-to-put-down 1 +0101011000 ploddingly 1 +0101011000 than 76811 +0101011000 individual-investor-oriented 1 +01010110010 shis 1 +01010110010 11,279 1 +01010110010 realising 1 +01010110010 sports-media 1 +01010110010 Proyezd 1 +01010110010 horse-and-rabbit 1 +01010110010 NBW 1 +01010110010 8,799,291 1 +01010110010 389,600 1 +01010110010 Beckettian 1 +01010110010 sea-otter 1 +01010110010 offerring 1 +01010110010 3,195,000 1 +01010110010 elide 1 +01010110010 771,794 1 +01010110010 1,053,900 1 +01010110010 Countdown 1 +01010110010 dirties 1 +01010110010 144,376 1 +01010110010 hydro-jet 1 +01010110010 119,400 1 +01010110010 designs. 1 +01010110010 122,100 1 +01010110010 garroting 1 +01010110010 138,500 1 +01010110010 pet-store 1 +01010110010 Dozzzy 1 +01010110010 1,048,500 1 +01010110010 ional 1 +01010110010 voter-abstention 1 +01010110010 populaces 1 +01010110010 1,893 2 +01010110010 respresenting 2 +01010110010 tickles 4 +01010110010 about 104397 +01010110010 molesting 5 +010101100110 light-your-cigars-with- 1 +010101100110 COVERED 1 +010101100110 pro-hard 1 +010101100110 600-plus-ship 1 +010101100110 Yaroslavskoye 1 +010101100110 Leningradskoye 1 +010101100110 Mozhayskoye 1 +010101100110 Leningradsky 1 +010101100110 84B 1 +010101100110 personal-insurance 1 +010101100110 orginated 1 +010101100110 Brith 1 +010101100110 273,874 1 +010101100110 21,017 1 +010101100110 26-ranking 1 +010101100110 Motoyawata 1 +010101100110 4,021 1 +010101100110 Kyon 1 +010101100110 34628.71 1 +010101100110 wona 1 +010101100110 Juanjui 1 +010101100110 playits 1 +010101100110 PGA-tour-leading 1 +010101100110 37,334 1 +010101100110 408,570 1 +010101100110 absorbedthe 1 +010101100110 Pharm 1 +010101100110 Scientif 1 +010101100110 two-processor 1 +010101100110 TriState 2 +010101100110 film-products 2 +010101100110 Quietwriter 2 +010101100110 Exceed 3 +010101100110 Sec. 3 +010101100110 $$ 3 +010101100110 ADDED 4 +010101100110 reschedules 5 +010101100110 totalled 6 +010101100110 totalling 9 +010101100110 grossing 10 +010101100110 numbering 26 +010101100110 NZ 57 +010101100110 HK 210 +010101100110 totals 439 +010101100110 averaging 445 +010101100110 averaged 1037 +010101100110 US 1496 +010101100110 C 1602 +010101100110 totaling 2469 +010101100110 earned 4255 +010101100110 totaled 3079 +010101100111 1660.7 1 +010101100111 Heffalump 1 +010101100111 25-1 1 +010101100111 2-5 1 +010101100111 1633.4 1 +010101100111 1:26 1 +010101100111 Kabi 1 +010101100111 two-under-par 1 +010101100111 2647.72 1 +010101100111 WTOP 1 +010101100111 2:55 1 +010101100111 2,775,300 1 +010101100111 Lockheed. 1 +010101100111 1749.8 1 +010101100111 WZZM-TV 1 +010101100111 KPIX-TV 1 +010101100111 1578.5 1 +010101100111 43.27 1 +010101100111 25,929 1 +010101100111 banking/commerce 1 +010101100111 eleventeen 1 +010101100111 Chilectra 1 +010101100111 Suedwestdeutsche 1 +010101100111 2082.86 1 +010101100111 1312.03 1 +010101100111 2116.40 1 +010101100111 Maderas 1 +010101100111 2070.95 1 +010101100111 KARE 1 +010101100111 2058.32 1 +010101100111 59,830,000 1 +010101100111 farmacias 1 +010101100111 Dimitrovgrad 1 +010101100111 388.59 1 +010101100111 considerble 1 +010101100111 Brest-Litovsk 1 +010101100111 2017.2 1 +010101100111 Liebherr 1 +010101100111 Targu-Jiu 1 +010101100111 63,870 1 +010101100111 tableside 1 +010101100111 Fulda 1 +010101100111 Marienbad 1 +010101100111 Assane 1 +010101100111 99.02 1 +010101100111 Qadhima 1 +010101100111 Knifepoint 1 +010101100111 Bely 1 +010101100111 229.24 1 +010101100111 Softguard. 1 +010101100111 unhorsing 1 +010101100111 11:17 1 +010101100111 Continentale 1 +010101100111 7:27 1 +010101100111 51,320 1 +010101100111 7.7965 1 +010101100111 8:16 1 +010101100111 1698.1 1 +010101100111 1582.8 1 +010101100111 3:55 1 +010101100111 Chiredzi 1 +010101100111 Wombun 1 +010101100111 1747.4 1 +010101100111 1771.4 1 +010101100111 seven-card 1 +010101100111 240.01 1 +010101100111 Lympstone 1 +010101100111 Ciaris 1 +010101100111 1,473.10 1 +010101100111 2,568.30 1 +010101100111 sub-normal 1 +010101100111 Palikula 1 +010101100111 forty-nine 1 +010101100111 CREF. 1 +010101100111 18936.98 1 +010101100111 2452 1 +010101100111 1574 1 +010101100111 85-02 1 +010101100111 243.27 1 +010101100111 KTLA-TV 1 +010101100111 27277.00 1 +010101100111 LLNL 1 +010101100111 21-to-1 1 +010101100111 23633.51 1 +010101100111 Sanam 1 +010101100111 KEK 1 +010101100111 German-organized 1 +010101100111 2057.25 1 +010101100111 trickle-pace 1 +010101100111 2076.80 1 +010101100111 2066.68 1 +010101100111 274,444 1 +010101100111 23719.13 1 +010101100111 Semipalatinski 1 +010101100111 brunches 1 +010101100111 Peterhof 1 +010101100111 999.9 1 +010101100111 IBEC 1 +010101100111 34115.81 1 +010101100111 Croyton 1 +010101100111 25629.96 1 +010101100111 25569.35 1 +010101100111 mid-1971 1 +010101100111 industry-hopping 1 +010101100111 less-than-maximum 1 +010101100111 111-112 1 +010101100111 50:50 1 +010101100111 2,110,600 1 +010101100111 98.555 1 +010101100111 5:47 1 +010101100111 48.91 1 +010101100111 UBS. 1 +010101100111 3160.05 1 +010101100111 1094 1 +010101100111 Phanat 1 +010101100111 Entitlements 1 +010101100111 inactivating 1 +010101100111 4112.86 1 +010101100111 knifepoint 1 +010101100111 Broadmoor 1 +010101100111 Ekaterinburg 1 +010101100111 Argenteuil 1 +010101100111 Ceret 1 +010101100111 35209.35 1 +010101100111 2021.34 1 +010101100111 Medtronics 1 +010101100111 Wad 1 +010101100111 2076.12 1 +010101100111 34,093 1 +010101100111 2018.67 1 +010101100111 2032.01 1 +010101100111 1786.7 1 +010101100111 Babyland 1 +010101100111 1743.4 1 +010101100111 2120.91 1 +010101100111 35444.82 1 +010101100111 KSL-AM 1 +010101100111 2075 1 +010101100111 WSB-TV 1 +010101100111 al-Harf 1 +010101100111 7:10 2 +010101100111 Nummi. 2 +010101100111 24773.41 2 +010101100111 2218.8 2 +010101100111 Sandringham 2 +010101100111 98.875 2 +010101100111 M5 2 +010101100111 Pietri 2 +010101100111 1839.9 2 +010101100111 27320.94 2 +010101100111 1608.1 2 +010101100111 Windfalls 2 +010101100111 28162.25 2 +010101100111 370.34 2 +010101100111 267.40 2 +010101100111 Agrivisor 2 +010101100111 Yaddo 2 +010101100111 Shoshoni 2 +010101100111 241.89 2 +010101100111 103.15 2 +010101100111 Travemuende 2 +010101100111 Cieplan 2 +010101100111 Estrategia 5 +010101100111 MIT. 5 +010101100111 Colonus 8 +010101100111 least 13911 +010101100111 loggerheads 30 +010101101000 Pups 1 +010101101000 Iran-bolstering 1 +010101101000 hair-do 1 +010101101000 minimum-performance 1 +010101101000 unconventionally 1 +010101101000 crash-performance 1 +010101101000 WHOA 1 +010101101000 Josh. 1 +010101101000 aspersion 1 +010101101000 ankle-to-thigh 1 +010101101000 cross-contamination 1 +010101101000 cross-shopping 1 +010101101000 envying 1 +010101101000 deliriously 1 +010101101000 hard-to-meet 1 +010101101000 shambled 1 +010101101000 mach 1 +010101101000 Konkani 1 +010101101000 bobsleds 1 +010101101000 slider 1 +010101101000 toga-style 1 +010101101000 auditor-shopping 1 +010101101000 peel-off 1 +010101101000 molton 1 +010101101000 clonazepam 2 +010101101000 acetates 2 +010101101000 first. 2 +010101101000 soul-satisfying 2 +010101101000 stoppers 2 +010101101000 Ergon 2 +010101101000 excising 2 +010101101000 breakwaters 2 +010101101000 John-John 3 +010101101000 sullenly 4 +010101101000 expectantly 4 +010101101000 demotions 4 +010101101000 aflame 5 +010101101000 clasp 5 +010101101000 up 68862 +010101101000 aside 1415 +0101011010010 15/21 1 +0101011010010 netward 1 +0101011010010 choosen 1 +0101011010010 123-23 1 +0101011010010 1989-March 1 +0101011010010 x. 1 +0101011010010 thumbs-down 1 +0101011010010 24-18 1 +0101011010010 fiscal-1987 1 +0101011010010 248-170 1 +0101011010010 Ma. 1 +0101011010010 lovably 1 +0101011010010 384-20 1 +0101011010010 V-8-engine-equipped 1 +0101011010010 legislation-by-initiative 1 +0101011010010 Pentam 1 +0101011010010 Hlth 1 +0101011010010 Alfalfa 1 +0101011010010 Local-news 1 +0101011010010 rainless 1 +0101011010010 Trigger 2 +0101011010010 nurturant 2 +0101011010010 paydirt 2 +0101011010010 Fafner 2 +0101011010010 366-40 2 +0101011010010 crosslegged 2 +0101011010010 dismounts 2 +0101011010010 bloodily 2 +0101011010010 rearranges 3 +0101011010010 reducers 3 +0101011010010 co-producers 3 +0101011010010 ajar 5 +0101011010010 marring 5 +0101011010010 down 28116 +0101011010010 benefitting 6 +0101011010011 Naziism 1 +0101011010011 incorrectedly 1 +0101011010011 Channnel 1 +0101011010011 109,856 1 +0101011010011 short/ 1 +0101011010011 124,617 1 +0101011010011 2,649 1 +0101011010011 turbotrains 1 +0101011010011 banger 1 +0101011010011 anthemic 1 +0101011010011 crop-devouring 1 +0101011010011 gem-quality 1 +0101011010011 once-reluctant 1 +0101011010011 claims-settlement 1 +0101011010011 near-lethal 1 +0101011010011 inning-by-inning 1 +0101011010011 175,524 1 +0101011010011 1,354 1 +0101011010011 Carducci 1 +0101011010011 tongue-in-your-ear 1 +0101011010011 B-scales 1 +0101011010011 DM1,200 1 +0101011010011 car-exhaust 1 +0101011010011 Newark-bound 1 +0101011010011 26.20 1 +0101011010011 TRS-DOS 1 +0101011010011 forest-road 1 +0101011010011 25-to-one 1 +0101011010011 inside-out 2 +0101011010011 vaccinating 2 +0101011010011 yet. 2 +0101011010011 heeler 2 +0101011010011 1,648 2 +0101011010011 soulfully 2 +0101011010011 ex-distribution 2 +0101011010011 expense-control 3 +0101011010011 behind. 3 +0101011010011 aspergillus 4 +0101011010011 off. 7 +0101011010011 off 22454 +0101011010011 mignon 8 +010101101010 uprootings 1 +010101101010 4,298 1 +010101101010 OQ 1 +010101101010 367,800 1 +010101101010 disturbers 1 +010101101010 Bikinians 1 +010101101010 armfuls 1 +010101101010 agglutinations 1 +010101101010 scrolling 1 +010101101010 distillations 1 +010101101010 taxpayer-subsidization 1 +010101101010 27,167 1 +010101101010 marl 1 +010101101010 slice-of-surrealism 1 +010101101010 phone-solicitation 1 +010101101010 Pennfield 1 +010101101010 Parnassian 1 +010101101010 Centigrade 1 +010101101010 remorsefully 1 +010101101010 6,073 1 +010101101010 job-applicant 1 +010101101010 navigates 1 +010101101010 wout 1 +010101101010 308,300 1 +010101101010 full-speed 1 +010101101010 hand-punched 1 +010101101010 Facilitation 1 +010101101010 refixes 1 +010101101010 146,456 1 +010101101010 593,100 1 +010101101010 2378.5 1 +010101101010 vortexes 1 +010101101010 fullspread 1 +010101101010 48,526 1 +010101101010 2383.7 1 +010101101010 spandrels 1 +010101101010 hoarsely 1 +010101101010 181,818 1 +010101101010 billets-doux 1 +010101101010 extra-point 1 +010101101010 nobs 1 +010101101010 2297.5 1 +010101101010 1,278,000 1 +010101101010 investers 1 +010101101010 toddlerhood 1 +010101101010 463,779 1 +010101101010 Massraf 1 +010101101010 Constants 1 +010101101010 nail-bed 1 +010101101010 2319.9 1 +010101101010 Farenheit 1 +010101101010 DM200 1 +010101101010 slightingly 1 +010101101010 Aspercreme 1 +010101101010 4-foot 1 +010101101010 2356.8 1 +010101101010 2285.8 1 +010101101010 slab-like 1 +010101101010 1,430,500 1 +010101101010 47,766 1 +010101101010 hir 1 +010101101010 policy-cancellation 1 +010101101010 blue-violet 1 +010101101010 anemically 2 +010101101010 403,600 2 +010101101010 ceremonially 2 +010101101010 updrafts 2 +010101101010 articulately 2 +010101101010 collectivizations 2 +010101101010 sentinel 2 +010101101010 re-focused 2 +010101101010 140,550 2 +010101101010 140,500 2 +010101101010 erotically 2 +010101101010 docklands 2 +010101101010 effigies 3 +010101101010 bedclothes 3 +010101101010 Appears 3 +010101101010 storyboards 3 +010101101010 cohesively 3 +010101101010 miming 3 +010101101010 uncalled-for 3 +010101101010 massages 4 +010101101010 ahold 4 +010101101010 deadlocks 6 +010101101010 sundae 8 +010101101010 out. 9 +010101101010 roughshod 17 +010101101010 abreast 43 +010101101010 out 42634 +010101101010 afoul 97 +0101011010110 three-for-my-one 1 +0101011010110 drawbars 1 +0101011010110 tomahawked 1 +0101011010110 saddlebags 1 +0101011010110 semi-independence 1 +0101011010110 declaiming 1 +0101011010110 ampler 1 +0101011010110 boink 1 +0101011010110 open-collared 1 +0101011010110 4-for-4 1 +0101011010110 limply 1 +0101011010110 unavenged 1 +0101011010110 down-slowly 1 +0101011010110 WPHL 1 +0101011010110 0-for-3 1 +0101011010110 Jezebel 1 +0101011010110 bargain-shopping 1 +0101011010110 squatty 1 +0101011010110 testier 1 +0101011010110 carbacephems 1 +0101011010110 jenny 1 +0101011010110 lawyerism 1 +0101011010110 rust-proofed 1 +0101011010110 unpruned 1 +0101011010110 lawsuit-crazy 1 +0101011010110 resliced 1 +0101011010110 PICKINGS 1 +0101011010110 shorewards 1 +0101011010110 teledramas 1 +0101011010110 abegging 1 +0101011010110 cross-pollenized 1 +0101011010110 plastic-free 1 +0101011010110 oh-for-seven 1 +0101011010110 semi-serious 1 +0101011010110 120-fold 1 +0101011010110 runback 1 +0101011010110 cappuccinos 1 +0101011010110 judgements 1 +0101011010110 untallied 1 +0101011010110 septum 1 +0101011010110 3-12-1 1 +0101011010110 inthecolumn 1 +0101011010110 over-intense 1 +0101011010110 woodenness 1 +0101011010110 reapprovals 1 +0101011010110 unprosecuted 1 +0101011010110 chillier 1 +0101011010110 witchlike 1 +0101011010110 13-fold 1 +0101011010110 despondently 1 +0101011010110 un-fixed 1 +0101011010110 emblazoning 1 +0101011010110 untangled 1 +0101011010110 exdividend 1 +0101011010110 unrecruited 1 +0101011010110 dimensionally 1 +0101011010110 amuck 1 +0101011010110 season. 1 +0101011010110 lightly. 1 +0101011010110 psychoanalyzed 1 +0101011010110 bang-bang 1 +0101011010110 shuffle-bored 1 +0101011010110 titters 1 +0101011010110 34-1 1 +0101011010110 unredressed 1 +0101011010110 price-shopping 1 +0101011010110 out-rebounded 1 +0101011010110 scotfree 1 +0101011010110 96-69 1 +0101011010110 marketward 1 +0101011010110 recontaminated 1 +0101011010110 rancidity 1 +0101011010110 unflaggingly 1 +0101011010110 hartebeest 1 +0101011010110 tailwinds 1 +0101011010110 2,546,900 1 +0101011010110 Day-Glo-mail 1 +0101011010110 uncaught 1 +0101011010110 2384.6 1 +0101011010110 brown-red 1 +0101011010110 warrier 1 +0101011010110 pensively 1 +0101011010110 biters 1 +0101011010110 sloooow 1 +0101011010110 fishin' 1 +0101011010110 reacquainted 1 +0101011010110 7,319,400 1 +0101011010110 Gelucil 1 +0101011010110 Yepikhodov 1 +0101011010110 Tuesdays-Saturdays 1 +0101011010110 church-goers 1 +0101011010110 Olympically 1 +0101011010110 creatives 1 +0101011010110 44,450 1 +0101011010110 untrumpeted 1 +0101011010110 one-on-two 1 +0101011010110 literately 1 +0101011010110 out-foxed 1 +0101011010110 home. 1 +0101011010110 sackless 1 +0101011010110 along. 1 +0101011010110 cost-efficiently 1 +0101011010110 wheelcover 1 +0101011010110 unsnarled 1 +0101011010110 high. 1 +0101011010110 2347.7 1 +0101011010110 rat-arsed 1 +0101011010110 currents. 1 +0101011010110 precociously 1 +0101011010110 leftwards 1 +0101011010110 cloak-and-daggerish 1 +0101011010110 50,517 1 +0101011010110 2298 1 +0101011010110 +32 1 +0101011010110 71,011 1 +0101011010110 aglimmering 1 +0101011010110 self-discipline. 1 +0101011010110 27-fold 1 +0101011010110 2323.9 1 +0101011010110 4-and-6 1 +0101011010110 spill-up 1 +0101011010110 midnights 1 +0101011010110 furasato 1 +0101011010110 softballs 1 +0101011010110 a-glimmering 1 +0101011010110 bahhh 1 +0101011010110 35,780 1 +0101011010110 m-o-n-e-y 2 +0101011010110 uselessly 2 +0101011010110 firebases 2 +0101011010110 minutes/flight 2 +0101011010110 apart. 2 +0101011010110 tip-toeing 2 +0101011010110 commendations 2 +0101011010110 confusedly 2 +0101011010110 handsprings 2 +0101011010110 punitively 2 +0101011010110 350-fold 2 +0101011010110 cumbersomely 2 +0101011010110 canteens 2 +0101011010110 neutrally 2 +0101011010110 suport 2 +0101011010110 ghouls 2 +0101011010110 bondsman 2 +0101011010110 downrange 2 +0101011010110 Bumstead 2 +0101011010110 Banpais 2 +0101011010110 second-raters 2 +0101011010110 undotted 2 +0101011010110 wheelies 2 +0101011010110 16th- 2 +0101011010110 firetrucks 3 +0101011010110 masala 3 +0101011010110 convalescing 3 +0101011010110 unrewarded 3 +0101011010110 Kandi 3 +0101011010110 flutists 3 +0101011010110 gaga 3 +0101011010110 aye 3 +0101011010110 unrepaired 3 +0101011010110 unfixed 3 +0101011010110 puncher 3 +0101011010110 counterclockwise 3 +0101011010110 spitballs 3 +0101011010110 meat-eaters 3 +0101011010110 semi-conscious 3 +0101011010110 tousled 4 +0101011010110 stolidly 4 +0101011010110 on. 5 +0101011010110 deviating 5 +0101011010110 handstands 5 +0101011010110 forlornly 5 +0101011010110 slaw 7 +0101011010110 listlessly 7 +0101011010110 downriver 8 +0101011010110 haywire 9 +0101011010110 asunder 9 +0101011010110 motionless 10 +0101011010110 unmentioned 10 +0101011010110 berserk 16 +0101011010110 unpunished 19 +0101011010110 unheeded 20 +0101011010110 northward 21 +0101011010110 idly 25 +0101011010110 amok 28 +0101011010110 astray 30 +0101011010110 ashore 38 +0101011010110 aground 39 +0101011010110 afield 40 +0101011010110 erratically 41 +0101011010110 shear 43 +0101011010110 someplace 44 +0101011010110 aback 46 +0101011010110 undetected 51 +0101011010110 overboard 56 +0101011010110 awry 71 +0101011010110 unnoticed 81 +0101011010110 somewhere 501 +0101011010110 anywhere 777 +0101011010110 apart 942 +0101011010110 away 7267 +0101011010111 WAFB-TV 1 +0101011010111 Tinkertoys 1 +0101011010111 34,554 1 +0101011010111 insignificantly 1 +0101011010111 503th 1 +0101011010111 76.2mm 1 +0101011010111 K-Tel-Products 1 +0101011010111 BROADLY 1 +0101011010111 9,991 1 +0101011010111 Krupp/Taylor-USA 1 +0101011010111 Orthello 1 +0101011010111 uncertainities 1 +0101011010111 Purolator. 1 +0101011010111 European. 1 +0101011010111 jolters 1 +0101011010111 WHBF-TV 1 +0101011010111 9,014 1 +0101011010111 .600 1 +0101011010111 haring 1 +0101011010111 2,631 1 +0101011010111 1,340th 1 +0101011010111 Chillico 1 +0101011010111 concertgoers 1 +0101011010111 2,073 1 +0101011010111 krugerrand 1 +0101011010111 1-2-3-4-6-11 1 +0101011010111 8,406 1 +0101011010111 discreetely 1 +0101011010111 sculling 1 +0101011010111 WYLDFM 1 +0101011010111 775,630 1 +0101011010111 140.71 1 +0101011010111 527th 1 +0101011010111 casssettes 1 +0101011010111 Abearham 1 +0101011010111 poinsettia 1 +0101011010111 full-blast 1 +0101011010111 order-backlog 1 +0101011010111 doughtily 1 +0101011010111 less-upholstered 1 +0101011010111 beseechingly 1 +0101011010111 4,829 1 +0101011010111 passers-through 1 +0101011010111 crabbing 1 +0101011010111 8,821 1 +0101011010111 a-begging 1 +0101011010111 big-eyed 1 +0101011010111 ski-touring 1 +0101011010111 emptily 1 +0101011010111 demagogically 1 +0101011010111 2,339 1 +0101011010111 414,305 1 +0101011010111 boisterously 1 +0101011010111 4,395 1 +0101011010111 Canadian-fir 1 +0101011010111 women-buddies 1 +0101011010111 world-size 1 +0101011010111 258,700 1 +0101011010111 mini-pianos 1 +0101011010111 lousily 1 +0101011010111 Bell-owned 1 +0101011010111 reflectively 1 +0101011010111 1,339,000 1 +0101011010111 well-comfortable 1 +0101011010111 V-8-and 1 +0101011010111 WUTV 1 +0101011010111 1-2-5 1 +0101011010111 subsections 1 +0101011010111 937,700 1 +0101011010111 1.015 1 +0101011010111 bridalwear 1 +0101011010111 40,994 1 +0101011010111 recommendaton 1 +0101011010111 over-inflated 1 +0101011010111 willynilly 1 +0101011010111 delicieux 1 +0101011010111 now-drive 1 +0101011010111 ceremoniously 1 +0101011010111 692,000 1 +0101011010111 devotedly 1 +0101011010111 264,812 1 +0101011010111 resettlements 1 +0101011010111 frowzy 1 +0101011010111 temptingly 1 +0101011010111 4,575 1 +0101011010111 smarties 1 +0101011010111 elephant-ivory 1 +0101011010111 pityingly 1 +0101011010111 49,626 1 +0101011010111 hefam 1 +0101011010111 267,229 1 +0101011010111 sexpertise 1 +0101011010111 soundlessly 1 +0101011010111 obloquy 1 +0101011010111 float-trips 1 +0101011010111 changer 2 +0101011010111 head-first 2 +0101011010111 70.18 2 +0101011010111 Ozarka 2 +0101011010111 headwinds 2 +0101011010111 8,777 2 +0101011010111 266,667 2 +0101011010111 whole-hog 2 +0101011010111 vibrantly 2 +0101011010111 1,153,318 2 +0101011010111 31,808,363 2 +0101011010111 114,023 2 +0101011010111 syrupy 2 +0101011010111 untucked 2 +0101011010111 unfindable 2 +0101011010111 bread-baking 2 +0101011010111 right-to-left 2 +0101011010111 Damien 2 +0101011010111 high-fives 2 +0101011010111 2,091,000 2 +0101011010111 30,141,114 2 +0101011010111 2,501,897 2 +0101011010111 dragooned 2 +0101011010111 solitaire 2 +0101011010111 greater-than-average 3 +0101011010111 masas 3 +0101011010111 Umtata 3 +0101011010111 1,214 3 +0101011010111 feet-first 3 +0101011010111 835,350 3 +0101011010111 959,901 3 +0101011010111 unstuck 4 +0101011010111 slam-dunked 4 +0101011010111 morosely 4 +0101011010111 glassy-eyed 4 +0101011010111 hooky 5 +0101011010111 heavenward 5 +0101011010111 longingly 6 +0101011010111 fence-row 6 +0101011010111 dejectedly 6 +0101011010111 majestically 8 +0101011010111 foward 8 +0101011010111 belly-up 8 +0101011010111 blankly 12 +0101011010111 uneasily 15 +0101011010111 shivers 16 +0101011010111 inversely 17 +0101011010111 southward 18 +0101011010111 eastward 19 +0101011010111 aimlessly 21 +0101011010111 askance 26 +0101011010111 inward 26 +0101011010111 westward 26 +0101011010111 headlong 32 +0101011010111 downstairs 36 +0101011010111 thumbs 41 +0101011010111 nearer 50 +0101011010111 sideways 67 +0101011010111 back 17447 +0101011010111 forward 1718 +010101101100 NBCTV 1 +010101101100 injury-free 1 +010101101100 threshholds 1 +010101101100 Ariosto 1 +010101101100 calamitously 1 +010101101100 body-hugging 1 +010101101100 Aug.6 1 +010101101100 WWOZ-FM 1 +010101101100 78-70 1 +010101101100 takedowns 1 +010101101100 Melodiya 1 +010101101100 PespsiCo 1 +010101101100 Rocinante 1 +010101101100 playwriting 1 +010101101100 396-0 1 +010101101100 26-14 1 +010101101100 3.2851 1 +010101101100 subsdiaries 1 +010101101100 caramels 1 +010101101100 Supraphon 1 +010101101100 Psychoneuroimmunology 1 +010101101100 belay 1 +010101101100 Abeche 1 +010101101100 non-glamourous 1 +010101101100 Dieppe 1 +010101101100 Shimonoseki 1 +010101101100 steadies 1 +010101101100 solipsism 1 +010101101100 character-delving 1 +010101101100 Visula 1 +010101101100 Mercutio 1 +010101101100 ABC-TVs 1 +010101101100 hostiles 1 +010101101100 over-the-header 1 +010101101100 cusp 1 +010101101100 program-by-program 1 +010101101100 Ranaskaya 1 +010101101100 anannualized 1 +010101101100 Histrionix 1 +010101101100 dummy-making 1 +010101101100 trickledown 1 +010101101100 WNYC-FM 1 +010101101100 Kadarists 1 +010101101100 cost-per-thousand-viewers 1 +010101101100 cross-rates 1 +010101101100 DC-10-10s 1 +010101101100 8,284 1 +010101101100 out-er 1 +010101101100 81-0 1 +010101101100 Xanthippe 1 +010101101100 exile/trade 1 +010101101100 philology 1 +010101101100 89-2 1 +010101101100 Heimaey 1 +010101101100 346-54 1 +010101101100 Shakespeare-In-The-Park 1 +010101101100 201-175 1 +010101101100 19-14 1 +010101101100 Nostradamus 1 +010101101100 1,436 1 +010101101100 WRC-TV 1 +010101101100 C31G 1 +010101101100 weather-worries 1 +010101101100 314-96 1 +010101101100 index-participation 1 +010101101100 Fadda 1 +010101101100 8-to-4 1 +010101101100 el-Azhar 1 +010101101100 230-196 2 +010101101100 SeaEscape 2 +010101101100 CD-4 2 +010101101100 tenterhooks 2 +010101101100 WGN-TV 2 +010101101100 millages 2 +010101101100 Harassed 2 +010101101100 Q.E.D. 2 +010101101100 Stockwatch 2 +010101101100 pigmentosa 2 +010101101100 Jan.4 2 +010101101100 Zerbinetta 2 +010101101100 Dreadful 2 +010101101100 PRAY-sus 2 +010101101100 Thurday 2 +010101101100 advertising. 2 +010101101100 mitoxantrone 2 +010101101100 Suffrage 2 +010101101100 Terfenadine 2 +010101101100 Sinfonietta 2 +010101101100 Itab 2 +010101101100 Pimpernel 2 +010101101100 CBS-News 2 +010101101100 Lydda 2 +010101101100 HGP-30 2 +010101101100 Aurolin 3 +010101101100 Yaguzhinsky 3 +010101101100 2C 3 +010101101100 costuming 3 +010101101100 Minkey 3 +010101101100 Tenerife 3 +010101101100 kebabs 3 +010101101100 centigrade 4 +010101101100 a-Ex-dividend 4 +010101101100 Dec.31 5 +010101101100 bloomer 5 +010101101100 bivouac 5 +010101101100 10-year-olds 5 +010101101100 sleeplessness 6 +010101101100 Gosteleradio 6 +010101101100 Cryptoclearance 6 +010101101100 Camels 7 +010101101100 Midsummer 10 +010101101100 Creditwatch 10 +010101101100 Wednesdays 33 +010101101100 Celsius 35 +010101101100 Tuesdays 40 +010101101100 weekdays 46 +010101101100 Fridays 48 +010101101100 semiannually 50 +010101101100 Thursdays 50 +010101101100 Mondays 77 +010101101100 Saturdays 93 +010101101100 Fahrenheit 129 +010101101100 Sundays 129 +010101101100 Sunday 2252 +010101101100 Saturday 2623 +010101101100 Friday 13547 +010101101100 Thursday 4291 +010101101100 Monday 8087 +010101101100 Wednesday 5796 +010101101100 Tuesday 6827 +010101101101 Cotman 1 +010101101101 stamps. 1 +010101101101 system-pork-barreling 1 +010101101101 Meemies 1 +010101101101 373,494 1 +010101101101 Windwoman 1 +010101101101 gridlocks 1 +010101101101 focusedalmost 1 +010101101101 Inevitable 1 +010101101101 Transbrazil 1 +010101101101 Aviogenex 1 +010101101101 8743063 1 +010101101101 levelly 1 +010101101101 Europefor 1 +010101101101 T.A.S. 1 +010101101101 8725067 1 +010101101101 didemnin-B 1 +010101101101 8728080 1 +010101101101 slammajamma 1 +010101101101 ultrasonically 1 +010101101101 offseason 1 +010101101101 951-889 1 +010101101101 combusts 1 +010101101101 DayTimers 1 +010101101101 1,003,520 1 +010101101101 impersonally 1 +010101101101 partners/creditors 1 +010101101101 Sameness 1 +010101101101 kao 1 +010101101101 sonofabitch 1 +010101101101 Francophiles 1 +010101101101 251,597 1 +010101101101 lullabys 1 +010101101101 4-inch-wide 1 +010101101101 15-25-35 1 +010101101101 2,362,616 1 +010101101101 B-ball 1 +010101101101 faceplate 1 +010101101101 29,078 1 +010101101101 lossses 1 +010101101101 brigading 1 +010101101101 stockades 1 +010101101101 Warschavski 1 +010101101101 inquinans 1 +010101101101 executives-on-loan 1 +010101101101 tourisma 1 +010101101101 Selva 1 +010101101101 Contraband 1 +010101101101 semi-independently 1 +010101101101 Lifebuoy 1 +010101101101 dismissively 1 +010101101101 KOMA-AM/KRXO-FM 1 +010101101101 8803018 1 +010101101101 Supt 1 +010101101101 Middendorp 1 +010101101101 SMA 1 +010101101101 506-390 1 +010101101101 496-378 1 +010101101101 456-423 1 +010101101101 KitKats 1 +010101101101 analsyts 1 +010101101101 536-348 1 +010101101101 201-181 1 +010101101101 abstemiousness 1 +010101101101 Business-Driven 1 +010101101101 Adolescence 1 +010101101101 profit-free 1 +010101101101 Brasted 1 +010101101101 services-ADT 1 +010101101101 583-363 1 +010101101101 biblically 1 +010101101101 Cariaga 1 +010101101101 microturbine 1 +010101101101 Herberg 1 +010101101101 608-386 1 +010101101101 netmen 1 +010101101101 KRCG-TV 1 +010101101101 reprehensibly 1 +010101101101 drop-boxes 1 +010101101101 617.18 1 +010101101101 unseaworthy 1 +010101101101 Saddiq 1 +010101101101 532-439 1 +010101101101 579-395 1 +010101101101 535-438 1 +010101101101 Mevalotin 1 +010101101101 549-411 1 +010101101101 rightie 1 +010101101101 491-383 1 +010101101101 man-hater 1 +010101101101 454-423 1 +010101101101 50,265 1 +010101101101 8824047 1 +010101101101 627-334 1 +010101101101 Cloth 2 +010101101101 1980-1983 2 +010101101101 midwifery 2 +010101101101 91-9 2 +010101101101 Tavist-1 2 +010101101101 aforethought 2 +010101101101 95.15 2 +010101101101 8-3 2 +010101101101 ESB 2 +010101101101 Ceclor 2 +010101101101 Interpress 2 +010101101101 mediations 2 +010101101101 local-area-networks 2 +010101101101 Kodak-Pathe 2 +010101101101 1318.98 2 +010101101101 suppers 2 +010101101101 Imuvert 2 +010101101101 27-14 2 +010101101101 signee 2 +010101101101 69-27 2 +010101101101 95.04 3 +010101101101 yesteray 3 +010101101101 yeterday 3 +010101101101 drily 3 +010101101101 resurged 3 +010101101101 183.50 3 +010101101101 Militia 3 +010101101101 Zeebra 3 +010101101101 49-47 4 +010101101101 yesteday 4 +010101101101 yesterday 34352 +010101101101 Sabatini 7 +0101011011100 descripion 1 +0101011011100 engine-vibration 1 +0101011011100 lawamkers 1 +0101011011100 unsped 1 +0101011011100 peradventure 1 +0101011011100 caulks 1 +0101011011100 flours 1 +0101011011100 measureably 1 +0101011011100 gelignite 1 +0101011011100 Ansari 1 +0101011011100 SOAP 1 +0101011011100 cafeteria-goers 1 +0101011011100 Tommies 1 +0101011011100 Shandong 1 +0101011011100 smudging 1 +0101011011100 cowtalk 1 +0101011011100 cling-film 1 +0101011011100 repoers 1 +0101011011100 resistances 1 +0101011011100 CD-quality 1 +0101011011100 waggishly 1 +0101011011100 somatostatin 1 +0101011011100 restitching 1 +0101011011100 drug-abusers 1 +0101011011100 photolabs 1 +0101011011100 Spinner. 1 +0101011011100 goal-advantages 1 +0101011011100 CS1 1 +0101011011100 undertreatment 1 +0101011011100 ex-patients 1 +0101011011100 MicroStix 1 +0101011011100 Anglophilia 1 +0101011011100 near-crashes 1 +0101011011100 abrazos 1 +0101011011100 Shooter 1 +0101011011100 shockwaves 1 +0101011011100 WBAI-FM 1 +0101011011100 Philadelphia. 1 +0101011011100 public-spiritedness 1 +0101011011100 McCheaper 1 +0101011011100 Joulumaa 1 +0101011011100 Janneau 1 +0101011011100 Imokolee 1 +0101011011100 moorland 1 +0101011011100 Hiago 1 +0101011011100 Multibanco 1 +0101011011100 screw-in 1 +0101011011100 Bluefish 1 +0101011011100 Khomeinism 1 +0101011011100 nonlawyer 1 +0101011011100 intermodalism 1 +0101011011100 Newark-by-the-Bay 1 +0101011011100 sweetenings 1 +0101011011100 Yolu 1 +0101011011100 banklines 1 +0101011011100 beach-by-beach 1 +0101011011100 magnetrons 1 +0101011011100 gurglings 1 +0101011011100 Kelthane 1 +0101011011100 48,847 1 +0101011011100 non-programmers 1 +0101011011100 slothfulness 1 +0101011011100 rightwingers 1 +0101011011100 Somersworth 1 +0101011011100 MCV 1 +0101011011100 burger-cooking 1 +0101011011100 Insightful 1 +0101011011100 front-loaders 1 +0101011011100 drugs-not 1 +0101011011100 belief. 1 +0101011011100 member-countries 1 +0101011011100 Venusharps 1 +0101011011100 autoclaves 1 +0101011011100 dvandvanabhighata 1 +0101011011100 AIDS-type 1 +0101011011100 momentum-building 1 +0101011011100 jockstraps 1 +0101011011100 Newports 1 +0101011011100 Fal-V 1 +0101011011100 drivetrain 1 +0101011011100 2070 1 +0101011011100 Barclaycard 1 +0101011011100 small-towners 1 +0101011011100 30-year-terms 1 +0101011011100 WRGT-TV 1 +0101011011100 blood-therapy 1 +0101011011100 latebloomers 1 +0101011011100 lap-times 1 +0101011011100 AIT 1 +0101011011100 Honfed 1 +0101011011100 Transjordan 1 +0101011011100 Kannon 1 +0101011011100 stereolithography 1 +0101011011100 lezzies 1 +0101011011100 neuroblastoma 1 +0101011011100 garam 1 +0101011011100 pseudo-adventure 1 +0101011011100 C-31G 1 +0101011011100 jurors. 1 +0101011011100 turncoats 1 +0101011011100 racegoers 1 +0101011011100 ketorolac 1 +0101011011100 BursonMarsteller 1 +0101011011100 Ga-Thlose 2 +0101011011100 HDL-cholesterol 2 +0101011011100 Raimu 2 +0101011011100 1,632,028 2 +0101011011100 price-fixers 2 +0101011011100 genuflecting 2 +0101011011100 non-experts 2 +0101011011100 85-15 2 +0101011011100 privacy. 2 +0101011011100 onchocerciasis 2 +0101011011100 Preuves 2 +0101011011100 biodegradability 2 +0101011011100 Telawi 2 +0101011011100 trenchantly 2 +0101011011100 Hereth 2 +0101011011100 Adms 2 +0101011011100 GLYN/NET 2 +0101011011100 glass-edge 2 +0101011011100 circuit-boards 2 +0101011011100 G-4 2 +0101011011100 Cornflakes 2 +0101011011100 profitibility 2 +0101011011100 artemisia 2 +0101011011100 A&B 3 +0101011011100 LP-88 3 +0101011011100 shrouds 3 +0101011011100 Suprax 3 +0101011011100 cordwood 3 +0101011011100 Norbrook 3 +0101011011100 certiorari 3 +0101011011100 bayonets 3 +0101011011100 tachyarrhythmia 3 +0101011011100 sledgehammers 3 +0101011011100 then-Col 3 +0101011011100 chaperone 3 +0101011011100 Astilleros 3 +0101011011100 go. 3 +0101011011100 kielbasa 3 +0101011011100 Newco 4 +0101011011100 Dramamine 4 +0101011011100 so-and-so 4 +0101011011100 grasshoppers 5 +0101011011100 Lentinan 5 +0101011011100 Dagwood 6 +0101011011100 Yogiisms 8 +0101011011100 thee 8 +0101011011100 Apopa 8 +0101011011100 him. 14 +0101011011100 firewood 14 +0101011011100 us. 18 +0101011011100 aloud 57 +0101011011100 him 18490 +0101011011100 us 9518 +0101011011100 me 7016 +0101011011101 returners 1 +0101011011101 payphones 1 +0101011011101 profanity. 1 +0101011011101 1.9030 1 +0101011011101 exam-takers 1 +0101011011101 backrests 1 +0101011011101 thereof. 1 +0101011011101 overtime-related 1 +0101011011101 jongg 1 +0101011011101 banjos 1 +0101011011101 counterlegislation 1 +0101011011101 long-span 1 +0101011011101 God. 1 +0101011011101 4,902 1 +0101011011101 remote. 1 +0101011011101 sumptuousness 1 +0101011011101 corazon 1 +0101011011101 inflation-consciousness 1 +0101011011101 counter-legislation 1 +0101011011101 ClergyCard 1 +0101011011101 cultishness 1 +0101011011101 meeted 1 +0101011011101 BWAC. 1 +0101011011101 sulphur-dioxide 1 +0101011011101 242.10 1 +0101011011101 positives. 1 +0101011011101 Atheism 1 +0101011011101 non-action 1 +0101011011101 Nebenaussenpolitik 1 +0101011011101 sunbeams 1 +0101011011101 insoles 1 +0101011011101 overdesign 1 +0101011011101 loyalties. 1 +0101011011101 biotherapy 1 +0101011011101 potholders 1 +0101011011101 fiveinch 1 +0101011011101 ammends 1 +0101011011101 23-year-olds 1 +0101011011101 toolings 1 +0101011011101 minibureaus 1 +0101011011101 casuistry 1 +0101011011101 reduced-instruction 1 +0101011011101 incompatibles 1 +0101011011101 AEWRs 1 +0101011011101 temporary-residence 1 +0101011011101 non-Latins 1 +0101011011101 contracep 1 +0101011011101 five-layer 1 +0101011011101 price-competition 1 +0101011011101 miserliness 1 +0101011011101 counterblow 1 +0101011011101 drawers. 1 +0101011011101 SOPEC 1 +0101011011101 peaveys 1 +0101011011101 Molsems 1 +0101011011101 FACA 1 +0101011011101 roadshows 1 +0101011011101 Dwarves 1 +0101011011101 XL/ 1 +0101011011101 ENTEL 1 +0101011011101 Navenchauc 1 +0101011011101 1,733,539 1 +0101011011101 Okushava 1 +0101011011101 deprogramming 1 +0101011011101 superscalar 1 +0101011011101 all-text 1 +0101011011101 Speakes-be-Reagan 1 +0101011011101 chidren 1 +0101011011101 CFC-11 1 +0101011011101 follow-ons 1 +0101011011101 PSNH. 1 +0101011011101 filmings 1 +0101011011101 cross-party 1 +0101011011101 bronco 1 +0101011011101 blow-torches 1 +0101011011101 paydays 1 +0101011011101 refuse-derived-fuel 1 +0101011011101 greater-than-ever 1 +0101011011101 disbursesments 1 +0101011011101 retinyl 1 +0101011011101 complexity. 1 +0101011011101 Factor-VIII 1 +0101011011101 ex-Sen 1 +0101011011101 McBreakfast 1 +0101011011101 feather-bedding 1 +0101011011101 life-changing 1 +0101011011101 pigs. 1 +0101011011101 newsracks 1 +0101011011101 supersalespeople 1 +0101011011101 part-interests 1 +0101011011101 housebreaking 1 +0101011011101 marginalia 2 +0101011011101 Scruples 2 +0101011011101 playtime 2 +0101011011101 harmonicas 2 +0101011011101 carrion 2 +0101011011101 second-stringers 2 +0101011011101 shortselling 2 +0101011011101 ethanolamines 2 +0101011011101 alarmism 2 +0101011011101 prices. 2 +0101011011101 unentitled 2 +0101011011101 ripoffs 2 +0101011011101 Euro-products 2 +0101011011101 Strouds 2 +0101011011101 securities. 2 +0101011011101 Resolved 2 +0101011011101 145.02 2 +0101011011101 hari-kari 2 +0101011011101 financing. 2 +0101011011101 farmers. 2 +0101011011101 selfrule 2 +0101011011101 Papeete 2 +0101011011101 signification 2 +0101011011101 21,497.95 2 +0101011011101 tunability 2 +0101011011101 competitivity 2 +0101011011101 Huhudi 2 +0101011011101 high-brow 2 +0101011011101 dandyism 2 +0101011011101 sandostatin 2 +0101011011101 salepeople 2 +0101011011101 non-utilities 2 +0101011011101 MBF 2 +0101011011101 312.8 2 +0101011011101 1,763,000 2 +0101011011101 Eprex 2 +0101011011101 basketballs 2 +0101011011101 non- 2 +0101011011101 eggshells 2 +0101011011101 kachinas 2 +0101011011101 47-seat 2 +0101011011101 Linpack 2 +0101011011101 alkylbenzene 2 +0101011011101 246.80 2 +0101011011101 manicurists 2 +0101011011101 factly 2 +0101011011101 dynamically 2 +0101011011101 21,312.96 2 +0101011011101 241.90 2 +0101011011101 1924-25 2 +0101011011101 Amarante 2 +0101011011101 21,470.20 2 +0101011011101 icky 2 +0101011011101 Wavelength 2 +0101011011101 voiceprints 2 +0101011011101 Betaseron 2 +0101011011101 plant-maintenance 2 +0101011011101 SESDAQ 3 +0101011011101 aimlessness 3 +0101011011101 sunfish 3 +0101011011101 self-congratulations 3 +0101011011101 Enfamil 3 +0101011011101 non-Socialists 3 +0101011011101 xerography 3 +0101011011101 moonshiners 3 +0101011011101 wetting 3 +0101011011101 Kaunas 3 +0101011011101 him/her 3 +0101011011101 albumin 3 +0101011011101 suey 3 +0101011011101 Doomed 3 +0101011011101 Corregidor 3 +0101011011101 humanity-in-general 3 +0101011011101 pantsuits 3 +0101011011101 Kontum 3 +0101011011101 captioning 3 +0101011011101 cornrows 3 +0101011011101 propfans 3 +0101011011101 Karafuto 3 +0101011011101 dribbleware 3 +0101011011101 flurbiprofen 3 +0101011011101 Dumanjug 4 +0101011011101 ghostwriters 4 +0101011011101 SPL 4 +0101011011101 beachgoers 4 +0101011011101 alpha-interferon 4 +0101011011101 ricochets 4 +0101011011101 ouzo 4 +0101011011101 Despond 4 +0101011011101 agranulocytosis 4 +0101011011101 seatbelts 4 +0101011011101 transmittal 4 +0101011011101 prourokinase 5 +0101011011101 birthmarks 5 +0101011011101 Tshikota 6 +0101011011101 bathers 6 +0101011011101 buy-ins 6 +0101011011101 self-experimentation 6 +0101011011101 HFC-134a 6 +0101011011101 somersaults 7 +0101011011101 Ebby 7 +0101011011101 protectively 7 +0101011011101 2443.4 8 +0101011011101 lecithin 8 +0101011011101 WTVJ 19 +0101011011101 polygraphs 19 +0101011011101 them. 20 +0101011011101 home-workers 21 +0101011011101 it. 37 +0101011011101 B.A.T. 47 +0101011011101 them 31313 +0101011011101 'em 238 +01010110111100 civilisatrice 1 +01010110111100 ever-harder 1 +01010110111100 Ahrends 1 +01010110111100 Orota 1 +01010110111100 KNXV-TV 1 +01010110111100 catalog. 1 +01010110111100 high-prescribers 1 +01010110111100 judges. 1 +01010110111100 Castine 1 +01010110111100 Unmasked 1 +01010110111100 20-to-1 1 +01010110111100 leaver 1 +01010110111100 contouring 1 +01010110111100 Riche 1 +01010110111100 gawks 1 +01010110111100 27333 1 +01010110111100 lollygaggers 1 +01010110111100 27813 1 +01010110111100 Celebre 1 +01010110111100 Marinol 1 +01010110111100 predicts. 1 +01010110111100 23:01 1 +01010110111100 27218 1 +01010110111100 27579 1 +01010110111100 Qalquilya 1 +01010110111100 poverty-bound 1 +01010110111100 28034 1 +01010110111100 tittering 1 +01010110111100 slumming 1 +01010110111100 uninstalled 1 +01010110111100 27750 1 +01010110111100 neomycin 1 +01010110111100 communicate. 1 +01010110111100 Thundervolt 1 +01010110111100 Hvoineva 1 +01010110111100 Biomechanics 1 +01010110111100 Nagurski 1 +01010110111100 28063 1 +01010110111100 copyist 1 +01010110111100 Harab 1 +01010110111100 Pressbox 1 +01010110111100 FASTBACs 1 +01010110111100 heil 1 +01010110111100 Kalcheim 1 +01010110111100 headon 1 +01010110111100 kick-boxing 1 +01010110111100 gigging 1 +01010110111100 Bashar 1 +01010110111100 Cadafe 1 +01010110111100 bloomwise 1 +01010110111100 boardgame 1 +01010110111100 Forestiere 1 +01010110111100 Modane 1 +01010110111100 Lorox 1 +01010110111100 estimates. 1 +01010110111100 cupward 1 +01010110111100 down-tooled 1 +01010110111100 96.14 1 +01010110111100 Staline 1 +01010110111100 Dictatorial 1 +01010110111100 attention. 1 +01010110111100 misbehaves 1 +01010110111100 serviceably 1 +01010110111100 tonight. 1 +01010110111100 Prinivil 1 +01010110111100 bullpens 1 +01010110111100 Fundal 1 +01010110111100 Galecron 1 +01010110111100 mid-day 1 +01010110111100 1:18-32 1 +01010110111100 Isoptin-SR 1 +01010110111100 27501 1 +01010110111100 Unifie 1 +01010110111100 aquiver 1 +01010110111100 N-Y-N-E-X 1 +01010110111100 1978-1982 1 +01010110111100 Dzhugashvili 1 +01010110111100 quickly. 1 +01010110111100 Intron-A 1 +01010110111100 unemotionally 1 +01010110111100 Dinkelsbuehl 1 +01010110111100 simultanteously 1 +01010110111100 green-and-yellow 1 +01010110111100 dominate. 1 +01010110111100 De-Reaganization 1 +01010110111100 ParaGard 1 +01010110111100 Dist 1 +01010110111100 Dunnells 1 +01010110111100 Halpert 1 +01010110111100 66-10 1 +01010110111100 crashed. 1 +01010110111100 mousers 1 +01010110111100 isocaproate 1 +01010110111100 Griffin/Muppet 1 +01010110111100 post-Watt 1 +01010110111100 Danocrine 1 +01010110111100 omeprazole 1 +01010110111100 5.8s 1 +01010110111100 comique 1 +01010110111100 WH20. 1 +01010110111100 Syncal 1 +01010110111100 27940 1 +01010110111100 36000 1 +01010110111100 Finexpa 1 +01010110111100 sabres 1 +01010110111100 2a 1 +01010110111100 39B 1 +01010110111100 InterContemporain 1 +01010110111100 Datasoft 1 +01010110111100 Hachiya 1 +01010110111100 inoperant 1 +01010110111100 Co-Renitec 1 +01010110111100 holds. 1 +01010110111100 Isoptin 1 +01010110111100 buffa 1 +01010110111100 Selegiline 1 +01010110111100 28475 1 +01010110111100 Cuauh-te-moc 1 +01010110111100 frothed 1 +01010110111100 Kissettes. 1 +01010110111100 prewashed 1 +01010110111100 Temik 1 +01010110111100 Analisis 1 +01010110111100 Radissons 1 +01010110111100 Kator 1 +01010110111100 CPP/Pinkerton 1 +01010110111100 asparaginase 1 +01010110111100 tribesman 1 +01010110111100 lip-quivering 1 +01010110111100 22240 1 +01010110111100 x2 1 +01010110111100 contest. 1 +01010110111100 impaired. 1 +01010110111100 PolyVision 1 +01010110111100 out-muscled 2 +01010110111100 grottoes 2 +01010110111100 hatchings 2 +01010110111100 attenders 2 +01010110111100 BLI 2 +01010110111100 Sportverein 2 +01010110111100 Nietzche 2 +01010110111100 Straker 2 +01010110111100 decisons 2 +01010110111100 Haugland 2 +01010110111100 waifs 2 +01010110111100 mutinied 2 +01010110111100 Vashem 2 +01010110111100 reports-Unisys 2 +01010110111100 sideshows 2 +01010110111100 Keota 2 +01010110111100 Z-100 2 +01010110111100 hereabout 2 +01010110111100 blubber 2 +01010110111100 business-wise 2 +01010110111100 Bonavent 2 +01010110111100 smoldered 2 +01010110111100 uninjured 2 +01010110111100 REMOVAL 2 +01010110111100 deliberates 3 +01010110111100 Techmashimport 3 +01010110111100 greeters 3 +01010110111100 flacks 3 +01010110111100 Jade 3 +01010110111100 held. 3 +01010110111100 starves 3 +01010110111100 Peptide-T 3 +01010110111100 cooed 3 +01010110111100 dictu 3 +01010110111100 eliminators 3 +01010110111100 facelifts 3 +01010110111100 agape 3 +01010110111100 conversationally 3 +01010110111100 Esmeralda 3 +01010110111100 Abbokinase 3 +01010110111100 Gataoulline 3 +01010110111100 Loyale 3 +01010110111100 Goldbrick 3 +01010110111100 slammers 3 +01010110111100 everywhere. 3 +01010110111100 dry-cleaned 3 +01010110111100 quaked 3 +01010110111100 WCCO 3 +01010110111100 checklists 3 +01010110111100 recurs 4 +01010110111100 HAPPY 4 +01010110111100 goer 4 +01010110111100 retardants 4 +01010110111100 gulped 4 +01010110111100 benders 4 +01010110111100 synonyms 4 +01010110111100 appreciatively 4 +01010110111100 niacin 4 +01010110111100 Testaverde 5 +01010110111100 snatchers 5 +01010110111100 Overtake 5 +01010110111100 thickens 5 +01010110111100 aborning 5 +01010110111100 Daze 5 +01010110111100 chirping 6 +01010110111100 off-guard 6 +01010110111100 warmers 6 +01010110111100 giveth 7 +01010110111100 withers 7 +01010110111100 solvers 7 +01010110111100 culpa 7 +01010110111100 galore 8 +01010110111100 in. 9 +01010110111100 hesitantly 10 +01010110111100 recedes 10 +01010110111100 now. 10 +01010110111100 burners 10 +01010110111100 here. 11 +01010110111100 underfoot 12 +01010110111100 setter 13 +01010110111100 Inform 14 +01010110111100 unturned 15 +01010110111100 squirm 16 +01010110111100 washers 17 +01010110111100 goers 17 +01010110111100 dwindles 20 +01010110111100 abounded 28 +01010110111100 indoors 35 +01010110111100 onstage 36 +01010110111100 thereof 38 +01010110111100 hereabouts 42 +01010110111100 nowadays 127 +01010110111100 abound 177 +01010110111100 whatsoever 180 +01010110111100 alike 420 +01010110111100 here 13874 +01010110111100 everywhere 502 +010101101111010 CVU 1 +010101101111010 defect-free 1 +010101101111010 formation-style 1 +010101101111010 BDNI 1 +010101101111010 RSUWI 1 +010101101111010 LDUWI 1 +010101101111010 strudels 1 +010101101111010 amoebas 1 +010101101111010 herdsman 1 +010101101111010 de-recognition 1 +010101101111010 Marketote 1 +010101101111010 CARTHAGE 1 +010101101111010 Wagneritis 1 +010101101111010 thataway 1 +010101101111010 494-0 1 +010101101111010 UGNE 1 +010101101111010 wrung-out 1 +010101101111010 CAIRO 1 +010101101111010 trhemselves 1 +010101101111010 CELL 1 +010101101111010 listand 1 +010101101111010 unglazed 1 +010101101111010 BNHNU 1 +010101101111010 XPU 1 +010101101111010 KKUWI 1 +010101101111010 GCUWI 1 +010101101111010 RFUWI 1 +010101101111010 V-E-T-O 1 +010101101111010 flagstone 1 +010101101111010 vindictively 1 +010101101111010 XXUWI 1 +010101101111010 HMUWI 1 +010101101111010 HLUWI 1 +010101101111010 voice-recognizer 1 +010101101111010 BZU 1 +010101101111010 conjointly 1 +010101101111010 rumrunners 1 +010101101111010 unwakened 1 +010101101111010 longer. 1 +010101101111010 slantways 1 +010101101111010 standing-growing 1 +010101101111010 anonyously 1 +010101101111010 unattained 1 +010101101111010 Citidollars 1 +010101101111010 ear-to-ear 1 +010101101111010 reciprocally 1 +010101101111010 FLAGSTAFF 1 +010101101111010 MAKANDA 1 +010101101111010 DAVENPORT 1 +010101101111010 hieroglyphs 1 +010101101111010 pro-socialist 1 +010101101111010 countercyclically 1 +010101101111010 Eastern-fast 1 +010101101111010 10th-seeded 1 +010101101111010 g-o-l-d 1 +010101101111010 unviewable 1 +010101101111010 5-feet 1 +010101101111010 blank-again 1 +010101101111010 distibutor 1 +010101101111010 Nightranger 1 +010101101111010 unplowed 1 +010101101111010 Peelu 1 +010101101111010 progress. 1 +010101101111010 prep-riced 1 +010101101111010 Tanning 1 +010101101111010 ballistically 1 +010101101111010 SHCO 1 +010101101111010 feelingly 1 +010101101111010 ATUWI 1 +010101101111010 un-Malay 1 +010101101111010 undefinitive 1 +010101101111010 mega-dollars 1 +010101101111010 undramatized 1 +010101101111010 scapula 1 +010101101111010 KDUWI 1 +010101101111010 GNU 1 +010101101111010 DOUWI 1 +010101101111010 UPUWI 1 +010101101111010 AOUWI 1 +010101101111010 clothing-optional 1 +010101101111010 undelayed 1 +010101101111010 Dorbane 1 +010101101111010 MKUWI 1 +010101101111010 OGUWI 1 +010101101111010 under-reserved 1 +010101101111010 unscaled 1 +010101101111010 NEUF-BRISACH 1 +010101101111010 crosswise 1 +010101101111010 spasmodically 1 +010101101111010 6-feet-4 1 +010101101111010 FCUWI 1 +010101101111010 Kali 1 +010101101111010 segment-oriented 1 +010101101111010 a-laying 1 +010101101111010 paternalistically 1 +010101101111010 DPUW 1 +010101101111010 2,000-50 1 +010101101111010 GUADALAJARA 1 +010101101111010 clothesline-style 1 +010101101111010 870310-0011 1 +010101101111010 UGC-7394 1 +010101101111010 offbalance 1 +010101101111010 state-building 1 +010101101111010 petticoats 1 +010101101111010 Kiryat 1 +010101101111010 RoadRailing 1 +010101101111010 Ptisenbon 1 +010101101111010 anti-Oakland 1 +010101101111010 templates 1 +010101101111010 1-800-IMDYING 1 +010101101111010 indepedent 1 +010101101111010 untracked 1 +010101101111010 agree. 1 +010101101111010 HUHO 1 +010101101111010 SPRINGFIELD 1 +010101101111010 Kentwood 1 +010101101111010 facedown 1 +010101101111010 executive-finance 1 +010101101111010 LP-only 1 +010101101111010 hograisers 1 +010101101111010 firement 1 +010101101111010 CHL 1 +010101101111010 baby-kissing 1 +010101101111010 menstruating 1 +010101101111010 unalive 1 +010101101111010 STARING 1 +010101101111010 NO-PEC 1 +010101101111010 unremedied 1 +010101101111010 idiotically 1 +010101101111010 arm-in-arm 1 +010101101111010 tranquilly 1 +010101101111010 Cine-Fi 1 +010101101111010 1,062-922 1 +010101101111010 Eday 1 +010101101111010 concertina-style 1 +010101101111010 pulsated 1 +010101101111010 operations. 1 +010101101111010 unperformed 1 +010101101111010 audences 1 +010101101111010 Ashkelon 1 +010101101111010 side-tracked 1 +010101101111010 post-Cipollone 1 +010101101111010 non-days 1 +010101101111010 archaically 1 +010101101111010 wingtip-to-wingtip 1 +010101101111010 enchants 2 +010101101111010 Vif 2 +010101101111010 slurping 2 +010101101111010 thwupped 2 +010101101111010 crowbars 2 +010101101111010 supinely 2 +010101101111010 effort. 2 +010101101111010 Serbo-Croatian 2 +010101101111010 larva 2 +010101101111010 flirtatiously 2 +010101101111010 catamarans 2 +010101101111010 Archimedes 2 +010101101111010 suramin 2 +010101101111010 uneaten 2 +010101101111010 refilled 2 +010101101111010 9-12 2 +010101101111010 raptly 2 +010101101111010 adulteress 2 +010101101111010 too. 2 +010101101111010 extemporaneously 2 +010101101111010 assimilates 2 +010101101111010 turfs 2 +010101101111010 Moncayo 2 +010101101111010 1773 2 +010101101111010 jobhunting 2 +010101101111010 pulsates 2 +010101101111010 intermingle 2 +010101101111010 unpoliced 2 +010101101111010 a-twinkle 2 +010101101111010 ratatouille 2 +010101101111010 wimpish 2 +010101101111010 Stallions 2 +010101101111010 uncast 2 +010101101111010 synergistically 2 +010101101111010 wanly 3 +010101101111010 russets 3 +010101101111010 ventricle 3 +010101101111010 cheek-by-jowl 3 +010101101111010 SF 3 +010101101111010 vacillates 3 +010101101111010 sententious 3 +010101101111010 sanctimoniously 3 +010101101111010 uncriticized 3 +010101101111010 riper 3 +010101101111010 WXIN-TV 3 +010101101111010 brunettes 3 +010101101111010 unsaid 3 +010101101111010 unmercifully 3 +010101101111010 magna 3 +010101101111010 seaworthy 3 +010101101111010 beatifically 3 +010101101111010 Adriamycin 3 +010101101111010 again. 3 +010101101111010 miked 3 +010101101111010 clockwise 3 +010101101111010 skyrockets 3 +010101101111010 unasked 3 +010101101111010 gunshy 3 +010101101111010 grouchy 4 +010101101111010 post-forming 4 +010101101111010 unawares 4 +010101101111010 Westphalia 4 +010101101111010 unobserved 4 +010101101111010 aflutter 4 +010101101111010 14- 4 +010101101111010 modernizes 4 +010101101111010 whitefish 4 +010101101111010 codfish 4 +010101101111010 rearming 4 +010101101111010 VLDL 4 +010101101111010 unformed 4 +010101101111010 smolder 5 +010101101111010 agog 5 +010101101111010 coherently 5 +010101101111010 unethically 5 +010101101111010 resound 5 +010101101111010 thinkable 5 +010101101111010 oilers 5 +010101101111010 chest-high 5 +010101101111010 vaccinations 6 +010101101111010 regally 6 +010101101111010 unmolested 6 +010101101111010 unaided 6 +010101101111010 unassisted 7 +010101101111010 vicariously 7 +010101101111010 unremarked 7 +010101101111010 lifes 7 +010101101111010 noirs 8 +010101101111010 Archipelago 8 +010101101111010 undamaged 8 +010101101111010 predominates 8 +010101101111010 uncontrollably 8 +010101101111010 spellbound 9 +010101101111010 dawns 9 +010101101111010 cross-legged 9 +010101101111010 impassively 9 +010101101111010 crackles 9 +010101101111010 unread 10 +010101101111010 fastened 10 +010101101111010 interchangeably 10 +010101101111010 unaddressed 10 +010101101111010 quickens 11 +010101101111010 sparkles 12 +010101101111010 flat-footed 13 +010101101111010 cooperates 16 +010101101111010 fallow 16 +010101101111010 intravenously 17 +010101101111010 prospers 17 +010101101111010 vanishes 17 +010101101111010 sours 18 +010101101111010 unglued 18 +010101101111010 deepens 19 +010101101111010 subsides 20 +010101101111010 afire 22 +010101101111010 undisturbed 25 +010101101111010 deteriorates 31 +010101101111010 adrift 32 +010101101111010 abounds 34 +010101101111010 falters 35 +010101101111010 concurrently 36 +010101101111010 unopposed 39 +010101101111010 aloft 42 +010101101111010 worsens 45 +010101101111010 mum 47 +010101101111010 unfolds 52 +010101101111010 ablaze 53 +010101101111010 activator 54 +010101101111010 awake 65 +010101101111010 unscathed 65 +010101101111010 progresses 72 +010101101111010 untouched 90 +010101101111010 persists 140 +010101101111010 afloat 146 +010101101111010 notwithstanding 193 +010101101111010 intact 385 +010101101111010 forth 496 +010101101111010 alive 589 +010101101111010 together 4328 +010101101111010 alone 2912 +010101101111011 advisedly 1 +010101101111011 gelded 1 +010101101111011 Samanthaphile 1 +010101101111011 isolators 1 +010101101111011 prophylactically 1 +010101101111011 Schlemiel 1 +010101101111011 pro-Semite 1 +010101101111011 zippo 1 +010101101111011 Mike. 1 +010101101111011 management-by-objectives 1 +010101101111011 are. 1 +010101101111011 brokenhearted 1 +010101101111011 reviewed. 1 +010101101111011 out/Heretic 1 +010101101111011 Bo-Diddley 1 +010101101111011 America-in-miniature 1 +010101101111011 reengagements 1 +010101101111011 associations. 1 +010101101111011 2,4-D 1 +010101101111011 dimer 1 +010101101111011 mozarella 1 +010101101111011 frowziness 1 +010101101111011 ex-workers 1 +010101101111011 40,454 1 +010101101111011 war-readiness 1 +010101101111011 refutations 1 +010101101111011 three-years 1 +010101101111011 autodidact 1 +010101101111011 esophagi 1 +010101101111011 E=MC2 1 +010101101111011 2237 1 +010101101111011 unhooked 1 +010101101111011 idiomatically 1 +010101101111011 exports. 1 +010101101111011 Birne 1 +010101101111011 bingxiang 1 +010101101111011 globalists 1 +010101101111011 Pukki 1 +010101101111011 goatmeat-on-a-stick 1 +010101101111011 decaf. 1 +010101101111011 title-holder 1 +010101101111011 2,589,148 1 +010101101111011 frivolities 1 +010101101111011 bushier 1 +010101101111011 voracity 1 +010101101111011 few. 1 +010101101111011 anthologized 1 +010101101111011 unstanched 1 +010101101111011 nation-to-nation 1 +010101101111011 spirit. 1 +010101101111011 framer 1 +010101101111011 before-strike 1 +010101101111011 Tuturno 1 +010101101111011 Feb.9-10 1 +010101101111011 about. 1 +010101101111011 249-172 1 +010101101111011 nonverbally 1 +010101101111011 operatorship 1 +010101101111011 800-554-4477. 1 +010101101111011 dwarves 1 +010101101111011 offsite 1 +010101101111011 time-servers 1 +010101101111011 Kabuki-style 1 +010101101111011 791-729 1 +010101101111011 posthaste 1 +010101101111011 mayoralties 2 +010101101111011 13-10 2 +010101101111011 PPA 2 +010101101111011 Pelargonium 2 +010101101111011 full-circle 2 +010101101111011 acculturation 2 +010101101111011 disgracefully 2 +010101101111011 Tavoy 2 +010101101111011 stomachaches 2 +010101101111011 shimmers 2 +010101101111011 dilated 2 +010101101111011 Doritos 2 +010101101111011 195.82 2 +010101101111011 east-to-west 2 +010101101111011 unobjectionable 2 +010101101111011 Shelfvision 2 +010101101111011 part-way 2 +010101101111011 anti-establishmentarian 2 +010101101111011 tropicals 2 +010101101111011 2,092,000 2 +010101101111011 Bilhah 2 +010101101111011 minimization 2 +010101101111011 CRV 2 +010101101111011 why. 2 +010101101111011 2,045,000 2 +010101101111011 inwards 2 +010101101111011 insolvents 2 +010101101111011 2,043,000 2 +010101101111011 -Ed 2 +010101101111011 oxidizes 2 +010101101111011 Kyprianou 2 +010101101111011 tidily 2 +010101101111011 records. 2 +010101101111011 Dionysus 2 +010101101111011 elsewhere. 2 +010101101111011 tolerantly 2 +010101101111011 clanked 2 +010101101111011 jiggle 2 +010101101111011 Rudolpho 2 +010101101111011 talk. 2 +010101101111011 hollow-eyed 2 +010101101111011 smoking. 2 +010101101111011 ebulliently 2 +010101101111011 ASAPT 2 +010101101111011 alright 2 +010101101111011 commensurately 2 +010101101111011 malabsorption 2 +010101101111011 imploringly 2 +010101101111011 ABK 2 +010101101111011 worshipfully 2 +010101101111011 nauseous 3 +010101101111011 dale 3 +010101101111011 seven. 3 +010101101111011 orgasms 3 +010101101111011 mournfully 3 +010101101111011 insensitively 3 +010101101111011 Morals 3 +010101101111011 for. 3 +010101101111011 1065 3 +010101101111011 snorkel 3 +010101101111011 serendipitously 3 +010101101111011 later. 3 +010101101111011 enough. 3 +010101101111011 Ecclesiastes 3 +010101101111011 enigmatically 3 +010101101111011 back. 3 +010101101111011 smirked 3 +010101101111011 100-fold 3 +010101101111011 2,149,000 3 +010101101111011 cheerily 3 +010101101111011 tuneups 3 +010101101111011 gin-and-tonics 3 +010101101111011 sevens 3 +010101101111011 disapprovingly 3 +010101101111011 retail-wise 3 +010101101111011 seropositive 3 +010101101111011 darkens 3 +010101101111011 multilaterally 4 +010101101111011 putty 4 +010101101111011 abstractly 4 +010101101111011 skateboards 4 +010101101111011 PREE-sus 4 +010101101111011 saucers 4 +010101101111011 absent-mindedly 4 +010101101111011 ............................ 4 +010101101111011 trios 4 +010101101111011 Putsch 4 +010101101111011 swimmingly 4 +010101101111011 takeover-proof 4 +010101101111011 Polyana 4 +010101101111011 WHBQ 4 +010101101111011 accusingly 4 +010101101111011 presto 5 +010101101111011 thistles 5 +010101101111011 shears 5 +010101101111011 Hammerstein 5 +010101101111011 uneventfully 5 +010101101111011 worriedly 5 +010101101111011 expansively 5 +010101101111011 Glib 5 +010101101111011 facetiously 5 +010101101111011 cyanazine 5 +010101101111011 harmlessly 5 +010101101111011 yesterday. 5 +010101101111011 consecutively 5 +010101101111011 wrinkle-resistant 5 +010101101111011 humanely 5 +010101101111011 before. 5 +010101101111011 seashells 5 +010101101111011 undependable 5 +010101101111011 begrudgingly 5 +010101101111011 uncertainly 6 +010101101111011 inconsistently 6 +010101101111011 dishonestly 6 +010101101111011 shyly 6 +010101101111011 incongruously 6 +010101101111011 incredulously 6 +010101101111011 down. 6 +010101101111011 soberly 6 +010101101111011 Mme 7 +010101101111011 hypothetically 7 +010101101111011 alphabetically 7 +010101101111011 you. 7 +010101101111011 pirouettes 7 +010101101111011 up. 8 +010101101111011 scot-free 8 +010101101111011 reverently 8 +010101101111011 contemptuously 8 +010101101111011 offensively 8 +010101101111011 abates 8 +010101101111011 smugly 9 +010101101111011 indignantly 9 +010101101111011 merlot 9 +010101101111011 forthwith 10 +010101101111011 unopened 10 +010101101111011 apologetically 11 +010101101111011 there. 11 +010101101111011 ensues 11 +010101101111011 amiably 11 +010101101111011 speechless 11 +010101101111011 profusely 11 +010101101111011 imploded 11 +010101101111011 externally 12 +010101101111011 unpredictably 12 +010101101111011 honorably 12 +010101101111011 exponentially 14 +010101101111011 imminently 14 +010101101111011 breathlessly 15 +010101101111011 buckles 15 +010101101111011 aplenty 16 +010101101111011 evaporates 17 +010101101111011 impatiently 19 +010101101111011 wanes 20 +010101101111011 haphazardly 20 +010101101111011 unharmed 20 +010101101111011 incessantly 21 +010101101111011 skyward 21 +010101101111011 mechanically 21 +010101101111011 wearily 22 +010101101111011 horizontally 22 +010101101111011 defensively 23 +010101101111011 regionally 24 +010101101111011 triumphantly 25 +010101101111011 materializes 26 +010101101111011 empty-handed 26 +010101101111011 apace 30 +010101101111011 amicably 30 +010101101111011 intermittently 30 +010101101111011 warily 31 +010101101111011 rationally 31 +010101101111011 anyhow 34 +010101101111011 miserably 35 +010101101111011 spontaneously 36 +010101101111011 unabated 36 +010101101111011 rhetorically 36 +010101101111011 anonymously 36 +010101101111011 onscreen 38 +010101101111011 sporadically 39 +010101101111011 patiently 40 +010101101111011 afterwards 47 +010101101111011 momentarily 54 +010101101111011 satisfactorily 58 +010101101111011 softly 58 +010101101111011 ensued 61 +010101101111011 backwards 63 +010101101111011 responsibly 65 +010101101111011 beforehand 71 +010101101111011 peacefully 75 +010101101111011 dearly 77 +010101101111011 globally 81 +010101101111011 briskly 112 +010101101111011 prematurely 113 +010101101111011 anew 128 +010101101111011 accordingly 148 +010101101111011 individually 172 +010101101111011 internally 230 +010101101111011 thereafter 292 +010101101111011 afterward 333 +010101101111011 internationally 392 +010101101111011 differently 404 +010101101111011 nationally 409 +010101101111011 indefinitely 415 +010101101111011 forever 451 +010101101111011 altogether 491 +010101101111011 briefly 530 +010101101111011 anymore 691 +010101101111011 anyway 986 +010101101111011 lately 998 +010101101111011 elsewhere 1567 +010101101111011 abroad 2270 +010101101111011 again 7819 +01010110111110 Dutralene 1 +01010110111110 whodunits 1 +01010110111110 cytotechnology 1 +01010110111110 prognosticating 1 +01010110111110 anti-Islam 1 +01010110111110 intimidators 1 +01010110111110 Fisher/IL 1 +01010110111110 5070447 1 +01010110111110 Geschwitz 1 +01010110111110 selfincrimination 1 +01010110111110 caressingly 1 +01010110111110 white-collar-workers 1 +01010110111110 nonscholars 1 +01010110111110 mackeral 1 +01010110111110 1425-35 1 +01010110111110 strike-busting 1 +01010110111110 resubscribing 1 +01010110111110 take-offs 1 +01010110111110 ripcords 1 +01010110111110 Neurogen 1 +01010110111110 Tijuana-style 1 +01010110111110 cardiomegaly 1 +01010110111110 Manrico 1 +01010110111110 scandalmongering 1 +01010110111110 976-CHAT 1 +01010110111110 T-80s 1 +01010110111110 money-watcher 1 +01010110111110 hara-kari 1 +01010110111110 Dial-A-Writer 1 +01010110111110 Flask 1 +01010110111110 Jochanaan 1 +01010110111110 Jazzercise 1 +01010110111110 banking-credit 1 +01010110111110 alliance-to-alliance 1 +01010110111110 excommunication 1 +01010110111110 Cio-Cio-san 1 +01010110111110 exultingly 1 +01010110111110 pogonotomy 1 +01010110111110 prolifically 1 +01010110111110 CO2 1 +01010110111110 physician-managers 1 +01010110111110 dictatorially 1 +01010110111110 checkerboarded 1 +01010110111110 Dazu 1 +01010110111110 Winstons 1 +01010110111110 N2 1 +01010110111110 front-suspension 1 +01010110111110 non-English-speakers 1 +01010110111110 double-cropping 1 +01010110111110 extraditability 1 +01010110111110 regulation/deregulation 1 +01010110111110 engine-surging 1 +01010110111110 parodias 1 +01010110111110 dial-a-joke 1 +01010110111110 gas-guzzlers 1 +01010110111110 iself 1 +01010110111110 MDphones 1 +01010110111110 Clickers 1 +01010110111110 harikari 1 +01010110111110 alleg 1 +01010110111110 keye/donna/pearlstein 1 +01010110111110 1-800-843-9388 1 +01010110111110 landmines 1 +01010110111110 1-800-283-7800 1 +01010110111110 8-billion-yen 1 +01010110111110 caucusgoers 1 +01010110111110 mycobacterium 1 +01010110111110 less-complete-than-usual 1 +01010110111110 Messr 1 +01010110111110 Akhnaten 1 +01010110111110 everybody. 1 +01010110111110 subtopics 1 +01010110111110 RNs 1 +01010110111110 loss-dumping 1 +01010110111110 Bennettsville 1 +01010110111110 direct-hire 1 +01010110111110 most-dress 1 +01010110111110 sublimity 1 +01010110111110 sleaziness 1 +01010110111110 Vitrax 1 +01010110111110 chelation 1 +01010110111110 Japanese-type 1 +01010110111110 E-III 2 +01010110111110 Shungen 2 +01010110111110 210/24A 2 +01010110111110 luging 2 +01010110111110 requisitions 2 +01010110111110 cryogenics 2 +01010110111110 AD/Cycle 2 +01010110111110 Popsicles 2 +01010110111110 mutely 2 +01010110111110 SunLink 2 +01010110111110 amikacin 2 +01010110111110 Hilarion 2 +01010110111110 Kostadinova 2 +01010110111110 Iotti 2 +01010110111110 48/23 2 +01010110111110 chloracne 2 +01010110111110 Schopenhauer 2 +01010110111110 crossties 2 +01010110111110 themselve 2 +01010110111110 Nonni 2 +01010110111110 indulgently 2 +01010110111110 chomps 2 +01010110111110 entropy 2 +01010110111110 magisterially 2 +01010110111110 teleprinters 2 +01010110111110 lethargically 2 +01010110111110 Carriles 2 +01010110111110 recreationally 2 +01010110111110 bellybutton 2 +01010110111110 deportable 2 +01010110111110 Goneril 2 +01010110111110 formularies 2 +01010110111110 ferrets 2 +01010110111110 ANPP 2 +01010110111110 bunts 2 +01010110111110 Salieri 3 +01010110111110 clippers 3 +01010110111110 Tipple 3 +01010110111110 cheek-to-cheek 3 +01010110111110 Orachel 3 +01010110111110 Dex 3 +01010110111110 besuboru 3 +01010110111110 N-Bloctin 3 +01010110111110 exultantly 3 +01010110111110 SmartLease 3 +01010110111110 voraciously 4 +01010110111110 Neenah 4 +01010110111110 Clausewitz 4 +01010110111110 roughage 4 +01010110111110 Leafy 4 +01010110111110 Calypso 4 +01010110111110 nonoxynol-9 4 +01010110111110 Dermo 4 +01010110111110 Leninism 4 +01010110111110 enshrining 4 +01010110111110 airily 4 +01010110111110 oiling 4 +01010110111110 recitatives 4 +01010110111110 orgotein 4 +01010110111110 protons 5 +01010110111110 cogently 5 +01010110111110 professorships 5 +01010110111110 tendon 5 +01010110111110 creditably 5 +01010110111110 originalism 5 +01010110111110 alibis 6 +01010110111110 alight 6 +01010110111110 sandpaper 6 +01010110111110 civilly 6 +01010110111110 Kisan 6 +01010110111110 Venie 6 +01010110111110 ostriches 9 +01010110111110 intersect 11 +01010110111110 helplessly 13 +01010110111110 biz 15 +01010110111110 CD-Vs 17 +01010110111110 oneself 23 +01010110111110 gallstones 28 +01010110111110 yourselves 32 +01010110111110 awhile 116 +01010110111110 grabs 140 +01010110111110 yourself 474 +01010110111110 herself 567 +01010110111110 myself 681 +01010110111110 ourselves 723 +01010110111110 itself 6583 +01010110111110 themselves 5118 +01010110111110 himself 4882 +01010110111111 Luchetti 1 +01010110111111 PrePaid 1 +01010110111111 Primm 1 +01010110111111 Sjadzali 1 +01010110111111 1659 1 +01010110111111 Gutzeit 1 +01010110111111 fatuities 1 +01010110111111 sanguinarine 1 +01010110111111 decision-by-decision 1 +01010110111111 card. 1 +01010110111111 clinically. 1 +01010110111111 youself 1 +01010110111111 2054 1 +01010110111111 Aug.31 1 +01010110111111 Quisling 1 +01010110111111 archimandrite 1 +01010110111111 Reveille 1 +01010110111111 salves 1 +01010110111111 Sarasate 1 +01010110111111 legionnaire 1 +01010110111111 1995-96 1 +01010110111111 ShinDaiwa 1 +01010110111111 GISSI-2. 1 +01010110111111 prize-fighting 1 +01010110111111 northwest. 1 +01010110111111 accident-proneness 1 +01010110111111 veto-resistant 1 +01010110111111 deficit-tough 1 +01010110111111 Alexandrov 1 +01010110111111 4-chloro-2 1 +01010110111111 lota 1 +01010110111111 Heer 1 +01010110111111 Feb.23-27 1 +01010110111111 veggies 1 +01010110111111 thyself 1 +01010110111111 Patlagean 1 +01010110111111 79,249 1 +01010110111111 Rashovich 1 +01010110111111 Suitor 1 +01010110111111 Ixion 1 +01010110111111 24,292 1 +01010110111111 w/RR 1 +01010110111111 Pursuits 1 +01010110111111 pocus 1 +01010110111111 IR-88-23 1 +01010110111111 beanies 1 +01010110111111 B-I-G 1 +01010110111111 328-72 1 +01010110111111 Shostakovitch 1 +01010110111111 fabrications. 1 +01010110111111 CD/M&A 1 +01010110111111 Compute 1 +01010110111111 surchages 1 +01010110111111 something/That 1 +01010110111111 pincushioning 1 +01010110111111 process-design 1 +01010110111111 midstate 1 +01010110111111 itsshareholders 1 +01010110111111 firer 1 +01010110111111 Guber-Peter 1 +01010110111111 program-supply 1 +01010110111111 taken. 1 +01010110111111 tomorrow. 1 +01010110111111 Yoshitora 1 +01010110111111 94.80 2 +01010110111111 backsliders 2 +01010110111111 imports. 2 +01010110111111 together. 2 +01010110111111 sangioveto 2 +01010110111111 fare-setting 2 +01010110111111 21,176.03 2 +01010110111111 Videoway 2 +01010110111111 Salen 2 +01010110111111 Wheatena 2 +01010110111111 write-ins 2 +01010110111111 Treckie 2 +01010110111111 Ragalyi 2 +01010110111111 spongers 2 +01010110111111 AT&T. 2 +01010110111111 hippos 2 +01010110111111 exhumation 2 +01010110111111 PVCs 2 +01010110111111 Secoinsa 2 +01010110111111 Ogura 2 +01010110111111 Piranesi 2 +01010110111111 GISSI-2 2 +01010110111111 culler 2 +01010110111111 serially 2 +01010110111111 Ektachrome 2 +01010110111111 scurvy 2 +01010110111111 genesplicing 2 +01010110111111 themselves. 2 +01010110111111 Scoobydoo 2 +01010110111111 charge. 2 +01010110111111 1384.04 2 +01010110111111 Ferenczi 2 +01010110111111 KCET 2 +01010110111111 surgery. 3 +01010110111111 indiscreetly 3 +01010110111111 Newtex 3 +01010110111111 balderdash 3 +01010110111111 Began 3 +01010110111111 ERT 3 +01010110111111 tommorow 3 +01010110111111 decaf 3 +01010110111111 Mepco 3 +01010110111111 2-4-D 3 +01010110111111 itself. 3 +01010110111111 midazolam 3 +01010110111111 peacemakers 3 +01010110111111 Primaxin 3 +01010110111111 Sunette 3 +01010110111111 Agretech 3 +01010110111111 Sieglinde 3 +01010110111111 ever. 3 +01010110111111 Josipovic 3 +01010110111111 JAIL 4 +01010110111111 Kachoos 4 +01010110111111 upperclassmen 4 +01010110111111 94-2 4 +01010110111111 transcriptase 4 +01010110111111 Spim 4 +01010110111111 afresh 4 +01010110111111 Talleyrand 4 +01010110111111 Scarpia 5 +01010110111111 Ristretto 5 +01010110111111 A&T 5 +01010110111111 today. 5 +01010110111111 WQUE 6 +01010110111111 semiotics 6 +01010110111111 Despina 6 +01010110111111 tommorrow 7 +01010110111111 tokenism 7 +01010110111111 Constantinople 7 +01010110111111 Leonora 8 +01010110111111 daminozide 9 +01010110111111 over-allotments 25 +01010110111111 overallotments 52 +01010110111111 tonight 327 +01010110111111 today 11252 +01010110111111 tomorrow 2731 +010101110000 enticingly 1 +010101110000 Cretan 1 +010101110000 97-foot-tall 1 +010101110000 140-year-old 1 +010101110000 5-cent-a-gallon 1 +010101110000 45-match 1 +010101110000 one-sidedly 1 +010101110000 egocentrically 1 +010101110000 one-stroke 1 +010101110000 solid-looking 1 +010101110000 Best-Dressed 1 +010101110000 singles-hitting 1 +010101110000 lodgers 1 +010101110000 blue-suit 1 +010101110000 before-watch 1 +010101110000 cable-competitive 1 +010101110000 attack-a 1 +010101110000 demythify 1 +010101110000 2.8-mile 1 +010101110000 lousy/ 1 +010101110000 six-dozen 1 +010101110000 Bahrainian 1 +010101110000 hard-swinging 1 +010101110000 claustrophobically 1 +010101110000 sugar-sweetened 1 +010101110000 small-L 1 +010101110000 dark-brown 1 +010101110000 16-percentage-point 1 +010101110000 tiredlooking 1 +010101110000 thin-sided 1 +010101110000 waifish 1 +010101110000 three-stroke 1 +010101110000 seven-foot-tall 1 +010101110000 five-hour-long 1 +010101110000 108-year-old 1 +010101110000 four-carat 1 +010101110000 American-inspired 1 +010101110000 invitingly 1 +010101110000 wackily 1 +010101110000 schlemiel 1 +010101110000 inch-and-a-half 1 +010101110000 26-to-1 1 +010101110000 unswervingly 1 +010101110000 six-run 1 +010101110000 1980-style 1 +010101110000 real-honest-to-God 1 +010101110000 submicroscopically 1 +010101110000 resultingly 1 +010101110000 scorchingly 1 +010101110000 natural-looking 1 +010101110000 most-pressing 1 +010101110000 unthinkably 1 +010101110000 chrome-colored 1 +010101110000 100-megabyte 1 +010101110000 300-megabyte 1 +010101110000 decolonizing 1 +010101110000 circumstancially 1 +010101110000 one-run 1 +010101110000 seeingness 1 +010101110000 insipidly 1 +010101110000 spoon-petaled 1 +010101110000 exessively 1 +010101110000 blondbearded 1 +010101110000 once-unthinkably 1 +010101110000 indomitably 1 +010101110000 unrelentingly 1 +010101110000 4,640-mile 1 +010101110000 crimp-haired 1 +010101110000 drunk-tank 1 +010101110000 wobbly-wheeled 1 +010101110000 out-of-this-world 1 +010101110000 106,000-ton 1 +010101110000 1,131,721-share 1 +010101110000 pro-derelict 1 +010101110000 hula-hoop 1 +010101110000 75-66 1 +010101110000 1,024,562-share 1 +010101110000 40-pound 1 +010101110000 glass-lens 1 +010101110000 fallen-away 1 +010101110000 214-year-old 1 +010101110000 soft-on-defense 1 +010101110000 Majorica 1 +010101110000 wage-structure 1 +010101110000 110-outlet 1 +010101110000 stultifyingly 1 +010101110000 single-color 1 +010101110000 3.5-knot 1 +010101110000 pulverizingly 1 +010101110000 two-on-one 1 +010101110000 disgustingly 1 +010101110000 hard-up 1 +010101110000 2,200-kilometer 1 +010101110000 then-200 1 +010101110000 endemically 1 +010101110000 archfiend 1 +010101110000 ignobly 1 +010101110000 post-reform 1 +010101110000 U.S.-organized 1 +010101110000 non-capital 1 +010101110000 plumminess 1 +010101110000 double-wind-up 1 +010101110000 nine-figure 1 +010101110000 insensately 1 +010101110000 super-rifle 1 +010101110000 weed-ridden 1 +010101110000 inexpressibly 1 +010101110000 non-fruiting 1 +010101110000 Goddamn 1 +010101110000 seven-carat 1 +010101110000 topflight 1 +010101110000 radio-tagged 1 +010101110000 Connecticut-sized 1 +010101110000 stone-like 1 +010101110000 FOOTBALL 1 +010101110000 77-59 1 +010101110000 seal-oil 1 +010101110000 one-second 1 +010101110000 nuclear-fueled 1 +010101110000 Carrara 1 +010101110000 49-3 1 +010101110000 politico-psychologically 1 +010101110000 medical-practice 1 +010101110000 224-bed 1 +010101110000 park-bench 1 +010101110000 chubby-faced 1 +010101110000 pothead 1 +010101110000 fast-tracking 1 +010101110000 hot-sheets 1 +010101110000 16,500-foot 1 +010101110000 dressed-up 1 +010101110000 hand-embroidered 1 +010101110000 fatalistically 1 +010101110000 identifiably 1 +010101110000 unexceptionably 1 +010101110000 grape-flavored 1 +010101110000 1,589-944 1 +010101110000 turquoise-studded 1 +010101110000 becomed 1 +010101110000 telekinetic 1 +010101110000 office-and-apartment 1 +010101110000 mythologized 1 +010101110000 purse-holsters 1 +010101110000 offshore-discovery 1 +010101110000 quarter-carat 1 +010101110000 11-carat 1 +010101110000 Cuban-style 1 +010101110000 oil-tank 1 +010101110000 stemwinding 1 +010101110000 10-game 1 +010101110000 18,000-worker 1 +010101110000 abhorrently 1 +010101110000 corrosively 1 +010101110000 up-to-now 1 +010101110000 non-consecutive 1 +010101110000 203-bed 1 +010101110000 noncritically 1 +010101110000 1,443 1 +010101110000 waist-length 1 +010101110000 pink-and-beige 1 +010101110000 island-wide 1 +010101110000 50th-percentile 1 +010101110000 contagiously 1 +010101110000 Extraordinarily 1 +010101110000 surpriseat 1 +010101110000 nine-game 1 +010101110000 ordered-prepaid-two 1 +010101110000 immigrant-run 1 +010101110000 filthy-rich 1 +010101110000 usual-pretty 1 +010101110000 Wishful 1 +010101110000 as-yet-unpublished 1 +010101110000 rain-drenched 1 +010101110000 Gangetic 1 +010101110000 1.1-million-share 1 +010101110000 68-60 1 +010101110000 lean-over-backwards 1 +010101110000 nine-million-share 1 +010101110000 preponderantly 1 +010101110000 worrisomely 1 +010101110000 36-horse 1 +010101110000 14-ton 1 +010101110000 strong-jawed 1 +010101110000 hydroponic 1 +010101110000 ice-dancing 1 +010101110000 mindbogglingly 1 +010101110000 420,000-bushel 1 +010101110000 interlockings 1 +010101110000 33,000-barrel-a-day 1 +010101110000 quarter-term 1 +010101110000 debilitatingly 1 +010101110000 seven-months 1 +010101110000 four-by-six-foot 1 +010101110000 poll-defying 1 +010101110000 county-guaranteed 1 +010101110000 tigerish 1 +010101110000 1,747 1 +010101110000 2,110,700 1 +010101110000 lullaby 1 +010101110000 dirty-green 1 +010101110000 Conradically 1 +010101110000 barge-transported 1 +010101110000 London-educated 1 +010101110000 Moroccan-born 1 +010101110000 territorially 1 +010101110000 rock-rib 1 +010101110000 poison-control 1 +010101110000 unshakably 1 +010101110000 88-octane 1 +010101110000 vexingly 1 +010101110000 retakes 1 +010101110000 unbashedly 1 +010101110000 periodicity 1 +010101110000 diachronically 1 +010101110000 pathologically 1 +010101110000 Damascus-based 1 +010101110000 26-foot 1 +010101110000 Campaigned 1 +010101110000 Respirar 1 +010101110000 Trans-Pecos 1 +010101110000 Fed-engineered 1 +010101110000 fervant 1 +010101110000 teleological 1 +010101110000 chemise 1 +010101110000 still-commanding 1 +010101110000 socio-economically 1 +010101110000 Dearly 1 +010101110000 10-percentage-point 1 +010101110000 more-natural 1 +010101110000 Religiously 1 +010101110000 crashingly 1 +010101110000 problem-the 1 +010101110000 seven-percentage-point 1 +010101110000 infernally 1 +010101110000 glum-looking 1 +010101110000 minifactory 1 +010101110000 audaciously 1 +010101110000 unnervingly 1 +010101110000 Sanctimonious 1 +010101110000 wayward-looking 1 +010101110000 sunlight-simulating 1 +010101110000 dizzyingly 1 +010101110000 150-megabyte 1 +010101110000 670-megabyte 1 +010101110000 Republican-inspired 1 +010101110000 resource-wasting 1 +010101110000 longer-than-average 1 +010101110000 nightmarishly 1 +010101110000 gratingly 1 +010101110000 meditation-loving 1 +010101110000 receivera 1 +010101110000 smoothed-muscled 1 +010101110000 vase-shaped 1 +010101110000 overusing 1 +010101110000 110-foot 1 +010101110000 immuno 1 +010101110000 pinkish-gray 1 +010101110000 wellnigh 1 +010101110000 neurotically 1 +010101110000 fly-fisherman 1 +010101110000 half-week 1 +010101110000 slavedriving 1 +010101110000 terrier-like 1 +010101110000 unsurpassedly 1 +010101110000 four-act 1 +010101110000 benign-looking 1 +010101110000 12-square-mile 1 +010101110000 man-and-a-half 1 +010101110000 unbitably 1 +010101110000 unspeakably 2 +010101110000 terrifyingly 2 +010101110000 stupefyingly 2 +010101110000 out-of-place 2 +010101110000 gratifyingly 2 +010101110000 fascinatingly 2 +010101110000 amorously 2 +010101110000 hip-grinding 2 +010101110000 compactly 2 +010101110000 vanishingly 2 +010101110000 silver-painted 2 +010101110000 by-now 2 +010101110000 extemely 2 +010101110000 6-foot-8-inch 2 +010101110000 luxuriously 2 +010101110000 one-calorie 2 +010101110000 arithmetically 2 +010101110000 unusally 2 +010101110000 bio-proteotone 2 +010101110000 geologically 2 +010101110000 nine-party 2 +010101110000 unmanageably 2 +010101110000 deceivingly 2 +010101110000 nihonteki 2 +010101110000 union-controlled 2 +010101110000 unsatisfactorily 2 +010101110000 unsentimentally 2 +010101110000 humiliatingly 2 +010101110000 calorie-and-cholesterol-free 2 +010101110000 yellow-billed 2 +010101110000 developmentally 2 +010101110000 hellishly 2 +010101110000 rabidly 2 +010101110000 heartbreakingly 2 +010101110000 pivotally 2 +010101110000 inhumanly 2 +010101110000 sickeningly 2 +010101110000 antistatist 2 +010101110000 rampantly 2 +010101110000 blazingly 2 +010101110000 unconscionably 2 +010101110000 thorough-going 2 +010101110000 office-hotel 2 +010101110000 unseasonally 2 +010101110000 glacially 2 +010101110000 consummately 3 +010101110000 leprous 3 +010101110000 not-at-all 3 +010101110000 dreadfully 3 +010101110000 exhilaratingly 3 +010101110000 well-nigh 3 +010101110000 oppressively 3 +010101110000 danse 3 +010101110000 boringly 3 +010101110000 unrelievedly 3 +010101110000 wrenchingly 3 +010101110000 irrepressibly 3 +010101110000 atypically 3 +010101110000 undesirably 3 +010101110000 irrefutably 3 +010101110000 unsually 3 +010101110000 electorally 3 +010101110000 passably 4 +010101110000 triply 4 +010101110000 incomparably 4 +010101110000 infinitesimally 4 +010101110000 ever-more 4 +010101110000 primum 4 +010101110000 drolly 4 +010101110000 incurably 4 +010101110000 unprecedentedly 4 +010101110000 choreographically 4 +010101110000 fiendishly 4 +010101110000 forbiddingly 4 +010101110000 endearingly 4 +010101110000 tolerably 4 +010101110000 discouragingly 4 +010101110000 dauntingly 4 +010101110000 calculatedly 4 +010101110000 unremittingly 4 +010101110000 Kinda 4 +010101110000 exaggeratedly 4 +010101110000 questionably 4 +010101110000 formidably 4 +010101110000 blessedly 4 +010101110000 staggeringly 5 +010101110000 numbingly 5 +010101110000 shamefully 5 +010101110000 suprisingly 5 +010101110000 outlandishly 5 +010101110000 acceptably 5 +010101110000 dazzlingly 5 +010101110000 achingly 5 +010101110000 restlessly 5 +010101110000 journalistically 5 +010101110000 therapeutically 5 +010101110000 unnaturally 6 +010101110000 ruinously 6 +010101110000 exorbitantly 6 +010101110000 Neanderthal 6 +010101110000 devastatingly 6 +010101110000 les 6 +010101110000 screamingly 6 +010101110000 preposterously 6 +010101110000 devilishly 7 +010101110000 distinctively 7 +010101110000 ruggedly 7 +010101110000 enfant 7 +010101110000 hauntingly 7 +010101110000 artifically 7 +010101110000 distressingly 7 +010101110000 lushly 7 +010101110000 deathly 7 +010101110000 uncannily 8 +010101110000 memorably 8 +010101110000 deliciously 8 +010101110000 ultra 8 +010101110000 agonizingly 8 +010101110000 abysmally 9 +010101110000 confusingly 9 +010101110000 outwardly 9 +010101110000 disarmingly 9 +010101110000 analytically 9 +010101110000 irresistibly 10 +010101110000 breathtakingly 10 +010101110000 40-megabyte 10 +010101110000 one-count 10 +010101110000 fantastically 10 +010101110000 unbearably 10 +010101110000 unjustifiably 10 +010101110000 wickedly 10 +010101110000 appallingly 10 +010101110000 tantalizingly 10 +010101110000 darned 11 +010101110000 ludicrously 11 +010101110000 pitifully 11 +010101110000 fashionably 11 +010101110000 depressingly 12 +010101110000 gloriously 12 +010101110000 unsustainably 13 +010101110000 maddeningly 13 +010101110000 hilariously 13 +010101110000 frighteningly 15 +010101110000 disturbingly 15 +010101110000 uncommonly 16 +010101110000 supremely 16 +010101110000 excruciatingly 17 +010101110000 fabulously 17 +010101110000 impossibly 19 +010101110000 intrinsically 19 +010101110000 ridiculously 20 +010101110000 embarrassingly 21 +010101110000 inordinately 21 +010101110000 shockingly 21 +010101110000 unseasonably 21 +010101110000 singularly 21 +010101110000 startlingly 21 +010101110000 absurdly 23 +010101110000 disappointingly 23 +010101110000 outrageously 24 +010101110000 vitally 24 +010101110000 unbelievably 25 +010101110000 deceptively 26 +010101110000 suspiciously 27 +010101110000 eerily 28 +010101110000 astonishingly 29 +010101110000 unacceptably 29 +010101110000 amazingly 30 +010101110000 alarmingly 30 +010101110000 phenomenally 30 +010101110000 uncomfortably 31 +010101110000 perilously 35 +010101110000 correspondingly 36 +010101110000 uncharacteristically 37 +010101110000 unrealistically 37 +010101110000 eminently 46 +010101110000 darn 49 +010101110000 doubly 49 +010101110000 abnormally 49 +010101110000 patently 50 +010101110000 unreasonably 52 +010101110000 wonderfully 55 +010101110000 woefully 59 +010101110000 strikingly 64 +010101110000 wishful 67 +010101110000 exceedingly 78 +010101110000 immensely 79 +010101110000 chronically 79 +010101110000 downright 95 +010101110000 statistically 101 +010101110000 awfully 106 +010101110000 distinctly 107 +010101110000 excessively 114 +010101110000 decidedly 135 +010101110000 notoriously 139 +010101110000 dangerously 146 +010101110000 comparatively 147 +010101110000 inherently 147 +010101110000 incredibly 164 +010101110000 mutually 193 +010101110000 extraordinarily 200 +010101110000 exceptionally 202 +010101110000 terribly 209 +010101110000 grossly 269 +010101110000 remarkably 273 +010101110000 overly 376 +010101110000 perfectly 447 +010101110000 reasonably 498 +010101110000 unexpectedly 501 +010101110000 surprisingly 784 +010101110000 unusually 966 +010101110000 fairly 1393 +010101110000 extremely 1664 +010101110000 pretty 2205 +010101110000 very 16502 +010101110000 relatively 3756 +0101011100010 ENTAIL 1 +0101011100010 cancelable 1 +0101011100010 PROCEEDS 1 +0101011100010 SGS. 1 +0101011100010 molests 1 +0101011100010 indescribably 1 +0101011100010 five-length 1 +0101011100010 half-war 1 +0101011100010 Raisuli 1 +0101011100010 self-recrimination 1 +0101011100010 swordfights 1 +0101011100010 radicalisms 1 +0101011100010 plastic-and-fiberglass 1 +0101011100010 conceptionally 1 +0101011100010 higher-private 1 +0101011100010 two-shot 1 +0101011100010 FANG. 1 +0101011100010 companionably 1 +0101011100010 broil 1 +0101011100010 inhales 1 +0101011100010 six-people 1 +0101011100010 gnashes 1 +0101011100010 ex-franchisees 1 +0101011100010 Glenn-are 1 +0101011100010 middle-term 1 +0101011100010 rivetingly 1 +0101011100010 /transformed 1 +0101011100010 Imrene 2 +0101011100010 regressing 2 +0101011100010 Engesa 2 +0101011100010 nags 2 +0101011100010 ere 2 +0101011100010 maximally 2 +0101011100010 Isro 2 +0101011100010 caregiver 2 +0101011100010 nakedly 3 +0101011100010 what-have-you 3 +0101011100010 buffering 3 +0101011100010 well-acted 3 +0101011100010 Lineup 4 +0101011100010 so 29279 +0101011100010 admonishing 6 +0101011100011 29.62 1 +0101011100011 threateningly 1 +0101011100011 deli-style 1 +0101011100011 24-23 1 +0101011100011 .03-second 1 +0101011100011 WGPH-TV 1 +0101011100011 pre-Gilbert 1 +0101011100011 rallyed 1 +0101011100011 barkeeps 1 +0101011100011 long-maned 1 +0101011100011 268-foot 1 +0101011100011 refighting 1 +0101011100011 2.9948 1 +0101011100011 half-capacity 1 +0101011100011 unaffordably 1 +0101011100011 oxidize 1 +0101011100011 record-buyers 1 +0101011100011 fistally 1 +0101011100011 tetraethyl 1 +0101011100011 escapeway 1 +0101011100011 2.9827 1 +0101011100011 223.71 1 +0101011100011 5-foot-7-inches 1 +0101011100011 untypically 1 +0101011100011 neo-modern 1 +0101011100011 Occupation-style 1 +0101011100011 bamboozling 1 +0101011100011 ae 1 +0101011100011 26928.82 1 +0101011100011 4-feet-8-inches 1 +0101011100011 repaneling 1 +0101011100011 rightand 1 +0101011100011 price-controllers 1 +0101011100011 3.1233 1 +0101011100011 bruinish 1 +0101011100011 40-ish 1 +0101011100011 uppossibly 1 +0101011100011 erned 1 +0101011100011 re-entrench 1 +0101011100011 unresealable 1 +0101011100011 WEIGHING 1 +0101011100011 nitrate-laden 1 +0101011100011 Othello 2 +0101011100011 thwup 2 +0101011100011 sooo 2 +0101011100011 croaked 2 +0101011100011 Drixoral 2 +0101011100011 Vench 2 +0101011100011 uncompetitively 2 +0101011100011 childishly 2 +0101011100011 irresistable 2 +0101011100011 Libertine 2 +0101011100011 bemusedly 2 +0101011100011 disppointed 2 +0101011100011 snakily 2 +0101011100011 swill 3 +0101011100011 Ravier 3 +0101011100011 ROVs 3 +0101011100011 fogies 3 +0101011100011 despairingly 3 +0101011100011 beer-swilling 3 +0101011100011 imploding 3 +0101011100011 insanely 4 +0101011100011 gesticulating 4 +0101011100011 frustratingly 4 +0101011100011 boyishly 4 +0101011100011 figureheads 5 +0101011100011 stylistically 5 +0101011100011 unreadable 6 +0101011100011 horrendously 7 +0101011100011 chewy 7 +0101011100011 nigh 11 +0101011100011 Dimetapp 16 +0101011100011 too 16042 +0101011100011 anytime 288 +010101110010 RESPONDING 1 +010101110010 rust-and-green 1 +010101110010 yuppie-moguls 1 +010101110010 PREPARING 1 +010101110010 UNDETERRED 1 +010101110010 zurui 1 +010101110010 finaglings 1 +010101110010 towheads 1 +010101110010 line-standing 1 +010101110010 Baring/But 1 +010101110010 NEEDED 1 +010101110010 five-album 1 +010101110010 sex-phobic 1 +010101110010 higher-reward 1 +010101110010 DETERMINED 1 +010101110010 teeth-gnashing 1 +010101110010 victimse 1 +010101110010 front-stoop 1 +010101110010 une 1 +010101110010 Pan-Pacific 1 +010101110010 whole-heartedly 1 +010101110010 Cadum 1 +010101110010 owner-tenants 1 +010101110010 probaby 1 +010101110010 preplacing 1 +010101110010 eco-evangelists 1 +010101110010 big-big 1 +010101110010 CHALLENGED 1 +010101110010 f--- 1 +010101110010 lenders-was 1 +010101110010 121,653 1 +010101110010 NBC-Sears 1 +010101110010 proactively 1 +010101110010 little-boy 1 +010101110010 uncoached 1 +010101110010 34-20 1 +010101110010 cheapo 1 +010101110010 ajury 1 +010101110010 dust-streaked 1 +010101110010 juss 1 +010101110010 ve-ry 1 +010101110010 meagerly 1 +010101110010 nverhav 1 +010101110010 single-proprietorships 1 +010101110010 bucketshops 1 +010101110010 219-211 2 +010101110010 verifiably 2 +010101110010 P.A.s 2 +010101110010 impotently 2 +010101110010 56-game 2 +010101110010 expostulate 3 +010101110010 inescapably 3 +010101110010 SEEKING 3 +010101110010 98-0 3 +010101110010 ineluctably 4 +010101110010 'tis 4 +010101110010 temperamentally 8 +010101110010 unavoidably 10 +010101110010 EXPECTED 16 +010101110010 not 54062 +010101110010 gonna 76 +01010111001100 whadda 1 +01010111001100 well-scarred 1 +01010111001100 preregistered 1 +01010111001100 116.2645082 1 +01010111001100 pre-saging 1 +01010111001100 well-performed 1 +01010111001100 oneliners 1 +01010111001100 end-over-end 1 +01010111001100 jouiniana 1 +01010111001100 demandingand 1 +01010111001100 Circe 1 +01010111001100 Appreciably 1 +01010111001100 MISCALCULATED 1 +01010111001100 unstratified 1 +01010111001100 stripsearched 1 +01010111001100 tenses 1 +01010111001100 Trekker 1 +01010111001100 IVANs 1 +01010111001100 re-form 1 +01010111001100 double-hopped 1 +01010111001100 nonseriousness 1 +01010111001100 Mitscherlich 1 +01010111001100 much-advocated 1 +01010111001100 Tarabu 1 +01010111001100 socialistically 1 +01010111001100 21,867 1 +01010111001100 Woomera 1 +01010111001100 Speke 1 +01010111001100 Gordana 1 +01010111001100 debacleeven 1 +01010111001100 fulla 1 +01010111001100 59,200 1 +01010111001100 kaffeeklatsch 1 +01010111001100 25,251 1 +01010111001100 Shemona 1 +01010111001100 shinguards 1 +01010111001100 profession-and 1 +01010111001100 step-father 1 +01010111001100 Ragbrai 1 +01010111001100 HUBER 1 +01010111001100 Apis 1 +01010111001100 slighter 1 +01010111001100 questioning- 1 +01010111001100 co-invest 1 +01010111001100 fucntions 1 +01010111001100 subscriber-scaring 1 +01010111001100 anti-ethic 1 +01010111001100 Evelyne 2 +01010111001100 sizably 2 +01010111001100 kibitz 2 +01010111001100 often-unprofitable 2 +01010111001100 maillot 2 +01010111001100 bawdily 2 +01010111001100 pout 3 +01010111001100 stupidly 3 +01010111001100 Neve 3 +01010111001100 incomprehensibly 4 +01010111001100 medflies 4 +01010111001100 even 24610 +01010111001100 infinitely 58 +010101110011010 treed-in 1 +010101110011010 patent-leather-shiny 1 +010101110011010 lipoplasty 1 +010101110011010 Black-Scholes 1 +010101110011010 cool-hearted 1 +010101110011010 KPIX 1 +010101110011010 2-inches 1 +010101110011010 Antilles-proof 1 +010101110011010 unusual-and 1 +010101110011010 186-bed 1 +010101110011010 waxily 1 +010101110011010 swimmingdom 1 +010101110011010 anguishings 1 +010101110011010 Ill.- 1 +010101110011010 flattest 1 +010101110011010 zig-zagging 1 +010101110011010 ProfitTaker 1 +010101110011010 calf-high 1 +010101110011010 pennypinching 1 +010101110011010 psalmists 1 +010101110011010 3-inches 1 +010101110011010 semi-farcical 1 +010101110011010 utility-produced 1 +010101110011010 zero-degree 1 +010101110011010 radiopharmacists 1 +010101110011010 watchfully 1 +010101110011010 1-inch 1 +010101110011010 contingently 1 +010101110011010 slushed 1 +010101110011010 green-striped 1 +010101110011010 1,100-student 1 +010101110011010 medicinally 1 +010101110011010 stomach-pumped 1 +010101110011010 mansarded 1 +010101110011010 Shinmun 1 +010101110011010 power-oriented 1 +010101110011010 BRILLIANTLY 1 +010101110011010 IVE 1 +010101110011010 shiveringly 1 +010101110011010 parasitically 1 +010101110011010 re-LBO 1 +010101110011010 sturdier-looking 1 +010101110011010 necktie-wearing 1 +010101110011010 modern/Tory 1 +010101110011010 chicly 1 +010101110011010 ballpoints 1 +010101110011010 12,675 1 +010101110011010 14,177 1 +010101110011010 longhaired 1 +010101110011010 walli 1 +010101110011010 media-babble 1 +010101110011010 horticulturally 1 +010101110011010 triple-blade 1 +010101110011010 introspectively 1 +010101110011010 improvment 1 +010101110011010 think-alike 1 +010101110011010 sale-purchases 1 +010101110011010 trampy 1 +010101110011010 deflationist 1 +010101110011010 7/16. 1 +010101110011010 OncoTrac 1 +010101110011010 big-taxing 1 +010101110011010 sharp-jawed 1 +010101110011010 cherce 1 +010101110011010 10-foot-tall 1 +010101110011010 snaggle-toothed 1 +010101110011010 anti-little 1 +010101110011010 wispy-haired 1 +010101110011010 reapportioned 1 +010101110011010 13,497 1 +010101110011010 75,411 1 +010101110011010 necklines 1 +010101110011010 all-expenses 1 +010101110011010 particuarly 1 +010101110011010 unbidden 2 +010101110011010 suavely 2 +010101110011010 intitially 2 +010101110011010 district-by-district 2 +010101110011010 coldbloodedly 2 +010101110011010 conk 2 +010101110011010 anachronistically 2 +010101110011010 primarly 2 +010101110011010 currrently 2 +010101110011010 creakily 2 +010101110011010 B-747 2 +010101110011010 35,922 2 +010101110011010 differentially 3 +010101110011010 UCF 3 +010101110011010 grimacing 3 +010101110011010 assemblages 3 +010101110011010 copiously 3 +010101110011010 begotten 3 +010101110011010 Mitsubishis 3 +010101110011010 1,198 4 +010101110011010 dully 5 +010101110011010 movingly 7 +010101110011010 predominately 16 +010101110011010 bordered 18 +010101110011010 smack 48 +010101110011010 nominally 56 +010101110011010 ostensibly 117 +010101110011010 chiefly 206 +010101110011010 principally 349 +010101110011010 partially 422 +010101110011010 solely 594 +010101110011010 primarily 2606 +010101110011010 mainly 3179 +010101110011010 mostly 3545 +010101110011010 largely 4822 +010101110011010 partly 3707 +0101011100110110 wimpiness 1 +0101011100110110 polically 1 +0101011100110110 girlishly 1 +0101011100110110 precision-engineered 1 +0101011100110110 KTXL 1 +0101011100110110 abidingly 1 +0101011100110110 seat-shakingly 1 +0101011100110110 Passably 1 +0101011100110110 ex-Bayreuth 1 +0101011100110110 broker-to-broker 1 +0101011100110110 brickishly 1 +0101011100110110 despicably 1 +0101011100110110 mind-bogglingly 1 +0101011100110110 irreligious 1 +0101011100110110 Intimidate 1 +0101011100110110 encumbers 1 +0101011100110110 yard-deep 1 +0101011100110110 spotlessly 1 +0101011100110110 Pentagon-style 1 +0101011100110110 Instituting 1 +0101011100110110 vulnerably 1 +0101011100110110 guilefully 1 +0101011100110110 Ensure 1 +0101011100110110 sedulously 1 +0101011100110110 Brahmsian 1 +0101011100110110 football-sized 1 +0101011100110110 65,536 1 +0101011100110110 seismically 1 +0101011100110110 Virulent 1 +0101011100110110 Terminates 1 +0101011100110110 ash-colored 1 +0101011100110110 437-unit 1 +0101011100110110 60,583 1 +0101011100110110 shair-design 1 +0101011100110110 holographically 1 +0101011100110110 famished 1 +0101011100110110 non-Fina 1 +0101011100110110 Horse-play 1 +0101011100110110 surreally 1 +0101011100110110 nixing 1 +0101011100110110 inconsolable 1 +0101011100110110 visting 1 +0101011100110110 7,822 1 +0101011100110110 eight-hotel 1 +0101011100110110 school-year 1 +0101011100110110 Backpedal 1 +0101011100110110 Gephardt-type 1 +0101011100110110 revealingly 2 +0101011100110110 unhealthily 2 +0101011100110110 paticularly 2 +0101011100110110 impermeable 2 +0101011100110110 Archangelsk 2 +0101011100110110 Designates 2 +0101011100110110 comparison-shopping 2 +0101011100110110 reprising 2 +0101011100110110 KROQ-FM 2 +0101011100110110 Ga 2 +0101011100110110 half-buried 2 +0101011100110110 -is 2 +0101011100110110 IIA 2 +0101011100110110 290-pound 2 +0101011100110110 ferroelectronic 2 +0101011100110110 decreasingly 2 +0101011100110110 monstrously 2 +0101011100110110 bulkily 2 +0101011100110110 KTWV-FM 2 +0101011100110110 WWBA-FM 2 +0101011100110110 customer-driven 2 +0101011100110110 KMID 2 +0101011100110110 smooching 2 +0101011100110110 crushingly 2 +0101011100110110 Landed 2 +0101011100110110 expecially 3 +0101011100110110 Immad 3 +0101011100110110 trivially 3 +0101011100110110 sorta 3 +0101011100110110 evocatively 3 +0101011100110110 all-too-often 3 +0101011100110110 particularily 3 +0101011100110110 glass-sheathed 3 +0101011100110110 reenacting 4 +0101011100110110 swatting 4 +0101011100110110 delighting 6 +0101011100110110 fermented 7 +0101011100110110 unadulterated 11 +0101011100110110 particulary 12 +0101011100110110 culminating 62 +0101011100110110 albeit 296 +0101011100110110 notably 528 +0101011100110110 particularly 5183 +0101011100110110 especially 5368 +0101011100110111 narrow-issue 1 +0101011100110111 1,444,800 1 +0101011100110111 Forbid 1 +0101011100110111 photographs. 1 +0101011100110111 dirty-blond 1 +0101011100110111 compensible 1 +0101011100110111 collectivize 1 +0101011100110111 malapportionments 1 +0101011100110111 TUXX 1 +0101011100110111 noncontrolling 1 +0101011100110111 domineered 1 +0101011100110111 limited-term 1 +0101011100110111 debars 1 +0101011100110111 stashed-away 1 +0101011100110111 2,948 1 +0101011100110111 bag-person 1 +0101011100110111 1,440,500 1 +0101011100110111 outearns 1 +0101011100110111 asset-buyer 1 +0101011100110111 ascertainable 1 +0101011100110111 big-defense 1 +0101011100110111 Rebating 1 +0101011100110111 property-income 1 +0101011100110111 High-volume 1 +0101011100110111 KNOWN 1 +0101011100110111 69,283 1 +0101011100110111 Rubens. 1 +0101011100110111 123,200 1 +0101011100110111 Prohibits 1 +0101011100110111 debt-less-excess 1 +0101011100110111 profit-motivated 1 +0101011100110111 vandalizing 1 +0101011100110111 mnus 1 +0101011100110111 family-out 1 +0101011100110111 technical-based 1 +0101011100110111 Money-launderer 1 +0101011100110111 rsponsible 1 +0101011100110111 de-glitz 1 +0101011100110111 bullet-like 1 +0101011100110111 PROVED 1 +0101011100110111 morasses 1 +0101011100110111 predeliction 1 +0101011100110111 pantherine 1 +0101011100110111 testfired 1 +0101011100110111 non-viable 1 +0101011100110111 45,100 1 +0101011100110111 mendicants 2 +0101011100110111 blowoff 2 +0101011100110111 1,111 2 +0101011100110111 comradely 2 +0101011100110111 Awakened 2 +0101011100110111 deep-sixing 2 +0101011100110111 forbearing 2 +0101011100110111 nationalizes 2 +0101011100110111 unimaginably 2 +0101011100110111 unpublishable 2 +0101011100110111 minister-counselor 2 +0101011100110111 Establish 2 +0101011100110111 Allerest 2 +0101011100110111 mistrusting 3 +0101011100110111 flicked 3 +0101011100110111 cliche-ridden 3 +0101011100110111 13,300 3 +0101011100110111 push-ups 3 +0101011100110111 inconveniencing 4 +0101011100110111 gimme 4 +0101011100110111 affixing 4 +0101011100110111 hummed 4 +0101011100110111 Prostin 5 +0101011100110111 ergo 5 +0101011100110111 skied 5 +0101011100110111 punchy 6 +0101011100110111 Refused 8 +0101011100110111 Prohibit 9 +0101011100110111 Impose 9 +0101011100110111 60,000-mile 11 +0101011100110111 Extend 13 +0101011100110111 portending 21 +0101011100110111 gesturing 23 +0101011100110111 Require 23 +0101011100110111 preferably 70 +0101011100110111 wounding 72 +0101011100110111 minus 578 +0101011100110111 maybe 1183 +0101011100110111 possibly 2045 +0101011100110111 except 2232 +0101011100110111 plus 2961 +0101011100110111 perhaps 3503 +01010111001110 back-ordered 1 +01010111001110 marine-oil-field 1 +01010111001110 re-bid 1 +01010111001110 liabilitiies 1 +01010111001110 fan-pleasing 1 +01010111001110 28,121,192 1 +01010111001110 aboiut 1 +01010111001110 falling-outs 1 +01010111001110 upscaled 1 +01010111001110 flexibility-and 1 +01010111001110 Resisted 1 +01010111001110 wise/And 1 +01010111001110 work-places 1 +01010111001110 peelings 1 +01010111001110 Gaynors 1 +01010111001110 PL 1 +01010111001110 literal-mindedness 1 +01010111001110 Sarhua 1 +01010111001110 sub-leasing 1 +01010111001110 rechecks 1 +01010111001110 1985-about 1 +01010111001110 highfidelity 1 +01010111001110 drench 1 +01010111001110 over-analyze 1 +01010111001110 not-quite 1 +01010111001110 redlined 1 +01010111001110 Briney 1 +01010111001110 course-and 1 +01010111001110 rechristen 1 +01010111001110 nonAIDS 1 +01010111001110 reprocure 1 +01010111001110 skiied 1 +01010111001110 overindebtedness 1 +01010111001110 outplays 1 +01010111001110 interlinking 1 +01010111001110 unchangedat 1 +01010111001110 fudge-filled 1 +01010111001110 hallucinogens 1 +01010111001110 selfcorrecting 1 +01010111001110 soapboxes 1 +01010111001110 demonstratively 1 +01010111001110 shoring-up 1 +01010111001110 941,357 1 +01010111001110 4/ 1 +01010111001110 chinchillas 1 +01010111001110 4,314 1 +01010111001110 outcleans 1 +01010111001110 flunky 1 +01010111001110 thermoses 2 +01010111001110 slathering 2 +01010111001110 -and 2 +01010111001110 more-than 2 +01010111001110 3,176 2 +01010111001110 Dixville 2 +01010111001110 Naberezhnaya 2 +01010111001110 virtualy 2 +01010111001110 sandwiching 2 +01010111001110 numero 3 +01010111001110 abducting 3 +01010111001110 Kilometer 4 +01010111001110 rebid 8 +01010111001110 MARRIED 10 +01010111001110 Prop 19 +01010111001110 Prop. 29 +01010111001110 practically 548 +01010111001110 approximately 1184 +01010111001110 virtually 1409 +01010111001110 roughly 2152 +01010111001110 nearly 8823 +01010111001110 almost 8313 +010101110011110 exlude 1 +010101110011110 meriting 1 +010101110011110 NICE. 1 +010101110011110 survey-takers 1 +010101110011110 Guilties 1 +010101110011110 channel-zapping 1 +010101110011110 poor-mouth 1 +010101110011110 cry/Keep 1 +010101110011110 misstepped 1 +010101110011110 informaton 1 +010101110011110 satisifed 1 +010101110011110 stressfully 1 +010101110011110 newsfolks 1 +010101110011110 canabilizing 1 +010101110011110 good-heartedness 1 +010101110011110 86-76 2 +010101110011110 older-skewing 2 +010101110011110 movie-actor 2 +010101110011110 weak-armed 2 +010101110011110 uncorking 2 +010101110011110 L-shaped 2 +010101110011110 21.98 2 +010101110011110 chivalrously 2 +010101110011110 unction 3 +010101110011110 Pasteje 3 +010101110011110 nattering 4 +010101110011110 flatfooted 4 +010101110011110 Tronacarb 5 +010101110011110 troll 6 +010101110011110 only 37840 +010101110011110 nary 23 +010101110011111 seasonnaly 1 +010101110011111 negativesthey 1 +010101110011111 boated 1 +010101110011111 Policromo 1 +010101110011111 pay-as-you 1 +010101110011111 perfomance 1 +010101110011111 catch-as-catch 1 +010101110011111 Starlanes 1 +010101110011111 30-feet 1 +010101110011111 government-dictated 1 +010101110011111 overwarning 1 +010101110011111 televisionland 1 +010101110011111 preambles 1 +010101110011111 SERVE 1 +010101110011111 Riviere 2 +010101110011111 visualized 2 +010101110011111 GT-2000 2 +010101110011111 onna 3 +010101110011111 cognizable 3 +010101110011111 nostalgically 4 +010101110011111 towered 4 +010101110011111 just 21244 +010101110011111 herewith 4 +010101110100 allencompassing 1 +010101110100 garbalogists 1 +010101110100 adobe-brick-making 1 +010101110100 Hypo-Clear 1 +010101110100 co-writer 1 +010101110100 Bergdorf-Goodman 1 +010101110100 9/16-inch 1 +010101110100 phylloxera 1 +010101110100 micro-injection 1 +010101110100 outbulked 1 +010101110100 ultra-clean 1 +010101110100 cynical-motivated 1 +010101110100 DHPG 1 +010101110100 Cytovene 1 +010101110100 wire-redemption 1 +010101110100 Tacjam 1 +010101110100 weathervanes 1 +010101110100 sludgy 1 +010101110100 anti-women 1 +010101110100 usual. 1 +010101110100 uncareful 1 +010101110100 discriminatory. 1 +010101110100 conization 1 +010101110100 Soquem 1 +010101110100 pre-breathing 1 +010101110100 cannon-fodder 1 +010101110100 businesschange 1 +010101110100 pigheaded 1 +010101110100 0.6889 1 +010101110100 ogles 1 +010101110100 conductive 1 +010101110100 real. 1 +010101110100 neocolonialists 1 +010101110100 nonpictorial 1 +010101110100 Anneliese 1 +010101110100 332.50 1 +010101110100 TickeTellers 1 +010101110100 anti-constitutional 1 +010101110100 BBL 1 +010101110100 photopolymerization 1 +010101110100 SLUGs 1 +010101110100 Ivest 1 +010101110100 microcontrollers 1 +010101110100 manoalide 1 +010101110100 pseudopterosins 1 +010101110100 Pacman 1 +010101110100 PAIN 1 +010101110100 pre-used 1 +010101110100 aniseed 1 +010101110100 toxin-free 1 +010101110100 wig-wearers 1 +010101110100 Unicet 1 +010101110100 maturely 1 +010101110100 vomitoxin 1 +010101110100 footstools 1 +010101110100 catchalls 1 +010101110100 many. 1 +010101110100 Tofranil 1 +010101110100 6025B 1 +010101110100 12/98 1 +010101110100 wayf 1 +010101110100 Usual 1 +010101110100 Hicom 1 +010101110100 Perryopolis 1 +010101110100 CD-1 1 +010101110100 closely. 1 +010101110100 2000.00 1 +010101110100 retagged 1 +010101110100 bankruptive 1 +010101110100 tenseness 1 +010101110100 idolatrous 1 +010101110100 31,574 1 +010101110100 blinis 1 +010101110100 tortes 1 +010101110100 ACR 1 +010101110100 Nordtrom 1 +010101110100 1184.58 1 +010101110100 beginning. 1 +010101110100 Eoin 1 +010101110100 undenied 1 +010101110100 unneighborly 1 +010101110100 SCATologists 1 +010101110100 Demopoulos 1 +010101110100 10-to-10 1 +010101110100 1.7955 1 +010101110100 141.68 1 +010101110100 unfeminine 1 +010101110100 2385.1 1 +010101110100 FIBV 1 +010101110100 longlasting 1 +010101110100 Chamberline 1 +010101110100 familiar-sounding 1 +010101110100 pollwatchers 1 +010101110100 fly-tying 1 +010101110100 raindrops 1 +010101110100 burgoo 1 +010101110100 Jordan. 1 +010101110100 disk-drives 1 +010101110100 pseudofolliculitis 1 +010101110100 co-driver 1 +010101110100 simit 1 +010101110100 suprofen 1 +010101110100 enalapril 1 +010101110100 shrink-proof 1 +010101110100 A-T-O 1 +010101110100 Tuvalu 1 +010101110100 286.50 1 +010101110100 Capezio 1 +010101110100 F-14Ds 1 +010101110100 invalidism 1 +010101110100 radioimmunoassay 1 +010101110100 picture-telephones 1 +010101110100 ALE 1 +010101110100 retinoids 1 +010101110100 wild. 1 +010101110100 slummy 1 +010101110100 GRAPEFRUITS 1 +010101110100 circumstantial. 1 +010101110100 265.00 1 +010101110100 250.00 1 +010101110100 Enke 1 +010101110100 0.5552 1 +010101110100 pro-Catholic 1 +010101110100 unsporting 1 +010101110100 increasily 1 +010101110100 287.00 1 +010101110100 Magnavision 1 +010101110100 ribaminol 1 +010101110100 something-for-everyone 1 +010101110100 pre-apprentices 1 +010101110100 FreezeFrame 1 +010101110100 neutrinos 1 +010101110100 antiprotons 1 +010101110100 phunny 1 +010101110100 un-self-consciously 1 +010101110100 secretaries. 1 +010101110100 Qualicare 1 +010101110100 Denver-Bozeman 1 +010101110100 crypto-warmongers 1 +010101110100 E-COM 1 +010101110100 E2PLDs 1 +010101110100 Ojars 1 +010101110100 Towncenter 1 +010101110100 sharpish 1 +010101110100 canstock 1 +010101110100 liasion 1 +010101110100 Malizoo 1 +010101110100 contra-indicators 1 +010101110100 Florestan 1 +010101110100 lender-employer 1 +010101110100 414,750 1 +010101110100 repellant 1 +010101110100 money-intensive 1 +010101110100 Principal-Only 1 +010101110100 Kodak-san 1 +010101110100 wine-growers 1 +010101110100 fakey 1 +010101110100 crypto-communications 1 +010101110100 AN/SLQ-32 1 +010101110100 inflation-fighters 1 +010101110100 275.90 1 +010101110100 citizen-of-the-world 1 +010101110100 stunned. 1 +010101110100 trustingly 1 +010101110100 WDIV-TV 1 +010101110100 Gwendell 1 +010101110100 pre-requisites 1 +010101110100 seriously. 1 +010101110100 well-automated 1 +010101110100 1274.91 1 +010101110100 tricksy 1 +010101110100 Rostock 1 +010101110100 kaisers 1 +010101110100 Seemed 1 +010101110100 Pitfall 1 +010101110100 anarchical 1 +010101110100 Dairen 1 +010101110100 cooperators 1 +010101110100 54.0 1 +010101110100 underhedged 1 +010101110100 Wallendas 1 +010101110100 primacord 1 +010101110100 un-campaign 1 +010101110100 pro-expropriation 1 +010101110100 media-indifferent 1 +010101110100 autofocusing 1 +010101110100 Cauca 1 +010101110100 skreeking 1 +010101110100 pedometers 1 +010101110100 scruffily 1 +010101110100 DBI 1 +010101110100 windbags 1 +010101110100 Youngchang 1 +010101110100 2021.5 1 +010101110100 propellents 1 +010101110100 1940-ish 1 +010101110100 7-by-3-inches 1 +010101110100 torch-waving 1 +010101110100 308.70 1 +010101110100 blunderers 1 +010101110100 plunderers 1 +010101110100 gender-conscious 1 +010101110100 waqfs 1 +010101110100 kneejerks 1 +010101110100 Petroline 1 +010101110100 Norina 1 +010101110100 risible 1 +010101110100 Shani 1 +010101110100 tattletales 1 +010101110100 biogenetics 1 +010101110100 made-for-home-video 1 +010101110100 over-committed 1 +010101110100 gamete 1 +010101110100 Telemaco 1 +010101110100 Eumete 1 +010101110100 84-26 1 +010101110100 34/32 1 +010101110100 bracketeers 1 +010101110100 zestfully 1 +010101110100 PSO/Delphi 1 +010101110100 Katahdin 1 +010101110100 kimpap 1 +010101110100 Plumrose 1 +010101110100 radiosensitizers 1 +010101110100 weak. 1 +010101110100 sing-along-without-substance 1 +010101110100 Compelling 1 +010101110100 Falke 1 +010101110100 uncorrupt 1 +010101110100 456.49 1 +010101110100 goiter 1 +010101110100 single-B-plus/single-B 1 +010101110100 unvisited 1 +010101110100 macrophagescells 1 +010101110100 Datacomp 1 +010101110100 no-men 1 +010101110100 So-Lite 1 +010101110100 Dunyasha 1 +010101110100 Firs 1 +010101110100 HEMTTs 1 +010101110100 reader-friendly 1 +010101110100 motorscooters 1 +010101110100 oro 1 +010101110100 overselves 1 +010101110100 expeditously 1 +010101110100 owners/managers 1 +010101110100 cockatoos 1 +010101110100 toadying 1 +010101110100 unfitting 1 +010101110100 EDSA 1 +010101110100 Jackson-Shaw 1 +010101110100 toity 1 +010101110100 yogobabble 1 +010101110100 Koevoet 1 +010101110100 gruesomely 1 +010101110100 WTKR-TV 1 +010101110100 unsteadily 1 +010101110100 stonewallers 1 +010101110100 All-Stars 1 +010101110100 Rathole 1 +010101110100 rabiblancos 1 +010101110100 282-1375 1 +010101110100 mahi-mahi 1 +010101110100 ITX 1 +010101110100 tax-cheap 1 +010101110100 self-revealing 1 +010101110100 alkalines 1 +010101110100 service-sensitive 1 +010101110100 1826.8 1 +010101110100 restoratives 1 +010101110100 WWOR-9 1 +010101110100 SADUSEA 1 +010101110100 pillowcases 1 +010101110100 mini-companies 1 +010101110100 PetroJam 1 +010101110100 Mennonites 1 +010101110100 never-weres 1 +010101110100 pyrroloquinoline 1 +010101110100 Bolanter 1 +010101110100 Labotec 1 +010101110100 quasi-homosexuals 1 +010101110100 reformist-liberal 1 +010101110100 vendidos 1 +010101110100 pochos 1 +010101110100 twent-yfold 1 +010101110100 tangencies 1 +010101110100 fraud-resistant 1 +010101110100 SRA/Pergamon 1 +010101110100 jacuzzis 1 +010101110100 prepping 1 +010101110100 Digalen 1 +010101110100 depresssing 1 +010101110100 DM5,000 1 +010101110100 DM6,000 1 +010101110100 stochastics 1 +010101110100 1184.61 1 +010101110100 Atlanta-Portland-Seoul 1 +010101110100 Giorgetta 1 +010101110100 documentarian 1 +010101110100 catsup 1 +010101110100 Bila 1 +010101110100 WNEW-FM 1 +010101110100 Korkeasaari 1 +010101110100 MOPP 1 +010101110100 different. 1 +010101110100 11a-3 1 +010101110100 anti-building 1 +010101110100 balanced. 1 +010101110100 pro-Taiwanese 1 +010101110100 factory-fresh 1 +010101110100 fenoldopam 1 +010101110100 441.91 1 +010101110100 over-exposed 1 +010101110100 EquiFlex 1 +010101110100 anti-fascism 1 +010101110100 Immies 1 +010101110100 Peppo 1 +010101110100 Potsie 1 +010101110100 M-85 1 +010101110100 income-providers 1 +010101110100 lodestar 1 +010101110100 Vu/Text 1 +010101110100 Smithfields 1 +010101110100 taxi-drivers 1 +010101110100 240.40 1 +010101110100 cladding 1 +010101110100 Golaud 2 +010101110100 conurbation 2 +010101110100 well-tuned 2 +010101110100 idiopathic 2 +010101110100 1,893,000 2 +010101110100 ignominiously 2 +010101110100 musclemen 2 +010101110100 Teiresias 2 +010101110100 troopships 2 +010101110100 monocyte-macrophages 2 +010101110100 Engenheiros 2 +010101110100 tonsillectomies 2 +010101110100 1,355,898 2 +010101110100 snugly 2 +010101110100 tarte 2 +010101110100 Montblanc 2 +010101110100 mifepristone 2 +010101110100 Kabanicha 2 +010101110100 Pamina 2 +010101110100 manipulable 2 +010101110100 president-for-life 2 +010101110100 OUCH 2 +010101110100 co-inventors 3 +010101110100 courteously 3 +010101110100 phosphorothioates 3 +010101110100 obdurate 3 +010101110100 unobtrusively 3 +010101110100 Santuzza 3 +010101110100 giri 3 +010101110100 laser-printers 3 +010101110100 isotretinoin 3 +010101110100 CFC-12 3 +010101110100 astir 3 +010101110100 barratry 3 +010101110100 p24 3 +010101110100 outpatients 5 +010101110100 Cavaradossi 5 +010101110100 cartwheels 5 +010101110100 well 19186 +010101110100 Deadly 6 +0101011101010 contract-basis 1 +0101011101010 fleshless 1 +0101011101010 Souplantation 1 +0101011101010 RID 1 +0101011101010 1,269 1 +0101011101010 Brylcreem 1 +0101011101010 well-for 1 +0101011101010 whey 1 +0101011101010 unreflective 1 +0101011101010 intersectional 1 +0101011101010 sportings 1 +0101011101010 limousined 1 +0101011101010 thick-wooled 1 +0101011101010 unstereotypical 1 +0101011101010 SPOTs 1 +0101011101010 Boart-MSA 1 +0101011101010 membership-renewal 1 +0101011101010 pricy 1 +0101011101010 well-something 1 +0101011101010 1930s-bred 1 +0101011101010 then-booming 1 +0101011101010 muchy 1 +0101011101010 whinging 1 +0101011101010 owner-tenant 1 +0101011101010 director-corporate 1 +0101011101010 polyvinylidene 1 +0101011101010 Einsteinian 1 +0101011101010 nonkosher 1 +0101011101010 gray-flannel-suited 1 +0101011101010 1784.50 1 +0101011101010 nondepreciable 1 +0101011101010 brick-wall 1 +0101011101010 leather-wrapped 1 +0101011101010 fivetimes 1 +0101011101010 KFAC-FM 1 +0101011101010 goldarned 1 +0101011101010 overemoting 1 +0101011101010 well-bid 1 +0101011101010 DM2,000 1 +0101011101010 she-crab 1 +0101011101010 minnow-like 1 +0101011101010 male-earnings 1 +0101011101010 anyhydrous 1 +0101011101010 dayold 1 +0101011101010 beef-and-citrus 1 +0101011101010 predicates 2 +0101011101010 CASA 2 +0101011101010 attention-attracting 2 +0101011101010 surface-mounted 2 +0101011101010 cogon 2 +0101011101010 overleveraging 2 +0101011101010 Marinespeak 2 +0101011101010 Desenex 2 +0101011101010 misrun 3 +0101011101010 joyously 3 +0101011101010 depraved 3 +0101011101010 much 31909 +0101011101010 dimwitted 4 +0101011101011 five-oh-eight 1 +0101011101011 mind-blowing 1 +0101011101011 disgusted. 1 +0101011101011 intimitated 1 +0101011101011 impetuously 1 +0101011101011 off-nights 1 +0101011101011 FOOTS 1 +0101011101011 earnings-spooked 1 +0101011101011 overcool 1 +0101011101011 forth. 1 +0101011101011 explicitly. 1 +0101011101011 reinspected 1 +0101011101011 FIDO 1 +0101011101011 skittering 1 +0101011101011 often. 1 +0101011101011 wiling 1 +0101011101011 PCGG 1 +0101011101011 PAYING 1 +0101011101011 pubby 1 +0101011101011 YODER 1 +0101011101011 meteorically 1 +0101011101011 Khanyile 1 +0101011101011 non-IBMers 1 +0101011101011 half-a-world 1 +0101011101011 21,528 1 +0101011101011 froufrou 1 +0101011101011 somesuch 1 +0101011101011 superstabilized 1 +0101011101011 3-13 1 +0101011101011 cosmically 1 +0101011101011 Cabbie 1 +0101011101011 nose-diving 1 +0101011101011 gigantically 1 +0101011101011 Muddah 1 +0101011101011 munchy 1 +0101011101011 prosperously 1 +0101011101011 distraught. 1 +0101011101011 Demur 1 +0101011101011 actressy 1 +0101011101011 obvious. 1 +0101011101011 unauthentic 1 +0101011101011 Shying 1 +0101011101011 refugee-ride 1 +0101011101011 pro-urokinase 1 +0101011101011 cheap-near 1 +0101011101011 desparate 1 +0101011101011 Insistence 1 +0101011101011 self-assuredly 1 +0101011101011 Swallows 1 +0101011101011 Charo 1 +0101011101011 kerplunk 1 +0101011101011 dog-tired 1 +0101011101011 open-textured 1 +0101011101011 pro-inflation 1 +0101011101011 singer-friendly 1 +0101011101011 under-fertilization 1 +0101011101011 over-fertilization 1 +0101011101011 Suspected. 1 +0101011101011 KDKA-TV 1 +0101011101011 fast-dialing 1 +0101011101011 --but 1 +0101011101011 well-loved 1 +0101011101011 far-down 1 +0101011101011 anti-entertainment 1 +0101011101011 anti-hype 1 +0101011101011 stretchy 1 +0101011101011 de-unionizing 1 +0101011101011 yachties 1 +0101011101011 flu-sufferers 1 +0101011101011 all-but-ignored 1 +0101011101011 Pollizzi 1 +0101011101011 pitchy 1 +0101011101011 uncountered 1 +0101011101011 laugh. 1 +0101011101011 information-rich 1 +0101011101011 insinuatingly 1 +0101011101011 obstreperously 1 +0101011101011 romantic. 1 +0101011101011 slow. 1 +0101011101011 No.3 1 +0101011101011 Htin 1 +0101011101011 38-31 1 +0101011101011 Octoberfest 1 +0101011101011 distributionally 1 +0101011101011 labor- 1 +0101011101011 word-processors 2 +0101011101011 ineffectively 2 +0101011101011 curios 2 +0101011101011 Enalapril 2 +0101011101011 racier 2 +0101011101011 Hobo 2 +0101011101011 KEA 2 +0101011101011 thrill-seekers 2 +0101011101011 tone-deaf 2 +0101011101011 unscored 2 +0101011101011 Dursban 2 +0101011101011 menacingly 2 +0101011101011 dammit 2 +0101011101011 promisingly 2 +0101011101011 SLIM 2 +0101011101011 biannually 2 +0101011101011 143,780 2 +0101011101011 Kosakusho 2 +0101011101011 mancozeb 2 +0101011101011 Honsha 3 +0101011101011 aggregating 3 +0101011101011 Kum 3 +0101011101011 Decisionline 3 +0101011101011 mainstreaming 3 +0101011101011 enthralling 3 +0101011101011 Thoughters 4 +0101011101011 far 13168 +0101011101011 Babu 7 +01010111011000 WIMP 1 +01010111011000 trade-promoting 1 +01010111011000 stage-worthy 1 +01010111011000 higher-priority 1 +01010111011000 Xiaolin 1 +01010111011000 government-screened 1 +01010111011000 Egyptomania 1 +01010111011000 cotton/polyester 1 +01010111011000 enticeable 1 +01010111011000 brain/left 1 +01010111011000 Dobruja 1 +01010111011000 worst-performer 1 +01010111011000 Livius 1 +01010111011000 fresh-baked-cookie 1 +01010111011000 SLIPPAGE 1 +01010111011000 ORGANIZING 1 +01010111011000 Feldmuehle-Nobel 2 +01010111011000 ANDERSON 2 +01010111011000 citizen-legislators 2 +01010111011000 swiveled 2 +01010111011000 franchisors 2 +01010111011000 Zajic 2 +01010111011000 perjurers 2 +01010111011000 distractedly 2 +01010111011000 television-broadcasting 2 +01010111011000 atomized 2 +01010111011000 Nassau-Suffolk 2 +01010111011000 POTATO 2 +01010111011000 Montrachet 2 +01010111011000 Arabicas 2 +01010111011000 egomaniacs 2 +01010111011000 underfed 2 +01010111011000 Turkmenia 2 +01010111011000 bleeps 3 +01010111011000 KCST-TV 3 +01010111011000 Hamburgers 3 +01010111011000 cinematically 3 +01010111011000 overzealously 3 +01010111011000 Bilak 3 +01010111011000 selfishly 3 +01010111011000 numbers-oriented 3 +01010111011000 Celimene 3 +01010111011000 quixotically 3 +01010111011000 either. 3 +01010111011000 offhandedly 3 +01010111011000 inter-service 3 +01010111011000 fortuitously 3 +01010111011000 Sauvy 4 +01010111011000 Missy 4 +01010111011000 subliminally 5 +01010111011000 alternatively 27 +01010111011000 sadly 94 +01010111011000 likewise 163 +01010111011000 frankly 169 +01010111011000 now 30204 +01010111011000 indeed 1300 +01010111011001 re-housed 1 +01010111011001 antiwealth 1 +01010111011001 ultranationalism 1 +01010111011001 Ski-Haus 1 +01010111011001 Adapin 1 +01010111011001 quirkily 1 +01010111011001 layo-ffs 1 +01010111011001 Rustoleum 1 +01010111011001 recooled 1 +01010111011001 eponym 1 +01010111011001 strong-boned 1 +01010111011001 Reagan-bashing 1 +01010111011001 1429.58 1 +01010111011001 coyness 1 +01010111011001 WSUR 1 +01010111011001 Haemostasis 1 +01010111011001 FILIPACCHI 1 +01010111011001 reinjects 1 +01010111011001 Achitophel 1 +01010111011001 video-telephone 1 +01010111011001 anti-king 1 +01010111011001 TIGRS 1 +01010111011001 2:42 1 +01010111011001 landlessness 1 +01010111011001 circularity 1 +01010111011001 Defaulters 1 +01010111011001 3695 1 +01010111011001 Zdenka 1 +01010111011001 red-and-gray 1 +01010111011001 self-report 1 +01010111011001 CAUTIOUS 1 +01010111011001 Eufaula 1 +01010111011001 biweeklies 1 +01010111011001 Amdahl-Fujitsu 1 +01010111011001 WFTS-TV 1 +01010111011001 fatefully 1 +01010111011001 millet 1 +01010111011001 broker/owners 1 +01010111011001 graphy 1 +01010111011001 koalas 1 +01010111011001 mint-flavor 1 +01010111011001 Denquel 1 +01010111011001 Brownsville-Harlingen 1 +01010111011001 expresident 1 +01010111011001 MOTIVATED 1 +01010111011001 nicotiana 1 +01010111011001 bio-engineering 1 +01010111011001 affronting 1 +01010111011001 WROR 1 +01010111011001 Ivermectin 1 +01010111011001 caboodle 1 +01010111011001 Chagalls 1 +01010111011001 overprotection 1 +01010111011001 freaky 1 +01010111011001 Italscai 1 +01010111011001 GCSF 1 +01010111011001 plastique 1 +01010111011001 redstriped 1 +01010111011001 heretofores 1 +01010111011001 86-point 1 +01010111011001 KAER-FM 1 +01010111011001 Mauboussin 1 +01010111011001 Koreatown 1 +01010111011001 Dilaudid 1 +01010111011001 new-Marxists 1 +01010111011001 anti-individualist 1 +01010111011001 vicissitude 1 +01010111011001 non-innovative 1 +01010111011001 Hooksett 1 +01010111011001 22500 1 +01010111011001 Illiopolis 1 +01010111011001 belayed 1 +01010111011001 Debrecen 1 +01010111011001 SMURFS 1 +01010111011001 clergy/seminarians 1 +01010111011001 ILFC 1 +01010111011001 high-heels 1 +01010111011001 medal-stealing 1 +01010111011001 JSON 1 +01010111011001 nonagenarians 1 +01010111011001 over-large 1 +01010111011001 indistinctly 1 +01010111011001 oil-company-owned 1 +01010111011001 CTX-4000 1 +01010111011001 Clorets 1 +01010111011001 wood-preservative 1 +01010111011001 psychoneuropharmacology 1 +01010111011001 creasers 1 +01010111011001 cutlasses 1 +01010111011001 inkstands 1 +01010111011001 VULGAH 1 +01010111011001 antitrade 1 +01010111011001 H-Bombs 1 +01010111011001 Memorabilia 1 +01010111011001 GTIs 1 +01010111011001 hyperwhatnot 1 +01010111011001 4H 1 +01010111011001 Lala 1 +01010111011001 muscle-and-bone 1 +01010111011001 personnally 1 +01010111011001 Unidynamics 1 +01010111011001 DESY 1 +01010111011001 liberal-bashing 1 +01010111011001 eczema 1 +01010111011001 primordially 1 +01010111011001 tret 1 +01010111011001 sellability 1 +01010111011001 corruptible 1 +01010111011001 166-161 1 +01010111011001 monkshood 1 +01010111011001 Cetinje 1 +01010111011001 McHappy 1 +01010111011001 refiring 1 +01010111011001 Castilla-Leon 1 +01010111011001 tanka 1 +01010111011001 well-excavator 1 +01010111011001 re-investing 1 +01010111011001 WXYV-FM 1 +01010111011001 WVEE-FM 1 +01010111011001 KAZY-FM 1 +01010111011001 KMEZ-FM 1 +01010111011001 WTUE-FM 1 +01010111011001 WONE-FM 1 +01010111011001 KFRX-FM 1 +01010111011001 KWTO-FM 1 +01010111011001 Metseach 1 +01010111011001 KISAN 1 +01010111011001 possibly-signaled 1 +01010111011001 dapple 1 +01010111011001 quackers 1 +01010111011001 perchloroethylene 1 +01010111011001 groom-to-be 1 +01010111011001 Sangatte 1 +01010111011001 Secab 1 +01010111011001 heavier-browed 1 +01010111011001 FEPVC 1 +01010111011001 Tobishima 1 +01010111011001 Lotrisone 1 +01010111011001 HTLV-2 1 +01010111011001 molecule-for-molecule 1 +01010111011001 Tuesday-Wednesday 1 +01010111011001 Armida 1 +01010111011001 pirs 1 +01010111011001 Talgo-Renfe 1 +01010111011001 jetports 1 +01010111011001 Gomic 1 +01010111011001 Swainsboro 1 +01010111011001 ZZZZZs 1 +01010111011001 spired 1 +01010111011001 footbridges 1 +01010111011001 third-trimester 1 +01010111011001 victimizer 1 +01010111011001 hotel/motels 1 +01010111011001 Dardilly 1 +01010111011001 Sedgefield 1 +01010111011001 1,007 1 +01010111011001 time-tables 1 +01010111011001 clamour 1 +01010111011001 Gallicized 1 +01010111011001 Chika 1 +01010111011001 O24s 1 +01010111011001 WXPN-FM 1 +01010111011001 rearites 1 +01010111011001 stockbrokering 1 +01010111011001 low-pitched 1 +01010111011001 FR3 1 +01010111011001 stage-bound 1 +01010111011001 Dublin-Paris 1 +01010111011001 Marieville 1 +01010111011001 thirdhand 1 +01010111011001 plenties 1 +01010111011001 Neomed 1 +01010111011001 1,177 1 +01010111011001 sober-blue 1 +01010111011001 dejection 1 +01010111011001 four-wheelers 1 +01010111011001 capitilizations 1 +01010111011001 pressurizers 1 +01010111011001 Teutons 1 +01010111011001 Allemanni 1 +01010111011001 multivitamins 1 +01010111011001 Uranerz 1 +01010111011001 1430.82 1 +01010111011001 120-foot-wide 1 +01010111011001 mycology 1 +01010111011001 inducting 1 +01010111011001 Canoletto 1 +01010111011001 sundecks 1 +01010111011001 unhook 1 +01010111011001 CARDs 1 +01010111011001 OPOSSMS 1 +01010111011001 Crandon 1 +01010111011001 KOSA-TV 1 +01010111011001 Boniato 1 +01010111011001 Oh-God-if-I-pull-this-one-off-I'll-be-great 1 +01010111011001 chlorthalidone 1 +01010111011001 kremlins 1 +01010111011001 anthophyllite 1 +01010111011001 ATSWI 1 +01010111011001 nitrites 1 +01010111011001 W-100 1 +01010111011001 1512 1 +01010111011001 unposed 1 +01010111011001 Nickey 1 +01010111011001 Misalliances 1 +01010111011001 Hartbreaks 1 +01010111011001 semicolons 1 +01010111011001 WHTQ-FM 1 +01010111011001 pruney 1 +01010111011001 286.09 1 +01010111011001 EFINT 1 +01010111011001 Tulumayo 1 +01010111011001 serivices 1 +01010111011001 Scotchguard 1 +01010111011001 tantrum-proof 1 +01010111011001 Cyanothymidine 1 +01010111011001 USINOR 1 +01010111011001 KDSWI 1 +01010111011001 dispersals 1 +01010111011001 CNC 1 +01010111011001 DOSWI 1 +01010111011001 KKOB-FM 1 +01010111011001 WLAC-FM 1 +01010111011001 WMTG-AM 1 +01010111011001 feeble-spirited 1 +01010111011001 Eneleven 1 +01010111011001 fumewise 1 +01010111011001 Consuls 1 +01010111011001 non-hierarchical 1 +01010111011001 mispackaged 1 +01010111011001 stock-brokerages 1 +01010111011001 Kepler 1 +01010111011001 Respicare 1 +01010111011001 Perdiem 1 +01010111011001 Anscor 1 +01010111011001 1386.74 1 +01010111011001 1282.39 1 +01010111011001 Petainette 1 +01010111011001 PIKS 1 +01010111011001 Psychos 1 +01010111011001 Exhibit. 1 +01010111011001 jiggery-pokery 1 +01010111011001 Sukie 1 +01010111011001 beakers 1 +01010111011001 Humbrol 1 +01010111011001 dried-cocoon 1 +01010111011001 Lekoa 1 +01010111011001 spumante 1 +01010111011001 Amphibians 1 +01010111011001 terracotta 1 +01010111011001 not-so-hardy 1 +01010111011001 stevedores 1 +01010111011001 DEET 1 +01010111011001 rib-cracking 1 +01010111011001 sno-cones 1 +01010111011001 Sequin 1 +01010111011001 Townships 1 +01010111011001 tickety-tickety 1 +01010111011001 collocation 1 +01010111011001 Alia 1 +01010111011001 Furth-Bislohe 1 +01010111011001 KF-TV 1 +01010111011001 Nordette 1 +01010111011001 '33 1 +01010111011001 vigour 1 +01010111011001 Nagir 1 +01010111011001 elaborations 1 +01010111011001 1598 1 +01010111011001 big-broker 1 +01010111011001 Zendentsu 1 +01010111011001 untransparent 1 +01010111011001 methamphetamines 1 +01010111011001 Fajardo 1 +01010111011001 Oxnard-Ventura 1 +01010111011001 near-neighbor 1 +01010111011001 FuelCo. 1 +01010111011001 1430.67 1 +01010111011001 cyclamen 1 +01010111011001 self-advertisement 1 +01010111011001 Apulia 1 +01010111011001 pump-storage 1 +01010111011001 orthodontia 1 +01010111011001 order-slip 1 +01010111011001 Atlantic-Richfield 1 +01010111011001 eductive 1 +01010111011001 tableauxs 1 +01010111011001 ethnologically 1 +01010111011001 anti-victim 1 +01010111011001 color-tinted 1 +01010111011001 holy-moly 1 +01010111011001 Tompkinsville 1 +01010111011001 Rockmont 1 +01010111011001 deconglomerization 1 +01010111011001 homeworker 1 +01010111011001 higher-bouncing 1 +01010111011001 sanded 1 +01010111011001 CalTex 1 +01010111011001 Fariborz 1 +01010111011001 Blairsville 1 +01010111011001 vanpools 1 +01010111011001 radish 1 +01010111011001 Mercury- 1 +01010111011001 WXIA-TV 1 +01010111011001 1437.84 1 +01010111011001 KFRC 1 +01010111011001 day-out 1 +01010111011001 zurnas 1 +01010111011001 T0024 1 +01010111011001 hungry-looking 1 +01010111011001 Chinois 1 +01010111011001 Washingtonit 1 +01010111011001 beiges 1 +01010111011001 Rabguard-TC 1 +01010111011001 ignorantly 1 +01010111011001 multi-accent 1 +01010111011001 Upanishads 1 +01010111011001 Dartford 1 +01010111011001 tax-incentives 1 +01010111011001 mesquite 1 +01010111011001 Pili 1 +01010111011001 mid-Monday 1 +01010111011001 funkified 1 +01010111011001 shushing 1 +01010111011001 mainlines 1 +01010111011001 short-shipping 1 +01010111011001 cedar-paneled 1 +01010111011001 1,294 1 +01010111011001 Authoritarians 1 +01010111011001 froing 1 +01010111011001 reelections 1 +01010111011001 Camline 1 +01010111011001 MEMBERSHIPS 1 +01010111011001 200s 1 +01010111011001 Pater 1 +01010111011001 Drug-War 1 +01010111011001 charwomen 1 +01010111011001 infra.s 1 +01010111011001 Criminology 1 +01010111011001 Joss 1 +01010111011001 Douala 1 +01010111011001 wisecrackers 1 +01010111011001 Wenda 1 +01010111011001 satins 1 +01010111011001 mini-groups 1 +01010111011001 9:34 1 +01010111011001 unzapped 1 +01010111011001 seabirds 1 +01010111011001 game-shows 1 +01010111011001 grinnier 1 +01010111011001 equipper 1 +01010111011001 anti-interventionist 1 +01010111011001 Coverups 1 +01010111011001 Vapona 1 +01010111011001 AIDS/HTLV-I 1 +01010111011001 Tomsky 1 +01010111011001 Sciroccos 1 +01010111011001 Richardson/Smith 1 +01010111011001 112,207 1 +01010111011001 pseudoephedrine 1 +01010111011001 fresh-voiced 1 +01010111011001 U.S.-level 1 +01010111011001 Zelinda 1 +01010111011001 a-half 1 +01010111011001 farseeing 1 +01010111011001 lacquerware 1 +01010111011001 Grenadas 1 +01010111011001 Emigsville 1 +01010111011001 backhandedly 1 +01010111011001 Synthroid 1 +01010111011001 ProSobee 1 +01010111011001 Isomil 1 +01010111011001 Medipren 1 +01010111011001 Rosalia 1 +01010111011001 inapt 1 +01010111011001 turgidity 1 +01010111011001 grand-daughter 1 +01010111011001 Surgut 1 +01010111011001 head-scarves 1 +01010111011001 longest-standing 1 +01010111011001 rationalityand 1 +01010111011001 Mycerinus 1 +01010111011001 Coajone 1 +01010111011001 HUHOW 1 +01010111011001 Empressa 1 +01010111011001 Harriot 1 +01010111011001 Ikarusz 1 +01010111011001 clock-TV 1 +01010111011001 mindings 1 +01010111011001 tactlessness 1 +01010111011001 everytime 1 +01010111011001 BusinessWeek 1 +01010111011001 Keren 1 +01010111011001 Berisford> 1 +01010111011001 drought-speculation 1 +01010111011001 tsunamis 1 +01010111011001 Kelvinator 1 +01010111011001 patchily 1 +01010111011001 foresightedness 1 +01010111011001 cha-chas 1 +01010111011001 Godspeed 1 +01010111011001 ultra-fine 1 +01010111011001 periwigs 1 +01010111011001 businesssmen 1 +01010111011001 systematized 1 +01010111011001 grade-obsessed 1 +01010111011001 dollar-watching 1 +01010111011001 jovibarba 1 +01010111011001 subclimates 1 +01010111011001 archbishops 1 +01010111011001 fabulism 1 +01010111011001 Ticha 1 +01010111011001 TNM&O 1 +01010111011001 2021-2026 1 +01010111011001 carcinogenicity 1 +01010111011001 Etruria 1 +01010111011001 salmanazars 1 +01010111011001 Pipefitters 1 +01010111011001 Actaeon 1 +01010111011001 redesignings 1 +01010111011001 collagist 1 +01010111011001 arbitrages 1 +01010111011001 self-disciplines 1 +01010111011001 Laforge-1 1 +01010111011001 Pallis 1 +01010111011001 Reznor 1 +01010111011001 KYW 1 +01010111011001 terns 1 +01010111011001 extralegally 1 +01010111011001 G-Tech 1 +01010111011001 granulocyte-colony 1 +01010111011001 undigestible 1 +01010111011001 phenols 1 +01010111011001 gutter-fighting 1 +01010111011001 9400 1 +01010111011001 sur-titles 1 +01010111011001 freeze-packed 1 +01010111011001 propagates 1 +01010111011001 unguents 1 +01010111011001 Furyo 1 +01010111011001 capnographs 1 +01010111011001 Gingers 1 +01010111011001 Bretten 1 +01010111011001 Ocoee 1 +01010111011001 nonbeing 1 +01010111011001 Halicon 1 +01010111011001 80:20 1 +01010111011001 Rico. 1 +01010111011001 Jodl 1 +01010111011001 Laica 1 +01010111011001 oh-so-reasonable 1 +01010111011001 '85-86 1 +01010111011001 soarers 1 +01010111011001 apple-polisher 1 +01010111011001 backflips 1 +01010111011001 Hussel 1 +01010111011001 sulfamethoxazole 1 +01010111011001 powertrains 1 +01010111011001 synthetic-fertilizer 1 +01010111011001 Sumba 1 +01010111011001 otherness 1 +01010111011001 elsewise 1 +01010111011001 hyperbolically 1 +01010111011001 askers 1 +01010111011001 weedeaters 1 +01010111011001 mokus 1 +01010111011001 Lovington 1 +01010111011001 meditates 1 +01010111011001 Isefi 1 +01010111011001 Nipro 1 +01010111011001 zonk 1 +01010111011001 P-51s 1 +01010111011001 Jiyeh 1 +01010111011001 Pulaskis 1 +01010111011001 Tabacaleras 1 +01010111011001 miscolored 1 +01010111011001 Omnipol 1 +01010111011001 X/Open 1 +01010111011001 Dahling 1 +01010111011001 Tycesa 1 +01010111011001 Levantines 1 +01010111011001 Polop 1 +01010111011001 countercoups 1 +01010111011001 lightstruck 1 +01010111011001 entractes 1 +01010111011001 non-advocacy 1 +01010111011001 Hartford/Springfield 1 +01010111011001 autographer 1 +01010111011001 Syrian-operated 1 +01010111011001 Aziza 1 +01010111011001 duplicities 1 +01010111011001 bore/Are 1 +01010111011001 minitrucks 1 +01010111011001 mescal 1 +01010111011001 22/6a 1 +01010111011001 others.But 1 +01010111011001 techno-junkies 1 +01010111011001 microwave-safe 1 +01010111011001 oleochemicals 1 +01010111011001 JGC 1 +01010111011001 Avtoexport 1 +01010111011001 Sary-Shagan 1 +01010111011001 colloquiums 1 +01010111011001 unmoral 1 +01010111011001 pwes 1 +01010111011001 morels 1 +01010111011001 non-oil-field 1 +01010111011001 Runty 1 +01010111011001 McReally 1 +01010111011001 Siemenses 1 +01010111011001 diabetologists 1 +01010111011001 phototypography 1 +01010111011001 heartrate 1 +01010111011001 CEO-Elect 1 +01010111011001 Ewarton 1 +01010111011001 demerol 1 +01010111011001 Guadalahara 1 +01010111011001 Shochiku 1 +01010111011001 hanger-on 1 +01010111011001 Crediop 1 +01010111011001 Frinton 1 +01010111011001 5-fluorouracil 1 +01010111011001 monocrotophos 1 +01010111011001 gp41 1 +01010111011001 non-appealable 1 +01010111011001 SLOWING 1 +01010111011001 Al-Gomhouria 1 +01010111011001 hospital-like 1 +01010111011001 outward-projecting 1 +01010111011001 Valleyfair 1 +01010111011001 snivel 1 +01010111011001 pseudo-Kennedyism 1 +01010111011001 Vomit 1 +01010111011001 cross-complained 1 +01010111011001 Boursault 1 +01010111011001 wristbands 1 +01010111011001 washbasins 1 +01010111011001 aleurophiles 1 +01010111011001 more-direct 1 +01010111011001 Bronkolixir 1 +01010111011001 anti-men 1 +01010111011001 self-cleans 1 +01010111011001 Pierce-Arrow 1 +01010111011001 Clueless 1 +01010111011001 MortgageBanque 1 +01010111011001 double-density 1 +01010111011001 crysanthemum 1 +01010111011001 panhandled 1 +01010111011001 deep-feeling 1 +01010111011001 Squeeze-Fresh 1 +01010111011001 benomyl 1 +01010111011001 '31 1 +01010111011001 steamrollering 1 +01010111011001 recoats 1 +01010111011001 Mr.Galvin 1 +01010111011001 Peoria/Bloomington 1 +01010111011001 Criseyde 1 +01010111011001 churros 1 +01010111011001 bings 1 +01010111011001 Agamemnons 1 +01010111011001 LUNCHING 1 +01010111011001 pluralisms 1 +01010111011001 foggy-eyed 1 +01010111011001 scientology 1 +01010111011001 1263.33 1 +01010111011001 100-inch 1 +01010111011001 fermions 1 +01010111011001 HANDELSBANKEN 1 +01010111011001 chaimran 1 +01010111011001 tae 1 +01010111011001 junkman 1 +01010111011001 lie-detectors 1 +01010111011001 Austro-Hungary 1 +01010111011001 sanitary-waste 1 +01010111011001 Corotrope/milrinone 1 +01010111011001 Godfearing 1 +01010111011001 rewraps 1 +01010111011001 relet 1 +01010111011001 red-winged 1 +01010111011001 F4s 1 +01010111011001 non-occasion 1 +01010111011001 up-a-bit 1 +01010111011001 travel/subsistence 1 +01010111011001 TMSTB 1 +01010111011001 quaver 1 +01010111011001 big-fisted 1 +01010111011001 body-guards 1 +01010111011001 Nhatrang 1 +01010111011001 fair-complexioned 1 +01010111011001 Wal-Marts 1 +01010111011001 hard-to-navigate 1 +01010111011001 orchestrally 1 +01010111011001 sunbonnets 1 +01010111011001 .167 1 +01010111011001 Ammo 1 +01010111011001 jackals 1 +01010111011001 Heileg-Meyers 1 +01010111011001 gunkier 1 +01010111011001 Freeze-It 1 +01010111011001 914,350 1 +01010111011001 crossly 1 +01010111011001 thankyous 1 +01010111011001 9120 1 +01010111011001 89-105 1 +01010111011001 covetousness 2 +01010111011001 Clemiss 2 +01010111011001 MESBICs 2 +01010111011001 KRXY-FM 2 +01010111011001 bookish-looking 2 +01010111011001 life-like 2 +01010111011001 1,065 2 +01010111011001 Dristan 2 +01010111011001 Vibes 2 +01010111011001 directionally 2 +01010111011001 seed-bearing 2 +01010111011001 uncorrupted 2 +01010111011001 Montesquieu 2 +01010111011001 Duprez 2 +01010111011001 adeptly 2 +01010111011001 reordered 2 +01010111011001 Zung 2 +01010111011001 Arjuna 2 +01010111011001 Zeroes 2 +01010111011001 Gypsies 2 +01010111011001 zurna 2 +01010111011001 Kyaw 2 +01010111011001 Huatulco 2 +01010111011001 Cashmere 2 +01010111011001 sarongs 2 +01010111011001 Masaniello 2 +01010111011001 Menominee 2 +01010111011001 Scarlatti 2 +01010111011001 Madda 2 +01010111011001 Doro 2 +01010111011001 Primextra 2 +01010111011001 Desarollos 2 +01010111011001 calligraphies 2 +01010111011001 Leibniz 2 +01010111011001 Speedring-Troy 2 +01010111011001 Sokol-Blosser 2 +01010111011001 unassertive 2 +01010111011001 on-lending 2 +01010111011001 non-affluent 2 +01010111011001 RCAs 2 +01010111011001 yon 2 +01010111011001 nastily 2 +01010111011001 Situs 2 +01010111011001 OAMCAF 2 +01010111011001 golf-ball 2 +01010111011001 Workouts 2 +01010111011001 year-out 2 +01010111011001 re-use 2 +01010111011001 Inabata 2 +01010111011001 Mattoon 2 +01010111011001 unfeelingly 2 +01010111011001 Anja 2 +01010111011001 1725 2 +01010111011001 tucking 2 +01010111011001 WOOD-FM 2 +01010111011001 Samuil 2 +01010111011001 '65 2 +01010111011001 15-19 2 +01010111011001 Petronella 2 +01010111011001 winterfat 2 +01010111011001 cajun 2 +01010111011001 Team-Mates 2 +01010111011001 Neikrug 2 +01010111011001 Vusi 2 +01010111011001 Wolfensberger 2 +01010111011001 1350 2 +01010111011001 blusters 2 +01010111011001 achy 2 +01010111011001 Henriette 2 +01010111011001 Tasha 2 +01010111011001 Ondo 2 +01010111011001 abortionists 2 +01010111011001 maneb 2 +01010111011001 goal-setting 3 +01010111011001 VidAmerica 3 +01010111011001 disingenuously 3 +01010111011001 tetracycline 3 +01010111011001 Haislmaier 3 +01010111011001 Volodya 3 +01010111011001 lamentably 3 +01010111011001 Makower 3 +01010111011001 Mountaintop 3 +01010111011001 Unigate 3 +01010111011001 dicing 3 +01010111011001 jaundice 3 +01010111011001 Klausner 3 +01010111011001 textually 3 +01010111011001 GUS 3 +01010111011001 Bynoe 3 +01010111011001 cyclones 3 +01010111011001 longitude 3 +01010111011001 Hercegovina 3 +01010111011001 Effron 3 +01010111011001 semps 4 +01010111011001 Yakult 4 +01010111011001 20-year-olds 4 +01010111011001 Librium 4 +01010111011001 Deminex 4 +01010111011001 secondly 4 +01010111011001 Platonov 4 +01010111011001 freckled 4 +01010111011001 crossbones 4 +01010111011001 purples 4 +01010111011001 incompletely 5 +01010111011001 WSBK-TV 5 +01010111011001 full-bodied 5 +01010111011001 girdles 5 +01010111011001 Snickers 5 +01010111011001 Shute 5 +01010111011001 isoprinosine 5 +01010111011001 voila 6 +01010111011001 sardonically 6 +01010111011001 Scooter 6 +01010111011001 Woollcott 6 +01010111011001 thankfully 7 +01010111011001 Eisai 7 +01010111011001 Kara 8 +01010111011001 golly 10 +01010111011001 regrettably 11 +01010111011001 Gynecologists 12 +01010111011001 luckily 12 +01010111011001 feathering 13 +01010111011001 conceptually 15 +01010111011001 furthermore 18 +01010111011001 unhappily 26 +01010111011001 fortunately 31 +01010111011001 paradoxically 34 +01010111011001 therein 39 +01010111011001 consequently 87 +01010111011001 hopefully 103 +01010111011001 unfortunately 190 +01010111011001 hence 241 +01010111011001 thereby 594 +01010111011001 therefore 1130 +01010111011001 then 14943 +01010111011001 thus 2831 +010101110110100 friendless 1 +010101110110100 82,600 1 +010101110110100 nonmembership 1 +010101110110100 participitating 1 +010101110110100 deal-cutting 1 +010101110110100 gut-shoot 1 +010101110110100 meassure 1 +010101110110100 recline 1 +010101110110100 Shigekazu 1 +010101110110100 Macridis 1 +010101110110100 underutilize 1 +010101110110100 initiations 1 +010101110110100 guerillas 1 +010101110110100 amplifications 1 +010101110110100 sorcerers 1 +010101110110100 Venerian 1 +010101110110100 frontally 1 +010101110110100 immediaely 1 +010101110110100 unreleasable 1 +010101110110100 precancer 1 +010101110110100 flows-underlies 1 +010101110110100 melds 1 +010101110110100 bummers 1 +010101110110100 ago/ 1 +010101110110100 intra-administration 1 +010101110110100 USA-produced 1 +010101110110100 GM-300 1 +010101110110100 disinter 1 +010101110110100 wosen 1 +010101110110100 Dolphin/Doubleday 2 +010101110110100 Og 2 +010101110110100 deadpanned 2 +010101110110100 Caemi 2 +010101110110100 satires 2 +010101110110100 Brinton 2 +010101110110100 unplugged 2 +010101110110100 1982-1986 2 +010101110110100 snowfields 2 +010101110110100 dolefully 2 +010101110110100 pay-in 2 +010101110110100 undergirds 2 +010101110110100 rehashed 3 +010101110110100 Teng 3 +010101110110100 19,600 3 +010101110110100 70,000-mile 3 +010101110110100 implausibly 3 +010101110110100 tartly 3 +010101110110100 waltzes 3 +010101110110100 dideoxyinosine 3 +010101110110100 quarter-by-quarter 4 +010101110110100 mischievously 5 +010101110110100 DIA 7 +010101110110100 thereabouts 8 +010101110110100 ha 9 +010101110110100 admiringly 10 +010101110110100 dryly 14 +010101110110100 sheepishly 16 +010101110110100 matter-of-factly 20 +010101110110100 adjourns 23 +010101110110100 ruefully 35 +010101110110100 parent-company 67 +010101110110100 later 9516 +010101110110100 sometime 531 +010101110110101 Intensifies 1 +010101110110101 inflects 1 +010101110110101 nonexclusively 1 +010101110110101 3,092 1 +010101110110101 1,439 1 +010101110110101 glamourous 1 +010101110110101 double-crosses 1 +010101110110101 emplaced 1 +010101110110101 haircutting 1 +010101110110101 half-identity 1 +010101110110101 disbelievers 1 +010101110110101 2,121 1 +010101110110101 ummatched 1 +010101110110101 at-me 1 +010101110110101 again-off 1 +010101110110101 glimmered 1 +010101110110101 fraiche 1 +010101110110101 unretired 1 +010101110110101 1.8838 1 +010101110110101 woodworms 1 +010101110110101 quadrennially 1 +010101110110101 undercared 1 +010101110110101 EXEMPTIONS 2 +010101110110101 shortsightedly 2 +010101110110101 sketchily 2 +010101110110101 trumps 2 +010101110110101 deviously 2 +010101110110101 squawked 2 +010101110110101 felicitously 2 +010101110110101 Regaining 2 +010101110110101 putatively 2 +010101110110101 PENSIONS 2 +010101110110101 Aminoil 3 +010101110110101 overpowers 3 +010101110110101 spooking 3 +010101110110101 plies 3 +010101110110101 Spyros 3 +010101110110101 Burton-Campbell 3 +010101110110101 Ortrud 3 +010101110110101 condescendingly 3 +010101110110101 Pepto-Bismol 4 +010101110110101 Yasnaya 4 +010101110110101 Esterhazy 4 +010101110110101 Calpurnia 7 +010101110110101 Faymonville 8 +010101110110101 dissipates 8 +010101110110101 thrice 10 +010101110110101 generically 29 +010101110110101 doubles 95 +010101110110101 once 6828 +010101110110101 twice 2067 +010101110110110 crediblity 1 +010101110110110 unpackaged 1 +010101110110110 60/40 1 +010101110110110 Hellebore 1 +010101110110110 pre-subscription 1 +010101110110110 Vlassis 1 +010101110110110 glancingly 1 +010101110110110 fastidiously 2 +010101110110110 incautiously 2 +010101110110110 puckishly 2 +010101110110110 airboats 2 +010101110110110 fraudently 2 +010101110110110 lightheartedly 2 +010101110110110 synthetically 2 +010101110110110 cooly 2 +010101110110110 utlimately 2 +010101110110110 unattractively 2 +010101110110110 tearily 2 +010101110110110 unsuccesfully 2 +010101110110110 illegaly 2 +010101110110110 hot-dipped 2 +010101110110110 vehmently 2 +010101110110110 wishfully 3 +010101110110110 Detko 3 +010101110110110 sucessfully 3 +010101110110110 buoyantly 3 +010101110110110 1,051 3 +010101110110110 unsuccessfuly 3 +010101110110110 Stronsay 3 +010101110110110 agressively 3 +010101110110110 helpfully 4 +010101110110110 humorously 4 +010101110110110 dowries 4 +010101110110110 tenatively 4 +010101110110110 abrasions 4 +010101110110110 mockingly 4 +010101110110110 thoughtlessly 4 +010101110110110 undeservedly 4 +010101110110110 artichokes 4 +010101110110110 selflessly 5 +010101110110110 promotionally 5 +010101110110110 cannily 5 +010101110110110 self-righteously 5 +010101110110110 perceptively 5 +010101110110110 sportingly 6 +010101110110110 obligingly 6 +010101110110110 laughingly 6 +010101110110110 furtively 6 +010101110110110 unwillingly 6 +010101110110110 nobly 6 +010101110110110 unashamedly 6 +010101110110110 preferentially 7 +010101110110110 humbly 7 +010101110110110 fruitlessly 7 +010101110110110 cavalierly 7 +010101110110110 Outdoors 8 +010101110110110 coyly 8 +010101110110110 disparagingly 8 +010101110110110 brusquely 8 +010101110110110 lamely 8 +010101110110110 exhaustively 9 +010101110110110 ineptly 9 +010101110110110 joyfully 9 +010101110110110 tersely 9 +010101110110110 arrogantly 9 +010101110110110 improbably 10 +010101110110110 subconsciously 10 +010101110110110 shamelessly 10 +010101110110110 crisply 10 +010101110110110 stoically 10 +010101110110110 playfully 10 +010101110110110 gratefully 10 +010101110110110 loyally 10 +010101110110110 obediently 10 +010101110110110 accidently 11 +010101110110110 courageously 11 +010101110110110 conscientiously 12 +010101110110110 meekly 12 +010101110110110 valiantly 12 +010101110110110 good-naturedly 13 +010101110110110 testily 13 +010101110110110 unceremoniously 13 +010101110110110 obliquely 14 +010101110110110 tenaciously 14 +010101110110110 unwisely 15 +010101110110110 unknowingly 15 +010101110110110 truthfully 15 +010101110110110 graciously 16 +010101110110110 stoutly 16 +010101110110110 figuratively 16 +010101110110110 judiciously 17 +010101110110110 affectionately 17 +010101110110110 orginally 17 +010101110110110 expertly 17 +010101110110110 carelessly 17 +010101110110110 unconsciously 18 +010101110110110 vociferously 19 +010101110110110 assiduously 19 +010101110110110 shrewdly 19 +010101110110110 ruthlessly 19 +010101110110110 irrevocably 20 +010101110110110 brazenly 20 +010101110110110 vainly 20 +010101110110110 derisively 21 +010101110110110 glumly 21 +010101110110110 illicitly 21 +010101110110110 gamely 22 +010101110110110 foolishly 22 +010101110110110 negligently 22 +010101110110110 tirelessly 22 +010101110110110 thoughtfully 24 +010101110110110 defiantly 24 +010101110110110 ardently 24 +010101110110110 successively 24 +010101110110110 laboriously 24 +010101110110110 studiously 24 +010101110110110 unjustly 24 +010101110110110 respectfully 25 +010101110110110 covertly 25 +010101110110110 excitedly 25 +010101110110110 unofficially 26 +010101110110110 methodically 26 +010101110110110 inaccurately 27 +010101110110110 provisionally 27 +010101110110110 passively 28 +010101110110110 verbally 28 +010101110110110 heartily 29 +010101110110110 bravely 30 +010101110110110 heatedly 30 +010101110110110 inadequately 31 +010101110110110 doggedly 31 +010101110110110 wryly 31 +010101110110110 surreptitiously 31 +010101110110110 tacitly 32 +010101110110110 wholeheartedly 33 +010101110110110 preliminarily 34 +010101110110110 fondly 38 +010101110110110 forcibly 39 +010101110110110 recklessly 40 +010101110110110 conditionally 40 +010101110110110 blindly 41 +010101110110110 summarily 41 +010101110110110 blithely 42 +010101110110110 painstakingly 43 +010101110110110 scrupulously 43 +010101110110110 hurriedly 43 +010101110110110 discreetly 43 +010101110110110 cleverly 43 +010101110110110 handily 44 +010101110110110 deftly 47 +010101110110110 gleefully 48 +010101110110110 mysteriously 48 +010101110110110 dutifully 49 +010101110110110 unlawfully 52 +010101110110110 unequivocally 52 +010101110110110 staunchly 53 +010101110110110 erroneously 53 +010101110110110 soundly 54 +010101110110110 frantically 54 +010101110110110 consciously 54 +010101110110110 belatedly 55 +010101110110110 faithfully 55 +010101110110110 categorically 56 +010101110110110 cheerfully 57 +010101110110110 willfully 59 +010101110110110 skillfully 63 +010101110110110 convincingly 63 +010101110110110 purposely 63 +010101110110110 arbitrarily 64 +010101110110110 emphatically 65 +010101110110110 unwittingly 73 +010101110110110 randomly 75 +010101110110110 adamantly 76 +010101110110110 grudgingly 77 +010101110110110 willingly 78 +010101110110110 wrongfully 79 +010101110110110 casually 79 +010101110110110 confidently 79 +010101110110110 strenuously 80 +010101110110110 wisely 84 +010101110110110 boldly 85 +010101110110110 politely 92 +010101110110110 expressly 92 +010101110110110 implicitly 98 +010101110110110 wrongly 107 +010101110110110 accidentally 111 +010101110110110 fraudulently 118 +010101110110110 systematically 118 +010101110110110 enthusiastically 128 +010101110110110 vehemently 135 +010101110110110 inadvertently 137 +010101110110110 informally 139 +010101110110110 mistakenly 143 +010101110110110 hastily 148 +010101110110110 happily 158 +010101110110110 intentionally 168 +010101110110110 proudly 168 +010101110110110 flatly 171 +010101110110110 reluctantly 175 +010101110110110 unilaterally 182 +010101110110110 falsely 186 +010101110110110 knowingly 189 +010101110110110 explicitly 243 +010101110110110 artificially 247 +010101110110110 periodically 293 +010101110110110 secretly 307 +010101110110110 deliberately 327 +010101110110110 correctly 333 +010101110110110 unfairly 334 +010101110110110 unsuccessfully 348 +010101110110110 openly 383 +010101110110110 permanently 417 +010101110110110 voluntarily 471 +010101110110110 promptly 505 +010101110110110 improperly 583 +010101110110110 consistently 622 +010101110110110 tentatively 652 +010101110110110 illegally 652 +010101110110110 officially 715 +010101110110110 quietly 718 +010101110110110 personally 775 +010101110110110 regularly 840 +010101110110110 formally 870 +010101110110110 successfully 916 +010101110110110 temporarily 1213 +010101110110110 originally 1646 +010101110110110 allegedly 1654 +010101110110110 ever 5833 +010101110110110 initially 1952 +010101110110111 tulipomanias 1 +010101110110111 312-Futures 1 +010101110110111 Boncompagni 1 +010101110110111 speakerphones 1 +010101110110111 implicity 1 +010101110110111 24-seven 1 +010101110110111 CelebrityAmericans 1 +010101110110111 Parness 1 +010101110110111 mini-trek 1 +010101110110111 Bugarin 1 +010101110110111 job-searching 1 +010101110110111 prevalently 1 +010101110110111 poetically 1 +010101110110111 DiLieto 1 +010101110110111 sensuously 1 +010101110110111 62,431 1 +010101110110111 GUIDANCE 1 +010101110110111 Kerckerinck 1 +010101110110111 puma 1 +010101110110111 Saund 1 +010101110110111 pseudonymously 1 +010101110110111 seismograph 1 +010101110110111 1,382,179 1 +010101110110111 Shangchi 1 +010101110110111 boat-builders 1 +010101110110111 partnerhship 1 +010101110110111 larder 1 +010101110110111 something-or-other 1 +010101110110111 Levarek 1 +010101110110111 Holomisa 1 +010101110110111 Sarathy 1 +010101110110111 post-Olympic-year 1 +010101110110111 fly-screen 1 +010101110110111 circuitously 1 +010101110110111 CONDITIONS 1 +010101110110111 Huttonites 1 +010101110110111 HTLV-3 2 +010101110110111 Nereids 2 +010101110110111 Orchestras 2 +010101110110111 half-seriously 2 +010101110110111 Yaik 2 +010101110110111 latterly 2 +010101110110111 presciently 2 +010101110110111 Rapport 2 +010101110110111 lowlifes 2 +010101110110111 over. 2 +010101110110111 deplaning 2 +010101110110111 Xuegian 2 +010101110110111 abrubtly 2 +010101110110111 seismographs 2 +010101110110111 Calonne 2 +010101110110111 pejoratively 3 +010101110110111 laconically 3 +010101110110111 nonvoters 3 +010101110110111 hypocritically 3 +010101110110111 fleetingly 4 +010101110110111 premier-designate 4 +010101110110111 Leijon 4 +010101110110111 loftily 4 +010101110110111 impishly 4 +010101110110111 placidly 4 +010101110110111 sourly 4 +010101110110111 acidly 5 +010101110110111 scornfully 5 +010101110110111 Soe 5 +010101110110111 effusively 6 +010101110110111 tactfully 6 +010101110110111 manfully 6 +010101110110111 somberly 6 +010101110110111 animatedly 6 +010101110110111 archly 7 +010101110110111 curtly 9 +010101110110111 half-jokingly 10 +010101110110111 half-heartedly 10 +010101110110111 tellingly 11 +010101110110111 thereupon 12 +010101110110111 posthumously 14 +010101110110111 sarcastically 18 +010101110110111 sternly 29 +010101110110111 ominously 29 +010101110110111 approvingly 37 +010101110110111 jokingly 40 +010101110110111 variously 56 +010101110110111 aptly 57 +010101110110111 pointedly 96 +010101110110111 bluntly 117 +010101110110111 angrily 125 +010101110110111 abruptly 373 +010101110110111 unanimously 427 +010101110110111 subsequently 666 +010101110110111 recently 13578 +010101110110111 repeatedly 1193 +01010111011100 integrations 1 +01010111011100 minimum-expense 1 +01010111011100 77,132 1 +01010111011100 biotechnologically 1 +01010111011100 invidiously 1 +01010111011100 Indpendence 1 +01010111011100 price-caps 1 +01010111011100 Crinos 1 +01010111011100 loan-losses 1 +01010111011100 Slovakia 1 +01010111011100 CORE 1 +01010111011100 more-frequently 1 +01010111011100 74,216 1 +01010111011100 seat-miles 1 +01010111011100 Vanish 1 +01010111011100 SR-71s 1 +01010111011100 955,133 1 +01010111011100 28,169 1 +01010111011100 16,584 1 +01010111011100 11,155 1 +01010111011100 severly 1 +01010111011100 five-to-15-minute 1 +01010111011100 701,978 1 +01010111011100 superluminaries 1 +01010111011100 Nixonesque 1 +01010111011100 irritatingly 1 +01010111011100 Gummiwerke 1 +01010111011100 festively 1 +01010111011100 ideograms 1 +01010111011100 745,219 1 +01010111011100 prompters 1 +01010111011100 blowdryers 1 +01010111011100 stably 1 +01010111011100 GBGI 1 +01010111011100 Oriental-style 1 +01010111011100 puchases 1 +01010111011100 Equitcorp 1 +01010111011100 48,497,000 1 +01010111011100 raidership 1 +01010111011100 248.00 1 +01010111011100 Phalangists 1 +01010111011100 5,852 1 +01010111011100 reprocesses 1 +01010111011100 dually 1 +01010111011100 wispily 1 +01010111011100 messily 1 +01010111011100 2382.1 1 +01010111011100 unimaginatively 1 +01010111011100 Rafalsky 1 +01010111011100 integrally 1 +01010111011100 Saint-gobain 1 +01010111011100 intransigently 1 +01010111011100 patient-financing 1 +01010111011100 MIG-2/SP1-Plus 1 +01010111011100 WAFERS 1 +01010111011100 Lyme-disease 1 +01010111011100 straighteners 1 +01010111011100 130,261 1 +01010111011100 boomingly 1 +01010111011100 gefuffle 1 +01010111011100 omnia 1 +01010111011100 Kanab 1 +01010111011100 miniumum 1 +01010111011100 homosexually 2 +01010111011100 prophylactics 2 +01010111011100 49,400 2 +01010111011100 tingles 2 +01010111011100 gentamicin 2 +01010111011100 afterthoughts 2 +01010111011100 occupationally 2 +01010111011100 photographically 3 +01010111011100 ususally 3 +01010111011100 lucidly 3 +01010111011100 anatomically 4 +01010111011100 statutorily 4 +01010111011100 ornately 4 +01010111011100 1,003 4 +01010111011100 being 18454 +01010111011100 hermetically 7 +010101110111010 fourth-layer 1 +010101110111010 Queyranne 1 +010101110111010 wayfarers 1 +010101110111010 less-severely 1 +010101110111010 as-yet-to-be 1 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inspirationally 2 +010101110111010 potently 2 +010101110111010 pointlessly 2 +010101110111010 remunerated 2 +010101110111010 expectable 2 +010101110111010 modally 2 +010101110111010 sonically 2 +010101110111010 well-enough 2 +010101110111010 straight-forwardly 2 +010101110111010 implacably 2 +010101110111010 fuzzily 2 +010101110111010 DETECTORS 2 +010101110111010 outstandingly 2 +010101110111010 aberrantly 2 +010101110111010 aurora 2 +010101110111010 murderously 2 +010101110111010 corporately 2 +010101110111010 statutorially 2 +010101110111010 throughly 2 +010101110111010 noiselessly 2 +010101110111010 9-6 2 +010101110111010 topically 2 +010101110111010 illegitimately 2 +010101110111010 colorfully 2 +010101110111010 immorally 2 +010101110111010 distractingly 2 +010101110111010 senselessly 2 +010101110111010 levamisole 3 +010101110111010 scathingly 3 +010101110111010 unkindly 3 +010101110111010 publically 3 +010101110111010 crazily 3 +010101110111010 methodologically 3 +010101110111010 illogically 3 +010101110111010 luridly 3 +010101110111010 unendurable 3 +010101110111010 grammatically 3 +010101110111010 tortuously 3 +010101110111010 bewilderingly 3 +010101110111010 enviably 3 +010101110111010 colloquially 3 +010101110111010 imprecisely 3 +010101110111010 penetratingly 3 +010101110111010 adorably 3 +010101110111010 assertively 3 +010101110111010 office-and-hotel 3 +010101110111010 inequitably 3 +010101110111010 tautly 3 +010101110111010 horrifyingly 3 +010101110111010 entertainingly 3 +010101110111010 believably 4 +010101110111010 drearily 4 +010101110111010 agriculturally 4 +010101110111010 atrociously 4 +010101110111010 unceasingly 4 +010101110111010 outspokenly 4 +010101110111010 divinely 4 +010101110111010 acoustically 4 +010101110111010 distantly 4 +010101110111010 tenuously 4 +010101110111010 superlatively 4 +010101110111010 unalterably 4 +010101110111010 defectively 4 +010101110111010 glaringly 4 +010101110111010 monumentally 4 +010101110111010 catastrophically 4 +010101110111010 volubly 4 +010101110111010 harmoniously 4 +010101110111010 decidely 4 +010101110111010 monolithically 4 +010101110111010 insufferably 4 +010101110111010 inconveniently 4 +010101110111010 radioactively 4 +010101110111010 laughably 4 +010101110111010 unsparingly 4 +010101110111010 monotonously 4 +010101110111010 nutritionally 4 +010101110111010 organizationally 4 +010101110111010 ponderously 5 +010101110111010 righteously 5 +010101110111010 uncritically 5 +010101110111010 bureaucratically 5 +010101110111010 unapologetically 5 +010101110111010 frenetically 5 +010101110111010 obscurely 5 +010101110111010 insidiously 5 +010101110111010 gorgeously 5 +010101110111010 familiarly 5 +010101110111010 compulsorily 5 +010101110111010 whitener 5 +010101110111010 authoritatively 5 +010101110111010 cozily 5 +010101110111010 unreservedly 5 +010101110111010 chillingly 5 +010101110111010 daringly 5 +010101110111010 speculatively 5 +010101110111010 touchingly 5 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austerely 8 +010101110111010 ambitiously 8 +010101110111010 respectably 8 +010101110111010 unpleasantly 8 +010101110111010 tactically 8 +010101110111010 self-consciously 8 +010101110111010 egregiously 8 +010101110111010 authentically 8 +010101110111010 sloppily 8 +010101110111010 resoundingly 8 +010101110111010 intolerably 8 +010101110111010 appealingly 8 +010101110111010 compellingly 9 +010101110111010 theatrically 9 +010101110111010 straightforwardly 9 +010101110111010 contentedly 9 +010101110111010 ostentatiously 9 +010101110111010 demurely 9 +010101110111010 grievously 9 +010101110111010 nearby. 9 +010101110111010 charmingly 9 +010101110111010 comprehensively 10 +010101110111010 comically 10 +010101110111010 cruelly 10 +010101110111010 mindlessly 10 +010101110111010 clumsily 10 +010101110111010 slyly 10 +010101110111010 empirically 10 +010101110111010 transparently 10 +010101110111010 quaintly 10 +010101110111010 blissfully 10 +010101110111010 diametrically 10 +010101110111010 sensitively 10 +010101110111010 slavishly 10 +010101110111010 charitably 11 +010101110111010 ingeniously 11 +010101110111010 stunningly 11 +010101110111010 grotesquely 11 +010101110111010 virulently 11 +010101110111010 dismally 11 +010101110111010 disastrously 11 +010101110111010 famously 12 +010101110111010 experimentally 12 +010101110111010 reassuringly 12 +010101110111010 glibly 12 +010101110111010 irresponsibly 12 +010101110111010 pathetically 12 +010101110111010 viciously 13 +010101110111010 delightfully 13 +010101110111010 insistently 13 +010101110111010 determinedly 13 +010101110111010 fitfully 13 +010101110111010 savagely 13 +010101110111010 flagrantly 13 +010101110111010 rudely 13 +010101110111010 cynically 13 +010101110111010 magnificently 13 +010101110111010 irreversibly 13 +010101110111010 artfully 13 +010101110111010 splendidly 14 +010101110111010 mortally 14 +010101110111010 extravagantly 14 +010101110111010 compulsively 14 +010101110111010 guardedly 14 +010101110111010 biologically 14 +010101110111010 spiritually 14 +010101110111010 precariously 14 +010101110111010 superficially 14 +010101110111010 weirdly 14 +010101110111010 demographically 14 +010101110111010 blandly 14 +010101110111010 irrationally 14 +010101110111010 impeccably 14 +010101110111010 obsessively 14 +010101110111010 stridently 14 +010101110111010 operationally 15 +010101110111010 industrially 15 +010101110111010 grandly 15 +010101110111010 legislatively 15 +010101110111010 serenely 15 +010101110111010 persuasively 15 +010101110111010 thickly 15 +010101110111010 aesthetically 16 +010101110111010 mercilessly 16 +010101110111010 musically 16 +010101110111010 eternally 16 +010101110111010 intricately 16 +010101110111010 stiffly 17 +010101110111010 ethnically 17 +010101110111010 perennially 17 +010101110111010 artistically 17 +010101110111010 exquisitely 17 +010101110111010 securely 17 +010101110111010 vocally 18 +010101110111010 avidly 18 +010101110111010 crudely 18 +010101110111010 marvelously 19 +010101110111010 clinically 19 +010101110111010 functionally 19 +010101110111010 perpetually 19 +010101110111010 coldly 19 +010101110111010 horribly 20 +010101110111010 miraculously 21 +010101110111010 tragically 21 +010101110111010 electrically 21 +010101110111010 proportionally 21 +010101110111010 suitably 21 +010101110111010 factually 22 +010101110111010 structurally 22 +010101110111010 purposefully 22 +010101110111010 inappropriately 22 +010101110111010 grimly 23 +010101110111010 elaborately 23 +010101110111010 admirably 24 +010101110111010 sweetly 24 +010101110111010 irreparably 25 +010101110111010 crucially 25 +010101110111010 surgically 25 +010101110111010 symbolically 26 +010101110111010 unevenly 27 +010101110111010 ferociously 27 +010101110111010 superbly 27 +010101110111010 creatively 27 +010101110111010 academically 27 +010101110111010 jealously 28 +010101110111010 insufficiently 29 +010101110111010 vertically 29 +010101110111010 minimally 29 +010101110111010 ethically 30 +010101110111010 lovingly 31 +010101110111010 unintentionally 32 +010101110111010 rigorously 33 +010101110111010 candidly 33 +010101110111010 diplomatically 34 +010101110111010 needlessly 34 +010101110111010 earnestly 35 +010101110111010 starkly 35 +010101110111010 darkly 35 +010101110111010 hitherto 35 +010101110111010 resolutely 36 +010101110111010 elegantly 36 +010101110111010 strangely 36 +010101110111010 unabashedly 37 +010101110111010 philosophically 37 +010101110111010 conventionally 37 +010101110111010 impressively 37 +010101110111010 dimly 37 +010101110111010 inextricably 38 +010101110111010 meticulously 39 +010101110111010 massively 40 +010101110111010 characteristically 40 +010101110111010 unconstitutionally 40 +010101110111010 fervently 42 +010101110111010 endlessly 42 +010101110111010 justly 42 +010101110111010 rigidly 42 +010101110111010 popularly 43 +010101110111010 overtly 44 +010101110111010 gravely 45 +010101110111010 religiously 45 +010101110111010 pleasantly 45 +010101110111010 culturally 46 +010101110111010 roundly 47 +010101110111010 duly 47 +010101110111010 finely 48 +010101110111010 spectacularly 48 +010101110111010 attractively 49 +010101110111010 chemically 49 +010101110111010 delicately 50 +010101110111010 powerfully 51 +010101110111010 passionately 51 +010101110111010 ideologically 52 +010101110111010 fatally 52 +010101110111010 lavishly 54 +010101110111010 curiously 55 +010101110111010 criminally 55 +010101110111010 amply 55 +010101110111010 constitutionally 55 +010101110111010 intimately 55 +010101110111010 freshly 57 +010101110111010 brutally 58 +010101110111010 keenly 58 +010101110111010 brilliantly 58 +010101110111010 scientifically 60 +010101110111010 generously 62 +010101110111010 visibly 62 +010101110111010 blatantly 63 +010101110111010 visually 63 +010101110111010 oddly 66 +010101110111010 richly 66 +010101110111010 medically 68 +010101110111010 anxiously 69 +010101110111010 sorely 69 +010101110111010 geographically 69 +010101110111010 unnecessarily 69 +010101110111010 brightly 70 +010101110111010 acutely 71 +010101110111010 furiously 73 +010101110111010 uniformly 74 +010101110111010 abundantly 74 +010101110111010 conspicuously 77 +010101110111010 persistently 78 +010101110111010 warmly 78 +010101110111010 racially 79 +010101110111010 universally 80 +010101110111010 predictably 80 +010101110111010 intellectually 83 +010101110111010 subtly 85 +010101110111010 relentlessly 87 +010101110111010 tremendously 94 +010101110111010 morally 94 +010101110111010 stubbornly 96 +010101110111010 beautifully 98 +010101110111010 psychologically 98 +010101110111010 urgently 101 +010101110111010 disproportionately 102 +010101110111010 harshly 102 +010101110111010 vaguely 103 +010101110111010 vividly 104 +010101110111010 profoundly 105 +010101110111010 professionally 105 +010101110111010 appropriately 106 +010101110111010 hopelessly 115 +010101110111010 neatly 117 +010101110111010 mildly 120 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+010101110111010 firmly 417 +010101110111010 strictly 432 +010101110111010 narrowly 493 +010101110111010 similarly 505 +010101110111010 economically 521 +010101110111010 poorly 561 +010101110111010 severely 677 +010101110111010 truly 707 +010101110111010 deeply 864 +010101110111010 badly 968 +010101110111010 totally 990 +010101110111010 carefully 996 +010101110111010 equally 1073 +010101110111010 completely 1119 +010101110111010 seriously 1566 +010101110111010 strongly 1761 +010101110111010 heavily 2423 +010101110111010 widely 3475 +010101110111010 increasingly 3156 +010101110111011 advsersly 1 +010101110111011 worked-over 1 +010101110111011 swim-off 1 +010101110111011 10-inch-longer 1 +010101110111011 vacantly 1 +010101110111011 Ponderosa-pine 1 +010101110111011 mini-coffin 1 +010101110111011 soberingly 1 +010101110111011 non-politically 1 +010101110111011 mellifluously 1 +010101110111011 Australian-owned 1 +010101110111011 four-drawer 1 +010101110111011 genitally 1 +010101110111011 knotting 1 +010101110111011 Maniatises 1 +010101110111011 Jimenezes 1 +010101110111011 bull-breeders 1 +010101110111011 sod-chunk 1 +010101110111011 theologically 1 +010101110111011 megamerger 1 +010101110111011 monoplane 1 +010101110111011 six-yard 1 +010101110111011 quantifiably 1 +010101110111011 355,600 1 +010101110111011 coffee-cup 1 +010101110111011 clawlike 1 +010101110111011 business-of-your 1 +010101110111011 quasimarket 1 +010101110111011 1,000-rat 1 +010101110111011 mostactively 1 +010101110111011 ADRsfreely 1 +010101110111011 wetsuit 1 +010101110111011 4,750-cubic-foot 1 +010101110111011 ravishingly 1 +010101110111011 24-yard 1 +010101110111011 microcamera 1 +010101110111011 explicity 1 +010101110111011 cow-blood 1 +010101110111011 27,600,000 1 +010101110111011 first-string 1 +010101110111011 Beirut. 1 +010101110111011 unqualifiedly 1 +010101110111011 closley 1 +010101110111011 non-IBMer 1 +010101110111011 dominees 2 +010101110111011 ritually 2 +010101110111011 numbly 2 +010101110111011 Dorran 2 +010101110111011 38-7 2 +010101110111011 4,168 2 +010101110111011 Bronfman-family 2 +010101110111011 torturously 2 +010101110111011 Khrushchevs 2 +010101110111011 Oppland 2 +010101110111011 diffusely 2 +010101110111011 150-seater 3 +010101110111011 shoddily 3 +010101110111011 megacontracts 3 +010101110111011 24-game 3 +010101110111011 lengthily 3 +010101110111011 punctually 3 +010101110111011 Democratically 3 +010101110111011 expressively 4 +010101110111011 leaseholds 4 +010101110111011 non-highly 4 +010101110111011 sumptuously 5 +010101110111011 aerodynamically 5 +010101110111011 sturdily 5 +010101110111011 nattily 5 +010101110111011 boa 8 +010101110111011 enviously 9 +010101110111011 most-actively 12 +010101110111011 scantily 12 +010101110111011 municipally 17 +010101110111011 cooperatively 20 +010101110111011 numerically 23 +010101110111011 institutionally 23 +010101110111011 provincially 34 +010101110111011 comparably 46 +010101110111011 sparsely 46 +010101110111011 densely 52 +010101110111011 centrally 79 +010101110111011 dealer-to-dealer 80 +010101110111011 specially 154 +010101110111011 thinly 155 +010101110111011 locally 248 +010101110111011 wholly 456 +010101110111011 jointly 999 +010101110111011 actively 1216 +010101110111011 privately 1498 +010101110111011 closely 5035 +010101110111011 publicly 2627 +01010111011110 crownless 1 +01010111011110 hard-to-plumb 1 +01010111011110 1096.22 1 +01010111011110 241.00 1 +01010111011110 satisfyingly 1 +01010111011110 worker-hours 1 +01010111011110 169.14 1 +01010111011110 incalculably 1 +01010111011110 Generalizing 1 +01010111011110 .0052 1 +01010111011110 11,052 1 +01010111011110 NAMnet 1 +01010111011110 slighly 1 +01010111011110 substantialy 1 +01010111011110 88,866 1 +01010111011110 crotch-stroking 1 +01010111011110 icicle-stiff 1 +01010111011110 1,238 1 +01010111011110 out-of-range 1 +01010111011110 curdle 1 +01010111011110 flashily 1 +01010111011110 18-fold 1 +01010111011110 32.54 1 +01010111011110 1/2-inchers 1 +01010111011110 dartlike 1 +01010111011110 77.13 1 +01010111011110 countertrends 1 +01010111011110 verk 1 +01010111011110 Non-Withdrawal 1 +01010111011110 596.49 1 +01010111011110 skosh 1 +01010111011110 droving 1 +01010111011110 appearences 1 +01010111011110 profitdraining 1 +01010111011110 speech-learning 1 +01010111011110 50-cents-an-hour 1 +01010111011110 1033.74 1 +01010111011110 0.000018 1 +01010111011110 I95 1 +01010111011110 cost-reductions 1 +01010111011110 13,100 1 +01010111011110 negligible-far 1 +01010111011110 47,915 1 +01010111011110 facially 1 +01010111011110 macs 1 +01010111011110 seasonably 1 +01010111011110 962,638 1 +01010111011110 219,100 1 +01010111011110 .0073 1 +01010111011110 .0166 1 +01010111011110 369.41 1 +01010111011110 162.36 1 +01010111011110 flutterred 1 +01010111011110 fifteenfold 2 +01010111011110 0.0154 2 +01010111011110 eighteenfold 2 +01010111011110 8-to-5 2 +01010111011110 cudgels 2 +01010111011110 75.60 2 +01010111011110 fifteen-fold 2 +01010111011110 procedurally 2 +01010111011110 welched 2 +01010111011110 invaluably 2 +01010111011110 Malinchismo 2 +01010111011110 A1-plus 2 +01010111011110 indecisively 2 +01010111011110 11-fold 2 +01010111011110 hot-fat 2 +01010111011110 thousandfold 2 +01010111011110 boundlessly 2 +01010111011110 occupier 2 +01010111011110 ethereally 2 +01010111011110 rowdyism 2 +01010111011110 ad-free 2 +01010111011110 Senderistas 2 +01010111011110 many-fold 3 +01010111011110 17-fold 3 +01010111011110 splayed 3 +01010111011110 unmentionables 3 +01010111011110 pix 3 +01010111011110 seven-fold 3 +01010111011110 Bosie 4 +01010111011110 shakily 4 +01010111011110 30-fold 4 +01010111011110 overearn 4 +01010111011110 0.0150 4 +01010111011110 signficantly 5 +01010111011110 1,059 5 +01010111011110 perceptibly 5 +01010111011110 four-fold 5 +01010111011110 concomitantly 6 +01010111011110 twentyfold 6 +01010111011110 unaccountably 6 +01010111011110 secondarily 7 +01010111011110 geopolitically 7 +01010111011110 geometrically 9 +01010111011110 astronomically 9 +01010111011110 incrementally 10 +01010111011110 measurably 13 +01010111011110 irretrievably 13 +01010111011110 meaningfully 18 +01010111011110 weakly 19 +01010111011110 explosively 20 +01010111011110 immeasurably 24 +01010111011110 irregularly 33 +01010111011110 swoop 37 +01010111011110 precipitously 48 +01010111011110 appreciably 51 +01010111011110 noticeably 57 +01010111011110 smartly 63 +01010111011110 fractionally 68 +01010111011110 progressively 80 +01010111011110 steeply 96 +01010111011110 proportionately 114 +01010111011110 materially 191 +01010111011110 radically 196 +01010111011110 markedly 221 +01010111011110 vastly 240 +01010111011110 marginally 272 +01010111011110 drastically 295 +01010111011110 modestly 354 +01010111011110 moderately 443 +01010111011110 broadly 533 +01010111011110 dramatically 571 +01010111011110 steadily 823 +01010111011110 considerably 865 +01010111011110 greatly 967 +01010111011110 somewhat 2178 +01010111011110 substantially 2350 +01010111011110 significantly 2441 +01010111011110 sharply 5059 +01010111011110 slightly 5391 +010101110111110 commandeers 1 +010101110111110 raucus 1 +010101110111110 Hollywood-bright 1 +010101110111110 far. 1 +010101110111110 long. 1 +010101110111110 boxlike 1 +010101110111110 pessimistically 1 +010101110111110 quail-egg 1 +010101110111110 new. 1 +010101110111110 simpleminded 1 +010101110111110 constrictive 1 +010101110111110 alluringly 1 +010101110111110 getters 1 +010101110111110 outlandishness 1 +010101110111110 striped-bass 1 +010101110111110 grandiloquently 1 +010101110111110 youth-athletic 1 +010101110111110 shortwinded 1 +010101110111110 troups 1 +010101110111110 headachy 1 +010101110111110 controlled. 1 +010101110111110 paraplegics 2 +010101110111110 fun. 2 +010101110111110 rushers 2 +010101110111110 throughputs 2 +010101110111110 soused 2 +010101110111110 flumes 2 +010101110111110 well-fixed 2 +010101110111110 doubtfully 2 +010101110111110 prudes 2 +010101110111110 frivolously 2 +010101110111110 dubiously 2 +010101110111110 free. 2 +010101110111110 small-businessmen 2 +010101110111110 Metrotech 2 +010101110111110 Siderbras 2 +010101110111110 TDs 2 +010101110111110 away. 2 +010101110111110 accident-free 2 +010101110111110 sideward 2 +010101110111110 feasibly 2 +010101110111110 Complexity 2 +010101110111110 appealing. 2 +010101110111110 autocratically 3 +010101110111110 cordially 3 +010101110111110 dogmatically 3 +010101110111110 Rhome 3 +010101110111110 companionable 3 +010101110111110 proficiently 3 +010101110111110 hairpin 3 +010101110111110 defenselessness 3 +010101110111110 advantageously 3 +010101110111110 people-intensive 3 +010101110111110 imperiously 3 +010101110111110 cicadas 3 +010101110111110 humanlike 3 +010101110111110 healthily 3 +010101110111110 Frisbees 3 +010101110111110 decapitalized 3 +010101110111110 fruitfully 3 +010101110111110 contemporaneously 3 +010101110111110 dishonorably 4 +010101110111110 sentimentally 4 +010101110111110 much. 4 +010101110111110 inventively 4 +010101110111110 rant 4 +010101110111110 COINS 4 +010101110111110 1,083 4 +010101110111110 shabbily 5 +010101110111110 lustily 5 +010101110111110 vigilantly 5 +010101110111110 soothingly 5 +010101110111110 fluently 6 +010101110111110 hungrily 6 +010101110111110 prodigiously 6 +010101110111110 full-tilt 6 +010101110111110 haltingly 6 +010101110111110 decently 6 +010101110111110 impartially 7 +010101110111110 leniently 7 +010101110111110 tenderly 7 +010101110111110 immemorial 7 +010101110111110 lazily 7 +010101110111110 uncouth 7 +010101110111110 imaginatively 8 +010101110111110 capriciously 8 +010101110111110 timidly 8 +010101110111110 concisely 8 +010101110111110 astutely 8 +010101110111110 seamlessly 9 +010101110111110 competently 9 +010101110111110 attentively 10 +010101110111110 piously 10 +010101110111110 robustly 10 +010101110111110 poignantly 10 +010101110111110 painlessly 11 +010101110111110 nimbly 11 +010101110111110 flexibly 12 +010101110111110 flawlessly 13 +010101110111110 hereafter 14 +010101110111110 editorially 14 +010101110111110 noisily 14 +010101110111110 stringently 14 +010101110111110 madly 15 +010101110111110 effortlessly 16 +010101110111110 productively 16 +010101110111110 awkwardly 18 +010101110111110 credibly 18 +010101110111110 cleanly 20 +010101110111110 equitably 21 +010101110111110 inexpensively 21 +010101110111110 zealously 21 +010101110111110 succinctly 22 +010101110111110 willy-nilly 23 +010101110111110 adroitly 25 +010101110111110 magically 25 +010101110111110 innocently 25 +010101110111110 lawfully 27 +010101110111110 intensively 28 +010101110111110 energetically 28 +010101110111110 sparingly 30 +010101110111110 sluggishly 31 +010101110111110 ably 33 +010101110111110 intelligently 33 +010101110111110 objectively 33 +010101110111110 sensibly 33 +010101110111110 diligently 33 +010101110111110 indiscriminately 35 +010101110111110 eloquently 36 +010101110111110 speedily 36 +010101110111110 expeditiously 45 +010101110111110 reliably 46 +010101110111110 inexorably 47 +010101110111110 prudently 51 +010101110111110 gracefully 52 +010101110111110 gingerly 57 +010101110111110 silently 59 +010101110111110 realistically 63 +010101110111110 violently 71 +010101110111110 conservatively 81 +010101110111110 competitively 92 +010101110111110 gently 100 +010101110111110 selectively 100 +010101110111110 decisively 101 +010101110111110 forcefully 105 +010101110111110 profitably 146 +010101110111110 loudly 164 +010101110111110 nicely 205 +010101110111110 cheaply 207 +010101110111110 smoothly 225 +010101110111110 swiftly 241 +010101110111110 safely 251 +010101110111110 someday 252 +010101110111110 efficiently 301 +010101110111110 accurately 321 +010101110111110 freely 415 +010101110111110 simultaneously 491 +010101110111110 vigorously 664 +010101110111110 gradually 805 +010101110111110 aggressively 995 +010101110111110 slowly 1062 +010101110111110 rapidly 1799 +010101110111110 easily 1816 +010101110111110 fast 2034 +010101110111110 quickly 4384 +010101110111110 soon 6694 +0101011101111110 Comex-driven 1 +0101011101111110 Merc-driven 1 +0101011101111110 snooze-inducing 1 +0101011101111110 radio-produced 1 +0101011101111110 Breathe 1 +0101011101111110 cha 1 +0101011101111110 over-specific 1 +0101011101111110 didactically 1 +0101011101111110 self-enforcing 1 +0101011101111110 accelerating. 1 +0101011101111110 talpengi 1 +0101011101111110 happen. 1 +0101011101111110 gaspingly 1 +0101011101111110 Trekkies 1 +0101011101111110 well-configured 1 +0101011101111110 underoptimism 1 +0101011101111110 unclever 1 +0101011101111110 Misbehavin 1 +0101011101111110 overborrow 1 +0101011101111110 Bolshevik-controlled 1 +0101011101111110 WXPN 1 +0101011101111110 conflict-oriented 1 +0101011101111110 forseen 1 +0101011101111110 waiting. 1 +0101011101111110 publicaly 1 +0101011101111110 Vacillated 1 +0101011101111110 mosquitos 1 +0101011101111110 self-celebratory 1 +0101011101111110 atonement 1 +0101011101111110 Thumbelina 1 +0101011101111110 imaginings 1 +0101011101111110 cocaines 1 +0101011101111110 currenty 1 +0101011101111110 stellarly 1 +0101011101111110 puritannical 1 +0101011101111110 reconcilable 1 +0101011101111110 vetoable 1 +0101011101111110 dismantlers 1 +0101011101111110 fluffier 1 +0101011101111110 English-Danish 1 +0101011101111110 monolingual 1 +0101011101111110 revanchism 1 +0101011101111110 true. 1 +0101011101111110 immmediately 1 +0101011101111110 supersophisticated 1 +0101011101111110 guiltless 1 +0101011101111110 cravat 1 +0101011101111110 super-idealistic. 1 +0101011101111110 know/no 1 +0101011101111110 quality-competitive 1 +0101011101111110 exciting. 1 +0101011101111110 body-watching 1 +0101011101111110 unimportantly 1 +0101011101111110 laxly 2 +0101011101111110 faultlessly 2 +0101011101111110 stupid. 2 +0101011101111110 tamperproof 2 +0101011101111110 jubilantly 2 +0101011101111110 91-4 2 +0101011101111110 rashly 2 +0101011101111110 naturists 2 +0101011101111110 juggernauts 2 +0101011101111110 66-28 2 +0101011101111110 massagers 2 +0101011101111110 governmentally 3 +0101011101111110 Trevelyan 3 +0101011101111110 craning 4 +0101011101111110 opportunistically 4 +0101011101111110 ALWAYS 4 +0101011101111110 Afford 5 +0101011101111110 thusly 6 +0101011101111110 typography 6 +0101011101111110 earth-shattering 6 +0101011101111110 conclusively 43 +0101011101111110 coincidentally 47 +0101011101111110 yet 7726 +0101011101111110 necessarily 1125 +0101011101111111 shipt 1 +0101011101111111 Nazareth/Century 1 +0101011101111111 156-92 1 +0101011101111111 125-50 1 +0101011101111111 Stayfree 1 +0101011101111111 21-13 1 +0101011101111111 20-0 1 +0101011101111111 anyways 1 +0101011101111111 discernibly 1 +0101011101111111 eunuchs 1 +0101011101111111 77-13 1 +0101011101111111 cosier 1 +0101011101111111 247-130 1 +0101011101111111 45-45 1 +0101011101111111 highly-susceptible 1 +0101011101111111 atmospherically 1 +0101011101111111 re-detain 1 +0101011101111111 9,034-to-4,498 1 +0101011101111111 proud. 1 +0101011101111111 phan 1 +0101011101111111 actuarially 1 +0101011101111111 301-122 1 +0101011101111111 fifty-one 1 +0101011101111111 youth-death 1 +0101011101111111 Undertaking 1 +0101011101111111 64,500,000 1 +0101011101111111 fleabag 1 +0101011101111111 scruffier 1 +0101011101111111 717-92 1 +0101011101111111 wimpishly 1 +0101011101111111 Sealand 1 +0101011101111111 --Lord 1 +0101011101111111 Shergar 1 +0101011101111111 meneer 1 +0101011101111111 sugar-substitutes 1 +0101011101111111 unlatched 1 +0101011101111111 46-15 1 +0101011101111111 perfunctorily 1 +0101011101111111 29-20 1 +0101011101111111 38-19 1 +0101011101111111 253-167 1 +0101011101111111 sleep-related 1 +0101011101111111 interal 1 +0101011101111111 9,122-to-3,535 1 +0101011101111111 foreign-affairs-only 1 +0101011101111111 1,594 1 +0101011101111111 amytrophic 1 +0101011101111111 palmitate 1 +0101011101111111 prayerfully 1 +0101011101111111 incautious 1 +0101011101111111 fast. 1 +0101011101111111 acquisition-proof 1 +0101011101111111 Brussels-London-Hong 1 +0101011101111111 shoulder-to-shoulder 1 +0101011101111111 detonologists 1 +0101011101111111 escargots 2 +0101011101111111 130-124 2 +0101011101111111 18-13 2 +0101011101111111 prison-like 2 +0101011101111111 laterally 2 +0101011101111111 8-pound 2 +0101011101111111 manyfold 2 +0101011101111111 97-0 2 +0101011101111111 88-9 2 +0101011101111111 game-winners 2 +0101011101111111 90-4 2 +0101011101111111 unhitched 2 +0101011101111111 ravished 2 +0101011101111111 11-4 2 +0101011101111111 baas 2 +0101011101111111 28-14 2 +0101011101111111 29-19 2 +0101011101111111 11-0 2 +0101011101111111 16-14 2 +0101011101111111 346-11 2 +0101011101111111 286-136 2 +0101011101111111 five-to-one 2 +0101011101111111 33-8 2 +0101011101111111 unenthusiastically 2 +0101011101111111 51-39 2 +0101011101111111 ad-libs 2 +0101011101111111 51-33 2 +0101011101111111 icily 2 +0101011101111111 nothing. 2 +0101011101111111 mandatorily 2 +0101011101111111 downlink 2 +0101011101111111 49-44 2 +0101011101111111 tepidly 2 +0101011101111111 illegible 3 +0101011101111111 sensationally 3 +0101011101111111 satirically 3 +0101011101111111 401-26 3 +0101011101111111 equidistant 3 +0101011101111111 51-48 3 +0101011101111111 gainfully 3 +0101011101111111 unsucessfully 3 +0101011101111111 incompetently 3 +0101011101111111 87-4 3 +0101011101111111 thereon 3 +0101011101111111 52-48 3 +0101011101111111 immutably 4 +0101011101111111 59-31 4 +0101011101111111 unquestioningly 4 +0101011101111111 fearfully 4 +0101011101111111 pilfered 4 +0101011101111111 craftily 5 +0101011101111111 tangentially 5 +0101011101111111 retrospectively 5 +0101011101111111 adieu 6 +0101011101111111 provocatively 6 +0101011101111111 homeward 6 +0101011101111111 94-0 6 +0101011101111111 affirmatively 6 +0101011101111111 ecstatically 7 +0101011101111111 confidentially 8 +0101011101111111 evenhandedly 8 +0101011101111111 digitally 8 +0101011101111111 impulsively 8 +0101011101111111 concretely 9 +0101011101111111 wittingly 9 +0101011101111111 substantively 9 +0101011101111111 diagonally 10 +0101011101111111 bullishly 10 +0101011101111111 viscerally 10 +0101011101111111 lusting 10 +0101011101111111 bearishly 11 +0101011101111111 clandestinely 12 +0101011101111111 autonomously 12 +0101011101111111 bygones 12 +0101011101111111 unambiguously 13 +0101011101111111 bilaterally 13 +0101011101111111 singly 15 +0101011101111111 inefficiently 17 +0101011101111111 forthrightly 18 +0101011101111111 unimpeded 18 +0101011101111111 administratively 21 +0101011101111111 unconditionally 21 +0101011101111111 constructively 21 +0101011101111111 sympathetically 25 +0101011101111111 instantaneously 27 +0101011101111111 involuntarily 27 +0101011101111111 optimistically 29 +0101011101111111 5-0 30 +0101011101111111 liberally 32 +0101011101111111 intently 35 +0101011101111111 validly 37 +0101011101111111 unfavorably 37 +0101011101111111 feverishly 39 +0101011101111111 orally 41 +0101011101111111 infrequently 44 +0101011101111111 manually 47 +0101011101111111 skeptically 52 +0101011101111111 mightily 59 +0101011101111111 calmly 66 +0101011101111111 coolly 73 +0101011101111111 remotely 74 +0101011101111111 nervously 88 +0101011101111111 retroactively 98 +0101011101111111 negatively 104 +0101011101111111 squarely 134 +0101011101111111 handsomely 145 +0101011101111111 instantly 147 +0101011101111111 adversely 155 +0101011101111111 electronically 192 +0101011101111111 positively 199 +0101011101111111 independently 326 +0101011101111111 indirectly 398 +0101011101111111 favorably 403 +0101011101111111 exclusively 435 +0101011101111111 adequately 443 +0101011101111111 separately 721 +0101011101111111 properly 828 +0101011101111111 specifically 979 +0101011101111111 entirely 1324 +0101011101111111 shortly 1365 +0101011101111111 immediately 3227 +0101011101111111 directly 3684 +0101011110000 graduate-student 1 +0101011110000 semidepressed 1 +0101011110000 projectingmoney 1 +0101011110000 Pan-Africanism 1 +0101011110000 synthetism 1 +0101011110000 custom-sewn 1 +0101011110000 re-learned 1 +0101011110000 doing. 1 +0101011110000 heavy-handed-suggesting 1 +0101011110000 unrepairable 1 +0101011110000 nonviolently 1 +0101011110000 ultra-spiffed 1 +0101011110000 necessarly 1 +0101011110000 obfuscated 1 +0101011110000 among-the-most-dependable-of-catalog-se 1 +0101011110000 self-administering 1 +0101011110000 swinish 1 +0101011110000 mortgage-financed 1 +0101011110000 here/All 1 +0101011110000 frustated 1 +0101011110000 Othello. 1 +0101011110000 protracted. 1 +0101011110000 rocket-science 1 +0101011110000 equity-led 1 +0101011110000 dependants 1 +0101011110000 asking. 1 +0101011110000 Exec-U-Punch 1 +0101011110000 Cabots 1 +0101011110000 atwitter 1 +0101011110000 popup 1 +0101011110000 someBODY 1 +0101011110000 SOMEbody 1 +0101011110000 tightrope-tense 1 +0101011110000 perfuses 1 +0101011110000 commmitments 1 +0101011110000 overdiversify 1 +0101011110000 evalauate 1 +0101011110000 townsite 1 +0101011110000 uneqivocal 1 +0101011110000 refillable 1 +0101011110000 petrified. 1 +0101011110000 praise-worthy 1 +0101011110000 untraced 1 +0101011110000 immortalizing 1 +0101011110000 Mings 1 +0101011110000 egg-processing 1 +0101011110000 Equron 1 +0101011110000 unlucrative 1 +0101011110000 spinouts 1 +0101011110000 unzipping 1 +0101011110000 stinkers 2 +0101011110000 superexpensive 2 +0101011110000 unrefuted 2 +0101011110000 undisputable 2 +0101011110000 guesstimating 2 +0101011110000 coopted 2 +0101011110000 half-complete 2 +0101011110000 long-past 2 +0101011110000 day-trading 3 +0101011110000 touch-and-go 3 +0101011110000 discomforting 3 +0101011110000 Madge 3 +0101011110000 lowkey 4 +0101011110000 mincing 5 +0101011110000 purloined 5 +0101011110000 materializing 7 +0101011110000 printable 7 +0101011110000 overproducing 8 +0101011110000 debatable 61 +0101011110000 inconceivable 77 +0101011110000 kidding 84 +0101011110000 conceivable 111 +0101011110000 doubtful 289 +0101011110000 wondering 338 +0101011110000 unclear 758 +0101011110000 surprising 986 +0101011110000 convinced 1408 +0101011110000 clear 6451 +0101011110000 sure 3902 +0101011110001 disembarrassed 1 +0101011110001 well-learned 1 +0101011110001 well-postured 1 +0101011110001 maldistributed 1 +0101011110001 buho 1 +0101011110001 super-confident 1 +0101011110001 overblowing 1 +0101011110001 molecular- 1 +0101011110001 unplagued 1 +0101011110001 yuk-yuks 1 +0101011110001 eruptive 1 +0101011110001 barer 1 +0101011110001 Sortileges 1 +0101011110001 swishing 1 +0101011110001 evenements 1 +0101011110001 Gourmandes 1 +0101011110001 WHJJ-AM 1 +0101011110001 26962 1 +0101011110001 methodic 1 +0101011110001 tenderer 1 +0101011110001 munchies 1 +0101011110001 -vegetation 1 +0101011110001 nam 1 +0101011110001 non-Singaporeans 1 +0101011110001 hissy 1 +0101011110001 made-over 1 +0101011110001 nice. 1 +0101011110001 competititive 1 +0101011110001 squealings 1 +0101011110001 relook 1 +0101011110001 gashed 1 +0101011110001 womanish 1 +0101011110001 bayensis 1 +0101011110001 sedumesque 1 +0101011110001 leap-frogging 1 +0101011110001 broadminded 1 +0101011110001 800-835-7667 1 +0101011110001 misapprehensions 1 +0101011110001 pursued. 1 +0101011110001 seculorum 1 +0101011110001 concered 1 +0101011110001 inboards 1 +0101011110001 hair-cutted 1 +0101011110001 clomping 1 +0101011110001 isolated. 1 +0101011110001 extra-so 1 +0101011110001 quicksandy 1 +0101011110001 tacts-exempt 1 +0101011110001 persnickety 1 +0101011110001 snoozers 1 +0101011110001 sceptical 1 +0101011110001 overlicensed 1 +0101011110001 mei 1 +0101011110001 incurious 1 +0101011110001 heading. 1 +0101011110001 imposters 1 +0101011110001 hungry. 1 +0101011110001 frumpy-looking 1 +0101011110001 dim-wits 1 +0101011110001 upticking 1 +0101011110001 27997 1 +0101011110001 piu 1 +0101011110001 underinvestigated 1 +0101011110001 excessive. 1 +0101011110001 uncceptable 1 +0101011110001 PC-itis. 1 +0101011110001 neck-to-neck 1 +0101011110001 aspirated 1 +0101011110001 well-contained 1 +0101011110001 shaving-product 1 +0101011110001 anchorless 1 +0101011110001 counterpunchers 1 +0101011110001 scrubbable 1 +0101011110001 wife-beaters 1 +0101011110001 six-feet-seven 1 +0101011110001 Bubbas 1 +0101011110001 enthusiatic 1 +0101011110001 well-rendered 1 +0101011110001 field-operating 1 +0101011110001 uspet 1 +0101011110001 barracked 1 +0101011110001 mad. 1 +0101011110001 A-300-310s 1 +0101011110001 pro-people 1 +0101011110001 expensive. 1 +0101011110001 crypto-fascists 1 +0101011110001 overinsistent 1 +0101011110001 user-inviting 1 +0101011110001 correct. 1 +0101011110001 well-protected 1 +0101011110001 sneaky. 1 +0101011110001 minimal. 1 +0101011110001 goners 1 +0101011110001 goal-focused 1 +0101011110001 zigging 1 +0101011110001 middle-class. 1 +0101011110001 convincible 1 +0101011110001 combat-trained 1 +0101011110001 wedge-designed 1 +0101011110001 Disneyland-cute 1 +0101011110001 told. 1 +0101011110001 prosecuted. 1 +0101011110001 threatened. 1 +0101011110001 wanning 1 +0101011110001 inbetweeners 1 +0101011110001 tepidity 1 +0101011110001 well-rotted 1 +0101011110001 transferable. 1 +0101011110001 estatic 1 +0101011110001 Manhattan-long 1 +0101011110001 science-oriented 1 +0101011110001 escapists 1 +0101011110001 flight-worthy 1 +0101011110001 private. 1 +0101011110001 a-wishing 1 +0101011110001 bumm 1 +0101011110001 well-cushioned 2 +0101011110001 hand-in-glove 2 +0101011110001 overcollateralized 2 +0101011110001 haw 2 +0101011110001 optmistic 2 +0101011110001 defiles 2 +0101011110001 commission-free 2 +0101011110001 nonhumanitarian 2 +0101011110001 sniffy 2 +0101011110001 anti-political 2 +0101011110001 Cassetten 2 +0101011110001 batty 2 +0101011110001 unexcited 2 +0101011110001 outmatched 2 +0101011110001 oversensitive 2 +0101011110001 closemouthed 2 +0101011110001 not. 2 +0101011110001 monetary-related 2 +0101011110001 backpeddling 2 +0101011110001 explicable 2 +0101011110001 thinking. 2 +0101011110001 overladen 2 +0101011110001 demucked 2 +0101011110001 hot-dogging 2 +0101011110001 clairvoyance 2 +0101011110001 ultrasensitive 2 +0101011110001 underowned 2 +0101011110001 unusual-looking 2 +0101011110001 mind-bending 2 +0101011110001 presentable 2 +0101011110001 teeny 2 +0101011110001 communing 2 +0101011110001 KOA-AM 2 +0101011110001 gossiped 2 +0101011110001 Neapolitans 2 +0101011110001 stammer 2 +0101011110001 prettified 2 +0101011110001 telecopier 2 +0101011110001 doublecrossed 2 +0101011110001 clearheaded 2 +0101011110001 nachus 2 +0101011110001 depression-proof 2 +0101011110001 undertaxed 2 +0101011110001 aah 2 +0101011110001 closed. 2 +0101011110001 un-Filipino 2 +0101011110001 paler 2 +0101011110001 atingle 2 +0101011110001 disquieted 2 +0101011110001 abominably 2 +0101011110001 desensitizes 2 +0101011110001 dolts 2 +0101011110001 hot-tempered 2 +0101011110001 paranoic 2 +0101011110001 over-earning 2 +0101011110001 star-struck 2 +0101011110001 tippling 3 +0101011110001 well-supplied 3 +0101011110001 half-right 3 +0101011110001 undressed 3 +0101011110001 fatalistic 3 +0101011110001 oui 3 +0101011110001 guffawing 3 +0101011110001 unembarrassed 3 +0101011110001 anti-climactic 3 +0101011110001 pussycats 3 +0101011110001 reviewable 3 +0101011110001 honeycombed 3 +0101011110001 reverse-engineered 3 +0101011110001 over-reserved 3 +0101011110001 hunchbacked 3 +0101011110001 besotted 3 +0101011110001 misfiring 3 +0101011110001 abjured 3 +0101011110001 overanxious 3 +0101011110001 two-fold 3 +0101011110001 wrong-headed 3 +0101011110001 delicensed 3 +0101011110001 uninvestigated 3 +0101011110001 pokey 3 +0101011110001 wrong. 3 +0101011110001 out-negotiated 3 +0101011110001 Superwoman 3 +0101011110001 dearer 3 +0101011110001 knowable 3 +0101011110001 reverentially 3 +0101011110001 bruited 3 +0101011110001 choosier 4 +0101011110001 good. 4 +0101011110001 warier 4 +0101011110001 auditioning 4 +0101011110001 overbroad 4 +0101011110001 overmanned 4 +0101011110001 unpersuaded 4 +0101011110001 committal 4 +0101011110001 warping 4 +0101011110001 stupefied 4 +0101011110001 grandkids 4 +0101011110001 self-explanatory 4 +0101011110001 quick-tempered 4 +0101011110001 toppish 4 +0101011110001 satisified 4 +0101011110001 galled 4 +0101011110001 noncommital 4 +0101011110001 satiated 4 +0101011110001 soapy 4 +0101011110001 eleemosynary 4 +0101011110001 self-destructing 4 +0101011110001 underleveraged 4 +0101011110001 twinned 4 +0101011110001 overoptimistic 4 +0101011110001 foreordained 4 +0101011110001 closed-mouthed 4 +0101011110001 reproducible 5 +0101011110001 obsequious 5 +0101011110001 unemotional 5 +0101011110001 depopulated 5 +0101011110001 consecrated 5 +0101011110001 pallbearers 5 +0101011110001 true-blue 5 +0101011110001 G.M. 5 +0101011110001 bellyaching 5 +0101011110001 ill-educated 5 +0101011110001 out-of-touch 5 +0101011110001 unbowed 5 +0101011110001 enraptured 5 +0101011110001 inquisitive 5 +0101011110001 bleating 5 +0101011110001 confirmable 5 +0101011110001 under-performing 5 +0101011110001 undimmed 5 +0101011110001 co-hosts 5 +0101011110001 debunked 5 +0101011110001 underwhelmed 5 +0101011110001 thunderstruck 5 +0101011110001 betrothed 5 +0101011110001 unsinkable 5 +0101011110001 close-mouthed 6 +0101011110001 bedridden 6 +0101011110001 grumblings 6 +0101011110001 well-served 6 +0101011110001 solvable 6 +0101011110001 preordained 6 +0101011110001 unworried 6 +0101011110001 congeniality 6 +0101011110001 underwithheld 6 +0101011110001 overleveraged 6 +0101011110001 smirks 6 +0101011110001 babbling 6 +0101011110001 undermanaged 6 +0101011110001 handholding 6 +0101011110001 over-priced 6 +0101011110001 weak-kneed 6 +0101011110001 feistier 6 +0101011110001 moping 6 +0101011110001 discombobulated 6 +0101011110001 unwinnable 6 +0101011110001 absent-minded 7 +0101011110001 slobs 7 +0101011110001 murmuring 7 +0101011110001 window-shopping 7 +0101011110001 delirious 7 +0101011110001 abhorred 7 +0101011110001 pickier 7 +0101011110001 praiseworthy 7 +0101011110001 hyper 7 +0101011110001 snobby 7 +0101011110001 fidgeting 7 +0101011110001 entranced 7 +0101011110001 salivating 7 +0101011110001 heartbroken 7 +0101011110001 cuckoo 7 +0101011110001 snooty 7 +0101011110001 gossiping 8 +0101011110001 affronted 8 +0101011110001 floored 8 +0101011110001 chattering 8 +0101011110001 snorting 8 +0101011110001 quaking 8 +0101011110001 legible 8 +0101011110001 fishy 9 +0101011110001 faint-hearted 9 +0101011110001 contrite 9 +0101011110001 pockmarked 9 +0101011110001 ill-informed 9 +0101011110001 reminiscing 9 +0101011110001 unapologetic 9 +0101011110001 rhapsodic 9 +0101011110001 nonchalant 9 +0101011110001 despondent 10 +0101011110001 egotistical 10 +0101011110001 off-base 10 +0101011110001 axiomatic 10 +0101011110001 untroubled 10 +0101011110001 askew 10 +0101011110001 drooling 10 +0101011110001 debilitated 10 +0101011110001 unemployable 10 +0101011110001 crowing 10 +0101011110001 loathsome 11 +0101011110001 garbled 11 +0101011110001 cagey 11 +0101011110001 fastidious 11 +0101011110001 vexed 11 +0101011110001 underpowered 11 +0101011110001 squawking 12 +0101011110001 wronged 12 +0101011110001 mortified 12 +0101011110001 nitpicking 12 +0101011110001 tickled 13 +0101011110001 sheepish 13 +0101011110001 itchy 13 +0101011110001 radicalized 13 +0101011110001 illustrative 13 +0101011110001 curable 13 +0101011110001 choosy 13 +0101011110001 amputated 13 +0101011110001 over-optimistic 13 +0101011110001 undiminished 14 +0101011110001 blase 14 +0101011110001 inexcusable 14 +0101011110001 disoriented 14 +0101011110001 overtaxed 14 +0101011110001 unruffled 15 +0101011110001 oversupplied 15 +0101011110001 unsatisfied 15 +0101011110001 overqualified 15 +0101011110001 hoot 15 +0101011110001 shellshocked 16 +0101011110001 smitten 16 +0101011110001 overjoyed 16 +0101011110001 antsy 17 +0101011110001 blameless 17 +0101011110001 fatigued 17 +0101011110001 thirsty 18 +0101011110001 petrified 18 +0101011110001 enthused 18 +0101011110001 stalemated 18 +0101011110001 fussy 18 +0101011110001 gloating 18 +0101011110001 evaporating 18 +0101011110001 jumpy 18 +0101011110001 bluffing 19 +0101011110001 assimilated 19 +0101011110001 perturbed 19 +0101011110001 peeved 19 +0101011110001 chagrined 19 +0101011110001 intoxicated 19 +0101011110001 livid 19 +0101011110001 flustered 19 +0101011110001 unperturbed 19 +0101011110001 enchanted 20 +0101011110001 gung-ho 20 +0101011110001 overstaffed 20 +0101011110001 apathetic 21 +0101011110001 bashful 21 +0101011110001 bandied 21 +0101011110001 dumbfounded 21 +0101011110001 carping 21 +0101011110001 equivocal 21 +0101011110001 despairing 22 +0101011110001 coy 22 +0101011110001 shackled 22 +0101011110001 griping 23 +0101011110001 squeamish 23 +0101011110001 arguable 23 +0101011110001 quarreling 24 +0101011110001 self-evident 24 +0101011110001 awed 24 +0101011110001 seething 24 +0101011110001 misinformed 24 +0101011110001 enthralled 25 +0101011110001 numb 25 +0101011110001 mystified 25 +0101011110001 befuddled 25 +0101011110001 uninformed 26 +0101011110001 picky 26 +0101011110001 shell-shocked 26 +0101011110001 queasy 26 +0101011110001 panicking 27 +0101011110001 amiss 27 +0101011110001 indignant 27 +0101011110001 twofold 28 +0101011110001 despised 28 +0101011110001 glum 28 +0101011110001 circumspect 28 +0101011110001 gun-shy 28 +0101011110001 agitated 30 +0101011110001 attainable 30 +0101011110001 jubilant 30 +0101011110001 flattered 30 +0101011110001 tight-lipped 30 +0101011110001 passe 30 +0101011110001 atypical 31 +0101011110001 emphatic 31 +0101011110001 incredulous 32 +0101011110001 apologetic 32 +0101011110001 unenthusiastic 32 +0101011110001 unconcerned 33 +0101011110001 fuming 34 +0101011110001 disingenuous 34 +0101011110001 stingy 35 +0101011110001 joking 35 +0101011110001 jaded 35 +0101011110001 saddened 36 +0101011110001 bragging 37 +0101011110001 flabbergasted 38 +0101011110001 undaunted 38 +0101011110001 intertwined 39 +0101011110001 displeased 39 +0101011110001 elated 39 +0101011110001 astounded 42 +0101011110001 miffed 43 +0101011110001 reticent 45 +0101011110001 buzzing 45 +0101011110001 inquiring 46 +0101011110001 unconvinced 46 +0101011110001 blurred 47 +0101011110001 overloaded 48 +0101011110001 exasperated 48 +0101011110001 complacent 51 +0101011110001 incensed 51 +0101011110001 ecstatic 53 +0101011110001 disgusted 53 +0101011110001 insecure 54 +0101011110001 oppressed 54 +0101011110001 edgy 54 +0101011110001 regrettable 54 +0101011110001 overburdened 54 +0101011110001 unimpressed 54 +0101011110001 paranoid 55 +0101011110001 agonizing 56 +0101011110001 coincidental 57 +0101011110001 bewildered 58 +0101011110001 far-fetched 58 +0101011110001 perplexed 59 +0101011110001 hypocritical 62 +0101011110001 fascinated 62 +0101011110001 horrified 64 +0101011110001 proliferating 64 +0101011110001 terrified 66 +0101011110001 fretting 69 +0101011110001 gratified 74 +0101011110001 disillusioned 76 +0101011110001 irate 78 +0101011110001 adamant 82 +0101011110001 apprehensive 82 +0101011110001 annoyed 82 +0101011110001 okay 85 +0101011110001 ambivalent 86 +0101011110001 intrigued 86 +0101011110001 amused 97 +0101011110001 overdone 99 +0101011110001 unsure 101 +0101011110001 imperative 110 +0101011110001 unthinkable 112 +0101011110001 appalled 114 +0101011110001 grateful 114 +0101011110001 thrilled 115 +0101011110001 amazed 127 +0101011110001 arrogant 130 +0101011110001 sanguine 133 +0101011110001 bored 135 +0101011110001 jittery 140 +0101011110001 saturated 141 +0101011110001 dismayed 141 +0101011110001 skittish 145 +0101011110001 nuts 157 +0101011110001 undecided 158 +0101011110001 fortunate 162 +0101011110001 knowledgeable 167 +0101011110001 frightened 168 +0101011110001 impatient 172 +0101011110001 muted 174 +0101011110001 alarmed 175 +0101011110001 furious 177 +0101011110001 puzzled 185 +0101011110001 speculating 187 +0101011110001 disturbed 202 +0101011110001 outraged 214 +0101011110001 mad 217 +0101011110001 uneasy 231 +0101011110001 embarrassed 240 +0101011110001 hungry 252 +0101011110001 delighted 262 +0101011110001 sorry 265 +0101011110001 OK 272 +0101011110001 excited 273 +0101011110001 uncomfortable 283 +0101011110001 worrying 302 +0101011110001 pessimistic 304 +0101011110001 lucky 338 +0101011110001 hopeful 343 +0101011110001 exaggerated 362 +0101011110001 complaining 379 +0101011110001 enthusiastic 395 +0101011110001 crazy 465 +0101011110001 unhappy 501 +0101011110001 confused 501 +0101011110001 frustrated 535 +0101011110001 impressed 547 +0101011110001 angry 680 +0101011110001 satisfied 711 +0101011110001 upset 743 +0101011110001 inevitable 749 +0101011110001 skeptical 904 +0101011110001 nervous 960 +0101011110001 uncertain 991 +0101011110001 comfortable 1017 +0101011110001 disappointed 1097 +0101011110001 pleased 1107 +0101011110001 happy 1385 +0101011110001 confident 1393 +0101011110001 optimistic 1551 +0101011110001 thinking 1649 +0101011110001 worried 1906 +0101011110001 talking 2407 +0101011110001 wrong 2636 +0101011110001 concerned 3253 +0101011110001 true 2689 +01010111100100 two-on-two 1 +01010111100100 bell-ringing 1 +01010111100100 miserables 1 +01010111100100 5,500-member 1 +01010111100100 321,000-employee 1 +01010111100100 5,500-person 1 +01010111100100 uneventfulness 1 +01010111100100 178th 1 +01010111100100 dificult 1 +01010111100100 1,800-person 1 +01010111100100 gay-related 1 +01010111100100 multidirectionally 1 +01010111100100 1,300-member 1 +01010111100100 typographically 1 +01010111100100 un-Method 1 +01010111100100 unfitted 1 +01010111100100 look-out-below 1 +01010111100100 observational 1 +01010111100100 hyperreactive 1 +01010111100100 9,600-member 1 +01010111100100 finger-biting 1 +01010111100100 action-picture 1 +01010111100100 unsoliciated 1 +01010111100100 Uncapping 1 +01010111100100 Yankee-go-home 1 +01010111100100 technology-conscious 1 +01010111100100 shoddier 1 +01010111100100 deterence 2 +01010111100100 spiritedly 2 +01010111100100 ultraright 2 +01010111100100 toppy 2 +01010111100100 harmful. 2 +01010111100100 uncreative 2 +01010111100100 crosscutting 2 +01010111100100 overreported 2 +01010111100100 double-dipping 2 +01010111100100 unutterable 2 +01010111100100 ill-received 2 +01010111100100 complaisant 2 +01010111100100 decomposed 2 +01010111100100 smutty 2 +01010111100100 pro-Taiwan 2 +01010111100100 hyperspace 2 +01010111100100 less-widespread 2 +01010111100100 preternatural 2 +01010111100100 ninnies 2 +01010111100100 375-member 2 +01010111100100 stooping 2 +01010111100100 well-structured 2 +01010111100100 Inhumanoids 3 +01010111100100 persevering 3 +01010111100100 levelheaded 3 +01010111100100 watchable 3 +01010111100100 dumbstruck 3 +01010111100100 seemly 3 +01010111100100 hankered 3 +01010111100100 ungentlemanly 4 +01010111100100 criminalized 4 +01010111100100 full-throttle 5 +01010111100100 inconsiderate 5 +01010111100100 uncharismatic 5 +01010111100100 costless 5 +01010111100100 bagman 6 +01010111100100 catchup 6 +01010111100100 gauche 6 +01010111100100 impolitic 7 +01010111100100 wan 8 +01010111100100 deferential 9 +01010111100100 hypersensitive 9 +01010111100100 sidestream 10 +01010111100100 unreceptive 11 +01010111100100 injurious 12 +01010111100100 immobile 12 +01010111100100 impolite 14 +01010111100100 presumptuous 14 +01010111100100 galling 15 +01010111100100 well-prepared 15 +01010111100100 disadvantageous 16 +01010111100100 unreachable 16 +01010111100100 propitious 22 +01010111100100 newsworthy 24 +01010111100100 invulnerable 32 +01010111100100 gratifying 32 +01010111100100 advisable 33 +01010111100100 demeaning 47 +01010111100100 allergic 51 +01010111100100 unfit 58 +01010111100100 wiser 59 +01010111100100 powerless 68 +01010111100100 insensitive 71 +01010111100100 detrimental 79 +01010111100100 impractical 95 +01010111100100 tempting 117 +01010111100100 advantageous 125 +01010111100100 foolish 161 +01010111100100 receptive 172 +01010111100100 worthwhile 178 +01010111100100 responsive 179 +01010111100100 tricky 233 +01010111100100 keen 242 +01010111100100 suitable 263 +01010111100100 wise 282 +01010111100100 helpful 352 +01010111100100 sympathetic 357 +01010111100100 careful 680 +01010111100100 harder 1143 +01010111100100 impossible 1367 +01010111100100 easier 1871 +01010111100100 easy 2320 +01010111100100 tough 2772 +01010111100100 hard 5631 +01010111100100 difficult 5265 +01010111100101 enforcement-assistance 1 +01010111100101 money-supply-minded 1 +01010111100101 un-Raveled 1 +01010111100101 Trumpisms 1 +01010111100101 polymorphous 1 +01010111100101 synapses 1 +01010111100101 deal-boggling 1 +01010111100101 anon 1 +01010111100101 operating-expense 1 +01010111100101 unfelicitous 1 +01010111100101 detail. 1 +01010111100101 eleven-and-a-half-billion-dollar 1 +01010111100101 un-Sumitomo 1 +01010111100101 affluental 1 +01010111100101 free-spoken 1 +01010111100101 pro-owner 1 +01010111100101 condonable 1 +01010111100101 aggresively 1 +01010111100101 reporter/prosecutors 1 +01010111100101 ATR-42s 1 +01010111100101 manufacturing-and-engineering-driven 1 +01010111100101 rashness 1 +01010111100101 customer-responsive 1 +01010111100101 hateable 1 +01010111100101 pro-Raider 1 +01010111100101 sell-outs 1 +01010111100101 campus-wide 1 +01010111100101 ominious 1 +01010111100101 inadvertant 1 +01010111100101 information-packed 1 +01010111100101 leg-room 1 +01010111100101 problem-ridden 1 +01010111100101 young-looking 1 +01010111100101 un-Republican 1 +01010111100101 crash-resistant 1 +01010111100101 chocolatey 1 +01010111100101 megatransactions 1 +01010111100101 walleyes 1 +01010111100101 private-sector-oriented 1 +01010111100101 eight-million-square 1 +01010111100101 gas-oriented 1 +01010111100101 non-Tibetans 1 +01010111100101 democratic-looking 1 +01010111100101 Penthouselike 1 +01010111100101 barbarically 1 +01010111100101 conceptualized 1 +01010111100101 streety 1 +01010111100101 media-damning 1 +01010111100101 credit-responsive 1 +01010111100101 technical-sounding 1 +01010111100101 good-spirited 1 +01010111100101 mouthwatering 1 +01010111100101 Nobels 1 +01010111100101 risk-laden 1 +01010111100101 car-crash 1 +01010111100101 damage-resistant 1 +01010111100101 dirty-beige 1 +01010111100101 sales-oriented 1 +01010111100101 intregal 1 +01010111100101 papist 1 +01010111100101 listenings 1 +01010111100101 income-assistance 1 +01010111100101 investment-driven 1 +01010111100101 asset- 1 +01010111100101 photogenically 1 +01010111100101 followerfish 1 +01010111100101 unsharklike 1 +01010111100101 never-published 1 +01010111100101 Egyptologists 1 +01010111100101 Arkansas-made 1 +01010111100101 punctual-courteous 1 +01010111100101 user-ports 1 +01010111100101 conflated 1 +01010111100101 antiCommunists 1 +01010111100101 unreasoning 1 +01010111100101 ratifiable 1 +01010111100101 Basildon 1 +01010111100101 Lotts 1 +01010111100101 sale-priced 1 +01010111100101 asexual 1 +01010111100101 hall-of-famers 1 +01010111100101 fee-sensitive 1 +01010111100101 maintainable 1 +01010111100101 suppressive 1 +01010111100101 eyecatching 1 +01010111100101 middle-oriented 1 +01010111100101 introspected 1 +01010111100101 gender-determined 1 +01010111100101 unorganizable 1 +01010111100101 sober-headed 1 +01010111100101 understaff 1 +01010111100101 Darwinistic 1 +01010111100101 Willies 1 +01010111100101 damagingly 1 +01010111100101 bottom-line-driven 1 +01010111100101 offensive-weapons 1 +01010111100101 cross-culturally 1 +01010111100101 newsy 1 +01010111100101 disunified 1 +01010111100101 who-what-when-where-and-why 1 +01010111100101 explicably 1 +01010111100101 realistic-looking 1 +01010111100101 donate-aholics 1 +01010111100101 important. 1 +01010111100101 batmoves 1 +01010111100101 Lebanons 1 +01010111100101 agency-dealing 1 +01010111100101 markets-driven 1 +01010111100101 extra-Idaho 1 +01010111100101 influenced. 1 +01010111100101 celebrity-related 1 +01010111100101 cytopathic 1 +01010111100101 household-oriented 1 +01010111100101 capitalintensive 1 +01010111100101 underanalyzed 1 +01010111100101 glasnosted 1 +01010111100101 alertly 1 +01010111100101 dollar-hungry 1 +01010111100101 import-prone 1 +01010111100101 frequent. 1 +01010111100101 jock-oriented 1 +01010111100101 anti-Honecker 1 +01010111100101 thiamine 1 +01010111100101 weighty-sounding 1 +01010111100101 ex-smokers 1 +01010111100101 competitive. 1 +01010111100101 Soviet-Bolshevik-Marxist 1 +01010111100101 combat-engineer 1 +01010111100101 autonomy-minded 1 +01010111100101 coattailing 1 +01010111100101 nice-to-know 1 +01010111100101 ex-hippie 1 +01010111100101 highrollers 1 +01010111100101 pleasure-oriented 1 +01010111100101 non-defense-related 1 +01010111100101 3Bs 1 +01010111100101 worksites 1 +01010111100101 pro-adjustment 1 +01010111100101 winnable. 1 +01010111100101 teachable 1 +01010111100101 self-controlled 1 +01010111100101 overscheduled 1 +01010111100101 rumbas 1 +01010111100101 efficient. 1 +01010111100101 all-round 1 +01010111100101 gas-focused 1 +01010111100101 Lebanese-like 1 +01010111100101 all-but-invisible 1 +01010111100101 stocks. 1 +01010111100101 effortful 1 +01010111100101 wealthly 1 +01010111100101 impulse-related 1 +01010111100101 userfriendly 1 +01010111100101 importantthing 1 +01010111100101 unadmirable 1 +01010111100101 document-swapping 1 +01010111100101 Aframe 1 +01010111100101 SU-25s 1 +01010111100101 already-adopted 1 +01010111100101 output-oriented 1 +01010111100101 unhistoric 1 +01010111100101 Refcorps 1 +01010111100101 recession-averse 1 +01010111100101 anxiety-provoking 1 +01010111100101 proof-of-concept 1 +01010111100101 Christmasy 2 +01010111100101 countrified 2 +01010111100101 crassly 2 +01010111100101 flexible-fuel 2 +01010111100101 assignable 2 +01010111100101 ultra-nationalist 2 +01010111100101 boodle 2 +01010111100101 unprogressive 2 +01010111100101 unheroic 2 +01010111100101 funds. 2 +01010111100101 debt-related 2 +01010111100101 unintelligent 2 +01010111100101 unflinchingly 2 +01010111100101 likely. 2 +01010111100101 in-bred 2 +01010111100101 pasos 2 +01010111100101 cofradias 2 +01010111100101 cost-ineffective 2 +01010111100101 preservation-minded 2 +01010111100101 reflationary 2 +01010111100101 unrevealing 2 +01010111100101 un-British 2 +01010111100101 ego-boosting 2 +01010111100101 heat-tight 2 +01010111100101 symbolical 2 +01010111100101 science-based 2 +01010111100101 customer-specific 2 +01010111100101 ever-bigger 2 +01010111100101 ennobling 2 +01010111100101 tetchy 2 +01010111100101 probingly 2 +01010111100101 hayseed 2 +01010111100101 mutagenic 2 +01010111100101 knockdowns 2 +01010111100101 popular. 2 +01010111100101 alsoran 2 +01010111100101 iffier 2 +01010111100101 forward-thinking 2 +01010111100101 demeaned 2 +01010111100101 statesman-like 2 +01010111100101 ineradicable 2 +01010111100101 self-adjusting 2 +01010111100101 undefensible 2 +01010111100101 cocaine-addicted 2 +01010111100101 discriminately 2 +01010111100101 tunelessly 2 +01010111100101 over-ambitious 2 +01010111100101 hypermodern 2 +01010111100101 Olympic-sized 2 +01010111100101 unscrambled 3 +01010111100101 Vietnams 3 +01010111100101 heart-rending 3 +01010111100101 immoderate 3 +01010111100101 uncivil 3 +01010111100101 heart-wrenching 3 +01010111100101 God-awful 3 +01010111100101 18-inch 3 +01010111100101 R/V 3 +01010111100101 airbrushed 3 +01010111100101 unforgiveable 3 +01010111100101 vunerable 3 +01010111100101 many-sided 3 +01010111100101 femininely 3 +01010111100101 indescribable 3 +01010111100101 ex-football 3 +01010111100101 sellable 3 +01010111100101 self-generated 3 +01010111100101 consensus-oriented 3 +01010111100101 Frills 3 +01010111100101 money-oriented 3 +01010111100101 indiscernible 3 +01010111100101 awe-inspiring 3 +01010111100101 anti-religious 3 +01010111100101 concealable 3 +01010111100101 undermarketed 3 +01010111100101 habitable 3 +01010111100101 incontestable 3 +01010111100101 unaggressive 3 +01010111100101 inauthentic 3 +01010111100101 capillary 3 +01010111100101 unviable 3 +01010111100101 unserious 3 +01010111100101 over-banked 3 +01010111100101 embarassing 4 +01010111100101 scintillating 4 +01010111100101 hurtful 4 +01010111100101 untruthful 4 +01010111100101 unhelpful 4 +01010111100101 agreeably 4 +01010111100101 McBagel 4 +01010111100101 drought-resistant 4 +01010111100101 ingrown 4 +01010111100101 unpardonable 4 +01010111100101 counterintuitive 4 +01010111100101 airworthy 4 +01010111100101 befuddling 4 +01010111100101 inextricable 4 +01010111100101 parochially 4 +01010111100101 apropos 4 +01010111100101 unimposing 4 +01010111100101 inconsiderable 4 +01010111100101 conjectural 5 +01010111100101 unimpeachable 5 +01010111100101 Nicaraguas 5 +01010111100101 epochal 5 +01010111100101 ungracious 5 +01010111100101 surmountable 5 +01010111100101 quantifiable 5 +01010111100101 verboten 5 +01010111100101 instrumented 5 +01010111100101 savory 5 +01010111100101 ordinary-looking 5 +01010111100101 picayune 5 +01010111100101 error-free 5 +01010111100101 excusable 5 +01010111100101 undernourished 5 +01010111100101 outward-looking 5 +01010111100101 keystrokes 5 +01010111100101 avuncular 5 +01010111100101 apocryphal 6 +01010111100101 nonthreatening 6 +01010111100101 aboveboard 6 +01010111100101 un-Japanese 6 +01010111100101 rankling 6 +01010111100101 87-7 6 +01010111100101 dimensional 6 +01010111100101 inexact 6 +01010111100101 tractable 6 +01010111100101 unfathomable 6 +01010111100101 ingenuous 6 +01010111100101 untypical 6 +01010111100101 digestible 6 +01010111100101 addicting 6 +01010111100101 distended 6 +01010111100101 anti-gay 6 +01010111100101 earth-shaking 6 +01010111100101 tongue-tied 6 +01010111100101 uninviting 6 +01010111100101 sociable 6 +01010111100101 underfinanced 7 +01010111100101 unenlightened 7 +01010111100101 insupportable 7 +01010111100101 approachable 7 +01010111100101 maneuverable 7 +01010111100101 indelicate 7 +01010111100101 intelligible 7 +01010111100101 elbowroom 7 +01010111100101 unanswerable 7 +01010111100101 indivisible 7 +01010111100101 inviolate 7 +01010111100101 inarticulate 8 +01010111100101 impertinent 8 +01010111100101 inviolable 8 +01010111100101 revolting 8 +01010111100101 unquestionable 8 +01010111100101 efficacious 8 +01010111100101 ignoble 8 +01010111100101 impure 8 +01010111100101 impassable 8 +01010111100101 thin-skinned 8 +01010111100101 inoffensive 8 +01010111100101 Gladje 8 +01010111100101 unprintable 8 +01010111100101 incorrigible 8 +01010111100101 nerve-racking 9 +01010111100101 atrocity 9 +01010111100101 empathetic 9 +01010111100101 unintelligible 9 +01010111100101 anticlimactic 9 +01010111100101 Prejudice 9 +01010111100101 attenuated 9 +01010111100101 apoplectic 9 +01010111100101 accident-prone 9 +01010111100101 inhospitable 10 +01010111100101 unbuildable 10 +01010111100101 dispensable 10 +01010111100101 problematical 10 +01010111100101 sacrilege 10 +01010111100101 impressionable 10 +01010111100101 flavorful 10 +01010111100101 unbuttoned 10 +01010111100101 comprehensible 10 +01010111100101 electable 10 +01010111100101 immutable 10 +01010111100101 unfeasible 10 +01010111100101 heartwarming 11 +01010111100101 all-inclusive 11 +01010111100101 eventful 11 +01010111100101 indispensible 11 +01010111100101 actives 11 +01010111100101 expandable 11 +01010111100101 unsurprising 11 +01010111100101 dispiriting 11 +01010111100101 edifying 12 +01010111100101 proportioned 12 +01010111100101 overused 12 +01010111100101 abhorrent 12 +01010111100101 inexhaustible 12 +01010111100101 inclusive 12 +01010111100101 ostentatious 13 +01010111100101 inoperable 13 +01010111100101 unverifiable 13 +01010111100101 anti-consumer 13 +01010111100101 enchanting 13 +01010111100101 unsatisfying 13 +01010111100101 unfocused 14 +01010111100101 ungrateful 14 +01010111100101 unobtrusive 14 +01010111100101 unaffordable 14 +01010111100101 inoperative 14 +01010111100101 effusive 14 +01010111100101 unequaled 14 +01010111100101 avoidable 14 +01010111100101 insoluble 15 +01010111100101 titillating 15 +01010111100101 inane 15 +01010111100101 engrossing 15 +01010111100101 off-putting 15 +01010111100101 opaque 15 +01010111100101 impermissible 16 +01010111100101 irreconcilable 16 +01010111100101 alarmist 16 +01010111100101 exasperating 16 +01010111100101 insincere 16 +01010111100101 repulsive 16 +01010111100101 disagreeable 16 +01010111100101 cost-competitive 16 +01010111100101 inopportune 16 +01010111100101 bearable 17 +01010111100101 invasive 17 +01010111100101 appetizing 17 +01010111100101 expensively 17 +01010111100101 invigorating 17 +01010111100101 insubstantial 18 +01010111100101 expeditious 18 +01010111100101 anomalous 18 +01010111100101 consequential 18 +01010111100101 overpowering 18 +01010111100101 atrocious 18 +01010111100101 indisputable 19 +01010111100101 unmanageable 19 +01010111100101 controllable 19 +01010111100101 ill-timed 19 +01010111100101 unstoppable 19 +01010111100101 interestingly 19 +01010111100101 impregnable 20 +01010111100101 unappealing 21 +01010111100101 livable 21 +01010111100101 irreplaceable 21 +01010111100101 Americanized 22 +01010111100101 irksome 22 +01010111100101 disheartening 22 +01010111100101 creditworthy 22 +01010111100101 untouchable 22 +01010111100101 defensible 22 +01010111100101 maddening 22 +01010111100101 exalted 23 +01010111100101 enlightening 23 +01010111100101 interrelated 23 +01010111100101 unkind 23 +01010111100101 bothersome 23 +01010111100101 inconsequential 23 +01010111100101 out-of-date 24 +01010111100101 auspicious 24 +01010111100101 unexciting 24 +01010111100101 unassailable 24 +01010111100101 unglamorous 25 +01010111100101 inverted 25 +01010111100101 audible 25 +01010111100101 unrepentant 25 +01010111100101 unreal 25 +01010111100101 iffy 25 +01010111100101 deplorable 25 +01010111100101 intransigent 26 +01010111100101 odious 26 +01010111100101 ephemeral 26 +01010111100101 implausible 27 +01010111100101 adroit 27 +01010111100101 open-minded 27 +01010111100101 invincible 27 +01010111100101 8-0 28 +01010111100101 indefensible 28 +01010111100101 incongruous 28 +01010111100101 tiresome 29 +01010111100101 adaptable 29 +01010111100101 dissimilar 30 +01010111100101 overrated 30 +01010111100101 uninspiring 30 +01010111100101 unpalatable 30 +01010111100101 endearing 30 +01010111100101 uneconomic 30 +01010111100101 imprecise 30 +01010111100101 exacting 31 +01010111100101 reprehensible 31 +01010111100101 inequitable 32 +01010111100101 immature 32 +01010111100101 unresponsive 34 +01010111100101 courteous 34 +01010111100101 unconvincing 35 +01010111100101 perplexing 35 +01010111100101 repugnant 36 +01010111100101 opportune 37 +01010111100101 inescapable 37 +01010111100101 imaginable 37 +01010111100101 inconvenient 38 +01010111100101 enjoyable 38 +01010111100101 unnerving 39 +01010111100101 tolerable 39 +01010111100101 insular 39 +01010111100101 unimportant 39 +01010111100101 inexplicable 40 +01010111100101 nettlesome 40 +01010111100101 distasteful 41 +01010111100101 oppressive 42 +01010111100101 hospitable 42 +01010111100101 believable 43 +01010111100101 obnoxious 43 +01010111100101 insidious 43 +01010111100101 untenable 43 +01010111100101 heartening 43 +01010111100101 illuminating 43 +01010111100101 disconcerting 44 +01010111100101 unconscionable 44 +01010111100101 unmistakable 44 +01010111100101 insistent 44 +01010111100101 exhilarating 44 +01010111100101 invaluable 45 +01010111100101 ill-advised 45 +01010111100101 incomprehensible 46 +01010111100101 irritating 46 +01010111100101 unsuitable 46 +01010111100101 attentive 47 +01010111100101 achievable 48 +01010111100101 illogical 48 +01010111100101 accommodative 49 +01010111100101 agreeable 50 +01010111100101 alluring 53 +01010111100101 distressing 53 +01010111100101 intrusive 54 +01010111100101 inflexible 54 +01010111100101 objectionable 57 +01010111100101 unsustainable 59 +01010111100101 unproven 60 +01010111100101 innocuous 60 +01010111100101 addictive 62 +01010111100101 pertinent 62 +01010111100101 intimidating 63 +01010111100101 assertive 63 +01010111100101 identifiable 64 +01010111100101 unavoidable 66 +01010111100101 enticing 66 +01010111100101 illiquid 68 +01010111100101 up-to-date 68 +01010111100101 problematic 70 +01010111100101 untested 71 +01010111100101 palatable 71 +01010111100101 esoteric 73 +01010111100101 annoying 74 +01010111100101 improbable 76 +01010111100101 intractable 80 +01010111100101 accommodating 81 +01010111100101 intolerable 83 +01010111100101 appalling 83 +01010111100101 indispensable 84 +01010111100101 informative 86 +01010111100101 unwise 86 +01010111100101 egregious 88 +01010111100101 instructive 89 +01010111100101 economical 93 +01010111100101 unbelievable 94 +01010111100101 unattractive 99 +01010111100101 puzzling 105 +01010111100101 irrational 107 +01010111100101 irresistible 108 +01010111100101 integral 109 +01010111100101 noteworthy 118 +01010111100101 insignificant 123 +01010111100101 invalid 131 +01010111100101 unsettling 131 +01010111100101 unreliable 138 +01010111100101 equitable 138 +01010111100101 ambiguous 138 +01010111100101 unstable 148 +01010111100101 plentiful 156 +01010111100101 amusing 158 +01010111100101 ominous 161 +01010111100101 onerous 163 +01010111100101 alarming 164 +01010111100101 accessible 166 +01010111100101 outdated 167 +01010111100101 alien 168 +01010111100101 reassuring 170 +01010111100101 unpleasant 172 +01010111100101 intriguing 176 +01010111100101 elusive 177 +01010111100101 importantly 182 +01010111100101 understandable 184 +01010111100101 amazing 190 +01010111100101 entertaining 191 +01010111100101 worrisome 204 +01010111100101 updated 207 +01010111100101 feasible 214 +01010111100101 outrageous 216 +01010111100101 frustrating 218 +01010111100101 awkward 226 +01010111100101 incorrect 234 +01010111100101 troubling 235 +01010111100101 affordable 241 +01010111100101 absurd 255 +01010111100101 intelligent 258 +01010111100101 ironic 260 +01010111100101 irrelevant 262 +01010111100101 harmful 277 +01010111100101 inexpensive 286 +01010111100101 inappropriate 307 +01010111100101 obscure 327 +01010111100101 unfortunate 342 +01010111100101 unacceptable 354 +01010111100101 desirable 370 +01010111100101 exciting 384 +01010111100101 embarrassing 387 +01010111100101 relevant 396 +01010111100101 damaging 407 +01010111100101 unconstitutional 475 +01010111100101 appealing 602 +01010111100101 impressive 636 +01010111100101 accurate 647 +01010111100101 essential 900 +01010111100101 acceptable 933 +01010111100101 obvious 1004 +01010111100101 interesting 1033 +01010111100101 efficient 1053 +01010111100101 sensitive 1409 +01010111100101 appropriate 1557 +01010111100101 attractive 2370 +01010111100101 expensive 3220 +01010111100101 important 8445 +01010111100110 uncolloquial 1 +01010111100110 outcompete 1 +01010111100110 dinged 1 +01010111100110 near-market 1 +01010111100110 stippled 1 +01010111100110 caramelized 1 +01010111100110 felon. 1 +01010111100110 verify. 1 +01010111100110 one-day-on-the-job 1 +01010111100110 anti-Williams 1 +01010111100110 unponderous 1 +01010111100110 professional-middle-class 1 +01010111100110 optionee 1 +01010111100110 unbuttered 1 +01010111100110 Anti-lock 1 +01010111100110 phonorecords 1 +01010111100110 all-too-obvious 1 +01010111100110 melt-down 1 +01010111100110 preadmission 1 +01010111100110 micronite 1 +01010111100110 Queene 1 +01010111100110 anti-energy 2 +01010111100110 intelligence-related 2 +01010111100110 chudaiko 2 +01010111100110 SilverHawks 2 +01010111100110 tongue-twisting 2 +01010111100110 outre 2 +01010111100110 EFI 2 +01010111100110 spellbinder 2 +01010111100110 auteurs 2 +01010111100110 dramedy 2 +01010111100110 narco-terrorism 2 +01010111100110 toylike 2 +01010111100110 Emancipists 2 +01010111100110 yuppie-ish 2 +01010111100110 anti-lawyer 2 +01010111100110 anti-progressive 2 +01010111100110 well-maintained 2 +01010111100110 abusable 2 +01010111100110 squarish 2 +01010111100110 Queenie 2 +01010111100110 frictional 2 +01010111100110 grayer 2 +01010111100110 goose-stepping 2 +01010111100110 trashes 2 +01010111100110 tax-sensitive 2 +01010111100110 unidentifiable 2 +01010111100110 survival-oriented 2 +01010111100110 anti-shareholder 2 +01010111100110 scientist-managers 2 +01010111100110 immunomodulators 2 +01010111100110 base-car 2 +01010111100110 statization 2 +01010111100110 kansei 2 +01010111100110 photonic 2 +01010111100110 demurring 2 +01010111100110 net-back 2 +01010111100110 direct-to-home 2 +01010111100110 porters 2 +01010111100110 glasnostic 2 +01010111100110 blarney 2 +01010111100110 restimulation 2 +01010111100110 submersion 2 +01010111100110 trackball 2 +01010111100110 Stoli 2 +01010111100110 housewarming 2 +01010111100110 warmheartedness 2 +01010111100110 pureness 2 +01010111100110 dilettantes 2 +01010111100110 sourced 2 +01010111100110 Afro-centric 2 +01010111100110 revenue-enhancing 2 +01010111100110 pro-free 2 +01010111100110 supermom 2 +01010111100110 Sidewaters 2 +01010111100110 nonalignment 2 +01010111100110 kiting 2 +01010111100110 Korbel 2 +01010111100110 maidnapping 2 +01010111100110 barn-burning 2 +01010111100110 pro-Stalin 2 +01010111100110 AT&Ts 2 +01010111100110 interconnects 2 +01010111100110 nativists 2 +01010111100110 sadomasochistic 2 +01010111100110 Pushtunistan 2 +01010111100110 two-fer 2 +01010111100110 tangents 2 +01010111100110 note-perfect 2 +01010111100110 coloureds 2 +01010111100110 dumb-looking 2 +01010111100110 Bleeding 2 +01010111100110 IIB 2 +01010111100110 transgenerational 2 +01010111100110 unabrasive 2 +01010111100110 immunogenic 2 +01010111100110 jibaro 2 +01010111100110 product-specific 2 +01010111100110 techie 2 +01010111100110 crudity 2 +01010111100110 greenways 2 +01010111100110 neglible 2 +01010111100110 unfree 2 +01010111100110 Pillow-Inhaler 2 +01010111100110 foodie 2 +01010111100110 faultless 2 +01010111100110 holly 2 +01010111100110 voidable 2 +01010111100110 MFP 2 +01010111100110 pill-popping 2 +01010111100110 short-oil 2 +01010111100110 Surtax 2 +01010111100110 boom-boxes 2 +01010111100110 rich-looking 2 +01010111100110 paddymelon 2 +01010111100110 Earthworks 2 +01010111100110 proceduralists 2 +01010111100110 pied-a-terre 2 +01010111100110 moonwalk 2 +01010111100110 bookout 2 +01010111100110 rewording 2 +01010111100110 pickpockets 3 +01010111100110 Sinhala 3 +01010111100110 Mousetrap 3 +01010111100110 Minx 3 +01010111100110 bumpier 3 +01010111100110 financer 3 +01010111100110 obliteration 3 +01010111100110 hypertechnical 3 +01010111100110 over-ripe 3 +01010111100110 ter 3 +01010111100110 supertwist 3 +01010111100110 daydream 3 +01010111100110 multi-faceted 3 +01010111100110 Carefree 3 +01010111100110 graft-vs.-host 3 +01010111100110 unpersuasive 3 +01010111100110 parastatal 3 +01010111100110 fly-off 3 +01010111100110 straitjacketed 3 +01010111100110 fly-by-wire 3 +01010111100110 beeswax 3 +01010111100110 sex-neutral 3 +01010111100110 regurgitated 3 +01010111100110 E.Z. 3 +01010111100110 nuclear-age 3 +01010111100110 indistinct 3 +01010111100110 transmissible 3 +01010111100110 unchangeable 3 +01010111100110 average-guy 3 +01010111100110 paupers 3 +01010111100110 contumacious 3 +01010111100110 undeliverable 3 +01010111100110 heads-up 3 +01010111100110 purpose-bred 3 +01010111100110 non-discriminatory 3 +01010111100110 insubordinate 3 +01010111100110 non-coercive 3 +01010111100110 means-test 3 +01010111100110 olympic 3 +01010111100110 non-Chinese 3 +01010111100110 touch-up 3 +01010111100110 parvenu 3 +01010111100110 unerotic 3 +01010111100110 unexposed 3 +01010111100110 crueler 3 +01010111100110 flag-raising 3 +01010111100110 nots 3 +01010111100110 tamper-proof 3 +01010111100110 knifing 3 +01010111100110 out-of-hand 3 +01010111100110 team-building 3 +01010111100110 touchback 3 +01010111100110 indigestible 3 +01010111100110 appealable 3 +01010111100110 bribable 3 +01010111100110 Neo-Europes 3 +01010111100110 regenerated 3 +01010111100110 sun-dried 3 +01010111100110 middle-America 3 +01010111100110 avaricious 3 +01010111100110 nuttier 3 +01010111100110 Lyricgrove 3 +01010111100110 veto-bait 3 +01010111100110 lean-and-mean 3 +01010111100110 contraindicated 3 +01010111100110 anesthetized 3 +01010111100110 pumped-up 3 +01010111100110 anxiety-ridden 3 +01010111100110 disinvited 4 +01010111100110 better-organized 4 +01010111100110 infomercials 4 +01010111100110 friable 4 +01010111100110 KKK 4 +01010111100110 Venda 4 +01010111100110 promotable 4 +01010111100110 undercounting 4 +01010111100110 predestined 4 +01010111100110 homophobic 4 +01010111100110 salvageable 4 +01010111100110 honkies 4 +01010111100110 phlegmatic 4 +01010111100110 AIDS-free 4 +01010111100110 treasonous 4 +01010111100110 self-administered 4 +01010111100110 under-utilized 4 +01010111100110 pranksters 4 +01010111100110 undiplomatic 4 +01010111100110 deficit-neutral 4 +01010111100110 stock-split 4 +01010111100110 well-meant 4 +01010111100110 Spartacus 4 +01010111100110 unoriginal 4 +01010111100110 tactless 4 +01010111100110 5,000-mile 4 +01010111100110 noninvasive 4 +01010111100110 gender-neutral 4 +01010111100110 anti-Catholic 4 +01010111100110 manufacturable 4 +01010111100110 unachievable 4 +01010111100110 Visionaries 4 +01010111100110 bucketing 4 +01010111100110 well-preserved 4 +01010111100110 silversmiths 4 +01010111100110 globalizing 4 +01010111100110 FUD 4 +01010111100110 stupider 4 +01010111100110 symptom-free 4 +01010111100110 incorporeal 4 +01010111100110 two-faced 4 +01010111100110 unenforced 4 +01010111100110 get-well 4 +01010111100110 canonical 4 +01010111100110 nonviable 4 +01010111100110 obstreperous 5 +01010111100110 COW 5 +01010111100110 haddock 5 +01010111100110 unbreakable 5 +01010111100110 hypersensitivity 5 +01010111100110 undereducated 5 +01010111100110 unproduced 5 +01010111100110 back-of-the-envelope 5 +01010111100110 unloved 5 +01010111100110 penumbras 5 +01010111100110 lip-smacking 5 +01010111100110 better-informed 5 +01010111100110 probated 5 +01010111100110 well-adjusted 5 +01010111100110 stillborn 5 +01010111100110 Groovy 5 +01010111100110 window-dressing 5 +01010111100110 cherry-picking 5 +01010111100110 insurable 5 +01010111100110 what-if 5 +01010111100110 heretics 5 +01010111100110 in-between 5 +01010111100110 jeer 5 +01010111100110 self-funding 5 +01010111100110 pre-selling 5 +01010111100110 self-limiting 5 +01010111100110 financeable 5 +01010111100110 gatekeepers 5 +01010111100110 recessive 5 +01010111100110 Portenos 5 +01010111100110 infidels 5 +01010111100110 facilitators 5 +01010111100110 well-earned 6 +01010111100110 leaderless 6 +01010111100110 inkblot 6 +01010111100110 slobbering 6 +01010111100110 geometrical 6 +01010111100110 She-Devil 6 +01010111100110 shunto 6 +01010111100110 stage-managed 6 +01010111100110 recession-sensitive 6 +01010111100110 make-good 6 +01010111100110 parachuting 6 +01010111100110 marmalade 6 +01010111100110 violative 6 +01010111100110 fixable 6 +01010111100110 tactful 6 +01010111100110 uncashed 6 +01010111100110 redder 6 +01010111100110 classifiable 6 +01010111100110 swordfish 6 +01010111100110 discountable 6 +01010111100110 uninhabited 6 +01010111100110 ventilated 6 +01010111100110 idiomatic 6 +01010111100110 implode 6 +01010111100110 asymptomatic 6 +01010111100110 Finlandization 6 +01010111100110 revelatory 6 +01010111100110 unstinting 6 +01010111100110 contestable 6 +01010111100110 worshipful 6 +01010111100110 prospectively 6 +01010111100110 unallowable 6 +01010111100110 unexamined 6 +01010111100110 impracticable 6 +01010111100110 scoundrel 6 +01010111100110 inedible 6 +01010111100110 color-blind 6 +01010111100110 rad 7 +01010111100110 overregulated 7 +01010111100110 daft 7 +01010111100110 heave 7 +01010111100110 multi-tasking 7 +01010111100110 micro-management 7 +01010111100110 pro-management 7 +01010111100110 meteorology 7 +01010111100110 androgynous 7 +01010111100110 frilly 7 +01010111100110 masterfully 7 +01010111100110 dual-use 7 +01010111100110 valueless 7 +01010111100110 networked 7 +01010111100110 off-color 7 +01010111100110 lunatics 7 +01010111100110 see-through 7 +01010111100110 rainmaker 7 +01010111100110 dysfunctional 7 +01010111100110 omniscient 7 +01010111100110 facetious 7 +01010111100110 patsies 7 +01010111100110 Rasputin 7 +01010111100110 kooks 7 +01010111100110 breaded 7 +01010111100110 problem-free 7 +01010111100110 inadmissible 7 +01010111100110 tenable 7 +01010111100110 cloudless 7 +01010111100110 hillbilly 7 +01010111100110 extraterritorial 7 +01010111100110 Americanization 7 +01010111100110 bye-bye 7 +01010111100110 infidel 7 +01010111100110 shortlived 8 +01010111100110 deployable 8 +01010111100110 redlining 8 +01010111100110 sycophantic 8 +01010111100110 creation-science 8 +01010111100110 misconceived 8 +01010111100110 Kristallnacht 8 +01010111100110 irritable 8 +01010111100110 braver 8 +01010111100110 misshapen 8 +01010111100110 spiteful 8 +01010111100110 overconfident 8 +01010111100110 down-market 8 +01010111100110 GRAS 8 +01010111100110 leak-proof 8 +01010111100110 top-down 8 +01010111100110 dishonorable 8 +01010111100110 He-Man 8 +01010111100110 hassle-free 8 +01010111100110 consoling 8 +01010111100110 emptier 9 +01010111100110 compartmentalized 9 +01010111100110 luxuriant 9 +01010111100110 copyrightable 9 +01010111100110 gimmicky 9 +01010111100110 repricing 9 +01010111100110 penniless 9 +01010111100110 fawning 9 +01010111100110 blasphemous 9 +01010111100110 nourishing 9 +01010111100110 survivable 9 +01010111100110 unbundling 9 +01010111100110 inelastic 9 +01010111100110 fallacious 9 +01010111100110 pro-competitive 9 +01010111100110 benignly 9 +01010111100110 holier-than-thou 10 +01010111100110 approvable 10 +01010111100110 trouble-free 10 +01010111100110 snazzier 10 +01010111100110 trenchant 10 +01010111100110 ungovernable 10 +01010111100110 unpatriotic 10 +01010111100110 provable 10 +01010111100110 oiled 10 +01010111100110 5-to-1 10 +01010111100110 nit-picking 10 +01010111100110 Realpolitik 10 +01010111100110 nontoxic 10 +01010111100110 ill-founded 10 +01010111100110 supportable 10 +01010111100110 dehumanizing 10 +01010111100110 scurrilous 11 +01010111100110 unoccupied 11 +01010111100110 serviceable 11 +01010111100110 vandalized 11 +01010111100110 sacrilegious 11 +01010111100110 witless 11 +01010111100110 extant 11 +01010111100110 uncomplicated 11 +01010111100110 impassive 11 +01010111100110 rudderless 11 +01010111100110 churlish 11 +01010111100110 forested 12 +01010111100110 half-full 12 +01010111100110 unrepresentative 12 +01010111100110 solicitous 12 +01010111100110 messianic 12 +01010111100110 disfiguring 12 +01010111100110 uninsurable 12 +01010111100110 unsalable 12 +01010111100110 operable 12 +01010111100110 harmonized 12 +01010111100110 unsupportable 12 +01010111100110 meritless 13 +01010111100110 unbeatable 13 +01010111100110 untrustworthy 13 +01010111100110 underweight 13 +01010111100110 monotonous 13 +01010111100110 prudish 13 +01010111100110 leapfrogging 13 +01010111100110 imprudently 13 +01010111100110 baited 13 +01010111100110 wishy-washy 14 +01010111100110 earthbound 14 +01010111100110 self-supporting 14 +01010111100110 trade-ins 14 +01010111100110 fly-by-night 14 +01010111100110 junket 14 +01010111100110 hand-to-mouth 14 +01010111100110 verbatim 14 +01010111100110 nonstrategic 14 +01010111100110 overdrawn 14 +01010111100110 unproved 14 +01010111100110 whitewash 14 +01010111100110 conspiratorial 14 +01010111100110 null 14 +01010111100110 superhuman 15 +01010111100110 nay 15 +01010111100110 claustrophobic 15 +01010111100110 hateful 15 +01010111100110 sensitized 15 +01010111100110 repetitious 15 +01010111100110 grandfathered 15 +01010111100110 specious 16 +01010111100110 wanton 16 +01010111100110 nepotism 16 +01010111100110 uninteresting 16 +01010111100110 mushy 16 +01010111100110 me. 16 +01010111100110 sanitized 16 +01010111100110 nonproductive 16 +01010111100110 deceitful 16 +01010111100110 reversible 16 +01010111100110 liars 16 +01010111100110 maliciously 16 +01010111100110 priceless 17 +01010111100110 drooping 17 +01010111100110 sinful 17 +01010111100110 suffocating 17 +01010111100110 infallible 17 +01010111100110 winnable 17 +01010111100110 testimonial 17 +01010111100110 unconstrained 17 +01010111100110 unattainable 17 +01010111100110 unusable 18 +01010111100110 autographed 18 +01010111100110 subservient 18 +01010111100110 disloyal 18 +01010111100110 misdirected 18 +01010111100110 colorblind 18 +01010111100110 disgraceful 18 +01010111100110 defamatory 18 +01010111100110 sound-alike 18 +01010111100110 blossoming 18 +01010111100110 unforgivable 18 +01010111100110 irrigated 19 +01010111100110 payola 19 +01010111100110 underemployed 19 +01010111100110 improvised 19 +01010111100110 prophetic 19 +01010111100110 condescending 19 +01010111100110 crackling 19 +01010111100110 racketeers 20 +01010111100110 non-existent 20 +01010111100110 predictive 20 +01010111100110 collectible 20 +01010111100110 blindfolded 20 +01010111100110 uneconomical 20 +01010111100110 value-impaired 21 +01010111100110 noncommittal 21 +01010111100110 tutoring 21 +01010111100110 fail-safe 21 +01010111100110 colorized 21 +01010111100110 pap 21 +01010111100110 recession-proof 21 +01010111100110 childish 21 +01010111100110 unprofessional 21 +01010111100110 incoherent 21 +01010111100110 unmet 21 +01010111100110 muffled 21 +01010111100110 underrated 21 +01010111100110 fragmentary 22 +01010111100110 self-sustaining 22 +01010111100110 un-American 22 +01010111100110 pro-American 22 +01010111100110 comical 22 +01010111100110 unfashionable 22 +01010111100110 unworthy 22 +01010111100110 callous 23 +01010111100110 undistinguished 23 +01010111100110 inhumane 23 +01010111100110 pitiful 23 +01010111100110 immaterial 23 +01010111100110 liberating 23 +01010111100110 defenseless 24 +01010111100110 unforgiving 24 +01010111100110 nonsensical 25 +01010111100110 coded 25 +01010111100110 childlike 25 +01010111100110 flat-out 25 +01010111100110 weather-related 25 +01010111100110 taut 26 +01010111100110 self-financing 26 +01010111100110 libelous 26 +01010111100110 Graceland 26 +01010111100110 extinct 27 +01010111100110 infrequent 27 +01010111100110 well-founded 27 +01010111100110 prejudicial 28 +01010111100110 naughty 28 +01010111100110 laughable 28 +01010111100110 sized 29 +01010111100110 banal 29 +01010111100110 debt-free 30 +01010111100110 unsupported 30 +01010111100110 bunk 31 +01010111100110 foolhardy 31 +01010111100110 flawless 31 +01010111100110 transitory 31 +01010111100110 commendable 31 +01010111100110 borderline 31 +01010111100110 Irangate 32 +01010111100110 unfulfilled 32 +01010111100110 preventable 32 +01010111100110 interchangeable 33 +01010111100110 sleaze 33 +01010111100110 pointless 33 +01010111100110 senseless 33 +01010111100110 shameful 34 +01010111100110 limitless 34 +01010111100110 rusting 34 +01010111100110 sterilized 34 +01010111100110 superfluous 35 +01010111100110 kinder 35 +01010111100110 padded 36 +01010111100110 doable 36 +01010111100110 dizzy 36 +01010111100110 regressive 37 +01010111100110 sputtering 37 +01010111100110 scandalous 37 +01010111100110 stealth 38 +01010111100110 lighted 38 +01010111100110 foolproof 38 +01010111100110 unconscious 38 +01010111100110 respectful 39 +01010111100110 incidental 39 +01010111100110 underpriced 39 +01010111100110 verifiable 40 +01010111100110 expendable 40 +01010111100110 sacrosanct 42 +01010111100110 unenforceable 43 +01010111100110 endemic 45 +01010111100110 impotent 46 +01010111100110 gravy 47 +01010111100110 self-defeating 48 +01010111100110 compressed 49 +01010111100110 sterile 49 +01010111100110 enforceable 49 +01010111100110 undercapitalized 49 +01010111100110 institutionalized 50 +01010111100110 baseless 50 +01010111100110 outward 50 +01010111100110 stale 50 +01010111100110 insulting 51 +01010111100110 euphoric 51 +01010111100110 palpable 51 +01010111100110 sexist 52 +01010111100110 uncompetitive 54 +01010111100110 defiant 54 +01010111100110 farewell 54 +01010111100110 risk-free 54 +01010111100110 groundless 56 +01010111100110 unchecked 56 +01010111100110 prospering 57 +01010111100110 suicidal 57 +01010111100110 comforting 58 +01010111100110 lame 59 +01010111100110 lawful 62 +01010111100110 disinterested 62 +01010111100110 pleasing 62 +01010111100110 deficient 63 +01010111100110 malicious 63 +01010111100110 disconnected 64 +01010111100110 careless 64 +01010111100110 taboo 66 +01010111100110 prohibitive 66 +01010111100110 unworkable 67 +01010111100110 fruitless 67 +01010111100110 helpless 68 +01010111100110 sketchy 68 +01010111100110 fleeting 68 +01010111100110 insane 69 +01010111100110 starving 69 +01010111100110 shortsighted 70 +01010111100110 overblown 70 +01010111100110 overbought 72 +01010111100110 unchallenged 72 +01010111100110 misplaced 72 +01010111100110 fuzzy 73 +01010111100110 substandard 74 +01010111100110 inactive 74 +01010111100110 kindly 75 +01010111100110 humorous 76 +01010111100110 polluted 76 +01010111100110 imprudent 78 +01010111100110 detached 78 +01010111100110 moot 79 +01010111100110 flourishing 79 +01010111100110 inconclusive 80 +01010111100110 immoral 80 +01010111100110 destabilizing 81 +01010111100110 redundant 82 +01010111100110 unjustified 83 +01010111100110 segregated 83 +01010111100110 faint 85 +01010111100110 dormant 86 +01010111100110 upstairs 87 +01010111100110 indecent 87 +01010111100110 illusory 89 +01010111100110 rigged 91 +01010111100110 indifferent 91 +01010111100110 barter 94 +01010111100110 hopeless 95 +01010111100110 paramount 95 +01010111100110 harmless 96 +01010111100110 untrue 103 +01010111100110 dear 106 +01010111100110 preposterous 108 +01010111100110 wasteful 109 +01010111100110 sincere 114 +01010111100110 ludicrous 115 +01010111100110 incompetent 115 +01010111100110 rude 118 +01010111100110 reckless 120 +01010111100110 static 122 +01010111100110 negligible 123 +01010111100110 fitting 125 +01010111100110 privileged 126 +01010111100110 biased 126 +01010111100110 unanswered 127 +01010111100110 negligent 133 +01010111100110 futile 134 +01010111100110 racist 140 +01010111100110 faithful 141 +01010111100110 frivolous 143 +01010111100110 solvent 144 +01010111100110 conscious 146 +01010111100110 meaningless 146 +01010111100110 inferior 147 +01010111100110 trivial 150 +01010111100110 worthless 150 +01010111100110 drunk 150 +01010111100110 overpriced 154 +01010111100110 deceptive 155 +01010111100110 useless 156 +01010111100110 captive 157 +01010111100110 invisible 160 +01010111100110 nonexistent 161 +01010111100110 irresponsible 164 +01010111100110 ineffective 181 +01010111100110 unfounded 183 +01010111100110 endangered 191 +01010111100110 oversold 193 +01010111100110 short-lived 197 +01010111100110 unsafe 199 +01010111100110 mistaken 201 +01010111100110 backward 203 +01010111100110 naive 204 +01010111100110 counterproductive 214 +01010111100110 unresolved 216 +01010111100110 unrealistic 220 +01010111100110 obsolete 223 +01010111100110 overvalued 229 +01010111100110 inaccurate 257 +01010111100110 flawed 264 +01010111100110 ridiculous 265 +01010111100110 defective 266 +01010111100110 universal 267 +01010111100110 conditional 279 +01010111100110 silent 304 +01010111100110 prudent 304 +01010111100110 scarce 307 +01010111100110 greenmail 337 +01010111100110 parallel 367 +01010111100110 fatal 387 +01010111100110 valid 394 +01010111100110 desperate 403 +01010111100110 binding 412 +01010111100110 loyal 422 +01010111100110 unnecessary 444 +01010111100110 loose 459 +01010111100110 hidden 475 +01010111100110 pure 482 +01010111100110 neutral 484 +01010111100110 warm 491 +01010111100110 premature 512 +01010111100110 hazardous 580 +01010111100110 undervalued 602 +01010111100110 superior 607 +01010111100110 zero 631 +01010111100110 ill 657 +01010111100110 unique 667 +01010111100110 vital 732 +01010111100110 routine 758 +01010111100110 qualified 784 +01010111100110 misleading 808 +01010111100110 inadequate 1262 +01010111100110 safe 1325 +01010111100110 dead 1370 +01010111100110 crucial 1419 +01010111100110 sound 1904 +01010111100110 fair 2064 +01010111100110 critical 2082 +01010111100110 free 5276 +01010111100110 fully 3043 +01010111100111 glamour-prompted 1 +01010111100111 long-oiled 1 +01010111100111 on-the-button 1 +01010111100111 media-wise 1 +01010111100111 Mexican-descended 1 +01010111100111 voluntary-retirement 1 +01010111100111 car-populated 1 +01010111100111 anti-arms-control 1 +01010111100111 railmobile 1 +01010111100111 alcoholized 1 +01010111100111 media-conscious 1 +01010111100111 M-shaped 1 +01010111100111 sealed-up 1 +01010111100111 wellconnected 1 +01010111100111 distortion-free 1 +01010111100111 alligned 1 +01010111100111 unpretty 1 +01010111100111 accoutered 1 +01010111100111 beautiful-looking 1 +01010111100111 mildewed 1 +01010111100111 widely-held 1 +01010111100111 authentic-looking 1 +01010111100111 exhibitionistic 1 +01010111100111 popular-the 1 +01010111100111 petite-size 1 +01010111100111 market-orientated 1 +01010111100111 un-Reaganite 1 +01010111100111 rapidly. 1 +01010111100111 MTV-produced 1 +01010111100111 prison-conditions 1 +01010111100111 fly-drive-sleep 1 +01010111100111 class-divided 1 +01010111100111 self-censored 1 +01010111100111 liability-expanding 1 +01010111100111 data-dense 1 +01010111100111 dividend-hungry 1 +01010111100111 unperceptive 1 +01010111100111 Saracen 1 +01010111100111 snickered-about 1 +01010111100111 pro-employee 1 +01010111100111 unflamboyant 1 +01010111100111 levered 1 +01010111100111 leftward-leaning 1 +01010111100111 snow-fearing 1 +01010111100111 unfavorite 1 +01010111100111 tillable 1 +01010111100111 line-focused 1 +01010111100111 sensitve 1 +01010111100111 Europhoria 1 +01010111100111 mortgageable 1 +01010111100111 nitrogenous 1 +01010111100111 womb-leasing 1 +01010111100111 annnoying 1 +01010111100111 rough-sounding 1 +01010111100111 scatological 1 +01010111100111 lustrious 1 +01010111100111 IBM-only 1 +01010111100111 550-megawatt 1 +01010111100111 reform-oriented 1 +01010111100111 leisure-based 1 +01010111100111 warrior-hero 1 +01010111100111 leisured 1 +01010111100111 non-diva-like 1 +01010111100111 transit-dependent 1 +01010111100111 unsoothing 1 +01010111100111 tunnel-visioned 1 +01010111100111 mass-reproduced 1 +01010111100111 Asian-owned 1 +01010111100111 grow-or-die 1 +01010111100111 egalitarian-minded 1 +01010111100111 markets-like 1 +01010111100111 U.S.-Middle 1 +01010111100111 un-nuclear 1 +01010111100111 information-intensive 1 +01010111100111 European-type 1 +01010111100111 antiCommunist 1 +01010111100111 telephone-oriented 1 +01010111100111 replacement-fuel 1 +01010111100111 re-chromed 1 +01010111100111 farm-refinancing 1 +01010111100111 earthquake-causing 1 +01010111100111 pro-big 1 +01010111100111 pro-Russian 1 +01010111100111 post-Marcos-era 1 +01010111100111 visable 1 +01010111100111 longest-lasting 1 +01010111100111 non-donors 1 +01010111100111 fitness-equipment 1 +01010111100111 rouged 2 +01010111100111 taxpapers 2 +01010111100111 career-destroying 2 +01010111100111 deregulatory-minded 2 +01010111100111 well-honed 2 +01010111100111 Pollyannish 2 +01010111100111 scentless 2 +01010111100111 anti-worker 2 +01010111100111 trussed 2 +01010111100111 sulphurous 2 +01010111100111 sedulous 2 +01010111100111 project-oriented 2 +01010111100111 anxiety-producing 2 +01010111100111 job-saving 2 +01010111100111 bigname 2 +01010111100111 unsterile 2 +01010111100111 temperature-sensitive 2 +01010111100111 patient-oriented 2 +01010111100111 value-free 2 +01010111100111 value-laden 2 +01010111100111 optimistic. 2 +01010111100111 distortive 2 +01010111100111 creative-writing-program 2 +01010111100111 ungrounded 2 +01010111100111 1,319 2 +01010111100111 overprotective 2 +01010111100111 oppositon 2 +01010111100111 fever-pitch 2 +01010111100111 leathered 2 +01010111100111 oldfashioned 2 +01010111100111 decipherable 2 +01010111100111 grabby 2 +01010111100111 wretchedly 2 +01010111100111 odoriferous 2 +01010111100111 anti-NRC 2 +01010111100111 coiffed 2 +01010111100111 uptempo 2 +01010111100111 hyper-technical 2 +01010111100111 southerly 2 +01010111100111 particularistic 2 +01010111100111 self-obsessed 3 +01010111100111 magniloquent 3 +01010111100111 illusive 3 +01010111100111 publicity-hungry 3 +01010111100111 tannic 3 +01010111100111 astringent 3 +01010111100111 virtuosic 3 +01010111100111 diagnosable 3 +01010111100111 unknowledgeable 3 +01010111100111 far-ranging 3 +01010111100111 unchallengeable 3 +01010111100111 seven-iron 3 +01010111100111 bond-like 3 +01010111100111 intellectualized 3 +01010111100111 communicative 3 +01010111100111 Beethovenian 3 +01010111100111 non-fashion 3 +01010111100111 fastballs 3 +01010111100111 quavering 3 +01010111100111 footloose 3 +01010111100111 non-cyclical 3 +01010111100111 truth-in-advertising 3 +01010111100111 hardcore 3 +01010111100111 vituperative 3 +01010111100111 pollution-free 3 +01010111100111 non-dilutive 3 +01010111100111 Panglossian 3 +01010111100111 inchoate 3 +01010111100111 bristly 3 +01010111100111 trading-oriented 3 +01010111100111 open-mouthed 3 +01010111100111 overlong 3 +01010111100111 overwritten 3 +01010111100111 perfidious 3 +01010111100111 ill-managed 3 +01010111100111 widespead 3 +01010111100111 brand-conscious 3 +01010111100111 coolheaded 3 +01010111100111 marketing-oriented 3 +01010111100111 top-line 3 +01010111100111 non-controversial 3 +01010111100111 1987-1989 3 +01010111100111 pusillanimous 3 +01010111100111 postponable 3 +01010111100111 underappreciated 3 +01010111100111 well-settled 3 +01010111100111 stagy 3 +01010111100111 nonparty 4 +01010111100111 mingy 4 +01010111100111 weightless 4 +01010111100111 conceited 4 +01010111100111 self-sacrificing 4 +01010111100111 ductile 4 +01010111100111 unlikable 4 +01010111100111 shaven 4 +01010111100111 radiotherapy 4 +01010111100111 lightheaded 4 +01010111100111 slow-acting 4 +01010111100111 relativistic 4 +01010111100111 100-ton 4 +01010111100111 well-illustrated 4 +01010111100111 allusive 4 +01010111100111 quick-witted 4 +01010111100111 standoffish 4 +01010111100111 long-form 4 +01010111100111 touristy 4 +01010111100111 book-squaring 4 +01010111100111 obtrusive 4 +01010111100111 angst-ridden 4 +01010111100111 halfhearted 4 +01010111100111 straitened 4 +01010111100111 common-sensical 4 +01010111100111 corporatist 4 +01010111100111 misanthropic 4 +01010111100111 non-committal 4 +01010111100111 issues-oriented 4 +01010111100111 dyspeptic 4 +01010111100111 customer-oriented 4 +01010111100111 electrifying 4 +01010111100111 instinctual 4 +01010111100111 cocksure 4 +01010111100111 self-disciplined 5 +01010111100111 repeatable 5 +01010111100111 dreamlike 5 +01010111100111 unexplainable 5 +01010111100111 plotless 5 +01010111100111 misnamed 5 +01010111100111 off-key 5 +01010111100111 merciful 5 +01010111100111 graceless 5 +01010111100111 malodorous 5 +01010111100111 lotus 5 +01010111100111 uncrowded 5 +01010111100111 effete 5 +01010111100111 detail-oriented 5 +01010111100111 miniaturized 5 +01010111100111 well-integrated 5 +01010111100111 dexterous 5 +01010111100111 non-liquid 5 +01010111100111 consumer-minded 5 +01010111100111 starchy 5 +01010111100111 charmless 5 +01010111100111 combustible 5 +01010111100111 well-rehearsed 5 +01010111100111 savvier 5 +01010111100111 Balkanized 5 +01010111100111 stratified 5 +01010111100111 anti-Zionist 5 +01010111100111 velvety 5 +01010111100111 error-prone 5 +01010111100111 disordered 5 +01010111100111 thickening 5 +01010111100111 compensable 5 +01010111100111 deregulation-minded 5 +01010111100111 streetwise 5 +01010111100111 flighty 5 +01010111100111 succesful 5 +01010111100111 joyless 5 +01010111100111 forfeitable 5 +01010111100111 self-possessed 5 +01010111100111 moldy 6 +01010111100111 blander 6 +01010111100111 discursive 6 +01010111100111 majoritarian 6 +01010111100111 competitve 6 +01010111100111 interlinked 6 +01010111100111 tendentious 6 +01010111100111 unromantic 6 +01010111100111 venerated 6 +01010111100111 public-spirited 6 +01010111100111 pitiable 6 +01010111100111 schematic 6 +01010111100111 flatulent 6 +01010111100111 ravishing 6 +01010111100111 sensationalistic 6 +01010111100111 four-foot 6 +01010111100111 bankable 6 +01010111100111 well-traveled 6 +01010111100111 munificent 6 +01010111100111 glossier 6 +01010111100111 submissive 6 +01010111100111 beached 6 +01010111100111 raccoon 6 +01010111100111 means-testing 6 +01010111100111 fidgety 6 +01010111100111 research-oriented 6 +01010111100111 well-behaved 7 +01010111100111 segmented 7 +01010111100111 unsullied 7 +01010111100111 restful 7 +01010111100111 chauvinistic 7 +01010111100111 pacific 7 +01010111100111 craven 7 +01010111100111 manic-depressive 7 +01010111100111 yuppified 7 +01010111100111 venturesome 7 +01010111100111 formulaic 7 +01010111100111 conformist 7 +01010111100111 homogenous 7 +01010111100111 lustrous 7 +01010111100111 business-like 7 +01010111100111 expressionistic 7 +01010111100111 self-directed 7 +01010111100111 adult-oriented 7 +01010111100111 remunerative 7 +01010111100111 uncontroversial 7 +01010111100111 cash-poor 7 +01010111100111 unremarkable 7 +01010111100111 crestfallen 7 +01010111100111 Reaganesque 7 +01010111100111 crackpot 7 +01010111100111 changeable 7 +01010111100111 self-reinforcing 7 +01010111100111 episodic 7 +01010111100111 chipper 8 +01010111100111 undermanned 8 +01010111100111 jocular 8 +01010111100111 captivating 8 +01010111100111 polemical 8 +01010111100111 snobbish 8 +01010111100111 unstructured 8 +01010111100111 spineless 8 +01010111100111 smooth-running 8 +01010111100111 inconspicuous 8 +01010111100111 sainted 8 +01010111100111 colloquial 8 +01010111100111 grating 8 +01010111100111 clear-eyed 8 +01010111100111 multicultural 8 +01010111100111 nervy 8 +01010111100111 lugubrious 8 +01010111100111 nonlinear 8 +01010111100111 pro-plaintiff 8 +01010111100111 contemptible 8 +01010111100111 hallucinatory 8 +01010111100111 crisper 9 +01010111100111 unexploited 9 +01010111100111 results-oriented 9 +01010111100111 saleable 9 +01010111100111 hand-painted 9 +01010111100111 heavyhanded 9 +01010111100111 paunchy 9 +01010111100111 regimented 9 +01010111100111 Mozartean 9 +01010111100111 security-conscious 9 +01010111100111 slovenly 9 +01010111100111 drafty 9 +01010111100111 technology-driven 9 +01010111100111 postmodern 9 +01010111100111 swampy 9 +01010111100111 tart 9 +01010111100111 workmanlike 9 +01010111100111 7-3 9 +01010111100111 4-2 9 +01010111100111 staccato 9 +01010111100111 retrograde 9 +01010111100111 homing 10 +01010111100111 exhilarated 10 +01010111100111 well-intended 10 +01010111100111 bombastic 10 +01010111100111 shapely 10 +01010111100111 duplicitous 10 +01010111100111 fitful 10 +01010111100111 passable 10 +01010111100111 stereotyped 10 +01010111100111 mannered 10 +01010111100111 chummy 10 +01010111100111 anti-intellectual 10 +01010111100111 vacuous 10 +01010111100111 saccharine 10 +01010111100111 didactic 10 +01010111100111 brutish 10 +01010111100111 cloying 10 +01010111100111 curt 11 +01010111100111 pedantic 11 +01010111100111 soft-sell 11 +01010111100111 self-financed 11 +01010111100111 pensive 11 +01010111100111 brusque 11 +01010111100111 self-critical 11 +01010111100111 price-competitive 11 +01010111100111 lamentable 11 +01010111100111 hyperbolic 11 +01010111100111 impetuous 11 +01010111100111 militarized 11 +01010111100111 vexatious 11 +01010111100111 straight-forward 11 +01010111100111 quiescent 11 +01010111100111 talked-about 11 +01010111100111 rubbery 11 +01010111100111 high-toned 11 +01010111100111 advantaged 12 +01010111100111 simple-minded 12 +01010111100111 spellbinding 12 +01010111100111 telegenic 12 +01010111100111 fevered 12 +01010111100111 loopy 12 +01010111100111 Grape-Nuts 12 +01010111100111 lackadaisical 12 +01010111100111 tiled 12 +01010111100111 morose 12 +01010111100111 metaphorical 12 +01010111100111 creamy 12 +01010111100111 treatable 12 +01010111100111 thrifty 12 +01010111100111 homogenized 12 +01010111100111 droll 12 +01010111100111 magnanimous 12 +01010111100111 naturalistic 12 +01010111100111 self-perpetuating 12 +01010111100111 self-correcting 12 +01010111100111 pliant 12 +01010111100111 ghoulish 13 +01010111100111 self-absorbed 13 +01010111100111 laconic 13 +01010111100111 profit-oriented 13 +01010111100111 humorless 13 +01010111100111 rapacious 13 +01010111100111 surrealistic 13 +01010111100111 well-stocked 13 +01010111100111 opinionated 13 +01010111100111 wilder 13 +01010111100111 lifelike 13 +01010111100111 supplicant 13 +01010111100111 hardheaded 13 +01010111100111 level-headed 14 +01010111100111 employable 14 +01010111100111 helter-skelter 14 +01010111100111 adventuresome 14 +01010111100111 internationalized 14 +01010111100111 heinous 14 +01010111100111 jovial 14 +01010111100111 erodible 14 +01010111100111 unimaginative 14 +01010111100111 beneficent 14 +01010111100111 obtuse 14 +01010111100111 well-liked 14 +01010111100111 absorbent 14 +01010111100111 militaristic 14 +01010111100111 self-effacing 14 +01010111100111 feckless 14 +01010111100111 malleable 14 +01010111100111 categorical 14 +01010111100111 romanticized 14 +01010111100111 hidebound 14 +01010111100111 nutritious 14 +01010111100111 participatory 15 +01010111100111 fragrant 15 +01010111100111 bellicose 15 +01010111100111 slipshod 15 +01010111100111 well-written 15 +01010111100111 jaundiced 15 +01010111100111 laudatory 15 +01010111100111 landscaped 15 +01010111100111 preventative 15 +01010111100111 matter-of-fact 15 +01010111100111 superstitious 15 +01010111100111 unrivaled 15 +01010111100111 pro-consumer 15 +01010111100111 stoic 15 +01010111100111 Machiavellian 15 +01010111100111 faddish 16 +01010111100111 forgettable 16 +01010111100111 vindictive 16 +01010111100111 sprightly 16 +01010111100111 mystifying 16 +01010111100111 pallid 16 +01010111100111 self-centered 16 +01010111100111 inhuman 16 +01010111100111 tyrannical 16 +01010111100111 user-friendly 16 +01010111100111 60-40 16 +01010111100111 judgmental 16 +01010111100111 slimy 16 +01010111100111 venal 16 +01010111100111 short-sighted 16 +01010111100111 cogent 17 +01010111100111 fatuous 17 +01010111100111 profane 17 +01010111100111 farsighted 17 +01010111100111 treasured 17 +01010111100111 sadistic 17 +01010111100111 scanty 17 +01010111100111 polarizing 17 +01010111100111 deadpan 17 +01010111100111 one-of-a-kind 17 +01010111100111 tempestuous 17 +01010111100111 nebulous 17 +01010111100111 byzantine 17 +01010111100111 mythic 17 +01010111100111 promiscuous 17 +01010111100111 haughty 17 +01010111100111 truncated 17 +01010111100111 photogenic 17 +01010111100111 globalized 17 +01010111100111 degrading 17 +01010111100111 barbaric 18 +01010111100111 garish 18 +01010111100111 demented 18 +01010111100111 greasy 18 +01010111100111 sensuous 18 +01010111100111 culpable 18 +01010111100111 demoralizing 18 +01010111100111 hypnotic 18 +01010111100111 individualistic 18 +01010111100111 high-handed 18 +01010111100111 defeatist 18 +01010111100111 headstrong 18 +01010111100111 vapid 18 +01010111100111 stilted 18 +01010111100111 self-indulgent 18 +01010111100111 symmetrical 18 +01010111100111 temperamental 19 +01010111100111 succinct 19 +01010111100111 finicky 19 +01010111100111 localized 19 +01010111100111 dandy 19 +01010111100111 vile 19 +01010111100111 fearless 19 +01010111100111 chancy 19 +01010111100111 mesmerizing 19 +01010111100111 disheveled 19 +01010111100111 purposeful 19 +01010111100111 rarefied 20 +01010111100111 heartfelt 20 +01010111100111 heretical 20 +01010111100111 cultured 20 +01010111100111 disorganized 20 +01010111100111 well-timed 20 +01010111100111 cuddly 20 +01010111100111 regal 20 +01010111100111 lucid 20 +01010111100111 homespun 20 +01010111100111 price-sensitive 21 +01010111100111 thought-provoking 21 +01010111100111 self-reliant 21 +01010111100111 flammable 21 +01010111100111 wrongheaded 21 +01010111100111 flaky 21 +01010111100111 ponderous 21 +01010111100111 compliant 21 +01010111100111 colder 21 +01010111100111 utilitarian 21 +01010111100111 humdrum 21 +01010111100111 market-driven 21 +01010111100111 funky 21 +01010111100111 tasteless 21 +01010111100111 deep-rooted 21 +01010111100111 frosty 22 +01010111100111 healthful 22 +01010111100111 vitriolic 22 +01010111100111 gruesome 22 +01010111100111 facile 22 +01010111100111 textured 22 +01010111100111 desolate 22 +01010111100111 breathless 22 +01010111100111 wobbly 22 +01010111100111 visceral 22 +01010111100111 cantankerous 22 +01010111100111 legalistic 23 +01010111100111 long-winded 23 +01010111100111 sordid 23 +01010111100111 spartan 23 +01010111100111 tight-fisted 23 +01010111100111 glib 23 +01010111100111 despicable 23 +01010111100111 self-deprecating 23 +01010111100111 proficient 23 +01010111100111 clubby 23 +01010111100111 reactive 24 +01010111100111 forward-looking 24 +01010111100111 drug-free 24 +01010111100111 disjointed 24 +01010111100111 well-respected 24 +01010111100111 steadfast 24 +01010111100111 temperate 24 +01010111100111 grisly 24 +01010111100111 omnipresent 24 +01010111100111 virtuous 24 +01010111100111 numbing 25 +01010111100111 self-interested 25 +01010111100111 multifaceted 25 +01010111100111 colorless 25 +01010111100111 resonant 25 +01010111100111 service-oriented 25 +01010111100111 brooding 25 +01010111100111 noxious 25 +01010111100111 riveting 25 +01010111100111 classy 26 +01010111100111 lurid 26 +01010111100111 tasteful 26 +01010111100111 joyous 26 +01010111100111 doctrinaire 26 +01010111100111 rumpled 26 +01010111100111 cost-efficient 26 +01010111100111 hierarchical 26 +01010111100111 mean-spirited 26 +01010111100111 evenhanded 27 +01010111100111 morbid 27 +01010111100111 masculine 27 +01010111100111 uncooperative 28 +01010111100111 schizophrenic 28 +01010111100111 patronizing 28 +01010111100111 scrupulous 28 +01010111100111 minded 28 +01010111100111 pernicious 28 +01010111100111 complimentary 28 +01010111100111 dicey 28 +01010111100111 credit-worthy 29 +01010111100111 resourceful 29 +01010111100111 evocative 29 +01010111100111 prescient 29 +01010111100111 damning 29 +01010111100111 gentlemanly 29 +01010111100111 utopian 29 +01010111100111 dogmatic 29 +01010111100111 melodramatic 29 +01010111100111 mellow 29 +01010111100111 festive 29 +01010111100111 self-contained 30 +01010111100111 congenial 30 +01010111100111 corrosive 30 +01010111100111 suggestive 30 +01010111100111 collegial 30 +01010111100111 docile 30 +01010111100111 cosmopolitan 30 +01010111100111 porous 30 +01010111100111 lifeless 30 +01010111100111 leftward 30 +01010111100111 serene 31 +01010111100111 trustworthy 31 +01010111100111 luminous 31 +01010111100111 risk-averse 31 +01010111100111 well-organized 31 +01010111100111 squalid 31 +01010111100111 personable 31 +01010111100111 anachronistic 31 +01010111100111 dovish 31 +01010111100111 quixotic 31 +01010111100111 laudable 32 +01010111100111 concise 32 +01010111100111 free-wheeling 32 +01010111100111 crooked 32 +01010111100111 gentler 32 +01010111100111 blighted 32 +01010111100111 resolute 32 +01010111100111 lovable 32 +01010111100111 carcinogenic 32 +01010111100111 unyielding 32 +01010111100111 prosaic 32 +01010111100111 well-financed 33 +01010111100111 down-to-earth 33 +01010111100111 frayed 33 +01010111100111 myopic 33 +01010111100111 disorderly 33 +01010111100111 belligerent 33 +01010111100111 long-lived 33 +01010111100111 disparaging 33 +01010111100111 profligate 33 +01010111100111 shady 33 +01010111100111 purified 33 +01010111100111 descriptive 33 +01010111100111 downbeat 34 +01010111100111 pluralistic 34 +01010111100111 horrifying 34 +01010111100111 idiosyncratic 34 +01010111100111 homogeneous 34 +01010111100111 testy 34 +01010111100111 hawkish 34 +01010111100111 dictatorial 35 +01010111100111 fruitful 35 +01010111100111 high-minded 35 +01010111100111 self-conscious 36 +01010111100111 cocky 36 +01010111100111 methodical 36 +01010111100111 surreal 37 +01010111100111 Byzantine 37 +01010111100111 brazen 37 +01010111100111 acidic 37 +01010111100111 cavalier 38 +01010111100111 self-destructive 38 +01010111100111 understaffed 38 +01010111100111 ruinous 38 +01010111100111 sedate 38 +01010111100111 prickly 38 +01010111100111 shrill 38 +01010111100111 easygoing 38 +01010111100111 tranquil 38 +01010111100111 readable 38 +01010111100111 laid-back 38 +01010111100111 haphazard 38 +01010111100111 fearsome 39 +01010111100111 stylized 39 +01010111100111 nimble 39 +01010111100111 tantalizing 39 +01010111100111 well-off 40 +01010111100111 autobiographical 40 +01010111100111 gracious 40 +01010111100111 permissive 40 +01010111100111 paternalistic 40 +01010111100111 plodding 40 +01010111100111 paradoxical 40 +01010111100111 neurotic 40 +01010111100111 cohesive 41 +01010111100111 distracting 41 +01010111100111 raucous 41 +01010111100111 well-informed 41 +01010111100111 menacing 42 +01010111100111 vehement 42 +01010111100111 pro-business 42 +01010111100111 adventurous 43 +01010111100111 ingrained 43 +01010111100111 dependable 43 +01010111100111 salable 43 +01010111100111 frugal 44 +01010111100111 slippery 44 +01010111100111 truthful 44 +01010111100111 top-heavy 44 +01010111100111 businesslike 44 +01010111100111 playful 44 +01010111100111 whimsical 44 +01010111100111 terrifying 45 +01010111100111 virulent 45 +01010111100111 fanciful 45 +01010111100111 diligent 45 +01010111100111 versatile 46 +01010111100111 capricious 46 +01010111100111 restive 46 +01010111100111 perceptive 46 +01010111100111 pristine 46 +01010111100111 low-tech 46 +01010111100111 single-minded 47 +01010111100111 impersonal 47 +01010111100111 convoluted 47 +01010111100111 sought-after 47 +01010111100111 smug 48 +01010111100111 low-profile 48 +01010111100111 wholesome 48 +01010111100111 dignified 49 +01010111100111 perilous 50 +01010111100111 stressful 50 +01010111100111 one-sided 50 +01010111100111 harmonious 50 +01010111100111 dilutive 50 +01010111100111 compulsive 50 +01010111100111 panicky 51 +01010111100111 zealous 51 +01010111100111 brittle 51 +01010111100111 capital-intensive 52 +01010111100111 well-intentioned 53 +01010111100111 meticulous 53 +01010111100111 solemn 53 +01010111100111 poisonous 53 +01010111100111 muddled 53 +01010111100111 long-lasting 53 +01010111100111 poetic 53 +01010111100111 literal 53 +01010111100111 vigilant 54 +01010111100111 revered 54 +01010111100111 fuel-efficient 54 +01010111100111 subversive 54 +01010111100111 seductive 55 +01010111100111 vexing 55 +01010111100111 well-regarded 55 +01010111100111 cost-conscious 55 +01010111100111 dishonest 56 +01010111100111 self-sufficient 56 +01010111100111 cloudy 56 +01010111100111 contagious 56 +01010111100111 simplistic 57 +01010111100111 feminine 57 +01010111100111 grotesque 57 +01010111100111 tenacious 57 +01010111100111 recognizable 58 +01010111100111 congested 58 +01010111100111 painless 60 +01010111100111 vociferous 60 +01010111100111 resilient 62 +01010111100111 debilitating 62 +01010111100111 genteel 63 +01010111100111 fickle 63 +01010111100111 hilarious 63 +01010111100111 selfish 64 +01010111100111 feeble 64 +01010111100111 glutted 64 +01010111100111 tolerant 65 +01010111100111 forthright 65 +01010111100111 well-established 65 +01010111100111 sinister 67 +01010111100111 ferocious 67 +01010111100111 overbuilt 67 +01010111100111 strident 67 +01010111100111 politicized 69 +01010111100111 fervent 69 +01010111100111 bulky 69 +01010111100111 bolder 69 +01010111100111 humiliating 69 +01010111100111 frenetic 69 +01010111100111 clumsy 69 +01010111100111 quirky 70 +01010111100111 cheerful 70 +01010111100111 futuristic 70 +01010111100111 luxurious 70 +01010111100111 self-serving 71 +01010111100111 manipulative 71 +01010111100111 tenuous 73 +01010111100111 heavy-handed 73 +01010111100111 dense 74 +01010111100111 lyrical 74 +01010111100111 treacherous 74 +01010111100111 touchy 75 +01010111100111 transparent 76 +01010111100111 glorious 76 +01010111100111 acclaimed 76 +01010111100111 discreet 77 +01010111100111 decentralized 77 +01010111100111 magical 78 +01010111100111 poignant 78 +01010111100111 somber 79 +01010111100111 timid 79 +01010111100111 populous 79 +01010111100111 tedious 80 +01010111100111 skillful 83 +01010111100111 courageous 84 +01010111100111 witty 86 +01010111100111 cherished 88 +01010111100111 confrontational 88 +01010111100111 compassionate 88 +01010111100111 sober 90 +01010111100111 frank 92 +01010111100111 spontaneous 92 +01010111100111 lightweight 95 +01010111100111 vibrant 96 +01010111100111 precarious 96 +01010111100111 prevalent 97 +01010111100111 ruthless 100 +01010111100111 cozy 101 +01010111100111 conspicuous 101 +01010111100111 cramped 101 +01010111100111 candid 102 +01010111100111 hard-nosed 103 +01010111100111 humane 104 +01010111100111 complementary 104 +01010111100111 tangled 105 +01010111100111 ubiquitous 105 +01010111100111 perverse 107 +01010111100111 workable 108 +01010111100111 flashy 109 +01010111100111 sloppy 112 +01010111100111 manageable 114 +01010111100111 combative 115 +01010111100111 polished 115 +01010111100111 pricey 116 +01010111100111 divisive 119 +01010111100111 greedy 120 +01010111100111 primitive 121 +01010111100111 murky 122 +01010111100111 messy 122 +01010111100111 cumbersome 125 +01010111100111 lethal 125 +01010111100111 lax 128 +01010111100111 rewarding 128 +01010111100111 glamorous 128 +01010111100111 passionate 128 +01010111100111 disruptive 130 +01010111100111 mundane 130 +01010111100111 secretive 131 +01010111100111 lenient 131 +01010111100111 benign 134 +01010111100111 prized 134 +01010111100111 turbulent 136 +01010111100111 contradictory 138 +01010111100111 persuasive 139 +01010111100111 thoughtful 141 +01010111100111 misguided 141 +01010111100111 stubborn 142 +01010111100111 provocative 142 +01010111100111 blockbuster 143 +01010111100111 time-consuming 144 +01010111100111 charming 144 +01010111100111 memorable 144 +01010111100111 cost-effective 145 +01010111100111 plausible 148 +01010111100111 shrewd 149 +01010111100111 renowned 150 +01010111100111 conciliatory 151 +01010111100111 daring 154 +01010111100111 sacred 154 +01010111100111 fragmented 155 +01010111100111 fascinating 158 +01010111100111 cynical 158 +01010111100111 forceful 159 +01010111100111 destructive 160 +01010111100111 discriminatory 161 +01010111100111 low-key 161 +01010111100111 burdensome 163 +01010111100111 chaotic 163 +01010111100111 notorious 164 +01010111100111 rigorous 164 +01010111100111 cosmetic 170 +01010111100111 centralized 171 +01010111100111 tense 177 +01010111100111 vivid 178 +01010111100111 fluid 180 +01010111100111 thriving 184 +01010111100111 straightforward 184 +01010111100111 pervasive 185 +01010111100111 fashionable 186 +01010111100111 oriented 189 +01010111100111 colorful 195 +01010111100111 peculiar 195 +01010111100111 brutal 197 +01010111100111 distinctive 197 +01010111100111 contentious 199 +01010111100111 gloomy 207 +01010111100111 deadly 209 +01010111100111 prosperous 209 +01010111100111 convenient 219 +01010111100111 distressed 219 +01010111100111 pragmatic 225 +01010111100111 troublesome 228 +01010111100111 boring 237 +01010111100111 mysterious 242 +01010111100111 vocal 249 +01010111100111 dubious 256 +01010111100111 unpopular 267 +01010111100111 fragile 270 +01010111100111 relaxed 274 +01010111100111 educated 280 +01010111100111 confusing 289 +01010111100111 devastating 290 +01010111100111 predictable 293 +01010111100111 bizarre 295 +01010111100111 symbolic 297 +01010111100111 thick 303 +01010111100111 disturbing 307 +01010111100111 potent 308 +01010111100111 stringent 312 +01010111100111 rigid 331 +01010111100111 forthcoming 331 +01010111100111 publicized 332 +01010111100111 dynamic 339 +01010111100111 dull 342 +01010111100111 selective 348 +01010111100111 brilliant 349 +01010111100111 uniform 354 +01010111100111 compelling 356 +01010111100111 distant 361 +01010111100111 viable 363 +01010111100111 disastrous 375 +01010111100111 restrictive 391 +01010111100111 vague 460 +01010111100111 diverse 468 +01010111100111 remote 473 +01010111100111 realistic 475 +01010111100111 respected 482 +01010111100111 crowded 490 +01010111100111 reliable 505 +01010111100111 productive 520 +01010111100111 painful 524 +01010111100111 specialized 552 +01010111100111 visible 579 +01010111100111 flexible 627 +01010111100111 liquid 651 +01010111100111 protectionist 700 +01010111100111 generous 706 +01010111100111 speculative 783 +01010111100111 useful 814 +01010111100111 busy 823 +01010111100111 risky 831 +01010111100111 bearish 846 +01010111100111 lucrative 861 +01010111100111 complicated 871 +01010111100111 promising 910 +01010111100111 famous 926 +01010111100111 defensive 946 +01010111100111 valuable 949 +01010111100111 cautious 1102 +01010111100111 sophisticated 1111 +01010111100111 volatile 1117 +01010111100111 dangerous 1153 +01010111100111 bullish 1293 +01010111100111 costly 1685 +01010111100111 controversial 1743 +01010111100111 complex 2576 +01010111100111 powerful 2611 +01010111100111 profitable 2916 +01010111100111 popular 3069 +01010111100111 competitive 3516 +01010111100111 successful 3488 +0101011110100 falser 1 +0101011110100 climatically 1 +0101011110100 singable 1 +0101011110100 dictatorialization 1 +0101011110100 troublingly 1 +0101011110100 pricklier 1 +0101011110100 11,712 1 +0101011110100 radiccio 1 +0101011110100 trade-constricting 1 +0101011110100 maximizers 1 +0101011110100 squeezed-out 1 +0101011110100 growingly 1 +0101011110100 trihalomethane 1 +0101011110100 WRANGLING 1 +0101011110100 eight-foot-square 1 +0101011110100 gramatically 1 +0101011110100 unworkably 2 +0101011110100 64-megabit 2 +0101011110100 bread-quality 3 +0101011110100 cloudier 3 +0101011110100 unmerited 3 +0101011110100 1,378 3 +0101011110100 deadlier 3 +0101011110100 more 90721 +0101011110100 fewer 2272 +0101011110101 first-borns 1 +0101011110101 disquietingly 1 +0101011110101 Seattle/Spokane 1 +0101011110101 unmodifiable 1 +0101011110101 quantitate 1 +0101011110101 non-truths 1 +0101011110101 office-hotel-retail 1 +0101011110101 charier 1 +0101011110101 papaya-passion 1 +0101011110101 over-advertise 1 +0101011110101 hotel-office 1 +0101011110101 senior-manager 1 +0101011110101 Arabic-like 1 +0101011110101 -less 1 +0101011110101 bonehead 1 +0101011110101 prohibitvely 1 +0101011110101 1,721 1 +0101011110101 better-liked 1 +0101011110101 unsaleably 1 +0101011110101 inner-focused 1 +0101011110101 territory-run 1 +0101011110101 fuel-energy 1 +0101011110101 shares-higher 1 +0101011110101 apartment-and-office 1 +0101011110101 unemployment-tax 1 +0101011110101 Cominform 1 +0101011110101 wear-and-tear 1 +0101011110101 paunchier 1 +0101011110101 joint-venturing 1 +0101011110101 fare-raising 1 +0101011110101 strike-happy 1 +0101011110101 brasher 1 +0101011110101 Freedent 1 +0101011110101 irredeemably 1 +0101011110101 exclusiveness 1 +0101011110101 manageability 1 +0101011110101 sweatier 1 +0101011110101 nuttily 1 +0101011110101 clingier 1 +0101011110101 frostier 1 +0101011110101 1,387 2 +0101011110101 wealth-building 2 +0101011110101 esthetically 2 +0101011110101 1,285 2 +0101011110101 flimsier 2 +0101011110101 corruptive 2 +0101011110101 better-positioned 2 +0101011110101 unhappier 2 +0101011110101 QUITE 2 +0101011110101 unwarrantedly 2 +0101011110101 allergenic 3 +0101011110101 better-reserved 3 +0101011110101 1,791 3 +0101011110101 thyme 3 +0101011110101 unpalatably 4 +0101011110101 pleasingly 4 +0101011110101 cashew 6 +0101011110101 2,630 6 +0101011110101 prouder 7 +0101011110101 chock 9 +0101011110101 less 16437 +0101011110101 prohibitively 155 +0101011110110 anti-Europeanism 1 +0101011110110 Lukewarm 1 +0101011110110 photochemical 1 +0101011110110 20-below 1 +0101011110110 commodity-chemical 1 +0101011110110 underamortized 1 +0101011110110 71,066 1 +0101011110110 stock-dividend 1 +0101011110110 inflation-pegged 1 +0101011110110 Terminology 1 +0101011110110 wage-fueled 1 +0101011110110 hard-to-kill 1 +0101011110110 tongue-incheek 1 +0101011110110 26,514 1 +0101011110110 heeled 1 +0101011110110 union-endorsed 1 +0101011110110 undernourishes 1 +0101011110110 incorect 1 +0101011110110 less-generous-than-usual 1 +0101011110110 underassessed 1 +0101011110110 1,230-pound 1 +0101011110110 expensive-to-maintain 1 +0101011110110 blackbacked 1 +0101011110110 juvenile-onset 1 +0101011110110 bio-pharmaceutical 1 +0101011110110 grain-ration 1 +0101011110110 impalpable 1 +0101011110110 perjurious 1 +0101011110110 state-income 1 +0101011110110 moneyfund 1 +0101011110110 below-union 1 +0101011110110 zee 1 +0101011110110 special-use 1 +0101011110110 hospital-plan 1 +0101011110110 palm-tree 1 +0101011110110 state-school 1 +0101011110110 full-fare-coach 1 +0101011110110 new-camera 1 +0101011110110 white-tablecloth 1 +0101011110110 lower-than-market 1 +0101011110110 haute-cuisine 1 +0101011110110 Consortia 1 +0101011110110 feedcorn 1 +0101011110110 energy-crisis 1 +0101011110110 per-term 1 +0101011110110 overstated. 1 +0101011110110 less-light 1 +0101011110110 early-17th-century 1 +0101011110110 3.3130 1 +0101011110110 hormone-deficiency-related 1 +0101011110110 different-seeming 1 +0101011110110 higher-than-retail 1 +0101011110110 still-warmer 1 +0101011110110 non-promotional 1 +0101011110110 preferredstock 1 +0101011110110 options-generated 1 +0101011110110 big-investor 1 +0101011110110 deep-plunge 1 +0101011110110 below-industry 1 +0101011110110 dissimiliar 1 +0101011110110 still-restrained 1 +0101011110110 higher-than-prevailing 1 +0101011110110 energy-company 1 +0101011110110 diclofenac 1 +0101011110110 Syrian-inspired 1 +0101011110110 non-monopolistic 1 +0101011110110 delphic 1 +0101011110110 corporate-sector 1 +0101011110110 1,234,500 1 +0101011110110 pre-transfer 1 +0101011110110 requsting 1 +0101011110110 drafted. 1 +0101011110110 celsius 1 +0101011110110 early-onset 1 +0101011110110 psychopolitical 1 +0101011110110 market-interest 1 +0101011110110 exhorbitant 1 +0101011110110 Tokyo-originating 1 +0101011110110 more-trusted 1 +0101011110110 underdressed 1 +0101011110110 above-zero 1 +0101011110110 top-market 1 +0101011110110 non-accrued 2 +0101011110110 fourth-class 2 +0101011110110 2,397 2 +0101011110110 NIC 2 +0101011110110 Medicare-catastrophic-care 2 +0101011110110 below-prime 2 +0101011110110 less-vigorous 2 +0101011110110 1/32nd 2 +0101011110110 union-scale 2 +0101011110110 well-targeted 2 +0101011110110 shod 2 +0101011110110 cheaper-to-maintain 2 +0101011110110 paleontology 2 +0101011110110 super-high 2 +0101011110110 near-wholesale 2 +0101011110110 sugarcoating 2 +0101011110110 U.S.C. 2 +0101011110110 government-fixed 3 +0101011110110 near-peak 3 +0101011110110 time-and-a-half 4 +0101011110110 snacking 4 +0101011110110 more-complicated 4 +0101011110110 underinvested 4 +0101011110110 skyhigh 4 +0101011110110 colder-than-normal 5 +0101011110110 risk-related 5 +0101011110110 waist-high 5 +0101011110110 cheapened 6 +0101011110110 still-higher 7 +0101011110110 market-determined 7 +0101011110110 below-cost 8 +0101011110110 state-set 10 +0101011110110 ever-higher 13 +0101011110110 higher-than-anticipated 20 +0101011110110 higher-than-market 22 +0101011110110 uncollected 22 +0101011110110 triple-digit 24 +0101011110110 fire-sale 29 +0101011110110 above-normal 30 +0101011110110 nondeductible 38 +0101011110110 bargain-basement 41 +0101011110110 below-market 96 +0101011110110 higher-than-expected 112 +0101011110110 firmer 482 +0101011110110 higher 17782 +0101011110110 lower 13659 +010101111011100 alike. 1 +010101111011100 post-marital 1 +010101111011100 index-futures-related 1 +010101111011100 inviable 1 +010101111011100 aboutcha 1 +010101111011100 sports-club 1 +010101111011100 misery. 1 +010101111011100 over-zealously 1 +010101111011100 noise-measuring 1 +010101111011100 informationally 1 +010101111011100 non-Christians 1 +010101111011100 toters 1 +010101111011100 cornier 1 +010101111011100 unisons 1 +010101111011100 departmental-level 1 +010101111011100 zig-zaggy 1 +010101111011100 Arab-language 1 +010101111011100 frou-frou 1 +010101111011100 half-days 1 +010101111011100 rockier 1 +010101111011100 virus-receptor 1 +010101111011100 squarer 1 +010101111011100 snootier 1 +010101111011100 stand. 1 +010101111011100 1989-65 1 +010101111011100 drabber 1 +010101111011100 Fed-local 1 +010101111011100 cocktailish 1 +010101111011100 anti-white 1 +010101111011100 half-well 1 +010101111011100 hooplah 1 +010101111011100 health-care-related 1 +010101111011100 droughty 1 +010101111011100 1989-76 1 +010101111011100 child-run 1 +010101111011100 more-compelling 1 +010101111011100 range-finder 1 +010101111011100 unaccrued 1 +010101111011100 Mahlerian 2 +010101111011100 indocumentados 2 +010101111011100 bullfights 2 +010101111011100 duelling 2 +010101111011100 springier 2 +010101111011100 hearses 2 +010101111011100 bellman 2 +010101111011100 fusty 2 +010101111011100 vote-winning 2 +010101111011100 machine-age 2 +010101111011100 Ambassadors 2 +010101111011100 pre-Inca 2 +010101111011100 gamier 2 +010101111011100 catchier 2 +010101111011100 flusher 2 +010101111011100 drunker 2 +010101111011100 must-buy 2 +010101111011100 holier 2 +010101111011100 soggier 2 +010101111011100 mid-calf 2 +010101111011100 eerier 2 +010101111011100 touchier 2 +010101111011100 trainable 3 +010101111011100 tenser 3 +010101111011100 worse. 3 +010101111011100 stogie 3 +010101111011100 stutters 3 +010101111011100 fisher 3 +010101111011100 cash-outs 3 +010101111011100 dewy-eyed 3 +010101111011100 she-male 3 +010101111011100 cruder 3 +010101111011100 lonelier 3 +010101111011100 corruptly 3 +010101111011100 fast-pitch 3 +010101111011100 slacking 4 +010101111011100 winded 4 +010101111011100 muddier 4 +010101111011100 blacker 4 +010101111011100 discomfiting 4 +010101111011100 trite 4 +010101111011100 C++ 4 +010101111011100 cuter 4 +010101111011100 more. 4 +010101111011100 ruder 4 +010101111011100 better-looking 4 +010101111011100 sturdier 4 +010101111011100 funnier 5 +010101111011100 buttery 5 +010101111011100 fuzzier 5 +010101111011100 hazier 5 +010101111011100 lengthier 5 +010101111011100 jaywalking 5 +010101111011100 tastier 6 +010101111011100 stickier 6 +010101111011100 vaguer 6 +010101111011100 crazier 6 +010101111011100 saltier 6 +010101111011100 scarier 6 +010101111011100 nobler 6 +010101111011100 sadder 6 +010101111011100 seasick 6 +010101111011100 fitter 6 +010101111011100 hardier 6 +010101111011100 misty-eyed 6 +010101111011100 disorienting 7 +010101111011100 sillier 7 +010101111011100 dicier 7 +010101111011100 nastier 7 +010101111011100 dispassionately 7 +010101111011100 sexier 7 +010101111011100 juicier 7 +010101111011100 bloodier 7 +010101111011100 dumber 8 +010101111011100 whiter 8 +010101111011100 weirder 8 +010101111011100 dirtier 8 +010101111011100 chintzy 8 +010101111011100 murkier 10 +010101111011100 briefer 10 +010101111011100 grimmer 11 +010101111011100 blunter 11 +010101111011100 stingier 11 +010101111011100 prettier 12 +010101111011100 duller 13 +010101111011100 messier 13 +010101111011100 truer 14 +010101111011100 ya 15 +010101111011100 shakier 15 +010101111011100 angrier 16 +010101111011100 hungrier 16 +010101111011100 purer 17 +010101111011100 dimmer 18 +010101111011100 shallower 18 +010101111011100 keener 19 +010101111011100 livelier 19 +010101111011100 luckier 20 +010101111011100 rougher 21 +010101111011100 fiercer 21 +010101111011100 greener 22 +010101111011100 meaner 24 +010101111011100 thicker 24 +010101111011100 grander 25 +010101111011100 keel 25 +010101111011100 bleaker 25 +010101111011100 sicker 27 +010101111011100 trickier 28 +010101111011100 scarcer 28 +010101111011100 sweeter 29 +010101111011100 rarer 30 +010101111011100 fresher 32 +010101111011100 friendlier 37 +010101111011100 nicer 37 +010101111011100 busier 38 +010101111011100 hotter 40 +010101111011100 smoother 48 +010101111011100 taller 49 +010101111011100 fairer 51 +010101111011100 louder 54 +010101111011100 thinner 61 +010101111011100 costlier 67 +010101111011100 harsher 76 +010101111011100 firsthand 80 +010101111011100 smarter 84 +010101111011100 warmer 91 +010101111011100 happier 99 +010101111011100 riskier 134 +010101111011100 brighter 153 +010101111011100 quicker 170 +010101111011100 richer 190 +010101111011100 simpler 229 +010101111011100 clearer 270 +010101111011100 safer 299 +010101111011100 sooner 544 +010101111011100 tougher 1006 +010101111011100 cheaper 1059 +010101111011100 worse 1837 +010101111011100 better 10296 +010101111011100 faster 1938 +010101111011101 one-and-a-half-billion 1 +010101111011101 algae-based 1 +010101111011101 daylower 1 +010101111011101 well-supervised 1 +010101111011101 one-to-10 1 +010101111011101 hurricane-survival 1 +010101111011101 photo-sensitive 1 +010101111011101 plasterlike 1 +010101111011101 commercial-financial 1 +010101111011101 stagings 1 +010101111011101 cow-elk 1 +010101111011101 ton-mile 1 +010101111011101 three-times-greater 1 +010101111011101 services-tax 1 +010101111011101 unpaid-leave 1 +010101111011101 gold/commodity-backed 1 +010101111011101 three-base 1 +010101111011101 confetti-like 1 +010101111011101 more-diverse 1 +010101111011101 Gettelman 1 +010101111011101 ill-grounded 1 +010101111011101 near-bionic 1 +010101111011101 conscience-keeper 1 +010101111011101 snoop-and-spy 1 +010101111011101 dream-like 1 +010101111011101 steel-weighted 1 +010101111011101 high-valued 1 +010101111011101 glue-like 1 +010101111011101 non-raunchy 1 +010101111011101 nolo 1 +010101111011101 self-avowed 1 +010101111011101 more-heavily 1 +010101111011101 stiff-legged 1 +010101111011101 toing 1 +010101111011101 still-weaker 1 +010101111011101 Rototiller 1 +010101111011101 military-marketing 1 +010101111011101 Bruegelesque 1 +010101111011101 less-than-ingenuous 1 +010101111011101 hundred-million 1 +010101111011101 much-clearer 1 +010101111011101 Nazi-style 1 +010101111011101 done-unto 1 +010101111011101 1-to-10 1 +010101111011101 more-personal 1 +010101111011101 creamery 1 +010101111011101 further-weakening 1 +010101111011101 mouth-stinging 1 +010101111011101 mine-detection 1 +010101111011101 military-commercial 1 +010101111011101 epistemological 1 +010101111011101 neo-Stalinist 1 +010101111011101 multi-multi-multimillion 1 +010101111011101 back-disability 1 +010101111011101 digest-size 1 +010101111011101 car-based 1 +010101111011101 traffic-cop 2 +010101111011101 single-class 2 +010101111011101 formula-determined 2 +010101111011101 pig-iron 2 +010101111011101 uproarious 2 +010101111011101 team-oriented 2 +010101111011101 pop-cultural 2 +010101111011101 still-fragile 2 +010101111011101 widepread 2 +010101111011101 nimbler 2 +010101111011101 chewed-up 2 +010101111011101 moonstruck 2 +010101111011101 cents-per-share 2 +010101111011101 personage 2 +010101111011101 still-larger 2 +010101111011101 starker 2 +010101111011101 string-bean 2 +010101111011101 lowercost 2 +010101111011101 far-removed 3 +010101111011101 tax-incentive 3 +010101111011101 bullheaded 3 +010101111011101 tonier 3 +010101111011101 recession-like 3 +010101111011101 telephonic 3 +010101111011101 still-lower 3 +010101111011101 northerly 3 +010101111011101 juridical 3 +010101111011101 plastic-foam 3 +010101111011101 meeker 3 +010101111011101 well-priced 4 +010101111011101 1,184 4 +010101111011101 sunnier 4 +010101111011101 timelier 4 +010101111011101 twice-daily 4 +010101111011101 under-leveraged 4 +010101111011101 deathlike 4 +010101111011101 longer-lasting 4 +010101111011101 ironical 5 +010101111011101 thornier 5 +010101111011101 wetter 5 +010101111011101 larger-than-anticipated 5 +010101111011101 glitzier 6 +010101111011101 well-coordinated 6 +010101111011101 more-lenient 6 +010101111011101 straighter 7 +010101111011101 desegregated 7 +010101111011101 hipper 8 +010101111011101 week-to-week 8 +010101111011101 graver 9 +010101111011101 sleeker 9 +010101111011101 lower-than-average 9 +010101111011101 tinier 10 +010101111011101 roomier 11 +010101111011101 skimpier 11 +010101111011101 bulkier 13 +010101111011101 broader-based 15 +010101111011101 drier 15 +010101111011101 pricier 16 +010101111011101 loftier 16 +010101111011101 brisker 17 +010101111011101 subtler 21 +010101111011101 swifter 22 +010101111011101 heftier 22 +010101111011101 sounder 22 +010101111011101 gloomier 24 +010101111011101 tamer 24 +010101111011101 rosier 32 +010101111011101 steadier 33 +010101111011101 fatter 43 +010101111011101 calmer 47 +010101111011101 shrunken 48 +010101111011101 fuller 53 +010101111011101 slimmer 56 +010101111011101 looser 57 +010101111011101 milder 63 +010101111011101 darker 68 +010101111011101 quieter 95 +010101111011101 steeper 101 +010101111011101 stiffer 118 +010101111011101 leaner 120 +010101111011101 freer 157 +010101111011101 softer 158 +010101111011101 healthier 163 +010101111011101 heavier 193 +010101111011101 sharper 199 +010101111011101 stricter 200 +010101111011101 lighter 201 +010101111011101 shorter 399 +010101111011101 narrower 402 +010101111011101 deeper 430 +010101111011101 tighter 561 +010101111011101 wider 798 +010101111011101 slower 1051 +010101111011101 weaker 1160 +010101111011101 broader 1510 +010101111011101 bigger 2124 +010101111011101 stronger 2269 +010101111011101 larger 3469 +010101111011101 smaller 4059 +010101111011101 greater 4157 +010101111011110 groundswells 1 +010101111011110 rapproachement 1 +010101111011110 Superego 1 +010101111011110 suasiveness 1 +010101111011110 tomates 1 +010101111011110 Libels 1 +010101111011110 IMIPs 1 +010101111011110 johnny-come-lately 1 +010101111011110 sappiness 1 +010101111011110 non-poaching 1 +010101111011110 simultaneous-translation 1 +010101111011110 roadmaps 1 +010101111011110 stunt-flying 1 +010101111011110 plans./But 1 +010101111011110 awnings 1 +010101111011110 Leaf-Burning 1 +010101111011110 leafburning 1 +010101111011110 Supersavers 1 +010101111011110 city-suburban 1 +010101111011110 pullet 1 +010101111011110 wisdom/Too 1 +010101111011110 Norn 1 +010101111011110 criss-cross 1 +010101111011110 hootch 1 +010101111011110 unsavory-looking 1 +010101111011110 Fluffinella 1 +010101111011110 reinitiates 1 +010101111011110 ship-to-satellite-to-allover-the-galaxy 1 +010101111011110 Atlanticist 1 +010101111011110 submarine-search 1 +010101111011110 choice. 1 +010101111011110 repeating. 1 +010101111011110 made-in-the-U.S. 1 +010101111011110 thin-slab 1 +010101111011110 swifty 1 +010101111011110 tenderfoot. 1 +010101111011110 Friedmanite 1 +010101111011110 Habitual 1 +010101111011110 pleasanter 1 +010101111011110 Kremlinological 1 +010101111011110 yucky 1 +010101111011110 mo 1 +010101111011110 interfacer 1 +010101111011110 counterproposals. 1 +010101111011110 gainsaying 1 +010101111011110 state-dictated 1 +010101111011110 inarguable 1 +010101111011110 Ecstasy 1 +010101111011110 owner-boss 1 +010101111011110 non-newspaper 1 +010101111011110 non-meat 1 +010101111011110 grown-up-sized 1 +010101111011110 self-disciplining 1 +010101111011110 crosssectional 1 +010101111011110 showstoppers 1 +010101111011110 stiff-haired 1 +010101111011110 self-deprecation 1 +010101111011110 prows 1 +010101111011110 quids 1 +010101111011110 explanation. 1 +010101111011110 in-and-outer 1 +010101111011110 Chin-Use 1 +010101111011110 pre-sorting 1 +010101111011110 truth-teller 1 +010101111011110 counteragents 1 +010101111011110 vertical-restraint 1 +010101111011110 dino 1 +010101111011110 majeures 1 +010101111011110 battered-fedora 1 +010101111011110 film-colorization 1 +010101111011110 geroscope 1 +010101111011110 gearshift 1 +010101111011110 megaseller 1 +010101111011110 wildlife-protection 1 +010101111011110 arroz 2 +010101111011110 playhouses 2 +010101111011110 administration-wide 2 +010101111011110 murmers 2 +010101111011110 brainer 2 +010101111011110 baptisms 2 +010101111011110 Greenwichers 2 +010101111011110 toxicities 2 +010101111011110 snots 2 +010101111011110 pickoff 2 +010101111011110 cakewalk 3 +010101111011110 flaks 3 +010101111011110 huzzahs 3 +010101111011110 mutagen 3 +010101111011110 commandments 4 +010101111011110 CITES 6 +010101111011110 deader 7 +010101111011110 slouches 8 +010101111011110 compunction 8 +010101111011110 mistaking 10 +010101111011110 rave 34 +010101111011110 majeure 47 +010101111011110 avail 79 +010101111011110 doubt 2237 +010101111011110 longer 4683 +010101111011111 pulse-racing 1 +010101111011111 pre-poll 1 +010101111011111 grain-policy 1 +010101111011111 22-foot-long 1 +010101111011111 maintenance-complaint 1 +010101111011111 Carter-style 1 +010101111011111 house-fire 1 +010101111011111 anti-disclosure 1 +010101111011111 Keatsian 1 +010101111011111 chemical-related 1 +010101111011111 uninterruptedly 1 +010101111011111 DISINTERMEDIATION 1 +010101111011111 drought-produced 1 +010101111011111 sausagelike 1 +010101111011111 equipment-design 1 +010101111011111 arresters 1 +010101111011111 missile-repair 1 +010101111011111 wire-tapped 1 +010101111011111 post-contest 1 +010101111011111 ad-page 1 +010101111011111 Renaults 1 +010101111011111 alcohol-labeling 1 +010101111011111 sea-level 1 +010101111011111 interregulatory 1 +010101111011111 perfumer 1 +010101111011111 barrier-crash 1 +010101111011111 phase-3 1 +010101111011111 more-strident 1 +010101111011111 union-instigated 1 +010101111011111 narcotics-laws 1 +010101111011111 Catholic-Jewish 1 +010101111011111 scatalogical 1 +010101111011111 munitions-plant 1 +010101111011111 acerbically 1 +010101111011111 closed-circuit-quality 1 +010101111011111 i2 1 +010101111011111 sphincter 1 +010101111011111 surface-mining 1 +010101111011111 police-issued 1 +010101111011111 tungsten-carbide 1 +010101111011111 sacred-cow 1 +010101111011111 preexisting 1 +010101111011111 plant-cell 1 +010101111011111 market-caused 1 +010101111011111 import-tariff 1 +010101111011111 Boeing-designed 1 +010101111011111 non-sale 1 +010101111011111 steel-galvanizing 1 +010101111011111 crop-enriching 1 +010101111011111 tax-vs.-book 1 +010101111011111 ice-skate 1 +010101111011111 ore-production 1 +010101111011111 bias-related 1 +010101111011111 lung-function 1 +010101111011111 premarket 1 +010101111011111 Feb.1 1 +010101111011111 engine-mount 1 +010101111011111 fancily 1 +010101111011111 simulation-facility 1 +010101111011111 as-yet-unrecognized 1 +010101111011111 domestic-inflation 1 +010101111011111 U.S.-Israel-Egyptian 1 +010101111011111 microwave-landing-system 1 +010101111011111 debtor-relief 1 +010101111011111 procurement-overhaul 1 +010101111011111 midnight-only 1 +010101111011111 sign-ordinance 1 +010101111011111 local-station 1 +010101111011111 real-estate-venture 1 +010101111011111 Egyptian-American 2 +010101111011111 biggger 2 +010101111011111 cumene 2 +010101111011111 furtheir 2 +010101111011111 bodily-injury 2 +010101111011111 cost-effectively 2 +010101111011111 probative 2 +010101111011111 elbow-to-elbow 2 +010101111011111 shorter-than-normal 2 +010101111011111 glasnost-related 2 +010101111011111 electrolytically 2 +010101111011111 sugar-price 2 +010101111011111 wide-based 2 +010101111011111 callously 2 +010101111011111 plea-bargained 2 +010101111011111 Nimby 3 +010101111011111 moped 3 +010101111011111 twenty-one 3 +010101111011111 more-stimulative 4 +010101111011111 permanent-resident 4 +010101111011111 jovially 4 +010101111011111 widowhood 4 +010101111011111 near-limit 5 +010101111011111 microscopically 6 +010101111011111 jauntily 6 +010101111011111 Chinese-style 6 +010101111011111 barrel-for-barrel 6 +010101111011111 hairline 9 +010101111011111 rightward 10 +010101111011111 futher 11 +010101111011111 wide-scale 11 +010101111011111 currency-related 13 +010101111011111 dollar-related 15 +010101111011111 pep 41 +010101111011111 limp 59 +010101111011111 staggered 131 +010101111011111 farther 212 +010101111011111 further 11087 +010101111011111 sour 297 +01010111110000 SOFTENS 1 +01010111110000 stock-bashing 1 +01010111110000 REAFFIRMED 1 +01010111110000 restocked 1 +01010111110000 envoke 1 +01010111110000 HOISTED 1 +01010111110000 reapproaching 1 +01010111110000 refracting 1 +01010111110000 co-mingled 1 +01010111110000 plasters 1 +01010111110000 dandling 1 +01010111110000 beseeching 1 +01010111110000 slathers 1 +01010111110000 manacled 1 +01010111110000 extrapolates 1 +01010111110000 internationalizes 1 +01010111110000 flame-broils 1 +01010111110000 enraptures 1 +01010111110000 evil-tempered-toaster 1 +01010111110000 recommenced 1 +01010111110000 lobs 1 +01010111110000 leap-frogged 1 +01010111110000 suffocates 1 +01010111110000 drubs 1 +01010111110000 splays 1 +01010111110000 VOIDED 1 +01010111110000 expunges 1 +01010111110000 SWEETENED 1 +01010111110000 fufilling 1 +01010111110000 acclaims 1 +01010111110000 overdrafted 1 +01010111110000 out-Dukakising 1 +01010111110000 poor-mouthing 1 +01010111110000 jumpstarted 1 +01010111110000 unstrapped 2 +01010111110000 rolled-back 2 +01010111110000 twiddled 2 +01010111110000 BOOSTED 2 +01010111110000 aborts 2 +01010111110000 wended 2 +01010111110000 out-gunned 2 +01010111110000 unsheathing 2 +01010111110000 misdelivered 2 +01010111110000 deadened 2 +01010111110000 disordering 2 +01010111110000 relived 3 +01010111110000 prostituted 3 +01010111110000 gritted 3 +01010111110000 reassuming 3 +01010111110000 arbitraged 3 +01010111110000 re-edited 3 +01010111110000 burnishing 4 +01010111110000 mends 4 +01010111110000 discontinues 4 +01010111110000 disconcerted 4 +01010111110000 overexpanded 5 +01010111110000 publicizes 5 +01010111110000 revisiting 5 +01010111110000 bided 5 +01010111110000 renounces 5 +01010111110000 underplayed 5 +01010111110000 shirked 6 +01010111110000 rejiggered 6 +01010111110000 flexes 6 +01010111110000 allays 7 +01010111110000 stubbed 7 +01010111110000 redoubled 8 +01010111110000 comprehended 8 +01010111110000 downsized 9 +01010111110000 inactivated 9 +01010111110000 reinstituted 9 +01010111110000 curtails 9 +01010111110000 sweetens 10 +01010111110000 rears 11 +01010111110000 flexed 11 +01010111110000 underreported 11 +01010111110000 telegraphed 11 +01010111110000 redrawn 11 +01010111110000 subcontracted 12 +01010111110000 overcomes 12 +01010111110000 legitimized 12 +01010111110000 inflates 13 +01010111110000 reconfirmed 14 +01010111110000 recalculated 15 +01010111110000 overstepped 16 +01010111110000 outlived 16 +01010111110000 stoked 16 +01010111110000 revalued 16 +01010111110000 abdicated 20 +01010111110000 overshot 21 +01010111110000 redirected 22 +01010111110000 upped 23 +01010111110000 broadens 25 +01010111110000 refocused 26 +01010111110000 solidified 27 +01010111110000 reclaimed 27 +01010111110000 stiffened 27 +01010111110000 quickened 29 +01010111110000 rearranged 29 +01010111110000 monopolized 29 +01010111110000 reshuffled 31 +01010111110000 exaggerates 32 +01010111110000 evaded 36 +01010111110000 ceded 37 +01010111110000 forfeited 40 +01010111110000 tightens 48 +01010111110000 sharpened 51 +01010111110000 moderated 54 +01010111110000 toughened 55 +01010111110000 overestimated 58 +01010111110000 realigned 62 +01010111110000 loosened 73 +01010111110000 rekindled 77 +01010111110000 overhauled 78 +01010111110000 lessened 87 +01010111110000 disallowed 99 +01010111110000 relinquished 108 +01010111110000 devalued 112 +01010111110000 misrepresented 125 +01010111110000 shortened 131 +01010111110000 waived 133 +01010111110000 escalated 135 +01010111110000 rescheduled 138 +01010111110000 halved 139 +01010111110000 revamped 146 +01010111110000 pared 157 +01010111110000 curbed 161 +01010111110000 overstated 169 +01010111110000 broadened 169 +01010111110000 softened 177 +01010111110000 curtailed 205 +01010111110000 expands 219 +01010111110000 breached 258 +01010111110000 omitted 274 +01010111110000 reaffirmed 280 +01010111110000 eroded 295 +01010111110000 intensified 333 +01010111110000 affirmed 349 +01010111110000 revived 370 +01010111110000 inflated 406 +01010111110000 tightened 407 +01010111110000 upgraded 439 +01010111110000 altered 445 +01010111110000 restructured 485 +01010111110000 trimmed 487 +01010111110000 slashed 534 +01010111110000 strengthened 544 +01010111110000 downgraded 561 +01010111110000 accelerated 609 +01010111110000 amended 638 +01010111110000 lifted 732 +01010111110000 withdrew 931 +01010111110000 abandoned 969 +01010111110000 boosted 1991 +01010111110000 lowered 2064 +01010111110000 extended 2360 +01010111110000 reduced 4776 +01010111110000 raised 6447 +010101111100010 Operating-unit 1 +010101111100010 4000-point 1 +010101111100010 80-days 1 +010101111100010 550point 1 +010101111100010 Garbo-like 1 +010101111100010 PREDICT 1 +010101111100010 eye-of-newt 1 +010101111100010 ecclesiastic 1 +010101111100010 Barnum-like 1 +010101111100010 87-point 1 +010101111100010 state-orchestrated 1 +010101111100010 sextupled 1 +010101111100010 hard-resource 1 +010101111100010 1.5-pfennig 1 +010101111100010 OUTLINED 1 +010101111100010 38-point 1 +010101111100010 one-third-or 1 +010101111100010 investment-market 1 +010101111100010 inferable 1 +010101111100010 hix 1 +010101111100010 Hooveresque 1 +010101111100010 hyper-American 1 +010101111100010 per-share-earnings 1 +010101111100010 deviant 1 +010101111100010 incentive-fueled 1 +010101111100010 50-cities 1 +010101111100010 nine-fold 1 +010101111100010 compulsiveness 1 +010101111100010 snowbound 2 +010101111100010 1,237 2 +010101111100010 50-fold 2 +010101111100010 genuflects 2 +010101111100010 16-fold 2 +010101111100010 daydreaming 3 +010101111100010 ingenuously 3 +010101111100010 44-point 3 +010101111100010 deified 4 +010101111100010 twelvefold 5 +010101111100010 three-fold 6 +010101111100010 six-fold 7 +010101111100010 five-fold 15 +010101111100010 ninefold 16 +010101111100010 quintupled 26 +010101111100010 eightfold 28 +010101111100010 sevenfold 33 +010101111100010 threefold 41 +010101111100010 trebled 48 +010101111100010 fourfold 59 +010101111100010 sixfold 63 +010101111100010 tenfold 79 +010101111100010 fivefold 97 +010101111100010 quadrupled 143 +010101111100010 swelled 210 +010101111100010 shrank 244 +010101111100010 tripled 536 +010101111100010 widened 931 +010101111100010 narrowed 1099 +010101111100010 continued 7182 +010101111100010 doubled 1645 +010101111100011 KILLS 1 +010101111100011 reregistered 1 +010101111100011 revenue.The 1 +010101111100011 Reviewed 1 +010101111100011 demand-pull 1 +010101111100011 skilled-labor 1 +010101111100011 surprisedItalian 1 +010101111100011 film-looking 1 +010101111100011 generating-plant 1 +010101111100011 university-funded 1 +010101111100011 PURSUED 1 +010101111100011 Colorful 1 +010101111100011 full-height 2 +010101111100011 tooth-and-nail 2 +010101111100011 nonrecoverable 2 +010101111100011 xenon 2 +010101111100011 progestin 2 +010101111100011 artists. 2 +010101111100011 off-kilter 2 +010101111100011 liberalizes 4 +010101111100011 maximal 4 +010101111100011 misallocated 7 +010101111100011 lengthened 45 +010101111100011 decreased 462 +010101111100011 expanded 1888 +010101111100011 increased 12486 +010101111100011 improved 3021 +010101111100100 Fiberweb 1 +010101111100100 TULIPS 1 +010101111100100 WALKS 1 +010101111100100 cash-discount 1 +010101111100100 MMI. 1 +010101111100100 REPRESENT 1 +010101111100100 KNOXVILLE 1 +010101111100100 BRITANNIA 1 +010101111100100 NWIB. 1 +010101111100100 Exits 1 +010101111100100 EXPORTED 1 +010101111100100 SUSTAINS 1 +010101111100100 THUNDER 1 +010101111100100 OECD. 1 +010101111100100 Decemeber 1 +010101111100100 2727 1 +010101111100100 MIDWESTERN 1 +010101111100100 DRG. 1 +010101111100100 sur 1 +010101111100100 CONCERTS 1 +010101111100100 CIE 1 +010101111100100 PRODUCTIVITY 1 +010101111100100 COUNTS. 1 +010101111100100 REDUCES 1 +010101111100100 CONFLICTS 1 +010101111100100 Cronista 1 +010101111100100 DISTINGUISHES 1 +010101111100100 Upturn 1 +010101111100100 BOOMING 1 +010101111100100 Squandering 1 +010101111100100 EVENING 1 +010101111100100 Verenigd 1 +010101111100100 SHUFFLED 1 +010101111100100 million-ayear 1 +010101111100100 Coke-Classic 1 +010101111100100 WELCOME 1 +010101111100100 ATTRACTED 1 +010101111100100 OUTDOORSY 1 +010101111100100 TRAFFICKING 1 +010101111100100 post-authoritarian 1 +010101111100100 GEMAYEL 1 +010101111100100 BATTERED 1 +010101111100100 PRI. 1 +010101111100100 Abkhazskiy 1 +010101111100100 UNVEILS 1 +010101111100100 air-sampling 1 +010101111100100 anti-Sununu 1 +010101111100100 HUNG 1 +010101111100100 COURT. 1 +010101111100100 still-favorable 1 +010101111100100 Retrench 1 +010101111100100 16-cent 1 +010101111100100 AWARDED 1 +010101111100100 MULLS 1 +010101111100100 construction-safety 1 +010101111100100 CARES 1 +010101111100100 tight-spending 1 +010101111100100 COURTED 1 +010101111100100 SHOPPER 1 +010101111100100 REIGNED 1 +010101111100100 Loaded 1 +010101111100100 RVI. 1 +010101111100100 GUYS 1 +010101111100100 PAID. 1 +010101111100100 NCPAC. 1 +010101111100100 Rittenhouse 1 +010101111100100 WMAL 1 +010101111100100 TOA 1 +010101111100100 HAPAG 1 +010101111100100 MEXICANA 1 +010101111100100 AFRIC 1 +010101111100100 STARFISH 1 +010101111100100 BYZANTINE 1 +010101111100100 CHOCOLATES 1 +010101111100100 Tyril 1 +010101111100100 NOTE. 1 +010101111100100 WROTE 1 +010101111100100 UNDERWRITING 1 +010101111100100 CAPITOL 1 +010101111100100 TRASH. 1 +010101111100100 VIDEO. 1 +010101111100100 Cash-Rich 1 +010101111100100 LAUNCHES 1 +010101111100100 TEMPER 1 +010101111100100 OBTAINED 1 +010101111100100 Thigh-high 1 +010101111100100 BATTERY 1 +010101111100100 ENABLED 1 +010101111100100 CREATE 1 +010101111100100 COCKATOO 1 +010101111100100 TOE 1 +010101111100100 LOAN. 1 +010101111100100 IMPRESSIVE 1 +010101111100100 feed-mixing 1 +010101111100100 40-49 1 +010101111100100 Unquiet 1 +010101111100100 Jars 1 +010101111100100 HELP-WANTED 1 +010101111100100 MANDATING 1 +010101111100100 FINED 1 +010101111100100 STRENGTHENS 1 +010101111100100 IT. 1 +010101111100100 ATROCITY. 1 +010101111100100 ALTERED 1 +010101111100100 TASKS 1 +010101111100100 Hebgen 1 +010101111100100 ABDUCTED 1 +010101111100100 WOR. 1 +010101111100100 RE-ENTERED 1 +010101111100100 MEDITERRANEAN 1 +010101111100100 6-sized 1 +010101111100100 below/ 1 +010101111100100 FAHD 1 +010101111100100 easels 1 +010101111100100 FINISHED 1 +010101111100100 NETWORKS 1 +010101111100100 SUPPORTED 1 +010101111100100 TRIED 1 +010101111100100 single-used-car 1 +010101111100100 PAOLO 1 +010101111100100 SENDS 1 +010101111100100 Bait-and-Switch 1 +010101111100100 SUBMITTED 1 +010101111100100 RESPONSIBILITY 1 +010101111100100 PATROL 1 +010101111100100 Work-Study 1 +010101111100100 BANDWAGON 1 +010101111100100 People-brand 1 +010101111100100 -white 1 +010101111100100 INTENDED 1 +010101111100100 UNDERCUT 1 +010101111100100 Malivai 1 +010101111100100 ESPANOLA 1 +010101111100100 HARDLY 1 +010101111100100 LABELS 1 +010101111100100 DRI. 1 +010101111100100 STOKE 1 +010101111100100 145,831 1 +010101111100100 TRAIT 1 +010101111100100 octopus-like 1 +010101111100100 -black 1 +010101111100100 perceivable 1 +010101111100100 POLITBURO 1 +010101111100100 PLANT-CLOSINGS 1 +010101111100100 Leninism. 1 +010101111100100 RAIDED 1 +010101111100100 BROADENS 1 +010101111100100 Projets 1 +010101111100100 Angelika 1 +010101111100100 NOTION 1 +010101111100100 HEADHUNTERS 1 +010101111100100 FMP 1 +010101111100100 newly-constructed 1 +010101111100100 TRIM 1 +010101111100100 Milken. 1 +010101111100100 Dakins 1 +010101111100100 thousand-plus 1 +010101111100100 146,268 1 +010101111100100 GRINTEN 1 +010101111100100 GENERALES 1 +010101111100100 NEGATIVE 1 +010101111100100 18,715 1 +010101111100100 672,471 1 +010101111100100 CLAMPED 1 +010101111100100 certain. 1 +010101111100100 McCay 1 +010101111100100 ion-implanting 1 +010101111100100 VW-b 1 +010101111100100 TRUMAN 1 +010101111100100 SOFTENED 1 +010101111100100 POPULATION 1 +010101111100100 SEVENTH 1 +010101111100100 ULTRAFAST 1 +010101111100100 INFINITI 1 +010101111100100 JOKE. 1 +010101111100100 1/2-by-11 1 +010101111100100 KUMBLE 1 +010101111100100 DIVISION 1 +010101111100100 SPEYER 1 +010101111100100 DEVICE 1 +010101111100100 141,967 1 +010101111100100 TRIMMED 1 +010101111100100 4,072 1 +010101111100100 Plots 1 +010101111100100 INSTALLED 1 +010101111100100 THWARTED 1 +010101111100100 ALL-PURPOSE 1 +010101111100100 FREES 1 +010101111100100 TILL 1 +010101111100100 COUNTERS 1 +010101111100100 DURANT 1 +010101111100100 CARGO 1 +010101111100100 RELOCATING 1 +010101111100100 ARMY 1 +010101111100100 62,430 1 +010101111100100 138,407 1 +010101111100100 ENCOURAGED 1 +010101111100100 DRAMATIC 1 +010101111100100 DENVER-BASED 1 +010101111100100 BLUE-PENCIL 1 +010101111100100 SX. 1 +010101111100100 chalet 1 +010101111100100 11-TON 1 +010101111100100 +53.8 1 +010101111100100 48,908 1 +010101111100100 67,478 1 +010101111100100 94,151 1 +010101111100100 77,987 1 +010101111100100 101,720 1 +010101111100100 16,563 1 +010101111100100 26,224 1 +010101111100100 -67.2 1 +010101111100100 -72.7 1 +010101111100100 3,504 1 +010101111100100 23,496 1 +010101111100100 3,594,930 1 +010101111100100 2,651,496 1 +010101111100100 434,429 1 +010101111100100 KAYCLIFF 1 +010101111100100 1,533,180 1 +010101111100100 CHG 1 +010101111100100 COLUMNIST 1 +010101111100100 973,252 1 +010101111100100 POUNDED 1 +010101111100100 3,433 1 +010101111100100 LIKED 1 +010101111100100 KLLM 1 +010101111100100 Attorneys-at-Large 1 +010101111100100 non-amortizing 1 +010101111100100 IMPEACHED 1 +010101111100100 VETOED 1 +010101111100100 Bouwer 1 +010101111100100 Democratizing 1 +010101111100100 139,605 1 +010101111100100 5,525 1 +010101111100100 Amiloride 1 +010101111100100 life-in-the-year-2000 1 +010101111100100 Muncho 1 +010101111100100 SCHEDULE 1 +010101111100100 Knocked 1 +010101111100100 1/2-by-11-inch 1 +010101111100100 Software-and-service 1 +010101111100100 EASES 1 +010101111100100 environing 1 +010101111100100 SKIPPED 1 +010101111100100 hydrophones 1 +010101111100100 14,913 1 +010101111100100 4,544 1 +010101111100100 rule-like 1 +010101111100100 12,460 1 +010101111100100 18,296 1 +010101111100100 EX-OFFICIALS 1 +010101111100100 26,006 1 +010101111100100 26,029 1 +010101111100100 +113.8 1 +010101111100100 regime. 1 +010101111100100 Wastrel 1 +010101111100100 7,695,583 1 +010101111100100 3,648,178 1 +010101111100100 ZIA 1 +010101111100100 Nagorno-Karabakh. 1 +010101111100100 bid-offered 1 +010101111100100 communications- 1 +010101111100100 maudlin. 1 +010101111100100 BURNISH 1 +010101111100100 Chrysler-a 1 +010101111100100 Ford-a 1 +010101111100100 Mazda-a 1 +010101111100100 VW-a 1 +010101111100100 Honda-a 1 +010101111100100 Nissan-a 1 +010101111100100 Toyota-a 1 +010101111100100 MITSUBISHI-c 1 +010101111100100 3,821 1 +010101111100100 11,436 1 +010101111100100 8,042 1 +010101111100100 5,972,969 1 +010101111100100 3,047 1 +010101111100100 18,089 1 +010101111100100 40,285 1 +010101111100100 10,142 1 +010101111100100 13,347 1 +010101111100100 22,245 1 +010101111100100 Drogerias 1 +010101111100100 12/31/88 1 +010101111100100 Perro 1 +010101111100100 465,805 1 +010101111100100 498,621 1 +010101111100100 208,966 1 +010101111100100 Ruisdael. 1 +010101111100100 104,138 1 +010101111100100 266,630 1 +010101111100100 1,561,770 1 +010101111100100 4,215,448 1 +010101111100100 80,301 1 +010101111100100 88,723 1 +010101111100100 63,074 1 +010101111100100 49,887 1 +010101111100100 111,175 1 +010101111100100 85,029 1 +010101111100100 period. 1 +010101111100100 512,017 1 +010101111100100 1,365,631 1 +010101111100100 452,955 1 +010101111100100 373,754 1 +010101111100100 3,361,262 1 +010101111100100 SHUT 1 +010101111100100 2,280,626 1 +010101111100100 60,947 1 +010101111100100 78,391 1 +010101111100100 42,192 1 +010101111100100 57,935 1 +010101111100100 111,888 1 +010101111100100 211,247 1 +010101111100100 109,477 1 +010101111100100 1,162,611 1 +010101111100100 Cars-a 1 +010101111100100 101,817 1 +010101111100100 3,028,467 1 +010101111100100 479,746 1 +010101111100100 41,071 1 +010101111100100 84,387 1 +010101111100100 Composer/Orchestra 1 +010101111100100 Pripps 1 +010101111100100 ESCAPED 1 +010101111100100 out-plunging 1 +010101111100100 Quickie 1 +010101111100100 bitch-goddess 1 +010101111100100 non-Italian-looking 1 +010101111100100 Corp./Central 1 +010101111100100 Pepper/Seven 1 +010101111100100 134,924 1 +010101111100100 Nissan- 1 +010101111100100 7,454 1 +010101111100100 LAUNCHER 1 +010101111100100 Missile-warning 1 +010101111100100 BGR 1 +010101111100100 7,227 1 +010101111100100 32,372 1 +010101111100100 price-47 1 +010101111100100 RULERS 1 +010101111100100 TUNGSTEN 1 +010101111100100 DISPLAYED 1 +010101111100100 SETTING 1 +010101111100100 -10.3 1 +010101111100100 MAVERICK 1 +010101111100100 29,710 1 +010101111100100 +0.5 1 +010101111100100 ELWOOD 1 +010101111100100 UPROAR 1 +010101111100100 EXTRAVAGANZA 1 +010101111100100 WWL-TV 1 +010101111100100 TURNS 1 +010101111100100 PROMOTE 1 +010101111100100 SIMPLIFY 1 +010101111100100 All-You-Can-Eat 1 +010101111100100 COPY 1 +010101111100100 -34.4 1 +010101111100100 +23.8 1 +010101111100100 +28.3 1 +010101111100100 +39.7 1 +010101111100100 +14.3 1 +010101111100100 +14.7 1 +010101111100100 +19.5 1 +010101111100100 +108 1 +010101111100100 Abortions 1 +010101111100100 SEIZES 1 +010101111100100 LISA 1 +010101111100100 UPON 1 +010101111100100 Changjang 1 +010101111100100 DVM 1 +010101111100100 Langrehr 1 +010101111100100 matif 1 +010101111100100 INFRARED 1 +010101111100100 KISZCZAK 1 +010101111100100 THROUGH 1 +010101111100100 OBSCURE 1 +010101111100100 CORP 2 +010101111100100 KWIK 2 +010101111100100 RETURNED 2 +010101111100100 filler-cap 2 +010101111100100 SUSPECT 2 +010101111100100 Chand 2 +010101111100100 89,396 2 +010101111100100 AUTHORIZED 2 +010101111100100 URGES 2 +010101111100100 Showbiz 2 +010101111100100 LM 2 +010101111100100 -financing 2 +010101111100100 post-1979 2 +010101111100100 LOCATION 2 +010101111100100 Gonna 2 +010101111100100 Contl 2 +010101111100100 80,000-seat 2 +010101111100100 OTOMOBIL 2 +010101111100100 -14.5 2 +010101111100100 Industrikredit 2 +010101111100100 ALIENS 2 +010101111100100 APPROVES 2 +010101111100100 WORTH 2 +010101111100100 PRECISELY 2 +010101111100100 -10.2 2 +010101111100100 Signor 2 +010101111100100 DONE 2 +010101111100100 NOMINATION 2 +010101111100100 RAISED 2 +010101111100100 SIMPLE 2 +010101111100100 Defends 2 +010101111100100 WRITES 2 +010101111100100 NOMINATED 2 +010101111100100 DESCRIBED 2 +010101111100100 CAPTURED 2 +010101111100100 DEBATED 2 +010101111100100 Crispy 2 +010101111100100 Panty 2 +010101111100100 LIFTED 2 +010101111100100 Multi-Action 2 +010101111100100 HOLDS 2 +010101111100100 NAPA 2 +010101111100100 WITHHELD 2 +010101111100100 PAN. 2 +010101111100100 LARGEST 2 +010101111100100 ERA. 2 +010101111100100 INCREASE 2 +010101111100100 4,600-page 2 +010101111100100 then-fledgling 2 +010101111100100 CID. 2 +010101111100100 Stimulate 2 +010101111100100 EXTEND 2 +010101111100100 REJECTS 2 +010101111100100 soon-to-debut 2 +010101111100100 Reassess 2 +010101111100100 SIT 2 +010101111100100 sky-lit 2 +010101111100100 Multi 2 +010101111100100 SVERIGE 2 +010101111100100 PRESSES 2 +010101111100100 SURVIVED 2 +010101111100100 waybill 2 +010101111100100 Clarify 2 +010101111100100 GROCERY 2 +010101111100100 SEES 2 +010101111100100 ACCELERATE 2 +010101111100100 Vinh 2 +010101111100100 FUNDS. 2 +010101111100100 Pregnancies 2 +010101111100100 SCORES 2 +010101111100100 TENANTS 2 +010101111100100 POSTED 2 +010101111100100 Yugo-b 3 +010101111100100 DIVIDE 3 +010101111100100 Daihatsu-b 3 +010101111100100 Porsche-b 3 +010101111100100 e-Melville 3 +010101111100100 d-May 3 +010101111100100 c-Sears 3 +010101111100100 f-Limited 3 +010101111100100 g-Ames 3 +010101111100100 MEET 3 +010101111100100 GOES 3 +010101111100100 M.V. 3 +010101111100100 BIGGEST 3 +010101111100100 Fncl 3 +010101111100100 PMDB. 3 +010101111100100 Subtotals 3 +010101111100100 Restructure 3 +010101111100100 Topped 3 +010101111100100 EXTENDED 3 +010101111100100 JOINS 3 +010101111100100 KNEW 3 +010101111100100 a-Includes 3 +010101111100100 TRANSFER 3 +010101111100100 LOSING 3 +010101111100100 pre-divestiture 3 +010101111100100 POSTPONED 3 +010101111100100 STANDARDS 3 +010101111100100 JOINED 3 +010101111100100 Scimed 3 +010101111100100 JFA 3 +010101111100100 DROPPED 3 +010101111100100 Tyrannosaurus 3 +010101111100100 Cross-Blue 3 +010101111100100 Galeries 3 +010101111100100 ICC. 3 +010101111100100 KEEPS 3 +010101111100100 TEAMS 3 +010101111100100 Quarry 3 +010101111100100 EASE 3 +010101111100100 ENTERED 3 +010101111100100 DAMAGED 3 +010101111100100 close-in 3 +010101111100100 Redneck 3 +010101111100100 CRITICIZED 3 +010101111100100 REIT. 3 +010101111100100 EXPELLED 3 +010101111100100 million.The 3 +010101111100100 Hokey-Pokey 3 +010101111100100 FREED 3 +010101111100100 COMMUNISTS 3 +010101111100100 150-room 3 +010101111100100 UNO. 3 +010101111100100 LEADS 3 +010101111100100 FIND 4 +010101111100100 TAKES 4 +010101111100100 NRC. 4 +010101111100100 9,450 4 +010101111100100 CSX. 4 +010101111100100 800-unit 4 +010101111100100 aux 4 +010101111100100 ASKED 4 +010101111100100 COMPLETED 4 +010101111100100 INCOME. 4 +010101111100100 commons 4 +010101111100100 MAKES 4 +010101111100100 Residencies 4 +010101111100100 RENEWED 5 +010101111100100 PUERTO 5 +010101111100100 FCC. 5 +010101111100100 TOTALS 5 +010101111100100 SUBTOTALS 5 +010101111100100 KGB. 5 +010101111100100 INC 5 +010101111100100 ANC. 5 +010101111100100 BULL 5 +010101111100100 ELECTED 5 +010101111100100 THOUGHT 5 +010101111100100 CLOSED 5 +010101111100100 GETS 5 +010101111100100 SELL 5 +010101111100100 TOOK 5 +010101111100100 post-1997 6 +010101111100100 MADE 6 +010101111100100 ALSO 6 +010101111100100 z 6 +010101111100100 THAN 6 +010101111100100 FAA. 6 +010101111100100 DEFIED 6 +010101111100100 ACCUSED 6 +010101111100100 INS. 6 +010101111100100 DISMISSED 6 +010101111100100 LEAD 6 +010101111100100 THINK 7 +010101111100100 NAMED 7 +010101111100100 LONSDALE 7 +010101111100100 WINS 7 +010101111100100 HIT 7 +010101111100100 EMS. 7 +010101111100100 GIVE 8 +010101111100100 CLEARED 8 +010101111100100 SEE 8 +010101111100100 Draw 8 +010101111100100 FEAR 8 +010101111100100 FOUND 8 +010101111100100 ENDED 8 +010101111100100 WOULD 8 +010101111100100 KEEP 9 +010101111100100 ACCEPTED 9 +010101111100100 LOST 9 +010101111100100 FACE 9 +010101111100100 Cross/Blue 9 +010101111100100 SAYS 10 +010101111100100 HAD 11 +010101111100100 Become 11 +010101111100100 EC. 11 +010101111100100 FDIC. 12 +010101111100100 PER 13 +010101111100100 Reflects 14 +010101111100100 IMF. 15 +010101111100100 PROPOSED 16 +010101111100100 GET 16 +010101111100100 Sing 16 +010101111100100 URGED 18 +010101111100100 not-too-distant 19 +010101111100100 INDUSTRY 21 +010101111100100 forseeable 24 +010101111100100 Gets 24 +010101111100100 BE 34 +010101111100100 SEC. 49 +010101111100100 L.M. 69 +010101111100100 Includes 86 +010101111100100 WAS 88 +010101111100100 overlooking 133 +010101111100100 foreseeable 181 +010101111100100 en 205 +010101111100100 Dalkon 359 +010101111100100 * 424 +010101111100100 OF 482 +010101111100100 'S 955 +010101111100100 near 4957 +010101111100100 @ 1356 +0101011111001010 Originale 1 +0101011111001010 Pembrokeshire 1 +0101011111001010 Ososky 1 +0101011111001010 Wildcatter 1 +0101011111001010 lower-case 1 +0101011111001010 Safetytech 1 +0101011111001010 Dillenia 1 +0101011111001010 preemptively 1 +0101011111001010 post-Roe 1 +0101011111001010 nigger-loving 1 +0101011111001010 NTEU 1 +0101011111001010 1,270-acre 1 +0101011111001010 8256C 1 +0101011111001010 oki 1 +0101011111001010 Internationalism 1 +0101011111001010 Vanna. 1 +0101011111001010 Panagiotis 1 +0101011111001010 implementations 1 +0101011111001010 buah 1 +0101011111001010 Froot 1 +0101011111001010 white-wine 1 +0101011111001010 alle 1 +0101011111001010 Fullilove 1 +0101011111001010 Kota 1 +0101011111001010 Hansjoerg 1 +0101011111001010 Lemmings 1 +0101011111001010 va-va-voom 1 +0101011111001010 surnamed 1 +0101011111001010 Blackledge 1 +0101011111001010 you-can't-be-serious 1 +0101011111001010 Pippi 1 +0101011111001010 Hirudo 1 +0101011111001010 semicomatose 1 +0101011111001010 boathouse 1 +0101011111001010 2,865 1 +0101011111001010 Calero-Toledo 1 +0101011111001010 higher-priced-and 1 +0101011111001010 androgenetic 1 +0101011111001010 irrationalist 1 +0101011111001010 60-passenger 1 +0101011111001010 Narcisa 1 +0101011111001010 +9.7 1 +0101011111001010 Shapour 1 +0101011111001010 unstimulated 1 +0101011111001010 Katsura 1 +0101011111001010 Rondanini 1 +0101011111001010 chocolate-scented 1 +0101011111001010 Byon 1 +0101011111001010 Cruzan 1 +0101011111001010 Preseault 1 +0101011111001010 futures-driven 1 +0101011111001010 Hungarian-gypsy 1 +0101011111001010 Tidy 1 +0101011111001010 Clardy 1 +0101011111001010 McGonagle 1 +0101011111001010 once-ignored 1 +0101011111001010 Chenopodium 1 +0101011111001010 Nejat 1 +0101011111001010 Dumri 1 +0101011111001010 mid-game 1 +0101011111001010 Breedlove 1 +0101011111001010 represses 1 +0101011111001010 Norddeutscher 1 +0101011111001010 Togh 1 +0101011111001010 prostrated 2 +0101011111001010 Ampara 2 +0101011111001010 co-located 2 +0101011111001010 ths 2 +0101011111001010 Pseudomonas 2 +0101011111001010 sacramental 3 +0101011111001010 Boilermakers 3 +0101011111001010 corking 3 +0101011111001010 constr. 3 +0101011111001010 bldg. 3 +0101011111001010 c' 3 +0101011111001010 pivoting 3 +0101011111001010 short-staffed 3 +0101011111001010 1,358 3 +0101011111001010 KMT. 3 +0101011111001010 cannabis 3 +0101011111001010 renegotiates 3 +0101011111001010 Pliny 3 +0101011111001010 Barneveld 3 +0101011111001010 pre-eminently 4 +0101011111001010 C-plus 4 +0101011111001010 400-plus 4 +0101011111001010 pouting 4 +0101011111001010 off-camera 4 +0101011111001010 untethered 4 +0101011111001010 strong-armed 4 +0101011111001010 schizoid 4 +0101011111001010 .400 4 +0101011111001010 defrocked 5 +0101011111001010 brutalizing 5 +0101011111001010 jazzier 5 +0101011111001010 Pennell 5 +0101011111001010 Plessy 5 +0101011111001010 backlogged 5 +0101011111001010 miscalculating 5 +0101011111001010 nonideological 5 +0101011111001010 disbelieving 6 +0101011111001010 authenticated 6 +0101011111001010 vis 6 +0101011111001010 Chat 7 +0101011111001010 arching 7 +0101011111001010 headlining 7 +0101011111001010 radiating 7 +0101011111001010 sprained 8 +0101011111001010 oversimplified 8 +0101011111001010 twinkling 8 +0101011111001010 Deck 9 +0101011111001010 Delphic 9 +0101011111001010 exonerating 9 +0101011111001010 Perce 9 +0101011111001010 re 10 +0101011111001010 Kemner 10 +0101011111001010 Y' 10 +0101011111001010 bleeping 10 +0101011111001010 adored 10 +0101011111001010 unhinged 11 +0101011111001010 superseding 11 +0101011111001010 o 11 +0101011111001010 whirling 12 +0101011111001010 solder 13 +0101011111001010 resplendent 13 +0101011111001010 scripted 14 +0101011111001010 capsized 14 +0101011111001010 premiering 15 +0101011111001010 n' 15 +0101011111001010 kneeling 15 +0101011111001010 sculpted 16 +0101011111001010 telexed 16 +0101011111001010 indentured 16 +0101011111001010 B.A. 16 +0101011111001010 thumping 16 +0101011111001010 photocopied 16 +0101011111001010 arched 16 +0101011111001010 Oskar 16 +0101011111001010 blaring 19 +0101011111001010 C' 20 +0101011111001010 meandering 20 +0101011111001010 respecting 21 +0101011111001010 billowing 22 +0101011111001010 Hun 23 +0101011111001010 Merlin 24 +0101011111001010 cushioning 25 +0101011111001010 ballyhooed 27 +0101011111001010 festering 27 +0101011111001010 paralyzing 29 +0101011111001010 tape-recorded 33 +0101011111001010 admiring 37 +0101011111001010 rotting 38 +0101011111001010 botched 42 +0101011111001010 trusting 42 +0101011111001010 unmatched 44 +0101011111001010 shattering 45 +0101011111001010 typed 46 +0101011111001010 shredded 47 +0101011111001010 mishandled 48 +0101011111001010 contrasting 49 +0101011111001010 floundering 49 +0101011111001010 Ming 50 +0101011111001010 gripping 61 +0101011111001010 hijacked 62 +0101011111001010 dot 65 +0101011111001010 haunting 66 +0101011111001010 dreaded 69 +0101011111001010 piecemeal 96 +0101011111001010 deposed 135 +0101011111001010 taped 136 +0101011111001010 coveted 139 +0101011111001010 looming 147 +0101011111001010 departing 171 +0101011111001010 outlawed 172 +0101011111001010 contested 285 +0101011111001010 scattered 303 +0101011111001010 celebrated 315 +0101011111001010 pronounced 327 +0101011111001010 bearing 455 +0101011111001010 printed 498 +0101011111001010 governing 580 +0101011111001010 disputed 693 +0101011111001010 repeated 1117 +0101011111001010 retired 2053 +0101011111001010 pending 3042 +0101011111001010 -LCB- 4150 +0101011111001011 star-television 1 +0101011111001011 exchange-of-trade 1 +0101011111001011 236,515,128 1 +0101011111001011 ship-pricing 1 +0101011111001011 dose-response 1 +0101011111001011 2,116,000 1 +0101011111001011 already-reeling 1 +0101011111001011 income-tax-return 1 +0101011111001011 value-increasing 1 +0101011111001011 flight-scheduling 1 +0101011111001011 technical-minded 1 +0101011111001011 107,163 1 +0101011111001011 2,269,000 1 +0101011111001011 3,161,900 1 +0101011111001011 annualizing 1 +0101011111001011 as-yet-unordered 1 +0101011111001011 E/S 1 +0101011111001011 heart-monitor 1 +0101011111001011 Communist-infiltrated 1 +0101011111001011 hospital-bond 1 +0101011111001011 tax-fighting 1 +0101011111001011 little-visited 1 +0101011111001011 97.89 1 +0101011111001011 reframing 1 +0101011111001011 child-resistant 1 +0101011111001011 state-related 1 +0101011111001011 telephone-supported 1 +0101011111001011 85-foot 1 +0101011111001011 2,307,000 1 +0101011111001011 not-so-shimmering 1 +0101011111001011 non-stolen 1 +0101011111001011 now-departed 1 +0101011111001011 private-network 1 +0101011111001011 product-usage 1 +0101011111001011 youth-organization 1 +0101011111001011 health-use 1 +0101011111001011 gadgeteer 1 +0101011111001011 non-Southam 1 +0101011111001011 stretch-drive 1 +0101011111001011 athletic-conference 1 +0101011111001011 baseball-playing 1 +0101011111001011 terrorist-sponsoring 1 +0101011111001011 health-survey 1 +0101011111001011 business-sector 1 +0101011111001011 federal-agency 1 +0101011111001011 1,978,900 1 +0101011111001011 eighth-generation 1 +0101011111001011 3,001 1 +0101011111001011 co 1 +0101011111001011 sports-franchise 1 +0101011111001011 --including 1 +0101011111001011 desalted 1 +0101011111001011 tax-account 1 +0101011111001011 Love-appointed 1 +0101011111001011 ill-sorted 1 +0101011111001011 emotional-support 1 +0101011111001011 2,607,900 1 +0101011111001011 enciphered 1 +0101011111001011 3,064,900 1 +0101011111001011 3,040,600 1 +0101011111001011 WSTS 1 +0101011111001011 Telerate-supplied 1 +0101011111001011 2,103 1 +0101011111001011 talent/potential 1 +0101011111001011 poising 1 +0101011111001011 Fleet-appointed 1 +0101011111001011 funeral-parlor 1 +0101011111001011 often-cryptic 1 +0101011111001011 harness-shop 1 +0101011111001011 longer-serving 1 +0101011111001011 raw-crude 1 +0101011111001011 PHInet 1 +0101011111001011 1,689,800 1 +0101011111001011 465,465,565 1 +0101011111001011 28,415 1 +0101011111001011 Marcos-linked 1 +0101011111001011 1,350-person 1 +0101011111001011 beachfront-property 1 +0101011111001011 board-meeting 1 +0101011111001011 30,697 1 +0101011111001011 scanting 1 +0101011111001011 once-prominent 1 +0101011111001011 exmerger 1 +0101011111001011 sidewalk-paving 1 +0101011111001011 Maxxam-sponsored 1 +0101011111001011 seismological 1 +0101011111001011 ting 1 +0101011111001011 10,291 1 +0101011111001011 174,316 1 +0101011111001011 sugarbush 1 +0101011111001011 3,290,476 1 +0101011111001011 pro-Macy 1 +0101011111001011 difficult-to-forecast 1 +0101011111001011 theater-force 1 +0101011111001011 46,087 1 +0101011111001011 old-house 1 +0101011111001011 rom 1 +0101011111001011 collates 1 +0101011111001011 admissions-related 1 +0101011111001011 anti-Ford 1 +0101011111001011 Turnerian 1 +0101011111001011 placates 1 +0101011111001011 6,594,876 1 +0101011111001011 1,011,222 1 +0101011111001011 one-third-mile-long 1 +0101011111001011 erawhere 1 +0101011111001011 computer-stored 1 +0101011111001011 older-car 1 +0101011111001011 18,267 1 +0101011111001011 system-neutral 1 +0101011111001011 ever-dangerous 1 +0101011111001011 68,775,524 1 +0101011111001011 3,352,674 1 +0101011111001011 management-appointed 1 +0101011111001011 claims-loss 1 +0101011111001011 2,196,000 1 +0101011111001011 ex-Skandinaviska 1 +0101011111001011 rooming-house 1 +0101011111001011 eye-numbing 1 +0101011111001011 287,00 1 +0101011111001011 old-maidenly 1 +0101011111001011 insurance-statistical 1 +0101011111001011 vacation-home 1 +0101011111001011 car-company 1 +0101011111001011 home-front 1 +0101011111001011 on-the-ground 2 +0101011111001011 967,508 2 +0101011111001011 television-commercial 2 +0101011111001011 supplyside 2 +0101011111001011 geochemical 2 +0101011111001011 All-Tame 2 +0101011111001011 critiquing 2 +0101011111001011 automatic-shift 2 +0101011111001011 electronic-market 2 +0101011111001011 wardroom 2 +0101011111001011 Arabic-speaking 2 +0101011111001011 order-imbalance 2 +0101011111001011 ABN/LaSalle 2 +0101011111001011 Sandinista-controlled 2 +0101011111001011 CD-based 2 +0101011111001011 fu 2 +0101011111001011 2,251,000 2 +0101011111001011 inelegant 2 +0101011111001011 radar-detector 2 +0101011111001011 staining 3 +0101011111001011 unrehearsed 3 +0101011111001011 defaming 3 +0101011111001011 patroling 3 +0101011111001011 EMS-style 3 +0101011111001011 Lynyrd 3 +0101011111001011 working-interest 3 +0101011111001011 privatizes 3 +0101011111001011 university-educated 4 +0101011111001011 Conestoga 4 +0101011111001011 bespoke 5 +0101011111001011 importuning 5 +0101011111001011 Nadia 6 +0101011111001011 Sulgrave 6 +0101011111001011 IRAS 7 +0101011111001011 avenging 7 +0101011111001011 satellite-dish 7 +0101011111001011 traversing 7 +0101011111001011 encircling 8 +0101011111001011 cable-operator 8 +0101011111001011 humbler 8 +0101011111001011 Moldavian 9 +0101011111001011 saluting 11 +0101011111001011 overhanging 21 +0101011111001011 invading 83 +0101011111001011 nonpublic 122 +0101011111001011 accompanying 435 +0101011111001011 outside 6293 +0101011111001011 inside 2200 +010101111100110 inverting 1 +010101111100110 laqgging 1 +010101111100110 such/A 1 +010101111100110 pilotline 1 +010101111100110 already-increasing 1 +010101111100110 below-replacement 1 +010101111100110 noisome 1 +010101111100110 one-price 1 +010101111100110 super-smooth 1 +010101111100110 89,300 1 +010101111100110 positive-looking 1 +010101111100110 undulate 1 +010101111100110 problem-preventive 1 +010101111100110 inclining 1 +010101111100110 commodityprice 1 +010101111100110 low-balling 2 +010101111100110 repacked 2 +010101111100110 polysyllabic 2 +010101111100110 underplaying 2 +010101111100110 TMA 2 +010101111100110 downturned 2 +010101111100110 puissant 2 +010101111100110 twoway 2 +010101111100110 cresting 2 +010101111100110 1,002 2 +010101111100110 swearword 3 +010101111100110 reflating 3 +010101111100110 hocking 3 +010101111100110 larding 3 +010101111100110 encumbering 3 +010101111100110 Eurocentric 3 +010101111100110 1,108 3 +010101111100110 1,122 3 +010101111100110 contorting 3 +010101111100110 pro-active 3 +010101111100110 abets 3 +010101111100110 non-Steelworker 3 +010101111100110 1,047 3 +010101111100110 unravelling 4 +010101111100110 decimating 4 +010101111100110 export-sensitive 4 +010101111100110 wedging 4 +010101111100110 re-emerging 4 +010101111100110 unscrew 4 +010101111100110 bureaucratized 4 +010101111100110 hallucinating 4 +010101111100110 low-value 4 +010101111100110 internationalizing 5 +010101111100110 rubber-stamping 5 +010101111100110 frostbite 5 +010101111100110 superstrong 5 +010101111100110 2110 5 +010101111100110 cartelized 5 +010101111100110 rounder 5 +010101111100110 1,041 6 +010101111100110 spiralling 6 +010101111100110 contractionary 6 +010101111100110 pillaging 6 +010101111100110 unimpaired 6 +010101111100110 resurging 6 +010101111100110 clobbering 6 +010101111100110 televising 6 +010101111100110 ever-stronger 7 +010101111100110 fracturing 7 +010101111100110 dulling 7 +010101111100110 unredeemed 7 +010101111100110 fragmenting 8 +010101111100110 throttling 8 +010101111100110 shriveling 8 +010101111100110 overselling 8 +010101111100110 reallocating 8 +010101111100110 degenerating 9 +010101111100110 abdicating 10 +010101111100110 deflating 11 +010101111100110 disengaging 11 +010101111100110 vibrating 11 +010101111100110 dissipating 12 +010101111100110 solidifying 13 +010101111100110 disintegrating 13 +010101111100110 thawing 13 +010101111100110 reigniting 13 +010101111100110 unchanging 14 +010101111100110 ravaging 14 +010101111100110 prying 15 +010101111100110 seesawing 15 +010101111100110 sapping 16 +010101111100110 intruding 16 +010101111100110 buffeting 16 +010101111100110 rationalizing 16 +010101111100110 unhedged 16 +010101111100110 rocketing 17 +010101111100110 trampling 18 +010101111100110 decelerating 18 +010101111100110 crimping 19 +010101111100110 slimming 19 +010101111100110 brightening 20 +010101111100110 gyrating 20 +010101111100110 undervaluing 21 +010101111100110 dimming 22 +010101111100110 constraining 24 +010101111100110 mushrooming 25 +010101111100110 galloping 25 +010101111100110 mitigating 25 +010101111100110 sharpening 26 +010101111100110 stiffening 28 +010101111100110 disarming 29 +010101111100110 piercing 31 +010101111100110 blurring 31 +010101111100110 grinning 31 +010101111100110 toughening 31 +010101111100110 rekindling 32 +010101111100110 ebbing 33 +010101111100110 smoothing 35 +010101111100110 spurting 35 +010101111100110 depreciating 35 +010101111100110 stagnating 40 +010101111100110 multiplying 40 +010101111100110 receding 42 +010101111100110 heightening 44 +010101111100110 licking 45 +010101111100110 compounding 45 +010101111100110 lengthening 45 +010101111100110 ballooning 48 +010101111100110 accruing 51 +010101111100110 refocusing 53 +010101111100110 damping 55 +010101111100110 shortening 56 +010101111100110 exhausting 57 +010101111100110 calming 60 +010101111100110 appreciating 61 +010101111100110 subtracting 63 +010101111100110 stifling 64 +010101111100110 spiraling 65 +010101111100110 moderating 67 +010101111100110 fluctuating 70 +010101111100110 paring 75 +010101111100110 dipping 78 +010101111100110 exploding 85 +010101111100110 roaring 93 +010101111100110 draining 95 +010101111100110 relaxing 103 +010101111100110 skyrocketing 106 +010101111100110 evolving 110 +010101111100110 collapsing 116 +010101111100110 decreasing 118 +010101111100110 disappearing 123 +010101111100110 plummeting 131 +010101111100110 eroding 138 +010101111100110 swelling 139 +010101111100110 diversifying 147 +010101111100110 intensifying 152 +010101111100110 fading 154 +010101111100110 firming 155 +010101111100110 broadening 157 +010101111100110 overheating 158 +010101111100110 freezing 171 +010101111100110 diminishing 184 +010101111100110 tumbling 199 +010101111100110 rebounding 213 +010101111100110 sliding 220 +010101111100110 stimulating 222 +010101111100110 slashing 240 +010101111100110 depressing 242 +010101111100110 worsening 244 +010101111100110 slumping 260 +010101111100110 trimming 265 +010101111100110 stabilizing 269 +010101111100110 escalating 270 +010101111100110 lagging 280 +010101111100110 slipping 292 +010101111100110 plunging 350 +010101111100110 recovering 392 +010101111100110 accelerating 407 +010101111100110 surging 415 +010101111100110 approaching 460 +010101111100110 shifting 494 +010101111100110 climbing 494 +010101111100110 strengthening 518 +010101111100110 advancing 557 +010101111100110 weakening 579 +010101111100110 lowering 582 +010101111100110 shrinking 621 +010101111100110 soaring 689 +010101111100110 dropping 935 +010101111100110 slowing 986 +010101111100110 improving 1299 +010101111100110 declining 1950 +010101111100110 expanding 1984 +010101111100110 changing 2014 +010101111100110 cutting 2220 +010101111100110 falling 2690 +010101111100110 increasing 4634 +010101111100110 rising 4804 +010101111100111 DeBartolo-led 1 +010101111100111 over-extending 1 +010101111100111 Bass/Taft 1 +010101111100111 formeda 1 +010101111100111 untelegenic 1 +010101111100111 return-mail 1 +010101111100111 export-fed 1 +010101111100111 skewering 1 +010101111100111 undiverse 1 +010101111100111 Manville-funded 1 +010101111100111 testamentary 1 +010101111100111 patient-doctor 1 +010101111100111 well-performing 1 +010101111100111 cash-funded 1 +010101111100111 peanut-buying 1 +010101111100111 community-owned 1 +010101111100111 interstellar 1 +010101111100111 mortgage-owning 1 +010101111100111 public-benefit 1 +010101111100111 reckless-disregard 1 +010101111100111 domestic-minded 1 +010101111100111 anti-investment 1 +010101111100111 enflamed 2 +010101111100111 revsied 2 +010101111100111 multidisciplinary 2 +010101111100111 unbolting 2 +010101111100111 caramel-colored 2 +010101111100111 Bilzerian-led 2 +010101111100111 integrated-services 2 +010101111100111 dividend-received 2 +010101111100111 demonetized 2 +010101111100111 3-cent 2 +010101111100111 Stern-Barovsky 2 +010101111100111 beautify 2 +010101111100111 anti-totalitarian 2 +010101111100111 nontransferrable 2 +010101111100111 20-80 2 +010101111100111 counterfeited 2 +010101111100111 scale-up 2 +010101111100111 republished 2 +010101111100111 nonpreventable 2 +010101111100111 people-sensitive 2 +010101111100111 personal-services 2 +010101111100111 EPZ 2 +010101111100111 de-regulated 2 +010101111100111 overcapitalized 3 +010101111100111 dual-trading 3 +010101111100111 back-breaking 3 +010101111100111 public/private 3 +010101111100111 bazooka 3 +010101111100111 demarcated 3 +010101111100111 test-driven 3 +010101111100111 22-foot 3 +010101111100111 bossed 3 +010101111100111 well-regulated 4 +010101111100111 bracketed 4 +010101111100111 Mesa-led 4 +010101111100111 self-initiated 4 +010101111100111 hand-built 4 +010101111100111 restaged 4 +010101111100111 23-13 4 +010101111100111 well-supported 5 +010101111100111 grooved 5 +010101111100111 ghost-written 5 +010101111100111 cuffed 5 +010101111100111 anti-Stalinist 5 +010101111100111 useable 5 +010101111100111 annointed 5 +010101111100111 re-engineered 5 +010101111100111 grained 5 +010101111100111 unbound 5 +010101111100111 unleavened 5 +010101111100111 dirt-cheap 5 +010101111100111 unserved 5 +010101111100111 smudged 5 +010101111100111 scalped 5 +010101111100111 redeveloped 6 +010101111100111 sensationalized 6 +010101111100111 redecorated 6 +010101111100111 unconverted 6 +010101111100111 well-controlled 6 +010101111100111 perforated 7 +010101111100111 growling 7 +010101111100111 degradable 7 +010101111100111 acidified 7 +010101111100111 skinned 7 +010101111100111 reconfigured 7 +010101111100111 unshackled 7 +010101111100111 unleveraged 7 +010101111100111 remitted 8 +010101111100111 annotated 8 +010101111100111 diced 8 +010101111100111 alloted 8 +010101111100111 bartered 8 +010101111100111 dehumanized 8 +010101111100111 dual-purpose 8 +010101111100111 slotted 8 +010101111100111 hand-delivered 8 +010101111100111 mumbling 8 +010101111100111 jilted 9 +010101111100111 numbed 9 +010101111100111 untainted 9 +010101111100111 throttled 9 +010101111100111 unsaleable 9 +010101111100111 deactivated 9 +010101111100111 SEPP 9 +010101111100111 thought-out 11 +010101111100111 decontrolled 11 +010101111100111 peer-reviewed 11 +010101111100111 milled 11 +010101111100111 rotted 11 +010101111100111 calibrated 11 +010101111100111 gerrymandered 11 +010101111100111 whitewashed 11 +010101111100111 overstocked 12 +010101111100111 differentiated 12 +010101111100111 pulverized 12 +010101111100111 debased 12 +010101111100111 trademarked 12 +010101111100111 warehoused 12 +010101111100111 perverted 13 +010101111100111 veto-proof 13 +010101111100111 synchronized 13 +010101111100111 confiscatory 14 +010101111100111 diffused 14 +010101111100111 unsurpassed 14 +010101111100111 unhindered 14 +010101111100111 glorified 15 +010101111100111 disheartened 15 +010101111100111 refitted 15 +010101111100111 glazed 16 +010101111100111 stooped 16 +010101111100111 mangled 16 +010101111100111 warped 17 +010101111100111 shaded 17 +010101111100111 declassified 18 +010101111100111 camouflaged 18 +010101111100111 corroded 19 +010101111100111 constricted 19 +010101111100111 reinvigorated 20 +010101111100111 flatter 20 +010101111100111 tormented 20 +010101111100111 electrified 21 +010101111100111 prorated 21 +010101111100111 blackened 22 +010101111100111 degraded 22 +010101111100111 accented 23 +010101111100111 bonded 24 +010101111100111 retooled 24 +010101111100111 circumscribed 26 +010101111100111 fertilized 26 +010101111100111 reconstructed 26 +010101111100111 maligned 27 +010101111100111 tardy 27 +010101111100111 unprotected 28 +010101111100111 disgorged 28 +010101111100111 charmed 28 +010101111100111 reformulated 29 +010101111100111 uncollectible 29 +010101111100111 chastened 29 +010101111100111 doctored 29 +010101111100111 mortgaged 30 +010101111100111 submerged 30 +010101111100111 rejuvenated 31 +010101111100111 charred 32 +010101111100111 scorched 33 +010101111100111 expropriated 33 +010101111100111 bungled 33 +010101111100111 inflamed 34 +010101111100111 bemused 34 +010101111100111 forgone 34 +010101111100111 shuttered 36 +010101111100111 soiled 36 +010101111100111 prejudiced 37 +010101111100111 condensed 37 +010101111100111 repressed 38 +010101111100111 depreciated 38 +010101111100111 unencumbered 39 +010101111100111 deflated 41 +010101111100111 repackaged 41 +010101111100111 repossessed 42 +010101111100111 imperiled 42 +010101111100111 polarized 43 +010101111100111 overfunded 43 +010101111100111 illuminated 46 +010101111100111 fractured 46 +010101111100111 pooled 47 +010101111100111 grilled 48 +010101111100111 mothballed 48 +010101111100111 underpaid 49 +010101111100111 boxed 49 +010101111100111 prepaid 49 +010101111100111 immunized 49 +010101111100111 abiding 50 +010101111100111 contrived 52 +010101111100111 handpicked 52 +010101111100111 legislated 52 +010101111100111 enclosed 54 +010101111100111 hurried 54 +010101111100111 demoralized 54 +010101111100111 refundable 56 +010101111100111 refurbished 57 +010101111100111 reformed 59 +010101111100111 revitalized 59 +010101111100111 hard-hit 60 +010101111100111 enriched 61 +010101111100111 videotaped 62 +010101111100111 legalized 63 +010101111100111 usable 64 +010101111100111 recoverable 65 +010101111100111 renewable 66 +010101111100111 modernized 67 +010101111100111 tax-deductible 68 +010101111100111 well-received 71 +010101111100111 bruised 72 +010101111100111 simplified 74 +010101111100111 spoiled 75 +010101111100111 liberalized 75 +010101111100111 renovated 75 +010101111100111 twisted 78 +010101111100111 underfunded 83 +010101111100111 bulging 88 +010101111100111 minuscule 90 +010101111100111 brokered 93 +010101111100111 hardened 95 +010101111100111 skewed 98 +010101111100111 non-refundable 99 +010101111100111 chilled 99 +010101111100111 renegotiated 99 +010101111100111 swollen 108 +010101111100111 indexed 110 +010101111100111 tortured 110 +010101111100111 impaired 113 +010101111100111 tarnished 113 +010101111100111 enlarged 116 +010101111100111 patented 117 +010101111100111 falsified 119 +010101111100111 recycled 127 +010101111100111 streamlined 135 +010101111100111 aborted 135 +010101111100111 documented 137 +010101111100111 nationalized 137 +010101111100111 understated 142 +010101111100111 guarded 149 +010101111100111 audited 150 +010101111100111 bloated 150 +010101111100111 subordinate 155 +010101111100111 depleted 155 +010101111100111 elevated 158 +010101111100111 manned 162 +010101111100111 idled 170 +010101111100111 unsettled 173 +010101111100111 delinquent 174 +010101111100111 colored 179 +010101111100111 prescribed 179 +010101111100111 contemplated 192 +010101111100111 redesigned 196 +010101111100111 deregulated 202 +010101111100111 tainted 208 +010101111100111 staggering 223 +010101111100111 desired 223 +010101111100111 distorted 237 +010101111100111 strained 244 +010101111100111 varied 254 +010101111100111 united 255 +010101111100111 contaminated 266 +010101111100111 restrained 269 +010101111100111 certified 273 +010101111100111 weighted 278 +010101111100111 advertised 305 +010101111100111 mandated 338 +010101111100111 stolen 338 +010101111100111 chartered 346 +010101111100111 diminished 359 +010101111100111 floating 392 +010101111100111 modified 396 +010101111100111 enhanced 402 +010101111100111 blind 407 +010101111100111 designated 445 +010101111100111 coordinated 445 +010101111100111 tax-free 446 +010101111100111 subsidized 466 +010101111100111 battered 473 +010101111100111 discounted 508 +010101111100111 regulated 510 +010101111100111 balanced 510 +010101111100111 specified 547 +010101111100111 proven 552 +010101111100111 deferred 572 +010101111100111 restated 635 +010101111100111 frozen 688 +010101111100111 weakened 731 +010101111100111 restricted 812 +010101111100111 sustained 866 +010101111100111 insured 893 +010101111100111 guaranteed 1154 +010101111100111 fixed 1613 +010101111100111 depressed 1645 +010101111100111 revised 2463 +010101111100111 limited 5066 +010101111101000 considered-recombinant 1 +010101111101000 adjoined 1 +010101111101000 ex-race 1 +010101111101000 power-driven 1 +010101111101000 balloon-type 1 +010101111101000 subletting 1 +010101111101000 non-polluting 2 +010101111101000 shampooing 2 +010101111101000 porting 2 +010101111101000 pogo 2 +010101111101000 plusher 2 +010101111101000 KVIL-AM 2 +010101111101000 rectilinear 2 +010101111101000 hurricane-force 2 +010101111101000 proofing 2 +010101111101000 faits 2 +010101111101000 tele-conferencing 2 +010101111101000 unbanned 2 +010101111101000 refrigerating 2 +010101111101000 suburb-to-suburb 2 +010101111101000 pressurizing 2 +010101111101000 twixt 2 +010101111101000 irreproachable 3 +010101111101000 panhandling 3 +010101111101000 sinning 3 +010101111101000 three-wheeler 3 +010101111101000 anti-development 3 +010101111101000 mismarked 3 +010101111101000 doping 3 +010101111101000 imputing 3 +010101111101000 redrafting 4 +010101111101000 dotting 4 +010101111101000 gorging 4 +010101111101000 tows 4 +010101111101000 refilling 4 +010101111101000 counterbalancing 4 +010101111101000 stapling 4 +010101111101000 sanding 4 +010101111101000 regionalized 4 +010101111101000 moldering 4 +010101111101000 doffing 4 +010101111101000 pikers 4 +010101111101000 reconfiguring 4 +010101111101000 nitroglycerin 4 +010101111101000 hosing 5 +010101111101000 baying 5 +010101111101000 mellower 5 +010101111101000 resettling 5 +010101111101000 precooked 5 +010101111101000 matte 5 +010101111101000 sunning 5 +010101111101000 tunneling 5 +010101111101000 conceiving 5 +010101111101000 retelling 5 +010101111101000 tape-recording 5 +010101111101000 fermenting 5 +010101111101000 divining 5 +010101111101000 excavating 6 +010101111101000 snorkeling 6 +010101111101000 soldiering 6 +010101111101000 pampering 6 +010101111101000 gilding 6 +010101111101000 calcified 6 +010101111101000 shunting 6 +010101111101000 spray-painting 6 +010101111101000 humanizing 6 +010101111101000 sneezing 6 +010101111101000 subleasing 6 +010101111101000 mangling 6 +010101111101000 doctoring 6 +010101111101000 smirking 7 +010101111101000 caged 7 +010101111101000 booing 7 +010101111101000 expensing 7 +010101111101000 emanations 7 +010101111101000 queuing 7 +010101111101000 defunding 7 +010101111101000 hissing 7 +010101111101000 misbehaving 7 +010101111101000 schmoozing 7 +010101111101000 mothering 7 +010101111101000 decoding 7 +010101111101000 noisier 8 +010101111101000 papermaking 8 +010101111101000 grafting 8 +010101111101000 coining 8 +010101111101000 mislabeling 8 +010101111101000 rebalancing 8 +010101111101000 detonating 8 +010101111101000 mellowing 9 +010101111101000 rebukes 9 +010101111101000 unfiltered 9 +010101111101000 knotted 9 +010101111101000 recasting 9 +010101111101000 wrinkling 9 +010101111101000 hemming 9 +010101111101000 parsing 9 +010101111101000 clustering 9 +010101111101000 pirating 9 +010101111101000 proselytizing 10 +010101111101000 resurfacing 10 +010101111101000 customizing 10 +010101111101000 savaging 10 +010101111101000 double-checking 10 +010101111101000 bellowing 10 +010101111101000 seeding 10 +010101111101000 splintering 10 +010101111101000 razing 11 +010101111101000 rustling 11 +010101111101000 videotaping 11 +010101111101000 waxing 11 +010101111101000 zigzagging 11 +010101111101000 plastering 11 +010101111101000 mass-marketed 11 +010101111101000 winnowing 11 +010101111101000 hemline 11 +010101111101000 coddling 11 +010101111101000 oozing 11 +010101111101000 roasting 11 +010101111101000 wiggling 11 +010101111101000 sawing 11 +010101111101000 flapping 12 +010101111101000 patenting 12 +010101111101000 groaning 12 +010101111101000 gushing 12 +010101111101000 whores 12 +010101111101000 baby-sitting 12 +010101111101000 dyed 12 +010101111101000 uprooting 12 +010101111101000 restocking 13 +010101111101000 spacing 13 +010101111101000 faxing 13 +010101111101000 thundering 13 +010101111101000 buckling 13 +010101111101000 encapsulated 13 +010101111101000 remaking 13 +010101111101000 overripe 13 +010101111101000 moonlighting 14 +010101111101000 overshooting 14 +010101111101000 littering 14 +010101111101000 bartering 15 +010101111101000 cajoling 15 +010101111101000 pasting 15 +010101111101000 hatching 15 +010101111101000 carting 15 +010101111101000 venting 15 +010101111101000 plucking 15 +010101111101000 stitching 15 +010101111101000 cursing 15 +010101111101000 reworking 15 +010101111101000 rearing 15 +010101111101000 wilting 16 +010101111101000 crunching 16 +010101111101000 gnashing 16 +010101111101000 paddling 16 +010101111101000 retrofitting 16 +010101111101000 snarling 16 +010101111101000 teasing 17 +010101111101000 grilling 17 +010101111101000 bugging 17 +010101111101000 branding 17 +010101111101000 sobbing 17 +010101111101000 legislating 18 +010101111101000 colorizing 18 +010101111101000 shivering 18 +010101111101000 flushing 18 +010101111101000 mocking 19 +010101111101000 commissioning 19 +010101111101000 rowing 19 +010101111101000 cleansing 19 +010101111101000 rote 19 +010101111101000 mugging 19 +010101111101000 squandering 19 +010101111101000 rehearsing 19 +010101111101000 clam 19 +010101111101000 splicing 19 +010101111101000 carpeted 19 +010101111101000 mowing 19 +010101111101000 coughing 19 +010101111101000 regrouping 20 +010101111101000 induction 20 +010101111101000 curling 20 +010101111101000 spewing 20 +010101111101000 busting 21 +010101111101000 stonewalling 21 +010101111101000 shelving 21 +010101111101000 manifold 21 +010101111101000 clicking 21 +010101111101000 drip 22 +010101111101000 bobbing 22 +010101111101000 scrubbing 22 +010101111101000 purging 23 +010101111101000 wailing 23 +010101111101000 jostling 24 +010101111101000 snoring 24 +010101111101000 cloning 25 +010101111101000 blinking 27 +010101111101000 bullying 27 +010101111101000 tailoring 27 +010101111101000 fumbling 27 +010101111101000 flouting 28 +010101111101000 bungling 28 +010101111101000 hugging 28 +010101111101000 jailing 28 +010101111101000 hustling 28 +010101111101000 melding 29 +010101111101000 wrecking 29 +010101111101000 fattening 29 +010101111101000 misreading 30 +010101111101000 chartering 30 +010101111101000 stuffing 30 +010101111101000 flowering 32 +010101111101000 ripening 32 +010101111101000 second-guessing 32 +010101111101000 hiking 33 +010101111101000 stockpiling 33 +010101111101000 welded 33 +010101111101000 pacing 33 +010101111101000 blazing 34 +010101111101000 hemorrhaging 34 +010101111101000 sealing 34 +010101111101000 filtering 36 +010101111101000 skimming 37 +010101111101000 zapping 39 +010101111101000 tasting 39 +010101111101000 furnishing 39 +010101111101000 crediting 39 +010101111101000 shredding 40 +010101111101000 poaching 40 +010101111101000 composing 40 +010101111101000 grooming 40 +010101111101000 watering 42 +010101111101000 test-marketing 42 +010101111101000 looting 43 +010101111101000 custom-made 44 +010101111101000 weaving 44 +010101111101000 surfacing 46 +010101111101000 typing 46 +010101111101000 orbiting 47 +010101111101000 dialing 47 +010101111101000 grading 47 +010101111101000 retooling 48 +010101111101000 grouping 48 +010101111101000 twisting 49 +010101111101000 tooling 49 +010101111101000 repositioning 49 +010101111101000 prescribing 49 +010101111101000 vanishing 50 +010101111101000 rocking 50 +010101111101000 mapping 50 +010101111101000 commuting 50 +010101111101000 melting 51 +010101111101000 mourning 52 +010101111101000 thinning 52 +010101111101000 nurturing 52 +010101111101000 insulating 53 +010101111101000 spraying 54 +010101111101000 routing 54 +010101111101000 stocking 54 +010101111101000 repackaging 55 +010101111101000 tuning 55 +010101111101000 jamming 55 +010101111101000 modeling 58 +010101111101000 shuffling 58 +010101111101000 punching 58 +010101111101000 awakening 58 +010101111101000 refurbishing 60 +010101111101000 reshaping 60 +010101111101000 fools 61 +010101111101000 updating 61 +010101111101000 dispensing 61 +010101111101000 kissing 62 +010101111101000 coaching 62 +010101111101000 fine-tuning 63 +010101111101000 wrapping 64 +010101111101000 blending 64 +010101111101000 short-selling 67 +010101111101000 shaving 67 +010101111101000 juggling 68 +010101111101000 chanting 69 +010101111101000 guessing 73 +010101111101000 qualifying 76 +010101111101000 dreaming 77 +010101111101000 rotating 77 +010101111101000 hauling 81 +010101111101000 diving 81 +010101111101000 rendering 81 +010101111101000 overcharging 81 +010101111101000 rethinking 82 +010101111101000 chewing 84 +010101111101000 bashing 85 +010101111101000 folding 86 +010101111101000 scanning 86 +010101111101000 budgeting 90 +010101111101000 stalling 92 +010101111101000 filming 93 +010101111101000 idling 94 +010101111101000 taping 94 +010101111101000 flashing 95 +010101111101000 boarding 97 +010101111101000 cheering 97 +010101111101000 prodding 98 +010101111101000 policing 100 +010101111101000 harvesting 101 +010101111101000 tracing 108 +010101111101000 booking 111 +010101111101000 editing 112 +010101111101000 crumbling 117 +010101111101000 scoring 125 +010101111101000 packing 126 +010101111101000 pounding 128 +010101111101000 positioning 138 +010101111101000 connecting 140 +010101111101000 washing 145 +010101111101000 loading 148 +010101111101000 pitching 154 +010101111101000 flooding 157 +010101111101000 warming 161 +010101111101000 judging 170 +010101111101000 shouting 172 +010101111101000 dressing 172 +010101111101000 screaming 175 +010101111101000 functioning 176 +010101111101000 bleeding 176 +010101111101000 labeling 178 +010101111101000 leaking 183 +010101111101000 undertaking 184 +010101111101000 copying 184 +010101111101000 breeding 186 +010101111101000 staging 191 +010101111101000 smuggling 194 +010101111101000 cracking 201 +010101111101000 balancing 208 +010101111101000 hiding 224 +010101111101000 rebuilding 224 +010101111101000 viewing 225 +010101111101000 breathing 226 +010101111101000 planting 238 +010101111101000 dancing 244 +010101111101000 feeding 247 +010101111101000 scheduling 248 +010101111101000 measuring 256 +010101111101000 casting 260 +010101111101000 upgrading 260 +010101111101000 targeting 261 +010101111101000 cooling 264 +010101111101000 tracking 276 +010101111101000 answering 279 +010101111101000 drafting 286 +010101111101000 cooking 297 +010101111101000 steering 311 +010101111101000 mailing 319 +010101111101000 burning 321 +010101111101000 organizing 323 +010101111101000 recruiting 334 +010101111101000 discounting 356 +010101111101000 singing 360 +010101111101000 racing 364 +010101111101000 cleaning 397 +010101111101000 dying 399 +010101111101000 screening 399 +010101111101000 hunting 439 +010101111101000 checking 471 +010101111101000 shooting 485 +010101111101000 firing 499 +010101111101000 drinking 508 +010101111101000 questioning 510 +010101111101000 gathering 516 +010101111101000 sharing 516 +010101111101000 forecasting 517 +010101111101000 switching 520 +010101111101000 recording 528 +010101111101000 teaching 581 +010101111101000 monitoring 661 +010101111101000 dumping 663 +010101111101000 learning 704 +010101111101000 missing 729 +010101111101000 suffering 773 +010101111101000 drawing 820 +010101111101000 backing 1071 +010101111101000 hiring 1178 +010101111101000 reading 1270 +010101111101000 writing 1591 +010101111101000 reporting 1740 +010101111101000 testing 2669 +010101111101000 planning 3322 +010101111101000 building 6116 +010101111101001 crocheting 1 +010101111101001 prepositioned 1 +010101111101001 winterizing 1 +010101111101001 GM-izing 1 +010101111101001 363.92 1 +010101111101001 harvest-related 1 +010101111101001 molasses-like 1 +010101111101001 118,700 1 +010101111101001 57,200 1 +010101111101001 testmarketing 1 +010101111101001 foaled 1 +010101111101001 302,016 1 +010101111101001 joing 1 +010101111101001 deeppockets 1 +010101111101001 big-deal 1 +010101111101001 fantasy-at-home 1 +010101111101001 14,607,350 1 +010101111101001 re-allocating 1 +010101111101001 homebred 1 +010101111101001 prepetition 1 +010101111101001 proclaming 1 +010101111101001 nonpension 1 +010101111101001 muncipalities 1 +010101111101001 anti-retroviral 1 +010101111101001 commission-hungry 1 +010101111101001 re-collecting 1 +010101111101001 67,600 1 +010101111101001 co-underwriting 1 +010101111101001 gin-clear 1 +010101111101001 250,000-kilowatt 1 +010101111101001 Giovanna 1 +010101111101001 22,591 1 +010101111101001 135,422,977 1 +010101111101001 Moscovy 1 +010101111101001 214,900 1 +010101111101001 accosting 1 +010101111101001 member-country 1 +010101111101001 INF-range 1 +010101111101001 harkening 1 +010101111101001 165,600 1 +010101111101001 Odilon 1 +010101111101001 11,313 1 +010101111101001 100,8l3,833 1 +010101111101001 risk-adverse 1 +010101111101001 campaign-contributor 1 +010101111101001 14,807 1 +010101111101001 reconceiving 1 +010101111101001 1,109,150 1 +010101111101001 juxtaposing 1 +010101111101001 revetments 1 +010101111101001 Oxfam 2 +010101111101001 under-followed 2 +010101111101001 felling 2 +010101111101001 entrepeneurial 2 +010101111101001 rebuying 2 +010101111101001 supercooling 2 +010101111101001 191,772 2 +010101111101001 gray-listed 2 +010101111101001 twitting 2 +010101111101001 ex-Chicago 2 +010101111101001 3,080,000 2 +010101111101001 blabbing 2 +010101111101001 538,750 2 +010101111101001 garnishing 2 +010101111101001 hamming 2 +010101111101001 puchasing 2 +010101111101001 prime-related 2 +010101111101001 1,170,400 2 +010101111101001 declassifying 2 +010101111101001 prepackaging 2 +010101111101001 all-conquering 2 +010101111101001 disrobing 2 +010101111101001 8,550,000 2 +010101111101001 old-model 2 +010101111101001 re-importing 2 +010101111101001 2:39 2 +010101111101001 castrating 2 +010101111101001 171,144 2 +010101111101001 overgrading 2 +010101111101001 undercharging 3 +010101111101001 29,600 3 +010101111101001 clivia 3 +010101111101001 handcuffing 3 +010101111101001 cross-held 3 +010101111101001 co-opting 3 +010101111101001 subdividing 3 +010101111101001 156,445 3 +010101111101001 cataloging 3 +010101111101001 25,850 3 +010101111101001 195,919 3 +010101111101001 snitching 3 +010101111101001 dishonored 4 +010101111101001 impoverishing 4 +010101111101001 romancing 4 +010101111101001 overworking 4 +010101111101001 Halo 4 +010101111101001 retransmitting 4 +010101111101001 1,133 4 +010101111101001 reusing 4 +010101111101001 hoeing 4 +010101111101001 bar-hopping 4 +010101111101001 anointing 4 +010101111101001 unionizing 5 +010101111101001 deposing 5 +010101111101001 less-valuable 5 +010101111101001 tranquilizing 5 +010101111101001 puncturing 5 +010101111101001 renationalizing 5 +010101111101001 cabdrivers 5 +010101111101001 747,700 5 +010101111101001 reincorporating 5 +010101111101001 bad-mouthing 5 +010101111101001 toasting 5 +010101111101001 micromanaging 5 +010101111101001 piggybacking 6 +010101111101001 overvaluing 6 +010101111101001 Suleiman 6 +010101111101001 replaying 6 +010101111101001 abstracted 6 +010101111101001 allotting 6 +010101111101001 dyeing 7 +010101111101001 tilling 7 +010101111101001 Asics 7 +010101111101001 airlifting 7 +010101111101001 culturing 7 +010101111101001 slitting 7 +010101111101001 cash-settled 8 +010101111101001 dislodging 8 +010101111101001 rerouting 8 +010101111101001 13,400 8 +010101111101001 exportable 8 +010101111101001 swiping 8 +010101111101001 transfering 9 +010101111101001 snagging 9 +010101111101001 shucking 9 +010101111101001 myocardial 9 +010101111101001 evacuating 10 +010101111101001 plundering 10 +010101111101001 sterilizing 10 +010101111101001 redeploying 12 +010101111101001 canvassing 12 +010101111101001 procuring 12 +010101111101001 securitizing 14 +010101111101001 revaluing 15 +010101111101001 cramming 15 +010101111101001 petitioning 15 +010101111101001 overloading 16 +010101111101001 underpricing 17 +010101111101001 pinching 17 +010101111101001 syndicating 17 +010101111101001 disbursing 17 +010101111101001 honing 17 +010101111101001 dusting 18 +010101111101001 sanctioning 19 +010101111101001 meshing 20 +010101111101001 reclaiming 20 +010101111101001 dollar-buying 22 +010101111101001 centralizing 23 +010101111101001 contaminating 24 +010101111101001 chopping 28 +010101111101001 souring 30 +010101111101001 exiting 30 +010101111101001 pruning 34 +010101111101001 forgiving 44 +010101111101001 hoarding 46 +010101111101001 rigging 52 +010101111101001 auctioning 52 +010101111101001 repurchasing 55 +010101111101001 shorting 61 +010101111101001 sweetening 64 +010101111101001 raiding 80 +010101111101001 underperforming 84 +010101111101001 unloading 96 +010101111101001 peddling 148 +010101111101001 swapping 153 +010101111101001 tendering 161 +010101111101001 airing 194 +010101111101001 shedding 209 +010101111101001 awarding 220 +010101111101001 importing 236 +010101111101001 accumulating 239 +010101111101001 liquidating 254 +010101111101001 consolidating 263 +010101111101001 withdrawing 311 +010101111101001 merging 379 +010101111101001 saving 633 +010101111101001 issuing 830 +010101111101001 purchasing 1188 +010101111101001 acquiring 2075 +010101111101001 selling 10540 +010101111101001 buying 8931 +010101111101010 troughing 1 +010101111101010 bricked 1 +010101111101010 fixed-coupon-issues 1 +010101111101010 48,612 1 +010101111101010 12,212 1 +010101111101010 coalescence 1 +010101111101010 non-originalism 1 +010101111101010 ekeing 1 +010101111101010 148,750 1 +010101111101010 4,342 1 +010101111101010 intensifed 1 +010101111101010 Maniamates 1 +010101111101010 deadpanning 1 +010101111101010 gumshoeing 1 +010101111101010 skinnying 1 +010101111101010 half-a-mile 1 +010101111101010 well-thought 1 +010101111101010 cannoning 1 +010101111101010 bollixing 1 +010101111101010 dummying 1 +010101111101010 1,079,470 1 +010101111101010 indebting 1 +010101111101010 1,011,402 1 +010101111101010 958,354 1 +010101111101010 4,204,000 1 +010101111101010 full-motion 1 +010101111101010 reaming 1 +010101111101010 buddying 1 +010101111101010 vegging 1 +010101111101010 1,051,693 1 +010101111101010 975,810 1 +010101111101010 4,843,000 1 +010101111101010 7,984,445 1 +010101111101010 992,120 1 +010101111101010 tripledigit 1 +010101111101010 4,265,000 1 +010101111101010 2,731 1 +010101111101010 1,344,000 1 +010101111101010 1,302,000 1 +010101111101010 1,554,000 1 +010101111101010 1,055,053 1 +010101111101010 dormers 1 +010101111101010 caroming 1 +010101111101010 49,027 1 +010101111101010 bopping 1 +010101111101010 blotting 1 +010101111101010 WEEI 2 +010101111101010 gagging 2 +010101111101010 strutted 2 +010101111101010 506th 2 +010101111101010 ramped 2 +010101111101010 12,350,156 2 +010101111101010 raffling 2 +010101111101010 anteing 2 +010101111101010 four-footed 2 +010101111101010 pigging 2 +010101111101010 301,884 2 +010101111101010 blackening 2 +010101111101010 tuckered 2 +010101111101010 certifiably 2 +010101111101010 straggling 2 +010101111101010 nickel-and-diming 2 +010101111101010 spritzing 2 +010101111101010 re-energized 2 +010101111101010 80-feet 2 +010101111101010 lathering 2 +010101111101010 bleeped 2 +010101111101010 winched 2 +010101111101010 evasively 2 +010101111101010 meting 3 +010101111101010 wolfing 3 +010101111101010 livening 3 +010101111101010 spooning 3 +010101111101010 stowing 3 +010101111101010 mauling 3 +010101111101010 plopping 3 +010101111101010 co-publishing 3 +010101111101010 rapping 3 +010101111101010 twanging 3 +010101111101010 socking 3 +010101111101010 clunking 3 +010101111101010 dabbing 3 +010101111101010 trolling 3 +010101111101010 whiling 3 +010101111101010 blacking 3 +010101111101010 goofing 3 +010101111101010 fouling 3 +010101111101010 pawning 3 +010101111101010 splattering 3 +010101111101010 rasping 3 +010101111101010 immunizing 3 +010101111101010 eluding 3 +010101111101010 clanking 4 +010101111101010 hassling 4 +010101111101010 re-emphasizing 4 +010101111101010 doodling 4 +010101111101010 ladling 4 +010101111101010 mucking 4 +010101111101010 trundles 4 +010101111101010 ricocheting 4 +010101111101010 filibustering 4 +010101111101010 remitting 4 +010101111101010 lapping 4 +010101111101010 flanking 4 +010101111101010 fleshing 4 +010101111101010 whisking 4 +010101111101010 hunching 4 +010101111101010 slaving 4 +010101111101010 navigable 4 +010101111101010 pelting 5 +010101111101010 waddling 5 +010101111101010 baring 5 +010101111101010 stubbing 5 +010101111101010 dribbling 5 +010101111101010 frittering 5 +010101111101010 lumbers 5 +010101111101010 mutated 5 +010101111101010 cluttering 5 +010101111101010 swilling 5 +010101111101010 snuffing 5 +010101111101010 lofted 5 +010101111101010 slithering 5 +010101111101010 glowering 5 +010101111101010 ramming 6 +010101111101010 latching 6 +010101111101010 co-producing 6 +010101111101010 haranguing 6 +010101111101010 trooping 6 +010101111101010 goading 6 +010101111101010 pestering 6 +010101111101010 snaking 6 +010101111101010 rappelling 6 +010101111101010 bulldozing 7 +010101111101010 sawed 7 +010101111101010 elbowing 7 +010101111101010 muscling 7 +010101111101010 eking 7 +010101111101010 twitching 7 +010101111101010 winging 7 +010101111101010 clubbing 7 +010101111101010 battening 7 +010101111101010 motoring 7 +010101111101010 burrowing 7 +010101111101010 ambling 7 +010101111101010 trots 7 +010101111101010 barnstorming 7 +010101111101010 lapsing 7 +010101111101010 flicking 7 +010101111101010 threading 8 +010101111101010 petering 8 +010101111101010 parceling 8 +010101111101010 flitting 8 +010101111101010 belching 8 +010101111101010 barreling 8 +010101111101010 squeaking 8 +010101111101010 striding 9 +010101111101010 forking 9 +010101111101010 toning 9 +010101111101010 gulping 9 +010101111101010 navigating 9 +010101111101010 swooping 9 +010101111101010 trotting 9 +010101111101010 slinging 9 +010101111101010 needling 9 +010101111101010 straightening 9 +010101111101010 panning 9 +010101111101010 curving 9 +010101111101010 sopping 9 +010101111101010 skateboarding 9 +010101111101010 braided 10 +010101111101010 warding 10 +010101111101010 pedaling 10 +010101111101010 screwing 10 +010101111101010 spiking 10 +010101111101010 percolating 10 +010101111101010 roughing 10 +010101111101010 ferreting 10 +010101111101010 tailing 10 +010101111101010 lopping 10 +010101111101010 butting 10 +010101111101010 jetting 10 +010101111101010 flopping 10 +010101111101010 lightening 10 +010101111101010 staving 10 +010101111101010 lunging 10 +010101111101010 overrunning 10 +010101111101010 clawing 10 +010101111101010 stumping 11 +010101111101010 hobbling 11 +010101111101010 plunking 11 +010101111101010 bounding 11 +010101111101010 bolting 11 +010101111101010 stringing 12 +010101111101010 hunkering 12 +010101111101010 jacking 12 +010101111101010 nailing 12 +010101111101010 whacking 12 +010101111101010 scribbling 13 +010101111101010 tallying 13 +010101111101010 wending 13 +010101111101010 thumbing 13 +010101111101010 heaping 13 +010101111101010 messing 13 +010101111101010 belting 13 +010101111101010 ratcheting 13 +010101111101010 tiptoeing 13 +010101111101010 strutting 13 +010101111101010 nosing 13 +010101111101010 powering 13 +010101111101010 stomping 14 +010101111101010 sloshing 14 +010101111101010 lashing 14 +010101111101010 dishing 14 +010101111101010 splashing 14 +010101111101010 clapping 15 +010101111101010 taxiing 15 +010101111101010 emptying 15 +010101111101010 strangling 15 +010101111101010 fenced 16 +010101111101010 parading 16 +010101111101010 gnawing 16 +010101111101010 hurtling 16 +010101111101010 zooming 16 +010101111101010 doling 17 +010101111101010 whittling 17 +010101111101010 hounding 17 +010101111101010 trudging 17 +010101111101010 stroking 17 +010101111101010 sprinting 17 +010101111101010 straying 17 +010101111101010 salted 17 +010101111101010 peeking 17 +010101111101010 rumbling 18 +010101111101010 tripping 18 +010101111101010 gliding 18 +010101111101010 hunched 19 +010101111101010 flailing 19 +010101111101010 storming 19 +010101111101010 trickling 19 +010101111101010 flaring 19 +010101111101010 tapering 19 +010101111101010 weeding 20 +010101111101010 careening 20 +010101111101010 sizing 20 +010101111101010 glancing 20 +010101111101010 stacking 20 +010101111101010 wading 21 +010101111101010 slanted 21 +010101111101010 limping 21 +010101111101010 prowling 21 +010101111101010 roaming 21 +010101111101010 tugging 21 +010101111101010 hooking 22 +010101111101010 nodding 22 +010101111101010 ironing 22 +010101111101010 streaming 22 +010101111101010 trending 22 +010101111101010 muttering 23 +010101111101010 rippling 23 +010101111101010 telephoning 23 +010101111101010 slogging 24 +010101111101010 singling 24 +010101111101010 steamed 24 +010101111101010 hacking 25 +010101111101010 strolling 25 +010101111101010 slamming 25 +010101111101010 combing 25 +010101111101010 muddling 26 +010101111101010 smelling 26 +010101111101010 whispering 26 +010101111101010 rounding 26 +010101111101010 hurling 27 +010101111101010 scraping 27 +010101111101010 slicing 27 +010101111101010 munching 27 +010101111101010 polishing 27 +010101111101010 roiling 27 +010101111101010 chipping 28 +010101111101010 snatching 28 +010101111101010 cranking 28 +010101111101010 litigating 29 +010101111101010 gazing 29 +010101111101010 beaming 30 +010101111101010 chugging 30 +010101111101010 thrashing 31 +010101111101010 fooling 31 +010101111101010 uniting 31 +010101111101010 puffing 32 +010101111101010 siphoning 32 +010101111101010 burnt 32 +010101111101010 spoiling 33 +010101111101010 skipping 34 +010101111101010 sniffing 34 +010101111101010 wheeled 34 +010101111101010 shoving 34 +010101111101010 drumming 34 +010101111101010 banging 34 +010101111101010 humming 35 +010101111101010 robbing 35 +010101111101010 brushing 35 +010101111101010 phoning 35 +010101111101010 peeling 35 +010101111101010 nibbling 35 +010101111101010 sneaking 36 +010101111101010 hopping 36 +010101111101010 grasping 36 +010101111101010 plowing 36 +010101111101010 bothering 37 +010101111101010 clamping 37 +010101111101010 rattling 37 +010101111101010 shuttling 38 +010101111101010 fanning 38 +010101111101010 gobbling 38 +010101111101010 soaking 38 +010101111101010 harassing 39 +010101111101010 spitting 39 +010101111101010 inching 39 +010101111101010 lecturing 39 +010101111101010 flipping 40 +010101111101010 sprouting 40 +010101111101010 cruising 41 +010101111101010 tilting 41 +010101111101010 stalking 41 +010101111101010 scaring 41 +010101111101010 plugging 41 +010101111101010 dashing 41 +010101111101010 whipping 41 +010101111101010 scouting 42 +010101111101010 squaring 42 +010101111101010 patrolling 43 +010101111101010 staking 43 +010101111101010 branching 43 +010101111101010 poking 44 +010101111101010 rubbing 44 +010101111101010 scratching 44 +010101111101010 applauding 44 +010101111101010 ripping 46 +010101111101010 circling 46 +010101111101010 sifting 48 +010101111101010 nudging 48 +010101111101010 peering 48 +010101111101010 pinning 49 +010101111101010 leaping 49 +010101111101010 shelling 50 +010101111101010 crawling 53 +010101111101010 ticking 54 +010101111101010 bottoming 55 +010101111101010 propping 55 +010101111101010 hammering 55 +010101111101010 bumping 55 +010101111101010 spilling 57 +010101111101010 dangling 57 +010101111101010 tossing 57 +010101111101010 bending 58 +010101111101010 choking 58 +010101111101010 teaming 59 +010101111101010 waking 59 +010101111101010 swirling 60 +010101111101010 boiling 63 +010101111101010 crashing 65 +010101111101010 tipping 66 +010101111101010 carving 67 +010101111101010 crowding 67 +010101111101010 yelling 70 +010101111101010 reserving 70 +010101111101010 fending 70 +010101111101010 grinding 77 +010101111101010 preaching 78 +010101111101010 tearing 84 +010101111101010 wandering 85 +010101111101010 stripping 86 +010101111101010 bouncing 87 +010101111101010 churning 87 +010101111101010 sorting 93 +010101111101010 bailing 94 +010101111101010 wiping 95 +010101111101010 quitting 95 +010101111101010 piling 97 +010101111101010 locking 98 +010101111101010 biting 99 +010101111101010 popping 100 +010101111101010 touring 101 +010101111101010 waving 108 +010101111101010 interviewing 110 +010101111101010 swinging 110 +010101111101010 kicking 114 +010101111101010 renting 117 +010101111101010 digging 117 +010101111101010 creeping 123 +010101111101010 celebrating 125 +010101111101010 spelling 125 +010101111101010 phasing 126 +010101111101010 snapping 130 +010101111101010 scaling 134 +010101111101010 drifting 135 +010101111101010 courting 135 +010101111101010 edging 135 +010101111101010 shaking 139 +010101111101010 shutting 140 +010101111101010 crossing 141 +010101111101010 ringing 141 +010101111101010 handing 143 +010101111101010 knocking 144 +010101111101010 sounding 147 +010101111101010 fleeing 150 +010101111101010 rallying 155 +010101111101010 trailing 156 +010101111101010 blowing 158 +010101111101010 dragging 158 +010101111101010 splitting 159 +010101111101010 speeding 161 +010101111101010 winding 162 +010101111101010 stirring 162 +010101111101010 touching 167 +010101111101010 stretching 169 +010101111101010 halfway 175 +010101111101010 leaning 178 +010101111101010 practicing 199 +010101111101010 chasing 208 +010101111101010 shaping 231 +010101111101010 figuring 239 +010101111101010 spinning 250 +010101111101010 jumping 269 +010101111101010 catching 271 +010101111101010 finishing 295 +010101111101010 battling 334 +010101111101010 laying 362 +010101111101010 riding 364 +010101111101010 hurting 365 +010101111101010 advising 369 +010101111101010 applying 376 +010101111101010 throwing 389 +010101111101010 suing 392 +010101111101010 hanging 404 +010101111101010 spreading 407 +010101111101010 pointing 410 +010101111101010 rolling 427 +010101111101010 beating 429 +010101111101010 stepping 435 +010101111101010 eating 479 +010101111101010 walking 481 +010101111101010 performing 493 +010101111101010 pulling 515 +010101111101010 settling 524 +010101111101010 heading 605 +010101111101010 challenging 620 +010101111101010 picking 621 +010101111101010 pressing 750 +010101111101010 breaking 807 +010101111101010 flying 847 +010101111101010 passing 850 +010101111101010 urging 912 +010101111101010 driving 1148 +010101111101010 watching 1154 +010101111101010 telling 1256 +010101111101010 pushing 1574 +010101111101010 playing 1743 +010101111101010 turning 1795 +010101111101010 asking 1929 +010101111101010 fighting 1980 +010101111101010 moving 3159 +010101111101010 running 4234 +010101111101010 paying 4055 +010101111101011 234,259,112 1 +010101111101011 WFBQ-FM 1 +010101111101011 1.6705 1 +010101111101011 78,270 1 +010101111101011 2,427 1 +010101111101011 3,989 1 +010101111101011 638,024 1 +010101111101011 670,333 1 +010101111101011 776.91 1 +010101111101011 250,553 1 +010101111101011 621,349 1 +010101111101011 13,750 1 +010101111101011 1,527 1 +010101111101011 7,855 1 +010101111101011 2,167,000 1 +010101111101011 CIA-sponsorship 1 +010101111101011 681,700 1 +010101111101011 long-reigning 1 +010101111101011 Lizabear 1 +010101111101011 823.58 1 +010101111101011 132.95 1 +010101111101011 818,143 1 +010101111101011 god-knows-where 1 +010101111101011 7,131,400 1 +010101111101011 60,423 1 +010101111101011 32,582 1 +010101111101011 261,603 1 +010101111101011 2,249,000 1 +010101111101011 2,165,000 1 +010101111101011 946,980 1 +010101111101011 244,760 1 +010101111101011 mid-evening 1 +010101111101011 404.86 1 +010101111101011 39,315 1 +010101111101011 1/2-length 1 +010101111101011 677,977 1 +010101111101011 2,170,000 1 +010101111101011 189,942 1 +010101111101011 73,894 1 +010101111101011 22,798 1 +010101111101011 6,751 1 +010101111101011 1.7818 1 +010101111101011 16-7 1 +010101111101011 mortgage-banker 1 +010101111101011 Best-Paid 1 +010101111101011 293,400 1 +010101111101011 57,253 1 +010101111101011 391,769 1 +010101111101011 triglyceride-rich 1 +010101111101011 723.84 1 +010101111101011 172,372 1 +010101111101011 70,173 1 +010101111101011 333,817 1 +010101111101011 1,349 1 +010101111101011 472,956 1 +010101111101011 556,711 1 +010101111101011 503,271 1 +010101111101011 2,228,000 1 +010101111101011 gyno-Americans 1 +010101111101011 617,909 1 +010101111101011 543,313 1 +010101111101011 1,409,267 1 +010101111101011 1,478 1 +010101111101011 7,084,600 1 +010101111101011 8,863 1 +010101111101011 285,101 1 +010101111101011 50,138 1 +010101111101011 unappealable 1 +010101111101011 669,000 1 +010101111101011 Upheaval 1 +010101111101011 296,225 1 +010101111101011 286,439 1 +010101111101011 57,811,000 1 +010101111101011 3,913 1 +010101111101011 bark-cloth 1 +010101111101011 black-cloaked 1 +010101111101011 3,385 1 +010101111101011 1,523,000 1 +010101111101011 governmentfunded 1 +010101111101011 13,657 1 +010101111101011 3,539 1 +010101111101011 52,869 1 +010101111101011 Aihui 1 +010101111101011 1.4845 1 +010101111101011 7,145,500 1 +010101111101011 MCLF 1 +010101111101011 48,565 1 +010101111101011 pseudoscholars 1 +010101111101011 2,526,100 1 +010101111101011 24,945 1 +010101111101011 61,601 1 +010101111101011 hypoallergic 1 +010101111101011 interrelate 1 +010101111101011 2,261,000 1 +010101111101011 Wickford 1 +010101111101011 142,600 1 +010101111101011 721,668 1 +010101111101011 18,420 1 +010101111101011 1.55-to-1 1 +010101111101011 7,342,400 1 +010101111101011 2,546,400 1 +010101111101011 2,185,000 1 +010101111101011 124,663 1 +010101111101011 217,939 1 +010101111101011 31,699 1 +010101111101011 253,092 1 +010101111101011 31,085 1 +010101111101011 47,732 1 +010101111101011 skateboarders 1 +010101111101011 evesdropping 1 +010101111101011 2,124,000 1 +010101111101011 13,411 1 +010101111101011 Igloolik 1 +010101111101011 institution-yellow 1 +010101111101011 raw-material-intensity 1 +010101111101011 240th 1 +010101111101011 1,620,800 1 +010101111101011 four-feet 1 +010101111101011 Tiflis 1 +010101111101011 expatiating 1 +010101111101011 2:37 1 +010101111101011 Turkish-owned 1 +010101111101011 945,128 1 +010101111101011 9,650,000 1 +010101111101011 35.0 1 +010101111101011 Gainsborough 1 +010101111101011 133,880 1 +010101111101011 10,824,914 1 +010101111101011 793,909 1 +010101111101011 82,321 1 +010101111101011 445,844 1 +010101111101011 469,762 1 +010101111101011 cost-transfer 1 +010101111101011 DM10,000 1 +010101111101011 384,018 1 +010101111101011 swabbed 1 +010101111101011 191,121 1 +010101111101011 174,667 1 +010101111101011 3,923 1 +010101111101011 110,076 1 +010101111101011 364,523 1 +010101111101011 near-hysteria 1 +010101111101011 2,447 1 +010101111101011 33,173 1 +010101111101011 41,629 1 +010101111101011 47,057 1 +010101111101011 33,635 1 +010101111101011 20,941 1 +010101111101011 1,672,337 1 +010101111101011 oldster 1 +010101111101011 1.6940 1 +010101111101011 317,004 1 +010101111101011 inoculates 1 +010101111101011 rejigger 1 +010101111101011 recombinants 1 +010101111101011 49,600 1 +010101111101011 Arsen 1 +010101111101011 2,453,000 1 +010101111101011 19,206,000 1 +010101111101011 7,319,000 1 +010101111101011 32,680 1 +010101111101011 75.0 2 +010101111101011 rifling 2 +010101111101011 Glavlit 2 +010101111101011 pajama-clad 2 +010101111101011 travelogues 2 +010101111101011 tulle 2 +010101111101011 cogitating 2 +010101111101011 unmoving 2 +010101111101011 1,805,400 2 +010101111101011 852,400 2 +010101111101011 blanching 2 +010101111101011 perching 2 +010101111101011 cobbling 2 +010101111101011 palpitating 2 +010101111101011 diddling 2 +010101111101011 monkeying 2 +010101111101011 freeloading 2 +010101111101011 dogbite 2 +010101111101011 braying 2 +010101111101011 121,609 2 +010101111101011 foments 2 +010101111101011 deconstructed 2 +010101111101011 4,540 2 +010101111101011 Witherspoons 2 +010101111101011 snoops 2 +010101111101011 clumping 2 +010101111101011 overzealousness 2 +010101111101011 doormats 2 +010101111101011 1,249 2 +010101111101011 odd-lotters 3 +010101111101011 triumphing 3 +010101111101011 improvisers 3 +010101111101011 loafing 3 +010101111101011 North-Rhine 3 +010101111101011 36,782 3 +010101111101011 skulking 3 +010101111101011 WNBC-AM 3 +010101111101011 subsisting 3 +010101111101011 wriggling 3 +010101111101011 remarrying 3 +010101111101011 frothing 3 +010101111101011 tentativeness 3 +010101111101011 exulting 3 +010101111101011 billeted 3 +010101111101011 WOMC-FM 4 +010101111101011 procompetitive 4 +010101111101011 ripened 4 +010101111101011 hitchhiking 4 +010101111101011 icebound 4 +010101111101011 jiggling 4 +010101111101011 unschooled 4 +010101111101011 burping 4 +010101111101011 foaming 4 +010101111101011 transfused 5 +010101111101011 squished 5 +010101111101011 worshiping 5 +010101111101011 skimping 5 +010101111101011 roosting 5 +010101111101011 manuevering 5 +010101111101011 recirculated 5 +010101111101011 hell-bent 5 +010101111101011 fence-sitting 5 +010101111101011 nested 5 +010101111101011 co-adviser 5 +010101111101011 relenting 5 +010101111101011 recumbent 5 +010101111101011 undressing 5 +010101111101011 stewing 6 +010101111101011 bicycling 6 +010101111101011 meditating 6 +010101111101011 handicapping 6 +010101111101011 travelling 6 +010101111101011 free-lancing 6 +010101111101011 oxidized 6 +010101111101011 gridlocked 6 +010101111101011 conversing 6 +010101111101011 gawking 6 +010101111101011 squatting 6 +010101111101011 fallible 6 +010101111101011 cross-dressing 6 +010101111101011 reappearing 6 +010101111101011 chargeable 7 +010101111101011 brawling 7 +010101111101011 streaking 7 +010101111101011 dozing 7 +010101111101011 coalescing 7 +010101111101011 buttered 7 +010101111101011 coasting 7 +010101111101011 well-represented 7 +010101111101011 abounding 7 +010101111101011 frosting 7 +010101111101011 lolling 8 +010101111101011 sulking 8 +010101111101011 frowning 8 +010101111101011 romping 8 +010101111101011 harping 8 +010101111101011 urinating 8 +010101111101011 sunbathing 9 +010101111101011 cavorting 9 +010101111101011 snoozing 9 +010101111101011 massing 9 +010101111101011 keying 10 +010101111101011 writhing 10 +010101111101011 penciled 10 +010101111101011 quilting 10 +010101111101011 flip-flopping 10 +010101111101011 chomping 10 +010101111101011 lounging 10 +010101111101011 rebelling 11 +010101111101011 loitering 11 +010101111101011 interceding 11 +010101111101011 lunching 12 +010101111101011 reverberating 12 +010101111101011 swearing 12 +010101111101011 squealing 12 +010101111101011 unbeaten 12 +010101111101011 trekking 12 +010101111101011 converging 13 +010101111101011 feasting 13 +010101111101011 frolicking 13 +010101111101011 cowering 13 +010101111101011 sleepwalking 14 +010101111101011 trespassing 14 +010101111101011 tacking 14 +010101111101011 backpedaling 14 +010101111101011 marooned 14 +010101111101011 hollering 15 +010101111101011 sprawled 15 +010101111101011 rummaging 16 +010101111101011 volunteering 16 +010101111101011 fencing 17 +010101111101011 abstaining 17 +010101111101011 migrating 17 +010101111101011 banding 17 +010101111101011 chuckling 17 +010101111101011 co-counsel 19 +010101111101011 huddling 19 +010101111101011 giggling 19 +010101111101011 squirming 19 +010101111101011 chafing 20 +010101111101011 gasping 20 +010101111101011 foreclosing 20 +010101111101011 toiling 20 +010101111101011 derelict 20 +010101111101011 browsing 20 +010101111101011 embroidered 21 +010101111101011 arrayed 21 +010101111101011 ensconced 21 +010101111101011 raining 21 +010101111101011 tottering 21 +010101111101011 caving 23 +010101111101011 retaliating 23 +010101111101011 crusading 24 +010101111101011 napping 24 +010101111101011 teetering 25 +010101111101011 socializing 26 +010101111101011 fiddling 26 +010101111101011 encroaching 26 +010101111101011 reining 27 +010101111101011 dwelling 27 +010101111101011 bunched 27 +010101111101011 overpaying 28 +010101111101011 whistling 28 +010101111101011 dabbling 28 +010101111101011 waffling 29 +010101111101011 indulging 29 +010101111101011 deliberating 30 +010101111101011 defecting 31 +010101111101011 retrenching 31 +010101111101011 foundering 31 +010101111101011 enrolling 32 +010101111101011 elaborating 32 +010101111101011 laboring 33 +010101111101011 strewn 34 +010101111101011 howling 35 +010101111101011 sparring 36 +010101111101011 swarming 36 +010101111101011 barking 37 +010101111101011 wavering 37 +010101111101011 clustered 37 +010101111101011 descending 41 +010101111101011 drowning 41 +010101111101011 reneging 41 +010101111101011 lurking 41 +010101111101011 sucking 42 +010101111101011 praying 46 +010101111101011 steaming 48 +010101111101011 sweating 54 +010101111101011 infringing 55 +010101111101011 behaving 56 +010101111101011 defaulting 61 +010101111101011 progressing 63 +010101111101011 resting 67 +010101111101011 vacationing 76 +010101111101011 discriminating 77 +010101111101011 languishing 79 +010101111101011 cashing 79 +010101111101011 communicating 81 +010101111101011 situated 113 +010101111101011 stacked 113 +010101111101011 hovering 116 +010101111101011 marching 123 +010101111101011 testifying 123 +010101111101011 laughing 125 +010101111101011 seated 127 +010101111101011 commenting 133 +010101111101011 sailing 166 +010101111101011 intervening 167 +010101111101011 crying 173 +010101111101011 smiling 181 +010101111101011 circulating 195 +010101111101011 sleeping 209 +010101111101011 resigning 232 +010101111101011 bent 238 +010101111101011 arriving 259 +010101111101011 engaging 313 +010101111101011 campaigning 329 +010101111101011 lying 332 +010101111101011 appearing 339 +010101111101011 retiring 508 +010101111101011 staying 542 +010101111101011 proceeding 544 +010101111101011 traveling 569 +010101111101011 counting 611 +010101111101011 happening 702 +010101111101011 participating 731 +010101111101011 speaking 759 +010101111101011 sitting 991 +010101111101011 standing 994 +010101111101011 investing 1391 +010101111101011 acting 1737 +010101111101011 working 6486 +010101111101011 living 2560 +01010111110110 underusing 1 +01010111110110 out-homering 1 +01010111110110 conquesting 1 +01010111110110 over-counting 1 +01010111110110 239-175 1 +01010111110110 quick-spending 1 +01010111110110 becase 1 +01010111110110 liquifying 1 +01010111110110 re-exporting 1 +01010111110110 re-basing 1 +01010111110110 CIA-conducted 1 +01010111110110 subservicing 1 +01010111110110 attuning 1 +01010111110110 excommunicating 1 +01010111110110 superimposing 1 +01010111110110 Bouquet 1 +01010111110110 dispossessing 1 +01010111110110 re-launching 1 +01010111110110 blanking 1 +01010111110110 re-emit 1 +01010111110110 sublimating 1 +01010111110110 disabusing 1 +01010111110110 Chicago-forcing 1 +01010111110110 Boleslaus 1 +01010111110110 barbarizing 1 +01010111110110 absenting 1 +01010111110110 silvering 1 +01010111110110 cloistering 1 +01010111110110 de-indexing 1 +01010111110110 re-processing 1 +01010111110110 humped 1 +01010111110110 stengthening 1 +01010111110110 molluscs 1 +01010111110110 1649 1 +01010111110110 sequestering 1 +01010111110110 underfinancing 1 +01010111110110 2,676 1 +01010111110110 overlaying 1 +01010111110110 anathematizing 1 +01010111110110 re-registering 1 +01010111110110 strenghtening 1 +01010111110110 overarming 1 +01010111110110 misclassifying 1 +01010111110110 misdirecting 1 +01010111110110 pauperizing 1 +01010111110110 overplaying 1 +01010111110110 uncluttering 1 +01010111110110 stymying 1 +01010111110110 optioning 1 +01010111110110 unshelving 1 +01010111110110 incarcerating 1 +01010111110110 humoring 1 +01010111110110 demonetizing 1 +01010111110110 cinching 1 +01010111110110 re-enacting 1 +01010111110110 miseducating 1 +01010111110110 caculating 1 +01010111110110 shortshrifting 1 +01010111110110 prostrating 1 +01010111110110 metabolizing 1 +01010111110110 de-fanging 1 +01010111110110 delegitimizing 1 +01010111110110 tiding 1 +01010111110110 eviscerating 1 +01010111110110 liberal-style 1 +01010111110110 reinspiring 1 +01010111110110 nitrogen-based 2 +01010111110110 rebroadcasting 2 +01010111110110 blockading 2 +01010111110110 renominating 2 +01010111110110 government-licensed 2 +01010111110110 padlocking 2 +01010111110110 venerating 2 +01010111110110 perfuming 2 +01010111110110 defraying 2 +01010111110110 cueing 2 +01010111110110 electrocuting 2 +01010111110110 heartens 2 +01010111110110 short-circuiting 2 +01010111110110 collateralizing 2 +01010111110110 retouching 2 +01010111110110 slandering 2 +01010111110110 construing 2 +01010111110110 digitize 2 +01010111110110 disadvantaging 2 +01010111110110 hyperopia 2 +01010111110110 resubmitting 2 +01010111110110 imbedding 2 +01010111110110 mispricing 2 +01010111110110 parrying 2 +01010111110110 dignifying 2 +01010111110110 slurring 2 +01010111110110 forswearing 2 +01010111110110 familiarizing 2 +01010111110110 Bulat 2 +01010111110110 stymieing 2 +01010111110110 outlasting 2 +01010111110110 elasticizing 2 +01010111110110 stunting 3 +01010111110110 hand-delivering 3 +01010111110110 cocking 3 +01010111110110 vilifying 3 +01010111110110 vindicating 3 +01010111110110 scorning 3 +01010111110110 slating 3 +01010111110110 prejudicing 3 +01010111110110 alloting 3 +01010111110110 disproving 3 +01010111110110 chauffeuring 3 +01010111110110 commending 3 +01010111110110 sidetracking 3 +01010111110110 reinjecting 3 +01010111110110 toughing 3 +01010111110110 disinviting 3 +01010111110110 oppressing 3 +01010111110110 refashioning 3 +01010111110110 aggrandizing 3 +01010111110110 couching 3 +01010111110110 blighting 3 +01010111110110 criticising 3 +01010111110110 exterminating 3 +01010111110110 prearranging 3 +01010111110110 lampooning 3 +01010111110110 disliking 3 +01010111110110 duping 3 +01010111110110 ordaining 3 +01010111110110 monetizing 3 +01010111110110 extricating 3 +01010111110110 narrating 3 +01010111110110 besmirching 3 +01010111110110 repressing 3 +01010111110110 over-zealous 3 +01010111110110 reappraising 3 +01010111110110 stiffing 3 +01010111110110 appending 3 +01010111110110 reinfusing 3 +01010111110110 mollifying 4 +01010111110110 restaging 4 +01010111110110 re-electing 4 +01010111110110 counterattacking 4 +01010111110110 outmaneuvering 4 +01010111110110 decking 4 +01010111110110 lacing 4 +01010111110110 encasing 4 +01010111110110 redistributes 4 +01010111110110 accessing 4 +01010111110110 gracing 4 +01010111110110 relaunching 4 +01010111110110 remolding 4 +01010111110110 crystallizing 4 +01010111110110 elucidating 4 +01010111110110 readmitting 4 +01010111110110 reviling 4 +01010111110110 reacquiring 4 +01010111110110 resupplying 4 +01010111110110 glutting 4 +01010111110110 glorifying 4 +01010111110110 plagiarizing 4 +01010111110110 assassinating 4 +01010111110110 circumscribing 4 +01010111110110 pooh-poohing 4 +01010111110110 delineating 4 +01010111110110 outdoing 4 +01010111110110 re-regulating 4 +01010111110110 obliterating 4 +01010111110110 overstimulating 4 +01010111110110 clenching 4 +01010111110110 preoccupying 4 +01010111110110 finessing 4 +01010111110110 upstaging 4 +01010111110110 reunifying 4 +01010111110110 obligating 4 +01010111110110 ejecting 4 +01010111110110 partitioning 4 +01010111110110 prejudging 4 +01010111110110 sullying 4 +01010111110110 jerking 4 +01010111110110 lofting 4 +01010111110110 riling 5 +01010111110110 substantiating 5 +01010111110110 assuaging 5 +01010111110110 aping 5 +01010111110110 reassembling 5 +01010111110110 reorienting 5 +01010111110110 refereeing 5 +01010111110110 vanquishing 5 +01010111110110 relishing 5 +01010111110110 outraging 5 +01010111110110 ascribing 5 +01010111110110 parodying 5 +01010111110110 hamstringing 5 +01010111110110 collaring 5 +01010111110110 bludgeoning 5 +01010111110110 querying 5 +01010111110110 disentangling 5 +01010111110110 invalidates 5 +01010111110110 immersing 5 +01010111110110 upending 5 +01010111110110 diffusing 5 +01010111110110 hating 5 +01010111110110 inflaming 5 +01010111110110 muddying 5 +01010111110110 consigning 5 +01010111110110 accentuating 5 +01010111110110 dissuading 5 +01010111110110 cloaking 5 +01010111110110 underbidding 5 +01010111110110 disdaining 5 +01010111110110 parlaying 5 +01010111110110 disassociating 5 +01010111110110 recanting 5 +01010111110110 outliving 5 +01010111110110 befriending 5 +01010111110110 dreading 5 +01010111110110 counteracting 6 +01010111110110 buttressing 6 +01010111110110 impugning 6 +01010111110110 disclaiming 6 +01010111110110 ingesting 6 +01010111110110 silencing 6 +01010111110110 bestowing 6 +01010111110110 entangling 6 +01010111110110 repulsing 6 +01010111110110 overdoing 6 +01010111110110 proffering 6 +01010111110110 interdicting 6 +01010111110110 signalling 6 +01010111110110 redoing 6 +01010111110110 immobilizing 6 +01010111110110 redeveloping 6 +01010111110110 cheapening 6 +01010111110110 exemplifying 6 +01010111110110 strong-arming 6 +01010111110110 encapsulating 6 +01010111110110 surmounting 6 +01010111110110 hitching 6 +01010111110110 denigrating 6 +01010111110110 disobeying 6 +01010111110110 spoofing 6 +01010111110110 stanching 6 +01010111110110 muting 6 +01010111110110 guzzling 6 +01010111110110 underselling 6 +01010111110110 broaching 6 +01010111110110 rectifying 6 +01010111110110 rebuking 6 +01010111110110 corralling 6 +01010111110110 paraphrasing 6 +01010111110110 outwitting 6 +01010111110110 relaying 6 +01010111110110 reissuing 7 +01010111110110 outspending 7 +01010111110110 peppering 7 +01010111110110 lauding 7 +01010111110110 nabbing 7 +01010111110110 hoisting 7 +01010111110110 arbitrating 7 +01010111110110 resuscitating 7 +01010111110110 torpedoing 7 +01010111110110 subordinating 7 +01010111110110 discrediting 7 +01010111110110 detaining 7 +01010111110110 deciphering 7 +01010111110110 mothballing 7 +01010111110110 disavowing 7 +01010111110110 copping 7 +01010111110110 pardoning 7 +01010111110110 deemphasizing 7 +01010111110110 tainting 7 +01010111110110 inferring 7 +01010111110110 ambushing 7 +01010111110110 squashing 7 +01010111110110 recreating 7 +01010111110110 perpetrating 7 +01010111110110 categorizing 7 +01010111110110 subduing 7 +01010111110110 shirking 7 +01010111110110 legitimizing 7 +01010111110110 instigating 7 +01010111110110 penning 8 +01010111110110 retarding 8 +01010111110110 envisioning 8 +01010111110110 regaling 8 +01010111110110 downplaying 8 +01010111110110 codifying 8 +01010111110110 spotlighting 8 +01010111110110 bombarding 8 +01010111110110 formalizing 8 +01010111110110 reinterpreting 8 +01010111110110 monopolizing 8 +01010111110110 extinguishing 8 +01010111110110 synthesizing 8 +01010111110110 seducing 8 +01010111110110 incinerating 8 +01010111110110 segregating 8 +01010111110110 braving 8 +01010111110110 implanting 8 +01010111110110 booting 8 +01010111110110 visualizing 8 +01010111110110 propagating 8 +01010111110110 extraditing 8 +01010111110110 endowing 8 +01010111110110 bettering 8 +01010111110110 nullifying 8 +01010111110110 castigating 8 +01010111110110 reinstituting 8 +01010111110110 overextending 8 +01010111110110 lobbing 9 +01010111110110 vacuuming 9 +01010111110110 reentering 9 +01010111110110 catapulting 9 +01010111110110 tweaking 9 +01010111110110 dubbing 9 +01010111110110 debasing 9 +01010111110110 yanking 9 +01010111110110 affording 9 +01010111110110 extrapolating 9 +01010111110110 raping 9 +01010111110110 misinterpreting 9 +01010111110110 reinventing 9 +01010111110110 deriding 9 +01010111110110 mismanaging 9 +01010111110110 massaging 9 +01010111110110 dunning 9 +01010111110110 stoking 9 +01010111110110 ditching 9 +01010111110110 consummating 9 +01010111110110 stranding 9 +01010111110110 replicating 9 +01010111110110 memorizing 9 +01010111110110 remedying 9 +01010111110110 placating 9 +01010111110110 subpoenaing 9 +01010111110110 unlocking 10 +01010111110110 abrogating 10 +01010111110110 untangling 10 +01010111110110 enraging 10 +01010111110110 eliciting 10 +01010111110110 indemnifying 10 +01010111110110 junking 10 +01010111110110 dramatizing 10 +01010111110110 equalizing 10 +01010111110110 transplanting 10 +01010111110110 upping 10 +01010111110110 inaugurating 10 +01010111110110 saturating 10 +01010111110110 reclassifying 10 +01010111110110 mouthing 10 +01010111110110 validating 10 +01010111110110 faulting 10 +01010111110110 eradicating 10 +01010111110110 interrogating 10 +01010111110110 chastising 10 +01010111110110 tricking 10 +01010111110110 excoriating 10 +01010111110110 fortifying 10 +01010111110110 jettisoning 11 +01010111110110 camouflaging 11 +01010111110110 co-sponsoring 11 +01010111110110 anchoring 11 +01010111110110 skewing 11 +01010111110110 retrieving 11 +01010111110110 showering 11 +01010111110110 popularizing 11 +01010111110110 promulgating 11 +01010111110110 fusing 11 +01010111110110 refuting 11 +01010111110110 blanketing 11 +01010111110110 politicizing 11 +01010111110110 dismembering 11 +01010111110110 squelching 11 +01010111110110 quieting 11 +01010111110110 expediting 11 +01010111110110 forestalling 12 +01010111110110 photographing 12 +01010111110110 activating 12 +01010111110110 evicting 12 +01010111110110 espousing 12 +01010111110110 emulating 12 +01010111110110 tarnishing 12 +01010111110110 assailing 12 +01010111110110 imprisoning 12 +01010111110110 slighting 12 +01010111110110 impressing 12 +01010111110110 snubbing 12 +01010111110110 embodying 12 +01010111110110 prepaying 12 +01010111110110 reactivating 12 +01010111110110 dispersing 12 +01010111110110 denting 12 +01010111110110 dedicating 12 +01010111110110 dissecting 12 +01010111110110 chucking 12 +01010111110110 quantifying 12 +01010111110110 unseating 12 +01010111110110 reuniting 12 +01010111110110 aborting 12 +01010111110110 denationalizing 12 +01010111110110 renouncing 12 +01010111110110 bankrupting 12 +01010111110110 terrorizing 12 +01010111110110 snaring 13 +01010111110110 priming 13 +01010111110110 straddling 13 +01010111110110 relegating 13 +01010111110110 allying 13 +01010111110110 pre-empting 13 +01010111110110 precluding 13 +01010111110110 foiling 13 +01010111110110 conjuring 13 +01010111110110 disapproving 13 +01010111110110 simulating 13 +01010111110110 bankrolling 13 +01010111110110 misstating 13 +01010111110110 censoring 13 +01010111110110 imperiling 13 +01010111110110 summoning 13 +01010111110110 reprinting 13 +01010111110110 compressing 13 +01010111110110 re-creating 14 +01010111110110 ridiculing 14 +01010111110110 subverting 14 +01010111110110 overestimating 14 +01010111110110 effecting 14 +01010111110110 repatriating 14 +01010111110110 flunking 14 +01010111110110 revolutionizing 14 +01010111110110 showcasing 14 +01010111110110 commercializing 14 +01010111110110 neutralizing 15 +01010111110110 computerizing 15 +01010111110110 reimposing 15 +01010111110110 rejoining 15 +01010111110110 negating 15 +01010111110110 blunting 15 +01010111110110 coercing 15 +01010111110110 quashing 15 +01010111110110 re-entering 15 +01010111110110 redirecting 15 +01010111110110 sowing 15 +01010111110110 conquering 15 +01010111110110 torturing 15 +01010111110110 chiding 15 +01010111110110 marshaling 15 +01010111110110 elevating 15 +01010111110110 congratulating 15 +01010111110110 pinpointing 15 +01010111110110 deleting 15 +01010111110110 deporting 15 +01010111110110 taunting 15 +01010111110110 decentralizing 15 +01010111110110 flinging 15 +01010111110110 reassigning 16 +01010111110110 extorting 16 +01010111110110 augmenting 16 +01010111110110 entrenching 16 +01010111110110 divorcing 16 +01010111110110 devouring 16 +01010111110110 outfitting 16 +01010111110110 appraising 16 +01010111110110 infiltrating 16 +01010111110110 apportioning 16 +01010111110110 salvaging 16 +01010111110110 de-emphasizing 16 +01010111110110 taming 16 +01010111110110 piloting 16 +01010111110110 obeying 16 +01010111110110 pronouncing 16 +01010111110110 replenishing 16 +01010111110110 fingering 17 +01010111110110 re-establishing 17 +01010111110110 empowering 17 +01010111110110 reestablishing 17 +01010111110110 cornering 17 +01010111110110 shepherding 17 +01010111110110 mortgaging 17 +01010111110110 reconstructing 17 +01010111110110 assimilating 17 +01010111110110 condoning 17 +01010111110110 overshadowing 17 +01010111110110 confiscating 17 +01010111110110 impairing 17 +01010111110110 antagonizing 17 +01010111110110 forsaking 17 +01010111110110 disconnecting 17 +01010111110110 lumping 17 +01010111110110 nationalizing 17 +01010111110110 demolishing 17 +01010111110110 berating 18 +01010111110110 indicting 18 +01010111110110 dispelling 18 +01010111110110 reinvigorating 18 +01010111110110 convicting 18 +01010111110110 supplanting 18 +01010111110110 lamenting 18 +01010111110110 reasserting 18 +01010111110110 obscuring 18 +01010111110110 belittling 18 +01010111110110 disguising 18 +01010111110110 redistributing 18 +01010111110110 sabotaging 18 +01010111110110 discarding 19 +01010111110110 amortizing 19 +01010111110110 disseminating 19 +01010111110110 eschewing 19 +01010111110110 reproducing 19 +01010111110110 bilking 19 +01010111110110 perpetuating 19 +01010111110110 mastering 19 +01010111110110 trashing 19 +01010111110110 patting 19 +01010111110110 deploring 19 +01010111110110 saddling 20 +01010111110110 designating 20 +01010111110110 culling 20 +01010111110110 plying 20 +01010111110110 reintroducing 20 +01010111110110 divulging 20 +01010111110110 defusing 20 +01010111110110 equating 20 +01010111110110 netting 20 +01010111110110 fomenting 20 +01010111110110 hyping 20 +01010111110110 harnessing 20 +01010111110110 disallowing 20 +01010111110110 appeasing 20 +01010111110110 weaning 21 +01010111110110 aligning 21 +01010111110110 gutting 21 +01010111110110 earmarking 21 +01010111110110 concocting 21 +01010111110110 conserving 21 +01010111110110 derailing 21 +01010111110110 repudiating 22 +01010111110110 ferrying 22 +01010111110110 lambasting 22 +01010111110110 diagnosing 22 +01010111110110 infecting 22 +01010111110110 thrusting 22 +01010111110110 burdening 22 +01010111110110 deflecting 22 +01010111110110 assaulting 22 +01010111110110 levying 23 +01010111110110 tolerating 23 +01010111110110 clouding 23 +01010111110110 perfecting 23 +01010111110110 flexing 23 +01010111110110 classifying 23 +01010111110110 overtaking 23 +01010111110110 sidestepping 23 +01010111110110 quelling 23 +01010111110110 standardizing 23 +01010111110110 overthrowing 24 +01010111110110 precipitating 24 +01010111110110 revoking 24 +01010111110110 arousing 24 +01010111110110 heeding 24 +01010111110110 summarizing 24 +01010111110110 trapping 24 +01010111110110 expelling 24 +01010111110110 equipping 24 +01010111110110 exhorting 24 +01010111110110 enriching 24 +01010111110110 outbidding 25 +01010111110110 evoking 25 +01010111110110 rescinding 25 +01010111110110 reciting 25 +01010111110110 donning 25 +01010111110110 understating 25 +01010111110110 rearranging 25 +01010111110110 recapturing 25 +01010111110110 usurping 25 +01010111110110 ridding 26 +01010111110110 decrying 26 +01010111110110 resurrecting 26 +01010111110110 tempering 26 +01010111110110 isolating 26 +01010111110110 manning 26 +01010111110110 simplifying 26 +01010111110110 disregarding 27 +01010111110110 betraying 27 +01010111110110 renaming 27 +01010111110110 contradicting 27 +01010111110110 alleviating 27 +01010111110110 masterminding 27 +01010111110110 mimicking 27 +01010111110110 reconciling 28 +01010111110110 imitating 28 +01010111110110 rehabilitating 28 +01010111110110 devaluing 28 +01010111110110 framing 28 +01010111110110 pegging 28 +01010111110110 appropriating 28 +01010111110110 skirting 28 +01010111110110 enlisting 29 +01010111110110 rebuffing 29 +01010111110110 erecting 29 +01010111110110 spurning 29 +01010111110110 restating 29 +01010111110110 coaxing 29 +01010111110110 championing 29 +01010111110110 overruling 29 +01010111110110 masking 29 +01010111110110 redefining 29 +01010111110110 displacing 29 +01010111110110 inciting 29 +01010111110110 supplementing 29 +01010111110110 orchestrating 30 +01010111110110 revitalizing 30 +01010111110110 legalizing 30 +01010111110110 automating 31 +01010111110110 prolonging 31 +01010111110110 curing 31 +01010111110110 sparing 31 +01010111110110 discharging 31 +01010111110110 alerting 31 +01010111110110 depleting 31 +01010111110110 scuttling 32 +01010111110110 conveying 32 +01010111110110 renovating 32 +01010111110110 sheltering 32 +01010111110110 toppling 32 +01010111110110 unleashing 32 +01010111110110 extolling 32 +01010111110110 murdering 32 +01010111110110 invalidating 33 +01010111110110 hosting 33 +01010111110110 heralding 33 +01010111110110 underestimating 33 +01010111110110 exhibiting 33 +01010111110110 buoying 33 +01010111110110 slapping 34 +01010111110110 suppressing 34 +01010111110110 bucking 34 +01010111110110 dodging 34 +01010111110110 characterizing 34 +01010111110110 duplicating 34 +01010111110110 disciplining 35 +01010111110110 hailing 35 +01010111110110 misusing 35 +01010111110110 certifying 36 +01010111110110 reimbursing 36 +01010111110110 recounting 36 +01010111110110 outlawing 36 +01010111110110 hindering 36 +01010111110110 confounding 36 +01010111110110 boycotting 36 +01010111110110 restarting 37 +01010111110110 interrupting 37 +01010111110110 halving 37 +01010111110110 uncovering 37 +01010111110110 recapitalizing 37 +01010111110110 recouping 38 +01010111110110 reinvesting 38 +01010111110110 safeguarding 38 +01010111110110 gauging 38 +01010111110110 sipping 38 +01010111110110 clutching 39 +01010111110110 accomplishing 39 +01010111110110 redesigning 39 +01010111110110 attaining 39 +01010111110110 channeling 39 +01010111110110 furthering 40 +01010111110110 trumpeting 40 +01010111110110 reaffirming 40 +01010111110110 burying 40 +01010111110110 dispatching 41 +01010111110110 misrepresenting 41 +01010111110110 impeding 41 +01010111110110 reinstating 41 +01010111110110 shielding 41 +01010111110110 crafting 42 +01010111110110 arming 42 +01010111110110 omitting 42 +01010111110110 utilizing 42 +01010111110110 facilitating 42 +01010111110110 overstating 42 +01010111110110 penalizing 43 +01010111110110 forgoing 43 +01010111110110 abetting 44 +01010111110110 enlarging 44 +01010111110110 inventing 44 +01010111110110 subjecting 44 +01010111110110 inhibiting 45 +01010111110110 exaggerating 45 +01010111110110 severing 45 +01010111110110 waiving 46 +01010111110110 relinquishing 46 +01010111110110 instructing 46 +01010111110110 circumventing 46 +01010111110110 neglecting 46 +01010111110110 escorting 46 +01010111110110 propelling 48 +01010111110110 privatizing 48 +01010111110110 countering 48 +01010111110110 angering 49 +01010111110110 deterring 49 +01010111110110 fining 49 +01010111110110 extracting 50 +01010111110110 inserting 50 +01010111110110 repealing 51 +01010111110110 blasting 51 +01010111110110 distorting 51 +01010111110110 deregulating 51 +01010111110110 ruining 51 +01010111110110 highlighting 51 +01010111110110 rescuing 52 +01010111110110 publicizing 52 +01010111110110 locating 52 +01010111110110 vetoing 52 +01010111110110 obstructing 53 +01010111110110 justifying 53 +01010111110110 attaching 54 +01010111110110 spotting 54 +01010111110110 reselling 55 +01010111110110 renegotiating 55 +01010111110110 digesting 55 +01010111110110 inducing 56 +01010111110110 rewriting 56 +01010111110110 hampering 56 +01010111110110 clarifying 56 +01010111110110 harming 57 +01010111110110 swallowing 57 +01010111110110 donating 57 +01010111110110 instituting 57 +01010111110110 depriving 57 +01010111110110 hawking 57 +01010111110110 affirming 58 +01010111110110 guarding 59 +01010111110110 contacting 59 +01010111110110 ousting 59 +01010111110110 voicing 60 +01010111110110 fostering 60 +01010111110110 relieving 61 +01010111110110 capping 61 +01010111110110 inspecting 61 +01010111110110 minimizing 62 +01010111110110 formulating 62 +01010111110110 transmitting 63 +01010111110110 abolishing 63 +01010111110110 tackling 64 +01010111110110 exempting 64 +01010111110110 misappropriating 64 +01010111110110 endangering 64 +01010111110110 breaching 65 +01010111110110 bribing 65 +01010111110110 discontinuing 65 +01010111110110 injecting 65 +01010111110110 evading 65 +01010111110110 insuring 65 +01010111110110 amending 66 +01010111110110 exacerbating 66 +01010111110110 structuring 66 +01010111110110 complicating 66 +01010111110110 combating 66 +01010111110110 undercutting 68 +01010111110110 welcoming 68 +01010111110110 bypassing 69 +01010111110110 divesting 69 +01010111110110 overturning 70 +01010111110110 abusing 70 +01010111110110 concealing 72 +01010111110110 erasing 72 +01010111110110 disrupting 72 +01010111110110 underscoring 73 +01010111110110 electing 73 +01010111110110 honoring 74 +01010111110110 occupying 74 +01010111110110 transporting 74 +01010111110110 liberalizing 74 +01010111110110 jeopardizing 74 +01010111110110 overcoming 74 +01010111110110 compiling 75 +01010111110110 outperforming 76 +01010111110110 condemning 78 +01010111110110 initiating 79 +01010111110110 funneling 79 +01010111110110 reforming 80 +01010111110110 modifying 80 +01010111110110 pitting 80 +01010111110110 compensating 80 +01010111110110 denouncing 81 +01010111110110 shunning 81 +01010111110110 incorporating 81 +01010111110110 educating 81 +01010111110110 outpacing 82 +01010111110110 substituting 82 +01010111110110 mandating 82 +01010111110110 defying 82 +01010111110110 provoking 82 +01010111110110 repaying 83 +01010111110110 falsifying 83 +01010111110110 diluting 83 +01010111110110 inflating 84 +01010111110110 overhauling 84 +01010111110110 averting 84 +01010111110110 thwarting 86 +01010111110110 punishing 87 +01010111110110 reinforcing 87 +01010111110110 dissolving 88 +01010111110110 invoking 88 +01010111110110 mixing 88 +01010111110110 storing 88 +01010111110110 deferring 89 +01010111110110 alienating 89 +01010111110110 detecting 89 +01010111110110 reminding 90 +01010111110110 enacting 91 +01010111110110 allocating 94 +01010111110110 depicting 94 +01010111110110 portraying 95 +01010111110110 forbidding 96 +01010111110110 curtailing 97 +01010111110110 deducting 98 +01010111110110 fulfilling 98 +01010111110110 observing 99 +01010111110110 paving 99 +01010111110110 repairing 99 +01010111110110 embracing 101 +01010111110110 notifying 101 +01010111110110 maximizing 101 +01010111110110 luring 103 +01010111110110 modernizing 104 +01010111110110 integrating 104 +01010111110110 deploying 104 +01010111110110 reorganizing 106 +01010111110110 appointing 106 +01010111110110 sustaining 106 +01010111110110 scrapping 108 +01010111110110 transforming 108 +01010111110110 praising 109 +01010111110110 administering 110 +01010111110110 influencing 111 +01010111110110 renewing 112 +01010111110110 assigning 113 +01010111110110 correcting 113 +01010111110110 informing 115 +01010111110110 exposing 115 +01010111110110 terminating 116 +01010111110110 prosecuting 116 +01010111110110 mentioning 118 +01010111110110 dismissing 118 +01010111110110 interpreting 120 +01010111110110 defeating 120 +01010111110110 postponing 120 +01010111110110 exploiting 121 +01010111110110 dominating 122 +01010111110110 displaying 122 +01010111110110 manipulating 126 +01010111110110 defrauding 127 +01010111110110 executing 128 +01010111110110 undermining 129 +01010111110110 wooing 129 +01010111110110 assuring 129 +01010111110110 diverting 132 +01010111110110 dividing 133 +01010111110110 squeezing 134 +01010111110110 supervising 134 +01010111110110 assisting 135 +01010111110110 capturing 138 +01010111110110 sparking 138 +01010111110110 spurring 139 +01010111110110 assembling 143 +01010111110110 suspending 144 +01010111110110 resuming 144 +01010111110110 subsidizing 144 +01010111110110 bolstering 145 +01010111110110 separating 148 +01010111110110 revising 149 +01010111110110 tapping 151 +01010111110110 outlining 151 +01010111110110 repeating 155 +01010111110110 enhancing 155 +01010111110110 freeing 156 +01010111110110 tying 157 +01010111110110 altering 158 +01010111110110 canceling 160 +01010111110110 endorsing 163 +01010111110110 halting 163 +01010111110110 touting 163 +01010111110110 employing 165 +01010111110110 exchanging 167 +01010111110110 coordinating 169 +01010111110110 securing 172 +01010111110110 upholding 174 +01010111110110 solving 174 +01010111110110 quoting 174 +01010111110110 defining 175 +01010111110110 advocating 175 +01010111110110 submitting 177 +01010111110110 reviving 181 +01010111110110 selecting 190 +01010111110110 persuading 191 +01010111110110 pressuring 192 +01010111110110 presenting 194 +01010111110110 inviting 195 +01010111110110 blaming 195 +01010111110110 committing 196 +01010111110110 guaranteeing 196 +01010111110110 preserving 197 +01010111110110 analyzing 201 +01010111110110 authorizing 202 +01010111110110 valuing 203 +01010111110110 assessing 203 +01010111110110 protesting 205 +01010111110110 installing 205 +01010111110110 taxing 207 +01010111110110 fueling 218 +01010111110110 identifying 218 +01010111110110 triggering 222 +01010111110110 curbing 225 +01010111110110 enforcing 227 +01010111110110 regulating 227 +01010111110110 topping 229 +01010111110110 calculating 230 +01010111110110 favoring 231 +01010111110110 comparing 235 +01010111110110 directing 237 +01010111110110 destroying 238 +01010111110110 aiding 251 +01010111110110 stopping 252 +01010111110110 abandoning 261 +01010111110110 criticizing 269 +01010111110110 releasing 269 +01010111110110 expressing 271 +01010111110110 emphasizing 272 +01010111110110 naming 274 +01010111110110 delivering 276 +01010111110110 transferring 276 +01010111110110 disclosing 277 +01010111110110 restoring 286 +01010111110110 prohibiting 288 +01010111110110 designing 289 +01010111110110 accusing 290 +01010111110110 achieving 292 +01010111110110 implementing 296 +01010111110110 enabling 297 +01010111110110 addressing 299 +01010111110110 marking 300 +01010111110110 reversing 302 +01010111110110 restricting 305 +01010111110110 resolving 306 +01010111110110 overseeing 311 +01010111110110 retaining 313 +01010111110110 ignoring 316 +01010111110110 distributing 330 +01010111110110 approving 333 +01010111110110 banning 339 +01010111110110 delaying 343 +01010111110110 permitting 344 +01010111110110 supplying 351 +01010111110110 combining 352 +01010111110110 arranging 353 +01010111110110 linking 362 +01010111110110 ordering 367 +01010111110110 rejecting 373 +01010111110110 describing 375 +01010111110110 adopting 379 +01010111110110 attacking 382 +01010111110110 matching 403 +01010111110110 converting 410 +01010111110110 granting 418 +01010111110110 avoiding 444 +01010111110110 preventing 452 +01010111110110 imposing 468 +01010111110110 introducing 470 +01010111110110 removing 479 +01010111110110 prompting 480 +01010111110110 blocking 499 +01010111110110 completing 510 +01010111110110 establishing 519 +01010111110110 defending 524 +01010111110110 placing 533 +01010111110110 replacing 540 +01010111110110 treating 542 +01010111110110 opposing 568 +01010111110110 extending 575 +01010111110110 protecting 584 +01010111110110 barring 593 +01010111110110 letting 601 +01010111110110 filling 649 +01010111110110 denying 663 +01010111110110 announcing 712 +01010111110110 limiting 716 +01010111110110 maintaining 720 +01010111110110 promoting 736 +01010111110110 violating 738 +01010111110110 accepting 759 +01010111110110 eliminating 771 +01010111110110 joining 815 +01010111110110 boosting 869 +01010111110110 forcing 952 +01010111110110 sending 956 +01010111110110 supporting 1015 +01010111110110 causing 1077 +01010111110110 requiring 1493 +01010111110110 bringing 1504 +01010111110110 creating 1548 +01010111110110 setting 1815 +01010111110110 allowing 1971 +01010111110110 keeping 2020 +01010111110110 providing 2059 +01010111110110 reducing 2320 +01010111110110 leaving 2451 +01010111110110 raising 2800 +01010111110110 giving 3692 +01010111110110 using 5391 +01010111110110 making 10400 +0101011111011100 bin-busters 1 +0101011111011100 Lookin 1 +0101011111011100 irreconcilably 1 +0101011111011100 surmising 1 +0101011111011100 GarBarge 1 +0101011111011100 dinning 1 +0101011111011100 common-interest 1 +0101011111011100 inimitably 1 +0101011111011100 DENTISTRY 1 +0101011111011100 business-the 1 +0101011111011100 penmaker 1 +0101011111011100 Chi-Chi-Jima 1 +0101011111011100 abolutely 1 +0101011111011100 bone-induction 1 +0101011111011100 anti-small 1 +0101011111011100 axiomatically 1 +0101011111011100 rarin 1 +0101011111011100 hazarding 1 +0101011111011100 gaucheness 1 +0101011111011100 re-sorted 1 +0101011111011100 Weiter 1 +0101011111011100 by-and-large 1 +0101011111011100 profferring 1 +0101011111011100 screwin 1 +0101011111011100 fighter-engine 1 +0101011111011100 fangling 1 +0101011111011100 diversifing 1 +0101011111011100 Ronzi 1 +0101011111011100 white-knuckling 1 +0101011111011100 Rereading 1 +0101011111011100 put/store/carry 1 +0101011111011100 going-out-of-business-sale 1 +0101011111011100 imbed 1 +0101011111011100 ivnestigating 1 +0101011111011100 demonopolize 1 +0101011111011100 CSCEC 1 +0101011111011100 super-hardened 1 +0101011111011100 deletes 2 +0101011111011100 pertriz 2 +0101011111011100 penciling 2 +0101011111011100 Slavery 2 +0101011111011100 MAMMOTH 2 +0101011111011100 optimally 2 +0101011111011100 gift-wrapping 2 +0101011111011100 dead-on 2 +0101011111011100 barraging 2 +0101011111011100 fanatically 2 +0101011111011100 unambitious 2 +0101011111011100 overregulating 3 +0101011111011100 qualitatively 3 +0101011111011100 mistreating 3 +0101011111011100 rededicating 3 +0101011111011100 excusing 4 +0101011111011100 terrifically 7 +0101011111011100 Ze 7 +0101011111011100 reevaluating 11 +0101011111011100 slugging 23 +0101011111011100 augur 25 +0101011111011100 faring 64 +0101011111011100 bode 102 +0101011111011100 precisely 630 +0101011111011100 absolutely 896 +0101011111011100 exactly 1476 +0101011111011100 doing 5349 +0101011111011100 quite 2850 +0101011111011101 propounding 1 +0101011111011101 outearning 1 +0101011111011101 lead-managing 1 +0101011111011101 over-reaching 1 +0101011111011101 lowone 1 +0101011111011101 stomaching 1 +0101011111011101 haling 1 +0101011111011101 Stefka 1 +0101011111011101 inscrutably 1 +0101011111011101 necessary-if 1 +0101011111011101 underminining 1 +0101011111011101 Novacorp 1 +0101011111011101 director/North 1 +0101011111011101 made. 1 +0101011111011101 chiseling 1 +0101011111011101 outfoxing 1 +0101011111011101 essentally 1 +0101011111011101 required. 1 +0101011111011101 acculturating 1 +0101011111011101 esssentially 1 +0101011111011101 sluicing 1 +0101011111011101 KEZO 1 +0101011111011101 re-releasing 1 +0101011111011101 indexing-adjusting 1 +0101011111011101 vacuum-cleaning 1 +0101011111011101 strugggling 1 +0101011111011101 one-thirteenth 1 +0101011111011101 sufficently 1 +0101011111011101 extinquishing 1 +0101011111011101 revaluating 1 +0101011111011101 Tyche 1 +0101011111011101 skeptical. 1 +0101011111011101 based- 1 +0101011111011101 Xanthe 1 +0101011111011101 oversaturating 1 +0101011111011101 outproducing 1 +0101011111011101 Yuasa-Exide 1 +0101011111011101 reinvestigating 1 +0101011111011101 xerigation 1 +0101011111011101 jaw-dropping 1 +0101011111011101 mispronouncing 1 +0101011111011101 undergrowing 1 +0101011111011101 virutally 1 +0101011111011101 reconfirming 2 +0101011111011101 deindustrializing 2 +0101011111011101 discomforted 2 +0101011111011101 eying 2 +0101011111011101 contenting 2 +0101011111011101 obstensibly 2 +0101011111011101 outgaining 2 +0101011111011101 bastardizing 2 +0101011111011101 outdrawing 2 +0101011111011101 outgrowing 2 +0101011111011101 foisting 2 +0101011111011101 twitted 2 +0101011111011101 Breathalyzer 2 +0101011111011101 gleaning 3 +0101011111011101 criss-crossing 3 +0101011111011101 calorie-and-cholesterol 3 +0101011111011101 burglarized 3 +0101011111011101 perverting 3 +0101011111011101 inundating 4 +0101011111011101 outrunning 4 +0101011111011101 steeling 4 +0101011111011101 overemphasized 5 +0101011111011101 misreported 7 +0101011111011101 overstepping 7 +0101011111011101 humanly 8 +0101011111011101 recognizably 9 +0101011111011101 re-evaluating 15 +0101011111011101 reexamining 16 +0101011111011101 minding 19 +0101011111011101 re-examining 25 +0101011111011101 spearheading 37 +0101011111011101 busily 48 +0101011111011101 readying 48 +0101011111011101 reassessing 49 +0101011111011101 witnessing 62 +0101011111011101 reconsidering 69 +0101011111011101 eyeing 69 +0101011111011101 pondering 73 +0101011111011101 mulling 93 +0101011111011101 contesting 101 +0101011111011101 scrutinizing 104 +0101011111011101 probing 139 +0101011111011101 projecting 167 +0101011111011101 debating 181 +0101011111011101 contemplating 196 +0101011111011101 undergoing 207 +0101011111011101 anticipating 228 +0101011111011101 resisting 239 +0101011111011101 nearing 242 +0101011111011101 recalling 255 +0101011111011101 experiencing 288 +0101011111011101 weighing 319 +0101011111011101 evaluating 355 +0101011111011101 examining 413 +0101011111011101 deemed 430 +0101011111011101 exploring 495 +0101011111011101 awaiting 547 +0101011111011101 discussing 949 +0101011111011101 expecting 958 +0101011111011101 reviewing 999 +0101011111011101 studying 1164 +0101011111011101 rated 1487 +0101011111011101 investigating 1599 +0101011111011101 considering 4073 +0101011111011101 considered 5181 +0101011111011110 10,830 1 +0101011111011110 1,787,600 1 +0101011111011110 646,843 1 +0101011111011110 679,435 1 +0101011111011110 2,989 1 +0101011111011110 154,158 1 +0101011111011110 588,196 1 +0101011111011110 abrading 1 +0101011111011110 653,704 1 +0101011111011110 291,536 1 +0101011111011110 27,277 1 +0101011111011110 41,875 1 +0101011111011110 1,772,000 1 +0101011111011110 1,743,100 1 +0101011111011110 1,768,200 1 +0101011111011110 75,400 1 +0101011111011110 M-what-have-you 1 +0101011111011110 6,606,255 1 +0101011111011110 205,898,800 1 +0101011111011110 repenting 1 +0101011111011110 299,634 1 +0101011111011110 2,229,500 1 +0101011111011110 4,813 1 +0101011111011110 611,409 1 +0101011111011110 2,254,600 1 +0101011111011110 2,200,900 1 +0101011111011110 5,246,195 1 +0101011111011110 2,214,500 1 +0101011111011110 denuding 1 +0101011111011110 1,714 1 +0101011111011110 17,276 1 +0101011111011110 2,081,100 1 +0101011111011110 impaneling 1 +0101011111011110 3.6496 1 +0101011111011110 7,476 1 +0101011111011110 2,133,900 1 +0101011111011110 finished-products 1 +0101011111011110 99,606 1 +0101011111011110 169,924 1 +0101011111011110 352,389 1 +0101011111011110 2,091,500 1 +0101011111011110 32,263 1 +0101011111011110 27,526 1 +0101011111011110 47,708 1 +0101011111011110 2,156 1 +0101011111011110 242,825,000 1 +0101011111011110 evidence-diagnosing 1 +0101011111011110 160,235 1 +0101011111011110 68,744 1 +0101011111011110 1,727,800 1 +0101011111011110 3,230,100 1 +0101011111011110 25,206 1 +0101011111011110 348,456 1 +0101011111011110 1,716,700 1 +0101011111011110 5,700,508 1 +0101011111011110 24,095 1 +0101011111011110 369,597 1 +0101011111011110 7,211,974 1 +0101011111011110 413,912 1 +0101011111011110 21,477 1 +0101011111011110 1,880,800 1 +0101011111011110 4,212,510 1 +0101011111011110 1,952,100 1 +0101011111011110 14,848,000 1 +0101011111011110 1,901,700 1 +0101011111011110 6,965,700 1 +0101011111011110 137,030 1 +0101011111011110 19,954 1 +0101011111011110 42,047 1 +0101011111011110 28,564 1 +0101011111011110 1,798,200 1 +0101011111011110 5,876,312 1 +0101011111011110 582,300 1 +0101011111011110 256,271 1 +0101011111011110 1,700,300 1 +0101011111011110 6,333,123 1 +0101011111011110 24,186 1 +0101011111011110 80,024 1 +0101011111011110 6,177,900 1 +0101011111011110 159,544 1 +0101011111011110 1,597,800 1 +0101011111011110 396,857 1 +0101011111011110 2,175,300 1 +0101011111011110 2,290,200 1 +0101011111011110 2,535,900 1 +0101011111011110 62,957 1 +0101011111011110 26,302 1 +0101011111011110 3,292,900 1 +0101011111011110 5,586 1 +0101011111011110 172,391 1 +0101011111011110 3,268,900 1 +0101011111011110 1,689 1 +0101011111011110 2,444 1 +0101011111011110 161,400 1 +0101011111011110 148,068 1 +0101011111011110 102,352 1 +0101011111011110 73,444 1 +0101011111011110 3,147,000 1 +0101011111011110 566,273 1 +0101011111011110 spoon-feeding 1 +0101011111011110 2,283 1 +0101011111011110 3,727 1 +0101011111011110 193,772 1 +0101011111011110 535,531 1 +0101011111011110 607,429 1 +0101011111011110 163,518 1 +0101011111011110 2,892,200 1 +0101011111011110 28,323 1 +0101011111011110 16,330 1 +0101011111011110 15,451 1 +0101011111011110 2,688,500 1 +0101011111011110 2,635,700 1 +0101011111011110 10,582,500 1 +0101011111011110 569,366 1 +0101011111011110 2,752 1 +0101011111011110 3,077,200 1 +0101011111011110 236,735 1 +0101011111011110 2,490,400 1 +0101011111011110 3,188,500 1 +0101011111011110 tiptop 1 +0101011111011110 2,566,900 1 +0101011111011110 out-banana-ing 1 +0101011111011110 3,056,100 1 +0101011111011110 4,668,975 1 +0101011111011110 6,938,500 1 +0101011111011110 2,245,700 1 +0101011111011110 97th 1 +0101011111011110 puking 1 +0101011111011110 2,315,200 1 +0101011111011110 13,105,000 1 +0101011111011110 2,157,700 1 +0101011111011110 371,150 1 +0101011111011110 627,905 1 +0101011111011110 550,307 1 +0101011111011110 34,341,000 1 +0101011111011110 misquoting 1 +0101011111011110 91,220 1 +0101011111011110 up-to-the-decade 1 +0101011111011110 1,732,100 1 +0101011111011110 5,246 1 +0101011111011110 3,121,800 1 +0101011111011110 207,575,317 1 +0101011111011110 25,513 1 +0101011111011110 2,779,300 1 +0101011111011110 3,100,400 1 +0101011111011110 702,157 1 +0101011111011110 186,353 1 +0101011111011110 2,939,500 1 +0101011111011110 612,632 1 +0101011111011110 218,651 1 +0101011111011110 20,791,000 1 +0101011111011110 2,475,000 1 +0101011111011110 1,414 1 +0101011111011110 2,061 1 +0101011111011110 underserving 1 +0101011111011110 57,972 1 +0101011111011110 52,189 1 +0101011111011110 85,500 1 +0101011111011110 2,013,000 1 +0101011111011110 150,872 1 +0101011111011110 2,076,600 1 +0101011111011110 6,942,900 1 +0101011111011110 2,872,200 1 +0101011111011110 him-either 1 +0101011111011110 502,244 1 +0101011111011110 2,213,500 1 +0101011111011110 scoping 1 +0101011111011110 325,282 1 +0101011111011110 4,395,000 1 +0101011111011110 263,075 1 +0101011111011110 86,567 1 +0101011111011110 1,034 1 +0101011111011110 339,021 1 +0101011111011110 240,610 1 +0101011111011110 326,626 1 +0101011111011110 969,894 1 +0101011111011110 130,687 1 +0101011111011110 breezing 1 +0101011111011110 258,039 1 +0101011111011110 967,960 1 +0101011111011110 205,191 1 +0101011111011110 592,401 1 +0101011111011110 11,722 1 +0101011111011110 115,254 1 +0101011111011110 99,268 1 +0101011111011110 omnipresence 1 +0101011111011110 5,596,665 1 +0101011111011110 16,924 1 +0101011111011110 1,977,800 1 +0101011111011110 32,224 1 +0101011111011110 998,240 1 +0101011111011110 slops 1 +0101011111011110 10,062,730 1 +0101011111011110 634,322 1 +0101011111011110 492,659 1 +0101011111011110 38,327 1 +0101011111011110 52,830,000 1 +0101011111011110 78,753 1 +0101011111011110 glimpsing 1 +0101011111011110 6,518,224 1 +0101011111011110 354,430 1 +0101011111011110 7,928,720 1 +0101011111011110 2,834 1 +0101011111011110 1,774,500 1 +0101011111011110 119,393 1 +0101011111011110 6,960,000 1 +0101011111011110 17,141 1 +0101011111011110 88,544 1 +0101011111011110 53,479 1 +0101011111011110 1,981,100 1 +0101011111011110 4,277,000 1 +0101011111011110 Junefrom 1 +0101011111011110 Panam 1 +0101011111011110 31,069,423 1 +0101011111011110 3,140,975 1 +0101011111011110 48,456 1 +0101011111011110 4,995,000 1 +0101011111011110 4,536,169 1 +0101011111011110 666,859 1 +0101011111011110 736,545 1 +0101011111011110 tearjerker 1 +0101011111011110 6,514.97 1 +0101011111011110 9,162,673 1 +0101011111011110 cuffing 1 +0101011111011110 196,960 1 +0101011111011110 reverse-engineering 1 +0101011111011110 24,335 1 +0101011111011110 169,562 1 +0101011111011110 29,130 1 +0101011111011110 vouchsafed 2 +0101011111011110 174,376 2 +0101011111011110 15,700 2 +0101011111011110 out-earning 2 +0101011111011110 innocuously 2 +0101011111011110 776.92 2 +0101011111011110 notching 2 +0101011111011110 tip-top 2 +0101011111011110 1,778,300 2 +0101011111011110 pre-revolution 2 +0101011111011110 2,612 2 +0101011111011110 cremated 2 +0101011111011110 2,119,800 2 +0101011111011110 63,642 2 +0101011111011110 17,511 2 +0101011111011110 1,774 3 +0101011111011110 maligning 3 +0101011111011110 detaching 3 +0101011111011110 regionalizing 3 +0101011111011110 devolving 3 +0101011111011110 slopping 3 +0101011111011110 enunciating 3 +0101011111011110 enclosing 3 +0101011111011110 prizing 3 +0101011111011110 acing 3 +0101011111011110 tormenting 3 +0101011111011110 administrating 3 +0101011111011110 spherical 3 +0101011111011110 147,496 3 +0101011111011110 prophesying 3 +0101011111011110 loosing 4 +0101011111011110 commandeering 4 +0101011111011110 whetting 4 +0101011111011110 consecrating 4 +0101011111011110 marshalling 4 +0101011111011110 geostationary 5 +0101011111011110 worshipping 5 +0101011111011110 recalculating 5 +0101011111011110 Badia 5 +0101011111011110 gritting 5 +0101011111011110 piecing 5 +0101011111011110 lulling 6 +0101011111011110 stashing 7 +0101011111011110 spouting 7 +0101011111011110 expending 8 +0101011111011110 dousing 8 +0101011111011110 reliving 8 +0101011111011110 kindling 9 +0101011111011110 perceiving 10 +0101011111011110 biding 10 +0101011111011110 cancelling 10 +0101011111011110 sketching 10 +0101011111011110 rediscovering 10 +0101011111011110 vacating 10 +0101011111011110 overhearing 10 +0101011111011110 impersonating 11 +0101011111011110 loaning 12 +0101011111011110 perusing 12 +0101011111011110 instilling 12 +0101011111011110 mustering 12 +0101011111011110 shouldering 13 +0101011111011110 differentiating 13 +0101011111011110 deriving 13 +0101011111011110 finalizing 13 +0101011111011110 outselling 13 +0101011111011110 lavishing 13 +0101011111011110 faking 14 +0101011111011110 commencing 14 +0101011111011110 redoubling 14 +0101011111011110 uttering 15 +0101011111011110 wresting 16 +0101011111011110 infusing 17 +0101011111011110 forfeiting 17 +0101011111011110 pocketing 19 +0101011111011110 inheriting 20 +0101011111011110 emitting 20 +0101011111011110 shoveling 21 +0101011111011110 brandishing 22 +0101011111011110 depositing 24 +0101011111011110 harboring 24 +0101011111011110 garnering 25 +0101011111011110 ducking 26 +0101011111011110 treading 27 +0101011111011110 toting 27 +0101011111011110 igniting 29 +0101011111011110 delegating 31 +0101011111011110 wringing 32 +0101011111011110 scouring 32 +0101011111011110 ceding 36 +0101011111011110 inflicting 37 +0101011111011110 fashioning 38 +0101011111011110 possessing 38 +0101011111011110 marrying 39 +0101011111011110 exerting 43 +0101011111011110 translating 47 +0101011111011110 embezzling 50 +0101011111011110 fielding 53 +0101011111011110 amassing 57 +0101011111011110 wielding 58 +0101011111011110 devoting 68 +0101011111011110 encountering 70 +0101011111011110 grabbing 79 +0101011111011110 escaping 87 +0101011111011110 regaining 87 +0101011111011110 constructing 88 +0101011111011110 registering 92 +0101011111011110 wasting 103 +0101011111011110 seizing 109 +0101011111011110 reaping 110 +0101011111011110 incurring 120 +0101011111011110 redeeming 128 +0101011111011110 risking 130 +0101011111011110 waging 139 +0101011111011110 posing 148 +0101011111011110 confronting 164 +0101011111011110 injuring 167 +0101011111011110 sponsoring 168 +0101011111011110 exercising 184 +0101011111011110 pumping 206 +0101011111011110 pouring 215 +0101011111011110 enjoying 246 +0101011111011110 soliciting 330 +0101011111011110 costing 354 +0101011111011110 collecting 393 +0101011111011110 attending 415 +0101011111011110 hitting 437 +0101011111011110 posting 459 +0101011111011110 forming 462 +0101011111011110 attracting 522 +0101011111011110 owning 556 +0101011111011110 obtaining 607 +0101011111011110 earning 617 +0101011111011110 conducting 625 +0101011111011110 wearing 649 +0101011111011110 launching 651 +0101011111011110 entering 793 +0101011111011110 pursuing 872 +0101011111011110 gaining 913 +0101011111011110 reaching 962 +0101011111011110 serving 1093 +0101011111011110 carrying 1250 +0101011111011110 seeing 1264 +0101011111011110 facing 1425 +0101011111011110 receiving 1585 +0101011111011110 losing 1889 +0101011111011110 putting 2094 +0101011111011110 becoming 2185 +0101011111011110 taking 6094 +0101011111011110 getting 5639 +01010111110111110 broadscale 1 +01010111110111110 36.09 1 +01010111110111110 ever-more-intense 1 +01010111110111110 media-sown 1 +01010111110111110 unfair-trade-practices 1 +01010111110111110 matinee-idol 1 +01010111110111110 recirculating 2 +01010111110111110 connoting 3 +01010111110111110 arrogating 3 +01010111110111110 motioning 3 +01010111110111110 traumatizing 3 +01010111110111110 feting 3 +01010111110111110 Conversant 3 +01010111110111110 detouring 4 +01010111110111110 sui 4 +01010111110111110 colluding 8 +01010111110111110 conforming 22 +01010111110111110 bowing 78 +01010111110111110 tending 81 +01010111110111110 owing 100 +01010111110111110 straining 101 +01010111110111110 needing 109 +01010111110111110 pledging 118 +01010111110111110 requesting 222 +01010111110111110 sticking 326 +01010111110111110 wanting 339 +01010111110111110 contributing 552 +01010111110111110 proposing 654 +01010111110111110 returning 718 +01010111110111110 threatening 745 +01010111110111110 struggling 988 +01010111110111110 preparing 1040 +01010111110111110 negotiating 2260 +01010111110111110 seeking 6418 +01010111110111111 determing 1 +01010111110111111 thirty-two 1 +01010111110111111 shrilly 1 +01010111110111111 thatwhole 1 +01010111110111111 dirtying 1 +01010111110111111 pro-guns 1 +01010111110111111 power-saving 1 +01010111110111111 mini-welfare 1 +01010111110111111 blood-pumping 1 +01010111110111111 331,900 1 +01010111110111111 trammeling 1 +01010111110111111 unhooking 1 +01010111110111111 undesignated 1 +01010111110111111 half-mental 1 +01010111110111111 Sikh-Hindu 1 +01010111110111111 forty-three 1 +01010111110111111 retraversing 1 +01010111110111111 demotivating 1 +01010111110111111 base-host 1 +01010111110111111 singularities 1 +01010111110111111 Tswana 1 +01010111110111111 less-developing 1 +01010111110111111 extirpated 1 +01010111110111111 10,000-50,000 1 +01010111110111111 college- 1 +01010111110111111 unwearable 1 +01010111110111111 drought-ridden 1 +01010111110111111 proliferation-prone 1 +01010111110111111 Znamia 1 +01010111110111111 ThirdWorld 1 +01010111110111111 sports-hungry 1 +01010111110111111 Homoine 2 +01010111110111111 chosing 2 +01010111110111111 1950s-style 2 +01010111110111111 soft-currency 2 +01010111110111111 stigmatizing 2 +01010111110111111 35,518 2 +01010111110111111 joint-effort 2 +01010111110111111 re-tooling 2 +01010111110111111 Votkinsk 2 +01010111110111111 test-driving 2 +01010111110111111 breastfeeding 2 +01010111110111111 ascertaining 2 +01010111110111111 overstocking 3 +01010111110111111 stage-managing 3 +01010111110111111 non-oil-exporting 3 +01010111110111111 mock-Tudor 3 +01010111110111111 151,932 3 +01010111110111111 halfheartedly 3 +01010111110111111 expropriating 4 +01010111110111111 soft-pedaling 4 +01010111110111111 colonizing 4 +01010111110111111 purveying 4 +01010111110111111 glamorizing 4 +01010111110111111 fair-skinned 4 +01010111110111111 charring 4 +01010111110111111 scripting 5 +01010111110111111 ill-treated 5 +01010111110111111 skinning 5 +01010111110111111 butchering 5 +01010111110111111 fathering 6 +01010111110111111 field-testing 6 +01010111110111111 th 6 +01010111110111111 misstates 7 +01010111110111111 clinching 7 +01010111110111111 entrusting 7 +01010111110111111 disillusioning 7 +01010111110111111 readjusting 7 +01010111110111111 annexing 8 +01010111110111111 withstanding 8 +01010111110111111 mass-producing 9 +01010111110111111 imparting 9 +01010111110111111 bagging 9 +01010111110111111 ordain 9 +01010111110111111 cannibalizing 10 +01010111110111111 self-promoting 10 +01010111110111111 energizing 12 +01010111110111111 deserting 12 +01010111110111111 swindling 13 +01010111110111111 heaving 13 +01010111110111111 inhaling 14 +01010111110111111 shortchanging 14 +01010111110111111 cementing 14 +01010111110111111 articulating 16 +01010111110111111 mending 17 +01010111110111111 rejuvenating 18 +01010111110111111 realigning 19 +01010111110111111 discerning 19 +01010111110111111 swaying 20 +01010111110111111 infuriating 20 +01010111110111111 weathering 20 +01010111110111111 repelling 20 +01010111110111111 doubting 20 +01010111110111111 charting 20 +01010111110111111 ascending 21 +01010111110111111 professing 21 +01010111110111111 confessing 22 +01010111110111111 confining 22 +01010111110111111 hastening 22 +01010111110111111 ratifying 23 +01010111110111111 lugging 24 +01010111110111111 milking 24 +01010111110111111 jolting 26 +01010111110111111 disabling 29 +01010111110111111 aggravating 29 +01010111110111111 fetching 30 +01010111110111111 corrupting 32 +01010111110111111 contiguous 33 +01010111110111111 noticing 35 +01010111110111111 reoffering 36 +01010111110111111 polluting 39 +01010111110111111 dictating 40 +01010111110111111 mobilizing 44 +01010111110111111 disputing 45 +01010111110111111 distinguishing 46 +01010111110111111 surveying 46 +01010111110111111 spawning 46 +01010111110111111 surrendering 50 +01010111110111111 cultivating 59 +01010111110111111 relocating 61 +01010111110111111 verifying 63 +01010111110111111 specifying 66 +01010111110111111 compromising 69 +01010111110111111 upsetting 69 +01010111110111111 adapting 71 +01010111110111111 penetrating 72 +01010111110111111 sacrificing 82 +01010111110111111 arresting 88 +01010111110111111 researching 90 +01010111110111111 plotting 97 +01010111110111111 forging 110 +01010111110111111 basing 119 +01010111110111111 devising 129 +01010111110111111 absorbing 146 +01010111110111111 satisfying 149 +01010111110111111 demonstrating 171 +01010111110111111 revealing 192 +01010111110111111 discovering 202 +01010111110111111 consuming 206 +01010111110111111 discouraging 228 +01010111110111111 stealing 242 +01010111110111111 offsetting 259 +01010111110111111 proving 302 +01010111110111111 recommending 380 +01010111110111111 convincing 396 +01010111110111111 choosing 406 +01010111110111111 exporting 425 +01010111110111111 determining 458 +01010111110111111 admitting 521 +01010111110111111 betting 631 +01010111110111111 predicting 674 +01010111110111111 generating 682 +01010111110111111 deciding 692 +01010111110111111 demanding 880 +01010111110111111 encouraging 1026 +01010111110111111 winning 1455 +01010111110111111 helping 1783 +01010111110111111 producing 1876 +01010111110111111 finding 2078 +01010111110111111 developing 2790 +01010111110111111 having 5461 +010101111110000 outgun 1 +010101111110000 Groszkowski 1 +010101111110000 becuase 1 +010101111110000 skull-shattering 1 +010101111110000 Brunelleschi 1 +010101111110000 Mr.Perelman 1 +010101111110000 ritualizing 1 +010101111110000 expurgating 1 +010101111110000 super-VHS 1 +010101111110000 al-Mutwaa 1 +010101111110000 mega-orders 1 +010101111110000 isometrics 1 +010101111110000 near-war 1 +010101111110000 parish-house 1 +010101111110000 Follow-on-Forces-Attack 1 +010101111110000 ukuleles 1 +010101111110000 apostrophe 1 +010101111110000 glugging 1 +010101111110000 racquets-master 1 +010101111110000 postions 1 +010101111110000 Lindel 1 +010101111110000 653,974 1 +010101111110000 thesame 1 +010101111110000 nonchangers 1 +010101111110000 it/how 1 +010101111110000 lopsidedness 1 +010101111110000 21,190 1 +010101111110000 2680 1 +010101111110000 Neuharths 1 +010101111110000 yoghurt 1 +010101111110000 200-plus-patient-age 1 +010101111110000 PSO 1 +010101111110000 Olympic-style 1 +010101111110000 8/10-inch 1 +010101111110000 Beechnut 1 +010101111110000 Camargo 1 +010101111110000 DiMag 1 +010101111110000 Xerxes 1 +010101111110000 foot-binding 1 +010101111110000 ensoulment 1 +010101111110000 drought-powered 1 +010101111110000 monday 1 +010101111110000 Mlynar 1 +010101111110000 I75 1 +010101111110000 nondoctors 1 +010101111110000 telemedicine 1 +010101111110000 xeriscapism 1 +010101111110000 everydayness 1 +010101111110000 quagmires 1 +010101111110000 R.E.M. 2 +010101111110000 spiffier 2 +010101111110000 cuddling 2 +010101111110000 Clytemnestra 3 +010101111110000 transcribing 4 +010101111110000 reappointing 4 +010101111110000 Grandpa 5 +010101111110000 JWT. 10 +010101111110000 whomever 22 +010101111110000 what 28274 +010101111110000 whatever 1293 +010101111110001 Outfox 1 +010101111110001 turquoise-eyed 1 +010101111110001 WORKWEEK 1 +010101111110001 BOSOM 1 +010101111110001 EDGED 1 +010101111110001 THROUGHOUT 1 +010101111110001 pain-reduction 1 +010101111110001 SWINGS 1 +010101111110001 GYRATIONS 1 +010101111110001 REVERSED 1 +010101111110001 ASSUMED 1 +010101111110001 interpretating 1 +010101111110001 291-111 1 +010101111110001 indeeeed 1 +010101111110001 delegitimating 1 +010101111110001 Reuel 1 +010101111110001 PIPER 1 +010101111110001 ewer 1 +010101111110001 non-bankrupt 1 +010101111110001 infamies 1 +010101111110001 Imeldiana 1 +010101111110001 still-cumbersome 1 +010101111110001 petrodollar-rich 1 +010101111110001 FLAW 1 +010101111110001 G-force 1 +010101111110001 INTENSIVE 1 +010101111110001 personhood 1 +010101111110001 Johnniac 1 +010101111110001 LIQUIDATION 1 +010101111110001 carrot-tinted 1 +010101111110001 SHOWS 1 +010101111110001 DISPLAY 1 +010101111110001 Neeewww 1 +010101111110001 Vahit 1 +010101111110001 6,959 1 +010101111110001 whamo 1 +010101111110001 Cappadocia 1 +010101111110001 pleease 1 +010101111110001 FMI. 1 +010101111110001 grreat 1 +010101111110001 CHAUFFEURS 1 +010101111110001 ARISE 1 +010101111110001 REBOUND 1 +010101111110001 Commish 1 +010101111110001 squalorous 1 +010101111110001 course-there 1 +010101111110001 steamrolling 1 +010101111110001 Peaked 1 +010101111110001 THROWN 1 +010101111110001 Noriega-breath 1 +010101111110001 AIG. 1 +010101111110001 180. 1 +010101111110001 1923-25 1 +010101111110001 AMAZING 1 +010101111110001 7780 1 +010101111110001 PAYMENT 1 +010101111110001 COSBY 1 +010101111110001 DISGRACE 1 +010101111110001 DISTRIBUTOR 1 +010101111110001 Libermanism 1 +010101111110001 Minding 1 +010101111110001 heathland 1 +010101111110001 Tainted 1 +010101111110001 ATTIRE 1 +010101111110001 geobotany 1 +010101111110001 Yonne 1 +010101111110001 YOQ. 1 +010101111110001 COUNTERED 1 +010101111110001 PRELUDE 1 +010101111110001 TERM 1 +010101111110001 AID. 1 +010101111110001 TRAPPED 1 +010101111110001 MISTER 1 +010101111110001 CMS. 1 +010101111110001 pricefixing 1 +010101111110001 DENOUNCED 1 +010101111110001 CHANGED 1 +010101111110001 thunderbolts 1 +010101111110001 LEMANS 1 +010101111110001 bimetallism 1 +010101111110001 EXECFLEX 1 +010101111110001 Mouth/Does 1 +010101111110001 TMOC. 1 +010101111110001 outcompeting 1 +010101111110001 CHURCH 1 +010101111110001 under-organization 1 +010101111110001 FOES 1 +010101111110001 TOWARD 1 +010101111110001 power-brake 1 +010101111110001 PONCE 1 +010101111110001 WMS. 1 +010101111110001 right-mindedness 1 +010101111110001 SOLVERS 1 +010101111110001 2,312,450 1 +010101111110001 booklet-sized 1 +010101111110001 Stratified 1 +010101111110001 HANDED 1 +010101111110001 CEI. 1 +010101111110001 Sucks 1 +010101111110001 COLLECTORS 1 +010101111110001 Lthyroxine 1 +010101111110001 63,726 1 +010101111110001 overworshipping 1 +010101111110001 sobersides 1 +010101111110001 oatless 1 +010101111110001 spending-and 1 +010101111110001 HUSBAND 1 +010101111110001 colophons 1 +010101111110001 chlorotic 1 +010101111110001 809,912 1 +010101111110001 re-enriching 1 +010101111110001 kind-spirited 1 +010101111110001 remediating 1 +010101111110001 distractibility 1 +010101111110001 misallocating 1 +010101111110001 SQUABBLING 1 +010101111110001 EVICTION 1 +010101111110001 Punch-Out 1 +010101111110001 2,241,520 1 +010101111110001 1,226,919 1 +010101111110001 1,902,846 1 +010101111110001 revivifying 1 +010101111110001 12-meters 1 +010101111110001 order-takers 1 +010101111110001 stock.In 1 +010101111110001 rearresting 1 +010101111110001 Adil 1 +010101111110001 remotes 1 +010101111110001 outguessing 1 +010101111110001 richer-than-thou 1 +010101111110001 show-goers 1 +010101111110001 Miracle-Gro 1 +010101111110001 roulades 1 +010101111110001 101-lawyer 1 +010101111110001 EXCLUSIVES 1 +010101111110001 Hueller 1 +010101111110001 Sardar 1 +010101111110001 1909-10 1 +010101111110001 control-numbering 1 +010101111110001 GIULIANI 1 +010101111110001 fender-benders 1 +010101111110001 oldtimer 1 +010101111110001 revalidating 1 +010101111110001 dialect-speaking 1 +010101111110001 intervention-buying 1 +010101111110001 healthand 1 +010101111110001 white-wood 1 +010101111110001 ORBITED 1 +010101111110001 HTS 1 +010101111110001 overexposing 1 +010101111110001 COMPENSATE 1 +010101111110001 equilibrium-provided 1 +010101111110001 DODGER 2 +010101111110001 ALLOW 2 +010101111110001 sugar-coating 2 +010101111110001 PICNICS 2 +010101111110001 CAA. 2 +010101111110001 city-building 2 +010101111110001 aaah 2 +010101111110001 SLID 2 +010101111110001 Katusas 2 +010101111110001 Castilian 2 +010101111110001 Pimen 2 +010101111110001 POWERS 2 +010101111110001 ICEE. 2 +010101111110001 BUILDERS 2 +010101111110001 unadventurous 2 +010101111110001 Hilaire 2 +010101111110001 NL. 2 +010101111110001 hyperreality 2 +010101111110001 Brigada 2 +010101111110001 Hagar 2 +010101111110001 misjudging 2 +010101111110001 Mexico-born 2 +010101111110001 aha 2 +010101111110001 LAGGED 2 +010101111110001 Shirakawa 2 +010101111110001 ATLAS 2 +010101111110001 t-PA 2 +010101111110001 pop-Darwinism 2 +010101111110001 buncombe 3 +010101111110001 POOLS 3 +010101111110001 ICN. 3 +010101111110001 BTR. 3 +010101111110001 VISIT 3 +010101111110001 satirizing 3 +010101111110001 ETHIC 3 +010101111110001 Almighty 3 +010101111110001 woodenly 3 +010101111110001 BHP. 4 +010101111110001 BOXES 4 +010101111110001 flaying 4 +010101111110001 VW. 4 +010101111110001 cloaks 4 +010101111110001 countermanding 4 +010101111110001 cramping 5 +010101111110001 Leos 5 +010101111110001 whither 7 +010101111110001 EPS 19 +010101111110001 READY 196 +010101111110001 whom 2503 +010101111110001 why 4910 +010101111110010 rubber-stamps 1 +010101111110010 infantilizing 1 +010101111110010 Resistant 1 +010101111110010 formaldehyded 1 +010101111110010 unfashionably 1 +010101111110010 higher-than-budgeted 1 +010101111110010 desensitize 1 +010101111110010 nuturing 1 +010101111110010 fish-it 1 +010101111110010 anneal 1 +010101111110010 skimpily 1 +010101111110010 switchover 1 +010101111110010 stron 1 +010101111110010 predetermines 1 +010101111110010 250:1 1 +010101111110010 ward-heeling-type 1 +010101111110010 bussing 1 +010101111110010 whomps 1 +010101111110010 unproductively 1 +010101111110010 Tsui 1 +010101111110010 Kjer 1 +010101111110010 mad/Sad 1 +010101111110010 enlightens 1 +010101111110010 seven-feet 1 +010101111110010 pop-lit 1 +010101111110010 sermons/From 1 +010101111110010 photographic-like 1 +010101111110010 two-inches 1 +010101111110010 92.45 1 +010101111110010 drug-fighters 2 +010101111110010 how 16957 +010101111110010 ningas 2 +010101111110011 21-11 1 +010101111110011 228-166 1 +010101111110011 2500-before 1 +010101111110011 53-45 1 +010101111110011 1,720,500 1 +010101111110011 nonwood 1 +010101111110011 aboveaverage 1 +010101111110011 3,751-1,471 1 +010101111110011 subtantially 1 +010101111110011 278,709 1 +010101111110011 1983-87-model 1 +010101111110011 61-38 1 +010101111110011 666,667 1 +010101111110011 282-108 1 +010101111110011 1,873,800 1 +010101111110011 250,600 1 +010101111110011 Everts 1 +010101111110011 347-53 1 +010101111110011 28-23 1 +010101111110011 56-35 1 +010101111110011 geodes 1 +010101111110011 88-0 1 +010101111110011 64-25 1 +010101111110011 79-cent 1 +010101111110011 82-7 1 +010101111110011 63-48 1 +010101111110011 335-67 1 +010101111110011 299-111 1 +010101111110011 259-134 1 +010101111110011 PPP. 1 +010101111110011 bimetalism 1 +010101111110011 320,218 1 +010101111110011 4,032,139 1 +010101111110011 13-8 1 +010101111110011 26-7 1 +010101111110011 Centana 1 +010101111110011 black/ethnic 1 +010101111110011 146-1 1 +010101111110011 re-authorizing 1 +010101111110011 15MM 1 +010101111110011 outspecializing 1 +010101111110011 347-7 1 +010101111110011 A+ 1 +010101111110011 15-1 1 +010101111110011 energy-usage 1 +010101111110011 sunbursts 1 +010101111110011 MTBE. 1 +010101111110011 62-34 1 +010101111110011 219-199 1 +010101111110011 268-156 1 +010101111110011 1,661 1 +010101111110011 102-72 1 +010101111110011 1,499,985 1 +010101111110011 229-188 1 +010101111110011 2.822 1 +010101111110011 upend 1 +010101111110011 230-192 1 +010101111110011 WBZ. 1 +010101111110011 1.263 1 +010101111110011 221-209 1 +010101111110011 vandalize 1 +010101111110011 more-up-market 1 +010101111110011 29-10 1 +010101111110011 3,024 1 +010101111110011 revenue-production 1 +010101111110011 post-Anschluss 1 +010101111110011 675,603 1 +010101111110011 78-21 1 +010101111110011 defense-coverage 1 +010101111110011 aboveground 1 +010101111110011 2,412 1 +010101111110011 whehter 1 +010101111110011 65-24 1 +010101111110011 10,449,606 1 +010101111110011 11,070,000 1 +010101111110011 outsmarting 1 +010101111110011 skittishly 1 +010101111110011 dthat 1 +010101111110011 9,550,000 1 +010101111110011 244-174 1 +010101111110011 emend 1 +010101111110011 cop-every-50-feet 1 +010101111110011 mainland-born 1 +010101111110011 interalia 1 +010101111110011 4,075 1 +010101111110011 sanctions-squeezed 1 +010101111110011 65-31 1 +010101111110011 61-37 1 +010101111110011 0.297 1 +010101111110011 1,113-600 1 +010101111110011 plaid-jacketed 1 +010101111110011 non-execution 1 +010101111110011 319-102 1 +010101111110011 50-47 1 +010101111110011 CIR. 1 +010101111110011 non-beneficiaries 1 +010101111110011 82-0 1 +010101111110011 463,700 1 +010101111110011 1,622 1 +010101111110011 93-7 1 +010101111110011 74.45 1 +010101111110011 1,017,300 1 +010101111110011 narcotics-law 1 +010101111110011 35-14 1 +010101111110011 357-54 1 +010101111110011 74-22 1 +010101111110011 de-nationalizing 1 +010101111110011 662,161 1 +010101111110011 60-21 1 +010101111110011 2.745 1 +010101111110011 ATA. 1 +010101111110011 92-4 1 +010101111110011 229-183 1 +010101111110011 Gang-of-Four 1 +010101111110011 departmentalizing 1 +010101111110011 819-76 1 +010101111110011 neuroselective 1 +010101111110011 333-91 1 +010101111110011 78-17 1 +010101111110011 373-90 1 +010101111110011 50-44 1 +010101111110011 85-0 1 +010101111110011 badmouth 1 +010101111110011 108-44 1 +010101111110011 256-166 1 +010101111110011 wage-driven 1 +010101111110011 250-173 1 +010101111110011 13,195,000 1 +010101111110011 26,616,000 1 +010101111110011 371-40 1 +010101111110011 reckless-endangerment 1 +010101111110011 granter 1 +010101111110011 labor-corruption 1 +010101111110011 250-138 1 +010101111110011 223-186 1 +010101111110011 mechanizing 2 +010101111110011 CGE. 2 +010101111110011 97-2 2 +010101111110011 245-137 2 +010101111110011 63-30 2 +010101111110011 BOILER 2 +010101111110011 TW. 2 +010101111110011 belaboring 2 +010101111110011 55-41 2 +010101111110011 Revamping 2 +010101111110011 CTS. 2 +010101111110011 diapering 3 +010101111110011 disbar 3 +010101111110011 yea 5 +010101111110011 displeasing 5 +010101111110011 whether 14288 +010101111110011 SuperStation 8 +01010111111010 yardwork 1 +01010111111010 early-discharge 1 +01010111111010 1,256,000 1 +01010111111010 disqualifyng 1 +01010111111010 surtitling 1 +01010111111010 nonrubber 1 +01010111111010 21,207 1 +01010111111010 misspeaking 1 +01010111111010 discussion-group 1 +01010111111010 '50s-type 1 +01010111111010 Tueday 1 +01010111111010 unresourceful 1 +01010111111010 prosection 1 +01010111111010 97,300 1 +01010111111010 18,000-19,000 1 +01010111111010 160,111 1 +01010111111010 always-steamy 1 +01010111111010 142.49 1 +01010111111010 gutstringed 1 +01010111111010 pikes 1 +01010111111010 sundown/By 1 +01010111111010 yomping 1 +01010111111010 2,646 1 +01010111111010 racquets-club 1 +01010111111010 prefixing 1 +01010111111010 unregal 1 +01010111111010 at-sea 1 +01010111111010 underrates 1 +01010111111010 manhandling 1 +01010111111010 crash-wary 1 +01010111111010 midAugust 1 +01010111111010 mussing 1 +01010111111010 Thermodynamics 1 +01010111111010 40,700 1 +01010111111010 non-Detroiters 1 +01010111111010 flowerless 2 +01010111111010 pre-paying 2 +01010111111010 sit-coms 2 +01010111111010 356,220 2 +01010111111010 Vespers 2 +01010111111010 loin 2 +01010111111010 non-aficionados 2 +01010111111010 3,273,910 2 +01010111111010 250,000-350,000 2 +01010111111010 389,159 2 +01010111111010 Rewrite 2 +01010111111010 6,269,690 2 +01010111111010 weeks. 2 +01010111111010 Amharic 2 +01010111111010 quartering 2 +01010111111010 sovereignity 2 +01010111111010 cussedness 2 +01010111111010 Hecks 2 +01010111111010 78s 2 +01010111111010 Shina 2 +01010111111010 Montaigne 2 +01010111111010 unselfishly 2 +01010111111010 Jolu 2 +01010111111010 punky 3 +01010111111010 3,592,800 3 +01010111111010 bloating 3 +01010111111010 1,112 3 +01010111111010 nuked 3 +01010111111010 pocket-size 3 +01010111111010 rereading 3 +01010111111010 procrastinating 4 +01010111111010 optimizing 4 +01010111111010 1/200th 4 +01010111111010 over-the-hill 4 +01010111111010 sixteen 4 +01010111111010 righting 5 +01010111111010 undercounted 5 +01010111111010 Intersil 6 +01010111111010 institutionalizing 6 +01010111111010 cross-selling 7 +01010111111010 adjudicating 7 +01010111111010 redressing 8 +01010111111010 brainwashing 10 +01010111111010 all 46524 +01010111111010 tabulating 12 +010101111110110 high-kicking 1 +010101111110110 mini-czars 1 +010101111110110 bushed 1 +010101111110110 unchartered 1 +010101111110110 three-hour-long 1 +010101111110110 440,000-metric 1 +010101111110110 33,445 1 +010101111110110 7:24 1 +010101111110110 half-to 1 +010101111110110 hookworms 1 +010101111110110 well-hidden 1 +010101111110110 1,771 1 +010101111110110 valuewise 1 +010101111110110 computerese 1 +010101111110110 arguendo 1 +010101111110110 250,456 1 +010101111110110 Panglossing 1 +010101111110110 recreation-wise 1 +010101111110110 3,312,162 1 +010101111110110 claim-jumping 1 +010101111110110 mockers 1 +010101111110110 com-PRISS 1 +010101111110110 un-Brazilian 1 +010101111110110 yoo-hoo 1 +010101111110110 reputation-wise 1 +010101111110110 obsequiously 1 +010101111110110 half-human 1 +010101111110110 comediennes 1 +010101111110110 2.149 1 +010101111110110 Miriana 1 +010101111110110 newspapering 1 +010101111110110 520,522 1 +010101111110110 14:34 1 +010101111110110 15:10 1 +010101111110110 intrerests 1 +010101111110110 285,700 1 +010101111110110 toughies 1 +010101111110110 tautologically 1 +010101111110110 asset-stripping 1 +010101111110110 anthing 1 +010101111110110 never-to-be-stated 1 +010101111110110 cockfighting 1 +010101111110110 sligthly 1 +010101111110110 Delphically 1 +010101111110110 verifiers 1 +010101111110110 non-violently 1 +010101111110110 softer-spoken 1 +010101111110110 neigh 1 +010101111110110 20-to-life 1 +010101111110110 systems-strategies 1 +010101111110110 our. 1 +010101111110110 A10s 1 +010101111110110 print-for-profit 1 +010101111110110 Pro-Family 2 +010101111110110 excercised 2 +010101111110110 inter 2 +010101111110110 GIANTS 2 +010101111110110 homogenizing 2 +010101111110110 behaviorally 2 +010101111110110 Smuckers 2 +010101111110110 any. 2 +010101111110110 9-to-3 2 +010101111110110 symmetrically 2 +010101111110110 engulfs 2 +010101111110110 pre-positioning 2 +010101111110110 so. 2 +010101111110110 mega-dealers 2 +010101111110110 Senta 3 +010101111110110 arsine 3 +010101111110110 uninsurables 3 +010101111110110 splinters 3 +010101111110110 315-98 3 +010101111110110 9:20 3 +010101111110110 snowmen 3 +010101111110110 LCGs 3 +010101111110110 open-mindedness 3 +010101111110110 Kimbies 4 +010101111110110 audibly 4 +010101111110110 piggy-backing 5 +010101111110110 hi 5 +010101111110110 Mustapha 6 +010101111110110 nyet 7 +010101111110110 this. 7 +010101111110110 that. 16 +010101111110110 anyplace 19 +010101111110110 gangbusters 20 +010101111110110 hello 24 +010101111110110 Brasil 40 +010101111110110 goodbye 54 +010101111110110 yours 83 +010101111110110 nowhere 365 +010101111110110 everything 2547 +010101111110110 nothing 4373 +010101111110110 something 6287 +010101111110110 anything 4616 +010101111110111 1,200-cubic 1 +010101111110111 more-caring 1 +010101111110111 push'em-around 1 +010101111110111 heroic-looking 1 +010101111110111 arms-control-at-any-cost 1 +010101111110111 ex-entrepreneurs 1 +010101111110111 11-Bushes 1 +010101111110111 shriner 1 +010101111110111 Serkin 1 +010101111110111 tariff-based 1 +010101111110111 Fancy-Free 1 +010101111110111 GZB 1 +010101111110111 sez 1 +010101111110111 easy-to-organize 1 +010101111110111 non-indigents 1 +010101111110111 new-round 1 +010101111110111 vowel-laden 1 +010101111110111 ill-spoken 1 +010101111110111 2,418,244 1 +010101111110111 thumbwhere 1 +010101111110111 entrepeneurs 1 +010101111110111 COMPLAINER 1 +010101111110111 asocial 1 +010101111110111 grain-short 1 +010101111110111 2,342,314 1 +010101111110111 1,289,870 1 +010101111110111 1,941,891 1 +010101111110111 Miss.-attorney 1 +010101111110111 coily 1 +010101111110111 anti-Keynesianism 1 +010101111110111 war-weakened 1 +010101111110111 IROCZ 1 +010101111110111 falling-on-the-sword 1 +010101111110111 more-harmful 1 +010101111110111 BCED 1 +010101111110111 Kingbridge 1 +010101111110111 Paul-Kennedy 1 +010101111110111 Sundaya 1 +010101111110111 fly-by-nighters 2 +010101111110111 RR 2 +010101111110111 crop-price 2 +010101111110111 Michelin/Uniroyal 2 +010101111110111 Jase 2 +010101111110111 copyists 2 +010101111110111 woodchucks 2 +010101111110111 soundoffs 2 +010101111110111 toyota 2 +010101111110111 Propulsa 2 +010101111110111 sneeringly 2 +010101111110111 tiresomely 2 +010101111110111 self-publishing 2 +010101111110111 unrefrigerated 2 +010101111110111 Linnaeus 2 +010101111110111 Reaganland 2 +010101111110111 Wellcrafts 2 +010101111110111 divorcees 2 +010101111110111 glitters 3 +010101111110111 mousetraps 3 +010101111110111 parroting 3 +010101111110111 regenerating 3 +010101111110111 Annibale 3 +010101111110111 hitmen 3 +010101111110111 CDE 3 +010101111110111 cannibals 3 +010101111110111 anti-national 3 +010101111110111 nonparticipants 3 +010101111110111 Bonzo 4 +010101111110111 whimsically 4 +010101111110111 Ubol 4 +010101111110111 Fievel 4 +010101111110111 Lopakhin 4 +010101111110111 Chichikov 4 +010101111110111 clear-coat 5 +010101111110111 Polonius 5 +010101111110111 octogenarians 5 +010101111110111 INPO 6 +010101111110111 evermore 7 +010101111110111 Agildo 8 +010101111110111 nonprofessionals 9 +010101111110111 Nonesuch 10 +010101111110111 plaintively 12 +010101111110111 ICG 12 +010101111110111 thou 13 +010101111110111 Attila 20 +010101111110111 whoever 130 +010101111110111 somebody 730 +010101111110111 anybody 821 +010101111110111 nobody 848 +010101111110111 everybody 1092 +010101111110111 neither 1956 +010101111110111 everyone 2271 +010101111110111 someone 2769 +010101111110111 either 5631 +010101111110111 anyone 2806 +01010111111100 press-jock 1 +01010111111100 non-peaceful 1 +01010111111100 197-year-old 1 +01010111111100 well-forged 1 +01010111111100 101,588 1 +01010111111100 boistrous 1 +01010111111100 mealy-mouthed 1 +01010111111100 syndrome-aspirin 1 +01010111111100 chartguided 1 +01010111111100 hoursold 1 +01010111111100 incriminatory 1 +01010111111100 ship-to-stock 1 +01010111111100 drill-indicated 1 +01010111111100 Sportin 1 +01010111111100 HEWLETT 1 +01010111111100 short-range-long-range 1 +01010111111100 high-reaching 1 +01010111111100 indefinable 1 +01010111111100 401-K 1 +01010111111100 surety-bond 1 +01010111111100 often-antagonistic 1 +01010111111100 Disneylike 1 +01010111111100 embalms 1 +01010111111100 payroll-withholding 1 +01010111111100 uncontradicted 1 +01010111111100 construction-business 1 +01010111111100 momumental 1 +01010111111100 foam-filled 1 +01010111111100 now-improving 1 +01010111111100 1-800-US 1 +01010111111100 life-shaping 1 +01010111111100 think-tank/academic 1 +01010111111100 congressional-executive 1 +01010111111100 jangly 1 +01010111111100 Jewish-Arab 1 +01010111111100 cigarette-package 1 +01010111111100 extrordinary 1 +01010111111100 macerating 1 +01010111111100 don't-litter 1 +01010111111100 distance-running 1 +01010111111100 marmot 1 +01010111111100 optical-character 1 +01010111111100 large-lunged 1 +01010111111100 throw-aways 1 +01010111111100 staff-member 1 +01010111111100 squeaky-voiced 2 +01010111111100 graffiti-like 2 +01010111111100 down-sized 2 +01010111111100 half-jesting 2 +01010111111100 higher-than-permitted 2 +01010111111100 commonsense 2 +01010111111100 field-test 2 +01010111111100 Cartesian 2 +01010111111100 BeechNut 2 +01010111111100 near-absolute 2 +01010111111100 computer-addressed 2 +01010111111100 quadruple-bypass 2 +01010111111100 extra-wide 3 +01010111111100 60-days 4 +01010111111100 unalterable 6 +01010111111100 no 31616 +01010111111100 habeas 10 +010101111111010 on-farm 1 +010101111111010 87,183 1 +010101111111010 40,218 1 +010101111111010 preempting 1 +010101111111010 reshipping 1 +010101111111010 EMPLOYEE-STOCK 1 +010101111111010 stoppered 1 +010101111111010 19,630,000 1 +010101111111010 vocations 1 +010101111111010 Russian-minority 1 +010101111111010 expiration-day 1 +010101111111010 non-policies 1 +010101111111010 disparity-reducing 1 +010101111111010 wrist-stress 1 +010101111111010 value-creating 1 +010101111111010 1,587,838 1 +010101111111010 brake-system 1 +010101111111010 biologically-based 1 +010101111111010 broadcast-industry 1 +010101111111010 whole-hearted 1 +010101111111010 valuating 1 +010101111111010 fine-print 1 +010101111111010 organizatonal 1 +010101111111010 alginate 1 +010101111111010 Soviet-produced 1 +010101111111010 Korea-related 1 +010101111111010 1,983,000 1 +010101111111010 debt-restructirng 1 +010101111111010 48-hours 1 +010101111111010 more-explicit 1 +010101111111010 severity-of-illness 1 +010101111111010 0.101815 1 +010101111111010 yacht-charter 1 +010101111111010 journalists-supposedly 1 +010101111111010 eye-brain 1 +010101111111010 down-then-up 1 +010101111111010 airline-financed 1 +010101111111010 car-display 1 +010101111111010 TURNBRIDGE 1 +010101111111010 voir 1 +010101111111010 4,186 1 +010101111111010 40-45 1 +010101111111010 FELONY 1 +010101111111010 U.S.-Salvadoran 1 +010101111111010 vote-losing 1 +010101111111010 once-frosty 1 +010101111111010 electrostatic-charge 1 +010101111111010 751,500 1 +010101111111010 one-quarter-million 1 +010101111111010 truth-finding 1 +010101111111010 troublespots 1 +010101111111010 auto-pollution 1 +010101111111010 pro-Dreyfus 1 +010101111111010 less-than-persuasive 1 +010101111111010 Israeli-PLO 1 +010101111111010 looking-glass 1 +010101111111010 indemnity-insurance 1 +010101111111010 freemail 1 +010101111111010 too-easy-to-clean 1 +010101111111010 extrinsic 2 +010101111111010 heavy-hitter 2 +010101111111010 guinea-pig 2 +010101111111010 45,540 2 +010101111111010 4,737 2 +010101111111010 employer-funded 2 +010101111111010 Ferranti-type 2 +010101111111010 nuclear-emergency 2 +010101111111010 brake-pedal 2 +010101111111010 cancer-related 3 +010101111111010 productivity-boosting 3 +010101111111010 front-brake 3 +010101111111010 any 37808 +010101111111010 immeasurable 5 +0101011111110110 cash-preserving 1 +0101011111110110 mutual-reinforcing 1 +0101011111110110 one-inch-thick 1 +0101011111110110 superpsychoanalytic 1 +0101011111110110 settled-area 1 +0101011111110110 crime-prone 1 +0101011111110110 talent-packed 1 +0101011111110110 social-economic 1 +0101011111110110 130-company 1 +0101011111110110 Libras 1 +0101011111110110 87-57 1 +0101011111110110 60,950 1 +0101011111110110 self-renewing 1 +0101011111110110 26-city 1 +0101011111110110 dangerous-drug 1 +0101011111110110 single-nation 1 +0101011111110110 624-page 1 +0101011111110110 anti-bases 1 +0101011111110110 tough-as-nails 1 +0101011111110110 fee-burdened 1 +0101011111110110 longwinded 1 +0101011111110110 advertising-less 1 +0101011111110110 12-county 1 +0101011111110110 Egyptian-style 1 +0101011111110110 character-based 1 +0101011111110110 pile-driven 1 +0101011111110110 eggheads 1 +0101011111110110 potental 1 +0101011111110110 type-written 1 +0101011111110110 outdoes 1 +0101011111110110 6-11 1 +0101011111110110 72-loss 1 +0101011111110110 too-noisy 1 +0101011111110110 close-harmony 1 +0101011111110110 single-segment 1 +0101011111110110 long-misunderstood 1 +0101011111110110 all-Irish 1 +0101011111110110 tuberose 1 +0101011111110110 added-on 1 +0101011111110110 1527 1 +0101011111110110 well-identified 1 +0101011111110110 anti-clone 1 +0101011111110110 81-jet 1 +0101011111110110 overborrowed 1 +0101011111110110 sharea 1 +0101011111110110 close-it 1 +0101011111110110 mitteleuropaisch 1 +0101011111110110 unassessed 1 +0101011111110110 elementary-level 1 +0101011111110110 non-Pennzoil 1 +0101011111110110 pro-veterans 1 +0101011111110110 unchoreographed 1 +0101011111110110 travel-size 1 +0101011111110110 comsymp 1 +0101011111110110 direct-credit 1 +0101011111110110 semi-announced 1 +0101011111110110 blue-fur 1 +0101011111110110 ear-shaped 1 +0101011111110110 80-hours-a-week 1 +0101011111110110 well-announced 1 +0101011111110110 advanced-equipment 1 +0101011111110110 rare-animal 1 +0101011111110110 once-daily 1 +0101011111110110 factitious 1 +0101011111110110 often-identified 1 +0101011111110110 semi-gelatinous 1 +0101011111110110 1987-vintage 1 +0101011111110110 GARDENERS 1 +0101011111110110 power-couple 1 +0101011111110110 toll-call 1 +0101011111110110 egg-salad 1 +0101011111110110 idea-generation 1 +0101011111110110 Newark-Paris 1 +0101011111110110 Boodles 1 +0101011111110110 call-and-response 1 +0101011111110110 unaccepted 1 +0101011111110110 unchosen 1 +0101011111110110 land-seizure 1 +0101011111110110 anti-occupation 1 +0101011111110110 two-inch-high 1 +0101011111110110 graffiti-marred 1 +0101011111110110 overpoweringly 1 +0101011111110110 5.5-million-barrel 1 +0101011111110110 pro-Stevenson 1 +0101011111110110 great-maned 1 +0101011111110110 post-acute 1 +0101011111110110 nonreplicable 1 +0101011111110110 Poseidon-class 1 +0101011111110110 Lenin-forsaken 1 +0101011111110110 commercial-use 1 +0101011111110110 rich-vs.-poor 1 +0101011111110110 seven-volume 1 +0101011111110110 banner-waving 1 +0101011111110110 dollar-convertible 1 +0101011111110110 non-King 1 +0101011111110110 4,277 1 +0101011111110110 work-saving 1 +0101011111110110 concert-going 1 +0101011111110110 employment-participation 1 +0101011111110110 gilded-age 1 +0101011111110110 garbage-truck 1 +0101011111110110 three-I 1 +0101011111110110 25,946 1 +0101011111110110 lustiest 1 +0101011111110110 rough-cut 1 +0101011111110110 thousand-acre 1 +0101011111110110 high-cut 1 +0101011111110110 biotech-based 2 +0101011111110110 Ferruccio 2 +0101011111110110 1.5695 2 +0101011111110110 unilluminating 2 +0101011111110110 goodhearted 2 +0101011111110110 bareheaded 2 +0101011111110110 near-identical 2 +0101011111110110 1.5093 2 +0101011111110110 WPPS 2 +0101011111110110 frostbitten 2 +0101011111110110 undeciphered 2 +0101011111110110 group-oriented 2 +0101011111110110 Bach-like 2 +0101011111110110 let-it-all-hang-out 2 +0101011111110110 quarter-horse 2 +0101011111110110 Sbarro 2 +0101011111110110 EFerol 2 +0101011111110110 Fermont 2 +0101011111110110 1.5710 2 +0101011111110110 HEAL 2 +0101011111110110 Quechua 3 +0101011111110110 better-coordinated 3 +0101011111110110 occluded 3 +0101011111110110 FAG 3 +0101011111110110 literal-minded 4 +0101011111110110 leather-bound 5 +0101011111110110 deductive 5 +0101011111110110 another 17693 +0101011111110110 mid-season 6 +0101011111110111 never-to-be-repeated 1 +0101011111110111 track-record-tying 1 +0101011111110111 .248 1 +0101011111110111 Nyquil 1 +0101011111110111 186,204 1 +0101011111110111 powder-puff 1 +0101011111110111 prohibition-era 1 +0101011111110111 jack-up 1 +0101011111110111 Kennedy-like 1 +0101011111110111 crash-anniversary 1 +0101011111110111 .194 1 +0101011111110111 social-engineering 1 +0101011111110111 4-by-6 1 +0101011111110111 Sukenickian 1 +0101011111110111 undersea-warfare 1 +0101011111110111 Novotrade 1 +0101011111110111 100-head 1 +0101011111110111 test-launch 1 +0101011111110111 MONSTER 1 +0101011111110111 plant-sustaining 1 +0101011111110111 impossible-to-fill-out 1 +0101011111110111 license-processing 1 +0101011111110111 less-sweet 1 +0101011111110111 ofinfant 1 +0101011111110111 Uitenhage 1 +0101011111110111 daylight-shifting 1 +0101011111110111 misogynistic 1 +0101011111110111 trip-taking 1 +0101011111110111 MARCONI 1 +0101011111110111 wouldn't-it-be-nice-if 1 +0101011111110111 married-in-real-life 1 +0101011111110111 30-by-100-foot 1 +0101011111110111 ritzy-sounding 1 +0101011111110111 unlived-in 1 +0101011111110111 Euro-beach 1 +0101011111110111 uninhabitably 1 +0101011111110111 cheese-selling 1 +0101011111110111 unnavigable 1 +0101011111110111 lowand 1 +0101011111110111 class-preparation 1 +0101011111110111 Breezes 1 +0101011111110111 diva-pleasing 1 +0101011111110111 apres-sail 1 +0101011111110111 16K 1 +0101011111110111 sky-topped 1 +0101011111110111 sans-serif 1 +0101011111110111 club-wielding 1 +0101011111110111 61st-ranked 1 +0101011111110111 880,600 1 +0101011111110111 red-plush 1 +0101011111110111 experience-oriented 1 +0101011111110111 unwatchable 1 +0101011111110111 kindergarten-to-eighth-grade 1 +0101011111110111 nicotine-free 1 +0101011111110111 missile-range 1 +0101011111110111 pop-out 1 +0101011111110111 protein-rich 1 +0101011111110111 four-pfennig 1 +0101011111110111 four-million-share 1 +0101011111110111 zitless 1 +0101011111110111 parodist 1 +0101011111110111 two-inch-square 1 +0101011111110111 10-share 1 +0101011111110111 ornithological 1 +0101011111110111 operations/Midwest 1 +0101011111110111 tax-deadline 1 +0101011111110111 131,110 1 +0101011111110111 DAISHOWA 1 +0101011111110111 kick-and-tell 1 +0101011111110111 12-to-14 1 +0101011111110111 post-Tower 2 +0101011111110111 trash-collection 2 +0101011111110111 masochistic 2 +0101011111110111 Joycean 2 +0101011111110111 below-zero 2 +0101011111110111 investment-linked 2 +0101011111110111 Weleda 2 +0101011111110111 iconic 2 +0101011111110111 androgens 2 +0101011111110111 true-blooded 2 +0101011111110111 90-lawyer 2 +0101011111110111 multisymptom 2 +0101011111110111 rain-slicked 2 +0101011111110111 0.239 2 +0101011111110111 recertifying 2 +0101011111110111 first-notice 2 +0101011111110111 ASSUBEL 2 +0101011111110111 cast-aluminum 3 +0101011111110111 every 7500 +0101011111110111 daylight-saving 12 +01010111111110 academic-turned-capitalist 1 +01010111111110 Moslem-majority 1 +01010111111110 trash-collecting 1 +01010111111110 none-too-subtly 1 +01010111111110 30-40 1 +01010111111110 Thiam 1 +01010111111110 coeducational 1 +01010111111110 Getty-Pennzoil 1 +01010111111110 international-exchange 1 +01010111111110 major-league-baseball 1 +01010111111110 semiautomated 1 +01010111111110 resource-endowed 1 +01010111111110 import-protection 1 +01010111111110 imputed-interest 1 +01010111111110 brew-free 1 +01010111111110 mythy 1 +01010111111110 riflelike 1 +01010111111110 greased-pig 1 +01010111111110 patricians 1 +01010111111110 Nuralli 1 +01010111111110 Dundees 1 +01010111111110 Nikhom 1 +01010111111110 1.386 1 +01010111111110 money-poor 1 +01010111111110 Marinites 2 +01010111111110 fradulently 2 +01010111111110 22.89 2 +01010111111110 derogation 2 +01010111111110 3:50 2 +01010111111110 raper 2 +01010111111110 off-reservation 2 +01010111111110 aphid 2 +01010111111110 1/16th 2 +01010111111110 1/5 2 +01010111111110 Qausuittuq 2 +01010111111110 1/40th 2 +01010111111110 0.05042 2 +01010111111110 4,850,000 2 +01010111111110 unrestored 2 +01010111111110 non-urban 2 +01010111111110 2.325 2 +01010111111110 open-hearted 2 +01010111111110 0.01133 2 +01010111111110 whirlwinds 3 +01010111111110 1/20 3 +01010111111110 Ludovico 3 +01010111111110 Becker-type 3 +01010111111110 1,855 3 +01010111111110 crime-infested 3 +01010111111110 0.8825 4 +01010111111110 one-sixteenth 4 +01010111111110 crybabies 4 +01010111111110 soft-hearted 5 +01010111111110 Paddy 5 +01010111111110 three-quarter 5 +01010111111110 disdainfully 5 +01010111111110 one 63902 +01010111111110 0.8125 8 +010101111111110 insurance-analyst 1 +010101111111110 Seyval 1 +010101111111110 a.m.-1 1 +010101111111110 league-championship 1 +010101111111110 28,208 1 +010101111111110 295,522 1 +010101111111110 3,409 1 +010101111111110 18th-century-style 1 +010101111111110 not-yet-opened 1 +010101111111110 Sifuentes 1 +010101111111110 suffragan 1 +010101111111110 Mets-Dodgers 1 +010101111111110 jetsetting 1 +010101111111110 billion-2.8 1 +010101111111110 personal-consulting 1 +010101111111110 Reimbursed 1 +010101111111110 p.m.-3 1 +010101111111110 18,300 1 +010101111111110 calibrations 1 +010101111111110 million-barrels-a-day 1 +010101111111110 PESTICIDES 1 +010101111111110 ex-Moscow 1 +010101111111110 football-preview 1 +010101111111110 billion-ton 1 +010101111111110 point-decline 1 +010101111111110 regular-bed 1 +010101111111110 Sunsilk 1 +010101111111110 :15 1 +010101111111110 a.m.-9 1 +010101111111110 p.m.-2 1 +010101111111110 months-and-longer 1 +010101111111110 DRAWS 1 +010101111111110 Stellenbosch-area 1 +010101111111110 meals-and-sundries 1 +010101111111110 crayoned 1 +010101111111110 p.m-11 1 +010101111111110 minimumn 1 +010101111111110 highest-placed 1 +010101111111110 MHz. 1 +010101111111110 electric-services 1 +010101111111110 1.083 1 +010101111111110 consecutives 1 +010101111111110 1,651 1 +010101111111110 ton-per-year 1 +010101111111110 1,172,473 1 +010101111111110 79,455 1 +010101111111110 day-before-the-Derby 1 +010101111111110 722,742 1 +010101111111110 picket-line 1 +010101111111110 0.049 1 +010101111111110 complete-game 1 +010101111111110 B.C-A.D. 1 +010101111111110 wpm 1 +010101111111110 d-for 1 +010101111111110 rating/13 1 +010101111111110 brutalizes 1 +010101111111110 rating/14 1 +010101111111110 a-day 1 +010101111111110 Fall/Christmas 1 +010101111111110 a.m.-11 1 +010101111111110 fun-filled 1 +010101111111110 Last-Minute 1 +010101111111110 hundred-fifty 1 +010101111111110 a.m.-6 1 +010101111111110 40-to-59 1 +010101111111110 1.620 1 +010101111111110 34,000-kilowatt 1 +010101111111110 Pompadur-Rule 1 +010101111111110 station-crew 1 +010101111111110 a.m.-to-12 1 +010101111111110 venture-funded 1 +010101111111110 p.m.-5 1 +010101111111110 million-or-bigger 1 +010101111111110 but-bulls 1 +010101111111110 performances. 1 +010101111111110 749,767 1 +010101111111110 6,021,071 1 +010101111111110 21.43 1 +010101111111110 3,446 1 +010101111111110 149,277 1 +010101111111110 succesive 1 +010101111111110 37-inch 1 +010101111111110 37/40 1 +010101111111110 40,000-to-45,000 1 +010101111111110 p.m.-to-4 1 +010101111111110 month/12,000 1 +010101111111110 3,519 1 +010101111111110 3,793 1 +010101111111110 343,031 1 +010101111111110 Farmaco 1 +010101111111110 negative-option 1 +010101111111110 122,704 1 +010101111111110 4,286 1 +010101111111110 2,882 1 +010101111111110 Sterno 1 +010101111111110 onshore-exploration 1 +010101111111110 squarefoot 1 +010101111111110 years-from 1 +010101111111110 3/8-a 1 +010101111111110 Stat. 2 +010101111111110 at-will 2 +010101111111110 BAe 2 +010101111111110 peak/ 2 +010101111111110 a.m.-3 2 +010101111111110 million-and-counting 2 +010101111111110 Arabic-language 2 +010101111111110 10:00 2 +010101111111110 p.m.-to-9 2 +010101111111110 a.m.-8 2 +010101111111110 barrel-per-day 2 +010101111111110 0.485 2 +010101111111110 1,950,000-share 2 +010101111111110 billion-to- 3 +010101111111110 a.m.-2 3 +010101111111110 p.m.-4 3 +010101111111110 a.m.-7 3 +010101111111110 one-million 4 +010101111111110 Jax 5 +010101111111110 a.m.-10 6 +010101111111110 p.m.-12 6 +010101111111110 million-a-month 6 +010101111111110 Finanziario 7 +010101111111110 million- 8 +010101111111110 billion- 8 +010101111111110 Bancario 9 +010101111111110 million-to- 9 +010101111111110 p.m.-1 9 +010101111111110 million-member 21 +010101111111110 kilowatt 50 +010101111111110 o' 80 +010101111111110 witching 90 +010101111111110 equaling 596 +010101111111110 per 3565 +010101111111110 consecutive 1693 +010101111111111 2.315 1 +010101111111111 Occupation-bred 1 +010101111111111 soon-to-be-laid-off 1 +010101111111111 futures-based 1 +010101111111111 5,269,374 1 +010101111111111 hand-molded 1 +010101111111111 doctoral-level 1 +010101111111111 1.1852 1 +010101111111111 612,745 1 +010101111111111 466,834 1 +010101111111111 0.7225 1 +010101111111111 body-turn 1 +010101111111111 11,732,074 1 +010101111111111 4.464 1 +010101111111111 aone 1 +010101111111111 15.579 1 +010101111111111 Panasonic-brand 1 +010101111111111 furfural-based 1 +010101111111111 1/2-foot-long 1 +010101111111111 constituentsin 1 +010101111111111 1,963,696 1 +010101111111111 45,078 1 +010101111111111 Subzero 1 +010101111111111 2,178,000 1 +010101111111111 0.8333 1 +010101111111111 container-maker 1 +010101111111111 193,827 1 +010101111111111 6,702,906 1 +010101111111111 150,195 1 +010101111111111 329,412 1 +010101111111111 0.78394 1 +010101111111111 152,200 1 +010101111111111 .64764 1 +010101111111111 0.1365 1 +010101111111111 2.222 1 +010101111111111 280,600 1 +010101111111111 winter-weather 1 +010101111111111 3.2032 1 +010101111111111 49,730 1 +010101111111111 snowshoe 1 +010101111111111 4-by-5 1 +010101111111111 1.818 1 +010101111111111 0.285 1 +010101111111111 1,112,412 1 +010101111111111 18.218 1 +010101111111111 0.592 1 +010101111111111 amethyst 1 +010101111111111 1.311 1 +010101111111111 0.8658 1 +010101111111111 3,268,069 1 +010101111111111 caffeine-loaded 1 +010101111111111 unconsidered 1 +010101111111111 MIPS. 1 +010101111111111 63,710 1 +010101111111111 cents-per- 1 +010101111111111 271,702 1 +010101111111111 16,645,859 1 +010101111111111 5,320 1 +010101111111111 923,539 1 +010101111111111 bankruptcy-and 1 +010101111111111 3,872 1 +010101111111111 lesser-voting 1 +010101111111111 coal-fire 1 +010101111111111 20,202 1 +010101111111111 321,459 1 +010101111111111 1/2-furlong 1 +010101111111111 1.0782 1 +010101111111111 1,488,244 1 +010101111111111 714,285 1 +010101111111111 2,766,400 1 +010101111111111 colour 1 +010101111111111 1,813,689 1 +010101111111111 1,180,950 1 +010101111111111 15,757,350 1 +010101111111111 6,877,049 1 +010101111111111 1.856 1 +010101111111111 5,750,000 1 +010101111111111 5,089,958 1 +010101111111111 passenger-cabin 1 +010101111111111 caricaturing 1 +010101111111111 Cabrio 1 +010101111111111 fancy-labeled 1 +010101111111111 cordoba-a-month 1 +010101111111111 1/2-pound 1 +010101111111111 Diasonic 1 +010101111111111 outbowling 1 +010101111111111 6,485,918 1 +010101111111111 Foat 1 +010101111111111 copies/ 1 +010101111111111 Cycare 1 +010101111111111 8,005,667 1 +010101111111111 462,696 1 +010101111111111 95.24 2 +010101111111111 0.958 2 +010101111111111 7,631,486 2 +010101111111111 five-on-five 2 +010101111111111 WRAP 2 +010101111111111 1,185,000 2 +010101111111111 five-card 2 +010101111111111 3,057,000 2 +010101111111111 Bioethics 2 +010101111111111 311,654 2 +010101111111111 each. 2 +010101111111111 .57 2 +010101111111111 1,225,000 2 +010101111111111 Galants 2 +010101111111111 Oggi 2 +010101111111111 2,640,836 2 +010101111111111 7,124 2 +010101111111111 Ananda 2 +010101111111111 1.3043 2 +010101111111111 1,083,478 2 +010101111111111 ofthe 2 +010101111111111 unneccesary 2 +010101111111111 828,210 2 +010101111111111 1/2-ounce 3 +010101111111111 2,410 3 +010101111111111 0.9524 3 +010101111111111 LIN. 3 +010101111111111 0.5084 3 +010101111111111 0.415 5 +010101111111111 780,300 5 +010101111111111 each 19097 +010101111111111 E.&J 6 +01011000 48/23-3 1 +01011000 Campsa 1 +01011000 Holsum 1 +01011000 69-72 1 +01011000 war-loving 1 +01011000 Langhorn 1 +01011000 Viridiflora 1 +01011000 Lily-flowering 1 +01011000 156-10 1 +01011000 not-too-great 1 +01011000 15-39 1 +01011000 27,30 1 +01011000 late-running 1 +01011000 school-teachers 1 +01011000 Arijs 1 +01011000 61-34 1 +01011000 unraceable 1 +01011000 dinero 1 +01011000 some-all-Republican 1 +01011000 Horsesham 1 +01011000 Blasting 1 +01011000 FLYX 1 +01011000 Montdomaine 1 +01011000 then-Prof 1 +01011000 Expressen 1 +01011000 finance-administration 1 +01011000 Qiryat 1 +01011000 Pfaelzer 1 +01011000 depersonalization 1 +01011000 AWOLs 1 +01011000 walleyed 1 +01011000 Dmarks 1 +01011000 stadia 1 +01011000 KCNC-TV 1 +01011000 grenadine 1 +01011000 Kohat 1 +01011000 flans 1 +01011000 nah 1 +01011000 116.2643583 1 +01011000 Kilian 1 +01011000 roll-ons 1 +01011000 lagely 1 +01011000 Reno-Sparks 1 +01011000 hankywise 1 +01011000 Faina 1 +01011000 Pescara 1 +01011000 Florencia 1 +01011000 Minitote 1 +01011000 Sogexport 1 +01011000 self-asserting 1 +01011000 Lachine 1 +01011000 Magin 1 +01011000 leasure-oriented 1 +01011000 schistomsomiasis 1 +01011000 chain-locked 1 +01011000 261,850,700 1 +01011000 meanhwile 1 +01011000 31-28 1 +01011000 JD 1 +01011000 sellout-wise 1 +01011000 all-place 1 +01011000 parterre 1 +01011000 heartsease 1 +01011000 achilleas 1 +01011000 campanulas 1 +01011000 tooism 1 +01011000 Rafaella 1 +01011000 auto-dialer 1 +01011000 james 1 +01011000 stephen 1 +01011000 Ok. 1 +01011000 WWBT-TV 1 +01011000 Herlinda 1 +01011000 Estevan 1 +01011000 Queeg 1 +01011000 Wrexham 1 +01011000 Lakeport 1 +01011000 half-British 1 +01011000 microchange 1 +01011000 Nadhatul 1 +01011000 Tadahiro 1 +01011000 Nelli 1 +01011000 Olka. 1 +01011000 leasors 1 +01011000 wh 1 +01011000 w 1 +01011000 Papageno 1 +01011000 800-572-6037 1 +01011000 Mitsuaki 1 +01011000 Wilmington. 1 +01011000 phrasemongering 1 +01011000 Rached 1 +01011000 muffling 1 +01011000 Pentheus 1 +01011000 Odes 1 +01011000 chow-chow 1 +01011000 dispossession 1 +01011000 rocking-chair 1 +01011000 12-11 1 +01011000 Defreestville 1 +01011000 Appell 1 +01011000 valetudinarianated 1 +01011000 embiciliated 1 +01011000 Atromid-S 1 +01011000 TDF-1 1 +01011000 Zdzislawa 1 +01011000 Nyri 1 +01011000 Mirta 1 +01011000 1967-85 1 +01011000 Gif-sur-Yvette 1 +01011000 1969-71 1 +01011000 reporter/educators 1 +01011000 Mangum 1 +01011000 K-Daffy 1 +01011000 azurophil-derived 1 +01011000 W-O-L-S-F-E-L-D 1 +01011000 Eudoxia 1 +01011000 Johnny. 1 +01011000 honour 1 +01011000 research-pooling 1 +01011000 advice-oriented 1 +01011000 metiram 1 +01011000 754-767 1 +01011000 213-972-7550 1 +01011000 415-864-3330 1 +01011000 1894-1985 1 +01011000 Lampasas 1 +01011000 Waldir 1 +01011000 Gossnab 1 +01011000 exercycles 1 +01011000 Kenyahs 1 +01011000 Bidayuhs 1 +01011000 three-hole 1 +01011000 Secausus 1 +01011000 Flutterwheel 1 +01011000 18-wheelers 1 +01011000 Salvadorean 1 +01011000 422pages 1 +01011000 non-democracies 1 +01011000 Cukor 1 +01011000 EGAD 1 +01011000 Batac 1 +01011000 NF 1 +01011000 Gambia 1 +01011000 1971-81 1 +01011000 GCPWI 1 +01011000 RFPWI 1 +01011000 F.S.L.A. 1 +01011000 chiropractor-veterinarian 1 +01011000 pipepuffing 1 +01011000 Scio 1 +01011000 4.4-liter 1 +01011000 Valmai 1 +01011000 XXPWI 1 +01011000 HMPWI 1 +01011000 HLPWI 1 +01011000 Eko 1 +01011000 52-35 1 +01011000 73-57 1 +01011000 1734 1 +01011000 Haigs 1 +01011000 Kissingers 1 +01011000 Rostows 1 +01011000 1981-1986. 1 +01011000 Zi 1 +01011000 antibiotic-resistant 1 +01011000 Joop 1 +01011000 apartheid-style 1 +01011000 reroofing 1 +01011000 Eufala 1 +01011000 bronco-busting 1 +01011000 Blanchester 1 +01011000 226-193 1 +01011000 childrenswear 1 +01011000 Reshat 1 +01011000 N.U. 1 +01011000 prayer-like 1 +01011000 Taillevent 1 +01011000 stilleven 1 +01011000 Summerfield 1 +01011000 1943- 1 +01011000 Syre 1 +01011000 butadyne 1 +01011000 Silliac 1 +01011000 Illiac 1 +01011000 HVG 1 +01011000 Ekstaza 1 +01011000 tsimmis 1 +01011000 gadempta 1 +01011000 monazite 1 +01011000 Lascivious 1 +01011000 Lecherous 1 +01011000 Lewd 1 +01011000 nonanswer 1 +01011000 Fromberg 1 +01011000 punk-rock-worshipping 1 +01011000 Dibold 1 +01011000 Cullina 1 +01011000 Smithlike 1 +01011000 Ormonte 1 +01011000 Prairietek 1 +01011000 commune-style 1 +01011000 Franceville 1 +01011000 Clackamus 1 +01011000 Buthayna 1 +01011000 BUCKPAC 1 +01011000 rebirthers 1 +01011000 KNBC 1 +01011000 Pashayan 1 +01011000 tretinoin 1 +01011000 MINPECO 1 +01011000 L-S 1 +01011000 Knudsen-Erath 1 +01011000 THC/dronabinol 1 +01011000 Galanos 1 +01011000 749-669 1 +01011000 CentoRx 1 +01011000 autopilots 1 +01011000 C.D.P. 1 +01011000 Suanne 1 +01011000 Issaquahn 1 +01011000 711-681 1 +01011000 395-21 1 +01011000 WW3 1 +01011000 Ekho 1 +01011000 Transfer-Metallisierte 1 +01011000 Spanbok 1 +01011000 split-screening 1 +01011000 Abdul-Malek 1 +01011000 127-83 1 +01011000 Liviu 1 +01011000 Moelmann 1 +01011000 ciprofloxacin 1 +01011000 rodentlike 1 +01011000 Kundry-style 1 +01011000 Kachin 1 +01011000 DaNang 1 +01011000 Hisamitsu 1 +01011000 Starnberg 1 +01011000 Leominister 1 +01011000 Franz-Olivier 1 +01011000 scrapple 1 +01011000 duBois 1 +01011000 Metsys 1 +01011000 214-seat 1 +01011000 green-flecked 1 +01011000 Swindell-Dressler 1 +01011000 Crowell-Collier 1 +01011000 Vi 1 +01011000 muggiest 1 +01011000 Ken. 1 +01011000 208-169 1 +01011000 Witbank 1 +01011000 Mohammad-Mehdi 1 +01011000 Dissertation 1 +01011000 non-medal 1 +01011000 281-119 1 +01011000 lupen 1 +01011000 chunkyish 1 +01011000 lavash 1 +01011000 26658-13 1 +01011000 Kurskogo 1 +01011000 143-97-95 1 +01011000 Litowitz 1 +01011000 regular-exercising 1 +01011000 Deiter 1 +01011000 Retires 1 +01011000 vacant-cranium 1 +01011000 McGod 1 +01011000 McArt 1 +01011000 McFashion 1 +01011000 McSurgery 1 +01011000 McNews 1 +01011000 McTax 1 +01011000 ECON 1 +01011000 299-31-11 1 +01011000 238-88-88 1 +01011000 6:00-8:00 1 +01011000 22:00-23:00 1 +01011000 Tovarishcheskiyi 1 +01011000 147-04-84 1 +01011000 18:00-23:00 1 +01011000 nymphomaniacs 1 +01011000 Sicklerville 1 +01011000 child-mutilating 1 +01011000 37,640 1 +01011000 radarless 1 +01011000 Bina 1 +01011000 Gosconcert 1 +01011000 '70 1 +01011000 Reynoldsburg 1 +01011000 Medfield 1 +01011000 Vassily 1 +01011000 Flexilink 1 +01011000 post-punk 1 +01011000 builder-developer 1 +01011000 embroidering 1 +01011000 high-pressure-fluid 1 +01011000 Janio 1 +01011000 Samira 1 +01011000 pin-striped-suited 1 +01011000 38-33 1 +01011000 30-7 1 +01011000 34-14 1 +01011000 5-5-1 1 +01011000 Stolzberg 1 +01011000 Mezan 1 +01011000 Ingeborg 1 +01011000 Jure 1 +01011000 GILLES 1 +01011000 Keesha 1 +01011000 2,713 1 +01011000 Phorcys 1 +01011000 WYO. 1 +01011000 oxymoronically 1 +01011000 Volzhsprodmash 1 +01011000 Bankamerica 1 +01011000 Bananarama 1 +01011000 osteoradionecrosis 1 +01011000 Sotero 1 +01011000 Bluebeard 1 +01011000 52,029,664 1 +01011000 4,457 1 +01011000 Hartshorne 1 +01011000 Durham. 1 +01011000 Saeko 1 +01011000 marine-power 1 +01011000 84-12 1 +01011000 liquidizers 1 +01011000 eyestrain 1 +01011000 Souderton 1 +01011000 Wisc 1 +01011000 Ulend 1 +01011000 Walleye 1 +01011000 Wildbird 1 +01011000 plumeria 1 +01011000 yellow-off 1 +01011000 Croton-on-Hudson 1 +01011000 kiddo 1 +01011000 trust-inspiring 1 +01011000 Hofin 1 +01011000 Wy. 1 +01011000 Uzwil 1 +01011000 sulprotone 1 +01011000 1788-1980 1 +01011000 Shass 1 +01011000 Bertand-Anna 1 +01011000 pound-for-pound 1 +01011000 Ozmum 1 +01011000 creamless 1 +01011000 749-702 1 +01011000 KLDO-TV 1 +01011000 912-550 1 +01011000 Oldwick 1 +01011000 Octreotide 1 +01011000 866-596 1 +01011000 counterbluffing 1 +01011000 PIKs 1 +01011000 anti-junkbond 1 +01011000 anti-LBO 1 +01011000 bigger-than-life 1 +01011000 drei 1 +01011000 zwei 1 +01011000 Zarathustra 1 +01011000 Annalee 1 +01011000 Maternite 1 +01011000 912-561 1 +01011000 Maschinenfabrik 1 +01011000 mind-wearying 1 +01011000 Agudat 1 +01011000 Bush-and-Quayle-land 1 +01011000 hanh 1 +01011000 reddening 1 +01011000 post-binge 1 +01011000 Jamsetji 1 +01011000 F.K. 1 +01011000 WWVH 1 +01011000 Sandnes 1 +01011000 BCBGs 1 +01011000 45-3 1 +01011000 253.83 1 +01011000 well-collateralized 1 +01011000 unpaged 1 +01011000 Orpington 1 +01011000 797-758 1 +01011000 Blountville 1 +01011000 cornered-rat-style 1 +01011000 Macungie 1 +01011000 signlike 1 +01011000 WTVS-TV 1 +01011000 Sarong 1 +01011000 inter-alia 1 +01011000 SOLOMON 1 +01011000 COHEN 1 +01011000 unpromisingly 1 +01011000 Pappagallo 1 +01011000 Pres. 1 +01011000 freckled-faced 1 +01011000 LaserLand 1 +01011000 flute-playing 1 +01011000 Glenmora 1 +01011000 Simbari 1 +01011000 rear-engine 1 +01011000 Quirst 1 +01011000 direct-face 1 +01011000 20-19 1 +01011000 43-19 1 +01011000 euthanasists. 1 +01011000 technical/sales 1 +01011000 Ecorse 1 +01011000 no-sugar 1 +01011000 toy-making 1 +01011000 Christoval 1 +01011000 isostretinoin 1 +01011000 Manu 1 +01011000 Stevensville 1 +01011000 Havertown 1 +01011000 armored-transport 1 +01011000 ready-to-go 1 +01011000 Kaszovitz 1 +01011000 Shiviyacu-20 1 +01011000 seabeaten 1 +01011000 al-Shiraa 1 +01011000 6406/3-2 1 +01011000 91-89 1 +01011000 145-119 1 +01011000 112-104 1 +01011000 Carvedilol 1 +01011000 soundproof 1 +01011000 Chichester 1 +01011000 Republican-Democrat 1 +01011000 Lafox 1 +01011000 50-27 1 +01011000 804-782 1 +01011000 pre-cognitive 1 +01011000 Jan.14 1 +01011000 Istmo 1 +01011000 whiteflies 1 +01011000 sconces 1 +01011000 D.C.-Baltimore 1 +01011000 heresay 1 +01011000 Kristoff 1 +01011000 Hallgarden 1 +01011000 Saeid 1 +01011000 Soyuznefte-export 1 +01011000 Newnham 1 +01011000 1722 1 +01011000 zaimu 1 +01011000 WINOOSKI 1 +01011000 Spartansburg 1 +01011000 880-718 1 +01011000 Spelled 1 +01011000 Jan.5 1 +01011000 CONN. 1 +01011000 V.C. 1 +01011000 Melburne 1 +01011000 homophobes 1 +01011000 larchwood 1 +01011000 2'-iminodibenzoate 1 +01011000 dirges 1 +01011000 CHOYANG 1 +01011000 11-9 1 +01011000 1955-1959 1 +01011000 CS-807 1 +01011000 Virachai 1 +01011000 Lav 1 +01011000 Dietmar 1 +01011000 Brookses 1 +01011000 purple-trimmed 1 +01011000 gemfibrizol 1 +01011000 synvinolin 1 +01011000 Gandal 1 +01011000 94-85 1 +01011000 none. 1 +01011000 Telepress 1 +01011000 fictionally 1 +01011000 privee 1 +01011000 KEYT 1 +01011000 glugs 1 +01011000 suh 1 +01011000 61-59 1 +01011000 Japan-style 1 +01011000 keychains 1 +01011000 instigations 1 +01011000 playsets 1 +01011000 agroprocessing 1 +01011000 emus 1 +01011000 Dosal 1 +01011000 LAOS 1 +01011000 salmeterol 1 +01011000 Romaldo 1 +01011000 Mustard 1 +01011000 Gherkin 1 +01011000 unassumingly 1 +01011000 blackballing 1 +01011000 Register-Herald 1 +01011000 Enquirer-Journal 1 +01011000 teacherly 1 +01011000 216-203 1 +01011000 gift-wrapped 1 +01011000 chimp-style 1 +01011000 sweetie. 1 +01011000 FLA. 1 +01011000 Melbourne-Titusville 1 +01011000 Intevep 1 +01011000 SS-22s 1 +01011000 Floodgate 1 +01011000 Guilherme 1 +01011000 Austalia 1 +01011000 Alwyn 1 +01011000 gits 1 +01011000 whitey 1 +01011000 Pennsville 1 +01011000 DOPWI 1 +01011000 Taurean 1 +01011000 SeaCo. 1 +01011000 Leesville 1 +01011000 133-123 1 +01011000 44-years-old 1 +01011000 Maddock 1 +01011000 UPPWI 1 +01011000 Hammonton 1 +01011000 Brazleton 1 +01011000 AL721 1 +01011000 MORS 1 +01011000 Mountainville 1 +01011000 Rashomet 1 +01011000 Simla 1 +01011000 urinalyses 1 +01011000 1957-1984 1 +01011000 mounding 1 +01011000 AOPWI 1 +01011000 plumpish 1 +01011000 neoisolationism 1 +01011000 credit-wise 1 +01011000 white-knuckled 1 +01011000 Addys 1 +01011000 Janni 1 +01011000 Earlene 1 +01011000 Woodinville 1 +01011000 Eleudora 1 +01011000 Bitte 1 +01011000 MKSWI 1 +01011000 MKPWI 1 +01011000 Humacao 1 +01011000 gastroenterology 1 +01011000 Red-baiting 1 +01011000 driveability 1 +01011000 Franciszek 1 +01011000 girl-almost-eaten-by-croc 1 +01011000 one-hole 1 +01011000 Brownstown 1 +01011000 Parowan 1 +01011000 58-36 1 +01011000 776-769 1 +01011000 21201 1 +01011000 20910 1 +01011000 48235 1 +01011000 37801 1 +01011000 Picibanil 1 +01011000 Liebfraumilch 1 +01011000 Peterhead 1 +01011000 copra 1 +01011000 Csangos 1 +01011000 Kirstin 1 +01011000 Tengesic 1 +01011000 PROFESSIONALS 1 +01011000 hesaid 1 +01011000 85-12 1 +01011000 394-27 1 +01011000 Harmoko 1 +01011000 somersaulting 1 +01011000 Leonida 1 +01011000 117-115 1 +01011000 DanielFiori 1 +01011000 pedal-pushers 1 +01011000 15-10 1 +01011000 overemployment 1 +01011000 macaques 1 +01011000 HL-721 1 +01011000 MISS. 1 +01011000 Ballwin 1 +01011000 Medicare/Medicaid 1 +01011000 sir. 1 +01011000 103-95 1 +01011000 small-capacity 1 +01011000 aide-de-camp 1 +01011000 tonguing 1 +01011000 symptomatically 1 +01011000 Kultur 1 +01011000 Frisco 1 +01011000 810-739 1 +01011000 podiatrists 1 +01011000 Littletown 1 +01011000 Hullera 1 +01011000 no-peel 1 +01011000 slick-skinned 1 +01011000 green-mauve 1 +01011000 Chelan 1 +01011000 khaki-colored 1 +01011000 sociobiologists 1 +01011000 Viveca 1 +01011000 Cefodizime 1 +01011000 Messimvrini 1 +01011000 WVUE 1 +01011000 triangulating 1 +01011000 Itsik 1 +01011000 knobby-kneed 1 +01011000 acetaldehyde 1 +01011000 par-58 1 +01011000 rototilling 1 +01011000 maybe. 1 +01011000 300CD 1 +01011000 Lockland 1 +01011000 incidently 1 +01011000 meter-maid 1 +01011000 Semra 1 +01011000 Medusa-style 1 +01011000 238-pound 1 +01011000 demoded 1 +01011000 Royersford 1 +01011000 Cerrillos 1 +01011000 Poilly-lez-Gien 1 +01011000 Danno 1 +01011000 bottled-in-bond 1 +01011000 10-11p.m. 1 +01011000 Sam-I-Am 1 +01011000 1596 1 +01011000 WTNH 1 +01011000 Escajeda 1 +01011000 welcome-home-husband-though-never-so-drunk 1 +01011000 272-149 1 +01011000 schmistory 1 +01011000 rosewise 1 +01011000 Rugosas 1 +01011000 Musks 1 +01011000 Noisettes 1 +01011000 Boursaults 1 +01011000 Mosses 1 +01011000 Centifolias 1 +01011000 Albas 1 +01011000 Damasks 1 +01011000 Ferari 1 +01011000 rispetto 1 +01011000 Vari-lite 1 +01011000 WCYS 1 +01011000 sogoody 1 +01011000 fibromyositis 1 +01011000 cockiest 1 +01011000 Sousse 1 +01011000 Msaken 1 +01011000 Sfax 1 +01011000 Gabes 1 +01011000 Iraklion 1 +01011000 Slidel 1 +01011000 257-162 1 +01011000 259-157 1 +01011000 220-198 1 +01011000 Moville 1 +01011000 Neligh 1 +01011000 Garabet 1 +01011000 89-84 1 +01011000 94104 1 +01011000 20416 1 +01011000 Burton-Campbell/EPB 1 +01011000 STRESSED 1 +01011000 Shahjahan 1 +01011000 Sidiqullah 1 +01011000 rubber-wheeled 1 +01011000 145-to-1 1 +01011000 8,854 1 +01011000 Yoe 1 +01011000 Lutcher 1 +01011000 Protropen 1 +01011000 nits 1 +01011000 mastigophorans 1 +01011000 FCSWI 1 +01011000 FCPWI 1 +01011000 Galva 1 +01011000 Geometry 1 +01011000 unfortuntely 1 +01011000 Oneonta 1 +01011000 zig-zags 1 +01011000 Kurrachee 1 +01011000 Nicklausse 1 +01011000 Zinka 1 +01011000 continent-hopping 1 +01011000 Upholstery 1 +01011000 Mandolina 1 +01011000 Musette 1 +01011000 85-2 1 +01011000 sore-armed 1 +01011000 Stanham 1 +01011000 251-173 1 +01011000 Teredata 1 +01011000 Iacocca-style 1 +01011000 209-208 1 +01011000 Zlatopol 1 +01011000 Belz 1 +01011000 turtledoves 1 +01011000 Savuka 1 +01011000 Juluka 1 +01011000 404-549-8279 1 +01011000 14-9 1 +01011000 23-21 1 +01011000 80-yarder 1 +01011000 Lybia 1 +01011000 Porcari 1 +01011000 lullingly 1 +01011000 1957-59 1 +01011000 primroses 1 +01011000 109-102 1 +01011000 kelpies 1 +01011000 silkies 1 +01011000 Christian/Jew 1 +01011000 America/Europe 1 +01011000 duty/rebellion 1 +01011000 family/individual 1 +01011000 self/society 1 +01011000 sex/love 1 +01011000 goodia 1 +01011000 cardoon 1 +01011000 gunnera 1 +01011000 grewia 1 +01011000 delphinium 1 +01011000 beebalm 1 +01011000 conjugation 1 +01011000 halitosis 1 +01011000 MCATs 1 +01011000 GREs 1 +01011000 LSATs 1 +01011000 Char 1 +01011000 alibied 1 +01011000 Gewurztraminer 1 +01011000 74-23 1 +01011000 Enoteca 1 +01011000 Ashville 1 +01011000 writeable 1 +01011000 1868-1963 1 +01011000 Chernobyl. 1 +01011000 19-16 1 +01011000 Shannel 1 +01011000 Itaru 1 +01011000 hmm 1 +01011000 Cantv 1 +01011000 monsieur 1 +01011000 Sudan-style 1 +01011000 Tantung 1 +01011000 bland-tasting 1 +01011000 Charger 1 +01011000 1/12/87 1 +01011000 Servilia 1 +01011000 Saed 1 +01011000 branch-line 1 +01011000 diet-wise 1 +01011000 rectively 1 +01011000 wht 1 +01011000 uncoordination 1 +01011000 Addsion 1 +01011000 Pro-Air 1 +01011000 fast-living 1 +01011000 p.608 1 +01011000 Elserino 1 +01011000 D2-WI 1 +01011000 cretin 1 +01011000 Humphrey-McGovern 1 +01011000 defecating 1 +01011000 Chestertown 1 +01011000 gouache 1 +01011000 NewPark 1 +01011000 900-year-old 1 +01011000 hoorah 1 +01011000 radiotelephones 1 +01011000 Aussat-II 1 +01011000 LAV 1 +01011000 Vino 1 +01011000 dressmaking 1 +01011000 Rogersville 1 +01011000 BQC 1 +01011000 never. 1 +01011000 Bhishma 1 +01011000 Greeneville 1 +01011000 Cranston/Prescott 1 +01011000 64-24 1 +01011000 part-autobiography 1 +01011000 anti-artistic 1 +01011000 Guntersville 1 +01011000 951-570 1 +01011000 non-refueled 1 +01011000 Blocadren 1 +01011000 impudent 1 +01011000 Mariya 1 +01011000 YUE 1 +01011000 Wakarusa 1 +01011000 planers 1 +01011000 sex-maniac 1 +01011000 sandal-wearer 1 +01011000 scientist-run 1 +01011000 Backwaren 1 +01011000 Succasunna 1 +01011000 Tamaqua 1 +01011000 argees 1 +01011000 Pasolini 1 +01011000 Bunuel 1 +01011000 Ken-A-Go-Go 1 +01011000 uncompassionate 1 +01011000 townscapes 1 +01011000 measuredly 1 +01011000 R-12 1 +01011000 elliptically 1 +01011000 LaVargne 1 +01011000 Lueders 1 +01011000 semi-coherent 1 +01011000 Kataizyna 1 +01011000 neocon 1 +01011000 muscle-ache 1 +01011000 ho-ing 1 +01011000 Opelika 1 +01011000 ethnicityn 1 +01011000 252172 1 +01011000 Vinland 1 +01011000 Formanized 1 +01011000 Judases 1 +01011000 corporate-trained 1 +01011000 un-Joneslike 1 +01011000 Boochever 1 +01011000 Bhangali-1 1 +01011000 Etobicoke 1 +01011000 USA-DIRECT 1 +01011000 September. 1 +01011000 ex-lovers 1 +01011000 Barfko-Swill 1 +01011000 Riverwoods 1 +01011000 Prestonsburg 1 +01011000 902F 1 +01011000 726-697 1 +01011000 micro-skirts 1 +01011000 Dyersburg 1 +01011000 15/17-16 1 +01011000 cooperative-owned 1 +01011000 hyphen-not-space 1 +01011000 drinkwise 1 +01011000 buyable 1 +01011000 S.430 1 +01011000 Connersville 1 +01011000 Publicis/FCB 1 +01011000 10-string 1 +01011000 legal-authority-for-hire 1 +01011000 Bounty-style 1 +01011000 Masetto 1 +01011000 still-here 1 +01011000 unwimpily 1 +01011000 rocklike 1 +01011000 PKU 1 +01011000 anomalously 1 +01011000 BBDO/West 1 +01011000 graph-making 1 +01011000 Paternelle 1 +01011000 dial-an-oddsmaker 1 +01011000 dial-a-preacher 1 +01011000 petroleum-service 1 +01011000 Utah. 1 +01011000 ageism 1 +01011000 Nokomis 1 +01011000 ASALA 1 +01011000 rosins 1 +01011000 Bowlmor 1 +01011000 anemones 1 +01011000 801-672 1 +01011000 238-plank 1 +01011000 Tsutako 1 +01011000 undercoached 1 +01011000 Randee 1 +01011000 1038 1 +01011000 1966-69 1 +01011000 harebells 1 +01011000 salsify 1 +01011000 Harrogate 1 +01011000 49-49 1 +01011000 honeybunch 1 +01011000 free-marketism 1 +01011000 Hinesburg 1 +01011000 Alimate 1 +01011000 55-ish 1 +01011000 145-1 1 +01011000 quick-response 1 +01011000 D.D.S. 1 +01011000 rosebushes 1 +01011000 Oilton 1 +01011000 gutty 1 +01011000 bullhead 1 +01011000 bowfin 1 +01011000 gar 1 +01011000 high-cost-per-unit 1 +01011000 unprompted 1 +01011000 Caffey 1 +01011000 novelettes 1 +01011000 HASTINGS 1 +01011000 Waren 1 +01011000 3,628 1 +01011000 819-679 1 +01011000 anti-farmer 1 +01011000 946-548 1 +01011000 Viberts 1 +01011000 Geromes 1 +01011000 36-22 1 +01011000 Meissoniers 1 +01011000 Hodgenville 1 +01011000 74-14 1 +01011000 decadences 1 +01011000 Winesburg 1 +01011000 1969-1973 1 +01011000 double-checked 1 +01011000 tear-proof 1 +01011000 industrial-chemical 1 +01011000 Capozide 1 +01011000 Rockledge 1 +01011000 Barbara. 1 +01011000 251-120 1 +01011000 ADP-BIS 1 +01011000 inventorying 1 +01011000 ill-nourished 1 +01011000 Stanya 1 +01011000 Manju 1 +01011000 Savita 1 +01011000 Artemis 1 +01011000 Betula 1 +01011000 Sinarundinaria 1 +01011000 Nafinsa 1 +01011000 Cleveland. 1 +01011000 capitalism-communism-capitalism-communi 1 +01011000 Elvire 1 +01011000 K.475 1 +01011000 Lucette 1 +01011000 Carld 1 +01011000 Juma 1 +01011000 Ibel 1 +01011000 hockey-style 1 +01011000 Goldsmiths 1 +01011000 Aragvi 1 +01011000 country-poor 1 +01011000 Fatmah 1 +01011000 Ubaldo 1 +01011000 Couse 1 +01011000 white-built 1 +01011000 birdwatching 1 +01011000 155,662-122,315 1 +01011000 Sadiq 1 +01011000 Londontowne 1 +01011000 neo-evolutionary 1 +01011000 Fleischmanns 1 +01011000 129,139111,683 1 +01011000 21,557-17,042 1 +01011000 7,364-4,601 1 +01011000 308-113 1 +01011000 Wyondotte 1 +01011000 Ind.-Owensboro 1 +01011000 opera-style 1 +01011000 Communist-style 1 +01011000 843-640 1 +01011000 Bucuresti 1 +01011000 cheeping 1 +01011000 druggers 1 +01011000 recyled 1 +01011000 active-player 1 +01011000 Jerseyville 1 +01011000 841-605 1 +01011000 563-8300 1 +01011000 fluvoxamine 1 +01011000 496-7070 1 +01011000 macho-type 1 +01011000 1-800-782-4369 1 +01011000 Sojuzpushnina 1 +01011000 Mopsy 1 +01011000 futures-hedging 1 +01011000 Bandini 1 +01011000 74-71 1 +01011000 R.I 1 +01011000 Xang 1 +01011000 2B 1 +01011000 809-633 1 +01011000 160-strong 1 +01011000 acerbities 1 +01011000 Sophomoric 1 +01011000 Buprenex 1 +01011000 Weirdo 1 +01011000 Anarchist 1 +01011000 Pinko 1 +01011000 silver-templed 1 +01011000 Rosane 1 +01011000 gerbils 1 +01011000 Saskia 1 +01011000 pedophiles 1 +01011000 transsexuals 1 +01011000 Arcaro 1 +01011000 kaffeeklatsches 1 +01011000 haloperidol 1 +01011000 Karbassion 1 +01011000 Loreen 1 +01011000 unself-pitying 1 +01011000 Toodles 1 +01011000 cockfight 1 +01011000 unexcitable 1 +01011000 Forida 1 +01011000 Cockeysville 1 +01011000 jeroboams 1 +01011000 Alprin 1 +01011000 Mannino 1 +01011000 FLAHERTY 1 +01011000 Selectibles 1 +01011000 neo-African 1 +01011000 Kovno 1 +01011000 1956-66 1 +01011000 Malibu-style 1 +01011000 flared-wing 1 +01011000 Nemer 1 +01011000 prototyped 1 +01011000 71-58 1 +01011000 C+ 1 +01011000 Rosenthal-Collins 1 +01011000 biathletes 1 +01011000 Hytech 1 +01011000 mulattos 1 +01011000 suntanned 1 +01011000 Cheekwood 1 +01011000 near-takeovers 1 +01011000 ratings-wise 1 +01011000 N.D 1 +01011000 Mitsue 1 +01011000 Nipisi 1 +01011000 Ferlibs 1 +01011000 Weatherbys 1 +01011000 Nykredit 1 +01011000 eventing 1 +01011000 fraternally 1 +01011000 300TE 1 +01011000 560SEL 1 +01011000 MICH. 1 +01011000 Moerdiono 1 +01011000 CALIF. 1 +01011000 BSB/Dorland 1 +01011000 1911-1949 1 +01011000 Leopardi 1 +01011000 VO 1 +01011000 Duryee 1 +01011000 Feb.3 1 +01011000 Kintner 1 +01011000 2038 1 +01011000 Kiyomi 1 +01011000 pension-drawing 1 +01011000 generosities 1 +01011000 Garvis 1 +01011000 thymine 1 +01011000 cockchafers 1 +01011000 Ubud 1 +01011000 afterall 1 +01011000 772-684 1 +01011000 215-210 1 +01011000 chloroquine 1 +01011000 Sljeme 1 +01011000 mene 1 +01011000 heinasirkka 1 +01011000 66-33 1 +01011000 quartermasters 1 +01011000 flag-bearers 1 +01011000 morale-boosters 1 +01011000 811-696 1 +01011000 43-pound 1 +01011000 Angelton 1 +01011000 bathmats 1 +01011000 tetrachlorophenol 1 +01011000 lucine 1 +01011000 benzol 1 +01011000 cyclohexane 1 +01011000 nectarines 1 +01011000 55-43 1 +01011000 co-generators 1 +01011000 Bridgforth 1 +01011000 Tenzin 1 +01011000 Hamendra 1 +01011000 Confucians 1 +01011000 hmmm 1 +01011000 Carter-Anne 1 +01011000 Outperform 1 +01011000 R-shaped 1 +01011000 score-settling 1 +01011000 Sojuzplodoimport 1 +01011000 105-97 1 +01011000 Anatol 1 +01011000 Lubao 1 +01011000 Mvelisi 1 +01011000 research- 1 +01011000 Croyden 1 +01011000 non-maneuvers 1 +01011000 Junket. 1 +01011000 heh 1 +01011000 Levina 1 +01011000 1,017,012 1 +01011000 Campy 1 +01011000 punk-dunk 1 +01011000 18-7 1 +01011000 kidnaped 1 +01011000 Nordica 1 +01011000 Derrell 1 +01011000 anti-absolutist 1 +01011000 undeclarable. 1 +01011000 additive-free 1 +01011000 Aspidistra 1 +01011000 808-729 1 +01011000 1976-78 1 +01011000 all-too-female 1 +01011000 egad 1 +01011000 Wauwatosa 1 +01011000 Veritas 1 +01011000 Supat 1 +01011000 Munhall 1 +01011000 regretably 1 +01011000 9,321 1 +01011000 Floey 1 +01011000 Roachdale 1 +01011000 walrus-like 1 +01011000 Friesland 1 +01011000 reminiscently 1 +01011000 Gilberg 1 +01011000 Hlavka 1 +01011000 Uzwiak 1 +01011000 Vermonty 1 +01011000 Mueger 1 +01011000 Grazioso 1 +01011000 Schwartzenhauer 1 +01011000 McGervey 1 +01011000 Arleta 1 +01011000 Parbury 1 +01011000 pig-tailed 1 +01011000 Lengfelder 1 +01011000 Hladky 1 +01011000 Helie 1 +01011000 Dowdey 1 +01011000 Caponi 1 +01011000 826-618 1 +01011000 manicotti 1 +01011000 timetables. 1 +01011000 6b7 1 +01011000 Cornas 1 +01011000 St.-Joseph 1 +01011000 Kingswood 1 +01011000 Lela 1 +01011000 gelatins 1 +01011000 8828011 1 +01011000 1910-1930 1 +01011000 876-636 1 +01011000 Wolfy 1 +01011000 Nick-at-Nite 1 +01011000 Vanagons 1 +01011000 consultants. 1 +01011000 ego-wise 1 +01011000 Band-aided 1 +01011000 Beverage-Air 1 +01011000 pul-eeze 1 +01011000 mastiffs 1 +01011000 Rubina 1 +01011000 Diboli 1 +01011000 Tintas 1 +01011000 limited-run 1 +01011000 terpy 1 +01011000 Refreshed 1 +01011000 tarantulas 1 +01011000 Geertz 1 +01011000 in-accord-with-nature 1 +01011000 Attacca 1 +01011000 22-13 1 +01011000 egoistical 1 +01011000 364-56 1 +01011000 twin-bladed 1 +01011000 861-598 1 +01011000 Monitor-Plus 1 +01011000 EPREX 1 +01011000 781-221 1 +01011000 narrow-mindedly 1 +01011000 Jolene 1 +01011000 Burchette 1 +01011000 Myrella 1 +01011000 Leitchfield 1 +01011000 stomachwise 1 +01011000 Rodchenko 1 +01011000 Lissitzky 1 +01011000 Burien 1 +01011000 sexless 1 +01011000 Testskin 1 +01011000 Ellinwood 1 +01011000 see-nothing 1 +01011000 Kutuzov 1 +01011000 re-everything 1 +01011000 re-leveraged 1 +01011000 Horry 1 +01011000 Bactroban 1 +01011000 unresponsiveness 1 +01011000 64-30 1 +01011000 Chandons 1 +01011000 Rufenacht 1 +01011000 JIL 1 +01011000 Altemur 1 +01011000 Cir 1 +01011000 Wolffe 1 +01011000 Schaffhausen 1 +01011000 Switz. 1 +01011000 Abdon 1 +01011000 whammo 1 +01011000 866-680 1 +01011000 riv.vu 1 +01011000 3a. 1 +01011000 BTV 1 +01011000 moussaka 1 +01011000 egotistic 1 +01011000 Buttrey 1 +01011000 Cheswick 1 +01011000 plotwise 1 +01011000 neopopulist 1 +01011000 Maos 1 +01011000 Hitlers 1 +01011000 magnanimously 1 +01011000 Syrias 1 +01011000 pro-regulationist 1 +01011000 Marmero 1 +01011000 drugrunners 1 +01011000 Olenegorsk 1 +01011000 Mishelevka 1 +01011000 pro-jobs 1 +01011000 Isocracy 1 +01011000 articulateness 1 +01011000 defaces 1 +01011000 44-0 1 +01011000 37-7 1 +01011000 76-24 1 +01011000 69-31 1 +01011000 SFX 1 +01011000 GLD 1 +01011000 Novolin 1 +01011000 save-the-whalers 1 +01011000 hard-worked 1 +01011000 map-making 1 +01011000 non-ratified 1 +01011000 Icehouse 1 +01011000 Austrade 1 +01011000 Bush/Kirkpatrick 1 +01011000 Bush/Kemp 1 +01011000 Sarcoxie 1 +01011000 Caffedrine 1 +01011000 Sportscreme 1 +01011000 269-156 1 +01011000 goateed 1 +01011000 230-195 1 +01011000 285-140 1 +01011000 then-U.S. 1 +01011000 boodleoo 1 +01011000 Janatha 1 +01011000 Wigand 1 +01011000 Cozmopole 1 +01011000 country-music-loving 1 +01011000 Motherwell 1 +01011000 HaNegev 1 +01011000 juicers 1 +01011000 ceramists 1 +01011000 profspeak 1 +01011000 Birgitta 1 +01011000 718-636-4100 1 +01011000 1-800-492-9696 1 +01011000 alpenglow 1 +01011000 NDN 1 +01011000 Iturup 1 +01011000 Soliz 1 +01011000 Olszewski 1 +01011000 354-10 1 +01011000 Rohwer 1 +01011000 Minidoka 1 +01011000 Calvinita 1 +01011000 Lutheranism 1 +01011000 sub-headlines 1 +01011000 TransmancheLink 1 +01011000 Weissler 1 +01011000 unfeathered 1 +01011000 wisher 1 +01011000 Reagan-administration-style 1 +01011000 Terranomics 1 +01011000 Ronell 1 +01011000 mRNA 1 +01011000 75-20 1 +01011000 TexGenPar 1 +01011000 846-566 1 +01011000 six-four 1 +01011000 1945-1988 1 +01011000 62-35 1 +01011000 Abd-al-Aziz 1 +01011000 Sofya 1 +01011000 double-action 1 +01011000 Zoladex 1 +01011000 Santurce 1 +01011000 Diprivan 1 +01011000 1923-1929 1 +01011000 starshaped 1 +01011000 Sovtransavto 1 +01011000 Bonacquist 1 +01011000 Zauderer 1 +01011000 Ellenhorn 1 +01011000 Akenside 1 +01011000 pipedreams 1 +01011000 Ajman 1 +01011000 Noelle 1 +01011000 consumer-housewares 1 +01011000 be-sweatered 1 +01011000 887-561 1 +01011000 84-14 1 +01011000 Ignazio 1 +01011000 Lavvie 1 +01011000 '62 1 +01011000 France-Plus 1 +01011000 father-to-son 1 +01011000 Aptox 1 +01011000 740-634 1 +01011000 MalletProvost 1 +01011000 413-0 1 +01011000 SportLabs 1 +01011000 826-626 1 +01011000 CanadianMen 1 +01011000 BlackMen 1 +01011000 Liberacion 1 +01011000 Marciano-Charles 1 +01011000 McAulay 1 +01011000 orioles 1 +01011000 smartweed 1 +01011000 MRBI 1 +01011000 Coltin 1 +01011000 hard-to-maintain 1 +01011000 chickadees 1 +01011000 martins 1 +01011000 Kurnool 1 +01011000 Magda 1 +01011000 irrelevantly 1 +01011000 sir-r-r 1 +01011000 grimfaced 1 +01011000 FPC-by-the-Sea 1 +01011000 mouflons 1 +01011000 362-46 1 +01011000 7129 1 +01011000 Aggies 1 +01011000 Moonstones 1 +01011000 Subcontracts 1 +01011000 Carmenet 1 +01011000 98-1 1 +01011000 Messager 1 +01011000 sadomasochists 1 +01011000 DLT 1 +01011000 Alamogordo 1 +01011000 uncapitalized 1 +01011000 Whirlaway 1 +01011000 mud-crusted 1 +01011000 WTPI-FM 1 +01011000 54-41 1 +01011000 Viraid 1 +01011000 Dr-Panda 1 +01011000 Flu-shot+ 1 +01011000 N-acetylcysteine 1 +01011000 methaqualone 1 +01011000 Gayfryd 1 +01011000 849-662 1 +01011000 aminophyllin 1 +01011000 Nirvalur 1 +01011000 Bykov 1 +01011000 Mordukova 1 +01011000 524td 1 +01011000 61799-9903. 1 +01011000 Jamey 1 +01011000 Ottmar 1 +01011000 Xeres 1 +01011000 67-3891 1 +01011000 67-3892 1 +01011000 1-800-242-9034 1 +01011000 15522 1 +01011000 horseshoers 1 +01011000 Polian 1 +01011000 buckboards 1 +01011000 CJIIA 1 +01011000 surreys 1 +01011000 stagecoaches 1 +01011000 ahh 1 +01011000 percentagewise 1 +01011000 212-431-1590 1 +01011000 unwomaned 1 +01011000 Vosper 1 +01011000 TTS-fentanyl 1 +01011000 Kurosowa 1 +01011000 Antonioni 1 +01011000 boot-stomping 1 +01011000 professional-audio 1 +01011000 WOJB-FM 1 +01011000 Digsa 1 +01011000 986-473 1 +01011000 52-43 1 +01011000 Periodicos 1 +01011000 one-bath 1 +01011000 A-B-C-D-E 1 +01011000 A-B-C-D 1 +01011000 Copenhagan 1 +01011000 wild-riding 1 +01011000 articulate. 1 +01011000 Avel 2 +01011000 AMPS 2 +01011000 bitte 2 +01011000 Massoud 2 +01011000 39-20 2 +01011000 Sigrid 2 +01011000 gazpacho 2 +01011000 rah 2 +01011000 textureless 2 +01011000 Morganville 2 +01011000 Dollie 2 +01011000 Seedsman 2 +01011000 transduction 2 +01011000 MA 2 +01011000 Chickasha 2 +01011000 WA 2 +01011000 bam 2 +01011000 hollyhocks 2 +01011000 foxgloves 2 +01011000 click-plop 2 +01011000 Maribel 2 +01011000 Sebille 2 +01011000 YM 2 +01011000 Urzula 2 +01011000 MBOs 2 +01011000 Thorgrimson 2 +01011000 gordsadul 2 +01011000 PLEASE 2 +01011000 8808081 2 +01011000 Lafont 2 +01011000 yarrow 2 +01011000 Tionesta 2 +01011000 conspiratorially 2 +01011000 Enichen 2 +01011000 asters 2 +01011000 239-177 2 +01011000 24-0 2 +01011000 marketing-wise 2 +01011000 viz. 2 +01011000 choker 2 +01011000 GOH 2 +01011000 Clow/RSCG 2 +01011000 foreigner-bashing 2 +01011000 Checkup 2 +01011000 1-800-ACS-2345 2 +01011000 boy-meets-girl 2 +01011000 Zivley 2 +01011000 mockingbirds 2 +01011000 DHPrint 2 +01011000 1a 2 +01011000 Edelca 2 +01011000 guv 2 +01011000 N.Y 2 +01011000 Fibras 2 +01011000 Shevin 2 +01011000 24-14 2 +01011000 Prosen 2 +01011000 N312RC 2 +01011000 40244 2 +01011000 B- 2 +01011000 Wieser 2 +01011000 83-79 2 +01011000 EKGs 2 +01011000 874-628 2 +01011000 sorrel 2 +01011000 LaJoe 2 +01011000 Smedley 2 +01011000 292-133 2 +01011000 Gaims 2 +01011000 pro-school-prayer 2 +01011000 Wisc. 2 +01011000 pirozhki 2 +01011000 Carmella 2 +01011000 Machu 2 +01011000 Derck 2 +01011000 Collinsville 2 +01011000 ill-clad 2 +01011000 Reinbeck 2 +01011000 Wa. 2 +01011000 WFAN-AM 2 +01011000 S-A-T 2 +01011000 Gianluca 2 +01011000 295-115 2 +01011000 Hadi 2 +01011000 1890-1976 2 +01011000 Al-Watan 2 +01011000 no-kids 2 +01011000 Merchantville 3 +01011000 Yacimientos 3 +01011000 Fiscales 3 +01011000 WCVB-TV 3 +01011000 02138 3 +01011000 ahem 3 +01011000 Valdese 3 +01011000 Ohio. 3 +01011000 Cal. 3 +01011000 Ellenoff 3 +01011000 dideoxyadenosine 3 +01011000 universalistic 3 +01011000 Seguela 3 +01011000 Fla 3 +01011000 Menands 3 +01011000 tsk 3 +01011000 Euless 3 +01011000 wo 3 +01011000 physostigmine 3 +01011000 Allain 3 +01011000 Sonsini 3 +01011000 Edgewood 3 +01011000 Bella 3 +01011000 Redeemable 3 +01011000 Azima 3 +01011000 Oradell 3 +01011000 Chinka 3 +01011000 defiling 3 +01011000 Leezy 3 +01011000 yip 3 +01011000 Palomba 3 +01011000 Sebastopol 3 +01011000 Hubie 4 +01011000 Crossley 4 +01011000 Hackettstown 4 +01011000 um 4 +01011000 Glenville 4 +01011000 lactose 4 +01011000 Q-tips 4 +01011000 Sian 4 +01011000 Thackeray 4 +01011000 Ilse 5 +01011000 Spahr 5 +01011000 Mallet-Prevost 5 +01011000 Bursatil 5 +01011000 Greene/Worldwide 5 +01011000 Pickard 6 +01011000 Mich 6 +01011000 N.J 6 +01011000 Fairlawn 6 +01011000 Ont. 6 +01011000 unsurprisingly 7 +01011000 Hallgarten 7 +01011000 Sirowitz 9 +01011000 Calif 10 +01011000 Trull 10 +01011000 splat 10 +01011000 Karbassioun 10 +01011000 Bushby 10 +01011000 Seema 11 +01011000 Penn. 11 +01011000 ah 12 +01011000 Salaried 12 +01011000 1989. 14 +01011000 Tex. 14 +01011000 ho 18 +01011000 Fierman 18 +01011000 first-out 18 +01011000 uh 19 +01011000 Labouisse 19 +01011000 Nessen 20 +01011000 Scholer 22 +01011000 yeah 22 +01011000 Underberg 39 +01011000 Mont 54 +01011000 Neb 54 +01011000 sir 59 +01011000 incidentally 65 +01011000 S.D. 79 +01011000 Nev 79 +01011000 Federico 83 +01011000 N.D. 83 +01011000 Mont. 90 +01011000 Okla 91 +01011000 alas 91 +01011000 Minn 97 +01011000 Slate 100 +01011000 Wyo. 102 +01011000 Ind 107 +01011000 Colo 114 +01011000 etc 117 +01011000 Ore 123 +01011000 Unterberg 131 +01011000 Ariz 146 +01011000 Miss. 148 +01011000 Kan 148 +01011000 Tenn 148 +01011000 etc. 150 +01011000 Vt. 171 +01011000 Neb. 202 +01011000 N.M. 209 +01011000 Ark. 224 +01011000 Nev. 247 +01011000 W.Va. 262 +01011000 Del. 280 +01011000 moreover 329 +01011000 Minn. 360 +01011000 Okla. 361 +01011000 La. 366 +01011000 Ore. 366 +01011000 N.H. 367 +01011000 Kan. 380 +01011000 R.I. 385 +01011000 S.C. 394 +01011000 Colo. 396 +01011000 Ala. 400 +01011000 Ind. 408 +01011000 Ky. 448 +01011000 Ariz. 542 +01011000 Wash. 549 +01011000 Wis. 554 +01011000 Tenn. 564 +01011000 Ga. 600 +01011000 Md. 667 +01011000 Mo. 747 +01011000 N.C. 851 +01011000 respectively 954 +01011000 D.C. 1276 +01011000 Va. 1307 +01011000 meanwhile 1531 +01011000 Pa. 1568 +01011000 Mich. 1572 +01011000 Ill. 1579 +01011000 Fla. 1907 +01011000 Conn. 1963 +01011000 Mass. 2286 +01011000 N.Y. 2783 +01011000 N.J. 2921 +01011000 however 13248 +01011000 Calif. 6104 +010110010 Korean-assembled 1 +010110010 dramaturgy 1 +010110010 brokerage-type 1 +010110010 skin-cutting 1 +010110010 Affilated 1 +010110010 equity-laden 1 +010110010 378,882 1 +010110010 wind-shift 1 +010110010 1,813 1 +010110010 housedresses 1 +010110010 biocontrol 1 +010110010 ElderBeerman 1 +010110010 4,118,400 1 +010110010 BANG 1 +010110010 officer-candidates 1 +010110010 head-of-state-style 1 +010110010 lost-shareholder 1 +010110010 cow-talk 1 +010110010 column-mounted 1 +010110010 earthiness 1 +010110010 Wasterville 1 +010110010 freckle 1 +010110010 guilelessness 1 +010110010 170-mile-per-hour 1 +010110010 Dionex 1 +010110010 1,812,500 1 +010110010 206,869 1 +010110010 2,068,686 1 +010110010 Limnoreia 1 +010110010 Actaea 1 +010110010 Cymothoe 1 +010110010 wig-wagging 1 +010110010 1387 1 +010110010 high-money 1 +010110010 429,053 1 +010110010 cost-splitting 1 +010110010 BI 1 +010110010 Goettingen 1 +010110010 LVADS 1 +010110010 work-period 1 +010110010 VMS. 1 +010110010 Mr.DeNunzio 1 +010110010 jam-jar 1 +010110010 Iznik 1 +010110010 gold-edged 1 +010110010 ICN-financed 1 +010110010 Atlasair 1 +010110010 farm-bill 1 +010110010 whomhe 1 +010110010 8,089,926 1 +010110010 sliva 1 +010110010 afghans 1 +010110010 well-footnoted 1 +010110010 between-you-and-me-style 1 +010110010 non-incestuous 1 +010110010 pushiness 1 +010110010 Mr.Giuliani 1 +010110010 thigh-deep 1 +010110010 Southvaal 1 +010110010 8:41 1 +010110010 SAPC. 1 +010110010 half-watt 1 +010110010 palm-sweating 1 +010110010 advance-boarding 1 +010110010 1,000,001 1 +010110010 soft-toy 1 +010110010 730,431 1 +010110010 Neilsen-Massey 1 +010110010 Islington 1 +010110010 Adeptec 1 +010110010 Panteras 1 +010110010 Piggly-Wiggly 1 +010110010 residential-housing 1 +010110010 inanity-yelling 1 +010110010 spot-copper 1 +010110010 2,164,300 1 +010110010 Mr.Cosby 1 +010110010 9,052 1 +010110010 Tokyo.Salomon 1 +010110010 WALA 1 +010110010 cardiopulmonary-resuscitation 1 +010110010 carcinomas 1 +010110010 three-prong 1 +010110010 documentary-like 1 +010110010 vapor-seal 1 +010110010 malt-liquor 1 +010110010 HLTs 1 +010110010 cash-level 1 +010110010 konafa 1 +010110010 ranger-led 1 +010110010 down-to-the-decimal 1 +010110010 dishwater-blond 1 +010110010 You-Know-Who 1 +010110010 pro-government-regulation 1 +010110010 Arusha 1 +010110010 non-lobbying 1 +010110010 partakers 1 +010110010 AAnytime 1 +010110010 cash-only 1 +010110010 Woodblock 1 +010110010 Botnes 1 +010110010 smoke-filled-rooms 1 +010110010 KTC. 1 +010110010 surtitles 1 +010110010 7,451,000 1 +010110010 spaghettilike 1 +010110010 easy-to-grasp 1 +010110010 400-foot-high 1 +010110010 from-this-day-forward 1 +010110010 Novatmetrix 1 +010110010 25-mile-an-hour 1 +010110010 Hachette-Filipacchi 1 +010110010 bioresearch 1 +010110010 slate-colored 1 +010110010 USMX 1 +010110010 Sagunto 1 +010110010 Unitika 1 +010110010 non-yellow 1 +010110010 Goldsmith-style 1 +010110010 Maruzen 1 +010110010 1966-70 1 +010110010 creasingly 1 +010110010 junk-bond-funded 1 +010110010 criminal-record 1 +010110010 low-vibration 1 +010110010 AsiaSat-1 1 +010110010 assymetrical 1 +010110010 WNAC 1 +010110010 Levine-Tessler 1 +010110010 Yeravan 1 +010110010 Viewmaster 2 +010110010 apparantly 2 +010110010 pebbled 2 +010110010 Ulrike 2 +010110010 permethrine 2 +010110010 ball-points 2 +010110010 childlessness 2 +010110010 drunken-looking 2 +010110010 two-timing 2 +010110010 Roessner 2 +010110010 fishmongers 2 +010110010 000 3 +010110010 one-trial 3 +010110010 Jellyroll 3 +010110010 YATAMA 5 +010110010 which 100200 +010110010 whichever 139 +010110011 Mkhize 1 +010110011 Vova 1 +010110011 judge-emperors 1 +010110011 getup 1 +010110011 confidantes 1 +010110011 oxygenates 1 +010110011 cartoon-watchers 1 +010110011 Vyvyan 1 +010110011 turnrounds 1 +010110011 WSNI-FM 1 +010110011 Magis 1 +010110011 understatedly 1 +010110011 mistakingly 1 +010110011 Molissa 1 +010110011 marshmallow-squashy 1 +010110011 4-to-6 1 +010110011 lang 1 +010110011 non-swollen 1 +010110011 Eckankar 1 +010110011 xylophonists 1 +010110011 Sternly 1 +010110011 Rabelais 1 +010110011 thrill-free 1 +010110011 UPDATING 1 +010110011 waterfall-like 1 +010110011 Rachid 1 +010110011 Akis 1 +010110011 Petronius 1 +010110011 jusque 1 +010110011 firewater 1 +010110011 Chirico 1 +010110011 lewdly 1 +010110011 Scheltema 1 +010110011 unitedly 1 +010110011 Geneva.To 1 +010110011 sick-cow 1 +010110011 Amedee 1 +010110011 cistern 1 +010110011 Pre-Raphaelite 1 +010110011 cash-in 1 +010110011 tumbleweeds 1 +010110011 Mischa 1 +010110011 30-34 1 +010110011 football-game 1 +010110011 no-good-bums 1 +010110011 soapsuds 1 +010110011 Shprintze 1 +010110011 Pespi 1 +010110011 dictums 1 +010110011 Anemone 1 +010110011 fumblingly 1 +010110011 epoque 1 +010110011 deloused 1 +010110011 lozenge-decorated 1 +010110011 Zelia 1 +010110011 unbuilded 1 +010110011 henceforward 1 +010110011 Nevil 1 +010110011 greenhorns 1 +010110011 Sceryl 1 +010110011 sweaty-palms 1 +010110011 sestet 1 +010110011 Heribert 1 +010110011 strong-armers 1 +010110011 Threatha 1 +010110011 jazzily 1 +010110011 Alabaman 1 +010110011 Obliquely 1 +010110011 Alsi 1 +010110011 crisis-solvers 1 +010110011 218,100 1 +010110011 Wesley-on-the-loose 1 +010110011 boxedup 1 +010110011 ust 1 +010110011 doom-criers 1 +010110011 neoplasia 2 +010110011 ti 2 +010110011 Guo 2 +010110011 Jadwiga 2 +010110011 balefully 2 +010110011 Matyas 2 +010110011 money-winning 2 +010110011 Vepa 2 +010110011 Farmaceutici 2 +010110011 Romuald 2 +010110011 Kanellos 2 +010110011 hast 3 +010110011 Dolora 3 +010110011 snidely 3 +010110011 unwaveringly 3 +010110011 Vasil 3 +010110011 no-lockout 3 +010110011 SEASON 4 +010110011 CCSCE 4 +010110011 Cristal 5 +010110011 who 76389 +010110011 000s 16 +0101101000 woolly-bear 1 +0101101000 home-shoppers 1 +0101101000 adventure-comedies 1 +0101101000 sick-slips 1 +0101101000 13,949,647 1 +0101101000 presciptions 1 +0101101000 TERMINALS 1 +0101101000 plasmids 1 +0101101000 tyres 1 +0101101000 15,818 1 +0101101000 sweetbreads 1 +0101101000 pasquinade 1 +0101101000 48,939 1 +0101101000 180/115 1 +0101101000 Razzberry 1 +0101101000 undoubtably 1 +0101101000 poolrooms 1 +0101101000 issues-people 1 +0101101000 accelerants 1 +0101101000 1,373,850 1 +0101101000 westernization 1 +0101101000 parathion 1 +0101101000 less-than-prime-time 1 +0101101000 5,233 1 +0101101000 IRCA 1 +0101101000 Oakland/Irwindale/Sacramento/ 1 +0101101000 Neepol 1 +0101101000 re-closed 1 +0101101000 Brunnhildes 1 +0101101000 Penneys 1 +0101101000 connivers 1 +0101101000 146,710 1 +0101101000 knuckles-down 1 +0101101000 tetrahedrons 1 +0101101000 Skinheads 1 +0101101000 paternalists 1 +0101101000 umps 2 +0101101000 coproductions 2 +0101101000 grownups 2 +0101101000 Leninists 2 +0101101000 Valencians 2 +0101101000 home-brewers 2 +0101101000 ex-members 2 +0101101000 they 83881 +0101101000 dentalphobes 2 +01011010010 self-growth 1 +01011010010 hybridizers 1 +01011010010 2,600-square-foot-home 1 +01011010010 Remodeled 1 +01011010010 EDSers 1 +01011010010 Ebe 1 +01011010010 anti-abortionist 1 +01011010010 polyurethanes 1 +01011010010 1-800-525-7455 1 +01011010010 citicorp 1 +01011010010 WRKI 1 +01011010010 Alaric 1 +01011010010 Y.A. 1 +01011010010 ityou 1 +01011010010 Replacements 1 +01011010010 non-diet 1 +01011010010 McCarthylike 1 +01011010010 English-lovers 1 +01011010010 NEC-Japan 1 +01011010010 laypeople 1 +01011010010 race-trackers 1 +01011010010 free-lances 1 +01011010010 Ohmae-san 1 +01011010010 durians 1 +01011010010 unctuousness 1 +01011010010 Briarcliffe 1 +01011010010 gift-shopping 1 +01011010010 non-moguls 1 +01011010010 Iacocca-mania 1 +01011010010 Plectrantus 1 +01011010010 birders 1 +01011010010 Prundale 1 +01011010010 prototytpes 1 +01011010010 homo-hatred 1 +01011010010 Edythe 1 +01011010010 bruddah 1 +01011010010 Rose-you 1 +01011010010 Monstroid 1 +01011010010 only-available-here 1 +01011010010 cast-offs 1 +01011010010 too-slick 1 +01011010010 channelled 1 +01011010010 Ixtapa 1 +01011010010 half-elected 1 +01011010010 stripminers 1 +01011010010 beer-bellied 1 +01011010010 neuropsychologists 1 +01011010010 FELLA 1 +01011010010 Goodmanson 1 +01011010010 DeRigueur 1 +01011010010 inelegantly 1 +01011010010 well-exploited 1 +01011010010 ANYWAY 1 +01011010010 all-motherly 1 +01011010010 BAKKER 1 +01011010010 ribbon-cuttings 1 +01011010010 difficult-to-pull 1 +01011010010 I-5 1 +01011010010 misfeasors 1 +01011010010 luxury-suite 1 +01011010010 whaddaya 1 +01011010010 Ethel-Jane 1 +01011010010 Southies 1 +01011010010 non-participants 2 +01011010010 Shiver 2 +01011010010 B-Cal 2 +01011010010 multihulls 2 +01011010010 GAMBLING 2 +01011010010 talons 2 +01011010010 Goretex 2 +01011010010 microbursts 3 +01011010010 geophysicists 3 +01011010010 perchance 3 +01011010010 Tucumanos 3 +01011010010 regurgitating 3 +01011010010 netbacks 3 +01011010010 PLAMs 3 +01011010010 speeders 4 +01011010010 eh 4 +01011010010 Tav 5 +01011010010 Sul 6 +01011010010 you 26594 +01011010010 ye 18 +01011010011 occurences 1 +01011010011 Shevardnazde 1 +01011010011 personel 1 +01011010011 pseudo-reform 1 +01011010011 econometricians 1 +01011010011 wood-cutters 1 +01011010011 pub-goers 1 +01011010011 Consolidated-Bathhurst 1 +01011010011 partwriting 1 +01011010011 R-TPA 1 +01011010011 mezzanines 1 +01011010011 GAMBLER 1 +01011010011 allergists 1 +01011010011 broaderolicies 1 +01011010011 everone 1 +01011010011 wage-indexing 1 +01011010011 +1.0 1 +01011010011 charterees 1 +01011010011 fineness 1 +01011010011 --he 1 +01011010011 Trockenbeerenauslese 1 +01011010011 sttitis 1 +01011010011 Wyomingites 1 +01011010011 Vietnamese-Americans 1 +01011010011 S&P-Moodys 1 +01011010011 high-yields 1 +01011010011 whaddya 1 +01011010011 brothers-inlaw 1 +01011010011 Frida 1 +01011010011 herbals 1 +01011010011 kleptomaniacs 1 +01011010011 re-orders 1 +01011010011 Sadas 1 +01011010011 strap-hangers 1 +01011010011 Tirza 1 +01011010011 Baltimoreans 1 +01011010011 chatterers 1 +01011010011 super-nostalgia 1 +01011010011 half-brain 1 +01011010011 disclosable 1 +01011010011 mafiosos 1 +01011010011 left-police 1 +01011010011 sports-functions 1 +01011010011 SCJ 1 +01011010011 coup-plotters 1 +01011010011 card-issuers 1 +01011010011 Nelson-worshippers 1 +01011010011 FIGHTS 2 +01011010011 nonessentials 2 +01011010011 --you 2 +01011010011 motorcades 2 +01011010011 Vrdolyaks 2 +01011010011 Snipers 2 +01011010011 accompanists 2 +01011010011 Zairians 4 +01011010011 we 38775 +01011010011 y' 4 +0101101010 tir 1 +0101101010 Philippine-watchers 1 +0101101010 niobium-tin 1 +0101101010 Industry-affiliated 1 +0101101010 occultists 1 +0101101010 punkish 1 +0101101010 Pacifism 1 +0101101010 -obsessed 1 +0101101010 broad-side 1 +0101101010 Disclaiming 1 +0101101010 inadvertantly 1 +0101101010 Productively 1 +0101101010 Denuclearization 1 +0101101010 Whatcha 1 +0101101010 ticket-scalpers 1 +0101101010 down-and-outers 1 +0101101010 Proxies 1 +0101101010 trying.I 1 +0101101010 Interpersonal 1 +0101101010 kwon 1 +0101101010 mullions 1 +0101101010 Milord 1 +0101101010 weather-watchers 1 +0101101010 vicars-general 1 +0101101010 Jenna 1 +0101101010 Lemme 2 +0101101010 Windsorites 2 +0101101010 Calcuttans 2 +0101101010 avant-gardists 2 +0101101010 Migraines 2 +0101101010 Steamboats 2 +0101101010 Ni 2 +0101101010 Kleiny 2 +0101101010 Lil 2 +0101101010 Toxicologists 2 +0101101010 Pickles 2 +0101101010 OMC 2 +0101101010 ve 3 +0101101010 Whaddya 3 +0101101010 .I 3 +0101101010 belligerently 3 +0101101010 Bucky 5 +0101101010 I 55162 +0101101010 WOES 5 +01011010110 Technologists 1 +01011010110 irradiaton 1 +01011010110 28-hour 1 +01011010110 Ritu 1 +01011010110 Sospen 1 +01011010110 Razzle 1 +01011010110 RAMBO 1 +01011010110 Sexto 1 +01011010110 F-i-l-e 1 +01011010110 Lumbricus 1 +01011010110 JOB-HOPPING 1 +01011010110 Blitzschlag 1 +01011010110 Missing-persons 1 +01011010110 Laborem 1 +01011010110 caput 1 +01011010110 multimegawatt 1 +01011010110 Papaver 1 +01011010110 Gerrymanders 1 +01011010110 Sempre 1 +01011010110 Five-year-olds 1 +01011010110 Collegiality 1 +01011010110 Exultate 1 +01011010110 Mes 1 +01011010110 Galleys 1 +01011010110 Mamas 1 +01011010110 Appellants 1 +01011010110 Codpiece 1 +01011010110 NONFOOD 1 +01011010110 ANXIETIES 1 +01011010110 Cults 1 +01011010110 Thrombolytics 1 +01011010110 oew 1 +01011010110 Protoceratops 1 +01011010110 Non-Americans 1 +01011010110 Bardin 1 +01011010110 Hormiga 1 +01011010110 Biggu 1 +01011010110 Cyanide 1 +01011010110 tidying-up 1 +01011010110 Unilateralism 1 +01011010110 Swimmers 1 +01011010110 Winky 1 +01011010110 Odontoglossum 1 +01011010110 Canonist 1 +01011010110 Privatizations 1 +01011010110 Allamanda 1 +01011010110 Cyphomandra 1 +01011010110 Ficus 1 +01011010110 Pedilanthus 1 +01011010110 Camellia 1 +01011010110 Ipomoea 1 +01011010110 Aristolochia 1 +01011010110 aywa 1 +01011010110 Immobility 1 +01011010110 nipple 1 +01011010110 Bezrodna 1 +01011010110 Vesali 1 +01011010110 divisons 1 +01011010110 Moguls 1 +01011010110 Basso 1 +01011010110 BRENDA 1 +01011010110 pari 1 +01011010110 de-skilling 1 +01011010110 ASPARAGUS 1 +01011010110 tabula 1 +01011010110 Pseudo 1 +01011010110 agaricus 1 +01011010110 Vous 1 +01011010110 Euphydryas 1 +01011010110 Grandchildren 1 +01011010110 Ab-so-lute-ly 1 +01011010110 mini-Adolf 1 +01011010110 saule 1 +01011010110 Tejido 1 +01011010110 Kesedapanya 1 +01011010110 Addresses 1 +01011010110 Pencil-Necked 1 +01011010110 Back-Seat 1 +01011010110 H-bombs 1 +01011010110 substantailly 1 +01011010110 Submarines 1 +01011010110 doru 1 +01011010110 Mangifera 1 +01011010110 Eine 1 +01011010110 upchucked 1 +01011010110 Berlinart 1 +01011010110 Necesitamos 1 +01011010110 Hypermarkets 1 +01011010110 novus 1 +01011010110 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoc 1 +01011010110 Er 1 +01011010110 Detentists 1 +01011010110 kaffee 1 +01011010110 Benvenuto 1 +01011010110 Ctomegalovirus 1 +01011010110 BERNIE 1 +01011010110 KSC 1 +01011010110 Quis 1 +01011010110 Tallis 1 +01011010110 Untimely 1 +01011010110 gyosei 1 +01011010110 Walruses 1 +01011010110 Two-wheel 1 +01011010110 Sycophants 1 +01011010110 Violadores 1 +01011010110 Besame 1 +01011010110 Whadya 1 +01011010110 preternaturally 1 +01011010110 Chansons 1 +01011010110 Dissolution 1 +01011010110 hogmen 1 +01011010110 F-19A 1 +01011010110 Hola 1 +01011010110 Jihua 1 +01011010110 Haementeria 1 +01011010110 Megapools 1 +01011010110 Quantity 1 +01011010110 Imago 1 +01011010110 Platforms 1 +01011010110 PLATINUM 1 +01011010110 dramma 1 +01011010110 Attrition 1 +01011010110 nihil 1 +01011010110 Policymakers 1 +01011010110 Claustrophobes 1 +01011010110 Raters 1 +01011010110 Eels 1 +01011010110 Battlefields 1 +01011010110 megasophisticated 1 +01011010110 Den-san 1 +01011010110 Digesting 1 +01011010110 Broker-finders 1 +01011010110 Defibrillation 1 +01011010110 RAAF 1 +01011010110 Clivia 1 +01011010110 democratitis 1 +01011010110 virgorously 1 +01011010110 Yoshitsune 1 +01011010110 Nymphaea 1 +01011010110 Heptacodium 1 +01011010110 vil 1 +01011010110 Outlooks 1 +01011010110 Direct-market 1 +01011010110 Fourteen-year-olds 1 +01011010110 Mariela 1 +01011010110 Viburnum 1 +01011010110 Sycoparrotia 1 +01011010110 Jailers 1 +01011010110 Penises 1 +01011010110 Lampposts 1 +01011010110 happo 1 +01011010110 Interventions 1 +01011010110 Sportscasters 1 +01011010110 Shrinkage 1 +01011010110 tromped 1 +01011010110 Belated 1 +01011010110 Kittens 1 +01011010110 Synergies 1 +01011010110 turndowns 1 +01011010110 Dailies 1 +01011010110 One-megabit 1 +01011010110 Wiretaps 1 +01011010110 Zensho 1 +01011010110 vox 2 +01011010110 Dich 2 +01011010110 Sincerely 2 +01011010110 Mazes 2 +01011010110 dvyesti 2 +01011010110 Quien 2 +01011010110 Tranquillitas 2 +01011010110 Tanacetum 2 +01011010110 Upscale 2 +01011010110 Adapters 2 +01011010110 Ratepayers 2 +01011010110 YEAHNjuhluh 2 +01011010110 Katya 2 +01011010110 Hoxsey-Quacks 2 +01011010110 Beggars 2 +01011010110 Didja 3 +01011010110 Roaches 3 +01011010110 homme 3 +01011010110 Coalitions 4 +01011010110 Totally 4 +01011010110 Cavalleria 5 +01011010110 Circumstances 7 +01011010110 Fatal 40 +01011010110 We 27833 +01011010110 You 6653 +01011010111 Satirists 1 +01011010111 Emergencies 1 +01011010111 TECHNOLOGICAL 1 +01011010111 Antagonists 1 +01011010111 Odder 1 +01011010111 Passers-by 1 +01011010111 Matremonial 1 +01011010111 SOLE 1 +01011010111 Vacuums 1 +01011010111 Closures 1 +01011010111 Virgos 1 +01011010111 Migrants 1 +01011010111 Translators 1 +01011010111 Freshly 1 +01011010111 Anomalies 1 +01011010111 Rogues 1 +01011010111 Freebasing 1 +01011010111 Kickers 1 +01011010111 Pickets 1 +01011010111 Pseudopterosins 1 +01011010111 Automakers 1 +01011010111 Moonshiners 1 +01011010111 Permeability 1 +01011010111 Dictators 1 +01011010111 Habitues 1 +01011010111 Go-getters 1 +01011010111 Looters 1 +01011010111 Brooms 1 +01011010111 .They 1 +01011010111 Owner-operators 1 +01011010111 Urchins 1 +01011010111 Valves 1 +01011010111 Jabs 1 +01011010111 Potholes 1 +01011010111 Underlings 1 +01011010111 Sirens 1 +01011010111 Hoopsters 1 +01011010111 Repairmen 1 +01011010111 Burglaries 1 +01011010111 Polish-Americans 1 +01011010111 Parishioners 1 +01011010111 Analayts 1 +01011010111 Marathons 1 +01011010111 Admen 1 +01011010111 Ce 1 +01011010111 Plums 1 +01011010111 WORK-RULE 1 +01011010111 fraudian 1 +01011010111 Mini-cities 1 +01011010111 Competitions 1 +01011010111 GREEKS 1 +01011010111 Jiggling 1 +01011010111 Geniuses 1 +01011010111 Cogenerators 1 +01011010111 Seminarians 1 +01011010111 Conversions 1 +01011010111 Peppery 1 +01011010111 Atrocities 1 +01011010111 Holly-watchers 1 +01011010111 Haitian-Americans 1 +01011010111 Stalemate 1 +01011010111 Imperfections 1 +01011010111 Telegrams 1 +01011010111 Burley 1 +01011010111 Contrarians 1 +01011010111 exercis 1 +01011010111 Suntans 1 +01011010111 Directorships 1 +01011010111 Emoluments 1 +01011010111 Periodicals 1 +01011010111 Mallku 1 +01011010111 Moviemakers 1 +01011010111 Workweeks 1 +01011010111 Mullahs 1 +01011010111 Nationalsozialistische 1 +01011010111 Montrealers 1 +01011010111 .you 1 +01011010111 Unavailability 1 +01011010111 Bathrooms 1 +01011010111 Beauticians 1 +01011010111 Grads 1 +01011010111 Frames 1 +01011010111 Barbs 1 +01011010111 Headrests 1 +01011010111 Juveniles 1 +01011010111 plata 1 +01011010111 Bookies 1 +01011010111 Intersections 1 +01011010111 Formats 1 +01011010111 Tremors 1 +01011010111 Standstills 1 +01011010111 Adoptees 1 +01011010111 Farthest 1 +01011010111 Bracket 1 +01011010111 Non-divers 1 +01011010111 Vitriol 1 +01011010111 Phrases 1 +01011010111 Bassoonists 1 +01011010111 LATE-BREAKING 1 +01011010111 COUNTEROFFERS 1 +01011010111 Prelates 1 +01011010111 Constituents 1 +01011010111 Tractor-pullers 1 +01011010111 Technocrats 1 +01011010111 Obscenities 1 +01011010111 Minidynasties 1 +01011010111 Duller 1 +01011010111 Arms-makers 1 +01011010111 PENSION-ACT 1 +01011010111 Gladiolas 1 +01011010111 Homeopaths 1 +01011010111 Dispersals 1 +01011010111 Jokesters 1 +01011010111 non-weight 1 +01011010111 Recriminations 1 +01011010111 Jalal 1 +01011010111 Decks 1 +01011010111 First-timers 1 +01011010111 Nightclubs 1 +01011010111 Tidbits 1 +01011010111 Toshin 1 +01011010111 Surtitles 1 +01011010111 Sequels 1 +01011010111 Kenneling 1 +01011010111 Implants 1 +01011010111 Malignant 1 +01011010111 Chilies 1 +01011010111 Bed-makers 1 +01011010111 Valets 1 +01011010111 Tragedies 1 +01011010111 Bifurcation 1 +01011010111 Come-ons 1 +01011010111 Cyclists 1 +01011010111 Flumes 1 +01011010111 Insulin 1 +01011010111 tals 1 +01011010111 Troublemakers 1 +01011010111 .they 1 +01011010111 Tribesmen 1 +01011010111 Separations 2 +01011010111 Superpowers 2 +01011010111 Teammates 2 +01011010111 Salvagers 2 +01011010111 Leeches 2 +01011010111 Neatly 2 +01011010111 Tuitions 2 +01011010111 Actresses 2 +01011010111 Newspapermen 2 +01011010111 Cherubs 2 +01011010111 Middlemen 2 +01011010111 Wrongdoers 2 +01011010111 Sprinklers 2 +01011010111 Maquilas 2 +01011010111 Mini-supercomputers 2 +01011010111 Bargain-hunters 2 +01011010111 Harps 2 +01011010111 Scallops 2 +01011010111 ESOPS 2 +01011010111 Scherzo 2 +01011010111 Lifeguards 2 +01011010111 Clone-makers 2 +01011010111 Locusts 2 +01011010111 Wetlands 2 +01011010111 Vaccines 2 +01011010111 Supersalespeople 2 +01011010111 Cardholders 2 +01011010111 Reparations 2 +01011010111 Capacitors 2 +01011010111 FEVER 2 +01011010111 .will 2 +01011010111 Bottlenecks 2 +01011010111 Barges 2 +01011010111 Videocassettes 2 +01011010111 Detectives 2 +01011010111 Loggers 2 +01011010111 Baths 2 +01011010111 Droughts 2 +01011010111 Triangles 2 +01011010111 Technicalities 2 +01011010111 Churchmen 2 +01011010111 Marchers 2 +01011010111 .we 2 +01011010111 Earthquakes 2 +01011010111 Sulfites 2 +01011010111 Saboteurs 2 +01011010111 Spoilsports 2 +01011010111 Flavorists 2 +01011010111 Tuk-tuks 2 +01011010111 Geomancers 2 +01011010111 Aficionados 3 +01011010111 Foreclosures 3 +01011010111 Anchors 3 +01011010111 Moviegoers 3 +01011010111 Bankruptcies 3 +01011010111 Cameras 3 +01011010111 Sedums 3 +01011010111 Giveaways 3 +01011010111 Apologies 3 +01011010111 Snaggers 3 +01011010111 Blackouts 3 +01011010111 Avocados 3 +01011010111 Nominations 3 +01011010111 Thunderstorms 3 +01011010111 Feet 3 +01011010111 Kibbutzniks 3 +01011010111 Licensees 3 +01011010111 Microwaves 3 +01011010111 Petitions 3 +01011010111 Alligators 3 +01011010111 Traffickers 3 +01011010111 Percentages 3 +01011010111 Vouchers 3 +01011010111 Represented 3 +01011010111 .We 3 +01011010111 Chinooks 3 +01011010111 Non-members 3 +01011010111 Hashers 3 +01011010111 Doubters 3 +01011010111 Elephants 3 +01011010111 Hobbyists 3 +01011010111 Faxes 4 +01011010111 Chongqingians 4 +01011010111 Herein 4 +01011010111 Syndicates 4 +01011010111 Zones 4 +01011010111 Cracks 4 +01011010111 Rivalries 4 +01011010111 Searches 4 +01011010111 Incubators 4 +01011010111 Dissenters 4 +01011010111 Allotments 4 +01011010111 Markdowns 4 +01011010111 Biosensors 4 +01011010111 Bookers 4 +01011010111 Noteholders 4 +01011010111 Purists 5 +01011010111 Reservations 5 +01011010111 Shopkeepers 5 +01011010111 Bulldozers 5 +01011010111 Buybacks 5 +01011010111 Mice 5 +01011010111 Revisions 5 +01011010111 Campaigns 5 +01011010111 Conservationists 5 +01011010111 Pundits 5 +01011010111 Violators 6 +01011010111 Salespeople 6 +01011010111 Arbs 6 +01011010111 Programmers 7 +01011010111 Horns 7 +01011010111 Stubs 7 +01011010111 Riots 7 +01011010111 Litigants 7 +01011010111 Townspeople 7 +01011010111 Inquiries 7 +01011010111 Ballots 7 +01011010111 Supply-siders 7 +01011010111 Strikers 7 +01011010111 Chickens 7 +01011010111 Recruits 8 +01011010111 Females 8 +01011010111 Tempers 9 +01011010111 Arbitrators 10 +01011010111 Bureaucrats 11 +01011010111 Thieves 12 +01011010111 Motorists 12 +01011010111 Audiences 13 +01011010111 Humans 14 +01011010111 Items 14 +01011010111 Cigarettes 14 +01011010111 Managements 15 +01011010111 Conferees 15 +01011010111 Market-makers 19 +01011010111 Superconductors 20 +01011010111 Tourists 28 +01011010111 COMPANIES 44 +01011010111 Speculators 54 +01011010111 Foreigners 119 +01011010111 They 21148 +01011010111 Things 349 +010110110 amove 1 +010110110 Re-entry 1 +010110110 Wrongfully 1 +010110110 nonbeneficiaries 1 +010110110 Single-Crystal 1 +010110110 Castrophobia 1 +010110110 Pulsifer 1 +010110110 Megabanks 1 +010110110 Wohlstetterism 1 +010110110 15,433 1 +010110110 FETE 1 +010110110 Kikkert 1 +010110110 Columia 1 +010110110 Punitives 1 +010110110 anti-autobiography 1 +010110110 Strauss-the-insider 1 +010110110 oddsmaker 1 +010110110 HUNGERLAND 1 +010110110 Crevecoeur 1 +010110110 direct-marketers 1 +010110110 V-NNA 1 +010110110 capital-inflow 1 +010110110 Self-directed 1 +010110110 IZOD 1 +010110110 MOOG 1 +010110110 Bentivegna 1 +010110110 BETTE 1 +010110110 vegetatively 1 +010110110 DECA 1 +010110110 Skweyiya 1 +010110110 LEIBOVITZ 1 +010110110 Swedenborg 1 +010110110 Indissolubly 1 +010110110 MIDWIFERY 1 +010110110 15:9-11 1 +010110110 GILROY 1 +010110110 between-the-covers 1 +010110110 Concert-goers 1 +010110110 CREATIVITY 1 +010110110 trunk-mounting 1 +010110110 Yoanne 1 +010110110 vehicle-emission 1 +010110110 EMMA 1 +010110110 windshear 1 +010110110 Cannibalization 1 +010110110 Briereley 1 +010110110 Aspirin-takers 1 +010110110 Stealth-watchers 1 +010110110 praepart 1 +010110110 Downsizing 1 +010110110 Tia 1 +010110110 Adequately 1 +010110110 Rentenanstalt 1 +010110110 SmithKline-Beecham 1 +010110110 Coca-Coca 1 +010110110 Mr.Davis 1 +010110110 Uneasiness 1 +010110110 Eliseu 1 +010110110 salary-earners 1 +010110110 Tokens 1 +010110110 science-watchers 1 +010110110 WIN/Ayer 1 +010110110 CDK 1 +010110110 FABRIC 1 +010110110 JTI 1 +010110110 Meat-eaters 1 +010110110 ILM 1 +010110110 ravenously 1 +010110110 mobile-source 1 +010110110 Ilotycin 2 +010110110 Oce 2 +010110110 kawajima-Harima 2 +010110110 Nielsen-Massey 2 +010110110 SCECorp 2 +010110110 Debasis 2 +010110110 Overuse 2 +010110110 Greenlaw 2 +010110110 Foxal 2 +010110110 LNBA 2 +010110110 ALAS 2 +010110110 Evgeny 2 +010110110 Sorge 2 +010110110 ETC. 2 +010110110 Motsamai 2 +010110110 Ukase 2 +010110110 WXEX 3 +010110110 Lenchen 3 +010110110 he/she 3 +010110110 Spanberg 3 +010110110 Dieuliphete 4 +010110110 everbody 4 +010110110 Squeaky 4 +010110110 Neri 6 +010110110 Giammalva 9 +010110110 McLish 18 +010110110 he 141960 +010110110 she 16586 +0101101110 self-cutting 1 +0101101110 Darvis 1 +0101101110 report-matching 1 +0101101110 Cem 1 +0101101110 credit-payments 1 +0101101110 raud 1 +0101101110 Three-right 1 +0101101110 GBL-Tractebel 1 +0101101110 110-inch-wide 1 +0101101110 steve 1 +0101101110 Genaro 1 +0101101110 Kingsbery 1 +0101101110 Husnu 1 +0101101110 Shizuo 1 +0101101110 Debbi 1 +0101101110 placque 1 +0101101110 Mashahiko 1 +0101101110 Carolita 1 +0101101110 Yushi 1 +0101101110 Adebayo 1 +0101101110 race-hatred 1 +0101101110 wordplays 1 +0101101110 Aki 1 +0101101110 Tormod 1 +0101101110 Hispano-Americano 1 +0101101110 coverups 1 +0101101110 boat-rocking 1 +0101101110 shorelines 1 +0101101110 treasonously 1 +0101101110 Scherings 1 +0101101110 organ-rejection 1 +0101101110 Misha 1 +0101101110 Sima 1 +0101101110 approval-to-prescribe 1 +0101101110 pre-packaging 1 +0101101110 HUTCHISON 1 +0101101110 ICERC 1 +0101101110 Eiler 1 +0101101110 self-accreditation 1 +0101101110 Rivka 1 +0101101110 pro-Aquino 1 +0101101110 Nessa 1 +0101101110 Sior 1 +0101101110 Roussell-UCLAF 1 +0101101110 pronunciamento 1 +0101101110 half-answers 1 +0101101110 Jose-Manuel 1 +0101101110 gentlefolk 1 +0101101110 debureaucratization 1 +0101101110 Lockeed 1 +0101101110 Sueanne 1 +0101101110 Kanitha 1 +0101101110 Boiseans 1 +0101101110 Tamar 1 +0101101110 localism 1 +0101101110 Owens-Ilinois 1 +0101101110 68,870,000 1 +0101101110 Thortech 1 +0101101110 Mr.Decker 1 +0101101110 LNA 1 +0101101110 Angele 1 +0101101110 Euro-drift 1 +0101101110 M-1s 1 +0101101110 BAI 1 +0101101110 now-Rep 1 +0101101110 faultfinding 1 +0101101110 golfdom 1 +0101101110 inclusiveness 1 +0101101110 WPEC-TV 1 +0101101110 Jane/Jase/Jasmine/Jyoti 1 +0101101110 R.J.S. 1 +0101101110 2,252 1 +0101101110 readmittances 1 +0101101110 Karl-Gerhard 1 +0101101110 WIVB 1 +0101101110 Mr.Gravitt 1 +0101101110 prizefighting 1 +0101101110 brittleness 1 +0101101110 Agrokomputer 2 +0101101110 coalition-building 2 +0101101110 Demetrius 2 +0101101110 prozac 2 +0101101110 Hans-Ulrich 2 +0101101110 Prue 2 +0101101110 Hef 2 +0101101110 KWVT 2 +0101101110 Avaray 2 +0101101110 1,027 2 +0101101110 non-Indonesians 2 +0101101110 EHI 2 +0101101110 ex-Nazis 2 +0101101110 Shelftalk 2 +0101101110 1,643 2 +0101101110 Boras 2 +0101101110 Energix-B 2 +0101101110 femto- 2 +0101101110 Fearn 2 +0101101110 Walliser 2 +0101101110 Adcock-Ingram 2 +0101101110 029 2 +0101101110 non-physicians 3 +0101101110 LG&E 3 +0101101110 ChrisCraft 3 +0101101110 TDD 3 +0101101110 hydrofoils 3 +0101101110 Mikiya 3 +0101101110 Tca 3 +0101101110 Confirm 3 +0101101110 metrication 3 +0101101110 Oberon 3 +0101101110 Pregnagym 3 +0101101110 MPR 3 +0101101110 Robot-Coupe 4 +0101101110 Oatbake 4 +0101101110 Radames 4 +0101101110 Nordine 5 +0101101110 chlordimeform 5 +0101101110 Shinei 5 +0101101110 oceanographers 5 +0101101110 checkerboarding 6 +0101101110 NCMS 6 +0101101110 BBV 6 +0101101110 Pyrament 6 +0101101110 Omexin 6 +0101101110 it 222481 +0101101110 mummification 8 +0101101111 bimbosis 1 +0101101111 ex-executives 1 +0101101111 self-hedging 1 +0101101111 price-chopping 1 +0101101111 tecolote 1 +0101101111 Japanese-speakers 1 +0101101111 Hulme 1 +0101101111 Paps 1 +0101101111 aggressed 1 +0101101111 cardizem 1 +0101101111 re-called 1 +0101101111 Fed-fighter 1 +0101101111 sanctimoniousness 1 +0101101111 spit-shined 1 +0101101111 tuk-tuk-phobia 1 +0101101111 43,283 1 +0101101111 cortoplazismo 1 +0101101111 noneconomists 1 +0101101111 leafleters 1 +0101101111 non-performers 1 +0101101111 CFC-12B1 1 +0101101111 also-stroked 1 +0101101111 SALONS 1 +0101101111 Hembrick-Ha 1 +0101101111 non-VIPs 1 +0101101111 glutton 1 +0101101111 DumenilLeble 1 +0101101111 scrapyards 1 +0101101111 milord 1 +0101101111 Kashoggi/Marcos 1 +0101101111 five-tenths 1 +0101101111 Void/There 1 +0101101111 Odd/There 1 +0101101111 4,508,000 1 +0101101111 anti-Zionism 1 +0101101111 15,525,000 1 +0101101111 solstices 1 +0101101111 minstrelsy 1 +0101101111 456,042 1 +0101101111 5,244,036 1 +0101101111 Krupp-Taylor/USA 1 +0101101111 grievants 1 +0101101111 non-drug-users 1 +0101101111 non-tax-paying 1 +0101101111 pre-shrinking 1 +0101101111 self-conceit 1 +0101101111 slimness 1 +0101101111 melt-through 1 +0101101111 Brown-Tougaloo 1 +0101101111 gallery-hopping 1 +0101101111 GSC 1 +0101101111 crepuscule 1 +0101101111 1933-1945 1 +0101101111 subtractions 1 +0101101111 case-histories 1 +0101101111 anti-Somocista 1 +0101101111 gloving 1 +0101101111 oversales 1 +0101101111 BenGurion 1 +0101101111 cablecasters 1 +0101101111 3,300,000 1 +0101101111 cracker-maker 1 +0101101111 Tokay 1 +0101101111 Stryker 1 +0101101111 dian 1 +0101101111 pro-Jimmy 1 +0101101111 poro 1 +0101101111 Iranscab 1 +0101101111 left-handers 1 +0101101111 1,173,000 1 +0101101111 point-counterpoint 1 +0101101111 Whittler 1 +0101101111 Hokuriki 1 +0101101111 controllables 1 +0101101111 0.4s 1 +0101101111 manufacturing-for-export 1 +0101101111 321,134 1 +0101101111 470.00 1 +0101101111 Tosbiba 1 +0101101111 Sprayberry 1 +0101101111 coercively 1 +0101101111 Eidelman 1 +0101101111 ARNOTT 1 +0101101111 1,653,571 1 +0101101111 Faysal 1 +0101101111 EAPs 1 +0101101111 102,200 1 +0101101111 public-government-ownership 1 +0101101111 countertactic 1 +0101101111 citizen-plaintiffs 1 +0101101111 appovals 1 +0101101111 fromseven 1 +0101101111 Sedans 1 +0101101111 overrealists 1 +0101101111 implementedthere 1 +0101101111 gunsmiths 1 +0101101111 UTLs 1 +0101101111 eclectically 1 +0101101111 boll-weevils 1 +0101101111 depcreciation 1 +0101101111 1973-82 1 +0101101111 competion 1 +0101101111 junk-buyers 1 +0101101111 hizzoner 1 +0101101111 catbirds 1 +0101101111 Roxas 1 +0101101111 notetaking 1 +0101101111 lienholders 1 +0101101111 non-scrooges 1 +0101101111 reallowance 1 +0101101111 thatAmerica 1 +0101101111 aldrin 2 +0101101111 English-Canada 2 +0101101111 airheads 2 +0101101111 Jongkind 2 +0101101111 Hyperlite 2 +0101101111 fenofibrate 2 +0101101111 blackmailers 2 +0101101111 1928-1933 2 +0101101111 Mcdonald 2 +0101101111 Humperdinck 2 +0101101111 wrist-slitting 2 +0101101111 Pandu 2 +0101101111 Raydale 2 +0101101111 C.V.J. 2 +0101101111 megatrials 2 +0101101111 Keftab 2 +0101101111 career-switchers 2 +0101101111 uglification 2 +0101101111 Cholet-Dupont 2 +0101101111 Libertarianism 2 +0101101111 Groundwork 2 +0101101111 WOOD-AM 2 +0101101111 CNB 2 +0101101111 Andina 2 +0101101111 Gur 2 +0101101111 Avias 2 +0101101111 Geisha 2 +0101101111 Elinga 2 +0101101111 Lieserl 2 +0101101111 fashionability 2 +0101101111 snitches 2 +0101101111 GNMAs 2 +0101101111 1,241,149 2 +0101101111 djinns 2 +0101101111 trichotillomania 3 +0101101111 microcodes 3 +0101101111 TMJ 3 +0101101111 SCOTUS 3 +0101101111 WILI 3 +0101101111 NEES 3 +0101101111 punts 3 +0101101111 SzexPress 3 +0101101111 galecron 3 +0101101111 etoposide 3 +0101101111 KNON 4 +0101101111 Holyfield 4 +0101101111 KCST 4 +0101101111 WSBK 4 +0101101111 temping 4 +0101101111 Bernadean 4 +0101101111 EEI 4 +0101101111 E-Mann 4 +0101101111 Tige 4 +0101101111 Viewtron 4 +0101101111 taekwondo 5 +0101101111 there 33591 +0101101111 BPCA 5 +01011100 shouldst 1 +01011100 Easler 1 +01011100 patroller 1 +01011100 non-teachers 1 +01011100 nine-mile 1 +01011100 ex-soldier 1 +01011100 TRIPS 1 +01011100 CHIMPS 1 +01011100 non-research 1 +01011100 camped-up 1 +01011100 gradualness 1 +01011100 dont 2 +01011100 Yongchaiyudh 2 +01011100 shutoff 2 +01011100 damned-if-you-do 6 +01011100 can 46842 +01011100 cannot 2129 +0101110100 maligns 1 +0101110100 difficultthough 1 +0101110100 nontechnicians 1 +0101110100 florentine 1 +0101110100 less-intrusive 1 +0101110100 nicknamers 1 +0101110100 Prunedalians 1 +0101110100 integrative 1 +0101110100 rent-a-cops 1 +0101110100 Tendency 1 +0101110100 88-52 1 +0101110100 3,115 1 +0101110100 doth 2 +0101110100 CLUBS 4 +0101110100 bodes 69 +0101110100 may 34269 +0101110100 might 17381 +0101110101 Tendency-that 1 +0101110101 Hacketts 1 +0101110101 -would 1 +0101110101 APPLICATIONS 1 +0101110101 geckos 1 +0101110101 padders 1 +0101110101 export-licensers 1 +0101110101 mappers 1 +0101110101 tamely 1 +0101110101 LR-29-88 1 +0101110101 patentholders 1 +0101110101 road-repair 1 +0101110101 coud 1 +0101110101 yer 2 +0101110101 Shagari 2 +0101110101 shalt 5 +0101110101 shall 343 +0101110101 should 20798 +0101110101 must 12133 +0101110110 tyo 1 +0101110110 mass-burning 1 +0101110110 retests 1 +0101110110 Berbers 1 +0101110110 particles-should 1 +0101110110 Euro-politicians 1 +0101110110 resume-preparation 1 +0101110110 Hamiltonto 1 +0101110110 machnists 1 +0101110110 utility-unit 1 +0101110110 3,148 1 +0101110110 NEWSLETTERS 1 +0101110110 2,128 1 +0101110110 NORMALLY 1 +0101110110 28-27 1 +0101110110 VOF 1 +0101110110 pseudo-Christmas 1 +0101110110 anti-reformers 2 +0101110110 will 151081 +0101110110 wil 2 +01011101110 bare-room 1 +01011101110 coconutlike 1 +01011101110 row-house 1 +01011101110 Anchia 1 +01011101110 -lutely 1 +01011101110 not-accidental 1 +01011101110 Oop 1 +01011101110 bicultural 1 +01011101110 Virrueta 1 +01011101110 pre-recovery 1 +01011101110 DETRACTORS 1 +01011101110 UNIFORMS 1 +01011101110 length-of-the-court 1 +01011101110 employer-offered 1 +01011101110 ast 1 +01011101110 TREATMENTS 1 +01011101110 wished-for 1 +01011101110 could 51308 +01011101110 hard-drug 2 +01011101111 anti-hypertensives 1 +01011101111 GLUTS 1 +01011101111 amajor 1 +01011101111 takovers 1 +01011101111 Louys 1 +01011101111 pugilists 1 +01011101111 Cornona 1 +01011101111 arms-suppliers 1 +01011101111 would 110246 +01011101111 intially 1 +0101111000 10b-18 1 +0101111000 Weizsaeker 1 +0101111000 campaign-brochure 1 +0101111000 1970-84 1 +0101111000 broodingly 1 +0101111000 OWNER 1 +0101111000 shagged 1 +0101111000 litigator/lobbyists 1 +0101111000 Zhengyou 1 +0101111000 Taraporevala 1 +0101111000 Edsall 1 +0101111000 Lockhed 1 +0101111000 Iruz 1 +0101111000 two-handed-behind-the-head 1 +0101111000 ultima 1 +0101111000 immediateley 1 +0101111000 DanceBrazil 1 +0101111000 Hegleman 1 +0101111000 Qinji 1 +0101111000 previosly 1 +0101111000 yards-rushing 1 +0101111000 brutishly 1 +0101111000 PRESIDENCY 1 +0101111000 Santovenia 1 +0101111000 Goulding 1 +0101111000 stumblingly 1 +0101111000 Artiodactyla 1 +0101111000 specificially 1 +0101111000 Kylberg 2 +0101111000 Sankorp 2 +0101111000 Manarov 2 +0101111000 sleepily 2 +0101111000 Veltri 2 +0101111000 flippantly 3 +0101111000 portentously 3 +0101111000 Fernandel 3 +0101111000 sagely 3 +0101111000 irreverently 3 +0101111000 gloomily 4 +0101111000 jocularly 4 +0101111000 solemnly 21 +0101111000 additionally 38 +0101111000 also 68984 +0101111000 reportedly 1026 +010111100100 artitragers 1 +010111100100 MIDLER 1 +010111100100 Shiek 1 +010111100100 FEUDING 1 +010111100100 6,513,389 1 +010111100100 consisently 1 +010111100100 alreadly 1 +010111100100 PGC 1 +010111100100 Tomma 1 +010111100100 trans-Canadian 1 +010111100100 self-regulators 2 +010111100100 theretofore 2 +010111100100 oft-times 3 +010111100100 decorously 3 +010111100100 curently 3 +010111100100 aleady 4 +010111100100 historically 391 +010111100100 already 14913 +010111100100 traditionally 848 +010111100101 Tenacity 1 +010111100101 KSTS 1 +010111100101 Kosloff 1 +010111100101 Boschi 1 +010111100101 S.1265 1 +010111100101 service-charged 1 +010111100101 ice-blue 1 +010111100101 co-publishes 1 +010111100101 Renzetti 1 +010111100101 Rescigno 1 +010111100101 Wessel-Therhorn 1 +010111100101 tradionally 1 +010111100101 Oxy-Bridas 1 +010111100101 unimpeached 1 +010111100101 Fantis 1 +010111100101 Spideyphiles 1 +010111100101 vote-switching 1 +010111100101 KNON-FM 1 +010111100101 Deductions-The 1 +010111100101 1,064,776 1 +010111100101 minute/flight 1 +010111100101 withholders 1 +010111100101 anti-perspirants 1 +010111100101 Ltd.is 1 +010111100101 Solidarnosc 1 +010111100101 bolshoi 1 +010111100101 Co.-designed 1 +010111100101 paste-job 1 +010111100101 checkwriter 1 +010111100101 1,621,539 1 +010111100101 WCSX-FM 1 +010111100101 Discman 1 +010111100101 knick-knacks 1 +010111100101 werer 1 +010111100101 XJ6s 1 +010111100101 WCXR 1 +010111100101 accustoms 1 +010111100101 beleives 1 +010111100101 34,645 1 +010111100101 variably 1 +010111100101 Propulsora 1 +010111100101 ad-filled 1 +010111100101 Bank/Virginia 1 +010111100101 explictly 2 +010111100101 Chailly 2 +010111100101 resend 2 +010111100101 utimately 2 +010111100101 f-stop 2 +010111100101 misbilled 2 +010111100101 Santi 2 +010111100101 Brillo 3 +010111100101 currently 9133 +010111100101 beneficially 42 +0101111001100 mass-scale 1 +0101111001100 goody-goodies 1 +0101111001100 highest-flyers 1 +0101111001100 motherhood-and-apple-pie 1 +0101111001100 dourly 1 +0101111001100 Sandinismo 1 +0101111001100 wombat 1 +0101111001100 soul-deep 1 +0101111001100 exhaustible 1 +0101111001100 produce-which 1 +0101111001100 volitionally 1 +0101111001100 Metamucil. 1 +0101111001100 Khalqis 1 +0101111001100 uninhibitedly 1 +0101111001100 abhored 1 +0101111001100 assasinations 1 +0101111001100 Dallasites 1 +0101111001100 fatiegued 1 +0101111001100 ataxia 1 +0101111001100 passenger-tire 1 +0101111001100 overpriced. 1 +0101111001100 self-evidently 2 +0101111001100 unyieldingly 2 +0101111001100 hydrology 2 +0101111001100 bohemia 2 +0101111001100 match-play 2 +0101111001100 78th 3 +0101111001100 still 21122 +0101111001100 doubtlessly 4 +0101111001101 PROPRIETORSHIPS 1 +0101111001101 irreligion 1 +0101111001101 NutriMetics 1 +0101111001101 democratizer 1 +0101111001101 HRBSinger 1 +0101111001101 Reckendorf 1 +0101111001101 remedially 1 +0101111001101 half-controlled 1 +0101111001101 minimum-taxpayers 1 +0101111001101 Ethelred 1 +0101111001101 ZCCBs 1 +0101111001101 sunscreens 1 +0101111001101 Dominon 1 +0101111001101 runoffs 1 +0101111001101 Cincinnatian 1 +0101111001101 1,030,000 1 +0101111001101 Perfumery 1 +0101111001101 2,068,966 1 +0101111001101 1,657,736 1 +0101111001101 742,264 1 +0101111001101 WKYS 1 +0101111001101 cliff-hanger 1 +0101111001101 over-invoicing 1 +0101111001101 Oaklanders 1 +0101111001101 TransAmerica 1 +0101111001101 Constitutition 1 +0101111001101 mostaccioli 1 +0101111001101 Studds-Miller 1 +0101111001101 8,191,727 1 +0101111001101 1,308,273 1 +0101111001101 foreseeably 2 +0101111001101 Garrison-Steves 2 +0101111001101 pee 2 +0101111001101 sentimentalists 2 +0101111001101 refrigerate 2 +0101111001101 redialing 2 +0101111001101 gaily 4 +0101111001101 cumulatively 9 +0101111001101 CHANGES 9 +0101111001101 perforce 10 +0101111001101 assuredly 19 +0101111001101 henceforth 41 +0101111001101 gladly 71 +0101111001101 doubtless 71 +0101111001101 conceivably 103 +0101111001101 undoubtedly 293 +0101111001101 inevitably 325 +0101111001101 presumably 500 +0101111001101 surely 688 +0101111001101 ultimately 1711 +0101111001101 certainly 2615 +0101111001101 probably 8216 +0101111001101 eventually 3059 +0101111001110 infesting 1 +0101111001110 snifflers 1 +0101111001110 mistily 2 +0101111001110 greedily 2 +0101111001110 roller-skate 2 +0101111001110 offically 2 +0101111001110 inflexibly 2 +0101111001110 contradictorily 2 +0101111001110 pompously 3 +0101111001110 oftens 3 +0101111001110 gruffly 3 +0101111001110 fernlike 3 +0101111001110 recurrently 3 +0101111001110 absently 4 +0101111001110 fancifully 4 +0101111001110 resonantly 4 +0101111001110 sharpshooters 4 +0101111001110 oft 4 +0101111001110 herein 4 +0101111001110 cunningly 4 +0101111001110 fluidly 5 +0101111001110 entrepreneurially 5 +0101111001110 smilingly 5 +0101111001110 okayed 6 +0101111001110 unhesitatingly 7 +0101111001110 fittingly 9 +0101111001110 reflexively 9 +0101111001110 imperfectly 10 +0101111001110 assertedly 10 +0101111001110 deservedly 11 +0101111001110 RULES 14 +0101111001110 whooping 14 +0101111001110 euphemistically 15 +0101111001110 graphically 20 +0101111001110 reputedly 24 +0101111001110 inexplicably 27 +0101111001110 habitually 31 +0101111001110 alternately 41 +0101111001110 heretofore 64 +0101111001110 customarily 71 +0101111001110 purportedly 89 +0101111001110 collectively 131 +0101111001110 evidently 145 +0101111001110 invariably 163 +0101111001110 seldom 267 +0101111001110 supposedly 357 +0101111001110 nevertheless 415 +0101111001110 nonetheless 468 +0101111001110 occasionally 558 +0101111001110 routinely 559 +0101111001110 rarely 896 +0101111001110 normally 1043 +0101111001110 frequently 1498 +0101111001110 effectively 1554 +0101111001110 typically 1758 +0101111001110 sometimes 2986 +0101111001110 often 8344 +0101111001110 usually 3948 +0101111001110 generally 5511 +0101111001110 apparently 4280 +01011110011110 kow-towing 1 +01011110011110 yogibberish 1 +01011110011110 harmfully 2 +01011110011110 28-21-37-5 2 +01011110011110 Shave 2 +01011110011110 hard-copy 2 +01011110011110 occassionally 2 +01011110011110 tormentedly 3 +01011110011110 heedlessly 3 +01011110011110 euphorically 3 +01011110011110 mystically 4 +01011110011110 immodestly 5 +01011110011110 matchmakers 6 +01011110011110 unequivocably 7 +01011110011110 naively 10 +01011110011110 gratuitously 11 +01011110011110 nonchalantly 11 +01011110011110 mercifully 12 +01011110011110 intuitively 15 +01011110011110 unfailingly 16 +01011110011110 plausibly 18 +01011110011110 demonstrably 18 +01011110011110 indisputably 19 +01011110011110 perversely 20 +01011110011110 unmistakably 21 +01011110011110 justifiably 24 +01011110011110 contractually 28 +01011110011110 undeniably 29 +01011110011110 rightfully 41 +01011110011110 logically 41 +01011110011110 ideally 43 +01011110011110 sincerely 47 +01011110011110 conveniently 51 +01011110011110 legitimately 53 +01011110011110 instinctively 55 +01011110011110 unquestionably 72 +01011110011110 admittedly 78 +01011110011110 understandably 87 +01011110011110 arguably 96 +01011110011110 honestly 96 +01011110011110 plainly 100 +01011110011110 presently 101 +01011110011110 rightly 103 +01011110011110 ordinarily 118 +01011110011110 theoretically 127 +01011110011110 scarcely 160 +01011110011110 continually 198 +01011110011110 literally 325 +01011110011110 technically 359 +01011110011110 naturally 377 +01011110011110 constantly 472 +01011110011110 legally 525 +01011110011110 somehow 532 +01011110011110 definitely 609 +01011110011110 automatically 630 +01011110011110 basically 708 +01011110011110 barely 798 +01011110011110 obviously 974 +01011110011110 essentially 1058 +01011110011110 suddenly 1090 +01011110011110 hardly 1338 +01011110011110 otherwise 1563 +01011110011110 merely 1595 +01011110011110 finally 2365 +01011110011110 clearly 2852 +01011110011110 actually 3379 +01011110011110 really 5953 +01011110011110 simply 4101 +01011110011111 faux-Poland 1 +01011110011111 presumedly 1 +01011110011111 flat-wrongly 1 +01011110011111 Puni 1 +01011110011111 officehad 1 +01011110011111 statistics-keepers 1 +01011110011111 Soulages 1 +01011110011111 druther 1 +01011110011111 Mountaineers 2 +01011110011111 topicality 2 +01011110011111 futilely 2 +01011110011111 wanna 5 +01011110011111 ritualistically 6 +01011110011111 unthinkingly 8 +01011110011111 hereby 15 +01011110011111 singlehandedly 15 +01011110011111 single-handedly 54 +01011110011111 steadfastly 82 +01011110011111 never 8649 +01011110011111 always 5342 +0101111010 Stignani 1 +0101111010 Kunste 1 +0101111010 essentiallly 1 +0101111010 ithad 1 +0101111010 have 145455 +0101111010 237.25 1 +01011110110 Wiebe 1 +01011110110 Yijian 1 +01011110110 incisively 1 +01011110110 plot-line 1 +01011110110 civilians-have 1 +01011110110 haved 1 +01011110110 expediters 1 +01011110110 Hsiao-feng 1 +01011110110 Trimmers 1 +01011110110 Qingrung 1 +01011110110 Hurter 1 +01011110110 saloonkeepers 1 +01011110110 articifially 1 +01011110110 re-allocated 1 +01011110110 Shihuang 1 +01011110110 Ramberg 1 +01011110110 Guangwen 1 +01011110110 Haitao 1 +01011110110 Lansford 1 +01011110110 dockers 1 +01011110110 illusionistically 1 +01011110110 Vezirov 1 +01011110110 considerately 1 +01011110110 meeting/audience 1 +01011110110 overtightens 1 +01011110110 lapus 1 +01011110110 stickpins 1 +01011110110 Fairland 1 +01011110110 Micawber 1 +01011110110 KPRC 2 +01011110110 has 160633 +01011110110 recalculates 3 +01011110111 huffily 1 +01011110111 Hui-qing 1 +01011110111 Jr.had 1 +01011110111 brooked 1 +01011110111 heff 1 +01011110111 pratically 1 +01011110111 Suleimanov 1 +01011110111 marshalled 1 +01011110111 8,523 1 +01011110111 costumer 2 +01011110111 brooks 3 +01011110111 straight-facedly 3 +01011110111 succesfully 3 +01011110111 had 80475 +01011110111 wuz 5 +0101111100 Xaviera 1 +0101111100 stongly 1 +0101111100 covetously 1 +0101111100 Mattino 1 +0101111100 prissily 1 +0101111100 mini-Michelangelo 1 +0101111100 Deserter 1 +0101111100 8651085 1 +0101111100 cuttingand 1 +0101111100 dapperly 1 +0101111100 Benedettti 1 +0101111100 cookouts 1 +0101111100 demarcations 1 +0101111100 Yunchao 1 +0101111100 nose-counters 1 +0101111100 Pittson 1 +0101111100 UNWED 1 +0101111100 Mr.Schulof 1 +0101111100 book-burning-by-continuing-resolution 1 +0101111100 overtakes 2 +0101111100 groggily 2 +0101111100 was 177469 +0101111100 inaptly 2 +0101111101 beginneth 1 +0101111101 savorable 1 +0101111101 Columbia-watchers 1 +0101111101 time-starved 1 +0101111101 closers 1 +0101111101 Schermer 1 +0101111101 Winterflood 1 +0101111101 germalists 1 +0101111101 be-bopper 1 +0101111101 Kriek 1 +0101111101 Likes 1 +0101111101 CP-2000 1 +0101111101 tankerload 1 +0101111101 Dolciaria 1 +0101111101 Co.-unit 1 +0101111101 well-begot 1 +0101111101 cost-wise 1 +0101111101 inexcusably 1 +0101111101 Adulyadej 1 +0101111101 COLLAPSE 1 +0101111101 premeditatedly 1 +0101111101 RELEASES 2 +0101111101 128s 2 +0101111101 indicts 5 +0101111101 necessitates 10 +0101111101 hath 12 +0101111101 is 324613 +0101111101 exerts 21 +01011111100 CCNU 1 +01011111100 15-a 1 +01011111100 BATTLING 1 +01011111100 allegedy 1 +01011111100 income-generating 1 +01011111100 Ongais 1 +01011111100 post-colonialism 1 +01011111100 treacherously 2 +01011111100 were 79880 +01011111100 wer 4 +01011111101 times/The 1 +01011111101 gawkily 1 +01011111101 whittles 1 +01011111101 PUMP 1 +01011111101 Hi-Band 1 +01011111101 wabbits 1 +01011111101 Dickenses 1 +01011111101 non-concurs 1 +01011111101 Zephyrhills 1 +01011111101 reading. 1 +01011111101 snootily 1 +01011111101 M.B.A.holder 1 +01011111101 inflationso 1 +01011111101 Fulfills 1 +01011111101 ESCHEW 1 +01011111101 pellmell 1 +01011111101 SPENT 1 +01011111101 red-draped 1 +01011111101 vincit 1 +01011111101 atth 1 +01011111101 heterosexually 2 +01011111101 are 160516 +01011111101 trumping 2 +0101111111000 Louis-Philippe 1 +0101111111000 giddily 1 +0101111111000 coulda 1 +0101111111000 cramm 1 +0101111111000 Decry 1 +0101111111000 Porat 1 +0101111111000 've 8294 +0101111111000 Are. 1 +0101111111001 brings/To 1 +0101111111001 yabbering 1 +0101111111001 belly-laughingly 1 +0101111111001 just-a 1 +0101111111001 aswered. 1 +0101111111001 cogenerate 1 +0101111111001 neogotiate 1 +0101111111001 RSVP 1 +0101111111001 Manhattaners 1 +0101111111001 hearby 1 +0101111111001 waitin 1 +0101111111001 snuffles 1 +0101111111001 B-cells 1 +0101111111001 Fisherites 1 +0101111111001 oughta 8 +0101111111001 gotta 52 +0101111111001 'll 5778 +0101111111001 'd 4263 +0101111111010 Sepolcri 1 +0101111111010 comprehend/ 1 +0101111111010 Gerrymandered 1 +0101111111010 up-put 1 +0101111111010 overpraised 1 +0101111111010 Zhongjun 1 +0101111111010 puked 1 +0101111111010 glad-handed 1 +0101111111010 Cobra-brand 1 +0101111111010 cold-turkeyed 1 +0101111111010 Mansuy 1 +0101111111010 Fakti 1 +0101111111010 lened 1 +0101111111010 tortoised 1 +0101111111010 vant 1 +0101111111010 figger 1 +0101111111010 birdgarden 1 +0101111111010 flower-garden 1 +0101111111010 modo 1 +0101111111010 oul 1 +0101111111010 Masnadieri 1 +0101111111010 Wound 1 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+010111111110 Look. 1 +010111111110 Pronounceable 1 +010111111110 su-perb 1 +010111111110 Geek 1 +010111111110 Kleine 1 +010111111110 oniosis 1 +010111111110 Ist 1 +010111111110 klatsch 1 +010111111110 custodiet 1 +010111111110 cunado 1 +010111111110 room-to-room 1 +010111111110 obstat 1 +010111111110 superpundits 1 +010111111110 Talked 1 +010111111110 McDo 1 +010111111110 Sigh 1 +010111111110 Addictions 1 +010111111110 parthenium 1 +010111111110 Overreacting 1 +010111111110 non-traders 1 +010111111110 understudied 1 +010111111110 sabe 1 +010111111110 ran. 1 +010111111110 sha 2 +010111111110 baby-sit 3 +010111111110 do 42884 +010111111110 mus 3 +0101111111110 canst 1 +0101111111110 decline-do 1 +0101111111110 misallocates 1 +0101111111110 doese 1 +0101111111110 Hall-could 1 +0101111111110 singsongs 1 +0101111111110 foreordains 1 +0101111111110 doens 1 +0101111111110 unpriestly 1 +0101111111110 wa 3 +0101111111110 does 22870 +0101111111110 knoweth 4 +0101111111111 NOR 1 +0101111111111 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Swartchild 1 +01100000 Kerker 1 +01100000 Gosseen 1 +01100000 Berick 1 +01100000 Prone 1 +01100000 Gesmer 1 +01100000 SLUMP 1 +01100000 MONTALBANO 1 +01100000 Zellmer 1 +01100000 Bytes 1 +01100000 Odesser 1 +01100000 Predestination 1 +01100000 FRANCAISES 1 +01100000 Curiale 1 +01100000 Zvetina 1 +01100000 Mechanalysis 1 +01100000 Dubofsky 1 +01100000 rose3/4 1 +01100000 M/Mars 1 +01100000 Wilcoxes 1 +01100000 Alexander. 1 +01100000 Howath 1 +01100000 Paines 1 +01100000 Neuf 1 +01100000 Politik 1 +01100000 Guestier 1 +01100000 Ghurka 1 +01100000 Pinkstone 1 +01100000 Bress 1 +01100000 Munter 1 +01100000 McManimon 1 +01100000 Sandak 1 +01100000 LAVAN 1 +01100000 Rehabilition 1 +01100000 Slye 1 +01100000 Silversmiths 1 +01100000 Mitzna 1 +01100000 Rheindell 1 +01100000 Werson 1 +01100000 Hesitate 1 +01100000 Quilters 1 +01100000 Co.Moody 1 +01100000 SHOWER 1 +01100000 Tele-Hachette 1 +01100000 Hopwod 1 +01100000 SBI 1 +01100000 Lorwin 1 +01100000 Schomer 1 +01100000 Afloat 1 +01100000 Allsop 1 +01100000 Danssesse 1 +01100000 Hergott 1 +01100000 Rynett 1 +01100000 Keelips 1 +01100000 Karabell 1 +01100000 Co.Mr 1 +01100000 Latman 1 +01100000 SCHEETZ 1 +01100000 1C 1 +01100000 Bio-Sciences 1 +01100000 Kotkin 1 +01100000 Schuster/Touchstone 1 +01100000 Barell 1 +01100000 Liapakis 1 +01100000 Hutensky 1 +01100000 Hardies 1 +01100000 Bellis 1 +01100000 Hootch 1 +01100000 ueber 1 +01100000 Zachry 1 +01100000 CHAMBER 1 +01100000 Dalglish 1 +01100000 Perretti 1 +01100000 Holguin 1 +01100000 Bergendoff 1 +01100000 Beld 1 +01100000 Cressy 1 +01100000 McCauliffe 1 +01100000 Kanaday 1 +01100000 HIGGINS 1 +01100000 Partner/BBDO 1 +01100000 Petrino 1 +01100000 r-Revised 1 +01100000 Beutenmuller 1 +01100000 Baillieu 1 +01100000 1989-59 1 +01100000 3082 1 +01100000 Look-Alikes 1 +01100000 Norander 1 +01100000 64,212 1 +01100000 14,701 1 +01100000 64,167 1 +01100000 50,719 1 +01100000 310,453 1 +01100000 11,471 1 +01100000 Waldenburg 1 +01100000 Razook 1 +01100000 Sitterson 1 +01100000 Barkett 1 +01100000 Thibeault 1 +01100000 Hanburys 1 +01100000 Turben. 1 +01100000 Macuga 1 +01100000 Turbin 1 +01100000 Brega 1 +01100000 Schmerling 1 +01100000 Ingersoll. 1 +01100000 GLOVES 1 +01100000 Dilday 1 +01100000 Luchs 2 +01100000 DiVosta 2 +01100000 Norrander 2 +01100000 Fairgrounds 2 +01100000 Iberica 2 +01100000 Sherrerd 2 +01100000 Naturals 2 +01100000 Hasen 2 +01100000 Goudard 2 +01100000 cans. 2 +01100000 Agzuerich 2 +01100000 Vecchione 2 +01100000 Technic 2 +01100000 Enersen 2 +01100000 Breakfasts 2 +01100000 Reath 2 +01100000 Proops 2 +01100000 1989-C 2 +01100000 Geck 2 +01100000 Privatbank 2 +01100000 Lazo 2 +01100000 Terhune 2 +01100000 Corp.-insured 2 +01100000 Burkinshaw 2 +01100000 Binnington 2 +01100000 Kommerzialbank 3 +01100000 Pegler 3 +01100000 Youngberg 3 +01100000 Eckstut 3 +01100000 Publicite 3 +01100000 Futuro 3 +01100000 Associados 3 +01100000 Broadfoot 3 +01100000 Hallman 3 +01100000 Tannenholz 3 +01100000 Geraldson 3 +01100000 Cederquist 3 +01100000 Kammholz 3 +01100000 Magnolias 3 +01100000 Raber 3 +01100000 Felts 3 +01100000 Alai 4 +01100000 Catherwood 4 +01100000 MacRae 4 +01100000 Mathebe 4 +01100000 Poulain 4 +01100000 Landesrentenbank 4 +01100000 Co.-led 5 +01100000 Flax 5 +01100000 Kreditkasse 5 +01100000 Kreditbanken 5 +01100000 ROSSI 5 +01100000 co. 6 +01100000 Wirtschaft 6 +01100000 Cihlar 7 +01100000 CO 7 +01100000 KG 8 +01100000 Zabel 8 +01100000 Associes 9 +01100000 Co.-backed 10 +01100000 Signatures 10 +01100000 Kudner 11 +01100000 Burling 12 +01100000 Abrutyn 13 +01100000 Mendelsohn 18 +01100000 Bockius 20 +01100000 Wardwell 22 +01100000 Mfg 27 +01100000 Co 73 +01100000 Co. 47398 +01100000 Lybrand 191 +011000010 Dreamcoat 1 +011000010 2000+ 1 +011000010 Crp. 1 +011000010 Automalls 1 +011000010 Correia 1 +011000010 Luthra 1 +011000010 superflack 1 +011000010 Brookner 1 +011000010 establishment-wing 1 +011000010 Grinding 1 +011000010 Glasbruk 1 +011000010 Dorme 1 +011000010 CMT-600 1 +011000010 Corp.-1 1 +011000010 Inno 1 +011000010 Emphasizes 1 +011000010 Corp.-U.S.A. 1 +011000010 Cumbo 1 +011000010 plastic-injection-molding 1 +011000010 executive-recruiter 1 +011000010 RC-250 1 +011000010 Alacakaptan 1 +011000010 Rip-Off 1 +011000010 1011s 1 +011000010 Terrarium 1 +011000010 VER 1 +011000010 McMicken 1 +011000010 Repairman 1 +011000010 11-B 1 +011000010 Jinkins 1 +011000010 HZ 1 +011000010 Franzos 1 +011000010 Changer 1 +011000010 Inernational 1 +011000010 Jetstar 1 +011000010 Recorder 1 +011000010 1100/84 1 +011000010 Communicatons 1 +011000010 DINK 1 +011000010 Pictus 1 +011000010 Multispeed 1 +011000010 affilite 1 +011000010 5+10 1 +011000010 Lindqvist 1 +011000010 Segales 1 +011000010 Yalcin 1 +011000010 Gelfand 1 +011000010 calfskin 1 +011000010 Bauer-style 1 +011000010 One-Shot 1 +011000010 chauffer 1 +011000010 Jillette 1 +011000010 Grewan 1 +011000010 VanCamp 1 +011000010 combinaton 1 +011000010 Scotia-born 1 +011000010 Knockers 1 +011000010 20,700 1 +011000010 Macrocab 1 +011000010 components-making 1 +011000010 bellyflops 1 +011000010 Condominiums 1 +011000010 shovel-manufacturing 1 +011000010 paint-making 1 +011000010 andMatsushita 1 +011000010 Mil-Spec 1 +011000010 Flyway 1 +011000010 Felzer 1 +011000010 Bhosle 1 +011000010 1-Step 1 +011000010 Brasileiras 1 +011000010 Nouri 1 +011000010 movie-of-the-week 1 +011000010 Adde 1 +011000010 co-investment 1 +011000010 Davours 1 +011000010 Breezers 1 +011000010 News. 1 +011000010 Tele-Messager 1 +011000010 Corp.systems 1 +011000010 Fensterer 1 +011000010 Closes 1 +011000010 VOLKSBANK 1 +011000010 Supercenters 1 +011000010 Aircaft 1 +011000010 Korbich 1 +011000010 Shazar 1 +011000010 Communications-Boston 1 +011000010 Interconnects 1 +011000010 12,886 1 +011000010 Air-Jordan 1 +011000010 Cheques 1 +011000010 Space-net 1 +011000010 Airphone 1 +011000010 Gruppe 1 +011000010 Edington 1 +011000010 Playworld 1 +011000010 Heupel 1 +011000010 Slippers 1 +011000010 Merighi 1 +011000010 Aicor 1 +011000010 gen 1 +011000010 15,550 1 +011000010 10,156 1 +011000010 441,069 1 +011000010 Speedier 1 +011000010 DataPlan 1 +011000010 BankTexas 1 +011000010 Records/SONY 1 +011000010 Cashway 1 +011000010 SUITOR 1 +011000010 OnLine 1 +011000010 Comten 2 +011000010 Boast 2 +011000010 Bank-Texas 2 +011000010 Vnet 2 +011000010 Ponselle 2 +011000010 Musick 2 +011000010 Armani 2 +011000010 T3100 2 +011000010 80386-SX 2 +011000010 Credietbank 2 +011000010 Rohrabacher 2 +011000010 Hospital-Sunrise 2 +011000010 Vliegtuigenfabriek 2 +011000010 Kunikov 2 +011000010 Parlor 2 +011000010 Gindi 2 +011000010 Downes 2 +011000010 Stic 2 +011000010 Prawiro 2 +011000010 Musk 2 +011000010 Catheter 2 +011000010 Turbomach 2 +011000010 Disturbances 2 +011000010 MD-91/92 2 +011000010 Delavel 2 +011000010 synthase 2 +011000010 Corp.-built 3 +011000010 Jospin 3 +011000010 corp. 3 +011000010 Employes 3 +011000010 Tradecenter 3 +011000010 LaFontant 3 +011000010 Intermediaries 3 +011000010 Turkiye 3 +011000010 Ronchi 3 +011000010 Mates 3 +011000010 WorldCom 3 +011000010 Group. 4 +011000010 Aerostructures 4 +011000010 Poszgay 4 +011000010 Siniora 4 +011000010 Bank-Detroit 4 +011000010 Pallo 4 +011000010 Sat 4 +011000010 Co-Operation 5 +011000010 Bookshop 5 +011000010 potato-processing 6 +011000010 Remembered 6 +011000010 Corp.-compatible 6 +011000010 Massimi 6 +011000010 Darlin 6 +011000010 Francaises 8 +011000010 Globcom 10 +011000010 Trilling 11 +011000010 Simcha 13 +011000010 Lycoming 13 +011000010 Whaler 15 +011000010 seaboard 17 +011000010 Storyboard 24 +011000010 Mahe 24 +011000010 Puat 29 +011000010 K.K. 64 +011000010 Manac 86 +011000010 Corp 95 +011000010 Bros. 150 +011000010 Scotia 170 +011000010 Bancorp 1097 +011000010 Corp. 59743 +011000010 Cos. 1811 +0110000110 AGRICOLE 1 +0110000110 Sipler 1 +0110000110 3861 1 +0110000110 Kido 1 +0110000110 Mij 1 +0110000110 Uitz 1 +0110000110 Mansouri 1 +0110000110 manyok 1 +0110000110 Datavio 1 +0110000110 MoneyGram 1 +0110000110 racetack 1 +0110000110 Godmother 1 +0110000110 Versicherungsgruppe 1 +0110000110 Luxemburg 1 +0110000110 Kohout 1 +0110000110 Shimposha 1 +0110000110 Getter 1 +0110000110 Harkleroad 1 +0110000110 Alperson 1 +0110000110 pipe-coating 1 +0110000110 Stadion 1 +0110000110 12:00-16:00 1 +0110000110 Pspective 1 +0110000110 18198 1 +0110000110 Corp.-U.S. 1 +0110000110 From. 1 +0110000110 Shikiba 1 +0110000110 yesterdy 1 +0110000110 Month. 1 +0110000110 4411-4414 1 +0110000110 8801 1 +0110000110 Tay 1 +0110000110 Inc.-Salomon 1 +0110000110 86-43 1 +0110000110 Karz 1 +0110000110 Unlimited. 1 +0110000110 Command/Vietnam 1 +0110000110 Estanislao 1 +0110000110 Peixia 1 +0110000110 HPH 1 +0110000110 broker-adviser 1 +0110000110 Neufeldt 1 +0110000110 Selectivo 1 +0110000110 Corp.-TRW 1 +0110000110 34-42-58 1 +0110000110 Pervert 1 +0110000110 INC.Moody 1 +0110000110 Bagneris 1 +0110000110 Ezquerra 1 +0110000110 Spectrometer 1 +0110000110 comestics 1 +0110000110 Commute 1 +0110000110 Lasters 1 +0110000110 rail-link 1 +0110000110 1466 1 +0110000110 offered. 1 +0110000110 87-24. 1 +0110000110 Chitto 1 +0110000110 Silva-Herzog 1 +0110000110 Inc.-E.F. 1 +0110000110 Mamoulian 1 +0110000110 Tilt 1 +0110000110 Economia 1 +0110000110 Viewpoints 1 +0110000110 Shoaib 1 +0110000110 7900 1 +0110000110 Board. 1 +0110000110 aculeatum 1 +0110000110 Kalweit 1 +0110000110 divsion 1 +0110000110 Warbucks 1 +0110000110 Inc.Terms 1 +0110000110 Troyer 1 +0110000110 Adamovich 1 +0110000110 Aeronautiques 1 +0110000110 Corp.Moody 1 +0110000110 Inc.Moody 1 +0110000110 12-D 1 +0110000110 VII-B 1 +0110000110 Kosatka 1 +0110000110 book-making 1 +0110000110 Ibanez 1 +0110000110 Mikaelian 1 +0110000110 Delacre 1 +0110000110 Galban 1 +0110000110 Gerow 1 +0110000110 Menda 1 +0110000110 Pudovkin 1 +0110000110 Foundries 1 +0110000110 debut. 1 +0110000110 Mxenge 1 +0110000110 Pharmaceutica 1 +0110000110 Ashore 1 +0110000110 Entertains 1 +0110000110 V.O.F. 1 +0110000110 23345 1 +0110000110 poll. 1 +0110000110 7,818 1 +0110000110 RISK. 1 +0110000110 SemiTech 1 +0110000110 Glitch 1 +0110000110 Rostagno 1 +0110000110 Pasos 1 +0110000110 rejectionists 1 +0110000110 Malal 1 +0110000110 Wohlers 1 +0110000110 DeFrantz 1 +0110000110 Manteris 1 +0110000110 +10.5 1 +0110000110 NTSA 1 +0110000110 Bank-Manistee 1 +0110000110 89-46 1 +0110000110 Beckroge 1 +0110000110 cookie-and-cracker 1 +0110000110 Himmelblau 1 +0110000110 83,242 1 +0110000110 Doratio 1 +0110000110 Offfice 1 +0110000110 cardmembers 1 +0110000110 Migliorino 1 +0110000110 Tripartite 1 +0110000110 Civelek 1 +0110000110 54,745 1 +0110000110 Artukovic 1 +0110000110 Oley 1 +0110000110 Atomique 1 +0110000110 Sidbury 1 +0110000110 Four/England 1 +0110000110 Ltda 1 +0110000110 9903 1 +0110000110 Research-U.S.A. 1 +0110000110 Tamarin 1 +0110000110 judicata 1 +0110000110 Zagaria 1 +0110000110 GMBH 1 +0110000110 Scrolls 2 +0110000110 Fei 2 +0110000110 Linson 2 +0110000110 al-Urabi 2 +0110000110 MarketNet 2 +0110000110 Kross 2 +0110000110 Ltee. 2 +0110000110 Tirlemontoise 2 +0110000110 McFarlin 2 +0110000110 Vivas 2 +0110000110 Rockne 2 +0110000110 ordinis 2 +0110000110 NT&SA 2 +0110000110 Sukhishvili 2 +0110000110 Reborn 2 +0110000110 Kishi 2 +0110000110 magazine. 2 +0110000110 Commission. 2 +0110000110 Cheatham 3 +0110000110 Volksbeleggings 3 +0110000110 Holden-Brown 3 +0110000110 Informatique 3 +0110000110 Swarup 4 +0110000110 Ltee 4 +0110000110 MICHELIN 4 +0110000110 Funktion 4 +0110000110 SCOTIA 4 +0110000110 Ruppin 4 +0110000110 Karamazov 4 +0110000110 Indices 4 +0110000110 Sec 5 +0110000110 Drift 5 +0110000110 1771 5 +0110000110 Karno 6 +0110000110 1141 6 +0110000110 Moosa 6 +0110000110 Abdul-Jabbar 7 +0110000110 Flame 9 +0110000110 Statutes 11 +0110000110 Goer 12 +0110000110 G.M.B.H. 16 +0110000110 Inc 28 +0110000110 Scouts 48 +0110000110 Attendants 76 +0110000110 C.D.s 188 +0110000110 Marwick 356 +0110000110 Inc. 63901 +0110000110 Perspective 574 +0110000111 ALPERT 1 +0110000111 Yatsen 1 +0110000111 Diversifund 1 +0110000111 Bomer 1 +0110000111 Esquetini 1 +0110000111 F27s 1 +0110000111 Sportif 1 +0110000111 OPPORTUNITIES 1 +0110000111 220-2311 1 +0110000111 Jagdwagen 1 +0110000111 Corton-Charlemagne 1 +0110000111 Lease-owned 1 +0110000111 PERIOD 1 +0110000111 Pushes 1 +0110000111 venography 1 +0110000111 Fodio 1 +0110000111 Fearlessly 1 +0110000111 Mennea 1 +0110000111 RECYCLING 1 +0110000111 Organizaton 1 +0110000111 STINKS 1 +0110000111 Thabit 1 +0110000111 Bulletins 1 +0110000111 T-Shirts 1 +0110000111 Yaikis 1 +0110000111 Specs 1 +0110000111 Parlors 1 +0110000111 Changjiang 1 +0110000111 Telecasters 1 +0110000111 ATS 1 +0110000111 Carneiro 1 +0110000111 Baek 1 +0110000111 Fertilization 1 +0110000111 Racor 1 +0110000111 Thijm 1 +0110000111 Sweetens 1 +0110000111 Belters 1 +0110000111 Oldsmobile-Honda 1 +0110000111 Bondware 1 +0110000111 Capoor 1 +0110000111 RATIOS 1 +0110000111 SMILES 1 +0110000111 Spergel 1 +0110000111 Sonn 1 +0110000111 PRESIDENTS 1 +0110000111 Lodhi 1 +0110000111 RANKINGS 1 +0110000111 Nabicso 1 +0110000111 Kronenberger 1 +0110000111 Morellino 1 +0110000111 Dagbladet 1 +0110000111 BED 1 +0110000111 DISPOSAL 1 +0110000111 Cheuk-Wu 1 +0110000111 Partners> 1 +0110000111 Illustrator 1 +0110000111 757-232s 1 +0110000111 BIRDSALL 1 +0110000111 moonshots 1 +0110000111 Kie 1 +0110000111 automotive-accessories 1 +0110000111 .S.p.A. 1 +0110000111 AGRICULTURE 1 +0110000111 SOAPS 1 +0110000111 Nabisco. 1 +0110000111 Bashers 1 +0110000111 Cipolletta 1 +0110000111 SJL 1 +0110000111 foot-sore 1 +0110000111 Jianguo 1 +0110000111 nightshirts 1 +0110000111 Quebec-Amerique 1 +0110000111 McLintock 1 +0110000111 Ambrust 1 +0110000111 IIe- 1 +0110000111 LOSS. 1 +0110000111 Birley 1 +0110000111 Bracho 1 +0110000111 JV 1 +0110000111 Narayanan 1 +0110000111 negra 1 +0110000111 Books/Morrow 1 +0110000111 SARL 1 +0110000111 49057 1 +0110000111 Convertini 1 +0110000111 Achber 1 +0110000111 Voicesystem 1 +0110000111 Futhermore 1 +0110000111 Inc.-Houston 1 +0110000111 PROGRAM-II 1 +0110000111 Wicklow 1 +0110000111 Gattini 1 +0110000111 ABOUND 1 +0110000111 mutuals 1 +0110000111 ZICKLER 1 +0110000111 DEARBORN 1 +0110000111 Wahi 1 +0110000111 Compendium 1 +0110000111 1970-1975 1 +0110000111 30:1 1 +0110000111 Fleurs 1 +0110000111 Furrow 1 +0110000111 Faltungen 1 +0110000111 power-station 1 +0110000111 Resultant 1 +0110000111 Domingues 1 +0110000111 Williard 1 +0110000111 Atelier 1 +0110000111 Romazoff 1 +0110000111 Boyett 1 +0110000111 Diplomatique 1 +0110000111 bills. 1 +0110000111 Bank-East 1 +0110000111 Puy 1 +0110000111 Reuff 1 +0110000111 KR200 1 +0110000111 LX. 1 +0110000111 huggers 1 +0110000111 Inc.-Federal 1 +0110000111 DILEMMAS 1 +0110000111 agachate 1 +0110000111 Fiduciare 1 +0110000111 Duchene 1 +0110000111 Guglielmini 1 +0110000111 gulch 1 +0110000111 Pharmacetical 1 +0110000111 Eletronica 1 +0110000111 INC.This 1 +0110000111 Kiep 1 +0110000111 Cynicism 1 +0110000111 NOTICES 1 +0110000111 Gentileschi 1 +0110000111 CHAPTER 1 +0110000111 Sparcal 1 +0110000111 Heights-based 1 +0110000111 BARGAIN 1 +0110000111 Gless 1 +0110000111 MOUNTS 1 +0110000111 MONOPOLY 1 +0110000111 investmests 1 +0110000111 Judkins 1 +0110000111 Propjet 1 +0110000111 Mikhailovna 1 +0110000111 City/Midland 1 +0110000111 Skypak 1 +0110000111 Monoplane 1 +0110000111 Mistreats 1 +0110000111 Williams-Jones 1 +0110000111 One-Cleveland 1 +0110000111 Concomitantly 1 +0110000111 carmn 1 +0110000111 Carangi 1 +0110000111 Kugzruk 1 +0110000111 Fidenza 1 +0110000111 Cuivre 1 +0110000111 BREAKTHROUGHS 1 +0110000111 Dymo 1 +0110000111 Gasset 1 +0110000111 1700-1900 1 +0110000111 Turgot 1 +0110000111 Schotters 1 +0110000111 202-343-8900 1 +0110000111 Enterprises/Stouffers 1 +0110000111 Continuiteit 1 +0110000111 Siddely 1 +0110000111 225.00 1 +0110000111 Economiste 1 +0110000111 redaction 1 +0110000111 Bruises 1 +0110000111 Oesterich 1 +0110000111 Rinko 1 +0110000111 CUPS 1 +0110000111 Kiko 1 +0110000111 Crank-it-up 1 +0110000111 Rimer 1 +0110000111 Five-O 1 +0110000111 Gying 1 +0110000111 Tomodachi 1 +0110000111 Jianmin 1 +0110000111 Shaikholislam 1 +0110000111 Ragans 1 +0110000111 Cv 1 +0110000111 Datacenter 1 +0110000111 7,114 1 +0110000111 77.78 1 +0110000111 PANTYHOSE 1 +0110000111 CARTIER 1 +0110000111 Diggers/Noise 1 +0110000111 A300-600s 1 +0110000111 587-1111 1 +0110000111 Alphand 1 +0110000111 G.m.b.h. 1 +0110000111 empolyees 1 +0110000111 Karkaba 1 +0110000111 94574 1 +0110000111 93401 1 +0110000111 95403 1 +0110000111 Infiltrating 1 +0110000111 Maschinen 1 +0110000111 Fracturing 1 +0110000111 Michelangeli 1 +0110000111 beer-packaging 1 +0110000111 S.r.I. 1 +0110000111 Cralle 1 +0110000111 McNight 1 +0110000111 Rosenhause 1 +0110000111 Lepovetsky 1 +0110000111 Universitaria 1 +0110000111 HiBred 1 +0110000111 freewheel 1 +0110000111 S.p.a 1 +0110000111 1:28 1 +0110000111 26,259 1 +0110000111 members. 1 +0110000111 Laserjet 1 +0110000111 X-MP/18 1 +0110000111 Pictures. 1 +0110000111 Rheinstahl 1 +0110000111 Sadr 1 +0110000111 OUTSTANDING 1 +0110000111 RUBIN 1 +0110000111 L.P.V 1 +0110000111 affilate 1 +0110000111 MicroSystems 1 +0110000111 Press-Dispatch 1 +0110000111 Uk 1 +0110000111 12.559 1 +0110000111 11.055 1 +0110000111 BORROWING 1 +0110000111 recording-company 1 +0110000111 303,841 1 +0110000111 8490.00 1 +0110000111 151.00 1 +0110000111 534.5 1 +0110000111 acquisitiion 1 +0110000111 1345.00 1 +0110000111 1159.00 1 +0110000111 1960.00 1 +0110000111 6380.00 1 +0110000111 3460.00 1 +0110000111 3790.00 1 +0110000111 4080.00 1 +0110000111 Shoppsers 1 +0110000111 Aerocoupe 1 +0110000111 Register-Tribune 1 +0110000111 Action-Paks 1 +0110000111 Buds 1 +0110000111 al-Husseini 1 +0110000111 Infoline 1 +0110000111 MessengerSiegfried 1 +0110000111 877-1800 1 +0110000111 36.59 1 +0110000111 FLARE-OFF 1 +0110000111 737-205 1 +0110000111 114762 1 +0110000111 35.00 1 +0110000111 irst 1 +0110000111 PINDLING 1 +0110000111 S&LA 1 +0110000111 DEFECT 1 +0110000111 228s 1 +0110000111 model. 1 +0110000111 Reyes-Requena 1 +0110000111 photo- 1 +0110000111 Mousawi 1 +0110000111 Backinoff 1 +0110000111 Humfrey 1 +0110000111 Biologique 1 +0110000111 1,393,641 1 +0110000111 Cresvale 1 +0110000111 Peramuna 1 +0110000111 Greeg 1 +0110000111 Siu-kwong 1 +0110000111 AR-15s 1 +0110000111 Spills 1 +0110000111 TRACY 1 +0110000111 Fosdick 1 +0110000111 Flintridge 1 +0110000111 DeMyer 1 +0110000111 hydrogel 1 +0110000111 Vers 1 +0110000111 VERSUS 1 +0110000111 61.54 1 +0110000111 29,028 1 +0110000111 Filmakers 1 +0110000111 clandestina 1 +0110000111 paralela 1 +0110000111 thirty-nine 1 +0110000111 Elektromagneter 1 +0110000111 Campins 1 +0110000111 COUNSELING 1 +0110000111 fine-chemical 1 +0110000111 director-nominees 1 +0110000111 Engelbrecht 1 +0110000111 witnesses-for-hire 1 +0110000111 returneth 1 +0110000111 BOYCOTT 1 +0110000111 M-A-T-T-R-E-S-S 1 +0110000111 SONG 1 +0110000111 42.86 1 +0110000111 Daisies 1 +0110000111 CORP.-affiliated 1 +0110000111 quota-breakers 1 +0110000111 Ediciones 1 +0110000111 POINTS 2 +0110000111 AS. 2 +0110000111 Interconnection 2 +0110000111 Aktiebolaget 2 +0110000111 Gonne 2 +0110000111 Electronique 2 +0110000111 Wiedenski 2 +0110000111 DIED 2 +0110000111 PROS 2 +0110000111 subterranea 2 +0110000111 LEUMI 2 +0110000111 Mondiales 2 +0110000111 Recorders 2 +0110000111 Inoac 2 +0110000111 Hose 2 +0110000111 Coven 2 +0110000111 RADIOS 2 +0110000111 Belfond 2 +0110000111 Presente 2 +0110000111 Monte-Carlo 2 +0110000111 HELPED 2 +0110000111 Sawicka 2 +0110000111 CAMBODIA 2 +0110000111 49,445 2 +0110000111 349,627 2 +0110000111 Doehler-Jarvis 2 +0110000111 COMPLEX 2 +0110000111 Mantrust 2 +0110000111 Koki 2 +0110000111 Bhakti 2 +0110000111 Cucchi 2 +0110000111 Fisherman 2 +0110000111 Cullinen 2 +0110000111 Marshner 2 +0110000111 Cutters 2 +0110000111 Kealey 2 +0110000111 LANDED 2 +0110000111 LPG 2 +0110000111 Roepke 2 +0110000111 CONTINUE 2 +0110000111 MINERS 2 +0110000111 94103 2 +0110000111 Ferroviarie 2 +0110000111 40.00 2 +0110000111 BARBIE 2 +0110000111 EXPORTS 2 +0110000111 Obrow 2 +0110000111 NAMES 2 +0110000111 INDUSTRIER 2 +0110000111 Persists 2 +0110000111 Barilla 2 +0110000111 Synagogue 2 +0110000111 DELLA 2 +0110000111 SX-V500 2 +0110000111 722-2764 2 +0110000111 Charta 2 +0110000111 Spurs 2 +0110000111 Chol 2 +0110000111 Countach 3 +0110000111 Appraisers 3 +0110000111 Mecanique 3 +0110000111 Laguera 3 +0110000111 COUNTY 3 +0110000111 Escrow 3 +0110000111 Center. 3 +0110000111 Crivellaro 3 +0110000111 Thye 3 +0110000111 Riffat 3 +0110000111 Souzas 3 +0110000111 Onn 3 +0110000111 DieCast 3 +0110000111 Espace 3 +0110000111 PART 3 +0110000111 Sleeps 3 +0110000111 Palazzolo 3 +0110000111 TPAe 3 +0110000111 Filipacchi 3 +0110000111 Bogdanor 3 +0110000111 OUTPUT 3 +0110000111 COUNCIL 3 +0110000111 344-7381 3 +0110000111 Tho 3 +0110000111 Consumenten 3 +0110000111 SOGETI 4 +0110000111 FS&LA 4 +0110000111 Prompts 4 +0110000111 Grinten 4 +0110000111 Gel 4 +0110000111 G.m.b.H 4 +0110000111 ACCOUNTING 4 +0110000111 Redel 4 +0110000111 Seekers 4 +0110000111 SA. 4 +0110000111 L.P 4 +0110000111 Lebans 5 +0110000111 Zelle 5 +0110000111 Armbrust 5 +0110000111 SpA 5 +0110000111 Yat-sen 5 +0110000111 Aktiengesellschaft 5 +0110000111 Expedition 5 +0110000111 Bomber 5 +0110000111 Duk 5 +0110000111 AUTHORITY 5 +0110000111 NV. 5 +0110000111 Tzu 5 +0110000111 Kirstein 5 +0110000111 RENAULT 6 +0110000111 Poupon 6 +0110000111 finds. 7 +0110000111 Pte. 7 +0110000111 CLAIMS 7 +0110000111 Mundi 7 +0110000111 BENSON 7 +0110000111 INDUSTRIALE 7 +0110000111 IDROCARBURI 8 +0110000111 Listener 8 +0110000111 Sunia 8 +0110000111 Soir 8 +0110000111 Dominicana 9 +0110000111 Kops 9 +0110000111 Handelsbanken 9 +0110000111 Presse 9 +0110000111 NW 11 +0110000111 N.L. 13 +0110000111 Fiduciares 13 +0110000111 Ltda. 13 +0110000111 FSB 13 +0110000111 GAINS 14 +0110000111 GmbH 15 +0110000111 Etc. 15 +0110000111 OFFICE 16 +0110000111 Carta 17 +0110000111 S.p.A 17 +0110000111 Wagon 18 +0110000111 A/S 18 +0110000111 Ltd 22 +0110000111 Bhd. 24 +0110000111 ......... 24 +0110000111 COS. 24 +0110000111 Ziemian 27 +0110000111 BANCORP. 31 +0110000111 Diseases 38 +0110000111 BANCORP 40 +0110000111 AG. 40 +0110000111 McDougall 44 +0110000111 Industriale 48 +0110000111 Pty. 53 +0110000111 LP 56 +0110000111 NV 62 +0110000111 N.A. 74 +0110000111 Shimbun 89 +0110000111 SA 95 +0110000111 S.P.A. 99 +0110000111 W 120 +0110000111 B.V. 122 +0110000111 PLC. 129 +0110000111 AS 172 +0110000111 Industrie 240 +0110000111 ASSOCIATION 251 +0110000111 G.m.b.H. 260 +0110000111 LTD. 432 +0110000111 AB 572 +0110000111 S.p.A. 689 +0110000111 CO. 791 +0110000111 N.V. 837 +0110000111 L.P. 1024 +0110000111 INC. 1046 +0110000111 CORP. 1354 +0110000111 AG 2004 +0110000111 S.A. 2048 +0110000111 Ltd. 9923 +0110000111 PLC 5644 +0110001000 Mcdougall 1 +0110001000 SHINE 1 +0110001000 Pacs 1 +0110001000 Aeradio 1 +0110001000 ANGELES-MCA 1 +0110001000 Lasersonics 1 +0110001000 EDITIONS 1 +0110001000 Transmissie 1 +0110001000 IMPORT-EXPORT 1 +0110001000 Functioning 1 +0110001000 Chemsecurities 1 +0110001000 Zien 1 +0110001000 Equitities 1 +0110001000 Skadium 1 +0110001000 Phenolics 1 +0110001000 Manufactory 1 +0110001000 Bank/WPG 1 +0110001000 Droops 1 +0110001000 ASSISTANCE 1 +0110001000 INTERTECHNOLOGY 1 +0110001000 Preschools 1 +0110001000 ROBARD 1 +0110001000 LP1 1 +0110001000 Mangement 1 +0110001000 Na-Con 1 +0110001000 WORLDPASS 1 +0110001000 Baskett 1 +0110001000 Inc.-Intervest 1 +0110001000 XP1 1 +0110001000 HOST 1 +0110001000 GAETANO 1 +0110001000 Biases 1 +0110001000 Broking 1 +0110001000 Hairgoods 1 +0110001000 Cooperativa 1 +0110001000 Magni-Viewer 1 +0110001000 Aerotronics 1 +0110001000 Finanziarie 1 +0110001000 Sintonia 1 +0110001000 Combinat 1 +0110001000 Victuallers 1 +0110001000 Lexicography 1 +0110001000 MicroFab 1 +0110001000 Vulcanite 1 +0110001000 Freighters 1 +0110001000 1960-74 1 +0110001000 Sytems 1 +0110001000 Oljeselskap 1 +0110001000 Line-Westours 1 +0110001000 Angleterre 1 +0110001000 Factors/Industrial 1 +0110001000 var. 1 +0110001000 lueddemanniana 1 +0110001000 Grower 1 +0110001000 Halfords 1 +0110001000 EAP 1 +0110001000 Behbehani 1 +0110001000 Polymorphisms 1 +0110001000 ASSSOCIATION 1 +0110001000 Raffle 1 +0110001000 Vincit 1 +0110001000 T-Line 1 +0110001000 SafeTec 1 +0110001000 PNEUMATIC 1 +0110001000 Telekurs 1 +0110001000 Allied/Imaging 1 +0110001000 MULTIFOODS 1 +0110001000 ORGAN 1 +0110001000 Kueisen 1 +0110001000 Sanctae 1 +0110001000 Boissiers 1 +0110001000 KISEN 1 +0110001000 Gellert 1 +0110001000 LAMBORGHINI 1 +0110001000 17333 1 +0110001000 Enlist 1 +0110001000 KEEGAN 1 +0110001000 Bancorps 1 +0110001000 MARREL 1 +0110001000 Delinquent 1 +0110001000 Intenational 1 +0110001000 CONVERTIBLES 1 +0110001000 chicken-restaurant 1 +0110001000 Stylist 1 +0110001000 MCDOUGAL 1 +0110001000 Tolerances 1 +0110001000 NOALL 1 +0110001000 Privatizer 1 +0110001000 Moralist 1 +0110001000 Shares-led 1 +0110001000 Abramowicz. 1 +0110001000 DWELLERS 1 +0110001000 Clamps. 1 +0110001000 Disgusting 1 +0110001000 Inc./Weather 1 +0110001000 BANKNOTE 1 +0110001000 Olie-Kompagniet 1 +0110001000 BARN 1 +0110001000 Industrieholding 1 +0110001000 Plansee 1 +0110001000 CRAFT 1 +0110001000 TVT 1 +0110001000 Rejser 1 +0110001000 ACRES 1 +0110001000 Tissues 1 +0110001000 Alessi 1 +0110001000 Marionettes 1 +0110001000 Industriales 1 +0110001000 Matignon 1 +0110001000 Charlsworth 1 +0110001000 Impairment 1 +0110001000 Pacering 1 +0110001000 AMUSEMENTS 1 +0110001000 VERSICHERUNGS-GESELLSCHAFT 1 +0110001000 WAERTSILAE 1 +0110001000 Limpo 1 +0110001000 Drummonds 1 +0110001000 Gilardini 1 +0110001000 AirTech 1 +0110001000 co-designed 1 +0110001000 Toyosaki 1 +0110001000 Airtrade 1 +0110001000 Griesheim 1 +0110001000 Buillding 1 +0110001000 Kullagerfabriken 1 +0110001000 Stal 1 +0110001000 Chalet 1 +0110001000 Keepsakes 1 +0110001000 Holtzbrink 1 +0110001000 Gems/CST 1 +0110001000 Nelya 1 +0110001000 Services/PSA 1 +0110001000 CLICQUOT 1 +0110001000 Tankrederi 1 +0110001000 9:45/ 1 +0110001000 BIOLOGICS 1 +0110001000 Fertilizers 1 +0110001000 WHEELER 1 +0110001000 Cabinetry 1 +0110001000 BancGroup 1 +0110001000 Instrumente 1 +0110001000 PETERS 1 +0110001000 chicken-line 1 +0110001000 Fakes 1 +0110001000 Incotel 1 +0110001000 Tikes 1 +0110001000 Laboratorium 1 +0110001000 Pewter 1 +0110001000 Dwyers 1 +0110001000 silence. 1 +0110001000 CONWAY 1 +0110001000 Telephonics 1 +0110001000 Nabsico 1 +0110001000 Weeklies 1 +0110001000 Florestais 1 +0110001000 Superstore 1 +0110001000 Lijnen 1 +0110001000 Beaters 1 +0110001000 DISPENSING 1 +0110001000 Ieteren 1 +0110001000 OEL 1 +0110001000 Sumat 1 +0110001000 Strategic-Europe 1 +0110001000 Nathan-Bond 1 +0110001000 Bottelmaatschappij 1 +0110001000 EMPORIUM 1 +0110001000 Gilsbar 1 +0110001000 Datebook 1 +0110001000 Sternau 1 +0110001000 MIDDENSTANDSBANK 1 +0110001000 STAHL 1 +0110001000 nauticas 1 +0110001000 Turbocharger 1 +0110001000 Sarget 1 +0110001000 VW-BMW 1 +0110001000 Flutes 1 +0110001000 Parenterals 1 +0110001000 Napkins 1 +0110001000 Autographs 1 +0110001000 Network. 1 +0110001000 Mecaniques 1 +0110001000 Sogeti 1 +0110001000 CONVENIENCE 1 +0110001000 VCD2-47/48 1 +0110001000 Loreto 1 +0110001000 Technlogy 1 +0110001000 Parnters 1 +0110001000 Fjerfabric 1 +0110001000 BankShares 1 +0110001000 VERKEHRS-KREDIT-BANK 1 +0110001000 Nutzfahrzeuge 1 +0110001000 20002 1 +0110001000 Billerud 1 +0110001000 FEDERATION 1 +0110001000 Kuei-sen 1 +0110001000 tments 1 +0110001000 Bookmakers 1 +0110001000 Masten 1 +0110001000 Datatech 1 +0110001000 CELANESE 1 +0110001000 Elektronik 1 +0110001000 Loisirs 1 +0110001000 HEALTHCORP 1 +0110001000 SUBSCRIBER 1 +0110001000 Accurcast 1 +0110001000 Perchdale 1 +0110001000 Half-man 1 +0110001000 Crisps 1 +0110001000 Tel-Com 1 +0110001000 0.247 1 +0110001000 0.687 1 +0110001000 Co.-Texaco 1 +0110001000 RICCI 1 +0110001000 Brot 1 +0110001000 Overand 1 +0110001000 Capodimonte 1 +0110001000 Vivigen 1 +0110001000 Steenkoolmijnen 1 +0110001000 Moviles 1 +0110001000 Centerfold 1 +0110001000 Aftermarkets 1 +0110001000 Knits 1 +0110001000 Teleinvest 1 +0110001000 Drug-Valda 1 +0110001000 Spring/Togo 1 +0110001000 Beteiligungsgesellschaft 1 +0110001000 Messtechnik 1 +0110001000 Neurotron 1 +0110001000 Hemorrhage 1 +0110001000 Luftfahrt 1 +0110001000 Gentofte 1 +0110001000 Impex 1 +0110001000 Exitosa 1 +0110001000 Exportkredit 1 +0110001000 AIRCRAFT 1 +0110001000 GRX 1 +0110001000 Grabber 1 +0110001000 JACUZZI 1 +0110001000 GABLE 1 +0110001000 Services/Japan 1 +0110001000 Electrizitaetswerke 1 +0110001000 Tiofine 1 +0110001000 KOEKI 1 +0110001000 Tankships 1 +0110001000 UNABLE 1 +0110001000 Post-Summit 1 +0110001000 Imput 1 +0110001000 Elektrizitatswerk 1 +0110001000 Eckrich 1 +0110001000 Taurio 1 +0110001000 Campground 1 +0110001000 Holdings> 1 +0110001000 Telemetries 1 +0110001000 ultrasonic-products 1 +0110001000 EPSON 1 +0110001000 Beaujon 1 +0110001000 uninspected 1 +0110001000 Carbonara 1 +0110001000 Taino 1 +0110001000 Inc./Films 1 +0110001000 CANYON 1 +0110001000 Eyewear 1 +0110001000 Buromaschinen 1 +0110001000 STATIONERS 1 +0110001000 SHINPAN 1 +0110001000 Defensa 1 +0110001000 Sues 1 +0110001000 SEIKI 1 +0110001000 Eldor 1 +0110001000 MID-AMERICA 1 +0110001000 UNDERSTAND 1 +0110001000 Zilog 1 +0110001000 Opthalmic 1 +0110001000 LUKENS 2 +0110001000 TOOLWORKS 2 +0110001000 CASUALTY 2 +0110001000 RECEIVABLES 2 +0110001000 Computations 2 +0110001000 Caterers 2 +0110001000 Chrysotile 2 +0110001000 Arouse 2 +0110001000 Flugdienst 2 +0110001000 Sportwear 2 +0110001000 Tecnologia 2 +0110001000 GENERICS 2 +0110001000 FREIGHTWAYS 2 +0110001000 Momus 2 +0110001000 WOULDN 2 +0110001000 APPAREL 2 +0110001000 Ratio 2 +0110001000 HOSTENCH 2 +0110001000 BIOCHEM 2 +0110001000 Saban 2 +0110001000 Enteprises 2 +0110001000 BELGE 2 +0110001000 Getriebe 2 +0110001000 EQUITIES 2 +0110001000 Murox 2 +0110001000 PRODUCTIONS 2 +0110001000 CINEMA 2 +0110001000 Dirac 2 +0110001000 JOURNALS 2 +0110001000 INTERGROUP 2 +0110001000 FREIGHT 2 +0110001000 Newyork 2 +0110001000 Analyzers 2 +0110001000 Phosphate 2 +0110001000 COMPARE 2 +0110001000 Tessile 2 +0110001000 Jugglers 2 +0110001000 Tampella 2 +0110001000 Celulosa 2 +0110001000 Databank 2 +0110001000 Diode 2 +0110001000 CARBON 2 +0110001000 DESIGNS 2 +0110001000 Copysystems 2 +0110001000 SHIPYARDS 2 +0110001000 Resuscitator 2 +0110001000 Nonviolence 2 +0110001000 REGISTER 2 +0110001000 MERCHANDISE 2 +0110001000 Batignolles 2 +0110001000 Gyro 2 +0110001000 LEU 2 +0110001000 Hana-Maui 2 +0110001000 Tri-View 2 +0110001000 MFG. 2 +0110001000 BOTTLING 2 +0110001000 Exploracion 2 +0110001000 CITIES/ABC 2 +0110001000 GENOSSENSCHAFTS 2 +0110001000 Santan 2 +0110001000 Transparencies 2 +0110001000 REFINING 2 +0110001000 Dispensary 2 +0110001000 CAMP 2 +0110001000 PRINTERS 2 +0110001000 Laminators 2 +0110001000 Services. 2 +0110001000 R.V. 2 +0110001000 Pessimistic 2 +0110001000 Instrumentation 2 +0110001000 Husbandry 2 +0110001000 FORTE 2 +0110001000 Neurosciences 2 +0110001000 Vendomes 2 +0110001000 Plumbingware 2 +0110001000 Seisakusyo 2 +0110001000 INSTRUMENT 2 +0110001000 NUTS 2 +0110001000 ESTABLISSEMENTS 2 +0110001000 GYPSUM 2 +0110001000 Anglers/3M 2 +0110001000 Financeiros 2 +0110001000 Ridesharing 2 +0110001000 FUELS 2 +0110001000 Resins 2 +0110001000 Cams 2 +0110001000 Biogenics 2 +0110001000 Lavigne 2 +0110001000 Aliment 2 +0110001000 Audiotex 2 +0110001000 BREWERY 2 +0110001000 RESTAURANT 2 +0110001000 Venceremos 2 +0110001000 Stables 2 +0110001000 Sasoned 2 +0110001000 KWONG 2 +0110001000 Riconstruzione 2 +0110001000 MEMORIES 2 +0110001000 Cliquot 2 +0110001000 Delancey 2 +0110001000 DUNLOP 2 +0110001000 GREETINGS 2 +0110001000 SHOES 2 +0110001000 Landfill 2 +0110001000 BINDING 2 +0110001000 Petcord 2 +0110001000 HILLS 2 +0110001000 ROMEO 2 +0110001000 Beausejour 2 +0110001000 Duplication 2 +0110001000 Imex 2 +0110001000 Sevices 2 +0110001000 Staniswalis 2 +0110001000 Metanopoli 2 +0110001000 PAINT 2 +0110001000 Crewmembers 3 +0110001000 QUARTERLY 3 +0110001000 Printer 3 +0110001000 Eyeworks 3 +0110001000 KAISHA 3 +0110001000 Displays 3 +0110001000 Eyecare 3 +0110001000 Ferroviaria 3 +0110001000 Produkten 3 +0110001000 Wira 3 +0110001000 Guan 3 +0110001000 AUTOMATION 3 +0110001000 ACCEPTANCE 3 +0110001000 PGH 3 +0110001000 Compo 3 +0110001000 Glow 3 +0110001000 Group/Business 3 +0110001000 Wallcoverings 3 +0110001000 JEWELERS 3 +0110001000 INSTITUTE 3 +0110001000 Oceanics 3 +0110001000 SHOPS 3 +0110001000 Manors 3 +0110001000 Bruk 3 +0110001000 CAV 3 +0110001000 LABS 3 +0110001000 TELE-COMMUNICATIONS 3 +0110001000 Tricks 3 +0110001000 Elastomers 3 +0110001000 Terminus 3 +0110001000 Britches 3 +0110001000 SULZER 3 +0110001000 McGlynn 3 +0110001000 TRACE 3 +0110001000 NOKIA 3 +0110001000 Biosciences 3 +0110001000 Sequence 3 +0110001000 VENTURES 3 +0110001000 ETABLISSEMENTS 3 +0110001000 Miniere 3 +0110001000 Filmpartners 3 +0110001000 Couriers 3 +0110001000 Epicure 3 +0110001000 Tectonics 3 +0110001000 Placering 3 +0110001000 CANNON 3 +0110001000 Kraayenhof 3 +0110001000 ORGANISATION 3 +0110001000 HOUSES 3 +0110001000 RECTIFIER 3 +0110001000 Siderurgica 3 +0110001000 ZDS 3 +0110001000 Boelkow-Blohm 3 +0110001000 Centres 3 +0110001000 LYONS 3 +0110001000 Consort 3 +0110001000 Nickless 3 +0110001000 Coordinators 4 +0110001000 Editori 4 +0110001000 Petroli 4 +0110001000 GEMINI 4 +0110001000 Internacional 4 +0110001000 Piedboeuf 4 +0110001000 FORMS 4 +0110001000 PUBLICATIONS 4 +0110001000 Chrome 4 +0110001000 Snatchers 4 +0110001000 Jetprop 4 +0110001000 Recostruzione 4 +0110001000 Brasileiro 4 +0110001000 XL 4 +0110001000 Busters 4 +0110001000 Teknika 4 +0110001000 Sacilor 4 +0110001000 Pitfield 4 +0110001000 SCHERER 4 +0110001000 TOYS 4 +0110001000 BOX 4 +0110001000 CONTAINER 4 +0110001000 SCIENCE 4 +0110001000 Systemes 4 +0110001000 Bissonnet 4 +0110001000 Trattori 4 +0110001000 Mantha 4 +0110001000 Easson 4 +0110001000 LYONNAIS 4 +0110001000 SHOWBOAT 4 +0110001000 NEECO 4 +0110001000 Consultancy 4 +0110001000 Industriels 4 +0110001000 Moderne 4 +0110001000 Finanzaria 4 +0110001000 Transform 4 +0110001000 DIAL 4 +0110001000 Surfaces 4 +0110001000 Hi-Fi 4 +0110001000 BUREAU 4 +0110001000 Feud 4 +0110001000 MICROSYSTEMS 4 +0110001000 Int 4 +0110001000 Cleaners 4 +0110001000 Interbrew 4 +0110001000 Amylaces 4 +0110001000 FUNDING 4 +0110001000 BOSCH 4 +0110001000 Backlot 4 +0110001000 FURNITURE 4 +0110001000 SUCHARD 5 +0110001000 BREWERIES 5 +0110001000 Partecipazioni 5 +0110001000 Silex 5 +0110001000 Lumber-Southwest 5 +0110001000 Clicquot 5 +0110001000 INSURANCES 5 +0110001000 Conseil 5 +0110001000 Bancorporation 5 +0110001000 MACHINERY 5 +0110001000 AVIATION 5 +0110001000 Vending 5 +0110001000 Subsidiary 5 +0110001000 DEALERS 5 +0110001000 BREWING 5 +0110001000 CONSTRUCTION 5 +0110001000 AFFILIATES 5 +0110001000 Buffets 5 +0110001000 SEMICONDUCTOR 5 +0110001000 TRANSMISSION 5 +0110001000 Mate 5 +0110001000 Warehouses 5 +0110001000 Caribe 5 +0110001000 GOODS 5 +0110001000 Petroleums 5 +0110001000 Gouinlock 5 +0110001000 Directive 5 +0110001000 DRILLING 5 +0110001000 Basford 5 +0110001000 DEVICES 5 +0110001000 RIUNITE 5 +0110001000 DYNAMICS 5 +0110001000 Candies 5 +0110001000 INNS 5 +0110001000 Logicals 5 +0110001000 Bookstores 5 +0110001000 Alloys 5 +0110001000 Foundry 5 +0110001000 TRUCKS 5 +0110001000 CENTERS 5 +0110001000 BERISFORD 5 +0110001000 BORDEN 6 +0110001000 Capades 6 +0110001000 Versicherungs 6 +0110001000 Industritillbehor 6 +0110001000 Afield 6 +0110001000 SCIENTIFIC 6 +0110001000 MATERIALS 6 +0110001000 ILLUMINATING 6 +0110001000 CARBIDE 6 +0110001000 ALUMINIUM 6 +0110001000 Marts 6 +0110001000 PHARMACEUTICAL 6 +0110001000 Electrique 6 +0110001000 GROEP 6 +0110001000 Chemcat 6 +0110001000 Shoppe 6 +0110001000 CHALLENGE 6 +0110001000 Biotechnologies 6 +0110001000 SUPPLY 7 +0110001000 TASMAN 7 +0110001000 MCDOUGALL 7 +0110001000 Stamping 7 +0110001000 Cellulosa 7 +0110001000 Cruiser 7 +0110001000 Germe 7 +0110001000 I/O 7 +0110001000 LIGHTING 7 +0110001000 Glaris 7 +0110001000 Furs 7 +0110001000 EDDIE 7 +0110001000 HAVAS 7 +0110001000 Norge 7 +0110001000 Verlag 7 +0110001000 SHARES 7 +0110001000 DOUGLAS 7 +0110001000 Measurements 7 +0110001000 Muenchen 8 +0110001000 Structures 8 +0110001000 LEASING 8 +0110001000 PHARMACEUTICALS 8 +0110001000 HOVIS 8 +0110001000 COAL 8 +0110001000 Aids 8 +0110001000 NAZIONALE 8 +0110001000 Qualcast 8 +0110001000 Planner 8 +0110001000 McMuffin 8 +0110001000 Galore 8 +0110001000 Shinko 8 +0110001000 Versicherung 8 +0110001000 Nasional 8 +0110001000 PICTURES 8 +0110001000 GRAPHICS 8 +0110001000 Ranches 8 +0110001000 Profiles 8 +0110001000 SIGNAL 9 +0110001000 QUALCAST 9 +0110001000 STEAMSHIP 9 +0110001000 AREN 9 +0110001000 HYDRO 9 +0110001000 Laval 9 +0110001000 Biochem 9 +0110001000 Catolica 9 +0110001000 COMMUNICATION 9 +0110001000 Fibers 9 +0110001000 Phillips/Copus 9 +0110001000 Kaisha 9 +0110001000 ASSURANCE 9 +0110001000 Dames 9 +0110001000 Hamlets 9 +0110001000 Shirts 9 +0110001000 WORKS 9 +0110001000 Handyman 10 +0110001000 Rebuilders 10 +0110001000 Fondkommission 10 +0110001000 SOCIETY 10 +0110001000 Toolworks 10 +0110001000 Tile 10 +0110001000 Homecare 10 +0110001000 BANKSHARES 10 +0110001000 FINANCE 10 +0110001000 Generics 10 +0110001000 MANUFACTURING 11 +0110001000 Monitors 11 +0110001000 AirFreight 11 +0110001000 EQUIPMENT 11 +0110001000 Insurances 11 +0110001000 Pharma 11 +0110001000 LAMBERT 11 +0110001000 NABISCO 11 +0110001000 GENERALI 11 +0110001000 Aviazione 11 +0110001000 Bran 11 +0110001000 Coatings 11 +0110001000 Sterilizers 12 +0110001000 Explorations 12 +0110001000 Elektrizitaetswerk 12 +0110001000 NETWORK 12 +0110001000 Leclerc 12 +0110001000 MILLS 12 +0110001000 Substances 12 +0110001000 BANCSHARES 13 +0110001000 Display 13 +0110001000 E&P 13 +0110001000 Tankers 13 +0110001000 RESEARCH 13 +0110001000 MARKETS 13 +0110001000 Experiment 13 +0110001000 Comics 13 +0110001000 OR 13 +0110001000 Pools 14 +0110001000 Optics 14 +0110001000 Theaters 14 +0110001000 Polymers 14 +0110001000 Groep 14 +0110001000 Perspectives 14 +0110001000 ELECTRIQUE 14 +0110001000 MACHINES 14 +0110001000 LABORATORIES 15 +0110001000 Appliances 15 +0110001000 Zosen 15 +0110001000 EXPLORATION 15 +0110001000 MINES 15 +0110001000 FINANZIARIA 16 +0110001000 Estates 16 +0110001000 Boxes 16 +0110001000 BioSciences 16 +0110001000 Device 16 +0110001000 BRANDS 16 +0110001000 Processors 16 +0110001000 BROTHERS 17 +0110001000 Procedure 17 +0110001000 Helicopters 17 +0110001000 Sverige 17 +0110001000 Merchandising 18 +0110001000 Fashions 18 +0110001000 LINE 19 +0110001000 Beverages 20 +0110001000 PROPERTIES 20 +0110001000 Nylex 20 +0110001000 Hospitality 20 +0110001000 METROPOLITAN 20 +0110001000 PROPRIETARY 20 +0110001000 ASSOCIATES 20 +0110001000 EDISON 20 +0110001000 ESTATE 21 +0110001000 Simulation 21 +0110001000 Terminals 21 +0110001000 Constructors 21 +0110001000 AUSTRALIA 22 +0110001000 HOMES 22 +0110001000 FOODS 22 +0110001000 HOLDING 23 +0110001000 Beaubien 24 +0110001000 ELECTRONICS 24 +0110001000 Printers 24 +0110001000 Dairies 24 +0110001000 Cinemas 25 +0110001000 Lanes 25 +0110001000 Handling 25 +0110001000 UTILITIES 25 +0110001000 Energies 25 +0110001000 MINING 26 +0110001000 Diagnostics 26 +0110001000 Unlimited 27 +0110001000 TELEPHONE 27 +0110001000 Lonsdale 28 +0110001000 Packers 28 +0110001000 Jukebox 28 +0110001000 Theatres 28 +0110001000 Italia 28 +0110001000 INVESTMENTS 29 +0110001000 CANADA 29 +0110001000 TECHNOLOGIES 29 +0110001000 Ricostruzione 30 +0110001000 Circuits 30 +0110001000 BANKING 30 +0110001000 Wattie 30 +0110001000 Superstores 30 +0110001000 PRODUCTS 31 +0110001000 Solutions 31 +0110001000 Dimensions 32 +0110001000 Seasonings 32 +0110001000 Telecharge 32 +0110001000 PARTNERS 33 +0110001000 Consoles 33 +0110001000 Allsopp 33 +0110001000 INDUSTRIAL 33 +0110001000 DEVELOPMENT 33 +0110001000 Peripherals 34 +0110001000 ENTERPRISES 35 +0110001000 Watchers 36 +0110001000 SECURITIES 36 +0110001000 SERVICES 37 +0110001000 INVESTMENT 37 +0110001000 Specialties 37 +0110001000 Fuels 39 +0110001000 SERVICE 40 +0110001000 Architects 40 +0110001000 Stations 40 +0110001000 Cosmetics 40 +0110001000 Vineyards 40 +0110001000 Cafeterias 41 +0110001000 Tools 42 +0110001000 FUND 42 +0110001000 Shops 42 +0110001000 TECHNOLOGY 43 +0110001000 MOTORS 43 +0110001000 CAPITAL 44 +0110001000 Organisation 45 +0110001000 STORES 45 +0110001000 Mart 48 +0110001000 Mahon 48 +0110001000 COMMUNICATIONS 49 +0110001000 CHEMICAL 50 +0110001000 Breweries 51 +0110001000 STEEL 51 +0110001000 INSURANCE 52 +0110001000 Switch 53 +0110001000 Engines 54 +0110001000 Trucks 55 +0110001000 Draft 57 +0110001000 SYSTEMS 57 +0110001000 Scanning 57 +0110001000 RESOURCES 58 +0110001000 Cream 59 +0110001000 Components 60 +0110001000 Boat 63 +0110001000 Trades 64 +0110001000 Barn 65 +0110001000 Illustrated 67 +0110001000 Shack 69 +0110001000 Networks 70 +0110001000 Distributors 70 +0110001000 Ludlum 71 +0110001000 Concepts 72 +0110001000 Strategies 73 +0110001000 Italiana 82 +0110001000 Hut 87 +0110001000 Warehouse 88 +0110001000 Goods 89 +0110001000 Hovis 92 +0110001000 Processing 93 +0110001000 FINANCIAL 94 +0110001000 Affiliates 97 +0110001000 Containers 98 +0110001000 Bankshares 99 +0110001000 Treatment 102 +0110001000 Assistance 104 +0110001000 Factors 116 +0110001000 HOLDINGS 116 +0110001000 Finanziaria 117 +0110001000 Tape 118 +0110001000 Restaurants 125 +0110001000 ELECTRIC 127 +0110001000 Cars 130 +0110001000 Schweppes 131 +0110001000 MOTOR 135 +0110001000 IXL 140 +0110001000 Labs 151 +0110001000 Hathaway 159 +0110001000 Conversion 169 +0110001000 Card 169 +0110001000 INTERNATIONAL 176 +0110001000 INDUSTRIES 188 +0110001000 Devices 196 +0110001000 BANK 206 +0110001000 Advisors 215 +0110001000 Memories 220 +0110001000 Newspapers 233 +0110001000 Ventures 245 +0110001000 Productions 247 +0110001000 Farms 250 +0110001000 Graphics 258 +0110001000 Controls 259 +0110001000 Books 269 +0110001000 Publications 287 +0110001000 Chemicals 340 +0110001000 Estate 360 +0110001000 GROUP 362 +0110001000 Hotels 362 +0110001000 Works 376 +0110001000 Microsystems 378 +0110001000 Equities 381 +0110001000 MORTGAGE 415 +0110001000 Properties 447 +0110001000 Investments 771 +0110001000 Pictures 801 +0110001000 Laboratories 870 +0110001000 Network 1048 +0110001000 Enterprises 1256 +0110001000 Products 1538 +0110001000 Partners 2326 +0110001000 Resources 2423 +0110001000 Associates 2565 +0110001000 Holdings 2803 +0110001000 Systems 3592 +0110001000 Services 3652 +0110001000 Group 12198 +0110001000 Service 5678 +011000100100 Broacasting 1 +011000100100 Telgraph 1 +011000100100 Unisupply 1 +011000100100 Matsuyadenki 1 +011000100100 Floridin 1 +011000100100 ElectroSystems 1 +011000100100 9-Criminal 1 +011000100100 Coinco 1 +011000100100 Trachem 1 +011000100100 Wallcovering 1 +011000100100 B.F.Goodrich 1 +011000100100 Whisky 1 +011000100100 Snail 1 +011000100100 Sargent-Fletcher 1 +011000100100 Adorence 1 +011000100100 Wealthiload 1 +011000100100 Cartridge 1 +011000100100 Virtis 1 +011000100100 Toei 1 +011000100100 Varnish 1 +011000100100 Harvestor 1 +011000100100 Livelihood 1 +011000100100 Diener/Hauser/Bates 1 +011000100100 MONTAGU 1 +011000100100 Exchanger 1 +011000100100 Foodstuffs 1 +011000100100 Obion 1 +011000100100 Shokubai 1 +011000100100 Daishinpan 1 +011000100100 Triest 1 +011000100100 Elecric 1 +011000100100 Siedlungs-und 1 +011000100100 Dic-Degremont 1 +011000100100 Mills-Jennings 1 +011000100100 Alum 1 +011000100100 Marsman 1 +011000100100 Batiment 1 +011000100100 music-store-chain 1 +011000100100 Seiren 1 +011000100100 Uny 1 +011000100100 Telegragh 1 +011000100100 Lithographing 1 +011000100100 Seimitsu 1 +011000100100 Copal 1 +011000100100 Durion 1 +011000100100 Casulty 1 +011000100100 Spound 1 +011000100100 ALBERTO-CULVER 1 +011000100100 SINGER 1 +011000100100 Metrecs 1 +011000100100 Terminaling 1 +011000100100 Forfaiting 1 +011000100100 DERRICK 1 +011000100100 Pont-GM 1 +011000100100 Shogi 1 +011000100100 Phamaceuticals 1 +011000100100 Refrigerating 1 +011000100100 Fretay 1 +011000100100 Skim 1 +011000100100 Melott 1 +011000100100 Industriebeteiligungen 1 +011000100100 Glassmaster 1 +011000100100 Daishinku 1 +011000100100 Senshukai 1 +011000100100 SEAL 1 +011000100100 Kirjapaino 1 +011000100100 Pont-Toray 1 +011000100100 Amerinvest 1 +011000100100 Guerillas 1 +011000100100 Sherwin-William 1 +011000100100 Lathe 1 +011000100100 Katke 1 +011000100100 News/ 1 +011000100100 HEWLETT-PACKARD 1 +011000100100 Panoramex 1 +011000100100 D-Con 1 +011000100100 Siedlungsund 1 +011000100100 Buttes 2 +011000100100 Insitute 2 +011000100100 Bedding 2 +011000100100 Meatpacking 2 +011000100100 Horticultural 2 +011000100100 Cocoa-Gerkens 2 +011000100100 Faucet 2 +011000100100 Participacoes 2 +011000100100 Embroidery 2 +011000100100 Wile 2 +011000100100 Utilites 2 +011000100100 Assemblers 2 +011000100100 Coils 2 +011000100100 Forgings 2 +011000100100 Obligation/Matching 2 +011000100100 com 2 +011000100100 Cashew 2 +011000100100 Herter 2 +011000100100 Non-Fiction 2 +011000100100 Electrosystems 2 +011000100100 Inupiat 2 +011000100100 Decorating 2 +011000100100 Toatsu 2 +011000100100 Shigyo 2 +011000100100 Noritake 2 +011000100100 Axle 2 +011000100100 Slush 2 +011000100100 Leakless 2 +011000100100 Avionic 2 +011000100100 Latex 2 +011000100100 Boyeki 2 +011000100100 Kikaku 3 +011000100100 Utilities-case 3 +011000100100 Rayon 3 +011000100100 Convoy 3 +011000100100 Reiki 3 +011000100100 Lithograph 3 +011000100100 Rigging 3 +011000100100 Hauling 3 +011000100100 Flesch 3 +011000100100 Hydroelectric 3 +011000100100 Electrochemical 3 +011000100100 Casket 3 +011000100100 Adhesives 3 +011000100100 XX 3 +011000100100 Implement 3 +011000100100 Atomics 3 +011000100100 Paints 4 +011000100100 Shinpan 4 +011000100100 Ribbons 4 +011000100100 Refurbishing 4 +011000100100 Croson 4 +011000100100 Gravel 4 +011000100100 Motorcars 4 +011000100100 Abrasives 4 +011000100100 Mortage 4 +011000100100 Drydock 4 +011000100100 Boatbuilding 4 +011000100100 PRODUCING 4 +011000100100 Kredit 5 +011000100100 Kisen 5 +011000100100 Catamaran 5 +011000100100 Wig 5 +011000100100 Mosby 5 +011000100100 Novelty 5 +011000100100 Warranty 6 +011000100100 Jai 6 +011000100100 Hydro-Electric 6 +011000100100 Bulb 6 +011000100100 Kosan 6 +011000100100 Chocolat 6 +011000100100 Squares 6 +011000100100 Lace 6 +011000100100 Heminway 6 +011000100100 Vertol 7 +011000100100 Fabricating 7 +011000100100 Mold 7 +011000100100 Poly 7 +011000100100 Forklift 7 +011000100100 Bancwest 7 +011000100100 Reassurance 7 +011000100100 Wrecking 8 +011000100100 Cables 8 +011000100100 Ticonderoga 8 +011000100100 Masonry 8 +011000100100 Sausage 8 +011000100100 Castings 8 +011000100100 RUBBER 9 +011000100100 Refrigeration 9 +011000100100 Bottlers 10 +011000100100 TELEGRAPH 10 +011000100100 Indicator 10 +011000100100 Foam 10 +011000100100 Importing 10 +011000100100 Flavors 11 +011000100100 Kiki 11 +011000100100 Scale 11 +011000100100 Sangyo 12 +011000100100 Shirt 12 +011000100100 Skiing 12 +011000100100 Seating 12 +011000100100 Elevator 13 +011000100100 Smelting 14 +011000100100 Denki 16 +011000100100 SAMUEL 16 +011000100100 Valve 17 +011000100100 Fibre 19 +011000100100 Plug 19 +011000100100 Seiyaku 19 +011000100100 Pump 19 +011000100100 Biscuit 20 +011000100100 Organ 20 +011000100100 Goldfields 21 +011000100100 Avionics 23 +011000100100 Stainless 24 +011000100100 Banknote 24 +011000100100 Cheese 25 +011000100100 Tube 25 +011000100100 Astronautics 27 +011000100100 Shareowner 28 +011000100100 Bioscience 28 +011000100100 Surety 28 +011000100100 Pattern 28 +011000100100 Distributing 29 +011000100100 Seed 29 +011000100100 Bakeries 29 +011000100100 Partner 30 +011000100100 Packing 33 +011000100100 Baking 33 +011000100100 Petrochemical 35 +011000100100 Harvester 36 +011000100100 Metallurgical 36 +011000100100 BioScience 39 +011000100100 Kogyo 40 +011000100100 Cooler 41 +011000100100 Paint 42 +011000100100 Physics 42 +011000100100 Indemnity 46 +011000100100 Brass 47 +011000100100 Refractories 59 +011000100100 Fitness 60 +011000100100 Steamship 61 +011000100100 Dock 61 +011000100100 Illuminating 69 +011000100100 Accident 72 +011000100100 Airplane 73 +011000100100 Reinsurance 77 +011000100100 Gypsum 83 +011000100100 Nutrition 85 +011000100100 Proprietary 89 +011000100100 Bottling 98 +011000100100 Cascade 99 +011000100100 Wire 104 +011000100100 Wine 110 +011000100100 Cement 114 +011000100100 Machinery 116 +011000100100 Oats 145 +011000100100 Furniture 160 +011000100100 Transmission 165 +011000100100 Refining 169 +011000100100 Drilling 176 +011000100100 Instrument 178 +011000100100 Soup 179 +011000100100 Brewing 180 +011000100100 Tool 187 +011000100100 Trustco 218 +011000100100 Signal 233 +011000100100 Pipeline 258 +011000100100 Leasing 272 +011000100100 Lighting 277 +011000100100 Communication 280 +011000100100 Railroad 293 +011000100100 Casualty 294 +011000100100 Assurance 308 +011000100100 Homes 346 +011000100100 Film 352 +011000100100 Pharmaceutical 366 +011000100100 Minerals 392 +011000100100 Aluminum 393 +011000100100 Exploration 441 +011000100100 Publishing 489 +011000100100 Rubber 518 +011000100100 Aircraft 602 +011000100100 Holding 684 +011000100100 Light 718 +011000100100 Marketing 749 +011000100100 Paper 777 +011000100100 Manufacturing 873 +011000100100 Mining 1004 +011000100100 Telegraph 1077 +011000100100 Edison 1295 +011000100100 Broadcasting 1353 +011000100100 Pont 1432 +011000100100 Steel 2310 +011000100100 Development 2351 +011000100100 Power 2774 +011000100100 Insurance 3770 +011000100100 Electric 4649 +011000100100 Trust 4047 +011000100101 benefitsalso 1 +011000100101 ValueMart 1 +011000100101 Comtek 1 +011000100101 Demachy 1 +011000100101 R.I.N. 1 +011000100101 Outperforms 1 +011000100101 Ahmadi 1 +011000100101 Chronotis 1 +011000100101 Parametrics 1 +011000100101 Sydom 1 +011000100101 Goldberg-like 1 +011000100101 Bouzet 1 +011000100101 Beefheart 1 +011000100101 EO 1 +011000100101 Electrico 1 +011000100101 carpettile 1 +011000100101 Life-Shearson 1 +011000100101 Kogya 1 +011000100101 Stepstone 1 +011000100101 lieber 1 +011000100101 Monceau 1 +011000100101 Aktielselskab 1 +011000100101 Amurcon 1 +011000100101 Cloutier 1 +011000100101 Torq 1 +011000100101 Kokusaku 1 +011000100101 Catamount 1 +011000100101 Terrorisme 1 +011000100101 Industries/Knoll 1 +011000100101 CARRIERS 1 +011000100101 Refinance 1 +011000100101 IMPORTING 1 +011000100101 Taylor-Thermos 1 +011000100101 seigneur 1 +011000100101 MUELLER 1 +011000100101 Bramall 1 +011000100101 subdidiary 1 +011000100101 KRUEGER 1 +011000100101 Quitting 1 +011000100101 Acounting 1 +011000100101 Thomas-Memphis 1 +011000100101 Peloux 1 +011000100101 Variazioni 1 +011000100101 Kayaku 1 +011000100101 Ikeya 1 +011000100101 Speleology 1 +011000100101 Runsheng 1 +011000100101 InnoPak 1 +011000100101 bulletineers 1 +011000100101 Croslin 1 +011000100101 Stoppani 1 +011000100101 Yunsheng 1 +011000100101 Psarras 1 +011000100101 Comermex 1 +011000100101 Elfab 1 +011000100101 Suisan 1 +011000100101 Indusries 1 +011000100101 Hustled 1 +011000100101 Photonics 1 +011000100101 Mesnil 1 +011000100101 Crafters 1 +011000100101 Motors-SEC 1 +011000100101 d'Or-based 1 +011000100101 Toit 1 +011000100101 LaserType 1 +011000100101 VI-S 1 +011000100101 Teatr 1 +011000100101 Loblaws 1 +011000100101 Compson 1 +011000100101 Climates 1 +011000100101 Urdc 1 +011000100101 Memtek 1 +011000100101 Truvel 1 +011000100101 Gakko 1 +011000100101 Centron 1 +011000100101 Substructures 1 +011000100101 Toggs 1 +011000100101 Unclear 1 +011000100101 Pharmceutical 1 +011000100101 Assocaition 1 +011000100101 Glico 1 +011000100101 TELEX 1 +011000100101 Corp.-Central 1 +011000100101 Silgan 1 +011000100101 SANSO 1 +011000100101 Berjaya 1 +011000100101 16,114 1 +011000100101 13,318 1 +011000100101 Papes 1 +011000100101 Boozer 1 +011000100101 Kissner-Moran 1 +011000100101 Galtieri 1 +011000100101 Boseki 1 +011000100101 Conferation 1 +011000100101 Detti 1 +011000100101 Iard 1 +011000100101 Informationssysteme 1 +011000100101 McCaskill 1 +011000100101 Atomics/Combustion 1 +011000100101 10,512 1 +011000100101 Unto 1 +011000100101 Hiedegger 1 +011000100101 Tele-Media 1 +011000100101 Finanical 1 +011000100101 CASCADE 1 +011000100101 Machines-compatible 1 +011000100101 Neurex 1 +011000100101 Bimetalicos 1 +011000100101 Disregard 1 +011000100101 Linkages 1 +011000100101 tresor 1 +011000100101 Culea 1 +011000100101 Caseres 1 +011000100101 Corp.-Bendix 1 +011000100101 Barbaud 1 +011000100101 mammies 1 +011000100101 Dynmaics 1 +011000100101 Soldat 1 +011000100101 Dynamics. 1 +011000100101 Tourisme 2 +011000100101 Roaco 2 +011000100101 Spacecab 2 +011000100101 Sert 2 +011000100101 Moda 2 +011000100101 Talese 2 +011000100101 Escan 2 +011000100101 Resou 2 +011000100101 Tree/Morrow 2 +011000100101 Erba 2 +011000100101 Farebox 2 +011000100101 Denso 2 +011000100101 Calaminus 2 +011000100101 Electrics 2 +011000100101 Heavey 2 +011000100101 McLeish 2 +011000100101 Tunneling 2 +011000100101 East/Africa 2 +011000100101 Tastevin 2 +011000100101 Baynes 2 +011000100101 Cardiosystems 2 +011000100101 66-156 2 +011000100101 Jeudi 2 +011000100101 Lestrade 2 +011000100101 Speeds 2 +011000100101 Elson 2 +011000100101 Senso 2 +011000100101 Optimization 2 +011000100101 TELEPICTURES 2 +011000100101 16V 2 +011000100101 Zeon 3 +011000100101 BOT 3 +011000100101 Tresor 3 +011000100101 deBraak 3 +011000100101 Printemps 3 +011000100101 Hodo 3 +011000100101 Picone 3 +011000100101 Negra 3 +011000100101 Rabanne 3 +011000100101 Waterworks 3 +011000100101 Synthetics 3 +011000100101 Hiker 3 +011000100101 Rober 4 +011000100101 GS&B 4 +011000100101 Clutch 4 +011000100101 Curie 4 +011000100101 Cosmetiques 4 +011000100101 Clouseau 4 +011000100101 jour 5 +011000100101 Swerdlow 5 +011000100101 Jour 5 +011000100101 Kogaku 5 +011000100101 Dialogue 5 +011000100101 Brunton 5 +011000100101 STEARNS 6 +011000100101 Sanso 6 +011000100101 Ponts 6 +011000100101 Kasei 6 +011000100101 O.S.K. 6 +011000100101 Secteur 7 +011000100101 Talcott 7 +011000100101 Yusen 7 +011000100101 Forsch 7 +011000100101 Pharmacology 7 +011000100101 Togs 7 +011000100101 Denney 7 +011000100101 Breco 9 +011000100101 Week-related 9 +011000100101 Travail 10 +011000100101 Fudosan 10 +011000100101 Meter 10 +011000100101 Denwa 12 +011000100101 Joist 13 +011000100101 Denshin 13 +011000100101 Raid 13 +011000100101 Viejo 13 +011000100101 Stadler 14 +011000100101 Journals 17 +011000100101 Plessis 18 +011000100101 Binding 18 +011000100101 DataComm 20 +011000100101 Bois 22 +011000100101 Housewares 23 +011000100101 Denko 24 +011000100101 Bureaus 26 +011000100101 Cycle 35 +011000100101 Quotations 41 +011000100101 Quotation 46 +011000100101 Hannifin 51 +011000100101 Felt 51 +011000100101 Electron 57 +011000100101 VII 60 +011000100101 Shipyards 61 +011000100101 Deposits-a 62 +011000100101 Bache 63 +011000100101 Host 91 +011000100101 Kokan 99 +011000100101 Voltage 124 +011000100101 Container 195 +011000100101 Agreement 332 +011000100101 Acceptance 378 +011000100101 Cinema 430 +011000100101 Marietta 475 +011000100101 Accounting 582 +011000100101 Mills 585 +011000100101 Acquisition 606 +011000100101 Dynamics 797 +011000100101 Foods 1220 +011000100101 Machines 1625 +011000100101 Motors 3160 +011000100110 REHABILITATION 1 +011000100110 HOWELL 1 +011000100110 Olufsen 1 +011000100110 BODE 1 +011000100110 Wilcox-designed 1 +011000100110 Azzam 1 +011000100110 Bucuvalas 1 +011000100110 Blinkhorn 1 +011000100110 Kest 1 +011000100110 Armpit 1 +011000100110 KOMMERZIAL 1 +011000100110 GRAINGER 1 +011000100110 Muenchner 1 +011000100110 TENNIS 1 +011000100110 Systems/2 1 +011000100110 SEGREGATION 1 +011000100110 FIGLI 1 +011000100110 Responsiblity 1 +011000100110 Filner 1 +011000100110 Spaceship 1 +011000100110 Mauritz 1 +011000100110 Oide 1 +011000100110 Workstation-2 1 +011000100110 Splinter 1 +011000100110 Reversionary 1 +011000100110 WECHSEL-BANK 1 +011000100110 Bauser 1 +011000100110 Sohne 1 +011000100110 Raiding 1 +011000100110 Thiotos 1 +011000100110 PAYNE 1 +011000100110 dispatchbox 1 +011000100110 Heger 1 +011000100110 Sliva 1 +011000100110 Ostrowski 1 +011000100110 JENRETTE 1 +011000100110 Shelling 1 +011000100110 Hordern 1 +011000100110 Opportunties 1 +011000100110 Vanven 1 +011000100110 casual-wear 1 +011000100110 Gha 1 +011000100110 Zappala 1 +011000100110 Cadenhead 1 +011000100110 Szilard 1 +011000100110 deMilly 1 +011000100110 Recommendation 1 +011000100110 Co.is 1 +011000100110 REILLY 1 +011000100110 Wilcox-built 1 +011000100110 Raketen 1 +011000100110 Relapse 1 +011000100110 COMPOSITES 1 +011000100110 PLATT 1 +011000100110 Mortar 1 +011000100110 Millikin 1 +011000100110 PACKETS 1 +011000100110 Muenchener 1 +011000100110 Insulations 1 +011000100110 Hanover-arranged 1 +011000100110 Caspari 1 +011000100110 Dyce 1 +011000100110 Bedspreads 1 +011000100110 Aidekman 1 +011000100110 Colegrave 1 +011000100110 Erker 1 +011000100110 Westrup 1 +011000100110 Tailors 1 +011000100110 WAKEFIELD 1 +011000100110 Foodie 1 +011000100110 Cunningham-Castegren 1 +011000100110 30:26 1 +011000100110 Kakamura 1 +011000100110 Tetrazzini 1 +011000100110 WORTS 1 +011000100110 TurbinenUnion 1 +011000100110 Zoon 1 +011000100110 Kozin 1 +011000100110 Outfitters 1 +011000100110 Spindle 1 +011000100110 Remainder 1 +011000100110 Vaults 1 +011000100110 Jalkh 1 +011000100110 Anti-Smoking 1 +011000100110 Petroleum-Gas 1 +011000100110 PSYCHOTHERAPY 1 +011000100110 Hanover-led 1 +011000100110 Miselson 1 +011000100110 Huppe 1 +011000100110 REVISITED 1 +011000100110 Viscera 1 +011000100110 Malaspina 1 +011000100110 KNOWLTON 1 +011000100110 Travaux 1 +011000100110 pink-slippers 1 +011000100110 Hollidge 1 +011000100110 NEAVE 1 +011000100110 Serasin 1 +011000100110 Casterline 1 +011000100110 Clubhouse 1 +011000100110 Live-Stock 1 +011000100110 Herfurth 1 +011000100110 Airpower 1 +011000100110 2,628 1 +011000100110 Forsters 1 +011000100110 FILS 1 +011000100110 BLOW 1 +011000100110 Reserved 1 +011000100110 Grenard 1 +011000100110 Fils 1 +011000100110 Bodyworks 1 +011000100110 Kattus 1 +011000100110 Caregivers 1 +011000100110 Landstreet 1 +011000100110 Isolde. 1 +011000100110 Schab 1 +011000100110 Implements 1 +011000100110 Qualities 1 +011000100110 Corp.-Time 1 +011000100110 Beekeeping 1 +011000100110 Chewy 1 +011000100110 Batch 1 +011000100110 LABATT 1 +011000100110 Boraine 1 +011000100110 Ponsbach 1 +011000100110 Schuster/CATO 1 +011000100110 Karras 1 +011000100110 Fizzell 1 +011000100110 832448-2 1 +011000100110 SURGEON 1 +011000100110 Rubber> 1 +011000100110 OAK 1 +011000100110 BARGE 1 +011000100110 Propone 1 +011000100110 Billionaires 1 +011000100110 Eckhardt/Poppe 1 +011000100110 Hofmeyr 1 +011000100110 Hudner 1 +011000100110 Hanovers 1 +011000100110 Dubillier 1 +011000100110 Risi 1 +011000100110 2,302 1 +011000100110 OOUTLOOK 1 +011000100110 Jovanovich/Bruccoli 1 +011000100110 Frankson 1 +011000100110 Stelling 1 +011000100110 Lewis/Wellington 1 +011000100110 LOMB 1 +011000100110 Gro. 1 +011000100110 COLEMAN 1 +011000100110 Hutch 1 +011000100110 Fizz 1 +011000100110 BEAVER 1 +011000100110 Card/Gold 1 +011000100110 Quotables 1 +011000100110 Publicaciones 1 +011000100110 Schule 1 +011000100110 THURSDAY 1 +011000100110 GISLER/BBDO 1 +011000100110 SUTER 1 +011000100110 Normalzeit 1 +011000100110 Overview 1 +011000100110 LaBue 1 +011000100110 McLennon 1 +011000100110 Bran. 1 +011000100110 BRADSTREET 1 +011000100110 Hoenemeyer 1 +011000100110 Colombatto 1 +011000100110 Briseno 1 +011000100110 Lewtas 1 +011000100110 Woos 1 +011000100110 Hid 1 +011000100110 ni-yun 1 +011000100110 Wechsel-Bank 1 +011000100110 Saatchi/DFS 1 +011000100110 DeRose 1 +011000100110 Housekeeping-style 1 +011000100110 Old-Fashioned 1 +011000100110 Formby 1 +011000100110 Gaitskill. 1 +011000100110 Dublier 1 +011000100110 Pretzels 1 +011000100110 Krumholz 1 +011000100110 LaRosa 1 +011000100110 Indenture 1 +011000100110 Annunity 1 +011000100110 REVERSIONARY 1 +011000100110 Mitten 1 +011000100110 SIMS 1 +011000100110 Fund-Investment 1 +011000100110 PERRINS 1 +011000100110 Grosset 1 +011000100110 1-800-828-ARTS 1 +011000100110 Goldaber 1 +011000100110 Tellerico 2 +011000100110 Aussenhandel 2 +011000100110 IWAI 2 +011000100110 McClennan 2 +011000100110 Glatt 2 +011000100110 Bartolomeo 2 +011000100110 Freidman 2 +011000100110 Zackin 2 +011000100110 SUTHERLAND 2 +011000100110 Luxuries 2 +011000100110 Threatens 2 +011000100110 Hanger-Silas 2 +011000100110 Grondahl 2 +011000100110 Starling 2 +011000100110 World-News 2 +011000100110 CoGen 2 +011000100110 Oshinsky 2 +011000100110 Marinello 2 +011000100110 Lessors 2 +011000100110 TALBOT 2 +011000100110 Cookin 2 +011000100110 Durables 2 +011000100110 ORIENTAL 2 +011000100110 Kisin 2 +011000100110 Hessen 2 +011000100110 Bagel 2 +011000100110 Donkersloot 2 +011000100110 12C 2 +011000100110 Prud 2 +011000100110 Portner 2 +011000100110 Vose 2 +011000100110 Fastening 2 +011000100110 DeBarr 2 +011000100110 Anlage 2 +011000100110 LEWIS 2 +011000100110 Lingwood 2 +011000100110 Poor's-500 2 +011000100110 Hartung 2 +011000100110 Laybourne 2 +011000100110 Asser 2 +011000100110 Mellott 2 +011000100110 Kassabaum 2 +011000100110 Smack 2 +011000100110 NETTLETON 2 +011000100110 Sterlacci 2 +011000100110 Spokespersons 2 +011000100110 Parcels 2 +011000100110 Skauyen 2 +011000100110 Bieler 2 +011000100110 IRIS 2 +011000100110 Lysaght 2 +011000100110 Goodkind 2 +011000100110 Bridport 2 +011000100110 Ponzo 2 +011000100110 McNamar 2 +011000100110 BRASS 2 +011000100110 Homestyle 2 +011000100110 Chauvinist 2 +011000100110 Bradsby 2 +011000100110 Latz 2 +011000100110 Ohno 2 +011000100110 Calene 2 +011000100110 NEWALL 2 +011000100110 McKinzie 2 +011000100110 Denisia 2 +011000100110 Anchin 2 +011000100110 LYLE 2 +011000100110 Kliegman 2 +011000100110 Trebek 2 +011000100110 Goldsmid 2 +011000100110 ORDNANCE 2 +011000100110 Madole 2 +011000100110 Creekmore 2 +011000100110 Celulose 2 +011000100110 BALDWIN 2 +011000100110 Garfunkel 2 +011000100110 Bushing 2 +011000100110 RUBICAM 2 +011000100110 Bogue 3 +011000100110 Ravenscroft 3 +011000100110 ENVIRONMENT 3 +011000100110 Greist 3 +011000100110 Maniacs 3 +011000100110 Numismatics 3 +011000100110 Fowle 3 +011000100110 Loewe 3 +011000100110 Hoke 3 +011000100110 Chante 3 +011000100110 HARDART 3 +011000100110 Acores 3 +011000100110 DECKER 3 +011000100110 HORTON 3 +011000100110 Taff 3 +011000100110 Arpels 3 +011000100110 Thins 3 +011000100110 Deitsch 3 +011000100110 Wechselbank 3 +011000100110 Vanadium 3 +011000100110 Kruthers 3 +011000100110 Consignations 3 +011000100110 Overdevest 3 +011000100110 Tsao 3 +011000100110 Moring 3 +011000100110 Chex 3 +011000100110 Domsjoe 3 +011000100110 Asociados 3 +011000100110 Contratas 3 +011000100110 Aitchison 3 +011000100110 Murphey 3 +011000100110 Lomason 3 +011000100110 Knupp 3 +011000100110 Burk 3 +011000100110 Scheetz 3 +011000100110 FARMING 3 +011000100110 Minken 3 +011000100110 Bacek 3 +011000100110 GAMBLE 3 +011000100110 deRose 3 +011000100110 Rotman 3 +011000100110 Macaroni 3 +011000100110 Osh 3 +011000100110 Hammerling 3 +011000100110 Rosenwein 3 +011000100110 Spritcentralen 4 +011000100110 Replogle 4 +011000100110 NEWCASTLE 4 +011000100110 Mechanix 4 +011000100110 Storrs 4 +011000100110 Janachowski 4 +011000100110 Thong 4 +011000100110 Messina 4 +011000100110 Clothier 4 +011000100110 Span 4 +011000100110 Drang 4 +011000100110 Coots 4 +011000100110 Wechsel 4 +011000100110 GIBBS 4 +011000100110 Solis-Cohen 4 +011000100110 Zettl 4 +011000100110 Tillman 4 +011000100110 Excavators 4 +011000100110 Strudwick 4 +011000100110 Naxos 4 +011000100110 Pfau 4 +011000100110 Narver 4 +011000100110 Rosenau 4 +011000100110 SPENCER 4 +011000100110 Grainger 4 +011000100110 KUHN 4 +011000100110 Murashige 4 +011000100110 Pitti 4 +011000100110 Additives 4 +011000100110 Brosamer 4 +011000100110 Neave 4 +011000100110 Sinks 4 +011000100110 Pumps 4 +011000100110 Everard 4 +011000100110 Rosati 4 +011000100110 Flory 4 +011000100110 Pals 4 +011000100110 Feldesman 4 +011000100110 Rix 5 +011000100110 Explosifs 5 +011000100110 Ales 5 +011000100110 Stiebel 5 +011000100110 Ferdon 5 +011000100110 Jacks 5 +011000100110 Crosfield 5 +011000100110 Kissel 5 +011000100110 Turbinen-Union 5 +011000100110 Begone 5 +011000100110 Martyrs 5 +011000100110 Tiernan 5 +011000100110 Edmonds 5 +011000100110 Shoulders 5 +011000100110 Feeders 5 +011000100110 Waltch 5 +011000100110 COOKE 5 +011000100110 ARTS 5 +011000100110 Fales 5 +011000100110 Dislocation 5 +011000100110 Kubs 5 +011000100110 CHEMICALS 5 +011000100110 Pow 5 +011000100110 Gartlan 5 +011000100110 Taxis 6 +011000100110 Drinker 6 +011000100110 Feiss 6 +011000100110 Schnacke 6 +011000100110 Righter 6 +011000100110 Bowser 6 +011000100110 ENDS 6 +011000100110 Wagnalls 6 +011000100110 Doornbos 6 +011000100110 Perrins 6 +011000100110 AEROSPACE 6 +011000100110 Shevack 6 +011000100110 Dunlevy 6 +011000100110 Steers 7 +011000100110 Santow 7 +011000100110 Deitz 7 +011000100110 Krupman 7 +011000100110 McCauley 7 +011000100110 IGON 7 +011000100110 Haddock 7 +011000100110 Schielke 7 +011000100110 Druggists 7 +011000100110 Nicolson 7 +011000100110 Hansberger 7 +011000100110 Kotlowitz 8 +011000100110 Milburn 8 +011000100110 Brutsche 8 +011000100110 Ehrman 8 +011000100110 DOBSON 8 +011000100110 CALEDONIAN 8 +011000100110 Kist 8 +011000100110 Cate 8 +011000100110 Timmins 9 +011000100110 Burdett 9 +011000100110 Reinecke 9 +011000100110 Paget 9 +011000100110 Hartson 9 +011000100110 TRUSTCO 9 +011000100110 Swasey 9 +011000100110 Quarters 10 +011000100110 Foerster 10 +011000100110 Chandon 10 +011000100110 Certification 10 +011000100110 Crowne 10 +011000100110 Coverings 10 +011000100110 Igon 10 +011000100110 Schley 10 +011000100110 Kakumaru 10 +011000100110 Guttmacher 10 +011000100110 Pullen 11 +011000100110 WIRELESS 11 +011000100110 SHANGHAI 11 +011000100110 Gyr 11 +011000100110 Palumbo 11 +011000100110 Quotable 11 +011000100110 Dohme 11 +011000100110 DUTCH/SHELL 11 +011000100110 Worts 11 +011000100110 Poors 12 +011000100110 Sime 12 +011000100110 Indulgence 12 +011000100110 Yost 12 +011000100110 Parsley 12 +011000100110 Gertz 12 +011000100110 Aitken 13 +011000100110 Cashman 13 +011000100110 Samaritan 13 +011000100110 Biologicals 14 +011000100110 Reindel 14 +011000100110 Cruikshank 14 +011000100110 Montague 14 +011000100110 Chimicles 14 +011000100110 CHARTERED 14 +011000100110 Marketer 15 +011000100110 Weeden 15 +011000100110 Ensign 15 +011000100110 Seidman/BDO 15 +011000100110 Isolde 15 +011000100110 Accountability 15 +011000100110 Propane 16 +011000100110 Barrel 16 +011000100110 Blow 17 +011000100110 Lundy 17 +011000100110 Nephew 17 +011000100110 Spa 17 +011000100110 Cressey 17 +011000100110 Sinsabaugh 17 +011000100110 Parke 18 +011000100110 Plimpton 18 +011000100110 Crafts 18 +011000100110 Lavan 18 +011000100110 Stream 18 +011000100110 Feld 18 +011000100110 COMMONWEALTH 18 +011000100110 Rohstoff 18 +011000100110 Spogli 19 +011000100110 Duffus 19 +011000100110 Gargano 19 +011000100110 Strawn 19 +011000100110 Friedrichs 20 +011000100110 Dare 20 +011000100110 LIGHT 20 +011000100110 Lothrop 20 +011000100110 Margulies 20 +011000100110 Rhoads 21 +011000100110 Puris 21 +011000100110 Stringfellow 22 +011000100110 Newall 22 +011000100110 Giroux 22 +011000100110 Jaworski 22 +011000100110 Ahn 23 +011000100110 McCloy 24 +011000100110 Jaymes 24 +011000100110 Botts 24 +011000100110 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 25 +011000100110 Ries 25 +011000100110 Crutcher 26 +011000100110 Betts 26 +011000100110 Supervision 27 +011000100110 Casinos 27 +011000100110 Furnishings 27 +011000100110 Pickering 28 +011000100110 Companion 28 +011000100110 AIRWAYS 28 +011000100110 Farnham 29 +011000100110 Ragen 29 +011000100110 Beranek 29 +011000100110 Hedges 30 +011000100110 Loewi 31 +011000100110 Proctor 32 +011000100110 Buyer 32 +011000100110 Renshaw 33 +011000100110 Farming 33 +011000100110 System/2 34 +011000100110 Struggles 35 +011000100110 Wesson 35 +011000100110 McGinley 36 +011000100110 OUTLOOK 36 +011000100110 Maffei 37 +011000100110 Mosle 37 +011000100110 Manges 37 +011000100110 Handler 39 +011000100110 Derrick 40 +011000100110 Knowles 41 +011000100110 Annuity 42 +011000100110 Intensive 43 +011000100110 Vining 44 +011000100110 Pogue 45 +011000100110 Vault 47 +011000100110 McLennan 47 +011000100110 Frankfurter 48 +011000100110 Birney 49 +011000100110 Ilsley 50 +011000100110 Eckhardt 50 +011000100110 Cruickshank 51 +011000100110 Parenthood 52 +011000100110 Morin 53 +011000100110 Lamont 55 +011000100110 Trecker 56 +011000100110 PETROLEUM 60 +011000100110 Ale 63 +011000100110 Lomb 66 +011000100110 R.L. 71 +011000100110 Horwath 71 +011000100110 Aikman 76 +011000100110 Belding 80 +011000100110 Root 83 +011000100110 Bowles 85 +011000100110 Turben 86 +011000100110 Wakefield 88 +011000100110 Amplifications 90 +011000100110 Shaykin 93 +011000100110 Newcastle 95 +011000100110 Dobson 95 +011000100110 Knowlton 96 +011000100110 Spielvogel 97 +011000100110 Hardart 98 +011000100110 Dubilier 104 +011000100110 Nettleton 115 +011000100110 Kuhn 123 +011000100110 Garrison 125 +011000100110 Wilcox 126 +011000100110 Hopwood 129 +011000100110 Son 132 +011000100110 Mather 134 +011000100110 Flom 140 +011000100110 Broad 162 +011000100110 Builders 194 +011000100110 'N 204 +011000100110 Cromwell 216 +011000100110 Quist 221 +011000100110 Box 232 +011000100110 Wireless 247 +011000100110 Whinney 250 +011000100110 Haas 260 +011000100110 Schuster 265 +011000100110 Rubicam 268 +011000100110 Lyle 287 +011000100110 Row 288 +011000100110 Cooke 299 +011000100110 Drew 312 +011000100110 Bradstreet 352 +011000100110 Shop 354 +011000100110 Owners 365 +011000100110 Woods 377 +011000100110 Gamble 412 +011000100110 Decker 541 +011000100110 Howell 558 +011000100110 Whitney 579 +011000100110 Jenrette 591 +011000100110 Fields 630 +011000100110 Shopping 668 +011000100110 Sons 700 +011000100110 Loan 3051 +011000100110 Hanover 1246 +011000100111 Burnmham 1 +011000100111 Vaapenfrabrik 1 +011000100111 Cavoukian 1 +011000100111 Slipsager 1 +011000100111 Herba 1 +011000100111 Rigs 1 +011000100111 GUNDY 1 +011000100111 cytotechnician 1 +011000100111 Stock-Index 1 +011000100111 Amiet 1 +011000100111 PETROLES. 1 +011000100111 Celebrity/Buick 1 +011000100111 Cavalier/Pontiac 1 +011000100111 Teammates/Reflex 1 +011000100111 Petroleum-Amoco 1 +011000100111 FREY 1 +011000100111 LTB 1 +011000100111 Abibiti-Price 1 +011000100111 Semmons-Taylor 1 +011000100111 Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft 1 +011000100111 Vesicherungs-Gesellschaft 1 +011000100111 Khanashvili-Artyushkina 1 +011000100111 Microelectronica 1 +011000100111 Burnam 1 +011000100111 gutbuster 1 +011000100111 Eni-Chem 1 +011000100111 Seacraft 1 +011000100111 Konika 1 +011000100111 Pugachova 1 +011000100111 LAGS 1 +011000100111 G-3 1 +011000100111 Directa 1 +011000100111 Burmham 1 +011000100111 Petrolum 1 +011000100111 Aimcor 1 +011000100111 deutschen 1 +011000100111 Rozanova 1 +011000100111 Knipper 1 +011000100111 Korbut 1 +011000100111 Desgane 1 +011000100111 Virick 1 +011000100111 1887-1987 1 +011000100111 mold-fighter 1 +011000100111 ofMr 1 +011000100111 Borisova 1 +011000100111 Techline 1 +011000100111 Brunst 1 +011000100111 PERCEPTIONS 1 +011000100111 Plastics-Pacific 1 +011000100111 compatiblity 1 +011000100111 Wozchod-Handelsbank 1 +011000100111 chassis-design 1 +011000100111 Haloid 1 +011000100111 Shatai 1 +011000100111 Alliance/Encore 1 +011000100111 Camelia 1 +011000100111 Acushnet 1 +011000100111 Affiliates-led 1 +011000100111 EXERCISE 1 +011000100111 Cordura 1 +011000100111 Morduant 1 +011000100111 Niosome 1 +011000100111 Marcliff 1 +011000100111 Perlite 1 +011000100111 50-Stock 1 +011000100111 Delco-Remy 1 +011000100111 Sieglar 1 +011000100111 PCATs 1 +011000100111 Mardian 1 +011000100111 Economico 1 +011000100111 Beefcake 1 +011000100111 Supras 1 +011000100111 FATHERLY 1 +011000100111 GoldWings 1 +011000100111 Scoular 1 +011000100111 Herbert-Verkamp-Calvert 1 +011000100111 S/T-10 1 +011000100111 Nooney 1 +011000100111 Grotius 1 +011000100111 entertainment-sector 1 +011000100111 frequent-use 1 +011000100111 Lowers 1 +011000100111 BIOMEDICALS 1 +011000100111 OHG 1 +011000100111 325/2 1 +011000100111 Fourment 1 +011000100111 Hydration 1 +011000100111 datebooks 1 +011000100111 C10 1 +011000100111 1972-1977 1 +011000100111 Nalge 1 +011000100111 Bertram-Trojan 1 +011000100111 PC3 1 +011000100111 Aptek 1 +011000100111 JOLLA 1 +011000100111 Tonnerre 1 +011000100111 Industrie-Unternehmungen 1 +011000100111 Casmalia 1 +011000100111 Franciere 1 +011000100111 hatboxes 1 +011000100111 Udyog 1 +011000100111 Pankratov 1 +011000100111 Selectrics 1 +011000100111 T-bird 1 +011000100111 Quartz-Synthesizer 1 +011000100111 6,230 1 +011000100111 Villagra 1 +011000100111 Foristall 1 +011000100111 commercials-but 1 +011000100111 Swerin 1 +011000100111 Sciacca 1 +011000100111 Matais 1 +011000100111 MR6 1 +011000100111 POS 1 +011000100111 winter-training 1 +011000100111 LTDs 1 +011000100111 Metais 1 +011000100111 spacetelescope 1 +011000100111 Suleman 1 +011000100111 Buehrle 1 +011000100111 title-unification 1 +011000100111 Geraetetechnik 1 +011000100111 Risp 1 +011000100111 5,210 1 +011000100111 280Z 1 +011000100111 Finanaciere 1 +011000100111 Accumaster 1 +011000100111 COLLOID 1 +011000100111 Ohrn 1 +011000100111 Omni-Physicians 1 +011000100111 Foundation-sponsored 1 +011000100111 Michiana 1 +011000100111 MLR 1 +011000100111 Bib 1 +011000100111 Pre-Kinder 1 +011000100111 300-series 1 +011000100111 Aeropace 1 +011000100111 olive-processing 1 +011000100111 BIBB 1 +011000100111 Summer. 1 +011000100111 Fairmonts 1 +011000100111 Privin 1 +011000100111 Consultec 1 +011000100111 6,560 1 +011000100111 Sameric 1 +011000100111 Hilton-Davis 1 +011000100111 N.V 1 +011000100111 32,616 1 +011000100111 Lipson-Alport-Glass 1 +011000100111 Aeromotive 1 +011000100111 Informational 1 +011000100111 guffahs 1 +011000100111 Osodi 1 +011000100111 343,150 1 +011000100111 35,131 1 +011000100111 Enviroponics 1 +011000100111 Burhnam 1 +011000100111 900S 1 +011000100111 Napoleao 1 +011000100111 Valenciano 1 +011000100111 Rodamco 1 +011000100111 CytoDiagnostics 1 +011000100111 Develops 1 +011000100111 Aero-Space 1 +011000100111 Baratelli 1 +011000100111 Aravidze 1 +011000100111 68,728 1 +011000100111 3,740 1 +011000100111 Kapila 1 +011000100111 Ivestments 1 +011000100111 LaGuardias 1 +011000100111 Folksam 1 +011000100111 Jones-controlled 1 +011000100111 WORSENED 1 +011000100111 ES250 1 +011000100111 Tatiesi 1 +011000100111 Sangetsu 1 +011000100111 50,835 1 +011000100111 59,277 1 +011000100111 10,064 1 +011000100111 72,971 1 +011000100111 55,608 1 +011000100111 320,260 1 +011000100111 13,364 1 +011000100111 Fariview 1 +011000100111 Laminados 1 +011000100111 Kanetsu 1 +011000100111 MetroCorp 1 +011000100111 silkily 1 +011000100111 34,308 1 +011000100111 Bio-technology 1 +011000100111 48,682 1 +011000100111 Reifenwerke 1 +011000100111 Landcruisers 1 +011000100111 Christodoulou 1 +011000100111 K-10 1 +011000100111 Harris-Hub 1 +011000100111 Metapraxis 1 +011000100111 LHW 1 +011000100111 StyleWare 1 +011000100111 J100 1 +011000100111 Pharmholding 2 +011000100111 WALKING 2 +011000100111 Frocks 2 +011000100111 Matton 2 +011000100111 Pintos 2 +011000100111 C-30 2 +011000100111 Accordion 2 +011000100111 Royces 2 +011000100111 Amram 2 +011000100111 BIAS 2 +011000100111 MGK 2 +011000100111 Benzol 2 +011000100111 Kurimoto 2 +011000100111 Cieras 2 +011000100111 Howarth 2 +011000100111 100LSs 2 +011000100111 Ryosan 2 +011000100111 MICROELETTRONICA 2 +011000100111 Oil-owned 2 +011000100111 McEntire 2 +011000100111 Angeloff 2 +011000100111 2,658 2 +011000100111 Tele-Trip 2 +011000100111 Expertec 2 +011000100111 T/Maker 2 +011000100111 8,873,702 2 +011000100111 Electrik 2 +011000100111 Biochemical 2 +011000100111 Decurion 2 +011000100111 Anthracite 2 +011000100111 downsizes 2 +011000100111 AbitibiPrice 2 +011000100111 DFT 2 +011000100111 Vespucci 2 +011000100111 State-Record 2 +011000100111 Banziger 2 +011000100111 Escher 2 +011000100111 Mecar 2 +011000100111 5000CS 2 +011000100111 Camsco 2 +011000100111 Scrimgeour-Vickers 2 +011000100111 ELECTRICALS 2 +011000100111 Xerographic 2 +011000100111 Haskin 3 +011000100111 Breguet 3 +011000100111 LS400 3 +011000100111 Exploradora 3 +011000100111 Deutschen 3 +011000100111 Sunwear 3 +011000100111 PC-ATs 3 +011000100111 Micro-electronics 3 +011000100111 Undergarment 3 +011000100111 Grew 3 +011000100111 Zephyr 3 +011000100111 Cimarrons 3 +011000100111 Fleetwoods 3 +011000100111 98s 3 +011000100111 Wesfarmers 3 +011000100111 Rorie 3 +011000100111 Asado 3 +011000100111 TRAFFIC 3 +011000100111 Rolled 3 +011000100111 2,232 3 +011000100111 Thermometer 3 +011000100111 Burham 3 +011000100111 Biarritz 3 +011000100111 Microcircuits 3 +011000100111 Fasteners 3 +011000100111 Meccanotecnica 3 +011000100111 Corvair 3 +011000100111 Seikan 3 +011000100111 Bankverein 4 +011000100111 Hostench 4 +011000100111 Vaapenfabrik 4 +011000100111 AML 4 +011000100111 Intervest 4 +011000100111 Umpanki 4 +011000100111 Frosst 4 +011000100111 Lio 4 +011000100111 Heberlein 4 +011000100111 FRIED. 4 +011000100111 Carl/312 4 +011000100111 Towing 4 +011000100111 Bio-Science 4 +011000100111 Exterminating 4 +011000100111 Laundry 4 +011000100111 Petfoods 4 +011000100111 Vehicules 4 +011000100111 VICKERS 4 +011000100111 GANNETT 4 +011000100111 Humboldt-Deutz 4 +011000100111 Aria 4 +011000100111 Expeditions 4 +011000100111 BPD 5 +011000100111 Shokai 5 +011000100111 Rinfret 5 +011000100111 AgResource 5 +011000100111 Kopparbergs 5 +011000100111 Kravis-led 5 +011000100111 Smelters 5 +011000100111 Bucket 5 +011000100111 Doody 5 +011000100111 Corolla. 6 +011000100111 Rydin 6 +011000100111 Minnett 6 +011000100111 PRINTING 6 +011000100111 RICOSTRUZIONE 6 +011000100111 5000S 6 +011000100111 Silicones 6 +011000100111 Editore 7 +011000100111 Microelettronica 7 +011000100111 Alsthom 7 +011000100111 Finanz 7 +011000100111 Citation 7 +011000100111 ENGINEERING 8 +011000100111 Presents 8 +011000100111 Geigy 8 +011000100111 Aluminio 8 +011000100111 Paging 9 +011000100111 Celica 9 +011000100111 Exterior 9 +011000100111 Electro-Optics 10 +011000100111 Luminoso 10 +011000100111 Deutschland 11 +011000100111 Soda 11 +011000100111 Scania 11 +011000100111 Oils 11 +011000100111 Menka 12 +011000100111 Bearing 12 +011000100111 Meares 12 +011000100111 Prizm 13 +011000100111 Camaros 13 +011000100111 Sash 13 +011000100111 5000s 14 +011000100111 Ingelheim 14 +011000100111 Brillstein 14 +011000100111 Baetjer 14 +011000100111 Isotoner 15 +011000100111 Cavaliers 16 +011000100111 Humboldt 17 +011000100111 Shaiken 18 +011000100111 Lingus 18 +011000100111 Biomedicals 19 +011000100111 Firenza 19 +011000100111 Mannheim 19 +011000100111 9000 20 +011000100111 Tractor 22 +011000100111 Caprice 23 +011000100111 Pipelines 27 +011000100111 Jeans 27 +011000100111 Vaapenfabrikk 31 +011000100111 Marconi 31 +011000100111 Ricard 31 +011000100111 Fairview 33 +011000100111 Gumi 34 +011000100111 Calais 35 +011000100111 Fertilizer 36 +011000100111 Cola 38 +011000100111 Timber 39 +011000100111 Benz 40 +011000100111 Bruxelles 46 +011000100111 Whampoa 46 +011000100111 OIL 56 +011000100111 Royce 57 +011000100111 Diesel 58 +011000100111 Engine 62 +011000100111 Cavalier 63 +011000100111 POWER 64 +011000100111 EMI 68 +011000100111 PipeLines 68 +011000100111 GAS 74 +011000100111 Celebrity 75 +011000100111 Fiberglas 77 +011000100111 Tea 80 +011000100111 Teller 91 +011000100111 Shipping 106 +011000100111 Cards 108 +011000100111 Nast 117 +011000100111 Aluminium 128 +011000100111 5000 133 +011000100111 Shipbuilding 153 +011000100111 Lumber 156 +011000100111 Beckman 206 +011000100111 Printing 262 +011000100111 Siegler 294 +011000100111 Pharmaceuticals 305 +011000100111 Coal 320 +011000100111 Richfield 346 +011000100111 Mines 457 +011000100111 Telecom 674 +011000100111 Aerospace 700 +011000100111 Tire 804 +011000100111 Kravis 941 +011000100111 Burnham 2334 +011000100111 Gas 2385 +011000100111 Petroleum 3108 +011000100111 Oil 3286 +011000100111 Motor 3473 +0110001010 882.2 1 +0110001010 Vapor 1 +0110001010 Yokado 1 +0110001010 Briefcase 1 +0110001010 Grom 1 +0110001010 Cylinder 1 +0110001010 Turbomachinery 1 +0110001010 Labouisee 1 +0110001010 Group/Wells 1 +0110001010 Brine 1 +0110001010 Kallistos 1 +0110001010 Drustev 1 +0110001010 Electro-Galvanizing 1 +0110001010 CoastSouthwestern 1 +0110001010 Gordon/Clarkson 1 +0110001010 NK 1 +0110001010 Langue 1 +0110001010 STARRETT 1 +0110001010 Pecan 1 +0110001010 Co.-Austin 1 +0110001010 Pipline 1 +0110001010 Starfish 1 +0110001010 Fuzz 1 +0110001010 Thru 1 +0110001010 Bk-Madison 1 +0110001010 Shigemasa 1 +0110001010 Langua 1 +0110001010 Society/Little 1 +0110001010 Proppants 1 +0110001010 Tsusho 1 +0110001010 Bandler 1 +0110001010 Books/William 1 +0110001010 Sachs/Kidder 1 +0110001010 Barriman 1 +0110001010 Frigoriferi 1 +0110001010 Alido 1 +0110001010 Devincenzi 1 +0110001010 Kolle 1 +0110001010 Conveyer 1 +0110001010 Southdale 1 +0110001010 Steamships 1 +0110001010 System-Eastern 1 +0110001010 PFBC 1 +0110001010 Productos 1 +0110001010 Bysshe 1 +0110001010 Suan 1 +0110001010 Perot-Roger 1 +0110001010 Pictures-Keith 1 +0110001010 Hall-Dietrich 1 +0110001010 Jushi 1 +0110001010 Realty/New 1 +0110001010 Omega/Vauxhall 1 +0110001010 Laroche 1 +0110001010 Atlantic-Tricon 1 +0110001010 Unso 1 +0110001010 Factoring/Manufacturers 1 +0110001010 Dauny 1 +0110001010 Air/Industrial 1 +0110001010 HOPING 1 +0110001010 Fume 1 +0110001010 Enseignement 1 +0110001010 SALIM 1 +0110001010 Reconditioning 1 +0110001010 House/William 1 +0110001010 School-McLean 1 +0110001010 Doboku 1 +0110001010 okiep 1 +0110001010 Press-On 1 +0110001010 Cheow 1 +0110001010 Finishes 1 +0110001010 Tanzo 1 +0110001010 Grossart 1 +0110001010 Lapa 1 +0110001010 tial 1 +0110001010 Oeil 1 +0110001010 Lammers 1 +0110001010 Hyo 1 +0110001010 Parfumerie 1 +0110001010 Faire 1 +0110001010 Attribute 1 +0110001010 Clans 1 +0110001010 Orimono 1 +0110001010 Malyshkin 1 +0110001010 Ock 1 +0110001010 Brunt 1 +0110001010 Gumbel/Walt 1 +0110001010 SPECULATION 1 +0110001010 Co.and 1 +0110001010 Kidding 1 +0110001010 Gust 1 +0110001010 Big-10 1 +0110001010 Equit 1 +0110001010 Kanyo 1 +0110001010 Handelsund 1 +0110001010 Jaechul 1 +0110001010 Transmission-Pacific 1 +0110001010 Komuten 1 +0110001010 Fund-Teachers 1 +0110001010 Press/Warner 1 +0110001010 Seisakusho 1 +0110001010 Douls 1 +0110001010 Antenna 2 +0110001010 GOODRICH 2 +0110001010 Viande 2 +0110001010 och 2 +0110001010 Cable/ 2 +0110001010 Angler 2 +0110001010 Malchman 2 +0110001010 Handels-und 2 +0110001010 WORLDWIDE 2 +0110001010 Fabriken 2 +0110001010 MTP 2 +0110001010 2,724 2 +0110001010 Multi-Sector 2 +0110001010 Weldin 2 +0110001010 Traction 2 +0110001010 Elektrik 2 +0110001010 Shau 2 +0110001010 Choon 2 +0110001010 Brandford 3 +0110001010 Inti 3 +0110001010 Yassin 3 +0110001010 Comiteau 3 +0110001010 Abod 3 +0110001010 MATTHEY 4 +0110001010 Hollowell 4 +0110001010 og 4 +0110001010 Kagaku 5 +0110001010 Testamentary 7 +0110001010 Foong 8 +0110001010 Distilling 13 +0110001010 Amicable 14 +0110001010 Heritable 14 +0110001010 & 44791 +0110001010 und 37 +01100010110 hypernationalism 1 +01100010110 dogmatist 1 +01100010110 timber- 1 +01100010110 Belmont-Morgan 1 +01100010110 marine-defense 1 +01100010110 corn- 1 +01100010110 sales-slip 1 +01100010110 dyer 1 +01100010110 Old-Timers 1 +01100010110 craniotomy 1 +01100010110 Krishnas 1 +01100010110 hoagie 1 +01100010110 half-smile 1 +01100010110 Toyland 1 +01100010110 Inter-War 1 +01100010110 narrator-wife 1 +01100010110 talkiest 1 +01100010110 quasi-isolationist 1 +01100010110 arts-management 1 +01100010110 mahonia 1 +01100010110 Vietnam-veterans 1 +01100010110 reliablity 1 +01100010110 Honda-Volkswagen-Saab 1 +01100010110 legislative-veto 1 +01100010110 Ds 1 +01100010110 100- 1 +01100010110 skullcap 1 +01100010110 Penmans 1 +01100010110 breach-of-duty 1 +01100010110 SHEET 1 +01100010110 mining-machinery 1 +01100010110 Tete 1 +01100010110 Aegisthus 1 +01100010110 Scharanskys 1 +01100010110 attornies 1 +01100010110 horse-lover 1 +01100010110 work-habits 1 +01100010110 one-bedrooms 1 +01100010110 Repressed 1 +01100010110 Bycom 1 +01100010110 Defector 1 +01100010110 special-mechanism 1 +01100010110 drawing-office 1 +01100010110 language-school 1 +01100010110 futures- 1 +01100010110 Welleszes 1 +01100010110 '82s 1 +01100010110 multiprocessors 1 +01100010110 timbers 1 +01100010110 Honourable 1 +01100010110 National-American 1 +01100010110 noncoms 1 +01100010110 Dalmatian 1 +01100010110 1570s 1 +01100010110 hunchback 1 +01100010110 Springsteens 1 +01100010110 Vakson 1 +01100010110 Oil-Dri 1 +01100010110 Inkeles 1 +01100010110 15th- 1 +01100010110 ground-corn 1 +01100010110 Newsweek-Bush 1 +01100010110 engine-machining 1 +01100010110 murderee 1 +01100010110 Lynchberg 1 +01100010110 REFLUB-LICANS 1 +01100010110 drug-demented 1 +01100010110 Knight-Ridder-Tribune 1 +01100010110 academization 1 +01100010110 upsies 1 +01100010110 once-expected 1 +01100010110 spray-bottle 1 +01100010110 signed-on 1 +01100010110 brocades 1 +01100010110 glassfiber 1 +01100010110 LINs 1 +01100010110 then-incumbent 1 +01100010110 very-well-thought-out 1 +01100010110 Launderettes 1 +01100010110 tureen 1 +01100010110 videotape-cassette 1 +01100010110 Steffis 1 +01100010110 non-HCE 1 +01100010110 rumor-laden 1 +01100010110 Ethicals 1 +01100010110 Ruperts 1 +01100010110 brokerage-services 1 +01100010110 Videotel 1 +01100010110 family-products 1 +01100010110 be-all 1 +01100010110 quarter-earlier 1 +01100010110 Disaster-Prone 1 +01100010110 Sartorial 1 +01100010110 Karvama 1 +01100010110 logic-defying 1 +01100010110 FINCH 1 +01100010110 reopener 1 +01100010110 household-cleaner 1 +01100010110 tastiness 1 +01100010110 Prudentials 1 +01100010110 Saudi- 1 +01100010110 basic-steel 1 +01100010110 Solec 1 +01100010110 Procters 1 +01100010110 Blanc-Warner 1 +01100010110 service- 1 +01100010110 food- 1 +01100010110 Omnific 1 +01100010110 nitty 1 +01100010110 best- 1 +01100010110 Flier 1 +01100010110 phone-radio 1 +01100010110 legal-resources 1 +01100010110 Labor-Health 1 +01100010110 Draino 1 +01100010110 Arikara 1 +01100010110 connoisseurship 1 +01100010110 neurosciences 1 +01100010110 Ninian 1 +01100010110 static-tax-revenue 1 +01100010110 Merensky 1 +01100010110 Czars 1 +01100010110 international-management 1 +01100010110 woodpile 1 +01100010110 Hirosawas 1 +01100010110 razor-blades 1 +01100010110 accident- 1 +01100010110 Havoc 1 +01100010110 Fitzgeralds 1 +01100010110 real- 1 +01100010110 Epping 1 +01100010110 Carringtons 1 +01100010110 sometimes-garbled 1 +01100010110 coin-flip 1 +01100010110 Amur 1 +01100010110 gunwales 1 +01100010110 101-megabyte 1 +01100010110 shoulds 1 +01100010110 Antisocial 1 +01100010110 filtration-systems 1 +01100010110 land-swap 1 +01100010110 woodcutters 1 +01100010110 drought- 1 +01100010110 quasi-rape 1 +01100010110 patched-up 1 +01100010110 Kokomba 1 +01100010110 Smokenders 1 +01100010110 flame-spreading 1 +01100010110 pickaxes 1 +01100010110 Blue-Collar 1 +01100010110 grammar- 1 +01100010110 Locap 1 +01100010110 regulatin 1 +01100010110 PA-28s 1 +01100010110 domestic- 1 +01100010110 fastest-changing 1 +01100010110 rotors 1 +01100010110 expropriators 1 +01100010110 Sirindhorn 1 +01100010110 debt-negotiator 1 +01100010110 Goethals 1 +01100010110 color- 1 +01100010110 Racketeered-Influenced 1 +01100010110 Beteiligungs 1 +01100010110 inefficiences 1 +01100010110 gay-bashers 1 +01100010110 Beau-Rivage 1 +01100010110 supertall 1 +01100010110 pre-primary 1 +01100010110 assets-acquisition 1 +01100010110 7-foot-2 1 +01100010110 personal- 1 +01100010110 pro-work 1 +01100010110 Xynetics 1 +01100010110 McCaskeys 1 +01100010110 Furrever 1 +01100010110 Cullens 1 +01100010110 Apollo-killer 1 +01100010110 pamphleteer 1 +01100010110 musicologist 1 +01100010110 Dodecanese 1 +01100010110 Gilberts 1 +01100010110 gambler/bookmaker 1 +01100010110 N-bomb 1 +01100010110 better-armed 1 +01100010110 Slatkin-Schwantner 1 +01100010110 Badlands 1 +01100010110 Sioux-owned 1 +01100010110 MNR. 1 +01100010110 Baldwin-Hamilton 1 +01100010110 pick-ax 1 +01100010110 Badoit 1 +01100010110 erecta 1 +01100010110 pocketknife 1 +01100010110 KRQX-AM 1 +01100010110 wharfs 1 +01100010110 grapeskin 1 +01100010110 service-rationed 1 +01100010110 Lows 1 +01100010110 4th-Quarter 1 +01100010110 Cutrales 1 +01100010110 Carribbean 1 +01100010110 Muskie-McGovern 1 +01100010110 chili-doused 1 +01100010110 chips-supply 1 +01100010110 Evaporated 1 +01100010110 large- 1 +01100010110 disfranchisement 1 +01100010110 spiral-shaped 1 +01100010110 pipe-laying 1 +01100010110 pea-brained 1 +01100010110 Publics 1 +01100010110 pump-making 1 +01100010110 Rimpa 1 +01100010110 Alaska-oil 1 +01100010110 freights 1 +01100010110 dried-fruit 1 +01100010110 Furies 1 +01100010110 big-boned 1 +01100010110 kneeling-bus 1 +01100010110 Tinkers 1 +01100010110 1390s 1 +01100010110 Harrys 1 +01100010110 not-so-rich 1 +01100010110 war-fighter 1 +01100010110 neo-isolationism 1 +01100010110 Blowpipes 1 +01100010110 Cuban-inspired 1 +01100010110 Riveter 1 +01100010110 pipeline-systems 1 +01100010110 Outstrips 1 +01100010110 Hatchery 1 +01100010110 Riverboat 1 +01100010110 Re-Solve 1 +01100010110 J- 1 +01100010110 Second-Guess 1 +01100010110 hot-rodding 1 +01100010110 Fugs 1 +01100010110 marquetry 1 +01100010110 drear 1 +01100010110 three-bean 1 +01100010110 two-defense 1 +01100010110 late-70s 1 +01100010110 32/450 1 +01100010110 dealer/broker 1 +01100010110 Inc./Tomy 1 +01100010110 Strudel 1 +01100010110 fiver 1 +01100010110 kinglet 1 +01100010110 Jordans 1 +01100010110 Mag-Lite 1 +01100010110 industrial-coatings 1 +01100010110 1.9055-mark 1 +01100010110 9-year-olds 1 +01100010110 16-megabit 1 +01100010110 Welli 1 +01100010110 technology- 1 +01100010110 NRA. 1 +01100010110 Fintech 1 +01100010110 Euro-housewife 1 +01100010110 ranter 1 +01100010110 raver 1 +01100010110 radar- 1 +01100010110 radio- 1 +01100010110 kaihatsu 1 +01100010110 pornographer 1 +01100010110 Poppin 1 +01100010110 agro-alimentary 1 +01100010110 Plantin 1 +01100010110 100-mark 1 +01100010110 anti-work 1 +01100010110 hyper-channel 1 +01100010110 photo-story 1 +01100010110 DPIC 1 +01100010110 Kunitz 1 +01100010110 IMI. 1 +01100010110 cardiogram 1 +01100010110 lambing 1 +01100010110 BSU-49B 1 +01100010110 specialized-pipeline 1 +01100010110 linga 1 +01100010110 congressional-district 1 +01100010110 bath. 1 +01100010110 greedseekers 1 +01100010110 twiggiest 1 +01100010110 X-Pensive 1 +01100010110 Jacobin 1 +01100010110 Jardaneh 1 +01100010110 pinkroses 1 +01100010110 Saracens 1 +01100010110 tree-topper 1 +01100010110 transferor 1 +01100010110 Parchamis 1 +01100010110 construction-supply 1 +01100010110 sports-fitness 1 +01100010110 746th 1 +01100010110 Fatted 1 +01100010110 exploiters 1 +01100010110 defect-finding 1 +01100010110 SA-3B 1 +01100010110 MEBA/NMU 1 +01100010110 aquas 1 +01100010110 ex-champion 1 +01100010110 patent- 1 +01100010110 Compresssors 1 +01100010110 Veribank 1 +01100010110 wood-waste 1 +01100010110 Israeli-settled 1 +01100010110 broadcast-management 1 +01100010110 stronghearted 1 +01100010110 TWU 1 +01100010110 porte-cochere 1 +01100010110 Fetisov 1 +01100010110 semiconductor-producers 1 +01100010110 Spartak 1 +01100010110 Mikes 1 +01100010110 heiresses 1 +01100010110 film- 1 +01100010110 lamp-post 1 +01100010110 missionizing 1 +01100010110 on-the-stove 1 +01100010110 electronic-part 1 +01100010110 incorrigibles 1 +01100010110 Hirokawa 1 +01100010110 geochemist 1 +01100010110 electronic- 1 +01100010110 oil-purchasing 1 +01100010110 seasonally- 1 +01100010110 Khare 1 +01100010110 kidnaping 1 +01100010110 milfoil 1 +01100010110 snootfull 1 +01100010110 serape 1 +01100010110 intra- 1 +01100010110 Pitches 1 +01100010110 hardest-driving 1 +01100010110 fixed-income-sales 1 +01100010110 switchblade 1 +01100010110 properites 1 +01100010110 1.60-mark 1 +01100010110 Weingartens 1 +01100010110 plumbing-repair 1 +01100010110 rumor-monger 1 +01100010110 Nestles 1 +01100010110 Bradys 1 +01100010110 road-machinery 1 +01100010110 Tavoularis 1 +01100010110 flag- 1 +01100010110 X-chromosome 1 +01100010110 Kirkvine 1 +01100010110 delicensing 1 +01100010110 Ostade 1 +01100010110 2.0040-mark 1 +01100010110 marketing/promotion/research 1 +01100010110 Gnostics 1 +01100010110 American- 1 +01100010110 Middleman 1 +01100010110 porcupine 1 +01100010110 compulsories 1 +01100010110 McShine 1 +01100010110 steel-treatment 1 +01100010110 Voroshilov 1 +01100010110 unionbuster 1 +01100010110 commenters 1 +01100010110 audiotext 1 +01100010110 computer-publishing 1 +01100010110 ascot 1 +01100010110 trans-Baikal 1 +01100010110 Dazed 1 +01100010110 pulmonologist 1 +01100010110 time- 1 +01100010110 greeds 1 +01100010110 egrets 1 +01100010110 Rainwater-Meyerson 1 +01100010110 neo-Stalinists 1 +01100010110 BANKEN 1 +01100010110 advanced-software 1 +01100010110 IW115 1 +01100010110 technlogy 1 +01100010110 Inept 1 +01100010110 fumigator 1 +01100010110 hows 1 +01100010110 hunting-mad 1 +01100010110 budget-shortfall 1 +01100010110 sylph 1 +01100010110 Saidiners 1 +01100010110 better-growing 1 +01100010110 Searns 1 +01100010110 mid-south 1 +01100010110 Monongohela 1 +01100010110 bat- 1 +01100010110 CanadianImmigration 1 +01100010110 Domsjo 1 +01100010110 crustiness 1 +01100010110 banker-training 1 +01100010110 U.K./Europe 1 +01100010110 drug-processing 1 +01100010110 UPP 1 +01100010110 Yardbirds 1 +01100010110 preamplifier 1 +01100010110 Tikki 2 +01100010110 white- 2 +01100010110 Flindt 2 +01100010110 metal-reclamation 2 +01100010110 Securties 2 +01100010110 GameTek 2 +01100010110 Tolar 2 +01100010110 V.J.s 2 +01100010110 300SL 2 +01100010110 Weserhuette 2 +01100010110 1986- 2 +01100010110 Power-plant 2 +01100010110 Research-and-development 2 +01100010110 Waterway 2 +01100010110 Powerplant 2 +01100010110 silencer 2 +01100010110 inattentiveness 2 +01100010110 explicitness 2 +01100010110 Spoilers 2 +01100010110 co-development 2 +01100010110 Campania 2 +01100010110 servicewoman 2 +01100010110 J-platform 2 +01100010110 notepads 2 +01100010110 Tsezar 2 +01100010110 ReChem 2 +01100010110 Cursor 2 +01100010110 Mirages 2 +01100010110 furred 2 +01100010110 Watercraft 2 +01100010110 oil-man 2 +01100010110 Heater 2 +01100010110 crushers 2 +01100010110 Horace-Mann 2 +01100010110 torturer 2 +01100010110 Americal 2 +01100010110 sackcloth 2 +01100010110 Trilateralist 2 +01100010110 fire- 2 +01100010110 pinkie 2 +01100010110 alembics 2 +01100010110 Hoyas 2 +01100010110 cornstalks 2 +01100010110 impeachers 2 +01100010110 Baskir 2 +01100010110 gurney 2 +01100010110 management-recruiting 2 +01100010110 straightest 2 +01100010110 Sac 2 +01100010110 Foil 2 +01100010110 Armament 2 +01100010110 Commonwealth-Journal 2 +01100010110 SSN 2 +01100010110 Barbers 2 +01100010110 Freightcor 2 +01100010110 export- 2 +01100010110 Nixons 2 +01100010110 hazardous- 3 +01100010110 Phonogram 3 +01100010110 sex- 3 +01100010110 Deluge 3 +01100010110 500- 3 +01100010110 Bambino 3 +01100010110 Sabra 3 +01100010110 elementary- 3 +01100010110 HELICOPTERS 3 +01100010110 glycerol 3 +01100010110 Computax 3 +01100010110 Omnis 3 +01100010110 Whore 3 +01100010110 Sweats 4 +01100010110 Verdicts 4 +01100010110 Clown 4 +01100010110 Tu-204 4 +01100010110 Gaudi 4 +01100010110 Matrimonial 4 +01100010110 UNHRC 4 +01100010110 Closet 4 +01100010110 Ranson 4 +01100010110 TUNG 4 +01100010110 Syntelligence 4 +01100010110 Knitwear 5 +01100010110 Cobrins 5 +01100010110 Blueberry 5 +01100010110 Grief 6 +01100010110 Sweetener 6 +01100010110 nooks 9 +01100010110 gold- 9 +01100010110 Racketeer-Influenced 10 +01100010110 Theatrical 11 +01100010110 first- 12 +01100010110 Cardiovascular 13 +01100010110 ins 15 +01100010110 Securites 15 +01100010110 Allgemeine 15 +01100010110 Humanities 27 +01100010110 Boardwalk 33 +01100010110 Clothing 41 +01100010110 Loom 47 +01100010110 Influenced 115 +01100010110 Monopolies 121 +01100010110 Omni 124 +01100010110 Immigration 246 +01100010110 Metals 413 +01100010110 Tobacco 416 +01100010110 Ways 774 +01100010110 Securities 12312 +01100010110 Food 1534 +011000101110 Herrold 1 +011000101110 7100 1 +011000101110 Groussman 1 +011000101110 Shangquan 1 +011000101110 Bankstock 1 +011000101110 Kocina 1 +011000101110 Glace 1 +011000101110 Schnaut 1 +011000101110 Largeau 1 +011000101110 FWI 1 +011000101110 Skyways 1 +011000101110 Hamson 1 +011000101110 ethnobiologist 1 +011000101110 TECHNIK 1 +011000101110 Crane-Houdaille 1 +011000101110 cenotaph 1 +011000101110 Macroeconomia 1 +011000101110 PA28 1 +011000101110 Farmaceutica 1 +011000101110 Landrum 1 +011000101110 Balkind 1 +011000101110 Gaxiora 1 +011000101110 Redko 1 +011000101110 Heilmann 1 +011000101110 Frisell 1 +011000101110 Macom 1 +011000101110 Quong 1 +011000101110 Tronics 1 +011000101110 Hutton-Golub 1 +011000101110 ImmuneSciences 1 +011000101110 SysteMetrics 1 +011000101110 Airships 1 +011000101110 Santon 1 +011000101110 Sachses 1 +011000101110 Panamerica 1 +011000101110 Reducer 1 +011000101110 Tiles 1 +011000101110 al-Radydeh 1 +011000101110 Saxena 1 +011000101110 KNW 1 +011000101110 Skylar 1 +011000101110 COM 1 +011000101110 Mulitbin 1 +011000101110 Ovshinksy 1 +011000101110 Industries-Chemical 1 +011000101110 Beylen 1 +011000101110 Larrgeau 1 +011000101110 Correctors 1 +011000101110 Pesos 1 +011000101110 mansion-turned-museum 1 +011000101110 Guitars 1 +011000101110 Oritsky 1 +011000101110 Jamboree 1 +011000101110 Inter-Funding 1 +011000101110 BancShares 1 +011000101110 Failey 1 +011000101110 pelt 1 +011000101110 Seigler 1 +011000101110 Sunroofs 1 +011000101110 Metalcraft 1 +011000101110 Vanpier 1 +011000101110 Lumacell 1 +011000101110 Werries 1 +011000101110 Witterr 1 +011000101110 Bonsar 1 +011000101110 Exsura 1 +011000101110 CONCEPTS 1 +011000101110 Gulis 1 +011000101110 Insustries 1 +011000101110 XI 1 +011000101110 Industies 1 +011000101110 Whitter 1 +011000101110 Hedley-Noble 1 +011000101110 Pixely 1 +011000101110 Moneysworth 1 +011000101110 Eberling 1 +011000101110 Beranger 1 +011000101110 Fres 1 +011000101110 Baim 1 +011000101110 Setter 1 +011000101110 Carbonics 1 +011000101110 Foremost-McKesson 1 +011000101110 Newgett 1 +011000101110 Telematica 1 +011000101110 Baquet 1 +011000101110 Dafna 1 +011000101110 Almog 1 +011000101110 FCMC 1 +011000101110 Chipsoft 1 +011000101110 Witter-led 1 +011000101110 BARD 1 +011000101110 Scheff 1 +011000101110 Aros 1 +011000101110 DeCosse 1 +011000101110 Sendzimir 1 +011000101110 Industries-developed 1 +011000101110 B-School 1 +011000101110 Peabody. 1 +011000101110 Cryogenics 1 +011000101110 Stitching 1 +011000101110 Brothers-E.F. 1 +011000101110 Emmerling 1 +011000101110 Airmen 1 +011000101110 Hennebach 1 +011000101110 Ryberg 1 +011000101110 Bros.will 1 +011000101110 Teletec 1 +011000101110 Scheib 1 +011000101110 Kloman 1 +011000101110 Pharmacal 2 +011000101110 Eicher 2 +011000101110 Taqi 2 +011000101110 Sachs-led 2 +011000101110 Pantries 2 +011000101110 Ei 2 +011000101110 Girdler 2 +011000101110 Bulfinch 2 +011000101110 Vikingolje 2 +011000101110 Fienberg 2 +011000101110 University-educated 2 +011000101110 Akroyd 2 +011000101110 McKie 2 +011000101110 Sach 2 +011000101110 Abud 2 +011000101110 Mellody 2 +011000101110 Pouncy 2 +011000101110 Rossow 2 +011000101110 Rogan 2 +011000101110 Skelos 2 +011000101110 Danchi 2 +011000101110 CITE 2 +011000101110 Bullaty 2 +011000101110 SAE 2 +011000101110 Feeds 3 +011000101110 Tabell 3 +011000101110 Adib 3 +011000101110 Teito 3 +011000101110 MacCannell 3 +011000101110 Sachs/CPM 3 +011000101110 Macris 3 +011000101110 PERIPHERALS 3 +011000101110 Folmar 3 +011000101110 Stearn 3 +011000101110 Marsteller 4 +011000101110 Powdered 4 +011000101110 Grievson 4 +011000101110 Beckley-Cardy 4 +011000101110 Valli 4 +011000101110 Cedarbaum 4 +011000101110 Ederer 4 +011000101110 DSLT 4 +011000101110 Fibres 4 +011000101110 Jimusho 4 +011000101110 Kamisar 4 +011000101110 Industries-EMI 5 +011000101110 Reitzfeld 5 +011000101110 Gilt-Edged 5 +011000101110 Pixley 5 +011000101110 Kfar 5 +011000101110 Coop 5 +011000101110 Rovins 6 +011000101110 Wrap 6 +011000101110 Hakuhodo 6 +011000101110 Acoustics 6 +011000101110 Soditic 9 +011000101110 Imhoff 9 +011000101110 Yarns 10 +011000101110 Deland 10 +011000101110 Goutal 10 +011000101110 Poynton 11 +011000101110 Milln 12 +011000101110 Interfunding 12 +011000101110 Banken 16 +011000101110 Koeki 18 +011000101110 Cosmopulos 20 +011000101110 Amdec 31 +011000101110 Refsnes 35 +011000101110 Maclaine 41 +011000101110 Hung 43 +011000101110 Speyer 46 +011000101110 Eichler 55 +011000101110 Deacon 56 +011000101110 Grieveson 96 +011000101110 Bowes 105 +011000101110 Hydro 144 +011000101110 Kumble 152 +011000101110 Govett 173 +011000101110 McKinnon 310 +011000101110 Benson 340 +011000101110 Witter 1151 +011000101110 Hutton 3034 +011000101110 Brothers 4427 +011000101110 Industries 5634 +011000101111 Independent-business 1 +011000101111 Cluj-Napoca 1 +011000101111 1,194,822 1 +011000101111 Izumo 1 +011000101111 Malcomb-Pirnie 1 +011000101111 Miserable 1 +011000101111 Sex-wise 1 +011000101111 Bloomcraft 1 +011000101111 Assay 1 +011000101111 Nowsco 1 +011000101111 815,500 1 +011000101111 spacco 1 +011000101111 Cattle-future 1 +011000101111 Corona-Hemlo 1 +011000101111 Truevision 1 +011000101111 Technogenetics 1 +011000101111 Nearby-futures 1 +011000101111 Venison 1 +011000101111 Pro- 1 +011000101111 314,010 1 +011000101111 176,476 1 +011000101111 Watergroup 1 +011000101111 282,986 1 +011000101111 Lotfi 1 +011000101111 COUGH 1 +011000101111 33,236 1 +011000101111 MCBKA 1 +011000101111 Stepper 1 +011000101111 488,154 1 +011000101111 rejectionist 1 +011000101111 Rache 1 +011000101111 302,820 1 +011000101111 152,482 1 +011000101111 Non-priority 1 +011000101111 235,094 1 +011000101111 Sabag 1 +011000101111 CerBay 1 +011000101111 FOULED 1 +011000101111 HECHINGER 1 +011000101111 848,690 1 +011000101111 Fat-Cutting 1 +011000101111 Fayman 1 +011000101111 159,666 1 +011000101111 BLOHM 1 +011000101111 anisette 1 +011000101111 DB/VMS 1 +011000101111 Simhas 1 +011000101111 Barricading 1 +011000101111 poled 1 +011000101111 Heatilator 1 +011000101111 Bentech 1 +011000101111 317,211 1 +011000101111 Substantiation 1 +011000101111 linters 1 +011000101111 14:00-16:00 1 +011000101111 9:00-midday 1 +011000101111 Molodezhnaya 1 +011000101111 zakuski 1 +011000101111 Babushkinskaya 1 +011000101111 8:00-17:00 1 +011000101111 9:00-18:00 1 +011000101111 Vodnyy 1 +011000101111 Tushinskaya 1 +011000101111 15:00-18:00 1 +011000101111 Novoslobodskaya 1 +011000101111 Linino 1 +011000101111 Lolo 1 +011000101111 9:30-20:00 1 +011000101111 12:00-20:00 1 +011000101111 Smolenskaya 1 +011000101111 Sviblivo 1 +011000101111 12:0023:00 1 +011000101111 Nogina 1 +011000101111 17:00-22:00 1 +011000101111 10:00-12:00 1 +011000101111 7:30-23:00 1 +011000101111 13:00-23:00 1 +011000101111 9:00-23:00 1 +011000101111 Sviblovo 1 +011000101111 12:00-24:00 1 +011000101111 Aviamotornaya 1 +011000101111 15:00-16:00 1 +011000101111 8:00-18:00 1 +011000101111 Kolomenskaya 1 +011000101111 Izmaylovskaya 1 +011000101111 Novokuznetskaya 1 +011000101111 Voikovskaya 1 +011000101111 Taganskaya 1 +011000101111 Universitet 1 +011000101111 11:00-22:00 1 +011000101111 Profsouznaya 1 +011000101111 Mondays-Saturdays 1 +011000101111 half-inch-thick 1 +011000101111 654,908 1 +011000101111 559,949 1 +011000101111 Aerospace/defense 1 +011000101111 709,192 1 +011000101111 KOW-BLOHM 1 +011000101111 RUSTLE 1 +011000101111 WAGATV 1 +011000101111 slum-dwellers 1 +011000101111 SwimWare 1 +011000101111 Corp.-boosted 1 +011000101111 Cymbiosis 1 +011000101111 Kayal 1 +011000101111 ROBINSON-HUMPHREY 1 +011000101111 Zippora 1 +011000101111 McNeilab 1 +011000101111 Erbeaneignung 1 +011000101111 ChemMark 1 +011000101111 Dublin-Manchester 1 +011000101111 43,433 1 +011000101111 CHIRON 1 +011000101111 Russellsteel 1 +011000101111 Jive 1 +011000101111 BUCKLE 1 +011000101111 Bernstein-Macaulay 1 +011000101111 Dorr-Oliver 1 +011000101111 InfoPlus 1 +011000101111 FIRSTS 1 +011000101111 Alandco 1 +011000101111 succotash 1 +011000101111 VSOP 1 +011000101111 CYPRESS 1 +011000101111 JENNIFER 1 +011000101111 332,700 1 +011000101111 Illinois-Sweet 1 +011000101111 893,909 1 +011000101111 Systeme 1 +011000101111 40,080 1 +011000101111 Privatizador 1 +011000101111 Halal 1 +011000101111 home-supply 1 +011000101111 677,305 1 +011000101111 Eldergames 1 +011000101111 FNI 1 +011000101111 Vernel 1 +011000101111 Syarikai 1 +011000101111 Frozen-sperm 1 +011000101111 Mexicano 1 +011000101111 Nearer-term 1 +011000101111 part-inventor 1 +011000101111 slaloms 1 +011000101111 Gasearch 1 +011000101111 Super-VHS 1 +011000101111 Alphamation 1 +011000101111 nihonga 1 +011000101111 Stateset 1 +011000101111 Vanillas 1 +011000101111 Biopharmaceutics 1 +011000101111 424,328 1 +011000101111 End-User 1 +011000101111 Adamantech 1 +011000101111 Construction-related 1 +011000101111 Cal-Almond 1 +011000101111 Ambrit 1 +011000101111 CHAIR 1 +011000101111 Rouben 1 +011000101111 Selectronics 1 +011000101111 1948-54 1 +011000101111 80,736 1 +011000101111 fact/fiction 1 +011000101111 Calonyction 1 +011000101111 GEODYNE 1 +011000101111 Hazcon 1 +011000101111 Van-pooling 1 +011000101111 Hansac 1 +011000101111 25,071 1 +011000101111 southern-pine 1 +011000101111 210,486 1 +011000101111 Drywall 1 +011000101111 Lebhar-Friedman 1 +011000101111 PRAXIS 1 +011000101111 CENTRES 1 +011000101111 gas-card 1 +011000101111 Machine-Tool 1 +011000101111 Non-nationals 1 +011000101111 Curses 1 +011000101111 539,992 1 +011000101111 68,949 1 +011000101111 manumission 1 +011000101111 RISA 1 +011000101111 ER 1 +011000101111 Direlco 1 +011000101111 Docteur 1 +011000101111 Degasification 1 +011000101111 dincs 1 +011000101111 Iran-a-Lam-a-Ding-Dong 1 +011000101111 Reagan-armics 1 +011000101111 HPU.WI 1 +011000101111 Erzurum 1 +011000101111 385,291 1 +011000101111 scram 1 +011000101111 Peo 1 +011000101111 grave-robbers 1 +011000101111 re-selling 1 +011000101111 BRITANNICA 1 +011000101111 First-in 1 +011000101111 Non-Switching 1 +011000101111 Bourgeoisie 1 +011000101111 Cogentrix 1 +011000101111 5,179 1 +011000101111 Off-The-Wall 1 +011000101111 jigsawlike 1 +011000101111 GREETING 1 +011000101111 288,374 1 +011000101111 Conforama 1 +011000101111 144,909 1 +011000101111 Care/Quest 1 +011000101111 Execute 1 +011000101111 343,440 1 +011000101111 Etiquettone 1 +011000101111 Triage 1 +011000101111 258,046 1 +011000101111 2,565 1 +011000101111 Modulus 1 +011000101111 Board-9,534,499 1 +011000101111 77,191 1 +011000101111 REVVING 1 +011000101111 Beaumont-Bennett 1 +011000101111 Integrator 1 +011000101111 polivinylchloride 1 +011000101111 5x7 1 +011000101111 Macy's-Federated 1 +011000101111 Ceremonial 1 +011000101111 One-track 1 +011000101111 2,155 1 +011000101111 385,838 1 +011000101111 425,599 1 +011000101111 Imposed 1 +011000101111 Exabyte 1 +011000101111 Casually 1 +011000101111 Enserve 1 +011000101111 mainframe-sized 1 +011000101111 thigh-high 1 +011000101111 Whoopps 1 +011000101111 5,872 1 +011000101111 Sumaria 1 +011000101111 Steaks 1 +011000101111 Kluin 1 +011000101111 011-33-74500010 1 +011000101111 011-691-9-797 1 +011000101111 011-441-491-4840 1 +011000101111 011-4122-31-1400 1 +011000101111 452,895 1 +011000101111 Decommissioning 1 +011000101111 140,866 1 +011000101111 Weill/Bertolt 1 +011000101111 Qualcorp 1 +011000101111 Go-go 1 +011000101111 Chempower 1 +011000101111 Qui 1 +011000101111 Gogh-like 1 +011000101111 Octogenarian 1 +011000101111 Memory-Tech 1 +011000101111 Preempted 1 +011000101111 Cancerous 1 +011000101111 Proclaiming 1 +011000101111 Pharmavite 1 +011000101111 Debt-futures 1 +011000101111 31,779 1 +011000101111 Creo 1 +011000101111 6,651 1 +011000101111 retractability 1 +011000101111 333,308 1 +011000101111 free-slung 1 +011000101111 70,902 1 +011000101111 Zycor 1 +011000101111 138,415 1 +011000101111 Harperner 1 +011000101111 Swimming/Diving 1 +011000101111 InView 1 +011000101111 Bush/Dole 1 +011000101111 Matchbook-sized 1 +011000101111 398,444 1 +011000101111 232,508 1 +011000101111 TAG-Heuer 1 +011000101111 67,257 1 +011000101111 Gasification 1 +011000101111 Maruetsu 1 +011000101111 water-efficient 1 +011000101111 45,117 1 +011000101111 MARKITSTAR 1 +011000101111 43,511 1 +011000101111 Alaina 1 +011000101111 38,703 1 +011000101111 Andrija 1 +011000101111 pop-leftish 1 +011000101111 37,935 1 +011000101111 59,217 1 +011000101111 AussieMen 1 +011000101111 648,169 1 +011000101111 Capcor 1 +011000101111 karapo 1 +011000101111 neo-Gothic 1 +011000101111 Paperworx 1 +011000101111 Foul-language 1 +011000101111 Iuiyu 1 +011000101111 197,891 1 +011000101111 1,794,737 1 +011000101111 InterMedia 1 +011000101111 MESSERSCHMITT-BOEKLOWBLOHM 1 +011000101111 Thirty-five-to-59-year-olds 1 +011000101111 55,042 1 +011000101111 Soybean-oil 2 +011000101111 Clearinghouse 2 +011000101111 PNS 2 +011000101111 MACK 2 +011000101111 Datacomputer 2 +011000101111 1975-1990 2 +011000101111 three-chamber 2 +011000101111 Aviall 2 +011000101111 Chesebrough-Ponds 2 +011000101111 HEATS 2 +011000101111 Angles 2 +011000101111 STEPS 2 +011000101111 Serv-Air 2 +011000101111 Turbines 2 +011000101111 Qualex 2 +011000101111 Wespace 2 +011000101111 FirstMiss 2 +011000101111 Bakeware 2 +011000101111 RJR-Macdonald 2 +011000101111 Carabo 2 +011000101111 Unimed 2 +011000101111 Enthone 2 +011000101111 Chemrex 2 +011000101111 Yousri 2 +011000101111 Hydroscience 2 +011000101111 DOUBTS 2 +011000101111 Beddows 2 +011000101111 non-Hodgkins 2 +011000101111 BAe-146 2 +011000101111 Bond-futures 2 +011000101111 15:00-17:00 2 +011000101111 10:00-22:00 2 +011000101111 Nobusuke 2 +011000101111 17:00-18:00 2 +011000101111 home-insurance 2 +011000101111 Vistakon 2 +011000101111 11:00-21:00 2 +011000101111 Charters 2 +011000101111 Zenger-Miller 2 +011000101111 APAC-Arizona 2 +011000101111 Steamroller 3 +011000101111 Barnes-Hind 3 +011000101111 Owns 3 +011000101111 Canine 3 +011000101111 Howard-Sloan 3 +011000101111 Metronet 3 +011000101111 Bertolt 3 +011000101111 12:00-22:00 3 +011000101111 Vishnu 4 +011000101111 Digilog 4 +011000101111 Poly-Tech 4 +011000101111 Bergslags 5 +011000101111 Textbook 5 +011000101111 V.I. 5 +011000101111 KRUPP 5 +011000101111 Gold-futures 5 +011000101111 Oil-futures 5 +011000101111 BusLease 5 +011000101111 Orit 5 +011000101111 Aristar 6 +011000101111 Plane 6 +011000101111 256-K 6 +011000101111 Plazas 6 +011000101111 TIE/communications 8 +011000101111 GEAR 8 +011000101111 Plasma 8 +011000101111 Fray 10 +011000101111 Cattle-futures 10 +011000101111 Kemal 10 +011000101111 Deutz 11 +011000101111 a-Discounted 12 +011000101111 B&E 13 +011000101111 Foggy 13 +011000101111 Wheat-futures 16 +011000101111 Soybean-futures 16 +011000101111 Cahora 20 +011000101111 Compound 30 +011000101111 Comanche 74 +011000101111 Peach 177 +011000101111 High-grade 191 +011000101111 Posted 393 +011000101111 Exporting 590 +011000101111 Telerate 684 +011000101111 Lambert 2180 +011000101111 Futures 1683 +011000110000 Leflaive 1 +011000110000 GUADALCANAL 1 +011000110000 Department. 1 +011000110000 Briefing-dominated 1 +011000110000 Atans 1 +011000110000 Reconstitution 1 +011000110000 AlbertoCardemil 1 +011000110000 Office. 1 +011000110000 Department/NAACP 1 +011000110000 Department-congressional 1 +011000110000 Party-backed 1 +011000110000 A330/340 1 +011000110000 Deptartment 1 +011000110000 chummily 1 +011000110000 steam-explosion 1 +011000110000 driving-hour 1 +011000110000 Cyane 1 +011000110000 Saint-Lazare 1 +011000110000 Corp.was 1 +011000110000 Department-headed 1 +011000110000 Buildup 1 +011000110000 Missurveys 1 +011000110000 Talal 1 +011000110000 Spelunking 1 +011000110000 sub-lieutenant 1 +011000110000 Department-appointed 1 +011000110000 Department-owned 1 +011000110000 Deartment 1 +011000110000 Bacons 1 +011000110000 University-EPA 1 +011000110000 Raspail 1 +011000110000 General-AP 1 +011000110000 Barberini 1 +011000110000 Department/ 1 +011000110000 consumer-litigation 1 +011000110000 Department-sponsored 1 +011000110000 ein 2 +011000110000 dei 2 +011000110000 Day. 2 +011000110000 Shortage 2 +011000110000 Growler 2 +011000110000 Department-CIA 2 +011000110000 Paik 3 +011000110000 Bank-McAllen 3 +011000110000 Lasalle 3 +011000110000 Deparment 3 +011000110000 Bonefish 3 +011000110000 Bank-Houston 3 +011000110000 Supplement 5 +011000110000 Sinnathuray 5 +011000110000 Exterieur 6 +011000110000 Southin 7 +011000110000 Racketeering 9 +011000110000 Analyses 9 +011000110000 Dept. 10 +011000110000 Briefing 12 +011000110000 Liacos 18 +011000110000 E&G 26 +011000110000 Legislatures 33 +011000110000 Departments 36 +011000110000 Scalia 225 +011000110000 Department 13612 +011000110000 Initiative 351 +011000110001 MacAulay 1 +011000110001 teaching-communications 1 +011000110001 Erxleben 1 +011000110001 Seaf 1 +011000110001 Shabsin 1 +011000110001 Soogil 1 +011000110001 Sung-Un 1 +011000110001 Rauff 1 +011000110001 Raybourn 1 +011000110001 Yonghua 1 +011000110001 Vellu 1 +011000110001 warrior-pilots 1 +011000110001 Tzong-shian 1 +011000110001 Futurama 1 +011000110001 Dunaev 1 +011000110001 Susonphitaphong 1 +011000110001 Broecker 1 +011000110001 Hoiseth 1 +011000110001 Zhengqing 1 +011000110001 Ruizhen 1 +011000110001 Brodar 1 +011000110001 nonenforcement 1 +011000110001 Whisenton 1 +011000110001 35/11 1 +011000110001 Meerestechnik 1 +011000110001 Clowns 1 +011000110001 Teele 1 +011000110001 Xiao-hua 1 +011000110001 Amours 1 +011000110001 Lagniappe 1 +011000110001 Shiau 1 +011000110001 Aeroplane 1 +011000110001 Ece 1 +011000110001 Gassama 1 +011000110001 Bybel 1 +011000110001 Ronay 1 +011000110001 Ghashir 1 +011000110001 Lites 1 +011000110001 Manisah 1 +011000110001 Il-the 1 +011000110001 Couvillion 1 +011000110001 Setters 1 +011000110001 Urso 1 +011000110001 Olier 1 +011000110001 Melsungen 1 +011000110001 Eiden 1 +011000110001 Juxian 1 +011000110001 scioness 1 +011000110001 el-Deeb 1 +011000110001 Patrolman 2 +011000110001 Mindich 2 +011000110001 Waitz 2 +011000110001 Innkeepers 2 +011000110001 Kiehl 2 +011000110001 Pavements 2 +011000110001 Hansmann 2 +011000110001 erosions 2 +011000110001 Palast 2 +011000110001 fig-leaf 2 +011000110001 Compatible 2 +011000110001 Mowers 2 +011000110001 Teen-Agers 2 +011000110001 Berlizov 2 +011000110001 Bar. 2 +011000110001 Spang 2 +011000110001 atoll 2 +011000110001 Conditional 2 +011000110001 Magician 2 +011000110001 faro 2 +011000110001 Makos 2 +011000110001 Roches 2 +011000110001 President-Secretary 2 +011000110001 Enigmas 2 +011000110001 Frenzy 2 +011000110001 speaker-elect 3 +011000110001 Jewels 3 +011000110001 Bidco 3 +011000110001 Glossary 3 +011000110001 019 3 +011000110001 Blumenfrucht 3 +011000110001 Descendants 3 +011000110001 Journal-Bulletin 3 +011000110001 craw 3 +011000110001 Greening 3 +011000110001 Shroud 3 +011000110001 Rape 5 +011000110001 Fellowship 5 +011000110001 Roster 5 +011000110001 Synod 5 +011000110001 Clerk 6 +011000110001 Penitentiary 6 +011000110001 Bombeck 7 +011000110001 Observateur 9 +011000110001 Archdiocese 10 +011000110001 Advocate 11 +011000110001 Allensbach 11 +011000110001 KK 12 +011000110001 Minit-Lube 19 +011000110001 Borough 31 +011000110001 Medal 37 +011000110001 Gang 50 +011000110001 Prevention 50 +011000110001 Preservation 57 +011000110001 Sultan 60 +011000110001 Declaration 81 +011000110001 borough 87 +011000110001 Study 130 +011000110001 Strait 144 +011000110001 Voice 169 +011000110001 Comptroller 250 +011000110001 Guild 286 +011000110001 Chamber 414 +011000110001 Organization 1701 +011000110001 Bureau 1906 +011000110001 Office 2444 +011000110001 Ministry 2472 +011000110001 University 6913 +011000110010 Nigam 1 +011000110010 Plast 1 +011000110010 NEDERLANDEN 1 +011000110010 Rescripts 1 +011000110010 aggrandizes 1 +011000110010 Reveiew 1 +011000110010 Hedland 1 +011000110010 Assoociation 1 +011000110010 Iberoamericana 1 +011000110010 Opec 1 +011000110010 lease-offering 1 +011000110010 O-Ring 1 +011000110010 sooners 1 +011000110010 Kelang 1 +011000110010 Rioux 1 +011000110010 Distict 1 +011000110010 Waffelmaschinen 1 +011000110010 Cacao 1 +011000110010 Dutchmen 1 +011000110010 Pilaf 1 +011000110010 Gasunie 1 +011000110010 Rutilee 1 +011000110010 Ufa 1 +011000110010 Academies 1 +011000110010 DRINKS 1 +011000110010 Institue 1 +011000110010 Act-guaranteed 1 +011000110010 not-so-crypto-pros 1 +011000110010 MEW 1 +011000110010 ARAL-88 1 +011000110010 dialers 1 +011000110010 Vertriebs 1 +011000110010 Mobilfunk 1 +011000110010 Electrica-Fenosa 1 +011000110010 Munchen 1 +011000110010 Bank/IMF 1 +011000110010 Check-List 1 +011000110010 NARROWING 1 +011000110010 Detachment 1 +011000110010 Closest 2 +011000110010 Association/College 2 +011000110010 Uitgeversbedrijven 2 +011000110010 Gardner-Denver 2 +011000110010 Norvo 2 +011000110010 OCCIDENTALE 2 +011000110010 Bank/Tidewater 2 +011000110010 Gallipoli 2 +011000110010 Inroads 2 +011000110010 Electrica 2 +011000110010 Disobedience 2 +011000110010 Wabco 2 +011000110010 Visy 2 +011000110010 Chorale 2 +011000110010 Amihud 2 +011000110010 Samrin 2 +011000110010 Janes 2 +011000110010 Inevitability 2 +011000110010 Kaufhaus 2 +011000110010 Turbomeca 2 +011000110010 1,657 2 +011000110010 AGACHE 2 +011000110010 Sportsmen 3 +011000110010 Stollar 3 +011000110010 PIRELLI 3 +011000110010 Mammals 3 +011000110010 Einfuhr 3 +011000110010 Insitutes 3 +011000110010 Hydrocarbons 3 +011000110010 Exhibitions 3 +011000110010 Cranes 3 +011000110010 Manufacture 3 +011000110010 Gelatine 4 +011000110010 Beginnings 4 +011000110010 Delusions 4 +011000110010 ITALIANA 4 +011000110010 Oceans 5 +011000110010 Commitment 5 +011000110010 Receipt 5 +011000110010 Badge 5 +011000110010 SSB 5 +011000110010 Landerbank 5 +011000110010 Delegation 6 +011000110010 Metalicos 6 +011000110010 Association-College 6 +011000110010 Alchemy 6 +011000110010 Missions 7 +011000110010 Tragedy 7 +011000110010 Telesystem 7 +011000110010 Middenstandsbank 7 +011000110010 Certificate 7 +011000110010 Tooling 8 +011000110010 Kontrollbank 8 +011000110010 Coins 9 +011000110010 Ministries 10 +011000110010 Wintershall 10 +011000110010 Slough 11 +011000110010 Origins 12 +011000110010 Jewellers 13 +011000110010 Grapes 13 +011000110010 Laenderbank 14 +011000110010 MerchantsBank 14 +011000110010 Witches 14 +011000110010 Dorland 24 +011000110010 Pagette 24 +011000110010 Biology 25 +011000110010 PTA 26 +011000110010 Mediation 52 +011000110010 Spirit 62 +011000110010 Aerospatiale 66 +011000110010 Fruit 92 +011000110010 Confederation 96 +011000110010 Order 123 +011000110010 Chiefs 149 +011000110010 Institutes 203 +011000110010 Palace 215 +011000110010 Aeronautics 289 +011000110010 Bancorp. 493 +011000110010 Conference 632 +011000110010 Bank 22457 +011000110010 Alliance 667 +011000110011 Sweaters 1 +011000110011 Shanty 1 +011000110011 Lusso 1 +011000110011 Numbering 1 +011000110011 Pvt. 1 +011000110011 SHOP 1 +011000110011 Loaf 1 +011000110011 Pfandbriefanstalt 1 +011000110011 BanCorp. 1 +011000110011 Pharmaka-Gesellschaft 1 +011000110011 Historiques 1 +011000110011 19-1/6 1 +011000110011 Siciliani 1 +011000110011 Shrines 1 +011000110011 Chongfa 1 +011000110011 Devotion 1 +011000110011 Committeeman 1 +011000110011 Bootery 1 +011000110011 Army. 1 +011000110011 arketing 1 +011000110011 BBQ 1 +011000110011 Stewardship 1 +011000110011 Osaky 1 +011000110011 Halmen 1 +011000110011 League. 1 +011000110011 Donegal 1 +011000110011 Carozza 1 +011000110011 Beaujolaise 1 +011000110011 AFRAID 1 +011000110011 Pacts 1 +011000110011 Lyngdoh 1 +011000110011 Loaeza 1 +011000110011 Prerogative 1 +011000110011 Xmas 1 +011000110011 Draught 1 +011000110011 Aurabauch 1 +011000110011 Brigades-style 1 +011000110011 FIG 1 +011000110011 Club-basher 1 +011000110011 Lointain 1 +011000110011 Curtains 1 +011000110011 Fairytales 1 +011000110011 Collides 1 +011000110011 1386/86 1 +011000110011 Ponchartrain 1 +011000110011 Chummy 1 +011000110011 Oxymoron 1 +011000110011 Allegany 1 +011000110011 Eyres 1 +011000110011 Notre-Dame 1 +011000110011 Pontiff 1 +011000110011 Pass-throughs 1 +011000110011 box/automaton 1 +011000110011 ahora 1 +011000110011 Quests 1 +011000110011 Hosiptal 1 +011000110011 Healthcorp 1 +011000110011 shot-putters 1 +011000110011 Spatiale 1 +011000110011 Unitrust 1 +011000110011 Humiliation 1 +011000110011 Taamu 1 +011000110011 Bleaker 1 +011000110011 Brickle 1 +011000110011 Vert 1 +011000110011 MV/Family 1 +011000110011 2358 1 +011000110011 Bucanneers 1 +011000110011 Resse 1 +011000110011 97-322 1 +011000110011 C-V 1 +011000110011 WEARY 1 +011000110011 Iscovesco 1 +011000110011 Liben 1 +011000110011 Race. 1 +011000110011 Disgrace 1 +011000110011 Ealy 1 +011000110011 Sepulcher 1 +011000110011 Aldwin 1 +011000110011 Colborne 1 +011000110011 1078 1 +011000110011 Johnson/Y&R 1 +011000110011 Genossenesschaftsbank 1 +011000110011 I85 1 +011000110011 Guichard 1 +011000110011 Rundschau 1 +011000110011 Tribunals 1 +011000110011 81,687 1 +011000110011 Antelopes 1 +011000110011 Bartelstein 1 +011000110011 Siu-Kwong 1 +011000110011 Gie 1 +011000110011 91452 1 +011000110011 Contentions 1 +011000110011 Styx 1 +011000110011 Communications. 1 +011000110011 Convairs 1 +011000110011 Seashore 1 +011000110011 Nevadas 1 +011000110011 Journal/LEXIS 1 +011000110011 International-Japan 1 +011000110011 Rosarians 1 +011000110011 Bank-South 1 +011000110011 Grassland 1 +011000110011 Orgy 2 +011000110011 Peaks 2 +011000110011 Porkettes 2 +011000110011 Arrays 2 +011000110011 Glories 2 +011000110011 Pies 2 +011000110011 engravers 2 +011000110011 Sann 2 +011000110011 Moresby 2 +011000110011 Varieties 2 +011000110011 Leaguer 2 +011000110011 Goddesses 2 +011000110011 Mojahedin 2 +011000110011 Administration. 2 +011000110011 Revolutionaries 2 +011000110011 Posturing 2 +011000110011 Grocer 2 +011000110011 snowpack 2 +011000110011 Stockings 2 +011000110011 Fairs 2 +011000110011 Casaroli 2 +011000110011 House. 2 +011000110011 Juices 2 +011000110011 Ridinghood 2 +011000110011 Chaser 2 +011000110011 Degree 2 +011000110011 Epopt 2 +011000110011 Segments 2 +011000110011 Styling 2 +011000110011 Gastronomy 2 +011000110011 Guru 2 +011000110011 Insititute 2 +011000110011 Harvesters 2 +011000110011 Underworld 2 +011000110011 Patrolmen 2 +011000110011 Rhythms 2 +011000110011 Zinger 2 +011000110011 Grouping 2 +011000110011 Roylan 2 +011000110011 Briefs 2 +011000110011 Geographics 2 +011000110011 Caddy 2 +011000110011 Ausgleichsbank 2 +011000110011 Ryders 2 +011000110011 Mu 3 +011000110011 Porcelain 3 +011000110011 Structure 3 +011000110011 Raceway 3 +011000110011 Professions 3 +011000110011 Assn 3 +011000110011 Saves 3 +011000110011 Wagnerians 3 +011000110011 Transformation 3 +011000110011 Atrium 3 +011000110011 Rovers 3 +011000110011 Mints 3 +011000110011 Stairs 3 +011000110011 Welders 3 +011000110011 Teaches 3 +011000110011 Roost 3 +011000110011 Freemasonry 3 +011000110011 Week. 4 +011000110011 committeewoman 4 +011000110011 Assn. 4 +011000110011 Bundesbahn 4 +011000110011 Omen 4 +011000110011 Implications 4 +011000110011 Marketeers 4 +011000110011 TELEPHONIQUES 4 +011000110011 Council. 4 +011000110011 Treaties 4 +011000110011 Treuhand 4 +011000110011 Employed 4 +011000110011 Bulbs 4 +011000110011 Incidence 4 +011000110011 Zil 4 +011000110011 Molders 5 +011000110011 Kea 5 +011000110011 Exam 5 +011000110011 Mania 5 +011000110011 Conservatory 5 +011000110011 Regiment 5 +011000110011 Olmsted 5 +011000110011 Brigades 5 +011000110011 Ghosts 5 +011000110011 Assocation 5 +011000110011 Woodman 5 +011000110011 Associaton 5 +011000110011 Cruisers 6 +011000110011 Faction 6 +011000110011 Seizure 6 +011000110011 Blend 6 +011000110011 Regime 6 +011000110011 Cycles 6 +011000110011 IX 6 +011000110011 Advisor 6 +011000110011 Pad 6 +011000110011 Association. 6 +011000110011 Cellars 7 +011000110011 Revival 7 +011000110011 Expressions 7 +011000110011 Goddess 7 +011000110011 Madre 7 +011000110011 Fighters 8 +011000110011 Noon 8 +011000110011 Address 8 +011000110011 Microbiology 8 +011000110011 Speedway 8 +011000110011 Apartments 8 +011000110011 Bubble 9 +011000110011 Apparatus 10 +011000110011 Genossenschaftsbank 10 +011000110011 Nouveau 11 +011000110011 Maiden 11 +011000110011 Memoirs 11 +011000110011 Woodworkers 12 +011000110011 Observatory 12 +011000110011 Inquiry 12 +011000110011 Shipyard 12 +011000110011 Effect 12 +011000110011 Ensemble 13 +011000110011 Ordinance 15 +011000110011 Grail 16 +011000110011 Workshop 16 +011000110011 Registry 17 +011000110011 Seminary 17 +011000110011 Leaguers 17 +011000110011 Archives 17 +011000110011 Conduct 19 +011000110011 F.A. 19 +011000110011 Societies 19 +011000110011 Reservation 19 +011000110011 Update 19 +011000110011 Handbook 19 +011000110011 Almanac 20 +011000110011 Choir 20 +011000110011 Encyclopedia 20 +011000110011 Guardsmen 21 +011000110011 Manual 22 +011000110011 Forests 24 +011000110011 Boards 24 +011000110011 Enquirer 25 +011000110011 Galleries 25 +011000110011 Oy 31 +011000110011 Surgery 32 +011000110011 Legion 33 +011000110011 Pit 33 +011000110011 Railways 34 +011000110011 Course 35 +011000110011 Consortium 38 +011000110011 Marti 38 +011000110011 Dictionary 39 +011000110011 Secretariat 44 +011000110011 Heat 45 +011000110011 Bulletin 47 +011000110011 Associations 50 +011000110011 Refuge 52 +011000110011 Province 54 +011000110011 Curtain 56 +011000110011 Rentals 58 +011000110011 Bonds-b 62 +011000110011 Assessment 72 +011000110011 Roundtable 76 +011000110011 Sector 79 +011000110011 Collection 79 +011000110011 Settlements 83 +011000110011 Brotherhood 103 +011000110011 Drive 107 +011000110011 Mall 115 +011000110011 Cause 118 +011000110011 Endowment 122 +011000110011 Award 123 +011000110011 Orchestra 127 +011000110011 Coalition 168 +011000110011 Corporation 171 +011000110011 Library 189 +011000110011 Ballet 190 +011000110011 Gallery 204 +011000110011 Laboratory 248 +011000110011 Festival 255 +011000110011 Institutions 329 +011000110011 Centers 390 +011000110011 Project 430 +011000110011 Assembly 441 +011000110011 Studies 460 +011000110011 Division 508 +011000110011 Academy 510 +011000110011 Federation 588 +011000110011 Airport 617 +011000110011 Museum 739 +011000110011 Authority 808 +011000110011 League 957 +011000110011 Foundation 994 +011000110011 College 1121 +011000110011 Society 1150 +011000110011 School 1841 +011000110011 Council 2434 +011000110011 Center 2690 +011000110011 Association 7455 +011000110011 Institute 3901 +01100011010 Uneffected 1 +01100011010 Shuoxun 1 +01100011010 Administration-approved 1 +01100011010 Birdcage 1 +01100011010 fellow-travelling 1 +01100011010 Jersild 1 +01100011010 Creasemann 1 +01100011010 Arsenals 1 +01100011010 Rivadeneira 1 +01100011010 Ciekanski 1 +01100011010 Bonis 1 +01100011010 chic. 1 +01100011010 Beeferman 1 +01100011010 Jiru 1 +01100011010 Shu-jen 1 +01100011010 Jip 1 +01100011010 Alavi 1 +01100011010 Ingersol 1 +01100011010 Meadway 1 +01100011010 Bethancourt 1 +01100011010 Mechanism 1 +01100011010 Zuguang 1 +01100011010 factions-another 1 +01100011010 Shudong 1 +01100011010 Jinlan 1 +01100011010 Yakub 1 +01100011010 crats 1 +01100011010 Su-yung 1 +01100011010 Chi-chu 1 +01100011010 panel. 1 +01100011010 Barnaard 1 +01100011010 microwave-owner 1 +01100011010 Armella 1 +01100011010 Daniken 1 +01100011010 Coppie 1 +01100011010 Trik 1 +01100011010 Chi-yau 1 +01100011010 Xinzhen 1 +01100011010 Ju-Yung 1 +01100011010 Bin-Nahyan 1 +01100011010 Xuejian 1 +01100011010 Committe 1 +01100011010 Ziegesar 1 +01100011010 Corbala 1 +01100011010 C.A.-Citimerca 1 +01100011010 sweeties 1 +01100011010 Weyer 1 +01100011010 Fissore 1 +01100011010 Marclay 1 +01100011010 Lorimer 1 +01100011010 Gasztowtt 1 +01100011010 Xiaoyue 1 +01100011010 Hor 1 +01100011010 taxwriters 1 +01100011010 Geslin 1 +01100011010 Tavara 1 +01100011010 1185-1868 1 +01100011010 Abou-Afia 1 +01100011010 Administraton 1 +01100011010 Wilkerson-Hollins 1 +01100011010 Golzman 1 +01100011010 Chia-wen 1 +01100011010 Spendthrifts 1 +01100011010 Obrador 1 +01100011010 Statecraft 1 +01100011010 Geerdes 1 +01100011010 Alami 1 +01100011010 Efim 1 +01100011010 Wenhua 1 +01100011010 Germeten 1 +01100011010 203H 1 +01100011010 Committeee 1 +01100011010 Hung-chuan 1 +01100011010 Ullmann 1 +01100011010 Hsinliang 1 +01100011010 Worldscan 1 +01100011010 See-ming 1 +01100011010 Yunqing 1 +01100011010 Zhenglong 1 +01100011010 Banc-Corp. 1 +01100011010 Glub 1 +01100011010 Triltsch 1 +01100011010 Larios 1 +01100011010 Baldocchi 1 +01100011010 Manotoc 1 +01100011010 Scrumptious 1 +01100011010 Mingqun 1 +01100011010 Sub-Group 1 +01100011010 Guojian 1 +01100011010 Muqiao 1 +01100011010 In-Yong 1 +01100011010 Beadsman 1 +01100011010 Ramoowalia 1 +01100011010 Barahena 1 +01100011010 Altenburger 1 +01100011010 votecounters 1 +01100011010 Milmo 1 +01100011010 Choong-Sung 1 +01100011010 Party-controlled 1 +01100011010 Duanxu 1 +01100011010 Zhiren 1 +01100011010 Shcheglov 1 +01100011010 Multiplier 1 +01100011010 Bjelke-Peterson 1 +01100011010 Gremp 1 +01100011010 Stancill 1 +01100011010 subcommmittee 1 +01100011010 Peide 1 +01100011010 Hader 1 +01100011010 Sprauve 1 +01100011010 Openers 1 +01100011010 Nears 1 +01100011010 Wetenhall 1 +01100011010 Chi-Cheng 1 +01100011010 Yueh-chin 1 +01100011010 Falkenhorst 1 +01100011010 Pacioli 1 +01100011010 Fuerstenau 1 +01100011010 Viso 1 +01100011010 Wenhao 1 +01100011010 Shizhong 1 +01100011010 Kanin 1 +01100011010 Werssowetz 1 +01100011010 Nostitz 1 +01100011010 Breland 1 +01100011010 subcommitteee 1 +01100011010 Set-Asides 1 +01100011010 hang-out 1 +01100011010 Demosthenes 1 +01100011010 Galino 1 +01100011010 Funderburke 1 +01100011010 Shanmou 1 +01100011010 Zilin 1 +01100011010 Coues 1 +01100011010 Clementine 1 +01100011010 Baotao 1 +01100011010 Organziation 1 +01100011010 Pazzos 1 +01100011010 Chung-tung 1 +01100011010 King-yuk 1 +01100011010 Cabiallavetta 1 +01100011010 cravenness 1 +01100011010 Opportun 1 +01100011010 Debevois 1 +01100011010 Galvis 1 +01100011010 Conventioneers 1 +01100011010 Westrem 1 +01100011010 Autocracy 1 +01100011010 Potholm 1 +01100011010 Hui-yuan 1 +01100011010 Fai 1 +01100011010 Mini-Marshmallows 1 +01100011010 Xulan 1 +01100011010 Ayub 1 +01100011010 theory-and 1 +01100011010 Lambertsen 1 +01100011010 Democratic-Socialist-Flemish 1 +01100011010 fluctions 1 +01100011010 Salive 1 +01100011010 Tangle 1 +01100011010 Schaff 1 +01100011010 Boda 1 +01100011010 Huanting 1 +01100011010 alter-ego 1 +01100011010 Li-an 1 +01100011010 Yen-huan 1 +01100011010 Bielas 1 +01100011010 Gaos 1 +01100011010 Hsing-kuo 1 +01100011010 Chirativat 1 +01100011010 Yizi 1 +01100011010 Lautz 1 +01100011010 Schilcher 1 +01100011010 Hertzen 1 +01100011010 Qingzheng 1 +01100011010 Rongnan 1 +01100011010 Yunying 1 +01100011010 Ta-Lin 1 +01100011010 Ratz 1 +01100011010 Shih-yuan 1 +01100011010 Tsao-teh 1 +01100011010 Gershon/Pon/GGk 1 +01100011010 Jellinek 1 +01100011010 Chuanfang 1 +01100011010 Tobacs 1 +01100011010 Ponzoni 1 +01100011010 Coello 1 +01100011010 Yizhou 1 +01100011010 Ideen 1 +01100011010 Deveopment 1 +01100011010 Committtee 1 +01100011010 big-wigs 1 +01100011010 Malpractices 1 +01100011010 Cuccia 1 +01100011010 Guixian 1 +01100011010 Qianxu 1 +01100011010 Kehua 1 +01100011010 Haerpfer 1 +01100011010 Barcelo 1 +01100011010 Mein 1 +01100011010 Zigesar 1 +01100011010 Bingliang 1 +01100011010 Laureates 1 +01100011010 professoriat 1 +01100011010 Agosto 1 +01100011010 Ageny 1 +01100011010 Yongjie 1 +01100011010 Multi-Wheeled 1 +01100011010 Holleman 1 +01100011010 convasser 1 +01100011010 Baotai 1 +01100011010 administrator/regulators 1 +01100011010 Erjun 1 +01100011010 1846-1876 1 +01100011010 Party-dominated 1 +01100011010 Hypothesis 1 +01100011010 Gronan 1 +01100011010 Enclosure 1 +01100011010 Winterfeld 1 +01100011010 deWindt 1 +01100011010 Commiteee 1 +01100011010 al-Omair 1 +01100011010 demogogy 1 +01100011010 Muckenfuss 1 +01100011010 Fabregat 1 +01100011010 Pathet 1 +01100011010 Trafficking 1 +01100011010 Waldau 1 +01100011010 Kingpin 1 +01100011010 Yuen-chun 1 +01100011010 Hang-ming 1 +01100011010 Owasso 1 +01100011010 Xinyu 1 +01100011010 Huanyou 1 +01100011010 Buek 1 +01100011010 Mahecha 1 +01100011010 Yuping 1 +01100011010 Dianlai 1 +01100011010 Erred 1 +01100011010 Madrid-Salinas 1 +01100011010 Domberger 1 +01100011010 Comnmittee 1 +01100011010 Dallastown 1 +01100011010 un-electable 1 +01100011010 Networkknown 1 +01100011010 Spreckelsen 1 +01100011010 Hari 1 +01100011010 Govt 1 +01100011010 Canonici 1 +01100011010 Noorani 1 +01100011010 Graphoconsultants 1 +01100011010 Stolzing 1 +01100011010 JOCKEYING 1 +01100011010 Wersebe 1 +01100011010 ,47 1 +01100011010 Enterprisers 1 +01100011010 Siu-leun 1 +01100011010 Chien-kuo 1 +01100011010 Yijin 1 +01100011010 conventioners 1 +01100011010 Hoyong 1 +01100011010 Keqiang 1 +01100011010 Jianhua 1 +01100011010 al-Zouman 1 +01100011010 muscatel 1 +01100011010 Karre 1 +01100011010 Anguiano 1 +01100011010 LOTS 1 +01100011010 Picot 1 +01100011010 Berthier 1 +01100011010 Bilgore 1 +01100011010 Bistricer 1 +01100011010 Epigraphs 1 +01100011010 Inkpen 1 +01100011010 Xing-Rong 1 +01100011010 Party/NPA 1 +01100011010 Keli 1 +01100011010 Rapide 1 +01100011010 Cho-cheung 1 +01100011010 Guimet 1 +01100011010 also-runs 1 +01100011010 commericals 1 +01100011010 Yiyong 1 +01100011010 Chang-lo 1 +01100011010 caucus-goer 1 +01100011010 Rong-i 1 +01100011010 Aubin 2 +01100011010 Bressersdorf 2 +01100011010 Eschenbach 2 +01100011010 Yuanwen 2 +01100011010 Bind 2 +01100011010 Bank-Dallas 2 +01100011010 Lamas 2 +01100011010 Somsakulrungrueng 2 +01100011010 Administration-insured 2 +01100011010 Hian 2 +01100011010 Stumbles 2 +01100011010 Vasena 2 +01100011010 Rovere 2 +01100011010 Helpline 2 +01100011010 Kuo-shu 2 +01100011010 Crosswell 2 +01100011010 Tellez 2 +01100011010 Recklinghausen 2 +01100011010 Delon 2 +01100011010 Tianming 2 +01100011010 Wilentz 2 +01100011010 Dannis 2 +01100011010 Siyuan 2 +01100011010 Eng 2 +01100011010 Cardoza 2 +01100011010 Siemaszko 2 +01100011010 Liqueur 2 +01100011010 blueblood 2 +01100011010 Tieying 2 +01100011010 Suggests 2 +01100011010 Texas-style 2 +01100011010 Junsheng 2 +01100011010 Parada 2 +01100011010 Barcena 2 +01100011010 Bothmer 2 +01100011010 Scoreboard 2 +01100011010 Administration-guaranteed 2 +01100011010 Cheat 2 +01100011010 Cordaro 2 +01100011010 Tellem 2 +01100011010 Liebermann 2 +01100011010 Hairstyle 2 +01100011010 Weiqun 2 +01100011010 Hoa 2 +01100011010 Ferran 2 +01100011010 Attache 2 +01100011010 Shaozhi 2 +01100011010 Begonia 2 +01100011010 Saabye 2 +01100011010 Ond 2 +01100011010 Larrain 2 +01100011010 FRUSTRATION 2 +01100011010 Aeronautica 2 +01100011010 Skaneateles 2 +01100011010 Wan-an 2 +01100011010 Gacha 2 +01100011010 McGivern 2 +01100011010 Telethon 2 +01100011010 Atance 2 +01100011010 Yegen 2 +01100011010 Honored 2 +01100011010 Cheats 2 +01100011010 remarries 2 +01100011010 Spreader 2 +01100011010 Afshar 2 +01100011010 Crack-Up 2 +01100011010 Committee. 2 +01100011010 Kozai 2 +01100011010 S.N.C. 2 +01100011010 Lijun 3 +01100011010 Commmittee 3 +01100011010 Directe 3 +01100011010 Zhiqiang 3 +01100011010 1989-A 3 +01100011010 Squash 3 +01100011010 Arizpe 3 +01100011010 Exemption 3 +01100011010 Theology 3 +01100011010 Cooks 3 +01100011010 Cheevers 3 +01100011010 Castellanos 3 +01100011010 Qingfeng 3 +01100011010 Merkley 3 +01100011010 Lecturer 3 +01100011010 Xiang 3 +01100011010 Moltke 3 +01100011010 Bidder 3 +01100011010 Souk 3 +01100011010 Ranpura 3 +01100011010 INVENTORY 3 +01100011010 Ratcliffe 3 +01100011010 Convergence 3 +01100011010 Commitee 3 +01100011010 Voznesensky 3 +01100011010 Jirga 3 +01100011010 Invaders 3 +01100011010 Served 3 +01100011010 F.S.A. 3 +01100011010 Gullet 3 +01100011010 Londono 3 +01100011010 Ruete 3 +01100011010 Shoals 3 +01100011010 Exch 3 +01100011010 Modem 4 +01100011010 Boufford 4 +01100011010 Littel 4 +01100011010 Greyerz 4 +01100011010 Ka-Shing 4 +01100011010 HEAP 4 +01100011010 Ambrosio 4 +01100011010 Chacon 4 +01100011010 Scheme 4 +01100011010 Harries 4 +01100011010 Chalasani 4 +01100011010 Schwarz-Schilling 4 +01100011010 Allowance 4 +01100011010 Puttkamer 4 +01100011010 Bleu 4 +01100011010 Collectibles 4 +01100011010 Nationaux 4 +01100011010 Timberlands 4 +01100011010 Package 5 +01100011010 Xiannian 5 +01100011010 Circles 5 +01100011010 Ruihuan 5 +01100011010 Curriculum 5 +01100011010 Lineas 5 +01100011010 Fiord 5 +01100011010 Netzer 5 +01100011010 Kemi 5 +01100011010 Etzioni 5 +01100011010 Zaikov 5 +01100011010 Dussen 5 +01100011010 Kyong 5 +01100011010 Seminar 5 +01100011010 Brosnan 5 +01100011010 Yearbook 5 +01100011010 Lantzsch 5 +01100011010 Seldeneck 5 +01100011010 Bluffs 6 +01100011010 Listings 6 +01100011010 Scare 6 +01100011010 Sandwiches 6 +01100011010 Bacal 6 +01100011010 Lubbers 6 +01100011010 Zinser 6 +01100011010 Millau 6 +01100011010 Adminstration 6 +01100011010 Pati 6 +01100011010 Codes 6 +01100011010 Abstract 7 +01100011010 Parity 7 +01100011010 Yul 7 +01100011010 Bust 7 +01100011010 Manifesto 7 +01100011010 Saloon 8 +01100011010 Joong 8 +01100011010 Choong 8 +01100011010 Hoon 8 +01100011010 Galicia 8 +01100011010 Sassoon 8 +01100011010 Corral 8 +01100011010 bashers 8 +01100011010 Yunis 8 +01100011010 Pub 9 +01100011010 Staffing 9 +01100011010 Telescope 9 +01100011010 Councils 9 +01100011010 Mechanisms 9 +01100011010 laureates 10 +01100011010 Estrada 10 +01100011010 Bunch 10 +01100011010 Blvd. 11 +01100011010 Privilege 11 +01100011010 Rebellion 11 +01100011010 Weizsaecker 11 +01100011010 Scientist 11 +01100011010 Grows 12 +01100011010 Fraga 12 +01100011010 Kumar 12 +01100011010 Arx 13 +01100011010 Hwa 13 +01100011010 Hayek 13 +01100011010 Gym 13 +01100011010 Squad 13 +01100011010 Trap 14 +01100011010 Dal 14 +01100011010 Platform 14 +01100011010 Lizhi 14 +01100011010 Parc 14 +01100011010 Mena 14 +01100011010 Yong 15 +01100011010 Invitational 15 +01100011010 Guevara 15 +01100011010 Grocers 15 +01100011010 Ju 18 +01100011010 Sword 19 +01100011010 Macoutes 19 +01100011010 Nostra 20 +01100011010 Rivas 20 +01100011010 Auditorium 21 +01100011010 Plantation 21 +01100011010 Gras 21 +01100011010 Parkway 23 +01100011010 Industrier 24 +01100011010 KGaA 25 +01100011010 Amendments 25 +01100011010 Activities 26 +01100011010 Forecast 26 +01100011010 Region 29 +01100011010 Priorities 30 +01100011010 Landing 30 +01100011010 Tournament 32 +01100011010 Lacroix 34 +01100011010 Emporium 34 +01100011010 Flyer 34 +01100011010 Hosts 36 +01100011010 Newsletter 36 +01100011010 Syndrome 38 +01100011010 Prizes 39 +01100011010 Tribunal 39 +01100011010 Trials 42 +01100011010 laureate 42 +01100011010 Theory 42 +01100011010 Hole 43 +01100011010 Grants 45 +01100011010 Trends 46 +01100011010 BV 49 +01100011010 Committees 51 +01100011010 Indicators 53 +01100011010 Quartet 56 +01100011010 Wing 56 +01100011010 Principles 56 +01100011010 Abuse 57 +01100011010 Dam 58 +01100011010 Facility 63 +01100011010 Awards 65 +01100011010 Poll 66 +01100011010 Crisis 70 +01100011010 Dior 75 +01100011010 Branch 81 +01100011010 Magazines 83 +01100011010 Rent 90 +01100011010 Zone 92 +01100011010 Shuttle 92 +01100011010 Advocates 109 +01100011010 Stadium 111 +01100011010 Outlook 122 +01100011010 Caucus 122 +01100011010 Movement 124 +01100011010 Command 146 +01100011010 Survey 157 +01100011010 Station 170 +01100011010 Analysis 176 +01100011010 Place 197 +01100011010 Prize 209 +01100011010 Digest 209 +01100011010 Subcommittee 216 +01100011010 Theatre 216 +01100011010 Letter 233 +01100011010 Plans 249 +01100011010 Cooperation 251 +01100011010 Convention 278 +01100011010 Advisers 280 +01100011010 Theater 317 +01100011010 Front 319 +01100011010 Week 462 +01100011010 Program 469 +01100011010 Plan 471 +01100011010 Review 533 +01100011010 Club 1045 +01100011010 III 1109 +01100011010 Press 1180 +01100011010 Day 1320 +01100011010 Agency 2026 +01100011010 Act 2688 +01100011010 Administration 3245 +01100011010 Fund 3616 +01100011010 Party 3807 +01100011010 Jr. 4212 +01100011010 Committee 5504 +0110001101100 Practioners 1 +0110001101100 Commissiion 1 +0110001101100 Fluff 1 +0110001101100 Ouitstanding 1 +0110001101100 Doorman 1 +0110001101100 Backgrounder 1 +0110001101100 Workbook 1 +0110001101100 XXVIII 1 +0110001101100 FAITHFULS 1 +0110001101100 TOUR 1 +0110001101100 PEGS 1 +0110001101100 COUPLES 1 +0110001101100 Caeciliae 1 +0110001101100 Tumble 1 +0110001101100 Department-related 1 +0110001101100 UNCOVERED 1 +0110001101100 ASSISTANTS 1 +0110001101100 Admnistration 1 +0110001101100 THEMES 1 +0110001101100 Vs 1 +0110001101100 9:55/ 1 +0110001101100 SCHULMAN 1 +0110001101100 Hak 1 +0110001101100 Blindly 1 +0110001101100 PERISH 1 +0110001101100 SCRAMBLED 1 +0110001101100 PREPARES 1 +0110001101100 SKATING 1 +0110001101100 Two-Step 1 +0110001101100 854-641 1 +0110001101100 ANYMORE 1 +0110001101100 LONGEVITY 1 +0110001101100 CLEARLY 1 +0110001101100 RB055 1 +0110001101100 Stokers 1 +0110001101100 Assocs 1 +0110001101100 Comisssion 1 +0110001101100 SOUVENIRS 1 +0110001101100 MORNING 1 +0110001101100 CHEATING 1 +0110001101100 SB-152 1 +0110001101100 Purygin 1 +0110001101100 remainedlight 1 +0110001101100 437.0 1 +0110001101100 PULSE 1 +0110001101100 Service-qualified 1 +0110001101100 Banzi 1 +0110001101100 MISFIRE 1 +0110001101100 Return-free 1 +0110001101100 Widower 1 +0110001101100 FAMILIARITY 2 +0110001101100 Ladder 2 +0110001101100 Commmission 2 +0110001101100 Dandy 2 +0110001101100 DECISIONS 2 +0110001101100 KIT 2 +0110001101100 Out-of-Doors 2 +0110001101100 Debacle 2 +0110001101100 Commisson 3 +0110001101100 Commisssion 3 +0110001101100 Commision 6 +0110001101100 Spotlight 8 +0110001101100 Commission 9902 +0110001101100 Ruling 49 +0110001101101 PVBA 1 +0110001101101 Zamona 1 +0110001101101 80,558 1 +0110001101101 necessaries 1 +0110001101101 megachange 1 +0110001101101 brewmasters 1 +0110001101101 Steamatic 1 +0110001101101 Nastase 1 +0110001101101 murray 1 +0110001101101 Ibragimbekov 1 +0110001101101 Grievance 1 +0110001101101 Entrepose 1 +0110001101101 SERIES 1 +0110001101101 wala 1 +0110001101101 Pandang 1 +0110001101101 accordingingly 1 +0110001101101 Leghorn 1 +0110001101101 TaylorUSA 1 +0110001101101 Beat. 1 +0110001101101 Shlaimon 1 +0110001101101 Angrily 1 +0110001101101 Instants 1 +0110001101101 brisket 1 +0110001101101 Liens 1 +0110001101101 Kote 1 +0110001101101 Schori 1 +0110001101101 Quadrangle 1 +0110001101101 Adar 1 +0110001101101 1199P 1 +0110001101101 PvbA 1 +0110001101101 Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Buick 1 +0110001101101 Tolkien 1 +0110001101101 CONDITIONALLY 1 +0110001101101 jokes. 1 +0110001101101 Comission 1 +0110001101101 kabunushi 1 +0110001101101 Sommernachstraum 1 +0110001101101 anaphylaxis 1 +0110001101101 thuringiensis 1 +0110001101101 Kanakaria 1 +0110001101101 Hikes 1 +0110001101101 Cheaters 1 +0110001101101 Fortescu 1 +0110001101101 Addict 1 +0110001101101 Decree 1 +0110001101101 Zaffius 1 +0110001101101 Comissioner 1 +0110001101101 Habab 1 +0110001101101 Daba 1 +0110001101101 Calendars 2 +0110001101101 Hosogane 2 +0110001101101 Preparer 2 +0110001101101 Withheld 2 +0110001101101 court. 2 +0110001101101 Aversion 2 +0110001101101 Lifesavers 2 +0110001101101 Tug-of-War 2 +0110001101101 Blonde 3 +0110001101101 Hike 3 +0110001101101 Court. 3 +0110001101101 Curling 3 +0110001101101 Octanos 4 +0110001101101 meliloti 4 +0110001101101 tokuwan 4 +0110001101101 Obligations 5 +0110001101101 Revolt 8 +0110001101101 turner 9 +0110001101101 Worm 10 +0110001101101 Lie 21 +0110001101101 Path 62 +0110001101101 Reform 360 +0110001101101 Court 7150 +0110001101101 Code 960 +0110001101110 Crust 1 +0110001101110 Pennisula 1 +0110001101110 PaSA 1 +0110001101110 Ages. 1 +0110001101110 Lightship 1 +0110001101110 Cowgirl 1 +0110001101110 Dunc 1 +0110001101110 Penninsula 1 +0110001101110 Boar 1 +0110001101110 Canners 1 +0110001101110 Swindles 1 +0110001101110 Confidentially 1 +0110001101110 spicemaker 1 +0110001101110 susbidiary 1 +0110001101110 Sugans 1 +0110001101110 Supervisers 1 +0110001101110 Tradin 1 +0110001101110 Esat 1 +0110001101110 rehabilitation-hospital 1 +0110001101110 Polska 1 +0110001101110 Symphon 1 +0110001101110 Board-NASD 1 +0110001101110 308/616 1 +0110001101110 revoir 1 +0110001101110 Board-Reebok 1 +0110001101110 Roll-Ups 1 +0110001101110 Markazi 1 +0110001101110 LEFTIST 1 +0110001101110 Brother-style 1 +0110001101110 Owe 1 +0110001101110 Dipper. 1 +0110001101110 Brotherish 1 +0110001101110 11,526.4 1 +0110001101110 Chill. 1 +0110001101110 footballer 1 +0110001101110 Ambush 1 +0110001101110 Stufs 1 +0110001101110 caviarteria 1 +0110001101110 management-in-exile 1 +0110001101110 pretender 1 +0110001101110 Adyga 1 +0110001101110 InterAmerica 1 +0110001101110 Misconduct 1 +0110001101110 Street-Wellesley 1 +0110001101110 9981 1 +0110001101110 Spenders 1 +0110001101110 12630 1 +0110001101110 Weart 1 +0110001101110 buildings. 1 +0110001101110 9066 1 +0110001101110 Almashrek 1 +0110001101110 Horizonte 1 +0110001101110 Herald/WBZ-TV 1 +0110001101110 Thicket 1 +0110001101110 Heyford 2 +0110001101110 Mixes 2 +0110001101110 Rolla 2 +0110001101110 Cando 2 +0110001101110 Handlowy 2 +0110001101110 Kahuna 2 +0110001101110 12333 2 +0110001101110 Blends 2 +0110001101110 Mistake 2 +0110001101110 Helmet 2 +0110001101110 Tent 2 +0110001101110 Bruisers 2 +0110001101110 Hoop 2 +0110001101110 CORPORATION 3 +0110001101110 Herald/WBZ 3 +0110001101110 Bopper 3 +0110001101110 F.S.B. 3 +0110001101110 Brotherism 3 +0110001101110 Board/Merc 3 +0110001101110 Dig 4 +0110001101110 PKO 4 +0110001101110 Rivet 4 +0110001101110 Melli 4 +0110001101110 Suga 5 +0110001101110 Board-listed 5 +0110001101110 Clothiers 5 +0110001101110 Hapoalim 6 +0110001101110 Stationery 6 +0110001101110 Hustle 7 +0110001101110 Vontobel 9 +0110001101110 Negara 9 +0110001101110 Huallaga 9 +0110001101110 Century-Fox 10 +0110001101110 Leumi 11 +0110001101110 Chill 13 +0110001101110 Macs 13 +0110001101110 300-DAY 17 +0110001101110 fuer 18 +0110001101110 Species 20 +0110001101110 Tatars 23 +0110001101110 Nederland 32 +0110001101110 Ages 47 +0110001101110 Peninsula 72 +0110001101110 O 110 +0110001101110 Bang 137 +0110001101110 Leu 143 +0110001101110 Board 9654 +0110001101110 Rate 241 +0110001101111 Deliberation 1 +0110001101111 Bank-Lanston 1 +0110001101111 appeasers 1 +0110001101111 Doh 1 +0110001101111 amphibious-landing 1 +0110001101111 Squab 1 +0110001101111 Wars-type 1 +0110001101111 Conduits 1 +0110001101111 Furnishers 1 +0110001101111 Wagnerienne 1 +0110001101111 Erving-led 1 +0110001101111 Dies. 1 +0110001101111 Kalsha 1 +0110001101111 Slighty 1 +0110001101111 Zauberflote 1 +0110001101111 co-winner 1 +0110001101111 CHESTER 1 +0110001101111 University-Indianapolis 1 +0110001101111 Chongguan 1 +0110001101111 ZOOM 1 +0110001101111 MULLER 1 +0110001101111 eX 1 +0110001101111 Skirt 1 +0110001101111 BESEN 1 +0110001101111 MANAMA 1 +0110001101111 Worry-Free 1 +0110001101111 Juk 1 +0110001101111 Skoeyen 1 +0110001101111 Arns 1 +0110001101111 Comfort. 1 +0110001101111 Pacfic 1 +0110001101111 functionalism 1 +0110001101111 Restorer 1 +0110001101111 Fronts 1 +0110001101111 Over-the-Line 1 +0110001101111 HERRING 1 +0110001101111 Mojado 1 +0110001101111 Gaur 1 +0110001101111 Intimates 1 +0110001101111 gravestones 1 +0110001101111 Rewarded 1 +0110001101111 slumberers 1 +0110001101111 Cites/ABC 1 +0110001101111 Economicus 1 +0110001101111 Warsy 1 +0110001101111 Setinc 1 +0110001101111 SuperCab 1 +0110001101111 Cookiesauruses 1 +0110001101111 1383 1 +0110001101111 Suisse-concede 1 +0110001101111 Ringers 1 +0110001101111 mistletoe 1 +0110001101111 food-pies 1 +0110001101111 Vernadskogo 1 +0110001101111 food-shashlik 1 +0110001101111 1903-1939 1 +0110001101111 Dissect-an-Alien 1 +0110001101111 fairrieanum 1 +0110001101111 Sneetches 1 +0110001101111 Bellied 1 +0110001101111 Gas-Gathering 1 +0110001101111 Nanky-Poo 1 +0110001101111 wing. 1 +0110001101111 Roundelay 1 +0110001101111 hallucinate 1 +0110001101111 Aviator 1 +0110001101111 V/386 1 +0110001101111 Berardino 1 +0110001101111 Baros 1 +0110001101111 tos 1 +0110001101111 Corpse 1 +0110001101111 Voice-type 1 +0110001101111 Domestica 1 +0110001101111 Hooked 1 +0110001101111 Mistica 1 +0110001101111 Intimidated 1 +0110001101111 1922.81 1 +0110001101111 1912.26 1 +0110001101111 Partners. 1 +0110001101111 Buyouts 1 +0110001101111 Agro-Alimentaires 1 +0110001101111 Whatchamacallit 1 +0110001101111 Co.are 1 +0110001101111 Airfreight 1 +0110001101111 Hultsch 1 +0110001101111 Bazaars 1 +0110001101111 Gracida 1 +0110001101111 Energizing 1 +0110001101111 Anstalt/Bankverein 1 +0110001101111 Pollutions 1 +0110001101111 Vaderland 1 +0110001101111 Michigan-Sweet 1 +0110001101111 Cathedrals 1 +0110001101111 Immobilier 1 +0110001101111 2335.37 1 +0110001101111 flashcards. 1 +0110001101111 Bibliography 1 +0110001101111 Cob 1 +0110001101111 Fledermaus. 1 +0110001101111 Publique 1 +0110001101111 Aggression 1 +0110001101111 ex-guard 1 +0110001101111 hirers 1 +0110001101111 106-93 1 +0110001101111 fria 1 +0110001101111 Broadous 1 +0110001101111 Generates 1 +0110001101111 Zentralbank 1 +0110001101111 06/15/87 1 +0110001101111 Yai 1 +0110001101111 EINDHOVEN 1 +0110001101111 Busters. 1 +0110001101111 IIb 1 +0110001101111 Mediums 1 +0110001101111 International- 1 +0110001101111 Ibarakiites 1 +0110001101111 Maravilhas 1 +0110001101111 IV-type 1 +0110001101111 TORINO 1 +0110001101111 mantelpiece 1 +0110001101111 Tours-type 1 +0110001101111 Lescauts 1 +0110001101111 Prez 1 +0110001101111 Environments 1 +0110001101111 Canaria 1 +0110001101111 2524.64 1 +0110001101111 Tigeresses 1 +0110001101111 indutrial 1 +0110001101111 Mastatstva 1 +0110001101111 Lavarello-Obrenovich 1 +0110001101111 Trek-style 1 +0110001101111 Malmberg 1 +0110001101111 Preguson 1 +0110001101111 cranberry-juice 1 +0110001101111 Extraordinaire 1 +0110001101111 Langspielplatten 1 +0110001101111 dir 1 +0110001101111 agrarians 1 +0110001101111 Yunlong 1 +0110001101111 L-Plus 1 +0110001101111 2355 1 +0110001101111 educational-book 1 +0110001101111 Melancolique 1 +0110001101111 3042 1 +0110001101111 Malebane-Metsing 1 +0110001101111 Blossoms 1 +0110001101111 Management-SCA 1 +0110001101111 II-A 1 +0110001101111 Five-B 1 +0110001101111 Lorio 1 +0110001101111 Siong 1 +0110001101111 I-vintage 1 +0110001101111 BUILDUP 1 +0110001101111 Lusia 1 +0110001101111 Odor 1 +0110001101111 Sheva 1 +0110001101111 Wirkkala 1 +0110001101111 Elijio 1 +0110001101111 Unio 1 +0110001101111 Waikikians 1 +0110001101111 554. 1 +0110001101111 Ly 1 +0110001101111 Kien 1 +0110001101111 Guano/Bed 1 +0110001101111 rel 1 +0110001101111 32/700 1 +0110001101111 Juggler 1 +0110001101111 XL-200 1 +0110001101111 ALMOST 1 +0110001101111 Cookers 1 +0110001101111 CHEAT 1 +0110001101111 anti-cellulite 1 +0110001101111 Pro-Collagen 1 +0110001101111 Intnational 1 +0110001101111 Dangerously 1 +0110001101111 2015.09 1 +0110001101111 Feliners 1 +0110001101111 Xuanping 1 +0110001101111 Mukha 1 +0110001101111 Jianying 1 +0110001101111 Suisse-Zurich 1 +0110001101111 Seigner 1 +0110001101111 Hldgs 1 +0110001101111 Ufgood 1 +0110001101111 NewsWorld 1 +0110001101111 Schwert 1 +0110001101111 1407-A 1 +0110001101111 Bullying 1 +0110001101111 Hlthcr 1 +0110001101111 union. 1 +0110001101111 Ins. 1 +0110001101111 Imperfect 1 +0110001101111 Pct 1 +0110001101111 Aldrin 1 +0110001101111 Markets-led 1 +0110001101111 expeditionary-shelter 1 +0110001101111 Kerkbode 1 +0110001101111 Hydrochlorothiazide 1 +0110001101111 Thuot 1 +0110001101111 Databases 1 +0110001101111 GOOFED 1 +0110001101111 Scream 1 +0110001101111 Kayak 1 +0110001101111 Divided-II 1 +0110001101111 flints 1 +0110001101111 2010.85 1 +0110001101111 Lubrication 1 +0110001101111 1989.33 1 +0110001101111 lector 1 +0110001101111 Corp./Europe 1 +0110001101111 Burchenal 1 +0110001101111 4-foot-8 1 +0110001101111 Rides 1 +0110001101111 Gr 1 +0110001101111 THIEVES 1 +0110001101111 4/40 1 +0110001101111 Smut 1 +0110001101111 Modernes 1 +0110001101111 Youheng 1 +0110001101111 Grannies 1 +0110001101111 Henricksen 1 +0110001101111 Ghaznavi 1 +0110001101111 PGGM 1 +0110001101111 Sensation 1 +0110001101111 Hangers 1 +0110001101111 user-demand 1 +0110001101111 Wernli 1 +0110001101111 Constituencies 1 +0110001101111 Sprawling 1 +0110001101111 Annicchino 1 +0110001101111 18-30 1 +0110001101111 1969-74 1 +0110001101111 Campestre 2 +0110001101111 Transplantation 2 +0110001101111 Bosies 2 +0110001101111 Scorecard 2 +0110001101111 Conv 2 +0110001101111 Harmful 2 +0110001101111 Solemnis 2 +0110001101111 Steppers 2 +0110001101111 Choraria 2 +0110001101111 2237.63 2 +0110001101111 Marchetti 2 +0110001101111 Incarnate 2 +0110001101111 FLOWER 2 +0110001101111 Haferkamp 2 +0110001101111 Mgmt. 2 +0110001101111 Cristo 2 +0110001101111 Brigadoon 2 +0110001101111 Hypothecaire 2 +0110001101111 Cheeses 2 +0110001101111 Dreamer 2 +0110001101111 Geothrml 2 +0110001101111 PARTECIPAZIONI 2 +0110001101111 2005.91 2 +0110001101111 Britannicas 2 +0110001101111 Economique 2 +0110001101111 Beamers 2 +0110001101111 Managment 2 +0110001101111 Phuong 2 +0110001101111 avions 2 +0110001101111 2CV 2 +0110001101111 tacklers 2 +0110001101111 Gris 2 +0110001101111 divinas 2 +0110001101111 Gutted 2 +0110001101111 Feedyard 2 +0110001101111 Beart 2 +0110001101111 Execs 2 +0110001101111 Sorter 2 +0110001101111 boneyard 2 +0110001101111 Lasnick 2 +0110001101111 Lacayo 2 +0110001101111 Fiduciaries 2 +0110001101111 Crull 2 +0110001101111 Collen 2 +0110001101111 Frizzell 2 +0110001101111 PILL 2 +0110001101111 Faustus 2 +0110001101111 Backpack 2 +0110001101111 Averaged 2 +0110001101111 Villas 2 +0110001101111 Golem 2 +0110001101111 Cities/ 2 +0110001101111 Haze 2 +0110001101111 Adamu 2 +0110001101111 WITNESSES 2 +0110001101111 HEINZ 2 +0110001101111 Robbery 2 +0110001101111 Oilfields 2 +0110001101111 Maidel 2 +0110001101111 Bourke-White 2 +0110001101111 Notification 2 +0110001101111 1945-46 2 +0110001101111 Al-Anbaa 2 +0110001101111 Mobilier 2 +0110001101111 FREEZE 2 +0110001101111 Andronicus 2 +0110001101111 Myopia 2 +0110001101111 Taray 2 +0110001101111 BEWARE 2 +0110001101111 Pyung 2 +0110001101111 Uns 2 +0110001101111 Barnathan 3 +0110001101111 Brunch 3 +0110001101111 Micrographics 3 +0110001101111 CARD 3 +0110001101111 Destroyer 3 +0110001101111 Homeward 3 +0110001101111 Westcott 3 +0110001101111 anglaise 3 +0110001101111 Gases 3 +0110001101111 1989-5 3 +0110001101111 Cardholder 3 +0110001101111 Aire 3 +0110001101111 Qasr 3 +0110001101111 RAW 3 +0110001101111 Cubism 3 +0110001101111 II-era 3 +0110001101111 36s 3 +0110001101111 Quotient 3 +0110001101111 Panza 3 +0110001101111 Classification 3 +0110001101111 Severinsen 3 +0110001101111 Accents 3 +0110001101111 Strategist 3 +0110001101111 Xing 3 +0110001101111 Docket 3 +0110001101111 Rudel 3 +0110001101111 Cierra 3 +0110001101111 Direction 3 +0110001101111 Mecir 3 +0110001101111 Butterflies 3 +0110001101111 Chee 3 +0110001101111 GIRLS 3 +0110001101111 Lick 3 +0110001101111 ab 3 +0110001101111 Lantern 3 +0110001101111 Indigo 3 +0110001101111 baccata 4 +0110001101111 Boros 4 +0110001101111 Flew 4 +0110001101111 Capwell 4 +0110001101111 Windmill 4 +0110001101111 HCI 4 +0110001101111 Duo 4 +0110001101111 Gloves 4 +0110001101111 Woodmac 4 +0110001101111 Service. 4 +0110001101111 Vans 4 +0110001101111 II-vintage 4 +0110001101111 Pants 4 +0110001101111 Petrolieres 4 +0110001101111 2276.43 4 +0110001101111 BONN 4 +0110001101111 fatale 4 +0110001101111 Maharaj 4 +0110001101111 BUYERS 5 +0110001101111 Perfumes 5 +0110001101111 Messengers 5 +0110001101111 Forfeiture 5 +0110001101111 Anymore 5 +0110001101111 Pharmacies 5 +0110001101111 Crisp 5 +0110001101111 Gees 5 +0110001101111 Laundrette 5 +0110001101111 Desc 5 +0110001101111 Krolik 5 +0110001101111 Industriel 5 +0110001101111 Infirmary 5 +0110001101111 Cos 5 +0110001101111 Sourcebook 5 +0110001101111 Popcorn 5 +0110001101111 Weirdness 6 +0110001101111 Mediterranee 6 +0110001101111 twang 6 +0110001101111 sapiens 6 +0110001101111 Districts 6 +0110001101111 Airmotive 7 +0110001101111 2506 7 +0110001101111 Mirrors 7 +0110001101111 Nicley 7 +0110001101111 Erving 7 +0110001101111 FRANKFURT 7 +0110001101111 Forecaster 7 +0110001101111 Vendome 7 +0110001101111 Daylights 7 +0110001101111 Naj 7 +0110001101111 Vane 7 +0110001101111 Ones 7 +0110001101111 Finds 8 +0110001101111 Chant 8 +0110001101111 Wagons 8 +0110001101111 Server 8 +0110001101111 Cranberries 8 +0110001101111 Conduit 8 +0110001101111 Phagan 9 +0110001101111 Dearth 9 +0110001101111 Approach 9 +0110001101111 Walkure 9 +0110001101111 Grosso 9 +0110001101111 Sampling 9 +0110001101111 Dartboard 9 +0110001101111 Gromes 10 +0110001101111 Specials 10 +0110001101111 Interlude 10 +0110001101111 Newhart 11 +0110001101111 Builder 11 +0110001101111 Seeds 11 +0110001101111 Flute 12 +0110001101111 Rus 13 +0110001101111 MUST 13 +0110001101111 Pickup 13 +0110001101111 Basics 13 +0110001101111 LE 13 +0110001101111 Dolls 13 +0110001101111 Allocation 14 +0110001101111 Detection 14 +0110001101111 Bancor 14 +0110001101111 Zeit 14 +0110001101111 Contest 14 +0110001101111 Squadron 14 +0110001101111 WoodMac 15 +0110001101111 commandant 15 +0110001101111 Foncier 15 +0110001101111 Idea 15 +0110001101111 FIRM 15 +0110001101111 SYSTEM 15 +0110001101111 Disposal 15 +0110001101111 rea 15 +0110001101111 Speaks 15 +0110001101111 Fury 16 +0110001101111 Avenger 16 +0110001101111 Maze 17 +0110001101111 Marketplace 17 +0110001101111 Nominees 19 +0110001101111 Fail 19 +0110001101111 Freightways 20 +0110001101111 Cruises 20 +0110001101111 Coating 21 +0110001101111 Seafoods 22 +0110001101111 Spray 23 +0110001101111 Formation 24 +0110001101111 Edition 24 +0110001101111 VI 24 +0110001101111 Integrators 25 +0110001101111 Agricole 26 +0110001101111 Forms 29 +0110001101111 Behavior 29 +0110001101111 Examiner 29 +0110001101111 Appreciation 30 +0110001101111 Welt 31 +0110001101111 Alert 32 +0110001101111 Mixte 34 +0110001101111 Dancing 34 +0110001101111 Tours 35 +0110001101111 Tag 37 +0110001101111 Ciera 37 +0110001101111 Brief 39 +0110001101111 Maldutis 42 +0110001101111 Accounts 51 +0110001101111 Med 53 +0110001101111 Trek 54 +0110001101111 Account 60 +0110001101111 AIRLINES 61 +0110001101111 Band 65 +0110001101111 Papers 69 +0110001101111 Matters 73 +0110001101111 Maung 77 +0110001101111 Clubs 79 +0110001101111 II. 86 +0110001101111 Baer 95 +0110001101111 Responsibility 97 +0110001101111 Flats 101 +0110001101111 Mountains 107 +0110001101111 V 119 +0110001101111 Lyonnais 119 +0110001101111 Story 158 +0110001101111 X 168 +0110001101111 Powers 214 +0110001101111 Plus 293 +0110001101111 Corps 294 +0110001101111 Cities/ABC 338 +0110001101111 Show 417 +0110001101111 Wars 436 +0110001101111 Partnership 508 +0110001101111 Report 1289 +0110001101111 Markets 1899 +0110001101111 II 2224 +0110001101111 Average 2423 +0110001101111 System 2264 +011000111000 pro-Star 1 +011000111000 Columbia. 1 +011000111000 sloppiest 1 +011000111000 do-gooderism 1 +011000111000 Grizzlies 1 +011000111000 abductees 1 +011000111000 Skiwear 1 +011000111000 Streebek 1 +011000111000 oo-pples 1 +011000111000 foodchains 1 +011000111000 Punic 1 +011000111000 entrepeneur 1 +011000111000 Trailblazers 1 +011000111000 Seika 1 +011000111000 Comproller 1 +011000111000 Teik 1 +011000111000 beach-head 1 +011000111000 facilty 1 +011000111000 Pinkum 1 +011000111000 University/Purdue 1 +011000111000 sideros 1 +011000111000 Valderrivas 1 +011000111000 Bank/United 1 +011000111000 actress-model 1 +011000111000 Furioso 1 +011000111000 Sweeper 1 +011000111000 Lacks 1 +011000111000 cantonment 1 +011000111000 Sirti 1 +011000111000 Twirl 1 +011000111000 gunsmith 1 +011000111000 Disposalens 1 +011000111000 strategy. 1 +011000111000 Evaristo 1 +011000111000 Pilsner 1 +011000111000 leakathon 1 +011000111000 Herald. 1 +011000111000 Post-ABC 1 +011000111000 Vise 1 +011000111000 Surroundings 1 +011000111000 find. 1 +011000111000 Gozo 1 +011000111000 Bank-backed 1 +011000111000 pinots 1 +011000111000 comopany 1 +011000111000 Pastors 1 +011000111000 Walters-style 1 +011000111000 Glorifying 1 +011000111000 Hydroflex 1 +011000111000 sub-continent 1 +011000111000 50,551 1 +011000111000 Classicism 1 +011000111000 Iodice 1 +011000111000 Girardeau 1 +011000111000 Staatsgalerie 1 +011000111000 value-for-shareholders 1 +011000111000 Maluf 1 +011000111000 too./Eve 1 +011000111000 Transcript 1 +011000111000 Oiler 1 +011000111000 Aviary 1 +011000111000 Overholser 1 +011000111000 Patriot-Ledger 1 +011000111000 Wildest 1 +011000111000 Boys-Manny 1 +011000111000 prattlers 1 +011000111000 gypsum-board 1 +011000111000 big-wig 1 +011000111000 P.U.C. 1 +011000111000 Sweepers 1 +011000111000 Spring-on-Hudson 1 +011000111000 researchers. 1 +011000111000 Tribuna 1 +011000111000 residents. 1 +011000111000 AGI. 1 +011000111000 elephant-shaped 1 +011000111000 Rhapsodies 1 +011000111000 land-fraud 1 +011000111000 research-support 1 +011000111000 sack-master 1 +011000111000 Sponges 1 +011000111000 Liberities 1 +011000111000 Yescas 1 +011000111000 Boven 1 +011000111000 Cod. 1 +011000111000 Guertin 1 +011000111000 based-carrier 1 +011000111000 Nunnery 1 +011000111000 slicksters 1 +011000111000 Capitols 1 +011000111000 Giselles 1 +011000111000 entreprendre 1 +011000111000 arms-manufacturer 1 +011000111000 Futurity 1 +011000111000 parochial-schoolteacher 1 +011000111000 CARTE 1 +011000111000 72-73 1 +011000111000 Colla 1 +011000111000 Saddleback 1 +011000111000 Humour 1 +011000111000 Mural 1 +011000111000 1766-72 1 +011000111000 Vivacqua 1 +011000111000 schoolchildren. 1 +011000111000 horning 1 +011000111000 Gynecologist 1 +011000111000 University. 1 +011000111000 subidiary 1 +011000111000 post-Vatican 1 +011000111000 Columbians 1 +011000111000 Glickburg 1 +011000111000 Genossenschaftliche 1 +011000111000 Habitats 1 +011000111000 Airways-Braniff 1 +011000111000 LeGates 1 +011000111000 debt-swappers 1 +011000111000 Grinches 1 +011000111000 water-folk 1 +011000111000 Irregulars 1 +011000111000 foundling 1 +011000111000 Cliffs. 1 +011000111000 Schlageter 1 +011000111000 Media-Advertising 1 +011000111000 Gid 1 +011000111000 Monorail 1 +011000111000 Bank-Fiat 1 +011000111000 punditocracy 1 +011000111000 Times-Herald 1 +011000111000 Barroso 1 +011000111000 Marlantes 1 +011000111000 oarsman 1 +011000111000 Cordillera 1 +011000111000 consulant 1 +011000111000 osteopaths 1 +011000111000 1492 1 +011000111000 ADV-Part 1 +011000111000 Chicks 1 +011000111000 Cod-style 1 +011000111000 empire-builder 1 +011000111000 Herald-News 1 +011000111000 daredevil-guru 1 +011000111000 Journal. 1 +011000111000 Cup-circuit 1 +011000111000 ragas 1 +011000111000 Vermogensverwaltung 1 +011000111000 Gainsbourg 1 +011000111000 Tatra 1 +011000111000 Azuelos 1 +011000111000 Krimendahl 1 +011000111000 Slammers 1 +011000111000 Cays 1 +011000111000 Sundances 1 +011000111000 Catechism 1 +011000111000 coutouriers 1 +011000111000 interlocutor 1 +011000111000 clairvoyants 1 +011000111000 hurlers 1 +011000111000 DELPHI 1 +011000111000 Abeldt 1 +011000111000 Caravelles 1 +011000111000 Outman 1 +011000111000 NS&I 1 +011000111000 executive-placement 1 +011000111000 ex. 1 +011000111000 CULTURE 1 +011000111000 YM-YWHA 1 +011000111000 Plantmobile 1 +011000111000 abstractionists 1 +011000111000 chablis 1 +011000111000 Iscariot 1 +011000111000 Ponosuk 1 +011000111000 comestibles 1 +011000111000 Goldeye 1 +011000111000 E-Street 1 +011000111000 IBM/Europe 1 +011000111000 Menthols 1 +011000111000 Foleys 1 +011000111000 Hoodlums 1 +011000111000 Vassy 1 +011000111000 Univ 1 +011000111000 Spiders 1 +011000111000 downhiller 1 +011000111000 ----s 1 +011000111000 SynderGeneral 1 +011000111000 buinessman 1 +011000111000 Casacade 1 +011000111000 winemaster 1 +011000111000 Browning-type 1 +011000111000 Sundt-Actus 1 +011000111000 Suite. 1 +011000111000 Senderista 1 +011000111000 Sharpshooters 1 +011000111000 paddler 1 +011000111000 Bio-Resources 1 +011000111000 Dreamin 1 +011000111000 foxhound 1 +011000111000 Khustndinov 1 +011000111000 quake-prone 1 +011000111000 Warsoon 1 +011000111000 1963-66 1 +011000111000 Wogan 1 +011000111000 Aiport 1 +011000111000 Ripper-haters 1 +011000111000 Farms. 1 +011000111000 semieye 1 +011000111000 Selectwoman 1 +011000111000 Magica 1 +011000111000 ex-nightclub 1 +011000111000 Lagoons 1 +011000111000 Briones 1 +011000111000 Limits. 1 +011000111000 Bank-Casper 1 +011000111000 Nthwst 1 +011000111000 Frishman 1 +011000111000 Bebete 1 +011000111000 vicarage 1 +011000111000 car-owners 1 +011000111000 supercompanies 1 +011000111000 best-mannered 1 +011000111000 FRONTERA 1 +011000111000 whillikers 1 +011000111000 pork-barreler 1 +011000111000 Geoscape 1 +011000111000 datelines 1 +011000111000 sycophantishness 1 +011000111000 Roulo 2 +011000111000 SW 2 +011000111000 FilmWorks 2 +011000111000 CDU/CSU 2 +011000111000 Bandeirantes 2 +011000111000 All-Starr 2 +011000111000 Scientech 2 +011000111000 Pygmy 2 +011000111000 Leas 2 +011000111000 Bai 2 +011000111000 Descent 2 +011000111000 Levin/Stern 2 +011000111000 Windchimes 2 +011000111000 Shinbun 2 +011000111000 Calista 2 +011000111000 Wacko 2 +011000111000 shiksa 2 +011000111000 Wirtschaftsforschung 2 +011000111000 lumberjacks 2 +011000111000 governmental-affairs 2 +011000111000 luncheonette 2 +011000111000 perls 2 +011000111000 Gemeinwirtschaft 2 +011000111000 Boomerang 2 +011000111000 viaduct 2 +011000111000 Maladies 2 +011000111000 Amboy 2 +011000111000 Cecchini 2 +011000111000 Star-Ledger 2 +011000111000 Bank-Midwest 2 +011000111000 paradis 2 +011000111000 Times-CBS 2 +011000111000 superlawyer 2 +011000111000 Bank-IMF 2 +011000111000 Swindler 2 +011000111000 Songwriters 2 +011000111000 Telegram 2 +011000111000 Babee 2 +011000111000 Goldfund 2 +011000111000 Bimbos 2 +011000111000 romanticist 2 +011000111000 Journal/ 2 +011000111000 World-Herald 2 +011000111000 car-seat 2 +011000111000 Subilosky 2 +011000111000 Brom 2 +011000111000 Heavyweight 2 +011000111000 Fitzhugh 2 +011000111000 Bitterroot 2 +011000111000 Quivar 2 +011000111000 Balcony 2 +011000111000 Balm 2 +011000111000 Two-Tier 2 +011000111000 Globe-News 2 +011000111000 Defiant 2 +011000111000 FONDIARIA 2 +011000111000 Air-UAL 2 +011000111000 Rattlesnake 2 +011000111000 meadowlands 2 +011000111000 Aftenbladet 2 +011000111000 Womens 2 +011000111000 brasserie 2 +011000111000 Either/Or 2 +011000111000 Lirazan 2 +011000111000 Deception 2 +011000111000 Gladiators 2 +011000111000 bakery-restaurants 2 +011000111000 Deforestation 2 +011000111000 Bash 3 +011000111000 Dearest 3 +011000111000 Loa 3 +011000111000 Magnani 3 +011000111000 Coachworks 3 +011000111000 boatmen 3 +011000111000 HB 3 +011000111000 Supersonics 3 +011000111000 Post-Intelligencer 3 +011000111000 Racquets 3 +011000111000 Mid-West 3 +011000111000 Volksbank 3 +011000111000 Barnes-Connally 3 +011000111000 Hatchet 3 +011000111000 Knot 3 +011000111000 Star-Tribune 3 +011000111000 Blacklist 3 +011000111000 Letelier 3 +011000111000 Fragile 3 +011000111000 Bombers 3 +011000111000 MacDowell 3 +011000111000 Moods 3 +011000111000 winegrowers 3 +011000111000 Neolithic 3 +011000111000 Jameses 3 +011000111000 Intellect 3 +011000111000 76ers 3 +011000111000 oom-pah-pah 3 +011000111000 Discall 3 +011000111000 myc 3 +011000111000 Falcons 3 +011000111000 Al-Ahram 3 +011000111000 titanate 3 +011000111000 Flemings 3 +011000111000 GISSI 4 +011000111000 Aspern 4 +011000111000 Sidekicks 4 +011000111000 Sultanes 4 +011000111000 Kildare 4 +011000111000 Bruin 4 +011000111000 Teeth 4 +011000111000 Times-Dispatch 4 +011000111000 CIO 4 +011000111000 Desperadoes 4 +011000111000 Palacio 4 +011000111000 conquistadors 4 +011000111000 American-Statesman 4 +011000111000 Koss 5 +011000111000 Phenomenon 5 +011000111000 Nordiques 5 +011000111000 Ural 5 +011000111000 T-birds 5 +011000111000 LaserWriter 5 +011000111000 Sidonia 5 +011000111000 Savings-Share 5 +011000111000 Blech 5 +011000111000 Rothschilds 5 +011000111000 Bengals 5 +011000111000 Anthology 5 +011000111000 Post-Gazette 5 +011000111000 Hartings 5 +011000111000 Rockets 5 +011000111000 Rhapsody 5 +011000111000 Kreditbank 5 +011000111000 Leopard 5 +011000111000 ................................. 5 +011000111000 V.P. 5 +011000111000 Tecolotes 5 +011000111000 Bentsens 6 +011000111000 Globetrotters 6 +011000111000 Flyers 6 +011000111000 Shuffle 6 +011000111000 Canadiens 6 +011000111000 Harmel 6 +011000111000 War-era 6 +011000111000 Journal-NBC 6 +011000111000 Nets 6 +011000111000 Topitsch 6 +011000111000 Partch 6 +011000111000 Fuhrer 6 +011000111000 Pita 6 +011000111000 Slugger 6 +011000111000 Airway 7 +011000111000 Harshaw/Filtrol 7 +011000111000 Frog 7 +011000111000 Raisins 7 +011000111000 Apostles 7 +011000111000 Menthol 7 +011000111000 Neddick 7 +011000111000 Knife 7 +011000111000 Johnsons 7 +011000111000 Broom 7 +011000111000 Mahindra 7 +011000111000 DA 8 +011000111000 endive 8 +011000111000 Serpent 8 +011000111000 Cleanup 9 +011000111000 Steelers 9 +011000111000 Mariners 9 +011000111000 Bollettieri 9 +011000111000 Oregonian 9 +011000111000 Shores 9 +011000111000 Franc 9 +011000111000 Globo 10 +011000111000 Ranney 10 +011000111000 Padres 10 +011000111000 Berlitz 11 +011000111000 Seahawks 11 +011000111000 Prado 11 +011000111000 Vader 12 +011000111000 Suns 12 +011000111000 Plunkitt 13 +011000111000 Expos 13 +011000111000 Buccaneers 13 +011000111000 Opium 13 +011000111000 Seaport 14 +011000111000 Dibb 14 +011000111000 USSR 14 +011000111000 Nederlander 14 +011000111000 XV 15 +011000111000 Freaks 15 +011000111000 Rocks 16 +011000111000 Rat 16 +011000111000 Prune 16 +011000111000 Guiana 16 +011000111000 Gong 17 +011000111000 Lackawanna 17 +011000111000 Roof 17 +011000111000 Gerais 17 +011000111000 Everglades 17 +011000111000 Bat 18 +011000111000 Generalized 18 +011000111000 Sentinel 19 +011000111000 Cowboy 19 +011000111000 Phillies 19 +011000111000 Wrestling 19 +011000111000 Astros 19 +011000111000 L&P 20 +011000111000 Colts 20 +011000111000 Nuggets 20 +011000111000 Vikings 21 +011000111000 Athletics 21 +011000111000 Knights 22 +011000111000 Ababa 22 +011000111000 Pops 22 +011000111000 Dolphins 23 +011000111000 Monument 24 +011000111000 Saw 24 +011000111000 Courier-Journal 24 +011000111000 Tires 26 +011000111000 Pirates 28 +011000111000 Gran 30 +011000111000 Rep 30 +011000111000 Pack 31 +011000111000 Brewers 31 +011000111000 Reds 32 +011000111000 Cod 32 +011000111000 Lions 32 +011000111000 Bazaar 33 +011000111000 Championships 34 +011000111000 Orioles 35 +011000111000 Keys 36 +011000111000 krone 36 +011000111000 Royals 36 +011000111000 Patriots 37 +011000111000 Federalist 40 +011000111000 Inquirer 42 +011000111000 Oilers 43 +011000111000 Championship 43 +011000111000 Devil 43 +011000111000 inc. 44 +011000111000 Saints 45 +011000111000 Otsego 45 +011000111000 Nilson 45 +011000111000 guilder 47 +011000111000 P&L 49 +011000111000 Winfrey 49 +011000111000 Coliseum 50 +011000111000 Broncos 50 +011000111000 Braves 51 +011000111000 Cowboys 51 +011000111000 Kid 52 +011000111000 Match 53 +011000111000 Hawks 54 +011000111000 Eagles 54 +011000111000 Universe 57 +011000111000 Boss 58 +011000111000 Gazette 59 +011000111000 Columbia-based 59 +011000111000 Canaveral 61 +011000111000 Zoo 62 +011000111000 Redskins 63 +011000111000 Reporter 64 +011000111000 Safe 64 +011000111000 Miracle 64 +011000111000 Twins 74 +011000111000 Browns 77 +011000111000 Celtics 80 +011000111000 Dundee 82 +011000111000 Yard 83 +011000111000 Blues 93 +011000111000 Derby 97 +011000111000 Aviv 98 +011000111000 Observer 101 +011000111000 Bee 102 +011000111000 Journal/Europe 105 +011000111000 Cubs 113 +011000111000 Chronicle 124 +011000111000 Americas 146 +011000111000 Cup 154 +011000111000 Liberties 155 +011000111000 Bears 155 +011000111000 Boys 186 +011000111000 Monitor 216 +011000111000 Globe 233 +011000111000 Journal/NBC 239 +011000111000 Cosby 255 +011000111000 Village 266 +011000111000 Caledonian 279 +011000111000 Tribune 332 +011000111000 Tower 515 +011000111000 franc 557 +011000111000 Herald 790 +011000111000 Airways 1126 +011000111000 Post 1444 +011000111000 War 2448 +011000111000 Journal 3792 +0110001110010 Oceanographers 1 +0110001110010 trash-theft 1 +0110001110010 Sts. 1 +0110001110010 sugarbeet-producing 1 +0110001110010 2586 1 +0110001110010 Sensors 1 +0110001110010 Trignant 1 +0110001110010 jazz/rock 1 +0110001110010 C-137 1 +0110001110010 Heurich 1 +0110001110010 regional-carrier 1 +0110001110010 internal-guidance 1 +0110001110010 Force-provided 1 +0110001110010 oil-producer 1 +0110001110010 Mysticus 1 +0110001110010 700S2 1 +0110001110010 Lines-Western 1 +0110001110010 palmate-antlered 1 +0110001110010 AMRAAM 1 +0110001110010 UK. 1 +0110001110010 mandrake 1 +0110001110010 videodrone 1 +0110001110010 Mae-backed 1 +0110001110010 equities. 1 +0110001110010 Community-wide 1 +0110001110010 Atlanta-KLM 1 +0110001110010 Dolomiti 1 +0110001110010 Thumper 1 +0110001110010 Force-Army 1 +0110001110010 Force-Ret 1 +0110001110010 water-purity 1 +0110001110010 chatelaine 1 +0110001110010 Coproduction 1 +0110001110010 Medals 1 +0110001110010 Mac-77 1 +0110001110010 Dumpling 1 +0110001110010 France-Lufthansa 1 +0110001110010 mutual-defense 1 +0110001110010 Rework 1 +0110001110010 C-35 2 +0110001110010 Jerky 2 +0110001110010 Force-owned 2 +0110001110010 Algerie 2 +0110001110010 Olie 2 +0110001110010 Notions 2 +0110001110010 3,228 2 +0110001110010 Outlets 2 +0110001110010 Afrique 2 +0110001110010 Vent 3 +0110001110010 Races 4 +0110001110010 Maroc 5 +0110001110010 Self-Defense 6 +0110001110010 Cavalry 7 +0110001110010 Conditioning 8 +0110001110010 Brake 10 +0110001110010 Caballero 13 +0110001110010 Filter 14 +0110001110010 Liquide 22 +0110001110010 Inter 45 +0110001110010 Cargo 65 +0110001110010 Maes 79 +0110001110010 Base 170 +0110001110010 Freight 171 +0110001110010 Wis 218 +0110001110010 Transport 398 +0110001110010 Line 730 +0110001110010 Mac 811 +0110001110010 Lines 922 +0110001110010 Mae 1137 +0110001110010 Force 3002 +0110001110010 Community 1362 +0110001110011 Phase-Out 1 +0110001110011 Odometer 1 +0110001110011 Defunct 1 +0110001110011 Reverve 1 +0110001110011 Reseve 1 +0110001110011 Hokkoku 1 +0110001110011 Resrve 1 +0110001110011 Bust-Up 1 +0110001110011 Ltd.-Fuji 1 +0110001110011 Reactors 1 +0110001110011 Reserv 1 +0110001110011 Slamma 1 +0110001110011 Old-Age 1 +0110001110011 Supplier 2 +0110001110011 Rule-making 3 +0110001110011 Nonproliferation 3 +0110001110011 Karte 3 +0110001110011 warS 5 +0110001110011 Rulemaking 9 +0110001110011 Standards 207 +0110001110011 Deposit 643 +0110001110011 Reserve 4653 +011000111010 Signoroni 1 +011000111010 Japanologist 1 +011000111010 Rosa-based 1 +011000111010 Fe/ 1 +011000111010 Supercycle 1 +011000111010 IIIs 1 +011000111010 Bank/Levelland 1 +011000111010 catastrophists 1 +011000111010 Ami 1 +011000111010 flophouse 1 +011000111010 Gulfcoast 1 +011000111010 specialty-applications 1 +011000111010 Lobotomy 1 +011000111010 Bornand 1 +011000111010 Heure 1 +011000111010 Astree 1 +011000111010 cocaine-using 1 +011000111010 Nonissue 1 +011000111010 walkaway. 1 +011000111010 vov 1 +011000111010 president-a 1 +011000111010 arabica 1 +011000111010 FTA 1 +011000111010 Coteau 1 +011000111010 Amphitheater 1 +011000111010 Corp.-Group 1 +011000111010 Kingdom-listed 1 +011000111010 Lsi 1 +011000111010 Observatories 1 +011000111010 Rapidians. 1 +011000111010 :: 1 +011000111010 Nations-affiliated 1 +011000111010 U-Turn 1 +011000111010 Kindom 1 +011000111010 pronghorns 1 +011000111010 Heuristics 1 +011000111010 Techologies 1 +011000111010 PipeLine 1 +011000111010 Scrambler 1 +011000111010 Lakes-Northeast 1 +011000111010 djamena 1 +011000111010 Remittances 1 +011000111010 Knolls 1 +011000111010 Weatherman 1 +011000111010 mandataries 1 +011000111010 Contraction 1 +011000111010 Grandparent 1 +011000111010 Escapes 1 +011000111010 Complication 1 +011000111010 pictus 1 +011000111010 snappers 1 +011000111010 Speckled 1 +011000111010 wine-lovers 1 +011000111010 Fe-based 1 +011000111010 Offre 1 +011000111010 Arabia. 1 +011000111010 Agri-Women 1 +011000111010 Ana-based 1 +011000111010 Nations-supported 1 +011000111010 Am-Braniff 1 +011000111010 port. 1 +011000111010 Ermitage 1 +011000111010 rustics 1 +011000111010 Aventure 1 +011000111010 sBC 1 +011000111010 W.A.C. 1 +011000111010 Hoeschst 1 +011000111010 Holmesians 1 +011000111010 States-Soviet 1 +011000111010 Sleep-Out 1 +011000111010 Forks-Ronalane 1 +011000111010 Kingdom-Small 1 +011000111010 Flexi-Pax 1 +011000111010 Forgers 1 +011000111010 Anse 1 +011000111010 Personality. 1 +011000111010 plastic-injection 1 +011000111010 TeleMedia 1 +011000111010 Gulf-1 1 +011000111010 Airgroup 1 +011000111010 States-type 1 +011000111010 Duchy 1 +011000111010 Cynamid 1 +011000111010 Tollway 1 +011000111010 money-spinners 1 +011000111010 Steel-workers 1 +011000111010 Asia. 1 +011000111010 car-buyers 1 +011000111010 Ambience 1 +011000111010 Minco 1 +011000111010 near-left 1 +011000111010 XFI 1 +011000111010 Prix-circuit 1 +011000111010 Keizaisha 1 +011000111010 Clarita 1 +011000111010 Kohden 1 +011000111010 Fable 1 +011000111010 Acetyls 1 +011000111010 AngeluzziCorbo 1 +011000111010 Emancipator 1 +011000111010 Greetings-designed 1 +011000111010 Monday-type 1 +011000111010 Exp 1 +011000111010 Stores-Lucky 1 +011000111010 Physcians 1 +011000111010 Nations-backed 1 +011000111010 Kingdom-Europe 1 +011000111010 Gumnut 1 +011000111010 Unmentionable 1 +011000111010 Psychologist 1 +011000111010 commmuter 1 +011000111010 Depresssion 1 +011000111010 Fe. 1 +011000111010 Getrudis 1 +011000111010 parvenus 1 +011000111010 member-partners 1 +011000111010 utility-equipment 1 +011000111010 bad-neighbor 1 +011000111010 horrida 1 +011000111010 Nations-mediated 1 +011000111010 Ornithological 1 +011000111010 Clausism 1 +011000111010 folk-satirist 1 +011000111010 Echafaud 1 +011000111010 Unwashed 1 +011000111010 Corp./McCrory 1 +011000111010 Zengxi 1 +011000111010 Ensoleillad 1 +011000111010 Obfuscator 1 +011000111010 Salesperson 1 +011000111010 Telecomunications 1 +011000111010 Defile 1 +011000111010 Keizei 1 +011000111010 Reopening 2 +011000111010 Guignol 2 +011000111010 Kezai 2 +011000111010 Nucleonics 2 +011000111010 Nations-monitored 2 +011000111010 educational-assistance 2 +011000111010 Oiseau 2 +011000111010 Shoma 2 +011000111010 Papermakers 2 +011000111010 Marnier 2 +011000111010 Powerlink 2 +011000111010 Barbara-based 2 +011000111010 Tourister 2 +011000111010 Coulee 2 +011000111010 Mortell 2 +011000111010 GlobalPartners 2 +011000111010 Nations-brokered 2 +011000111010 Histoire 2 +011000111010 Armee 2 +011000111010 Explainer 2 +011000111010 Society. 2 +011000111010 Humanite 2 +011000111010 Kindgom 2 +011000111010 Agronomics 2 +011000111010 Match-Up 2 +011000111010 Enfant 2 +011000111010 Exhaust 3 +011000111010 Woolen 3 +011000111010 Africanist 3 +011000111010 Tractors 3 +011000111010 Energie 3 +011000111010 Acquirer 3 +011000111010 Bradleys 3 +011000111010 Rossa 3 +011000111010 Insecticide 3 +011000111010 Croce 3 +011000111010 Automar 3 +011000111010 Procession 3 +011000111010 AgriSeeds 3 +011000111010 Steelworker 3 +011000111010 TeleSpectrum 3 +011000111010 Beta-Lucky 3 +011000111010 Espresso 3 +011000111010 Tamerlane 3 +011000111010 Graffiti 4 +011000111010 Africaine 4 +011000111010 Ams 4 +011000111010 Telecontrol 4 +011000111010 Bananas 4 +011000111010 Electorate 4 +011000111010 Re-Insurance 4 +011000111010 Catarina 4 +011000111010 Esperance 4 +011000111010 Laugh 4 +011000111010 Balls 4 +011000111010 Travellers 5 +011000111010 Datacom 5 +011000111010 Tochi 5 +011000111010 Caravan/Voyager 5 +011000111010 Heureux 6 +011000111010 Bandstand 6 +011000111010 Mosque 6 +011000111010 Ref-Fuel 6 +011000111010 Homeware 6 +011000111010 Mercies 6 +011000111010 Keno 7 +011000111010 Ambiance 7 +011000111010 Illusion 8 +011000111010 States. 8 +011000111010 Siscoe 8 +011000111010 Djamena 9 +011000111010 Wagoneers 9 +011000111010 Tail 9 +011000111010 Tote 9 +011000111010 Multi-Cinema 10 +011000111010 Biomaterials 10 +011000111010 Refrigerated 10 +011000111010 Kingdom-based 11 +011000111010 Communicator 12 +011000111010 Arabians 12 +011000111010 Nations-sponsored 12 +011000111010 Bionetics 13 +011000111010 Canso 13 +011000111010 Pathologists 14 +011000111010 Chem-Con 14 +011000111010 Amour 16 +011000111010 Ballroom 17 +011000111010 Dour 17 +011000111010 Stationers 17 +011000111010 Lido 17 +011000111010 Therapeutics 19 +011000111010 Coasts 19 +011000111010 Aggregates 19 +011000111010 Performances 20 +011000111010 Maize-Products 20 +011000111010 Forks 20 +011000111010 Airlink 21 +011000111010 Samoa 21 +011000111010 007 22 +011000111010 Harp 24 +011000111010 Stockyards 26 +011000111010 Steam 27 +011000111010 Oreal 28 +011000111010 Territories 33 +011000111010 Junction 34 +011000111010 Sanitation 35 +011000111010 Marquis 50 +011000111010 Spectator 58 +011000111010 Keizai 61 +011000111010 Parcel 61 +011000111010 Biscuits 62 +011000111010 Anita 64 +011000111010 Neck 70 +011000111010 Prix 72 +011000111010 Greetings 90 +011000111010 Rosa 99 +011000111010 Ana 100 +011000111010 Claus 103 +011000111010 Magnetics 143 +011000111010 Rapids 151 +011000111010 Steelworkers 230 +011000111010 Way 236 +011000111010 Monica 273 +011000111010 Artists 313 +011000111010 Lakes 324 +011000111010 Clara 324 +011000111010 Nations 515 +011000111010 Telecommunications 649 +011000111010 Kingdom 676 +011000111010 Met 822 +011000111010 Brands 1081 +011000111010 Technologies 1245 +011000111010 Arabia 1344 +011000111010 Fe 1588 +011000111010 States 1646 +011000111010 Am 1838 +011000111010 Express 2640 +011000111010 Airlines 4788 +0110001110110 arbitrageuse 1 +0110001110110 Hoefner 1 +0110001110110 Industries-Wagner 1 +0110001110110 Interscholastic 1 +0110001110110 AEROSPAZIALE 1 +0110001110110 Servisi 1 +0110001110110 consumer-sciences 1 +0110001110110 Hosptial 1 +0110001110110 Fernseh 1 +0110001110110 MARZOTTO 1 +0110001110110 Lenotre 1 +0110001110110 Pullmann 1 +0110001110110 Sunbathing 1 +0110001110110 HighTech 1 +0110001110110 Fold 1 +0110001110110 548-21-06 1 +0110001110110 266-48-56 1 +0110001110110 489-29-04 1 +0110001110110 180-05-83 1 +0110001110110 459-70-62 1 +0110001110110 491-30-69 1 +0110001110110 246-63-58 1 +0110001110110 258-13-15 1 +0110001110110 356-43-80 1 +0110001110110 215-42-01 1 +0110001110110 329-71-00 1 +0110001110110 299-67-57 1 +0110001110110 208-45-97 1 +0110001110110 288-84-25 1 +0110001110110 240-15-28 1 +0110001110110 180-3054 1 +0110001110110 923-02-82 1 +0110001110110 264-95-74 1 +0110001110110 201-75-00 1 +0110001110110 164-36-30 1 +0110001110110 305-44-49 1 +0110001110110 166-74-90 1 +0110001110110 449-58-40 1 +0110001110110 180-30-54 1 +0110001110110 360-68-40 1 +0110001110110 111-42-62 1 +0110001110110 197-19-75 1 +0110001110110 238-87-72 1 +0110001110110 159-99-51 1 +0110001110110 271-09-98 1 +0110001110110 438-51-12 1 +0110001110110 124-11-49 1 +0110001110110 diddled 1 +0110001110110 Gargano/MCA 1 +0110001110110 Transist 1 +0110001110110 AIDS-Free 1 +0110001110110 Anthropological 1 +0110001110110 Abatement 1 +0110001110110 Cantril 1 +0110001110110 Turnipike 1 +0110001110110 Batory 1 +0110001110110 Coast/Southwestern 1 +0110001110110 Goshdang 1 +0110001110110 Lamagna 1 +0110001110110 Tunaboat 1 +0110001110110 Watercolors 1 +0110001110110 Town-based 1 +0110001110110 All-Terrain 1 +0110001110110 Borderers 1 +0110001110110 GOODE 1 +0110001110110 Thoracic 1 +0110001110110 Temperance 1 +0110001110110 Blancmange 1 +0110001110110 Waterjet 1 +0110001110110 Collon 1 +0110001110110 Urological 1 +0110001110110 Gewandhaus 1 +0110001110110 Liqueurs 1 +0110001110110 peach-flavored 1 +0110001110110 ster 1 +0110001110110 Dyeing 1 +0110001110110 Chasis 1 +0110001110110 Folklife 1 +0110001110110 Consultors 1 +0110001110110 battle-tank 1 +0110001110110 Antico 1 +0110001110110 Wissenschaft 1 +0110001110110 Aquatics 1 +0110001110110 Kreuzaler 1 +0110001110110 Bookshops 1 +0110001110110 Kurier 1 +0110001110110 Jersey-Connecticut 1 +0110001110110 University-Behrend 1 +0110001110110 Broske 1 +0110001110110 beet-refining 1 +0110001110110 Signatory 1 +0110001110110 Nicoud 1 +0110001110110 DFS/Torrance 1 +0110001110110 KENLEY 1 +0110001110110 Optometric 1 +0110001110110 Sanchini 1 +0110001110110 TODAY/Apple 1 +0110001110110 DARTY 1 +0110001110110 Radioelectriques 1 +0110001110110 Reichhart 1 +0110001110110 Maggetto 1 +0110001110110 SELL-OFFS 1 +0110001110110 Anti-Religious 1 +0110001110110 Equestrian 1 +0110001110110 Kosciuszko 1 +0110001110110 Ruska 1 +0110001110110 Intermediation 1 +0110001110110 Boxwood 1 +0110001110110 Pea 1 +0110001110110 Yoga 1 +0110001110110 Voima 1 +0110001110110 society-measured 1 +0110001110110 Keskuspankki 1 +0110001110110 Olii 1 +0110001110110 MINIERE 1 +0110001110110 Cardiologists 1 +0110001110110 Baddie 1 +0110001110110 Floorcovering 1 +0110001110110 Volksopern 1 +0110001110110 90-10 1 +0110001110110 Bk 1 +0110001110110 kommt 1 +0110001110110 Inju 1 +0110001110110 life-lover 1 +0110001110110 Furnishing 1 +0110001110110 Kian 1 +0110001110110 Shinju 1 +0110001110110 BACKGROUNDS 1 +0110001110110 Chaissac 1 +0110001110110 Juggle-In 1 +0110001110110 Dusters 1 +0110001110110 Cockerel 1 +0110001110110 Vaumati 1 +0110001110110 Grosseteste 1 +0110001110110 Wallstreet 1 +0110001110110 DFS/Pacific 1 +0110001110110 scholarships. 1 +0110001110110 Sverdrup 1 +0110001110110 Corngrowers 1 +0110001110110 Oreilles 1 +0110001110110 Lawyer/Simon 1 +0110001110110 Waterfowl 2 +0110001110110 Luge 2 +0110001110110 Tretyakov 2 +0110001110110 Factbook 2 +0110001110110 Televison 2 +0110001110110 Pigments 2 +0110001110110 Econometrics/Ward 2 +0110001110110 Tootsies 2 +0110001110110 Depressive 2 +0110001110110 Maritain 2 +0110001110110 Rheumatism 2 +0110001110110 Chocolatier 2 +0110001110110 Subscriber 2 +0110001110110 Herzig 2 +0110001110110 galy 2 +0110001110110 Microfilms 2 +0110001110110 Halsell 2 +0110001110110 Thermo-Flood 2 +0110001110110 Leroux 2 +0110001110110 Telesystems 2 +0110001110110 Spine 2 +0110001110110 Drayss 2 +0110001110110 Faithfull 2 +0110001110110 Tongues 2 +0110001110110 Argento 2 +0110001110110 Zook 2 +0110001110110 Defamation 2 +0110001110110 Artichoke 2 +0110001110110 Dystrophy 2 +0110001110110 Biographical 2 +0110001110110 Shipboard 2 +0110001110110 Standard-Kelso 2 +0110001110110 Ahoy 2 +0110001110110 Windsurfing 2 +0110001110110 Heusser 2 +0110001110110 Dietetic 2 +0110001110110 Cycling 2 +0110001110110 Mambazo 3 +0110001110110 Bissau 3 +0110001110110 Profitt 3 +0110001110110 Chicle 3 +0110001110110 Underwear 3 +0110001110110 Philatelic 3 +0110001110110 Convalescent 3 +0110001110110 Massif 3 +0110001110110 Fructose 3 +0110001110110 Paddock 3 +0110001110110 Matanzima 3 +0110001110110 Mfg. 3 +0110001110110 Equine 3 +0110001110110 Proprietors 3 +0110001110110 Anthropologist 3 +0110001110110 Archivists 3 +0110001110110 Blackstock 3 +0110001110110 Caperton 3 +0110001110110 Consulters 3 +0110001110110 Astro-Space 3 +0110001110110 Meteorological 4 +0110001110110 Psychoanalytic 4 +0110001110110 Solarco 4 +0110001110110 Collegian 4 +0110001110110 Preparatory 4 +0110001110110 Picks 4 +0110001110110 Preschool 4 +0110001110110 Mainline 4 +0110001110110 Gerontology 4 +0110001110110 Blakeslee 4 +0110001110110 Colloid 4 +0110001110110 Ecosystem 4 +0110001110110 Maternity 4 +0110001110110 Trivia 5 +0110001110110 Maize 5 +0110001110110 Benevolent 5 +0110001110110 Keynote 5 +0110001110110 Fitting 5 +0110001110110 Waterways 5 +0110001110110 Uclaf 5 +0110001110110 SHIPBUILDING 5 +0110001110110 Coloring 5 +0110001110110 Processor 5 +0110001110110 Softball 5 +0110001110110 Oceanographic 5 +0110001110110 Forgan 5 +0110001110110 Incorporation 6 +0110001110110 Slag 6 +0110001110110 T.V. 6 +0110001110110 Explosions 6 +0110001110110 Consciousness 6 +0110001110110 Chiropractic 6 +0110001110110 Libraries 7 +0110001110110 Cometra 7 +0110001110110 Zoological 7 +0110001110110 Astrology 7 +0110001110110 Shrimp 7 +0110001110110 Fin 7 +0110001110110 Ambulance 7 +0110001110110 Cake 7 +0110001110110 Bankcorp 7 +0110001110110 LAND 8 +0110001110110 Expression 8 +0110001110110 Sociological 8 +0110001110110 Lizard 9 +0110001110110 Booksellers 9 +0110001110110 Tie 9 +0110001110110 DISTILLERS 9 +0110001110110 Machining 9 +0110001110110 Hydraulics 9 +0110001110110 Heng 10 +0110001110110 Plate 10 +0110001110110 Photographer 10 +0110001110110 Doors 10 +0110001110110 Panthers 10 +0110001110110 Panther 11 +0110001110110 Exposition 11 +0110001110110 MINERALS 12 +0110001110110 Diabetes 12 +0110001110110 Tally 12 +0110001110110 Relocation 13 +0110001110110 Literacy 13 +0110001110110 Geriatric 13 +0110001110110 Numismatic 14 +0110001110110 Plywood 14 +0110001110110 Bed 14 +0110001110110 Sarasin 14 +0110001110110 Olean 14 +0110001110110 Accessories 15 +0110001110110 Label 15 +0110001110110 Elementary 15 +0110001110110 Depository 15 +0110001110110 Howse 15 +0110001110110 Expressway 15 +0110001110110 Kopy 16 +0110001110110 Superconductor 17 +0110001110110 Pasta 18 +0110001110110 Demographics 19 +0110001110110 Reinvestment 19 +0110001110110 Queensway 21 +0110001110110 Spirits 22 +0110001110110 Depositary 22 +0110001110110 Metall 26 +0110001110110 Nursery 26 +0110001110110 Novel 27 +0110001110110 IH 28 +0110001110110 Correctional 29 +0110001110110 Loving 29 +0110001110110 Playhouse 30 +0110001110110 Hoist 32 +0110001110110 Wagg 33 +0110001110110 Polytechnic 33 +0110001110110 Arbitration 37 +0110001110110 Reference 39 +0110001110110 Cablesystems 39 +0110001110110 Ecology 40 +0110001110110 Physical 44 +0110001110110 Dental 45 +0110001110110 Econometric 49 +0110001110110 Lawyer 52 +0110001110110 Tunnel 54 +0110001110110 Ink 54 +0110001110110 DFS 55 +0110001110110 Psychiatric 62 +0110001110110 Trucking 65 +0110001110110 Vision 65 +0110001110110 Missiles 66 +0110001110110 Beta 75 +0110001110110 Meat 75 +0110001110110 Econometrics 77 +0110001110110 Pulp 92 +0110001110110 Turnpike 96 +0110001110110 Banker 111 +0110001110110 Barrick 127 +0110001110110 Centennial 133 +0110001110110 Picture 141 +0110001110110 Cyanamid 152 +0110001110110 Casino 162 +0110001110110 Graduate 171 +0110001110110 Register 182 +0110001110110 Heart 189 +0110001110110 Pilots 200 +0110001110110 Fire 270 +0110001110110 Chartered 305 +0110001110110 depositary 340 +0110001110110 Enterprise 382 +0110001110110 Bar 384 +0110001110110 Building 435 +0110001110110 Iron 504 +0110001110110 Land 625 +0110001110110 Television 799 +0110001110110 Upham 800 +0110001110110 Telephone 1518 +0110001110110 Savings 4758 +0110001110110 Medical 1977 +0110001110111 Ousts 1 +0110001110111 ShoeSource 1 +0110001110111 Corp.-made 1 +0110001110111 Etak 1 +0110001110111 composer-conductor 1 +0110001110111 Titane 1 +0110001110111 Banker-Bond 1 +0110001110111 Biltrite 1 +0110001110111 Multi-Cinemas 1 +0110001110111 Cytogenetics 1 +0110001110111 SIRRINE 1 +0110001110111 Walker-Godderham 1 +0110001110111 Widens 1 +0110001110111 Sarus 1 +0110001110111 light-welterweight 1 +0110001110111 Wheeled 1 +0110001110111 Brownfeld 1 +0110001110111 Encycle 1 +0110001110111 leaders. 1 +0110001110111 Magnescale 1 +0110001110111 Timed 1 +0110001110111 InteCom 1 +0110001110111 Handbag 1 +0110001110111 TradeCenter 1 +0110001110111 Kunststoffen 1 +0110001110111 K.H. 1 +0110001110111 Hospital-Audubon 1 +0110001110111 Cablesystem 1 +0110001110111 Stores> 1 +0110001110111 Cylinders 1 +0110001110111 St.-Felicien 1 +0110001110111 Nidrei 1 +0110001110111 Applix 1 +0110001110111 Albertini. 1 +0110001110111 rooms. 1 +0110001110111 Funds/Managed 1 +0110001110111 Metrology 1 +0110001110111 Sees 1 +0110001110111 Hurghada 1 +0110001110111 Supercollider 1 +0110001110111 Bros.-Seven 1 +0110001110111 Stone-Mix 1 +0110001110111 Healthplans 1 +0110001110111 Reglatory 1 +0110001110111 DeLaval 1 +0110001110111 Pharmics 1 +0110001110111 Bankorp 1 +0110001110111 Valleylab 1 +0110001110111 FACILITIES 1 +0110001110111 steak-house 1 +0110001110111 Technocrat. 1 +0110001110111 Katei 1 +0110001110111 computer-stores 1 +0110001110111 Settles 1 +0110001110111 Scrubs 1 +0110001110111 McMoran 1 +0110001110111 Piney 1 +0110001110111 Limnological 1 +0110001110111 Alcoa/TRE 1 +0110001110111 Kanygo 1 +0110001110111 LABORATORY 1 +0110001110111 Funashoku 1 +0110001110111 DowBrands 1 +0110001110111 Daimler-Puch 1 +0110001110111 Biopool 1 +0110001110111 Flygt 1 +0110001110111 Bandcorp 1 +0110001110111 LEARJET 1 +0110001110111 iw 1 +0110001110111 635,450 1 +0110001110111 Support. 1 +0110001110111 Strocal 1 +0110001110111 car-washing 1 +0110001110111 Hygene 1 +0110001110111 Enery 1 +0110001110111 Demostration 1 +0110001110111 Greenmoss 1 +0110001110111 Diamanti 1 +0110001110111 Kenway 1 +0110001110111 Pastry 1 +0110001110111 Microscopes 1 +0110001110111 Eagle-East 1 +0110001110111 Flotation 1 +0110001110111 Aerofab 2 +0110001110111 Bong 2 +0110001110111 MART 2 +0110001110111 Optronics 2 +0110001110111 Reit 2 +0110001110111 Gyms 2 +0110001110111 Raymart 2 +0110001110111 Graphix 2 +0110001110111 RS/Expert 2 +0110001110111 Off-Shore 2 +0110001110111 USFA 2 +0110001110111 Ophthalmics 2 +0110001110111 Autolite 2 +0110001110111 Interfinancial 2 +0110001110111 Aktienverein 2 +0110001110111 Artworks 2 +0110001110111 Diamonstein 2 +0110001110111 HighYield 2 +0110001110111 Geotech 2 +0110001110111 Politicking 2 +0110001110111 Cheque 2 +0110001110111 Ammunition 2 +0110001110111 Bretagne 2 +0110001110111 Laminates 2 +0110001110111 BioPharm 2 +0110001110111 ERS 2 +0110001110111 Concessionaires 2 +0110001110111 Booster 3 +0110001110111 Charlevoix 3 +0110001110111 Pauling 3 +0110001110111 Envirosystems 3 +0110001110111 Coil/Frick 3 +0110001110111 Acoustical 3 +0110001110111 Sevcon 3 +0110001110111 Houtex 3 +0110001110111 Lenya 3 +0110001110111 Magnesium 3 +0110001110111 Hovercraft 3 +0110001110111 Enhancements 3 +0110001110111 Insulation 4 +0110001110111 Kinetics 4 +0110001110111 Plough 4 +0110001110111 Opthalmics 4 +0110001110111 Ponds 4 +0110001110111 Divide 4 +0110001110111 Telcom 4 +0110001110111 Tyres 4 +0110001110111 Copco 5 +0110001110111 auf 5 +0110001110111 Ultrasound 5 +0110001110111 Medica 5 +0110001110111 Carpets 5 +0110001110111 Roofing 5 +0110001110111 Summerfare 6 +0110001110111 Bom 6 +0110001110111 Stodgell 6 +0110001110111 Haynie 6 +0110001110111 Mobilnet 7 +0110001110111 Sterilizer 7 +0110001110111 Scientifics 7 +0110001110111 Gummi-Werke 7 +0110001110111 Phosphates 7 +0110001110111 Rent-a-Car 7 +0110001110111 Mogul 7 +0110001110111 Telemanagement 8 +0110001110111 Inmobiliaria 8 +0110001110111 McMoRan 9 +0110001110111 Doodle 9 +0110001110111 PubliTech 9 +0110001110111 CATV 10 +0110001110111 Metcom 10 +0110001110111 Agribusiness 11 +0110001110111 AmeriGas 11 +0110001110111 Intertechnology 11 +0110001110111 Industri 11 +0110001110111 KONG 11 +0110001110111 Businessphones 12 +0110001110111 Telemedia 12 +0110001110111 Produce 12 +0110001110111 Rambler 12 +0110001110111 Worldcom 14 +0110001110111 Chair 14 +0110001110111 Foodservice 14 +0110001110111 Airfone 14 +0110001110111 Directories 15 +0110001110111 Spacenet 15 +0110001110111 Trace 17 +0110001110111 Creations 17 +0110001110111 Shelf 17 +0110001110111 Hosiery 18 +0110001110111 ASC 18 +0110001110111 Distilleries 18 +0110001110111 Rayonier 20 +0110001110111 Fax 20 +0110001110111 Fragrances 20 +0110001110111 Coppee 21 +0110001110111 Knitting 23 +0110001110111 Aptitude 23 +0110001110111 Antibodies 27 +0110001110111 Seaboard 28 +0110001110111 Suites 32 +0110001110111 Rent-A-Car 33 +0110001110111 Designs 34 +0110001110111 Jewelry 38 +0110001110111 Cashways 43 +0110001110111 Appliance 43 +0110001110111 R&M 44 +0110001110111 Producing 50 +0110001110111 Biologics 51 +0110001110111 Bloedel 51 +0110001110111 Royalty 54 +0110001110111 Brewery 56 +0110001110111 Sirrine 57 +0110001110111 D.S. 66 +0110001110111 Odeon 72 +0110001110111 Delaval 76 +0110001110111 Telepictures 87 +0110001110111 Biotech 95 +0110001110111 Films 101 +0110001110111 Purina 109 +0110001110111 Store 130 +0110001110111 Logic 134 +0110001110111 Kangyo 163 +0110001110111 Petrofina 176 +0110001110111 Brace 216 +0110001110111 Utility 249 +0110001110111 Inn 310 +0110001110111 Inns 319 +0110001110111 Toys 361 +0110001110111 Records 379 +0110001110111 Machine 411 +0110001110111 Bancshares 425 +0110001110111 Regulatory 573 +0110001110111 mart 634 +0110001110111 Utilities 850 +0110001110111 Equipment 908 +0110001110111 Stores 2432 +0110001110111 Communications 3312 +0110001110111 Home 4308 +01100011110 purple-suiter 1 +01100011110 WHISTLE-BLOWER 1 +01100011110 base-building 1 +01100011110 ranching-for-wildlife 1 +01100011110 rightism 1 +01100011110 Kapital 1 +01100011110 secu 1 +01100011110 Bolf 1 +01100011110 burn-in 1 +01100011110 Recognitions 1 +01100011110 coronels 1 +01100011110 packet-switch 1 +01100011110 Pelvis 1 +01100011110 quasi-utility 1 +01100011110 violentologos 1 +01100011110 anti-thrombotic 1 +01100011110 unCOLAs 1 +01100011110 flexibilty 1 +01100011110 CCCP 1 +01100011110 Announcers 1 +01100011110 shinjinrui 1 +01100011110 atentado 1 +01100011110 ring-around-the-collar 1 +01100011110 Anti-Aids 1 +01100011110 heir-conditioned 1 +01100011110 miniaturize 1 +01100011110 field-of-interest 1 +01100011110 J-Curve 1 +01100011110 devaluationist 1 +01100011110 boom-box 1 +01100011110 Overdone 1 +01100011110 Chunnel 1 +01100011110 backlit 1 +01100011110 boom-chug-a-lugga-lugga 1 +01100011110 glitz-monger 1 +01100011110 Humanism 1 +01100011110 insectorium 1 +01100011110 we-are-so-powerful-we-can-do-anything 1 +01100011110 Indiscretion-II 1 +01100011110 chinovniki 1 +01100011110 Torque-line 1 +01100011110 erRRAWS 1 +01100011110 OHHawws 1 +01100011110 land-grabbing 1 +01100011110 garbitrage 1 +01100011110 Sillies 1 +01100011110 diet-resistant 1 +01100011110 less-than-fair-market 1 +01100011110 oversampling 1 +01100011110 173-room 1 +01100011110 CorporateWatch 1 +01100011110 Once. 1 +01100011110 techno-cities 1 +01100011110 commingle 1 +01100011110 On-call 1 +01100011110 Ting-Ting 1 +01100011110 optionaholics 1 +01100011110 destabilizers 1 +01100011110 obdurately 1 +01100011110 Offertorium 1 +01100011110 Metamorphoser 1 +01100011110 banjo-hitting 1 +01100011110 Gemuetlichkeit 1 +01100011110 delinkage 1 +01100011110 easy-come-easy-go 1 +01100011110 ultra-easy 1 +01100011110 Payment-in-kind 1 +01100011110 co-bosses 1 +01100011110 superchilling 1 +01100011110 peel-and-seal 1 +01100011110 Sunflowers. 1 +01100011110 Fervaal 1 +01100011110 Winter-kill 1 +01100011110 minimum-speed 1 +01100011110 teraflop 1 +01100011110 product-neutral 1 +01100011110 toyi-toyi 1 +01100011110 Mute 1 +01100011110 show-the-folks-a-good-time-even-if-the-home-team-loses 1 +01100011110 Plagues 1 +01100011110 baho 1 +01100011110 spacebridge 1 +01100011110 afterboomers 1 +01100011110 demi-ronde 1 +01100011110 neo 1 +01100011110 nonpersons 1 +01100011110 schoolmarms 1 +01100011110 Aquaman 1 +01100011110 pro-education 1 +01100011110 Marauder 1 +01100011110 extortionary 1 +01100011110 Ox 1 +01100011110 Screeners 1 +01100011110 blindpool 1 +01100011110 Paquita 1 +01100011110 company-to-company 1 +01100011110 Stuffed 1 +01100011110 Radiovisions 1 +01100011110 Desiring 1 +01100011110 consumer-durable 1 +01100011110 caudillo 1 +01100011110 Stayin 1 +01100011110 stingers 1 +01100011110 ulemas 1 +01100011110 openaccess 1 +01100011110 Kiku 1 +01100011110 bag-in-a-box 1 +01100011110 micro-genesis 1 +01100011110 Chips. 1 +01100011110 won't-work 1 +01100011110 Sepulchers 1 +01100011110 settlement-day 1 +01100011110 bricolage 1 +01100011110 Bet-A-Million 1 +01100011110 Prince. 1 +01100011110 above-budget 1 +01100011110 lite-generic 1 +01100011110 jawboned 1 +01100011110 Runways 1 +01100011110 semi-optimistic 1 +01100011110 neoprohibitionists 1 +01100011110 maharajas 1 +01100011110 Papadocracy 1 +01100011110 Pag 1 +01100011110 genemachine 1 +01100011110 human-interface 1 +01100011110 ufficialito 1 +01100011110 quasi-equity 1 +01100011110 Nazdrovia 1 +01100011110 promise-as-you-go 1 +01100011110 Jenufa 1 +01100011110 Echinops 1 +01100011110 Prairiescapes 1 +01100011110 hold-up 1 +01100011110 parolee 1 +01100011110 Aints 1 +01100011110 ring-dealing 1 +01100011110 hat-sized 1 +01100011110 pseudoseal 1 +01100011110 make-war-not-law 1 +01100011110 newstalk 1 +01100011110 motivators 1 +01100011110 euthanast 1 +01100011110 motherboards 1 +01100011110 Weathered 1 +01100011110 mini-hubs 1 +01100011110 Jointness 1 +01100011110 Slobwear 1 +01100011110 organigramme 1 +01100011110 anti-sexism 1 +01100011110 joint-education 1 +01100011110 MacMan 1 +01100011110 trash-to-cash 1 +01100011110 American. 1 +01100011110 non-designer 1 +01100011110 MM 1 +01100011110 Thinkers 1 +01100011110 evangelize 1 +01100011110 Divertissement 1 +01100011110 Rewarding 1 +01100011110 asistance 1 +01100011110 incentivized 1 +01100011110 rollaway 1 +01100011110 curlique 1 +01100011110 death-haunted 1 +01100011110 equivalently 1 +01100011110 farm-out 1 +01100011110 dirty-collar 1 +01100011110 parker 1 +01100011110 Laughed 1 +01100011110 Lothye 1 +01100011110 anti-imperialistic 1 +01100011110 trashier 1 +01100011110 Appeared 1 +01100011110 wunderkinder 1 +01100011110 Ameriachi 1 +01100011110 Butley 1 +01100011110 Conzertstueck 1 +01100011110 Gnat 1 +01100011110 presidenciables 1 +01100011110 mega-trade 1 +01100011110 oaters 1 +01100011110 nabes 1 +01100011110 Guild/AIDS 1 +01100011110 In-a-gadda-da-vida 1 +01100011110 click-whir 1 +01100011110 Eothen 1 +01100011110 Nonbanks 1 +01100011110 TICA 1 +01100011110 back-fitting 1 +01100011110 over-reporting 1 +01100011110 anticipatorially 1 +01100011110 caxixi 1 +01100011110 birdcage 1 +01100011110 qual-coms 1 +01100011110 cock-a-doodle-doo 1 +01100011110 cocorico 1 +01100011110 Continental-bashing 1 +01100011110 Dudes 1 +01100011110 minibuster 1 +01100011110 Yearling 1 +01100011110 dividend-like 1 +01100011110 corporate-potential 1 +01100011110 microshake 1 +01100011110 minibonds 1 +01100011110 Salary-men 1 +01100011110 Tuk-Tuk 1 +01100011110 Self-reliance 1 +01100011110 Froggie 1 +01100011110 I-can-have-it-all 1 +01100011110 mediocracy 1 +01100011110 mega-position 1 +01100011110 Lovesexy 1 +01100011110 Phaedra. 1 +01100011110 head-up 1 +01100011110 Mondale/Ferarro 1 +01100011110 corpocratic 1 +01100011110 Monika 1 +01100011110 nourisher 1 +01100011110 de-clutter 1 +01100011110 Pastificio 1 +01100011110 Piangero 1 +01100011110 .45-to-the-temple 1 +01100011110 Off-line 1 +01100011110 petroleros 1 +01100011110 Fascinacion 1 +01100011110 G--d--- 1 +01100011110 work-fare 1 +01100011110 Floccinaucinihilipilification 1 +01100011110 under-65s 1 +01100011110 McAirbus 1 +01100011110 Birchite 1 +01100011110 Japanized 1 +01100011110 jellyroll 1 +01100011110 missing-link 1 +01100011110 moral-hazard 1 +01100011110 God's-eye-view 1 +01100011110 classist 1 +01100011110 rule-based 1 +01100011110 strumpet 1 +01100011110 near-maximum 1 +01100011110 reward/risk 1 +01100011110 body-wire 1 +01100011110 de-consolidate 1 +01100011110 1960-88 1 +01100011110 nonrecognition 1 +01100011110 tariffication 1 +01100011110 easy-drive 1 +01100011110 guestimate 1 +01100011110 flaps-up 1 +01100011110 Aggressor 1 +01100011110 no-news 1 +01100011110 miscertified 1 +01100011110 dirty-war 1 +01100011110 non-bid 1 +01100011110 40-40 1 +01100011110 spin-terviews. 1 +01100011110 fault-tolerance 1 +01100011110 vinaigre 1 +01100011110 mood-mapping 1 +01100011110 30-something 1 +01100011110 At-Your-Service 1 +01100011110 single-use 1 +01100011110 vacancy-control 1 +01100011110 Tippecanoe 1 +01100011110 high-opportunity 1 +01100011110 Chilenidad 1 +01100011110 Hojotoho 1 +01100011110 Dreamchild 1 +01100011110 walkup 1 +01100011110 flexbanking 1 +01100011110 draft-dodger 1 +01100011110 fast-breeder 1 +01100011110 superstretch 1 +01100011110 phocomele 1 +01100011110 monocephalus 1 +01100011110 re-colonized 1 +01100011110 Hart-to-Hart 1 +01100011110 teraglin 1 +01100011110 pippy 1 +01100011110 fratry 1 +01100011110 butch 1 +01100011110 ji 1 +01100011110 unchi 1 +01100011110 copy-oriented 1 +01100011110 PTs 1 +01100011110 bongs 1 +01100011110 intervener 1 +01100011110 copolymer 1 +01100011110 Pro-family 1 +01100011110 folkabilly 1 +01100011110 Shoeless 1 +01100011110 rip-and-skip 1 +01100011110 Agronsky 1 +01100011110 de-cop 1 +01100011110 D/E 1 +01100011110 azerty 1 +01100011110 qwerty 1 +01100011110 Toothbrush 1 +01100011110 camel's-nose-under-the-tent 1 +01100011110 KOR-E-A 1 +01100011110 you-go-first 1 +01100011110 tagout 1 +01100011110 Multi-Location 1 +01100011110 arbolitos 1 +01100011110 Sabre-ize 1 +01100011110 Sabre-izing 1 +01100011110 pro-social 1 +01100011110 Shutout 1 +01100011110 pos.Razvilka 1 +01100011110 gladness 1 +01100011110 -est 1 +01100011110 Scorpion 1 +01100011110 Nibbles 1 +01100011110 BHHS 1 +01100011110 Self-Helpless 1 +01100011110 Snorty 1 +01100011110 Krasnosel 1 +01100011110 Ptich 1 +01100011110 holocaust. 1 +01100011110 Minstrel 1 +01100011110 shooting-star 1 +01100011110 level-3 1 +01100011110 abdicators 1 +01100011110 hojotohos 1 +01100011110 superbill 1 +01100011110 tin-parachute 1 +01100011110 Duce 1 +01100011110 Maximize 1 +01100011110 arm-chair 1 +01100011110 pair-off 1 +01100011110 Perception-Reality 1 +01100011110 Manhattanization 1 +01100011110 Dismantlement 1 +01100011110 sanctions-busters 1 +01100011110 lock-on 1 +01100011110 HFII 1 +01100011110 Laeliocattleya 1 +01100011110 Cattleyas 1 +01100011110 studyin 1 +01100011110 Lynched 1 +01100011110 wasting-asset 1 +01100011110 gravlax 1 +01100011110 cross-margined 1 +01100011110 Huckster 1 +01100011110 Trellis. 1 +01100011110 bimodal 1 +01100011110 minivacation 1 +01100011110 Presences 1 +01100011110 cathedral-type 1 +01100011110 bow-wave 1 +01100011110 limne 1 +01100011110 Actae 1 +01100011110 cym 1 +01100011110 Aliens. 1 +01100011110 food-pension 1 +01100011110 contrabandistas 1 +01100011110 superliens 1 +01100011110 Super-Regional 1 +01100011110 frequent-parker 1 +01100011110 L.H.O.O.Q. 1 +01100011110 All-Around 1 +01100011110 oyama 1 +01100011110 West-West 1 +01100011110 Cocom-like 1 +01100011110 tarted-up 1 +01100011110 Caco-Calo 1 +01100011110 right-to-sue 1 +01100011110 Juba 1 +01100011110 fine-spun 1 +01100011110 Dollar-sterling 1 +01100011110 1908-1910 1 +01100011110 Altruism 1 +01100011110 virtucrat 1 +01100011110 borderline-high 1 +01100011110 hot-tagged 1 +01100011110 phaelanopsis 1 +01100011110 T-r-i-a-g-e 1 +01100011110 Hymies 1 +01100011110 factory-of-the-future 1 +01100011110 black-box 1 +01100011110 Intending 1 +01100011110 Regen 1 +01100011110 Roni 1 +01100011110 loy 1 +01100011110 aa 1 +01100011110 Idiot 1 +01100011110 samhain 1 +01100011110 FaxTrax 1 +01100011110 keyboard-phobic 1 +01100011110 very/fairly 1 +01100011110 S/A 1 +01100011110 surfistas 1 +01100011110 Interruptible 1 +01100011110 1966-1988 1 +01100011110 Delete 1 +01100011110 picture-within-a-picture 1 +01100011110 spin-doctors 1 +01100011110 half-original 1 +01100011110 symplegma 1 +01100011110 Polluter 1 +01100011110 General-purpose 1 +01100011110 Slamdunk 1 +01100011110 Pandemonium 1 +01100011110 multifocal 1 +01100011110 lapware 1 +01100011110 Stately 1 +01100011110 allah 1 +01100011110 Insha 1 +01100011110 etfaddal 1 +01100011110 Headbangers 1 +01100011110 supersites 1 +01100011110 self-revival 1 +01100011110 moisturize 1 +01100011110 Magazine. 1 +01100011110 Sclairtech 1 +01100011110 Nymph 1 +01100011110 omniverous 1 +01100011110 super-energized 1 +01100011110 dechlorinate 1 +01100011110 Stakeholder 1 +01100011110 Maybellene 1 +01100011110 outflanking 1 +01100011110 trilemma 1 +01100011110 delphi 1 +01100011110 there's-no-mandate 1 +01100011110 buy-into-Medicaid 1 +01100011110 Conrack 1 +01100011110 unendorsed 1 +01100011110 veepette 1 +01100011110 Svatba 1 +01100011110 overtopping 1 +01100011110 Mossflower 1 +01100011110 Ants 1 +01100011110 Lazardo 1 +01100011110 Hominids 1 +01100011110 VIRUS 1 +01100011110 Jigger 1 +01100011110 Pookins 1 +01100011110 consumer-friendly 1 +01100011110 Scrapple 1 +01100011110 chickenhawks 1 +01100011110 Tragicomedy 1 +01100011110 Geraldo. 1 +01100011110 multi-management 1 +01100011110 no-iron 1 +01100011110 pick-your-own 1 +01100011110 Pics 1 +01100011110 Roger-bashing 1 +01100011110 restudy 1 +01100011110 sounds-good 1 +01100011110 mileage-purchase 1 +01100011110 Asthma. 1 +01100011110 chitsu 1 +01100011110 burahza 1 +01100011110 Gumbo 1 +01100011110 Louisianify 1 +01100011110 galimachas 1 +01100011110 Frenglish 1 +01100011110 Raccoon 1 +01100011110 charismaticians 1 +01100011110 Clutch-Hitter 1 +01100011110 ride-along 1 +01100011110 man-in-the-house 1 +01100011110 Qu 1 +01100011110 wordmen 1 +01100011110 enteron 1 +01100011110 Enteron 1 +01100011110 Seniligate. 1 +01100011110 pre-queened 1 +01100011110 most-underrated 1 +01100011110 unreasonableness 1 +01100011110 Transcriber 1 +01100011110 non-wimp 1 +01100011110 Possessions 1 +01100011110 alphabet-stock 1 +01100011110 semi-flaky 1 +01100011110 ever-aggressive 1 +01100011110 Fairchildren 1 +01100011110 marginal-risk 1 +01100011110 agree/disagree 1 +01100011110 GM-80 1 +01100011110 gobelas 1 +01100011110 Trans-Figurations 1 +01100011110 industrial-rationalization 1 +01100011110 spiritedness 1 +01100011110 sippin 1 +01100011110 Conditionality 1 +01100011110 Outbreak 1 +01100011110 upscaling 1 +01100011110 can-dos 1 +01100011110 Beachless 1 +01100011110 subliminal-message 1 +01100011110 Prairie-style 1 +01100011110 aasafeer 1 +01100011110 hanblechiya 1 +01100011110 Escenas 1 +01100011110 baqanga 1 +01100011110 de-skill 1 +01100011110 freons 1 +01100011110 un-tender 1 +01100011110 misdispense 1 +01100011110 Footsteps 1 +01100011110 Hammie 1 +01100011110 Hits-1 1 +01100011110 Sentimentalism 1 +01100011110 peaceful-use 1 +01100011110 double-square 1 +01100011110 preexisting-condition 1 +01100011110 autofacturing 1 +01100011110 caballero 1 +01100011110 back-solving 1 +01100011110 Happening 1 +01100011110 piel 1 +01100011110 cryogenesis 1 +01100011110 rebellion-vulgarity-violence-sex 1 +01100011110 decommunization 1 +01100011110 Lun 1 +01100011110 Stosh 1 +01100011110 informance 1 +01100011110 madchen 1 +01100011110 fund-of-funds 1 +01100011110 speak-English-only 1 +01100011110 defiled 1 +01100011110 cf. 1 +01100011110 foreign-appearing 1 +01100011110 remaindered 1 +01100011110 po 1 +01100011110 belongers 1 +01100011110 us-against-them 1 +01100011110 de-Americanizing 1 +01100011110 Greenback 1 +01100011110 Crossbreed 1 +01100011110 Arsenic 1 +01100011110 Manageable 1 +01100011110 ikat 1 +01100011110 debunching 1 +01100011110 dum-dum 1 +01100011110 Woodsmoke 1 +01100011110 B.A.M.F.V. 1 +01100011110 cinnamint 1 +01100011110 Strog 1 +01100011110 Exactly. 1 +01100011110 Psych 1 +01100011110 Exerballs 1 +01100011110 Tweedledum 1 +01100011110 boody 1 +01100011110 Searchin 1 +01100011110 well-dones 1 +01100011110 Paranoid 1 +01100011110 steuerreformchen 1 +01100011110 succo 1 +01100011110 Yolanta 1 +01100011110 woman-liking 1 +01100011110 Febuary 1 +01100011110 Phaedra 1 +01100011110 micro-marketing 1 +01100011110 Phoebus 1 +01100011110 broadcastmail 1 +01100011110 bang-them-over-the-head 1 +01100011110 de-Germanize 1 +01100011110 pseudo-male 1 +01100011110 vous 1 +01100011110 campesinas 1 +01100011110 scintillation 1 +01100011110 confrontationism 1 +01100011110 guero 1 +01100011110 obligator 1 +01100011110 Agios 1 +01100011110 G-Man 1 +01100011110 information-driven 1 +01100011110 user-charge 1 +01100011110 videolog 1 +01100011110 stop-lending 1 +01100011110 Scherenschnitt 1 +01100011110 McDonald's-fashion 1 +01100011110 multi-ton 1 +01100011110 compensation-based 1 +01100011110 hard-loan 1 +01100011110 Militants 1 +01100011110 nganga 1 +01100011110 ph 1 +01100011110 Oatsleaf 1 +01100011110 Low-impact 1 +01100011110 Canadianize 1 +01100011110 mindfulness 1 +01100011110 sanctuarization 1 +01100011110 nuclear-supplier 1 +01100011110 collegially 1 +01100011110 Rheingold-size 1 +01100011110 Jetsons 1 +01100011110 Sale. 1 +01100011110 water's-edge 1 +01100011110 Byrdles 1 +01100011110 self-certified 1 +01100011110 Dumpy 1 +01100011110 guardia 1 +01100011110 Loot 1 +01100011110 cokome 1 +01100011110 1901-1970 1 +01100011110 rate-based 1 +01100011110 copy-cat 1 +01100011110 no-holds 1 +01100011110 Kechitomo 1 +01100011110 quasi-flaky 1 +01100011110 Coverup 1 +01100011110 Destroy-it 1 +01100011110 new-man 1 +01100011110 rotopreneur 1 +01100011110 acquipreneur 1 +01100011110 Ramburger 1 +01100011110 Mannequin 1 +01100011110 Tastiness 1 +01100011110 Europeanizing 1 +01100011110 Mgt. 1 +01100011110 Talegate 1 +01100011110 derats 1 +01100011110 zero-zeroing 1 +01100011110 Livability 1 +01100011110 discreditable 1 +01100011110 do-sa-do 1 +01100011110 Zephyrus 1 +01100011110 U.S.-content 1 +01100011110 midlist 1 +01100011110 multisitus 1 +01100011110 self-Finlandization 1 +01100011110 forget. 1 +01100011110 Glutted 1 +01100011110 fairness-seeking 1 +01100011110 beautiful-music 1 +01100011110 unknowables 1 +01100011110 low-balled 1 +01100011110 kabuya 1 +01100011110 under-the-desk 1 +01100011110 open-warfare 1 +01100011110 B&G 1 +01100011110 machineness 1 +01100011110 spreadload 1 +01100011110 machine-readable 1 +01100011110 Rickenbacher 1 +01100011110 compris 1 +01100011110 Basia 1 +01100011110 Dozen. 1 +01100011110 PearlyGate 1 +01100011110 chapitre 1 +01100011110 Limbs 1 +01100011110 superman 1 +01100011110 crisis-ridden 1 +01100011110 stolen-information 1 +01100011110 chain-reaction 1 +01100011110 Windshield 1 +01100011110 heavy-rain 1 +01100011110 Masking 1 +01100011110 superbrokers 1 +01100011110 Grecified 1 +01100011110 Tails 1 +01100011110 cohabits 1 +01100011110 Fuge 1 +01100011110 anything-is-possible 1 +01100011110 N-country 1 +01100011110 Vietnamize 1 +01100011110 Florida-style 1 +01100011110 caromball 1 +01100011110 duchesse 1 +01100011110 fauteuil 1 +01100011110 Dissimilar 1 +01100011110 remeasure 1 +01100011110 bubblecar 1 +01100011110 Lotus-itis 1 +01100011110 emergin 1 +01100011110 retargeting 1 +01100011110 Scepticism 1 +01100011110 Salespaq 1 +01100011110 Conservationist 1 +01100011110 multi-team 1 +01100011110 Insulls 1 +01100011110 shiksas 1 +01100011110 shuttle-unique 1 +01100011110 Sixty-One 1 +01100011110 BillyBall 1 +01100011110 fortress-economy 1 +01100011110 BusinessSaver 1 +01100011110 kartser 1 +01100011110 Topaze 1 +01100011110 Retro 1 +01100011110 gar-barge 1 +01100011110 semi-embarrassed 1 +01100011110 silkworm 1 +01100011110 supertechies 1 +01100011110 tradmark 1 +01100011110 Archon 1 +01100011110 coat-tail 1 +01100011110 fashion-forward 1 +01100011110 looney-left 1 +01100011110 less-than-fair-value 1 +01100011110 aficion 1 +01100011110 Feudal 1 +01100011110 shunpiking 1 +01100011110 crisis-level 1 +01100011110 polygamodioecious 1 +01100011110 dismuted 1 +01100011110 metonymy 1 +01100011110 world-open 1 +01100011110 nature/nurture 1 +01100011110 Pinafore 1 +01100011110 TeenLink 1 +01100011110 narrowback 1 +01100011110 Mid-September 1 +01100011110 Unrecognized 1 +01100011110 semi-urban 1 +01100011110 immobilisme 1 +01100011110 beer-consumption 1 +01100011110 bop-bop-bop-bop 1 +01100011110 innocent-child 1 +01100011110 kiddie-tax 1 +01100011110 butt-sprung 1 +01100011110 hoody 1 +01100011110 Travesties 1 +01100011110 medi-cant 1 +01100011110 gorditas 1 +01100011110 defeat-proof 1 +01100011110 Pre-flight 1 +01100011110 boleros 1 +01100011110 me-generation 1 +01100011110 Businesschoolus 1 +01100011110 deo-cologne 1 +01100011110 Euro-bottle 1 +01100011110 refurbishers 1 +01100011110 Peab 1 +01100011110 mini-majors 1 +01100011110 megaproblem 1 +01100011110 Shakuhachi 1 +01100011110 mini-equity 1 +01100011110 Loonyopoly 1 +01100011110 in-migrants 1 +01100011110 prestrategic 1 +01100011110 steam-users 1 +01100011110 Countdown-to-Bankruptcy 1 +01100011110 open-mindedly 1 +01100011110 MasterSingers 1 +01100011110 comprimario 1 +01100011110 juros 1 +01100011110 Chaster 1 +01100011110 Resurrexit 1 +01100011110 voter-education 1 +01100011110 nonworker 1 +01100011110 non-workers 1 +01100011110 SILK-STOCKING 1 +01100011110 Campesinos 1 +01100011110 Bipman 1 +01100011110 functionoids 1 +01100011110 Herbicide 1 +01100011110 tecretary 1 +01100011110 style-personality 1 +01100011110 hyper-aggressive 1 +01100011110 double-financing 1 +01100011110 Grifters 1 +01100011110 cleanhands 1 +01100011110 beaten-up 1 +01100011110 maxed-out 1 +01100011110 Birdie 1 +01100011110 sub-participate 1 +01100011110 anti-abuse 1 +01100011110 simpatico 1 +01100011110 Tropism 1 +01100011110 social-scientific 1 +01100011110 black-night 1 +01100011110 stateroom 1 +01100011110 nofrills 1 +01100011110 must-be-a-tourist 1 +01100011110 boycott-free 1 +01100011110 balloon-frame 1 +01100011110 right-brain 1 +01100011110 Carols 1 +01100011110 rentier 1 +01100011110 second-rung 1 +01100011110 sure-bet 1 +01100011110 Cacciatore 1 +01100011110 annihilator 1 +01100011110 Back. 1 +01100011110 un-campaigns 1 +01100011110 overhoused 1 +01100011110 thumbless 1 +01100011110 self-strangulation 1 +01100011110 hotdogging 1 +01100011110 Daydreams 1 +01100011110 Exorcist 1 +01100011110 semi-shock 1 +01100011110 overcooling 1 +01100011110 upper-moderate 1 +01100011110 Shoebox 1 +01100011110 store-crawling 1 +01100011110 macandal 1 +01100011110 shund 1 +01100011110 Europackages 1 +01100011110 detentes 1 +01100011110 fixed-but-adjustable 1 +01100011110 creag 1 +01100011110 Starfighter 1 +01100011110 Wassernixen 1 +01100011110 wonderbowl 1 +01100011110 paras 1 +01100011110 decongester 1 +01100011110 C.O.D. 1 +01100011110 Vandover 1 +01100011110 Bainies 1 +01100011110 faellespisning 1 +01100011110 faellesspisning 1 +01100011110 Astrologer. 1 +01100011110 Red-Right-88 1 +01100011110 old-codgerism 1 +01100011110 stereo-capable 1 +01100011110 Lundahl 1 +01100011110 Chronology 1 +01100011110 semiserious 1 +01100011110 Clarification 1 +01100011110 celebutant 1 +01100011110 verligte 1 +01100011110 verkrampte 1 +01100011110 quarantine-the-aggressors 1 +01100011110 P.O.W. 1 +01100011110 Dangermouse 1 +01100011110 half-commission 1 +01100011110 pomato 1 +01100011110 chicklet 1 +01100011110 Heartbeeps 1 +01100011110 sugarplum 1 +01100011110 Rigolettos 1 +01100011110 stony-hearted 1 +01100011110 convictry 1 +01100011110 bushrangers 1 +01100011110 bolters 1 +01100011110 EMBERS 1 +01100011110 popcorny 1 +01100011110 tomb-building 1 +01100011110 brigadista 1 +01100011110 ultra-luxury 1 +01100011110 Tanzlieder 1 +01100011110 Bronzes 1 +01100011110 Memento 1 +01100011110 informances 1 +01100011110 infotainment 1 +01100011110 Alphaville 1 +01100011110 glanzrolle 1 +01100011110 bank-eligible 1 +01100011110 Strauss-to-Strauss 1 +01100011110 buttery-nutty 1 +01100011110 de-Maoification 1 +01100011110 Representations 1 +01100011110 vises 1 +01100011110 demand-use 1 +01100011110 civilianizing 1 +01100011110 sweethearting 1 +01100011110 sub-limits 1 +01100011110 Perversities 1 +01100011110 audio-grams 1 +01100011110 techno-bandits 1 +01100011110 rostak 1 +01100011110 Borens 1 +01100011110 bombsight 1 +01100011110 supersweet 1 +01100011110 Pomp 1 +01100011110 Elegy 1 +01100011110 Wojrse 1 +01100011110 w-o-r 1 +01100011110 Preppymint 1 +01100011110 biometric 1 +01100011110 Squeegee 1 +01100011110 reliquification 1 +01100011110 Vaterland 1 +01100011110 de-stressing 1 +01100011110 Carabineros 1 +01100011110 Phone-a-Moan 1 +01100011110 McNallyed 1 +01100011110 intentionalism 1 +01100011110 Yippie-Yuppie-I-Ay 1 +01100011110 no-future 1 +01100011110 super-antibiotic 1 +01100011110 super-felons 1 +01100011110 5-foot-7-and-a-half-inch 1 +01100011110 Ps 1 +01100011110 pistol-whip 1 +01100011110 Carats 1 +01100011110 Creationists 1 +01100011110 Yippie-Yupppie-I-Ay 1 +01100011110 filmic 1 +01100011110 big-organization 1 +01100011110 gaffer 1 +01100011110 oooh 1 +01100011110 mini-factories 1 +01100011110 Who-What-When-Where-and-Why 1 +01100011110 min-max 1 +01100011110 deproclaimed 1 +01100011110 cuted-up 1 +01100011110 unmixable 1 +01100011110 war-support 1 +01100011110 Bulgarize 1 +01100011110 seignior 1 +01100011110 junk-related 1 +01100011110 non-stimulative 1 +01100011110 post-history 1 +01100011110 multistore 1 +01100011110 over-recoveries 1 +01100011110 Sued-Nord-Gefaelle 1 +01100011110 MORTGAGE-interest 1 +01100011110 dream-breaker 1 +01100011110 scapegrace 1 +01100011110 Metalsmith 1 +01100011110 narcotraficantes 1 +01100011110 Trotskyites 1 +01100011110 Intrapreneurship 1 +01100011110 get-to-know 1 +01100011110 Carries 1 +01100011110 back-burnered 1 +01100011110 Fugitives 1 +01100011110 mischarge 1 +01100011110 too-big-to-fail 1 +01100011110 anti-racist 1 +01100011110 Vindictiveness 1 +01100011110 Dancin 1 +01100011110 management-by-objective 1 +01100011110 object-based 1 +01100011110 upstreaming 1 +01100011110 quasi-fascist 1 +01100011110 first-black 1 +01100011110 cryovolcanoes 1 +01100011110 Rot 1 +01100011110 Menudo 1 +01100011110 Altruists 1 +01100011110 come-as-you-are 1 +01100011110 FortressEurope 1 +01100011110 Fast-tracking 1 +01100011110 derecognized 1 +01100011110 belike 1 +01100011110 methought 1 +01100011110 demogrant 1 +01100011110 abscissa 1 +01100011110 ci-devant 1 +01100011110 arrivistes 1 +01100011110 authentics 1 +01100011110 landslide. 1 +01100011110 superregulator 1 +01100011110 meier 1 +01100011110 Bieder 1 +01100011110 EJD 1 +01100011110 Helps 1 +01100011110 ALEX 1 +01100011110 Stingray 1 +01100011110 Lectio 1 +01100011110 Trotskistka 1 +01100011110 prequalify 1 +01100011110 fuel-cycle 1 +01100011110 student-go-home 1 +01100011110 bolsas 1 +01100011110 corros 1 +01100011110 boneheads 1 +01100011110 sole-sponsored 1 +01100011110 dumping-price 1 +01100011110 Charlie-class 1 +01100011110 Silhouettes 1 +01100011110 non-destructive 1 +01100011110 BOWLING 1 +01100011110 Batmobile 1 +01100011110 bingo-like 1 +01100011110 gweilo 1 +01100011110 eloping 1 +01100011110 America-in-Decline 1 +01100011110 documents. 1 +01100011110 matcher 1 +01100011110 Wozzeck 1 +01100011110 geschrei 1 +01100011110 quella 1 +01100011110 Whirlwind 1 +01100011110 Advise 1 +01100011110 celestials 1 +01100011110 mini-Glass-Steagall 1 +01100011110 taxmobiles 1 +01100011110 artistas 1 +01100011110 hard-to-count 1 +01100011110 Simpsons 1 +01100011110 CoverUps 1 +01100011110 mini-fiestas 1 +01100011110 recertify 1 +01100011110 Alcell 1 +01100011110 doo-wops 1 +01100011110 split-liver 1 +01100011110 standing-tall 1 +01100011110 Tender-Cuts 1 +01100011110 Olympiques 1 +01100011110 hamburgerology 1 +01100011110 competition-enhancers 1 +01100011110 caritas 1 +01100011110 grosser-looking 1 +01100011110 billpayer 1 +01100011110 biofidelity 1 +01100011110 rent-seekers 1 +01100011110 slurper 1 +01100011110 Deficit-neutral 1 +01100011110 Icebreaker 1 +01100011110 Suvorov 1 +01100011110 fee-shifting 1 +01100011110 Laverne 1 +01100011110 pechii 1 +01100011110 mini-rush 1 +01100011110 Borklet 1 +01100011110 fate-worse-than-death 1 +01100011110 education-oriented 1 +01100011110 open-architecture 1 +01100011110 DEF 1 +01100011110 Superbank 1 +01100011110 RENT-A-CRATS 1 +01100011110 war-makers 1 +01100011110 A.F.R.I.C.A. 1 +01100011110 Busted 1 +01100011110 open-shelf 1 +01100011110 downwash 1 +01100011110 inner-committee 1 +01100011110 dissapointed 1 +01100011110 Sealite 1 +01100011110 port-running 1 +01100011110 Improved-definition 1 +01100011110 beisbol 1 +01100011110 Sieve 1 +01100011110 dockominiums 1 +01100011110 Over-cite 1 +01100011110 form-follows-meaning 1 +01100011110 on-plan 1 +01100011110 overtrading 1 +01100011110 pavane 1 +01100011110 arb-mania 1 +01100011110 narco-terrorists 1 +01100011110 pre-arbitrage 1 +01100011110 underpredict 1 +01100011110 keep-healthy 1 +01100011110 pixilated 1 +01100011110 noncola 1 +01100011110 Pussy 1 +01100011110 soap. 1 +01100011110 brand-focused 1 +01100011110 narco-guerrillas 1 +01100011110 informate 1 +01100011110 Panti-Legs 1 +01100011110 megacities 1 +01100011110 Temperaments 1 +01100011110 Shamoooo 1 +01100011110 arriviste 1 +01100011110 Anti-Kickback 1 +01100011110 Puttin 1 +01100011110 quasi-monopolies 1 +01100011110 bonus-day 1 +01100011110 deAmericanized 1 +01100011110 Silkwood 1 +01100011110 Reverberator 1 +01100011110 revenooers 1 +01100011110 sand-in-the-gears 1 +01100011110 alley-oop 1 +01100011110 Dukes. 1 +01100011110 pastoralize 1 +01100011110 skeggings 1 +01100011110 Asian-bashing 1 +01100011110 super-minority 1 +01100011110 universalist 1 +01100011110 patent-flooding 1 +01100011110 iridology 1 +01100011110 astronomic 1 +01100011110 preconditioning 1 +01100011110 welching 1 +01100011110 end-around 1 +01100011110 moteliers 1 +01100011110 minicomedy 1 +01100011110 minimusical 1 +01100011110 tail-backers 1 +01100011110 intrasigence 1 +01100011110 hold-separate 1 +01100011110 egocentrics 1 +01100011110 over-representation 1 +01100011110 Yajok 1 +01100011110 quasi-criminal 1 +01100011110 Per-program 1 +01100011110 Orchidata 1 +01100011110 Nationalstaat 1 +01100011110 squishiness 1 +01100011110 hoedad 1 +01100011110 auto-dialers 1 +01100011110 leaf-cutter 1 +01100011110 regisseurs 1 +01100011110 Clints 1 +01100011110 mini-Europe 1 +01100011110 Spiegelritter 1 +01100011110 Create-a-Print 1 +01100011110 gemutlichkeit 1 +01100011110 self-reporting 1 +01100011110 Behaviour 1 +01100011110 GATT-consistent 1 +01100011110 fellahin 1 +01100011110 Chlorinol 1 +01100011110 Newswatch. 1 +01100011110 non-factor 1 +01100011110 Sledgehammer 1 +01100011110 louse-proof 1 +01100011110 rope-a-dope 1 +01100011110 borrow-and-payback 1 +01100011110 Wildflowers 1 +01100011110 sinless 1 +01100011110 workpapers 1 +01100011110 nuisance-alligator 1 +01100011110 kurogo 1 +01100011110 Asters 1 +01100011110 Boerebrood 1 +01100011110 Cheatin 1 +01100011110 flipin 1 +01100011110 floor-stocks 1 +01100011110 Bewitched 1 +01100011110 Battleball 1 +01100011110 Bundesnachrichtendienst 1 +01100011110 Quatsch 1 +01100011110 bowlegs 1 +01100011110 war-chest 1 +01100011110 Job-Bias 1 +01100011110 Hotlanta 1 +01100011110 lower-than-targeted 1 +01100011110 off-the-book-page 1 +01100011110 man-and-machine 1 +01100011110 Fiddler-on-the-Roof 1 +01100011110 Selar 1 +01100011110 mooning 1 +01100011110 player-manager 1 +01100011110 yogi 1 +01100011110 executive-only 1 +01100011110 splittist 1 +01100011110 Ridin 1 +01100011110 Girolato 1 +01100011110 docutainment 1 +01100011110 WASHLOADS 1 +01100011110 much-worse-than-average 1 +01100011110 godful 1 +01100011110 teriffic 1 +01100011110 laidback 1 +01100011110 techno-commandos 1 +01100011110 assets. 1 +01100011110 keiretsu 1 +01100011110 much-better-than-average 1 +01100011110 ABE 1 +01100011110 Pearlkillers 1 +01100011110 Serf 1 +01100011110 immiseration 1 +01100011110 Sematary 1 +01100011110 Nintendo-related 1 +01100011110 Northworst 1 +01100011110 Yankee-dollar 1 +01100011110 word-nerd 1 +01100011110 re-integration 1 +01100011110 down-converted 1 +01100011110 most-improved 1 +01100011110 Volcanoscapes 1 +01100011110 false-positives 1 +01100011110 FEATHERS 1 +01100011110 master-slave 1 +01100011110 Heal. 1 +01100011110 non-black-earth 1 +01100011110 Blue-sky 1 +01100011110 Bureaucrat 1 +01100011110 Autonomists 1 +01100011110 bio-equivalent 1 +01100011110 non-signer 1 +01100011110 boom-boom 1 +01100011110 septigon 1 +01100011110 Beave 1 +01100011110 Shortnin 1 +01100011110 non-refugees 1 +01100011110 multinationalization 1 +01100011110 Scandall 1 +01100011110 gas-to-gas 1 +01100011110 black-English 1 +01100011110 untying 1 +01100011110 disfellow 1 +01100011110 Bookend 1 +01100011110 Psychoteam 1 +01100011110 ginzie 1 +01100011110 mega-independent 1 +01100011110 genograms 1 +01100011110 DYNOMITE 1 +01100011110 pasodoble 1 +01100011110 out-of-my-hands 1 +01100011110 Gaslight 1 +01100011110 Super-Kabuki 1 +01100011110 Escaped 1 +01100011110 Perdido 1 +01100011110 Ex-Colleagues 1 +01100011110 Business. 1 +01100011110 supplementals 1 +01100011110 wordmarks 1 +01100011110 mineing 1 +01100011110 anti-welfare 1 +01100011110 State-influenced 1 +01100011110 state-of-the-market 1 +01100011110 Darbie 1 +01100011110 unairworthy 1 +01100011110 Alina 1 +01100011110 mine-like 1 +01100011110 McBeaver 1 +01100011110 no-significant-risk 1 +01100011110 Prosaic 1 +01100011110 southwestern-style 1 +01100011110 non-concealable 1 +01100011110 Concealable 1 +01100011110 gut-check 1 +01100011110 Idyll 1 +01100011110 kombos 1 +01100011110 Zaitech 1 +01100011110 Ramonaland 1 +01100011110 extreme-case 1 +01100011110 unreimbursable 1 +01100011110 overnighty 1 +01100011110 homogamous 1 +01100011110 dollarization 1 +01100011110 Helvola 1 +01100011110 OTN-ization 1 +01100011110 Gourdhead 1 +01100011110 overanticipation 1 +01100011110 quasi-reorganization 1 +01100011110 add-ins 1 +01100011110 moral-social 1 +01100011110 Satchmo 1 +01100011110 enzyme-helper 1 +01100011110 visuelle 1 +01100011110 polyphonic 1 +01100011110 rent-a-mob 1 +01100011110 Vexations 1 +01100011110 T-Bird 1 +01100011110 Upstreaming 1 +01100011110 Arik 1 +01100011110 catalyzing 1 +01100011110 milieux 1 +01100011110 GOTIMUS 1 +01100011110 macumba-like 1 +01100011110 Pizzazz 1 +01100011110 Dial-ogue 1 +01100011110 Counterswarm 1 +01100011110 Putzi 1 +01100011110 bento 1 +01100011110 battle-commissioned 1 +01100011110 traded-in 1 +01100011110 doublebreasting 1 +01100011110 hold/sell 1 +01100011110 clear-it-out 1 +01100011110 sugar-coat 1 +01100011110 wrongfooted 1 +01100011110 pre-SAL 1 +01100011110 Ben-Hur 1 +01100011110 1-800-BALONEY 1 +01100011110 dualist 1 +01100011110 mulligan 1 +01100011110 Subordinating 1 +01100011110 Malepartus 1 +01100011110 Odoroma 1 +01100011110 plan-directed 1 +01100011110 nature-conquering 1 +01100011110 Pointsman 1 +01100011110 cash-consolidated 1 +01100011110 sword-and-sorcery 1 +01100011110 Jackson-Arafat. 1 +01100011110 Wishbone 1 +01100011110 Hoiotoho 1 +01100011110 ja 1 +01100011110 decreeship 1 +01100011110 non-prominent 1 +01100011110 Slovik 1 +01100011110 learnfare 1 +01100011110 Bladerunner 1 +01100011110 Muscles 1 +01100011110 public-opposition 1 +01100011110 -like 1 +01100011110 Unisys-Computer 1 +01100011110 six-star 1 +01100011110 JudeoNazis 1 +01100011110 unsociable 1 +01100011110 Swinburne 1 +01100011110 hammocked 1 +01100011110 Structuralism 1 +01100011110 reduced-coverage 1 +01100011110 higher-capital 1 +01100011110 Comin 1 +01100011110 early-closure 1 +01100011110 1860-1940 1 +01100011110 maddog 1 +01100011110 pipelining 1 +01100011110 three-circle 1 +01100011110 barmy 1 +01100011110 U.B.U 1 +01100011110 infiraj 1 +01100011110 Mondale-izing 1 +01100011110 marketization 1 +01100011110 fin-syn 1 +01100011110 Protections 1 +01100011110 McCarthywasms 1 +01100011110 8-foot 1 +01100011110 Derive 1 +01100011110 tough. 1 +01100011110 Entombment 1 +01100011110 Mascara 1 +01100011110 badhats 1 +01100011110 Ironsides 1 +01100011110 comedy-drama 1 +01100011110 out-placing 1 +01100011110 videocorder 1 +01100011110 Want-to-see 1 +01100011110 Biocenter 1 +01100011110 Saralicious 1 +01100011110 Diminuendo 1 +01100011110 co-presidency 1 +01100011110 Neo-Panistas 1 +01100011110 Tax-Deductibility 1 +01100011110 whitemail 1 +01100011110 Me-too 1 +01100011110 management-leaseback 1 +01100011110 megadealerships 1 +01100011110 stable-to-improving 1 +01100011110 Executions 1 +01100011110 super-cop 1 +01100011110 Shango 1 +01100011110 nortenos 1 +01100011110 shock-proof 1 +01100011110 hurtin 1 +01100011110 YAK-esh 1 +01100011110 high-order 1 +01100011110 two-hit 1 +01100011110 employee-owner 1 +01100011110 Roadie 1 +01100011110 Peruvianization 1 +01100011110 Affiniti 1 +01100011110 just-say-maybe 1 +01100011110 Fragging 1 +01100011110 Pursuer 1 +01100011110 ItsaGem 1 +01100011110 Auriga 1 +01100011110 Geotek 1 +01100011110 Fiandre 1 +01100011110 tourist. 1 +01100011110 Jackson-Dukakis-Bentsen 1 +01100011110 bottle-bill 1 +01100011110 pappa-mamma 1 +01100011110 singularizes 1 +01100011110 Helibor 1 +01100011110 marked-to-market 1 +01100011110 GEES. 1 +01100011110 one-and-a-two 1 +01100011110 solubilize 1 +01100011110 Hyperinstrument 1 +01100011110 camera-ready 1 +01100011110 whiparound 1 +01100011110 Stagnant 1 +01100011110 corteggiamento 1 +01100011110 seduzione 1 +01100011110 hip-checked 1 +01100011110 legal-length 1 +01100011110 bratpack 1 +01100011110 Alferd 1 +01100011110 defile 1 +01100011110 ill-reasoned 1 +01100011110 anticapitalist 1 +01100011110 resiliently 1 +01100011110 salariazo 1 +01100011110 beyond-belief-revolting 1 +01100011110 Ostentatious 1 +01100011110 anti-switching 1 +01100011110 Impostors 1 +01100011110 Airedales 1 +01100011110 svoboda 1 +01100011110 CORNUCOPIA 1 +01100011110 Ducactus 1 +01100011110 swap-meets 1 +01100011110 Mary. 1 +01100011110 Strohman 1 +01100011110 four-piper 1 +01100011110 Tancredi 1 +01100011110 cuatros 1 +01100011110 Quique 1 +01100011110 oversimplifying 1 +01100011110 chevre 1 +01100011110 Khevsuri 1 +01100011110 firee 1 +01100011110 not-tax-exempt 1 +01100011110 flimflammer 1 +01100011110 Junk-Bond 1 +01100011110 Buiness 1 +01100011110 Euroflics 1 +01100011110 Badvertising 1 +01100011110 relatedness 1 +01100011110 favorableness 1 +01100011110 wawas 1 +01100011110 kensai 1 +01100011110 fetter 1 +01100011110 oooooo 1 +01100011110 Wrightwash 1 +01100011110 Transferable 1 +01100011110 maladministration 1 +01100011110 evil-empire 1 +01100011110 Illustrateds 1 +01100011110 Lord. 1 +01100011110 superquake 1 +01100011110 Deerhunter 1 +01100011110 Slug 1 +01100011110 Chronographia 1 +01100011110 Carltons 1 +01100011110 Republic. 1 +01100011110 adcentives 1 +01100011110 Joggers 1 +01100011110 de-Americanization 1 +01100011110 CULTURES 1 +01100011110 echt 1 +01100011110 xeros 1 +01100011110 De-Nic 1 +01100011110 hard/soft 1 +01100011110 family-friendly 1 +01100011110 miniclub 1 +01100011110 Fed-packing 1 +01100011110 Businesslike 1 +01100011110 front-loads 1 +01100011110 piggy-backed 1 +01100011110 Californication 1 +01100011110 Radhaz 1 +01100011110 Snort 1 +01100011110 Kafaoglu 1 +01100011110 Flap 1 +01100011110 Red-Greens 1 +01100011110 Gonzo 1 +01100011110 under-owned 1 +01100011110 informationless 1 +01100011110 blues-ologist 1 +01100011110 suprapartisan 1 +01100011110 narrow-casting 1 +01100011110 Live-In 1 +01100011110 Detroit-bashing 1 +01100011110 MasterCard. 1 +01100011110 swather 1 +01100011110 parallel-financing 1 +01100011110 Unliberating 1 +01100011110 non-authoritarian 1 +01100011110 bargainbasement 1 +01100011110 doorbusters 1 +01100011110 God-seeking 1 +01100011110 Nitespark 1 +01100011110 Foreglow 1 +01100011110 Entice 1 +01100011110 Sojourn 1 +01100011110 cross-marketplace 1 +01100011110 Miore 1 +01100011110 Premeditate 1 +01100011110 Relinquish 1 +01100011110 Surfeit 1 +01100011110 DeLaseure 1 +01100011110 Sashay 1 +01100011110 Softspark 1 +01100011110 labelling 1 +01100011110 D-score 1 +01100011110 Pre-production 1 +01100011110 Technospeak 1 +01100011110 picayunish 1 +01100011110 semi- 1 +01100011110 Deadheads 1 +01100011110 DRY 1 +01100011110 Jobo 1 +01100011110 bankification 1 +01100011110 un-aided 1 +01100011110 Troilus 1 +01100011110 toe-hold 1 +01100011110 much-higher-than-expected 1 +01100011110 earnings. 1 +01100011110 nonprocurement 1 +01100011110 descramblers 1 +01100011110 moosecake 1 +01100011110 Gorbachevism 1 +01100011110 parallel-track 1 +01100011110 break-the-rules 1 +01100011110 1760-1850 1 +01100011110 set-off 1 +01100011110 whitelist 1 +01100011110 B2B 1 +01100011110 janglers 1 +01100011110 self-committed 1 +01100011110 tropicalization 1 +01100011110 Beginner 1 +01100011110 ouverture 1 +01100011110 microliberalism 1 +01100011110 Luann 1 +01100011110 Heathcliff 1 +01100011110 slower-than-planned 1 +01100011110 radio-location 1 +01100011110 petro-dollar 1 +01100011110 rent-a-general/rent-an-admiral 1 +01100011110 comanagers 1 +01100011110 dysgenic 1 +01100011110 bio-equivalents 1 +01100011110 sex-stereotyping 1 +01100011110 UNDERPAID 1 +01100011110 flim-flamming 1 +01100011110 Glinkaiana 1 +01100011110 Guernica 1 +01100011110 market-can-only-go-up 1 +01100011110 lipo 1 +01100011110 Airotor 1 +01100011110 masers 1 +01100011110 Maser 1 +01100011110 meistersinger 1 +01100011110 That-a-way 1 +01100011110 indigenization 1 +01100011110 one-milligram-tar 1 +01100011110 Shug 1 +01100011110 job-wanted 1 +01100011110 rck.video 1 +01100011110 Flu-shot4 1 +01100011110 Discontents 1 +01100011110 vendings 1 +01100011110 narrow-caster 1 +01100011110 dogity 1 +01100011110 talkie 1 +01100011110 unitizing 1 +01100011110 supervote 1 +01100011110 Fifth-Generation 1 +01100011110 Teseo 1 +01100011110 Petrushka 1 +01100011110 juche 1 +01100011110 telescreens 1 +01100011110 Pappy 1 +01100011110 bush-league 1 +01100011110 Haymakers 1 +01100011110 Fedwire 1 +01100011110 babyboom 1 +01100011110 two-Chinas 1 +01100011110 def 1 +01100011110 dop 1 +01100011110 draggin 1 +01100011110 Ron-Nobu 1 +01100011110 overclassification 1 +01100011110 mystery-ware 1 +01100011110 Disastrous 1 +01100011110 mystere 1 +01100011110 dead-bang 1 +01100011110 mushier 1 +01100011110 jalabiyeh 1 +01100011110 blue-chipper 1 +01100011110 spoonfeeds 1 +01100011110 detect-to-engage 1 +01100011110 fortuna 1 +01100011110 team-player 1 +01100011110 Trespassing 1 +01100011110 whites-of-their-eyes 1 +01100011110 Tidewatch 1 +01100011110 Tranquilandia 1 +01100011110 Pacem 1 +01100011110 counter-programming 1 +01100011110 kosherization 1 +01100011110 gun-totin 1 +01100011110 televangelist 2 +01100011110 fraud-on-the-market 2 +01100011110 Crockery 2 +01100011110 Idomeneo 2 +01100011110 anti-nukes 2 +01100011110 Valentines 2 +01100011110 Hesitation 2 +01100011110 Memo 2 +01100011110 Jogger 2 +01100011110 Murderer 2 +01100011110 Suburbanites 2 +01100011110 Slang 2 +01100011110 Hearsay 2 +01100011110 Peacekeepers 2 +01100011110 hipo 2 +01100011110 Blossoming 2 +01100011110 Accomplishments 2 +01100011110 eros 2 +01100011110 homoeroticism 2 +01100011110 Notations 2 +01100011110 MALL 2 +01100011110 Filofaxes 2 +01100011110 Stricken 2 +01100011110 Wanderer 2 +01100011110 Beatlemania 2 +01100011110 income-shifting 2 +01100011110 Chlorofluorocarbon 2 +01100011110 Proceed 2 +01100011110 Insignificance 2 +01100011110 Mens 2 +01100011110 Yets 2 +01100011110 federales 2 +01100011110 Crumbling 2 +01100011110 1900-1930 2 +01100011110 highwall 2 +01100011110 Huntmix 2 +01100011110 Repercussions 2 +01100011110 Misfortunes 2 +01100011110 Dubliners 2 +01100011110 Transitions 2 +01100011110 overbuilds 2 +01100011110 RECORDS 2 +01100011110 embrittlement 2 +01100011110 Assembled 2 +01100011110 Barbarosa 2 +01100011110 Dede 2 +01100011110 GOULD 2 +01100011110 Rainman 2 +01100011110 Nightshade 2 +01100011110 Wonderworks 2 +01100011110 Wuzzles 2 +01100011110 Unreal 2 +01100011110 market-response 2 +01100011110 Empires 2 +01100011110 Permanently 2 +01100011110 non-attributable 2 +01100011110 Castroism 2 +01100011110 guesstimates 2 +01100011110 Extortion 2 +01100011110 MacGyver 2 +01100011110 1929-1939 2 +01100011110 left-brain 2 +01100011110 Celebrations 2 +01100011110 machos 2 +01100011110 Caving 2 +01100011110 Disks 2 +01100011110 Hamiltons 2 +01100011110 whup 2 +01100011110 Bonding 2 +01100011110 Detail 2 +01100011110 Olympos 2 +01100011110 Yesterdays 2 +01100011110 Ostriches 2 +01100011110 Imperialism 2 +01100011110 overdesigned 2 +01100011110 Cav 2 +01100011110 Femininity 2 +01100011110 dreg 2 +01100011110 Flee 2 +01100011110 Handguns 2 +01100011110 desuetude 2 +01100011110 verifier 2 +01100011110 reassembly 2 +01100011110 tekkies 2 +01100011110 PASSION 2 +01100011110 Projection 2 +01100011110 Ostrich 2 +01100011110 Commencement 2 +01100011110 AmToys 2 +01100011110 Tout 2 +01100011110 McTeague 2 +01100011110 iconology 2 +01100011110 Immunesciences 2 +01100011110 prohibitionists 2 +01100011110 Woes 2 +01100011110 Stakeout 2 +01100011110 wheat-dollar 2 +01100011110 real-sports 2 +01100011110 Egos 2 +01100011110 Chlordane 2 +01100011110 Insecticides 2 +01100011110 Slava 2 +01100011110 Curlee 2 +01100011110 imminent-danger 2 +01100011110 Avant-Garde 2 +01100011110 Takers 2 +01100011110 Petition 2 +01100011110 Landscaping 2 +01100011110 blue-collar-mail 2 +01100011110 action-forcing 2 +01100011110 kisaeng 2 +01100011110 over-emphasis 2 +01100011110 Paved 2 +01100011110 DEPOSITS 2 +01100011110 Preposterous 2 +01100011110 Oboe 2 +01100011110 clonemakers 2 +01100011110 PP 2 +01100011110 adopt-a-pothole 2 +01100011110 Benefactors 2 +01100011110 Camila 2 +01100011110 reproving 2 +01100011110 Graduation 2 +01100011110 Amor 2 +01100011110 Jallali 2 +01100011110 Supply-Siders 2 +01100011110 wai-gaya 2 +01100011110 Snapshots 2 +01100011110 Sculpting 2 +01100011110 Narrative 2 +01100011110 doyen 2 +01100011110 Go-Bots 2 +01100011110 Stacking 2 +01100011110 object-oriented 2 +01100011110 Paperbacks 2 +01100011110 not-in-my-backyard 2 +01100011110 Gumboots 2 +01100011110 Bromine 2 +01100011110 Azalea 2 +01100011110 Hands-on 2 +01100011110 1850-1946 2 +01100011110 Boe 2 +01100011110 brigadistas 2 +01100011110 Bombshell 2 +01100011110 Blondes 2 +01100011110 bitchin 2 +01100011110 cakewalks 2 +01100011110 Cites-Cines 2 +01100011110 DOWNSIZING 2 +01100011110 Laughing 2 +01100011110 Tabs 2 +01100011110 Nighthawks 2 +01100011110 Rhinestone 2 +01100011110 Truffles 2 +01100011110 hit-and-miss 2 +01100011110 Pushcart 2 +01100011110 Appassionata 2 +01100011110 Pathetique 2 +01100011110 Peepers 2 +01100011110 lightheartedness 2 +01100011110 knave 2 +01100011110 Mayta 2 +01100011110 Calfornia 2 +01100011110 Contemporaries 2 +01100011110 wordman 2 +01100011110 Nostrums 2 +01100011110 disestablished 2 +01100011110 Renegades 2 +01100011110 Toupee 2 +01100011110 Sculptors 2 +01100011110 superchip 2 +01100011110 Superchannel 2 +01100011110 breakpoint 2 +01100011110 Diagnosis 2 +01100011110 Jo-Jo 2 +01100011110 deincrease 2 +01100011110 vigorish 2 +01100011110 Nukes 2 +01100011110 PROBABLY 2 +01100011110 Left-Wing 2 +01100011110 Debutante 2 +01100011110 Irritation 2 +01100011110 petrolization 2 +01100011110 Scams 2 +01100011110 Texasville 2 +01100011110 Puzzle 2 +01100011110 Superstitions 2 +01100011110 Heel 2 +01100011110 Simpson-Volstead-Mazzoli 2 +01100011110 ch 2 +01100011110 pensees 2 +01100011110 ACME 2 +01100011110 Apocalyptic 2 +01100011110 self-nurturing 2 +01100011110 Rugs 2 +01100011110 cost-of-production 2 +01100011110 asinine 2 +01100011110 A-rated 2 +01100011110 Yikes 2 +01100011110 flow-through 2 +01100011110 Mules 2 +01100011110 Infantrymen 2 +01100011110 Slide 2 +01100011110 Leucovorin 2 +01100011110 two-treaty 2 +01100011110 tipees 2 +01100011110 mediator-arbitrator 2 +01100011110 Soapy 2 +01100011110 Dung 2 +01100011110 non-intrusive 2 +01100011110 Lockjaw 2 +01100011110 Phap 2 +01100011110 slotmail 2 +01100011110 Deductibles 2 +01100011110 Offended 2 +01100011110 Weddings 2 +01100011110 Disrespect 2 +01100011110 Barfly 2 +01100011110 damn-the-torpedoes 2 +01100011110 YUPPIE 2 +01100011110 Sextet 2 +01100011110 houseparents 2 +01100011110 Dependents 2 +01100011110 non-players 2 +01100011110 TAXI 2 +01100011110 Squads 2 +01100011110 Nabucco 2 +01100011110 Evangelists 2 +01100011110 Monasteries 2 +01100011110 Bulletproof 2 +01100011110 boardmail 2 +01100011110 Matador 2 +01100011110 Copycat 2 +01100011110 Blended 2 +01100011110 pinatas 2 +01100011110 desaparecidos 2 +01100011110 biotowers 2 +01100011110 TIPPING 2 +01100011110 Bumpy 2 +01100011110 Brother-in-Law 2 +01100011110 Fifties 2 +01100011110 Three-dimensional 2 +01100011110 Seafarers 2 +01100011110 thirty-something 2 +01100011110 Eraserhead 2 +01100011110 Fabrications 2 +01100011110 Duet 2 +01100011110 Roaming 2 +01100011110 roamer 2 +01100011110 Inconvenience 2 +01100011110 supermed 2 +01100011110 Boiling 2 +01100011110 nonlinearity 2 +01100011110 Myfanwy 2 +01100011110 violencia 2 +01100011110 Ooo 2 +01100011110 if-then 2 +01100011110 Spinners 2 +01100011110 Noa 2 +01100011110 Ghandi 2 +01100011110 Substandard 2 +01100011110 design-in 2 +01100011110 Sclavo 2 +01100011110 Comedians 2 +01100011110 GOETABANKEN 2 +01100011110 BLAME 2 +01100011110 czarina 2 +01100011110 Mythology 2 +01100011110 porpoise 2 +01100011110 Poppy 2 +01100011110 megadealers 2 +01100011110 Slowdown 2 +01100011110 Exception 2 +01100011110 dog-hair 2 +01100011110 RPD 2 +01100011110 Tai-Pan 2 +01100011110 Bloopers 2 +01100011110 Buy-Back 2 +01100011110 fair-value 2 +01100011110 Adjust 2 +01100011110 yea-nay 2 +01100011110 Radiovision 2 +01100011110 Assent 2 +01100011110 A.L.F. 2 +01100011110 HealthPITCH 2 +01100011110 Interactions 2 +01100011110 cambistas 2 +01100011110 Slides 2 +01100011110 Spree 2 +01100011110 Freemen 2 +01100011110 Deaky 2 +01100011110 Constitutionalists 2 +01100011110 Enchantment 2 +01100011110 Marauders 2 +01100011110 Turangalila 2 +01100011110 Speedo 2 +01100011110 Discord 2 +01100011110 Dispirited 2 +01100011110 slavefare 2 +01100011110 Eyewitness 2 +01100011110 Trade-a-Teen 2 +01100011110 PREFERRED 2 +01100011110 Scarecrow 2 +01100011110 Non-Profits 2 +01100011110 jeito 2 +01100011110 Retinol 2 +01100011110 Smuggler 2 +01100011110 Vaccinations 2 +01100011110 Orthodoxy 2 +01100011110 arcologies 2 +01100011110 Adhesive 2 +01100011110 share-price-enhancement 2 +01100011110 Blow-Up 2 +01100011110 Claw 2 +01100011110 Balinese-style 2 +01100011110 Bayonets 2 +01100011110 Tutankhamen 2 +01100011110 JOE 2 +01100011110 Blunder 2 +01100011110 brown-water 2 +01100011110 Booze 2 +01100011110 Magical 2 +01100011110 Poetic 2 +01100011110 Doruntine 2 +01100011110 Bastards 2 +01100011110 Roofs 2 +01100011110 compensatory-financing 2 +01100011110 OnePass 2 +01100011110 3:16 2 +01100011110 rectifies 2 +01100011110 McCool 2 +01100011110 Midget 2 +01100011110 Wildtrack 2 +01100011110 BusCapade 2 +01100011110 Remembrances 2 +01100011110 Asteroid 2 +01100011110 Eterna 2 +01100011110 Fantasticks 2 +01100011110 Looms 2 +01100011110 Corderie 2 +01100011110 Aperto 2 +01100011110 Obsessions 2 +01100011110 Seers 2 +01100011110 On-line 2 +01100011110 V&V 2 +01100011110 Tolerance 2 +01100011110 humanoids 2 +01100011110 Paphiopedilum 2 +01100011110 Brassolaeliocattleya 2 +01100011110 punch-through 2 +01100011110 Phalaenopsis 2 +01100011110 stewpot 2 +01100011110 full-figured 2 +01100011110 Scrimshaw 2 +01100011110 Asylums 2 +01100011110 Fete 2 +01100011110 Distress 2 +01100011110 Nerves 2 +01100011110 Bouncin 2 +01100011110 Distributor 2 +01100011110 Gears 2 +01100011110 Detained 2 +01100011110 Cendrillon 2 +01100011110 Bunkie 2 +01100011110 Exaggerated 2 +01100011110 Addressless 2 +01100011110 Mujahideen 2 +01100011110 Aliteracy 2 +01100011110 Feuersnot 2 +01100011110 BUILDINGS 2 +01100011110 Esplanade 2 +01100011110 Dabbling 2 +01100011110 Yuck 2 +01100011110 Carrots 2 +01100011110 Isolationism 2 +01100011110 Antiquated 2 +01100011110 Nocturne 2 +01100011110 drys 2 +01100011110 Imbalances 2 +01100011110 Downstream 2 +01100011110 Edwardians 2 +01100011110 lickspittle 2 +01100011110 Japonisme 2 +01100011110 Toilette 2 +01100011110 Ornithology 2 +01100011110 Trevis 2 +01100011110 Just-in-time 2 +01100011110 Cooter 2 +01100011110 Ideals 2 +01100011110 waaa 2 +01100011110 sanitize 2 +01100011110 Buyback 2 +01100011110 Efficiencies 2 +01100011110 Favorites 2 +01100011110 Brainstorm 2 +01100011110 MATERNITY 2 +01100011110 pickaninny 2 +01100011110 Archeology 2 +01100011110 microparts 2 +01100011110 micromachines 2 +01100011110 copycode 2 +01100011110 catholics 2 +01100011110 /2 2 +01100011110 Expressionism 2 +01100011110 Piu 2 +01100011110 streetscape 2 +01100011110 one-hours 2 +01100011110 Really. 2 +01100011110 pentapartito 2 +01100011110 Aunts 2 +01100011110 Embryos 2 +01100011110 anti-racism 2 +01100011110 Enlargement 2 +01100011110 Qi 2 +01100011110 Stalls 2 +01100011110 Lianna 2 +01100011110 Starmites 2 +01100011110 Drummer 2 +01100011110 PROTECTIVE 2 +01100011110 Epidemiology 2 +01100011110 Dummies 2 +01100011110 Wacky 2 +01100011110 front-loading 2 +01100011110 Liver 2 +01100011110 Cleaned 2 +01100011110 Deacs 2 +01100011110 EMPTY 2 +01100011110 Chill-ee 2 +01100011110 bookmen 2 +01100011110 Brownshirt 2 +01100011110 Trunks 2 +01100011110 Crows 2 +01100011110 Sultanate 2 +01100011110 Ghoulies 2 +01100011110 Blowin 2 +01100011110 Ninograms 2 +01100011110 Dolt 2 +01100011110 Cannots 2 +01100011110 Hokey-Pokey-Athon 2 +01100011110 thin-out 2 +01100011110 Mortally 2 +01100011110 Dilly 2 +01100011110 over-reaction 2 +01100011110 Spoiled 2 +01100011110 Animale 2 +01100011110 metier 2 +01100011110 Sportswriters 2 +01100011110 confessors 2 +01100011110 CYPRIOT 2 +01100011110 Absurd 2 +01100011110 asset-mail 2 +01100011110 non-responders 2 +01100011110 Bather 2 +01100011110 Removed 2 +01100011110 Hitlerite 2 +01100011110 Makeover 2 +01100011110 Lotteries 2 +01100011110 Filmmaking 2 +01100011110 Ruddigore 2 +01100011110 Phooey 2 +01100011110 Radarsat 2 +01100011110 Diggers 2 +01100011110 Trousers 2 +01100011110 Liquids 2 +01100011110 Sell-Off 2 +01100011110 Adoptions 2 +01100011110 Stockholdings 2 +01100011110 Masks 2 +01100011110 Brides 2 +01100011110 Intentions 2 +01100011110 Farewell 2 +01100011110 Blunders 2 +01100011110 Tov 2 +01100011110 Lollipops 2 +01100011110 Particles 2 +01100011110 Semi-Tough 2 +01100011110 Partsa 2 +01100011110 Invitation 2 +01100011110 Nyet 2 +01100011110 Lebanonization 2 +01100011110 Kartuli 2 +01100011110 cantilevered 2 +01100011110 Eurodesign 2 +01100011110 gemutlich 2 +01100011110 Lieutenants 2 +01100011110 Shayna 2 +01100011110 petanque 2 +01100011110 dealignment 2 +01100011110 zoku 2 +01100011110 Sensitivity 2 +01100011110 Philosophers 2 +01100011110 now-nowism 2 +01100011110 Wimpys 2 +01100011110 Yea 2 +01100011110 Calcestruzzi 2 +01100011110 shared-time 2 +01100011110 Husher 2 +01100011110 Notebooks 2 +01100011110 Politeness 2 +01100011110 Nihonga 2 +01100011110 Dialogues 2 +01100011110 Adversarial 2 +01100011110 minitreaty 2 +01100011110 Pilgrimage 2 +01100011110 TGV 2 +01100011110 de-bottlenecking 2 +01100011110 cold-calling 2 +01100011110 P.U. 2 +01100011110 Racehorse 2 +01100011110 Doves 2 +01100011110 nonhuman 2 +01100011110 Bombastic 2 +01100011110 FOCUSED 2 +01100011110 god-self 2 +01100011110 wanna-bes 2 +01100011110 Straightforward 2 +01100011110 self-referral 2 +01100011110 notario 2 +01100011110 Consolidators 2 +01100011110 Blackout 2 +01100011110 Morose 2 +01100011110 Zamoskvorech 2 +01100011110 Simmer 2 +01100011110 Parasites 2 +01100011110 Pets 2 +01100011110 seltzers 2 +01100011110 Shootout 2 +01100011110 castaway 2 +01100011110 Hitlerites 2 +01100011110 midi 2 +01100011110 B-scalers 2 +01100011110 Nausea 2 +01100011110 orientations 2 +01100011110 Chapters 2 +01100011110 Ausstieg 2 +01100011110 legging 2 +01100011110 JOK 2 +01100011110 Anti-Communism 2 +01100011110 Victimless 2 +01100011110 Chilly 2 +01100011110 allegators 2 +01100011110 Manuscripts 2 +01100011110 Browsing 2 +01100011110 Idols 2 +01100011110 Beta-West 2 +01100011110 DISKS 2 +01100011110 Roustabout 2 +01100011110 otayenee 2 +01100011110 Walk-in 2 +01100011110 centralistic 2 +01100011110 debt-shock 2 +01100011110 civilianization 2 +01100011110 Temples 2 +01100011110 VATs 2 +01100011110 teeny-boppers 2 +01100011110 EMS-like 2 +01100011110 lipsticks 2 +01100011110 Treading 2 +01100011110 reindustrialization 2 +01100011110 soft-dollar 2 +01100011110 Cashing 2 +01100011110 Newsmakers 2 +01100011110 Dropouts 2 +01100011110 Zoraide 2 +01100011110 Attic 2 +01100011110 N.O.L. 2 +01100011110 Incident 2 +01100011110 Commandos 2 +01100011110 Healers 2 +01100011110 brokered-time 2 +01100011110 Leftovers 2 +01100011110 Collects 2 +01100011110 Intercom 2 +01100011110 Expands 2 +01100011110 Additions 2 +01100011110 corporatization 2 +01100011110 X75 2 +01100011110 Gluts 2 +01100011110 Gyroscopes 2 +01100011110 Redefined 2 +01100011110 Sugarbaby 2 +01100011110 Non-banks 2 +01100011110 Eurocommunists 2 +01100011110 Snoops 2 +01100011110 Fulfill 2 +01100011110 kafeneion 2 +01100011110 Owls 2 +01100011110 Complicated 3 +01100011110 Object 3 +01100011110 Scar 3 +01100011110 disaster-subsidy 3 +01100011110 Salty 3 +01100011110 Payoffs 3 +01100011110 bioequivalent 3 +01100011110 Indecent 3 +01100011110 Reciprocity 3 +01100011110 Loopholes 3 +01100011110 de-nicotined 3 +01100011110 Truths 3 +01100011110 Massage 3 +01100011110 ROY 3 +01100011110 Beowulf 3 +01100011110 Anarchy 3 +01100011110 Moviegoer 3 +01100011110 Compassion 3 +01100011110 WarGames 3 +01100011110 D.K. 3 +01100011110 super-large 3 +01100011110 percentage-of-completion 3 +01100011110 Millionaires 3 +01100011110 Chesty 3 +01100011110 superfish 3 +01100011110 Extremities 3 +01100011110 Poachers 3 +01100011110 Laugh-In 3 +01100011110 Applause 3 +01100011110 Starve 3 +01100011110 Themselves 3 +01100011110 LVADs 3 +01100011110 Hiroshige 3 +01100011110 Unicorn 3 +01100011110 Verities 3 +01100011110 Plummet 3 +01100011110 Provocative 3 +01100011110 Useless 3 +01100011110 Salvage 3 +01100011110 Fireworks 3 +01100011110 Skeleton 3 +01100011110 sashimi 3 +01100011110 Whispers 3 +01100011110 Credentials 3 +01100011110 Rebate 3 +01100011110 Factions 3 +01100011110 MALLS 3 +01100011110 Fantasie 3 +01100011110 Limousine 3 +01100011110 Deduction 3 +01100011110 Comrades 3 +01100011110 tu 3 +01100011110 Challenged 3 +01100011110 Pavane 3 +01100011110 Virtuoso 3 +01100011110 Missa 3 +01100011110 Frauds 3 +01100011110 Contribution 3 +01100011110 Touches 3 +01100011110 urbanity 3 +01100011110 Corporatism 3 +01100011110 Srini 3 +01100011110 Rashomon 3 +01100011110 Resurrection 3 +01100011110 PETER 3 +01100011110 out-sourcing 3 +01100011110 Streamers 3 +01100011110 Giveaway 3 +01100011110 Normalization 3 +01100011110 Bees 3 +01100011110 SharpVision 3 +01100011110 Civilisation 3 +01100011110 Preserved 3 +01100011110 Colleague 3 +01100011110 Demographically 3 +01100011110 Lava 3 +01100011110 Explosion 3 +01100011110 RECENTLY 3 +01100011110 fixe 3 +01100011110 Prepare 3 +01100011110 Japanization 3 +01100011110 Fought 3 +01100011110 FOREIGNERS 3 +01100011110 INTELLIGENCE 3 +01100011110 Wraps 3 +01100011110 Conclusions 3 +01100011110 Lui 3 +01100011110 Violins 3 +01100011110 TOMATOES 3 +01100011110 Backward 3 +01100011110 Niches 3 +01100011110 mini-budget 3 +01100011110 Cans 3 +01100011110 Revivals 3 +01100011110 extender 3 +01100011110 Scylla 3 +01100011110 Cartoon 3 +01100011110 Oranges 3 +01100011110 ultra-right 3 +01100011110 ism 3 +01100011110 TREE 3 +01100011110 Rivalry 3 +01100011110 Outlaws 3 +01100011110 Lovers 3 +01100011110 Offspring 3 +01100011110 Nun 3 +01100011110 Nightwatch 3 +01100011110 T-Bondo 3 +01100011110 Profession 3 +01100011110 mi 3 +01100011110 Mingling 3 +01100011110 Jumpin 3 +01100011110 Condos 3 +01100011110 Cujo 3 +01100011110 tax-spared 3 +01100011110 Cigars 3 +01100011110 COLOR 3 +01100011110 Superfight 3 +01100011110 Dasibi 3 +01100011110 Bottles 3 +01100011110 WELL 3 +01100011110 ayu 3 +01100011110 Pickers 3 +01100011110 Roles 3 +01100011110 Hartsville 3 +01100011110 Hoses 3 +01100011110 Timm 3 +01100011110 Unworthy 3 +01100011110 Origin 3 +01100011110 Lock-Up 3 +01100011110 Sonatas 3 +01100011110 Horsemen 3 +01100011110 Non-Nasdaq 3 +01100011110 Snakes 3 +01100011110 subjectivism 3 +01100011110 Maneuver 3 +01100011110 Prayers 3 +01100011110 Tomatoes 3 +01100011110 Venerable 3 +01100011110 greediness 3 +01100011110 Insulated 3 +01100011110 No-No 3 +01100011110 Fantasia 3 +01100011110 Hippo 3 +01100011110 Goin 3 +01100011110 Ante 3 +01100011110 Peping 3 +01100011110 Rikky 3 +01100011110 Ketchup 3 +01100011110 ultra-left 3 +01100011110 Umbrella 3 +01100011110 abnormals 3 +01100011110 Chasers 3 +01100011110 Hedgehog 3 +01100011110 Suburbia 3 +01100011110 Essay 3 +01100011110 over-prescribe 3 +01100011110 Soap-Powders 3 +01100011110 Ritual 3 +01100011110 Vitamins 3 +01100011110 Dread 3 +01100011110 Lieder 3 +01100011110 Harmonielehre 3 +01100011110 big-bang 3 +01100011110 Monuments 3 +01100011110 Arthus 3 +01100011110 Kisha 3 +01100011110 Reminiscences 3 +01100011110 comps 3 +01100011110 Fence 3 +01100011110 Appraisals 3 +01100011110 ABZs 3 +01100011110 Iolanthe 3 +01100011110 Canyons 3 +01100011110 Congestion 3 +01100011110 intrapreneurship 3 +01100011110 mean-spiritedness 3 +01100011110 Freak 3 +01100011110 Marked 3 +01100011110 Leases 3 +01100011110 rededication 3 +01100011110 Editing 3 +01100011110 Mermaids 3 +01100011110 Awesome 3 +01100011110 bakso 3 +01100011110 Passages 3 +01100011110 Speed-up 3 +01100011110 ist 3 +01100011110 Ventilation 3 +01100011110 debunch 3 +01100011110 microchannel 3 +01100011110 Extremists 3 +01100011110 Coppelia 3 +01100011110 Agon 3 +01100011110 Spaces 3 +01100011110 Swifty 3 +01100011110 S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. 3 +01100011110 Comeback 3 +01100011110 COMPUTERIZED 3 +01100011110 nous 3 +01100011110 mini-devaluations 3 +01100011110 Leftists 3 +01100011110 Rx 3 +01100011110 PROTESTS 3 +01100011110 Hai 3 +01100011110 Satin 3 +01100011110 Socks 3 +01100011110 Nimbys 3 +01100011110 Chimpanzees 3 +01100011110 Spoons 3 +01100011110 Iceman 3 +01100011110 Waltzing 3 +01100011110 Appalling 3 +01100011110 Um 3 +01100011110 Competent 3 +01100011110 kulaks 3 +01100011110 remanufacturing 3 +01100011110 unemployables 3 +01100011110 illegales 3 +01100011110 Falter 3 +01100011110 Ills 3 +01100011110 BUGS 3 +01100011110 THINGS 3 +01100011110 Renidero 3 +01100011110 Sleepwalkers 3 +01100011110 Crock 3 +01100011110 gotcha 3 +01100011110 Strains 3 +01100011110 Hovering 3 +01100011110 Poem 3 +01100011110 internetting 3 +01100011110 PILLS 3 +01100011110 Adversity 3 +01100011110 Megatrends 3 +01100011110 Rampage/2 3 +01100011110 Buz 3 +01100011110 peoplemeter 3 +01100011110 Painted 3 +01100011110 Newsletters 3 +01100011110 APSAC 3 +01100011110 Equitymaker 3 +01100011110 TBN 3 +01100011110 Goonies 3 +01100011110 bye 3 +01100011110 Walkmans 3 +01100011110 Sermon 3 +01100011110 bloodsuckers 3 +01100011110 Resume 3 +01100011110 Lectures 3 +01100011110 Evaluations 3 +01100011110 Communicators 3 +01100011110 cram-down 3 +01100011110 apparatchiki 3 +01100011110 Entities 3 +01100011110 Pre-March 3 +01100011110 isms 3 +01100011110 Klute 3 +01100011110 megabanks 3 +01100011110 Approaches 3 +01100011110 Quack 3 +01100011110 Stink 3 +01100011110 one-couple-one-child 3 +01100011110 Khovanshchina 3 +01100011110 skunkworks 3 +01100011110 FRANCHISEES 3 +01100011110 ence 3 +01100011110 Yanzhong 3 +01100011110 Interlacing 3 +01100011110 Foxfire 3 +01100011110 work-stoppage 3 +01100011110 writer-proof 3 +01100011110 Year-End 3 +01100011110 gutless 3 +01100011110 F/X 3 +01100011110 intrapreneur 3 +01100011110 Harassment 3 +01100011110 gravedancer 3 +01100011110 PATIENTS 3 +01100011110 wetback 3 +01100011110 Noises 3 +01100011110 Sitco 3 +01100011110 pakikisama 3 +01100011110 pseudopalate 3 +01100011110 Jackets 3 +01100011110 counsellor 3 +01100011110 Dutch-auction 3 +01100011110 Stimulation 3 +01100011110 Seduced 3 +01100011110 Shines 3 +01100011110 Sexism 3 +01100011110 Habits 3 +01100011110 beautifying 3 +01100011110 Rabid 3 +01100011110 HeartBeat 3 +01100011110 Steal 3 +01100011110 NEWSPRINT 3 +01100011110 mega-deals 3 +01100011110 Filonov 3 +01100011110 Crafted 3 +01100011110 BOSSES 3 +01100011110 institution-building 3 +01100011110 Scam 3 +01100011110 Incarceration 3 +01100011110 Shed 3 +01100011110 Souvenirs 3 +01100011110 out-of-the-mainstream 3 +01100011110 Wanderlust 3 +01100011110 Banjo 3 +01100011110 front-loaded 3 +01100011110 Mambo 3 +01100011110 Allure 3 +01100011110 Hachiyas 3 +01100011110 Break-Throughs 3 +01100011110 Torx 3 +01100011110 Ugh 3 +01100011110 Crackdown 3 +01100011110 zaiteku 3 +01100011110 PENALTIES 3 +01100011110 Fixit 3 +01100011110 obon 3 +01100011110 batmobile 3 +01100011110 Spur 3 +01100011110 Individualism 3 +01100011110 Faxing 3 +01100011110 Intimacy 3 +01100011110 Torture 3 +01100011110 Vain 3 +01100011110 for-hire 3 +01100011110 samizdat 3 +01100011110 Eurosaver 3 +01100011110 burnouts 3 +01100011110 old-timey 3 +01100011110 Polluters 3 +01100011110 Organs 3 +01100011110 Fault 3 +01100011110 Boycott 3 +01100011110 clinkers 3 +01100011110 Geopolitics 3 +01100011110 Awakener 3 +01100011110 Witchcraft 3 +01100011110 Enhancer 3 +01100011110 Flippers 3 +01100011110 Revisionism 3 +01100011110 Lingerie 3 +01100011110 Mansions 3 +01100011110 cop-killer 3 +01100011110 Breakdown 3 +01100011110 flextime 3 +01100011110 Leopards 3 +01100011110 Patron 3 +01100011110 Whats 3 +01100011110 Incomes 4 +01100011110 Privates 4 +01100011110 Classrooms 4 +01100011110 Prospekt 4 +01100011110 Opticians 4 +01100011110 anti-trade 4 +01100011110 Importance 4 +01100011110 Drugstores 4 +01100011110 Maometto 4 +01100011110 Contenders 4 +01100011110 kacho 4 +01100011110 cross-training 4 +01100011110 Disco 4 +01100011110 Aerobics 4 +01100011110 Sweetheart 4 +01100011110 Ancestors 4 +01100011110 RESORTS 4 +01100011110 Taekwondo 4 +01100011110 Obesity 4 +01100011110 Mummies 4 +01100011110 Journeys 4 +01100011110 ENTREPRENEURS 4 +01100011110 Inequality 4 +01100011110 FLIGHT 4 +01100011110 Bicycles 4 +01100011110 POLITICIANS 4 +01100011110 Travels 4 +01100011110 Rarities 4 +01100011110 SMOKERS 4 +01100011110 Tubes 4 +01100011110 Discoveries 4 +01100011110 Pockets 4 +01100011110 ALLOWED 4 +01100011110 LANGUAGE 4 +01100011110 Billing 4 +01100011110 Gunsmoke 4 +01100011110 Onyx 4 +01100011110 Caps 4 +01100011110 Gays 4 +01100011110 Crossfire 4 +01100011110 Seller 4 +01100011110 Showers 4 +01100011110 Bandit 4 +01100011110 Abound 4 +01100011110 BOYS 4 +01100011110 SATISFACTION 4 +01100011110 Nuke 4 +01100011110 dee-doo 4 +01100011110 Continuity 4 +01100011110 Painters 4 +01100011110 UOP 4 +01100011110 Leak 4 +01100011110 Headhunters 4 +01100011110 DESIGNERS 4 +01100011110 Moonchildren 4 +01100011110 ABROAD 4 +01100011110 Defendant 4 +01100011110 Schoolchildren 4 +01100011110 Intolerance 4 +01100011110 Brushstrokes 4 +01100011110 Molding 4 +01100011110 GM10 4 +01100011110 Operator 4 +01100011110 Memoir 4 +01100011110 Dude 4 +01100011110 Hottest 4 +01100011110 Custody 4 +01100011110 Shower 4 +01100011110 Ol 4 +01100011110 SCHOOL 4 +01100011110 Cows 4 +01100011110 Documentation 4 +01100011110 Cited 4 +01100011110 Offenders 4 +01100011110 free-riding 4 +01100011110 Composition 4 +01100011110 Temps 4 +01100011110 Entertaining 4 +01100011110 Networking 4 +01100011110 Mirth 4 +01100011110 Ron-Yasu 4 +01100011110 Euro-equities 4 +01100011110 Thoughts 4 +01100011110 Reception 4 +01100011110 Quote 4 +01100011110 Gumby 4 +01100011110 Guardians 4 +01100011110 Stagnation 4 +01100011110 Regards 4 +01100011110 Smiles 4 +01100011110 Salsa 4 +01100011110 Punks 4 +01100011110 Duration 4 +01100011110 Be-bop 4 +01100011110 Cantos 4 +01100011110 megathrift 4 +01100011110 U.B.U. 4 +01100011110 Pumpkinhead 4 +01100011110 Goodnight 4 +01100011110 Sewage 4 +01100011110 Hazards 4 +01100011110 STORAGE 4 +01100011110 Friedenstag 4 +01100011110 vaporware 4 +01100011110 KNOWS 4 +01100011110 Lithium 4 +01100011110 Prostitutes 4 +01100011110 Stoic 4 +01100011110 Breath 4 +01100011110 Skinny 4 +01100011110 Dinosaurs 4 +01100011110 Coaches 4 +01100011110 reality-based 4 +01100011110 Bar-Lev 4 +01100011110 Holds 4 +01100011110 Spell 4 +01100011110 Woogie 4 +01100011110 Distrust 4 +01100011110 Ferries 4 +01100011110 Suburbs 4 +01100011110 Rap 4 +01100011110 Slender 4 +01100011110 Entrance 4 +01100011110 TAXPAYERS 4 +01100011110 Generals 4 +01100011110 Cartoonists 4 +01100011110 uncopyrightable 4 +01100011110 Complications 4 +01100011110 Suspect 4 +01100011110 Realities 4 +01100011110 Swim 4 +01100011110 Errand 4 +01100011110 Obstacles 4 +01100011110 Recordings 4 +01100011110 Burglar 4 +01100011110 Beetlejuice 4 +01100011110 Perils 4 +01100011110 Grenas 4 +01100011110 Liposuction 4 +01100011110 MURDER 4 +01100011110 Hurrah 4 +01100011110 Usage 4 +01100011110 Glitz 4 +01100011110 Belongers 4 +01100011110 Reversal 4 +01100011110 Post-it 4 +01100011110 Realignment 4 +01100011110 Sovereignty 4 +01100011110 Providers 4 +01100011110 Candor 4 +01100011110 Serpico 4 +01100011110 Minds 4 +01100011110 Painless 4 +01100011110 Yesson 4 +01100011110 Asinamali 4 +01100011110 Nutcrackers 4 +01100011110 Accuse 4 +01100011110 hombre 4 +01100011110 Nonsmokers 4 +01100011110 Currencies 4 +01100011110 Hurdles 4 +01100011110 Intuition 4 +01100011110 juku 4 +01100011110 Oppression 4 +01100011110 Closings 4 +01100011110 Ja 4 +01100011110 Revolutions 4 +01100011110 Rockin 4 +01100011110 Mythologies 4 +01100011110 g 4 +01100011110 Criticized 4 +01100011110 Typing 4 +01100011110 Emmanuelle 4 +01100011110 Bye 4 +01100011110 Tasks 4 +01100011110 Homecoming 4 +01100011110 Insects 4 +01100011110 GUARANTEED 4 +01100011110 Dreamgirl 4 +01100011110 Closeup 4 +01100011110 Restructurings 4 +01100011110 Refrigerants 4 +01100011110 Kuhlmeier 4 +01100011110 skinhead 4 +01100011110 Insanity 4 +01100011110 Martyrdom 4 +01100011110 cramdown 4 +01100011110 professionalize 4 +01100011110 Mishima 4 +01100011110 Billiards 4 +01100011110 Thirtysomething 4 +01100011110 Ironweed 4 +01100011110 Elusive 4 +01100011110 DOESN 4 +01100011110 Sayang 4 +01100011110 Herbs 4 +01100011110 Marriages 4 +01100011110 Superstars 4 +01100011110 Involvement 4 +01100011110 Dependency 4 +01100011110 Cultures 4 +01100011110 BROKERS 4 +01100011110 garoupa 4 +01100011110 GRADS 4 +01100011110 RESTAURANTS 4 +01100011110 Absalom 4 +01100011110 Credit-Card 4 +01100011110 Retaliation 4 +01100011110 Yaaba 4 +01100011110 Revue 4 +01100011110 Joke 4 +01100011110 Dads 4 +01100011110 Fragments 4 +01100011110 Kojak 4 +01100011110 PROMISES 4 +01100011110 Delayed 4 +01100011110 Picnic 4 +01100011110 Links 4 +01100011110 PARTS 4 +01100011110 Fidelio 4 +01100011110 Bargains 4 +01100011110 Flashes 4 +01100011110 Ecological 4 +01100011110 Octavian 4 +01100011110 Proficiency 4 +01100011110 Clinique 4 +01100011110 Mishaps 4 +01100011110 Summertime 4 +01100011110 Tightrope 4 +01100011110 Bait 4 +01100011110 Yeast 4 +01100011110 Motels 4 +01100011110 Guesstimates 4 +01100011110 Passes 4 +01100011110 Supremacy 4 +01100011110 Washingtoons 4 +01100011110 Panache 4 +01100011110 Onward 4 +01100011110 Overcome 4 +01100011110 Un 4 +01100011110 EXPERTS 4 +01100011110 Scheduling 4 +01100011110 Whew 4 +01100011110 PRESSURES 4 +01100011110 Coy 4 +01100011110 Shunned 4 +01100011110 Personalities 4 +01100011110 Joking 4 +01100011110 Bully 4 +01100011110 Poltergeist 4 +01100011110 Wrinkles 4 +01100011110 skip-a-month 4 +01100011110 Excuses 4 +01100011110 Distant 4 +01100011110 SLOWLY 4 +01100011110 Payers 4 +01100011110 Complaint 4 +01100011110 Math 5 +01100011110 Tracks 5 +01100011110 Spots 5 +01100011110 Speed-the-Plow 5 +01100011110 stakeholder 5 +01100011110 Treatments 5 +01100011110 Hurricanes 5 +01100011110 Philosopher 5 +01100011110 Nej 5 +01100011110 Hymietown 5 +01100011110 Shout 5 +01100011110 niggers 5 +01100011110 Microcosm 5 +01100011110 Willful 5 +01100011110 Cares 5 +01100011110 Microprocessor 5 +01100011110 Audits 5 +01100011110 Vets 5 +01100011110 Decision/Capital 5 +01100011110 Postcards 5 +01100011110 News-Press 5 +01100011110 Climb 5 +01100011110 P.O.V. 5 +01100011110 Representation 5 +01100011110 RED 5 +01100011110 Backs 5 +01100011110 Map 5 +01100011110 Concessions 5 +01100011110 EDUCATION 5 +01100011110 Persuasion 5 +01100011110 Disadvantaged 5 +01100011110 boum 5 +01100011110 Turnarounds 5 +01100011110 Lit 5 +01100011110 Marziano 5 +01100011110 Wires 5 +01100011110 Basket 5 +01100011110 Sonnets 5 +01100011110 Poems 5 +01100011110 Burden-sharing 5 +01100011110 Non 5 +01100011110 Candide 5 +01100011110 Ingredients 5 +01100011110 Slogan 5 +01100011110 Earthbeat 5 +01100011110 Obon 5 +01100011110 BasketWeave 5 +01100011110 Garments 5 +01100011110 Bikini 5 +01100011110 TRUSTS 5 +01100011110 Foe 5 +01100011110 Virtue 5 +01100011110 TOLL 5 +01100011110 Postage 5 +01100011110 Mongooses 5 +01100011110 corpocracy 5 +01100011110 Butter 5 +01100011110 duopoly 5 +01100011110 Dining 5 +01100011110 Transfers 5 +01100011110 Blessings 5 +01100011110 Tips 5 +01100011110 Outsider 5 +01100011110 Europa 5 +01100011110 Concise 5 +01100011110 Anthem 5 +01100011110 Sailors 5 +01100011110 Surprises 5 +01100011110 Mammon 5 +01100011110 si 5 +01100011110 Despair 5 +01100011110 POISON 5 +01100011110 Torch 5 +01100011110 Conventions 5 +01100011110 Flowts 5 +01100011110 sterilizer 5 +01100011110 Affliction 5 +01100011110 Dynamite 5 +01100011110 Entrants 5 +01100011110 Pisces 5 +01100011110 Blimps 5 +01100011110 Trick 5 +01100011110 Paralysis 5 +01100011110 Substitute 5 +01100011110 Columbo 5 +01100011110 DEALS 5 +01100011110 Fedora 5 +01100011110 Stoics 5 +01100011110 Yards 5 +01100011110 Continents 5 +01100011110 Oven 5 +01100011110 flowback 5 +01100011110 Sacrifice 5 +01100011110 Villages 5 +01100011110 Stance 5 +01100011110 Thriller 5 +01100011110 Percent 5 +01100011110 Movements 5 +01100011110 Chairs 5 +01100011110 compassionate-use 5 +01100011110 Budgeting 5 +01100011110 Agony 5 +01100011110 Calendar 5 +01100011110 Caller 5 +01100011110 Neighbor 5 +01100011110 Blaze 5 +01100011110 pickaninnies 5 +01100011110 Liar 5 +01100011110 Starman 5 +01100011110 Yachts 5 +01100011110 EECO 5 +01100011110 Costumes 5 +01100011110 Reclining 5 +01100011110 Treasures 5 +01100011110 Regrets 5 +01100011110 unbundle 5 +01100011110 Enemies 5 +01100011110 Fantasies 5 +01100011110 Pal 5 +01100011110 Heirs 5 +01100011110 super-delegates 5 +01100011110 Sentences 5 +01100011110 waterblot 5 +01100011110 Housewife 5 +01100011110 Streak 5 +01100011110 Volkov 5 +01100011110 Beep 5 +01100011110 Uneasy 5 +01100011110 Discussion 5 +01100011110 Appearances 5 +01100011110 Singin 5 +01100011110 Jam 5 +01100011110 Werewolf 5 +01100011110 Teens 5 +01100011110 Salome 5 +01100011110 Passions 5 +01100011110 ADVANCE 5 +01100011110 Episode 5 +01100011110 Feathers 5 +01100011110 Giang 5 +01100011110 Fugitive 5 +01100011110 Delusion 5 +01100011110 Microprocessors 5 +01100011110 Resumes 5 +01100011110 Sinfonia 5 +01100011110 carpetbaggers 5 +01100011110 Coolers 5 +01100011110 Prep 5 +01100011110 Prayer 5 +01100011110 Niche 5 +01100011110 Graft 5 +01100011110 Vermummungsverbot 5 +01100011110 salarymen 5 +01100011110 Disillusioned 5 +01100011110 Brains 5 +01100011110 Disasters 5 +01100011110 Contention 5 +01100011110 cocooning 5 +01100011110 Filmed 5 +01100011110 voluntarism 5 +01100011110 Experiences 5 +01100011110 Phones 5 +01100011110 Billboards 5 +01100011110 Concertos 5 +01100011110 SPOUSES 5 +01100011110 Holidays 5 +01100011110 Yuk 5 +01100011110 Seduction 5 +01100011110 Permission 5 +01100011110 Decoration 5 +01100011110 Mutiny 5 +01100011110 rectification 5 +01100011110 Guercoeur 5 +01100011110 Bookstore 5 +01100011110 Hostage 5 +01100011110 Cover-Up 5 +01100011110 Creativity 5 +01100011110 Teenagers 5 +01100011110 Grievances 5 +01100011110 Kindergarten 5 +01100011110 Explanation 5 +01100011110 Divertimento 5 +01100011110 OY 5 +01100011110 Intercourse 5 +01100011110 Poets 5 +01100011110 jointness 6 +01100011110 Gurrelieder 6 +01100011110 Crashes 6 +01100011110 Relationship 6 +01100011110 Writings 6 +01100011110 Keeps 6 +01100011110 PROSECUTORS 6 +01100011110 TEACHERS 6 +01100011110 Misery 6 +01100011110 Gossip 6 +01100011110 Chains 6 +01100011110 Perfection 6 +01100011110 Affiliation 6 +01100011110 Landslide 6 +01100011110 Daytime 6 +01100011110 Clauses 6 +01100011110 Masterpieces 6 +01100011110 MACHINE 6 +01100011110 Orchids 6 +01100011110 Betrayed 6 +01100011110 Fatherhood 6 +01100011110 Interpretation 6 +01100011110 Assassination 6 +01100011110 Cousin 6 +01100011110 m 6 +01100011110 Concentrate 6 +01100011110 Phantasm 6 +01100011110 Cartoons 6 +01100011110 Unthinkable 6 +01100011110 TURN 6 +01100011110 Dwarf 6 +01100011110 Salmonella 6 +01100011110 RAISES 6 +01100011110 Hum 6 +01100011110 Syndications 6 +01100011110 Safeguards 6 +01100011110 Washing 6 +01100011110 rent-a-plane 6 +01100011110 Gum 6 +01100011110 Hybrids 6 +01100011110 Zangezi 6 +01100011110 Bimbo 6 +01100011110 TRADERS 6 +01100011110 Partenope 6 +01100011110 Environmentalism 6 +01100011110 Catalogs 6 +01100011110 Needed 6 +01100011110 Totals 6 +01100011110 Prisoner 6 +01100011110 Elegance 6 +01100011110 Chocolates 6 +01100011110 Flesh 6 +01100011110 p 6 +01100011110 SCHOOLS 6 +01100011110 Macho 6 +01100011110 Protein 6 +01100011110 LIVE 6 +01100011110 Met-Coil 6 +01100011110 Dentistry 6 +01100011110 Persistence 6 +01100011110 O.K. 6 +01100011110 Betrayal 6 +01100011110 COLUMBIA 6 +01100011110 LIMITED 6 +01100011110 Precedents 6 +01100011110 PARTNERSHIPS 6 +01100011110 Assault 6 +01100011110 Asphalt 6 +01100011110 Ran 6 +01100011110 Indictments 6 +01100011110 Lists 6 +01100011110 LOW 6 +01100011110 Clemenza 6 +01100011110 Pennies 6 +01100011110 Satellites 6 +01100011110 Client 6 +01100011110 Whiz 6 +01100011110 Currents 6 +01100011110 Melody 6 +01100011110 Instruction 6 +01100011110 Genes 6 +01100011110 Boogie 6 +01100011110 LOVE 6 +01100011110 Tourney 6 +01100011110 R.I.P. 6 +01100011110 Raging 6 +01100011110 Smile 6 +01100011110 Novels 6 +01100011110 Bolero 6 +01100011110 Believers 6 +01100011110 Beloved 6 +01100011110 Boring 6 +01100011110 Poker 6 +01100011110 ENGLISH 6 +01100011110 Cockroaches 6 +01100011110 Peril 6 +01100011110 Shifts 6 +01100011110 Criteria 6 +01100011110 Fruits 6 +01100011110 Repentance 6 +01100011110 Asparagus 6 +01100011110 Caddyshack 6 +01100011110 Smog 6 +01100011110 Prostitution 6 +01100011110 Dirt 6 +01100011110 Windmills 6 +01100011110 VIRGINIA 6 +01100011110 Notorious 6 +01100011110 Engaged 6 +01100011110 Festivals 6 +01100011110 Buntz 6 +01100011110 Ears 6 +01100011110 Slump 6 +01100011110 Deliberations 6 +01100011110 PHOENIX 6 +01100011110 Lieutenant 6 +01100011110 Werther 6 +01100011110 Earthquake 6 +01100011110 Castaways 6 +01100011110 Parsifal 6 +01100011110 Log 6 +01100011110 Outrage 6 +01100011110 Ant 6 +01100011110 Fringe 6 +01100011110 Selections 6 +01100011110 Lem 6 +01100011110 Nose 6 +01100011110 Attitude 6 +01100011110 Hairspray 6 +01100011110 Physically 6 +01100011110 Bullets 6 +01100011110 Breakthrough 6 +01100011110 Patriotism 6 +01100011110 buy-hold 6 +01100011110 Lassie 6 +01100011110 TOPS 6 +01100011110 Moderation 6 +01100011110 Combination 6 +01100011110 Messenger 7 +01100011110 Perennial 7 +01100011110 Fingers 7 +01100011110 FARMERS 7 +01100011110 Batteries 7 +01100011110 LOSS 7 +01100011110 Lighter 7 +01100011110 Stranger 7 +01100011110 Potatoes 7 +01100011110 Closure 7 +01100011110 singularization 7 +01100011110 Gasohol 7 +01100011110 INSURERS 7 +01100011110 Workout 7 +01100011110 Clue 7 +01100011110 Clouds 7 +01100011110 Econ 7 +01100011110 bumper-to-bumper 7 +01100011110 Oath 7 +01100011110 Bosses 7 +01100011110 Rats 7 +01100011110 Collapse 7 +01100011110 Relationships 7 +01100011110 Creature 7 +01100011110 Industrialists 7 +01100011110 GBM2 7 +01100011110 Serenade 7 +01100011110 Handsome 7 +01100011110 Hashem 7 +01100011110 Drops 7 +01100011110 Honors 7 +01100011110 Essays 7 +01100011110 Beaches 7 +01100011110 Concentration 7 +01100011110 Rigoletto 7 +01100011110 Rotten 7 +01100011110 Hostages 7 +01100011110 Cops 7 +01100011110 Spenser 7 +01100011110 Husband 7 +01100011110 Whistle 7 +01100011110 Nebraskans 7 +01100011110 Wired 7 +01100011110 Terelya 7 +01100011110 Guilty 7 +01100011110 Bonecrusher 7 +01100011110 Holes 7 +01100011110 PRODUCT 7 +01100011110 Steroids 7 +01100011110 circuit-breakers 7 +01100011110 Grab 7 +01100011110 Zoom 7 +01100011110 AUSTRALIAN 7 +01100011110 Theft 7 +01100011110 Gotterdammerung 7 +01100011110 Discs 7 +01100011110 Difficulties 7 +01100011110 Dilemma 7 +01100011110 Blondie 7 +01100011110 Mailing 7 +01100011110 Diversity 7 +01100011110 Boo 7 +01100011110 Euthanasia 7 +01100011110 Marbles 7 +01100011110 Beginners 7 +01100011110 Quiz 7 +01100011110 Caveat 7 +01100011110 Mc 7 +01100011110 Method 7 +01100011110 Pitch 7 +01100011110 Momma 7 +01100011110 wampum 7 +01100011110 Arrangements 7 +01100011110 Servicing 7 +01100011110 Shelters 7 +01100011110 Lasers 7 +01100011110 Homeowner 7 +01100011110 Files 7 +01100011110 Cocoon 7 +01100011110 Propaganda 7 +01100011110 Coping 7 +01100011110 Alachlor 7 +01100011110 Goals 7 +01100011110 Famine 7 +01100011110 Fails 7 +01100011110 Amigos 7 +01100011110 Mushrooms 7 +01100011110 Matlock 7 +01100011110 Divers 7 +01100011110 Excitement 7 +01100011110 Hoteliers 7 +01100011110 Continue 7 +01100011110 Methods 7 +01100011110 Irradiation 7 +01100011110 Overture 7 +01100011110 Otello 7 +01100011110 Position 7 +01100011110 Fools 7 +01100011110 Franchises 7 +01100011110 Tab 7 +01100011110 RECRUITING 7 +01100011110 Capitalist 7 +01100011110 Bouncers 7 +01100011110 Tar 7 +01100011110 Thundercats 7 +01100011110 enteritidis 7 +01100011110 Snap 7 +01100011110 Tapes 7 +01100011110 Cooling 7 +01100011110 Hygienists 7 +01100011110 Yourself 7 +01100011110 Coupons 7 +01100011110 Treasurers 7 +01100011110 Seals 7 +01100011110 Resolutions 7 +01100011110 Reorganization 7 +01100011110 Succession 7 +01100011110 Arrogance 7 +01100011110 Dusk 7 +01100011110 RETAILERS 7 +01100011110 CARDS 7 +01100011110 Quintet 7 +01100011110 Catcher 7 +01100011110 Bureaucracy 8 +01100011110 Buys 8 +01100011110 Ourselves 8 +01100011110 Squeeze 8 +01100011110 Surge 8 +01100011110 Conscience 8 +01100011110 Fundamentals 8 +01100011110 Spycatcher 8 +01100011110 SCIENTISTS 8 +01100011110 Bags 8 +01100011110 Failed 8 +01100011110 Barred 8 +01100011110 Detention 8 +01100011110 Landscape 8 +01100011110 Robot 8 +01100011110 Hybrid 8 +01100011110 Cheating 8 +01100011110 Nonprofits 8 +01100011110 Disk 8 +01100011110 Banquet 8 +01100011110 Lowest 8 +01100011110 Polka 8 +01100011110 Auctioneers 8 +01100011110 Dances 8 +01100011110 Default 8 +01100011110 PHILADELPHIA 8 +01100011110 Flo 8 +01100011110 Commentaries 8 +01100011110 Gods 8 +01100011110 Plague 8 +01100011110 Skills 8 +01100011110 Shippers 8 +01100011110 Respect 8 +01100011110 Brilliant 8 +01100011110 Ended 8 +01100011110 McPaper 8 +01100011110 Obscene 8 +01100011110 Rings 8 +01100011110 Pozner 8 +01100011110 HOTELS 8 +01100011110 Lefty 8 +01100011110 Buzz 8 +01100011110 Cries 8 +01100011110 Raises 8 +01100011110 Ideology 8 +01100011110 Smugglers 8 +01100011110 Harm 8 +01100011110 Shadows 8 +01100011110 Weeds 8 +01100011110 Zydeco 8 +01100011110 Promises 8 +01100011110 Traviata 8 +01100011110 L-word 8 +01100011110 Boutique 8 +01100011110 Album 8 +01100011110 Click 8 +01100011110 Conversation 8 +01100011110 Ducks 8 +01100011110 look-and-feel 8 +01100011110 Dump 8 +01100011110 Excellent 8 +01100011110 Angst 8 +01100011110 Boosters 8 +01100011110 Responsibilities 8 +01100011110 Warfare 8 +01100011110 Hits 8 +01100011110 Seriously 8 +01100011110 Gringo 8 +01100011110 Witch 8 +01100011110 pokazukha 8 +01100011110 Supper 8 +01100011110 Cells 8 +01100011110 FAIR 8 +01100011110 Turtles 8 +01100011110 Rational 8 +01100011110 just-say-no 8 +01100011110 Nurse 8 +01100011110 Kick 8 +01100011110 Composites 8 +01100011110 CONSUMERS 8 +01100011110 Refrigerator 8 +01100011110 Sociology 8 +01100011110 EMPLOYEES 8 +01100011110 Alliances 9 +01100011110 Drunk 9 +01100011110 Boats 9 +01100011110 Mikado 9 +01100011110 Charisma 9 +01100011110 Curiosity 9 +01100011110 Civilians 9 +01100011110 Vacancy 9 +01100011110 Roots 9 +01100011110 CHARITIES 9 +01100011110 Leads 9 +01100011110 Punchline 9 +01100011110 Buses 9 +01100011110 backwardation 9 +01100011110 Whales 9 +01100011110 Blade 9 +01100011110 CHECK 9 +01100011110 Protest 9 +01100011110 Trip 9 +01100011110 Bits 9 +01100011110 Mask 9 +01100011110 Destiny 9 +01100011110 Jumping 9 +01100011110 Retrospective 9 +01100011110 Mercy 9 +01100011110 Theories 9 +01100011110 Stardust 9 +01100011110 Bars 9 +01100011110 Poet 9 +01100011110 hooligans 9 +01100011110 Fledermaus 9 +01100011110 FEARS 9 +01100011110 Shape 9 +01100011110 Shake 9 +01100011110 Moneyline 9 +01100011110 TRAVELERS 9 +01100011110 Malls 9 +01100011110 Criminals 9 +01100011110 Scarface 9 +01100011110 Boxers 9 +01100011110 Cabaret 9 +01100011110 Revisited 9 +01100011110 Shame 9 +01100011110 Champions 9 +01100011110 Superstar 9 +01100011110 ACQUISITIONS 9 +01100011110 Availability 9 +01100011110 snapper 9 +01100011110 Transition 9 +01100011110 Indicted 9 +01100011110 Agree 9 +01100011110 Gin 9 +01100011110 Verdict 9 +01100011110 Changed 9 +01100011110 Slime 9 +01100011110 / 9 +01100011110 Awakening 9 +01100011110 Orphee 9 +01100011110 Looks 9 +01100011110 Bargaining 9 +01100011110 Owned 9 +01100011110 Bodies 9 +01100011110 Commissar 9 +01100011110 Person 9 +01100011110 bundling 9 +01100011110 Visit 9 +01100011110 Uses 9 +01100011110 VEIL 9 +01100011110 McDeal 9 +01100011110 Integration 9 +01100011110 Raymonda 9 +01100011110 Positioning 9 +01100011110 Veto 9 +01100011110 Maids 9 +01100011110 Husbands 9 +01100011110 Sheep 9 +01100011110 RIGHTS 9 +01100011110 Alumina 9 +01100011110 Governing 9 +01100011110 Lohengrin 9 +01100011110 Mommy 9 +01100011110 Payout 9 +01100011110 Weird 9 +01100011110 Conservatism 9 +01100011110 Collision 9 +01100011110 YTT 9 +01100011110 Slim 9 +01100011110 Legs 9 +01100011110 Childhood 9 +01100011110 Twisted 9 +01100011110 Encounter 9 +01100011110 Lover 9 +01100011110 Session 9 +01100011110 Hobbes 9 +01100011110 Breakers 9 +01100011110 Reckless 9 +01100011110 Came 10 +01100011110 Videos 10 +01100011110 Cooking 10 +01100011110 Harmony 10 +01100011110 Underwriter 10 +01100011110 Location 10 +01100011110 Natives 10 +01100011110 Objects 10 +01100011110 Leverage 10 +01100011110 Screening 10 +01100011110 Porgy 10 +01100011110 Navigator 10 +01100011110 Patents 10 +01100011110 Divorced 10 +01100011110 Wife 10 +01100011110 Controlled 10 +01100011110 Tempest 10 +01100011110 Tannhauser 10 +01100011110 Shock 10 +01100011110 Trio 10 +01100011110 Difference 10 +01100011110 Weavers 10 +01100011110 Prints 10 +01100011110 Realism 10 +01100011110 Charm 10 +01100011110 Techniques 10 +01100011110 Bones 10 +01100011110 Patterns 10 +01100011110 Expense 10 +01100011110 Bullet 10 +01100011110 Voyage 10 +01100011110 Philosophy 10 +01100011110 Deficits 10 +01100011110 EMPLOYERS 10 +01100011110 Thief 10 +01100011110 FIRE 10 +01100011110 Runners 10 +01100011110 Scandals 10 +01100011110 Housewives 10 +01100011110 Fit 10 +01100011110 Lolita 10 +01100011110 ISN 10 +01100011110 Bandits 10 +01100011110 Lightning 10 +01100011110 Fill 10 +01100011110 Departures 10 +01100011110 Wins 10 +01100011110 Newcomers 10 +01100011110 Genius 10 +01100011110 Quotes 10 +01100011110 Fertility 10 +01100011110 Catastrophe 10 +01100011110 Stonewall 10 +01100011110 Hip 10 +01100011110 Bigness 10 +01100011110 Thou 10 +01100011110 Gotcha 10 +01100011110 Bounty 10 +01100011110 Zhivago 10 +01100011110 Grandparents 10 +01100011110 Rider 10 +01100011110 Spoils 10 +01100011110 Crowds 10 +01100011110 Tanks 11 +01100011110 Yours 11 +01100011110 Terror 11 +01100011110 Eroica 11 +01100011110 Finances 11 +01100011110 Positions 11 +01100011110 Classes 11 +01100011110 UNIONS 11 +01100011110 GS 11 +01100011110 Splash 11 +01100011110 Shandling 11 +01100011110 Waltz 11 +01100011110 Clan 11 +01100011110 Diving 11 +01100011110 Stealthies 11 +01100011110 Fences 11 +01100011110 Minorities 11 +01100011110 Findings 11 +01100011110 Deterrence 11 +01100011110 Buzzy 11 +01100011110 Fanny 11 +01100011110 Teenage 11 +01100011110 Calm 11 +01100011110 Invasion 11 +01100011110 Targets 11 +01100011110 Ghost 11 +01100011110 Tampopo 11 +01100011110 Perfume 11 +01100011110 Telephones 11 +01100011110 Tango 11 +01100011110 Bum 11 +01100011110 Auxiliary 11 +01100011110 Procedures 11 +01100011110 Thought 11 +01100011110 Errors 11 +01100011110 Evita 11 +01100011110 MARKETERS 11 +01100011110 Signals 11 +01100011110 Sticks 11 +01100011110 Relax 11 +01100011110 Follies 11 +01100011110 Cheer 11 +01100011110 Cabin 11 +01100011110 megacarriers 11 +01100011110 Bag 11 +01100011110 Trovatore 11 +01100011110 Risky 11 +01100011110 Honeymooners 11 +01100011110 Corners 11 +01100011110 Voila 11 +01100011110 Innerspace 11 +01100011110 Risks 11 +01100011110 Spaceballs 11 +01100011110 Guitar 11 +01100011110 Accidents 11 +01100011110 DOCTORS 11 +01100011110 Lift 11 +01100011110 Surrender 11 +01100011110 Garage 11 +01100011110 Photographers 11 +01100011110 Channels 11 +01100011110 Gives 11 +01100011110 Reformers 11 +01100011110 Golfers 11 +01100011110 Riches 11 +01100011110 Condition 11 +01100011110 Speakers 11 +01100011110 Em 11 +01100011110 Amen 11 +01100011110 Marijuana 11 +01100011110 Moms 11 +01100011110 Bel-Air 12 +01100011110 Rents 12 +01100011110 Sunlight 12 +01100011110 Wholesalers 12 +01100011110 Shift 12 +01100011110 Stakes 12 +01100011110 Mathematics 12 +01100011110 Murders 12 +01100011110 Wash 12 +01100011110 Proposal 12 +01100011110 Chemistry 12 +01100011110 Speak 12 +01100011110 Riders 12 +01100011110 Drawings 12 +01100011110 Cookies 12 +01100011110 Liberalism 12 +01100011110 Metropolis 12 +01100011110 Centuries 12 +01100011110 Dramatic 12 +01100011110 Dispensing 12 +01100011110 NOVA 12 +01100011110 TALKS 12 +01100011110 Voodoo 12 +01100011110 Satisfaction 12 +01100011110 Ships 12 +01100011110 Strangers 12 +01100011110 Level 12 +01100011110 OWNERS 12 +01100011110 Careers 12 +01100011110 MarketAmerica 12 +01100011110 Daughter 12 +01100011110 Robocop 12 +01100011110 Robots 12 +01100011110 Secure 12 +01100011110 Split 12 +01100011110 Alarm 12 +01100011110 Remote 12 +01100011110 EastEnders 12 +01100011110 Correct 12 +01100011110 Psycho 12 +01100011110 Able 12 +01100011110 Crunch 12 +01100011110 Foundations 12 +01100011110 Favor 12 +01100011110 Threat 12 +01100011110 Danger 12 +01100011110 Towns 12 +01100011110 Jokes 12 +01100011110 Alumni 12 +01100011110 Answers 12 +01100011110 Cookie 12 +01100011110 Fliers 12 +01100011110 Reforms 12 +01100011110 Collections 12 +01100011110 Huh 12 +01100011110 Hardball 12 +01100011110 Pros 12 +01100011110 Counseling 12 +01100011110 Plaintiff 12 +01100011110 r 12 +01100011110 Engineer 12 +01100011110 Radon 12 +01100011110 COMPUTERS 12 +01100011110 Voices 12 +01100011110 Conflict 12 +01100011110 Sunflowers 12 +01100011110 Pesticides 12 +01100011110 Step 12 +01100011110 nigger 12 +01100011110 Philanthropy 12 +01100011110 Collectors 12 +01100011110 Subtle 12 +01100011110 Seniors 12 +01100011110 Contact 13 +01100011110 Battles 13 +01100011110 Exclusive 13 +01100011110 Cure 13 +01100011110 Wartime 13 +01100011110 Accused 13 +01100011110 Shan 13 +01100011110 Horses 13 +01100011110 Panorama 13 +01100011110 Forever 13 +01100011110 Graduates 13 +01100011110 Elite 13 +01100011110 Gypsy 13 +01100011110 WARS 13 +01100011110 Trader 13 +01100011110 Feast 13 +01100011110 Examination 13 +01100011110 Rheingold 13 +01100011110 AMERICANS 13 +01100011110 Pieces 13 +01100011110 LAWYERS 13 +01100011110 Dangerous 13 +01100011110 Souls 13 +01100011110 Widow 13 +01100011110 Doonesbury 13 +01100011110 Enjoy 13 +01100011110 STAR 13 +01100011110 Sense 13 +01100011110 Sections 13 +01100011110 Meals 13 +01100011110 Directly 13 +01100011110 Godot 13 +01100011110 Federalism 13 +01100011110 Offers 13 +01100011110 Literally 13 +01100011110 Exempt 13 +01100011110 Profile 13 +01100011110 Solution 13 +01100011110 Choices 13 +01100011110 Armor 13 +01100011110 CARS 13 +01100011110 Runner 13 +01100011110 Singing 13 +01100011110 Portraits 13 +01100011110 Legacy 13 +01100011110 Fiction 13 +01100011110 Depreciation 13 +01100011110 Event 13 +01100011110 Sole 13 +01100011110 imperialists 13 +01100011110 Predator 13 +01100011110 Anger 14 +01100011110 Iliad 14 +01100011110 Suffering 14 +01100011110 Messiah 14 +01100011110 Guidelines 14 +01100011110 Discipline 14 +01100011110 Diamonds 14 +01100011110 Correction 14 +01100011110 Annuities 14 +01100011110 Frontiers 14 +01100011110 Application 14 +01100011110 Trains 14 +01100011110 Swimming 14 +01100011110 Desire 14 +01100011110 Done 14 +01100011110 Grains 14 +01100011110 poof 14 +01100011110 Mahabharata 14 +01100011110 Role 14 +01100011110 Handlers 14 +01100011110 Requiem 14 +01100011110 Struggle 14 +01100011110 Lies 14 +01100011110 Nude 14 +01100011110 Fantastic 14 +01100011110 Airplanes 14 +01100011110 Spreads 14 +01100011110 Brain 14 +01100011110 Rises 14 +01100011110 turbas 14 +01100011110 Whiskey 14 +01100011110 Forgotten 14 +01100011110 Devils 14 +01100011110 Dating 14 +01100011110 Bitter 14 +01100011110 Milagro 14 +01100011110 Acts 14 +01100011110 Innocent 15 +01100011110 Clerks 15 +01100011110 Plays 15 +01100011110 Fishermen 15 +01100011110 Weapon 15 +01100011110 Cheap 15 +01100011110 Radar 15 +01100011110 Heroes 15 +01100011110 Request 15 +01100011110 Mood 15 +01100011110 Financiers 15 +01100011110 Destruction 15 +01100011110 Nicky 15 +01100011110 Recruiters 15 +01100011110 Prisons 15 +01100011110 Stability 15 +01100011110 Autumn 15 +01100011110 Shooting 15 +01100011110 Reviews 15 +01100011110 Matewan 15 +01100011110 Attitudes 15 +01100011110 Fights 15 +01100011110 Autobiography 15 +01100011110 Secrecy 15 +01100011110 Airports 15 +01100011110 Adults 15 +01100011110 nomenklatura 15 +01100011110 Scene 15 +01100011110 Utamaro 15 +01100011110 Feelings 15 +01100011110 Fact 15 +01100011110 Pot 15 +01100011110 Intimate 15 +01100011110 Titus 15 +01100011110 Withholding 15 +01100011110 Deals 15 +01100011110 MANAGEMENT 15 +01100011110 Slam 16 +01100011110 Cooperatives 16 +01100011110 Examiners 16 +01100011110 Immigrants 16 +01100011110 Tactics 16 +01100011110 Promise 16 +01100011110 Museums 16 +01100011110 Mortgages 16 +01100011110 Preserve 16 +01100011110 Biography 16 +01100011110 Fragonard 16 +01100011110 Suppliers 16 +01100011110 Tuition 16 +01100011110 Survivors 16 +01100011110 Whoops 16 +01100011110 Wives 16 +01100011110 Soul 16 +01100011110 Exposure 16 +01100011110 Fare 16 +01100011110 Mess 16 +01100011110 Sample 16 +01100011110 Wiseguy 16 +01100011110 Roses 16 +01100011110 Swing 16 +01100011110 Peanuts 16 +01100011110 Privacy 16 +01100011110 Message 16 +01100011110 Opinions 16 +01100011110 Entrepreneurship 16 +01100011110 Delay 16 +01100011110 Maus 16 +01100011110 Consensus 16 +01100011110 SECURITY 16 +01100011110 Enemy 16 +01100011110 Antigone 16 +01100011110 Flashdance 16 +01100011110 Prescription 16 +01100011110 RESEARCHERS 16 +01100011110 Gosh 16 +01100011110 Auctions 16 +01100011110 Offer 16 +01100011110 Chaos 16 +01100011110 Lesson 16 +01100011110 Ahead 16 +01100011110 Turns 16 +01100011110 Modernization 17 +01100011110 Myth 17 +01100011110 Divorce 17 +01100011110 hearsay 17 +01100011110 Volunteers 17 +01100011110 Intellectuals 17 +01100011110 Hooperman 17 +01100011110 Bold 17 +01100011110 cohabitation 17 +01100011110 Founder 17 +01100011110 Checks 17 +01100011110 Item 17 +01100011110 Characters 17 +01100011110 Prisoners 17 +01100011110 AW 17 +01100011110 Trusts 17 +01100011110 Aida 17 +01100011110 Prosperity 17 +01100011110 Guns 17 +01100011110 Surveillance 17 +01100011110 Comment 17 +01100011110 Velvet 17 +01100011110 Suit 17 +01100011110 Attack 17 +01100011110 Scenes 17 +01100011110 MANAGERS 17 +01100011110 Aspirin 17 +01100011110 Gilts 17 +01100011110 Minoxidil 17 +01100011110 Mondo 17 +01100011110 Composers 17 +01100011110 Fever 18 +01100011110 Terrorism 18 +01100011110 Hotline 18 +01100011110 Cocktail 18 +01100011110 Confessions 18 +01100011110 Geography 18 +01100011110 Scholar 18 +01100011110 Diner 18 +01100011110 COSTS 18 +01100011110 Trees 18 +01100011110 Darkness 18 +01100011110 Dragnet 18 +01100011110 Drama 18 +01100011110 Feed 18 +01100011110 Surprise 18 +01100011110 MAKERS 18 +01100011110 Available 18 +01100011110 Paintings 18 +01100011110 Priority 18 +01100011110 Biggest 18 +01100011110 Rebels 18 +01100011110 Bonfire 18 +01100011110 Diplomacy 18 +01100011110 Hunting 18 +01100011110 mens 19 +01100011110 Exhibition 19 +01100011110 Mixed 19 +01100011110 Hunters 19 +01100011110 Views 19 +01100011110 Faces 19 +01100011110 TAXES 19 +01100011110 Vacation 19 +01100011110 Athletes 19 +01100011110 Gambling 19 +01100011110 Libra 19 +01100011110 Tosca 19 +01100011110 Alien 19 +01100011110 Punishment 19 +01100011110 Vremya 19 +01100011110 Gifts 19 +01100011110 Scholars 19 +01100011110 Winds 19 +01100011110 Flip 19 +01100011110 Subsidies 19 +01100011110 Revenge 19 +01100011110 Roads 19 +01100011110 MASH 19 +01100011110 Semiconductors 19 +01100011110 Donors 19 +01100011110 Hat 19 +01100011110 Speech 20 +01100011110 Offices 20 +01100011110 ART 20 +01100011110 Brigade 20 +01100011110 Rugby 20 +01100011110 Sad 20 +01100011110 Literature 20 +01100011110 Gain 20 +01100011110 Least 20 +01100011110 Franchising 20 +01100011110 Moves 20 +01100011110 Racism 20 +01100011110 Judgment 20 +01100011110 Frontline 20 +01100011110 Conspiracy 20 +01100011110 Dancers 20 +01100011110 Humor 20 +01100011110 Directions 20 +01100011110 Tears 20 +01100011110 Fan 20 +01100011110 Status 20 +01100011110 Tex 20 +01100011110 Points 20 +01100011110 Actions 20 +01100011110 Effects 21 +01100011110 MORGAN 21 +01100011110 Shows 21 +01100011110 Lock 21 +01100011110 Alternatives 21 +01100011110 Turandot 21 +01100011110 Transactions 21 +01100011110 Reach 21 +01100011110 Champagne 21 +01100011110 Scandal 21 +01100011110 Dates 21 +01100011110 Friendship 21 +01100011110 Romance 21 +01100011110 CAR 21 +01100011110 Rusalka 21 +01100011110 DAY 21 +01100011110 Babies 21 +01100011110 Trim 21 +01100011110 Clothes 21 +01100011110 Ye 21 +01100011110 Reunion 22 +01100011110 Date 22 +01100011110 Personality 22 +01100011110 Impossible 22 +01100011110 Hearts 22 +01100011110 Mysteries 22 +01100011110 Compliance 22 +01100011110 Switching 22 +01100011110 Marriage 22 +01100011110 Peasants 22 +01100011110 Auditors 22 +01100011110 Escape 22 +01100011110 Secretaries 22 +01100011110 Rivals 22 +01100011110 Partnerships 22 +01100011110 Author 22 +01100011110 Nights 22 +01100011110 Fishing 22 +01100011110 Guides 22 +01100011110 Artist 22 +01100011110 Alone 22 +01100011110 Numbers 22 +01100011110 Mean 22 +01100011110 Neighbors 22 +01100011110 Heads 22 +01100011110 Cleaning 22 +01100011110 Greed 22 +01100011110 Professors 22 +01100011110 Moonstruck 22 +01100011110 Tradition 22 +01100011110 Autos 23 +01100011110 Actress 23 +01100011110 Patience 23 +01100011110 superstation 23 +01100011110 Cholesterol 23 +01100011110 Efficiency 23 +01100011110 Smoke 23 +01100011110 Recession 23 +01100011110 Madness 23 +01100011110 Rating 23 +01100011110 Planes 23 +01100011110 thirtysomething 23 +01100011110 Coverage 23 +01100011110 Vote 23 +01100011110 EXECUTIVES 23 +01100011110 Capitalism 23 +01100011110 Couples 23 +01100011110 Measures 23 +01100011110 Selection 23 +01100011110 Variations 23 +01100011110 Held 23 +01100011110 Bread 23 +01100011110 Twist 23 +01100011110 Verification 23 +01100011110 Crack 23 +01100011110 Butterfly 23 +01100011110 Lessons 23 +01100011110 Whites 23 +01100011110 Timing 23 +01100011110 Dogs 24 +01100011110 Cry 24 +01100011110 Showdown 24 +01100011110 Yogurt 24 +01100011110 Drink 24 +01100011110 Discrimination 24 +01100011110 Pathfinder 24 +01100011110 Images 24 +01100011110 Lot 24 +01100011110 Shot 24 +01100011110 ADS 24 +01100011110 Ghostbusters 24 +01100011110 Amerika 24 +01100011110 BANKS 24 +01100011110 Balance 24 +01100011110 Secrets 24 +01100011110 Diary 24 +01100011110 t 24 +01100011110 OFFICIALS 24 +01100011110 Steps 24 +01100011110 REAL 25 +01100011110 Celebration 25 +01100011110 Agreements 25 +01100011110 Creation 25 +01100011110 Movies 25 +01100011110 Season 25 +01100011110 Kiss 25 +01100011110 Sit 25 +01100011110 Painting 25 +01100011110 Mechanics 25 +01100011110 Luck 25 +01100011110 Garbage 25 +01100011110 Thing 25 +01100011110 WEST 25 +01100011110 Reality 25 +01100011110 Homeowners 25 +01100011110 Gathering 25 +01100011110 Aliens 25 +01100011110 Apartheid 25 +01100011110 Tune 26 +01100011110 Eggs 26 +01100011110 Viva 26 +01100011110 Wear 26 +01100011110 Stress 26 +01100011110 Taxi 26 +01100011110 Cover 26 +01100011110 Tall 26 +01100011110 Terrorist 26 +01100011110 Hunger 26 +01100011110 Cuts 26 +01100011110 Disaster 26 +01100011110 Greatest 26 +01100011110 Cheers 26 +01100011110 Headquarters 26 +01100011110 Programming 26 +01100011110 Them 26 +01100011110 Incentives 26 +01100011110 Controllers 26 +01100011110 Touch 27 +01100011110 Midnight 27 +01100011110 Window 27 +01100011110 Regulations 27 +01100011110 Miners 27 +01100011110 Taste 27 +01100011110 Beat 27 +01100011110 Practice 27 +01100011110 List 27 +01100011110 Bride 27 +01100011110 Fires 27 +01100011110 Innovation 27 +01100011110 Decline 27 +01100011110 i 27 +01100011110 Oedipus 27 +01100011110 Inventory 27 +01100011110 Concert 27 +01100011110 Exercise 27 +01100011110 Sign 27 +01100011110 Hands 27 +01100011110 Ready 28 +01100011110 Straight 28 +01100011110 Hour 28 +01100011110 Irises 28 +01100011110 DON 28 +01100011110 20/20 28 +01100011110 Dollars 28 +01100011110 Deficit 28 +01100011110 Missing 28 +01100011110 Lab 28 +01100011110 Nightmare 28 +01100011110 Poison 28 +01100011110 Incredible 28 +01100011110 Ha 29 +01100011110 Month 29 +01100011110 Manon 29 +01100011110 Words 29 +01100011110 Trilogy 29 +01100011110 Funny 29 +01100011110 Wheels 29 +01100011110 Warning 29 +01100011110 CREDIT 29 +01100011110 Frankenstein 29 +01100011110 Pollution 29 +01100011110 Tales 29 +01100011110 Interview 29 +01100011110 Lunch 29 +01100011110 Advice 30 +01100011110 Crimes 30 +01100011110 Wanted 30 +01100011110 Suits 30 +01100011110 INVESTORS 30 +01100011110 Rally 30 +01100011110 Folks 30 +01100011110 Vehicles 30 +01100011110 Bondholders 30 +01100011110 WE 30 +01100011110 Moments 30 +01100011110 Participation 30 +01100011110 WORKERS 30 +01100011110 Names 31 +01100011110 Survival 31 +01100011110 Problem 31 +01100011110 Lulu 31 +01100011110 PEOPLE 31 +01100011110 Colors 31 +01100011110 Dealing 31 +01100011110 Vacations 31 +01100011110 Macbeth 31 +01100011110 Streets 31 +01100011110 Nurses 31 +01100011110 Religion 31 +01100011110 Walk 31 +01100011110 Strength 32 +01100011110 Mothers 32 +01100011110 Away 32 +01100011110 Corruption 32 +01100011110 Door 32 +01100011110 Birth 32 +01100011110 Elections 32 +01100011110 Glory 32 +01100011110 Dreams 32 +01100011110 Slap 32 +01100011110 ALF 32 +01100011110 Jaws 32 +01100011110 Universities 32 +01100011110 Purple 33 +01100011110 Adoption 33 +01100011110 Own 34 +01100011110 Teaching 34 +01100011110 Songs 34 +01100011110 Opportunities 34 +01100011110 Hair 34 +01100011110 Track 34 +01100011110 Returns 34 +01100011110 Initiatives 34 +01100011110 Magnum 34 +01100011110 Trustees 34 +01100011110 Bravo 35 +01100011110 Fight 35 +01100011110 Reporting 35 +01100011110 Policies 35 +01100011110 Chance 35 +01100011110 Moonlighting 35 +01100011110 Passion 35 +01100011110 Strikes 35 +01100011110 Confidence 35 +01100011110 Score 35 +01100011110 Charge 35 +01100011110 Plants 35 +01100011110 Nonsense 35 +01100011110 Knowledge 36 +01100011110 Railroads 36 +01100011110 Toxic 36 +01100011110 Break 36 +01100011110 Fly 36 +01100011110 Places 37 +01100011110 Ties 37 +01100011110 LAW 37 +01100011110 Alive 38 +01100011110 Journalists 38 +01100011110 Housekeeping 38 +01100011110 Articles 38 +01100011110 Spitz 38 +01100011110 Birds 38 +01100011110 Architecture 38 +01100011110 Debate 38 +01100011110 Portrait 38 +01100011110 Beautiful 39 +01100011110 Chess 39 +01100011110 Auction 39 +01100011110 Fellow 39 +01100011110 Doctor 39 +01100011110 Nutcracker 39 +01100011110 Sanctions 39 +01100011110 Liquidity 39 +01100011110 SALES 39 +01100011110 Dragon 39 +01100011110 Lives 39 +01100011110 MAY 39 +01100011110 Mystery 39 +01100011110 Perestroika 39 +01100011110 Planners 40 +01100011110 Question 40 +01100011110 Wealth 40 +01100011110 Dividend 40 +01100011110 Language 40 +01100011110 Concept 40 +01100011110 Cinderella 41 +01100011110 Consumption 41 +01100011110 Refugees 41 +01100011110 Professionals 41 +01100011110 Bulls 41 +01100011110 Authors 41 +01100011110 Factories 41 +01100011110 Ishtar 42 +01100011110 Editors 42 +01100011110 Months 42 +01100011110 Parties 42 +01100011110 Tops 42 +01100011110 Batman 43 +01100011110 Importers 43 +01100011110 Tiny 43 +01100011110 Stand 43 +01100011110 Supplies 43 +01100011110 Cats 43 +01100011110 Pop 43 +01100011110 Designers 43 +01100011110 Fast 43 +01100011110 Hamlet 44 +01100011110 Restructuring 44 +01100011110 Ideas 44 +01100011110 Violence 44 +01100011110 Intervention 44 +01100011110 Guys 44 +01100011110 Perfect 44 +01100011110 Circulation 44 +01100011110 Values 44 +01100011110 Trend 44 +01100011110 Cat 45 +01100011110 Murder 45 +01100011110 Journey 45 +01100011110 Areas 45 +01100011110 Jeopardy 45 +01100011110 Exporters 45 +01100011110 Giselle 45 +01100011110 Parking 46 +01100011110 Play 46 +01100011110 Visitors 46 +01100011110 Lands 46 +01100011110 Doc 47 +01100011110 Eyes 47 +01100011110 Speed 48 +01100011110 Shoppers 48 +01100011110 Translation 48 +01100011110 Soldiers 48 +01100011110 Communities 49 +01100011110 Enough 49 +01100011110 Surveys 49 +01100011110 Guess 49 +01100011110 Laws 49 +01100011110 Fraud 49 +01100011110 Weekend 50 +01100011110 Entrepreneurs 50 +01100011110 Facts 50 +01100011110 Payment 50 +01100011110 Fat 50 +01100011110 Biosystems 51 +01100011110 Rise 51 +01100011110 Strange 51 +01100011110 Rain 51 +01100011110 Projects 51 +01100011110 Generation 51 +01100011110 Candidates 51 +01100011110 Issue 51 +01100011110 Hoosiers 51 +01100011110 Applications 52 +01100011110 Body 52 +01100011110 Truth 53 +01100011110 Pool 53 +01100011110 UNION 53 +01100011110 Complex 54 +01100011110 Experience 54 +01100011110 Ring 54 +01100011110 Move 54 +01100011110 Pricing 54 +01100011110 Focus 54 +01100011110 Publication 55 +01100011110 Nightline 55 +01100011110 Dirty 55 +01100011110 Roseanne 56 +01100011110 Bills 56 +01100011110 Mind 56 +01100011110 Benefits 57 +01100011110 Victims 57 +01100011110 Concerto 57 +01100011110 Colleges 58 +01100011110 Passengers 58 +01100011110 Ground 58 +01100011110 Happy 59 +01100011110 Horse 59 +01100011110 Houses 59 +01100011110 Regulation 59 +01100011110 Quarter 60 +01100011110 Compensation 60 +01100011110 Sex 60 +01100011110 Meeting 61 +01100011110 Contractors 61 +01100011110 Commissioners 62 +01100011110 E.T. 62 +01100011110 BUSINESS 62 +01100011110 Train 63 +01100011110 Girls 63 +01100011110 Wrong 64 +01100011110 Nice 64 +01100011110 Moon 65 +01100011110 Agencies 65 +01100011110 Privatization 65 +01100011110 Decisions 66 +01100011110 Broadcasters 66 +01100011110 Officers 67 +01100011110 Stories 68 +01100011110 J 68 +01100011110 ... 69 +01100011110 Smoking 70 +01100011110 Drawing 71 +01100011110 Victory 73 +01100011110 Rental 73 +01100011110 Agents 73 +01100011110 Schools 73 +01100011110 Really 74 +01100011110 Married 74 +01100011110 Dream 74 +01100011110 Loans 75 +01100011110 Seasons 75 +01100011110 Events 75 +01100011110 Passage 75 +01100011110 N 77 +01100011110 Angels 77 +01100011110 Testing 77 +01100011110 YOU 80 +01100011110 Taxes 80 +01100011110 Willow 83 +01100011110 Performance 84 +01100011110 Note 85 +01100011110 Dead 85 +01100011110 Glasnost 86 +01100011110 Programs 86 +01100011110 Return 86 +01100011110 Legislation 86 +01100011110 Courts 88 +01100011110 Players 88 +01100011110 Beauty 89 +01100011110 Wave 89 +01100011110 Investing 90 +01100011110 Eye 90 +01100011110 Tour 91 +01100011110 Letters 92 +01100011110 Risk 92 +01100011110 Patients 92 +01100011110 Families 93 +01100011110 Anybody 94 +01100011110 Dear 95 +01100011110 Blacks 95 +01100011110 Stars 98 +01100011110 Girl 98 +01100011110 Dynasty 99 +01100011110 Win 99 +01100011110 Problems 102 +01100011110 Businesses 103 +01100011110 Notes 104 +01100011110 Parents 108 +01100011110 Opinion 109 +01100011110 Change 110 +01100011110 Edge 113 +01100011110 Jazz 114 +01100011110 Carriers 115 +01100011110 Physicians 116 +01100011110 Costs 116 +01100011110 Test 118 +01100011110 Death 120 +01100011110 Tonight 120 +01100011110 Living 121 +01100011110 Taxpayers 121 +01100011110 Room 122 +01100011110 Advertisers 123 +01100011110 Judges 124 +01100011110 Me 126 +01100011110 Success 126 +01100011110 Coming 127 +01100011110 Standing 128 +01100011110 Drugs 129 +01100011110 Platoon 131 +01100011110 Crime 131 +01100011110 Hours 132 +01100011110 Hospitals 133 +01100011110 Parts 133 +01100011110 Born 133 +01100011110 Rambo 138 +01100011110 Corporations 139 +01100011110 Watch 146 +01100011110 Manager 147 +01100011110 Accountants 151 +01100011110 Debt 152 +01100011110 Support 154 +01100011110 Firms 155 +01100011110 Politics 161 +01100011110 Engineers 161 +01100011110 Producers 166 +01100011110 Unions 168 +01100011110 Issues 184 +01100011110 Buyers 185 +01100011110 Go 185 +01100011110 Portfolio 186 +01100011110 Competition 186 +01100011110 Kids 192 +01100011110 Customers 197 +01100011110 Employers 202 +01100011110 Years 205 +01100011110 Students 206 +01100011110 Managers 211 +01100011110 History 216 +01100011110 Work 217 +01100011110 Funds 226 +01100011110 Typical 245 +01100011110 Computers 246 +01100011110 Consultants 248 +01100011110 Working 262 +01100011110 Us 294 +01100011110 Men 312 +01100011110 Look 321 +01100011110 R 334 +01100011110 Reports 418 +01100011110 Children 438 +01100011110 Employees 439 +01100011110 Real 586 +01100011110 Women 587 +01100011110 Right 632 +01100011110 Consumers 705 +01100011110 Interest 712 +01100011110 Companies 903 +01100011110 Money 932 +01100011110 Banks 1181 +01100011110 Workers 1398 +01100011110 Investors 3319 +01100011110 People 3621 +01100011111 Molinar 1 +01100011111 Requires 1 +01100011111 Baudoin 1 +01100011111 Pacepa 1 +01100011111 Two-Shoes 1 +01100011111 Aniello 1 +01100011111 Ruocheng 1 +01100011111 Aisin-Gioro 1 +01100011111 49/28 1 +01100011111 Guardiano 1 +01100011111 Coie 1 +01100011111 McLuhan 1 +01100011111 Hartke 1 +01100011111 Narcissist 1 +01100011111 Brisko 1 +01100011111 Delfino 1 +01100011111 Ranen 1 +01100011111 Zinchuk 1 +01100011111 McCoskey 1 +01100011111 Berrondo 1 +01100011111 Olmedo 1 +01100011111 Aries/600 1 +01100011111 Jum 1 +01100011111 Feo 1 +01100011111 defoliants 1 +01100011111 Coq 1 +01100011111 Fraiche 1 +01100011111 Gamlen 1 +01100011111 Schuyt 1 +01100011111 Northwest-based 1 +01100011111 Assortment 1 +01100011111 Bjoerk 1 +01100011111 Okeson 1 +01100011111 Meo 1 +01100011111 Osegueda 1 +01100011111 Haberdashers 1 +01100011111 Island-type 1 +01100011111 Metropolitans 1 +01100011111 Fajerson 1 +01100011111 Hingson 1 +01100011111 Ermy 1 +01100011111 Siporin 1 +01100011111 Schoof 1 +01100011111 Gardeur 1 +01100011111 Nesses 1 +01100011111 Brigdale 1 +01100011111 Olins 1 +01100011111 Bauw 1 +01100011111 Malespin 1 +01100011111 Brodfeld 1 +01100011111 Omni-Plymouth 1 +01100011111 Mesones 1 +01100011111 Cisnero 1 +01100011111 12:13-21 1 +01100011111 Tak-Ching 1 +01100011111 Maccanico 1 +01100011111 Cleireachain 1 +01100011111 Ellender 1 +01100011111 Colom 1 +01100011111 Rubinsohn 1 +01100011111 solid-rocket-motor 1 +01100011111 Shiffrer 1 +01100011111 Montresor 1 +01100011111 businessman-developer 1 +01100011111 Reinicke 1 +01100011111 Werkzeugmaschinen 1 +01100011111 Potentializer 1 +01100011111 Fulscher 1 +01100011111 Holzhausen 1 +01100011111 Mackta 1 +01100011111 harpies 1 +01100011111 Ordinances 1 +01100011111 Symphoniques 1 +01100011111 Betanco 1 +01100011111 Ybarra-Rojas 1 +01100011111 Shocker 1 +01100011111 Hye 1 +01100011111 Mayoka 1 +01100011111 Buick-Nissan 1 +01100011111 Malmaison 1 +01100011111 Soon-Hak 1 +01100011111 family-shoe 1 +01100011111 Entertaiment 1 +01100011111 Gaylinn 1 +01100011111 Yiu 1 +01100011111 Na-yuet 1 +01100011111 Muzhi 1 +01100011111 Enzensberger 1 +01100011111 Munchausen 1 +01100011111 Alspaugh 1 +01100011111 chit-chats 1 +01100011111 Brasloff 1 +01100011111 Rifai 1 +01100011111 Mengzhen 1 +01100011111 Gasparian 1 +01100011111 Hiorns 1 +01100011111 Group/CNI 1 +01100011111 Huneycutt 1 +01100011111 Olympus. 1 +01100011111 dan 1 +01100011111 Gwarzo 1 +01100011111 Esham 1 +01100011111 Funian 1 +01100011111 Avino 1 +01100011111 Locales 1 +01100011111 Bosquet 1 +01100011111 malt-based 1 +01100011111 ibn 1 +01100011111 goblets 1 +01100011111 Thrower 1 +01100011111 Coultre 1 +01100011111 Thuilleaux 1 +01100011111 Veillard 1 +01100011111 sculptor-in-residence 1 +01100011111 Pitzer 1 +01100011111 Faut 1 +01100011111 Giubba 1 +01100011111 Hapo 1 +01100011111 Wooton 1 +01100011111 Cristos 1 +01100011111 Hin 1 +01100011111 Macayo 1 +01100011111 Bartleth 1 +01100011111 Bingshan 1 +01100011111 Chunhe 1 +01100011111 champion. 1 +01100011111 Ruoshui 1 +01100011111 Xianyang 1 +01100011111 Maggiore 1 +01100011111 Yungong 1 +01100011111 Nakache 1 +01100011111 Holliger 1 +01100011111 Edey 1 +01100011111 Layun 1 +01100011111 Alnafisi 1 +01100011111 Lewenthal 1 +01100011111 Benedettis 1 +01100011111 Carloses 1 +01100011111 Barbatalli 1 +01100011111 Blois 1 +01100011111 Callam 1 +01100011111 Goudonov 1 +01100011111 Skalbania 1 +01100011111 Doo-Young 1 +01100011111 LaSabre 1 +01100011111 Mazzoli 1 +01100011111 Han-yol 1 +01100011111 Kottman 1 +01100011111 Ex-Officer 1 +01100011111 Rentas 1 +01100011111 lefts 1 +01100011111 Virsaladze 1 +01100011111 Whiplash 1 +01100011111 Kibler 1 +01100011111 Un-Suh 1 +01100011111 Lix 1 +01100011111 controlee 1 +01100011111 Chengguang 1 +01100011111 Jinshan 1 +01100011111 Jianfeng 1 +01100011111 Hailin 1 +01100011111 Villes 1 +01100011111 Werbellin 1 +01100011111 al-Maktoum 1 +01100011111 Warr 1 +01100011111 Univers 1 +01100011111 Jacquillat 1 +01100011111 Huiping 1 +01100011111 Zhihui 1 +01100011111 Pickerell 1 +01100011111 Inserts 1 +01100011111 Sang-Soo 1 +01100011111 Moshensky 1 +01100011111 Kathwari 1 +01100011111 barbecue-rib 1 +01100011111 14a-3 1 +01100011111 Xingqing 1 +01100011111 Hollenstein 1 +01100011111 moonlanding 1 +01100011111 Mingzhi 1 +01100011111 Zhenghua 1 +01100011111 Geeski 1 +01100011111 V.M.D. 1 +01100011111 Barrette 1 +01100011111 Hillsgrove 1 +01100011111 Schavrien 1 +01100011111 Salvan 1 +01100011111 Watermaster 1 +01100011111 Luzar 1 +01100011111 General-affiliated 1 +01100011111 Barbas 1 +01100011111 Futian 1 +01100011111 Dunsong 1 +01100011111 Hondt 1 +01100011111 MacRury 1 +01100011111 Diekoetter 1 +01100011111 Yelland 1 +01100011111 Reiman 1 +01100011111 Chung-Hoon 1 +01100011111 YongJa 1 +01100011111 Charrington 1 +01100011111 Kuang-chien 1 +01100011111 Yu-ching 1 +01100011111 Hills-style 1 +01100011111 Tourhotel 1 +01100011111 Grau 1 +01100011111 Toque 1 +01100011111 Carvajal 1 +01100011111 Tulasne 1 +01100011111 Gorre 1 +01100011111 Muehlmann 1 +01100011111 sheepdogs 1 +01100011111 Misaka 1 +01100011111 Sepio 1 +01100011111 Dornfeld 1 +01100011111 Grosche 1 +01100011111 16/29a 1 +01100011111 Hiriart-Balderrama 1 +01100011111 Delcambre 1 +01100011111 Waialeale 1 +01100011111 Bettleheim 1 +01100011111 dreamland 1 +01100011111 Pahilga 1 +01100011111 Sanchis 1 +01100011111 Kwae 1 +01100011111 Mansdorf 1 +01100011111 Kernel 1 +01100011111 Weitsen 1 +01100011111 Vorkin 1 +01100011111 Stonesifer 1 +01100011111 Jennett 1 +01100011111 Hoodbhoy 1 +01100011111 Gasces 1 +01100011111 Marmolejo 1 +01100011111 Santeiro 1 +01100011111 istry 1 +01100011111 Stats 1 +01100011111 Commmunication 1 +01100011111 Gainey 1 +01100011111 City-owned 1 +01100011111 cake-mix 1 +01100011111 Marroquin 1 +01100011111 Weese 1 +01100011111 Senfleben 1 +01100011111 Plesser 1 +01100011111 Bong-Hwan 1 +01100011111 Shortwave 1 +01100011111 Adabachian 1 +01100011111 offfice 1 +01100011111 Shwarma 1 +01100011111 Tableaux 1 +01100011111 Tomasini 1 +01100011111 Milde 1 +01100011111 Kirchhausen 1 +01100011111 Jabalera 1 +01100011111 boue 1 +01100011111 Abdul-Hadi 1 +01100011111 Samadikun 1 +01100011111 methode 1 +01100011111 Jingkun 1 +01100011111 Mpanda 1 +01100011111 Harnoncourt 1 +01100011111 Llona 1 +01100011111 Lianfu 1 +01100011111 Shangyu 1 +01100011111 Forssman 1 +01100011111 Wallensky 1 +01100011111 depute 1 +01100011111 Acquarone 1 +01100011111 Imel 1 +01100011111 Schisgal 1 +01100011111 Zenghai 1 +01100011111 In-jaw 1 +01100011111 Riveira 1 +01100011111 Pergolesi 1 +01100011111 Stomper 1 +01100011111 Bunshaft 1 +01100011111 Frederici 1 +01100011111 Salolainen 1 +01100011111 400s 1 +01100011111 Aviner 1 +01100011111 Rayford 1 +01100011111 Goerner 1 +01100011111 Zhaoguo 1 +01100011111 Pinqing 1 +01100011111 Dembsky 1 +01100011111 McAdory 1 +01100011111 Ferror 1 +01100011111 Saldanha 1 +01100011111 Botica 1 +01100011111 Buescher 1 +01100011111 Froelen 1 +01100011111 Jacmel 1 +01100011111 Germucio 1 +01100011111 Sieben 1 +01100011111 pertness 1 +01100011111 Reehling 1 +01100011111 Stegner 1 +01100011111 Sueur 1 +01100011111 Lagrave 1 +01100011111 guyed 1 +01100011111 Pignatelli 1 +01100011111 Memon 1 +01100011111 Woebegon 1 +01100011111 Tremaine 1 +01100011111 Youngkook 1 +01100011111 Musket 1 +01100011111 Javanalikikorn 1 +01100011111 Lemnitzer 1 +01100011111 &McMeel 1 +01100011111 Megalon 1 +01100011111 Hampers 1 +01100011111 bookbag 1 +01100011111 Tub 1 +01100011111 rockfish 1 +01100011111 AmeriSuite 1 +01100011111 Poidevin 1 +01100011111 Guiyi 1 +01100011111 Benhao 1 +01100011111 al-Masri 1 +01100011111 Piatti 1 +01100011111 Flassbeck 1 +01100011111 Heisenberg 1 +01100011111 amnestia 1 +01100011111 Merceron 1 +01100011111 Kotite 1 +01100011111 Hillhouse 1 +01100011111 Zednick 1 +01100011111 Brinckerhoff 1 +01100011111 Ninghsiang 1 +01100011111 Ratowsky 1 +01100011111 Petracchi 1 +01100011111 Sperlazza 1 +01100011111 nuclear-free-zone 1 +01100011111 Thanesvorakul 1 +01100011111 Droit 1 +01100011111 O.H.L. 1 +01100011111 Maull 1 +01100011111 Favorita 1 +01100011111 Trulzsch 1 +01100011111 Varia 1 +01100011111 Pokem 1 +01100011111 Cakobau 1 +01100011111 Huabiao 1 +01100011111 Cinematographiques 1 +01100011111 andirons 1 +01100011111 Washabaugh 1 +01100011111 chispa 1 +01100011111 Nardinelli 1 +01100011111 Jong-shong 1 +01100011111 ville 1 +01100011111 batallions 1 +01100011111 airborne-warning-and-control-system 1 +01100011111 Kontecki 1 +01100011111 Niessen 1 +01100011111 Woroniak 1 +01100011111 County-based 1 +01100011111 Schrumpf 1 +01100011111 Shaogang 1 +01100011111 Guangdi 1 +01100011111 Ruiyong 1 +01100011111 Belges 1 +01100011111 Houze 1 +01100011111 Dekker 1 +01100011111 Jie 1 +01100011111 Hamblin 1 +01100011111 Cruso 1 +01100011111 Ringle 1 +01100011111 Andrzejewski 1 +01100011111 Jiafan 1 +01100011111 Hiajun 1 +01100011111 Kaicheng 1 +01100011111 Lamkin 1 +01100011111 Colada 1 +01100011111 Erchia 1 +01100011111 Dixin 1 +01100011111 Baader 1 +01100011111 Tittel 1 +01100011111 Brunetti 1 +01100011111 Isbell 1 +01100011111 Nios 1 +01100011111 Filipopoulos 1 +01100011111 Velta 1 +01100011111 Abbes 1 +01100011111 Fleecer 1 +01100011111 T-1000s 1 +01100011111 Bay-based 1 +01100011111 Saijwar 1 +01100011111 Delang 1 +01100011111 Valley-based 1 +01100011111 Ken-Suk 1 +01100011111 Alliance. 1 +01100011111 Springs-area 1 +01100011111 Metabolism 1 +01100011111 Roston 1 +01100011111 Solidaridad 1 +01100011111 Schulfer 1 +01100011111 Tausz 1 +01100011111 Sanz 1 +01100011111 TRAVAUX 1 +01100011111 Tingcheng 1 +01100011111 Bitensky 1 +01100011111 Zarate 1 +01100011111 colorliner 1 +01100011111 Backenroth 1 +01100011111 Liposomes 1 +01100011111 Clinic/Deaconess 1 +01100011111 Kornik 1 +01100011111 Progress-Times 1 +01100011111 Gaters 1 +01100011111 Pavlovsky 1 +01100011111 Tseung 1 +01100011111 Comenius 1 +01100011111 Siwoff 1 +01100011111 Sonderling 1 +01100011111 Sannino 1 +01100011111 TV-retailer 1 +01100011111 Callaghans 1 +01100011111 Lebens-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft 1 +01100011111 well-patterned 1 +01100011111 Babakian 1 +01100011111 Klaw 1 +01100011111 Trashmore 1 +01100011111 Vieillard 1 +01100011111 Pincher 1 +01100011111 Kisor 1 +01100011111 Kezhong 1 +01100011111 Hengyuan 1 +01100011111 Guifeng 1 +01100011111 Skrowaczewski 1 +01100011111 Toffee 1 +01100011111 Ravino 1 +01100011111 Kociolak 1 +01100011111 offre 1 +01100011111 prefectures 1 +01100011111 Buick-Subaru 1 +01100011111 Gartenberg 1 +01100011111 Sanctis 1 +01100011111 Refai 1 +01100011111 Forquer 1 +01100011111 Merican 1 +01100011111 Speel 1 +01100011111 Pegaso 1 +01100011111 Reiswig 1 +01100011111 Perahia 1 +01100011111 Estorino 1 +01100011111 madrugada 1 +01100011111 Changfa 1 +01100011111 Quanzuo 1 +01100011111 Xiuhua 1 +01100011111 Prato 1 +01100011111 Gestermann 1 +01100011111 Parasiuk 1 +01100011111 Bachelder 1 +01100011111 Zhaoruo 1 +01100011111 Twer 1 +01100011111 Neathercoat 1 +01100011111 Mtwa 1 +01100011111 Sopkin 1 +01100011111 cerveza 1 +01100011111 Elbel 1 +01100011111 Falls-based 1 +01100011111 Terrier 1 +01100011111 Schonebeck 1 +01100011111 Ita-liano 1 +01100011111 Zunino 1 +01100011111 Zarling 1 +01100011111 Odham 1 +01100011111 Tahoe-area 1 +01100011111 Watterson 1 +01100011111 Choreographers 1 +01100011111 Mo-ping 1 +01100011111 Sejong 1 +01100011111 Chishti 1 +01100011111 XXV 1 +01100011111 Faggioli 1 +01100011111 Metallurgic 1 +01100011111 Watershed 1 +01100011111 Loftin 1 +01100011111 Pagnell 1 +01100011111 Skyhawk-Oldsmobile 1 +01100011111 executivies 1 +01100011111 Branard 1 +01100011111 Hoggart 1 +01100011111 Bortell 1 +01100011111 Lombarda 1 +01100011111 Tafoya 1 +01100011111 Parascenzo 1 +01100011111 Sowerwine 1 +01100011111 Concheiro 1 +01100011111 Sophonpanich 1 +01100011111 albicans 1 +01100011111 Boccanegra 1 +01100011111 Crame 1 +01100011111 Wadlington 1 +01100011111 Dioxide 1 +01100011111 Cuisines 1 +01100011111 Allessio 1 +01100011111 Artagnan 1 +01100011111 Chienshien 1 +01100011111 Church-connected 1 +01100011111 Leisler 1 +01100011111 Masotti 1 +01100011111 EAUX 1 +01100011111 Quickset 1 +01100011111 Travelair 1 +01100011111 Pichon 1 +01100011111 Topridge 1 +01100011111 Kora 1 +01100011111 Teichert 1 +01100011111 Frisby 1 +01100011111 Cumaraswamy 1 +01100011111 tirania 1 +01100011111 Oller 1 +01100011111 Savoye 1 +01100011111 Jenney 1 +01100011111 Antonelliana 1 +01100011111 Fith 1 +01100011111 Jarrousse 1 +01100011111 Rife 1 +01100011111 Jiaheng 1 +01100011111 Dipper 1 +01100011111 Albums 1 +01100011111 Vantrease 1 +01100011111 Songfeng 1 +01100011111 Etsu 1 +01100011111 Mavag 1 +01100011111 Ellstein 1 +01100011111 vieille 1 +01100011111 McKinon 1 +01100011111 Xin 1 +01100011111 Yidong 1 +01100011111 Bustillo 1 +01100011111 Kruh 1 +01100011111 Gowanus 1 +01100011111 Kinsmen 1 +01100011111 Metallurgie 1 +01100011111 Soiman 1 +01100011111 Faolain 1 +01100011111 Jiashan 1 +01100011111 Sereno 1 +01100011111 Byung-mun 1 +01100011111 Suayluk 1 +01100011111 Cantey 1 +01100011111 Mercantils 1 +01100011111 Interpreted 1 +01100011111 D1-W 1 +01100011111 Gentil 1 +01100011111 Hinman 1 +01100011111 Hermansen 1 +01100011111 Soenksen 1 +01100011111 Fadiman 1 +01100011111 Locle 1 +01100011111 Maconochie 1 +01100011111 Creason 1 +01100011111 Houzi 1 +01100011111 Treadmills 1 +01100011111 Yosnow 1 +01100011111 Bartoletti 1 +01100011111 Unsuh 1 +01100011111 Hong-Kyu 1 +01100011111 LaForce 1 +01100011111 Cinematographique 1 +01100011111 Corriedoa 1 +01100011111 Valance 1 +01100011111 Ctiy 1 +01100011111 Graf/Roper 1 +01100011111 boeuf 1 +01100011111 Defibrator 1 +01100011111 Cong-Chol 1 +01100011111 Arrechea 1 +01100011111 Telegraaf 1 +01100011111 Schulhan 1 +01100011111 Keffee 1 +01100011111 Bakalar 1 +01100011111 Chun-on 1 +01100011111 Bonczek 1 +01100011111 Aboussie 1 +01100011111 Banfi 1 +01100011111 Pergola 1 +01100011111 Pake 1 +01100011111 Bluesberry 1 +01100011111 Picher 1 +01100011111 Whorehouse 1 +01100011111 Leoni 1 +01100011111 Jandl 1 +01100011111 Bobcats 1 +01100011111 Soother 1 +01100011111 Lorientais 1 +01100011111 Tabou 1 +01100011111 Mephisto 1 +01100011111 Parrr-tee 1 +01100011111 Thapa 1 +01100011111 Huegel 1 +01100011111 Bruce-Novoa 1 +01100011111 2000/Sunbird 1 +01100011111 Decaluwe 1 +01100011111 Quainn 1 +01100011111 Dunxun 1 +01100011111 Maskenozha 1 +01100011111 Erdem 1 +01100011111 Gayoso 1 +01100011111 Coffees 1 +01100011111 Cappetta 1 +01100011111 Coghill 1 +01100011111 Philharmoniker 1 +01100011111 Weilin 1 +01100011111 Kejian 1 +01100011111 Illustrations 1 +01100011111 Kumgang 1 +01100011111 Prudente 1 +01100011111 Opico 1 +01100011111 Lawsmiths 1 +01100011111 Softworks 1 +01100011111 Kath 1 +01100011111 star-gazer 1 +01100011111 Steifel 1 +01100011111 Dermatologics 1 +01100011111 Seeker 1 +01100011111 15/17 1 +01100011111 Frayser 1 +01100011111 Vivienda 1 +01100011111 Shaaban 1 +01100011111 Crees 1 +01100011111 Institute. 1 +01100011111 Fty 1 +01100011111 Broadasting 1 +01100011111 testfied 1 +01100011111 Fjelstad 1 +01100011111 Stoutt 1 +01100011111 Stalone 1 +01100011111 Yangles 1 +01100011111 Boccitto 1 +01100011111 Radecic 1 +01100011111 Townsen 1 +01100011111 Spicewood 1 +01100011111 Shaevitz 1 +01100011111 Dudevant 1 +01100011111 Ferrero 1 +01100011111 Pen-jen 1 +01100011111 Marenco 1 +01100011111 Kort 1 +01100011111 Kenley 1 +01100011111 Yuanzhou 1 +01100011111 Gekkos 1 +01100011111 McCanless 1 +01100011111 Solmon 1 +01100011111 surgest 1 +01100011111 Bisceglie 1 +01100011111 Zawia 1 +01100011111 Manesse 1 +01100011111 Yansheng 1 +01100011111 Drigo 1 +01100011111 Arnon 1 +01100011111 Loux 1 +01100011111 Gatherer 1 +01100011111 Munnich 1 +01100011111 Ballenger 1 +01100011111 Strasberg 1 +01100011111 Xiaoman 1 +01100011111 Besins 1 +01100011111 Mohtashami 1 +01100011111 Radziwill 1 +01100011111 Edibel 1 +01100011111 Salom 1 +01100011111 Ferriter 1 +01100011111 Times-Observer 1 +01100011111 48/17B 1 +01100011111 Cincotta 1 +01100011111 Sc.D. 1 +01100011111 Cybulski 1 +01100011111 Brauman 1 +01100011111 Chayet 1 +01100011111 Gongrong 1 +01100011111 Herald-Post 1 +01100011111 al-Faysal 1 +01100011111 Ke 1 +01100011111 Gonclaves 1 +01100011111 Dornelles 1 +01100011111 Benedetti-style 1 +01100011111 Aspenstrom 1 +01100011111 Giacconi 1 +01100011111 Qingyi 1 +01100011111 Stoop 1 +01100011111 Rodes 1 +01100011111 Chavalitcheevin 1 +01100011111 Ahsan 1 +01100011111 Drills 1 +01100011111 Gigante 1 +01100011111 Til 1 +01100011111 Ethic 1 +01100011111 Palacios 1 +01100011111 Kadetts 1 +01100011111 Yearsley 1 +01100011111 Gerbig 1 +01100011111 Stickell 1 +01100011111 Sergeyevich 1 +01100011111 Coimbra 1 +01100011111 Kaltschmitt 1 +01100011111 Widener 1 +01100011111 Ding-yuan 1 +01100011111 Infirmary-Beekman 1 +01100011111 Abello 1 +01100011111 incunabula 1 +01100011111 Cascos 1 +01100011111 Mester 1 +01100011111 DeLauro 1 +01100011111 EQUITAINE 1 +01100011111 Systsov 1 +01100011111 Montesano 1 +01100011111 Republique 1 +01100011111 Folkedal 1 +01100011111 politique 1 +01100011111 Bough 1 +01100011111 Mei-ling 1 +01100011111 Verdy 1 +01100011111 Joscelyn 1 +01100011111 Ya-lit 1 +01100011111 Pulcinella 1 +01100011111 Yao-tung 1 +01100011111 Shaoqi 1 +01100011111 Findling 1 +01100011111 Devleopment 1 +01100011111 Fluffo 1 +01100011111 wiener. 1 +01100011111 re-opens 1 +01100011111 Rempsberger 1 +01100011111 Illanes 1 +01100011111 crispy-chewy 1 +01100011111 Tubers 1 +01100011111 Leaflet 1 +01100011111 Kadett 1 +01100011111 G-U-M 1 +01100011111 Ribar 1 +01100011111 Palmeiro 1 +01100011111 Toevs 1 +01100011111 Massagli 1 +01100011111 paper-rich 1 +01100011111 Calvo 1 +01100011111 Galusha 1 +01100011111 Ahmadzadeh 1 +01100011111 Corsaire 1 +01100011111 Zhengzhi 1 +01100011111 Yonggang 1 +01100011111 Eleuteri 1 +01100011111 Auchinclosses 1 +01100011111 Hills. 1 +01100011111 Sviridoff 1 +01100011111 McKissick 1 +01100011111 Miskowski 1 +01100011111 sextets 1 +01100011111 chaudes 1 +01100011111 Mitchman 1 +01100011111 aubuisson 1 +01100011111 Sota 1 +01100011111 Apertura 1 +01100011111 Liebaut 1 +01100011111 Gulden 1 +01100011111 el-Turabi 1 +01100011111 Heins 1 +01100011111 Emberg 1 +01100011111 Zhiwei 1 +01100011111 Rabinovic 1 +01100011111 Glove 1 +01100011111 Lastra 1 +01100011111 Janon 1 +01100011111 Pittner 1 +01100011111 huskily 1 +01100011111 Byrom 1 +01100011111 Petzel 1 +01100011111 Speight 1 +01100011111 Automall 1 +01100011111 Tze 1 +01100011111 Tyrmand 1 +01100011111 Bonnyman 1 +01100011111 Ready-to-Serve 1 +01100011111 Xinqin 1 +01100011111 Gorek 1 +01100011111 Bryantown 1 +01100011111 Fouchardiere 1 +01100011111 Solem 1 +01100011111 plc 1 +01100011111 Simson 1 +01100011111 Akhenaten 1 +01100011111 Khama 1 +01100011111 Cannibals 1 +01100011111 Sable-cars 1 +01100011111 Beame 1 +01100011111 Libre 1 +01100011111 Doul 1 +01100011111 Silin 1 +01100011111 Yaoxian 1 +01100011111 Allemandi 1 +01100011111 Whisk 1 +01100011111 Fechtig 1 +01100011111 Actuel 1 +01100011111 Sotaras 1 +01100011111 Agilipour 1 +01100011111 Tardy 1 +01100011111 Bluffers 1 +01100011111 Keteyian 1 +01100011111 Critzer 1 +01100011111 Hewn 1 +01100011111 Veranda 1 +01100011111 Haleakala 1 +01100011111 Bendettti 1 +01100011111 Oel 1 +01100011111 Homosassa 1 +01100011111 Trellis 1 +01100011111 T1000 1 +01100011111 Supplee 1 +01100011111 Newtons 1 +01100011111 Baykal 1 +01100011111 Winnipesaukee 1 +01100011111 Jingsong 1 +01100011111 Broch 1 +01100011111 Fenger 1 +01100011111 Shichun 1 +01100011111 Pagliai 1 +01100011111 Farrill 1 +01100011111 Tsai-chiao 1 +01100011111 Chambon-sur-Lignon 1 +01100011111 Bonna 1 +01100011111 Yunian 1 +01100011111 Kullers 1 +01100011111 Guoxuan 1 +01100011111 deadline-writing 1 +01100011111 Capital-Times 1 +01100011111 Stucki 1 +01100011111 Concerti 1 +01100011111 Konopacki 1 +01100011111 Laughead 1 +01100011111 Diable 1 +01100011111 Cusine 1 +01100011111 Plavoukas 1 +01100011111 Milgate 1 +01100011111 House/Morrow 1 +01100011111 Kallick 1 +01100011111 Pavillon 1 +01100011111 Ming-chao 1 +01100011111 Janvry 1 +01100011111 Ruml 1 +01100011111 Stepak 1 +01100011111 Namen 1 +01100011111 Weddig 1 +01100011111 Arbery 1 +01100011111 Jearreald 1 +01100011111 pochita 1 +01100011111 patria 1 +01100011111 Kaeckenhoff 1 +01100011111 Xinxin 1 +01100011111 Charpulski 1 +01100011111 brassiness 1 +01100011111 al-Faisal 1 +01100011111 DKNY 1 +01100011111 Corrao 1 +01100011111 Torruella 1 +01100011111 Armement 1 +01100011111 Willingham 1 +01100011111 Cockerell 1 +01100011111 Hanaya 1 +01100011111 Craddick 1 +01100011111 Geylin 1 +01100011111 Hilsberg 1 +01100011111 Galin 1 +01100011111 -47.74 1 +01100011111 Taek 1 +01100011111 Fitzwilliams 1 +01100011111 Corwith 1 +01100011111 Garcia-Delgado 1 +01100011111 Rowbury 1 +01100011111 Ringl 1 +01100011111 Tancred 1 +01100011111 Chayovan 1 +01100011111 Bek 1 +01100011111 Slumbered 1 +01100011111 Tanpinco 1 +01100011111 Buscetta 1 +01100011111 reliables 1 +01100011111 Cosmica 1 +01100011111 mismeasured 1 +01100011111 Tarkeshian 1 +01100011111 Salustri 1 +01100011111 Wishnack 1 +01100011111 Song-sam 1 +01100011111 Shau-kong 1 +01100011111 7-Up/ 1 +01100011111 Epoque 1 +01100011111 Siming 1 +01100011111 Voskanyan 1 +01100011111 City-Columbia 1 +01100011111 ccessfully 1 +01100011111 Guofang 1 +01100011111 Terrazas 1 +01100011111 Bechtolsheim 1 +01100011111 Jung-ja 1 +01100011111 Sun-dae 1 +01100011111 MountainBikes 1 +01100011111 Cracraft 1 +01100011111 Yee-Ah 1 +01100011111 Lebovits 1 +01100011111 Propagating 1 +01100011111 Horniman 1 +01100011111 Damato 1 +01100011111 Pitz 1 +01100011111 Canals 1 +01100011111 Dogoloff 1 +01100011111 Mruquli 1 +01100011111 nuora 1 +01100011111 Steinmann 1 +01100011111 Gellman 1 +01100011111 Igartua 1 +01100011111 Acchioli 1 +01100011111 Doughtery 1 +01100011111 Zucco 1 +01100011111 McWhite 1 +01100011111 al-Zuwawi 1 +01100011111 Tigner 1 +01100011111 Jitney 1 +01100011111 Jong-ku 1 +01100011111 Angemi 1 +01100011111 Shevel 1 +01100011111 Lofton 1 +01100011111 Nucleaires 1 +01100011111 Druyvesteyn 1 +01100011111 Leisten 1 +01100011111 Poschenrieder 1 +01100011111 Percell 1 +01100011111 Liriano 1 +01100011111 Zaichenko 1 +01100011111 two-reelers 1 +01100011111 Drever 1 +01100011111 Near-Term 1 +01100011111 Seca 1 +01100011111 wannabees 1 +01100011111 Lashaway 1 +01100011111 Div 1 +01100011111 Soggiu 1 +01100011111 Evarsito 1 +01100011111 Escalada 1 +01100011111 Pinion 1 +01100011111 Franzoni 1 +01100011111 Trittico 1 +01100011111 Lube-owned 1 +01100011111 Lubes 1 +01100011111 Carrio 1 +01100011111 Plateadas 1 +01100011111 Hern 1 +01100011111 el-Husseini 1 +01100011111 Hombrecher 1 +01100011111 Apostolides 1 +01100011111 Weisenborn 1 +01100011111 11a 1 +01100011111 Tapies 1 +01100011111 Lollar 1 +01100011111 Magots 1 +01100011111 Penabaz 1 +01100011111 Tyner 1 +01100011111 Polisena 1 +01100011111 perseveres 1 +01100011111 Casalino 1 +01100011111 JenMar 1 +01100011111 reconditions 1 +01100011111 Disotell 1 +01100011111 Champignon 1 +01100011111 Kariba 1 +01100011111 Dahloff 1 +01100011111 Llauget 1 +01100011111 Airtel 1 +01100011111 Tamales 1 +01100011111 Mayorga 1 +01100011111 horribilis 1 +01100011111 commercial-fishing 1 +01100011111 Bhumibol 1 +01100011111 City-bound 1 +01100011111 Ndamera 1 +01100011111 Judd-Boston 1 +01100011111 66/U.S. 1 +01100011111 Hopatcong 1 +01100011111 Dweller 1 +01100011111 Brazelton 1 +01100011111 Sunblock 1 +01100011111 Kiggins 1 +01100011111 Duel 1 +01100011111 Enzhao 1 +01100011111 Stemer 1 +01100011111 Hemmelman 1 +01100011111 Guanfu 1 +01100011111 Kuohwa 1 +01100011111 Brownridge 1 +01100011111 initiative. 1 +01100011111 Onston 1 +01100011111 Inderbinen 1 +01100011111 Yili 1 +01100011111 Haben 1 +01100011111 Rutberg 1 +01100011111 Trigano 1 +01100011111 Bencheickh-El-Hossine 1 +01100011111 Fensterstock 1 +01100011111 Zhenliang 1 +01100011111 Incomic 1 +01100011111 Agius 1 +01100011111 Semenchuck 1 +01100011111 Bikkenin 1 +01100011111 Kuo-hua 1 +01100011111 Zuosheng 1 +01100011111 Girders 1 +01100011111 Stiemerling 1 +01100011111 Yien-si 1 +01100011111 Tourster 1 +01100011111 Chongkyu 1 +01100011111 ACQUITAINE 1 +01100011111 Tetterton 1 +01100011111 Giants-Houston 1 +01100011111 Fehrenbach 1 +01100011111 Krasselt 1 +01100011111 Teng-Hui 1 +01100011111 Spoerli 1 +01100011111 Oliefabrik 1 +01100011111 Luckhurst 1 +01100011111 Jeong-Gi 1 +01100011111 Chong-Kyu 1 +01100011111 Sung-Min 1 +01100011111 Harasawa 1 +01100011111 U.S.A./Chicago 1 +01100011111 Helicopter-Textron 1 +01100011111 Koncert 1 +01100011111 Hongru 1 +01100011111 Vanderburgh 1 +01100011111 Facto 1 +01100011111 Trefle 1 +01100011111 Xianzeng 1 +01100011111 legge 1 +01100011111 inganno 1 +01100011111 Bungalow 1 +01100011111 Femina-Udell 1 +01100011111 sendups 1 +01100011111 Qingye 1 +01100011111 bombinette 1 +01100011111 Villamil 1 +01100011111 26-12 1 +01100011111 Kuo-ming 1 +01100011111 Kai-yin 1 +01100011111 Simmling 1 +01100011111 State-based 1 +01100011111 Timpanogos 1 +01100011111 ever-after 1 +01100011111 Telegraf 1 +01100011111 Och 1 +01100011111 Ceia 1 +01100011111 Banion 1 +01100011111 ComfortCare 1 +01100011111 Sockers 1 +01100011111 Liebfred 1 +01100011111 Chica 1 +01100011111 Hills-Hollywood 1 +01100011111 Syne 2 +01100011111 Petain 2 +01100011111 Planetarium 2 +01100011111 Stever 2 +01100011111 Fick 2 +01100011111 Maazel 2 +01100011111 Tuobin 2 +01100011111 Aguinaldo 2 +01100011111 Saltiel 2 +01100011111 K-3 2 +01100011111 Borsa 2 +01100011111 Fassbinder 2 +01100011111 Guen 2 +01100011111 Avenue-style 2 +01100011111 REDOUTE 2 +01100011111 Leitz 2 +01100011111 Fuchsberg 2 +01100011111 Kye 2 +01100011111 Ogorodnikov 2 +01100011111 Markwardt 2 +01100011111 Moron 2 +01100011111 Heredia 2 +01100011111 T-man 2 +01100011111 Utils 2 +01100011111 Riveria 2 +01100011111 Meggs 2 +01100011111 Lollypop 2 +01100011111 Akida 2 +01100011111 21/20A 2 +01100011111 Vertine 2 +01100011111 Ellett 2 +01100011111 Billheimer 2 +01100011111 Hory 2 +01100011111 Ravioli 2 +01100011111 Scenza 2 +01100011111 Fumagalli 2 +01100011111 Rohmer 2 +01100011111 Tytler 2 +01100011111 Piga 2 +01100011111 Matthies 2 +01100011111 Pfaffenberger 2 +01100011111 Salii 2 +01100011111 Wizards 2 +01100011111 Lamarr 2 +01100011111 Dumaine 2 +01100011111 Poppenberg 2 +01100011111 yi 2 +01100011111 Culbert 2 +01100011111 Tabarro 2 +01100011111 Tussle 2 +01100011111 Barreto 2 +01100011111 Chrysostomos 2 +01100011111 cereal-processing 2 +01100011111 inna 2 +01100011111 Gaska 2 +01100011111 Wareing 2 +01100011111 Sovremennik 2 +01100011111 Creditbanken 2 +01100011111 Junctions 2 +01100011111 Skillet 2 +01100011111 Townsquare 2 +01100011111 Maxivans 2 +01100011111 Pits 2 +01100011111 Simai 2 +01100011111 Shijie 2 +01100011111 Gon 2 +01100011111 Hillbillies 2 +01100011111 Aurelius 2 +01100011111 Soups 2 +01100011111 Ludington 2 +01100011111 Harkey 2 +01100011111 Bersten 2 +01100011111 Navon 2 +01100011111 Teves 2 +01100011111 Giffin 2 +01100011111 Rossoff 2 +01100011111 Banding 2 +01100011111 Jadot 2 +01100011111 McManaway 2 +01100011111 Argenio 2 +01100011111 Leman 2 +01100011111 midfield 2 +01100011111 Intersong 2 +01100011111 Koldunov 2 +01100011111 1421 2 +01100011111 Stokowski 2 +01100011111 Trappers 2 +01100011111 Chapala 2 +01100011111 Geingob 2 +01100011111 LifeSavers 2 +01100011111 Klemperer 2 +01100011111 Brinsky 2 +01100011111 Khalidi 2 +01100011111 Zela 2 +01100011111 Parisien 2 +01100011111 Govil 2 +01100011111 Ciannella 2 +01100011111 Blon 2 +01100011111 Acucar 2 +01100011111 Pharmacuetica 2 +01100011111 Wasendorf 2 +01100011111 Fillmore 2 +01100011111 Tinello 2 +01100011111 Husain 2 +01100011111 Garcin 2 +01100011111 Welby 2 +01100011111 Shweiheh 2 +01100011111 Urshel 2 +01100011111 Waltzes 2 +01100011111 Monnaie 2 +01100011111 Loizeaux 2 +01100011111 Commerciales 2 +01100011111 Bendetti 2 +01100011111 MacManaway 2 +01100011111 Fante 2 +01100011111 Gruben 2 +01100011111 Arion 2 +01100011111 Bodenheim 2 +01100011111 Geeslin 2 +01100011111 Balaro 2 +01100011111 Bening 2 +01100011111 Tsouderos 2 +01100011111 Avaucourt 2 +01100011111 Finamex 2 +01100011111 Futter 2 +01100011111 Volkskrant 2 +01100011111 Borth 2 +01100011111 Gold/Resources 2 +01100011111 Bugatch 2 +01100011111 Sink 2 +01100011111 Luise 2 +01100011111 Pittard 2 +01100011111 Jerkunica 2 +01100011111 Waterfall 2 +01100011111 Queux 2 +01100011111 Sampler 2 +01100011111 Apasco 2 +01100011111 Homeshield 2 +01100011111 Athos 2 +01100011111 Mazzilli 2 +01100011111 XVIII 2 +01100011111 Mans 2 +01100011111 Screven 2 +01100011111 Jara 2 +01100011111 Padwo 2 +01100011111 Isquith 2 +01100011111 Giornale 2 +01100011111 Werdyger 2 +01100011111 Manh 2 +01100011111 Cossotto 2 +01100011111 Kaden 2 +01100011111 Plavoukos 2 +01100011111 Poblete 2 +01100011111 Horeb 2 +01100011111 Ratteray 2 +01100011111 Lianping 2 +01100011111 Regier 2 +01100011111 MacNeill 2 +01100011111 Maracaibo 2 +01100011111 Bruggeling 2 +01100011111 Jofre 2 +01100011111 Immenga 2 +01100011111 NAPLES 2 +01100011111 Mellio 2 +01100011111 Ribalta 2 +01100011111 Charlupski 2 +01100011111 Borgne 2 +01100011111 Staat 2 +01100011111 Goward 2 +01100011111 Zensius 2 +01100011111 Vedra 2 +01100011111 Gillenwater 2 +01100011111 Qichen 2 +01100011111 Aloia 2 +01100011111 Tsou 2 +01100011111 Marlieb 2 +01100011111 Rydge 2 +01100011111 Nazur 2 +01100011111 Kalleen 2 +01100011111 Milquetoast 2 +01100011111 McLane 2 +01100011111 Pottery 2 +01100011111 Stangle 2 +01100011111 Durieux 2 +01100011111 Times/Washington 2 +01100011111 Limpet 2 +01100011111 Garnica 2 +01100011111 Kriwet 2 +01100011111 Manifatturiera 2 +01100011111 Rd. 2 +01100011111 Neece 2 +01100011111 Tres 2 +01100011111 Koutoulakos 2 +01100011111 Canute 2 +01100011111 Strachey 2 +01100011111 Neills 2 +01100011111 Arvisenet 2 +01100011111 Febvre 2 +01100011111 Chuangzhi 2 +01100011111 Bani 2 +01100011111 Croonen 2 +01100011111 Bertea 2 +01100011111 Kardon 2 +01100011111 Borchert 2 +01100011111 Iungerich 2 +01100011111 Sotirelis 2 +01100011111 Nicolesco 2 +01100011111 Kasper-Ansermet 2 +01100011111 Walthall 2 +01100011111 Prynne 2 +01100011111 Zhai 2 +01100011111 Construzion 2 +01100011111 Norins 2 +01100011111 Roulin 2 +01100011111 Michelis 2 +01100011111 Wadman 2 +01100011111 Pachecho 2 +01100011111 Morganroth 2 +01100011111 Cordray 2 +01100011111 Quisenberry 2 +01100011111 Roquette 2 +01100011111 Mohs 2 +01100011111 Chomsky 2 +01100011111 Tarkington 2 +01100011111 Villez 2 +01100011111 Dandonneau 2 +01100011111 Kaemmer 2 +01100011111 Silverthorne 2 +01100011111 Bumbry 2 +01100011111 Musawi 2 +01100011111 Reattas 2 +01100011111 Pair 2 +01100011111 Wagman 2 +01100011111 Est 2 +01100011111 Matkari 2 +01100011111 Shilin 2 +01100011111 Jardin 2 +01100011111 Kupferman 2 +01100011111 Jandel 2 +01100011111 Balian 2 +01100011111 Cartons 2 +01100011111 Negretti 2 +01100011111 Konover 2 +01100011111 Jueren 2 +01100011111 Arlt 2 +01100011111 Mortel 2 +01100011111 ALENE 2 +01100011111 Dehesa 2 +01100011111 Duffryn 2 +01100011111 Kultury 2 +01100011111 Danz 2 +01100011111 Chalandon 2 +01100011111 Lazenby 2 +01100011111 Maly 2 +01100011111 Monarchs 2 +01100011111 Brandao 2 +01100011111 Ambrosia 2 +01100011111 City-Philadelphia 2 +01100011111 Lusby 2 +01100011111 Dams 2 +01100011111 Fluetsch 2 +01100011111 Carigali 2 +01100011111 Vergara 2 +01100011111 Sofie 2 +01100011111 Weasels 2 +01100011111 russe 2 +01100011111 Lymburner 2 +01100011111 Titicaca 2 +01100011111 Haussler 2 +01100011111 Tricon 2 +01100011111 Aquifer 2 +01100011111 LeMers 2 +01100011111 Heung 2 +01100011111 Lips 2 +01100011111 Bonanome 2 +01100011111 Giovanelli 2 +01100011111 Shelepin 2 +01100011111 Pavao 2 +01100011111 Erhart 2 +01100011111 Fadely 2 +01100011111 STEs 2 +01100011111 Challet 2 +01100011111 Luigs 2 +01100011111 Kadrich 2 +01100011111 Mei 2 +01100011111 Haeng 2 +01100011111 Constabulary 2 +01100011111 Rechnitz 2 +01100011111 Freeways 2 +01100011111 Amiante 2 +01100011111 Fluggesellschaft 2 +01100011111 Handwerker 2 +01100011111 Doria 2 +01100011111 Borrie 2 +01100011111 Diuguid 2 +01100011111 al-Nowais 2 +01100011111 Ardabili 2 +01100011111 Flore 2 +01100011111 Lilo 2 +01100011111 Karaklajic 2 +01100011111 Holme 2 +01100011111 Oldies 2 +01100011111 Runyan 2 +01100011111 Shivers 3 +01100011111 Praver 3 +01100011111 Nath 3 +01100011111 Wiesenthal 3 +01100011111 Ricupero 3 +01100011111 Corelli 3 +01100011111 Hitam 3 +01100011111 Tohmatsu 3 +01100011111 Vollenweider 3 +01100011111 Feininger 3 +01100011111 Innocenzo 3 +01100011111 Cerf 3 +01100011111 Byfield 3 +01100011111 Ning-hsiang 3 +01100011111 Cacheris 3 +01100011111 Grandes 3 +01100011111 Batty 3 +01100011111 14e-3 3 +01100011111 Hergenhan 3 +01100011111 Medberry 3 +01100011111 Gagliardini 3 +01100011111 McCaskey 3 +01100011111 Bingqian 3 +01100011111 Xi 3 +01100011111 McKelvie 3 +01100011111 Fourche 3 +01100011111 Jiaqi 3 +01100011111 Haberler 3 +01100011111 Rongji 3 +01100011111 Tokoi 3 +01100011111 Fuente 3 +01100011111 Luxe 3 +01100011111 Appetit 3 +01100011111 Androsch 3 +01100011111 Yon 3 +01100011111 Presidente 3 +01100011111 Mitsotakis 3 +01100011111 Knickerbockers 3 +01100011111 Hasenfeld 3 +01100011111 Maglite 3 +01100011111 Alvira 3 +01100011111 Sofro 3 +01100011111 Steger 3 +01100011111 Soopers 3 +01100011111 odham 3 +01100011111 Macwhinnie 3 +01100011111 Patriarchate 3 +01100011111 Jiatun 3 +01100011111 Hayr 3 +01100011111 Pree 3 +01100011111 Kojima 3 +01100011111 Tsetung 3 +01100011111 Fabius 3 +01100011111 Eychaner 3 +01100011111 Bouton 3 +01100011111 Bettelheim 3 +01100011111 Waehler 3 +01100011111 Cleireacain 3 +01100011111 Lecture 3 +01100011111 Hay-Roe 3 +01100011111 Loboda 3 +01100011111 Wailea 3 +01100011111 Yu-ming 3 +01100011111 Waikoloa 3 +01100011111 Ajr 3 +01100011111 Albano 3 +01100011111 Morote 3 +01100011111 Paulucci 3 +01100011111 Musashi 3 +01100011111 Shiraa 3 +01100011111 Sackville-West 3 +01100011111 City. 3 +01100011111 Olivas 3 +01100011111 10b-5 3 +01100011111 Van-Heusen 3 +01100011111 Gyu 3 +01100011111 Summerstage 3 +01100011111 Shurgin 3 +01100011111 Eichenholtz 3 +01100011111 Vanderwarker 3 +01100011111 Shew 3 +01100011111 Keng 3 +01100011111 Anap 3 +01100011111 Farouk 3 +01100011111 Howeidi 3 +01100011111 Schleifer 3 +01100011111 Statesmen 3 +01100011111 Legree 3 +01100011111 Joo 3 +01100011111 Tranche 3 +01100011111 Alelio 3 +01100011111 Solmssen 3 +01100011111 Claver 3 +01100011111 Tolls 3 +01100011111 Barons 3 +01100011111 Pettingill 3 +01100011111 Sagne 3 +01100011111 Proyect 3 +01100011111 Flug 3 +01100011111 Crackers 3 +01100011111 Chao-ming 3 +01100011111 Meara 3 +01100011111 Calle 3 +01100011111 Servant 3 +01100011111 Ammidon 3 +01100011111 Agefi 3 +01100011111 Saenz 3 +01100011111 Jarpa 3 +01100011111 Alvite 3 +01100011111 Sipe 3 +01100011111 Bainum 3 +01100011111 Archery 3 +01100011111 Meridien 3 +01100011111 Testarossa 3 +01100011111 Distillery 3 +01100011111 Koolers 3 +01100011111 Bewkes 3 +01100011111 Ruffner 3 +01100011111 Godoy 3 +01100011111 Shao-kang 3 +01100011111 Hocke 3 +01100011111 Longridge 3 +01100011111 BRIEN 3 +01100011111 Narayana 3 +01100011111 Strasse 3 +01100011111 Baikal 3 +01100011111 Fixture 3 +01100011111 Sennett 3 +01100011111 Xiaobo 3 +01100011111 Kohrman 3 +01100011111 Carsberg 3 +01100011111 Baunton 3 +01100011111 Remsperger 3 +01100011111 Beirne 3 +01100011111 Katoff 3 +01100011111 Vandenburgh 3 +01100011111 Bowyer 3 +01100011111 Earp 3 +01100011111 Camoes 3 +01100011111 Wolves 3 +01100011111 Goldbeck 3 +01100011111 Altantic 3 +01100011111 Martiniere 3 +01100011111 Poynter 3 +01100011111 Klappa 3 +01100011111 Cantus 3 +01100011111 Ichi 3 +01100011111 Gakuin 3 +01100011111 Grizzard 3 +01100011111 Clic 3 +01100011111 Olinghouse 3 +01100011111 Taferner 3 +01100011111 Borgo 3 +01100011111 Moultrie 3 +01100011111 Warmbrand 3 +01100011111 Renthal 3 +01100011111 Higdon 4 +01100011111 Guelar 4 +01100011111 Diaries 4 +01100011111 Noce 4 +01100011111 Tenghui 4 +01100011111 Berko 4 +01100011111 Tut 4 +01100011111 Velho 4 +01100011111 Crusoe 4 +01100011111 Metaltech 4 +01100011111 Sides 4 +01100011111 Hae 4 +01100011111 Bandshell 4 +01100011111 Springs-based 4 +01100011111 Cecco 4 +01100011111 Glanzer 4 +01100011111 Strommen 4 +01100011111 Bulgares 4 +01100011111 Stampede 4 +01100011111 Tattoo 4 +01100011111 Kupersmith 4 +01100011111 Vlasov 4 +01100011111 Electras 4 +01100011111 Westray 4 +01100011111 Hrbek 4 +01100011111 Arendt 4 +01100011111 Pym 4 +01100011111 Eichmann 4 +01100011111 Zhongji 4 +01100011111 Lani 4 +01100011111 600s 4 +01100011111 Villars 4 +01100011111 Caldas 4 +01100011111 Tuckson 4 +01100011111 Sucker 4 +01100011111 Granik 4 +01100011111 Trichardt 4 +01100011111 Floch-Prigent 4 +01100011111 Rousselle 4 +01100011111 Kirkby 4 +01100011111 Centurys 4 +01100011111 6000s 4 +01100011111 Coroni 4 +01100011111 LaHaye 4 +01100011111 Ya-li 4 +01100011111 Tinsulanonda 4 +01100011111 TSi 4 +01100011111 Menestrel 4 +01100011111 Shwiel 4 +01100011111 Gymnasium 4 +01100011111 Agricoltura 4 +01100011111 CONSTRUCTIONS 4 +01100011111 Bement 4 +01100011111 Caro-Quintero 4 +01100011111 Prange 4 +01100011111 arcy 4 +01100011111 Times/CBS 4 +01100011111 Keach 4 +01100011111 Germanica 4 +01100011111 Schmetterer 4 +01100011111 Boppers 4 +01100011111 Calcio 4 +01100011111 Ruowang 4 +01100011111 Fliakos 4 +01100011111 Hoxie 4 +01100011111 Waldrop 4 +01100011111 Finebaum 4 +01100011111 Risien 4 +01100011111 Burgers 4 +01100011111 Rock-based 4 +01100011111 Scholarships 4 +01100011111 10b-4 4 +01100011111 Pietra 4 +01100011111 economia 4 +01100011111 Sauter 4 +01100011111 XXI 4 +01100011111 Ratjen 4 +01100011111 Ardebili 4 +01100011111 Santis 4 +01100011111 Roett 4 +01100011111 Keepers 4 +01100011111 Linkon 4 +01100011111 Chopper 4 +01100011111 Antics 4 +01100011111 Lasman 4 +01100011111 Tedi 4 +01100011111 Rigsby 4 +01100011111 Medizintechnik 4 +01100011111 Johnson-Morris 4 +01100011111 Grete 4 +01100011111 Walborn 4 +01100011111 Ramcharger 4 +01100011111 Inx 4 +01100011111 Cronyn 4 +01100011111 Bergan 4 +01100011111 Schoenhuber 4 +01100011111 Marsh-Florida 4 +01100011111 1-AB 4 +01100011111 Pon/GGK 4 +01100011111 Cardenal 5 +01100011111 Havre 5 +01100011111 Grinder 5 +01100011111 retrospectives 5 +01100011111 Mittler 5 +01100011111 Otte 5 +01100011111 Maugham 5 +01100011111 Hamlyn 5 +01100011111 Lugosi 5 +01100011111 Regals 5 +01100011111 Dellsy 5 +01100011111 Canard 5 +01100011111 Matthei 5 +01100011111 10B6 5 +01100011111 Thruway 5 +01100011111 Schultheis 5 +01100011111 Mariam 5 +01100011111 Skyhawks 5 +01100011111 Diodati 5 +01100011111 Isola 5 +01100011111 Faison 5 +01100011111 Glade 5 +01100011111 XIII 5 +01100011111 Leafs 5 +01100011111 Prettyman 5 +01100011111 Helper 5 +01100011111 Mithun 5 +01100011111 3b-9 5 +01100011111 Balmer 5 +01100011111 Como 5 +01100011111 Janowitz 5 +01100011111 Muti 5 +01100011111 Broyd 5 +01100011111 Kwinter 5 +01100011111 Atlanticom 5 +01100011111 Reindeer 5 +01100011111 Subways 5 +01100011111 Jaroslovsky 5 +01100011111 Yup 5 +01100011111 Conor 5 +01100011111 Myer 5 +01100011111 Mugavero 5 +01100011111 Alessio 5 +01100011111 Nagano 5 +01100011111 Matin 5 +01100011111 Ning 5 +01100011111 Ferroviaires 5 +01100011111 Delight 5 +01100011111 Beach-based 5 +01100011111 McGillis 5 +01100011111 Candles 5 +01100011111 Racetrack 5 +01100011111 Maradona 5 +01100011111 Barbosa 5 +01100011111 Estenssoro 5 +01100011111 Rubinson 5 +01100011111 Bruemmer 5 +01100011111 Beret 5 +01100011111 Auria 5 +01100011111 Vesuvius 5 +01100011111 Whitehouse 5 +01100011111 Monsters 5 +01100011111 Bogdanich 5 +01100011111 Rivieras 5 +01100011111 Wedgwood 5 +01100011111 Wagoner 5 +01100011111 Bello 5 +01100011111 Fauna 5 +01100011111 Toothpaste 6 +01100011111 Materie 6 +01100011111 USINES 6 +01100011111 Creditbank 6 +01100011111 Koos 6 +01100011111 Tice 6 +01100011111 Bautista 6 +01100011111 Bourget 6 +01100011111 Shade 6 +01100011111 Dragons 6 +01100011111 Jenks 6 +01100011111 Binyan 6 +01100011111 Muenchhausen 6 +01100011111 Domke 6 +01100011111 Salaam 6 +01100011111 Fisch 6 +01100011111 Maza 6 +01100011111 Belair 6 +01100011111 Shaughnessy 6 +01100011111 Sok 6 +01100011111 Shim 6 +01100011111 Santos-Alvite 6 +01100011111 Berets 6 +01100011111 Trailers 6 +01100011111 Patman 6 +01100011111 Eitan 6 +01100011111 En-lai 6 +01100011111 Zemin 6 +01100011111 Loughlin 6 +01100011111 Muenchmeyer 6 +01100011111 Aeriens 6 +01100011111 Daytonas 6 +01100011111 Agrosa 6 +01100011111 Tai 7 +01100011111 Okeechobee 7 +01100011111 Sauce 7 +01100011111 Dolgin 7 +01100011111 Combines 7 +01100011111 Lokey 7 +01100011111 Bondt 7 +01100011111 Talon 7 +01100011111 Aletti 7 +01100011111 Untermeyer 7 +01100011111 Mauna 7 +01100011111 Poarch 7 +01100011111 Cougars 7 +01100011111 PETROLES 7 +01100011111 Weevil 7 +01100011111 Hamner 7 +01100011111 Boudin 7 +01100011111 Shangkun 7 +01100011111 Lynxes 7 +01100011111 Capistrano 7 +01100011111 Courthouse 7 +01100011111 Finanza 7 +01100011111 Polsby 7 +01100011111 Hawn 8 +01100011111 Fong 8 +01100011111 Cirque 8 +01100011111 Puzzo 8 +01100011111 LeSabres 8 +01100011111 Arau 8 +01100011111 Rascals 8 +01100011111 XVI 8 +01100011111 Islander 8 +01100011111 Patons 8 +01100011111 Nang 8 +01100011111 McGaw 8 +01100011111 Slipper 8 +01100011111 Jingsheng 8 +01100011111 Jarryd 8 +01100011111 Lansky 8 +01100011111 Menagerie 8 +01100011111 Sera 8 +01100011111 Stroebel 8 +01100011111 Modigliani 9 +01100011111 Ruhnau 9 +01100011111 Kilimanjaro 9 +01100011111 Woong 9 +01100011111 Rivkind 9 +01100011111 Blossom 9 +01100011111 Dirksen 9 +01100011111 Canosa 9 +01100011111 Grounds 9 +01100011111 Sunbirds 9 +01100011111 Carreras 9 +01100011111 Island-based 9 +01100011111 Pooley 9 +01100011111 Dew 9 +01100011111 Bolivar 9 +01100011111 Biller 9 +01100011111 Escoto 9 +01100011111 Savikas 9 +01100011111 Rielly 9 +01100011111 Chambon 9 +01100011111 Shots 10 +01100011111 Rajaratnam 10 +01100011111 Qing 10 +01100011111 Faso 10 +01100011111 Nouvel 10 +01100011111 Lagoon 10 +01100011111 Chamberlayne 10 +01100011111 MacLellan 10 +01100011111 Dewhurst 10 +01100011111 Crouse 10 +01100011111 Mille 10 +01100011111 Clays 10 +01100011111 Torre 10 +01100011111 Ramo 10 +01100011111 Ayr 10 +01100011111 Romagnolo 10 +01100011111 Situations 10 +01100011111 Jae 10 +01100011111 Kun 10 +01100011111 Viyella 10 +01100011111 Eralp 11 +01100011111 Tanenbaum 11 +01100011111 Inlet 11 +01100011111 AQUITAINE 11 +01100011111 Kuo-hwa 11 +01100011111 Martyre 11 +01100011111 Boulangerie 11 +01100011111 Baudouin 11 +01100011111 Bacall 11 +01100011111 Bonnevilles 11 +01100011111 Breeze 11 +01100011111 Puder 11 +01100011111 Kyu 11 +01100011111 Amico 11 +01100011111 Weidenbaum 11 +01100011111 Menu 11 +01100011111 Bonaventure 11 +01100011111 Koenen 11 +01100011111 ELECTRICITE 11 +01100011111 Santana 11 +01100011111 Reatta 12 +01100011111 Farrakhan 12 +01100011111 Carnevale 12 +01100011111 Cleaver 12 +01100011111 Staebler 12 +01100011111 Gutfeld 12 +01100011111 Gael 12 +01100011111 Dembeck 12 +01100011111 Quain 12 +01100011111 Beavers 12 +01100011111 Loong 12 +01100011111 Canseco 12 +01100011111 Skyhawk 12 +01100011111 Boehlert 12 +01100011111 Mabley 12 +01100011111 Kartasasmita 12 +01100011111 Leg 12 +01100011111 Krispies 12 +01100011111 Duc 12 +01100011111 Tunes 12 +01100011111 Guzman 13 +01100011111 Dubcek 13 +01100011111 Gekko 13 +01100011111 Crosthwaite 13 +01100011111 Prodi 13 +01100011111 Wobegon 13 +01100011111 Merrin 13 +01100011111 Mix 13 +01100011111 Stamps 13 +01100011111 Diff 13 +01100011111 migra 13 +01100011111 Drum 13 +01100011111 Wylie 13 +01100011111 Bernbach 13 +01100011111 Barnum 13 +01100011111 Sa 14 +01100011111 Gestal 14 +01100011111 XIV 14 +01100011111 Bookseller 14 +01100011111 Powerboat 14 +01100011111 Features 14 +01100011111 Laue 14 +01100011111 Haan 14 +01100011111 Astoria 14 +01100011111 Hine 15 +01100011111 Ki 15 +01100011111 Lobby 15 +01100011111 Hollow 15 +01100011111 Airy 15 +01100011111 Huan 15 +01100011111 Marschalk 15 +01100011111 Bershad 15 +01100011111 Millers 16 +01100011111 Distance 16 +01100011111 Zinder 16 +01100011111 Wilhelmsen 16 +01100011111 Botanical 16 +01100011111 Fleece 16 +01100011111 Alessandro 16 +01100011111 Greenshields 16 +01100011111 Niro 16 +01100011111 Chul 16 +01100011111 Islanders 16 +01100011111 Wootton 16 +01100011111 Crimson 16 +01100011111 Grayling 16 +01100011111 Prins 16 +01100011111 Telephoniques 17 +01100011111 Limon 17 +01100011111 Huron 17 +01100011111 Rushmore 17 +01100011111 Firebirds 17 +01100011111 Howard-Spink 17 +01100011111 Bautzer 17 +01100011111 Hills-based 17 +01100011111 Infantry 17 +01100011111 Terrace 17 +01100011111 Oakar 17 +01100011111 Locker 18 +01100011111 Paulsen 18 +01100011111 Smithson 18 +01100011111 Locks 18 +01100011111 Copy 18 +01100011111 Cite 18 +01100011111 Furstenberg 18 +01100011111 Lounge 18 +01100011111 Meidinger 19 +01100011111 Sunbird 19 +01100011111 Navarro 19 +01100011111 Cemetery 19 +01100011111 Milling 19 +01100011111 Mita 19 +01100011111 Puppies 19 +01100011111 Cuisine 20 +01100011111 Clemens 20 +01100011111 Berland 20 +01100011111 Dijker 20 +01100011111 Nam 20 +01100011111 Pollen 20 +01100011111 Pavilion 21 +01100011111 Diplomat 21 +01100011111 Jaya 21 +01100011111 Everest 21 +01100011111 Niguel 21 +01100011111 Teng-hui 21 +01100011111 Screw 21 +01100011111 Corbusier 21 +01100011111 Juice 21 +01100011111 Sur 22 +01100011111 Melveny 22 +01100011111 Sang 22 +01100011111 Interests 22 +01100011111 Bluff 22 +01100011111 Valens 23 +01100011111 Budiman 23 +01100011111 Balsbaugh 23 +01100011111 Trail 23 +01100011111 Matchbox 24 +01100011111 LeMans 24 +01100011111 Opax 24 +01100011111 Meadow 24 +01100011111 LaserSonics 24 +01100011111 Caravan 24 +01100011111 Shoes 24 +01100011111 Skylark 25 +01100011111 Carre 25 +01100011111 Keeffe 25 +01100011111 Solzhenitsyn 25 +01100011111 Pil 25 +01100011111 LeSabre 26 +01100011111 Selassie 26 +01100011111 Tracer 27 +01100011111 Bober 27 +01100011111 Italiano 27 +01100011111 Burrough 28 +01100011111 Chong 28 +01100011111 Lynx 29 +01100011111 Hock 29 +01100011111 Pavarotti 29 +01100011111 Won 29 +01100011111 Sills 29 +01100011111 Figaro 30 +01100011111 Monde 30 +01100011111 Pond 30 +01100011111 Soliday 30 +01100011111 Tuck 31 +01100011111 Redbook 31 +01100011111 McElligott 31 +01100011111 49ers 31 +01100011111 Pfister 31 +01100011111 Bogart 32 +01100011111 Palisades 32 +01100011111 Technicon 33 +01100011111 Firebird 33 +01100011111 Tomaso 33 +01100011111 Aubuisson 34 +01100011111 Highlands 34 +01100011111 Girozentrale 34 +01100011111 Cougar 35 +01100011111 Faber 35 +01100011111 Ballantine 35 +01100011111 Kisco 35 +01100011111 Nuts 36 +01100011111 Tahoe 36 +01100011111 Marckesano 36 +01100011111 Smurfit 37 +01100011111 Folk 37 +01100011111 Udall 38 +01100011111 Honey 38 +01100011111 Lights 38 +01100011111 6000 39 +01100011111 Winery 39 +01100011111 Herrera 39 +01100011111 Downs 39 +01100011111 Navratilova 40 +01100011111 Gables 41 +01100011111 Dea 42 +01100011111 Doherty 42 +01100011111 Clercq 42 +01100011111 G&E 42 +01100011111 Style 45 +01100011111 Parish 46 +01100011111 Hickman 46 +01100011111 Pleasant 46 +01100011111 Weinger 46 +01100011111 VIII 47 +01100011111 Ruchlamer 47 +01100011111 Ferry 47 +01100011111 All-Star 48 +01100011111 Colony 48 +01100011111 Acres 48 +01100011111 Serrano 49 +01100011111 10b-13 49 +01100011111 Agostino 49 +01100011111 Hara 50 +01100011111 Brunswig 50 +01100011111 Tse-tung 50 +01100011111 Keynes 50 +01100011111 Lawn 52 +01100011111 Trails 52 +01100011111 Dunlop 53 +01100011111 Matthey 54 +01100011111 Chi 54 +01100011111 Mifflin 54 +01100011111 Ram 54 +01100011111 Palma 55 +01100011111 Gate 56 +01100011111 Toole 58 +01100011111 Hutchins 58 +01100011111 Garza 58 +01100011111 Alsop 58 +01100011111 Travenol 58 +01100011111 Rourke 59 +01100011111 Judd 60 +01100011111 Aries 61 +01100011111 Shadow 61 +01100011111 Helicopter 64 +01100011111 Selz 70 +01100011111 Rim 73 +01100011111 Schloss 74 +01100011111 Leary 77 +01100011111 Lite 78 +01100011111 Sands 78 +01100011111 Area 79 +01100011111 Stallone 80 +01100011111 Sung 81 +01100011111 Boulevard 82 +01100011111 Fielder 82 +01100011111 Malley 83 +01100011111 Arcy 84 +01100011111 Clinic 85 +01100011111 Ranch 85 +01100011111 Township 86 +01100011111 Challenge 88 +01100011111 Holliday 89 +01100011111 Mackenzie 91 +01100011111 Ave. 93 +01100011111 Tabak 94 +01100011111 Gardens 97 +01100011111 Online 97 +01100011111 Pirie 98 +01100011111 Learjet 98 +01100011111 Leaf 100 +01100011111 Lorean 102 +01100011111 Regal 102 +01100011111 Cliffs 103 +01100011111 Wedd 106 +01100011111 Tree 108 +01100011111 Monthly 120 +01100011111 Knudsen 123 +01100011111 Pen 123 +01100011111 Bunker 125 +01100011111 Start 128 +01100011111 Amato 129 +01100011111 Mandela 129 +01100011111 Boveri 132 +01100011111 Connell 133 +01100011111 Weir 134 +01100011111 Forge 136 +01100011111 Femina 136 +01100011111 Fahd 140 +01100011111 Basin 141 +01100011111 Gear 144 +01100011111 Lube 145 +01100011111 Vuitton 148 +01100011111 City-based 153 +01100011111 Beers 165 +01100011111 Oaks 171 +01100011111 Bridge 174 +01100011111 Studios 186 +01100011111 Chicken 187 +01100011111 Canal 188 +01100011111 Fry 189 +01100011111 Road 191 +01100011111 Canyon 192 +01100011111 Sr. 194 +01100011111 Ridge 208 +01100011111 Hare 225 +01100011111 Heights 228 +01100011111 Wheeler 229 +01100011111 Thornton 230 +01100011111 Brook 232 +01100011111 Sinai 233 +01100011111 View 239 +01100011111 Creek 248 +01100011111 McCormack 261 +01100011111 Gundy 266 +01100011111 Falls 268 +01100011111 Donnell 270 +01100011111 Nugget 276 +01100011111 Harbor 277 +01100011111 Magazine 282 +01100011111 Laurentiis 296 +01100011111 Analytical 304 +01100011111 Brien 306 +01100011111 Waterhouse 312 +01100011111 Springs 320 +01100011111 Islands 322 +01100011111 Hussein 334 +01100011111 Telesis 352 +01100011111 Plaza 398 +01100011111 Madrid 432 +01100011111 Connor 445 +01100011111 Rock 455 +01100011111 Square 543 +01100011111 Treaty 557 +01100011111 Neill 588 +01100011111 Fargo 626 +01100011111 Avenue 664 +01100011111 Benedetti 982 +01100011111 Bay 1025 +01100011111 Beach 1080 +01100011111 River 1267 +01100011111 Hills 1277 +01100011111 Barney 1326 +01100011111 Island 1477 +01100011111 Valley 1548 +01100011111 County 2331 +01100011111 City 7505 +01100011111 Times 2804 +011001000 Pict 1 +011001000 NUMAC 1 +011001000 PICT 1 +011001000 SCRIMGEOUR 1 +011001000 culture-ministry 1 +011001000 779,503 1 +011001000 injury-wracked 1 +011001000 Abubakar 1 +011001000 BethEnergy 1 +011001000 Tongwon 1 +011001000 JN 1 +011001000 Webex 1 +011001000 sportsmanlike 1 +011001000 Cukurova 1 +011001000 NEVADA 1 +011001000 Samling 1 +011001000 Hijau 1 +011001000 Boo-Ker 1 +011001000 E&M 1 +011001000 HARKEN 1 +011001000 Chadwill 1 +011001000 Campa 1 +011001000 JCR 1 +011001000 Trancontinental 1 +011001000 Toppan 1 +011001000 stocks-Standard 1 +011001000 Douglas-British 1 +011001000 KRM 1 +011001000 Kokasai 1 +011001000 RACIAL 1 +011001000 KELLEY 1 +011001000 Choyang 1 +011001000 COMBUSTION 1 +011001000 FITCHBURG 1 +011001000 Tann 1 +011001000 Hoechst-Roussell 1 +011001000 Donice 1 +011001000 Johnsby 1 +011001000 Hippie 1 +011001000 113,100 1 +011001000 PROVIDENCE 1 +011001000 archdiocesan 1 +011001000 ex-Ford 1 +011001000 Mitsubushi 1 +011001000 Hudbay 1 +011001000 Chaz 1 +011001000 Saarberg 1 +011001000 BTA 1 +011001000 Boehringer-Ingelheim 1 +011001000 ALABAMA 1 +011001000 5,528 1 +011001000 said.Yamanouchi 1 +011001000 Economdis 1 +011001000 Glamore 1 +011001000 Tesoro-Alaska 1 +011001000 NON-BUYING 1 +011001000 Nynas 1 +011001000 AGL 1 +011001000 BURMAH 1 +011001000 Goodtime 1 +011001000 PEDAL 1 +011001000 Sigma-Tau 1 +011001000 Nynaes 1 +011001000 then-Saudi 1 +011001000 Harcorn 1 +011001000 R.T.Z. 1 +011001000 Smith-Kline 1 +011001000 Kwaishinsha 1 +011001000 B&N 1 +011001000 Penn-East 1 +011001000 SYRUPY 1 +011001000 Hohnen 1 +011001000 CTW 1 +011001000 Belmoral 1 +011001000 Mitsusbishi 1 +011001000 ACRE 2 +011001000 Hazlitt 2 +011001000 Marylanders 2 +011001000 Sub-Ocean 2 +011001000 Tricorp 2 +011001000 Scurry-Rainbow 2 +011001000 Lebedeff 2 +011001000 Candel 2 +011001000 WisPark 2 +011001000 DynaCirc 2 +011001000 Etty 2 +011001000 Poisonous 2 +011001000 Guglielmo 2 +011001000 Camflo 2 +011001000 Hombre 2 +011001000 Helios 2 +011001000 APPALACHIAN 2 +011001000 Neues 2 +011001000 Scepter 2 +011001000 Laureno 2 +011001000 Inexco 2 +011001000 BFM 2 +011001000 Meldisco 2 +011001000 Duveneck 2 +011001000 UIP 2 +011001000 PALM 2 +011001000 Lajes 2 +011001000 Seleine 2 +011001000 Kaiser-Francis 2 +011001000 Keitel 2 +011001000 Harmless 2 +011001000 ATID 2 +011001000 OKB 2 +011001000 BG&E 2 +011001000 Frookie 2 +011001000 Tranquilidade 2 +011001000 Ritzy 2 +011001000 Kittaning 2 +011001000 Darmac 2 +011001000 Mabou 2 +011001000 SNIA 2 +011001000 Singatronics 2 +011001000 KDLZ 2 +011001000 Atmosphere 2 +011001000 ISH 2 +011001000 Avacare 2 +011001000 Hoya 2 +011001000 Togco 2 +011001000 Fipp 2 +011001000 NWSI 2 +011001000 Exergon 2 +011001000 Grabill 2 +011001000 Horrible 2 +011001000 Wickland 2 +011001000 Teflon-treated 2 +011001000 Bougainvillea 2 +011001000 Linjeflyg 2 +011001000 ECMO 2 +011001000 Matrix-Churchill 2 +011001000 Mosca 2 +011001000 Edwards-Warren 2 +011001000 Earthwatch 2 +011001000 Listeria 2 +011001000 Levengood 2 +011001000 DXplain 2 +011001000 R-Win 2 +011001000 fur-lined 2 +011001000 300TD 2 +011001000 Simonetta 2 +011001000 PICO 2 +011001000 Beth-Energy 2 +011001000 IRN 2 +011001000 ESDA 2 +011001000 MONTANA 2 +011001000 Caspen 2 +011001000 Rudeness 3 +011001000 Bio-Scan 3 +011001000 Aouita 3 +011001000 Brodigan 3 +011001000 Oclassen 3 +011001000 Yucaipa 3 +011001000 Pinpoint 3 +011001000 Competitor 3 +011001000 ARKANSAS 3 +011001000 Jouett 3 +011001000 PAR 3 +011001000 Tenco 3 +011001000 Cortex 3 +011001000 Yucan 3 +011001000 Chengbei 3 +011001000 Milacki 3 +011001000 SFSP 3 +011001000 DELMARVA 3 +011001000 Rit 3 +011001000 Merrell-Dow 3 +011001000 Ikem 3 +011001000 Skye 3 +011001000 Commercio 3 +011001000 Denka 3 +011001000 AOI 3 +011001000 Fimbra 3 +011001000 Granma 3 +011001000 BRAT 3 +011001000 Polonoroeste 3 +011001000 Gogol 3 +011001000 KG&E 3 +011001000 Arabian-American 3 +011001000 Stettner 3 +011001000 Zonians 3 +011001000 Envirosat 3 +011001000 Inforum 3 +011001000 Niaid 3 +011001000 CitiCorp 3 +011001000 Lavino 3 +011001000 Spigolizzi 3 +011001000 Delfzee 3 +011001000 NWIB 3 +011001000 Netas 3 +011001000 Lolly 3 +011001000 Nopsi 3 +011001000 Huttig 3 +011001000 Khovansky 3 +011001000 CuraCare 3 +011001000 Dreieck 3 +011001000 NASA-Ames 3 +011001000 Xport 3 +011001000 Rennoco 3 +011001000 Methotrexate 3 +011001000 PENN 3 +011001000 Forget-Me-Not 3 +011001000 PUCO 3 +011001000 WPEC 3 +011001000 PennEast 3 +011001000 TIS 3 +011001000 Krauthamer 3 +011001000 Vereinigte 3 +011001000 Otsuka 3 +011001000 SPEEDY 3 +011001000 CCE 3 +011001000 MGF 3 +011001000 Kolhberg 3 +011001000 BondData 3 +011001000 ImuVert 3 +011001000 UpRight 3 +011001000 Jackson-Mitchell 3 +011001000 Shoppingtown 3 +011001000 Motif 3 +011001000 Freestyle 3 +011001000 theophylline 4 +011001000 Hayashibara 4 +011001000 Butka 4 +011001000 DIEGO 4 +011001000 Cofir 4 +011001000 Tresch 4 +011001000 Najwa 4 +011001000 IPA 4 +011001000 SNYDER 4 +011001000 Neti 4 +011001000 Mellegers 4 +011001000 Stavely 4 +011001000 Chemex 4 +011001000 Dogue 4 +011001000 EIA 4 +011001000 Abideen 4 +011001000 Caraiba 4 +011001000 Enel 4 +011001000 Santoprene 4 +011001000 Spoelstra 4 +011001000 CGIL 4 +011001000 Conagra 4 +011001000 Prentiss/Copley 4 +011001000 IATSE 4 +011001000 Anabib 4 +011001000 Rotexchemie 4 +011001000 Tjaereborg 4 +011001000 CBre3 4 +011001000 Usacafes 4 +011001000 Fiorello 4 +011001000 CBTU 4 +011001000 Northop 4 +011001000 Gondo 4 +011001000 NALU 4 +011001000 RC 4 +011001000 Rostand 4 +011001000 CTB/McGraw-Hill 4 +011001000 Occidential 4 +011001000 Towneley 4 +011001000 Saia 4 +011001000 Cacex 4 +011001000 Katevan 4 +011001000 Creamette 4 +011001000 Omnibank 4 +011001000 M&M/Mars 4 +011001000 Norbeau 4 +011001000 LuLu 4 +011001000 Kandu 4 +011001000 Datafin 4 +011001000 Gunthrop-Warren 4 +011001000 Homelite 4 +011001000 Steuart 4 +011001000 Caltech 4 +011001000 Fed-watching 4 +011001000 Larotonda 4 +011001000 RL 4 +011001000 CUE 4 +011001000 BankAmerilease 4 +011001000 interactivity 5 +011001000 SNPE 5 +011001000 CTHK 5 +011001000 Ben-Gurion 5 +011001000 Mich-Con 5 +011001000 Pecten 5 +011001000 Munch 5 +011001000 Herkimer 5 +011001000 Picquart 5 +011001000 Kem 5 +011001000 Carillon 5 +011001000 Threadneedle 5 +011001000 Orly 5 +011001000 TEP 5 +011001000 Cuno 5 +011001000 Holborn 5 +011001000 Lebhar 5 +011001000 Saarinen 5 +011001000 M&H 5 +011001000 Raterpillar 5 +011001000 Ehrig 5 +011001000 Urrutia 5 +011001000 Chlorine 5 +011001000 Luxeville 5 +011001000 Gossaert 5 +011001000 Vai 5 +011001000 WesPac 5 +011001000 Quigly 5 +011001000 Draugen 5 +011001000 INI 5 +011001000 Zena 5 +011001000 Quintette 5 +011001000 Sapphire 5 +011001000 Statex 5 +011001000 T-ball 5 +011001000 Brook-Wein 5 +011001000 Schweizerische 5 +011001000 Metrocast 5 +011001000 Fomento 5 +011001000 RVI 5 +011001000 Herodotus 5 +011001000 Investcorp. 5 +011001000 NACA 5 +011001000 ChinAmerica 5 +011001000 Americares 5 +011001000 Smithkline 5 +011001000 KUNM 5 +011001000 CM&W 5 +011001000 Yoo-Hoo 5 +011001000 MINNESOTA 5 +011001000 Norbec 6 +011001000 Sobek 6 +011001000 WNCN 6 +011001000 NARFE 6 +011001000 Soffex 6 +011001000 CKFM 6 +011001000 Stendhal 6 +011001000 Oerlikon 6 +011001000 RFE 6 +011001000 Perifax 6 +011001000 WalMart 6 +011001000 WAINOCO 6 +011001000 Earthworm 6 +011001000 Nat-West 6 +011001000 Nemak 6 +011001000 WTTV 6 +011001000 Wiggly 6 +011001000 WOOD 6 +011001000 Shanti 6 +011001000 Flag-Redfern 6 +011001000 Collio 6 +011001000 Audiographics 6 +011001000 IDV 6 +011001000 Danzar 6 +011001000 Callon 6 +011001000 Thurston 6 +011001000 Longevity 6 +011001000 Shiyuan 6 +011001000 Timotei 6 +011001000 Transnautic 6 +011001000 Idec 6 +011001000 Austrac 6 +011001000 VSEL 6 +011001000 Pelto 6 +011001000 Snia 6 +011001000 Marsam 6 +011001000 WWL 6 +011001000 Voiceworks 6 +011001000 SIAC 6 +011001000 Farid 6 +011001000 Krahmer 6 +011001000 Monitronix 6 +011001000 BARGAINING 6 +011001000 PFM 6 +011001000 Boccaccio 6 +011001000 MCFL 6 +011001000 Gwenda 6 +011001000 Sucden 6 +011001000 Dorby 6 +011001000 Darcy 6 +011001000 Halley 7 +011001000 UnitedBank 7 +011001000 BEHR 7 +011001000 Firemen 7 +011001000 Mountaineer 7 +011001000 Westbridge 7 +011001000 Carbajal 7 +011001000 Dalafield 7 +011001000 Teleway 7 +011001000 Saier 7 +011001000 Eurofima 7 +011001000 InfoScan 7 +011001000 Moor 7 +011001000 Orky 7 +011001000 WNYC 7 +011001000 Yefim 7 +011001000 ICSL 7 +011001000 Panora 7 +011001000 Immunetech 7 +011001000 CNOOC 7 +011001000 OSF 7 +011001000 Zlogar 7 +011001000 DJS/Inverness 7 +011001000 RichardsonSmith 7 +011001000 Kimbark 7 +011001000 Ysleta 7 +011001000 Farmstead 7 +011001000 NIDA 7 +011001000 Rumrill-Hoyt 7 +011001000 PBA 7 +011001000 Multitech 7 +011001000 Dalgliesh 7 +011001000 THORN 7 +011001000 Slick 7 +011001000 Nalco 7 +011001000 Maxcell 7 +011001000 Qiaotou 7 +011001000 UIC 7 +011001000 Eurofer 7 +011001000 KDD 8 +011001000 Oahu 8 +011001000 Cibro 8 +011001000 Durer 8 +011001000 Gnomon 8 +011001000 Berklee 8 +011001000 CableOne 8 +011001000 Longmeadow 8 +011001000 Kenmare 8 +011001000 Roebling 8 +011001000 Howdy 8 +011001000 BAM 8 +011001000 Gimbel 8 +011001000 Bitesize 8 +011001000 Bruckner 8 +011001000 Wiser 8 +011001000 Azactam 8 +011001000 Kilby 8 +011001000 UTC 8 +011001000 Hall-Houston 8 +011001000 Cultor 8 +011001000 Veronese 8 +011001000 ETS 8 +011001000 CAID 8 +011001000 Claudius 8 +011001000 Mladina 8 +011001000 Rezaq 8 +011001000 Finnair 8 +011001000 Sinopec 8 +011001000 Squibb-Novo 8 +011001000 Millet 8 +011001000 Bollore 8 +011001000 Nacobre 8 +011001000 IDEC 8 +011001000 Tushum 8 +011001000 Jobete 8 +011001000 HBM 8 +011001000 Omron 8 +011001000 Daelim 8 +011001000 Daytop 8 +011001000 Dunedin 9 +011001000 Henrik 9 +011001000 Jetro 9 +011001000 Fedeccredito 9 +011001000 Agouron 9 +011001000 Tunde 9 +011001000 Fela 9 +011001000 Quarante 9 +011001000 UNLV 9 +011001000 UBAF 9 +011001000 Tek 9 +011001000 SCORE 9 +011001000 MOCA 9 +011001000 workman 9 +011001000 GFI 9 +011001000 PanCanadian 9 +011001000 AGT 9 +011001000 ShareLink 9 +011001000 Baoguang 9 +011001000 AMD 9 +011001000 Sabta 9 +011001000 Nadja 9 +011001000 RNC 9 +011001000 MOHAWK 9 +011001000 PacifiCorp. 9 +011001000 Newtonchik 9 +011001000 BCA 9 +011001000 Biosis 9 +011001000 Recadi 9 +011001000 Sandro 9 +011001000 NETAAC 9 +011001000 Jonathon 10 +011001000 Bellini 10 +011001000 Mettur 10 +011001000 Reba 10 +011001000 Laclede 10 +011001000 Shionogi 10 +011001000 Levis 10 +011001000 Durkee 10 +011001000 Winooski 10 +011001000 Y&R 10 +011001000 BB 10 +011001000 JR 10 +011001000 Monteverdi 10 +011001000 SES 10 +011001000 Nordbanken 10 +011001000 InfoCorp. 10 +011001000 Necker 10 +011001000 GAC 10 +011001000 Kanrisha 10 +011001000 Frago 10 +011001000 Peary 10 +011001000 Navip 10 +011001000 MFL 10 +011001000 Goetabanken 10 +011001000 Losec 10 +011001000 Poqet 10 +011001000 Samedan 10 +011001000 KGF 10 +011001000 Siderca 10 +011001000 TCC 10 +011001000 Tonda 10 +011001000 NOME 10 +011001000 SAMI 11 +011001000 Rofin-Sinar 11 +011001000 IOS 11 +011001000 Agnico-Eagle 11 +011001000 Kreg 11 +011001000 Aerolift 11 +011001000 JAMA 11 +011001000 Uniroyal-Goodrich 11 +011001000 Vivaldi 11 +011001000 WOJB 11 +011001000 MSOE 11 +011001000 Grenouille 11 +011001000 Lancome 11 +011001000 FIFA 11 +011001000 Q8 11 +011001000 Graham-McCormick 11 +011001000 Virago 11 +011001000 Maruti 11 +011001000 MIS 11 +011001000 Ingemar 11 +011001000 Flonorial 11 +011001000 Magten 11 +011001000 Kyokuto 11 +011001000 Gwaltney 11 +011001000 NEPA 11 +011001000 Petrolear 11 +011001000 Invesco 11 +011001000 CITICORP 12 +011001000 PRB 12 +011001000 Reprise 12 +011001000 Agrokomerc 12 +011001000 Cancom 12 +011001000 Transnational 12 +011001000 Zentralsparkasse 12 +011001000 Filofax 12 +011001000 Transpac 12 +011001000 Arenaball 12 +011001000 BCG 12 +011001000 Pan-Alberta 12 +011001000 VQT 12 +011001000 GFT 12 +011001000 Kiwi 12 +011001000 WEG 12 +011001000 Evian 12 +011001000 NJT 12 +011001000 Barb 12 +011001000 WMMS 12 +011001000 M.C. 12 +011001000 Elizabethtown 12 +011001000 Margolies 12 +011001000 Bubka 12 +011001000 Arcosanti 12 +011001000 Fermilab 12 +011001000 Erte 12 +011001000 MOMA 12 +011001000 Kukje-ICC 12 +011001000 Voest 12 +011001000 ZapMail 12 +011001000 BMI 13 +011001000 Biopharm 13 +011001000 Haavelmo 13 +011001000 Perulac 13 +011001000 FKI 13 +011001000 KPC 13 +011001000 Acre 13 +011001000 texaco 13 +011001000 Lusk 13 +011001000 Qawi 13 +011001000 Alla 13 +011001000 Clermont 13 +011001000 Bit 13 +011001000 Pictet 13 +011001000 Bufferin 13 +011001000 Frikkie 13 +011001000 Orkin 13 +011001000 Finesse 13 +011001000 Nepool 13 +011001000 ECI 13 +011001000 Ribi 13 +011001000 Hoechst-Roussel 13 +011001000 Quasar 13 +011001000 Solo 13 +011001000 Olga 13 +011001000 Rakovica 13 +011001000 Kipling 13 +011001000 Kodo 14 +011001000 Guston 14 +011001000 Avanti 14 +011001000 Carlon 14 +011001000 Systran 14 +011001000 Brutus 14 +011001000 Zenchu 14 +011001000 Venable 14 +011001000 Damson 14 +011001000 Biff 14 +011001000 Creditanstalt 14 +011001000 PEP 14 +011001000 Humble 14 +011001000 NATURAL 14 +011001000 NutriClean 14 +011001000 Ullenberg 15 +011001000 Melon 15 +011001000 Culinova 15 +011001000 RCM 15 +011001000 Gazelle 15 +011001000 Poco 15 +011001000 Rizzoli 15 +011001000 Coretech 15 +011001000 Pirandello 15 +011001000 IRNA 15 +011001000 Bose 15 +011001000 Herod 15 +011001000 ZANU 15 +011001000 Excoa 15 +011001000 Jasmine 15 +011001000 Dyco 15 +011001000 CEA 16 +011001000 IFAR 16 +011001000 IMM 16 +011001000 SeniorNet 16 +011001000 SH 16 +011001000 Sundai 16 +011001000 Kysor 16 +011001000 Lomak 16 +011001000 KBS 16 +011001000 CU 16 +011001000 DeLorean 16 +011001000 Diamond/Obie 16 +011001000 Martingale 16 +011001000 Faulding 16 +011001000 Lakeside 16 +011001000 Airco 16 +011001000 Lilli 17 +011001000 Chiat/Day/Mojo 17 +011001000 Buisson 17 +011001000 Frunze 17 +011001000 PSE&G 17 +011001000 M&R 17 +011001000 Santayana 17 +011001000 CVG 17 +011001000 CoCa 17 +011001000 Riyad 17 +011001000 Pymm 17 +011001000 Elgar 17 +011001000 Varlam 17 +011001000 Sasha 17 +011001000 Agassi 17 +011001000 ADP 17 +011001000 IKEA 18 +011001000 Champlin 18 +011001000 Velsicol 18 +011001000 Vector 18 +011001000 H-P 18 +011001000 GBL 18 +011001000 Schlitz 18 +011001000 Zembriski 18 +011001000 Aer 18 +011001000 E&B 18 +011001000 PNOC 18 +011001000 Re/Max 18 +011001000 Donnay 18 +011001000 Ciba 18 +011001000 Alusuisse 18 +011001000 AGE 18 +011001000 Serex 18 +011001000 ANMC 18 +011001000 Fleischmann 18 +011001000 Siebel 19 +011001000 Telmex 19 +011001000 Tow 19 +011001000 Kepco 19 +011001000 NAEIR 19 +011001000 Ispra 19 +011001000 CEI 19 +011001000 Moutse 19 +011001000 GHF 19 +011001000 GECC 19 +011001000 Quemoy 19 +011001000 Tejas 19 +011001000 Debussy 19 +011001000 Carner 19 +011001000 Ashburn 19 +011001000 Trunkline 19 +011001000 Chilmark 19 +011001000 Cicero 19 +011001000 Mussolini 19 +011001000 Jafco 20 +011001000 Coca 20 +011001000 Satriani 20 +011001000 Valsella 20 +011001000 TCI 20 +011001000 Samoth 20 +011001000 Robyn 20 +011001000 Calmaquip 20 +011001000 Skylite 20 +011001000 Snap-on 20 +011001000 IFF 21 +011001000 Wagons-Lits 21 +011001000 Kingsbridge 21 +011001000 MG 21 +011001000 AEI 21 +011001000 VAAP 21 +011001000 Kis 21 +011001000 Hypo-Bank 21 +011001000 Normandy 22 +011001000 NWQ 22 +011001000 BiiN 22 +011001000 Saamstaan 22 +011001000 Torras 22 +011001000 Amexco 22 +011001000 PCC 22 +011001000 Faldo 22 +011001000 Sendero 22 +011001000 Imagineering 22 +011001000 LBJ 22 +011001000 TSA 22 +011001000 IFI 23 +011001000 Burdines 23 +011001000 Liszt 23 +011001000 Sohio 23 +011001000 Consob 23 +011001000 Wolohan 23 +011001000 Solvay 24 +011001000 Amcor 24 +011001000 Vestar 24 +011001000 Rebo 24 +011001000 Stora 24 +011001000 Bruford 24 +011001000 Hondo 24 +011001000 Arbitron 24 +011001000 Distron 24 +011001000 Mingus 24 +011001000 ARCO 24 +011001000 Shaine 24 +011001000 Massport 24 +011001000 Quattro 25 +011001000 Stihl 25 +011001000 Holderbank 25 +011001000 TNA 25 +011001000 Orbital 25 +011001000 PNM 25 +011001000 Stake 25 +011001000 Teenie 25 +011001000 Jindo 25 +011001000 WYLD 26 +011001000 Rengo 26 +011001000 GAP 26 +011001000 Swapo 26 +011001000 Aris 26 +011001000 Miro 26 +011001000 Consol 26 +011001000 Gemma 26 +011001000 Mize 26 +011001000 Witherspoon 26 +011001000 Sukarno 27 +011001000 Alpo 27 +011001000 Takeda 27 +011001000 WIN 27 +011001000 Denning 27 +011001000 Pringle 27 +011001000 Troma 27 +011001000 Goya 27 +011001000 Avtex 27 +011001000 AIL 27 +011001000 Baedeker 28 +011001000 MIGA 28 +011001000 Ryka 28 +011001000 SPI 28 +011001000 Ore-Ida 28 +011001000 Posco 28 +011001000 Megaquest 28 +011001000 Dassault 28 +011001000 LPL 28 +011001000 Sunkist 29 +011001000 Lindy 29 +011001000 Ascap 29 +011001000 WFIA 29 +011001000 JTPA 29 +011001000 CopyTele 29 +011001000 NCI 29 +011001000 Eveready 30 +011001000 Isham 31 +011001000 SMU 31 +011001000 Kagins 31 +011001000 CAAC 32 +011001000 PIR 32 +011001000 Gotaas-Larsen 32 +011001000 Pauley 32 +011001000 Dvorak 32 +011001000 Troll 32 +011001000 M.I.T. 33 +011001000 Michelob 33 +011001000 Micoin 33 +011001000 ABT 33 +011001000 Pru-Bache 33 +011001000 Proceso 33 +011001000 ECD 34 +011001000 Duchamp 34 +011001000 Fina 34 +011001000 Atalanta/Sosnoff 34 +011001000 Trintex 34 +011001000 JCB 35 +011001000 Raffi 35 +011001000 Kumagai 35 +011001000 Cosatu 35 +011001000 Degas 35 +011001000 Mondadori 35 +011001000 Botham 36 +011001000 Monet 36 +011001000 Tupperware 36 +011001000 BNP 36 +011001000 Boehringer 36 +011001000 AIPAC 37 +011001000 Spar 37 +011001000 Wainoco 37 +011001000 Galaxy 38 +011001000 Valvoline 38 +011001000 Cofide 38 +011001000 JVC 38 +011001000 Noah 39 +011001000 SGS 39 +011001000 Equicor 39 +011001000 CAMI 39 +011001000 Hornsby 40 +011001000 KHD 40 +011001000 Sandino 40 +011001000 Cezanne 40 +011001000 EPIC 41 +011001000 Arcanum 41 +011001000 Nummi 42 +011001000 Pinkerton 42 +011001000 ALPA 43 +011001000 Citgo 43 +011001000 Consolidation 43 +011001000 Steinway 43 +011001000 Prodigy 45 +011001000 Tito 45 +011001000 BZW 46 +011001000 B&C 46 +011001000 Burmah 46 +011001000 Branford 46 +011001000 KWU 47 +011001000 Abitibi 47 +011001000 Daihatsu 47 +011001000 CREF 48 +011001000 OPIC 48 +011001000 Hagler 50 +011001000 Olds 50 +011001000 Komori 50 +011001000 MMWEC 50 +011001000 Televisa 51 +011001000 NUM 51 +011001000 Liffe 51 +011001000 Duramed 52 +011001000 Pathmark 53 +011001000 Toyo 53 +011001000 Harken 53 +011001000 Dickenson 54 +011001000 Gulfstream 55 +011001000 Spuds 56 +011001000 Edgington 56 +011001000 Amcast 57 +011001000 Dickens 57 +011001000 Vitarine 57 +011001000 Chaumet 57 +011001000 LIPA 58 +011001000 CARE 58 +011001000 Ingalls 58 +011001000 Verdi 60 +011001000 MSHA 63 +011001000 USIA 63 +011001000 Spectra 64 +011001000 Pemex 64 +011001000 Gurit 65 +011001000 Bullock 65 +011001000 Zico 66 +011001000 Bellcore 67 +011001000 CAA 67 +011001000 Inter-City 68 +011001000 Yamaha 68 +011001000 Galileo 69 +011001000 Proudfoot 69 +011001000 WOW 70 +011001000 ABF 70 +011001000 MCC 70 +011001000 ITG 70 +011001000 Balanchine 71 +011001000 Saab 72 +011001000 Spinks 72 +011001000 Aristech 72 +011001000 AID 73 +011001000 Tri-State 74 +011001000 Anadarko 77 +011001000 Industrielle 78 +011001000 Stauffer 78 +011001000 Rolls 79 +011001000 Lego 79 +011001000 Bach 80 +011001000 AIG 80 +011001000 Bernie 80 +011001000 Lafeyette 80 +011001000 CDA 80 +011001000 Harley 82 +011001000 Sasson 84 +011001000 BCCI 85 +011001000 NHTSA 86 +011001000 Nautilus 87 +011001000 Hemingway 87 +011001000 UPI 87 +011001000 Outboard 88 +011001000 Freud 90 +011001000 Anheuser 93 +011001000 BA 93 +011001000 Helena 94 +011001000 Swissair 95 +011001000 Wesray 97 +011001000 PTL 97 +011001000 Infiniti 97 +011001000 CSFB 97 +011001000 Kelvin 97 +011001000 NOW 99 +011001000 FCA 99 +011001000 Bonwit 100 +011001000 Audio/Video 101 +011001000 Hutchison 101 +011001000 MeraBank 101 +011001000 3M 103 +011001000 O&Y 105 +011001000 Bryson 105 +011001000 Presidio 105 +011001000 Denison 106 +011001000 IRI 106 +011001000 UPS 106 +011001000 Lexus 107 +011001000 Carnival 118 +011001000 BNL 120 +011001000 Pernod 121 +011001000 Kloeckner 123 +011001000 Conde 123 +011001000 Cain 125 +011001000 CNN 126 +011001000 SCEcorp 127 +011001000 Mercedes-Benz 129 +011001000 Esprit 132 +011001000 D&B 134 +011001000 Donnelley 135 +011001000 JAL 140 +011001000 Kongsberg 142 +011001000 Cummins 144 +011001000 Thorn 149 +011001000 Tateho 150 +011001000 KMG 150 +011001000 Hugo 153 +011001000 IMC 156 +011001000 Subaru 160 +011001000 Hydro-Quebec 162 +011001000 Hallmark 162 +011001000 Intelsat 164 +011001000 Deloitte 165 +011001000 Apex 175 +011001000 Tiffany 178 +011001000 CGE 182 +011001000 Husky 183 +011001000 Barbie 183 +011001000 Daimler 192 +011001000 Michelin 195 +011001000 Owens-Corning 198 +011001000 PG&E 204 +011001000 Ericsson 219 +011001000 Monarch 222 +011001000 Colgate 229 +011001000 Amtrak 237 +011001000 A&P 238 +011001000 MIT 240 +011001000 GEC 247 +011001000 Daewoo 256 +011001000 Tesoro 266 +011001000 SAS 275 +011001000 Saturn 280 +011001000 Deere 288 +011001000 Suzuki 314 +011001000 TransCanada 320 +011001000 Alcoa 325 +011001000 BMW 330 +011001000 Paribas 344 +011001000 Oldsmobile 346 +011001000 Emery 361 +011001000 Searle 368 +011001000 Olivetti 372 +011001000 Christie 374 +011001000 Alcan 375 +011001000 Placid 386 +011001000 Cadillac 389 +011001000 Conrail 403 +011001000 Mazda 404 +011001000 Pepsi 413 +011001000 MITI 426 +011001000 VW 451 +011001000 ICN 466 +011001000 HBO 471 +011001000 Lilly 474 +011001000 Audi 476 +011001000 Renault 505 +011001000 Macy 517 +011001000 Suez 519 +011001000 Lear 571 +011001000 Ashland 572 +011001000 Hyundai 573 +011001000 OSHA 592 +011001000 Chevrolet 605 +011001000 P&G 633 +011001000 Arco 640 +011001000 SmithKline 666 +011001000 Citibank 673 +011001000 HUD 678 +011001000 Shell 679 +011001000 KKR 691 +011001000 Firestone 696 +011001000 Merck 699 +011001000 Coke 721 +011001000 Goodyear 809 +011001000 Getty 908 +011001000 EDS 966 +011001000 Kohlberg 997 +011001000 NASA 1027 +011001000 Nissan 1086 +011001000 Mesa 1115 +011001000 Occidental 1140 +011001000 Honda 1204 +011001000 Toyota 1253 +011001000 McDonald 1264 +011001000 Dome 1285 +011001000 Sears 2051 +011001000 GE 2280 +011001000 Citicorp 3265 +011001000 AT&T 3592 +011001000 Drexel 6024 +011001000 IBM 6035 +011001000 Ford 7188 +011001000 GM 6485 +0110010010 Talentbank 1 +0110010010 Quatro 1 +0110010010 Hardlines 1 +0110010010 Leksi 1 +0110010010 Tokico 1 +0110010010 Shuh-Riese 1 +0110010010 ATCO 1 +0110010010 Troop 1 +0110010010 Steelastic 1 +0110010010 COE 1 +0110010010 Seimens 1 +0110010010 SNIA-BPD 1 +0110010010 Meredyth 1 +0110010010 VanAmerongen 1 +0110010010 Rohoel-Aufsuchungs 1 +0110010010 OHBAYASHI 1 +0110010010 CALEDONIA 1 +0110010010 Monkem 1 +0110010010 Apparelcraft 1 +0110010010 Corpoven 1 +0110010010 HAPAG-LLOYD 1 +0110010010 Olin-Asahi 1 +0110010010 Bio-Logic 1 +0110010010 Helig-Meyers 1 +0110010010 Agipcoal 1 +0110010010 Sundaram-Clayton 1 +0110010010 Robeco 1 +0110010010 Cotricom 1 +0110010010 Randfontein 1 +0110010010 Santeuspacchio 1 +0110010010 Donauwerke 1 +0110010010 Barc 1 +0110010010 VERSICHERUNGS 1 +0110010010 Nadler-Philopena 1 +0110010010 PLM-BALL 1 +0110010010 Rosemount 1 +0110010010 Gentor 1 +0110010010 Eurotech 1 +0110010010 MARMON 1 +0110010010 Jordoniss 1 +0110010010 King-Size 1 +0110010010 Tianlong 1 +0110010010 Tweco 1 +0110010010 Compositek 1 +0110010010 Contain-A-Way 1 +0110010010 Thorn/EMI 1 +0110010010 Oiltex 1 +0110010010 Charcoal 1 +0110010010 Etma 1 +0110010010 ABV 1 +0110010010 Aker-Norcem 1 +0110010010 Toyoba 1 +0110010010 GENE-TRAK 1 +0110010010 Vicat 1 +0110010010 MicroSmart 1 +0110010010 JetStream 1 +0110010010 OMT 1 +0110010010 SAINT-FRERES 1 +0110010010 Koitaki 1 +0110010010 AECI 1 +0110010010 Optimem 1 +0110010010 McChild 1 +0110010010 Allia 1 +0110010010 Prodest 1 +0110010010 VCH 1 +0110010010 QINTEX 1 +0110010010 SOPAMED 1 +0110010010 Novatel 1 +0110010010 Venrock 1 +0110010010 Luchaire 1 +0110010010 Zantop 1 +0110010010 Nationale-Nederlanden 1 +0110010010 Diadora 1 +0110010010 Brasif 1 +0110010010 BurroughsWellcome 1 +0110010010 Fincentro 1 +0110010010 Saibu-Saison 1 +0110010010 Paktank 1 +0110010010 Competrol 1 +0110010010 Apco 1 +0110010010 Tele-Columbus 1 +0110010010 Magnetbahn 1 +0110010010 M.A.G. 1 +0110010010 Intamin 1 +0110010010 Bankasi 1 +0110010010 Woodlink 1 +0110010010 Multitasking 1 +0110010010 Vinters 1 +0110010010 Loeks-Star 1 +0110010010 co-publish 1 +0110010010 Starckjohann-Telko 1 +0110010010 Cen-Gold 1 +0110010010 Parasitic 1 +0110010010 Massuh 1 +0110010010 Morton-Norwich 1 +0110010010 Thoratec 1 +0110010010 Euro-Magnetics 1 +0110010010 Nolton 1 +0110010010 Bershire 1 +0110010010 SuperComputer 1 +0110010010 Bakso 1 +0110010010 FAMILIAN 1 +0110010010 Foervaltnings 1 +0110010010 Crosshaven 1 +0110010010 Reunida 1 +0110010010 BreakTime 1 +0110010010 Fastigehets 1 +0110010010 Rumbo 1 +0110010010 Interoil 1 +0110010010 BOUVET 1 +0110010010 QPL 1 +0110010010 Medlantic 1 +0110010010 BOLIDEN 1 +0110010010 Volador 1 +0110010010 Argali 1 +0110010010 Coldwrap 1 +0110010010 Lucky-Allied 1 +0110010010 Borlem 1 +0110010010 Salumi 1 +0110010010 Benson/Landberg 1 +0110010010 Katanning 1 +0110010010 Chequecard 1 +0110010010 Consolidator-Granaten 1 +0110010010 FRP 1 +0110010010 Villares 1 +0110010010 Industrikreditbank 1 +0110010010 Gerling 1 +0110010010 Pinetree 1 +0110010010 Bio-recovery 1 +0110010010 Silcorp 1 +0110010010 Sea-Alaska 1 +0110010010 Zaerix 1 +0110010010 Schwarzhaupt 1 +0110010010 Double-Double 1 +0110010010 Liande 1 +0110010010 Cameron-Brown 1 +0110010010 Far-Mac 1 +0110010010 Harris-Magnavox 1 +0110010010 Nordstress 1 +0110010010 EXEL 1 +0110010010 Cityquest 1 +0110010010 Kloeckner-Humbolt-Deutz 1 +0110010010 Fulkroad 1 +0110010010 ProForma 1 +0110010010 2323 1 +0110010010 Perbadanan 1 +0110010010 Luditec 1 +0110010010 Pegulan-Werke 1 +0110010010 TELIT 1 +0110010010 Herlitz 1 +0110010010 Transoil 1 +0110010010 WESTFIELD 1 +0110010010 Metdist 1 +0110010010 Cem-A-Care 1 +0110010010 Media-News 1 +0110010010 967,600 1 +0110010010 Rhodia 1 +0110010010 Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Bloehm 1 +0110010010 Boller/Coates/Spadaro 1 +0110010010 Gunze 1 +0110010010 Tel-Optik 1 +0110010010 Preventable 1 +0110010010 Kuntzle 1 +0110010010 Westmex 1 +0110010010 Dunavant 1 +0110010010 Snamprogetti 1 +0110010010 Tel-Optick 1 +0110010010 Goliad 1 +0110010010 Meditec 1 +0110010010 Cargocaire 1 +0110010010 Morris-Rospond 1 +0110010010 Lafarge-Coppee 1 +0110010010 Boart 1 +0110010010 HLS 1 +0110010010 GREENWOOD 1 +0110010010 OFP 1 +0110010010 Compagnia 1 +0110010010 Runglin 1 +0110010010 Newland 1 +0110010010 PETROCORP 1 +0110010010 VBB 1 +0110010010 Availco 1 +0110010010 ALFA-LAVAL 1 +0110010010 DataLab 1 +0110010010 Asset-Chile 1 +0110010010 Arbed-Saarstahl 1 +0110010010 Woodville 1 +0110010010 DENISON 1 +0110010010 MIP 1 +0110010010 NAVIGATION 1 +0110010010 Pick-Vanoff 1 +0110010010 R/Greenberg 1 +0110010010 Westfalenbank 1 +0110010010 Rank/Xerox 1 +0110010010 Hafslund 1 +0110010010 MOET-HENNESSY 1 +0110010010 MACARTHY 1 +0110010010 MANPOWER 1 +0110010010 Transammo 1 +0110010010 Serfina 1 +0110010010 Soprefin 1 +0110010010 Finalter 1 +0110010010 KemaNobel 1 +0110010010 REIL 1 +0110010010 DidierWerke 1 +0110010010 Tri-South 1 +0110010010 Provida 1 +0110010010 Etko 1 +0110010010 SOCS 1 +0110010010 Helming 1 +0110010010 Goirand 1 +0110010010 Mingold 1 +0110010010 San-co 1 +0110010010 Ubena 1 +0110010010 K.F.O. 1 +0110010010 GHK 1 +0110010010 SANGEMINI 1 +0110010010 Danaos 1 +0110010010 Heatube 1 +0110010010 Kissell 1 +0110010010 High/Low 1 +0110010010 Princeton/Montrose 1 +0110010010 Fairey 1 +0110010010 Treelane 1 +0110010010 VEUVE 1 +0110010010 Bosch-Siemens 1 +0110010010 Cauzin 1 +0110010010 Citropectina 1 +0110010010 C.P 1 +0110010010 Oakhill 1 +0110010010 HOCHTIEF 1 +0110010010 Lexitech 1 +0110010010 Miller-Wohl 1 +0110010010 Wildfire 1 +0110010010 Industrieverwaltungsgesellschaft 1 +0110010010 Industrievaerden 1 +0110010010 Lacarriere 1 +0110010010 Hidraulica 1 +0110010010 Serv-Mor 1 +0110010010 Lifetree 1 +0110010010 ScaniaVabis 1 +0110010010 Metalsa 1 +0110010010 Adience 1 +0110010010 FGR 1 +0110010010 Kanemori 1 +0110010010 Five-Star 1 +0110010010 Scott-Levin 1 +0110010010 FITZGERALD 1 +0110010010 Genelcan 1 +0110010010 Multilayer 1 +0110010010 Elisra 1 +0110010010 Travcan 1 +0110010010 Kawaguchi 1 +0110010010 ALSTHOM 1 +0110010010 Duty-Free 1 +0110010010 Papelok 1 +0110010010 Simco 1 +0110010010 US-Travel 1 +0110010010 G.N.W. 1 +0110010010 OKAMOTO 1 +0110010010 Stanwich 1 +0110010010 Indamerica 1 +0110010010 Transgene 1 +0110010010 A&L 1 +0110010010 Hydrocarbon 1 +0110010010 TCR 1 +0110010010 Marimpex 1 +0110010010 DWO 1 +0110010010 YAMASHITA-SHINNIHON 1 +0110010010 Bottelo 1 +0110010010 WhitMar 1 +0110010010 Brel 1 +0110010010 Unigestion 1 +0110010010 J.A.M. 1 +0110010010 DPCE 1 +0110010010 Interesow 1 +0110010010 Torras-Hostench 1 +0110010010 Lamy-Lutti 1 +0110010010 Reteitalia 1 +0110010010 GIROBANK 1 +0110010010 AirShuttle 1 +0110010010 FRANCOIS-DUFOUR-KERVERN 1 +0110010010 Payline 1 +0110010010 McCormick-Publicis 1 +0110010010 KaisterTech 1 +0110010010 NEDERLANDSCHE 1 +0110010010 Kagome 1 +0110010010 PHL 1 +0110010010 ED&D 1 +0110010010 Macmoter 1 +0110010010 Ecomat 1 +0110010010 Kelhan 1 +0110010010 Genpharm 1 +0110010010 Kiarti 1 +0110010010 GOTAGRUPPEN 1 +0110010010 Noritsu 1 +0110010010 Suttle 1 +0110010010 Finmec-canica 1 +0110010010 Computer/Management 1 +0110010010 Clarel 1 +0110010010 Boojum 1 +0110010010 Ibca 1 +0110010010 Nyland 1 +0110010010 SONANCE 1 +0110010010 Enroe 1 +0110010010 Bonso 1 +0110010010 Oberland-Glas 1 +0110010010 Greencash 1 +0110010010 RHINRHONE 1 +0110010010 MENEBA 1 +0110010010 Tca-IV 1 +0110010010 Korry 1 +0110010010 Golodetz 1 +0110010010 Winstone 1 +0110010010 A/W 1 +0110010010 Bimak 1 +0110010010 Papyrus 1 +0110010010 Pegulan 1 +0110010010 JJS 1 +0110010010 HOOKER 1 +0110010010 Cameo 1 +0110010010 CROS 1 +0110010010 Landbase 1 +0110010010 Downeast 1 +0110010010 Vismara 1 +0110010010 Davigel 1 +0110010010 Synercom 1 +0110010010 Asanuma 1 +0110010010 FIBERGLAS 1 +0110010010 Otto-Versand 1 +0110010010 FNR 1 +0110010010 Seiniger 1 +0110010010 In-Store 1 +0110010010 Nosac 1 +0110010010 Courtelis 1 +0110010010 Sartorius 1 +0110010010 SOGO 1 +0110010010 ITO-YOKADO 1 +0110010010 LBB 1 +0110010010 Brown-Williamson 1 +0110010010 Meadowbrook 1 +0110010010 Telerate-Radiocor 1 +0110010010 MITSUKOSHI 1 +0110010010 IAG 1 +0110010010 Cerestar 1 +0110010010 Loews/CNA 1 +0110010010 Arbco 1 +0110010010 Elektrowatt 1 +0110010010 Altamera 1 +0110010010 MicSa 1 +0110010010 SEMA-METRA 1 +0110010010 Kibon 1 +0110010010 AUSTRAC 1 +0110010010 HERON 1 +0110010010 AVIS 1 +0110010010 Imofo 1 +0110010010 Unigraphics 1 +0110010010 Caramba 1 +0110010010 Koolmees 1 +0110010010 Medchem 1 +0110010010 Permodalan 1 +0110010010 Sawyer-Miller 1 +0110010010 1,261,848 1 +0110010010 OSI/Network 1 +0110010010 Ame 1 +0110010010 Lladro 1 +0110010010 Japonica 1 +0110010010 Coner 1 +0110010010 Rosegate 1 +0110010010 Flugleasing 1 +0110010010 Stenexport 1 +0110010010 Shochiku-Fuji 1 +0110010010 Zeron 1 +0110010010 Neurotech 1 +0110010010 Arbobyl 1 +0110010010 Sappi 1 +0110010010 ADAC 1 +0110010010 Perinatal 1 +0110010010 Louis-Vuitton 1 +0110010010 Tunggal 1 +0110010010 Danaswara 1 +0110010010 Quoteplan 1 +0110010010 Caci 1 +0110010010 MLD 1 +0110010010 Georget 1 +0110010010 Saupiquet 1 +0110010010 Wirth-Gallo 1 +0110010010 Buckley/DeCerchio 1 +0110010010 Conticommodity 1 +0110010010 Kunick 1 +0110010010 WAZ 1 +0110010010 Comprhensive 1 +0110010010 Leathers 1 +0110010010 Kuhmo 1 +0110010010 Neodata 1 +0110010010 Intelsa 1 +0110010010 Galbani 1 +0110010010 Cydsa 1 +0110010010 Feralloys 1 +0110010010 Tripod 1 +0110010010 Highbury 1 +0110010010 Exley-Giles 1 +0110010010 114,375 1 +0110010010 SunBox 1 +0110010010 Eddot 1 +0110010010 Cati 1 +0110010010 Breon 1 +0110010010 Conspiracies 1 +0110010010 S.E.V. 1 +0110010010 ENICHEM 1 +0110010010 Locus 1 +0110010010 DUMENIL-LEBLE 1 +0110010010 Wal 1 +0110010010 Auchan 1 +0110010010 Firema 1 +0110010010 pre-Magna 1 +0110010010 Petroconsultants 1 +0110010010 BEGHIN-SAY 1 +0110010010 Mittel 1 +0110010010 Arvedi 1 +0110010010 EDIPRESSE 1 +0110010010 WESTLAND 1 +0110010010 GMP 1 +0110010010 Auto-Trol 1 +0110010010 Bioline 1 +0110010010 JED 1 +0110010010 BUITIONI 1 +0110010010 PERUGINA 1 +0110010010 Brocacef 1 +0110010010 Dagra 1 +0110010010 Medicopharma 1 +0110010010 Nogepha 1 +0110010010 Pharbita 1 +0110010010 Pharmachemie 1 +0110010010 Celtona 1 +0110010010 Intermedia 1 +0110010010 Rangenine 1 +0110010010 PetroFina 1 +0110010010 Zambon 1 +0110010010 Execucom 1 +0110010010 SIAB 1 +0110010010 Swedegas 1 +0110010010 Harmonia 1 +0110010010 Kedaung 1 +0110010010 Ceva 1 +0110010010 Reedpack 1 +0110010010 PICKWICK 1 +0110010010 Atlas-Alchem 1 +0110010010 LOWNDES 1 +0110010010 Sefinco 1 +0110010010 Instalaza 1 +0110010010 Shato 1 +0110010010 Trian 1 +0110010010 Cogefar 1 +0110010010 Longform 1 +0110010010 R&W 1 +0110010010 BOOKER 1 +0110010010 Carbon/Graphite 1 +0110010010 BTO 1 +0110010010 Aviofer 1 +0110010010 Semperit 1 +0110010010 Komodo 2 +0110010010 Cofreth 2 +0110010010 TAB 2 +0110010010 Micro-Economics 2 +0110010010 Bungener 2 +0110010010 Seven-arts 2 +0110010010 Nash-Finch 2 +0110010010 Primera 2 +0110010010 Hemglo 2 +0110010010 Steppan 2 +0110010010 Bizerba-Werke 2 +0110010010 PEKO-WALLSEND 2 +0110010010 Libby-Owens-Ford 2 +0110010010 Petitio 2 +0110010010 Hubinger 2 +0110010010 Chuckles 2 +0110010010 CANON 2 +0110010010 Merrico 2 +0110010010 Opsjonsentralen 2 +0110010010 ANTIBIOTICOS 2 +0110010010 Nightwing 2 +0110010010 Nippon-Gakki 2 +0110010010 CMD 2 +0110010010 Ransomes 2 +0110010010 Coopervision 2 +0110010010 Barber-Greene 2 +0110010010 Pierrel 2 +0110010010 Hapimag 2 +0110010010 Sonauto 2 +0110010010 Homco 2 +0110010010 DEG 2 +0110010010 Tahari 2 +0110010010 Euro-Belge 2 +0110010010 WFRR 2 +0110010010 1,734,075 2 +0110010010 Sige 2 +0110010010 Tel-Thermco 2 +0110010010 Vitalie 2 +0110010010 Thermos 2 +0110010010 CDF-CHIMIE 2 +0110010010 Chemco 2 +0110010010 METALLGESELLSCHAFT 2 +0110010010 Aril 2 +0110010010 DoveBar 2 +0110010010 HewlettPackard 2 +0110010010 Delftaland 2 +0110010010 Imetal 2 +0110010010 KEE 2 +0110010010 1,234,075 2 +0110010010 Dunmore 2 +0110010010 KREDIETBANK 2 +0110010010 Tomy 2 +0110010010 AirCruisers 2 +0110010010 Belvieu 2 +0110010010 SUPERDRUG 2 +0110010010 Prodome 2 +0110010010 Bettoja 2 +0110010010 RBW 2 +0110010010 Dawani 2 +0110010010 Vollrath 2 +0110010010 Willo 2 +0110010010 Albright-Knox 2 +0110010010 Wharfedale 2 +0110010010 Handlingair 2 +0110010010 Sielox 2 +0110010010 Keller-Crescent 2 +0110010010 Steris 2 +0110010010 Boarts 2 +0110010010 Investech 2 +0110010010 INDUSTRI 2 +0110010010 Sportstattenbau 2 +0110010010 Kemper/Bedford 2 +0110010010 BEAUTY 2 +0110010010 SoCal 2 +0110010010 AFSA 2 +0110010010 Accupham 2 +0110010010 Mojonnier 2 +0110010010 Sperrings 2 +0110010010 Post-Och 2 +0110010010 Vitarel 2 +0110010010 Farmers-Citizens 2 +0110010010 Arbi 2 +0110010010 D.M. 2 +0110010010 Basf 2 +0110010010 Hydril 2 +0110010010 Edap 2 +0110010010 Bancpro 2 +0110010010 Plumsters 2 +0110010010 Penn-Med 2 +0110010010 Geppetto 2 +0110010010 FLUOROCARBON 2 +0110010010 BVPS 2 +0110010010 Sellon 2 +0110010010 ITM 2 +0110010010 ANHEUSER-BUSCH 2 +0110010010 Rondeleux 2 +0110010010 Bio-Trends 2 +0110010010 Norcros 2 +0110010010 Hertie 2 +0110010010 BI/MS 2 +0110010010 Hatchette 2 +0110010010 Linvure 2 +0110010010 Gipharmex 2 +0110010010 Katenac 2 +0110010010 Hargitay 2 +0110010010 Salamander 2 +0110010010 IMOFO 2 +0110010010 National-Standard 2 +0110010010 Gruy 2 +0110010010 Lampyre 2 +0110010010 Gregorys 2 +0110010010 Hexatec 2 +0110010010 Pluess-Staufer 2 +0110010010 Intercooperation 2 +0110010010 Amoy 2 +0110010010 Headway 2 +0110010010 Munksjoe 2 +0110010010 Sicame 2 +0110010010 Grillet 2 +0110010010 DWJ 2 +0110010010 Germfree 2 +0110010010 Beeck-Feinkost 2 +0110010010 Kampmann 2 +0110010010 Amtrade 2 +0110010010 Envirosure 2 +0110010010 Hygena 2 +0110010010 Ontio 2 +0110010010 Godwins 2 +0110010010 Arkel 2 +0110010010 udc 2 +0110010010 Lancy 2 +0110010010 Keppel 2 +0110010010 ND 2 +0110010010 Unimar 2 +0110010010 DISC 2 +0110010010 Ratti 2 +0110010010 SeedTec 2 +0110010010 REPSOL 2 +0110010010 AJS 2 +0110010010 Solvac 2 +0110010010 Elopak 2 +0110010010 SELM 2 +0110010010 Seikosha 2 +0110010010 Rothbury 2 +0110010010 McLarnon 2 +0110010010 Inisel 2 +0110010010 Sofati 2 +0110010010 Kemet 2 +0110010010 ARBED 2 +0110010010 Ball-Onex 2 +0110010010 Z-Coat 2 +0110010010 Carnicon 2 +0110010010 Paravant 2 +0110010010 Nurol 2 +0110010010 Re-Entry 2 +0110010010 OmniChem 2 +0110010010 Cariplant 2 +0110010010 HK-TVB 2 +0110010010 Detailing 2 +0110010010 RHP 2 +0110010010 H&W 2 +0110010010 Rancourt 2 +0110010010 Permacel 2 +0110010010 Citmoco 2 +0110010010 Volkwagen 2 +0110010010 Visix 2 +0110010010 Swingster 2 +0110010010 Tarco 2 +0110010010 LifeStar 2 +0110010010 Nichiei 2 +0110010010 Gildemeister 2 +0110010010 ASKO 2 +0110010010 4,150,000 2 +0110010010 Robertshaw 2 +0110010010 Wardley-Thomson 2 +0110010010 Shadowfax 2 +0110010010 Salora 2 +0110010010 Preventa 2 +0110010010 Whitesmiths 2 +0110010010 Pelapack 2 +0110010010 Macaple 2 +0110010010 Arcorp 2 +0110010010 SIGE 2 +0110010010 Maljack 2 +0110010010 Kimm 2 +0110010010 Messerschmidt-Boelkow-Blohm 2 +0110010010 Flairdial 2 +0110010010 Telemetrix 2 +0110010010 CRAY 2 +0110010010 Mercapital 2 +0110010010 Marline 2 +0110010010 Softguard 2 +0110010010 Infosystems 2 +0110010010 Novar 2 +0110010010 Blero 2 +0110010010 Morubel 2 +0110010010 Trostberg 2 +0110010010 Penhall 2 +0110010010 Double-Cola 2 +0110010010 Nichii 2 +0110010010 Viro 2 +0110010010 Faygo 2 +0110010010 0.001 2 +0110010010 BioSurface 2 +0110010010 Lague 2 +0110010010 TAKASHIMAYA 2 +0110010010 Unicord 2 +0110010010 Nashoba 2 +0110010010 Syncon 2 +0110010010 Ecofuel 2 +0110010010 Instinct 2 +0110010010 MDU 2 +0110010010 Emb-Tex 2 +0110010010 Opubco 2 +0110010010 Grip-Rite 2 +0110010010 Goodweather 2 +0110010010 Ipsoa 2 +0110010010 Parco 2 +0110010010 NSI 2 +0110010010 Trachte 2 +0110010010 Unidev 2 +0110010010 Geocapital 2 +0110010010 Chopp 2 +0110010010 SD-Scicon 2 +0110010010 Fiti 2 +0110010010 Nexus 2 +0110010010 Iberduero 2 +0110010010 Motor-Columbus 2 +0110010010 Ablekind 2 +0110010010 Afora 2 +0110010010 Dolco 2 +0110010010 Bioassay 2 +0110010010 Osmose 2 +0110010010 Ultron 2 +0110010010 AUTOMOTIVE 2 +0110010010 Andelsbanken 2 +0110010010 LEF&C 2 +0110010010 Albadoro 2 +0110010010 Semacap 2 +0110010010 EBRO 2 +0110010010 Audifi 2 +0110010010 Remy-Martin 2 +0110010010 Vendamerica 2 +0110010010 Swedpoint 2 +0110010010 DSP 2 +0110010010 VBL 2 +0110010010 GEBRUEDER 2 +0110010010 Netherlines 2 +0110010010 Monder 2 +0110010010 Siga 2 +0110010010 Queue 2 +0110010010 Cergnul 2 +0110010010 AMLO 2 +0110010010 Soundcraft 2 +0110010010 Amerihost 2 +0110010010 Anglovaal 2 +0110010010 Distiller 2 +0110010010 Hesta 2 +0110010010 PACCAR 2 +0110010010 Centrafarm 2 +0110010010 Caschem 2 +0110010010 NewTel 2 +0110010010 Immunization 2 +0110010010 Fairbear 2 +0110010010 Qualla 2 +0110010010 Plitt 2 +0110010010 Morrith 2 +0110010010 ATE 2 +0110010010 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 2 +0110010010 Fox-Morris 2 +0110010010 Saint-Louis 2 +0110010010 GRANINGEVERKEN 2 +0110010010 Artemisia 2 +0110010010 Locke-Sweatman 2 +0110010010 DMR 2 +0110010010 HACHETTE 2 +0110010010 ACCOR 2 +0110010010 PULLMAN 2 +0110010010 Franklins 2 +0110010010 Unitron 2 +0110010010 Teksid 2 +0110010010 ChemLink 2 +0110010010 StanChart 2 +0110010010 NEWELL 2 +0110010010 Entrad 2 +0110010010 TELUGU 2 +0110010010 ManTech 2 +0110010010 Polychimie 2 +0110010010 ENGINEERED 2 +0110010010 Chem-Security 2 +0110010010 FlighTrak 2 +0110010010 Vocam 2 +0110010010 BonTon 2 +0110010010 Generra 2 +0110010010 American-Standard 2 +0110010010 Nedam 2 +0110010010 Alcar 2 +0110010010 JRM 2 +0110010010 L.A 2 +0110010010 Millenium 2 +0110010010 Sumitomo-Yale 2 +0110010010 CBS-Sony 2 +0110010010 Brooktrout 2 +0110010010 Nutri-Cheese 2 +0110010010 Simulations 2 +0110010010 Banacol 2 +0110010010 Tallant/Yates 2 +0110010010 KOPPERS 2 +0110010010 Insite 2 +0110010010 ALFA 2 +0110010010 SCHINDLER 2 +0110010010 FUNNY 2 +0110010010 Seeq 2 +0110010010 Asmo 2 +0110010010 Shama 2 +0110010010 GUTHRIE 2 +0110010010 Cinemerica 2 +0110010010 Mineweld 2 +0110010010 Amtek 2 +0110010010 Electro-Plating 2 +0110010010 Merlin-Gerin 2 +0110010010 ENERGIES 2 +0110010010 Ceres 2 +0110010010 H&J 2 +0110010010 DENTSU 2 +0110010010 Fata 2 +0110010010 Dataserv 2 +0110010010 Uniplex 2 +0110010010 Sunair 2 +0110010010 TMP 2 +0110010010 Dupee 3 +0110010010 Amatil 3 +0110010010 Nyambui 3 +0110010010 Espa 3 +0110010010 Digi 3 +0110010010 Incon 3 +0110010010 Cabletron 3 +0110010010 ALLIED-SIGNAL 3 +0110010010 Guerbet 3 +0110010010 Kedem 3 +0110010010 Pafinvest 3 +0110010010 Nocopi 3 +0110010010 Sunkyong 3 +0110010010 Dupey 3 +0110010010 PW-Allison 3 +0110010010 VISTA 3 +0110010010 Petroleo 3 +0110010010 BANCA 3 +0110010010 Equi-Cor 3 +0110010010 Bayberry 3 +0110010010 Willas 3 +0110010010 Houghton-Mifflin 3 +0110010010 Filmtrax 3 +0110010010 Norbay 3 +0110010010 ERO 3 +0110010010 POTLATCH 3 +0110010010 Whitehot 3 +0110010010 TUBE 3 +0110010010 RENT-A-CENTER 3 +0110010010 Sidmak 3 +0110010010 GM-Fanuc 3 +0110010010 Gatoil 3 +0110010010 Sanyang 3 +0110010010 INGERSOLL-RAND 3 +0110010010 Eurexpansion 3 +0110010010 OEC 3 +0110010010 YJR 3 +0110010010 H&T 3 +0110010010 Cafaro 3 +0110010010 Tatung 3 +0110010010 Aectra 3 +0110010010 BREL 3 +0110010010 Tessek 3 +0110010010 Senetek 3 +0110010010 Altech 3 +0110010010 Progas 3 +0110010010 Comart 3 +0110010010 Packerland 3 +0110010010 Maritrans 3 +0110010010 Neilsen 3 +0110010010 Jackson-Cross 3 +0110010010 Guiness 3 +0110010010 MITAC 3 +0110010010 Kellow-Brown 3 +0110010010 Tollman-Hundley 3 +0110010010 Theurer 3 +0110010010 BRNF 3 +0110010010 Kyotaru 3 +0110010010 Robertsons 3 +0110010010 CRANE 3 +0110010010 FLF 3 +0110010010 Craisec 3 +0110010010 GULL 3 +0110010010 Banff 3 +0110010010 Sogevalor 3 +0110010010 HOESCH 3 +0110010010 BENETTON 3 +0110010010 Corabi 3 +0110010010 Hypothermia 3 +0110010010 Vacharaphol 3 +0110010010 Rowley-Scher 3 +0110010010 Omnichem 3 +0110010010 Comprimo 3 +0110010010 Greenlee 3 +0110010010 Wurltech 3 +0110010010 Westan 3 +0110010010 Voicemail 3 +0110010010 Corange 3 +0110010010 Linair 3 +0110010010 Farra 3 +0110010010 Bioplan 3 +0110010010 Middlewest 3 +0110010010 Skandifond 3 +0110010010 EFS 3 +0110010010 Updyke 3 +0110010010 Videojet 3 +0110010010 DMA 3 +0110010010 Caetec 3 +0110010010 Holmens 3 +0110010010 WorldInvest 3 +0110010010 UMP 3 +0110010010 Ametex 3 +0110010010 Cynba 3 +0110010010 Nieman-Marcus 3 +0110010010 Smedvig 3 +0110010010 Tirrena 3 +0110010010 IndieProd 3 +0110010010 Alkaril 3 +0110010010 PAE 3 +0110010010 Haromu 3 +0110010010 Sino 3 +0110010010 Amedo 3 +0110010010 Glenex 3 +0110010010 Innogenetics 3 +0110010010 Sargento 3 +0110010010 Hardaway 3 +0110010010 EDC 3 +0110010010 Nantahala 3 +0110010010 Phicom 3 +0110010010 Oakley-Sutton 3 +0110010010 COMMERZBANK 3 +0110010010 Computerbase 3 +0110010010 Debenhams 3 +0110010010 Clevite-Bridgestone 3 +0110010010 RHIN-RHONE 3 +0110010010 Macrodyne 3 +0110010010 Bassak 3 +0110010010 Cistron 3 +0110010010 Scholarly 3 +0110010010 Terminix 3 +0110010010 Essington 3 +0110010010 Email 3 +0110010010 CKD 3 +0110010010 Sema-Metra 3 +0110010010 T.O.S. 3 +0110010010 Roxboro 3 +0110010010 Syva 3 +0110010010 Lantor 3 +0110010010 Asher/Gould 3 +0110010010 Permutit 3 +0110010010 McAhn 3 +0110010010 Sasol 3 +0110010010 Birla 3 +0110010010 McDuff 3 +0110010010 Taggares 3 +0110010010 KSI 3 +0110010010 MBf 3 +0110010010 Mendik 3 +0110010010 BPT 3 +0110010010 EMAIL 3 +0110010010 Softlab 3 +0110010010 Irlemp 3 +0110010010 Gotco 3 +0110010010 Sasea 3 +0110010010 GCR 3 +0110010010 Pan-American 3 +0110010010 Elta 3 +0110010010 Vulnax 3 +0110010010 Nobelpharma 3 +0110010010 Cercast 3 +0110010010 Anjou 3 +0110010010 Tasselli 3 +0110010010 Bertlesmann 3 +0110010010 Broere 3 +0110010010 Miller-Valentine 3 +0110010010 Parkmount 3 +0110010010 Oxted 3 +0110010010 Rock-Tenn 3 +0110010010 Kanebo 3 +0110010010 Nestar 3 +0110010010 GMI 3 +0110010010 Cetia 3 +0110010010 EWA 3 +0110010010 Barings 3 +0110010010 Cue 3 +0110010010 Grattan 3 +0110010010 ADI 3 +0110010010 Metra 3 +0110010010 M.A.S.T. 3 +0110010010 Monenco 3 +0110010010 Asix 3 +0110010010 Ruetgerswerke 3 +0110010010 ASDA-MFI 3 +0110010010 Frontec 3 +0110010010 Saarbergwerke 3 +0110010010 CIN 3 +0110010010 NMI 3 +0110010010 MidFirst 3 +0110010010 Cyklop 3 +0110010010 Bayswater 3 +0110010010 Gorman-Rupp 3 +0110010010 Nisshinbo 3 +0110010010 Unibanco 3 +0110010010 Acwoo 3 +0110010010 Carphone 3 +0110010010 Symphar 3 +0110010010 Stratos 3 +0110010010 IWC 3 +0110010010 Ametalco 3 +0110010010 Henlys 3 +0110010010 Mazer 3 +0110010010 Bridon 3 +0110010010 Deshen 3 +0110010010 Ohio-Ferro 3 +0110010010 Allmat 3 +0110010010 Victorinox 3 +0110010010 Sunprene 3 +0110010010 Inoco 3 +0110010010 Marketcorp 3 +0110010010 Southwark 3 +0110010010 WDL 3 +0110010010 SRS 3 +0110010010 CYBO 3 +0110010010 Nanomask 3 +0110010010 Vitromatic 3 +0110010010 Carless 3 +0110010010 Comalco 3 +0110010010 Rockwell-Rimoldi 3 +0110010010 Shoudu 3 +0110010010 Mitac 3 +0110010010 Rederi 3 +0110010010 ITEL 3 +0110010010 SEBA 3 +0110010010 Blomfield 3 +0110010010 Bongrain 3 +0110010010 Postbank 3 +0110010010 Novalta 3 +0110010010 Merbanco 3 +0110010010 Chromine 3 +0110010010 Descente 3 +0110010010 Tune-In 3 +0110010010 Bayernwerk 3 +0110010010 Selame 3 +0110010010 Ilva 3 +0110010010 Kuraray 3 +0110010010 Zukor 3 +0110010010 Storwall 3 +0110010010 Deutscher 3 +0110010010 Kinnett 3 +0110010010 Fulham 3 +0110010010 1,275,000 3 +0110010010 SoGen 3 +0110010010 Intercon 3 +0110010010 TJ 3 +0110010010 BDF 3 +0110010010 Ciba-Corning 3 +0110010010 Pay-Per-View 3 +0110010010 Feruzzi 3 +0110010010 Industriekreditbank 3 +0110010010 Renusagar 3 +0110010010 FC 3 +0110010010 WATTIE 3 +0110010010 Grillmaster 3 +0110010010 FINSIDER 3 +0110010010 Caronan 3 +0110010010 Summey 3 +0110010010 Paradene 3 +0110010010 Gemaire 3 +0110010010 Ceilcote 3 +0110010010 Cordin 3 +0110010010 Kushner-Locke 3 +0110010010 MOUNTLEIGH 3 +0110010010 Debron 3 +0110010010 Carnaud 3 +0110010010 Danzas 3 +0110010010 UNDERWOODS 3 +0110010010 Thermadyne 3 +0110010010 Ringier 4 +0110010010 Cellmark 4 +0110010010 SYO 4 +0110010010 Polymotor 4 +0110010010 guinness 4 +0110010010 Amylum 4 +0110010010 Wetex 4 +0110010010 UV 4 +0110010010 W.E.T. 4 +0110010010 Kockums 4 +0110010010 ANF 4 +0110010010 Dong-ah 4 +0110010010 Spitman 4 +0110010010 Bia-Cor 4 +0110010010 Selcore 4 +0110010010 UNR 4 +0110010010 Furnas 4 +0110010010 MacLaren 4 +0110010010 Canimp 4 +0110010010 Ares-Serono 4 +0110010010 Rayan 4 +0110010010 Ajay 4 +0110010010 Bayshore 4 +0110010010 Ergo 4 +0110010010 WII 4 +0110010010 EAL 4 +0110010010 Interlego 4 +0110010010 GP 4 +0110010010 ANB 4 +0110010010 Biosource 4 +0110010010 Cagle 4 +0110010010 Holophone 4 +0110010010 Tavora 4 +0110010010 Tri 4 +0110010010 RoyWest 4 +0110010010 Carrefour 4 +0110010010 Shasta 4 +0110010010 Panini 4 +0110010010 Linter 4 +0110010010 Forbo 4 +0110010010 Frost-Nevada 4 +0110010010 Klorin 4 +0110010010 Carboloy 4 +0110010010 BBA 4 +0110010010 UPJOHN 4 +0110010010 Metier 4 +0110010010 Fluoromed 4 +0110010010 Scopus 4 +0110010010 Bejam 4 +0110010010 SWT 4 +0110010010 HealthWays 4 +0110010010 QFB 4 +0110010010 PPGH 4 +0110010010 DeLonghi 4 +0110010010 Fodor 4 +0110010010 FCB 4 +0110010010 SVG 4 +0110010010 Chartwell 4 +0110010010 Gist-Brocades 4 +0110010010 Hofi 4 +0110010010 Deprenyl 4 +0110010010 Stern/Monroe 4 +0110010010 Trailmobile 4 +0110010010 Saztec 4 +0110010010 Syscorp 4 +0110010010 Albion 4 +0110010010 Southbury 4 +0110010010 Windfields 4 +0110010010 Kustom 4 +0110010010 Bakrie 4 +0110010010 Muiden-Chemie 4 +0110010010 Cayzer 4 +0110010010 CHC 4 +0110010010 Karkar 4 +0110010010 HD 4 +0110010010 Dista 4 +0110010010 Maclean-Hunter 4 +0110010010 Siboney 4 +0110010010 Killearn 4 +0110010010 Amev 4 +0110010010 Canopus 4 +0110010010 ALCATEL 4 +0110010010 Topgallant 4 +0110010010 Coditel 4 +0110010010 Careal 4 +0110010010 Kao-Didak 4 +0110010010 Rajawali 4 +0110010010 Saxpy 4 +0110010010 Dairylea 4 +0110010010 Semitek 4 +0110010010 Tropigas 4 +0110010010 Cardkey 4 +0110010010 Berlex 4 +0110010010 Cannons 4 +0110010010 EWE 4 +0110010010 Schreder 4 +0110010010 Robotool 4 +0110010010 Trans-Pan 4 +0110010010 Borman/Gray 4 +0110010010 Timberline 4 +0110010010 Hillards 4 +0110010010 Sofina 4 +0110010010 Abt 4 +0110010010 Wunderman 4 +0110010010 Pharmakinetics 4 +0110010010 Cinecom 4 +0110010010 BDS 4 +0110010010 Mahanagar 4 +0110010010 Trompeter 4 +0110010010 Suisun 4 +0110010010 Facit 4 +0110010010 R.A.B. 4 +0110010010 Pavion 4 +0110010010 Luz 4 +0110010010 Siossigeno 4 +0110010010 Comrealty 4 +0110010010 Quintex 4 +0110010010 Wella 4 +0110010010 Saipem 4 +0110010010 Novopharm 4 +0110010010 Comp-U-Card 4 +0110010010 Wcrs 4 +0110010010 Koba 4 +0110010010 Gescan 4 +0110010010 AIResearch 4 +0110010010 Ann-Margret 4 +0110010010 TIMKEN 4 +0110010010 Beaudril 4 +0110010010 Lawrie 4 +0110010010 UI 4 +0110010010 Transnuklear 4 +0110010010 Linc 4 +0110010010 Madill 4 +0110010010 KROGER 4 +0110010010 Sealright 4 +0110010010 LINDE 4 +0110010010 Kikusui 4 +0110010010 Tecolote 4 +0110010010 MRB 4 +0110010010 Volkswagenwerk 4 +0110010010 Ophthalmic 4 +0110010010 Fitzwilton 4 +0110010010 Tadiran 4 +0110010010 Racal-Redac 4 +0110010010 InterTrade 4 +0110010010 Transpharma 4 +0110010010 Ste-Genevieve 4 +0110010010 TMG 4 +0110010010 Kindness 4 +0110010010 Vanzetti 4 +0110010010 CSFB-Effectenbank 4 +0110010010 Pandair 4 +0110010010 Sammi 4 +0110010010 IIT 4 +0110010010 DAIHATSU 4 +0110010010 Ifil 4 +0110010010 Toyco 4 +0110010010 IEOC 4 +0110010010 TLI 4 +0110010010 MTECH 4 +0110010010 Fieldstone 4 +0110010010 D.P. 4 +0110010010 Austexport 4 +0110010010 Sanko 4 +0110010010 Egyptair 4 +0110010010 EIC 4 +0110010010 Lunar 4 +0110010010 Trenwick 4 +0110010010 Eastville 4 +0110010010 Dixilyn-Field 4 +0110010010 PUMA 4 +0110010010 Backroom 4 +0110010010 Kabivitrum 4 +0110010010 Gunlocke 4 +0110010010 Marketel 4 +0110010010 Amertex 4 +0110010010 Durr 4 +0110010010 Castex 4 +0110010010 Quadrum 4 +0110010010 Sovardino 4 +0110010010 Informetrica 4 +0110010010 Yukong 4 +0110010010 arms-maker 4 +0110010010 Binks 4 +0110010010 GME 4 +0110010010 SMD 4 +0110010010 KBA 4 +0110010010 HonFed 4 +0110010010 ULTRAMAR 4 +0110010010 Hoescht 4 +0110010010 Zanuck/Brown 4 +0110010010 Nitsuko 4 +0110010010 Aisin 4 +0110010010 Graycliff 4 +0110010010 Fiap 4 +0110010010 ASDA 4 +0110010010 Moorgate 4 +0110010010 CoastFed 4 +0110010010 Hytek 4 +0110010010 Boursin 4 +0110010010 Mangrove 4 +0110010010 TODD 4 +0110010010 WD-40 4 +0110010010 Cybermedix 4 +0110010010 Trine 4 +0110010010 H&M 4 +0110010010 M.A.N. 5 +0110010010 Optionsmaeklarna 5 +0110010010 Imparc 5 +0110010010 MSP 5 +0110010010 Sulbath 5 +0110010010 Minox 5 +0110010010 W-L 5 +0110010010 Baupost 5 +0110010010 Tuscarora 5 +0110010010 Designhouse 5 +0110010010 Whitestone 5 +0110010010 Tartar 5 +0110010010 Sunbank 5 +0110010010 Vigilant 5 +0110010010 ARK 5 +0110010010 Clevebaco 5 +0110010010 Audio-Video 5 +0110010010 Glenborough 5 +0110010010 Ropart 5 +0110010010 KfW 5 +0110010010 HCS 5 +0110010010 Charms 5 +0110010010 Continuous 5 +0110010010 Cinamerica 5 +0110010010 BeautiControl 5 +0110010010 Weightman 5 +0110010010 Sludge 5 +0110010010 Sonrise 5 +0110010010 Datachecker 5 +0110010010 Adaptive 5 +0110010010 Kinkead 5 +0110010010 CreditBanc 5 +0110010010 Cristallina 5 +0110010010 BDR 5 +0110010010 WMG 5 +0110010010 Telesensory 5 +0110010010 WM 5 +0110010010 XTC 5 +0110010010 Asuka 5 +0110010010 Vorias 5 +0110010010 Hochtief 5 +0110010010 MicroProse 5 +0110010010 Wescol 5 +0110010010 Laaco 5 +0110010010 Kanematsu-Gosho 5 +0110010010 Clearpoint 5 +0110010010 Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm 5 +0110010010 Umpqua 5 +0110010010 TPS 5 +0110010010 Antibioticos 5 +0110010010 SUZUKI 5 +0110010010 PPN 5 +0110010010 Riblet 5 +0110010010 BSB 5 +0110010010 Input 5 +0110010010 Moelnlycke 5 +0110010010 Petrochemicals 5 +0110010010 Phebo 5 +0110010010 Twyford 5 +0110010010 Ziba 5 +0110010010 DCC 5 +0110010010 Barnwell 5 +0110010010 BTU 5 +0110010010 Ellistan 5 +0110010010 Glastic 5 +0110010010 Webcott 5 +0110010010 WSGP 5 +0110010010 Intersec 5 +0110010010 Bio-Electro 5 +0110010010 BIC 5 +0110010010 Shidler 5 +0110010010 Lorilleux 5 +0110010010 Arup 5 +0110010010 Antica 5 +0110010010 Aska 5 +0110010010 Dan-Air 5 +0110010010 Carter-Glogau 5 +0110010010 Sema-Matra 5 +0110010010 HUDSON 5 +0110010010 RHM 5 +0110010010 Protexa 5 +0110010010 Playball 5 +0110010010 Bandai 5 +0110010010 Sealion 5 +0110010010 MI 5 +0110010010 AZL 5 +0110010010 Bioengineering 5 +0110010010 SEAGRAM 5 +0110010010 ProGas 5 +0110010010 Ansco 5 +0110010010 Columbine 5 +0110010010 Marzotto 5 +0110010010 Nonoc 5 +0110010010 Hitech 5 +0110010010 Miller-Klutznick-Davis-Gray 5 +0110010010 Canamax 5 +0110010010 CIGNA 5 +0110010010 KabiVitrum 5 +0110010010 Pluspetrol 5 +0110010010 XEROX 5 +0110010010 ZeroOne 5 +0110010010 SGB 5 +0110010010 Dixieline 5 +0110010010 SCHERING 5 +0110010010 Europcar 5 +0110010010 SQUIBB 5 +0110010010 VIAG 5 +0110010010 Avatar 5 +0110010010 LION 5 +0110010010 ACEC 5 +0110010010 Kaolin 5 +0110010010 Apricot 5 +0110010010 Jamco 5 +0110010010 MK-Ferguson 5 +0110010010 FFV 5 +0110010010 Avcorp 5 +0110010010 Iscor 5 +0110010010 GENCORP 5 +0110010010 Kaisertech 5 +0110010010 Birdview 5 +0110010010 Croesus 5 +0110010010 LEGRAND 5 +0110010010 Trebor 5 +0110010010 Grandview 5 +0110010010 Kennington 5 +0110010010 LSB 5 +0110010010 Finning 5 +0110010010 Paravision 5 +0110010010 RCA/Columbia 5 +0110010010 Manoil 5 +0110010010 Lesieur-Cotelle 5 +0110010010 Structured 5 +0110010010 Aneco 5 +0110010010 Fofo 5 +0110010010 Riker 5 +0110010010 IBL 5 +0110010010 Bilbao-Vizcaya 5 +0110010010 Gavilan 5 +0110010010 Agusta 5 +0110010010 Emess 5 +0110010010 Decoma 5 +0110010010 Andor 5 +0110010010 JBM 5 +0110010010 Apoyo 5 +0110010010 Southbrook 5 +0110010010 CompuCom 5 +0110010010 Keg 5 +0110010010 Neslemur 5 +0110010010 QMax 5 +0110010010 Fastenal 5 +0110010010 Glaverbel 5 +0110010010 C-Cor 5 +0110010010 Feltex 5 +0110010010 Betz 6 +0110010010 Winterland 6 +0110010010 Broadbeach 6 +0110010010 BMT 6 +0110010010 FUJITSU 6 +0110010010 CVB 6 +0110010010 DuroTest 6 +0110010010 Tele 6 +0110010010 PSI 6 +0110010010 Jatel 6 +0110010010 REDLAND 6 +0110010010 Hazelton 6 +0110010010 ElectroCom 6 +0110010010 TechAmerica 6 +0110010010 I.M.P. 6 +0110010010 Ralston-Purina 6 +0110010010 Carisbrook 6 +0110010010 EXTEL 6 +0110010010 Teijin 6 +0110010010 Mercatura 6 +0110010010 Coseka 6 +0110010010 Veuve 6 +0110010010 Disston 6 +0110010010 Inter-Pacific 6 +0110010010 Kebo 6 +0110010010 Krauss-Maffei 6 +0110010010 Alcoholic 6 +0110010010 Benckiser 6 +0110010010 SAINT-GOBAIN 6 +0110010010 PanCana 6 +0110010010 Masterman 6 +0110010010 LawPlan 6 +0110010010 GILLETTE 6 +0110010010 Tootal 6 +0110010010 MATRA 6 +0110010010 KD 6 +0110010010 Usinor 6 +0110010010 Prime-Coat 6 +0110010010 Amada 6 +0110010010 Altex 6 +0110010010 186,000 6 +0110010010 P.A.M. 6 +0110010010 TAG 6 +0110010010 Magistrates 6 +0110010010 DH 6 +0110010010 Orkem 6 +0110010010 Scallop 6 +0110010010 Girobank 6 +0110010010 Infodata 6 +0110010010 Yearpledge 6 +0110010010 Hypoint 6 +0110010010 Curragh 6 +0110010010 Wessanen 6 +0110010010 Ache 6 +0110010010 Kenaf 6 +0110010010 Cygnus 6 +0110010010 Paladin 6 +0110010010 Merksamer 6 +0110010010 TRICENTROL 6 +0110010010 SDA 6 +0110010010 FN 6 +0110010010 ASM 6 +0110010010 Nisker 6 +0110010010 Lesieur 6 +0110010010 Cotelle 6 +0110010010 BVL 6 +0110010010 JACOBS 6 +0110010010 Webcor 6 +0110010010 Wartsila 6 +0110010010 Cosipa 6 +0110010010 RealCap 6 +0110010010 Secor 6 +0110010010 XOMA 6 +0110010010 JMB/Federated 6 +0110010010 All-North 6 +0110010010 Schiess 6 +0110010010 Rayrock 6 +0110010010 SHARP 6 +0110010010 Martin/Williams 6 +0110010010 Healthco 6 +0110010010 Organon 6 +0110010010 Rax 6 +0110010010 Kinder 6 +0110010010 Protex 6 +0110010010 VJN 6 +0110010010 Aloka 6 +0110010010 NOBEL 6 +0110010010 GMFanuc 6 +0110010010 Infante 6 +0110010010 BARCLAYS 6 +0110010010 Allenvest 6 +0110010010 Carlsberg 6 +0110010010 Forsayth 6 +0110010010 Tye 6 +0110010010 Columbian 6 +0110010010 Unison 6 +0110010010 Mechtron 6 +0110010010 Pioneer-Standard 6 +0110010010 Compass 6 +0110010010 Hema 6 +0110010010 MetLife 6 +0110010010 Cadence 6 +0110010010 FLETCHER 6 +0110010010 Televents 6 +0110010010 BENEDICTINE 6 +0110010010 AFA 6 +0110010010 GSD&M 6 +0110010010 Millbrook 6 +0110010010 PrimeBank 6 +0110010010 Fibronics 6 +0110010010 RXR 6 +0110010010 STOREHOUSE 6 +0110010010 Inageya 6 +0110010010 Lopat 6 +0110010010 Inacomp 6 +0110010010 Petrosar 6 +0110010010 Caiola 6 +0110010010 COCA-COLA 6 +0110010010 Tsugami 6 +0110010010 CMB 6 +0110010010 Sithe-Energies 6 +0110010010 DKB 6 +0110010010 Interstrat 6 +0110010010 NORTHROP 6 +0110010010 Novametrix 7 +0110010010 Elron 7 +0110010010 CIBA-GEIGY 7 +0110010010 Cecos 7 +0110010010 Huntco 7 +0110010010 CitiSteel 7 +0110010010 Taneyev 7 +0110010010 EastGroup 7 +0110010010 TFBA 7 +0110010010 Piaget 7 +0110010010 DMW 7 +0110010010 PAT 7 +0110010010 Banknorth 7 +0110010010 McCorquodale 7 +0110010010 Arnell/Bickford 7 +0110010010 Libbey-Owens-Ford 7 +0110010010 Harleysville 7 +0110010010 Laurdan 7 +0110010010 GPG 7 +0110010010 FREEMANS 7 +0110010010 AAP 7 +0110010010 PILKINGTON 7 +0110010010 IFIL 7 +0110010010 ICF 7 +0110010010 Caradon 7 +0110010010 Selm 7 +0110010010 Accent 7 +0110010010 Leasco 7 +0110010010 Detox 7 +0110010010 TRANSPORTATION 7 +0110010010 JLG 7 +0110010010 Montenay 7 +0110010010 Lowrance 7 +0110010010 Beddors 7 +0110010010 Panfida 7 +0110010010 IATA 7 +0110010010 Harrods 7 +0110010010 KOP 7 +0110010010 INCO 7 +0110010010 Stolt 7 +0110010010 Medstat 7 +0110010010 Labinal 7 +0110010010 Texstar 7 +0110010010 BJ-Titan 7 +0110010010 Perugina 7 +0110010010 Cobe 7 +0110010010 S-K-I 7 +0110010010 Lurgi 7 +0110010010 Marquest 7 +0110010010 Gurit-Essex 7 +0110010010 InterContinental 7 +0110010010 MedMaster 7 +0110010010 Micros 7 +0110010010 d-Con 7 +0110010010 MRS 7 +0110010010 HRB 7 +0110010010 Fujikura 7 +0110010010 Avdel 7 +0110010010 Takashimaya 7 +0110010010 JAGUAR 7 +0110010010 Mentholatum 7 +0110010010 Sourcing 7 +0110010010 Data-Design 7 +0110010010 Grubstein 7 +0110010010 Harland 7 +0110010010 Transway 7 +0110010010 Asbestec 7 +0110010010 WNW 7 +0110010010 Brascade 7 +0110010010 Cluett-Peabody 7 +0110010010 Agassiz 7 +0110010010 NVRyan 7 +0110010010 KBGS 7 +0110010010 Michie 7 +0110010010 Twiglet 7 +0110010010 Heilig-Meyers 7 +0110010010 Occupational-Urgent 7 +0110010010 Portal 7 +0110010010 Kuney 7 +0110010010 Sellier 7 +0110010010 UMC 7 +0110010010 Jetborne 7 +0110010010 Beijer 7 +0110010010 Myson 7 +0110010010 NPM 7 +0110010010 Hanjin 7 +0110010010 Germania 7 +0110010010 Meggitt 7 +0110010010 AMEV 7 +0110010010 BEC 7 +0110010010 Grid 7 +0110010010 Capitalcorp 7 +0110010010 Newgateway 7 +0110010010 Goodtab 7 +0110010010 Skanska 7 +0110010010 THYSSEN 7 +0110010010 Boral 7 +0110010010 Gemina 7 +0110010010 Plexus 7 +0110010010 Safco 7 +0110010010 Adra 7 +0110010010 PDA 7 +0110010010 Dic 7 +0110010010 Handleman 7 +0110010010 Bogues 7 +0110010010 LONRHO 7 +0110010010 Hanna-Barbera 7 +0110010010 BancServe 7 +0110010010 DIM 7 +0110010010 NetFrame 7 +0110010010 SAAB-SCANIA 7 +0110010010 Conder 7 +0110010010 Metrobank 7 +0110010010 Anaconda 7 +0110010010 Konishiroku 7 +0110010010 CI 7 +0110010010 Bunzl 7 +0110010010 Chefs 8 +0110010010 Sym-Tek 8 +0110010010 Polycast 8 +0110010010 Marui 8 +0110010010 Conifer 8 +0110010010 Aiwa 8 +0110010010 AVAQ 8 +0110010010 DYR 8 +0110010010 Logica 8 +0110010010 Modular 8 +0110010010 PEARSON 8 +0110010010 Diagnostic/Retrieval 8 +0110010010 MCM 8 +0110010010 RHONE-POULENC 8 +0110010010 Texcel 8 +0110010010 Peko-Wallsend 8 +0110010010 ENTE 8 +0110010010 Embraer 8 +0110010010 CACI 8 +0110010010 FERRUZZI 8 +0110010010 Whitemont 8 +0110010010 Sonoco 8 +0110010010 Meson 8 +0110010010 PIP 8 +0110010010 Multimate 8 +0110010010 Faraday 8 +0110010010 Drackett 8 +0110010010 QO 8 +0110010010 Gambro 8 +0110010010 Alfa-Laval 8 +0110010010 J.D.S. 8 +0110010010 Helix 8 +0110010010 PORSCHE 8 +0110010010 AKZO 8 +0110010010 Superdrug 8 +0110010010 TENN-USS 8 +0110010010 CJM 8 +0110010010 Genlyte 8 +0110010010 BL 8 +0110010010 MANNESMANN 8 +0110010010 Paloma 8 +0110010010 Athena 8 +0110010010 Tyndall 8 +0110010010 BRIERLEY 8 +0110010010 Doyon 8 +0110010010 Klynveld 8 +0110010010 D&R 8 +0110010010 Safecard 8 +0110010010 Petrosynthese 8 +0110010010 Sabaudia 8 +0110010010 Exel 8 +0110010010 Abrams/Gentile 8 +0110010010 Paramax 8 +0110010010 RealAmerica 8 +0110010010 REED 8 +0110010010 Decom 8 +0110010010 Rhoto 8 +0110010010 ArtCarved 8 +0110010010 Rockrose 8 +0110010010 Carello 8 +0110010010 LPC 8 +0110010010 NCC 8 +0110010010 EDP 8 +0110010010 Sedco 8 +0110010010 Grundig 8 +0110010010 Secom 8 +0110010010 IBIS 8 +0110010010 Cogeco 8 +0110010010 Fasig-Tipton 8 +0110010010 Marmac 8 +0110010010 Zotos 8 +0110010010 STATOIL 8 +0110010010 Proventus 8 +0110010010 Ifint 8 +0110010010 Finmeccanica 8 +0110010010 JMR 8 +0110010010 Seabright 8 +0110010010 KCS 8 +0110010010 Amerifirst 8 +0110010010 MC 8 +0110010010 WILLIAMS 8 +0110010010 ROWNTREE 8 +0110010010 Oceaneering 8 +0110010010 Florafax 9 +0110010010 Nippondenso 9 +0110010010 Toyobo 9 +0110010010 VM 9 +0110010010 Luxor 9 +0110010010 Pembina 9 +0110010010 Fresenius 9 +0110010010 Optek 9 +0110010010 D.O.C. 9 +0110010010 Bricom 9 +0110010010 Envirosafe 9 +0110010010 B&O 9 +0110010010 EniChem 9 +0110010010 Proximity 9 +0110010010 ContiCommodity 9 +0110010010 Westside 9 +0110010010 Centram 9 +0110010010 Comtrex 9 +0110010010 Petainer 9 +0110010010 MetroBanc 9 +0110010010 HON 9 +0110010010 Poclain 9 +0110010010 CLC 9 +0110010010 ECL 9 +0110010010 Parke-Davis 9 +0110010010 Hycroft 9 +0110010010 Tooth 9 +0110010010 ALLIED-LYONS 9 +0110010010 Toto 9 +0110010010 Rediffusion 9 +0110010010 Aancor 9 +0110010010 Moulinex 9 +0110010010 JC 9 +0110010010 Gousha 9 +0110010010 Carborundum 9 +0110010010 Datron 9 +0110010010 Transohio 9 +0110010010 SEEQ 9 +0110010010 OMV 9 +0110010010 DME 9 +0110010010 FKB 9 +0110010010 BDDP 9 +0110010010 Pathonic 9 +0110010010 Mediamark 9 +0110010010 VPI 9 +0110010010 MoneyCard 9 +0110010010 SANDOZ 9 +0110010010 Cilva 9 +0110010010 Ansaldo 9 +0110010010 Gene-Trak 9 +0110010010 WOOLWORTH 9 +0110010010 Agra 9 +0110010010 Kingfisher 9 +0110010010 ISS 10 +0110010010 Richemont 10 +0110010010 BRE 10 +0110010010 Marmon 10 +0110010010 I.M.S. 10 +0110010010 Pengo 10 +0110010010 BEI 10 +0110010010 Rostuca 10 +0110010010 Worldvision 10 +0110010010 SOUTHLAND 10 +0110010010 PEUGEOT 10 +0110010010 JTM 10 +0110010010 Mesta 10 +0110010010 Ruberoid 10 +0110010010 EA 10 +0110010010 MEM 10 +0110010010 Crowborough 10 +0110010010 AEG-Telefunken 10 +0110010010 Alizac 10 +0110010010 IPM 10 +0110010010 Gilbreth 10 +0110010010 TELEFON 10 +0110010010 DeVilbiss 10 +0110010010 Bekaert 10 +0110010010 Dim 10 +0110010010 Bemis 10 +0110010010 Imprimis 10 +0110010010 AC&R 10 +0110010010 Micropro 10 +0110010010 McGraw-Edison 10 +0110010010 Lep 10 +0110010010 Telematics 10 +0110010010 Zanussi 10 +0110010010 Gencor 10 +0110010010 Stansbury 10 +0110010010 SFE 10 +0110010010 EDM 10 +0110010010 Chujitsuya 10 +0110010010 SBK 10 +0110010010 Bulova 10 +0110010010 Inchcape 10 +0110010010 HPB 10 +0110010010 Abcotek 10 +0110010010 Moosehead 10 +0110010010 DEE 10 +0110010010 Methode 10 +0110010010 VEBA 10 +0110010010 Cinram 10 +0110010010 T&N 10 +0110010010 KPMG 10 +0110010010 OKC 10 +0110010010 RECO 10 +0110010010 Telit 10 +0110010010 Alcon 10 +0110010010 Statewide 10 +0110010010 Fawcett 10 +0110010010 Boliden 10 +0110010010 Decorator 10 +0110010010 STET 10 +0110010010 Interpore 10 +0110010010 Clematis 10 +0110010010 Cros 10 +0110010010 Marbil 10 +0110010010 Ficom 10 +0110010010 Harris-Teeter 10 +0110010010 Glidden 10 +0110010010 AEP 10 +0110010010 RANKS 10 +0110010010 Morlan 10 +0110010010 ELSEVIER 10 +0110010010 KLUWER 10 +0110010010 Everex 10 +0110010010 Assubel 11 +0110010010 Grosvenor 11 +0110010010 Pipetec 11 +0110010010 Oasis 11 +0110010010 Scintilore 11 +0110010010 Roussel-Uclaf 11 +0110010010 Feltrax 11 +0110010010 SONY 11 +0110010010 NPD 11 +0110010010 MICC 11 +0110010010 Zeus 11 +0110010010 Konsultat 11 +0110010010 ALLIED 11 +0110010010 Kanghua 11 +0110010010 UNILEVER 11 +0110010010 Fujiya 11 +0110010010 NSM 11 +0110010010 CES 11 +0110010010 Eksportfinans 11 +0110010010 GPD 11 +0110010010 Okabe 11 +0110010010 AgriVisor 11 +0110010010 CAMPEAU 11 +0110010010 Voest-Alpine 11 +0110010010 Tri-County 11 +0110010010 Raine 11 +0110010010 Orogil 11 +0110010010 Mennen 11 +0110010010 Bowcan 11 +0110010010 PharmaKinetics 11 +0110010010 Rex-PT 11 +0110010010 Gechem 11 +0110010010 Ladish 11 +0110010010 GRiD 11 +0110010010 FRAMATOME 11 +0110010010 Hoskyns 11 +0110010010 Intex 11 +0110010010 Addington 11 +0110010010 TriStar 11 +0110010010 Bekins 11 +0110010010 Cockerill-Sambre 11 +0110010010 Erly 11 +0110010010 GB-Inno-BM 11 +0110010010 BGS 11 +0110010010 Ertl 11 +0110010010 Standex 11 +0110010010 Incom 11 +0110010010 Sapporo 11 +0110010010 BCM 11 +0110010010 Heldor 11 +0110010010 Wicat 11 +0110010010 Sonex 11 +0110010010 SFC 11 +0110010010 Wyle 11 +0110010010 Galt 11 +0110010010 Nedlloyd 11 +0110010010 Times-Mirror 11 +0110010010 Amerford 11 +0110010010 C&S 11 +0110010010 Dalgety 11 +0110010010 Rowenta 11 +0110010010 Landbank 11 +0110010010 Leeco 11 +0110010010 Saurer 11 +0110010010 C&P 11 +0110010010 Thorn-EMI 12 +0110010010 Stiffel 12 +0110010010 BRITOIL 12 +0110010010 ISM 12 +0110010010 Wiltron 12 +0110010010 Behringwerke 12 +0110010010 Constar 12 +0110010010 IMG 12 +0110010010 Accor 12 +0110010010 Biocine 12 +0110010010 Sega 12 +0110010010 SmartCard 12 +0110010010 Bison 12 +0110010010 Heinold 12 +0110010010 Payload 12 +0110010010 FCD 12 +0110010010 ASSUBEL-VIE 12 +0110010010 Detector 12 +0110010010 Astrophysics 12 +0110010010 Troon 12 +0110010010 Clydesdale 12 +0110010010 TreeSweet 12 +0110010010 Napco 12 +0110010010 MDC 12 +0110010010 Finarte 12 +0110010010 MBS 12 +0110010010 Transrapid 12 +0110010010 Modine 12 +0110010010 Buehler 12 +0110010010 Gilead 12 +0110010010 Massey-Ferguson 12 +0110010010 TRIG 12 +0110010010 Riverbend 12 +0110010010 Altus 12 +0110010010 Snap-On 12 +0110010010 Lockheed-Georgia 12 +0110010010 Pennex 12 +0110010010 BAYER 12 +0110010010 ASSICURAZIONI 12 +0110010010 Tenglemann 12 +0110010010 KMW 12 +0110010010 Spie 12 +0110010010 Bio-Rad 12 +0110010010 WordStar 12 +0110010010 U.E. 12 +0110010010 Arcata 12 +0110010010 Heritage-NIS 12 +0110010010 OMI 13 +0110010010 Kaysersberg 13 +0110010010 EBS 13 +0110010010 Checkpoint 13 +0110010010 Friendswood 13 +0110010010 OPT 13 +0110010010 Hiway 13 +0110010010 Lockheed-California 13 +0110010010 Nasco 13 +0110010010 DeLaurentiis 13 +0110010010 Octopus 13 +0110010010 Acer 13 +0110010010 Groundwater 13 +0110010010 Powercise 13 +0110010010 Plenmeer 13 +0110010010 Mor-Flo 13 +0110010010 Rapoca 13 +0110010010 WestFed 13 +0110010010 Sfernice 13 +0110010010 Aeritalia 13 +0110010010 Watkins-Johnson 13 +0110010010 Penwest 13 +0110010010 GEO 13 +0110010010 CyCare 13 +0110010010 Frontiers-Alaska 13 +0110010010 Stuart-James 13 +0110010010 RMC 13 +0110010010 Coronet 13 +0110010010 Geac 13 +0110010010 Dowty 13 +0110010010 Purex 13 +0110010010 Schwinn 13 +0110010010 Designcraft 13 +0110010010 Transtector 13 +0110010010 Graningeverken 13 +0110010010 Robeson 13 +0110010010 Lummus 13 +0110010010 U.E.I. 13 +0110010010 Ero 13 +0110010010 Beco 13 +0110010010 Blenheim 13 +0110010010 PLESSEY 13 +0110010010 Ruhrgas 13 +0110010010 Almys 13 +0110010010 Kloeckner-Werke 13 +0110010010 Ormand 13 +0110010010 EUROTUNNEL 13 +0110010010 Apogee 13 +0110010010 Hermes 13 +0110010010 Lawter 13 +0110010010 Telettra 13 +0110010010 Burda 13 +0110010010 ROLLS-ROYCE 13 +0110010010 Solitron 13 +0110010010 Pawnee 13 +0110010010 Moore-McCormack 13 +0110010010 Dense-Pac 14 +0110010010 Pietro 14 +0110010010 Espey 14 +0110010010 Pocket 14 +0110010010 Asko 14 +0110010010 Tesco 14 +0110010010 Seiyu 14 +0110010010 CTI 14 +0110010010 Pacholder 14 +0110010010 Camro 14 +0110010010 Mojo 14 +0110010010 Sedgwick 14 +0110010010 Sifco 14 +0110010010 TMOC 14 +0110010010 PI 14 +0110010010 ORI 14 +0110010010 MHI 14 +0110010010 Winterthur 14 +0110010010 Varitronic 14 +0110010010 Asda 14 +0110010010 Siebe 14 +0110010010 MB 14 +0110010010 Acco 14 +0110010010 GMF 14 +0110010010 HOECHST 14 +0110010010 Igene 14 +0110010010 Euromoney 14 +0110010010 Forschner 14 +0110010010 PCM 14 +0110010010 Qmax 14 +0110010010 Keebler 14 +0110010010 Tulip 14 +0110010010 AFP 14 +0110010010 Hambro 14 +0110010010 Arley 14 +0110010010 Maybelline 14 +0110010010 SKF 14 +0110010010 Cosma 14 +0110010010 Mast 14 +0110010010 Fluorocarbon 14 +0110010010 Campofrio 14 +0110010010 Koll 14 +0110010010 Pembridge 14 +0110010010 Lucasfilm 14 +0110010010 InterDyne 14 +0110010010 Abaco 14 +0110010010 TELEMECANIQUE 14 +0110010010 UEI 14 +0110010010 Hydraulic 14 +0110010010 Telectronics 15 +0110010010 Gruen 15 +0110010010 Cardiac 15 +0110010010 SIEMENS 15 +0110010010 Weldwood 15 +0110010010 Galveston-Houston 15 +0110010010 Jordache 15 +0110010010 SAI 15 +0110010010 BroadBeach 15 +0110010010 GriD 15 +0110010010 Manischewitz 15 +0110010010 SunPoint 15 +0110010010 Evergood 15 +0110010010 Broderbund 15 +0110010010 ChinTung 15 +0110010010 Boddington 15 +0110010010 Halcyon 15 +0110010010 Suncook 15 +0110010010 Threshold 15 +0110010010 Sumter 15 +0110010010 Modelo 15 +0110010010 Finalco 15 +0110010010 Wendt-Bristol 15 +0110010010 Wiland 15 +0110010010 Presto 15 +0110010010 Aberford 15 +0110010010 Wyeth-Ayerst 15 +0110010010 Comfinance 15 +0110010010 Lex 15 +0110010010 Beghin-Say 15 +0110010010 Atco 15 +0110010010 ERG 16 +0110010010 Amro 16 +0110010010 Weider 16 +0110010010 R.B. 16 +0110010010 Manitowoc 16 +0110010010 Amblin 16 +0110010010 Modulaire 16 +0110010010 Looart 16 +0110010010 Connoisseur 16 +0110010010 Amca 16 +0110010010 SEARS 16 +0110010010 Riverhead 16 +0110010010 Zeta 16 +0110010010 Metaphor 16 +0110010010 Enex 16 +0110010010 Ellesse 16 +0110010010 Continuum 16 +0110010010 TR 16 +0110010010 Orient-Express 16 +0110010010 Develcon 16 +0110010010 Nutri-Metics 16 +0110010010 Accel 16 +0110010010 WGBH 16 +0110010010 Mainichi 16 +0110010010 Signet 16 +0110010010 BPI 16 +0110010010 DAEWOO 16 +0110010010 Hyster 16 +0110010010 Bralorne 16 +0110010010 Auxton 16 +0110010010 SGS-Thomson 16 +0110010010 Kredietbank 16 +0110010010 Arbed 16 +0110010010 Nasta 16 +0110010010 MSA 17 +0110010010 Paperback 17 +0110010010 Christies 17 +0110010010 Energas 17 +0110010010 Wyman-Gordon 17 +0110010010 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 17 +0110010010 Richco 17 +0110010010 FHP 17 +0110010010 Landor 17 +0110010010 Campbell-Mithun 17 +0110010010 Proler 17 +0110010010 VTX 17 +0110010010 Relational 17 +0110010010 NESTLE 17 +0110010010 Jusco 17 +0110010010 Lam 17 +0110010010 Guardsman 17 +0110010010 TeleVideo 17 +0110010010 Richton 17 +0110010010 Scribe 17 +0110010010 TCA-IV 17 +0110010010 Vesta 17 +0110010010 Cookson 17 +0110010010 Interlink 17 +0110010010 Entre 17 +0110010010 Parkside 17 +0110010010 RAM 17 +0110010010 MITSUBISHI 17 +0110010010 Cogema 17 +0110010010 Enigma 17 +0110010010 Lucky-Goldstar 17 +0110010010 Mitsukoshi 17 +0110010010 Advent 17 +0110010010 Emigrant 17 +0110010010 Halston 18 +0110010010 Park-Ohio 18 +0110010010 PNB 18 +0110010010 RMS 18 +0110010010 GNI 18 +0110010010 Natomas 18 +0110010010 WTC 18 +0110010010 BEA 18 +0110010010 Crush 18 +0110010010 OAG 18 +0110010010 Ayerst 18 +0110010010 TBK 18 +0110010010 Minebea 18 +0110010010 Hillsdown 18 +0110010010 Teleprobe 18 +0110010010 Daishowa 18 +0110010010 SCHNEIDER 18 +0110010010 Procordia 18 +0110010010 Ito-Yokado 18 +0110010010 Metallgesellschaft 18 +0110010010 KSZ 18 +0110010010 LCP 18 +0110010010 Softsoap 18 +0110010010 NHK 18 +0110010010 DAIMLER-BENZ 18 +0110010010 Intelco 18 +0110010010 Beiersdorf 18 +0110010010 Starpointe 18 +0110010010 THOMSON 18 +0110010010 Drillbit 18 +0110010010 Hazleton 18 +0110010010 Ebro 18 +0110010010 P&O 18 +0110010010 ServiceMaster 18 +0110010010 ILC 18 +0110010010 SportsChannel 18 +0110010010 ISL 18 +0110010010 Eljer 18 +0110010010 PT 18 +0110010010 Duriron 18 +0110010010 Societa 19 +0110010010 Culligan 19 +0110010010 TBS 19 +0110010010 Poseidon 19 +0110010010 CGS 19 +0110010010 Leyland 19 +0110010010 Perrigo 19 +0110010010 Ratier-Forest 19 +0110010010 FlightSafety 19 +0110010010 Calgroup 19 +0110010010 Tierco 19 +0110010010 Blendax 19 +0110010010 S.O.Q. 19 +0110010010 Alamito 19 +0110010010 Amersham 19 +0110010010 Dolby 19 +0110010010 JVC/Victor 19 +0110010010 HRE 19 +0110010010 Ceco 19 +0110010010 Ebasco 19 +0110010010 PHH 19 +0110010010 IMI 19 +0110010010 Datarex 19 +0110010010 Paperboard 19 +0110010010 FERMENTA 19 +0110010010 CPM 19 +0110010010 TNP 19 +0110010010 TA 19 +0110010010 MacPherson 19 +0110010010 Tanabe 20 +0110010010 Wells-Gardner 20 +0110010010 VLSI 20 +0110010010 Valor 20 +0110010010 Wardley 20 +0110010010 Repap 20 +0110010010 Hi-Port 20 +0110010010 Biovest 20 +0110010010 C&W 20 +0110010010 SCA 20 +0110010010 Mediplex 20 +0110010010 CUC 20 +0110010010 Air-Shuttle 20 +0110010010 BSD 20 +0110010010 Freshbake 20 +0110010010 Mosaic 20 +0110010010 Chargeurs 20 +0110010010 Manic 20 +0110010010 BET 20 +0110010010 DAF 20 +0110010010 HG 20 +0110010010 U-Haul 20 +0110010010 CA 20 +0110010010 Reliable 20 +0110010010 Ampal 20 +0110010010 MONTEDISON 20 +0110010010 Comptek 20 +0110010010 Repsol 20 +0110010010 Sizzler 20 +0110010010 Campbell-Mithun-Esty 20 +0110010010 Aegon 20 +0110010010 Vendo 20 +0110010010 IFR 21 +0110010010 GROUPE 21 +0110010010 Doman 21 +0110010010 Kloeckner-Humboldt-Deutz 21 +0110010010 Benel 21 +0110010010 Telco 21 +0110010010 Rockport 21 +0110010010 MGI 21 +0110010010 Frequency 21 +0110010010 PCL 21 +0110010010 Cemp 21 +0110010010 Pargesa 21 +0110010010 Wedgestone 21 +0110010010 Wurlitzer 21 +0110010010 ElectroSound 21 +0110010010 USACafes 21 +0110010010 Greiner 21 +0110010010 Analog 21 +0110010010 Williamsburgh 21 +0110010010 Meston 21 +0110010010 Hall-Mark 21 +0110010010 PCA 21 +0110010010 Lodestar 21 +0110010010 IBC 21 +0110010010 Shiseido 21 +0110010010 Tribeca 22 +0110010010 Publicis 22 +0110010010 Dynalectric 22 +0110010010 Stena 22 +0110010010 Messerschmitt 22 +0110010010 Agip 22 +0110010010 BMC 22 +0110010010 Tolland 22 +0110010010 Pansophic 22 +0110010010 Alloy 22 +0110010010 MFI 22 +0110010010 CMC 22 +0110010010 Stanbic 22 +0110010010 C.I.T. 22 +0110010010 EAC 22 +0110010010 Divi 22 +0110010010 Seibu 22 +0110010010 SUMITOMO 22 +0110010010 TVS 22 +0110010010 Cullen/Frost 22 +0110010010 Airlie 22 +0110010010 Merry-Go-Round 22 +0110010010 Jackpot 22 +0110010010 RREEF 22 +0110010010 HEM 22 +0110010010 Bio-Technology 22 +0110010010 NIPPON 23 +0110010010 Forrester 23 +0110010010 Calma 23 +0110010010 NVHomes 23 +0110010010 HBJ 23 +0110010010 Rodime 23 +0110010010 TBWA 23 +0110010010 Legrand 23 +0110010010 TPI 23 +0110010010 Stuarts 23 +0110010010 Telefunken 23 +0110010010 Corsair 23 +0110010010 Ekco 23 +0110010010 DP 23 +0110010010 Avana 23 +0110010010 Clairson 23 +0110010010 Intercorporation 23 +0110010010 Micro/Vest 23 +0110010010 DIC 24 +0110010010 Jergens 24 +0110010010 AmSouth 24 +0110010010 Brascan 24 +0110010010 Sulpetro 24 +0110010010 Marantz 24 +0110010010 Hanwa 24 +0110010010 Mips 24 +0110010010 Breakwater 24 +0110010010 CSC 24 +0110010010 Aiguebelle 24 +0110010010 BICC 24 +0110010010 Dadeland 24 +0110010010 RMJ 24 +0110010010 Latina 24 +0110010010 Hoesch 24 +0110010010 Superconductivity 24 +0110010010 Kellwood 24 +0110010010 Synergy 24 +0110010010 Schroders 24 +0110010010 AIM 24 +0110010010 Tiphook 24 +0110010010 Isosceles 24 +0110010010 Ardent 24 +0110010010 Diceon 24 +0110010010 Pay-Fone 25 +0110010010 Ahold 25 +0110010010 Dunhill 25 +0110010010 ATC 25 +0110010010 Lederle 25 +0110010010 Petrobras 25 +0110010010 Heartland 25 +0110010010 Lamborghini 25 +0110010010 Kubota 25 +0110010010 SI 25 +0110010010 LVI 25 +0110010010 Seton 25 +0110010010 CF 25 +0110010010 Vintage 25 +0110010010 Kurzweil 25 +0110010010 Oakville 25 +0110010010 Elgin 25 +0110010010 Signature 25 +0110010010 Mid-State 25 +0110010010 Carat 25 +0110010010 Groff 25 +0110010010 Fininvest 25 +0110010010 NVF 25 +0110010010 Glenayre 25 +0110010010 Lowndes 25 +0110010010 Oakwood 25 +0110010010 LNG 25 +0110010010 Inter-Continental 26 +0110010010 Kinetic 26 +0110010010 Bio 26 +0110010010 Gradco 26 +0110010010 Indal 26 +0110010010 Kimco 26 +0110010010 Wereldhave 26 +0110010010 HHB 26 +0110010010 Enichem 26 +0110010010 Foxboro 26 +0110010010 ABB 26 +0110010010 Cronus 26 +0110010010 Clarostat 26 +0110010010 VOLKSWAGEN 26 +0110010010 Whitbread 26 +0110010010 Geodyne 26 +0110010010 Svenska 26 +0110010010 Swarovski 26 +0110010010 G.T. 26 +0110010010 Esselte 26 +0110010010 TCA 26 +0110010010 Starrett 26 +0110010010 Cilag 26 +0110010010 Bibb 26 +0110010010 Sherwin-Williams 26 +0110010010 ISC 27 +0110010010 Biocraft 27 +0110010010 Almaden 27 +0110010010 Publicker 27 +0110010010 Elco 27 +0110010010 Domain 27 +0110010010 Runzheimer 27 +0110010010 Entregrowth 27 +0110010010 Preussag 27 +0110010010 Peko 27 +0110010010 ESA 27 +0110010010 Pharmacia 27 +0110010010 Extel 27 +0110010010 Kelsey-Hayes 27 +0110010010 Orbit 27 +0110010010 IEC 27 +0110010010 Campbell-Ewald 27 +0110010010 Fyffes 27 +0110010010 Verit 28 +0110010010 Finsider 28 +0110010010 MedChem 28 +0110010010 Interpart 28 +0110010010 Enimont 28 +0110010010 Cananea 28 +0110010010 Tomkins 28 +0110010010 CrossLand 28 +0110010010 Torrington 28 +0110010010 Piccadilly 28 +0110010010 BRT 28 +0110010010 Degussa 28 +0110010010 Heineken 29 +0110010010 DBA 29 +0110010010 Wellco 29 +0110010010 Gurit-Heberlein 29 +0110010010 FIAT 29 +0110010010 Vipont 29 +0110010010 S.A.Y. 29 +0110010010 VMS 29 +0110010010 Koito 29 +0110010010 ACCO 29 +0110010010 Hechinger 29 +0110010010 Rockwood 29 +0110010010 Interface 29 +0110010010 Arsenal 29 +0110010010 DRG 29 +0110010010 Casio 30 +0110010010 Tata 30 +0110010010 Sequent 30 +0110010010 Ansa 30 +0110010010 Liposome 30 +0110010010 Stellar 30 +0110010010 Teleconnect 30 +0110010010 Toro 30 +0110010010 HSH 31 +0110010010 Perception 31 +0110010010 Metrocolor 31 +0110010010 Seneca 31 +0110010010 T.H.E. 31 +0110010010 Sainsbury 31 +0110010010 Higbee 31 +0110010010 Stet 31 +0110010010 Linotype 31 +0110010010 CML 32 +0110010010 Charterhouse 32 +0110010010 Wingate 32 +0110010010 Ovonic 32 +0110010010 Tractebel 32 +0110010010 NECO 32 +0110010010 Collaborative 32 +0110010010 GTG 32 +0110010010 Renison 32 +0110010010 Sandusky 32 +0110010010 Tenera 32 +0110010010 McFaddin 32 +0110010010 Seibu/Saison 32 +0110010010 Pyramid 32 +0110010010 Wembley 32 +0110010010 Rothwells 32 +0110010010 ASEA 32 +0110010010 Ingredient 32 +0110010010 DC 33 +0110010010 Magnavox 33 +0110010010 Rheem 33 +0110010010 ABS 33 +0110010010 Contibel 33 +0110010010 Resdel 33 +0110010010 Ryland 33 +0110010010 Trimac 33 +0110010010 Petro-Logistics 33 +0110010010 Carsey-Werner 33 +0110010010 Dumenil-Leble 33 +0110010010 Varco 33 +0110010010 Ansett 33 +0110010010 NTC 33 +0110010010 FAI 34 +0110010010 Redland 34 +0110010010 Ocelot 34 +0110010010 Pernod-Ricard 34 +0110010010 Lifestyle 34 +0110010010 Countrywide 34 +0110010010 Shandwick 34 +0110010010 Skandia 34 +0110010010 Courtaulds 34 +0110010010 Clarion 34 +0110010010 Onex 34 +0110010010 Vodavi 34 +0110010010 Standa 34 +0110010010 Murjani 34 +0110010010 Herbalife 34 +0110010010 Allen-Bradley 34 +0110010010 Vicon 34 +0110010010 Jannock 34 +0110010010 Ultramar 35 +0110010010 Inspectorate 35 +0110010010 Laurentian 35 +0110010010 Pennant 35 +0110010010 AGA 35 +0110010010 HRI 35 +0110010010 Eastdil 35 +0110010010 Syntech 35 +0110010010 Freemans 35 +0110010010 Ansell 35 +0110010010 Mayfair 35 +0110010010 Sanrio 35 +0110010010 Trelleborg 35 +0110010010 ARA 35 +0110010010 Medstone 35 +0110010010 Narita 36 +0110010010 Mediobanca 36 +0110010010 Agfa-Gevaert 36 +0110010010 Feldmuehle 36 +0110010010 Sunter 36 +0110010010 Butterfield 36 +0110010010 Foothill 36 +0110010010 J&J 36 +0110010010 GUINNESS 36 +0110010010 Archer-Daniels-Midland 36 +0110010010 AZP 36 +0110010010 Mylan 36 +0110010010 Krug 36 +0110010010 Kaufhof 37 +0110010010 MicroPro 37 +0110010010 GKN 37 +0110010010 Rembrandt 37 +0110010010 Suntory 37 +0110010010 Infectious 37 +0110010010 Impala 37 +0110010010 Comet 37 +0110010010 Jameson 37 +0110010010 Delphi 37 +0110010010 Celestial 38 +0110010010 Ardsley 38 +0110010010 Fiber 39 +0110010010 Wedge 39 +0110010010 Electrospace 39 +0110010010 TII 39 +0110010010 SciMed 39 +0110010010 Pechiney 39 +0110010010 AE 39 +0110010010 Istel 39 +0110010010 Corvus 39 +0110010010 Koger 39 +0110010010 Shimizu 39 +0110010010 Entrepreneur 39 +0110010010 Crowther 39 +0110010010 SRI 39 +0110010010 Concurrent 39 +0110010010 Addison-Wesley 39 +0110010010 Boonton 40 +0110010010 Monolithic 40 +0110010010 Peregrine 40 +0110010010 Impact 40 +0110010010 Hawker 40 +0110010010 Trico 40 +0110010010 Marcade 40 +0110010010 Dumez 41 +0110010010 Delco 41 +0110010010 Sunworld 41 +0110010010 Me.T.A. 41 +0110010010 Kappa 41 +0110010010 Fleetwood 41 +0110010010 Monier 41 +0110010010 Lifeline 41 +0110010010 Encore 41 +0110010010 Astra 41 +0110010010 Savoy 41 +0110010010 AGB 41 +0110010010 Benlox 41 +0110010010 Adidas 42 +0110010010 Genesis 42 +0110010010 Guber-Peters 42 +0110010010 Sceptre 42 +0110010010 Westland 42 +0110010010 Coloroll 42 +0110010010 Vintners 42 +0110010010 RAI 42 +0110010010 Eurocom 42 +0110010010 Telefon 42 +0110010010 Tarmac 43 +0110010010 Italtel 43 +0110010010 Pergamon 43 +0110010010 CRA 43 +0110010010 Minet 43 +0110010010 PCI 43 +0110010010 Wometco 43 +0110010010 Thortec 43 +0110010010 Ryobi 44 +0110010010 Molecular 44 +0110010010 Cirrus 44 +0110010010 Weight 44 +0110010010 Beker 44 +0110010010 Skyhigh 44 +0110010010 Evergreen 44 +0110010010 Courage 44 +0110010010 Ocilla 44 +0110010010 Sensormatic 44 +0110010010 Dornier 45 +0110010010 Haagen-Dazs 45 +0110010010 Enzo 45 +0110010010 Sabena 45 +0110010010 Topps 45 +0110010010 Paragon 45 +0110010010 Nukem 45 +0110010010 Calor 46 +0110010010 Banesto 46 +0110010010 Viag 46 +0110010010 M.I.M. 46 +0110010010 Telesphere 46 +0110010010 Acadia 46 +0110010010 CleveTrust 46 +0110010010 Econocom 47 +0110010010 ERC 47 +0110010010 HP 47 +0110010010 BAA 47 +0110010010 Mexicana 47 +0110010010 Northgate 47 +0110010010 Ralphs 47 +0110010010 On-Line 48 +0110010010 Oglethorpe 48 +0110010010 Dylex 48 +0110010010 Infotron 48 +0110010010 Gemini 48 +0110010010 Chieftain 48 +0110010010 CIR 48 +0110010010 Timken 48 +0110010010 ICM 48 +0110010010 Autolatina 48 +0110010010 Korn/Ferry 48 +0110010010 QVC 48 +0110010010 Sankyo 48 +0110010010 Clarity 49 +0110010010 Gevaert 49 +0110010010 Friendly 49 +0110010010 Dennison 49 +0110010010 Durakon 49 +0110010010 Asean 49 +0110010010 Heron 49 +0110010010 Pueblo 49 +0110010010 Edper 49 +0110010010 Statesman 49 +0110010010 Moet-Hennessy 49 +0110010010 Cumberland 49 +0110010010 Ratners 49 +0110010010 Leaseway 49 +0110010010 MAC 50 +0110010010 Cenith 50 +0110010010 BCI 50 +0110010010 Veba 50 +0110010010 Havas 50 +0110010010 Premark 50 +0110010010 Lasmo 50 +0110010010 Girard 50 +0110010010 Ballantrae 50 +0110010010 Harlin 51 +0110010010 Allianz 51 +0110010010 Falstaff 51 +0110010010 Tishman 51 +0110010010 Marvel 51 +0110010010 Birmid 51 +0110010010 Convex 51 +0110010010 Fujisawa 51 +0110010010 Dixie 52 +0110010010 Americana 52 +0110010010 Prism 52 +0110010010 Moet-Vuitton 52 +0110010010 Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm 52 +0110010010 Assubel-Vie 52 +0110010010 KMS 52 +0110010010 CFM 52 +0110010010 Ingersoll-Rand 53 +0110010010 Exco 53 +0110010010 Adia 53 +0110010010 BioTechnica 53 +0110010010 Hi-Shear 53 +0110010010 GPU 53 +0110010010 Benedictine 53 +0110010010 AmeriFirst 53 +0110010010 Argo 53 +0110010010 Bench 53 +0110010010 Broadview 54 +0110010010 Sithe 54 +0110010010 Medalist 54 +0110010010 DEC 54 +0110010010 Brookhurst 54 +0110010010 Pegasus 54 +0110010010 Alamo 54 +0110010010 ATI 55 +0110010010 Mountleigh 55 +0110010010 Quest 55 +0110010010 Carrian 55 +0110010010 Deak 55 +0110010010 Beech-Nut 55 +0110010010 Granges 55 +0110010010 Blanche 56 +0110010010 Dunes 56 +0110010010 Karstadt 56 +0110010010 Westfield 56 +0110010010 Ladbroke 56 +0110010010 Pentane 56 +0110010010 Saab-Scania 56 +0110010010 Comstock 56 +0110010010 Maserati 56 +0110010010 Oakite 57 +0110010010 Epeda 57 +0110010010 Hecco 57 +0110010010 Rothmans 57 +0110010010 Musicland 57 +0110010010 Statoil 57 +0110010010 Cosmopolitan 57 +0110010010 ENI 57 +0110010010 Forstmann-Leff 58 +0110010010 Syncor 58 +0110010010 UAP 58 +0110010010 Infinity 58 +0110010010 Esso 58 +0110010010 Polaris 58 +0110010010 OTF 58 +0110010010 Billboard 58 +0110010010 Erbamont 58 +0110010010 Proton 59 +0110010010 Balcor 59 +0110010010 Chariot 59 +0110010010 Fanuc 59 +0110010010 Algoma 59 +0110010010 Nacco 60 +0110010010 Redken 60 +0110010010 SHV 60 +0110010010 AMCA 60 +0110010010 Wah 61 +0110010010 MediaNews 61 +0110010010 TLC 61 +0110010010 IMS 61 +0110010010 CAP 61 +0110010010 Begley 61 +0110010010 ASA 61 +0110010010 Panasonic 61 +0110010010 IMA 61 +0110010010 Emerald 61 +0110010010 Brookehill 61 +0110010010 Amstrad 61 +0110010010 Nantucket 62 +0110010010 Magnet 62 +0110010010 Westmark 62 +0110010010 Fusion 63 +0110010010 Conquest 63 +0110010010 Arianespace 64 +0110010010 Norden 64 +0110010010 Entwistle 64 +0110010010 Micom 64 +0110010010 Fisons 65 +0110010010 Ajinomoto 65 +0110010010 MIM 65 +0110010010 Medco 66 +0110010010 Clevite 66 +0110010010 Mannesmann 66 +0110010010 Artra 66 +0110010010 Kansai 66 +0110010010 Monfort 67 +0110010010 Oracle 67 +0110010010 Pullman-Peabody 67 +0110010010 ACI 67 +0110010010 Baytree 67 +0110010010 Valeo 67 +0110010010 MAN 68 +0110010010 Alyeska 68 +0110010010 Winnebago 68 +0110010010 McClatchy 68 +0110010010 Schenley 69 +0110010010 Framatome 69 +0110010010 Westamerica 69 +0110010010 Westburne 69 +0110010010 Envirodyne 69 +0110010010 MTM 69 +0110010010 Hillenbrand 70 +0110010010 Intelligent 70 +0110010010 Towle 70 +0110010010 CBI 70 +0110010010 Gitano 71 +0110010010 Vicorp 71 +0110010010 Centaur 71 +0110010010 Linde 71 +0110010010 Spendthrift 71 +0110010010 Roadway 72 +0110010010 Amoskeag 72 +0110010010 Generali 72 +0110010010 CSR 72 +0110010010 Buckeye 72 +0110010010 Alberto-Culver 72 +0110010010 Pilkington 72 +0110010010 LaSalle 73 +0110010010 AST 74 +0110010010 Goldstar 74 +0110010010 Preferred 74 +0110010010 Krupp 74 +0110010010 IDC 75 +0110010010 Walgreen 75 +0110010010 GPA 75 +0110010010 Ricoh 75 +0110010010 Amnesty 75 +0110010010 Trafalgar 76 +0110010010 Alliant 77 +0110010010 Sensor 77 +0110010010 Komatsu 78 +0110010010 Pleasurama 78 +0110010010 Weintraub 78 +0110010010 Clarendon 80 +0110010010 Falcon 80 +0110010010 Lever 80 +0110010010 MK 81 +0110010010 Chelsea 81 +0110010010 Plum 81 +0110010010 Thyssen 81 +0110010010 Penthouse 81 +0110010010 Stoneridge 83 +0110010010 Plenum 83 +0110010010 Pelican 83 +0110010010 STC 83 +0110010010 Hees 84 +0110010010 Investcorp 84 +0110010010 Figgie 84 +0110010010 Seven-Up 84 +0110010010 Cilluffo 84 +0110010010 Quotron 84 +0110010010 Wharf 85 +0110010010 Harnischfeger 85 +0110010010 Astrotech 86 +0110010010 Comdata 86 +0110010010 Benequity 87 +0110010010 Kluwer 87 +0110010010 Inspiration 87 +0110010010 Westcoast 87 +0110010010 Geothermal 87 +0110010010 TVX 88 +0110010010 Ausimont 88 +0110010010 Boots 88 +0110010010 Transcontinental 88 +0110010010 CAE 89 +0110010010 CenTrust 89 +0110010010 Quadrex 90 +0110010010 Andover 90 +0110010010 Sunbelt 90 +0110010010 Oxdon 90 +0110010010 Matra 91 +0110010010 Twin 91 +0110010010 Telemecanique 91 +0110010010 Connaught 91 +0110010010 Wyse 92 +0110010010 Granada 93 +0110010010 CRT 94 +0110010010 Talley 95 +0110010010 Elsevier 96 +0110010010 Carnation 96 +0110010010 Mentor 96 +0110010010 Regency 96 +0110010010 TI 96 +0110010010 Saint-Gobain 96 +0110010010 Akzo 97 +0110010010 SafeCard 97 +0110010010 Merieux 97 +0110010010 Pepsi-Cola 97 +0110010010 Pittston 97 +0110010010 Sunrise 97 +0110010010 Burroughs-Wellcome 97 +0110010010 Buitoni 97 +0110010010 BancTexas 98 +0110010010 Kaneb 98 +0110010010 Nomad 99 +0110010010 Genisco 99 +0110010010 MIPS 100 +0110010010 CJI 100 +0110010010 Bantam 101 +0110010010 Ranks 101 +0110010010 Tricentrol 102 +0110010010 ETA 102 +0110010010 Galactic 102 +0110010010 Stratus 103 +0110010010 BDM 103 +0110010010 Kincaid 104 +0110010010 Hallwood 104 +0110010010 Rhone-Poulenc 104 +0110010010 BOC 105 +0110010010 Alpine 105 +0110010010 BBDO 105 +0110010010 TMIC 105 +0110010010 Leucadia 105 +0110010010 Genmar 106 +0110010010 Knoll 106 +0110010010 Puma 106 +0110010010 Bombay 106 +0110010010 Raymark 107 +0110010010 Nixdorf 107 +0110010010 Alitalia 107 +0110010010 Adobe 107 +0110010010 Amalgamated 107 +0110010010 PSA 108 +0110010010 LAC 109 +0110010010 Magna 110 +0110010010 Wheeling 110 +0110010010 Alcatel 110 +0110010010 Landmark 111 +0110010010 Centerre 111 +0110010010 Neco 112 +0110010010 Colgate-Palmolive 112 +0110010010 TSB 113 +0110010010 Argus 113 +0110010010 Cominco 113 +0110010010 Borland 114 +0110010010 Varian 116 +0110010010 Bancroft 116 +0110010010 Eurotunnel 117 +0110010010 Gucci 117 +0110010010 Guilford 117 +0110010010 Nalcap 117 +0110010010 Telemundo 118 +0110010010 Carlyle 119 +0110010010 Javelin 119 +0110010010 Precision 120 +0110010010 Avia 121 +0110010010 TransAmerican 121 +0110010010 FPL 122 +0110010010 Seaman 122 +0110010010 Allied-Lyons 122 +0110010010 McCall 124 +0110010010 Ideal 124 +0110010010 Adams-Russell 126 +0110010010 Decision 126 +0110010010 Goldome 126 +0110010010 Sooner 127 +0110010010 Vitro 128 +0110010010 Hemdale 129 +0110010010 Yasuda 129 +0110010010 Fokker 130 +0110010010 Alfa 131 +0110010010 Beard 131 +0110010010 Newell 132 +0110010010 Bertelsmann 133 +0110010010 TNT 134 +0110010010 C.O.M.B. 134 +0110010010 Graphic 134 +0110010010 Neiman-Marcus 137 +0110010010 Spectrum 137 +0110010010 Tempo 137 +0110010010 Blockbuster 138 +0110010010 Sandoz 138 +0110010010 MCO 139 +0110010010 Weyerhaeuser 139 +0110010010 Clorox 139 +0110010010 Interpublic 140 +0110010010 Liggett 142 +0110010010 Pullman 143 +0110010010 Argyll 143 +0110010010 Cherokee 144 +0110010010 ARC 144 +0110010010 WCRS 144 +0110010010 Magma 146 +0110010010 Nintendo 146 +0110010010 Gateway 148 +0110010010 RKO 150 +0110010010 Suchard 151 +0110010010 Wolverine 151 +0110010010 Cullinet 152 +0110010010 Dainippon 153 +0110010010 Berisford 153 +0110010010 CIT 156 +0110010010 Penrod 156 +0110010010 Par 156 +0110010010 Benetton 156 +0110010010 Facet 157 +0110010010 E.S.M. 158 +0110010010 Rainier 159 +0110010010 Wherehouse 159 +0110010010 M.D.C. 159 +0110010010 Cerus 160 +0110010010 Peugeot 161 +0110010010 Dillard 162 +0110010010 Argonaut 163 +0110010010 Heileman 165 +0110010010 Reichhold 167 +0110010010 KLM 167 +0110010010 Storehouse 167 +0110010010 Tropicana 168 +0110010010 BHP 171 +0110010010 Halliburton 174 +0110010010 Minpeco 174 +0110010010 Hoylake 174 +0110010010 Racal 174 +0110010010 Imasco 175 +0110010010 Vickers 175 +0110010010 Recruit 175 +0110010010 Guardian 175 +0110010010 Bechtel 176 +0110010010 Colt 176 +0110010010 Hanna 177 +0110010010 SCI 177 +0110010010 Playboy 180 +0110010010 Omnicom 180 +0110010010 Metromedia 181 +0110010010 Berkshire 181 +0110010010 Navistar 183 +0110010010 Grey 187 +0110010010 Blackstone 187 +0110010010 Samsung 187 +0110010010 AEG 189 +0110010010 Rolls-Royce 189 +0110010010 Becor 190 +0110010010 Gearhart 190 +0110010010 Newhall 191 +0110010010 NutraSweet 193 +0110010010 Colonial 194 +0110010010 Regina 195 +0110010010 Martell 197 +0110010010 Seagate 198 +0110010010 Prospect 198 +0110010010 Laidlaw 199 +0110010010 Lufthansa 200 +0110010010 Atlantis 201 +0110010010 Maxxam 206 +0110010010 Affiliated 207 +0110010010 JMB 207 +0110010010 Sanofi 209 +0110010010 BTR 209 +0110010010 Pilgrim 211 +0110010010 Vista 211 +0110010010 Dixons 211 +0110010010 CalMat 211 +0110010010 Household 212 +0110010010 Equiticorp 213 +0110010010 Beecham 215 +0110010010 Keystone 216 +0110010010 Worthen 216 +0110010010 Ferranti 217 +0110010010 TW 217 +0110010010 Abbott 221 +0110010010 Groupe 222 +0110010010 Live 224 +0110010010 Commerzbank 224 +0110010010 MAI 226 +0110010010 Schlumberger 230 +0110010010 Hachette 230 +0110010010 CPC 234 +0110010010 Carolco 237 +0110010010 Cyprus 239 +0110010010 Citadel 244 +0110010010 Princeton/Newport 245 +0110010010 Emerson 250 +0110010010 AM 253 +0110010010 Tri-Star 256 +0110010010 Nielsen 257 +0110010010 Pirelli 257 +0110010010 Lonrho 259 +0110010010 Summit 261 +0110010010 Gerber 266 +0110010010 NTT 266 +0110010010 Fermenta 267 +0110010010 Rowntree 267 +0110010010 Warner-Lambert 268 +0110010010 Porsche 269 +0110010010 Banner 270 +0110010010 Inco 272 +0110010010 Bolar 273 +0110010010 Vanguard 277 +0110010010 Ciba-Geigy 279 +0110010010 Commodore 281 +0110010010 IU 288 +0110010010 Ivanhoe 288 +0110010010 Charter 296 +0110010010 Qintex 297 +0110010010 BASF 299 +0110010010 Glaxo 299 +0110010010 Joy 300 +0110010010 Crown 301 +0110010010 Minorco 301 +0110010010 Ames 304 +0110010010 Ferruzzi 308 +0110010010 LIN 310 +0110010010 Purolator 312 +0110010010 Micron 313 +0110010010 Pioneer 318 +0110010010 AFG 321 +0110010010 Plessey 323 +0110010010 MasterCard 324 +0110010010 Triton 327 +0110010010 Beazer 329 +0110010010 Chris-Craft 330 +0110010010 Reuters 332 +0110010010 Falconbridge 336 +0110010010 Odyssey 339 +0110010010 Essex 345 +0110010010 Bristol-Myers 346 +0110010010 Wellcome 353 +0110010010 Kellogg 358 +0110010010 Rover 363 +0110010010 Goodrich 368 +0110010010 Champion 375 +0110010010 Bayer 375 +0110010010 NL 375 +0110010010 Raytheon 380 +0110010010 Vernon 385 +0110010010 KaiserTech 386 +0110010010 Duke 389 +0110010010 Roper 390 +0110010010 Gannett 390 +0110010010 Unilever 397 +0110010010 Woolworth 401 +0110010010 Sharon 402 +0110010010 Lloyds 403 +0110010010 Hoechst 405 +0110010010 Giant 405 +0110010010 Coors 408 +0110010010 Hitachi 411 +0110010010 Cadbury 413 +0110010010 Coleco 419 +0110010010 Reebok 428 +0110010010 Visa 432 +0110010010 Quaker 433 +0110010010 Fiat 437 +0110010010 Triangle 438 +0110010010 Jaguar 452 +0110010010 Bally 452 +0110010010 Penney 452 +0110010010 Montedison 454 +0110010010 Apollo 459 +0110010010 Britoil 466 +0110010010 Orion 470 +0110010010 E-II 472 +0110010010 Upjohn 473 +0110010010 Fujitsu 486 +0110010010 Tiger 489 +0110010010 Pearson 498 +0110010010 Zenith 502 +0110010010 Fairchild 508 +0110010010 Paramount 519 +0110010010 Daimler-Benz 524 +0110010010 Aetna 547 +0110010010 Fuji 549 +0110010010 Kroger 552 +0110010010 AMC 552 +0110010010 Nestle 554 +0110010010 Hanson 565 +0110010010 Kaiser 569 +0110010010 Cannon 580 +0110010010 Koppers 592 +0110010010 Avon 605 +0110010010 Monsanto 606 +0110010010 Rorer 608 +0110010010 Holly 615 +0110010010 Viacom 625 +0110010010 Integrated 626 +0110010010 Cray 641 +0110010010 Dart 648 +0110010010 Barclays 651 +0110010010 Hewlett-Packard 660 +0110010010 Elders 664 +0110010010 Taft 664 +0110010010 Reliance 664 +0110010010 WPP 677 +0110010010 Caesars 679 +0110010010 Advanced 686 +0110010010 Compaq 690 +0110010010 Seagram 697 +0110010010 Coniston 720 +0110010010 Dominion 726 +0110010010 JWT 728 +0110010010 Siemens 742 +0110010010 Thomson 746 +0110010010 Hilton 772 +0110010010 Best 794 +0110010010 Rockwell 796 +0110010010 Distillers 815 +0110010010 Resorts 843 +0110010010 Revlon 897 +0110010010 Volkswagen 924 +0110010010 Singer 954 +0110010010 Airbus 971 +0110010010 Mellon 980 +0110010010 Lincoln 1058 +0110010010 Lotus 1059 +0110010010 USAir 1072 +0110010010 NATO 1078 +0110010010 Allegheny 1079 +0110010010 Fidelity 1083 +0110010010 B.A.T 1181 +0110010010 Burlington 1188 +0110010010 Newmont 1191 +0110010010 Pillsbury 1231 +0110010010 Henley 1240 +0110010010 Sterling 1284 +0110010010 BP 1291 +0110010010 Farmers 1369 +0110010010 Coca-Cola 1436 +0110010010 Gillette 1491 +0110010010 Disney 1555 +0110010010 RJR 1607 +0110010010 Robins 1719 +0110010010 Federated 1866 +0110010010 Kodak 2001 +0110010010 Guinness 2062 +0110010010 Apple 2063 +0110010010 Irving 2123 +0110010010 Sun 2207 +0110010010 Pennzoil 2457 +0110010010 Columbia 2598 +0110010010 Boeing 3020 +0110010010 OPEC 3114 +0110010011 MetroBan 1 +0110010011 Homequity 1 +0110010011 Borning 1 +0110010011 Aqua-Chem 1 +0110010011 Kongsberg-designed 1 +0110010011 Tulos 1 +0110010011 Inteleplex 1 +0110010011 Baumfolder 1 +0110010011 ReCapital 1 +0110010011 AutoInfo 1 +0110010011 Insure 1 +0110010011 Hygenic 1 +0110010011 Kearns-Tribune 1 +0110010011 TechKnits 1 +0110010011 Scan-Optics 1 +0110010011 Univex 1 +0110010011 Tillotson-Pearson 1 +0110010011 NutraCare 1 +0110010011 Semix 1 +0110010011 Sanraku 1 +0110010011 Birdsboro 1 +0110010011 Banctec 1 +0110010011 MarketWatch 1 +0110010011 WinJak 1 +0110010011 Enscor 1 +0110010011 HXC 1 +0110010011 Corexcal 1 +0110010011 Instron 1 +0110010011 Sysorex 1 +0110010011 Intergon 1 +0110010011 Thunander 1 +0110010011 Giga-tronics 1 +0110010011 E-Z-Em 1 +0110010011 MATEC 1 +0110010011 Synchro-Tech 1 +0110010011 Romec 1 +0110010011 MESSERSCHMITT-BOLKOW-BLOHM 1 +0110010011 Larse 1 +0110010011 NCH 1 +0110010011 Empi 1 +0110010011 FNW 1 +0110010011 Lilliston 1 +0110010011 Furrs 1 +0110010011 Gendex 1 +0110010011 Neoprobe 1 +0110010011 BioTechnologies 1 +0110010011 Kovatch 1 +0110010011 Tiara 1 +0110010011 Escalade 1 +0110010011 Speco 1 +0110010011 SBE 1 +0110010011 Spyraflo 1 +0110010011 Douglas-Elliman 1 +0110010011 Bowline 1 +0110010011 Papalphernalia 1 +0110010011 Jogbra 1 +0110010011 Livingwell 1 +0110010011 Datamedia 1 +0110010011 ROSB 1 +0110010011 Ayrshire 1 +0110010011 Synthetech 1 +0110010011 Metalsource 1 +0110010011 Verdix 1 +0110010011 Intellisys 1 +0110010011 Vertipile 1 +0110010011 Ex-Cello-O 1 +0110010011 Hefren-Tillotson 1 +0110010011 Quad-Marketing 1 +0110010011 Novia 1 +0110010011 Oreck 1 +0110010011 GENEX 1 +0110010011 Interchem 1 +0110010011 Celtech 1 +0110010011 Gaedcke 1 +0110010011 Knight-Ridder/Tribune 1 +0110010011 McCoy-Elkhorn 1 +0110010011 TGX 1 +0110010011 BIOANALOGICS 1 +0110010011 AgMax 1 +0110010011 Neogen 1 +0110010011 Adelie 1 +0110010011 Faxplus 1 +0110010011 Hopsital 1 +0110010011 Panelgraphic 1 +0110010011 Bell-Boeing 1 +0110010011 ORANGE-CO 1 +0110010011 Jelco 1 +0110010011 LUBRIZOL 1 +0110010011 Peckover 1 +0110010011 Sram 1 +0110010011 Unifi 1 +0110010011 Powertec 1 +0110010011 CCNB 1 +0110010011 Jippo 1 +0110010011 Snyder-General 1 +0110010011 ZAYRE 1 +0110010011 KINDER-CARE 1 +0110010011 ASTRONICS 1 +0110010011 WALBRO 1 +0110010011 Gulf-Tex 1 +0110010011 3,173,000 1 +0110010011 Wampler-Longacre-Rockingham 1 +0110010011 LifeCell 1 +0110010011 Vynet 1 +0110010011 Semcor 1 +0110010011 RhonePoulenc 1 +0110010011 Clearwater-based 1 +0110010011 Sanus 1 +0110010011 Sammis 1 +0110010011 LIDA 1 +0110010011 Damar 1 +0110010011 OliverShields 1 +0110010011 AmeriHealth 1 +0110010011 CleanHarbors 1 +0110010011 Budget-Rent-a-Car 1 +0110010011 Ethigen 1 +0110010011 Braun-Brumfield 1 +0110010011 Macaulay-Brown 1 +0110010011 Cybernex 1 +0110010011 Ori 1 +0110010011 Equidex 1 +0110010011 RMIC 1 +0110010011 Paribus 1 +0110010011 Beltech 1 +0110010011 PLANTRONICS 1 +0110010011 Raydan 1 +0110010011 SYNALLOY 1 +0110010011 DIANA 1 +0110010011 Heyco 1 +0110010011 Hydropower 1 +0110010011 debenture-holders 1 +0110010011 Chemlime 1 +0110010011 GVC 1 +0110010011 Tecom 1 +0110010011 Glominoid 1 +0110010011 CR/PL 1 +0110010011 TriCity 1 +0110010011 Ballanda 1 +0110010011 Pathways 1 +0110010011 Veda 1 +0110010011 UniDynamics 1 +0110010011 Psychemedics 1 +0110010011 Chemstar 1 +0110010011 Aid-Pak 1 +0110010011 Scrivner 1 +0110010011 Information/Documentation 1 +0110010011 Kober 1 +0110010011 LFE 1 +0110010011 VitaLian 1 +0110010011 Informarketing 1 +0110010011 TransFirst 1 +0110010011 SilibiS 1 +0110010011 MercOil 1 +0110010011 ExCell-O 1 +0110010011 Bramco 1 +0110010011 Arandell 1 +0110010011 JLT 1 +0110010011 Biotrine 1 +0110010011 CHEMetrics 1 +0110010011 Fiserv 1 +0110010011 Gensym 1 +0110010011 Arvida-Disney 1 +0110010011 TK 1 +0110010011 Roth-American 1 +0110010011 Sealaska 1 +0110010011 Digitext 1 +0110010011 Rexworks 1 +0110010011 ProCoil 1 +0110010011 LOOP 1 +0110010011 LaserGenics 1 +0110010011 Hadady 1 +0110010011 Anadac 1 +0110010011 TYME 1 +0110010011 Quadrax 1 +0110010011 Allegheny-Ludlum 1 +0110010011 Metallurg 1 +0110010011 Pharmacontrol 1 +0110010011 Disc-O-Mat 1 +0110010011 Kurz-Kasch 1 +0110010011 Aquathin 1 +0110010011 Gutehoffnungshuette 1 +0110010011 Taisai 1 +0110010011 XScribe 1 +0110010011 Xorbox 1 +0110010011 Tutor-Saliba 1 +0110010011 HybriVet 1 +0110010011 Sandquist 1 +0110010011 Kissel-Blake 1 +0110010011 Condec 1 +0110010011 K-Tron 1 +0110010011 Sterlingwale 1 +0110010011 Lasolana 1 +0110010011 Allelix 1 +0110010011 Enerwest 1 +0110010011 Gunite 1 +0110010011 ICAS 1 +0110010011 Analytix 1 +0110010011 Filenet 1 +0110010011 AON 1 +0110010011 Instrumentarium 1 +0110010011 Geonex 1 +0110010011 Intercredit 1 +0110010011 FB&T 1 +0110010011 Gristede 1 +0110010011 Balder 1 +0110010011 Conolog 1 +0110010011 Libbey-OwensFord 1 +0110010011 XYTEC 1 +0110010011 Dest 1 +0110010011 Tee-Comm 1 +0110010011 CompuScan 1 +0110010011 Stemar 1 +0110010011 Alloa 1 +0110010011 Lexitel 1 +0110010011 USCO 1 +0110010011 NLT 1 +0110010011 Softech 1 +0110010011 Freeport-McMo-Ran 1 +0110010011 Bancomer 1 +0110010011 Hibshman 1 +0110010011 Cromemco 1 +0110010011 Richtex 1 +0110010011 Comnet 1 +0110010011 CanCapital 1 +0110010011 DP&L 1 +0110010011 Alsons 1 +0110010011 Belmac 1 +0110010011 ECRM 1 +0110010011 Baham 1 +0110010011 TaxWatch 1 +0110010011 Studebaker-Packard 1 +0110010011 Vizcom 1 +0110010011 Isratex 1 +0110010011 Axia 1 +0110010011 Spectragraphics 1 +0110010011 Leastec 1 +0110010011 Friteco 1 +0110010011 Rapada 1 +0110010011 Essa 1 +0110010011 Ambi 1 +0110010011 Carrols 1 +0110010011 Bituma-Stor 1 +0110010011 Tymshare 1 +0110010011 Teleglobal 1 +0110010011 SpeedFam 1 +0110010011 Coratomic 1 +0110010011 Lishon 1 +0110010011 NBK 1 +0110010011 Quintel 1 +0110010011 Bunge 1 +0110010011 Cinpac 1 +0110010011 CRAIG 1 +0110010011 Meditrend 1 +0110010011 LDBRINKMAN 1 +0110010011 CLEVELAND-CLIFFS 1 +0110010011 Honker 1 +0110010011 Fertil-A-Chron 1 +0110010011 MDPT 1 +0110010011 Shimadzu 1 +0110010011 DataVend 1 +0110010011 Dukane 1 +0110010011 IMAGEN 1 +0110010011 Recontek 1 +0110010011 Amscan 1 +0110010011 Respironics 1 +0110010011 Bahlsen 1 +0110010011 FLEXI-VAN 1 +0110010011 Kel-Met 1 +0110010011 Penryn 1 +0110010011 Braemar 1 +0110010011 Simulaser 1 +0110010011 Myo-tech 1 +0110010011 Sugarcreek 1 +0110010011 Cubit 1 +0110010011 Yamatane 1 +0110010011 Pixeley 1 +0110010011 Eliskim 1 +0110010011 Infoswitch 1 +0110010011 Woodshaft 1 +0110010011 Allbright-Nell 1 +0110010011 Stride-Rite 1 +0110010011 MarketSource 1 +0110010011 MOTOROLA 1 +0110010011 Lojack 1 +0110010011 Vemco 1 +0110010011 DHM 1 +0110010011 ManageWare 1 +0110010011 Pittsburgh-Corning 1 +0110010011 Precast 1 +0110010011 Playful 1 +0110010011 Vitek 1 +0110010011 NEOAX 1 +0110010011 Lechters 1 +0110010011 Durel 1 +0110010011 EGGHEAD 1 +0110010011 WTG-Central 1 +0110010011 Air-Dry 1 +0110010011 UNIVAR 1 +0110010011 ISCO 1 +0110010011 Missco 1 +0110010011 Lightgate 1 +0110010011 FEDERAL-MOGUL 1 +0110010011 Autometric 1 +0110010011 Elektra/Asylum/Nonesuch 1 +0110010011 Intervoice 1 +0110010011 Web-Marsh 1 +0110010011 Minnoco 1 +0110010011 Asahipen 1 +0110010011 Tarsadia 1 +0110010011 Biscon 1 +0110010011 Aprex 1 +0110010011 Eversharp 1 +0110010011 Amycel 1 +0110010011 Myo-Tech 1 +0110010011 Anshutz 1 +0110010011 Memry 1 +0110010011 RYC 1 +0110010011 K-2 1 +0110010011 Eaton-Kenway 1 +0110010011 Northbanc 1 +0110010011 Harris-Edward 1 +0110010011 T.I.M.E.-DC 1 +0110010011 Nutri-Products 1 +0110010011 DataImage 1 +0110010011 Rohammer 1 +0110010011 Petromont 1 +0110010011 Orkand 1 +0110010011 Petroferm 1 +0110010011 3i 1 +0110010011 Day-Timers 1 +0110010011 Aristokraft 1 +0110010011 Read-Rite 1 +0110010011 Structofab 1 +0110010011 Astrocom 1 +0110010011 CAREERCOM 1 +0110010011 Springside 1 +0110010011 Flowmole 1 +0110010011 GENESEE 1 +0110010011 Veere 1 +0110010011 Knowledgeware 1 +0110010011 Solair 1 +0110010011 Dairy-Fresh 1 +0110010011 Vivitar 1 +0110010011 Krudico 1 +0110010011 Escagenetics 1 +0110010011 ADVANTA 1 +0110010011 Namsco 1 +0110010011 Wal-mart 1 +0110010011 Varilease 1 +0110010011 T.D.I. 1 +0110010011 MET-PRO 1 +0110010011 PALL 1 +0110010011 Meitec 1 +0110010011 Kema/Nucon 1 +0110010011 D.I.C. 1 +0110010011 ConAm 1 +0110010011 Cosmoupulos 1 +0110010011 Regal-Aircoa 1 +0110010011 Voicetek 1 +0110010011 REGAL-BELOIT 1 +0110010011 FIDELCOR 1 +0110010011 DONOHUE 1 +0110010011 Comptronix 1 +0110010011 Docugraphix 1 +0110010011 Bellsouth 1 +0110010011 Decimus 1 +0110010011 OLSTEN 1 +0110010011 Thermolite 1 +0110010011 Fredrichs 1 +0110010011 ANACOMP 1 +0110010011 Tayca 1 +0110010011 Aeromet 1 +0110010011 Lowes 1 +0110010011 Penncorp 1 +0110010011 Tivoly 1 +0110010011 CompuMat 1 +0110010011 Zoecon 1 +0110010011 CINTAS 1 +0110010011 CBS-K 1 +0110010011 Diamedix 1 +0110010011 CAE-Link 1 +0110010011 Serve-Air 1 +0110010011 Frozfruit 1 +0110010011 Midmark 1 +0110010011 Bamsi 1 +0110010011 Censtor 1 +0110010011 CANFOR 1 +0110010011 Tetco 1 +0110010011 AMBRIT 1 +0110010011 Sporto 1 +0110010011 RF&P 1 +0110010011 Landoll 1 +0110010011 Acurex 1 +0110010011 Brookrock 1 +0110010011 Analytics 1 +0110010011 Siemens-Bendix 1 +0110010011 Bagcraft 1 +0110010011 HOWTEK 1 +0110010011 Breathco 1 +0110010011 RBE 1 +0110010011 VISystems 1 +0110010011 ACTON 1 +0110010011 Nitram 1 +0110010011 B.B.N. 1 +0110010011 Acxiom 1 +0110010011 Verax 1 +0110010011 Unitronix 1 +0110010011 Genigraphics 1 +0110010011 TRANSCISCO 1 +0110010011 Microprobe 1 +0110010011 Utahans 1 +0110010011 Coast-America 1 +0110010011 Torin 1 +0110010011 ELSINORE 1 +0110010011 SYSCO 1 +0110010011 Stoppenbach 1 +0110010011 Amerifax 1 +0110010011 XPLOR 1 +0110010011 Iliko 1 +0110010011 Palantir 1 +0110010011 Nuclepore 1 +0110010011 Communispond 1 +0110010011 Bank-America 1 +0110010011 Louisiana-Hibernia 1 +0110010011 Hein-Werner 1 +0110010011 Canalos 1 +0110010011 McCalls 1 +0110010011 Hoxan 1 +0110010011 ProCyte 1 +0110010011 Gatcombe 1 +0110010011 VISX 1 +0110010011 Transducers 1 +0110010011 ASHTON-TATE 1 +0110010011 Transgenics 1 +0110010011 PRICOR 1 +0110010011 DOVER 1 +0110010011 Pitt-DesMoines 1 +0110010011 EasTek 1 +0110010011 Harmex 1 +0110010011 Coradian 1 +0110010011 Oster/Sunbeam 1 +0110010011 Unicam 1 +0110010011 Airtacs 1 +0110010011 Winjack 1 +0110010011 Saxonglen 1 +0110010011 ICSD 1 +0110010011 IDM 1 +0110010011 AgriCapital 1 +0110010011 WaveFrame 1 +0110010011 Cosmopulous 1 +0110010011 HUFFY 1 +0110010011 X-RITE 1 +0110010011 Papercraft 1 +0110010011 Isotechnologies 1 +0110010011 STELCO 1 +0110010011 BusinessLand 1 +0110010011 Goetze 1 +0110010011 Woolmark 1 +0110010011 ALC. 1 +0110010011 Ardak 1 +0110010011 Brutronics 1 +0110010011 Pittway 1 +0110010011 Entrade 1 +0110010011 IMREG 1 +0110010011 Calsonic 1 +0110010011 hashish-taking 1 +0110010011 HMP 1 +0110010011 AMFI 1 +0110010011 NovaCare 1 +0110010011 ELECTROSOURCE 1 +0110010011 LAFARGE 1 +0110010011 Millpore 1 +0110010011 Posterloid 1 +0110010011 Argo-Tech 2 +0110010011 Cookie-Crisp 2 +0110010011 Hantscho 2 +0110010011 Flow-Mole 2 +0110010011 Cela 2 +0110010011 Amtorg 2 +0110010011 Healthsource 2 +0110010011 Paine-Webber 2 +0110010011 Abel/Noser 2 +0110010011 Telenex 2 +0110010011 THR 2 +0110010011 Ormat 2 +0110010011 Salesnet 2 +0110010011 Integraph 2 +0110010011 Memline 2 +0110010011 Fansteel 2 +0110010011 Ameritas 2 +0110010011 Identitech 2 +0110010011 Centran 2 +0110010011 Realtron 2 +0110010011 Freidrichs 2 +0110010011 Cyberchron 2 +0110010011 Palmer-Bellevue 2 +0110010011 TriLogic 2 +0110010011 Vulplex 2 +0110010011 HNG/InterNorth 2 +0110010011 108,300 2 +0110010011 Nash-Kelvinator 2 +0110010011 Cardo 2 +0110010011 Whirpool 2 +0110010011 Breeko 2 +0110010011 Chromalux 2 +0110010011 SDNB 2 +0110010011 Inamed 2 +0110010011 LBAS 2 +0110010011 Wellhead 2 +0110010011 Aquanautics 2 +0110010011 Southtrust 2 +0110010011 Kuukpik 2 +0110010011 Immucor 2 +0110010011 Tsumeb 2 +0110010011 TEMPLETON 2 +0110010011 Celgene 2 +0110010011 Coachman 2 +0110010011 TechniCo-op 2 +0110010011 OCG 2 +0110010011 ISTAT 2 +0110010011 E.S.E. 2 +0110010011 Microvision 2 +0110010011 AmToy 2 +0110010011 LRV 2 +0110010011 AMGen 2 +0110010011 Topre 2 +0110010011 Gravelotte 2 +0110010011 Cogenerics 2 +0110010011 UTDC 2 +0110010011 Eurocell 2 +0110010011 Surgilase 2 +0110010011 Filmstar 2 +0110010011 Newsote 2 +0110010011 Pantasote 2 +0110010011 Heil-Quaker 2 +0110010011 Famcorp 2 +0110010011 Vornado 2 +0110010011 Hussmann 2 +0110010011 Gymboree 2 +0110010011 Cityfed 2 +0110010011 NewMark 2 +0110010011 Propranolol 2 +0110010011 INTERVOICE 2 +0110010011 BNZ 2 +0110010011 Hydro-Ash 2 +0110010011 Flav-O-Rich 2 +0110010011 Quasitronics 2 +0110010011 Xetca 2 +0110010011 King-Seeley 2 +0110010011 Mobex 2 +0110010011 Robec 2 +0110010011 Triumph-Lor 2 +0110010011 Sidewalk 2 +0110010011 Firstar 2 +0110010011 Hitk 2 +0110010011 Vinnell 2 +0110010011 Dugan/Farley 2 +0110010011 Amylin 2 +0110010011 Weslock 2 +0110010011 Insta-Care 2 +0110010011 Utilitech 2 +0110010011 JBD 2 +0110010011 Ateq 2 +0110010011 Vistana 2 +0110010011 Protimex 2 +0110010011 Parlex 2 +0110010011 TransNet 2 +0110010011 Clevepak 2 +0110010011 Anfia 2 +0110010011 Cochranton 2 +0110010011 KKC 2 +0110010011 Charvoz-Carsen 2 +0110010011 Lineage 2 +0110010011 Racer-Mate 2 +0110010011 Ventron 2 +0110010011 IPC 2 +0110010011 Lante 2 +0110010011 Childesign 2 +0110010011 Prescience 2 +0110010011 Cybermedic 2 +0110010011 Teleco 2 +0110010011 Triboro 2 +0110010011 Superscope 2 +0110010011 Bellville 2 +0110010011 Pacad 2 +0110010011 Pharmasol 2 +0110010011 HemaCare 2 +0110010011 Corvita 2 +0110010011 UniFirst 2 +0110010011 Tabata 2 +0110010011 Nymagic 2 +0110010011 Comstron 2 +0110010011 BATUS 2 +0110010011 Perceptronics 2 +0110010011 apparel-maker 2 +0110010011 Haemonetics 2 +0110010011 Jefferson-Pilot 2 +0110010011 Whitso 2 +0110010011 Qume 2 +0110010011 Cobanco 2 +0110010011 Datamag 2 +0110010011 Solectric 2 +0110010011 Painewebber 2 +0110010011 WearEver-Proctor-Silex 2 +0110010011 AirSensors 2 +0110010011 Hatibudi 2 +0110010011 Svedrup 2 +0110010011 Biosurge 2 +0110010011 PrinTron 2 +0110010011 WEFA-CEIS 2 +0110010011 Sovitalprodmash 2 +0110010011 Crystallume 2 +0110010011 Nevsur 2 +0110010011 AlliedSignal 2 +0110010011 Baltek 2 +0110010011 Rollerblade 2 +0110010011 Timberjack 2 +0110010011 Samna 2 +0110010011 Alltac 2 +0110010011 Sunstrand 2 +0110010011 Naturalite 2 +0110010011 S&ME 2 +0110010011 Intercargo 2 +0110010011 Glasrock 2 +0110010011 MacroChem 2 +0110010011 Halfan 2 +0110010011 Nichols-Homeshield 2 +0110010011 LaserVideo 2 +0110010011 CBJ 2 +0110010011 PasoTex 2 +0110010011 Sealectro 2 +0110010011 Stotter 2 +0110010011 Hipotronics 2 +0110010011 Eastek 2 +0110010011 Marriot 2 +0110010011 Canparts 2 +0110010011 FRESH 2 +0110010011 Cataract 2 +0110010011 Amron 2 +0110010011 VCS 2 +0110010011 Enclean 2 +0110010011 RB&W 2 +0110010011 HEMODYNAMICS 2 +0110010011 GeoSpectra 2 +0110010011 Myco-Sci 2 +0110010011 GRUMMAN 2 +0110010011 Acrodyne 2 +0110010011 Havi 2 +0110010011 Visionetics 2 +0110010011 Eldec 2 +0110010011 Kroehler 2 +0110010011 PRA 2 +0110010011 Ajusto 2 +0110010011 ORIX 2 +0110010011 Spacehab 2 +0110010011 Magicsilk 2 +0110010011 Sunningdale 2 +0110010011 Elcotel 2 +0110010011 Pixar 2 +0110010011 Caere 2 +0110010011 Etonic 2 +0110010011 Iconnex 2 +0110010011 Bizmart 2 +0110010011 Toyogo 2 +0110010011 Chem-Trend 2 +0110010011 Samband 2 +0110010011 POLAROID 2 +0110010011 Sportscope 2 +0110010011 Teknekron 2 +0110010011 Ninoy 2 +0110010011 Johor 2 +0110010011 Shop-rite 2 +0110010011 Unico 2 +0110010011 Serv-Tech 2 +0110010011 Moondoggie 2 +0110010011 Porter-Cable 2 +0110010011 Stargroup 2 +0110010011 Composting 2 +0110010011 TMCare 2 +0110010011 MCKESSON 2 +0110010011 MicroDirect 2 +0110010011 Joule 2 +0110010011 Flav-o-rich 2 +0110010011 Orientar 2 +0110010011 ATT 2 +0110010011 Arix 2 +0110010011 RKO-Warner 2 +0110010011 Patchen 2 +0110010011 BRIntec 2 +0110010011 Techknits 2 +0110010011 Imco 2 +0110010011 Cutler-Hammer 2 +0110010011 Amplicon 2 +0110010011 Xiox 2 +0110010011 Willingway 2 +0110010011 Temex 2 +0110010011 Tamper 2 +0110010011 Shurfine-Central 2 +0110010011 Regal-Beloit 2 +0110010011 Nastec 2 +0110010011 Colibri 2 +0110010011 Karissim 2 +0110010011 Wahlco 2 +0110010011 Remarketed 2 +0110010011 WTVG 2 +0110010011 Fics 2 +0110010011 Solectron 2 +0110010011 Vamo 2 +0110010011 State-O-Maine 2 +0110010011 AnchorMedia 2 +0110010011 Feralloy 2 +0110010011 MDFC 2 +0110010011 Buhler-Miag 2 +0110010011 Mimesys 2 +0110010011 Donnkenny 2 +0110010011 EnviroMed 2 +0110010011 Gerico 2 +0110010011 Soricon 2 +0110010011 C-Tec 2 +0110010011 Brasilpar 2 +0110010011 FundsNet 2 +0110010011 Questor 2 +0110010011 CenterCore 2 +0110010011 Murachi 2 +0110010011 SCS/Compute 2 +0110010011 Raia-1 2 +0110010011 Englehard 2 +0110010011 Unioil 2 +0110010011 Taymar 2 +0110010011 Mistix 2 +0110010011 Infrasonics 2 +0110010011 Certainteed 2 +0110010011 Cores 2 +0110010011 Medway 2 +0110010011 Case-Pomeroy 2 +0110010011 Nichimen 2 +0110010011 Rixson-Firemark 2 +0110010011 N-Cube 2 +0110010011 T.J.X. 2 +0110010011 ShopRite 2 +0110010011 SummerStage 2 +0110010011 Dynax 2 +0110010011 SynOptics 2 +0110010011 Dataphaz 2 +0110010011 Oerlikon-Motch 2 +0110010011 Entronics 2 +0110010011 CheckRobot 2 +0110010011 Identix 2 +0110010011 Demerger 2 +0110010011 Certain-Teed 2 +0110010011 Birdair 2 +0110010011 Ling-Pei 2 +0110010011 RF 2 +0110010011 Wacoal 2 +0110010011 CEM 2 +0110010011 FZ 2 +0110010011 Stilton 2 +0110010011 USBank 2 +0110010011 Macrochem 2 +0110010011 Cosmopolous 2 +0110010011 Enceratec 2 +0110010011 MetalBanc 2 +0110010011 Craftways 2 +0110010011 Amfax 2 +0110010011 Kay-Bee 2 +0110010011 Raycom 2 +0110010011 MSF 2 +0110010011 Dataline 2 +0110010011 Verifine 2 +0110010011 NTS 2 +0110010011 Electro-Protective 2 +0110010011 AGP/Gentech 2 +0110010011 Selox 2 +0110010011 Kop-Coat 2 +0110010011 Possis 2 +0110010011 Tolvid 2 +0110010011 Rangeline 2 +0110010011 Valisys 2 +0110010011 Monchik-Weber 2 +0110010011 Aeicor 2 +0110010011 KSK 2 +0110010011 Calspan 2 +0110010011 Moore-Handley 2 +0110010011 Centrabank 2 +0110010011 Carbochem 2 +0110010011 Tempcraft 2 +0110010011 Comtec 2 +0110010011 UKP 2 +0110010011 Sillerman-Magee 2 +0110010011 Edgecomb 2 +0110010011 Diversco 2 +0110010011 Ecomar 2 +0110010011 CGF 2 +0110010011 Eltra 2 +0110010011 4Z 2 +0110010011 Dumagami 2 +0110010011 LDB 2 +0110010011 Xeta 2 +0110010011 Comcoa 2 +0110010011 SEITEL 2 +0110010011 NPI 2 +0110010011 244,900 2 +0110010011 Servotronics 2 +0110010011 Permea 2 +0110010011 EIC/Intelligence 2 +0110010011 Pitney-Bowes 2 +0110010011 Escagen 2 +0110010011 Faxnet 2 +0110010011 Airus 2 +0110010011 Execu-bill 2 +0110010011 Catena 2 +0110010011 Firstmark 2 +0110010011 Larami 2 +0110010011 Divines 2 +0110010011 KAO 2 +0110010011 Tuboscope 2 +0110010011 Rheinisch 2 +0110010011 Nichias 2 +0110010011 Petro-Port 2 +0110010011 Stereographics 2 +0110010011 Girvan 2 +0110010011 WEVD-FM 2 +0110010011 Reef-Baker 2 +0110010011 Aptus 2 +0110010011 Onsite 2 +0110010011 MESSERSCHMITT-BOELKOW-BLOHM 2 +0110010011 Eurocapital 2 +0110010011 Camp-Hill 2 +0110010011 Vitelic 2 +0110010011 Anser 2 +0110010011 ADVO-System 2 +0110010011 StoreBoard 2 +0110010011 Fiberspun 2 +0110010011 Robehr 2 +0110010011 Valcom 2 +0110010011 Darter 2 +0110010011 IEH 2 +0110010011 Xycom 2 +0110010011 MITE 3 +0110010011 JAT 3 +0110010011 Sybedon 3 +0110010011 EMA 3 +0110010011 Revcom 3 +0110010011 Tele-Talk 3 +0110010011 RFI 3 +0110010011 Servomation 3 +0110010011 Softdisk 3 +0110010011 Sorecam 3 +0110010011 Helenus 3 +0110010011 Cofer 3 +0110010011 DRAVO 3 +0110010011 Intouch 3 +0110010011 SimuFlite 3 +0110010011 Ambase 3 +0110010011 Jodevin 3 +0110010011 Oculon 3 +0110010011 Sunstyle 3 +0110010011 JMK 3 +0110010011 CROP 3 +0110010011 Mer-National 3 +0110010011 OHM 3 +0110010011 Westwater 3 +0110010011 NetMap 3 +0110010011 Champale 3 +0110010011 10,544,549 3 +0110010011 Aion 3 +0110010011 Cerner 3 +0110010011 Trigen 3 +0110010011 Mylex 3 +0110010011 Recorp 3 +0110010011 Compuserve 3 +0110010011 Cadema 3 +0110010011 Selfix 3 +0110010011 ANF-Industrie 3 +0110010011 ScotiaMcLeod 3 +0110010011 Oakleaf 3 +0110010011 GSU 3 +0110010011 CoMED 3 +0110010011 Midac 3 +0110010011 ImmunoGen 3 +0110010011 Interfirst 3 +0110010011 Permargo 3 +0110010011 CENTEL 3 +0110010011 Roscor 3 +0110010011 Vari-Care 3 +0110010011 VSA 3 +0110010011 Misco 3 +0110010011 Dataflex 3 +0110010011 McColl-Frontenac 3 +0110010011 Interpoint 3 +0110010011 EyeDentify 3 +0110010011 Caithness 3 +0110010011 Cortec 3 +0110010011 CitizensTrust 3 +0110010011 Triax 3 +0110010011 GreyCom 3 +0110010011 Buhrmann-Tetterode 3 +0110010011 BizMart 3 +0110010011 Transalta 3 +0110010011 FNMA 3 +0110010011 CPP/Belwin 3 +0110010011 UniCare 3 +0110010011 Code-A-Phone 3 +0110010011 Mediators 3 +0110010011 Dal-Tile 3 +0110010011 Phar-Mor 3 +0110010011 Intertorg 3 +0110010011 USBancorp. 3 +0110010011 Price/Stern 3 +0110010011 TexCom 3 +0110010011 April-Marcus 3 +0110010011 Oncor 3 +0110010011 Gem-Stat 3 +0110010011 TWCA 3 +0110010011 Scan-Tron 3 +0110010011 Foxmeyer 3 +0110010011 Biolectron 3 +0110010011 Techmedica 3 +0110010011 Recoton 3 +0110010011 Healthtrust 3 +0110010011 Stinu 3 +0110010011 Tosoh 3 +0110010011 ValCom 3 +0110010011 Transicoil 3 +0110010011 Orgotein 3 +0110010011 PB 3 +0110010011 EES 3 +0110010011 Lanxide 3 +0110010011 AutoSpa 3 +0110010011 Microdot 3 +0110010011 Innovex 3 +0110010011 Amundson 3 +0110010011 Movats 3 +0110010011 Clonetics 3 +0110010011 VAMO 3 +0110010011 Raebarn 3 +0110010011 Inference 3 +0110010011 Ferrin 3 +0110010011 Marketmaster 3 +0110010011 Intec 3 +0110010011 Chutes 3 +0110010011 RJR/Nabisco 3 +0110010011 Maxaxam 3 +0110010011 ISFA 3 +0110010011 Keycorp 3 +0110010011 Mediatex 3 +0110010011 Atalla 3 +0110010011 HMG 3 +0110010011 Uretek 3 +0110010011 Conmed 3 +0110010011 Polyclad 3 +0110010011 Industrivarden 3 +0110010011 Parallax 3 +0110010011 Hi-Rise 3 +0110010011 TJFC 3 +0110010011 ASTRA 3 +0110010011 Populus 3 +0110010011 GeoPower 3 +0110010011 Cosmopoulos 3 +0110010011 SeaPharm 3 +0110010011 Figi 3 +0110010011 Nunachiaq 3 +0110010011 Tel/Man 3 +0110010011 Winjak 3 +0110010011 Innocan 3 +0110010011 Bechtel-Control 3 +0110010011 Equitrans 3 +0110010011 Iggesund 3 +0110010011 USLICO 3 +0110010011 Swaco 3 +0110010011 M&SD 3 +0110010011 Perkin 3 +0110010011 Albertsons 3 +0110010011 HNSX 3 +0110010011 Ramtron 3 +0110010011 Endata 3 +0110010011 Tortoni 3 +0110010011 Sperti 3 +0110010011 Petricca 3 +0110010011 Garan 3 +0110010011 CSB 3 +0110010011 GSH 3 +0110010011 Quintron 3 +0110010011 MEAD 3 +0110010011 Sav-A-Stop 3 +0110010011 Met-Pro 3 +0110010011 Extranet 3 +0110010011 Electro-Module 3 +0110010011 DaiIchi 3 +0110010011 Amerace 3 +0110010011 Sunroc 3 +0110010011 Hermetite 3 +0110010011 MarkitStar 3 +0110010011 Telecast 3 +0110010011 Mosler 3 +0110010011 Suresoft 3 +0110010011 IntelliCreations 3 +0110010011 Sangue 3 +0110010011 AmeriCare 3 +0110010011 TERA 3 +0110010011 Cintas 3 +0110010011 ARIX 3 +0110010011 Datalease 3 +0110010011 Eye-Optics 3 +0110010011 Maco 3 +0110010011 Isotronics 3 +0110010011 CytRx 3 +0110010011 Desoto 3 +0110010011 UniCARE 3 +0110010011 Sullair 3 +0110010011 Bellofram 3 +0110010011 Health-Mor 3 +0110010011 Greybridge 3 +0110010011 STV 3 +0110010011 KIS 3 +0110010011 Allen-Myland 3 +0110010011 Calcol 3 +0110010011 Bomarko 3 +0110010011 Foodcraft 3 +0110010011 Kenner-Parker 3 +0110010011 LandVest 3 +0110010011 Macrodata 3 +0110010011 GEORGIA-PACIFIC 3 +0110010011 Ovest 3 +0110010011 WHIRLPOOL 3 +0110010011 Slavenburg 3 +0110010011 Subcontracting 3 +0110010011 Baukol-Noonan 3 +0110010011 IVAX 3 +0110010011 Epyx 3 +0110010011 Synerlogic 3 +0110010011 Hotelecopy 3 +0110010011 Distacom 3 +0110010011 Sabreliner 3 +0110010011 Ebara 3 +0110010011 Conatec 3 +0110010011 Solarex 3 +0110010011 Nutech 3 +0110010011 Asiana 3 +0110010011 Rite-Aid 3 +0110010011 Cellserve 3 +0110010011 Wehco 3 +0110010011 Algorex 3 +0110010011 ENRON 3 +0110010011 Tele-Metropole 3 +0110010011 Blackside 3 +0110010011 Shinagawa 3 +0110010011 Kukje 3 +0110010011 Hazel/Peterson 3 +0110010011 Zitel 3 +0110010011 Canpak 3 +0110010011 Mouland 3 +0110010011 Suprex 3 +0110010011 Sutorbilt 3 +0110010011 DuroFlow 3 +0110010011 Biopure 3 +0110010011 Meret 3 +0110010011 MEDphone 3 +0110010011 Korvettes 3 +0110010011 4,950,000 3 +0110010011 Omnilab 3 +0110010011 Pepco 3 +0110010011 Norlin 3 +0110010011 Accudyne 3 +0110010011 JAC 3 +0110010011 Persona 3 +0110010011 Drillamex 3 +0110010011 NTI 3 +0110010011 Xomed 3 +0110010011 GTech 3 +0110010011 Nadco 3 +0110010011 FlowMole 3 +0110010011 Reil 3 +0110010011 Learfield 3 +0110010011 Eira 3 +0110010011 Twinpak 3 +0110010011 DataVault 3 +0110010011 Goldtex 3 +0110010011 Celotex 3 +0110010011 Domglas 3 +0110010011 NMH 3 +0110010011 Burritt 3 +0110010011 ChemRex 3 +0110010011 Tuckahoe 3 +0110010011 Quintessence 3 +0110010011 ORFA 3 +0110010011 Norplex/Oak 3 +0110010011 Hitox 3 +0110010011 Medic-Light 4 +0110010011 Code-a-Phone 4 +0110010011 Legent 4 +0110010011 AirGas 4 +0110010011 II-VI 4 +0110010011 FiServ 4 +0110010011 RehabCare 4 +0110010011 Hi-Net 4 +0110010011 Com 4 +0110010011 Shopsmith 4 +0110010011 FLC 4 +0110010011 Texsun 4 +0110010011 LaserData 4 +0110010011 Kemira 4 +0110010011 Bioject 4 +0110010011 Romet 4 +0110010011 Mallcap 4 +0110010011 RenTco 4 +0110010011 Kansa 4 +0110010011 Xplor 4 +0110010011 Tifco 4 +0110010011 Accutek 4 +0110010011 Pharmafair 4 +0110010011 Orrefors 4 +0110010011 UNB 4 +0110010011 HydraPak 4 +0110010011 Novus 4 +0110010011 Sciaky 4 +0110010011 Touchtone 4 +0110010011 Edmont 4 +0110010011 Primedical 4 +0110010011 Telequest 4 +0110010011 LaTique 4 +0110010011 PGI 4 +0110010011 Alba-Waldensian 4 +0110010011 Fibreco 4 +0110010011 FirstTier 4 +0110010011 Takata 4 +0110010011 Mascotind 4 +0110010011 D-A-Y 4 +0110010011 Infonet 4 +0110010011 Mindscape 4 +0110010011 Hydranautics 4 +0110010011 WIVB-TV 4 +0110010011 Dyncorp. 4 +0110010011 Otisville 4 +0110010011 Syntro 4 +0110010011 Genetically 4 +0110010011 Stanhome 4 +0110010011 Playmates 4 +0110010011 Biosearch 4 +0110010011 Pokka 4 +0110010011 Aeroquip 4 +0110010011 CenCor 4 +0110010011 NHLBI 4 +0110010011 Radius 4 +0110010011 Photomedica 4 +0110010011 FBX 4 +0110010011 K.M.C. 4 +0110010011 Ultrasystem 4 +0110010011 Burtons 4 +0110010011 Calmat 4 +0110010011 Genrad 4 +0110010011 Condere 4 +0110010011 Scantech 4 +0110010011 GynoPharma 4 +0110010011 AIDA 4 +0110010011 LDDS 4 +0110010011 ATG 4 +0110010011 LifeCore 4 +0110010011 CRI 4 +0110010011 Citigames 4 +0110010011 H&C 4 +0110010011 CPAC 4 +0110010011 SelecTronics 4 +0110010011 Imeg 4 +0110010011 Xytronyx 4 +0110010011 Pars 4 +0110010011 DRX 4 +0110010011 Vitel 4 +0110010011 Granitech 4 +0110010011 Hoyts 4 +0110010011 Telugu 4 +0110010011 Scantron 4 +0110010011 Scat 4 +0110010011 Ecopetrol 4 +0110010011 Fabricland 4 +0110010011 Yarrimup 4 +0110010011 Geritech 4 +0110010011 Atmos 4 +0110010011 Alascom 4 +0110010011 GBC 4 +0110010011 Datagate 4 +0110010011 Tegra 4 +0110010011 MPB 4 +0110010011 Carbozulia 4 +0110010011 EB 4 +0110010011 Uslico 4 +0110010011 Datagram 4 +0110010011 GenCorp. 4 +0110010011 Inter-Tel 4 +0110010011 Gentex 4 +0110010011 KFC 4 +0110010011 Engraph 4 +0110010011 Maecorp 4 +0110010011 Ico 4 +0110010011 BMG 4 +0110010011 Lear-Siegler 4 +0110010011 Tokheim 4 +0110010011 Amre 4 +0110010011 Commtron 4 +0110010011 Larson-Davis 4 +0110010011 Crutcher-Tufts 4 +0110010011 TeleCom 4 +0110010011 Bresnan 4 +0110010011 Magnetek 4 +0110010011 MHM 4 +0110010011 Tele-Art 4 +0110010011 Krysalis 4 +0110010011 Gussini 4 +0110010011 Baker-Hughes 4 +0110010011 BarclaysAmerican 4 +0110010011 Valtec 4 +0110010011 SouthTrust 4 +0110010011 FFB 4 +0110010011 Otasco 4 +0110010011 WEPco 4 +0110010011 Parker/Hunter 4 +0110010011 Termiflex 4 +0110010011 NaBanco 4 +0110010011 Baleme 4 +0110010011 Vencor 4 +0110010011 Cytel 4 +0110010011 Phillips-Ramsey 4 +0110010011 Longs 4 +0110010011 Healthwatch 4 +0110010011 Infocom 4 +0110010011 Softsave 4 +0110010011 MNX 4 +0110010011 Intek 4 +0110010011 EnergyNorth 4 +0110010011 Qualitone 4 +0110010011 Icelandair 4 +0110010011 Woolworths 4 +0110010011 Telepanel 4 +0110010011 Amplica 4 +0110010011 Pharmatec 4 +0110010011 Essef 4 +0110010011 TeleTix 4 +0110010011 Seamark 4 +0110010011 Agamemnon 4 +0110010011 Avecor 4 +0110010011 Greystone 4 +0110010011 West-Cap 4 +0110010011 Candle 4 +0110010011 Bankvermont 4 +0110010011 KT 4 +0110010011 Esfinco 4 +0110010011 Corpak 4 +0110010011 Worldcorp 4 +0110010011 Datel 4 +0110010011 Pancretec 4 +0110010011 Insystec 4 +0110010011 CXI 4 +0110010011 C4 4 +0110010011 Notimex 4 +0110010011 Transmation 4 +0110010011 Chadha 4 +0110010011 Biosonics 4 +0110010011 Donrey 4 +0110010011 Unitil 4 +0110010011 Cici 4 +0110010011 SJO 4 +0110010011 Toreador 4 +0110010011 Dofor 4 +0110010011 Lanesborough 4 +0110010011 Hedstrom 5 +0110010011 Rubatex 5 +0110010011 Proteon 5 +0110010011 KinderCare 5 +0110010011 Valmet 5 +0110010011 Matthews-McCracken-Rutland 5 +0110010011 Aerovox 5 +0110010011 Robintech 5 +0110010011 AirBC 5 +0110010011 MacWeek 5 +0110010011 Triple-Five 5 +0110010011 Sanitas 5 +0110010011 TI-CARO 5 +0110010011 Kinderhill 5 +0110010011 SOUTHMARK 5 +0110010011 Chittenden 5 +0110010011 Hydreco 5 +0110010011 Receptech 5 +0110010011 Matec 5 +0110010011 Camex 5 +0110010011 Calprop 5 +0110010011 Aceto 5 +0110010011 Shintech 5 +0110010011 TransWorld 5 +0110010011 Presto-Tek 5 +0110010011 Chrylser 5 +0110010011 Carme 5 +0110010011 Cogenic 5 +0110010011 Sundt 5 +0110010011 Neorx 5 +0110010011 Reid-Ashman 5 +0110010011 Chugai-Upjohn 5 +0110010011 Berni 5 +0110010011 Jeyes 5 +0110010011 Norwesco 5 +0110010011 Pultrusions 5 +0110010011 Currentech 5 +0110010011 GoldCorp 5 +0110010011 F.A.C. 5 +0110010011 SKK 5 +0110010011 Flavorich 5 +0110010011 Del-Val 5 +0110010011 CTG 5 +0110010011 FlexiVan 5 +0110010011 Alzado 5 +0110010011 Cucos 5 +0110010011 Krown 5 +0110010011 Dranetz 5 +0110010011 IGX 5 +0110010011 Fenwal 5 +0110010011 LBS 5 +0110010011 Unicover 5 +0110010011 CSK 5 +0110010011 Goldbelt 5 +0110010011 Eastchester 5 +0110010011 MicroMentor 5 +0110010011 Lousiana 5 +0110010011 Filtrol 5 +0110010011 Goldcor 5 +0110010011 Vical 5 +0110010011 Electro-Nucleonics 5 +0110010011 SaniServ 5 +0110010011 Enhance 5 +0110010011 UP&L 5 +0110010011 Daimaru 5 +0110010011 Rimpull 5 +0110010011 Renfield 5 +0110010011 Superx 5 +0110010011 Step-Saver 5 +0110010011 Atcom 5 +0110010011 Diagnostek 5 +0110010011 Plentywood 5 +0110010011 Cepex 5 +0110010011 Microamerica 5 +0110010011 FirsTier 5 +0110010011 X-Rite 5 +0110010011 Atochem 5 +0110010011 NUS 5 +0110010011 Intermetrics 5 +0110010011 Amvest 5 +0110010011 Sport-craft 5 +0110010011 Maremont 5 +0110010011 CUNA 5 +0110010011 CrownAmerica 5 +0110010011 Weigh-Tronix 5 +0110010011 Imatron 5 +0110010011 B.I. 5 +0110010011 Quantitative 5 +0110010011 RTM 5 +0110010011 IMRE 5 +0110010011 UltraCom 5 +0110010011 Blockhurst 5 +0110010011 Foxmoor 5 +0110010011 MHP 5 +0110010011 Signetics 5 +0110010011 Igloo 5 +0110010011 Grant-Norpac 5 +0110010011 Microfab 5 +0110010011 Fincoll 5 +0110010011 Puritan-Bennett 5 +0110010011 Paxar 5 +0110010011 ProServe 5 +0110010011 Alimondo 5 +0110010011 O'Donnell-Usen 5 +0110010011 Malartic 5 +0110010011 Chipwich 5 +0110010011 DataMyte 5 +0110010011 Rangaire 5 +0110010011 Autotrol 5 +0110010011 Pyxis 5 +0110010011 Customedix 5 +0110010011 Cadbury-Schweppes 5 +0110010011 Intercambio 5 +0110010011 Metalbanc 5 +0110010011 MassBank 5 +0110010011 Tridom 5 +0110010011 Forma 5 +0110010011 Novamin 5 +0110010011 Ecusta 5 +0110010011 Costar 5 +0110010011 Lumbermens 5 +0110010011 Nichirei 5 +0110010011 Lesco 5 +0110010011 Medicore 5 +0110010011 CEL-SCI 5 +0110010011 Intellicorp 5 +0110010011 Sparton 5 +0110010011 Northwestel 5 +0110010011 Dotronix 5 +0110010011 Orbitel 5 +0110010011 Anglo-Suisse 5 +0110010011 Insat 5 +0110010011 Unistar 5 +0110010011 BancOhio 5 +0110010011 CoEquity 5 +0110010011 LecTec 5 +0110010011 Keptel 5 +0110010011 LTX 5 +0110010011 Duckling 5 +0110010011 Allsteel 5 +0110010011 Interphase 5 +0110010011 Pricor 5 +0110010011 Cambrex 5 +0110010011 Charter-Crellin 5 +0110010011 Microage 5 +0110010011 ZyMos 5 +0110010011 Datamax 5 +0110010011 Amertek 5 +0110010011 Quadram 5 +0110010011 Meineke 5 +0110010011 Advo-System 5 +0110010011 Krames 5 +0110010011 Tachonics 5 +0110010011 Skil 5 +0110010011 Votan 5 +0110010011 Audiovox 5 +0110010011 NBO 5 +0110010011 Stardent 5 +0110010011 Precor 5 +0110010011 Akorn 5 +0110010011 Marke/Sroge 5 +0110010011 Cadmus 6 +0110010011 DFM 6 +0110010011 Xscribe 6 +0110010011 Fotomat 6 +0110010011 O.R. 6 +0110010011 Moniterm 6 +0110010011 Beddor 6 +0110010011 Mobira 6 +0110010011 Markel 6 +0110010011 Lishen 6 +0110010011 Symtron 6 +0110010011 PHP 6 +0110010011 IMO 6 +0110010011 Danly 6 +0110010011 Hook-SupeRx 6 +0110010011 Kobrand 6 +0110010011 ABD 6 +0110010011 Fretter 6 +0110010011 MediVision 6 +0110010011 DNX 6 +0110010011 Congoleum 6 +0110010011 CDF-Chimie 6 +0110010011 Migent 6 +0110010011 MCCP 6 +0110010011 Bridgehead 6 +0110010011 Comdial 6 +0110010011 Ozite 6 +0110010011 Teleflex 6 +0110010011 Orix 6 +0110010011 Sunwest 6 +0110010011 Selecterm 6 +0110010011 Databill 6 +0110010011 Lo-Jack 6 +0110010011 Multi-Color 6 +0110010011 Aritech 6 +0110010011 Adesco 6 +0110010011 Medi-Mail 6 +0110010011 Adtec 6 +0110010011 Lifecodes 6 +0110010011 Arbella 6 +0110010011 Biospherics 6 +0110010011 Marson 6 +0110010011 4G 6 +0110010011 Netword 6 +0110010011 Starstream 6 +0110010011 Ibis 6 +0110010011 IGT 6 +0110010011 FilmDallas 6 +0110010011 Rubicon 6 +0110010011 Asha 6 +0110010011 Nyloncraft 6 +0110010011 Interscope 6 +0110010011 McCabe/Gordon 6 +0110010011 Devlieg 6 +0110010011 Geotel 6 +0110010011 IGB 6 +0110010011 TXL 6 +0110010011 Gilbarco 6 +0110010011 GB-Inno 6 +0110010011 Caloric 6 +0110010011 Imtec 6 +0110010011 Polifly 6 +0110010011 Acceleration 6 +0110010011 GNF 6 +0110010011 Hypres 6 +0110010011 Menasco 6 +0110010011 Avemco 6 +0110010011 Shongum 6 +0110010011 BeckZack 6 +0110010011 Wesley-Jessen 6 +0110010011 ALZA 6 +0110010011 Artel 6 +0110010011 Tultex 6 +0110010011 Mercator 6 +0110010011 Electrosource 6 +0110010011 Spire 6 +0110010011 Ciprico 6 +0110010011 Southwire 6 +0110010011 Paceco 6 +0110010011 Nanometrics 6 +0110010011 CompuShop 6 +0110010011 ProNet 6 +0110010011 NIAID 6 +0110010011 Geostar 6 +0110010011 Repco 6 +0110010011 Ameriana 6 +0110010011 Datum 6 +0110010011 Comshare 6 +0110010011 Shiley 6 +0110010011 Vitalink 6 +0110010011 USPCI 6 +0110010011 CMQ 6 +0110010011 Cilcorp 6 +0110010011 Uarco 6 +0110010011 Milastar 6 +0110010011 Samancor 6 +0110010011 Q-Med 6 +0110010011 Dorm 6 +0110010011 Frigitemp 6 +0110010011 Baldt 6 +0110010011 Barre-National 6 +0110010011 H.M.S.S. 6 +0110010011 RoyNat 6 +0110010011 U.N.A. 6 +0110010011 Infosearch 6 +0110010011 Calpers 6 +0110010011 Hunter-Melnor 6 +0110010011 Ecad 6 +0110010011 TVI 6 +0110010011 Sungard 6 +0110010011 Autoland 6 +0110010011 Tigon 6 +0110010011 MassMutual 6 +0110010011 Midcon 6 +0110010011 Hadron 6 +0110010011 Esco 6 +0110010011 Midland-Ross 6 +0110010011 Brintec 6 +0110010011 Agway 6 +0110010011 ENSR 6 +0110010011 FormWorx 6 +0110010011 Steyr 6 +0110010011 Quipp 6 +0110010011 Circon 6 +0110010011 Upshur 6 +0110010011 Zemex 6 +0110010011 Cytemp 6 +0110010011 Osmonics 6 +0110010011 Fleishman-Hillard 6 +0110010011 Avoset 6 +0110010011 SeaLand 6 +0110010011 Qantel 6 +0110010011 Stant 6 +0110010011 Symantec 6 +0110010011 McTravel 6 +0110010011 Clarins 6 +0110010011 Daka 6 +0110010011 Haida 6 +0110010011 Cognos 6 +0110010011 A.M.A. 6 +0110010011 DeltaUS 6 +0110010011 Canaco 6 +0110010011 Mediagenic 6 +0110010011 Careercom 7 +0110010011 Drillers 7 +0110010011 Minnova 7 +0110010011 Wesbanco 7 +0110010011 Angio-Medical 7 +0110010011 Vitt 7 +0110010011 Interand 7 +0110010011 Primo 7 +0110010011 Sunward 7 +0110010011 ESL 7 +0110010011 Quinoco 7 +0110010011 CPL 7 +0110010011 CB&T 7 +0110010011 Circadian 7 +0110010011 Toastmaster 7 +0110010011 Microtel 7 +0110010011 Aerojet-General 7 +0110010011 Electromedics 7 +0110010011 Contran 7 +0110010011 ClothesTime 7 +0110010011 Dep 7 +0110010011 VeloBind 7 +0110010011 FPA 7 +0110010011 Comserv 7 +0110010011 Cattleguard 7 +0110010011 Ampco 7 +0110010011 Genus 7 +0110010011 Turnbridge 7 +0110010011 Medex 7 +0110010011 Amnion 7 +0110010011 KnowledgeWare 7 +0110010011 Amhoist 7 +0110010011 Palfed 7 +0110010011 Hillhaven 7 +0110010011 Teac 7 +0110010011 Codelco 7 +0110010011 FIserv 7 +0110010011 King-Casey 7 +0110010011 Advanta 7 +0110010011 Scotia-McLeod 7 +0110010011 Dumenil 7 +0110010011 PYA/Monarch 7 +0110010011 Altron 7 +0110010011 Ketema 7 +0110010011 KW 7 +0110010011 Tramco 7 +0110010011 Sanbar 7 +0110010011 Fleet-Norstar 7 +0110010011 Gatx 7 +0110010011 Sheldahl 7 +0110010011 Fel-Pro 7 +0110010011 Hycor 7 +0110010011 Weldotron 7 +0110010011 DEST 7 +0110010011 Nakamichi 7 +0110010011 Digidyne 7 +0110010011 Atlin 7 +0110010011 Kevlin 7 +0110010011 RFE/RL 7 +0110010011 TFF 7 +0110010011 Dataram 7 +0110010011 RCI 7 +0110010011 Bermans 7 +0110010011 Munsingwear 7 +0110010011 Virco 7 +0110010011 Healthvest 7 +0110010011 Moacq 7 +0110010011 SFFed 7 +0110010011 Alma-Leo 7 +0110010011 Microlytics 7 +0110010011 Starcraft 7 +0110010011 SIS 7 +0110010011 Jhirmack 7 +0110010011 San/Bar 7 +0110010011 Atex 7 +0110010011 PruCapital 7 +0110010011 Cooker 7 +0110010011 Wegener 7 +0110010011 RJR-Nabisco 7 +0110010011 Elexis 7 +0110010011 Westcorp 7 +0110010011 Initials+ 7 +0110010011 Gesco 7 +0110010011 Trans-Tech 7 +0110010011 Crest-Foam 7 +0110010011 ATN 7 +0110010011 Lodgistix 7 +0110010011 Noxso 7 +0110010011 Cencor 7 +0110010011 JTL 7 +0110010011 Audiotronics 7 +0110010011 LCI 7 +0110010011 LDI 7 +0110010011 RCA/Ariola 8 +0110010011 SJNB 8 +0110010011 GSX 8 +0110010011 Ziyad 8 +0110010011 IntraWest 8 +0110010011 Roulette 8 +0110010011 BancOklahoma 8 +0110010011 Elston 8 +0110010011 Dynatech 8 +0110010011 Forethought 8 +0110010011 Riedel 8 +0110010011 Halbur 8 +0110010011 Energen 8 +0110010011 Weitek 8 +0110010011 NT&T 8 +0110010011 HSST 8 +0110010011 RWE 8 +0110010011 IB&T 8 +0110010011 AirTran 8 +0110010011 ColorTyme 8 +0110010011 Preway 8 +0110010011 Takasago 8 +0110010011 Bowmar 8 +0110010011 ECAD 8 +0110010011 Pentech 8 +0110010011 Polychrome 8 +0110010011 Embryogen 8 +0110010011 Timex 8 +0110010011 Unitek 8 +0110010011 KuwAm 8 +0110010011 Rossignol 8 +0110010011 Norand 8 +0110010011 Tekelec 8 +0110010011 Kearney-National 8 +0110010011 Metrocorp 8 +0110010011 Rudani 8 +0110010011 G-2 8 +0110010011 Steelcase 8 +0110010011 Cormier 8 +0110010011 HLX 8 +0110010011 Foodways 8 +0110010011 G.R.I. 8 +0110010011 DSA 8 +0110010011 IntelliCorp 8 +0110010011 Altera 8 +0110010011 Centuri 8 +0110010011 Medar 8 +0110010011 Syntrex 8 +0110010011 Conchemco 8 +0110010011 Gainsco 8 +0110010011 Rho-Chem 8 +0110010011 Scicom 8 +0110010011 Ackerley 8 +0110010011 Microdyne 8 +0110010011 ICL 8 +0110010011 Mitre 8 +0110010011 ORS 8 +0110010011 Skylawn 8 +0110010011 Pyro 8 +0110010011 Warrantech 8 +0110010011 SolarCare 8 +0110010011 3CI 8 +0110010011 Nadacom 8 +0110010011 Amivest 8 +0110010011 Todd-AO 8 +0110010011 Hayes-Albion 8 +0110010011 Koret 8 +0110010011 ICAO 8 +0110010011 Mountain-Hi 8 +0110010011 SofTech 8 +0110010011 Entergy 8 +0110010011 Copytele 8 +0110010011 ChemDesign 8 +0110010011 Nutri/System 8 +0110010011 Intellicall 8 +0110010011 ProServ 8 +0110010011 UnionFed 8 +0110010011 BCV 8 +0110010011 Cal-Abco 8 +0110010011 Bandag 8 +0110010011 Calfed 8 +0110010011 ZMI 8 +0110010011 Photofinishing 8 +0110010011 SLM 8 +0110010011 Stratoflex 8 +0110010011 USBancorp 8 +0110010011 FCMI 8 +0110010011 Ealing 8 +0110010011 Raycon 8 +0110010011 Cevaxs 8 +0110010011 Stanwood 8 +0110010011 WQTV 8 +0110010011 Opcom 8 +0110010011 LeFebure 9 +0110010011 Advantest 9 +0110010011 Rada 9 +0110010011 DSM 9 +0110010011 GNC 9 +0110010011 Sanmark-Stardust 9 +0110010011 Lawn-Boy 9 +0110010011 Scope 9 +0110010011 Deltak 9 +0110010011 Xicor 9 +0110010011 Chemetron 9 +0110010011 AAI 9 +0110010011 Flamemaster 9 +0110010011 Lazere 9 +0110010011 Unimedia 9 +0110010011 LL&E 9 +0110010011 Fonar 9 +0110010011 TeleSciences 9 +0110010011 Nimbus 9 +0110010011 Eyelab 9 +0110010011 Archive 9 +0110010011 Siltec 9 +0110010011 Craig-Hallum 9 +0110010011 Banister 9 +0110010011 Rockresorts 9 +0110010011 GNB 9 +0110010011 Inmont 9 +0110010011 Kewaunee 9 +0110010011 Kroy 9 +0110010011 Odetics 9 +0110010011 Linus 9 +0110010011 Autofacts 9 +0110010011 Silvar-Lisco 9 +0110010011 Conus 9 +0110010011 RSCG 9 +0110010011 Amcore 9 +0110010011 Gen-Probe 9 +0110010011 Servam 9 +0110010011 Infotech 9 +0110010011 Kikkoman 9 +0110010011 NLO 9 +0110010011 Cambex 9 +0110010011 Voplex 9 +0110010011 Bradford-White 9 +0110010011 Measurex 9 +0110010011 Datametrics 9 +0110010011 Rayovac 9 +0110010011 Tandycrafts 9 +0110010011 Verticom 9 +0110010011 Baroid 9 +0110010011 TM 9 +0110010011 Diversicare 9 +0110010011 InterVoice 9 +0110010011 Newcor 9 +0110010011 IMT 9 +0110010011 Cipher 9 +0110010011 Inmac 9 +0110010011 Secomerica 9 +0110010011 Testor 9 +0110010011 VWR 9 +0110010011 Claren 9 +0110010011 Decor 9 +0110010011 GoldCor 9 +0110010011 Tecogen 9 +0110010011 AmBase 9 +0110010011 J&L 9 +0110010011 Datagraphix 9 +0110010011 Latigo 9 +0110010011 Jartran 9 +0110010011 Cydrome 9 +0110010011 GlenFed 9 +0110010011 Nycor 9 +0110010011 Worlco 9 +0110010011 THT 10 +0110010011 Ovex 10 +0110010011 Fuddruckers 10 +0110010011 Ecolaire 10 +0110010011 USAmeribancs 10 +0110010011 TBC 10 +0110010011 Intertect 10 +0110010011 Takihyo 10 +0110010011 Swift-Eckrich 10 +0110010011 Mestek 10 +0110010011 Abdollah 10 +0110010011 VSB 10 +0110010011 Maione-Hirschberg 10 +0110010011 Dysan 10 +0110010011 NFS 10 +0110010011 ComputerCraft 10 +0110010011 Ipco 10 +0110010011 Credit-Rite 10 +0110010011 Multibank 10 +0110010011 Wicor 10 +0110010011 Autodie 10 +0110010011 SDG&E 10 +0110010011 Rexon 10 +0110010011 Hubco 10 +0110010011 SpecTran 10 +0110010011 Ferrofluidics 10 +0110010011 TSI 10 +0110010011 INA 10 +0110010011 Quadra 10 +0110010011 Checkers 10 +0110010011 Envos 10 +0110010011 Corcap 10 +0110010011 Vitronics 10 +0110010011 Skolniks 10 +0110010011 Microbilt 10 +0110010011 JWD 10 +0110010011 TMK/United 10 +0110010011 UDC 10 +0110010011 Cognex 10 +0110010011 Emco 10 +0110010011 TransAlta 10 +0110010011 Photronics 10 +0110010011 Nellcor 10 +0110010011 HemoTec 10 +0110010011 Solitec 10 +0110010011 Burgmaster 10 +0110010011 BBN 10 +0110010011 Sanmark 10 +0110010011 Gruene 10 +0110010011 Tech/Ops 10 +0110010011 QMS 10 +0110010011 TBG 10 +0110010011 Archer-Daniels 10 +0110010011 Intermec 10 +0110010011 Sargent-Welch 10 +0110010011 CWT 10 +0110010011 Vitramon 10 +0110010011 Inter-Canadian 10 +0110010011 McDonalds 10 +0110010011 Flextronics 10 +0110010011 Computrac 10 +0110010011 Cytogen 10 +0110010011 WorldCorp 10 +0110010011 Mitral 10 +0110010011 PacifiCare 10 +0110010011 Mycogen 10 +0110010011 Valtek 11 +0110010011 IFRB 11 +0110010011 Univar 11 +0110010011 Hemodynamics 11 +0110010011 Foodarama 11 +0110010011 SunGroup 11 +0110010011 CMX 11 +0110010011 ShowBiz 11 +0110010011 Daxor 11 +0110010011 Americold 11 +0110010011 Cuisinarts 11 +0110010011 Altai 11 +0110010011 Theta 11 +0110010011 InSpeech 11 +0110010011 WellTech 11 +0110010011 Rex-Noreco 11 +0110010011 CPT 11 +0110010011 GB 11 +0110010011 Cablec 11 +0110010011 McDonnell-Douglas 11 +0110010011 Arista 11 +0110010011 Lamb-Weston 11 +0110010011 Graham-Field 11 +0110010011 Accuride 11 +0110010011 Rhino 11 +0110010011 Dictaphone 11 +0110010011 Hurco 11 +0110010011 K&F 11 +0110010011 Bruncor 11 +0110010011 MicroBilt 11 +0110010011 Univation 11 +0110010011 CIS 11 +0110010011 Datext 11 +0110010011 Moleculon 11 +0110010011 Barrister 11 +0110010011 Mobay 11 +0110010011 Alcide 11 +0110010011 Kenwood 11 +0110010011 Kalvar 11 +0110010011 Dicomed 11 +0110010011 Abermin 11 +0110010011 Epitope 11 +0110010011 Conair 11 +0110010011 Neeco 11 +0110010011 Dresher 12 +0110010011 CompuChem 12 +0110010011 Compumat 12 +0110010011 Amtech 12 +0110010011 EZ 12 +0110010011 FEA 12 +0110010011 Fujisankei 12 +0110010011 CareUnit 12 +0110010011 Teknowledge 12 +0110010011 Lotte 12 +0110010011 Isetan 12 +0110010011 Univisa 12 +0110010011 WearEver 12 +0110010011 Semicon 12 +0110010011 Bio-Response 12 +0110010011 DAP 12 +0110010011 Ramtek 12 +0110010011 Uni-Marts 12 +0110010011 ValEquity 12 +0110010011 Therapeutic 12 +0110010011 Birtcher 12 +0110010011 Kennecott 12 +0110010011 Systematics 12 +0110010011 Amcole 12 +0110010011 AIFS 12 +0110010011 Amdek 12 +0110010011 Farberware 12 +0110010011 Tribune/Swab-Fox 12 +0110010011 Cawsl 12 +0110010011 TVSM 12 +0110010011 Fingerhut 12 +0110010011 Ceradyne 12 +0110010011 C&C 12 +0110010011 Trilon 12 +0110010011 Pubco 12 +0110010011 Uniforce 12 +0110010011 Sunlite 12 +0110010011 Pre-Paid 12 +0110010011 XL/Datacomp 12 +0110010011 AMRE 12 +0110010011 Co-Steel 12 +0110010011 Synergen 12 +0110010011 LeaRonal 12 +0110010011 Comprint 12 +0110010011 GHR 12 +0110010011 Visx 12 +0110010011 Valspar 12 +0110010011 DEP 12 +0110010011 Armtec 12 +0110010011 SeaCo 12 +0110010011 Electro-Catheter 12 +0110010011 Unimation 12 +0110010011 Summagraphics 12 +0110010011 TransImage 12 +0110010011 MacKay-Shields 13 +0110010011 Calmar 13 +0110010011 La-Z-Boy 13 +0110010011 TeleCommunications 13 +0110010011 LOF 13 +0110010011 Vertex 13 +0110010011 Endo-Lase 13 +0110010011 Exar 13 +0110010011 Kapok 13 +0110010011 Ipsco 13 +0110010011 SherrGold 13 +0110010011 S&K 13 +0110010011 Zycad 13 +0110010011 TRC 13 +0110010011 Pentron 13 +0110010011 Rubloff 13 +0110010011 Digitech 13 +0110010011 Dyneer 13 +0110010011 Ivax 13 +0110010011 PennCorp 13 +0110010011 Intermet 13 +0110010011 Metpath 13 +0110010011 Dyansen 13 +0110010011 TeleCable 13 +0110010011 Sanden 13 +0110010011 Distributed 13 +0110010011 Health-Chem 13 +0110010011 Raynet 13 +0110010011 Nafco 13 +0110010011 Fisher-Price 13 +0110010011 MaxPharma 13 +0110010011 Itek 13 +0110010011 Beaman 13 +0110010011 Angiomedics 13 +0110010011 Technodyne 13 +0110010011 Jerr-Dan 13 +0110010011 Telesat 13 +0110010011 Prab 13 +0110010011 KitchenAid 13 +0110010011 Volt 13 +0110010011 Suncor 13 +0110010011 InterCare 13 +0110010011 Mega 13 +0110010011 Xylogics 13 +0110010011 Colorization 13 +0110010011 AmVestors 13 +0110010011 GardenAmerica 13 +0110010011 Murree 13 +0110010011 Dryclean 14 +0110010011 Tranzonic 14 +0110010011 Varityper 14 +0110010011 PolyGram 14 +0110010011 Delphax 14 +0110010011 Shearing 14 +0110010011 Walwyn 14 +0110010011 PhoneMate 14 +0110010011 Shopwell 14 +0110010011 Raindancer 14 +0110010011 TransLogic 14 +0110010011 Telectron 14 +0110010011 ChemClear 14 +0110010011 Kol 14 +0110010011 TriMas 14 +0110010011 Jewelmasters 14 +0110010011 Seatrain 14 +0110010011 OmniBank 14 +0110010011 Boase 14 +0110010011 Witco 14 +0110010011 DPL 14 +0110010011 Watsco 14 +0110010011 Alliance-Industrial 14 +0110010011 Intertrans 14 +0110010011 Lexicon 14 +0110010011 Elder-Beerman 14 +0110010011 Chemlawn 14 +0110010011 Intercorp. 14 +0110010011 Telecrafter 14 +0110010011 GRI 14 +0110010011 Arnox 14 +0110010011 Tridex 14 +0110010011 Williams-Sonoma 14 +0110010011 InterConnect 14 +0110010011 Hexcel 14 +0110010011 Parker-Hannifin 14 +0110010011 Ecogen 14 +0110010011 DCNY 14 +0110010011 Analogic 14 +0110010011 Eskey 14 +0110010011 Loblaw 14 +0110010011 WearEver-ProctorSilex 14 +0110010011 DPC 14 +0110010011 Ascii 14 +0110010011 Venturian 15 +0110010011 Equitex 15 +0110010011 Judicate 15 +0110010011 Comp-U-Check 15 +0110010011 Jovan 15 +0110010011 Standard-Pacific 15 +0110010011 AEC 15 +0110010011 Personics 15 +0110010011 Technitrol 15 +0110010011 QuesTech 15 +0110010011 MNet 15 +0110010011 Bercor 15 +0110010011 SP 15 +0110010011 Synbiotics 15 +0110010011 LFC 15 +0110010011 Sonnenblick-Goldman 15 +0110010011 Gynex 15 +0110010011 Kennametal 15 +0110010011 Kinark 15 +0110010011 Birdfinder 15 +0110010011 NCA 15 +0110010011 CommerceBancorp 15 +0110010011 Metro-Richelieu 15 +0110010011 AES 15 +0110010011 Enzon 15 +0110010011 Clarcor 15 +0110010011 Burndy 15 +0110010011 Automatix 15 +0110010011 VenTech 15 +0110010011 Hauserman 15 +0110010011 Avantek 15 +0110010011 Sizeler 15 +0110010011 Cosmair 15 +0110010011 Genicom 15 +0110010011 FOKKER 15 +0110010011 InterNorth 15 +0110010011 Orbanco 15 +0110010011 Paddington 15 +0110010011 FGIC 15 +0110010011 SMC 15 +0110010011 Penril 15 +0110010011 Certron 15 +0110010011 RLC 15 +0110010011 LaBarge 15 +0110010011 Trism 15 +0110010011 Metromail 16 +0110010011 Graco 16 +0110010011 Liebert 16 +0110010011 CalComp 16 +0110010011 Tryart 16 +0110010011 Riddell 16 +0110010011 Diodes 16 +0110010011 Equion 16 +0110010011 Clini-Therm 16 +0110010011 Benguet 16 +0110010011 Jacor 16 +0110010011 Digicon 16 +0110010011 Nikon 16 +0110010011 Enterra 16 +0110010011 Executone 16 +0110010011 Sybase 16 +0110010011 Comfed 16 +0110010011 Pennbancorp 16 +0110010011 ODS 16 +0110010011 Morningstar 16 +0110010011 Maidenform 16 +0110010011 Christiana 16 +0110010011 NeoRx 16 +0110010011 Hammerson 16 +0110010011 AAR 16 +0110010011 SPX 16 +0110010011 Dairymen 16 +0110010011 Finnigan 16 +0110010011 Criton 16 +0110010011 Sycamore 16 +0110010011 Americare 16 +0110010011 Cadam 16 +0110010011 Rykoff-Sexton 16 +0110010011 Medserv 16 +0110010011 Lumonics 16 +0110010011 Mickelberry 16 +0110010011 Safety-Kleen 16 +0110010011 Sippican 16 +0110010011 Marcom 16 +0110010011 Aon 16 +0110010011 BWAC 16 +0110010011 TeleQuest 16 +0110010011 Initio 16 +0110010011 C-TEC 16 +0110010011 Oxoco 16 +0110010011 PHM 16 +0110010011 Gary-Wheaton 16 +0110010011 AlternaCare 17 +0110010011 Spartech 17 +0110010011 Abiomed 17 +0110010011 Combe 17 +0110010011 Ticketmaster 17 +0110010011 Ampad 17 +0110010011 Hana 17 +0110010011 Davox 17 +0110010011 Soquip 17 +0110010011 Kaypro 17 +0110010011 Louart 17 +0110010011 Armel 17 +0110010011 Carena 17 +0110010011 Seven-Eleven 17 +0110010011 Tigera 17 +0110010011 ICEE 17 +0110010011 Brajdas 17 +0110010011 Funtime 17 +0110010011 Realist 17 +0110010011 Mallinckrodt 17 +0110010011 NBS 17 +0110010011 Pagurian 17 +0110010011 LJN 17 +0110010011 Tipperary 17 +0110010011 DeSoto 17 +0110010011 IPCO 17 +0110010011 Moscom 17 +0110010011 GWC 17 +0110010011 Credithrift 17 +0110010011 Movielab 17 +0110010011 Zim 17 +0110010011 Dynalectron 17 +0110010011 Dynapac 17 +0110010011 ESI 17 +0110010011 UNUM 17 +0110010011 Riunite 17 +0110010011 Transatlantic 17 +0110010011 Rexene 17 +0110010011 Integon 17 +0110010011 Homewood 17 +0110010011 Thetford 17 +0110010011 Gundle 18 +0110010011 Siliconix 18 +0110010011 Helionetics 18 +0110010011 Marcon 18 +0110010011 Equinox 18 +0110010011 Scientific-Atlanta 18 +0110010011 BankWorcester 18 +0110010011 Kimmins 18 +0110010011 DiGiorgio 18 +0110010011 Fox-Meyer 18 +0110010011 Nicor 18 +0110010011 CXR 18 +0110010011 Minntech 18 +0110010011 Datapower 18 +0110010011 BancTec 18 +0110010011 PictureTel 18 +0110010011 Howmet 18 +0110010011 Jamesway 18 +0110010011 Quiksilver 18 +0110010011 Texscan 18 +0110010011 Scitex 18 +0110010011 Equibank 18 +0110010011 Syndicated 18 +0110010011 Kaydon 19 +0110010011 MCN 19 +0110010011 Incstar 19 +0110010011 TCF 19 +0110010011 Danners 19 +0110010011 Freightliner 19 +0110010011 USLico 19 +0110010011 FPCO 19 +0110010011 UA 19 +0110010011 Cache 19 +0110010011 TRT 19 +0110010011 Unum 19 +0110010011 Onset 19 +0110010011 ARX 19 +0110010011 Norrell 19 +0110010011 Acme-Cleveland 19 +0110010011 SSC&B 19 +0110010011 Austron 19 +0110010011 Unibancorp 19 +0110010011 Endevco 19 +0110010011 NorthEastern 19 +0110010011 Komag 19 +0110010011 Allergan 19 +0110010011 SnyderGeneral 19 +0110010011 Trans-Lux 19 +0110010011 Canteen 19 +0110010011 VMX 19 +0110010011 Amrep 20 +0110010011 Phototron 20 +0110010011 SAPC 20 +0110010011 Axlon 20 +0110010011 Rent-A-Center 20 +0110010011 Anitec 20 +0110010011 APL 20 +0110010011 Microcom 20 +0110010011 Colorcraft 20 +0110010011 SAMI/Burke 20 +0110010011 Wynton 20 +0110010011 Honeybee 20 +0110010011 Lambda 20 +0110010011 Arcadian 20 +0110010011 Copelco 20 +0110010011 Wessex 20 +0110010011 Enseco 20 +0110010011 Syscon 20 +0110010011 Minatome 20 +0110010011 Tracy-Locke 20 +0110010011 Crestar 20 +0110010011 Corestates 20 +0110010011 Dyncorp 20 +0110010011 Cuero 20 +0110010011 Ameritrust 20 +0110010011 Microsemi 20 +0110010011 FileNet 20 +0110010011 Strata 20 +0110010011 EDO 20 +0110010011 Medusa 20 +0110010011 Postipankki 20 +0110010011 Goldcrest 20 +0110010011 TransCapital 20 +0110010011 Autospa 21 +0110010011 GF 21 +0110010011 TransTechnology 21 +0110010011 Ampex 21 +0110010011 Neutrogena 21 +0110010011 Staples 21 +0110010011 LDBrinkman 21 +0110010011 MEPC 21 +0110010011 BayBanks 21 +0110010011 BMA 21 +0110010011 Dai-ichi 21 +0110010011 Millipore 21 +0110010011 Avnet 21 +0110010011 Octel 21 +0110010011 Varlen 21 +0110010011 Filtertek 21 +0110010011 Aro 21 +0110010011 Epsilon 21 +0110010011 HMSS 21 +0110010011 Shaer 21 +0110010011 Molex 22 +0110010011 Norelco 22 +0110010011 Ohlmeyer 22 +0110010011 Allwaste 22 +0110010011 Cornerstone 22 +0110010011 Zehntel 22 +0110010011 Time-Warner 22 +0110010011 Edgcomb 22 +0110010011 Hyponex 22 +0110010011 Pathe 22 +0110010011 NESB 22 +0110010011 Omnicare 22 +0110010011 Orbis 22 +0110010011 Elxsi 22 +0110010011 Numerica 22 +0110010011 Organogenesis 22 +0110010011 HealthAmerica 22 +0110010011 Xebec 22 +0110010011 Stanline 22 +0110010011 Canonie 22 +0110010011 Servo 22 +0110010011 Paradigm 22 +0110010011 Francorp 22 +0110010011 Perkin-Elmer 22 +0110010011 Plantronics 22 +0110010011 Elcor 22 +0110010011 MDT 22 +0110010011 TSO 22 +0110010011 Priam 22 +0110010011 Anaren 23 +0110010011 XYZ 23 +0110010011 Meditrust 23 +0110010011 Sorbus 23 +0110010011 WestLB 23 +0110010011 WNS 23 +0110010011 Citytrust 23 +0110010011 Adage 23 +0110010011 Buffton 23 +0110010011 Cobey 23 +0110010011 Karibu 23 +0110010011 HEI 23 +0110010011 Autodesk 23 +0110010011 Prentice-Hall 23 +0110010011 SFN 23 +0110010011 Zentec 23 +0110010011 Interleukin-2 23 +0110010011 Exovir 23 +0110010011 Epsco 23 +0110010011 Dyatron 23 +0110010011 Harte-Hanks 23 +0110010011 Isoetec 23 +0110010011 Abington 23 +0110010011 Scovill 23 +0110010011 Lennar 23 +0110010011 Elise 23 +0110010011 Westpride 23 +0110010011 Genesco 23 +0110010011 Multi-Local 23 +0110010011 Norstan 23 +0110010011 BankAtlantic 23 +0110010011 Research-Cottrell 23 +0110010011 Alphametrics 23 +0110010011 VBI 23 +0110010011 Loctite 24 +0110010011 Logicon 24 +0110010011 Cetec 24 +0110010011 Sybron 24 +0110010011 Joslyn 24 +0110010011 Wackenhut 24 +0110010011 Phlcorp 24 +0110010011 CBS/Fox 24 +0110010011 AMF 24 +0110010011 Quanex 24 +0110010011 ACC 24 +0110010011 Activision 24 +0110010011 Chanel 24 +0110010011 Votrax 24 +0110010011 Muscocho 24 +0110010011 Knogo 24 +0110010011 Nucorp 24 +0110010011 BFS 24 +0110010011 CompuDyne 24 +0110010011 Nordson 24 +0110010011 Teradata 24 +0110010011 Canron 24 +0110010011 BMY 24 +0110010011 Chatswood 24 +0110010011 UST 24 +0110010011 Kaman 24 +0110010011 Shaklee 24 +0110010011 Tangent 24 +0110010011 Argosystems 24 +0110010011 Calton 24 +0110010011 GTS 24 +0110010011 Industrivaerden 24 +0110010011 USLife 24 +0110010011 Transcon 24 +0110010011 Miniscribe 24 +0110010011 Kasler 24 +0110010011 BankVermont 25 +0110010011 Trizec 25 +0110010011 Equifax 25 +0110010011 Chemed 25 +0110010011 Immunomedics 25 +0110010011 Westworld 25 +0110010011 Silvercrest 25 +0110010011 CCX 25 +0110010011 Numac 25 +0110010011 Datacopy 25 +0110010011 Temco 26 +0110010011 Dayco 26 +0110010011 Compugraphic 26 +0110010011 HomeFed 26 +0110010011 Warrington 26 +0110010011 Winn-Dixie 26 +0110010011 Selas 26 +0110010011 Biomet 26 +0110010011 Spectramed 26 +0110010011 Anschutz 26 +0110010011 Biotherapeutics 26 +0110010011 Atmel 26 +0110010011 Sigmaform 26 +0110010011 Newbery 26 +0110010011 Wespercorp 26 +0110010011 AMI 26 +0110010011 JWP 26 +0110010011 Unitel 26 +0110010011 Informix 26 +0110010011 Tymnet 26 +0110010011 Dickey-John 26 +0110010011 Camco 27 +0110010011 Canfor 27 +0110010011 Epic 27 +0110010011 CarePlus 27 +0110010011 Interspec 27 +0110010011 Paychex 27 +0110010011 EIP 27 +0110010011 Computerland 27 +0110010011 MichCon 27 +0110010011 Silo 27 +0110010011 LLC 27 +0110010011 Ivaco 27 +0110010011 Pentair 27 +0110010011 TEC 27 +0110010011 Angelica 27 +0110010011 Bairnco 27 +0110010011 Alumax 27 +0110010011 Imnet 27 +0110010011 Gottschalks 28 +0110010011 Pacificorp 28 +0110010011 Dual-Lite 28 +0110010011 Settsu 28 +0110010011 Entree 28 +0110010011 Imre 28 +0110010011 Chargit 28 +0110010011 Enviropact 28 +0110010011 SkyWest 28 +0110010011 CMI 28 +0110010011 Clothestime 28 +0110010011 Warnaco 28 +0110010011 Minster 28 +0110010011 Reece 28 +0110010011 Wetterau 28 +0110010011 UGI 28 +0110010011 Andal 28 +0110010011 Amstar 28 +0110010011 DataCard 28 +0110010011 Bacardi 28 +0110010011 Bookstop 28 +0110010011 McCrory 28 +0110010011 WordPerfect 28 +0110010011 Atico 28 +0110010011 HealthTrust 28 +0110010011 Code-Alarm 28 +0110010011 Sport-About 29 +0110010011 Cosmo 29 +0110010011 Delmed 29 +0110010011 Armada 29 +0110010011 Telaction 29 +0110010011 Equatorial 29 +0110010011 Acuson 29 +0110010011 NUI 29 +0110010011 Horten 29 +0110010011 Genzyme 29 +0110010011 MBIA 29 +0110010011 ComFed 29 +0110010011 IGI 29 +0110010011 Ex-Cell-O 29 +0110010011 Greenery 29 +0110010011 Summcorp 29 +0110010011 Taisei 29 +0110010011 Stouffer 29 +0110010011 Dynascan 29 +0110010011 Intrex 29 +0110010011 Nu-Med 29 +0110010011 Aircoa 29 +0110010011 Micropolis 29 +0110010011 Lydall 30 +0110010011 CDI 30 +0110010011 Diebold 30 +0110010011 Ungermann-Bass 30 +0110010011 Stater 30 +0110010011 GenRad 30 +0110010011 Tech-Sym 30 +0110010011 Aydin 30 +0110010011 Sunstates 30 +0110010011 DeVry 30 +0110010011 Abex 30 +0110010011 Oryx 30 +0110010011 Berkline 30 +0110010011 Halmi 30 +0110010011 Teikoku 30 +0110010011 Questar 30 +0110010011 Telecredit 30 +0110010011 T-Bar 31 +0110010011 Sunstar 31 +0110010011 Howtek 31 +0110010011 MicroGeneSys 31 +0110010011 TIE 31 +0110010011 Aztar 31 +0110010011 Augat 31 +0110010011 Esterline 31 +0110010011 Up-Right 31 +0110010011 Norcen 32 +0110010011 PWA 32 +0110010011 Hemmeter 32 +0110010011 Multimedia 32 +0110010011 SCE 32 +0110010011 Terex 32 +0110010011 IDB 32 +0110010011 Ziff 32 +0110010011 Elan 32 +0110010011 FoxMeyer 32 +0110010011 Olsten 32 +0110010011 CNA 32 +0110010011 Margaux 32 +0110010011 Dalfort 33 +0110010011 Computalog 33 +0110010011 Renta 33 +0110010011 Raytech 33 +0110010011 Sylvan 33 +0110010011 Verbatim 33 +0110010011 Timeplex 33 +0110010011 Distrigas 33 +0110010011 Sovereign 33 +0110010011 Claris 33 +0110010011 Caremark 33 +0110010011 Kajima 33 +0110010011 Woodstream 33 +0110010011 CareerCom 34 +0110010011 Comarco 34 +0110010011 Wardair 34 +0110010011 Invacare 34 +0110010011 Homac 34 +0110010011 CompuTrac 34 +0110010011 Ranco 34 +0110010011 Bearings 34 +0110010011 SDS 34 +0110010011 RPM 34 +0110010011 Thomson-CSF 34 +0110010011 IRT 34 +0110010011 Ardshiel 34 +0110010011 Safeguard 34 +0110010011 Jostens 35 +0110010011 Blocker 35 +0110010011 Excelan 35 +0110010011 Collagen 35 +0110010011 Masonite 35 +0110010011 PSE 35 +0110010011 MEI 35 +0110010011 Equitec 35 +0110010011 Minolta 35 +0110010011 Pulte 35 +0110010011 Konica 36 +0110010011 Glenmore 36 +0110010011 Cyacq 36 +0110010011 Airgas 36 +0110010011 Tylan 36 +0110010011 Gandalf 36 +0110010011 Swank 36 +0110010011 Iomega 36 +0110010011 K-H 36 +0110010011 Daiei 36 +0110010011 Calgene 36 +0110010011 CityFed 36 +0110010011 AmBrit 36 +0110010011 Telos 36 +0110010011 Synalloy 36 +0110010011 Uniden 36 +0110010011 Interlake 36 +0110010011 Atcor 36 +0110010011 Suave 36 +0110010011 Comair 36 +0110010011 Shoe-Town 37 +0110010011 EMC 37 +0110010011 SouthernNet 37 +0110010011 Esmark 37 +0110010011 WestMarc 37 +0110010011 Curtiss-Wright 37 +0110010011 CompuServe 37 +0110010011 XTRA 37 +0110010011 Wavetek 37 +0110010011 Hybritech 37 +0110010011 Unitrode 37 +0110010011 Teleport 37 +0110010011 Ethyl 38 +0110010011 Brinkmann 38 +0110010011 Xtra 38 +0110010011 Fairmont 38 +0110010011 Summa 38 +0110010011 Dyson-Kissner-Moran 38 +0110010011 MBI 38 +0110010011 Montclair 38 +0110010011 Mapco 39 +0110010011 Kayser-Roth 39 +0110010011 Servico 39 +0110010011 HCA 39 +0110010011 Lumex 39 +0110010011 Rubbermaid 40 +0110010011 Texstyrene 40 +0110010011 Hartmarx 40 +0110010011 Petrominerals 40 +0110010011 Kirin 41 +0110010011 Kuhlman 41 +0110010011 Adams-Millis 41 +0110010011 Frito-Lay 41 +0110010011 Ransburg 41 +0110010011 Intelogic 41 +0110010011 Telenet 41 +0110010011 Orange-co 41 +0110010011 Potlatch 41 +0110010011 AT&E 41 +0110010011 Carter-Wallace 41 +0110010011 Kevex 41 +0110010011 Eastmet 42 +0110010011 South-North 42 +0110010011 CoastAmerica 42 +0110010011 Westvaco 42 +0110010011 Xoma 42 +0110010011 Alza 42 +0110010011 Conrac 42 +0110010011 Vishay 43 +0110010011 Safeco 43 +0110010011 Enfield 43 +0110010011 Xyvision 43 +0110010011 SCM 43 +0110010011 Crain 43 +0110010011 GTI 43 +0110010011 Kao 43 +0110010011 Technicolor 44 +0110010011 Reflectone 44 +0110010011 BankEast 44 +0110010011 Valid 44 +0110010011 Emulex 44 +0110010011 Malrite 44 +0110010011 Teleglobe 44 +0110010011 FMI 44 +0110010011 Nucor 44 +0110010011 Integra 44 +0110010011 NZI 44 +0110010011 Jem 44 +0110010011 SSMC 45 +0110010011 SunGard 45 +0110010011 Vantage 45 +0110010011 Ferro 45 +0110010011 Petro-Lewis 45 +0110010011 Ohbayashi 45 +0110010011 Chyron 45 +0110010011 Sigma 45 +0110010011 Candela 45 +0110010011 PCS 46 +0110010011 Celeron 46 +0110010011 Univision 46 +0110010011 Colorocs 46 +0110010011 Alpharel 46 +0110010011 Pacer 46 +0110010011 DSC 46 +0110010011 Echlin 46 +0110010011 Ametek 46 +0110010011 ADM 46 +0110010011 VF 46 +0110010011 Interleaf 47 +0110010011 Kinburn 47 +0110010011 GATX 47 +0110010011 Novo 47 +0110010011 UTL 47 +0110010011 GranTree 47 +0110010011 SEI 47 +0110010011 Invitron 47 +0110010011 Baldwin-United 47 +0110010011 Scholastic 47 +0110010011 CCC 47 +0110010011 Peachey 48 +0110010011 Alamco 48 +0110010011 HealthVest 48 +0110010011 Quebecor 48 +0110010011 USF&G 48 +0110010011 Adelphia 48 +0110010011 ICH 48 +0110010011 Thermedics 48 +0110010011 Actmedia 48 +0110010011 Canrad 48 +0110010011 Ultimate 48 +0110010011 Staar 48 +0110010011 Phibro 49 +0110010011 C-I-L 49 +0110010011 Welbilt 49 +0110010011 Jerrico 49 +0110010011 Go-Video 49 +0110010011 Pannill 49 +0110010011 Fidata 49 +0110010011 Temple-Inland 50 +0110010011 FMR 50 +0110010011 Ampco-Pittsburgh 50 +0110010011 Royale 50 +0110010011 Tidewater 50 +0110010011 Gtech 50 +0110010011 Marubeni 50 +0110010011 Alfin 50 +0110010011 Seagull 50 +0110010011 Anacomp 50 +0110010011 Neworld 51 +0110010011 Jewel 51 +0110010011 C3 51 +0110010011 Richardson-Vicks 51 +0110010011 Centronics 51 +0110010011 PHLCorp 51 +0110010011 Pogo 51 +0110010011 Stelco 51 +0110010011 Mediq 51 +0110010011 Batterymarch 51 +0110010011 Allis-Chalmers 52 +0110010011 Trimedyne 52 +0110010011 Symbion 52 +0110010011 Pamour 52 +0110010011 Chronar 52 +0110010011 Jewelcor 53 +0110010011 I.R.E. 53 +0110010011 GW 53 +0110010011 Ultrasystems 53 +0110010011 Acmat 54 +0110010011 Electro-Biology 54 +0110010011 TRE 54 +0110010011 LivingWell 54 +0110010011 Torstar 54 +0110010011 Dataproducts 54 +0110010011 ASK 54 +0110010011 Thrifty 54 +0110010011 Fidelcor 55 +0110010011 Dofasco 55 +0110010011 Xidex 55 +0110010011 TJX 55 +0110010011 Dialog 55 +0110010011 Avalon 55 +0110010011 InterTan 55 +0110010011 Danaher 55 +0110010011 Maxtor 56 +0110010011 Culbro 56 +0110010011 Sysco 56 +0110010011 Cousins 56 +0110010011 Medtronic 56 +0110010011 Cambior 57 +0110010011 HCC 57 +0110010011 Ameron 57 +0110010011 Bayly 57 +0110010011 E-Systems 57 +0110010011 Torchmark 57 +0110010011 Geico 58 +0110010011 Canadair 58 +0110010011 Millicom 58 +0110010011 Patlex 58 +0110010011 Amdura 58 +0110010011 AMP 58 +0110010011 Verex 58 +0110010011 InterTAN 58 +0110010011 Ensco 59 +0110010011 Instinet 59 +0110010011 Sheller-Globe 59 +0110010011 Intergraph 59 +0110010011 Stewart-Warner 59 +0110010011 Windmere 60 +0110010011 Fibreboard 60 +0110010011 Isomedix 60 +0110010011 CVN 60 +0110010011 Lorillard 60 +0110010011 Hazeltine 60 +0110010011 Canterra 60 +0110010011 ABI 60 +0110010011 Ensource 60 +0110010011 Lifetime 60 +0110010011 Dekalb 60 +0110010011 Repligen 61 +0110010011 AirCal 61 +0110010011 Faberge 61 +0110010011 Penske 61 +0110010011 Elsinore 62 +0110010011 Spectra-Physics 62 +0110010011 Amway 63 +0110010011 Steego 63 +0110010011 MacMillan 63 +0110010011 Vernitron 63 +0110010011 MTech 63 +0110010011 Nokia 64 +0110010011 Aldus 64 +0110010011 CIP 64 +0110010011 BHC 64 +0110010011 Diamandis 64 +0110010011 NBD 64 +0110010011 Harsco 65 +0110010011 D&N 65 +0110010011 Renouf 65 +0110010011 Hollinger 65 +0110010011 CRS 65 +0110010011 Heico 65 +0110010011 CFS 65 +0110010011 ADT 65 +0110010011 Dial 65 +0110010011 Zale 65 +0110010011 Unigesco 65 +0110010011 Portec 66 +0110010011 Enserch 66 +0110010011 Genex 66 +0110010011 Novell 67 +0110010011 Axa 67 +0110010011 Mitel 67 +0110010011 Uccel 67 +0110010011 Waldenbooks 67 +0110010011 ALC 67 +0110010011 Radice 68 +0110010011 MDI 68 +0110010011 Ionics 68 +0110010011 Cullum 68 +0110010011 Deluxe 68 +0110010011 Sovran 68 +0110010011 RTE 68 +0110010011 Petro-Canada 69 +0110010011 Ecolab 69 +0110010011 MLX 69 +0110010011 Tracinda 69 +0110010011 Ropak 69 +0110010011 Chiat/Day 69 +0110010011 Praxis 70 +0110010011 Valhi 70 +0110010011 Kane-Miller 70 +0110010011 Noxell 71 +0110010011 Melridge 71 +0110010011 Formica 71 +0110010011 Seafirst 71 +0110010011 Egghead 71 +0110010011 Nerco 71 +0110010011 FNN 71 +0110010011 MidCon 72 +0110010011 Lubrizol 72 +0110010011 Stifel 72 +0110010011 Cubic 72 +0110010011 Conseco 72 +0110010011 Kollmorgen 72 +0110010011 Cordis 72 +0110010011 Mohasco 72 +0110010011 Avco 72 +0110010011 Crownx 73 +0110010011 Harley-Davidson 73 +0110010011 GC&C 73 +0110010011 Brown-Forman 73 +0110010011 Mid-America 73 +0110010011 Federal-Mogul 73 +0110010011 Rapid-American 73 +0110010011 Lyphomed 74 +0110010011 Metex 74 +0110010011 Symbolics 75 +0110010011 Comdisco 75 +0110010011 UIS 75 +0110010011 PLM 75 +0110010011 Deltona 75 +0110010011 Hadson 76 +0110010011 G&W 76 +0110010011 Winners 76 +0110010011 Diamond-Bathurst 76 +0110010011 CooperVision 76 +0110010011 Systemhouse 77 +0110010011 Pandick 77 +0110010011 Hesston 77 +0110010011 Sabine 77 +0110010011 Arkla 77 +0110010011 Imo 78 +0110010011 Spinner 78 +0110010011 Valero 78 +0110010011 Lukens 78 +0110010011 Polygram 78 +0110010011 Imreg 79 +0110010011 Princeville 79 +0110010011 Pepperell 79 +0110010011 M/A-Com 80 +0110010011 Acustar 80 +0110010011 Sierracin 80 +0110010011 Lafarge 80 +0110010011 Bundy 80 +0110010011 Trailways 80 +0110010011 Centex 81 +0110010011 Tambrands 81 +0110010011 Consolidated-Bathurst 81 +0110010011 Devon 81 +0110010011 KDI 82 +0110010011 Oneok 82 +0110010011 Duracell 82 +0110010011 TDK 83 +0110010011 Raychem 83 +0110010011 Acton 83 +0110010011 CoreStates 83 +0110010011 AccuRay 83 +0110010011 VLI 83 +0110010011 Intermedics 84 +0110010011 NRM 84 +0110010011 Stanadyne 84 +0110010011 Paccar 84 +0110010011 Engelhard 85 +0110010011 Allis 85 +0110010011 Primark 85 +0110010011 Provigo 85 +0110010011 Zero 85 +0110010011 Sudbury 86 +0110010011 Sealy 86 +0110010011 CertainTeed 86 +0110010011 Motown 86 +0110010011 Gull 86 +0110010011 Showboat 87 +0110010011 Teradyne 87 +0110010011 Dover 87 +0110010011 EG&G 87 +0110010011 Trinova 87 +0110010011 Ariadne 87 +0110010011 Genstar 88 +0110010011 Basix 88 +0110010011 Airborne 88 +0110010011 Spectradyne 88 +0110010011 Monoclonal 88 +0110010011 DynCorp 88 +0110010011 Norstar 89 +0110010011 Northview 90 +0110010011 Healthdyne 90 +0110010011 Midlantic 90 +0110010011 Alleco 90 +0110010011 Selkirk 90 +0110010011 Diasonics 90 +0110010011 Trans-Resources 91 +0110010011 Fleet/Norstar 91 +0110010011 AVX 91 +0110010011 Teck 92 +0110010011 Waldbaum 92 +0110010011 Foodmaker 93 +0110010011 Memorex 93 +0110010011 Comcast 93 +0110010011 Canam 93 +0110010011 Entex 93 +0110010011 UNC 94 +0110010011 NKK 95 +0110010011 Ducommun 96 +0110010011 Royex 96 +0110010011 Immunex 96 +0110010011 Munford 96 +0110010011 Carteret 97 +0110010011 Hawkeye 97 +0110010011 Kinder-Care 97 +0110010011 Trustcorp 97 +0110010011 Lorimar-Telepictures 97 +0110010011 Asamera 97 +0110010011 Zondervan 97 +0110010011 KeyCorp 98 +0110010011 Chesebrough 99 +0110010011 Centocor 99 +0110010011 Sequa 99 +0110010011 Rospatch 99 +0110010011 Minnetonka 100 +0110010011 Louisiana-Pacific 100 +0110010011 Donohue 100 +0110010011 Heusen 100 +0110010011 Intermark 100 +0110010011 Nordstrom 101 +0110010011 Zapata 101 +0110010011 Seemala 101 +0110010011 Flexi-Van 102 +0110010011 Abitibi-Price 102 +0110010011 MiniScribe 102 +0110010011 Ponderosa 103 +0110010011 Buckhorn 103 +0110010011 Rolm 103 +0110010011 NBI 104 +0110010011 Horsham 104 +0110010011 Tosco 104 +0110010011 Perini 104 +0110010011 Parisian 105 +0110010011 Salant 105 +0110010011 Outlet 106 +0110010011 KN 107 +0110010011 Bofors 107 +0110010011 Viratek 107 +0110010011 Freeport 108 +0110010011 Equimark 108 +0110010011 Lintas 109 +0110010011 Berkey 109 +0110010011 Sheraton 109 +0110010011 Pride 109 +0110010011 Alltel 110 +0110010011 Sonat 110 +0110010011 Kerr-McGee 110 +0110010011 Calny 110 +0110010011 Bic 110 +0110010011 Tracor 110 +0110010011 Cabot 111 +0110010011 Memotec 111 +0110010011 Bombardier 111 +0110010011 Lionel 112 +0110010011 Shuwa 112 +0110010011 Arvida 112 +0110010011 Bendix 112 +0110010011 HAL 112 +0110010011 Tandon 113 +0110010011 Huffy 114 +0110010011 Comerica 114 +0110010011 Sea-Land 114 +0110010011 Suffield 116 +0110010011 Cadnetix 116 +0110010011 Rexham 117 +0110010011 MacGregor 118 +0110010011 Transworld 118 +0110010011 Whitehall 118 +0110010011 Patten 118 +0110010011 Batus 119 +0110010011 Chiron 119 +0110010011 Lamaur 119 +0110010011 Cardis 119 +0110010011 Gemcraft 119 +0110010011 BNS 119 +0110010011 DWG 120 +0110010011 Stroh 120 +0110010011 Paradyne 121 +0110010011 Convergent 122 +0110010011 Maytag 122 +0110010011 Alleghany 122 +0110010011 Sunbeam 123 +0110010011 Southam 123 +0110010011 Duro-Test 123 +0110010011 Morse 123 +0110010011 Gelco 123 +0110010011 Socanav 124 +0110010011 Melville 127 +0110010011 Telxon 128 +0110010011 Wrather 128 +0110010011 MSI 128 +0110010011 GCA 129 +0110010011 3Com 129 +0110010011 Domtar 132 +0110010011 Recognition 134 +0110010011 Vortec 134 +0110010011 Maxus 135 +0110010011 Walbro 136 +0110010011 Payless 136 +0110010011 Kyocera 136 +0110010011 Endotronics 137 +0110010011 Cascades 137 +0110010011 BSN 137 +0110010011 Glenfed 137 +0110010011 Businessland 138 +0110010011 Tektronix 138 +0110010011 Sorg 138 +0110010011 LSI 139 +0110010011 Rexnord 139 +0110010011 Putnam 140 +0110010011 Whittaker 140 +0110010011 CalFed 141 +0110010011 Georgia-Pacific 142 +0110010011 Delchamps 142 +0110010011 Noverco 142 +0110010011 Conoco 143 +0110010011 Syntex 144 +0110010011 Kimberly-Clark 144 +0110010011 Uspci 145 +0110010011 Amgen 146 +0110010011 Dee 148 +0110010011 Insilco 149 +0110010011 Burroughs 149 +0110010011 Dana 150 +0110010011 Rosewood 151 +0110010011 CTS 151 +0110010011 Savin 151 +0110010011 Sundstrand 152 +0110010011 Cargill 153 +0110010011 Schering-Plough 154 +0110010011 Milacron 154 +0110010011 Freeport-McMoRan 156 +0110010011 Varo 156 +0110010011 Cypress 157 +0110010011 Biogen 160 +0110010011 Norwest 160 +0110010011 Tonka 162 +0110010011 Meritor 163 +0110010011 Centerior 163 +0110010011 Himont 164 +0110010011 AmeriTrust 166 +0110010011 Matrix 166 +0110010011 Canon 166 +0110010011 ESPN 167 +0110010011 Kidde 168 +0110010011 GMAC 170 +0110010011 Varity 170 +0110010011 Grolier 170 +0110010011 Ayer 170 +0110010011 Brockway 171 +0110010011 Vulcan 172 +0110010011 RTZ 173 +0110010011 Vons 173 +0110010011 Sperry 174 +0110010011 Ralston 175 +0110010011 ComputerLand 175 +0110010011 Avis 176 +0110010011 Chubb 177 +0110010011 Datapoint 179 +0110010011 Shawmut 180 +0110010011 Apache 180 +0110010011 Atlas 180 +0110010011 Fischbach 181 +0110010011 Cetus 181 +0110010011 LyphoMed 181 +0110010011 Amdahl 181 +0110010011 PacifiCorp 183 +0110010011 Hearst 184 +0110010011 Schering 188 +0110010011 Atari 190 +0110010011 Cenergy 191 +0110010011 Computervision 192 +0110010011 I.C.H. 194 +0110010011 Encor 195 +0110010011 ConAgra 195 +0110010011 ICI 196 +0110010011 Comsat 197 +0110010011 Teledyne 198 +0110010011 Vestron 202 +0110010011 Nike 206 +0110010011 Armco 207 +0110010011 Electrolux 208 +0110010011 Loews 209 +0110010011 IBP 210 +0110010011 Olin 210 +0110010011 CNW 210 +0110010011 Towers 210 +0110010011 Pennwalt 211 +0110010011 Linear 212 +0110010011 Petrie 212 +0110010011 Tyco 213 +0110010011 Catalyst 213 +0110010011 Armtek 214 +0110010011 Clabir 215 +0110010011 Excel 215 +0110010011 Hasbro 221 +0110010011 FMC 225 +0110010011 CMS 225 +0110010011 Asarco 225 +0110010011 Contel 225 +0110010011 Doskocil 227 +0110010011 Fruehauf 227 +0110010011 Meridian 229 +0110010011 Dai-Ichi 230 +0110010011 Southdown 232 +0110010011 Giorgio 234 +0110010011 ChemLawn 235 +0110010011 Newsweek 236 +0110010011 Storer 236 +0110010011 Humana 237 +0110010011 Amfac 237 +0110010011 Manpower 237 +0110010011 Gap 240 +0110010011 Pak 240 +0110010011 Itel 241 +0110010011 Fleet 241 +0110010011 Ameritech 241 +0110010011 Cigna 242 +0110010011 InterFirst 243 +0110010011 Cineplex 243 +0110010011 Transamerica 245 +0110010011 PNC 247 +0110010011 Loral 251 +0110010011 Transco 254 +0110010011 Kemper 257 +0110010011 Dravo 263 +0110010011 Cleveland-Cliffs 263 +0110010011 Neoax 266 +0110010011 Emhart 266 +0110010011 Bridgestone 267 +0110010011 Revco 278 +0110010011 Centel 278 +0110010011 Dreyfus 279 +0110010011 Pfizer 283 +0110010011 Quantum 287 +0110010011 Cyclops 294 +0110010011 Wal-Mart 294 +0110010011 Volvo 298 +0110010011 Owens-Illinois 299 +0110010011 Minstar 302 +0110010011 Ashton-Tate 305 +0110010011 Unicorp 309 +0110010011 Maxicare 310 +0110010011 Gibraltar 313 +0110010011 Knight-Ridder 319 +0110010011 Caterpillar 322 +0110010011 McKesson 325 +0110010011 Telex 326 +0110010011 Borden 332 +0110010011 Amax 333 +0110010011 Nortek 333 +0110010011 Fluor 336 +0110010011 Hooker 337 +0110010011 Mattel 340 +0110010011 BCE 340 +0110010011 Eaton 343 +0110010011 Hercules 346 +0110010011 Anheuser-Busch 346 +0110010011 Marriott 351 +0110010011 RCA 351 +0110010011 Enron 353 +0110010011 Safeway 355 +0110010011 Beneficial 355 +0110010011 Travelers 364 +0110010011 NCR 366 +0110010011 Zayre 367 +0110010011 Whirlpool 369 +0110010011 Polysar 375 +0110010011 Yankee 377 +0110010011 Textron 381 +0110010011 Squibb 384 +0110010011 Ramada 395 +0110010011 Damon 396 +0110010011 Manville 398 +0110010011 BellSouth 403 +0110010011 Noranda 404 +0110010011 Mead 411 +0110010011 McGraw-Hill 426 +0110010011 Primerica 428 +0110010011 CSX 432 +0110010011 McCaw 443 +0110010011 Nynex 457 +0110010011 NWA 475 +0110010011 Hertz 476 +0110010011 MCorp 476 +0110010011 Tele-Communications 486 +0110010011 NEC 489 +0110010011 Staley 495 +0110010011 Honeywell 505 +0110010011 Tandy 509 +0110010011 Borg-Warner 510 +0110010011 Unocal 518 +0110010011 TRW 524 +0110010011 PepsiCo 529 +0110010011 Grumman 531 +0110010011 Lilco 539 +0110010011 MGM/UA 550 +0110010011 Allied-Signal 554 +0110010011 Coastal 554 +0110010011 NCNB 567 +0110010011 Interco 575 +0110010011 Southmark 580 +0110010011 Piedmont 583 +0110010011 Motorola 594 +0110010011 Holiday 597 +0110010011 Braniff 597 +0110010011 GAF 603 +0110010011 Greyhound 610 +0110010011 Lorimar 612 +0110010011 Beatrice 614 +0110010011 USG 635 +0110010011 GenCorp 698 +0110010011 Wedtech 704 +0110010011 Nova 718 +0110010011 Tenneco 748 +0110010011 Lucky 770 +0110010011 Polaroid 776 +0110010011 Philips 776 +0110010011 Harcourt 785 +0110010011 Xerox 818 +0110010011 Wickes 822 +0110010011 Southland 825 +0110010011 K 837 +0110010011 Kraft 845 +0110010011 Genentech 851 +0110010011 Chevron 855 +0110010011 AMR 889 +0110010011 GTE 890 +0110010011 Mobil 910 +0110010011 Lockheed 917 +0110010011 Unisys 934 +0110010011 Eddie 940 +0110010011 ITT 954 +0110010011 Shamrock 983 +0110010011 Toshiba 1021 +0110010011 LTV 1046 +0110010011 Macmillan 1049 +0110010011 MCA 1054 +0110010011 TWA 1059 +0110010011 Amoco 1094 +0110010011 Microsoft 1100 +0110010011 MCI 1101 +0110010011 Sony 1126 +0110010011 USX 1128 +0110010011 Northrop 1141 +0110010011 Intel 1146 +0110010011 UAL 1189 +0110010011 ABC 1249 +0110010011 Allegis 1289 +0110010011 Exxon 1383 +0110010011 Allied 1446 +0110010011 BankAmerica 1577 +0110010011 Digital 1810 +0110010011 Warner 1882 +0110010011 Time 1894 +0110010011 NBC 2048 +0110010011 Campeau 2388 +0110010011 CBS 2654 +0110010011 Texaco 6032 +0110010011 Continental 3777 +0110010011 Eastern 4324 +0110010011 Chrysler 4487 +01100101000 Plural 1 +01100101000 refigerated 1 +01100101000 2,483 1 +01100101000 Tallahasee 1 +01100101000 Hudson-Yukon 1 +01100101000 2,458 1 +01100101000 Ucayali 1 +01100101000 HATTERSLEY 1 +01100101000 nibble-filled 1 +01100101000 Zulia 1 +01100101000 Walkill 1 +01100101000 2,446 1 +01100101000 Huanuco 1 +01100101000 Palabora 1 +01100101000 PARFUMS 1 +01100101000 2,406 1 +01100101000 2,391 1 +01100101000 Nichido 2 +01100101000 Middleboro 2 +01100101000 Hendersonville 2 +01100101000 CUH2A 2 +01100101000 Provincetown 2 +01100101000 KeyCorp. 2 +01100101000 Lockport 2 +01100101000 Thorofare 2 +01100101000 Carmignano 2 +01100101000 Breezewood 2 +01100101000 Plaistow 2 +01100101000 self-loathing 2 +01100101000 Artcarved 2 +01100101000 Nimes 2 +01100101000 Tigara 2 +01100101000 diverticulitis 2 +01100101000 Cady 2 +01100101000 Goffstown 2 +01100101000 here-now 2 +01100101000 Fonde 2 +01100101000 phase-2 2 +01100101000 Qalat 2 +01100101000 Prestwick 2 +01100101000 Sebokeng 2 +01100101000 Gladwyne 2 +01100101000 Majdanek 2 +01100101000 Petropolis 2 +01100101000 Titletown 2 +01100101000 Moldavians 2 +01100101000 1066 2 +01100101000 Arcobrasil 2 +01100101000 Chillum 2 +01100101000 Niquinohomo 2 +01100101000 Sunlaw 2 +01100101000 Opa-Locka 2 +01100101000 Yeovil 2 +01100101000 Lorian 2 +01100101000 Maquiliquat 2 +01100101000 Matra-Harris 2 +01100101000 Parral 2 +01100101000 FormBase 2 +01100101000 Halls 2 +01100101000 Belton 2 +01100101000 Stavropol 2 +01100101000 Woodglen 2 +01100101000 Pacoima 2 +01100101000 418.18 2 +01100101000 Soquel 2 +01100101000 Larose 2 +01100101000 telesynergistic 2 +01100101000 Guerneville 2 +01100101000 M-whatever 2 +01100101000 Wightman 2 +01100101000 Haslemere 2 +01100101000 InfoWorld 2 +01100101000 Ducommon 2 +01100101000 Burkeville 2 +01100101000 Sorsogon 2 +01100101000 329.36 2 +01100101000 Ensenada 2 +01100101000 Lapeer 2 +01100101000 Fieldston 2 +01100101000 Woonsocket 2 +01100101000 Wollo 2 +01100101000 VenVirotek 2 +01100101000 Pecos 2 +01100101000 Glendive 2 +01100101000 Goldendale 2 +01100101000 Tuesday-Thursday 2 +01100101000 Issaquah 2 +01100101000 Woodridge 2 +01100101000 Callicoon 2 +01100101000 Mooresville 2 +01100101000 Hakui 2 +01100101000 Reynosa 2 +01100101000 Korad 2 +01100101000 HUCTW 2 +01100101000 Swanton 2 +01100101000 Greenlawn 2 +01100101000 Bialystok 2 +01100101000 Reidsville 2 +01100101000 Speedring-Cullman 2 +01100101000 Midori 2 +01100101000 Bresslergroup 2 +01100101000 Balzac 2 +01100101000 Kirksville 2 +01100101000 Tomball 2 +01100101000 Myanma 2 +01100101000 Glide 2 +01100101000 Isfa 2 +01100101000 Weekley 2 +01100101000 Tianjian 2 +01100101000 Asmara 2 +01100101000 Malverne 2 +01100101000 drainpipes 2 +01100101000 Jogjakarta 2 +01100101000 Thibodaux 2 +01100101000 2:11:50 2 +01100101000 Anhui 2 +01100101000 Hardees 2 +01100101000 Holophane 2 +01100101000 Doncaster 2 +01100101000 Holdenville 2 +01100101000 Muenster 2 +01100101000 JEAN 2 +01100101000 Rhinebeck 2 +01100101000 1778 2 +01100101000 Dunnville 2 +01100101000 Gabbs 2 +01100101000 Hsinchu 2 +01100101000 Barnesville 2 +01100101000 Ossining 2 +01100101000 whalebone 2 +01100101000 Munising 2 +01100101000 Donaldsonville 2 +01100101000 Collegeville 2 +01100101000 deviants 2 +01100101000 Cressona 2 +01100101000 Morganton 2 +01100101000 Chitral 2 +01100101000 Suita 2 +01100101000 Vallejo 2 +01100101000 13-play 2 +01100101000 Wilbraham 2 +01100101000 Toccoa 2 +01100101000 dungeons 2 +01100101000 anistreplase 2 +01100101000 372.96 2 +01100101000 Neckarsulm 2 +01100101000 Dighton 2 +01100101000 Williamsville 2 +01100101000 236.03 2 +01100101000 proselytize 2 +01100101000 Dondi 2 +01100101000 Circleville 2 +01100101000 misogyny 2 +01100101000 Centreville 2 +01100101000 Burghausen 2 +01100101000 Castlegar 2 +01100101000 86-10 2 +01100101000 '53 2 +01100101000 Kuching 2 +01100101000 Toldeo 2 +01100101000 Arecibo 2 +01100101000 Varese 2 +01100101000 Dolton 2 +01100101000 furtiveness 2 +01100101000 1977-1981 2 +01100101000 Lebowa 2 +01100101000 Midlothian 3 +01100101000 Strasburg 3 +01100101000 Trevose 3 +01100101000 Magadan 3 +01100101000 Morazan 3 +01100101000 Starkville 3 +01100101000 Meilen 3 +01100101000 anti-depressants 3 +01100101000 DePuy 3 +01100101000 Berwick 3 +01100101000 Hyrum 3 +01100101000 Abingdon 3 +01100101000 Horicon 3 +01100101000 Zagorsk 3 +01100101000 Niland 3 +01100101000 KCBS 3 +01100101000 Goteborg 3 +01100101000 Virginiatown 3 +01100101000 Larned 3 +01100101000 Sinaloa 3 +01100101000 gardenia 3 +01100101000 Stewartville 3 +01100101000 Moorish 3 +01100101000 Lewistown 3 +01100101000 Campton 3 +01100101000 McBain 3 +01100101000 Massapequa 3 +01100101000 Goshen 3 +01100101000 Neuchatel 3 +01100101000 FCS 3 +01100101000 Chaumont 3 +01100101000 Ubidieh 3 +01100101000 Polmot 3 +01100101000 Dracut 3 +01100101000 Branchville 3 +01100101000 Fanwood 3 +01100101000 Wallachs 3 +01100101000 Verdigre 3 +01100101000 Find/SVP 3 +01100101000 Edirne 3 +01100101000 Easley 3 +01100101000 Rumford 3 +01100101000 Piketon 3 +01100101000 three-crew 3 +01100101000 Bannockburn 3 +01100101000 Menasha 3 +01100101000 Frankfurt-am-Main 3 +01100101000 Hanau 3 +01100101000 Frogtown 3 +01100101000 Ronkonkoma 3 +01100101000 Stavanger 3 +01100101000 Visicalc 3 +01100101000 Varna 3 +01100101000 Tolono 3 +01100101000 Absaloka 3 +01100101000 Altoona 3 +01100101000 Nomex 3 +01100101000 Bucksport 3 +01100101000 Marne-la-Vallee 3 +01100101000 Swiftwater 3 +01100101000 Grenelefe 3 +01100101000 Plainville 3 +01100101000 Richlands 3 +01100101000 Jhorehat 3 +01100101000 TRAK 3 +01100101000 Gerlafingen 3 +01100101000 Yokosuka 3 +01100101000 Martinsburg 3 +01100101000 Fangshan 3 +01100101000 Batanes 3 +01100101000 Kaduna 3 +01100101000 Pyronics 3 +01100101000 Herried 3 +01100101000 Bindlach 3 +01100101000 Cisco 3 +01100101000 Jalisco 3 +01100101000 Sistersville 3 +01100101000 Miraflores 3 +01100101000 VoiceMail 3 +01100101000 Hinche 3 +01100101000 Serv-A-Portion 3 +01100101000 Cricketeer 3 +01100101000 Froley 3 +01100101000 Truckee 3 +01100101000 Cuernavaca 3 +01100101000 Basingstoke 3 +01100101000 Gatineau 3 +01100101000 VicWest 3 +01100101000 Congers 3 +01100101000 Alliston 3 +01100101000 Scrubgrass 3 +01100101000 Shipman 3 +01100101000 Phoenixville 3 +01100101000 Gonfreville 3 +01100101000 Sakuraya 3 +01100101000 1852 3 +01100101000 serfdom 3 +01100101000 Arnhem 3 +01100101000 EPROMs 3 +01100101000 Sakura 3 +01100101000 Harris/3M 3 +01100101000 Holmdel 3 +01100101000 Spotswood 3 +01100101000 Secunda 3 +01100101000 Haarlem 3 +01100101000 Fabrica 3 +01100101000 Centerville 3 +01100101000 Shatin 3 +01100101000 Edgewater 3 +01100101000 Kirland 3 +01100101000 Sleaze 3 +01100101000 Camilla 3 +01100101000 Zanesville 3 +01100101000 Bremerton 3 +01100101000 Wannacomet 3 +01100101000 crewcut 3 +01100101000 Ophthalmology 3 +01100101000 Parlin 3 +01100101000 Lakenheath 3 +01100101000 gingivitis 3 +01100101000 Kennesaw 3 +01100101000 Lodi 3 +01100101000 Dilantin 3 +01100101000 Paderborn 3 +01100101000 Dortmund 3 +01100101000 1985-1987 3 +01100101000 London. 3 +01100101000 Clarinda 3 +01100101000 117-page 3 +01100101000 Bronxville 3 +01100101000 Waycross 3 +01100101000 Willowdale 3 +01100101000 Linlithgow 3 +01100101000 Bie 3 +01100101000 Falcontrust 3 +01100101000 Ljubljana 3 +01100101000 Kendallville 3 +01100101000 Focobank 3 +01100101000 Saxonburg 3 +01100101000 Cubana 3 +01100101000 Sapulpa 3 +01100101000 Ephesus 3 +01100101000 Burnsville 3 +01100101000 McAllen-Edinburg-Mission 3 +01100101000 Studebaker 3 +01100101000 Leutershausen 3 +01100101000 six-volume 3 +01100101000 Keokuk 3 +01100101000 GDR/Crest 3 +01100101000 Inter-Regional 3 +01100101000 Upland 3 +01100101000 Allendale 3 +01100101000 McMinnville 3 +01100101000 Southhampton 3 +01100101000 Kutak 3 +01100101000 Doylestown 4 +01100101000 polyethelene 4 +01100101000 1974-79 4 +01100101000 Bloomington-Normal 4 +01100101000 Philipsburg 4 +01100101000 27111.35 4 +01100101000 Tennesee 4 +01100101000 Trifari 4 +01100101000 Freedoms 4 +01100101000 Duxbury 4 +01100101000 Fairport 4 +01100101000 Woodburn 4 +01100101000 Newington 4 +01100101000 Saint-Remy 4 +01100101000 Epsom 4 +01100101000 liquefaction 4 +01100101000 CasaBlanca 4 +01100101000 Rincon 4 +01100101000 1849 4 +01100101000 Bushehr 4 +01100101000 Borovo 4 +01100101000 Turlock 4 +01100101000 Jenkintown 4 +01100101000 Windlesham 4 +01100101000 Info 4 +01100101000 Infoworld 4 +01100101000 Perrysburg 4 +01100101000 Chalatenango 4 +01100101000 Picuris 4 +01100101000 Levittown 4 +01100101000 Bartow 4 +01100101000 Blytheville 4 +01100101000 heavy-drinking 4 +01100101000 Harrodsburg 4 +01100101000 Zambezia 4 +01100101000 Morrisville 4 +01100101000 Pisgah 4 +01100101000 Kanata 4 +01100101000 Brazoria 4 +01100101000 trendiness 4 +01100101000 Ramapo 4 +01100101000 filmmaker 4 +01100101000 Cheerleader 4 +01100101000 Bitch 4 +01100101000 Oakhurst 4 +01100101000 Indio 4 +01100101000 Milledgeville 4 +01100101000 Mendota 4 +01100101000 Willingboro 4 +01100101000 QwaQwa 4 +01100101000 Rangely 4 +01100101000 Socorro 4 +01100101000 Zagreb 4 +01100101000 oot 4 +01100101000 Redlands 4 +01100101000 Crestwood 4 +01100101000 Pickerington 4 +01100101000 Philmont 4 +01100101000 Cienfuegos 4 +01100101000 Ahmadabad 4 +01100101000 tallish 4 +01100101000 Saada 4 +01100101000 Mankato 4 +01100101000 Pitman-Moore 4 +01100101000 constructivism 4 +01100101000 crockery 4 +01100101000 Magog 4 +01100101000 Palatka 4 +01100101000 Yuban 4 +01100101000 Incline 4 +01100101000 Lewisville 4 +01100101000 Haworth 4 +01100101000 Abidjan 4 +01100101000 sinusitis 4 +01100101000 Harveys 4 +01100101000 Bemidji 4 +01100101000 Hattiesburg 4 +01100101000 Nitta-Moore 4 +01100101000 Finstat 4 +01100101000 Lillehammer 4 +01100101000 Wiebelskirchen 4 +01100101000 Rouyn 4 +01100101000 Destin 4 +01100101000 Pachuca 4 +01100101000 Seaford 4 +01100101000 '59 4 +01100101000 Katonah 4 +01100101000 Seyfarth 4 +01100101000 Tarboro 4 +01100101000 diphtheria 4 +01100101000 Meleiha 4 +01100101000 Maywood 4 +01100101000 Wolof 4 +01100101000 Defex 4 +01100101000 Dikhil 4 +01100101000 Tishomingo 4 +01100101000 Cremona 4 +01100101000 Tiburon 4 +01100101000 Cherbourg 4 +01100101000 Atmore 4 +01100101000 Pupyong 4 +01100101000 '55 4 +01100101000 Tenafly 4 +01100101000 Uber 4 +01100101000 Thomaston 4 +01100101000 Emelle 4 +01100101000 Elba 4 +01100101000 Beardstown 4 +01100101000 BSA 4 +01100101000 Saar 4 +01100101000 Dongwan 4 +01100101000 Aquamar 4 +01100101000 Edinboro 4 +01100101000 Encinitas 4 +01100101000 Glenwood 4 +01100101000 Satomi 4 +01100101000 Ottumwa 4 +01100101000 Attica 4 +01100101000 Zhejiang 4 +01100101000 Bellaire 4 +01100101000 Mishawaka 4 +01100101000 Tullahoma 4 +01100101000 Haverhill 5 +01100101000 Leuven 5 +01100101000 Fremantle 5 +01100101000 Chacabuco 5 +01100101000 Dingxi 5 +01100101000 Cherryfield 5 +01100101000 Naha 5 +01100101000 Monimbo 5 +01100101000 Invention 5 +01100101000 Hyattsville 5 +01100101000 SCAT 5 +01100101000 Antioch 5 +01100101000 Hannover 5 +01100101000 Krasnodar 5 +01100101000 PM 5 +01100101000 Amityville 5 +01100101000 Riverton 5 +01100101000 Basrah 5 +01100101000 Ridgewood 5 +01100101000 Spearfish 5 +01100101000 Teterboro 5 +01100101000 Loraine 5 +01100101000 Rouyn-Noranda 5 +01100101000 Crawley 5 +01100101000 Adamstown 5 +01100101000 Merabank 5 +01100101000 Lutherville 5 +01100101000 Sept-Iles 5 +01100101000 Douglaston 5 +01100101000 Solbourne 5 +01100101000 Perryton 5 +01100101000 SGC 5 +01100101000 Watsonville 5 +01100101000 Lindenhurst 5 +01100101000 Bellport 5 +01100101000 1839 5 +01100101000 Noblesville 5 +01100101000 Moonachie 5 +01100101000 well-bred 5 +01100101000 Alydar 5 +01100101000 Huambo 5 +01100101000 Dalhart 5 +01100101000 Tamanrasset 5 +01100101000 Piraeus 5 +01100101000 Ukiah 5 +01100101000 Minot 5 +01100101000 Machias 5 +01100101000 Sugarland 5 +01100101000 Rota 5 +01100101000 Northumberland 5 +01100101000 Weisser 5 +01100101000 Accra 5 +01100101000 Whitehorse 5 +01100101000 Kwangyang 5 +01100101000 Denville 5 +01100101000 Millburn 5 +01100101000 Timonium 5 +01100101000 Brockport 5 +01100101000 Issa 5 +01100101000 Natchitoches 5 +01100101000 Breckenridge 5 +01100101000 Keener 5 +01100101000 Barberton 5 +01100101000 Miamisburg 5 +01100101000 Eutelsat 5 +01100101000 1976-77 5 +01100101000 McCook 5 +01100101000 Russellville 5 +01100101000 Raritan 5 +01100101000 Muscatine 5 +01100101000 Dania 5 +01100101000 Chappaqua 5 +01100101000 Marengo 5 +01100101000 Geismar 5 +01100101000 Houma 5 +01100101000 Leonia 5 +01100101000 Weehawken 5 +01100101000 Snowflake 5 +01100101000 Kloss 5 +01100101000 Ipswich 5 +01100101000 Closter 5 +01100101000 Maysville 5 +01100101000 Kinshasa 5 +01100101000 Tobago 5 +01100101000 Castroville 5 +01100101000 chartreuse 5 +01100101000 Lititz 5 +01100101000 Fricka 5 +01100101000 Beachwood 5 +01100101000 Wheatfield 5 +01100101000 Pottsville 5 +01100101000 Downsview 5 +01100101000 Sazava 5 +01100101000 Glendora 5 +01100101000 Totowa 5 +01100101000 Sweetwater 5 +01100101000 Hastings-on-Hudson 5 +01100101000 Palatine 6 +01100101000 Winnetka 6 +01100101000 Calet 6 +01100101000 Cinnaminson 6 +01100101000 Elmira 6 +01100101000 Sunnyside 6 +01100101000 Goleta 6 +01100101000 Brittania 6 +01100101000 C-SPAN 6 +01100101000 Branchburg 6 +01100101000 Pohjola 6 +01100101000 Lanus 6 +01100101000 Vevey 6 +01100101000 Brownfield 6 +01100101000 Pocatello 6 +01100101000 Pilobolus 6 +01100101000 Yavne 6 +01100101000 Beaubourg 6 +01100101000 Kaohsiung 6 +01100101000 Maxhuette 6 +01100101000 Oceanside 6 +01100101000 Telford 6 +01100101000 Elkton 6 +01100101000 Lynnwood 6 +01100101000 Bruges 6 +01100101000 Millersburg 6 +01100101000 Liege 6 +01100101000 Laconia 6 +01100101000 Homeland 6 +01100101000 Gastonia 6 +01100101000 Rhineland-Palatinate 6 +01100101000 Waxahachie 6 +01100101000 Shepperton 6 +01100101000 Centralia 6 +01100101000 Escondido 6 +01100101000 Natchez 6 +01100101000 Rosslyn 6 +01100101000 Freemont 6 +01100101000 Shaanxi 6 +01100101000 Hemet 6 +01100101000 Greenvale 6 +01100101000 Pharr 6 +01100101000 Stonehenge 6 +01100101000 Playgirl 6 +01100101000 Becancour 6 +01100101000 Giza 6 +01100101000 Crawfordsville 6 +01100101000 Whopper 6 +01100101000 Conroe 6 +01100101000 Wildwood 6 +01100101000 thermoplastics 6 +01100101000 Slidell 6 +01100101000 Rexburg 6 +01100101000 Cresskill 6 +01100101000 TCU 6 +01100101000 Peerless 6 +01100101000 Mecklenburg 6 +01100101000 Sarnia 6 +01100101000 Marblehead 6 +01100101000 Jaffrey 6 +01100101000 Plainsboro 6 +01100101000 Esquipulas 6 +01100101000 Gansu 6 +01100101000 Shelbyville 6 +01100101000 Ansonia 6 +01100101000 IFARreports 6 +01100101000 Norristown 6 +01100101000 Kettering 6 +01100101000 Aspartame 6 +01100101000 Tewksbury 6 +01100101000 Melodia 6 +01100101000 Malden 6 +01100101000 Wynnewood 6 +01100101000 Mamaroneck 6 +01100101000 Jonquiere 6 +01100101000 Batavia 6 +01100101000 Pekin 6 +01100101000 Murfreesboro 6 +01100101000 Alagoas 6 +01100101000 Blacksburg 6 +01100101000 '79 6 +01100101000 Downingtown 6 +01100101000 Alhambra 6 +01100101000 Warminster 6 +01100101000 Berwyn 7 +01100101000 squashy 7 +01100101000 Kimberley 7 +01100101000 Madera 7 +01100101000 Davos 7 +01100101000 Chalmette 7 +01100101000 Monroeville 7 +01100101000 Grapevine 7 +01100101000 Flemington 7 +01100101000 Monsey 7 +01100101000 Fortitude 7 +01100101000 Ok 7 +01100101000 Naugatuck 7 +01100101000 Laxey 7 +01100101000 Hempstead 7 +01100101000 Cannelton 7 +01100101000 Northwood 7 +01100101000 Philly 7 +01100101000 Rossborough 7 +01100101000 Carlstadt 7 +01100101000 Longwood 7 +01100101000 Barnette 7 +01100101000 Tarom 7 +01100101000 Busse 7 +01100101000 Newmarket 7 +01100101000 Berlack 7 +01100101000 Owosso 7 +01100101000 Warfield 7 +01100101000 Fayette 7 +01100101000 Romulus 7 +01100101000 Suffern 7 +01100101000 Chartres 7 +01100101000 7-4 7 +01100101000 Cohasset 7 +01100101000 Sturbridge 7 +01100101000 '66 7 +01100101000 Kerala 7 +01100101000 Kingsport 7 +01100101000 Northvale 7 +01100101000 Claymont 7 +01100101000 Shawnee 7 +01100101000 Malmo 7 +01100101000 Cranford 7 +01100101000 Kandahar 7 +01100101000 Petaluma 7 +01100101000 Pawhuska 7 +01100101000 Xenia 7 +01100101000 Portage 7 +01100101000 Fredericksburg 7 +01100101000 Wuxi 7 +01100101000 Smithtown 7 +01100101000 Alpharetta 7 +01100101000 Ojai 7 +01100101000 Dalian 7 +01100101000 Albemarle 7 +01100101000 Zaragoza 7 +01100101000 Conshohocken 7 +01100101000 Annandale 7 +01100101000 Murmansk 7 +01100101000 Seadrift 7 +01100101000 cholestyramine 7 +01100101000 colestipol 7 +01100101000 Hunan 7 +01100101000 Kingsville 7 +01100101000 Loveland 8 +01100101000 Clarksville 8 +01100101000 Kerrville 8 +01100101000 LaGrange 8 +01100101000 NBER 8 +01100101000 Harlingen 8 +01100101000 Magnolia 8 +01100101000 Chaska 8 +01100101000 Carbondale 8 +01100101000 Wuhan 8 +01100101000 Buchen 8 +01100101000 Paducah 8 +01100101000 Montpelier 8 +01100101000 Karlsruhe 8 +01100101000 Parador 8 +01100101000 Marbella 8 +01100101000 Westford 8 +01100101000 Orinda 8 +01100101000 Vacaville 8 +01100101000 Cudahy 8 +01100101000 Attleboro 8 +01100101000 Aqaba 8 +01100101000 Bicol 8 +01100101000 Wickliffe 8 +01100101000 Marlton 8 +01100101000 Kourou 8 +01100101000 Chengdu 8 +01100101000 Cantel 8 +01100101000 Pikeville 8 +01100101000 Pitcher 8 +01100101000 Norwell 8 +01100101000 Roseville 8 +01100101000 Diboll 8 +01100101000 Commack 8 +01100101000 Mondrian 8 +01100101000 Corvallis 8 +01100101000 Lansdale 8 +01100101000 Kitimat 8 +01100101000 Ravenswood 8 +01100101000 Bethany 8 +01100101000 Noramco 8 +01100101000 Aouzou 9 +01100101000 Kaktovik 9 +01100101000 Shizuoka 9 +01100101000 Williamstown 9 +01100101000 McCleskey 9 +01100101000 1872 9 +01100101000 Simsbury 9 +01100101000 Texarkana 9 +01100101000 Mechanicsburg 9 +01100101000 Moab 9 +01100101000 Okpo 9 +01100101000 half-ounce 9 +01100101000 Hyannis 9 +01100101000 Nicosia 9 +01100101000 rangy 9 +01100101000 Grenoble 9 +01100101000 Harpers 9 +01100101000 Puebla 9 +01100101000 Kankakee 9 +01100101000 Breed 9 +01100101000 Montevideo 9 +01100101000 Xinjiang 9 +01100101000 Rovaniemi 9 +01100101000 Olathe 9 +01100101000 Swampscott 9 +01100101000 Williamsport 9 +01100101000 Dijon 9 +01100101000 Hereford 9 +01100101000 Altavista 9 +01100101000 Baytown 9 +01100101000 FNS 9 +01100101000 Raleigh-Durham 9 +01100101000 Phu 9 +01100101000 Penang 9 +01100101000 Genk 9 +01100101000 Mongstad 9 +01100101000 PLE 9 +01100101000 Cityplace 9 +01100101000 Cortland 9 +01100101000 Vandergrift 9 +01100101000 Salina 9 +01100101000 Germantown 9 +01100101000 Convent 9 +01100101000 Coudersport 9 +01100101000 Lawrenceburg 9 +01100101000 Regensburg 9 +01100101000 Laurens 9 +01100101000 Hagerstown 9 +01100101000 Tonkin 9 +01100101000 Trumps 9 +01100101000 Tamarac 9 +01100101000 Celina 10 +01100101000 Shiremanstown 10 +01100101000 Luton 10 +01100101000 Windhoek 10 +01100101000 Lyme 10 +01100101000 Wessels 10 +01100101000 Scottsbluff 10 +01100101000 Brazzaville 10 +01100101000 Doubletree 10 +01100101000 Fitzwilliam 10 +01100101000 zircon 10 +01100101000 Iwate 10 +01100101000 Titusville 10 +01100101000 Vineland 10 +01100101000 POP 10 +01100101000 Trieste 10 +01100101000 Bensalem 10 +01100101000 Zeeland 10 +01100101000 Darlington 10 +01100101000 KwaZulu 10 +01100101000 McKeesport 10 +01100101000 Owensboro 10 +01100101000 Melrod 10 +01100101000 Brookside 10 +01100101000 Gilgit 10 +01100101000 Inchon 10 +01100101000 Coatesville 10 +01100101000 Cardiff 10 +01100101000 Shawinigan 10 +01100101000 Marshfield 10 +01100101000 Parenting 10 +01100101000 Kashmir 10 +01100101000 Cordova 10 +01100101000 Greensburg 10 +01100101000 Toyko 10 +01100101000 Stoughton 10 +01100101000 Shippingport 10 +01100101000 Pohnpei 10 +01100101000 Indata 10 +01100101000 Hillsboro 10 +01100101000 Kamchatka 10 +01100101000 Orem 11 +01100101000 Batesville 11 +01100101000 Judas 11 +01100101000 Dagenham 11 +01100101000 Accountemps 11 +01100101000 Michoacan 11 +01100101000 Buford 11 +01100101000 Wattwil 11 +01100101000 Tuscaloosa 11 +01100101000 Ayacucho 11 +01100101000 Catalonia 11 +01100101000 Ketou 11 +01100101000 Bromont 11 +01100101000 Mendocino 11 +01100101000 Beltsville 11 +01100101000 HDM 11 +01100101000 strontium 11 +01100101000 Haifa 11 +01100101000 Cerritos 11 +01100101000 Leominster 11 +01100101000 Maryville 11 +01100101000 Ulundi 11 +01100101000 Ferndale 11 +01100101000 Leesburg 11 +01100101000 Coeburn 11 +01100101000 Durango 11 +01100101000 Coventry 11 +01100101000 Northridge 11 +01100101000 Brittany 11 +01100101000 Belvedere 11 +01100101000 Ramallah 11 +01100101000 Chappaquiddick 11 +01100101000 Asuncion 12 +01100101000 Nanjing 12 +01100101000 SB 12 +01100101000 Haute 12 +01100101000 Trois-Rivieres 12 +01100101000 Waukesha 12 +01100101000 Belleville 12 +01100101000 Amana 12 +01100101000 Cornwall 12 +01100101000 Corinto 12 +01100101000 Boer 12 +01100101000 Mountainside 12 +01100101000 Surrey 12 +01100101000 Sylmar 12 +01100101000 Hillsdale 12 +01100101000 Missoula 12 +01100101000 Kenilworth 12 +01100101000 Shenyang 12 +01100101000 Sheboygan 12 +01100101000 Magnitogorsk 12 +01100101000 Mesquite 12 +01100101000 Pelham 12 +01100101000 Kyushu 12 +01100101000 Lyndhurst 12 +01100101000 Oakdale 12 +01100101000 Piscataway 12 +01100101000 Brea 12 +01100101000 Wenatchee 12 +01100101000 Kokomo 12 +01100101000 Arcadia 12 +01100101000 1858 12 +01100101000 Carrollton 13 +01100101000 Reseda 13 +01100101000 Tupelo 13 +01100101000 Charlestown 13 +01100101000 Youghal 13 +01100101000 Sturgeon 13 +01100101000 Brampton 13 +01100101000 Pittsfield 13 +01100101000 gee 13 +01100101000 Eindhoven 13 +01100101000 Emporia 13 +01100101000 Hebron 13 +01100101000 Hopkinton 13 +01100101000 Muskegon 13 +01100101000 Gori 13 +01100101000 Northampton 13 +01100101000 Ibaraki 13 +01100101000 Monessen 13 +01100101000 Bothell 13 +01100101000 Camarillo 13 +01100101000 Cartersville 13 +01100101000 Whippany 13 +01100101000 Jena 13 +01100101000 Guntur 13 +01100101000 Ardmore 13 +01100101000 Moorestown 13 +01100101000 Sausalito 13 +01100101000 Montrose 13 +01100101000 Bradenton 13 +01100101000 Rawalpindi 13 +01100101000 Larkspur 14 +01100101000 Wilmette 14 +01100101000 Mandalay 14 +01100101000 Balboa 14 +01100101000 Norco 14 +01100101000 Mineola 14 +01100101000 Baskin-Robbins 14 +01100101000 Nollan 14 +01100101000 Larchmont 14 +01100101000 Litchfield 14 +01100101000 Seminole 14 +01100101000 Jamestown 14 +01100101000 Massachussetts 14 +01100101000 Itasca 14 +01100101000 Philadephia 14 +01100101000 Kennebunkport 14 +01100101000 Condor 14 +01100101000 Pleasanton 14 +01100101000 Dothan 14 +01100101000 Babylon 14 +01100101000 Yuma 14 +01100101000 Hingham 14 +01100101000 Batticaloa 14 +01100101000 Evendale 14 +01100101000 Maumee 14 +01100101000 Shostakovich 15 +01100101000 Enid 15 +01100101000 Guadalajara 15 +01100101000 Ludlow 15 +01100101000 Beckley 15 +01100101000 Gettysburg 15 +01100101000 Wenzhou 15 +01100101000 Roslyn 15 +01100101000 Verona 15 +01100101000 Lucerne 15 +01100101000 Elmhurst 15 +01100101000 Duisburg 15 +01100101000 Xian 15 +01100101000 Sverdlovsk 15 +01100101000 Ravenna 15 +01100101000 Rye 15 +01100101000 Longmont 16 +01100101000 Ava 16 +01100101000 Valparaiso 16 +01100101000 Fukushima 16 +01100101000 Iselin 16 +01100101000 Monrovia 16 +01100101000 Ludwigshafen 16 +01100101000 Danvers 16 +01100101000 Asheville 16 +01100101000 Waynesboro 16 +01100101000 Freehold 16 +01100101000 Lompoc 16 +01100101000 Parana 16 +01100101000 Sanaa 16 +01100101000 Hermosillo 16 +01100101000 Kingwood 16 +01100101000 Bahia 16 +01100101000 Bridgewater 16 +01100101000 Greenbelt 16 +01100101000 Joliet 16 +01100101000 Inglewood 16 +01100101000 Peapack 16 +01100101000 Woodlands 17 +01100101000 Fayetteville 17 +01100101000 Newtown 17 +01100101000 Lewisburg 17 +01100101000 Berea 17 +01100101000 Sunland 17 +01100101000 Wolfsburg 17 +01100101000 last-in 17 +01100101000 Chiba 17 +01100101000 Cresap 17 +01100101000 Verdes 17 +01100101000 Divine 17 +01100101000 Irwindale 17 +01100101000 Bremen 17 +01100101000 Wiesbaden 17 +01100101000 Whittier 17 +01100101000 Stratford 17 +01100101000 Pusan 17 +01100101000 Gadsden 17 +01100101000 Glyndebourne 18 +01100101000 Passaic 18 +01100101000 Greeley 18 +01100101000 Muirfield 18 +01100101000 Pleasantville 18 +01100101000 Morgantown 18 +01100101000 Fairhaven 18 +01100101000 Middlesex 18 +01100101000 Champaign 18 +01100101000 Zion 18 +01100101000 Mahwah 18 +01100101000 Waukegan 18 +01100101000 Pennsauken 18 +01100101000 Parkersburg 18 +01100101000 Kensington 18 +01100101000 Ebony 18 +01100101000 Cordoba 18 +01100101000 Westbury 18 +01100101000 Lewiston 18 +01100101000 Livonia 18 +01100101000 Mayfield 18 +01100101000 Hialeah 18 +01100101000 Solon 19 +01100101000 Middlebury 19 +01100101000 Moraine 19 +01100101000 Doraville 19 +01100101000 Salzburg 19 +01100101000 Gorky 19 +01100101000 Selma 19 +01100101000 Hainan 19 +01100101000 Copiague 19 +01100101000 Kool 19 +01100101000 Minas 19 +01100101000 Wausau 19 +01100101000 Abilene 20 +01100101000 Utica 20 +01100101000 Aiken 20 +01100101000 Exton 20 +01100101000 Chatham 20 +01100101000 Hazelwood 20 +01100101000 Chesterfield 20 +01100101000 Masaya 20 +01100101000 Lapp 20 +01100101000 Sandia 20 +01100101000 Nitro 20 +01100101000 Greencastle 20 +01100101000 Saginaw 20 +01100101000 Raleigh/Durham 20 +01100101000 Haverford 20 +01100101000 Champlain 20 +01100101000 Gotham 20 +01100101000 Clarksburg 21 +01100101000 Hoboken 21 +01100101000 Cheverly 21 +01100101000 Trincomalee 21 +01100101000 Haryana 21 +01100101000 Keidanren 21 +01100101000 Bali 21 +01100101000 Bethel 21 +01100101000 Ypsilanti 21 +01100101000 Grafton 21 +01100101000 Cooperstown 21 +01100101000 Wallingford 21 +01100101000 Ridgefield 21 +01100101000 Carlsbad 22 +01100101000 Oswego 22 +01100101000 Hinsdale 22 +01100101000 Tanglewood 22 +01100101000 Euclid 22 +01100101000 Meriden 22 +01100101000 Lordstown 22 +01100101000 Lagos 22 +01100101000 Gaithersburg 22 +01100101000 Orangeburg 22 +01100101000 Tabasco 22 +01100101000 Teaneck 22 +01100101000 Pittsburg 22 +01100101000 Harare 22 +01100101000 Holyoke 23 +01100101000 Binghamton 23 +01100101000 Medina 23 +01100101000 Odessa 23 +01100101000 Roseland 23 +01100101000 Durban 23 +01100101000 Spartanburg 23 +01100101000 Joplin 23 +01100101000 Elyria 23 +01100101000 Elkhart 23 +01100101000 Lenexa 24 +01100101000 Hopewell 24 +01100101000 Lisle 24 +01100101000 Monticello 24 +01100101000 Kiel 24 +01100101000 Custer 24 +01100101000 Gloucester 24 +01100101000 Defiance 24 +01100101000 Vidalia 24 +01100101000 Farmingdale 25 +01100101000 Coronado 25 +01100101000 Westborough 25 +01100101000 Brisbane 25 +01100101000 Butte 25 +01100101000 Waterbury 25 +01100101000 Herndon 25 +01100101000 Marlborough 25 +01100101000 Cannes 25 +01100101000 Antwerp 25 +01100101000 Dusseldorf 25 +01100101000 Transkei 25 +01100101000 Lincolnshire 25 +01100101000 Wentzville 25 +01100101000 Twinsburg 25 +01100101000 Marseille 25 +01100101000 Hustler 25 +01100101000 Versailles 25 +01100101000 Fontana 25 +01100101000 Brockton 25 +01100101000 Bala-Cynwyd 25 +01100101000 Gainesville 25 +01100101000 Wixom 25 +01100101000 Marquette 26 +01100101000 Scranton 26 +01100101000 Manassas 26 +01100101000 Meiji 26 +01100101000 Exeter 26 +01100101000 Janesville 26 +01100101000 Kosovo 26 +01100101000 Sichuan 26 +01100101000 Pawtucket 26 +01100101000 Haydn 27 +01100101000 Findlay 27 +01100101000 Schenectady 27 +01100101000 Calcutta 27 +01100101000 Modesto 27 +01100101000 Addis 27 +01100101000 Paoli 27 +01100101000 Plainfield 27 +01100101000 Bohemia 27 +01100101000 Damietta 27 +01100101000 Westboro 27 +01100101000 Moline 27 +01100101000 Ocala 27 +01100101000 Canberra 27 +01100101000 Littleton 28 +01100101000 Brownsville 28 +01100101000 Westlake 28 +01100101000 Flushing 28 +01100101000 Watertown 28 +01100101000 Scarsdale 28 +01100101000 Springdale 28 +01100101000 Longview 28 +01100101000 Sussex 28 +01100101000 Tianjin 29 +01100101000 Bologna 29 +01100101000 Ithaca 29 +01100101000 Uzbekistan 29 +01100101000 Dubuque 29 +01100101000 Naperville 29 +01100101000 Norcross 29 +01100101000 Southport 29 +01100101000 Osage 29 +01100101000 Kingston 29 +01100101000 Stillwater 29 +01100101000 Natal 30 +01100101000 Palmetto 30 +01100101000 Paterson 30 +01100101000 Pomona 30 +01100101000 Lakeland 30 +01100101000 Golder 30 +01100101000 Gardena 30 +01100101000 Plainview 30 +01100101000 Lynchburg 30 +01100101000 Greenpeace 30 +01100101000 Sparta 30 +01100101000 McAllen 31 +01100101000 Hokkaido 31 +01100101000 Gump 31 +01100101000 Chantilly 31 +01100101000 Nutley 31 +01100101000 Vail 31 +01100101000 Woodbury 31 +01100101000 Kauai 31 +01100101000 Roswell 31 +01100101000 Bozeman 31 +01100101000 Lawrenceville 31 +01100101000 Chinatown 31 +01100101000 Turin 31 +01100101000 Bophuthatswana 31 +01100101000 Davao 31 +01100101000 Brookhaven 31 +01100101000 Medford 32 +01100101000 Zug 32 +01100101000 Braunschweig 32 +01100101000 Jericho 32 +01100101000 Muncie 32 +01100101000 Richland 32 +01100101000 Burlingame 32 +01100101000 Strasbourg 32 +01100101000 Pensacola 32 +01100101000 Fernald 32 +01100101000 Nagoya 33 +01100101000 Bethpage 33 +01100101000 Biloxi 33 +01100101000 Wilkes-Barre 33 +01100101000 Lausanne 33 +01100101000 Beira 33 +01100101000 Kyoto 33 +01100101000 Cheyenne 33 +01100101000 Ada 33 +01100101000 Bayreuth 33 +01100101000 Racine 34 +01100101000 Kiev 34 +01100101000 Rotterdam 34 +01100101000 Norwich 34 +01100101000 Evansville 34 +01100101000 1866 34 +01100101000 Wonderland 34 +01100101000 Danville 34 +01100101000 Middletown 34 +01100101000 Waterloo 34 +01100101000 Bensonhurst 34 +01100101000 Brookfield 34 +01100101000 Fullerton 34 +01100101000 Novato 34 +01100101000 Fairbanks 35 +01100101000 Labrador 35 +01100101000 Auckland 35 +01100101000 Provo 35 +01100101000 Cheshire 35 +01100101000 Rosemead 36 +01100101000 Charlottesville 36 +01100101000 Malibu 36 +01100101000 Taunton 36 +01100101000 Tunis 36 +01100101000 Mississauga 36 +01100101000 Gatwick 36 +01100101000 Schleswig-Holstein 36 +01100101000 Riverdale 36 +01100101000 Belvidere 37 +01100101000 Tustin 37 +01100101000 Winnipeg 38 +01100101000 Brighton 38 +01100101000 Southampton 38 +01100101000 Ulsan 38 +01100101000 Reason 38 +01100101000 Northfield 38 +01100101000 Largo 39 +01100101000 Hackensack 39 +01100101000 Waco 39 +01100101000 Appleton 39 +01100101000 Auburn 39 +01100101000 Oshawa 39 +01100101000 Reston 39 +01100101000 Rosemont 40 +01100101000 Poughkeepsie 40 +01100101000 LA 40 +01100101000 Kazakhstan 41 +01100101000 Ventura 41 +01100101000 Halifax 41 +01100101000 Shenzhen 41 +01100101000 Bentonville 41 +01100101000 '84 42 +01100101000 Jaffna 42 +01100101000 Lubbock 42 +01100101000 Chelmsford 42 +01100101000 Encino 42 +01100101000 Plano 43 +01100101000 Brookline 43 +01100101000 Laughlin 44 +01100101000 Tijuana 44 +01100101000 Waldorf 44 +01100101000 Duluth 44 +01100101000 Paramus 44 +01100101000 Malvern 45 +01100101000 Hanford 45 +01100101000 Lorain 46 +01100101000 Trenton 46 +01100101000 Tallahassee 46 +01100101000 Harrisburg 46 +01100101000 Aberdeen 46 +01100101000 Dedham 46 +01100101000 Allentown 46 +01100101000 Hauppauge 47 +01100101000 Williamsburg 47 +01100101000 Woodbridge 47 +01100101000 Towson 47 +01100101000 Maui 48 +01100101000 Seville 48 +01100101000 Argonne 48 +01100101000 Guangdong 48 +01100101000 Palmdale 48 +01100101000 Bartlesville 48 +01100101000 Stuttgart 49 +01100101000 Bangor 49 +01100101000 Morehouse 49 +01100101000 Chihuahua 49 +01100101000 on-again 49 +01100101000 Alameda 50 +01100101000 Emeryville 52 +01100101000 Monterrey 52 +01100101000 Darien 52 +01100101000 Hamtramck 53 +01100101000 Deerfield 53 +01100101000 Southfield 54 +01100101000 Milford 54 +01100101000 Sarasota 54 +01100101000 Schaumburg 54 +01100101000 Bramalea 54 +01100101000 Brentwood 54 +01100101000 Shreveport 54 +01100101000 Belfast 55 +01100101000 Billings 55 +01100101000 Peshawar 55 +01100101000 Evanston 55 +01100101000 Nassau 56 +01100101000 Tempe 56 +01100101000 Yokohama 57 +01100101000 Annapolis 58 +01100101000 Nagorno-Karabakh 58 +01100101000 Laredo 59 +01100101000 Juarez 59 +01100101000 Edinburgh 60 +01100101000 Natick 60 +01100101000 Macon 60 +01100101000 Smyrna 60 +01100101000 Stockton 61 +01100101000 Radnor 62 +01100101000 Calabasas 63 +01100101000 Kalamazoo 63 +01100101000 Bakersfield 63 +01100101000 Woburn 63 +01100101000 Riviera 66 +01100101000 Spokane 67 +01100101000 Hebrew 67 +01100101000 Farmington 67 +01100101000 Galveston 67 +01100101000 Roanoke 68 +01100101000 Beaverton 69 +01100101000 Belmont 69 +01100101000 Kwangju 69 +01100101000 Beaumont 69 +01100101000 Peoria 70 +01100101000 Northbrook 70 +01100101000 Chattanooga 71 +01100101000 Rahway 71 +01100101000 Aurora 72 +01100101000 Perth 73 +01100101000 Soweto 73 +01100101000 Copenhagen 74 +01100101000 Parsippany 74 +01100101000 Eureka 74 +01100101000 Glasgow 74 +01100101000 Adelaide 74 +01100101000 Chatsworth 74 +01100101000 Medellin 74 +01100101000 Wilton 74 +01100101000 Winchester 75 +01100101000 Lakewood 75 +01100101000 Hawthorne 75 +01100101000 Secaucus 75 +01100101000 Sahara 76 +01100101000 Wellesley 76 +01100101000 Glenview 76 +01100101000 Youngstown 76 +01100101000 Riverside 77 +01100101000 Knoxville 77 +01100101000 Valencia 78 +01100101000 Carmel 80 +01100101000 Decatur 80 +01100101000 Santiago 80 +01100101000 Milpitas 81 +01100101000 Skokie 81 +01100101000 Tarrytown 82 +01100101000 Huntsville 82 +01100101000 Rockville 83 +01100101000 Lansing 83 +01100101000 Norwalk 84 +01100101000 Landover 84 +01100101000 Quincy 85 +01100101000 one-share 87 +01100101000 Camden 87 +01100101000 Bristol 89 +01100101000 UCLA 89 +01100101000 Clearwater 90 +01100101000 Bloomington 91 +01100101000 Harlem 91 +01100101000 Helsinki 91 +01100101000 Woodstock 92 +01100101000 Punjab 92 +01100101000 Greenville 92 +01100101000 Montvale 93 +01100101000 Monterey 93 +01100101000 Bridgeport 94 +01100101000 Waltham 95 +01100101000 Portsmouth 95 +01100101000 Worcester 96 +01100101000 Eden 96 +01100101000 Scottsdale 98 +01100101000 Karachi 98 +01100101000 Aspen 99 +01100101000 Anchorage 99 +01100101000 Fresno 100 +01100101000 Florence 101 +01100101000 Purchase 101 +01100101000 Marysville 101 +01100101000 Westport 103 +01100101000 Edmonton 103 +01100101000 Bellevue 103 +01100101000 Lafayette 103 +01100101000 Tacoma 104 +01100101000 Augusta 105 +01100101000 Barcelona 105 +01100101000 Nashua 106 +01100101000 Albuquerque 109 +01100101000 Hamburg 110 +01100101000 Naples 111 +01100101000 Prague 113 +01100101000 Rockford 113 +01100101000 Yonkers 114 +01100101000 Lima 114 +01100101000 Boulder 114 +01100101000 Bevill 117 +01100101000 Greensboro 117 +01100101000 Flint 117 +01100101000 Redmond 117 +01100101000 Reno 118 +01100101000 Tel 119 +01100101000 Anaheim 119 +01100101000 Marlboro 120 +01100101000 Cupertino 122 +01100101000 Lancaster 122 +01100101000 Erie 124 +01100101000 Raleigh 125 +01100101000 Danbury 131 +01100101000 Saskatchewan 134 +01100101000 Bangkok 135 +01100101000 Glendale 135 +01100101000 Amarillo 137 +01100101000 Guam 137 +01100101000 Canton 140 +01100101000 Framingham 141 +01100101000 Concord 141 +01100101000 Morristown 142 +01100101000 Yellowstone 142 +01100101000 Leningrad 142 +01100101000 Bermuda 143 +01100101000 Queens 143 +01100101000 Pasadena 146 +01100101000 Fremont 147 +01100101000 Dearborn 157 +01100101000 Sunnyvale 159 +01100101000 Paulo 161 +01100101000 Torrance 163 +01100101000 Melbourne 164 +01100101000 Manchester 165 +01100101000 Winston-Salem 167 +01100101000 Munich 168 +01100101000 Windsor 168 +01100101000 Armonk 169 +01100101000 Athens 169 +01100101000 Kenosha 171 +01100101000 Honolulu 171 +01100101000 Rouge 175 +01100101000 Bethesda 175 +01100101000 Mecca 175 +01100101000 Dublin 177 +01100101000 Englewood 177 +01100101000 Charleston 179 +01100101000 Newfoundland 181 +01100101000 Cairo 182 +01100101000 Syracuse 183 +01100101000 Alexandria 184 +01100101000 Springfield 195 +01100101000 Boise 201 +01100101000 Bedford 204 +01100101000 Bronx 215 +01100101000 Cape 220 +01100101000 Wichita 220 +01100101000 Mars 224 +01100101000 Plymouth 228 +01100101000 Jacksonville 228 +01100101000 Burbank 229 +01100101000 Arlington 231 +01100101000 Jerusalem 254 +01100101000 Troy 258 +01100101000 Bhopal 259 +01100101000 Ottawa 261 +01100101000 Nebraska 270 +01100101000 Akron 275 +01100101000 Omaha 278 +01100101000 Buffalo 290 +01100101000 Oxford 306 +01100101000 Lexington 311 +01100101000 Birmingham 316 +01100101000 Sacramento 338 +01100101000 Fairfield 339 +01100101000 Berkeley 344 +01100101000 Providence 351 +01100101000 Tulsa 355 +01100101000 Oakland 371 +01100101000 Indianapolis 375 +01100101000 Wyoming 375 +01100101000 Toledo 377 +01100101000 Memphis 382 +01100101000 Wilmington 399 +01100101000 Orlando 406 +01100101000 Montana 407 +01100101000 Rome 419 +01100101000 Louisville 420 +01100101000 Milwaukee 422 +01100101000 Calgary 424 +01100101000 Charlotte 427 +01100101000 Tucson 428 +01100101000 Nashville 433 +01100101000 Tampa 445 +01100101000 Princeton 456 +01100101000 Beirut 469 +01100101000 Brooklyn 484 +01100101000 Alabama 511 +01100101000 Rochester 541 +01100101000 Portland 557 +01100101000 Newark 574 +01100101000 Greenwich 584 +01100101000 Oregon 624 +01100101000 Stamford 633 +01100101000 Tennessee 643 +01100101000 Missouri 643 +01100101000 Nevada 659 +01100101000 Kentucky 664 +01100101000 Mississippi 664 +01100101000 Columbus 689 +01100101000 Seattle 699 +01100101000 Cambridge 709 +01100101000 Richmond 713 +01100101000 Maryland 714 +01100101000 Austin 769 +01100101000 Baltimore 846 +01100101000 Phoenix 863 +01100101000 Cincinnati 879 +01100101000 Colorado 922 +01100101000 Montreal 930 +01100101000 Wisconsin 974 +01100101000 Connecticut 987 +01100101000 Minneapolis 1038 +01100101000 Quebec 1040 +01100101000 Minnesota 1077 +01100101000 Pittsburgh 1110 +01100101000 Arizona 1116 +01100101000 Hollywood 1133 +01100101000 Louisiana 1171 +01100101000 Cleveland 1181 +01100101000 Indiana 1182 +01100101000 Georgia 1247 +01100101000 Denver 1263 +01100101000 Geneva 1297 +01100101000 Vietnam 1545 +01100101000 Pennsylvania 1663 +01100101000 Michigan 1743 +01100101000 Detroit 1776 +01100101000 Delaware 1800 +01100101000 Miami 1809 +01100101000 Atlanta 1995 +01100101000 Philadelphia 2251 +01100101000 Massachusetts 2722 +01100101000 Houston 2908 +01100101000 Dallas 2938 +01100101000 Florida 3856 +01100101000 California 7683 +01100101000 Washington 11491 +01100101001 Taylor-Maid 1 +01100101001 Fundraising 1 +01100101001 Tsunami 1 +01100101001 public-advocacy 1 +01100101001 U.S.-provided 1 +01100101001 Bosphorus 1 +01100101001 then-Deputy 1 +01100101001 Mady 1 +01100101001 Assoc. 1 +01100101001 Frostburg 1 +01100101001 Bros./Slash 1 +01100101001 421-415 1 +01100101001 411-410 1 +01100101001 Hanscomb 1 +01100101001 One-Two 1 +01100101001 Palmarola 1 +01100101001 358,947 1 +01100101001 70198 1 +01100101001 powermad 1 +01100101001 39,000-member 1 +01100101001 Brinke 1 +01100101001 sometimes-conflicting 1 +01100101001 Vandenburg 1 +01100101001 Rickenbacker 1 +01100101001 AUL 1 +01100101001 Klossner 1 +01100101001 irregularity-plagued 1 +01100101001 you-can-guess-what-color 1 +01100101001 Offatt 1 +01100101001 Westinghouse-Texas 1 +01100101001 Metrologic 1 +01100101001 Continental-Texas 1 +01100101001 single-office 1 +01100101001 Intrinsic 1 +01100101001 Santamarina 1 +01100101001 pre-Texas 1 +01100101001 REMIC. 1 +01100101001 Two-Acre 1 +01100101001 AntiDrug 1 +01100101001 Lackland 1 +01100101001 UAL-British 1 +01100101001 Newfoundland-based 1 +01100101001 Davis-Monthan 1 +01100101001 SAS-Texas 1 +01100101001 theTexas 1 +01100101001 then-City 1 +01100101001 83000-83004 1 +01100101001 83004 1 +01100101001 pro-securities 1 +01100101001 third-level 1 +01100101001 glandular 1 +01100101001 professional-class 1 +01100101001 county-owned 1 +01100101001 verisimilitude. 1 +01100101001 AFL1-5275 1 +01100101001 G2K40244 1 +01100101001 Huntron 1 +01100101001 Thermox 1 +01100101001 1811-12 1 +01100101001 Cal-Nev 1 +01100101001 ex-Continental 1 +01100101001 Beartooth 1 +01100101001 Acc-U-Rite 1 +01100101001 Bobigny 1 +01100101001 DeMotte 2 +01100101001 V/R 2 +01100101001 Dyess 2 +01100101001 Photofrin 2 +01100101001 Minden 2 +01100101001 Whaijen 2 +01100101001 Truancy 2 +01100101001 Beauford 2 +01100101001 C.O.M. 2 +01100101001 Indulgers 2 +01100101001 Ohio-Sealy 2 +01100101001 slick-papered 2 +01100101001 larkspur 2 +01100101001 security-minded 2 +01100101001 Footlockers 2 +01100101001 Eatontown 2 +01100101001 Bruker 2 +01100101001 Guitarist 2 +01100101001 Jawahar 2 +01100101001 guava 2 +01100101001 VCRS 2 +01100101001 Hi-Country 2 +01100101001 Rockwool 2 +01100101001 Cuzco 2 +01100101001 Politizdat 2 +01100101001 population-poor 2 +01100101001 self-flagellating 2 +01100101001 Plasticos 2 +01100101001 Muleshoe 2 +01100101001 art-buying 2 +01100101001 Asiatic 2 +01100101001 Edgy 2 +01100101001 quadrant 2 +01100101001 74-73 2 +01100101001 guppy 2 +01100101001 Kremmling 2 +01100101001 Whalers 2 +01100101001 Foothills 2 +01100101001 Asclepias 2 +01100101001 AUTHOR 2 +01100101001 WI 2 +01100101001 Current-coupon 2 +01100101001 low-hazard 2 +01100101001 Abbotsford 2 +01100101001 Media/Professional 2 +01100101001 Crummy 2 +01100101001 818,867 2 +01100101001 Interlaken 2 +01100101001 Sharjah 2 +01100101001 pro-free-enterprise 2 +01100101001 TAP 2 +01100101001 Iola 2 +01100101001 1f 2 +01100101001 Pollaiuolo 2 +01100101001 corals 2 +01100101001 Warrensburg 2 +01100101001 Sedalia 2 +01100101001 Sikeston 2 +01100101001 air-based 2 +01100101001 LK 2 +01100101001 cloisonne 2 +01100101001 Hesitant 2 +01100101001 Elmendorf 2 +01100101001 Long-Range 2 +01100101001 flex-time 2 +01100101001 Maybank 2 +01100101001 Chuji 2 +01100101001 Ceselsa 2 +01100101001 WilliWear 2 +01100101001 fishmeal 2 +01100101001 masseuses 2 +01100101001 PNG 2 +01100101001 Adjournment 2 +01100101001 Baronial 2 +01100101001 Snowbird 2 +01100101001 Awake 2 +01100101001 Brenham 2 +01100101001 Alken-Kronenbourg 2 +01100101001 Mahogany 2 +01100101001 Fredonia 3 +01100101001 Lauda 3 +01100101001 Pattonsburg 3 +01100101001 Unido 3 +01100101001 Dimension 3 +01100101001 Cranbury 3 +01100101001 Palmerola 3 +01100101001 Tuscon 3 +01100101001 Mansura 3 +01100101001 Impotents 3 +01100101001 Whiteman 3 +01100101001 SSDI 3 +01100101001 Marlen 3 +01100101001 molnia 3 +01100101001 Falun 3 +01100101001 TMIC. 3 +01100101001 Corot 3 +01100101001 Sturdy 3 +01100101001 Concession 3 +01100101001 Tampere 3 +01100101001 Louisburg 3 +01100101001 Incafe 3 +01100101001 ANPA 3 +01100101001 CEE 3 +01100101001 Periscope 3 +01100101001 Pavo 3 +01100101001 red-cheeked 3 +01100101001 ill-lit 3 +01100101001 whorehouses 3 +01100101001 Aker 3 +01100101001 Munhwa 3 +01100101001 Kincheloe 3 +01100101001 Maharashtra 3 +01100101001 Orincon 3 +01100101001 merengue 3 +01100101001 5-foot-8 3 +01100101001 MDphone 3 +01100101001 orthopedics 3 +01100101001 Polyanka 3 +01100101001 32-valve 3 +01100101001 Pontchartrain 3 +01100101001 Bodenseewerk 3 +01100101001 Brunello 3 +01100101001 LTU 3 +01100101001 Roussel-UCLAF 3 +01100101001 1834 4 +01100101001 CITIC 4 +01100101001 Fairway 4 +01100101001 WCT 4 +01100101001 GATX/CL 4 +01100101001 Hanscom 4 +01100101001 AFGE 4 +01100101001 even-tempered 4 +01100101001 Similac 4 +01100101001 CLU 4 +01100101001 AvAir 4 +01100101001 Calnev 4 +01100101001 Lanesboro 4 +01100101001 Lutherans 4 +01100101001 AmerEco 4 +01100101001 Dresser-Rand 4 +01100101001 Bangalore 4 +01100101001 NorthPark 4 +01100101001 Chrysalis 4 +01100101001 Pascagoula 4 +01100101001 Atoka 4 +01100101001 neo-Nazis 4 +01100101001 Mailgrams 4 +01100101001 Pflugerville 4 +01100101001 Fibriscint 4 +01100101001 Bridgeville 4 +01100101001 Navasota 4 +01100101001 spearmint 4 +01100101001 Kiena 4 +01100101001 LaPryor 4 +01100101001 Walhalla 4 +01100101001 endives 4 +01100101001 Surpass 5 +01100101001 Muskogee 5 +01100101001 undersupervised 5 +01100101001 rectum 5 +01100101001 VG 5 +01100101001 Margate 5 +01100101001 Cyclone 5 +01100101001 Merriam-Webster 5 +01100101001 Brahman 5 +01100101001 Brasov 5 +01100101001 Customized 5 +01100101001 Tallulah 5 +01100101001 SACEUR 5 +01100101001 Coahuila 5 +01100101001 mini-vans 5 +01100101001 Mead-McClellan 5 +01100101001 debonair 6 +01100101001 Hallelujah 6 +01100101001 WNET 6 +01100101001 Crofton 6 +01100101001 Rexford 6 +01100101001 Kuparuk 6 +01100101001 Podunk 6 +01100101001 HSA 6 +01100101001 Bitburg 6 +01100101001 Moreauville 6 +01100101001 Elisa 7 +01100101001 IBES 7 +01100101001 all-knowing 7 +01100101001 Maplewood 7 +01100101001 Wright-Patterson 7 +01100101001 TIAA 7 +01100101001 self-important 7 +01100101001 Sind 7 +01100101001 fluorine 7 +01100101001 ACTV 8 +01100101001 Farnborough 8 +01100101001 KLA 8 +01100101001 Ca. 8 +01100101001 Pa 8 +01100101001 Copycode 8 +01100101001 Elektra 9 +01100101001 Fitchburg 10 +01100101001 FARC 10 +01100101001 Rini 10 +01100101001 Emmaus 10 +01100101001 Rosh 10 +01100101001 jasmine 10 +01100101001 CURE 10 +01100101001 Saco 11 +01100101001 Essential 11 +01100101001 Nellis 11 +01100101001 pimps 12 +01100101001 Downstairs 12 +01100101001 pears 12 +01100101001 Savvy 12 +01100101001 Guyana 13 +01100101001 Mademoiselle 13 +01100101001 Elmsford 13 +01100101001 Thomasville 13 +01100101001 Sonora 14 +01100101001 Overnite 14 +01100101001 Tipton 15 +01100101001 barium 15 +01100101001 Forestry 15 +01100101001 Mali 15 +01100101001 MainStreet 15 +01100101001 P.I. 15 +01100101001 Osceola 15 +01100101001 Alcoholics 15 +01100101001 Yorkshire 16 +01100101001 Metairie 16 +01100101001 Sofia 16 +01100101001 Luvs 17 +01100101001 Sylvania 17 +01100101001 Amauligak 18 +01100101001 Torrejon 19 +01100101001 Interprovincial 20 +01100101001 Congo 21 +01100101001 Renoir 23 +01100101001 Oberlin 24 +01100101001 Lesbian 25 +01100101001 Veeco 30 +01100101001 Bel 30 +01100101001 MFS 31 +01100101001 ERISA 34 +01100101001 Java 36 +01100101001 Alps 39 +01100101001 Sealed 43 +01100101001 Oshkosh 59 +01100101001 Johnstown 61 +01100101001 Amherst 73 +01100101001 Ark 87 +01100101001 Manitoba 102 +01100101001 Valdez 102 +01100101001 CPAs 143 +01100101001 Clean 208 +01100101001 Irvine 440 +01100101001 Idaho 467 +01100101001 Vermont 520 +01100101001 Arkansas 551 +01100101001 Alberta 643 +01100101001 Hartford 772 +01100101001 Ontario 889 +01100101001 Maine 912 +01100101001 Utah 1015 +01100101001 Alaska 1158 +01100101001 Delta 1307 +01100101001 Iowa 1913 +01100101001 Illinois 2195 +01100101001 Texas 12539 +01100101001 Ohio 3327 +01100101010 0.9655 1 +01100101010 situ 1 +01100101010 short-fiction 1 +01100101010 CBI. 1 +01100101010 2050.5 1 +01100101010 glass-block 1 +01100101010 Yamaha-Olin 1 +01100101010 Jersulem 1 +01100101010 Kraftwerke 1 +01100101010 GCA. 1 +01100101010 Okayama 1 +01100101010 Rous 1 +01100101010 HHS. 2 +01100101010 leisure-industry 2 +01100101010 NATO-Warsaw 2 +01100101010 Araraquara 2 +01100101010 Gumma 2 +01100101010 1,088 2 +01100101010 Espenhain 2 +01100101010 Derby-Pie 2 +01100101010 Foshan 2 +01100101010 Kwajalein 2 +01100101010 1,398 2 +01100101010 special-situation 2 +01100101010 Seljuk 2 +01100101010 Fingermatrix 2 +01100101010 Laity 2 +01100101010 underworked 2 +01100101010 1959-1960 2 +01100101010 high-capital 2 +01100101010 Rialcor-Shatkin 2 +01100101010 special-situations 2 +01100101010 PKI 2 +01100101010 motor-racing 2 +01100101010 Zhuhai 2 +01100101010 Albertini 2 +01100101010 development-related 2 +01100101010 bodybuilder 2 +01100101010 EquityGuard 2 +01100101010 swampbusting 2 +01100101010 Crossover 2 +01100101010 toto 2 +01100101010 Gu 3 +01100101010 Dansk 3 +01100101010 near-great 3 +01100101010 Lome 3 +01100101010 ACORN 3 +01100101010 doorknobs 3 +01100101010 1640 3 +01100101010 Polimotor 3 +01100101010 Kaupulehu 3 +01100101010 driftwood 3 +01100101010 Qandahar 3 +01100101010 Harley-Davidsons 3 +01100101010 Kabutocho 3 +01100101010 Paysops 3 +01100101010 Surat 3 +01100101010 Akaitcho 3 +01100101010 Gaborone 3 +01100101010 Rosman 3 +01100101010 Rilke 3 +01100101010 Colmar 3 +01100101010 air-conditioners 3 +01100101010 Sendai 3 +01100101010 canoeing 3 +01100101010 mouthwashes 3 +01100101010 Eastport 3 +01100101010 142,220,000 3 +01100101010 1818 3 +01100101010 Hindemith 3 +01100101010 Gauchos 4 +01100101010 Ferfin 4 +01100101010 Singapore-Malaysia 4 +01100101010 mid-1970 4 +01100101010 Makati 4 +01100101010 Baltimore/Washington 4 +01100101010 Giardini 4 +01100101010 Tavera 4 +01100101010 DePere 4 +01100101010 Fontainebleau 4 +01100101010 Killington 4 +01100101010 Volzhsky 4 +01100101010 Moorreesburg 5 +01100101010 Vientiane 5 +01100101010 Zukerman 5 +01100101010 Nyon 5 +01100101010 Fuzhou 5 +01100101010 Thatta 5 +01100101010 Bacolod 5 +01100101010 Crixas 5 +01100101010 Autorama 5 +01100101010 Rabat 5 +01100101010 1836 5 +01100101010 Hersfield 5 +01100101010 sinker 6 +01100101010 Arcola 6 +01100101010 Massillon 6 +01100101010 Isfahan 6 +01100101010 Delhaize 6 +01100101010 Vichy 6 +01100101010 '80 6 +01100101010 Gorki 7 +01100101010 Underwoods 8 +01100101010 Honeywell-NEC 8 +01100101010 Culiacan 8 +01100101010 Stalowa 8 +01100101010 mid-session 9 +01100101010 UMBC 9 +01100101010 Blackpool 9 +01100101010 Inmarsat 9 +01100101010 Ramstein 10 +01100101010 Comic 10 +01100101010 Pietermaritzburg 10 +01100101010 Kanazawa 12 +01100101010 C-Span 12 +01100101010 Gothenburg 13 +01100101010 1855 13 +01100101010 Cartagena 14 +01100101010 Sapoa 14 +01100101010 Lugano 17 +01100101010 Carthage 17 +01100101010 Dhaka 21 +01100101010 Londonderry 21 +01100101010 Lusaka 24 +01100101010 Nairobi 24 +01100101010 Mindanao 28 +01100101010 Cologne 35 +01100101010 Lisbon 35 +01100101010 Duesseldorf 36 +01100101010 Krakow 38 +01100101010 Saipan 38 +01100101010 Bern 45 +01100101010 Saigon 47 +01100101010 Port-au-Prince 52 +01100101010 Sheet 53 +01100101010 Belgrade 65 +01100101010 unlisted 67 +01100101010 Bogota 67 +01100101010 Istanbul 69 +01100101010 Maputo 71 +01100101010 Dubai 72 +01100101010 Gdansk 72 +01100101010 Algiers 74 +01100101010 Caracas 76 +01100101010 midmorning 79 +01100101010 Jakarta 80 +01100101010 Oslo 87 +01100101010 Iceland 89 +01100101010 Reykjavik 97 +01100101010 Colombo 102 +01100101010 Scandinavia 127 +01100101010 Basel 128 +01100101010 Budapest 145 +01100101010 Guatemala 195 +01100101010 Johannesburg 222 +01100101010 Osaka 238 +01100101010 Kabul 242 +01100101010 Luxembourg 269 +01100101010 Venice 298 +01100101010 Gaza 348 +01100101010 Wellington 370 +01100101010 Vienna 450 +01100101010 Vancouver 478 +01100101010 Warsaw 506 +01100101010 Taipei 531 +01100101010 Amsterdam 580 +01100101010 Stockholm 623 +01100101010 Sydney 722 +01100101010 Zurich 759 +01100101010 Milan 777 +01100101010 Manila 792 +01100101010 Brussels 846 +01100101010 Seoul 1223 +01100101010 Frankfurt 1482 +01100101010 Singapore 1820 +01100101010 Toronto 2162 +01100101010 Paris 2481 +01100101010 London 8840 +01100101010 Tokyo 6719 +01100101011 Sinkow 1 +01100101011 Baranovskii 1 +01100101011 Travco 1 +01100101011 Sabich 1 +01100101011 1926-27 1 +01100101011 Bite 1 +01100101011 Defcon 1 +01100101011 Options-backed 1 +01100101011 Sidek 1 +01100101011 Ringueberg 1 +01100101011 Sculptures 1 +01100101011 3C 1 +01100101011 Takla 1 +01100101011 Three-left 1 +01100101011 Paramanda 1 +01100101011 Boston-CSFB 1 +01100101011 Vice-Presidential 1 +01100101011 City-type 1 +01100101011 newstand 1 +01100101011 SWAGGART 1 +01100101011 Mihm 1 +01100101011 PENNEY 1 +01100101011 Fortresses 1 +01100101011 Intersate 1 +01100101011 AmeriCable 1 +01100101011 Boston-led 1 +01100101011 Snakekiller 1 +01100101011 Texas-Gibraltar 1 +01100101011 Armoured 1 +01100101011 Thethe 1 +01100101011 Interstate-BankAmerica 1 +01100101011 Schnitzel 1 +01100101011 Mowhawk 1 +01100101011 Brandle 1 +01100101011 Sabath 1 +01100101011 Jersey-related 1 +01100101011 Padlock 1 +01100101011 Lituma 1 +01100101011 Winterbotham 1 +01100101011 88-4. 1 +01100101011 Stanch 1 +01100101011 Toylift 1 +01100101011 87-9 1 +01100101011 Jesser 1 +01100101011 Boston-managed 1 +01100101011 Ferstel 1 +01100101011 Orlofsky 1 +01100101011 Atlanta-Wachovia 1 +01100101011 Whittlesey. 1 +01100101011 Minnick 1 +01100101011 Pennsylvannia 1 +01100101011 Rapacz 1 +01100101011 Rabidue 1 +01100101011 Kresowa 1 +01100101011 Shober 1 +01100101011 Grader 1 +01100101011 88-65 1 +01100101011 Kropotkin 1 +01100101011 Norfinanz 1 +01100101011 Bachianas 1 +01100101011 Thimble 1 +01100101011 Volodymyr 1 +01100101011 immigation 1 +01100101011 Saucer 1 +01100101011 WCRS. 1 +01100101011 Penn-Pacific 1 +01100101011 Dundeal 1 +01100101011 Kleeman 1 +01100101011 EFC. 1 +01100101011 SNAKE 1 +01100101011 FLARING 1 +01100101011 ComBanks 1 +01100101011 M.e.T.A. 1 +01100101011 Kemp-Gee 1 +01100101011 Excecutive 1 +01100101011 Zadora 1 +01100101011 Boston/management 1 +01100101011 88-99 1 +01100101011 v.w. 1 +01100101011 Kippers 1 +01100101011 Tri-Continental 1 +01100101011 Skinnerish 1 +01100101011 qtr. 1 +01100101011 Americanus 1 +01100101011 Moctezuma 1 +01100101011 Cuahtemoc 1 +01100101011 88-10 1 +01100101011 Mowhak 1 +01100101011 McDuffie 1 +01100101011 Boston-Kidder 1 +01100101011 88-82. 1 +01100101011 Sequel 2 +01100101011 Thant 2 +01100101011 Wetback 2 +01100101011 Storno 2 +01100101011 ABQ 2 +01100101011 Amendment. 2 +01100101011 BanCorp 2 +01100101011 Nanofilm 2 +01100101011 87-6 2 +01100101011 Bushwacker 2 +01100101011 Pentecoste 2 +01100101011 Myongdong 2 +01100101011 HANNA 2 +01100101011 Stronghold 2 +01100101011 NTN-Bower 2 +01100101011 Breadbasket 2 +01100101011 Xydex 2 +01100101011 Xabre 2 +01100101011 Fiberboard 2 +01100101011 DPBG 2 +01100101011 Epoch 2 +01100101011 Gutsa 2 +01100101011 Keelhaul 2 +01100101011 Dellovade 2 +01100101011 Bandung 2 +01100101011 88-45 2 +01100101011 BELO 2 +01100101011 87-16 2 +01100101011 ME.TA 2 +01100101011 Blanche/Goudchaux 2 +01100101011 Linpro 2 +01100101011 Fidelity-Fidelcor 2 +01100101011 Sigmor 2 +01100101011 Seiyo 3 +01100101011 Republicbank 3 +01100101011 Fuer 3 +01100101011 Feisal 3 +01100101011 Infodetics 3 +01100101011 Calvary 3 +01100101011 Ayco 3 +01100101011 Unisoft 3 +01100101011 N.Y.C. 3 +01100101011 Spaarbank 3 +01100101011 ROBINS 3 +01100101011 NWNL 3 +01100101011 Teleprompter 3 +01100101011 Dumbo 3 +01100101011 Gestioni 3 +01100101011 Tuskaloosa 3 +01100101011 Napanook 3 +01100101011 OmegaSource 3 +01100101011 Molotlegi 3 +01100101011 SpencerStuart 4 +01100101011 Qtr. 4 +01100101011 Akihito 4 +01100101011 AmFed 4 +01100101011 Ticino 4 +01100101011 Pennsy 4 +01100101011 SAMSOM 5 +01100101011 Tryon 5 +01100101011 Eyrie 5 +01100101011 Swingline 5 +01100101011 Inmos 5 +01100101011 BUITONI 5 +01100101011 Exodus 5 +01100101011 Kenai 5 +01100101011 Compudyne 5 +01100101011 Elbrus 6 +01100101011 Jutland 6 +01100101011 Kaepa 6 +01100101011 Iona 6 +01100101011 NorthWest 6 +01100101011 68-story 6 +01100101011 ME.T.A. 6 +01100101011 Velo-Bind 6 +01100101011 Calaf 7 +01100101011 Farwest 7 +01100101011 Ameri-Cable 7 +01100101011 Murex 7 +01100101011 Reefs 7 +01100101011 Staunch 7 +01100101011 Pulaski 7 +01100101011 Mongoose 7 +01100101011 France-Presse 8 +01100101011 Nederlandse 8 +01100101011 Quadrant 9 +01100101011 SeaFirst 9 +01100101011 DODGE 9 +01100101011 Dayton-Hudson 9 +01100101011 Metternich 10 +01100101011 Placements 11 +01100101011 Nu 12 +01100101011 Devonshire 16 +01100101011 Yucatan 17 +01100101011 Anniversary 17 +01100101011 Beloit 18 +01100101011 Samsom 20 +01100101011 PUSH 20 +01100101011 Iberian 21 +01100101011 Curacao 24 +01100101011 NH 25 +01100101011 Wachovia 49 +01100101011 Belo 85 +01100101011 Mohawk 179 +01100101011 Nationwide 255 +01100101011 Albany 272 +01100101011 Amendment 907 +01100101011 RepublicBank 984 +01100101011 Executive 1066 +01100101011 Interstate 1218 +01100101011 Manhattan 2931 +01100101011 Chicago 8211 +01100101011 Boston 6584 +01100101100 Argyrol 1 +01100101100 coventures 1 +01100101100 Whodini 1 +01100101100 map-matching 1 +01100101100 Melonie 1 +01100101100 Value-Television 1 +01100101100 Progestasert 1 +01100101100 Enoxy 1 +01100101100 onchocera 1 +01100101100 Hypertalk 1 +01100101100 Affinifile 1 +01100101100 HyperLink 1 +01100101100 hematoporphyrin 1 +01100101100 buy-writes 1 +01100101100 Pancasila 1 +01100101100 intraluminal 1 +01100101100 Ironwriters 1 +01100101100 103,287 1 +01100101100 MasterTeller 1 +01100101100 pre-conceptions 1 +01100101100 McDope 1 +01100101100 Silverhead 1 +01100101100 KCTA 1 +01100101100 Dezerter 1 +01100101100 Cray-2S 1 +01100101100 Qiangshou 1 +01100101100 risk-reduction 1 +01100101100 shims 1 +01100101100 erythropoeitin 1 +01100101100 Sharman 1 +01100101100 UDG-Yoshu 1 +01100101100 CTX-1500 1 +01100101100 photomaniacs 1 +01100101100 Waldensoftware 1 +01100101100 Waldenkids 1 +01100101100 mid-sizecars 1 +01100101100 EMCExpress 1 +01100101100 GR-43175 1 +01100101100 duplicitously 1 +01100101100 CFC-13B1 1 +01100101100 Halons 1 +01100101100 streptokinase-plasminogen 1 +01100101100 Prologue 1 +01100101100 nong 1 +01100101100 sonograms 1 +01100101100 MVS 1 +01100101100 VBIRAM 1 +01100101100 NEE 1 +01100101100 FidoNet 1 +01100101100 Q-DOS 1 +01100101100 introns 1 +01100101100 carbonic 1 +01100101100 out-of-reach 1 +01100101100 O.P.P. 1 +01100101100 Chinghai 1 +01100101100 folates 1 +01100101100 X-30 1 +01100101100 MedAssist 1 +01100101100 Gymees 1 +01100101100 Windsurfer 1 +01100101100 NEMO 1 +01100101100 T4-cells 1 +01100101100 Neumarkt 1 +01100101100 he-is-or-isn't-a-moderate 1 +01100101100 Caltrate 1 +01100101100 CRAY-2/4-512 1 +01100101100 Anisakidae 1 +01100101100 MP&L 1 +01100101100 pravastatin 1 +01100101100 neurofibromas 1 +01100101100 FarmerMac 1 +01100101100 Beaucoup 1 +01100101100 too-easy 1 +01100101100 Locum 1 +01100101100 superstrings 1 +01100101100 Feivel 1 +01100101100 dimers 1 +01100101100 velostatin 1 +01100101100 burbot 1 +01100101100 CARs 1 +01100101100 Roxelana 1 +01100101100 bill-payers 1 +01100101100 Cocolat 1 +01100101100 triploids 1 +01100101100 mecamylamine 1 +01100101100 LifeSign 1 +01100101100 Destinations 1 +01100101100 LY171883 1 +01100101100 vinpocetine 1 +01100101100 Glucostix 1 +01100101100 Freshen 1 +01100101100 Car-Help 1 +01100101100 Putra 1 +01100101100 diphacinone 1 +01100101100 half-siblings 1 +01100101100 D-Illusions 1 +01100101100 Bridgewatch 1 +01100101100 12-3/G 1 +01100101100 Avallon 1 +01100101100 PYRE 1 +01100101100 space-time 1 +01100101100 Doxidan 1 +01100101100 ormolu 1 +01100101100 Aved 1 +01100101100 TAT-3 1 +01100101100 it-that 1 +01100101100 Nhamatanda 1 +01100101100 Lamego 1 +01100101100 GHH 1 +01100101100 Electroink 1 +01100101100 Oliservice 1 +01100101100 VP-Planner 1 +01100101100 digesters 1 +01100101100 uravnilovka 1 +01100101100 Gilotherm 1 +01100101100 HIV1 1 +01100101100 286,788 1 +01100101100 neo-Luddites 1 +01100101100 oddploid 1 +01100101100 Multiples 1 +01100101100 carbo-chlorination 1 +01100101100 13-Fs 1 +01100101100 14,322,000 1 +01100101100 mohajirs 1 +01100101100 Metropoly 1 +01100101100 Torturcize. 1 +01100101100 Canac 1 +01100101100 Auslese 1 +01100101100 Edelfaule 1 +01100101100 limonin 1 +01100101100 Intertach 1 +01100101100 monobactams 1 +01100101100 adenosine 1 +01100101100 Drina 1 +01100101100 Weeboks 1 +01100101100 Bracton 1 +01100101100 value-subtracted 1 +01100101100 PageBuilder 1 +01100101100 TD4 1 +01100101100 lazaroids 1 +01100101100 51,825 1 +01100101100 Pachsdraai 1 +01100101100 Vybor 1 +01100101100 lajis 1 +01100101100 HMG-CoA 1 +01100101100 URGENT 1 +01100101100 Snowbirds 1 +01100101100 ENRILE 1 +01100101100 Ethocyn 1 +01100101100 fluoroelastomers 1 +01100101100 metastasis 1 +01100101100 FullPaint 1 +01100101100 khozraschot 1 +01100101100 ple 1 +01100101100 triose 1 +01100101100 F.O.O.D. 1 +01100101100 Receiver 1 +01100101100 laches 1 +01100101100 alanine 1 +01100101100 301-443-2894 1 +01100101100 Squeezit 1 +01100101100 HYPERchannel-DX 1 +01100101100 TEX-PEC 1 +01100101100 LoSpam 1 +01100101100 Sanchon 1 +01100101100 Eurosids 1 +01100101100 Tria 1 +01100101100 off-and-on-again 1 +01100101100 ABC-Paramount 1 +01100101100 Mwalimu 1 +01100101100 tricyclics 1 +01100101100 495-2167 1 +01100101100 trihalomethanes 1 +01100101100 Canastels 1 +01100101100 immunoglobulin-G 1 +01100101100 Z171 1 +01100101100 bioremediation 1 +01100101100 CompuGarden 1 +01100101100 metoclopramide 1 +01100101100 RC100 1 +01100101100 GCM 1 +01100101100 polybags 1 +01100101100 Cayo 1 +01100101100 flutamide 1 +01100101100 VacSYN/FeLV 1 +01100101100 v-senv5 1 +01100101100 pyorrhea 1 +01100101100 Mernet 1 +01100101100 Phenomanails 1 +01100101100 Semtex-H 1 +01100101100 Dosifei 1 +01100101100 hysteroscopy 1 +01100101100 dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 1 +01100101100 schiftomiasis 1 +01100101100 92,806 1 +01100101100 Hagia 1 +01100101100 AS-101 1 +01100101100 beta-agonists 1 +01100101100 UDMH 1 +01100101100 Skypager 1 +01100101100 Nazar 1 +01100101100 Compactacion 1 +01100101100 virtu 1 +01100101100 accutane 1 +01100101100 Tit-Bits 1 +01100101100 McGovernism 1 +01100101100 ferroelectronics 1 +01100101100 gembibrozil 1 +01100101100 ketones 1 +01100101100 Docuforum 1 +01100101100 quetsche 1 +01100101100 calvados 1 +01100101100 marc 1 +01100101100 kirsch 1 +01100101100 Alham 1 +01100101100 hearers 1 +01100101100 Tepito 1 +01100101100 K-band 1 +01100101100 glueballs 1 +01100101100 Rambo-lina 1 +01100101100 NS-X 1 +01100101100 panpipes 1 +01100101100 a-methopterin 1 +01100101100 MediaWatch 1 +01100101100 Aspilia 1 +01100101100 Toadstool 1 +01100101100 osteocalcin 1 +01100101100 Dezerland 1 +01100101100 SmallTalk 1 +01100101100 Polacolor 1 +01100101100 Siropin 1 +01100101100 berettas 1 +01100101100 loss-taking 1 +01100101100 nucleases 1 +01100101100 Scuppers 1 +01100101100 Insuject 1 +01100101100 laypersons 1 +01100101100 Bank-By-Phone 1 +01100101100 Aamulehti 1 +01100101100 Ramfis 1 +01100101100 Myoko 1 +01100101100 Staansaam 1 +01100101100 proto-oncogenes 1 +01100101100 Mifepristone 1 +01100101100 Tiblisi 1 +01100101100 Tetris 1 +01100101100 Porvoonkatu-Borgagatan 1 +01100101100 Auto-Dine 1 +01100101100 accupril 1 +01100101100 raku 1 +01100101100 234,812 1 +01100101100 Excelerator 1 +01100101100 Nutramigen 1 +01100101100 ATS/2 1 +01100101100 stroboscopes 1 +01100101100 Contenido 1 +01100101100 CEARAID 1 +01100101100 Jamaran 1 +01100101100 Equitaine 1 +01100101100 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene 1 +01100101100 HHV-6 1 +01100101100 KMTC-TV 1 +01100101100 Son-of-DAT 1 +01100101100 Tsjude 1 +01100101100 Flu-shot1 1 +01100101100 9/23B-7 1 +01100101100 1772 1 +01100101100 Spetznaz 1 +01100101100 photo-refractive 1 +01100101100 cestas 1 +01100101100 Krater 1 +01100101100 AutoWorld 1 +01100101100 todok 2 +01100101100 Juku 2 +01100101100 hepatotoxicity 2 +01100101100 Rotorex 2 +01100101100 Irec 2 +01100101100 KTC 2 +01100101100 CCT 2 +01100101100 gangsterism 2 +01100101100 browsers 2 +01100101100 rickets 2 +01100101100 Enkaid 2 +01100101100 TDC 2 +01100101100 Sentor 2 +01100101100 nondrinkers 2 +01100101100 Monteshell 2 +01100101100 Zestril 2 +01100101100 Adventurers 2 +01100101100 Centrimex 2 +01100101100 Betar 2 +01100101100 rosacea 2 +01100101100 Bladex 2 +01100101100 enroadment 2 +01100101100 Marunouchi 2 +01100101100 LULAC 2 +01100101100 snobbism 2 +01100101100 hydrochlorothiazide 2 +01100101100 Twisters 2 +01100101100 FTLV 2 +01100101100 Interarms 2 +01100101100 Onderstepoort 2 +01100101100 adjuvant 2 +01100101100 Asla 2 +01100101100 surimi 2 +01100101100 Bitic 2 +01100101100 Furt 2 +01100101100 cheatgrass 2 +01100101100 slovenliness 2 +01100101100 mismeasurement 2 +01100101100 Sublette 2 +01100101100 eptastatin 2 +01100101100 RefCorp. 2 +01100101100 Aipac 2 +01100101100 Enameling 2 +01100101100 IMEDE 2 +01100101100 Melodie 2 +01100101100 Brevibloc 2 +01100101100 Cephalexin 2 +01100101100 immobilism 2 +01100101100 Ickes 2 +01100101100 Kaopectate 2 +01100101100 Combipress 2 +01100101100 HIV2 2 +01100101100 SEM-Walbro 2 +01100101100 dBaseIII 2 +01100101100 CNT 2 +01100101100 apostasy 2 +01100101100 Trax 2 +01100101100 Weiskopf 2 +01100101100 WorthCorp 2 +01100101100 aquavit 2 +01100101100 Acuvue 2 +01100101100 LA-X 2 +01100101100 Dukakis-bashing 2 +01100101100 microgravity 2 +01100101100 heterodoxy 2 +01100101100 Kochang 2 +01100101100 Aliza 2 +01100101100 Drytech 2 +01100101100 PGP 2 +01100101100 ValueTelevision 2 +01100101100 Bridgestone-Firestone 2 +01100101100 Lotusland 2 +01100101100 mongolism 2 +01100101100 Gasolina 2 +01100101100 '96 2 +01100101100 Nemo 2 +01100101100 bumiputras 2 +01100101100 Accurex 2 +01100101100 CT20 2 +01100101100 Kurcali 2 +01100101100 Gefina 2 +01100101100 Doeg 2 +01100101100 TechSystems 2 +01100101100 Urenco 2 +01100101100 Schiapparelli-Searle 2 +01100101100 Blaire 2 +01100101100 lamentation 2 +01100101100 MACH 2 +01100101100 ATACMs 2 +01100101100 headroom 2 +01100101100 Yallahs 2 +01100101100 Baluchistan 2 +01100101100 criminalization 2 +01100101100 W.D.I. 2 +01100101100 Spindletop 2 +01100101100 Tellers 2 +01100101100 paleoanthropology 2 +01100101100 Stromberg-Carlsson 2 +01100101100 WYLD-FM 2 +01100101100 Nordeurop 2 +01100101100 orgasm 2 +01100101100 pre-invoicing 2 +01100101100 share-adjusted 2 +01100101100 M82 2 +01100101100 frogdesign 2 +01100101100 Snowmax 2 +01100101100 Southington 2 +01100101100 Rajneeshpuram 2 +01100101100 Aviaexport 2 +01100101100 synchronicity 2 +01100101100 ytterbium 2 +01100101100 Parades 2 +01100101100 musth 2 +01100101100 Leprosy 2 +01100101100 renin 2 +01100101100 WFAN 2 +01100101100 Interplak 2 +01100101100 Flicka 2 +01100101100 optrodes 2 +01100101100 Marte 2 +01100101100 Hodori 2 +01100101100 ROM 2 +01100101100 Staszic 2 +01100101100 blepharospasm 2 +01100101100 overindulgence 2 +01100101100 Snip 2 +01100101100 NovolinPen 2 +01100101100 Johonesl 2 +01100101100 fortification 2 +01100101100 Malthe 2 +01100101100 privates 2 +01100101100 failures. 2 +01100101100 LAP 2 +01100101100 Neoconservatives 2 +01100101100 OTB 2 +01100101100 Citicorp/Citibank 2 +01100101100 freckles 2 +01100101100 1-2-3/M 2 +01100101100 LIP 2 +01100101100 Dial-a-Porn 2 +01100101100 Minitels 2 +01100101100 Willemstad 2 +01100101100 board-certification 2 +01100101100 FarmFutures 2 +01100101100 HDPE 2 +01100101100 PETE 2 +01100101100 interleukin-3 2 +01100101100 guacamole 3 +01100101100 Krantzland 3 +01100101100 Spinach 3 +01100101100 Bloomsday 3 +01100101100 apprenticing 3 +01100101100 Rumillajta 3 +01100101100 batdancing 3 +01100101100 Brancusi 3 +01100101100 retrorunning 3 +01100101100 minitrials 3 +01100101100 SAC 3 +01100101100 Shadrack 3 +01100101100 GKT 3 +01100101100 mbalax 3 +01100101100 Investeringsbanken 3 +01100101100 driftnets 3 +01100101100 Selectol 3 +01100101100 thermodynamics 3 +01100101100 D-Date 3 +01100101100 Edifact 3 +01100101100 Amecon 3 +01100101100 yucca 3 +01100101100 SICC 3 +01100101100 ADD-Vantage 3 +01100101100 Hillela 3 +01100101100 FreshNes 3 +01100101100 Maldef 3 +01100101100 ASCS 3 +01100101100 Tallinn 3 +01100101100 ASATs 3 +01100101100 reg-neg 3 +01100101100 creosote 3 +01100101100 Namibians 3 +01100101100 jellybeans 3 +01100101100 sportiness 3 +01100101100 lysozyme 3 +01100101100 omelette 3 +01100101100 Enka 3 +01100101100 melancholia 3 +01100101100 Dobermans 3 +01100101100 Montelimar 3 +01100101100 bond-holders 3 +01100101100 KabiKinase 3 +01100101100 Kaliber 3 +01100101100 inerrantists 3 +01100101100 Ramlosa 3 +01100101100 Guntram 3 +01100101100 Hoffritz 3 +01100101100 comets 3 +01100101100 Nemorino 3 +01100101100 Reforger 3 +01100101100 Ashkenazim 3 +01100101100 Southtown 3 +01100101100 OLC 3 +01100101100 Interleukin-7 3 +01100101100 autocrats 3 +01100101100 Necessity 3 +01100101100 1,365 3 +01100101100 domestication 3 +01100101100 Songbuk 3 +01100101100 Ur 3 +01100101100 diverters 3 +01100101100 Diltiazem 3 +01100101100 NOPEC 3 +01100101100 IAI 3 +01100101100 Lwow 3 +01100101100 Agave 3 +01100101100 everthing 3 +01100101100 impermanence 3 +01100101100 Entecap 3 +01100101100 Twiggy 3 +01100101100 Skopbank 3 +01100101100 ErgoScale 3 +01100101100 Parallam 3 +01100101100 Tabes 3 +01100101100 gazebos 3 +01100101100 Nes-Ptah 3 +01100101100 ComBank 3 +01100101100 han 3 +01100101100 Voeren 3 +01100101100 proportionality 3 +01100101100 Onco-Scint 3 +01100101100 yakuza 3 +01100101100 CHF 3 +01100101100 skrytnost 3 +01100101100 Davis-Besse 3 +01100101100 Alkazar 3 +01100101100 non-drinkers 3 +01100101100 Chenix 3 +01100101100 multiplexing 3 +01100101100 bioelectronics 3 +01100101100 WTRK 3 +01100101100 sh 3 +01100101100 NDI 3 +01100101100 DENKS 3 +01100101100 EasyPlex 3 +01100101100 recharging 3 +01100101100 coal-capable 3 +01100101100 Nebuchadnezzar 3 +01100101100 cyclosporine 3 +01100101100 Francona 3 +01100101100 Chawni 3 +01100101100 Xeriscaping 3 +01100101100 AgriSense 3 +01100101100 lengthwise 3 +01100101100 JCAHO 3 +01100101100 EROS 3 +01100101100 water-washing 3 +01100101100 Sawmill 3 +01100101100 Gorbomania 3 +01100101100 YPF 3 +01100101100 Sassicaia 3 +01100101100 pau-Brazil 3 +01100101100 Sequal 3 +01100101100 Punjabis 3 +01100101100 CCI 3 +01100101100 amaranthin 3 +01100101100 LOOT 4 +01100101100 lentinan 4 +01100101100 Avert 4 +01100101100 Cyhexatin 4 +01100101100 Violetta 4 +01100101100 DTCs 4 +01100101100 PSG 4 +01100101100 Murtaza 4 +01100101100 irritability 4 +01100101100 CEC 4 +01100101100 PLDT 4 +01100101100 WZTV 4 +01100101100 DRGs 4 +01100101100 Crocuses 4 +01100101100 Audemars 4 +01100101100 NETWork 4 +01100101100 McClinton 4 +01100101100 Citimerca 4 +01100101100 Arles 4 +01100101100 Parlodel 4 +01100101100 lipids 4 +01100101100 Sanity 4 +01100101100 Sofical 4 +01100101100 FSAs 4 +01100101100 quasars 4 +01100101100 Nikkeiren 4 +01100101100 Cyoctol 4 +01100101100 quarks 4 +01100101100 ganciclovir 4 +01100101100 POSE 4 +01100101100 MVS/ESA 4 +01100101100 Ravenhead 4 +01100101100 Bono 4 +01100101100 hirudin 4 +01100101100 downticks 4 +01100101100 ATZ 4 +01100101100 Khatyn 4 +01100101100 Compete 4 +01100101100 arpeggios 4 +01100101100 self-hypnosis 4 +01100101100 CTJ 4 +01100101100 QFIA 4 +01100101100 Context 4 +01100101100 rouge 4 +01100101100 TCP/IP 4 +01100101100 Petropavlovsk 4 +01100101100 noodling 4 +01100101100 Pasok 4 +01100101100 sycophancy 4 +01100101100 Proscar 4 +01100101100 cribbing 4 +01100101100 anti-oxidants 4 +01100101100 Flemson 4 +01100101100 CISPES 4 +01100101100 Endesa 4 +01100101100 Gamblers 4 +01100101100 Elly 4 +01100101100 Anglophones 4 +01100101100 MasterNet 4 +01100101100 Reliants 4 +01100101100 astrologists 4 +01100101100 Dianabol 4 +01100101100 overeating 4 +01100101100 Pasture 4 +01100101100 Sangioveto 4 +01100101100 interleukin-1 4 +01100101100 Trekkers 4 +01100101100 Manufold 4 +01100101100 Suprol 4 +01100101100 Banvel 4 +01100101100 Congress. 4 +01100101100 turista 4 +01100101100 show-through 4 +01100101100 Priviet 4 +01100101100 CAIT 4 +01100101100 burps 4 +01100101100 Losado 4 +01100101100 Cachito 4 +01100101100 fuel-loading 4 +01100101100 EMEA 4 +01100101100 McPizza 4 +01100101100 OLE 4 +01100101100 ADBF 4 +01100101100 Martinique 4 +01100101100 SRAMs 4 +01100101100 Lyuba 4 +01100101100 Stendhalism 4 +01100101100 Metasome 4 +01100101100 Juanelle 4 +01100101100 granulocytes 4 +01100101100 Egis 4 +01100101100 Zomax 4 +01100101100 YES 4 +01100101100 Stimela 4 +01100101100 Theo-Dur 4 +01100101100 Dodgertown 4 +01100101100 HL&P 4 +01100101100 Disillusionment 4 +01100101100 Pravachol 4 +01100101100 philodendron 4 +01100101100 Cytotec 4 +01100101100 Sinemet 4 +01100101100 TopView 4 +01100101100 withholdings 4 +01100101100 optimization 4 +01100101100 GRIT 4 +01100101100 Retrotec 4 +01100101100 Usiminas 5 +01100101100 Cherubin 5 +01100101100 PMT 5 +01100101100 neutrons 5 +01100101100 Adrenalin 5 +01100101100 Nizhnevartovsk 5 +01100101100 Pompeii 5 +01100101100 dandelions 5 +01100101100 Pericles 5 +01100101100 One-on-One 5 +01100101100 speechifying 5 +01100101100 MTBE 5 +01100101100 Nagymaros 5 +01100101100 Superslims 5 +01100101100 Erzsebet 5 +01100101100 IEJW 5 +01100101100 lye 5 +01100101100 leukotrienes 5 +01100101100 CCA 5 +01100101100 CompuFund 5 +01100101100 Kunashir 5 +01100101100 Korbx 5 +01100101100 Halabja 5 +01100101100 Pidde 5 +01100101100 MDM 5 +01100101100 DECtp 5 +01100101100 chivalry 5 +01100101100 Ursynow 5 +01100101100 Smud 5 +01100101100 gynogenesis 5 +01100101100 Ciemip 5 +01100101100 SLS 5 +01100101100 Humatrope 5 +01100101100 XDOS 5 +01100101100 DFMO 5 +01100101100 Ramtha 5 +01100101100 hooray 5 +01100101100 Duivree 5 +01100101100 Zopilote 5 +01100101100 Petie 5 +01100101100 WNYW 5 +01100101100 CQ 5 +01100101100 trichloroethylene 5 +01100101100 SOP 5 +01100101100 VNR 5 +01100101100 tetrodotoxin 5 +01100101100 Crosstalk 5 +01100101100 KS 5 +01100101100 captopril 5 +01100101100 Buspar 5 +01100101100 Megadeath 5 +01100101100 Kabuto-cho 5 +01100101100 A-Day 5 +01100101100 Philippa 5 +01100101100 Theodosius 5 +01100101100 superstock 5 +01100101100 Colab 5 +01100101100 Auschwitz-Birkenau 5 +01100101100 FS&G 5 +01100101100 Marwood 5 +01100101100 tacrine 5 +01100101100 SMES 5 +01100101100 Ryoko 5 +01100101100 interruptaholics 5 +01100101100 Chezeaux 5 +01100101100 Colestid 5 +01100101100 Junebug 5 +01100101100 Nhu 5 +01100101100 Credo 5 +01100101100 tamoxifen 5 +01100101100 Parmigianino 5 +01100101100 Telekom 5 +01100101100 laurel 5 +01100101100 Blendax-Group 5 +01100101100 ClandoSan 5 +01100101100 Mectizan 5 +01100101100 HRRC 5 +01100101100 Flowlin 5 +01100101100 judicially 5 +01100101100 Impromptu 5 +01100101100 etretinate 5 +01100101100 self-awareness 6 +01100101100 Procardia 6 +01100101100 GRiDPad 6 +01100101100 Bubbie 6 +01100101100 GHRF 6 +01100101100 TTAC 6 +01100101100 Ortho-Novum 6 +01100101100 IgG 6 +01100101100 BuSpar 6 +01100101100 3+Open 6 +01100101100 Preco 6 +01100101100 Bev 6 +01100101100 Competence 6 +01100101100 Stelian 6 +01100101100 Agfa 6 +01100101100 YMCAs 6 +01100101100 fruitcakes 6 +01100101100 Cojunto 6 +01100101100 RFD-TV 6 +01100101100 straight-edge 6 +01100101100 Trojans 6 +01100101100 SIP 6 +01100101100 MPTP 6 +01100101100 PowerPoint 6 +01100101100 Garibaldi 6 +01100101100 Aachen 6 +01100101100 orphanages 6 +01100101100 Prudentrust 6 +01100101100 Tannenburg 6 +01100101100 Megace 6 +01100101100 SSI 6 +01100101100 DECworld 6 +01100101100 BPCC 6 +01100101100 Lifelines 6 +01100101100 horseradish 6 +01100101100 Arabella 6 +01100101100 Octavia 6 +01100101100 EL-10 6 +01100101100 thrombolysis 6 +01100101100 EBDCs 6 +01100101100 pliers 6 +01100101100 Biafra 6 +01100101100 Norskopsjons 6 +01100101100 Maoism 6 +01100101100 Biconish 6 +01100101100 GLCM 6 +01100101100 Moussy 6 +01100101100 Tereza 6 +01100101100 WTVT 6 +01100101100 Mueslix 6 +01100101100 Snakebite 6 +01100101100 ACSH 6 +01100101100 cortisone 6 +01100101100 DRAMS 6 +01100101100 AGI 6 +01100101100 Hispanoil 6 +01100101100 Armasha 6 +01100101100 CETA 6 +01100101100 NORAD 6 +01100101100 Botrytis 6 +01100101100 lanthanum 6 +01100101100 CIGS 6 +01100101100 stenosis 6 +01100101100 TER 6 +01100101100 GrandView 6 +01100101100 SME 6 +01100101100 Ancsa 6 +01100101100 Petromin 6 +01100101100 retinoblastoma 6 +01100101100 Foscarnet 6 +01100101100 Josie 7 +01100101100 Byzantium 7 +01100101100 Bonnet 7 +01100101100 AL-721 7 +01100101100 round-tripping 7 +01100101100 fertilizing 7 +01100101100 MedisGroups 7 +01100101100 serendipity 7 +01100101100 dideoxycytidine 7 +01100101100 Montezuma 7 +01100101100 COBRA 7 +01100101100 NEPL 7 +01100101100 Unesco 7 +01100101100 Fascism 7 +01100101100 narcolepsy 7 +01100101100 Arpanet 7 +01100101100 Vnesheconombank 7 +01100101100 bifurcation 7 +01100101100 Muharram 7 +01100101100 Eurocontrol 7 +01100101100 MSM 7 +01100101100 Tintaya 7 +01100101100 Marogen 7 +01100101100 B&B 7 +01100101100 AS101 7 +01100101100 Wicca 7 +01100101100 Lawaaikamp 7 +01100101100 Dewey-Stevens 7 +01100101100 metolachlor 7 +01100101100 potters 7 +01100101100 SIV 7 +01100101100 Jasmin 7 +01100101100 YSL 7 +01100101100 Panda 7 +01100101100 LSU 7 +01100101100 NYLand 7 +01100101100 noncombatants 7 +01100101100 grizzlies 7 +01100101100 PQQ 7 +01100101100 cytomegalovirus 7 +01100101100 Sovexportfilm 7 +01100101100 Bro 7 +01100101100 Tribbles 7 +01100101100 Godzilla 7 +01100101100 TB 7 +01100101100 RU-486 7 +01100101100 Bruegel 7 +01100101100 Benin 7 +01100101100 Run-DMC 7 +01100101100 Sabina 7 +01100101100 neurofibromatosis 8 +01100101100 Militant 8 +01100101100 neoliberals 8 +01100101100 Decency 8 +01100101100 LifeUSA 8 +01100101100 dinoseb 8 +01100101100 vigilantism 8 +01100101100 Debby 8 +01100101100 L-dopa 8 +01100101100 Starplex 8 +01100101100 CS-1 8 +01100101100 SDRC 8 +01100101100 Belinda 8 +01100101100 Morality 8 +01100101100 Monoclate 8 +01100101100 Missie 8 +01100101100 DDA 8 +01100101100 Piranha 8 +01100101100 Ansell-Americas 8 +01100101100 Rum 8 +01100101100 SAA 8 +01100101100 BENS 8 +01100101100 cyhexatin 8 +01100101100 Macrovision 8 +01100101100 Paganini 8 +01100101100 Whistler 8 +01100101100 heredity 8 +01100101100 graphology 8 +01100101100 UMTA 8 +01100101100 listeria 8 +01100101100 Maddie 8 +01100101100 Bomag 8 +01100101100 Telltales 8 +01100101100 dopamine 8 +01100101100 Cronauer 8 +01100101100 Bidcos 8 +01100101100 KTWV 8 +01100101100 Muggsy 9 +01100101100 Grumbles 9 +01100101100 RU486 9 +01100101100 peoplemeters 9 +01100101100 Bigfoot 9 +01100101100 Naprosyn 9 +01100101100 Porky 9 +01100101100 isoxicam 9 +01100101100 Pele 9 +01100101100 Isoprinosine 9 +01100101100 CDCs 9 +01100101100 Anafranil 9 +01100101100 Govs 9 +01100101100 Bix 9 +01100101100 Ba 9 +01100101100 Intan 9 +01100101100 aldicarb 9 +01100101100 Dodd-Kildee 9 +01100101100 Descending 9 +01100101100 celadon 9 +01100101100 Actigall 9 +01100101100 Cxc 9 +01100101100 RENAMO 9 +01100101100 WAD 9 +01100101100 Nabob 9 +01100101100 Kinepolis 9 +01100101100 McCarran 9 +01100101100 Heartwise 9 +01100101100 gp120 9 +01100101100 amakudari 9 +01100101100 Therafectin 9 +01100101100 Muscovites 9 +01100101100 Fantastik 9 +01100101100 Premarin 9 +01100101100 clozapine 9 +01100101100 ETBE 9 +01100101100 Withnail 9 +01100101100 Voltaren 10 +01100101100 Microx 10 +01100101100 underdevelopment 10 +01100101100 Scripture 10 +01100101100 Maxi 10 +01100101100 Ansaid 10 +01100101100 Protestantism 10 +01100101100 BreakMate 10 +01100101100 Catharine 10 +01100101100 Chromakalim 10 +01100101100 Carrisyn 10 +01100101100 E-Ferol 10 +01100101100 Tretinoin 10 +01100101100 minimalism 10 +01100101100 trimetrexate 10 +01100101100 Ramesses 10 +01100101100 Thucydides 10 +01100101100 beta-carotene 10 +01100101100 CRL 10 +01100101100 Bt 10 +01100101100 Aquarium 10 +01100101100 amiprilose 10 +01100101100 tPA 10 +01100101100 HyperCard 10 +01100101100 Carafate 10 +01100101100 TVSAT-1 10 +01100101100 saboteurs 10 +01100101100 Cites 10 +01100101100 vagrants 10 +01100101100 G-CSF 10 +01100101100 Paulina 10 +01100101100 TransAfrica 10 +01100101100 Boussac 10 +01100101100 Chuckie 10 +01100101100 DB2 11 +01100101100 PPOs 11 +01100101100 tebuthiuron 11 +01100101100 Charlemagne 11 +01100101100 Sperrfrist 11 +01100101100 Corexit 11 +01100101100 Dunkirk 11 +01100101100 Allways 11 +01100101100 Sharia 11 +01100101100 il 11 +01100101100 Pepcid 11 +01100101100 totalitarians 11 +01100101100 Seldane 11 +01100101100 Apples 11 +01100101100 Ugolin 11 +01100101100 waterbeds 11 +01100101100 sucralose 11 +01100101100 polyhemoglobin 11 +01100101100 Confucianism 11 +01100101100 Syncom 11 +01100101100 EDI 11 +01100101100 Corbu 11 +01100101100 Ecumena 11 +01100101100 SOD 11 +01100101100 MAD 11 +01100101100 macrophages 11 +01100101100 Mehran 12 +01100101100 borsch 12 +01100101100 Peronism 12 +01100101100 TNF 12 +01100101100 Berneice 12 +01100101100 Rosty 12 +01100101100 Caesarea 12 +01100101100 KIC 12 +01100101100 Snuggle 12 +01100101100 clomipramine 12 +01100101100 Medfacts 12 +01100101100 PACE 12 +01100101100 Maxzide 12 +01100101100 Asta 12 +01100101100 Calan 12 +01100101100 whistleblowers 12 +01100101100 Reeboks 12 +01100101100 gemfibrozil 12 +01100101100 Gorby 12 +01100101100 deprenyl 12 +01100101100 Dracula 12 +01100101100 Darkie 12 +01100101100 AmeriCares 12 +01100101100 NYCB 12 +01100101100 WWOR 12 +01100101100 Gosplan 12 +01100101100 hashing 12 +01100101100 NATCA 12 +01100101100 Frostban 12 +01100101100 Japan-bashing 13 +01100101100 Eurosid 13 +01100101100 Questran 13 +01100101100 officialdom 13 +01100101100 Novosti 13 +01100101100 Dicamba 13 +01100101100 Boonville 13 +01100101100 Betavon 13 +01100101100 Anacin-3 13 +01100101100 Golkar 13 +01100101100 adjustables 13 +01100101100 Zovirax 13 +01100101100 Nero 14 +01100101100 Panmunjom 14 +01100101100 Melba 14 +01100101100 TILs 14 +01100101100 Paradox 14 +01100101100 Brecht 14 +01100101100 weightlifting 14 +01100101100 RAP 14 +01100101100 Didi 14 +01100101100 FEMA 14 +01100101100 Newedge 14 +01100101100 OSI 14 +01100101100 Pharoah 14 +01100101100 liposuction 15 +01100101100 Ivana 15 +01100101100 Maz 15 +01100101100 two-up 15 +01100101100 Bambi 15 +01100101100 Ataturk 15 +01100101100 bimbos 15 +01100101100 Ostpolitik 15 +01100101100 Arnolphe 15 +01100101100 Goethe 15 +01100101100 Pornography 15 +01100101100 Yuval 15 +01100101100 Robustas 15 +01100101100 LAS 15 +01100101100 microcode 15 +01100101100 liposomes 15 +01100101100 Tormenta 15 +01100101100 geopolitics 16 +01100101100 Inerco 16 +01100101100 Billancourt 16 +01100101100 USADirect 16 +01100101100 LSD 16 +01100101100 Brunnhilde 16 +01100101100 Inderal 16 +01100101100 TDF1 16 +01100101100 Sophocles 16 +01100101100 Kapton 16 +01100101100 PURPA 16 +01100101100 tansy 16 +01100101100 Prunedale 16 +01100101100 sulfites 16 +01100101100 Christo 16 +01100101100 Spago 17 +01100101100 HOPE 17 +01100101100 Cognac 17 +01100101100 UDAGs 17 +01100101100 Worldscope 17 +01100101100 Rogernomics 17 +01100101100 Kokoschka 17 +01100101100 GROW 17 +01100101100 hemophiliacs 17 +01100101100 Tevye 17 +01100101100 countertrade 17 +01100101100 impressionism 17 +01100101100 M&M 17 +01100101100 Citic 18 +01100101100 Sylvie 18 +01100101100 Torah 18 +01100101100 ERA 18 +01100101100 Buddha 18 +01100101100 Contac 18 +01100101100 atherosclerosis 18 +01100101100 bigness 18 +01100101100 Commentary 18 +01100101100 MOVE 18 +01100101100 humankind 18 +01100101100 Janine 19 +01100101100 Olestra 19 +01100101100 Episodes 19 +01100101100 I2D2 19 +01100101100 Axid 19 +01100101100 WNBC-TV 19 +01100101100 Orpheus 19 +01100101100 GICs 19 +01100101100 methotrexate 19 +01100101100 Shamu 19 +01100101100 Interflug 19 +01100101100 GWEN 19 +01100101100 buts 19 +01100101100 Thatcherism 20 +01100101100 NIOSH 20 +01100101100 Pewabic 20 +01100101100 Ritalin 20 +01100101100 Mustafa 20 +01100101100 Aristotle 20 +01100101100 Ribavirin 20 +01100101100 buprenorphine 20 +01100101100 Polidori 20 +01100101100 Aerolineas 20 +01100101100 Chatterton 20 +01100101100 Nadine 20 +01100101100 Ramona 20 +01100101100 ASICs 20 +01100101100 Borders 20 +01100101100 Tarzan 20 +01100101100 Bassa 20 +01100101100 Joey 21 +01100101100 saliva 21 +01100101100 Khost 21 +01100101100 scissors 21 +01100101100 Plax 21 +01100101100 SDRs 21 +01100101100 SPE 21 +01100101100 Gatorade 21 +01100101100 CNBC 21 +01100101100 self-management 21 +01100101100 pickles 21 +01100101100 Versed 21 +01100101100 Mitteleuropa 21 +01100101100 incumbency 21 +01100101100 Diem 22 +01100101100 Gaby 22 +01100101100 Sesdaq 22 +01100101100 Venus 22 +01100101100 witchcraft 22 +01100101100 lymphoma 22 +01100101100 HIV-2 22 +01100101100 Superman 23 +01100101100 Judaism 23 +01100101100 Suleyman 23 +01100101100 Halcion 23 +01100101100 cockroaches 23 +01100101100 Aim 23 +01100101100 Obsession 24 +01100101100 Seaq 24 +01100101100 Shorty 24 +01100101100 Trips 24 +01100101100 thalidomide 25 +01100101100 Protropin 25 +01100101100 creationism 25 +01100101100 KHJ-TV 25 +01100101100 PIW 25 +01100101100 SEAT 26 +01100101100 SMUD 26 +01100101100 modernism 26 +01100101100 wheelchairs 26 +01100101100 Cleopatra 27 +01100101100 Hypercard 27 +01100101100 ACE 27 +01100101100 Metamucil 27 +01100101100 Elsa 28 +01100101100 lovastatin 28 +01100101100 Eproms 28 +01100101100 Communism 28 +01100101100 Hippocrates 28 +01100101100 MI5 28 +01100101100 Prozac 28 +01100101100 tax-exempts 28 +01100101100 azidothymidine 29 +01100101100 Liza 29 +01100101100 Imreg-1 29 +01100101100 CAFE 29 +01100101100 Globex 30 +01100101100 LDCs 32 +01100101100 Chekhov 32 +01100101100 Reaganism 32 +01100101100 Huggies 33 +01100101100 Marxism-Leninism 34 +01100101100 Bendectin 34 +01100101100 Socialism 34 +01100101100 Vasotec 34 +01100101100 IL-2 35 +01100101100 Yogi 35 +01100101100 superoxide 35 +01100101100 ATVs 37 +01100101100 BGH 37 +01100101100 SOES 37 +01100101100 Silverlake 38 +01100101100 alachlor 38 +01100101100 Suzy 39 +01100101100 Alar 40 +01100101100 Socrates 40 +01100101100 Cory 40 +01100101100 Frelimo 41 +01100101100 Mevacor 42 +01100101100 Chaucer 42 +01100101100 Activase 42 +01100101100 Lasso 42 +01100101100 Elsie 42 +01100101100 ribavirin 44 +01100101100 Blockade 44 +01100101100 outsourcing 44 +01100101100 Cardizem 44 +01100101100 Agenda 44 +01100101100 Kabuki 45 +01100101100 Dolly 45 +01100101100 UP 46 +01100101100 Eminase 46 +01100101100 VOA 47 +01100101100 Tolstoy 47 +01100101100 Amadeus 47 +01100101100 DDT 47 +01100101100 Lopid 48 +01100101100 UNO 48 +01100101100 DDC 48 +01100101100 olestra 49 +01100101100 psyllium 50 +01100101100 Auschwitz 50 +01100101100 workfare 51 +01100101100 Teresa 51 +01100101100 MaxSavers 52 +01100101100 Sting 54 +01100101100 Advil 54 +01100101100 Ampligen 56 +01100101100 Zantac 56 +01100101100 GQ 57 +01100101100 Retin-A 58 +01100101100 DDI 59 +01100101100 hers 59 +01100101100 Prohibition 60 +01100101100 CGCT 60 +01100101100 Karajan 61 +01100101100 EPO 63 +01100101100 astrology 63 +01100101100 Simplesse 66 +01100101100 Reaganomics 66 +01100101100 Vogue 67 +01100101100 GM-CSF 71 +01100101100 Capoten 71 +01100101100 Retrovir 73 +01100101100 Comecon 74 +01100101100 Accutane 74 +01100101100 Kevlar 75 +01100101100 federalism 75 +01100101100 Peak 81 +01100101100 CD4 81 +01100101100 Madonna 83 +01100101100 Unita 84 +01100101100 TF1 84 +01100101100 Windows 85 +01100101100 Hell 88 +01100101100 ESOPs 97 +01100101100 Dad 100 +01100101100 Remics 101 +01100101100 Renamo 104 +01100101100 Rogaine 105 +01100101100 minoxidil 106 +01100101100 Sematech 111 +01100101100 Tagamet 113 +01100101100 Virazole 119 +01100101100 PCBs 120 +01100101100 DRAMs 127 +01100101100 IRAs 133 +01100101100 Mom 134 +01100101100 Dyazide 145 +01100101100 streptokinase 155 +01100101100 THA 156 +01100101100 Hezbollah 157 +01100101100 Mother 162 +01100101100 Voyager 170 +01100101100 Shakespeare 174 +01100101100 CFCs 175 +01100101100 Nature 179 +01100101100 Bottom 184 +01100101100 Lenin 219 +01100101100 Islam 222 +01100101100 perestroika 264 +01100101100 Shoreham 305 +01100101100 glasnost 398 +01100101100 AZT 535 +01100101100 Solidarity 586 +01100101100 Countries 629 +01100101100 parliament 693 +01100101100 Seabrook 729 +01100101100 God 731 +01100101100 TPA 858 +01100101100 Congress 13559 +01100101100 Parliament 873 +011001011010 gadolinium 1 +011001011010 Ghadafi 1 +011001011010 thursday 1 +011001011010 11-year-olds 1 +011001011010 underarmed 1 +011001011010 phytochrome 1 +011001011010 non-Hodgkin 1 +011001011010 BG 1 +011001011010 Smeton 1 +011001011010 LACKEY 1 +011001011010 Kierkegaard 2 +011001011010 Bapepam 2 +011001011010 Ben-Gay 2 +011001011010 9,578 2 +011001011010 Annio 2 +011001011010 marathoning 2 +011001011010 Elvino 2 +011001011010 Nantes 2 +011001011010 Bloomingdales 2 +011001011010 Westcom 2 +011001011010 outboards 2 +011001011010 earaches 2 +011001011010 Scriven 2 +011001011010 Abuja 2 +011001011010 Hammurabi 2 +011001011010 Radium 2 +011001011010 ministeelmakers 2 +011001011010 tannin 2 +011001011010 Samoyeds 2 +011001011010 HFCA 2 +011001011010 Gaia 2 +011001011010 Ofra 2 +011001011010 26118.42 2 +011001011010 Copra 2 +011001011010 bartending 2 +011001011010 BTI 2 +011001011010 JFY 2 +011001011010 CBS/Sony 2 +011001011010 Kapit 2 +011001011010 womankind 2 +011001011010 Artemide 2 +011001011010 Recluse 2 +011001011010 Manichaeism 2 +011001011010 Beruku 2 +011001011010 HF/ID 2 +011001011010 Park-N-Ticket 2 +011001011010 IAPE 2 +011001011010 Styria 2 +011001011010 Hampstead 2 +011001011010 disintermediation 2 +011001011010 Robina 2 +011001011010 Plutarch 2 +011001011010 KABC 2 +011001011010 Androgyny 2 +011001011010 dyslexia 2 +011001011010 Hakon 2 +011001011010 Conasupo 2 +011001011010 Vojvodina 2 +011001011010 Bancapital 2 +011001011010 Gwizd 2 +011001011010 Gardez 2 +011001011010 NCM 2 +011001011010 less-cyclical 2 +011001011010 pimentos 2 +011001011010 thaumatin 2 +011001011010 Phokeng 2 +011001011010 Iskra 2 +011001011010 narco-dollars 2 +011001011010 Binkie 2 +011001011010 Hytrin 2 +011001011010 PetroLewis 2 +011001011010 Enigmatic 2 +011001011010 Hokusai 2 +011001011010 wets 2 +011001011010 Ohm 2 +011001011010 WHTZ-FM 2 +011001011010 Gali 2 +011001011010 Grax 2 +011001011010 Lois/GGK 2 +011001011010 addenda 2 +011001011010 monosyllables 2 +011001011010 PHS 2 +011001011010 Perimed 2 +011001011010 H.R.H. 2 +011001011010 Trot 2 +011001011010 leeks 2 +011001011010 8,160 2 +011001011010 Kracow 2 +011001011010 CEN-CARD 2 +011001011010 fact-checkers 2 +011001011010 DRI/McGraw-Hill 2 +011001011010 Gillete 2 +011001011010 ADESE 2 +011001011010 Informants 2 +011001011010 Paulsboro 2 +011001011010 1150 2 +011001011010 C-P-C 2 +011001011010 Sesto 3 +011001011010 Windahall 3 +011001011010 GSS 3 +011001011010 Gunnison 3 +011001011010 Watteau 3 +011001011010 NEI 3 +011001011010 Meserve 3 +011001011010 China. 3 +011001011010 malingering 3 +011001011010 PRAY-see 3 +011001011010 Redoute 3 +011001011010 Sucralose 3 +011001011010 Josefina 3 +011001011010 301.95 3 +011001011010 secondaries 3 +011001011010 VentureTrident 3 +011001011010 L-thyroxine 3 +011001011010 Yugoslovia 3 +011001011010 Wellston 3 +011001011010 Sandinism 3 +011001011010 Interrent 3 +011001011010 Tweety 3 +011001011010 HealthEast 3 +011001011010 Uralmash 3 +011001011010 Stroybank 3 +011001011010 Karlskoga 3 +011001011010 Zaventem 3 +011001011010 Basco 3 +011001011010 Raimunda 3 +011001011010 TPMI/Macomber 3 +011001011010 ITJ 3 +011001011010 Presbyterians 3 +011001011010 Filmation 3 +011001011010 Mankind 3 +011001011010 Saffron 3 +011001011010 KC 3 +011001011010 EverYouth 3 +011001011010 nonworkers 3 +011001011010 NIAAA 3 +011001011010 Holmen 3 +011001011010 Ibuprofen 3 +011001011010 amenorrhea 3 +011001011010 Calivigny 3 +011001011010 Vieques 3 +011001011010 Warehousemen 3 +011001011010 DMB&B 3 +011001011010 699.5 3 +011001011010 Uplengen 3 +011001011010 Namba 3 +011001011010 Pictionary 3 +011001011010 Panay 3 +011001011010 Pascali 3 +011001011010 resignedly 3 +011001011010 Grandmother 3 +011001011010 Isovue 3 +011001011010 GM-Europe 3 +011001011010 Pasfin 3 +011001011010 DCI 3 +011001011010 1213.10 3 +011001011010 Borachio 3 +011001011010 Barriers 3 +011001011010 CocaCola 3 +011001011010 Derain 3 +011001011010 Aeschylus 3 +011001011010 Usutu 3 +011001011010 Boito 3 +011001011010 then-Gen 3 +011001011010 Azaria 3 +011001011010 Bapco 3 +011001011010 AD/SAT 3 +011001011010 Andalusia 4 +011001011010 PACS 4 +011001011010 flashcards 4 +011001011010 WYNY 4 +011001011010 Meeschaert-Rousselle 4 +011001011010 Pernas 4 +011001011010 CP-66,248 4 +011001011010 1478 4 +011001011010 Yoli 4 +011001011010 Ouagadougou 4 +011001011010 sequins 4 +011001011010 Ruthie 4 +011001011010 Affluence 4 +011001011010 Eurocard 4 +011001011010 lentils 4 +011001011010 WCVB 4 +011001011010 Scioto 4 +011001011010 shellac 4 +011001011010 Comoros 4 +011001011010 Pilate 4 +011001011010 Pontin 4 +011001011010 Lancelot 4 +011001011010 Therapists 4 +011001011010 AD/VENT 4 +011001011010 Ingetel 4 +011001011010 Jahangir 4 +011001011010 Aarhus 4 +011001011010 Bari 4 +011001011010 PRP 4 +011001011010 Silverado 4 +011001011010 Laloux 4 +011001011010 Marrakesh 4 +011001011010 Ying 4 +011001011010 non-graduates 4 +011001011010 chlamydia 4 +011001011010 EgyptAir 4 +011001011010 AirMalta 4 +011001011010 Bulgakov 4 +011001011010 Chhoeun 4 +011001011010 Telic-Alcatel 4 +011001011010 A-J 4 +011001011010 Oculinum 4 +011001011010 Hadrian 4 +011001011010 Aalto 4 +011001011010 Aussat 4 +011001011010 Macduff 4 +011001011010 Dido 4 +011001011010 Drusilla 5 +011001011010 Bluefield 5 +011001011010 Charlies 5 +011001011010 Sinbad 5 +011001011010 Cadwallader 5 +011001011010 fistfights 5 +011001011010 Fellini 5 +011001011010 Pelo 5 +011001011010 Oudtshoorn 5 +011001011010 Cidem 5 +011001011010 nifedipine 5 +011001011010 NAPC 5 +011001011010 Maniac 5 +011001011010 Copalillo 5 +011001011010 Creon 5 +011001011010 Winterfest 5 +011001011010 Libbey-St 5 +011001011010 Aredale 5 +011001011010 Bed-Stuy 5 +011001011010 Sunds 5 +011001011010 PHLCorp. 5 +011001011010 SNCF 5 +011001011010 Sandkraal 5 +011001011010 Broadgate 5 +011001011010 Conductus 5 +011001011010 ARNA 5 +011001011010 Tygodnik 5 +011001011010 Bryanston 5 +011001011010 VAXes 5 +011001011010 Yand 5 +011001011010 Academia 5 +011001011010 Dafsa 5 +011001011010 CPR 5 +011001011010 Cxc/Bt 5 +011001011010 Tyndale 5 +011001011010 HOFI 5 +011001011010 volunteerism 5 +011001011010 WROR-FM 5 +011001011010 Hurrem 5 +011001011010 Coleridge 5 +011001011010 Donau 5 +011001011010 Kondratiev 5 +011001011010 Datsuns 5 +011001011010 VH-1 5 +011001011010 Othman 6 +011001011010 Saint-Saens 6 +011001011010 MoDo 6 +011001011010 Mombasa 6 +011001011010 clonidine 6 +011001011010 Ficorca 6 +011001011010 Caravaggio 6 +011001011010 Botticelli 6 +011001011010 fibrin 6 +011001011010 Intercorp 6 +011001011010 Sofkins 6 +011001011010 Taos 6 +011001011010 Numbulwar 6 +011001011010 Hengshui 6 +011001011010 WBAI 6 +011001011010 Berlioz 6 +011001011010 Scovel 6 +011001011010 Babs 6 +011001011010 Clinics 6 +011001011010 Hapag-Lloyd 6 +011001011010 Mogen 6 +011001011010 1620 6 +011001011010 Petron 6 +011001011010 Lili 6 +011001011010 Aguacayo 6 +011001011010 KNP 6 +011001011010 Defex-Portugal 6 +011001011010 Yenakiyevo 6 +011001011010 Lille 6 +011001011010 Remels 6 +011001011010 Cameroun 6 +011001011010 Zyrardow 6 +011001011010 Divesports 6 +011001011010 Sonangol 6 +011001011010 Marxist-Leninism 6 +011001011010 Sitka 6 +011001011010 N-CAP 6 +011001011010 Shoshone 7 +011001011010 Geoserve 7 +011001011010 Jabotinsky 7 +011001011010 TXI 7 +011001011010 Hunza 7 +011001011010 T.R. 7 +011001011010 Chekov 7 +011001011010 endometriosis 7 +011001011010 Urdu 7 +011001011010 Shylock 7 +011001011010 Dostoyevsky 7 +011001011010 Kingstree 7 +011001011010 Pozzo 7 +011001011010 Romana 7 +011001011010 WPBF 7 +011001011010 Olongapo 7 +011001011010 Bisbee 7 +011001011010 ParcPlace 7 +011001011010 2800 7 +011001011010 LIFFE 7 +011001011010 Golgo 7 +011001011010 Calabria 7 +011001011010 M25 7 +011001011010 Forestwood 7 +011001011010 Lawford 7 +011001011010 ragtime 7 +011001011010 SportsClub 8 +011001011010 Scandinavians 8 +011001011010 Offenbach 8 +011001011010 Computerworld 8 +011001011010 Anthiel 8 +011001011010 U2 8 +011001011010 Sauternes 8 +011001011010 Irkutsk 8 +011001011010 Mssrs 8 +011001011010 MCorp. 8 +011001011010 Crete 8 +011001011010 Petronas 8 +011001011010 NASSA 8 +011001011010 Ennosuke 8 +011001011010 Botshabelo 8 +011001011010 RD2 8 +011001011010 Mutlangen 8 +011001011010 ideonomy 8 +011001011010 Binfield 8 +011001011010 Nietzsche 9 +011001011010 Bobbo 9 +011001011010 job-hopping 9 +011001011010 PASOK 9 +011001011010 MacNeal 9 +011001011010 PSNH 9 +011001011010 Baden-Wuerttemberg 9 +011001011010 Wieboldt 9 +011001011010 Marcelle 9 +011001011010 ARD 9 +011001011010 Tshekedi 9 +011001011010 Alsace 9 +011001011010 pennzoil 9 +011001011010 Nanchang 9 +011001011010 Centerbank 9 +011001011010 Jalalabad 9 +011001011010 Gidget 9 +011001011010 Rachmaninoff 9 +011001011010 Spider-Man 9 +011001011010 electromagnetism 10 +011001011010 Burkina 10 +011001011010 Satanism 10 +011001011010 Chadron 10 +011001011010 Femme 10 +011001011010 Oberhausen 10 +011001011010 Adapso 10 +011001011010 Ryanair 10 +011001011010 Pertamina 10 +011001011010 IPTAY 10 +011001011010 AMCC 10 +011001011010 Papermate 10 +011001011010 Ravel 10 +011001011010 Richford 10 +011001011010 NaTec 10 +011001011010 Bhutan 10 +011001011010 Suva 11 +011001011010 LFB 11 +011001011010 Mughniyeh 11 +011001011010 Ireene 11 +011001011010 Jamshedpur 11 +011001011010 Barricada 11 +011001011010 Emprise 11 +011001011010 academe 11 +011001011010 WCIX 11 +011001011010 Uranus 11 +011001011010 Rondonia 11 +011001011010 Baku 12 +011001011010 Traer 12 +011001011010 Britian 12 +011001011010 Hylsa 12 +011001011010 carbohydrates 12 +011001011010 Orcas 12 +011001011010 Multivision 12 +011001011010 Delmas 12 +011001011010 Prokofiev 12 +011001011010 Flaubert 12 +011001011010 Allah 12 +011001011010 Voltaire 13 +011001011010 AGF 13 +011001011010 Dostoevski 13 +011001011010 Aeneas 13 +011001011010 Thoreau 13 +011001011010 Gallimard 13 +011001011010 Rhin-Rhone 13 +011001011010 Taegu 13 +011001011010 Fatah 13 +011001011010 Janacek 13 +011001011010 Confucius 13 +011001011010 Wotan 14 +011001011010 Chesterton 14 +011001011010 Marfa 14 +011001011010 Hannibal 14 +011001011010 HIV-1 14 +011001011010 Putco 14 +011001011010 Chontales 14 +011001011010 Guilin 14 +011001011010 Kakadu 14 +011001011010 Petipa 15 +011001011010 Copacabana 15 +011001011010 Ajax 15 +011001011010 Tucuman 15 +011001011010 Petrocorp 15 +011001011010 Jammu 15 +011001011010 Vermilion 15 +011001011010 Crusader 15 +011001011010 Tsukuba 16 +011001011010 then-Gov 16 +011001011010 Niger 16 +011001011010 Leadville 16 +011001011010 Bournonville 16 +011001011010 Dostoevsky 16 +011001011010 Ronda 16 +011001011010 modernity 16 +011001011010 UNESCO 16 +011001011010 Asiaweek 17 +011001011010 Pale 17 +011001011010 Donizetti 17 +011001011010 Bela 17 +011001011010 Salzgitter 17 +011001011010 Kiribati 17 +011001011010 Xiamen 17 +011001011010 Tbilisi 18 +011001011010 Jiangsu 18 +011001011010 Koversada 18 +011001011010 Riga 18 +011001011010 Lapland 18 +011001011010 Moliere 18 +011001011010 LISC 19 +011001011010 Adweek 19 +011001011010 Samcor 19 +011001011010 Chongqing 19 +011001011010 Burundi 20 +011001011010 Sarawak 20 +011001011010 Beidaihe 20 +011001011010 Cherrapunji 20 +011001011010 Kafka 20 +011001011010 Trotsky 20 +011001011010 Venango 20 +011001011010 Babette 21 +011001011010 Movietime 21 +011001011010 Batista 21 +011001011010 Dragonair 21 +011001011010 Spitball 21 +011001011010 Viedma 21 +011001011010 Bismarck 22 +011001011010 Emerge 22 +011001011010 Irian 22 +011001011010 Meyerbeer 22 +011001011010 Begajah 22 +011001011010 Provideniya 23 +011001011010 Fayrouz 23 +011001011010 Mogopa 23 +011001011010 Suriname 24 +011001011010 KIEV 24 +011001011010 Machiavelli 24 +011001011010 Ulster 25 +011001011010 Nokyo 25 +011001011010 Djibouti 25 +011001011010 CE 27 +011001011010 Wrangell 27 +011001011010 WSVN 27 +011001011010 Stravinsky 27 +011001011010 Cher 28 +011001011010 Connections 28 +011001011010 Plato 28 +011001011010 Gabon 28 +011001011010 Michelangelo 29 +011001011010 TIAA-CREF 29 +011001011010 UTA 29 +011001011010 Transylvania 30 +011001011010 Tegucigalpa 30 +011001011010 Puccini 30 +011001011010 Ciskei 31 +011001011010 Uganda 31 +011001011010 Animals 32 +011001011010 Bimini 32 +011001011010 Slovenia 33 +011001011010 Alysheba 33 +011001011010 Sodecom 34 +011001011010 Drs 34 +011001011010 Okinawa 35 +011001011010 Dresden 35 +011001011010 Feng 36 +011001011010 Palau 36 +011001011010 Cebu 37 +011001011010 Ethnos 37 +011001011010 Bucharest 38 +011001011010 Botswana 38 +011001011010 Brahms 38 +011001011010 Technicians 38 +011001011010 Satan 38 +011001011010 Indochina 39 +011001011010 FirstSouth 39 +011001011010 Nome 40 +011001011010 Luanda 41 +011001011010 Sonatrach 41 +011001011010 Braque 41 +011001011010 Khartoum 42 +011001011010 Antarctica 42 +011001011010 Surf 42 +011001011010 Acapulco 43 +011001011010 Tchaikovsky 44 +011001011010 Riyadh 44 +011001011010 Tripoli 45 +011001011010 Estonia 46 +011001011010 Jupiter 47 +011001011010 Sassy 47 +011001011010 Ankara 49 +011001011010 IBH 49 +011001011010 Swaziland 49 +011001011010 Nepal 49 +011001011010 Malawi 52 +011001011010 Bavaria 53 +011001011010 Izvestia 56 +011001011010 Poverty 58 +011001011010 Martina 60 +011001011010 JFK 62 +011001011010 Tunisia 63 +011001011010 Brasilia 63 +011001011010 Iberia 64 +011001011010 FADA 67 +011001011010 Vanuatu 72 +011001011010 ABC-TV 74 +011001011010 mankind 76 +011001011010 Christianity 76 +011001011010 Islamabad 78 +011001011010 Neptune 80 +011001011010 Takeovers 89 +011001011010 Khrushchev 89 +011001011010 Damascus 90 +011001011010 MBB 94 +011001011010 Bangladesh 97 +011001011010 Elle 97 +011001011010 Esquire 98 +011001011010 Namibia 99 +011001011010 Grenada 103 +011001011010 FDR 104 +011001011010 Havana 105 +011001011010 Picasso 105 +011001011010 Pyongyang 107 +011001011010 Zaire 108 +011001011010 Bulgaria 109 +011001011010 Chad 110 +011001011010 Beethoven 110 +011001011010 Fiji 110 +011001011010 Sudan 111 +011001011010 Mozart 112 +011001011010 Rangoon 116 +011001011010 Azerbaijan 116 +011001011010 Kenya 117 +011001011010 Basra 120 +011001011010 heaven 133 +011001011010 Pravda 149 +011001011010 Hwan 153 +011001011010 Showtime 164 +011001011010 Bolivia 165 +011001011010 Bahrain 165 +011001011010 Zimbabwe 166 +011001011010 Jamaica 167 +011001011010 MTV 169 +011001011010 Romania 178 +011001011010 Tibet 183 +011001011010 Hanoi 184 +011001011010 Peking 199 +011001011010 Czechoslovakia 208 +011001011010 Algeria 213 +011001011010 Banxquote 217 +011001011010 Ethiopia 219 +011001011010 Hitler 220 +011001011010 Burma 234 +011001011010 ours 242 +011001011010 Cambodia 254 +011001011010 Ecuador 260 +011001011010 Khomeini 265 +011001011010 Brunei 269 +011001011010 Mozambique 271 +011001011010 L.A. 273 +011001011010 Denmark 281 +011001011010 Pretoria 289 +011001011010 Haiti 295 +011001011010 Baghdad 298 +011001011010 Nigeria 298 +011001011010 Yugoslavia 315 +011001011010 Honduras 315 +011001011010 humans 333 +011001011010 Stalin 350 +011001011010 Russia 385 +011001011010 Libya 403 +011001011010 Thailand 424 +011001011010 Managua 429 +011001011010 Austria 433 +011001011010 Malaysia 440 +011001011010 Greece 462 +011001011010 Syria 466 +011001011010 Indonesia 505 +011001011010 Colombia 512 +011001011010 Norway 556 +011001011010 Hungary 630 +011001011010 Peru 645 +011001011010 Chile 653 +011001011010 Venezuela 669 +011001011010 Cuba 685 +011001011010 Turkey 769 +011001011010 Bonn 780 +011001011010 Egypt 837 +011001011010 Tehran 856 +011001011010 Kuwait 932 +011001011010 Beijing 934 +011001011010 Afghanistan 981 +011001011010 Pakistan 1014 +011001011010 Panama 1093 +011001011010 Poland 1168 +011001011010 Argentina 1234 +011001011010 Spain 1342 +011001011010 India 1406 +011001011010 Nicaragua 1765 +011001011010 Taiwan 2062 +011001011010 Iraq 2180 +011001011010 Israel 2848 +011001011010 Moscow 2944 +011001011010 Iran 5653 +011001011010 Mexico 3976 +011001011010 Brazil 3968 +011001011010 Britain 6035 +011001011010 China 4666 +011001011010 Japan 16614 +011001011011 EUROMOBILIARE 1 +011001011011 RIZZOLI-CORRIERE 1 +011001011011 Booker-McConnell 1 +011001011011 Blessit 1 +011001011011 TRANS-RESOURCES 1 +011001011011 Abood 1 +011001011011 Wagenblast 1 +011001011011 Orcagna 1 +011001011011 Laxton 1 +011001011011 Fumigalli 1 +011001011011 non-Domino 1 +011001011011 5914 1 +011001011011 Govardhan 1 +011001011011 Pissaro 1 +011001011011 Nutrial 1 +011001011011 Geha-Werke 1 +011001011011 Theodoric 1 +011001011011 Sainsury 1 +011001011011 Orantes-Hernandez 1 +011001011011 Steyr-Daimler-Puch 1 +011001011011 malldom 1 +011001011011 intergroup 1 +011001011011 Msolowa 1 +011001011011 Casch 1 +011001011011 Leybold-Heraeus 1 +011001011011 40588 1 +011001011011 Escala 1 +011001011011 quimicas 1 +011001011011 Cilea 1 +011001011011 scedule 1 +011001011011 Transatlantico 1 +011001011011 Kuboto 1 +011001011011 Almanij 1 +011001011011 Kayersberg 1 +011001011011 home-finding 2 +011001011011 natron 2 +011001011011 Absorbed 2 +011001011011 sonars 2 +011001011011 Sust 2 +011001011011 405.78 2 +011001011011 lightweights 2 +011001011011 spaciousness 2 +011001011011 18-to-1 2 +011001011011 1920-21 2 +011001011011 1353 2 +011001011011 republicanism 2 +011001011011 submariners 2 +011001011011 Harmon/Envicon 2 +011001011011 Slutsk 2 +011001011011 Conalco 2 +011001011011 1801.7 2 +011001011011 Valois 2 +011001011011 Michaelangelo 2 +011001011011 Quetta 2 +011001011011 Buckinghamshire 2 +011001011011 1313.9 2 +011001011011 Dietisa 2 +011001011011 Economizers 2 +011001011011 Bankipur 2 +011001011011 Patara 2 +011001011011 self-investigation 2 +011001011011 390,987 2 +011001011011 Reico 2 +011001011011 Pello 2 +011001011011 TCAs 2 +011001011011 recanalization 2 +011001011011 subsidiarity 2 +011001011011 RWI 2 +011001011011 Jayapura 2 +011001011011 Scriabin 2 +011001011011 Cephalonia 2 +011001011011 SYSTEMHOUSE 2 +011001011011 Narayangaon 2 +011001011011 Blueberries 2 +011001011011 Intimidation 2 +011001011011 Pennslyvania 2 +011001011011 Didier-Werke 2 +011001011011 Tauruses 2 +011001011011 omelettes 2 +011001011011 Abkhazia 2 +011001011011 154.28 2 +011001011011 Muroran 2 +011001011011 breadfruit 2 +011001011011 Gloeilampenfabrieken 2 +011001011011 1971-73 2 +011001011011 CSI 2 +011001011011 pizzerias 2 +011001011011 meteneprost 2 +011001011011 CareFirst 2 +011001011011 horehound 2 +011001011011 Amasco 2 +011001011011 ICEE-U.S.A. 2 +011001011011 Maupassant 2 +011001011011 captan 2 +011001011011 1656 2 +011001011011 Sinex 2 +011001011011 Almet/Lawnlite 2 +011001011011 AsiaSat 2 +011001011011 HoDAG 2 +011001011011 soft-edged 2 +011001011011 98.93 2 +011001011011 Unicef 2 +011001011011 Tuscola 2 +011001011011 1,502,000 2 +011001011011 Goskino 2 +011001011011 Ganalaagte 2 +011001011011 Chambertin 2 +011001011011 Laetrile 2 +011001011011 Majorca 2 +011001011011 1977-79 2 +011001011011 bearskins 2 +011001011011 LoSchiavo 2 +011001011011 Koolhaas 2 +011001011011 Meghalaya 2 +011001011011 Spas 2 +011001011011 Bukhara 2 +011001011011 audiocassettes 2 +011001011011 LOMA 2 +011001011011 Lizardi 2 +011001011011 conscientiousness 2 +011001011011 Gibralter 2 +011001011011 jawbones 2 +011001011011 manic-depression 2 +011001011011 Nicaragua. 2 +011001011011 WHEAT 2 +011001011011 Arbitech 2 +011001011011 Annabella 2 +011001011011 bullfrogs 2 +011001011011 1775-1851 2 +011001011011 Matsushige 2 +011001011011 WWV 2 +011001011011 lacquers 2 +011001011011 1975-85 2 +011001011011 CVRD 2 +011001011011 Sigma-Aldrich 2 +011001011011 Piper-Heidsieck 2 +011001011011 laundromats 2 +011001011011 Brainiac 2 +011001011011 Siasconset 2 +011001011011 Tallin 2 +011001011011 Arbon 2 +011001011011 culverts 2 +011001011011 Giotto 2 +011001011011 Europolitique 2 +011001011011 Leverkusen 2 +011001011011 Uniforms 2 +011001011011 Fennimore 2 +011001011011 Pepsico 2 +011001011011 Lessius 2 +011001011011 narco-terror 2 +011001011011 Metroliners 2 +011001011011 Wolters-Kluwer 2 +011001011011 28-0 2 +011001011011 Neosho 2 +011001011011 Claritas 2 +011001011011 Ostracism 2 +011001011011 Montmartre 2 +011001011011 lobstering 2 +011001011011 taxicabs 2 +011001011011 Saint-Saen 2 +011001011011 fauvism 2 +011001011011 97.45 2 +011001011011 Hydroxyapatite 2 +011001011011 CoNEP 2 +011001011011 union-bashing 2 +011001011011 necrophilia 2 +011001011011 salutatorians 2 +011001011011 1782.6 2 +011001011011 Korpinen 2 +011001011011 Shelburne 2 +011001011011 Metaleurop 2 +011001011011 eyedroppers 2 +011001011011 Tyrants 2 +011001011011 Paty 2 +011001011011 Crecy 2 +011001011011 Tlalnepantla 2 +011001011011 Schocken 2 +011001011011 Bintulu 2 +011001011011 Guetersloh 2 +011001011011 BEEP 2 +011001011011 countertops 3 +011001011011 Io 3 +011001011011 Verdun 3 +011001011011 Nuprin 3 +011001011011 self-enrichment 3 +011001011011 Printex 3 +011001011011 Otolaryngology 3 +011001011011 bifocals 3 +011001011011 l989 3 +011001011011 Paolina 3 +011001011011 Cosenza 3 +011001011011 Beaune 3 +011001011011 Citicorp. 3 +011001011011 Maco-Meudon 3 +011001011011 Ba1 3 +011001011011 MSH 3 +011001011011 Skinker 3 +011001011011 STPRM 3 +011001011011 Grafil 3 +011001011011 Shiraz 3 +011001011011 Swahili 3 +011001011011 destitution 3 +011001011011 AGP 3 +011001011011 1704 3 +011001011011 Amper 3 +011001011011 Carajas 3 +011001011011 Pastine 3 +011001011011 4900 3 +011001011011 ATLA 3 +011001011011 Chamblee 3 +011001011011 Hanomag 3 +011001011011 Khabarovsk 3 +011001011011 disfigurement 3 +011001011011 Potchefstroom 3 +011001011011 Dural 3 +011001011011 SBKKVs 3 +011001011011 Fritos 3 +011001011011 Butner 3 +011001011011 Flaekt 3 +011001011011 Geha 3 +011001011011 Altair 3 +011001011011 TFP 3 +011001011011 Disctronics 3 +011001011011 SLCMs 3 +011001011011 Munakata 3 +011001011011 Morisot 3 +011001011011 MIRAs 3 +011001011011 Klytemnestra 3 +011001011011 Worriers 3 +011001011011 Orda 3 +011001011011 Guadix 3 +011001011011 Arabist 3 +011001011011 Pietermartizburg 3 +011001011011 Pescosolido 3 +011001011011 Canadiana 3 +011001011011 D-marks 3 +011001011011 Pens 3 +011001011011 whirlpools 3 +011001011011 1937-38 3 +011001011011 GAMBRO 3 +011001011011 Homosexuality 3 +011001011011 society. 3 +011001011011 Macedonia 3 +011001011011 goldenrod 3 +011001011011 Calvinism 3 +011001011011 Elscint 3 +011001011011 Italbonder 3 +011001011011 readmissions 3 +011001011011 Tomsk 3 +011001011011 WMAQ-AM 3 +011001011011 CGB 3 +011001011011 Driftwood 3 +011001011011 Netmap 3 +011001011011 yogurts 3 +011001011011 Tremec 3 +011001011011 Leyte 3 +011001011011 Sikkim 3 +011001011011 Niigata 3 +011001011011 Fortran 3 +011001011011 Julietta 3 +011001011011 cacao 3 +011001011011 SICA 3 +011001011011 Zales 3 +011001011011 Megadeth 3 +011001011011 Grand-Mere 3 +011001011011 Husang 3 +011001011011 Urumqi 3 +011001011011 glossolalia 3 +011001011011 Arsace 3 +011001011011 Airlease 3 +011001011011 Hemotec 3 +011001011011 Bolshevism 3 +011001011011 jail. 3 +011001011011 Ivanek 3 +011001011011 Sade 3 +011001011011 Hunding 3 +011001011011 Kirkwall 3 +011001011011 Persigny 3 +011001011011 manliness 3 +011001011011 Lucca 3 +011001011011 2104.47 3 +011001011011 Sherbrooke 3 +011001011011 11:00-23:00 3 +011001011011 arteriosclerosis 3 +011001011011 TV-AM 3 +011001011011 fear-mongering 3 +011001011011 1819 3 +011001011011 EGAT 3 +011001011011 asylums 3 +011001011011 KZKC 3 +011001011011 WRDW 3 +011001011011 EGO 3 +011001011011 Winkfield 4 +011001011011 Greentree 4 +011001011011 Lodz 4 +011001011011 Humulin 4 +011001011011 Agrimont 4 +011001011011 Morelia 4 +011001011011 Breslau 4 +011001011011 Madero 4 +011001011011 Tangier 4 +011001011011 Obstetrics 4 +011001011011 18th- 4 +011001011011 concussions 4 +011001011011 Kumsan 4 +011001011011 Racal-Millicom 4 +011001011011 Toontown 4 +011001011011 paleface 4 +011001011011 E-2 4 +011001011011 ICEE-USA 4 +011001011011 Prouvost 4 +011001011011 Oppermann 4 +011001011011 pistachios 4 +011001011011 Preforce 4 +011001011011 Teljoy 4 +011001011011 shad 4 +011001011011 SPA 4 +011001011011 Gotagruppen 4 +011001011011 2181.19 4 +011001011011 Estructura 4 +011001011011 Azusa 4 +011001011011 schoolgirls 4 +011001011011 MacUser 4 +011001011011 Samir 4 +011001011011 Machlett 4 +011001011011 AsiAm 4 +011001011011 Mazatlan 4 +011001011011 lampshades 4 +011001011011 PURINA 4 +011001011011 Khadijeh 4 +011001011011 Chandigarh 4 +011001011011 opiates 4 +011001011011 analogues 4 +011001011011 Lvov 4 +011001011011 Guanajuato 4 +011001011011 Kampala 4 +011001011011 irresolution 4 +011001011011 Malaya 4 +011001011011 Grundleger 4 +011001011011 primogeniture 4 +011001011011 moneylenders 4 +011001011011 Gotland 4 +011001011011 Shantou 4 +011001011011 Muscat 4 +011001011011 Telemann 4 +011001011011 Skiatook 4 +011001011011 Milico 4 +011001011011 presorted 4 +011001011011 Oreos 4 +011001011011 Liberte 4 +011001011011 Praeger 4 +011001011011 Sabres 5 +011001011011 Channelview 5 +011001011011 Bulusan 5 +011001011011 Wittenberg 5 +011001011011 Cabs 5 +011001011011 daffodils 5 +011001011011 M-0 5 +011001011011 Kassala 5 +011001011011 Cozumel 5 +011001011011 Gaul 5 +011001011011 Balchem 5 +011001011011 otolaryngologists 5 +011001011011 NuCable 5 +011001011011 1981-1984 5 +011001011011 Hagemeyer 5 +011001011011 Polanglia 5 +011001011011 Archaeology 5 +011001011011 Keflex 5 +011001011011 Ibsen 5 +011001011011 Column 5 +011001011011 Lanai 5 +011001011011 Tigre 5 +011001011011 Takara-Gumi 5 +011001011011 TCB 5 +011001011011 Zastava 5 +011001011011 Gulfport 5 +011001011011 PETROFINA 5 +011001011011 VISN 5 +011001011011 Karonite 5 +011001011011 WBZ 5 +011001011011 Sibelius 5 +011001011011 Correggio 5 +011001011011 Marad 5 +011001011011 Thal 5 +011001011011 Shackleton 5 +011001011011 Timbuktu 5 +011001011011 Tortola 6 +011001011011 Blitar 6 +011001011011 Nanking 6 +011001011011 Datatronic 6 +011001011011 Maud 6 +011001011011 Szczecin 6 +011001011011 Makro 6 +011001011011 Licensintorg 6 +011001011011 Pisa 6 +011001011011 Innovi 6 +011001011011 EPRI 6 +011001011011 Aucayacu 6 +011001011011 photovoltaics 6 +011001011011 Tigray 6 +011001011011 Recordati 6 +011001011011 Zilber 6 +011001011011 '75 6 +011001011011 Steubenville 6 +011001011011 Nyborg 6 +011001011011 Matagalpa 6 +011001011011 dyestuffs 6 +011001011011 Katowice 6 +011001011011 BSI 6 +011001011011 Sardinia 6 +011001011011 Polangui 6 +011001011011 Tacloban 6 +011001011011 Nucleus 6 +011001011011 Australasia 6 +011001011011 lawnmowers 6 +011001011011 2159.85 6 +011001011011 Matane 6 +011001011011 gastronomy 6 +011001011011 2660.66 6 +011001011011 Darra 6 +011001011011 1,067 6 +011001011011 Optrotech 6 +011001011011 Byelorussia 6 +011001011011 Gravesend 6 +011001011011 Amer 6 +011001011011 Visnews 6 +011001011011 Omnipaque 6 +011001011011 PKbanken 6 +011001011011 Barra 6 +011001011011 hammocks 7 +011001011011 1844 7 +011001011011 WTVJ-TV 7 +011001011011 Trier 7 +011001011011 1979-81 7 +011001011011 self-worth 7 +011001011011 Amef 7 +011001011011 Total-Cie 7 +011001011011 KLEINWORT 7 +011001011011 Spie-Batignolles 7 +011001011011 Hinduism 7 +011001011011 quiche 7 +011001011011 Katmandu 8 +011001011011 Editions 8 +011001011011 CIM 8 +011001011011 2158.96 8 +011001011011 CFA 8 +011001011011 Ampersand 8 +011001011011 Artois 8 +011001011011 Giessen 8 +011001011011 Zeinab 8 +011001011011 Dakar 8 +011001011011 Hallandale 8 +011001011011 Jeumont-Schneider 8 +011001011011 Grasse 8 +011001011011 Wroclaw 8 +011001011011 1837 8 +011001011011 Micronesia 8 +011001011011 Antigua 8 +011001011011 Patagonia 9 +011001011011 Creditanstalt-Bankverein 9 +011001011011 mothballs 9 +011001011011 Ampol 9 +011001011011 Essen 9 +011001011011 Penta 9 +011001011011 Dahlia 9 +011001011011 deconstruction 9 +011001011011 safes 9 +011001011011 MONIER 9 +011001011011 Furlett 9 +011001011011 Nablus 9 +011001011011 '29 9 +011001011011 Petromed 9 +011001011011 crawfish 9 +011001011011 Alcasa 9 +011001011011 Venalum 9 +011001011011 farsightedness 10 +011001011011 Qom 10 +011001011011 seaweed 10 +011001011011 Lesotho 10 +011001011011 Ahab 10 +011001011011 Bosnia 10 +011001011011 Volgograd 10 +011001011011 Moldavia 10 +011001011011 Rwanda 10 +011001011011 pastels 10 +011001011011 Mallightco 10 +011001011011 PageMaker 10 +011001011011 Aruba 10 +011001011011 hibernation 11 +011001011011 Peaudouce 11 +011001011011 Xanax 11 +011001011011 Guernsey 11 +011001011011 Juneau 12 +011001011011 Mauritius 12 +011001011011 Chapelle-Darblay 12 +011001011011 half-truths 13 +011001011011 Croatia 13 +011001011011 Manchuria 13 +011001011011 urokinase 13 +011001011011 Sumgait 13 +011001011011 Minneapolis-St 13 +011001011011 Madagascar 13 +011001011011 Canam-Manac 14 +011001011011 IHI 15 +011001011011 Enasa 15 +011001011011 Cadiz 15 +011001011011 Tricil 15 +011001011011 Capri 15 +011001011011 Borneo 15 +011001011011 insomnia 16 +011001011011 Ebano 16 +011001011011 Nagasaki 16 +011001011011 Negros 16 +011001011011 asbestosis 16 +011001011011 1738.74 16 +011001011011 Persia 17 +011001011011 dizziness 18 +011001011011 Togo 18 +011001011011 Sicily 18 +011001011011 Appalachia 19 +011001011011 disrepair 20 +011001011011 Albania 20 +011001011011 Cameroon 21 +011001011011 Kalgoorlie 22 +011001011011 Liberia 22 +011001011011 Quito 22 +011001011011 Cobepa 23 +011001011011 Sidon 23 +011001011011 Me. 23 +011001011011 Valhalla 24 +011001011011 Quilali 24 +011001011011 Sumatra 24 +011001011011 Lithuania 24 +011001011011 Gujarat 25 +011001011011 Barbados 26 +011001011011 Serbia 27 +011001011011 Malta 28 +011001011011 Rhodesia 28 +011001011011 Mongolia 28 +011001011011 Latvia 28 +011001011011 Macao 28 +011001011011 Greenland 29 +011001011011 Somalia 29 +011001011011 Euromobiliare 30 +011001011011 Surgeons 31 +011001011011 Trinidad 31 +011001011011 Liechtenstein 32 +011001011011 Kosar 32 +011001011011 CSF 32 +011001011011 Cia 32 +011001011011 Marsalis 35 +011001011011 Senegal 35 +011001011011 HILL 39 +011001011011 Monaco 39 +011001011011 Yerevan 39 +011001011011 Tanzania 39 +011001011011 Lhasa 40 +011001011011 Perrier 43 +011001011011 Qantas 44 +011001011011 Laos 54 +011001011011 Eritrea 56 +011001011011 Qatar 57 +011001011011 Paraguay 60 +011001011011 Ghana 78 +011001011011 Ing 85 +011001011011 academia 87 +011001011011 Zambia 95 +011001011011 Armenia 97 +011001011011 Morocco 110 +011001011011 Oman 115 +011001011011 Siberia 115 +011001011011 Midi 156 +011001011011 Finland 251 +011001011011 Portugal 283 +011001011011 Scotland 332 +011001011011 Angola 433 +011001011011 Ireland 516 +011001011011 Hawaii 563 +011001011011 Belgium 687 +011001011011 Lebanon 992 +011001011011 Sweden 1112 +011001011011 Asia 1492 +011001011011 Switzerland 1840 +011001011011 Italy 2028 +011001011011 Australia 2373 +011001011011 Europe 7539 +011001011011 Canada 8247 +011001011011 France 4313 +011001011100 Coast-head-on-in 1 +011001011100 to- 1 +011001011100 Deptford 1 +011001011100 Quoddy 1 +011001011100 Homilies 1 +011001011100 German-trained 1 +011001011100 Greenbush 1 +011001011100 Raglan 1 +011001011100 SBA-approved 1 +011001011100 Chinaja 1 +011001011100 Pointers 1 +011001011100 Coast-oriented 1 +011001011100 Coxsackie 1 +011001011100 1914-1922 1 +011001011100 German-Swiss 1 +011001011100 Coast-shuttle 1 +011001011100 knowingness 1 +011001011100 Siders 1 +011001011100 Jo-ann 1 +011001011100 Prussians 1 +011001011100 Texass 1 +011001011100 minster 2 +011001011100 Stroudsburg 2 +011001011100 Turkestan 2 +011001011100 aerie 2 +011001011100 Redonda 2 +011001011100 Tawas 2 +011001011100 Boylston 2 +011001011100 Germs 2 +011001011100 Lb 2 +011001011100 sashay 2 +011001011100 Razzak 3 +011001011100 Kilbride 3 +011001011100 Levingston 3 +011001011100 Pinopolis 4 +011001011100 lookers 4 +011001011100 Sheffer 4 +011001011100 Sak 5 +011001011100 Granby 5 +011001011100 Breaks 5 +011001011100 Indies-based 6 +011001011100 Fishkill 6 +011001011100 Virgina 6 +011001011100 Anglia 7 +011001011100 Kootenay 8 +011001011100 Covina 8 +011001011100 Berliners 9 +011001011100 Fitzsimons 9 +011001011100 Ingham 9 +011001011100 Snowe 10 +011001011100 LB 10 +011001011100 Nyack 10 +011001011100 Midlands 13 +011001011100 Bengal 13 +011001011100 Roxbury 13 +011001011100 Virginian 14 +011001011100 Coker 15 +011001011100 Grill 18 +011001011100 Virginians 20 +011001011100 Indies 22 +011001011100 Weymouth 22 +011001011100 NewVector 27 +011001011100 Liverpool 34 +011001011100 Dame 66 +011001011100 coasts 86 +011001011100 End 129 +011001011100 Point-Pepperell 139 +011001011100 Bloc 141 +011001011100 Chester 169 +011001011100 Side 224 +011001011100 Point 596 +011001011100 Berlin 657 +011001011100 Germans 946 +011001011100 Virginia 1422 +011001011100 Coast 1535 +011001011100 Germany 6507 +011001011101 German-mark 1 +011001011101 1.7159 1 +011001011101 1.6791 1 +011001011101 1.6870 1 +011001011101 40-square-mile 1 +011001011101 836.25 1 +011001011101 1.7360 1 +011001011101 173.70 1 +011001011101 21-8 1 +011001011101 18,350 1 +011001011101 1.6560 1 +011001011101 1.6970 1 +011001011101 1.7205 1 +011001011101 31,890 1 +011001011101 3.4395 1 +011001011101 1.7080 1 +011001011101 1.8935 1 +011001011101 Westphalian 1 +011001011101 1.8397 1 +011001011101 592.5 1 +011001011101 1.6587 1 +011001011101 1.6354 1 +011001011101 1.75-to-1.9 1 +011001011101 vulgarians 1 +011001011101 2.9795 1 +011001011101 2.9800 1 +011001011101 1127.5 1 +011001011101 1.8459 1 +011001011101 645.8 1 +011001011101 1.8553 1 +011001011101 1.8827 1 +011001011101 2.0125 1 +011001011101 often-disadvantaged 1 +011001011101 1.8575 1 +011001011101 sterling-Deutsche 1 +011001011101 1.8755-1.8830 1 +011001011101 Roure 1 +011001011101 Newscasts 1 +011001011101 1.8380 1 +011001011101 1.8420 1 +011001011101 1.8560 1 +011001011101 franc-short 1 +011001011101 Gondroms 1 +011001011101 3.2408 1 +011001011101 1.8664 1 +011001011101 3.1300 1 +011001011101 3.1600 1 +011001011101 3.1255 1 +011001011101 1.8493 1 +011001011101 dollar-short 1 +011001011101 1.8525-1.8530 1 +011001011101 Azerbaidzhanskaya 1 +011001011101 2.9967 1 +011001011101 1.7490 1 +011001011101 16,600 1 +011001011101 2.9990 1 +011001011101 breadboard-sized 1 +011001011101 1,357 1 +011001011101 burial-industry 1 +011001011101 3.4305 1 +011001011101 1139 1 +011001011101 3.1325 1 +011001011101 1.8040 1 +011001011101 1.65-1.70 1 +011001011101 1.7926 1 +011001011101 stock-for-wages 1 +011001011101 1.8233 1 +011001011101 units-for-stock 1 +011001011101 1.783 1 +011001011101 1.785 1 +011001011101 2.0290 1 +011001011101 2.0119 1 +011001011101 1.67-point 1 +011001011101 1.80-to-1.83 1 +011001011101 7,590,000 1 +011001011101 21,444 1 +011001011101 21-2 1 +011001011101 fast-maturing 1 +011001011101 1.8268 1 +011001011101 Herstigte 1 +011001011101 monomaniacal 1 +011001011101 stock-for-debenture 1 +011001011101 percentage-point-wider 1 +011001011101 1.8108 1 +011001011101 Band-Aidlike 1 +011001011101 Coast-to-Hawaii 1 +011001011101 Janeiro-based 1 +011001011101 52.20 1 +011001011101 legal-alien 1 +011001011101 1.6623 1 +011001011101 Mexcian 1 +011001011101 71.58 1 +011001011101 1.6022 1 +011001011101 1.6293 1 +011001011101 34-48 1 +011001011101 709.50 1 +011001011101 1.9173 1 +011001011101 alu 1 +011001011101 177.50 1 +011001011101 2.9534 1 +011001011101 1.7990 1 +011001011101 721.75 1 +011001011101 1.9760 1 +011001011101 6.4705 1 +011001011101 1.6417 1 +011001011101 6-for-1-stock 1 +011001011101 2.0169 1 +011001011101 2.0265 1 +011001011101 KSJO 1 +011001011101 717.52 1 +011001011101 1,635 1 +011001011101 2.9679 1 +011001011101 1.6990 1 +011001011101 3.1900 1 +011001011101 5,675 1 +011001011101 33.90 1 +011001011101 3.1908 1 +011001011101 3.1826 1 +011001011101 9,780 1 +011001011101 bid/ask 1 +011001011101 1,512 1 +011001011101 1.7035 1 +011001011101 3.1282 1 +011001011101 10,190 1 +011001011101 1.9620 1 +011001011101 2.0574 1 +011001011101 1.6697 1 +011001011101 1.9345 1 +011001011101 16,410 1 +011001011101 3.0991 1 +011001011101 3.1041 1 +011001011101 3.1450 1 +011001011101 3.1800 1 +011001011101 3.1384 1 +011001011101 1.720 1 +011001011101 3.763 1 +011001011101 1.7180 1 +011001011101 6,825 1 +011001011101 2,497 1 +011001011101 3.0851 1 +011001011101 3.1040 1 +011001011101 1.6994 1 +011001011101 1.7026 1 +011001011101 579.6 1 +011001011101 1.7168 1 +011001011101 1.7269 1 +011001011101 3.1053 1 +011001011101 1.7066 1 +011001011101 1.7215 1 +011001011101 1.7280 1 +011001011101 5,505 1 +011001011101 3.1063 1 +011001011101 2.9985 1 +011001011101 1.6907 1 +011001011101 1.6914 1 +011001011101 1.9845 1 +011001011101 9,077 1 +011001011101 1.9675 1 +011001011101 3.1227 1 +011001011101 3.1077 1 +011001011101 2.0040 1 +011001011101 1.6565 1 +011001011101 1.6664 1 +011001011101 35.16 1 +011001011101 3.090 1 +011001011101 244.30 1 +011001011101 2.9938 1 +011001011101 7,550 1 +011001011101 seven-minutes-to-go 1 +011001011101 3.0950 1 +011001011101 1.9750 1 +011001011101 3.0818 1 +011001011101 1.9783 1 +011001011101 1.9590 1 +011001011101 1.6692 1 +011001011101 330.00 1 +011001011101 late-hours 1 +011001011101 10,005 1 +011001011101 3.0930 1 +011001011101 1.5615 1 +011001011101 1.6899 1 +011001011101 3.0836 1 +011001011101 3.0872 1 +011001011101 1.6649 1 +011001011101 1.6701 1 +011001011101 Luristanian 1 +011001011101 PanTurkic 1 +011001011101 30,381 1 +011001011101 1.9780 1 +011001011101 ago-favored 1 +011001011101 Pan-Turkic 1 +011001011101 1.6933 1 +011001011101 3.1252 1 +011001011101 German-advised 1 +011001011101 1.6678 1 +011001011101 1.6931 1 +011001011101 loss-leader 1 +011001011101 1.6850-1.7000 1 +011001011101 3.1434 1 +011001011101 3.1062 1 +011001011101 3.0807 1 +011001011101 1.9940 1 +011001011101 3.15-3.20 1 +011001011101 33-point 1 +011001011101 Deborra-Lee 1 +011001011101 Utd 1 +011001011101 1.8370 1 +011001011101 1.8410 1 +011001011101 Lumberjacks 1 +011001011101 1.8822 1 +011001011101 1.9570 1 +011001011101 3.2038 1 +011001011101 3.2150 1 +011001011101 9,750 1 +011001011101 1.9050 1 +011001011101 1.8837 1 +011001011101 1.8810 1 +011001011101 2-tie 1 +011001011101 Kemptville 1 +011001011101 1.8872 1 +011001011101 1.8517 1 +011001011101 1.5816 1 +011001011101 BBMB 1 +011001011101 1.9325 1 +011001011101 1.8540 1 +011001011101 1.8965 1 +011001011101 1.9204 1 +011001011101 1.8587-to-1.8980 1 +011001011101 1.5620 1 +011001011101 3.1665 1 +011001011101 less-endowed 1 +011001011101 3.0760 1 +011001011101 3.0645 1 +011001011101 32,020 1 +011001011101 1.85-2.00 1 +011001011101 Highliner 1 +011001011101 1.9010 1 +011001011101 24,110 1 +011001011101 1,857 1 +011001011101 1.8980 1 +011001011101 1.9045 1 +011001011101 1.9283 1 +011001011101 1.9300 1 +011001011101 265,550 1 +011001011101 1.8958 1 +011001011101 2.9788 1 +011001011101 1.9185 1 +011001011101 1.9060 1 +011001011101 1.6985 1 +011001011101 1.60-to-1.63 1 +011001011101 1.83-1.85 1 +011001011101 Berlin-Frankfurt 1 +011001011101 1.7865 1 +011001011101 1.7793 1 +011001011101 Dame-Michigan 1 +011001011101 1.9327 1 +011001011101 Communist-made 1 +011001011101 Duphar 1 +011001011101 NORMAN 1 +011001011101 1.7241 1 +011001011101 290.2 1 +011001011101 1.7468 1 +011001011101 1.7380 1 +011001011101 1.9650 1 +011001011101 3.0785 1 +011001011101 1.7612 1 +011001011101 1.9130 1 +011001011101 1.8855 1 +011001011101 5,660 1 +011001011101 Titters 1 +011001011101 1.6310 1 +011001011101 1.9450 1 +011001011101 1.9515 1 +011001011101 1.9315 1 +011001011101 1.9425 1 +011001011101 1.6369 1 +011001011101 1.6269 1 +011001011101 500.00 1 +011001011101 516.00 1 +011001011101 1.9358 1 +011001011101 1.8967 2 +011001011101 1,462 2 +011001011101 German-Japanese 2 +011001011101 1.8760 2 +011001011101 1.8260 2 +011001011101 1.6880 2 +011001011101 briar 2 +011001011101 1.6943 2 +011001011101 1.8140 2 +011001011101 1.8008 2 +011001011101 debt-for-nature 2 +011001011101 ditto 2 +011001011101 1.9775 2 +011001011101 1.7935 2 +011001011101 2.0005 2 +011001011101 union-negotiated 2 +011001011101 8,060 2 +011001011101 Provincie 2 +011001011101 1.9550 2 +011001011101 2.0203 2 +011001011101 3,275 2 +011001011101 1.900 2 +011001011101 1.7650 2 +011001011101 1.9500 2 +011001011101 1.9150 2 +011001011101 Datahand 2 +011001011101 1.7200 2 +011001011101 1.7300 2 +011001011101 1.7851 2 +011001011101 1.7496 2 +011001011101 1.7608 2 +011001011101 1.7045 2 +011001011101 debt-for-stock 2 +011001011101 1.7178 2 +011001011101 1.7001 2 +011001011101 1.7260 2 +011001011101 Kitaoji 2 +011001011101 1.6668 2 +011001011101 1.6550 2 +011001011101 1.7264 2 +011001011101 1.7000 2 +011001011101 1.8423 2 +011001011101 385.5 2 +011001011101 1.8508 2 +011001011101 1.8485 2 +011001011101 1.8670 2 +011001011101 1.8236 2 +011001011101 253.50 2 +011001011101 385.50 2 +011001011101 1.8440 2 +011001011101 1.60-1.90 2 +011001011101 1.7565 2 +011001011101 3.1250 2 +011001011101 1,553 2 +011001011101 3.1119 2 +011001011101 3.1500 2 +011001011101 3.1385 2 +011001011101 1.8840 2 +011001011101 3.1740 2 +011001011101 1.6193 2 +011001011101 5,971 2 +011001011101 1.6724 2 +011001011101 1.6222 2 +011001011101 1.9230 2 +011001011101 Point-Stevens 2 +011001011101 1.80-1.90 2 +011001011101 1.6853 2 +011001011101 1.8730 2 +011001011101 1.6796 2 +011001011101 1.8430 2 +011001011101 1.8475 2 +011001011101 657.5 2 +011001011101 Haddam 2 +011001011101 3.1755 2 +011001011101 German-owned 2 +011001011101 1.6823 2 +011001011101 1.9025 2 +011001011101 1.70-to-1.90 2 +011001011101 1.9260 2 +011001011101 24000 2 +011001011101 3,322 2 +011001011101 1.8652 2 +011001011101 1.9810 3 +011001011101 1.7764 3 +011001011101 1.9400 3 +011001011101 5,460 3 +011001011101 1.9575 3 +011001011101 commodity-linked 3 +011001011101 1.9647 3 +011001011101 5,005 3 +011001011101 1.7165 3 +011001011101 1.6905 3 +011001011101 1.7290 3 +011001011101 1.6945 3 +011001011101 1.7108 3 +011001011101 1.7201 3 +011001011101 1.7328 3 +011001011101 1.7040 3 +011001011101 1.7345 3 +011001011101 1.7278 3 +011001011101 1.7136 3 +011001011101 1.7008 3 +011001011101 1.7145 3 +011001011101 1.7015 3 +011001011101 1.7063 3 +011001011101 1.6832 3 +011001011101 1.7966 3 +011001011101 1.8443 3 +011001011101 1.7821 3 +011001011101 1.6928 3 +011001011101 1.8217 3 +011001011101 1.7203 3 +011001011101 1.7067 3 +011001011101 1.7143 3 +011001011101 1.7541 3 +011001011101 1.8006 3 +011001011101 1.8551 3 +011001011101 1.6894 3 +011001011101 1.8782 3 +011001011101 1.8778 3 +011001011101 1.8767 3 +011001011101 1.8437 3 +011001011101 1.8804 3 +011001011101 1.6328 3 +011001011101 1.6278 3 +011001011101 1.7275 3 +011001011101 1.6897 3 +011001011101 1.6675 3 +011001011101 1,915 3 +011001011101 1.8461 3 +011001011101 1.8389 3 +011001011101 1.8590 3 +011001011101 1.8426 3 +011001011101 1.6782 3 +011001011101 1.6315 3 +011001011101 1.8786 3 +011001011101 1.8756 3 +011001011101 1.9350 3 +011001011101 3.3303 3 +011001011101 1.8773 3 +011001011101 1.6375 3 +011001011101 1.8568 3 +011001011101 1.8483 3 +011001011101 1.8584 3 +011001011101 1.8431 3 +011001011101 1.8418 3 +011001011101 1.8463 3 +011001011101 1.8447 3 +011001011101 1.8990 3 +011001011101 Coast-based 3 +011001011101 1.8525 3 +011001011101 1.9075 3 +011001011101 1.8744 3 +011001011101 1.8770 3 +011001011101 1.8820 3 +011001011101 1.8960 3 +011001011101 1.8816 3 +011001011101 1.8996 3 +011001011101 1.9166 3 +011001011101 1.8806 3 +011001011101 1.8533 3 +011001011101 1.8763 3 +011001011101 1.8893 3 +011001011101 1.8678 3 +011001011101 1.8741 3 +011001011101 1.7785 3 +011001011101 1.8208 3 +011001011101 1.7713 3 +011001011101 1.8363 3 +011001011101 Macedonian 3 +011001011101 1.8736 3 +011001011101 1.6729 3 +011001011101 1.7890 4 +011001011101 1.8665 4 +011001011101 2.000 4 +011001011101 1.8000 4 +011001011101 1.8395 4 +011001011101 1.8218 4 +011001011101 1.7166 4 +011001011101 1.9120 4 +011001011101 1.8726 4 +011001011101 1.9100 4 +011001011101 1.9408 4 +011001011101 1.6635 4 +011001011101 1.7550 4 +011001011101 1.9563 4 +011001011101 1.8548 4 +011001011101 1.7500 4 +011001011101 1.7991 4 +011001011101 1.7365 4 +011001011101 1.8783 4 +011001011101 1.7789 4 +011001011101 1.8709 4 +011001011101 1.8570 4 +011001011101 1.8658 4 +011001011101 1.7266 4 +011001011101 1.8490 4 +011001011101 1.9405 4 +011001011101 1.8115 4 +011001011101 1.8823 4 +011001011101 German-built 4 +011001011101 Arthurian 4 +011001011101 1.8610 4 +011001011101 1.9435 4 +011001011101 1.8080 4 +011001011101 1.8867 4 +011001011101 1.8890 4 +011001011101 1.9883 4 +011001011101 share-and-asset 4 +011001011101 1.8713 4 +011001011101 1.9485 5 +011001011101 1.7428 5 +011001011101 1.9430 5 +011001011101 1.8215 5 +011001011101 1.7458 5 +011001011101 1.7531 5 +011001011101 1.7893 5 +011001011101 1.7355 5 +011001011101 1.8875 5 +011001011101 1.8847 5 +011001011101 1.9162 5 +011001011101 1.8680 5 +011001011101 1.8768 5 +011001011101 1.8813 5 +011001011101 1.8588 5 +011001011101 1.8873 5 +011001011101 1.9200 5 +011001011101 1.7888 5 +011001011101 1.7733 5 +011001011101 1.7228 5 +011001011101 1.8545 5 +011001011101 1.70-1.90 5 +011001011101 2,975 5 +011001011101 1.7800 5 +011001011101 1.8975 5 +011001011101 1.8510 5 +011001011101 1.9705 5 +011001011101 1.9700 5 +011001011101 1.9360 5 +011001011101 1.9633 5 +011001011101 1.9866 5 +011001011101 1.8400 5 +011001011101 1.9950 5 +011001011101 1.9863 5 +011001011101 1.7310 5 +011001011101 1.9577 5 +011001011101 1.8690 5 +011001011101 1.8648 5 +011001011101 1.9530 5 +011001011101 1.9520 5 +011001011101 1.8950 6 +011001011101 1.9250 6 +011001011101 1.9544 6 +011001011101 1.9668 6 +011001011101 1.9800 6 +011001011101 1.8925 6 +011001011101 1.8793 6 +011001011101 1.8830 6 +011001011101 2,675 6 +011001011101 1.9510 6 +011001011101 3,735 6 +011001011101 1.9545 6 +011001011101 1.8938 6 +011001011101 2.0475 7 +011001011101 1.5630 7 +011001011101 1.8900 7 +011001011101 1.9080 7 +011001011101 German-made 7 +011001011101 1.8795 7 +011001011101 German-based 7 +011001011101 1.9660 7 +011001011101 1.8794 7 +011001011101 1.9755 8 +011001011101 1.9070 8 +011001011101 1.8200 9 +011001011101 1.9000 9 +011001011101 1.8620 9 +011001011101 1.8805 9 +011001011101 1.9395 10 +011001011101 1.8550 11 +011001011101 1.8800 12 +011001011101 1.8500 14 +011001011101 TED 14 +011001011101 1.8700 15 +011001011101 Germany-based 17 +011001011101 high-water 22 +011001011101 German 7173 +011001011101 deutsche 47 +011001011110 Kong. 1 +011001011110 Abdulkarim 1 +011001011110 Acuna 1 +011001011110 African-born 1 +011001011110 kong 1 +011001011110 Province/Shuangcheng 1 +011001011110 Belridge 1 +011001011110 Kong-Taiwanese 1 +011001011110 Ndunduma 1 +011001011110 Kalinga 1 +011001011110 Royalton 1 +011001011110 Fallsburg 1 +011001011110 Nian 1 +011001011110 Plainsfield 1 +011001011110 Waziristan 1 +011001011110 Payola 1 +011001011110 Abdol-Karim 1 +011001011110 log-cutting 1 +011001011110 African-ruled 1 +011001011110 African-appointed 1 +011001011110 Fengs 1 +011001011110 Shuna 1 +011001011110 +15.1 1 +011001011110 Zhuang 1 +011001011110 commercial-litigation 1 +011001011110 Africa-controlled 1 +011001011110 African-equipped 1 +011001011110 Yorkshire-based 1 +011001011110 Khruschev 1 +011001011110 Ruholloh 1 +011001011110 Eldfisk 1 +011001011110 African-owned 2 +011001011110 Boumedienne 2 +011001011110 African-related 2 +011001011110 Leong 2 +011001011110 Africa. 2 +011001011110 Kong-originating 2 +011001011110 Mississipi 2 +011001011110 Merrillville 2 +011001011110 Porch 2 +011001011110 Hollywood-based 3 +011001011110 Carolina-based 3 +011001011110 Dakotan 3 +011001011110 Khomeni 3 +011001011110 Carolinian 3 +011001011110 Africa-backed 3 +011001011110 Africa-based 3 +011001011110 Badalamenti 3 +011001011110 Trang 3 +011001011110 Africa-linked 3 +011001011110 Artery 3 +011001011110 Kavala 5 +011001011110 Liaoning 5 +011001011110 Pedde 5 +011001011110 Avenues 5 +011001011110 Mechanik 5 +011001011110 Choo 5 +011001011110 Kong-dollar 7 +011001011110 Sulawesi 7 +011001011110 Carolinians 7 +011001011110 Africa-free 8 +011001011110 African-controlled 9 +011001011110 Kong-listed 9 +011001011110 Africa-related 9 +011001011110 Dakotans 12 +011001011110 Platte 15 +011001011110 Montazeri 15 +011001011110 Luzon 16 +011001011110 Kyongsang 17 +011001011110 Fool 20 +011001011110 Penh 36 +011001011110 Cholla 37 +011001011110 Ruhollah 45 +011001011110 Yemen 88 +011001011110 Pole 92 +011001011110 Wales 98 +011001011110 Kong-based 135 +011001011110 Bend 152 +011001011110 Africans 158 +011001011110 Dakota 550 +011001011110 Carolina 1238 +011001011110 Africa 3080 +011001011110 Korea 3492 +011001011110 Kong 4103 +011001011111 AgriVest 1 +011001011111 America-dismantling 1 +011001011111 All. 1 +011001011111 was. 1 +011001011111 exports-cum-imports 1 +011001011111 18-to-21-year-olds 1 +011001011111 Comittee 1 +011001011111 quicksand. 1 +011001011111 Wonderline 1 +011001011111 CSI8 1 +011001011111 over-hyping 1 +011001011111 EQE 1 +011001011111 third-timers. 1 +011001011111 Exploratie 1 +011001011111 1.7062 1 +011001011111 Smirnitsky 1 +011001011111 Devry 1 +011001011111 Planmetrics 1 +011001011111 worklife 1 +011001011111 Abominations 1 +011001011111 Agricetus 1 +011001011111 megadeath 1 +011001011111 right-to-notice 1 +011001011111 InStat 1 +011001011111 481,200 1 +011001011111 ARGOSystems 1 +011001011111 Stiles/Bradley 1 +011001011111 Whaterburger 1 +011001011111 PVs 1 +011001011111 TNT. 1 +011001011111 TelWatch 1 +011001011111 Exceltech 1 +011001011111 1929-1934 1 +011001011111 America/G.H. 1 +011001011111 Medela 1 +011001011111 Socmerc 1 +011001011111 Progroup 1 +011001011111 IDAB 1 +011001011111 DiamondBathurst 1 +011001011111 Porton 1 +011001011111 Disinformation. 1 +011001011111 Doozies 1 +011001011111 pre-censorship 1 +011001011111 bushelbaskets 1 +011001011111 PACT 1 +011001011111 Leasecom 1 +011001011111 Academe 1 +011001011111 Redi-Med 1 +011001011111 Eshowe 1 +011001011111 Houseplant 1 +011001011111 223,000. 1 +011001011111 Rhineland-Westphalia 1 +011001011111 Formcraft 1 +011001011111 Lint 1 +011001011111 TIE/Communications 1 +011001011111 drug-busting 1 +011001011111 fear-adrenalin 1 +011001011111 Seeps 1 +011001011111 Tibor 1 +011001011111 Cheerfulness 1 +011001011111 SCUS 1 +011001011111 1,321,200 1 +011001011111 Gainsville 1 +011001011111 RWR 1 +011001011111 56,400 1 +011001011111 sugar. 1 +011001011111 Cheesecake 1 +011001011111 Perversity 1 +011001011111 MG/Perin 1 +011001011111 HHPA 1 +011001011111 Catarat 1 +011001011111 Shoham 1 +011001011111 Hasuro 1 +011001011111 splicemanship. 1 +011001011111 undeservedness 1 +011001011111 Infamy 1 +011001011111 Chick-Fil-A 1 +011001011111 Persepolis 1 +011001011111 Texas-Arlington 1 +011001011111 Stile 1 +011001011111 Technidisc 1 +011001011111 Hurts 1 +011001011111 Everybody-Who-Wants-It-Gets-It 1 +011001011111 ultraconservatism 1 +011001011111 Drunken 1 +011001011111 Geosearch 1 +011001011111 Ti-Caro 1 +011001011111 Erbamount 1 +011001011111 Minutement 1 +011001011111 IDEAssociates 1 +011001011111 Champigny. 1 +011001011111 Culinar 1 +011001011111 White/Tishman 1 +011001011111 Argentina-have 1 +011001011111 Sytek 1 +011001011111 Netron 1 +011001011111 Wyeths 1 +011001011111 Masterfund 1 +011001011111 hardihood 1 +011001011111 Self-Interest 1 +011001011111 86-proof 1 +011001011111 Membrex 1 +011001011111 Seragen 1 +011001011111 Telrad 1 +011001011111 binomials 1 +011001011111 Photojournalism/12 1 +011001011111 tameness 1 +011001011111 Medicap 1 +011001011111 Stolte 1 +011001011111 Sadaharu 1 +011001011111 imploration 1 +011001011111 Greenways 1 +011001011111 Tax-wise 1 +011001011111 Tycoons 1 +011001011111 Lucrece 1 +011001011111 Elpac 1 +011001011111 Wolde-Giorgis 1 +011001011111 Lubrani 1 +011001011111 Camiling 1 +011001011111 Capcan 1 +011001011111 Infiltek 1 +011001011111 Gerontius 1 +011001011111 Saint-Germain-des-Pres 1 +011001011111 Labstat 1 +011001011111 Superwood 1 +011001011111 Judd-Falk 1 +011001011111 RockTime 1 +011001011111 Boschert 1 +011001011111 Floki. 1 +011001011111 Fashionlab 1 +011001011111 Absorba 1 +011001011111 motet 1 +011001011111 Otelo 1 +011001011111 Metal-Lines 1 +011001011111 Snuff 1 +011001011111 Central-Minneapolis 1 +011001011111 ClothesTimes 1 +011001011111 EED 1 +011001011111 Lavalin 1 +011001011111 Potwar 1 +011001011111 Flordeco 1 +011001011111 Duesseldorf-based 1 +011001011111 NPD/Nielsen 1 +011001011111 child-killing 1 +011001011111 DOE. 1 +011001011111 smoke-blowing 1 +011001011111 CMCP 1 +011001011111 self-legislation 1 +011001011111 toad-strangler 1 +011001011111 downlinked 1 +011001011111 M.D.-speak 1 +011001011111 Belmondo 1 +011001011111 VR. 1 +011001011111 delimitation 1 +011001011111 St-Basile 1 +011001011111 1,350,100 1 +011001011111 500-and 1 +011001011111 coverboy 1 +011001011111 Aset 1 +011001011111 RJMJ 1 +011001011111 Environ 1 +011001011111 Asrat 1 +011001011111 Debebe 1 +011001011111 Ohnrko 1 +011001011111 ings 1 +011001011111 Moblization 1 +011001011111 Macromedia 1 +011001011111 marriageables 1 +011001011111 Caribiner 1 +011001011111 A-Bye 1 +011001011111 overcapitalization 1 +011001011111 schmoozers 1 +011001011111 Jatte 1 +011001011111 Hydratech 1 +011001011111 Kurz-asch 1 +011001011111 Tarmac-LoneStar 1 +011001011111 verbs/ 1 +011001011111 Portex 1 +011001011111 sulfanilamide 1 +011001011111 Mid-Citgo 1 +011001011111 pseudo-freedoms 1 +011001011111 calypso. 1 +011001011111 SCIENTIFICS 1 +011001011111 Kingstown 1 +011001011111 K-Sun 1 +011001011111 Sybra 1 +011001011111 Transcat 1 +011001011111 Optotech 1 +011001011111 Connoisseurship 1 +011001011111 Whimsy 1 +011001011111 W.I.N.E. 1 +011001011111 Prisma 1 +011001011111 Watership 1 +011001011111 YMC 1 +011001011111 Chamouton 1 +011001011111 Jedsan 1 +011001011111 BROS. 1 +011001011111 McWane 1 +011001011111 bankruptcy-proceedings 1 +011001011111 Rush-Presbyterian 1 +011001011111 Divorce. 1 +011001011111 Downwinders 1 +011001011111 Cardiomedics 1 +011001011111 Slumberjack 1 +011001011111 Barbecon 1 +011001011111 Ashkhabad 1 +011001011111 Anglophobia 1 +011001011111 UNIX. 1 +011001011111 Penance 1 +011001011111 overcollection 1 +011001011111 ProFutures 1 +011001011111 Militaryware 1 +011001011111 Angiotech 1 +011001011111 VMark 1 +011001011111 Avonite 1 +011001011111 Ronaldsay 1 +011001011111 brainos 1 +011001011111 you-know-where 1 +011001011111 EnClean 1 +011001011111 squishes 1 +011001011111 Phobia 1 +011001011111 MacroMind 1 +011001011111 triple-A/double-A-plus 1 +011001011111 Matrix-I 1 +011001011111 ability. 1 +011001011111 Diligence 1 +011001011111 Gerolstein 1 +011001011111 28,647 1 +011001011111 Habeck 1 +011001011111 Technographics 1 +011001011111 74,063 1 +011001011111 scamming 1 +011001011111 infectivity 1 +011001011111 140402 1 +011001011111 Apocalyse 1 +011001011111 MASON 1 +011001011111 Foxxi 1 +011001011111 Airvision 1 +011001011111 128-102 1 +011001011111 Separationists 1 +011001011111 Gronk 1 +011001011111 BevMark 1 +011001011111 Chapuis 1 +011001011111 Tadco 1 +011001011111 Sportssuites 1 +011001011111 Premise 1 +011001011111 M.D.C 2 +011001011111 Sorecom 2 +011001011111 Welkom 2 +011001011111 Jebef 2 +011001011111 Highbrow 2 +011001011111 Phonetica 2 +011001011111 Neguri 2 +011001011111 TradeARBED 2 +011001011111 Immortality 2 +011001011111 Epicor 2 +011001011111 imbecility 2 +011001011111 Zacualpa 2 +011001011111 Arrupism 2 +011001011111 Infomarketing 2 +011001011111 Kiewitt 2 +011001011111 Tlacolula 2 +011001011111 Immaculate 2 +011001011111 CRST 2 +011001011111 Crosses 2 +011001011111 National-Gottesman 2 +011001011111 Kentuckiana 2 +011001011111 Waban 2 +011001011111 O-word 2 +011001011111 Rollingstone 2 +011001011111 Peggie 2 +011001011111 GNA 2 +011001011111 Yamit 2 +011001011111 Wharncliffe 2 +011001011111 Munsters 2 +011001011111 decolonization 2 +011001011111 Vitesse 2 +011001011111 Qum 2 +011001011111 3,560,000 2 +011001011111 Arpege 2 +011001011111 dopes 2 +011001011111 Yerres 2 +011001011111 Cilco 2 +011001011111 deconglomeration 2 +011001011111 NorOats 2 +011001011111 Sajahtera 2 +011001011111 LOR 2 +011001011111 AITS 2 +011001011111 bomb-throwing 2 +011001011111 Aeronca 2 +011001011111 Brabant 2 +011001011111 1713 2 +011001011111 Al-Saudi 2 +011001011111 adobes 2 +011001011111 BCP 2 +011001011111 Postman 2 +011001011111 Discourse 2 +011001011111 NameLab 2 +011001011111 1892.2 2 +011001011111 Fitoussi 2 +011001011111 Voodooists 2 +011001011111 nincompoops 2 +011001011111 Aquafresh 2 +011001011111 Warplanes 2 +011001011111 Sviluppo 2 +011001011111 AK-Pacific 2 +011001011111 Niksic 2 +011001011111 Nebraska-Lincoln 2 +011001011111 TelecomUSA 2 +011001011111 Innopac 2 +011001011111 shosha 2 +011001011111 Burgoyne 2 +011001011111 BI-LO 2 +011001011111 Cabrini-Green 2 +011001011111 Cigra 2 +011001011111 Potency 2 +011001011111 Poros 2 +011001011111 4,639 2 +011001011111 Creams 2 +011001011111 Denali 2 +011001011111 DVL 2 +011001011111 Guayabal 2 +011001011111 Wiggie 2 +011001011111 Vandy 2 +011001011111 Thermaflo 2 +011001011111 tranquillitas 2 +011001011111 Loleta 2 +011001011111 Intelstat 2 +011001011111 Ridgeville 2 +011001011111 Enzytech 2 +011001011111 Zalles 2 +011001011111 Dope 2 +011001011111 Hebrews 2 +011001011111 Wheelabrator-Frye 2 +011001011111 Trallfa 2 +011001011111 ultra-orthodox 2 +011001011111 Kwazulu 2 +011001011111 Kiltek 2 +011001011111 Gamboa 2 +011001011111 Sook 2 +011001011111 Ambivalence 2 +011001011111 Tomari 2 +011001011111 Gambell 2 +011001011111 supermicrocomputers 2 +011001011111 GCF 2 +011001011111 JMP 2 +011001011111 A.C.A. 2 +011001011111 Cholera 2 +011001011111 MT 2 +011001011111 Beatrice/Hunt-Wesson 2 +011001011111 Aural 2 +011001011111 Vita-Pakt 2 +011001011111 Chatran 2 +011001011111 Bourns 2 +011001011111 OPECalypse 2 +011001011111 Mico 2 +011001011111 Vyquest 2 +011001011111 Chloride 2 +011001011111 Kopper 2 +011001011111 Lancashire 3 +011001011111 insouciance 3 +011001011111 Famer 3 +011001011111 Chalons 3 +011001011111 gateholds 3 +011001011111 Nabila 3 +011001011111 Alemana 3 +011001011111 Vivra 3 +011001011111 MetCal 3 +011001011111 Electromethods 3 +011001011111 ITI 3 +011001011111 NIH. 3 +011001011111 California-Berkeley 3 +011001011111 Siff 3 +011001011111 Bernarda 3 +011001011111 Rhine-Westphalia 3 +011001011111 Wimpy 3 +011001011111 Voroba 3 +011001011111 Bridgestone/Firestone 3 +011001011111 res 3 +011001011111 Rockbill 3 +011001011111 Avoca 3 +011001011111 Supercon 3 +011001011111 Lomita 3 +011001011111 recessionomics 3 +011001011111 Palaces 3 +011001011111 Acrobe 3 +011001011111 InterConsult 3 +011001011111 HAMS 3 +011001011111 Cagayan 3 +011001011111 Icon 3 +011001011111 Flair 3 +011001011111 prehistory 3 +011001011111 WASH 3 +011001011111 Sodom 3 +011001011111 yuppiedom 3 +011001011111 Anametrics 3 +011001011111 Luden 3 +011001011111 Alcibiades 3 +011001011111 Semiotics 3 +011001011111 CRC-Evans 3 +011001011111 middle-of-the-roaders 3 +011001011111 Knute 3 +011001011111 Pavel 3 +011001011111 STD 3 +011001011111 Milmac 3 +011001011111 1,073 3 +011001011111 SRK 3 +011001011111 Snapper 3 +011001011111 Caligula 3 +011001011111 Maatschappij 3 +011001011111 Patriarchy 3 +011001011111 COYOTE 3 +011001011111 Mashad 3 +011001011111 Nicks 3 +011001011111 Rotan-Mosle 3 +011001011111 Wavemat 3 +011001011111 LDL. 3 +011001011111 dirigisme 3 +011001011111 Dialcom 3 +011001011111 Gems 3 +011001011111 Water-Wise 3 +011001011111 TEDs 3 +011001011111 1425.9 3 +011001011111 Illini 3 +011001011111 Dacca 3 +011001011111 Optometry 3 +011001011111 Pastiche 3 +011001011111 '61 3 +011001011111 Plan-A-Flex 3 +011001011111 Callao 3 +011001011111 Freeholders 3 +011001011111 kabuki 3 +011001011111 cost-consciousness 3 +011001011111 CommuniCom 3 +011001011111 Southie 3 +011001011111 Szeged 3 +011001011111 Leander 3 +011001011111 Interact 3 +011001011111 horribles 3 +011001011111 Millionaire 4 +011001011111 non-HCEs 4 +011001011111 Reckoning 4 +011001011111 Poliuto 4 +011001011111 Houlihan/Lawrence 4 +011001011111 LL 4 +011001011111 Jaymar-Ruby 4 +011001011111 Amserv 4 +011001011111 Montenegro 4 +011001011111 Verisys 4 +011001011111 Alberich 4 +011001011111 Carousel 4 +011001011111 767-200s 4 +011001011111 Kunashiri 4 +011001011111 Smarter 4 +011001011111 seabed 4 +011001011111 Chemlink 4 +011001011111 Federale 4 +011001011111 Aktiv 4 +011001011111 Sisco 4 +011001011111 Auchinleck 4 +011001011111 Boskalis 4 +011001011111 Dixie-Narco 4 +011001011111 homesteading 4 +011001011111 ETD 4 +011001011111 DSI 4 +011001011111 Suzhou 4 +011001011111 Karabagh 4 +011001011111 Pathology 4 +011001011111 Chronicles 4 +011001011111 '69 4 +011001011111 Solitude 4 +011001011111 USCP-Wesco 4 +011001011111 Koje 4 +011001011111 Cableshare 4 +011001011111 Shampoo 4 +011001011111 Explorers 4 +011001011111 Matritech 4 +011001011111 Victoriana 4 +011001011111 Geosource 5 +011001011111 Pythagoras 5 +011001011111 America. 5 +011001011111 Melancholy 5 +011001011111 GDM 5 +011001011111 Endearment 5 +011001011111 Cryodynamics 5 +011001011111 DCA 5 +011001011111 RB&H 5 +011001011111 ITN 5 +011001011111 AWT 5 +011001011111 Threads 5 +011001011111 non-refundability 5 +011001011111 Mahagonny 5 +011001011111 Makeup 5 +011001011111 NY 5 +011001011111 Sweepstakes 5 +011001011111 Acquitaine 5 +011001011111 Buslease 5 +011001011111 Romanticism 5 +011001011111 Disk/Trend 5 +011001011111 Dermatology 5 +011001011111 Myself 5 +011001011111 MADD 5 +011001011111 Maranhao 5 +011001011111 AME 5 +011001011111 Weeping 5 +011001011111 Mascagni 5 +011001011111 Volksfuersorge 5 +011001011111 SRL 5 +011001011111 Diversifoods 5 +011001011111 Previews 5 +011001011111 Roto-Rooter 5 +011001011111 Bosque 5 +011001011111 Financo 6 +011001011111 Hazzard 6 +011001011111 contorts 6 +011001011111 Infinet 6 +011001011111 VTC 6 +011001011111 Penns 6 +011001011111 Weights 6 +011001011111 Cruising 6 +011001011111 Brooksville 6 +011001011111 1979-82 6 +011001011111 Olay 6 +011001011111 Linz 6 +011001011111 Sweets 6 +011001011111 Kierulff 6 +011001011111 Interpharm 6 +011001011111 Wisconsin-Madison 6 +011001011111 Planecon 6 +011001011111 ranitidine 6 +011001011111 Thassos 7 +011001011111 Version 7 +011001011111 Wilkesboro 7 +011001011111 Cather 7 +011001011111 Pong 7 +011001011111 Technomic 7 +011001011111 Lemley-Yarling 7 +011001011111 Willowbrook 7 +011001011111 Medici 7 +011001011111 Negroes 7 +011001011111 Bio-Medicus 7 +011001011111 SHE 7 +011001011111 Ceiling 7 +011001011111 WABC-TV 7 +011001011111 Yanbu 8 +011001011111 AXA 8 +011001011111 Peterson/Puritan 8 +011001011111 temporizing 8 +011001011111 Poulenc 8 +011001011111 Parma 8 +011001011111 N.E. 8 +011001011111 Stepanakert 8 +011001011111 Hama 8 +011001011111 Cytology 8 +011001011111 Eastwick 8 +011001011111 Intercontinentale 8 +011001011111 Torts 8 +011001011111 Bung 9 +011001011111 Tasmania 9 +011001011111 Bartok 9 +011001011111 Cookbook 9 +011001011111 Vodka 9 +011001011111 Genencor 9 +011001011111 Sorrow 9 +011001011111 Tonawanda 9 +011001011111 Poppea 9 +011001011111 Bacchus 9 +011001011111 26646.43 9 +011001011111 Egberts 9 +011001011111 Americano 10 +011001011111 Texasgulf 10 +011001011111 Afrikanerdom 10 +011001011111 invisibles 10 +011001011111 Cardiology 10 +011001011111 Kareem 10 +011001011111 Sakhalin 10 +011001011111 Kuznets 11 +011001011111 Bevmark 11 +011001011111 attainder 11 +011001011111 Provence 12 +011001011111 Horrors 12 +011001011111 Innocence 12 +011001011111 Counties 12 +011001011111 R&R 12 +011001011111 anorexia 12 +011001011111 Aquarius 12 +011001011111 Gencorp 12 +011001011111 Apocalypse 12 +011001011111 Silesia 13 +011001011111 2158.61 13 +011001011111 Geoffrion 13 +011001011111 Regents 14 +011001011111 Belier 14 +011001011111 Islip 15 +011001011111 Zinc 15 +011001011111 Pageant 15 +011001011111 Wisdom 15 +011001011111 Piggy 15 +011001011111 Blockers 15 +011001011111 Jubilee 16 +011001011111 Blanca 16 +011001011111 Traveler 17 +011001011111 Gentlemen 17 +011001011111 Him 17 +011001011111 Rage 17 +011001011111 Photography 18 +011001011111 Casting 18 +011001011111 Dimes 18 +011001011111 Myra 19 +011001011111 Camelot 19 +011001011111 Psychology 20 +011001011111 Colonia 21 +011001011111 Isles 22 +011001011111 Fork 23 +011001011111 Sartre 24 +011001011111 Mayors 25 +011001011111 Soya 25 +011001011111 Dignity 26 +011001011111 Adventure 27 +011001011111 Gemco 27 +011001011111 Casablanca 27 +011001011111 Bunny 29 +011001011111 Parade 30 +011001011111 yesteryear 31 +011001011111 Supervisors 31 +011001011111 Canterbury 31 +011001011111 Billerica 31 +011001011111 Arc 34 +011001011111 Daddy 34 +011001011111 Spark 34 +011001011111 Posts 37 +011001011111 Polyconomics 39 +011001011111 Oz 39 +011001011111 Crossroads 40 +011001011111 Excellence 42 +011001011111 Honor 43 +011001011111 Heaven 45 +011001011111 Duty 45 +011001011111 Bet 59 +011001011111 Maid 70 +011001011111 Crest 71 +011001011111 Ellington 72 +011001011111 Allegiance 72 +011001011111 Victoire 73 +011001011111 Pigs 76 +011001011111 '87 76 +011001011111 Easy 77 +011001011111 Ministers 82 +011001011111 Aquitaine 84 +011001011111 Lion 85 +011001011111 Slope 95 +011001011111 Realtors 100 +011001011111 Fame 104 +011001011111 Run 112 +011001011111 Marxism 118 +011001011111 M.D. 124 +011001011111 Christ 140 +011001011111 Boy 155 +011001011111 Jesus 156 +011001011111 Victoria 185 +011001011111 Wonder 214 +011001011111 negotiable 267 +011001011111 Medicine 324 +011001011111 Corona 384 +011001011111 Investigation 417 +011001011111 Man 427 +011001011111 Channel 595 +011001011111 USA 1010 +011001011111 America 10219 +011001011111 Sea 1124 +011001100000 Top-spending 1 +011001100000 Chiyoji 1 +011001100000 WARSHIPS 1 +011001100000 Kinugawa 1 +011001100000 TREASURY-GOLD 1 +011001100000 MEDAL 1 +011001100000 Pro/Am 1 +011001100000 Doleful 1 +011001100000 Secrete 1 +011001100000 Greets 1 +011001100000 42-3 1 +011001100000 18th-Century 1 +011001100000 Accumulates 1 +011001100000 Duchesse 1 +011001100000 Flammable 1 +011001100000 92-country 1 +011001100000 Hast 1 +011001100000 Husker 1 +011001100000 Quick-Delivery 1 +011001100000 arms-negotiator 1 +011001100000 Plats 1 +011001100000 95,000-acre 1 +011001100000 Under-Secretary 1 +011001100000 Livre 1 +011001100000 218.02 1 +011001100000 355.42 1 +011001100000 celebrity-happy 1 +011001100000 nine-passenger 1 +011001100000 Midlevel 1 +011001100000 Chancerey 1 +011001100000 96-nation 1 +011001100000 then-promising 1 +011001100000 Bankrupty 1 +011001100000 ever-cheerful 1 +011001100000 unfreezes 1 +011001100000 Pruco 1 +011001100000 Child-Support 1 +011001100000 Chateauneuf 1 +011001100000 Halna 1 +011001100000 Shizue 1 +011001100000 AP-Media 1 +011001100000 Albrook 1 +011001100000 subisidiary 1 +011001100000 scandal-wracked 1 +011001100000 Bankrutpcy 1 +011001100000 Portland-Kaohsiung 1 +011001100000 Sci-Med 2 +011001100000 Tottenham 2 +011001100000 Cahiers 2 +011001100000 ex-Attorney 2 +011001100000 Courageous 2 +011001100000 then-Postmaster 2 +011001100000 Assimilables 2 +011001100000 Chuifong 2 +011001100000 chuifong 2 +011001100000 Probate 2 +011001100000 Massacusetts 2 +011001100000 Bankrupcty 3 +011001100000 Irenee 3 +011001100000 Penal 3 +011001100000 Wiggle 3 +011001100000 Mitsui-Taiyo 4 +011001100000 engine-builder 4 +011001100000 PHF 4 +011001100000 figure-skater 4 +011001100000 Agrarian 5 +011001100000 APPEALS 5 +011001100000 Wint-O-Green 5 +011001100000 Cotes 6 +011001100000 Divisional 6 +011001100000 Dac 7 +011001100000 then-Attorney 8 +011001100000 Uniform 14 +011001100000 E-Z 16 +011001100000 Surrogate 16 +011001100000 Fond 17 +011001100000 Trustee 23 +011001100000 Solicitor 33 +011001100000 Directorate 37 +011001100000 Shining 47 +011001100000 Postmaster 56 +011001100000 Surgeon 73 +011001100000 Chancery 263 +011001100000 Superior 330 +011001100000 Circuit 629 +011001100000 Tax 968 +011001100000 Bankruptcy 1119 +011001100000 Attorney 1348 +011001100000 District 1741 +011001100000 Supreme 3968 +011001100001 Cash-Flow 1 +011001100001 unfragmented 1 +011001100001 clay-raised 1 +011001100001 globelike 1 +011001100001 Rockabye 1 +011001100001 USBI-Booster 1 +011001100001 9-year-old 1 +011001100001 22,000-ton 1 +011001100001 1.7968 1 +011001100001 December-maturing 1 +011001100001 Toscany 1 +011001100001 liquidity-short 1 +011001100001 Half-Past 1 +011001100001 Merc-Big 1 +011001100001 parking-tight 1 +011001100001 Mod-Maid 1 +011001100001 117-foot 1 +011001100001 Elindra 1 +011001100001 86-issue 1 +011001100001 1,841 1 +011001100001 GOLDCREST 1 +011001100001 pro-Beijing 1 +011001100001 Mumms 1 +011001100001 agriculture-dependent 1 +011001100001 Leaner 1 +011001100001 1.8435 1 +011001100001 USFL. 1 +011001100001 Nannsy 1 +011001100001 424-room 1 +011001100001 Sleepers 1 +011001100001 Recipes 1 +011001100001 Eigentum 1 +011001100001 Lasma 1 +011001100001 Roommate 1 +011001100001 Forces/Far 1 +011001100001 Nanhai 1 +011001100001 once-liberal 1 +011001100001 E&C 1 +011001100001 population-glutted 1 +011001100001 network. 1 +011001100001 Cypress/Ross 1 +011001100001 second-slowest 1 +011001100001 more-prosperous 1 +011001100001 fondue-and-ski-chalet 1 +011001100001 Jordanian-held 1 +011001100001 import-dominated 1 +011001100001 still-active 1 +011001100001 28.777 1 +011001100001 now-trendy 1 +011001100001 175-bed 1 +011001100001 Neworld-Boston 1 +011001100001 1.8291 1 +011001100001 one-billion-barrel 1 +011001100001 Criticizes 1 +011001100001 Kenedy 1 +011001100001 Neoclassic 1 +011001100001 gangling 1 +011001100001 1,200-passenger 1 +011001100001 CNID 1 +011001100001 DISCOURAGING 1 +011001100001 Post-Employment 1 +011001100001 J&E 1 +011001100001 now-moribund 1 +011001100001 176-office 1 +011001100001 1.9553 1 +011001100001 3,142,000 1 +011001100001 222,600 1 +011001100001 2.0082 1 +011001100001 MELON 1 +011001100001 Atascocita 1 +011001100001 2,843,233 1 +011001100001 one-million-circulation 1 +011001100001 227-screen 1 +011001100001 12-store 1 +011001100001 Full-Year 1 +011001100001 NUGGETS 1 +011001100001 336,600 1 +011001100001 1336 1 +011001100001 1,100th 1 +011001100001 Pre-Tax 1 +011001100001 Vista-based 1 +011001100001 Svengalian 1 +011001100001 Shoal 1 +011001100001 Textile-maker 1 +011001100001 D150 1 +011001100001 Roil 1 +011001100001 77-story 1 +011001100001 1.8198 1 +011001100001 31-branch 1 +011001100001 Ngiu 1 +011001100001 QVC. 1 +011001100001 Pernicious 1 +011001100001 5666 1 +011001100001 Year-Ago 1 +011001100001 184-room 1 +011001100001 Dirks/Equity 1 +011001100001 First-Period 1 +011001100001 Al-Qabas 1 +011001100001 Edlers 1 +011001100001 Laziest 1 +011001100001 Heiwado 1 +011001100001 Big-Time 1 +011001100001 Lie-Detector 1 +011001100001 Japan-Middle 1 +011001100001 Kobil 1 +011001100001 NASD-Big 1 +011001100001 now-ended 1 +011001100001 Filet 1 +011001100001 seven-park 1 +011001100001 Auburn-Folsom 1 +011001100001 Miskito/English-speaking 1 +011001100001 1.9203 1 +011001100001 Cross-Cultural 1 +011001100001 605,047 1 +011001100001 1.8087 1 +011001100001 1.7980 1 +011001100001 REDISTRIBUTION 1 +011001100001 1,047,247 1 +011001100001 Security-sensitive 1 +011001100001 low-debt 1 +011001100001 RHNB 1 +011001100001 Juicy 1 +011001100001 2127 1 +011001100001 24-screen 1 +011001100001 Immoderate 1 +011001100001 Ocwen 1 +011001100001 74,289 1 +011001100001 70,000-acre 1 +011001100001 nine-branch 1 +011001100001 3.1475 1 +011001100001 Vortec-Chicago 1 +011001100001 power-short 1 +011001100001 Pass-Through 1 +011001100001 4,658 1 +011001100001 720-unit 1 +011001100001 2,000-seat 1 +011001100001 Montag 1 +011001100001 College-Completion 1 +011001100001 NHS. 1 +011001100001 2.9702 1 +011001100001 glass-plated 1 +011001100001 Catonsville 1 +011001100001 Plowshares 1 +011001100001 Libya-based 1 +011001100001 sturdy-looking 1 +011001100001 dirt-farmer 1 +011001100001 5,400-unit 1 +011001100001 once-familiar 1 +011001100001 NMS. 1 +011001100001 Tank-equipped 1 +011001100001 6,374,000 1 +011001100001 gum-rich 1 +011001100001 6,000,868 1 +011001100001 Israeli-Occupied 1 +011001100001 4,751 1 +011001100001 DeepStar 1 +011001100001 monklike 1 +011001100001 2.9970 1 +011001100001 terrorism-oriented 1 +011001100001 4,702 1 +011001100001 1,748 1 +011001100001 2.9880 1 +011001100001 Jet-Engine 1 +011001100001 Mainz-based 1 +011001100001 Volkswagenwerke 1 +011001100001 Student-Loan 1 +011001100001 3rd-Quarter 1 +011001100001 ocupied 1 +011001100001 ERT. 1 +011001100001 Emu 1 +011001100001 ACC. 1 +011001100001 HUBBARD 1 +011001100001 40,000-strong 1 +011001100001 1,166 1 +011001100001 1.7010 1 +011001100001 Hemofil 1 +011001100001 Filigreed 1 +011001100001 semiweekly 1 +011001100001 Quicksnap 1 +011001100001 Parle 1 +011001100001 ex-champs 1 +011001100001 Segregated 1 +011001100001 SEWER 1 +011001100001 Boso 1 +011001100001 18th-20th 1 +011001100001 KVDA. 1 +011001100001 Adapso/Broadview 1 +011001100001 bank. 1 +011001100001 Mescalero 1 +011001100001 Ministerium 1 +011001100001 Martin-owned 1 +011001100001 71,918,350 1 +011001100001 Hille 1 +011001100001 FA 1 +011001100001 once-Democratic 1 +011001100001 TJX. 1 +011001100001 Nonsexist 1 +011001100001 Clemency 1 +011001100001 CRIMINAL 1 +011001100001 Kahiltna 1 +011001100001 VWR. 1 +011001100001 Worthless 1 +011001100001 bottomed-out 1 +011001100001 graham-flour-based 1 +011001100001 WHS 1 +011001100001 WNS. 1 +011001100001 soldout 1 +011001100001 STAYED 1 +011001100001 290-lawyer 1 +011001100001 Lignum 1 +011001100001 Re-Examining 1 +011001100001 Saftey 1 +011001100001 Nickle 1 +011001100001 5,460-unit 1 +011001100001 Minsviaz 1 +011001100001 tumorous 1 +011001100001 6,373,570 1 +011001100001 Shiite-dominated 1 +011001100001 AmericanStock 1 +011001100001 Bush-solid 1 +011001100001 soccer-addicted 1 +011001100001 5,400-member 2 +011001100001 non-Big 2 +011001100001 Newest 2 +011001100001 Fursecroft 2 +011001100001 Tamil-dominated 2 +011001100001 1015 2 +011001100001 2901 2 +011001100001 Trillion 2 +011001100001 Sharpville 2 +011001100001 pre-Big 2 +011001100001 war-battered 2 +011001100001 Infernal 2 +011001100001 then-Bank 2 +011001100001 ultra-chic 2 +011001100001 Phony 2 +011001100001 Israel-occupied 2 +011001100001 AstroWorld 2 +011001100001 Aisle 2 +011001100001 Raw-Steel 2 +011001100001 Marshalsea 2 +011001100001 painting. 2 +011001100001 TXO 2 +011001100001 Power-Supply 2 +011001100001 400-seat 2 +011001100001 All-Ordinary 2 +011001100001 CBOE. 2 +011001100001 Rescuing 2 +011001100001 Cowardly 2 +011001100001 Chinese-backed 2 +011001100001 ADH 2 +011001100001 3,947,000 2 +011001100001 HMO. 2 +011001100001 Tot 2 +011001100001 Rabobank 2 +011001100001 Resisting 3 +011001100001 Israeli-held 3 +011001100001 Guangming 3 +011001100001 Honky 3 +011001100001 VCR. 3 +011001100001 Twistee 3 +011001100001 one-eyed 3 +011001100001 Cosmic 3 +011001100001 lightless 3 +011001100001 Masked 3 +011001100001 Manage 3 +011001100001 PoGo 3 +011001100001 1.6490 3 +011001100001 already-sluggish 3 +011001100001 Dugway 3 +011001100001 Finnegans 4 +011001100001 Policeman 4 +011001100001 Nyaminyami 4 +011001100001 AP-DJ 4 +011001100001 Amadou 4 +011001100001 Tier 4 +011001100001 Honeymoon 4 +011001100001 post-Big 4 +011001100001 Filmco 4 +011001100001 Beaten 4 +011001100001 Windfall 4 +011001100001 20-state 5 +011001100001 Hula 5 +011001100001 Kola 5 +011001100001 Fril 6 +011001100001 EPA. 6 +011001100001 Nifty 7 +011001100001 Bataan 8 +011001100001 Highest 8 +011001100001 Magnificent 8 +011001100001 Sharpeville 9 +011001100001 11150 9 +011001100001 Marcilio 9 +011001100001 Kreditanstalt 10 +011001100001 Loft 11 +011001100001 Sistine 11 +011001100001 AL 11 +011001100001 Superconducting 12 +011001100001 Outrageous 13 +011001100001 Barbary 14 +011001100001 Intermarket 16 +011001100001 30-DAY 17 +011001100001 Endangered 21 +011001100001 C&D 22 +011001100001 Offered 22 +011001100001 Au 25 +011001100001 Crimean 25 +011001100001 Coated 69 +011001100001 Yuppie 69 +011001100001 Dark 76 +011001100001 Wings 84 +011001100001 Israeli-occupied 88 +011001100001 Deep 93 +011001100001 Insider 103 +011001100001 Twentieth 117 +011001100001 Pinnacle 148 +011001100001 Upper 184 +011001100001 ASSETS 197 +011001100001 Options 417 +011001100001 S 720 +011001100001 Internal 808 +011001100001 Far 822 +011001100001 Middle 1379 +011001100001 Big 5017 +011001100001 Commodity 1639 +011001100010 LLoyds 1 +011001100010 QMI 1 +011001100010 Res-A-Vue 1 +011001100010 113,300 1 +011001100010 Northline 1 +011001100010 25-Watt 1 +011001100010 Hay-Adams 1 +011001100010 Bux-Mont 1 +011001100010 Dettra 1 +011001100010 Piton 1 +011001100010 Rabbinical 1 +011001100010 REI-Diversified/Energy 1 +011001100010 Academy-Chinese 1 +011001100010 Pabco 1 +011001100010 Hartwick 1 +011001100010 Worldmark 1 +011001100010 Princessa 1 +011001100010 358,800 1 +011001100010 42,000-ton 1 +011001100010 FWW 1 +011001100010 Nishi-Nippon 1 +011001100010 Anti-Waste 1 +011001100010 Trafco 1 +011001100010 87/ 1 +011001100010 Motomachi 1 +011001100010 Sugarbeet 1 +011001100010 NoLoad 1 +011001100010 Tuileries 1 +011001100010 Nicaraguan-American 1 +011001100010 Keiyu 1 +011001100010 Stockmarket 1 +011001100010 Crown-winner 1 +011001100010 R-r-ruff 1 +011001100010 Irmo 1 +011001100010 Townscape 1 +011001100010 Romisch-Germanisches 1 +011001100010 4,500-store 1 +011001100010 Humanistic 1 +011001100010 Oriente 1 +011001100010 DAT. 1 +011001100010 Guadalupanita 1 +011001100010 All-Alaska 1 +011001100010 Dungaree 1 +011001100010 469,200 1 +011001100010 Mooyok 1 +011001100010 Centenary 1 +011001100010 Cray-compatible 1 +011001100010 Burrito-inspired 1 +011001100010 Cypher 1 +011001100010 Humana-University 1 +011001100010 Brooklawn 1 +011001100010 chance/ 1 +011001100010 Tocumen 1 +011001100010 Redbridge 1 +011001100010 Collaterized 1 +011001100010 Embryo 1 +011001100010 HRB-Singer 1 +011001100010 Schonbrunn 1 +011001100010 Judge-Declared 1 +011001100010 Gryphon 1 +011001100010 Loosbrock 1 +011001100010 DEWEY 1 +011001100010 Gay-Lesbian 1 +011001100010 Yisiyi 1 +011001100010 Balmoral 1 +011001100010 Transcapital 1 +011001100010 M.I.R.A.-International 1 +011001100010 Occupant 1 +011001100010 L&D 1 +011001100010 Ordway 1 +011001100010 Citizen-Labor 1 +011001100010 Multi-Employer 1 +011001100010 Friedmar 1 +011001100010 Dia 1 +011001100010 Westam 1 +011001100010 Sporn 1 +011001100010 Cole-Taylor 1 +011001100010 Northeast/Midwest 1 +011001100010 Theosophical 1 +011001100010 Bareiss 1 +011001100010 Alvear 1 +011001100010 Ethnological 1 +011001100010 Texas/Oxford 1 +011001100010 Braten 1 +011001100010 farmer-dominated 1 +011001100010 E.N. 1 +011001100010 Homesick 1 +011001100010 Paperweight 1 +011001100010 Belhaven 1 +011001100010 NGC 1 +011001100010 plainest 1 +011001100010 Mycological 1 +011001100010 Hilgenfeld 1 +011001100010 Correspondence 1 +011001100010 Hillbilly 1 +011001100010 Cardian 1 +011001100010 Clariden 1 +011001100010 Falu 1 +011001100010 Savacou 1 +011001100010 Turkish-Soviet 1 +011001100010 reduced-tar 1 +011001100010 Alteration 1 +011001100010 Aztech 1 +011001100010 Stages 1 +011001100010 Upwardly 1 +011001100010 Erie-Lackawanna 1 +011001100010 Hyperbaric 1 +011001100010 Medium-Range 1 +011001100010 University-Small 1 +011001100010 Da-Lite 1 +011001100010 Bonray 1 +011001100010 V.I.S. 1 +011001100010 Saatchi-backed 1 +011001100010 3,300-member 1 +011001100010 Graver 1 +011001100010 Fast-Talking 1 +011001100010 intra-Common 1 +011001100010 Satyr 1 +011001100010 Electrotechnical 1 +011001100010 McFetridge 1 +011001100010 Hammersmith 1 +011001100010 JJM 1 +011001100010 397-room 1 +011001100010 Semi-Automated 1 +011001100010 1,333,300 1 +011001100010 Honey-Bee 1 +011001100010 HOMES. 1 +011001100010 Cancom-United 1 +011001100010 BP/Standard 1 +011001100010 Fijian-dominated 1 +011001100010 Exuberant 1 +011001100010 Waziwazu 1 +011001100010 America-China 1 +011001100010 Sogenal 1 +011001100010 Tennessee-Virginia 1 +011001100010 California-Davis 1 +011001100010 MultiChannel 1 +011001100010 1,920,700 1 +011001100010 suburban-Detroit 1 +011001100010 All-Southern 1 +011001100010 Tetra 1 +011001100010 then-CBS 1 +011001100010 Rockford/Park 1 +011001100010 Farnese 1 +011001100010 Imperial-Royal 1 +011001100010 Europejski 1 +011001100010 Valamo 1 +011001100010 Staatliches 1 +011001100010 Transtate 1 +011001100010 U.S.-Common 1 +011001100010 Klines 1 +011001100010 Balliol 1 +011001100010 G-5/Plaza 1 +011001100010 Kowloon-Canton 1 +011001100010 Medeco 1 +011001100010 ever-busy 1 +011001100010 Mailman 1 +011001100010 Kideo 1 +011001100010 Manmade 1 +011001100010 IGC-Direct 1 +011001100010 Azami 1 +011001100010 Tattered 1 +011001100010 NANA 1 +011001100010 Whine 1 +011001100010 Donnybrook 1 +011001100010 Clocktower 1 +011001100010 Cornhusker 1 +011001100010 founder-producer-composer 1 +011001100010 All-Girl 1 +011001100010 Outerbridge 1 +011001100010 L&L 1 +011001100010 Schwechat 1 +011001100010 Boalt 1 +011001100010 Yenching 1 +011001100010 ladies-in-waiting. 1 +011001100010 Getty-owned 1 +011001100010 Watoto 1 +011001100010 Frisky 1 +011001100010 Musashino 1 +011001100010 Entreprenurial 1 +011001100010 Wye 1 +011001100010 Trianon 1 +011001100010 HBO/Cannon 1 +011001100010 Cleveland-Marshall 1 +011001100010 Combative 1 +011001100010 Angriest 1 +011001100010 Cybernetic 1 +011001100010 Nadi 1 +011001100010 504,300 1 +011001100010 Bottomless 1 +011001100010 gyo 1 +011001100010 Damnation 1 +011001100010 4.5-million-member 1 +011001100010 Finn-Stroi 1 +011001100010 Peterhouse 1 +011001100010 Denevi 1 +011001100010 Baldwin-Wallace 1 +011001100010 Doghill-Donahue 1 +011001100010 Endive 1 +011001100010 Fabco 1 +011001100010 Metrocentre 1 +011001100010 BRS 1 +011001100010 Revokes 1 +011001100010 Sanno 1 +011001100010 Lannan 1 +011001100010 Linnean 1 +011001100010 Savery 1 +011001100010 Overlake 1 +011001100010 Bayview 1 +011001100010 Grouse 1 +011001100010 3790 1 +011001100010 heavily-traded 1 +011001100010 University-C.W. 1 +011001100010 Peapack-Gladstone 1 +011001100010 Etching 1 +011001100010 Eno 1 +011001100010 Chicago-Tokyo 1 +011001100010 Hurlingham 1 +011001100010 Yivo 1 +011001100010 Alcoa-Goodyear 1 +011001100010 Lincoln-McKinley 1 +011001100010 Narda 1 +011001100010 Ramaz 1 +011001100010 102-store 1 +011001100010 Springhouse 1 +011001100010 Marbro 1 +011001100010 Potty 1 +011001100010 15-gate 1 +011001100010 Kunsthistorisches 1 +011001100010 Courtauld 1 +011001100010 Sun-Maid 1 +011001100010 Kyoka 1 +011001100010 Langasco 1 +011001100010 KOIN 1 +011001100010 Retina 1 +011001100010 Chicken-Little 1 +011001100010 RAD 1 +011001100010 Japan-Miami 1 +011001100010 Japan-American 1 +011001100010 Hukuang 1 +011001100010 Microtec 1 +011001100010 Birkbeck 1 +011001100010 Minnehaha 1 +011001100010 microwave-equipped 1 +011001100010 Union-Magma-Thermal 1 +011001100010 Daybridge 1 +011001100010 PaineWebber-Geodyne 1 +011001100010 Anti-Clamping 1 +011001100010 BFC 1 +011001100010 Ordination 1 +011001100010 AWI 1 +011001100010 Faceted 1 +011001100010 191,675 1 +011001100010 Hairy-Chested 1 +011001100010 MTV/Madonna 1 +011001100010 Cranfield 1 +011001100010 Papworth 1 +011001100010 pro-World 1 +011001100010 124,600 1 +011001100010 Serpentine 1 +011001100010 Gridlocked 1 +011001100010 Airmail 1 +011001100010 Deep-Mountain 1 +011001100010 383,100 1 +011001100010 enkan 1 +011001100010 now-venerable 1 +011001100010 J.Q. 1 +011001100010 Qingchuan 1 +011001100010 Meurice 1 +011001100010 Choruses 1 +011001100010 Checkered 1 +011001100010 495,900 1 +011001100010 CCD-Still 1 +011001100010 Shotgun 1 +011001100010 Gemological 1 +011001100010 InterStudy 1 +011001100010 23-store 1 +011001100010 Rayne 1 +011001100010 CJW 1 +011001100010 Flat-Earth 1 +011001100010 Sanlandro 1 +011001100010 Deustche 1 +011001100010 Malta-Federal 1 +011001100010 201.48 1 +011001100010 Keiyo 1 +011001100010 Joyo 1 +011001100010 Inhalation 1 +011001100010 Ex-National 1 +011001100010 Collateralised 1 +011001100010 Migratory 1 +011001100010 PEACHEY 1 +011001100010 Tortilla 1 +011001100010 One-Dollar 1 +011001100010 Kamehameha 1 +011001100010 CUCINA 1 +011001100010 missile-equipped 1 +011001100010 Gopher 1 +011001100010 Xingang 1 +011001100010 Cost-Conscious 1 +011001100010 IfW 1 +011001100010 Cloverleaf 1 +011001100010 Interministerial 1 +011001100010 Treichville 1 +011001100010 Sheremetyevo 1 +011001100010 catalog-cookware 1 +011001100010 anti-Big 1 +011001100010 Humbling 1 +011001100010 Astoriya 1 +011001100010 non-Ivy 1 +011001100010 Berean 1 +011001100010 Anti-Takeover 1 +011001100010 Hijiribashi 1 +011001100010 Schipol 1 +011001100010 Medtec 1 +011001100010 Tuscan-Turkish-Art 1 +011001100010 Anderson-Blass 1 +011001100010 Baden-Wuerttembergischen 1 +011001100010 Cairo-Amman 1 +011001100010 Rotisserie 1 +011001100010 Vailsburg 1 +011001100010 HARIMA 1 +011001100010 Maccabees 1 +011001100010 Multisector 1 +011001100010 Deficit-Reduction 1 +011001100010 SuperCONducting 1 +011001100010 eight-company 1 +011001100010 3,300-title 1 +011001100010 Activated 1 +011001100010 Euroshuttle 1 +011001100010 Hallamshire 1 +011001100010 YIVO 1 +011001100010 Hurried 1 +011001100010 Marist 1 +011001100010 News/Eyewitness 1 +011001100010 E.G.I. 1 +011001100010 Armtech 1 +011001100010 Aerobic 1 +011001100010 Cheyney 1 +011001100010 al-Quds 1 +011001100010 Woodleaf 1 +011001100010 Kin 1 +011001100010 Shipbuilder 1 +011001100010 Hospital-Affiliated 1 +011001100010 Softnomics 1 +011001100010 Shamanistic 1 +011001100010 JCO 1 +011001100010 Valproic 1 +011001100010 Makinac 1 +011001100010 Storeys 1 +011001100010 88-open 1 +011001100010 Ubaf 1 +011001100010 Pultizer 1 +011001100010 AEG-Westinghouse 1 +011001100010 Walter-Grounds 1 +011001100010 Wanango 1 +011001100010 Managua-based 1 +011001100010 155,900 1 +011001100010 47,240 1 +011001100010 Kaleidoscope 1 +011001100010 Anti-British 1 +011001100010 605,050 1 +011001100010 Conecticut 1 +011001100010 Hotel-Motel 1 +011001100010 Monteleone 1 +011001100010 Pick-Up 1 +011001100010 Paraplegia 1 +011001100010 ocean-hugging 1 +011001100010 ContiTrade 1 +011001100010 Kyoungsang-Nam 1 +011001100010 Manhattanville 1 +011001100010 Sukimandi 1 +011001100010 Colden 1 +011001100010 MidAmerican 1 +011001100010 Bullock's-Bullock's 1 +011001100010 Ararat 1 +011001100010 Reprimanded 1 +011001100010 Abandons 1 +011001100010 CSL 1 +011001100010 Smokejumper 1 +011001100010 56-outlet 1 +011001100010 NOP 1 +011001100010 Masssachusetts 1 +011001100010 UJB 1 +011001100010 Bethmann 1 +011001100010 Political-Military 1 +011001100010 patronage-free 1 +011001100010 Tellessen 1 +011001100010 Coburg 1 +011001100010 Trans-America 1 +011001100010 Harvard-Smithsonian 1 +011001100010 then-teetering 1 +011001100010 XIT 1 +011001100010 Hansin 1 +011001100010 Adel-DeSoto 1 +011001100010 A-Z 1 +011001100010 GGD-89-120 1 +011001100010 748,500 1 +011001100010 Inter-bank 1 +011001100010 PCP. 1 +011001100010 non-Common 1 +011001100010 Hotelkeepers 1 +011001100010 Monarchist 1 +011001100010 Chunghwa 1 +011001100010 Faribundo 1 +011001100010 Inglaterra 1 +011001100010 Martime 1 +011001100010 Yodobashi 1 +011001100010 Schiphol 1 +011001100010 Fatah-Revolutionary 1 +011001100010 Daughtry 1 +011001100010 Crofoot 1 +011001100010 leftist-led 1 +011001100010 ex-Rainier 1 +011001100010 Winthrop-University 1 +011001100010 Michinoku 1 +011001100010 Geonomics 1 +011001100010 Counterintelligence 1 +011001100010 CXY 1 +011001100010 Beachfront 1 +011001100010 2,990,000 1 +011001100010 Truscott 1 +011001100010 Serene 1 +011001100010 gods. 1 +011001100010 Lusty 1 +011001100010 Brookland 1 +011001100010 Internatinoal 1 +011001100010 Fujien 1 +011001100010 SeaFest/JAC 1 +011001100010 Maclord 1 +011001100010 post-O 1 +011001100010 Abell 1 +011001100010 Ventech 1 +011001100010 Interprobe 1 +011001100010 Dubaibased 1 +011001100010 KMS/Domina 1 +011001100010 Pediatric 1 +011001100010 TrustCo 1 +011001100010 Inter-Valley 1 +011001100010 Kaitex 1 +011001100010 canvas-and-rubber 1 +011001100010 Canada-Newfoundland 1 +011001100010 Fund/Assets 1 +011001100010 Rheinisch-West 1 +011001100010 SDK 1 +011001100010 Shroders 1 +011001100010 drought-hit 1 +011001100010 Floreffe 1 +011001100010 Bellelli 1 +011001100010 Airliner 1 +011001100010 Stileman 1 +011001100010 Schomburg 1 +011001100010 Teratology 1 +011001100010 LYNTON 1 +011001100010 Phobic 1 +011001100010 Panamerican 1 +011001100010 Oesterreische 1 +011001100010 Tongas 1 +011001100010 62-inch-long 1 +011001100010 Shaba 1 +011001100010 Inwood 1 +011001100010 Cocoanut 1 +011001100010 SUIZZERA 1 +011001100010 Baltusrol 1 +011001100010 Bethune-Cookman 1 +011001100010 Intercommunity 1 +011001100010 Smith-Richardson 1 +011001100010 Diepkloof 1 +011001100010 Fatwa 1 +011001100010 Sundance-based 1 +011001100010 Mezhdunarodnaya 1 +011001100010 seventh-ranked 1 +011001100010 Hunterian 1 +011001100010 IGS 1 +011001100010 Augustana 2 +011001100010 High-Flex 2 +011001100010 Co-Operative 2 +011001100010 highminded 2 +011001100010 CV 2 +011001100010 Carnivorous 2 +011001100010 Tilles 2 +011001100010 Muhlenberg 2 +011001100010 274,800 2 +011001100010 Planters-Life 2 +011001100010 Mid-Continental 2 +011001100010 Matsushita-Ultra 2 +011001100010 Humanitarian-Aid 2 +011001100010 Inter-Agency 2 +011001100010 Cami 2 +011001100010 Nantenshi 2 +011001100010 316,900 2 +011001100010 CBA 2 +011001100010 Nonfat 2 +011001100010 96-year-old 2 +011001100010 B2C 2 +011001100010 Fairlane 2 +011001100010 Skyland 2 +011001100010 Mythical 2 +011001100010 Gogarburn 2 +011001100010 Shanghai-Volkswagen 2 +011001100010 15-nation 2 +011001100010 Raptor 2 +011001100010 In-flight 2 +011001100010 Licorice 2 +011001100010 Barringer 2 +011001100010 Broccoli 2 +011001100010 Mnemosyne 2 +011001100010 Firstplace 2 +011001100010 ExportImport 2 +011001100010 Temper 2 +011001100010 Hertford 2 +011001100010 Panora-Linden 2 +011001100010 Trans-Siberian 2 +011001100010 Lochalsh 2 +011001100010 Gramophone 2 +011001100010 ICS 2 +011001100010 KNX 2 +011001100010 Tranquility 2 +011001100010 MultiMedia 2 +011001100010 Medill 2 +011001100010 Unigard 2 +011001100010 Weatherhead 2 +011001100010 Harbus 2 +011001100010 Stedelijk 2 +011001100010 Houlder 2 +011001100010 Rauma-Repola 2 +011001100010 Biophysics 2 +011001100010 Changi 2 +011001100010 MidDay 2 +011001100010 long-controversial 2 +011001100010 Interparliamentary 2 +011001100010 Cardio 2 +011001100010 Romneya 2 +011001100010 Weequahic 2 +011001100010 Brookdale 2 +011001100010 Bodleian 2 +011001100010 50,000-member 2 +011001100010 Aix-en-Provence 2 +011001100010 Karma 2 +011001100010 Walker-Allied 2 +011001100010 Plekhanov 2 +011001100010 CanadianOxy 2 +011001100010 PF 2 +011001100010 Migraine 2 +011001100010 Oesterreichishe 2 +011001100010 Cheerful 2 +011001100010 Linante 2 +011001100010 Wister 2 +011001100010 Practising 2 +011001100010 Pretzel 2 +011001100010 Galloping 2 +011001100010 Convest 2 +011001100010 Diogenes 2 +011001100010 800-member 2 +011001100010 Anti-Saloon 2 +011001100010 Aucklands 2 +011001100010 Rymac 2 +011001100010 Nolo 2 +011001100010 Audobon 2 +011001100010 Hampden-Sydney 2 +011001100010 semigovernmental 2 +011001100010 Danske 2 +011001100010 Conard 2 +011001100010 Unclaimed 2 +011001100010 Strathclyde 2 +011001100010 Theoretical 2 +011001100010 Discrete 2 +011001100010 UA-Columbia 2 +011001100010 Molluscan 2 +011001100010 Anti-Violence 2 +011001100010 Asean-Japan 2 +011001100010 Capita 2 +011001100010 Montour 2 +011001100010 Hyster-Yale 2 +011001100010 Grady-Stack 2 +011001100010 Predictive 2 +011001100010 IBAA 2 +011001100010 Combatting 2 +011001100010 Hepworth 2 +011001100010 quarter-acre 2 +011001100010 Multi-District 2 +011001100010 Orkay 2 +011001100010 Nassau-based 2 +011001100010 Ririe-Woodbury 2 +011001100010 KA 2 +011001100010 Jambalaya 2 +011001100010 Deaconness 2 +011001100010 S-J 2 +011001100010 Mailorder 2 +011001100010 Marshall-Wythe 2 +011001100010 Binary 2 +011001100010 Kurchatov 2 +011001100010 Rotch 2 +011001100010 Bike 2 +011001100010 Up-in 2 +011001100010 Carnegie-Rochester 2 +011001100010 Bayporte 2 +011001100010 Vanishing 2 +011001100010 DAI-ICHI 3 +011001100010 Gerontological 3 +011001100010 Nelson-Atkins 3 +011001100010 Visitor 3 +011001100010 10,000-member 3 +011001100010 Nucleic 3 +011001100010 Cranbrook 3 +011001100010 now-closed 3 +011001100010 Westmont 3 +011001100010 American-China 3 +011001100010 Hottentot 3 +011001100010 Navcom 3 +011001100010 Westchase 3 +011001100010 Standardized 3 +011001100010 Bellarosa 3 +011001100010 Needy 3 +011001100010 Mostazafan 3 +011001100010 F.E.A. 3 +011001100010 non-Social 3 +011001100010 High-Tech 3 +011001100010 Citizen/Labor 3 +011001100010 Malev 3 +011001100010 Ko-Yung 3 +011001100010 Gilcrease 3 +011001100010 Cane 3 +011001100010 50-passenger 3 +011001100010 Volleyball 3 +011001100010 IBJ-Schroder 3 +011001100010 Hard-Line 3 +011001100010 Limestone 3 +011001100010 Nicollet 3 +011001100010 Aswan 3 +011001100010 Waterbed 3 +011001100010 USHA 3 +011001100010 non-National 3 +011001100010 Superregional 3 +011001100010 Perimeter 3 +011001100010 Newlywed 3 +011001100010 Ridglea 3 +011001100010 Eastside 3 +011001100010 Haymarket 3 +011001100010 Bullocks-Bullocks 3 +011001100010 Firstate 3 +011001100010 Frank-Guenther 3 +011001100010 Tegel 3 +011001100010 Scleroderma 3 +011001100010 Macalester 3 +011001100010 Soundview 3 +011001100010 Acquires 3 +011001100010 Astrophysical 3 +011001100010 Tummy 3 +011001100010 Ecumenical 3 +011001100010 Unfinished 3 +011001100010 Passamaquoddy 3 +011001100010 Rin 3 +011001100010 Neckwear 3 +011001100010 High-Yield 3 +011001100010 Platonic 3 +011001100010 Dinkum 3 +011001100010 Integra-A 3 +011001100010 Toxin 3 +011001100010 Wayside 4 +011001100010 Suicidal 4 +011001100010 IVI 4 +011001100010 Annenberg/CPB 4 +011001100010 Naumburg 4 +011001100010 Enchanted 4 +011001100010 HZN 4 +011001100010 HOGG 4 +011001100010 BARLOW 4 +011001100010 Pollsmoor 4 +011001100010 McIntire 4 +011001100010 Pro-Life 4 +011001100010 Cervical 4 +011001100010 Drive-Buy 4 +011001100010 Atom 4 +011001100010 Lattice 4 +011001100010 Refuse 4 +011001100010 DTH 4 +011001100010 RAC 4 +011001100010 Kogod 4 +011001100010 /Bullocks 4 +011001100010 Kollsman 4 +011001100010 Wen 4 +011001100010 Firstier 4 +011001100010 Intercollegiate 4 +011001100010 InvesTech 4 +011001100010 Welder 4 +011001100010 Holco 4 +011001100010 Villers 4 +011001100010 TCPL 4 +011001100010 Presbyterian-University 4 +011001100010 Right-to-Life 4 +011001100010 Fresno-based 4 +011001100010 Epilepsy 4 +011001100010 Laissez-Faire 4 +011001100010 Canisius 4 +011001100010 ex-National 4 +011001100010 60-Minute 4 +011001100010 Grapefruit 4 +011001100010 Lod 4 +011001100010 Claxton 4 +011001100010 Cavendish 5 +011001100010 Farabundo 5 +011001100010 Worldwatch 5 +011001100010 Embarcadero 5 +011001100010 Bicoastal 5 +011001100010 Eastex 5 +011001100010 Krannert 5 +011001100010 Knickerbocker 5 +011001100010 Classified 5 +011001100010 Dolmy 5 +011001100010 Toluca 5 +011001100010 Designated 5 +011001100010 Ripon 5 +011001100010 Commemorative 5 +011001100010 C-E 5 +011001100010 Jaffee 5 +011001100010 WINTERTHUR 5 +011001100010 Michoud 6 +011001100010 Christiania 6 +011001100010 Sunstate 6 +011001100010 McGeorge 6 +011001100010 Armored 6 +011001100010 PaineWebber/Geodyne 6 +011001100010 Handwriting 6 +011001100010 Tabernacle 6 +011001100010 Bagdad 6 +011001100010 Cityfront 6 +011001100010 52-story 6 +011001100010 Carburos 6 +011001100010 Culinary 6 +011001100010 Thyssen-Bornemisza 6 +011001100010 American-Soviet 6 +011001100010 Playwrights 6 +011001100010 Hacienda 6 +011001100010 Chugoku 6 +011001100010 Infrared 6 +011001100010 D&K 6 +011001100010 Farmworker 6 +011001100010 Takushoku 6 +011001100010 Earned 6 +011001100010 Mule 6 +011001100010 Haneda 6 +011001100010 Periodical 6 +011001100010 Mises 6 +011001100010 Formaldehyde 6 +011001100010 Counterterrorism 6 +011001100010 Wormald 6 +011001100010 Retiree 6 +011001100010 5905 7 +011001100010 Hokuriku 7 +011001100010 Bilingual 7 +011001100010 Vocational 7 +011001100010 TMC 7 +011001100010 Asahan 7 +011001100010 Goldmine 7 +011001100010 Osterreichische 7 +011001100010 RJ 7 +011001100010 Merrimack 7 +011001100010 Fraternal 7 +011001100010 Saitama 7 +011001100010 Spoleto 7 +011001100010 Mid-Continent 7 +011001100010 Ravinia 7 +011001100010 Efficient 8 +011001100010 Fund-Raising 8 +011001100010 Humanitarian 8 +011001100010 Privy 8 +011001100010 Harborside 8 +011001100010 WestAmerica 8 +011001100010 Radcliffe 8 +011001100010 Lend 8 +011001100010 Organic 8 +011001100010 Friction 8 +011001100010 Majik 8 +011001100010 Bullocks 8 +011001100010 Tobu 8 +011001100010 Beige 8 +011001100010 Narodny 9 +011001100010 Fustat 9 +011001100010 Kimpo 9 +011001100010 All-Union 9 +011001100010 Biltmore 9 +011001100010 Restricted 9 +011001100010 Popeyes 9 +011001100010 Speedy 9 +011001100010 Bluegrass 9 +011001100010 BZ 10 +011001100010 Saehan 10 +011001100010 Southstate 10 +011001100010 PMI 10 +011001100010 O.H. 10 +011001100010 Grinnell 10 +011001100010 DSL 10 +011001100010 Maroon 10 +011001100010 Miniature 11 +011001100010 IMF-World 11 +011001100010 Spavo 11 +011001100010 Shipbuilders 12 +011001100010 Christic 12 +011001100010 Formosa 12 +011001100010 Dana-Farber 12 +011001100010 Skin 12 +011001100010 Northland 13 +011001100010 LNS 13 +011001100010 Karolinska 13 +011001100010 S&A 13 +011001100010 Theological 13 +011001100010 Oesterreichische 13 +011001100010 Kyowa 13 +011001100010 Nederlandsche 13 +011001100010 Ilhae 14 +011001100010 Cooper-Hewitt 14 +011001100010 Cottage 14 +011001100010 Anti-Defamation 14 +011001100010 Topkapi 14 +011001100010 Tax-Free 15 +011001100010 Constituent 15 +011001100010 then-National 15 +011001100010 Intellectual 15 +011001100010 Mister 16 +011001100010 Elysee 16 +011001100010 Amsterdam-Rotterdam 16 +011001100010 Peachtree 16 +011001100010 Dormitory 16 +011001100010 Unified 16 +011001100010 Shared 17 +011001100010 Guangzhou 17 +011001100010 Deaconess 17 +011001100010 Bowdoin 17 +011001100010 Hirshhorn 17 +011001100010 Insured 17 +011001100010 Freese-Notis 18 +011001100010 Sharper 18 +011001100010 Mojave 19 +011001100010 Interfaith 19 +011001100010 Supplemental 20 +011001100010 Musical 20 +011001100010 Farragut 20 +011001100010 Epcot 20 +011001100010 Tomato 21 +011001100010 Tropical 21 +011001100010 No-Load 21 +011001100010 MNC 21 +011001100010 Guadalupe 21 +011001100010 Grosse 22 +011001100010 Entrepreneurial 22 +011001100010 Tokai 22 +011001100010 Architectural 22 +011001100010 N.Z. 22 +011001100010 Ancient 23 +011001100010 Appellate 23 +011001100010 Babson 23 +011001100010 Nightly 23 +011001100010 Biological 23 +011001100010 Joffrey 24 +011001100010 ML 24 +011001100010 Algemene 25 +011001100010 Juilliard 25 +011001100010 Buckingham 25 +011001100010 Multiple 25 +011001100010 Soccer 25 +011001100010 Salvation 26 +011001100010 Collegiate 26 +011001100010 Co-operative 28 +011001100010 Electro 31 +011001100010 Humane 31 +011001100010 Immune 31 +011001100010 Wilderness 33 +011001100010 Headline 33 +011001100010 Coupon 34 +011001100010 Guggenheim 34 +011001100010 Electoral 34 +011001100010 Pasteur 34 +011001100010 Mad 35 +011001100010 VR 35 +011001100010 DG 36 +011001100010 Stapleton 42 +011001100010 Hambros 43 +011001100010 Vanity 47 +011001100010 Administrative 47 +011001100010 C.T.C. 47 +011001100010 Original 48 +011001100010 Heathrow 50 +011001100010 Monkey 51 +011001100010 Plain 55 +011001100010 Historical 58 +011001100010 Bolshoi 58 +011001100010 Junior 59 +011001100010 Pro 60 +011001100010 Pall 60 +011001100010 Toronto-Dominion 61 +011001100010 Cal 67 +011001100010 Hartsfield 68 +011001100010 Judicial 73 +011001100010 Contemporary 81 +011001100010 Evening 81 +011001100010 Ivy 84 +011001100010 Sky 84 +011001100010 Automatic 86 +011001100010 Youth 87 +011001100010 Export-Import 90 +011001100010 Ex-Im 94 +011001100010 Intercontinental 95 +011001100010 Certified 96 +011001100010 Legislative 99 +011001100010 Cato 100 +011001100010 Leadership 104 +011001100010 Criminal 108 +011001100010 Merchant 119 +011001100010 Rite 121 +011001100010 Rural 125 +011001100010 IDS 126 +011001100010 Atomic 133 +011001100010 Holy 134 +011001100010 Popular 151 +011001100010 Antitrust 156 +011001100010 Dartmouth 157 +011001100010 Sanwa 161 +011001100010 Naval 184 +011001100010 Progressive 187 +011001100010 Revolutionary 190 +011001100010 Morning 230 +011001100010 Dresdner 243 +011001100010 Sierra 251 +011001100010 Memorial 283 +011001100010 Peoples 299 +011001100010 Better 302 +011001100010 Port 326 +011001100010 Joint 381 +011001100010 Open 414 +011001100010 Independent 462 +011001100010 Small 610 +011001100010 Strategic 688 +011001100010 Red 698 +011001100010 Deutsche 766 +011001100010 Common 837 +011001100010 Royal 1292 +011001100010 National 15347 +011001100010 Social 1817 +011001100011 leftist-dominated 1 +011001100011 Over-the-Hill 1 +011001100011 Marimba 1 +011001100011 high-firepower 1 +011001100011 Anti-Clot 1 +011001100011 Fattoria 1 +011001100011 Sarinah 1 +011001100011 Christian-controlled 1 +011001100011 anti-State 1 +011001100011 energy-wealthy 1 +011001100011 now-adult 1 +011001100011 Massachusettts 1 +011001100011 Schat-Marine 1 +011001100011 tattoo-armed 1 +011001100011 Dramatist 1 +011001100011 Panchen 1 +011001100011 Stalag 1 +011001100011 heavier-hitting 1 +011001100011 left-handed-hitting 1 +011001100011 Circumlocution 1 +011001100011 Indiana-born 1 +011001100011 M&L 1 +011001100011 industry-tracking 1 +011001100011 Binladin 1 +011001100011 Califonria 1 +011001100011 graillike 1 +011001100011 Solar-Cal 1 +011001100011 estat 1 +011001100011 Annotated 1 +011001100011 99-bed 1 +011001100011 Ingeniero 1 +011001100011 Accrediting 1 +011001100011 Kharkov 1 +011001100011 much-misrepresented 1 +011001100011 Pontifical 1 +011001100011 Boesksy 1 +011001100011 Tsushima 1 +011001100011 Palk 1 +011001100011 eight-time 1 +011001100011 graft-ridden 1 +011001100011 knock-kneed 1 +011001100011 always-approachable 1 +011001100011 Ritsumeikan 1 +011001100011 31-nation 1 +011001100011 Clarenden 1 +011001100011 Jesuit-run 1 +011001100011 243-bed 1 +011001100011 Scranton-Wilkes 1 +011001100011 Kremen 1 +011001100011 Gulbaddin 1 +011001100011 Seagram-Cuba 1 +011001100011 Impediments 1 +011001100011 unstraw 1 +011001100011 314-pound 1 +011001100011 then-HUD 1 +011001100011 Free-Choice 1 +011001100011 Texaco-Carl 1 +011001100011 Adminstrative 1 +011001100011 Failure-to-Enforce 1 +011001100011 High/Scope 1 +011001100011 Impediment 1 +011001100011 Shriner-Midland 1 +011001100011 often-stubborn 1 +011001100011 Internationalist 1 +011001100011 Carls 1 +011001100011 Kenmar 1 +011001100011 Autobiographical 1 +011001100011 Exercycle 1 +011001100011 600-odd 1 +011001100011 Amaury 1 +011001100011 University-Purdue 1 +011001100011 Polytechic 1 +011001100011 Low-Risk 1 +011001100011 GE-Justice 1 +011001100011 Japanese-held 1 +011001100011 much-revered 1 +011001100011 Mitofksy 1 +011001100011 ex-Labor 1 +011001100011 Jerusalem-born 1 +011001100011 Councillor 1 +011001100011 Stop-the-Presses 1 +011001100011 newsmagazine-cover 1 +011001100011 21-lawyer 1 +011001100011 Thundering 1 +011001100011 Hot-Air 1 +011001100011 freeholder 2 +011001100011 Quadrennial 2 +011001100011 Premium-Income 2 +011001100011 Drouot 2 +011001100011 Interpreters 2 +011001100011 35-store 2 +011001100011 Andromeda 2 +011001100011 GAO. 2 +011001100011 Fiery 2 +011001100011 Reformer 2 +011001100011 Intercantonal 2 +011001100011 rabi 2 +011001100011 now-disgraced 2 +011001100011 Dramatists 2 +011001100011 Hornes 2 +011001100011 Tem 2 +011001100011 Freehling 2 +011001100011 Politico-Military 3 +011001100011 Dillards 3 +011001100011 Fatman 3 +011001100011 Shutdown 3 +011001100011 Federated/Allied 3 +011001100011 24-country 3 +011001100011 Tianqiao 3 +011001100011 95-year-old 3 +011001100011 Dyno 3 +011001100011 Hamline 4 +011001100011 Comite 4 +011001100011 Palazzo 5 +011001100011 Transporation 5 +011001100011 Bailout 6 +011001100011 Bin 6 +011001100011 Domaine 6 +011001100011 Gare 8 +011001100011 Trilateral 10 +011001100011 Donaldsons 13 +011001100011 U.S.S. 13 +011001100011 Elektrisk 15 +011001100011 Landmarks 20 +011001100011 Literary 33 +011001100011 Dalai 80 +011001100011 Oval 98 +011001100011 Antonin 104 +011001100011 Writers 107 +011001100011 Economist 154 +011001100011 Counsel 178 +011001100011 USS 182 +011001100011 Interior 409 +011001100011 Census 435 +011001100011 Rev. 557 +011001100011 Agriculture 1440 +011001100011 Transportation 1717 +011001100011 Defense 3008 +011001100011 Labor 3247 +011001100011 Commerce 3768 +011001100011 State 5583 +011001100011 Justice 4627 +0110011001000 Treasury-futures 1 +0110011001000 Producing-company 1 +0110011001000 Foreign-aid 1 +0110011001000 Community-foundation 1 +0110011001000 Ex-Gov 1 +0110011001000 Credentialing 1 +0110011001000 REICHHOLD 1 +0110011001000 Institutional-investment 1 +0110011001000 Hassock 1 +0110011001000 Barbells 1 +0110011001000 Personal-consumption 1 +0110011001000 Philbrook 1 +0110011001000 Blacksmithing 1 +0110011001000 MANDARIN 1 +0110011001000 Fffft 1 +0110011001000 Beguiling 1 +0110011001000 Mellow 1 +0110011001000 Konnie 1 +0110011001000 e-Estimated 1 +0110011001000 Meat-animal 1 +0110011001000 School-board 1 +0110011001000 morale-enhancing 1 +0110011001000 AT&T/PHILIPS 1 +0110011001000 Farm-equipment 1 +0110011001000 Ferd 1 +0110011001000 Refined-product 1 +0110011001000 Horsewhip 1 +0110011001000 Frat 1 +0110011001000 Brandeis/ 1 +0110011001000 Intermediate-goods 1 +0110011001000 Raw-materials 1 +0110011001000 County-fair 1 +0110011001000 Stock-related 1 +0110011001000 Human-resource 1 +0110011001000 Musty 1 +0110011001000 Hom 1 +0110011001000 Hubris 1 +0110011001000 Manufacters 1 +0110011001000 Wrong-o 1 +0110011001000 Non-durable 1 +0110011001000 deal-cutters 1 +0110011001000 YEEEEH. 1 +0110011001000 Baaa 1 +0110011001000 Telephone-company 1 +0110011001000 People-oriented 1 +0110011001000 Laziness 1 +0110011001000 Late-Scholastic 1 +0110011001000 Pacifiers 1 +0110011001000 Whupped 1 +0110011001000 Food-grain 1 +0110011001000 700,000-subscriber 1 +0110011001000 Groaning 1 +0110011001000 1992. 1 +0110011001000 Whoosh 1 +0110011001000 erm 1 +0110011001000 Bell-company 1 +0110011001000 0127 1 +0110011001000 Higher-education 1 +0110011001000 Harnessing 1 +0110011001000 Granola 1 +0110011001000 O.A.S. 1 +0110011001000 Beatrice/Hunt 1 +0110011001000 Probucol 1 +0110011001000 282,800 1 +0110011001000 Maritime-union 1 +0110011001000 Corrugated-box 1 +0110011001000 Cynanamid 1 +0110011001000 ooo 1 +0110011001000 Education-group 1 +0110011001000 Natl 1 +0110011001000 Raffe 1 +0110011001000 ANADARKO 1 +0110011001000 more-refined 1 +0110011001000 Broadcast-industry 1 +0110011001000 Algierian 1 +0110011001000 Camcorder 1 +0110011001000 Swish 1 +0110011001000 Livid 1 +0110011001000 S.&W 1 +0110011001000 Green-coffee 1 +0110011001000 Hunt-company 1 +0110011001000 Mammal 1 +0110011001000 Hoarded 1 +0110011001000 Unstoppable 1 +0110011001000 Surreal 1 +0110011001000 Intelligience 1 +0110011001000 High-ticket 1 +0110011001000 Tough-Minded 1 +0110011001000 Newpaperman 1 +0110011001000 Curts 1 +0110011001000 Shared-savings-performance 1 +0110011001000 Laem 1 +0110011001000 Coffee-futures 1 +0110011001000 plant-sending 1 +0110011001000 Streamline 1 +0110011001000 1959-60 1 +0110011001000 1950-3 1 +0110011001000 1948-9 1 +0110011001000 1926-33 1 +0110011001000 1924-5 1 +0110011001000 1920-2 1 +0110011001000 1918-20 1 +0110011001000 1918-9 1 +0110011001000 1916-24 1 +0110011001000 1915-34 1 +0110011001000 1912-25 1 +0110011001000 1961-73 1 +0110011001000 1858-9 1 +0110011001000 1852-3 1 +0110011001000 1846-8 1 +0110011001000 1835-6 1 +0110011001000 1831-2 1 +0110011001000 1821-2 1 +0110011001000 1820-2 1 +0110011001000 1816-8 1 +0110011001000 1910-1 1 +0110011001000 1905-07 1 +0110011001000 1900-1 1 +0110011001000 1898-9 1 +0110011001000 1895-6 1 +0110011001000 1894-5 1 +0110011001000 1894-6 1 +0110011001000 1873-82 1 +0110011001000 1869-71 1 +0110011001000 1865-6 1 +0110011001000 Hr 1 +0110011001000 1814-5 1 +0110011001000 1813-4 1 +0110011001000 1806-10 1 +0110011001000 1801-5 1 +0110011001000 1798-1800 1 +0110011001000 super-competitive 1 +0110011001000 Tradable 1 +0110011001000 Budgeted 1 +0110011001000 Vol 1 +0110011001000 soymeal 1 +0110011001000 PANCANADIAN 1 +0110011001000 Straight-ahead 1 +0110011001000 Spiraling 1 +0110011001000 Well-educated 1 +0110011001000 Ditch 1 +0110011001000 TOMORROW 1 +0110011001000 Loretto-Hilton 1 +0110011001000 Horizontally 1 +0110011001000 Agricultural-futures 1 +0110011001000 Ha-ha 1 +0110011001000 Tailoring 1 +0110011001000 Megacorp 1 +0110011001000 +83 1 +0110011001000 Newspaper-industry 1 +0110011001000 G.B.S. 1 +0110011001000 Europessimism 1 +0110011001000 Expense-account 1 +0110011001000 plastics-industry 1 +0110011001000 Less-favored 1 +0110011001000 Per-i-od 1 +0110011001000 humm 1 +0110011001000 Oil-Change 1 +0110011001000 Trofe-o 1 +0110011001000 Shipping-industry 1 +0110011001000 Petroleum-futures 1 +0110011001000 Nr 1 +0110011001000 Chiropractor 1 +0110011001000 Theme-park 1 +0110011001000 Grocery-store 1 +0110011001000 Beef-cattle 1 +0110011001000 Hog-future 1 +0110011001000 Unleaded-gasoline 1 +0110011001000 Prodigal 1 +0110011001000 Crack-Crack 1 +0110011001000 cansheet 1 +0110011001000 Ka-boom 1 +0110011001000 Ka-BAM 1 +0110011001000 I.B.C. 1 +0110011001000 Nonbuilding-construction 1 +0110011001000 Assassinations 1 +0110011001000 Benedum 1 +0110011001000 Palm-Aire 1 +0110011001000 1,130-member 1 +0110011001000 BERRY 1 +0110011001000 Ex-Cpl 1 +0110011001000 Oil-product 1 +0110011001000 Publico 1 +0110011001000 Agriculture-ministry 1 +0110011001000 Uncritical 1 +0110011001000 shaes 1 +0110011001000 Then-Sen 1 +0110011001000 Crude-goods 1 +0110011001000 Tourism-industry 1 +0110011001000 Generic-industry 1 +0110011001000 Plant-and-equipment 1 +0110011001000 bank-industry 1 +0110011001000 Blood-Bright 1 +0110011001000 Desperate. 1 +0110011001000 Memory-chip 1 +0110011001000 Moscow-Health 1 +0110011001000 Real-estate-industry 1 +0110011001000 CONDOMINIUM 1 +0110011001000 Hypotheken-& 1 +0110011001000 Mineraloel 1 +0110011001000 uh. 1 +0110011001000 Grain-futures 1 +0110011001000 Porkbelly 1 +0110011001000 rawhide 1 +0110011001000 DBC 1 +0110011001000 Lower-than-average 1 +0110011001000 Government-set 1 +0110011001000 Per-household 1 +0110011001000 Bush-administration 1 +0110011001000 Surety-Inquiry 1 +0110011001000 Wood-products 1 +0110011001000 Sel 1 +0110011001000 Fed-steer 1 +0110011001000 Zowie 1 +0110011001000 Garrulous 1 +0110011001000 Backslapping 1 +0110011001000 Brokerage-industry 1 +0110011001000 Aluminum-ingot 1 +0110011001000 POSTCRIPTS 1 +0110011001000 Rickie 1 +0110011001000 middle-echelon 1 +0110011001000 Parishes 1 +0110011001000 Snore 1 +0110011001000 defense-purchasing 1 +0110011001000 Stock-index-futures 1 +0110011001000 Used-plane 1 +0110011001000 Farm-commodity 1 +0110011001000 archipelego 1 +0110011001000 Oil-future 1 +0110011001000 aircraft-structures 1 +0110011001000 Market-clearing 1 +0110011001000 Warmer 2 +0110011001000 Ka-BOOM 2 +0110011001000 DENTAL 2 +0110011001000 NISSHO 2 +0110011001000 Dango 2 +0110011001000 Dishonesty 2 +0110011001000 Nightclub 2 +0110011001000 Ummed 2 +0110011001000 Escot 2 +0110011001000 Counterfeiting 2 +0110011001000 Patna 2 +0110011001000 Incorporating 2 +0110011001000 Burundian 2 +0110011001000 Sola 2 +0110011001000 Fire-safety 2 +0110011001000 Guandong 2 +0110011001000 Small-Business 2 +0110011001000 CABBAGE 2 +0110011001000 Executed 2 +0110011001000 Disinflation 2 +0110011001000 Techny 2 +0110011001000 Caliphobia 2 +0110011001000 Medical-care 2 +0110011001000 Alstead 2 +0110011001000 1853-4 2 +0110011001000 1859 2 +0110011001000 Strike. 2 +0110011001000 Sci-Tech 2 +0110011001000 SULLIVAN 2 +0110011001000 Welding 2 +0110011001000 Terrifying 2 +0110011001000 Contingent 2 +0110011001000 Subordinate 2 +0110011001000 KQED 2 +0110011001000 Futures-industry 2 +0110011001000 Abi 2 +0110011001000 Nonferrous 2 +0110011001000 FOOTNOTE 2 +0110011001000 Outback 2 +0110011001000 SAINTS 2 +0110011001000 Functional 2 +0110011001000 Prudential- 2 +0110011001000 Consuela 2 +0110011001000 Sodick 2 +0110011001000 Thos 2 +0110011001000 Sham 2 +0110011001000 Beds 2 +0110011001000 Advicorp 2 +0110011001000 Videotheque 2 +0110011001000 Nameco 2 +0110011001000 ex-U.S. 2 +0110011001000 Decontrol 2 +0110011001000 Malting 2 +0110011001000 Savile 2 +0110011001000 Perwaja 2 +0110011001000 Ridgedale 2 +0110011001000 Pfaudler 2 +0110011001000 PowerBurst 2 +0110011001000 Senses 2 +0110011001000 Jarrod 2 +0110011001000 Bentham 2 +0110011001000 Cameloot 2 +0110011001000 Castiglione 2 +0110011001000 God-like 2 +0110011001000 Non-White 2 +0110011001000 Stanislaus 2 +0110011001000 Thypin 2 +0110011001000 MISSISSIPPI 2 +0110011001000 344.26 2 +0110011001000 Chatty 2 +0110011001000 Synthesis 2 +0110011001000 Giat 2 +0110011001000 Caning 2 +0110011001000 Etc 2 +0110011001000 Shiroki 2 +0110011001000 Rustproofing 2 +0110011001000 Non-ferrous 2 +0110011001000 Lieut 2 +0110011001000 Graphological 2 +0110011001000 Bachelors 2 +0110011001000 Cocoa-futures 2 +0110011001000 Japan-America 2 +0110011001000 Athenaeum 2 +0110011001000 CYPRUS 2 +0110011001000 Sokaiya 2 +0110011001000 OUT-OF-WORK 2 +0110011001000 16. 2 +0110011001000 TESORO 2 +0110011001000 Melchemie 2 +0110011001000 Cocomalt 2 +0110011001000 GAMCO 2 +0110011001000 Rush-Presbyterian-St 2 +0110011001000 DONOVAN 2 +0110011001000 Uncounted 2 +0110011001000 stemware 2 +0110011001000 Woodward-Clyde 2 +0110011001000 Farm-land 2 +0110011001000 Berta 2 +0110011001000 Bead 2 +0110011001000 Million-Dollar 3 +0110011001000 Doublespeak 3 +0110011001000 Displaced 3 +0110011001000 Nailatikau 3 +0110011001000 Clove 3 +0110011001000 Aesthetic 3 +0110011001000 Doomsday 3 +0110011001000 Hawthorn 3 +0110011001000 Repairing 3 +0110011001000 Florists 3 +0110011001000 Ang 3 +0110011001000 Soybean-meal 3 +0110011001000 Orange-juice 3 +0110011001000 Nikolais 3 +0110011001000 Mug 3 +0110011001000 CHEC 3 +0110011001000 Brougher 3 +0110011001000 Whisper 3 +0110011001000 DeCordova 3 +0110011001000 Pedestrian 3 +0110011001000 Taaffe 3 +0110011001000 Adequate 3 +0110011001000 Capital-equipment 3 +0110011001000 AUTOMATED 3 +0110011001000 Fabricators 3 +0110011001000 Lettuce 3 +0110011001000 Whack 3 +0110011001000 Unregulated 3 +0110011001000 Open-market 3 +0110011001000 Nitrogen 3 +0110011001000 LAX 3 +0110011001000 Actuarial 3 +0110011001000 Incremental 3 +0110011001000 Sticker 3 +0110011001000 Q.P.L. 3 +0110011001000 Tells 3 +0110011001000 Year-round 3 +0110011001000 Zebra 3 +0110011001000 Stromberg-Carlson 3 +0110011001000 1903-4 3 +0110011001000 Strident 3 +0110011001000 Theraplay 3 +0110011001000 Transgenic 3 +0110011001000 Nonviolent 3 +0110011001000 Sneaker 3 +0110011001000 Saville 3 +0110011001000 Ballston 4 +0110011001000 Scolari 4 +0110011001000 Looser 4 +0110011001000 Ripple 4 +0110011001000 Activist 4 +0110011001000 Pineapple 4 +0110011001000 OLYMPIC 4 +0110011001000 Pork-belly 4 +0110011001000 Sow 4 +0110011001000 Uh-huh 4 +0110011001000 Wafer 4 +0110011001000 Metro-Dade 4 +0110011001000 Secondary-market 4 +0110011001000 Observation 4 +0110011001000 QANTAS 4 +0110011001000 Fraternity 4 +0110011001000 Condo 4 +0110011001000 Midtown 4 +0110011001000 Copier 4 +0110011001000 Clerical 4 +0110011001000 PHILLIPS 4 +0110011001000 Abalone 4 +0110011001000 Cassette 4 +0110011001000 REFUND 4 +0110011001000 Alternate 4 +0110011001000 Benj 4 +0110011001000 Steeplechase 4 +0110011001000 Bottle 4 +0110011001000 Ya 4 +0110011001000 Sabotage 4 +0110011001000 Conway-Eastern 4 +0110011001000 Doubt 4 +0110011001000 Satire 4 +0110011001000 Blond 4 +0110011001000 Sugar-futures 4 +0110011001000 Tombstone 4 +0110011001000 Writes 4 +0110011001000 Hygrade 4 +0110011001000 Blimp 5 +0110011001000 Hmmm 5 +0110011001000 Fonstein 5 +0110011001000 Thomp 5 +0110011001000 SPECIALTY 5 +0110011001000 Artillery 5 +0110011001000 Macroeconomic 5 +0110011001000 Onion 5 +0110011001000 Andorra 5 +0110011001000 Newsstand 5 +0110011001000 Kowa 5 +0110011001000 Shun 5 +0110011001000 Cade 5 +0110011001000 Hog-futures 5 +0110011001000 MONTREAL 5 +0110011001000 Canola 5 +0110011001000 Rutile 5 +0110011001000 Laptop 5 +0110011001000 Uninhibited 5 +0110011001000 Toa 5 +0110011001000 S.R. 5 +0110011001000 Petroleum-product 5 +0110011001000 Federations 5 +0110011001000 TOTAL-CIE 5 +0110011001000 Ingot 5 +0110011001000 Tackle 5 +0110011001000 Modeling 5 +0110011001000 Fasting 6 +0110011001000 Catfish 6 +0110011001000 Buyout 6 +0110011001000 Breakup 6 +0110011001000 Guts 6 +0110011001000 Telemarketing 6 +0110011001000 Sponsor 6 +0110011001000 CODE 6 +0110011001000 Cossack 6 +0110011001000 Juror 6 +0110011001000 Gender 6 +0110011001000 Goulds 6 +0110011001000 UCSF 6 +0110011001000 Souvenir 6 +0110011001000 Illicit 6 +0110011001000 Cow 6 +0110011001000 Calf 6 +0110011001000 Undergraduate 6 +0110011001000 Singles 6 +0110011001000 B&H 6 +0110011001000 Skid 6 +0110011001000 Demons 6 +0110011001000 Respiratory 7 +0110011001000 Assumption 7 +0110011001000 Outplacement 7 +0110011001000 Targeted 7 +0110011001000 Nondurable 7 +0110011001000 Noise 7 +0110011001000 Scattergood 7 +0110011001000 Renovation 7 +0110011001000 Suggestion 7 +0110011001000 Copper-futures 7 +0110011001000 Kidney 7 +0110011001000 Executive-branch 7 +0110011001000 Thrift-industry 7 +0110011001000 MALE 7 +0110011001000 Loud 7 +0110011001000 Jolt 7 +0110011001000 Ups 7 +0110011001000 Booming 7 +0110011001000 Calcium 8 +0110011001000 Meal 8 +0110011001000 Appropriate 8 +0110011001000 Precious-metal 8 +0110011001000 Talent 8 +0110011001000 Mushroom 8 +0110011001000 Gymnastics 8 +0110011001000 Specialist 8 +0110011001000 1020 8 +0110011001000 Ministerial 8 +0110011001000 Arthritis 8 +0110011001000 OCCIDENTAL 8 +0110011001000 Mud 9 +0110011001000 Gilt 9 +0110011001000 Pawn 9 +0110011001000 Polyester 9 +0110011001000 Nest 9 +0110011001000 Rude 9 +0110011001000 Wicks 9 +0110011001000 Costume 9 +0110011001000 FEMALE 9 +0110011001000 Oat 9 +0110011001000 Sandwich 10 +0110011001000 Reliability 10 +0110011001000 Contingency 10 +0110011001000 Specialized 10 +0110011001000 En 10 +0110011001000 Bizarre 10 +0110011001000 Stamp 10 +0110011001000 Salary 10 +0110011001000 Wedding 10 +0110011001000 LUFTHANSA 11 +0110011001000 Accurate 11 +0110011001000 Pickands 11 +0110011001000 Heating-oil 11 +0110011001000 Nonprofit 11 +0110011001000 Horror 11 +0110011001000 Excise 11 +0110011001000 Print 12 +0110011001000 Barley 12 +0110011001000 Titanium 12 +0110011001000 Admission 12 +0110011001000 Junk-bond 12 +0110011001000 Cracker 12 +0110011001000 TCW 12 +0110011001000 Disabled 13 +0110011001000 POSTSCRIPTS 13 +0110011001000 Wm 13 +0110011001000 Corn-futures 13 +0110011001000 Recruiting 13 +0110011001000 Broker 13 +0110011001000 Vegetable 13 +0110011001000 Hon 13 +0110011001000 Hedge 13 +0110011001000 Farmland 14 +0110011001000 Precious-metals 14 +0110011001000 Kash 14 +0110011001000 Ticket 14 +0110011001000 Busy 14 +0110011001000 Reef 14 +0110011001000 Charitable 14 +0110011001000 Freer 14 +0110011001000 Jos 14 +0110011001000 Jumbo 15 +0110011001000 Counter 16 +0110011001000 Peer 16 +0110011001000 Consent 16 +0110011001000 Bicycle 17 +0110011001000 Yen 17 +0110011001000 Taxpayer 17 +0110011001000 Pacifica 17 +0110011001000 Kiewit 17 +0110011001000 Repair 17 +0110011001000 Luxury 17 +0110011001000 Overhead 17 +0110011001000 Passive 18 +0110011001000 Employer 18 +0110011001000 Admissions 18 +0110011001000 Fee 19 +0110011001000 P.O. 19 +0110011001000 VTR 20 +0110011001000 Charity 20 +0110011001000 Diplomatic 21 +0110011001000 Dual 21 +0110011001000 Parent 21 +0110011001000 Vendor 22 +0110011001000 Catalog 22 +0110011001000 Gamma 22 +0110011001000 Technological 23 +0110011001000 Potato 23 +0110011001000 Teacher 23 +0110011001000 Provincial 24 +0110011001000 Female 24 +0110011001000 Faculty 24 +0110011001000 Sheer 24 +0110011001000 Cocaine 24 +0110011001000 Uranium 25 +0110011001000 Profs 25 +0110011001000 Syndication 25 +0110011001000 Leather 26 +0110011001000 Killing 27 +0110011001000 Downtown 27 +0110011001000 Variable 27 +0110011001000 Innovative 28 +0110011001000 Pic 28 +0110011001000 Patient 28 +0110011001000 Alternative 29 +0110011001000 Customer 29 +0110011001000 Bargain 29 +0110011001000 Favorite 29 +0110011001000 PAY 30 +0110011001000 Material 30 +0110011001000 Seat 30 +0110011001000 Rotan 30 +0110011001000 Core 31 +0110011001000 ROYAL 31 +0110011001000 Law-enforcement 31 +0110011001000 Manufactured 32 +0110011001000 Pilot 32 +0110011001000 Frequent 33 +0110011001000 Nickel 33 +0110011001000 Selected 34 +0110011001000 Period 34 +0110011001000 Coin 34 +0110011001000 Crude-oil 35 +0110011001000 Extra 35 +0110011001000 Floor 35 +0110011001000 STANDARD 36 +0110011001000 Principal 36 +0110011001000 Electricity 37 +0110011001000 Pvt 39 +0110011001000 Bigger 39 +0110011001000 Supermarket 39 +0110011001000 Male 40 +0110011001000 Syndicate 40 +0110011001000 Operators 40 +0110011001000 Normal 40 +0110011001000 Passenger 42 +0110011001000 Cap 43 +0110011001000 Bolt 44 +0110011001000 Firm 45 +0110011001000 Retailing 45 +0110011001000 Plastic 47 +0110011001000 Fur 47 +0110011001000 Soft 47 +0110011001000 J.H. 47 +0110011001000 Double 48 +0110011001000 Durable 49 +0110011001000 Present 49 +0110011001000 Aggressive 51 +0110011001000 Newsprint 52 +0110011001000 Milk 52 +0110011001000 Worker 58 +0110011001000 Arbitrage 63 +0110011001000 Planned 63 +0110011001000 Junk 64 +0110011001000 Spot 65 +0110011001000 Convertible 67 +0110011001000 Settlement 68 +0110011001000 Vehicle 68 +0110011001000 Memory 68 +0110011001000 Prof 69 +0110011001000 Term 75 +0110011001000 Premium 78 +0110011001000 Primary 79 +0110011001000 Bretton 79 +0110011001000 Merger 82 +0110011001000 Residential 83 +0110011001000 Hog 84 +0110011001000 Race 86 +0110011001000 Gasoline 86 +0110011001000 Producer 92 +0110011001000 Stock-index 93 +0110011001000 Import 101 +0110011001000 Quarterly 102 +0110011001000 Official 102 +0110011001000 Pork 111 +0110011001000 Blood 113 +0110011001000 Cie 116 +0110011001000 Brand 116 +0110011001000 Wholesale 122 +0110011001000 Beer 122 +0110011001000 BRITISH 123 +0110011001000 Baseball 126 +0110011001000 Thrift 126 +0110011001000 Reps 131 +0110011001000 Brokerage 133 +0110011001000 Grain 134 +0110011001000 Platinum 141 +0110011001000 Job 151 +0110011001000 Cattle 158 +0110011001000 Student 161 +0110011001000 Future 167 +0110011001000 Precious 171 +0110011001000 Factory 190 +0110011001000 Soybean 207 +0110011001000 Sens 210 +0110011001000 Personal 253 +0110011001000 Military 255 +0110011001000 Airline 261 +0110011001000 Cash 262 +0110011001000 WHO 262 +0110011001000 Copper 264 +0110011001000 Wheat 314 +0110011001000 Pay 318 +0110011001000 Car 336 +0110011001000 Export 340 +0110011001000 Silver 355 +0110011001000 Political 395 +0110011001000 Retail 401 +0110011001000 Share 443 +0110011001000 Construction 526 +0110011001000 Good 565 +0110011001000 Alex 568 +0110011001000 Corporate 912 +0110011001000 Company 1027 +0110011001000 Consumer 1129 +0110011001000 Government 1477 +0110011001000 Bond 1711 +0110011001000 Manufacturers 1955 +0110011001000 Gold 2146 +0110011001000 Industry 2259 +0110011001000 Messrs 2224 +0110011001001 Implored 1 +0110011001001 Archibishop 1 +0110011001001 Baii 1 +0110011001001 LEAN 1 +0110011001001 STEPHEN 1 +0110011001001 Ex-IRS 1 +0110011001001 Fasig 1 +0110011001001 then-Army 1 +0110011001001 Filipp 1 +0110011001001 Bluford 1 +0110011001001 Odin 1 +0110011001001 then-Central 1 +0110011001001 AIDED 1 +0110011001001 Tawny 1 +0110011001001 Qazi 1 +0110011001001 Ravenspurn 1 +0110011001001 jeu 1 +0110011001001 Ligamamada 1 +0110011001001 out-Reaganing 1 +0110011001001 map-maker 1 +0110011001001 mischaracterizing 1 +0110011001001 .Daniel 1 +0110011001001 Chapeau 1 +0110011001001 Honorine 1 +0110011001001 CLOAK 1 +0110011001001 Caran 1 +0110011001001 then-Education 1 +0110011001001 Communal 1 +0110011001001 175-man 1 +0110011001001 A.M.S. 1 +0110011001001 Pimenta 1 +0110011001001 Novedades 1 +0110011001001 then-NRC 1 +0110011001001 HYDE 1 +0110011001001 2515 1 +0110011001001 Extracto 1 +0110011001001 Ojos 1 +0110011001001 then-SEC 1 +0110011001001 Chancellery 1 +0110011001001 VILLAS 1 +0110011001001 ASMP 1 +0110011001001 then-bank 1 +0110011001001 Limitada 1 +0110011001001 Dallis 1 +0110011001001 Pano 1 +0110011001001 efficiency-minded 1 +0110011001001 Hwesu 1 +0110011001001 Cia.Telefonica 1 +0110011001001 Kenn 1 +0110011001001 Quai 1 +0110011001001 250,416 1 +0110011001001 Nacionales 1 +0110011001001 95,280 1 +0110011001001 then-Budget 1 +0110011001001 Quin 1 +0110011001001 Tirey 1 +0110011001001 Eff 1 +0110011001001 better-behaved 1 +0110011001001 Unibanco-Banco 1 +0110011001001 Picos 1 +0110011001001 CANADIANS 1 +0110011001001 Then-Prime 1 +0110011001001 Satnam 1 +0110011001001 Kuwaiti-controlled 1 +0110011001001 Fikry 1 +0110011001001 then-CFTC 1 +0110011001001 soybean-association 1 +0110011001001 Libertadores 1 +0110011001001 nostalgie 1 +0110011001001 RABBIS 1 +0110011001001 LIEN 1 +0110011001001 ARCHIE 1 +0110011001001 lambast 1 +0110011001001 Frederich 1 +0110011001001 --Edward 1 +0110011001001 986,500 1 +0110011001001 196,196 1 +0110011001001 LIENS 1 +0110011001001 SMC/ 1 +0110011001001 Agriculture-Fishery 1 +0110011001001 then-House 1 +0110011001001 Jalpa 1 +0110011001001 Valeriy 1 +0110011001001 Amand 1 +0110011001001 Successfully 1 +0110011001001 Lael 1 +0110011001001 Girbaud 1 +0110011001001 OPENING 1 +0110011001001 PROFESSORS 1 +0110011001001 5,096,251 1 +0110011001001 Twenty-nine-year-old 1 +0110011001001 Gunning-Mueller 1 +0110011001001 Dese 1 +0110011001001 Then-Defense 1 +0110011001001 YIN 1 +0110011001001 SAGEM-Societe 1 +0110011001001 PARALYSIS 1 +0110011001001 PELTZ 1 +0110011001001 SUNNY 1 +0110011001001 yet-to-be-famous 1 +0110011001001 Croxley 1 +0110011001001 1,441,700 1 +0110011001001 Finsbury 1 +0110011001001 Piat 1 +0110011001001 Inducting 1 +0110011001001 Ex-Singapore 1 +0110011001001 Munawar 1 +0110011001001 Arabe 1 +0110011001001 Abdul-Haadee 1 +0110011001001 Combinado 1 +0110011001001 Isla 1 +0110011001001 Then-Premier 1 +0110011001001 then-Paramount 1 +0110011001001 Pre-Parent 1 +0110011001001 Youthful-looking 1 +0110011001001 Universidad 1 +0110011001001 Vicaria 1 +0110011001001 Gerhart 1 +0110011001001 Monchengladbach-based 1 +0110011001001 Addie 1 +0110011001001 Khent 1 +0110011001001 Pointed 1 +0110011001001 DANA 1 +0110011001001 DEL 1 +0110011001001 inspecteur 1 +0110011001001 Renovacion 1 +0110011001001 stogie-loving 1 +0110011001001 Moore. 1 +0110011001001 Ateliers 1 +0110011001001 2936 1 +0110011001001 GEO. 1 +0110011001001 Melia 1 +0110011001001 Socieded 1 +0110011001001 huelgistas 1 +0110011001001 Eleftherios 1 +0110011001001 Deogracias 1 +0110011001001 theorie 1 +0110011001001 Constantinos 1 +0110011001001 1120 1 +0110011001001 Marinha 1 +0110011001001 Clebern 1 +0110011001001 1,500,850 1 +0110011001001 Bohuslav 1 +0110011001001 Nevado 1 +0110011001001 Savino 1 +0110011001001 S.& 1 +0110011001001 Lavere 1 +0110011001001 Abdulaziz 1 +0110011001001 Sobhi 1 +0110011001001 Ghislain 1 +0110011001001 Creve 1 +0110011001001 Ex-President 1 +0110011001001 Finton 1 +0110011001001 113,854 1 +0110011001001 187,126 1 +0110011001001 E.F.& 1 +0110011001001 crise 1 +0110011001001 173,846 1 +0110011001001 Consorcio 1 +0110011001001 Break-Even 1 +0110011001001 Jocelyn 1 +0110011001001 eaux 1 +0110011001001 Confederacion 1 +0110011001001 Iglu 1 +0110011001001 Tomme 1 +0110011001001 Mirabaud 1 +0110011001001 Sixty-five-year-old 1 +0110011001001 Allows 1 +0110011001001 Deward 1 +0110011001001 Semilla 1 +0110011001001 Ouvreiere 1 +0110011001001 cri 1 +0110011001001 Sucursal 1 +0110011001001 Ralbern 1 +0110011001001 Inter-Atlantico 1 +0110011001001 OBSTETRICS 1 +0110011001001 Iochpe 1 +0110011001001 Ardis 1 +0110011001001 Montie 1 +0110011001001 Ulpiano 1 +0110011001001 Jeu 1 +0110011001001 Lasagne 1 +0110011001001 Tabaksfabriek-Koffiebranderijen-Theehan 1 +0110011001001 LAWMEN 1 +0110011001001 Jaula 1 +0110011001001 Damaging 1 +0110011001001 long-marching 1 +0110011001001 pozos 1 +0110011001001 Sabana 1 +0110011001001 Oleta 1 +0110011001001 then-Renault 1 +0110011001001 Campbelll 1 +0110011001001 Bendicion 1 +0110011001001 Canal-Plus-Socie-dad 1 +0110011001001 Norriss 1 +0110011001001 Stiffens 1 +0110011001001 Gavril 1 +0110011001001 ABLE 1 +0110011001001 Hovey 1 +0110011001001 Pittsburgh/ 1 +0110011001001 Fruzsina 1 +0110011001001 Rohn 1 +0110011001001 Tellegen 1 +0110011001001 Lorrance 1 +0110011001001 Fadhil 1 +0110011001001 Balek 1 +0110011001001 Nuckolls 1 +0110011001001 Gandolvo 1 +0110011001001 Fioravante 1 +0110011001001 Domeena 1 +0110011001001 SHORTS 1 +0110011001001 -Fred 1 +0110011001001 472,000-person 1 +0110011001001 LAS. 1 +0110011001001 Valdemar 1 +0110011001001 Raanan 1 +0110011001001 178,414 1 +0110011001001 Refinacoes 1 +0110011001001 Ferruzzi-controlled 1 +0110011001001 SHELDON 1 +0110011001001 cul 1 +0110011001001 blanquette 1 +0110011001001 argolla-controlled 1 +0110011001001 fashion-leading 1 +0110011001001 Emmogene 1 +0110011001001 Tragedie 1 +0110011001001 Macchine 1 +0110011001001 Iniziative 1 +0110011001001 then-French 1 +0110011001001 Rassemblement 1 +0110011001001 then-Senate 1 +0110011001001 Alpheus 1 +0110011001001 Phala 1 +0110011001001 Glendower 1 +0110011001001 Frish 1 +0110011001001 DeWalt 1 +0110011001001 DRIFT 1 +0110011001001 Memtec 1 +0110011001001 Bleed 1 +0110011001001 Floris 1 +0110011001001 Latinoamericano 1 +0110011001001 Companie 1 +0110011001001 KCBX 1 +0110011001001 Quifoven-Engelhard 1 +0110011001001 Opal 1 +0110011001001 Travelling 1 +0110011001001 CELEBRATIONS 1 +0110011001001 Sarwar 1 +0110011001001 Handicrafts 1 +0110011001001 1,730,250 1 +0110011001001 Finaciere 1 +0110011001001 Damin 1 +0110011001001 Gestion 1 +0110011001001 Prive 1 +0110011001001 Heskin 1 +0110011001001 Sajan 1 +0110011001001 Uniao 1 +0110011001001 Mylon 1 +0110011001001 chataigne 1 +0110011001001 Espirit 1 +0110011001001 ex-Prime 1 +0110011001001 Westbank 1 +0110011001001 Masciantonio 1 +0110011001001 .David 1 +0110011001001 onceretired 1 +0110011001001 cut-priced 1 +0110011001001 Farsetta 1 +0110011001001 Institute/Alliance 1 +0110011001001 problem-prone 1 +0110011001001 Early-February 1 +0110011001001 Weatherby 1 +0110011001001 Then-Education 1 +0110011001001 Soviet-assisted 1 +0110011001001 Sangre 1 +0110011001001 Tesouro 1 +0110011001001 Hellene 1 +0110011001001 Unibanco-Uniao 1 +0110011001001 Kinkley 1 +0110011001001 Otha 1 +0110011001001 then-Japanese 1 +0110011001001 Holen 1 +0110011001001 fine-quality 1 +0110011001001 hard-to-crack 1 +0110011001001 then-FBI 1 +0110011001001 492,763 1 +0110011001001 Girish 1 +0110011001001 Philarmonique 1 +0110011001001 then-Church 1 +0110011001001 Niel 1 +0110011001001 Drogas 1 +0110011001001 Antunez 1 +0110011001001 Mme. 1 +0110011001001 Lubrinna 1 +0110011001001 Edmonde 1 +0110011001001 Theophilus 1 +0110011001001 NICHOLAS 1 +0110011001001 142,110 1 +0110011001001 Grificos 1 +0110011001001 Dierdra 1 +0110011001001 Canadienne 1 +0110011001001 Confederazione 1 +0110011001001 n'est-ce 1 +0110011001001 mid-continent 1 +0110011001001 fivenation 1 +0110011001001 177,342 1 +0110011001001 19-story 1 +0110011001001 Hoteliere 1 +0110011001001 son-of-the-South 1 +0110011001001 Fabbrica 1 +0110011001001 ex-Fed 1 +0110011001001 quitte 1 +0110011001001 Coro 1 +0110011001001 long-besieged 1 +0110011001001 Jamsheed 1 +0110011001001 Saul-Chairman 1 +0110011001001 Mohd 1 +0110011001001 DANIEL 1 +0110011001001 32-acre 1 +0110011001001 Showtime-The 1 +0110011001001 existentialist-philosopher 1 +0110011001001 once-prestigious 1 +0110011001001 fixtured 1 +0110011001001 361,142 1 +0110011001001 Donne 1 +0110011001001 Venezolana 1 +0110011001001 Keeling 1 +0110011001001 lensman 1 +0110011001001 Gwain 1 +0110011001001 Timmappa 1 +0110011001001 Machos 1 +0110011001001 Institutio 1 +0110011001001 Sevillana 1 +0110011001001 Ricostruzioni 1 +0110011001001 Saint-Germain 1 +0110011001001 Meistersinger 1 +0110011001001 Willim 1 +0110011001001 Caja 1 +0110011001001 Diddly 1 +0110011001001 Fourth-biggest 1 +0110011001001 850,300 1 +0110011001001 Dippy 1 +0110011001001 Avah 1 +0110011001001 Olza 1 +0110011001001 then-GOP 1 +0110011001001 Ascenseur 1 +0110011001001 Toits 1 +0110011001001 Diran 1 +0110011001001 Florine 1 +0110011001001 then-VOA 1 +0110011001001 Marq 1 +0110011001001 Then-Navy 1 +0110011001001 Tamarra 1 +0110011001001 Hippophagique 1 +0110011001001 Gastronomie 1 +0110011001001 Chevaline 1 +0110011001001 Eisenson 1 +0110011001001 Suck 1 +0110011001001 raisons 1 +0110011001001 Renso 1 +0110011001001 815,238 1 +0110011001001 Usinas 1 +0110011001001 Siderurgicas 1 +0110011001001 Linfield 1 +0110011001001 Gerlinda 1 +0110011001001 Desarrollos 1 +0110011001001 2416 1 +0110011001001 Angolaise 1 +0110011001001 ROUGH 1 +0110011001001 Trans-Continentale 1 +0110011001001 more-creditworthy 1 +0110011001001 33,115 1 +0110011001001 Honi 1 +0110011001001 Romilly 2 +0110011001001 Sour 2 +0110011001001 Oeschger 2 +0110011001001 Laboratoire 2 +0110011001001 Trabadores 2 +0110011001001 Mercados 2 +0110011001001 Agusan 2 +0110011001001 Democratique 2 +0110011001001 Asra 2 +0110011001001 succes 2 +0110011001001 Universite 2 +0110011001001 Cour 2 +0110011001001 Vialidad 2 +0110011001001 FACULTY 2 +0110011001001 FTCC 2 +0110011001001 Bankhaus 2 +0110011001001 CinemaScore 2 +0110011001001 170,988 2 +0110011001001 Electromagnetic 2 +0110011001001 Izquierda 2 +0110011001001 Rutilio 2 +0110011001001 Nuestra 2 +0110011001001 Senora 2 +0110011001001 610,100 2 +0110011001001 Zeev 2 +0110011001001 Turisticos 2 +0110011001001 Paseo 2 +0110011001001 Sistema 2 +0110011001001 Franquicias 2 +0110011001001 HJ 2 +0110011001001 Bibliotheque 2 +0110011001001 then-Finance 2 +0110011001001 maitres 2 +0110011001001 Agache-Willot 2 +0110011001001 mal 2 +0110011001001 DONALD 2 +0110011001001 Sorema 2 +0110011001001 Miracolo 2 +0110011001001 Refac 2 +0110011001001 Reggae 2 +0110011001001 Lecons 2 +0110011001001 383,186 2 +0110011001001 Thuy 2 +0110011001001 Gia 2 +0110011001001 constructors 2 +0110011001001 Norwood-Norfolk 2 +0110011001001 Gobble 2 +0110011001001 1735 2 +0110011001001 Interamericana 2 +0110011001001 Faro 2 +0110011001001 Hopital 2 +0110011001001 Contractual 2 +0110011001001 LESLIE 2 +0110011001001 Duana 2 +0110011001001 Desi 2 +0110011001001 Embraer-Empressa 2 +0110011001001 President-for-Life 2 +0110011001001 Josip 2 +0110011001001 1717 2 +0110011001001 Southwood 2 +0110011001001 Iracema 2 +0110011001001 Rotund 2 +0110011001001 Heatherton 2 +0110011001001 Eleuthere 2 +0110011001001 Amancio 2 +0110011001001 Windstar 2 +0110011001001 Palmerston 2 +0110011001001 Thaw-Da 3 +0110011001001 Lufttransport-Unternehmen 3 +0110011001001 Moamar 3 +0110011001001 Omnibanc 3 +0110011001001 Cruel 3 +0110011001001 Laurier 3 +0110011001001 objets 3 +0110011001001 Oilman 3 +0110011001001 Polistil 3 +0110011001001 Semon 3 +0110011001001 Gerda 3 +0110011001001 Gaite 3 +0110011001001 Choderlos 3 +0110011001001 Dovie 3 +0110011001001 Mediocredito 3 +0110011001001 307-member 3 +0110011001001 Fedelle 3 +0110011001001 pomme 3 +0110011001001 Cantonal 3 +0110011001001 Kirtland 3 +0110011001001 Maxime 3 +0110011001001 Scierie 3 +0110011001001 Posadas 3 +0110011001001 impeaching 3 +0110011001001 Normale 3 +0110011001001 then-Israeli 3 +0110011001001 E.& 3 +0110011001001 Cassa 3 +0110011001001 Colegio 3 +0110011001001 Clarissa 3 +0110011001001 Cervecerias 3 +0110011001001 Visually 3 +0110011001001 PEL 3 +0110011001001 Columba 3 +0110011001001 Sociedade 3 +0110011001001 Cielos 3 +0110011001001 Na 4 +0110011001001 Flor 4 +0110011001001 commedia 4 +0110011001001 Anonima 4 +0110011001001 Nuovo 4 +0110011001001 Commandant 4 +0110011001001 Superieure 4 +0110011001001 Silos 4 +0110011001001 J.& 4 +0110011001001 Nuit 4 +0110011001001 Anonyme 4 +0110011001001 Tocaia 4 +0110011001001 fourth-ranked 4 +0110011001001 Oris 4 +0110011001001 Hornby 4 +0110011001001 Beams 4 +0110011001001 Sayed 4 +0110011001001 Europeene 4 +0110011001001 Mobiliere 4 +0110011001001 SALARIES 4 +0110011001001 Tierra 4 +0110011001001 Marquise 4 +0110011001001 joie 4 +0110011001001 Operadora 4 +0110011001001 Talcs 5 +0110011001001 Idi 5 +0110011001001 ING. 5 +0110011001001 2417 5 +0110011001001 Nouvelle 5 +0110011001001 Terme 5 +0110011001001 Corber 5 +0110011001001 Elseveir 5 +0110011001001 IFB 5 +0110011001001 Versa 5 +0110011001001 Telefonos 6 +0110011001001 Industrias 6 +0110011001001 Evangelist 6 +0110011001001 Groupement 6 +0110011001001 Luxembourgeoise 6 +0110011001001 Folha 6 +0110011001001 Cerro 6 +0110011001001 Europeenne 6 +0110011001001 Fabrique 6 +0110011001001 then-Vice 7 +0110011001001 Sitiveni 7 +0110011001001 Ratu 7 +0110011001001 Quebecoise 7 +0110011001001 Cyrano 7 +0110011001001 then-Prime 8 +0110011001001 Instituto 8 +0110011001001 then-Defense 8 +0110011001001 Caguas 8 +0110011001001 Zamboanga 8 +0110011001001 Arnaud 8 +0110011001001 Adela 8 +0110011001001 H.O. 8 +0110011001001 E.D.& 8 +0110011001001 Edo 9 +0110011001001 Cementos 9 +0110011001001 Empresa 10 +0110011001001 nom 10 +0110011001001 CHARLES 10 +0110011001001 Clos 10 +0110011001001 Moises 11 +0110011001001 eau 11 +0110011001001 Minera 12 +0110011001001 Pee 12 +0110011001001 maitre 13 +0110011001001 Colonel 13 +0110011001001 Compania 14 +0110011001001 hors 15 +0110011001001 Lyonnaise 15 +0110011001001 faux 15 +0110011001001 Cartera 16 +0110011001001 Parisienne 17 +0110011001001 Casa 17 +0110011001001 Belge 17 +0110011001001 Internationale 17 +0110011001001 Sociedad 18 +0110011001001 Ecole 18 +0110011001001 raison 18 +0110011001001 Accion 19 +0110011001001 Espanola 19 +0110011001001 Explosivos 19 +0110011001001 esprit 20 +0110011001001 Gregorio 21 +0110011001001 Centrale 22 +0110011001001 Espanol 27 +0110011001001 Gaz 29 +0110011001001 Showtime/The 31 +0110011001001 Coeur 35 +0110011001001 Punta 38 +0110011001001 pas 40 +0110011001001 Moammar 49 +0110011001001 Marina 49 +0110011001001 Chateau 53 +0110011001001 Rear 56 +0110011001001 Francaise 57 +0110011001001 Associate 59 +0110011001001 Compagnie 60 +0110011001001 Petroleos 61 +0110011001001 Regie 64 +0110011001001 Telefonica 72 +0110011001001 Nacional 80 +0110011001001 Managing 99 +0110011001001 Cyrus 121 +0110011001001 Caisse 123 +0110011001001 Retired 134 +0110011001001 Circus 180 +0110011001001 Ollie 193 +0110011001001 Nationale 202 +0110011001001 Alco 203 +0110011001001 Financiere 225 +0110011001001 Maj. 260 +0110011001001 Deputy 311 +0110011001001 Assistant 358 +0110011001001 Rio 367 +0110011001001 Banco 375 +0110011001001 Cie. 425 +0110011001001 Societe 427 +0110011001001 Premier 521 +0110011001001 Penn 521 +0110011001001 Oliver 773 +0110011001001 Lt. 876 +0110011001001 Generale 1121 +0110011001001 Vice 1492 +0110011001001 Foreign 2085 +0110011001001 Prime 2597 +0110011001001 Col. 2703 +0110011001010 190,675 1 +0110011001010 Aldan 1 +0110011001010 HOUSTON-Coca-Cola 1 +0110011001010 Ishimaru 1 +0110011001010 Swanco 1 +0110011001010 Farrish 1 +0110011001010 Calgom 1 +0110011001010 Matshusita 1 +0110011001010 CFCL 1 +0110011001010 Webb/Duval 1 +0110011001010 Pedernales 1 +0110011001010 time-traveler 1 +0110011001010 Gregan 1 +0110011001010 Bronfman-Du 1 +0110011001010 Krupp/James 1 +0110011001010 XPS. 1 +0110011001010 KKSWI. 1 +0110011001010 SPM 1 +0110011001010 Wyoming-California 1 +0110011001010 Rush-Bagot 1 +0110011001010 yesterday.Matsushita 1 +0110011001010 Meadowdale 1 +0110011001010 Seway 1 +0110011001010 P.F.C. 1 +0110011001010 Dongbu 1 +0110011001010 Ligang 1 +0110011001010 Keisai 1 +0110011001010 Seven-Up/RC 1 +0110011001010 TCM 1 +0110011001010 Mitutoyo 1 +0110011001010 Spicers 1 +0110011001010 Caudal 1 +0110011001010 Chysen 1 +0110011001010 Gas/Tucson 1 +0110011001010 Quivira 1 +0110011001010 EFFOA-Finland 1 +0110011001010 Telerent 1 +0110011001010 M/E 1 +0110011001010 A.C.E. 1 +0110011001010 Harvard-Du 1 +0110011001010 CTFG 1 +0110011001010 Molded 1 +0110011001010 Valley-Vulcan 1 +0110011001010 FON 1 +0110011001010 Cleveland-Electric 1 +0110011001010 Henkens 1 +0110011001010 Presa 1 +0110011001010 PP&S 1 +0110011001010 Kinsco 1 +0110011001010 Curlew 1 +0110011001010 NFU 1 +0110011001010 Kraft-General 1 +0110011001010 feijao 1 +0110011001010 Dowzer 1 +0110011001010 AWSC 1 +0110011001010 Durkee-French 1 +0110011001010 Lenti-Chemico 1 +0110011001010 Marrowbone 1 +0110011001010 A.I.C. 1 +0110011001010 Chichibu 1 +0110011001010 Not-So-Big 1 +0110011001010 Gas-Tucson 1 +0110011001010 PacifiCorp/Utah 1 +0110011001010 Ranjilor 1 +0110011001010 Meidensha 1 +0110011001010 Gas-Lite 1 +0110011001010 Diakin 1 +0110011001010 C&T 1 +0110011001010 Montaup 1 +0110011001010 GWF 1 +0110011001010 C-B 1 +0110011001010 M-I 1 +0110011001010 Pancana 1 +0110011001010 Cosolidated 1 +0110011001010 Riviana 1 +0110011001010 Doubleday/Bantam/Dell 1 +0110011001010 Jobs-Economic 1 +0110011001010 Zitropo 1 +0110011001010 Americam 1 +0110011001010 Falkirk 1 +0110011001010 Jodaline 1 +0110011001010 RSB 1 +0110011001010 Andante 1 +0110011001010 Walbrook 1 +0110011001010 Del-Du 1 +0110011001010 Reaches 1 +0110011001010 Biograph 1 +0110011001010 Sun/DIC 1 +0110011001010 GFI-General 1 +0110011001010 A.N.D.A. 1 +0110011001010 Book/Business 1 +0110011001010 Niugini 1 +0110011001010 HRD 1 +0110011001010 iichi 1 +0110011001010 .Nippon 1 +0110011001010 CF&I 1 +0110011001010 Lippo 1 +0110011001010 Allcity 1 +0110011001010 Kusan 1 +0110011001010 Talk-Show 1 +0110011001010 Izusu 1 +0110011001010 Nikkan 1 +0110011001010 GOSL 1 +0110011001010 Nastech 1 +0110011001010 NIOSH. 1 +0110011001010 Heidtman 1 +0110011001010 JLR 1 +0110011001010 Connole 1 +0110011001010 Papaya 1 +0110011001010 Heidrich 1 +0110011001010 Storz 1 +0110011001010 Elberon 1 +0110011001010 Hudepohl-Schoenling 1 +0110011001010 Morning-Star 1 +0110011001010 QFC 1 +0110011001010 Crysen 1 +0110011001010 Dantai 1 +0110011001010 Beneficiary 1 +0110011001010 SID 1 +0110011001010 SaintAmand 1 +0110011001010 SCM/Hanson 1 +0110011001010 A.H.A 1 +0110011001010 RP 1 +0110011001010 HL 1 +0110011001010 Chrysler-Kenosha 1 +0110011001010 148,700 1 +0110011001010 291,000-member 1 +0110011001010 Arnel 1 +0110011001010 HDR 1 +0110011001010 Kagiso 1 +0110011001010 Century-National 1 +0110011001010 CalFarm 1 +0110011001010 Joban 1 +0110011001010 Rivendell 1 +0110011001010 Iran-Japan 1 +0110011001010 Yaskawa 1 +0110011001010 CWC 1 +0110011001010 Interamerica 1 +0110011001010 Property/Casualty 1 +0110011001010 Finvest 1 +0110011001010 PRS 1 +0110011001010 Yosei 1 +0110011001010 Kenlake 1 +0110011001010 Tsubakimoto 1 +0110011001010 Yodogawa 1 +0110011001010 Godo 1 +0110011001010 Commonweath 1 +0110011001010 Anglo-Egyptian 1 +0110011001010 Sheng-Li 1 +0110011001010 POC 1 +0110011001010 Warmington 1 +0110011001010 Diamond-Stars 1 +0110011001010 BSC 1 +0110011001010 Deepwood 1 +0110011001010 Koike 1 +0110011001010 AT&S 1 +0110011001010 Wield 1 +0110011001010 MEMOREX 1 +0110011001010 Mikron 1 +0110011001010 IHF-Internazionale 1 +0110011001010 DAIDO 1 +0110011001010 Rilla 1 +0110011001010 Atascosa 1 +0110011001010 Cal-Pacific 1 +0110011001010 T.M. 1 +0110011001010 CITH 1 +0110011001010 KS&A 1 +0110011001010 Manufac 1 +0110011001010 C-C 1 +0110011001010 Enoch 1 +0110011001010 Register/Prudential 1 +0110011001010 SCS 1 +0110011001010 Jinhung 1 +0110011001010 TU 1 +0110011001010 Kurosaki 1 +0110011001010 Folksamerica 1 +0110011001010 Boone/Narragansett 1 +0110011001010 WPS 1 +0110011001010 BancNewEngland 1 +0110011001010 Martlet 1 +0110011001010 Mattatuck 1 +0110011001010 MS1 1 +0110011001010 AHS 1 +0110011001010 Lityan 1 +0110011001010 Furuno 1 +0110011001010 Sikorksy 1 +0110011001010 BOISE 1 +0110011001010 Amclo 1 +0110011001010 Goldquest 1 +0110011001010 Yili-Nabisco 1 +0110011001010 A.R.E. 1 +0110011001010 A.C.M.A. 1 +0110011001010 Franco-Nevada 1 +0110011001010 Custodial 1 +0110011001010 96,613 1 +0110011001010 Boryung 1 +0110011001010 Desmarais-controlled 1 +0110011001010 Landsay 1 +0110011001010 Daio 1 +0110011001010 Tranex 1 +0110011001010 Riceland 1 +0110011001010 Optique 1 +0110011001010 CTP 1 +0110011001010 GoodMark 1 +0110011001010 Acstar 1 +0110011001010 Cal-Maine 1 +0110011001010 SCC 1 +0110011001010 Hassneh 1 +0110011001010 Birchwood 1 +0110011001010 WAF 1 +0110011001010 Cybertech 2 +0110011001010 Raineri 2 +0110011001010 Supream 2 +0110011001010 Mid-County 2 +0110011001010 Nacolah 2 +0110011001010 Chiro 2 +0110011001010 Taffy 2 +0110011001010 Telephony 2 +0110011001010 Metron 2 +0110011001010 VSI 2 +0110011001010 Zedmark 2 +0110011001010 Martec 2 +0110011001010 Percie 2 +0110011001010 Researcher 2 +0110011001010 Dellwood 2 +0110011001010 Bendix-Jidosha 2 +0110011001010 Bendix/Martin 2 +0110011001010 E-W 2 +0110011001010 Southbend 2 +0110011001010 R-C 2 +0110011001010 KMI 2 +0110011001010 IEP 2 +0110011001010 Dependable 2 +0110011001010 U.O.B. 2 +0110011001010 Crowntuft 2 +0110011001010 FRH 2 +0110011001010 Sanken 2 +0110011001010 JMC 2 +0110011001010 Mitsu 2 +0110011001010 Biotech/Du 2 +0110011001010 DACG 2 +0110011001010 Robinson-Guild 2 +0110011001010 Nacho 2 +0110011001010 Peto 2 +0110011001010 DeJean 2 +0110011001010 EIE 2 +0110011001010 Starrex 2 +0110011001010 Lee-GN 2 +0110011001010 Panafrican 2 +0110011001010 SRH 2 +0110011001010 Mayday 2 +0110011001010 Lainiere 2 +0110011001010 Texas-gulf 2 +0110011001010 Stroehmann 2 +0110011001010 Mi-Tech 2 +0110011001010 Heckethorn 2 +0110011001010 ACS 2 +0110011001010 data-gatherer 2 +0110011001010 Nutri 2 +0110011001010 Goodmark 2 +0110011001010 Yangzi 2 +0110011001010 Kasle 2 +0110011001010 Yakin 2 +0110011001010 LF 2 +0110011001010 SkiSoft 2 +0110011001010 ML-Lee 2 +0110011001010 Reda 2 +0110011001010 Johnsonville 2 +0110011001010 GACC 2 +0110011001010 MLLee 2 +0110011001010 Baltica-Nordisk 2 +0110011001010 Baltica 2 +0110011001010 Kaken 2 +0110011001010 HME 2 +0110011001010 Inter-classico 2 +0110011001010 Wakefern 2 +0110011001010 Davco 2 +0110011001010 SeaWest 2 +0110011001010 Nittan 2 +0110011001010 Nitec 2 +0110011001010 WMF 2 +0110011001010 Oklaunion 2 +0110011001010 O.P.M. 2 +0110011001010 Tongkuk 2 +0110011001010 Intalco 2 +0110011001010 Winco 2 +0110011001010 Pamorex 2 +0110011001010 Hokuetsu 2 +0110011001010 WMC 2 +0110011001010 Edel-Brown 2 +0110011001010 Barcel 2 +0110011001010 JT 2 +0110011001010 GAR 2 +0110011001010 POGO 2 +0110011001010 EBCO 2 +0110011001010 Exporter 2 +0110011001010 Leede 2 +0110011001010 Multi-Media 2 +0110011001010 Teva 2 +0110011001010 Mitsumi 2 +0110011001010 Greymac 2 +0110011001010 Bluebonnet 2 +0110011001010 Transalpine 2 +0110011001010 Retlaw 2 +0110011001010 LORIMAR 2 +0110011001010 Ezaki 2 +0110011001010 Blandin 2 +0110011001010 LMC 2 +0110011001010 FLSI 2 +0110011001010 Hayssen 2 +0110011001010 Contempri 2 +0110011001010 Chrysky 2 +0110011001010 Non-Profit 2 +0110011001010 Kotobuki 3 +0110011001010 MGC 3 +0110011001010 SBS 3 +0110011001010 Processed 3 +0110011001010 X.L. 3 +0110011001010 Henredon 3 +0110011001010 SK 3 +0110011001010 Samjens 3 +0110011001010 Retrieval 3 +0110011001010 Daon 3 +0110011001010 Philanthropic 3 +0110011001010 McCullagh 3 +0110011001010 Keihan 3 +0110011001010 InterAmerican 3 +0110011001010 Softklone 3 +0110011001010 MFC 3 +0110011001010 Provena 3 +0110011001010 Parkdale 3 +0110011001010 Jidosha 3 +0110011001010 Ohtsuka 3 +0110011001010 GynoMed 3 +0110011001010 SG 3 +0110011001010 Doric 3 +0110011001010 Kasagi 3 +0110011001010 Shipshewana 3 +0110011001010 SMG 3 +0110011001010 Kumho 3 +0110011001010 Goltrin 3 +0110011001010 Walshire 3 +0110011001010 Dowa 3 +0110011001010 Mosinee 3 +0110011001010 OPF 3 +0110011001010 Graphite 3 +0110011001010 C&O 3 +0110011001010 Emkay 3 +0110011001010 Laketon 3 +0110011001010 S&J 3 +0110011001010 Beatriz 3 +0110011001010 Asgrow 3 +0110011001010 R-Line 3 +0110011001010 Calcasieu 3 +0110011001010 Parke-Bernet 3 +0110011001010 Win-Chance 3 +0110011001010 Amwest 3 +0110011001010 Fenchurch 3 +0110011001010 Highlight 3 +0110011001010 STI 3 +0110011001010 Radial 3 +0110011001010 TLX 3 +0110011001010 Kosmos 3 +0110011001010 Minerva 3 +0110011001010 Biomass 3 +0110011001010 AQ 3 +0110011001010 Kaukauna 3 +0110011001010 SLI 3 +0110011001010 Cataphote 3 +0110011001010 KCP 3 +0110011001010 Harbison-Walker 3 +0110011001010 South-Western 3 +0110011001010 Intertec 3 +0110011001010 Griffco 3 +0110011001010 Krinos 3 +0110011001010 Emons 3 +0110011001010 Arnage 3 +0110011001010 Warrenton 3 +0110011001010 FB 3 +0110011001010 Olan 3 +0110011001010 Mitsuwa 3 +0110011001010 TCP 3 +0110011001010 Industrial-Alliance 3 +0110011001010 Hevi-Duty 3 +0110011001010 PWS 4 +0110011001010 Konosuke 4 +0110011001010 Hysan 4 +0110011001010 Colorado-Ute 4 +0110011001010 Toho 4 +0110011001010 Bellemead 4 +0110011001010 Minami 4 +0110011001010 Prestolite 4 +0110011001010 Odakyu 4 +0110011001010 Tmic 4 +0110011001010 BHW 4 +0110011001010 GU 4 +0110011001010 Analect 4 +0110011001010 Simplex 4 +0110011001010 Shy 4 +0110011001010 Huys 4 +0110011001010 Heuga 4 +0110011001010 Frostex 4 +0110011001010 NEG 4 +0110011001010 Keihin 4 +0110011001010 Amselco 4 +0110011001010 Showscan 4 +0110011001010 FAC 4 +0110011001010 Gerity 4 +0110011001010 Copolymer 4 +0110011001010 GSI 4 +0110011001010 QED 4 +0110011001010 Recycled 4 +0110011001010 GH 4 +0110011001010 Idemitsu 4 +0110011001010 MSR 4 +0110011001010 Thule 4 +0110011001010 Highmont 4 +0110011001010 Hallador 4 +0110011001010 Jennie-O 4 +0110011001010 Whittar 4 +0110011001010 Joshin 4 +0110011001010 Shin-Daiwa 5 +0110011001010 Highveld 5 +0110011001010 Vassar 5 +0110011001010 Bentley-Harris 5 +0110011001010 Iwatsu 5 +0110011001010 Anritsu 5 +0110011001010 Inver 5 +0110011001010 Newnam 5 +0110011001010 Yokogawa 5 +0110011001010 FH 5 +0110011001010 GLI 5 +0110011001010 Piezo 5 +0110011001010 RSL 5 +0110011001010 BJ 5 +0110011001010 FLX 5 +0110011001010 E-B 5 +0110011001010 Submarine 5 +0110011001010 HMA 5 +0110011001010 OKI 5 +0110011001010 SGI 5 +0110011001010 Wessely 5 +0110011001010 DIG 5 +0110011001010 Fitel 5 +0110011001010 Pueringer 5 +0110011001010 Homart 5 +0110011001010 SPG 5 +0110011001010 Lornex 6 +0110011001010 E.I. 6 +0110011001010 Funai 6 +0110011001010 DKM 6 +0110011001010 C&K 6 +0110011001010 Grantor 6 +0110011001010 DMI 6 +0110011001010 DR 6 +0110011001010 BW 6 +0110011001010 MarCor 6 +0110011001010 Chef-Reddy 6 +0110011001010 Elkay 6 +0110011001010 Bishopsgate 6 +0110011001010 Unleash 6 +0110011001010 Neglect 6 +0110011001010 BJF 6 +0110011001010 Pakhoed 6 +0110011001010 WCK 6 +0110011001010 Hayley 6 +0110011001010 Interamerican 6 +0110011001010 KV 6 +0110011001010 Wesco 6 +0110011001010 Edizione 6 +0110011001010 Catering 6 +0110011001010 Intermagnetics 6 +0110011001010 Mitsuba 6 +0110011001010 Primate 6 +0110011001010 Glenmede 7 +0110011001010 Billiton 7 +0110011001010 Screenvision 7 +0110011001010 BCW 7 +0110011001010 WEI 7 +0110011001010 Mochida 7 +0110011001010 Redco 7 +0110011001010 WestAir 7 +0110011001010 Nissei 7 +0110011001010 EFC 7 +0110011001010 Baldor 7 +0110011001010 Regensteiner 7 +0110011001010 Jimberlana 7 +0110011001010 LISP 7 +0110011001010 K-V 7 +0110011001010 Quarto 8 +0110011001010 Schult 8 +0110011001010 Honshu 8 +0110011001010 Trans-Alaska 8 +0110011001010 Cenvill 8 +0110011001010 I/AM 8 +0110011001010 Neste 8 +0110011001010 Anac 8 +0110011001010 Hispanic-American 8 +0110011001010 Jujo 8 +0110011001010 Cavalcade 8 +0110011001010 B.J.F. 8 +0110011001010 S&B 8 +0110011001010 Okuma 8 +0110011001010 Vlasic 8 +0110011001010 Wyndham 8 +0110011001010 FAS 8 +0110011001010 Welded 8 +0110011001010 E.I.E. 8 +0110011001010 Shoko 9 +0110011001010 HMS 9 +0110011001010 Missouri-Kansas-Texas 9 +0110011001010 Chiyoda 9 +0110011001010 Pacesetter 9 +0110011001010 SDC 9 +0110011001010 Landell 9 +0110011001010 Silvershoe 9 +0110011001010 MTS 9 +0110011001010 Flour 10 +0110011001010 Familiar 10 +0110011001010 Liquidating 10 +0110011001010 Cahasa 10 +0110011001010 Sconnix 10 +0110011001010 Agrifuels 10 +0110011001010 Nitto 10 +0110011001010 Tex-La 10 +0110011001010 NLI 10 +0110011001010 Generic 10 +0110011001010 PON 10 +0110011001010 Ssangyong 11 +0110011001010 Enro 11 +0110011001010 Scripps-Howard 11 +0110011001010 Outokumpu 11 +0110011001010 RI 11 +0110011001010 Debenture 11 +0110011001010 RSI 11 +0110011001010 Transwestern 11 +0110011001010 Philips/Du 11 +0110011001010 Siam 11 +0110011001010 Loma 11 +0110011001010 Kendavis 11 +0110011001010 Guiding 11 +0110011001010 McLouth 12 +0110011001010 RMV 12 +0110011001010 MorningStar 12 +0110011001010 AOC 12 +0110011001010 SunCor 12 +0110011001010 Oji 12 +0110011001010 Latrobe 12 +0110011001010 Trus 13 +0110011001010 Banyu 13 +0110011001010 Finevest 13 +0110011001010 Yamato 13 +0110011001010 Daiichi 13 +0110011001010 Oriole 14 +0110011001010 Misawa 14 +0110011001010 CNG 14 +0110011001010 WFC 14 +0110011001010 Disability 15 +0110011001010 Prepared 15 +0110011001010 USI 15 +0110011001010 Chubu 15 +0110011001010 INR 16 +0110011001010 Furukawa 16 +0110011001010 UDC-Universal 16 +0110011001010 Astro 16 +0110011001010 Nicolet 16 +0110011001010 Axa-Midi 16 +0110011001010 Calmark 16 +0110011001010 Curtice-Burns 17 +0110011001010 Sunflower 17 +0110011001010 G-H 17 +0110011001010 Allnet 17 +0110011001010 Serve 17 +0110011001010 Daido 17 +0110011001010 EUA 18 +0110011001010 Vital 18 +0110011001010 Toth 18 +0110011001010 Teco 19 +0110011001010 Tasty 19 +0110011001010 Riser 20 +0110011001010 IBI 20 +0110011001010 Lacana 20 +0110011001010 Emmis 20 +0110011001010 Brigadier 20 +0110011001010 REPH 21 +0110011001010 Keisei 21 +0110011001010 UT 21 +0110011001010 Mag 22 +0110011001010 Ambac 22 +0110011001010 Writer 22 +0110011001010 Simplicity 23 +0110011001010 Paco 23 +0110011001010 Southlife 23 +0110011001010 Ziff-Davis 23 +0110011001010 Chantal 23 +0110011001010 Pneumatic 24 +0110011001010 Copperweld 25 +0110011001010 Kokusai 25 +0110011001010 DD 25 +0110011001010 Snack 25 +0110011001010 Nisshin 26 +0110011001010 Canandaigua 27 +0110011001010 Showa 27 +0110011001010 Lyondell 27 +0110011001010 CIC 27 +0110011001010 Pabst 28 +0110011001010 Seaway 28 +0110011001010 Catalina 28 +0110011001010 NAC 29 +0110011001010 Structural 29 +0110011001010 Imported 29 +0110011001010 Hino 29 +0110011001010 Yamanouchi 30 +0110011001010 Spearhead 30 +0110011001010 Naked 30 +0110011001010 RLI 31 +0110011001010 Star-Kist 31 +0110011001010 Makita 32 +0110011001010 Cahners 33 +0110011001010 Diamond-Star 33 +0110011001010 Westar 35 +0110011001010 Onoda 35 +0110011001010 Integrity 36 +0110011001010 P&C 36 +0110011001010 MMR 36 +0110011001010 Delmarva 37 +0110011001010 Inspector 39 +0110011001010 Kia 41 +0110011001010 Smithfield 42 +0110011001010 Oki 42 +0110011001010 Hecla 45 +0110011001010 Ortho 47 +0110011001010 Inertia 48 +0110011001010 Placement 48 +0110011001010 Con 48 +0110011001010 Ticor 50 +0110011001010 Chugai 51 +0110011001010 Lac 54 +0110011001010 Hammermill 56 +0110011001010 Foremost 58 +0110011001010 Weirton 58 +0110011001010 Razorback 59 +0110011001010 Cessna 59 +0110011001010 ANR 61 +0110011001010 Sikorsky 71 +0110011001010 J.D. 78 +0110011001010 Automated 78 +0110011001010 Duquesne 80 +0110011001010 Taiyo 80 +0110011001010 Captain 88 +0110011001010 Inter-American 95 +0110011001010 Acme 97 +0110011001010 Beech 99 +0110011001010 Sanyo 101 +0110011001010 Potomac 115 +0110011001010 Thermo 116 +0110011001010 Americus 121 +0110011001010 Title 126 +0110011001010 Wheeling-Pittsburgh 131 +0110011001010 Citizen 131 +0110011001010 Allstate 143 +0110011001010 Sunshine 143 +0110011001010 Kobe 162 +0110011001010 Teachers 170 +0110011001010 Resolution 176 +0110011001010 Kawasaki 203 +0110011001010 Hershey 205 +0110011001010 Homestake 206 +0110011001010 Isuzu 211 +0110011001010 Inland 222 +0110011001010 Benefit 224 +0110011001010 Mission 228 +0110011001010 Mitsui 359 +0110011001010 du 392 +0110011001010 Matsushita 413 +0110011001010 Equitable 429 +0110011001010 Citizens 480 +0110011001010 Bethlehem 487 +0110011001010 Urban 488 +0110011001010 Sumitomo 554 +0110011001010 Commonwealth 715 +0110011001010 Prudential 729 +0110011001010 Westinghouse 816 +0110011001010 Mitsubishi 903 +0110011001010 Nippon 941 +0110011001010 Du 1265 +0110011001010 Bankers 1809 +0110011001010 Life 2467 +0110011001010 General 11147 +0110011001011 Inkatha-related 1 +0110011001011 Kunar 1 +0110011001011 Rhine-Main-Danube 1 +0110011001011 Jui 1 +0110011001011 Pinewood 1 +0110011001011 Dish-Dark 1 +0110011001011 2,167,400 1 +0110011001011 Birmingham-Farmington 1 +0110011001011 restucture 1 +0110011001011 Pillette 1 +0110011001011 Deana 1 +0110011001011 Tableau 1 +0110011001011 128-year-old 1 +0110011001011 TSS 1 +0110011001011 Rapidan 1 +0110011001011 Pentagon-funded 1 +0110011001011 Luapula 1 +0110011001011 49th-floor 1 +0110011001011 noncom 1 +0110011001011 Nutritious 1 +0110011001011 Molasse 1 +0110011001011 Tabar 1 +0110011001011 Kanaka 1 +0110011001011 Plumas 1 +0110011001011 Baguio 1 +0110011001011 Goodhue 1 +0110011001011 Bossier 1 +0110011001011 Jan-Peter 1 +0110011001011 Damen 1 +0110011001011 Absecon 1 +0110011001011 Caddo 1 +0110011001011 79,535 1 +0110011001011 Legazpi 1 +0110011001011 Jagdish 1 +0110011001011 Horticulture 1 +0110011001011 Lomba 1 +0110011001011 Marsaxlokk 1 +0110011001011 Melieha 1 +0110011001011 Lavonne 1 +0110011001011 1,429,100 1 +0110011001011 Pan-Canadian 1 +0110011001011 Gilbo 1 +0110011001011 Maritza 1 +0110011001011 Lumbuka 1 +0110011001011 Conoy 1 +0110011001011 Whitman-Walker 1 +0110011001011 Washakie 1 +0110011001011 Suda 1 +0110011001011 Kendall-Jackson 1 +0110011001011 Yarmouk 1 +0110011001011 Normative 1 +0110011001011 1,420,500 1 +0110011001011 Keathley 1 +0110011001011 Ospedale 1 +0110011001011 Tipp 1 +0110011001011 Fantasmic 1 +0110011001011 Denver-Julesberg 1 +0110011001011 Yarawindah 1 +0110011001011 Barbizon 1 +0110011001011 Tortuous 1 +0110011001011 three-table 1 +0110011001011 Free-Trade 1 +0110011001011 Babai 1 +0110011001011 Cauvery 1 +0110011001011 Plaquemines 1 +0110011001011 Metalcote 1 +0110011001011 16-judge 1 +0110011001011 Entfuhrung 1 +0110011001011 Dependability 1 +0110011001011 Wynmoor 1 +0110011001011 allemande 1 +0110011001011 Square-dance 1 +0110011001011 Two-Hearted 1 +0110011001011 Benardus 1 +0110011001011 Eagle-Vail 1 +0110011001011 Sejongono 1 +0110011001011 Ventnor 1 +0110011001011 wall-less 1 +0110011001011 168-country 1 +0110011001011 Wenceslaus 1 +0110011001011 Somme 1 +0110011001011 Shajing 1 +0110011001011 Hotpot 1 +0110011001011 Shuaiba 1 +0110011001011 Spasky 1 +0110011001011 Phasis 1 +0110011001011 933,673 1 +0110011001011 Touche-Mann 1 +0110011001011 Movement. 1 +0110011001011 Oyly 1 +0110011001011 FIFRA 1 +0110011001011 Norstar-Long 1 +0110011001011 Chunichi 1 +0110011001011 Itehad 1 +0110011001011 Ansan 1 +0110011001011 Eola 1 +0110011001011 Exploitatie 1 +0110011001011 Roane 1 +0110011001011 Alantic 1 +0110011001011 Almendares 1 +0110011001011 4,750,100 1 +0110011001011 Hellroaring 1 +0110011001011 Ringgold 1 +0110011001011 Balearic 1 +0110011001011 Chamshill 1 +0110011001011 Changchung 1 +0110011001011 Narvep-Morrison 1 +0110011001011 Kuril 1 +0110011001011 17,750-ton 1 +0110011001011 Oklahama 1 +0110011001011 247,000-acre 1 +0110011001011 Critique 1 +0110011001011 already-troubled 1 +0110011001011 307,208 1 +0110011001011 Elstree 1 +0110011001011 everly 1 +0110011001011 Skamania 1 +0110011001011 Coweta 1 +0110011001011 Kurume 1 +0110011001011 Canbo 1 +0110011001011 Barbeque 1 +0110011001011 Rennies 1 +0110011001011 Shillong 1 +0110011001011 Chatam 1 +0110011001011 Guadalquivir 1 +0110011001011 Phaser 1 +0110011001011 sof 1 +0110011001011 Imants 1 +0110011001011 Ibhayi 1 +0110011001011 Desborough 1 +0110011001011 80-foot-tall 1 +0110011001011 Royalists 1 +0110011001011 4,825 1 +0110011001011 7,008,600 1 +0110011001011 Roxby 1 +0110011001011 BOBER 1 +0110011001011 Aquisitions 1 +0110011001011 Wrightsville 1 +0110011001011 2.1871 1 +0110011001011 Leeland 1 +0110011001011 ex-Beverly 1 +0110011001011 Ginanjar 1 +0110011001011 Datamation 1 +0110011001011 1,526,652 1 +0110011001011 Buda 1 +0110011001011 Szabadsag 1 +0110011001011 Cologne-based 1 +0110011001011 Sixto 1 +0110011001011 Zavala 1 +0110011001011 Letecia 1 +0110011001011 Herbal 1 +0110011001011 1,675,270 1 +0110011001011 Taiwanese-built 1 +0110011001011 zhi 1 +0110011001011 950-film 1 +0110011001011 16.4-million-acre 1 +0110011001011 un 1 +0110011001011 12,416,307 1 +0110011001011 now-dormant 1 +0110011001011 Zenzaburo 1 +0110011001011 Portola 1 +0110011001011 Pocantico 1 +0110011001011 Yolo 1 +0110011001011 Moslem-based 1 +0110011001011 667,300 1 +0110011001011 1,663,800 1 +0110011001011 TRAVENOL 1 +0110011001011 Ballbeck 1 +0110011001011 CLARKE 1 +0110011001011 Complexe 1 +0110011001011 Idiots 1 +0110011001011 Jerritt 1 +0110011001011 733,300 1 +0110011001011 Exbury 1 +0110011001011 Mindinao 1 +0110011001011 Awolowo 1 +0110011001011 2.5-square-mile 1 +0110011001011 Iadrang 1 +0110011001011 Cuyhoga 1 +0110011001011 Filtered 1 +0110011001011 Unfiltered 1 +0110011001011 Trickum 1 +0110011001011 Navarin 1 +0110011001011 Wireless-Pacific 1 +0110011001011 Abilio 1 +0110011001011 Gwinett 1 +0110011001011 Neches 1 +0110011001011 Mukewater 1 +0110011001011 Erakor 1 +0110011001011 Kalinda 1 +0110011001011 Nak-dong 1 +0110011001011 Brights 1 +0110011001011 deZoete 1 +0110011001011 11,262,307 1 +0110011001011 Uchibori 1 +0110011001011 Higashi-Hiroshima 1 +0110011001011 Sublician 1 +0110011001011 Trobriand 1 +0110011001011 Vorosmarty 1 +0110011001011 Willacy 1 +0110011001011 Visitacion 1 +0110011001011 Waterloo/Cedar 1 +0110011001011 Acheloos 1 +0110011001011 Hyong 1 +0110011001011 Kills 1 +0110011001011 Pank 1 +0110011001011 Coos 1 +0110011001011 Corp.-owned 1 +0110011001011 MAGNETIC 1 +0110011001011 Russia-bound 1 +0110011001011 Haldan 1 +0110011001011 Frostbite 1 +0110011001011 Missouri-Kansas 1 +0110011001011 Iligan 1 +0110011001011 44-chromosome 1 +0110011001011 Tierrasanta 1 +0110011001011 Paek 1 +0110011001011 Woon 1 +0110011001011 Colonnades 1 +0110011001011 Pre-Summit 1 +0110011001011 829,100 1 +0110011001011 Changan 1 +0110011001011 Charente 1 +0110011001011 Patrick-Louis 1 +0110011001011 Lakota 1 +0110011001011 Imaichi 1 +0110011001011 candy-maker 1 +0110011001011 OAKS 1 +0110011001011 Verrazano 1 +0110011001011 coins.The 1 +0110011001011 Elcho 1 +0110011001011 Tacoma-based 1 +0110011001011 7-footers 1 +0110011001011 Tachen 1 +0110011001011 Waia 1 +0110011001011 Labours 1 +0110011001011 portless 1 +0110011001011 447,596 1 +0110011001011 Bienville 1 +0110011001011 shortish 1 +0110011001011 Inglenook-Napa 1 +0110011001011 Phraya 1 +0110011001011 1,605,667 1 +0110011001011 397,102 1 +0110011001011 Chagrin 1 +0110011001011 ex-Green 1 +0110011001011 28,000-acre 1 +0110011001011 8,097,000 1 +0110011001011 record-length 1 +0110011001011 Desolate 1 +0110011001011 64,000-strong 1 +0110011001011 SACP. 1 +0110011001011 Grime 1 +0110011001011 Yamhill 1 +0110011001011 Bevery 1 +0110011001011 Rainy 1 +0110011001011 Morehead 1 +0110011001011 currencies-the 1 +0110011001011 Haei 1 +0110011001011 Rapti 1 +0110011001011 Harpeth 1 +0110011001011 Connecticut-Rhode 1 +0110011001011 Causeway 1 +0110011001011 three-park 1 +0110011001011 Kennebec 1 +0110011001011 Oswayo 1 +0110011001011 Dead-Nosed 1 +0110011001011 Topography 1 +0110011001011 Earthen 1 +0110011001011 Deleon 1 +0110011001011 Scuffletown 1 +0110011001011 Editoriale 1 +0110011001011 Pismo 1 +0110011001011 Tunitas 1 +0110011001011 58,637 1 +0110011001011 polycultural 1 +0110011001011 Universal/MCA 1 +0110011001011 Poplar 1 +0110011001011 Kahala 1 +0110011001011 Roundhouse 1 +0110011001011 Dumbarton 1 +0110011001011 Chungcheng 1 +0110011001011 393,600 1 +0110011001011 Boyne 1 +0110011001011 Ellicott 1 +0110011001011 Faroe 1 +0110011001011 Avies 1 +0110011001011 Colowyo 1 +0110011001011 Medi-Cash 1 +0110011001011 607,800 1 +0110011001011 Jailhouse 1 +0110011001011 Serafimovskoye 1 +0110011001011 Konyushennaya 1 +0110011001011 Naglaa 1 +0110011001011 Nemasket 1 +0110011001011 Finders 1 +0110011001011 Tittabawassee 1 +0110011001011 Hasbrouk 1 +0110011001011 Aspen-Pitkin 1 +0110011001011 492,764 1 +0110011001011 Ci 1 +0110011001011 Pokrovsky 1 +0110011001011 KARCHER 1 +0110011001011 Mav 1 +0110011001011 dockhand 1 +0110011001011 Bouchoux 1 +0110011001011 Tatsunora 1 +0110011001011 World-Africa 1 +0110011001011 Oakland-Alameda 1 +0110011001011 Valentec 1 +0110011001011 Agura 1 +0110011001011 interdenominational 1 +0110011001011 Sullivans 1 +0110011001011 Palac 1 +0110011001011 Dnepr 1 +0110011001011 Schoolhouse 1 +0110011001011 101,000-circulation 1 +0110011001011 Byzantine-like 1 +0110011001011 273rd 1 +0110011001011 Fernandina 1 +0110011001011 Para 1 +0110011001011 MAWR 1 +0110011001011 Havasu 1 +0110011001011 1327 1 +0110011001011 Patapsco 1 +0110011001011 Enstrom 1 +0110011001011 Baffin 1 +0110011001011 Pimbs 1 +0110011001011 Heathen 1 +0110011001011 Navona 1 +0110011001011 Greenley 1 +0110011001011 ever-staid 1 +0110011001011 Orontes 1 +0110011001011 Abita 1 +0110011001011 ORG. 1 +0110011001011 Xingu 1 +0110011001011 Klip 1 +0110011001011 Sindagma 1 +0110011001011 Chien-Min 1 +0110011001011 SIDDELEY 1 +0110011001011 Detroit-Jefferson 1 +0110011001011 Dolet 1 +0110011001011 Fuyang 1 +0110011001011 Shankill 1 +0110011001011 Valley-Goose 1 +0110011001011 Pilgrin 1 +0110011001011 Forgets 1 +0110011001011 charlotte 1 +0110011001011 Airball 1 +0110011001011 Minit 1 +0110011001011 SUNY-Stony 1 +0110011001011 678,113 1 +0110011001011 Yavapai 1 +0110011001011 Tourist's-Eye 1 +0110011001011 192,700 1 +0110011001011 Seasons-Clift 1 +0110011001011 Amstel 1 +0110011001011 Castletown 1 +0110011001011 1,193,888 1 +0110011001011 Parretti-De 1 +0110011001011 Mianus 1 +0110011001011 Kokos 1 +0110011001011 Rangeley 1 +0110011001011 583,900 1 +0110011001011 Bank/Texas 1 +0110011001011 McLester 1 +0110011001011 Uxbridge 1 +0110011001011 Specialities 1 +0110011001011 su 1 +0110011001011 Sriharikota 1 +0110011001011 Buies 1 +0110011001011 Chekiang 1 +0110011001011 Pastosa 1 +0110011001011 Ex-Wells 1 +0110011001011 A.V.L. 1 +0110011001011 Pontotoc 1 +0110011001011 Krasnogvardeiskaya 1 +0110011001011 Inganess 1 +0110011001011 1,038,900 1 +0110011001011 Berkely 1 +0110011001011 Weirs 1 +0110011001011 Duero 1 +0110011001011 -Manhattan 1 +0110011001011 Warrensville 1 +0110011001011 Hammers 1 +0110011001011 Rianne 1 +0110011001011 Distorts 1 +0110011001011 Nazeer 1 +0110011001011 Susitna 1 +0110011001011 Sazandegi 1 +0110011001011 ITG. 1 +0110011001011 hydropower-dependent 1 +0110011001011 Komandorskie 1 +0110011001011 Pref 1 +0110011001011 Prestenwood 1 +0110011001011 Sandpiper 1 +0110011001011 Tillamook 1 +0110011001011 Pawleys 1 +0110011001011 811-mile 1 +0110011001011 Mahanoy 1 +0110011001011 Cuu 1 +0110011001011 County-Olive 1 +0110011001011 Three-Mile 1 +0110011001011 156th 1 +0110011001011 600,700 1 +0110011001011 Auglaize 1 +0110011001011 882,224 1 +0110011001011 1,325,215 1 +0110011001011 Herbal-Aloe 1 +0110011001011 Daylong 1 +0110011001011 NonProfit 1 +0110011001011 Broadway-Seventh 1 +0110011001011 Haltom 1 +0110011001011 SVILUPPO 1 +0110011001011 Coruh 1 +0110011001011 281,800 1 +0110011001011 Embraced 1 +0110011001011 MaryLu 1 +0110011001011 650,800 1 +0110011001011 City-Weehawken 1 +0110011001011 Aread 1 +0110011001011 Lenawee 1 +0110011001011 Daddies 1 +0110011001011 360-store 1 +0110011001011 Loudoun 1 +0110011001011 Moskva 1 +0110011001011 Williamburg 1 +0110011001011 75-event 1 +0110011001011 Haden 2 +0110011001011 Tamarijn 2 +0110011001011 Kama 2 +0110011001011 Washtenaw 2 +0110011001011 Mahoning 2 +0110011001011 Mindoro 2 +0110011001011 Peavey 2 +0110011001011 Hampden 2 +0110011001011 Gurume 2 +0110011001011 poll-watchers 2 +0110011001011 Totem 2 +0110011001011 Wapello 2 +0110011001011 Forked 2 +0110011001011 Danceworks 2 +0110011001011 Mackinaw 2 +0110011001011 657,300 2 +0110011001011 940,000-kilowatt 2 +0110011001011 Leeward 2 +0110011001011 73,400 2 +0110011001011 Honeysuckle 2 +0110011001011 CIP. 2 +0110011001011 Pinal 2 +0110011001011 Ellstree 2 +0110011001011 Amite 2 +0110011001011 lumbermen 2 +0110011001011 Lionville 2 +0110011001011 Snug 2 +0110011001011 Klamath 2 +0110011001011 Usman 2 +0110011001011 Magdalen 2 +0110011001011 Sewickley 2 +0110011001011 Baiying 2 +0110011001011 Price. 2 +0110011001011 Malvinas/Falkland 2 +0110011001011 Lamma 2 +0110011001011 Aldabra 2 +0110011001011 Coffs 2 +0110011001011 Ryukyus 2 +0110011001011 Iowa-Illinois 2 +0110011001011 Watchman 2 +0110011001011 Marquesas 2 +0110011001011 Abstracts 2 +0110011001011 Repulse 2 +0110011001011 Sangamon 2 +0110011001011 Flatbush 2 +0110011001011 Mole 2 +0110011001011 Zambezi 2 +0110011001011 Esmond 2 +0110011001011 60-seat 2 +0110011001011 Pompano-Windy 2 +0110011001011 Canvey 2 +0110011001011 Electra/Park 2 +0110011001011 Wilcrest 2 +0110011001011 Aroostook 2 +0110011001011 808-room 2 +0110011001011 Musselshell 2 +0110011001011 Alphabet 2 +0110011001011 Eun 2 +0110011001011 Pribilof 2 +0110011001011 Barking 2 +0110011001011 Yah 2 +0110011001011 Autosound 2 +0110011001011 Kiddie 2 +0110011001011 Luzerne 2 +0110011001011 1330 2 +0110011001011 Confectioner 2 +0110011001011 Jagat 2 +0110011001011 Rokko 2 +0110011001011 Buzzards 2 +0110011001011 Galerie 2 +0110011001011 662,600 2 +0110011001011 Bullhead 2 +0110011001011 Scottwood 2 +0110011001011 1166 2 +0110011001011 Wynonna 2 +0110011001011 Wizen 2 +0110011001011 Natrona 2 +0110011001011 Pigeon 2 +0110011001011 Aboukir 2 +0110011001011 Terceira 2 +0110011001011 Gwembe 2 +0110011001011 Latah 2 +0110011001011 Greensville 2 +0110011001011 Grama 2 +0110011001011 Thomson-Jensen 2 +0110011001011 Slippery 2 +0110011001011 Sulfur 2 +0110011001011 Pinner 2 +0110011001011 Allenby 2 +0110011001011 Yarmuk 2 +0110011001011 Narmada 2 +0110011001011 flag-draped 2 +0110011001011 Glasscock 2 +0110011001011 Ernston 2 +0110011001011 Chattahoochee 2 +0110011001011 Dutchess 2 +0110011001011 Conic 2 +0110011001011 Jeune 2 +0110011001011 Sukh 2 +0110011001011 Morecambe 2 +0110011001011 Sedgewick 2 +0110011001011 Alamance 2 +0110011001011 Colne 2 +0110011001011 Robber 2 +0110011001011 Concordia 2 +0110011001011 Gollob 2 +0110011001011 My-K 2 +0110011001011 Pequea 2 +0110011001011 Graef 2 +0110011001011 Vidar 2 +0110011001011 Chemung 2 +0110011001011 Whispering 2 +0110011001011 Rehoboth 2 +0110011001011 Terrebonne 2 +0110011001011 Kurskaya 2 +0110011001011 Peony 2 +0110011001011 Dnieper 2 +0110011001011 Red-Nosed 2 +0110011001011 Novatronics 2 +0110011001011 Fraggle 2 +0110011001011 Morecombe 2 +0110011001011 Altamonte 2 +0110011001011 358,600 2 +0110011001011 300D 2 +0110011001011 Stikine 2 +0110011001011 Oxide 2 +0110011001011 Jiangxin 2 +0110011001011 Heidenreich 2 +0110011001011 Pima 2 +0110011001011 Shimobe 2 +0110011001011 Tatnuck 2 +0110011001011 14-unit 2 +0110011001011 Twenty-Seventh 2 +0110011001011 Raffles 2 +0110011001011 Meow 3 +0110011001011 Commandante 3 +0110011001011 Bayport 3 +0110011001011 Androscoggin 3 +0110011001011 Hedy 3 +0110011001011 Porn 3 +0110011001011 Cannery 3 +0110011001011 Tug 3 +0110011001011 Ghirardelli 3 +0110011001011 Catron 3 +0110011001011 Clallam 3 +0110011001011 Surfer 3 +0110011001011 Lindal 3 +0110011001011 Khun 3 +0110011001011 Yaron 3 +0110011001011 Berks 3 +0110011001011 Civilized 3 +0110011001011 Sarma 3 +0110011001011 Wallops 3 +0110011001011 Washoe 3 +0110011001011 Tivoli 3 +0110011001011 Superstition 3 +0110011001011 1984-1988 3 +0110011001011 Hysol 3 +0110011001011 DuPage 3 +0110011001011 Merita 3 +0110011001011 Drainage 3 +0110011001011 Calamigos 3 +0110011001011 Pheasant 3 +0110011001011 Bexar 3 +0110011001011 Shinnecock 3 +0110011001011 Bocay 3 +0110011001011 Mackinac 3 +0110011001011 Mahone 3 +0110011001011 BioVenture 3 +0110011001011 Rikers 3 +0110011001011 Iman 3 +0110011001011 Chablis 3 +0110011001011 LED 3 +0110011001011 Loading 3 +0110011001011 Shawklit 3 +0110011001011 Schoharie 3 +0110011001011 Folded 3 +0110011001011 Kurile 3 +0110011001011 Chickasaw 3 +0110011001011 Okavango 3 +0110011001011 Oconee 3 +0110011001011 Juniper 3 +0110011001011 Solano 3 +0110011001011 Marajo 3 +0110011001011 Wappingers 3 +0110011001011 Volusia 3 +0110011001011 Wappinger 3 +0110011001011 Neshoba 3 +0110011001011 Ortley 3 +0110011001011 TeleCheck 3 +0110011001011 Botany 3 +0110011001011 Pocomoke 3 +0110011001011 Humberside 3 +0110011001011 Himeji 3 +0110011001011 Rajang 3 +0110011001011 Nimslo 3 +0110011001011 Inyo 3 +0110011001011 1221 3 +0110011001011 Ynez 3 +0110011001011 Kiryu 3 +0110011001011 Westhampton 3 +0110011001011 Mashewing 3 +0110011001011 Hoosick 3 +0110011001011 Intrastate 3 +0110011001011 Salinera 3 +0110011001011 Ormet 3 +0110011001011 Tuolumne 3 +0110011001011 Peppin 3 +0110011001011 Jago 4 +0110011001011 Briar 4 +0110011001011 Shaker 4 +0110011001011 Dune 4 +0110011001011 Korn/ 4 +0110011001011 1083 4 +0110011001011 Shetland 4 +0110011001011 Caicos 4 +0110011001011 AWD 4 +0110011001011 Hebei 4 +0110011001011 Mono 4 +0110011001011 Chaparrosa 4 +0110011001011 Diomede 4 +0110011001011 Thermaljet 4 +0110011001011 Yichang 4 +0110011001011 Cornwallis 4 +0110011001011 Wuthering 4 +0110011001011 Limpopo 4 +0110011001011 Penikese 4 +0110011001011 Neva 4 +0110011001011 Daviess 4 +0110011001011 Wenceslas 4 +0110011001011 Menomonee 4 +0110011001011 Dempster 4 +0110011001011 Insignia 4 +0110011001011 PMS 4 +0110011001011 Indus 4 +0110011001011 Stateway 4 +0110011001011 Sado 4 +0110011001011 Rockdale 4 +0110011001011 Oxbow 4 +0110011001011 Tusker 4 +0110011001011 Nicobar 4 +0110011001011 Kezar 4 +0110011001011 Etowah 4 +0110011001011 Arkoma 4 +0110011001011 Bharat 4 +0110011001011 Kingsey 4 +0110011001011 Larak 4 +0110011001011 Anglesey 4 +0110011001011 Orkney 4 +0110011001011 Hiawatha 4 +0110011001011 Chilko 4 +0110011001011 Stuyvesant 4 +0110011001011 Saline 4 +0110011001011 Fairless 4 +0110011001011 Montego 4 +0110011001011 Asea-Brown 4 +0110011001011 Snowy 4 +0110011001011 Twenty-One 4 +0110011001011 Quezon 4 +0110011001011 Merced 4 +0110011001011 Ponca 5 +0110011001011 Gentle 5 +0110011001011 Licking 5 +0110011001011 Rogue 5 +0110011001011 Thistle 5 +0110011001011 Multnomah 5 +0110011001011 Yoo 5 +0110011001011 Vistula 5 +0110011001011 Guantanamo 5 +0110011001011 Deli 5 +0110011001011 Concord/River 5 +0110011001011 Cowlitz 5 +0110011001011 Jiangxi 5 +0110011001011 Galapagos 5 +0110011001011 Disney/MGM 5 +0110011001011 Katif 5 +0110011001011 Sirri 5 +0110011001011 Skywalker 5 +0110011001011 Spangled 5 +0110011001011 Liberty-Ellis 5 +0110011001011 Dzerzhinsky 5 +0110011001011 Uni 5 +0110011001011 Plush 5 +0110011001011 Kam 5 +0110011001011 Lola 5 +0110011001011 300ZX 5 +0110011001011 Friar 5 +0110011001011 Yazoo 5 +0110011001011 Contractor 6 +0110011001011 Escambia 6 +0110011001011 Defender 6 +0110011001011 Antelope 6 +0110011001011 1130 6 +0110011001011 Cheju 6 +0110011001011 Sierrita 6 +0110011001011 Whidbey 6 +0110011001011 Whim 6 +0110011001011 Hsien 6 +0110011001011 Manatee 6 +0110011001011 Sepik 6 +0110011001011 Kwang 6 +0110011001011 Guayana 6 +0110011001011 Stag 6 +0110011001011 Glens 6 +0110011001011 Mini 6 +0110011001011 Matagorda 6 +0110011001011 Lassen 6 +0110011001011 Hidalgo 6 +0110011001011 Holmby 6 +0110011001011 Hindustan 6 +0110011001011 Toyama 6 +0110011001011 Officine 6 +0110011001011 Loser 6 +0110011001011 Andros 6 +0110011001011 Blackfriars 7 +0110011001011 PONT 7 +0110011001011 Shri 7 +0110011001011 LCA 7 +0110011001011 Ellesmere 7 +0110011001011 Hymn 7 +0110011001011 Rift 7 +0110011001011 Schuylkill 7 +0110011001011 Non-Proliferation 7 +0110011001011 Robben 7 +0110011001011 Pawtuxet 7 +0110011001011 Coldwater 7 +0110011001011 Daya 7 +0110011001011 Plateau 7 +0110011001011 Majnoon 7 +0110011001011 Ormond 7 +0110011001011 Nail 7 +0110011001011 Waikiki 7 +0110011001011 Loire 7 +0110011001011 Flagler 7 +0110011001011 Fig 8 +0110011001011 Tarpon 8 +0110011001011 CME 8 +0110011001011 Utilicorp 8 +0110011001011 Huntsman 8 +0110011001011 Winona 8 +0110011001011 Shallow 8 +0110011001011 Ursus 8 +0110011001011 Hasbrouck 8 +0110011001011 Manistee 8 +0110011001011 Snohomish 8 +0110011001011 Eastover 8 +0110011001011 Lovely 8 +0110011001011 Handelsbank 8 +0110011001011 Tinton 8 +0110011001011 Animation 8 +0110011001011 Sag 8 +0110011001011 Aleutian 8 +0110011001011 Marianas 9 +0110011001011 Floridabanc 9 +0110011001011 Sinking 9 +0110011001011 Williston 9 +0110011001011 Boynton 9 +0110011001011 Redondo 9 +0110011001011 Mobiliare 9 +0110011001011 Macomb 9 +0110011001011 Bug 9 +0110011001011 Samar 9 +0110011001011 Cottonwood 9 +0110011001011 Cowles 9 +0110011001011 Owyhee 10 +0110011001011 Niner 10 +0110011001011 Skyline 10 +0110011001011 Vauxhall 10 +0110011001011 Huntingdon 10 +0110011001011 Genesee 10 +0110011001011 Juno 10 +0110011001011 Hennepin 10 +0110011001011 Myrtle 10 +0110011001011 Oncology 10 +0110011001011 Mon 10 +0110011001011 Goldstrike 10 +0110011001011 Padre 10 +0110011001011 Pebble 10 +0110011001011 Pleasure 11 +0110011001011 DX 11 +0110011001011 Antoni 11 +0110011001011 Brandenburg 11 +0110011001011 Malayan 11 +0110011001011 Tarrant 11 +0110011001011 Spin 11 +0110011001011 Resolute 11 +0110011001011 Hush 11 +0110011001011 Maturity 11 +0110011001011 Delray 11 +0110011001011 Brevard 12 +0110011001011 Si 12 +0110011001011 Trimble 12 +0110011001011 Falkland 12 +0110011001011 Parachute 12 +0110011001011 Lighthouse 12 +0110011001011 Kennett 12 +0110011001011 Largest 12 +0110011001011 7th 13 +0110011001011 Kanawha 13 +0110011001011 Yorktown 13 +0110011001011 Morro 13 +0110011001011 ELF 13 +0110011001011 Deseret 13 +0110011001011 Mariana 13 +0110011001011 Micronics 13 +0110011001011 Seas 13 +0110011001011 Steep 13 +0110011001011 Maricopa 13 +0110011001011 Calumet 13 +0110011001011 Coyote 13 +0110011001011 Yangtze 13 +0110011001011 Oakbrook 13 +0110011001011 Heartbreak 13 +0110011001011 Rockingham 14 +0110011001011 Stony 14 +0110011001011 Zions 14 +0110011001011 Brazos 14 +0110011001011 Agoura 14 +0110011001011 Traverse 14 +0110011001011 1838 14 +0110011001011 Kiawah 14 +0110011001011 Olympus 15 +0110011001011 Sulphur 15 +0110011001011 Windy 15 +0110011001011 Turtle 15 +0110011001011 Alligator 15 +0110011001011 Leaman 15 +0110011001011 Roxy 15 +0110011001011 Oneida 16 +0110011001011 Sleepy 16 +0110011001011 Yuba 16 +0110011001011 Snake 16 +0110011001011 MIDI 16 +0110011001011 Chippewa 16 +0110011001011 Coconut 16 +0110011001011 Rockaway 16 +0110011001011 Monmouth 17 +0110011001011 Hundred 17 +0110011001011 Mist 18 +0110011001011 Pinellas 18 +0110011001011 4th 18 +0110011001011 Yani 18 +0110011001011 Disney-MGM 18 +0110011001011 Pushkin 19 +0110011001011 Sonoma 19 +0110011001011 Maltese 19 +0110011001011 Winnie 20 +0110011001011 Penobscot 20 +0110011001011 Comfort 20 +0110011001011 Coney 20 +0110011001011 Vero 21 +0110011001011 Cuyahoga 21 +0110011001011 Towne 21 +0110011001011 Kissimmee 21 +0110011001011 Bayou 22 +0110011001011 Sunset 22 +0110011001011 Steamboat 22 +0110011001011 Tejon 22 +0110011001011 Bucks 23 +0110011001011 Hillsborough 23 +0110011001011 Combat 23 +0110011001011 Epson 23 +0110011001011 Triborough 24 +0110011001011 Oyster 24 +0110011001011 Dancer 24 +0110011001011 Agrico 24 +0110011001011 Forbidden 24 +0110011001011 Treasure 24 +0110011001011 Rockland 24 +0110011001011 Powder 24 +0110011001011 Wabash 24 +0110011001011 Bekaa 24 +0110011001011 Matilda 25 +0110011001011 Lenox 25 +0110011001011 DeKalb 26 +0110011001011 Sequoyah 26 +0110011001011 Kharg 27 +0110011001011 Majestic 28 +0110011001011 Otter 28 +0110011001011 Kodiak 28 +0110011001011 Supremes 28 +0110011001011 Granite 29 +0110011001011 Permian 30 +0110011001011 Sequoia 30 +0110011001011 Pompano 30 +0110011001011 Ruhr 30 +0110011001011 Radisson 31 +0110011001011 GT 31 +0110011001011 Dane 31 +0110011001011 Farsi 31 +0110011001011 Foot 32 +0110011001011 Simi 32 +0110011001011 Scotts 32 +0110011001011 Lean 32 +0110011001011 Haile 32 +0110011001011 Belle 33 +0110011001011 Walnut 34 +0110011001011 Chivas 34 +0110011001011 Mo 35 +0110011001011 Basking 35 +0110011001011 Thunder 35 +0110011001011 Molokai 36 +0110011001011 Staten 36 +0110011001011 Golan 37 +0110011001011 Marin 37 +0110011001011 Ban 37 +0110011001011 Biscayne 37 +0110011001011 Carbon 38 +0110011001011 Pony 38 +0110011001011 Chef 39 +0110011001011 Subic 39 +0110011001011 Narragansett 39 +0110011001011 Monongahela 40 +0110011001011 Flags 40 +0110011001011 Sisters 42 +0110011001011 DES 43 +0110011001011 Sport 44 +0110011001011 Napa 45 +0110011001011 Puritan 46 +0110011001011 arch-rival 46 +0110011001011 Saratoga 46 +0110011001011 Brae 48 +0110011001011 Quad 50 +0110011001011 Waterford 50 +0110011001011 CS 52 +0110011001011 Straits 53 +0110011001011 Laguna 53 +0110011001011 Elk 54 +0110011001011 Nekoosa 54 +0110011001011 L 54 +0110011001011 Daytona 56 +0110011001011 Table 56 +0110011001011 Dupont 57 +0110011001011 Brigham 58 +0110011001011 Gwinnett 58 +0110011001011 Faith 60 +0110011001011 Fountain 60 +0110011001011 Paradise 61 +0110011001011 Diablo 61 +0110011001011 Flat 62 +0110011001011 Hirohito 64 +0110011001011 Coral 66 +0110011001011 Susquehanna 66 +0110011001011 UtiliCorp 68 +0110011001011 Rapid 70 +0110011001011 Saddle 74 +0110011001011 Suffolk 76 +0110011001011 Saddam 78 +0110011001011 Somerset 81 +0110011001011 Maple 82 +0110011001011 Westchester 83 +0110011001011 Planters 84 +0110011001011 Wind 85 +0110011001011 Thousand 86 +0110011001011 Mill 88 +0110011001011 Fall 91 +0110011001011 Pine 91 +0110011001011 Tiananmen 92 +0110011001011 Prudhoe 92 +0110011001011 Westmoreland 93 +0110011001011 Bloomfield 95 +0110011001011 Echo 97 +0110011001011 Beaver 98 +0110011001011 Broward 98 +0110011001011 Missile 100 +0110011001011 Seventh 102 +0110011001011 Dade 103 +0110011001011 Chesapeake 104 +0110011001011 archrival 112 +0110011001011 Redwood 115 +0110011001011 Methodist 115 +0110011001011 Cayman 118 +0110011001011 Kings 119 +0110011001011 Hot 119 +0110011001011 Chevy 126 +0110011001011 Pearl 127 +0110011001011 Hard 130 +0110011001011 Jiffy 144 +0110011001011 Saks 146 +0110011001011 Sioux 150 +0110011001011 Bergen 155 +0110011001011 Savannah 174 +0110011001011 Mile 175 +0110011001011 Wild 180 +0110011001011 Independence 182 +0110011001011 Highland 188 +0110011001011 Bow 190 +0110011001011 Rail 201 +0110011001011 Westin 209 +0110011001011 Marathon 211 +0110011001011 Virgin 213 +0110011001011 Camp 214 +0110011001011 Spring 217 +0110011001011 Rhode 270 +0110011001011 MGM 274 +0110011001011 Silicon 285 +0110011001011 Weekly 294 +0110011001011 Mount 294 +0110011001011 Oak 301 +0110011001011 Palm 322 +0110011001011 Garden 338 +0110011001011 Mercury 342 +0110011001011 Eagle 365 +0110011001011 Orange 401 +0110011001011 Norfolk 421 +0110011001011 Buick 431 +0110011001011 Pontiac 458 +0110011001011 Newport 504 +0110011001011 Dodge 542 +0110011001011 Special 544 +0110011001011 Liberty 546 +0110011001011 Suisse 552 +0110011001011 Universal 591 +0110011001011 Natural 593 +0110011001011 Mountain 683 +0110011001011 Golden 750 +0110011001011 Imperial 823 +0110011001011 Carbide 984 +0110011001011 Lake 1067 +0110011001011 Oklahoma 1086 +0110011001011 Beverly 1190 +0110011001011 Midland 1287 +0110011001011 Kansas 1850 +0110011001011 Pacific 5590 +0110011001011 Atlantic 2655 +0110011001100 NORTHEASTERN 1 +0110011001100 Zippy 1 +0110011001100 BRICKLIN 1 +0110011001100 LEVER 1 +0110011001100 ROADRUNNER 1 +0110011001100 INTELLIGENT 1 +0110011001100 AFFILIATED 1 +0110011001100 Eagleview 1 +0110011001100 Nationalities 1 +0110011001100 Toyko-based 1 +0110011001100 Freightway 1 +0110011001100 PORTER 1 +0110011001100 83,049 1 +0110011001100 MidSun 1 +0110011001100 R.E.B. 1 +0110011001100 AGRA 1 +0110011001100 Hoffman-Daggett 1 +0110011001100 SMKC 1 +0110011001100 Telechef 1 +0110011001100 PACER 1 +0110011001100 ORIOLE 1 +0110011001100 Kyto 1 +0110011001100 Chinachem 1 +0110011001100 Shatters 1 +0110011001100 E.T.A. 1 +0110011001100 RESDEL 1 +0110011001100 Dight 1 +0110011001100 VOTRAX 1 +0110011001100 Elastomer 1 +0110011001100 Unigene 1 +0110011001100 MARION 1 +0110011001100 Kinki 1 +0110011001100 DOMAIN 1 +0110011001100 I.S.I. 1 +0110011001100 Invetsment 1 +0110011001100 MELAMINE 1 +0110011001100 SPRINKLERS 1 +0110011001100 KIMBALL 1 +0110011001100 Audax 1 +0110011001100 VIPONT 1 +0110011001100 Photronic 1 +0110011001100 Streetcars 1 +0110011001100 Fennchurch 1 +0110011001100 KTS 1 +0110011001100 Desilu 1 +0110011001100 TRION 1 +0110011001100 FGP 1 +0110011001100 Koscot 1 +0110011001100 SCEPTRE 1 +0110011001100 GUARANTEE 1 +0110011001100 Gadfly 1 +0110011001100 NORTHGATE 1 +0110011001100 Zamagias 1 +0110011001100 VISHAY 1 +0110011001100 MODINE 1 +0110011001100 TYNDALL 1 +0110011001100 Keywest 1 +0110011001100 Cygnet 1 +0110011001100 REMBRANDT 1 +0110011001100 DECISION/CAPITAL 1 +0110011001100 NUTRI-METICS 1 +0110011001100 WESTMORELAND 1 +0110011001100 NAKED 1 +0110011001100 BIOCRAFT 1 +0110011001100 Neilsen-Wurster 1 +0110011001100 Henerson-Hirsch 1 +0110011001100 EVEREX 1 +0110011001100 Data-Link 1 +0110011001100 Petro-Hunt 1 +0110011001100 GROUNDWATER 1 +0110011001100 ARGO 1 +0110011001100 JUNCTION 1 +0110011001100 Interational 1 +0110011001100 PruSimon 1 +0110011001100 SIFCO 1 +0110011001100 COBE 1 +0110011001100 LACLEDE 1 +0110011001100 VANGUARD 1 +0110011001100 Australia/Israel 1 +0110011001100 OD&S 1 +0110011001100 MOTION 1 +0110011001100 PRAGMATISM 1 +0110011001100 Sidmar 1 +0110011001100 LeSabre/Electra 1 +0110011001100 By-Products 1 +0110011001100 Profesisonal 1 +0110011001100 HMK 1 +0110011001100 EXCLUSIVE 1 +0110011001100 Givaudan 1 +0110011001100 Fischer-MacLeod 1 +0110011001100 KOOR 1 +0110011001100 GARDEN-VARIETY 1 +0110011001100 Gichner 1 +0110011001100 Beechum 1 +0110011001100 groups-Diversified 1 +0110011001100 BRIEF 1 +0110011001100 FLEET/NORSTAR 1 +0110011001100 GeneTrak 1 +0110011001100 Foden 1 +0110011001100 Abraxas 1 +0110011001100 All-Bann 1 +0110011001100 Fieldale 1 +0110011001100 Al-Haddad 1 +0110011001100 SANDERS 1 +0110011001100 NORTON 1 +0110011001100 PSYCHIATRIC 1 +0110011001100 DSW 1 +0110011001100 PENROD 1 +0110011001100 Annson 1 +0110011001100 Deschesne 1 +0110011001100 ENEX 1 +0110011001100 WYLE 1 +0110011001100 FRVR 1 +0110011001100 Rastar 1 +0110011001100 CMH 1 +0110011001100 Daymon 1 +0110011001100 Pergammon 1 +0110011001100 ANTHEM 1 +0110011001100 Reafund 1 +0110011001100 GPE 1 +0110011001100 Freudenberg 1 +0110011001100 LATHAM 1 +0110011001100 TEMPEST 1 +0110011001100 USHA-RKKR 1 +0110011001100 Metglas 1 +0110011001100 Gretag 1 +0110011001100 Philosophical 1 +0110011001100 Music/RCA 1 +0110011001100 HNU 1 +0110011001100 AMERIWEST 1 +0110011001100 LOTUS 1 +0110011001100 Agro-Biological 1 +0110011001100 OUTPATIENT 1 +0110011001100 Salex 1 +0110011001100 HUNTWAY 1 +0110011001100 BANKATLANTIC 1 +0110011001100 Photo-Optical 1 +0110011001100 SAFECARD 1 +0110011001100 Courant/Connecticut 1 +0110011001100 Agricredit 1 +0110011001100 Curon 1 +0110011001100 ADOBE 1 +0110011001100 ORENTREICH 1 +0110011001100 Parkview 1 +0110011001100 PENTECH 1 +0110011001100 GOODY 1 +0110011001100 Maguire/Thomas 1 +0110011001100 Metasequoia 1 +0110011001100 Akashic 1 +0110011001100 Medi 1 +0110011001100 Xcor 1 +0110011001100 T-V 1 +0110011001100 SANKO 1 +0110011001100 DURABLE 1 +0110011001100 Seatex 1 +0110011001100 SWAROVSKI 1 +0110011001100 EMERGING 1 +0110011001100 Pre-Press 1 +0110011001100 BLASIUS 1 +0110011001100 CARLTON 1 +0110011001100 ALGOMA 1 +0110011001100 CNI 1 +0110011001100 Translease 1 +0110011001100 PLACER 1 +0110011001100 STERIVET 1 +0110011001100 KIEWIT-MURDOCH 1 +0110011001100 Lhoist 1 +0110011001100 CALGROUP 1 +0110011001100 FAIRFIELD 1 +0110011001100 KCPQ. 1 +0110011001100 AHL 1 +0110011001100 IMCO 1 +0110011001100 CORNERSTONE 1 +0110011001100 BRANDON 1 +0110011001100 Liquid-Crystal 1 +0110011001100 Brominated 1 +0110011001100 AUTOMOBILI 1 +0110011001100 PHOTRONIC 1 +0110011001100 EXPORT-IMPORT 1 +0110011001100 HELLER 1 +0110011001100 USAir-PS 1 +0110011001100 BAER 1 +0110011001100 CASABLANCA 1 +0110011001100 VELSICOL 1 +0110011001100 TELEMATICS 1 +0110011001100 REDPATH 1 +0110011001100 SEAMAN 1 +0110011001100 Fluidpower 1 +0110011001100 ICIS-LOR 1 +0110011001100 MICRON 1 +0110011001100 NURSING-CARE 1 +0110011001100 Agrotech 1 +0110011001100 KINGSTON 1 +0110011001100 L.C.P. 1 +0110011001100 KAHN 1 +0110011001100 MODERN 1 +0110011001100 Jung/Brannen 1 +0110011001100 PARK-OHIO 1 +0110011001100 RATNERS 1 +0110011001100 ENVIRODYNE 1 +0110011001100 ROYALE 1 +0110011001100 FLOORING 1 +0110011001100 TYSON 1 +0110011001100 Cleocin 1 +0110011001100 ORBANCO 1 +0110011001100 BLINDER 1 +0110011001100 MANUFACTURED 1 +0110011001100 ORION 1 +0110011001100 VULCAN 1 +0110011001100 NANTUCKET 1 +0110011001100 PRINCEVILLE 1 +0110011001100 SANWA 1 +0110011001100 Sumitoma 1 +0110011001100 HARPER 1 +0110011001100 FRIEDMAN 1 +0110011001100 Viewlogic 1 +0110011001100 Hardrock 1 +0110011001100 SCHWARTZ 1 +0110011001100 WESTMIN 1 +0110011001100 Mokan 1 +0110011001100 MAGNA 1 +0110011001100 CHIYODA 1 +0110011001100 Repauno 1 +0110011001100 INTERPUBLIC 1 +0110011001100 PREMARK 1 +0110011001100 CHARTWELL 1 +0110011001100 TRANSATLANTIC 1 +0110011001100 FMB 1 +0110011001100 OPPENHEIMER 1 +0110011001100 High-Level 1 +0110011001100 TRIAD 1 +0110011001100 GRADCO 1 +0110011001100 Squirts 1 +0110011001100 JUNO 1 +0110011001100 CONWEST 1 +0110011001100 208-acre 1 +0110011001100 WEATHERFORD 1 +0110011001100 WEF 1 +0110011001100 LIPOSOME 1 +0110011001100 Centrac 1 +0110011001100 ARDEN 1 +0110011001100 Cabil 1 +0110011001100 Idant 1 +0110011001100 Constantia 1 +0110011001100 Metallwerk 1 +0110011001100 RYLAND 1 +0110011001100 BENCH 1 +0110011001100 Shieldalloy 1 +0110011001100 ELDON 1 +0110011001100 Baxter-Travenol 1 +0110011001100 PARADE 1 +0110011001100 BARNES 1 +0110011001100 Food-N-Fuel 1 +0110011001100 CBS/Broadcast 1 +0110011001100 RS/ 1 +0110011001100 308,400 1 +0110011001100 MERRY-GO-ROUND 1 +0110011001100 Integral 1 +0110011001100 MANAGING 1 +0110011001100 TIERCO 1 +0110011001100 Matichon 1 +0110011001100 McDep 1 +0110011001100 FOOTHILL 1 +0110011001100 Warspite 1 +0110011001100 PAY-FONE 1 +0110011001100 WEIS 1 +0110011001100 Dallah 1 +0110011001100 SILVERSTEIN 1 +0110011001100 Markborough 1 +0110011001100 AIRBORNE 1 +0110011001100 SOUTHWALL 1 +0110011001100 Metropol 1 +0110011001100 ARISTECH 1 +0110011001100 GRAY-MARKET 1 +0110011001100 SAFEWAY 1 +0110011001100 CHIEFTAIN 1 +0110011001100 SMITHS 1 +0110011001100 GigaMos 1 +0110011001100 Biosyne 1 +0110011001100 ASBESTEC 1 +0110011001100 Electro-Space 1 +0110011001100 ROSS 1 +0110011001100 NEIMAN-MARCUS 1 +0110011001100 PICKENS-LED 1 +0110011001100 MARITRANS 1 +0110011001100 Mobil+ 1 +0110011001100 Nieuwenhuyzen 1 +0110011001100 ASCO 1 +0110011001100 Spray-Rite 1 +0110011001100 WORMALD 1 +0110011001100 GREIF 1 +0110011001100 Impresses 1 +0110011001100 HealthLine 1 +0110011001100 REFERRAL 1 +0110011001100 DEB 1 +0110011001100 Neediest 1 +0110011001100 539,800 1 +0110011001100 GIFT-RETURN 1 +0110011001100 Brenlin 1 +0110011001100 AMEC 1 +0110011001100 ROWE 1 +0110011001100 TransLux 1 +0110011001100 BNE 1 +0110011001100 CATERPILLAR 1 +0110011001100 Aviation/Aerospace 1 +0110011001100 Weyher/Livsey 1 +0110011001100 SOO 1 +0110011001100 ABBOTT 1 +0110011001100 REEVES 1 +0110011001100 BENEQUITY 1 +0110011001100 BJS 1 +0110011001100 Budco 1 +0110011001100 AGOURON 1 +0110011001100 Blohorn 1 +0110011001100 WED 1 +0110011001100 HOSPICE 1 +0110011001100 HILLENBRAND 1 +0110011001100 Wilmar 1 +0110011001100 Retarded 1 +0110011001100 Costex 1 +0110011001100 Peck-Lynn 1 +0110011001100 WHEELABRATOR 1 +0110011001100 EMCON 1 +0110011001100 ONTARIO 1 +0110011001100 Ferrosan 1 +0110011001100 Muskoka 1 +0110011001100 Life-Sustaining 1 +0110011001100 Jinichi 1 +0110011001100 COMMODORE 1 +0110011001100 LOWRANCE 1 +0110011001100 Indar 1 +0110011001100 FORTUNE 1 +0110011001100 Multi-Financial 1 +0110011001100 Rehabiliation 1 +0110011001100 Sanpao 1 +0110011001100 TOLLAND 1 +0110011001100 Apera 1 +0110011001100 Subsea 1 +0110011001100 EXCEL 1 +0110011001100 Youthwear 1 +0110011001100 VESTA 1 +0110011001100 BFG 1 +0110011001100 MALAYAN 1 +0110011001100 PORTSMOUTH 1 +0110011001100 Produtos 1 +0110011001100 P&0 1 +0110011001100 Protectaire 1 +0110011001100 Woodson-Tenent 1 +0110011001100 VISION 1 +0110011001100 WHEELING-PITTSBURGH 1 +0110011001100 Onan 1 +0110011001100 Farbest 1 +0110011001100 accquired 1 +0110011001100 Smale/Brooks 1 +0110011001100 COPYCAT 1 +0110011001100 Woodchester 1 +0110011001100 SOLITRON 1 +0110011001100 CPY 1 +0110011001100 CORESTATES 1 +0110011001100 Courier-Dispatch 1 +0110011001100 Babysitters 1 +0110011001100 Al-Industrial 1 +0110011001100 Multigame 1 +0110011001100 M.M.R. 1 +0110011001100 Humanoid 1 +0110011001100 Beretz 1 +0110011001100 Cineamerica 1 +0110011001100 MEDSTONE 1 +0110011001100 Radiometric 1 +0110011001100 KRC 1 +0110011001100 PARAMOUNT 1 +0110011001100 Kransco 1 +0110011001100 Vinnin 1 +0110011001100 McDERMOTT 1 +0110011001100 AVONDALE 1 +0110011001100 Aloette 1 +0110011001100 Macadamia 1 +0110011001100 Uniguard 1 +0110011001100 MCCLAIN 1 +0110011001100 PROVENA 1 +0110011001100 Telecomm 1 +0110011001100 Valar 1 +0110011001100 COVINGTON 1 +0110011001100 RELATIONAL 1 +0110011001100 BASSETT 1 +0110011001100 ZAPATA 1 +0110011001100 Ring-Free 1 +0110011001100 OFFENSIVE 1 +0110011001100 State-Owned 1 +0110011001100 RENT-A-DRESS 1 +0110011001100 Ferruzzia 1 +0110011001100 LOWREY 1 +0110011001100 MARIETTA 1 +0110011001100 RTKL 1 +0110011001100 CHUCKLES 1 +0110011001100 SRB 1 +0110011001100 ZALE 1 +0110011001100 Sedep 1 +0110011001100 Batimat 1 +0110011001100 Captic 1 +0110011001100 Transgenerational 1 +0110011001100 NEDLLOYD 1 +0110011001100 Pennsyvania 1 +0110011001100 Authentication 1 +0110011001100 THORTEC 1 +0110011001100 Music-Theatre 1 +0110011001100 Bio-Metric 1 +0110011001100 IROQUOIS 1 +0110011001100 UNICORP 1 +0110011001100 Inflight 1 +0110011001100 Grenadier 1 +0110011001100 WordTech 1 +0110011001100 ALMI 1 +0110011001100 OMNICOM 1 +0110011001100 Cortest 1 +0110011001100 Clondalkin 1 +0110011001100 Giraldi-Suarez 1 +0110011001100 WEIRTON 1 +0110011001100 VANCE 1 +0110011001100 VITALINK 1 +0110011001100 Western-Southern 1 +0110011001100 QLM 1 +0110011001100 HARTE-HANKS 1 +0110011001100 Novate 1 +0110011001100 GEBRUDER 1 +0110011001100 Ameritrans 1 +0110011001100 XCEL 1 +0110011001100 Goldcorp 1 +0110011001100 McNellen 1 +0110011001100 RJO 1 +0110011001100 HRL 1 +0110011001100 AHSC 1 +0110011001100 Association/National 1 +0110011001100 TEK 1 +0110011001100 LOSERS 1 +0110011001100 ex-Mirror 1 +0110011001100 Paliburg 1 +0110011001100 Grant/Tribune 1 +0110011001100 JAMIE 1 +0110011001100 FARRAGUT 1 +0110011001100 Tzyong 1 +0110011001100 LOWE 1 +0110011001100 LPTV 1 +0110011001100 Willowbridge 1 +0110011001100 CitiState 1 +0110011001100 SHOWA 1 +0110011001100 TATEHO 1 +0110011001100 Bioanalytical 1 +0110011001100 OSHAWA 1 +0110011001100 Secours 1 +0110011001100 Lazards 1 +0110011001100 CONISTON 1 +0110011001100 NINA 1 +0110011001100 KVA 1 +0110011001100 AAG 1 +0110011001100 Johns-Manville 1 +0110011001100 Opto-Electronics 1 +0110011001100 Lafferty 1 +0110011001100 Travel-Related 1 +0110011001100 DATA-DESIGN 1 +0110011001100 Consilium 1 +0110011001100 Intercommunications 1 +0110011001100 WYSE 1 +0110011001100 Kempense 1 +0110011001100 AutoPacific 1 +0110011001100 MARCADE 1 +0110011001100 WASHING 1 +0110011001100 Land-O-Sun 1 +0110011001100 BALDOR 1 +0110011001100 Zubier 1 +0110011001100 Cadec 1 +0110011001100 Order-Entry 1 +0110011001100 once-faltering 1 +0110011001100 CYCLOPS 1 +0110011001100 CUSTOMS 1 +0110011001100 Aquatech 1 +0110011001100 Transfield 1 +0110011001100 American-Forest 1 +0110011001100 RAIL 1 +0110011001100 Ometraco 1 +0110011001100 Sterling-Winthrop 1 +0110011001100 EVERGREEN 1 +0110011001100 PEARL 1 +0110011001100 STEREO 1 +0110011001100 Aqualon 1 +0110011001100 Nachrichtentechnik 1 +0110011001100 GWTW 1 +0110011001100 All-Entertainment 1 +0110011001100 En-Fab 1 +0110011001100 ELCO 1 +0110011001100 SYNOPTICS 1 +0110011001100 ROANOKE 1 +0110011001100 SUPERIOR 1 +0110011001100 Confiscated 1 +0110011001100 Petroliam 1 +0110011001100 Business-School 1 +0110011001100 Sauter/Piller/Percelay 1 +0110011001100 SMITHFIELD 1 +0110011001100 Hy-Form 1 +0110011001100 Aeroflex 1 +0110011001100 AmLaw 1 +0110011001100 Duplex 1 +0110011001100 Jumbalaya 1 +0110011001100 NEKOOSA 1 +0110011001100 SPECIFIED 1 +0110011001100 ANTHONY 1 +0110011001100 Nurturing 1 +0110011001100 Denshi 1 +0110011001100 Malapi 1 +0110011001100 OGILVY 1 +0110011001100 SMOKESTACK 1 +0110011001100 HECLA 1 +0110011001100 Svensk 1 +0110011001100 SWA 1 +0110011001100 Sherwin-Greenberg 1 +0110011001100 SHINSEI 1 +0110011001100 Janitorial 1 +0110011001100 ExleyGiles 1 +0110011001100 HUNTINGTON 1 +0110011001100 GETTY 1 +0110011001100 Biosite 1 +0110011001100 RMV. 1 +0110011001100 Transland 1 +0110011001100 FLIGHTSAFETY 1 +0110011001100 falisches 1 +0110011001100 MHS 1 +0110011001100 Greycoat 1 +0110011001100 L.T. 1 +0110011001100 Metallized 1 +0110011001100 InsurUSA 1 +0110011001100 Roche/Sterling 1 +0110011001100 SIGMA 1 +0110011001100 UCB 1 +0110011001100 Alta-Berkeley 1 +0110011001100 M.L.C. 1 +0110011001100 Conniston 1 +0110011001100 LIGGETT 1 +0110011001100 Inter-Governmental 1 +0110011001100 Durkee/Sharlit 1 +0110011001100 SEIKO 1 +0110011001100 CALOR 1 +0110011001100 Central-secured 1 +0110011001100 419,995 1 +0110011001100 COMSTOCK 1 +0110011001100 Digene 1 +0110011001100 Tilcon 1 +0110011001100 ALLENVEST 1 +0110011001100 Fairmind 1 +0110011001100 Midwesco 1 +0110011001100 ASSEMBLY 1 +0110011001100 Jetway 1 +0110011001100 Leasetex 1 +0110011001100 Spital 1 +0110011001100 AISIN 1 +0110011001100 AAH 1 +0110011001100 KELPIE 1 +0110011001100 BIOMAGNETIC 1 +0110011001100 COOKSON 1 +0110011001100 FUNERAL 1 +0110011001100 Systems-Postal 1 +0110011001100 Kent-Moore 1 +0110011001100 Jaffe/Lansing 1 +0110011001100 WALLENBERG 2 +0110011001100 GRANGES 2 +0110011001100 ROHR 2 +0110011001100 CARRINGTON 2 +0110011001100 NOEL 2 +0110011001100 MARSAM 2 +0110011001100 REUTERS 2 +0110011001100 AMSTERDAM-ROTTERDAM 2 +0110011001100 Kon 2 +0110011001100 Insulating 2 +0110011001100 DICEON 2 +0110011001100 VARCO 2 +0110011001100 MENKA 2 +0110011001100 Equus 2 +0110011001100 FIELDCREST 2 +0110011001100 CHEESE 2 +0110011001100 RIVERBEND 2 +0110011001100 SAMSUNG 2 +0110011001100 TORRAS 2 +0110011001100 Ibycus 2 +0110011001100 KANEB 2 +0110011001100 CALLAHAN 2 +0110011001100 LNC 2 +0110011001100 Idanta 2 +0110011001100 COATES 2 +0110011001100 Unifying 2 +0110011001100 TALLEY 2 +0110011001100 GD 2 +0110011001100 ENZO 2 +0110011001100 ENVIROSAFE 2 +0110011001100 Leased 2 +0110011001100 JEWELRY 2 +0110011001100 STEVENS 2 +0110011001100 CONVERSION 2 +0110011001100 MELLON 2 +0110011001100 Advatex 2 +0110011001100 BARRIS 2 +0110011001100 FOSTER 2 +0110011001100 VISUAL 2 +0110011001100 TRINITY 2 +0110011001100 Heumann 2 +0110011001100 AMBR 2 +0110011001100 Unipart 2 +0110011001100 Wellsford 2 +0110011001100 Prediction 2 +0110011001100 Jungwoo 2 +0110011001100 Newpark 2 +0110011001100 VALMONT 2 +0110011001100 ADDINGTON 2 +0110011001100 HSG 2 +0110011001100 KRH 2 +0110011001100 J&C 2 +0110011001100 AVIA 2 +0110011001100 JDC 2 +0110011001100 Entiche 2 +0110011001100 OCTEL 2 +0110011001100 ASF 2 +0110011001100 Rehabilitative 2 +0110011001100 PACO 2 +0110011001100 Adolescent 2 +0110011001100 CALGON 2 +0110011001100 Veryfine 2 +0110011001100 Artois-Piedboeuf 2 +0110011001100 Spawn 2 +0110011001100 Underseas 2 +0110011001100 HOVNANIAN 2 +0110011001100 ECOLOGY 2 +0110011001100 GERBER 2 +0110011001100 BODY 2 +0110011001100 FACET 2 +0110011001100 Sizes 2 +0110011001100 Lipid 2 +0110011001100 Money-Market 2 +0110011001100 KM 2 +0110011001100 ForstmannLeff 2 +0110011001100 Regulator 2 +0110011001100 Consumat 2 +0110011001100 Wesmar 2 +0110011001100 Velos 2 +0110011001100 Lectra 2 +0110011001100 Lafe 2 +0110011001100 Intratec 2 +0110011001100 Stirs 2 +0110011001100 ASSURANCES 2 +0110011001100 Dechesne 2 +0110011001100 QUANTUM 2 +0110011001100 Northfork 2 +0110011001100 Wastewater 2 +0110011001100 SPOT 2 +0110011001100 OAKWOOD 2 +0110011001100 Tillex 2 +0110011001100 Deceptive 2 +0110011001100 Conti-Commodity 2 +0110011001100 Newbridge 2 +0110011001100 WARREN 2 +0110011001100 NORD 2 +0110011001100 Kaluakoi 2 +0110011001100 Oldest 2 +0110011001100 Richfood 2 +0110011001100 DOME 2 +0110011001100 Topa 2 +0110011001100 AERO 2 +0110011001100 Childress/Klein 2 +0110011001100 ASIA 2 +0110011001100 HINO 2 +0110011001100 TAYLOR 2 +0110011001100 CHEROKEE 2 +0110011001100 LADBROKE 2 +0110011001100 INGLES 2 +0110011001100 Cindic 2 +0110011001100 Scicon 2 +0110011001100 Watches 2 +0110011001100 Crystal/Barkley 2 +0110011001100 Europe/Africa 2 +0110011001100 Harlyn 2 +0110011001100 Syufy 2 +0110011001100 VARIAN 2 +0110011001100 RANK 2 +0110011001100 Allomet 2 +0110011001100 PicTel 2 +0110011001100 YLC 2 +0110011001100 DURAMED 2 +0110011001100 Equilease 2 +0110011001100 JEFFERIES 2 +0110011001100 OSBORN 2 +0110011001100 FIXED 2 +0110011001100 Wyvern 2 +0110011001100 Baden-Wurttemberg 2 +0110011001100 PERGAMON 2 +0110011001100 Pencil 2 +0110011001100 WOLVERINE 2 +0110011001100 Huntway 2 +0110011001100 TRUSTHOUSE 2 +0110011001100 CORKEN 2 +0110011001100 AMWEST 2 +0110011001100 PARKER 2 +0110011001100 VICTORIA 2 +0110011001100 YELLOWKNIFE 2 +0110011001100 Adria 2 +0110011001100 Kallestad 2 +0110011001100 Servicos 2 +0110011001100 VIRGIN 2 +0110011001100 ELEKTRISK 2 +0110011001100 Coastline 2 +0110011001100 Legendary 2 +0110011001100 NEWPORT 2 +0110011001100 KCI 2 +0110011001100 UNIONFED 2 +0110011001100 MS/Essex 2 +0110011001100 Bancshare 2 +0110011001100 TELESPHERE 2 +0110011001100 TELEMUNDO 2 +0110011001100 Felec 2 +0110011001100 MetroGoldwyn-Mayer 2 +0110011001100 MYERS 2 +0110011001100 HAWAIIAN 2 +0110011001100 Carbonic 2 +0110011001100 MAGNET 2 +0110011001100 Call-by-Call 2 +0110011001100 GOLDOME 2 +0110011001100 KIRIN 2 +0110011001100 R.R.A. 2 +0110011001100 Osrow 2 +0110011001100 L-Bar 2 +0110011001100 Softbridge 2 +0110011001100 BEIJING 2 +0110011001100 Dobisky 2 +0110011001100 Supportive 2 +0110011001100 PUBLICKER 2 +0110011001100 HILLSDOWN 2 +0110011001100 Commet 2 +0110011001100 Multiphasic 2 +0110011001100 Sintered 2 +0110011001100 Cogen 2 +0110011001100 Fluorine 2 +0110011001100 Zytec 2 +0110011001100 Cannon-Melia 2 +0110011001100 BENLOX 2 +0110011001100 EOS 2 +0110011001100 ABACO 2 +0110011001100 RELIANCE 2 +0110011001100 C-K 2 +0110011001100 SUGGESTION 2 +0110011001100 HEES 2 +0110011001100 JACKPOT 2 +0110011001100 VIRCO 2 +0110011001100 Bio-Research 2 +0110011001100 Le-Israel 2 +0110011001100 YAMAHA 2 +0110011001100 Ape 2 +0110011001100 Tjaereborg-Sterling 2 +0110011001100 CHARIOT 2 +0110011001100 Highgate 2 +0110011001100 GUILFORD 2 +0110011001100 ATLANTIS 2 +0110011001100 R.B.M. 2 +0110011001100 ALLSTAR 2 +0110011001100 DUMAGAMI 2 +0110011001100 MATRIX 2 +0110011001100 LUCAS 2 +0110011001100 Nielsen-Wurster 2 +0110011001100 Provesta 2 +0110011001100 Hospal 2 +0110011001100 Bomar 2 +0110011001100 Masstor 2 +0110011001100 CONVERGENT 2 +0110011001100 Lasarray 2 +0110011001100 G&R 2 +0110011001100 TYCO 2 +0110011001100 Roy-L 2 +0110011001100 Televideo 2 +0110011001100 Gestetner 2 +0110011001100 FLEET 2 +0110011001100 JACOBSON 2 +0110011001100 NOMURA 2 +0110011001100 KMC 2 +0110011001100 POTOMAC 2 +0110011001100 BANCTEXAS 2 +0110011001100 Faxit 2 +0110011001100 MPLC 2 +0110011001100 Immobiliare 2 +0110011001100 FLEMING 2 +0110011001100 Systech 2 +0110011001100 ARGONAUT 2 +0110011001100 KANGYO 3 +0110011001100 Oilfield 3 +0110011001100 Aquatic 3 +0110011001100 Enviro-Spray 3 +0110011001100 OCEAN 3 +0110011001100 STONE 3 +0110011001100 TCOM 3 +0110011001100 DAIWA 3 +0110011001100 BioTechnology 3 +0110011001100 NICHOLS 3 +0110011001100 ROCKWELL 3 +0110011001100 BASIC 3 +0110011001100 RICHARDSON 3 +0110011001100 LLOYDS 3 +0110011001100 EAGLE-PICHER 3 +0110011001100 COLECO 3 +0110011001100 MRC 3 +0110011001100 Sawyer/Miller 3 +0110011001100 Immobiliaria 3 +0110011001100 Eloquent 3 +0110011001100 InterVen 3 +0110011001100 CAROLCO 3 +0110011001100 INVESTOR 3 +0110011001100 TUCSON 3 +0110011001100 LANE 3 +0110011001100 Completes 3 +0110011001100 ALCAN 3 +0110011001100 Dislocated 3 +0110011001100 PETROLANE 3 +0110011001100 Conergics 3 +0110011001100 Hoogovens 3 +0110011001100 Nicholas-Applegate 3 +0110011001100 INSPIRATION 3 +0110011001100 EXCO 3 +0110011001100 Fox/Lorber 3 +0110011001100 WESTCOAST 3 +0110011001100 HOMESTEAD 3 +0110011001100 BRIDGFORD 3 +0110011001100 GEOTHERMAL 3 +0110011001100 TORONTO-DOMINION 3 +0110011001100 Criticare 3 +0110011001100 MLPI 3 +0110011001100 Clarinet 3 +0110011001100 SURGICAL 3 +0110011001100 Barbar 3 +0110011001100 EPO. 3 +0110011001100 O.D.N. 3 +0110011001100 PageAmerica 3 +0110011001100 AVERY 3 +0110011001100 CLAYTON 3 +0110011001100 TOBACCO 3 +0110011001100 Kalium 3 +0110011001100 Asda-MFI 3 +0110011001100 MXM 3 +0110011001100 Quake 3 +0110011001100 NS 3 +0110011001100 Lamalie 3 +0110011001100 Nullabor 3 +0110011001100 HMG/Courtland 3 +0110011001100 ADIA 3 +0110011001100 Lasco 3 +0110011001100 Nycom 3 +0110011001100 ADELPHIA 3 +0110011001100 REEBOK 3 +0110011001100 N-W 3 +0110011001100 Tec 3 +0110011001100 Fabrication 3 +0110011001100 NIKKO 3 +0110011001100 INERTIA 3 +0110011001100 NME 3 +0110011001100 CASINO 3 +0110011001100 CHAMPION 3 +0110011001100 Mazak 3 +0110011001100 Melamine 3 +0110011001100 ComCapital 3 +0110011001100 RORER 3 +0110011001100 C1 3 +0110011001100 WESTPAC 3 +0110011001100 MediQual 3 +0110011001100 INTELOGIC 3 +0110011001100 EMERSON 3 +0110011001100 RTS 3 +0110011001100 WAXMAN 3 +0110011001100 MIV 3 +0110011001100 Advanco 3 +0110011001100 DIXONS 3 +0110011001100 Miltope 3 +0110011001100 Offset 3 +0110011001100 UD 3 +0110011001100 PetroMar 3 +0110011001100 SoftAd 3 +0110011001100 BMY-Combat 3 +0110011001100 Bituma 3 +0110011001100 FundTrust 3 +0110011001100 Goldline 3 +0110011001100 LUCKY 3 +0110011001100 O&M 3 +0110011001100 Chernow 3 +0110011001100 SUNDSTRAND 3 +0110011001100 Secs 3 +0110011001100 JOY 3 +0110011001100 SHOE 3 +0110011001100 Fixed-Income 3 +0110011001100 Westfaelisches 3 +0110011001100 UDC-UNIVERSAL 3 +0110011001100 Motherhood 3 +0110011001100 Moneyed 3 +0110011001100 Jaymont 3 +0110011001100 Sentara 3 +0110011001100 Swine 3 +0110011001100 Ascent 3 +0110011001100 Hansabel 3 +0110011001100 Univac 3 +0110011001100 ZH 3 +0110011001100 Investnet 3 +0110011001100 Prenatal 3 +0110011001100 Diaper 3 +0110011001100 On-Site 3 +0110011001100 Parlux 3 +0110011001100 Acacia 4 +0110011001100 COMBINED 4 +0110011001100 YAMAICHI 4 +0110011001100 Supercomputing 4 +0110011001100 HINDERLITER 4 +0110011001100 ACCIDENT 4 +0110011001100 SNC 4 +0110011001100 Shaving 4 +0110011001100 GALACTIC 4 +0110011001100 RHEEM 4 +0110011001100 Ennui 4 +0110011001100 Fluids 4 +0110011001100 FFP 4 +0110011001100 IFM 4 +0110011001100 TOOL 4 +0110011001100 Tidel 4 +0110011001100 Novellus 4 +0110011001100 BOLLORE 4 +0110011001100 BIA-COR 4 +0110011001100 Delicato 4 +0110011001100 Analytic 4 +0110011001100 TRANSPORT 4 +0110011001100 Tailor 4 +0110011001100 IRVING 4 +0110011001100 Folding 4 +0110011001100 Sewing 4 +0110011001100 GLAXO 4 +0110011001100 Accutax 4 +0110011001100 INDUSTRIALI 4 +0110011001100 Grading 4 +0110011001100 DiversiTech 4 +0110011001100 MedFusion 4 +0110011001100 Emcon 4 +0110011001100 Mavar 4 +0110011001100 ARVIN 4 +0110011001100 InterWest 4 +0110011001100 Whitcom 4 +0110011001100 CLARK 4 +0110011001100 M&T 4 +0110011001100 Marshals 4 +0110011001100 Middleby 4 +0110011001100 Akros 4 +0110011001100 NAVISTAR 4 +0110011001100 Motorcycle 4 +0110011001100 CAMERA 4 +0110011001100 Closed-End 4 +0110011001100 Secura 4 +0110011001100 SCHWEIZERISCHE 4 +0110011001100 AVANA 4 +0110011001100 Walwood 4 +0110011001100 Satra 4 +0110011001100 Calpine 4 +0110011001100 Waverly 4 +0110011001100 Oral-B 4 +0110011001100 AK 4 +0110011001100 Cupples 4 +0110011001100 Condensed 4 +0110011001100 HARNISCHFEGER 4 +0110011001100 Go-Go 4 +0110011001100 Malapai 4 +0110011001100 Teletrac 4 +0110011001100 Ammco 4 +0110011001100 Victim 4 +0110011001100 Halts 4 +0110011001100 Releasing 4 +0110011001100 HENLEY 4 +0110011001100 CHAMBERS 4 +0110011001100 Intermodal 5 +0110011001100 Sprout 5 +0110011001100 Hyperion 5 +0110011001100 SANYO 5 +0110011001100 ROTHMANS 5 +0110011001100 SOCIETA 5 +0110011001100 WearEver-Proctor 5 +0110011001100 Purpose 5 +0110011001100 GIBRALTAR 5 +0110011001100 Programma 5 +0110011001100 LaBar 5 +0110011001100 Compressor 5 +0110011001100 Carmike 5 +0110011001100 HomeCare 5 +0110011001100 Ceramic 5 +0110011001100 Muffler 5 +0110011001100 COMPOSITE 5 +0110011001100 NOBLE 5 +0110011001100 Cornucopia 5 +0110011001100 ARIADNE 5 +0110011001100 EMERALD 5 +0110011001100 Limitation 5 +0110011001100 Infinite 5 +0110011001100 Roadrunner 5 +0110011001100 PETRIE 5 +0110011001100 Cognitive 5 +0110011001100 Delicate 5 +0110011001100 Otomobil 5 +0110011001100 Boosts 5 +0110011001100 BUILDING 5 +0110011001100 Wefa 5 +0110011001100 WAH 5 +0110011001100 Recreational 5 +0110011001100 ARGYLL 5 +0110011001100 WARNER 5 +0110011001100 Decorative 5 +0110011001100 Licensed 5 +0110011001100 Ninja 5 +0110011001100 HLM 5 +0110011001100 MCDONNELL 5 +0110011001100 Child-Care 5 +0110011001100 Sacre 5 +0110011001100 COLOROLL 5 +0110011001100 QUADREX 5 +0110011001100 BETHLEHEM 5 +0110011001100 Peripheral 5 +0110011001100 Affinity 5 +0110011001100 GENETICS 5 +0110011001100 Linea 5 +0110011001100 Reproduction 5 +0110011001100 Suspension 5 +0110011001100 DRESDNER 5 +0110011001100 MCS 6 +0110011001100 Amchase 6 +0110011001100 Orchards 6 +0110011001100 Pumpkin 6 +0110011001100 MAXWELL 6 +0110011001100 CRAZY 6 +0110011001100 Gorge 6 +0110011001100 Low-Income 6 +0110011001100 Exide 6 +0110011001100 Pregnancy 6 +0110011001100 Oxygen 6 +0110011001100 Successor 6 +0110011001100 CONTIBEL 6 +0110011001100 Grammar 6 +0110011001100 CLEVELAND 6 +0110011001100 AV 6 +0110011001100 Ballets 6 +0110011001100 WESTMINSTER 6 +0110011001100 Flowering 6 +0110011001100 FUEL 6 +0110011001100 Seismic 6 +0110011001100 Investment-Grade 6 +0110011001100 Nutritional 6 +0110011001100 Hometown 6 +0110011001100 Tee 6 +0110011001100 CELLULAR 6 +0110011001100 KLP 6 +0110011001100 SHAMROCK 6 +0110011001100 GREEN 6 +0110011001100 Unique 6 +0110011001100 KOBE 6 +0110011001100 Sub 6 +0110011001100 OMNI 6 +0110011001100 Missionaries 7 +0110011001100 Tenant 7 +0110011001100 Owl 7 +0110011001100 LDX 7 +0110011001100 GRANADA 7 +0110011001100 Metric 7 +0110011001100 MERCURY 7 +0110011001100 BEVERLY 7 +0110011001100 Skies 7 +0110011001100 ADELAIDE 7 +0110011001100 Knee 7 +0110011001100 Thermco 7 +0110011001100 GIB 7 +0110011001100 Lifeco 7 +0110011001100 JHM 7 +0110011001100 ROBINSON 7 +0110011001100 CX 7 +0110011001100 FT 7 +0110011001100 COMMERCE 7 +0110011001100 Abrasive 7 +0110011001100 WESTINGHOUSE 7 +0110011001100 1001 7 +0110011001100 Lime 7 +0110011001100 Kangaroo 7 +0110011001100 RACAL 7 +0110011001100 AGENCE 7 +0110011001100 Menswear 7 +0110011001100 INFORMATION 7 +0110011001100 Navigators 7 +0110011001100 FR 7 +0110011001100 Compression 7 +0110011001100 Daylight 7 +0110011001100 KAWASAKI 8 +0110011001100 SUNSHINE 8 +0110011001100 MANHATTAN 8 +0110011001100 KUWAIT 8 +0110011001100 ISUZU 8 +0110011001100 LUBE 8 +0110011001100 Quill 8 +0110011001100 Acoustic 8 +0110011001100 T.C.C. 8 +0110011001100 Cereal 8 +0110011001100 NORSK 8 +0110011001100 CONVERTIBLE 8 +0110011001100 IJ 8 +0110011001100 Cleaner 8 +0110011001100 MOBILE 8 +0110011001100 FF 8 +0110011001100 PROPERTY 8 +0110011001100 Oxidyne 8 +0110011001100 Spaghetti 8 +0110011001100 Renco 8 +0110011001100 BIRMID 9 +0110011001100 13-30 9 +0110011001100 Meats 9 +0110011001100 Crab 9 +0110011001100 Kitchens 9 +0110011001100 Harlequin 9 +0110011001100 Fabricated 9 +0110011001100 Dallhold 9 +0110011001100 Photographic 9 +0110011001100 Feature 9 +0110011001100 Microfilm 9 +0110011001100 Cast 9 +0110011001100 Microcomputer 9 +0110011001100 TECO 9 +0110011001100 Peanut 9 +0110011001100 Short-Term 9 +0110011001100 Ibbotson 9 +0110011001100 HEALTHCARE 9 +0110011001100 Chem 9 +0110011001100 VALUE 9 +0110011001100 Valuation 9 +0110011001100 Packet 9 +0110011001100 Immunology 10 +0110011001100 MTI 10 +0110011001100 SWISS 10 +0110011001100 GRENFELL 10 +0110011001100 Assured 10 +0110011001100 Kynikos 10 +0110011001100 KIA 10 +0110011001100 Videotex 10 +0110011001100 Document 10 +0110011001100 Pesticide 10 +0110011001100 Mouth 10 +0110011001100 Orchid 10 +0110011001100 M&G 10 +0110011001100 BF 10 +0110011001100 Footwear 11 +0110011001100 Extension 11 +0110011001100 Rheinisch-Westfaelisches 11 +0110011001100 Recipe 11 +0110011001100 Prosecution 11 +0110011001100 Glenbrook 11 +0110011001100 Retention 11 +0110011001100 FOREST 11 +0110011001100 TCBY 11 +0110011001100 Deb 11 +0110011001100 Showcase 11 +0110011001100 Serco 11 +0110011001100 WCI 11 +0110011001100 Preference 11 +0110011001100 Novacor 12 +0110011001100 Westmin 12 +0110011001100 Rehab 12 +0110011001100 B-E 12 +0110011001100 Tengelmann 13 +0110011001100 Sleep 13 +0110011001100 3D 13 +0110011001100 RV 13 +0110011001100 Consul 13 +0110011001100 Skunk 13 +0110011001100 Cab 13 +0110011001100 Locomotive 13 +0110011001100 Replacement 13 +0110011001100 Surface 13 +0110011001100 Expert 13 +0110011001100 Masterworks 13 +0110011001100 CM&M 14 +0110011001100 Visible 14 +0110011001100 H&Q 14 +0110011001100 Poetry 14 +0110011001100 MATSUSHITA 14 +0110011001100 Lodging 14 +0110011001100 Flies 14 +0110011001100 PA 14 +0110011001100 Protocol 14 +0110011001100 Nut 14 +0110011001100 Shelter 14 +0110011001100 NavCom 14 +0110011001100 Juvenile 14 +0110011001100 Funeral 14 +0110011001100 DST 15 +0110011001100 World-Wide 15 +0110011001100 EQUITICORP 15 +0110011001100 Fishery 15 +0110011001100 Interagency 15 +0110011001100 Drinking 16 +0110011001100 Situation 16 +0110011001100 Roller 16 +0110011001100 DEUTSCHE 16 +0110011001100 Time-Life 16 +0110011001100 REALTY 16 +0110011001100 S.H. 16 +0110011001100 Geophysical 16 +0110011001100 Lottery 16 +0110011001100 Acid 16 +0110011001100 Constellation 17 +0110011001100 Amphenol 17 +0110011001100 Saver 17 +0110011001100 Pie 17 +0110011001100 Protective 17 +0110011001100 Goal 17 +0110011001100 Crossing 18 +0110011001100 Appraisal 18 +0110011001100 Barrier 18 +0110011001100 Killer 18 +0110011001100 Gift 18 +0110011001100 Shatkin 18 +0110011001100 Trailer 18 +0110011001100 Seafood 19 +0110011001100 Ethical 19 +0110011001100 Fluid 19 +0110011001100 Raisin 20 +0110011001100 ROVER 20 +0110011001100 GRAND 20 +0110011001100 Vacuum 20 +0110011001100 ELDERS 20 +0110011001100 HEAVY 20 +0110011001100 DATA 20 +0110011001100 Muni 20 +0110011001100 Renewal 20 +0110011001100 Synthetic 21 +0110011001100 Warrior 21 +0110011001100 ISI 21 +0110011001100 MIDLAND 21 +0110011001100 HYUNDAI 21 +0110011001100 Workplace 21 +0110011001100 Refinery 21 +0110011001100 Fun 21 +0110011001100 Tank 21 +0110011001100 Celtic 22 +0110011001100 Measurement 22 +0110011001100 Loyalty 22 +0110011001100 DEPARTMENT 23 +0110011001100 CN 23 +0110011001100 Acclaim 23 +0110011001100 Porta 23 +0110011001100 Transaction 24 +0110011001100 Hickory 24 +0110011001100 INCOME 24 +0110011001100 Advertiser 24 +0110011001100 Wonderful 24 +0110011001100 Donut 24 +0110011001100 Saving 25 +0110011001100 IMPERIAL 25 +0110011001100 RAND 25 +0110011001100 Supercomputer 25 +0110011001100 Recreation 26 +0110011001100 Aeronautical 26 +0110011001100 Omega 26 +0110011001100 Selective 26 +0110011001100 HONDA 27 +0110011001100 Pharmacy 27 +0110011001100 Recycling 27 +0110011001100 Bakery 28 +0110011001100 AMEX 28 +0110011001100 MEDICAL 28 +0110011001100 TOYOTA 29 +0110011001100 Touchstone 29 +0110011001100 Territory 29 +0110011001100 Merit 29 +0110011001100 Chain 30 +0110011001100 PUBLIC 30 +0110011001100 Flag 30 +0110011001100 Nursing 30 +0110011001100 Poultry 30 +0110011001100 Biomedical 31 +0110011001100 Hardware 31 +0110011001100 Outdoor 31 +0110011001100 Tokyu 31 +0110011001100 Custom 32 +0110011001100 Thermal 32 +0110011001100 NISSAN 33 +0110011001100 Winthrop 33 +0110011001100 Directory 33 +0110011001100 Catastrophic 34 +0110011001100 Livestock 34 +0110011001100 URS 35 +0110011001100 Harvest 35 +0110011001100 Temporary 36 +0110011001100 Nord 37 +0110011001100 Ottaway 37 +0110011001100 Fantasy 37 +0110011001100 Career 37 +0110011001100 Ski 37 +0110011001100 Penguin 37 +0110011001100 Emerging 37 +0110011001100 Egg 38 +0110011001100 CITY 38 +0110011001100 Psychological 39 +0110011001100 Magnetic 39 +0110011001100 C.B. 39 +0110011001100 Flow 40 +0110011001100 Liquor 40 +0110011001100 Option 40 +0110011001100 Diagnostic 40 +0110011001100 LIFE 40 +0110011001100 Petrolane 41 +0110011001100 Ship 41 +0110011001100 Suburban 41 +0110011001100 Connection 41 +0110011001100 Comedy 41 +0110011001100 BELL 42 +0110011001100 Tung 43 +0110011001100 Galoob 44 +0110011001100 Audio 44 +0110011001100 Strike 46 +0110011001100 Fisheries 46 +0110011001100 Aerojet 47 +0110011001100 Bus 48 +0110011001100 Response 48 +0110011001100 Gourmet 50 +0110011001100 Solar 50 +0110011001100 Dress 51 +0110011001100 Check 51 +0110011001100 Cartier 52 +0110011001100 Critical 52 +0110011001100 Copley 52 +0110011001100 HealthCare 52 +0110011001100 Piano 53 +0110011001100 Carrier 54 +0110011001100 Terminal 54 +0110011001100 Lost 55 +0110011001100 Camera 56 +0110011001100 Genuine 57 +0110011001100 Gaming 59 +0110011001100 Pet 59 +0110011001100 Rehabilitation 60 +0110011001100 Studio 61 +0110011001100 Racing 61 +0110011001100 Cafe 62 +0110011001100 Forecasting 63 +0110011001100 Engineered 64 +0110011001100 Stage 64 +0110011001100 Litigation 66 +0110011001100 Ladies 66 +0110011001100 Related 67 +0110011001100 Visual 67 +0110011001100 Mineral 68 +0110011001100 Turbine 69 +0110011001100 Asbestos 70 +0110011001100 Image 71 +0110011001100 Process 71 +0110011001100 Prairie 71 +0110011001100 Savers 72 +0110011001100 Resort 75 +0110011001100 Radiation 75 +0110011001100 Learning 77 +0110011001100 Animal 78 +0110011001100 Tech 80 +0110011001100 Dulles 80 +0110011001100 Sporting 82 +0110011001100 Surgical 82 +0110011001100 Offshore 83 +0110011001100 Famous 85 +0110011001100 GENERAL 86 +0110011001100 Ice 86 +0110011001100 Playtex 87 +0110011001100 WEFA 88 +0110011001100 Screen 90 +0110011001100 Advance 91 +0110011001100 Toy 93 +0110011001100 Wilshire 94 +0110011001100 Trial 100 +0110011001100 Fuel 103 +0110011001100 Acquisitions 106 +0110011001100 Distribution 110 +0110011001100 Naturalization 115 +0110011001100 Dealer 116 +0110011001100 Master 116 +0110011001100 Multifoods 119 +0110011001100 Creative 120 +0110011001100 Renaissance 120 +0110011001100 Team 120 +0110011001100 Aero 121 +0110011001100 Select 122 +0110011001100 Apparel 122 +0110011001100 Color 128 +0110011001100 Dairy 130 +0110011001100 Personnel 130 +0110011001100 Diversified 131 +0110011001100 Broadcast 132 +0110011001100 Progress 133 +0110011001100 Consulting 134 +0110011001100 Microwave 134 +0110011001100 Chip 135 +0110011001100 Record 136 +0110011001100 Product 139 +0110011001100 Forum 143 +0110011001100 Laser 148 +0110011001100 Dance 149 +0110011001100 Secret 149 +0110011001100 Discount 158 +0110011001100 Specialty 158 +0110011001100 Grow 159 +0110011001100 Plant 161 +0110011001100 Child 162 +0110011001100 Mail 163 +0110011001100 Game 170 +0110011001100 Regional 172 +0110011001100 Agricultural 174 +0110011001100 Arms 179 +0110011001100 Materials 182 +0110011001100 Newspaper 188 +0110011001100 Cablevision 190 +0110011001100 Aid 194 +0110011001100 Quality 213 +0110011001100 Weather 216 +0110011001100 Automobile 219 +0110011001100 Resource 222 +0110011001100 Days 227 +0110011001100 Automotive 229 +0110011001100 Property 231 +0110011001100 Restaurant 235 +0110011001100 Town 238 +0110011001100 Overseas 239 +0110011001100 Railway 243 +0110011001100 LOAN 249 +0110011001100 Shoe 255 +0110011001100 Pension 279 +0110011001100 Book 299 +0110011001100 NATIONAL 300 +0110011001100 Pizza 307 +0110011001100 Desert 309 +0110011001100 Scientific 312 +0110011001100 Mobile 325 +0110011001100 Healthcare 326 +0110011001100 Sports 332 +0110011001100 Fair 332 +0110011001100 Country 340 +0110011001100 Legal 355 +0110011001100 Technical 366 +0110011001100 Cellular 371 +0110011001100 Travel 383 +0110011001100 Supermarkets 387 +0110011001100 Water 391 +0110011001100 Music 412 +0110011001100 Armed 430 +0110011001100 Radio 472 +0110011001100 Customs 475 +0110011001100 Family 479 +0110011001100 Semiconductor 500 +0110011001100 Video 524 +0110011001100 Forest 527 +0110011001100 Municipal 548 +0110011001100 Human 557 +0110011001100 Media 731 +0110011001100 Mutual 750 +0110011001100 Postal 836 +0110011001100 Hotel 881 +0110011001100 Information 944 +0110011001100 Environmental 966 +0110011001100 Hospital 1115 +0110011001100 Data 2220 +0110011001100 Public 2435 +0110011001100 News 3348 +0110011001100 Energy 3563 +0110011001100 Financial 6112 +0110011001101 Klynfeld 1 +0110011001101 Noticia 1 +0110011001101 Mirrored 1 +0110011001101 Internatational 1 +0110011001101 VidCam 1 +0110011001101 Transferrers 1 +0110011001101 Sulzberger-Rolfe 1 +0110011001101 Debt-for-Equity 1 +0110011001101 BioTech 1 +0110011001101 Foodstuff 1 +0110011001101 BRUXELLE 1 +0110011001101 ODNS 1 +0110011001101 Acceptanc 1 +0110011001101 Tactictal 1 +0110011001101 University-New 1 +0110011001101 Gas-Cooled 1 +0110011001101 SNACK 1 +0110011001101 Reteach 1 +0110011001101 Fastener 1 +0110011001101 Markets-International 1 +0110011001101 Tri-Source 1 +0110011001101 Portfolio-High 1 +0110011001101 Channeled 1 +0110011001101 Cali-Mex 1 +0110011001101 Profit-Minded 1 +0110011001101 University-Presbyterian 1 +0110011001101 Pargas 1 +0110011001101 Lombard-Wall 1 +0110011001101 MICROELECTRONIC 1 +0110011001101 bioorganic 1 +0110011001101 Bank/International 1 +0110011001101 North-Western 1 +0110011001101 Inc.-Piedmont 1 +0110011001101 MEASUREMENT 1 +0110011001101 steel-storage 1 +0110011001101 Mitsuba-Walbro 1 +0110011001101 Pinkel 1 +0110011001101 Hazelden 1 +0110011001101 Pendaflex 1 +0110011001101 Turnkey 1 +0110011001101 Brothers-ERA 1 +0110011001101 Interventional 1 +0110011001101 Stylus 1 +0110011001101 Import-Export 1 +0110011001101 Import/Export 1 +0110011001101 Tablet 1 +0110011001101 Components-Mostek 1 +0110011001101 MiniGolf 1 +0110011001101 77-sponsored 1 +0110011001101 Mkts 1 +0110011001101 11,202 1 +0110011001101 Bellomo-McGee 1 +0110011001101 TDF 1 +0110011001101 Throws 1 +0110011001101 Rent-A 1 +0110011001101 THF 1 +0110011001101 Jofree 1 +0110011001101 DeMarche 2 +0110011001101 Foundation/Research 2 +0110011001101 Multi-List 2 +0110011001101 Pro-Am 2 +0110011001101 INTERMARK 2 +0110011001101 Van-Rijn 2 +0110011001101 Flannel 2 +0110011001101 ALICO 2 +0110011001101 X-Ray 2 +0110011001101 COMMERCIALE 2 +0110011001101 LYPHOMED 2 +0110011001101 Reseach 2 +0110011001101 NOVELL 2 +0110011001101 Technophone 2 +0110011001101 Pallas 2 +0110011001101 LAKE 2 +0110011001101 Deflated 2 +0110011001101 Gravure 2 +0110011001101 Internationl 2 +0110011001101 Sintering 2 +0110011001101 HPI 2 +0110011001101 Usenco 2 +0110011001101 GRACO 2 +0110011001101 SUDBURY 2 +0110011001101 International/Diversified 2 +0110011001101 Dyas 2 +0110011001101 XL/DATACOMP 2 +0110011001101 Kuhlenschmidt/Simon 2 +0110011001101 RAMADA 2 +0110011001101 Sharpe-Tint 2 +0110011001101 Omniflight 2 +0110011001101 Berhad 2 +0110011001101 Stuf 2 +0110011001101 GUILD 2 +0110011001101 Arrhythmia 2 +0110011001101 Internaional 2 +0110011001101 Disclose 2 +0110011001101 TIDEWATER 2 +0110011001101 Genenchem 2 +0110011001101 BABCOCK 2 +0110011001101 Internatonal 2 +0110011001101 Rizhskaya 2 +0110011001101 Nusantara 2 +0110011001101 Rent-a-Center 2 +0110011001101 Transducer 2 +0110011001101 ABIOMED 2 +0110011001101 Commune 2 +0110011001101 CONSECO 2 +0110011001101 Telecable 3 +0110011001101 Generator 3 +0110011001101 Filters 3 +0110011001101 Tasman 3 +0110011001101 Schepps 3 +0110011001101 InterMarket 3 +0110011001101 Disneyana 3 +0110011001101 Percussion 3 +0110011001101 Tax-Exempt 3 +0110011001101 Gallaher 3 +0110011001101 Respond 3 +0110011001101 Mutant 3 +0110011001101 Commericial 3 +0110011001101 Suffers 3 +0110011001101 Sekiyu 3 +0110011001101 Fantus 3 +0110011001101 SDW 3 +0110011001101 Weichert 3 +0110011001101 Phibro-Salomon 3 +0110011001101 V.F. 3 +0110011001101 Laneco 3 +0110011001101 Oerlikon-Buhrle 3 +0110011001101 Scanner 3 +0110011001101 Aging-Fleet 3 +0110011001101 Raffinerie 3 +0110011001101 Flooring 3 +0110011001101 Pacemakers 4 +0110011001101 Anvil 4 +0110011001101 Biodynamics 4 +0110011001101 Thalberg 4 +0110011001101 Accountancy 4 +0110011001101 Snacks 4 +0110011001101 NGL 4 +0110011001101 Corniche 4 +0110011001101 NMR 4 +0110011001101 Cavitron 4 +0110011001101 Logetronics 4 +0110011001101 Richardson-Merrell 4 +0110011001101 Interconnect 4 +0110011001101 Knit 4 +0110011001101 Hospice 4 +0110011001101 FRUEHAUF 4 +0110011001101 Saison 4 +0110011001101 COMMUNITY 5 +0110011001101 Consultation 5 +0110011001101 SONAT 5 +0110011001101 CATO 5 +0110011001101 ASSET 5 +0110011001101 Infrastructure 5 +0110011001101 AGRICOLA 5 +0110011001101 Rope 5 +0110011001101 IIc 5 +0110011001101 Chouest 5 +0110011001101 Railcar 5 +0110011001101 Sankei 6 +0110011001101 Accu-Weather 6 +0110011001101 ASARCO 6 +0110011001101 SHIPPING 6 +0110011001101 Olde 6 +0110011001101 Reprographics 6 +0110011001101 APAC 6 +0110011001101 M/A-COM 6 +0110011001101 Demonstration 6 +0110011001101 Defects 6 +0110011001101 Sprinkler 6 +0110011001101 PAK 6 +0110011001101 Fellows 7 +0110011001101 TOSCO 7 +0110011001101 Gefinor 7 +0110011001101 Medium 7 +0110011001101 SOUTHDOWN 7 +0110011001101 Maxell 7 +0110011001101 Receivables 7 +0110011001101 CableVision 7 +0110011001101 KOKAN 7 +0110011001101 BRUXELLES 7 +0110011001101 Multi-Family 7 +0110011001101 Aftermarket 7 +0110011001101 Castparts 7 +0110011001101 Grape 8 +0110011001101 LEASE 8 +0110011001101 Trivest 8 +0110011001101 Fiduciary 8 +0110011001101 Meridionale 8 +0110011001101 Switches 8 +0110011001101 MCKINNON 8 +0110011001101 Informatics 9 +0110011001101 A.M.E. 9 +0110011001101 Cognetics 9 +0110011001101 Merion 9 +0110011001101 METAL 9 +0110011001101 Myung 10 +0110011001101 IIGS 10 +0110011001101 Cutlery 10 +0110011001101 Chemie 10 +0110011001101 Custodian 10 +0110011001101 Greenhouse 10 +0110011001101 Forex 11 +0110011001101 Aerotech 11 +0110011001101 Portfolios 11 +0110011001101 Avmark 11 +0110011001101 Movers 12 +0110011001101 Malpractice 12 +0110011001101 Therapy 13 +0110011001101 Seminars 14 +0110011001101 Nurseries 14 +0110011001101 BROWN 14 +0110011001101 PlanEcon 14 +0110011001101 PEAT 15 +0110011001101 Zellerbach 15 +0110011001101 Eclipse 16 +0110011001101 Containment 16 +0110011001101 Robotics 16 +0110011001101 Beetle 16 +0110011001101 Permanente 16 +0110011001101 Addiction 17 +0110011001101 Eau 17 +0110011001101 Fairy 17 +0110011001101 Ceramics 18 +0110011001101 Disposition 18 +0110011001101 Bullion 19 +0110011001101 Fabric 19 +0110011001101 Tyre 19 +0110011001101 Gulch 20 +0110011001101 EQUITY 20 +0110011001101 Pinault 20 +0110011001101 Leiby 21 +0110011001101 IBCA 23 +0110011001101 Britannica 23 +0110011001101 Videotron 24 +0110011001101 Agricola 24 +0110011001101 Homemade 25 +0110011001101 Classics 26 +0110011001101 Automobiles 28 +0110011001101 Dispatch 30 +0110011001101 Grocery 30 +0110011001101 Seiki 30 +0110011001101 Computing 30 +0110011001101 Saga 32 +0110011001101 Disc 32 +0110011001101 Polymer 32 +0110011001101 Jewelers 32 +0110011001101 Siddeley 35 +0110011001101 Sportswear 37 +0110011001101 Concrete 38 +0110011001101 Buildings 39 +0110011001101 PACIFIC 39 +0110011001101 Textiles 41 +0110011001101 Premiere 43 +0110011001101 Maintenance 44 +0110011001101 Promotion 45 +0110011001101 Liability 47 +0110011001101 Fabrics 51 +0110011001101 Yellowknife 54 +0110011001101 Imaging 55 +0110011001101 Administrators 60 +0110011001101 Microelectronics 61 +0110011001101 Tactical 62 +0110011001101 Insight 62 +0110011001101 Merchandise 70 +0110011001101 Expansion 75 +0110011001101 Romeo 77 +0110011001101 Strategy 78 +0110011001101 Range 82 +0110011001101 Craft 82 +0110011001101 Genetic 88 +0110011001101 Biotechnology 89 +0110011001101 Centre 95 +0110011001101 Access 96 +0110011001101 Tennis 97 +0110011001101 Cooperative 100 +0110011001101 Classic 107 +0110011001101 Courier 110 +0110011001101 Cosmos 112 +0110011001101 Transit 115 +0110011001101 Guarantee 123 +0110011001101 Plastics 127 +0110011001101 Automation 131 +0110011001101 Packaging 138 +0110011001101 Clearing 143 +0110011001101 Beverage 152 +0110011001101 Design 173 +0110011001101 Celanese 177 +0110011001101 Textile 180 +0110011001101 Satellite 205 +0110011001101 Bull 207 +0110011001101 Photo 210 +0110011001101 Cities 226 +0110011001101 Publishers 229 +0110011001101 Basic 242 +0110011001101 Worldwide 274 +0110011001101 Genetics 305 +0110011001101 Flight 315 +0110011001101 Funding 319 +0110011001101 Arts 365 +0110011001101 Software 503 +0110011001101 Advertising 516 +0110011001101 Micro 532 +0110011001101 Electronic 539 +0110011001101 Engineering 639 +0110011001101 Peat 675 +0110011001101 Realty 752 +0110011001101 Art 753 +0110011001101 Nabisco 814 +0110011001101 Care 844 +0110011001101 Equity 927 +0110011001101 Electronics 929 +0110011001101 Control 1105 +0110011001101 Entertainment 1265 +0110011001101 Technology 1945 +0110011001101 Computer 2695 +0110011001101 Research 2903 +0110011001101 International 14172 +0110011001101 Management 3479 +01100110011100 Pilsudski 1 +01100110011100 Beliefs 1 +01100110011100 Typographical 1 +01100110011100 5,000-stock 1 +01100110011100 Pigmentosa 1 +01100110011100 Retinitis 1 +01100110011100 WorldBrown 1 +01100110011100 Fund-High 1 +01100110011100 Directives 1 +01100110011100 Finals 1 +01100110011100 Hole-In-One 1 +01100110011100 RIM 1 +01100110011100 GirozentraleDeutsche 1 +01100110011100 Outlives 1 +01100110011100 Ecclesiastic 1 +01100110011100 Laywers 1 +01100110011100 Dealer-Celeste 1 +01100110011100 Shutter 1 +01100110011100 Remittance 1 +01100110011100 Cattleman 1 +01100110011100 Jar 1 +01100110011100 Geographic-style 1 +01100110011100 Superintendents 1 +01100110011100 Confesses 1 +01100110011100 Devises 1 +01100110011100 Mid-Illinois 1 +01100110011100 Amorphous 1 +01100110011100 Spaaren 1 +01100110011100 Submicron 1 +01100110011100 Changers 1 +01100110011100 Areba-Casriel 1 +01100110011100 Unitoys 1 +01100110011100 Shiny 1 +01100110011100 Democrat-run 1 +01100110011100 Speedskating 1 +01100110011100 gear-shaping 1 +01100110011100 chatterboxes 1 +01100110011100 Examinations 1 +01100110011100 Arm-wrestling 1 +01100110011100 Snooze 1 +01100110011100 Ambient 1 +01100110011100 Smokeout 1 +01100110011100 Huron-based 1 +01100110011100 Emigre 1 +01100110011100 Cakewalk 1 +01100110011100 Trust/Bond 1 +01100110011100 Speleological 1 +01100110011100 Spar-Casse 1 +01100110011100 Entomological 1 +01100110011100 Tropique 1 +01100110011100 Bottled 1 +01100110011100 Robomation 1 +01100110011100 Votech 1 +01100110011100 Sachet 1 +01100110011100 Write-Off 1 +01100110011100 Simplifies 1 +01100110011100 Unsportsmanlike 1 +01100110011100 Chitwan 1 +01100110011100 Aerobatics 1 +01100110011100 Obscuration 1 +01100110011100 Waterflood 1 +01100110011100 Three-Dimensional 1 +01100110011100 Dramachiski 1 +01100110011100 Byong 1 +01100110011100 Anti-Counterfeiting 1 +01100110011100 Canoe 1 +01100110011100 Ripkin 1 +01100110011100 Antiguan 1 +01100110011100 Adjudication 1 +01100110011100 carambola 1 +01100110011100 155.0 1 +01100110011100 Rankles 1 +01100110011100 Fund/Money 1 +01100110011100 Audio-Visual 1 +01100110011100 Security-tax 1 +01100110011100 Enabled 1 +01100110011100 Genossenschafts 1 +01100110011100 Pre-College 1 +01100110011100 Jurist 1 +01100110011100 Bulls-Milwaukee 1 +01100110011100 Bobsled 1 +01100110011100 Filipino-American 1 +01100110011100 Aero-Technology 1 +01100110011100 artificial-currency 1 +01100110011100 LABEL 1 +01100110011100 655-type 1 +01100110011100 Mtge 1 +01100110011100 Nominating 1 +01100110011100 Treachery 1 +01100110011100 Engeneering 1 +01100110011100 Arab-Persian 1 +01100110011100 Fabricare 1 +01100110011100 Assembly.The 1 +01100110011100 12,234 1 +01100110011100 Gold/Minerals 1 +01100110011100 Graphoanalysis 1 +01100110011100 Reveals 1 +01100110011100 Improvisational 1 +01100110011100 Compulsions 1 +01100110011100 Whiteboard 1 +01100110011100 Inc./Heron 1 +01100110011100 Raincoats 1 +01100110011100 Anti-Fraud 1 +01100110011100 Pictorial 1 +01100110011100 Danish-American 1 +01100110011100 Marketmember 1 +01100110011100 Rays 1 +01100110011100 Qods 1 +01100110011100 Underwater 2 +01100110011100 Bowlers 2 +01100110011100 Papal 2 +01100110011100 Totalizator 2 +01100110011100 Multi-Housing 2 +01100110011100 Sew 2 +01100110011100 TURKEY 2 +01100110011100 Captioning 2 +01100110011100 Kennex 2 +01100110011100 Bereavement 2 +01100110011100 Siedlungs 2 +01100110011100 Parent-Teacher 2 +01100110011100 Referral 2 +01100110011100 Periodontal 2 +01100110011100 Forwarders 2 +01100110011100 Helium 2 +01100110011100 Transponder 2 +01100110011100 Invites 2 +01100110011100 Improvisation 2 +01100110011100 Estuary 2 +01100110011100 Anti-Discrimination 2 +01100110011100 Simulator 2 +01100110011100 Documentary 2 +01100110011100 Reconnaissance 2 +01100110011100 Ineffective 2 +01100110011100 Biofeedback 2 +01100110011100 Ile 2 +01100110011100 Riotous 2 +01100110011100 Pledges 2 +01100110011100 Dropout 2 +01100110011100 Ninety-two 2 +01100110011100 Refund 2 +01100110011100 Godparent 2 +01100110011100 Democratic-Liberal 2 +01100110011100 Astrological 2 +01100110011100 Bechstein 2 +01100110011100 Longitudinal 2 +01100110011100 Whaling 2 +01100110011100 Toxicology 2 +01100110011100 Alberni 2 +01100110011100 Undergrunds 2 +01100110011100 Carting 2 +01100110011100 Revitalizing 3 +01100110011100 Choreography 3 +01100110011100 Facsimile 3 +01100110011100 Eelpout 3 +01100110011100 Maestra 3 +01100110011100 Saray 3 +01100110011100 Appointments 3 +01100110011100 Sensory 3 +01100110011100 Appearance 3 +01100110011100 Apprenticeship 3 +01100110011100 Ballot 3 +01100110011100 Badminton 3 +01100110011100 Verkehrs-Kredit 3 +01100110011100 Neuropsychiatric 3 +01100110011100 Unionist 3 +01100110011100 Air-to-Air 3 +01100110011100 Acquistion 3 +01100110011100 Aeronautic 3 +01100110011100 Juniata 3 +01100110011100 Melitta 3 +01100110011100 Bancard 3 +01100110011100 Hatter 3 +01100110011100 Lens 3 +01100110011100 Riverfront 4 +01100110011100 Dutch-Shell 4 +01100110011100 Incubation 4 +01100110011100 Millennium 4 +01100110011100 Defined 4 +01100110011100 Girozentrale-Deutsche 4 +01100110011100 Clam 4 +01100110011100 Accelerator 4 +01100110011100 Immunity 4 +01100110011100 Headache 4 +01100110011100 Westminister 4 +01100110011100 Subscription 4 +01100110011100 Resettlement 4 +01100110011100 HN 4 +01100110011100 Pastime 5 +01100110011100 Restraint 5 +01100110011100 Azabu 5 +01100110011100 Alignment 5 +01100110011100 Toxics 5 +01100110011100 Precipitation 5 +01100110011100 Airspace 6 +01100110011100 Statutory 6 +01100110011100 Rooster 6 +01100110011100 Microelectronic 6 +01100110011100 TechTeam 6 +01100110011100 Mariner 6 +01100110011100 FSI 6 +01100110011100 Sclerosis 7 +01100110011100 Vocal 7 +01100110011100 Cadre 7 +01100110011100 Hakko 7 +01100110011100 Claim 7 +01100110011100 Probation 7 +01100110011100 Minilab 7 +01100110011100 ReFund 8 +01100110011100 Climate 8 +01100110011100 Drinks 8 +01100110011100 Stud 8 +01100110011100 Bases 8 +01100110011100 Astronomical 8 +01100110011100 Semi-Tech 8 +01100110011100 Highness 8 +01100110011100 Divinity 8 +01100110011100 Affordable 8 +01100110011100 Consignment 9 +01100110011100 Breeding 9 +01100110011100 5050 9 +01100110011100 Xeriscape 9 +01100110011100 Collateral 9 +01100110011100 Broiler 10 +01100110011100 Deco 10 +01100110011100 Rectifier 10 +01100110011100 Skating 10 +01100110011100 Amusement 10 +01100110011100 Ballistic 10 +01100110011100 Bomb 11 +01100110011100 Organizational 11 +01100110011100 Shipholding 11 +01100110011100 Proteins 12 +01100110011100 Battlefield 12 +01100110011100 Pointe 13 +01100110011100 Vigilance 13 +01100110011100 Starch 13 +01100110011100 Deficiency 13 +01100110011100 Mortality 13 +01100110011100 Achievement 14 +01100110011100 Launch 14 +01100110011100 Gardening 15 +01100110011100 Molasses 15 +01100110011100 Tort 15 +01100110011100 Swap 15 +01100110011100 Immigrant 16 +01100110011100 Cattlemen 17 +01100110011100 STARS 17 +01100110011100 Weapons 17 +01100110011100 Hardgoods 17 +01100110011100 Bonus 18 +01100110011100 Lobster 18 +01100110011100 Sculpture 19 +01100110011100 Frozen 20 +01100110011100 Sanitary 20 +01100110011100 Incentive 22 +01100110011100 Carpet 22 +01100110011100 Silk 23 +01100110011100 Oceanic 24 +01100110011100 Repertory 25 +01100110011100 Pleas 25 +01100110011100 Hydron 26 +01100110011100 Rifle 27 +01100110011100 Entry 27 +01100110011100 Abortion 27 +01100110011100 Narcotics 28 +01100110011100 Sloan-Kettering 30 +01100110011100 Transfer 30 +01100110011100 Investigative 30 +01100110011100 Apartment 30 +01100110011100 Innovations 31 +01100110011100 Yuan 31 +01100110011100 Improvements 32 +01100110011100 Yacht 34 +01100110011100 HRS 34 +01100110011100 Grammophon 34 +01100110011100 Unity 34 +01100110011100 Ordnance 36 +01100110011100 Permanent 36 +01100110011100 Hockey 37 +01100110011100 Rodeo 37 +01100110011100 Theme 38 +01100110011100 Identics 39 +01100110011100 Electrification 39 +01100110011100 Prison 41 +01100110011100 Underwriting 43 +01100110011100 Geographic 43 +01100110011100 Fighter 48 +01100110011100 Athletic 51 +01100110011100 Audubon 51 +01100110011100 Tin 54 +01100110011100 Convenience 54 +01100110011100 Guards 54 +01100110011100 Basketball 64 +01100110011100 Franchise 65 +01100110011100 Growers 66 +01100110011100 Horizons 72 +01100110011100 Lampoon 80 +01100110011100 Dog 92 +01100110011100 Governors 113 +01100110011100 Golf 126 +01100110011100 Gay 151 +01100110011100 Lease 157 +01100110011100 Wildlife 164 +01100110011100 Intergroup 179 +01100110011100 Clinical 200 +01100110011100 Dutch/Shell 213 +01100110011100 Football 218 +01100110011100 Financing 224 +01100110011100 Amusements 237 +01100110011100 Cancer 275 +01100110011100 Highway 275 +01100110011100 Westminster 328 +01100110011100 Income 561 +01100110011100 Heritage 737 +01100110011100 Monetary 892 +01100110011100 High 924 +01100110011100 Law 1114 +01100110011100 Mortgage 1233 +01100110011100 Market 2075 +01100110011100 Business 4289 +01100110011100 Security 3749 +01100110011101 RayBan 1 +01100110011101 Garamond/Pridemark 1 +01100110011101 Lipper-Mutual 1 +01100110011101 Ingleside 1 +01100110011101 Sugar-Coated 1 +01100110011101 Insecurities 1 +01100110011101 Consumer-Confidence 1 +01100110011101 Tri-City 1 +01100110011101 Kon-Lin 1 +01100110011101 Poolside 1 +01100110011101 Bank-Southeast 1 +01100110011101 High-Income 1 +01100110011101 Valdesia 1 +01100110011101 Phased 1 +01100110011101 Cranium 1 +01100110011101 PoloSports 1 +01100110011101 National-Socialist 1 +01100110011101 Vogelsberg 1 +01100110011101 Rodenticide 1 +01100110011101 Investigatory 1 +01100110011101 Russes 1 +01100110011101 Portfolio-Pacific 1 +01100110011101 apostasies 1 +01100110011101 Right-to-Know 1 +01100110011101 Quaid-i-Azam 1 +01100110011101 Canjun 1 +01100110011101 Health/Mental 1 +01100110011101 Pugilists 1 +01100110011101 Laudio 1 +01100110011101 Crash-Suit 1 +01100110011101 234-191 1 +01100110011101 Expositions 1 +01100110011101 Relativism 1 +01100110011101 Casino/Hotel 1 +01100110011101 dog-sledders 1 +01100110011101 LandOwner 1 +01100110011101 Cartographical 1 +01100110011101 Sagebrush 1 +01100110011101 Starnes 1 +01100110011101 Expressionist 1 +01100110011101 Arn 1 +01100110011101 Christchurch 1 +01100110011101 HENKEL 1 +01100110011101 Mapping 1 +01100110011101 State/EPA 1 +01100110011101 Fatality 1 +01100110011101 Master-Check 1 +01100110011101 Masterful 1 +01100110011101 Portability 1 +01100110011101 Hsung 1 +01100110011101 Diplomas 1 +01100110011101 Texas-Border 1 +01100110011101 Hinto 1 +01100110011101 Contollers 1 +01100110011101 ROMP 1 +01100110011101 Colorists 1 +01100110011101 Foundation/United 1 +01100110011101 Barmiest 1 +01100110011101 Architekturmuseum 1 +01100110011101 Acccess 1 +01100110011101 Dividend-Capture 1 +01100110011101 Groundhog 1 +01100110011101 Kosciusko 1 +01100110011101 Firmas 1 +01100110011101 Reauthorization 1 +01100110011101 Scorch 1 +01100110011101 Bridal 1 +01100110011101 Health-Mental 1 +01100110011101 Tah 1 +01100110011101 Sundae 1 +01100110011101 Tobogganing 1 +01100110011101 Bryan-College 1 +01100110011101 Akdeniz 1 +01100110011101 Creep 1 +01100110011101 Parchman 1 +01100110011101 Technologies/Life 1 +01100110011101 PorkPro 1 +01100110011101 Audition 1 +01100110011101 Bauer-Benedek 1 +01100110011101 Human-Rights 1 +01100110011101 Prophets 1 +01100110011101 Verdens 1 +01100110011101 Signaalapparaten 1 +01100110011101 Eung 1 +01100110011101 nd 1 +01100110011101 Mini-Marshall 1 +01100110011101 Agency/Elder 1 +01100110011101 Eurogrowth 1 +01100110011101 Two-Way 1 +01100110011101 Zweig/Glaser 1 +01100110011101 No-Lights 1 +01100110011101 148-2 1 +01100110011101 Ford-IBM 1 +01100110011101 nuclear-regulation 1 +01100110011101 Satelite 1 +01100110011101 Business/In 1 +01100110011101 Lousy-Pitching 1 +01100110011101 Firemans 1 +01100110011101 Carnesville 1 +01100110011101 Tortoise 1 +01100110011101 Terminales 1 +01100110011101 Foriegn 1 +01100110011101 Virology 1 +01100110011101 Spacecraft 1 +01100110011101 Foodservices 1 +01100110011101 Hutchcraft 1 +01100110011101 Dutch-Uncle 1 +01100110011101 No-Tobacco 1 +01100110011101 Financial-Aid 1 +01100110011101 Bio-Tech 1 +01100110011101 Lyerly 1 +01100110011101 Zhongshan 1 +01100110011101 Racher 1 +01100110011101 Representives 1 +01100110011101 Trade-show 1 +01100110011101 21-9 1 +01100110011101 Macmillan/Stockton 1 +01100110011101 Rea-Graham 1 +01100110011101 Neuwirth 1 +01100110011101 Interference 1 +01100110011101 patronage-dispensing 1 +01100110011101 Avella 1 +01100110011101 Squally 1 +01100110011101 Implication 1 +01100110011101 Islami 1 +01100110011101 JH 1 +01100110011101 Atheist 1 +01100110011101 Bergvik 1 +01100110011101 Tuition-Prepayment 1 +01100110011101 Demagogue 1 +01100110011101 Tuy 1 +01100110011101 Chulalongkorn 1 +01100110011101 Woebegone 1 +01100110011101 Round/European 1 +01100110011101 Popess 1 +01100110011101 Tech/Darwin 1 +01100110011101 Brignoli 1 +01100110011101 Corrider 1 +01100110011101 Moughamiam 1 +01100110011101 Checkerboard 1 +01100110011101 Hvem 1 +01100110011101 Radioisotope 1 +01100110011101 --A 1 +01100110011101 Qualifications 1 +01100110011101 Bifurcated 1 +01100110011101 Overtaxed 1 +01100110011101 Listener-Real-Time 1 +01100110011101 Pharmacopeial 1 +01100110011101 Supervison 1 +01100110011101 then-Insurance 1 +01100110011101 Gilburne 1 +01100110011101 Carps 1 +01100110011101 Retrovirus 1 +01100110011101 Immunities 2 +01100110011101 GHKM 2 +01100110011101 Deposition 2 +01100110011101 Stovall/Twenty-First 2 +01100110011101 Appropriation 2 +01100110011101 Comparability 2 +01100110011101 Dendur 2 +01100110011101 Chengchi 2 +01100110011101 Westbound 2 +01100110011101 Semper-Moser 2 +01100110011101 Privileges 2 +01100110011101 Emissions 2 +01100110011101 Effort 2 +01100110011101 MuniVest 2 +01100110011101 Transitional 2 +01100110011101 Shams 2 +01100110011101 Orbiting 2 +01100110011101 WHEAL 2 +01100110011101 Lo-Cap 2 +01100110011101 Non-Violent 2 +01100110011101 Portugues 2 +01100110011101 Dyckerhoff 2 +01100110011101 Income/Growth 2 +01100110011101 Taconic 2 +01100110011101 Recover 2 +01100110011101 Cartels 2 +01100110011101 Phelps-Stokes 2 +01100110011101 Outcomes 2 +01100110011101 Spill 2 +01100110011101 Hygiene 2 +01100110011101 Cliche 2 +01100110011101 General-Associated 2 +01100110011101 Neurological 2 +01100110011101 Niki 2 +01100110011101 Judicary 2 +01100110011101 K.K.S. 2 +01100110011101 Ruban 2 +01100110011101 Hamworthy 2 +01100110011101 Retraining 2 +01100110011101 Comitatus 2 +01100110011101 Affordability 2 +01100110011101 Divestment 2 +01100110011101 Aeromedical 2 +01100110011101 Ichikawa 2 +01100110011101 Exclusion 3 +01100110011101 Toot 3 +01100110011101 Enrichment 3 +01100110011101 Schlock 3 +01100110011101 Physiology 3 +01100110011101 Arte 3 +01100110011101 Orthopedic 3 +01100110011101 Defect 3 +01100110011101 Revitalization 3 +01100110011101 Yeshiva 3 +01100110011101 Soloists 3 +01100110011101 Debarment 3 +01100110011101 Oatmeal 3 +01100110011101 Languages 3 +01100110011101 Stovall/21st 3 +01100110011101 Zoning 3 +01100110011101 Helvetia 3 +01100110011101 Rig 3 +01100110011101 Reconstructive 3 +01100110011101 Frequent-Flier 3 +01100110011101 Disinformation 3 +01100110011101 Industrialization 3 +01100110011101 Vertigo 3 +01100110011101 Anti-Injunction 3 +01100110011101 Interchange 3 +01100110011101 Sealift 3 +01100110011101 Preparedness 3 +01100110011101 Palestine-General 3 +01100110011101 Accessory 4 +01100110011101 Demo 4 +01100110011101 Energold 4 +01100110011101 Astronomy 4 +01100110011101 Champ 4 +01100110011101 Labor-Management 4 +01100110011101 Hemispheric 4 +01100110011101 CRC 4 +01100110011101 Brasileira 4 +01100110011101 Genome 4 +01100110011101 Succulent 4 +01100110011101 Deportation 4 +01100110011101 Interdiction 5 +01100110011101 Commingled 5 +01100110011101 Un-American 5 +01100110011101 Ratepayer 5 +01100110011101 Glee 5 +01100110011101 Malacca 5 +01100110011101 GSTAR 5 +01100110011101 Childrens 5 +01100110011101 Retardation 5 +01100110011101 Lakeview 5 +01100110011101 Saxophone 5 +01100110011101 Espionage 5 +01100110011101 Ascension 5 +01100110011101 Delinquency 5 +01100110011101 Readjustment 5 +01100110011101 Anti-Terrorism 5 +01100110011101 Drafting 6 +01100110011101 Cafeteria 6 +01100110011101 Delacorte 6 +01100110011101 Telecommunication 6 +01100110011101 Barbecue 6 +01100110011101 Yachting 6 +01100110011101 Attractions 6 +01100110011101 Aurum 6 +01100110011101 Kennel 6 +01100110011101 SmallCap 7 +01100110011101 Migration 7 +01100110011101 Mailers 7 +01100110011101 Metalworkers 7 +01100110011101 Arrangement 7 +01100110011101 Bribery 7 +01100110011101 Twardy 7 +01100110011101 Sober 7 +01100110011101 Biosafety 7 +01100110011101 Materiel 7 +01100110011101 Substance 7 +01100110011101 Gesellschaft 8 +01100110011101 Influence 8 +01100110011101 Rhythm 8 +01100110011101 Nationality 8 +01100110011101 Laid 8 +01100110011101 Mobility 8 +01100110011101 Inauguration 8 +01100110011101 Reactor 8 +01100110011101 Psychiatry 8 +01100110011101 Smelter 8 +01100110011101 Madam 9 +01100110011101 Airlift 9 +01100110011101 Citizenship 9 +01100110011101 NewsHour 9 +01100110011101 Expenditure 9 +01100110011101 MERGERS 9 +01100110011101 Urgent 9 +01100110011101 Conciliation 10 +01100110011101 Boating 10 +01100110011101 Anti-Apartheid 10 +01100110011101 SAM 10 +01100110011101 Goat 10 +01100110011101 Authorization 11 +01100110011101 Surplus 11 +01100110011101 Disciplinary 11 +01100110011101 Impoundment 11 +01100110011101 Highways 11 +01100110011101 Knots 11 +01100110011101 Liaison 11 +01100110011101 Correspondents 11 +01100110011101 Referendum 11 +01100110011101 Renal 12 +01100110011101 Supervisory 12 +01100110011101 Che 12 +01100110011101 Injury 12 +01100110011101 MPT 13 +01100110011101 Consultative 13 +01100110011101 Scarlet 14 +01100110011101 Scholarship 14 +01100110011101 Steering 14 +01100110011101 Redevelopment 14 +01100110011101 Presses 16 +01100110011101 Brite 16 +01100110011101 Dimensional 16 +01100110011101 Extras 16 +01100110011101 Firearms 17 +01100110011101 Autonomous 18 +01100110011101 Diners 18 +01100110011101 Disorders 18 +01100110011101 Advocacy 19 +01100110011101 Needs 19 +01100110011101 Organizing 20 +01100110011101 Interim 20 +01100110011101 Stabilization 20 +01100110011101 Safari 20 +01100110011101 Monitoring 20 +01100110011101 Geological 21 +01100110011101 Refugee 21 +01100110011101 String 21 +01100110011101 Oppenheimer-Palmieri 21 +01100110011101 Procurement 21 +01100110011101 Enhancement 21 +01100110011101 Reconciliation 22 +01100110011101 Web 24 +01100110011101 Peasant 24 +01100110011101 Historic 25 +01100110011101 Cosmetic 25 +01100110011101 Lehigh 25 +01100110011101 Adjustment 26 +01100110011101 Evaluation 27 +01100110011101 Reduction 27 +01100110011101 Masterpiece 27 +01100110011101 Coordination 28 +01100110011101 Competitiveness 28 +01100110011101 Registration 29 +01100110011101 Propulsion 29 +01100110011101 Equality 29 +01100110011101 Cartel 30 +01100110011101 Restoration 30 +01100110011101 Jockey 30 +01100110011101 Reclamation 30 +01100110011101 Atmospheric 30 +01100110011101 Musicians 31 +01100110011101 Breakfast 31 +01100110011101 Tariff 32 +01100110011101 Awareness 34 +01100110011101 Trademark 35 +01100110011101 Tourist 37 +01100110011101 Inspection 39 +01100110011101 Actors 39 +01100110011101 Boxing 41 +01100110011101 Licensing 41 +01100110011101 Improvement 42 +01100110011101 Generating 42 +01100110011101 Governmental 42 +01100110011101 Copyright 46 +01100110011101 Journalism 49 +01100110011101 Audit 51 +01100110011101 Patrol 52 +01100110011101 Alcohol 54 +01100110011101 Disarmament 55 +01100110011101 Taxation 59 +01100110011101 Wide 61 +01100110011101 Relief 61 +01100110011101 Practices 62 +01100110011101 Investigations 65 +01100110011101 Oversight 69 +01100110011101 Facilities 71 +01100110011101 Tourism 74 +01100110011101 Queensland 79 +01100110011101 Emergency 80 +01100110011101 Population 84 +01100110011101 Yield 86 +01100110011101 Maritime 92 +01100110011101 Environment 93 +01100110011101 Instant 95 +01100110011101 Contract 95 +01100110011101 Culture 97 +01100110011101 Coordinating 97 +01100110011101 Welfare 103 +01100110011101 Rules 104 +01100110011101 Opportunity 108 +01100110011101 Training 115 +01100110011101 Patent 120 +01100110011101 Forces 127 +01100110011101 Recovery 130 +01100110011101 Campaign 132 +01100110011101 Enforcement 134 +01100110011101 Claims 135 +01100110011101 Educational 136 +01100110011101 Conservation 141 +01100110011101 Democracy 143 +01100110011101 Economy 147 +01100110011101 Minority 168 +01100110011101 Advisory 169 +01100110011101 Organizations 169 +01100110011101 Election 187 +01100110011101 Logistics 196 +01100110011101 Statistical 197 +01100110011101 Liberation 209 +01100110011101 Operations 227 +01100110011101 Appropriations 265 +01100110011101 Traffic 273 +01100110011101 Employment 284 +01100110011101 Peace 322 +01100110011101 Ethics 351 +01100110011101 Coffee 365 +01100110011101 Majority 365 +01100110011101 Growth 391 +01100110011101 Planning 416 +01100110011101 Judiciary 419 +01100110011101 Action 430 +01100110011101 Relations 456 +01100110011101 Sciences 488 +01100110011101 Rights 557 +01100110011101 Policy 586 +01100110011101 Science 614 +01100110011101 Housing 625 +01100110011101 Affairs 644 +01100110011101 Protection 645 +01100110011101 Space 695 +01100110011101 Economics 745 +01100110011101 Means 790 +01100110011101 Aviation 792 +01100110011101 Safety 806 +01100110011101 Intelligence 877 +01100110011101 Education 931 +01100110011101 Budget 1233 +01100110011101 Statistics 1259 +01100110011101 Banking 1529 +01100110011101 Drug 1607 +01100110011101 Economic 1823 +01100110011101 Health 2340 +01100110011101 Trade 3248 +01100110011101 Finance 2982 +01100110011110 Benerofe 1 +01100110011110 Forwarding 1 +01100110011110 Omni-directional 1 +01100110011110 Dentsply 1 +01100110011110 non-Marine 1 +01100110011110 Phone-A-Gram 1 +01100110011110 Declinein 1 +01100110011110 Reynord 1 +01100110011110 Post-Bork 1 +01100110011110 Bretton-Woods 1 +01100110011110 Bashkin 1 +01100110011110 Dataphone 1 +01100110011110 Essilor 1 +01100110011110 636,462 1 +01100110011110 Berenter 1 +01100110011110 Arms-Export 1 +01100110011110 PVNGS 1 +01100110011110 Phenylpropanolamine 1 +01100110011110 MicroPublisher 1 +01100110011110 U.F. 1 +01100110011110 Urra 1 +01100110011110 Cycladic 1 +01100110011110 Yakatan 1 +01100110011110 Medic 1 +01100110011110 Life-Card 1 +01100110011110 Freelance 1 +01100110011110 Obscures 1 +01100110011110 Foster-Care 1 +01100110011110 Filemaker 1 +01100110011110 Criminological 1 +01100110011110 EAST-WEST 1 +01100110011110 leum 1 +01100110011110 Commmunications 1 +01100110011110 Heiusler 1 +01100110011110 Avante-Garde 1 +01100110011110 hot-spots 1 +01100110011110 ICC-Options 1 +01100110011110 Meiller 1 +01100110011110 Prague-based 1 +01100110011110 Hopkins-Richardson 1 +01100110011110 Elpaso 1 +01100110011110 658,029 1 +01100110011110 Katsuo 1 +01100110011110 SIAI 1 +01100110011110 GTI. 1 +01100110011110 Humanizing 1 +01100110011110 170-airline 1 +01100110011110 Updating 1 +01100110011110 Crossick 1 +01100110011110 Newfund 1 +01100110011110 Phargo 1 +01100110011110 SuperMac 1 +01100110011110 villa-style 1 +01100110011110 Cl 1 +01100110011110 T.E.I. 1 +01100110011110 Sobhuza 1 +01100110011110 MATTHEW 1 +01100110011110 CATHAY 1 +01100110011110 Selo 1 +01100110011110 Cinzano 1 +01100110011110 Ziebart 1 +01100110011110 InterCable 1 +01100110011110 Jug 1 +01100110011110 Plastipak 1 +01100110011110 Unix-Unix 1 +01100110011110 T-Maker 1 +01100110011110 Glahe 1 +01100110011110 Meyhen 1 +01100110011110 3,726,400 1 +01100110011110 Malinda 1 +01100110011110 1,246,900 1 +01100110011110 Telepoll 1 +01100110011110 Grinsteadm 1 +01100110011110 Crystar 1 +01100110011110 Cementation 1 +01100110011110 Leesa 1 +01100110011110 Theard 1 +01100110011110 EMI-Music 1 +01100110011110 I.U. 1 +01100110011110 Colorama 1 +01100110011110 2,096,527 1 +01100110011110 GABELLI 1 +01100110011110 Bailowitz 1 +01100110011110 GFI/Knoll 1 +01100110011110 HARDY 1 +01100110011110 Governmnent 1 +01100110011110 925,100 1 +01100110011110 Ikenberry 1 +01100110011110 Subang 1 +01100110011110 Indianopolis 1 +01100110011110 Parksigns 1 +01100110011110 Surgical/Critical 1 +01100110011110 EPT 1 +01100110011110 Moorco 1 +01100110011110 Drozdowski 1 +01100110011110 Decima 1 +01100110011110 Artisan 1 +01100110011110 711,053 1 +01100110011110 Aronowitz 1 +01100110011110 Evans/Weinberg 1 +01100110011110 Ilford 1 +01100110011110 Agawam 1 +01100110011110 Love-PGI 1 +01100110011110 Ipanema 1 +01100110011110 ALEX. 1 +01100110011110 21-nation 1 +01100110011110 MCE 1 +01100110011110 Alstores 1 +01100110011110 Word-Processing 1 +01100110011110 Witkow 1 +01100110011110 Stroke 1 +01100110011110 Bravice 1 +01100110011110 Garantia 1 +01100110011110 Bioorganic 1 +01100110011110 BHN 1 +01100110011110 PBS-Capital 1 +01100110011110 Afterschool 1 +01100110011110 Emulsion 1 +01100110011110 SWEAT 1 +01100110011110 Bridger 1 +01100110011110 Contracept 1 +01100110011110 Comm-Tech 1 +01100110011110 Stock-Market 1 +01100110011110 Car/Puter 1 +01100110011110 37-nation 1 +01100110011110 Hygienic 1 +01100110011110 Tunex 1 +01100110011110 ORE 1 +01100110011110 165,100 1 +01100110011110 Swang 1 +01100110011110 Instrumed 1 +01100110011110 Cermetek 1 +01100110011110 Bintel 1 +01100110011110 Swamiji 1 +01100110011110 Civitan 1 +01100110011110 Abaton 1 +01100110011110 CGE-Alsthom 1 +01100110011110 Avicom 1 +01100110011110 NEWS/RETRIEVAL 1 +01100110011110 743,500 1 +01100110011110 Biometric 1 +01100110011110 PINCUS 1 +01100110011110 Tulchin 1 +01100110011110 castle-style 1 +01100110011110 89,450 1 +01100110011110 Sawatch 1 +01100110011110 long-seedy 1 +01100110011110 Pride-Revlon 1 +01100110011110 Petro-Chemical 1 +01100110011110 Rumbough 1 +01100110011110 COPELCO 1 +01100110011110 HJC 1 +01100110011110 pre-Vatican 1 +01100110011110 936,251 1 +01100110011110 Gravis 1 +01100110011110 Cadabra 1 +01100110011110 swaggers 1 +01100110011110 RJR/ 1 +01100110011110 21Alpha 1 +01100110011110 K-Network 1 +01100110011110 Geoscience 1 +01100110011110 Propper 1 +01100110011110 Sci/Tech 1 +01100110011110 Bagpipe 1 +01100110011110 Astec/BSR 1 +01100110011110 EuroFund-B 1 +01100110011110 Workaholic 1 +01100110011110 Micro-Age 1 +01100110011110 Fiber-Optic 1 +01100110011110 Asaroka 1 +01100110011110 200,967 1 +01100110011110 GM/Hughes 1 +01100110011110 Kickoff 1 +01100110011110 WestCoast 1 +01100110011110 MIDWAY 1 +01100110011110 Metaphysical 1 +01100110011110 Toxicological 1 +01100110011110 EXHIBITION 1 +01100110011110 Thrive 1 +01100110011110 Panamint 1 +01100110011110 Glazen 1 +01100110011110 Nortex 1 +01100110011110 Tranportation 1 +01100110011110 Dylon 1 +01100110011110 Bernstein-Rein 1 +01100110011110 Winbond 1 +01100110011110 Marinoff 1 +01100110011110 Contex 1 +01100110011110 Wespar 1 +01100110011110 Venet 1 +01100110011110 Anti-Imperialist 1 +01100110011110 ACB 1 +01100110011110 Justamere 1 +01100110011110 Cambiste 1 +01100110011110 Wackier 1 +01100110011110 Berkovitz 1 +01100110011110 Filtration 1 +01100110011110 industrials/S&P 1 +01100110011110 Almalgamated 1 +01100110011110 Biotechnica 1 +01100110011110 Beltone 1 +01100110011110 DDB/Needham 1 +01100110011110 Fujei 1 +01100110011110 Trol 1 +01100110011110 Headland 1 +01100110011110 TGS 1 +01100110011110 41-nation 1 +01100110011110 Sino-Searle 1 +01100110011110 Riverbank 1 +01100110011110 BMJ 1 +01100110011110 Valpar 1 +01100110011110 Partis 1 +01100110011110 Noumra 1 +01100110011110 Burrel 1 +01100110011110 nexin 1 +01100110011110 Lorien 1 +01100110011110 Industrials-type 1 +01100110011110 Vintwood 1 +01100110011110 Alias 1 +01100110011110 InterPacific 1 +01100110011110 No-Man 1 +01100110011110 Cavell 1 +01100110011110 M/PF 1 +01100110011110 Environectics 1 +01100110011110 Guang 1 +01100110011110 Gartska 1 +01100110011110 Murphy-Castellanos 1 +01100110011110 APM 1 +01100110011110 Ber 1 +01100110011110 Shemin 1 +01100110011110 Incomm 1 +01100110011110 1,747,848 1 +01100110011110 Spinnaker 1 +01100110011110 Cardion 1 +01100110011110 Caifornia 1 +01100110011110 NeuroScience 1 +01100110011110 GOD 1 +01100110011110 publication. 1 +01100110011110 D-150 1 +01100110011110 C-1500 1 +01100110011110 LEV 1 +01100110011110 Pharmedix 1 +01100110011110 KY 1 +01100110011110 Flygplanet 1 +01100110011110 Entertainment/Services 1 +01100110011110 EGR 1 +01100110011110 C.I.N. 1 +01100110011110 Kohlenberg 1 +01100110011110 Clairvoyant 1 +01100110011110 Augmented 1 +01100110011110 Powerec 1 +01100110011110 16,285,440 1 +01100110011110 Marders 1 +01100110011110 Hubbert-Stewart 1 +01100110011110 Symon 1 +01100110011110 SABH 1 +01100110011110 Sm 1 +01100110011110 Sheyenne 1 +01100110011110 SFA 1 +01100110011110 DEKA 1 +01100110011110 SESCO 1 +01100110011110 FIBRONICS 1 +01100110011110 MAYER 1 +01100110011110 Snacks/Amber 1 +01100110011110 Ellsw 1 +01100110011110 NFO 1 +01100110011110 Translink 1 +01100110011110 Teledyne-Brown 1 +01100110011110 Broich-Martinka 1 +01100110011110 NOVELLUS 1 +01100110011110 Schizophrenics 1 +01100110011110 DeJoria 1 +01100110011110 FPS 1 +01100110011110 Schenkers 1 +01100110011110 Matsumoto/Herzog 1 +01100110011110 867,392 1 +01100110011110 Grunt 1 +01100110011110 CADscape 1 +01100110011110 Counter-Intelligence 1 +01100110011110 TechnoVenture 1 +01100110011110 FBC 1 +01100110011110 Pematang 1 +01100110011110 Westcliff 1 +01100110011110 Coulston 1 +01100110011110 JMJ 1 +01100110011110 Barshay 1 +01100110011110 once-clubby 1 +01100110011110 Nutrisearch 1 +01100110011110 Invstmnts 1 +01100110011110 Klemtner 1 +01100110011110 Simul 1 +01100110011110 NDE 1 +01100110011110 Daishowa-Marubeni 1 +01100110011110 K&A 1 +01100110011110 After-School 1 +01100110011110 Sunwood 2 +01100110011110 Salvors 2 +01100110011110 SWIRE 2 +01100110011110 Handgun 2 +01100110011110 Algebra 2 +01100110011110 Tigerman 2 +01100110011110 Agri-business 2 +01100110011110 Lightweight 2 +01100110011110 TNE 2 +01100110011110 Celerity 2 +01100110011110 Microchip 2 +01100110011110 INDUSTRIALS 2 +01100110011110 Muiden 2 +01100110011110 Crossborder 2 +01100110011110 PNPP 2 +01100110011110 USR 2 +01100110011110 NMC 2 +01100110011110 Kierluff 2 +01100110011110 YFC 2 +01100110011110 FSD 2 +01100110011110 Reeds 2 +01100110011110 Neuro 2 +01100110011110 HSI 2 +01100110011110 Participating/Preferred 2 +01100110011110 ImmunoChem 2 +01100110011110 TPM 2 +01100110011110 Flameco 2 +01100110011110 Newsroom 2 +01100110011110 Funerary 2 +01100110011110 Envirocon 2 +01100110011110 CCS 2 +01100110011110 ABCO 2 +01100110011110 Fractured 2 +01100110011110 MarketGuard 2 +01100110011110 Interregional 2 +01100110011110 Pro-Fac 2 +01100110011110 Medicare-Glaser 2 +01100110011110 Easton-Hopkins-Richardson 2 +01100110011110 SSP 2 +01100110011110 PBTC 2 +01100110011110 LANserver 2 +01100110011110 Malaysian-American 2 +01100110011110 Expeditors 2 +01100110011110 Carboex 2 +01100110011110 Devcon 2 +01100110011110 WP 2 +01100110011110 C.R.A. 2 +01100110011110 Connector 2 +01100110011110 Lahus 2 +01100110011110 Andhra 2 +01100110011110 TRANSTAR 2 +01100110011110 ReTree 2 +01100110011110 Receivable 2 +01100110011110 OXY 2 +01100110011110 Captial 2 +01100110011110 MBW 2 +01100110011110 Socio-Economic 2 +01100110011110 Elemental 2 +01100110011110 Platow 2 +01100110011110 Decimal 2 +01100110011110 Ploum 2 +01100110011110 Mit 2 +01100110011110 Microphonics 2 +01100110011110 Miloslav 2 +01100110011110 Cabletelevision 2 +01100110011110 RTL 3 +01100110011110 Ironstone 3 +01100110011110 E.I.P. 3 +01100110011110 BONNEVILLE 3 +01100110011110 Transportations 3 +01100110011110 Newgate 3 +01100110011110 Addictive 3 +01100110011110 Awa 3 +01100110011110 Glitter 3 +01100110011110 Collected 3 +01100110011110 INTERCABLE 3 +01100110011110 RMed 3 +01100110011110 Shorewood 3 +01100110011110 Look-Alike 3 +01100110011110 IBERIA 3 +01100110011110 Sonesta 3 +01100110011110 FBS 3 +01100110011110 Sunburst 3 +01100110011110 Wastes 3 +01100110011110 Sunagra 3 +01100110011110 Pentastar 3 +01100110011110 Hormone 3 +01100110011110 Softsel 3 +01100110011110 Ameri 3 +01100110011110 Thomson-Brandt 3 +01100110011110 METRO 3 +01100110011110 4450th 3 +01100110011110 Wardrobe 3 +01100110011110 Vendex 4 +01100110011110 Conill 4 +01100110011110 Pioneering 4 +01100110011110 Immunochem 4 +01100110011110 Kievan 4 +01100110011110 Anso 4 +01100110011110 Reflection 4 +01100110011110 Mid-East 4 +01100110011110 Infusion 4 +01100110011110 Klopman 4 +01100110011110 PV 4 +01100110011110 Avoidance 4 +01100110011110 WorkGroup 5 +01100110011110 Starter 5 +01100110011110 SMR 5 +01100110011110 Nesting 5 +01100110011110 Corken 5 +01100110011110 Greylock 5 +01100110011110 Tateisi 5 +01100110011110 Chessie 5 +01100110011110 NJ 6 +01100110011110 Radioactive 6 +01100110011110 Ingles 6 +01100110011110 Mato 6 +01100110011110 DUTCH 6 +01100110011110 Datastream 6 +01100110011110 Untold 6 +01100110011110 Braking 6 +01100110011110 Asiamerica 7 +01100110011110 Averages 7 +01100110011110 SCANDINAVIAN 7 +01100110011110 Environics 7 +01100110011110 Datas 7 +01100110011110 Bir 8 +01100110011110 ROPS 8 +01100110011110 Fianna 11 +01100110011110 Mezzanine 11 +01100110011110 Component 11 +01100110011110 Encyclopaedia 12 +01100110011110 Trooper 12 +01100110011110 DS 13 +01100110011110 Turnaround 13 +01100110011110 Biocontrol 14 +01100110011110 News/Retrieval 15 +01100110011110 MidEast 16 +01100110011110 LTCB 16 +01100110011110 Hi-Bred 17 +01100110011110 Parsow 18 +01100110011110 Annex 20 +01100110011110 Cell 23 +01100110011110 Execution 26 +01100110011110 Spacelink 26 +01100110011110 Interiors 27 +01100110011110 Lazer 29 +01100110011110 Estimate 31 +01100110011110 Managed 32 +01100110011110 Performing 34 +01100110011110 Technologic 37 +01100110011110 Intercable 44 +01100110011110 Leveraged 50 +01100110011110 Crop 54 +01100110011110 Moto 58 +01100110011110 Industrials 67 +01100110011110 MMS 76 +01100110011110 Manor 78 +01100110011110 Comprehensive 95 +01100110011110 SALT 108 +01100110011110 Purchasing 133 +01100110011110 Storage 166 +01100110011110 Julius 170 +01100110011110 Disease 205 +01100110011110 Combustion 229 +01100110011110 Supply 314 +01100110011110 Retirement 314 +01100110011110 Venture 397 +01100110011110 Waste 547 +01100110011110 Asset 551 +01100110011110 Professional 571 +01100110011110 Investor 671 +01100110011110 industrials 1407 +01100110011110 Investment 2438 +01100110011110 Capital 6000 +01100110011110 Industrial 3204 +011001100111110 SUBSIDIARIES. 1 +011001100111110 2055 1 +011001100111110 Book-entry 1 +011001100111110 running-mates 1 +011001100111110 Tuyen 1 +011001100111110 Decalta 1 +011001100111110 Posses 1 +011001100111110 Mortician 1 +011001100111110 missle 1 +011001100111110 khedives 1 +011001100111110 TSB. 1 +011001100111110 aggresssion 1 +011001100111110 38,746 1 +011001100111110 Remodeler 1 +011001100111110 grackle 1 +011001100111110 sugar-milling 1 +011001100111110 Tendancy 1 +011001100111110 Republic-style 1 +011001100111110 sheepherder 1 +011001100111110 Somatotropin 1 +011001100111110 cricketeers 1 +011001100111110 Corsetted 1 +011001100111110 LUXEMBOURGOISE 1 +011001100111110 TRANSLATION 1 +011001100111110 Awami 1 +011001100111110 Boatwright 1 +011001100111110 Jurists 1 +011001100111110 stonethrowers 1 +011001100111110 Sterile 1 +011001100111110 shaya 1 +011001100111110 Somatatropin 1 +011001100111110 SEX 1 +011001100111110 Growth-Japan 1 +011001100111110 1268 1 +011001100111110 huns 1 +011001100111110 indulgers 1 +011001100111110 Ergonomics 1 +011001100111110 Also-Rans 1 +011001100111110 tankmen 1 +011001100111110 Hasid 1 +011001100111110 Chu-i 1 +011001100111110 gourdes 1 +011001100111110 Daycare 1 +011001100111110 Banchshares 1 +011001100111110 patrol-car 1 +011001100111110 open-ended-Guardian 1 +011001100111110 papyruses 1 +011001100111110 countires 1 +011001100111110 Childen 1 +011001100111110 SS-21 1 +011001100111110 Asia/ 1 +011001100111110 BankCard 1 +011001100111110 Saliva 1 +011001100111110 Seapointe 1 +011001100111110 Stealthco 1 +011001100111110 revoluion 1 +011001100111110 SAM-2s 1 +011001100111110 Pan-Islamist 1 +011001100111110 DeBraak 1 +011001100111110 Linguistics 1 +011001100111110 Manoeuvres 1 +011001100111110 TNX 1 +011001100111110 rocket-bearing 1 +011001100111110 casualities 1 +011001100111110 Goldene 1 +011001100111110 re-invasion 1 +011001100111110 back-40 1 +011001100111110 Anti-Communist 1 +011001100111110 Doon 1 +011001100111110 Receptions 1 +011001100111110 P.L.C. 1 +011001100111110 Cum 1 +011001100111110 1197 1 +011001100111110 rial 1 +011001100111110 Serv 1 +011001100111110 SMPIC 1 +011001100111110 Necesito 1 +011001100111110 Geon 1 +011001100111110 LULL 1 +011001100111110 Poron 1 +011001100111110 buzz-phrase 1 +011001100111110 96B 1 +011001100111110 Hammerskins 1 +011001100111110 1-590 1 +011001100111110 BEAR-F 1 +011001100111110 T-72s 1 +011001100111110 Republic-based 1 +011001100111110 politbureau 1 +011001100111110 1413 1 +011001100111110 Brazen 1 +011001100111110 Imami 1 +011001100111110 600M 1 +011001100111110 Gloved 1 +011001100111110 agressiveness 1 +011001100111110 government-in-hiding 1 +011001100111110 BELGEDE 1 +011001100111110 spitfire 1 +011001100111110 reaction. 1 +011001100111110 officials-cum-drug-traffickers 1 +011001100111110 BOW 1 +011001100111110 papyri 1 +011001100111110 trumpeter-vocalist 1 +011001100111110 216,800 1 +011001100111110 Cherub 1 +011001100111110 1435 1 +011001100111110 fruit-pickers 1 +011001100111110 Medillin 1 +011001100111110 Sipio 1 +011001100111110 monumentalism 1 +011001100111110 3030B 1 +011001100111110 revolutionsomething 1 +011001100111110 chuches 1 +011001100111110 IEA. 1 +011001100111110 stirfry 1 +011001100111110 Weasel 1 +011001100111110 Manganese 1 +011001100111110 1182 1 +011001100111110 civ 1 +011001100111110 Judaeophobia 1 +011001100111110 HANDLING 1 +011001100111110 Mathiesen 1 +011001100111110 18650 1 +011001100111110 chantings 1 +011001100111110 K/U.K. 1 +011001100111110 followers. 1 +011001100111110 99-86 1 +011001100111110 Self-Reliance 1 +011001100111110 civil-war 2 +011001100111110 Jute 2 +011001100111110 Emirate 2 +011001100111110 Frog-7 2 +011001100111110 viewers. 2 +011001100111110 Roving 2 +011001100111110 EUROPEENNE 2 +011001100111110 tissue-plasminogen 2 +011001100111110 1262 2 +011001100111110 Bleue 2 +011001100111110 SUISSE 2 +011001100111110 EUROPEENE 2 +011001100111110 city-dwellers 2 +011001100111110 spaceman 2 +011001100111110 Celinda 2 +011001100111110 Watcher 2 +011001100111110 price-cutter 2 +011001100111110 Boston-Credit 2 +011001100111110 Bank-North 2 +011001100111110 Constanza 2 +011001100111110 Printshops 2 +011001100111110 Crater 2 +011001100111110 Bergem 2 +011001100111110 islet 2 +011001100111110 Unveils 2 +011001100111110 30-30B 2 +011001100111110 Caper 2 +011001100111110 abbey 2 +011001100111110 Kinnick 2 +011001100111110 7-Bao 2 +011001100111110 Capsule 2 +011001100111110 pulpwood 2 +011001100111110 banditry 2 +011001100111110 drum-beating 2 +011001100111110 F-4G 2 +011001100111110 immortals 2 +011001100111110 Versaflex 2 +011001100111110 Pharmaceutique 2 +011001100111110 hieroglyphics 3 +011001100111110 Columnists 3 +011001100111110 Capability 3 +011001100111110 Bank-Westwood 3 +011001100111110 Bank-Westheimer 3 +011001100111110 E-1 3 +011001100111110 Union. 3 +011001100111110 1125 3 +011001100111110 Envoys 3 +011001100111110 Fundamentalism 3 +011001100111110 Burnt 3 +011001100111110 Contraceptive 3 +011001100111110 Slaves 3 +011001100111110 Mormonism 3 +011001100111110 6A 3 +011001100111110 Archangel 3 +011001100111110 Europe/Radio 3 +011001100111110 Chesterfields 3 +011001100111110 Melodies 4 +011001100111110 Familian 4 +011001100111110 Misses 4 +011001100111110 Openly 4 +011001100111110 imperium 4 +011001100111110 puppeteers 4 +011001100111110 Putty 4 +011001100111110 Widget 4 +011001100111110 Gerstell 4 +011001100111110 Ovation 4 +011001100111110 Korel 4 +011001100111110 Argentino 5 +011001100111110 Sugars 5 +011001100111110 Violet 5 +011001100111110 Steer 5 +011001100111110 Fibrosis 5 +011001100111110 Quilt 5 +011001100111110 Hanukkah 5 +011001100111110 Zip 5 +011001100111110 Nadu 5 +011001100111110 Debates 6 +011001100111110 Piazza 6 +011001100111110 Commandment 6 +011001100111110 Trans-Atlantic 6 +011001100111110 Pistols 6 +011001100111110 Principle 6 +011001100111110 2707 6 +011001100111110 Metronics 6 +011001100111110 Speculator 6 +011001100111110 Sizzlin 7 +011001100111110 Trauma 7 +011001100111110 Blot 8 +011001100111110 Capture 8 +011001100111110 BioSystems 8 +011001100111110 Agile 8 +011001100111110 Oran 8 +011001100111110 Shades 9 +011001100111110 Couple 9 +011001100111110 Marching 9 +011001100111110 Bopera 9 +011001100111110 Connectors 10 +011001100111110 Opry 10 +011001100111110 Sanctuary 10 +011001100111110 Guidance 11 +011001100111110 Happiness 13 +011001100111110 Communion 13 +011001100111110 INDUSTRIE 14 +011001100111110 Eelam 14 +011001100111110 Pillar 15 +011001100111110 Battalion 16 +011001100111110 Tronic 18 +011001100111110 Intertech 18 +011001100111110 Bankcard 19 +011001100111110 Leagues 20 +011001100111110 Stuff 20 +011001100111110 Crew 21 +011001100111110 Civilization 22 +011001100111110 Experimental 22 +011001100111110 DU 23 +011001100111110 Centurion 23 +011001100111110 Hero 23 +011001100111110 FINANCIERE 24 +011001100111110 NATIONALE 24 +011001100111110 Corridor 24 +011001100111110 Ill 24 +011001100111110 Crusade 25 +011001100111110 Kippur 26 +011001100111110 Useful 27 +011001100111110 warplane 30 +011001100111110 gunboat 34 +011001100111110 Jihad 41 +011001100111110 Spy 42 +011001100111110 Resistance 42 +011001100111110 GENERALE 46 +011001100111110 gunboats 51 +011001100111110 Rescue 56 +011001100111110 Hemisphere 81 +011001100111110 Left 93 +011001100111110 Round 111 +011001100111110 Emperor 136 +011001100111110 Westwood 165 +011001100111110 Lady 182 +011001100111110 Woman 201 +011001100111110 Battle 201 +011001100111110 Emirates 218 +011001100111110 Banc 285 +011001100111110 Freedom 329 +011001100111110 Empire 370 +011001100111110 Opera 377 +011001100111110 bloc 616 +011001100111110 Union 8203 +011001100111110 Republic 1386 +011001100111111 Jeanneane 1 +011001100111111 Sercurities 1 +011001100111111 8.2-acre 1 +011001100111111 Olidocene 1 +011001100111111 Fe/Southern 1 +011001100111111 Bredemann 1 +011001100111111 483,400 1 +011001100111111 mob-related 1 +011001100111111 Mid-Isle 1 +011001100111111 Blyvooruitzicht 1 +011001100111111 Urology 1 +011001100111111 league-champion 1 +011001100111111 Schiavoni 1 +011001100111111 Fermanagh 1 +011001100111111 unidirectional 1 +011001100111111 oft-besieged 1 +011001100111111 Bowl-era 1 +011001100111111 RENT-A-CAR 1 +011001100111111 supercarrier 1 +011001100111111 Rouses 1 +011001100111111 Dynasties 1 +011001100111111 400-Room 1 +011001100111111 JWT/Asia 1 +011001100111111 Wook 1 +011001100111111 Checkerspot 1 +011001100111111 Sumiyaku 1 +011001100111111 Kleinco 1 +011001100111111 ex-Southern 1 +011001100111111 Snaffi 1 +011001100111111 Shareef 1 +011001100111111 Veces 1 +011001100111111 Pipefitting 1 +011001100111111 Sylviane 1 +011001100111111 Business-Clergy 1 +011001100111111 MATH 1 +011001100111111 Tekken 1 +011001100111111 1,412,578 1 +011001100111111 CSC. 1 +011001100111111 Merona 1 +011001100111111 cattle-sale 1 +011001100111111 Veale 1 +011001100111111 TranstexT 1 +011001100111111 CASUAL 1 +011001100111111 road-cleaning 1 +011001100111111 Fleischmann-Kurth/ADM 1 +011001100111111 Wijaya 1 +011001100111111 6960 1 +011001100111111 RKO/Six 1 +011001100111111 Mould 1 +011001100111111 antihemophilia 1 +011001100111111 Lutravil 1 +011001100111111 neo-Renaissance 1 +011001100111111 McMillan-Doolittle 1 +011001100111111 Washboard 1 +011001100111111 Recency 1 +011001100111111 Intrusion 1 +011001100111111 866,466 1 +011001100111111 Minorco-Consolidated 1 +011001100111111 Devonsheer 1 +011001100111111 Animated 1 +011001100111111 ProvidentMutual 1 +011001100111111 Wales-based 1 +011001100111111 Garnac 1 +011001100111111 Rapporteur 1 +011001100111111 Carinto 1 +011001100111111 Wardens 1 +011001100111111 865,945 1 +011001100111111 485,250 1 +011001100111111 AZL. 1 +011001100111111 Kjobenhavns 1 +011001100111111 111,500 1 +011001100111111 Tenax 1 +011001100111111 1,012,200 1 +011001100111111 239,500 1 +011001100111111 Syngas 1 +011001100111111 IRD 1 +011001100111111 Fiberglas-Reinforced 1 +011001100111111 1,469,188 1 +011001100111111 reindict 1 +011001100111111 Anti-ballistic 1 +011001100111111 217,100 1 +011001100111111 1,139,700 1 +011001100111111 Suliao 1 +011001100111111 Readies 1 +011001100111111 46,950 1 +011001100111111 Durlacher 1 +011001100111111 anti-Star 1 +011001100111111 Quilter 1 +011001100111111 Camelback 1 +011001100111111 then-named 1 +011001100111111 paintings. 1 +011001100111111 Winrock 1 +011001100111111 8,279,665 1 +011001100111111 5-Year 1 +011001100111111 Boise-Graham 1 +011001100111111 Sieng 1 +011001100111111 Vt.based 1 +011001100111111 Ulrik 1 +011001100111111 maestra 1 +011001100111111 47,000-man 1 +011001100111111 bien 1 +011001100111111 60-hotel 1 +011001100111111 Molsen 1 +011001100111111 Theatricals 1 +011001100111111 methane-powered 1 +011001100111111 Propellant 1 +011001100111111 188-acre 1 +011001100111111 Tin-Horns 1 +011001100111111 High-Cost 1 +011001100111111 In-Stock 1 +011001100111111 pink-stuccoed 1 +011001100111111 1441 1 +011001100111111 Mandarine 1 +011001100111111 Hunah 1 +011001100111111 Ydrametals 1 +011001100111111 based-Gander 1 +011001100111111 Facial 1 +011001100111111 584,200 1 +011001100111111 Mid-continent 1 +011001100111111 co-anchors 1 +011001100111111 OT 1 +011001100111111 Heishman 1 +011001100111111 Take-Home 1 +011001100111111 Mexican-built 1 +011001100111111 Prods 1 +011001100111111 Kennecot 1 +011001100111111 Wyandot 1 +011001100111111 282,882 1 +011001100111111 dog-eating 1 +011001100111111 Mirror-owned 1 +011001100111111 Moulding 1 +011001100111111 dirty-white 1 +011001100111111 AMark 1 +011001100111111 Brownsville-South 1 +011001100111111 W100 1 +011001100111111 428,200 1 +011001100111111 416-room 1 +011001100111111 fishless 1 +011001100111111 Grenville 1 +011001100111111 Pfriender 1 +011001100111111 soon-to-be-shuttered 1 +011001100111111 SECRETARIAL 1 +011001100111111 Bazykina 1 +011001100111111 adult-retirement 1 +011001100111111 Earnhardt 1 +011001100111111 stage-sized 1 +011001100111111 Junge 1 +011001100111111 Aroub 1 +011001100111111 Cuddy 1 +011001100111111 6,419,287 1 +011001100111111 3,300-room 1 +011001100111111 Best-Stressed 1 +011001100111111 non-dividend-bearing 1 +011001100111111 Co./ 1 +011001100111111 Injun 1 +011001100111111 500-Mile 1 +011001100111111 Montjoy 1 +011001100111111 JAG 1 +011001100111111 Yorigami 1 +011001100111111 Fossil 1 +011001100111111 once-seedy 1 +011001100111111 relicense 1 +011001100111111 Nippei 1 +011001100111111 Kajun 1 +011001100111111 Weisshappel 1 +011001100111111 VARIABLE 1 +011001100111111 Laure 1 +011001100111111 RKO-Six 1 +011001100111111 dual-overhead-cam 1 +011001100111111 DEFERRING 1 +011001100111111 Spicy 1 +011001100111111 U.S.-run 1 +011001100111111 just-renovated 1 +011001100111111 Assessor-Treasurer 1 +011001100111111 Frena 1 +011001100111111 1,382,678 1 +011001100111111 ZAS 1 +011001100111111 re-incorporate 1 +011001100111111 198586 1 +011001100111111 Ste.-Anne-de 1 +011001100111111 Consulate-General 1 +011001100111111 Ionosphere 1 +011001100111111 Lankford 1 +011001100111111 slowpoke 1 +011001100111111 nine-billion-barrel 1 +011001100111111 drought-dry 1 +011001100111111 Radiochemical 1 +011001100111111 Trop 1 +011001100111111 Ricki 1 +011001100111111 Orchestre 1 +011001100111111 DeArrieta 1 +011001100111111 Crippling 1 +011001100111111 Buffelsfontein 1 +011001100111111 Svngs-x 1 +011001100111111 riot-swept 1 +011001100111111 Intermediazione 1 +011001100111111 Oswood 1 +011001100111111 Glo 1 +011001100111111 Checked 1 +011001100111111 Pavtec 1 +011001100111111 14,421-foot 1 +011001100111111 Self-Government 1 +011001100111111 649,300 1 +011001100111111 HRH 1 +011001100111111 Bouganville 1 +011001100111111 U.S.-administered 1 +011001100111111 Cloues 1 +011001100111111 natal 1 +011001100111111 Angiulli 1 +011001100111111 Prieska 1 +011001100111111 Coso 1 +011001100111111 Tule 1 +011001100111111 Clarabelle 1 +011001100111111 Frood-Stobie 1 +011001100111111 Nitrous 1 +011001100111111 AntiBallistic 1 +011001100111111 95-store 1 +011001100111111 founds 1 +011001100111111 junior-sized 1 +011001100111111 Aciest 1 +011001100111111 Johnson-Merck 1 +011001100111111 Sarver 1 +011001100111111 25-room 1 +011001100111111 Kling-Lindquist 1 +011001100111111 AEG. 1 +011001100111111 Thunderhead 1 +011001100111111 384-room 1 +011001100111111 Star/Ship 1 +011001100111111 TVX. 1 +011001100111111 Zawinul 1 +011001100111111 SGA 1 +011001100111111 faster-developing 1 +011001100111111 730,466 1 +011001100111111 Low-Level 1 +011001100111111 Japanese-Affiliated 1 +011001100111111 by-then-reformed 1 +011001100111111 Oathout 1 +011001100111111 MacDraw 1 +011001100111111 SEVERANCE 1 +011001100111111 once-vast 1 +011001100111111 Rikki 1 +011001100111111 Pocohantas 1 +011001100111111 Corset 1 +011001100111111 Berwind 1 +011001100111111 Bergelt 2 +011001100111111 XR7 2 +011001100111111 Morrison-Knudson 2 +011001100111111 Merom 2 +011001100111111 Namew 2 +011001100111111 SPWL 2 +011001100111111 Cerami 2 +011001100111111 Alwin 2 +011001100111111 Creusot 2 +011001100111111 Midcontinent 2 +011001100111111 Slickers 2 +011001100111111 Ravine 2 +011001100111111 Intrawest 2 +011001100111111 3333 2 +011001100111111 homo 2 +011001100111111 Nevex 2 +011001100111111 Lauhoff 2 +011001100111111 Confection 2 +011001100111111 Jerome-Duncan 2 +011001100111111 Coroner 2 +011001100111111 Bighorn 2 +011001100111111 Toasted 2 +011001100111111 ENTERPRISE 2 +011001100111111 K-G 2 +011001100111111 Rustenburg 2 +011001100111111 Zarif 2 +011001100111111 Sports/Medical 2 +011001100111111 APA/Fostin 2 +011001100111111 Princeton/ 2 +011001100111111 Atasco 2 +011001100111111 24-Hour 2 +011001100111111 Crouse-Hinds 2 +011001100111111 Landstar 2 +011001100111111 Kluane 2 +011001100111111 Kloof 2 +011001100111111 300-square-mile 2 +011001100111111 Fresard 2 +011001100111111 Klockner 2 +011001100111111 DIHC 2 +011001100111111 Talkeetna 2 +011001100111111 Linfood 2 +011001100111111 Eyzone 2 +011001100111111 Maybaco 2 +011001100111111 Newtonville 2 +011001100111111 Bligh 2 +011001100111111 Nishimatsu 2 +011001100111111 Charting 2 +011001100111111 Co-Data 2 +011001100111111 CLASSIC 2 +011001100111111 HPM 2 +011001100111111 Billingsgate 2 +011001100111111 Bruinsma 2 +011001100111111 Finnsov 2 +011001100111111 Sebago 2 +011001100111111 C&L 2 +011001100111111 Wapiti 2 +011001100111111 Eu 2 +011001100111111 Fe-Southern 2 +011001100111111 Raindance 2 +011001100111111 Lumiere 2 +011001100111111 294,737 2 +011001100111111 Line-Backer 2 +011001100111111 Telecheck 2 +011001100111111 Vandegrift 2 +011001100111111 ESM 2 +011001100111111 FileMaker 2 +011001100111111 Astronics 2 +011001100111111 Epeli 2 +011001100111111 Actus 2 +011001100111111 Claudell 2 +011001100111111 Deserve 2 +011001100111111 17985 2 +011001100111111 Unifast 2 +011001100111111 Kirten/James 2 +011001100111111 Runcorn 3 +011001100111111 L-P 3 +011001100111111 Schnuck 3 +011001100111111 Sudafed 3 +011001100111111 Bi-Mart 3 +011001100111111 Sittipol 3 +011001100111111 Ragtime 3 +011001100111111 Trane 3 +011001100111111 Salad 3 +011001100111111 Outta 3 +011001100111111 Agnico 3 +011001100111111 Antiballistic 3 +011001100111111 Shady 3 +011001100111111 Smoky 3 +011001100111111 Maguy 3 +011001100111111 QE 3 +011001100111111 Cissy 3 +011001100111111 Rachael 3 +011001100111111 Gagarin 3 +011001100111111 Kelco 3 +011001100111111 Bumi 3 +011001100111111 Fireplace 3 +011001100111111 Signode 3 +011001100111111 Av 3 +011001100111111 Intech 3 +011001100111111 Handotai 3 +011001100111111 Co-Op 3 +011001100111111 Schoolbreak 3 +011001100111111 Publix 3 +011001100111111 SouthWest 3 +011001100111111 Koehring 3 +011001100111111 RMI 3 +011001100111111 Freeport-McMoran 3 +011001100111111 WREN 3 +011001100111111 Riffe 4 +011001100111111 XR-7 4 +011001100111111 Mineracao 4 +011001100111111 Pactel 4 +011001100111111 Shearson-Lehman 4 +011001100111111 Button 4 +011001100111111 Rests 4 +011001100111111 Trough 4 +011001100111111 Chinon 4 +011001100111111 Spitalnick 4 +011001100111111 Clockwork 4 +011001100111111 Karbala 4 +011001100111111 Tungsten 4 +011001100111111 Botanic 4 +011001100111111 Ecstatic 4 +011001100111111 MidSouth 4 +011001100111111 Burrito 4 +011001100111111 Kidston 4 +011001100111111 femme 4 +011001100111111 Forging 4 +011001100111111 Burro 5 +011001100111111 Homo 5 +011001100111111 Icy 5 +011001100111111 Maxey 5 +011001100111111 Acha 5 +011001100111111 Idle 5 +011001100111111 Dire 5 +011001100111111 Penrose 5 +011001100111111 Tr 5 +011001100111111 Ultima 5 +011001100111111 Picayune 5 +011001100111111 Background 5 +011001100111111 S.T. 5 +011001100111111 Lookout 5 +011001100111111 Abco 5 +011001100111111 Stefanie 5 +011001100111111 S&S 5 +011001100111111 Tees 5 +011001100111111 das 5 +011001100111111 Snacktime 5 +011001100111111 Mileage 5 +011001100111111 Delal 5 +011001100111111 Lepercq 5 +011001100111111 Shenandoah 5 +011001100111111 Sewerage 5 +011001100111111 Lore 5 +011001100111111 Roast 5 +011001100111111 Grassy 5 +011001100111111 Gramaphone 6 +011001100111111 Sentry 6 +011001100111111 Sancho 6 +011001100111111 Bis 6 +011001100111111 1050 6 +011001100111111 Coit 6 +011001100111111 Sadie 6 +011001100111111 Sitmar 6 +011001100111111 Lilac 6 +011001100111111 Edible 6 +011001100111111 Boot 6 +011001100111111 Timberland 6 +011001100111111 Hay/Huggins 6 +011001100111111 Mellencamp 6 +011001100111111 Pew 6 +011001100111111 Grovers 6 +011001100111111 Remodeling 7 +011001100111111 Citroen 7 +011001100111111 FirstFed 7 +011001100111111 Horseshoe 7 +011001100111111 SQL 7 +011001100111111 Costco 7 +011001100111111 Crested 7 +011001100111111 Ear 7 +011001100111111 Krishna 7 +011001100111111 APW 7 +011001100111111 Shredded 7 +011001100111111 Coat 8 +011001100111111 Pocono 8 +011001100111111 angiotensin 8 +011001100111111 Bae 8 +011001100111111 Elbow 8 +011001100111111 Quartz 8 +011001100111111 FRANCAISE 8 +011001100111111 Antiques 9 +011001100111111 Covent 9 +011001100111111 Pickwick 9 +011001100111111 Boiler 9 +011001100111111 Addwest 9 +011001100111111 ACM 9 +011001100111111 Couch 10 +011001100111111 Monadnock 10 +011001100111111 Tartan 10 +011001100111111 Merrimac 10 +011001100111111 Palmolive 10 +011001100111111 Juki 10 +011001100111111 Grist 10 +011001100111111 Bald 10 +011001100111111 Hoof 11 +011001100111111 Raider 11 +011001100111111 Catskill 11 +011001100111111 Mascot 11 +011001100111111 checkerspot 11 +011001100111111 Barneys 11 +011001100111111 DI 12 +011001100111111 Supra 12 +011001100111111 Yucca 12 +011001100111111 Fulcrum 12 +011001100111111 Brave 12 +011001100111111 Trac 13 +011001100111111 Covenant 13 +011001100111111 Calgon 14 +011001100111111 Barge 15 +011001100111111 Cimarron 15 +011001100111111 Rocket 15 +011001100111111 Dynamic 16 +011001100111111 Candice 17 +011001100111111 Cigar 17 +011001100111111 Jail 18 +011001100111111 Woodcliff 18 +011001100111111 Menahem 18 +011001100111111 Lancer 19 +011001100111111 Commuter 19 +011001100111111 Physician 19 +011001100111111 Silent 20 +011001100111111 Mid 20 +011001100111111 Swire 20 +011001100111111 File 20 +011001100111111 Gander 21 +011001100111111 Fetzer 21 +011001100111111 Regent 21 +011001100111111 Explorer 21 +011001100111111 Morrison-Knudsen 22 +011001100111111 Turf 22 +011001100111111 Dillingham 22 +011001100111111 Moonlight 22 +011001100111111 DFC 24 +011001100111111 A-Mark 24 +011001100111111 Via 24 +011001100111111 Medallion 24 +011001100111111 Pure 25 +011001100111111 Caltex 26 +011001100111111 Ace 27 +011001100111111 Janus 27 +011001100111111 Festiva 27 +011001100111111 Juliet 27 +011001100111111 Sogo 29 +011001100111111 Soho 29 +011001100111111 Rare 29 +011001100111111 Advantage 31 +011001100111111 Olive 31 +011001100111111 Minh 32 +011001100111111 Potash 36 +011001100111111 Chocolate 36 +011001100111111 Turbo 41 +011001100111111 Natwest 41 +011001100111111 Solid 46 +011001100111111 Electra 48 +011001100111111 Cop 50 +011001100111111 Eldorado 51 +011001100111111 Blank 51 +011001100111111 Cathay 53 +011001100111111 Versatile 54 +011001100111111 Hemlo 54 +011001100111111 Navigation 54 +011001100111111 Anti-Ballistic 54 +011001100111111 Bronco 72 +011001100111111 Seiko 73 +011001100111111 Cogeneration 73 +011001100111111 Hartz 73 +011001100111111 Swan 74 +011001100111111 Multilateral 80 +011001100111111 Robinson-Humphrey 80 +011001100111111 Masius 83 +011001100111111 Die 85 +011001100111111 Magic 89 +011001100111111 Agent 97 +011001100111111 Bonneville 102 +011001100111111 Cutlass 109 +011001100111111 Magellan 113 +011001100111111 Optical 123 +011001100111111 Dry 130 +011001100111111 Ranger 139 +011001100111111 Fresh 143 +011001100111111 Crystal 151 +011001100111111 Horizon 162 +011001100111111 Masco 167 +011001100111111 Ryder 190 +011001100111111 Placer 239 +011001100111111 Ocean 297 +011001100111111 Phelps 318 +011001100111111 Rocky 322 +011001100111111 NatWest 326 +011001100111111 Mirror 402 +011001100111111 Salt 432 +011001100111111 Limited 961 +011001100111111 Star 1067 +011001100111111 Consolidated 1339 +011001100111111 Marine 1394 +011001100111111 Northern 1472 +011001100111111 Credit 2332 +011001100111111 Southern 3338 +011001100111111 Chemical 3129 +011001101000 Danube-Black 1 +011001101000 Navida 1 +011001101000 tootight 1 +011001101000 Ziya 1 +011001101000 HELLO 1 +011001101000 world-traveling 1 +011001101000 KHIC 1 +011001101000 Ex-Altar 1 +011001101000 Baccouche 1 +011001101000 Toqui 1 +011001101000 Milani 1 +011001101000 Maufra 1 +011001101000 RH-53D 1 +011001101000 2,825,000 1 +011001101000 150,000-member 1 +011001101000 v.N. 1 +011001101000 2455 1 +011001101000 Movie-made 1 +011001101000 Square-originated 1 +011001101000 Energy/Water 1 +011001101000 JWT/Latin 1 +011001101000 Debt-Free 1 +011001101000 then-aggressive 1 +011001101000 Salyer 1 +011001101000 Choix 1 +011001101000 Janower 1 +011001101000 West-Point-style 1 +011001101000 SuperSports 1 +011001101000 400,00 1 +011001101000 Yoplait 1 +011001101000 President-Employment 1 +011001101000 JeanPaul 1 +011001101000 2,133,215 1 +011001101000 Scowling 1 +011001101000 Saft 1 +011001101000 Andaman 1 +011001101000 Non-Micro 1 +011001101000 stories-high 1 +011001101000 campaign-provided 1 +011001101000 fifth-ranked 1 +011001101000 conspiracythe 1 +011001101000 Grande-Southern 1 +011001101000 Shcherbakov 1 +011001101000 Osteopathic 1 +011001101000 255,000-member 1 +011001101000 ther 1 +011001101000 Elf-Aquitaine 1 +011001101000 CHOSE 1 +011001101000 WPLG 1 +011001101000 Montelena 1 +011001101000 Sharq 1 +011001101000 Tiktin 1 +011001101000 ex-Air 1 +011001101000 Visayas 1 +011001101000 human-rights-sensitive 1 +011001101000 well-pressed 1 +011001101000 Sulu 1 +011001101000 Meatloaf 1 +011001101000 Blimp-ish 1 +011001101000 Arnaz 1 +011001101000 Intermarine 1 +011001101000 IDS/ 1 +011001101000 48-star 1 +011001101000 WCRS/North 1 +011001101000 Transpersonal 1 +011001101000 Fin-de-Siecle 1 +011001101000 800-Stage 1 +011001101000 earthquake-ravaged 1 +011001101000 communautaire 1 +011001101000 675-foot 1 +011001101000 Kimble 1 +011001101000 outplaying 1 +011001101000 750-foot 1 +011001101000 hypertrophied 1 +011001101000 Fittest 1 +011001101000 Prude 1 +011001101000 gulling 1 +011001101000 dishwater-dingy 1 +011001101000 Danceafrica 1 +011001101000 Scilly 1 +011001101000 Behaviorial 1 +011001101000 Jeepmaker 1 +011001101000 Atlantico 1 +011001101000 much-reviled 1 +011001101000 Cinncinati-based 1 +011001101000 Worden 1 +011001101000 NDU 1 +011001101000 Latenight 1 +011001101000 962,437 1 +011001101000 Rosada 1 +011001101000 784,048 1 +011001101000 resegregating 1 +011001101000 Soviet-held 1 +011001101000 Chimique 1 +011001101000 rate-related 1 +011001101000 Mortab 1 +011001101000 Recino 1 +011001101000 Giocattoli 1 +011001101000 Toyo-Umpanki 1 +011001101000 150-hotel 1 +011001101000 much-extolled 1 +011001101000 Theatre-scandal 1 +011001101000 LUCE 1 +011001101000 Krause-Holmstrom 1 +011001101000 Montocin 1 +011001101000 Wining 1 +011001101000 day-tripping 1 +011001101000 PILLIOD 1 +011001101000 Chevre 1 +011001101000 Teletechnique 1 +011001101000 Spaceport 1 +011001101000 Twentieth-century 1 +011001101000 NetLink 1 +011001101000 TITLETOWN 1 +011001101000 Aromatic 1 +011001101000 Copystar 1 +011001101000 Jole 1 +011001101000 Hipotecario 1 +011001101000 Dayna 1 +011001101000 post-Revolutionary 1 +011001101000 EWOK 1 +011001101000 Performa 1 +011001101000 Bujanda 1 +011001101000 Tomiano 1 +011001101000 Artwave 1 +011001101000 Salton 1 +011001101000 decimates 1 +011001101000 on-the-make 1 +011001101000 Steelinter 1 +011001101000 Scoutmaster 1 +011001101000 Aztlan 1 +011001101000 Seimei 1 +011001101000 True-Life 1 +011001101000 pax 1 +011001101000 Berrey 1 +011001101000 1,385-member 1 +011001101000 582,790 1 +011001101000 Hollandse 1 +011001101000 Invent 1 +011001101000 Reines 1 +011001101000 Brantigan 1 +011001101000 Pudahuel 1 +011001101000 Quebrada 1 +011001101000 Caustic 1 +011001101000 Enkei 1 +011001101000 R&D-intensive 1 +011001101000 Unida 1 +011001101000 Geiu 1 +011001101000 Shimeless 1 +011001101000 Tamiral 1 +011001101000 Knussen 1 +011001101000 now-prominent 1 +011001101000 Lidov 1 +011001101000 Shearson/ 1 +011001101000 Pentagon-cleared 1 +011001101000 Stepanova 1 +011001101000 Beardless 1 +011001101000 Wholefood 1 +011001101000 Astman 1 +011001101000 Gamsberg 1 +011001101000 Infosec 1 +011001101000 Jover 1 +011001101000 Envasadora 1 +011001101000 L.I.T. 1 +011001101000 Sogeral 1 +011001101000 286,000-member 1 +011001101000 Rapperport 1 +011001101000 Proletarian 1 +011001101000 shush 1 +011001101000 Glarus 1 +011001101000 Sirloin 1 +011001101000 1920-ish 1 +011001101000 Matoso 1 +011001101000 GIBSON 1 +011001101000 fat-loathing 1 +011001101000 gelmackers 1 +011001101000 Rediscovers 1 +011001101000 Right-Brain 1 +011001101000 Doce 1 +011001101000 Thousand-year-old 1 +011001101000 Muscato 1 +011001101000 Stare 1 +011001101000 Sucres 1 +011001101000 7& 1 +011001101000 TDB 1 +011001101000 Katims 1 +011001101000 964,800 1 +011001101000 Overeducated 1 +011001101000 Santiveri 1 +011001101000 Small-Town 1 +011001101000 Well-trained 1 +011001101000 272,000-member 1 +011001101000 North-type 1 +011001101000 Bidari 1 +011001101000 Pluma 1 +011001101000 civil-rights-conscious 1 +011001101000 Hopnoodle 1 +011001101000 1965-75 1 +011001101000 4050 1 +011001101000 4150 1 +011001101000 Elettrificazione 1 +011001101000 picture-post-card 1 +011001101000 back-road 1 +011001101000 skimpy-premium 1 +011001101000 234,300 1 +011001101000 Bosenge 1 +011001101000 disfranchising 1 +011001101000 non-North 1 +011001101000 Fonciere 1 +011001101000 Inhaled 1 +011001101000 Revillas 1 +011001101000 traducing 1 +011001101000 European-North 2 +011001101000 highest-ranked 2 +011001101000 imbuing 2 +011001101000 arbitrageur 2 +011001101000 Cresta 2 +011001101000 Pali 2 +011001101000 Thirteenth 2 +011001101000 Vague 2 +011001101000 Hilmar 2 +011001101000 SCHWAB 2 +011001101000 Bohai 2 +011001101000 WSCV-TV 2 +011001101000 Norths 2 +011001101000 Repo 2 +011001101000 Minister. 2 +011001101000 AD&P 2 +011001101000 get-along 2 +011001101000 WNJU-TV 2 +011001101000 Samincorp 2 +011001101000 less-advanced 2 +011001101000 Lupita 2 +011001101000 Sogrape 2 +011001101000 Bugle 2 +011001101000 Boatique 2 +011001101000 Nuking 2 +011001101000 Nineteenth-Century 2 +011001101000 Halt 2 +011001101000 Leitch 2 +011001101000 Kaplansky 2 +011001101000 medias 2 +011001101000 Gissin 2 +011001101000 Kaneka 2 +011001101000 KB 2 +011001101000 Punishing 2 +011001101000 Koppell 2 +011001101000 Considar 2 +011001101000 sogo 2 +011001101000 Stunt 2 +011001101000 ED&F 2 +011001101000 Kineret 2 +011001101000 Uri 2 +011001101000 Remaking 2 +011001101000 Rayas 2 +011001101000 Beaucastel 2 +011001101000 d'Electro-Resistance 2 +011001101000 Fluf 2 +011001101000 slurpy 2 +011001101000 Bloodless 2 +011001101000 less-desired 2 +011001101000 Marmont 2 +011001101000 fini 2 +011001101000 Uchiza 2 +011001101000 Eytan 2 +011001101000 FPI 2 +011001101000 UL 2 +011001101000 Bahai 2 +011001101000 Sexiest 2 +011001101000 U.S.-Latin 2 +011001101000 Luthie 2 +011001101000 Ramco 2 +011001101000 Arriba 2 +011001101000 WSCV 2 +011001101000 Resistol 3 +011001101000 Renown 3 +011001101000 CA. 3 +011001101000 America/West 3 +011001101000 Lahad 3 +011001101000 Gordo 3 +011001101000 Timers 3 +011001101000 Chipmunk 3 +011001101000 Privee 3 +011001101000 Anglo-North 3 +011001101000 North. 3 +011001101000 Qadhafi 3 +011001101000 Four-Eyed 3 +011001101000 Timor 3 +011001101000 Quested 3 +011001101000 Renew 3 +011001101000 Simac 3 +011001101000 Denon 3 +011001101000 Mosane 3 +011001101000 Azpillaga 3 +011001101000 3,210,000 3 +011001101000 Loyal 3 +011001101000 coal-rich 3 +011001101000 Evangelina 3 +011001101000 92-0 3 +011001101000 non-Micro 3 +011001101000 Markovic 3 +011001101000 Hawari 3 +011001101000 Bouterse 4 +011001101000 Rib 4 +011001101000 Itau 4 +011001101000 Huxsoll 4 +011001101000 Hypermart 4 +011001101000 Bozano 4 +011001101000 Central-Banesto 4 +011001101000 Palcuto 4 +011001101000 HSN 4 +011001101000 Netlink 4 +011001101000 red-blooded 4 +011001101000 Cuckoo 4 +011001101000 Mathematica 4 +011001101000 Prelin 4 +011001101000 Ubre 5 +011001101000 Polytechnique 5 +011001101000 Kemble 5 +011001101000 1966-76 5 +011001101000 Payco 5 +011001101000 Linkup 5 +011001101000 Giraldi 5 +011001101000 Piss 6 +011001101000 Drug-Free 6 +011001101000 Goo 6 +011001101000 Barents 6 +011001101000 Herstal 6 +011001101000 Smokestack 7 +011001101000 B.P. 7 +011001101000 Postwar 7 +011001101000 Eternit 7 +011001101000 Opryland 7 +011001101000 Youssou 7 +011001101000 Douwe 8 +011001101000 Bancaire 8 +011001101000 Grandmet 8 +011001101000 Rebuild 8 +011001101000 Sail 8 +011001101000 Lafite 9 +011001101000 Hygeia 9 +011001101000 Kuklinski 9 +011001101000 Elting 9 +011001101000 GrandMet 10 +011001101000 Tinto-Zinc 10 +011001101000 Dawit 11 +011001101000 Invisible 11 +011001101000 Democratica 11 +011001101000 Bugs 12 +011001101000 Clarks 12 +011001101000 Veterinary 12 +011001101000 Oxy 13 +011001101000 Tilted 13 +011001101000 AC 14 +011001101000 Caspian 14 +011001101000 Norex 14 +011001101000 Metropolitain 15 +011001101000 Hispano 15 +011001101000 Jean-Paul 15 +011001101000 Chukchi 15 +011001101000 Aral 16 +011001101000 Agache 18 +011001101000 Mexicanos 18 +011001101000 Teen 18 +011001101000 Stevie 20 +011001101000 Rawlings 20 +011001101000 Elephant 21 +011001101000 Transmark 22 +011001101000 Gadd 22 +011001101000 LIT 25 +011001101000 Chromalloy 27 +011001101000 Polar 29 +011001101000 Santander 31 +011001101000 Rabuka 32 +011001101000 Tinto 32 +011001101000 Gorda 33 +011001101000 Clear 33 +011001101000 1st 33 +011001101000 Pac 40 +011001101000 Bering 42 +011001101000 Giroldi 44 +011001101000 Occidentale 48 +011001101000 Algom 51 +011001101000 Beaufort 52 +011001101000 Native 58 +011001101000 Honasan 61 +011001101000 Minute 66 +011001101000 Aegean 67 +011001101000 Ambrosiano 98 +011001101000 Movie 106 +011001101000 Persons 106 +011001101000 Gadhafi 118 +011001101000 Yugo 122 +011001101000 Fashion 124 +011001101000 Elf 168 +011001101000 Grande 175 +011001101000 Jet 191 +011001101000 Discovery 203 +011001101000 Anglo 220 +011001101000 Triad 230 +011001101000 Latin 1858 +011001101000 North 8555 +011001101000 Central 3817 +011001101001 TRIBECA 1 +011001101001 261-unit 1 +011001101001 coal-dependent 1 +011001101001 84-unit 1 +011001101001 seven-major 1 +011001101001 unemployment-stricken 1 +011001101001 1,600-acre 1 +011001101001 KwaMashu 1 +011001101001 24-man 1 +011001101001 Smythe 1 +011001101001 Paktia 1 +011001101001 German-led 1 +011001101001 Soviet-oppressed 1 +011001101001 Tokyo-financed 1 +011001101001 Ozlike 1 +011001101001 oil-reliant 1 +011001101001 six-evening 1 +011001101001 allwhite 1 +011001101001 Spanish-colonial-style 1 +011001101001 Shiite-Moslem 1 +011001101001 Talib 1 +011001101001 multi-multi-Grammy-winner 1 +011001101001 now-burnt-out 1 +011001101001 255,000-ton 1 +011001101001 MG. 1 +011001101001 Catalan-speaking 1 +011001101001 Cordon 1 +011001101001 once-enormous 1 +011001101001 245,000-circulation 1 +011001101001 Mexican-influenced 1 +011001101001 now-validated 1 +011001101001 Chinese-South 1 +011001101001 fourth-century 1 +011001101001 cold-shouldering 1 +011001101001 Lan 1 +011001101001 mountain-protected 1 +011001101001 40,000-member 1 +011001101001 Mycenaean 1 +011001101001 1,085,304 1 +011001101001 post-perestroika 1 +011001101001 Eike 1 +011001101001 communist-influenced 1 +011001101001 Yale-and-chablis 1 +011001101001 1,050-acre 1 +011001101001 Israel-South 1 +011001101001 Mets-whipping 1 +011001101001 fast-getaway 1 +011001101001 forward-moving 1 +011001101001 5,237,000 1 +011001101001 twelve-nation 1 +011001101001 polyethnic 1 +011001101001 canallaced 1 +011001101001 Loeks 1 +011001101001 Aomori 1 +011001101001 1,956,700 1 +011001101001 Znamensky 1 +011001101001 Alderfer 1 +011001101001 Corrientes 1 +011001101001 tough-dealing 1 +011001101001 brick-built 1 +011001101001 bad-boy 1 +011001101001 1,029-room 1 +011001101001 44.819 1 +011001101001 28,000-member 1 +011001101001 reconsolidating 1 +011001101001 453-lawyer 1 +011001101001 post-Ayatollah 1 +011001101001 late-detected 1 +011001101001 British-Hong 1 +011001101001 pro-North 1 +011001101001 American-associated 1 +011001101001 Five-inch 1 +011001101001 cyrillic 1 +011001101001 354-acre 1 +011001101001 mist-drenched 1 +011001101001 war-ridden 1 +011001101001 nonbelligerent 1 +011001101001 French-nationalist 1 +011001101001 non-relations 1 +011001101001 Mexican-dominated 1 +011001101001 Mass-manufactured 1 +011001101001 Houari 1 +011001101001 Dinizulu 1 +011001101001 Gamble-sponsored 1 +011001101001 ANTISEPTIC 1 +011001101001 division-leading 1 +011001101001 recession-wracked 1 +011001101001 house-sized 1 +011001101001 glass-fronted 1 +011001101001 13,667-island 1 +011001101001 Beirut-born 1 +011001101001 35,219 1 +011001101001 1950-1953 1 +011001101001 101-nation 1 +011001101001 less-exalted 1 +011001101001 abundantly-traded 1 +011001101001 land-regulation-happy 1 +011001101001 SACEUR. 1 +011001101001 98-mile 1 +011001101001 916,000-kilowatt 1 +011001101001 tornado-racked 1 +011001101001 Bank-Fort 1 +011001101001 leisure-loving 1 +011001101001 Mughal 1 +011001101001 AIDS-conscious 1 +011001101001 twin-towered 1 +011001101001 2064 1 +011001101001 42-floor 1 +011001101001 Budget-conscious 1 +011001101001 Mao-suited 1 +011001101001 Nixon-Brezhnev 1 +011001101001 hypercomputerized 1 +011001101001 German-occupied 1 +011001101001 do-everything 1 +011001101001 seven-employee 1 +011001101001 45.038 1 +011001101001 ECS-4 1 +011001101001 4,000-worker 1 +011001101001 Cabanas 1 +011001101001 Gossamer 1 +011001101001 post-scandal 1 +011001101001 S-model 1 +011001101001 just-built 1 +011001101001 prefabs 1 +011001101001 U.S.North 1 +011001101001 once-chic 1 +011001101001 now-repealed 1 +011001101001 water-starved 1 +011001101001 Oil-importing 1 +011001101001 51-lawyer 1 +011001101001 oil-slump-plagued 1 +011001101001 ethics-sensitive 1 +011001101001 Kalorama 1 +011001101001 45,000-square-mile 1 +011001101001 Japanese-South 1 +011001101001 war-devastated 1 +011001101001 Landeskreditbank 1 +011001101001 history-drenched 1 +011001101001 nine-county 1 +011001101001 Exchange-Southern 1 +011001101001 littleknown 1 +011001101001 smog-choked 1 +011001101001 entertainment-starved 1 +011001101001 anti-Phnom 1 +011001101001 revved-up 1 +011001101001 proWestern 1 +011001101001 surfless 1 +011001101001 sun-kissed 1 +011001101001 IADB. 1 +011001101001 19th-Century 1 +011001101001 relationship.The 1 +011001101001 non-Hong 1 +011001101001 core-city 1 +011001101001 crack-plagued 1 +011001101001 Moslem-dominated 1 +011001101001 55-lawyer 1 +011001101001 over-made-up 1 +011001101001 Soviet-allied 1 +011001101001 Phonm 1 +011001101001 Byline 1 +011001101001 5,261 1 +011001101001 strengthed 1 +011001101001 175-lawyer 1 +011001101001 magnolia-scented 1 +011001101001 mellowed-out 1 +011001101001 Jew-baiting 1 +011001101001 Price-conscious 1 +011001101001 formidable-appearing 1 +011001101001 seven-branch 1 +011001101001 Amra 1 +011001101001 U.S.-listed 1 +011001101001 sundappled 1 +011001101001 155,300 1 +011001101001 Georgia-South 1 +011001101001 319,832 1 +011001101001 migrant-labor 1 +011001101001 flash-and-trash 1 +011001101001 deep-South 1 +011001101001 Cuba-South 1 +011001101001 supermanly 1 +011001101001 opposition-ruled 1 +011001101001 development-hungry 1 +011001101001 trans-national 1 +011001101001 blissed-out 1 +011001101001 voter-laden 1 +011001101001 70,208 1 +011001101001 still-anemic 1 +011001101001 Angola-South 1 +011001101001 Dakota-North 1 +011001101001 739-mile 1 +011001101001 Confucian-oriented 1 +011001101001 80,000-ton 1 +011001101001 tofu-and-yogurt 1 +011001101001 U.S.-boycotted 1 +011001101001 re-animated 1 +011001101001 7,500-employee 1 +011001101001 more-federal 1 +011001101001 traffic-congested 1 +011001101001 contemporary-design 1 +011001101001 adobe-modern 1 +011001101001 Canada-North 1 +011001101001 126-lawyer 1 +011001101001 money-draining 1 +011001101001 Daimler-Benz-owned 1 +011001101001 fth 1 +011001101001 psalm-singing 1 +011001101001 non-embargoed 1 +011001101001 size-conscious 1 +011001101001 acquainting 1 +011001101001 115-lawyer 1 +011001101001 consumer-hostile 1 +011001101001 Zambia-based 1 +011001101001 7,200-foot-high 1 +011001101001 least-appreciated 1 +011001101001 Moskovskaya 2 +011001101001 anti-South 2 +011001101001 next-door-neighbor 2 +011001101001 non-group 2 +011001101001 smog-ridden 2 +011001101001 Boaco 2 +011001101001 state-accredited 2 +011001101001 Gadsen 2 +011001101001 far-northern 2 +011001101001 sun-bathed 2 +011001101001 South-West 2 +011001101001 FATA 2 +011001101001 Drayton 2 +011001101001 Qajar 2 +011001101001 Nomeco 2 +011001101001 peninsular 2 +011001101001 chain-saw 2 +011001101001 late-20th-century 2 +011001101001 oil-depressed 2 +011001101001 grass-covered 2 +011001101001 Pontius 2 +011001101001 BOA 2 +011001101001 1,152 2 +011001101001 sub-Sahara 2 +011001101001 PRI-dominated 2 +011001101001 drought-lowered 2 +011001101001 consensus-conscious 2 +011001101001 energy-poor 2 +011001101001 Nha 2 +011001101001 Heilongjiang 2 +011001101001 East/Far 2 +011001101001 40-lawyer 2 +011001101001 Yangfushantu 2 +011001101001 caste-conscious 2 +011001101001 fairminded 2 +011001101001 137-acre 2 +011001101001 131-year-old 2 +011001101001 short-bed 3 +011001101001 U.S.-South 3 +011001101001 KCC 3 +011001101001 Caped 3 +011001101001 Shanxi 3 +011001101001 post-sanctions 3 +011001101001 Petroquimica 3 +011001101001 Sambuca 3 +011001101001 Tokyo-Hong 3 +011001101001 Yunnan 3 +011001101001 Czech-born 3 +011001101001 Yudai 3 +011001101001 GAM 3 +011001101001 exurban 3 +011001101001 Ampal-American 3 +011001101001 Periclean 3 +011001101001 sports-crazy 3 +011001101001 Russet 3 +011001101001 flood-prone 3 +011001101001 untranslated 3 +011001101001 Gaetano 4 +011001101001 Gila 4 +011001101001 non-Socialist 4 +011001101001 Henan 4 +011001101001 east-central 4 +011001101001 Campamento 4 +011001101001 non-South 4 +011001101001 Niccolo 4 +011001101001 Nazi-occupied 4 +011001101001 Genya 4 +011001101001 1,100-mile 4 +011001101001 Corte 4 +011001101001 Jinotega 4 +011001101001 Nak 4 +011001101001 oil-dependent 4 +011001101001 Rua 4 +011001101001 Komsomolskaya 5 +011001101001 class-conscious 5 +011001101001 Opto 5 +011001101001 Fulgencio 5 +011001101001 pre-Castro 5 +011001101001 oil-busted 5 +011001101001 Syrian-controlled 5 +011001101001 Astral 6 +011001101001 Guangxi 6 +011001101001 Sub-Saharan 6 +011001101001 Soviet-occupied 6 +011001101001 west-central 7 +011001101001 black-ruled 7 +011001101001 downstate 7 +011001101001 Texas-New 7 +011001101001 Donkey 7 +011001101001 German-speaking 8 +011001101001 Sault 9 +011001101001 post-revolutionary 10 +011001101001 Giacomo 11 +011001101001 Terre 11 +011001101001 5300 12 +011001101001 Fujian 14 +011001101001 Bumiputra 14 +011001101001 Ciudad 15 +011001101001 DFA 16 +011001101001 south-central 16 +011001101001 Palos 17 +011001101001 north-central 17 +011001101001 landlocked 17 +011001101001 Baja 20 +011001101001 war-torn 33 +011001101001 Lei 33 +011001101001 Phnom 34 +011001101001 Nikita 37 +011001101001 sub-Saharan 39 +011001101001 MBank 42 +011001101001 Cheung 44 +011001101001 northwestern 55 +011001101001 Khmer 68 +011001101001 southwestern 71 +011001101001 Baton 118 +011001101001 Sao 151 +011001101001 southeastern 152 +011001101001 northeastern 156 +011001101001 continental 172 +011001101001 Greater 177 +011001101001 Ayatollah 203 +011001101001 neighboring 421 +011001101001 eastern 454 +011001101001 western 583 +011001101001 northern 1014 +011001101001 southern 1034 +011001101001 South 9647 +011001101001 Hong 4226 +011001101010 442,498 1 +011001101010 Moderna 1 +011001101010 tax-advising 1 +011001101010 Hornblower 1 +011001101010 top-form 1 +011001101010 723,144 1 +011001101010 Hiromi 1 +011001101010 ex-Mayor 1 +011001101010 Dirtier 1 +011001101010 now-independent 1 +011001101010 786,800 1 +011001101010 Snooky 1 +011001101010 Rock-A-Bye 1 +011001101010 953,400 1 +011001101010 480,900 1 +011001101010 R&G 1 +011001101010 harmless-sounding 1 +011001101010 4,059,800 1 +011001101010 insurance-broker 1 +011001101010 731,700 1 +011001101010 579,710 1 +011001101010 Lippes 1 +011001101010 524,135 1 +011001101010 bandit/man-of-the-people 1 +011001101010 plastic-like 1 +011001101010 late-17th-century 1 +011001101010 102,900 1 +011001101010 S.I 1 +011001101010 Acrostic 1 +011001101010 big-thighed 1 +011001101010 450,900 1 +011001101010 Headlong 1 +011001101010 Glacee 1 +011001101010 Fertile 1 +011001101010 650,000-kilowatt 1 +011001101010 488,300 1 +011001101010 low-interest-bearing 1 +011001101010 420,904 1 +011001101010 AFC-NFC 1 +011001101010 1,147,000 1 +011001101010 Sleep-Wake 1 +011001101010 Kashner 1 +011001101010 Vesti 1 +011001101010 BRIDGET 1 +011001101010 Deanne 1 +011001101010 Mancil 1 +011001101010 Heydon 1 +011001101010 Seat-Belt 1 +011001101010 Fragrant 1 +011001101010 Luretta 1 +011001101010 Pratt. 1 +011001101010 prexy 1 +011001101010 Multidistrict 1 +011001101010 coachmaker 1 +011001101010 Berggruen 1 +011001101010 Louisine 1 +011001101010 Severiano 1 +011001101010 666,200 1 +011001101010 Swiss-born 1 +011001101010 Abdominal 1 +011001101010 528,850 1 +011001101010 mannish 1 +011001101010 458,200 1 +011001101010 Denbo 1 +011001101010 unswift 1 +011001101010 Pernell 1 +011001101010 director/choreographer/composer 1 +011001101010 Crosley 1 +011001101010 Cola-Cola 1 +011001101010 Japanese-tip 1 +011001101010 original-style 1 +011001101010 Marke/ 1 +011001101010 6,339,165 1 +011001101010 Lyndall 1 +011001101010 McGovern-Carter-Mondale-Jim 1 +011001101010 Masamitsu 1 +011001101010 417,100 1 +011001101010 11,608,399 1 +011001101010 LeaAnn 1 +011001101010 Loik 1 +011001101010 109-bed 1 +011001101010 Eighth-century 1 +011001101010 palacelike 1 +011001101010 Conoga 1 +011001101010 290,981 1 +011001101010 R.P 1 +011001101010 Kazimir 1 +011001101010 Beaton. 1 +011001101010 143,366 1 +011001101010 Parri 1 +011001101010 Joon-Sup 1 +011001101010 perfume-maker 1 +011001101010 H.J 1 +011001101010 Jeumont 1 +011001101010 32-lawyer 1 +011001101010 11,191,299 1 +011001101010 Detroit/Ann 1 +011001101010 Used-Car 1 +011001101010 Cobbold 1 +011001101010 Fagan. 1 +011001101010 Unaccompanied 1 +011001101010 1,036,400 1 +011001101010 1,101,243 1 +011001101010 flout./But 1 +011001101010 Grenoldo 1 +011001101010 Massami 1 +011001101010 Walleyed 1 +011001101010 Needlepoint 1 +011001101010 20,000-acre 1 +011001101010 850,900 1 +011001101010 60-floor 1 +011001101010 sculptor. 1 +011001101010 GSA. 1 +011001101010 porcupine-coiffed 1 +011001101010 Osgoode 1 +011001101010 art-studded 1 +011001101010 upper-handed 1 +011001101010 1,400-square-acre 1 +011001101010 Wisteria 1 +011001101010 -Harriet 1 +011001101010 Zanz 1 +011001101010 Aristedes 1 +011001101010 Lepa 1 +011001101010 Day-Care 1 +011001101010 Belleau 1 +011001101010 915,220 1 +011001101010 XDOS. 1 +011001101010 1,668,982 1 +011001101010 100,000-kilowatt 1 +011001101010 114-year-old 1 +011001101010 sympatico 1 +011001101010 Teather 1 +011001101010 Asian-born 1 +011001101010 dance-band 1 +011001101010 Karmila 1 +011001101010 display. 1 +011001101010 Carl/ 1 +011001101010 Vernard 1 +011001101010 Sanctified 1 +011001101010 Beaux-Arts. 1 +011001101010 Lida 1 +011001101010 Tilled 1 +011001101010 sapphire-eyed 1 +011001101010 never-realized 1 +011001101010 Raeanne 1 +011001101010 6-foot-10-inch 1 +011001101010 F&M 1 +011001101010 Ipso 1 +011001101010 post-1984 1 +011001101010 Warringah 1 +011001101010 Inter-Ministerial 1 +011001101010 3,410,600 1 +011001101010 hand-release 1 +011001101010 '37 1 +011001101010 Paola 1 +011001101010 Gusrae 1 +011001101010 Bayfront 1 +011001101010 Convocation 1 +011001101010 Jinger 1 +011001101010 film-and-flesh 1 +011001101010 Fionnula 1 +011001101010 T-Bone 1 +011001101010 182-megabyte 1 +011001101010 Southmoor 1 +011001101010 Reclusive 1 +011001101010 Hobe 1 +011001101010 BWV 1 +011001101010 2,369,799 1 +011001101010 1975-through-1979-model 1 +011001101010 Yevsei 1 +011001101010 Ball-Incon 1 +011001101010 3,480,000 1 +011001101010 Anti-Trafficking 1 +011001101010 12-unit 1 +011001101010 two-thirds-owned 1 +011001101010 Caffe 1 +011001101010 Alida 1 +011001101010 262,900 1 +011001101010 329,300 1 +011001101010 Veslefrikk 1 +011001101010 3,008-stock 1 +011001101010 Unichappell 1 +011001101010 Rumbalero 1 +011001101010 Ditchley 1 +011001101010 Marva 1 +011001101010 1,375,346 1 +011001101010 Ainsi 1 +011001101010 273,100 1 +011001101010 Moorings 1 +011001101010 235,300 1 +011001101010 1,853,700 1 +011001101010 Leora 1 +011001101010 3,834,900 1 +011001101010 118,714 1 +011001101010 432,520 1 +011001101010 290,500 1 +011001101010 Shailer 1 +011001101010 470-pound 1 +011001101010 post-Sun 1 +011001101010 Coventry-Victor 1 +011001101010 8630 1 +011001101010 Pannel 1 +011001101010 Silsbee-based 1 +011001101010 205,043 1 +011001101010 Boggy 1 +011001101010 Stancy 1 +011001101010 Mychal 1 +011001101010 low-weight 1 +011001101010 violinist-pedagogues 1 +011001101010 Discloses 1 +011001101010 West-German-designed 1 +011001101010 Duddy 1 +011001101010 sour-beaked 1 +011001101010 Shirly 1 +011001101010 Hall-Abraham 1 +011001101010 1975-through-1979 1 +011001101010 Gefilte 1 +011001101010 Shakedown 1 +011001101010 HNG 1 +011001101010 130,546 1 +011001101010 Pranee 1 +011001101010 Bletchley 1 +011001101010 Kathe 1 +011001101010 Ganga 1 +011001101010 Samm-Art 1 +011001101010 Madalyn 1 +011001101010 Rudolff 1 +011001101010 Correlli 1 +011001101010 F.B. 1 +011001101010 Piggie 1 +011001101010 Non-Native 1 +011001101010 Belie 1 +011001101010 Moishe 1 +011001101010 427,528 1 +011001101010 stockbrokage 1 +011001101010 Would-Be 1 +011001101010 Bluebell-Altamont 1 +011001101010 30-yard 1 +011001101010 Mcleod 1 +011001101010 recapitulating 1 +011001101010 Binswanger 1 +011001101010 Extex 1 +011001101010 Bloise 1 +011001101010 Geewax 1 +011001101010 Ventile 1 +011001101010 Gung 1 +011001101010 Annesley 1 +011001101010 Yoel 1 +011001101010 Plapler 1 +011001101010 Morgan-advised 1 +011001101010 Contarini 1 +011001101010 three-station 1 +011001101010 470,100 1 +011001101010 Lyda-Herbert 1 +011001101010 727,150 1 +011001101010 379,800 1 +011001101010 625,500 1 +011001101010 D.S 1 +011001101010 7,840,585 1 +011001101010 Margart 1 +011001101010 Carita 1 +011001101010 honeycomb-like 1 +011001101010 20-foot-tall 1 +011001101010 Plumed 1 +011001101010 pre-Rose 1 +011001101010 150,500 1 +011001101010 207,900 1 +011001101010 Diamond/ 1 +011001101010 360-screen 1 +011001101010 Feidelia 1 +011001101010 Georgianna 1 +011001101010 pro-based 1 +011001101010 Steamer 1 +011001101010 Inkless 1 +011001101010 1,119,407 1 +011001101010 Mozart-Da 1 +011001101010 1,601,500 1 +011001101010 Etsuko 1 +011001101010 Cheesefoot 1 +011001101010 Silbury 1 +011001101010 tangoist 1 +011001101010 stock-sticking 1 +011001101010 rights-expanding 1 +011001101010 243,480 1 +011001101010 18-lawyer 1 +011001101010 6.5-acre 1 +011001101010 Faffner 1 +011001101010 already-endangered 1 +011001101010 89-yuan 1 +011001101010 Kellow 1 +011001101010 10,203-foot 1 +011001101010 Janardan 1 +011001101010 Erotic 1 +011001101010 4-X-2 1 +011001101010 Hermetic 1 +011001101010 Booby 1 +011001101010 Gowen 1 +011001101010 108-restaurant 1 +011001101010 Tangerine 1 +011001101010 306,301 1 +011001101010 352,400 1 +011001101010 Silberg 1 +011001101010 Erland 1 +011001101010 Hanne 1 +011001101010 MMG 1 +011001101010 Graystone 1 +011001101010 F.T. 1 +011001101010 Timmy 1 +011001101010 Sherley 1 +011001101010 10-Year 1 +011001101010 193,911 1 +011001101010 1,409,449 1 +011001101010 Lorene 1 +011001101010 multi-talented 1 +011001101010 Voluble 1 +011001101010 315-store 1 +011001101010 Depuis 1 +011001101010 511,958 1 +011001101010 soccer-mad 1 +011001101010 profanity-ridden 1 +011001101010 Francia 1 +011001101010 Auntie 1 +011001101010 Severna 1 +011001101010 19-building 1 +011001101010 Lovinger 1 +011001101010 UPTON 1 +011001101010 Ashbel 1 +011001101010 Demi 1 +011001101010 Meadowland 1 +011001101010 Messerschmitt-Bolkow 1 +011001101010 Goldenthal. 1 +011001101010 G.W.F. 1 +011001101010 Thm 1 +011001101010 WNT 1 +011001101010 Socialist-controlled 1 +011001101010 183,499 1 +011001101010 192,300 1 +011001101010 407,700 1 +011001101010 64,600 1 +011001101010 YU-16 1 +011001101010 Disque 1 +011001101010 Orphengesic 1 +011001101010 Abol 1 +011001101010 Americo 1 +011001101010 164,700 1 +011001101010 ev 1 +011001101010 S.A.F 1 +011001101010 1,100-seat 1 +011001101010 J.E.A. 1 +011001101010 Adu 1 +011001101010 6,760,531 1 +011001101010 Honigman 1 +011001101010 Beihai 1 +011001101010 Trompe 1 +011001101010 much-respected 1 +011001101010 Gramercy 1 +011001101010 then-86-year-old 1 +011001101010 Antihemophilic 1 +011001101010 Willian 1 +011001101010 UCLA-affiliated 1 +011001101010 BRENT 1 +011001101010 61-store 1 +011001101010 Miceli-Van 1 +011001101010 788,132 1 +011001101010 Daniel-Day 1 +011001101010 Hengeler 1 +011001101010 500-million-dollar 1 +011001101010 Outstretched 1 +011001101010 Ugni 1 +011001101010 Ex-Cub 1 +011001101010 Vespasian 1 +011001101010 toute 1 +011001101010 geniusan 1 +011001101010 206,017 1 +011001101010 Kilusang 1 +011001101010 J.J.G.M. 1 +011001101010 Gatfield 1 +011001101010 places-Griffin 1 +011001101010 1,758,500 1 +011001101010 R.W.B. 1 +011001101010 Abia 1 +011001101010 stockbrockers 1 +011001101010 Micol 1 +011001101010 Sin/Your 1 +011001101010 Parafon 1 +011001101010 Suso 1 +011001101010 Wooddrow 1 +011001101010 Apostolic 1 +011001101010 NBG 1 +011001101010 Betiana 1 +011001101010 Gunga 1 +011001101010 Kalyani 1 +011001101010 Sonnenschein 1 +011001101010 SL&P 1 +011001101010 Parched 1 +011001101010 Kemper-Murray 1 +011001101010 N.G. 1 +011001101010 Suli 1 +011001101010 C.O.G. 1 +011001101010 Jarden 1 +011001101010 NBA-Banca 1 +011001101010 Bebe 1 +011001101010 1,627,603 1 +011001101010 Stubby 1 +011001101010 Liechtenstein-incorporated 1 +011001101010 Butzel 1 +011001101010 MAI. 1 +011001101010 Kevah 1 +011001101010 blood-sport 1 +011001101010 464,375 1 +011001101010 Austrialia-based 1 +011001101010 secondplace 1 +011001101010 Seventeenth 1 +011001101010 Raleigh-Durham-Chapel 1 +011001101010 invert 1 +011001101010 Pastrami 1 +011001101010 119,900 1 +011001101010 A.J.F. 1 +011001101010 TuneUp 1 +011001101010 Nob 1 +011001101010 more-spontaneous 1 +011001101010 Twin-Six 1 +011001101010 Faberge-Elizabeth 1 +011001101010 Faberge/Elizabeth 1 +011001101010 2,791,800 1 +011001101010 73,470 1 +011001101010 Ramos-de 1 +011001101010 Westpheldt 1 +011001101010 BUCK 1 +011001101010 408,574 1 +011001101010 562,458 1 +011001101010 Oxon 1 +011001101010 Raheen 1 +011001101010 Baayork 1 +011001101010 Treptow 1 +011001101010 BeBe 1 +011001101010 then-husband 1 +011001101010 Parfumes 1 +011001101010 Connall 1 +011001101010 Essungo 1 +011001101010 Salinas-de 1 +011001101010 Rockefeller-Jay 1 +011001101010 Tendercare 1 +011001101010 Hsi 1 +011001101010 332,600 2 +011001101010 116,300 2 +011001101010 Seddon 2 +011001101010 Cora 2 +011001101010 Haffenreffer 2 +011001101010 M-S-R 2 +011001101010 400-bed 2 +011001101010 Numero 2 +011001101010 PASSIVE 2 +011001101010 Brotherly 2 +011001101010 Hieronymus 2 +011001101010 Lakenan 2 +011001101010 TOYO 2 +011001101010 pre-Super 2 +011001101010 Supersonic 2 +011001101010 Gelsey 2 +011001101010 Robie 2 +011001101010 Refugio 2 +011001101010 Elmyr 2 +011001101010 Vaguely 2 +011001101010 Ravin 2 +011001101010 Dolley 2 +011001101010 Borzoi 2 +011001101010 McKechnie 2 +011001101010 Garnar 2 +011001101010 204,600 2 +011001101010 2,597 2 +011001101010 Pearly 2 +011001101010 Nachum 2 +011001101010 i3 2 +011001101010 Daxing 2 +011001101010 Joakim 2 +011001101010 Eubie 2 +011001101010 Exclusionary 2 +011001101010 DRI/McGraw 2 +011001101010 Madang 2 +011001101010 Ranier 2 +011001101010 Tongsun 2 +011001101010 Quickfix 2 +011001101010 Brazilian-built 2 +011001101010 Tune-Up 2 +011001101010 Compleat 2 +011001101010 Bah 2 +011001101010 Corny 2 +011001101010 Mellert 2 +011001101010 Turnberry 2 +011001101010 Filthy 2 +011001101010 Sabrina 2 +011001101010 post-Gold 2 +011001101010 300-share 2 +011001101010 4,637 2 +011001101010 Theda 2 +011001101010 485,100 2 +011001101010 Kountry 2 +011001101010 Corinna 2 +011001101010 Wistar 2 +011001101010 Brother-in-law 2 +011001101010 Blaw 2 +011001101010 Aylmer 2 +011001101010 Optec 2 +011001101010 Hilltop 2 +011001101010 Waylon 2 +011001101010 Lior 2 +011001101010 Siaka 2 +011001101010 Firecracker 2 +011001101010 6-foot-9 2 +011001101010 Dunnellen 2 +011001101010 Maitre 2 +011001101010 1,543,000 2 +011001101010 Dorbantyl 2 +011001101010 4,616 2 +011001101010 Londell 2 +011001101010 Pension-Fund 2 +011001101010 Marvella 2 +011001101010 Ponzano 2 +011001101010 Dag 2 +011001101010 Cogent 2 +011001101010 Interstate-Johnson 2 +011001101010 Mamayev 2 +011001101010 Cleret 2 +011001101010 Selena 2 +011001101010 Four-year-old 2 +011001101010 4,636 2 +011001101010 Vermeer 2 +011001101010 Nomura-Wasserstein 2 +011001101010 McCutchen 2 +011001101010 Holtzmann 2 +011001101010 J.Z. 2 +011001101010 Remak 2 +011001101010 1,391 2 +011001101010 Kedleston 2 +011001101010 30-Year 2 +011001101010 Ellerbe 2 +011001101010 Swinging 2 +011001101010 decisioning 2 +011001101010 Maxie 2 +011001101010 Pelligrino 2 +011001101010 Pizzeria 2 +011001101010 101,295 2 +011001101010 Zelma 2 +011001101010 d-BASE 2 +011001101010 Cincinatti 2 +011001101010 Yangtzekiang 2 +011001101010 Realwest 2 +011001101010 Checkmate 2 +011001101010 white-blond 2 +011001101010 Kinsale 2 +011001101010 Meahl 2 +011001101010 Zeb 2 +011001101010 BN 2 +011001101010 1980-1984 2 +011001101010 Yabba 2 +011001101010 Frugal 2 +011001101010 SCTV 2 +011001101010 Keshia 2 +011001101010 unabsorbed 2 +011001101010 T.O. 2 +011001101010 stepbrothers 2 +011001101010 Affective 2 +011001101010 aus 2 +011001101010 Trudeliese 2 +011001101010 Arshad 2 +011001101010 Norddeutsche 2 +011001101010 Fess 2 +011001101010 Stackig 2 +011001101010 designer/director 2 +011001101010 Jenswold 2 +011001101010 Moise 2 +011001101010 W&J 2 +011001101010 Trafford 2 +011001101010 Richest 2 +011001101010 Hillegond 2 +011001101010 Omero 2 +011001101010 Edoardo 2 +011001101010 Poky 2 +011001101010 Cracked 2 +011001101010 Luba 2 +011001101010 Ethlyn 2 +011001101010 Bezit 2 +011001101010 polymer-based 2 +011001101010 trompe 2 +011001101010 Isang 2 +011001101010 Strayed 2 +011001101010 Convertine 2 +011001101010 Allyson 2 +011001101010 Rosebud 3 +011001101010 Bhagwan 3 +011001101010 Bram 3 +011001101010 Mackin 3 +011001101010 Pt 3 +011001101010 Aqua 3 +011001101010 Pasha 3 +011001101010 Transcendental 3 +011001101010 Hessische 3 +011001101010 Kyra 3 +011001101010 Cobo 3 +011001101010 Nien 3 +011001101010 72,600 3 +011001101010 Broussard 3 +011001101010 A.I. 3 +011001101010 350-acre 3 +011001101010 Hallie 3 +011001101010 Tsuyoshi 3 +011001101010 Dien 3 +011001101010 Hildy 3 +011001101010 M&I 3 +011001101010 Hyper 3 +011001101010 Katarina 3 +011001101010 HBM/ 3 +011001101010 Z-Seven 3 +011001101010 Fulmar 3 +011001101010 Needle 3 +011001101010 64,500 3 +011001101010 Lambeau 3 +011001101010 Kimi 3 +011001101010 four-lawyer 3 +011001101010 Aldona 3 +011001101010 Marilynne 3 +011001101010 Minetta 3 +011001101010 Forstman 3 +011001101010 Jeppesen 3 +011001101010 Juvey 3 +011001101010 Roselle 3 +011001101010 Bascom 3 +011001101010 Morningside 3 +011001101010 Halfdan 3 +011001101010 171-outlet 3 +011001101010 Jacksonville-based 3 +011001101010 LaVerne 3 +011001101010 left-hander 3 +011001101010 Mignon 3 +011001101010 Courcoux 3 +011001101010 Phinehas 3 +011001101010 Tam 3 +011001101010 Lottye 3 +011001101010 Isadora 3 +011001101010 Hwalin 3 +011001101010 DBase 3 +011001101010 Alka 3 +011001101010 Manetti 3 +011001101010 Kavalier 3 +011001101010 Kier 3 +011001101010 Temperence 3 +011001101010 JM 3 +011001101010 Fairmount 3 +011001101010 Clonbrony 3 +011001101010 Combating 3 +011001101010 Bought 3 +011001101010 Wa 3 +011001101010 X.Y. 3 +011001101010 NN 3 +011001101010 Travel-Holiday 3 +011001101010 221B 3 +011001101010 Ellie 3 +011001101010 Clevelander 3 +011001101010 Classy 3 +011001101010 Capel-Cure 3 +011001101010 Lazare 3 +011001101010 Cowley 3 +011001101010 Gorgeous 3 +011001101010 Santee 3 +011001101010 polyposis 3 +011001101010 Currer 3 +011001101010 Immanuel 4 +011001101010 DiFranza 4 +011001101010 Nemesio 4 +011001101010 Annetta 4 +011001101010 MacNab 4 +011001101010 Transmanche 4 +011001101010 Owatonna 4 +011001101010 Shwedagon 4 +011001101010 Warner/Chappell 4 +011001101010 Bennes 4 +011001101010 libeling 4 +011001101010 P.M. 4 +011001101010 Summitville 4 +011001101010 Agi 4 +011001101010 Mat 4 +011001101010 Beber 4 +011001101010 Florham 4 +011001101010 Pocos 4 +011001101010 Milgrim 4 +011001101010 Frito 4 +011001101010 JP 4 +011001101010 FULL 4 +011001101010 2445 4 +011001101010 O.C. 4 +011001101010 Sinar 4 +011001101010 Ivern 4 +011001101010 Tohono 4 +011001101010 Wyandotte 4 +011001101010 Basler 4 +011001101010 Martinair 4 +011001101010 Angelus 4 +011001101010 then-owner 4 +011001101010 Charing 4 +011001101010 Arleigh 4 +011001101010 O.G. 4 +011001101010 unseeded 4 +011001101010 Whit 4 +011001101010 Corriere 4 +011001101010 CTC 4 +011001101010 Spud 4 +011001101010 Eloise 4 +011001101010 Amagansett 4 +011001101010 Euretta 4 +011001101010 Tiberius 4 +011001101010 Baums 4 +011001101010 Tinley 4 +011001101010 FTSE 4 +011001101010 Panmure 4 +011001101010 Artkraft 4 +011001101010 Teofilo 4 +011001101010 Delos 4 +011001101010 Pin 4 +011001101010 Alta-Dena 4 +011001101010 J.M.W. 4 +011001101010 Mime 5 +011001101010 DMC 5 +011001101010 Polo/Ralph 5 +011001101010 Meuse 5 +011001101010 Wilt 5 +011001101010 Loye 5 +011001101010 E&J 5 +011001101010 Spitting 5 +011001101010 Gretel 5 +011001101010 Elks 5 +011001101010 Lanford 5 +011001101010 Oakeley 5 +011001101010 MARK 5 +011001101010 J.P 5 +011001101010 Bredero 5 +011001101010 Ebbets 5 +011001101010 Takoma 5 +011001101010 58th 5 +011001101010 Sinead 5 +011001101010 Mt 5 +011001101010 WB 5 +011001101010 Moonshine 5 +011001101010 Cabrillo 5 +011001101010 Mabel 5 +011001101010 Rosy 5 +011001101010 Mahtar 5 +011001101010 Cus 5 +011001101010 Childe 6 +011001101010 Ludmilla 6 +011001101010 W.E.B. 6 +011001101010 Daffy 6 +011001101010 Wet 6 +011001101010 Skoal 6 +011001101010 Nordisk 6 +011001101010 Metalworking 6 +011001101010 Sissy 6 +011001101010 Ueno 6 +011001101010 Huckleberry 6 +011001101010 Teatro 6 +011001101010 Inmate 6 +011001101010 Justino 6 +011001101010 6-foot-10 6 +011001101010 TRON 6 +011001101010 Watney 6 +011001101010 Bil 6 +011001101010 Lafer 6 +011001101010 T.A. 6 +011001101010 218-214 6 +011001101010 Sonya 6 +011001101010 Wounded 6 +011001101010 Fraudulent 6 +011001101010 Harpo 6 +011001101010 Bubba 6 +011001101010 Messerschmitt-Boelkow 7 +011001101010 polonium 7 +011001101010 Putney 7 +011001101010 Gracie 7 +011001101010 Tech-Ops 7 +011001101010 Ishikawajima 7 +011001101010 T.C. 7 +011001101010 Poppe 7 +011001101010 Vanilla 7 +011001101010 Interstate/Johnson 7 +011001101010 KKR. 7 +011001101010 Demov 7 +011001101010 Angie 7 +011001101010 S&H 7 +011001101010 Capitoline 7 +011001101010 Parkland 7 +011001101010 Tubby 7 +011001101010 Tammany 7 +011001101010 S.A.F. 7 +011001101010 D.L. 7 +011001101010 Jelly 7 +011001101010 Asbury 7 +011001101010 Dashiell 7 +011001101010 deCordova 7 +011001101010 Ansel 7 +011001101010 Crushed 7 +011001101010 Kronish 7 +011001101010 LaRue 7 +011001101010 Grands 7 +011001101010 Westward 8 +011001101010 Hue 8 +011001101010 Cornelia 8 +011001101010 Dot 8 +011001101010 Kee 8 +011001101010 Geers 8 +011001101010 Zeltzer 8 +011001101010 Sybil 8 +011001101010 Vanden 8 +011001101010 Normick 8 +011001101010 Shufro 8 +011001101010 Mudge 8 +011001101010 long-leading 8 +011001101010 F.D. 8 +011001101010 Galena 8 +011001101010 Scenic 8 +011001101010 Winzer 8 +011001101010 Work/Family 8 +011001101010 Hammacher 8 +011001101010 Tse 8 +011001101010 Floral 9 +011001101010 Newbury 9 +011001101010 MRCA 9 +011001101010 Mira 9 +011001101010 H.G. 9 +011001101010 S.W. 9 +011001101010 Jannotta 9 +011001101010 Faneuil 9 +011001101010 Easco 9 +011001101010 Dechert 9 +011001101010 Megan 9 +011001101010 Arbuthnot 9 +011001101010 Elmwood 9 +011001101010 Vertical 9 +011001101010 Brasserie 9 +011001101010 Seve 9 +011001101010 Scarlett 10 +011001101010 Bent 10 +011001101010 Loch 10 +011001101010 Habsburg 10 +011001101010 Iwaki 10 +011001101010 L.H. 10 +011001101010 Granny 10 +011001101010 Nicola 10 +011001101010 Beatrix 11 +011001101010 Jaclyn 11 +011001101010 Newhard 11 +011001101010 G.C. 11 +011001101010 Hoffman-La 11 +011001101010 Vingmed 11 +011001101010 Jaco 11 +011001101010 Climbing 11 +011001101010 Candlestick 11 +011001101010 Adel 11 +011001101010 Marques 11 +011001101010 Nugan 12 +011001101010 Mitzi 12 +011001101010 Helga 12 +011001101010 Steuben 12 +011001101010 Benihana 12 +011001101010 Deaf 12 +011001101010 Doral 12 +011001101010 Trusthouse 12 +011001101010 Joni 13 +011001101010 S.E. 13 +011001101010 BDO 13 +011001101010 Ringo 13 +011001101010 Ty 13 +011001101010 Fiesta 13 +011001101010 Balsa 13 +011001101010 Dar 13 +011001101010 Indy 13 +011001101010 Dinah 13 +011001101010 NASDAQ 14 +011001101010 Lap 14 +011001101010 Samantha 14 +011001101010 Milberg 14 +011001101010 Comiskey 14 +011001101010 C.S. 15 +011001101010 Cricket 15 +011001101010 Bloody 15 +011001101010 Amelia 15 +011001101010 Hub 15 +011001101010 Spruce 15 +011001101010 Glacier 15 +011001101010 Treat 15 +011001101010 Horatio 16 +011001101010 Oglebay 16 +011001101010 Flash 16 +011001101010 Meg 16 +011001101010 Hulk 16 +011001101010 Favia 16 +011001101010 Pannell 16 +011001101010 el 17 +011001101010 Cy 17 +011001101010 Bal 17 +011001101010 P.S. 17 +011001101010 Vetco 17 +011001101010 Bryn 18 +011001101010 Rossin 18 +011001101010 W.T. 18 +011001101010 B.B. 18 +011001101010 Strawberry 18 +011001101010 Bing 18 +011001101010 Muriel 18 +011001101010 SoundView 18 +011001101010 Artie 18 +011001101010 Kemmons 18 +011001101010 Pu 18 +011001101010 Downers 18 +011001101010 Tootsie 20 +011001101010 Mighty 20 +011001101010 D.F. 20 +011001101010 ES 20 +011001101010 Chez 20 +011001101010 Huck 20 +011001101010 Czar 20 +011001101010 Tuneup 20 +011001101010 Nissho 21 +011001101010 Grandma 22 +011001101010 Curtice 22 +011001101010 Bingo 22 +011001101010 E.A. 22 +011001101010 Designer 22 +011001101010 E.W. 22 +011001101010 Arsenio 24 +011001101010 Tecumseh 24 +011001101010 Groucho 24 +011001101010 Davy 24 +011001101010 dBase 24 +011001101010 F.O. 24 +011001101010 Endicott 25 +011001101010 Hua 25 +011001101010 Yosemite 25 +011001101010 Balis 25 +011001101010 T.S. 25 +011001101010 A.T. 26 +011001101010 Den 26 +011001101010 Windham 26 +011001101010 Canoga 26 +011001101010 Bandar 27 +011001101010 Mama 28 +011001101010 Storm 28 +011001101010 Marco 28 +011001101010 S.I. 28 +011001101010 Brean 29 +011001101010 L.L. 29 +011001101010 Oral 30 +011001101010 Karla 30 +011001101010 FCB/Leber 30 +011001101010 Bergdorf 30 +011001101010 Becton 30 +011001101010 L.E. 32 +011001101010 Westdeutsche 32 +011001101010 Tweedy 32 +011001101010 Joachim 32 +011001101010 G.H. 32 +011001101010 Terrible 32 +011001101010 H.R. 32 +011001101010 Proskauer 33 +011001101010 Cool 34 +011001101010 Parfums 35 +011001101010 Bailard 35 +011001101010 H.H. 36 +011001101010 Gertrude 36 +011001101010 Suite 36 +011001101010 Steffi 37 +011001101010 Kleiner 37 +011001101010 A.P. 38 +011001101010 Brush 40 +011001101010 Scali 40 +011001101010 Dust 41 +011001101010 J.N. 41 +011001101010 Estee 42 +011001101010 Revere 43 +011001101010 Hiram 44 +011001101010 NMS 44 +011001101010 LVMH 44 +011001101010 Amazing 44 +011001101010 A.D. 44 +011001101010 Sass 45 +011001101010 Der 45 +011001101010 Blunt 45 +011001101010 H&R 46 +011001101010 Chestnut 48 +011001101010 R.D. 48 +011001101010 Hewlett 48 +011001101010 Melrose 48 +011001101010 Dain 49 +011001101010 Polly 50 +011001101010 Wrigley 51 +011001101010 Booz 52 +011001101010 Sherritt 52 +011001101010 J.M. 52 +011001101010 Bon 53 +011001101010 Britannia 54 +011001101010 Deer 54 +011001101010 Wake 55 +011001101010 Riggs 56 +011001101010 Overland 58 +011001101010 IDD 58 +011001101010 Horace 60 +011001101010 Ethan 61 +011001101010 Dinner 62 +011001101010 L.B. 62 +011001101010 Neiman 62 +011001101010 Puget 66 +011001101010 Kyodo 67 +011001101010 Marble 68 +011001101010 Chapel 68 +011001101010 Beacon 69 +011001101010 dBASE 69 +011001101010 Battery 70 +011001101010 Paine 70 +011001101010 A.L. 71 +011001101010 Sutter 71 +011001101010 Battelle 74 +011001101010 Princess 75 +011001101010 Greenwell 76 +011001101010 Citrus 76 +011001101010 Bowling 76 +011001101010 Eberstadt 78 +011001101010 H.J. 83 +011001101010 Asahi 96 +011001101010 Maclean 98 +011001101010 Oakley 101 +011001101010 Trammell 101 +011001101010 Cherry 101 +011001101010 DDB 102 +011001101010 Wachtell 105 +011001101010 Amerada 106 +011001101010 Carling 108 +011001101010 Dr 128 +011001101010 Menlo 129 +011001101010 Legg 129 +011001101010 McLeod 136 +011001101010 R.P. 137 +011001101010 Asea 141 +011001101010 Liz 142 +011001101010 Rolling 145 +011001101010 Crocker 162 +011001101010 Taco 165 +011001101010 Broken 166 +011001101010 Yellow 174 +011001101010 Daisy 197 +011001101010 Cardinal 216 +011001101010 Johns 232 +011001101010 Touche 240 +011001101010 Abu 265 +011001101010 Carnegie 268 +011001101010 Jardine 271 +011001101010 A.G. 280 +011001101010 Kenner 304 +011001101010 Brent 304 +011001101010 Sara 308 +011001101010 Anchor 320 +011001101010 L.F. 328 +011001101010 Baby 359 +011001101010 Southwestern 363 +011001101010 Forstmann 387 +011001101010 Hoffmann-La 388 +011001101010 Corning 410 +011001101010 Daily 534 +011001101010 Century 541 +011001101010 Fortune 580 +011001101010 J.P. 632 +011001101010 Burger 646 +011001101010 Old 680 +011001101010 Super 684 +011001101010 Dayton 923 +011001101010 Blue 986 +011001101010 Capitol 1027 +011001101010 S&P 3255 +011001101010 Nasdaq 2512 +011001101011 Zakum 1 +011001101011 wallless 1 +011001101011 English-dominated 1 +011001101011 worst-off 1 +011001101011 self-assertive 1 +011001101011 record-priced 1 +011001101011 super-tanned 1 +011001101011 U.C. 1 +011001101011 1.7057 1 +011001101011 397330 1 +011001101011 music-minded 1 +011001101011 Soviet-West 1 +011001101011 Atlantic-Middle 1 +011001101011 Three-Union 1 +011001101011 Sudeten 1 +011001101011 Kansas-based 1 +011001101011 T.G. 1 +011001101011 Galeota 1 +011001101011 Shoe-West 1 +011001101011 disarmament-prone 1 +011001101011 Cubie 1 +011001101011 Pierre-August 1 +011001101011 non-West 1 +011001101011 loss-battered 1 +011001101011 275,145 1 +011001101011 Bambi-eyed 1 +011001101011 80-ish 1 +011001101011 then-West 1 +011001101011 154-mile 1 +011001101011 craft-oriented 1 +011001101011 off-course 1 +011001101011 farmer-supported 1 +011001101011 MSHA. 1 +011001101011 Gujarat-style 1 +011001101011 oil-dependant 1 +011001101011 51-yearold 1 +011001101011 98-bed 1 +011001101011 now-failed 1 +011001101011 liquor-wary 1 +011001101011 union-fighting 1 +011001101011 etc.the 1 +011001101011 325-mile 1 +011001101011 reunifed 1 +011001101011 CITIC. 1 +011001101011 3.00-West 1 +011001101011 3.39-acre 1 +011001101011 Wesk 1 +011001101011 East-East 1 +011001101011 rough-and-ready-sounding 1 +011001101011 quagmired 1 +011001101011 debt-wary 1 +011001101011 once-vigorous 1 +011001101011 Oil-Gas 1 +011001101011 Wilda 1 +011001101011 Nepean 1 +011001101011 forest-covered 2 +011001101011 Seiscom 2 +011001101011 pleasure-seeking 2 +011001101011 French-West 2 +011001101011 Alexandrovich 2 +011001101011 Pulpit 2 +011001101011 3,595,729 2 +011001101011 Nine-Mile 2 +011001101011 Ronan 3 +011001101011 U.S.-West 3 +011001101011 Quonset 3 +011001101011 Mosquito 5 +011001101011 Sundial 5 +011001101011 Mekong 5 +011001101011 Goodby 6 +011001101011 Lambeth 7 +011001101011 Throat 7 +011001101011 Connecting 7 +011001101011 Sparrows 10 +011001101011 Weimar 10 +011001101011 Isaiah 12 +011001101011 Volta 13 +011001101011 Easterners 21 +011001101011 Notre 52 +011001101011 Floating 75 +011001101011 Ivory 211 +011001101011 East 4271 +011001101011 West 15233 +0110011011000 Aggie 1 +0110011011000 Courants 1 +0110011011000 Pharos 1 +0110011011000 1259 1 +0110011011000 Tribune-Democrat 1 +0110011011000 Lisner 1 +0110011011000 Tamoril 1 +0110011011000 SeaGate 1 +0110011011000 Ahlia-Gulf 1 +0110011011000 NASA-Air 1 +0110011011000 Consumer-Electronics 1 +0110011011000 Mostek 1 +0110011011000 Sauvigny 1 +0110011011000 Graywolf 1 +0110011011000 Uplands 1 +0110011011000 packaging-film 1 +0110011011000 Willowcreek 1 +0110011011000 Gesierich 1 +0110011011000 education-school 1 +0110011011000 fescue 1 +0110011011000 zillionairess 1 +0110011011000 Afram 1 +0110011011000 Sailcloth 1 +0110011011000 Instrumnents 1 +0110011011000 Sulpicio 1 +0110011011000 Press-Tribune 1 +0110011011000 birdhunters 1 +0110011011000 asparaga 1 +0110011011000 anatomist-biologist 1 +0110011011000 Wallboard 1 +0110011011000 1886-1985 1 +0110011011000 CF-7000 1 +0110011011000 Prescriptive 1 +0110011011000 anti-Fannie 1 +0110011011000 Kodansha 1 +0110011011000 83709 1 +0110011011000 Dooyang 1 +0110011011000 Grant-Thornton 1 +0110011011000 A-P-A 1 +0110011011000 Tugwell 1 +0110011011000 Quorum 1 +0110011011000 Island/Warner 1 +0110011011000 Goddard-Riverside 1 +0110011011000 tire-plant 1 +0110011011000 Jossey-Bass 1 +0110011011000 Locating 1 +0110011011000 woodswoman 1 +0110011011000 Demarcation 1 +0110011011000 Guimard 1 +0110011011000 Ginne 1 +0110011011000 ASHP 1 +0110011011000 Nina/Lillie 1 +0110011011000 grapefruit-flavored 1 +0110011011000 Hlatshwayo 1 +0110011011000 Sweeties 1 +0110011011000 Transportation/Pace 1 +0110011011000 M/G 1 +0110011011000 Ivaran 1 +0110011011000 AMACOM 1 +0110011011000 Temp 1 +0110011011000 EuroBerlin 1 +0110011011000 Rockwell-Air 1 +0110011011000 77027 1 +0110011011000 C&I 1 +0110011011000 American-European 1 +0110011011000 niobate 1 +0110011011000 53935 1 +0110011011000 Muni-Insured 1 +0110011011000 45701 1 +0110011011000 79022 1 +0110011011000 Akebono 1 +0110011011000 accent. 1 +0110011011000 Motorcade 1 +0110011011000 COSTRUZIONI 1 +0110011011000 Omec 1 +0110011011000 Sud 1 +0110011011000 tub-thumper 1 +0110011011000 cific 1 +0110011011000 musuem 1 +0110011011000 Olefins 1 +0110011011000 Geratetechnik 1 +0110011011000 Ora 1 +0110011011000 oilfields. 1 +0110011011000 1519 1 +0110011011000 honky-tonker 1 +0110011011000 Bluesmen 1 +0110011011000 Hellions 1 +0110011011000 SNKC 1 +0110011011000 Freshpack 1 +0110011011000 CF-6000/7000/8000 1 +0110011011000 Gastronomical 1 +0110011011000 Elizar 1 +0110011011000 Oder-Neisse 2 +0110011011000 Canceling 2 +0110011011000 Datafleet 2 +0110011011000 meat-judging 2 +0110011011000 syriaca 2 +0110011011000 Jacquet 2 +0110011011000 Alkyls 2 +0110011011000 National-Shawmut 2 +0110011011000 Bridey 2 +0110011011000 Optimist 2 +0110011011000 Galliker 2 +0110011011000 Atlantic-North 2 +0110011011000 Norcem 2 +0110011011000 Army-Air 2 +0110011011000 Bellamah 2 +0110011011000 Wescar 3 +0110011011000 A&I 3 +0110011011000 Marten 3 +0110011011000 4,800-member 3 +0110011011000 American-National 3 +0110011011000 Bounce 3 +0110011011000 Ellerman 3 +0110011011000 Durand 3 +0110011011000 Mertle 3 +0110011011000 NAL 3 +0110011011000 Hashanah 3 +0110011011000 Hashana 4 +0110011011000 D2 4 +0110011011000 Cranberry 4 +0110011011000 Bankhead 4 +0110011011000 Traveller 4 +0110011011000 Bendix/King 5 +0110011011000 Lobstermen 5 +0110011011000 Starcross 6 +0110011011000 Liberated 6 +0110011011000 88s 6 +0110011011000 Villard 7 +0110011011000 Tubular 7 +0110011011000 Maersk 8 +0110011011000 Finish 8 +0110011011000 Deployment 8 +0110011011000 Multimarket 9 +0110011011000 Cunard 9 +0110011011000 Courant 11 +0110011011000 Wellness 11 +0110011011000 Grave 13 +0110011011000 Balanced 16 +0110011011000 Chorus 18 +0110011011000 Defence 19 +0110011011000 Fuse 19 +0110011011000 Harbors 21 +0110011011000 Punch 26 +0110011011000 Rangers 47 +0110011011000 Beef 67 +0110011011000 Sallie 90 +0110011011000 Soo 90 +0110011011000 A&M 93 +0110011011000 Viking 95 +0110011011000 Mattress 101 +0110011011000 Cruise 106 +0110011011000 Task 149 +0110011011000 Pipe 150 +0110011011000 Truck 167 +0110011011000 Intermediate 328 +0110011011000 Ginnie 333 +0110011011000 Value 405 +0110011011000 Instruments 637 +0110011011000 Freddie 701 +0110011011000 Air 7857 +0110011011000 Fannie 777 +0110011011001 GMX 1 +0110011011001 Gallop 1 +0110011011001 Dataset 1 +0110011011001 54,000-member 1 +0110011011001 Creedmore 1 +0110011011001 Lichtstein 1 +0110011011001 Nation-wide 1 +0110011011001 Dade-Miami 1 +0110011011001 HAC.A. 1 +0110011011001 Foreign-Debt 1 +0110011011001 Nullarbor 1 +0110011011001 Already-burdened 1 +0110011011001 319-member 1 +0110011011001 28-team 1 +0110011011001 Tallest 1 +0110011011001 Excerpta 1 +0110011011001 Idn 1 +0110011011001 Market-Based 1 +0110011011001 Syria-based 1 +0110011011001 Abducts 1 +0110011011001 100E 1 +0110011011001 blackoriented 1 +0110011011001 Financial-A 1 +0110011011001 flag-salute 1 +0110011011001 Sav-On 1 +0110011011001 Guttehofnungshuette 1 +0110011011001 TRG 1 +0110011011001 Owner-Operators 1 +0110011011001 Daichi 1 +0110011011001 Tangshan 1 +0110011011001 Techno 1 +0110011011001 170,432 1 +0110011011001 Audiographic 1 +0110011011001 TUPPERWARE 1 +0110011011001 Dartmouth-Hitchcock 1 +0110011011001 322-member 1 +0110011011001 Macomson 1 +0110011011001 Bayard-Condict 1 +0110011011001 -Federal 1 +0110011011001 Inyangas 1 +0110011011001 Branding 1 +0110011011001 Sheridane 1 +0110011011001 300,000-student 1 +0110011011001 128,500 1 +0110011011001 Lying-In 1 +0110011011001 tal 1 +0110011011001 starship 1 +0110011011001 since-fired 1 +0110011011001 black-swathed 1 +0110011011001 Moro 1 +0110011011001 County-USC 1 +0110011011001 Balasore 1 +0110011011001 Brooklyn-Battery 1 +0110011011001 High-Pressure 1 +0110011011001 fiveday 1 +0110011011001 ISA 1 +0110011011001 cobblestoned 1 +0110011011001 Ductile 1 +0110011011001 Archeological 1 +0110011011001 V.A. 1 +0110011011001 15-stock 1 +0110011011001 Presby 1 +0110011011001 Herftighte 1 +0110011011001 Least-Cost 1 +0110011011001 shot-and-a-beer 1 +0110011011001 400-screen 1 +0110011011001 Chanin 1 +0110011011001 707-room 1 +0110011011001 Aryt 1 +0110011011001 Whitnon 1 +0110011011001 Crozer-Chester 1 +0110011011001 Vampco 1 +0110011011001 Tredegar 1 +0110011011001 Ingenious 1 +0110011011001 234,285 1 +0110011011001 Tell-Tale 1 +0110011011001 Anti 1 +0110011011001 +131.7 1 +0110011011001 now-dismembered 1 +0110011011001 A/S/M/ 1 +0110011011001 6,248,751 1 +0110011011001 Air-safety 1 +0110011011001 McLachlen 1 +0110011011001 GoodTimes 1 +0110011011001 Packard-sponsored 1 +0110011011001 Cavity-Rim 1 +0110011011001 Lucky/American 1 +0110011011001 smash-hit 1 +0110011011001 Chadbourn-Gotham 1 +0110011011001 Relm 1 +0110011011001 Kroller-Muller 1 +0110011011001 Duarte-dominated 1 +0110011011001 Schmiede 1 +0110011011001 budget-starved 1 +0110011011001 234th 1 +0110011011001 Starwood 1 +0110011011001 Bellerive 1 +0110011011001 Albimar 1 +0110011011001 Duofold 1 +0110011011001 Lucky-American 1 +0110011011001 500-showroom 1 +0110011011001 Batelle 1 +0110011011001 Embasssy 1 +0110011011001 Motoring 1 +0110011011001 Peshawar-based 1 +0110011011001 Higher-court 1 +0110011011001 Fairyland 1 +0110011011001 +113.2 1 +0110011011001 Targetted 1 +0110011011001 Stash 1 +0110011011001 Knee-jerk 1 +0110011011001 Coal-burning 1 +0110011011001 S&L-owned 1 +0110011011001 monarchist 1 +0110011011001 Arrawani 1 +0110011011001 Biosphere 1 +0110011011001 Robins-American 1 +0110011011001 Dai-Ichi/Nippon 1 +0110011011001 SEPTA 1 +0110011011001 Iraq-based 1 +0110011011001 Absaroka-Beartooth 1 +0110011011001 Lenfest 1 +0110011011001 Investor-owned 1 +0110011011001 Downstate 2 +0110011011001 Hospital-Cornell 2 +0110011011001 Tripod-Laing 2 +0110011011001 Fidelty 2 +0110011011001 Pennaco 2 +0110011011001 CHEUNG 2 +0110011011001 500,000-member 2 +0110011011001 Parafrance 2 +0110011011001 Pasttime 2 +0110011011001 Barbaralee 2 +0110011011001 Reciprocal 2 +0110011011001 C&F 2 +0110011011001 Nondiscrimination 2 +0110011011001 Explosion-Proof 2 +0110011011001 Allstar 3 +0110011011001 Mohave 3 +0110011011001 Lucky-Alpha 3 +0110011011001 opposition-dominated 3 +0110011011001 Suche 3 +0110011011001 Mercantile-Safe 3 +0110011011001 NHD 3 +0110011011001 Contort 3 +0110011011001 Harborview 3 +0110011011001 Budgetel 3 +0110011011001 299-seat 4 +0110011011001 Holistic 4 +0110011011001 Anshan 4 +0110011011001 Choral 4 +0110011011001 Celgar 4 +0110011011001 IDG 4 +0110011011001 Freshman 4 +0110011011001 Healing 5 +0110011011001 Conscription 5 +0110011011001 CIVIL 6 +0110011011001 Sardine 7 +0110011011001 Cedars-Sinai 8 +0110011011001 Dulwich 8 +0110011011001 Distilled 8 +0110011011001 HONG 9 +0110011011001 Pearle 11 +0110011011001 Lamston 12 +0110011011001 Auditing 14 +0110011011001 Dauphin 14 +0110011011001 Talman 17 +0110011011001 Phi 18 +0110011011001 24-nation 19 +0110011011001 Riot 20 +0110011011001 Recording 27 +0110011011001 Residence 29 +0110011011001 Cents 30 +0110011011001 Federal 13082 +0110011011001 Nuclear 554 +0110011011010 Street-minded 1 +0110011011010 Boon 1 +0110011011010 Street-related 1 +0110011011010 Arnault-controlled 1 +0110011011010 Street-bashing 1 +0110011011010 Street-wide 1 +0110011011010 Sreet 1 +0110011011010 Steet 1 +0110011011010 ner 1 +0110011011010 Kerkorian-owned 1 +0110011011010 Okeene 2 +0110011011010 Street-area 3 +0110011011010 Street. 3 +0110011011010 Gyi 13 +0110011011010 Streeter 19 +0110011011010 Hurdman 59 +0110011011010 Street 9983 +0110011011010 Streeters 90 +01100110110110 26-man 1 +01100110110110 Five-Nations 1 +01100110110110 Britiah 1 +01100110110110 L.F 1 +01100110110110 22,985 1 +01100110110110 Feasible 1 +01100110110110 Junk-Mail 1 +01100110110110 9,226,155 1 +01100110110110 Reg. 1 +01100110110110 Damps 1 +01100110110110 FASEB 1 +01100110110110 Incoherent 1 +01100110110110 Lycurgus 1 +01100110110110 dollar-Swiss 1 +01100110110110 801,047 1 +01100110110110 pre-Civil 1 +01100110110110 4,524,820 1 +01100110110110 Anti-Japanese 1 +01100110110110 Viraf 1 +01100110110110 Loan-Loss 1 +01100110110110 quasiprivate 1 +01100110110110 News-Washington 1 +01100110110110 once-hard-bitten 1 +01100110110110 Grahamy 1 +01100110110110 2,478,619 1 +01100110110110 Recombivax 1 +01100110110110 169,000-square-foot 1 +01100110110110 bed-making 1 +01100110110110 Negotiated 1 +01100110110110 468,750 1 +01100110110110 Woodward-Watergate-Washington 1 +01100110110110 Post-World 1 +01100110110110 Sudamerikanische 1 +01100110110110 mark-French 1 +01100110110110 Real-Time 1 +01100110110110 more-elaborate 1 +01100110110110 peerless-passing 1 +01100110110110 1,956,799 1 +01100110110110 Recombizax 1 +01100110110110 Russo/Japanese 1 +01100110110110 Waif 1 +01100110110110 2,980,000 1 +01100110110110 World-import 1 +01100110110110 43-note 1 +01100110110110 Biafran 1 +01100110110110 1,898,399 1 +01100110110110 52.46 1 +01100110110110 marble-top 1 +01100110110110 Alfed 1 +01100110110110 Physicians/Mutual 1 +01100110110110 league-eading 1 +01100110110110 Blithe 1 +01100110110110 open-to-all 1 +01100110110110 57.14 1 +01100110110110 Mets-Pittsburgh 1 +01100110110110 creme-filled 1 +01100110110110 180,000-circulation 1 +01100110110110 301,729 1 +01100110110110 Farm-Debt 1 +01100110110110 like-ranged 1 +01100110110110 pounds. 1 +01100110110110 agenciesnot 1 +01100110110110 81,402,111 1 +01100110110110 World-related 1 +01100110110110 Klukwan 1 +01100110110110 433,745 1 +01100110110110 Brymon 1 +01100110110110 Liliputian 1 +01100110110110 Clogged 1 +01100110110110 male-forming 1 +01100110110110 Addas 1 +01100110110110 361,514 1 +01100110110110 common-and 1 +01100110110110 2,399,344 1 +01100110110110 BIGO. 1 +01100110110110 Shoeshine 1 +01100110110110 laicized 1 +01100110110110 Russo-Turkish 1 +01100110110110 Adris 1 +01100110110110 Praga 1 +01100110110110 Indo-Pakistani 1 +01100110110110 Weightlifting 1 +01100110110110 Tirat 1 +01100110110110 12,718 1 +01100110110110 125-room 1 +01100110110110 Superstate 1 +01100110110110 Deutschemark-Swiss 1 +01100110110110 Airways-British 1 +01100110110110 lesssevere 1 +01100110110110 Carry-On 1 +01100110110110 pennant-contending 1 +01100110110110 2247 1 +01100110110110 100-Yard 1 +01100110110110 Easthampton 1 +01100110110110 10,581,000 1 +01100110110110 3,105.3 1 +01100110110110 Bryan-controlled 1 +01100110110110 Glimmer 1 +01100110110110 All-Nippon 1 +01100110110110 2,283,625 1 +01100110110110 Beasty 1 +01100110110110 1,741,100 1 +01100110110110 fishpond 1 +01100110110110 World-manufactured 1 +01100110110110 4,032,564 1 +01100110110110 World-type 1 +01100110110110 Svcs 1 +01100110110110 Andie 1 +01100110110110 News/Washington 1 +01100110110110 1-alpha-hydroxalated 1 +01100110110110 Shoveling 1 +01100110110110 **** 1 +01100110110110 165,717,000 1 +01100110110110 RICOed 1 +01100110110110 Ponciano 1 +01100110110110 Ledra 1 +01100110110110 then-Boston 1 +01100110110110 Scanticon 1 +01100110110110 yen/Swiss 1 +01100110110110 Elway-engineered 1 +01100110110110 Cockroach 1 +01100110110110 too-reluctant 1 +01100110110110 1,388,781 1 +01100110110110 old-champ 1 +01100110110110 Haynesville 1 +01100110110110 wrist-powered 1 +01100110110110 Bucharest-Tel 1 +01100110110110 Colgan 1 +01100110110110 S.A.-owned 1 +01100110110110 1986-champion 1 +01100110110110 Polled 2 +01100110110110 HP3000 2 +01100110110110 influenzae 2 +01100110110110 Mommie 2 +01100110110110 Contintental 2 +01100110110110 Teouma 2 +01100110110110 Galley 2 +01100110110110 Cut-rate 2 +01100110110110 1,717 2 +01100110110110 Nittany 2 +01100110110110 90,600 2 +01100110110110 reverse-yen 2 +01100110110110 879,286 2 +01100110110110 305,814 2 +01100110110110 Cubicle 2 +01100110110110 FirstRepublic 2 +01100110110110 non-attainment 2 +01100110110110 Bodybuilding 2 +01100110110110 Fund-World 2 +01100110110110 FG 2 +01100110110110 Bhundu 2 +01100110110110 220,606 2 +01100110110110 Bobbsey 2 +01100110110110 Boeselager 2 +01100110110110 Drovers 2 +01100110110110 Radiator 2 +01100110110110 Uncivil 2 +01100110110110 BFK 2 +01100110110110 306,601 3 +01100110110110 Kona 3 +01100110110110 Bathroom 3 +01100110110110 Scottsboro 3 +01100110110110 Scrantonian 3 +01100110110110 Gummi 3 +01100110110110 ABC/Washington 3 +01100110110110 Drugstore 3 +01100110110110 Beanfield 3 +01100110110110 mark-Swiss 3 +01100110110110 Galvanized 3 +01100110110110 falsetto 3 +01100110110110 5,679,411 3 +01100110110110 200-300 3 +01100110110110 Fajita 3 +01100110110110 Lonrho-owned 4 +01100110110110 Franco-Prussian 4 +01100110110110 Puritanism 4 +01100110110110 Socialist-leaning 4 +01100110110110 167,230 4 +01100110110110 Tempelhof 4 +01100110110110 Russo-Japanese 4 +01100110110110 Rede 4 +01100110110110 Eveleth 4 +01100110110110 Insect 5 +01100110110110 Privileged 5 +01100110110110 zirconia 5 +01100110110110 Ubu 5 +01100110110110 Tanker 5 +01100110110110 Latter-day 6 +01100110110110 Spectacular 6 +01100110110110 Peloponnesian 6 +01100110110110 Spanish-American 7 +01100110110110 post-Civil 7 +01100110110110 '77 7 +01100110110110 Coronation 8 +01100110110110 Beastie 8 +01100110110110 Bloodsucking 8 +01100110110110 Sperm 9 +01100110110110 pre-World 11 +01100110110110 Stallion 12 +01100110110110 752,297 13 +01100110110110 Eiffel 18 +01100110110110 DHL 19 +01100110110110 Karate 19 +01100110110110 Six-Day 21 +01100110110110 Breeders 22 +01100110110110 Falklands 24 +01100110110110 PGA 25 +01100110110110 Stereo 28 +01100110110110 Pep 32 +01100110110110 Oprah 46 +01100110110110 Crocodile 51 +01100110110110 Bumble 55 +01100110110110 post-World 88 +01100110110110 Cold 147 +01100110110110 Civil 624 +01100110110110 World 7224 +01100110110110 flown 748 +01100110110111 BBC. 1 +01100110110111 Ad-Pac 1 +01100110110111 Insider-Trading 1 +01100110110111 leaseable 1 +01100110110111 cheese-topped 1 +01100110110111 McConnell-related 1 +01100110110111 Price-Fix 1 +01100110110111 no-thrills 1 +01100110110111 Snyder-Evans 1 +01100110110111 Asbestos-laden 1 +01100110110111 busted-appliance 1 +01100110110111 employee-damage 1 +01100110110111 over-reserving 1 +01100110110111 sport-caught 1 +01100110110111 Rombergian 1 +01100110110111 12-by-18-foot 1 +01100110110111 Wilmington/New 1 +01100110110111 6,963-yard 1 +01100110110111 Daintree 1 +01100110110111 cathedral-sized 1 +01100110110111 thin-gauged 1 +01100110110111 string-quartet 1 +01100110110111 Blocked 1 +01100110110111 1950-53 1 +01100110110111 Kenbak 1 +01100110110111 death-and-suffering 1 +01100110110111 530-acre 1 +01100110110111 TeleCaption 1 +01100110110111 metal-laden 1 +01100110110111 IranIraq 1 +01100110110111 hedge-hog 1 +01100110110111 1,250-megawatt 1 +01100110110111 fire-engine-red 1 +01100110110111 A-Part 1 +01100110110111 250-ton 1 +01100110110111 83-degree 1 +01100110110111 snow-packed 1 +01100110110111 29,160-pound 1 +01100110110111 satellite-age 1 +01100110110111 built. 1 +01100110110111 833,000-kilowatt 1 +01100110110111 Lacygne 1 +01100110110111 Tarator 1 +01100110110111 1,160-megawatt 1 +01100110110111 troubled-plagued 1 +01100110110111 Belot 1 +01100110110111 hyperinflated 1 +01100110110111 two-foot-deep 1 +01100110110111 270,000-square-foot 1 +01100110110111 town-center 1 +01100110110111 Nzoia 1 +01100110110111 Lenten 1 +01100110110111 sludge-fertilized 1 +01100110110111 pseudo-Savonnerie 1 +01100110110111 Chocolait 1 +01100110110111 Ludendorff 1 +01100110110111 often-symptom-free 1 +01100110110111 Elastic 1 +01100110110111 freed-up 1 +01100110110111 extra-lean 1 +01100110110111 overevaluate 1 +01100110110111 anti-navy 1 +01100110110111 pro-golf 1 +01100110110111 UHF. 1 +01100110110111 900,000-kilowatt 1 +01100110110111 bright-green 1 +01100110110111 floating-interest-rate 1 +01100110110111 fightingest 1 +01100110110111 kike 1 +01100110110111 ballerina-like 1 +01100110110111 1958-61 1 +01100110110111 windmill-filled 1 +01100110110111 sun-speckled 1 +01100110110111 coffee-colored 1 +01100110110111 shorefront 1 +01100110110111 Gracchan 1 +01100110110111 Reemergent 1 +01100110110111 MP. 1 +01100110110111 post-concession 1 +01100110110111 Priazzo 1 +01100110110111 single-asset 1 +01100110110111 S-70A9 1 +01100110110111 par-72 1 +01100110110111 Wawel 1 +01100110110111 107-degree 1 +01100110110111 Amoun 1 +01100110110111 16,863-foot 1 +01100110110111 rain-triggered 1 +01100110110111 weird-sounding 1 +01100110110111 1975-1976 1 +01100110110111 21,000-plus 1 +01100110110111 JUMPED 1 +01100110110111 Ebenhausen 1 +01100110110111 nicotine-based 1 +01100110110111 salt-based 1 +01100110110111 Freeman-Goldman 1 +01100110110111 20-mile-long 1 +01100110110111 winter-grown 1 +01100110110111 Star-Speeder 1 +01100110110111 enzyme-replacement 1 +01100110110111 12-by-20-foot 1 +01100110110111 government-employee 1 +01100110110111 182-acre 1 +01100110110111 jazz-inspired 1 +01100110110111 1,300-acre 1 +01100110110111 peaceful-looking 1 +01100110110111 toy. 1 +01100110110111 no-longer-retired 1 +01100110110111 U.S-based 1 +01100110110111 wind-carved 1 +01100110110111 least-talked-about 1 +01100110110111 386/20E 1 +01100110110111 sugarless 1 +01100110110111 farther-out 1 +01100110110111 Bogi 1 +01100110110111 Daimi 1 +01100110110111 7,318 1 +01100110110111 Pir 1 +01100110110111 Paniro 1 +01100110110111 Lunningham 1 +01100110110111 hyper-Romantic 1 +01100110110111 BOTTLED 1 +01100110110111 Russo-Finnish 1 +01100110110111 rightleft 1 +01100110110111 public-our 1 +01100110110111 166-unit 1 +01100110110111 administrator. 1 +01100110110111 collector. 1 +01100110110111 225stock 1 +01100110110111 even-less-defensible 1 +01100110110111 Sissinghurst 1 +01100110110111 large-case 1 +01100110110111 AKT 1 +01100110110111 non-Persian 1 +01100110110111 Snurfer 1 +01100110110111 Koch-Trump 1 +01100110110111 zeta 1 +01100110110111 big-company-dominated 1 +01100110110111 atextual 1 +01100110110111 Federated-Campeau-Macy 1 +01100110110111 catty-cornered 1 +01100110110111 pre-bankruptcy 1 +01100110110111 BQ 1 +01100110110111 Secluded 1 +01100110110111 cream-of-soot 1 +01100110110111 Romine 1 +01100110110111 distribution-center 1 +01100110110111 feb. 1 +01100110110111 Friday-Passover-Easter 1 +01100110110111 Much-loved 1 +01100110110111 Spec. 1 +01100110110111 Mondale-McGovern 1 +01100110110111 717.2 1 +01100110110111 pork-based 1 +01100110110111 McRib 1 +01100110110111 Delamuraz 1 +01100110110111 terrapin 1 +01100110110111 dead-grass 1 +01100110110111 6,677 1 +01100110110111 litchi 1 +01100110110111 semispherical 1 +01100110110111 anti-Mapplethorpe 1 +01100110110111 Riv 1 +01100110110111 Galveston-Hou 1 +01100110110111 Entp 1 +01100110110111 Invtrs 1 +01100110110111 ShareBase 1 +01100110110111 hurricane-prone 1 +01100110110111 Sysstems 1 +01100110110111 now-required 1 +01100110110111 WBF. 1 +01100110110111 multi-district 1 +01100110110111 Iranian-Iraqi 1 +01100110110111 Telenorma 1 +01100110110111 Luken-Whittaker 1 +01100110110111 AC&R/ 1 +01100110110111 Sparcstation 1 +01100110110111 reiterative 1 +01100110110111 then-moribund 1 +01100110110111 TXPOC 1 +01100110110111 Perot-EDS 1 +01100110110111 subscriber. 1 +01100110110111 Bathsheba 1 +01100110110111 zu 1 +01100110110111 543.9 1 +01100110110111 671.6 1 +01100110110111 b5.06 1 +01100110110111 mardi 1 +01100110110111 longevous 1 +01100110110111 post-April 1 +01100110110111 1,943-mile 1 +01100110110111 extra-sharp 1 +01100110110111 Rabies. 1 +01100110110111 Place. 1 +01100110110111 Hiss-Chambers 1 +01100110110111 Meatheads. 1 +01100110110111 dun-colored 1 +01100110110111 super-hot 1 +01100110110111 pre-OPEC 1 +01100110110111 barrelshaped 1 +01100110110111 MXCL 1 +01100110110111 1929-1967 1 +01100110110111 RS/20 1 +01100110110111 ES/12 1 +01100110110111 40-passenger 1 +01100110110111 dissensions 1 +01100110110111 pewless 1 +01100110110111 556.3 1 +01100110110111 pigment-making 1 +01100110110111 actively-traded 1 +01100110110111 highest-income 2 +01100110110111 Perisan 2 +01100110110111 Partisans 2 +01100110110111 crispier 2 +01100110110111 1,595,800 2 +01100110110111 Biotheraptc 2 +01100110110111 four-company 2 +01100110110111 Allowances 2 +01100110110111 PIER 2 +01100110110111 Bousquet 2 +01100110110111 Reprint 2 +01100110110111 Paw 2 +01100110110111 sight-threatening 2 +01100110110111 baguette 2 +01100110110111 immunodoptive 2 +01100110110111 dining-car 2 +01100110110111 Wellgreen 2 +01100110110111 la-la 2 +01100110110111 glycoprotein 2 +01100110110111 Sherco 2 +01100110110111 SupersPort 2 +01100110110111 SparcStation 2 +01100110110111 Vostok 2 +01100110110111 95-lawyer 2 +01100110110111 Gissi 2 +01100110110111 Oilwell 2 +01100110110111 spliced-in 2 +01100110110111 Criticality 2 +01100110110111 Debit/Credit 2 +01100110110111 Chuo 2 +01100110110111 PS/ 2 +01100110110111 999.7 2 +01100110110111 Wildcats 2 +01100110110111 1,145 2 +01100110110111 Pru 2 +01100110110111 glass. 2 +01100110110111 car-warranty 2 +01100110110111 ale-bread 2 +01100110110111 25-store 2 +01100110110111 var 2 +01100110110111 korp. 2 +01100110110111 flathead 2 +01100110110111 Feldkirchen 2 +01100110110111 Gilgenberg 2 +01100110110111 Astaett 2 +01100110110111 bubble-bath 2 +01100110110111 Repozo 2 +01100110110111 DEC. 2 +01100110110111 Mannie 2 +01100110110111 bottom-most 2 +01100110110111 Goldberg-Bear 2 +01100110110111 Cardi-Omega 3 +01100110110111 Cobey-Bear 3 +01100110110111 Sublime 3 +01100110110111 Cookware 3 +01100110110111 Symphonies 3 +01100110110111 Veracruz 3 +01100110110111 Farm-to-Market 3 +01100110110111 Amo 3 +01100110110111 non-citrus 3 +01100110110111 mega-agency 3 +01100110110111 Herstmonceux 3 +01100110110111 government-affiliated 3 +01100110110111 225-issue 3 +01100110110111 750-megawatt 3 +01100110110111 Beet 4 +01100110110111 hollandaise 4 +01100110110111 cyanide-laced 4 +01100110110111 Bodie 4 +01100110110111 spina 4 +01100110110111 Paragraph 4 +01100110110111 never-never 5 +01100110110111 Europeras 5 +01100110110111 Framework 5 +01100110110111 November-December 5 +01100110110111 NO. 5 +01100110110111 Sismik 5 +01100110110111 no. 5 +01100110110111 Skylab 5 +01100110110111 Grecian 5 +01100110110111 librettist 6 +01100110110111 photodynamic 6 +01100110110111 superpremium 6 +01100110110111 Telstar 7 +01100110110111 Antenne 8 +01100110110111 Fallacy 9 +01100110110111 Springerville 10 +01100110110111 Tet 11 +01100110110111 Colstrip 14 +01100110110111 Limerick 17 +01100110110111 RU 18 +01100110110111 Fab 20 +01100110110111 Models 20 +01100110110111 Opus 21 +01100110110111 Figure 22 +01100110110111 Samsonite 23 +01100110110111 Expo 24 +01100110110111 Site 24 +01100110110111 FT-SE 29 +01100110110111 Iraq-Iran 29 +01100110110111 Formula 31 +01100110110111 Atchison 31 +01100110110111 Millstone 36 +01100110110111 Number 44 +01100110110111 Route 47 +01100110110111 Mager 48 +01100110110111 Braidwood 54 +01100110110111 Dash 57 +01100110110111 Clause 58 +01100110110111 Nos. 60 +01100110110111 Release 87 +01100110110111 Article 101 +01100110110111 Hang 131 +01100110110111 Fermi 150 +01100110110111 Pier 155 +01100110110111 Model 172 +01100110110111 bellwether 206 +01100110110111 Iran-Iraq 265 +01100110110111 Unit 307 +01100110110111 Section 403 +01100110110111 benchmark 1008 +01100110110111 Persian 1400 +01100110110111 No. 2457 +01100110110111 bidding 2204 +0110011011100 Lox 1 +0110011011100 Marsin 1 +0110011011100 226,625 1 +0110011011100 324,836 1 +0110011011100 Economics-Mathematical 1 +0110011011100 Bulldog 1 +0110011011100 Vancover 1 +0110011011100 Cankor 1 +0110011011100 Sanyo-Kokusaku 1 +0110011011100 Telltale 1 +0110011011100 Parkvale 1 +0110011011100 America/Central 1 +0110011011100 Impede 1 +0110011011100 Spenco 1 +0110011011100 WPMI 1 +0110011011100 Long-Distance 1 +0110011011100 Saraha 1 +0110011011100 CSX-Sea 1 +0110011011100 Brouillard 1 +0110011011100 Sea-based 1 +0110011011100 Handy-Andy 1 +0110011011100 Awerbuch 1 +0110011011100 Winchmore 1 +0110011011100 Pennview 1 +0110011011100 La-La 1 +0110011011100 Aderet 1 +0110011011100 A&P-owned 1 +0110011011100 Gaseta 1 +0110011011100 Shanachie 1 +0110011011100 232,050 1 +0110011011100 Energy-Efficient 1 +0110011011100 Cross-Harbour 1 +0110011011100 HI-NET 1 +0110011011100 Do-it-Yourself 1 +0110011011100 Yorkridge-Calvert 1 +0110011011100 Wynwood 1 +0110011011100 Wallkill 1 +0110011011100 Med-Care 1 +0110011011100 Heart-in-Hand 1 +0110011011100 format-extended-definition 1 +0110011011100 VS&A 1 +0110011011100 Ngan 1 +0110011011100 0.476 1 +0110011011100 PETA. 1 +0110011011100 Meatty 1 +0110011011100 Carolina-Virginia 1 +0110011011100 undistressed 1 +0110011011100 6,277 1 +0110011011100 Briercroft 1 +0110011011100 Akzo-American 1 +0110011011100 Esalen 1 +0110011011100 Brill-Cor 1 +0110011011100 Sumito 1 +0110011011100 Syber 1 +0110011011100 Gloray 1 +0110011011100 Stax 1 +0110011011100 elseMosaic 1 +0110011011100 Zbig 1 +0110011011100 Travisano/DiGiacomo 1 +0110011011100 Jaslow 1 +0110011011100 Teollisuuden 1 +0110011011100 DRV 1 +0110011011100 Producto 1 +0110011011100 Scalable 1 +0110011011100 RENSSELAER 1 +0110011011100 ChemExec 1 +0110011011100 Dilatush 1 +0110011011100 Wabush 1 +0110011011100 Shoudou 1 +0110011011100 S-2 1 +0110011011100 Sellersville 1 +0110011011100 S.A.F.E. 1 +0110011011100 Inswell 1 +0110011011100 equity-options 1 +0110011011100 Honfirst 1 +0110011011100 Hill-Russell 1 +0110011011100 Rousell 1 +0110011011100 MegEcon 1 +0110011011100 Premonitions 1 +0110011011100 Coastel 1 +0110011011100 Allarco 1 +0110011011100 Capital-Gazette 1 +0110011011100 Stein-Roe 1 +0110011011100 Gilbratar 1 +0110011011100 Kolff 1 +0110011011100 Digitial 1 +0110011011100 Thilmany 1 +0110011011100 MacMillian 1 +0110011011100 Adambank 1 +0110011011100 Koa 2 +0110011011100 FCA/American 2 +0110011011100 Suiza 2 +0110011011100 Hagley 2 +0110011011100 Wozchod 2 +0110011011100 Cariboo 2 +0110011011100 GeoEnvironmental 2 +0110011011100 Momi 2 +0110011011100 Homicide 2 +0110011011100 eight-passenger 2 +0110011011100 Litho 2 +0110011011100 extended-definition 2 +0110011011100 Refractory 2 +0110011011100 Akiva 2 +0110011011100 Woodfield 2 +0110011011100 African-Jewish 2 +0110011011100 Kron 2 +0110011011100 CIBA 2 +0110011011100 Behavioral 2 +0110011011100 Isotec 2 +0110011011100 Butovo 2 +0110011011100 Alief 2 +0110011011100 Marigold 2 +0110011011100 Inter-County 2 +0110011011100 Coonley 2 +0110011011100 Pocahontas 2 +0110011011100 62-acre 2 +0110011011100 horseshoe-shaped 2 +0110011011100 Flinders 2 +0110011011100 Westmarc 2 +0110011011100 Courtlemagne 2 +0110011011100 Angio 2 +0110011011100 Cease 2 +0110011011100 MidFed 2 +0110011011100 Bacob 2 +0110011011100 Yoruba 2 +0110011011100 Retrospect 2 +0110011011100 Coaxial 2 +0110011011100 Northside 2 +0110011011100 Aquarian 2 +0110011011100 Infas 2 +0110011011100 Lacos 2 +0110011011100 silly-sounding 2 +0110011011100 Multi-Channel 2 +0110011011100 Catalog-Showroom 3 +0110011011100 Lupa 3 +0110011011100 Kalgurli 3 +0110011011100 Enstar 3 +0110011011100 Dai-Tokyo 3 +0110011011100 America/Asia 3 +0110011011100 Abundant 3 +0110011011100 X-Rated 3 +0110011011100 Utrecht 3 +0110011011100 ASCAP 3 +0110011011100 Hillside 3 +0110011011100 Investex 3 +0110011011100 Admiralty 3 +0110011011100 Deena 3 +0110011011100 Mesabi 3 +0110011011100 Pont-Aven 3 +0110011011100 other-worldly 3 +0110011011100 Tasaki 3 +0110011011100 Supplementary 3 +0110011011100 Bondex 3 +0110011011100 Scitech 3 +0110011011100 Adambanc 3 +0110011011100 PDM 3 +0110011011100 Columbia-Presbyterian 3 +0110011011100 J.B.N. 3 +0110011011100 Norseman 4 +0110011011100 T2 4 +0110011011100 Renewable 4 +0110011011100 Durr-Fillauer 4 +0110011011100 Karchmer 4 +0110011011100 American-based 4 +0110011011100 Colour 4 +0110011011100 CPS 4 +0110011011100 Homestate 4 +0110011011100 Keyboard 4 +0110011011100 Okinawan 5 +0110011011100 NEWHALL 5 +0110011011100 al-Azhar 5 +0110011011100 Wacker 5 +0110011011100 Seacoast 5 +0110011011100 Bruning 5 +0110011011100 Onondaga 5 +0110011011100 Hanil 6 +0110011011100 Muscular 6 +0110011011100 Chaoyang 6 +0110011011100 Kosher 6 +0110011011100 IRISH 7 +0110011011100 Snomax 7 +0110011011100 Artistic 8 +0110011011100 Post-Newsweek 8 +0110011011100 TropWorld 8 +0110011011100 Dao 8 +0110011011100 Centerbanc 8 +0110011011100 Lakeshore 9 +0110011011100 Centrust 9 +0110011011100 Rodeway 9 +0110011011100 Freymiller 9 +0110011011100 Territorial 9 +0110011011100 Sevin-Rosen 9 +0110011011100 Columbia/Embassy 9 +0110011011100 Ironton 9 +0110011011100 UC 9 +0110011011100 GV 10 +0110011011100 Shoreline 11 +0110011011100 Promised 12 +0110011011100 Rensselaer 12 +0110011011100 Glorious 13 +0110011011100 Distinguished 14 +0110011011100 Chiquita 15 +0110011011100 Severn 16 +0110011011100 IG 17 +0110011011100 Adirondack 18 +0110011011100 MSU 19 +0110011011100 Brandywine 20 +0110011011100 Kwik 21 +0110011011100 Pohang 22 +0110011011100 Overpriced 27 +0110011011100 Lisp 27 +0110011011100 Sacred 27 +0110011011100 Perpetual 30 +0110011011100 Casual 35 +0110011011100 N' 36 +0110011011100 Complete 38 +0110011011100 All-American 41 +0110011011100 Neighborhood 42 +0110011011100 Dime 45 +0110011011100 Anglo-American 47 +0110011011100 Tender 49 +0110011011100 Appalachian 55 +0110011011100 NYU 66 +0110011011100 Competitive 72 +0110011011100 Bowery 87 +0110011011100 Claremont 93 +0110011011100 Motion 94 +0110011011100 Coldwell 98 +0110011011100 Cultural 130 +0110011011100 Scandinavian 194 +0110011011100 American 32204 +0110011011100 Employee 196 +0110011011101 Anti-Scientific 1 +0110011011101 2,877,313 1 +0110011011101 385,400 1 +0110011011101 552,884 1 +0110011011101 Mills-Anderson 1 +0110011011101 730,500 1 +0110011011101 CAISSE 1 +0110011011101 16th-19th 1 +0110011011101 829,900 1 +0110011011101 1,098,400 1 +0110011011101 dealers. 1 +0110011011101 224,007 1 +0110011011101 Licensee 1 +0110011011101 137,912 1 +0110011011101 1,183,533 1 +0110011011101 460,861 1 +0110011011101 110,100 1 +0110011011101 381,900 1 +0110011011101 1,343,900 1 +0110011011101 1,059,700 1 +0110011011101 575,859 1 +0110011011101 Midco 1 +0110011011101 416,668 1 +0110011011101 2,711,000 1 +0110011011101 251,400 1 +0110011011101 574,500 1 +0110011011101 Info-Systems 1 +0110011011101 121,518 1 +0110011011101 1,628,300 1 +0110011011101 599,200 1 +0110011011101 2,139,587 1 +0110011011101 Revives 1 +0110011011101 U.S.-Backed 1 +0110011011101 294,100 1 +0110011011101 .595 1 +0110011011101 Early-Retirement 1 +0110011011101 Wicked 1 +0110011011101 Zeal 1 +0110011011101 GeoMiliTech 1 +0110011011101 One-Minute 1 +0110011011101 975,017 1 +0110011011101 217,877 1 +0110011011101 389,114 1 +0110011011101 Norumbega 1 +0110011011101 mashed-up 1 +0110011011101 622,700 1 +0110011011101 220,657 1 +0110011011101 Islamic-oriented 1 +0110011011101 2,335,542 1 +0110011011101 331,500 1 +0110011011101 1,827,734 1 +0110011011101 349,300 1 +0110011011101 863,017 1 +0110011011101 588,931 1 +0110011011101 492,100 1 +0110011011101 ML/EQ 1 +0110011011101 2,068,600 1 +0110011011101 109,200 1 +0110011011101 1,288,000 1 +0110011011101 Alters 1 +0110011011101 UTS 1 +0110011011101 796,100 1 +0110011011101 284,300 1 +0110011011101 CPA/Administrative 1 +0110011011101 2,068,950 1 +0110011011101 1,050,600 1 +0110011011101 EFFOA 1 +0110011011101 VIPC 1 +0110011011101 BMY-Wheeled 1 +0110011011101 Amoco-Amoco 1 +0110011011101 FXC 1 +0110011011101 Big-Bank 1 +0110011011101 CATV. 1 +0110011011101 774,610 1 +0110011011101 96,400 1 +0110011011101 1,258,023 1 +0110011011101 327,450 1 +0110011011101 Distillerie 1 +0110011011101 468,600 1 +0110011011101 350,300 1 +0110011011101 476,057 1 +0110011011101 SaveWay 1 +0110011011101 pan-fried 1 +0110011011101 Novi 1 +0110011011101 Stuns 1 +0110011011101 Health-Record 1 +0110011011101 675,921 1 +0110011011101 1,143,900 1 +0110011011101 326,700 1 +0110011011101 1,134,192 1 +0110011011101 1,553,800 1 +0110011011101 1,236,000 1 +0110011011101 987,700 1 +0110011011101 8-Week 1 +0110011011101 All-Burma 1 +0110011011101 Storyville 1 +0110011011101 1,740,695 1 +0110011011101 193,979 1 +0110011011101 Jong-Ho 1 +0110011011101 688,900 1 +0110011011101 12,000-member 1 +0110011011101 World-style 1 +0110011011101 1,483,350 1 +0110011011101 869,500 1 +0110011011101 Nakhimovskiy 1 +0110011011101 300,300 1 +0110011011101 Bluest 1 +0110011011101 BACKGROUND 1 +0110011011101 585,596 1 +0110011011101 985,700 1 +0110011011101 Tegeler 1 +0110011011101 writer-controlled 1 +0110011011101 Career-Family 1 +0110011011101 Off-Airport 1 +0110011011101 Out-of-the-Way 1 +0110011011101 Darkest 1 +0110011011101 Swans 1 +0110011011101 1,124,300 1 +0110011011101 1,062,300 1 +0110011011101 worker-hungry 1 +0110011011101 1,186,066 1 +0110011011101 SKULLpture 1 +0110011011101 416,700 1 +0110011011101 Acid-Rain 1 +0110011011101 Saiyida 1 +0110011011101 304,900 1 +0110011011101 381,600 1 +0110011011101 55,010 1 +0110011011101 Harrisburg-based 1 +0110011011101 hydroelectric-power-rich 1 +0110011011101 PRO. 1 +0110011011101 2.7272 1 +0110011011101 fruit-laden 1 +0110011011101 Fleet/ 1 +0110011011101 144,750 1 +0110011011101 157,500 1 +0110011011101 THT. 1 +0110011011101 Dead-End 1 +0110011011101 CMX. 1 +0110011011101 puff-chested 1 +0110011011101 export-hungry 1 +0110011011101 Proyecto 1 +0110011011101 324,900 1 +0110011011101 Kexim 1 +0110011011101 KDB 1 +0110011011101 760,368 1 +0110011011101 258,591 1 +0110011011101 1,204,862 1 +0110011011101 Vari 1 +0110011011101 2,648,385 1 +0110011011101 Text 1 +0110011011101 734,800 1 +0110011011101 992,700 1 +0110011011101 1,554,600 1 +0110011011101 goofy-faced 1 +0110011011101 XTRA. 1 +0110011011101 293,191 1 +0110011011101 Niuta 1 +0110011011101 3,705,312 1 +0110011011101 Millmaster 1 +0110011011101 CLIMBING 1 +0110011011101 569,400 1 +0110011011101 381,050 1 +0110011011101 Avertina 1 +0110011011101 Wintrop 1 +0110011011101 Lighthearted 1 +0110011011101 437-room 1 +0110011011101 SINGLE 1 +0110011011101 773,200 1 +0110011011101 Dilettante 1 +0110011011101 Haroldus 1 +0110011011101 1,565,900 1 +0110011011101 6,408,100 1 +0110011011101 474,800 1 +0110011011101 231,700 1 +0110011011101 303,057 1 +0110011011101 787,718 1 +0110011011101 312,260 1 +0110011011101 1,233,177 1 +0110011011101 451,391 1 +0110011011101 satellite-beamed 1 +0110011011101 Emeryville-based 1 +0110011011101 653,600 1 +0110011011101 469,017 1 +0110011011101 Less-Costly 1 +0110011011101 Oncological 1 +0110011011101 Bartered 1 +0110011011101 Pisan 1 +0110011011101 1,709,885 1 +0110011011101 Nonprescription 1 +0110011011101 Femininist 1 +0110011011101 93,418 1 +0110011011101 339,491 1 +0110011011101 326,500 1 +0110011011101 646,959 1 +0110011011101 Reaffirms 1 +0110011011101 636,246 1 +0110011011101 255,124 1 +0110011011101 3,192,600 1 +0110011011101 Aristo 1 +0110011011101 Hated 1 +0110011011101 1,410,184 1 +0110011011101 105,525 1 +0110011011101 BHC. 1 +0110011011101 Sperone 1 +0110011011101 1,934,200 1 +0110011011101 110th 1 +0110011011101 NATCA. 1 +0110011011101 Genteel 1 +0110011011101 420,500 1 +0110011011101 2,108,608 1 +0110011011101 Tele-consumer 1 +0110011011101 Nephews 1 +0110011011101 670,017 1 +0110011011101 18,525 1 +0110011011101 1,930,608 1 +0110011011101 Aphid 1 +0110011011101 High-Stakes 1 +0110011011101 676,255 1 +0110011011101 Missoni 1 +0110011011101 1,085,186 1 +0110011011101 European-Australia-Far 1 +0110011011101 1,225,925 1 +0110011011101 600,100 1 +0110011011101 '77-'79 1 +0110011011101 Thracian 1 +0110011011101 Gaslamp 1 +0110011011101 1,119,059 1 +0110011011101 996,200 1 +0110011011101 EEEE 1 +0110011011101 2,532,240 1 +0110011011101 Educationally 1 +0110011011101 257,700 1 +0110011011101 White-Collar 1 +0110011011101 Pharmaceutic 1 +0110011011101 Stress-Less 1 +0110011011101 2,690,853 1 +0110011011101 107,100 1 +0110011011101 442,095 1 +0110011011101 1,704,650 1 +0110011011101 VLI. 1 +0110011011101 Two-year-old 1 +0110011011101 Esoteric 1 +0110011011101 307,880 1 +0110011011101 1,904,462 1 +0110011011101 Marxist-governed 1 +0110011011101 529,550 1 +0110011011101 Troy-Mich.-based 1 +0110011011101 Rustic 1 +0110011011101 124,350 1 +0110011011101 AAAS. 1 +0110011011101 2,848,258 1 +0110011011101 2,406,000 1 +0110011011101 all-temperature 1 +0110011011101 Post-It 1 +0110011011101 681,800 1 +0110011011101 Threshhold 1 +0110011011101 118,485 1 +0110011011101 Fastar-Financial 1 +0110011011101 9,328,358 1 +0110011011101 Sugar-growing 1 +0110011011101 4,974,312 1 +0110011011101 Favourite 1 +0110011011101 Unappreciative 1 +0110011011101 4,675,812 1 +0110011011101 decolonialized 1 +0110011011101 Queensbridge 1 +0110011011101 169,888 1 +0110011011101 Eklips 1 +0110011011101 Post-Impressionist 1 +0110011011101 1,445,700 1 +0110011011101 157,300 1 +0110011011101 375,200 1 +0110011011101 Olivetti-Canon 1 +0110011011101 Closed-Books 1 +0110011011101 GE-owned 1 +0110011011101 390,400 1 +0110011011101 437,425 1 +0110011011101 Extraterritorial 1 +0110011011101 238,400 1 +0110011011101 49,960 1 +0110011011101 Fyodorov 1 +0110011011101 Machined 1 +0110011011101 10,355,000 1 +0110011011101 Easy-Bake 1 +0110011011101 853,859 1 +0110011011101 238,008 1 +0110011011101 Kralj 1 +0110011011101 Vice-style 1 +0110011011101 1,223,000 1 +0110011011101 4,025,612 1 +0110011011101 Nu-Car 1 +0110011011101 Oxfam-World 1 +0110011011101 5,057,300 1 +0110011011101 Kerfott 1 +0110011011101 Koryo 1 +0110011011101 Vietnamese-occupied 1 +0110011011101 Fluffier 1 +0110011011101 2,385,238 1 +0110011011101 Non-Recurring 1 +0110011011101 CCC-plus 1 +0110011011101 Inter-Campus 1 +0110011011101 Anti-Abortionists 1 +0110011011101 Safest 1 +0110011011101 catlike 1 +0110011011101 sorrowing 1 +0110011011101 IU. 1 +0110011011101 West-style 1 +0110011011101 Not-for-Profit 1 +0110011011101 AIDS-Related 1 +0110011011101 Nuclear-Power 1 +0110011011101 56-floor 1 +0110011011101 Choke 1 +0110011011101 Windward 1 +0110011011101 726,800 1 +0110011011101 Once-Hot 1 +0110011011101 Sui 1 +0110011011101 Conciliatory 1 +0110011011101 1,058,100 1 +0110011011101 Neoliberal 1 +0110011011101 124,750 1 +0110011011101 Prefab 1 +0110011011101 View-based 1 +0110011011101 Sylvanian 1 +0110011011101 non-collective 1 +0110011011101 once-bankrupt 1 +0110011011101 Twix 1 +0110011011101 World-Class 1 +0110011011101 Poise 1 +0110011011101 Convergencia 1 +0110011011101 9,863,762 1 +0110011011101 1,152,750 1 +0110011011101 392,750 1 +0110011011101 Nearsighted 1 +0110011011101 672,862 1 +0110011011101 ever-consolidating 1 +0110011011101 2-Member 1 +0110011011101 Cantabile 1 +0110011011101 Doggie 1 +0110011011101 Rotational 1 +0110011011101 four-branch 1 +0110011011101 Anti-Establishment 1 +0110011011101 Infantile 1 +0110011011101 Air-Traffic 1 +0110011011101 0.8772 1 +0110011011101 Submerged 1 +0110011011101 Flex-fund 1 +0110011011101 Uncover 1 +0110011011101 E-Minor 1 +0110011011101 top-volume 1 +0110011011101 July. 1 +0110011011101 just-restructured 1 +0110011011101 Flowery 1 +0110011011101 1,401,500 1 +0110011011101 Loan-Default 1 +0110011011101 Blanton-Webster 1 +0110011011101 16th-20th 1 +0110011011101 20-factory 1 +0110011011101 1,720,010 1 +0110011011101 Southwest-based 1 +0110011011101 200,600 1 +0110011011101 ex-New 1 +0110011011101 Moveable 1 +0110011011101 6,421,666 1 +0110011011101 286,666 1 +0110011011101 Waltham-based 1 +0110011011101 Home-Based 1 +0110011011101 Preppie 1 +0110011011101 protease 1 +0110011011101 504,706 1 +0110011011101 371,100 1 +0110011011101 icon-based 1 +0110011011101 435,600 1 +0110011011101 458-seat 1 +0110011011101 non-Wimbledon 1 +0110011011101 BGH. 1 +0110011011101 482,400 1 +0110011011101 99,100 1 +0110011011101 385,600 1 +0110011011101 114,079 1 +0110011011101 Itofca 1 +0110011011101 40,300 1 +0110011011101 Gourman 1 +0110011011101 6,007,200 1 +0110011011101 Storeworkers 1 +0110011011101 Idyllic 1 +0110011011101 world-champ 1 +0110011011101 Noneffective 1 +0110011011101 Maycor 1 +0110011011101 766,830 1 +0110011011101 UCC 1 +0110011011101 325,919 1 +0110011011101 private-labeled 1 +0110011011101 Triscuit 1 +0110011011101 2,062,941 1 +0110011011101 432,500 1 +0110011011101 1,386,842 1 +0110011011101 Mellon/McMahan 1 +0110011011101 Kutuzovsky 1 +0110011011101 OCF 1 +0110011011101 Overwhelm 1 +0110011011101 text-based 1 +0110011011101 Pacify 1 +0110011011101 Birthrate 1 +0110011011101 One-Child 1 +0110011011101 CP. 1 +0110011011101 1,049,600 1 +0110011011101 539,200 1 +0110011011101 489,041 1 +0110011011101 Peoria-based 1 +0110011011101 700-foot 1 +0110011011101 583,150 1 +0110011011101 2,595,900 1 +0110011011101 once-senior 1 +0110011011101 0.278 1 +0110011011101 Lilla 1 +0110011011101 1,974,456 1 +0110011011101 Gifted 1 +0110011011101 83,333 1 +0110011011101 132,650 1 +0110011011101 Electrolysis 1 +0110011011101 AMT. 1 +0110011011101 4,943,062 1 +0110011011101 Nasal 1 +0110011011101 937,098 1 +0110011011101 1,777,500 1 +0110011011101 292,494 1 +0110011011101 425,500 1 +0110011011101 Brainier 1 +0110011011101 subjugating 1 +0110011011101 3,288,387 1 +0110011011101 1,853,600 1 +0110011011101 Brandenberg 1 +0110011011101 105,270 1 +0110011011101 998,800 1 +0110011011101 272,600 1 +0110011011101 help-me-make-it-through-the-fiscal-nigh 1 +0110011011101 1,038,200 1 +0110011011101 Skol 1 +0110011011101 Alferon 1 +0110011011101 WCIX. 1 +0110011011101 Migrating 1 +0110011011101 Mix-Up 1 +0110011011101 Anti-Keynesian 1 +0110011011101 142,090 1 +0110011011101 Genesys 1 +0110011011101 equipment. 1 +0110011011101 234,500 1 +0110011011101 Glamorous 1 +0110011011101 35,153,400 1 +0110011011101 74,550 1 +0110011011101 355,300 1 +0110011011101 Eaten 1 +0110011011101 584,713 1 +0110011011101 284,600 1 +0110011011101 WTVJ. 1 +0110011011101 637,555 1 +0110011011101 90,860 1 +0110011011101 Stock-Picking 1 +0110011011101 Kathrun 1 +0110011011101 874,800 1 +0110011011101 leadin 1 +0110011011101 149,423 1 +0110011011101 PCC. 1 +0110011011101 Safe-Smoke 1 +0110011011101 277,900 1 +0110011011101 1,774,687 1 +0110011011101 Hengchiang 1 +0110011011101 Cutless 1 +0110011011101 Truoc 1 +0110011011101 Farmworkers 1 +0110011011101 869,403 1 +0110011011101 Used-House 1 +0110011011101 Two-Minute 1 +0110011011101 126,618 1 +0110011011101 Inspirational 2 +0110011011101 Rreef 2 +0110011011101 Telluride 2 +0110011011101 538,200 2 +0110011011101 Disaffected 2 +0110011011101 Street-Smart 2 +0110011011101 Vennootschap 2 +0110011011101 TWO-YEAR 2 +0110011011101 841,887 2 +0110011011101 Normalizing 2 +0110011011101 SmartForm 2 +0110011011101 West-Point 2 +0110011011101 Part-Time 2 +0110011011101 Ropespinner 2 +0110011011101 liquid-cooled 2 +0110011011101 Polish-Chinese 2 +0110011011101 Joins 2 +0110011011101 Molten 2 +0110011011101 60-store 2 +0110011011101 442,700 2 +0110011011101 Counterfeit 2 +0110011011101 Ewha 2 +0110011011101 Codenoll 2 +0110011011101 Health-Care 2 +0110011011101 Generic-Drug 2 +0110011011101 Thematic 2 +0110011011101 NCB 2 +0110011011101 neo-Gaullist 2 +0110011011101 336,900 2 +0110011011101 Cobalt 2 +0110011011101 Microbiological 2 +0110011011101 BMS 2 +0110011011101 Gloriana 2 +0110011011101 1,984,827 2 +0110011011101 Gist-brocades 2 +0110011011101 MLT 2 +0110011011101 CallPath 2 +0110011011101 Wanton 2 +0110011011101 droit 2 +0110011011101 Boyhood 2 +0110011011101 Por-Sha 2 +0110011011101 Cinch 2 +0110011011101 F.X.C. 2 +0110011011101 multi-color 2 +0110011011101 Randolph-Macon 2 +0110011011101 Reunert 2 +0110011011101 Bioadvance 2 +0110011011101 Calera 2 +0110011011101 8,535,000 2 +0110011011101 ecology-minded 2 +0110011011101 Golconda 2 +0110011011101 Artec 2 +0110011011101 Shinwa 2 +0110011011101 Overzealous 2 +0110011011101 324,200 2 +0110011011101 Shiko 2 +0110011011101 Oce-Van 2 +0110011011101 JCP 2 +0110011011101 Citronelle-Mobile 2 +0110011011101 Infarct 2 +0110011011101 Legalized 2 +0110011011101 253,700 2 +0110011011101 Oxxford 2 +0110011011101 Sedition 2 +0110011011101 upperclass 2 +0110011011101 Rem 2 +0110011011101 Mortuary 2 +0110011011101 Zeljko 2 +0110011011101 Satch 2 +0110011011101 Lasting 2 +0110011011101 MSI. 2 +0110011011101 Arrigo 2 +0110011011101 688,200 2 +0110011011101 Mikromed 2 +0110011011101 Indigenous 2 +0110011011101 Logo 2 +0110011011101 Wasted 2 +0110011011101 HARVARD 2 +0110011011101 Assist 2 +0110011011101 Evenement 2 +0110011011101 Rainforest 2 +0110011011101 Musica 2 +0110011011101 Jetstream 2 +0110011011101 Chateaux 2 +0110011011101 Preppy 2 +0110011011101 Lousy 2 +0110011011101 Videogram 2 +0110011011101 Drowning 2 +0110011011101 Gravy 2 +0110011011101 Galanteria 2 +0110011011101 tha 2 +0110011011101 1,188,000 2 +0110011011101 Fafnir 2 +0110011011101 Kelcie 2 +0110011011101 Marital 2 +0110011011101 826,300 2 +0110011011101 Hard-Pressed 2 +0110011011101 Sensual 2 +0110011011101 Timeless 2 +0110011011101 Poorer 2 +0110011011101 Ektra 2 +0110011011101 Starcom 2 +0110011011101 madogiwa 2 +0110011011101 Perkits 2 +0110011011101 15,507,300 2 +0110011011101 bottom-line-oriented 2 +0110011011101 papermaker 2 +0110011011101 CK 2 +0110011011101 Metabolic 2 +0110011011101 128,200 2 +0110011011101 Monica-based 2 +0110011011101 Lindach 2 +0110011011101 985,096 2 +0110011011101 SOUP 2 +0110011011101 86,988 2 +0110011011101 T-Cell 2 +0110011011101 Feminine 2 +0110011011101 Videotape 2 +0110011011101 BancBoston 2 +0110011011101 Boddie-Noell 2 +0110011011101 Azanian 2 +0110011011101 Bathing 2 +0110011011101 Aerial 2 +0110011011101 Grip 2 +0110011011101 NORWICH 2 +0110011011101 M/A 2 +0110011011101 30,300 2 +0110011011101 Concourse 2 +0110011011101 Crooked 2 +0110011011101 Southmark/Envicon 3 +0110011011101 Ag 3 +0110011011101 Ten-Gallon 3 +0110011011101 design-conscious 3 +0110011011101 Cellulose 3 +0110011011101 Discerning 3 +0110011011101 Orthopaedic 3 +0110011011101 175,900 3 +0110011011101 Patagonian 3 +0110011011101 Anik 3 +0110011011101 Ssmc 3 +0110011011101 Mathematical 3 +0110011011101 Leatherstocking 3 +0110011011101 Kuang 3 +0110011011101 nucleoside 3 +0110011011101 Gertrudis 3 +0110011011101 Sufficient 3 +0110011011101 Boardroom 3 +0110011011101 Free-Market 3 +0110011011101 Svedala 3 +0110011011101 Bovril 3 +0110011011101 Ten-Year 3 +0110011011101 Mony 3 +0110011011101 AWA 3 +0110011011101 Theban 3 +0110011011101 Consenting 3 +0110011011101 Orchestral 3 +0110011011101 Inferential 3 +0110011011101 Charismatic 3 +0110011011101 Temperature 3 +0110011011101 Katzenjammer 3 +0110011011101 Mechanized 3 +0110011011101 Aster 3 +0110011011101 Toughest 3 +0110011011101 Winged 3 +0110011011101 Excedrin 3 +0110011011101 Boudoir 3 +0110011011101 Homefree 3 +0110011011101 ADDS 3 +0110011011101 Canned 3 +0110011011101 Zodiac 3 +0110011011101 Brutal 3 +0110011011101 Bonny 3 +0110011011101 LBO. 3 +0110011011101 ultra-secret 3 +0110011011101 Vox 3 +0110011011101 Delcap 3 +0110011011101 Huhtamaki 3 +0110011011101 Cheez 3 +0110011011101 BAC 3 +0110011011101 Anti-Submarine 3 +0110011011101 BIOTECHNOLOGY 3 +0110011011101 HYBRID 3 +0110011011101 Save-Way 3 +0110011011101 Frustrate 3 +0110011011101 Expedited 3 +0110011011101 Takeout 3 +0110011011101 EUROBONDS 3 +0110011011101 USP 3 +0110011011101 Automedix 3 +0110011011101 AUS 3 +0110011011101 Clara-based 3 +0110011011101 Child-Abuse 3 +0110011011101 Noricum 3 +0110011011101 Ziegfeld 4 +0110011011101 AlphaGraphics 4 +0110011011101 Bovine 4 +0110011011101 Asylum 4 +0110011011101 Discovered 4 +0110011011101 Barbed 4 +0110011011101 Elvisly 4 +0110011011101 Kingsway 4 +0110011011101 Compensatory 4 +0110011011101 Gaamco 4 +0110011011101 Nikka 4 +0110011011101 Interbourse 4 +0110011011101 Lamps 4 +0110011011101 SIN 4 +0110011011101 getty 4 +0110011011101 Secular 4 +0110011011101 Syncrude 4 +0110011011101 Thine 4 +0110011011101 Slovenian 4 +0110011011101 Sailing 4 +0110011011101 MD 4 +0110011011101 Equicor-Equitable 4 +0110011011101 Bedroom 4 +0110011011101 Diverse 4 +0110011011101 ProHIBiT 4 +0110011011101 Vernors 4 +0110011011101 Highlanders 4 +0110011011101 Raycomm 4 +0110011011101 CGCT. 4 +0110011011101 PG 4 +0110011011101 Autoclave 4 +0110011011101 Tumor 4 +0110011011101 Lonely 4 +0110011011101 H.M.S. 4 +0110011011101 Exceptional 4 +0110011011101 Commerical 4 +0110011011101 Suntrust 4 +0110011011101 Reel 5 +0110011011101 REIS 5 +0110011011101 Mink 5 +0110011011101 Todays 5 +0110011011101 Photon 5 +0110011011101 Hobie 5 +0110011011101 Astute 5 +0110011011101 Manuscript 5 +0110011011101 Migrant 5 +0110011011101 JBA 5 +0110011011101 Albon 5 +0110011011101 Delicious 5 +0110011011101 denuclearizing 5 +0110011011101 Swatch 5 +0110011011101 Indebted 5 +0110011011101 Tennessee-based 5 +0110011011101 Neath 5 +0110011011101 Intelcom 5 +0110011011101 HR 5 +0110011011101 Rocking 5 +0110011011101 Objective 5 +0110011011101 B.A.S.S. 5 +0110011011101 Eminent 5 +0110011011101 Ornamental 5 +0110011011101 non-Soviet 5 +0110011011101 Transplant 5 +0110011011101 Spotted 5 +0110011011101 Elbit 5 +0110011011101 Waertsilae 5 +0110011011101 Operational 5 +0110011011101 SSA 6 +0110011011101 Reproductive 6 +0110011011101 Unemployed 6 +0110011011101 Gem 6 +0110011011101 Macquarie 6 +0110011011101 Packaged 6 +0110011011101 Recombinant 6 +0110011011101 MBE 6 +0110011011101 Stiff 6 +0110011011101 R&B 6 +0110011011101 Bamboo 6 +0110011011101 Mature 6 +0110011011101 Cello 6 +0110011011101 Peaceful 6 +0110011011101 Pulse 6 +0110011011101 Salada 6 +0110011011101 Osco 6 +0110011011101 Spider 6 +0110011011101 denuclearized 6 +0110011011101 MGM/ 6 +0110011011101 Toilet 6 +0110011011101 Plumbing 6 +0110011011101 Guerrilla 7 +0110011011101 HT 7 +0110011011101 Buckwheat 7 +0110011011101 Aspiring 7 +0110011011101 Tribal 7 +0110011011101 Bulk 7 +0110011011101 Swamp 7 +0110011011101 Highlander 7 +0110011011101 Touro 7 +0110011011101 Glimmerglass 7 +0110011011101 Medieval 7 +0110011011101 Lao 7 +0110011011101 Varig 7 +0110011011101 Smallest 8 +0110011011101 Sewer 8 +0110011011101 AGIP 8 +0110011011101 Meishan 8 +0110011011101 Seis 8 +0110011011101 All-America 8 +0110011011101 Locust 8 +0110011011101 Fascist 8 +0110011011101 Pol 9 +0110011011101 Exotic 9 +0110011011101 Tangible 9 +0110011011101 Fallen 9 +0110011011101 Proven 9 +0110011011101 Mammoth 9 +0110011011101 Prompt 9 +0110011011101 B&W 9 +0110011011101 USAA 9 +0110011011101 Practical 9 +0110011011101 Uniformed 9 +0110011011101 Generational 9 +0110011011101 Responsive 10 +0110011011101 Byte 10 +0110011011101 Silly 10 +0110011011101 Refined 10 +0110011011101 Orphan 10 +0110011011101 Profitable 10 +0110011011101 Heiwa 10 +0110011011101 Tissue 11 +0110011011101 Turbinen 11 +0110011011101 Artificial 11 +0110011011101 Enhanced 11 +0110011011101 Zany 11 +0110011011101 3rd 11 +0110011011101 Trunk 11 +0110011011101 Flagship 11 +0110011011101 Teton 11 +0110011011101 Collective 11 +0110011011101 SLH 12 +0110011011101 Gamco 12 +0110011011101 ICA 12 +0110011011101 Fragrance 12 +0110011011101 Systematic 13 +0110011011101 G.P. 13 +0110011011101 VHA 13 +0110011011101 Unusual 14 +0110011011101 Outer 14 +0110011011101 Balkan 14 +0110011011101 Indoor 14 +0110011011101 Fancy 14 +0110011011101 Qualified 14 +0110011011101 Whole 15 +0110011011101 AIRBUS 15 +0110011011101 Registered 15 +0110011011101 Prestige 15 +0110011011101 Po 15 +0110011011101 Infant 16 +0110011011101 Voter 16 +0110011011101 Adult 16 +0110011011101 Patriotic 16 +0110011011101 Lyric 16 +0110011011101 Glamour 16 +0110011011101 Kraftwerk 16 +0110011011101 Muppet 17 +0110011011101 MONY 17 +0110011011101 Wagoneer 17 +0110011011101 Sheaffer 17 +0110011011101 Gartmore 17 +0110011011101 Grateful 17 +0110011011101 Parallel 17 +0110011011101 Ole 18 +0110011011101 Mechanical 18 +0110011011101 Aztec 18 +0110011011101 Poh 18 +0110011011101 Civilian 18 +0110011011101 Hazardous 18 +0110011011101 Petro 18 +0110011011101 Ugly 18 +0110011011101 A.F. 19 +0110011011101 Violin 19 +0110011011101 Prudent 19 +0110011011101 Remarkable 19 +0110011011101 Quiet 21 +0110011011101 Volunteer 21 +0110011011101 Pneumo 21 +0110011011101 Multinational 21 +0110011011101 Extended 22 +0110011011101 Inner 22 +0110011011101 Odd 22 +0110011011101 SHL 23 +0110011011101 Fortress 23 +0110011011101 Malays 23 +0110011011101 Mainstream 23 +0110011011101 BROKEN 24 +0110011011101 Flexible 24 +0110011011101 Ameribanc 24 +0110011011101 Wespac 24 +0110011011101 Academic 25 +0110011011101 CT 25 +0110011011101 DRI 25 +0110011011101 Merry 26 +0110011011101 Classical 26 +0110011011101 Healthy 26 +0110011011101 Evil 27 +0110011011101 LAN 28 +0110011011101 Underground 29 +0110011011101 BR 30 +0110011011101 Flower 31 +0110011011101 Responsible 33 +0110011011101 Hobby 33 +0110011011101 Cub 33 +0110011011101 Religious 34 +0110011011101 Colored 35 +0110011011101 Paperworkers 35 +0110011011101 Presbyterian 36 +0110011011101 Pantry 36 +0110011011101 Soap 37 +0110011011101 Ultra 39 +0110011011101 SOCIETE 39 +0110011011101 Sleeping 39 +0110011011101 Planet 40 +0110011011101 N.W. 40 +0110011011101 Liquid 41 +0110011011101 Negro 41 +0110011011101 Presentation 42 +0110011011101 Single 43 +0110011011101 Bradlees 45 +0110011011101 Dependent 45 +0110011011101 Voluntary 46 +0110011011101 Fundamental 47 +0110011011101 AGS 48 +0110011011101 Motel 52 +0110011011101 Compact 57 +0110011011101 Organized 59 +0110011011101 Ne 64 +0110011011101 CB 69 +0110011011101 Rank 75 +0110011011101 L.J. 78 +0110011011101 CIE. 86 +0110011011101 Phillips-Van 87 +0110011011101 Oriental 92 +0110011011101 Hibernia 100 +0110011011101 Target 103 +0110011011101 SunTrust 103 +0110011011101 Patch 113 +0110011011101 Abbey 115 +0110011011101 Civic 118 +0110011011101 Direct 152 +0110011011101 Southeastern 152 +0110011011101 Electrical 159 +0110011011101 Provident 163 +0110011011101 Mine 183 +0110011011101 Di 194 +0110011011101 Merchants 199 +0110011011101 Modern 208 +0110011011101 Arabian 229 +0110011011101 Tandem 233 +0110011011101 Applied 243 +0110011011101 Key 248 +0110011011101 Individual 249 +0110011011101 Panhandle 254 +0110011011101 Global 298 +0110011011101 Presidential 301 +0110011011101 Institutional 355 +0110011011101 Private 385 +0110011011101 Circle 434 +0110011011101 Shanghai 467 +0110011011101 Local 623 +0110011011101 Crazy 672 +0110011011101 Southeast 755 +0110011011101 Diamond 756 +0110011011101 Major 872 +0110011011101 Commercial 940 +0110011011101 Metropolitan 1016 +0110011011101 Auto 1156 +0110011011101 Western 6664 +0110011011101 Arab 1486 +0110011011110 832,370 1 +0110011011110 ever-climbing 1 +0110011011110 195,700 1 +0110011011110 177,950 1 +0110011011110 Braeburn 1 +0110011011110 1,266,300 1 +0110011011110 GENETICALLY 1 +0110011011110 6,222,400 1 +0110011011110 708,376 1 +0110011011110 1,314,285 1 +0110011011110 Alameda-based 1 +0110011011110 462,300 1 +0110011011110 56,937 1 +0110011011110 Compufund 1 +0110011011110 460,750 1 +0110011011110 then-precious 1 +0110011011110 269,500 1 +0110011011110 Costume-maker 1 +0110011011110 Full-blown 1 +0110011011110 14,222,638 1 +0110011011110 909,800 1 +0110011011110 42,600 1 +0110011011110 3,271,800 1 +0110011011110 Salve 1 +0110011011110 Chilling 1 +0110011011110 3,574,500 1 +0110011011110 157,400 1 +0110011011110 Niagra 1 +0110011011110 4,043,200 1 +0110011011110 patronage-ridden 1 +0110011011110 Shigeko 1 +0110011011110 shape. 1 +0110011011110 Four-engine 1 +0110011011110 305,300 1 +0110011011110 885,603 1 +0110011011110 Ingelhemi 1 +0110011011110 Qubix 1 +0110011011110 re-branded 1 +0110011011110 332,400 1 +0110011011110 390,200 1 +0110011011110 2,711,755 1 +0110011011110 Weakly 1 +0110011011110 1,298,500 1 +0110011011110 IIS 1 +0110011011110 Ryder/PIE 1 +0110011011110 1,540,629 1 +0110011011110 418,750 1 +0110011011110 TII. 1 +0110011011110 424,528 1 +0110011011110 Top-ranked 1 +0110011011110 4,217,675 1 +0110011011110 1,544,300 1 +0110011011110 Belmont-based 1 +0110011011110 515,859 1 +0110011011110 New-England 1 +0110011011110 3,545,200 1 +0110011011110 Lyon-based 1 +0110011011110 3,758,800 1 +0110011011110 Spiced 1 +0110011011110 Chase-based 1 +0110011011110 447,600 1 +0110011011110 2,239,000 1 +0110011011110 278,600 1 +0110011011110 237-member 1 +0110011011110 Brazilian-based 1 +0110011011110 315,740 1 +0110011011110 118,137 1 +0110011011110 WVEZ 1 +0110011011110 engineering-minded 1 +0110011011110 634,300 1 +0110011011110 Seoul-Gold 1 +0110011011110 59,300 1 +0110011011110 1,145,688 1 +0110011011110 883,402 1 +0110011011110 3,576,349 1 +0110011011110 Jean-Noel 1 +0110011011110 condom-maker 1 +0110011011110 Vieux 1 +0110011011110 Saito. 1 +0110011011110 702,095 1 +0110011011110 ENI. 1 +0110011011110 162,775 1 +0110011011110 747,500 1 +0110011011110 Fii 1 +0110011011110 185,700 1 +0110011011110 Altanta 1 +0110011011110 522,644 1 +0110011011110 Pittsburg-based 1 +0110011011110 15-team 1 +0110011011110 shrines. 1 +0110011011110 400,250 1 +0110011011110 Financially-troubled 1 +0110011011110 Yardville 1 +0110011011110 735,875 1 +0110011011110 CML. 1 +0110011011110 MFI. 1 +0110011011110 Nunn-Levin 1 +0110011011110 South-African-controlled 1 +0110011011110 914,300 1 +0110011011110 227,300 1 +0110011011110 studio-size 1 +0110011011110 92,900 1 +0110011011110 105-count 1 +0110011011110 Perfumerias 1 +0110011011110 First-Knox 1 +0110011011110 chocolate-maker 1 +0110011011110 SJS 1 +0110011011110 Scrimgeor 1 +0110011011110 Lebone 1 +0110011011110 SHEER 1 +0110011011110 737,200 1 +0110011011110 sub-Chapter 1 +0110011011110 2,291,210 1 +0110011011110 Mattacheese 1 +0110011011110 2,037,100 1 +0110011011110 Junkets 1 +0110011011110 271,571 1 +0110011011110 DIVERSIFIED 1 +0110011011110 420,190 1 +0110011011110 Baroness 1 +0110011011110 outmatch 1 +0110011011110 Beznau 1 +0110011011110 LAIDLAW 1 +0110011011110 113,900 1 +0110011011110 TAHITIAN 1 +0110011011110 322,071 1 +0110011011110 1,727,200 1 +0110011011110 2,292,300 1 +0110011011110 bowls. 1 +0110011011110 76,700 1 +0110011011110 11,175,150 1 +0110011011110 654,725 1 +0110011011110 2,775,456 1 +0110011011110 348,427 1 +0110011011110 202,200 1 +0110011011110 115,700 1 +0110011011110 3,509,450 1 +0110011011110 Atromid 1 +0110011011110 2,837,695 1 +0110011011110 1,509,970 1 +0110011011110 1,731,400 1 +0110011011110 540,600 1 +0110011011110 1975-1979 1 +0110011011110 Canyonlands 1 +0110011011110 MCO. 1 +0110011011110 3,712,860 1 +0110011011110 Workingmens 1 +0110011011110 2,582,757 1 +0110011011110 3,167,313 1 +0110011011110 397,900 1 +0110011011110 PEERLESS 1 +0110011011110 JAY 1 +0110011011110 3,278,571 1 +0110011011110 5,739,737 1 +0110011011110 Once-loyal 1 +0110011011110 Boatmens 1 +0110011011110 725,603 1 +0110011011110 4,043,000 1 +0110011011110 Short-Range 1 +0110011011110 Discontinuing 1 +0110011011110 263,666 1 +0110011011110 295,900 1 +0110011011110 Bernita 1 +0110011011110 164,900 1 +0110011011110 Wenatchee-based 1 +0110011011110 744,200 1 +0110011011110 295,200 1 +0110011011110 sugar-maker 1 +0110011011110 NOVO 1 +0110011011110 204,700 1 +0110011011110 2,055,667 1 +0110011011110 1,052,500 1 +0110011011110 45,340 1 +0110011011110 52,025 1 +0110011011110 105,615 1 +0110011011110 963,200 1 +0110011011110 1,159,400 1 +0110011011110 SITHE 1 +0110011011110 16cents 1 +0110011011110 post-dividend 1 +0110011011110 458,820 1 +0110011011110 Erste 1 +0110011011110 Inherited 1 +0110011011110 247,600 1 +0110011011110 Scandinavian-style 1 +0110011011110 14,846,322 1 +0110011011110 co-Chief 1 +0110011011110 Bayamon-based 1 +0110011011110 UNIX-specialist 1 +0110011011110 TDH 1 +0110011011110 1,071,125 1 +0110011011110 America-Texas 1 +0110011011110 America-California 1 +0110011011110 still-in-force 1 +0110011011110 underwritings-London-based 1 +0110011011110 21,941,964 1 +0110011011110 ACQUIRED 1 +0110011011110 1,806,224 1 +0110011011110 1,448,550 1 +0110011011110 1,654,181 1 +0110011011110 FISHER 1 +0110011011110 xylophonist 1 +0110011011110 5,483,700 1 +0110011011110 1,947,998 1 +0110011011110 212,968 1 +0110011011110 Bowl-champion 1 +0110011011110 animals. 1 +0110011011110 118,482 1 +0110011011110 2,190,800 1 +0110011011110 one-third-owned 1 +0110011011110 LARGE-SCREEN 1 +0110011011110 164,500 1 +0110011011110 109,532 1 +0110011011110 325,222 1 +0110011011110 376,700 1 +0110011011110 WFG 1 +0110011011110 906,570 1 +0110011011110 120,800 1 +0110011011110 532,643 1 +0110011011110 Sylvestor 1 +0110011011110 jewel-studded 1 +0110011011110 Ahrgus 1 +0110011011110 PCA. 1 +0110011011110 LLC. 1 +0110011011110 631,700 1 +0110011011110 5,133,700 1 +0110011011110 KHTF 1 +0110011011110 867,876 1 +0110011011110 729,600 1 +0110011011110 34,286 1 +0110011011110 Carillo 1 +0110011011110 114,900 1 +0110011011110 253,870 1 +0110011011110 dark-paneled 1 +0110011011110 1,798,675 1 +0110011011110 Clarkes 1 +0110011011110 any-year 1 +0110011011110 5,259,800 1 +0110011011110 35-floor 1 +0110011011110 INIZIATIVA 1 +0110011011110 road-scorching 1 +0110011011110 225.59 1 +0110011011110 3,676,400 1 +0110011011110 479,740 1 +0110011011110 once-independent 1 +0110011011110 187,400 1 +0110011011110 then-arch-conservative 1 +0110011011110 395,833 1 +0110011011110 B.F 1 +0110011011110 Bartolo 1 +0110011011110 379540 1 +0110011011110 13,310 1 +0110011011110 GPA-owned 1 +0110011011110 Chiyono 1 +0110011011110 Pandzik 1 +0110011011110 BNS. 1 +0110011011110 CERA 1 +0110011011110 257,100 1 +0110011011110 Long-depressed 1 +0110011011110 1,053,000 1 +0110011011110 6,127,500 1 +0110011011110 2,377,500 1 +0110011011110 Minolta/Gallup 1 +0110011011110 1,231,200 1 +0110011011110 1,541,200 1 +0110011011110 430,950 1 +0110011011110 ISHIKAWAJIMA 1 +0110011011110 IUD. 1 +0110011011110 6,100-square-foot 1 +0110011011110 1,013,900 1 +0110011011110 W&W 1 +0110011011110 Lymphokine 1 +0110011011110 Southmark-supported 1 +0110011011110 Sema 1 +0110011011110 76,400 1 +0110011011110 75101 1 +0110011011110 75-101 1 +0110011011110 market.The 1 +0110011011110 Citicorp-Scrimgeour 1 +0110011011110 3,157,535 1 +0110011011110 Seattlebased 1 +0110011011110 luxe 1 +0110011011110 1,357,950 1 +0110011011110 red-label 1 +0110011011110 Marcelline 1 +0110011011110 65,600 1 +0110011011110 Decolonization 1 +0110011011110 Sandusky-based 1 +0110011011110 800,104 1 +0110011011110 604,250 1 +0110011011110 136,800 1 +0110011011110 snow-crusted 1 +0110011011110 424,200 1 +0110011011110 Cash-starved 1 +0110011011110 Absorbing 1 +0110011011110 Marcor 1 +0110011011110 Takeover-prospect 1 +0110011011110 Frieder 1 +0110011011110 441,040 1 +0110011011110 115,489 1 +0110011011110 Knick 1 +0110011011110 Chopstix 1 +0110011011110 Twenty-year-old 1 +0110011011110 Archrivals 1 +0110011011110 8,239,900 1 +0110011011110 now-silent 1 +0110011011110 supercomputer-maker 1 +0110011011110 299,500 1 +0110011011110 152,600 1 +0110011011110 LATINA 1 +0110011011110 ilbert 1 +0110011011110 914,482 1 +0110011011110 Buffett-controlled 1 +0110011011110 107,900 1 +0110011011110 Seisen 1 +0110011011110 12,844,700 1 +0110011011110 284,700 1 +0110011011110 Fiftieth 1 +0110011011110 750,827 1 +0110011011110 BDDP. 1 +0110011011110 Takanori 1 +0110011011110 Koninlijke 1 +0110011011110 gentler-sloping 1 +0110011011110 Axon 1 +0110011011110 often-cautious 1 +0110011011110 WQXR 1 +0110011011110 UPS. 1 +0110011011110 Manele 1 +0110011011110 480,400 1 +0110011011110 159,357 1 +0110011011110 boat-like 1 +0110011011110 generics-maker 1 +0110011011110 Snaresbrook 1 +0110011011110 high-vitamin 1 +0110011011110 Festung 1 +0110011011110 Brodhead 1 +0110011011110 Perfumeria 1 +0110011011110 Eames. 1 +0110011011110 Hornburg 1 +0110011011110 inertia-bound 1 +0110011011110 FESTIVAL 1 +0110011011110 4,644,120 1 +0110011011110 Imry 1 +0110011011110 150,000-barrel-a-day 1 +0110011011110 252member 1 +0110011011110 electricity-tight 1 +0110011011110 24,999,495 1 +0110011011110 494,907 1 +0110011011110 Wolfmark 1 +0110011011110 1,617,800 1 +0110011011110 2,144,700 1 +0110011011110 Deets 1 +0110011011110 Pilgrm 1 +0110011011110 six-track 1 +0110011011110 429,556 1 +0110011011110 PURCHASE 1 +0110011011110 40,800 1 +0110011011110 3,847,900 1 +0110011011110 Nevsky 1 +0110011011110 Briish 1 +0110011011110 725,700 1 +0110011011110 Co-Chief 1 +0110011011110 6,488,300 1 +0110011011110 Fifteenth 1 +0110011011110 Valencia-based 1 +0110011011110 12,234,200 1 +0110011011110 Puna 1 +0110011011110 cashrich 1 +0110011011110 Conservera 1 +0110011011110 185,140 1 +0110011011110 Walters-Donaldson 1 +0110011011110 526,600 1 +0110011011110 3,949,500 1 +0110011011110 Miocene 1 +0110011011110 750-mile 2 +0110011011110 WTVS 2 +0110011011110 Mantecados 2 +0110011011110 Geauga 2 +0110011011110 315,823 2 +0110011011110 Mid-American 2 +0110011011110 Matterhorn 2 +0110011011110 b-Includes 2 +0110011011110 Broadway-Southern 2 +0110011011110 318,325 2 +0110011011110 Seattle-First 2 +0110011011110 179,900 2 +0110011011110 Crestmont 2 +0110011011110 Swami 2 +0110011011110 109,900 2 +0110011011110 Sandersville 2 +0110011011110 Konstitutional 2 +0110011011110 272,300 2 +0110011011110 CLAIBORNE 2 +0110011011110 Greensboro-based 2 +0110011011110 Reefe 2 +0110011011110 Aspromonte 2 +0110011011110 Valdosta 2 +0110011011110 Holland-based 2 +0110011011110 Gunma 2 +0110011011110 EBC 2 +0110011011110 131,300 2 +0110011011110 K.O. 2 +0110011011110 Allenpark 2 +0110011011110 Rustaveli 2 +0110011011110 136,700 2 +0110011011110 Dirt-poor 2 +0110011011110 Silvius 2 +0110011011110 Siena 2 +0110011011110 685,300 2 +0110011011110 A/ 2 +0110011011110 1,389,600 2 +0110011011110 arch-adversary 2 +0110011011110 331,100 2 +0110011011110 PIE 2 +0110011011110 Tapetes 2 +0110011011110 Horsell 2 +0110011011110 Agora 2 +0110011011110 Arches 2 +0110011011110 Sub-chapter 2 +0110011011110 IHC 2 +0110011011110 467,100 2 +0110011011110 Katec 2 +0110011011110 146,200 2 +0110011011110 Randa 2 +0110011011110 Irvine-based 2 +0110011011110 Agrigenetics 2 +0110011011110 Simulated 2 +0110011011110 BBDO. 2 +0110011011110 MBB. 2 +0110011011110 1,662,500 2 +0110011011110 majority-owner 2 +0110011011110 Detour 2 +0110011011110 100,600 2 +0110011011110 Morsemere 2 +0110011011110 Assicurazione 2 +0110011011110 Laila 2 +0110011011110 119,300 2 +0110011011110 Trustmark 2 +0110011011110 Secorp 2 +0110011011110 949,700 2 +0110011011110 665,400 2 +0110011011110 Seagrams 2 +0110011011110 Shahid 2 +0110011011110 RFS 2 +0110011011110 DAYTON 2 +0110011011110 Williamhouse 2 +0110011011110 Cognoscenti 2 +0110011011110 GRUPPO 2 +0110011011110 Tater 2 +0110011011110 subchapter 2 +0110011011110 453,300 2 +0110011011110 171,918 2 +0110011011110 Closely-held 2 +0110011011110 503,282 2 +0110011011110 Heilbronn-based 2 +0110011011110 Medically 3 +0110011011110 Zoetrope 3 +0110011011110 EL 3 +0110011011110 Vivienne 3 +0110011011110 Akwesasne 3 +0110011011110 Dowell 3 +0110011011110 LEASEWAY 3 +0110011011110 anti-First 3 +0110011011110 lex 3 +0110011011110 Firstbank 3 +0110011011110 FELDMUEHLE 3 +0110011011110 Vermillion 3 +0110011011110 Geolograph 3 +0110011011110 Intermediate-range 3 +0110011011110 Iglesia 3 +0110011011110 Troster 3 +0110011011110 ShareVest 3 +0110011011110 Emigration 3 +0110011011110 Prosperous 3 +0110011011110 Swimsuit 3 +0110011011110 Serafino 3 +0110011011110 Monex 3 +0110011011110 Kalinin 3 +0110011011110 Rogerio 3 +0110011011110 Sakae 4 +0110011011110 Tongass 4 +0110011011110 P.B. 4 +0110011011110 Impressions 4 +0110011011110 Miramar 4 +0110011011110 Anthea 4 +0110011011110 Straw 4 +0110011011110 Pax 4 +0110011011110 P-I-E 4 +0110011011110 Upstate 4 +0110011011110 Hughes-Ryan 4 +0110011011110 Letco 4 +0110011011110 Airman 4 +0110011011110 Reisterstown 4 +0110011011110 Octonia 5 +0110011011110 Farrah 5 +0110011011110 Yves-Andre 5 +0110011011110 Suisse-First 5 +0110011011110 Bayamon 5 +0110011011110 867,700 5 +0110011011110 Subchapter 5 +0110011011110 Fourteenth 5 +0110011011110 Verenigde 5 +0110011011110 Ens 5 +0110011011110 Viosca 5 +0110011011110 Runway 5 +0110011011110 Flagstaff 6 +0110011011110 Bipolar 6 +0110011011110 Uptown 6 +0110011011110 Watervliet 6 +0110011011110 Eleventh 7 +0110011011110 Gruppo 7 +0110011011110 Greenham 7 +0110011011110 Cedars 7 +0110011011110 Fausto 7 +0110011011110 Lago 7 +0110011011110 Alfieri 7 +0110011011110 Vaal 8 +0110011011110 WOLTERS 8 +0110011011110 Evangeline 8 +0110011011110 Guccio 8 +0110011011110 Cerveceria 8 +0110011011110 585,067 9 +0110011011110 New-York 9 +0110011011110 Koninklijke 10 +0110011011110 Rowes 10 +0110011011110 Purity 10 +0110011011110 Arab-Malaysian 10 +0110011011110 Star-Spangled 10 +0110011011110 Alianza 11 +0110011011110 Crowthers 11 +0110011011110 Phenix 12 +0110011011110 C&H 13 +0110011011110 Playa 13 +0110011011110 Regnery 13 +0110011011110 Chula 14 +0110011011110 H.C. 15 +0110011011110 FII 15 +0110011011110 Assicurazioni 15 +0110011011110 Pia 15 +0110011011110 Maxim 16 +0110011011110 S&W 17 +0110011011110 ANZ 17 +0110011011110 Arrowhead 18 +0110011011110 Retailer 19 +0110011011110 Maison 20 +0110011011110 Akin 20 +0110011011110 MidAmerica 20 +0110011011110 View-Master 21 +0110011011110 Agence 22 +0110011011110 RBC 23 +0110011011110 P.T. 25 +0110011011110 PacTel 26 +0110011011110 2nd 26 +0110011011110 Grupo 27 +0110011011110 Acquired 27 +0110011011110 Carte 27 +0110011011110 Fieldcrest 30 +0110011011110 Iniziativa 30 +0110011011110 Buena 31 +0110011011110 Canary 32 +0110011011110 Stride 32 +0110011011110 Palais 33 +0110011011110 McNamee 35 +0110011011110 Grease 37 +0110011011110 Rusty 48 +0110011011110 Wolters 51 +0110011011110 Ka 52 +0110011011110 Triple 53 +0110011011110 Ariel 54 +0110011011110 Sixth 69 +0110011011110 Scrimgeour 70 +0110011011110 M.A. 71 +0110011011110 Mt. 73 +0110011011110 Eighth 73 +0110011011110 Nesbitt 78 +0110011011110 Institut 81 +0110011011110 Adolph 85 +0110011011110 A.C. 96 +0110011011110 B.F. 98 +0110011011110 Operation 111 +0110011011110 CP 115 +0110011011110 midtown 126 +0110011011110 Flying 162 +0110011011110 Ninth 163 +0110011011110 Uniroyal 209 +0110011011110 F.W. 213 +0110011011110 Niagara 229 +0110011011110 A.H. 236 +0110011011110 ZZZZ 250 +0110011011110 Fourth 260 +0110011011110 J.C. 296 +0110011011110 U 477 +0110011011110 Walt 492 +0110011011110 Fifth 503 +0110011011110 Eastman 504 +0110011011110 PS 517 +0110011011110 First 12958 +0110011011110 Chase 1725 +0110011011111 Northanger 1 +0110011011111 299,523 1 +0110011011111 CAMPBELL 1 +0110011011111 1970-1983 1 +0110011011111 Rosenfield/Vinson 1 +0110011011111 gay-oriented 1 +0110011011111 267,015 1 +0110011011111 Light-haired 1 +0110011011111 Goldstripe 1 +0110011011111 Sixteen-to-One 1 +0110011011111 Eensy-Weensy 1 +0110011011111 Midstate 1 +0110011011111 four-season 1 +0110011011111 Non-American 1 +0110011011111 Seaco 1 +0110011011111 Oranje-Nassau 1 +0110011011111 HenleySanta 1 +0110011011111 493,500 1 +0110011011111 Anfavea 1 +0110011011111 2,415,300 1 +0110011011111 Employable 1 +0110011011111 Lancore 1 +0110011011111 Post-65 1 +0110011011111 2,500-member 1 +0110011011111 579,100 1 +0110011011111 DF 1 +0110011011111 half-blood 1 +0110011011111 nuclearize 1 +0110011011111 non-contiguous 1 +0110011011111 2,417,217 1 +0110011011111 Sangjie 1 +0110011011111 381,380 1 +0110011011111 275,700 1 +0110011011111 Sauk 1 +0110011011111 5,776,600 1 +0110011011111 Silverio 1 +0110011011111 Okefenokee 1 +0110011011111 Neuromedical 1 +0110011011111 rose-crowned 1 +0110011011111 361,650 1 +0110011011111 Webcraft 1 +0110011011111 Gathers 1 +0110011011111 Transinternational 1 +0110011011111 non-Pan 1 +0110011011111 Godolphin 1 +0110011011111 Joana 1 +0110011011111 Dublin-United 1 +0110011011111 ROOF-HIGH 1 +0110011011111 151-year-old 1 +0110011011111 rich-but-vulnerable 1 +0110011011111 Unremitting 1 +0110011011111 Mauricius 1 +0110011011111 soundproofed 1 +0110011011111 DALLAS-Metro 1 +0110011011111 627,200 1 +0110011011111 now-beleaguered 1 +0110011011111 Income-1984 1 +0110011011111 291,400 1 +0110011011111 HTLV-III 1 +0110011011111 artiste 1 +0110011011111 Augusta-based 1 +0110011011111 Monitek 1 +0110011011111 600E 1 +0110011011111 CSX-American 1 +0110011011111 OnSite 1 +0110011011111 Japanese-occupied 1 +0110011011111 1,080,500 1 +0110011011111 Western-aligned 1 +0110011011111 JS 1 +0110011011111 Chambri 1 +0110011011111 Murik 1 +0110011011111 836,300 1 +0110011011111 Remediation 1 +0110011011111 Freemark 1 +0110011011111 Amalagamated 1 +0110011011111 Dama 1 +0110011011111 prestigous 1 +0110011011111 Shatt-al 1 +0110011011111 Lachlan 1 +0110011011111 valet-assassin 1 +0110011011111 BIO-COR 1 +0110011011111 Chapparral 1 +0110011011111 9,240,000 1 +0110011011111 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer-United 1 +0110011011111 Sagawa 1 +0110011011111 Malay-speaking 1 +0110011011111 35-branch 1 +0110011011111 Enviro-Gro 1 +0110011011111 non-Egyptian 1 +0110011011111 ClassicShine 1 +0110011011111 Salimin 1 +0110011011111 Israeli-appointed 1 +0110011011111 10-20 1 +0110011011111 323-store 1 +0110011011111 Cottonelle 1 +0110011011111 Cisne 1 +0110011011111 InterCity 1 +0110011011111 29-seat 1 +0110011011111 772,500 1 +0110011011111 PG. 1 +0110011011111 Hiwood 1 +0110011011111 Dow-United 1 +0110011011111 CAD. 1 +0110011011111 Quick-Change 1 +0110011011111 5,536,409 1 +0110011011111 Seven-son 1 +0110011011111 Interlock 1 +0110011011111 Foot-Dragging 1 +0110011011111 .Pan 1 +0110011011111 Midwest-Great 1 +0110011011111 dervish-like 1 +0110011011111 venerable-but-much-derided 1 +0110011011111 Shellfish 1 +0110011011111 Drugged 1 +0110011011111 Virtual 1 +0110011011111 Mtg 1 +0110011011111 Formative 1 +0110011011111 Kuwait-based 1 +0110011011111 Match-Play 1 +0110011011111 LSST 1 +0110011011111 Kuhr 1 +0110011011111 safe-sounding 1 +0110011011111 Motoren-und 1 +0110011011111 Tok 1 +0110011011111 Wildwater 1 +0110011011111 Morbid 1 +0110011011111 Couns 1 +0110011011111 Moyle 1 +0110011011111 Silc 1 +0110011011111 Wavy 1 +0110011011111 Mexico-United 1 +0110011011111 At-Taqwa 1 +0110011011111 Hagenluecke 1 +0110011011111 814,350 1 +0110011011111 sludge-covered 1 +0110011011111 Corkscrew 1 +0110011011111 ALPHABET 1 +0110011011111 slimline 1 +0110011011111 158,900 1 +0110011011111 5,567,370 1 +0110011011111 535,179 1 +0110011011111 Shearson/American 2 +0110011011111 Grate 2 +0110011011111 Naamloze 2 +0110011011111 503,700 2 +0110011011111 BancAmerica 2 +0110011011111 Orbita 2 +0110011011111 Anglophilic 2 +0110011011111 NETI 2 +0110011011111 Litel 2 +0110011011111 Henley-Santa 2 +0110011011111 non-United 2 +0110011011111 IDS/American 2 +0110011011111 SatCom 2 +0110011011111 Interlogic 2 +0110011011111 Hermit 2 +0110011011111 Norbest 2 +0110011011111 Skyway 2 +0110011011111 Continential 2 +0110011011111 Tintern 2 +0110011011111 Patuxent 2 +0110011011111 LiTel 2 +0110011011111 Exec 2 +0110011011111 LeeWah 2 +0110011011111 Transceptor 2 +0110011011111 Fo 2 +0110011011111 Osicom 2 +0110011011111 Axiom 2 +0110011011111 HandelsBank 2 +0110011011111 Kgalagadi 2 +0110011011111 B&D 2 +0110011011111 Longboat 2 +0110011011111 Fujicolor 3 +0110011011111 Johnstown/Consolidated 3 +0110011011111 Bruch 3 +0110011011111 U.S.-Saudi 3 +0110011011111 Fender 3 +0110011011111 Longhorn 3 +0110011011111 Biomagnetic 3 +0110011011111 Speciality 3 +0110011011111 Nanyang 3 +0110011011111 Wanbao 3 +0110011011111 AT&T/Philips 3 +0110011011111 Transavia 3 +0110011011111 Scandanavian 3 +0110011011111 75-stock 3 +0110011011111 PTT 3 +0110011011111 AWE 3 +0110011011111 Pequot 3 +0110011011111 Lantana 3 +0110011011111 Gettig 3 +0110011011111 EPI 3 +0110011011111 Datasaab 3 +0110011011111 Transtar 3 +0110011011111 V.O. 3 +0110011011111 MAT 3 +0110011011111 Implant 3 +0110011011111 ONG 3 +0110011011111 Salomon-Russell 3 +0110011011111 Ursa 3 +0110011011111 Chinaberry 4 +0110011011111 Brookwood 4 +0110011011111 Saudi-owned 4 +0110011011111 Braniff-Pan 4 +0110011011111 Provincetown-Boston 4 +0110011011111 XP 4 +0110011011111 Coon 4 +0110011011111 ADC 4 +0110011011111 Pompton 4 +0110011011111 Kake 4 +0110011011111 M/V 5 +0110011011111 Saudia 5 +0110011011111 Occupied 5 +0110011011111 Altered 5 +0110011011111 Lic-Con 5 +0110011011111 Keowee 5 +0110011011111 Captive 5 +0110011011111 Sungene 5 +0110011011111 SPS 5 +0110011011111 Sundor 5 +0110011011111 Peaceable 6 +0110011011111 Wilberg 6 +0110011011111 Porex 6 +0110011011111 Raster 6 +0110011011111 Southwall 7 +0110011011111 20-stock 7 +0110011011111 American-Pan 7 +0110011011111 Quechee 7 +0110011011111 Counsellors 7 +0110011011111 CL 7 +0110011011111 Viral 8 +0110011011111 WIC 8 +0110011011111 Transformational 9 +0110011011111 Navstar 9 +0110011011111 StatesWest 10 +0110011011111 CNCP 10 +0110011011111 North-West 10 +0110011011111 Radiant 12 +0110011011111 Milky 12 +0110011011111 Intermountain 13 +0110011011111 Momentum 13 +0110011011111 Chemfix 14 +0110011011111 Bindley 14 +0110011011111 GA 15 +0110011011111 Finger 15 +0110011011111 Mandarin 17 +0110011011111 Affiliate 22 +0110011011111 KAL 23 +0110011011111 Skywest 24 +0110011011111 Trak 26 +0110011011111 Starlight 34 +0110011011111 Tilden 39 +0110011011111 Chaparral 41 +0110011011111 AT&T-Philips 41 +0110011011111 Crescent 43 +0110011011111 Ozark 43 +0110011011111 Interactive 55 +0110011011111 A&W 70 +0110011011111 Nihon 77 +0110011011111 Cedar 83 +0110011011111 Iroquois 83 +0110011011111 Clemente 86 +0110011011111 Symbol 89 +0110011011111 TranStar 92 +0110011011111 Orient 99 +0110011011111 Cabbage 102 +0110011011111 Wheelabrator 114 +0110011011111 L' 142 +0110011011111 Frontier 178 +0110011011111 Aloha 209 +0110011011111 Metro 236 +0110011011111 Midway 262 +0110011011111 Southwest 1130 +0110011011111 Northwest 1408 +0110011011111 Grand 1737 +0110011011111 Great 2000 +0110011011111 Pan 2154 +0110011011111 Saudi 2171 +0110011011111 United 8329 +0110011011111 Santa 2696 +0110011100 Millennial 1 +0110011100 warrantew 1 +0110011100 -2,175,914 1 +0110011100 -33,783 1 +0110011100 Bronze-Iron 1 +0110011100 Kuwait-like 1 +0110011100 IPE-New 1 +0110011100 SUNY-New 1 +0110011100 LCA-New 1 +0110011100 Co.-New 1 +0110011100 CBS-New 1 +0110011100 Pave 1 +0110011100 London-to-New 1 +0110011100 Dior-New 1 +0110011100 BOWES 1 +0110011100 Christmas/New 1 +0110011100 Atlanta-New 1 +0110011100 Copenhagen-New 1 +0110011100 Massachusetts-New 1 +0110011100 ew 1 +0110011100 CBS/New 1 +0110011100 mini-Prohibition 1 +0110011100 DMB&B/New 1 +0110011100 BECOMES 1 +0110011100 Thatcherian 1 +0110011100 CME-New 1 +0110011100 Communications-New 1 +0110011100 Teleport-New 1 +0110011100 Worsdall 1 +0110011100 Comex-New 1 +0110011100 Plane-Crash 1 +0110011100 pre-New 1 +0110011100 Washington-to-New 1 +0110011100 Toronto-New 1 +0110011100 Montreal-New 1 +0110011100 Hartford-New 1 +0110011100 Virginia-New 1 +0110011100 sculpture. 1 +0110011100 all-New 1 +0110011100 anti-New 1 +0110011100 whiskey-loving 1 +0110011100 Warsaw-New 1 +0110011100 Gilded 2 +0110011100 Christmas-New 2 +0110011100 post-New 2 +0110011100 Jurassic 2 +0110011100 Tokyo-London-New 2 +0110011100 mid-New 2 +0110011100 Chicago-New 2 +0110011100 Pennsylvania-New 2 +0110011100 Denver-New 2 +0110011100 Washington-New 3 +0110011100 Yale-New 3 +0110011100 News/New 3 +0110011100 Unforgettable 3 +0110011100 WNET/New 4 +0110011100 Agua 4 +0110011100 Papua-New 4 +0110011100 Boston-New 6 +0110011100 Sergeant 6 +0110011100 Marsh-New 7 +0110011100 non-New 12 +0110011100 New 56311 +0110011100 Nuova 12 +011001110100 METALLGE 1 +011001110100 Bey 1 +011001110100 mini-Merrill 1 +011001110100 Accordionist 1 +011001110100 Ishiwawjima-Harima 1 +011001110100 Aboud 1 +011001110100 San-Francisco-based 1 +011001110100 Suhr 1 +011001110100 ONONDAGA 1 +011001110100 LIQUID 1 +011001110100 Tsugio 1 +011001110100 Sturla 1 +011001110100 S.G 1 +011001110100 Nobutaka 1 +011001110100 jima-Harima 1 +011001110100 Shiboleth 1 +011001110100 Agnieszka 1 +011001110100 Yonas 1 +011001110100 BROCKTON 1 +011001110100 Bankenes 1 +011001110100 Plasminogen 1 +011001110100 Malise 1 +011001110100 ex-Morgan 1 +011001110100 SWF 1 +011001110100 Jurg 1 +011001110100 Oesterreichischen 1 +011001110100 JW 1 +011001110100 Maha 1 +011001110100 600,985 1 +011001110100 Agueda 1 +011001110100 Zalmen 1 +011001110100 Baronesse 1 +011001110100 Masanao 1 +011001110100 Finck-Sche 1 +011001110100 Vassil 1 +011001110100 Hansruedi 1 +011001110100 MACLEAN 1 +011001110100 chez 1 +011001110100 Sheazrson 1 +011001110100 16-year-vet 1 +011001110100 Arianna 1 +011001110100 714,500 1 +011001110100 Ishikawasjima-Harima 1 +011001110100 Oesterreicheschen 1 +011001110100 BRANFORD 1 +011001110100 Assicura 1 +011001110100 DUNCAN 1 +011001110100 Flavius 1 +011001110100 Gebrueder 1 +011001110100 263-lawyer 1 +011001110100 DOWNEY 1 +011001110100 Pom 1 +011001110100 Stockholms 1 +011001110100 Exploitation 1 +011001110100 ex-Merrill 1 +011001110100 Trister 1 +011001110100 Air/Morgan 1 +011001110100 Yasumichi 1 +011001110100 Burdines/Jordan 1 +011001110100 Delio 1 +011001110100 Taean 1 +011001110100 SUNG 1 +011001110100 Erle 1 +011001110100 Ezio 2 +011001110100 Unione 2 +011001110100 Toad 2 +011001110100 Itsuo 2 +011001110100 Perham 2 +011001110100 CENTRUST 2 +011001110100 Sparekassen 2 +011001110100 Uzis 2 +011001110100 643,800 2 +011001110100 POHANG 2 +011001110100 DRK 2 +011001110100 ANSHAN 2 +011001110100 Yossi 2 +011001110100 ANN 2 +011001110100 DJS 2 +011001110100 Volvo-GM 2 +011001110100 LEXINGTON 2 +011001110100 PARKVALE 2 +011001110100 Michiko 3 +011001110100 Wieslaw 3 +011001110100 Whinery 3 +011001110100 COMFED 3 +011001110100 Asesores 4 +011001110100 Heinhold 4 +011001110100 COAST 5 +011001110100 Leonie 5 +011001110100 Harima 7 +011001110100 WR 8 +011001110100 Skandinaviska 9 +011001110100 Averell 9 +011001110100 DAVID 9 +011001110100 DOW 12 +011001110100 Sphere 17 +011001110100 Ishikawajima-Harima 41 +011001110100 E.M. 43 +011001110100 Janney 163 +011001110100 R.J. 187 +011001110100 S.G. 240 +011001110100 Fulton 525 +011001110100 Morgan 5506 +011001110100 Merrill 5089 +011001110100 Shearson 5493 +0110011101010 IndoVista 1 +0110011101010 beratings 1 +0110011101010 Harried 1 +0110011101010 Enrolled 1 +0110011101010 BarclaysAmerican-Business 1 +0110011101010 Filipiniana 1 +0110011101010 Stillerman 1 +0110011101010 Adcom 1 +0110011101010 Belt-Frost 1 +0110011101010 Samyang 1 +0110011101010 Warbird 1 +0110011101010 Akademika 1 +0110011101010 Pleasantdale 1 +0110011101010 Dumilde 1 +0110011101010 9:00-20:00 1 +0110011101010 Allemania 1 +0110011101010 237,499 1 +0110011101010 Denisson 1 +0110011101010 never-ratified 1 +0110011101010 Stitch 1 +0110011101010 Vicco 1 +0110011101010 Shin-etsu 1 +0110011101010 Stairmaster 1 +0110011101010 VAULTED 1 +0110011101010 then-undeveloped 1 +0110011101010 Conrail-Norfolk 1 +0110011101010 3,000-student 1 +0110011101010 Kawasumi 1 +0110011101010 home-bred 1 +0110011101010 Frontenac 1 +0110011101010 Nestling 1 +0110011101010 Questroyal 1 +0110011101010 Blintz 1 +0110011101010 long-debated 1 +0110011101010 Ipcress 1 +0110011101010 Nasdaq-100 1 +0110011101010 Designate 1 +0110011101010 Champaklal 1 +0110011101010 Kabul-to-Kandahar 1 +0110011101010 Massachewy 1 +0110011101010 Hodogaya 1 +0110011101010 Kashoggi-owned 1 +0110011101010 Whistlestop 1 +0110011101010 Lakeway 1 +0110011101010 Shane-Michael 1 +0110011101010 2,489-member 1 +0110011101010 541,020 1 +0110011101010 younger-oriented 1 +0110011101010 Three-Star 1 +0110011101010 Sandwell 1 +0110011101010 153,563 1 +0110011101010 Innova 1 +0110011101010 Sungkyunkwan 1 +0110011101010 Science-Based 1 +0110011101010 Tijuana-based 1 +0110011101010 Rotherwood 1 +0110011101010 531,848 1 +0110011101010 914,776 1 +0110011101010 Duling 1 +0110011101010 SynchroMed 1 +0110011101010 615,280 1 +0110011101010 1,641,580 1 +0110011101010 Tenn-USS 1 +0110011101010 Smorgon 1 +0110011101010 Lenae 1 +0110011101010 Atsugi 1 +0110011101010 Ameal 1 +0110011101010 AIBC 1 +0110011101010 Aled 1 +0110011101010 scombroid 1 +0110011101010 U.S.and 1 +0110011101010 Litterers 1 +0110011101010 Heronwood 1 +0110011101010 2000-pound 1 +0110011101010 estate-value 1 +0110011101010 2,761 1 +0110011101010 899,170 1 +0110011101010 Elvin 1 +0110011101010 Hillshire 1 +0110011101010 non-Dow 1 +0110011101010 Xericity 1 +0110011101010 drought-devastated 1 +0110011101010 Hillyard 1 +0110011101010 Oligocene 1 +0110011101010 AGRO-INDUSTRIALE 1 +0110011101010 Kiewit-Murdoch 1 +0110011101010 Securities-based 1 +0110011101010 Kennedy-Harvard 1 +0110011101010 Worchester 1 +0110011101010 Wytch 2 +0110011101010 Harcon 2 +0110011101010 Sener 2 +0110011101010 Toagosei 2 +0110011101010 Nikkei-Dow 2 +0110011101010 Gun-ei 2 +0110011101010 Faganello 2 +0110011101010 Lode 2 +0110011101010 Tuckerman 2 +0110011101010 Borscht 2 +0110011101010 Dogwood 2 +0110011101010 Indo-German 2 +0110011101010 Tio 2 +0110011101010 C.C.P.C. 2 +0110011101010 PacificCorp 2 +0110011101010 NonStop 2 +0110011101010 Overthrust 2 +0110011101010 SilverStone 2 +0110011101010 Contadina 2 +0110011101010 Tru 2 +0110011101010 Boisfeuillet 2 +0110011101010 EGC 2 +0110011101010 SCNO 2 +0110011101010 Shinetsu 2 +0110011101010 Hindi 3 +0110011101010 Maruwa 3 +0110011101010 Candlelight 3 +0110011101010 Lowdale 3 +0110011101010 Interfinance 3 +0110011101010 Risen 3 +0110011101010 FullWrite 3 +0110011101010 Monell 3 +0110011101010 100-lawyer 3 +0110011101010 Kanegafuchi 4 +0110011101010 Daicel 4 +0110011101010 Lepanto 4 +0110011101010 Frosted 4 +0110011101010 Jonah 4 +0110011101010 Kromboom 5 +0110011101010 Metro-North 5 +0110011101010 Halter 5 +0110011101010 Newstead 5 +0110011101010 MDB 6 +0110011101010 MultiMate 6 +0110011101010 Driefontein 6 +0110011101010 Borsch 6 +0110011101010 Kureha 6 +0110011101010 Scary 6 +0110011101010 DJ 7 +0110011101010 Wards 7 +0110011101010 Orinoco 8 +0110011101010 Shin-Etsu 8 +0110011101010 Bronze 8 +0110011101010 Koyo 9 +0110011101010 Hanshin 10 +0110011101010 Fats 11 +0110011101010 defoliant 11 +0110011101010 Stonyfield 12 +0110011101010 Pepperidge 12 +0110011101010 Hattori 14 +0110011101010 DeBeers 14 +0110011101010 Taisho 15 +0110011101010 Bayliner 16 +0110011101010 Tokio 20 +0110011101010 AP-Dow 23 +0110011101010 Mathias 31 +0110011101010 Spike 32 +0110011101010 Long-Term 84 +0110011101010 Merrell 108 +0110011101010 Rust 117 +0110011101010 Zacks 124 +0110011101010 Lone 228 +0110011101010 Corn 361 +0110011101010 Farm 937 +0110011101010 Dow 6749 +0110011101011 recalcitrantly 1 +0110011101011 terrierlike 1 +0110011101011 543,525 1 +0110011101011 509,784 1 +0110011101011 red-flushed 1 +0110011101011 then-Republican-controlled 1 +0110011101011 800-megawatt 1 +0110011101011 Flouts 1 +0110011101011 30,000-ton 1 +0110011101011 Democratic-run 1 +0110011101011 comedy/dance/music/performance/theater/video 1 +0110011101011 Chogye 1 +0110011101011 Schwab-led 1 +0110011101011 31,000-gallon 1 +0110011101011 requisitely 1 +0110011101011 Pro-Contra 1 +0110011101011 reapportioning 1 +0110011101011 202-199 1 +0110011101011 177-seat 1 +0110011101011 35-to-54-year-old 1 +0110011101011 Mogok 1 +0110011101011 self-denigrating 1 +0110011101011 SUMMING 1 +0110011101011 1,919 1 +0110011101011 Single-Family 1 +0110011101011 79-17 1 +0110011101011 139-year-old 1 +0110011101011 second-most-important 1 +0110011101011 leadingest 1 +0110011101011 McGovern-Mondale 1 +0110011101011 Lubavitch 1 +0110011101011 257-178 1 +0110011101011 Nader-backed 1 +0110011101011 Davis-led 1 +0110011101011 tax-deferrred 1 +0110011101011 148-member 1 +0110011101011 Daylesford 1 +0110011101011 two-century-old 1 +0110011101011 play-maker 1 +0110011101011 once-threatening 1 +0110011101011 166-member 1 +0110011101011 Nadar-affiliated 1 +0110011101011 camp-besotted 1 +0110011101011 511,200 1 +0110011101011 340-member 1 +0110011101011 All-Peoples 1 +0110011101011 Brokerge 1 +0110011101011 once-ubiquitous 1 +0110011101011 strung-out 1 +0110011101011 Ormsby 1 +0110011101011 seven-degree 1 +0110011101011 indefatigably 1 +0110011101011 212-seat 1 +0110011101011 Tory-dominated 1 +0110011101011 Congress-White 1 +0110011101011 REVS 1 +0110011101011 daffy 1 +0110011101011 under-priced 1 +0110011101011 most-respected 1 +0110011101011 BUMPERS 1 +0110011101011 one-million-member 1 +0110011101011 Biki 1 +0110011101011 globe-circling 1 +0110011101011 Wickham-Valentine 1 +0110011101011 Mironovich 1 +0110011101011 now-illegal 1 +0110011101011 unscreened 1 +0110011101011 most-senior 1 +0110011101011 Iranian-directed 1 +0110011101011 lower-attaining 1 +0110011101011 post-White 1 +0110011101011 grubbiest 1 +0110011101011 57-member 1 +0110011101011 most-hazardous 1 +0110011101011 most-dangerous 1 +0110011101011 Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1 +0110011101011 3-inch-long 1 +0110011101011 scraggily 1 +0110011101011 St.Clair 1 +0110011101011 super-model 1 +0110011101011 iconoclastically 1 +0110011101011 somberest 1 +0110011101011 unneedful 1 +0110011101011 Chabad 1 +0110011101011 bone-numbing 1 +0110011101011 6,600-seat 1 +0110011101011 40-foot-wide 1 +0110011101011 syphilis-ridden 1 +0110011101011 once-dissident 1 +0110011101011 535-member 1 +0110011101011 then-potent 1 +0110011101011 72,800 1 +0110011101011 Long-tailed 1 +0110011101011 now-repentant 1 +0110011101011 drug-filled 1 +0110011101011 Cuba-aligned 1 +0110011101011 pudding-faced 1 +0110011101011 one-million-plus 1 +0110011101011 early-20th-century 1 +0110011101011 clipboard-size 1 +0110011101011 well-noted 1 +0110011101011 Multicenter 1 +0110011101011 quickwitted 1 +0110011101011 adventure-loving 1 +0110011101011 travel-happy 1 +0110011101011 126-year-old 1 +0110011101011 Senate-White 1 +0110011101011 93,800 1 +0110011101011 Huddle 1 +0110011101011 Then-White 1 +0110011101011 pouty-lipped 1 +0110011101011 Convertino 1 +0110011101011 jargon-spouting 1 +0110011101011 Phyfe 1 +0110011101011 modern-science 1 +0110011101011 catchiest 1 +0110011101011 once-outlawed 1 +0110011101011 Elghanayan 2 +0110011101011 Dingo 2 +0110011101011 Reynolda 2 +0110011101011 Kenyah 2 +0110011101011 375-page 2 +0110011101011 right-dominated 2 +0110011101011 Crowded 2 +0110011101011 Estill 2 +0110011101011 Fiddyment 2 +0110011101011 Icarus 2 +0110011101011 Furnace 2 +0110011101011 Marillac 2 +0110011101011 Cabassi 2 +0110011101011 pontificating 2 +0110011101011 700,000-member 2 +0110011101011 Myca 2 +0110011101011 WILLING 2 +0110011101011 Toddle 2 +0110011101011 varnished 2 +0110011101011 Waffle 2 +0110011101011 Spaso 2 +0110011101011 435-member 2 +0110011101011 larger-capacity 2 +0110011101011 Pan-Africanist 2 +0110011101011 Britannic 2 +0110011101011 Taviani 2 +0110011101011 voteless 3 +0110011101011 148-seat 3 +0110011101011 Tinco 3 +0110011101011 Doni 3 +0110011101011 Camillus 3 +0110011101011 Jawaharlal 3 +0110011101011 650-member 3 +0110011101011 white-supremacist 3 +0110011101011 282-seat 3 +0110011101011 Bleak 3 +0110011101011 Streckfus 3 +0110011101011 Ehrenkrantz 3 +0110011101011 management-Shearson 3 +0110011101011 Asi 4 +0110011101011 650-seat 4 +0110011101011 Harbridge 4 +0110011101011 79-seat 4 +0110011101011 ex-White 4 +0110011101011 166-seat 4 +0110011101011 Harney 5 +0110011101011 Khotso 5 +0110011101011 Hen 5 +0110011101011 GOP-controlled 5 +0110011101011 Ashford 5 +0110011101011 Haunted 6 +0110011101011 Miwok 6 +0110011101011 Seventh-day 6 +0110011101011 Chop 7 +0110011101011 Grim 8 +0110011101011 then-White 10 +0110011101011 Ngo 11 +0110011101011 Nader-affiliated 11 +0110011101011 Chart 13 +0110011101011 Republican-controlled 13 +0110011101011 99th 13 +0110011101011 Hash 14 +0110011101011 Pentrust 16 +0110011101011 Mansion 18 +0110011101011 Democrat-controlled 20 +0110011101011 Sekisui 21 +0110011101011 Meissner 22 +0110011101011 DeCesaris 23 +0110011101011 Viet 31 +0110011101011 Democratic-controlled 95 +0110011101011 Random 178 +0110011101011 Rales 276 +0110011101011 White 7619 +0110011101011 Roman 552 +011001110110 271,300 1 +011001110110 then-Los 1 +011001110110 Willner 1 +011001110110 Merinda 1 +011001110110 Safety-First 1 +011001110110 Rosalino 1 +011001110110 oilworker-turned-undertaker 1 +011001110110 Orcas-based 1 +011001110110 Craeg 1 +011001110110 Distribuidora 1 +011001110110 Ambito 1 +011001110110 baggage-maker 1 +011001110110 Wycliffe 1 +011001110110 Indo-Sri 1 +011001110110 U.S.-Out-of-El 1 +011001110110 Electric-San 1 +011001110110 Electric/San 1 +011001110110 Earthquake-San 1 +011001110110 Texas-El 1 +011001110110 Sydney-Los 1 +011001110110 Tijuana-San 1 +011001110110 Age-Controlling 1 +011001110110 Shaf 1 +011001110110 Beach-Boca 1 +011001110110 Beaumont-Port 1 +011001110110 Menjilat 1 +011001110110 Riverside-San 1 +011001110110 Chuva 1 +011001110110 Boston-San 1 +011001110110 NRM. 1 +011001110110 Triad/La 1 +011001110110 Francisco-Los 1 +011001110110 240-seat 1 +011001110110 Festival/Los 1 +011001110110 139-pounder 1 +011001110110 Theatre/Murray 1 +011001110110 Sainte 1 +011001110110 1154 1 +011001110110 U.S.-USSR 1 +011001110110 Cancun-Los 1 +011001110110 Bank-El 1 +011001110110 Britains 1 +011001110110 KQED-TV/San 1 +011001110110 exhausted-looking 1 +011001110110 Peri 1 +011001110110 Puerta 1 +011001110110 Francisco-San 1 +011001110110 MDA/San 1 +011001110110 loosened-up 1 +011001110110 homburg-hatted 1 +011001110110 canonizing 1 +011001110110 York-San 1 +011001110110 Cienco 1 +011001110110 City-Las 1 +011001110110 P.C.S. 1 +011001110110 Chicago-Los 1 +011001110110 Chicago-San 1 +011001110110 Rolly 1 +011001110110 SPINOFFS 1 +011001110110 Advertising/San 1 +011001110110 Anti-Wrinkle 1 +011001110110 pinafore-wearing 1 +011001110110 Sidi 1 +011001110110 Kong-Los 1 +011001110110 Kong-Vancouver-San 1 +011001110110 Cheering 1 +011001110110 Louis-San 1 +011001110110 Tokyo-Los 1 +011001110110 U.S.-Puerto 2 +011001110110 Barbie-sized 2 +011001110110 York-Los 2 +011001110110 Tokyo-San 2 +011001110110 BBDO/Los 2 +011001110110 Narciso 2 +011001110110 Appraising 2 +011001110110 Eulalio 2 +011001110110 California-Los 2 +011001110110 Bank/Fort 2 +011001110110 Conquistador 2 +011001110110 Nevada-Las 2 +011001110110 Diario-La 3 +011001110110 Miami-Fort 3 +011001110110 Sala 3 +011001110110 Dallas-Forth 3 +011001110110 Chambre 3 +011001110110 California-San 4 +011001110110 Animas-La 4 +011001110110 Agha 4 +011001110110 Ilocos 5 +011001110110 Angeles-San 5 +011001110110 Pittsburgh-Des 5 +011001110110 Ras 6 +011001110110 Octavio 8 +011001110110 Cinco 8 +011001110110 Forth 10 +011001110110 Dred 10 +011001110110 Pitt-Des 10 +011001110110 Nuevo 20 +011001110110 Ste. 28 +011001110110 Datuk 30 +011001110110 Achille 31 +011001110110 Dallas/Fort 35 +011001110110 Kuala 44 +011001110110 Corpus 61 +011001110110 Dallas-Fort 101 +011001110110 Buenos 132 +011001110110 Boca 147 +011001110110 Bala 148 +011001110110 Rancho 154 +011001110110 Palo 367 +011001110110 Des 367 +011001110110 Sri 461 +011001110110 Puerto 542 +011001110110 Las 694 +011001110110 Costa 700 +011001110110 La 1071 +011001110110 El 1144 +011001110110 Fort 1491 +011001110110 St. 3498 +011001110110 San 6545 +011001110110 Los 5929 +0110011101110 Kachalova 1 +0110011101110 ex-Wall 1 +0110011101110 Shawmut-State 1 +0110011101110 Eriq 1 +0110011101110 Todas 1 +0110011101110 112th 1 +0110011101110 246,200 1 +0110011101110 3,174-room 1 +0110011101110 Calny-operated 1 +0110011101110 Rozana 1 +0110011101110 Ex-Wall 1 +0110011101110 Senorita 1 +0110011101110 Dallas/ 1 +0110011101110 Viven 1 +0110011101110 Cuihua 1 +0110011101110 eight-to-12-page 1 +0110011101110 Brodskovo 1 +0110011101110 Yuetan 1 +0110011101110 Berzei 1 +0110011101110 158th 1 +0110011101110 News-Wall 1 +0110011101110 Pulawska 1 +0110011101110 Fifty-Ninth 1 +0110011101110 Hollywood-Wall 1 +0110011101110 Dauber 1 +0110011101110 CI. 1 +0110011101110 school-Wall 1 +0110011101110 Fannin 2 +0110011101110 Lenwood 2 +0110011101110 Chernyshevsky 2 +0110011101110 163rd 2 +0110011101110 134th 2 +0110011101110 snowy-haired 2 +0110011101110 FirstBank 2 +0110011101110 Bleecker 2 +0110011101110 anti-Wall 2 +0110011101110 190th 2 +0110011101110 al-Watani 2 +0110011101110 Dans 2 +0110011101110 non-Wall 2 +0110011101110 62nd 2 +0110011101110 Tepeyac 2 +0110011101110 Wail 2 +0110011101110 68th 3 +0110011101110 96th 3 +0110011101110 Bayi 3 +0110011101110 207th 3 +0110011101110 76th 4 +0110011101110 MetLife-State 5 +0110011101110 81st 5 +0110011101110 94th 5 +0110011101110 56th 5 +0110011101110 69th 6 +0110011101110 86th 6 +0110011101110 67th 7 +0110011101110 92nd 8 +0110011101110 Chriss 12 +0110011101110 55th 13 +0110011101110 82nd 20 +0110011101110 59th 20 +0110011101110 Jump 20 +0110011101110 52nd 21 +0110011101110 Bourbon 21 +0110011101110 Elm 22 +0110011101110 53rd 23 +0110011101110 Sesame 28 +0110011101110 Aung 31 +0110011101110 57th 32 +0110011101110 Downing 33 +0110011101110 47th 38 +0110011101110 42nd 48 +0110011101110 Tan 188 +0110011101110 Wall 9492 +0110011101110 Main 329 +0110011101111 10,410 1 +0110011101111 38,197 1 +0110011101111 60,875 1 +0110011101111 1,378,000 1 +0110011101111 27,308 1 +0110011101111 31,206 1 +0110011101111 35,211 1 +0110011101111 7,777 1 +0110011101111 sand-bottom 1 +0110011101111 6,714 1 +0110011101111 11,240,000 1 +0110011101111 wobbled-out 1 +0110011101111 237,130 1 +0110011101111 42,391 1 +0110011101111 47,953 1 +0110011101111 266,225 1 +0110011101111 12,135,453 1 +0110011101111 12,817,484 1 +0110011101111 271,042 1 +0110011101111 18,949,000 1 +0110011101111 33,341,500 1 +0110011101111 12,960,000 1 +0110011101111 69,989,000 1 +0110011101111 13,710,000 1 +0110011101111 1,437,000 1 +0110011101111 288,147 1 +0110011101111 6,101 1 +0110011101111 1,557,000 1 +0110011101111 9,754 1 +0110011101111 8,268 1 +0110011101111 4,659 1 +0110011101111 306,814 1 +0110011101111 6,884,214 1 +0110011101111 7,192,608 1 +0110011101111 284,904 1 +0110011101111 8,975 1 +0110011101111 3,415 1 +0110011101111 70,646 1 +0110011101111 1,369,000 1 +0110011101111 67,191 1 +0110011101111 444,658 1 +0110011101111 351,643 1 +0110011101111 272,698 1 +0110011101111 263,713 1 +0110011101111 1,047,000 1 +0110011101111 9,548 1 +0110011101111 275,708 1 +0110011101111 1,355,000 1 +0110011101111 257,301 1 +0110011101111 77,162 1 +0110011101111 52,540 1 +0110011101111 1,329,000 1 +0110011101111 54,790 1 +0110011101111 nine-and-a-half 1 +0110011101111 post-doomsday 1 +0110011101111 limestone-fenced 1 +0110011101111 15,885,000 1 +0110011101111 15,223,000 1 +0110011101111 1,586,000 1 +0110011101111 59,975 1 +0110011101111 11,320 1 +0110011101111 7,942 1 +0110011101111 7,815 1 +0110011101111 2,425 1 +0110011101111 10,473 1 +0110011101111 10,319 1 +0110011101111 5,845 1 +0110011101111 13,420 1 +0110011101111 14,046 1 +0110011101111 64,041 1 +0110011101111 68,225 1 +0110011101111 11,598,186 1 +0110011101111 NORSKE 1 +0110011101111 12,190,990 1 +0110011101111 266,976 1 +0110011101111 1,917 1 +0110011101111 agree-disagree 1 +0110011101111 217,635 1 +0110011101111 1,732,000 1 +0110011101111 10,533,000 1 +0110011101111 7,450 1 +0110011101111 143,700 1 +0110011101111 4.473 1 +0110011101111 8,367,819 1 +0110011101111 8,705,410 1 +0110011101111 233,065 1 +0110011101111 15,193 1 +0110011101111 143,200 1 +0110011101111 87,100 1 +0110011101111 12,050,000 1 +0110011101111 12,330,000 1 +0110011101111 300,221 1 +0110011101111 337,630 1 +0110011101111 333,446,000 1 +0110011101111 1,216,000 1 +0110011101111 232,444 1 +0110011101111 1,361,000 1 +0110011101111 364,060 1 +0110011101111 estimator 1 +0110011101111 8,797,050 1 +0110011101111 9,219,803 1 +0110011101111 228,578 1 +0110011101111 245,950,000 1 +0110011101111 8,170,000 1 +0110011101111 10,310,000 1 +0110011101111 212,520 1 +0110011101111 6,844 1 +0110011101111 Twenty-six-year-old 1 +0110011101111 10,137 1 +0110011101111 5,437 1 +0110011101111 1,279,000 1 +0110011101111 1,688,000 1 +0110011101111 gross-registered-ton 1 +0110011101111 10,164 1 +0110011101111 44.0479 1 +0110011101111 7,692,862 1 +0110011101111 8,044,314 1 +0110011101111 247,216 1 +0110011101111 0.4536 1 +0110011101111 28.3495 1 +0110011101111 1.60935 1 +0110011101111 Schwabs 1 +0110011101111 7,610,000 1 +0110011101111 1,627,000 1 +0110011101111 42-gallon 1 +0110011101111 non-converted 1 +0110011101111 210,700,000 1 +0110011101111 7,950,000 1 +0110011101111 10,880,000 1 +0110011101111 1,504,000 1 +0110011101111 273,285 1 +0110011101111 1,804,000 1 +0110011101111 methanol-burning 1 +0110011101111 700-cc 1 +0110011101111 300-600 1 +0110011101111 219,369 1 +0110011101111 12,681 1 +0110011101111 53,928 1 +0110011101111 6,092 1 +0110011101111 1,269,000 1 +0110011101111 run-of-the-coop 1 +0110011101111 237,155 1 +0110011101111 1,366,000 1 +0110011101111 2,960,000 1 +0110011101111 10,728 1 +0110011101111 1,468,000 1 +0110011101111 10,725 1 +0110011101111 1,816,000 1 +0110011101111 1,906,000 1 +0110011101111 6,405,000 1 +0110011101111 6,454,000 1 +0110011101111 4,911,000 1 +0110011101111 13,193 1 +0110011101111 18,450 1 +0110011101111 14,675 1 +0110011101111 295,300 1 +0110011101111 60-plus 1 +0110011101111 470,400 1 +0110011101111 10,722,398 1 +0110011101111 13,811 1 +0110011101111 0.021 1 +0110011101111 11,303,946 1 +0110011101111 11,296,859 1 +0110011101111 11,526 1 +0110011101111 1,052,000 1 +0110011101111 4,550 1 +0110011101111 13,080 1 +0110011101111 92,450 1 +0110011101111 11,001,849 1 +0110011101111 11,028,983 1 +0110011101111 unresting 1 +0110011101111 1,338 1 +0110011101111 5,628,000 1 +0110011101111 5,620,000 1 +0110011101111 13,860 1 +0110011101111 18,481 1 +0110011101111 874,877 1 +0110011101111 773,977 1 +0110011101111 10,560 1 +0110011101111 1,677,000 1 +0110011101111 God-made 1 +0110011101111 post-First 1 +0110011101111 9,667,575 1 +0110011101111 28,568,000 1 +0110011101111 35,267,000 1 +0110011101111 4,962,000 1 +0110011101111 3,200,000 1 +0110011101111 1,775,000 1 +0110011101111 466,252 1 +0110011101111 536,737 1 +0110011101111 10,446,368 1 +0110011101111 95,635 1 +0110011101111 8,689 1 +0110011101111 27,881 1 +0110011101111 158,268 1 +0110011101111 9,990 1 +0110011101111 6,875 1 +0110011101111 45-6 1 +0110011101111 243,861 1 +0110011101111 323,666 1 +0110011101111 441,650 1 +0110011101111 1,304,000 1 +0110011101111 BioDread 1 +0110011101111 U.S.-Third 1 +0110011101111 500,500 1 +0110011101111 1,817,000 1 +0110011101111 26,708 1 +0110011101111 27,020 1 +0110011101111 30,702 1 +0110011101111 1,297,000 1 +0110011101111 10,535,904 1 +0110011101111 11,049,928 1 +0110011101111 263,745 1 +0110011101111 0.110 1 +0110011101111 14,304,667 1 +0110011101111 13,622,558 1 +0110011101111 85,598 1 +0110011101111 17,851 1 +0110011101111 105,350 1 +0110011101111 251,591 1 +0110011101111 1,000-cubic 1 +0110011101111 Can-Do 1 +0110011101111 8,025 1 +0110011101111 1,286,000 1 +0110011101111 54,177 1 +0110011101111 71,517 1 +0110011101111 107,300 1 +0110011101111 14,629 1 +0110011101111 11,867,463 1 +0110011101111 1454 1 +0110011101111 1,707 1 +0110011101111 11,575,362 1 +0110011101111 11,601,392 1 +0110011101111 stretched-version 1 +0110011101111 82,730 1 +0110011101111 89,333 1 +0110011101111 287,775 1 +0110011101111 191,000,000 1 +0110011101111 28,150 1 +0110011101111 27,345 1 +0110011101111 497,900 1 +0110011101111 8,596 1 +0110011101111 74,818 1 +0110011101111 66,050 1 +0110011101111 4,875 1 +0110011101111 12,467,009 1 +0110011101111 12,170,853 1 +0110011101111 sweat-type 1 +0110011101111 557,586 1 +0110011101111 18,658 1 +0110011101111 186,200 1 +0110011101111 352,996 1 +0110011101111 2,007,699 1 +0110011101111 2,085,959 1 +0110011101111 288,505 1 +0110011101111 7,120,000 1 +0110011101111 1,568,000 1 +0110011101111 1,789,000 1 +0110011101111 13,298,038 1 +0110011101111 12,712,264 1 +0110011101111 297,300 1 +0110011101111 1,642,000 1 +0110011101111 14,730 1 +0110011101111 295,267 1 +0110011101111 3,412 1 +0110011101111 12,532 1 +0110011101111 NEC-dedicated 1 +0110011101111 16,485,000 1 +0110011101111 1,478,000 1 +0110011101111 494,200 1 +0110011101111 30,700 1 +0110011101111 37,600 1 +0110011101111 1,318,097 1 +0110011101111 1,403,473 1 +0110011101111 272,229 1 +0110011101111 1,676,000 1 +0110011101111 1,784,000 1 +0110011101111 700,00 1 +0110011101111 274,973 1 +0110011101111 absentee-owned 1 +0110011101111 120,100 1 +0110011101111 1,762,000 1 +0110011101111 Liveable 1 +0110011101111 279,867 1 +0110011101111 9,596 1 +0110011101111 flexible-route 1 +0110011101111 4,091 1 +0110011101111 151,175 1 +0110011101111 726,600 1 +0110011101111 31-gallon 1 +0110011101111 68,250 1 +0110011101111 1,439,327 1 +0110011101111 1,520,403 1 +0110011101111 281,119 1 +0110011101111 1,741,000 1 +0110011101111 686,200 1 +0110011101111 fake-o 1 +0110011101111 10,520 1 +0110011101111 bulldozes 1 +0110011101111 10,286 1 +0110011101111 4,008,271 1 +0110011101111 4,206,459 1 +0110011101111 179,470 1 +0110011101111 1,371,000 1 +0110011101111 1,534,000 1 +0110011101111 562,100 1 +0110011101111 295,650 1 +0110011101111 275,935 1 +0110011101111 291,242 1 +0110011101111 241,200 1 +0110011101111 259,400 1 +0110011101111 462,500 1 +0110011101111 399,800 1 +0110011101111 16,590 1 +0110011101111 1,405,000 1 +0110011101111 1,034,000 1 +0110011101111 1,004,000 1 +0110011101111 1,364,000 1 +0110011101111 304,217 1 +0110011101111 12,228 1 +0110011101111 2,339,000 1 +0110011101111 4,562,000 1 +0110011101111 3,037,000 1 +0110011101111 overpadded 1 +0110011101111 rubber-soled 1 +0110011101111 11,250 1 +0110011101111 680,700 1 +0110011101111 378,400 1 +0110011101111 175,250 1 +0110011101111 1,796,000 1 +0110011101111 282,017 1 +0110011101111 24,901.55 1 +0110011101111 167,650 1 +0110011101111 60,200 1 +0110011101111 4,478,000 1 +0110011101111 288,132 1 +0110011101111 1,356,000 1 +0110011101111 96,360,000 1 +0110011101111 212,400 1 +0110011101111 3,791,000 1 +0110011101111 3,351,000 1 +0110011101111 1,526 1 +0110011101111 1,818,000 1 +0110011101111 1,722,000 1 +0110011101111 old-rival 1 +0110011101111 129,300 1 +0110011101111 30.38 1 +0110011101111 6,013,000 1 +0110011101111 them-vs.-us 1 +0110011101111 109,044 1 +0110011101111 69,258 1 +0110011101111 107,250 1 +0110011101111 grubbers 1 +0110011101111 791,214 1 +0110011101111 7,616,000 1 +0110011101111 270,650 1 +0110011101111 4,227,000 1 +0110011101111 263,627 1 +0110011101111 3,544,800 1 +0110011101111 283,700 1 +0110011101111 non-Third 1 +0110011101111 8,941 1 +0110011101111 1,296,000 1 +0110011101111 6,031,000 1 +0110011101111 1,407,000 1 +0110011101111 20-milligram 1 +0110011101111 9,281,414 1 +0110011101111 9,740,712 1 +0110011101111 1,579,000 1 +0110011101111 1,920,000 1 +0110011101111 2,000-odd 1 +0110011101111 277,899 1 +0110011101111 12,864 1 +0110011101111 8,210,000 1 +0110011101111 13,013,682 1 +0110011101111 13,604,048 1 +0110011101111 17,244,000 1 +0110011101111 16,874,000 1 +0110011101111 1,651,000 1 +0110011101111 5,475 1 +0110011101111 27,207 1 +0110011101111 12,363 1 +0110011101111 17,843,000 1 +0110011101111 16,165,000 1 +0110011101111 20,974,000 1 +0110011101111 1,998,000 1 +0110011101111 12,205 1 +0110011101111 2,575,098 1 +0110011101111 267,619 1 +0110011101111 2,679,200 1 +0110011101111 4,646 1 +0110011101111 chariots 1 +0110011101111 2,830,000 1 +0110011101111 29,452 1 +0110011101111 56,925 1 +0110011101111 37,450 1 +0110011101111 8,507 1 +0110011101111 1,242,000 1 +0110011101111 8,548 1 +0110011101111 13,300,874 1 +0110011101111 13,876,774 1 +0110011101111 89,100 1 +0110011101111 244,800 1 +0110011101111 4,040,000 1 +0110011101111 haemophilus 1 +0110011101111 26,461 1 +0110011101111 30,626 1 +0110011101111 20,217 1 +0110011101111 21,502 1 +0110011101111 42,875 1 +0110011101111 Soviet-Third 1 +0110011101111 1,331,000 1 +0110011101111 2,307,479 1 +0110011101111 299,780 1 +0110011101111 2,383,668 1 +0110011101111 6,244 1 +0110011101111 2,575 1 +0110011101111 22,109,000 1 +0110011101111 19,177,000 1 +0110011101111 1,926,000 1 +0110011101111 279,218 1 +0110011101111 205,241 1 +0110011101111 770,895 1 +0110011101111 826,425 1 +0110011101111 272,624 1 +0110011101111 4,077 1 +0110011101111 3,038 1 +0110011101111 7,036 1 +0110011101111 4,365 1 +0110011101111 7,301 1 +0110011101111 8,065 1 +0110011101111 Nonnuclear 1 +0110011101111 1,922,000 1 +0110011101111 259,582 1 +0110011101111 593,452 1 +0110011101111 1,320,000 1 +0110011101111 1,413,000 1 +0110011101111 5,977 1 +0110011101111 1,319,000 1 +0110011101111 1,385,000 1 +0110011101111 1,768,000 1 +0110011101111 253,987 1 +0110011101111 143,068 1 +0110011101111 2.471 1 +0110011101111 1,825,000 1 +0110011101111 telex-receiving 1 +0110011101111 12,846,000 1 +0110011101111 340,000-to-350,000 1 +0110011101111 7,951 1 +0110011101111 1,266,000 1 +0110011101111 199,492 1 +0110011101111 310,521 1 +0110011101111 387,623 1 +0110011101111 2,470,000 1 +0110011101111 3,520,000 1 +0110011101111 1,501,000 1 +0110011101111 1,449,000 1 +0110011101111 over-100-horsepower 1 +0110011101111 10,788 1 +0110011101111 1,303,000 1 +0110011101111 1,017,358 1 +0110011101111 wiggly 1 +0110011101111 13,328,037 1 +0110011101111 289,417 1 +0110011101111 pro-Third 1 +0110011101111 13,895,498 1 +0110011101111 Jeunesses 1 +0110011101111 Musicales 1 +0110011101111 3,976 1 +0110011101111 9,050 1 +0110011101111 12,024 1 +0110011101111 galaxy-sized 1 +0110011101111 12,339 1 +0110011101111 Kintetsu 1 +0110011101111 Left-hand 1 +0110011101111 1,554 1 +0110011101111 7,637 1 +0110011101111 12,040 1 +0110011101111 14,235 1 +0110011101111 11,164 1 +0110011101111 282,400 1 +0110011101111 1,849,000 1 +0110011101111 9,563 1 +0110011101111 916,438 1 +0110011101111 16,789 1 +0110011101111 8,475,840 1 +0110011101111 20,414,000 1 +0110011101111 20,692,000 1 +0110011101111 1,729,000 1 +0110011101111 10,357 1 +0110011101111 2,315 1 +0110011101111 10,340 1 +0110011101111 10,374,443 1 +0110011101111 9,603,121 1 +0110011101111 9,810,000 1 +0110011101111 8,923,486 1 +0110011101111 1,569,000 1 +0110011101111 302,523 1 +0110011101111 1,644,000 1 +0110011101111 4,790,000 1 +0110011101111 479,264 1 +0110011101111 8,176 1 +0110011101111 8,165 1 +0110011101111 80,625 1 +0110011101111 MSX-run 1 +0110011101111 5,015,528 1 +0110011101111 5.5-minute 1 +0110011101111 1,531,257 1 +0110011101111 1,507,781 1 +0110011101111 still-damp 1 +0110011101111 10,154 1 +0110011101111 3,175 1 +0110011101111 45,075 1 +0110011101111 26,400 1 +0110011101111 9,030 1 +0110011101111 Lines-Trans 1 +0110011101111 6,732 1 +0110011101111 500-thousand 1 +0110011101111 112,700 1 +0110011101111 16,395 1 +0110011101111 423,500 1 +0110011101111 427,100 1 +0110011101111 electric-driven 1 +0110011101111 230-plus 1 +0110011101111 19,450,000 1 +0110011101111 29,413,000 1 +0110011101111 11,498,000 1 +0110011101111 10,997,000 1 +0110011101111 6,192,797 1 +0110011101111 8,382 1 +0110011101111 4,083 1 +0110011101111 101,299 1 +0110011101111 1,345,000 1 +0110011101111 2,688 1 +0110011101111 110,700 1 +0110011101111 1,715,000 1 +0110011101111 10,088,333 1 +0110011101111 9,373,002 1 +0110011101111 12,875 1 +0110011101111 58,075 1 +0110011101111 13,780 1 +0110011101111 14,734 1 +0110011101111 7,340 1 +0110011101111 14,991 1 +0110011101111 11,944 1 +0110011101111 5,672,078 1 +0110011101111 7,305,000 1 +0110011101111 4,329,000 1 +0110011101111 2,535,000 1 +0110011101111 5,978,874 1 +0110011101111 5,891,023 1 +0110011101111 63,100 1 +0110011101111 145,100 1 +0110011101111 124,400 1 +0110011101111 127,700 1 +0110011101111 138,100 1 +0110011101111 139.029 1 +0110011101111 9,062 1 +0110011101111 9,337 1 +0110011101111 9,745 1 +0110011101111 16,488 1 +0110011101111 13,832 1 +0110011101111 87,675 1 +0110011101111 strapped-in 1 +0110011101111 4,353 1 +0110011101111 9,827,000 1 +0110011101111 10,662,112 1 +0110011101111 780,976 1 +0110011101111 509,660 1 +0110011101111 1,162 1 +0110011101111 2,754 1 +0110011101111 Fund/ 1 +0110011101111 11,529 1 +0110011101111 10,962,921 1 +0110011101111 137,800 1 +0110011101111 1,458,000 1 +0110011101111 gold-medal-winning 1 +0110011101111 56,725 1 +0110011101111 9,002 1 +0110011101111 2,138 1 +0110011101111 11,197 1 +0110011101111 10,448 1 +0110011101111 81,900 1 +0110011101111 482,640 1 +0110011101111 MATTERS 1 +0110011101111 96,700 1 +0110011101111 66,700 1 +0110011101111 23,430 1 +0110011101111 1,911,000 1 +0110011101111 1,578,000 1 +0110011101111 2,886,209 1 +0110011101111 2,926,985 1 +0110011101111 Haemophilus 1 +0110011101111 12,722 1 +0110011101111 3,918 1 +0110011101111 8,564 1 +0110011101111 6,374 1 +0110011101111 12,622 1 +0110011101111 9,336 1 +0110011101111 1,124,255 1 +0110011101111 30,537 1 +0110011101111 778,908 1 +0110011101111 881,981,581 1 +0110011101111 232,100,416 1 +0110011101111 98,500 1 +0110011101111 132,500 1 +0110011101111 82,875 1 +0110011101111 57,875 1 +0110011101111 4,115,283 1 +0110011101111 4,117,924 1 +0110011101111 15,985 1 +0110011101111 299,297 1 +0110011101111 1,388,000 1 +0110011101111 9,626,000 1 +0110011101111 21,928 1 +0110011101111 11,987 1 +0110011101111 46,875 1 +0110011101111 McBisney 1 +0110011101111 3,524,000 1 +0110011101111 1,505,000 1 +0110011101111 1,498,000 1 +0110011101111 1,636,000 1 +0110011101111 305,652 1 +0110011101111 3,516,225 1 +0110011101111 3,489,871 1 +0110011101111 2,101,828 1 +0110011101111 2,073,337 1 +0110011101111 210,796,000 1 +0110011101111 32,466,000 1 +0110011101111 11,233 1 +0110011101111 1,908,000 1 +0110011101111 53,375 1 +0110011101111 10,789 1 +0110011101111 sizenine 1 +0110011101111 26,544 1 +0110011101111 9,525 1 +0110011101111 1,691,000 1 +0110011101111 1,671,000 1 +0110011101111 216,611 1 +0110011101111 20,585 1 +0110011101111 35,655 1 +0110011101111 50,094 1 +0110011101111 12,120 1 +0110011101111 116,975 1 +0110011101111 1,056,675 1 +0110011101111 1,752,000 1 +0110011101111 7,130 1 +0110011101111 104,275 1 +0110011101111 3,602,000 1 +0110011101111 8,563,943 1 +0110011101111 8,394,273 1 +0110011101111 9,287 1 +0110011101111 236,913 1 +0110011101111 378,326 1 +0110011101111 119,975 1 +0110011101111 8,379,000 1 +0110011101111 9,048,000 1 +0110011101111 13,575,019 1 +0110011101111 14,170,761 1 +0110011101111 8,751 1 +0110011101111 8,952,344 1 +0110011101111 9,516,566 1 +0110011101111 3,430,000 1 +0110011101111 2,360,000 1 +0110011101111 5,760,000 1 +0110011101111 32,988 1 +0110011101111 10,596,437 1 +0110011101111 11,506,645 1 +0110011101111 286,816 1 +0110011101111 2,042 1 +0110011101111 1,545,000 1 +0110011101111 8,742,015 1 +0110011101111 9,211,417 1 +0110011101111 23,034 1 +0110011101111 125,075 1 +0110011101111 10,358 1 +0110011101111 7,146 1 +0110011101111 7,012 1 +0110011101111 6,913 1 +0110011101111 9,146,666 1 +0110011101111 9,264,636 1 +0110011101111 12,403 1 +0110011101111 10,871,793 1 +0110011101111 11,760,925 1 +0110011101111 9,391,615 1 +0110011101111 9,501,132 1 +0110011101111 6,918,298 1 +0110011101111 12,731,000 1 +0110011101111 15,371,000 1 +0110011101111 3,661,000 1 +0110011101111 3,172,000 1 +0110011101111 1,526,000 1 +0110011101111 1,610,000 1 +0110011101111 18,894 1 +0110011101111 46,292 1 +0110011101111 73,150 1 +0110011101111 15,214 1 +0110011101111 15,170 1 +0110011101111 16,163 1 +0110011101111 69,160 1 +0110011101111 Macintosh-based 1 +0110011101111 Fotoform 1 +0110011101111 1,487,500 1 +0110011101111 2,698,400 1 +0110011101111 8,627,080 1 +0110011101111 8,828,668 1 +0110011101111 69,317 1 +0110011101111 88,294 1 +0110011101111 655,441 1 +0110011101111 821,110 1 +0110011101111 120,700 1 +0110011101111 157,611 1 +0110011101111 1,913,000 1 +0110011101111 178,330,000 1 +0110011101111 28,434,000 1 +0110011101111 goddamned 1 +0110011101111 9,350 1 +0110011101111 all-night-game 1 +0110011101111 53,925 1 +0110011101111 19,919 1 +0110011101111 127,249 1 +0110011101111 736,311 1 +0110011101111 233,880 1 +0110011101111 675,943 1 +0110011101111 500,676 1 +0110011101111 2,138,528 1 +0110011101111 18,686,000 1 +0110011101111 1,926,933 1 +0110011101111 1,812,419 1 +0110011101111 Postmodern 1 +0110011101111 114,889 1 +0110011101111 7,189,337 1 +0110011101111 7,066,603 1 +0110011101111 53,560 1 +0110011101111 926,612 1 +0110011101111 inflation-ravaged 1 +0110011101111 16,907 1 +0110011101111 4,320,000 1 +0110011101111 7,785 1 +0110011101111 7,465,597 1 +0110011101111 7,357,298 1 +0110011101111 15,238,000 1 +0110011101111 Planeala 1 +0110011101111 Non-Dollar 1 +0110011101111 1,683,000 1 +0110011101111 22,883,000 1 +0110011101111 12,058 1 +0110011101111 44,725 1 +0110011101111 116,333 1 +0110011101111 113,654 1 +0110011101111 75,675 1 +0110011101111 stockinged 1 +0110011101111 1,498 1 +0110011101111 4,372 1 +0110011101111 1,021,728 1 +0110011101111 249,800 1 +0110011101111 10,730 1 +0110011101111 11,863,000 1 +0110011101111 9,794,767 1 +0110011101111 6,890,980 1 +0110011101111 6,732,529 1 +0110011101111 5,325 1 +0110011101111 6,015 1 +0110011101111 7,638 1 +0110011101111 75,700 1 +0110011101111 3,612 1 +0110011101111 16,578 1 +0110011101111 1,662,000 1 +0110011101111 halfbillion 1 +0110011101111 96,100 1 +0110011101111 357,912 1 +0110011101111 221,815 1 +0110011101111 1,321,000 1 +0110011101111 0.0514 1 +0110011101111 250,800 1 +0110011101111 7,647,295 1 +0110011101111 56,825 1 +0110011101111 17,823 1 +0110011101111 3,136 1 +0110011101111 6,576 1 +0110011101111 89,850 1 +0110011101111 7,197 1 +0110011101111 1,939,000 2 +0110011101111 1,606,000 2 +0110011101111 1,736,000 2 +0110011101111 2,060,000 2 +0110011101111 1,694,000 2 +0110011101111 broad-reaching 2 +0110011101111 1,743,000 2 +0110011101111 1,956,000 2 +0110011101111 2,002,000 2 +0110011101111 262,445 2 +0110011101111 1,000-board 2 +0110011101111 suction-cupped 2 +0110011101111 1,859,000 2 +0110011101111 1,635,000 2 +0110011101111 3,097 2 +0110011101111 1,595,000 2 +0110011101111 251,920 2 +0110011101111 238,689 2 +0110011101111 1,323,000 2 +0110011101111 299,681 2 +0110011101111 294,358 2 +0110011101111 1,349,000 2 +0110011101111 deadweight 2 +0110011101111 1,867,000 2 +0110011101111 1,227,000 2 +0110011101111 1,832,000 2 +0110011101111 1,549,000 2 +0110011101111 1,747,000 2 +0110011101111 push-pull 2 +0110011101111 1,271,000 2 +0110011101111 1,618 2 +0110011101111 1,843,000 2 +0110011101111 FT-Actuaries 2 +0110011101111 7,979 2 +0110011101111 1,354,000 2 +0110011101111 1,791,000 2 +0110011101111 262.6 2 +0110011101111 1,343,000 2 +0110011101111 1,754,000 2 +0110011101111 1,792,000 2 +0110011101111 1,844,000 2 +0110011101111 1,696,000 2 +0110011101111 1,969,000 2 +0110011101111 1,794,000 2 +0110011101111 1,811,000 2 +0110011101111 293,912 2 +0110011101111 264,725 2 +0110011101111 1,944,000 2 +0110011101111 3,775 2 +0110011101111 114,800 2 +0110011101111 1,827,000 2 +0110011101111 1,949,000 2 +0110011101111 1,781,000 2 +0110011101111 754,000 2 +0110011101111 11,170 2 +0110011101111 4,981 2 +0110011101111 30,115 2 +0110011101111 306,796 2 +0110011101111 Livable 2 +0110011101111 2,019,000 2 +0110011101111 1,322,000 2 +0110011101111 1,435,000 2 +0110011101111 302,811 2 +0110011101111 1,381,000 2 +0110011101111 2,009,000 2 +0110011101111 1,797,000 2 +0110011101111 265,731 2 +0110011101111 274,963 2 +0110011101111 315,009 2 +0110011101111 297,446 2 +0110011101111 1,957,000 2 +0110011101111 1,841,000 2 +0110011101111 1,647,000 2 +0110011101111 McHose 2 +0110011101111 1,836,000 2 +0110011101111 1,774,000 2 +0110011101111 677,739 2 +0110011101111 1,947,000 2 +0110011101111 298,357 2 +0110011101111 1,871,000 2 +0110011101111 1,834,000 2 +0110011101111 1,819,000 2 +0110011101111 1,721,000 2 +0110011101111 1,877,000 2 +0110011101111 1,822,000 2 +0110011101111 5,294 2 +0110011101111 298,478 2 +0110011101111 appetite-suppressant 2 +0110011101111 1,898,000 2 +0110011101111 1,663,000 2 +0110011101111 1,376,000 2 +0110011101111 2,668 2 +0110011101111 272,047 2 +0110011101111 1,332,000 2 +0110011101111 1,706,000 2 +0110011101111 1,967,000 2 +0110011101111 1,727,000 2 +0110011101111 1,777,000 2 +0110011101111 1,633,000 2 +0110011101111 271,459 2 +0110011101111 1,640,000 2 +0110011101111 41,425 2 +0110011101111 1,328,000 2 +0110011101111 8,585 2 +0110011101111 209,771 2 +0110011101111 9,343 2 +0110011101111 1,753,000 2 +0110011101111 431,330 2 +0110011101111 1,987,000 2 +0110011101111 13,081 2 +0110011101111 Matchmaker 2 +0110011101111 1,918,000 2 +0110011101111 294,059 3 +0110011101111 2,204 3 +0110011101111 1,766,000 3 +0110011101111 299,767 3 +0110011101111 294,177 3 +0110011101111 1,399,000 3 +0110011101111 1,338,000 3 +0110011101111 280,403 3 +0110011101111 1,689,000 3 +0110011101111 1,693,000 3 +0110011101111 283,303 3 +0110011101111 283,102 3 +0110011101111 293,914 3 +0110011101111 1,905,000 3 +0110011101111 1,719,000 3 +0110011101111 1,699,000 3 +0110011101111 283,134 3 +0110011101111 1,858,000 3 +0110011101111 264,159 3 +0110011101111 296,156 3 +0110011101111 1,685,000 3 +0110011101111 1,710,000 3 +0110011101111 1,996,000 3 +0110011101111 1,673,000 3 +0110011101111 279,451 3 +0110011101111 1,702,000 3 +0110011101111 1,718,000 3 +0110011101111 295,010 3 +0110011101111 298,223 3 +0110011101111 248,161 3 +0110011101111 254,165 3 +0110011101111 1,649,000 3 +0110011101111 271,014 3 +0110011101111 oil-equivalent 3 +0110011101111 232,807 3 +0110011101111 1,773,000 3 +0110011101111 1,851,000 3 +0110011101111 1,869,000 3 +0110011101111 297,709 3 +0110011101111 1,942,000 3 +0110011101111 291,471 3 +0110011101111 290,695 3 +0110011101111 287,192 3 +0110011101111 277,345 3 +0110011101111 1,793,000 3 +0110011101111 1,698,000 3 +0110011101111 209,204 3 +0110011101111 282,253 3 +0110011101111 293,073 3 +0110011101111 1,965,000 3 +0110011101111 280,300 3 +0110011101111 1,624,000 3 +0110011101111 295,532 3 +0110011101111 waterline 3 +0110011101111 1,838,000 3 +0110011101111 1,846,000 4 +0110011101111 1,799,000 4 +0110011101111 1,991,000 4 +0110011101111 1,866,000 4 +0110011101111 296,649 4 +0110011101111 1,690,000 4 +0110011101111 roadless 4 +0110011101111 1,945,000 4 +0110011101111 1,697,000 4 +0110011101111 1,787,000 4 +0110011101111 1,337,000 4 +0110011101111 1,748,000 4 +0110011101111 1,798,000 4 +0110011101111 pasenger 4 +0110011101111 webbed 4 +0110011101111 25,600 4 +0110011101111 1,529,000 4 +0110011101111 1,921,000 4 +0110011101111 1,723,000 5 +0110011101111 1,426,000 5 +0110011101111 1,695,000 5 +0110011101111 3,410 5 +0110011101111 1,700,000 6 +0110011101111 TX 7 +0110011101111 1,856,000 7 +0110011101111 revenue-passenger 7 +0110011101111 948,000 8 +0110011101111 troy 17 +0110011101111 square-foot 30 +0110011101111 nautical 36 +0110011101111 2,204.6 63 +0110011101111 2,204.62 76 +0110011101111 Trans 424 +0110011101111 cubic 613 +0110011101111 square 925 +0110011101111 metric 1801 +0110011101111 Third 1900 +0110011101111 passenger 2896 +01100111100 Intercultural 1 +01100111100 Gips 1 +01100111100 City/New 1 +01100111100 Co.-Irving 1 +01100111100 agency-search 1 +01100111100 Intercurrency 1 +01100111100 Lightbulb 1 +01100111100 Mercentile 1 +01100111100 InterBank 1 +01100111100 based-Henry 1 +01100111100 South-District 1 +01100111100 electric-fan 1 +01100111100 horseplayers 1 +01100111100 coffee-futures 2 +01100111100 Interbank 33 +01100111100 Times-Stock 70 +01100111100 Cotton 181 +01100111100 Developments 182 +01100111100 Metal 386 +01100111100 Stock 15618 +01100111100 Mercantile 1306 +01100111101 cash-index 1 +01100111101 equity-securities 1 +01100111101 71,197 1 +01100111101 Exchange-approved 1 +01100111101 Organzation 1 +01100111101 Bomduck 1 +01100111101 Exchage 1 +01100111101 Cecil-Stuart 1 +01100111101 Nissan-Saab 1 +01100111101 energy-commodity 1 +01100111101 Preview 1 +01100111101 Schifrin 1 +01100111101 81,396 1 +01100111101 Decmber 1 +01100111101 Vold 1 +01100111101 Entomologist 1 +01100111101 Fryd 1 +01100111101 Leve 1 +01100111101 Handicraft 1 +01100111101 undershooting 1 +01100111101 Excchange 1 +01100111101 Ex-change 1 +01100111101 Freches-Thory 1 +01100111101 popeyed 1 +01100111101 Prain 1 +01100111101 Splash-Seafood 1 +01100111101 Costigyan 1 +01100111101 Lotz 1 +01100111101 Ozdemir 1 +01100111101 Pendell 1 +01100111101 Market. 1 +01100111101 Weerasinghe 1 +01100111101 Exchnage 1 +01100111101 1190.61 1 +01100111101 McNichol 1 +01100111101 HST 1 +01100111101 Kreuger 2 +01100111101 Clairmont 2 +01100111101 Bienstock 2 +01100111101 Exchange-sponsored 2 +01100111101 Kirdar 2 +01100111101 Manufactures 3 +01100111101 Exchange-listed 10 +01100111101 Jacket 15 +01100111101 Exchanges 42 +01100111101 Ownership 97 +01100111101 Exchange 23079 +01100111101 Mergers 229 +011001111100 York-Northern 1 +011001111100 Hamphire 1 +011001111100 Japser 1 +011001111100 Haven. 1 +011001111100 York-to-Florida 1 +011001111100 Jersey-Massachusetts 1 +011001111100 York-centered 1 +011001111100 Skete 1 +011001111100 Insertions 1 +011001111100 Orleansbased 1 +011001111100 York-Stony 1 +011001111100 York-dominated 1 +011001111100 Loophole 1 +011001111100 Century/Vista 1 +011001111100 York-chartered 1 +011001111100 Historicism 1 +011001111100 York-wise 1 +011001111100 Straitsville 1 +011001111100 Wld 1 +011001111100 Repubic 1 +011001111100 Superball 1 +011001111100 Testaments 1 +011001111100 Orlean-based 1 +011001111100 Traditionalist 1 +011001111100 York-SF 1 +011001111100 Brunswick.N.J. 1 +011001111100 Orleans-style 2 +011001111100 York-Chicago 2 +011001111100 York-to-London 2 +011001111100 York-Atlantic 2 +011001111100 Zealand-controlled 3 +011001111100 York 41736 +011001111100 York. 15 +011001111101 York-Rye 1 +011001111101 Highs 1 +011001111101 Deal/Great 1 +011001111101 Deal-style 1 +011001111101 Jersey-size 1 +011001111101 Agespeak 1 +011001111101 Cutting-Edge 1 +011001111101 York-headquarters 1 +011001111101 Culprit 1 +011001111101 York-Beijing 1 +011001111101 York-licensed 1 +011001111101 Republic/Henry 1 +011001111101 exchange-disclosure 1 +011001111101 Yorkian 1 +011001111101 PASO 1 +011001111101 Hampshirite 1 +011001111101 Hampshire-Massachusetts 1 +011001111101 reserach 1 +011001111101 KGB-Engine 1 +011001111101 Guardhouse 1 +011001111101 Orleans-area 1 +011001111101 York-to-Chicago 1 +011001111101 Guinean 1 +011001111101 Frontiersmen 1 +011001111101 Yorkese 1 +011001111101 Deal-type 1 +011001111101 cooking-bag 1 +011001111101 England-New 1 +011001111101 Mexico-raised 1 +011001111101 Century/New 1 +011001111101 Jersy 1 +011001111101 Trans-Century 1 +011001111101 Jersey-bound 1 +011001111101 York-to-New 1 +011001111101 York-type 1 +011001111101 Headphones 1 +011001111101 York-is-a-jungle 1 +011001111101 Republic/Basic 1 +011001111101 super-windows 1 +011001111101 Jersey/New 1 +011001111101 York-Baruch 1 +011001111101 Deal-socialist 1 +011001111101 Age-like 1 +011001111101 Deal-Fair 1 +011001111101 Vibrometer 1 +011001111101 Matriarch 1 +011001111101 clot-breaking 1 +011001111101 York/New 1 +011001111101 York-agency 1 +011001111101 Line-Heron 1 +011001111101 York-London 1 +011001111101 Jersey-sized 1 +011001111101 Orleanians 2 +011001111101 Dive 2 +011001111101 Prieta 2 +011001111101 Viruses 2 +011001111101 Jersey. 2 +011001111101 Delhi-based 2 +011001111101 Edsels 2 +011001111101 Encylopedia 2 +011001111101 Hampshire-based 2 +011001111101 York-ased 2 +011001111101 Yorky 2 +011001111101 Zealand-born 2 +011001111101 York-Miami 2 +011001111101 Orleans-Baton 2 +011001111101 Deal-Great 2 +011001111101 500-size 2 +011001111101 Fria 2 +011001111101 York-style 2 +011001111101 Tack 2 +011001111101 Zealand-dollar 3 +011001111101 Jerseyite 3 +011001111101 Haven-based 3 +011001111101 York-Boston-Washington 3 +011001111101 Rightists 3 +011001111101 1109 3 +011001111101 Ulm 3 +011001111101 Guineans 3 +011001111101 Agers 3 +011001111101 York-born 3 +011001111101 Caledonians 4 +011001111101 AIX 4 +011001111101 Contrarian 4 +011001111101 Otani 4 +011001111101 York-Irving 5 +011001111101 Prometheus 5 +011001111101 Traditionalists 5 +011001111101 York-bound 6 +011001111101 York-Washington 6 +011001111101 Automobili 6 +011001111101 Braunfels 6 +011001111101 MediCo 6 +011001111101 York-Boston 6 +011001111101 Zealander 6 +011001111101 Hampshirites 7 +011001111101 Hebrides 7 +011001111101 Paltz 8 +011001111101 Hamsphire 9 +011001111101 Pig 9 +011001111101 Englanders 13 +011001111101 Yorkbased 14 +011001111101 York-New 17 +011001111101 Zealanders 17 +011001111101 York-area 22 +011001111101 Jersey-based 32 +011001111101 Caledonia 32 +011001111101 Testament 35 +011001111101 Braintree 45 +011001111101 Canaan 46 +011001111101 Visions 47 +011001111101 Zealand-based 48 +011001111101 Criterion 51 +011001111101 Era 61 +011001111101 Rochelle 75 +011001111101 Orleans-based 79 +011001111101 Guinea 94 +011001111101 Yorkers 137 +011001111101 Deal 140 +011001111101 Haven 194 +011001111101 Delhi 207 +011001111101 Yorker 216 +011001111101 Brunswick 274 +011001111101 Age 382 +011001111101 Year 456 +011001111101 Orleans 724 +011001111101 Zealand 988 +011001111101 Hampshire 1524 +011001111101 England 2876 +011001111101 York-based 3375 +011001111101 Jersey 2902 +011001111110 Jarlais 1 +011001111110 Rito 1 +011001111110 Paso-based 1 +011001111110 Louisan 1 +011001111110 Francisco- 1 +011001111110 Verde-related 1 +011001111110 Pasionaria 1 +011001111110 Palito 1 +011001111110 Violetas 1 +011001111110 Vegas-bound 1 +011001111110 Vivandiere 1 +011001111110 Cabos 1 +011001111110 Comales 1 +011001111110 Reine 1 +011001111110 Johnsbury 1 +011001111110 Kar 1 +011001111110 Gonave 1 +011001111110 Centro-based 1 +011001111110 Rey-based 1 +011001111110 Batisse 1 +011001111110 Dutfield 1 +011001111110 Otro 1 +011001111110 Naciones 1 +011001111110 Mollojones 1 +011001111110 Maravillas 1 +011001111110 Chaux-de-Fonds 1 +011001111110 Bergerie 1 +011001111110 Penitente 1 +011001111110 Quina-style 1 +011001111110 Hadj 1 +011001111110 Oroya 1 +011001111110 Worth-Tarrant 1 +011001111110 Pesca 1 +011001111110 Vegan 1 +011001111110 Jeronimo 1 +011001111110 Brava 1 +011001111110 Petersburg/ 1 +011001111110 Paglia 1 +011001111110 Rico.The 1 +011001111110 Cynwd 1 +011001111110 Jose-area 1 +011001111110 Genevoise 1 +011001111110 Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside 1 +011001111110 Martinin-the-Fields 1 +011001111110 Mundo 1 +011001111110 Rico/Caribbean 1 +011001111110 Martinville 1 +011001111110 Francico-based 1 +011001111110 Lampur 1 +011001111110 Nispero 1 +011001111110 Cua 1 +011001111110 Marie-aux-Chaines 1 +011001111110 Angeles-bound 1 +011001111110 Angeles-Phoenix 1 +011001111110 George-Hyslop 1 +011001111110 Francico 1 +011001111110 Nazaire 1 +011001111110 Colline 1 +011001111110 Ceiba 1 +011001111110 Francsico-based 1 +011001111110 Triumfo 1 +011001111110 Paraiso 1 +011001111110 Diego-maker 1 +011001111110 Carrizal 1 +011001111110 John's-Georgetown 1 +011001111110 Follette 1 +011001111110 Liceo 1 +011001111110 Agencia 1 +011001111110 Dominquez 1 +011001111110 Villita 1 +011001111110 Murieta 1 +011001111110 Coyotes 1 +011001111110 Franscico 1 +011001111110 Habra 1 +011001111110 Haciendita 1 +011001111110 Jose-Santa 1 +011001111110 Holmes-style 1 +011001111110 Maarten 1 +011001111110 Puta 1 +011001111110 Pei-designed 1 +011001111110 Siglo 1 +011001111110 Angeles-to-New 1 +011001111110 Angelesbased 1 +011001111110 Fiamma 1 +011001111110 Tunas 1 +011001111110 Caneyes 1 +011001111110 Fransisco 1 +011001111110 Marleybone 1 +011001111110 Joya 1 +011001111110 Mesa/Irvine/Newport 1 +011001111110 Lanka-ward 1 +011001111110 Gioconda 1 +011001111110 Francisco-born 1 +011001111110 Mojados 1 +011001111110 Nick-knacks 1 +011001111110 Alambrados 1 +011001111110 Ramaleros 1 +011001111110 Ilegales 1 +011001111110 Razon 1 +011001111110 1-800-682-8080 1 +011001111110 Francisco-New 1 +011001111110 Elizario 1 +011001111110 Vanguardia 1 +011001111110 salaam 1 +011001111110 Rican-American 1 +011001111110 Ranchito 1 +011001111110 Canastilla 1 +011001111110 Heemskerk 1 +011001111110 Maramotti 1 +011001111110 Smeralda 1 +011001111110 James-the-Less 1 +011001111110 Diego-area 1 +011001111110 Paul. 1 +011001111110 Canada-Flintridge 1 +011001111110 Francisico-based 1 +011001111110 Ricans/Latinos 1 +011001111110 Vegans 1 +011001111110 Clair-population 1 +011001111110 Trios 1 +011001111110 Pocatiere 1 +011001111110 Albans-based 1 +011001111110 Knox-like 1 +011001111110 Spiridon 1 +011001111110 Vineri 1 +011001111110 Francsico 1 +011001111110 Franciscso-based 1 +011001111110 Vegas-style 1 +011001111110 Angeles-Dallas 1 +011001111110 Teufels 1 +011001111110 WALKOUT 1 +011001111110 Ligne 1 +011001111110 Moines. 1 +011001111110 Mirada-based 1 +011001111110 Papin 1 +011001111110 Miguelito 1 +011001111110 Reppublica 1 +011001111110 Charrito 1 +011001111110 Tanura 1 +011001111110 Olivos 1 +011001111110 Segunda 1 +011001111110 Mochis 1 +011001111110 Hueso 1 +011001111110 Angeline 1 +011001111110 Lumpur-based 1 +011001111110 Pomar 1 +011001111110 Vieille 1 +011001111110 Rochefoucault 1 +011001111110 Pacto 1 +011001111110 Zayid 1 +011001111110 Ruche 1 +011001111110 Prensa. 1 +011001111110 Louis. 1 +011001111110 Rebaja 1 +011001111110 Brajne 1 +011001111110 Hune 1 +011001111110 Lumpar 1 +011001111110 Roucheans 1 +011001111110 Pasoan 1 +011001111110 Bechir 1 +011001111110 Cuevas 1 +011001111110 Barquero 1 +011001111110 Worth-Tokyo 1 +011001111110 Angeles-Tokyo 1 +011001111110 Ronde 1 +011001111110 Comenzales 1 +011001111110 Courte 1 +011001111110 Sombrero 1 +011001111110 Crescenta 2 +011001111110 Cienega 2 +011001111110 Alphonsus 2 +011001111110 Rukns 2 +011001111110 Mochito 2 +011001111110 Zapato 2 +011001111110 Grotta 2 +011001111110 Cachas 2 +011001111110 Allemands 2 +011001111110 Meninas 2 +011001111110 Chaudiere 2 +011001111110 Strada 2 +011001111110 Mosquitia 2 +011001111110 Florido 2 +011001111110 Lauderdale/Hollywood 2 +011001111110 Jorre 2 +011001111110 Tache 2 +011001111110 Caballo 2 +011001111110 Trobe 2 +011001111110 Guerro 2 +011001111110 Rica-based 2 +011001111110 Lee-based 2 +011001111110 Hamra 2 +011001111110 Lepage 2 +011001111110 Fille 2 +011001111110 Valse 2 +011001111110 Occhetto 2 +011001111110 Vistoso 2 +011001111110 Leopolda 2 +011001111110 Fumble 2 +011001111110 Emilion 2 +011001111110 Republica 2 +011001111110 Malinche 2 +011001111110 Eustatius 2 +011001111110 Myers-Cape 2 +011001111110 Fakhar 2 +011001111110 Palina 2 +011001111110 Madres 2 +011001111110 Puente 2 +011001111110 Brasiles 2 +011001111110 Cygne 2 +011001111110 Canadans 2 +011001111110 Angeles-Long 2 +011001111110 Antonians 2 +011001111110 Bravito 2 +011001111110 Devens 2 +011001111110 Epoca 2 +011001111110 Cronica 2 +011001111110 Pasoans 2 +011001111110 Bacantes 2 +011001111110 Malaguena 2 +011001111110 Mesa-based 2 +011001111110 Castellon 2 +011001111110 Damas 2 +011001111110 Amistad 2 +011001111110 Angeles-to-Chicago 2 +011001111110 Couto 2 +011001111110 Nuys-based 2 +011001111110 Fransisco-based 2 +011001111110 Ilocandia 2 +011001111110 Rico-7 2 +011001111110 Rouchefoucauld 2 +011001111110 Baronne 2 +011001111110 Marais 2 +011001111110 Luke's-Roosevelt 2 +011001111110 Penasquitos 2 +011001111110 Caille 2 +011001111110 Molino 2 +011001111110 Crepe 2 +011001111110 Cid 2 +011001111110 Gotthard 2 +011001111110 Tropez 2 +011001111110 Tuque 2 +011001111110 Teniente 2 +011001111110 Gaudens 3 +011001111110 Tristesse 3 +011001111110 Cajon 3 +011001111110 Famiglia 3 +011001111110 Rican-based 3 +011001111110 Londe 3 +011001111110 Tuneros 3 +011001111110 Perla 3 +011001111110 Pinos 3 +011001111110 Pasqual 3 +011001111110 Jornada 3 +011001111110 Eligius 3 +011001111110 Mer 3 +011001111110 Cerrito 3 +011001111110 Belvoir 3 +011001111110 Angles-based 3 +011001111110 Maguey 3 +011001111110 Lupton 3 +011001111110 Bernards 3 +011001111110 Comercio 3 +011001111110 Ge 3 +011001111110 Totten 3 +011001111110 Cielo 3 +011001111110 Nido 3 +011001111110 Louisans 3 +011001111110 Jolla-based 3 +011001111110 Eustache 3 +011001111110 Syndicale 3 +011001111110 Rinascente 3 +011001111110 Parolaccia 3 +011001111110 Motte 3 +011001111110 Jean-sur-Richelieu 3 +011001111110 Franciso-based 3 +011001111110 Jari 3 +011001111110 Sonnambula 3 +011001111110 Malfa 3 +011001111110 Porvenir 3 +011001111110 Brygida 4 +011001111110 Alto-based 4 +011001111110 Lobos 4 +011001111110 Calisto 4 +011001111110 Jicarito 4 +011001111110 Martirio 4 +011001111110 Rioja 4 +011001111110 Cholo 4 +011001111110 Repubblica 4 +011001111110 Sylphide 4 +011001111110 Caracol 4 +011001111110 Esperanza 4 +011001111110 Fosse 4 +011001111110 Bicocca 4 +011001111110 Petersburg-based 4 +011001111110 Moines-based 4 +011001111110 Pais 4 +011001111110 Angeles. 4 +011001111110 Sandeman 4 +011001111110 Tiempo 4 +011001111110 McAnuff 4 +011001111110 Angelization 4 +011001111110 Congreso 4 +011001111110 Cicciolina 5 +011001111110 Sarre 5 +011001111110 Simeon 5 +011001111110 Dimas 5 +011001111110 Stampa 5 +011001111110 Tigres 5 +011001111110 Vey 5 +011001111110 Cristobal 5 +011001111110 Bayadere 5 +011001111110 Louis-area 5 +011001111110 Cucamonga 5 +011001111110 Nacion 5 +011001111110 Mouline 5 +011001111110 Detrick 6 +011001111110 Sill 6 +011001111110 Franciso 6 +011001111110 Jose-based 6 +011001111110 Caravelle 6 +011001111110 Torito 6 +011001111110 Muette 6 +011001111110 Creme 6 +011001111110 Financiero 6 +011001111110 Migra 6 +011001111110 Angeles-class 6 +011001111110 Chipote 6 +011001111110 Marque 7 +011001111110 Kitts 7 +011001111110 Paul-based 7 +011001111110 Amador 7 +011001111110 Florian 7 +011001111110 Alamein 7 +011001111110 Huachuca 7 +011001111110 Pleneros 7 +011001111110 Maina 7 +011001111110 Lauderdale-based 7 +011001111110 Barrios 7 +011001111110 Nik 7 +011001111110 Grange 7 +011001111110 Franciscans 8 +011001111110 Vallarta 8 +011001111110 Paisajito 8 +011001111110 Bernadino 8 +011001111110 Diegans 8 +011001111110 Russa 8 +011001111110 Benning 8 +011001111110 Espectador 8 +011001111110 Francisco-area 8 +011001111110 Capitan 8 +011001111110 Lankans 9 +011001111110 Helens 9 +011001111110 Branche 9 +011001111110 Franco-Canadienne 9 +011001111110 Coipa 9 +011001111110 Villette 9 +011001111110 Fondiaria 10 +011001111110 Worth-based 10 +011001111110 Urho 10 +011001111110 Cruces 10 +011001111110 Barres 10 +011001111110 Dix 10 +011001111110 Catharines 11 +011001111110 Cadena 11 +011001111110 Fleur 11 +011001111110 Morena 11 +011001111110 Vrain 11 +011001111110 Lucie 12 +011001111110 Franciscan 12 +011001111110 Ord 12 +011001111110 Olmos 12 +011001111110 Suu 12 +011001111110 Porte 12 +011001111110 Riva 13 +011001111110 Pollo 14 +011001111110 Mirada 14 +011001111110 Cinq 14 +011001111110 Camino 14 +011001111110 Dias 15 +011001111110 Rico-based 16 +011001111110 Albans 16 +011001111110 Crosse 16 +011001111110 Vegas-based 17 +011001111110 Centro 17 +011001111110 Dorado 18 +011001111110 Gatos 18 +011001111110 Antonio-based 18 +011001111110 Geniere 18 +011001111110 Alamitos 19 +011001111110 Francisville 19 +011001111110 Nino 20 +011001111110 Onofre 20 +011001111110 Chico 20 +011001111110 Bernardino 21 +011001111110 Boheme 21 +011001111110 Diario 21 +011001111110 Dominguez 22 +011001111110 Leandro 22 +011001111110 Ansgar 23 +011001111110 Plata 25 +011001111110 Angeles-area 25 +011001111110 Quinta 25 +011001111110 Bamba 25 +011001111110 Barillo 26 +011001111110 Therese 27 +011001111110 Plaines 28 +011001111110 Altos 30 +011001111110 Ricans 30 +011001111110 Cloud 33 +011001111110 Quina 36 +011001111110 Norte 38 +011001111110 Lauro 38 +011001111110 Jude 40 +011001111110 Lumpur 41 +011001111110 Alamos 41 +011001111110 Croix 46 +011001111110 Petite 47 +011001111110 Rue 48 +011001111110 Paz 50 +011001111110 Colinas 52 +011001111110 Joaquin 56 +011001111110 Regis 58 +011001111110 Guardia 60 +011001111110 Prensa 61 +011001111110 Christi 61 +011001111110 Verde 68 +011001111110 Segundo 68 +011001111110 Clair 70 +011001111110 Lankan 76 +011001111110 Jacinto 88 +011001111110 Seco 104 +011001111110 Rafael 114 +011001111110 Mateo 128 +011001111110 Aires 132 +011001111110 Diego-based 145 +011001111110 Raton 146 +011001111110 Cynwyd 147 +011001111110 Fernando 160 +011001111110 Rican 192 +011001111110 Petersburg 210 +011001111110 Khoo 216 +011001111110 Jolla 222 +011001111110 Lanka 251 +011001111110 Lauderdale 263 +011001111110 Paso 296 +011001111110 Alto 313 +011001111110 Moines 320 +011001111110 Juan 332 +011001111110 Rica 350 +011001111110 Louis-based 374 +011001111110 Rico 430 +011001111110 Salvador 531 +011001111110 Francisco-based 551 +011001111110 Vegas 619 +011001111110 Antonio 683 +011001111110 Worth 875 +011001111110 Jose 935 +011001111110 Angeles-based 1165 +011001111110 Diego 1202 +011001111110 Louis 1983 +011001111110 Francisco 2995 +011001111110 Angeles 4652 +0110011111110 Xertex 1 +0110011111110 Pro-Med 1 +0110011111110 Pierrepont 1 +0110011111110 Pre-Eminent 1 +0110011111110 Balestra 1 +0110011111110 Clajon 1 +0110011111110 VGM 1 +0110011111110 Middex 1 +0110011111110 Innovent 1 +0110011111110 G&M 1 +0110011111110 Daehan 1 +0110011111110 Hanalei 1 +0110011111110 Greaves/Invesco 1 +0110011111110 Skalski 1 +0110011111110 KBH 1 +0110011111110 Melber 1 +0110011111110 LSRM 1 +0110011111110 Intra 1 +0110011111110 Ilex 1 +0110011111110 SHUWA 1 +0110011111110 Almaraz. 1 +0110011111110 Callendar 1 +0110011111110 Noddings-Calamos 1 +0110011111110 Quimica 1 +0110011111110 Greenspan-isn't-so-bad 1 +0110011111110 Dellsher 1 +0110011111110 Aenus 1 +0110011111110 313,251 1 +0110011111110 Ltd./Citicorp 1 +0110011111110 Hoax 1 +0110011111110 Wichita-based 1 +0110011111110 Kreisler 1 +0110011111110 481,800 1 +0110011111110 Bonafide 1 +0110011111110 323,800 1 +0110011111110 Invia 1 +0110011111110 worker-advocacy 1 +0110011111110 Jones-Telerate 1 +0110011111110 Shenken 1 +0110011111110 Trican 1 +0110011111110 Corneliuson 1 +0110011111110 Acquest 1 +0110011111110 Ellenburg 1 +0110011111110 334.49 1 +0110011111110 L&W 1 +0110011111110 Narrangansett 1 +0110011111110 Novatech 1 +0110011111110 14A/B 1 +0110011111110 McCan 1 +0110011111110 Jordan/Zalaznick 1 +0110011111110 Ingeniera 1 +0110011111110 Equico 1 +0110011111110 Kaminski/Engles 1 +0110011111110 LN 1 +0110011111110 XRAL 1 +0110011111110 Unicare 1 +0110011111110 Stonebridge 1 +0110011111110 Prolific 1 +0110011111110 Inward 1 +0110011111110 Nylon 1 +0110011111110 NewSouth 1 +0110011111110 FHL 1 +0110011111110 Electronic/General 1 +0110011111110 AIZ. 1 +0110011111110 Stanley-Proto 1 +0110011111110 Leperq 1 +0110011111110 Postinfarction 1 +0110011111110 Soviet-violated 1 +0110011111110 Mini-Wheats 1 +0110011111110 PIC 1 +0110011111110 Jones/Irwin 1 +0110011111110 EQB-Oak 1 +0110011111110 Daesung 1 +0110011111110 MEG 1 +0110011111110 Scirica 1 +0110011111110 UGTC 1 +0110011111110 TVM 1 +0110011111110 FirstCity 1 +0110011111110 CRSS 2 +0110011111110 Engles 2 +0110011111110 Selko 2 +0110011111110 Vialardi 2 +0110011111110 Aggad 2 +0110011111110 1-B/C 2 +0110011111110 Nissei-BOT 2 +0110011111110 Husk 2 +0110011111110 McGlocklin 2 +0110011111110 DCS 2 +0110011111110 Primus 2 +0110011111110 Joseph/Viking 2 +0110011111110 Broadcort 2 +0110011111110 Revy 2 +0110011111110 Pavlova 2 +0110011111110 Madoff 2 +0110011111110 Lotsoff 2 +0110011111110 MGIC 3 +0110011111110 Everbright 3 +0110011111110 Self-Employment 3 +0110011111110 Sanki 3 +0110011111110 Fostin 3 +0110011111110 Visumatic 3 +0110011111110 Metallbank 3 +0110011111110 BK 3 +0110011111110 Schooner 4 +0110011111110 Polen 4 +0110011111110 Canarim 4 +0110011111110 Smilen 4 +0110011111110 Fiasco 4 +0110011111110 Jones/Telerate 4 +0110011111110 Macheski/Pappas 5 +0110011111110 DB 5 +0110011111110 Strong/Corneliuson 6 +0110011111110 Postel 6 +0110011111110 Flakes 6 +0110011111110 Hypo 7 +0110011111110 Fidelco 9 +0110011111110 Holston 10 +0110011111110 Jones-Irwin 12 +0110011111110 Briarcliff 13 +0110011111110 Geneve 16 +0110011111110 Caywood-Christian 16 +0110011111110 Morison 16 +0110011111110 Atalanta 21 +0110011111110 Cove 54 +0110011111110 Waller 56 +0110011111110 Jones 6887 +0110011111110 Belt 427 +01100111111110 Hammouda 1 +01100111111110 sama 1 +01100111111110 Shoda 1 +01100111111110 firms-Sullivan 1 +01100111111110 Lycnh 1 +01100111111110 al-Zumr 1 +01100111111110 CROCKETT 1 +01100111111110 PETERSON 1 +01100111111110 Frigerio 1 +01100111111110 Telecator 1 +01100111111110 Myong 1 +01100111111110 Yukihira 1 +01100111111110 Gunnarsson 1 +01100111111110 FRENT 1 +01100111111110 GDL 1 +01100111111110 BRACED 1 +01100111111110 Sanley 1 +01100111111110 HYPOTHEKEN 1 +01100111111110 Beillin 1 +01100111111110 Shioden 1 +01100111111110 Khonglah 1 +01100111111110 Joseh 1 +01100111111110 Langstone 1 +01100111111110 Deressa 1 +01100111111110 Ruthven 1 +01100111111110 ARABES 1 +01100111111110 Auto-Electric 1 +01100111111110 Charles-Bush 1 +01100111111110 THL 1 +01100111111110 BATIMENT 1 +01100111111110 Kirsti 1 +01100111111110 Stanley-backed 1 +01100111111110 Runabout 1 +01100111111110 Heatter 1 +01100111111110 Mlotek 1 +01100111111110 Westphalen 1 +01100111111110 DREMAN 1 +01100111111110 Umebayashi 1 +01100111111110 Iliev 1 +01100111111110 Lehman-Hutton 1 +01100111111110 KAUNDA 1 +01100111111110 SCHLOSS 1 +01100111111110 Sds. 1 +01100111111110 Stassinopoulos 1 +01100111111110 Lnch 1 +01100111111110 STOCKMAN 1 +01100111111110 Markoe 1 +01100111111110 Bakwin 1 +01100111111110 ANSBACHER 1 +01100111111110 Wargurg 1 +01100111111110 DASSAULT-BREGUET 1 +01100111111110 HOIST 1 +01100111111110 Vegetius 1 +01100111111110 Funshares 1 +01100111111110 6,502.4 1 +01100111111110 president-rates 1 +01100111111110 ZORNOW 1 +01100111111110 Tallentyre 1 +01100111111110 Poms 1 +01100111111110 Grenf 1 +01100111111110 Stanley/British 1 +01100111111110 Warburg-Soditic 1 +01100111111110 Marushita 1 +01100111111110 Rojo 1 +01100111111110 WARBURG 2 +01100111111110 MassCo 2 +01100111111110 Glaros 2 +01100111111110 Odier 2 +01100111111110 Gopnik 2 +01100111111110 Mongtomery 2 +01100111111110 Czyz 2 +01100111111110 Supplements 2 +01100111111110 Ochman 2 +01100111111110 Ciments 2 +01100111111110 ROCKETED 2 +01100111111110 HALE 2 +01100111111110 Trutz 2 +01100111111110 Comeaux 2 +01100111111110 Nowitz 2 +01100111111110 Activator 3 +01100111111110 Tutton 3 +01100111111110 Bursatiles 3 +01100111111110 Shindler 3 +01100111111110 Rysanek 4 +01100111111110 Campenhout 4 +01100111111110 Investimentos 4 +01100111111110 MYERSON 4 +01100111111110 IRON 5 +01100111111110 Lynch-led 5 +01100111111110 FARGO 6 +01100111111110 Stanley-led 6 +01100111111110 Lynch-backed 7 +01100111111110 JONES 16 +01100111111110 Ventres 29 +01100111111110 Keegan 60 +01100111111110 Olmstead 91 +01100111111110 SAVINGS 113 +01100111111110 Grenfell 545 +01100111111110 Lynch 4570 +01100111111110 Stanley 3555 +01100111111111 SELLSCHAFT 1 +01100111111111 Forage 1 +01100111111111 Lehamn 1 +01100111111111 NACHRICHTEN 1 +01100111111111 TGC 1 +01100111111111 LoveLocks 1 +01100111111111 Lehman-Nippon 1 +01100111111111 Soffa 1 +01100111111111 Prebond 1 +01100111111111 Morawinska 1 +01100111111111 Betalingssentral 1 +01100111111111 SILLY 1 +01100111111111 Niehans 1 +01100111111111 Pizzarro 1 +01100111111111 694,200 1 +01100111111111 Michigan-Wisconsin 1 +01100111111111 Industrie-Beteiligungs 1 +01100111111111 Manifatture 1 +01100111111111 Paykel 1 +01100111111111 Pacific-Hoare 1 +01100111111111 Maniffature 1 +01100111111111 Jacon 1 +01100111111111 zioni 1 +01100111111111 Furze 1 +01100111111111 HRT 1 +01100111111111 Consolidted 1 +01100111111111 Motors-a 1 +01100111111111 WFI 1 +01100111111111 Jitsugyu 1 +01100111111111 Stanley-British 1 +01100111111111 Purification 1 +01100111111111 X-Mark 1 +01100111111111 Marsh/Maas 2 +01100111111111 Lehman/American 2 +01100111111111 Sparkassen 2 +01100111111111 WIX 2 +01100111111111 Penn-Dixie 2 +01100111111111 HUNTER 2 +01100111111111 Datacomm 3 +01100111111111 Hardie 3 +01100111111111 Maclaren 3 +01100111111111 Krar 4 +01100111111111 Smothers 5 +01100111111111 Crucible 6 +01100111111111 Prebon 341 +01100111111111 Heavy 415 +01100111111111 Lehman 3905 +01100111111111 Guaranty 652 +0110100 Saigh 1 +0110100 Vielmetter 1 +0110100 Woof 1 +0110100 Vallon 1 +0110100 Leati 1 +0110100 Blomberg 1 +0110100 Chaine 1 +0110100 Candia 1 +0110100 Gravenchon 1 +0110100 Thorvik 1 +0110100 Cremone 1 +0110100 Abendroth 1 +0110100 Klobnack 1 +0110100 Kalischer 1 +0110100 Nolting 1 +0110100 Mussavi 1 +0110100 Greenough 1 +0110100 Friedman. 1 +0110100 Velsor 1 +0110100 Gorkum 1 +0110100 pulchella 1 +0110100 linifolia 1 +0110100 persica 1 +0110100 Clader 1 +0110100 Normandin 1 +0110100 Beito 1 +0110100 Bernanke 1 +0110100 Bushore 1 +0110100 Ehrle 1 +0110100 Etter 1 +0110100 Webbe 1 +0110100 Thorburne 1 +0110100 Vennewitz 1 +0110100 Mersjohann 1 +0110100 Lefebre 1 +0110100 Stumme 1 +0110100 Marfin 1 +0110100 Macgregor 1 +0110100 Talalla 1 +0110100 Calnan 1 +0110100 Schapp 1 +0110100 Zhikov 1 +0110100 Skaug 1 +0110100 Zangrilli 1 +0110100 Welles-like 1 +0110100 Donley 1 +0110100 Arble 1 +0110100 Shchegolev 1 +0110100 Herbig 1 +0110100 Brourman 1 +0110100 Borgnine 1 +0110100 Lanzilotti 1 +0110100 DeBate 1 +0110100 Grindley 1 +0110100 Brof 1 +0110100 Kallifatides 1 +0110100 Kaling 1 +0110100 Gethers 1 +0110100 Aherne 1 +0110100 Charteris 1 +0110100 Soroses 1 +0110100 Tsuzawa 1 +0110100 Sinberg 1 +0110100 Newcombe 1 +0110100 Kanno 1 +0110100 Katzer 1 +0110100 Bakman 1 +0110100 Kreitner 1 +0110100 Varaldi 1 +0110100 Uckmar 1 +0110100 Farofano 1 +0110100 Kinsen 1 +0110100 Mosbakk 1 +0110100 Dahik 1 +0110100 Dahlstrom 1 +0110100 Klarsfeld 1 +0110100 Mosee 1 +0110100 Alkus 1 +0110100 Luley 1 +0110100 Vellenga 1 +0110100 Ackerson 1 +0110100 Lathan 1 +0110100 Tovig 1 +0110100 Mishler 1 +0110100 Gawid 1 +0110100 Fangio 1 +0110100 Fromson 1 +0110100 Simkins 1 +0110100 Bouris 1 +0110100 AitLaouissine 1 +0110100 Seig 1 +0110100 Hessee 1 +0110100 Voegeli 1 +0110100 Doorne 1 +0110100 Haywar 1 +0110100 VanCaspel 1 +0110100 Zaks 1 +0110100 Lindeloff 1 +0110100 Moissinac 1 +0110100 Scatterday 1 +0110100 Denenberg 1 +0110100 Richert 1 +0110100 Mufson 1 +0110100 Culpeper 1 +0110100 LaLoggia 1 +0110100 Drone 1 +0110100 Zupan 1 +0110100 Agawa 1 +0110100 Herickhoff 1 +0110100 Patrizzi 1 +0110100 MCGARR 1 +0110100 Direen 1 +0110100 Mandoki 1 +0110100 Scovell 1 +0110100 Tokody 1 +0110100 Sapper 1 +0110100 Kurtag 1 +0110100 Bilbo 1 +0110100 Didat 1 +0110100 Almori 1 +0110100 Saint-Leon 1 +0110100 Geronimos 1 +0110100 Rogich 1 +0110100 Sitwell 1 +0110100 Sukowa 1 +0110100 Zaragosa 1 +0110100 Eliassen 1 +0110100 Zerrer 1 +0110100 Chaitanya 1 +0110100 LaLannes 1 +0110100 Laslett 1 +0110100 Hagio 1 +0110100 Segebartt 1 +0110100 MacMahon 1 +0110100 Heitzman 1 +0110100 Bakaly 1 +0110100 Chaix 1 +0110100 Sofinco 1 +0110100 Meinhardt 1 +0110100 Steckbeck 1 +0110100 Bruce-Briggs 1 +0110100 mortuis 1 +0110100 Carazo 1 +0110100 Grundheber 1 +0110100 Nimsgern 1 +0110100 Kravtsov 1 +0110100 Bowlby 1 +0110100 Bawden 1 +0110100 Keneally 1 +0110100 Reyor 1 +0110100 Buse 1 +0110100 Shlaudeman 1 +0110100 Maniche 1 +0110100 Bartlestone 1 +0110100 Nozhim 1 +0110100 Cohrs 1 +0110100 Misher 1 +0110100 Gehr 1 +0110100 Slatinaru 1 +0110100 Patricoff 1 +0110100 Freytag 1 +0110100 Mikkelson 1 +0110100 Cantu 1 +0110100 Fujinuma 1 +0110100 Kotlikoff 1 +0110100 Bevel 1 +0110100 Colletti 1 +0110100 Kuznetsova 1 +0110100 Fedorov 1 +0110100 Favre 1 +0110100 Bauerman 1 +0110100 Orfaly 1 +0110100 Schicktanz 1 +0110100 Qicheng 1 +0110100 Isserman 1 +0110100 dente 1 +0110100 Veiga 1 +0110100 Willeke 1 +0110100 Minielly 1 +0110100 Milland 1 +0110100 Wildes 1 +0110100 Kalmin 1 +0110100 Abass 1 +0110100 Kallstron 1 +0110100 Schutte 1 +0110100 Birabeau 1 +0110100 Grue 1 +0110100 Tsutui 1 +0110100 Bogolyubskaya 1 +0110100 Uccello 1 +0110100 Koerners 1 +0110100 Katsumura 1 +0110100 Brailovsky 1 +0110100 Kratowicz 1 +0110100 Castellaneta 1 +0110100 Tumoainen 1 +0110100 Rifkins 1 +0110100 Ginsbergh 1 +0110100 Emmiyan 1 +0110100 Machalaba 1 +0110100 Micklosh 1 +0110100 Sieyes 1 +0110100 Yaryan 1 +0110100 Hanburger 1 +0110100 MacDuff 1 +0110100 Andalucia 1 +0110100 Coonms 1 +0110100 Dessouki 1 +0110100 al-Said 1 +0110100 Veronin 1 +0110100 Baroway 1 +0110100 Ricardo-Campbell 1 +0110100 Vanderbyl 1 +0110100 Gratzel 1 +0110100 Civileti 1 +0110100 Sylbert 1 +0110100 Kashkashian 1 +0110100 Ginastera 1 +0110100 Esler 1 +0110100 Loumi 1 +0110100 Spingarn 1 +0110100 Zakham 1 +0110100 Janger 1 +0110100 Rahner 1 +0110100 Zehring 1 +0110100 Tartun 1 +0110100 Anania 1 +0110100 Bonvalet 1 +0110100 Wesselsky 1 +0110100 Szoka 1 +0110100 Yoneda 1 +0110100 Jabber 1 +0110100 Barangan 1 +0110100 Dinan 1 +0110100 Docken 1 +0110100 Obraztsova 1 +0110100 Mikelsen 1 +0110100 Huntford 1 +0110100 Arbeli-Almoslino 1 +0110100 Hessenthaler 1 +0110100 Wersching 1 +0110100 LaCorte 1 +0110100 Diop 1 +0110100 Goralski 1 +0110100 Prybyla 1 +0110100 Gianacakes 1 +0110100 Karpas 1 +0110100 Takeshima 1 +0110100 Khoza 1 +0110100 Slipkowsky 1 +0110100 Contabilidad 1 +0110100 Teitel 1 +0110100 Tennnenbaum 1 +0110100 Greathouse 1 +0110100 Fiedel 1 +0110100 Panneciere 1 +0110100 Bernardeau 1 +0110100 Nason 1 +0110100 Jencks 1 +0110100 Wehnau 1 +0110100 Conniff 1 +0110100 Mieno 1 +0110100 Boleyn 1 +0110100 Strobels 1 +0110100 Kooluris 1 +0110100 Michals 1 +0110100 Mize. 1 +0110100 Solimena 1 +0110100 Gosden 1 +0110100 Goden 1 +0110100 Barzini 1 +0110100 Ventriss 1 +0110100 Sandow 1 +0110100 Pawlick 1 +0110100 Frelick 1 +0110100 Barrys 1 +0110100 Balridge 1 +0110100 Dubinksy 1 +0110100 Carton 1 +0110100 Pinero 1 +0110100 Ensor 1 +0110100 Greenwalt 1 +0110100 Derisbourg 1 +0110100 Pells 1 +0110100 Godkin 1 +0110100 Posgate 1 +0110100 Roo 1 +0110100 Mildmay 1 +0110100 Jonckheer 1 +0110100 Zabila 1 +0110100 Mocholov 1 +0110100 al-Kharifa 1 +0110100 Teichmann 1 +0110100 Katica 1 +0110100 Melby 1 +0110100 Besch 1 +0110100 Stamberg 1 +0110100 Silberman. 1 +0110100 Bouvier 1 +0110100 Hailes 1 +0110100 Diaz-Herrera 1 +0110100 Y.D. 1 +0110100 Durie 1 +0110100 Brzoska 1 +0110100 Chuet 1 +0110100 DeSante 1 +0110100 Zebian 1 +0110100 Watley 1 +0110100 Alvisos 1 +0110100 Lanterman 1 +0110100 Barishnikov 1 +0110100 Tvaladzo 1 +0110100 Juaregui 1 +0110100 Matassa 1 +0110100 Sakanaka 1 +0110100 Monson 1 +0110100 Vlast 1 +0110100 Iwafuchi 1 +0110100 Tullio 1 +0110100 AHERN 1 +0110100 Dench 1 +0110100 Folts 1 +0110100 Spaan 1 +0110100 Gubicza 1 +0110100 Lupica 1 +0110100 Kleins 1 +0110100 Ananiashvili 1 +0110100 Semenyaka 1 +0110100 Artyushkin 1 +0110100 Duhart 1 +0110100 Thalheimer 1 +0110100 Bierschbach 1 +0110100 Kinglake 1 +0110100 Giuggio 1 +0110100 Do-Rights 1 +0110100 Zager 1 +0110100 Hunst 1 +0110100 Bombardiere 1 +0110100 Moraz 1 +0110100 Obenzinger 1 +0110100 Rahill 1 +0110100 Babchuk 1 +0110100 Drupsteen 1 +0110100 Rybczynski 1 +0110100 Lorayes 1 +0110100 Mellish 1 +0110100 Pertuiset 1 +0110100 Zaknic 1 +0110100 Mizell 1 +0110100 Saretsky 1 +0110100 Raiford 1 +0110100 Woestendiek 1 +0110100 Konwicki 1 +0110100 Wajda 1 +0110100 Mankey 1 +0110100 Fierson 1 +0110100 Fallin 1 +0110100 Yarnall 1 +0110100 Schrempp 1 +0110100 Bildt 1 +0110100 Elsbernd 1 +0110100 Verhoeven 1 +0110100 Santora 1 +0110100 Ornellas 1 +0110100 Hatakeda 1 +0110100 Chung-Yul 1 +0110100 Puelicher 1 +0110100 Glauberman. 1 +0110100 Kurzmann 1 +0110100 Lenner 1 +0110100 Beyerhelm 1 +0110100 Yesalis 1 +0110100 Pfeuffer 1 +0110100 McBrearty 1 +0110100 Vorchheimer 1 +0110100 Balcon 1 +0110100 Claesz 1 +0110100 Stoltzner 1 +0110100 HILER 1 +0110100 Salgo 1 +0110100 Grenier 1 +0110100 Solomentsev 1 +0110100 Ghiz 1 +0110100 Caiani 1 +0110100 Krzysztalowicz 1 +0110100 Poplack 1 +0110100 Prelock 1 +0110100 Ferer 1 +0110100 Rzewuski 1 +0110100 Eiseman 1 +0110100 Hankamer 1 +0110100 Druehl 1 +0110100 Fieldhouse 1 +0110100 Vyshinsky 1 +0110100 Hafid 1 +0110100 Lagrone 1 +0110100 Kindler 1 +0110100 Katzen 1 +0110100 Dabrowksi 1 +0110100 Blainey 1 +0110100 Hemsley 1 +0110100 Goicoechea 1 +0110100 Jackson. 1 +0110100 Aldington 1 +0110100 Brusse 1 +0110100 Shuart 1 +0110100 Thomopoulous 1 +0110100 Aspinall 1 +0110100 Jory 1 +0110100 Gretsky 1 +0110100 Burgold 1 +0110100 Polwrek 1 +0110100 Jumonville 1 +0110100 Chachkin 1 +0110100 Beloglazov 1 +0110100 Shenon 1 +0110100 Hibel 1 +0110100 Gerrits 1 +0110100 Chelminsky 1 +0110100 Gutfruend 1 +0110100 al-Khalidi 1 +0110100 Goslow 1 +0110100 Warmerdam 1 +0110100 Bonoir 1 +0110100 Marlowes 1 +0110100 Oliansky 1 +0110100 Murdani 1 +0110100 Investissments 1 +0110100 Zatkoff 1 +0110100 Wyoming-Penthouse 1 +0110100 Banowsky 1 +0110100 Delany 1 +0110100 Kamio 1 +0110100 Medlar 1 +0110100 Rafnell 1 +0110100 Burket 1 +0110100 Scovern 1 +0110100 Swaiko 1 +0110100 Avramis 1 +0110100 Loejos 1 +0110100 Mukalla 1 +0110100 Krisher 1 +0110100 Play-it-Safe 1 +0110100 Velleman 1 +0110100 Kout 1 +0110100 Aliberti 1 +0110100 Kreuz 1 +0110100 Stirba 1 +0110100 Sanders-Phillips 1 +0110100 Teichner 1 +0110100 Shaben 1 +0110100 Bergmeijer 1 +0110100 Barnicle 1 +0110100 McAraw 1 +0110100 Santoni 1 +0110100 Ganser 1 +0110100 Delsner 1 +0110100 Utsch 1 +0110100 Leiper 1 +0110100 Alsogaray 1 +0110100 Prudkov 1 +0110100 Bureker 1 +0110100 Congeniality 1 +0110100 Plattner 1 +0110100 Gwyther 1 +0110100 Hardouvelis 1 +0110100 Kertzer 1 +0110100 Schele 1 +0110100 Mallers 1 +0110100 Erismann 1 +0110100 Khaddafi 1 +0110100 Mazeroski 1 +0110100 Willoch 1 +0110100 Redleaf 1 +0110100 Gerhards 1 +0110100 Portman-type 1 +0110100 Burroughes 1 +0110100 Gudea 1 +0110100 Ruckleshaus 1 +0110100 Melnbardis 1 +0110100 Yonemoto 1 +0110100 Neukranz 1 +0110100 Clume 1 +0110100 Mallis 1 +0110100 Boushelle 1 +0110100 Kossoff 1 +0110100 Khaghigian 1 +0110100 Seel 1 +0110100 Postes 1 +0110100 Grabow 1 +0110100 Pury 1 +0110100 Rombauts 1 +0110100 Raffald 1 +0110100 Risque 1 +0110100 Vegh 1 +0110100 Winogard 1 +0110100 Maneff 1 +0110100 Borchers 1 +0110100 8222 1 +0110100 Warnement 1 +0110100 Speth 1 +0110100 Petrov 1 +0110100 Wasicsko 1 +0110100 Macnee 1 +0110100 Grieder 1 +0110100 Frohlich 1 +0110100 Wassersug 1 +0110100 Naeem 1 +0110100 Guerman 1 +0110100 Terpsikhorov 1 +0110100 Kliun 1 +0110100 Lelyfeld 1 +0110100 Kustodiev 1 +0110100 C-139 1 +0110100 Comden 1 +0110100 Vineberg 1 +0110100 Polzin 1 +0110100 Ringgenberg 1 +0110100 Warshay 1 +0110100 Lopardo 1 +0110100 Gasdia 1 +0110100 Shattner 1 +0110100 Baltay 1 +0110100 Innis 1 +0110100 Goldey 1 +0110100 Vinyard 1 +0110100 Zengpei 1 +0110100 Liuzza 1 +0110100 Domingarena 1 +0110100 Hesham 1 +0110100 Mayran 1 +0110100 Burgen 1 +0110100 Djughashvili 1 +0110100 Kopetski 1 +0110100 Wollemborg 1 +0110100 Poliansky 1 +0110100 Bonnerive 1 +0110100 Davis-Blake 1 +0110100 Leana 1 +0110100 Greenbury 1 +0110100 Liebgott 1 +0110100 Murningham 1 +0110100 Koyonagi 1 +0110100 Connon 1 +0110100 Tourischeva 1 +0110100 Perlow 1 +0110100 Artemov 1 +0110100 Fotino 1 +0110100 Karlton 1 +0110100 Pendley 1 +0110100 Kenel 1 +0110100 Lavrinc 1 +0110100 Berlant 1 +0110100 Versteeg 1 +0110100 Skerry 1 +0110100 Tienda 1 +0110100 Kirzner 1 +0110100 Berryessa 1 +0110100 DuBrin 1 +0110100 Zinke 1 +0110100 Hafny 1 +0110100 Waseem 1 +0110100 Donavan 1 +0110100 Erdilek 1 +0110100 Celada 1 +0110100 Kheirullah 1 +0110100 Berresi 1 +0110100 Church-River 1 +0110100 Zabinski 1 +0110100 Jarry 1 +0110100 Crumbley 1 +0110100 Gerolmo 1 +0110100 Skutch 1 +0110100 Ledewitz 1 +0110100 Yaldwin 1 +0110100 Maihafer 1 +0110100 Kifner 1 +0110100 Panney 1 +0110100 Potok 1 +0110100 Spyrison 1 +0110100 Seegrist 1 +0110100 Buzick 1 +0110100 Simpson-style 1 +0110100 Rudzinski 1 +0110100 Milkulski 1 +0110100 Pieri 1 +0110100 Algre 1 +0110100 Kondracke 1 +0110100 Sofonova 1 +0110100 Larroquette 1 +0110100 Bonfoglio 1 +0110100 Hilhorst 1 +0110100 Dessaur 1 +0110100 Roessiger 1 +0110100 Pilbeam 1 +0110100 Krivitsky 1 +0110100 Birmbaum 1 +0110100 Kawamara 1 +0110100 Tachi 1 +0110100 Kowtowksy 1 +0110100 Veitch 1 +0110100 Avakian 1 +0110100 Kanolah 1 +0110100 Groesbeck 1 +0110100 Helal 1 +0110100 Saraille 1 +0110100 Cleminson 1 +0110100 Blacksmith 1 +0110100 Rosenshein 1 +0110100 Samansky 1 +0110100 Bigshot 1 +0110100 Pascua 1 +0110100 Gwilliam 1 +0110100 Accardo 1 +0110100 Hoeschler 1 +0110100 pend 1 +0110100 Seinfeld 1 +0110100 Nojiri 1 +0110100 Signac 1 +0110100 Vacca 1 +0110100 Morreim 1 +0110100 Entin 1 +0110100 Khederian 1 +0110100 Fredell 1 +0110100 McColough 1 +0110100 Ianonne 1 +0110100 Taylor-Hall 1 +0110100 McPhail 1 +0110100 Leake 1 +0110100 Taravella 1 +0110100 Raum 1 +0110100 Morbelli 1 +0110100 Daddy-O 1 +0110100 Muhlenbruch 1 +0110100 Croke 1 +0110100 07631 1 +0110100 Chafuen 1 +0110100 Zileri 1 +0110100 Yount 1 +0110100 Conese 1 +0110100 Florak 1 +0110100 Smollen 1 +0110100 Sonerville 1 +0110100 Kedge 1 +0110100 Binnig 1 +0110100 Kitagawa 1 +0110100 al-Ahmadi 1 +0110100 Haveman 1 +0110100 Torisky 1 +0110100 Minehan 1 +0110100 Biskind 1 +0110100 McDoulett 1 +0110100 Amicangelo 1 +0110100 Rezneck 1 +0110100 Papas 1 +0110100 Cox-Cresswell 1 +0110100 Giacomini 1 +0110100 Agrisani 1 +0110100 Harberger 1 +0110100 Whitefield 1 +0110100 Yakushiji 1 +0110100 Borracio 1 +0110100 Romalewski 1 +0110100 Finkieland 1 +0110100 Formann 1 +0110100 Caseys 1 +0110100 Notarious 1 +0110100 Broniarek 1 +0110100 Ranelagh 1 +0110100 Monteverde 1 +0110100 Fiora 1 +0110100 Fahden 1 +0110100 Guerin-Calvert 1 +0110100 Kernochan 1 +0110100 Mubarek 1 +0110100 Bunnen 1 +0110100 Hungerland 1 +0110100 Vyncke 1 +0110100 Leskera 1 +0110100 Gettler 1 +0110100 Hauspurg 1 +0110100 Jussim 1 +0110100 Rosenfelt 1 +0110100 Averbook 1 +0110100 Voto 1 +0110100 Morris-Kraft 1 +0110100 Reepen 1 +0110100 Danielson 1 +0110100 Pesin 1 +0110100 Arlette 1 +0110100 Hecke 1 +0110100 Schaake 1 +0110100 Jhabvala 1 +0110100 Corsiglia 1 +0110100 Hewson 1 +0110100 Southwick 1 +0110100 Engelberg 1 +0110100 Schinn 1 +0110100 Sanladerer 1 +0110100 Haegele 1 +0110100 Nafe 1 +0110100 Khaymah 1 +0110100 Sheinin 1 +0110100 Meyrowitz 1 +0110100 Kalkin 1 +0110100 frez 1 +0110100 Firestein 1 +0110100 Higgenbotham 1 +0110100 Rostowski 1 +0110100 Bustin 1 +0110100 Wierusz-Kowalski 1 +0110100 Chelmonski 1 +0110100 Trouw 1 +0110100 Pottoroff 1 +0110100 Bertain 1 +0110100 Kuppin 1 +0110100 Wichter 1 +0110100 Cardy 1 +0110100 Plotnicki 1 +0110100 Velsink 1 +0110100 Flattum 1 +0110100 Campisano 1 +0110100 Jockheck 1 +0110100 Spignesi 1 +0110100 Zaner 1 +0110100 Brillsetin 1 +0110100 Bickler 1 +0110100 Clennam 1 +0110100 Radano 1 +0110100 Gierow 1 +0110100 Margolyes 1 +0110100 Drybred 1 +0110100 Blommaert 1 +0110100 Dossett 1 +0110100 Niehardt 1 +0110100 Morstan 1 +0110100 Kutmus 1 +0110100 Patrusky 1 +0110100 Valtin 1 +0110100 Anti-Trust 1 +0110100 Vinick 1 +0110100 Bogdanowicz-Bindert 1 +0110100 Piro 1 +0110100 Anagnos 1 +0110100 Ozan 1 +0110100 Grassie 1 +0110100 Shoepe 1 +0110100 Rogen 1 +0110100 Sodre 1 +0110100 McCrone 1 +0110100 Almodovar 1 +0110100 Zia-ul-haq 1 +0110100 Barchi 1 +0110100 Kihlstedt 1 +0110100 Lansche 1 +0110100 Krell 1 +0110100 Puyat 1 +0110100 Csurgay 1 +0110100 Celan 1 +0110100 Weatherall 1 +0110100 Grosssbard 1 +0110100 Sperber 1 +0110100 Morizono 1 +0110100 Himons 1 +0110100 Khedouri 1 +0110100 Veronee 1 +0110100 Brayall 1 +0110100 Qualye 1 +0110100 Jekylls 1 +0110100 Mhlaba 1 +0110100 Cumberbatch 1 +0110100 Allsburg 1 +0110100 Matrius 1 +0110100 Sandstrom 1 +0110100 Alpern 1 +0110100 Leiberman 1 +0110100 Dorko 1 +0110100 Barrett-Connor 1 +0110100 Khalilzad 1 +0110100 Sussmayr 1 +0110100 Mithaq 1 +0110100 Teklenski 1 +0110100 Sugawara 1 +0110100 Obenhaus 1 +0110100 Bouvard 1 +0110100 Gaskell 1 +0110100 Akhoury 1 +0110100 Spaniel 1 +0110100 Belda 1 +0110100 Licad 1 +0110100 Pasour 1 +0110100 Fasenfest 1 +0110100 Trintignant 1 +0110100 Fromer 1 +0110100 Winther 1 +0110100 Maffett 1 +0110100 Harrill 1 +0110100 Rebhorn 1 +0110100 Trivette 1 +0110100 Zakowski 1 +0110100 Anglais 1 +0110100 Molk 1 +0110100 Grotowski 1 +0110100 Duerrenmatt 1 +0110100 MacNicol 1 +0110100 Pensak 1 +0110100 Marski 1 +0110100 Warhead 1 +0110100 Friedmans 1 +0110100 Handsman 1 +0110100 STANGER 1 +0110100 Theilgard 1 +0110100 Lesko 1 +0110100 Swartzlander 1 +0110100 Yadav 1 +0110100 Blye 1 +0110100 Saens 1 +0110100 Koussevitzy 1 +0110100 Bouchons 1 +0110100 Gemignani 1 +0110100 Maxwells 1 +0110100 Rudney 1 +0110100 Oehlmann 1 +0110100 Febbo 1 +0110100 Siris 1 +0110100 Barnall 1 +0110100 Djrdje 1 +0110100 Remarque 1 +0110100 Graftons 1 +0110100 Zuehlke 1 +0110100 Mittenzwei 1 +0110100 Parquet 1 +0110100 DeGraaf 1 +0110100 Leefeldt 1 +0110100 Bonbright 1 +0110100 Donovon 1 +0110100 Jamile 1 +0110100 Msibi 1 +0110100 Theodoridis 1 +0110100 Rewald 1 +0110100 Slezak 1 +0110100 Navarsky 1 +0110100 Jankoswki 1 +0110100 Walleck 1 +0110100 Lopez-Tirone 1 +0110100 Ballentine 1 +0110100 Kovic 1 +0110100 Zujovic 1 +0110100 Marinkovic 1 +0110100 Penaloza 1 +0110100 Kellock 1 +0110100 Briskin 1 +0110100 Immler 1 +0110100 Geeter 1 +0110100 rigeur 1 +0110100 Lopez-Knight 1 +0110100 Sansweet 1 +0110100 Platzky 1 +0110100 Ruhland 1 +0110100 Collaro 1 +0110100 Hinze 1 +0110100 Sedjo 1 +0110100 Ryther 1 +0110100 Turner-style 1 +0110100 Zais 1 +0110100 Signorile 1 +0110100 Tsypin 1 +0110100 Berehas 1 +0110100 Kashket 1 +0110100 Lewinski 1 +0110100 Wheless 1 +0110100 Atiyeh 1 +0110100 Gachet 1 +0110100 Clean-Cut 1 +0110100 Vumbacco 1 +0110100 Plaskin 1 +0110100 Marumo 1 +0110100 Khoshoggi 1 +0110100 Telegraphes 1 +0110100 Balderstone 1 +0110100 Gibans 1 +0110100 Helmond 1 +0110100 Strebel 1 +0110100 Cragun 1 +0110100 Roessle 1 +0110100 Moss. 1 +0110100 Rehmert 1 +0110100 Dzirkvelov 1 +0110100 Saballos 1 +0110100 Stripling 1 +0110100 Dzoesch 1 +0110100 Bergschneider 1 +0110100 Tsukihara 1 +0110100 Charikov 1 +0110100 Karadbil 1 +0110100 Gropius 1 +0110100 Tietze 1 +0110100 Montesquiou-Fezensac 1 +0110100 Saifuddin 1 +0110100 Middler 1 +0110100 Saboe 1 +0110100 Mfume 1 +0110100 Grenvilles 1 +0110100 Fowles 1 +0110100 Koepplin 1 +0110100 Weisenbeck 1 +0110100 Castellitto 1 +0110100 Taglieri 1 +0110100 Fennelly 1 +0110100 Weintaub 1 +0110100 Punaro 1 +0110100 Piatmiatsa 1 +0110100 McCarthy. 1 +0110100 Leib 1 +0110100 Colero 1 +0110100 Cahlman 1 +0110100 Mirvis 1 +0110100 Lawshee 1 +0110100 Birchers 1 +0110100 Dellenback 1 +0110100 Shotwell 1 +0110100 Stavrides 1 +0110100 Monbouquette 1 +0110100 Pagliarulo 1 +0110100 Rahjens 1 +0110100 Weiden 1 +0110100 Grohdahl 1 +0110100 Kuntzsch 1 +0110100 Kuniyoshi 1 +0110100 Vaksdal 1 +0110100 Pottorf 1 +0110100 Ludes 1 +0110100 Herrero 1 +0110100 Bompey 1 +0110100 Troyanovsky 1 +0110100 Oskenberg 1 +0110100 Malamud 1 +0110100 Limbach 1 +0110100 Jamerson 1 +0110100 Walske 1 +0110100 Kozoll 1 +0110100 Tristano 1 +0110100 Harkrider 1 +0110100 Olsens 1 +0110100 Shifter 1 +0110100 Klowden 1 +0110100 Hossford 1 +0110100 Bariani 1 +0110100 Siegel. 1 +0110100 Wardlaw 1 +0110100 LOCALITIES 1 +0110100 Rostang 1 +0110100 Troisgros 1 +0110100 Molo 1 +0110100 Washbourne 1 +0110100 Bussen 1 +0110100 Chases 1 +0110100 Bouree 1 +0110100 Kinross 1 +0110100 Wolfinger 1 +0110100 Hootnick 1 +0110100 Newsom 1 +0110100 Versace 1 +0110100 Gameshow 1 +0110100 Schmedel 1 +0110100 Doel 1 +0110100 Vierdanck 1 +0110100 Valvano 1 +0110100 Amdur 1 +0110100 Pashcow 1 +0110100 McGibbon 1 +0110100 Veress 1 +0110100 Montera 1 +0110100 Anti-Jazz 1 +0110100 Kureishi 1 +0110100 Celestre 1 +0110100 Salovaara 1 +0110100 Heinike 1 +0110100 Montfrooy 1 +0110100 DavidWeill 1 +0110100 Vanoff 1 +0110100 Engelke 1 +0110100 Hobhouse 1 +0110100 Macial 1 +0110100 Hupp 1 +0110100 Kelm 1 +0110100 Koptchak 1 +0110100 Usan 1 +0110100 Dobish 1 +0110100 Cupido 1 +0110100 Baudo 1 +0110100 Levi-Strauss 1 +0110100 McKuen 1 +0110100 Betzner 1 +0110100 Poos 1 +0110100 Dubuffet 1 +0110100 Morrision 1 +0110100 Colwin 1 +0110100 Babitt 1 +0110100 Samartino 1 +0110100 Migue 1 +0110100 Freidmann 1 +0110100 Lequier 1 +0110100 Kautter 1 +0110100 Solovey 1 +0110100 BREEDEN 1 +0110100 Dice 1 +0110100 Walford 1 +0110100 Chestnutt 1 +0110100 Gerswhin 1 +0110100 Ahnert 1 +0110100 McGrew 1 +0110100 Lindl 1 +0110100 Guyader 1 +0110100 Ghirlandaio 1 +0110100 Kleinmeyer 1 +0110100 Cockroft 1 +0110100 Rushdies 1 +0110100 Overley 1 +0110100 Beder 1 +0110100 Lanzmann 1 +0110100 Jurszak 1 +0110100 Ollila 1 +0110100 Quaranta 1 +0110100 Votolato 1 +0110100 Kula 1 +0110100 Pardaens 1 +0110100 Fishl 1 +0110100 Covelli 1 +0110100 taylor 1 +0110100 Gomoll 1 +0110100 LuSane 1 +0110100 Ezrol 1 +0110100 Urdenata 1 +0110100 Perschau 1 +0110100 Regan. 1 +0110100 Lategan 1 +0110100 Bovich 1 +0110100 Berkel 1 +0110100 Teinowitz 1 +0110100 Wuchina 1 +0110100 Reinemer 1 +0110100 Eckles 1 +0110100 Wolski 1 +0110100 Deluhary 1 +0110100 Alemann 1 +0110100 Brillantes 1 +0110100 Parikh 1 +0110100 Geldard 1 +0110100 Haqqani 1 +0110100 KcKean 1 +0110100 Sadzinski 1 +0110100 Elrick 1 +0110100 Hov 1 +0110100 HEATHERLY 1 +0110100 Kief 1 +0110100 Hanrong 1 +0110100 Lydenberger 1 +0110100 Salzman. 1 +0110100 McUsic 1 +0110100 Blos 1 +0110100 Wolfenstein 1 +0110100 Paganucci 1 +0110100 Warburg-Brinckmann 1 +0110100 Blassie 1 +0110100 Rajii 1 +0110100 Suslow 1 +0110100 Kropfl 1 +0110100 Futado 1 +0110100 Sahli 1 +0110100 Braly 1 +0110100 Dension 1 +0110100 Gilliland 1 +0110100 Bogatin 1 +0110100 Duby 1 +0110100 Thebert 1 +0110100 Jaurex 1 +0110100 Bourgeoise 1 +0110100 Eakins 1 +0110100 Bendis 1 +0110100 Teufel 1 +0110100 Zisk 1 +0110100 Scarfe 1 +0110100 Spacey 1 +0110100 Truernicht 1 +0110100 Schwartzenberg 1 +0110100 Krulak 1 +0110100 Vlahakis 1 +0110100 Shackelton 1 +0110100 Cabon 1 +0110100 Luckinbill 1 +0110100 CAROL 1 +0110100 Lydenberg 1 +0110100 IDIS 1 +0110100 Powell. 1 +0110100 Jamel 1 +0110100 Tesler 1 +0110100 Kinneary 1 +0110100 McClaughry 1 +0110100 Taniyasu 1 +0110100 Biagio 1 +0110100 Hermiller 1 +0110100 Aviations 1 +0110100 Shourie 1 +0110100 Huskey 1 +0110100 Redenbacher 1 +0110100 Raynal 1 +0110100 Rescoe 1 +0110100 Wixell 1 +0110100 Frisinger 1 +0110100 Vukasin 1 +0110100 Gorben 1 +0110100 Steir 1 +0110100 McDonnough 1 +0110100 Kasznar 1 +0110100 Nakamaru 1 +0110100 Tolstov 1 +0110100 Frechter 1 +0110100 Hangen 1 +0110100 DiNepi 1 +0110100 Ehrlichmann 1 +0110100 Onstead 1 +0110100 Sakoh 1 +0110100 McGoohan 1 +0110100 DeGuere 1 +0110100 Corkett 1 +0110100 Jarret 1 +0110100 Espert 1 +0110100 Okimoto 1 +0110100 Pecorari 1 +0110100 Philbins 1 +0110100 Conjuangco 1 +0110100 Ingve 1 +0110100 Molszyk 1 +0110100 Pinkowski 1 +0110100 Harloff 1 +0110100 Zaia 1 +0110100 Lazarous 1 +0110100 Coppage 1 +0110100 Daae 1 +0110100 Smalls 1 +0110100 Wanta 1 +0110100 Rivers. 1 +0110100 Lewis-style 1 +0110100 Seaney 1 +0110100 Lutness 1 +0110100 Sacur 1 +0110100 Strauser 1 +0110100 Affaires 1 +0110100 Bassey 1 +0110100 Holzberger 1 +0110100 Roubatis 1 +0110100 Lagerdere 1 +0110100 Kroft 1 +0110100 Oldenberg 1 +0110100 Taiani 1 +0110100 Telepman 1 +0110100 NcNab 1 +0110100 Lubanko 1 +0110100 Gantrys 1 +0110100 Detaille 1 +0110100 Tavares 1 +0110100 Byars 1 +0110100 Hevron 1 +0110100 Colling 1 +0110100 Reibel 1 +0110100 Dontzin 1 +0110100 Papastamatakis 1 +0110100 Waltman 1 +0110100 Fremling 1 +0110100 Pickford 1 +0110100 Zinkow 1 +0110100 Fresnay 1 +0110100 Facon 1 +0110100 Hildeburn 1 +0110100 Mesure 1 +0110100 Pant 1 +0110100 Iwahashi 1 +0110100 Goedert 1 +0110100 Ayarza 1 +0110100 Akaka 1 +0110100 Weissbach 1 +0110100 Graded 1 +0110100 Steverson 1 +0110100 Consolas 1 +0110100 Klusky 1 +0110100 Brier 1 +0110100 Landerses 1 +0110100 Volcker. 1 +0110100 Smith-Jones 1 +0110100 Rutana 1 +0110100 Merinov 1 +0110100 Baillot 1 +0110100 Briancon 1 +0110100 Klingeman 1 +0110100 Sancious 1 +0110100 Gogossis 1 +0110100 Flumebaum 1 +0110100 Illston 1 +0110100 Schuffert 1 +0110100 Saint-Aignon 1 +0110100 Vicker 1 +0110100 Fatula 1 +0110100 Mataya 1 +0110100 Schinkel 1 +0110100 Schanberg 1 +0110100 Michaud 1 +0110100 Lietdke 1 +0110100 Starrette 1 +0110100 Lurhuma 1 +0110100 Yesselman 1 +0110100 Bordenave 1 +0110100 Lamotta 1 +0110100 Dilbeck 1 +0110100 Nagrin 1 +0110100 Berklacy 1 +0110100 Burum 1 +0110100 Compreignac 1 +0110100 Pigott-Smith 1 +0110100 Ikemiyagi 1 +0110100 Eco 1 +0110100 Schickel 1 +0110100 Lutfy 1 +0110100 Ulbricht 1 +0110100 Deadwyler 1 +0110100 Gauntlett 1 +0110100 Glime 1 +0110100 Padoa-Schioppa 1 +0110100 Bellplans 1 +0110100 Kelesi 1 +0110100 Lemper 1 +0110100 Zummo 1 +0110100 Mittys 1 +0110100 Niemoller 1 +0110100 Jaruselski 1 +0110100 Amadasi 1 +0110100 Lemarie 1 +0110100 Hopps 1 +0110100 Sweeley 1 +0110100 Adamthwaite 1 +0110100 Jomini 1 +0110100 Yinong 1 +0110100 Pitlick 1 +0110100 Grahn 1 +0110100 Zarur 1 +0110100 Nossiter 1 +0110100 Daray 1 +0110100 Breindel 1 +0110100 Hinshelwood 1 +0110100 SchmittRink 1 +0110100 Schrieffer 1 +0110100 Ysidro 1 +0110100 Sonz 1 +0110100 Kassandras 1 +0110100 Adis 1 +0110100 Byrum 1 +0110100 Easterlin 1 +0110100 Aschieris 1 +0110100 Helkie 1 +0110100 Chuma 1 +0110100 Diagilev 1 +0110100 Perov 1 +0110100 Kramskoi 1 +0110100 Liedkte 1 +0110100 Bleeke 1 +0110100 Kabatznick 1 +0110100 Knowle 1 +0110100 Cayeux 1 +0110100 Mambro 1 +0110100 Baltensperger 1 +0110100 Kobylinski 1 +0110100 Kleinmaer 1 +0110100 PARKS 1 +0110100 Rejewski 1 +0110100 Gatehouse 1 +0110100 Putterman 1 +0110100 Sapoznik 1 +0110100 Frinquelli 1 +0110100 Triola 1 +0110100 Kilgallen 1 +0110100 Ottice 1 +0110100 Skatoff 1 +0110100 Gallen 1 +0110100 Derdja 1 +0110100 McMorris 1 +0110100 Hamm-Bruecher 1 +0110100 Reiger 1 +0110100 Pedas 1 +0110100 Haagens 1 +0110100 Gelbach 1 +0110100 Grunick 1 +0110100 Malick 1 +0110100 Murgatroyd 1 +0110100 Dauntless 1 +0110100 Shuster. 1 +0110100 Burnum 1 +0110100 Ploeger 1 +0110100 Rzewnicki 1 +0110100 Dekoven 1 +0110100 Castegren 1 +0110100 Goeggel 1 +0110100 Odgen 1 +0110100 Skeels 1 +0110100 McCrickard 1 +0110100 Willis. 1 +0110100 Fenichel 1 +0110100 Flatters 1 +0110100 Lempicka 1 +0110100 Sparer 1 +0110100 Albachten 1 +0110100 STICKING 1 +0110100 Pickman 1 +0110100 Hewerdine 1 +0110100 Huyn 1 +0110100 Benoist 1 +0110100 Struckhoff 1 +0110100 Koseoglu 1 +0110100 Shulte 1 +0110100 Neunkirchen 1 +0110100 Larionov 1 +0110100 Hoog 1 +0110100 Capa 1 +0110100 Moillon 1 +0110100 Prather 1 +0110100 Leijonborg 1 +0110100 Matumeak 1 +0110100 Lampkin 1 +0110100 Kord 1 +0110100 Ashkenazys 1 +0110100 MacPhee 1 +0110100 Oxenberg 1 +0110100 Leblois 1 +0110100 Allworthy 1 +0110100 Meiners 1 +0110100 Meiner 1 +0110100 Casse 1 +0110100 Chanzis 1 +0110100 Steiman 1 +0110100 Spurrier 1 +0110100 Telles 1 +0110100 Rendino 1 +0110100 Aquafortistes 1 +0110100 Phibb 1 +0110100 Grenert 1 +0110100 Tubarao 1 +0110100 Quittmeyer 1 +0110100 Kraushar 1 +0110100 Shaara 1 +0110100 Oskam 1 +0110100 Finkin 1 +0110100 Shafland 1 +0110100 Byrn 1 +0110100 Slatin 1 +0110100 Plath 1 +0110100 Sanker 1 +0110100 Nofzinger 1 +0110100 Yamaya 1 +0110100 Smyslov 1 +0110100 Babenco 1 +0110100 Bentinck 1 +0110100 Batton 1 +0110100 Gameshows 1 +0110100 Flender 1 +0110100 Rumshinsky 1 +0110100 Gicha 1 +0110100 Bonkers 1 +0110100 Lanois 1 +0110100 Bresnick 1 +0110100 Villarosa 1 +0110100 Holthus 1 +0110100 Lashaw 1 +0110100 LaSorda 1 +0110100 Temperton 1 +0110100 Ritteresier 1 +0110100 Mezlish 1 +0110100 McMartin 1 +0110100 Thicke 1 +0110100 Husock 1 +0110100 Bakshian 1 +0110100 Wigton. 1 +0110100 Koncak 1 +0110100 Venuti 1 +0110100 Yankelovitch 1 +0110100 Doft 1 +0110100 Gyoten 1 +0110100 Kepich 1 +0110100 Straetz 1 +0110100 Jonson 1 +0110100 patula 1 +0110100 Zehr 1 +0110100 Bobrowitz 1 +0110100 Qandil 1 +0110100 Montaner 1 +0110100 Luftalla 1 +0110100 Personick 1 +0110100 Kusaba 1 +0110100 Maslowski 1 +0110100 Pedlers 1 +0110100 Elmets 1 +0110100 Kravat 1 +0110100 Mella 1 +0110100 Wedvik 1 +0110100 FARES 1 +0110100 Nimorodi 1 +0110100 McGrady 1 +0110100 Wapners 1 +0110100 Houphouet-Boigny 1 +0110100 Lachosky 1 +0110100 Beznosuik 1 +0110100 Lully 1 +0110100 Heuerman 1 +0110100 GYNECOLOGY 1 +0110100 Jourdain 1 +0110100 Bronfenbrenner 1 +0110100 Knibb 1 +0110100 Catrambone 1 +0110100 What-a-Waste 1 +0110100 Denardi 1 +0110100 Huppert 1 +0110100 Carew 1 +0110100 Graf. 1 +0110100 Leclair 1 +0110100 Chevallier 1 +0110100 Berlusconis 1 +0110100 Dvorsky 1 +0110100 Tieme 1 +0110100 Mosich 1 +0110100 Rosebush 1 +0110100 Scotillo 1 +0110100 Sanguillen 1 +0110100 Brazinsky 1 +0110100 Nakahara 1 +0110100 Buttery 1 +0110100 Kropinski 1 +0110100 Riffle 1 +0110100 Jeannotte 1 +0110100 Bissonette 1 +0110100 Wigman 1 +0110100 Stances 1 +0110100 Saland 1 +0110100 Bredes 1 +0110100 Menchell 1 +0110100 Balthrop 1 +0110100 Opalach 1 +0110100 Yung-Kyoo 1 +0110100 Delvecchio 1 +0110100 Schmermund 1 +0110100 Bertiger 1 +0110100 MIYAZAWA 1 +0110100 Dimaporo 1 +0110100 Marinay 1 +0110100 Fondas 1 +0110100 Iovenko 1 +0110100 Laver 1 +0110100 Rittenberry 1 +0110100 Pangloss 1 +0110100 Kirgo 1 +0110100 Madeirkas 1 +0110100 Calomiris 1 +0110100 Sheinwald 1 +0110100 Bagotta 1 +0110100 Douvan 1 +0110100 Galle 1 +0110100 Andretti 1 +0110100 Coccopalmieri 1 +0110100 Akimoto 1 +0110100 Egol 1 +0110100 DefensorSantiago 1 +0110100 Eikenberry 1 +0110100 Kostof 1 +0110100 Boxleitner 1 +0110100 Surikov 1 +0110100 Maynes 1 +0110100 Hilts 1 +0110100 Boffey 1 +0110100 Bivens 1 +0110100 Lanchner 1 +0110100 Synder 1 +0110100 Rajneri 1 +0110100 Falwell. 1 +0110100 Lowder 1 +0110100 Kolvenbach 1 +0110100 Gerhardsen 1 +0110100 Niimaki 1 +0110100 Gephardt. 1 +0110100 Niemiec 1 +0110100 Kondratova 1 +0110100 Stepanov 1 +0110100 Housman 1 +0110100 Lenkey 1 +0110100 Dutmer 1 +0110100 Echevveria 1 +0110100 Trabandt 1 +0110100 Koses 1 +0110100 Seregin 1 +0110100 Tippett 1 +0110100 Roberge 1 +0110100 Kiem 1 +0110100 Letzer 1 +0110100 Dellessert 1 +0110100 Darke 1 +0110100 Kiyohara 1 +0110100 Loesberg 1 +0110100 Shepp 1 +0110100 Darenblum 1 +0110100 Freiter 1 +0110100 Dobo 1 +0110100 Stokley 1 +0110100 Ghorum 1 +0110100 Shuchman 1 +0110100 Petchey 1 +0110100 Ulmann 1 +0110100 Brolin 1 +0110100 Blankenau 1 +0110100 Krimm 1 +0110100 Shuping 1 +0110100 Krantzman 1 +0110100 Svec 1 +0110100 naughtily 1 +0110100 Huddlestun 1 +0110100 8115 1 +0110100 Petertil 1 +0110100 Beynon 1 +0110100 Brandauer 1 +0110100 Leight 1 +0110100 Lanin 1 +0110100 Gracia 1 +0110100 Nikolaefskii 1 +0110100 Martz 1 +0110100 Compeigne 1 +0110100 Fainsod 1 +0110100 Flaim 1 +0110100 Toynbee 1 +0110100 Hilmer 1 +0110100 Allaird 1 +0110100 Russek 1 +0110100 Mallette 1 +0110100 Firmenitch 1 +0110100 Dinolfo 1 +0110100 Biya 1 +0110100 Ongpion 1 +0110100 Gucheng 1 +0110100 DiMeola 1 +0110100 Zenger 1 +0110100 Makabe 1 +0110100 Forlani 1 +0110100 Huddard 1 +0110100 Eatherly 1 +0110100 Barre-Sinoussi 1 +0110100 Petesch 1 +0110100 Chiorah-Dye 1 +0110100 Garns 1 +0110100 Hennssey 1 +0110100 Romanowski 1 +0110100 Keyser 1 +0110100 Nesom 1 +0110100 Symposiums 1 +0110100 Picken 1 +0110100 Engmann 1 +0110100 Courtenay 1 +0110100 Loup 1 +0110100 Jajszczyk 1 +0110100 Fitton 1 +0110100 STRICKLER 1 +0110100 Cerkoney 1 +0110100 Vlaminck 1 +0110100 Maliponte 1 +0110100 Bertolino 1 +0110100 Heikes 1 +0110100 Lenth 1 +0110100 Lisiten 1 +0110100 Carbonnell 1 +0110100 Grethel 1 +0110100 Dinar 1 +0110100 Cassavetes 1 +0110100 Conologue 1 +0110100 Geyl 1 +0110100 Jansky 1 +0110100 Kimbrough 1 +0110100 Sigel 1 +0110100 Bychkov 1 +0110100 Nikisch 1 +0110100 Furtwangler 1 +0110100 Nagelmackers 1 +0110100 Moates 1 +0110100 Kirpatrick 1 +0110100 Milosavljevic 1 +0110100 Semos 1 +0110100 Rosenberry 1 +0110100 Freeth 1 +0110100 Milit 1 +0110100 Garretsen 1 +0110100 Kelley-Alston 1 +0110100 Gonyeau 1 +0110100 Belch 1 +0110100 VelJohnson 1 +0110100 Schaick 1 +0110100 Bolotin 1 +0110100 Takakura 1 +0110100 Sopinka 1 +0110100 Rodell 1 +0110100 Cuyegkeng 1 +0110100 Muldor 1 +0110100 Scorcese 1 +0110100 Feetham 1 +0110100 Farro 1 +0110100 Jasny 1 +0110100 Bickell 1 +0110100 Kartun 1 +0110100 Rohwedder 1 +0110100 Mihalski 1 +0110100 Rosovsky 1 +0110100 Rutt 1 +0110100 Scharoun 1 +0110100 Giler 1 +0110100 Ormiston 1 +0110100 Hignell 1 +0110100 Leontivna 1 +0110100 Feodorovich 1 +0110100 Scacchi 1 +0110100 Traini 1 +0110100 Merriweather 1 +0110100 Peckinpah 1 +0110100 high-step 1 +0110100 Schoppert 1 +0110100 Lucases 1 +0110100 Kusabe 1 +0110100 Monfore 1 +0110100 Bettag 1 +0110100 Dubus 1 +0110100 Bryn-Julson 1 +0110100 Charrens 1 +0110100 Yackira 1 +0110100 Calisher 1 +0110100 Bucchino 1 +0110100 Cutts 1 +0110100 Dinur 1 +0110100 Danilova 1 +0110100 Finkle 1 +0110100 Matera 1 +0110100 Saltrick 1 +0110100 Brennen 1 +0110100 Egleson 1 +0110100 Thaw 1 +0110100 Rajk 1 +0110100 Chiesa 1 +0110100 Afthonides 1 +0110100 Poveda 1 +0110100 Wendland 1 +0110100 Drogin 1 +0110100 Kadavy 1 +0110100 Stautberg 1 +0110100 Lozanov 1 +0110100 Mace 1 +0110100 Nallet 1 +0110100 Schwalm 1 +0110100 Myren 1 +0110100 Helinger 1 +0110100 Kazanov 1 +0110100 Semhon 1 +0110100 Finberg 1 +0110100 Conward 1 +0110100 Cosetti 1 +0110100 Madersperger 1 +0110100 Mernagh 1 +0110100 Strelyany 1 +0110100 Kollek 1 +0110100 Feloni 1 +0110100 Blaszcz 1 +0110100 Wenstrand 1 +0110100 Schweicker 1 +0110100 Longnecker 1 +0110100 Szczepanski 1 +0110100 Skoning 1 +0110100 Yezhov 1 +0110100 Combier 1 +0110100 Ziller 1 +0110100 Karem 1 +0110100 Motwani 1 +0110100 Dozo 1 +0110100 Almaraz 1 +0110100 MCVEARRY 1 +0110100 Pineau-Valenciennes 1 +0110100 Gresser 1 +0110100 Montezari 1 +0110100 Lodder 1 +0110100 Stallman 1 +0110100 Runde 1 +0110100 Resto 1 +0110100 Rothenberger 1 +0110100 Charen 1 +0110100 Mogren 1 +0110100 Rabinovich 1 +0110100 Damilano 1 +0110100 Kaylan 1 +0110100 Montilla 1 +0110100 News-Republican 1 +0110100 Blok 1 +0110100 Tolubeyev 1 +0110100 Carnella 1 +0110100 Eison 1 +0110100 Coffy 1 +0110100 Pancratz 1 +0110100 Monashefsky 1 +0110100 Gillock 1 +0110100 Kruckel 1 +0110100 Ourusoff 1 +0110100 Bate 1 +0110100 Sameth 1 +0110100 Milotta 1 +0110100 Guiffre 1 +0110100 Seboek 1 +0110100 Lovago 1 +0110100 Berlinski 1 +0110100 Boocock 1 +0110100 Okano 1 +0110100 Mendeloff 1 +0110100 Straeter 1 +0110100 McKintosh 1 +0110100 Gance 1 +0110100 Cocteau 1 +0110100 Chalabi 1 +0110100 Spindell 1 +0110100 Sulins 1 +0110100 Bakula 1 +0110100 Portzamparc 1 +0110100 Hejduk 1 +0110100 Stepanek 1 +0110100 Ovchinnikov 1 +0110100 Fainsilber 1 +0110100 Rathebe 1 +0110100 Kontorovich 1 +0110100 Jackson-Pepsi 1 +0110100 Sila-Nowicki 1 +0110100 Schaffert 1 +0110100 Gams 1 +0110100 Gaede 1 +0110100 Lozon 1 +0110100 Goldstick 1 +0110100 Hergstein 1 +0110100 Talyzin 1 +0110100 Solovyov 1 +0110100 Ermarth 1 +0110100 Lubash 1 +0110100 Duesint 1 +0110100 Nohren 1 +0110100 Firkusny 1 +0110100 Sarto 1 +0110100 Calleo 1 +0110100 Kachel 1 +0110100 Rogstad 1 +0110100 Billmire 1 +0110100 Ariza 1 +0110100 Hasting 1 +0110100 Pridemore 1 +0110100 Kragh-Jacobsen 1 +0110100 Leaud 1 +0110100 Steinbergs 1 +0110100 Vionnet 1 +0110100 Ann-Greta 1 +0110100 Kepner 1 +0110100 Saeman 1 +0110100 Klindworth 1 +0110100 Lesenger 1 +0110100 Hollasch 1 +0110100 Wetherbee 1 +0110100 Chang-Diaz 1 +0110100 Dworchak 1 +0110100 Hartfield 1 +0110100 Swiatkowski 1 +0110100 Yokum 1 +0110100 Kochola 1 +0110100 Kennicott 1 +0110100 Ottobre 1 +0110100 Muehle 1 +0110100 Rossiaud 1 +0110100 Souslov 1 +0110100 Piotrovsky 1 +0110100 Gabrilove 1 +0110100 Hunley 1 +0110100 Rossides 1 +0110100 Wehler 1 +0110100 Garcons 1 +0110100 Akacem 1 +0110100 Orndorff 1 +0110100 Nugteren 1 +0110100 Boublil 1 +0110100 Berridge 1 +0110100 Zamyatin 1 +0110100 Ulyanov 1 +0110100 Gyllensten 1 +0110100 Durian 1 +0110100 Watermelon 1 +0110100 Thailand-Universe 1 +0110100 Universes 1 +0110100 Thailand/World 1 +0110100 Nemiroff 1 +0110100 Donghia 1 +0110100 Boesky-greed-is-good 1 +0110100 Anathan 1 +0110100 Eakland 1 +0110100 Marsolais 1 +0110100 Croswell 1 +0110100 Tulig 1 +0110100 Sindab 1 +0110100 Darmam 1 +0110100 Glowatz 1 +0110100 Brevetti 1 +0110100 Rahv 1 +0110100 Appignanesi 1 +0110100 DeCrow 1 +0110100 Vincel 1 +0110100 Pirrie 1 +0110100 Sobol 1 +0110100 Etcheparre 1 +0110100 Vroman 1 +0110100 Radlein 1 +0110100 Vanzo 1 +0110100 Preiser 1 +0110100 Bintley 1 +0110100 Boriskin 1 +0110100 Purjes 1 +0110100 Lawrences 1 +0110100 Czarapata 1 +0110100 Aclander 1 +0110100 VanDerlinde 1 +0110100 Triska 1 +0110100 Skolnik 1 +0110100 Obote 1 +0110100 Ptak 1 +0110100 Majeske 1 +0110100 Hochstadt 1 +0110100 Stavrowsky 1 +0110100 Cucire 1 +0110100 Gaydon 1 +0110100 Lunden 1 +0110100 Yushta 1 +0110100 Sheed 1 +0110100 Ponticelli 1 +0110100 Gorzelnik 1 +0110100 Playten 1 +0110100 Boehme 1 +0110100 LeMond 1 +0110100 Dopkeen 1 +0110100 Holtback 1 +0110100 Helsmley 1 +0110100 Foulkrod 1 +0110100 Dobriansky 1 +0110100 Orsulak 1 +0110100 Bley 1 +0110100 Surhoff 1 +0110100 Zacharov 1 +0110100 Lentricchia 1 +0110100 Tarnoff 1 +0110100 MD87s 1 +0110100 Fogelberg 1 +0110100 Schopflin 1 +0110100 Doppelfeld 1 +0110100 Uchiama 1 +0110100 Lubasch 1 +0110100 Mansmann 1 +0110100 Gort 1 +0110100 Banez 1 +0110100 Gawain 1 +0110100 Guedj 1 +0110100 Veeck 1 +0110100 Melinkoff 1 +0110100 Heschmeyer 1 +0110100 Oafid 1 +0110100 Hagge 1 +0110100 Sohlman 1 +0110100 Streiker 1 +0110100 Raphaelson 1 +0110100 Ommerle 1 +0110100 Rebick 1 +0110100 Devison 1 +0110100 Hourbeigt 1 +0110100 Leiser 1 +0110100 Shiras 1 +0110100 Lehnhoff 1 +0110100 Lidner 1 +0110100 Larin 1 +0110100 Kusada 1 +0110100 Ackman 1 +0110100 Menenendez 1 +0110100 Young-Jin 1 +0110100 Emptage 1 +0110100 Okrayan 1 +0110100 Greenpan 1 +0110100 Gillingham 1 +0110100 Tuttleton 1 +0110100 Capones 1 +0110100 Tiggy-Winkle 1 +0110100 Donaldson. 1 +0110100 Macchio 1 +0110100 Schayes 1 +0110100 CONNALLY 1 +0110100 Russonello 1 +0110100 Ysaye 1 +0110100 Ondeck 1 +0110100 Jaising 1 +0110100 Sahr 1 +0110100 Taffet 1 +0110100 Smithsays 1 +0110100 Menedez 1 +0110100 Moyne 1 +0110100 Bothne 1 +0110100 Higuera 1 +0110100 Kander 1 +0110100 Ebb 1 +0110100 Krupansky 1 +0110100 Wagons-lits 1 +0110100 Automne 1 +0110100 Unser 1 +0110100 Sweikert 1 +0110100 Ayuho 1 +0110100 Imprimerie 1 +0110100 Eickelberg 1 +0110100 Biddulph 1 +0110100 Klitgaard 1 +0110100 Leppert 1 +0110100 Superczynski 1 +0110100 Brettell 1 +0110100 Cachin 1 +0110100 Kovitz 1 +0110100 Rapalics 1 +0110100 Gubser 1 +0110100 Dearie 1 +0110100 Malik 1 +0110100 Toomey 1 +0110100 Liotta 1 +0110100 Gronek 1 +0110100 Pfluger 1 +0110100 Halbfass 1 +0110100 Eifman 1 +0110100 Garville 1 +0110100 Moteren 1 +0110100 Briantsev 1 +0110100 Gauss 1 +0110100 Todaro 1 +0110100 McDougald 1 +0110100 Getschow 1 +0110100 Fromyer 1 +0110100 Morozov 1 +0110100 Gaponova 1 +0110100 Jinxing 1 +0110100 Polim 1 +0110100 Wildfang 1 +0110100 Fettweiss 1 +0110100 Ruffenach 1 +0110100 Eto 1 +0110100 Kyl 1 +0110100 Mimun 1 +0110100 Grimmer 1 +0110100 Pang. 1 +0110100 Frehner 1 +0110100 Growdon 1 +0110100 J.Harris 1 +0110100 MacManon 1 +0110100 Stangberg 1 +0110100 Brander 1 +0110100 Moorthy 1 +0110100 Burtless 1 +0110100 Scents. 1 +0110100 Hollishead 1 +0110100 Eliots 1 +0110100 Dugle 1 +0110100 Roumiguiere 1 +0110100 Seaber 1 +0110100 Carraro 1 +0110100 Moneta 1 +0110100 Middlekauff 1 +0110100 Nessel 1 +0110100 Micelli 1 +0110100 Diker 1 +0110100 Guingona 1 +0110100 Steortz 1 +0110100 Adie 1 +0110100 Gratch 1 +0110100 Olesiak 1 +0110100 Buch 1 +0110100 Loncraine 1 +0110100 Prochnow 1 +0110100 Wicket 1 +0110100 Semagran 1 +0110100 Lomans 1 +0110100 Siler 1 +0110100 Rovwn 1 +0110100 Bariscillo 1 +0110100 Hochbruecker 1 +0110100 Maemura 1 +0110100 Pichey 1 +0110100 Ronning 1 +0110100 Goshgarian 1 +0110100 Chaseman 1 +0110100 BenDov 1 +0110100 Whitcombe 1 +0110100 McCullaugh 1 +0110100 Hasior 1 +0110100 Kozaric 1 +0110100 Joensson 1 +0110100 Lubinski 1 +0110100 SAFIRE 1 +0110100 Nordkamp 1 +0110100 Gabal 1 +0110100 Ostertag 1 +0110100 Santelle 1 +0110100 elBashir 1 +0110100 Drabek 1 +0110100 Bream 1 +0110100 Pedrique 1 +0110100 Zurzolo 1 +0110100 Hewko 1 +0110100 Chediek 1 +0110100 Ishizuka 1 +0110100 Riskin 1 +0110100 Carlgren 1 +0110100 Gentzel 1 +0110100 Mone 1 +0110100 Galbraiths 1 +0110100 Hernandez-Pinero 1 +0110100 Freij 1 +0110100 Nyhan 1 +0110100 Prouvoyeur 1 +0110100 Goldeen 1 +0110100 Andoe 1 +0110100 Kasdi 1 +0110100 Biben 1 +0110100 Paroo 1 +0110100 Maudlin 1 +0110100 Fedeli 1 +0110100 Dungan 1 +0110100 Bungey 1 +0110100 Kinsolving 1 +0110100 DeHimer 1 +0110100 Weinzierl 1 +0110100 Hanneman 1 +0110100 Devane 1 +0110100 Adamek 1 +0110100 Gadda 1 +0110100 Musil 1 +0110100 Severin 1 +0110100 Brunis 1 +0110100 Sudhalter 1 +0110100 Cidre 1 +0110100 Villwock 1 +0110100 DioGuardi. 1 +0110100 Atchealak 1 +0110100 Listanowsky 1 +0110100 Ranno 1 +0110100 Fulwider 1 +0110100 Loev 1 +0110100 Carifa 1 +0110100 Shellenbarger 1 +0110100 Luger 1 +0110100 Grommet 1 +0110100 Siefman 1 +0110100 Galletly 1 +0110100 Morel 1 +0110100 Hingst 1 +0110100 Eiffler 1 +0110100 Basch 1 +0110100 Tanimira 1 +0110100 Bollwitt 1 +0110100 Viorst 1 +0110100 Andreyev 1 +0110100 Kasarov 1 +0110100 Storrer 1 +0110100 Ruzika 1 +0110100 Smibert 1 +0110100 Seacat 1 +0110100 Barkoff 1 +0110100 Jaans 1 +0110100 Golsen 1 +0110100 Tardio 1 +0110100 Colacello 1 +0110100 Liberati 1 +0110100 Hidas 1 +0110100 Showcross 1 +0110100 Steinbruner 1 +0110100 Prusa 1 +0110100 Kaza 1 +0110100 Perraudin 1 +0110100 Tomsho 1 +0110100 Clason 1 +0110100 Bohla 1 +0110100 A.Bilzerian 1 +0110100 Lanker 1 +0110100 Garrision 1 +0110100 Konig 1 +0110100 Villepique 1 +0110100 Vennochi 1 +0110100 Shavers 1 +0110100 Hilkert 1 +0110100 Solomon-Glover 1 +0110100 Schiffren 1 +0110100 Bazemore 1 +0110100 Vanterpool 1 +0110100 Hickok 1 +0110100 Scammon 1 +0110100 Maradudin 1 +0110100 Goldchmidt 1 +0110100 Krosnick 1 +0110100 Blauser 1 +0110100 Lilliquist 1 +0110100 Smolz 1 +0110100 Ochsenchlager 1 +0110100 Loc 1 +0110100 Furillo 1 +0110100 ul-Islam 1 +0110100 Parthenopoulos 1 +0110100 Seremba 1 +0110100 Rentzepis 1 +0110100 Coni 1 +0110100 Sere 1 +0110100 Pondexter 1 +0110100 Motta 1 +0110100 Boerwinkle 1 +0110100 Kastil 1 +0110100 Boddy 1 +0110100 Ohkuma 1 +0110100 Alquist 1 +0110100 Alstyne 1 +0110100 Hovas 1 +0110100 Schmertzler 1 +0110100 Jovine 1 +0110100 Vajda 1 +0110100 Pignataro 1 +0110100 Wright. 1 +0110100 Konnyu 1 +0110100 Volpano 1 +0110100 Mulrennan 1 +0110100 Maestas 1 +0110100 Norfleet 1 +0110100 Corn-Revere 1 +0110100 Noseworthy 1 +0110100 Tiburski 1 +0110100 Puttman 1 +0110100 Blands 1 +0110100 Trumans 1 +0110100 Carsonization 1 +0110100 Figura 1 +0110100 Branman 1 +0110100 Waldheim. 1 +0110100 Bronstron 1 +0110100 Prottas 1 +0110100 Adlow 1 +0110100 Henretta 1 +0110100 Staub 1 +0110100 Toyosawa 1 +0110100 Posey. 1 +0110100 Ulvaeus 1 +0110100 Sergievsky 1 +0110100 Szasz 1 +0110100 Krafcik 1 +0110100 Cherkin 1 +0110100 Podres 1 +0110100 Niedenfuer 1 +0110100 Briles 1 +0110100 Cuskern 1 +0110100 prostrates 1 +0110100 Goudge 1 +0110100 Varasi 1 +0110100 Kosten 1 +0110100 Feikens 1 +0110100 Icaza 1 +0110100 Linbaugh 1 +0110100 Mednis 1 +0110100 Pallottini 1 +0110100 Juans 1 +0110100 Krzyzewski 1 +0110100 Pork. 1 +0110100 Andersch 1 +0110100 Electicite 1 +0110100 Gayetot 1 +0110100 Tylers 1 +0110100 Horrick 1 +0110100 Labow 1 +0110100 Hesseltine 1 +0110100 Moscone 1 +0110100 Salzgeber 1 +0110100 Sturzenegger 1 +0110100 Tosti 1 +0110100 Cruz-Romo 1 +0110100 Melhado 1 +0110100 Curteis 1 +0110100 Ebbutt 1 +0110100 Carwein 1 +0110100 Horsmans 1 +0110100 DeVenuta 1 +0110100 Katzir 1 +0110100 Al-Naja 1 +0110100 Eget 1 +0110100 Souto 1 +0110100 Phalon 1 +0110100 Sattin 1 +0110100 Majovski 1 +0110100 Brumby 1 +0110100 Dumestre 1 +0110100 Rybacki 1 +0110100 Striha 1 +0110100 Gatchell 1 +0110100 Soumerai 1 +0110100 Tomba 1 +0110100 Accola 1 +0110100 Kieslowski 1 +0110100 VIIs 1 +0110100 Jarmusch 1 +0110100 Kellaway 1 +0110100 Rilling 1 +0110100 Wristons 1 +0110100 Maruquin 1 +0110100 Fagen 1 +0110100 Druzinski 1 +0110100 Mustie 1 +0110100 Schulmeyer 1 +0110100 Schrieber 1 +0110100 Smolka 1 +0110100 DeSeta 1 +0110100 Karambelas 1 +0110100 Pallieres 1 +0110100 Balner 1 +0110100 EGYPT 1 +0110100 Courtot 1 +0110100 Dentinger 1 +0110100 Riefler 1 +0110100 Aquilar 1 +0110100 Utrata 1 +0110100 Belusconi 1 +0110100 Umberson 1 +0110100 Gamez 1 +0110100 Romadin 1 +0110100 Shilinski 1 +0110100 Tabaka 1 +0110100 Orr-Cahall 1 +0110100 Grishaw-Mueller 1 +0110100 Belyanov 1 +0110100 Gertoberens 1 +0110100 Rockel 1 +0110100 Brindley 1 +0110100 Szabow 1 +0110100 counterpunched 1 +0110100 Kamlani 1 +0110100 Akerman 1 +0110100 Firor 1 +0110100 Murnick 1 +0110100 Davola 1 +0110100 Schwartz-Schilling 1 +0110100 Baumhauer 1 +0110100 Mandadori 1 +0110100 Ellenberg 1 +0110100 Keslar 1 +0110100 Westling 1 +0110100 Hakimoglu 1 +0110100 Hammer. 1 +0110100 Jocou 1 +0110100 Blunden 1 +0110100 Ohuchi 1 +0110100 Collingwood 1 +0110100 Malaprop 1 +0110100 Mover 1 +0110100 Zakaria 1 +0110100 Googin 1 +0110100 Casell 1 +0110100 Netti 1 +0110100 Gallaire-Bourega 1 +0110100 Tauro 1 +0110100 Rostenskowski 1 +0110100 Ortega-Padilla 1 +0110100 Landerman 1 +0110100 Haigh-Neal 1 +0110100 Maltin 1 +0110100 Slotsve 1 +0110100 Garrin 1 +0110100 IndoSuez 1 +0110100 Saravalle 1 +0110100 Riger 1 +0110100 Viallat 1 +0110100 Bernik 1 +0110100 Guaita 1 +0110100 Scheibl 1 +0110100 Asdrubali 1 +0110100 Morlotti 1 +0110100 Pomodoro 1 +0110100 Toya 1 +0110100 Uematsu 1 +0110100 Boshell 1 +0110100 Eckholt 1 +0110100 Naftzger 1 +0110100 Hubler 1 +0110100 Alkan 1 +0110100 Harapiak 1 +0110100 Combest 1 +0110100 Mirren 1 +0110100 Grohl 1 +0110100 Patawaran 1 +0110100 Hommes 1 +0110100 Rushd 1 +0110100 Muris 1 +0110100 Tierno 1 +0110100 Mukong 1 +0110100 Skilton 1 +0110100 Gillogly 1 +0110100 Keschl 1 +0110100 Yardenis 1 +0110100 LeCarre 1 +0110100 Kageyama 1 +0110100 Ruckdeschel 1 +0110100 Dashichev 1 +0110100 Turbay 1 +0110100 Fortunato 1 +0110100 Nykvist 1 +0110100 Grealish 1 +0110100 Bunka 1 +0110100 Shtern 1 +0110100 Morcroft 1 +0110100 Levante 1 +0110100 Meunier 1 +0110100 Gerroll 1 +0110100 Ransdell 1 +0110100 Pankow 1 +0110100 Rizvi 1 +0110100 Berlinghoff 1 +0110100 Want-XXVIII 1 +0110100 Jarreau 1 +0110100 Follender 1 +0110100 Schenken 1 +0110100 v.d. 1 +0110100 Pickins 1 +0110100 Foucauld 1 +0110100 Byck 1 +0110100 Tunstall 1 +0110100 Brosnen 1 +0110100 Kual 1 +0110100 LaBant 1 +0110100 Krasnow 1 +0110100 Euler 1 +0110100 Wermeil 1 +0110100 Shoob 1 +0110100 McTiernan 1 +0110100 Nourbakhsh 1 +0110100 Germond. 1 +0110100 Thornill 1 +0110100 Gass 1 +0110100 Bellah 1 +0110100 Egypte 1 +0110100 Sucreries 1 +0110100 Yeulet 1 +0110100 Coxford 1 +0110100 Gazdar 1 +0110100 Albukerk 1 +0110100 Hulya 1 +0110100 Chelios 1 +0110100 Olczyk 1 +0110100 Relias 1 +0110100 Ryun 1 +0110100 Rubins 1 +0110100 Shatz 1 +0110100 Uran 1 +0110100 Dlepu 1 +0110100 Gethin-Jones 1 +0110100 Pasake 1 +0110100 Kansteiner 1 +0110100 DANNEMILLER 1 +0110100 Vanata 1 +0110100 LoRusso 1 +0110100 Pezon 1 +0110100 Robichaud 1 +0110100 Truhe 1 +0110100 Mokren 1 +0110100 Dahill 1 +0110100 Knaup 1 +0110100 LoCastro 1 +0110100 Baltensweiler 1 +0110100 Stitzel 1 +0110100 Rosten 1 +0110100 DeMong 1 +0110100 Krupski 1 +0110100 Myhill 1 +0110100 Kleeblatt 1 +0110100 Lightman 1 +0110100 Huether 1 +0110100 Pantoliano 1 +0110100 Horioka 1 +0110100 Trenet 1 +0110100 Badura-Skoda 1 +0110100 Pommier 1 +0110100 Khali 1 +0110100 Boom-Boom 1 +0110100 Gersner 1 +0110100 Chasez 1 +0110100 Hosseini 1 +0110100 Kahklen 1 +0110100 Zavludovsky 1 +0110100 Polyakova 1 +0110100 Glab 1 +0110100 Papadimitriou 1 +0110100 Brandoni 1 +0110100 Leyva 1 +0110100 Ravich 1 +0110100 Reitz 1 +0110100 Naganawa 1 +0110100 Chapouthier 1 +0110100 Joyer 1 +0110100 Exter 1 +0110100 DeCerchio 1 +0110100 Hanazuka 1 +0110100 Namara 1 +0110100 Tulman 1 +0110100 8218 1 +0110100 Nyks 1 +0110100 Pavony 1 +0110100 Jovic 1 +0110100 Hittner 1 +0110100 Shahrabani 1 +0110100 SCHUMER 1 +0110100 Mottahedeh 1 +0110100 Buttavacoli 1 +0110100 Wiesman 1 +0110100 Avenir 1 +0110100 Bonasorte 1 +0110100 Wedgeworth 1 +0110100 Wolkind 1 +0110100 Hustace 1 +0110100 Rivoli 1 +0110100 Reidenbach 1 +0110100 Herger 1 +0110100 LeMen 1 +0110100 Littky 1 +0110100 Lindzen 1 +0110100 Ramathan 1 +0110100 Ellsaesser 1 +0110100 Rowland-Morin 1 +0110100 Sapienza 1 +0110100 Kishii 1 +0110100 Wolfe-ish 1 +0110100 Angrist 1 +0110100 Vescos 1 +0110100 Fortenbaugh 1 +0110100 Lewit-Nirenberg 1 +0110100 Tsukamoto 1 +0110100 Miroshina 1 +0110100 Quillen 1 +0110100 Chunn 1 +0110100 Heymeyer 1 +0110100 Brinkel 1 +0110100 Voutila 1 +0110100 Cronenberger 1 +0110100 Draftula 1 +0110100 Kodama 1 +0110100 Bonynge 1 +0110100 Nissa 1 +0110100 Tenda 1 +0110100 Weikl 1 +0110100 Panerei 1 +0110100 Apostol 1 +0110100 Giamattai 1 +0110100 Naders 1 +0110100 Mazzocchi 1 +0110100 Agathocleous 1 +0110100 Weissmuller 1 +0110100 Bebey 1 +0110100 Eckstein 1 +0110100 Goldenthal 1 +0110100 Baskerville 1 +0110100 Tetrud 1 +0110100 Tsoucalas 1 +0110100 Khaldun 1 +0110100 Taimiya 1 +0110100 Crego 1 +0110100 Haytow 1 +0110100 Boldrick 1 +0110100 Konvitz 1 +0110100 Lapique 1 +0110100 Agam 1 +0110100 Theriault 1 +0110100 Brasiliensis 1 +0110100 Denslow 1 +0110100 Pres 1 +0110100 Donath 1 +0110100 Trettien 1 +0110100 Serres 1 +0110100 Fezza 1 +0110100 Soyfer 1 +0110100 Nascimento 1 +0110100 Huscher 1 +0110100 Timnick 1 +0110100 Sugalski 1 +0110100 Gazdag 1 +0110100 Kovacic 1 +0110100 el-Dayem 1 +0110100 Fulwood 1 +0110100 Delaunay 1 +0110100 Bonga 1 +0110100 Shtromas 1 +0110100 Jicha 1 +0110100 Warman 1 +0110100 Yamasaki 1 +0110100 Netsch 1 +0110100 Mittelhoffer 1 +0110100 Saag 1 +0110100 Sikking 1 +0110100 Schleiermacher 1 +0110100 Lifson 1 +0110100 Aulsenbrook 1 +0110100 Chieffo 1 +0110100 MacDonell 1 +0110100 Dente 1 +0110100 Biryukov 1 +0110100 Anderson-Ellis 1 +0110100 Olea 1 +0110100 Bokat 1 +0110100 Amick 1 +0110100 Oberle 1 +0110100 Kutz 1 +0110100 Fronistas 1 +0110100 Sincoff 1 +0110100 poisson 1 +0110100 Rullo 1 +0110100 Rueda 1 +0110100 Psellus 1 +0110100 Zile 1 +0110100 Badder 1 +0110100 Brangwen 1 +0110100 Schmotter 1 +0110100 Sluman 1 +0110100 Beyle 1 +0110100 Salins 1 +0110100 Kostecka 1 +0110100 Gesellius 1 +0110100 Holditch 1 +0110100 Tenorio 1 +0110100 Villamiel 1 +0110100 Scrivener 1 +0110100 Mrozinksi 1 +0110100 Nalbone 1 +0110100 Nishikido 1 +0110100 Hadwin 1 +0110100 Slobodow 1 +0110100 Giron 1 +0110100 Takaezu 1 +0110100 Onuma 1 +0110100 Burbridge 1 +0110100 Preeg 1 +0110100 Imscher 1 +0110100 Irmscher 1 +0110100 Ganani 1 +0110100 Partom 1 +0110100 Felsenthal 1 +0110100 Naess 1 +0110100 Rostenkowksi 1 +0110100 Butorac 1 +0110100 Goodvibes 1 +0110100 Ooms 1 +0110100 Colter 1 +0110100 Ford. 1 +0110100 Jelinek-Fink 1 +0110100 Engberman 1 +0110100 Henritze 1 +0110100 Ciniero 1 +0110100 Balestrino 1 +0110100 Bilden 1 +0110100 Scrope 1 +0110100 Hamlett 1 +0110100 Laband 1 +0110100 Taskeshita 1 +0110100 Bonavera 1 +0110100 Kuerti 1 +0110100 Shomron 1 +0110100 gaines 1 +0110100 Barnaud 1 +0110100 Puzaitzer 1 +0110100 Mesa-Lago 1 +0110100 Wedekind 1 +0110100 Patou 1 +0110100 Theismann 1 +0110100 Boop 1 +0110100 Lenkin 1 +0110100 Youngclaus 1 +0110100 Gasche 1 +0110100 Hugick 1 +0110100 Crenna 1 +0110100 Cippollone 1 +0110100 athlete-to-athlete 1 +0110100 Pendziakow 1 +0110100 conocer 1 +0110100 Kopel 1 +0110100 Kleck 1 +0110100 Zoarski 1 +0110100 bawls 1 +0110100 Rollnick 1 +0110100 Ubben 1 +0110100 Feenberg 1 +0110100 Weigelt 1 +0110100 Ribuffo 1 +0110100 Reems 1 +0110100 Spiess 1 +0110100 Cannella 1 +0110100 Thomas-Vitrac 1 +0110100 Gubers 1 +0110100 Menand 1 +0110100 Chrystals 1 +0110100 Berscheid 1 +0110100 Walster 1 +0110100 Diab 1 +0110100 Wontner 1 +0110100 Gesu 1 +0110100 Schmeling 1 +0110100 Kneser 1 +0110100 Petito 1 +0110100 Poell 1 +0110100 Karrubi 1 +0110100 Abrew 1 +0110100 Wulfes 1 +0110100 McKanic 1 +0110100 Seidenthal 1 +0110100 Schrum 1 +0110100 Bren 1 +0110100 Hedquist 1 +0110100 Capuccino 1 +0110100 Manlove 1 +0110100 Olechowski 1 +0110100 Pianko 1 +0110100 Pappalardi 1 +0110100 Filippini 1 +0110100 Calles 1 +0110100 Magat 1 +0110100 Nicoletti 1 +0110100 Ogushi 1 +0110100 Eynon 1 +0110100 Rabello 1 +0110100 Brubeck 1 +0110100 Legge 1 +0110100 Attanasio 1 +0110100 Hoffenberger 1 +0110100 Ohira 1 +0110100 Gribbin 1 +0110100 Ramati 1 +0110100 Devito 1 +0110100 McCary 1 +0110100 Biggio 1 +0110100 Oberkfell 1 +0110100 Relin 1 +0110100 McCovey 1 +0110100 Salin 1 +0110100 Grassely 1 +0110100 Bastiat 1 +0110100 DerZee 1 +0110100 Gedrick 1 +0110100 Geremek 1 +0110100 DeClue 1 +0110100 Barne 1 +0110100 Kazurinsky 1 +0110100 Bujak 1 +0110100 Hadzidakis 1 +0110100 Nathusius 1 +0110100 Petroles/Total 1 +0110100 Keath 1 +0110100 Arness 1 +0110100 Beregevoy 1 +0110100 Bilirikis 1 +0110100 Driekas 1 +0110100 Gummer 1 +0110100 Vollard 1 +0110100 CROUCH 1 +0110100 Ayob 1 +0110100 Cullberg 1 +0110100 Patsalas 1 +0110100 Hindberg 1 +0110100 Villumsen 1 +0110100 Marietta-Allied-Bendix 1 +0110100 Kehlet 1 +0110100 Ryom 1 +0110100 Khouja 1 +0110100 Delloye 1 +0110100 Brookens 1 +0110100 Haserot 1 +0110100 CALI 1 +0110100 Greaver 1 +0110100 Georgano 1 +0110100 Gewitz 1 +0110100 Liebling-type 1 +0110100 Paffendorf 1 +0110100 Doti 1 +0110100 Chamness 1 +0110100 Watchtel 1 +0110100 Schuppert 1 +0110100 Spickelmier 1 +0110100 Schawlow 1 +0110100 Momeka 1 +0110100 Ursprung 1 +0110100 Aviles 1 +0110100 Hanaway 1 +0110100 Lipincott 1 +0110100 Saettele 1 +0110100 Yudof 1 +0110100 Filipe 1 +0110100 Mickelsen 1 +0110100 Chaves 1 +0110100 Corrine 1 +0110100 Knapton 1 +0110100 Lisitchkin 1 +0110100 Skulason 1 +0110100 Bogomolov 1 +0110100 Chown 1 +0110100 Aikin 1 +0110100 Kulp 1 +0110100 Horwtiz 1 +0110100 Lipsitz 1 +0110100 Knonstam 1 +0110100 Ichel 1 +0110100 Marschall 1 +0110100 Weigl 1 +0110100 Flagstad 1 +0110100 Lieu 1 +0110100 Sigurdsen 1 +0110100 Sheindlin 1 +0110100 Rugunda 1 +0110100 Barchas 1 +0110100 Kenefick 1 +0110100 Aase 1 +0110100 Niwa 1 +0110100 Bines 1 +0110100 Zachmanoglou 1 +0110100 Gosch 1 +0110100 Willebrands 1 +0110100 Sinkel 1 +0110100 Oguchi 1 +0110100 Akiyama 1 +0110100 Drosselmeyer 1 +0110100 Landi 1 +0110100 Arbor-based 1 +0110100 Cruger 1 +0110100 Kuteinikov 1 +0110100 Rizopolous 1 +0110100 Delves 1 +0110100 Leisening 1 +0110100 Bluedorn 1 +0110100 Haddon-Cave 1 +0110100 Bastien-Lepage 1 +0110100 Cherniss 1 +0110100 Luff 1 +0110100 Perdziola 1 +0110100 Kolomyjec 1 +0110100 Kuether 1 +0110100 Harsbarger 1 +0110100 Bolick 1 +0110100 Tu-an-Ku 1 +0110100 Cranko 1 +0110100 Pollare 1 +0110100 Schwartzburg 1 +0110100 Sbarge 1 +0110100 Kronthal 1 +0110100 Lenzner 1 +0110100 Millbank 1 +0110100 Wicklund 1 +0110100 Podolny 1 +0110100 LaChiusa 1 +0110100 Lavalliere 1 +0110100 Hantash 1 +0110100 Kovalyova 1 +0110100 Sinyavskaya 1 +0110100 Grisoni 1 +0110100 Amit 1 +0110100 Szymanowski 1 +0110100 Horenstein 1 +0110100 Persichetti 1 +0110100 Jacbobs 1 +0110100 Lassila 1 +0110100 Paxon 1 +0110100 Simondi 1 +0110100 Zhuangzhuang 1 +0110100 Fokine 1 +0110100 Spangrude 1 +0110100 Buis 1 +0110100 Gervase 1 +0110100 Custine 1 +0110100 Vickstrom 1 +0110100 Hnatyshyn 1 +0110100 Knetzger 1 +0110100 Tuvim 1 +0110100 Vinelli 1 +0110100 Aburn 1 +0110100 Pardau 1 +0110100 Begue 1 +0110100 Eisentstat 1 +0110100 Aveline 1 +0110100 Sischy 1 +0110100 Couperin 1 +0110100 Bolter 1 +0110100 Schlamme 1 +0110100 Venuto 1 +0110100 Eui 1 +0110100 Wujec 1 +0110100 Delius 1 +0110100 Boym 1 +0110100 DeMarte 1 +0110100 Argerich 1 +0110100 Spruance 1 +0110100 Sloans 1 +0110100 Gilboa 1 +0110100 Ahto 2 +0110100 Klarer 2 +0110100 Spindt 2 +0110100 Banawan 2 +0110100 Budig 2 +0110100 Sherden 2 +0110100 Silbermann 2 +0110100 Bouey 2 +0110100 Heeder 2 +0110100 Loder 2 +0110100 Greensher 2 +0110100 Gephardts 2 +0110100 LeBreton 2 +0110100 Varda 2 +0110100 Murdochs 2 +0110100 Krauch 2 +0110100 Kilgus 2 +0110100 Tamagni 2 +0110100 Weinshienk 2 +0110100 Ganin 2 +0110100 Gregoric 2 +0110100 Hochendoner 2 +0110100 Santacruz 2 +0110100 Bharadwaja 2 +0110100 Hrudka 2 +0110100 Storani 2 +0110100 Shushan 2 +0110100 Warwick-Ching 2 +0110100 Escolese 2 +0110100 Schoenfein 2 +0110100 Randova 2 +0110100 Barokocy 2 +0110100 Basnight 2 +0110100 Brebbia 2 +0110100 Pecori 2 +0110100 Compe 2 +0110100 Promutico 2 +0110100 Wajnert 2 +0110100 Gritzmaker 2 +0110100 Yuchengco 2 +0110100 Krindler 2 +0110100 Cariou 2 +0110100 St-Laurent 2 +0110100 Poscente 2 +0110100 Gennrich 2 +0110100 Slusarczyk 2 +0110100 Gilbert-Rolfe 2 +0110100 Wical 2 +0110100 Woodliff 2 +0110100 Dauer 2 +0110100 Wagnon 2 +0110100 Fassi 2 +0110100 Namberg 2 +0110100 Buchbinder 2 +0110100 Cassilly 2 +0110100 Kronenfeld 2 +0110100 Szudrawski 2 +0110100 Brenes 2 +0110100 Madara 2 +0110100 Shcherbina 2 +0110100 Steinke 2 +0110100 Marchesi 2 +0110100 Lemayev 2 +0110100 Griskey 2 +0110100 Orechio 2 +0110100 Kietzman 2 +0110100 Mainwaring 2 +0110100 Kuhlke 2 +0110100 Neinstedt 2 +0110100 Loudermilk 2 +0110100 Molopi 2 +0110100 Crane-Baker 2 +0110100 Galantowicz 2 +0110100 Goessel 2 +0110100 Whitacker 2 +0110100 Schmuckli 2 +0110100 Karmel 2 +0110100 Andreev 2 +0110100 Stata 2 +0110100 Wittkin 2 +0110100 Kaluzny 2 +0110100 Seif 2 +0110100 Colabella 2 +0110100 Fondersmith 2 +0110100 Whipp 2 +0110100 Geng 2 +0110100 Foerde 2 +0110100 Breau 2 +0110100 Pogett 2 +0110100 Sedgley 2 +0110100 Barbret 2 +0110100 DeGhetto 2 +0110100 Senderowitz 2 +0110100 Palcy 2 +0110100 Bosomworth 2 +0110100 Berquist 2 +0110100 Mattsson 2 +0110100 Gostin 2 +0110100 Balch 2 +0110100 MacIntire 2 +0110100 Legorreta 2 +0110100 Bonett 2 +0110100 Moulthrop 2 +0110100 Gouw 2 +0110100 Leonis 2 +0110100 Ermita 2 +0110100 Zigarlick 2 +0110100 Moravec 2 +0110100 Konovalov 2 +0110100 Mongaka 2 +0110100 Castillo-Ramos 2 +0110100 World-USA 2 +0110100 Klott 2 +0110100 Genson 2 +0110100 Collischon 2 +0110100 Iori 2 +0110100 Blonder 2 +0110100 Prio 2 +0110100 Mendis 2 +0110100 Freind 2 +0110100 Takakuwa 2 +0110100 Hilboldt 2 +0110100 Lambi 2 +0110100 Gulyas 2 +0110100 Pinales 2 +0110100 Imsirovic 2 +0110100 Duquesnoy 2 +0110100 Auten 2 +0110100 Barthell 2 +0110100 Ulman 2 +0110100 Radermacher 2 +0110100 Andreacchio 2 +0110100 Distler 2 +0110100 Ferencik 2 +0110100 Caroli 2 +0110100 Lahmer 2 +0110100 Osenton 2 +0110100 Haims 2 +0110100 1er 2 +0110100 Portet 2 +0110100 Godman 2 +0110100 Kristof 2 +0110100 Myrberg 2 +0110100 Trotti 2 +0110100 Olafson 2 +0110100 Librick 2 +0110100 Farwick 2 +0110100 Trukhanovski 2 +0110100 Gauvry 2 +0110100 Hirzy 2 +0110100 Morgenstein 2 +0110100 Prater 2 +0110100 Romanchek 2 +0110100 Dichter 2 +0110100 Lipeles 2 +0110100 Mullan 2 +0110100 Shinsato 2 +0110100 Landowska 2 +0110100 Guntley 2 +0110100 Soughers 2 +0110100 Rapawy 2 +0110100 Weisenberg 2 +0110100 Mottaz 2 +0110100 Arpino 2 +0110100 Driska 2 +0110100 Ritardi 2 +0110100 Chatha 2 +0110100 Esher 2 +0110100 Homol 2 +0110100 Raup 2 +0110100 Kunze 2 +0110100 Rutigliano 2 +0110100 Faulder 2 +0110100 Schaedler 2 +0110100 Hosenball 2 +0110100 Nazzella 2 +0110100 Eule 2 +0110100 Alexandru 2 +0110100 Caputa 2 +0110100 Larrocha 2 +0110100 Polich 2 +0110100 Bolsinger 2 +0110100 Insull 2 +0110100 Swanborn 2 +0110100 Pfaff 2 +0110100 Cialone 2 +0110100 Kerich 2 +0110100 Baas 2 +0110100 Raftopoulos 2 +0110100 Swart 2 +0110100 Giap 2 +0110100 Hingorani 2 +0110100 Pazzianotto 2 +0110100 Lannin 2 +0110100 Liederman 2 +0110100 Fadden 2 +0110100 Stinnett 2 +0110100 Leasburg 2 +0110100 Agisheva 2 +0110100 Kastor 2 +0110100 Vishnevsky 2 +0110100 Strassels 2 +0110100 Tapia 2 +0110100 Tomowa-Sintow 2 +0110100 Manclark 2 +0110100 Govier 2 +0110100 Lelogeais 2 +0110100 Kertz 2 +0110100 Hlapane 2 +0110100 Orizondo 2 +0110100 Mollerstuen 2 +0110100 Baka 2 +0110100 Donges 2 +0110100 Helfand 2 +0110100 Horoszko 2 +0110100 Simonis 2 +0110100 Burchinal 2 +0110100 Nenadal 2 +0110100 Reichek 2 +0110100 Murmann 2 +0110100 Blaker 2 +0110100 Peaslee 2 +0110100 Billmeyer 2 +0110100 Fillepello 2 +0110100 Hoemke 2 +0110100 Gretz 2 +0110100 Skidelsky 2 +0110100 Klaucke 2 +0110100 Ribohn 2 +0110100 Hagegard 2 +0110100 Sojo 2 +0110100 Jumpasat 2 +0110100 Tremml 2 +0110100 Rydell 2 +0110100 Cefaly 2 +0110100 VanSanten 2 +0110100 Holaday 2 +0110100 Allik 2 +0110100 Murdock-Vaughn 2 +0110100 Mitty 2 +0110100 Nemoto 2 +0110100 Wintemute 2 +0110100 Vincola 2 +0110100 Hendee 2 +0110100 Pechter 2 +0110100 Gora 2 +0110100 Yerusalim 2 +0110100 Hoydysh 2 +0110100 Mehra 2 +0110100 Streater 2 +0110100 Djilas 2 +0110100 Fousek 2 +0110100 Krivoshe 2 +0110100 Tinguely 2 +0110100 Lawrenson 2 +0110100 Nigl 2 +0110100 McGue 2 +0110100 Groer 2 +0110100 Sellitti 2 +0110100 Shabazian 2 +0110100 Whitelaw 2 +0110100 Shuttleworth 2 +0110100 Burros 2 +0110100 Gralnick 2 +0110100 Sinkler 2 +0110100 Kakuta 2 +0110100 Schiraldi 2 +0110100 McDivitt 2 +0110100 Gussin 2 +0110100 Soltner 2 +0110100 Dranoff 2 +0110100 Doermer 2 +0110100 Robinov 2 +0110100 Deuel 2 +0110100 Wullenkermper 2 +0110100 Poure 2 +0110100 Godbey 2 +0110100 al-Khalifa 2 +0110100 Eckstrom 2 +0110100 Shomari 2 +0110100 Mattaini 2 +0110100 Bermant 2 +0110100 Duboc 2 +0110100 Goodgreed 2 +0110100 Trischler 2 +0110100 Rensi 2 +0110100 Makay-Coghill 2 +0110100 Arentsen 2 +0110100 Barsimentov 2 +0110100 Msuya 2 +0110100 Feinman 2 +0110100 Schoenrock 2 +0110100 Agca 2 +0110100 Abeles 2 +0110100 Cetron 2 +0110100 Slay 2 +0110100 Ilyich 2 +0110100 Sawamoto 2 +0110100 Burgasov 2 +0110100 Bankler 2 +0110100 Naitoh 2 +0110100 Tribulas 2 +0110100 Loomans 2 +0110100 Bernardini 2 +0110100 Beeson 2 +0110100 Smartt 2 +0110100 Nakatsugawa 2 +0110100 Landro 2 +0110100 Fernstrom 2 +0110100 George-Kanetiio 2 +0110100 Guilderson 2 +0110100 Zipperstein 2 +0110100 Edlund 2 +0110100 Nosiglia 2 +0110100 Jaunarena 2 +0110100 Clurman 2 +0110100 Croston 2 +0110100 Kounas 2 +0110100 Naymark 2 +0110100 Shirazi 2 +0110100 Lestienne 2 +0110100 Slivka 2 +0110100 Bullman 2 +0110100 Gilbertie 2 +0110100 Forseth 2 +0110100 Trevisan 2 +0110100 Velvel 2 +0110100 Gulyaev 2 +0110100 Reinfeld 2 +0110100 Woodberry 2 +0110100 Nevins 2 +0110100 Odean 2 +0110100 Scheelhaase 2 +0110100 Rottenberg 2 +0110100 Rueda-Sabater 2 +0110100 McAtee 2 +0110100 Romo 2 +0110100 Desselle 2 +0110100 Yirka 2 +0110100 Gelgota 2 +0110100 Zawlocki 2 +0110100 Litman 2 +0110100 Weatherup 2 +0110100 Kurtzman 2 +0110100 Douek 2 +0110100 Krummen 2 +0110100 Teske 2 +0110100 Boerner 2 +0110100 Cristofano 2 +0110100 Sanga 2 +0110100 Covello 2 +0110100 Kahveci 2 +0110100 McWhinney 2 +0110100 Olkhovsky 2 +0110100 Jasso 2 +0110100 Scop 2 +0110100 Garretty 2 +0110100 Blicksilver 2 +0110100 Erlick 2 +0110100 Egnew 2 +0110100 Hansbuer 2 +0110100 Jaharis 2 +0110100 Riverin 2 +0110100 Comeaway 2 +0110100 Makoni 2 +0110100 Janiero 2 +0110100 Goldie-Scot 2 +0110100 Hatt 2 +0110100 Beschloss 2 +0110100 Boissonnat 2 +0110100 Forbosh 2 +0110100 Nehm 2 +0110100 Guillo 2 +0110100 Saumier 2 +0110100 Ibias 2 +0110100 Kokado 2 +0110100 Wooding 2 +0110100 Conine 2 +0110100 Beduhn 2 +0110100 Poage 2 +0110100 LeCave 2 +0110100 Shimamura 2 +0110100 Minoletti 2 +0110100 LaFontaine 2 +0110100 Jerney 2 +0110100 Stainforth 2 +0110100 Fithian 2 +0110100 Tabaksblat 2 +0110100 Stankard 2 +0110100 Delhom 2 +0110100 Salus 2 +0110100 Droste 2 +0110100 Nonin 2 +0110100 Incisa 2 +0110100 Puhl 2 +0110100 Brinkler 2 +0110100 Tornes 2 +0110100 Fedewa 2 +0110100 Zabowski 2 +0110100 Atchley 2 +0110100 Berghoff 2 +0110100 Justiz 2 +0110100 Raburn 2 +0110100 Smolan 2 +0110100 Neitz 2 +0110100 Kobel 2 +0110100 Chevenement 2 +0110100 Burkart 2 +0110100 Pillai 2 +0110100 Eggbeer 2 +0110100 Sleeman 2 +0110100 Prucker 2 +0110100 MacGuire 2 +0110100 Priestley 2 +0110100 Scrymgeour 2 +0110100 Messelt 2 +0110100 McGarraugh 2 +0110100 Scardelletti 2 +0110100 Lurier 2 +0110100 Norvik 2 +0110100 Metraux 2 +0110100 Plowright 2 +0110100 Reisinger 2 +0110100 Mambelli 2 +0110100 Cielewich 2 +0110100 Sewright 2 +0110100 LaPota 2 +0110100 Gunberg 2 +0110100 Mackinney 2 +0110100 Burnes 2 +0110100 DeVarona 2 +0110100 Povejsil 2 +0110100 Tyda 2 +0110100 Cozadd 2 +0110100 Klassen 2 +0110100 Sup 2 +0110100 Groh 2 +0110100 Aarvik 2 +0110100 Eastvold 2 +0110100 Lemgruber 2 +0110100 Langoni 2 +0110100 Bastianini 2 +0110100 Gobbee 2 +0110100 Darr 2 +0110100 Agor 2 +0110100 Cundiff 2 +0110100 Novinsky 2 +0110100 Fons 2 +0110100 Keul 2 +0110100 Sefert 2 +0110100 Kokubu 2 +0110100 Ghigna 2 +0110100 Thigpen 2 +0110100 Torshen 2 +0110100 Ryman 2 +0110100 Gromer 2 +0110100 Tanski 2 +0110100 Batterson 2 +0110100 Kiba 2 +0110100 Lasdon 2 +0110100 Milosz 2 +0110100 Jeffee 2 +0110100 Unctuous 2 +0110100 Sanin 2 +0110100 Leitner 2 +0110100 Cammarano 2 +0110100 Heile 2 +0110100 Lenagh 2 +0110100 Meadvin 2 +0110100 Yehia 2 +0110100 Casiano 2 +0110100 Chesney 2 +0110100 Belinski 2 +0110100 Field-Fisher 2 +0110100 Stalnecker 2 +0110100 Samudio 2 +0110100 Valder 2 +0110100 Scasi 2 +0110100 Huberman 2 +0110100 Howorth 2 +0110100 Kachajian 2 +0110100 Delmaestro 2 +0110100 Daubenspeck 2 +0110100 Klingaman 2 +0110100 Remondi 2 +0110100 Gazzola 2 +0110100 Vinestein 2 +0110100 Szanton 2 +0110100 Gnerre 2 +0110100 Nejmeh 2 +0110100 Lopez-Chacon 2 +0110100 Lattanzi 2 +0110100 Schaik 2 +0110100 Scherzinger 2 +0110100 Malm 2 +0110100 Valera 2 +0110100 Hlavaty 2 +0110100 Valdetero 2 +0110100 Rogge 2 +0110100 Oppegard 2 +0110100 Moten 2 +0110100 Sidman 2 +0110100 Dunnington 2 +0110100 Bennardo 2 +0110100 Verma 2 +0110100 Dorsten 2 +0110100 Zoldessy 2 +0110100 Chayes 2 +0110100 Tono 2 +0110100 Giago 2 +0110100 Heckart 2 +0110100 Honerkamp 2 +0110100 McAthie 2 +0110100 Oubati 2 +0110100 Bratches 2 +0110100 Haarder 2 +0110100 Mexandeau 2 +0110100 Hoffstein 2 +0110100 Kamberos 2 +0110100 Pistoli 2 +0110100 Richeson 2 +0110100 Hassenfelt 2 +0110100 Majeed 2 +0110100 Amorena 2 +0110100 Wenglein 2 +0110100 Dormann 2 +0110100 Pierno 2 +0110100 Gersh 2 +0110100 Neidel 2 +0110100 Lahourcade 2 +0110100 Goodbar 2 +0110100 Lolley 2 +0110100 Hullum 2 +0110100 Campana 2 +0110100 Barkan 2 +0110100 Demoff 2 +0110100 Miggiano 2 +0110100 Callwood 2 +0110100 Pilon 2 +0110100 Plumbridge 2 +0110100 Boxell 2 +0110100 Ciccone 2 +0110100 Ewbank 2 +0110100 Gitlitz 2 +0110100 Pioe 2 +0110100 Oeverland 2 +0110100 Hulligan 2 +0110100 Kerson 2 +0110100 Sidwa 2 +0110100 Mangeot 2 +0110100 McKeever 2 +0110100 Gudenberg 2 +0110100 Abbruzzese 2 +0110100 Leishman 2 +0110100 Spacagna 2 +0110100 Marwedel 2 +0110100 Sartain 2 +0110100 McMasters 2 +0110100 Palefsky 2 +0110100 Lessler 2 +0110100 Pitot 2 +0110100 Enockson 2 +0110100 Uehara 2 +0110100 Arenberg 2 +0110100 Hauri 2 +0110100 Pinel 2 +0110100 Luscomb 2 +0110100 LePage 2 +0110100 Masubuchi 2 +0110100 Sharoui 2 +0110100 Loewenbaum 2 +0110100 Creasman 2 +0110100 Peloso 2 +0110100 Tortorello 2 +0110100 Morandi 2 +0110100 Demafelis 2 +0110100 Byrket 2 +0110100 Stuber 2 +0110100 Shub 2 +0110100 Westervelt 2 +0110100 Haselhoff 2 +0110100 Furino 2 +0110100 Medved 2 +0110100 Magrish 2 +0110100 Dorsen 2 +0110100 Cartland 2 +0110100 Langkau 2 +0110100 Cogswell 2 +0110100 Doucet 2 +0110100 Beickler 2 +0110100 Gourges 2 +0110100 Madlos 2 +0110100 Pelyhe 2 +0110100 Kranzler 2 +0110100 Kripke 2 +0110100 Breslawsky 2 +0110100 Merteuil 2 +0110100 G.V. 2 +0110100 Nodjoumi 2 +0110100 Wefer 2 +0110100 McAvay 2 +0110100 SaintAignan 2 +0110100 Comly 2 +0110100 Loughran 2 +0110100 Shefferly 2 +0110100 Obara 2 +0110100 Gellis 2 +0110100 Giangarlo 2 +0110100 Greb 2 +0110100 Polini 2 +0110100 Wahrman 2 +0110100 Edelmann 2 +0110100 Charyk 2 +0110100 Snellen 2 +0110100 Amorim 2 +0110100 LaLonde 2 +0110100 Cousteau 2 +0110100 Rummel 2 +0110100 Hausfeld 2 +0110100 Wojcicki 2 +0110100 Damick 2 +0110100 Koufos 2 +0110100 Fujitani 2 +0110100 Jewitt 2 +0110100 McDaid 2 +0110100 Rebone 2 +0110100 Fox-Genovese 2 +0110100 Staheli 2 +0110100 Keenum 2 +0110100 Schine 2 +0110100 Yorty 2 +0110100 Barratt 2 +0110100 Gigler 2 +0110100 Gelbart 2 +0110100 Demorest 2 +0110100 Aiello 2 +0110100 Cousineau 2 +0110100 Belway 2 +0110100 Fenvessy 2 +0110100 Hitchings 2 +0110100 Mulcair 2 +0110100 Martland 2 +0110100 Uhler 2 +0110100 Cheeseman 2 +0110100 Morella 2 +0110100 Usera 2 +0110100 Gogan 2 +0110100 Oros 2 +0110100 Havener 2 +0110100 Farnell 2 +0110100 Gammage 2 +0110100 Gussow 2 +0110100 Kashpirovsky 2 +0110100 Jiler 2 +0110100 Bilandic 2 +0110100 Alesio 2 +0110100 Targan 2 +0110100 Stadtmauer 2 +0110100 Spungen 2 +0110100 Klausing 2 +0110100 Berendt 2 +0110100 Braunreuther 2 +0110100 Hasler 2 +0110100 Chernovil 2 +0110100 Pastides 2 +0110100 Platzer 2 +0110100 Rowney 2 +0110100 Toupin 2 +0110100 Moloatsi 2 +0110100 Soshnik 2 +0110100 Clemmow 2 +0110100 Dubitsky 2 +0110100 Hannity 2 +0110100 Mannion 2 +0110100 Havey 2 +0110100 Garrant 2 +0110100 Fogash 2 +0110100 Reser 2 +0110100 Papushka 2 +0110100 Westfal-Larsen 2 +0110100 Kegley 2 +0110100 Kasen 2 +0110100 Milbocker 2 +0110100 Dampier 2 +0110100 Tullock 2 +0110100 Nigut 2 +0110100 Ellingboe 2 +0110100 Bodden 2 +0110100 Inatome 2 +0110100 Ohmann 2 +0110100 Palash 2 +0110100 Spira 2 +0110100 Zavada 2 +0110100 Farinelli 2 +0110100 Winmill 2 +0110100 Urwin 2 +0110100 Sotir 2 +0110100 Czyrek 2 +0110100 Martinello 2 +0110100 Leban 2 +0110100 Nagado 2 +0110100 Kortunov 2 +0110100 Elam 2 +0110100 Spahn 2 +0110100 Gagliano 2 +0110100 Icahns 2 +0110100 Deverell 2 +0110100 Pashkoff 2 +0110100 Schlicher 2 +0110100 Druzinksi 2 +0110100 Weistart 2 +0110100 Schineller 2 +0110100 Bermont 2 +0110100 LeVecke 2 +0110100 Gettleman 2 +0110100 Goetzl 2 +0110100 Higley 2 +0110100 Fitchjian 2 +0110100 Kamemura 2 +0110100 Bushelon 2 +0110100 Capo 2 +0110100 Stanworth 2 +0110100 Bellefroid 2 +0110100 Sternglass 2 +0110100 Nietschmann 2 +0110100 Reznichenko 2 +0110100 Arciniega 2 +0110100 Kasmarick 2 +0110100 Cabour 2 +0110100 Pischinger 2 +0110100 Hall-Walker 2 +0110100 Chady 2 +0110100 Suttner 2 +0110100 McClave 2 +0110100 Kandemir 2 +0110100 Kulick 2 +0110100 Searfoss 2 +0110100 Sloneker 2 +0110100 Cobden 2 +0110100 Corallo 2 +0110100 Brayman 2 +0110100 Boshoff 2 +0110100 Menzel 2 +0110100 Marinho 2 +0110100 Friedheim 2 +0110100 Carmicle 2 +0110100 Gupte 2 +0110100 Kresko 2 +0110100 McInerny 2 +0110100 Krysiak 2 +0110100 Nimeiri 2 +0110100 Schweggman 2 +0110100 Ludin 2 +0110100 Vorndran 2 +0110100 Fackler 2 +0110100 Benkert 2 +0110100 Dupre 2 +0110100 Koopman 2 +0110100 Clouse 2 +0110100 Day-Lewis 2 +0110100 Perrett 2 +0110100 Kawa 2 +0110100 Stirnweis 2 +0110100 Hallstrom 2 +0110100 Marchant 2 +0110100 Ertel 2 +0110100 Nykiel 2 +0110100 Seagraves 2 +0110100 Iorizzo 2 +0110100 Heerensperger 2 +0110100 Sharples 2 +0110100 Coubertin 2 +0110100 Laitre 2 +0110100 Harthorne 2 +0110100 Behrendt 2 +0110100 Unterweger 2 +0110100 Littler 2 +0110100 Nomani 2 +0110100 Segner 2 +0110100 Bowkamp 2 +0110100 Herdman 2 +0110100 Bretherick 2 +0110100 Ratushinskaya 2 +0110100 Catao 2 +0110100 Niblo 2 +0110100 Sasfy 2 +0110100 Branagan 2 +0110100 Carrau 2 +0110100 Senk 2 +0110100 Treloar 2 +0110100 Tumeh 2 +0110100 Zausner 2 +0110100 Strambach 2 +0110100 Connallon 2 +0110100 Hirst 2 +0110100 Crewson 2 +0110100 Bermon 2 +0110100 Pologe 2 +0110100 Gedge 2 +0110100 Kozmetsky 2 +0110100 Fendrick 2 +0110100 Deneen 2 +0110100 Poerschmann 2 +0110100 Houmes 2 +0110100 Egdahl 2 +0110100 Signoret 2 +0110100 Shanagher 2 +0110100 Koff-A-Lot 2 +0110100 Knapek 2 +0110100 Serota 2 +0110100 Szuch 2 +0110100 Cooper-Evans 2 +0110100 Naffah 2 +0110100 Callicott 2 +0110100 Jenko 2 +0110100 Linthacum 2 +0110100 Schonman 2 +0110100 Arkhipov 2 +0110100 Mackrel 2 +0110100 Wareham 2 +0110100 Weitzner 2 +0110100 Huelskoetter 2 +0110100 Totty 2 +0110100 Schnatter 2 +0110100 Demento 2 +0110100 Sayer 2 +0110100 Duras 2 +0110100 Stuermer 2 +0110100 Douthat 2 +0110100 Bonfiglio 2 +0110100 Staudt 2 +0110100 Poirel 2 +0110100 Marrone 2 +0110100 Chengerian 2 +0110100 Kopietz 2 +0110100 Gnazzo 2 +0110100 Diefenbaker 2 +0110100 Shays 2 +0110100 Stempler 2 +0110100 McBrien 2 +0110100 Chernier 2 +0110100 Tagaris 2 +0110100 Sheeline 2 +0110100 Shabalala 2 +0110100 Kendell 2 +0110100 DeCotiis 2 +0110100 Servoss 2 +0110100 Larish 2 +0110100 Lanz 2 +0110100 Barsky 2 +0110100 Haufler 2 +0110100 Bohlen 2 +0110100 Postelle 2 +0110100 Springett 2 +0110100 Thorell 2 +0110100 Pei-tsun 2 +0110100 Tomassetti 2 +0110100 Wennerholm 2 +0110100 Barham 2 +0110100 Eykamp 2 +0110100 Grabau 2 +0110100 Czypionka 2 +0110100 Leinoff 2 +0110100 Sakakibara 2 +0110100 Tinsman 2 +0110100 Mellanby 2 +0110100 Arcadipane 2 +0110100 Hillstrom 2 +0110100 Shooster 2 +0110100 Magurno 2 +0110100 Profusek 2 +0110100 Kira 2 +0110100 Masekela 2 +0110100 Iizumi 2 +0110100 Saicheua 2 +0110100 Knop 2 +0110100 Thostenson 2 +0110100 Dubester 2 +0110100 Dunsky 2 +0110100 Muench 2 +0110100 Olivarez 2 +0110100 Rugaber 2 +0110100 Kindser 2 +0110100 Hoppenstand 2 +0110100 Raikin 2 +0110100 Kamerman 2 +0110100 Bellaigue 2 +0110100 Piller 2 +0110100 McGiverin 2 +0110100 Fudd 2 +0110100 Fader 2 +0110100 Steudler 2 +0110100 Reyna 2 +0110100 Rote 2 +0110100 Garino 2 +0110100 Mutchler 2 +0110100 Favaloro 2 +0110100 Tandler 2 +0110100 Paracchini 2 +0110100 Cotlar 2 +0110100 Arrieta 2 +0110100 Haag 2 +0110100 Grebow 2 +0110100 Cagigas 2 +0110100 Sciarrino 2 +0110100 Lamarche 2 +0110100 Crawford-Browne 2 +0110100 Zotov 2 +0110100 Konoza 2 +0110100 Coldrick 2 +0110100 Gagey 2 +0110100 Bisiewicz 2 +0110100 Vorwinkel 2 +0110100 Prinsen 2 +0110100 Tourancheau 2 +0110100 Laragh 2 +0110100 Calantone 2 +0110100 Blaney 2 +0110100 Bernheim 2 +0110100 Tepps 2 +0110100 Pedrotti 2 +0110100 Tolleson 2 +0110100 Dornbrook 2 +0110100 Armeni 2 +0110100 Zagoria 2 +0110100 Kozel 2 +0110100 Westaway 2 +0110100 Mafuna 2 +0110100 Comrie 2 +0110100 Winpisinger 2 +0110100 Thonet 2 +0110100 Svahn 2 +0110100 Lobao 2 +0110100 Shiffrin 2 +0110100 Snowbeck 2 +0110100 Paschke 2 +0110100 Hatakeyama 2 +0110100 Geckle 2 +0110100 Altherr 2 +0110100 Loevenich 2 +0110100 Kates 2 +0110100 Kunisch 2 +0110100 Cavarozzi 2 +0110100 Armendariz 2 +0110100 Nachmann 2 +0110100 Biton 2 +0110100 Maslov 2 +0110100 Omenn 2 +0110100 Vredenburgh 2 +0110100 Vigliatore 2 +0110100 DeWein 2 +0110100 Santamaria 2 +0110100 Hashida 2 +0110100 Kupper 2 +0110100 Meierhenry 2 +0110100 Donnola 2 +0110100 Aja 2 +0110100 Samardich 2 +0110100 Lenat 2 +0110100 Pozderac 2 +0110100 Shorrock 2 +0110100 Pervanas 2 +0110100 Porson 2 +0110100 Meisenheimer 2 +0110100 Economidis 2 +0110100 Jancu 2 +0110100 Ormandy 2 +0110100 Meurer 2 +0110100 Rajter 2 +0110100 Sokoloff 2 +0110100 Heinle 2 +0110100 Yokoi 2 +0110100 Dongs 2 +0110100 Marietta-Bendix 2 +0110100 McEnrue 2 +0110100 Tentas 2 +0110100 Schacter 2 +0110100 Churpek 2 +0110100 Componation 2 +0110100 Thrailkill 2 +0110100 Maeder 2 +0110100 Tribou 2 +0110100 Dlamini 2 +0110100 Soldatenko 2 +0110100 Tetuan 2 +0110100 Whittet 2 +0110100 Heylin 2 +0110100 Verbrugge 2 +0110100 Felber 2 +0110100 Berens 2 +0110100 Kalyagin 2 +0110100 Guralnick 2 +0110100 Matkin 2 +0110100 Broeksma 2 +0110100 Tregarthen 2 +0110100 Schwyn 2 +0110100 Barzun 2 +0110100 Koyama 2 +0110100 McSorley 2 +0110100 Malknecht 2 +0110100 Blackhurst 2 +0110100 Trafecanty 2 +0110100 Stabenau 2 +0110100 Forero 2 +0110100 Polosov 2 +0110100 Schanck 2 +0110100 Ballou 2 +0110100 Kinnicutt 2 +0110100 Kosonen 2 +0110100 Dembinski 2 +0110100 Pfeister 2 +0110100 Malchi 2 +0110100 Zacheis 2 +0110100 Fuster 2 +0110100 Copaken 2 +0110100 Deschamps 2 +0110100 Ehrich 2 +0110100 Kewin 2 +0110100 Ellingsworth 2 +0110100 McGloin 2 +0110100 Jeker 2 +0110100 Procepe 2 +0110100 Pelanek 2 +0110100 Pantaleo 2 +0110100 Papelian 2 +0110100 Frevert 2 +0110100 Debella 2 +0110100 Croasdale 2 +0110100 Runke 2 +0110100 Ziol 2 +0110100 Gurewich 2 +0110100 Ruhaak 2 +0110100 Asplin 2 +0110100 Barclae 2 +0110100 Golovanov 2 +0110100 Yarden 2 +0110100 Hindle 2 +0110100 Makul 2 +0110100 Martone 2 +0110100 Graybill 2 +0110100 Labuza 2 +0110100 Leshaw 2 +0110100 Fraley 2 +0110100 Tourel 2 +0110100 Tani 2 +0110100 Magsaysay 2 +0110100 Gugenheim 2 +0110100 Wolthuis 2 +0110100 Ebner 2 +0110100 Wallinger 2 +0110100 Hubschen 2 +0110100 LeWitt 2 +0110100 Besserer 2 +0110100 Neyra 2 +0110100 Duclof 2 +0110100 Borsuk 2 +0110100 Lunzer 2 +0110100 Coady 2 +0110100 Egli 2 +0110100 Gatmaitan 2 +0110100 Dludsky 2 +0110100 Tane 2 +0110100 Kanin-Lovers 2 +0110100 Heydinger 2 +0110100 Harbrant 2 +0110100 Neathery 2 +0110100 Bernstam 2 +0110100 Polonsky 2 +0110100 Plishka 2 +0110100 Sugita 2 +0110100 Yerkovich 2 +0110100 Uchino 2 +0110100 Sway 2 +0110100 Leshen 2 +0110100 Savath 2 +0110100 Leblanc 2 +0110100 Ustaszewski 2 +0110100 Lindsley 2 +0110100 Amdall 2 +0110100 Al-Nakeeb 2 +0110100 Ganson 2 +0110100 Hermanson 2 +0110100 Fogarasi 2 +0110100 Trovato 2 +0110100 Fiscus 2 +0110100 Monsivais 2 +0110100 Thibodeaux 2 +0110100 Sarkisian 2 +0110100 Hofstadter 2 +0110100 Martinsek 2 +0110100 Gelber 2 +0110100 Ornati 2 +0110100 Longbine 2 +0110100 Turpen 2 +0110100 Hedgecock 2 +0110100 Palmtag 2 +0110100 Khubani 2 +0110100 Glassell 2 +0110100 Respicio 2 +0110100 Fugit 2 +0110100 Cheetham 2 +0110100 Tuan 2 +0110100 Stamey 2 +0110100 Veillet 2 +0110100 Maayan 2 +0110100 Fiala 2 +0110100 Gnodde 2 +0110100 Zimbler 2 +0110100 Wyszomierski 2 +0110100 Schindel 2 +0110100 Margerison 2 +0110100 Thompson/West 2 +0110100 Renchard 2 +0110100 Aportadera 2 +0110100 Mullally 2 +0110100 Chiranky 2 +0110100 Doronfeld 2 +0110100 Begbick 2 +0110100 Willems 2 +0110100 Karacan 2 +0110100 Stalberg 2 +0110100 Gade 2 +0110100 Aranow 2 +0110100 Wilems 2 +0110100 Kisscorni 2 +0110100 Edler 2 +0110100 Gutheil 2 +0110100 Silveri 2 +0110100 Broughten 2 +0110100 Ripka 2 +0110100 Macare 2 +0110100 Yewaisis 2 +0110100 Oechslin 2 +0110100 Komsu 2 +0110100 Ranzer 2 +0110100 Sgrosso 2 +0110100 Malveaux 2 +0110100 Kopcke 2 +0110100 Trinkl 2 +0110100 Grunfeld 2 +0110100 Durchain 2 +0110100 Shamberg 2 +0110100 Krepon 2 +0110100 Ozier 2 +0110100 Nisson 2 +0110100 Mulders 2 +0110100 Maciejko 2 +0110100 Grubbs 2 +0110100 Lanese 2 +0110100 Costos 2 +0110100 Weglarz 2 +0110100 Hirschfield 2 +0110100 Abeloff 2 +0110100 Groppi 2 +0110100 Schemehorn 2 +0110100 Platek 2 +0110100 Ancher 2 +0110100 Pitts-Tucker 2 +0110100 Klam 2 +0110100 Kadri 2 +0110100 Klima 2 +0110100 Prinz 2 +0110100 Sonderquist 2 +0110100 Milbrandt 2 +0110100 Kiyono 2 +0110100 Runtagh 2 +0110100 Woodpecker 2 +0110100 Lansden 2 +0110100 Tsukuhara 2 +0110100 Savert 2 +0110100 Gargalli 2 +0110100 Dunlea 2 +0110100 Koscher 2 +0110100 Freire 2 +0110100 Volkenant 2 +0110100 Etterbeck 2 +0110100 Alward 2 +0110100 Premont 2 +0110100 Alfisher 2 +0110100 DeJarnett 2 +0110100 Ciulla 2 +0110100 Fennessy 2 +0110100 Mulhern 2 +0110100 Pedraza 2 +0110100 Burklund 2 +0110100 Maltony 2 +0110100 Alsagoray 2 +0110100 Newton-Smith 2 +0110100 Pinick 2 +0110100 Fukuchi 2 +0110100 Goffe 2 +0110100 Doshi 2 +0110100 Springstead 2 +0110100 Schurke 2 +0110100 Giusti 2 +0110100 Krembs 2 +0110100 Reinebach 2 +0110100 Frensch 2 +0110100 Hennigan 2 +0110100 Galego 2 +0110100 Kuwayama 2 +0110100 Lukaszewski 2 +0110100 Tetreault 2 +0110100 Hamister 2 +0110100 Karkanen 2 +0110100 Bethea 2 +0110100 Whippen 2 +0110100 Schweickart 2 +0110100 Hudoff 2 +0110100 Waymire 2 +0110100 Jungers 2 +0110100 Maddry 2 +0110100 Doppelt 2 +0110100 Ripplemeyer 2 +0110100 Stuckert 2 +0110100 Earley 2 +0110100 Brainsby 2 +0110100 Cornelius-Green 2 +0110100 Gotschall 2 +0110100 Birgfeld 2 +0110100 Geman 2 +0110100 Magoo 2 +0110100 Kolter 2 +0110100 Gapen 2 +0110100 Davidge 2 +0110100 Poliakoff 2 +0110100 Florescu 2 +0110100 Knutz 2 +0110100 Deckelbaum 2 +0110100 Rymar 2 +0110100 Horsfield 2 +0110100 Linek 2 +0110100 Hayami 2 +0110100 Kendig 2 +0110100 Hajjar 2 +0110100 Varga 2 +0110100 Vermes 2 +0110100 Shennan 2 +0110100 Merrills 2 +0110100 Bearman 2 +0110100 Koepf 2 +0110100 Moraco 2 +0110100 Daken 2 +0110100 Rinat 2 +0110100 Mapelli 2 +0110100 Sergeon 2 +0110100 Ronk 2 +0110100 Waksman 2 +0110100 Ghirardi 2 +0110100 Eger 2 +0110100 Treverton 2 +0110100 Zancanaro 2 +0110100 Glekel 2 +0110100 Naeve 2 +0110100 DiRito 2 +0110100 Kuijpers 2 +0110100 Walti 2 +0110100 Heffering 2 +0110100 Batschari 2 +0110100 McMenamin 2 +0110100 McDermot 2 +0110100 Heisch 2 +0110100 Kaulentis 2 +0110100 Moleko 2 +0110100 Rooke 2 +0110100 Clouston 2 +0110100 Shaunnessy 2 +0110100 Treitel 2 +0110100 Churchwell 2 +0110100 Ozdamar 2 +0110100 Blumen 2 +0110100 Anchisi 2 +0110100 Kelel 2 +0110100 Verah 2 +0110100 Capitales 2 +0110100 Tsutakabe 2 +0110100 Pernicone 2 +0110100 Chantler 2 +0110100 Garofalo 2 +0110100 Batygin 2 +0110100 Soustiel 2 +0110100 Bookshester 2 +0110100 Dydzak 2 +0110100 Magalhaes 2 +0110100 Perzio-Biroli 2 +0110100 Illick 2 +0110100 Agarpay 2 +0110100 Hollfelder 2 +0110100 Mikulich 2 +0110100 Wallenius 2 +0110100 Ferrazza 2 +0110100 Burlage 2 +0110100 Errickson 2 +0110100 Greeves 2 +0110100 Moffet 2 +0110100 Al-Shanfari 2 +0110100 McCallon 2 +0110100 Naar 2 +0110100 Gaetti 2 +0110100 Ingle 2 +0110100 Patry 2 +0110100 el-Sheikh 2 +0110100 Ruckeyser 2 +0110100 Maidman 2 +0110100 Srikantan 2 +0110100 Hitselberger 2 +0110100 Langworthy 2 +0110100 Barlerin 2 +0110100 Grout 2 +0110100 Wuorinen 2 +0110100 Nono 2 +0110100 Wichman 2 +0110100 Birtwhistle 2 +0110100 Luening 2 +0110100 Rench 2 +0110100 Mounts 2 +0110100 Sheean 2 +0110100 Mansaaker 2 +0110100 Passaneau 2 +0110100 Groffman 2 +0110100 Aferworki 2 +0110100 Meridith 2 +0110100 Claydon 2 +0110100 Weinreich 2 +0110100 Banham 2 +0110100 Luecke 2 +0110100 Stokesberry 2 +0110100 Beracha 2 +0110100 Ahrano 2 +0110100 Ponti 2 +0110100 Saberton 2 +0110100 Peroutka 2 +0110100 Goodnough 2 +0110100 SLEDZ 2 +0110100 Spevack 2 +0110100 Wagele 2 +0110100 Parameswaran 2 +0110100 Batalov 2 +0110100 Maged 2 +0110100 Akouris 2 +0110100 Portney 2 +0110100 Griffey 2 +0110100 DiSieno 2 +0110100 Cardinale 2 +0110100 Smorada 2 +0110100 Bockstern 2 +0110100 Minikin 2 +0110100 Norwine 2 +0110100 Holtman 2 +0110100 Rossmiller 2 +0110100 Zandman 2 +0110100 Stutenroth 2 +0110100 Sward 2 +0110100 Regenstein 2 +0110100 Rolfes 2 +0110100 Irrigoo 2 +0110100 Mayoras 2 +0110100 Giersdorf 2 +0110100 Guiler 2 +0110100 Morant 2 +0110100 Hislop 2 +0110100 Brockhurst 2 +0110100 Shoushounova 2 +0110100 Capuani 2 +0110100 Shigemura 2 +0110100 Goldie-Morrison 2 +0110100 Epler 2 +0110100 Anason 2 +0110100 Critelli 2 +0110100 Cava 2 +0110100 Raiman 2 +0110100 Witherwax 2 +0110100 Blanz 2 +0110100 Juliao 2 +0110100 Leidich 2 +0110100 Jorgens 2 +0110100 Luthringshausen 2 +0110100 Sendel 2 +0110100 Ozadiah 2 +0110100 Cassar 2 +0110100 Dupere 2 +0110100 Schjott 2 +0110100 Wandel 2 +0110100 Temane 2 +0110100 Bumpass 2 +0110100 Koshar 2 +0110100 Reiche 2 +0110100 Assylmuratova 2 +0110100 Bourgondien 2 +0110100 Schneider-Siemssen 2 +0110100 Raupe 2 +0110100 Manios 2 +0110100 Gattuso 2 +0110100 Kuron 2 +0110100 Corkery 2 +0110100 Kelmenson 2 +0110100 Grandi 2 +0110100 Locigno 2 +0110100 Howcroft 2 +0110100 Franzi 2 +0110100 Semiler 2 +0110100 Cron 2 +0110100 Bappert 2 +0110100 Buscetto 2 +0110100 Croasdaile 2 +0110100 Hechenberger 2 +0110100 Aretz 2 +0110100 Simmon 2 +0110100 Timmer 2 +0110100 Giddins 2 +0110100 Faddis 2 +0110100 Zussman 2 +0110100 Argilagos 2 +0110100 Polon 2 +0110100 Dankanyin 2 +0110100 Nackerud 2 +0110100 Heseltine 2 +0110100 Schnorbus 2 +0110100 Alaimo 2 +0110100 Schmiedeskamp 2 +0110100 Shechter 2 +0110100 Vassalluzzo 2 +0110100 Gera 2 +0110100 Hipple 2 +0110100 Shelfer 2 +0110100 Jabbar 2 +0110100 Ziskin 2 +0110100 Soher 2 +0110100 Henne 2 +0110100 Sigurdson 2 +0110100 Suttie 2 +0110100 Schedeler 2 +0110100 Pozzuoli 2 +0110100 Telsey 2 +0110100 Witts 2 +0110100 Carosella 2 +0110100 Yau 2 +0110100 Vezeris 2 +0110100 Joannes 2 +0110100 McSweeney 2 +0110100 Hutchenson 2 +0110100 Hughey 2 +0110100 Cochran-Bond 2 +0110100 Schmandt 2 +0110100 Herschler 2 +0110100 Bragman 2 +0110100 Rodenberg 2 +0110100 Zisler 2 +0110100 Sabates 2 +0110100 Dialynas 2 +0110100 Hefer 2 +0110100 Pyadyshev 2 +0110100 Chui 2 +0110100 DiRocco 2 +0110100 VanderHorst 2 +0110100 Nanton 2 +0110100 Pittroff 2 +0110100 Fano 2 +0110100 Viscardi 2 +0110100 Capozzoli 2 +0110100 Ehnen 2 +0110100 Raub 2 +0110100 Fratianni 2 +0110100 Menotti 2 +0110100 Kanefield 2 +0110100 Clayman 2 +0110100 Ladouceur 2 +0110100 Caudron 2 +0110100 Skorneck 2 +0110100 Costiglio 2 +0110100 Kehoe 2 +0110100 Vondrasek 2 +0110100 Croes 2 +0110100 Simonton 2 +0110100 Gambardella 2 +0110100 Tjoflat 2 +0110100 Hibbs 2 +0110100 Botterill 2 +0110100 Shilaos 2 +0110100 Reeser 2 +0110100 Nurkse 2 +0110100 Southmayd 2 +0110100 Lepine 2 +0110100 Luczak 2 +0110100 Coryell 2 +0110100 Malachowski 2 +0110100 Blyleven 2 +0110100 Litchman 2 +0110100 Salvaneschi 2 +0110100 Oien 2 +0110100 Herf 2 +0110100 Hanning 2 +0110100 Boghossian 2 +0110100 Neeson 2 +0110100 Tayoun 2 +0110100 Sivyer 2 +0110100 Plover 2 +0110100 Makuch 2 +0110100 Areddy 2 +0110100 Sobolik 2 +0110100 Barberino 2 +0110100 Haraguchi 2 +0110100 Ayau 2 +0110100 Wessley 2 +0110100 Diffenderfer 2 +0110100 Kamsler 2 +0110100 Forsht 2 +0110100 Repoli 2 +0110100 Overby 2 +0110100 Noblat 2 +0110100 McNerny 2 +0110100 Krawetz 2 +0110100 DeMornay 2 +0110100 Borah 2 +0110100 Lydick 2 +0110100 Woodhull 2 +0110100 Mutch 2 +0110100 Livshin 2 +0110100 Cristol 2 +0110100 Roddenberry 2 +0110100 Trunzo 2 +0110100 Orlansky 2 +0110100 Blacker 2 +0110100 Paustian 2 +0110100 Erlap 2 +0110100 McAll 2 +0110100 Cesan 2 +0110100 Pennock 2 +0110100 Freleng 2 +0110100 Koerber 2 +0110100 Gerrity 2 +0110100 Badr 2 +0110100 Buckle 2 +0110100 Welschke 2 +0110100 Rushforth 2 +0110100 Minix 2 +0110100 DeChant 2 +0110100 Bartz 2 +0110100 Broomberg 2 +0110100 Shefsky 2 +0110100 Yasinsky 2 +0110100 Pugliese 2 +0110100 McClester 2 +0110100 Ujiie 2 +0110100 DeCastro 2 +0110100 Sohma 2 +0110100 Landaverde 2 +0110100 Cabauatan 2 +0110100 Orellana 2 +0110100 Dertadian 2 +0110100 Lulof 2 +0110100 Bejarno 2 +0110100 Duekmejian 2 +0110100 McNaghten 2 +0110100 Schur 2 +0110100 Grochmal 2 +0110100 Dulcamara 2 +0110100 Hausfater 2 +0110100 Krist 2 +0110100 Harshfield 2 +0110100 Poznak 2 +0110100 Tarry 2 +0110100 Hoodism 2 +0110100 Postlethwaite 2 +0110100 Auchincloss 2 +0110100 Gauchat 2 +0110100 Bowen-Woodward 2 +0110100 Bogomolny 2 +0110100 Magne 2 +0110100 Bambuck 2 +0110100 Spranger 2 +0110100 TenBruggencate 2 +0110100 Dach 2 +0110100 Laughren 2 +0110100 Kauper 2 +0110100 Avildson 2 +0110100 Jaunkalnietis 2 +0110100 Mehling 2 +0110100 Aspden 2 +0110100 Scheele 2 +0110100 Nerod 2 +0110100 Collings 2 +0110100 Abnett 2 +0110100 Riechers 2 +0110100 Frankston 2 +0110100 Ascenzi 2 +0110100 Hechler 2 +0110100 Dauria 2 +0110100 Duenewald 2 +0110100 Arterberry 2 +0110100 Heon 2 +0110100 Leffall 2 +0110100 Edleman 2 +0110100 Bhengu 2 +0110100 Charapp 2 +0110100 Zartler 2 +0110100 Gregath 2 +0110100 McGreevy 2 +0110100 Bilyeu 2 +0110100 Mishari 2 +0110100 Dubiel 2 +0110100 Fluehr 2 +0110100 Abatemarco 2 +0110100 Leglise 2 +0110100 Tumbusch 2 +0110100 Ahenkora 2 +0110100 Keiffer 2 +0110100 Golnick 2 +0110100 Koper 2 +0110100 Hutala 2 +0110100 Warlick 2 +0110100 Camenisch 2 +0110100 Houtz 2 +0110100 Dorros 2 +0110100 Bidens 2 +0110100 Soons 2 +0110100 Gaskill 2 +0110100 Prinsky 2 +0110100 Reinschmidt 2 +0110100 Cataford 2 +0110100 Marinaro 2 +0110100 Laudner 2 +0110100 Romey 2 +0110100 Attwell 2 +0110100 Dunster 2 +0110100 Beninson 2 +0110100 Aycock 2 +0110100 Furlow 2 +0110100 Winker 2 +0110100 Tchenio 2 +0110100 Marylander 2 +0110100 Nilssen 2 +0110100 Thomopoulos 2 +0110100 Maeussnest 2 +0110100 Patrikis 2 +0110100 Schadrack 2 +0110100 Thieke 2 +0110100 Froelich 2 +0110100 Verches 2 +0110100 Swinney 2 +0110100 Patsos 2 +0110100 Guerreiro 2 +0110100 Huibers 2 +0110100 Boulton 2 +0110100 Coupal 2 +0110100 Bonino 2 +0110100 Denlinger 2 +0110100 Caporali 2 +0110100 Ojeda 2 +0110100 Capp 2 +0110100 Ginger-Miller 2 +0110100 Donis-Keller 2 +0110100 Goodhill 2 +0110100 Shyer 2 +0110100 Saldivar 2 +0110100 Debenham 2 +0110100 Burkan 2 +0110100 Conason 2 +0110100 Cordia 2 +0110100 Brodbeck 2 +0110100 Brachtenbach 2 +0110100 Welburn 2 +0110100 Badum 2 +0110100 Wyandt 2 +0110100 Flueckiger 2 +0110100 Seigenfeld 2 +0110100 Clerico 2 +0110100 Joubert 2 +0110100 Kastens 2 +0110100 Sauerhaft 2 +0110100 Toler 2 +0110100 Spendly 2 +0110100 Longacre 2 +0110100 Elesgaray 2 +0110100 Facter 2 +0110100 Strossner 2 +0110100 Janz 2 +0110100 Munder 2 +0110100 Parmeter 2 +0110100 Mitarotonda 2 +0110100 Gorgens 2 +0110100 Lariviere 2 +0110100 Totah 2 +0110100 Ellyn 2 +0110100 Bick 2 +0110100 Talbert 2 +0110100 Bertie 2 +0110100 Koldashova 2 +0110100 Miley 2 +0110100 Borucke 2 +0110100 Stierheim 2 +0110100 Zungu 2 +0110100 Michalski 2 +0110100 Marchionni 2 +0110100 Tanjeloff 2 +0110100 Anifantakis 2 +0110100 Hassey 2 +0110100 Hofflund 2 +0110100 Machale 2 +0110100 Gornet 2 +0110100 Challande 2 +0110100 Bernikow 2 +0110100 Ulloa 2 +0110100 McCallin 2 +0110100 Rasmuson 2 +0110100 Leurgans 2 +0110100 Tivnan 2 +0110100 Ushimaru 2 +0110100 Nakaharu 2 +0110100 Vislocky 2 +0110100 Guiniven 2 +0110100 Luginbuhl 2 +0110100 Seibel 2 +0110100 DeFillipo 2 +0110100 Bollman 2 +0110100 Koenigsberg 2 +0110100 Brauel 2 +0110100 Whitler 2 +0110100 Kasselman 2 +0110100 Shrigley 2 +0110100 Mabbutt 2 +0110100 Voisinet 2 +0110100 Roskelley 2 +0110100 Fantom 2 +0110100 Heaberlin 2 +0110100 Trogdon 2 +0110100 Caunter 2 +0110100 Bridle 2 +0110100 Marcillac 2 +0110100 Heaps 2 +0110100 Jaguaribe 2 +0110100 Gyllenhammar 2 +0110100 Bylin 2 +0110100 Feshback 2 +0110100 Greenaway 2 +0110100 Lazarowitz 2 +0110100 Kuntz 2 +0110100 Kosky 2 +0110100 Tejeda 2 +0110100 Daigneault 2 +0110100 Goth 2 +0110100 Bateson 2 +0110100 Madan 2 +0110100 Foncerrada 2 +0110100 Gorden 2 +0110100 Crispo 2 +0110100 Gerbner 2 +0110100 Strasfeld 2 +0110100 Neidhardt 2 +0110100 Neher 2 +0110100 Urmston 2 +0110100 Harata 2 +0110100 Mleczko 2 +0110100 Ruh 2 +0110100 Purbaugh 2 +0110100 Dubynin 2 +0110100 Sinoway 2 +0110100 Texier 2 +0110100 Baccash 2 +0110100 Kazmierzak 2 +0110100 Geschke 2 +0110100 Zorovic 2 +0110100 Shumaker 2 +0110100 Wazeter 2 +0110100 Pruwer 2 +0110100 Moscaritolo 2 +0110100 Tevrizian 2 +0110100 Hadl 2 +0110100 Ornano 2 +0110100 Sapontzis 2 +0110100 Balcom 2 +0110100 Seelenfreund 2 +0110100 Malucchi 2 +0110100 Fells 2 +0110100 Bellingan 2 +0110100 Theuer 2 +0110100 Oyler 2 +0110100 Doucette 2 +0110100 Jenning 2 +0110100 Kuboye 2 +0110100 Coovadia 2 +0110100 Pickslay 2 +0110100 McDougler 2 +0110100 Wettig 2 +0110100 Slabolepszy 2 +0110100 Herzl 2 +0110100 Repetto 2 +0110100 Iaco 2 +0110100 Ladendorf 2 +0110100 Wynns 2 +0110100 Arnot 2 +0110100 Elinksy 2 +0110100 Kuenzi 2 +0110100 DeLuna 2 +0110100 Ohland 2 +0110100 Vlietstra 2 +0110100 Jinikwe 2 +0110100 Sakomizu 2 +0110100 Weyna 2 +0110100 LaFeber 2 +0110100 Glunt 2 +0110100 Haraf 2 +0110100 Eckhart 2 +0110100 Tsosie 2 +0110100 Gottardi 2 +0110100 Brickner 2 +0110100 Schwarzenneger 2 +0110100 Pecoraro 2 +0110100 Szlaga 2 +0110100 Berlekamp 2 +0110100 Zaslavskaia 2 +0110100 Ikeman 2 +0110100 Gornall 2 +0110100 Czaplinsky 2 +0110100 Hinkley 2 +0110100 Mittman 2 +0110100 Nebeker 2 +0110100 Loguidice 2 +0110100 Waihee 2 +0110100 Jitsu 2 +0110100 Eforo 2 +0110100 Bince 2 +0110100 Strentz 2 +0110100 Engelbright 2 +0110100 Dutta 2 +0110100 Battey 2 +0110100 Malunga 2 +0110100 Mbanjwa 2 +0110100 Treeman 2 +0110100 Arvidson 2 +0110100 Getzelman 2 +0110100 Reif 2 +0110100 Jankus 2 +0110100 Liewald 2 +0110100 Storaro 2 +0110100 Kerbo 2 +0110100 Ellmyer 2 +0110100 Jendralski 2 +0110100 Kocher 2 +0110100 Margenot 2 +0110100 Pacitti 2 +0110100 Kitson 2 +0110100 Ostuw 2 +0110100 Dutson 2 +0110100 Fagernas 2 +0110100 Pfeffer 2 +0110100 Burchill 2 +0110100 Hoerig 2 +0110100 Gerstacker 2 +0110100 Mestres 2 +0110100 Lafleur 2 +0110100 Riedlinger 2 +0110100 Keim 2 +0110100 Boehler 2 +0110100 Bromfield 2 +0110100 Sansonetti 2 +0110100 Henripin 2 +0110100 Verant 2 +0110100 Blackett 2 +0110100 Garbow 2 +0110100 McIlraith 2 +0110100 Tanny 2 +0110100 Mirones 2 +0110100 Pallai 2 +0110100 Mitchinson 2 +0110100 Konyo 2 +0110100 Koko 2 +0110100 Dargene 2 +0110100 Saporito 2 +0110100 Hels 2 +0110100 Schwieterman 2 +0110100 Tsunoda 2 +0110100 Lynott 2 +0110100 Boslund 2 +0110100 Sjorgen 2 +0110100 Hartel 2 +0110100 Yaari 2 +0110100 Metzner 2 +0110100 Bonpanne 2 +0110100 Allewaert 2 +0110100 Borragon 2 +0110100 Joosten 2 +0110100 Peek 2 +0110100 Turkiewicz 2 +0110100 Clarey 2 +0110100 Quant 2 +0110100 Lacey-Baker 2 +0110100 Vintcent 2 +0110100 Marky 2 +0110100 Ketcham 2 +0110100 Eggers 2 +0110100 Gianfrancesco 2 +0110100 Mouly 2 +0110100 Roelle 2 +0110100 Tachikawa 2 +0110100 Odann 2 +0110100 Codey 2 +0110100 Stanners 2 +0110100 Tomasetti 2 +0110100 Cittadine 2 +0110100 Oski 2 +0110100 Blaif 2 +0110100 Adkisson 2 +0110100 Haggott 2 +0110100 Strope 2 +0110100 Schlicter 2 +0110100 Shandor 2 +0110100 Huchra 2 +0110100 Zulanas 2 +0110100 Colloton 2 +0110100 Readhimer 2 +0110100 Missner 2 +0110100 Serpan 2 +0110100 Fleiss 2 +0110100 Bergonia 2 +0110100 Clemon 2 +0110100 Carrey 2 +0110100 McSpeerin 2 +0110100 Kovachevich 2 +0110100 Sproul 2 +0110100 Hipp 2 +0110100 Pivan 2 +0110100 Semak 2 +0110100 Neugebauer 2 +0110100 Dydo 2 +0110100 Katsuta 2 +0110100 Bertoni 2 +0110100 Westby 2 +0110100 Zembryski 2 +0110100 Biard 2 +0110100 Sassi 2 +0110100 Kronzer 2 +0110100 Kilgarlin 2 +0110100 Ruback 2 +0110100 Ganderson 2 +0110100 Patrizi 2 +0110100 Gothie 2 +0110100 Laverty 2 +0110100 Shimakura 2 +0110100 Stoyer 2 +0110100 Bamman 2 +0110100 Yelder 2 +0110100 Brodhun 2 +0110100 Langenfass 2 +0110100 Entremont 2 +0110100 Bouwman 2 +0110100 Nalon 2 +0110100 Dowley 2 +0110100 Kalmbach 2 +0110100 Helfinstein 2 +0110100 Monoson 2 +0110100 Glicken 2 +0110100 Precedo 2 +0110100 Graeber 2 +0110100 Kleman 2 +0110100 Emert 2 +0110100 Kotelly 2 +0110100 DiBartolomeo 2 +0110100 Chalmiers 2 +0110100 Bogas 2 +0110100 Iams 2 +0110100 Wolfran 2 +0110100 Schwarzkopf 2 +0110100 Streisfeld 2 +0110100 Geib 2 +0110100 Dreibelbis 2 +0110100 Tuyl 2 +0110100 Mandigo 2 +0110100 Drachman 2 +0110100 Mawhorter 2 +0110100 Yohe 2 +0110100 Pehlke 2 +0110100 Richart 2 +0110100 Mutterperl 2 +0110100 Peppmeier 2 +0110100 Manukian 2 +0110100 Saris 2 +0110100 Kosmo 2 +0110100 Anbender 2 +0110100 Sadeghi 2 +0110100 DeLors 2 +0110100 Schlough 2 +0110100 Buelow 2 +0110100 Rozhdestvensky 2 +0110100 Haggart 2 +0110100 Keulman 2 +0110100 Gardepie 2 +0110100 Saeger 2 +0110100 Volanakis 2 +0110100 Gobby 2 +0110100 Ritchey 2 +0110100 Sahni 2 +0110100 Zantman 2 +0110100 Scheffman 2 +0110100 Behnke 2 +0110100 Fortenberry 2 +0110100 Penczek 2 +0110100 Schulenberger 2 +0110100 Jouven 2 +0110100 Uelmen 2 +0110100 Filer 2 +0110100 Swedo 2 +0110100 Canizales 2 +0110100 Pickus 2 +0110100 Zaharoff 2 +0110100 Woodrum 2 +0110100 Whicker 2 +0110100 Krook 2 +0110100 Matsuo 2 +0110100 Laskowski 2 +0110100 Akerlow 2 +0110100 Wojcik 2 +0110100 Sperduto 2 +0110100 Yamnikov 2 +0110100 Schellenbach 2 +0110100 Braveman 2 +0110100 Cusser 2 +0110100 Rafko 2 +0110100 Mistlin 2 +0110100 Whitton 2 +0110100 Pettey 2 +0110100 Swindell 2 +0110100 Swarz 2 +0110100 Hasina 2 +0110100 Grimaldi 2 +0110100 Gushchin 2 +0110100 Streck 2 +0110100 Wingett 2 +0110100 Nishioka 2 +0110100 Sleight 2 +0110100 Vallee 2 +0110100 Rug 2 +0110100 Pesanelli 2 +0110100 Rocen 2 +0110100 Blodnick 2 +0110100 Kralich 2 +0110100 Liddon 2 +0110100 Spurling 2 +0110100 Weintrub 2 +0110100 DeZarraga 2 +0110100 Sifferman 2 +0110100 Stano 2 +0110100 LeMaster 2 +0110100 Hevia 2 +0110100 Rachleff 2 +0110100 Alifagonis 2 +0110100 Youman 2 +0110100 Croxton 2 +0110100 Cheever 2 +0110100 Fujimori 2 +0110100 Quilico 2 +0110100 Zeitlin 2 +0110100 Maggos 2 +0110100 Gruneisen 2 +0110100 Vinck 2 +0110100 Rhinesmith 2 +0110100 Murkeson 2 +0110100 Fjeldstad 2 +0110100 Stoskopf 2 +0110100 Smarr 2 +0110100 Kise 2 +0110100 Dunlavey 2 +0110100 Klinetobe 2 +0110100 Tunnermann 2 +0110100 Toplin 2 +0110100 Goeltz 2 +0110100 Kriesberg 2 +0110100 Lynd 2 +0110100 Obzina 2 +0110100 Medsger 2 +0110100 Tiefel 2 +0110100 Maskus 2 +0110100 Neisel 2 +0110100 Greenhut 2 +0110100 Stager 2 +0110100 Reinlein 2 +0110100 DeFanti 2 +0110100 Rish 2 +0110100 Bujold 2 +0110100 Barbanshchikova 2 +0110100 Perrot 2 +0110100 Tweeten 2 +0110100 Mishel 2 +0110100 Kusumoto 2 +0110100 Kajiyama 2 +0110100 Groomes 2 +0110100 Yingst 2 +0110100 Kurzman 2 +0110100 Hocker 2 +0110100 Amormino 2 +0110100 Issari 2 +0110100 Hoversten 2 +0110100 Kubicek 2 +0110100 McGruder 2 +0110100 Simmers 2 +0110100 Garon 2 +0110100 Kenkel 2 +0110100 Wilcoxson 2 +0110100 Rakove 2 +0110100 Mascola 2 +0110100 Nachtigall 2 +0110100 Ansorge 2 +0110100 Mestre 2 +0110100 Undem 2 +0110100 Addeo 2 +0110100 Dalenberg 2 +0110100 Busacker 2 +0110100 Shemer 2 +0110100 Aeschlimann 2 +0110100 Danischek 2 +0110100 Genzman 2 +0110100 Curleys 2 +0110100 Veracka 2 +0110100 Langevin 2 +0110100 Basaraba 2 +0110100 Laskin 2 +0110100 Sweerts 2 +0110100 Pekruhn 2 +0110100 Mittelman 2 +0110100 Demuzio 2 +0110100 Korab 2 +0110100 Pasciucco 2 +0110100 Spirito 2 +0110100 Chahbazian 2 +0110100 Hawkesworth 2 +0110100 Oakeshott 2 +0110100 Houtkin 2 +0110100 Rothwax 2 +0110100 Poserina 2 +0110100 Hixson 2 +0110100 Battuta 2 +0110100 Riopelle 2 +0110100 Murphey-Corb 2 +0110100 Alban-Davies 2 +0110100 Rosecrans 2 +0110100 Suhre 2 +0110100 Maslia 2 +0110100 Butchko 2 +0110100 Salmore 2 +0110100 Cangemi 2 +0110100 Gargiulo 2 +0110100 Willets 2 +0110100 Vien 2 +0110100 Newborg 2 +0110100 Kishore 2 +0110100 Babra 2 +0110100 Vogelmann 2 +0110100 Polley 2 +0110100 Massalha 2 +0110100 Godshall 2 +0110100 Albanese 2 +0110100 Trivisonno 2 +0110100 Bethke 2 +0110100 Vossoughi 2 +0110100 Hopcraft 2 +0110100 Piergallini 2 +0110100 Inoguchi 2 +0110100 Erbach 2 +0110100 Al-Anbari 2 +0110100 Kamena 2 +0110100 Markovits 2 +0110100 Weeda 2 +0110100 Mansulla 2 +0110100 Brunetta 2 +0110100 Barns 2 +0110100 Terril 2 +0110100 Rett 2 +0110100 Haroz 2 +0110100 Bowron 2 +0110100 Breidegam 2 +0110100 Quartermaine 2 +0110100 Kimzey 2 +0110100 Dysart 2 +0110100 Haid 2 +0110100 Kleynhans 2 +0110100 Ludwiszewski 2 +0110100 Hibey 2 +0110100 Sady 2 +0110100 Viraphon 2 +0110100 Diokno 2 +0110100 Henshaw-Suder 2 +0110100 Hilsinger 2 +0110100 Ginty 2 +0110100 Holub 2 +0110100 Arkes 2 +0110100 Moomaw 2 +0110100 Riede 2 +0110100 Ostberg 2 +0110100 Mesia 2 +0110100 Ouida 2 +0110100 Graafeiland 2 +0110100 Bolet 2 +0110100 Coxon 2 +0110100 Allamby 2 +0110100 Vennel 2 +0110100 Lamour 2 +0110100 Clipson 2 +0110100 Ponguta 2 +0110100 Olasky 2 +0110100 Copithorne 2 +0110100 Erkan 2 +0110100 Haliloglu 2 +0110100 Liles 2 +0110100 Arcuri 2 +0110100 Cagnetta 2 +0110100 Clendinen 2 +0110100 Lipka 2 +0110100 Hatkoff 2 +0110100 Spagnola 2 +0110100 Culleton 2 +0110100 Shuch 2 +0110100 Tokuda 2 +0110100 Ofstie 2 +0110100 Nickens 2 +0110100 Bich 2 +0110100 Yuelet 2 +0110100 Hafer 2 +0110100 Heeb 2 +0110100 Luptak 2 +0110100 J-K 2 +0110100 Houghteling 2 +0110100 Autrey 2 +0110100 Haquet 2 +0110100 Srnka 2 +0110100 Raps 2 +0110100 McTamaney 2 +0110100 Edeiken 2 +0110100 Dobb 2 +0110100 Havasy 2 +0110100 Shyres 2 +0110100 Purchas 2 +0110100 Biewen 2 +0110100 Cespedes 2 +0110100 Evangelista 2 +0110100 Karamanlis 2 +0110100 Farney 2 +0110100 Anstreicher 2 +0110100 Michigami 2 +0110100 Hrovat 2 +0110100 Lissner 2 +0110100 Argilado 2 +0110100 Coppock 2 +0110100 Linsenmeyer 2 +0110100 Lambesis 2 +0110100 Alcairo 2 +0110100 Kemerly 2 +0110100 Scordelis 2 +0110100 Bhakat 2 +0110100 Mourkas 2 +0110100 Estabrooks 2 +0110100 McClosky 2 +0110100 Vongs 2 +0110100 Costigan 2 +0110100 Goldhammer 2 +0110100 Boyar 2 +0110100 Zuhlke 2 +0110100 Tornero 2 +0110100 Sukarnoputri 2 +0110100 Gensamer 2 +0110100 Neatrour 2 +0110100 Atiba 2 +0110100 Bohan 2 +0110100 Cuckney 2 +0110100 Zito 2 +0110100 Plausteiner 2 +0110100 Cornella 2 +0110100 Nasi 2 +0110100 Griffis 2 +0110100 Holan 2 +0110100 Meroli 2 +0110100 Swierenga 2 +0110100 Butta 2 +0110100 Hodapp 2 +0110100 Patin 2 +0110100 Alizon 2 +0110100 Calaway 2 +0110100 Hirt 2 +0110100 Schlich 2 +0110100 Mugan 2 +0110100 Kilkeary 2 +0110100 Manaut 2 +0110100 Wollner 2 +0110100 Briddell 2 +0110100 Bronowski 2 +0110100 Lavorel 2 +0110100 Sowards 2 +0110100 Poli 2 +0110100 Spickler 2 +0110100 Rosete 2 +0110100 Haltner 2 +0110100 Conaty 2 +0110100 Lang-Albright 2 +0110100 Olivencia 2 +0110100 Iriarte 2 +0110100 Weinmeister 2 +0110100 Trerotola 2 +0110100 Serdyuk 2 +0110100 Waill 2 +0110100 Salvucci 2 +0110100 Kunieda 2 +0110100 Craco 2 +0110100 Pezman 2 +0110100 Schaad 2 +0110100 Sippy 2 +0110100 Marafino 2 +0110100 Kadare 2 +0110100 Keeshan 2 +0110100 Macri 2 +0110100 Vinzing 2 +0110100 Behme 2 +0110100 Voulkos 2 +0110100 Breit 2 +0110100 Durkalski 2 +0110100 Ugelow 2 +0110100 Okon 2 +0110100 Bacchetti 2 +0110100 Yago 2 +0110100 Stals 2 +0110100 Salzinger 2 +0110100 Lagrange 2 +0110100 Kretowicz 2 +0110100 Moffit 2 +0110100 Naimoli 2 +0110100 Suwyn 2 +0110100 Bridgland 2 +0110100 Boanas 2 +0110100 Masnick 2 +0110100 Frase 2 +0110100 Streitman 2 +0110100 Livelli 2 +0110100 DeMerit 2 +0110100 Jamani 2 +0110100 Chinoy 2 +0110100 Lopez-Bassols 2 +0110100 Zimmern 2 +0110100 Baniere 2 +0110100 Kawamoto 2 +0110100 Asakawa 2 +0110100 Osheroff 2 +0110100 Alday 2 +0110100 Messling 2 +0110100 Grisante 2 +0110100 Rahal 2 +0110100 Karls 2 +0110100 Medrala 2 +0110100 Iwakura 2 +0110100 Karetnikoff 2 +0110100 Raimondi 2 +0110100 Tabet 2 +0110100 Birchman 2 +0110100 Benston 2 +0110100 Holm 2 +0110100 Kidokoro 2 +0110100 LaMacchia 2 +0110100 Henriques 2 +0110100 Hargraves 2 +0110100 Wendlandt 2 +0110100 Cantilo 2 +0110100 Sacharov 2 +0110100 Rubino 2 +0110100 Gamerman 2 +0110100 Vorkoetter 2 +0110100 Wyker 2 +0110100 Luers 2 +0110100 Knellessen 2 +0110100 Japka 2 +0110100 Benites 2 +0110100 Tarbes 2 +0110100 Heinen 2 +0110100 Simoni 2 +0110100 Stillwaggon 2 +0110100 Kleehamer 2 +0110100 Schmieder 2 +0110100 Borsellino 2 +0110100 Wilcott 2 +0110100 Goodspeed 2 +0110100 Gaspari 2 +0110100 Sobe 2 +0110100 Diecidue 2 +0110100 Krampe 2 +0110100 Stoehr 2 +0110100 Greenspahn 2 +0110100 Shimrak 2 +0110100 Canitrot 2 +0110100 Koskenen 2 +0110100 Duggar 2 +0110100 Galston 2 +0110100 Appelo 2 +0110100 Brandin 2 +0110100 Johnasen 2 +0110100 Anglero 2 +0110100 Garbacz 2 +0110100 Helguera 2 +0110100 Usinowicz 2 +0110100 Woolveridge 2 +0110100 Gohlke 2 +0110100 Buchheit 2 +0110100 Hirohama 2 +0110100 Miau 2 +0110100 Wyrick 2 +0110100 Shiels 2 +0110100 Hedien 2 +0110100 Backus 2 +0110100 Arabean 2 +0110100 Earney 2 +0110100 Carrasco 2 +0110100 Stansifer 2 +0110100 Garard 2 +0110100 Rimmerman 2 +0110100 Grann 2 +0110100 DeMille 2 +0110100 Deavenport 2 +0110100 Tokarz 2 +0110100 Nargang 2 +0110100 Cleggett 2 +0110100 Ostojic 2 +0110100 Mihajlovic 2 +0110100 DeCicco 2 +0110100 Nehrlich 2 +0110100 Motl 2 +0110100 McDavid 2 +0110100 Kollo 2 +0110100 Blakeman 2 +0110100 Drennen 2 +0110100 Southcott 2 +0110100 Radovanovic 2 +0110100 Connoy 2 +0110100 Segatchi 2 +0110100 Cordill 2 +0110100 Amirkhas 2 +0110100 Cornicello 2 +0110100 Hardymon 2 +0110100 Tori 2 +0110100 Eatz 2 +0110100 Wadden 2 +0110100 Parce 2 +0110100 Coile 2 +0110100 Penosi 2 +0110100 Dunmire 2 +0110100 Wofsy 2 +0110100 Garten 2 +0110100 Howder 2 +0110100 Styers 2 +0110100 Sowanick 2 +0110100 Petrak 2 +0110100 Lett 2 +0110100 Viggers 2 +0110100 Llovio-Menendez 2 +0110100 Cagan 2 +0110100 Paladino 2 +0110100 Missler 2 +0110100 Hersly 2 +0110100 Altissimo 2 +0110100 Spivack 2 +0110100 Davis-Slade 2 +0110100 Klaiber 2 +0110100 Josten 2 +0110100 Herdeck 2 +0110100 Bonniwell 2 +0110100 Valk 2 +0110100 Redick 2 +0110100 Takahara 2 +0110100 Peretiatkowicz 2 +0110100 Kittle 2 +0110100 Vernam 2 +0110100 Orell 2 +0110100 Chihara 2 +0110100 Busker 2 +0110100 Schwantes 2 +0110100 Maffie 2 +0110100 Korwin 2 +0110100 Fustes 2 +0110100 Hamecs 2 +0110100 Ongaro 2 +0110100 Ahlf 2 +0110100 Haskel 2 +0110100 Marchinkowski 2 +0110100 Danchin 2 +0110100 Chehak 2 +0110100 Taddeo 2 +0110100 Sragow 2 +0110100 Rozic 2 +0110100 Randleman 2 +0110100 Siedenberg 2 +0110100 Ominayak 2 +0110100 Laiser 2 +0110100 Hochstein 2 +0110100 Bhola 2 +0110100 Biehn 2 +0110100 Prufrock 2 +0110100 Beeder 2 +0110100 Shanedling 2 +0110100 Sirlin 2 +0110100 Meiling 2 +0110100 Stayer 2 +0110100 Kasinowski 2 +0110100 Wendelken 2 +0110100 Taschler 2 +0110100 Gustman 2 +0110100 Lumbard 2 +0110100 Carveth 2 +0110100 Sosin 2 +0110100 Ignatov 2 +0110100 Cichanowicz 2 +0110100 Chervin 2 +0110100 Mousel 2 +0110100 Fornara 2 +0110100 Lindblom 2 +0110100 Rackman 2 +0110100 Vanik 2 +0110100 Uhrig 2 +0110100 Dagleish 2 +0110100 Aranko 2 +0110100 Corteway 2 +0110100 Bosshard 2 +0110100 Mohtashami-pur 2 +0110100 Jerrard 2 +0110100 Birkhofer 2 +0110100 Eastburn 2 +0110100 Dutti 2 +0110100 Rendueles 2 +0110100 Pique 2 +0110100 Soldevila 2 +0110100 Milantoni 2 +0110100 Benter 2 +0110100 Elsroth 2 +0110100 Fontham 2 +0110100 Krinsk 2 +0110100 Schmude 2 +0110100 Tytel 2 +0110100 Ablah 2 +0110100 Kroenthal 2 +0110100 Ghiringhelli 2 +0110100 Bennink 2 +0110100 Kitchell 2 +0110100 Tolle 2 +0110100 Harenstein 2 +0110100 Hosbach 2 +0110100 Merelli 2 +0110100 Nonoyama 2 +0110100 Niebanck 2 +0110100 Michnovicz 2 +0110100 Hehn 2 +0110100 Dudgeon 2 +0110100 Spitler 2 +0110100 Michaelides 2 +0110100 Bider 2 +0110100 Meskil 2 +0110100 Reesman 2 +0110100 Ubaldini 2 +0110100 Liew 2 +0110100 Cryan 2 +0110100 Heri 2 +0110100 Kovi 2 +0110100 Pedevillano 2 +0110100 Palliser 2 +0110100 Weimer 2 +0110100 Lansdowne 2 +0110100 Nibley 2 +0110100 Dimitrijevic 2 +0110100 Ogi 2 +0110100 Alausi 2 +0110100 Roake 2 +0110100 Mistarz 2 +0110100 Sitlani 2 +0110100 al-Chalabi 2 +0110100 Gutfriend 2 +0110100 Rosecan 2 +0110100 Birnberg 2 +0110100 Bayston 2 +0110100 Mangahas 2 +0110100 DiPasqua 2 +0110100 Coran 2 +0110100 Falkie 2 +0110100 Dalferes 2 +0110100 Eggleton 2 +0110100 Menees 2 +0110100 DeCurtis 2 +0110100 Schmale 2 +0110100 Sproule 2 +0110100 Hoeg 2 +0110100 Altenberg 2 +0110100 Ittleson 2 +0110100 Hanor 2 +0110100 Poyen 2 +0110100 Gitt 2 +0110100 Ballengee 2 +0110100 Kersch 2 +0110100 Anable 2 +0110100 Nenneman 2 +0110100 Beaty 2 +0110100 Markusic 2 +0110100 Schledwitz 2 +0110100 Borleis 2 +0110100 Heppner 2 +0110100 Nowlin 2 +0110100 Soviero 2 +0110100 Kingfield 2 +0110100 Tigue 2 +0110100 Khasawneh 2 +0110100 Doheny 2 +0110100 Schweighardt 2 +0110100 Dustour 2 +0110100 Hooding 2 +0110100 Tiepelman 2 +0110100 Galuppi 2 +0110100 Kreitman 2 +0110100 Moroi 2 +0110100 Lederberg 2 +0110100 Georgantas 2 +0110100 Cutis 2 +0110100 Depolo 2 +0110100 Brackbill 2 +0110100 Havelange 2 +0110100 Kassa 2 +0110100 Fricker 2 +0110100 Villavicencio 2 +0110100 Lathbury 2 +0110100 Fluhrer 2 +0110100 Mumma 2 +0110100 Whitehill 2 +0110100 Ury 2 +0110100 Ingberman 2 +0110100 Hlavin 2 +0110100 Woelk 2 +0110100 Wolkin 2 +0110100 Szaszkiewicz 2 +0110100 Berlet 2 +0110100 Krein 2 +0110100 Branden 2 +0110100 Ruble 2 +0110100 Strobin 2 +0110100 Marcuse 2 +0110100 Jeschke 2 +0110100 Strapazon 2 +0110100 Schooley 2 +0110100 Vaccaro 2 +0110100 Hatanaka 2 +0110100 Wedinger 2 +0110100 Caparelli 2 +0110100 Jiggetts 2 +0110100 Privette 2 +0110100 Glaber 2 +0110100 Nachmanoff 2 +0110100 Canney 2 +0110100 Marcian 2 +0110100 Kartte 2 +0110100 Nyman 2 +0110100 Torbert 2 +0110100 Kanahele 2 +0110100 Kopecky 2 +0110100 Furuya 2 +0110100 Henriksson 2 +0110100 Cordi 2 +0110100 Dickman 2 +0110100 Kringle 2 +0110100 Binette 2 +0110100 Sadwith 2 +0110100 Crabbe 2 +0110100 Kudirka 2 +0110100 Keneley 2 +0110100 Zakhem 2 +0110100 Casals 2 +0110100 Pafford 2 +0110100 Filip 2 +0110100 Chemiakin 2 +0110100 DiFiore 2 +0110100 Savill 2 +0110100 Millman 2 +0110100 Romchuk 2 +0110100 Kamitani 2 +0110100 Funnerscale 2 +0110100 Maddalon 2 +0110100 Griest 2 +0110100 Zeifman 2 +0110100 Spoerndli 2 +0110100 Buccina 2 +0110100 Malloch-Brown 2 +0110100 Langevoort 2 +0110100 Arends 2 +0110100 Esthimer 2 +0110100 Venz 2 +0110100 Fetcho 2 +0110100 Fage 2 +0110100 Hallis 2 +0110100 Kurashina 2 +0110100 Osiatynski 2 +0110100 Bruel 2 +0110100 Reuber 2 +0110100 Bandy 2 +0110100 Waltermann 2 +0110100 Botting 2 +0110100 Deis 2 +0110100 DeLoach 2 +0110100 Limitado 2 +0110100 Trice 2 +0110100 Battenberg 2 +0110100 Katko 2 +0110100 Dallia 2 +0110100 Brougher-Ayers 2 +0110100 Drobny 2 +0110100 Duncanson 2 +0110100 Workinger 2 +0110100 Casconi 2 +0110100 Galahad 2 +0110100 Sley 2 +0110100 Spottiswoode 2 +0110100 Amicarella 2 +0110100 Abbasi 2 +0110100 Zwiebel 2 +0110100 Maples 2 +0110100 Landrey 2 +0110100 Snavely 2 +0110100 Emerling 2 +0110100 Nedde 2 +0110100 McKenny 2 +0110100 Proscia 2 +0110100 Gearan 2 +0110100 Vangieson 2 +0110100 Stich 2 +0110100 Putka 2 +0110100 Ascher 2 +0110100 DeLucia 2 +0110100 Fairbrook 2 +0110100 Kirkham 2 +0110100 Sebastien 2 +0110100 Mortensen 2 +0110100 Macerola 2 +0110100 Fier 2 +0110100 Lemco 2 +0110100 Nuske 2 +0110100 Tway 2 +0110100 Mostert 2 +0110100 Michalak 2 +0110100 Lunsford 2 +0110100 Gadson 2 +0110100 Gaskin 2 +0110100 Bodmer 2 +0110100 Langrill 2 +0110100 Hinks 2 +0110100 Meggyesy 2 +0110100 Sipes 2 +0110100 Meichsner 2 +0110100 Inserro 2 +0110100 Eladli 2 +0110100 Dolman 2 +0110100 Czajkowski 2 +0110100 Frieling 2 +0110100 Axworthy 2 +0110100 Stapp 2 +0110100 Morici 2 +0110100 Kanagawa 2 +0110100 Schrammel 2 +0110100 Corsi 2 +0110100 Saber 2 +0110100 Vortmann 2 +0110100 Tupken 2 +0110100 Dolgikh 2 +0110100 Stzykiel 2 +0110100 Yamamah 2 +0110100 Skaugen 2 +0110100 Coste 2 +0110100 Silvey 2 +0110100 Dukhovni 2 +0110100 Michaelcheck 2 +0110100 Kowol 2 +0110100 Heimowitz 2 +0110100 Litvinchuk 2 +0110100 Speers 2 +0110100 Moechnig 2 +0110100 Crivellone 2 +0110100 Keresey 2 +0110100 Hosaka 2 +0110100 Krisbergh 2 +0110100 Wyderko 2 +0110100 Cossentino 2 +0110100 McQuillan 2 +0110100 Schlack 2 +0110100 Ochiltree 2 +0110100 Mulack 2 +0110100 Thrope 2 +0110100 Aubut 2 +0110100 Northcott 2 +0110100 Disposti 2 +0110100 Lespaul 2 +0110100 Culkin 2 +0110100 Magner 2 +0110100 Esslinger 2 +0110100 Mandl 2 +0110100 Nimmo 2 +0110100 Costalas 2 +0110100 Stow 2 +0110100 Cotten 2 +0110100 Gernert 2 +0110100 Hillsberg 2 +0110100 Onesto 2 +0110100 Hartrich 2 +0110100 Benaouag 2 +0110100 el-Mashad 2 +0110100 Breshers 2 +0110100 Korngold 2 +0110100 Obering 2 +0110100 Waterson 2 +0110100 Huckshorn 2 +0110100 Kundtz 2 +0110100 Buckleys 2 +0110100 Melchiori 2 +0110100 Seldman 2 +0110100 Liljedahl 2 +0110100 Reassurances 2 +0110100 Folz 2 +0110100 Roederer 2 +0110100 Sakanari 2 +0110100 Tigrel 2 +0110100 Frohnmayer 2 +0110100 Eskesen 2 +0110100 Lintel 2 +0110100 Scoppettone 2 +0110100 Ruane 2 +0110100 Dyka 2 +0110100 Saracoglu 2 +0110100 Filanovsky 2 +0110100 Brewton 2 +0110100 Nazario 2 +0110100 Mischinski 2 +0110100 Odets 2 +0110100 Douro 2 +0110100 Zabala 2 +0110100 Gioioso 2 +0110100 Sagdeyev 2 +0110100 Balebanov 2 +0110100 Duscha 2 +0110100 Lezak 2 +0110100 Giulini 2 +0110100 Harrex 2 +0110100 Karron 2 +0110100 Kubat 2 +0110100 Legan 2 +0110100 Sherwan 2 +0110100 Brott 2 +0110100 Roder 2 +0110100 Jollie 2 +0110100 Szombathelyi 2 +0110100 Hori 2 +0110100 Tazaki 2 +0110100 Castles 2 +0110100 Habitch 2 +0110100 Ekerdt 2 +0110100 Schutt 2 +0110100 Brophey 2 +0110100 Markowsky 2 +0110100 Turano 2 +0110100 Weininger 2 +0110100 Shalat 2 +0110100 Kazachishina 2 +0110100 Mueckenberger 2 +0110100 Treon 2 +0110100 Hunnicutt 2 +0110100 Jaquith 2 +0110100 Ghosn 2 +0110100 Faraco 2 +0110100 Meisels 2 +0110100 Subhas 2 +0110100 Westenburg 2 +0110100 Kazaras 2 +0110100 Jeuck 2 +0110100 Carsen 2 +0110100 Chell 2 +0110100 Balabanian 2 +0110100 Ellam 2 +0110100 Starworth 2 +0110100 Zwanziger 2 +0110100 Brandhuff 2 +0110100 Muhlstein 2 +0110100 Macaya 2 +0110100 Potzahr 2 +0110100 Mallino 2 +0110100 Domecq 2 +0110100 Shapland 2 +0110100 Casciari 2 +0110100 Mantz 2 +0110100 Lenaghan 2 +0110100 Khoylian 2 +0110100 Lochhead 2 +0110100 Tenaglia 2 +0110100 Mikita 2 +0110100 Berkenbile 2 +0110100 Fischetti 2 +0110100 Dolding 2 +0110100 Miskell 2 +0110100 Baade 2 +0110100 Minkowitz 2 +0110100 Foulks 2 +0110100 Olazabal 2 +0110100 Schoustra 2 +0110100 Engelhart 2 +0110100 Veber 2 +0110100 Saalfeld 2 +0110100 Giesecke 2 +0110100 DeBraal 2 +0110100 Tench 2 +0110100 Middlestadt 2 +0110100 Dedinsky 2 +0110100 Kilstock 2 +0110100 Duritsch 2 +0110100 Iannazzone 2 +0110100 Novek 2 +0110100 Liebs 2 +0110100 Thulin 2 +0110100 Lorigo 2 +0110100 Liston 2 +0110100 Landen 2 +0110100 Stalk 2 +0110100 Hirata 2 +0110100 Geter 2 +0110100 Schleck 2 +0110100 Pavle 2 +0110100 Kemple 2 +0110100 Yovovich 2 +0110100 Moles 2 +0110100 Ohlig 2 +0110100 Caldeira 2 +0110100 Fasenmyer 2 +0110100 Mokhtashemi 2 +0110100 Cembrowski 2 +0110100 Reams 2 +0110100 Susank 2 +0110100 Seibert 2 +0110100 Wickens 2 +0110100 Isurugi 2 +0110100 Inda 2 +0110100 Koors 2 +0110100 Landwehr 2 +0110100 Kempen 2 +0110100 Tschetter 2 +0110100 Messersmith 2 +0110100 Siedzikowski 2 +0110100 Keohane 2 +0110100 Pifer 2 +0110100 Freiburger 2 +0110100 Eichengreen 2 +0110100 Vigilante 2 +0110100 Mustain 2 +0110100 Meiers 2 +0110100 Ohlandt 2 +0110100 Lardieri 2 +0110100 Siipola 2 +0110100 Borst-Eilers 2 +0110100 Rennert 2 +0110100 Treisman 2 +0110100 Kidwell 2 +0110100 Suprihatno 2 +0110100 Lereah 2 +0110100 Honneker 2 +0110100 Loper 2 +0110100 Genderen 2 +0110100 Cheit 2 +0110100 Thomashausen 2 +0110100 Gorter 2 +0110100 Bru 2 +0110100 Szamuely 2 +0110100 Gother 2 +0110100 McElvain 2 +0110100 Fraleigh 2 +0110100 Fitzmaurice 2 +0110100 Pankonin 2 +0110100 Fingold 2 +0110100 Sahlas 2 +0110100 Laski 2 +0110100 Tiller 2 +0110100 Pitselos 2 +0110100 Budenbender 2 +0110100 Gacy 2 +0110100 Skoulikidis 2 +0110100 Pankyo 2 +0110100 Laureta 2 +0110100 Calautti 2 +0110100 Danandjaja 2 +0110100 Coussens 2 +0110100 Westoff 2 +0110100 Trautlein 2 +0110100 Aushauser 2 +0110100 Yunghanns 2 +0110100 Bellia 2 +0110100 Hussey 2 +0110100 Slatery 2 +0110100 Munjack 2 +0110100 Roumeliotis 2 +0110100 Bortmess 2 +0110100 Eilledge 2 +0110100 Closs 2 +0110100 Ghoblan 2 +0110100 Terr 2 +0110100 Abu-Helal 2 +0110100 Courtens 2 +0110100 Reiser 2 +0110100 Kaczor 2 +0110100 Spievack 2 +0110100 Griffo 2 +0110100 Esbin 2 +0110100 Palmaz 2 +0110100 Silipigni 2 +0110100 Apolo 2 +0110100 Runice 2 +0110100 Polsky 2 +0110100 Burenkov 2 +0110100 Pezzani 2 +0110100 Shuck 2 +0110100 Barovian 2 +0110100 Dettloff 2 +0110100 Piercy 2 +0110100 Durney 2 +0110100 Alencar 2 +0110100 Baize 2 +0110100 Kudo 2 +0110100 Cotsakos 2 +0110100 Paternot 2 +0110100 Gunyou 2 +0110100 Morfessis 2 +0110100 Veldhuizen 2 +0110100 Bhagat 2 +0110100 Cazale 2 +0110100 Muchmore 2 +0110100 Turso 2 +0110100 Coballasi 2 +0110100 Vander-Schrier 2 +0110100 Testagrossa 2 +0110100 Vohrer 2 +0110100 Gronningsater 2 +0110100 Alghini 2 +0110100 Wehling 2 +0110100 Straiges 2 +0110100 Fiore 2 +0110100 Gava 2 +0110100 Belogia 2 +0110100 Zait 2 +0110100 Fouraker 2 +0110100 Uraki 2 +0110100 Kubo 2 +0110100 Leavy 2 +0110100 Stoehlker 2 +0110100 Straley 2 +0110100 Misson 2 +0110100 Unanue 2 +0110100 Baloyra 2 +0110100 Gannes 2 +0110100 Bonelli 2 +0110100 Lazay 2 +0110100 Shirman 2 +0110100 Eddlemon 2 +0110100 Podvey 2 +0110100 Zullow 2 +0110100 Frankenthaler 2 +0110100 Chesnokov 2 +0110100 Sants 2 +0110100 Central-5 2 +0110100 Siri 2 +0110100 Salih 2 +0110100 Febesh 2 +0110100 Topkis 2 +0110100 Huet 2 +0110100 Gethin 2 +0110100 Gouin 2 +0110100 Feirson 2 +0110100 Schriber 2 +0110100 Moyes 2 +0110100 Talamantes 2 +0110100 Zona 2 +0110100 Hyndman 2 +0110100 Aschoff 2 +0110100 Whillock 2 +0110100 Eifert 2 +0110100 Tanselle 2 +0110100 Getzendanner 2 +0110100 Alesevic 2 +0110100 Jhin 2 +0110100 McMinn 2 +0110100 Tufte 2 +0110100 Grabner 2 +0110100 Kliewer 2 +0110100 McManis 2 +0110100 Miringoff 2 +0110100 Cavouto 2 +0110100 Gahagan 2 +0110100 Skrabucha 2 +0110100 Sieber 2 +0110100 Heymont 2 +0110100 Altaf 2 +0110100 Billmyer 2 +0110100 Morake 2 +0110100 Lorber 2 +0110100 Brinly 2 +0110100 Strassmann 2 +0110100 Hatzenauer 2 +0110100 Nayden 2 +0110100 Tardiff 2 +0110100 Ghazal 2 +0110100 Gaal 2 +0110100 Gazit 2 +0110100 Matskyavichyus 2 +0110100 Bolena 2 +0110100 Hasasneh 2 +0110100 Arietta 2 +0110100 Shipper-Smith 2 +0110100 Pandolfi 2 +0110100 Kirkorian 2 +0110100 Lonmo 2 +0110100 Cuncannan 2 +0110100 Pottenger 2 +0110100 Klawitter 2 +0110100 Falon 2 +0110100 Cappio 2 +0110100 Heymans 2 +0110100 Radydeh 2 +0110100 Bortman 2 +0110100 Arimura 2 +0110100 Yokoyama 2 +0110100 Quariq 2 +0110100 Abdul-Karim 2 +0110100 Caballe 2 +0110100 Thannhauser 2 +0110100 Wagenen 2 +0110100 Sloss 2 +0110100 Kenehan 2 +0110100 Tatarowicz 2 +0110100 Pecorella 2 +0110100 Stolbach 2 +0110100 Cormack 2 +0110100 Renzi 2 +0110100 Smallenberger 2 +0110100 Haimsohn 2 +0110100 Naumes 2 +0110100 Meisenzahl 2 +0110100 Garvett 2 +0110100 Kanev 2 +0110100 Cosner 2 +0110100 Arman 2 +0110100 Kolasch 2 +0110100 Granello 2 +0110100 Kilty 2 +0110100 Athan 2 +0110100 Zorich 2 +0110100 Sokolski 2 +0110100 Baynham 2 +0110100 Niesyn 2 +0110100 Muncaster 2 +0110100 al-Otaiba 2 +0110100 Wiewel 2 +0110100 Zywicki 2 +0110100 Brownlie 2 +0110100 Soper 2 +0110100 Kanoo 2 +0110100 Neans 2 +0110100 Sohail 2 +0110100 Mazari 2 +0110100 Graor 2 +0110100 Gatenby 2 +0110100 Finando 2 +0110100 Plaumann 2 +0110100 Carvelli 2 +0110100 Tiruchelvam 2 +0110100 Arvanitidis 2 +0110100 Athulathmudali 2 +0110100 Sifri 2 +0110100 Crutzen 2 +0110100 Schmidt-Fellner 2 +0110100 Samani 2 +0110100 Kaweske 2 +0110100 Protos 2 +0110100 Mickley 2 +0110100 Risorto 2 +0110100 Keister 2 +0110100 Regil 2 +0110100 Berrett 2 +0110100 Lobur 2 +0110100 Uchiyama 2 +0110100 Getchell 2 +0110100 Bernhoff 2 +0110100 Oberbeke 2 +0110100 Manahan 2 +0110100 Gal 2 +0110100 Stennett 2 +0110100 Brey 2 +0110100 Naciri 2 +0110100 Lhota 2 +0110100 Bellingrer 2 +0110100 Lichty 2 +0110100 Jenco 2 +0110100 Ohlman 2 +0110100 Sonoda 2 +0110100 Faccio 2 +0110100 Hazlewood 2 +0110100 Padnick 2 +0110100 Dankert 2 +0110100 Hesson 2 +0110100 Tramontozzi 2 +0110100 Riplett 2 +0110100 Gammell 2 +0110100 Volten 2 +0110100 Maisieres 2 +0110100 Carles 2 +0110100 Daye 2 +0110100 Grignon 2 +0110100 Steidle 2 +0110100 Beckstead 2 +0110100 Easthom 2 +0110100 Gianninoto 2 +0110100 Griesmer 2 +0110100 Goettlich 2 +0110100 Serauskas 2 +0110100 Hilibrand 2 +0110100 Beres 2 +0110100 Reicker 2 +0110100 Colvill 2 +0110100 Reaveley 2 +0110100 Schmiegelow 2 +0110100 Erenberg 2 +0110100 Almendros 2 +0110100 Donaruma 2 +0110100 Hanawalt 2 +0110100 Montange 2 +0110100 Willmore 2 +0110100 Macko 2 +0110100 Folsey 2 +0110100 DeFranceaux 2 +0110100 Gallastegui 2 +0110100 Abdelfattah 2 +0110100 Wadkins 2 +0110100 Mondel 2 +0110100 Sladojev 2 +0110100 Salameh 2 +0110100 Kishk 2 +0110100 Gerken 2 +0110100 Pajcic 2 +0110100 Solkoff 2 +0110100 Kaese 2 +0110100 Quatermain 2 +0110100 Lenoir 2 +0110100 Saeks 2 +0110100 Simeant 2 +0110100 Yaverbaum 2 +0110100 Churbanov 2 +0110100 Mittlemann 2 +0110100 Kelberer 2 +0110100 Fredrickson 2 +0110100 Mokoto 2 +0110100 Porretti 2 +0110100 Shifo 2 +0110100 Sambwa 2 +0110100 Sloma 2 +0110100 Beckhard 2 +0110100 Longpre 2 +0110100 Drees 2 +0110100 Zevallos 2 +0110100 Gabrovsky 2 +0110100 Paparizov 2 +0110100 Philion 2 +0110100 Echegaray 2 +0110100 Watkin 2 +0110100 Toxe 2 +0110100 Capaldi 2 +0110100 Towe 2 +0110100 Rohner 2 +0110100 Shoup 2 +0110100 Prosperi 2 +0110100 Keehan 2 +0110100 Benach 2 +0110100 Hirdt 2 +0110100 Fawsett 2 +0110100 Garzetti 2 +0110100 Bodine 2 +0110100 Rible 2 +0110100 Yamaji 2 +0110100 Siepierski 2 +0110100 Saluter 2 +0110100 Furin 2 +0110100 Gayden 2 +0110100 Mollof 2 +0110100 Havel 2 +0110100 Savic 2 +0110100 Stribling 2 +0110100 Proodian 2 +0110100 DeFilippis 2 +0110100 Plarczyk 2 +0110100 Shellhaus 2 +0110100 Lemay 2 +0110100 Foust 2 +0110100 Lattanzio 2 +0110100 Scifres 2 +0110100 Zingale 2 +0110100 Tamraz 2 +0110100 Morovitz 2 +0110100 Crase 2 +0110100 Porraro 2 +0110100 Lahner 2 +0110100 Birner 2 +0110100 Bevirt 2 +0110100 Lifshitz 2 +0110100 Smykla 2 +0110100 Gressens 2 +0110100 Yott 2 +0110100 Wretched 2 +0110100 Samber 2 +0110100 Sepenzis 2 +0110100 Tarnower 2 +0110100 Petromelis 2 +0110100 Kavicky 2 +0110100 Sezaki 2 +0110100 Majak 2 +0110100 Ichiki 2 +0110100 Fukano 2 +0110100 Nintzel 2 +0110100 Larrimore 2 +0110100 Svetlich 2 +0110100 Yoffe 2 +0110100 Veatch 2 +0110100 Cedraschi 2 +0110100 MallochBrown 2 +0110100 Marthinsen 2 +0110100 Wnorowski 2 +0110100 Leccia 2 +0110100 Bourdon 2 +0110100 Bergstrasser 2 +0110100 Cummiskey 2 +0110100 Bunin 2 +0110100 Harrosh 2 +0110100 Teutsch 2 +0110100 Hoerjel 2 +0110100 Beran 2 +0110100 Neeves 2 +0110100 Willen 2 +0110100 Sturza 2 +0110100 Mango 2 +0110100 Mikel 2 +0110100 Consolini 2 +0110100 Binstead 2 +0110100 Samborn 2 +0110100 Rayos 2 +0110100 Melander 2 +0110100 Barma 2 +0110100 Puig 2 +0110100 Neidjie 2 +0110100 Safiol 2 +0110100 Lushbaugh 2 +0110100 Nabelle 2 +0110100 Satrum 2 +0110100 Cunniff 2 +0110100 Bernstock 2 +0110100 Greenlees 2 +0110100 Spurck 2 +0110100 Caven-Atack 2 +0110100 Ruvolo 2 +0110100 Zampieri 2 +0110100 Nylen 2 +0110100 Kasparian 2 +0110100 Cocotas 2 +0110100 Perrino 2 +0110100 Wilkening 2 +0110100 Colitti 2 +0110100 Chorek 2 +0110100 Detharding 2 +0110100 Deedes 2 +0110100 Scarlata 2 +0110100 Parson 2 +0110100 Karzai 2 +0110100 Aizen 2 +0110100 Gazard 2 +0110100 Eckerson 2 +0110100 Mayr 2 +0110100 Thanner 2 +0110100 Routhier 2 +0110100 Beplat 2 +0110100 Whittenhall 2 +0110100 Lavita 2 +0110100 Kaputikyan 2 +0110100 Honnor 2 +0110100 Karlsson 2 +0110100 Ackell 2 +0110100 Lindsay-Hogg 2 +0110100 Kicklighter 2 +0110100 Reinsberg 2 +0110100 Rabushka 2 +0110100 Piland 2 +0110100 Dolben 2 +0110100 Schafran 2 +0110100 Bickerton 2 +0110100 Clerkin 2 +0110100 Moerman 2 +0110100 Kafcas 2 +0110100 Romig 2 +0110100 Gobachev 2 +0110100 Wayt 2 +0110100 Ataraya 2 +0110100 Caprio 2 +0110100 Chapple 2 +0110100 Guarnieri 2 +0110100 Isen 2 +0110100 Goebeler 2 +0110100 Krevitsky 2 +0110100 Heid 2 +0110100 Tollin 2 +0110100 Cournoyer 2 +0110100 Corti 2 +0110100 Shostal 2 +0110100 Reicholt 2 +0110100 Johnck 2 +0110100 Jakway 2 +0110100 Busquet 2 +0110100 Jalkut 2 +0110100 Ulsch 2 +0110100 Forsgren 2 +0110100 Sender 2 +0110100 Ifshin 2 +0110100 Rekow 2 +0110100 Looloian 2 +0110100 Millbanks 2 +0110100 Ianniello 2 +0110100 Coughlan 2 +0110100 Vasiloudis 2 +0110100 Verney 2 +0110100 Greaux 2 +0110100 Treiber 2 +0110100 Karlan 2 +0110100 Faherty 2 +0110100 Modin 2 +0110100 Eichel 2 +0110100 Kastabelo 2 +0110100 Pilchen 2 +0110100 Kovolyova 2 +0110100 Barresi 2 +0110100 Guren 2 +0110100 DeNucci 2 +0110100 Fratkin 2 +0110100 Karmen 2 +0110100 Nemet 2 +0110100 Moberg 2 +0110100 Tansky 2 +0110100 Heinnemann 2 +0110100 Morsani 2 +0110100 Tookoome 2 +0110100 Friderichs 2 +0110100 Botvinnik 2 +0110100 Willging 2 +0110100 Seirawan 2 +0110100 Scheid 2 +0110100 Valenteen 2 +0110100 Steingard 2 +0110100 Frankenheimer 2 +0110100 Postrel 2 +0110100 Walby 2 +0110100 Jonovic 2 +0110100 Poppel 2 +0110100 Rigg 2 +0110100 Odiorne 2 +0110100 Jatar 2 +0110100 Golitsyn 2 +0110100 Duobinis 2 +0110100 Thorkilsen 2 +0110100 Rendin 2 +0110100 Gunton 2 +0110100 Stedt 2 +0110100 Seda 2 +0110100 Warnemunde 2 +0110100 Lachelli 2 +0110100 Stasey 2 +0110100 Frelly 2 +0110100 Vierra 2 +0110100 Sabella 2 +0110100 Berzok 2 +0110100 Kouns 2 +0110100 Poeppel 2 +0110100 Doczi 2 +0110100 Kossar 2 +0110100 Pizzitola 2 +0110100 Yglesias 2 +0110100 Schneebaum 2 +0110100 Hagestad 2 +0110100 Rediker 2 +0110100 Seidlin 2 +0110100 Harah 2 +0110100 Jelincic 2 +0110100 Solley 2 +0110100 Giannetti 2 +0110100 Thall 2 +0110100 Armajani 2 +0110100 Rosenson 2 +0110100 Jaser 2 +0110100 Campoy 2 +0110100 Bernardy 2 +0110100 Splane 2 +0110100 Fitzhenry 2 +0110100 Abut 2 +0110100 Saussez 2 +0110100 Scheibe 2 +0110100 Angula 2 +0110100 Vimond 2 +0110100 Speicher 2 +0110100 Moharam 2 +0110100 Tureen 2 +0110100 Tellatin 2 +0110100 Jeremie 2 +0110100 Vaisse 2 +0110100 Snetzer 2 +0110100 Reymann 2 +0110100 Francesconi 2 +0110100 Sovern 2 +0110100 Torrione 2 +0110100 Brauplan 2 +0110100 Catuzzi 2 +0110100 Rosin 2 +0110100 Latortue 2 +0110100 Sambour 2 +0110100 Flam 2 +0110100 Klimisch 2 +0110100 Deiser 2 +0110100 Scheckner 2 +0110100 Soldo 2 +0110100 Mclure 2 +0110100 Steuri 2 +0110100 Maturi 2 +0110100 Bresnahan 2 +0110100 Bommer 2 +0110100 Krowpman 2 +0110100 Liesener 2 +0110100 Kulavik 2 +0110100 Jampel 2 +0110100 Fukuyoshi 2 +0110100 Shanas 2 +0110100 Peterkin 2 +0110100 Southey 2 +0110100 Manzano 2 +0110100 Kintzy 2 +0110100 Antal 2 +0110100 Massello 2 +0110100 blancos 2 +0110100 Yuschak 2 +0110100 Demetrion 2 +0110100 Olstein 2 +0110100 Tanii 2 +0110100 Pielech 2 +0110100 Vagts 2 +0110100 Tobiason 2 +0110100 Garthoff 2 +0110100 Gamero 2 +0110100 Keery 2 +0110100 Cappuccilli 2 +0110100 Vieytez 2 +0110100 Tegnelia 2 +0110100 Nambara 2 +0110100 Cappuccino 2 +0110100 Dabels 2 +0110100 Tennstedt 2 +0110100 Snage 2 +0110100 Sassa 2 +0110100 VanderHoff 2 +0110100 Staph 2 +0110100 Tusa 2 +0110100 Safranek 2 +0110100 Hollihan 2 +0110100 Haerri 2 +0110100 Hustedt 2 +0110100 Yablans 2 +0110100 Contorno 2 +0110100 Deursen 2 +0110100 Uhry 2 +0110100 Mertin 2 +0110100 Gillam 2 +0110100 Highgenboten 2 +0110100 McGrory 2 +0110100 Klimoski 2 +0110100 Strickon 2 +0110100 McWaters 2 +0110100 Guist 2 +0110100 Crumbaugh 2 +0110100 Brasseaux 2 +0110100 Gabe 2 +0110100 Biltis 2 +0110100 Linderoth 2 +0110100 Prestage 2 +0110100 Petrille 2 +0110100 Partrizi 2 +0110100 Misdom 2 +0110100 Dobkowski 2 +0110100 Parkington 2 +0110100 Glasberg 2 +0110100 Oppe 2 +0110100 terre 2 +0110100 Topor 2 +0110100 Boillod 2 +0110100 Tarui 2 +0110100 Frerichs 2 +0110100 Veitia 2 +0110100 Kyranis 2 +0110100 Kanely 2 +0110100 Gionis 2 +0110100 Noreng 2 +0110100 Seebohm 2 +0110100 Remaly 2 +0110100 Dierdorf 2 +0110100 Wesolowski 2 +0110100 Andren 2 +0110100 Remiszewski 2 +0110100 Howze 2 +0110100 Taeschler 2 +0110100 Hargiss 2 +0110100 Pardue 2 +0110100 Pleasants 2 +0110100 Seitzman 2 +0110100 Posert 2 +0110100 Tutterow 2 +0110100 Schwaebe 2 +0110100 Oxboggle 2 +0110100 Masella 2 +0110100 Dubuissan 2 +0110100 Mallorca 2 +0110100 Italico 2 +0110100 Salminen 2 +0110100 McClurg 2 +0110100 Shames 2 +0110100 Montanus 2 +0110100 Jick 2 +0110100 Samnick 2 +0110100 Toussaint 2 +0110100 Rochon 2 +0110100 Rathman 2 +0110100 Schottenheimer 2 +0110100 Arana 2 +0110100 Faich 2 +0110100 Fahy 2 +0110100 Wurgler 2 +0110100 Bovet 2 +0110100 Meily 2 +0110100 Kezios 2 +0110100 Howenstine 2 +0110100 Letona 2 +0110100 Emmonds 2 +0110100 Koedt 2 +0110100 Dinkel 2 +0110100 Skafte 2 +0110100 Nauss 2 +0110100 Tatsui 2 +0110100 Yamaoka 2 +0110100 Mickel 2 +0110100 Mamo 2 +0110100 Dozier 2 +0110100 Weinrich 2 +0110100 Eguchi 2 +0110100 Dyslin 2 +0110100 Trimboli 2 +0110100 Chesler 2 +0110100 Sidey 2 +0110100 Clewlow 2 +0110100 Joannides 2 +0110100 Begner 2 +0110100 Kopcha 2 +0110100 McHatton 2 +0110100 Starzl 2 +0110100 Meerdink 2 +0110100 DeMayo 2 +0110100 Fuhs 2 +0110100 Myhre 2 +0110100 Breskovich 2 +0110100 Machiz 2 +0110100 Lewi 2 +0110100 Mahland 2 +0110100 Birkelund 2 +0110100 Gailliott 2 +0110100 Yaffa 2 +0110100 Brown-Saltzman 2 +0110100 Povod 2 +0110100 Seldes 2 +0110100 Autera 2 +0110100 Flaumenhaft 2 +0110100 Glanville 2 +0110100 Fero 2 +0110100 Czapka 2 +0110100 Hammack 2 +0110100 Rapone 2 +0110100 Skyock 2 +0110100 Flinder 2 +0110100 Asperas 2 +0110100 Sorgen 2 +0110100 Vleminckx 2 +0110100 Coghlan 2 +0110100 Jandura 2 +0110100 Asinof 2 +0110100 Kassab 2 +0110100 Guerci 2 +0110100 Gabrielsson 2 +0110100 Shapp 2 +0110100 Sellar 2 +0110100 Rusin 2 +0110100 Morishita 2 +0110100 Al-Mukhtar 2 +0110100 Antimi 2 +0110100 Goldthwait 2 +0110100 Gejdensen 2 +0110100 Iyengar 2 +0110100 Meaddough 2 +0110100 McErlean 2 +0110100 Norry 2 +0110100 Ichan 2 +0110100 Maccarone 2 +0110100 Hachman 2 +0110100 Koock 2 +0110100 Hirosawa 2 +0110100 Waehner 2 +0110100 Dallob 2 +0110100 Guirard 2 +0110100 Hailey 2 +0110100 Tausig 2 +0110100 Wickwire 2 +0110100 Basson 2 +0110100 Zaleznik 2 +0110100 Toufanian 2 +0110100 Jeanes 2 +0110100 Tortorella 2 +0110100 Caplinger 2 +0110100 Jeck 2 +0110100 Pollicino 2 +0110100 Stainbrook 2 +0110100 Alliger 2 +0110100 Enberg 2 +0110100 Kaish 2 +0110100 Mitroff 2 +0110100 Jenrick 2 +0110100 Branigin 2 +0110100 Negishi 2 +0110100 Battistello 2 +0110100 Kanarak 2 +0110100 Dror 2 +0110100 Mundheim 2 +0110100 Kallis 2 +0110100 Bicher 2 +0110100 Hellerer 2 +0110100 Kucyznski 2 +0110100 Feiter 2 +0110100 Carbonneau 2 +0110100 Finnemore 2 +0110100 Okitsu 2 +0110100 Diktaban 2 +0110100 Sipple 2 +0110100 Lubliner 2 +0110100 Wendler 2 +0110100 Jacobowitz 2 +0110100 Hawpe 2 +0110100 Crumb 2 +0110100 Doerger 2 +0110100 Solowsky 2 +0110100 Czaputowicz 2 +0110100 Medd 2 +0110100 Riseden 2 +0110100 Occelli 2 +0110100 Khanin 2 +0110100 McElhinny 2 +0110100 Bastidas 2 +0110100 Nauheim 2 +0110100 Matus 2 +0110100 Buecking 2 +0110100 Roiret 2 +0110100 Bounpane 2 +0110100 Orzeck 2 +0110100 Stoica 2 +0110100 Uyemoto 2 +0110100 Amaki 2 +0110100 Shilts 2 +0110100 Strachan 2 +0110100 Widdess 2 +0110100 Ryles 2 +0110100 Griebenow 2 +0110100 Rzymkowski 2 +0110100 Churm 2 +0110100 Frump 2 +0110100 Hasfurther 2 +0110100 Cruft 2 +0110100 Dellerson 2 +0110100 Hurvitz 2 +0110100 Lucci 2 +0110100 Dunford 2 +0110100 Duerden 2 +0110100 Tretyak 2 +0110100 LaFree 2 +0110100 Strongo 2 +0110100 Bartosch 2 +0110100 Warrillow 2 +0110100 Lummis 2 +0110100 Naugle 2 +0110100 Mazzei 2 +0110100 Donnerstein 2 +0110100 Sommars 2 +0110100 Nigh 2 +0110100 Goffman 2 +0110100 Tilse 2 +0110100 Kraftsow 2 +0110100 Treichel 2 +0110100 Barad 2 +0110100 Lorincze 2 +0110100 Scaff 2 +0110100 Olliff-Lee 2 +0110100 Karlberg 2 +0110100 Lazaroff 2 +0110100 Koffler 2 +0110100 Snelgrove 2 +0110100 Binger 2 +0110100 Broadrick 2 +0110100 Nichol 2 +0110100 Myatt 2 +0110100 Tabas 2 +0110100 Brigman 2 +0110100 Kauth 2 +0110100 Domolky 2 +0110100 Antioco 2 +0110100 Widland 2 +0110100 Loman 2 +0110100 Mullis 2 +0110100 Nucciarone 2 +0110100 Sievert 2 +0110100 Sagar 2 +0110100 Stigwood 2 +0110100 Lich 2 +0110100 Smahl 2 +0110100 Stumpfe 2 +0110100 Ralfe 2 +0110100 Passer 2 +0110100 Sakuta 2 +0110100 Boucheron 2 +0110100 Alznauer 2 +0110100 Braley 2 +0110100 Craine 2 +0110100 Paumier 2 +0110100 Brinig 2 +0110100 Troseth 2 +0110100 Kapitan 2 +0110100 Gliboff 2 +0110100 Luse 2 +0110100 Mailhes 2 +0110100 Buchmeyer 2 +0110100 Alving 2 +0110100 Honn 2 +0110100 Materazo 2 +0110100 Allinson 2 +0110100 Hulsebus 2 +0110100 Hick 2 +0110100 Perusse 2 +0110100 Gunst 2 +0110100 Abordo 2 +0110100 Driessen 2 +0110100 Cardale 2 +0110100 Swetz 2 +0110100 Walbert 2 +0110100 Karber 2 +0110100 Fischbein 2 +0110100 Nimmons 2 +0110100 Gitzen 2 +0110100 Hookstratten 2 +0110100 Grishin 2 +0110100 Fox-Andrews 2 +0110100 Hunsecker 2 +0110100 So-and-So 2 +0110100 Pasqua 2 +0110100 Tillson 2 +0110100 Flandermeyer 2 +0110100 Beiley 2 +0110100 Huizar 2 +0110100 Grossmann 2 +0110100 Tengberg 2 +0110100 Rorke 2 +0110100 Ilkgarr 2 +0110100 Georgiadis 2 +0110100 Capsalis 2 +0110100 Mustaine 2 +0110100 Stodder 2 +0110100 Wetston 2 +0110100 Wynegar 2 +0110100 Schatzberg 2 +0110100 Genevrier 2 +0110100 Kimmes 2 +0110100 Higbie 2 +0110100 Estren 2 +0110100 Vitkus 2 +0110100 Boccardi 2 +0110100 Luftman 2 +0110100 Champine 2 +0110100 Tillisch 2 +0110100 Masakela 2 +0110100 Theys 2 +0110100 Stahly 2 +0110100 Bonville 2 +0110100 Preblud 2 +0110100 Rosenberger 2 +0110100 Reyman 2 +0110100 Kostuk 2 +0110100 Salberg 2 +0110100 Spofford 2 +0110100 Zakko 2 +0110100 Oubre 2 +0110100 Zapanta 2 +0110100 Allgier 2 +0110100 Schoer 2 +0110100 Lybarger 2 +0110100 Sekiya 2 +0110100 Wimsey 2 +0110100 Zellner 2 +0110100 Sandbulte 2 +0110100 Fischer-Dieskau 2 +0110100 Agin 2 +0110100 Varnado 2 +0110100 Messman 2 +0110100 Siess 2 +0110100 Peyre 2 +0110100 Gildehaus 2 +0110100 Chapla 2 +0110100 Touran 2 +0110100 Schuttpelz 2 +0110100 Lardera 2 +0110100 Picur 2 +0110100 McCarroll 2 +0110100 McNaugher 2 +0110100 Schleh 2 +0110100 Okubo 2 +0110100 Pirez 2 +0110100 Herd 2 +0110100 Nakatsuka 2 +0110100 Mayerhofer 2 +0110100 Lackman 2 +0110100 Sellick 2 +0110100 Winsor 2 +0110100 Bouhet 2 +0110100 Irizarry 2 +0110100 Tayelor 2 +0110100 Crusto 2 +0110100 Sleavin 2 +0110100 Darnley 2 +0110100 Mattera 2 +0110100 Bedinger 2 +0110100 Hench 2 +0110100 Salvo 2 +0110100 Toles 2 +0110100 Berkovitch 2 +0110100 Mansbridge 2 +0110100 Nierenberg 2 +0110100 Sheath 2 +0110100 Dugard 2 +0110100 Lembo 2 +0110100 Ochse 2 +0110100 Teachout 2 +0110100 Aprati 2 +0110100 Cerveris 2 +0110100 McAvaddy 2 +0110100 Benway 2 +0110100 Snoddon 2 +0110100 Kokayi 2 +0110100 Krzeminski 2 +0110100 Shahabian 2 +0110100 Coffaro 2 +0110100 Aguirre-Sacasa 2 +0110100 Katzovitz 2 +0110100 Hiltrop 2 +0110100 Bouluare 2 +0110100 Agostinelli 2 +0110100 Trento 2 +0110100 Shrapnel 2 +0110100 Aumiller 2 +0110100 Berzofsky 2 +0110100 Radosky 2 +0110100 Domingorena 2 +0110100 Kukowski 2 +0110100 acuminata 2 +0110100 Zetko 2 +0110100 Zukofsky 2 +0110100 Vician 2 +0110100 Patrone 2 +0110100 Dils 2 +0110100 Kemerling 2 +0110100 Riso 2 +0110100 Quinley 2 +0110100 Schwamenfeld 2 +0110100 Casdin 2 +0110100 Plunkert 2 +0110100 Kepke 2 +0110100 Skinkis 2 +0110100 Zaworski-Burke 2 +0110100 Cabarrus 2 +0110100 Shimo 2 +0110100 Muwakkil 2 +0110100 Glossman 2 +0110100 Mueller-Krummholz 2 +0110100 Crepin-Leblond 2 +0110100 Dosch 2 +0110100 Ilves-Corressel 2 +0110100 Sokomanu 2 +0110100 Schochet 2 +0110100 Isserlis 2 +0110100 Blankenhorn 2 +0110100 Brucan 2 +0110100 Wiers 2 +0110100 Senft 2 +0110100 Exner 2 +0110100 Hambrick 2 +0110100 Katsumata 2 +0110100 Kollegger 2 +0110100 Grolemund 2 +0110100 Kalsakau 2 +0110100 Hadler 2 +0110100 Sizzlington 2 +0110100 Wares 2 +0110100 Nitzsche 2 +0110100 Braud 2 +0110100 Lukonin 2 +0110100 DiMaio 2 +0110100 Leimkuhler 2 +0110100 Sadker 2 +0110100 Rotundo 2 +0110100 Jablow 2 +0110100 Brecher 2 +0110100 Goodenough 2 +0110100 Jezierski 2 +0110100 Rostler 2 +0110100 Delinsky 2 +0110100 Fraknoi 2 +0110100 Miarka 2 +0110100 Ianna 2 +0110100 Balousek 2 +0110100 Pharand 2 +0110100 Wartels 2 +0110100 Guite 2 +0110100 Polking 2 +0110100 Shidara 2 +0110100 Byroade 2 +0110100 Cena 2 +0110100 Penson 2 +0110100 Pausig 2 +0110100 Graziosi 2 +0110100 Rovich 2 +0110100 Schleuter 2 +0110100 Duva 2 +0110100 Arcila 2 +0110100 Roenn 2 +0110100 Seaforth 2 +0110100 Shader 2 +0110100 Kunko 2 +0110100 Ahrensfeld 2 +0110100 Lejeune 2 +0110100 Carcassonne 2 +0110100 Eisele 2 +0110100 Eibel 2 +0110100 Bityk 2 +0110100 Egi 2 +0110100 Holtermann 2 +0110100 Golomb 2 +0110100 Chittick 2 +0110100 Cipolla 2 +0110100 Schuldt 2 +0110100 Ignon 2 +0110100 Warth 2 +0110100 Barrell 2 +0110100 Arcangel 2 +0110100 Tansey 2 +0110100 Shestack 2 +0110100 Smyntek 2 +0110100 Ebbs 2 +0110100 Yemma 2 +0110100 Boruff 2 +0110100 Pakzad 2 +0110100 Chrustowski 2 +0110100 Tuchin 2 +0110100 Hollimon 2 +0110100 Puisais 2 +0110100 Liechtung 2 +0110100 Fukagawa 2 +0110100 DeMers 2 +0110100 Auble 2 +0110100 Polidor 2 +0110100 Ersek 2 +0110100 Brew 2 +0110100 Moorhouse 2 +0110100 Kolaghassi 2 +0110100 Hux 2 +0110100 Bonnes 2 +0110100 Lemonedes 2 +0110100 Shontz 2 +0110100 Sernyk 2 +0110100 Trueax 2 +0110100 Shelembe 2 +0110100 Morrione 2 +0110100 Drabik 2 +0110100 Taulbee 2 +0110100 Barrowman 2 +0110100 Scovil 2 +0110100 Busbee 2 +0110100 Duus 2 +0110100 Schieneman 2 +0110100 Goerg 2 +0110100 Beindorff 2 +0110100 Olamba 2 +0110100 McMackin 2 +0110100 Angolares 2 +0110100 Castaner 2 +0110100 Grazier 2 +0110100 Astrachan 2 +0110100 Sonke 2 +0110100 Templin 2 +0110100 Poster 2 +0110100 Marsilius 2 +0110100 Zizka 2 +0110100 Stoph 2 +0110100 Sinowatz 2 +0110100 Alperstein 2 +0110100 Ichinose 2 +0110100 Ebding 2 +0110100 Bermick 2 +0110100 Svensson 2 +0110100 Sorsa 2 +0110100 Fichthorn 2 +0110100 McClaugherty 2 +0110100 Lubran 2 +0110100 Kikel 2 +0110100 Thavisin 2 +0110100 Geltman 2 +0110100 Swannell 2 +0110100 Voulgaris 2 +0110100 Bobrow 2 +0110100 Bitterman 2 +0110100 Skillington 2 +0110100 Elster 2 +0110100 Urkowitz 2 +0110100 Shellington 2 +0110100 Novello 2 +0110100 Vroon 2 +0110100 Kubler-Ross 2 +0110100 Cialdini 2 +0110100 Asper 2 +0110100 Carmona 2 +0110100 Schade 2 +0110100 Kilson 2 +0110100 Wasson 2 +0110100 Mukhamedov 2 +0110100 Fonteyn 2 +0110100 Foyt 2 +0110100 Gervasoni 2 +0110100 Moldea 2 +0110100 Henneman 2 +0110100 Gasparini 2 +0110100 Savarese 2 +0110100 Seslowe 2 +0110100 Slonimsky 2 +0110100 Barraman 2 +0110100 Natour 2 +0110100 Kirkendall 2 +0110100 Newmyer 2 +0110100 Lauguer 2 +0110100 Desch 2 +0110100 Girolamo 2 +0110100 Ganske 2 +0110100 Testan 2 +0110100 Nederhoff 2 +0110100 Vorbrich 2 +0110100 Gibowski 2 +0110100 Acconci 2 +0110100 Vietmeier 2 +0110100 Rundle 2 +0110100 Picciarelli 2 +0110100 Staerker 2 +0110100 Kersner 2 +0110100 Parise 2 +0110100 Simonian 2 +0110100 Finarelli 2 +0110100 Grant-Acqua 2 +0110100 Barganier 2 +0110100 Kastell 2 +0110100 Ytterberg 2 +0110100 Vivado 2 +0110100 Prior-Willeard 2 +0110100 Domhoff 2 +0110100 Corvi 2 +0110100 Keckley 2 +0110100 Riske 2 +0110100 Vosges 2 +0110100 Roby 2 +0110100 Maass 2 +0110100 Kaga 2 +0110100 Figgis 2 +0110100 Velikhov 2 +0110100 Boissier 2 +0110100 Crocco 2 +0110100 Lippert 2 +0110100 Boundas 2 +0110100 Horsch 2 +0110100 DeVaul 2 +0110100 Waxenberg 2 +0110100 Zemsky 2 +0110100 Krukowski 2 +0110100 Clinger 2 +0110100 Beltrao 2 +0110100 Kuehl 2 +0110100 Siedlecki 2 +0110100 Isozaki 2 +0110100 Paganini-Hill 2 +0110100 Boulouque 2 +0110100 Saguisag 2 +0110100 Hexamer 2 +0110100 Wisecarver 2 +0110100 Volans 2 +0110100 Courtnage 2 +0110100 LeVan 2 +0110100 Rusita 2 +0110100 Fryman 2 +0110100 Konzen 2 +0110100 Tester 2 +0110100 Barsby 2 +0110100 Stans 2 +0110100 Ashbrook 2 +0110100 Bergendahl 2 +0110100 Gilldahl 2 +0110100 Fiser 2 +0110100 Gencer 2 +0110100 Interfinans 2 +0110100 Criner 2 +0110100 Hanawa 2 +0110100 Wallance 2 +0110100 Chartier 2 +0110100 Bassano 2 +0110100 Goold 2 +0110100 Sacasa 2 +0110100 Arguero 2 +0110100 Schabacker 2 +0110100 Princi 2 +0110100 Thomason 2 +0110100 Twerdahl 2 +0110100 Saxonhouse 2 +0110100 Makram-Ebeid 2 +0110100 Hinkin 2 +0110100 Colket 2 +0110100 Sachar 2 +0110100 Rollinson 2 +0110100 Maugh 2 +0110100 Passos 2 +0110100 Demmings 2 +0110100 Kozack 2 +0110100 Fugalli 2 +0110100 Steil 2 +0110100 Brutents 2 +0110100 Blundell 2 +0110100 Richwine 2 +0110100 Polychron 2 +0110100 Wenzel 2 +0110100 Drache 2 +0110100 Togano 2 +0110100 Wujcik 2 +0110100 Gies 2 +0110100 Krasnansky 2 +0110100 Bebchick 2 +0110100 Boud 2 +0110100 Tindale 2 +0110100 Tobler 2 +0110100 Biss 2 +0110100 Dille 2 +0110100 Prouty 2 +0110100 Pineau-Valencienne 2 +0110100 Jaramillo 2 +0110100 Pfeil 2 +0110100 Szekacs 2 +0110100 Heinebaeck 2 +0110100 Vanchau 2 +0110100 Rachal 2 +0110100 Gayner 2 +0110100 Duerig 2 +0110100 Galiber 2 +0110100 Neukom 2 +0110100 Dougan 2 +0110100 Dolak 2 +0110100 Johanos 2 +0110100 Millican 2 +0110100 Strasser 2 +0110100 Melot 2 +0110100 Graffenreid 2 +0110100 Iwamatsu 2 +0110100 Obst 2 +0110100 Luchessi 2 +0110100 Zilli 2 +0110100 Glabbert 2 +0110100 Bartsch 2 +0110100 Yazdi 2 +0110100 Siskin 2 +0110100 Rubinger 2 +0110100 Veneman 2 +0110100 Frugoli 2 +0110100 Weida 2 +0110100 Obasanjo 2 +0110100 Nkobi 2 +0110100 Jeronina 2 +0110100 Perillo 2 +0110100 Gutkowski 2 +0110100 Krakauer 2 +0110100 Halladay 2 +0110100 Falsey 2 +0110100 Shlesinger 2 +0110100 Rovinski 2 +0110100 Boisot 2 +0110100 Hanushek 2 +0110100 Rashad 2 +0110100 Kircher 2 +0110100 Hardt 2 +0110100 Chandi 2 +0110100 Glasel 2 +0110100 Karsan 2 +0110100 Csere 2 +0110100 Vellano 2 +0110100 Mallement 2 +0110100 Bily 2 +0110100 Dworak 2 +0110100 Bernardi 2 +0110100 Danello 2 +0110100 Torri 2 +0110100 Kastner 2 +0110100 Henkin 2 +0110100 Bazile 2 +0110100 Lamonte 2 +0110100 Vinsik 2 +0110100 Zurkhulen 2 +0110100 Simonet 2 +0110100 Kneebone 2 +0110100 Altobello 2 +0110100 Kochergin 2 +0110100 Lindenmayer 2 +0110100 Sweetbaum 2 +0110100 Hargett 2 +0110100 Giorgieri 2 +0110100 Jantz 2 +0110100 Willer 2 +0110100 Sotern 2 +0110100 Wolfberg 2 +0110100 Harville 2 +0110100 Lyttle 2 +0110100 Miyawaki 2 +0110100 Tikonova 2 +0110100 Soderstrom 2 +0110100 Tanton 2 +0110100 Taupe 2 +0110100 Goggins 2 +0110100 Grob 2 +0110100 Vela 2 +0110100 Santos-Avite 2 +0110100 Kavas 2 +0110100 Jozwiak 2 +0110100 Barcikowski 2 +0110100 Collyns 2 +0110100 Viviano 2 +0110100 Dilger 2 +0110100 Duensing 2 +0110100 Heaston 2 +0110100 Elers 2 +0110100 Bestard 2 +0110100 Belien 2 +0110100 Frazin 2 +0110100 Drozda 2 +0110100 Ellenberger 2 +0110100 Musatti 2 +0110100 Kuszer 2 +0110100 Joon 2 +0110100 Leuchtenberg 2 +0110100 Erbstoesser 2 +0110100 Fayer 2 +0110100 Cinelli 2 +0110100 Tregde 2 +0110100 Welday 2 +0110100 Blokker 2 +0110100 Dobay 2 +0110100 Fournet 2 +0110100 Myners 2 +0110100 Yoken 2 +0110100 Beinhocker 2 +0110100 Connacher 2 +0110100 Nakarada 2 +0110100 Despotovic 2 +0110100 Petrovic 2 +0110100 Zizza 2 +0110100 Deen 2 +0110100 Christe 2 +0110100 Mizukami 2 +0110100 Stuzin 2 +0110100 Mett 2 +0110100 Tinoco 2 +0110100 Cunhal 2 +0110100 Haymann 2 +0110100 Horyn 2 +0110100 Dimou 2 +0110100 Nuzzo 2 +0110100 Wannamaker 2 +0110100 Edlow 2 +0110100 Kamagi 2 +0110100 Weisbord 2 +0110100 Weseley 2 +0110100 Grohs 2 +0110100 Foyil 2 +0110100 Cording 2 +0110100 Tippeconnic 2 +0110100 Linhart 2 +0110100 Puthuff 2 +0110100 Bornhorst 2 +0110100 Setzer 2 +0110100 Cibulskis 2 +0110100 Oxburgh 2 +0110100 Belgrano 2 +0110100 Lirarakis 2 +0110100 Hamlisch 2 +0110100 Mollner 2 +0110100 Kuzel 2 +0110100 Nayyar 2 +0110100 Petersilia 2 +0110100 Borowik 2 +0110100 Mathiopoulos 2 +0110100 Goodelman 2 +0110100 Koza 2 +0110100 Jannel 2 +0110100 Fornell 2 +0110100 Moyles 2 +0110100 McClaran 2 +0110100 Buchin 2 +0110100 Bryceland 2 +0110100 Emerine 2 +0110100 Hopfield 2 +0110100 Jopling 3 +0110100 Tolliver 3 +0110100 Shiftan 3 +0110100 Lough 3 +0110100 Roettger 3 +0110100 Kriak 3 +0110100 Glueck 3 +0110100 Seike 3 +0110100 Diemen 3 +0110100 Wilken 3 +0110100 Dissinger 3 +0110100 Fordiani 3 +0110100 Brunk 3 +0110100 Arakawa 3 +0110100 Beahrs 3 +0110100 Amako 3 +0110100 Peisl 3 +0110100 Scofidio 3 +0110100 Heinzel 3 +0110100 Niekro 3 +0110100 Ozaki 3 +0110100 Athanassiades 3 +0110100 Spilka 3 +0110100 Spady 3 +0110100 Shaub 3 +0110100 Szarka 3 +0110100 Chason 3 +0110100 Ossad 3 +0110100 Murrill 3 +0110100 DeGeurin 3 +0110100 Saint-Aignan 3 +0110100 Phiri 3 +0110100 Bucay 3 +0110100 Arslanian 3 +0110100 Sneider 3 +0110100 Gaydick 3 +0110100 Pharriss 3 +0110100 Galtney 3 +0110100 Maniago 3 +0110100 Burick 3 +0110100 Schoenfeld 3 +0110100 Salerno-Sonnenberg 3 +0110100 Bevilacqua 3 +0110100 Brancato 3 +0110100 Gaasbecks 3 +0110100 Amabile 3 +0110100 Nesbeda 3 +0110100 Gide 3 +0110100 Dods 3 +0110100 Reidelbach 3 +0110100 Gompers 3 +0110100 Nagayama 3 +0110100 Oldfield 3 +0110100 Bourdain 3 +0110100 Szpiner 3 +0110100 Zitron 3 +0110100 McJimsey 3 +0110100 Tcherkassky 3 +0110100 Biedenkopf 3 +0110100 Baranov 3 +0110100 Stiritz 3 +0110100 Ellrott 3 +0110100 McGiven 3 +0110100 Debus 3 +0110100 Rickard 3 +0110100 Maginnis 3 +0110100 Weathers 3 +0110100 Meskill 3 +0110100 Francese 3 +0110100 Seales 3 +0110100 Trenkler 3 +0110100 Temirkanov 3 +0110100 Molesky 3 +0110100 Cornet 3 +0110100 Crites 3 +0110100 Bijak 3 +0110100 Polozov 3 +0110100 Flitner 3 +0110100 Marram 3 +0110100 Schniedwind 3 +0110100 Sicilia 3 +0110100 Khameini 3 +0110100 Nogues 3 +0110100 Zaino 3 +0110100 Mater 3 +0110100 Wickline 3 +0110100 Abakanowicz 3 +0110100 Czerny 3 +0110100 Ragals 3 +0110100 Whitcomb 3 +0110100 Birkett 3 +0110100 Saint-Geours 3 +0110100 Finegold 3 +0110100 Selfridge 3 +0110100 Visscher 3 +0110100 Saenger 3 +0110100 Skillin 3 +0110100 Boger 3 +0110100 McCrae 3 +0110100 Geduldig 3 +0110100 Lozyniak 3 +0110100 Rusche 3 +0110100 Trippi 3 +0110100 Coltrane 3 +0110100 Adami 3 +0110100 Nucci 3 +0110100 Pelullo 3 +0110100 Cornudella 3 +0110100 Kooken 3 +0110100 Krasney 3 +0110100 Roloff 3 +0110100 Caliendo 3 +0110100 Eszterhas 3 +0110100 Popovich 3 +0110100 Asbridge 3 +0110100 Khlopin 3 +0110100 Schlenker 3 +0110100 DeRita 3 +0110100 Philipson 3 +0110100 Orozco 3 +0110100 Cheramy 3 +0110100 Metzfield 3 +0110100 Gingold 3 +0110100 Ruehe 3 +0110100 Burwell 3 +0110100 Grechko 3 +0110100 Perenchio 3 +0110100 Washton 3 +0110100 Alligood 3 +0110100 Compa 3 +0110100 Kezis 3 +0110100 Oberstar 3 +0110100 Curler 3 +0110100 Soltwedel 3 +0110100 Gropper 3 +0110100 Kostic 3 +0110100 Borba 3 +0110100 Freiburghouse 3 +0110100 Vallejos 3 +0110100 Schifter 3 +0110100 Seledron 3 +0110100 Himmler 3 +0110100 Caligari 3 +0110100 Finerman 3 +0110100 Hornstein 3 +0110100 Kirshner 3 +0110100 Aikawa 3 +0110100 Nachamie 3 +0110100 Khivrich 3 +0110100 Tutunik 3 +0110100 Carpino 3 +0110100 Bautier 3 +0110100 Trojanowicz 3 +0110100 Hentschel 3 +0110100 Levergood 3 +0110100 Aldikacti 3 +0110100 Herskovitz 3 +0110100 Basmajan 3 +0110100 Sova 3 +0110100 Wickett 3 +0110100 Aswell 3 +0110100 Nazem 3 +0110100 Hassell 3 +0110100 Taschereau 3 +0110100 McGrail 3 +0110100 Stemmer 3 +0110100 Takessian 3 +0110100 Worrick 3 +0110100 Sprinzen 3 +0110100 Schaar 3 +0110100 Shvets 3 +0110100 Beerworth 3 +0110100 Stolley 3 +0110100 Ruiz-Mateos 3 +0110100 Ganilau 3 +0110100 Halikas 3 +0110100 DeBoer 3 +0110100 Eskenazi 3 +0110100 Politis 3 +0110100 Brittenden 3 +0110100 McInroy 3 +0110100 Matsumoto 3 +0110100 Beathard 3 +0110100 Kasiva 3 +0110100 Melillo 3 +0110100 Klim 3 +0110100 Clementi 3 +0110100 Scalise 3 +0110100 Ryavec 3 +0110100 Grand-Clement 3 +0110100 Eley 3 +0110100 Gelbard 3 +0110100 Boyers 3 +0110100 Kalajian 3 +0110100 Jeffreys 3 +0110100 Kalmus 3 +0110100 Mabbs 3 +0110100 Hora 3 +0110100 Thoron 3 +0110100 Fondy 3 +0110100 Beith 3 +0110100 Newby 3 +0110100 Rabkin 3 +0110100 Baptista 3 +0110100 Tarkenton 3 +0110100 Cobby 3 +0110100 Andrulis 3 +0110100 Rieutort 3 +0110100 Opotowsky 3 +0110100 Natalizia 3 +0110100 Gampel 3 +0110100 Batlogg 3 +0110100 Katzmann 3 +0110100 Manna 3 +0110100 Greenblott 3 +0110100 Basta 3 +0110100 Cadigan 3 +0110100 Senter 3 +0110100 Hudiburg 3 +0110100 Pennachio 3 +0110100 Baumler 3 +0110100 Milman 3 +0110100 Crink 3 +0110100 Hoewing 3 +0110100 Ravenel 3 +0110100 Ravkind 3 +0110100 Moxie 3 +0110100 Cahlander 3 +0110100 Hoadley 3 +0110100 Niglio 3 +0110100 Liebhaber 3 +0110100 Spaven 3 +0110100 Schonauer 3 +0110100 Ohashi 3 +0110100 Omnivore 3 +0110100 Hieber 3 +0110100 Fuselier 3 +0110100 Reak 3 +0110100 Robuchon 3 +0110100 Imasdounian 3 +0110100 Ramseyer 3 +0110100 Bidard 3 +0110100 Dehihns 3 +0110100 Mokae 3 +0110100 Hayford 3 +0110100 Shephard 3 +0110100 Takabatake 3 +0110100 Navin 3 +0110100 Boyajain 3 +0110100 Rubinov 3 +0110100 Deneuve 3 +0110100 Techine 3 +0110100 Cavalli 3 +0110100 Garrott 3 +0110100 Poddar 3 +0110100 McQuillen 3 +0110100 Sweatman 3 +0110100 Banus 3 +0110100 Strother 3 +0110100 Kuritzky 3 +0110100 Paolini 3 +0110100 Grudberg 3 +0110100 Wolk 3 +0110100 Tuohey 3 +0110100 Fornaro 3 +0110100 Klinges 3 +0110100 Prideaux 3 +0110100 Leuchtenburg 3 +0110100 Deems 3 +0110100 Danychuk 3 +0110100 Mitsuyama 3 +0110100 Hudgens 3 +0110100 Schiffrin 3 +0110100 Korell 3 +0110100 Iemura 3 +0110100 Melsheimer 3 +0110100 Raben 3 +0110100 Sondock 3 +0110100 LaBarre 3 +0110100 Eberhardt 3 +0110100 Soyer 3 +0110100 Alverson 3 +0110100 Heimbold 3 +0110100 Krivin 3 +0110100 Weithorn 3 +0110100 Antoci 3 +0110100 Flaum 3 +0110100 Vinogradov 3 +0110100 Kronfle 3 +0110100 Bardis 3 +0110100 Chinni 3 +0110100 Beham 3 +0110100 Garay 3 +0110100 Sadd 3 +0110100 Ellentuck 3 +0110100 Pande 3 +0110100 Biggart 3 +0110100 deVismes 3 +0110100 Goubert 3 +0110100 Deibel 3 +0110100 LeResche 3 +0110100 Jamiesson 3 +0110100 Niklas 3 +0110100 Thorsen 3 +0110100 Faucher 3 +0110100 Rittenberg 3 +0110100 Francoeur 3 +0110100 Cantarella 3 +0110100 Wilcher 3 +0110100 Schuck 3 +0110100 Yanyong 3 +0110100 Mostow 3 +0110100 Coulon 3 +0110100 Sugimoto 3 +0110100 Dezafra 3 +0110100 Knepp 3 +0110100 Parasaran 3 +0110100 Casesa 3 +0110100 Graetz 3 +0110100 Genego 3 +0110100 Stanwyck 3 +0110100 DeMelle 3 +0110100 Zecha 3 +0110100 Perovic 3 +0110100 Stambuk 3 +0110100 Seks 3 +0110100 Destouet 3 +0110100 Pinyan 3 +0110100 Salas 3 +0110100 Eilers 3 +0110100 Sonnenfeldt 3 +0110100 Outten 3 +0110100 Cucci 3 +0110100 Bouckhout 3 +0110100 Tycz 3 +0110100 Brezovec 3 +0110100 Terbot 3 +0110100 Stockmeyer 3 +0110100 Pitcoff 3 +0110100 Araki 3 +0110100 Delatour 3 +0110100 Mechling 3 +0110100 Hollenhorst 3 +0110100 McKiever 3 +0110100 Aylward 3 +0110100 Thiret 3 +0110100 Kantz 3 +0110100 Arterburn 3 +0110100 Farrara 3 +0110100 Briskman 3 +0110100 Touratsos 3 +0110100 Perryman 3 +0110100 Rowse 3 +0110100 Brenteson 3 +0110100 Sevigny 3 +0110100 Howser 3 +0110100 Soyinka 3 +0110100 Skenazy 3 +0110100 Patagones 3 +0110100 Lannert 3 +0110100 Poza 3 +0110100 Florkiewicz 3 +0110100 Groskopf 3 +0110100 Vlok 3 +0110100 Venit 3 +0110100 Sandalls 3 +0110100 Parichy 3 +0110100 Harch 3 +0110100 Juhan 3 +0110100 Gansler 3 +0110100 Michnik 3 +0110100 Sherfey 3 +0110100 Hamermesh 3 +0110100 Bannerman 3 +0110100 Lansbury 3 +0110100 Birks 3 +0110100 Ormsten 3 +0110100 Schimberg 3 +0110100 Zeigler 3 +0110100 Severs 3 +0110100 Georgine 3 +0110100 Chaitman 3 +0110100 Havender 3 +0110100 Hochman 3 +0110100 Shlapentokh 3 +0110100 Forcelledo 3 +0110100 Raft 3 +0110100 Gibbins 3 +0110100 Droghoul 3 +0110100 Chatterjee 3 +0110100 Joanen 3 +0110100 Reimer 3 +0110100 Takezawa 3 +0110100 Blinick 3 +0110100 Sharpenberg 3 +0110100 Melone 3 +0110100 Governali 3 +0110100 Myskowski 3 +0110100 Schackman 3 +0110100 Bradetich 3 +0110100 Stanbury 3 +0110100 Gaudreau 3 +0110100 Paszynski 3 +0110100 Blicher 3 +0110100 Desgraupes 3 +0110100 Nidenberg 3 +0110100 Klaaste 3 +0110100 Raclin 3 +0110100 Lutolf 3 +0110100 Korner 3 +0110100 Learnard 3 +0110100 Marchenko 3 +0110100 Sneed 3 +0110100 Hoeppner 3 +0110100 Cirigliano 3 +0110100 Schad 3 +0110100 Busselle 3 +0110100 Taeuber 3 +0110100 Shinton 3 +0110100 Kempf 3 +0110100 Tsuei 3 +0110100 Reynard 3 +0110100 Vankin 3 +0110100 Zenner 3 +0110100 Zaghmory 3 +0110100 McGaffey 3 +0110100 Fermor 3 +0110100 Gottsegen 3 +0110100 Evart 3 +0110100 Kneipper 3 +0110100 Hellerstein 3 +0110100 Keehn 3 +0110100 DiTillio 3 +0110100 Panyko 3 +0110100 Martre 3 +0110100 Caan 3 +0110100 Lynde 3 +0110100 Irby 3 +0110100 Jaquez 3 +0110100 Saklad 3 +0110100 Thiesen 3 +0110100 Blalock 3 +0110100 Bournival 3 +0110100 Takamine 3 +0110100 Wunder 3 +0110100 Besson 3 +0110100 Birns 3 +0110100 Corrick 3 +0110100 Naclerio 3 +0110100 Feltman 3 +0110100 Tarasov 3 +0110100 LeGrand 3 +0110100 Eiger 3 +0110100 McLaren 3 +0110100 Holste 3 +0110100 Goetzen 3 +0110100 Illenseer 3 +0110100 Ruditzky 3 +0110100 Buchanan-Smith 3 +0110100 Foonberg 3 +0110100 Sippel 3 +0110100 Bratt 3 +0110100 Apodaca 3 +0110100 Haydu 3 +0110100 Sidel 3 +0110100 Effman 3 +0110100 Roeg 3 +0110100 Condy 3 +0110100 Dentz 3 +0110100 Dern 3 +0110100 McKern 3 +0110100 Eldredge 3 +0110100 Liedl 3 +0110100 Sader 3 +0110100 Leighty 3 +0110100 Spektor 3 +0110100 Ptashne 3 +0110100 Hillens 3 +0110100 Bunz 3 +0110100 Benfield 3 +0110100 Botkin 3 +0110100 Zelicoff 3 +0110100 Schwietert 3 +0110100 Widdis 3 +0110100 Margolin 3 +0110100 Devereaux 3 +0110100 Wenberg 3 +0110100 Fittro 3 +0110100 Knosp 3 +0110100 Doja 3 +0110100 Melich 3 +0110100 Dietrick 3 +0110100 Pretl 3 +0110100 Minchau 3 +0110100 Arnolds 3 +0110100 Felty 3 +0110100 Spoonemore 3 +0110100 Rudig 3 +0110100 Ditkoff 3 +0110100 Hunter-Stiebel 3 +0110100 Arraes 3 +0110100 Teipel 3 +0110100 Felsen 3 +0110100 Panday 3 +0110100 Kapel 3 +0110100 Atala 3 +0110100 Calverley 3 +0110100 Fausch 3 +0110100 Lefkowitz 3 +0110100 Fey 3 +0110100 Muszynski 3 +0110100 Briley 3 +0110100 Virts 3 +0110100 Finizio 3 +0110100 Marione 3 +0110100 Ruprecht 3 +0110100 Gracey 3 +0110100 Gillespi 3 +0110100 Zemene 3 +0110100 Daiboch 3 +0110100 Ausfahl 3 +0110100 Montopoli 3 +0110100 DeAlessandro 3 +0110100 Sanderlin 3 +0110100 Ehart 3 +0110100 Mignone 3 +0110100 Kreski 3 +0110100 Gudmundson 3 +0110100 Windridge 3 +0110100 Kehrl 3 +0110100 Carrigg 3 +0110100 Loafer 3 +0110100 Ferenbach 3 +0110100 Fogle 3 +0110100 Ammerman 3 +0110100 Imes 3 +0110100 Crecine 3 +0110100 Haasbeek 3 +0110100 Wardhana 3 +0110100 Swinton 3 +0110100 Smirlock 3 +0110100 Ikeuchi 3 +0110100 Blueger 3 +0110100 Lill 3 +0110100 Afanasyeva 3 +0110100 Kull 3 +0110100 Foucault 3 +0110100 Petrovsky 3 +0110100 Diddley 3 +0110100 Ruskowski 3 +0110100 Pastrana 3 +0110100 Keklak 3 +0110100 Krupa 3 +0110100 Bogdanova 3 +0110100 Redden 3 +0110100 Rouche 3 +0110100 Browne-Wilkinson 3 +0110100 Chinnici 3 +0110100 Witcover 3 +0110100 Schollander 3 +0110100 Visentini 3 +0110100 Bonk 3 +0110100 McNelley 3 +0110100 Schadegg 3 +0110100 Schwemer 3 +0110100 Bronec 3 +0110100 Cherif 3 +0110100 Piliero 3 +0110100 Casserly 3 +0110100 Vroom 3 +0110100 Panuthos 3 +0110100 Schlefer 3 +0110100 Melican 3 +0110100 Tippe 3 +0110100 Dumar 3 +0110100 Makawa 3 +0110100 Nazimeye 3 +0110100 Tonelson 3 +0110100 Kasich 3 +0110100 Kristie 3 +0110100 Ard 3 +0110100 Oldman 3 +0110100 Rafii 3 +0110100 Brickley 3 +0110100 Bakhtiari 3 +0110100 Manderbach 3 +0110100 Lauter 3 +0110100 Mantilla 3 +0110100 Adjani 3 +0110100 Schulberg 3 +0110100 Sclater 3 +0110100 Burner 3 +0110100 Boehlje 3 +0110100 Colalucci 3 +0110100 Dulaney 3 +0110100 Ramus 3 +0110100 Gaffey 3 +0110100 Greenstreet 3 +0110100 Benwitt 3 +0110100 Vaid 3 +0110100 Rathbone 3 +0110100 Riepenhausen 3 +0110100 Bermel 3 +0110100 Buschmann 3 +0110100 Paolucci 3 +0110100 Ruegger 3 +0110100 Heiman 3 +0110100 Mazanec 3 +0110100 Murguia 3 +0110100 Toffolon 3 +0110100 Hornbeck 3 +0110100 Kilbourne 3 +0110100 Hobor 3 +0110100 Zaffarano 3 +0110100 Cawley 3 +0110100 Ogren 3 +0110100 Kadans 3 +0110100 Bartholow 3 +0110100 Keppler 3 +0110100 Jenike 3 +0110100 Shieh 3 +0110100 Neibart 3 +0110100 Mettam 3 +0110100 Luders 3 +0110100 Strassner 3 +0110100 Delbridge 3 +0110100 Porrazzo 3 +0110100 Bratowski 3 +0110100 Lorini 3 +0110100 Rowlands 3 +0110100 Atchity 3 +0110100 Bazin 3 +0110100 Raynor 3 +0110100 Grannell 3 +0110100 Fortgang 3 +0110100 Dalby 3 +0110100 Glibbery 3 +0110100 Swetland 3 +0110100 Gerlach 3 +0110100 Sisisky 3 +0110100 Needleman 3 +0110100 Murialdo 3 +0110100 Rabwin 3 +0110100 Lowin 3 +0110100 Haraoka 3 +0110100 Kilmer 3 +0110100 Bicat 3 +0110100 Toma 3 +0110100 Joll 3 +0110100 Tillotson 3 +0110100 Gochberg 3 +0110100 Hoover-Dempsey 3 +0110100 Mullikin 3 +0110100 Fineberg 3 +0110100 Smolensky 3 +0110100 Goodale 3 +0110100 Terzi 3 +0110100 Bonar 3 +0110100 Hoeveler 3 +0110100 Parrino 3 +0110100 Delmonico 3 +0110100 Dutilleux 3 +0110100 Boeheim 3 +0110100 Hechtman 3 +0110100 Billet 3 +0110100 Kudelka 3 +0110100 Zradicka 3 +0110100 Nolde 3 +0110100 McGinniss 3 +0110100 Hemming 3 +0110100 Trepp 3 +0110100 Everhart 3 +0110100 Spokley 3 +0110100 Spano 3 +0110100 Jaronko 3 +0110100 Phalle 3 +0110100 Fanslow 3 +0110100 Andis 3 +0110100 Wimberly 3 +0110100 Pietraszek 3 +0110100 Bott 3 +0110100 Atkisson 3 +0110100 Tubman 3 +0110100 Befurt 3 +0110100 Hilyard 3 +0110100 Oteri 3 +0110100 Wiedebush 3 +0110100 Cakmis 3 +0110100 Erbakan 3 +0110100 Galvez 3 +0110100 Jacquemin 3 +0110100 Lauria 3 +0110100 Crean 3 +0110100 Iberoamerica 3 +0110100 Chilombo 3 +0110100 Folkerth 3 +0110100 Cusimano 3 +0110100 Semingson 3 +0110100 Galun 3 +0110100 Valenta 3 +0110100 Klette 3 +0110100 Skvorecky 3 +0110100 Gavens 3 +0110100 Elsner 3 +0110100 Tannatta 3 +0110100 Dongarra 3 +0110100 Theurkauf 3 +0110100 Lubbe 3 +0110100 Mysak 3 +0110100 Kubek 3 +0110100 Tuey 3 +0110100 Marchais 3 +0110100 Gribin 3 +0110100 Sendler 3 +0110100 Genetski 3 +0110100 Scarr 3 +0110100 Walder 3 +0110100 Filderman 3 +0110100 Winegardner 3 +0110100 Klurfeld 3 +0110100 Hisada 3 +0110100 Winawer 3 +0110100 Tagg 3 +0110100 Anastasi 3 +0110100 DeBeauvoir 3 +0110100 McMullan 3 +0110100 Liebenow 3 +0110100 Sakaguchi 3 +0110100 Prielipp 3 +0110100 Kaliniak 3 +0110100 Lents 3 +0110100 Rieker 3 +0110100 Yeres 3 +0110100 Jani 3 +0110100 Zwyer 3 +0110100 McGinnity 3 +0110100 Orthwein 3 +0110100 Walbancke 3 +0110100 Poupart-Lafarge 3 +0110100 MacAdams 3 +0110100 Elvekrog 3 +0110100 Tikkanen 3 +0110100 Pankin 3 +0110100 Wyngarden 3 +0110100 Ricker 3 +0110100 Fidler 3 +0110100 Fennema 3 +0110100 Goette 3 +0110100 Burten 3 +0110100 Ciasullo 3 +0110100 Runkle 3 +0110100 Buring 3 +0110100 Olsan 3 +0110100 Keizer 3 +0110100 Ebaugh 3 +0110100 Musgrove 3 +0110100 Ashwill 3 +0110100 Stent 3 +0110100 Ruhe 3 +0110100 Thomashow 3 +0110100 Baselitz 3 +0110100 Meader 3 +0110100 Pilarski 3 +0110100 Siu 3 +0110100 Macneill 3 +0110100 Kesel 3 +0110100 Weigle 3 +0110100 Winkel 3 +0110100 Wennberg 3 +0110100 Jenkins-Stark 3 +0110100 Bruser 3 +0110100 Akresh 3 +0110100 Riesman 3 +0110100 Apasara 3 +0110100 Featherstone 3 +0110100 Werby 3 +0110100 Pyles 3 +0110100 Ligon 3 +0110100 Brasell 3 +0110100 Dunton 3 +0110100 Zukovsky 3 +0110100 Aranda 3 +0110100 Moleleki 3 +0110100 Steffy 3 +0110100 Quds 3 +0110100 Lindstrom 3 +0110100 Dikmen 3 +0110100 Strednak 3 +0110100 Foght 3 +0110100 Eugster 3 +0110100 Dunphy 3 +0110100 Behr 3 +0110100 Schwitter 3 +0110100 Niemczewski 3 +0110100 Brunsdale 3 +0110100 Pizzey 3 +0110100 Kuh 3 +0110100 Flickinger 3 +0110100 Lazelle 3 +0110100 Kalish 3 +0110100 Wahed 3 +0110100 Naya 3 +0110100 Schielein 3 +0110100 Murninghan 3 +0110100 Bedrosian 3 +0110100 Watada 3 +0110100 Lincicome 3 +0110100 Nitti 3 +0110100 Kurdas 3 +0110100 Morricone 3 +0110100 Holtham 3 +0110100 Kristensen 3 +0110100 Codman 3 +0110100 Dircks 3 +0110100 Roberti 3 +0110100 Gurtis 3 +0110100 Vasiliev 3 +0110100 Bensten 3 +0110100 Gallegos 3 +0110100 Larocca 3 +0110100 Yorkin 3 +0110100 Kehle 3 +0110100 Arpin 3 +0110100 Salamah 3 +0110100 Al-Harthi 3 +0110100 Kinser 3 +0110100 Sarna 3 +0110100 Griesse 3 +0110100 Lacourciere 3 +0110100 Doph 3 +0110100 Swett 3 +0110100 Boecking 3 +0110100 Carlston 3 +0110100 Koppelman 3 +0110100 Peddie 3 +0110100 Esteverena 3 +0110100 Shielke 3 +0110100 Anoli 3 +0110100 Izdebski 3 +0110100 Norling 3 +0110100 Norian 3 +0110100 Mohn 3 +0110100 Schnell 3 +0110100 Spalla 3 +0110100 Metge 3 +0110100 Branciard 3 +0110100 Bast 3 +0110100 Cuoco 3 +0110100 Freche 3 +0110100 Orce 3 +0110100 Ushikubo 3 +0110100 Gaertner 3 +0110100 Deskins 3 +0110100 Mojadidi 3 +0110100 Cedeno 3 +0110100 Sorman 3 +0110100 Herke 3 +0110100 Maslow 3 +0110100 Morring 3 +0110100 Ekedahl 3 +0110100 Zwerling 3 +0110100 Meilke 3 +0110100 Kunihiro 3 +0110100 Luxmoore 3 +0110100 Zabaneh 3 +0110100 Dahrendorf 3 +0110100 Jesperson 3 +0110100 Mirabito 3 +0110100 Cocker 3 +0110100 Corash 3 +0110100 Pliakas 3 +0110100 Furlan 3 +0110100 Benge 3 +0110100 Fagerlund 3 +0110100 Patenaude 3 +0110100 Kligh 3 +0110100 Plunk 3 +0110100 Eatwell 3 +0110100 Toczyska 3 +0110100 Solanet 3 +0110100 Wolman 3 +0110100 Kareishi 3 +0110100 Lapthorne 3 +0110100 Kuban 3 +0110100 Kiet 3 +0110100 Muhl 3 +0110100 Witschner 3 +0110100 Tager 3 +0110100 Schroth 3 +0110100 Farhat 3 +0110100 Marwan 3 +0110100 Weliver 3 +0110100 Aronovitz 3 +0110100 Seawright 3 +0110100 Leasure 3 +0110100 Holloran 3 +0110100 Balestreri 3 +0110100 Feliu 3 +0110100 Veloric 3 +0110100 Burnstein 3 +0110100 Konigsberg 3 +0110100 Silverglate 3 +0110100 Sabbatini 3 +0110100 Hillinga 3 +0110100 Orlett 3 +0110100 Shands 3 +0110100 Eidson 3 +0110100 Kostiuk 3 +0110100 Goc 3 +0110100 Blase 3 +0110100 Gusberg 3 +0110100 Landschulz 3 +0110100 Heiserman 3 +0110100 Gwinn 3 +0110100 Winberry 3 +0110100 Bergl 3 +0110100 Golodner 3 +0110100 Rockhold 3 +0110100 Goyan 3 +0110100 Crismore 3 +0110100 Tursman 3 +0110100 Despres 3 +0110100 Duer 3 +0110100 Kerchhoff 3 +0110100 Sikakane 3 +0110100 Strott 3 +0110100 Liroff 3 +0110100 Brust 3 +0110100 Judis 3 +0110100 Becher 3 +0110100 Feerick 3 +0110100 Trigg 3 +0110100 Stoeckel 3 +0110100 Angelilli 3 +0110100 Trenary 3 +0110100 DeClercq 3 +0110100 Silkman 3 +0110100 Melchor 3 +0110100 Hirshfeld 3 +0110100 Heindel 3 +0110100 Hershfield 3 +0110100 Prosky 3 +0110100 Berend 3 +0110100 Kriz 3 +0110100 Cherpak 3 +0110100 Terblanche 3 +0110100 Charreaux 3 +0110100 Bruederle 3 +0110100 Orlandella 3 +0110100 Prout 3 +0110100 McMorrow 3 +0110100 Yanagisawa 3 +0110100 Schlosberg 3 +0110100 Daddario 3 +0110100 Nieves 3 +0110100 Dostanic 3 +0110100 Soosten 3 +0110100 Helle 3 +0110100 Gilkey 3 +0110100 Strieber 3 +0110100 Champs-Elysees 3 +0110100 Steucke 3 +0110100 Bathrick 3 +0110100 Draleaus 3 +0110100 Gebbie 3 +0110100 Csathy 3 +0110100 Rinkoff 3 +0110100 Westenberg 3 +0110100 Gowrie 3 +0110100 Maruta 3 +0110100 Akatsu 3 +0110100 Przyszlak 3 +0110100 Lande 3 +0110100 Previte 3 +0110100 Sotin 3 +0110100 Plaxe 3 +0110100 Arango 3 +0110100 Petru 3 +0110100 Feist 3 +0110100 Shafransky 3 +0110100 Schwensen 3 +0110100 Shipe 3 +0110100 Zarnowitz 3 +0110100 Seong 3 +0110100 Stolle 3 +0110100 Bacigal 3 +0110100 Descours 3 +0110100 Ilschenko 3 +0110100 Atkin 3 +0110100 Lynum 3 +0110100 Dehmlow 3 +0110100 Wauben 3 +0110100 Nuseibeh 3 +0110100 Voronsov 3 +0110100 Musgrave 3 +0110100 Rofes 3 +0110100 Golleher 3 +0110100 Baumel 3 +0110100 Rigopoulos 3 +0110100 Cowens 3 +0110100 Papanicolaou 3 +0110100 Struk 3 +0110100 Sartori 3 +0110100 Furey 3 +0110100 Erzen 3 +0110100 Lloyd-Jones 3 +0110100 Wilbourne 3 +0110100 Illgen 3 +0110100 Rudowicz 3 +0110100 Weedman 3 +0110100 Gaither 3 +0110100 Dales 3 +0110100 deB 3 +0110100 Alanis 3 +0110100 Loewenstein 3 +0110100 Godber 3 +0110100 Gladman 3 +0110100 Tepe 3 +0110100 Persson 3 +0110100 Ritterman 3 +0110100 Sibiya 3 +0110100 Hopp 3 +0110100 Trung 3 +0110100 Alson 3 +0110100 Pankau 3 +0110100 Morikawa 3 +0110100 Karmazin 3 +0110100 DeVillars 3 +0110100 Bertlesman 3 +0110100 Pirnie 3 +0110100 Zeevi 3 +0110100 Brister 3 +0110100 Nishime 3 +0110100 Hannberger 3 +0110100 Shafroth 3 +0110100 Qiang 3 +0110100 Massell 3 +0110100 Losco 3 +0110100 Katzenstein 3 +0110100 Wrede 3 +0110100 Juren 3 +0110100 Hellerman 3 +0110100 Hershkowitz 3 +0110100 Cocuzza 3 +0110100 Rebell 3 +0110100 Wilensky 3 +0110100 McCampbell 3 +0110100 Vykhodtseva 3 +0110100 Petherbridge 3 +0110100 Piven 3 +0110100 Sentker 3 +0110100 Mion 3 +0110100 Parnaby 3 +0110100 Daane 3 +0110100 Jasperson 3 +0110100 Shirvanian 3 +0110100 Ianella 3 +0110100 Morial 3 +0110100 Bangham 3 +0110100 Krygier 3 +0110100 Higginson 3 +0110100 Dumont 3 +0110100 Stenbom 3 +0110100 Poghettini 3 +0110100 Orphanos 3 +0110100 Dunaj 3 +0110100 Bonta 3 +0110100 Nahrwold 3 +0110100 Swayze 3 +0110100 Schmader 3 +0110100 Hydeman 3 +0110100 Carlhian 3 +0110100 Stanek 3 +0110100 Roysdon 3 +0110100 Garraway 3 +0110100 Kaita 3 +0110100 Caceda 3 +0110100 Leibman 3 +0110100 Fixx 3 +0110100 Baumol 3 +0110100 Sawaya 3 +0110100 Sardi 3 +0110100 Triggs 3 +0110100 Reinertson 3 +0110100 Kreick 3 +0110100 Andreson 3 +0110100 Rohrbaugh 3 +0110100 Vermeulen 3 +0110100 Olwell 3 +0110100 Theis 3 +0110100 Pugo 3 +0110100 Coan 3 +0110100 Carbine 3 +0110100 Hendershot 3 +0110100 Hattan 3 +0110100 Cheadle 3 +0110100 Peele 3 +0110100 Camarta 3 +0110100 Miyajima 3 +0110100 Serian 3 +0110100 Benzie 3 +0110100 Blechman 3 +0110100 Liel 3 +0110100 Liener 3 +0110100 Antrim 3 +0110100 Acin 3 +0110100 Grinspun 3 +0110100 Akins 3 +0110100 Dubay 3 +0110100 Kreifeldt 3 +0110100 Storiale 3 +0110100 Gabianelli 3 +0110100 Hartnack 3 +0110100 Nenashev 3 +0110100 Sliwa 3 +0110100 Dobrich 3 +0110100 Dornemann 3 +0110100 Odgers 3 +0110100 Hulse 3 +0110100 Tilis 3 +0110100 Hartin 3 +0110100 Reber 3 +0110100 Vasilopoulos 3 +0110100 Mosman 3 +0110100 Schwanbeck 3 +0110100 Sundry 3 +0110100 Tulin 3 +0110100 Delarosiere 3 +0110100 Vavala 3 +0110100 Saraceno 3 +0110100 Coeyman 3 +0110100 Sutzkever 3 +0110100 Scott-Heron 3 +0110100 Dolnick 3 +0110100 Wolford 3 +0110100 Lyson 3 +0110100 Kersen 3 +0110100 Menke 3 +0110100 Silvestro 3 +0110100 Lottimer 3 +0110100 Panebianco 3 +0110100 Mecke 3 +0110100 Troutt 3 +0110100 McPheters 3 +0110100 Barkun 3 +0110100 Scruggs 3 +0110100 Danzinger 3 +0110100 Gosselin 3 +0110100 Moskos 3 +0110100 Pero 3 +0110100 Jakubek 3 +0110100 Ketelson 3 +0110100 zumFelde 3 +0110100 Brunet 3 +0110100 Gevirtz 3 +0110100 Corchado 3 +0110100 Stimpfle 3 +0110100 Delman 3 +0110100 Kummerfeld 3 +0110100 Romrell 3 +0110100 Zusel 3 +0110100 Nagasaka 3 +0110100 DiIulio 3 +0110100 Bothwell 3 +0110100 Mastroeni 3 +0110100 Yurkovic 3 +0110100 Fawkes 3 +0110100 Haswell 3 +0110100 Nishiguchi 3 +0110100 Grasemann 3 +0110100 Brindisi 3 +0110100 Ziegel 3 +0110100 Mosbaugh 3 +0110100 Adamadama 3 +0110100 Gallaway 3 +0110100 Cyker 3 +0110100 Measor 3 +0110100 Churchouse 3 +0110100 Lemke 3 +0110100 Seidl 3 +0110100 Tanzer 3 +0110100 Gornick 3 +0110100 Arighi 3 +0110100 Bradosky 3 +0110100 Laffey 3 +0110100 Zaccaria 3 +0110100 Sypen 3 +0110100 Donnea 3 +0110100 Lomasky 3 +0110100 Ussachevsky 3 +0110100 Varney 3 +0110100 Bocca 3 +0110100 Soler 3 +0110100 Trinder 3 +0110100 Liptak 3 +0110100 Stronin 3 +0110100 Vittadini 3 +0110100 Dayley 3 +0110100 Fortson 3 +0110100 Sukegawa 3 +0110100 Saari 3 +0110100 Kujawa 3 +0110100 Modica 3 +0110100 Aoyagi 3 +0110100 Assante 3 +0110100 Altfeld 3 +0110100 Racanelli 3 +0110100 Moerschbaecher 3 +0110100 Bodne 3 +0110100 Swithenbank 3 +0110100 Pahl 3 +0110100 Kokta 3 +0110100 Guidi 3 +0110100 tenEyck 3 +0110100 Yano 3 +0110100 Zall 3 +0110100 Tehan 3 +0110100 Zivin 3 +0110100 Sothern 3 +0110100 Ballhaus 3 +0110100 Yuyitung 3 +0110100 Miyaji 3 +0110100 Bunkers 3 +0110100 Haraburda 3 +0110100 Gloster 3 +0110100 Temkin 3 +0110100 Cimino 3 +0110100 Kaplinsky 3 +0110100 Maresca 3 +0110100 Mayette 3 +0110100 Gattinger 3 +0110100 Tonneson 3 +0110100 Nessim 3 +0110100 Lashinsky 3 +0110100 Mattle 3 +0110100 Fachler 3 +0110100 Pascarella 3 +0110100 Bassi 3 +0110100 Juneja 3 +0110100 Zytnick 3 +0110100 Kostantinidis 3 +0110100 Binas 3 +0110100 Kitazawa 3 +0110100 Aloma 3 +0110100 Mangope 3 +0110100 Skrzypkowiak 3 +0110100 Mojica 3 +0110100 Yanez 3 +0110100 Wekili 3 +0110100 Azrael 3 +0110100 Swirbul 3 +0110100 Callner 3 +0110100 Otness 3 +0110100 Castoro 3 +0110100 Lorinovich 3 +0110100 Limato 3 +0110100 Emori 3 +0110100 Bosley 3 +0110100 Ionesco 3 +0110100 Lys 3 +0110100 Barsan 3 +0110100 Kearse 3 +0110100 Tellfors 3 +0110100 Mosso 3 +0110100 Heiberg 3 +0110100 Srigley 3 +0110100 Villiere 3 +0110100 Kataoka 3 +0110100 Barnish 3 +0110100 Seip 3 +0110100 Prindiville 3 +0110100 Pigott 3 +0110100 Kronstam 3 +0110100 Lord-Alge 3 +0110100 Willcock 3 +0110100 Pzena 3 +0110100 Douffiagues 3 +0110100 Feldkircher 3 +0110100 Haub 3 +0110100 Espenshade 3 +0110100 Aposhian 3 +0110100 Brandzel 3 +0110100 Warrens 3 +0110100 Soysal 3 +0110100 Dastrup 3 +0110100 Cosserat 3 +0110100 Gubar 3 +0110100 Eskra 3 +0110100 Ishii 3 +0110100 Giachetti 3 +0110100 Neisser 3 +0110100 Macurdy 3 +0110100 Donics 3 +0110100 Kochka 3 +0110100 Anel 3 +0110100 Arvai 3 +0110100 Wolkoff 3 +0110100 Efstathiou 3 +0110100 Hotz 3 +0110100 Lupatkin 3 +0110100 Flintstone 3 +0110100 Scheimer 3 +0110100 Cypra 3 +0110100 Willott 3 +0110100 Panagotacos 3 +0110100 Evnine 3 +0110100 Rogow 3 +0110100 Quanqui 3 +0110100 Racciatti 3 +0110100 Arrillaga 3 +0110100 Goebert 3 +0110100 Whitford 3 +0110100 Akopov 3 +0110100 Coplan 3 +0110100 Mugg 3 +0110100 Freid 3 +0110100 Marran 3 +0110100 Buckardt 3 +0110100 Lipanovich 3 +0110100 Prajuabsuk 3 +0110100 Surasen 3 +0110100 Reznicek 3 +0110100 Maietti 3 +0110100 Ditfurth 3 +0110100 Guida 3 +0110100 Khaimah 3 +0110100 Redman-Brown 3 +0110100 Sudol 3 +0110100 Weeber 3 +0110100 Pitner 3 +0110100 Edris 3 +0110100 Koestler 3 +0110100 Tennison 3 +0110100 Bohm 3 +0110100 Roberson 3 +0110100 Sombrotto 3 +0110100 Aspe 3 +0110100 Ingraham 3 +0110100 Coriston 3 +0110100 Colquhoun 3 +0110100 Nowinski 3 +0110100 Gleysteen 3 +0110100 Mages 3 +0110100 Amaro 3 +0110100 Kraatz 3 +0110100 Kissling 3 +0110100 Benrook 3 +0110100 Stachel 3 +0110100 Daughtrey 3 +0110100 Gailliot 3 +0110100 Mouhajer 3 +0110100 LeFauve 3 +0110100 Trosky 3 +0110100 Riess 3 +0110100 Tringer 3 +0110100 Nemes 3 +0110100 Kasem 3 +0110100 Beene 3 +0110100 Dubensky 3 +0110100 Huysman 3 +0110100 Borgmeyer 3 +0110100 Ekberg 3 +0110100 Gorostiaga 3 +0110100 Zucchi 3 +0110100 Dobrinsky 3 +0110100 Taketoh 3 +0110100 Tippler 3 +0110100 Bethge 3 +0110100 Milonas 3 +0110100 Schllosberg 3 +0110100 Abney 3 +0110100 Lautzenheiser 3 +0110100 Schwinden 3 +0110100 Maney 3 +0110100 Polster 3 +0110100 Sarner 3 +0110100 Osler 3 +0110100 Fiederlein 3 +0110100 Mikelson 3 +0110100 Bogachev 3 +0110100 Erbil 3 +0110100 Fidulov 3 +0110100 Sunami 3 +0110100 DeMartini 3 +0110100 Leadbetter 3 +0110100 Cejka 3 +0110100 Revel 3 +0110100 Mayville 3 +0110100 Garraty 3 +0110100 Paluszek 3 +0110100 Glew 3 +0110100 Buchalter 3 +0110100 Hackney 3 +0110100 Raziano 3 +0110100 Samek 3 +0110100 Hempe 3 +0110100 Windisch 3 +0110100 Hedtke 3 +0110100 Restall 3 +0110100 Premo 3 +0110100 Dawes 3 +0110100 Popofsky 3 +0110100 Glish 3 +0110100 Molen 3 +0110100 Corrallo 3 +0110100 Kumoi 3 +0110100 Halkin 3 +0110100 LaTorre 3 +0110100 Livieratos 3 +0110100 Weinig 3 +0110100 Drinan 3 +0110100 Kuchan 3 +0110100 Elg 3 +0110100 Tedesco 3 +0110100 Richley 3 +0110100 Priebe 3 +0110100 Goniwe 3 +0110100 Grandjean 3 +0110100 Kramlich 3 +0110100 Reuwee 3 +0110100 Bellante 3 +0110100 Landrigan 3 +0110100 Fineman 3 +0110100 Alcamo 3 +0110100 Kielty 3 +0110100 Manser 3 +0110100 Eanes 3 +0110100 Grinde 3 +0110100 Fickett 3 +0110100 Sepang 3 +0110100 Nayawai 3 +0110100 Eagelstein 3 +0110100 Rodriguez-Gallegos 3 +0110100 MacEwan 3 +0110100 Gavert 3 +0110100 Janowski 3 +0110100 Struever 3 +0110100 Postula 3 +0110100 Couturie 3 +0110100 Ebker 3 +0110100 Bluestein 3 +0110100 Rizzitello 3 +0110100 Thorpy 3 +0110100 Hancox 3 +0110100 Hutheesing 3 +0110100 Korder 3 +0110100 Martoche 3 +0110100 Glasener 3 +0110100 Pinson 3 +0110100 Durdiev 3 +0110100 Almoayed 3 +0110100 Galiani 3 +0110100 Macpherson 3 +0110100 Bullis 3 +0110100 Shutzer 3 +0110100 Jarecki 3 +0110100 Hilly 3 +0110100 Grueter 3 +0110100 Drell 3 +0110100 Duhamel 3 +0110100 Elrod 3 +0110100 Rombough 3 +0110100 Hannigan 3 +0110100 Schreck 3 +0110100 Caskey 3 +0110100 al-Hodeibi 3 +0110100 Foda 3 +0110100 Saqr 3 +0110100 Paganis 3 +0110100 Horiuchi 3 +0110100 Mackaronis 3 +0110100 Brickfield 3 +0110100 Lascher 3 +0110100 Cholmondeley 3 +0110100 Threadgill 3 +0110100 Perlberg 3 +0110100 Jucker 3 +0110100 Hockbrueckner 3 +0110100 Yaconetti 3 +0110100 Speights 3 +0110100 Asciutto 3 +0110100 Badham 3 +0110100 Dangerfields 3 +0110100 Potashnik 3 +0110100 Hotchner 3 +0110100 Jorgenson 3 +0110100 LeGardeur 3 +0110100 Pileggi 3 +0110100 Devitt 3 +0110100 Tetruzziello 3 +0110100 Ferrar 3 +0110100 Bacigalupo 3 +0110100 Tavenner 3 +0110100 Kornbluh 3 +0110100 Zinsmeister 3 +0110100 Bisschop 3 +0110100 Kramden 3 +0110100 Nudel 3 +0110100 Goldhaber 3 +0110100 Kallio 3 +0110100 Beckford 3 +0110100 Rotie 3 +0110100 Heafy 3 +0110100 Pelek 3 +0110100 Freemantle 3 +0110100 Cammaker 3 +0110100 Bouali 3 +0110100 Walthausen 3 +0110100 Spanton 3 +0110100 Alegria 3 +0110100 Yuhnke 3 +0110100 Sliney 3 +0110100 Nagler 3 +0110100 Margaritis 3 +0110100 Persofsky 3 +0110100 Weikart 3 +0110100 Suhrheinrich 3 +0110100 Aguado 3 +0110100 Hirshfield 3 +0110100 Kutcher 3 +0110100 Niebuhr 3 +0110100 Bublikova 3 +0110100 Beiseker 3 +0110100 Lohmolder 3 +0110100 Hejny 3 +0110100 Zambas 3 +0110100 Hockaday 3 +0110100 Pucik 3 +0110100 Foncannon 3 +0110100 Hoyda 3 +0110100 Botello 3 +0110100 Beckers 3 +0110100 Hohmann 3 +0110100 Contreras 3 +0110100 Midgette 3 +0110100 Maness 3 +0110100 Tedone 3 +0110100 Szilagyi 3 +0110100 Hafner 3 +0110100 Bigham 3 +0110100 Pirkl 3 +0110100 Proulx 3 +0110100 Pekhane 3 +0110100 Rotoloni 3 +0110100 Satterfield 3 +0110100 Facher 3 +0110100 Insley 3 +0110100 Acamovic 3 +0110100 Marowitz 3 +0110100 Eberts 3 +0110100 Tuten 3 +0110100 Dinesen 3 +0110100 Sherard 3 +0110100 Homeyer 3 +0110100 Cornelsen 3 +0110100 Hohlfelder 3 +0110100 Sievers 3 +0110100 Pirrone 3 +0110100 Salti 3 +0110100 Suchman 3 +0110100 Toothill 3 +0110100 Crivelli 3 +0110100 Kusterer 3 +0110100 Gohlike 3 +0110100 Finnell 3 +0110100 Quibodeaux 3 +0110100 Shackley 3 +0110100 Avena 3 +0110100 Fogliano 3 +0110100 Marak 3 +0110100 Cavalcanti 3 +0110100 Zemljaric 3 +0110100 Tannenwald 3 +0110100 Ziemba 3 +0110100 Yantis 3 +0110100 Goheer 3 +0110100 Naff 3 +0110100 Suwiryo 3 +0110100 Abs 3 +0110100 Kaze 3 +0110100 McBryan 3 +0110100 Chiate 3 +0110100 Tromp 3 +0110100 Klahr 3 +0110100 Guarnaschelli 3 +0110100 Outardes 3 +0110100 Perlegos 3 +0110100 Worthing 3 +0110100 Saponaro 3 +0110100 Potosi 3 +0110100 DeWees 3 +0110100 Strangfeld 3 +0110100 Feaheny 3 +0110100 Haville 3 +0110100 Derwinski 3 +0110100 Ornstein 3 +0110100 Elbogen 3 +0110100 Nomoto 3 +0110100 Gadio 3 +0110100 Mahaffey 3 +0110100 Akamatsu 3 +0110100 Kilkenny 3 +0110100 Inlander 3 +0110100 Huemer 3 +0110100 Renovica 3 +0110100 Lustbader 3 +0110100 Rothbart 3 +0110100 Hubbs 3 +0110100 Cochez 3 +0110100 Forese 3 +0110100 Bertelson 3 +0110100 Quevedo 3 +0110100 Alegre 3 +0110100 Emmer 3 +0110100 Shipton 3 +0110100 Korchnoi 3 +0110100 Potti 3 +0110100 Martonik 3 +0110100 Lanphier 3 +0110100 Simoneau 3 +0110100 Widham 3 +0110100 Wiatr 3 +0110100 Rolandi 3 +0110100 Tygart 3 +0110100 Moshinsky 3 +0110100 McConville 3 +0110100 Venti 3 +0110100 Steinberger 3 +0110100 Nangle 3 +0110100 Baehr 3 +0110100 Heth 3 +0110100 Goedecker 3 +0110100 Kiuchi 3 +0110100 Eckman 3 +0110100 Tomasello 3 +0110100 LeSourd 3 +0110100 Stanic 3 +0110100 Devoe 3 +0110100 Bardot 3 +0110100 Augenbraun 3 +0110100 Kos 3 +0110100 Wurczinger 3 +0110100 Bledsoe 3 +0110100 Sentman 3 +0110100 Shingleton 3 +0110100 Fleury 3 +0110100 Shott 3 +0110100 Navas 3 +0110100 Titcomb 3 +0110100 Begalla 3 +0110100 Brookins 3 +0110100 DiBraccio 3 +0110100 Osterberg 3 +0110100 Singel 3 +0110100 Butkus 3 +0110100 Hammitt 3 +0110100 Wigglesworth 3 +0110100 Lamoreaux 3 +0110100 Brassil 3 +0110100 Manzer 3 +0110100 Knuettel 3 +0110100 Buckhalt 3 +0110100 Castonguay 3 +0110100 Miyakoshi 3 +0110100 Lightner 3 +0110100 Pols 3 +0110100 Treece 3 +0110100 Calazans 3 +0110100 Allumbaugh 3 +0110100 Hobzek 3 +0110100 Bartelstone 3 +0110100 Markels 3 +0110100 Ozer 3 +0110100 Baggerman 3 +0110100 Hollewa 3 +0110100 Avers 3 +0110100 Cunneen 3 +0110100 Scholes 3 +0110100 Tavela 3 +0110100 Ohta 3 +0110100 Lamanet 3 +0110100 Aprahamian 3 +0110100 Mundt 3 +0110100 Adelstein 3 +0110100 Linker 3 +0110100 Hempler 3 +0110100 Daetwyler 3 +0110100 Juppe 3 +0110100 Berriozabal 3 +0110100 Shwalb 3 +0110100 Oncken 3 +0110100 Visher 3 +0110100 Brodeur 3 +0110100 Rompala 3 +0110100 Quartarone 3 +0110100 Kesteloot 3 +0110100 Wesely 3 +0110100 Drillman 3 +0110100 Stanghellini 3 +0110100 LaLuntas 3 +0110100 Hochstim 3 +0110100 Kutlu 3 +0110100 Sargin 3 +0110100 Bendig 3 +0110100 Grosh 3 +0110100 Schimmel 3 +0110100 Langan 3 +0110100 Bruson 3 +0110100 Cohen-Solal 3 +0110100 Attalienti 3 +0110100 Scoggins 3 +0110100 Noschese 3 +0110100 Susnjara 3 +0110100 Bernthal 3 +0110100 Zieber 3 +0110100 Rabbani 3 +0110100 Mosser 3 +0110100 Gilborn 3 +0110100 Anacker 3 +0110100 DuCoty 3 +0110100 Dalrymple 3 +0110100 Griminger 3 +0110100 Dufy 3 +0110100 Heitz 3 +0110100 Miceli 3 +0110100 Simoncelli 3 +0110100 Haxthausen 3 +0110100 Paglinco 3 +0110100 Shakshuki 3 +0110100 Panker 3 +0110100 Lingle 3 +0110100 Elsen 3 +0110100 Lobel 3 +0110100 Meisner 3 +0110100 Okrent 3 +0110100 Ziaul-Haq 3 +0110100 Renfro 3 +0110100 Backman 3 +0110100 Sickling 3 +0110100 French-Davis 3 +0110100 Quinson 3 +0110100 Warn 3 +0110100 Minasy 3 +0110100 Hulsey 3 +0110100 Giertz 3 +0110100 Komarek 3 +0110100 Gowing 3 +0110100 Glitman 3 +0110100 Vana 3 +0110100 Cahoj 3 +0110100 Hudecek 3 +0110100 Fritschi 3 +0110100 Fleishman 3 +0110100 Stoltzfus 3 +0110100 Bonnard 3 +0110100 Stam 3 +0110100 Allee 3 +0110100 Wodehouse 3 +0110100 Corboy 3 +0110100 Fryling 3 +0110100 Skillern 3 +0110100 Rawling 3 +0110100 Pulis 3 +0110100 McInnis 3 +0110100 Zankl 3 +0110100 Bakst 3 +0110100 Gheyn 3 +0110100 Rinsch 3 +0110100 Germer 3 +0110100 Stoneburner 3 +0110100 DeRogatis 3 +0110100 Brimley 3 +0110100 Lowack 3 +0110100 Bissett 3 +0110100 Kuno 3 +0110100 Talbott 3 +0110100 Tuthill 3 +0110100 Hallberg 3 +0110100 Anderluh 3 +0110100 Roos 3 +0110100 Henninger 3 +0110100 Gheorge 3 +0110100 Goodis 3 +0110100 Telson 3 +0110100 Gurary 3 +0110100 Recio 3 +0110100 Cott 3 +0110100 Helpern 3 +0110100 Toepfer 3 +0110100 Bost 3 +0110100 Kitsuda 3 +0110100 Jelden 3 +0110100 Tropper 3 +0110100 Darlow 3 +0110100 Visser 3 +0110100 Khanna 3 +0110100 Lamborn 3 +0110100 Zougdhan 3 +0110100 Kanjorski 3 +0110100 Peckham 3 +0110100 Godin 3 +0110100 Purdie 3 +0110100 DeBerry 3 +0110100 Caffrey 3 +0110100 Alekan 3 +0110100 Kravec 3 +0110100 Dovey 3 +0110100 Cawthorne 3 +0110100 Reddaway 3 +0110100 Munden 3 +0110100 Scherick 3 +0110100 Drewry 3 +0110100 Imanishi 3 +0110100 Firth 3 +0110100 Fukino 3 +0110100 Delinois 3 +0110100 Erhardt 3 +0110100 Conrow 3 +0110100 Cropsey 3 +0110100 Stadiem 3 +0110100 Atchkassov 3 +0110100 Mozhaiskov 3 +0110100 Henzel 3 +0110100 Harward 3 +0110100 Tomozawa 3 +0110100 Larabee 3 +0110100 Agthe 3 +0110100 Farquharson 3 +0110100 Harts 3 +0110100 Kryshtalsky 3 +0110100 Matloff 3 +0110100 Walta 3 +0110100 Morzenti 3 +0110100 Leider 3 +0110100 Bicks 3 +0110100 Kors 3 +0110100 Geyer 3 +0110100 Kremlyova 3 +0110100 Gunderslau 3 +0110100 Wincek 3 +0110100 Austad 3 +0110100 Giugni 3 +0110100 Gliedman 3 +0110100 Depardieu 3 +0110100 Salvesen 3 +0110100 Bale 3 +0110100 Aylesworth 3 +0110100 Shimada 3 +0110100 Richler 3 +0110100 Sweetser 3 +0110100 Pivar 3 +0110100 Giallo 3 +0110100 Primis 3 +0110100 Gavrilov 3 +0110100 Moret 3 +0110100 Loo 3 +0110100 Mansell 3 +0110100 Oppenlander 3 +0110100 Ganger 3 +0110100 Cozart 3 +0110100 Mussano 3 +0110100 Ying-jeou 3 +0110100 Duvin 3 +0110100 Erbsen 3 +0110100 Bastin 3 +0110100 Kucinich 3 +0110100 Bishton 3 +0110100 Payn 3 +0110100 Eyal 3 +0110100 Juengling 3 +0110100 Lizt 3 +0110100 Kuthy 3 +0110100 Chelouche 3 +0110100 Rutsch 3 +0110100 Obeiter 3 +0110100 Blocher 3 +0110100 Balton 3 +0110100 Grzybowski 3 +0110100 Dockery 3 +0110100 Kuestner 3 +0110100 DeCristofaro 3 +0110100 Perleman 3 +0110100 Kuhnke 3 +0110100 Reolon 3 +0110100 Avedon 3 +0110100 Takacs 3 +0110100 Borghese 3 +0110100 Kawata 3 +0110100 Hirshson 3 +0110100 Oberhaus 3 +0110100 Pimentel 3 +0110100 Geehring 3 +0110100 Cotte 3 +0110100 Standen 3 +0110100 Leconte 3 +0110100 Natus 3 +0110100 Zarem 3 +0110100 Godley 3 +0110100 Versteegen 3 +0110100 Blatte 3 +0110100 Adorjan 3 +0110100 Ferrans 3 +0110100 Pesek 3 +0110100 Adamishin 3 +0110100 Pekovich 3 +0110100 Corkran 3 +0110100 Oskin 3 +0110100 Sommerhalter 3 +0110100 Pelobello 3 +0110100 Bohill 3 +0110100 Arrowood 3 +0110100 Pellegrini 3 +0110100 Goverman 3 +0110100 Krunic 3 +0110100 Meisler 3 +0110100 Portz 3 +0110100 Sandel 3 +0110100 Basrur 3 +0110100 Marryott 3 +0110100 DePalma 3 +0110100 Sabarese 3 +0110100 LeClair 3 +0110100 Bullard 3 +0110100 Goz 3 +0110100 Tesch 3 +0110100 Pinchot 3 +0110100 Segnar 3 +0110100 Tinkler 3 +0110100 Henneberry 3 +0110100 Bunning 3 +0110100 Crist 3 +0110100 Fok 3 +0110100 Brodkin 3 +0110100 Oechsle 3 +0110100 Lannamann 3 +0110100 Molbeck 3 +0110100 Krasnick 3 +0110100 Dittenhafer 3 +0110100 Jewison 3 +0110100 Heggem 3 +0110100 Mulcahy 3 +0110100 Ruffolo 3 +0110100 Campe 3 +0110100 Salzmann 3 +0110100 Valentini 3 +0110100 Sasahara 3 +0110100 Naughton 3 +0110100 Lasseter 3 +0110100 Etherington 3 +0110100 Diotallevi 3 +0110100 Heintze 3 +0110100 Boettiger 3 +0110100 Toreson 3 +0110100 Dury 3 +0110100 Herber 3 +0110100 Goodling 3 +0110100 Magnusson 3 +0110100 Baumgardner 3 +0110100 Ivanova 3 +0110100 Enthoven 3 +0110100 Corkrean 3 +0110100 Maesato 3 +0110100 Bemberg 3 +0110100 Gaitan 3 +0110100 Eshelman 3 +0110100 Riesselman 3 +0110100 Maglathlin 3 +0110100 Allvine 3 +0110100 Bellotti 3 +0110100 Odegaard 3 +0110100 Stormes 3 +0110100 Moats 3 +0110100 Sackheim 3 +0110100 Leblang 3 +0110100 Ihle 3 +0110100 Bongirno 3 +0110100 Wolkenfeld 3 +0110100 Fasching 3 +0110100 Huxley 3 +0110100 Gately 3 +0110100 Maling 3 +0110100 Pendlum 3 +0110100 Gossage 3 +0110100 Modisa 3 +0110100 Kekina 3 +0110100 Gabetti 3 +0110100 Creagan 3 +0110100 Picou 3 +0110100 Kiesinger 3 +0110100 Whitson 3 +0110100 Massengale 3 +0110100 Edman 3 +0110100 Gettinger 3 +0110100 Kakita 3 +0110100 Somkiat 3 +0110100 Seto 3 +0110100 Intihar 3 +0110100 Saffels 3 +0110100 Staponski 3 +0110100 Ogarkov 3 +0110100 Conboy 3 +0110100 Karnosky 3 +0110100 Antoian 3 +0110100 Whitsett 3 +0110100 Sieck 3 +0110100 Steinauer 3 +0110100 Lykos 3 +0110100 Montes 3 +0110100 Amadon 3 +0110100 Kugel 3 +0110100 Caravati 3 +0110100 Mulloy 3 +0110100 Hien 3 +0110100 Bruggere 3 +0110100 Dauzier 3 +0110100 Keilin 3 +0110100 Wain 3 +0110100 Methvin 3 +0110100 Eisenkraft 3 +0110100 Moranis 3 +0110100 Nace 3 +0110100 Boulding 3 +0110100 Morobe 3 +0110100 Gettleson 3 +0110100 Levanto 3 +0110100 Paisely 3 +0110100 Yuo 3 +0110100 Breazzano 3 +0110100 Bookbinder 3 +0110100 Toomre 3 +0110100 Eskind 3 +0110100 DeSena 3 +0110100 Lewellen 3 +0110100 Anglim 3 +0110100 Dimsdale 3 +0110100 Mittleman 3 +0110100 Mondaruli 3 +0110100 Sautier 3 +0110100 Burnside 3 +0110100 Gatton 3 +0110100 Saven 3 +0110100 Schwinghamer 3 +0110100 Hegdal 3 +0110100 Gaut 3 +0110100 Nozick 3 +0110100 Oremland 3 +0110100 Ruyan 3 +0110100 Halford 3 +0110100 Shahani 3 +0110100 Misagal 3 +0110100 Nemenzo 3 +0110100 Herres 3 +0110100 McGoff 3 +0110100 Krzywkowski 3 +0110100 Kepley 3 +0110100 Ellacuria 3 +0110100 McFadin 3 +0110100 Troia 3 +0110100 Kontny 3 +0110100 Kandel 3 +0110100 Asche 3 +0110100 Katushev 3 +0110100 Jonescheit 3 +0110100 Zeph 3 +0110100 Tuckman 3 +0110100 Toshav 3 +0110100 Haeck 3 +0110100 Trizzino 3 +0110100 Cossey 3 +0110100 Markin 3 +0110100 Benedicto 3 +0110100 Kushins 3 +0110100 Trugman 3 +0110100 Kalogridis 3 +0110100 Rinehimer 3 +0110100 Isdell 3 +0110100 Lupovich 3 +0110100 Sohl 3 +0110100 Mabus 3 +0110100 Fuerbringer 3 +0110100 Kaltenborn 3 +0110100 Merzheritsky 3 +0110100 Bronstein 3 +0110100 Zanzotto 3 +0110100 Gekas 3 +0110100 Henrikson 3 +0110100 Deichman 3 +0110100 Faggen 3 +0110100 Sumichrast 3 +0110100 Luben 3 +0110100 Odagiri 3 +0110100 Scobee 3 +0110100 Gamba 3 +0110100 al-Maghripi 3 +0110100 Bianchino 3 +0110100 Gittner 3 +0110100 Perris 3 +0110100 Jong-Il 3 +0110100 Hoops 3 +0110100 Hermogino 3 +0110100 Whipkey 3 +0110100 Preminger 3 +0110100 Konte 3 +0110100 Shull 3 +0110100 Shackleford 3 +0110100 Nagyvary 3 +0110100 Kneram 3 +0110100 MacMaster 3 +0110100 Crisham 3 +0110100 Olvera 3 +0110100 Magri 3 +0110100 Fixari 3 +0110100 Kaminer 3 +0110100 Brooks-Baker 3 +0110100 Osten 3 +0110100 Tarbuck 3 +0110100 Murck 3 +0110100 Frieze 3 +0110100 Shuford 3 +0110100 Dworsky 3 +0110100 Yablon 3 +0110100 Zogby 3 +0110100 Koloski 3 +0110100 Kohashi 3 +0110100 Steben 3 +0110100 Fauriol 3 +0110100 McCagherty 3 +0110100 Ciparick 3 +0110100 Theoharis 3 +0110100 Hewitson 3 +0110100 Eckersley 3 +0110100 Pirani 3 +0110100 Minford 3 +0110100 Rothenstein 3 +0110100 Lounsbury 3 +0110100 Failla 3 +0110100 Prinzivalli 3 +0110100 Brous 3 +0110100 Minjack 3 +0110100 Groman 3 +0110100 Pountain 3 +0110100 Birchard 3 +0110100 Lehr 3 +0110100 Huskins 3 +0110100 Wallerstein 3 +0110100 Karubi 3 +0110100 Russianoff 3 +0110100 Gerner 3 +0110100 Catallo 3 +0110100 Sulcer 3 +0110100 Fulco 3 +0110100 Hoene 3 +0110100 McGivney 3 +0110100 Mares 3 +0110100 Eamer 3 +0110100 Ishizaka 3 +0110100 Pastin 3 +0110100 Ilacqua 3 +0110100 Leeuwen 3 +0110100 McKey 3 +0110100 Trego 3 +0110100 Dalessio 3 +0110100 Kacek 3 +0110100 Kikol 3 +0110100 Lennarson 3 +0110100 Zinbarg 3 +0110100 Zecker 3 +0110100 Gieber 3 +0110100 Fosheim 3 +0110100 Cheshier 3 +0110100 Wingler 3 +0110100 Mirowsky 3 +0110100 Iauco 3 +0110100 Engemann 3 +0110100 Scarangella 3 +0110100 Zitin 3 +0110100 Masterpool 3 +0110100 Collinson 3 +0110100 Godshaw 3 +0110100 Ukeles 3 +0110100 Treiger 3 +0110100 Wassom 3 +0110100 Tutino 3 +0110100 Pomarico 3 +0110100 Plag 3 +0110100 Galarza 3 +0110100 Caffiaux 3 +0110100 Connick 3 +0110100 Cowing 3 +0110100 Gensichen 3 +0110100 Gerlinger 3 +0110100 Leibsle 3 +0110100 Hayashida 3 +0110100 Gritz 3 +0110100 Blough 3 +0110100 Prida 3 +0110100 Kucha 3 +0110100 Brill-Edwards 3 +0110100 Beckenbach 3 +0110100 Krivda 3 +0110100 Hellberg 3 +0110100 Mogami 3 +0110100 Geiser 3 +0110100 Latzer 3 +0110100 Bowerman 3 +0110100 Korte 3 +0110100 Hane 3 +0110100 Stabile 3 +0110100 Henman 3 +0110100 Schlein 3 +0110100 Hazlin 3 +0110100 deLima 3 +0110100 Cammack 3 +0110100 Ceransky 3 +0110100 Roache 3 +0110100 Busick 3 +0110100 Terashima 3 +0110100 Heaman 3 +0110100 Eppelmann 3 +0110100 Loehrke 3 +0110100 Coder 3 +0110100 Alawi 3 +0110100 Valla 3 +0110100 Slobodin 3 +0110100 Bobier 3 +0110100 McLauchlan 3 +0110100 DeGeorge 3 +0110100 Raviola 3 +0110100 Leeper 3 +0110100 Vieha 3 +0110100 Cuervo 3 +0110100 Nissenson 3 +0110100 Sedlack 3 +0110100 Hyslop 3 +0110100 Henrikkson 3 +0110100 Stefans 3 +0110100 Marovich 3 +0110100 Brandimarti 3 +0110100 Ide 3 +0110100 Barbadoro 3 +0110100 Weigand 3 +0110100 Urwitz 3 +0110100 Gammie 3 +0110100 Sakurai 3 +0110100 Dertouzos 3 +0110100 Negroponte 3 +0110100 Parkhill 3 +0110100 Wargo 3 +0110100 Morriss 3 +0110100 Fersh 3 +0110100 Endara 3 +0110100 Sweigart 3 +0110100 Voris 3 +0110100 Keyworth 3 +0110100 Hruska 3 +0110100 Ench 3 +0110100 Grimson 3 +0110100 Abadi 3 +0110100 Pickholz 3 +0110100 Merea 3 +0110100 Borcherds 3 +0110100 Plourde 3 +0110100 Charlier 3 +0110100 Jaffre 3 +0110100 Fukuhara 3 +0110100 Efron 3 +0110100 Piech 3 +0110100 Strongin 3 +0110100 Hausmann 3 +0110100 Tatson 3 +0110100 Smeby 3 +0110100 Raos 3 +0110100 Courtright 3 +0110100 Horman 3 +0110100 McConkey 3 +0110100 Harwitz 3 +0110100 Kohrs 3 +0110100 Loconto 3 +0110100 Marzulla 3 +0110100 Marella 3 +0110100 Cedelle 3 +0110100 Cosandey 3 +0110100 McCreath 3 +0110100 Cavalli-Bjoerkman 3 +0110100 Geuther 3 +0110100 Zuccarelli 3 +0110100 Holovak 3 +0110100 Dicken 3 +0110100 Stanovnik 3 +0110100 Rognoni 3 +0110100 Cotner 3 +0110100 Gardineer 3 +0110100 Pennetta 3 +0110100 Kingland 3 +0110100 Kleczka 3 +0110100 DuCharme 3 +0110100 Sharf 3 +0110100 Hawe 3 +0110100 Bunair 3 +0110100 Bohannon 3 +0110100 Klobucher 3 +0110100 Londen 3 +0110100 Sichel 3 +0110100 Zimits 3 +0110100 Skislock 3 +0110100 Holstrom 3 +0110100 Bans 3 +0110100 Krickstein 3 +0110100 Symonds 3 +0110100 Takemitsu 3 +0110100 Beckmeier 3 +0110100 Raiken 3 +0110100 Bertoli 3 +0110100 Gunji 3 +0110100 Soederstroem 3 +0110100 Stoner 3 +0110100 Molis 3 +0110100 Rentzler 3 +0110100 Stice 3 +0110100 Happel 3 +0110100 Naegeli 3 +0110100 Rumbold 3 +0110100 Plaut 3 +0110100 Reider 3 +0110100 Lysenko 3 +0110100 Carley 3 +0110100 Kael 3 +0110100 Poste 3 +0110100 Wiesler 3 +0110100 Dorskind 3 +0110100 Lubsen 3 +0110100 Toor 3 +0110100 Lupachev 3 +0110100 Graven 3 +0110100 Gendron 3 +0110100 Arcari 3 +0110100 Cashel 3 +0110100 Zedda 3 +0110100 Mrozinski 3 +0110100 Verey 3 +0110100 Gramlich 3 +0110100 Gabelman 3 +0110100 Galati 3 +0110100 Corpening 3 +0110100 Putzel 3 +0110100 Baab 3 +0110100 Schaeberle 3 +0110100 Kuegler 3 +0110100 Pastan 3 +0110100 Yagi 3 +0110100 Apted 3 +0110100 Cuatrecasas 3 +0110100 Devendorf 3 +0110100 Granatelli 3 +0110100 Laro 3 +0110100 Socolar 3 +0110100 Birss 3 +0110100 Girsky 3 +0110100 Posados 3 +0110100 Chavanes 3 +0110100 Gaillard 3 +0110100 Demichev 3 +0110100 Hirschtritt 3 +0110100 Zbesko 3 +0110100 Cothern 3 +0110100 Mazzola 3 +0110100 Gillen 3 +0110100 Sarnecki 3 +0110100 Iwashita 3 +0110100 Nyuka 3 +0110100 Vasenkov 3 +0110100 Joiner 3 +0110100 Achacoso 3 +0110100 Mannis 3 +0110100 Dzavahishvili 3 +0110100 Breezley 3 +0110100 Kowaloff 3 +0110100 Diedrich 3 +0110100 Berents 3 +0110100 Hyler 3 +0110100 Scofield 3 +0110100 Japhet 3 +0110100 Dressler 3 +0110100 Ozaru 3 +0110100 Fiori 3 +0110100 Veron 3 +0110100 Mondolino 3 +0110100 Mathiasen 3 +0110100 Kliger 3 +0110100 LaRocca 3 +0110100 Carona 3 +0110100 Mihan 3 +0110100 Jourdan 3 +0110100 Cupp 3 +0110100 Ikuta 3 +0110100 Resor 3 +0110100 Ablon 3 +0110100 Beryari 3 +0110100 Buckhout 3 +0110100 Buschman 3 +0110100 Grabowski 3 +0110100 Sponholz 3 +0110100 Kaspar-Ansermet 3 +0110100 Lucchino 3 +0110100 Chernin 3 +0110100 Dizard 3 +0110100 Koppes 3 +0110100 Becerra 3 +0110100 Corbo 3 +0110100 Silsby 3 +0110100 Ninal 3 +0110100 Raywid 3 +0110100 Syiem 3 +0110100 Mwanja 3 +0110100 Collum 3 +0110100 Dudek 3 +0110100 Eveillard 3 +0110100 Karrenberg 3 +0110100 Weschler 3 +0110100 Bramblett 3 +0110100 Sondker 3 +0110100 Silfen 3 +0110100 Pieper 3 +0110100 Iger 3 +0110100 Kellard 3 +0110100 Rove 3 +0110100 Malewezi 3 +0110100 Peppet 3 +0110100 Colotti 3 +0110100 Devellano 3 +0110100 Wolfer 3 +0110100 Umana 3 +0110100 Relph 3 +0110100 Tiedemann 3 +0110100 Jedlicka 3 +0110100 Mabry 3 +0110100 Orlowski 3 +0110100 Concheo 3 +0110100 Mirken 3 +0110100 Christoffersen 3 +0110100 Benanav 3 +0110100 Saunder 3 +0110100 Franses 3 +0110100 Coppenrath 3 +0110100 Rusch 3 +0110100 Stenhach 3 +0110100 Jontz 3 +0110100 Colloff 3 +0110100 Thorburn 3 +0110100 Hungate 3 +0110100 Imle 3 +0110100 Zemke 3 +0110100 Jeffs 3 +0110100 Addabbo 3 +0110100 Adomeit 3 +0110100 Bugher 3 +0110100 Zimet 3 +0110100 Cameron-Moore 3 +0110100 Cheen 3 +0110100 Grunsten 3 +0110100 Bellomy 3 +0110100 Derieg 3 +0110100 Strzemien 3 +0110100 Alard 3 +0110100 Serlen 3 +0110100 Zeccardi 3 +0110100 Selland 3 +0110100 Chollet 3 +0110100 Senstad 3 +0110100 Quartel 3 +0110100 Kopfle 3 +0110100 Bauch 3 +0110100 Spencer-Crow 3 +0110100 Gedeon 3 +0110100 Leard 3 +0110100 Kolko 3 +0110100 Nowell 3 +0110100 Borzenkov 3 +0110100 Maanen 3 +0110100 Lewnes 3 +0110100 Piette 3 +0110100 Sutlive 3 +0110100 Slota 3 +0110100 Sauers 3 +0110100 Bisnow 3 +0110100 Il-Sung 3 +0110100 Makris 3 +0110100 Caden 3 +0110100 LaRusso 3 +0110100 Semmelman 3 +0110100 Casazza 3 +0110100 Ricciardelli 3 +0110100 Kwiat 3 +0110100 Andoni 3 +0110100 Angen 3 +0110100 Casadei 3 +0110100 Truzzolino 3 +0110100 Mison 3 +0110100 Davalou 3 +0110100 DePetrillo 3 +0110100 Utsumi 3 +0110100 Bergold 3 +0110100 Hoshino 3 +0110100 Roeck 3 +0110100 Borovikov 3 +0110100 Sugiura 3 +0110100 Marangakis 3 +0110100 Brendler 3 +0110100 Mintzer 3 +0110100 Reethof 3 +0110100 Alcocer 3 +0110100 Rossler 3 +0110100 Spruill 3 +0110100 Deily 3 +0110100 Fujinami 3 +0110100 Bickerdike 3 +0110100 Carsey 3 +0110100 Thunman 3 +0110100 Margol 3 +0110100 Hatsopoulos 3 +0110100 Peery 3 +0110100 Thorson 3 +0110100 Richier 3 +0110100 Stricharchuk 3 +0110100 Boullianne 3 +0110100 Santaniello 3 +0110100 Zax 3 +0110100 Joxe 3 +0110100 Diskin 3 +0110100 Wambugu 3 +0110100 Gehlsen 3 +0110100 Bastanzio 3 +0110100 Cantoral 3 +0110100 Mauer 3 +0110100 Bertetta 3 +0110100 Everaert 3 +0110100 Hodakowski 3 +0110100 Likins 3 +0110100 Barmeyer 3 +0110100 Fuino 3 +0110100 Snadon 3 +0110100 Cartellieri 3 +0110100 Minna 3 +0110100 DelliBovi 3 +0110100 Kaltenbach 3 +0110100 Mallamo 3 +0110100 Iaconis 3 +0110100 Scanlan 3 +0110100 Eskow 3 +0110100 Sotil 3 +0110100 Ohsumi 3 +0110100 Crutsinger 3 +0110100 Fowlkes 3 +0110100 Quintanar 3 +0110100 Russoniello 3 +0110100 Tollett 3 +0110100 Tuggle 3 +0110100 Dimsey 3 +0110100 Boisseau 3 +0110100 Feinblum 3 +0110100 McGimsey 3 +0110100 Auston 3 +0110100 Abbotts 3 +0110100 Reiniger 3 +0110100 Falley 3 +0110100 Bechet 3 +0110100 Viglietta 3 +0110100 Caccia 3 +0110100 Tsujimoto 3 +0110100 Hantho 3 +0110100 Mazin 3 +0110100 Gierek 3 +0110100 Agnich 3 +0110100 Werring 3 +0110100 Hippeau 3 +0110100 Arras 3 +0110100 Averintzev 3 +0110100 Repa 3 +0110100 Heffern 3 +0110100 Papiers 3 +0110100 Curless 3 +0110100 Prosser 3 +0110100 Kriendler 3 +0110100 Bruhwiler 3 +0110100 Pistner 3 +0110100 Ahlstedt 3 +0110100 Guidoboni 3 +0110100 Mozer 3 +0110100 Stofflet 3 +0110100 Avar 3 +0110100 Matloug 3 +0110100 Szirtes 3 +0110100 Orgel 3 +0110100 Bian 3 +0110100 Borstel 3 +0110100 Birchall 3 +0110100 Hultin 3 +0110100 Fauls 3 +0110100 Pauly 3 +0110100 Saltman 3 +0110100 Karnbach 3 +0110100 Devanney 3 +0110100 Haspeslagh 3 +0110100 Paysen 3 +0110100 Burzenski 3 +0110100 Kasui 3 +0110100 McCrackin 3 +0110100 Ohkawa 3 +0110100 Gawthrop 3 +0110100 McNees 3 +0110100 Matzke 3 +0110100 Bierich 3 +0110100 Marchica 3 +0110100 Fonte 3 +0110100 Hochfelder 3 +0110100 Morrisroe 3 +0110100 Kane-Berman 3 +0110100 Hirl 3 +0110100 Hebner 3 +0110100 Guadiana 3 +0110100 Plickert 3 +0110100 Wolowitz 3 +0110100 Luepke 3 +0110100 Foxman 3 +0110100 Critchfield 3 +0110100 Bellum 3 +0110100 Obester 3 +0110100 Inose 3 +0110100 Wilgermein 3 +0110100 Kowtowsky 3 +0110100 Gam 3 +0110100 Majewski 3 +0110100 Crigler 3 +0110100 Kasowitz 3 +0110100 Gershman 3 +0110100 Zehner 3 +0110100 Sasic 3 +0110100 Bollerman 3 +0110100 Kuehn 3 +0110100 Torchia 3 +0110100 Strawbrich 3 +0110100 Natelson 3 +0110100 Lemberg 3 +0110100 Favalli 3 +0110100 Ohtani 3 +0110100 Sarraille 3 +0110100 Savitske 3 +0110100 Beja 3 +0110100 MacHale 3 +0110100 Malys 3 +0110100 Auerbacher 3 +0110100 Sula 3 +0110100 Tunks 3 +0110100 McGruther 3 +0110100 Zurkowski 3 +0110100 Selck 3 +0110100 Dockstader 3 +0110100 Harshegyi 3 +0110100 McKellen 3 +0110100 Frierson 3 +0110100 Orlow 3 +0110100 Rubinoff 3 +0110100 Selbert 3 +0110100 Sztykiel 3 +0110100 Beakes 3 +0110100 McLamore 3 +0110100 Royall 3 +0110100 Fillingham 3 +0110100 Mittermeier 3 +0110100 Klosterman 3 +0110100 Hessol 3 +0110100 Stump 3 +0110100 Troth 3 +0110100 Bloem 3 +0110100 Oestreicher 3 +0110100 Hepher 3 +0110100 McCarey 3 +0110100 Fahti 3 +0110100 Sampras 3 +0110100 Partin 3 +0110100 Newsham 3 +0110100 Kigoye 3 +0110100 Maccoby 3 +0110100 Radlick 3 +0110100 Merino 3 +0110100 Granath 3 +0110100 Tapie 3 +0110100 Stange 3 +0110100 Laffont 3 +0110100 Arbeloff 3 +0110100 Haase 3 +0110100 Aviad 3 +0110100 Yonce 3 +0110100 Tatz 3 +0110100 Samela 3 +0110100 McCready 3 +0110100 Spena 3 +0110100 Linehan 3 +0110100 Cress 3 +0110100 Husten 3 +0110100 Andreevna 3 +0110100 Nachbar 3 +0110100 Tuz 3 +0110100 Dacy 3 +0110100 Gleick 3 +0110100 Kinsch 3 +0110100 Wigley 3 +0110100 Vieto 3 +0110100 Snearly 3 +0110100 McKoy 3 +0110100 Santacana 3 +0110100 Ponski 3 +0110100 Luxon 3 +0110100 Osser 3 +0110100 Begg 3 +0110100 Prothro 3 +0110100 Priddy 3 +0110100 Croom 3 +0110100 Sataka 3 +0110100 Lakoff 3 +0110100 Cronk 3 +0110100 Friedell 3 +0110100 Starostecki 3 +0110100 Lindston 3 +0110100 Riepl 3 +0110100 Persaud 3 +0110100 Krishock 3 +0110100 Withington 3 +0110100 Valpine 3 +0110100 Douce 3 +0110100 Beary 3 +0110100 Barnils 3 +0110100 Gaspar 4 +0110100 Hellauer 4 +0110100 Bowa 4 +0110100 Niefer 4 +0110100 Uehlein 4 +0110100 Walentas 4 +0110100 Playford 4 +0110100 Raptapoulos 4 +0110100 Kossler 4 +0110100 Bialer 4 +0110100 Wolas 4 +0110100 Entrekin 4 +0110100 Foulds 4 +0110100 Collichio 4 +0110100 McColm 4 +0110100 Richardot 4 +0110100 Brustad 4 +0110100 Parz 4 +0110100 Masloff 4 +0110100 DiPaolo 4 +0110100 Ehlers 4 +0110100 Trezise 4 +0110100 Strandberg 4 +0110100 Rayden 4 +0110100 Puritano 4 +0110100 Smalz 4 +0110100 Sagdeev 4 +0110100 Vassiltchikov 4 +0110100 Zeikel 4 +0110100 Ponn 4 +0110100 Shatner 4 +0110100 Goolsby 4 +0110100 Boiardo 4 +0110100 Gorog 4 +0110100 Buerger 4 +0110100 Fitz-Gerald 4 +0110100 Cindi 4 +0110100 Carrus 4 +0110100 Pangia 4 +0110100 Fahen 4 +0110100 Glaister 4 +0110100 Eraiba 4 +0110100 Toso 4 +0110100 Oestericher 4 +0110100 Minogue 4 +0110100 Boddicker 4 +0110100 Costantini 4 +0110100 Pook 4 +0110100 Peden 4 +0110100 Hubacher 4 +0110100 Hertzfeld 4 +0110100 Lakner 4 +0110100 Vanegas 4 +0110100 Zuckert 4 +0110100 Callebaut 4 +0110100 Roarty 4 +0110100 Sikkema 4 +0110100 Bahcall 4 +0110100 Dryomov 4 +0110100 Durliat 4 +0110100 Radecki 4 +0110100 Bellet 4 +0110100 Piccolo 4 +0110100 Dekanosidze 4 +0110100 Ek 4 +0110100 Kleinmaier 4 +0110100 Sinsheimer 4 +0110100 Niedermeyer 4 +0110100 Dorton 4 +0110100 Grinstein 4 +0110100 Sturgess 4 +0110100 Lazarchic 4 +0110100 Bersticker 4 +0110100 Calio 4 +0110100 Crewe 4 +0110100 Fain 4 +0110100 Mesquita 4 +0110100 Moretti 4 +0110100 Morser 4 +0110100 Berthelot 4 +0110100 Smirnov 4 +0110100 Carrillo 4 +0110100 Watari 4 +0110100 Ancinec 4 +0110100 Stebbins 4 +0110100 Goldbergh 4 +0110100 Volodarsky 4 +0110100 Magdalene 4 +0110100 Gerrell 4 +0110100 Bozer 4 +0110100 Gilly 4 +0110100 Stankovsky 4 +0110100 Zamba 4 +0110100 Muoio 4 +0110100 Nicoll 4 +0110100 Graglia 4 +0110100 Gremm 4 +0110100 Obuchi 4 +0110100 Holzach 4 +0110100 Brosterman 4 +0110100 Czarnecki 4 +0110100 Khazei 4 +0110100 Soeda 4 +0110100 Scanu 4 +0110100 Crabs 4 +0110100 Birdwell 4 +0110100 Massco 4 +0110100 Nageotte 4 +0110100 Dayak 4 +0110100 Kaner 4 +0110100 Uchimoto 4 +0110100 Andretta 4 +0110100 Ender 4 +0110100 Hlava 4 +0110100 Thiele 4 +0110100 Santalla 4 +0110100 Cohodes 4 +0110100 Dunsmore 4 +0110100 Mallender 4 +0110100 Eichorn 4 +0110100 Kohonen 4 +0110100 Ferrill 4 +0110100 Busacca 4 +0110100 Kleiber 4 +0110100 Wille 4 +0110100 Jioia 4 +0110100 Barram 4 +0110100 Delchet 4 +0110100 Teskey 4 +0110100 Freitas 4 +0110100 Palapa 4 +0110100 Hubner 4 +0110100 Angarola 4 +0110100 Suratos 4 +0110100 Elling 4 +0110100 Zafutto 4 +0110100 Lamoureux 4 +0110100 Trespalacios 4 +0110100 Mahrlig 4 +0110100 Paboojian 4 +0110100 Serfin 4 +0110100 Polaski 4 +0110100 Forshaw 4 +0110100 Egender 4 +0110100 Chadwell 4 +0110100 Camarena 4 +0110100 Zain 4 +0110100 Sanda 4 +0110100 Kemnitzer 4 +0110100 Lemp 4 +0110100 el-Sherif 4 +0110100 Leder 4 +0110100 Asoyan 4 +0110100 Wilcox-Smith 4 +0110100 Hilty 4 +0110100 Kloppenburg 4 +0110100 Musson 4 +0110100 Kuflik 4 +0110100 Sancken 4 +0110100 Tajes 4 +0110100 Sykora 4 +0110100 Akutsu 4 +0110100 Palladino 4 +0110100 Aransky 4 +0110100 Yokoya 4 +0110100 Anderman 4 +0110100 Bohringer 4 +0110100 Darraji 4 +0110100 Walczak 4 +0110100 Tessier 4 +0110100 Masaki 4 +0110100 Brender 4 +0110100 Morizumi 4 +0110100 Niehenke 4 +0110100 Treene 4 +0110100 Kamerschen 4 +0110100 Salvani 4 +0110100 Wimbush 4 +0110100 Jaquet 4 +0110100 Mammi 4 +0110100 Legvold 4 +0110100 Birkhead 4 +0110100 Ridenour 4 +0110100 Civello 4 +0110100 Timerbaev 4 +0110100 Argyropolous 4 +0110100 Leifer 4 +0110100 Monjan 4 +0110100 Philport 4 +0110100 Janasik 4 +0110100 Patriarca 4 +0110100 Inagaki 4 +0110100 Milano-Tedeschi 4 +0110100 Qahaar 4 +0110100 Solberg 4 +0110100 Salgado 4 +0110100 Trainin 4 +0110100 Mosley 4 +0110100 Steere 4 +0110100 Ohsone 4 +0110100 Parini 4 +0110100 Mol 4 +0110100 Harlow 4 +0110100 Motyl 4 +0110100 Menikoff 4 +0110100 Hefti 4 +0110100 Cannata 4 +0110100 Neuber 4 +0110100 Agazadeh 4 +0110100 Wambold 4 +0110100 Menton 4 +0110100 Neisler 4 +0110100 Sheresky 4 +0110100 Tiritilli 4 +0110100 Buttenwieser 4 +0110100 Bruchs 4 +0110100 Holum 4 +0110100 Sowers 4 +0110100 Schmiege 4 +0110100 Schatzow 4 +0110100 Wegner 4 +0110100 Kravetz 4 +0110100 Frigon 4 +0110100 Waltuch 4 +0110100 Biel 4 +0110100 Scherzer 4 +0110100 Collet 4 +0110100 Emorey 4 +0110100 Nacht 4 +0110100 Galvan 4 +0110100 Muszinski 4 +0110100 Orman 4 +0110100 Buswell 4 +0110100 Grantz 4 +0110100 Friedman-Kien 4 +0110100 Gamberoni 4 +0110100 Rode 4 +0110100 Greenleaf 4 +0110100 Eischen 4 +0110100 Zdobylak 4 +0110100 Merin 4 +0110100 Fodiman 4 +0110100 Caruthers 4 +0110100 Dyment 4 +0110100 Musto 4 +0110100 Alderete 4 +0110100 Yngve 4 +0110100 Trendquest 4 +0110100 Spann 4 +0110100 Kirkwood 4 +0110100 Giardina 4 +0110100 Steitz 4 +0110100 Exstein 4 +0110100 Franson 4 +0110100 Hawkey 4 +0110100 Dumais 4 +0110100 Lein 4 +0110100 Spada 4 +0110100 Shafton 4 +0110100 Perdomo 4 +0110100 Prabhakaran 4 +0110100 Freeley 4 +0110100 Werstiuk 4 +0110100 Quy 4 +0110100 Klinkenborg 4 +0110100 Gilbertson 4 +0110100 Salcines 4 +0110100 Gomulka 4 +0110100 Rotko 4 +0110100 Neubronner 4 +0110100 Palen 4 +0110100 Opp 4 +0110100 Sadowski 4 +0110100 Smeal 4 +0110100 Schochetman 4 +0110100 DeLay 4 +0110100 Buermann 4 +0110100 Milleson 4 +0110100 Travanti 4 +0110100 Haspelslagh 4 +0110100 Cardamone 4 +0110100 Picadio 4 +0110100 Rousso 4 +0110100 Barsukov 4 +0110100 Goncalves 4 +0110100 Holsinger 4 +0110100 Guedes 4 +0110100 Edwardes 4 +0110100 Tooke 4 +0110100 DiCamillo 4 +0110100 Tabacco 4 +0110100 Dreiser 4 +0110100 Naranjo 4 +0110100 Stoppelman 4 +0110100 Nespole 4 +0110100 Garstin 4 +0110100 Dand 4 +0110100 Frenze 4 +0110100 Schabowski 4 +0110100 Mani 4 +0110100 Parakh 4 +0110100 Birge 4 +0110100 Simonin 4 +0110100 Fanjul 4 +0110100 Woomer 4 +0110100 Lupien 4 +0110100 Antillon 4 +0110100 Maloof 4 +0110100 Meinke 4 +0110100 Scurry 4 +0110100 Oldaker 4 +0110100 Hariri 4 +0110100 Teer 4 +0110100 Ludlam 4 +0110100 Wellings 4 +0110100 Leben 4 +0110100 Butera 4 +0110100 Scheffler 4 +0110100 Larkum 4 +0110100 Tutwiler 4 +0110100 Kolman 4 +0110100 Brosnahan 4 +0110100 DeGarmo 4 +0110100 Abusada 4 +0110100 Geld 4 +0110100 Boesch 4 +0110100 Vusse 4 +0110100 Badore 4 +0110100 Eberly 4 +0110100 Kantrowitz 4 +0110100 Lecomte 4 +0110100 Lubkin 4 +0110100 Cribiore 4 +0110100 Bassick 4 +0110100 Chump 4 +0110100 BeSore 4 +0110100 Tarvid 4 +0110100 Mastroianni 4 +0110100 McNeice 4 +0110100 Holland-Bosworth 4 +0110100 Brantley 4 +0110100 Dierks 4 +0110100 Whilden 4 +0110100 Saegusa 4 +0110100 Vasilakos 4 +0110100 Berglass 4 +0110100 Riffer 4 +0110100 LaSala 4 +0110100 Bronzino 4 +0110100 Dobi 4 +0110100 Thieriot 4 +0110100 Costley 4 +0110100 Haayen 4 +0110100 Bonomo 4 +0110100 Chitwood 4 +0110100 Wellens 4 +0110100 Falconi 4 +0110100 Czernek 4 +0110100 Battat 4 +0110100 Holzberg 4 +0110100 Saylor 4 +0110100 Fuoss 4 +0110100 Aho 4 +0110100 Tchegodar 4 +0110100 Rodionov 4 +0110100 Rolston 4 +0110100 Spitalny 4 +0110100 Mugge 4 +0110100 Kincannon 4 +0110100 Motz 4 +0110100 Sansing 4 +0110100 Debevic 4 +0110100 Cusumano 4 +0110100 Garoutte 4 +0110100 Fosler 4 +0110100 Shioji 4 +0110100 Scheerer 4 +0110100 Eurich 4 +0110100 Dorris 4 +0110100 Sinner 4 +0110100 Danks 4 +0110100 Tarlov 4 +0110100 Grillo 4 +0110100 Capron 4 +0110100 Celusta 4 +0110100 Moscahlaides 4 +0110100 Slesin 4 +0110100 Toepke 4 +0110100 Pinckney 4 +0110100 Renyi 4 +0110100 Tomsick 4 +0110100 Kolbin 4 +0110100 Chowdhury 4 +0110100 Vandeman 4 +0110100 Getman 4 +0110100 Havlin 4 +0110100 Kuehne 4 +0110100 Haskayne 4 +0110100 Kermes 4 +0110100 Asperger 4 +0110100 Scharf 4 +0110100 Baldridge 4 +0110100 Tinling 4 +0110100 Geczy 4 +0110100 Strumpf 4 +0110100 Pazner 4 +0110100 Summergrad 4 +0110100 Bleck 4 +0110100 Sabeg 4 +0110100 Beniamina 4 +0110100 Felrice 4 +0110100 Penzias 4 +0110100 Aslami 4 +0110100 Easterling 4 +0110100 Frent 4 +0110100 Dragalin 4 +0110100 Friedan 4 +0110100 Kellum 4 +0110100 Greif 4 +0110100 Baladi 4 +0110100 McCubbin 4 +0110100 Hoysted 4 +0110100 Forbuss 4 +0110100 Rehberg 4 +0110100 Doban 4 +0110100 Seid 4 +0110100 DuBoff 4 +0110100 Coggins 4 +0110100 Roosa 4 +0110100 Horvath 4 +0110100 Collura 4 +0110100 Kocab 4 +0110100 Casdan 4 +0110100 Skillion 4 +0110100 Harsanyi 4 +0110100 Lutes 4 +0110100 Janzon 4 +0110100 Hurwitt 4 +0110100 Denda 4 +0110100 Boonstra 4 +0110100 Saccente 4 +0110100 Fouhy 4 +0110100 Zietoun 4 +0110100 Segawa 4 +0110100 Matalon 4 +0110100 Schuring 4 +0110100 Ishioka 4 +0110100 Heffron 4 +0110100 Krive 4 +0110100 Hangartner 4 +0110100 Rubinfien 4 +0110100 Orstrander 4 +0110100 Backstrom 4 +0110100 Schulhof 4 +0110100 Ahearn 4 +0110100 Alcaino 4 +0110100 Linklater 4 +0110100 Bajec 4 +0110100 Grimsrud 4 +0110100 Bottrell 4 +0110100 Zipkin 4 +0110100 Pevy 4 +0110100 Dicker 4 +0110100 Rideout 4 +0110100 Nothaft 4 +0110100 Mosky 4 +0110100 Coller 4 +0110100 Folques 4 +0110100 Tillis 4 +0110100 Craigo 4 +0110100 McKennon 4 +0110100 Malpede 4 +0110100 Chabner 4 +0110100 Saltmarsh 4 +0110100 Didion 4 +0110100 Bek-Nielsen 4 +0110100 Campion 4 +0110100 Studeman 4 +0110100 Kat 4 +0110100 Littman 4 +0110100 Beban 4 +0110100 Mesko 4 +0110100 Gonson 4 +0110100 Dolgen 4 +0110100 Sugiyama 4 +0110100 Kiple 4 +0110100 Scheinkman 4 +0110100 Faxon 4 +0110100 Maillet 4 +0110100 Kronfeld 4 +0110100 Schonfeld 4 +0110100 St-Hippolyte 4 +0110100 Kessman 4 +0110100 Jestin 4 +0110100 Seigle 4 +0110100 Shlensky 4 +0110100 Attwood 4 +0110100 Corgan 4 +0110100 Hitschler 4 +0110100 Ottenberg 4 +0110100 Greenfeld 4 +0110100 Lakin 4 +0110100 Bucklin 4 +0110100 Riddles 4 +0110100 Blendon 4 +0110100 Doumar 4 +0110100 Lindeman 4 +0110100 Yukimura 4 +0110100 Porten 4 +0110100 Newfield 4 +0110100 Luniewicz 4 +0110100 Maddy 4 +0110100 Frum 4 +0110100 Gozon 4 +0110100 Nathe 4 +0110100 Coppe 4 +0110100 Gidmark 4 +0110100 Fanelli 4 +0110100 Rosson 4 +0110100 Krass 4 +0110100 Schiebel 4 +0110100 Kubuabola 4 +0110100 Derow 4 +0110100 Kosnik 4 +0110100 Blecher 4 +0110100 Zmaila 4 +0110100 Ornitz 4 +0110100 Mastrantonio 4 +0110100 Starobin 4 +0110100 Greayer 4 +0110100 Eppley 4 +0110100 DeLeonardis 4 +0110100 Lesutis 4 +0110100 Johannesen 4 +0110100 Bjornson 4 +0110100 Allender 4 +0110100 Skaperdas 4 +0110100 Geckler 4 +0110100 Groner 4 +0110100 Lappin 4 +0110100 Porterfield 4 +0110100 Potapovs 4 +0110100 Diefenbach 4 +0110100 Collender 4 +0110100 Gibb 4 +0110100 Kafaroff 4 +0110100 Ellingson 4 +0110100 Renneker 4 +0110100 Luven 4 +0110100 Simpkins 4 +0110100 Niarchos 4 +0110100 Whittingham 4 +0110100 Riesenberg 4 +0110100 Hillbery 4 +0110100 Baulieu 4 +0110100 Willenson 4 +0110100 Sitnikov 4 +0110100 Groome 4 +0110100 Keesee 4 +0110100 Hasson 4 +0110100 Kamiyama 4 +0110100 Ferrey 4 +0110100 Rossan 4 +0110100 Hultgren 4 +0110100 Maruoka 4 +0110100 Ridder 4 +0110100 Wilmot-Sitwell 4 +0110100 Sadik 4 +0110100 Jouris 4 +0110100 Moschis 4 +0110100 Koskinen 4 +0110100 Laken 4 +0110100 Mathey 4 +0110100 Molasky 4 +0110100 Roen 4 +0110100 Landesmann 4 +0110100 Hitt 4 +0110100 Zabludovsky 4 +0110100 Padfield 4 +0110100 Bernick 4 +0110100 Easdon 4 +0110100 Gingl 4 +0110100 Buckwash 4 +0110100 Schorling 4 +0110100 Nankivell 4 +0110100 Pross 4 +0110100 Refsum 4 +0110100 Footer 4 +0110100 Cazalot 4 +0110100 Twitchell 4 +0110100 Argenti 4 +0110100 Kammen 4 +0110100 Fedorova 4 +0110100 Fiorentino 4 +0110100 Maclellan 4 +0110100 Jauchler 4 +0110100 Lavoie 4 +0110100 Jachimczyk 4 +0110100 Kremenic 4 +0110100 Searby 4 +0110100 Bunzel 4 +0110100 Lapautre 4 +0110100 Doerflinger 4 +0110100 Sbrilli 4 +0110100 Maiorani 4 +0110100 Nozawa 4 +0110100 Maddever 4 +0110100 McKelvey 4 +0110100 Caporale 4 +0110100 Dektor 4 +0110100 Esquivel 4 +0110100 Lagace 4 +0110100 Bogusz 4 +0110100 Limin 4 +0110100 Ellin 4 +0110100 DaCosta 4 +0110100 Kopetz-Korf 4 +0110100 Garbett 4 +0110100 Palatucci 4 +0110100 Blackmer 4 +0110100 Hergesheimer 4 +0110100 Honeycutt 4 +0110100 Nishiyama 4 +0110100 Lail 4 +0110100 DiPrete 4 +0110100 Brauer 4 +0110100 Denahan 4 +0110100 Gallitano 4 +0110100 Tocco 4 +0110100 Albino 4 +0110100 Delson 4 +0110100 Fortino 4 +0110100 Giacoponello 4 +0110100 Penhoet 4 +0110100 Galambos 4 +0110100 Pelt 4 +0110100 Wrangham 4 +0110100 Rynne 4 +0110100 Surigao 4 +0110100 Galnoor 4 +0110100 Juliber 4 +0110100 Biamonti 4 +0110100 Brookmeyer 4 +0110100 Schwander 4 +0110100 Cornett 4 +0110100 Bogdanov 4 +0110100 Meacham 4 +0110100 Stavrou 4 +0110100 Rydbeck 4 +0110100 Axinn 4 +0110100 Savary 4 +0110100 Birckhead 4 +0110100 Arboleda 4 +0110100 Therrien 4 +0110100 Aibel 4 +0110100 Reum 4 +0110100 Waldenstrom 4 +0110100 Worsthorne 4 +0110100 Schofield 4 +0110100 Flament 4 +0110100 Dreifuss 4 +0110100 McAleer 4 +0110100 Mechner 4 +0110100 Kreisberg 4 +0110100 Owen-Jones 4 +0110100 Schoenwald 4 +0110100 Weichern 4 +0110100 Yarbro 4 +0110100 Onda 4 +0110100 Feigin 4 +0110100 Klitten 4 +0110100 Tills 4 +0110100 Poitras 4 +0110100 Kinkel 4 +0110100 al-Hassenein 4 +0110100 McNitt 4 +0110100 Klipper 4 +0110100 Montanari 4 +0110100 Florini 4 +0110100 Poxon 4 +0110100 MacCrimmon 4 +0110100 Schlelein 4 +0110100 Lineberry 4 +0110100 Cantatore 4 +0110100 LeChasney 4 +0110100 Greenfield-Sanders 4 +0110100 Witz 4 +0110100 Solms 4 +0110100 Kopkind 4 +0110100 Soussan 4 +0110100 Roenisch 4 +0110100 Smithies 4 +0110100 Heald 4 +0110100 Hempleman 4 +0110100 Qureshey 4 +0110100 Kusunoki 4 +0110100 Souter 4 +0110100 Silverglade 4 +0110100 Piontek 4 +0110100 Marot 4 +0110100 Loat 4 +0110100 Glahn 4 +0110100 Mueller-Krumholz 4 +0110100 Karczmar 4 +0110100 Piqueras 4 +0110100 Itzkowitz 4 +0110100 Kimmerle 4 +0110100 Souther 4 +0110100 Saah 4 +0110100 Kovel 4 +0110100 Afman 4 +0110100 Pasant 4 +0110100 Kushner 4 +0110100 Hutter 4 +0110100 Canty 4 +0110100 Bohdan 4 +0110100 Nogami 4 +0110100 Premji 4 +0110100 Luter 4 +0110100 Wasden 4 +0110100 Saltser 4 +0110100 Feynman 4 +0110100 Wiatt 4 +0110100 Michaque 4 +0110100 Dzierski 4 +0110100 Selin 4 +0110100 Hattrick 4 +0110100 Arquette 4 +0110100 Stoermer 4 +0110100 Pavelchak 4 +0110100 Sekiguchi 4 +0110100 Smallwood 4 +0110100 Braver 4 +0110100 Hosokawa 4 +0110100 Shipp 4 +0110100 Burchuladze 4 +0110100 Shiratori 4 +0110100 Zrnic 4 +0110100 Hulick 4 +0110100 LeVine 4 +0110100 Ranyada 4 +0110100 Mauder 4 +0110100 Parrott 4 +0110100 Gantry 4 +0110100 Najm 4 +0110100 Debban 4 +0110100 Ledwig 4 +0110100 Gousseland 4 +0110100 Papitto 4 +0110100 Croizat 4 +0110100 Abdo 4 +0110100 Lichtenberger 4 +0110100 Uecker 4 +0110100 Seim 4 +0110100 Crapo 4 +0110100 Cutchins 4 +0110100 Streit 4 +0110100 Grubmann 4 +0110100 Miyoda 4 +0110100 Heslop 4 +0110100 Lucht 4 +0110100 Orgill 4 +0110100 Enriquez 4 +0110100 Ogaard 4 +0110100 Levick 4 +0110100 Hartzell 4 +0110100 Jarc 4 +0110100 Weimert 4 +0110100 Lempesis 4 +0110100 Hessel 4 +0110100 Rappeport 4 +0110100 Warschawsky 4 +0110100 Kwiker 4 +0110100 Bibi 4 +0110100 Janas 4 +0110100 Martius 4 +0110100 Galardi 4 +0110100 Peddle 4 +0110100 Cuenod 4 +0110100 Zannini 4 +0110100 Fasi 4 +0110100 McQuaide 4 +0110100 Gotwald 4 +0110100 Lagone 4 +0110100 Kryuchkov 4 +0110100 Biryukova 4 +0110100 Dossey 4 +0110100 Mariotte 4 +0110100 Brading 4 +0110100 Motorenwerke 4 +0110100 DeBiase 4 +0110100 Zvereva 4 +0110100 Winik 4 +0110100 Calderwood 4 +0110100 Novembrino 4 +0110100 Mogg 4 +0110100 Roehrig 4 +0110100 Terpetrossian 4 +0110100 Murawski 4 +0110100 Peasback 4 +0110100 Karpoff 4 +0110100 Sudikoff 4 +0110100 Girard-diCarlo 4 +0110100 Laborde 4 +0110100 Merski 4 +0110100 Shundo 4 +0110100 Kamura 4 +0110100 Klodin 4 +0110100 Marsik 4 +0110100 Kontos 4 +0110100 Weisner 4 +0110100 Reddick 4 +0110100 Crellin 4 +0110100 Nemec 4 +0110100 Grigson 4 +0110100 Hoezle 4 +0110100 Cranmer 4 +0110100 Caspary 4 +0110100 Dewlap 4 +0110100 MacMorran 4 +0110100 Finnerty 4 +0110100 Borie 4 +0110100 Tousignant 4 +0110100 Peisinger 4 +0110100 Mawhinney 4 +0110100 Hoberman 4 +0110100 Iwabuchi 4 +0110100 Ibano 4 +0110100 Kitashiro 4 +0110100 Boorn 4 +0110100 Haut 4 +0110100 Fierstein 4 +0110100 Bohrer 4 +0110100 Mody 4 +0110100 Ellman 4 +0110100 McEnany 4 +0110100 Ianzelo 4 +0110100 Nikaido 4 +0110100 Attridge 4 +0110100 Kealy 4 +0110100 Shenefield 4 +0110100 LeBlanc 4 +0110100 Ruffin 4 +0110100 Schreier 4 +0110100 Kitabata 4 +0110100 LaDieu 4 +0110100 Barnhart 4 +0110100 Biscan 4 +0110100 Diago 4 +0110100 Bandara 4 +0110100 Haskovec 4 +0110100 Kuhlenschmidt 4 +0110100 Viggiano 4 +0110100 Ghert 4 +0110100 Choquette 4 +0110100 Lugo 4 +0110100 Tacke 4 +0110100 Zykes 4 +0110100 Kazleman 4 +0110100 Blaich 4 +0110100 Poett 4 +0110100 Baratz 4 +0110100 Trouvain 4 +0110100 Marto 4 +0110100 Bauza 4 +0110100 Bookstein 4 +0110100 McGlotten 4 +0110100 Leuenberger 4 +0110100 Sugano 4 +0110100 Rudakas 4 +0110100 Forrey 4 +0110100 Zrno 4 +0110100 Doane 4 +0110100 Dabysing 4 +0110100 Citrano 4 +0110100 Garlock 4 +0110100 Meli 4 +0110100 Kral 4 +0110100 Wasiak 4 +0110100 Oberdorfer 4 +0110100 Sacerdote 4 +0110100 Glaspie 4 +0110100 Constantini 4 +0110100 Spinosa 4 +0110100 Pelosi 4 +0110100 Slovinsky 4 +0110100 Sivanandan 4 +0110100 Zachem 4 +0110100 NewMyer 4 +0110100 Martson 4 +0110100 Hokanson 4 +0110100 Schoenborn 4 +0110100 Manton 4 +0110100 Bellace 4 +0110100 Marinov 4 +0110100 Werthen 4 +0110100 LeMunyon 4 +0110100 Zaffaroni 4 +0110100 Commoner 4 +0110100 DeMars 4 +0110100 Lutyens 4 +0110100 Aggarwal 4 +0110100 Annable 4 +0110100 Sampsell 4 +0110100 Francfort 4 +0110100 Gaziano 4 +0110100 Shoulson 4 +0110100 Gaviria 4 +0110100 Matte 4 +0110100 Aspatore 4 +0110100 Guerrieri 4 +0110100 Unterseher 4 +0110100 Rumbaut 4 +0110100 Lidz 4 +0110100 Dasburg 4 +0110100 Tortorice 4 +0110100 Akmon 4 +0110100 Leisz 4 +0110100 Cleaves 4 +0110100 Rebholz 4 +0110100 Gillard 4 +0110100 Makinson 4 +0110100 Plinio 4 +0110100 Marcucci 4 +0110100 Brandman 4 +0110100 Masur 4 +0110100 Haitink 4 +0110100 Filisko 4 +0110100 Bernardelli 4 +0110100 Ilizarov 4 +0110100 Knuth 4 +0110100 Reimpell 4 +0110100 Kasahara 4 +0110100 Sosnick 4 +0110100 Delgado 4 +0110100 Schleiff 4 +0110100 Assaykeen 4 +0110100 Pastina 4 +0110100 Avineri 4 +0110100 Rasinski 4 +0110100 Khel 4 +0110100 Yukawa 4 +0110100 Arnwine 4 +0110100 Stickney 4 +0110100 Ruzimatov 4 +0110100 Paras 4 +0110100 Locklear 4 +0110100 Withuhn 4 +0110100 Fruchtenbaum 4 +0110100 Glickert 4 +0110100 Sahakian 4 +0110100 Ukropina 4 +0110100 Dolde 4 +0110100 Pleszczynski 4 +0110100 Ideman 4 +0110100 Landman 4 +0110100 Goshert 4 +0110100 Scullion 4 +0110100 Montle 4 +0110100 Calarco 4 +0110100 Hake 4 +0110100 Sawada 4 +0110100 Dingwall 4 +0110100 Lockman 4 +0110100 Duggan 4 +0110100 Bustos 4 +0110100 Krane 4 +0110100 Scalfaro 4 +0110100 Liszewski 4 +0110100 Swirda 4 +0110100 Sihler 4 +0110100 Surtees 4 +0110100 Shimura 4 +0110100 Publivores 4 +0110100 McLawhorn 4 +0110100 Maytum 4 +0110100 Pinnock 4 +0110100 Maw 4 +0110100 Wageman 4 +0110100 Johnan 4 +0110100 Newitt 4 +0110100 Sebaly 4 +0110100 Zizic 4 +0110100 Dooner 4 +0110100 Kauffmann 4 +0110100 Korotich 4 +0110100 Megargel 4 +0110100 Katzman 4 +0110100 Smegal 4 +0110100 Palombo 4 +0110100 Seely 4 +0110100 Grody 4 +0110100 Szmigielski 4 +0110100 Kindlund 4 +0110100 Omarr 4 +0110100 Messervey 4 +0110100 Seroosh 4 +0110100 Mustin 4 +0110100 Alberty 4 +0110100 Jurjevics 4 +0110100 Corddry 4 +0110100 Alexandrakis 4 +0110100 Corbet 4 +0110100 Sliwinski 4 +0110100 Mihaylo 4 +0110100 Zellars 4 +0110100 Fitzgibbons 4 +0110100 Mellen 4 +0110100 Engstroem 4 +0110100 Viets 4 +0110100 Sharoff 4 +0110100 Moroney 4 +0110100 Benker 4 +0110100 Ballin 4 +0110100 Schlosstein 4 +0110100 Bottome 4 +0110100 Prunhuber 4 +0110100 Fager 4 +0110100 Sepe 4 +0110100 Pala 4 +0110100 Beichman 4 +0110100 Neuman 4 +0110100 Keiser 4 +0110100 Stoddart 4 +0110100 Goudsmit 4 +0110100 Ducharme 4 +0110100 Nolen 4 +0110100 Sehested 4 +0110100 Smit-Kroes 4 +0110100 Siebald 4 +0110100 Duquette 4 +0110100 Ramsden 4 +0110100 Berney 4 +0110100 Thorndyke 4 +0110100 Tooker 4 +0110100 Weisz 4 +0110100 Goldhar 4 +0110100 Gershuny 4 +0110100 Minzer 4 +0110100 Cuff 4 +0110100 Tarnopol 4 +0110100 Narayan 4 +0110100 Tighe 4 +0110100 Katrak 4 +0110100 Jaspin 4 +0110100 Altschul 4 +0110100 Savatiel 4 +0110100 Guasmi 4 +0110100 Desautels 4 +0110100 Koepcke 4 +0110100 Sulam 4 +0110100 Chute 4 +0110100 Blumenkrantz 4 +0110100 Dopp 4 +0110100 Hoak 4 +0110100 Germond 4 +0110100 Schmoke 4 +0110100 Mauroy 4 +0110100 Herberger 4 +0110100 Withycombe 4 +0110100 Goughenour 4 +0110100 Sirangelo 4 +0110100 Hallinan 4 +0110100 Fenster 4 +0110100 Treinish 4 +0110100 Auler 4 +0110100 Jacchia 4 +0110100 Stursberg 4 +0110100 McAbee 4 +0110100 Fentin 4 +0110100 Ousterman 4 +0110100 Gaye 4 +0110100 Buce 4 +0110100 Barbaro 4 +0110100 Garrenton 4 +0110100 Reith 4 +0110100 Einbund 4 +0110100 Wysocki 4 +0110100 Alfano 4 +0110100 Blondski 4 +0110100 Gelder 4 +0110100 Runnette 4 +0110100 Doronila 4 +0110100 Longobardi 4 +0110100 Bhagwati 4 +0110100 Manessis 4 +0110100 Scheinman 4 +0110100 Kapralov 4 +0110100 Vanwort 4 +0110100 Drosdick 4 +0110100 Emmerich 4 +0110100 Shiller 4 +0110100 Hosp 4 +0110100 Castellano 4 +0110100 Kgatitsoe 4 +0110100 Savitz 4 +0110100 Kunstadt 4 +0110100 Fearon 4 +0110100 Zissu 4 +0110100 Colucci 4 +0110100 Miyata 4 +0110100 Gaylin 4 +0110100 LaCava 4 +0110100 Sather 4 +0110100 Toboroff 4 +0110100 Muzzy 4 +0110100 Dionisi 4 +0110100 Zerbino 4 +0110100 Pilliod 4 +0110100 Mamani 4 +0110100 Londish 4 +0110100 Carrizales 4 +0110100 Rajkumar 4 +0110100 Messler 4 +0110100 Moosajee 4 +0110100 Weinman 4 +0110100 Whitt 4 +0110100 Rammler 4 +0110100 Conery 4 +0110100 Stotesbury 4 +0110100 Iaccoca 4 +0110100 Youngdahl 4 +0110100 Toppel 4 +0110100 Flitter 4 +0110100 Waldeck 4 +0110100 Schirano 4 +0110100 Ililonga 4 +0110100 Slowik 4 +0110100 Peovesan 4 +0110100 Norick 4 +0110100 Vazzoler 4 +0110100 Kushell 4 +0110100 Mossavar-Rahmani 4 +0110100 Herbers 4 +0110100 Bradway 4 +0110100 Hauge 4 +0110100 Olmer 4 +0110100 Reiff 4 +0110100 Woodford 4 +0110100 Osterout 4 +0110100 Wieseltier 4 +0110100 Vallen 4 +0110100 Tien 4 +0110100 Pristavkin 4 +0110100 Maia 4 +0110100 Yokel 4 +0110100 Redsell 4 +0110100 McDowall 4 +0110100 Feltus 4 +0110100 Roeder 4 +0110100 Paylan 4 +0110100 Constantinou 4 +0110100 Jacomb 4 +0110100 Steenburgen 4 +0110100 Scitovsky 4 +0110100 Ruttenstein 4 +0110100 Tropin 4 +0110100 Kyriakides 4 +0110100 Halligan 4 +0110100 Ricketts 4 +0110100 Millson 4 +0110100 Lorch 4 +0110100 Probstein 4 +0110100 Furtado 4 +0110100 Heuston 4 +0110100 McElhaney 4 +0110100 Lamalle 4 +0110100 Tindal 4 +0110100 Kosich 4 +0110100 Levett 4 +0110100 Fiebiger 4 +0110100 Armouni 4 +0110100 Nzo 4 +0110100 Mailliard 4 +0110100 Sarayama 4 +0110100 Bernier 4 +0110100 Shelden 4 +0110100 Goranin 4 +0110100 Guay 4 +0110100 Szwed 4 +0110100 Perroton 4 +0110100 Gastineau 4 +0110100 Karloff 4 +0110100 Gabbert 4 +0110100 Nakane 4 +0110100 Codevilla 4 +0110100 Ritch 4 +0110100 Valles 4 +0110100 Jobe 4 +0110100 Starger 4 +0110100 Stato 4 +0110100 Cardew 4 +0110100 Mladen 4 +0110100 Burris 4 +0110100 Yurcak 4 +0110100 Hannam 4 +0110100 Cotting 4 +0110100 Kogan 4 +0110100 Lussier 4 +0110100 Gamarci 4 +0110100 Schu 4 +0110100 DeNora 4 +0110100 Madans 4 +0110100 Lorre 4 +0110100 Dembert 4 +0110100 Travolta 4 +0110100 Dobkin 4 +0110100 Crone 4 +0110100 Truitt 4 +0110100 Wolfowitz 4 +0110100 Mandelstam 4 +0110100 Sakayan 4 +0110100 Milliot 4 +0110100 Preate 4 +0110100 Romanski 4 +0110100 Maruyama 4 +0110100 Steuerle 4 +0110100 McInnes 4 +0110100 Findakly 4 +0110100 Schotter 4 +0110100 Sciepko 4 +0110100 Fraas 4 +0110100 Taishoff 4 +0110100 Rhodus 4 +0110100 Rimsky 4 +0110100 Kitamori 4 +0110100 Guevremont 4 +0110100 Kalms 4 +0110100 Hopley 4 +0110100 Musbach 4 +0110100 Blankinship 4 +0110100 Sias 4 +0110100 Ndlovu 4 +0110100 Paluck 4 +0110100 Marietta/Bendix 4 +0110100 Principe 4 +0110100 Leeson 4 +0110100 Gittes 4 +0110100 Huckaby 4 +0110100 Fasick 4 +0110100 Spatz 4 +0110100 Cutrere 4 +0110100 Shuttlesworth 4 +0110100 Doder 4 +0110100 Labarge 4 +0110100 Kulkosky 4 +0110100 Vuinovich 4 +0110100 Ignatowicz 4 +0110100 Newquist 4 +0110100 Reginato 4 +0110100 Wagenhauser 4 +0110100 Trause 4 +0110100 Legat 4 +0110100 Slyke 4 +0110100 Banuelos 4 +0110100 Nkomo 4 +0110100 Lindroth 4 +0110100 Echols 4 +0110100 LuPone 4 +0110100 Suematsu 4 +0110100 Appleseed 4 +0110100 Kinoshita 4 +0110100 Bundschuh 4 +0110100 Burchfield 4 +0110100 Israelite 4 +0110100 Tarbox 4 +0110100 Lajoie 4 +0110100 Niemeyer 4 +0110100 Fekete 4 +0110100 Kawano 4 +0110100 Nicho 4 +0110100 Nouse 4 +0110100 Arguedas 4 +0110100 Hostetter 4 +0110100 Featherston 4 +0110100 Perko 4 +0110100 Martin-Musumeci 4 +0110100 Herzenberg 4 +0110100 Aler 4 +0110100 Ljungholm 4 +0110100 Saponari 4 +0110100 Rondon 4 +0110100 Acquilino 4 +0110100 Burkhalter 4 +0110100 Lensi 4 +0110100 Bindler 4 +0110100 Kurtzig 4 +0110100 Vasa 4 +0110100 Sandecki 4 +0110100 Trachtenberg 4 +0110100 Belson 4 +0110100 Lucier 4 +0110100 Vasconcellos 4 +0110100 Pillay 4 +0110100 Hulce 4 +0110100 Troelstrup 4 +0110100 Siguler 4 +0110100 Ladra 4 +0110100 Heitner 4 +0110100 Bertman 4 +0110100 Drolet 4 +0110100 Katsale 4 +0110100 Habamura 4 +0110100 Lennick 4 +0110100 Domichi 4 +0110100 Cannon-Brookes 4 +0110100 Girolami 4 +0110100 Macfadden 4 +0110100 Peckford 4 +0110100 Vietor 4 +0110100 Hackstedde 4 +0110100 Moschetto 4 +0110100 Hickson 4 +0110100 Konno 4 +0110100 Burks 4 +0110100 Itakura 4 +0110100 Sengoku 4 +0110100 Martensen 4 +0110100 Kochis 4 +0110100 Decyk 4 +0110100 Yui 4 +0110100 Hamano 4 +0110100 Nahaylo 4 +0110100 Leaseburg 4 +0110100 Kanters 4 +0110100 Karson 4 +0110100 Windon 4 +0110100 Linfante 4 +0110100 Martorelli 4 +0110100 Addams 4 +0110100 Westrate 4 +0110100 Calderaro 4 +0110100 Wurtele 4 +0110100 Danylow 4 +0110100 Bogard 4 +0110100 Kashoggi 4 +0110100 Steffes 4 +0110100 Sackett 4 +0110100 Hruby 4 +0110100 Boucek 4 +0110100 Courtois 4 +0110100 Kovacik 4 +0110100 Radosevich 4 +0110100 Rozema 4 +0110100 Kingsepp 4 +0110100 Pakula 4 +0110100 Halen 4 +0110100 Stitt 4 +0110100 Hensen 4 +0110100 Dahlsen 4 +0110100 Linowitz 4 +0110100 Brogamo 4 +0110100 Celente 4 +0110100 Mino 4 +0110100 Morgenroth 4 +0110100 Leinberger 4 +0110100 Tucci 4 +0110100 Youmans 4 +0110100 Skeddle 4 +0110100 Kirchner 4 +0110100 Osherow 4 +0110100 Thau 4 +0110100 Odening 4 +0110100 Conradie 4 +0110100 Kloten 4 +0110100 Diliberto 4 +0110100 Baldock 4 +0110100 Jamet 4 +0110100 Romanelli 4 +0110100 Keesler 4 +0110100 Asprey 4 +0110100 Spassky 4 +0110100 Strecker 4 +0110100 Lindland 4 +0110100 Bossen 4 +0110100 Schaeuble 4 +0110100 Sehgal 4 +0110100 Kilcullen 4 +0110100 Waltrip 4 +0110100 Mittag 4 +0110100 LeBron 4 +0110100 Rubio 4 +0110100 Karatnycky 4 +0110100 Komansky 4 +0110100 Massot 4 +0110100 Tebaldi 4 +0110100 Deelen 4 +0110100 Gurwara 4 +0110100 Virnich 4 +0110100 Klingenstein 4 +0110100 Pozsgay 4 +0110100 Melley 4 +0110100 Dickerman 4 +0110100 Vollmer 4 +0110100 Shindell 4 +0110100 Spedding 4 +0110100 Halbreich 4 +0110100 Magowan 4 +0110100 McCanna 4 +0110100 Ayala 4 +0110100 Errick 4 +0110100 Dockum 4 +0110100 Karube 4 +0110100 Chanzit 4 +0110100 Bolinder 4 +0110100 Chaikin 4 +0110100 Mejia 4 +0110100 Holien 4 +0110100 Bar-Illan 4 +0110100 Rocourt 4 +0110100 Riedener 4 +0110100 Bucter 4 +0110100 Winograd 4 +0110100 Greyser 4 +0110100 Kozikowski 4 +0110100 Taormina 4 +0110100 Guillemin 4 +0110100 Chibaro 4 +0110100 Wolse 4 +0110100 Stebbings 4 +0110100 Hedberg 4 +0110100 Kikuchi 4 +0110100 Buechner 4 +0110100 Dosik 4 +0110100 Abdie 4 +0110100 Burnette 4 +0110100 Ananashvili 4 +0110100 Haefner 4 +0110100 Cantoni 4 +0110100 Tempero 4 +0110100 Kundruhn 4 +0110100 Coster 4 +0110100 Kuperberg 4 +0110100 Ebinger 4 +0110100 Homan 4 +0110100 Goodes 4 +0110100 Palance 4 +0110100 Dalziel 4 +0110100 Spooner 4 +0110100 Treimann 4 +0110100 Kasarda 4 +0110100 Pinchbeck 4 +0110100 Jinks 4 +0110100 Krenkowitz 4 +0110100 Friel 4 +0110100 Bildsoe 4 +0110100 Kappil 4 +0110100 Carlile 4 +0110100 Bartell 4 +0110100 Bernath 4 +0110100 Naber 4 +0110100 Kerherve 4 +0110100 Schulmann 4 +0110100 Nazal 4 +0110100 Doumani 4 +0110100 Thrall 4 +0110100 Kalin 4 +0110100 Gilpatric 4 +0110100 Silveira 4 +0110100 Riedy 4 +0110100 Pawlik 4 +0110100 Housken 4 +0110100 Fuerer 4 +0110100 Garnel 4 +0110100 Nonella 4 +0110100 Goodsell 4 +0110100 Rundell 4 +0110100 Kloske 4 +0110100 Olmert 4 +0110100 Coplen 4 +0110100 Swails 4 +0110100 Bremer 4 +0110100 Ota 4 +0110100 Posada 4 +0110100 Karamba 4 +0110100 Klenk 4 +0110100 Zambrano 4 +0110100 Bajda 4 +0110100 Ramsdell 4 +0110100 Fourie 4 +0110100 Amhowitz 4 +0110100 Liontas 4 +0110100 Fedor 4 +0110100 Grein 4 +0110100 Engelman 4 +0110100 Pagliuca 4 +0110100 Zemelman 4 +0110100 Gadwani 4 +0110100 Ruoff 4 +0110100 Aglialoro 4 +0110100 Poses 4 +0110100 Hunkin 4 +0110100 Michaux 4 +0110100 Shippey 4 +0110100 Caceres 4 +0110100 Wichlep 4 +0110100 Stiehl 4 +0110100 Gaughan 4 +0110100 Aurichio 4 +0110100 Crummey 4 +0110100 Erdmann 4 +0110100 Spiers 4 +0110100 Hettinger 4 +0110100 Raffo 4 +0110100 Ribero 4 +0110100 Dingebauer 4 +0110100 Rahneva 4 +0110100 Pakalov 4 +0110100 Duplat 4 +0110100 Danby 4 +0110100 Wier 4 +0110100 McWalter 4 +0110100 Helfant 4 +0110100 Ransohoff 4 +0110100 Guendel 4 +0110100 Hauff 4 +0110100 Kaufthal 4 +0110100 Vactor 4 +0110100 Walshe 4 +0110100 Molisa 4 +0110100 Baechlin 4 +0110100 Brofman 4 +0110100 Roj 4 +0110100 Tacher 4 +0110100 Preyss 4 +0110100 Walken 4 +0110100 Massenberg 4 +0110100 Burdge 4 +0110100 Maida 4 +0110100 Sheahan 4 +0110100 Swoap 4 +0110100 Belatti 4 +0110100 Feller 4 +0110100 Sprat 4 +0110100 Remillard 4 +0110100 Rudibaugh 4 +0110100 Godsoe 4 +0110100 Heinbockel 4 +0110100 Siegal 4 +0110100 Lefler 4 +0110100 Zerhusen 4 +0110100 Moltz 4 +0110100 Bofill 4 +0110100 Pienaar 4 +0110100 Steck 4 +0110100 Walgren 4 +0110100 Kotter 4 +0110100 Dorsett 4 +0110100 Gruberova 4 +0110100 Rizzello 4 +0110100 Creviston 4 +0110100 Modisett 4 +0110100 Cartolano 4 +0110100 Chwat 4 +0110100 Kawamata 4 +0110100 Snapp 4 +0110100 Dainsberg 4 +0110100 Krecek 4 +0110100 Chatto 4 +0110100 Klabunde 4 +0110100 Sottile 4 +0110100 Lopp 4 +0110100 Rousselot 4 +0110100 al-Garamani 4 +0110100 al-Haddad 4 +0110100 Bihrud 4 +0110100 Hersey 4 +0110100 Kitzmiller 4 +0110100 Hohlt 4 +0110100 Hunthausen 4 +0110100 Isselbacher 4 +0110100 Quilligan 4 +0110100 Stackhouse 4 +0110100 Collecchia 4 +0110100 Lingenfelter 4 +0110100 Waney 4 +0110100 Seawell 4 +0110100 Heunis 4 +0110100 Hirschbein 4 +0110100 Yamanaka 4 +0110100 Bueche 4 +0110100 Worrall 4 +0110100 al-Anono 4 +0110100 Furse 4 +0110100 Dilworth 4 +0110100 Wenzinger 4 +0110100 Nehring 4 +0110100 Foos 4 +0110100 Rapanelli 4 +0110100 Joudrie 4 +0110100 Becque 4 +0110100 Rudd 4 +0110100 Sully 4 +0110100 Steinborn 4 +0110100 Dalal 4 +0110100 Bresley 4 +0110100 Slentz 4 +0110100 Leiva 4 +0110100 Withrow 4 +0110100 Houck 4 +0110100 Macaraig 4 +0110100 Potvin 4 +0110100 Nayak 4 +0110100 Weisel 4 +0110100 Gutridge 4 +0110100 Zelnik 4 +0110100 Longcroft 4 +0110100 Grazer 4 +0110100 Silvy 4 +0110100 Zinsser 4 +0110100 Kersley 4 +0110100 Wasik 4 +0110100 Cantley 4 +0110100 Messick 4 +0110100 Schembechler 4 +0110100 Ordonez 4 +0110100 DeGroot 4 +0110100 Lanni 4 +0110100 Wainio 4 +0110100 Brandvold 4 +0110100 Marbut 4 +0110100 Alloway 4 +0110100 Uy-Tioco 4 +0110100 Stavis 4 +0110100 Hiroi 4 +0110100 Keer 4 +0110100 Seigfreid 4 +0110100 McTaggart 4 +0110100 Forehead 4 +0110100 Fossedal 4 +0110100 Bredekamp 4 +0110100 Hagman 4 +0110100 Katon 4 +0110100 Ranalli 4 +0110100 Poon 4 +0110100 Ghobadian 4 +0110100 XXIII 4 +0110100 Strigl 4 +0110100 Pinsky 4 +0110100 Rickman 4 +0110100 Arnone 4 +0110100 Nukazawa 4 +0110100 Slemrod 4 +0110100 Estevez 4 +0110100 Jonsson 4 +0110100 Orbison 4 +0110100 Budai 4 +0110100 Posen 4 +0110100 Hyon-hui 4 +0110100 Greelish 4 +0110100 Zadeh 4 +0110100 Kieschnick 4 +0110100 Borneck 4 +0110100 Armentano 4 +0110100 Yashiro 4 +0110100 Wouri 4 +0110100 Paar 4 +0110100 Duddles 4 +0110100 Dalbeck 4 +0110100 Foyle 4 +0110100 Levendel 4 +0110100 Seeliger 4 +0110100 Husson 4 +0110100 Kilfoyle 4 +0110100 Ahlers 4 +0110100 Dalhoff 4 +0110100 Pilenzo 4 +0110100 Torday 4 +0110100 Seelbinder 4 +0110100 Wormley 4 +0110100 Kois 4 +0110100 Frenkel 4 +0110100 Dowie 4 +0110100 Breedon 4 +0110100 Miullo 4 +0110100 Holkeri 4 +0110100 Schroll 4 +0110100 Gandiaga 4 +0110100 Zwerin 4 +0110100 Neidich 4 +0110100 Boddewyn 4 +0110100 Baeri 4 +0110100 Glotz 4 +0110100 Pietersen 4 +0110100 Vidaurri 4 +0110100 Rimmel 4 +0110100 Nanula 4 +0110100 Allbach 4 +0110100 Terman 4 +0110100 Brannock 4 +0110100 Tanoira 4 +0110100 Kundrat 4 +0110100 DeWoskin 4 +0110100 Googel 4 +0110100 Spilker 4 +0110100 Cyca 4 +0110100 Grosfeld 4 +0110100 Fontenot 4 +0110100 Raether 4 +0110100 Bonnart 4 +0110100 Winbergh 4 +0110100 Gutenstein 4 +0110100 Timmers 4 +0110100 Ruwe 4 +0110100 Nuell 4 +0110100 Boillot 4 +0110100 Winebrenner 4 +0110100 el-Shamma 4 +0110100 Weinhoff 4 +0110100 Hamilburg 4 +0110100 Coakley 4 +0110100 Sakamura 4 +0110100 Liebenberg 4 +0110100 Rebholtz 4 +0110100 Essman 4 +0110100 Seki 4 +0110100 Graefe 4 +0110100 Brinck 4 +0110100 MacNaughton 4 +0110100 Phalan 4 +0110100 Ivester 4 +0110100 Croisset 4 +0110100 Holties 4 +0110100 Trandum 4 +0110100 Clary 4 +0110100 Megley 4 +0110100 Lucassen 4 +0110100 Rulon-Miller 4 +0110100 McFedries 4 +0110100 Biggins 4 +0110100 Dieckamp 4 +0110100 Gwynn 4 +0110100 Penzak 4 +0110100 Forsberg 4 +0110100 Tallon 4 +0110100 Nedelman 4 +0110100 Keisling 4 +0110100 McGrane 4 +0110100 Gamson 4 +0110100 Schroer 4 +0110100 Stassen 4 +0110100 Sladkus 4 +0110100 Vargo 4 +0110100 Barbetta 4 +0110100 Nocella 4 +0110100 Ata 4 +0110100 Ravenal 4 +0110100 Bamping 4 +0110100 Omana 4 +0110100 Daniello 4 +0110100 Buttarazzi 4 +0110100 Amara 4 +0110100 Lamboley 4 +0110100 Iwasaki 4 +0110100 Winbigler 4 +0110100 Pantages 4 +0110100 Anderegg 4 +0110100 Dimon 4 +0110100 Heeger 4 +0110100 Sieverts 4 +0110100 Papadopoulos 4 +0110100 Mossaz 4 +0110100 Mitsuya 4 +0110100 Humm 4 +0110100 Mooibroek 4 +0110100 Orden 4 +0110100 Martindale 4 +0110100 McLure 4 +0110100 Stehelin 4 +0110100 Hoppe 4 +0110100 Rademacher 4 +0110100 Becken 4 +0110100 Claeson 4 +0110100 Cinalli 4 +0110100 Scheuring 4 +0110100 Kinsella 4 +0110100 Dimitriadis 4 +0110100 Polutchko 4 +0110100 Maleczech 4 +0110100 Brusberg 4 +0110100 Doorley 4 +0110100 Johnsson 4 +0110100 Knighton 4 +0110100 Yannikos 4 +0110100 Keleher 4 +0110100 Niven 4 +0110100 Spender 4 +0110100 Dienstbier 4 +0110100 Milch 4 +0110100 Fischler 4 +0110100 Welty 4 +0110100 Engelhardt 5 +0110100 Rossellini 5 +0110100 Manes 5 +0110100 Borovoy 5 +0110100 Roizen 5 +0110100 Hammadi 5 +0110100 Radabaugh 5 +0110100 Arsenault 5 +0110100 Quensen 5 +0110100 Zeughauser 5 +0110100 Skigen 5 +0110100 Sweetman 5 +0110100 Grabe 5 +0110100 Hindes 5 +0110100 Sidle 5 +0110100 Nauslar 5 +0110100 Rickert 5 +0110100 Sunder 5 +0110100 Nemessuri 5 +0110100 Stroud 5 +0110100 Doggett 5 +0110100 Sigman 5 +0110100 DeVos 5 +0110100 Miert 5 +0110100 Spilman 5 +0110100 Podolsky 5 +0110100 Parrett 5 +0110100 Namer 5 +0110100 Tilbian 5 +0110100 Shicoff 5 +0110100 Ballow 5 +0110100 Gianelli 5 +0110100 Mathewson 5 +0110100 Brugere-Trelat 5 +0110100 DiGiacomo 5 +0110100 Orlov 5 +0110100 Kozaren 5 +0110100 Lichtenfels 5 +0110100 Burnison 5 +0110100 Kroner 5 +0110100 Langenscheidt 5 +0110100 Arbogast 5 +0110100 Ormrod 5 +0110100 Cianci 5 +0110100 Kayatta 5 +0110100 Collmer 5 +0110100 Trennum 5 +0110100 Oshry 5 +0110100 Langone 5 +0110100 Budzinski 5 +0110100 MacQueen 5 +0110100 Swales 5 +0110100 AbuZayyad 5 +0110100 Regab 5 +0110100 Baar 5 +0110100 duBusc 5 +0110100 Kyd 5 +0110100 Moutoussamy 5 +0110100 Pary 5 +0110100 Brosens 5 +0110100 Quesada 5 +0110100 Gyothen 5 +0110100 Fourticq 5 +0110100 Mulvaney 5 +0110100 Jacquette 5 +0110100 Meana 5 +0110100 Finazzo 5 +0110100 Raikes 5 +0110100 Seropian 5 +0110100 Deville 5 +0110100 Licata 5 +0110100 Pittenger 5 +0110100 Dunstan 5 +0110100 Bothmann 5 +0110100 Liniger 5 +0110100 Wynter 5 +0110100 Mirer 5 +0110100 Plumeri 5 +0110100 Kautz 5 +0110100 Berryman 5 +0110100 McNaughton 5 +0110100 Herzel 5 +0110100 Barsell 5 +0110100 Sandroni 5 +0110100 Anglin 5 +0110100 DeYoung 5 +0110100 Duffin 5 +0110100 Nelligan 5 +0110100 Pursel 5 +0110100 Winningstad 5 +0110100 Prokopis 5 +0110100 Wilpon 5 +0110100 Samartini 5 +0110100 Kerslake 5 +0110100 Davidowitz 5 +0110100 Goto 5 +0110100 Miki 5 +0110100 Lohrengel 5 +0110100 Kinsman 5 +0110100 Mengers 5 +0110100 McQuaid 5 +0110100 Flanz 5 +0110100 Burzon 5 +0110100 Kukovica 5 +0110100 Szumny 5 +0110100 Bossano 5 +0110100 Croissier 5 +0110100 Finkel 5 +0110100 Matsuoka 5 +0110100 Prickett 5 +0110100 Larder 5 +0110100 Athanasakos 5 +0110100 Varma 5 +0110100 Mattheiss 5 +0110100 Liebl 5 +0110100 Giacometti 5 +0110100 Kornblith 5 +0110100 Haider 5 +0110100 Seale 5 +0110100 Chmielewski 5 +0110100 Strausberg 5 +0110100 Lebowitz 5 +0110100 Schepens 5 +0110100 Fortabat 5 +0110100 Furton 5 +0110100 Menditto 5 +0110100 Moler 5 +0110100 Medrich 5 +0110100 Conia 5 +0110100 McNab 5 +0110100 Funabashi 5 +0110100 Gamel 5 +0110100 Mengden 5 +0110100 Reisenbach 5 +0110100 Denham 5 +0110100 Lopes 5 +0110100 Peins 5 +0110100 Kahle 5 +0110100 DeVane 5 +0110100 Hammonds 5 +0110100 Hayworth 5 +0110100 Lacson 5 +0110100 Ousey 5 +0110100 Gwartney 5 +0110100 Lebo 5 +0110100 Borish 5 +0110100 Plouf 5 +0110100 Krellenstein 5 +0110100 Parmenter 5 +0110100 Ellerin 5 +0110100 Finzen 5 +0110100 Gilchrest 5 +0110100 Chikofsky 5 +0110100 Malanca 5 +0110100 Mallet 5 +0110100 Lobato 5 +0110100 Thrale 5 +0110100 Logue 5 +0110100 Sandklef 5 +0110100 Abdic 5 +0110100 Symington 5 +0110100 Beimford 5 +0110100 Makino 5 +0110100 Panitz 5 +0110100 Quercia 5 +0110100 Billingslea 5 +0110100 Frydenlund 5 +0110100 Callanan 5 +0110100 Dunk 5 +0110100 Weithas 5 +0110100 Medcalf 5 +0110100 Capano 5 +0110100 McKimm 5 +0110100 Anderau 5 +0110100 Swyt 5 +0110100 Woitschaetzke 5 +0110100 Simek 5 +0110100 Panny 5 +0110100 Nordman 5 +0110100 Steeley 5 +0110100 Lebel 5 +0110100 Siano 5 +0110100 Roxborough 5 +0110100 Elizondo 5 +0110100 Kovacevich 5 +0110100 Laurenzo 5 +0110100 Radtke 5 +0110100 Zaccaglin 5 +0110100 Modell 5 +0110100 Gilg 5 +0110100 Carriere 5 +0110100 Gratzon 5 +0110100 Pazos 5 +0110100 Yankey 5 +0110100 Throckmorton 5 +0110100 Maneaty 5 +0110100 Rabe 5 +0110100 Fabra 5 +0110100 Grigg 5 +0110100 Negus 5 +0110100 Kasun 5 +0110100 Guidry 5 +0110100 Pisapia 5 +0110100 Bartram 5 +0110100 Moross 5 +0110100 Screech 5 +0110100 Takeyama 5 +0110100 Hubschmid 5 +0110100 Foont 5 +0110100 Hutson 5 +0110100 Kraselnick 5 +0110100 Kopechne 5 +0110100 Inanlou 5 +0110100 Haddow 5 +0110100 Trafficante 5 +0110100 Quilici 5 +0110100 Wasilewski 5 +0110100 Siehl 5 +0110100 Bhasin 5 +0110100 Velli 5 +0110100 Passino 5 +0110100 Ren 5 +0110100 Konney 5 +0110100 Ferre 5 +0110100 Islas 5 +0110100 Geiringer 5 +0110100 Popeo 5 +0110100 Luzenac 5 +0110100 Alun-Jones 5 +0110100 Knopfli 5 +0110100 Orbe 5 +0110100 Dockray 5 +0110100 Siart 5 +0110100 Lougee 5 +0110100 Moriarty 5 +0110100 Ziade 5 +0110100 Paller 5 +0110100 Corvo 5 +0110100 Lithgow 5 +0110100 Goodchild 5 +0110100 Wildblood 5 +0110100 Banis 5 +0110100 Bostock 5 +0110100 Sippl 5 +0110100 Barnhard 5 +0110100 Encarnacao 5 +0110100 Stegmayer 5 +0110100 Gilday 5 +0110100 Goldenhersh 5 +0110100 Bhandari 5 +0110100 Bergin 5 +0110100 Halkyard 5 +0110100 Mandrell 5 +0110100 Lessard 5 +0110100 Ibuki 5 +0110100 Cropper 5 +0110100 Habicht 5 +0110100 Gutherie 5 +0110100 Recchia 5 +0110100 Bibicoff 5 +0110100 Janeway 5 +0110100 VandenBerg 5 +0110100 Luellen 5 +0110100 Carmody 5 +0110100 Boschma 5 +0110100 Treves 5 +0110100 Solomonson 5 +0110100 Cangiano 5 +0110100 McLendon 5 +0110100 Malaker 5 +0110100 McCarren 5 +0110100 Tsuchiya 5 +0110100 Mirande 5 +0110100 Sevareid 5 +0110100 Swinford 5 +0110100 Tseki 5 +0110100 Rauh 5 +0110100 Wolper 5 +0110100 Belis 5 +0110100 Snowdon 5 +0110100 Gasket 5 +0110100 Chesek 5 +0110100 Grifka 5 +0110100 Heilbroner 5 +0110100 Rosow 5 +0110100 Bialy 5 +0110100 Shebelski 5 +0110100 Rickover 5 +0110100 Kuperstein 5 +0110100 Espinoza 5 +0110100 Pannier 5 +0110100 Ellroy 5 +0110100 Urbanski 5 +0110100 Sheedy 5 +0110100 Joura 5 +0110100 Ben-Aharon 5 +0110100 Nieto 5 +0110100 Krimsky 5 +0110100 Gerace 5 +0110100 Dabbagh 5 +0110100 Lunnie 5 +0110100 Riggins 5 +0110100 Zeder 5 +0110100 Namath 5 +0110100 Diermeier 5 +0110100 Ortquist 5 +0110100 Seko 5 +0110100 Evenson 5 +0110100 Castella 5 +0110100 Eubank 5 +0110100 Vantine 5 +0110100 Garamendi 5 +0110100 Rueff 5 +0110100 Brustein 5 +0110100 DeFilippo 5 +0110100 Montren 5 +0110100 Pierman 5 +0110100 Tanous 5 +0110100 Suprana 5 +0110100 Reaux 5 +0110100 Kadotani 5 +0110100 Costrell 5 +0110100 Gerberg 5 +0110100 Rizzuto 5 +0110100 Warshaw 5 +0110100 Meneses 5 +0110100 Rossotti 5 +0110100 Petrilli 5 +0110100 Mosk 5 +0110100 Hiaasen 5 +0110100 Tallman 5 +0110100 Lowenkron 5 +0110100 Nims 5 +0110100 Braga 5 +0110100 Bonet 5 +0110100 Chagnon 5 +0110100 Salvin 5 +0110100 Schnapp 5 +0110100 Rosencrants 5 +0110100 Malloch 5 +0110100 Venneboerger 5 +0110100 Gallas 5 +0110100 Zahmatkesh 5 +0110100 Heneghan 5 +0110100 deButts 5 +0110100 Blenkarn 5 +0110100 Ayukawa 5 +0110100 Goldblith 5 +0110100 Bretschneider 5 +0110100 Hackmann 5 +0110100 Goell 5 +0110100 Hymowitz 5 +0110100 Letterer 5 +0110100 Popova 5 +0110100 Kornhaber 5 +0110100 Modise 5 +0110100 Terkel 5 +0110100 Landsborough 5 +0110100 Marner 5 +0110100 Lintner 5 +0110100 Yoshihashi 5 +0110100 Germann 5 +0110100 Noelle-Neumann 5 +0110100 Ouedraogo 5 +0110100 Breslow 5 +0110100 Wezniak 5 +0110100 Lueddeke 5 +0110100 Turrill 5 +0110100 Bechky 5 +0110100 Evanson 5 +0110100 Pyzhyanov 5 +0110100 Birenbaum 5 +0110100 Hirabayashi 5 +0110100 Benderly 5 +0110100 Batts 5 +0110100 Yoshizawa 5 +0110100 Lenfant 5 +0110100 Ricklefs 5 +0110100 Herder 5 +0110100 Vachon 5 +0110100 Gilbreath 5 +0110100 Dunker 5 +0110100 Hegarty 5 +0110100 Immitt 5 +0110100 Citron 5 +0110100 Hulm 5 +0110100 Bartol 5 +0110100 Zarkin 5 +0110100 Tworek 5 +0110100 Karmarkar 5 +0110100 Romanenko 5 +0110100 Sayers 5 +0110100 Hoffberger 5 +0110100 Bakhash 5 +0110100 Henningfield 5 +0110100 Petrone 5 +0110100 Youngblood 5 +0110100 Schmalensee 5 +0110100 Malinin 5 +0110100 al-Uraybi 5 +0110100 Steinkuehler 5 +0110100 Conners 5 +0110100 Dimitrova 5 +0110100 Quattrone 5 +0110100 Cholakis 5 +0110100 Tearno 5 +0110100 Wasco 5 +0110100 Sheperdson 5 +0110100 Savona 5 +0110100 Miegel 5 +0110100 Braendle 5 +0110100 Kinlen 5 +0110100 Moscahlaidis 5 +0110100 Sommervold 5 +0110100 Bergamo 5 +0110100 Gaizo 5 +0110100 Bacow 5 +0110100 Peirce 5 +0110100 Frankis 5 +0110100 Sappenfield 5 +0110100 Khachigian 5 +0110100 Karpinsky 5 +0110100 Majerus 5 +0110100 Teerlink 5 +0110100 Uphoff 5 +0110100 Apuzzo 5 +0110100 Buffington 5 +0110100 Gotto 5 +0110100 Westerman 5 +0110100 Lekberg 5 +0110100 Ptack 5 +0110100 Shenk 5 +0110100 Grohowski 5 +0110100 Fischl 5 +0110100 Pafumi 5 +0110100 Shonecan 5 +0110100 Saffer 5 +0110100 Buechel 5 +0110100 Togliatti 5 +0110100 Nobuto 5 +0110100 Whicher 5 +0110100 Scholtz 5 +0110100 Magruder 5 +0110100 Beichert 5 +0110100 Haygood 5 +0110100 Hulin 5 +0110100 Eckel 5 +0110100 Markley 5 +0110100 Actouka 5 +0110100 Kutnick 5 +0110100 Doukas 5 +0110100 Schwemm 5 +0110100 Galindo 5 +0110100 Kozlowski 5 +0110100 Zeschmar 5 +0110100 Rossiter 5 +0110100 Prappas 5 +0110100 Conklin 5 +0110100 Tydings 5 +0110100 LaRocque 5 +0110100 Uffelman 5 +0110100 Gaup 5 +0110100 Suggs 5 +0110100 Kingham 5 +0110100 Prigov 5 +0110100 Bantle 5 +0110100 Ludwin 5 +0110100 McLachlan 5 +0110100 Vitulli 5 +0110100 Kristofferson 5 +0110100 Trantum 5 +0110100 Eklund 5 +0110100 Clavel 5 +0110100 Damone 5 +0110100 Vink 5 +0110100 Nunes 5 +0110100 Wudtke 5 +0110100 Vieley 5 +0110100 Pozen 5 +0110100 Manasse 5 +0110100 Blodgett 5 +0110100 Weingart 5 +0110100 Vipperman 5 +0110100 Semsky 5 +0110100 Waits 5 +0110100 Kono 5 +0110100 Morberg 5 +0110100 Chesnais 5 +0110100 Manolis 5 +0110100 Bialo 5 +0110100 Crotty 5 +0110100 Koegler 5 +0110100 Raynolds 5 +0110100 Marsico 5 +0110100 Muck 5 +0110100 Poulton 5 +0110100 Puskar 5 +0110100 Vibbard 5 +0110100 Buteau 5 +0110100 Saperstein 5 +0110100 Rondeau 5 +0110100 Moison 5 +0110100 Bailar 5 +0110100 Hershaft 5 +0110100 Shiflett 5 +0110100 Lannon 5 +0110100 Weiger 5 +0110100 Baurmann 5 +0110100 Kaffen 5 +0110100 Harradine 5 +0110100 Dolembo 5 +0110100 Walto 5 +0110100 Buskirk 5 +0110100 Doering 5 +0110100 Davidoski 5 +0110100 Loubad 5 +0110100 Gillick 5 +0110100 Ramseier 5 +0110100 Malozemoff 5 +0110100 Tolchin 5 +0110100 Cofrin 5 +0110100 Kizer 5 +0110100 Maerki 5 +0110100 Ribble 5 +0110100 Linsteadt 5 +0110100 Alves 5 +0110100 McCloud 5 +0110100 DeSantis 5 +0110100 Siegman 5 +0110100 Schwarzrock 5 +0110100 Demery 5 +0110100 Kolberg 5 +0110100 Sease 5 +0110100 Cheverton 5 +0110100 Willet 5 +0110100 Hundley 5 +0110100 Anthes 5 +0110100 Hallingby 5 +0110100 Siskind 5 +0110100 Skar 5 +0110100 Wilhite 5 +0110100 Marchand 5 +0110100 Shimomura 5 +0110100 Isacsson 5 +0110100 Markovich 5 +0110100 Middlemas 5 +0110100 Bonini 5 +0110100 Rotenstreich 5 +0110100 MacKinney 5 +0110100 Lundquist 5 +0110100 Schwadel 5 +0110100 Baakza 5 +0110100 Anastos 5 +0110100 Ditmar 5 +0110100 Taura 5 +0110100 Miyoshi 5 +0110100 Cresswell 5 +0110100 Katzin 5 +0110100 Ohga 5 +0110100 Foulkes 5 +0110100 Glavin 5 +0110100 Popp 5 +0110100 Moughamian 5 +0110100 Speir 5 +0110100 Attlee 5 +0110100 Duethorn 5 +0110100 Schmierer 5 +0110100 Lindau 5 +0110100 Edney 5 +0110100 Hartwig 5 +0110100 Kanner 5 +0110100 Curnin 5 +0110100 Jarmusz 5 +0110100 Inamori 5 +0110100 Bottner 5 +0110100 Stephansen 5 +0110100 Mercardante 5 +0110100 Gracer 5 +0110100 Gutman 5 +0110100 Tillinger 5 +0110100 Duda 5 +0110100 Sund 5 +0110100 Schoolnik 5 +0110100 Lavely 5 +0110100 Marohn 5 +0110100 Atienza 5 +0110100 Uris 5 +0110100 Donaghy 5 +0110100 Morford 5 +0110100 Wenninger 5 +0110100 Babb 5 +0110100 Hemphill 5 +0110100 Comiche 5 +0110100 Cronenberg 5 +0110100 LaBelle 5 +0110100 Daberko 5 +0110100 Sandburg 5 +0110100 Jamplis 5 +0110100 Cariseo 5 +0110100 DiNardo 5 +0110100 Vairo 5 +0110100 Kersnick 5 +0110100 Talmo 5 +0110100 Prazmark 5 +0110100 Neuborne 5 +0110100 Amstutz 5 +0110100 Soetbeer 5 +0110100 Lundi 5 +0110100 Kanel 5 +0110100 Kinkade 5 +0110100 Sidlin 5 +0110100 Previn 5 +0110100 Gidwani 5 +0110100 Marini 5 +0110100 Cheveralls 5 +0110100 Whitemore 5 +0110100 Errigo 5 +0110100 Kanoff 5 +0110100 Ursell 5 +0110100 Waranch 5 +0110100 Greisman 5 +0110100 Hubaev 5 +0110100 Holstead 5 +0110100 Rieger 5 +0110100 Vicious 5 +0110100 Eyles 5 +0110100 Rabins 5 +0110100 Shrager 5 +0110100 McAvoy 5 +0110100 Endoh 5 +0110100 Sattler 5 +0110100 Carpentier 5 +0110100 Djukastein 5 +0110100 Sukornick 5 +0110100 Pelli 5 +0110100 Bereuter 5 +0110100 Reise 5 +0110100 Buchholz 5 +0110100 Schaulsohn 5 +0110100 Courtis 5 +0110100 Treybig 5 +0110100 Seeno 5 +0110100 Calabresi 5 +0110100 Siebrasse 5 +0110100 Bannon 5 +0110100 Mulder 5 +0110100 Vorster 5 +0110100 Duchin 5 +0110100 Kanabayashi 5 +0110100 Grellman 5 +0110100 Goldfader 5 +0110100 Lumet 5 +0110100 Bhar 5 +0110100 Skrodski 5 +0110100 Moi 5 +0110100 Mendenhall 5 +0110100 Gridley 5 +0110100 Mayland 5 +0110100 Peapples 5 +0110100 Pezzullo 5 +0110100 Andersson 5 +0110100 Nelms 5 +0110100 Camoys 5 +0110100 Ludden 5 +0110100 Lozinska 5 +0110100 Sokolova 5 +0110100 Wulkan 5 +0110100 Weicher 5 +0110100 Albertos 5 +0110100 Macchia 5 +0110100 Heisley 5 +0110100 Lefeve 5 +0110100 LaPorte 5 +0110100 Probert 5 +0110100 Scarff 5 +0110100 Pruden 5 +0110100 Guillory 5 +0110100 McAndrew 5 +0110100 Frei 5 +0110100 Timmerman 5 +0110100 Thieme 5 +0110100 Bruchey 5 +0110100 McCrady 5 +0110100 Chabot 5 +0110100 Paige 5 +0110100 Foundyller 5 +0110100 Kampe 5 +0110100 Moriyama 5 +0110100 Pilkey 5 +0110100 Sonnenfeld 5 +0110100 Zeiler 5 +0110100 Mkhwanazi 5 +0110100 Sachnoff 5 +0110100 Cerny 5 +0110100 Cloonan 5 +0110100 Guilfoyle 5 +0110100 Bonistalli 5 +0110100 Askin 5 +0110100 Schnadt 5 +0110100 Comissiona 5 +0110100 Gaddis 5 +0110100 Gillis 5 +0110100 Aranson 5 +0110100 Spinola 5 +0110100 Pinkes 5 +0110100 Bucher 5 +0110100 Wavle 5 +0110100 Schoellkopf 5 +0110100 Corder 5 +0110100 Krum 5 +0110100 Varipapa 5 +0110100 Nerlinger 5 +0110100 Tournier 5 +0110100 Belmonte 5 +0110100 Raufer 5 +0110100 Barayi 5 +0110100 Whitcome 5 +0110100 Jeelof 5 +0110100 Brule 5 +0110100 Whalen 5 +0110100 Sonnenberg 5 +0110100 Saveth 5 +0110100 Pacifico 5 +0110100 Perriss 5 +0110100 Baudry 5 +0110100 Cyert 5 +0110100 LaBella 5 +0110100 Zubaidi 5 +0110100 MacAvoy 5 +0110100 Cleland 5 +0110100 Gignac 5 +0110100 Heaton 5 +0110100 Maciejowski 5 +0110100 Vial 5 +0110100 Kardell 5 +0110100 Terada 5 +0110100 Barbash 5 +0110100 Davin 5 +0110100 Netto 5 +0110100 Caton 5 +0110100 Buller 5 +0110100 Brannigan 5 +0110100 Jorissen 5 +0110100 Westmacott 5 +0110100 Bettner 5 +0110100 Jaeger 5 +0110100 Nusseibeh 5 +0110100 Laguerre 5 +0110100 Aparicio 5 +0110100 Agran 5 +0110100 Martinelli 5 +0110100 Coombs 5 +0110100 Naude 5 +0110100 Hirakawa 5 +0110100 Harter 5 +0110100 Mastrup 5 +0110100 Muzzio 5 +0110100 Mullaney 5 +0110100 Bertelsen 5 +0110100 Grable 5 +0110100 Swid 5 +0110100 Ogata 5 +0110100 Hamachek 5 +0110100 Parfet 5 +0110100 Pearman 5 +0110100 Everitt 5 +0110100 Phenner 5 +0110100 Masterton 5 +0110100 Kaminstein 5 +0110100 Durang 5 +0110100 Speidell 5 +0110100 Gitelman 5 +0110100 Suzman 5 +0110100 Rugg 5 +0110100 Binsky 5 +0110100 Gelly 5 +0110100 Collomp 5 +0110100 Pecqueur 5 +0110100 Atterman 5 +0110100 Upson 5 +0110100 Seizinger 5 +0110100 Kopelson 5 +0110100 Corman 5 +0110100 Lenglen 5 +0110100 Bischoff 5 +0110100 Swarttouw 5 +0110100 Lapointe 5 +0110100 Cavavetta 5 +0110100 Marchman 5 +0110100 Skaletsky 5 +0110100 Pelson 5 +0110100 Deuillet 5 +0110100 Duisenberg 5 +0110100 Tannen 5 +0110100 Whaley 5 +0110100 Tajan 5 +0110100 Berro 5 +0110100 Butland 5 +0110100 Borchardt 5 +0110100 Sheibani 5 +0110100 Nortman 5 +0110100 Goeken 5 +0110100 Filiberti 5 +0110100 Murad 5 +0110100 Zycher 5 +0110100 Millo 5 +0110100 Bornemann 5 +0110100 Pecarich 5 +0110100 Sperandeo 5 +0110100 Sambrook 5 +0110100 Koizumi 5 +0110100 Stettinius 5 +0110100 Jakeway 5 +0110100 Viehe 5 +0110100 Tashiro 5 +0110100 Padwe 5 +0110100 Sandelman 5 +0110100 Tremblay 5 +0110100 Bossis 5 +0110100 Barmash 5 +0110100 Leason 5 +0110100 Hetherington 5 +0110100 Rohrlich 5 +0110100 Blessey 5 +0110100 Yule 5 +0110100 Leimberg 5 +0110100 Poppins 5 +0110100 Shoemate 5 +0110100 Shofstahl 5 +0110100 Fahys 5 +0110100 Carraway 5 +0110100 Hamper 5 +0110100 Perna 5 +0110100 Brannelly 5 +0110100 Kondratas 5 +0110100 Chietti 5 +0110100 Hovious 5 +0110100 Doby 5 +0110100 Poniatowski 5 +0110100 Goldschmitt 5 +0110100 Staubach 5 +0110100 Abene 5 +0110100 Roodt 5 +0110100 Petee 5 +0110100 Bottenbruch 5 +0110100 Skantze 5 +0110100 Freydberg 5 +0110100 Aab 5 +0110100 Brackeen 5 +0110100 Boller 5 +0110100 Kurek 5 +0110100 Cornman 5 +0110100 Abrahamsson 5 +0110100 Ammendola 5 +0110100 Orbach 5 +0110100 Cilli 5 +0110100 Sakamoto 5 +0110100 Bopp 5 +0110100 Beauregard 5 +0110100 Blumkin 5 +0110100 Howson 5 +0110100 Britchky 5 +0110100 Mayron 5 +0110100 Segura 5 +0110100 Siminoff 5 +0110100 Gritter 5 +0110100 Bhattasali 5 +0110100 Pilarczyk 5 +0110100 Riepe 5 +0110100 Altmeyer 5 +0110100 Judelson 5 +0110100 Cardona 5 +0110100 Lattes 5 +0110100 Marchessault 5 +0110100 Albom 5 +0110100 Lohman 5 +0110100 Speirs 5 +0110100 Thornhill-Cummings 5 +0110100 Ephron 5 +0110100 Norville 5 +0110100 Hamer 5 +0110100 McFarlan 5 +0110100 Sando 5 +0110100 dePalma 5 +0110100 Schnapper 5 +0110100 Dittmer 5 +0110100 Geruch 5 +0110100 Bramble 5 +0110100 Viera 5 +0110100 Frankhauser 5 +0110100 Lichtman 5 +0110100 Lisberger 5 +0110100 McEvaddy 5 +0110100 Battalio 5 +0110100 McCone 5 +0110100 Kotecha 5 +0110100 Seegal 5 +0110100 Nemeth 5 +0110100 Fitzgibbon 5 +0110100 Ardbo 5 +0110100 Beckler 5 +0110100 Chaudhari 5 +0110100 McClanahan 5 +0110100 Alviso 5 +0110100 Akao 5 +0110100 Denniston 5 +0110100 Tasco 5 +0110100 Sherburne 5 +0110100 Hourihan 5 +0110100 Sprizzo 5 +0110100 Hamblen 5 +0110100 Lins 5 +0110100 Kotz 5 +0110100 Yoshino 5 +0110100 Cortese 5 +0110100 Lenkowsky 5 +0110100 Kakar 5 +0110100 Scaraggi 5 +0110100 Montgoris 5 +0110100 Widdrington 5 +0110100 Crook 5 +0110100 Maciej 5 +0110100 Carballo 5 +0110100 Bagwell 5 +0110100 Myojin 5 +0110100 Pollak 5 +0110100 Shinoda 5 +0110100 Zlotin 5 +0110100 Kleinbard 5 +0110100 Gagner 5 +0110100 Burchard 5 +0110100 Coonts 5 +0110100 Gyngell 5 +0110100 Spivak 5 +0110100 Tomblin 5 +0110100 Knauff 5 +0110100 Ohtake 5 +0110100 Bohlin 5 +0110100 Rolle 5 +0110100 Nurnberg 5 +0110100 Bulasky 5 +0110100 Wenger 5 +0110100 Vanocur 5 +0110100 Frontieres 5 +0110100 Fraidin 5 +0110100 Nave 5 +0110100 McRaney 5 +0110100 Kvalheim 5 +0110100 Rusen 5 +0110100 Cattivera 5 +0110100 Mawby 5 +0110100 Gati 5 +0110100 Hurckes 5 +0110100 Hoepoedio 5 +0110100 Danco 5 +0110100 Tauber 5 +0110100 Troendly 5 +0110100 Dezember 5 +0110100 Moravcsik 5 +0110100 Caygill 5 +0110100 Tamari 5 +0110100 Kamarck 5 +0110100 Kipper 5 +0110100 Hawkinson 5 +0110100 Heckathorn 5 +0110100 Clavell 5 +0110100 Urfe 5 +0110100 Tovstonogov 5 +0110100 Pashkow 5 +0110100 Tendler 5 +0110100 Viio 5 +0110100 Cholnoky 5 +0110100 LaPierre 5 +0110100 Quillian 5 +0110100 Lautman 5 +0110100 Donofrio 5 +0110100 Lipicky 5 +0110100 Gildersleeve 5 +0110100 Vasic 5 +0110100 Bunina 5 +0110100 Celis 5 +0110100 Fraghistas 5 +0110100 Petovar 5 +0110100 Oldershaw 5 +0110100 Masty 5 +0110100 Thernstrom 5 +0110100 Rozeff 5 +0110100 Mitra 5 +0110100 Radoccia 5 +0110100 Horabin 5 +0110100 Radt 5 +0110100 Faget 5 +0110100 Farthing 5 +0110100 Blustein 5 +0110100 Klingensmith 5 +0110100 Nau 5 +0110100 Lydecker 5 +0110100 Penley 5 +0110100 Sagebrecht 5 +0110100 Verbicky 5 +0110100 Ebermann 5 +0110100 Morcott 5 +0110100 Cheslick 5 +0110100 Moorer 5 +0110100 Gearde 5 +0110100 Midgley 5 +0110100 Mankiewicz 5 +0110100 Fellegi 5 +0110100 Harl 5 +0110100 Raciti 5 +0110100 LaMar 5 +0110100 McCartin 5 +0110100 Pisano 5 +0110100 Waitzer 5 +0110100 Mikhailov 5 +0110100 Mooberry 5 +0110100 Koten 5 +0110100 Creech 5 +0110100 Ansberry 5 +0110100 Tanis 5 +0110100 Kropp 5 +0110100 Egozi 5 +0110100 Clemons 5 +0110100 Barlage 5 +0110100 Bodett 5 +0110100 Jang 5 +0110100 Eimer 5 +0110100 Loynd 5 +0110100 Radzimski 5 +0110100 Rothwell 5 +0110100 Oi 5 +0110100 Palicka 5 +0110100 MacInnis 5 +0110100 Munger 5 +0110100 Yurek 5 +0110100 Freedberg 5 +0110100 Belanger 5 +0110100 Beauvoir 5 +0110100 Horovitz 5 +0110100 Ringwald 5 +0110100 Eran 5 +0110100 Grauman 5 +0110100 Ugoretz 5 +0110100 Wilkus 5 +0110100 Gandois 5 +0110100 Mlangeni 5 +0110100 Semsdorf 5 +0110100 Tsutsui 5 +0110100 Knecht 5 +0110100 Shaunessy 5 +0110100 Posternak 5 +0110100 Lignell 5 +0110100 Cuscela 5 +0110100 Soederberg 5 +0110100 Fatemi 5 +0110100 Gobert 5 +0110100 Gollub 5 +0110100 Petrillo 5 +0110100 Tomitsuka 5 +0110100 Davidhazy 5 +0110100 Prine 5 +0110100 Ullrich 5 +0110100 Mires 5 +0110100 Sweaney 5 +0110100 Archbold 5 +0110100 Basheer 5 +0110100 Dafoe 5 +0110100 Manos 5 +0110100 Dent 5 +0110100 Pansini 5 +0110100 Arbuckle 5 +0110100 Yergin 5 +0110100 Arrott 5 +0110100 Ducker 5 +0110100 Shireman 5 +0110100 Woerhoff 5 +0110100 Heskett 5 +0110100 Sarmiento 5 +0110100 Mindlin 5 +0110100 Gunning 5 +0110100 Golm 5 +0110100 Fradin 5 +0110100 Tananbaum 5 +0110100 Chatterley 5 +0110100 Dynes 5 +0110100 Plager 5 +0110100 Jarboe 5 +0110100 McGeehan 5 +0110100 Yaghoubi 5 +0110100 Boivin 5 +0110100 Hennekens 5 +0110100 Hishon 5 +0110100 Fishburn 5 +0110100 Sprogis 5 +0110100 Leung 5 +0110100 Rajender 5 +0110100 AbuTaha 5 +0110100 Velasquez 5 +0110100 Angevine 5 +0110100 Minghella 5 +0110100 Monical 5 +0110100 Balogh 5 +0110100 Carstairs 5 +0110100 Obolensky 5 +0110100 Jessey 5 +0110100 Botwinick 5 +0110100 Kolenik 5 +0110100 Stambaugh 5 +0110100 Wende 5 +0110100 Rochette 5 +0110100 Hasty 5 +0110100 Mesznik 5 +0110100 Ligendza 5 +0110100 Zanville 5 +0110100 Bleakley 5 +0110100 Wickbom 5 +0110100 Ropka 5 +0110100 Moglia 5 +0110100 Kennon 5 +0110100 Arbell 5 +0110100 Babitsky 5 +0110100 Mirecki 5 +0110100 Steeper 5 +0110100 Ianotti 5 +0110100 Payte 5 +0110100 Sackville 5 +0110100 Vucanovich 5 +0110100 Tindemans 5 +0110100 Calore 5 +0110100 Fites 5 +0110100 Dombrowski 5 +0110100 Orris 5 +0110100 Eskandarian 5 +0110100 Shitrit 5 +0110100 Freiheit 5 +0110100 Junco 5 +0110100 Seigenthaler 5 +0110100 Swados 5 +0110100 Weise 5 +0110100 Trinchero 5 +0110100 Colantuoni 5 +0110100 Wanandi 5 +0110100 Seipp 5 +0110100 Tallarico 5 +0110100 Argyros 5 +0110100 Nitschke 5 +0110100 Jiyun 5 +0110100 Heermann 5 +0110100 Selkoe 5 +0110100 Warin 5 +0110100 Cloward 5 +0110100 Bitting 5 +0110100 Klasny 5 +0110100 Monello 5 +0110100 Tullman 5 +0110100 Mertes 5 +0110100 Somarriba 5 +0110100 Minkel 5 +0110100 Snowden 5 +0110100 Sorell 5 +0110100 Guarriello 5 +0110100 Bedell 5 +0110100 DeShano 5 +0110100 DeMascio 5 +0110100 Regula 5 +0110100 Lundeen 5 +0110100 Brumley 5 +0110100 Czerniak 5 +0110100 Leeb 5 +0110100 Schnitzer 5 +0110100 Kalov 5 +0110100 Quelch 5 +0110100 Willax 5 +0110100 McHenry 5 +0110100 Shelbourne 5 +0110100 Bellisario 5 +0110100 Hacche 5 +0110100 Moldaw 5 +0110100 Mowell 5 +0110100 Ciresa 5 +0110100 Sahl 5 +0110100 Quattlebaum 5 +0110100 Mondragon 5 +0110100 Leuninger 5 +0110100 Shealy 5 +0110100 Stites 5 +0110100 Hammes 5 +0110100 Welsch 5 +0110100 Hemp 5 +0110100 Fabiani 5 +0110100 Andersin 5 +0110100 Vrable 5 +0110100 Balson 5 +0110100 Hoang 5 +0110100 Larive 5 +0110100 Leubert 5 +0110100 Christopherson 5 +0110100 Telljohann 5 +0110100 Rowlett 5 +0110100 Hanian 5 +0110100 Gelles 5 +0110100 Flynt 5 +0110100 Schoenke 5 +0110100 Kling 5 +0110100 Destler 5 +0110100 DuHadway 5 +0110100 Rabinovitz 5 +0110100 Lakian 5 +0110100 Thorsberg 5 +0110100 Neglia 5 +0110100 Eifler 5 +0110100 Cieslak 5 +0110100 Sweetin 5 +0110100 Beury 5 +0110100 Appelman 5 +0110100 Sarotte 5 +0110100 Hatano 5 +0110100 Roddey 5 +0110100 Vento 5 +0110100 Timony 5 +0110100 Flegm 5 +0110100 Ribaudo 5 +0110100 Badillo 5 +0110100 Wetterberg 5 +0110100 Saget 5 +0110100 Buffin 5 +0110100 Bachrach 5 +0110100 Sanh 5 +0110100 Cameros 5 +0110100 Nezi 5 +0110100 Schappell 5 +0110100 Benner 5 +0110100 Venners 5 +0110100 Rigby 5 +0110100 Chickering 5 +0110100 Marota 5 +0110100 Oda 5 +0110100 Kowalski 5 +0110100 Bassin 5 +0110100 Arseneault 5 +0110100 Yaeger 5 +0110100 Toft 5 +0110100 Boyles 5 +0110100 Vieser 5 +0110100 Mompati 5 +0110100 Passaretti 5 +0110100 Bockris 5 +0110100 Googins 5 +0110100 Philippi 5 +0110100 Ogletree 5 +0110100 Iooss 5 +0110100 Lavington 5 +0110100 Kaminski 5 +0110100 Olinger 5 +0110100 Koren 5 +0110100 Faris 5 +0110100 McLaurin 5 +0110100 Stefanelli 5 +0110100 Aliev 5 +0110100 Roden 5 +0110100 Lowrie 5 +0110100 Muraoka 5 +0110100 Walley 6 +0110100 Blubaugh 6 +0110100 Navasky 6 +0110100 Rafeedie 6 +0110100 Ince 6 +0110100 Fifield 6 +0110100 Zollo 6 +0110100 Flenniken 6 +0110100 Tresker 6 +0110100 Cassatt 6 +0110100 Narusawa 6 +0110100 Zubillaga 6 +0110100 Lauterbach 6 +0110100 Spade 6 +0110100 Schroeter 6 +0110100 Gildea 6 +0110100 Manilow 6 +0110100 Savoie 6 +0110100 Karatsu 6 +0110100 Catchpole 6 +0110100 Ney 6 +0110100 Yassine 6 +0110100 Glinka 6 +0110100 Minow 6 +0110100 Muravchik 6 +0110100 Macaulay 6 +0110100 Nickels 6 +0110100 Kapp 6 +0110100 Orlowsky 6 +0110100 Krogager 6 +0110100 Mitchum 6 +0110100 Gumpp 6 +0110100 Medicus 6 +0110100 McTavish 6 +0110100 Cootner 6 +0110100 Srinivasan 6 +0110100 Shatrov 6 +0110100 McRoberts 6 +0110100 Sennet 6 +0110100 Waraich 6 +0110100 Zielinski 6 +0110100 Battaglia 6 +0110100 Pedowitz 6 +0110100 Bromley 6 +0110100 McKerrow 6 +0110100 Takemoto 6 +0110100 Castille 6 +0110100 Schelke 6 +0110100 Guion 6 +0110100 Levitas 6 +0110100 Ohanian 6 +0110100 Kunikata 6 +0110100 Pagels 6 +0110100 Winnick 6 +0110100 Mitcham 6 +0110100 Kawahara 6 +0110100 Bermingham 6 +0110100 Morgenstern 6 +0110100 Prenn 6 +0110100 Haislip 6 +0110100 McSpadden 6 +0110100 Altay 6 +0110100 Futterman 6 +0110100 Rudoff 6 +0110100 Roesch 6 +0110100 Estess 6 +0110100 Butterwick 6 +0110100 Gutin 6 +0110100 Bish 6 +0110100 Peiser 6 +0110100 Romiti 6 +0110100 Allegrett 6 +0110100 Kringen 6 +0110100 Kado 6 +0110100 Gistaro 6 +0110100 Jordon 6 +0110100 Baratta 6 +0110100 Gautier 6 +0110100 Rader 6 +0110100 Krakowski 6 +0110100 Cortina 6 +0110100 Nygaard 6 +0110100 Ishida 6 +0110100 Boulter 6 +0110100 Mokoena 6 +0110100 Benedetto 6 +0110100 DePree 6 +0110100 Hadaway 6 +0110100 Yoshitomi 6 +0110100 Cutugno 6 +0110100 Johanson 6 +0110100 Shmelyov 6 +0110100 Besteman 6 +0110100 Rostow 6 +0110100 Cosell 6 +0110100 Herz 6 +0110100 Berdy 6 +0110100 Ehrreich 6 +0110100 Marrs 6 +0110100 Naismith 6 +0110100 Erakat 6 +0110100 Paltrow 6 +0110100 Bruce-Gardyne 6 +0110100 Voell 6 +0110100 Kanat 6 +0110100 Stavropoulos 6 +0110100 Shortell 6 +0110100 Plomley 6 +0110100 Vincenzi 6 +0110100 Bottum 6 +0110100 Slavnov 6 +0110100 Barkocy 6 +0110100 Carnow 6 +0110100 Heinze 6 +0110100 Hettleman 6 +0110100 Tattersall 6 +0110100 Mallen 6 +0110100 Fetter 6 +0110100 Wachner 6 +0110100 Giaquinto 6 +0110100 Dyck 6 +0110100 Fawell 6 +0110100 Feldhan 6 +0110100 Stead 6 +0110100 Bottiger 6 +0110100 Hensley 6 +0110100 Crier 6 +0110100 Celebrezze 6 +0110100 Himmel 6 +0110100 Strang 6 +0110100 Nutting 6 +0110100 Scutieri 6 +0110100 Poiesz 6 +0110100 Rickles 6 +0110100 Gutterman 6 +0110100 Slovenko 6 +0110100 Kulongoski 6 +0110100 Korthals 6 +0110100 Findley 6 +0110100 Dowdle 6 +0110100 Gaasbeck 6 +0110100 Lukomski 6 +0110100 Al-Saihati 6 +0110100 Arguetty 6 +0110100 Igoe 6 +0110100 Previts 6 +0110100 Makatini 6 +0110100 Brauchli 6 +0110100 Ryback 6 +0110100 Willcoxon 6 +0110100 Zang 6 +0110100 Tsuji 6 +0110100 Skoloff 6 +0110100 Henle 6 +0110100 Perkinson 6 +0110100 Durgin 6 +0110100 Feigenbaum 6 +0110100 Nikonov 6 +0110100 Merman 6 +0110100 Breese 6 +0110100 Ethridge 6 +0110100 Mansur 6 +0110100 Zachowski 6 +0110100 Runkel 6 +0110100 McWilliam 6 +0110100 Lipset 6 +0110100 Fialka 6 +0110100 Auriana 6 +0110100 Gamello 6 +0110100 Cherlin 6 +0110100 Nilges 6 +0110100 Gitter 6 +0110100 Nocera 6 +0110100 Selden 6 +0110100 Kolatch 6 +0110100 Kohjima 6 +0110100 Kimmitt 6 +0110100 Braude 6 +0110100 Feuer 6 +0110100 Vesper 6 +0110100 Roman-Barber 6 +0110100 Nares 6 +0110100 Doss 6 +0110100 Mathur 6 +0110100 Schrier 6 +0110100 Bartola 6 +0110100 Negrini 6 +0110100 Mangan 6 +0110100 Fritzsche 6 +0110100 Behm 6 +0110100 Matamoros 6 +0110100 Swindel 6 +0110100 Farling 6 +0110100 Albeck 6 +0110100 MacLachlan 6 +0110100 Asquith 6 +0110100 Contillo 6 +0110100 Schop 6 +0110100 Saranow 6 +0110100 Homzy 6 +0110100 Johnstad 6 +0110100 Tindall 6 +0110100 Michas 6 +0110100 Stowell 6 +0110100 Naidoo 6 +0110100 Ruttenbur 6 +0110100 Lubetkin 6 +0110100 Latshaw 6 +0110100 Nipp 6 +0110100 Yoneyama 6 +0110100 Donegan 6 +0110100 Ainsberg 6 +0110100 Friendlich 6 +0110100 Spindler 6 +0110100 Raphalian 6 +0110100 DeLauer 6 +0110100 Deans 6 +0110100 Faux 6 +0110100 Mierzejewski 6 +0110100 Droser 6 +0110100 Hamrick 6 +0110100 Aristide 6 +0110100 Asensio 6 +0110100 Arneson 6 +0110100 Killen 6 +0110100 Jazani 6 +0110100 Laimbeer 6 +0110100 Harling 6 +0110100 Wingo 6 +0110100 Bleich 6 +0110100 Vallarino 6 +0110100 Mostafavi 6 +0110100 McGary 6 +0110100 Matos 6 +0110100 Slavin 6 +0110100 Daher 6 +0110100 Westphal 6 +0110100 Kardashev 6 +0110100 Butt 6 +0110100 Aalseth 6 +0110100 Jagnecki 6 +0110100 Dievler 6 +0110100 Kleber 6 +0110100 Benoliel 6 +0110100 Billig 6 +0110100 Alcantara 6 +0110100 Lichenstein 6 +0110100 Lacaze 6 +0110100 McMains 6 +0110100 Quirk 6 +0110100 Katsh 6 +0110100 Bator 6 +0110100 Sinise 6 +0110100 Dilenschneider 6 +0110100 Gribbon 6 +0110100 Licari 6 +0110100 Dellomo 6 +0110100 Freund 6 +0110100 Thomsen 6 +0110100 Urashima 6 +0110100 Onyszkiewicz 6 +0110100 Harff 6 +0110100 Agoglia 6 +0110100 Herzstein 6 +0110100 Hallward 6 +0110100 Khalid 6 +0110100 Renner 6 +0110100 Speiser 6 +0110100 Aristov 6 +0110100 Farina 6 +0110100 Lovelace 6 +0110100 Languetin 6 +0110100 Inonu 6 +0110100 Gianturco 6 +0110100 Filipiak 6 +0110100 Bartolacci 6 +0110100 Lackey 6 +0110100 Verghese 6 +0110100 DesLondes 6 +0110100 Nigris 6 +0110100 Ellerton 6 +0110100 Illeman 6 +0110100 Sukenik 6 +0110100 Wolcott 6 +0110100 Yearley 6 +0110100 Turpin 6 +0110100 Thielsch 6 +0110100 Tsutsumi 6 +0110100 Dusault 6 +0110100 Sodini 6 +0110100 Westerberg 6 +0110100 Pippin 6 +0110100 Schrager 6 +0110100 Chowdry 6 +0110100 Kapnick 6 +0110100 Wainer 6 +0110100 Superfon 6 +0110100 Warrilow 6 +0110100 Berio 6 +0110100 DeGennaro 6 +0110100 Siconolfi 6 +0110100 Baxt 6 +0110100 Epes 6 +0110100 Schweiker 6 +0110100 Borten 6 +0110100 Ayoub 6 +0110100 Gavaghan 6 +0110100 Machado 6 +0110100 Dicello 6 +0110100 Weadock 6 +0110100 Younker 6 +0110100 Diffrient 6 +0110100 Jain 6 +0110100 Glimcher 6 +0110100 Ippolito 6 +0110100 Maisel 6 +0110100 Casale 6 +0110100 Tsipis 6 +0110100 Economou 6 +0110100 Sadek 6 +0110100 Dubler 6 +0110100 Alder 6 +0110100 Strub 6 +0110100 Matsuura 6 +0110100 Ishimura 6 +0110100 Pinkus 6 +0110100 Tulis 6 +0110100 Namin 6 +0110100 Meaney 6 +0110100 Tredici 6 +0110100 Hofeller 6 +0110100 Gilfoil 6 +0110100 Wobst 6 +0110100 Franzen 6 +0110100 Chikos 6 +0110100 Goodell 6 +0110100 Siller 6 +0110100 Gist 6 +0110100 Davidian 6 +0110100 Sapolsky 6 +0110100 Thomasson 6 +0110100 Berrios 6 +0110100 Fargeot 6 +0110100 Petkov 6 +0110100 McKeen 6 +0110100 Heilbron 6 +0110100 Burness 6 +0110100 Elorriaga 6 +0110100 Eischeid 6 +0110100 Spitzmiller 6 +0110100 Leuschel 6 +0110100 Smolow 6 +0110100 Balter 6 +0110100 Nevis 6 +0110100 Deanes 6 +0110100 Luczywo 6 +0110100 Bovetti 6 +0110100 Mahmood 6 +0110100 Doull 6 +0110100 Capasso 6 +0110100 Grappelli 6 +0110100 Satchell 6 +0110100 Brockner 6 +0110100 Hallaren 6 +0110100 Windt 6 +0110100 Aschauer 6 +0110100 LeCompte 6 +0110100 Ewell 6 +0110100 Mucha 6 +0110100 Berrigan 6 +0110100 Federbush 6 +0110100 Matsukura 6 +0110100 Bruggerre 6 +0110100 Hanlin 6 +0110100 Janizsewski 6 +0110100 McClay 6 +0110100 Banerji 6 +0110100 Pfeifer 6 +0110100 Mehle 6 +0110100 Tomasson 6 +0110100 Baione 6 +0110100 Norgren 6 +0110100 Lindholm 6 +0110100 Frese 6 +0110100 Wygod 6 +0110100 Hasbargen 6 +0110100 Gittleman 6 +0110100 Searles 6 +0110100 Quartin 6 +0110100 Villarreal 6 +0110100 Tidmore 6 +0110100 Egener 6 +0110100 Hoiles 6 +0110100 Simmert 6 +0110100 McGann 6 +0110100 Drescher 6 +0110100 Spiotto 6 +0110100 Lamphier 6 +0110100 Keidel 6 +0110100 Cheval 6 +0110100 Nagaoka 6 +0110100 Dat 6 +0110100 Flamm 6 +0110100 Doanh 6 +0110100 Utter 6 +0110100 Makeba 6 +0110100 Nardi 6 +0110100 Segopolo 6 +0110100 Segre 6 +0110100 Selznick 6 +0110100 Bergstein 6 +0110100 Poulsen 6 +0110100 Lachs 6 +0110100 Rathmann 6 +0110100 Mazzella 6 +0110100 Trauscht 6 +0110100 Stannard 6 +0110100 Lieppe 6 +0110100 Fenyvessy 6 +0110100 Vinocur 6 +0110100 Todenhoefer 6 +0110100 Rahall 6 +0110100 Tose 6 +0110100 Munn 6 +0110100 McGehee 6 +0110100 Cragg 6 +0110100 Schuller 6 +0110100 Andjaparidze 6 +0110100 Maday 6 +0110100 Bronkema 6 +0110100 Gandolf 6 +0110100 Ammon 6 +0110100 Rudder 6 +0110100 Blaylock 6 +0110100 Ruppert 6 +0110100 Schiaffino 6 +0110100 Prillaman 6 +0110100 Oltman 6 +0110100 Saposnick 6 +0110100 Bookhout 6 +0110100 Sotnikov 6 +0110100 Milling-Stanley 6 +0110100 Antone 6 +0110100 Lisk 6 +0110100 Alessandrini 6 +0110100 Ruud 6 +0110100 Saddler 6 +0110100 Kulani 6 +0110100 Falla 6 +0110100 Bachynsky 6 +0110100 Gledhill 6 +0110100 Puglisi 6 +0110100 Nordby 6 +0110100 Tufaro 6 +0110100 Valdes 6 +0110100 Franey 6 +0110100 Gullickson 6 +0110100 Dicks 6 +0110100 Brandmeier 6 +0110100 Hinzack 6 +0110100 Haun 6 +0110100 Geli 6 +0110100 RoAne 6 +0110100 Ressler 6 +0110100 Aslam 6 +0110100 Phibbs 6 +0110100 Vines 6 +0110100 Csepregi 6 +0110100 Feofanov 6 +0110100 Keverian 6 +0110100 Benabe 6 +0110100 Bamford 6 +0110100 Neumark 6 +0110100 Terragno 6 +0110100 Bruecher 6 +0110100 Brison 6 +0110100 Tsuchihashi 6 +0110100 Siskel 6 +0110100 Arndt 6 +0110100 Gaon 6 +0110100 Sohmen 6 +0110100 Bendana 6 +0110100 Ulvert 6 +0110100 Bejart 6 +0110100 Omura 6 +0110100 Tidwell 6 +0110100 Zelvin 6 +0110100 Callander 6 +0110100 Bartha 6 +0110100 Penfil 6 +0110100 Vreeland 6 +0110100 Triomphe 6 +0110100 Gusella 6 +0110100 Chuang 6 +0110100 Bidwill 6 +0110100 Hallquist 6 +0110100 Charvillat 6 +0110100 Esping 6 +0110100 Offit 6 +0110100 Raftery 6 +0110100 Leppard 6 +0110100 Barwick 6 +0110100 Baggaley 6 +0110100 Prindl 6 +0110100 Riboud 6 +0110100 Pottruck 6 +0110100 Smukler 6 +0110100 Kirwan 6 +0110100 Bardos 6 +0110100 Prevost 6 +0110100 Ruenheck 6 +0110100 Marris 6 +0110100 Bhojani 6 +0110100 Penhallegon 6 +0110100 Steedman 6 +0110100 DeSio 6 +0110100 Ivanier 6 +0110100 Weisbach 6 +0110100 Gorr 6 +0110100 Lupberger 6 +0110100 Broady 6 +0110100 Stethem 6 +0110100 Groover 6 +0110100 Wager 6 +0110100 Lamby 6 +0110100 deGueldre 6 +0110100 Steagall 6 +0110100 Kragt 6 +0110100 Mnuchin 6 +0110100 Youngquist 6 +0110100 Pearse 6 +0110100 Zawacky 6 +0110100 Bocuse 6 +0110100 Bommarito 6 +0110100 Arader 6 +0110100 Peretz 6 +0110100 Dinneen 6 +0110100 Siciliano 6 +0110100 Fonseca 6 +0110100 McEachern 6 +0110100 Witcher 6 +0110100 Nagata 6 +0110100 Thymius 6 +0110100 Karenina 6 +0110100 Slone 6 +0110100 Imershein 6 +0110100 Schwerin 6 +0110100 Beitz 6 +0110100 Liikanen 6 +0110100 Ungar 6 +0110100 Weintz 6 +0110100 Verveer 6 +0110100 Gnaizda 6 +0110100 Larkham 6 +0110100 Hirai 6 +0110100 DiVall 6 +0110100 Capshaw 6 +0110100 Ohshima 6 +0110100 Argabright 6 +0110100 Klugman 6 +0110100 Soffer 6 +0110100 Schaible 6 +0110100 Voytko 6 +0110100 Davidovits 6 +0110100 Dugger 6 +0110100 Riebman 6 +0110100 Higashi 6 +0110100 Hardesty 6 +0110100 Mantegna 6 +0110100 Tanen 6 +0110100 Tretiak 6 +0110100 Greis 6 +0110100 Frandsen 6 +0110100 Nunez 6 +0110100 Ehrmann 6 +0110100 Burghart 6 +0110100 Cerier 6 +0110100 Collard 6 +0110100 Stull 6 +0110100 Brendel 6 +0110100 Smolinski 6 +0110100 Eisenach 6 +0110100 Jurczak 6 +0110100 Waranius 6 +0110100 Trainor 6 +0110100 Matl 6 +0110100 Drogoul 6 +0110100 Seifer 6 +0110100 Gubaidulina 6 +0110100 Mlecko 6 +0110100 Whitmire 6 +0110100 Ledezma 6 +0110100 Gersten 6 +0110100 Schefer 6 +0110100 Clow 6 +0110100 Pearsall 6 +0110100 Craugh 6 +0110100 Mathavious 6 +0110100 Nahmad 6 +0110100 Meador 6 +0110100 Keale 6 +0110100 Ringoen 6 +0110100 Fromkin 6 +0110100 Zimtbaum 6 +0110100 Kareiva 6 +0110100 Heuer 6 +0110100 Onen 6 +0110100 Tiwari 6 +0110100 Grzywinski 6 +0110100 Metviner 6 +0110100 Vykukal 6 +0110100 Yankovic 6 +0110100 Kawabe 6 +0110100 Ardia 6 +0110100 Sabah 6 +0110100 Chiene 6 +0110100 Daughney 6 +0110100 Thorndal 6 +0110100 Boykin 6 +0110100 Salauddin 6 +0110100 Granahan 6 +0110100 Davila 6 +0110100 Lewites 6 +0110100 Hanninen 6 +0110100 Overman 6 +0110100 Mhyren 6 +0110100 Wandler 6 +0110100 Emkin 6 +0110100 al-Khayil 6 +0110100 Murdy 6 +0110100 McCombs 6 +0110100 Majrooh 6 +0110100 Amitai 6 +0110100 Radin 6 +0110100 Ahrens 6 +0110100 Louw 6 +0110100 Caldera 6 +0110100 Kosters 6 +0110100 McCreary 6 +0110100 Byker 6 +0110100 Daremblum 6 +0110100 Zuck 6 +0110100 Freitag 6 +0110100 Toldrian 6 +0110100 Strasma 6 +0110100 Lassner 6 +0110100 Cannestra 6 +0110100 Topham 6 +0110100 Mulanaphy 6 +0110100 Amstad 6 +0110100 Bucksbaum 6 +0110100 Schumpeter 6 +0110100 Brookhiser 6 +0110100 Bergonzi 6 +0110100 Kornreich 6 +0110100 Berenger 6 +0110100 Ecker 6 +0110100 Weidman 6 +0110100 Abela 6 +0110100 Imamura 6 +0110100 Kohlmeyer 6 +0110100 Marrero 6 +0110100 Ader 6 +0110100 Behravesh 6 +0110100 Georgas 6 +0110100 Brozman 6 +0110100 Fanfani 6 +0110100 Deieso 6 +0110100 Philby 6 +0110100 Shantz 6 +0110100 Kivell 6 +0110100 Honegger 6 +0110100 Freston 6 +0110100 Severinson 6 +0110100 Yevtushenko 6 +0110100 Ringer 6 +0110100 Kneale 6 +0110100 Cockfield 6 +0110100 Schlossberg 6 +0110100 Fukuyama 6 +0110100 Kragen 6 +0110100 Scioscia 6 +0110100 Begelman 6 +0110100 Sealey 6 +0110100 Schleuning 6 +0110100 Littleboy 6 +0110100 Grundhofer 6 +0110100 Minucci 6 +0110100 Florendo 6 +0110100 Bussey 6 +0110100 Machrone 6 +0110100 Boursicot 6 +0110100 Graboys 6 +0110100 Souran 6 +0110100 Gomes 6 +0110100 Koranda 6 +0110100 Axelgard 6 +0110100 Zicarelli 6 +0110100 Vallens 6 +0110100 Branscomb 6 +0110100 Gartland 6 +0110100 Kowalczyk 6 +0110100 McKeithen 6 +0110100 Polak 6 +0110100 Jumblatt 6 +0110100 Gerstel 6 +0110100 Delonis 6 +0110100 Hagood 6 +0110100 Rosoff 6 +0110100 Ghouse 6 +0110100 Flusser 6 +0110100 Kitayama 6 +0110100 Masi 6 +0110100 Tetrick 6 +0110100 Crossman 6 +0110100 Ruffi 6 +0110100 Sillin 6 +0110100 Borgman 6 +0110100 Krenz 6 +0110100 Garrido 6 +0110100 Geissinger 6 +0110100 Zobrist 6 +0110100 Correa 6 +0110100 Levran 6 +0110100 Chingos 6 +0110100 Jarrat 6 +0110100 Storin 6 +0110100 Hanly 6 +0110100 Schaufuss 6 +0110100 Baily 6 +0110100 Tantoco 6 +0110100 Bukowski 6 +0110100 Ikeda 6 +0110100 Shockley 6 +0110100 Onassis 6 +0110100 Grindle 6 +0110100 Killgore 6 +0110100 Salis 6 +0110100 Schliemann 6 +0110100 Edinger 6 +0110100 Calabrese 6 +0110100 Steinhauer 6 +0110100 Hertog 6 +0110100 Simcox 6 +0110100 Schorsch 6 +0110100 Wilpolt 6 +0110100 Caulfield 6 +0110100 Munroe 6 +0110100 Galligan 6 +0110100 Gobie 6 +0110100 Indiek 6 +0110100 Meeker 6 +0110100 Imperatore 6 +0110100 Gaudette 6 +0110100 Maiman 6 +0110100 Skier 6 +0110100 Haviluk 6 +0110100 Glaze 6 +0110100 Enloe 6 +0110100 Slott 6 +0110100 Leibovit 6 +0110100 Glazov 6 +0110100 Debe 6 +0110100 Nakano 6 +0110100 Foveaux 6 +0110100 Redwine 6 +0110100 Wosczyna 6 +0110100 Watrous 6 +0110100 Tonyes 6 +0110100 Hinchey 6 +0110100 Braswell 6 +0110100 Ahlgren 6 +0110100 Moakley 6 +0110100 Montano 6 +0110100 Corella 6 +0110100 Mottice 6 +0110100 Height 6 +0110100 Hessman 6 +0110100 McClendon 6 +0110100 Baldassare 6 +0110100 Ellspermann 6 +0110100 Nott 6 +0110100 Toko 6 +0110100 Breier 6 +0110100 Trzeciakowski 6 +0110100 Sisson 6 +0110100 Bobker 6 +0110100 Formato 6 +0110100 Savain 6 +0110100 Alt 6 +0110100 Lillard 6 +0110100 Boureslan 6 +0110100 Viafara 6 +0110100 Moonjian 6 +0110100 Killpack 6 +0110100 Coltman 6 +0110100 Wingfield 6 +0110100 Janke 6 +0110100 Mermelstein 6 +0110100 Sweger 6 +0110100 Varner 6 +0110100 Abedi 6 +0110100 Starkey 6 +0110100 Druckman 6 +0110100 Howland-Jackson 6 +0110100 Streicker 6 +0110100 Benasuli 6 +0110100 Karydakis 6 +0110100 Herzberg 6 +0110100 Lundgren 6 +0110100 Swillinger 6 +0110100 Southway 6 +0110100 Kaspersen 6 +0110100 Bennack 6 +0110100 Nutt 6 +0110100 Sarkis 6 +0110100 Bostick 6 +0110100 Kaldahl 6 +0110100 Collyer 6 +0110100 Erra 6 +0110100 Gomory 6 +0110100 Gurwitz 6 +0110100 Vuono 6 +0110100 Broyles 6 +0110100 Grebey 6 +0110100 Canterino 6 +0110100 Huerta 6 +0110100 Skurdy 6 +0110100 Stekly 6 +0110100 Musser 6 +0110100 Ferrell 6 +0110100 Dannemiller 6 +0110100 Robinowitz 6 +0110100 Mirka 6 +0110100 Jech 6 +0110100 Gottwald 6 +0110100 Hazy 6 +0110100 Gemmell 6 +0110100 Balatsos 6 +0110100 Kapioltas 6 +0110100 Husney 6 +0110100 Shiina 6 +0110100 Rodriquez 6 +0110100 Volio 6 +0110100 Shima 6 +0110100 Haggett 6 +0110100 Hasselbrack 6 +0110100 Gissen 6 +0110100 Marlette 6 +0110100 Schvey 6 +0110100 Hurcomb 6 +0110100 Gyll 6 +0110100 Beckmann 6 +0110100 Wurts 6 +0110100 Pestillo 6 +0110100 Goldner 6 +0110100 Najork 6 +0110100 Charney 6 +0110100 Marriner 6 +0110100 Schwantner 6 +0110100 Ancier 6 +0110100 Delahanty 6 +0110100 Belnick 6 +0110100 Stec 6 +0110100 Marren 6 +0110100 Sheils 6 +0110100 Weirick 6 +0110100 Eisenstadt 6 +0110100 Sehnert 6 +0110100 Critchley 6 +0110100 Parkman 6 +0110100 Dahlman 6 +0110100 Linacre 6 +0110100 Fouchard 6 +0110100 Haehl 6 +0110100 Sassower 6 +0110100 Mastronardo 6 +0110100 Huyser 6 +0110100 Giurleo 6 +0110100 Rumery 6 +0110100 Yorinks 6 +0110100 Eskin 6 +0110100 Stanfill 6 +0110100 Krings 6 +0110100 Cohon 6 +0110100 Duffett 6 +0110100 Charpentier 6 +0110100 Rognlien 6 +0110100 Paddon 6 +0110100 Mencher 6 +0110100 Marjai 6 +0110100 Brann 6 +0110100 Barrack 6 +0110100 Kusukawa 6 +0110100 Tabery 6 +0110100 Heitkemper 6 +0110100 Carradine 6 +0110100 Emig 6 +0110100 Gossett 6 +0110100 Sinquefield 6 +0110100 Niekerk 6 +0110100 Mariotti 6 +0110100 Tarumizu 6 +0110100 Czapor 6 +0110100 Jepsen 6 +0110100 Meneau 6 +0110100 Stapf 6 +0110100 Acosta 6 +0110100 Critchlow 6 +0110100 Rendleman 6 +0110100 Hoyer 6 +0110100 Norred 6 +0110100 Arbatov 6 +0110100 Moley 6 +0110100 Emhiser 6 +0110100 Patrie 6 +0110100 Trimmer 6 +0110100 Habash 6 +0110100 Bair 6 +0110100 McShane 6 +0110100 Vojta 6 +0110100 Waigel 6 +0110100 Ghali 6 +0110100 Starckmann 6 +0110100 Leis 6 +0110100 Pavarini 6 +0110100 Eisenman 6 +0110100 Khalis 6 +0110100 Menils 6 +0110100 Zuniga 6 +0110100 Weitz 6 +0110100 Gewirtz 6 +0110100 Gleske 6 +0110100 Bufe 6 +0110100 Pfitzinger 6 +0110100 Tamiso 6 +0110100 Thain 6 +0110100 Leichter 6 +0110100 McCollister 6 +0110100 Traeger 6 +0110100 Krauthammer 6 +0110100 Sandiford 6 +0110100 Buttner 6 +0110100 Russert 6 +0110100 Soiffer 6 +0110100 Urbel 6 +0110100 Liem 6 +0110100 Poss 6 +0110100 Cornelissen 6 +0110100 Schreiner 7 +0110100 Zagorski 7 +0110100 Isherwood 7 +0110100 Sarofim 7 +0110100 Downie 7 +0110100 Andruskevich 7 +0110100 Tripp 7 +0110100 Guglielmi 7 +0110100 Schramm 7 +0110100 Kieselmann 7 +0110100 Gassman 7 +0110100 Kinst 7 +0110100 Koido 7 +0110100 Fukuda 7 +0110100 McGinty 7 +0110100 Kuranari 7 +0110100 Lemieux 7 +0110100 Benchley 7 +0110100 Santoro 7 +0110100 Kovich 7 +0110100 Ubelhart 7 +0110100 Kagami 7 +0110100 Alterman 7 +0110100 Novelli 7 +0110100 Carrel 7 +0110100 Lasater 7 +0110100 MacDougall 7 +0110100 Hudnut 7 +0110100 Scoy 7 +0110100 Abramowicz 7 +0110100 Nolte 7 +0110100 Venter 7 +0110100 Minto 7 +0110100 Seneker 7 +0110100 Bliley 7 +0110100 Hammerman 7 +0110100 Amaral 7 +0110100 Brisby 7 +0110100 Bianco 7 +0110100 Bales 7 +0110100 Manford 7 +0110100 Rosan 7 +0110100 Telesca 7 +0110100 Beauvais 7 +0110100 Sette 7 +0110100 Brownmiller 7 +0110100 Yurowitz 7 +0110100 Vorhauer 7 +0110100 Bakken 7 +0110100 Lacroute 7 +0110100 Rosasco 7 +0110100 Baltodano 7 +0110100 Hulett 7 +0110100 Cwiertnia 7 +0110100 Spendley 7 +0110100 Beachum 7 +0110100 Heckman 7 +0110100 Debs 7 +0110100 Stallibrass 7 +0110100 Ludtke 7 +0110100 Jager 7 +0110100 Decter 7 +0110100 Shibata 7 +0110100 McNish 7 +0110100 Poulson 7 +0110100 Machol 7 +0110100 Staring 7 +0110100 Banzhaf 7 +0110100 Dufour 7 +0110100 Gajda 7 +0110100 Berls 7 +0110100 Heim 7 +0110100 Aksyonov 7 +0110100 Kitt 7 +0110100 Heist 7 +0110100 Arnell 7 +0110100 Borletti 7 +0110100 Benstock 7 +0110100 Borick 7 +0110100 Vingo 7 +0110100 Leppo 7 +0110100 Tippet 7 +0110100 Azinger 7 +0110100 Lazear 7 +0110100 Hartt 7 +0110100 Hochberg 7 +0110100 Henney 7 +0110100 Sollish 7 +0110100 Branitzki 7 +0110100 Ryerson 7 +0110100 Flawn 7 +0110100 Berard 7 +0110100 Kawakami 7 +0110100 Bunton 7 +0110100 Goldfus 7 +0110100 Brunson 7 +0110100 Haugen 7 +0110100 Algernon 7 +0110100 Akhromeyev 7 +0110100 Youngman 7 +0110100 Ayckbourn 7 +0110100 Visclosky 7 +0110100 Eads 7 +0110100 Rayfield 7 +0110100 Beuys 7 +0110100 Nyers 7 +0110100 Wermiel 7 +0110100 Grossi 7 +0110100 Colombari 7 +0110100 Pardus 7 +0110100 Lorelli 7 +0110100 Schipke 7 +0110100 Grossbard 7 +0110100 Zegeer 7 +0110100 Takei 7 +0110100 Placke 7 +0110100 Zuccotti 7 +0110100 Muth 7 +0110100 Huddleston 7 +0110100 Hoopengardner 7 +0110100 Waterfield 7 +0110100 Schmuck 7 +0110100 Bournias 7 +0110100 Clephane 7 +0110100 Wilms 7 +0110100 Sager 7 +0110100 Farb 7 +0110100 Spillane 7 +0110100 Donell 7 +0110100 Takurabe 7 +0110100 Lortie 7 +0110100 Neumeister 7 +0110100 Szot 7 +0110100 Gruneich 7 +0110100 Kissick 7 +0110100 Bissonnette 7 +0110100 Zinman 7 +0110100 Liebeler 7 +0110100 Varmus 7 +0110100 Meinert 7 +0110100 Katanyu 7 +0110100 Satter 7 +0110100 Follett 7 +0110100 Moussa 7 +0110100 Asimov 7 +0110100 Cottle 7 +0110100 Slutsky 7 +0110100 Arlauskas 7 +0110100 Guasch 7 +0110100 Levison 7 +0110100 Hilder 7 +0110100 Schnitz 7 +0110100 Taitt 7 +0110100 Gienow 7 +0110100 Townley 7 +0110100 LeBoutillier 7 +0110100 Padden 7 +0110100 Permut 7 +0110100 Rugeroni 7 +0110100 Benes 7 +0110100 Asimow 7 +0110100 Gan 7 +0110100 Cavanagh 7 +0110100 Reissman 7 +0110100 Ritger 7 +0110100 Molinaro 7 +0110100 Marotto 7 +0110100 Sadlowski 7 +0110100 Stechler 7 +0110100 Fruehling 7 +0110100 Clapman 7 +0110100 Malbon 7 +0110100 Bakshi 7 +0110100 Haynsworth 7 +0110100 Lamm 7 +0110100 Domeniconi 7 +0110100 Keel 7 +0110100 Delucia 7 +0110100 Mathisen 7 +0110100 Welling 7 +0110100 Cervanek 7 +0110100 Muggeridge 7 +0110100 Hollinshead 7 +0110100 Haslam 7 +0110100 Ghose 7 +0110100 Spalvins 7 +0110100 Boughton 7 +0110100 Luisi 7 +0110100 Spangenberg 7 +0110100 Tonomura 7 +0110100 Woodcock 7 +0110100 Parisi 7 +0110100 Blume 7 +0110100 Goodstein 7 +0110100 Ishibashi 7 +0110100 Cammisa 7 +0110100 Lutfalla 7 +0110100 Nerlich 7 +0110100 Tamm 7 +0110100 Chopra 7 +0110100 Renschler 7 +0110100 McMurtry 7 +0110100 Bechtle 7 +0110100 Annecharico 7 +0110100 Farge 7 +0110100 Jamieson 7 +0110100 McWherter 7 +0110100 Waldhorn 7 +0110100 Bester 7 +0110100 Barkshire 7 +0110100 Wollack 7 +0110100 Mower 7 +0110100 Elwell 7 +0110100 Sevier 7 +0110100 Ashman 7 +0110100 Sayegh 7 +0110100 Shimoda 7 +0110100 Trutt 7 +0110100 Bencivenga 7 +0110100 Dalfen 7 +0110100 Haydon 7 +0110100 Daronco 7 +0110100 Mourad 7 +0110100 Winkelman 7 +0110100 Carden 7 +0110100 Gatien 7 +0110100 Kagarlitsky 7 +0110100 Enholme 7 +0110100 Quigg 7 +0110100 Lalonde 7 +0110100 Cerankosky 7 +0110100 Beaufrere 7 +0110100 Pledger 7 +0110100 Glennon 7 +0110100 Kenworthy 7 +0110100 Moric 7 +0110100 Yeiri 7 +0110100 Ise 7 +0110100 Schieren 7 +0110100 Kalelkar 7 +0110100 Whiteneir 7 +0110100 Seix 7 +0110100 Pothitos 7 +0110100 Yastrow 7 +0110100 Bridgeman 7 +0110100 Trost 7 +0110100 Jaroszynski 7 +0110100 Raisler 7 +0110100 Serfling 7 +0110100 Diss 7 +0110100 Hrubik 7 +0110100 Ortenzio 7 +0110100 Ponzetti 7 +0110100 Longley 7 +0110100 Pasquarelli 7 +0110100 Cihak 7 +0110100 Kolokoff 7 +0110100 Morby 7 +0110100 Sze 7 +0110100 Lipnick 7 +0110100 Kirmse 7 +0110100 Schmeltz 7 +0110100 Weissman-Ganes 7 +0110100 Megahan 7 +0110100 Charpie 7 +0110100 Tange 7 +0110100 Kasriel 7 +0110100 Kemplin 7 +0110100 Hiner 7 +0110100 Berthelsen 7 +0110100 Lindo 7 +0110100 Eichberg 7 +0110100 Strangwayes-Booth 7 +0110100 Bronow 7 +0110100 Zecher 7 +0110100 Sansone 7 +0110100 Hilger 7 +0110100 Legere 7 +0110100 Klimek 7 +0110100 Woodhouse 7 +0110100 Salzhauer 7 +0110100 Hawass 7 +0110100 Walinsky 7 +0110100 Meghdar 7 +0110100 Kempner 7 +0110100 Abio 7 +0110100 Sawhill 7 +0110100 Dini 7 +0110100 Amano 7 +0110100 Levchenko 7 +0110100 Mottola 7 +0110100 Schoenhals 7 +0110100 Fredo 7 +0110100 Hershman 7 +0110100 Hiriart 7 +0110100 Scheider 7 +0110100 Elisha 7 +0110100 Hsiao 7 +0110100 Glas 7 +0110100 Chelimsky 7 +0110100 Carosi 7 +0110100 Yorks 7 +0110100 Woitschatzke 7 +0110100 Kucan 7 +0110100 Grahams 7 +0110100 Bergheim 7 +0110100 Morgun 7 +0110100 Vinso 7 +0110100 Amirav 7 +0110100 Busey 7 +0110100 Kissane 7 +0110100 Dhlomo 7 +0110100 Shoumaker 7 +0110100 Rigatuso 7 +0110100 Bryer 7 +0110100 Scheidler 7 +0110100 Wieland 7 +0110100 Sciandra 7 +0110100 Joudi 7 +0110100 Loya 7 +0110100 Ahlstrom 7 +0110100 Willetts 7 +0110100 Wetzler 7 +0110100 Byerlein 7 +0110100 Damsel 7 +0110100 Franssen 7 +0110100 Brenneke 7 +0110100 Schieffer 7 +0110100 Gingell 7 +0110100 Martellini 7 +0110100 Turmel 7 +0110100 Lyssan 7 +0110100 Anrig 7 +0110100 Davidow 7 +0110100 Garonzik 7 +0110100 Brookman 7 +0110100 Mixon 7 +0110100 Mancini 7 +0110100 Sordoni 7 +0110100 Wiesel 7 +0110100 Fujimoto 7 +0110100 Vegesna 7 +0110100 Pocock 7 +0110100 Burgio 7 +0110100 Baitz 7 +0110100 Verri 7 +0110100 Gentile 7 +0110100 Inserra 7 +0110100 Catsimatidis 7 +0110100 Adorno 7 +0110100 Lattimore 7 +0110100 Andresen 7 +0110100 Gantt 7 +0110100 Cassel 7 +0110100 Werdesheim 7 +0110100 Mengel 7 +0110100 Fiechter 7 +0110100 Ault 7 +0110100 Delebarre 7 +0110100 Tammen 7 +0110100 Lichten 7 +0110100 Teran 7 +0110100 Suttmeier 7 +0110100 Eisenmann 7 +0110100 Mancera 7 +0110100 Hamedi 7 +0110100 Arton 7 +0110100 Withers 7 +0110100 Pressburger 7 +0110100 Gargill 7 +0110100 Toner 7 +0110100 Bergsma 7 +0110100 Bischofberger 7 +0110100 Mettlen 7 +0110100 Kueter 7 +0110100 Hansche 7 +0110100 Owades 7 +0110100 Lees 7 +0110100 Magherini 7 +0110100 Luckyn-Malone 7 +0110100 Noteware 7 +0110100 Molineaux 7 +0110100 Spafford 7 +0110100 Provus 7 +0110100 Vicars 7 +0110100 Biggers 7 +0110100 Mortner 7 +0110100 Harms 7 +0110100 Milosh 7 +0110100 Velzke 7 +0110100 Napp 7 +0110100 Iversen 7 +0110100 Bovin 7 +0110100 McKane 7 +0110100 Baughman 7 +0110100 Yepsen 7 +0110100 Voinovich 7 +0110100 Chalsty 7 +0110100 Sorimachi 7 +0110100 Kerby 7 +0110100 Larijani 7 +0110100 Birman 7 +0110100 Benatar 7 +0110100 Lomen 7 +0110100 Ashkenazy 7 +0110100 Reichardt 7 +0110100 Loh 7 +0110100 Stang 7 +0110100 Witmer 7 +0110100 Antoon 7 +0110100 Rumack 7 +0110100 Elberson 7 +0110100 Chritton 7 +0110100 Ellemann-Jensen 7 +0110100 Symes 7 +0110100 Canavan 7 +0110100 Chafetz 7 +0110100 Motohashi 7 +0110100 Procopio 7 +0110100 Leny 7 +0110100 Bonavia 7 +0110100 Chipello 7 +0110100 Coopersmith 7 +0110100 Nabors 7 +0110100 Ollman 7 +0110100 Whiteley 7 +0110100 Kopko 7 +0110100 Birchler 7 +0110100 Timmeny 7 +0110100 Gogel 7 +0110100 Brumfield 7 +0110100 Drennan 7 +0110100 Machida 7 +0110100 Seegers 7 +0110100 Galane 7 +0110100 Ascani 7 +0110100 Suckow 7 +0110100 Zagladin 7 +0110100 Miwa 7 +0110100 Klauser 7 +0110100 Armes 7 +0110100 Peake 7 +0110100 Slotnick 7 +0110100 Kradin 7 +0110100 Cason 7 +0110100 Klimov 7 +0110100 Shegog 7 +0110100 Steinkrauss 7 +0110100 Karetsky 7 +0110100 Vinken 7 +0110100 Mukherjee 7 +0110100 Gillet 7 +0110100 Heidel 7 +0110100 Bunner 7 +0110100 Kuriansky 7 +0110100 Hairston 7 +0110100 Hallbauer 7 +0110100 Carrico 7 +0110100 Erman 7 +0110100 Doernberg 7 +0110100 Marston 7 +0110100 Garrity 7 +0110100 Cyr 7 +0110100 Blackmon 7 +0110100 Gephart 7 +0110100 Taussig 7 +0110100 Poduska 7 +0110100 Sarcinelli 7 +0110100 Yoffie 7 +0110100 Hobbing 7 +0110100 Barcella 7 +0110100 Lewinsky 7 +0110100 Brucia 7 +0110100 Wellek 7 +0110100 DeSillers 7 +0110100 Grobler 7 +0110100 Garvin 7 +0110100 Weems 7 +0110100 Menges 7 +0110100 Finstrom 7 +0110100 Ainge 7 +0110100 Peyser 7 +0110100 Candlish 7 +0110100 Slifka 7 +0110100 Balut 7 +0110100 DeRonne 7 +0110100 Arendsee 7 +0110100 Shalom 7 +0110100 Herring 7 +0110100 Hatton 7 +0110100 Pendergast 7 +0110100 Dusenberry 7 +0110100 Ponchot 7 +0110100 Fischer-Erlach 7 +0110100 Massaro 7 +0110100 Crager 7 +0110100 Ting 7 +0110100 Otten 7 +0110100 DiBlasi 7 +0110100 Rowny 7 +0110100 Meller 7 +0110100 Bushell 7 +0110100 Blitzer 7 +0110100 Mutsch 7 +0110100 Lothson 7 +0110100 Schwerdt 7 +0110100 Levitan 7 +0110100 Consiglio 7 +0110100 Semionenkov 7 +0110100 Darragh 7 +0110100 Brunette 7 +0110100 Brinkerhoff 7 +0110100 Terkhorn 7 +0110100 Arai 7 +0110100 Gaynes 7 +0110100 Bongarten 7 +0110100 Herrick 7 +0110100 Gish 7 +0110100 Kunz 7 +0110100 Siemel 7 +0110100 Schalk 7 +0110100 Battison 7 +0110100 Marcu 7 +0110100 Kilborne 7 +0110100 Scurria 7 +0110100 Rhines 7 +0110100 Larsson 7 +0110100 Altamuro 7 +0110100 Nkrumah 7 +0110100 Sauvage 7 +0110100 Semegran 7 +0110100 Talebian 7 +0110100 Geddes 7 +0110100 Onstad 7 +0110100 Mattick 7 +0110100 Dunlaevy 7 +0110100 Bruynes 7 +0110100 Blagg 7 +0110100 Ghattas 7 +0110100 Studds 7 +0110100 Maystadt 7 +0110100 Zeisler 7 +0110100 Roeller 7 +0110100 Diggle 7 +0110100 Buruma 7 +0110100 Meck 7 +0110100 Yee 7 +0110100 Bogus 7 +0110100 Auber 7 +0110100 Ihlenfeldt 7 +0110100 Stufflebeam 7 +0110100 Jurgensmeyer 7 +0110100 Tawes 7 +0110100 Ramat 7 +0110100 Eaves 7 +0110100 Sarazen 7 +0110100 Tyree 7 +0110100 Samojlik 7 +0110100 Buschbaum 7 +0110100 Rappoport 7 +0110100 Lindquist 7 +0110100 Peyman 7 +0110100 Whatley 7 +0110100 Bock 7 +0110100 Wilczynski 7 +0110100 Marder 7 +0110100 Houk 7 +0110100 Durst 7 +0110100 Mock 7 +0110100 Bubb 7 +0110100 Logothetis 7 +0110100 Endo 7 +0110100 daSilva 7 +0110100 Carlberg 7 +0110100 Eakle 7 +0110100 Kirtley 7 +0110100 Vieira 7 +0110100 Giudici 7 +0110100 Hagstrom 7 +0110100 Paredes 7 +0110100 Bobolas 7 +0110100 Dzhirkvelov 7 +0110100 Kaptur 7 +0110100 Dott 7 +0110100 Kuzara 7 +0110100 Belew 7 +0110100 Thibault 7 +0110100 Feighan 7 +0110100 Rowley 7 +0110100 Saloojee 7 +0110100 Koskotas 7 +0110100 Tabuchi 7 +0110100 Mims 7 +0110100 Blampied 7 +0110100 Bleier 7 +0110100 Galinsky 7 +0110100 deRegt 7 +0110100 Dalhouse 7 +0110100 Pastore 7 +0110100 Auerback 7 +0110100 Smuin 7 +0110100 LaCroix 7 +0110100 Rubbia 7 +0110100 Locher 7 +0110100 Oestreich 7 +0110100 Frew 7 +0110100 MacDougal 7 +0110100 Buc 7 +0110100 Janson 7 +0110100 Digges 7 +0110100 Tarasoff 7 +0110100 Greenslet 7 +0110100 Linsley 7 +0110100 Serban 7 +0110100 Dass 7 +0110100 Teige 7 +0110100 Shcharansky 7 +0110100 Wallison 7 +0110100 Liggio 7 +0110100 Vastola 7 +0110100 Brittan 7 +0110100 Zaentz 7 +0110100 Auden 7 +0110100 Wheelock 7 +0110100 Fritsch 7 +0110100 Wicomb 7 +0110100 Sherer 7 +0110100 Azcuenaga 7 +0110100 Williford 7 +0110100 Heifetz 7 +0110100 Steelman 7 +0110100 Gumbiner 7 +0110100 Rosengarten 7 +0110100 Kohut 7 +0110100 Tomfohrde 7 +0110100 Boothby 7 +0110100 Filippello 7 +0110100 McFall 7 +0110100 Belafonte 7 +0110100 Farrington 7 +0110100 Plocar 7 +0110100 McGinn 7 +0110100 Prudhomme 7 +0110100 Wolverton 7 +0110100 Bechtold 7 +0110100 Salinger 7 +0110100 Heffner 7 +0110100 McAvity 7 +0110100 Klatsky 7 +0110100 Eyskens 7 +0110100 Balser 7 +0110100 Rafelson 7 +0110100 Kinch 7 +0110100 Trotman 7 +0110100 Sasaki 7 +0110100 Wibbelsman 7 +0110100 Stoltz 7 +0110100 Eiermann 7 +0110100 Bergerson 7 +0110100 Menon 7 +0110100 Kranz 7 +0110100 Birren 7 +0110100 Messing 7 +0110100 Stier 7 +0110100 Seff 7 +0110100 Biaggini 7 +0110100 Rieben 7 +0110100 Ozanne 7 +0110100 Obstfeld 7 +0110100 Mattis 7 +0110100 Eulich 7 +0110100 Halpin 7 +0110100 Rohde 7 +0110100 Corbeil 7 +0110100 ERLICK 7 +0110100 LIEBERMAN 7 +0110100 Bihari 7 +0110100 Kastelic 7 +0110100 Armbruster 7 +0110100 Winningham 7 +0110100 Grede 7 +0110100 Cossolotto 7 +0110100 Kerman 7 +0110100 Wittgraf 7 +0110100 Girouard 7 +0110100 Frere 7 +0110100 Soady 7 +0110100 Devereux 7 +0110100 Syp 7 +0110100 Guzzi 7 +0110100 Bruchhausen 7 +0110100 Xue 7 +0110100 Greenspun 7 +0110100 Teitell 7 +0110100 Goldschmid 7 +0110100 Voinov 7 +0110100 Strum 7 +0110100 Driggs 7 +0110100 Murchie 7 +0110100 Banko 7 +0110100 Tuley 7 +0110100 Plassard 8 +0110100 Wycoff 8 +0110100 Veen 8 +0110100 Finder 8 +0110100 Armandt 8 +0110100 Geis 8 +0110100 Garagiola 8 +0110100 Welter 8 +0110100 Linwick 8 +0110100 Grieve 8 +0110100 Wambaugh 8 +0110100 Ghez 8 +0110100 Conlin 8 +0110100 Pyatt 8 +0110100 Burgee 8 +0110100 Zoghby 8 +0110100 Strube 8 +0110100 Cousy 8 +0110100 Mazursky 8 +0110100 Faberman 8 +0110100 McEldowney 8 +0110100 Seaver 8 +0110100 Miyagawa 8 +0110100 Roehm 8 +0110100 Lawing 8 +0110100 Menk 8 +0110100 Feldberg 8 +0110100 Terreblanche 8 +0110100 Rinderer 8 +0110100 al-Sabah 8 +0110100 Sundquist 8 +0110100 Croft 8 +0110100 Murakami 8 +0110100 Hannesson 8 +0110100 Karns 8 +0110100 Bentz 8 +0110100 Heiblum 8 +0110100 Zornow 8 +0110100 Bodanis 8 +0110100 Capps 8 +0110100 Gratton 8 +0110100 Audran 8 +0110100 Rentschler 8 +0110100 Philbin 8 +0110100 Nars 8 +0110100 Staniar 8 +0110100 Mee 8 +0110100 Ustinov 8 +0110100 Hellinger 8 +0110100 Moulds 8 +0110100 Orb 8 +0110100 Charnoff 8 +0110100 Dennehy 8 +0110100 Sandoval 8 +0110100 Aguayo 8 +0110100 Piasio 8 +0110100 Carliner 8 +0110100 Leiter 8 +0110100 Parvin 8 +0110100 Franks 8 +0110100 Roedel 8 +0110100 Gormley 8 +0110100 Blakely 8 +0110100 Shifrin 8 +0110100 Agins 8 +0110100 Lellouche 8 +0110100 Floirenda 8 +0110100 Berbick 8 +0110100 Lauper 8 +0110100 Pritchett 8 +0110100 Madar 8 +0110100 Litvak 8 +0110100 Ade 8 +0110100 Bernsen 8 +0110100 Mizen 8 +0110100 Fildes 8 +0110100 Ellwood 8 +0110100 Lessing 8 +0110100 Hirshberg 8 +0110100 Topp 8 +0110100 Everington 8 +0110100 Frazzano 8 +0110100 Hartnett 8 +0110100 Cagnola 8 +0110100 Apcar 8 +0110100 Rauschenberg 8 +0110100 Veyne 8 +0110100 DeGraff 8 +0110100 Bilson 8 +0110100 Menuhin 8 +0110100 Talmadge 8 +0110100 Duerr 8 +0110100 Garrey 8 +0110100 Maceda 8 +0110100 Haigler 8 +0110100 Panfile 8 +0110100 Lahr 8 +0110100 Guiliani 8 +0110100 Belov 8 +0110100 Siew 8 +0110100 Moppes 8 +0110100 Kurmel 8 +0110100 Burkett 8 +0110100 Stupay 8 +0110100 Persico 8 +0110100 Palomino 8 +0110100 Nagin 8 +0110100 Nix 8 +0110100 Halvorson 8 +0110100 Feick 8 +0110100 Roslund 8 +0110100 Orfield 8 +0110100 Gershowitz 8 +0110100 Matsubara 8 +0110100 Dudman 8 +0110100 Kirch 8 +0110100 Oksenberg 8 +0110100 Mabie 8 +0110100 Kelliher 8 +0110100 Narjes 8 +0110100 Molitor 8 +0110100 Guarini 8 +0110100 Kaster 8 +0110100 Kurlander 8 +0110100 Taubes 8 +0110100 Piotrowski 8 +0110100 Zwart 8 +0110100 Nel 8 +0110100 Mutert 8 +0110100 Tozer 8 +0110100 Gipson 8 +0110100 Ardagh 8 +0110100 Stipp 8 +0110100 Bilirakis 8 +0110100 McGwire 8 +0110100 Hilbert 8 +0110100 Zises 8 +0110100 Woronoff 8 +0110100 Pinsoneault 8 +0110100 Smaltz 8 +0110100 Pertschuk 8 +0110100 Crosson 8 +0110100 Shreve 8 +0110100 Bagdikian 8 +0110100 Dubinin 8 +0110100 Brusselmans 8 +0110100 Keevil 8 +0110100 Pederson 8 +0110100 Bengoechea 8 +0110100 Sirignano 8 +0110100 Bolen 8 +0110100 Mazzoni 8 +0110100 Schepisi 8 +0110100 Bookin 8 +0110100 Dunkel 8 +0110100 Cupit 8 +0110100 Falkenberg 8 +0110100 DeVries 8 +0110100 Birle 8 +0110100 Sonnett 8 +0110100 Dauch 8 +0110100 Richenthal 8 +0110100 Kiser 8 +0110100 Quaquil 8 +0110100 Auel 8 +0110100 Zavodnik 8 +0110100 Swingle 8 +0110100 Tada 8 +0110100 McQuade 8 +0110100 Tese 8 +0110100 Zagel 8 +0110100 Vasquez-Rana 8 +0110100 Wantland 8 +0110100 Kuster 8 +0110100 Labaton 8 +0110100 Cohan 8 +0110100 Aseritis 8 +0110100 Okuno 8 +0110100 Kerin 8 +0110100 Chazen 8 +0110100 Feitz 8 +0110100 Monzert 8 +0110100 Heinsohn 8 +0110100 Foner 8 +0110100 Ketchledge 8 +0110100 Ryrie 8 +0110100 Wignall 8 +0110100 Kenning 8 +0110100 Malfitano 8 +0110100 Kamentsev 8 +0110100 Seemann 8 +0110100 Lachenbruch 8 +0110100 Osso 8 +0110100 Rhody 8 +0110100 Sarandon 8 +0110100 Zakharov 8 +0110100 Indelicato 8 +0110100 Englund 8 +0110100 Kenzie 8 +0110100 Barbakow 8 +0110100 Sendak 8 +0110100 Howes 8 +0110100 Hata 8 +0110100 Butz 8 +0110100 Collomb 8 +0110100 Cartwright 8 +0110100 Coykendall 8 +0110100 Alisky 8 +0110100 Bayne 8 +0110100 Losh 8 +0110100 Hurlbut 8 +0110100 Titsworth 8 +0110100 Oglesby 8 +0110100 Ragland 8 +0110100 Rosendale 8 +0110100 Helyar 8 +0110100 Adlon 8 +0110100 Lapine 8 +0110100 Briccetti 8 +0110100 Slaton 8 +0110100 Leakey 8 +0110100 Basulto 8 +0110100 Oehlert 8 +0110100 Regalado 8 +0110100 Wada 8 +0110100 Guste 8 +0110100 Krauze 8 +0110100 Oliphant 8 +0110100 Pelletier 8 +0110100 Zimerman 8 +0110100 Assaf 8 +0110100 Rubell 8 +0110100 Takanashi 8 +0110100 Cozzi 8 +0110100 Hermon 8 +0110100 Schecter 8 +0110100 Hufbauer 8 +0110100 Vecchio 8 +0110100 Gude 8 +0110100 Alarcon 8 +0110100 Higham 8 +0110100 MacSharry 8 +0110100 Buerge 8 +0110100 Guinan 8 +0110100 Afanasyev 8 +0110100 Fishbein 8 +0110100 Speno 8 +0110100 Turnage 8 +0110100 Cassini 8 +0110100 Shlenker 8 +0110100 Stahlman 8 +0110100 Laqueur 8 +0110100 Pagnol 8 +0110100 Etess 8 +0110100 Mord 8 +0110100 Goodin 8 +0110100 Kessenich 8 +0110100 Houseman 8 +0110100 Kairey 8 +0110100 Willaby 8 +0110100 Bowe 8 +0110100 Lajous 8 +0110100 Conroy 8 +0110100 Couvaras 8 +0110100 Toalster 8 +0110100 McCarver 8 +0110100 Rheinstein 8 +0110100 Servan-Schreiber 8 +0110100 Poveromo 8 +0110100 Launer 8 +0110100 Laibowitz 8 +0110100 Royko 8 +0110100 Beeton 8 +0110100 DeMaria 8 +0110100 Momayez-Zadeh 8 +0110100 McEwan 8 +0110100 Gilmartin 8 +0110100 Lamberti 8 +0110100 Sawicz 8 +0110100 Katsanos 8 +0110100 Bellwood 8 +0110100 Chikane 8 +0110100 Raphel 8 +0110100 Trokel 8 +0110100 Donatelli 8 +0110100 Ahl 8 +0110100 Dessent 8 +0110100 Fridovich 8 +0110100 Fitak 8 +0110100 Auberger 8 +0110100 Ackermann 8 +0110100 Schwan 8 +0110100 Kunstler 8 +0110100 Fernberg 8 +0110100 Lukyanov 8 +0110100 Lisec-Pinto 8 +0110100 Pietsch 8 +0110100 Weiler 8 +0110100 Shawcross 8 +0110100 Folliard 8 +0110100 Barens 8 +0110100 Pelleu 8 +0110100 Tietz 8 +0110100 McDevitt 8 +0110100 Mussa 8 +0110100 Turnipseed 8 +0110100 Wilburn 8 +0110100 Dadfar 8 +0110100 Boes 8 +0110100 Richelson 8 +0110100 Fleisher 8 +0110100 LeClaire 8 +0110100 Lefcourt 8 +0110100 Seidelman 8 +0110100 DeVere 8 +0110100 Mears 8 +0110100 Loffredo 8 +0110100 Schoepe 8 +0110100 Slayton 8 +0110100 Takagi 8 +0110100 Rawlinson 8 +0110100 Kurnit 8 +0110100 Strauch 8 +0110100 Kerridge 8 +0110100 Schaffer 8 +0110100 McElwaine 8 +0110100 Semler 8 +0110100 Motsoaledi 8 +0110100 Scutti 8 +0110100 McGlasson 8 +0110100 Abascal 8 +0110100 Harnett 8 +0110100 Linnik 8 +0110100 Sisk 8 +0110100 Vos 8 +0110100 Pawley 8 +0110100 Freiman 8 +0110100 guerre 8 +0110100 Salyard 8 +0110100 Laster 8 +0110100 Toohey 8 +0110100 Derrickson 8 +0110100 Ungo 8 +0110100 Bourland 8 +0110100 Christiansen 8 +0110100 Sierchio 8 +0110100 Meenaghan 8 +0110100 Raitt 8 +0110100 Ngxobongwana 8 +0110100 Gornto 8 +0110100 Rosenhaus 8 +0110100 Turville 8 +0110100 Hjorth 8 +0110100 Sternlieb 8 +0110100 Engebretsen 8 +0110100 Anaya 8 +0110100 Tafaro 8 +0110100 Frontiere 8 +0110100 Gladstein 8 +0110100 McGurk 8 +0110100 Socol 8 +0110100 Rozelle 8 +0110100 Dees 8 +0110100 Thygerson 8 +0110100 Reuschel 8 +0110100 Hultquist 8 +0110100 Grum 8 +0110100 Kamenar 8 +0110100 Rother 8 +0110100 Wenders 8 +0110100 Kunayev 8 +0110100 Akhikari 8 +0110100 Freels 8 +0110100 Zuboff 8 +0110100 Scanland 8 +0110100 Freiberg 8 +0110100 Bulkley 8 +0110100 Risser 8 +0110100 Lewinton 8 +0110100 Pradetto 8 +0110100 Winer 8 +0110100 Hower 8 +0110100 Pensler 8 +0110100 Magrane 8 +0110100 Ginzberg 8 +0110100 Bahre 8 +0110100 Kimmel 8 +0110100 McCaughey 8 +0110100 Liftin 8 +0110100 Krasnoff 8 +0110100 Lilien 8 +0110100 Ovrom 8 +0110100 Malato 8 +0110100 Goldinger 8 +0110100 Mear 8 +0110100 Wegbreit 8 +0110100 Stratas 8 +0110100 Mitofsky 8 +0110100 Oldenburg 8 +0110100 Everbach 8 +0110100 Simonsson 8 +0110100 Ferriz 8 +0110100 Zajac 8 +0110100 Kostas 8 +0110100 Hilsman 8 +0110100 Wetstein 8 +0110100 Isom 8 +0110100 Willse 8 +0110100 Attalla 8 +0110100 Lubowski 8 +0110100 Plumley 8 +0110100 Codlin 8 +0110100 Fridson 8 +0110100 Partoll 8 +0110100 Berns 8 +0110100 Belin 8 +0110100 Sege 8 +0110100 Lustig 8 +0110100 Dine 8 +0110100 Bayse 8 +0110100 Saouma 8 +0110100 Wentz 8 +0110100 Kummer 8 +0110100 Lathouris 8 +0110100 Iorio 8 +0110100 Drouin 8 +0110100 Spieker 8 +0110100 Buttacavoli 8 +0110100 Roxburgh 8 +0110100 Cabradilla 8 +0110100 Alvero-Cruz 8 +0110100 Arida 8 +0110100 Chenault 8 +0110100 Pittle 8 +0110100 Popov 8 +0110100 Henske 8 +0110100 Kathman 8 +0110100 Berndt 8 +0110100 Wensberg 8 +0110100 Azarow 8 +0110100 Vallance 8 +0110100 Groseclose 8 +0110100 Okumura 8 +0110100 Leahey 8 +0110100 Plante 8 +0110100 Wartenberg 8 +0110100 Boorman 8 +0110100 Kosberg 8 +0110100 McGuirk 8 +0110100 Coben 8 +0110100 Bowden 8 +0110100 Caldrello 8 +0110100 Worton 8 +0110100 Frayn 8 +0110100 Cornelison 8 +0110100 Pedroli 8 +0110100 Spanninger 8 +0110100 Becherer 8 +0110100 Delbanco 8 +0110100 Houser 8 +0110100 Hodson 8 +0110100 Mnookin 8 +0110100 Hembree 8 +0110100 Stallkamp 8 +0110100 Shinto 8 +0110100 Bourguiba 8 +0110100 Sideris 8 +0110100 Liebmann 8 +0110100 Clews 8 +0110100 Furth 8 +0110100 Krat 8 +0110100 Vazquez-Rana 8 +0110100 Melhorn 8 +0110100 Kazantzakis 8 +0110100 Helman 8 +0110100 Riggi 8 +0110100 Malkowski 8 +0110100 Benezra 8 +0110100 Kariotis 8 +0110100 Penderecki 8 +0110100 Boisvert 8 +0110100 Windom 8 +0110100 Nakashima 8 +0110100 Adaza 8 +0110100 Zeien 8 +0110100 Nicolau 8 +0110100 Harting 8 +0110100 Cotret 8 +0110100 Learner 8 +0110100 Dimitruk 8 +0110100 Gasser 8 +0110100 Ringel 8 +0110100 Riphagen 8 +0110100 Yablonski 8 +0110100 Halliday 8 +0110100 Xie 8 +0110100 Granet 8 +0110100 Schwind 8 +0110100 Deveny 8 +0110100 Wallin 8 +0110100 Nicolin 8 +0110100 Ober 8 +0110100 Schneeman 8 +0110100 Choper 8 +0110100 Boling 8 +0110100 Pompa 8 +0110100 Petitt 8 +0110100 Reicher 8 +0110100 Cham 8 +0110100 Hagedorn 8 +0110100 Zhivkov 8 +0110100 Tufo 8 +0110100 Brautigam 8 +0110100 Roybal 8 +0110100 Kagin 8 +0110100 Littell 8 +0110100 Sherva 8 +0110100 Chai 8 +0110100 Sapanski 8 +0110100 Eubanks 8 +0110100 Finneran 8 +0110100 McCallum 8 +0110100 Ebeling 8 +0110100 Mackinnon 8 +0110100 Whitlow 8 +0110100 Zulauf 8 +0110100 Beadle 8 +0110100 Tschirhart 8 +0110100 Baldini 8 +0110100 Switaj 8 +0110100 Schaap 8 +0110100 Shinn 8 +0110100 Wurtman 8 +0110100 Harel 8 +0110100 Tilghman 8 +0110100 Walzer 8 +0110100 Schillaci 8 +0110100 Roling 8 +0110100 Barovsky 8 +0110100 Trevino 8 +0110100 Minardos 8 +0110100 Soden 8 +0110100 Henke 8 +0110100 Sensenbrenner 8 +0110100 Falik 8 +0110100 Arcenaux 8 +0110100 Santucci 8 +0110100 Akst 8 +0110100 Likhyani 8 +0110100 Creel 8 +0110100 Romanoff 8 +0110100 Harshbarger 8 +0110100 Mulkey 8 +0110100 Buhr 9 +0110100 Dreher 9 +0110100 Winterhalter 9 +0110100 Sweatt 9 +0110100 Joelson 9 +0110100 Bottorff 9 +0110100 Gabel 9 +0110100 Lavine 9 +0110100 Leyden 9 +0110100 Arrupe 9 +0110100 Grinberg 9 +0110100 Severance 9 +0110100 Pottorff 9 +0110100 Seminario 9 +0110100 Roggio 9 +0110100 Cavett 9 +0110100 Torme 9 +0110100 McCartan 9 +0110100 Chatwal 9 +0110100 Furuta 9 +0110100 Nashashibi 9 +0110100 Parra 9 +0110100 Chisum 9 +0110100 Lipman 9 +0110100 Bramwell 9 +0110100 Gilleran 9 +0110100 Collinsworth 9 +0110100 Anschel 9 +0110100 Andrezak 9 +0110100 Souders 9 +0110100 Hanbury 9 +0110100 Mielke 9 +0110100 Holzinger 9 +0110100 Hinds 9 +0110100 DiBacco 9 +0110100 Moisi 9 +0110100 Tassel 9 +0110100 Dayan 9 +0110100 Olsson 9 +0110100 Modzelewski 9 +0110100 Hoth 9 +0110100 Attermann 9 +0110100 Yurachek 9 +0110100 Rabel 9 +0110100 Sahgal 9 +0110100 Blaydon 9 +0110100 Nissim 9 +0110100 Mommens 9 +0110100 Teich 9 +0110100 Dykes 9 +0110100 Taneja 9 +0110100 Wasch 9 +0110100 Hann 9 +0110100 Aucott 9 +0110100 Kierscht 9 +0110100 Senzaki 9 +0110100 Yerena 9 +0110100 Revercomb 9 +0110100 Pisoni 9 +0110100 Oliva 9 +0110100 Wenner 9 +0110100 Hiller 9 +0110100 Blom 9 +0110100 Lanzet 9 +0110100 Seiler 9 +0110100 Grodin 9 +0110100 Roshier 9 +0110100 Cossa 9 +0110100 Drebsky 9 +0110100 Bowlin 9 +0110100 Olivera 9 +0110100 Callan 9 +0110100 Falin 9 +0110100 Sciaroni 9 +0110100 Dankner 9 +0110100 Rafelghem 9 +0110100 Kraemer 9 +0110100 Selkin 9 +0110100 Doretti 9 +0110100 Jesselson 9 +0110100 Wineheim 9 +0110100 Merryman 9 +0110100 Wray 9 +0110100 Karkowsky 9 +0110100 Steinfeld 9 +0110100 Noguchi 9 +0110100 Resnik 9 +0110100 Amiran 9 +0110100 Josephs 9 +0110100 Minton 9 +0110100 Cleghorn 9 +0110100 Pizzi 9 +0110100 Kurlak 9 +0110100 Vadehra 9 +0110100 Troubh 9 +0110100 Thier 9 +0110100 Lambros 9 +0110100 Yerkes 9 +0110100 Lagow 9 +0110100 Finucane 9 +0110100 Skates 9 +0110100 Shreiber 9 +0110100 Attar 9 +0110100 Greeniaus 9 +0110100 Fagan 9 +0110100 Reichstuhl 9 +0110100 Monge 9 +0110100 Doupe 9 +0110100 Calvani 9 +0110100 Wiedemann 9 +0110100 Hamadei 9 +0110100 Sidak 9 +0110100 Puusepp 9 +0110100 Soter 9 +0110100 Meeks 9 +0110100 Gorsuch 9 +0110100 Weinfeld 9 +0110100 Beilenson 9 +0110100 Amoroso 9 +0110100 Barkeley 9 +0110100 Belove 9 +0110100 Traynor 9 +0110100 Girton 9 +0110100 Macedo 9 +0110100 Ylvisaker 9 +0110100 Schell 9 +0110100 Jolson 9 +0110100 Shackelford 9 +0110100 Cannistraro 9 +0110100 Burenga 9 +0110100 Robison 9 +0110100 Pyne 9 +0110100 Davanzo 9 +0110100 Allred 9 +0110100 Ashe 9 +0110100 Bruton 9 +0110100 Baumgartner 9 +0110100 Clarkin 9 +0110100 Pletcher 9 +0110100 Goldblum 9 +0110100 Kimura 9 +0110100 Paterno 9 +0110100 Fulmer 9 +0110100 Kanegsberg 9 +0110100 Landa 9 +0110100 Posey 9 +0110100 Aretsky 9 +0110100 Ture 9 +0110100 Willson 9 +0110100 Shimmerlik 9 +0110100 Tanimura 9 +0110100 Semple 9 +0110100 Parcells 9 +0110100 Veronda 9 +0110100 Bailyn 9 +0110100 Souveroff 9 +0110100 Hegedus 9 +0110100 Semerad 9 +0110100 Streicher 9 +0110100 Stamaty 9 +0110100 Raimond 9 +0110100 Massie 9 +0110100 Adelaar 9 +0110100 Grettenberger 9 +0110100 Appleby 9 +0110100 Maksoud 9 +0110100 Tankersley 9 +0110100 Capon 9 +0110100 Krauer 9 +0110100 Mirti 9 +0110100 Beebower 9 +0110100 Rateliff 9 +0110100 Slusser 9 +0110100 Quinon 9 +0110100 Smalley 9 +0110100 Ibarra 9 +0110100 Storr 9 +0110100 Mujzel 9 +0110100 Utley 9 +0110100 Samos 9 +0110100 Meriwether 9 +0110100 Meigher 9 +0110100 Denden 9 +0110100 Zalygin 9 +0110100 Gidwitz 9 +0110100 Edgerly 9 +0110100 Southard 9 +0110100 Antoinette 9 +0110100 Taniguchi 9 +0110100 Dreier 9 +0110100 Kaylie 9 +0110100 Sturtz 9 +0110100 Trautman 9 +0110100 Cardia 9 +0110100 Jakab 9 +0110100 Lempert 9 +0110100 Spilotro 9 +0110100 Meany 9 +0110100 Kahng 9 +0110100 Derecktor 9 +0110100 Eisenstein 9 +0110100 Littlefield 9 +0110100 Castrucci 9 +0110100 Neier 9 +0110100 Satagaj 9 +0110100 Guajardo 9 +0110100 Aqazadeh 9 +0110100 Kolakowski 9 +0110100 Overstrom 9 +0110100 Dunaway 9 +0110100 Bayley 9 +0110100 Retlin 9 +0110100 Crabb 9 +0110100 Teo 9 +0110100 Takashima 9 +0110100 Ohkawara 9 +0110100 Soderblom 9 +0110100 Koester 9 +0110100 Eizenstat 9 +0110100 Boesak 9 +0110100 Beldock 9 +0110100 Kvistad 9 +0110100 Dameron 9 +0110100 Heisbourg 9 +0110100 Moertel 9 +0110100 Gammill 9 +0110100 Belanoff 9 +0110100 Gall 9 +0110100 Loewenson 9 +0110100 Haberman 9 +0110100 Terpstra 9 +0110100 Pacino 9 +0110100 Clawson 9 +0110100 Waterston 9 +0110100 Drasner 9 +0110100 Kauffman 9 +0110100 Langford 9 +0110100 Stookey 9 +0110100 Zachmann 9 +0110100 Pochiluk 9 +0110100 Garber 9 +0110100 Pleskow 9 +0110100 Younan 9 +0110100 Russolillo 9 +0110100 Grad 9 +0110100 Krossel 9 +0110100 Marotta 9 +0110100 Greetham 9 +0110100 Cappelletti 9 +0110100 Noreiga 9 +0110100 Laudise 9 +0110100 Omohundro 9 +0110100 Soloviev 9 +0110100 Shorin 9 +0110100 Craver 9 +0110100 Paetz 9 +0110100 Jereissati 9 +0110100 Bouwsma 9 +0110100 Quarre 9 +0110100 McIvor 9 +0110100 Demirag 9 +0110100 Carstens 9 +0110100 Longstreth 9 +0110100 Arington 9 +0110100 Steenkamp 9 +0110100 Laux 9 +0110100 Neikirk 9 +0110100 Roessler 9 +0110100 Deffeyes 9 +0110100 Queau 9 +0110100 Lemmer 9 +0110100 Brash 9 +0110100 Childress 9 +0110100 Hochbrueckner 9 +0110100 Brethen 9 +0110100 Posteraro 9 +0110100 Ryskamp 9 +0110100 Toone 9 +0110100 Coxe 9 +0110100 Ewald 9 +0110100 Mallon 9 +0110100 Steinle 9 +0110100 Beloff 9 +0110100 Dodds 9 +0110100 Schonberg 9 +0110100 Bullen 9 +0110100 Ros 9 +0110100 Furlong 9 +0110100 Gluckman 9 +0110100 Almadani 9 +0110100 Danziger 9 +0110100 Sukharev 9 +0110100 Campfield 9 +0110100 Schmuckler 9 +0110100 Puckett 9 +0110100 McQuown 9 +0110100 Chany 9 +0110100 Synhorst 9 +0110100 Elbaum 9 +0110100 Boulalas 9 +0110100 Rosales 9 +0110100 Casagrande 9 +0110100 Seo 9 +0110100 Timlen 9 +0110100 Garb 9 +0110100 Kittaneh 9 +0110100 Gordeyev 9 +0110100 Lykin 9 +0110100 Monoszon 9 +0110100 Cater 9 +0110100 Windheim 9 +0110100 Orens 9 +0110100 Snedeker 9 +0110100 Rousselet 9 +0110100 Maggio 9 +0110100 Gourgues 9 +0110100 Insel 9 +0110100 Storch 9 +0110100 Zeldin 9 +0110100 Protigal 9 +0110100 Kachmar 9 +0110100 Peebler 9 +0110100 Damgard 9 +0110100 Gilley 9 +0110100 Remigio 9 +0110100 Rivlin 9 +0110100 Dockson 9 +0110100 Nissenbaum 9 +0110100 Malec 9 +0110100 Sprigg 9 +0110100 Kase 9 +0110100 Franchik 9 +0110100 Wolrath 9 +0110100 Fenichell 9 +0110100 Soffel 9 +0110100 Calvino 9 +0110100 Daniloff 9 +0110100 Fellner 9 +0110100 Schlender 9 +0110100 Zanoyan 9 +0110100 Darak 9 +0110100 Carota 9 +0110100 Dancsak 9 +0110100 Ohman 9 +0110100 Bogosian 9 +0110100 Tarses 9 +0110100 Likhachov 9 +0110100 Traxler 9 +0110100 Mikhalkov 9 +0110100 Lackovic 9 +0110100 Mobilia 9 +0110100 Beeby 9 +0110100 Toman 9 +0110100 Irons 9 +0110100 Hallanan 9 +0110100 Leno 9 +0110100 Dinsmore 9 +0110100 Laubscher 9 +0110100 Savitch 9 +0110100 Donilon 9 +0110100 Sheeran 9 +0110100 Tauzin 9 +0110100 Marlens 9 +0110100 Kruk 9 +0110100 Coate 9 +0110100 Leutwiler 9 +0110100 Borja 9 +0110100 Oberly 9 +0110100 Striar 9 +0110100 Redi 9 +0110100 Bouillet 9 +0110100 Enholm 9 +0110100 Solchaga 9 +0110100 Shchedrin 9 +0110100 Oldham 9 +0110100 Rogachev 9 +0110100 Mityunov 9 +0110100 Latta 9 +0110100 Kirshbaum 9 +0110100 Koenigsfeld 9 +0110100 Kehler 9 +0110100 Rakow 9 +0110100 Pappadio 9 +0110100 Symons 9 +0110100 Aylwin 9 +0110100 Mazzone 9 +0110100 Rayner 9 +0110100 Spitzer 9 +0110100 Minnaar 9 +0110100 McKibben 9 +0110100 Tschumi 9 +0110100 Mishra 9 +0110100 Maccaquano 9 +0110100 Aufhauser 9 +0110100 Driever 9 +0110100 Geenen 9 +0110100 Treppel 9 +0110100 Gilgore 9 +0110100 Andrade 9 +0110100 Kucewicz 9 +0110100 Klucevsek 9 +0110100 DiPietro 9 +0110100 Lebegue 9 +0110100 Gasch 9 +0110100 Kucharski 9 +0110100 Steppel 9 +0110100 deCastro 9 +0110100 Dahlin 9 +0110100 Mothon 9 +0110100 Wermuth 9 +0110100 Komoto 9 +0110100 Zalay 9 +0110100 Goerlitz 9 +0110100 Milligan 9 +0110100 Deakins 9 +0110100 Kellerman 9 +0110100 Kobak 9 +0110100 Hutzler 9 +0110100 Krawchuk 9 +0110100 Ravelo 9 +0110100 Baltes 9 +0110100 Elish 9 +0110100 Strenio 9 +0110100 Reinert 9 +0110100 Schimmelbusch 9 +0110100 Donsbach 9 +0110100 Easterly 9 +0110100 Meierfeld 9 +0110100 Clouser 9 +0110100 Horgan 9 +0110100 Rebmann 9 +0110100 Taylor-Gordon 9 +0110100 Jia 9 +0110100 Corso 9 +0110100 Holtz 9 +0110100 Pagezy 9 +0110100 Saal 9 +0110100 Sherak 9 +0110100 Marafat 9 +0110100 Willison 9 +0110100 Penniman 9 +0110100 Komorny 9 +0110100 Numeiri 9 +0110100 Chazanoff 9 +0110100 Loton 9 +0110100 Dochow 9 +0110100 Middlebrook 9 +0110100 MacDiarmid 9 +0110100 Waal 9 +0110100 Hillis 9 +0110100 Masterson 9 +0110100 Tanioka 9 +0110100 Polanski 9 +0110100 Marulanda 9 +0110100 Ricigliano 9 +0110100 Brobeck 9 +0110100 Hutt 9 +0110100 Falcone 9 +0110100 Binn 9 +0110100 Zisson 9 +0110100 Rooker 9 +0110100 Hoge 9 +0110100 Hirsh 9 +0110100 Cartledge 9 +0110100 Hichens 9 +0110100 Kazikaev 9 +0110100 Swirsky 9 +0110100 Breuer 9 +0110100 Karasek 9 +0110100 Allbright 9 +0110100 Essner 10 +0110100 Kovacs 10 +0110100 Shuman 10 +0110100 Stibel 10 +0110100 Butts 10 +0110100 Gehrig 10 +0110100 Stork 10 +0110100 Andress 10 +0110100 Prapas 10 +0110100 Rakich 10 +0110100 Steffens 10 +0110100 Boudreau 10 +0110100 Verdugo-Urquidez 10 +0110100 Sitrick 10 +0110100 MacLeod 10 +0110100 Komine 10 +0110100 Hodgman 10 +0110100 Simmonds 10 +0110100 Tajima 10 +0110100 Gold-Bikin 10 +0110100 Bulger 10 +0110100 Edberg 10 +0110100 Kassen 10 +0110100 Palmstierna 10 +0110100 Wester 10 +0110100 Granoff 10 +0110100 Baccus 10 +0110100 Seratti 10 +0110100 DeJong 10 +0110100 Alibrandi 10 +0110100 Krumm 10 +0110100 Kvitsinsky 10 +0110100 Toufexis 10 +0110100 Ferber 10 +0110100 Kolbe 10 +0110100 Parmelee 10 +0110100 Callas 10 +0110100 Cliffe 10 +0110100 Felter 10 +0110100 Siemer 10 +0110100 Kolski 10 +0110100 Blanton 10 +0110100 Telzrow 10 +0110100 Romney 10 +0110100 Moxley 10 +0110100 Bennis 10 +0110100 Denktas 10 +0110100 Grogan 10 +0110100 Stumpf 10 +0110100 Yarborough 10 +0110100 Ehmann 10 +0110100 Montagnier 10 +0110100 Sylla 10 +0110100 Rafferty 10 +0110100 Burlatsky 10 +0110100 Brodie 10 +0110100 Schoenbaum 10 +0110100 Trujillo 10 +0110100 McCausland 10 +0110100 Yunich 10 +0110100 Parlow 10 +0110100 Kirnan 10 +0110100 Kazin 10 +0110100 Rosser 10 +0110100 Brightman 10 +0110100 Joynes 10 +0110100 Spratt 10 +0110100 Duthie 10 +0110100 Purvis 10 +0110100 Shue 10 +0110100 Falvo 10 +0110100 Albee 10 +0110100 Ringberg 10 +0110100 Silvi 10 +0110100 Haberer 10 +0110100 Papageorge 10 +0110100 Nachmany 10 +0110100 Barbieri 10 +0110100 Ambasz 10 +0110100 Busti 10 +0110100 Dromer 10 +0110100 Sidewater 10 +0110100 LaMantia 10 +0110100 Mkhatshwa 10 +0110100 Gunty 10 +0110100 Ratner 10 +0110100 Labe 10 +0110100 Larche 10 +0110100 McCune 10 +0110100 McClements 10 +0110100 Caddell 10 +0110100 Varley 10 +0110100 Diggs 10 +0110100 Lundell 10 +0110100 Kociolek 10 +0110100 LaMonte 10 +0110100 Murto 10 +0110100 Picower 10 +0110100 Damoose 10 +0110100 Escalante 10 +0110100 Dimond 10 +0110100 Guilmartin 10 +0110100 Bierman 10 +0110100 Mackie 10 +0110100 Murasky 10 +0110100 Prebe 10 +0110100 Petrina 10 +0110100 Printy 10 +0110100 Mazo 10 +0110100 Griggy 10 +0110100 Quine 10 +0110100 Blauer 10 +0110100 Modarressi 10 +0110100 Tannenbaum 10 +0110100 Mangano 10 +0110100 Kunaev 10 +0110100 Lobbia 10 +0110100 Saliba 10 +0110100 Liebman 10 +0110100 Machtley 10 +0110100 Rehm 10 +0110100 Yarchoan 10 +0110100 Terrile 10 +0110100 Denson 10 +0110100 Bracy 10 +0110100 Ita 10 +0110100 Ravan 10 +0110100 Hirschhorn 10 +0110100 Troyat 10 +0110100 Stelzer 10 +0110100 Austen 10 +0110100 Zoellick 10 +0110100 Rendall 10 +0110100 Margittai 10 +0110100 Pusateri 10 +0110100 Salonga 10 +0110100 Mernick 10 +0110100 McGarry 10 +0110100 Sethi 10 +0110100 Sauerteig 10 +0110100 Pharaon 10 +0110100 Ricciardi 10 +0110100 Hoehn 10 +0110100 Beauchamp 10 +0110100 Palmero 10 +0110100 Almeida 10 +0110100 Eliades 10 +0110100 Schmidl 10 +0110100 Abelson 10 +0110100 Sibley 10 +0110100 Kamphol 10 +0110100 Zigler 10 +0110100 Waldholz 10 +0110100 Billman 10 +0110100 Chernenko 10 +0110100 Meek 10 +0110100 Wilthew 10 +0110100 Brademas 10 +0110100 Santala 10 +0110100 Anderlini 10 +0110100 Seiden 10 +0110100 Borchelt 10 +0110100 Bumps 10 +0110100 Khalaf 10 +0110100 DiFilippo 10 +0110100 Gasich 10 +0110100 Feistritzer 10 +0110100 Worsham 10 +0110100 Thurnher 10 +0110100 Blumberg 10 +0110100 Barba 10 +0110100 Ramm 10 +0110100 Kuralt 10 +0110100 Weissberg 10 +0110100 McNair 10 +0110100 Frahm 10 +0110100 Carrigan 10 +0110100 Pineda 10 +0110100 Covitz 10 +0110100 Kunin 10 +0110100 Tolbert 10 +0110100 Boisi 10 +0110100 Frain 10 +0110100 Mauldin 10 +0110100 Harber 10 +0110100 Franzese 10 +0110100 Sellin 10 +0110100 Carp 10 +0110100 Romain 10 +0110100 Costanza 10 +0110100 Corio 10 +0110100 Korda 10 +0110100 Widmann 10 +0110100 Sharpton 10 +0110100 Prebble 10 +0110100 Liebler 10 +0110100 Oana 10 +0110100 Czekajewski 10 +0110100 Haimovitch 10 +0110100 Heckler 10 +0110100 Bellrose 10 +0110100 Bergling 10 +0110100 Parrillo 10 +0110100 Fishbaine 10 +0110100 McVey 10 +0110100 Knab 10 +0110100 Torrenzano 10 +0110100 Krain 10 +0110100 Bane 10 +0110100 Meyerman 10 +0110100 Wolfman 10 +0110100 Bonney 10 +0110100 Mellett 10 +0110100 Batogowski 10 +0110100 Schultze 10 +0110100 Kaltenbacher 10 +0110100 Casson 10 +0110100 Settanni 10 +0110100 Tebbit 10 +0110100 Kairamo 10 +0110100 Huntington-Carruthers 10 +0110100 Tatsuno 10 +0110100 Voigt 10 +0110100 Aleichem 10 +0110100 Haggerty 10 +0110100 Gamper 10 +0110100 Galles 10 +0110100 Doig 10 +0110100 Casstevens 10 +0110100 Ebersol 10 +0110100 Laine 10 +0110100 Plocek 10 +0110100 Silverberg 10 +0110100 Blasi 10 +0110100 Godunov 10 +0110100 Swindle 10 +0110100 Velayati 10 +0110100 Stagg 10 +0110100 Panoz 10 +0110100 Gittler 10 +0110100 Pichler 10 +0110100 Rawlins 10 +0110100 Pagar 10 +0110100 Kikumura 10 +0110100 Feltz 10 +0110100 Blattner 10 +0110100 Testrake 10 +0110100 Belford 10 +0110100 Liguori 10 +0110100 Fiorina 10 +0110100 Lenz 10 +0110100 Merola 10 +0110100 Burrill 10 +0110100 Snodgrass 10 +0110100 Fathi 10 +0110100 Sope 10 +0110100 Winch 10 +0110100 Hanny 10 +0110100 Milnes 10 +0110100 Barash 10 +0110100 Ricken 10 +0110100 Lucchesi 10 +0110100 Eletr 10 +0110100 Constantino 10 +0110100 Cacaci 10 +0110100 Nagel 10 +0110100 Braendstroem 10 +0110100 Guariglia 10 +0110100 Brockman 10 +0110100 Covas 10 +0110100 Monticciolo 10 +0110100 Shales 10 +0110100 Steinem 10 +0110100 Coehlo 10 +0110100 Heatherly 10 +0110100 Bywater 10 +0110100 Glancy 10 +0110100 Kieninger 10 +0110100 Soderbergh 10 +0110100 Zuluaga 10 +0110100 Provant 10 +0110100 Groben 10 +0110100 Schwager 10 +0110100 Westergaard 10 +0110100 Petrocelli 10 +0110100 Puzo 10 +0110100 Bushman 10 +0110100 Schuman 10 +0110100 Stupski 10 +0110100 Caplan 10 +0110100 Kawate 10 +0110100 Wouk 10 +0110100 Farren 10 +0110100 Beller 10 +0110100 Psarouthakis 10 +0110100 Hampson 10 +0110100 Henin 10 +0110100 Medlin 10 +0110100 Mazur 10 +0110100 Pearlstein 10 +0110100 Blundall 10 +0110100 Braunstein 10 +0110100 Zander 10 +0110100 Preschel 10 +0110100 Moye 10 +0110100 Yass 10 +0110100 Kleinman 10 +0110100 Verhofstadt 10 +0110100 Petrauskas 10 +0110100 Behar 10 +0110100 Childers 10 +0110100 Vaguine 10 +0110100 Kuck 10 +0110100 Maugeri 10 +0110100 Mosier 10 +0110100 Dunkelberg 10 +0110100 LaBarbera 10 +0110100 Niehaus 10 +0110100 Mansueto 10 +0110100 Cordesman 10 +0110100 Maley 10 +0110100 Ounsted 10 +0110100 Alda 10 +0110100 Shashoua 10 +0110100 Roeser 10 +0110100 Pancoast 10 +0110100 Yeoman 10 +0110100 Kooning 10 +0110100 Gutmann 10 +0110100 Crandell 10 +0110100 Sapp 10 +0110100 Klepper 10 +0110100 Sumarlin 10 +0110100 Pomrenze 10 +0110100 Fernandes 10 +0110100 Schama 10 +0110100 Hargrove 10 +0110100 Morrill 10 +0110100 Molina 10 +0110100 Rocap 10 +0110100 Gory 10 +0110100 MacWilliams 10 +0110100 Lydon 10 +0110100 Imai 10 +0110100 Zanuck 10 +0110100 Beedie 10 +0110100 Kanemaru 10 +0110100 Meyohas 10 +0110100 Harre 10 +0110100 Guttenberg 10 +0110100 Surma 10 +0110100 Halberstam 10 +0110100 Width 10 +0110100 Garr 10 +0110100 Giraud 10 +0110100 Shadur 10 +0110100 Weekes 10 +0110100 Rohana 10 +0110100 Faulk 10 +0110100 Llovio 10 +0110100 Nangaku 10 +0110100 Perrault 10 +0110100 Krouner 10 +0110100 Amaya 10 +0110100 Crassweller 10 +0110100 Strassman 10 +0110100 Hemel 10 +0110100 Renda 10 +0110100 Campanella 10 +0110100 Chusmir 10 +0110100 Necci 10 +0110100 Urbaszewski 10 +0110100 Rapoport 10 +0110100 Dhlakama 10 +0110100 Lamos 10 +0110100 Lorentzen 10 +0110100 Mezey 10 +0110100 Schlachter 10 +0110100 Porntip 10 +0110100 Podrasky 10 +0110100 Karasawa 10 +0110100 Molloy 11 +0110100 Sella 11 +0110100 Contant 11 +0110100 Runcie 11 +0110100 Baran 11 +0110100 Ikle 11 +0110100 Hassenberg 11 +0110100 Allick 11 +0110100 McGrevin 11 +0110100 Nujoma 11 +0110100 Frisch 11 +0110100 Glazunov 11 +0110100 Eilan 11 +0110100 Barnowski 11 +0110100 Frashier 11 +0110100 Branstad 11 +0110100 Kaigler-Reese 11 +0110100 Ople 11 +0110100 Coale 11 +0110100 Cairns 11 +0110100 Misbrener 11 +0110100 Swed 11 +0110100 Siewert 11 +0110100 Torricelli 11 +0110100 Maltz 11 +0110100 Granger 11 +0110100 Panem 11 +0110100 Pessin 11 +0110100 Cordover 11 +0110100 Terrington 11 +0110100 Nusbaum 11 +0110100 Hailand 11 +0110100 Schaub 11 +0110100 Tomita 11 +0110100 Ares 11 +0110100 Leven 11 +0110100 McMath 11 +0110100 Moir 11 +0110100 Ortiz-Murias 11 +0110100 McGagh 11 +0110100 Blaese 11 +0110100 McKeown 11 +0110100 Belth 11 +0110100 Schierl 11 +0110100 Mach 11 +0110100 Tasker 11 +0110100 Freni 11 +0110100 Driscoll 11 +0110100 Lillicrop 11 +0110100 Bogardus 11 +0110100 Zarzecki 11 +0110100 Roehl 11 +0110100 Ciminero 11 +0110100 Maresh 11 +0110100 Slatter 11 +0110100 Derchin 11 +0110100 Schloemer 11 +0110100 Goberstein 11 +0110100 Sterrett 11 +0110100 Chatwin 11 +0110100 Masefield 11 +0110100 Peltier 11 +0110100 Burgin 11 +0110100 Pechman 11 +0110100 Doniger 11 +0110100 Terasawa 11 +0110100 Reycraft 11 +0110100 Fenzel 11 +0110100 Quintana 11 +0110100 Spaeth 11 +0110100 Tuchman 11 +0110100 Francek 11 +0110100 Wartzman 11 +0110100 Longenecker 11 +0110100 Leotard 11 +0110100 Maseri 11 +0110100 Graye 11 +0110100 Herwick 11 +0110100 Kildee 11 +0110100 Mokhiber 11 +0110100 Hopkyns 11 +0110100 Pozos 11 +0110100 Knievel 11 +0110100 Fellmeth 11 +0110100 Tota 11 +0110100 Afheldt 11 +0110100 Mohtashemi 11 +0110100 Emmert 11 +0110100 Charasse 11 +0110100 Pavlov 11 +0110100 Sutnick 11 +0110100 Dierkes 11 +0110100 Hodge 11 +0110100 Greenburg 11 +0110100 Nathanson 11 +0110100 Blades 11 +0110100 Relyea 11 +0110100 Auletta 11 +0110100 Sobel 11 +0110100 Fitzpatrick-Davis 11 +0110100 Nadeau 11 +0110100 Nilsson 11 +0110100 Crozier 11 +0110100 Kopit 11 +0110100 Ricci 11 +0110100 Wachs 11 +0110100 Hartshorn 11 +0110100 Cartaya 11 +0110100 Olshan 11 +0110100 Nyerere 11 +0110100 Michelson 11 +0110100 Yeh 11 +0110100 Schuchert 11 +0110100 Matsukawa 11 +0110100 Luciw 11 +0110100 Binns 11 +0110100 Osmena 11 +0110100 McGinnis 11 +0110100 Marley 11 +0110100 Isoda 11 +0110100 Reeve 11 +0110100 Matsuda 11 +0110100 Willman 11 +0110100 Voeller 11 +0110100 Friedland 11 +0110100 Monro-Davies 11 +0110100 Kalyanaraman 11 +0110100 Bickner 11 +0110100 Veliotis 11 +0110100 Conrads 11 +0110100 Coym 11 +0110100 Benassi 11 +0110100 Camus 11 +0110100 Toensing 11 +0110100 Headlund 11 +0110100 Dupree 11 +0110100 Miot 11 +0110100 Lanyi 11 +0110100 Borosage 11 +0110100 Bluey 11 +0110100 Dunnigan 11 +0110100 Handelsman 11 +0110100 Rapaport 11 +0110100 Hendra 11 +0110100 Mattes 11 +0110100 Mitchelson 11 +0110100 Schoemaker 11 +0110100 Bidlo 11 +0110100 McNutt 11 +0110100 Kimbriel 11 +0110100 Safdie 11 +0110100 Horelick 11 +0110100 Kusserow 11 +0110100 Nacchio 11 +0110100 McLucas 11 +0110100 Killian 11 +0110100 Peladeau 11 +0110100 Rabb 11 +0110100 Cools 11 +0110100 Cicerone 11 +0110100 Ponnelle 11 +0110100 Blanchette 11 +0110100 Thornhill 11 +0110100 Boddie 11 +0110100 Gough 11 +0110100 Kriegel 11 +0110100 McCraw 11 +0110100 Lender 11 +0110100 Cottrell 11 +0110100 Roukema 11 +0110100 Caruso 11 +0110100 Musters 11 +0110100 Priem 11 +0110100 Astin 11 +0110100 Edmiston 11 +0110100 Morash 11 +0110100 Arguello 11 +0110100 Karino 11 +0110100 Fiss 11 +0110100 Wertz 11 +0110100 Termeer 11 +0110100 Katashiba 11 +0110100 Sochet 11 +0110100 Mandle 11 +0110100 Wolter 11 +0110100 Haigh 11 +0110100 Swete 11 +0110100 Lowey 11 +0110100 Aronstein 11 +0110100 Crooke 11 +0110100 Schneier 11 +0110100 Moskolenko 11 +0110100 Kalil 11 +0110100 oeuvres 11 +0110100 Gustafsson 11 +0110100 Schiltknecht 11 +0110100 Copperman 11 +0110100 Harmata 11 +0110100 Travelstead 11 +0110100 Vienot 11 +0110100 Beiny 11 +0110100 Willke 11 +0110100 Steloff 11 +0110100 Shcherbitsky 11 +0110100 Hehmeyer 11 +0110100 Mantel 11 +0110100 Chronowitz 11 +0110100 Amadeo 11 +0110100 Sawa 11 +0110100 Schenk 11 +0110100 Beuthin 11 +0110100 Achebe 11 +0110100 Mugar 11 +0110100 Kosecoff 11 +0110100 Sturgis 11 +0110100 Womack 11 +0110100 Cojuangco 11 +0110100 Carder 11 +0110100 Campanis 11 +0110100 Nicolle 11 +0110100 Egger 11 +0110100 Rind 11 +0110100 Pinsker 11 +0110100 Yaffe 11 +0110100 Rustin 11 +0110100 Hymans 11 +0110100 Mote 11 +0110100 Pote 11 +0110100 Ruch 11 +0110100 Naito 11 +0110100 Tahmassebi 11 +0110100 Macauley 11 +0110100 Brolly 11 +0110100 Sohmer 11 +0110100 Milliken 11 +0110100 Gilroy 11 +0110100 Taketomi 11 +0110100 Reisner 11 +0110100 Toffler 11 +0110100 Meselsohn 11 +0110100 Fustok 11 +0110100 Tibbetts 11 +0110100 Iovine 11 +0110100 Fauber 11 +0110100 Schaden 11 +0110100 Goland 11 +0110100 Ehrenhalt 11 +0110100 DeMarco 11 +0110100 Illingworth 11 +0110100 Missett 11 +0110100 Geist 11 +0110100 Oshatz 11 +0110100 Carbonetto 11 +0110100 Radosh 11 +0110100 Medland 11 +0110100 Labenski 11 +0110100 Kiraly 11 +0110100 Elkind 11 +0110100 Levan 11 +0110100 Kempe 11 +0110100 Uhl 11 +0110100 Rosewicz 11 +0110100 Gallant 11 +0110100 Runk 11 +0110100 Daub 11 +0110100 Beattie 11 +0110100 Guth 11 +0110100 Engholm 11 +0110100 Garbarino 11 +0110100 Pattis 11 +0110100 Shernoff 11 +0110100 Eagleson 11 +0110100 Lujan 11 +0110100 Hardman 11 +0110100 Nogawa 11 +0110100 Pascutto 11 +0110100 Brazile 11 +0110100 Michels 11 +0110100 Graff 11 +0110100 Romberg 11 +0110100 Shinbein 11 +0110100 Pitblado 11 +0110100 Stonecipher 11 +0110100 Minskoff 11 +0110100 Fogel 11 +0110100 McCarty 11 +0110100 Pfundstein 11 +0110100 Jurek 11 +0110100 Stabler 11 +0110100 Morimoto 11 +0110100 Griesa 11 +0110100 Brizendine 11 +0110100 Shanks 11 +0110100 Rogin 11 +0110100 Mata 11 +0110100 Holleran 11 +0110100 Clevenger 11 +0110100 Reinhold 11 +0110100 Holahan 11 +0110100 Pollner 11 +0110100 Kugler 11 +0110100 Gielgud 11 +0110100 Zeffirelli 11 +0110100 Nishimura 11 +0110100 Joffe 11 +0110100 Simonson 11 +0110100 Teltschik 11 +0110100 Wiese 11 +0110100 Powe 11 +0110100 Koken 11 +0110100 Schmults 11 +0110100 Hessler 11 +0110100 Sturc 11 +0110100 Ost 11 +0110100 Nene 11 +0110100 DeFazio 11 +0110100 Yoshimura 11 +0110100 Garson 11 +0110100 McKnight 11 +0110100 Picard 11 +0110100 Madrigal 11 +0110100 DeVito 11 +0110100 Gottsch 11 +0110100 Hackel 11 +0110100 Donner 11 +0110100 Waples 11 +0110100 Lindahl 11 +0110100 Schilling 11 +0110100 Hillier 11 +0110100 Avina 11 +0110100 Hariz 11 +0110100 Pohlman 11 +0110100 Feldt 11 +0110100 Aulenti 11 +0110100 Osorio 11 +0110100 Cizik 11 +0110100 DiBona 11 +0110100 Joanou 11 +0110100 MacLennan 11 +0110100 Goodall 11 +0110100 Baltsa 11 +0110100 Hobsbawm 11 +0110100 Witkowski 11 +0110100 Kampelman 11 +0110100 Calandra 11 +0110100 Tarter 11 +0110100 Azzato 11 +0110100 Rector 11 +0110100 Instone 11 +0110100 Potiker 11 +0110100 Lukash 11 +0110100 Selleck 11 +0110100 Lemaire 12 +0110100 Olivieri 12 +0110100 Tamayo 12 +0110100 Kurihara 12 +0110100 Reviglio 12 +0110100 Petery 12 +0110100 Buss 12 +0110100 Olcott 12 +0110100 Geoghegan 12 +0110100 Millett 12 +0110100 Gaitskill 12 +0110100 Trapp 12 +0110100 Shaheen 12 +0110100 Young-Sam 12 +0110100 Dekom 12 +0110100 Ferrer 12 +0110100 Kassem 12 +0110100 Manne 12 +0110100 Bolognesi 12 +0110100 Python 12 +0110100 Leschly 12 +0110100 Rosenwald 12 +0110100 Chertkow 12 +0110100 Winwood 12 +0110100 Murren 12 +0110100 Schulof 12 +0110100 Lerman 12 +0110100 Korth 12 +0110100 Melnick 12 +0110100 Hattersley 12 +0110100 Lowden 12 +0110100 Shumway 12 +0110100 McCorkindale 12 +0110100 Schar 12 +0110100 Gantz 12 +0110100 Shapero 12 +0110100 Holmer 12 +0110100 Nahm 12 +0110100 Riggio 12 +0110100 Ajami 12 +0110100 McMennamin 12 +0110100 Airington 12 +0110100 Schumacher 12 +0110100 Newberry 12 +0110100 Thurman 12 +0110100 Moueix 12 +0110100 Hodes 12 +0110100 Rucker 12 +0110100 Horan 12 +0110100 Saltzman 12 +0110100 Haseltine 12 +0110100 Dershowitz 12 +0110100 Kuze 12 +0110100 Galan 12 +0110100 Kurosawa 12 +0110100 Burney 12 +0110100 Nicholi 12 +0110100 Huhn 12 +0110100 Selikoff 12 +0110100 Lippens 12 +0110100 Kazis 12 +0110100 Civiletti 12 +0110100 Tummond 12 +0110100 Weksel 12 +0110100 Engler 12 +0110100 Sparling 12 +0110100 Lusser 12 +0110100 Karpatkin 12 +0110100 Gobinot 12 +0110100 DiClemente 12 +0110100 Feffer 12 +0110100 Faupel 12 +0110100 Saba 12 +0110100 Coontz 12 +0110100 Narazaki 12 +0110100 Sparkman 12 +0110100 Crampton 12 +0110100 Hervey 12 +0110100 Starer 12 +0110100 Oba 12 +0110100 Nihei 12 +0110100 Brizola 12 +0110100 Reza 12 +0110100 Gomery 12 +0110100 Febres-Cordero 12 +0110100 Chien 12 +0110100 Batson 12 +0110100 Sabol 12 +0110100 Blotnick 12 +0110100 Paretti 12 +0110100 Picoult 12 +0110100 Prendergast 12 +0110100 Furst 12 +0110100 Gere 12 +0110100 Rotter 12 +0110100 Wurtzel 12 +0110100 Cliggott 12 +0110100 Neubauer 12 +0110100 Langstaff 12 +0110100 DiLorenzo 12 +0110100 Bergeron 12 +0110100 Zaffuto 12 +0110100 Ekstrom 12 +0110100 Levey 12 +0110100 DeMain 12 +0110100 Fouse 12 +0110100 Timberlake 12 +0110100 Barfield 12 +0110100 Keeton 12 +0110100 Tsuda 12 +0110100 Vignola 12 +0110100 Marasek 12 +0110100 Shirer 12 +0110100 Plott 12 +0110100 Souccar 12 +0110100 Verrett 12 +0110100 Noftsker 12 +0110100 Hudler 12 +0110100 Malinowski 12 +0110100 Irimajiri 12 +0110100 Scocozza 12 +0110100 Oeien 12 +0110100 Chougule 12 +0110100 Keresztes 12 +0110100 Milhollin 12 +0110100 Devlin 12 +0110100 Greenbaum 12 +0110100 Kilman 12 +0110100 Raines 12 +0110100 Suhud 12 +0110100 Willmott 12 +0110100 Stiller 12 +0110100 Overmyer 12 +0110100 Lifton 12 +0110100 Kleinberg 12 +0110100 Krier 12 +0110100 LaVine 12 +0110100 Cardoso 12 +0110100 McGuane 12 +0110100 Wilkie 12 +0110100 Potapov 12 +0110100 Giurescu 12 +0110100 Drabenstott 12 +0110100 Castell 12 +0110100 Scheel 12 +0110100 Billingsley 12 +0110100 Grassgreen 12 +0110100 Beteta 12 +0110100 Kilroy 12 +0110100 Sykes 12 +0110100 Fritts 12 +0110100 Oliveira 12 +0110100 Casgrain 12 +0110100 Moorman 12 +0110100 Nakao 12 +0110100 Braggiotti 12 +0110100 Karnsund 12 +0110100 Rasheed 12 +0110100 Holbrooke 12 +0110100 Peras 12 +0110100 Scheuer 12 +0110100 Cashin 12 +0110100 Kiernan 12 +0110100 Spurge 12 +0110100 Ueda 12 +0110100 Cannavino 12 +0110100 Forst 12 +0110100 Colussy 12 +0110100 Peyrelevade 12 +0110100 Silvia 12 +0110100 Sontag 12 +0110100 Chrystal 12 +0110100 Schreger 12 +0110100 Pauls 12 +0110100 Adkins 12 +0110100 Vigdor 12 +0110100 Aylsworth 12 +0110100 Goldston 12 +0110100 Nordberg 12 +0110100 Krol 12 +0110100 Tubbs 12 +0110100 Ngema 12 +0110100 Yarbrough 12 +0110100 Rippe 12 +0110100 Bownds 12 +0110100 Maseng 12 +0110100 Desrosiers 12 +0110100 Woessner 12 +0110100 Kempton 12 +0110100 Bustamante 12 +0110100 Finestone 12 +0110100 Tognino 12 +0110100 Fass 12 +0110100 Beckerman 12 +0110100 Fauroux 12 +0110100 Shanahan 12 +0110100 Zaslavskaya 12 +0110100 Canto 12 +0110100 Megarry 12 +0110100 Franyo 12 +0110100 Redoglia 12 +0110100 Willett 12 +0110100 Higginbotham 12 +0110100 Kneafsey 12 +0110100 McClean 12 +0110100 Schuermann 12 +0110100 Tainer 12 +0110100 Rattner 12 +0110100 Falcoff 12 +0110100 Woltz 12 +0110100 Lave 12 +0110100 Vogelstein 12 +0110100 Chalker 12 +0110100 Arguelles 12 +0110100 Sane 12 +0110100 Machinea 12 +0110100 Lambsdorff 12 +0110100 Pura 12 +0110100 Geisel 12 +0110100 Wunsch 12 +0110100 Hewett 12 +0110100 Marver 12 +0110100 Prezzano 12 +0110100 Arens 12 +0110100 Smoak 12 +0110100 Zolp 12 +0110100 Garton 12 +0110100 Lockwood 12 +0110100 Biederman 12 +0110100 Hager 12 +0110100 Hoff 12 +0110100 Cadieux 12 +0110100 Aoi 12 +0110100 Hosking 12 +0110100 Tyce 12 +0110100 Mathieu 12 +0110100 Korten 12 +0110100 Shupe 12 +0110100 Cirino 12 +0110100 Golisano 12 +0110100 Tapp 12 +0110100 Planitzer 12 +0110100 Sardas 12 +0110100 Cardwell 12 +0110100 Pistorio 12 +0110100 Iny 12 +0110100 McAn 12 +0110100 McNary 12 +0110100 Feulner 12 +0110100 Heinbach 12 +0110100 Stolberg 12 +0110100 Demers 12 +0110100 Marden 12 +0110100 Boulez 12 +0110100 Glowacki 12 +0110100 Lesher 12 +0110100 Wiest 12 +0110100 Frankino 12 +0110100 Roldan 12 +0110100 Whitby 12 +0110100 Oxman 12 +0110100 Daugherty 12 +0110100 Wachsman 12 +0110100 Hearn 12 +0110100 Pasternak 12 +0110100 Edelson 12 +0110100 Lonski 12 +0110100 Winokur 12 +0110100 Ashenberg 12 +0110100 Luerssen 12 +0110100 Mazeika 12 +0110100 Langella 12 +0110100 Keil 12 +0110100 Kashiwagi 12 +0110100 Bulkeley 12 +0110100 Greener 12 +0110100 Sudduth 12 +0110100 Seamans 12 +0110100 Jerritts 12 +0110100 Laden 12 +0110100 Rewey 12 +0110100 Kganakga 12 +0110100 Ruggiero 12 +0110100 Yoshihara 12 +0110100 Bracken 12 +0110100 Stello 12 +0110100 Susskind 12 +0110100 Swope 12 +0110100 Mandich 12 +0110100 Kyi 12 +0110100 Lorek 13 +0110100 Gabbard 13 +0110100 Ribeiro 13 +0110100 Buckman 13 +0110100 Matteis 13 +0110100 Luma 13 +0110100 Dudack 13 +0110100 Esteban 13 +0110100 al-Mahdi 13 +0110100 Madelin 13 +0110100 Truffaut 13 +0110100 Botta 13 +0110100 Balcerowicz 13 +0110100 Redfield 13 +0110100 Goeglein 13 +0110100 Lipstein 13 +0110100 Kielley 13 +0110100 Balletto 13 +0110100 Franklin-Trout 13 +0110100 Bergland 13 +0110100 Quello 13 +0110100 Fralick 13 +0110100 Carucci 13 +0110100 Schrage 13 +0110100 Villiers 13 +0110100 Bavadra 13 +0110100 Flippo 13 +0110100 Bedke 13 +0110100 Hirose 13 +0110100 Firino-Martell 13 +0110100 Abuladze 13 +0110100 Klinghoffer 13 +0110100 Mironenko 13 +0110100 Peralta 13 +0110100 Gostev 13 +0110100 Kolber 13 +0110100 Chazov 13 +0110100 Weiser 13 +0110100 Cogan 13 +0110100 Weisberg 13 +0110100 Ehrenreich 13 +0110100 Kitchin 13 +0110100 Lomeli 13 +0110100 Baldry 13 +0110100 Kosyakov 13 +0110100 Martenson 13 +0110100 Zaccaro 13 +0110100 Shopkorn 13 +0110100 Luca 13 +0110100 Foss 13 +0110100 Corzine 13 +0110100 Dooley 13 +0110100 Vassiliou 13 +0110100 Melzer 13 +0110100 Schoellhorn 13 +0110100 DeVita 13 +0110100 Walser 13 +0110100 Belzer 13 +0110100 Minoli 13 +0110100 Cavan 13 +0110100 Ulam 13 +0110100 Lagomarsino 13 +0110100 Farber 13 +0110100 Alito 13 +0110100 Harty 13 +0110100 Matta 13 +0110100 Lanzelotti 13 +0110100 Finnie 13 +0110100 Scruton 13 +0110100 Jayme 13 +0110100 Turow 13 +0110100 Fujiwara 13 +0110100 Brindel 13 +0110100 Cece 13 +0110100 Marquard 13 +0110100 Plohn 13 +0110100 Bahr 13 +0110100 Dordies 13 +0110100 Pontikes 13 +0110100 Develle 13 +0110100 Bambenek 13 +0110100 Golde 13 +0110100 Kehne 13 +0110100 Trefgarne 13 +0110100 Bocharov 13 +0110100 Aronson 13 +0110100 Aksler 13 +0110100 Iacobellis 13 +0110100 Jaques 13 +0110100 Angeloz 13 +0110100 Royer 13 +0110100 Abrahams 13 +0110100 Montalban 13 +0110100 Eppner 13 +0110100 Antolini 13 +0110100 Barros 13 +0110100 Marple 13 +0110100 Hawkes 13 +0110100 Damore 13 +0110100 Hauck 13 +0110100 Glashow 13 +0110100 McLellan 13 +0110100 Lederman 13 +0110100 Cassell 13 +0110100 Spadafora 13 +0110100 Daigle 13 +0110100 Langsford 13 +0110100 Kozberg 13 +0110100 Witzel 13 +0110100 Merow 13 +0110100 Fogerty 13 +0110100 Cosentino 13 +0110100 Falco 13 +0110100 Grassi 13 +0110100 Waldegard 13 +0110100 Sie 13 +0110100 Haraszti 13 +0110100 Capen 13 +0110100 Borer 13 +0110100 Odom 13 +0110100 Daschle 13 +0110100 Cobrin 13 +0110100 Gelardin 13 +0110100 Shih 13 +0110100 Mylod 13 +0110100 Dromgoole 13 +0110100 Kleiman 13 +0110100 Holcombe 13 +0110100 Barkin 13 +0110100 Galie 13 +0110100 Bonderman 13 +0110100 Eagleye 13 +0110100 Pacheco 13 +0110100 Lemley 13 +0110100 Bellmon 13 +0110100 Eckrote 13 +0110100 Schoenholtz 13 +0110100 Giglio 13 +0110100 Vernier 13 +0110100 Pattison 13 +0110100 Chapnick 13 +0110100 Hamm 13 +0110100 Isenberg 13 +0110100 Benveniste 13 +0110100 Halamandaris 13 +0110100 Flatley 13 +0110100 Cecin 13 +0110100 Nahas 13 +0110100 Barletta 13 +0110100 Auger 13 +0110100 Righetti 13 +0110100 Mellor 13 +0110100 Mains 13 +0110100 Gann 13 +0110100 Colburn 13 +0110100 Mittelstadt 13 +0110100 Freese 13 +0110100 Ingrassia 13 +0110100 Hunsucker 13 +0110100 Meridor 13 +0110100 Tramontin 13 +0110100 Beamon 13 +0110100 Montrone 13 +0110100 Kalmanovitz 13 +0110100 Uzzell 13 +0110100 Dae-Jung 13 +0110100 Cleese 13 +0110100 Nevitt 13 +0110100 Buxton 13 +0110100 Nadgwick 13 +0110100 Galipault 13 +0110100 Mondry 13 +0110100 Strayer 13 +0110100 Popper 13 +0110100 Murley 13 +0110100 Adelizzi 13 +0110100 McAfee 13 +0110100 Fredkin 13 +0110100 Minkoff 13 +0110100 Lidgerwood 13 +0110100 Kehl 13 +0110100 Bains 13 +0110100 Walde 13 +0110100 Dill 13 +0110100 Segel 13 +0110100 Barger 13 +0110100 Reuther 13 +0110100 Vessey 13 +0110100 Dodson 13 +0110100 Geissler 13 +0110100 Albertine 13 +0110100 Rudner 13 +0110100 Coons 13 +0110100 Epps 13 +0110100 Quaid 13 +0110100 Epp 13 +0110100 Wojnilower 13 +0110100 Warburton 13 +0110100 Baumann 13 +0110100 Ellsberg 13 +0110100 Gregorie 13 +0110100 Hiam 13 +0110100 Arce 13 +0110100 Shearer 13 +0110100 Mumford 13 +0110100 Krugman 13 +0110100 McClelland 13 +0110100 Clapp 13 +0110100 Hutcheson 13 +0110100 Henning 13 +0110100 Frears 13 +0110100 Dudar 13 +0110100 Doolittle 13 +0110100 Gejdenson 13 +0110100 Zech 13 +0110100 Urquhart 13 +0110100 Ahern 13 +0110100 Mennini 13 +0110100 Falvey 13 +0110100 Dobrynin 13 +0110100 Cantalupo 13 +0110100 Knudson 13 +0110100 McGoldrick 13 +0110100 Kelman 13 +0110100 Vasey 13 +0110100 Deutch 13 +0110100 Saberbein 13 +0110100 Raimondo 13 +0110100 Moray 13 +0110100 Herschell 13 +0110100 Milstein 13 +0110100 Ostroff 13 +0110100 Basinger 13 +0110100 Anker 13 +0110100 Soares 13 +0110100 Pape 13 +0110100 Skeoch 13 +0110100 Ott 13 +0110100 Heston 13 +0110100 Podesta 13 +0110100 Chacin 13 +0110100 Kozloff 13 +0110100 Aleman 13 +0110100 Pinter 13 +0110100 Gergen 14 +0110100 Hamill 14 +0110100 Azpurua 14 +0110100 Havemann 14 +0110100 Kotowski 14 +0110100 Selowsky 14 +0110100 Gatti 14 +0110100 Razaleigh 14 +0110100 Samper 14 +0110100 Zeiger 14 +0110100 Hough 14 +0110100 Weitzel 14 +0110100 Zayed 14 +0110100 Currie 14 +0110100 McCamant 14 +0110100 Godbold 14 +0110100 Smyth 14 +0110100 Coyne 14 +0110100 Gul 14 +0110100 Schmergel 14 +0110100 Dowdy 14 +0110100 Lahti 14 +0110100 Gitlin 14 +0110100 Dulude 14 +0110100 Druckenmiller 14 +0110100 Mazankowski 14 +0110100 Slaine 14 +0110100 Appelbaum 14 +0110100 Nishida 14 +0110100 Fortin 14 +0110100 Crews 14 +0110100 Frucher 14 +0110100 Rapp 14 +0110100 Waitzkin 14 +0110100 Rudin 14 +0110100 Kosowsky 14 +0110100 Dortch 14 +0110100 Conrades 14 +0110100 Falconer 14 +0110100 Unsworth 14 +0110100 Klinger 14 +0110100 Despain 14 +0110100 Ileto 14 +0110100 Escamez 14 +0110100 Gluntz 14 +0110100 Bachmann 14 +0110100 Frantzen 14 +0110100 Ophuls 14 +0110100 Oleske 14 +0110100 Blumenfeld 14 +0110100 Reischauer 14 +0110100 Macfarlane 14 +0110100 Ciaccia 14 +0110100 Schneiderman 14 +0110100 Countryman 14 +0110100 Lauer 14 +0110100 Liro 14 +0110100 Zelnick 14 +0110100 Whitlock 14 +0110100 Mano 14 +0110100 Spethmann 14 +0110100 Trowbridge 14 +0110100 Koplovitz 14 +0110100 Condon 14 +0110100 Pih 14 +0110100 Mendola 14 +0110100 Stillwell 14 +0110100 Khosla 14 +0110100 Nadein 14 +0110100 Zaslow 14 +0110100 Eyton 14 +0110100 Lichter 14 +0110100 Danzig 14 +0110100 Lowery 14 +0110100 Jarrell 14 +0110100 Staller 14 +0110100 Deasy 14 +0110100 Tew 14 +0110100 Ensrud 14 +0110100 Lewins 14 +0110100 Wickham 14 +0110100 Bitar 14 +0110100 Enright 14 +0110100 Deighton 14 +0110100 Smotrich 14 +0110100 Barovic 14 +0110100 Soleil 14 +0110100 Erdrich 14 +0110100 Kawai 14 +0110100 Seydoux 14 +0110100 Yoshioka 14 +0110100 Gleeson 14 +0110100 Notis 14 +0110100 Ebert 14 +0110100 Wisner 14 +0110100 Zap 14 +0110100 Adenauer 14 +0110100 Dugan 14 +0110100 Tauke 14 +0110100 Kangas 14 +0110100 Sikora 14 +0110100 Holst 14 +0110100 Crasnianski 14 +0110100 Lyne 14 +0110100 Barlowe 14 +0110100 Paton 14 +0110100 Shewmaker 14 +0110100 Chadwick 14 +0110100 Goodner 14 +0110100 Woodworth 14 +0110100 Blass 14 +0110100 Balukas 14 +0110100 Bolcom 14 +0110100 Hasegawa 14 +0110100 Montoya 14 +0110100 Huggins 14 +0110100 Mishkin 14 +0110100 Tarantino 14 +0110100 Juge 14 +0110100 Unterman 14 +0110100 C.P.A. 14 +0110100 Oanh 14 +0110100 Bradtmiller 14 +0110100 Zumwalt 14 +0110100 Pert 14 +0110100 Rothberg 14 +0110100 Handros 14 +0110100 Ghidella 14 +0110100 Hoenig 14 +0110100 McWhorter 14 +0110100 Wynyard 14 +0110100 Volvovitz 14 +0110100 Kakimoto 14 +0110100 Synar 14 +0110100 Siedenburg 14 +0110100 Kirchberger 14 +0110100 Teitelbaum 14 +0110100 Bohn 14 +0110100 Ecevit 14 +0110100 Biddle 14 +0110100 Crick 14 +0110100 Bingaman 14 +0110100 Scharp 14 +0110100 Litt 14 +0110100 Ciampi 14 +0110100 Wetzel 14 +0110100 Kupfer 14 +0110100 Westheimer 14 +0110100 Oppens 14 +0110100 Sommers 14 +0110100 McElvaine 14 +0110100 Allaire 14 +0110100 Sandberg 14 +0110100 Kremer 14 +0110100 Lau 14 +0110100 Waldman 14 +0110100 Caridi 14 +0110100 Stoney 14 +0110100 McKnew 14 +0110100 Allman 14 +0110100 Topol 14 +0110100 Sikorski 14 +0110100 Reinsdorf 14 +0110100 Bierbusse 14 +0110100 Zilkha 14 +0110100 Krauss 14 +0110100 Maurer 14 +0110100 Stigler 14 +0110100 Pezeshkan 14 +0110100 Provine 14 +0110100 Wolitarsky 14 +0110100 Janklow 14 +0110100 Riddle 14 +0110100 Shi 14 +0110100 Hendon 14 +0110100 Curd 14 +0110100 Cusack 14 +0110100 Markowitz 14 +0110100 Jeffords 14 +0110100 Gilligan 14 +0110100 Pownall 14 +0110100 Felker 14 +0110100 Chiapparone 14 +0110100 Perkowski 14 +0110100 Barenboim 14 +0110100 Mica 14 +0110100 Newsome 14 +0110100 Zweibel 14 +0110100 Lataif 14 +0110100 Haussmann 14 +0110100 Bordallo 14 +0110100 Aghazadeh 14 +0110100 Eban 14 +0110100 Usry 14 +0110100 Weinstock 14 +0110100 Nakamura 14 +0110100 Engels 14 +0110100 Luttwak 14 +0110100 Hurtt 14 +0110100 Mamis 14 +0110100 Ganis 14 +0110100 Wolpe 14 +0110100 Killory 14 +0110100 Jahn 14 +0110100 Nakhamkin 14 +0110100 Qureshi 14 +0110100 Moman 14 +0110100 Teixeira 14 +0110100 Guterman 14 +0110100 Hoyvald 14 +0110100 Tepper 14 +0110100 Hockin 14 +0110100 Scohier 14 +0110100 Boguslavskaya 14 +0110100 Banoun 14 +0110100 Lipkind 14 +0110100 Rutz 14 +0110100 Asner 14 +0110100 Kress 14 +0110100 Branitzky 14 +0110100 Chabon 14 +0110100 Tartaglia 14 +0110100 Haymes 14 +0110100 Wardrop 14 +0110100 Kheel 14 +0110100 Thometz 14 +0110100 Bottel 14 +0110100 Neukirchen 14 +0110100 Shively 14 +0110100 Saidiner 14 +0110100 Cuddihy 14 +0110100 Attenborough 14 +0110100 Rushton 15 +0110100 Salazar 15 +0110100 Bergmann 15 +0110100 Witkin 15 +0110100 Aykroyd 15 +0110100 Burleson 15 +0110100 Worseck 15 +0110100 Crowder 15 +0110100 Jablonski 15 +0110100 Considine 15 +0110100 Liscom 15 +0110100 Loucks 15 +0110100 Braunwald 15 +0110100 Prichard 15 +0110100 Rowell 15 +0110100 Schram 15 +0110100 Olesen 15 +0110100 Yarnell 15 +0110100 Cortes 15 +0110100 Grigoli 15 +0110100 Sarokin 15 +0110100 Miyazaki 15 +0110100 Schluter 15 +0110100 Rocca 15 +0110100 Chinh 15 +0110100 Bonin 15 +0110100 Allard 15 +0110100 Beytout 15 +0110100 Coll 15 +0110100 Benard 15 +0110100 Gvaryahu 15 +0110100 Crichton 15 +0110100 Cowell 15 +0110100 Brenna 15 +0110100 Fery 15 +0110100 Kraeutler 15 +0110100 Terrizzi 15 +0110100 Kristiansen 15 +0110100 Wildavsky 15 +0110100 Liebowitz 15 +0110100 Hoch 15 +0110100 Schechter 15 +0110100 Armellino 15 +0110100 Hagens 15 +0110100 Salamon 15 +0110100 Relman 15 +0110100 Fricke 15 +0110100 Chow 15 +0110100 Kerrigan 15 +0110100 Blitz 15 +0110100 Ringe 15 +0110100 Catto 15 +0110100 Kennan 15 +0110100 Fulani 15 +0110100 Riely 15 +0110100 Maslyukov 15 +0110100 Headroom 15 +0110100 Malkovich 15 +0110100 Aponte 15 +0110100 Baig 15 +0110100 Fichera 15 +0110100 Rakolta 15 +0110100 Donapria 15 +0110100 Monsky 15 +0110100 Covatta 15 +0110100 Villanueva 15 +0110100 Kuehler 15 +0110100 Verleger 15 +0110100 Ben-Dov 15 +0110100 DeArment 15 +0110100 Kess 15 +0110100 Pletscher 15 +0110100 Helton 15 +0110100 Paff 15 +0110100 Gillman 15 +0110100 Beaudoin 15 +0110100 Kilburn 15 +0110100 Litvack 15 +0110100 Nurock 15 +0110100 Meyo 15 +0110100 Demme 15 +0110100 Marcheschi 15 +0110100 Beckham 15 +0110100 Sharansky 15 +0110100 Iason 15 +0110100 Loftus 15 +0110100 Marcial 15 +0110100 Biggar 15 +0110100 Helprin 15 +0110100 McCrea 15 +0110100 Dornbusch 15 +0110100 Perch 15 +0110100 Kochan 15 +0110100 Arrington 15 +0110100 Besharov 15 +0110100 Vicenzi 15 +0110100 Landes 15 +0110100 Batchelor 15 +0110100 Dornan 15 +0110100 Goh 15 +0110100 Dauster 15 +0110100 Ziolkowski 15 +0110100 Knauss 15 +0110100 Hazelbaker 15 +0110100 Pasman 15 +0110100 Gupta 15 +0110100 Lichtenberg 15 +0110100 Velasco 15 +0110100 Mutz 15 +0110100 Darling 15 +0110100 Lachica 15 +0110100 Bertolucci 15 +0110100 Marton 15 +0110100 Saleh 15 +0110100 Leming 15 +0110100 Falcigno 15 +0110100 Kessel 15 +0110100 Solodar 15 +0110100 Sargeant 15 +0110100 Bryden 15 +0110100 Plisetskaya 15 +0110100 Sauls 15 +0110100 Mignanelli 15 +0110100 Kunkel 15 +0110100 Glendinning 15 +0110100 Muratore 15 +0110100 Kasputys 15 +0110100 Decherd 15 +0110100 Bourne 15 +0110100 Gulley 15 +0110100 Nicandros 15 +0110100 Fauntroy 15 +0110100 Kondo 15 +0110100 Shuster 15 +0110100 McGuigan 15 +0110100 Martirosov 15 +0110100 Brumbaugh 15 +0110100 Puck 15 +0110100 Goelzer 15 +0110100 Figueroa 15 +0110100 Bonker 15 +0110100 Rusher 15 +0110100 Kreiger 15 +0110100 Swaim 15 +0110100 Minarik 15 +0110100 Smithburg 15 +0110100 Brinker 15 +0110100 Crispen 15 +0110100 McEvoy 15 +0110100 Macktal 15 +0110100 Michaelis 15 +0110100 Sesit 15 +0110100 Mair 15 +0110100 Hsu 15 +0110100 Mericantante 15 +0110100 Shaddix 15 +0110100 Poyner 15 +0110100 Ambrose 15 +0110100 Singerman 15 +0110100 Jett 15 +0110100 Shutt 15 +0110100 Ludmer 15 +0110100 Fetterolf 15 +0110100 Lampert 15 +0110100 Tarrance 15 +0110100 Hendrick 15 +0110100 Truex 15 +0110100 Styles 15 +0110100 Stubblefield 15 +0110100 Steinmetz 15 +0110100 Lekachman 15 +0110100 Enterline 15 +0110100 Pence 15 +0110100 Broome 15 +0110100 Mohr 15 +0110100 Hering 15 +0110100 Cantwell 15 +0110100 Berri 15 +0110100 Tamke 15 +0110100 Canepa 15 +0110100 Rothstein 15 +0110100 Schwarzman 15 +0110100 Aoun 15 +0110100 Halvorsen 15 +0110100 Scholl 15 +0110100 Fishlow 15 +0110100 Senner 15 +0110100 Boeschenstein 15 +0110100 Palermo 15 +0110100 Soleri 15 +0110100 Skeeters 15 +0110100 Raskin 15 +0110100 Haupert 15 +0110100 Jenninger 16 +0110100 Fitzsimmons 16 +0110100 Prentnieks 16 +0110100 della 16 +0110100 Shay 16 +0110100 Chodorow 16 +0110100 Lazzell 16 +0110100 Ruderman 16 +0110100 Varzi 16 +0110100 Ihasz 16 +0110100 Lynford 16 +0110100 Johansson 16 +0110100 Potts 16 +0110100 McCardell 16 +0110100 Sherrer 16 +0110100 Syron 16 +0110100 Grennan 16 +0110100 Schupak 16 +0110100 Mazzorana 16 +0110100 Dorsch 16 +0110100 Isgro 16 +0110100 Vajna 16 +0110100 Goodson 16 +0110100 Schuler 16 +0110100 Gretzky 16 +0110100 Schlang 16 +0110100 Ninagawa 16 +0110100 Hanisee 16 +0110100 Fugard 16 +0110100 Stalon 16 +0110100 Horvitz 16 +0110100 Mazza 16 +0110100 Tsang 16 +0110100 Fahrenkopf 16 +0110100 Sokolov 16 +0110100 DeLillo 16 +0110100 Clott 16 +0110100 Melton 16 +0110100 Podhoretz 16 +0110100 Espy 16 +0110100 Manners 16 +0110100 Nesi 16 +0110100 Buckhantz 16 +0110100 Gagnon 16 +0110100 Shohat 16 +0110100 Krohn 16 +0110100 Brocksmith 16 +0110100 Buegler 16 +0110100 Quindlen 16 +0110100 Gotthelf 16 +0110100 Confair 16 +0110100 Wollaeger 16 +0110100 Wilk 16 +0110100 Barthelemy 16 +0110100 Sear 16 +0110100 Villar 16 +0110100 Goldwasser 16 +0110100 Mrazek 16 +0110100 Lareau 16 +0110100 Bissell 16 +0110100 Gorges 16 +0110100 Fantle 16 +0110100 Gherman 16 +0110100 Skelton 16 +0110100 Ronstadt 16 +0110100 Malanga 16 +0110100 Lombardi 16 +0110100 Murrin 16 +0110100 Desmarais 16 +0110100 Haritos 16 +0110100 Scharenberg 16 +0110100 Cirillo 16 +0110100 Hemminghaus 16 +0110100 Carvell 16 +0110100 Grua 16 +0110100 Edell 16 +0110100 Labrecque 16 +0110100 Kolowich 16 +0110100 Lambro 16 +0110100 Mattingly 16 +0110100 Conley 16 +0110100 Miner 16 +0110100 Bonior 16 +0110100 Volk 16 +0110100 Cornfeld 16 +0110100 Reichley 16 +0110100 Hogwood 16 +0110100 Malott 16 +0110100 Peppers 16 +0110100 Lehmann 16 +0110100 Welp 16 +0110100 Okun 16 +0110100 Lemmon 16 +0110100 Vorontsov 16 +0110100 Maglica 16 +0110100 Helmick 16 +0110100 Kubiak 16 +0110100 Harada 16 +0110100 Ouellette 16 +0110100 Finkelson 16 +0110100 Arum 16 +0110100 Markman 16 +0110100 Thaler 16 +0110100 Rothe 16 +0110100 DeLong 16 +0110100 Pels 16 +0110100 Pappas 16 +0110100 Morze 16 +0110100 Boschwitz 16 +0110100 Herzlinger 16 +0110100 Sestanovich 16 +0110100 Oelman 16 +0110100 Slovo 16 +0110100 Vittoria 16 +0110100 Tseng 16 +0110100 Sas 16 +0110100 Turco 16 +0110100 Benefield 16 +0110100 Hazen 16 +0110100 Caloway 16 +0110100 Beeney 16 +0110100 Wyser-Pratte 16 +0110100 Greenberger 16 +0110100 Blain 16 +0110100 McCarry 16 +0110100 Aronoff 16 +0110100 Avedisian 16 +0110100 Alhadeff 16 +0110100 Carothers 16 +0110100 Sundlun 16 +0110100 Sher 16 +0110100 Eckart 16 +0110100 Liemandt 16 +0110100 Turley 16 +0110100 Asman 16 +0110100 Giffen 16 +0110100 Giblen 16 +0110100 Whitacre 16 +0110100 Susann 16 +0110100 Caputo 16 +0110100 Penzer 16 +0110100 Gabler 16 +0110100 Stronach 16 +0110100 Squires 16 +0110100 Guffey 16 +0110100 Mukasey 16 +0110100 Cates 16 +0110100 Lauber 16 +0110100 Bettenberg 16 +0110100 Whipple 16 +0110100 Ishikawa 16 +0110100 Gehry 16 +0110100 Tellep 16 +0110100 Durchholz 16 +0110100 Smiley 16 +0110100 Locsin 16 +0110100 Birk 16 +0110100 Kurland 16 +0110100 Ponsolle 16 +0110100 Gibian 16 +0110100 Nikkhah 16 +0110100 Lazier 16 +0110100 Lively 16 +0110100 Gunsalus 16 +0110100 Lippmann 16 +0110100 Kamali 16 +0110100 Ellmann 16 +0110100 Wyngaarden 16 +0110100 Kolb 16 +0110100 Kagler 16 +0110100 Kastenmeier 16 +0110100 DioGuardi 16 +0110100 Slocum 17 +0110100 McAuliffe 17 +0110100 Zlotnick 17 +0110100 Mizuno 17 +0110100 Villegas 17 +0110100 Lent 17 +0110100 Rios 17 +0110100 Starkman 17 +0110100 McPhee 17 +0110100 Stattin 17 +0110100 Huizenga 17 +0110100 Ledbetter 17 +0110100 Schwartzman 17 +0110100 Pareti 17 +0110100 Mantle 17 +0110100 Hadfield 17 +0110100 Fournier 17 +0110100 Ohmae 17 +0110100 Mundell 17 +0110100 Koontz 17 +0110100 McGarr 17 +0110100 Hawking 17 +0110100 Slusher 17 +0110100 Doty 17 +0110100 Hudgins 17 +0110100 Kennelly 17 +0110100 Nall 17 +0110100 Ozick 17 +0110100 Fediay 17 +0110100 Litan 17 +0110100 Sweig 17 +0110100 Natale 17 +0110100 Wildmon 17 +0110100 Kitajima 17 +0110100 Junejo 17 +0110100 Landow 17 +0110100 Fusilli 17 +0110100 Isgur 17 +0110100 Ishihara 17 +0110100 Gans 17 +0110100 Sisulu 17 +0110100 Monahan 17 +0110100 Riss 17 +0110100 LaBonte 17 +0110100 Halmos 17 +0110100 Anreder 17 +0110100 Palmerino 17 +0110100 Borges 17 +0110100 Berardi 17 +0110100 Turchyn 17 +0110100 Kalliel 17 +0110100 Erck 17 +0110100 Costner 17 +0110100 Kuttner 17 +0110100 Torok 17 +0110100 Florescue 17 +0110100 Klesken 17 +0110100 Alderson 17 +0110100 Childs 17 +0110100 Alfiero 17 +0110100 Selwitz 17 +0110100 Beim 17 +0110100 Magnuson 17 +0110100 Kabbani 17 +0110100 Sulya 17 +0110100 Kapuscinski 17 +0110100 McMurray 17 +0110100 Marlowe 17 +0110100 Ewton 17 +0110100 Handley 17 +0110100 Barkley 17 +0110100 Hearns 17 +0110100 Eskridge 17 +0110100 Elsas 17 +0110100 Bierwirth 17 +0110100 Breyer 17 +0110100 Nordlund 17 +0110100 Mariucci 17 +0110100 Mullane 17 +0110100 Corley 17 +0110100 Gatliff 17 +0110100 Musolino 17 +0110100 Crippen 17 +0110100 Orton 17 +0110100 McKeon 17 +0110100 Crouch 17 +0110100 Flannigan 17 +0110100 Hinkle 17 +0110100 Heineman 17 +0110100 Berreth 17 +0110100 Brittain 17 +0110100 Harrigan 17 +0110100 Gorelick 17 +0110100 Bortel 17 +0110100 Souza 17 +0110100 Eppel 17 +0110100 Kawamura 17 +0110100 Goldberger 17 +0110100 Hindman 17 +0110100 Azcarraga 17 +0110100 Leveque 17 +0110100 Weigel 17 +0110100 Vranitzky 17 +0110100 Deering 17 +0110100 Reichert 17 +0110100 Urbanchuk 17 +0110100 Wessel 17 +0110100 Hannon 17 +0110100 Spagna 17 +0110100 Futrell 17 +0110100 Kundera 17 +0110100 Bomberg 17 +0110100 Barthelme 17 +0110100 Dutil 17 +0110100 Pattiz 17 +0110100 Manzella 17 +0110100 Malcolmson 17 +0110100 Eyler 17 +0110100 Polite 17 +0110100 Valente 17 +0110100 Gravely 17 +0110100 Goodfriend 17 +0110100 Kresa 17 +0110100 Dohnanyi 17 +0110100 Galpin 17 +0110100 Bellas 17 +0110100 Curzio 17 +0110100 Lek 17 +0110100 Nettles 17 +0110100 Zamora 17 +0110100 Goldschmidt 17 +0110100 Shafer 17 +0110100 Bosak 17 +0110100 Cordovez 17 +0110100 Ehrlichman 17 +0110100 Rudnet 17 +0110100 Szabo 17 +0110100 Crimmins 17 +0110100 Seifert 17 +0110100 Duvall 17 +0110100 Osterhoff 17 +0110100 Leinsdorf 17 +0110100 Wintour 17 +0110100 Lighthizer 17 +0110100 Chamberlin 17 +0110100 Hepburn 17 +0110100 Costa-Gavras 17 +0110100 Moffitt 17 +0110100 Hauptfuhrer 17 +0110100 Barbee 17 +0110100 Baur 17 +0110100 Calkins 17 +0110100 Nimrodi 18 +0110100 Robards 18 +0110100 Teague 18 +0110100 McCulley 18 +0110100 Rommel 18 +0110100 Newcomb 18 +0110100 Deihl 18 +0110100 Hintz 18 +0110100 Brando 18 +0110100 Sokolin 18 +0110100 Rifenburgh 18 +0110100 Escobar 18 +0110100 Edgell 18 +0110100 Mackintosh 18 +0110100 Rawls 18 +0110100 Kruttschnitt 18 +0110100 Jacobi 18 +0110100 Dorrance 18 +0110100 Pilson 18 +0110100 Eagleburger 18 +0110100 Belsky 18 +0110100 Piazzolla 18 +0110100 Carrick 18 +0110100 Bergenfield 18 +0110100 Unger 18 +0110100 Corea 18 +0110100 Jeyaretnam 18 +0110100 Mullin 18 +0110100 Markowski 18 +0110100 Pirko 18 +0110100 Schall 18 +0110100 Poitier 18 +0110100 Shribman 18 +0110100 Giovenco 18 +0110100 Chebrikov 18 +0110100 Sethness 18 +0110100 Romer 18 +0110100 Lagardere 18 +0110100 Veil 18 +0110100 Habib 18 +0110100 Tassin 18 +0110100 Artzt 18 +0110100 Wortley 18 +0110100 Payton 18 +0110100 Sadler 18 +0110100 Anguilla 18 +0110100 Dymally 18 +0110100 Hoyle 18 +0110100 Schlafly 18 +0110100 Ocampo 18 +0110100 Zarb 18 +0110100 Ravitch 18 +0110100 Klejna 18 +0110100 Chajet 18 +0110100 Hazlett 18 +0110100 Kubrick 18 +0110100 Markese 18 +0110100 Archambault 18 +0110100 Halprin 18 +0110100 Itami 18 +0110100 Richer 18 +0110100 Coward 18 +0110100 Mendez 18 +0110100 Begun 18 +0110100 Woodard 18 +0110100 Woerner 18 +0110100 Taney 18 +0110100 Rohs 18 +0110100 Esposito 18 +0110100 Seaton 18 +0110100 Estridge 18 +0110100 DeBakey 18 +0110100 Novick 18 +0110100 Lortel 18 +0110100 Sarlos 18 +0110100 Arvey 18 +0110100 Kirsch 18 +0110100 Gumport 18 +0110100 Traficant 18 +0110100 Solti 18 +0110100 DeWine 18 +0110100 Polevoi 18 +0110100 McBee 18 +0110100 Kita 18 +0110100 Tashjian 18 +0110100 Spellman 18 +0110100 Hawes 18 +0110100 Ruskin 18 +0110100 Dedeurwaerder 18 +0110100 Masuda 18 +0110100 Brownlee 18 +0110100 Geren 18 +0110100 Cassani 18 +0110100 Kindleberger 18 +0110100 Nickles 18 +0110100 Eigen 18 +0110100 Mugniyah 18 +0110100 Guarnaccia 18 +0110100 Boner 18 +0110100 Arledge 18 +0110100 Kurtz 18 +0110100 Seife 18 +0110100 Eccles 18 +0110100 Nealon 18 +0110100 Feuerman 18 +0110100 Oxley 18 +0110100 Neves 18 +0110100 Scholz 18 +0110100 Trillin 18 +0110100 Banerjee 18 +0110100 Papp 18 +0110100 Braddock 18 +0110100 Dutoit 18 +0110100 Keough 18 +0110100 Schlecht 18 +0110100 Burson 18 +0110100 Posnick 18 +0110100 Retemeyer 18 +0110100 Osterkamp 18 +0110100 Conn 18 +0110100 Forrestal 18 +0110100 Bukovsky 18 +0110100 Fulghum 18 +0110100 Friedson 18 +0110100 Dowd 18 +0110100 Bawer 18 +0110100 Retton 18 +0110100 Boroian 18 +0110100 Ellerbee 18 +0110100 Thanh 18 +0110100 Lamer 19 +0110100 Glasow 19 +0110100 Revzin 19 +0110100 McNerney 19 +0110100 Steinman 19 +0110100 Plotkin 19 +0110100 Beasley 19 +0110100 Monieson 19 +0110100 Obeid 19 +0110100 Brawley 19 +0110100 Osgood 19 +0110100 Reichler 19 +0110100 Milosevic 19 +0110100 Collor 19 +0110100 Ezoe 19 +0110100 Penner 19 +0110100 Rotberg 19 +0110100 Orsini 19 +0110100 Schreiber 19 +0110100 Schrempf 19 +0110100 Tregurtha 19 +0110100 Schwarzer 19 +0110100 Rayburn 19 +0110100 Kulkarni 19 +0110100 al-Wazir 19 +0110100 Dequeker 19 +0110100 Beckel 19 +0110100 DeCook 19 +0110100 Kiefer 19 +0110100 Yamashita 19 +0110100 Djurdjevic 19 +0110100 Stemberg 19 +0110100 Neto 19 +0110100 Rohrer 19 +0110100 Theroux 19 +0110100 Davignon 19 +0110100 Arbel 19 +0110100 Carswell 19 +0110100 Sigler 19 +0110100 Fujioka 19 +0110100 Glaser 19 +0110100 Blakenham 19 +0110100 Aweida 19 +0110100 Schwimmer 19 +0110100 Daspin 19 +0110100 Oslin 19 +0110100 Scholey 19 +0110100 Laidig 19 +0110100 Rill 19 +0110100 Bronston 19 +0110100 Jeffers 19 +0110100 Creighton 19 +0110100 Medvedev 19 +0110100 Chissano 19 +0110100 Hiler 19 +0110100 Soares-Kemp 19 +0110100 Elden 19 +0110100 Friedrick 19 +0110100 Kanter 19 +0110100 Squier 19 +0110100 Tussing 19 +0110100 Shurtleff 19 +0110100 Feeney 19 +0110100 Piscopo 19 +0110100 Albers 19 +0110100 Bussi 19 +0110100 Geneen 19 +0110100 Worrell 19 +0110100 Lichtblau 19 +0110100 Mikulski 19 +0110100 Liss 19 +0110100 Lencioni 19 +0110100 Obispo 19 +0110100 Salzberg 19 +0110100 Helfgott 19 +0110100 Breen 19 +0110100 Runckel 19 +0110100 Chaney 19 +0110100 Fourtou 19 +0110100 Orser 19 +0110100 Sciarra 19 +0110100 Kann 19 +0110100 Michener 19 +0110100 Tyrrell 19 +0110100 Kente 19 +0110100 Solow 19 +0110100 Channing 19 +0110100 Resnick 19 +0110100 Holbrook 19 +0110100 Schnittke 19 +0110100 Markle 19 +0110100 Garfinkle 19 +0110100 Corwin 19 +0110100 Lind 19 +0110100 Ballmer 19 +0110100 Nadler 19 +0110100 Ochoa 19 +0110100 Renier 19 +0110100 Stiles 19 +0110100 Dangerfield 19 +0110100 Subotnick 19 +0110100 Pons 19 +0110100 Schmeltzer 19 +0110100 Fehr 19 +0110100 Rendell 19 +0110100 Nendick 19 +0110100 Weitler 19 +0110100 Headrick 19 +0110100 Sondheim 19 +0110100 Sagan 19 +0110100 Lieberthal 19 +0110100 Nakayama 19 +0110100 Bartels 19 +0110100 Gassee 19 +0110100 Corday 19 +0110100 Samuelson 19 +0110100 Bluestone 19 +0110100 Koryagin 19 +0110100 Elliman 19 +0110100 Irani 19 +0110100 Kaunda 19 +0110100 Salizzoni 19 +0110100 Baltzell 19 +0110100 Castellvi 19 +0110100 Isautier 19 +0110100 Hoagland 19 +0110100 Guttman 19 +0110100 Leisenring 19 +0110100 Macioce 19 +0110100 Horwitz 19 +0110100 Hinckley 19 +0110100 Pistor 20 +0110100 Swavely 20 +0110100 Sexton 20 +0110100 Gauthier 20 +0110100 Ortiz 20 +0110100 Barrone 20 +0110100 Penman 20 +0110100 Lewinsohn 20 +0110100 Syrek 20 +0110100 Hohorst 20 +0110100 Leuzzi 20 +0110100 Boehm 20 +0110100 Moyer 20 +0110100 Qin 20 +0110100 Abanto 20 +0110100 Ramey 20 +0110100 Sakai 20 +0110100 Mottus 20 +0110100 Drapkin 20 +0110100 Ciccarone 20 +0110100 Volberding 20 +0110100 Mechem 20 +0110100 Kuse 20 +0110100 Stubbs 20 +0110100 Kuczynski 20 +0110100 Mavroules 20 +0110100 Nabi 20 +0110100 Popieluszko 20 +0110100 Cardin 20 +0110100 Chema 20 +0110100 Godard 20 +0110100 Bradlee 20 +0110100 Nakagawa 20 +0110100 Ozawa 20 +0110100 Blumstein 20 +0110100 Sorkow 20 +0110100 Friedsam 20 +0110100 Cymrot 20 +0110100 Getz 20 +0110100 Christenson 20 +0110100 Liang 20 +0110100 Maughan 20 +0110100 Junot 20 +0110100 Murtha 20 +0110100 McCulloch 20 +0110100 Batuigas 20 +0110100 Ontiveros 20 +0110100 Holderman 20 +0110100 Broadhead 20 +0110100 Taber 20 +0110100 Stemple 20 +0110100 Higgs 20 +0110100 Quintero 20 +0110100 deux 20 +0110100 Goodison 20 +0110100 Eggleston 20 +0110100 Canter 20 +0110100 Rao 20 +0110100 Manion 20 +0110100 Tsongas 20 +0110100 Mirabella 20 +0110100 Ewalt 20 +0110100 McCue 20 +0110100 Kunert 20 +0110100 Conti 20 +0110100 Larosiere 20 +0110100 Fossel 20 +0110100 Metter 20 +0110100 Simonds-Gooding 20 +0110100 Spock 20 +0110100 Probst 20 +0110100 Maucher 20 +0110100 Messer 20 +0110100 Ashcroft 20 +0110100 Sticht 20 +0110100 Tribull 20 +0110100 Kiszczak 20 +0110100 Tsakos 20 +0110100 McQueen 20 +0110100 Krapels 20 +0110100 Malin 20 +0110100 McAlinden 20 +0110100 Rees 20 +0110100 Baden 20 +0110100 Grano 20 +0110100 Haimovitz 20 +0110100 Celnik 20 +0110100 Jarchow 20 +0110100 Goulet 20 +0110100 Konen 20 +0110100 Nickelson 20 +0110100 Mencken 20 +0110100 Palmeri 20 +0110100 Stiegemeier 20 +0110100 Strinden 20 +0110100 Hanke 20 +0110100 Blandon 20 +0110100 Trueblood 20 +0110100 Amado 20 +0110100 Liddy 20 +0110100 Perritt 20 +0110100 Petzinger 20 +0110100 Yacos 20 +0110100 Krischer 20 +0110100 Espinosa 20 +0110100 Wheatley 20 +0110100 Bongard 20 +0110100 Blessing 20 +0110100 DiIanni 20 +0110100 Lacefield 20 +0110100 MacCallum 20 +0110100 Guarino 20 +0110100 Kelsey 20 +0110100 Isaacson 20 +0110100 Askew 20 +0110100 Capote 20 +0110100 Machold 20 +0110100 Siefert 20 +0110100 Ackroyd 20 +0110100 Bacha 20 +0110100 Guyon 20 +0110100 Karatz 20 +0110100 Dube 20 +0110100 Ainslie 21 +0110100 Kouril 21 +0110100 McMahan 21 +0110100 Ivey 21 +0110100 Haq 21 +0110100 Tharp 21 +0110100 Glazier 21 +0110100 Treurnicht 21 +0110100 Vann 21 +0110100 Wiseman 21 +0110100 Kingon 21 +0110100 Tettamanti 21 +0110100 Baez 21 +0110100 Monsod 21 +0110100 Arison 21 +0110100 Vartanian 21 +0110100 LaMothe 21 +0110100 Perlin 21 +0110100 Hassler 21 +0110100 Schlueter 21 +0110100 Deikel 21 +0110100 Barbella 21 +0110100 Izumi 21 +0110100 Bressler 21 +0110100 Lund 21 +0110100 Dassler 21 +0110100 Secchia 21 +0110100 Pae 21 +0110100 Cayne 21 +0110100 Ribicoff 21 +0110100 Huang 21 +0110100 Seixas 21 +0110100 Eckert 21 +0110100 Avril 21 +0110100 Grigoryants 21 +0110100 Kreicher 21 +0110100 Conlan 21 +0110100 Axilrod 21 +0110100 Weis 21 +0110100 Honderich 21 +0110100 Rostropovich 21 +0110100 Carlzon 21 +0110100 Sharer 21 +0110100 Cosgrove 21 +0110100 Sharma 21 +0110100 Sturman 21 +0110100 Tigert 21 +0110100 Derr 21 +0110100 Califano 21 +0110100 Kistler 21 +0110100 Creedon 21 +0110100 Pizzo 21 +0110100 Sorenson 21 +0110100 Isaacs 21 +0110100 Daim 21 +0110100 Norrington 21 +0110100 Ducey 21 +0110100 Soifer 21 +0110100 Husseini 21 +0110100 Finkielstain 21 +0110100 Kelleher 21 +0110100 Terrell 21 +0110100 Alpert 21 +0110100 Climaco 21 +0110100 Pettit 21 +0110100 Callaghan 21 +0110100 Boyce 21 +0110100 Moreno 21 +0110100 Gulliver 21 +0110100 Brimmer 21 +0110100 Boltz 21 +0110100 Bahrenburg 21 +0110100 Guerra 21 +0110100 Scheer 21 +0110100 Pedersen 21 +0110100 Swenson 21 +0110100 MacLaine 21 +0110100 Redgrave 21 +0110100 Louganis 21 +0110100 Queenan 21 +0110100 Uchida 21 +0110100 Troyanos 21 +0110100 Alegrett 21 +0110100 Bavis 21 +0110100 Culler 21 +0110100 Poznikov 21 +0110100 Rothchild 21 +0110100 Hamdoon 21 +0110100 Thanos 21 +0110100 Skolnick 21 +0110100 Lamle 21 +0110100 Fascell 21 +0110100 Diery 21 +0110100 Linder 21 +0110100 Kass 21 +0110100 Bodner 21 +0110100 Spens 21 +0110100 Carnicero 21 +0110100 Stenholm 21 +0110100 Kassar 21 +0110100 Maslin 21 +0110100 Gidel 21 +0110100 Gabor 21 +0110100 Ambriano 21 +0110100 Skala 21 +0110100 Bickford 21 +0110100 Hinz 21 +0110100 Campos 21 +0110100 Mortara 21 +0110100 Blankenship 21 +0110100 Staloff 21 +0110100 Finkbiner 21 +0110100 Wexler 21 +0110100 Resnais 21 +0110100 Dolezal 21 +0110100 Biderman 21 +0110100 Chiu 22 +0110100 Perito 22 +0110100 Dessauer 22 +0110100 Condit 22 +0110100 Cavanaugh 22 +0110100 Hayman 22 +0110100 Moreland 22 +0110100 Phillippi 22 +0110100 Cabrera 22 +0110100 Feigen 22 +0110100 Furer 22 +0110100 Halperin 22 +0110100 Alioto 22 +0110100 Attali 22 +0110100 Bolles 22 +0110100 Terracciano 22 +0110100 Subandrio 22 +0110100 Seaga 22 +0110100 Ruding 22 +0110100 Allais 22 +0110100 Sarni 22 +0110100 Natcher 22 +0110100 Friedmann 22 +0110100 Mossberg 22 +0110100 Cartusciello 22 +0110100 Goloven 22 +0110100 Agostini 22 +0110100 Flumenbaum 22 +0110100 Muramatsu 22 +0110100 Bijur 22 +0110100 Nishi 22 +0110100 Stirling 22 +0110100 Rybakov 22 +0110100 Lipson 22 +0110100 Kozol 22 +0110100 Weed 22 +0110100 Martins 22 +0110100 Byrnes 22 +0110100 Duesberg 22 +0110100 Wien 22 +0110100 Greider 22 +0110100 Wisel 22 +0110100 Patinkin 22 +0110100 Buren 22 +0110100 Jeanniot 22 +0110100 Scarfo 22 +0110100 Valenzuela 22 +0110100 Erikson 22 +0110100 Sokol 22 +0110100 McNay 22 +0110100 Francois-Poncet 22 +0110100 Leibovitz 22 +0110100 LaBow 22 +0110100 Taki 22 +0110100 Otaiba 22 +0110100 Dickerson 22 +0110100 Belli 22 +0110100 Carmichael 22 +0110100 Erburu 22 +0110100 Amis 22 +0110100 Bok 22 +0110100 Lapham 22 +0110100 Berton 22 +0110100 Carper 22 +0110100 Ferrara 22 +0110100 Hendrix 22 +0110100 Gottschalk 22 +0110100 Ellison 22 +0110100 Volpicella 22 +0110100 Castleman 22 +0110100 Catain 22 +0110100 Lovejoy 22 +0110100 Lupo 22 +0110100 Malkiel 22 +0110100 Wunderle 22 +0110100 Kavanagh 22 +0110100 Hersch 22 +0110100 Sankey 22 +0110100 Genger 22 +0110100 Berner 22 +0110100 Luft 22 +0110100 Mofford 22 +0110100 Pate 22 +0110100 Friesen 22 +0110100 Lacovara 22 +0110100 DeMuth 22 +0110100 Donlan 22 +0110100 Quinton 22 +0110100 Venturi 22 +0110100 Gignoux 22 +0110100 Frawley 22 +0110100 Crutchfield 22 +0110100 Ohmura 22 +0110100 Schrader 22 +0110100 Duzan 22 +0110100 Hagan 22 +0110100 Iosue 22 +0110100 Jimenez 22 +0110100 Grigorovich 22 +0110100 Revson 22 +0110100 Jakes 22 +0110100 Chaplin 22 +0110100 Colbert 22 +0110100 Gerson 22 +0110100 McKernan 22 +0110100 Sanada 22 +0110100 Waleson 22 +0110100 Dominelli 22 +0110100 Loiseau 22 +0110100 Buckstein 22 +0110100 Karp 22 +0110100 Hayashi 22 +0110100 Sacks 22 +0110100 Valenzano 22 +0110100 Kleckner 22 +0110100 Pompadur 22 +0110100 Chesley 22 +0110100 Beckett 22 +0110100 Bochco 22 +0110100 Bianchi 22 +0110100 Parcher 22 +0110100 Strenger 22 +0110100 Tuyle 22 +0110100 Lyski 22 +0110100 Calvet 22 +0110100 Brannon 22 +0110100 Mulligan 22 +0110100 Goizueta 22 +0110100 McCurdy 23 +0110100 Brinkman 23 +0110100 Colton 23 +0110100 McCartney 23 +0110100 LeFrere 23 +0110100 Mooradian 23 +0110100 McGregor 23 +0110100 DiMaggio 23 +0110100 Dabah 23 +0110100 Lindgren 23 +0110100 Pincavage 23 +0110100 FitzGerald 23 +0110100 Callies 23 +0110100 Jacoboski 23 +0110100 Calloway 23 +0110100 Huffstutler 23 +0110100 Fahey 23 +0110100 Powelson 23 +0110100 Demirel 23 +0110100 Burford 23 +0110100 Lavoro 23 +0110100 Koh 23 +0110100 Engeleiter 23 +0110100 Bosco 23 +0110100 Abelow 23 +0110100 Tennenbaum 23 +0110100 Guccione 23 +0110100 Neidl 23 +0110100 Noyce 23 +0110100 Warrick 23 +0110100 Hentic 23 +0110100 Whitfield 23 +0110100 Forman 23 +0110100 Sorkin 23 +0110100 Munoz 23 +0110100 Hubbell 23 +0110100 Giard 23 +0110100 Gero 23 +0110100 McGegan 23 +0110100 Wolsfeld 23 +0110100 Magee 23 +0110100 Reamer 23 +0110100 Rosenstein 23 +0110100 Fanning 23 +0110100 Broomfield 23 +0110100 Mauro 23 +0110100 Mertz 23 +0110100 Abdallah 23 +0110100 Comer 23 +0110100 Mailer 23 +0110100 Lublin 23 +0110100 Fusco 23 +0110100 Maddox 23 +0110100 Benninger 23 +0110100 McDade 23 +0110100 Gruber 23 +0110100 Capone 23 +0110100 Yamaguchi 23 +0110100 Schimberni 23 +0110100 Reiter 23 +0110100 Ayers 23 +0110100 Bozic 23 +0110100 Haber 23 +0110100 Haacke 23 +0110100 Pattie 23 +0110100 Birdsall 23 +0110100 Friedley 23 +0110100 Rosenblatt 23 +0110100 Farkas 23 +0110100 Zwick 23 +0110100 Mayhew 23 +0110100 Jesudason 23 +0110100 Tietmeyer 23 +0110100 Hoelterhoff 23 +0110100 Sternberg 23 +0110100 Sperlich 23 +0110100 Sprung 23 +0110100 Stuckey 23 +0110100 Spiegelman 23 +0110100 Lavin 23 +0110100 Gunlicks 23 +0110100 Durbin 23 +0110100 Desai 23 +0110100 Shaver 23 +0110100 Hartmann 23 +0110100 Dannemeyer 23 +0110100 Guerrero 23 +0110100 Machel 23 +0110100 Simes 23 +0110100 Felis 23 +0110100 Javett 23 +0110100 Reinhardt 23 +0110100 Benitez 23 +0110100 Oehmen 23 +0110100 Lavery 23 +0110100 Snedaker 23 +0110100 Cedergren 23 +0110100 Manigat 23 +0110100 Rakowski 24 +0110100 Hagiwara 24 +0110100 Udagawa 24 +0110100 Gunderson 24 +0110100 Sajak 24 +0110100 Kerr-Dineen 24 +0110100 Fickling 24 +0110100 Hinson 24 +0110100 Blakey 24 +0110100 Kimsey 24 +0110100 Perlmutter 24 +0110100 Kocur 24 +0110100 LeFevre 24 +0110100 Streep 24 +0110100 Micheli 24 +0110100 Zamfir 24 +0110100 Meselson 24 +0110100 Nitze 24 +0110100 Ladehoff 24 +0110100 Tuccillo 24 +0110100 Malabre 24 +0110100 Atta 24 +0110100 Billington 24 +0110100 Bradfield 24 +0110100 Schweich 24 +0110100 Gyohten 24 +0110100 Pollini 24 +0110100 Esch 24 +0110100 Lehtinen 24 +0110100 Nadel 24 +0110100 Krowe 24 +0110100 Preisig 24 +0110100 Bandow 24 +0110100 Higby 24 +0110100 Gordji 24 +0110100 Utgoff 24 +0110100 Bagley 24 +0110100 Awad 24 +0110100 Bluestine 24 +0110100 Eiszner 24 +0110100 Moreau 24 +0110100 Nishizawa 24 +0110100 Pocklington 24 +0110100 Senn 24 +0110100 Lubin 24 +0110100 Jarvik 24 +0110100 Glucksman 24 +0110100 Holzer 24 +0110100 Reitman 24 +0110100 Gharbonifar 24 +0110100 Robelo 24 +0110100 Marantette 24 +0110100 Linnas 24 +0110100 Goettel 24 +0110100 Lefton 24 +0110100 Sarkar 24 +0110100 Hackford 24 +0110100 Pampel 24 +0110100 Frates 24 +0110100 Brower 24 +0110100 Cordero 24 +0110100 Scannell 24 +0110100 Rudloff 24 +0110100 Stolz 24 +0110100 Doi 24 +0110100 Muskie 24 +0110100 McBirney 24 +0110100 Rukeyser 24 +0110100 McMillen 24 +0110100 Pearce-Batten 24 +0110100 Paque 24 +0110100 Korb 24 +0110100 Halloran 24 +0110100 Peskin 24 +0110100 Karr 24 +0110100 Minella 24 +0110100 Hiatt 24 +0110100 Fortier 24 +0110100 Woolard 24 +0110100 Walcott 24 +0110100 Stuka 24 +0110100 Dyke 24 +0110100 Koppel 24 +0110100 Matsunaga 24 +0110100 Kontras 24 +0110100 Sapiro 24 +0110100 Tramiel 25 +0110100 Safire 25 +0110100 Wick 25 +0110100 Oates 25 +0110100 Bethell 25 +0110100 Fussell 25 +0110100 Selby 25 +0110100 Warnock 25 +0110100 Geiger 25 +0110100 Mikva 25 +0110100 Kerschner 25 +0110100 Coughlin 25 +0110100 Vagelos 25 +0110100 Chiarella 25 +0110100 Huff 25 +0110100 Scharffenberger 25 +0110100 Moch 25 +0110100 Groves 25 +0110100 Ennis 25 +0110100 Rowen 25 +0110100 Noonan 25 +0110100 Eargle 25 +0110100 Applebaum 25 +0110100 Nesbit 25 +0110100 Finckle 25 +0110100 Bouchard 25 +0110100 Millstein 25 +0110100 Lichtenstein 25 +0110100 Tyger 25 +0110100 Bozian 25 +0110100 Zobel 25 +0110100 Winkler 25 +0110100 Bilotti 25 +0110100 Rutan 25 +0110100 Streisand 25 +0110100 Grayson 25 +0110100 Greenblatt 25 +0110100 Scullin 25 +0110100 Ros-Lehtinen 25 +0110100 Sarbanes 25 +0110100 Wapner 25 +0110100 Stallings 25 +0110100 Lungren 25 +0110100 Sussman 25 +0110100 Clegg 25 +0110100 Connery 25 +0110100 Stennis 25 +0110100 Teicher 25 +0110100 Granz 25 +0110100 Gumucio 25 +0110100 Mathes 25 +0110100 Noir 25 +0110100 Chatichai 25 +0110100 Ochsenschlager 25 +0110100 Channon 25 +0110100 Holloway 25 +0110100 Semel 25 +0110100 Hefter 25 +0110100 Grutman 25 +0110100 Claybrook 25 +0110100 Ostrow 25 +0110100 Suskind 25 +0110100 Lippman 25 +0110100 Whitwam 25 +0110100 Lini 25 +0110100 Tallent 25 +0110100 Lindemann 25 +0110100 Regalia 25 +0110100 Crooks 25 +0110100 Bermudez 25 +0110100 Portnoy 25 +0110100 Shepperd 25 +0110100 Gunkel 25 +0110100 Zeeman 25 +0110100 Fagoth 25 +0110100 Mello 25 +0110100 Dickie 25 +0110100 Finney 25 +0110100 Cohill 25 +0110100 Leal 25 +0110100 Digate 26 +0110100 Carbonell 26 +0110100 Toren 26 +0110100 Cappy 26 +0110100 Hobbs 26 +0110100 Herrmann 26 +0110100 Guimaraes 26 +0110100 Eisen 26 +0110100 Cockwell 26 +0110100 Kully 26 +0110100 Olayan 26 +0110100 Askoldov 26 +0110100 Wilander 26 +0110100 Dobrin 26 +0110100 Shaber 26 +0110100 Tonegawa 26 +0110100 Hartigan 26 +0110100 Goff 26 +0110100 Yurchenko 26 +0110100 Yassukovich 26 +0110100 Ervin 26 +0110100 Gilmour 26 +0110100 Tropp 26 +0110100 Bannister 26 +0110100 Garin 26 +0110100 Haagen 26 +0110100 Rodino 26 +0110100 Yazov 26 +0110100 Poppa 26 +0110100 Junkins 26 +0110100 Tsemel 26 +0110100 Paxson 26 +0110100 Hassenfeld 26 +0110100 Lennane 26 +0110100 Obrinsky 26 +0110100 Astaire 26 +0110100 McInerney 26 +0110100 Batra 26 +0110100 Deardourff 26 +0110100 Abram 26 +0110100 Reitzes 26 +0110100 Pipes 26 +0110100 Korn 26 +0110100 Hynes 26 +0110100 Sperling 26 +0110100 Rudnick 26 +0110100 Arnott 26 +0110100 Kalinske 26 +0110100 Parshley 26 +0110100 Shank 26 +0110100 Teasley 26 +0110100 Rakoff 26 +0110100 Segall 26 +0110100 Flanders 26 +0110100 Carli 26 +0110100 Idrocarburi 26 +0110100 Ivanov 26 +0110100 Isaly 26 +0110100 Gelli 26 +0110100 Yamazaki 26 +0110100 Geran 26 +0110100 Beresford 26 +0110100 Gioia 26 +0110100 Naftalis 26 +0110100 Appert 26 +0110100 Quandt 26 +0110100 Loeffler 26 +0110100 Lustgarten 26 +0110100 Gumbel 27 +0110100 Miyamori 27 +0110100 Manoogian 27 +0110100 Bromberg 27 +0110100 Schaeffer 27 +0110100 Karos 27 +0110100 Boardman 27 +0110100 Rahn 27 +0110100 Kozinski 27 +0110100 Teeley 27 +0110100 Messiaen 27 +0110100 Kraus 27 +0110100 Ito 27 +0110100 Lozano 27 +0110100 Kimmelman 27 +0110100 Melcher 27 +0110100 Akerson 27 +0110100 Steed 27 +0110100 Motley 27 +0110100 Silber 27 +0110100 Hindelong 27 +0110100 Boucher 27 +0110100 Leval 27 +0110100 Demisch 27 +0110100 DeVoe 27 +0110100 Petry 27 +0110100 Tavel 27 +0110100 Prentiss 27 +0110100 Turnbull 27 +0110100 Gromyko 27 +0110100 Koerner 27 +0110100 Strickland 27 +0110100 Poltrack 27 +0110100 Zschau 27 +0110100 Hackett 27 +0110100 Smilow 27 +0110100 Goldfarb 27 +0110100 Gerasimov 27 +0110100 Yagoda 27 +0110100 Soriano 27 +0110100 Eggum 27 +0110100 Ericson 27 +0110100 Lev 27 +0110100 Rosner 27 +0110100 Felder 27 +0110100 Fung 27 +0110100 Wussler 27 +0110100 Suard 27 +0110100 Nair 27 +0110100 Boorstin 27 +0110100 Galanter 27 +0110100 Heimann 27 +0110100 Gotlieb 27 +0110100 Healey 27 +0110100 Nordio 27 +0110100 Trucco 27 +0110100 Tambs 27 +0110100 Truell 27 +0110100 Vazquez 27 +0110100 Bellow 27 +0110100 Stoga 27 +0110100 Karnes 27 +0110100 Rupp 27 +0110100 Reardon 27 +0110100 Tauscher 27 +0110100 Leigh-Pemberton 27 +0110100 Masson 28 +0110100 Metcalfe 28 +0110100 Azoff 28 +0110100 Kohn 28 +0110100 Koslow 28 +0110100 Hanlon 28 +0110100 Pressler 28 +0110100 Boxer 28 +0110100 Stockdale 28 +0110100 Comeau 28 +0110100 Nureyev 28 +0110100 Kwitny 28 +0110100 Cavazos 28 +0110100 Dirks 28 +0110100 Goldmark 28 +0110100 Brimelow 28 +0110100 Cribb 28 +0110100 Calder 28 +0110100 Frenzel 28 +0110100 Pease 28 +0110100 Shrontz 28 +0110100 Joedicke 28 +0110100 Mandell 28 +0110100 Haddad 28 +0110100 Malloy 28 +0110100 Fabbri 28 +0110100 Marous 28 +0110100 Glick 28 +0110100 Plambeck 28 +0110100 Aguirre 28 +0110100 Felton 28 +0110100 Heinlein 28 +0110100 Yeager 28 +0110100 Floersheim 28 +0110100 Awan 28 +0110100 Silbert 28 +0110100 Braverman 28 +0110100 McHugh 28 +0110100 Kupor 28 +0110100 Perpich 28 +0110100 McNeill 28 +0110100 Karpov 28 +0110100 Kgori 28 +0110100 Kaske 28 +0110100 Vrdolyak 28 +0110100 Barthel 28 +0110100 Eyerman 28 +0110100 Zipper 28 +0110100 Ritterbusch 28 +0110100 Cao 28 +0110100 Morgenthau 28 +0110100 Logsdon 28 +0110100 McCord 28 +0110100 Tavoulareas 28 +0110100 Ruckelshaus 28 +0110100 Stepp 28 +0110100 Callen 28 +0110100 Scorsese 28 +0110100 Nir 28 +0110100 Khumalo 28 +0110100 Viguerie 28 +0110100 Neustadt 28 +0110100 Kopp 28 +0110100 Skibo 28 +0110100 Hurd 28 +0110100 Atorino 28 +0110100 Polce 28 +0110100 Carlsson 28 +0110100 Acuff 28 +0110100 Hoving 28 +0110100 Hineman 28 +0110100 Linh 28 +0110100 Schott 28 +0110100 Elkes 28 +0110100 Norwitz 28 +0110100 Katzenbach 29 +0110100 Gordy 29 +0110100 Whitmore 29 +0110100 Salerno 29 +0110100 Eagleton 29 +0110100 Steinbrenner 29 +0110100 Cernuda 29 +0110100 Pasztor 29 +0110100 Rosenblum 29 +0110100 Romm 29 +0110100 Rumsfeld 29 +0110100 Vanderslice 29 +0110100 Myhren 29 +0110100 Steiger 29 +0110100 Jacobsen 29 +0110100 Kuo 29 +0110100 Symms 29 +0110100 Schwarzenegger 29 +0110100 Bere 29 +0110100 Heckert 29 +0110100 Klamon 29 +0110100 Jaglom 29 +0110100 Furia 29 +0110100 Kilpatrick 29 +0110100 Needelman 29 +0110100 Burge 29 +0110100 Sporck 29 +0110100 Boisjoly 29 +0110100 Lowenthal 29 +0110100 Guinn 29 +0110100 Schmertz 29 +0110100 Sulzberger 29 +0110100 Abernathy 29 +0110100 Pearlstine 29 +0110100 Buzzetta 29 +0110100 Margoshes 29 +0110100 Hertzberg 29 +0110100 Winger 29 +0110100 Stangeland 29 +0110100 Garfinkel 29 +0110100 AuCoin 29 +0110100 Meister 29 +0110100 Crary 29 +0110100 McCullough 29 +0110100 Ankeny 29 +0110100 Carty 29 +0110100 Zurkuhlen 29 +0110100 Kuhlmann 29 +0110100 Hagerty 29 +0110100 Fiedler 29 +0110100 Culbertson 29 +0110100 Moffett 29 +0110100 Lusinchi 29 +0110100 Honig 29 +0110100 Furmark 29 +0110100 Ebright 29 +0110100 Parizeau 29 +0110100 Dehecq 29 +0110100 Sommer 29 +0110100 Cage 29 +0110100 Molinari 29 +0110100 Sasser 29 +0110100 DeScenza 29 +0110100 Corr 29 +0110100 Mineta 29 +0110100 Gillers 29 +0110100 Coolidge 29 +0110100 Coates 29 +0110100 Hamlin 29 +0110100 Briscoe 29 +0110100 Levenson 29 +0110100 Reiss 29 +0110100 Souris 29 +0110100 Maultasch 29 +0110100 Wakabayashi 29 +0110100 Besse 29 +0110100 Sporkin 30 +0110100 Kram 30 +0110100 Struve 30 +0110100 Neas 30 +0110100 Hanks 30 +0110100 Hearin 30 +0110100 Grunebaum 30 +0110100 Wattenberg 30 +0110100 Fellheimer 30 +0110100 Nuttle 30 +0110100 Welles 30 +0110100 Segalas 30 +0110100 Beazley 30 +0110100 Drabble 30 +0110100 Yocam 30 +0110100 Madigan 30 +0110100 Gleacher 30 +0110100 Bode 30 +0110100 Nobles 30 +0110100 Grasso 30 +0110100 Argyropoulos 30 +0110100 Sledz 30 +0110100 Schutz 30 +0110100 Mancuso 30 +0110100 Iglesias 30 +0110100 Palme 30 +0110100 Keswick 30 +0110100 Antonini 30 +0110100 Udvar-Hazy 30 +0110100 Wulff 30 +0110100 Luedtke 30 +0110100 Bluhdorn 30 +0110100 Tash 30 +0110100 McVeigh 30 +0110100 Luken 30 +0110100 Beyer 30 +0110100 Takahashi 30 +0110100 Hennessey 30 +0110100 Newkirk 30 +0110100 Hwang 30 +0110100 Lomax 31 +0110100 Singlaub 31 +0110100 Barnevik 31 +0110100 Tokunaga 31 +0110100 Questrom 31 +0110100 Heymann 31 +0110100 Bangerter 31 +0110100 Miara 31 +0110100 Griffiths 31 +0110100 Dove 31 +0110100 Lurie 31 +0110100 Steward 31 +0110100 Bialkin 31 +0110100 Stults 31 +0110100 Shipley 31 +0110100 Gottesman 31 +0110100 Allmon 31 +0110100 Glover 31 +0110100 Lwin 31 +0110100 Havens 31 +0110100 Lowry 31 +0110100 Longman 31 +0110100 Flaherty 31 +0110100 Breslin 31 +0110100 Al-Chalabi 31 +0110100 Atwell 31 +0110100 Vinton 31 +0110100 Ng 31 +0110100 Bryen 31 +0110100 Kullberg 31 +0110100 Kazan 31 +0110100 Salsbury 31 +0110100 Garvey 31 +0110100 Ramaphosa 31 +0110100 Buthelezi 31 +0110100 Khamenei 31 +0110100 McCleary 31 +0110100 Mugabe 31 +0110100 Farris 31 +0110100 Bookout 31 +0110100 Bevins 31 +0110100 Bogner 31 +0110100 Fontaine 31 +0110100 Kellenyi 31 +0110100 Lazar 31 +0110100 Bayless 31 +0110100 Scargill 31 +0110100 Tappan 31 +0110100 Whittlesey 31 +0110100 Hekmatyar 31 +0110100 Skousen 31 +0110100 Mullins 31 +0110100 Nicoski 31 +0110100 Falk 31 +0110100 Sobotka 31 +0110100 Goncharov 31 +0110100 Johnsen 32 +0110100 Takeuchi 32 +0110100 Grunwald 32 +0110100 Thurow 32 +0110100 Deuss 32 +0110100 Gault 32 +0110100 McCracken 32 +0110100 Flannery 32 +0110100 Rossetti 32 +0110100 Hickey 32 +0110100 Chanos 32 +0110100 Mattox 32 +0110100 Doerr 32 +0110100 Snell 32 +0110100 Rampell 32 +0110100 Kiam 32 +0110100 Weatherstone 32 +0110100 Heil 32 +0110100 Zia-ul-Haq 32 +0110100 Lafontaine 32 +0110100 Rona 32 +0110100 Ong 32 +0110100 Caine 32 +0110100 Weisbrod 32 +0110100 Luckey 32 +0110100 Jacobe 32 +0110100 Rosenshine 32 +0110100 Purves 32 +0110100 Coppola 32 +0110100 Zamarello 32 +0110100 Vidal 32 +0110100 Conlon 32 +0110100 McCurry 32 +0110100 DeLuca 32 +0110100 Cuny 32 +0110100 Baeza 32 +0110100 Angleton 32 +0110100 Horrigan 32 +0110100 Hauser 32 +0110100 Bossidy 32 +0110100 Korman 32 +0110100 Monk 32 +0110100 Skase 32 +0110100 Lescaze 32 +0110100 McLin 32 +0110100 Glasser 32 +0110100 Wanniski 32 +0110100 Axelrod 32 +0110100 Benoit 32 +0110100 Gerstner 32 +0110100 Cheek 32 +0110100 Nields 32 +0110100 Barbanel 32 +0110100 Brendsel 32 +0110100 Ratican 32 +0110100 Joh 32 +0110100 Applegate 32 +0110100 Seiders 32 +0110100 Hasenfus 33 +0110100 Rosenfield 33 +0110100 Gruenberg 33 +0110100 Brito 33 +0110100 Balog 33 +0110100 Schreyer 33 +0110100 Andriessen 33 +0110100 Shoemaker 33 +0110100 Bauman 33 +0110100 Robbie 33 +0110100 Libman 33 +0110100 Berle 33 +0110100 Conyers 33 +0110100 Adamson 33 +0110100 Breck 33 +0110100 David-Weill 33 +0110100 Bergsten 33 +0110100 Whitaker 33 +0110100 Enderlin 33 +0110100 Shorts 33 +0110100 Pendergrass 33 +0110100 Kapoor 33 +0110100 Shine 33 +0110100 Lehrer 33 +0110100 Lucente 33 +0110100 Marquez 33 +0110100 Kimche 33 +0110100 Rushdie 33 +0110100 Ovshinsky 33 +0110100 Traub 33 +0110100 Echeverria 33 +0110100 Niskanen 33 +0110100 Bluhm 33 +0110100 Leber 33 +0110100 Burgess 33 +0110100 Giamatti 33 +0110100 McNeal 33 +0110100 Londoner 33 +0110100 Chamorro 33 +0110100 Obey 33 +0110100 Poole 33 +0110100 Curley 33 +0110100 Hooks 33 +0110100 Lowenstein 33 +0110100 Holzman 33 +0110100 Morita 33 +0110100 Andrus 34 +0110100 Koether 34 +0110100 Chestman 34 +0110100 Ripley 34 +0110100 Monaghan 34 +0110100 Serra 34 +0110100 Lemasters 34 +0110100 Erdman 34 +0110100 Matsui 34 +0110100 Easterbrook 34 +0110100 Mandel 34 +0110100 Berson 34 +0110100 Brunner 34 +0110100 Yao 34 +0110100 Sayad 34 +0110100 Pebereau 34 +0110100 Abshire 34 +0110100 Wheelon 34 +0110100 Shlaes 34 +0110100 Ansin 34 +0110100 Pines 34 +0110100 Mobutu 34 +0110100 Schmied 34 +0110100 Mackay 34 +0110100 Moyers 34 +0110100 Karger 34 +0110100 Daniell 34 +0110100 Christy 34 +0110100 Steidtmann 34 +0110100 Hillas 34 +0110100 Hack 34 +0110100 Kurokawa 34 +0110100 Mondschein 34 +0110100 Whittington 34 +0110100 Fang 34 +0110100 Weinbach 34 +0110100 Obermaier 34 +0110100 Wuliger 34 +0110100 Blaikie 34 +0110100 Hersant 34 +0110100 Su 34 +0110100 Picchi 34 +0110100 Edley 34 +0110100 Flamson 34 +0110100 Daynard 34 +0110100 Rotondo 34 +0110100 Culvahouse 35 +0110100 Wohl 35 +0110100 Salvigsen 35 +0110100 Gregorian 35 +0110100 Rubel 35 +0110100 Edelstein 35 +0110100 Brinson 35 +0110100 Snead 35 +0110100 McCollum 35 +0110100 Asselstine 35 +0110100 Quinlan 35 +0110100 Genoese 35 +0110100 McClellan 35 +0110100 Faught 35 +0110100 Guba 35 +0110100 Bidwell 35 +0110100 Crosbie 35 +0110100 Crossen 35 +0110100 Hentoff 35 +0110100 Ride 35 +0110100 Chafee 35 +0110100 Brieant 35 +0110100 Hockney 35 +0110100 Plummer 35 +0110100 Tomlin 35 +0110100 Coccia 35 +0110100 Cline 35 +0110100 Navellier 35 +0110100 Corry 35 +0110100 Craven 35 +0110100 Wirth 35 +0110100 Barach 35 +0110100 Glauber 35 +0110100 Breitschwerdt 35 +0110100 Fthenakis 35 +0110100 Bowsher 35 +0110100 Federman 35 +0110100 Mandresh 35 +0110100 Petricioli 35 +0110100 Prestowitz 36 +0110100 Kaminsky 36 +0110100 Loury 36 +0110100 Lynam 36 +0110100 Raptopoulos 36 +0110100 Seitz 36 +0110100 Dickey 36 +0110100 Colodny 36 +0110100 Jankowski 36 +0110100 Yam 36 +0110100 Hagopian 36 +0110100 Ditlow 36 +0110100 Trible 36 +0110100 Abdnor 36 +0110100 Masse 36 +0110100 Gelb 36 +0110100 Peterpaul 36 +0110100 Spillman 36 +0110100 Bednorz 36 +0110100 Belous 36 +0110100 Stack 36 +0110100 Kume 36 +0110100 Spero 36 +0110100 Gradison 36 +0110100 Schapiro 36 +0110100 Feinstein 36 +0110100 Cali 36 +0110100 Hollingsworth 36 +0110100 Mizrahi 36 +0110100 Armitage 36 +0110100 Lasko 36 +0110100 Mamet 36 +0110100 Seagle 36 +0110100 Swindall 36 +0110100 Aldridge 36 +0110100 Hanemann 36 +0110100 Globus 36 +0110100 McCammon 36 +0110100 Coffey 37 +0110100 Ruxpin 37 +0110100 Musselman 37 +0110100 Barschel 37 +0110100 Brebach 37 +0110100 Kociemba 37 +0110100 Tirello 37 +0110100 Verges 37 +0110100 Upton 37 +0110100 LaFalce 37 +0110100 Clouthier 37 +0110100 Studer 37 +0110100 Butterworth 37 +0110100 Pezim 37 +0110100 Bellows 37 +0110100 Woodson 37 +0110100 Nagle 37 +0110100 Petri 37 +0110100 Swartz 37 +0110100 Lyubimov 37 +0110100 Bradbury 37 +0110100 Ryzhkov 37 +0110100 Solloway 37 +0110100 Thorp 37 +0110100 Stoller 37 +0110100 Groopman 37 +0110100 Ammeen 37 +0110100 Begel 37 +0110100 Beals 37 +0110100 Kenney 37 +0110100 Stepanian 37 +0110100 Moskowitz 38 +0110100 McBride 38 +0110100 Jagger 38 +0110100 Engle 38 +0110100 Baryshnikov 38 +0110100 Valladares 38 +0110100 Ling 38 +0110100 Bushnell 38 +0110100 Schulze 38 +0110100 Acampora 38 +0110100 Brinner 38 +0110100 Weyrich 38 +0110100 Brundtland 38 +0110100 Pritchard 38 +0110100 Broadhurst 38 +0110100 Soss 38 +0110100 Kruger 38 +0110100 Gerbrandt 38 +0110100 Sheen 38 +0110100 Strunk 38 +0110100 Sentelle 38 +0110100 Holgerson 38 +0110100 Chapoton 38 +0110100 Marchese 38 +0110100 Bajarin 38 +0110100 Oberman 38 +0110100 Barefoot 38 +0110100 Stover 38 +0110100 Conger 38 +0110100 Hance 38 +0110100 Pomerantz 38 +0110100 Harford 38 +0110100 Givens 38 +0110100 McGroarty 38 +0110100 Saligman 38 +0110100 Randol 38 +0110100 Flavin 38 +0110100 Rahman 39 +0110100 Klopfenstein 39 +0110100 Leibler 39 +0110100 Linton 39 +0110100 Engel 39 +0110100 Ovitz 39 +0110100 Sheelen 39 +0110100 Hashimoto 39 +0110100 Sellars 39 +0110100 Pittman 39 +0110100 Leuffer 39 +0110100 Landers 39 +0110100 Branson 39 +0110100 Stout 39 +0110100 Cristiani 39 +0110100 Gerstenhaber 39 +0110100 Koehler 39 +0110100 Racamier 39 +0110100 Jarvis 39 +0110100 Berge 39 +0110100 Aguilar 39 +0110100 Froehlich 39 +0110100 Caspersen 39 +0110100 Lawler 39 +0110100 Ahmad 39 +0110100 Ullman 39 +0110100 Bays 39 +0110100 Yamada 39 +0110100 Gurria 39 +0110100 Bakes 39 +0110100 Leaver 39 +0110100 Sigur 39 +0110100 Fiers 39 +0110100 Wills 39 +0110100 Durant 39 +0110100 Bartley 39 +0110100 Hightower 39 +0110100 Bencsik 39 +0110100 Pinto 39 +0110100 Schoenthal 39 +0110100 Abrahamson 39 +0110100 Hyland 39 +0110100 Pullin 39 +0110100 Holtzman 39 +0110100 Exon 39 +0110100 Mariotta 39 +0110100 Oreffice 40 +0110100 Waggoner 40 +0110100 Vick 40 +0110100 Morales 40 +0110100 Lautenbach 40 +0110100 Schnabel 40 +0110100 McNulty 40 +0110100 Bender 40 +0110100 Wan 40 +0110100 Popoff 40 +0110100 Bhirud 40 +0110100 Cahn 40 +0110100 Shanker 40 +0110100 Sampson 40 +0110100 Neely 40 +0110100 Frazee 40 +0110100 Casseb 40 +0110100 Vitale 40 +0110100 Gustafson 40 +0110100 Fosback 40 +0110100 Hite 40 +0110100 Krueger 40 +0110100 Millar 40 +0110100 Pugh 40 +0110100 Kantor 40 +0110100 Munk 40 +0110100 Fleischman 40 +0110100 Goria 40 +0110100 Heinemann 40 +0110100 Reiner 40 +0110100 Perlis 40 +0110100 McColl 40 +0110100 Poling 40 +0110100 Hollander 41 +0110100 Fazio 41 +0110100 Zagury 41 +0110100 Celeste 41 +0110100 Kobren 41 +0110100 Petit 41 +0110100 Sturm 41 +0110100 Weinroth 41 +0110100 Yamamoto 41 +0110100 Leiner 41 +0110100 Vanous 41 +0110100 Engen 41 +0110100 Goldin 41 +0110100 Aziz 41 +0110100 Bebear 41 +0110100 Canin 41 +0110100 Bruck 41 +0110100 Courter 41 +0110100 Haughey 41 +0110100 McGurn 41 +0110100 Mays 41 +0110100 Schatz 41 +0110100 Rosett 41 +0110100 Katzenberg 41 +0110100 McAlpine 41 +0110100 Pindling 41 +0110100 Updike 41 +0110100 Camacho 41 +0110100 Gaffney 41 +0110100 Garner 41 +0110100 Griscom 41 +0110100 Hiss 42 +0110100 Galloway 42 +0110100 Parsky 42 +0110100 Robinette 42 +0110100 Fortas 42 +0110100 Buckner 42 +0110100 Kato 42 +0110100 Cooney 42 +0110100 Strain 42 +0110100 Kapor 42 +0110100 Mlotok 42 +0110100 Puccio 42 +0110100 Empie 42 +0110100 Saito 42 +0110100 Cutrale 42 +0110100 Tartikoff 42 +0110100 Milunovich 42 +0110100 Maniatis 42 +0110100 Samuels 43 +0110100 Stringer 43 +0110100 Harbison 43 +0110100 Calvi 43 +0110100 Cafiero 43 +0110100 Broadbent 43 +0110100 Orloff 43 +0110100 Bacon 43 +0110100 Truly 43 +0110100 Gifford 43 +0110100 Whitten 43 +0110100 Pardee 43 +0110100 Lytle 43 +0110100 Ritter 43 +0110100 Velazquez 43 +0110100 Bricker 43 +0110100 Gurney 43 +0110100 Lonetree 43 +0110100 Sanborn 43 +0110100 Upshaw 43 +0110100 Diller 43 +0110100 Toussie 44 +0110100 Sowell 44 +0110100 Gosman 44 +0110100 Hersh 44 +0110100 Chavez 44 +0110100 Herscu 44 +0110100 Fauci 44 +0110100 Lo 44 +0110100 Kroc 44 +0110100 Furlaud 44 +0110100 Goodwin 44 +0110100 Novelly 44 +0110100 Mabey 44 +0110100 Stokes 44 +0110100 Vik 44 +0110100 Cathcart 44 +0110100 Wald 44 +0110100 Fitts 44 +0110100 Deo 44 +0110100 Gigot 44 +0110100 Lara 44 +0110100 Dorgan 44 +0110100 Alvord 44 +0110100 McKean 44 +0110100 McCloskey 44 +0110100 Nussbaum 44 +0110100 Rangel 44 +0110100 Pitts 44 +0110100 Weitzman 44 +0110100 Guzzetti 44 +0110100 Conte 44 +0110100 Minc 44 +0110100 Craxi 44 +0110100 Lamy 44 +0110100 Sandner 45 +0110100 Bader 45 +0110100 Beggs 45 +0110100 Gutierrez 45 +0110100 Palmieri 45 +0110100 Cronkite 45 +0110100 Soliman 45 +0110100 Pei 45 +0110100 Hugel 45 +0110100 Cicippio 45 +0110100 Rothmeier 45 +0110100 Yoder 45 +0110100 Romero 45 +0110100 Esrey 45 +0110100 Ketelsen 45 +0110100 Rau 45 +0110100 Bumpers 45 +0110100 Indosuez 45 +0110100 Lackner 45 +0110100 Estrich 45 +0110100 Merlis 45 +0110100 Pedler 45 +0110100 Sokolow 45 +0110100 Armey 45 +0110100 Ciresi 46 +0110100 Callender 46 +0110100 Wiles 46 +0110100 Keyes 46 +0110100 Fein 46 +0110100 Copland 46 +0110100 MacKinnon 46 +0110100 Gravitt 46 +0110100 Stinson 46 +0110100 Kasparov 46 +0110100 Dutton 46 +0110100 Greditor 46 +0110100 Gittis 46 +0110100 Sterba 46 +0110100 Worley 46 +0110100 Boksen 46 +0110100 Forsythe 46 +0110100 Roven 46 +0110100 Reisman 46 +0110100 Naylor 47 +0110100 McGlade 47 +0110100 Kerrey 47 +0110100 Canion 47 +0110100 Burdick 47 +0110100 Cooperman 47 +0110100 Unruh 47 +0110100 Harnisch 47 +0110100 Brenner 47 +0110100 Brill 47 +0110100 Beatty 47 +0110100 Mentz 47 +0110100 Watanabe 47 +0110100 Harkin 47 +0110100 Mathews 47 +0110100 Hoglund 47 +0110100 Pisello 47 +0110100 Treadway 47 +0110100 Bushkin 47 +0110100 Meltzer 47 +0110100 Klesch 47 +0110100 Milliet 47 +0110100 Bergman 47 +0110100 DeGroote 47 +0110100 Boitano 48 +0110100 Annunzio 48 +0110100 Wallop 48 +0110100 Hodges 48 +0110100 Lapin 48 +0110100 Behrens 48 +0110100 Wriston 48 +0110100 Perlman 48 +0110100 Barbera 48 +0110100 Mallick 48 +0110100 McFadden 48 +0110100 Falise 48 +0110100 Grimes 48 +0110100 Glickman 48 +0110100 Drexler 48 +0110100 Torrijos 48 +0110100 Yakovlev 48 +0110100 Curtin 48 +0110100 Hoey 48 +0110100 Cullinane 48 +0110100 Fitzpatrick 48 +0110100 Clarridge 48 +0110100 DiGennaro 49 +0110100 Solarz 49 +0110100 Hsiung 49 +0110100 Feltsman 49 +0110100 Sargen 49 +0110100 Revell 49 +0110100 Lillie 49 +0110100 Gorton 49 +0110100 Padgett 49 +0110100 Hook 49 +0110100 Parretti 49 +0110100 Powis 49 +0110100 Valenti 49 +0110100 Nasser 49 +0110100 Cronin 49 +0110100 McDonough 50 +0110100 Albright 50 +0110100 Herrhausen 50 +0110100 Carnes 50 +0110100 Exley 50 +0110100 LeMasters 50 +0110100 Hafif 50 +0110100 Cawthorn 50 +0110100 Rappaport 50 +0110100 Munson 50 +0110100 Gilder 50 +0110100 Frist 50 +0110100 Hauke 50 +0110100 Freedenberg 50 +0110100 Lubensky 50 +0110100 Kearns 50 +0110100 Drahuschak 50 +0110100 Wertheimer 50 +0110100 Davison 50 +0110100 Midler 50 +0110100 Kadar 50 +0110100 LeFrak 50 +0110100 Feiner 50 +0110100 Tambo 50 +0110100 McClure 50 +0110100 Kingsborough 51 +0110100 Fogelman 51 +0110100 Eller 51 +0110100 Meyerson 51 +0110100 Azhar 51 +0110100 Paquette 51 +0110100 Stegemeier 51 +0110100 Voss 51 +0110100 Mori 51 +0110100 Yokich 51 +0110100 Nowak 51 +0110100 Chavin 52 +0110100 Sourrouille 52 +0110100 Melloan 52 +0110100 Stephenson 52 +0110100 Zucker 52 +0110100 Coulson 52 +0110100 McGillicuddy 52 +0110100 Lewin 52 +0110100 Namphy 52 +0110100 Colino 52 +0110100 Kuroda 52 +0110100 Heady 52 +0110100 Albani 52 +0110100 Torres 52 +0110100 Orwell 52 +0110100 Reidy 52 +0110100 Steiner 53 +0110100 Pettee 53 +0110100 Smale 53 +0110100 Duberstein 53 +0110100 Coen 53 +0110100 Taplin 53 +0110100 Tuttle 53 +0110100 Orr 53 +0110100 Ganes 53 +0110100 Bourke 53 +0110100 Berkowitz 53 +0110100 Paley 53 +0110100 Enrico 53 +0110100 Bogle 53 +0110100 Mettler 53 +0110100 Cooley 54 +0110100 Amerman 54 +0110100 Readerman 54 +0110100 Burry 54 +0110100 Kassebaum 54 +0110100 Torell 54 +0110100 Seidenberg 54 +0110100 Nordmann 54 +0110100 Simons 54 +0110100 Wilder 54 +0110100 Thayer 54 +0110100 Aganbegyan 54 +0110100 Mullen 55 +0110100 Pennington 55 +0110100 Heebner 55 +0110100 Esber 55 +0110100 Bacot 55 +0110100 Rial 55 +0110100 Vander 55 +0110100 Trott 55 +0110100 Sasso 55 +0110100 Feith 55 +0110100 Panetta 55 +0110100 Letterman 55 +0110100 Yew 55 +0110100 Wohlstetter 55 +0110100 Madden 55 +0110100 Munro 55 +0110100 Hudak 55 +0110100 Pietruski 55 +0110100 Speer 56 +0110100 Mahlmann 56 +0110100 Ingram 56 +0110100 Wallich 56 +0110100 Pearlman 56 +0110100 Weeks 56 +0110100 Beebe 56 +0110100 DeAngelis 56 +0110100 Fromstein 56 +0110100 Kiley 56 +0110100 Ueberroth 56 +0110100 Borge 56 +0110100 Swearingen 56 +0110100 Florio 56 +0110100 Catacosinos 56 +0110100 Roffman 56 +0110100 Antoniu 56 +0110100 Brodersohn 56 +0110100 Enrile 57 +0110100 Grassley 57 +0110100 Trumka 57 +0110100 Brant 57 +0110100 Begin 57 +0110100 Junger 57 +0110100 Bovard 57 +0110100 Brandt 57 +0110100 Leibowitz 57 +0110100 Kassan 57 +0110100 Tobias 57 +0110100 Menem 57 +0110100 Raab 57 +0110100 Clancy 57 +0110100 McCain 58 +0110100 Fuchs 58 +0110100 Hormats 58 +0110100 Rosenbaum 58 +0110100 Finkelstein 58 +0110100 Drabkin 58 +0110100 Maher 58 +0110100 Silberman 58 +0110100 Hoskins 58 +0110100 Hoffenberg 58 +0110100 Maier 58 +0110100 Castillo 58 +0110100 Kovach 58 +0110100 Lennon 58 +0110100 Cecola 59 +0110100 Sandor 59 +0110100 Chimerine 59 +0110100 Huston 59 +0110100 Berlusconi 59 +0110100 Barth 59 +0110100 Oakes 59 +0110100 Salzman 59 +0110100 Ephlin 59 +0110100 Delors 60 +0110100 Buchi 60 +0110100 Biggs 60 +0110100 Blackburn 60 +0110100 Messner 60 +0110100 Siegan 60 +0110100 Domingo 60 +0110100 Wendt 60 +0110100 Mathis 60 +0110100 Bolton 60 +0110100 Baucus 60 +0110100 Wong 60 +0110100 Rohatyn 60 +0110100 Sherwin 60 +0110100 Gros 60 +0110100 Hofmann 61 +0110100 Cotter 61 +0110100 Lendl 61 +0110100 Brzezinski 61 +0110100 Menendez 61 +0110100 Gebauer 61 +0110100 Dion 61 +0110100 Locke 61 +0110100 Specter 61 +0110100 Leath 61 +0110100 Macklin 61 +0110100 Birinyi 61 +0110100 Fronterhouse 62 +0110100 Eder 62 +0110100 Shane 62 +0110100 Dawkins 62 +0110100 Novak 62 +0110100 Lott 62 +0110100 Boies 62 +0110100 Giacco 62 +0110100 Laffer 62 +0110100 McManus 62 +0110100 Ezell 62 +0110100 Fishman 62 +0110100 Burr 62 +0110100 Dworkin 63 +0110100 Waldron 63 +0110100 Dorfman 63 +0110100 Carberry 63 +0110100 Hamadi 63 +0110100 Murkowski 63 +0110100 Merkle 63 +0110100 Kasten 63 +0110100 Mengistu 63 +0110100 McNealy 63 +0110100 Brokaw 63 +0110100 Rawl 63 +0110100 Schmitz 63 +0110100 Gollust 63 +0110100 Fisk 63 +0110100 Devine 63 +0110100 Reuss 63 +0110100 Greenstein 64 +0110100 Graves 64 +0110100 Denlea 64 +0110100 McGee 64 +0110100 Sherlund 64 +0110100 Resler 64 +0110100 Tumazos 64 +0110100 Muldoon 64 +0110100 Buntrock 64 +0110100 Gunn 65 +0110100 Lugar 65 +0110100 Greve 65 +0110100 Paulus 65 +0110100 Ferraro 65 +0110100 Sheehan 65 +0110100 Brack 65 +0110100 Sheppard 65 +0110100 Strobel 65 +0110100 Beall 65 +0110100 Pfeiffer 65 +0110100 Chandross 65 +0110100 Fu 65 +0110100 Savage 65 +0110100 McKinney 65 +0110100 Sakharov 65 +0110100 Cave 66 +0110100 Patel 66 +0110100 Cuhney 66 +0110100 Crovitz 66 +0110100 Trudeau 66 +0110100 Lantos 66 +0110100 Bridges 66 +0110100 Wiggins 66 +0110100 Raiff 66 +0110100 Singh 66 +0110100 Fiske 67 +0110100 Eastwood 67 +0110100 Cisneros 67 +0110100 Mockler 67 +0110100 Alberthal 67 +0110100 Sato 67 +0110100 Yetnikoff 67 +0110100 Armacost 67 +0110100 Bourassa 67 +0110100 Shepard 67 +0110100 Segal 67 +0110100 Sinatra 67 +0110100 Fonda 67 +0110100 Sofaer 67 +0110100 Straszheim 67 +0110100 Goldfeder 67 +0110100 Dubinsky 67 +0110100 Robb 67 +0110100 Redford 67 +0110100 Rollwagen 67 +0110100 Chevalier 68 +0110100 Nisbet 68 +0110100 Priest 68 +0110100 Susman 68 +0110100 DeConcini 68 +0110100 Steele 68 +0110100 Kalikow 69 +0110100 Witten 69 +0110100 Fredericks 69 +0110100 Nicklaus 69 +0110100 Brountas 69 +0110100 Eckenfelder 69 +0110100 Bricklin 69 +0110100 Herrlinger 69 +0110100 DeCrane 69 +0110100 Godwin 69 +0110100 Martino 70 +0110100 McMillan 70 +0110100 Annenberg 70 +0110100 Keaton 71 +0110100 Giordano 71 +0110100 Daly 71 +0110100 Macke 71 +0110100 Valukas 71 +0110100 Emmons 71 +0110100 Richter 71 +0110100 Vaskevitch 72 +0110100 Epstein 72 +0110100 Zell 72 +0110100 Dinkins 72 +0110100 Bamberger 72 +0110100 Dolan 72 +0110100 Feinberg 72 +0110100 Shulman 73 +0110100 Lautenberg 73 +0110100 Yamani 73 +0110100 Levinson 73 +0110100 Dwyer 73 +0110100 Panic 73 +0110100 Grambling 73 +0110100 Capra 73 +0110100 Granville 73 +0110100 Grosz 73 +0110100 Cuellar 73 +0110100 Bangemann 74 +0110100 Theobald 74 +0110100 Wallenberg 74 +0110100 Boyle 74 +0110100 DaPuzzo 74 +0110100 Margolis 74 +0110100 Travers 74 +0110100 Schwarz 74 +0110100 Keenan 74 +0110100 Gesell 74 +0110100 Leavitt 74 +0110100 Newberg 74 +0110100 Hecht 74 +0110100 Adelson 74 +0110100 Lindsey 75 +0110100 Horner 75 +0110100 Dunlap 75 +0110100 Lifland 75 +0110100 Muller 75 +0110100 Jarrett 75 +0110100 Birnbaum 75 +0110100 Wexner 75 +0110100 Soni 75 +0110100 Pollard 75 +0110100 Darby 75 +0110100 Hefner 76 +0110100 Paulson 76 +0110100 Mazowiecki 76 +0110100 Pryor 76 +0110100 Vernes 76 +0110100 Weld 76 +0110100 Ailes 76 +0110100 Carney 76 +0110100 Savimbi 76 +0110100 Durenberger 77 +0110100 Parnes 77 +0110100 Frey 77 +0110100 Leach 77 +0110100 Kinsley 77 +0110100 Kobayashi 77 +0110100 Pinola 77 +0110100 MacKay 77 +0110100 Clements 77 +0110100 Seger 77 +0110100 Drabinsky 77 +0110100 Tamura 77 +0110100 Dyson 78 +0110100 Erhard 78 +0110100 Ligachev 78 +0110100 Glantz 78 +0110100 Mendelson 78 +0110100 LaRouche 78 +0110100 Mahoney 78 +0110100 Currey 78 +0110100 Rifkin 79 +0110100 Kahan 79 +0110100 Vargas 79 +0110100 Lipsky 79 +0110100 Agee 79 +0110100 Roux 80 +0110100 Bloomberg 80 +0110100 Ramos 80 +0110100 Eastland 80 +0110100 Rothman 80 +0110100 Rough 80 +0110100 Harmon 80 +0110100 Wyss 80 +0110100 Weller 80 +0110100 Gluck 81 +0110100 Meier 81 +0110100 Fell 81 +0110100 Goldwater 81 +0110100 Seelig 81 +0110100 Marron 82 +0110100 Parry 82 +0110100 Ballard 82 +0110100 Groveman 82 +0110100 Browning 82 +0110100 Shields 82 +0110100 McArtor 82 +0110100 Hendry 83 +0110100 Clines 83 +0110100 Mbeki 83 +0110100 Lehder 83 +0110100 Dahl 83 +0110100 Bretz 83 +0110100 Batchelder 83 +0110100 Canelo 83 +0110100 Rodgers 83 +0110100 Mehl 84 +0110100 Arroyo 84 +0110100 Agnew 84 +0110100 Broder 84 +0110100 Rizzo 84 +0110100 Jensen 84 +0110100 Peroni 85 +0110100 Teeter 85 +0110100 Royster 85 +0110100 Wyden 85 +0110100 Sheinberg 85 +0110100 Garzarelli 85 +0110100 Schwartzberg 85 +0110100 Boggs 86 +0110100 el-Sayed 86 +0110100 Delaney 86 +0110100 Bhutto 86 +0110100 Cipollone 86 +0110100 Shugrue 86 +0110100 Mosbacher 87 +0110100 Tierney 87 +0110100 Kaul 87 +0110100 Rocard 88 +0110100 Boskin 88 +0110100 Cahouet 88 +0110100 Ruiz 88 +0110100 Trupin 89 +0110100 Pell 89 +0110100 Daley 89 +0110100 Hawke 89 +0110100 Roemer 90 +0110100 Rattigan 90 +0110100 LaWare 90 +0110100 Kaifu 90 +0110100 Osborne 90 +0110100 Huber 90 +0110100 Lama 90 +0110100 Scotto 90 +0110100 Adelman 90 +0110100 Wilkis 91 +0110100 Chu 92 +0110100 Zweig 92 +0110100 Flynn 92 +0110100 Riegle 92 +0110100 Connally 92 +0110100 Kudlow 92 +0110100 Goode 92 +0110100 Genscher 92 +0110100 Mulford 92 +0110100 Eisner 92 +0110100 Grundfest 92 +0110100 Bloch 93 +0110100 Pohlad 93 +0110100 Pelton 93 +0110100 Tompkins 93 +0110100 Sawyer 94 +0110100 Runyon 94 +0110100 Schultz 94 +0110100 Eisenberg 94 +0110100 Ziegler 94 +0110100 Culverhouse 94 +0110100 Mehta 94 +0110100 Yates 94 +0110100 Hatfield 94 +0110100 Costello 94 +0110100 Neuharth 94 +0110100 Weiner 95 +0110100 Kean 95 +0110100 Shepherd 95 +0110100 Curran 95 +0110100 Ortner 95 +0110100 Biaggi 95 +0110100 Blackmun 96 +0110100 Brodsky 96 +0110100 Sanchez 96 +0110100 Davidoff 96 +0110100 Sheehy 96 +0110100 Teets 96 +0110100 Kristol 96 +0110100 Biondi 96 +0110100 Kluge 97 +0110100 Hardiman 97 +0110100 Rainwater 97 +0110100 Gomez 98 +0110100 Packer 98 +0110100 Duffy 98 +0110100 Callahan 98 +0110100 Macdonald 98 +0110100 Domenici 98 +0110100 Inman 98 +0110100 Perle 98 +0110100 Orben 98 +0110100 Buchsbaum 98 +0110100 Krebs 99 +0110100 Weissman 99 +0110100 Lanier 99 +0110100 Neff 99 +0110100 Rudman 99 +0110100 Breeden 99 +0110100 Alley 99 +0110100 Garn 100 +0110100 Rivera 100 +0110100 Jamail 100 +0110100 Seow 101 +0110100 Fleischer 101 +0110100 McPherson 101 +0110100 Lyng 101 +0110100 Manzi 101 +0110100 Ledeen 102 +0110100 Brusca 102 +0110100 Sofer 102 +0110100 Bakker 102 +0110100 Lasker 103 +0110100 Morosky 103 +0110100 Sheets 103 +0110100 Yardeni 104 +0110100 Scanlon 104 +0110100 Yeltsin 104 +0110100 Abramson 106 +0110100 Weinberg 106 +0110100 Weicker 106 +0110100 Rabin 106 +0110100 Sand 106 +0110100 Plaskett 107 +0110100 Bracher 108 +0110100 Parkin 108 +0110100 Griffith 109 +0110100 Melamed 110 +0110100 Kavner 110 +0110100 Crowe 110 +0110100 Barre 110 +0110100 Mahathir 111 +0110100 Chinn 111 +0110100 Clough 111 +0110100 Bieber 111 +0110100 Knapp 111 +0110100 Recarey 111 +0110100 Wilkinson 111 +0110100 Lopez 112 +0110100 Liman 112 +0110100 Checchi 112 +0110100 Wilkins 113 +0110100 Galanis 113 +0110100 Ratajczak 114 +0110100 Haley 114 +0110100 Barakat 114 +0110100 Reuter 115 +0110100 Riley 115 +0110100 DeNunzio 116 +0110100 Fomon 116 +0110100 Falwell 116 +0110100 Hurwitz 116 +0110100 Einhorn 117 +0110100 Arnault 117 +0110100 Deukmejian 117 +0110100 Greenwald 117 +0110100 McMillin 118 +0110100 Hatcher 119 +0110100 Erlanger 119 +0110100 Lukman 119 +0110100 Packwood 119 +0110100 Gaubert 120 +0110100 Weill 121 +0110100 Silva 121 +0110100 Glazer 122 +0110100 Larsen 122 +0110100 Wasserman 123 +0110100 Mecham 123 +0110100 Donnelly 123 +0110100 Watkins 123 +0110100 Cockburn 124 +0110100 Pitt 124 +0110100 Weber 125 +0110100 Atwater 125 +0110100 Gottlieb 125 +0110100 Conable 125 +0110100 Conway 125 +0110100 Fernandez 126 +0110100 Skinner 126 +0110100 Papandreou 126 +0110100 Araskog 126 +0110100 Stoddard 127 +0110100 Zimmerman 127 +0110100 Thurmond 127 +0110100 Kaskel 127 +0110100 Cheney 128 +0110100 McConnell 128 +0110100 Koop 129 +0110100 Stempel 129 +0110100 Barber 129 +0110100 Weaver 129 +0110100 Blanchard 130 +0110100 Bowman 130 +0110100 Tanaka 130 +0110100 Hernandez 130 +0110100 Guez 131 +0110100 Merhige 131 +0110100 Nevin 131 +0110100 Drucker 131 +0110100 Bradt 131 +0110100 Kinnock 131 +0110100 Horowitz 131 +0110100 Vogel 132 +0110100 Rittereiser 132 +0110100 Khan 133 +0110100 Inouye 133 +0110100 Krieger 133 +0110100 Tribe 134 +0110100 Warhol 134 +0110100 Hahn 134 +0110100 McMahon 134 +0110100 Olsen 134 +0110100 Laxalt 134 +0110100 Spielberg 135 +0110100 Ranieri 135 +0110100 Beregovoy 135 +0110100 Gillespie 135 +0110100 Calero 135 +0110100 Wu 136 +0110100 Camdessus 136 +0110100 Helmsley 136 +0110100 MacDonald 136 +0110100 Boren 136 +0110100 Luce 136 +0110100 Richman 137 +0110100 Honecker 138 +0110100 Cassoni 138 +0110100 Rodriguez 138 +0110100 Stockman 138 +0110100 Collier 138 +0110100 Hull 138 +0110100 Leysen 138 +0110100 Spoor 139 +0110100 Pearce 139 +0110100 Hartley 139 +0110100 Prechter 140 +0110100 Gingrich 140 +0110100 Whitehead 140 +0110100 Spence 140 +0110100 Bolger 141 +0110100 Freedman 142 +0110100 Herrington 142 +0110100 Ferguson 143 +0110100 Safra 143 +0110100 Hollings 144 +0110100 Wynn 144 +0110100 Chung 144 +0110100 Blumenthal 145 +0110100 Murdock 145 +0110100 Gonzalez 146 +0110100 Jaruzelski 146 +0110100 Hu 146 +0110100 Sumita 147 +0110100 McLaughlin 148 +0110100 Danforth 149 +0110100 Singleton 149 +0110100 Acker 150 +0110100 Walton 150 +0110100 Weisman 150 +0110100 Cranston 150 +0110100 Keller 152 +0110100 Brody 152 +0110100 Chang 152 +0110100 Tsai 153 +0110100 Leahy 153 +0110100 Seib 153 +0110100 Redstone 153 +0110100 Shah 154 +0110100 Demler 154 +0110100 Ackerman 154 +0110100 McGowan 155 +0110100 Moss 155 +0110100 Zinn 156 +0110100 Nazer 158 +0110100 Christensen 158 +0110100 Kahn 159 +0110100 Puttnam 160 +0110100 Akers 160 +0110100 Byrne 160 +0110100 Waters 160 +0110100 Ghorbanifar 161 +0110100 Sculley 163 +0110100 Coelho 164 +0110100 Crawford 165 +0110100 Metz 165 +0110100 Botha 166 +0110100 Angell 166 +0110100 Verity 166 +0110100 Sigoloff 167 +0110100 Cunningham 168 +0110100 Channell 169 +0110100 Walesa 171 +0110100 Corrigan 171 +0110100 Rubin 171 +0110100 Rafsanjani 172 +0110100 Schumer 172 +0110100 Fuller 174 +0110100 Sorrell 174 +0110100 Hennessy 174 +0110100 Arkin 175 +0110100 Clausen 175 +0110100 Moynihan 175 +0110100 Chiles 176 +0110100 Keating 176 +0110100 Reich 176 +0110100 Baldrige 176 +0110100 Schlesinger 178 +0110100 Kellner 178 +0110100 Weinstein 178 +0110100 Galvin 179 +0110100 Presser 179 +0110100 Feldstein 180 +0110100 Winans 180 +0110100 Gramm 180 +0110100 Nofziger 180 +0110100 Nobrega 182 +0110100 Berg 182 +0110100 Heyman 182 +0110100 Woo 183 +0110100 Minkow 183 +0110100 Atkins 184 +0110100 Lerner 185 +0110100 Arafat 186 +0110100 Speakes 186 +0110100 Gutfreund 186 +0110100 Hodel 188 +0110100 Haig 189 +0110100 Metzenbaum 190 +0110100 Waxman 194 +0110100 Dodd 194 +0110100 Petersen 197 +0110100 Shad 198 +0110100 Soros 199 +0110100 Balladur 200 +0110100 Walters 200 +0110100 Horton 201 +0110100 Markey 201 +0110100 Ginsburg 203 +0110100 Dingman 203 +0110100 Kelley 205 +0110100 Rehnquist 208 +0110100 Stafford 209 +0110100 LaRoche 210 +0110100 Darman 213 +0110100 Tabor 213 +0110100 Sununu 214 +0110100 Popejoy 214 +0110100 McGovern 216 +0110100 Crandall 217 +0110100 Cardenas 221 +0110100 Carr 222 +0110100 Miyazawa 222 +0110100 Zuckerman 223 +0110100 Lindner 224 +0110100 Chen 228 +0110100 Jobs 228 +0110100 Hatch 229 +0110100 Aspin 230 +0110100 Liedtke 231 +0110100 McKay 232 +0110100 Summers 232 +0110100 Phelan 233 +0110100 Thornburgh 233 +0110100 Zhao 235 +0110100 Silverman 236 +0110100 Martinez 236 +0110100 Truman 238 +0110100 Paisley 239 +0110100 Kane 239 +0110100 Henkel 239 +0110100 Ozal 242 +0110100 Rosenberg 246 +0110100 Gandhi 248 +0110100 Peres 249 +0110100 Germain 249 +0110100 Helms 250 +0110100 Burnley 251 +0110100 Ongpin 256 +0110100 Fowler 260 +0110100 Pinochet 260 +0110100 Buckley 261 +0110100 Mondale 261 +0110100 Grossman 262 +0110100 Bloom 267 +0110100 Kissinger 267 +0110100 Jung 268 +0110100 Shevardnadze 274 +0110100 Welch 274 +0110100 Sprinkel 275 +0110100 Buffett 276 +0110100 Hakim 278 +0110100 LeBow 279 +0110100 Poehl 281 +0110100 Wallach 283 +0110100 von 283 +0110100 Commerciale 284 +0110100 Motoren 285 +0110100 Khashoggi 285 +0110100 Levin 285 +0110100 Ferris 287 +0110100 Abboud 288 +0110100 Kerkorian 295 +0110100 Pollack 297 +0110100 Foley 298 +0110100 Stoltenberg 301 +0110100 Babbitt 301 +0110100 Fink 304 +0110100 Wigton 305 +0110100 Jenkins 305 +0110100 Stark 308 +0110100 Bowen 309 +0110100 Bresser 310 +0110100 Antar 315 +0110100 Sugarman 316 +0110100 Clore 320 +0110100 Mulheren 323 +0110100 Hoffman 327 +0110100 Saunders 332 +0110100 Lucas 336 +0110100 Deaver 346 +0110100 Funaro 347 +0110100 Ortega 348 +0110100 Koch 351 +0110100 Kinnear 354 +0110100 Castro 356 +0110100 Garcia 364 +0110100 Sosnoff 376 +0110100 Fitzwater 377 +0110100 Abrams 391 +0110100 Roosevelt 392 +0110100 Cuomo 392 +0110100 Shamir 395 +0110100 Buchanan 397 +0110100 Lorenzo 401 +0110100 Goldberg 416 +0110100 Bradley 420 +0110100 Hammer 421 +0110100 Owen 425 +0110100 Carlucci 434 +0110100 Takeshita 435 +0110100 Byrd 438 +0110100 Li 453 +0110100 Dingell 461 +0110100 Chirac 461 +0110100 Biden 461 +0110100 Geller 463 +0110100 Giuliani 463 +0110100 Schwartz 463 +0110100 Tisch 468 +0110100 Levy 472 +0110100 Yeutter 473 +0110100 Deng 474 +0110100 Nunn 475 +0110100 Johnston 481 +0110100 Salinas 485 +0110100 Iacocca 496 +0110100 Mitterrand 498 +0110100 McFarlane 506 +0110100 Perelman 510 +0110100 Olson 518 +0110100 Pierce 524 +0110100 Mulroney 527 +0110100 Kohl 534 +0110100 Greene 534 +0110100 Proxmire 537 +0110100 Ruder 538 +0110100 Weinberger 546 +0110100 Griffin 558 +0110100 Nakasone 570 +0110100 Posner 577 +0110100 Wolf 596 +0110100 Gore 612 +0110100 Lawson 657 +0110100 Roh 661 +0110100 Rostenkowski 667 +0110100 Secord 668 +0110100 Marcos 676 +0110100 Kemp 680 +0110100 Siegel 702 +0110100 Bilzerian 746 +0110100 Levine 790 +0110100 Brady 796 +0110100 Poindexter 815 +0110100 Freeman 818 +0110100 Regan 869 +0110100 Casey 896 +0110100 Milken 906 +0110100 Holmes 943 +0110100 Quayle 948 +0110100 Bentsen 975 +0110100 Noriega 984 +0110100 Jacobs 984 +0110100 Gephardt 986 +0110100 Thatcher 990 +0110100 Murdoch 1061 +0110100 Perot 1081 +0110100 Hart 1117 +0110100 Pickens 1169 +0110100 Walsh 1221 +0110100 Shultz 1303 +0110100 Edelman 1306 +0110100 Volcker 1381 +0110100 Dole 1625 +0110100 Trump 1725 +0110100 Bork 1743 +0110100 Icahn 1962 +0110100 Meese 1973 +0110100 Boesky 2500 +0110100 Jackson 2974 +0110100 Gorbachev 3341 +0110100 Bush 7784 +0110100 Dukakis 5186 +01101010 Possum 1 +01101010 Centrade 1 +01101010 EMOTION 1 +01101010 Illsley 1 +01101010 Papenfuss 1 +01101010 Yokley 1 +01101010 Smithgall 1 +01101010 Wiggelsworth 1 +01101010 Elvey 1 +01101010 TALLENT 1 +01101010 Behuniak 1 +01101010 Mabee 1 +01101010 Hennig 1 +01101010 Zinngrabe 1 +01101010 Hadsall 1 +01101010 Schoendorf 1 +01101010 Suchanek 1 +01101010 Yermash 1 +01101010 Liffers 1 +01101010 Wolitzer 1 +01101010 Poppinga 1 +01101010 Rossen 1 +01101010 Kildow 1 +01101010 Ponomarev 1 +01101010 Troncone 1 +01101010 Dwelley 1 +01101010 Hoerr 1 +01101010 Kostyra 1 +01101010 Heijmen 1 +01101010 Bodkin 1 +01101010 Rosholt 1 +01101010 Seebach 1 +01101010 Negeli 1 +01101010 Onek 1 +01101010 Semmel 1 +01101010 Loughhead 1 +01101010 Neuberg 1 +01101010 Exposito 1 +01101010 Churchman 1 +01101010 Herkes 1 +01101010 Beluga 1 +01101010 ALBEE 1 +01101010 Langfitt 1 +01101010 Donis 1 +01101010 Balardi 1 +01101010 Piderit 1 +01101010 Brambeer 1 +01101010 Brame 1 +01101010 Shalson 1 +01101010 Kellen 1 +01101010 Lubrand 1 +01101010 Haymaker 1 +01101010 Kezer 1 +01101010 Gier 1 +01101010 Arvizu 1 +01101010 Canella 1 +01101010 Srygley 1 +01101010 Lyonds 1 +01101010 Arcemont 1 +01101010 Dunsay 1 +01101010 Dean-style 1 +01101010 Pastusek 1 +01101010 Calahan 1 +01101010 Helfrecht 1 +01101010 Margerie 1 +01101010 Przybylowicz 1 +01101010 VanOosterhout 1 +01101010 Enouen 1 +01101010 Seeman 1 +01101010 Gullberg 1 +01101010 Stiefler 1 +01101010 Yockey 1 +01101010 Knatterud 1 +01101010 Malysiak 1 +01101010 Zakon 1 +01101010 Wolser 1 +01101010 Shaeffer 1 +01101010 Cheuvreux 1 +01101010 Coubert 1 +01101010 Jardins 1 +01101010 Lysaught 1 +01101010 Huttunen 1 +01101010 Goehringer 1 +01101010 Staniek 1 +01101010 Calgaard 1 +01101010 Longan 1 +01101010 Stenzel 1 +01101010 Pisarev 1 +01101010 Cele 1 +01101010 Nemirow 1 +01101010 Boileau 1 +01101010 Hansbrough 1 +01101010 Lavezzoli 1 +01101010 Deemer 1 +01101010 Vitantonio 1 +01101010 Stutts 1 +01101010 Holtey 1 +01101010 Rottblatt 1 +01101010 Romoser 1 +01101010 Vranes 1 +01101010 3R 1 +01101010 Haversat 1 +01101010 Zafirovski 1 +01101010 Collectives 1 +01101010 Schmeelk 1 +01101010 Moscu 1 +01101010 Rochlin 1 +01101010 Ghorab 1 +01101010 Schlenzig 1 +01101010 Gordon-Sinclair 1 +01101010 Snowberger 1 +01101010 Lauzen 1 +01101010 Fossella 1 +01101010 Castaing 1 +01101010 Poehner 1 +01101010 Krakoff 1 +01101010 Reice 1 +01101010 Schueppert 1 +01101010 Bousa 1 +01101010 Sellami 1 +01101010 Bloostein 1 +01101010 Rochlis 1 +01101010 Bouchaud 1 +01101010 Messerli 1 +01101010 Leier 1 +01101010 Sevilla 1 +01101010 Zarrella 1 +01101010 Stucker 1 +01101010 Edgette 1 +01101010 Ernane 1 +01101010 LeMelle 1 +01101010 Velghe 1 +01101010 Repos 1 +01101010 Huesner 1 +01101010 Bieck 1 +01101010 Laffler 1 +01101010 Dyckman 1 +01101010 Vence 1 +01101010 Karman 1 +01101010 McElreath 1 +01101010 Dimino 1 +01101010 Comunale 1 +01101010 McDuffee 1 +01101010 Rusnack 1 +01101010 FitzSimon 1 +01101010 Altamonti 1 +01101010 Fordes 1 +01101010 Tabac 1 +01101010 Thomashower 1 +01101010 Heimbach 1 +01101010 Cavitt 1 +01101010 Diepenbrock 1 +01101010 Donches 1 +01101010 Boisset 1 +01101010 Tauer 1 +01101010 Karolas 1 +01101010 Nemerson 1 +01101010 Jelin 1 +01101010 Kuester 1 +01101010 Salaberry 1 +01101010 Durco 1 +01101010 Hornung 1 +01101010 Trueschler 1 +01101010 Buquoi 1 +01101010 Aubuchon 1 +01101010 Brough 1 +01101010 Neslin 1 +01101010 Augus 1 +01101010 Carsten 1 +01101010 Machlica 1 +01101010 McVie 1 +01101010 Kenen 1 +01101010 Turkaly 1 +01101010 Holodnak 1 +01101010 Hegenbart 1 +01101010 Agricultura 1 +01101010 Midwood 1 +01101010 DORETTI 1 +01101010 Sortino 1 +01101010 Kanzaki 1 +01101010 toros 1 +01101010 Dominowski 1 +01101010 Melchner 1 +01101010 Resjetnikov 1 +01101010 Korpusov 1 +01101010 Algers 1 +01101010 Riediger 1 +01101010 Camilli 1 +01101010 Yasmin 1 +01101010 Oddo 1 +01101010 Lauder-owned 1 +01101010 origine 1 +01101010 Pruyn 1 +01101010 Elliman-Pickering 1 +01101010 Revak 1 +01101010 Pyzdrowski 1 +01101010 Slivon 1 +01101010 DiBartola 1 +01101010 Zavagli 1 +01101010 Hirschson 1 +01101010 Foyo 1 +01101010 Puricelli 1 +01101010 Ireys 1 +01101010 Hartong 1 +01101010 Friedlaender 1 +01101010 Buncher 1 +01101010 Haaland 1 +01101010 Hueppi 1 +01101010 Selonick 1 +01101010 Brocksen 1 +01101010 Niebling 1 +01101010 Trester 1 +01101010 Agosti 1 +01101010 DiDonato 1 +01101010 Pruch 1 +01101010 Andronici 1 +01101010 Ayscue 1 +01101010 Levicki 1 +01101010 Holdt 1 +01101010 Thirolf 1 +01101010 Malherbe 1 +01101010 Shiflet 1 +01101010 Collins-type 1 +01101010 Langston-Unkefer 1 +01101010 Letaw 1 +01101010 Ancell 1 +01101010 Farooq 1 +01101010 Poissant 1 +01101010 Denoon 1 +01101010 Kinnu 1 +01101010 SCOOPS 1 +01101010 Sadofski 1 +01101010 DiClerico 1 +01101010 Saidman 1 +01101010 Trela 1 +01101010 Heimbuch 1 +01101010 Naccarato 1 +01101010 Juraifani 1 +01101010 Largent 1 +01101010 Sandmeyer 1 +01101010 Bonsack 1 +01101010 Swano 1 +01101010 Ducar 1 +01101010 Rassnick 1 +01101010 Leefe 1 +01101010 Kfoury 1 +01101010 Blackmur 1 +01101010 Edwardson 1 +01101010 Vesce 1 +01101010 Sengupta 1 +01101010 Slaymaker 1 +01101010 Cosmas 1 +01101010 Wollenberg 1 +01101010 Kominsky 1 +01101010 Cerulli 1 +01101010 Koeneman 1 +01101010 Kraber 1 +01101010 Fetherston 1 +01101010 Carvin 1 +01101010 Grunder 1 +01101010 Lhamon 1 +01101010 Nigolian 1 +01101010 Dimenna 1 +01101010 Elion 1 +01101010 Liquori 1 +01101010 Charlaix 1 +01101010 DeKoven 1 +01101010 Hagerman 1 +01101010 Fealy 1 +01101010 Faulders 1 +01101010 Frisching 1 +01101010 Petrovskaya 1 +01101010 Schuenke 1 +01101010 Kopf 1 +01101010 Dou 1 +01101010 Rabbie 1 +01101010 Brammer 1 +01101010 Santore 1 +01101010 Steffensen 1 +01101010 Asturias 1 +01101010 Stinocher 1 +01101010 Pangione 1 +01101010 Dondiego 1 +01101010 Webber/Young 1 +01101010 Jodsaas 1 +01101010 Meotti 1 +01101010 Fund/Johns 1 +01101010 Teutch 1 +01101010 Fallaw 1 +01101010 Mohler 1 +01101010 Kutno 1 +01101010 McCollough 1 +01101010 Rygh 1 +01101010 Krzesinski 1 +01101010 Blankers 1 +01101010 McWethy 1 +01101010 Gwon 1 +01101010 Oermann 1 +01101010 Pagones 1 +01101010 McConomy 1 +01101010 Futh 1 +01101010 Pingatore 1 +01101010 Koob 1 +01101010 Haddy 1 +01101010 Sheley 1 +01101010 Torsney 1 +01101010 Talmon 1 +01101010 Hoz 1 +01101010 DeDiminicantanio 1 +01101010 Solnit 1 +01101010 Cesario 1 +01101010 Bardwell 1 +01101010 Birchfield 1 +01101010 Baciocco 1 +01101010 Abasje 1 +01101010 Gahin 1 +01101010 Datim 1 +01101010 Deomidov 1 +01101010 Geracioti 1 +01101010 Rochas 1 +01101010 Al-Ola 1 +01101010 Blumner 1 +01101010 Ewert 1 +01101010 Zinko 1 +01101010 Bolender 1 +01101010 Butterman 1 +01101010 Kaylin 1 +01101010 Biazon 1 +01101010 Hasloecher 1 +01101010 Iguazu 1 +01101010 Argense 1 +01101010 Oeste 1 +01101010 Chenok 1 +01101010 Bamber 1 +01101010 al-Khaleej 1 +01101010 Slotterback 1 +01101010 Suede 1 +01101010 Smeloff 1 +01101010 Grieux-elegant 1 +01101010 Kichline 1 +01101010 Kalkstein 1 +01101010 Rehling 1 +01101010 Litterski 1 +01101010 Deakin 1 +01101010 Topfer 1 +01101010 Maghreb 1 +01101010 Zborowski 1 +01101010 Cattani 1 +01101010 Peterson-like 1 +01101010 Costle 1 +01101010 Socha 1 +01101010 Allston 1 +01101010 Poussaint 1 +01101010 Rogers-style 1 +01101010 Willemssen 1 +01101010 Godshalk 1 +01101010 Samadiono 1 +01101010 Eisenecher 1 +01101010 Yinchang 1 +01101010 Kreyling 1 +01101010 Votz 1 +01101010 Sheller 1 +01101010 Knebel 1 +01101010 Tasher 1 +01101010 DUNHAM 1 +01101010 Gutting 1 +01101010 Dittman 1 +01101010 Osma 1 +01101010 Galatas 1 +01101010 Scitivaux 1 +01101010 Bodeen 1 +01101010 Latno 1 +01101010 Shreyer 1 +01101010 Sternik 1 +01101010 Beaux-Arts 1 +01101010 Pigou 1 +01101010 Fridrich 1 +01101010 Pietrini 1 +01101010 Cansler 1 +01101010 Twamley 1 +01101010 Pistilli 1 +01101010 Kaitz 1 +01101010 Pertti 1 +01101010 Zweng 1 +01101010 BREGUET 1 +01101010 Huibregtse 1 +01101010 Geragos 1 +01101010 Samy 1 +01101010 Shaefer 1 +01101010 Barten 1 +01101010 DeLaney 1 +01101010 Firmenich 1 +01101010 Krauskopf 1 +01101010 Konings 1 +01101010 Shainwald 1 +01101010 Nomicos 1 +01101010 Edgehill 1 +01101010 Farnan 1 +01101010 Medvin 1 +01101010 Graaff 1 +01101010 Berges 1 +01101010 Baska 1 +01101010 Minezes 1 +01101010 DeScherer 1 +01101010 Moet-Hennessy-Louis 1 +01101010 Kinchen 1 +01101010 Kadin 1 +01101010 Shreiner 1 +01101010 Giering 1 +01101010 Raives 1 +01101010 Iandolo 1 +01101010 Newi 1 +01101010 Bontin 1 +01101010 Dupasquier 1 +01101010 Lattin 1 +01101010 Veraldi 1 +01101010 Rindlaub 1 +01101010 Bozzone 1 +01101010 Viletto 1 +01101010 Sitt 1 +01101010 Wheathearts 1 +01101010 Grigley 1 +01101010 Palijo 1 +01101010 Wengler 1 +01101010 Rhame 1 +01101010 Pursch 1 +01101010 Rohal 1 +01101010 Heyworth 1 +01101010 Knodell 1 +01101010 Larsen. 1 +01101010 Farquhar 1 +01101010 Fashioned 1 +01101010 Busching 1 +01101010 Picini 1 +01101010 Snide. 1 +01101010 Blondeau 1 +01101010 Brumder 1 +01101010 Steiker 1 +01101010 Tracy-type 1 +01101010 Deverin 1 +01101010 Honorof 1 +01101010 LeSieur 1 +01101010 Dottai 1 +01101010 Bousquette 1 +01101010 Kole 1 +01101010 Viemeister 1 +01101010 Freixas 1 +01101010 Zandlo 1 +01101010 Pehrson 1 +01101010 Frazzini 1 +01101010 Willes 1 +01101010 Dietzel 1 +01101010 Isserstedt 1 +01101010 Bodenhamer 1 +01101010 Rag 1 +01101010 Deramus 1 +01101010 Gunnst 1 +01101010 Briner 1 +01101010 Kirsis 1 +01101010 Samford 1 +01101010 money-gobblers 1 +01101010 Larrazolo 1 +01101010 Feldmann 1 +01101010 Hayo 1 +01101010 Underwriterovich 1 +01101010 Inderbitzin 1 +01101010 Costa-Greenspon 1 +01101010 Chauffage 1 +01101010 Isbister 1 +01101010 Juchatz 1 +01101010 Schlotterbeck 1 +01101010 Shiplet 1 +01101010 Lampros 1 +01101010 Hetzler 1 +01101010 Rammrath 1 +01101010 Gahm 1 +01101010 Sisti 1 +01101010 DiCarolis 1 +01101010 Magrini 1 +01101010 Masselli 1 +01101010 Vizcaino 1 +01101010 Zampino 1 +01101010 Heule 1 +01101010 Suvero 1 +01101010 Goforth 1 +01101010 Castilia 1 +01101010 Garday 1 +01101010 Hiegel 1 +01101010 Etling 1 +01101010 Excursion 1 +01101010 Calvano 1 +01101010 Podsen 1 +01101010 Poitiers 1 +01101010 Castray 1 +01101010 Lobenfeld 1 +01101010 Barlett 1 +01101010 Yatsko 1 +01101010 Chessy 1 +01101010 Piepmeier 1 +01101010 Chairsell 1 +01101010 Orban 1 +01101010 Hsin-I 1 +01101010 Gemunder 1 +01101010 Menninger 1 +01101010 Ferrel 1 +01101010 Balich 1 +01101010 Coltello 1 +01101010 Nasgovitz 1 +01101010 Volding 1 +01101010 Woolhandler 1 +01101010 Cerand 1 +01101010 Zamorski 1 +01101010 Nethercott 1 +01101010 Pearrow 1 +01101010 Handal 1 +01101010 Howick 1 +01101010 Bunke 1 +01101010 MacConnell 1 +01101010 Holdraker 1 +01101010 Foster-led 1 +01101010 Paioni 1 +01101010 Zimyanin 1 +01101010 Duck-type 1 +01101010 Hoenes 1 +01101010 Venskus 1 +01101010 McLondon 1 +01101010 Horsager 1 +01101010 Loynes 1 +01101010 Kerwitz 1 +01101010 Mirhossein 1 +01101010 Erensil 1 +01101010 Sautbine 1 +01101010 al-Shorooki 1 +01101010 McNichols 1 +01101010 Hostover 1 +01101010 HOOVER 1 +01101010 Godchaux 1 +01101010 Bleus 1 +01101010 Sergovic 1 +01101010 Sabatacakis 1 +01101010 McConnaughy 1 +01101010 FitzGibbon 1 +01101010 Menchel 1 +01101010 Echezeaux 1 +01101010 Bouiadjra 1 +01101010 Trubeck 1 +01101010 Froehlke 1 +01101010 Mercil 1 +01101010 Hiestand 1 +01101010 Hidayatallah 1 +01101010 Mellem 1 +01101010 Studner 1 +01101010 Labant 1 +01101010 Zinberg 1 +01101010 Batter 1 +01101010 Hart-type 1 +01101010 Dryburgh 1 +01101010 Piecuch 1 +01101010 Dobbelmann 1 +01101010 Spadaro 1 +01101010 Carlough 1 +01101010 Boesky-like 1 +01101010 Stuecker 1 +01101010 Semans 1 +01101010 Askren 1 +01101010 McKerracher 1 +01101010 Etat 1 +01101010 Buzby 1 +01101010 Brightbill 1 +01101010 Vinovskis 1 +01101010 Abely 1 +01101010 Killebrew 1 +01101010 Bushee 1 +01101010 Jesco 1 +01101010 Redig 1 +01101010 Berneman 1 +01101010 Spechko 1 +01101010 Brookshire 1 +01101010 Ottensmeyer 1 +01101010 Artus 1 +01101010 Beasman 1 +01101010 Novikoff 1 +01101010 Twogood 1 +01101010 Chrust 1 +01101010 Freimark 1 +01101010 Desenberg 1 +01101010 Carzoli 1 +01101010 Vitiello 1 +01101010 Hughson 1 +01101010 Gattegno 1 +01101010 Harapan 1 +01101010 Lloyd-Butler 1 +01101010 Bakos 1 +01101010 Jamart 1 +01101010 Trippeer 1 +01101010 Zaenglein 1 +01101010 Zorek 1 +01101010 Meux 1 +01101010 Sesser 1 +01101010 Rehabilitacion 1 +01101010 Mirabelli 1 +01101010 Pylitt 1 +01101010 el-Zayyat 1 +01101010 Yambert 1 +01101010 Rowton 1 +01101010 Brescoll 1 +01101010 Guerster 1 +01101010 Ockrim 1 +01101010 Notter 1 +01101010 McCarrick 1 +01101010 Gubert 1 +01101010 Ament 1 +01101010 Strudler 1 +01101010 Bessey 1 +01101010 Kearn 1 +01101010 Menchaca 1 +01101010 Matalene 1 +01101010 Concklin 1 +01101010 Berzon 1 +01101010 Times-Leader 1 +01101010 MEARS 1 +01101010 Loverd 1 +01101010 Eboli 1 +01101010 Hogen 1 +01101010 Gresens 1 +01101010 Shimbun-Nippon 1 +01101010 Drascher 1 +01101010 Felago 1 +01101010 Bruegge 1 +01101010 Geogerian 1 +01101010 Schiavo 1 +01101010 Goeddel 1 +01101010 Aniskovich 1 +01101010 Aquili 1 +01101010 Zellweger 1 +01101010 Sabins 1 +01101010 Sosland 1 +01101010 Taus 1 +01101010 MacCarn 1 +01101010 Zalaznick 1 +01101010 Stoll 1 +01101010 Ruths 1 +01101010 Saint-Satur 1 +01101010 Ragains 1 +01101010 Achuff 1 +01101010 Teeple 1 +01101010 Nastro 1 +01101010 Schiffer 1 +01101010 Wooddell 1 +01101010 Solari 1 +01101010 hambre 1 +01101010 Oelsner 1 +01101010 Leuschen 1 +01101010 Bashara 1 +01101010 Stauffacher 1 +01101010 Vistan 1 +01101010 Plosila 1 +01101010 Massenburg 1 +01101010 Koepfgen 1 +01101010 DuBrock 1 +01101010 Cerullo 1 +01101010 Strackbein 1 +01101010 Macur 1 +01101010 Journal-Capital 1 +01101010 Shakarain 1 +01101010 Brookwell 1 +01101010 Saatkamp 1 +01101010 Strechay 1 +01101010 Zamboni 1 +01101010 Marano 1 +01101010 Breathitt 1 +01101010 Zissis 1 +01101010 Meder 1 +01101010 Rossuck 1 +01101010 Trado 1 +01101010 Rettig 1 +01101010 Attardo 1 +01101010 Belloso 1 +01101010 Novara 1 +01101010 enemigo 1 +01101010 Hulot 1 +01101010 Mossman 1 +01101010 Zalecki 1 +01101010 Keaveney 1 +01101010 Frontiero 1 +01101010 Cheroske 1 +01101010 Chin-Lor 1 +01101010 Netherton 1 +01101010 Krogh 1 +01101010 LaMontia 1 +01101010 Ebben 1 +01101010 Natoli 1 +01101010 Mileusnic 1 +01101010 Castallani 1 +01101010 Razar 1 +01101010 Hiles 1 +01101010 Troetti 1 +01101010 Dulka 1 +01101010 Mancheski 1 +01101010 Pettinga 1 +01101010 Galm 1 +01101010 Iapalucci 1 +01101010 Dinkle 1 +01101010 Milroy 1 +01101010 Hedeen 1 +01101010 Struble 1 +01101010 Craigie 1 +01101010 Hitsman 1 +01101010 Kynes 1 +01101010 Hiemstra 1 +01101010 Flett 1 +01101010 Pogrebin 1 +01101010 Skupsky 1 +01101010 Laeri 1 +01101010 Wilcock 1 +01101010 Maack 1 +01101010 Fowble 1 +01101010 Badgerfoot 1 +01101010 Solerno 1 +01101010 Westhoff 1 +01101010 Otey 1 +01101010 Meduses 1 +01101010 Powars 1 +01101010 Brzenk 1 +01101010 Remeliik 1 +01101010 Peightal 1 +01101010 Caldon 1 +01101010 1201 1 +01101010 Leftwich 1 +01101010 Gehlert 1 +01101010 Morbay 1 +01101010 Soloway 1 +01101010 Zapetis 1 +01101010 Orvis 1 +01101010 Tablas 1 +01101010 Nanberg 1 +01101010 HUGH 1 +01101010 Karat 1 +01101010 Unzicker 1 +01101010 Rozychi 1 +01101010 Randalls 1 +01101010 Kilts 1 +01101010 Oxendine 1 +01101010 Ammons 1 +01101010 Giuffra 1 +01101010 Annington 1 +01101010 Egert 1 +01101010 Rothbaum 1 +01101010 Oricoli 1 +01101010 Klatzkin 1 +01101010 al-Eryani 1 +01101010 Wonsever 1 +01101010 Luthringhausen 1 +01101010 Paschel 1 +01101010 Grand-Dad 1 +01101010 Eigsti 1 +01101010 Ledogar 1 +01101010 Abu-Zayyad 1 +01101010 Racster 1 +01101010 Martinsen 1 +01101010 Ronchetti 1 +01101010 Jatras 1 +01101010 Baastad 1 +01101010 Belkin 1 +01101010 Ream 1 +01101010 Pracomtal 1 +01101010 Louisiane 1 +01101010 Waart-Adams 1 +01101010 Hinrichs 1 +01101010 Sonosky 1 +01101010 Higbys 1 +01101010 Dimling 1 +01101010 Hommen 1 +01101010 Palitz 1 +01101010 BOROIAN 1 +01101010 VanVoorhis 1 +01101010 Hersee 1 +01101010 Mussberger 1 +01101010 Kerber 1 +01101010 Silbaugh 1 +01101010 Gellen 1 +01101010 Melberg 1 +01101010 Marsters 1 +01101010 Gowens 1 +01101010 Trzcinski 1 +01101010 Electricia 1 +01101010 Puppet 1 +01101010 Stalla 1 +01101010 GREGOR 1 +01101010 Bartel 1 +01101010 Kanas 1 +01101010 Craib 1 +01101010 Poats 1 +01101010 Bundles 1 +01101010 Dutchik 1 +01101010 Graden 1 +01101010 Confalone 1 +01101010 Kight 1 +01101010 Byways 1 +01101010 Lucens 1 +01101010 Chintallauha 1 +01101010 Merolla 1 +01101010 Defieux 1 +01101010 Haddick 1 +01101010 Frederiksen 1 +01101010 Bartine 1 +01101010 Puhr 1 +01101010 Buono 1 +01101010 Schildboeck 1 +01101010 Larmon 1 +01101010 Niddrie 1 +01101010 Glassburn 1 +01101010 Tedeschi 1 +01101010 Arrendamento 1 +01101010 Emett 1 +01101010 Guptill 1 +01101010 FLOURISHING 1 +01101010 Karlos 1 +01101010 Buol 1 +01101010 Mckown 1 +01101010 Prehn 1 +01101010 Rachesky 1 +01101010 Pelerinage 1 +01101010 Saussure 1 +01101010 al-Khasib 1 +01101010 Balaban 1 +01101010 Burcham 1 +01101010 Motoren-&-Turbinen-Union 1 +01101010 Norrelli 1 +01101010 DeRoche 1 +01101010 Robiou 1 +01101010 Ittihad 1 +01101010 Haeussler 1 +01101010 Zilvitis 1 +01101010 Alldredge 1 +01101010 McCombie 1 +01101010 Townson 1 +01101010 Clayburn 1 +01101010 Nalen 1 +01101010 Tirages 1 +01101010 Synnestvedt 1 +01101010 Pontillas 1 +01101010 Fae 1 +01101010 Robedaux 1 +01101010 Paume 1 +01101010 Tisdale 1 +01101010 Houdek 1 +01101010 Grosvald 1 +01101010 Schwalbach 1 +01101010 Peppard 1 +01101010 Pencer 1 +01101010 Emersen 1 +01101010 Rodenstock 1 +01101010 Gelch 1 +01101010 Minchin 1 +01101010 Treehouses 1 +01101010 Creasy 1 +01101010 Faillace 1 +01101010 Andreoli 1 +01101010 Kleskin 1 +01101010 Capezzana 1 +01101010 Rampolla 1 +01101010 Fontodi 1 +01101010 2668 1 +01101010 Matejka 1 +01101010 Kuypers 1 +01101010 Christell 1 +01101010 Villines 1 +01101010 Warfel 1 +01101010 Foltz 1 +01101010 Altieri 1 +01101010 Wienges 1 +01101010 Mancel 1 +01101010 HEILEMAN 1 +01101010 Kamberis 1 +01101010 Lombards 1 +01101010 Lopez-Romo 1 +01101010 Yuna 1 +01101010 Cockrell 1 +01101010 Hemby 1 +01101010 Laffin 1 +01101010 McGratty 1 +01101010 Brachman 1 +01101010 Savidge 1 +01101010 Felsinger 1 +01101010 Hier 1 +01101010 Reusing 1 +01101010 Pitler 1 +01101010 Tannenberg 1 +01101010 Bumsted 1 +01101010 Ulich 1 +01101010 Welliver 1 +01101010 Arsem 1 +01101010 Sarkesian 1 +01101010 Wendeln 1 +01101010 Neatherlin 1 +01101010 Ostrofsky 1 +01101010 Murn 1 +01101010 Reininger 1 +01101010 Maginn 1 +01101010 Strickler 1 +01101010 Probasco 1 +01101010 Ollon 1 +01101010 Degenhart 1 +01101010 Sassano 1 +01101010 Greenawalt 1 +01101010 Danielsen 1 +01101010 Lavering 1 +01101010 Stoutamore 1 +01101010 Papanek 1 +01101010 Acevedo 1 +01101010 Zipser 1 +01101010 Zerrenner 1 +01101010 Rickershauser 1 +01101010 Pottle 1 +01101010 Scallen 1 +01101010 muerte 1 +01101010 Houton 1 +01101010 Originals 1 +01101010 fantaisie 1 +01101010 Schoenbach 1 +01101010 Schwenk 1 +01101010 Hoverter 1 +01101010 Northway 1 +01101010 Debartolo 1 +01101010 Villalpando 1 +01101010 Papademetriou 1 +01101010 Sutphin 1 +01101010 Jarvie 1 +01101010 Winnitzki 1 +01101010 Colabuono 1 +01101010 Budnik 1 +01101010 Gerloff 1 +01101010 Cognets 1 +01101010 Teti 1 +01101010 Saronno 1 +01101010 Schnable 1 +01101010 Tierny 1 +01101010 Caffry 1 +01101010 Numann 1 +01101010 Mulreany 1 +01101010 Partee 1 +01101010 Jayad 1 +01101010 Oqllo 1 +01101010 Movilidades 1 +01101010 Witkay 1 +01101010 Lansaw 1 +01101010 Comerciale 1 +01101010 Bromery 1 +01101010 Zak 1 +01101010 Sebire 1 +01101010 Gaboriault 1 +01101010 Fangari 1 +01101010 Alperin 1 +01101010 Noddle 1 +01101010 Wegmiller 1 +01101010 Hagedon 1 +01101010 Cousino 1 +01101010 Yerks 1 +01101010 McNagny 1 +01101010 Pattisson 1 +01101010 Deney 1 +01101010 Pilara 1 +01101010 Unkefer 1 +01101010 George-Creque 1 +01101010 Lavity 1 +01101010 Berol 1 +01101010 Pagel 1 +01101010 Kintigh 1 +01101010 Veteri 1 +01101010 Knup 1 +01101010 Duwaine 1 +01101010 Peloubet 1 +01101010 Jayakumar 1 +01101010 Faubion 1 +01101010 Vivant 1 +01101010 Hauberg 1 +01101010 Vitanza 1 +01101010 Keay 1 +01101010 C13532 1 +01101010 Clercamp 1 +01101010 VIVIANO 1 +01101010 Folkerts 1 +01101010 Wehe 1 +01101010 Pickrell 1 +01101010 Rushlaw 1 +01101010 Mirel 1 +01101010 Jackstadt 1 +01101010 Tondowksi 1 +01101010 Olbrych 1 +01101010 McConner 1 +01101010 Vanderheyden 1 +01101010 Verville 1 +01101010 Piot 1 +01101010 Lauterstein 1 +01101010 Assise 1 +01101010 Satz 1 +01101010 Stotesbery 1 +01101010 HASSLED 1 +01101010 McVearry 1 +01101010 Gemmill 1 +01101010 Dueweke 1 +01101010 Rebner 1 +01101010 Codgers 1 +01101010 Beshara 1 +01101010 Crane. 1 +01101010 Ali-Akbar 1 +01101010 Hammink 1 +01101010 Norworthy 1 +01101010 Perrotta 1 +01101010 Langsam 1 +01101010 Verderber 1 +01101010 Chucas 1 +01101010 Tegnestam 1 +01101010 Scowby 1 +01101010 Voet 1 +01101010 Klipstein 1 +01101010 Huntz 1 +01101010 Runge 1 +01101010 Rosenkrans 1 +01101010 Lemle 1 +01101010 Mackowski 1 +01101010 Maisano 1 +01101010 Blaschke 1 +01101010 Oddis 1 +01101010 Vaissaux 1 +01101010 Mohtashami-Pur 1 +01101010 Weihenmayer 1 +01101010 Stavropoulous 1 +01101010 Koertner 1 +01101010 Benak 1 +01101010 Wattley 1 +01101010 Sheffert 1 +01101010 Lieser 1 +01101010 Morbratten 1 +01101010 Parrack 1 +01101010 Fagerstone 1 +01101010 McClung 1 +01101010 Brown-Olmstead 1 +01101010 Semi-Remorques 1 +01101010 Porcaro 1 +01101010 Parkhurst 1 +01101010 Tofel 1 +01101010 Christopoulos 1 +01101010 Quasha 1 +01101010 Famularo 1 +01101010 Milho 1 +01101010 Rodburg 1 +01101010 Buddenhagen 1 +01101010 Brinzo 1 +01101010 Guscott 1 +01101010 Dierker 1 +01101010 Bororian 1 +01101010 Hardenbrook 1 +01101010 Atzez 1 +01101010 No-Mash 1 +01101010 duMoulin 1 +01101010 Mousseux 1 +01101010 Billups 1 +01101010 Bergdoll 1 +01101010 Hemmer 1 +01101010 Guarnaccio 1 +01101010 veau 1 +01101010 Oberreit 1 +01101010 Glorioso 1 +01101010 Boudris 1 +01101010 Fatt 1 +01101010 Wible 1 +01101010 Lisco 1 +01101010 Diadamo 1 +01101010 Coultas 1 +01101010 Scutt 1 +01101010 Guckien 1 +01101010 Rebello 1 +01101010 Weispfenning 1 +01101010 Yedwab 1 +01101010 Berninghaus 1 +01101010 Branigan 1 +01101010 Englehart 1 +01101010 Ostern 1 +01101010 Feazell 1 +01101010 Seminoff 1 +01101010 Tykeson 1 +01101010 Gulotta 1 +01101010 Tettleton 1 +01101010 Apollon 1 +01101010 Herst 1 +01101010 Theodorou 1 +01101010 McIlveene 1 +01101010 Guzzardi 1 +01101010 Boullioun 1 +01101010 Borelli 1 +01101010 Wroughton 1 +01101010 Peavy 1 +01101010 Lippe 1 +01101010 Lehmkuhl 1 +01101010 Salquist 1 +01101010 Vanchieri 1 +01101010 Amboise 1 +01101010 Barcal 1 +01101010 Fetchenhier 1 +01101010 Colglazier 1 +01101010 Brande 1 +01101010 Hittinger 1 +01101010 Laportaliere 1 +01101010 Zehndor 1 +01101010 Zorster 1 +01101010 Corrie 1 +01101010 Wulwick 1 +01101010 Rappolt 1 +01101010 Linderman 1 +01101010 Frankovsky 1 +01101010 Roob 1 +01101010 Brengle 1 +01101010 Ramser 1 +01101010 Cuozzo 1 +01101010 Transue 1 +01101010 Hanc 1 +01101010 Shapira 1 +01101010 Bacarella 1 +01101010 Comerford 1 +01101010 Musham 1 +01101010 Broatch 1 +01101010 Rollo 1 +01101010 Polanek 1 +01101010 Lozada 1 +01101010 Maljers 1 +01101010 Chakas 1 +01101010 Babikian 1 +01101010 Golby 1 +01101010 Chernikoff 1 +01101010 Hildner 1 +01101010 Exportaciones 1 +01101010 Umsted 1 +01101010 Lebed 1 +01101010 Merian 1 +01101010 Eidell 1 +01101010 Makowski 1 +01101010 Delp 1 +01101010 Daleiden 1 +01101010 Yulo 1 +01101010 Kerouaille 1 +01101010 Romanow 1 +01101010 Frothingham 1 +01101010 Diccianni 1 +01101010 Mac-Reynolds 1 +01101010 Danca 1 +01101010 Rahe 1 +01101010 Amenagement 1 +01101010 Lyrio 1 +01101010 Ryker 1 +01101010 Cynar 1 +01101010 Alcox 1 +01101010 KANTZ 1 +01101010 Finci 1 +01101010 Borini 1 +01101010 Lilore 1 +01101010 Libutti 1 +01101010 Kyriakou 1 +01101010 Lidbetter 1 +01101010 Berez 1 +01101010 Reichelt 1 +01101010 Colquitt 1 +01101010 Swieg 1 +01101010 Moscou 1 +01101010 Tuuk 1 +01101010 Newhouses 1 +01101010 Popovitch 1 +01101010 Viarengo 1 +01101010 Legatti 1 +01101010 Zeitler. 1 +01101010 Pascale 1 +01101010 Aubrecht 1 +01101010 Shultis 1 +01101010 Mefford 1 +01101010 Kusumi 1 +01101010 Grashaw 1 +01101010 Campobasso 1 +01101010 Werf 1 +01101010 Bowl-Disneyland-style 1 +01101010 Cruze 1 +01101010 Doudiet 1 +01101010 Zurawski 1 +01101010 Donnan 1 +01101010 Shallcross 1 +01101010 Staffin 1 +01101010 larmes 1 +01101010 Henault 1 +01101010 Gowey 1 +01101010 Kemmerer 1 +01101010 Dandalides 1 +01101010 Lengwin 1 +01101010 Heckinger 1 +01101010 Jeub 1 +01101010 Resinger 1 +01101010 Gausman 1 +01101010 Munisteri 1 +01101010 Tigar 1 +01101010 Overcash 1 +01101010 Piccione 1 +01101010 Hoffmann-inspired 1 +01101010 Morts 1 +01101010 Sundstrom 1 +01101010 Fetes 1 +01101010 Wesbecker 1 +01101010 Tarcher 1 +01101010 Junkans 1 +01101010 Meiselman 1 +01101010 Kofmehl 1 +01101010 DiLibero 1 +01101010 Lazin 1 +01101010 Prezio 1 +01101010 Roering 1 +01101010 Cassese 1 +01101010 Munafo 1 +01101010 Laseau 1 +01101010 News-Sun 1 +01101010 Drack 1 +01101010 Curtner 1 +01101010 Rossi-Guerrero 1 +01101010 Belhumeur 1 +01101010 Fording 1 +01101010 Apgar 1 +01101010 Henrichsen 1 +01101010 Wied 1 +01101010 Eichert 1 +01101010 Tondowski 1 +01101010 Amodio 1 +01101010 mer 1 +01101010 Kupel 1 +01101010 Pouzilhac 1 +01101010 Ratigan 1 +01101010 Bergues 1 +01101010 Docter 1 +01101010 Meshmany 1 +01101010 Labbe 1 +01101010 Dauwe 1 +01101010 Planizter 1 +01101010 Yanny 1 +01101010 Polito 1 +01101010 Prebensen 1 +01101010 Reding 1 +01101010 Hallenbeck 1 +01101010 Fibiger 1 +01101010 Riunte 1 +01101010 Bachtel 1 +01101010 Rast 1 +01101010 Gregorich 1 +01101010 Lappetito 1 +01101010 Walkup 1 +01101010 Zehndo 1 +01101010 Saldi 1 +01101010 Handrinos 1 +01101010 Sonderegger 1 +01101010 Manfield 1 +01101010 Gignilliat 1 +01101010 McKibbin 1 +01101010 Egner 1 +01101010 Heider 1 +01101010 BISHOP 1 +01101010 Koehn 1 +01101010 King. 1 +01101010 Hatchett 1 +01101010 Barmore 1 +01101010 Sternenberg 1 +01101010 Hewell 1 +01101010 Gulau 1 +01101010 Azlant 1 +01101010 Wiechern 1 +01101010 Suitt 1 +01101010 Feiertag 1 +01101010 Botstein 1 +01101010 Vlaskamp 1 +01101010 Shalala 1 +01101010 Bruccoleri 1 +01101010 Halbrecht 1 +01101010 Bareuther 1 +01101010 Langbo 1 +01101010 Martinucci 1 +01101010 Rohan 1 +01101010 Miltenberger 1 +01101010 Anhaiser 1 +01101010 Sarno 1 +01101010 Wiwi 1 +01101010 Sharwell 1 +01101010 Capehart 1 +01101010 Castells 1 +01101010 Zhender 1 +01101010 DeLapp 1 +01101010 Wombwell 1 +01101010 Danilow 1 +01101010 Olisa 1 +01101010 Ocepek 1 +01101010 Ourlicht 1 +01101010 Allwin 1 +01101010 Trubey 1 +01101010 Louttit 1 +01101010 McCaig 1 +01101010 Bilsing 1 +01101010 Bleiberg 1 +01101010 Truzinski 1 +01101010 Lanners 1 +01101010 Rzepinski 1 +01101010 Tatom 1 +01101010 Shanor 1 +01101010 Pfiffnor 1 +01101010 Monnich 1 +01101010 Schaubert 1 +01101010 Satterwhite 1 +01101010 Bancos 1 +01101010 Altfest 1 +01101010 Hivert 1 +01101010 Milham 1 +01101010 Peiker 1 +01101010 Isaccson 1 +01101010 Pendelton 1 +01101010 Tuyaux 1 +01101010 Giardello 1 +01101010 Bunte 1 +01101010 Pherson 1 +01101010 Coln 1 +01101010 Jean-Pascal 1 +01101010 Stabley 1 +01101010 Fattedad 1 +01101010 Stoneman 1 +01101010 Sackner 1 +01101010 Kirchberg 1 +01101010 Shattan 1 +01101010 Clopton 1 +01101010 Jolosky 1 +01101010 chrysanthus 1 +01101010 Blasser 1 +01101010 Sall 1 +01101010 Hopton 1 +01101010 Shimbum 1 +01101010 Lammot 1 +01101010 Goenka 1 +01101010 Goryachev 1 +01101010 Hybl 1 +01101010 Burkholder 1 +01101010 Creigh 1 +01101010 Gallotta 1 +01101010 Bohack 1 +01101010 Podell 1 +01101010 Gongas 1 +01101010 Rabinovici 1 +01101010 Fawlty-type 1 +01101010 Pardo-style 1 +01101010 Ogburn 1 +01101010 Menge 1 +01101010 Edgreen 1 +01101010 Schimpf 1 +01101010 McCollester 1 +01101010 DePrince 1 +01101010 Lowman 1 +01101010 Virzi 1 +01101010 Terkel-style 1 +01101010 Zabriskie 1 +01101010 MacAlonan 1 +01101010 GrandDad 1 +01101010 Stampf 1 +01101010 Tseklenis 1 +01101010 Wst 1 +01101010 Mayolo 1 +01101010 Stiber 1 +01101010 Terraccianio 1 +01101010 Bueno 1 +01101010 Koutsos 1 +01101010 DiGiovanni 1 +01101010 Cruser 1 +01101010 Gonda 1 +01101010 Buddies 1 +01101010 Coombe 1 +01101010 Brassfield 1 +01101010 Kamman 1 +01101010 Quitslund 1 +01101010 Cafferarelli 1 +01101010 Hirschman 1 +01101010 Fischette 1 +01101010 Haack 1 +01101010 Mihelick 1 +01101010 Grandcolas 1 +01101010 Trani 1 +01101010 Hennelly 1 +01101010 Lekganyane 1 +01101010 Woithe 1 +01101010 Peterman 1 +01101010 Schlanger 1 +01101010 Skvarla 1 +01101010 Selhorst 1 +01101010 Mork 1 +01101010 Livney 1 +01101010 Mundy 1 +01101010 Funkhouser 1 +01101010 Roozen 1 +01101010 Weikel 1 +01101010 Canorios 1 +01101010 MAGURNO 1 +01101010 Biorck 1 +01101010 Inglima 1 +01101010 Giggey 1 +01101010 Mebane 1 +01101010 Schantz 1 +01101010 Schink 1 +01101010 VAIRO 1 +01101010 Freiermuth 1 +01101010 Malanaphy 1 +01101010 Damell 1 +01101010 Mollica 1 +01101010 Bond-cocaine 1 +01101010 Lentini 1 +01101010 Olloqui 1 +01101010 Leatherby 1 +01101010 Frankenbach 1 +01101010 Galub 1 +01101010 FitzPatrick 1 +01101010 Micciche 1 +01101010 Fetters 1 +01101010 Lunger 1 +01101010 Hankins 1 +01101010 Qais 1 +01101010 Haar 1 +01101010 Dueker 1 +01101010 Ligouri 1 +01101010 Ruffle 1 +01101010 Viermetz 1 +01101010 Traflet 1 +01101010 Sucrerie 1 +01101010 DeVine 1 +01101010 Garthwaite 1 +01101010 Warhover 1 +01101010 Devins 1 +01101010 Ripp 1 +01101010 Covey 1 +01101010 Swiggett 1 +01101010 Matieres 1 +01101010 Duggins 1 +01101010 Vohs 1 +01101010 Berzin 1 +01101010 Caiborne 1 +01101010 Flesher 1 +01101010 Haeg 1 +01101010 Gumpel 1 +01101010 Lottmann 1 +01101010 KEARNEY 1 +01101010 Skocher 1 +01101010 Lemanowicz 1 +01101010 Rundlett 1 +01101010 Manko 1 +01101010 Grien 1 +01101010 DuPuis 1 +01101010 DeVillez 1 +01101010 Salagaj 1 +01101010 Gherlein 1 +01101010 Mignott 1 +01101010 Veit 1 +01101010 Tovar 1 +01101010 Pittluck 1 +01101010 Congel 1 +01101010 Tavlin 1 +01101010 Adamian 1 +01101010 Scheeler 1 +01101010 Welnhofer 1 +01101010 Hecktman 1 +01101010 Waltermire 1 +01101010 Drymalski 1 +01101010 Schwindewolf 1 +01101010 Firfer 1 +01101010 Mayesh 1 +01101010 Flavell 1 +01101010 Yousuf 1 +01101010 Al-Ghazali 1 +01101010 Wizer 1 +01101010 Polokoff 1 +01101010 Downham 1 +01101010 Yahr 1 +01101010 Mangold 1 +01101010 Retter 1 +01101010 Zipes 1 +01101010 LaBerge 1 +01101010 Bedts 1 +01101010 El-Dayem 1 +01101010 Chorney 1 +01101010 Tamaki 1 +01101010 Straka 1 +01101010 Liberato 1 +01101010 Stanis 1 +01101010 Raia 1 +01101010 Telfair 1 +01101010 Wiltshire 1 +01101010 Druin 1 +01101010 Devyatisilny 1 +01101010 Dirvin 1 +01101010 Oberndorf 1 +01101010 Hallowell 1 +01101010 Megdal 1 +01101010 Hehir 1 +01101010 Dudas 1 +01101010 Incaudo 1 +01101010 Shipston 1 +01101010 Passman 1 +01101010 Weymann 1 +01101010 Zan 1 +01101010 Laskawy 1 +01101010 Roubos 1 +01101010 CUNNINGHAM 1 +01101010 Barrouk 1 +01101010 Wittmeyer 1 +01101010 Martella 1 +01101010 Erlenborn 1 +01101010 Danoff 1 +01101010 Spalthoff 1 +01101010 Dellefave 1 +01101010 Helseth 1 +01101010 Garrison-Leo 1 +01101010 Gilkeson 1 +01101010 Solecki 1 +01101010 Aue 1 +01101010 Duerinck 1 +01101010 Traw 1 +01101010 Sissum 1 +01101010 Gostomski 1 +01101010 Stiner 1 +01101010 Kanzelberger 1 +01101010 Mennis 1 +01101010 Carolus 1 +01101010 Druitt 1 +01101010 Torcasio 1 +01101010 Herrman 1 +01101010 Meyung 1 +01101010 Hettich 1 +01101010 Teison 1 +01101010 Churma 1 +01101010 Tucillo 1 +01101010 Villane 1 +01101010 Graubart 1 +01101010 Pulsipher 1 +01101010 Pflug 1 +01101010 Vranka 1 +01101010 Agress 1 +01101010 Gerraughty 1 +01101010 Roginski 1 +01101010 Marcks 1 +01101010 Liebson 1 +01101010 Chelberg 1 +01101010 Dumit 1 +01101010 Vigliotti 1 +01101010 Berin 1 +01101010 Chancey 1 +01101010 Pohs 1 +01101010 Raney 1 +01101010 Rotstan 1 +01101010 Bavaji 1 +01101010 Vilinder 1 +01101010 Curti 1 +01101010 Sternfield 1 +01101010 Mazino 1 +01101010 Guisto 1 +01101010 Baumgarder 1 +01101010 Hoedeman 1 +01101010 Yontz 1 +01101010 Poletti 1 +01101010 Brazell 1 +01101010 Sprenkle 1 +01101010 Holter 1 +01101010 Luerrsen 1 +01101010 Dhormann 1 +01101010 Uberla 1 +01101010 Evangelos 1 +01101010 Woik 1 +01101010 Guenche 1 +01101010 Cardace 1 +01101010 Snook 1 +01101010 McCrystal 1 +01101010 Weix 1 +01101010 Proefrock 1 +01101010 Coggiano 1 +01101010 Foell 1 +01101010 Valeurs 1 +01101010 Rolley 1 +01101010 Boondael 1 +01101010 Dunckel 1 +01101010 Garbrick 1 +01101010 Al-Ghuhair 1 +01101010 Fabrri 1 +01101010 Fleenor 1 +01101010 Truesdall 1 +01101010 Kreek 1 +01101010 ROONEY 1 +01101010 Madia 1 +01101010 Yauger 1 +01101010 Schnall 1 +01101010 Leighfield 1 +01101010 Wehrle 1 +01101010 Primas 1 +01101010 Haughie 1 +01101010 Cherney 1 +01101010 Vititoe 1 +01101010 Brons 1 +01101010 Arons 1 +01101010 Neugold 1 +01101010 Suojunen 1 +01101010 Kawalsky 1 +01101010 Pasciuto 1 +01101010 Zapffe 1 +01101010 Sundman 1 +01101010 DiMatteo 1 +01101010 Weizmann 1 +01101010 Khadra 1 +01101010 Jenness 1 +01101010 Cutbush 1 +01101010 Maysonave 1 +01101010 Tamaru 1 +01101010 Jahnsen 1 +01101010 Woliver 1 +01101010 Fraker 1 +01101010 Rupley 1 +01101010 Beace 1 +01101010 Zakarian 1 +01101010 Haycox 1 +01101010 Dunkelberger 1 +01101010 Plevy 1 +01101010 Eglinton 1 +01101010 Thomazin 1 +01101010 Mohrmann 1 +01101010 Paracka 1 +01101010 Boehlke 1 +01101010 Felderstein 1 +01101010 Gecker 1 +01101010 Ganoe 1 +01101010 Dotzler 1 +01101010 Cashion 1 +01101010 Schletty 1 +01101010 Laggett 1 +01101010 Cerutti 1 +01101010 Noffsinger 1 +01101010 Brummer 1 +01101010 Bramhall 1 +01101010 DeBartelo 1 +01101010 Cavalieri 1 +01101010 TUMBLE 1 +01101010 Folston 1 +01101010 Bucci 1 +01101010 Kartcher 1 +01101010 Zelikow 1 +01101010 Clauss 1 +01101010 Terantino 1 +01101010 Nunvar 1 +01101010 Harmas 1 +01101010 Annino 1 +01101010 Seri 1 +01101010 Philo 1 +01101010 Zaske 1 +01101010 Hosage 1 +01101010 Revistas 1 +01101010 Chormann 1 +01101010 Cutro 1 +01101010 Branstrom 1 +01101010 Brownhill 1 +01101010 Corp./ 1 +01101010 Stroup 1 +01101010 McNear 2 +01101010 Canker 2 +01101010 Koe 2 +01101010 Wallfesh 2 +01101010 Fayram 2 +01101010 Guyford 2 +01101010 Guyer 2 +01101010 Headley 2 +01101010 Endries 2 +01101010 Pollon 2 +01101010 Lamason 2 +01101010 Roth-Tubman 2 +01101010 Trager 2 +01101010 Kufeldt 2 +01101010 Launoit 2 +01101010 McKellar 2 +01101010 Condliffe 2 +01101010 Zachau 2 +01101010 Maister 2 +01101010 Elshtain 2 +01101010 Zee 2 +01101010 Lococo 2 +01101010 Levinsky 2 +01101010 Werdell 2 +01101010 ATKINSON 2 +01101010 Dingle 2 +01101010 1511 2 +01101010 Siebers 2 +01101010 Stowers 2 +01101010 Distefano 2 +01101010 Pollan 2 +01101010 Rulle 2 +01101010 Keydel 2 +01101010 Sinha 2 +01101010 Alkhatib 2 +01101010 Shula 2 +01101010 Tolkachev 2 +01101010 DeWolff 2 +01101010 Munin 2 +01101010 Costantine 2 +01101010 Goleccha 2 +01101010 Leddy 2 +01101010 Tazewell 2 +01101010 Welker 2 +01101010 Tomasko 2 +01101010 Malawsky 2 +01101010 Kotler 2 +01101010 Iberamerica 2 +01101010 Toland 2 +01101010 dem 2 +01101010 Ketchesum 2 +01101010 Heuvel 2 +01101010 Fuld 2 +01101010 DeBenedictis 2 +01101010 Siefkes 2 +01101010 Elfner 2 +01101010 Akre 2 +01101010 Hoan 2 +01101010 Param 2 +01101010 Marzullo 2 +01101010 Muzaffar 2 +01101010 Nordahl 2 +01101010 Tritt 2 +01101010 Phongpraphan 2 +01101010 Evershed 2 +01101010 Kawanishi 2 +01101010 Subrahmanyam 2 +01101010 Swider-Peltz 2 +01101010 Mechanic 2 +01101010 Wockenfuss 2 +01101010 Frankenthal 2 +01101010 Turiel 2 +01101010 Schaffhauser 2 +01101010 Stamos 2 +01101010 Shelp 2 +01101010 Alkouine 2 +01101010 Huguenots 2 +01101010 Adimando 2 +01101010 Mikan 2 +01101010 Obie 2 +01101010 Wisse 2 +01101010 Metzler 2 +01101010 Kogyosha 2 +01101010 Desir 2 +01101010 Compaore 2 +01101010 Daubert 2 +01101010 Alfreda 2 +01101010 Arad 2 +01101010 Closen 2 +01101010 Landetta 2 +01101010 Belichick 2 +01101010 Krieble 2 +01101010 Chamlong 2 +01101010 Mihai 2 +01101010 Hitlin 2 +01101010 Stealey 2 +01101010 Gewald 2 +01101010 Zemeckis 2 +01101010 Hojian 2 +01101010 Buhl 2 +01101010 Tassinari 2 +01101010 Bluth 2 +01101010 Mintel 2 +01101010 Jerson 2 +01101010 Schlem 2 +01101010 Sissel 2 +01101010 estime 2 +01101010 Muktaripidar 2 +01101010 Lia 2 +01101010 Lemoyne 2 +01101010 Merrifield 2 +01101010 Horsey 2 +01101010 Custis 2 +01101010 Barish 2 +01101010 Hartarto 2 +01101010 Astrop 2 +01101010 Bree 2 +01101010 Ketteringham 2 +01101010 Torto 2 +01101010 Cliburn 2 +01101010 Rickets 2 +01101010 Kueneman 2 +01101010 Suhey 2 +01101010 Pantzer 2 +01101010 Hecken 2 +01101010 Wytmar 2 +01101010 Scheuerman 2 +01101010 Cowperthwaite 2 +01101010 Panasci 2 +01101010 Brendle 2 +01101010 Manske 2 +01101010 Lounsbery 2 +01101010 Polikoff 2 +01101010 Kochitov 2 +01101010 Samakow 2 +01101010 Dantas 2 +01101010 Carmo 2 +01101010 Brochard 2 +01101010 Caronia 2 +01101010 Brau 2 +01101010 McElwee 2 +01101010 Vissoka 2 +01101010 Kreuter 2 +01101010 Widmark 2 +01101010 Hedden 2 +01101010 Braxton 2 +01101010 Tso 2 +01101010 Durso 2 +01101010 Delker 2 +01101010 Pricher 2 +01101010 Salley 2 +01101010 Sutz 2 +01101010 Wyszynski 2 +01101010 Huffard 2 +01101010 Ebbert 2 +01101010 Maestri 2 +01101010 Merriwell 2 +01101010 Mishell 2 +01101010 Sorrentino 2 +01101010 Ediger 2 +01101010 Layamon 2 +01101010 Swofford 2 +01101010 Bodnar 2 +01101010 Osteen 2 +01101010 Kratzman 2 +01101010 HOLMES 2 +01101010 Landesbank-Girozentrale 2 +01101010 Hargreaves 2 +01101010 Baddeley 2 +01101010 Anna-Greta 2 +01101010 MORRIS 2 +01101010 Rothfleisch 2 +01101010 Bleach 2 +01101010 Dillion 2 +01101010 Bunn 2 +01101010 Gamm 2 +01101010 Adeli 2 +01101010 Kellog 2 +01101010 1577 2 +01101010 Monteith 2 +01101010 Evenchick 2 +01101010 Mountjoy 2 +01101010 Capozolli 2 +01101010 Venkateswaran 2 +01101010 Recker 2 +01101010 Wadley 2 +01101010 Galac 2 +01101010 Slave 2 +01101010 Nattapol 2 +01101010 Wuerkaixi 2 +01101010 Portici 2 +01101010 Moyed 2 +01101010 Mehos 2 +01101010 ROTHSCHILD 2 +01101010 Lombardozzi 2 +01101010 Faehn 2 +01101010 Daicoff 2 +01101010 Azimi 2 +01101010 Coogan 2 +01101010 Tonsmeire 2 +01101010 Bybee 2 +01101010 Chiaromonte 2 +01101010 Majkowski 2 +01101010 Montella 2 +01101010 Vaino 2 +01101010 Sekulow 2 +01101010 Prevor 2 +01101010 Grimsley 2 +01101010 Panella 2 +01101010 Tannehill 2 +01101010 Coss 2 +01101010 Mingolla 2 +01101010 Naicker 2 +01101010 Trebelhorn 2 +01101010 Tommelein 2 +01101010 Venezia 2 +01101010 Jaus 2 +01101010 Hur 2 +01101010 Bierstadt 2 +01101010 McCourtney 2 +01101010 Malenkov 2 +01101010 Langenberg 2 +01101010 Shifflet 2 +01101010 Schwabe 2 +01101010 Bedard 2 +01101010 Vukovich 2 +01101010 Kurtenbach 2 +01101010 Kieft 2 +01101010 Aalfs 2 +01101010 Billard 2 +01101010 Violette 2 +01101010 Bagchi 2 +01101010 Falzon 2 +01101010 WALKER 2 +01101010 Freuhauf 2 +01101010 Harritt 2 +01101010 Arcade 2 +01101010 Stieglitz 2 +01101010 Putz 2 +01101010 Pagano 2 +01101010 Mallett 2 +01101010 BURTON 2 +01101010 Piccoli 2 +01101010 Wildman 2 +01101010 Zou 2 +01101010 Sypek 2 +01101010 Balducci 2 +01101010 Gawlick 2 +01101010 Pester 2 +01101010 Figg 2 +01101010 LaRussa 2 +01101010 Evenhouse 2 +01101010 Sporl 2 +01101010 Remo 2 +01101010 Bjurnstrom 2 +01101010 Cromer 2 +01101010 Castellani 2 +01101010 Loseff 2 +01101010 Thadani 2 +01101010 Seibou 2 +01101010 Mankowski 2 +01101010 Neese 2 +01101010 Givelber 2 +01101010 Beezer 2 +01101010 Schober 2 +01101010 Scotti 2 +01101010 Tojo 2 +01101010 Sweezy 2 +01101010 Magdoff 2 +01101010 Chiklis 2 +01101010 Fougere 2 +01101010 Barren 2 +01101010 Niebaum 2 +01101010 Kinnelon 2 +01101010 Suslov 2 +01101010 Rigaud 2 +01101010 Ikoma 2 +01101010 Toiv 2 +01101010 Karmin 2 +01101010 Suphsorn 2 +01101010 Halliwell 2 +01101010 Magarity 2 +01101010 McEldownley 2 +01101010 Gerrish 2 +01101010 Handicap 2 +01101010 Lickle 2 +01101010 Gumberg 2 +01101010 Macfie 2 +01101010 Pavalon 2 +01101010 Moorehead 2 +01101010 Salters 2 +01101010 Opperman 2 +01101010 Prupis 2 +01101010 Tiso 2 +01101010 Brinks 2 +01101010 Iglewski 2 +01101010 Musees 2 +01101010 Mastrucci 2 +01101010 Ludy 2 +01101010 Montezemolo 2 +01101010 Coley 2 +01101010 McKim 2 +01101010 Bilhartz 2 +01101010 Wetterhahn 2 +01101010 Kubale 2 +01101010 Skrzypczak 2 +01101010 Tomasso 2 +01101010 LaLanne 2 +01101010 Halbert 2 +01101010 Breznay 2 +01101010 Kushnick 2 +01101010 Dourlet 2 +01101010 Montazari 2 +01101010 Koff 2 +01101010 Bolla 2 +01101010 Qian 2 +01101010 Verellen 2 +01101010 Rottman 2 +01101010 Cherin 2 +01101010 Titov 2 +01101010 Bjurman 2 +01101010 Tycoon 2 +01101010 Peck. 2 +01101010 Schenker 2 +01101010 Noda 2 +01101010 Decoster 2 +01101010 Jantzen 2 +01101010 DeMeuse 2 +01101010 Meyerhoff 2 +01101010 Kryda 2 +01101010 Manoa 2 +01101010 Kolker 2 +01101010 Creem 2 +01101010 Huffaker 2 +01101010 Hottensen 2 +01101010 Werden 2 +01101010 Carnegies 2 +01101010 Wankel 2 +01101010 Mohagen 2 +01101010 Darnall 2 +01101010 Logar 2 +01101010 Musial 2 +01101010 Gardel 2 +01101010 Dickemper 2 +01101010 Lobeck 2 +01101010 Debo 2 +01101010 Tenebres 2 +01101010 Bahadur 2 +01101010 Messmer 2 +01101010 Shriner 2 +01101010 Chavel 2 +01101010 Falzani 2 +01101010 Radu 2 +01101010 Six-Pack 2 +01101010 McGaughey 2 +01101010 Gressinger 2 +01101010 Hansell 2 +01101010 Clasen 2 +01101010 Dobin 2 +01101010 Kritzer 2 +01101010 Senterfitt 2 +01101010 Lukes 2 +01101010 Heidsieck 2 +01101010 Cator 2 +01101010 Seguros 2 +01101010 Ladin 2 +01101010 Bromer 2 +01101010 Boudreaux 2 +01101010 Seoane 2 +01101010 Osawa 2 +01101010 Scherr 2 +01101010 Rickards 2 +01101010 Paopat 2 +01101010 Weichman 2 +01101010 Rotschild 2 +01101010 Malasmus 2 +01101010 Chameleon 2 +01101010 2470 2 +01101010 Kopec 2 +01101010 Manyak 2 +01101010 Ghabris 2 +01101010 Waymer 2 +01101010 Lash 2 +01101010 Zhaoyi 2 +01101010 Wallmann 2 +01101010 Economiques 2 +01101010 Hiltzheimer 2 +01101010 Marineau 2 +01101010 Haeggloef 2 +01101010 Vad 2 +01101010 Kneeland 2 +01101010 Carolly 2 +01101010 Yatron 2 +01101010 Katcher 2 +01101010 Fiffer 2 +01101010 Muzylowski 2 +01101010 Bonnell 2 +01101010 McNease 2 +01101010 Tatlin 2 +01101010 Carboni 2 +01101010 McEachen 2 +01101010 Liming 2 +01101010 Caito 2 +01101010 Stiponovich 2 +01101010 Verdugo 2 +01101010 Marra 2 +01101010 Bozarth 2 +01101010 Ambridge 2 +01101010 Hinchman 2 +01101010 Christon 2 +01101010 Latouche 2 +01101010 Pickler 2 +01101010 Jeffcoat 2 +01101010 Hackworth 2 +01101010 Swanstrom 2 +01101010 Wootten 2 +01101010 Mikity 2 +01101010 Radzinski 2 +01101010 Guigal 2 +01101010 Visconto 2 +01101010 Slember 2 +01101010 Marchitto 2 +01101010 Bohl 2 +01101010 Himmelwright 2 +01101010 Malraux 2 +01101010 Caneghan 2 +01101010 Kammerer 2 +01101010 Lunney 2 +01101010 Brincat 2 +01101010 Strassler 2 +01101010 Lune 2 +01101010 Overstreet 2 +01101010 Northcote 2 +01101010 Agheila 2 +01101010 Silvers 2 +01101010 Elroy 2 +01101010 Lakonishok 2 +01101010 Choedchu 2 +01101010 Freudenheim 2 +01101010 Buer 2 +01101010 Tilly 2 +01101010 Delhomme 2 +01101010 Naideth 2 +01101010 Dunleavy 2 +01101010 Silvernale 2 +01101010 Schaffauser 2 +01101010 Quantz 2 +01101010 Satre 2 +01101010 Evered 2 +01101010 Ceasar 2 +01101010 Roediger 2 +01101010 Steta 2 +01101010 Arduini 2 +01101010 Goerz 2 +01101010 Neafsey 2 +01101010 Maugans 2 +01101010 Nygard 2 +01101010 Salthouse 2 +01101010 Tominac 2 +01101010 Cayes 2 +01101010 Frosch 2 +01101010 Blackwelder 2 +01101010 Florjancic 2 +01101010 Binning 2 +01101010 Melk 2 +01101010 Guercio 2 +01101010 Banton 2 +01101010 Hutts 2 +01101010 Lovins 2 +01101010 Duman 2 +01101010 Yonder 2 +01101010 Emper 2 +01101010 Weick 2 +01101010 Flattery 2 +01101010 Bonda 2 +01101010 Klutznick 2 +01101010 Stueck 2 +01101010 Fults 2 +01101010 Labovitz 2 +01101010 Nasher 2 +01101010 norske 2 +01101010 Sumpter 2 +01101010 Pletnev 2 +01101010 Sechler 2 +01101010 Rago 2 +01101010 Battalia 2 +01101010 Albin 2 +01101010 Cascino 2 +01101010 Glasgal 2 +01101010 Gieszl 2 +01101010 Ruck 2 +01101010 Dionisio 2 +01101010 Chon 2 +01101010 McMillian 2 +01101010 Pulver 2 +01101010 Rankine 2 +01101010 Pinkett 2 +01101010 Yorke 2 +01101010 Duckhorn 2 +01101010 Sinkula 2 +01101010 Kellam 2 +01101010 Oertle 2 +01101010 Rockoff 2 +01101010 Neild 2 +01101010 dasystemon 2 +01101010 Turkestanica 2 +01101010 Quispe 2 +01101010 Beougher 2 +01101010 Bakal 2 +01101010 Powlen 2 +01101010 Sorbo 2 +01101010 Curnow 2 +01101010 Anon 2 +01101010 Louchheim 2 +01101010 Yajnik 2 +01101010 SINCLAIR 2 +01101010 Stiffle 2 +01101010 Alaniz 2 +01101010 Mulato 2 +01101010 Salorio 2 +01101010 Dijkstra 2 +01101010 Maitland-Smith 2 +01101010 Gadow 2 +01101010 Tappen 2 +01101010 Auberry 2 +01101010 Passamano 2 +01101010 Hamdan 2 +01101010 Baysal 2 +01101010 Peruano 2 +01101010 Jordaens 2 +01101010 Quint 2 +01101010 Aande 2 +01101010 Kraushaar 2 +01101010 Chabeneix 2 +01101010 Lenart 2 +01101010 Kosai 2 +01101010 Fedorenko 2 +01101010 Malara 2 +01101010 Leotta 2 +01101010 Durrell 2 +01101010 Altura 2 +01101010 Schwarzenberger 2 +01101010 Raucourt 2 +01101010 Livolsi 2 +01101010 Berwin 2 +01101010 Norbu 2 +01101010 Lechner 2 +01101010 Nasti 2 +01101010 Ebel 2 +01101010 Bushey 2 +01101010 Bruhl 2 +01101010 Nicol 2 +01101010 Aderhold 2 +01101010 Himber 2 +01101010 Hug 2 +01101010 Hebb 2 +01101010 Havemeyer 2 +01101010 Figueras 2 +01101010 Kanellopoulos 2 +01101010 Campesino 2 +01101010 Stadter 2 +01101010 Misquita 2 +01101010 Leet 2 +01101010 Wiatrak 2 +01101010 Vella 2 +01101010 Shelikhov 2 +01101010 Hanifan 2 +01101010 LaLoosh 2 +01101010 Lewes 3 +01101010 Villalobos 3 +01101010 Nofal 3 +01101010 Meditation 3 +01101010 Hohn 3 +01101010 Eriksen 3 +01101010 Qua 3 +01101010 Usery 3 +01101010 Yamauchi 3 +01101010 Pynchon 3 +01101010 Bettis 3 +01101010 Vetter 3 +01101010 Newlands 3 +01101010 Zoll 3 +01101010 Guillen 3 +01101010 Mathieson 3 +01101010 Thapar 3 +01101010 Areeda 3 +01101010 Genge 3 +01101010 Sitomer 3 +01101010 Smicklas 3 +01101010 Firmin 3 +01101010 Bellinger 3 +01101010 Hill/Mecca 3 +01101010 Koven 3 +01101010 Levert 3 +01101010 Saker 3 +01101010 Monteiro 3 +01101010 Slaight 3 +01101010 Pflaum 3 +01101010 Klumpp 3 +01101010 Holbein 3 +01101010 Zimmerli 3 +01101010 Piety 3 +01101010 Rogov 3 +01101010 JORDAN 3 +01101010 Croly 3 +01101010 Martosella 3 +01101010 Fuehrer 3 +01101010 Woosley 3 +01101010 Ferrante 3 +01101010 Kreps 3 +01101010 Hartnick 3 +01101010 Wygant 3 +01101010 Lindt 3 +01101010 Checkosky 3 +01101010 Chiew 3 +01101010 Peattie 3 +01101010 Cenci 3 +01101010 MCLEAN 3 +01101010 Clanton 3 +01101010 Azur 3 +01101010 Vaivudhi 3 +01101010 Togut 3 +01101010 Salvino 3 +01101010 Veres 3 +01101010 Gavras 3 +01101010 Mihara 3 +01101010 Rhyne 3 +01101010 Bigler 3 +01101010 Purnell 3 +01101010 Anand 3 +01101010 Malonson 3 +01101010 Shur 3 +01101010 Heintz 3 +01101010 Trocme 3 +01101010 Wouters 3 +01101010 Elfman 3 +01101010 Simard 3 +01101010 LeGrande 3 +01101010 Claro 3 +01101010 Nee 3 +01101010 Cavarretta 3 +01101010 Lauritzen 3 +01101010 LeMay 3 +01101010 Spiller 3 +01101010 Randle 3 +01101010 Tayeb 3 +01101010 Valen 3 +01101010 Maltbie 3 +01101010 Hyer 3 +01101010 Vellert 3 +01101010 Burgoon 3 +01101010 Whyte 3 +01101010 Bassani 3 +01101010 Apfel 3 +01101010 Heidegger 3 +01101010 Lachman 3 +01101010 Konikow 3 +01101010 Funicello 3 +01101010 Moura 3 +01101010 Stutman 3 +01101010 Angara 3 +01101010 Willey 3 +01101010 Brickell 3 +01101010 DuComb 3 +01101010 Arky 3 +01101010 Burkey 3 +01101010 Lifschultz 3 +01101010 Koffel 3 +01101010 Klick 3 +01101010 Waterstone 3 +01101010 Casamassima 3 +01101010 Halloway 3 +01101010 Galliano 3 +01101010 McGrain 3 +01101010 Rood 3 +01101010 Mugabi 3 +01101010 Magno 3 +01101010 Grylls 3 +01101010 Handelman 3 +01101010 Teneff 3 +01101010 Demos 3 +01101010 Garside 3 +01101010 Dubin 3 +01101010 Scarbrough 3 +01101010 Warne 3 +01101010 Fantin-Latour 3 +01101010 Tanler 3 +01101010 Zysman 3 +01101010 Skybetter 3 +01101010 Dilweg 3 +01101010 Nally 3 +01101010 Lajoinie 3 +01101010 Seaborn 3 +01101010 Syms 3 +01101010 Norall 3 +01101010 Flock 3 +01101010 Nakagama 3 +01101010 Recto 3 +01101010 Princes 3 +01101010 Entreprise 3 +01101010 Maggi 3 +01101010 Angoff 3 +01101010 Kaku 3 +01101010 Batinic 3 +01101010 Gart 3 +01101010 Cassels 3 +01101010 Croll 3 +01101010 Silvestri 3 +01101010 Daumier 3 +01101010 Belk 3 +01101010 Custard 3 +01101010 Brod 3 +01101010 Maconachy 3 +01101010 Heathman 3 +01101010 LeSignour 3 +01101010 Colfax 3 +01101010 Guzzle 3 +01101010 Cassation 3 +01101010 Kile 3 +01101010 Jetson 3 +01101010 Sai 3 +01101010 Toklas 3 +01101010 Nagase 3 +01101010 Carl/312-Futures 3 +01101010 Kasom 3 +01101010 Puls 3 +01101010 Shealey 3 +01101010 Piccard 3 +01101010 Maddalena 3 +01101010 Mihaly 3 +01101010 Snaith 3 +01101010 Lagerfeld 3 +01101010 Kindel 3 +01101010 Hamada 3 +01101010 Stober 3 +01101010 Duckett 3 +01101010 Lillis 3 +01101010 Buffone 3 +01101010 Bobbi 3 +01101010 Haldeman-Julius 3 +01101010 Silcox 3 +01101010 mia 3 +01101010 Ebsworth 3 +01101010 Landreth 3 +01101010 Kalinowski 3 +01101010 Pappert 3 +01101010 Halder 3 +01101010 Schotland 3 +01101010 Siregar 3 +01101010 Meigs 3 +01101010 Neiss 3 +01101010 Grune 3 +01101010 Chastain 3 +01101010 Schaller 3 +01101010 Hanft 3 +01101010 MacAndrew 3 +01101010 Oram 3 +01101010 Craighead 3 +01101010 Argent 3 +01101010 Semprevivo 3 +01101010 Delich 3 +01101010 Mercado 3 +01101010 Hashim 3 +01101010 Rutili 3 +01101010 Berstein 3 +01101010 Fermat 3 +01101010 Greaves 3 +01101010 Salter 3 +01101010 Cavaney 3 +01101010 Mahdi 3 +01101010 Santry 3 +01101010 Culverwell 3 +01101010 Pescarmona 3 +01101010 Koshland 3 +01101010 Nordlinger 3 +01101010 Korf 3 +01101010 Mickelson 3 +01101010 Kleinke 3 +01101010 Muss 3 +01101010 Tullis 3 +01101010 Doctorow 3 +01101010 Wyckoff 3 +01101010 Krishnan 3 +01101010 Woodforde 3 +01101010 Borget 3 +01101010 Gertler 3 +01101010 Widman 3 +01101010 Kellar 3 +01101010 Spink 3 +01101010 Saulsbury 3 +01101010 Laderman 3 +01101010 Rothko 3 +01101010 Zevenbergen 3 +01101010 Rollings 3 +01101010 Laclos 3 +01101010 Wimpey 3 +01101010 Kemps 3 +01101010 Mendicino 3 +01101010 Krzywicki 3 +01101010 Buckler 3 +01101010 Calfee 3 +01101010 Twister 3 +01101010 Leia 3 +01101010 Prom 3 +01101010 Sixpack 3 +01101010 Beddome 3 +01101010 Roarke 3 +01101010 Stoppard 3 +01101010 Kadlec 3 +01101010 Kleist 3 +01101010 Agresti 3 +01101010 Bouvet 3 +01101010 Erkins 3 +01101010 Smulyan 3 +01101010 Nussink 3 +01101010 Mitera 3 +01101010 Ekrom 3 +01101010 Waldhauser 3 +01101010 Trueman 3 +01101010 Borchgrave 3 +01101010 Hargrave 3 +01101010 Bullitt 3 +01101010 Hedrick 3 +01101010 Gott 3 +01101010 Mette 3 +01101010 Saint-Amand 3 +01101010 Penna 3 +01101010 Sprinkle 3 +01101010 Katayama 3 +01101010 Strowger 3 +01101010 Yochum 3 +01101010 Corsaro 3 +01101010 Woosnam 3 +01101010 Perl 3 +01101010 Ungaro 3 +01101010 Stocking 3 +01101010 Gaunt 3 +01101010 Calata 3 +01101010 Spinelli 3 +01101010 Jaber 3 +01101010 Azure 3 +01101010 Stanard 3 +01101010 DellaFemina 3 +01101010 Frankenberry 3 +01101010 Balleisen 3 +01101010 Gotlib 3 +01101010 Kolodny 3 +01101010 McKiernan 3 +01101010 Abroms 3 +01101010 Bajaj 3 +01101010 Calcavecchia 3 +01101010 Fix-It 3 +01101010 Brundage 3 +01101010 Maule 3 +01101010 Passamani 3 +01101010 Linquist 3 +01101010 Brehm 3 +01101010 Pozo 3 +01101010 Carrell 3 +01101010 Dollinger 3 +01101010 Brunning 3 +01101010 Westerfield 3 +01101010 Anatole 3 +01101010 Tachiki 3 +01101010 Seitchik 3 +01101010 Freihofer 3 +01101010 Caird 3 +01101010 Kuchler 3 +01101010 Caswell 3 +01101010 Mecom 3 +01101010 Liepa 3 +01101010 Dula 3 +01101010 Yeller 3 +01101010 Ryser 3 +01101010 Mulhall 3 +01101010 Wilmers 3 +01101010 Gurion 3 +01101010 McAdam 3 +01101010 Byer 3 +01101010 Rosenbloom 3 +01101010 Fite 3 +01101010 Kader 3 +01101010 Viss 3 +01101010 VO5 3 +01101010 Nuzum 3 +01101010 Rexsite 3 +01101010 Barman 3 +01101010 Bruehl 3 +01101010 Lymon 3 +01101010 Nuncio 3 +01101010 Sagarra 3 +01101010 Kamata 3 +01101010 Thornburg 3 +01101010 Kercheval 3 +01101010 Seedman 3 +01101010 Thu 3 +01101010 Bessmertnykh 3 +01101010 Matar 3 +01101010 Dozen 3 +01101010 Tease 3 +01101010 Kershaw 3 +01101010 Pastorius 3 +01101010 Harrelson 3 +01101010 Dickason 3 +01101010 Tatsumi 3 +01101010 Olken 3 +01101010 Holmquist 3 +01101010 Node 3 +01101010 Bonovitz 3 +01101010 Godlewski 3 +01101010 Pedrosa 3 +01101010 Villareal 3 +01101010 Barrons 3 +01101010 Brunie 3 +01101010 Brach 3 +01101010 Gummy 3 +01101010 Galway 3 +01101010 Truesdell 3 +01101010 Fingerhood 3 +01101010 Rehfeldt 3 +01101010 Atols 3 +01101010 Pomerening 3 +01101010 Twombly 3 +01101010 Mineria 3 +01101010 Kasnett 3 +01101010 Sutphen 3 +01101010 Macrae 3 +01101010 Panufnik 3 +01101010 Buff 3 +01101010 Kavanaugh 3 +01101010 Dimeling 3 +01101010 Vere 3 +01101010 Piedra 3 +01101010 Terker 3 +01101010 Aramburuzabala 3 +01101010 Woodall 3 +01101010 Ohn 3 +01101010 Walling 3 +01101010 Gooch 3 +01101010 Dreiling 3 +01101010 Lorrie 3 +01101010 Beare 3 +01101010 Hermelee 3 +01101010 Eklof 3 +01101010 Brinkschulte 3 +01101010 Steinbach 3 +01101010 Clack 3 +01101010 Lenard 3 +01101010 Braudel 3 +01101010 Panoff 3 +01101010 Pasquariello 3 +01101010 LaMore 3 +01101010 Swieca 3 +01101010 Ancona 3 +01101010 Karle 3 +01101010 Benevento 3 +01101010 Osinski 3 +01101010 Parkes 3 +01101010 Scenario 3 +01101010 Haney 3 +01101010 Aronsson 3 +01101010 Merkel 3 +01101010 McIver 3 +01101010 Kalp 3 +01101010 Goble 3 +01101010 Schweizer 3 +01101010 Radiocomunicaciones 3 +01101010 Schaper 3 +01101010 Ruddick 3 +01101010 Sawyier 3 +01101010 Aidlin 3 +01101010 Boyajian 3 +01101010 Rotta 3 +01101010 Pilz 3 +01101010 Hoban 3 +01101010 Dubuc 3 +01101010 Tubb 3 +01101010 Pettis 3 +01101010 Shycon 3 +01101010 Voorhies 3 +01101010 Herlihy 3 +01101010 Bettenhausen 3 +01101010 Lammer 3 +01101010 Chermayeff 3 +01101010 Metzlaff 3 +01101010 Trubetskoy 3 +01101010 Pettersson 3 +01101010 Koen 3 +01101010 Gerbino 3 +01101010 Guofeng 3 +01101010 Mortenson 3 +01101010 Orabi 3 +01101010 Crupi 3 +01101010 DeWolfe 3 +01101010 Pettus 3 +01101010 Saltzburg 3 +01101010 Zahn 3 +01101010 Mecklenberg 3 +01101010 Rosenkavalier 3 +01101010 Bickley 3 +01101010 Wason 3 +01101010 Hildreth 3 +01101010 Ines 3 +01101010 Sheetz 3 +01101010 Sonntag 3 +01101010 Nager 3 +01101010 dell 3 +01101010 Aurelio 3 +01101010 Enis 3 +01101010 Coe 3 +01101010 Mader 3 +01101010 Sica 3 +01101010 Plasse 3 +01101010 Brownstein 3 +01101010 Furumoto 3 +01101010 Kable 3 +01101010 Swisher 3 +01101010 Macleod 3 +01101010 Tarlton 3 +01101010 Tsavaris 3 +01101010 Ebcioglu 3 +01101010 Hindy 3 +01101010 Causley 3 +01101010 Mechlin 3 +01101010 Mohtashemi-Pur 3 +01101010 Scents 3 +01101010 ROGERS 3 +01101010 Gens 3 +01101010 Ledet 3 +01101010 KIRBY 3 +01101010 Nett 3 +01101010 Offutt 3 +01101010 Lazcano 3 +01101010 Libbey 3 +01101010 Bargon 3 +01101010 Hasselblad 3 +01101010 Kingsnorth 3 +01101010 Walin 3 +01101010 Fredricks 3 +01101010 Deardorff 3 +01101010 Earnshaw 3 +01101010 Godel 3 +01101010 Sitter 3 +01101010 Jurasik 3 +01101010 Canellos 3 +01101010 Ehrhardt 3 +01101010 Price-Fleming 3 +01101010 Mascotte 3 +01101010 Salvatori 3 +01101010 Kirkman 3 +01101010 Donatoni 3 +01101010 Fitz 3 +01101010 Lamhut 3 +01101010 Linares 3 +01101010 Fiorenza 3 +01101010 Campau 3 +01101010 Revelstoke 3 +01101010 Klauck 3 +01101010 Gagosian 3 +01101010 Chavarria 3 +01101010 Hoenecke 3 +01101010 Weizman 3 +01101010 Sween 3 +01101010 Ruffino 3 +01101010 Averett 3 +01101010 Drotter 3 +01101010 Hayakawa 3 +01101010 Eustis 3 +01101010 Stilwell 3 +01101010 Alberti 3 +01101010 Ludvigsen 3 +01101010 Grahl 3 +01101010 Gunzburg 3 +01101010 BONUSES 3 +01101010 Sweitzer 3 +01101010 Crosland 4 +01101010 Cavelti 4 +01101010 Kimmell 4 +01101010 Diez 4 +01101010 Selman 4 +01101010 Richelieu 4 +01101010 Makanoff 4 +01101010 Hendler 4 +01101010 Cartier-Bresson 4 +01101010 Kertesz 4 +01101010 Dinkeloo 4 +01101010 Mehrer 4 +01101010 Alcorn 4 +01101010 DeLand 4 +01101010 Nei 4 +01101010 Marich 4 +01101010 Codina 4 +01101010 Adamec 4 +01101010 Bixby 4 +01101010 Slagle 4 +01101010 LaGere 4 +01101010 Lassiter 4 +01101010 Hadida 4 +01101010 Kite 4 +01101010 Rieder 4 +01101010 Dabba 4 +01101010 Eisenstat 4 +01101010 Disorder 4 +01101010 Haughton 4 +01101010 Moodys 4 +01101010 Coetzee 4 +01101010 Seguin 4 +01101010 Bertelsman 4 +01101010 Danza 4 +01101010 Phypers 4 +01101010 Schopf 4 +01101010 Clemenceau 4 +01101010 Bowring 4 +01101010 Velez 4 +01101010 Geel 4 +01101010 Zutter 4 +01101010 Holger 4 +01101010 Lehndorff 4 +01101010 Eolis 4 +01101010 Frampton 4 +01101010 Frasier 4 +01101010 Voix 4 +01101010 Terk 4 +01101010 Lonczak 4 +01101010 Hafetz 4 +01101010 Pyo 4 +01101010 Wavell 4 +01101010 Ekman 4 +01101010 Saxe 4 +01101010 Cupper 4 +01101010 Chesnut 4 +01101010 Jessop 4 +01101010 Bekhor 4 +01101010 Escoffier 4 +01101010 Fife 4 +01101010 arte 4 +01101010 Kelner 4 +01101010 Houde 4 +01101010 Hefton 4 +01101010 Broun 4 +01101010 Liddell 4 +01101010 Deegan 4 +01101010 Baptiste 4 +01101010 Abegglen 4 +01101010 Akita 4 +01101010 Savett 4 +01101010 Luksch 4 +01101010 Munsell 4 +01101010 Lucker 4 +01101010 Roisman 4 +01101010 Farish 4 +01101010 Gloyd 4 +01101010 Gutwein 4 +01101010 Makepeace 4 +01101010 McWilliams 4 +01101010 Orosco 4 +01101010 Maxson 4 +01101010 Tiegs 4 +01101010 Lapping 4 +01101010 Ronalds 4 +01101010 Larkins 4 +01101010 Stonefield 4 +01101010 Dreisbach 4 +01101010 Dunning 4 +01101010 Chuong 4 +01101010 Gutzwiller 4 +01101010 Chiaie 4 +01101010 Carestio 4 +01101010 Mabe 4 +01101010 Hrdlicka 4 +01101010 Argyris 4 +01101010 Sbarra 4 +01101010 Kosheff 4 +01101010 Fudge 4 +01101010 Heiden 4 +01101010 Bookman 4 +01101010 Floria 4 +01101010 Hasse 4 +01101010 Knoell 4 +01101010 Morrissey 4 +01101010 Cunha 4 +01101010 Sonde 4 +01101010 Sharkey 4 +01101010 Galland 4 +01101010 Chaffee 4 +01101010 Schirmer 4 +01101010 Chausson 4 +01101010 Mariaschin 4 +01101010 Bendick 4 +01101010 Kolton 4 +01101010 Roath 4 +01101010 Quan 4 +01101010 Halles 4 +01101010 Nasr 4 +01101010 Bauder 4 +01101010 Gagliardi 4 +01101010 Grammer 4 +01101010 Corna 4 +01101010 Searcy 4 +01101010 Abu-Saleh 4 +01101010 Cabell 4 +01101010 Doinel 4 +01101010 Leenen 4 +01101010 Trinquetaille 4 +01101010 Durocher 4 +01101010 Hord 4 +01101010 Parente 4 +01101010 Farben 4 +01101010 Prell 4 +01101010 Rivetti 4 +01101010 Lamberth 4 +01101010 Makarova 4 +01101010 Sepulveda 4 +01101010 Haave 4 +01101010 Groetzinger 4 +01101010 Soubeyran 4 +01101010 Wittner 4 +01101010 Marchi 4 +01101010 Nelsen 4 +01101010 Gantner 4 +01101010 Rasor 4 +01101010 Lazzaroni 4 +01101010 Venue 4 +01101010 Atkind 4 +01101010 Corby 4 +01101010 Lutoslawski 4 +01101010 Twine 4 +01101010 Hoisington 4 +01101010 Meeder 4 +01101010 Haggar 4 +01101010 Reppe 4 +01101010 Besser 4 +01101010 Staunton 4 +01101010 Goren 4 +01101010 Creswell 4 +01101010 Cavallo 4 +01101010 Hassam 4 +01101010 Berk 4 +01101010 Demeure 4 +01101010 Fuhrmann 4 +01101010 Steirman 4 +01101010 Antinori 4 +01101010 Wino 4 +01101010 Hunefeld 4 +01101010 Antonello 4 +01101010 Capers 4 +01101010 Schuerholz 4 +01101010 Brinegar 4 +01101010 Apostolakis 4 +01101010 Rotunda 4 +01101010 Brakeley 4 +01101010 Joynt 4 +01101010 Loughman 4 +01101010 Scheidt 4 +01101010 Frommer 4 +01101010 Vougeot 4 +01101010 Beerbohm 4 +01101010 Gundel 4 +01101010 Tarnow 4 +01101010 Nizer 4 +01101010 Seronick 4 +01101010 Junor 4 +01101010 Ackley 4 +01101010 Treadwell 4 +01101010 Coble 4 +01101010 Thee 4 +01101010 Longuet 4 +01101010 Cullom 4 +01101010 Schaffner 4 +01101010 Dobbins 4 +01101010 Poterba 4 +01101010 Mash 4 +01101010 Haugh 4 +01101010 Rangos 4 +01101010 Cohler 4 +01101010 Freshwater 4 +01101010 Hoefer 4 +01101010 Burggraf 4 +01101010 Woolfe 4 +01101010 Nammack 4 +01101010 Creamery 4 +01101010 Goldstone 4 +01101010 Sayre 4 +01101010 Lochner 4 +01101010 Rigdon 4 +01101010 Ribbon 4 +01101010 Zarin 4 +01101010 Toulouse-Lautrec 4 +01101010 Delacroix 4 +01101010 Blackie 4 +01101010 Vee 4 +01101010 Wipf 4 +01101010 Boley 4 +01101010 Savon 4 +01101010 Tickle 4 +01101010 Edel 4 +01101010 Addy 4 +01101010 Shu 4 +01101010 Destino 4 +01101010 frappe 4 +01101010 Jian 4 +01101010 Wente 4 +01101010 Ver 4 +01101010 Calvillo 4 +01101010 Alderdice 4 +01101010 Danson 4 +01101010 Standish 4 +01101010 Twomey 4 +01101010 Guerrini 4 +01101010 Hemmings 4 +01101010 Mounty 4 +01101010 Heidt 4 +01101010 Reny 4 +01101010 Schueren 4 +01101010 Oka 4 +01101010 McNeely 4 +01101010 Ainsworth 4 +01101010 Beeman 4 +01101010 Foret 4 +01101010 LeBlond 4 +01101010 Hirao 4 +01101010 Whiteside 4 +01101010 Pantaleoni 4 +01101010 Veneto 4 +01101010 Vaux 4 +01101010 Jefferys 4 +01101010 Hankin 4 +01101010 Palley 4 +01101010 Mirante 4 +01101010 Moak 4 +01101010 Hauptman 4 +01101010 Prasad 4 +01101010 Tunnerman 4 +01101010 Mikuni 4 +01101010 Buoy 4 +01101010 Kubik 4 +01101010 Montford 4 +01101010 Artis 4 +01101010 Barro 4 +01101010 Kazi 4 +01101010 Bunnell 4 +01101010 Helmer 4 +01101010 Walsworth 4 +01101010 Clearfield 4 +01101010 McCourt 4 +01101010 Troup 4 +01101010 Coffman 4 +01101010 Eakin 4 +01101010 Brackenbury 4 +01101010 Lunt 4 +01101010 Wauterlek 4 +01101010 Krystal 4 +01101010 Kitchener 4 +01101010 Ponder 4 +01101010 Mowery 4 +01101010 Dolson 4 +01101010 Francini 4 +01101010 Reins 4 +01101010 Moister 4 +01101010 Malis 4 +01101010 Tora 4 +01101010 Kano 4 +01101010 Cryer 4 +01101010 Depots 4 +01101010 Cresson 4 +01101010 Sturges 4 +01101010 Iwata 4 +01101010 Dorney 4 +01101010 Dillinger 4 +01101010 Heijn 4 +01101010 Gooding 4 +01101010 Remnant 4 +01101010 Wool 4 +01101010 Schwener 4 +01101010 Wit 4 +01101010 Luthy 4 +01101010 Donation 4 +01101010 Slaney 4 +01101010 McAuley 4 +01101010 Arp 4 +01101010 Ammann 4 +01101010 Justo 4 +01101010 Blush 4 +01101010 Linscott 4 +01101010 Plume 4 +01101010 Aliber 4 +01101010 Fasolino 4 +01101010 Produits 4 +01101010 Buckland 4 +01101010 Tourvel 4 +01101010 Checci 4 +01101010 Jaasund 4 +01101010 Megeath 4 +01101010 Sider 4 +01101010 Fuego 4 +01101010 Beckwith 4 +01101010 Nachman 4 +01101010 Eckardt 4 +01101010 Haywood 4 +01101010 Youngs 4 +01101010 Quijano 4 +01101010 Kravitz 4 +01101010 Foxcroft 4 +01101010 vivre 4 +01101010 Wickert 4 +01101010 Donlon 5 +01101010 tearfully 5 +01101010 Burrows 5 +01101010 McCowan 5 +01101010 Charron 5 +01101010 Bodman 5 +01101010 Blast 5 +01101010 Barter 5 +01101010 Baroody 5 +01101010 Bland 5 +01101010 DesRosiers 5 +01101010 Armaly 5 +01101010 Ladas 5 +01101010 Tenney 5 +01101010 Lagonda 5 +01101010 Breech 5 +01101010 Muffin 5 +01101010 Spacek 5 +01101010 Beacham 5 +01101010 Butters 5 +01101010 Hammon 5 +01101010 LaFollette 5 +01101010 Pillow 5 +01101010 Blackwood 5 +01101010 Mendell 5 +01101010 Cram 5 +01101010 Castel 5 +01101010 Gaspard 5 +01101010 Petronelli 5 +01101010 Martorell 5 +01101010 Ciotti 5 +01101010 Guittard 5 +01101010 Pompadour 5 +01101010 Lindblad 5 +01101010 Macey 5 +01101010 Adonis 5 +01101010 Beigel 5 +01101010 McAndrews 5 +01101010 LaBoon 5 +01101010 Dinerstein 5 +01101010 Tarlow 5 +01101010 Casas 5 +01101010 Starck 5 +01101010 Nutter 5 +01101010 Palle 5 +01101010 Pavin 5 +01101010 Caen 5 +01101010 Danieli 5 +01101010 Malevich 5 +01101010 Colson 5 +01101010 Bellman 5 +01101010 Nordeman 5 +01101010 Madlock 5 +01101010 Thomajan 5 +01101010 Ueltschi 5 +01101010 Curzon 5 +01101010 Norgle 5 +01101010 Criser 5 +01101010 Spungin 5 +01101010 Kreindler 5 +01101010 Breda 5 +01101010 Novotny 5 +01101010 Shankar 5 +01101010 Dragone 5 +01101010 Longo 5 +01101010 Gorgue 5 +01101010 Lair 5 +01101010 Iyad 5 +01101010 Beaulieu 5 +01101010 Steuber 5 +01101010 Twitty 5 +01101010 Boni 5 +01101010 Detergent 5 +01101010 Noto 5 +01101010 Altmann 5 +01101010 Dithers 5 +01101010 Murtaugh 5 +01101010 Taha 5 +01101010 Redfern 5 +01101010 Luo 5 +01101010 Fertig 5 +01101010 Heitman 5 +01101010 Malina 5 +01101010 Seitel 5 +01101010 Fratello 5 +01101010 Cord 5 +01101010 Arnett 5 +01101010 Cravens 5 +01101010 Reveal 5 +01101010 Sunley 5 +01101010 Valassis 5 +01101010 Nava 5 +01101010 Bittker 5 +01101010 Armas 5 +01101010 Prieto 5 +01101010 Ou 5 +01101010 Ulla 5 +01101010 Sharbaugh 5 +01101010 Ruys 5 +01101010 Winkle 5 +01101010 Kohan 5 +01101010 Baskind 5 +01101010 Vine 5 +01101010 Perret 5 +01101010 Chenier 5 +01101010 Fenn 5 +01101010 Bogen 5 +01101010 Stith 5 +01101010 Muto 5 +01101010 Lynton 5 +01101010 Eason 5 +01101010 Koons 5 +01101010 Investissement 5 +01101010 Ansary 5 +01101010 Threlkeld 5 +01101010 Flagg 5 +01101010 Clymer 5 +01101010 Gainer 5 +01101010 Grgich 5 +01101010 Nicolo 5 +01101010 Gandy 5 +01101010 Alfaro 5 +01101010 Maxfield 5 +01101010 Nozko 5 +01101010 Nourse 5 +01101010 Rosset 5 +01101010 Ettore 5 +01101010 Wigan 5 +01101010 Lerer 5 +01101010 Brashear 5 +01101010 Hals 5 +01101010 Kammer 5 +01101010 Pluto 5 +01101010 Proffitt 5 +01101010 DiBella 5 +01101010 Chatfield 5 +01101010 Bloomer 5 +01101010 Boole 5 +01101010 Semper 5 +01101010 Mandelbaum 5 +01101010 Beardsley 5 +01101010 Monti 5 +01101010 Enders 5 +01101010 Gambino 5 +01101010 McVay 5 +01101010 Scull 5 +01101010 Sewall 5 +01101010 Blau 5 +01101010 Gerstein 5 +01101010 Diver 5 +01101010 Loring 5 +01101010 Corse 5 +01101010 Shira 5 +01101010 Beaux 5 +01101010 Magid 5 +01101010 Astorg 5 +01101010 Davie 5 +01101010 Duffield 5 +01101010 Nara 5 +01101010 Daggett 5 +01101010 Tiriac 5 +01101010 Milam 5 +01101010 Renck 5 +01101010 Pohanka 5 +01101010 Medrano 5 +01101010 Albritton 5 +01101010 Hoar 5 +01101010 Ortenberg 5 +01101010 Fojon 5 +01101010 Tetley 5 +01101010 Sax 5 +01101010 Blinn 5 +01101010 Gato 5 +01101010 McGavock 5 +01101010 McDougal 5 +01101010 Gerstman 5 +01101010 Huth 5 +01101010 Dischner 5 +01101010 Okazaki 5 +01101010 Yokota 5 +01101010 Friede 5 +01101010 Matteson 5 +01101010 Stimson 5 +01101010 Reichstul 5 +01101010 Hennes 5 +01101010 Melisande 5 +01101010 Castleberry 5 +01101010 Bankert 5 +01101010 Canfield 5 +01101010 Mapes 5 +01101010 Yamagata 5 +01101010 Lipsey 5 +01101010 Morey 5 +01101010 Paden 5 +01101010 Aviacion 5 +01101010 Schoeman 5 +01101010 Gelson 5 +01101010 Murrell 5 +01101010 Whiteford 5 +01101010 Tarricone 5 +01101010 Hungerford 5 +01101010 Moulins 5 +01101010 Madeira 5 +01101010 Onegin 5 +01101010 Shen 5 +01101010 Populaire 5 +01101010 Porras 5 +01101010 Claypool 5 +01101010 Bohr 5 +01101010 Nelle 5 +01101010 Soll 5 +01101010 Harreld 5 +01101010 Florette 5 +01101010 Cenac 5 +01101010 Braden 5 +01101010 Fregosi 5 +01101010 Chapin 5 +01101010 Tillinghast 5 +01101010 Schnittker 5 +01101010 Fleckenstein 5 +01101010 MacIntyre 5 +01101010 Hirschfeld 5 +01101010 Shedd 5 +01101010 Gustaf 5 +01101010 Kinsey 5 +01101010 Fordyce 5 +01101010 Rados 5 +01101010 Moeller 5 +01101010 Tesa 5 +01101010 Baseman 5 +01101010 Schiele 5 +01101010 Lamberson 5 +01101010 Grigsby 5 +01101010 Dantley 5 +01101010 Davalillo 5 +01101010 Alvarado 5 +01101010 McGhee 5 +01101010 Andreu 5 +01101010 Abbin 5 +01101010 jure 5 +01101010 Mornet 5 +01101010 Fripp 5 +01101010 Weinert 5 +01101010 Ruger 5 +01101010 CROWTHER 5 +01101010 Nickell 5 +01101010 Chua 5 +01101010 Aquinas 5 +01101010 Purser 5 +01101010 Scher 5 +01101010 Maldonado 5 +01101010 V.M. 5 +01101010 Bankston 5 +01101010 DeCarlo 5 +01101010 Klauer 5 +01101010 Gurdian 5 +01101010 Normand 5 +01101010 Abbot 5 +01101010 Rausch 5 +01101010 Pininfarina 5 +01101010 Ballon 5 +01101010 DeMoss 5 +01101010 Kirshenbaum 5 +01101010 Lavelle 5 +01101010 Sonnabend 5 +01101010 Keeler 5 +01101010 Markoff 5 +01101010 Lowenfeld 5 +01101010 Baeyens 5 +01101010 Groat 5 +01101010 Telediffusion 5 +01101010 Ingels 5 +01101010 Pinon 5 +01101010 Ramseur 5 +01101010 Schlaifer 5 +01101010 Cassara 5 +01101010 Kiner 5 +01101010 Santini 6 +01101010 Groom 6 +01101010 Bucknell 6 +01101010 Darin 6 +01101010 Runnells 6 +01101010 Angle 6 +01101010 Carry 6 +01101010 Torresi 6 +01101010 Kinard 6 +01101010 Bien 6 +01101010 Louie 6 +01101010 Vanier 6 +01101010 Koussevitzky 6 +01101010 Gofman 6 +01101010 Pervez 6 +01101010 Tenzer 6 +01101010 Certilman 6 +01101010 Heilbronner 6 +01101010 Fuentes 6 +01101010 Espiritu 6 +01101010 Herbst 6 +01101010 Fer 6 +01101010 Laporte 6 +01101010 Chernoff 6 +01101010 Devaney 6 +01101010 Casco 6 +01101010 Vitry 6 +01101010 Starks 6 +01101010 Clapper 6 +01101010 Woodhead 6 +01101010 Bleichroeder 6 +01101010 Neale 6 +01101010 Beswick 6 +01101010 Din 6 +01101010 Colangelo 6 +01101010 Heap 6 +01101010 Heilman 6 +01101010 Crittenden 6 +01101010 Aoyama 6 +01101010 Lemont 6 +01101010 Bavaro 6 +01101010 Beal 6 +01101010 Lamounier 6 +01101010 Ghazala 6 +01101010 Gregson 6 +01101010 Robard 6 +01101010 Linney 6 +01101010 Kester 6 +01101010 Sudek 6 +01101010 Plaster 6 +01101010 Krone 6 +01101010 Agate 6 +01101010 Eugen 6 +01101010 Piniella 6 +01101010 Stedman 6 +01101010 Wissmann 6 +01101010 Miura 6 +01101010 Avignon 6 +01101010 Tenenbaum 6 +01101010 Takenaka 6 +01101010 Cattolica 6 +01101010 Cella 6 +01101010 Sakong 6 +01101010 Noyes 6 +01101010 Munching 6 +01101010 Landsburg 6 +01101010 Hollister 6 +01101010 Drury 6 +01101010 Kamber 6 +01101010 Rhoden 6 +01101010 Alesia 6 +01101010 Sturdivant 6 +01101010 Reichenbach 6 +01101010 Lumsden 6 +01101010 Sutliff 6 +01101010 Tarr 6 +01101010 McIlhenny 6 +01101010 Micheletti 6 +01101010 Neumeier 6 +01101010 Tripple 6 +01101010 Holcomb 6 +01101010 Balmain 6 +01101010 Kettle 6 +01101010 Jennison 6 +01101010 Overlock 6 +01101010 Worthy 6 +01101010 Satnick 6 +01101010 Henriksen 6 +01101010 Ferrier 6 +01101010 Dovydenas 6 +01101010 Seuss 6 +01101010 Gladney 6 +01101010 McLarty 6 +01101010 Hotchkiss 6 +01101010 Barnhill 6 +01101010 Spectre 6 +01101010 Hartpence 6 +01101010 Aden 6 +01101010 Reso 6 +01101010 Adair 6 +01101010 Kearny 6 +01101010 Kerouac 6 +01101010 Tish 6 +01101010 Henze 6 +01101010 Sklar 6 +01101010 Bergstrom 6 +01101010 Yeung 6 +01101010 Redd 6 +01101010 Pagoda 6 +01101010 Wilberforce 6 +01101010 Seung 6 +01101010 Farrer 6 +01101010 Lavender 6 +01101010 Korenman 6 +01101010 Kahler 6 +01101010 Errant 6 +01101010 Thi 6 +01101010 Wein 6 +01101010 Beltran 6 +01101010 Battista 6 +01101010 Zoeller 6 +01101010 Mandabach 6 +01101010 Waterous 6 +01101010 Desgagne 6 +01101010 Geremia 6 +01101010 Allegra 6 +01101010 Noam 6 +01101010 Zaid 6 +01101010 Blizzard 6 +01101010 Ruggles 6 +01101010 Perls 6 +01101010 Nielson 6 +01101010 Lux 6 +01101010 Renwick 6 +01101010 Wren 6 +01101010 Staats 6 +01101010 Barrymore 6 +01101010 Wechsler 6 +01101010 Osterman 6 +01101010 Roque 6 +01101010 MARTINI 6 +01101010 Stool 6 +01101010 Anselmo 6 +01101010 Forney 6 +01101010 Miyamoto 6 +01101010 Maurier 6 +01101010 Hutchings 6 +01101010 Raby 6 +01101010 Offerman 6 +01101010 LeFlore 6 +01101010 Ellery 6 +01101010 Bollinger 6 +01101010 Scharfe 6 +01101010 Bernfeld 6 +01101010 Nissen 6 +01101010 Hiland 6 +01101010 Cecchi 6 +01101010 Gubitosi 6 +01101010 Gibbon 6 +01101010 Luckie 6 +01101010 Steingut 6 +01101010 Dyk 6 +01101010 Mumm 6 +01101010 Pepin 6 +01101010 Schacht 6 +01101010 Elkin 6 +01101010 Piaf 6 +01101010 Starbuck 6 +01101010 Laub 6 +01101010 Dimplex 6 +01101010 Blackford 6 +01101010 Silberberg 6 +01101010 Overton 6 +01101010 Flutie 6 +01101010 Garst 6 +01101010 Bergerac 6 +01101010 Paternoster 6 +01101010 Stockhausen 6 +01101010 Navarre 6 +01101010 Feliciano 6 +01101010 Tolley 6 +01101010 Seurat 6 +01101010 Este 6 +01101010 Kerbs 6 +01101010 Coren 6 +01101010 Chipman 6 +01101010 Biagi 6 +01101010 Dorman 6 +01101010 Baines 6 +01101010 Olivares 6 +01101010 Michelman 6 +01101010 Partridge 6 +01101010 Linster 6 +01101010 Gertner 6 +01101010 Maddux 6 +01101010 Doron 6 +01101010 Parodi 6 +01101010 Remick 6 +01101010 Cleef 6 +01101010 Komer 6 +01101010 Rosenbluth 6 +01101010 Hage 6 +01101010 Cuneo 6 +01101010 Murchison 7 +01101010 Braman 7 +01101010 Iida 7 +01101010 Benziger 7 +01101010 Religione 7 +01101010 Gilson 7 +01101010 Wirtz 7 +01101010 Yeo 7 +01101010 Mounds 7 +01101010 Woolley 7 +01101010 Peeples 7 +01101010 Gandolfo 7 +01101010 Thrush 7 +01101010 Friedel 7 +01101010 Kazempour 7 +01101010 Verwoerd 7 +01101010 Heywood 7 +01101010 Zeiss 7 +01101010 Beecher 7 +01101010 Neu 7 +01101010 Nystrom 7 +01101010 Weitzen 7 +01101010 Transports 7 +01101010 Pordy 7 +01101010 Toshiharu 7 +01101010 Bramah 7 +01101010 Otterloo 7 +01101010 Hussain 7 +01101010 Kornhauser 7 +01101010 Cioffi 7 +01101010 Pascoe 7 +01101010 Tsiang 7 +01101010 Boomer 7 +01101010 Uemura 7 +01101010 Keever 7 +01101010 Bernhardt 7 +01101010 Yap 7 +01101010 Newbold 7 +01101010 Naify 7 +01101010 Plumb 7 +01101010 Halle 7 +01101010 Demmer 7 +01101010 Breneman 7 +01101010 Mok 7 +01101010 Strangis 7 +01101010 duPont 7 +01101010 Farwell 7 +01101010 Bibby 7 +01101010 Grossfeld 7 +01101010 Zukin 7 +01101010 Corum 7 +01101010 Hempel 7 +01101010 Mapplethorpe 7 +01101010 Romann 7 +01101010 Mang 7 +01101010 Doak 7 +01101010 Alafi 7 +01101010 Mayne 7 +01101010 McCown 7 +01101010 Marker 7 +01101010 Kampschulte 7 +01101010 Nordin 7 +01101010 Gagne 7 +01101010 Rojas 7 +01101010 Halleck 7 +01101010 McCrary 7 +01101010 Chilcott 7 +01101010 Danis 7 +01101010 Schwerdloff 7 +01101010 Pepper/Seven-Up 7 +01101010 Culpepper 7 +01101010 Correll 7 +01101010 Hopson 7 +01101010 Scales 7 +01101010 Curcio 7 +01101010 Geer 7 +01101010 Unitas 7 +01101010 Safford 7 +01101010 Bonilla 7 +01101010 Furash 7 +01101010 Sickle 7 +01101010 McLain 7 +01101010 Alper 7 +01101010 Rah 7 +01101010 Wilke 7 +01101010 Moloney 7 +01101010 Jana 7 +01101010 Latchford 7 +01101010 Byner 7 +01101010 Nationales 7 +01101010 Snively 7 +01101010 Aigner 7 +01101010 Genova 7 +01101010 Sauey 7 +01101010 Jarman 7 +01101010 Whittenburg 7 +01101010 Cantrell 7 +01101010 Brandes 7 +01101010 Liebling 7 +01101010 Fenno 7 +01101010 Testa 7 +01101010 siecle 7 +01101010 Maki 7 +01101010 Dub 7 +01101010 Graziano 7 +01101010 Baliles 7 +01101010 Llewellyn 7 +01101010 Dellinger 7 +01101010 Linkletter 7 +01101010 Johansen 7 +01101010 Urfer 7 +01101010 Eames 7 +01101010 Kaltman 7 +01101010 Jernigan 7 +01101010 Bakewell 7 +01101010 Pruitt 7 +01101010 Shenkman 7 +01101010 Rennie 7 +01101010 Storey 7 +01101010 Toscanini 7 +01101010 Schanbacher 7 +01101010 Pring 7 +01101010 Nicholls 7 +01101010 Horsley 7 +01101010 Shure 7 +01101010 Selim 7 +01101010 Bevan 7 +01101010 MacLean 7 +01101010 Laney 7 +01101010 Gently 7 +01101010 Coyle 7 +01101010 Baram 7 +01101010 Dull 7 +01101010 Baca 7 +01101010 Tobe 7 +01101010 Schuh 7 +01101010 Pear 7 +01101010 Mischer 7 +01101010 HALL 7 +01101010 Stalker 7 +01101010 Poplin 7 +01101010 Sandom 7 +01101010 DuBose 7 +01101010 Confindustria 7 +01101010 Creed 7 +01101010 Bare 7 +01101010 Greiff 7 +01101010 McKittrick 7 +01101010 Kwon 7 +01101010 Northrup 7 +01101010 Pembroke 7 +01101010 Urstadt 7 +01101010 Flinn 7 +01101010 Prager 7 +01101010 Echenberg 7 +01101010 Pang 7 +01101010 Jovi 7 +01101010 Jamison 7 +01101010 Lafontant 7 +01101010 Galef 7 +01101010 Stipanovich 7 +01101010 Shortcake 7 +01101010 Ondaatje 7 +01101010 Hass 7 +01101010 Tomczak 7 +01101010 Fogler 7 +01101010 Lorenz 8 +01101010 Renton 8 +01101010 Murata 8 +01101010 Matson 8 +01101010 Cointreau 8 +01101010 Procassini 8 +01101010 Schoonover 8 +01101010 Amore 8 +01101010 Malt 8 +01101010 Ignatius 8 +01101010 Morgenthaler 8 +01101010 Zorinsky 8 +01101010 Haupt 8 +01101010 Mull 8 +01101010 Hostetler 8 +01101010 Chia 8 +01101010 Mound 8 +01101010 Dickler 8 +01101010 Sano 8 +01101010 Marcum 8 +01101010 Berglund 8 +01101010 Heffernan 8 +01101010 Clift 8 +01101010 Harden 8 +01101010 Conaway 8 +01101010 Dye 8 +01101010 Pennie 8 +01101010 Kittredge 8 +01101010 Barbour 8 +01101010 Mercier 8 +01101010 Jaffar 8 +01101010 Sarich 8 +01101010 Simonds 8 +01101010 Lanktree 8 +01101010 Layman 8 +01101010 Battin 8 +01101010 Israeloff 8 +01101010 McMullen 8 +01101010 Vale 8 +01101010 Hannan 8 +01101010 Plas 8 +01101010 Martel 8 +01101010 Marsal 8 +01101010 Bogdan 8 +01101010 Bortz 8 +01101010 Vladeck 8 +01101010 Raynes 8 +01101010 Ratzinger 8 +01101010 Dorrit 8 +01101010 Daseke 8 +01101010 Investimento 8 +01101010 Barthes 8 +01101010 Humphreys 8 +01101010 Heldring 8 +01101010 Chambliss 8 +01101010 Reddy 8 +01101010 Hilb 8 +01101010 Grandy 8 +01101010 Achenbaum 8 +01101010 Hovnanian 8 +01101010 Sandford 8 +01101010 Nipper 8 +01101010 Brener 8 +01101010 Pressman 8 +01101010 Bicknell 8 +01101010 Matlack 8 +01101010 Godine 8 +01101010 Cambria 8 +01101010 Stamm 8 +01101010 Nickerson 8 +01101010 Becket 8 +01101010 Deux 8 +01101010 Costas 8 +01101010 Gambill 8 +01101010 Smithers 8 +01101010 Sim 8 +01101010 Marlow 8 +01101010 Berrien 8 +01101010 Curl 8 +01101010 Fogarty 8 +01101010 Reaves 8 +01101010 Donohoe 8 +01101010 Cha 8 +01101010 Cobre 8 +01101010 Genet 8 +01101010 Colebrook 8 +01101010 Troupe 8 +01101010 Araujo 8 +01101010 Bowls 8 +01101010 Farman 8 +01101010 Garbo 8 +01101010 Bathurst 8 +01101010 McAdams 8 +01101010 Spanos 8 +01101010 Kasai 8 +01101010 Gorguze 8 +01101010 Pierpoint 8 +01101010 Addicks 8 +01101010 Brookstone 8 +01101010 Cuadra 8 +01101010 Galbreath 8 +01101010 Seybold 8 +01101010 Janssen 8 +01101010 Fultz 8 +01101010 Peel 8 +01101010 Aran 8 +01101010 Kayser 8 +01101010 Auld 8 +01101010 Dunwoody 8 +01101010 Fleck 8 +01101010 Fribourg 8 +01101010 Petrossian 8 +01101010 Longfellow 8 +01101010 Moulin 8 +01101010 Rimson 8 +01101010 Fellowes 8 +01101010 Norske 8 +01101010 Steinhart 8 +01101010 Christman 8 +01101010 Switzer 8 +01101010 Taher 8 +01101010 Underhill 8 +01101010 Fenwick 8 +01101010 Manatt 8 +01101010 Soong 8 +01101010 Castelli 8 +01101010 Bellamy 8 +01101010 Halm 8 +01101010 Forshan 8 +01101010 Cullman 8 +01101010 Donato 8 +01101010 Hansel 8 +01101010 Hickel 8 +01101010 Knorr 8 +01101010 Curtiss 8 +01101010 Mizel 8 +01101010 MarketScope 8 +01101010 Clendenin 8 +01101010 Noll 8 +01101010 Flinchbaugh 8 +01101010 Goodkin 8 +01101010 Konner 8 +01101010 Tome 8 +01101010 Wehle 8 +01101010 Ragsdale 8 +01101010 Riady 8 +01101010 Moll 8 +01101010 Fichtel 8 +01101010 Edmundson 8 +01101010 Goldring 8 +01101010 Valiant 9 +01101010 Binney 9 +01101010 Basile 9 +01101010 Ashby 9 +01101010 Descartes 9 +01101010 Siang 9 +01101010 Cardozo 9 +01101010 McGuinness 9 +01101010 Maciel 9 +01101010 Diehl 9 +01101010 Alford 9 +01101010 Tennyson 9 +01101010 Bellingham 9 +01101010 Kobacker 9 +01101010 Makin 9 +01101010 Godsell 9 +01101010 Carbone 9 +01101010 Caron 9 +01101010 Stillman 9 +01101010 Rha 9 +01101010 Wendel 9 +01101010 Safer 9 +01101010 Leger 9 +01101010 Geary 9 +01101010 Sweeny 9 +01101010 Plunkett 9 +01101010 es 9 +01101010 Lowrey 9 +01101010 Welland 9 +01101010 Concepcion 9 +01101010 Brice 9 +01101010 Tenuta 9 +01101010 Thumb 9 +01101010 Counts 9 +01101010 Yeats 9 +01101010 Sweat 9 +01101010 Moen 9 +01101010 Sauer 9 +01101010 Valores 9 +01101010 Tran 9 +01101010 Ave 9 +01101010 Givenchy 9 +01101010 Pina 9 +01101010 Whitworth 9 +01101010 Udell 9 +01101010 Lipp 9 +01101010 Rosenbach 9 +01101010 Mudd 9 +01101010 Thorpe 9 +01101010 Wilkerson 9 +01101010 Shanken 9 +01101010 Sacco 9 +01101010 Herron 9 +01101010 Laboratoires 9 +01101010 Oro 9 +01101010 Safian 9 +01101010 Osmond 9 +01101010 Barreiro 9 +01101010 Constable 9 +01101010 Gasper 9 +01101010 Chin 9 +01101010 Lust 9 +01101010 Devin 9 +01101010 Bezaire 9 +01101010 Fujita 9 +01101010 Cabana 9 +01101010 Marelli 9 +01101010 Styron 9 +01101010 Siracusa 9 +01101010 Lander 9 +01101010 Flack 9 +01101010 Kurth 9 +01101010 Coulter 9 +01101010 Litwin 9 +01101010 Ragan 9 +01101010 Merriam 9 +01101010 Grundy 9 +01101010 Spelman 9 +01101010 Ruston 9 +01101010 Murai 9 +01101010 Kloster 9 +01101010 Pittsford 9 +01101010 Binion 9 +01101010 Feschbach 9 +01101010 Vest 9 +01101010 Gaucher 9 +01101010 Wentworth 9 +01101010 Earhart 9 +01101010 Garros 9 +01101010 Waring 9 +01101010 Alston 9 +01101010 Hitch 9 +01101010 Linsey 9 +01101010 VNU 9 +01101010 Suk 9 +01101010 Lentz 9 +01101010 Flaxman 9 +01101010 Viola 9 +01101010 Griesemer 9 +01101010 Fines 9 +01101010 Ponte 9 +01101010 Cordes 9 +01101010 Windecker 9 +01101010 Madsen 9 +01101010 Lessin 9 +01101010 Frederickson 9 +01101010 Dines 9 +01101010 Jaw 9 +01101010 Larco 9 +01101010 Taub 9 +01101010 SerVaas 9 +01101010 Liddle 10 +01101010 Daoud 10 +01101010 Radler 10 +01101010 Volz 10 +01101010 Krock 10 +01101010 Bolduc 10 +01101010 Burch 10 +01101010 Stoops 10 +01101010 Schorr 10 +01101010 Canaday 10 +01101010 Fadlallah 10 +01101010 Olick 10 +01101010 Burkhart 10 +01101010 Nagy 10 +01101010 Colwell 10 +01101010 Athey 10 +01101010 Trotter 10 +01101010 Schueler 10 +01101010 Stockbridge 10 +01101010 Merriman 10 +01101010 Lanza 10 +01101010 Giuliano 10 +01101010 Harwell 10 +01101010 Nieman 10 +01101010 Eagan 10 +01101010 Meech 10 +01101010 Hallett 10 +01101010 Jorgensen 10 +01101010 Allest 10 +01101010 Phipps 10 +01101010 Sheng 10 +01101010 Yancey 10 +01101010 Walker-Gooderham 10 +01101010 Klass 10 +01101010 Husic 10 +01101010 Aragon 10 +01101010 Gunzberg 10 +01101010 Schlemmer 10 +01101010 Sams 10 +01101010 Erb 10 +01101010 Fortuna 10 +01101010 Ridgway 10 +01101010 Haldeman 10 +01101010 Boylan 10 +01101010 Chauncey 10 +01101010 Desjardins 10 +01101010 Meng 10 +01101010 Yue 10 +01101010 Sabo 10 +01101010 LaCrosse 10 +01101010 Himmelfarb 10 +01101010 Genco 10 +01101010 Goss 10 +01101010 Goldenberg 10 +01101010 Hebert 10 +01101010 Garnet 10 +01101010 Dubois 10 +01101010 Squire 10 +01101010 Potamkin 10 +01101010 Marvell 10 +01101010 Rinaldo 10 +01101010 Wilkes 10 +01101010 McNiff 10 +01101010 Taper 10 +01101010 Karami 10 +01101010 Sinay 10 +01101010 Vickery 10 +01101010 Tomb 10 +01101010 Conover 10 +01101010 Zellers 10 +01101010 Beekman 10 +01101010 Elio 10 +01101010 Merkin 10 +01101010 Fischel 10 +01101010 Galesi 10 +01101010 Seigel 10 +01101010 Linen 10 +01101010 Buchan 10 +01101010 McEwen 10 +01101010 Stonehill 10 +01101010 Cope 10 +01101010 Hooch 10 +01101010 coli 10 +01101010 Haggard 10 +01101010 Vardon 10 +01101010 Brainard 10 +01101010 Mendlowitz 10 +01101010 Callaway 10 +01101010 Fennell 10 +01101010 Jekyll 10 +01101010 Fido 10 +01101010 Hogue 10 +01101010 Helfer 10 +01101010 Aubert 10 +01101010 Moller 10 +01101010 Greenhill 10 +01101010 Leicester 10 +01101010 Schlott 10 +01101010 Wight 10 +01101010 Heier 10 +01101010 Castaneda 11 +01101010 Ai 11 +01101010 Bremner 11 +01101010 MacNamara 11 +01101010 Kersee 11 +01101010 Bowler 11 +01101010 Reeder 11 +01101010 Raboy 11 +01101010 Bias 11 +01101010 Connelly 11 +01101010 McCarron 11 +01101010 Rains 11 +01101010 Hadid 11 +01101010 Stocker 11 +01101010 Langston 11 +01101010 Uhlmann 11 +01101010 Riggings 11 +01101010 Nakajima 11 +01101010 Hembrick 11 +01101010 Keats 11 +01101010 Collider 11 +01101010 Imlay 11 +01101010 Studley 11 +01101010 Nicklin 11 +01101010 Reade 11 +01101010 Middendorf 11 +01101010 Caro 11 +01101010 Marbury 11 +01101010 Sewell 11 +01101010 Tokuyama 11 +01101010 Rea 11 +01101010 Sonnenblick 11 +01101010 Doom 11 +01101010 Rashid 11 +01101010 Keeney 11 +01101010 Mulholland 11 +01101010 Lawless 11 +01101010 Schmid 11 +01101010 Kayne 11 +01101010 Feather 11 +01101010 Coles 11 +01101010 Boaz 11 +01101010 Jolley 11 +01101010 Ouimet 11 +01101010 Dann 11 +01101010 Oaxaca 11 +01101010 Joost 11 +01101010 Estrella 11 +01101010 Hester 11 +01101010 Doner 11 +01101010 Winder 11 +01101010 Cabezas 11 +01101010 Beni 11 +01101010 Jaffa 11 +01101010 7Up 11 +01101010 Curry 11 +01101010 Pompidou 11 +01101010 Massa 11 +01101010 Loudon 11 +01101010 Danner 11 +01101010 Tama 11 +01101010 Cowart 11 +01101010 Yung 11 +01101010 Erlich 11 +01101010 Shook 11 +01101010 Clowes 11 +01101010 Ogilvie 11 +01101010 Alberts 11 +01101010 Bem 11 +01101010 Boll 11 +01101010 Simplot 11 +01101010 Hoffmann-LaRoche 11 +01101010 Alcott 11 +01101010 Blythe 11 +01101010 Faithful 11 +01101010 Hoy 11 +01101010 Currier 11 +01101010 Vida 11 +01101010 Duque 11 +01101010 Tull 11 +01101010 Sharif 11 +01101010 Disraeli 11 +01101010 Coffin 11 +01101010 Grantham 11 +01101010 Harkins 11 +01101010 Dall 11 +01101010 Villagran 11 +01101010 Amster 11 +01101010 Raley 11 +01101010 Monks 11 +01101010 Folsom 11 +01101010 Marquardt 11 +01101010 Heizer 11 +01101010 Mattson 11 +01101010 Bolsa 11 +01101010 Wiesner 11 +01101010 Layne 11 +01101010 Heber 11 +01101010 Harrell 11 +01101010 Bickel 11 +01101010 Gaynor 11 +01101010 Neilson 11 +01101010 Littlejohn 11 +01101010 Porto 11 +01101010 Sacher 11 +01101010 Perrone 11 +01101010 Lancz 11 +01101010 Schottenstein 11 +01101010 Hausman 11 +01101010 Atherton 11 +01101010 Gower 12 +01101010 Baskin 12 +01101010 Kekst 12 +01101010 Settle 12 +01101010 Dotson 12 +01101010 Saud 12 +01101010 Gant 12 +01101010 McHale 12 +01101010 Hamby 12 +01101010 Orland 12 +01101010 Dickstein 12 +01101010 Badger 12 +01101010 Eggert 12 +01101010 Wintzer 12 +01101010 Parris 12 +01101010 Bethune 12 +01101010 Holley 12 +01101010 Chisholm 12 +01101010 Turismo 12 +01101010 Kamen 12 +01101010 Beauce 12 +01101010 Reis 12 +01101010 Vonnegut 12 +01101010 Clapham 12 +01101010 Moorhead 12 +01101010 Bernal 12 +01101010 Harbin 12 +01101010 Althaver 12 +01101010 Lacoste 12 +01101010 Gluskin 12 +01101010 Napoli 12 +01101010 McCarter 12 +01101010 Detwiler 12 +01101010 Lombardo 12 +01101010 Hacker 12 +01101010 Ayres 12 +01101010 Dakin 12 +01101010 Farrow 12 +01101010 Peebles 12 +01101010 Dey 12 +01101010 Musburger 12 +01101010 Berkoff 12 +01101010 Etude 12 +01101010 Cowper 12 +01101010 Schein 12 +01101010 Burpee 12 +01101010 Bennington 12 +01101010 Tomlinson 12 +01101010 McArthur 12 +01101010 Delfin 12 +01101010 Cumming 12 +01101010 Finks 12 +01101010 Garde 12 +01101010 Nad 12 +01101010 Zola 12 +01101010 Hartwell 12 +01101010 Richey 12 +01101010 Proud 12 +01101010 Smucker 12 +01101010 Linowes 12 +01101010 Sakata 12 +01101010 Gurtz 12 +01101010 Keen 12 +01101010 Dyer 12 +01101010 Crump 12 +01101010 Borger 12 +01101010 Karan 12 +01101010 Gershon 12 +01101010 Yan 12 +01101010 Spaulding 12 +01101010 Trainer 12 +01101010 Parrish 12 +01101010 Blackmore 12 +01101010 Huffman 12 +01101010 Willms 12 +01101010 Finnegan 12 +01101010 Cortez 12 +01101010 Driehaus 12 +01101010 Greenspon 12 +01101010 Kostmayer 13 +01101010 Lindbergh 13 +01101010 Fukuoka 13 +01101010 Hummel 13 +01101010 Ando 13 +01101010 Robles 13 +01101010 Lindberg 13 +01101010 Korczak 13 +01101010 Lally 13 +01101010 Hoffer 13 +01101010 Jahr 13 +01101010 Torino 13 +01101010 Windels 13 +01101010 Stovall 13 +01101010 Kingsbury 13 +01101010 Karlin 13 +01101010 Spangler 13 +01101010 Renfrew 13 +01101010 Hawken 13 +01101010 Zeller 13 +01101010 Jenner 13 +01101010 Saxton 13 +01101010 Sammons 13 +01101010 Plank 13 +01101010 Mintz 13 +01101010 Cushing 13 +01101010 Kamm 13 +01101010 Kant 13 +01101010 Simonsen 13 +01101010 Tilley 13 +01101010 Wicker 13 +01101010 Paxton 13 +01101010 Maxx 13 +01101010 Slifer 13 +01101010 Kahane 13 +01101010 Barone 13 +01101010 Hoag 13 +01101010 Thurber 13 +01101010 Congdon 13 +01101010 Bernardin 13 +01101010 Samara 13 +01101010 Magoon 13 +01101010 Yoon 13 +01101010 Mathers 13 +01101010 Maitland 13 +01101010 Rainey 13 +01101010 Malek 13 +01101010 Xiong 13 +01101010 Mawr 13 +01101010 Ghafar 13 +01101010 Hannes 13 +01101010 Prem 13 +01101010 FAIRFAX 13 +01101010 Worms 13 +01101010 Industria 13 +01101010 Malkin 13 +01101010 Shattuck 13 +01101010 Hilliard 13 +01101010 Scurlock 13 +01101010 Solana 13 +01101010 Slatkin 13 +01101010 Brownell 13 +01101010 Denman 13 +01101010 Merlo 13 +01101010 Humphries 13 +01101010 Picker 13 +01101010 Zink 14 +01101010 Woolf 14 +01101010 Erskine 14 +01101010 Derry 14 +01101010 Diddy 14 +01101010 Mosher 14 +01101010 Antonovich 14 +01101010 Yquem 14 +01101010 McMaster 14 +01101010 Glatfelter 14 +01101010 Investissements 14 +01101010 Creamer 14 +01101010 Howden 14 +01101010 Frantz 14 +01101010 Karon 14 +01101010 Vu 14 +01101010 Tatum 14 +01101010 Layton 14 +01101010 Estrin 14 +01101010 Glad 14 +01101010 C.V. 14 +01101010 Gut 14 +01101010 Thies 14 +01101010 Amory 14 +01101010 Mingo 14 +01101010 Malan 14 +01101010 Rinker 14 +01101010 Dolphin 14 +01101010 Teel 14 +01101010 Santangelo 14 +01101010 Fredrikson 14 +01101010 Rawson 14 +01101010 Rama 14 +01101010 Stott 14 +01101010 Humes 14 +01101010 Macheski 14 +01101010 Rein 14 +01101010 Sanger 14 +01101010 Landauer 14 +01101010 Naisbitt 14 +01101010 Maritz 14 +01101010 Zheng 14 +01101010 Cundill 14 +01101010 Stolper 14 +01101010 Greenman 14 +01101010 Planck 14 +01101010 Conant 14 +01101010 Eichner 14 +01101010 Ville 14 +01101010 Sroge 14 +01101010 Dumas 14 +01101010 Messinger 14 +01101010 Fenimore 14 +01101010 Jolly 14 +01101010 Turing 14 +01101010 Kassel 14 +01101010 Traver 14 +01101010 Claytor 14 +01101010 Allbritton 14 +01101010 Armen 14 +01101010 Luna 14 +01101010 Wheaton 14 +01101010 Lieb 14 +01101010 Goebbels 14 +01101010 Rhein 14 +01101010 Barrio 15 +01101010 Rocha 15 +01101010 Looney 15 +01101010 Inoue 15 +01101010 MacNeil 15 +01101010 Feder 15 +01101010 Shrum 15 +01101010 Moose 15 +01101010 Erensel 15 +01101010 Sutcliffe 15 +01101010 Wilber 15 +01101010 Pforzheimer 15 +01101010 Chagall 15 +01101010 Finlay 15 +01101010 Salick 15 +01101010 Langdon 15 +01101010 Campo 15 +01101010 Gilmore 15 +01101010 Lederer 15 +01101010 Hershiser 15 +01101010 Wilmot 15 +01101010 Roulac 15 +01101010 Milano 15 +01101010 Puth 15 +01101010 Dickel 15 +01101010 Haight 15 +01101010 Leuthold 15 +01101010 Robson 15 +01101010 Tait 15 +01101010 Bendel 15 +01101010 Judson 15 +01101010 Bachelor 15 +01101010 Eckerd 15 +01101010 Vasquez 15 +01101010 Burrus 15 +01101010 Rosenzweig 15 +01101010 Maas 15 +01101010 Haines 15 +01101010 Slaughter 15 +01101010 Garrick 15 +01101010 Lockhart 15 +01101010 Durkin 15 +01101010 Fujii 15 +01101010 Dai 15 +01101010 Soledad 15 +01101010 Blyth 15 +01101010 Foy 15 +01101010 Lobo 15 +01101010 Darden 15 +01101010 Nance 15 +01101010 Ching 15 +01101010 Bukharin 15 +01101010 Belushi 15 +01101010 Evin 15 +01101010 Mallory 15 +01101010 Pye 15 +01101010 Hadden 15 +01101010 Seitman 15 +01101010 Gentry 15 +01101010 Stutz 15 +01101010 Darrow 15 +01101010 Leighton 15 +01101010 Zack 16 +01101010 Brest 16 +01101010 Dong 16 +01101010 Halpern 16 +01101010 Timmons 16 +01101010 Lai 16 +01101010 Nipon 16 +01101010 Brierly 16 +01101010 Piet 16 +01101010 Hussman 16 +01101010 Glemp 16 +01101010 Nightingale 16 +01101010 Steffen 16 +01101010 Sack 16 +01101010 Monash 16 +01101010 Sousa 16 +01101010 Welk 16 +01101010 Keithley 16 +01101010 Lemons 16 +01101010 Strober 16 +01101010 Lardner 16 +01101010 Ditka 16 +01101010 Clapton 16 +01101010 Shimer 16 +01101010 Sackler 16 +01101010 Baba 16 +01101010 Belcher 16 +01101010 Blocks 16 +01101010 Gottfried 16 +01101010 Chao 16 +01101010 Rhoades 16 +01101010 Perron 16 +01101010 Berrie 16 +01101010 Duran 16 +01101010 Einbender 16 +01101010 Bobo 16 +01101010 Hertel 16 +01101010 Samelson 16 +01101010 Inglis 16 +01101010 Orsay 16 +01101010 Murrow 16 +01101010 Crames 16 +01101010 Loop 16 +01101010 Lahey 16 +01101010 Medley 16 +01101010 Colon 16 +01101010 Ballesteros 16 +01101010 Wortham 16 +01101010 Marciano 16 +01101010 Sebastiani 16 +01101010 Broyhill 16 +01101010 Bliss 16 +01101010 Eickhoff 16 +01101010 Vanunu 16 +01101010 Kania 16 +01101010 Drill 16 +01101010 Ailey 16 +01101010 Goldie 16 +01101010 Lieber 16 +01101010 Conran 16 +01101010 Hegel 16 +01101010 Buffet 17 +01101010 Musavi 17 +01101010 Crockett 17 +01101010 Salwen 17 +01101010 Juster 17 +01101010 Homans 17 +01101010 Hammett 17 +01101010 Koon 17 +01101010 Dunbar 17 +01101010 Pena 17 +01101010 Walpole 17 +01101010 Evert 17 +01101010 Mas 17 +01101010 Innes 17 +01101010 Burrell 17 +01101010 Giannini 17 +01101010 Brubaker 17 +01101010 Javits 17 +01101010 Hummer 17 +01101010 Pardo 17 +01101010 Sakowitz 17 +01101010 Fahmy 17 +01101010 Steinbeck 17 +01101010 Estes 17 +01101010 Thierry 17 +01101010 Mendel 17 +01101010 Gnau 17 +01101010 Denby 17 +01101010 Herr 17 +01101010 Donde 17 +01101010 Pagan 17 +01101010 Hageman 17 +01101010 Clout 17 +01101010 Sevin 17 +01101010 Okada 17 +01101010 Brainerd 17 +01101010 McDaniel 17 +01101010 Chiat 17 +01101010 Kurz 17 +01101010 Wooten 17 +01101010 Patricof 17 +01101010 Vinci 17 +01101010 Spoon 17 +01101010 Reedy 17 +01101010 Frazer 17 +01101010 McElroy 17 +01101010 Keeley 17 +01101010 Southgate 17 +01101010 Huxtable 17 +01101010 Tocqueville 17 +01101010 Almond 17 +01101010 Burkhardt 17 +01101010 Martineau 17 +01101010 Stanislaw 17 +01101010 Greco 17 +01101010 Bristow 18 +01101010 Zhu 18 +01101010 Dominus 18 +01101010 Vries 18 +01101010 Gantos 18 +01101010 Winner 18 +01101010 Lilley 18 +01101010 Drummond 18 +01101010 Hop 18 +01101010 Messel 18 +01101010 Alter 18 +01101010 Macomber 18 +01101010 Schnitzler 18 +01101010 Deane 18 +01101010 Lebenthal 18 +01101010 Halas 18 +01101010 Payson 18 +01101010 Doran 18 +01101010 Grandpre 18 +01101010 Lager 18 +01101010 Suarez 18 +01101010 Tatu 18 +01101010 Holmberg 18 +01101010 Cutter 18 +01101010 Proust 18 +01101010 Prey 18 +01101010 Marsden 18 +01101010 Vila 18 +01101010 Lehner 18 +01101010 Padilla 18 +01101010 Lasorda 18 +01101010 Etudes 18 +01101010 Andropov 18 +01101010 Wrightson 18 +01101010 Painter 18 +01101010 Holden 18 +01101010 Huffington 18 +01101010 Biko 18 +01101010 Sabin 18 +01101010 Whiting 18 +01101010 Eriksson 18 +01101010 Walther 18 +01101010 Joyner-Kersee 18 +01101010 Cozad 18 +01101010 Kwong 18 +01101010 Cruse 18 +01101010 Hurst 18 +01101010 Maude 18 +01101010 Dobbs 18 +01101010 Goldress 18 +01101010 Buell 18 +01101010 Berenson 18 +01101010 Chou 18 +01101010 Latimer 18 +01101010 Culp 18 +01101010 Ungermann 18 +01101010 Ruff 18 +01101010 Astor 18 +01101010 Wyler 18 +01101010 Crenshaw 19 +01101010 Bogert 19 +01101010 Bartholomew 19 +01101010 Wadsworth 19 +01101010 Ricks 19 +01101010 Cayton 19 +01101010 Warden 19 +01101010 Batten 19 +01101010 Mayberry 19 +01101010 Yardley 19 +01101010 Bronson 19 +01101010 Peacock 19 +01101010 Manet 19 +01101010 Goody 19 +01101010 Boothe 19 +01101010 Crabtree 19 +01101010 Holstein 19 +01101010 Glynn 19 +01101010 Houlihan 19 +01101010 Scully 19 +01101010 Vizcaya 19 +01101010 Reyes 19 +01101010 Anson 19 +01101010 Warnke 19 +01101010 Garwood 19 +01101010 Davey 19 +01101010 etre 19 +01101010 Frye 19 +01101010 Min 19 +01101010 Wyly 19 +01101010 Wainwright 19 +01101010 Aldrich 19 +01101010 Chalk 19 +01101010 Dabney 19 +01101010 Sunny 19 +01101010 Voute 19 +01101010 Ham 19 +01101010 Parr 20 +01101010 Schulz 20 +01101010 Snider 20 +01101010 Gorham 20 +01101010 Al-Sabah 20 +01101010 Rego 20 +01101010 Reinhart 20 +01101010 Fugazy 20 +01101010 Geffen 20 +01101010 Lubar 20 +01101010 Rodale 20 +01101010 Demjanjuk 20 +01101010 Bunting 20 +01101010 Autry 20 +01101010 Jewett 20 +01101010 Winslow 20 +01101010 Buchwald 20 +01101010 Coburn 20 +01101010 Roddy 20 +01101010 Schachter 20 +01101010 Pyle 20 +01101010 Moreira 20 +01101010 Goldwyn 20 +01101010 Siebert 20 +01101010 Pitman 20 +01101010 Schoenberg 20 +01101010 Scarborough 20 +01101010 Blaine 20 +01101010 Holder 20 +01101010 Taggart 20 +01101010 Spivey 20 +01101010 Ginandjar 20 +01101010 Radford 20 +01101010 Meade 20 +01101010 Montebello 20 +01101010 Ping 20 +01101010 Candy 20 +01101010 Middleton 20 +01101010 Noe 20 +01101010 Hibbard 21 +01101010 Yoshida 21 +01101010 Englander 21 +01101010 Minter 21 +01101010 Vereinsbank 21 +01101010 Blohm 21 +01101010 McCaffrey 21 +01101010 Andrey 21 +01101010 Leech 21 +01101010 Leopold 21 +01101010 Caywood 21 +01101010 Hardin 21 +01101010 Shugart 21 +01101010 Telling 21 +01101010 Riccardo 21 +01101010 Yun 21 +01101010 Quackenbush 21 +01101010 Golub 21 +01101010 Flanigan 21 +01101010 Koo 21 +01101010 Fluke 21 +01101010 Rootstein 21 +01101010 Spice 21 +01101010 Hackman 21 +01101010 Wordsworth 21 +01101010 Kilgore 21 +01101010 Kohler 21 +01101010 Kalb 21 +01101010 Horchow 21 +01101010 Shanley 21 +01101010 Krantz 21 +01101010 Slack 21 +01101010 Wayland 22 +01101010 Gallatin 22 +01101010 Sahlen 22 +01101010 Menil 22 +01101010 Sorensen 22 +01101010 Auerbach 22 +01101010 Wei 22 +01101010 Moulton 22 +01101010 Wallis 22 +01101010 Fries 22 +01101010 Morahan 22 +01101010 Belknap 22 +01101010 Iverson 22 +01101010 Kock 22 +01101010 Mackey 22 +01101010 Ostrander 22 +01101010 Krim 22 +01101010 Wardell 22 +01101010 Valin 22 +01101010 Manella 22 +01101010 Koster 22 +01101010 Bakers 22 +01101010 Naugles 22 +01101010 Jarislowsky 22 +01101010 Ridley 22 +01101010 Gintel 22 +01101010 Hobson 22 +01101010 Smaby 22 +01101010 Yi 22 +01101010 Dukes 22 +01101010 Lehrman 22 +01101010 Purdy 22 +01101010 Franke 23 +01101010 Schindler 23 +01101010 Bower 23 +01101010 Lasky 23 +01101010 Poe 23 +01101010 Eyre 23 +01101010 Rinehart 23 +01101010 Brink 23 +01101010 Jiang 23 +01101010 Morvillo 23 +01101010 Walden 23 +01101010 Breaux 23 +01101010 Mondavi 23 +01101010 Sant 23 +01101010 Whittemore 23 +01101010 Choi 23 +01101010 Constructions 23 +01101010 Sohn 23 +01101010 Ridgeway 23 +01101010 Vogt 23 +01101010 Nabokov 23 +01101010 Usher 23 +01101010 Morino 23 +01101010 Hodgson 23 +01101010 Vandenberg 23 +01101010 Driver 23 +01101010 Britten 23 +01101010 Bachman 23 +01101010 Ibrahim 23 +01101010 Torray 23 +01101010 Liberman 23 +01101010 Hiro 23 +01101010 Griggs 23 +01101010 Schneiders 23 +01101010 Iris 23 +01101010 Barrow 23 +01101010 etat 23 +01101010 Janis 23 +01101010 Moser 23 +01101010 Woolsey 24 +01101010 Saybrook 24 +01101010 Ganz 24 +01101010 Eck 24 +01101010 Harbour 24 +01101010 Busby 24 +01101010 Yarling 24 +01101010 Gladstone 24 +01101010 Olney 24 +01101010 Merner 24 +01101010 Kingsley 24 +01101010 Spies 24 +01101010 Qualls 24 +01101010 Luftig 24 +01101010 Provenzano 24 +01101010 Lukas 24 +01101010 Jin 24 +01101010 Vedder 24 +01101010 Tilton 24 +01101010 Sosa 24 +01101010 Rasmussen 24 +01101010 Syme 24 +01101010 Dorchester 24 +01101010 Portman 24 +01101010 Brick 24 +01101010 Gobain 25 +01101010 Fielding 25 +01101010 Roma 25 +01101010 Cody 25 +01101010 Noland 25 +01101010 Geier 25 +01101010 Finch 25 +01101010 Pao 25 +01101010 Forte 25 +01101010 Schiller 25 +01101010 Hanauer 25 +01101010 Douglass 25 +01101010 Cramer 25 +01101010 MacAllister 25 +01101010 McRae 25 +01101010 Thor 25 +01101010 Merrick 25 +01101010 Winfield 25 +01101010 Hurley 25 +01101010 Corbin 25 +01101010 Milner 25 +01101010 Fiorucci 25 +01101010 Schulte 25 +01101010 Borg 25 +01101010 Barksdale 25 +01101010 Ramsay 25 +01101010 Kirschner 25 +01101010 Chopin 26 +01101010 Gage 26 +01101010 Chino 26 +01101010 Lanham 26 +01101010 Ginsberg 26 +01101010 Ratliff 26 +01101010 Wanamaker 26 +01101010 Rabinowitz 26 +01101010 Torrey 26 +01101010 Milne 26 +01101010 Dryden 26 +01101010 Shear 26 +01101010 Larkin 26 +01101010 Raven 26 +01101010 Spector 26 +01101010 Lipscomb 26 +01101010 Seltzer 26 +01101010 Poussin 26 +01101010 Bryce 26 +01101010 Geraghty 26 +01101010 Cano 26 +01101010 Tang 26 +01101010 DuPont 26 +01101010 Vita 27 +01101010 Lorin 27 +01101010 Bray 27 +01101010 Gable 27 +01101010 Somers 27 +01101010 Rance 27 +01101010 Spalding 27 +01101010 Wooster 27 +01101010 Wax 27 +01101010 Elway 27 +01101010 Sada 27 +01101010 Lister 27 +01101010 Arundel 27 +01101010 Herold 27 +01101010 Bradshaw 27 +01101010 Wynne 27 +01101010 Choate 27 +01101010 Constant 27 +01101010 Hyun 27 +01101010 Hildebrandt 27 +01101010 Leff 27 +01101010 Funk 27 +01101010 Dylan 27 +01101010 Cannell 27 +01101010 Gonzales 27 +01101010 Grauer 27 +01101010 Rousseau 27 +01101010 Fogg 27 +01101010 Rocker 27 +01101010 Eldridge 27 +01101010 Cho 27 +01101010 Whitley 27 +01101010 Bastian 27 +01101010 Riese 27 +01101010 Lytton 27 +01101010 McAllister 27 +01101010 Glassman 27 +01101010 Rauch 27 +01101010 Nye 27 +01101010 Wolfensohn 27 +01101010 Bone 27 +01101010 Kimbell 27 +01101010 Halstead 28 +01101010 Jeffries 28 +01101010 Golding 28 +01101010 Chalmers 28 +01101010 Musa 28 +01101010 Kelton 28 +01101010 Dell' 28 +01101010 Whelan 28 +01101010 Zehnder 28 +01101010 Raj 28 +01101010 Hooper 28 +01101010 Combs 28 +01101010 Easton 28 +01101010 Seidel 28 +01101010 McEnroe 28 +01101010 Waugh 28 +01101010 McFerrin 28 +01101010 Boomers 28 +01101010 Sharpe 28 +01101010 Mar 28 +01101010 Rubens 28 +01101010 Canning 28 +01101010 Frame 28 +01101010 Viner 28 +01101010 Embry 28 +01101010 Woodruff 28 +01101010 Duval 28 +01101010 Sheffield 28 +01101010 Jansen 28 +01101010 Yuen 28 +01101010 Hannaford 29 +01101010 Quixote 29 +01101010 Beesley 29 +01101010 Swann 29 +01101010 Tong 29 +01101010 Drysdale 29 +01101010 Schoen 29 +01101010 Elder 29 +01101010 Flanagan 29 +01101010 Mora 29 +01101010 Cullen 29 +01101010 Diener 29 +01101010 McClain 29 +01101010 Luth 29 +01101010 Wooden 29 +01101010 Petty 29 +01101010 Wirthlin 29 +01101010 Quigley 29 +01101010 Hinton 29 +01101010 Rusk 29 +01101010 Blackman 29 +01101010 Criswell 29 +01101010 Brewer 29 +01101010 Cass 29 +01101010 Carleton 29 +01101010 Schick 29 +01101010 Da 29 +01101010 Chaus 29 +01101010 Griswold 30 +01101010 Petroles 30 +01101010 Orchard 30 +01101010 Britt 30 +01101010 Leone 30 +01101010 Molson 30 +01101010 Timbers 30 +01101010 Helm 30 +01101010 Zorn 30 +01101010 Morley 30 +01101010 Abdullah 30 +01101010 Appel 30 +01101010 Niles 30 +01101010 Yankelovich 30 +01101010 Schmitt 30 +01101010 Fenton 30 +01101010 Bingham 30 +01101010 Schafer 30 +01101010 Vesco 30 +01101010 Lacey 30 +01101010 Briggs 31 +01101010 Rivkin 31 +01101010 Dreyfuss 31 +01101010 Chilton 31 +01101010 Ono 31 +01101010 Kidd 31 +01101010 Spears 31 +01101010 Brewster 31 +01101010 Lerach 31 +01101010 Wines 31 +01101010 Krause 31 +01101010 Trout 31 +01101010 Cleve 31 +01101010 Lovett 31 +01101010 Hazard 31 +01101010 Knutson 31 +01101010 Pastor 31 +01101010 Luria 31 +01101010 Solis 31 +01101010 Osborn 31 +01101010 Neumann 32 +01101010 Gilchrist 32 +01101010 Rankin 32 +01101010 Gatsby 32 +01101010 Lipsig 32 +01101010 Zimmermann 32 +01101010 Kang 32 +01101010 Steadman 32 +01101010 Knott 32 +01101010 Gannon 32 +01101010 Rothenberg 32 +01101010 Booker 32 +01101010 Sanderson 32 +01101010 Burden 32 +01101010 Moe 32 +01101010 Dunham 32 +01101010 Player 32 +01101010 Pendleton 32 +01101010 Langer 32 +01101010 Wolfson 33 +01101010 Koenig 33 +01101010 Calhoun 33 +01101010 Labatt 33 +01101010 Frick 33 +01101010 Guest 33 +01101010 Sindlinger 33 +01101010 Witt 33 +01101010 Friedlander 33 +01101010 Willoughby 33 +01101010 Higa 33 +01101010 Alene 33 +01101010 Jays 33 +01101010 Dionne 33 +01101010 Bostian 33 +01101010 Metzger 33 +01101010 Tracey 33 +01101010 Lovell 33 +01101010 Doll 33 +01101010 Salmon 33 +01101010 Moritz 33 +01101010 Gardiner 33 +01101010 Schumann 33 +01101010 Holman 33 +01101010 Kruse 33 +01101010 Crowell 33 +01101010 Woodside 34 +01101010 Hoyt 34 +01101010 Schiff 34 +01101010 Cochran 34 +01101010 Muir 34 +01101010 Britton 34 +01101010 Weatherford 34 +01101010 Pulliam 34 +01101010 Zappa 34 +01101010 Draper 34 +01101010 Kasper 34 +01101010 Eaux 34 +01101010 Simms 34 +01101010 Turk 34 +01101010 Hamel 34 +01101010 Keillor 34 +01101010 Rubinstein 34 +01101010 Klee 35 +01101010 Lea 35 +01101010 Neuhaus 35 +01101010 Zeckendorf 35 +01101010 Hillman 35 +01101010 Lyman 35 +01101010 Dorr 35 +01101010 Wyeth 35 +01101010 Pain 35 +01101010 Kobrin 35 +01101010 Matuschka 35 +01101010 Iwai 35 +01101010 Carmoy 35 +01101010 Sillerman 36 +01101010 Goddard 36 +01101010 Waddell 36 +01101010 Lynden 36 +01101010 Friedberg 36 +01101010 Berliner 36 +01101010 Blackwell 36 +01101010 Reese 36 +01101010 Wescott 36 +01101010 Sin 36 +01101010 Ash 36 +01101010 Wiener 36 +01101010 Xu 36 +01101010 Winters 36 +01101010 Ferri 36 +01101010 Obando 36 +01101010 Stratton 36 +01101010 Debevoise 36 +01101010 Deming 36 +01101010 Delano 36 +01101010 Dowling 36 +01101010 Gilliam 36 +01101010 Espana 36 +01101010 Self 37 +01101010 Z 37 +01101010 Foresman 37 +01101010 Abramowitz 37 +01101010 Brett 37 +01101010 Abbas 37 +01101010 Trumbull 37 +01101010 Faust 37 +01101010 McNally 37 +01101010 Dickson 37 +01101010 Sarnoff 37 +01101010 Gershwin 38 +01101010 Suter 38 +01101010 Vega 38 +01101010 Latham 38 +01101010 Bassett 38 +01101010 Schiavone 38 +01101010 Gunter 38 +01101010 Bowie 38 +01101010 Binder 38 +01101010 Baruch 38 +01101010 Gauguin 38 +01101010 Walls 38 +01101010 Farah 38 +01101010 le 38 +01101010 Ransom 38 +01101010 Ramadan 38 +01101010 Barlow 39 +01101010 Hume 39 +01101010 Osman 39 +01101010 DuBois 39 +01101010 Huntley 39 +01101010 Johnstone 39 +01101010 Cowan 39 +01101010 Brachfeld 39 +01101010 Hagen 39 +01101010 Shawn 40 +01101010 Boswell 40 +01101010 Rymer 40 +01101010 Redding 40 +01101010 Casper 40 +01101010 Cochrane 40 +01101010 McCann 40 +01101010 Zhang 40 +01101010 Faulkner 40 +01101010 Toms 40 +01101010 Mott 40 +01101010 Harman 40 +01101010 Soto 40 +01101010 Cassidy 40 +01101010 Abbenhaus 40 +01101010 l' 41 +01101010 Toyoda 41 +01101010 Amos 41 +01101010 Rutledge 41 +01101010 Dahlberg 41 +01101010 Dorn 41 +01101010 Baum 41 +01101010 Underwood 41 +01101010 McNeil 41 +01101010 Hannah 41 +01101010 Oswald 41 +01101010 Kroh 41 +01101010 DeWitt 41 +01101010 Foreman 41 +01101010 Cheng 41 +01101010 Waterman 41 +01101010 Berkman 41 +01101010 Lapides 42 +01101010 Laird 42 +01101010 Saxon 42 +01101010 Blanc 42 +01101010 Mendoza 42 +01101010 Ness 42 +01101010 Corbett 43 +01101010 Levesque 43 +01101010 MacKenzie 43 +01101010 Hendrickson 43 +01101010 Deutsch 43 +01101010 Gelman 43 +01101010 Kaufmann 43 +01101010 Selzer 43 +01101010 Papa 43 +01101010 Everingham 43 +01101010 Friend 43 +01101010 Hartman 44 +01101010 Bayh 44 +01101010 Flood 44 +01101010 Weingarten 44 +01101010 Forsyth 44 +01101010 Hellman 44 +01101010 Berkley 44 +01101010 Pastora 44 +01101010 Spicer 44 +01101010 Alden 44 +01101010 Hogg 44 +01101010 Brouwer 44 +01101010 Hoffmann 44 +01101010 Lippincott 44 +01101010 Pollock 44 +01101010 Brookes 44 +01101010 Okamoto 45 +01101010 Bowers 45 +01101010 Loomis 45 +01101010 McIntosh 45 +01101010 Valentino 45 +01101010 Lu 45 +01101010 Hurtado 45 +01101010 Estaing 45 +01101010 Lakefield 45 +01101010 Forward 46 +01101010 Scala 46 +01101010 Morrell 46 +01101010 Salle 46 +01101010 Springer 46 +01101010 Sayles 46 +01101010 Dunne 46 +01101010 Maguire 46 +01101010 Denton 46 +01101010 Cummings 46 +01101010 Lundberg 46 +01101010 Luciano 46 +01101010 Landesbank 46 +01101010 Wachtel 46 +01101010 Gilman 47 +01101010 Salisbury 47 +01101010 Martens 47 +01101010 Manson 47 +01101010 Mara 47 +01101010 Eddy 47 +01101010 Pickle 47 +01101010 Valu 47 +01101010 Ulrich 47 +01101010 Swain 47 +01101010 McGuire 47 +01101010 Slattery 47 +01101010 Schweitzer 47 +01101010 Stowe 47 +01101010 Irvin 47 +01101010 Haynes 48 +01101010 Ware 48 +01101010 Hassan 48 +01101010 Banta 49 +01101010 Egan 49 +01101010 Manafort 49 +01101010 Handy 49 +01101010 Budd 49 +01101010 Aoki 49 +01101010 Ritchie 49 +01101010 McKenna 49 +01101010 Ives 49 +01101010 Rey 49 +01101010 Guenther 49 +01101010 Magnus 49 +01101010 Lim 49 +01101010 Doe 49 +01101010 Erickson 49 +01101010 Keene 50 +01101010 Tennant 50 +01101010 Alvarez 50 +01101010 Sparks 50 +01101010 Beutel 51 +01101010 Bess 51 +01101010 Markham 51 +01101010 Seligman 51 +01101010 Pierson 51 +01101010 Rubenstein 51 +01101010 Flowers 51 +01101010 Rath 52 +01101010 Hamburger 52 +01101010 Landry 52 +01101010 Byers 52 +01101010 Maloney 52 +01101010 Soria 52 +01101010 Janeiro 52 +01101010 Freed 52 +01101010 Pound 53 +01101010 Handel 53 +01101010 Constantine 53 +01101010 Cleary 53 +01101010 Beale 53 +01101010 Gaylord 53 +01101010 Ellsworth 53 +01101010 Hocking 53 +01101010 Thorne 53 +01101010 Winn 53 +01101010 Boyer 53 +01101010 Kearney 54 +01101010 Rutherford 54 +01101010 Taubman 54 +01101010 Leventhal 54 +01101010 Gaulle 54 +01101010 Metcalf 54 +01101010 Braun 54 +01101010 Samson 54 +01101010 Landau 54 +01101010 Larson 54 +01101010 Echos 54 +01101010 Dougherty 54 +01101010 Frazier 54 +01101010 Godfrey 55 +01101010 Cahill 55 +01101010 Elkins 55 +01101010 Carlisle 55 +01101010 McKee 55 +01101010 Perdue 55 +01101010 Esty 55 +01101010 Talbot 55 +01101010 Russo 55 +01101010 Harwood 55 +01101010 Ely 55 +01101010 Brinkley 56 +01101010 Jong 56 +01101010 Lutz 56 +01101010 Ried 56 +01101010 Gale 56 +01101010 Harding 56 +01101010 Hood 56 +01101010 Brophy 56 +01101010 Tanner 56 +01101010 Feshbach 57 +01101010 Boslego 57 +01101010 Twain 57 +01101010 Lay 57 +01101010 McNamara 57 +01101010 Bard 57 +01101010 Cardillo 57 +01101010 Hulbert 58 +01101010 Hendricks 58 +01101010 Broderick 58 +01101010 Sheridan 58 +01101010 Kroll 58 +01101010 Sikes 58 +01101010 Shelton 58 +01101010 Marino 58 +01101010 Albrecht 58 +01101010 Bragg 58 +01101010 Schubert 59 +01101010 Jaffe 59 +01101010 Rossi 59 +01101010 Bentley 59 +01101010 Ehrlich 59 +01101010 Licht 59 +01101010 Grady 59 +01101010 Heflin 59 +01101010 Credito 60 +01101010 McFarland 60 +01101010 Basie 60 +01101010 Mooney 60 +01101010 Steen 60 +01101010 Santos 60 +01101010 Lebow 60 +01101010 Tobin 60 +01101010 Fallon 60 +01101010 Kenny 60 +01101010 Covington 60 +01101010 Magnin 61 +01101010 Sage 61 +01101010 Horne 61 +01101010 Grass 61 +01101010 Moog 61 +01101010 Vaughan 61 +01101010 Carlin 61 +01101010 Donahue 61 +01101010 Copeland 61 +01101010 Popkin 61 +01101010 Hand 61 +01101010 Guthrie 61 +01101010 Lindsay 62 +01101010 Ginn 62 +01101010 Massey 62 +01101010 Opel 62 +01101010 Purcell 62 +01101010 Kline 63 +01101010 Ramsey 63 +01101010 Livermore 63 +01101010 Calvert 63 +01101010 Kitchen 64 +01101010 Oppenheim 64 +01101010 Nicholson 64 +01101010 Bolling 64 +01101010 McDowell 64 +01101010 Sick 64 +01101010 Mansfield 65 +01101010 Caldwell 65 +01101010 Dhabi 65 +01101010 Martini 65 +01101010 Bildner 65 +01101010 Albertson 65 +01101010 Redman 65 +01101010 Fitch 65 +01101010 Alger 65 +01101010 Knox 65 +01101010 Ewing 65 +01101010 Harlan 65 +01101010 Matisse 65 +01101010 Wyman 65 +01101010 Chan 65 +01101010 MacArthur 65 +01101010 Rabbit 66 +01101010 Hitchcock 66 +01101010 Hesse 66 +01101010 Rutland 66 +01101010 Millis 66 +01101010 Klerk 66 +01101010 Factor 67 +01101010 Grimm 67 +01101010 Hopper 67 +01101010 Rifkind 67 +01101010 Gartman 67 +01101010 Cohn 67 +01101010 Corcoran 68 +01101010 Stacy 68 +01101010 Sargent 68 +01101010 Rush 68 +01101010 Guerin 68 +01101010 Watt 68 +01101010 Meehan 68 +01101010 Wolff 68 +01101010 Goetz 69 +01101010 Bilbao 69 +01101010 Skaggs 69 +01101010 Lazarus 69 +01101010 Pike 69 +01101010 Vance 69 +01101010 Bean 70 +01101010 Ronson 70 +01101010 Cantor 70 +01101010 Jacoby 70 +01101010 Boom 70 +01101010 Willens 70 +01101010 Wellman 70 +01101010 Yu 70 +01101010 Shin 71 +01101010 Uno 71 +01101010 Remington 71 +01101010 Aron 71 +01101010 Matheson 71 +01101010 Townsend 71 +01101010 Dreyer 71 +01101010 Tudor 72 +01101010 Liu 72 +01101010 Agnelli 72 +01101010 Sloane 72 +01101010 Duck 72 +01101010 Shoppes 72 +01101010 Clifton 73 +01101010 Jepson 73 +01101010 Kamp 73 +01101010 Hardy 73 +01101010 Shea 73 +01101010 Wiley 73 +01101010 Shelley 73 +01101010 Blake 73 +01101010 Heath 73 +01101010 Landis 74 +01101010 Harbert 74 +01101010 Kinney 74 +01101010 Wise 74 +01101010 Mahler 74 +01101010 Yang 75 +01101010 Napier 75 +01101010 Brooke 75 +01101010 Garland 75 +01101010 Slater 75 +01101010 Kimball 75 +01101010 Bonner 75 +01101010 Sims 75 +01101010 Graf 75 +01101010 Minor 75 +01101010 Bigelow 76 +01101010 Augustine 76 +01101010 Bosworth 76 +01101010 Rowan 77 +01101010 Ferrari 77 +01101010 Scowcroft 77 +01101010 Percy 77 +01101010 Waite 77 +01101010 McKenzie 77 +01101010 Riordan 77 +01101010 Sinclair 77 +01101010 Cobb 77 +01101010 Greer 77 +01101010 Frankel 78 +01101010 Jasinowski 78 +01101010 Benham 78 +01101010 Villa 78 +01101010 Starr 78 +01101010 Peltz 78 +01101010 Kirkpatrick 79 +01101010 Meadows 79 +01101010 Davenport 79 +01101010 Hermann 79 +01101010 Armour 79 +01101010 Ashley 79 +01101010 Kaye 79 +01101010 Chappell 79 +01101010 Archer 79 +01101010 Fedders 80 +01101010 Amman 80 +01101010 Schaefer 80 +01101010 Polk 80 +01101010 Song 80 +01101010 Havilland 80 +01101010 Parks 80 +01101010 Herzfeld 80 +01101010 Gleason 81 +01101010 Ladd 81 +01101010 Dorsey 81 +01101010 Itoh 81 +01101010 Bregman 81 +01101010 Rosenfeld 81 +01101010 Hayward 81 +01101010 Ho 81 +01101010 Hanley 82 +01101010 Gortari 82 +01101010 Cutler 82 +01101010 Booth 82 +01101010 Barclay 82 +01101010 Han 82 +01101010 Birch 82 +01101010 Sloate 82 +01101010 Springsteen 82 +01101010 Gorman 83 +01101010 Garment 83 +01101010 Gill 83 +01101010 Terra 83 +01101010 McGraw 84 +01101010 Finn 84 +01101010 Browne 84 +01101010 Valentine 84 +01101010 Addison 85 +01101010 Compton 85 +01101010 Anders 85 +01101010 Lin 85 +01101010 McIntyre 85 +01101010 Blum 85 +01101010 Karcher 85 +01101010 Lauren 86 +01101010 Tully 86 +01101010 Tinker 87 +01101010 Josephson 87 +01101010 Somerville 87 +01101010 Sweeney 87 +01101010 Guber 87 +01101010 Electricite 88 +01101010 Roll 88 +01101010 Mayo 88 +01101010 Biehl 88 +01101010 Zimmer 88 +01101010 Caesar 89 +01101010 Lodge 89 +01101010 Langley 89 +01101010 Stahl 89 +01101010 Bright 89 +01101010 Coats 90 +01101010 Stella 90 +01101010 Livingston 90 +01101010 Stanger 90 +01101010 Romano 90 +01101010 Hollis 90 +01101010 Atwood 90 +01101010 Gregg 90 +01101010 Gillett 90 +01101010 Jennings 91 +01101010 Franco 91 +01101010 Link 92 +01101010 Pages 92 +01101010 Gramley 92 +01101010 Meyers 92 +01101010 Lauder 92 +01101010 Harrington 93 +01101010 Payne 93 +01101010 Luke 93 +01101010 Hays 93 +01101010 Von 93 +01101010 Barton 93 +01101010 Moet 94 +01101010 Carver 94 +01101010 Bosch 94 +01101010 Silverstein 94 +01101010 Allison 94 +01101010 Sandler 94 +01101010 Riklis 94 +01101010 Woodland 94 +01101010 Connors 94 +01101010 Galbraith 94 +01101010 Packard 95 +01101010 Scripps 95 +01101010 Howe 95 +01101010 Lang 95 +01101010 Hines 95 +01101010 Sylvester 95 +01101010 Hastings 96 +01101010 Newhouse 96 +01101010 Scudder 96 +01101010 Variety 96 +01101010 Mouse 96 +01101010 Owens 96 +01101010 Linden 96 +01101010 Archibald 96 +01101010 Holt 97 +01101010 Ramirez 97 +01101010 Seal 97 +01101010 McGill 97 +01101010 Feldman 98 +01101010 Welsh 98 +01101010 Dell 99 +01101010 Lamb 99 +01101010 McCabe 100 +01101010 Millard 100 +01101010 Dederick 100 +01101010 Webber 101 +01101010 Arden 102 +01101010 Hewitt 102 +01101010 Subroto 103 +01101010 Shilling 104 +01101010 Parkinson 104 +01101010 Greenwood 104 +01101010 Dawson 104 +01101010 Chamberlain 104 +01101010 McCoy 104 +01101010 Dickinson 105 +01101010 Laurel 105 +01101010 Carlton 105 +01101010 Kirkland 106 +01101010 Lyon 106 +01101010 Abe 106 +01101010 Hutchinson 106 +01101010 Rivers 106 +01101010 Rouse 106 +01101010 Zoete 107 +01101010 Hayden 107 +01101010 Fay 107 +01101010 Diaz 107 +01101010 Il 107 +01101010 Reeves 107 +01101010 Healy 108 +01101010 Whitman 108 +01101010 Parsons 108 +01101010 Steinhardt 109 +01101010 Herzog 109 +01101010 Sutherland 109 +01101010 Moses 110 +01101010 Manley 110 +01101010 Morrow 111 +01101010 Crowley 111 +01101010 Dunn 111 +01101010 Kessler 111 +01101010 Berman 111 +01101010 Miranda 112 +01101010 Nash 112 +01101010 Bruno 113 +01101010 Atkinson 113 +01101010 Savaiko 113 +01101010 Riney 114 +01101010 Bozell 114 +01101010 Roe 114 +01101010 Carrington 114 +01101010 Shore 114 +01101010 Rolland 115 +01101010 Culver 115 +01101010 Merritt 115 +01101010 Frost 115 +01101010 Meredith 116 +01101010 Michaels 116 +01101010 Houghton 116 +01101010 Barr 117 +01101010 Hammond 117 +01101010 Avery 118 +01101010 Carlson 118 +01101010 Ansbacher 118 +01101010 Stanton 119 +01101010 Hyman 119 +01101010 Clay 119 +01101010 Greenfield 119 +01101010 Pesch 120 +01101010 Ingersoll 120 +01101010 Grubman 121 +01101010 Potter 121 +01101010 McKinley 122 +01101010 Kerr 123 +01101010 Hawkins 123 +01101010 Beck 123 +01101010 Kirby 123 +01101010 Dalton 124 +01101010 Warwick 124 +01101010 Heublein 124 +01101010 Davidson 124 +01101010 Woodward 125 +01101010 Weston 125 +01101010 Shaffer 125 +01101010 Gaines 126 +01101010 McGrath 126 +01101010 Nader 126 +01101010 Depot 126 +01101010 Henson 126 +01101010 Bartlett 127 +01101010 Durham 127 +01101010 Hogan 128 +01101010 Randolph 128 +01101010 Bauer 128 +01101010 Sessions 128 +01101010 Sweet 128 +01101010 Stevenson 130 +01101010 Salem 130 +01101010 Conner 131 +01101010 Hubbard 131 +01101010 Garrett 132 +01101010 Lange 132 +01101010 Eliot 132 +01101010 Wade 132 +01101010 Platt 133 +01101010 Fitzgerald 133 +01101010 Cameron 133 +01101010 Laurent 133 +01101010 Watts 134 +01101010 Rollins 135 +01101010 Ketchum 135 +01101010 Forster 136 +01101010 Williamson 136 +01101010 Bryant 137 +01101010 Wyatt 137 +01101010 Mercer 138 +01101010 Hampton 139 +01101010 Kagan 139 +01101010 Carey 140 +01101010 Hope 140 +01101010 Andreas 140 +01101010 Templeton 140 +01101010 Kendall 141 +01101010 Furman 142 +01101010 Logan 144 +01101010 Heine 144 +01101010 Nidal 144 +01101010 Barnard 145 +01101010 Perkins 145 +01101010 Sloan 147 +01101010 Miles 147 +01101010 Downey 147 +01101010 Roderick 150 +01101010 Sutton 150 +01101010 Daniels 150 +01101010 facto 150 +01101010 Smart 151 +01101010 Fischer 151 +01101010 Fraser 151 +01101010 Buck 151 +01101010 Della 151 +01101010 Chambers 152 +01101010 Bouygues 152 +01101010 Farmer 152 +01101010 Davies 153 +01101010 Maynard 153 +01101010 Mao 153 +01101010 Dewey 153 +01101010 Reid 153 +01101010 Berry 154 +01101010 Head 154 +01101010 Bain 155 +01101010 Polo 156 +01101010 Chandler 157 +01101010 Rosenthal 157 +01101010 Dempsey 158 +01101010 Montagu 158 +01101010 Masters 159 +01101010 Farrell 159 +01101010 Wolfe 159 +01101010 Spelling 161 +01101010 Swift 162 +01101010 Crow 163 +01101010 Crosby 164 +01101010 Arbor 164 +01101010 Burnett 165 +01101010 Dreman 165 +01101010 Werner 166 +01101010 Malone 166 +01101010 Patterson 167 +01101010 Willis 167 +01101010 Barker 167 +01101010 Rowland 168 +01101010 Cruz 169 +01101010 Baron 169 +01101010 Levitt 169 +01101010 Ogden 170 +01101010 Hicks 171 +01101010 Everett 171 +01101010 Schulman 171 +01101010 Barrett 172 +01101010 Quinn 173 +01101010 Gallo 174 +01101010 Snow 174 +01101010 Shannon 174 +01101010 Rooney 175 +01101010 Gallagher 175 +01101010 Humphrey 175 +01101010 Robbins 177 +01101010 Boyd 177 +01101010 M 180 +01101010 Altman 180 +01101010 Baird 180 +01101010 Bird 181 +01101010 Myerson 181 +01101010 Schroeder 183 +01101010 Grove 184 +01101010 Loeb 184 +01101010 Busch 185 +01101010 Manning 186 +01101010 Hayes 186 +01101010 Bronfman 186 +01101010 Kern 188 +01101010 Carpenter 188 +01101010 Fletcher 189 +01101010 McCormick 190 +01101010 Peck 191 +01101010 Mueller 191 +01101010 Becker 192 +01101010 Rhodes 193 +01101010 Lowe 193 +01101010 Hay 193 +01101010 Joyce 193 +01101010 Needham 194 +01101010 Berger 194 +01101010 Moran 195 +01101010 Bradford 195 +01101010 Weil 196 +01101010 Marx 196 +01101010 Hansen 197 +01101010 Hancock 197 +01101010 Knight 197 +01101010 Andrews 198 +01101010 Donovan 199 +01101010 Blinder 199 +01101010 Roach 200 +01101010 Huntington 201 +01101010 Sells 201 +01101010 Adler 203 +01101010 Heller 203 +01101010 Noble 203 +01101010 Mayer 203 +01101010 Swanson 205 +01101010 Spiegel 206 +01101010 Preston 206 +01101010 Norris 207 +01101010 Kay 210 +01101010 Burke 210 +01101010 Benton 211 +01101010 Hess 211 +01101010 Temple 211 +01101010 Page 212 +01101010 Foote 212 +01101010 Connolly 212 +01101010 Newton 212 +01101010 Bates 212 +01101010 Kramer 213 +01101010 Lieberman 214 +01101010 Claiborne 215 +01101010 Fish 215 +01101010 Tyler 219 +01101010 Crane 221 +01101010 Bishop 221 +01101010 Pepper 222 +01101010 Shapiro 223 +01101010 Hyatt 224 +01101010 Monroe 224 +01101010 Clinton 225 +01101010 Richards 226 +01101010 Baldwin 226 +01101010 Doyle 226 +01101010 Higgins 227 +01101010 Watson 228 +01101010 Seymour 229 +01101010 Dixon 229 +01101010 Farley 230 +01101010 Whittle 231 +01101010 Mack 232 +01101010 Jovanovich 233 +01101010 Reilly 233 +01101010 Solomon 235 +01101010 Jacobson 236 +01101010 Carroll 237 +01101010 Churchill 237 +01101010 Gardner 237 +01101010 Block 238 +01101010 Porter 239 +01101010 Kaplan 241 +01101010 Gabelli 245 +01101010 Sharp 245 +01101010 Nichols 248 +01101010 Monte 249 +01101010 Gibson 251 +01101010 Norton 251 +01101010 Rosen 252 +01101010 Cole 252 +01101010 Fried 252 +01101010 Sound 254 +01101010 Sanders 254 +01101010 Hirsch 255 +01101010 Simpson 257 +01101010 Marks 259 +01101010 Newman 259 +01101010 Lipton 261 +01101010 Rule 261 +01101010 Brierley 262 +01101010 Holland 263 +01101010 Roth 263 +01101010 Bowl 264 +01101010 Tucker 265 +01101010 Mann 267 +01101010 Henderson 267 +01101010 Sherwood 270 +01101010 Katz 271 +01101010 Peters 273 +01101010 Wallace 274 +01101010 Schneider 275 +01101010 McLean 277 +01101010 Goldsmith 277 +01101010 Stephens 278 +01101010 Lyons 281 +01101010 Brock 281 +01101010 Richardson 284 +01101010 Duncan 285 +01101010 Palmer 285 +01101010 Fine 287 +01101010 Hunter 289 +01101010 Bailey 289 +01101010 Gibbs 290 +01101010 Snyder 291 +01101010 Clarke 294 +01101010 Capel 296 +01101010 Perella 297 +01101010 Hopkins 299 +01101010 Rockefeller 303 +01101010 Barnes 303 +01101010 Butler 305 +01101010 Myers 305 +01101010 Greenberg 306 +01101010 Einstein 307 +01101010 Kent 308 +01101010 Heinz 311 +01101010 Marcus 312 +01101010 Schmidt 314 +01101010 Love 318 +01101010 Todd 319 +01101010 Marion 322 +01101010 Goldstein 322 +01101010 Barnett 323 +01101010 Jefferson 323 +01101010 Shaw 325 +01101010 Forbes 329 +01101010 DeBartolo 330 +01101010 Klein 331 +01101010 Goodman 333 +01101010 Stein 336 +01101010 Ellis 336 +01101010 Meyer 336 +01101010 Blair 337 +01101010 Hale 339 +01101010 Keefe 339 +01101010 Gross 340 +01101010 Harrison 342 +01101010 Scherer 349 +01101010 Sherman 349 +01101010 Baxter 350 +01101010 Seidman 351 +01101010 Carson 352 +01101010 Armstrong 353 +01101010 Ball 355 +01101010 Spencer 358 +01101010 Bryan 360 +01101010 Chapman 370 +01101010 Gilbert 372 +01101010 McCarthy 376 +01101010 Powell 377 +01101010 Stern 378 +01101010 Rich 381 +01101010 Peterson 384 +01101010 Le 384 +01101010 Fleming 387 +01101010 Wasserstein 393 +01101010 McDermott 394 +01101010 D' 401 +01101010 Perry 401 +01101010 Fairfax 403 +01101010 Webster 407 +01101010 Tyson 412 +01101010 Wagner 413 +01101010 Arrow 419 +01101010 Coleman 421 +01101010 Thiokol 422 +01101010 Dillon 430 +01101010 Lane 431 +01101010 Rice 439 +01101010 Elliott 444 +01101010 Cook 454 +01101010 Graham 456 +01101010 IV 460 +01101010 Strauss 460 +01101010 Brennan 461 +01101010 Bernstein 466 +01101010 Weiss 470 +01101010 la 474 +01101010 Morrison 477 +01101010 Field 481 +01101010 Stewart 486 +01101010 Cross 488 +01101010 Cox 495 +01101010 Friedman 506 +01101010 Collins 511 +01101010 Burns 512 +01101010 Glass 513 +01101010 Ryan 517 +01101010 Gates 520 +01101010 Adams 523 +01101010 Mason 524 +01101010 Madison 525 +01101010 Lipper 530 +01101010 Roche 539 +01101010 Fisher 542 +01101010 Edwards 548 +01101010 Webb 555 +01101010 Kaufman 563 +01101010 Andersen 589 +01101010 Simmons 589 +01101010 Schwab 590 +01101010 Rose 594 +01101010 Brooks 621 +01101010 Foster 635 +01101010 Nelson 656 +01101010 Reed 662 +01101010 Russell 663 +01101010 Rogers 664 +01101010 Kelly 667 +01101010 Hamilton 668 +01101010 Gould 671 +01101010 Robinson 674 +01101010 Evans 677 +01101010 Jefferies 688 +01101010 Grant 691 +01101010 Grace 692 +01101010 Wood 742 +01101010 Belgique 756 +01101010 Stone 766 +01101010 Walker 773 +01101010 Murphy 783 +01101010 Parker 786 +01101010 Mitchell 787 +01101010 Rothschild 790 +01101010 Steinberg 812 +01101010 Bennett 817 +01101010 Murray 826 +01101010 Stevens 829 +01101010 Hunt 850 +01101010 Jordan 861 +01101010 Alexander 872 +01101010 Anderson 873 +01101010 Gray 881 +01101010 Fox 882 +01101010 Marshall 883 +01101010 Ward 885 +01101010 Sullivan 889 +01101010 Wells 931 +01101010 Cohen 948 +01101010 Taylor 1011 +01101010 Wang 1036 +01101010 Roberts 1061 +01101010 Little 1068 +01101010 Green 1070 +01101010 Moore 1080 +01101010 Campbell 1090 +01101010 Cooper 1125 +01101010 Gordon 1135 +01101010 Thompson 1139 +01101010 Robertson 1141 +01101010 Clark 1192 +01101010 Hughes 1208 +01101010 Lewis 1243 +01101010 Hudson 1251 +01101010 Allen 1255 +01101010 Ross 1259 +01101010 Phillips 1301 +01101010 Bass 1371 +01101010 Greenspan 1400 +01101010 Maxwell 1412 +01101010 Hall 1475 +01101010 Price 1484 +01101010 Long 1506 +01101010 Turner 1563 +01101010 Williams 1566 +01101010 Simon 1620 +01101010 Wilson 1670 +01101010 Davis 1687 +01101010 Park 1802 +01101010 Morris 1815 +01101010 Kennedy 1898 +01101010 De 1952 +01101010 Young 2014 +01101010 King 2236 +01101010 Wright 2247 +01101010 Miller 2285 +01101010 Hill 2303 +01101010 Brown 2375 +01101010 Lee 2501 +01101010 O' 2676 +01101010 Johnson 3530 +01101010 Baker 3621 +01101010 Smith 4831 +01101010 Bell 3839 +0110101100 Haled 1 +0110101100 Dragas 1 +0110101100 Piencykoski 1 +0110101100 Babangina 1 +0110101100 Kotcher 1 +0110101100 IReagane 1 +0110101100 Woonsang 1 +0110101100 Piersall 1 +0110101100 Buendia 1 +0110101100 Telmer 1 +0110101100 Marie-Louise 1 +0110101100 Rutgaizer 1 +0110101100 Zagalsky 1 +0110101100 acquisitions-hungry 1 +0110101100 Tawney 1 +0110101100 Remus 1 +0110101100 Reyeros 1 +0110101100 Gondek 1 +0110101100 Bourgeault 1 +0110101100 McSwain 1 +0110101100 Krajnovich 1 +0110101100 Baccichet 1 +0110101100 Siraj 1 +0110101100 Cavin 1 +0110101100 Ramaswamy 1 +0110101100 Sahabat 1 +0110101100 Magarik 1 +0110101100 Speck 1 +0110101100 Lavrovsky 1 +0110101100 Lovasz 1 +0110101100 McDunnough 1 +0110101100 Gurdjieff 1 +0110101100 Liebmann/Lawrence 1 +0110101100 Kaleta 1 +0110101100 Schleede 1 +0110101100 Jaywardene 1 +0110101100 Sohr 1 +0110101100 Menna 1 +0110101100 Raif 1 +0110101100 Mamula 1 +0110101100 Enderle 1 +0110101100 Felsch 1 +0110101100 Parham 1 +0110101100 Arcenas 1 +0110101100 KCOP-TV 1 +0110101100 Bergwerk 1 +0110101100 Bordereau 1 +0110101100 Hojjat-ul-islam 1 +0110101100 Tapper 1 +0110101100 Berenbeim 1 +0110101100 Arehart 1 +0110101100 Wenkart 1 +0110101100 Boks 1 +0110101100 Sousatzka 1 +0110101100 Joabe 1 +0110101100 Pochivalov 1 +0110101100 Hosogi 1 +0110101100 Trellu 1 +0110101100 Lohrer 1 +0110101100 Gayoom 1 +0110101100 Machtly 1 +0110101100 Marvan 1 +0110101100 Enroth 1 +0110101100 Srdja 1 +0110101100 Abrams/Smithsonian 1 +0110101100 V.D. 1 +0110101100 Sheu 1 +0110101100 Pickvance 1 +0110101100 el-Sadat 1 +0110101100 Knutsen 1 +0110101100 Dinsmoor 1 +0110101100 Hanff 1 +0110101100 Superannuation 1 +0110101100 Huayta 1 +0110101100 Ilyin 1 +0110101100 Kalthoum 1 +0110101100 deGrasse 1 +0110101100 Loche 1 +0110101100 Al-Assad 1 +0110101100 Docksai 1 +0110101100 Montjar 1 +0110101100 Pio 1 +0110101100 Eichels 1 +0110101100 Neiwirth 1 +0110101100 Kaatz 1 +0110101100 Benanto 1 +0110101100 Crofford 1 +0110101100 Pyanov 1 +0110101100 Kulikhov 1 +0110101100 Kinge 1 +0110101100 Capela 1 +0110101100 Cheves 1 +0110101100 Chuikov 1 +0110101100 Calandia 1 +0110101100 Lorenzetti 1 +0110101100 Chung-Hua 1 +0110101100 Riza 1 +0110101100 Drago 1 +0110101100 Bagaza 1 +0110101100 Boehning 1 +0110101100 Schebil 1 +0110101100 Konstantinov 1 +0110101100 Androkrofus 1 +0110101100 Poltak 1 +0110101100 Radenz 1 +0110101100 Belluzzo 1 +0110101100 Hofstetter 1 +0110101100 Ionescu 1 +0110101100 Chona 1 +0110101100 Heeley 1 +0110101100 Canlas 1 +0110101100 Lubow 1 +0110101100 Meynial 1 +0110101100 Sanguinetti 1 +0110101100 Mikulas 1 +0110101100 Franchi 1 +0110101100 Ehrenberg 1 +0110101100 Ason 1 +0110101100 Martin-type 1 +0110101100 Gerevas 1 +0110101100 Lye 1 +0110101100 Galeazzi 1 +0110101100 self-same 1 +0110101100 Vanya 1 +0110101100 Somozo 1 +0110101100 Magnabosco 1 +0110101100 Fernan-Gomez 1 +0110101100 Divorcee 1 +0110101100 Joel. 1 +0110101100 Utt 1 +0110101100 Ali-type 1 +0110101100 Knigi 1 +0110101100 Cundrick 1 +0110101100 Frolov 1 +0110101100 Kececiler 1 +0110101100 Estensoro 1 +0110101100 Barty 1 +0110101100 Figueres 1 +0110101100 Noone 1 +0110101100 Tussaud 1 +0110101100 Palmen 1 +0110101100 Sabouret 1 +0110101100 Sallys 1 +0110101100 Cicoletti 1 +0110101100 Freundlich 1 +0110101100 Babakarkhel 1 +0110101100 reagan 1 +0110101100 post-and-phone 1 +0110101100 Noordman 1 +0110101100 Brownlow 1 +0110101100 Yemelyanenko 1 +0110101100 Strangeland 1 +0110101100 Waylan 1 +0110101100 Doulgas 1 +0110101100 Pistolesi 1 +0110101100 Ajmi 1 +0110101100 Macis 1 +0110101100 Kasatonov 1 +0110101100 Maladroit 1 +0110101100 Walson 1 +0110101100 Sultanov 1 +0110101100 Doright 1 +0110101100 FINDS 1 +0110101100 Keciciler 1 +0110101100 Starek 1 +0110101100 Riechmann 1 +0110101100 Munos 1 +0110101100 Berenbein 1 +0110101100 Robillard 1 +0110101100 Bircher 1 +0110101100 Terpak 1 +0110101100 as-Samim 1 +0110101100 Gumersindo 1 +0110101100 Kupka 1 +0110101100 Somoza. 1 +0110101100 Raegan 1 +0110101100 Soliva 1 +0110101100 Enayetullah 1 +0110101100 Yablokov 1 +0110101100 Makarios 1 +0110101100 Thieu 1 +0110101100 Tackles 1 +0110101100 Paez 1 +0110101100 Atwan 1 +0110101100 Chesemore 1 +0110101100 Kleintjie 1 +0110101100 establishment/conservative 1 +0110101100 Dumptys 1 +0110101100 Saykin 1 +0110101100 Ahman 1 +0110101100 Horensky 1 +0110101100 Coccoli 1 +0110101100 Chazalettes 1 +0110101100 Leonov 1 +0110101100 Balcer 1 +0110101100 Wolner 1 +0110101100 Ence 1 +0110101100 Merante 1 +0110101100 Tricoire 2 +0110101100 Tabia 2 +0110101100 Koryavin 2 +0110101100 Smits 2 +0110101100 Ranevskaya 2 +0110101100 Telly 2 +0110101100 Al-Aish 2 +0110101100 Kutscher 2 +0110101100 DeLuise 2 +0110101100 Museveni 2 +0110101100 Wollman 2 +0110101100 Slinn 2 +0110101100 Boulet 2 +0110101100 Ratman 2 +0110101100 Killy 2 +0110101100 Steyn 2 +0110101100 Pleites 2 +0110101100 Yeon 2 +0110101100 Hynd 2 +0110101100 Daun 2 +0110101100 Zhukov 2 +0110101100 Muniz 2 +0110101100 Roget 2 +0110101100 Pitcairn 2 +0110101100 Kaina 2 +0110101100 Koperniak 2 +0110101100 Sergeyev 2 +0110101100 Nazlet 2 +0110101100 Arkaev 2 +0110101100 Ruchang 2 +0110101100 Idol 2 +0110101100 Chumaceiro 2 +0110101100 Lynds 2 +0110101100 Husby 2 +0110101100 Dowager 2 +0110101100 Duangduan 2 +0110101100 Kucher 2 +0110101100 Golann 2 +0110101100 Kountche 2 +0110101100 Shake-Speare 2 +0110101100 Chamula 2 +0110101100 Ruinart 2 +0110101100 Nerva 2 +0110101100 Filiciak 2 +0110101100 Huega 2 +0110101100 Nasution 2 +0110101100 Escobedo 2 +0110101100 Vender 2 +0110101100 McMeekin 2 +0110101100 Sostkowski 2 +0110101100 DePetris 2 +0110101100 Reagan. 2 +0110101100 Eugenie 2 +0110101100 Narmin 2 +0110101100 Wardak 2 +0110101100 Olcese 2 +0110101100 Zamir 2 +0110101100 Optometrists 2 +0110101100 Atakol 2 +0110101100 Klimt 2 +0110101100 Dehaene 2 +0110101100 Collado 2 +0110101100 Ranasinghe 2 +0110101100 Weisskopf 2 +0110101100 Sellenraad 2 +0110101100 Shehu 2 +0110101100 Nordique 2 +0110101100 Canales 2 +0110101100 Seeley 2 +0110101100 Adriani 2 +0110101100 Dada 2 +0110101100 Ringsby 2 +0110101100 Wecht 2 +0110101100 Heren 2 +0110101100 Vencovsky 2 +0110101100 Panov 2 +0110101100 Lebedev 2 +0110101100 Oncebay 2 +0110101100 Obukhov 2 +0110101100 Guilden 2 +0110101100 Morvan 2 +0110101100 Olgin 2 +0110101100 Asmus 2 +0110101100 Knepper 2 +0110101100 Ironcoke 2 +0110101100 Hochsprung 2 +0110101100 Bonanni 2 +0110101100 Banda 2 +0110101100 Voegtli 3 +0110101100 Papone 3 +0110101100 Annis 3 +0110101100 Tchuruk 3 +0110101100 Shaich 3 +0110101100 Lureen 3 +0110101100 Arrau 3 +0110101100 Koivisto 3 +0110101100 Astafiev 3 +0110101100 Zolotarevsky 3 +0110101100 Durante 3 +0110101100 Urcuyo 3 +0110101100 Clutter 3 +0110101100 Illyin 3 +0110101100 Kniga 3 +0110101100 Sumitro 3 +0110101100 Piancone 3 +0110101100 Mermaz 3 +0110101100 Gottshall 3 +0110101100 Szymanski 3 +0110101100 Werder 3 +0110101100 Volel 3 +0110101100 Fulgoni 3 +0110101100 Delgadillo 3 +0110101100 Werwath 3 +0110101100 Handlin 3 +0110101100 Tolbukhin 3 +0110101100 Noblitt 3 +0110101100 Doaker 3 +0110101100 Boiret 3 +0110101100 Guillem 3 +0110101100 Kimberling 3 +0110101100 Macbride 3 +0110101100 Buyoya 3 +0110101100 Pretorius 3 +0110101100 Glancz 3 +0110101100 Sebe 3 +0110101100 Urien 3 +0110101100 Timofeyev 3 +0110101100 Mazzaferro 3 +0110101100 Sucre 3 +0110101100 Kramarsky 3 +0110101100 Reagan/Bush 3 +0110101100 Bertero 3 +0110101100 Maberley 3 +0110101100 Troccoli 3 +0110101100 Trusteeship 4 +0110101100 Adolphus 4 +0110101100 Allagash 4 +0110101100 Riber 4 +0110101100 Roa 4 +0110101100 Bevin 4 +0110101100 Mobuto 4 +0110101100 Oquendo 4 +0110101100 Blandness 4 +0110101100 Habre 4 +0110101100 Doan 4 +0110101100 Bovary 4 +0110101100 Riera 4 +0110101100 Nachtman 4 +0110101100 Mwinyi 4 +0110101100 Bartle 4 +0110101100 Benn 4 +0110101100 Diouf 4 +0110101100 Betso 4 +0110101100 Mannix 4 +0110101100 Masvidal 4 +0110101100 Pesaro 4 +0110101100 Goldstock 4 +0110101100 Antonov 4 +0110101100 Braginsky 4 +0110101100 Yanquis 4 +0110101100 Juvenal 4 +0110101100 Sukenick 5 +0110101100 Macklis 5 +0110101100 Bossio 5 +0110101100 Karmal 5 +0110101100 Casty 5 +0110101100 Willeford 5 +0110101100 Levant 5 +0110101100 Curly 5 +0110101100 Porizkova 5 +0110101100 Ambani 5 +0110101100 Bowker 5 +0110101100 Formenton 5 +0110101100 Spriggs 5 +0110101100 Makarov 5 +0110101100 Pokrovskii 5 +0110101100 Al-Fayed 5 +0110101100 Ferrovie 6 +0110101100 Babangida 6 +0110101100 Okita 6 +0110101100 Balaguer 6 +0110101100 Niness 6 +0110101100 Ballve 6 +0110101100 Jamal 6 +0110101100 Kadoorie 6 +0110101100 Lasser 6 +0110101100 Boulroud 6 +0110101100 Surges 6 +0110101100 Rake 6 +0110101100 Iakovos 7 +0110101100 Leavey 7 +0110101100 Trejo 7 +0110101100 Lightstone 7 +0110101100 Beaton 7 +0110101100 Andersons 7 +0110101100 Najib 7 +0110101100 Benackova 7 +0110101100 Queler 7 +0110101100 Kosygin 8 +0110101100 Gordimer 8 +0110101100 Fossey 8 +0110101100 Posluns 8 +0110101100 Wishnick 8 +0110101100 Rigas 9 +0110101100 Montand 9 +0110101100 Skeen 9 +0110101100 Sobey 9 +0110101100 al-Assad 10 +0110101100 Bonaparte 10 +0110101100 Gooden 10 +0110101100 Mahony 10 +0110101100 Solimon 10 +0110101100 Cerezo 10 +0110101100 Wissa 11 +0110101100 Shorr 11 +0110101100 Jemima 11 +0110101100 Te 11 +0110101100 Abbado 11 +0110101100 Samaranch 11 +0110101100 Barnala 11 +0110101100 Stroessner 12 +0110101100 Rhee 12 +0110101100 Parrot 12 +0110101100 Azcona 12 +0110101100 Trichet 12 +0110101100 Abalkin 13 +0110101100 Mikulic 13 +0110101100 Perignon 13 +0110101100 Lefebvre 13 +0110101100 Chadli 13 +0110101100 Betancur 13 +0110101100 Gruet 13 +0110101100 Frel 14 +0110101100 Gotti 14 +0110101100 Moncrief 17 +0110101100 Malle 17 +0110101100 Kokes 18 +0110101100 Hoffa 19 +0110101100 Dumpty 20 +0110101100 Hoxsey 20 +0110101100 Zaitsev 20 +0110101100 Evren 21 +0110101100 Andreotti 22 +0110101100 Biro 23 +0110101100 Dellums 24 +0110101100 Husak 25 +0110101100 Cossiga 26 +0110101100 Berra 27 +0110101100 Manglapus 29 +0110101100 Gemayel 29 +0110101100 Marcinkus 29 +0110101100 Zagat 30 +0110101100 Parton 31 +0110101100 Wilde 32 +0110101100 Peron 35 +0110101100 Ershad 36 +0110101100 Ceausescu 40 +0110101100 Jayewardene 41 +0110101100 Sadat 44 +0110101100 Flick 46 +0110101100 Tutu 46 +0110101100 Swaggart 47 +0110101100 Billes 52 +0110101100 Suharto 53 +0110101100 Allende 55 +0110101100 Najibullah 58 +0110101100 Hague 66 +0110101100 Barco 73 +0110101100 Salk 76 +0110101100 Fairness 77 +0110101100 Somoza 84 +0110101100 Duvalier 88 +0110101100 Smithsonian 92 +0110101100 Waldheim 97 +0110101100 Assad 97 +0110101100 Gardini 102 +0110101100 Brezhnev 123 +0110101100 Reichmann 142 +0110101100 Duarte 158 +0110101100 Mubarak 160 +0110101100 Delvalle 167 +0110101100 Brookings 190 +0110101100 Eisenhower 191 +0110101100 Alfonsin 195 +0110101100 Chiang 199 +0110101100 Arias 257 +0110101100 Belzberg 260 +0110101100 Zia 262 +0110101100 Pritzker 266 +0110101100 Haft 279 +0110101100 Sarney 366 +0110101100 Hoover 399 +0110101100 Chun 672 +0110101100 Nixon 715 +0110101100 Aquino 866 +0110101100 Carter 1963 +0110101100 Reagan 15529 +01101011010 Clairvaux 1 +01101011010 MIFA 1 +01101011010 Dahlkemper 1 +01101011010 Voygt 1 +01101011010 Pauper 1 +01101011010 Firday 1 +01101011010 Goering 1 +01101011010 USACafe 1 +01101011010 withholding/Let 1 +01101011010 Shuste 1 +01101011010 Laborer 1 +01101011010 IAFP 1 +01101011010 Heidy 1 +01101011010 Bartholdi 1 +01101011010 Total-CFP 1 +01101011010 CSN&Y 1 +01101011010 Gralla 1 +01101011010 MircoGeneSys 1 +01101011010 Ndjamena 1 +01101011010 Bancal 1 +01101011010 Neena 1 +01101011010 Toojay 1 +01101011010 MCA-TV 1 +01101011010 Mussorgsky/Ravel 1 +01101011010 Canteloube 1 +01101011010 Kacoo 1 +01101011010 Tavernier 1 +01101011010 Alleghey 1 +01101011010 Goldy 1 +01101011010 Delchamp 1 +01101011010 Gondrom 1 +01101011010 CENCARD 1 +01101011010 rael 1 +01101011010 DaimlerBenz 1 +01101011010 Wegman 1 +01101011010 Servicemen 1 +01101011010 Rieti/Balanchine 1 +01101011010 HealthWay 1 +01101011010 Ra 1 +01101011010 RhoChem 1 +01101011010 Kozka 1 +01101011010 Genentch 1 +01101011010 Memotek 1 +01101011010 w/Elliott 1 +01101011010 KCSB 1 +01101011010 AT&T-Philip 1 +01101011010 Goldbach 1 +01101011010 Mert 1 +01101011010 Allgeheny 1 +01101011010 Rike 1 +01101011010 Allis-Chalmer 1 +01101011010 Simonides 1 +01101011010 Televisa-Mexico 1 +01101011010 Mussorgky 1 +01101011010 Spohr 1 +01101011010 Christ-Craft 1 +01101011010 Athlete 1 +01101011010 Antolloti 1 +01101011010 Kaitek 1 +01101011010 HiPort 1 +01101011010 Skinflint 1 +01101011010 Eriez 1 +01101011010 Bigg 1 +01101011010 Debrett 1 +01101011010 Gazzarri 1 +01101011010 E-8A 1 +01101011010 Fortunoff 1 +01101011010 CDN 1 +01101011010 Lautrec 1 +01101011010 theparty 1 +01101011010 CoreState 1 +01101011010 Wheeling-Pittburgh 1 +01101011010 Upright 1 +01101011010 Tolentino 1 +01101011010 Occam 1 +01101011010 Beausoleil 1 +01101011010 Anitecs 1 +01101011010 Ginnie-Mae 1 +01101011010 Merida 1 +01101011010 Runolf 1 +01101011010 withDrexel 1 +01101011010 Tawain 1 +01101011010 Bamburger 1 +01101011010 Drunkard 1 +01101011010 Knight-Ridders 1 +01101011010 speedskater 1 +01101011010 Sneeden 1 +01101011010 Ebbie 1 +01101011010 Austrialia 1 +01101011010 NII 1 +01101011010 Uniroyal/Goodrich 1 +01101011010 Wagnall 1 +01101011010 Jergen 1 +01101011010 -it 1 +01101011010 Lavrova 1 +01101011010 Tawian 1 +01101011010 Servco 1 +01101011010 Spanky 1 +01101011010 AMFAR 1 +01101011010 Banack 1 +01101011010 Mr.Trott 1 +01101011010 Burrelle 1 +01101011010 Candada 1 +01101011010 Gayfer 1 +01101011010 Joslin 1 +01101011010 Howell/Columbia 1 +01101011010 Dataproduct 1 +01101011010 blindman 1 +01101011010 Gramm-Rudmann 1 +01101011010 Murni 1 +01101011010 Chyrsler 1 +01101011010 Brecht/Weill 1 +01101011010 145-pounder 1 +01101011010 Jobson 1 +01101011010 Capell 1 +01101011010 Urbikas 1 +01101011010 could-be 1 +01101011010 might-be 1 +01101011010 Bristol-Myer 1 +01101011010 Blomingdale 1 +01101011010 Sraffa 1 +01101011010 Fiorella 1 +01101011010 Jo-Cid 1 +01101011010 News-Record 1 +01101011010 non-children 1 +01101011010 Sikhdom 1 +01101011010 BioScan 1 +01101011010 Socanov 1 +01101011010 Wlison 1 +01101011010 Swainson 1 +01101011010 Friedreich 1 +01101011010 WFAA 1 +01101011010 Umar 1 +01101011010 Wolferman 1 +01101011010 Fishbach 1 +01101011010 Jehova 1 +01101011010 Scripp 1 +01101011010 DGF 1 +01101011010 ColoradoUte 1 +01101011010 Chilled-food 1 +01101011010 McKid 1 +01101011010 Ionic 1 +01101011010 Bakey 1 +01101011010 Meri 1 +01101011010 Timoleon 1 +01101011010 Siemen 1 +01101011010 Bendictine 1 +01101011010 Alladin 1 +01101011010 Alpines 1 +01101011010 Reye 2 +01101011010 Yatchan 2 +01101011010 Cahan 2 +01101011010 Trucker 2 +01101011010 Ivar 2 +01101011010 Demel 2 +01101011010 Whitco 2 +01101011010 Visconti 2 +01101011010 McAlpin 2 +01101011010 Gericault 2 +01101011010 Doeyan 2 +01101011010 Harker 2 +01101011010 Tove 2 +01101011010 Univanilla 2 +01101011010 Lalo 2 +01101011010 Rimsky-Korsakov 2 +01101011010 Guderian 2 +01101011010 Zachy 2 +01101011010 SpaghettiO 2 +01101011010 Eilenberger 2 +01101011010 Mourly 2 +01101011010 Olewine 2 +01101011010 Magnard 2 +01101011010 WDIV 2 +01101011010 Regardie 2 +01101011010 PepsiCo. 2 +01101011010 Graun 2 +01101011010 TCG 2 +01101011010 Bujumbura 2 +01101011010 Avie 2 +01101011010 TSSSeedman 2 +01101011010 Cabela 2 +01101011010 WHTQ 2 +01101011010 Tott 2 +01101011010 Bumper 2 +01101011010 Beaumarchais 2 +01101011010 Scipsco 2 +01101011010 Nemir 2 +01101011010 Legionnaire 2 +01101011010 Serling 2 +01101011010 Phool 2 +01101011010 Waldemar 2 +01101011010 Boscov 2 +01101011010 Mr.Bush 2 +01101011010 BayBank 2 +01101011010 Tomov 2 +01101011010 Heeeere 2 +01101011010 SOB 2 +01101011010 Judyth 2 +01101011010 VOB 2 +01101011010 Woodsmen 2 +01101011010 Vernell 2 +01101011010 Charmin 2 +01101011010 Gounod 3 +01101011010 Ukrop 3 +01101011010 Baybry 3 +01101011010 Annabelle 3 +01101011010 NSBU 3 +01101011010 Zatarain 3 +01101011010 Mutter 3 +01101011010 Arkadelphia 3 +01101011010 Massine 3 +01101011010 Chabrier 3 +01101011010 Solly 3 +01101011010 Blender 3 +01101011010 Petromineral 3 +01101011010 Coor 3 +01101011010 Bauersfeld 3 +01101011010 Loew 3 +01101011010 Addenbrooke 3 +01101011010 Kroch 3 +01101011010 TSS-Seedman 3 +01101011010 Unilink 3 +01101011010 Comparex 3 +01101011010 pharaoh 3 +01101011010 Airdrome 3 +01101011010 Stockmen 3 +01101011010 WBEZ 3 +01101011010 Ellio 3 +01101011010 Bunyan 3 +01101011010 WLUP 3 +01101011010 Hellmann 4 +01101011010 Ninfa 4 +01101011010 Roundy 4 +01101011010 Chasen 4 +01101011010 Planter 4 +01101011010 Iandoli 4 +01101011010 Flex-Fund 4 +01101011010 Nijinsky 4 +01101011010 Biolab 4 +01101011010 Hahne 4 +01101011010 Lyell 4 +01101011010 Cleveland-Cliff 4 +01101011010 Psychiatrist 5 +01101011010 WidgeTech 5 +01101011010 Aesop 5 +01101011010 Smetana 5 +01101011010 Brentano 5 +01101011010 Teltrend 5 +01101011010 Perusahaan 5 +01101011010 Garfinckel 5 +01101011010 Mussorgsky 5 +01101011010 Jeno 5 +01101011010 Smitty 6 +01101011010 JB 6 +01101011010 Shopper 6 +01101011010 Gardener 6 +01101011010 Taster 6 +01101011010 Babbage 6 +01101011010 Regine 6 +01101011010 Annabel 6 +01101011010 Abegi 6 +01101011010 Banquo 6 +01101011010 Applebee 7 +01101011010 Filmmaker 7 +01101011010 Peet 7 +01101011010 Wag 7 +01101011010 Swensen 7 +01101011010 Khlebnikov 7 +01101011010 Harrod 7 +01101011010 Gilbey 7 +01101011010 Seamen 8 +01101011010 Levolor 8 +01101011010 Proprietor 8 +01101011010 Popeye 8 +01101011010 Hodgkin 8 +01101011010 Totino 9 +01101011010 Manufacturer 9 +01101011010 Bizet 9 +01101011010 Zabar 9 +01101011010 Darty 9 +01101011010 Jimbo 9 +01101011010 Sportsman 10 +01101011010 Luby 10 +01101011010 Pickett 10 +01101011010 Robby 10 +01101011010 Tippy 11 +01101011010 Moskatel 11 +01101011010 Kristy 11 +01101011010 Erol 12 +01101011010 Scribner 12 +01101011010 Loehmann 13 +01101011010 Jehovah 13 +01101011010 Massenet 13 +01101011010 Burdine 13 +01101011010 Longshoremen 15 +01101011010 Entenmann 16 +01101011010 Allie 16 +01101011010 Luskin 16 +01101011010 Pimm 17 +01101011010 Joske 18 +01101011010 Erma 19 +01101011010 Viewer 19 +01101011010 Skipper 21 +01101011010 Harrah 22 +01101011010 Beeba 25 +01101011010 Freddy 27 +01101011010 Oshman 29 +01101011010 Dewar 30 +01101011010 Winchell 31 +01101011010 Kaposi 38 +01101011010 Bennigan 42 +01101011010 Hardee 45 +01101011010 Chili 49 +01101011010 Shoney 50 +01101011010 Scotty 50 +01101011010 Boatmen 54 +01101011010 Filene 55 +01101011010 Godfather 56 +01101011010 Mervyn 63 +01101011010 Furr 65 +01101011010 Chesebrough-Pond 69 +01101011010 Domino 79 +01101011010 Pantera 89 +01101011010 Borman 91 +01101011010 Chi-Chi 93 +01101011010 Arby 98 +01101011010 Reader 106 +01101011010 Claire 116 +01101011010 Denny 159 +01101011010 Heck 180 +01101011010 Bloomingdale 257 +01101011010 Donoghue 259 +01101011010 Cocoa 259 +01101011010 Alzheimer 262 +01101011010 Barron 275 +01101011010 Sotheby 304 +01101011010 Wendy 385 +01101011010 Fireman 482 +01101011010 Poor 2619 +01101011010 Moody 3618 +01101011011 bottle-return 1 +01101011011 Market-indexed 1 +01101011011 endoscopic 1 +01101011011 Then-House 1 +01101011011 Brinkmans 1 +01101011011 long-booming 1 +01101011011 lower-denomination 1 +01101011011 155,280 1 +01101011011 Dingell-Markey 1 +01101011011 risk-notification 1 +01101011011 1949-1966 1 +01101011011 Schottensteins 1 +01101011011 pre-mid-1984 1 +01101011011 Immunized 1 +01101011011 Wage-increase 1 +01101011011 near-mystical 1 +01101011011 Treaasury 1 +01101011011 IIlinois 1 +01101011011 Kennedy-Donnelly 1 +01101011011 First-mortgage 1 +01101011011 human-animal 1 +01101011011 Government-backed 1 +01101011011 noncall 1 +01101011011 dollar-clearing 1 +01101011011 commercial-broadcasting 1 +01101011011 government-corporate 1 +01101011011 triple-A/double-A 1 +01101011011 openend 1 +01101011011 Takanawa 1 +01101011011 Bentsen-Danforth 1 +01101011011 896-page 1 +01101011011 mint-condition 1 +01101011011 private-college 1 +01101011011 Tomart 1 +01101011011 three-feather 1 +01101011011 individul 1 +01101011011 still-unposted 1 +01101011011 inflation-centered 1 +01101011011 gourmet-style 1 +01101011011 Low-risk 1 +01101011011 Mexican-issued 1 +01101011011 then-Transportation 1 +01101011011 4,462,847 1 +01101011011 Large-denominated 1 +01101011011 investor-foresters 1 +01101011011 Free-choice 1 +01101011011 layabout 1 +01101011011 Muncipal 1 +01101011011 Minimum-tax 1 +01101011011 mixed-bag 1 +01101011011 Build-nothing 1 +01101011011 72,000-subscriber 1 +01101011011 Swaggarts 1 +01101011011 strike-Chrysler 1 +01101011011 anti-lobbyist 1 +01101011011 promissary 1 +01101011011 Ortenbergs 1 +01101011011 Large-denomination 1 +01101011011 prevaili 1 +01101011011 muncipial 1 +01101011011 rumor-rife 1 +01101011011 Short-dated 1 +01101011011 ex-Defense 1 +01101011011 business-venture 1 +01101011011 miniflap 1 +01101011011 CPSC-prodding 1 +01101011011 ex-PTL 1 +01101011011 150-year 1 +01101011011 Papandreou-Ozal 1 +01101011011 96,273 1 +01101011011 drought-led 1 +01101011011 Special-tax 1 +01101011011 Government/Corporate 2 +01101011011 then-Majority 2 +01101011011 Tresury 2 +01101011011 supplemental-spending 2 +01101011011 Mark-denominated 2 +01101011011 KFW 2 +01101011011 1982-1987 2 +01101011011 selling-price 2 +01101011011 government/corporate 2 +01101011011 Wirth-Graham 2 +01101011011 Staffordshire 2 +01101011011 thrift-reform 2 +01101011011 health-regulation 2 +01101011011 Ex-Treasury 3 +01101011011 EDF 3 +01101011011 Baccalaureate 3 +01101011011 Blind-pool 3 +01101011011 EII 4 +01101011011 then-Labor 4 +01101011011 Bearer 4 +01101011011 CCH 5 +01101011011 then-Treasury 5 +01101011011 Collateralized 5 +01101011011 Kennedy-Hawkins 6 +01101011011 Indexed 6 +01101011011 Weighted 10 +01101011011 1982-87 12 +01101011011 Mortgage-backed 18 +01101011011 Refcorp 29 +01101011011 Serial 55 +01101011011 Maturing 76 +01101011011 CRB 84 +01101011011 FICO 89 +01101011011 Treasury 12095 +01101011011 WPPSS 292 +0110101110 Bass-Bell 1 +0110101110 Effekten 1 +0110101110 Meintzer 1 +0110101110 Christatos 1 +0110101110 SOULIE 1 +0110101110 BAIN 1 +0110101110 J.Duane 1 +0110101110 UTZ 1 +0110101110 McBass 1 +0110101110 Mericka 1 +0110101110 Martelaere 1 +0110101110 Snakard 1 +0110101110 Kilsheimer 1 +0110101110 Monigle 1 +0110101110 Hodder 1 +0110101110 BECK 1 +0110101110 8c 1 +0110101110 Ronca 1 +0110101110 Ligget 1 +0110101110 Quadrex-British 1 +0110101110 McClennen 1 +0110101110 Salvato 1 +0110101110 Ochsner 1 +0110101110 Moot 1 +0110101110 Leventhol 1 +0110101110 Vardaman 1 +0110101110 Goldrich 1 +0110101110 Tuffier-Ravier-Py 1 +0110101110 ROGAL 1 +0110101110 Deslauriers 1 +0110101110 ZENTRALSPARKASSE 1 +0110101110 Germeshausen 1 +0110101110 Ress 1 +0110101110 ISAAC 1 +0110101110 Flattau 1 +0110101110 Munchmeyer 1 +0110101110 Myserson 1 +0110101110 In-the-Red 1 +0110101110 Fireside/Simon 1 +0110101110 Dalton/Barnes 1 +0110101110 Schnobrich 1 +0110101110 Otterman 1 +0110101110 Ehrlich-Bober 1 +0110101110 Tenner 1 +0110101110 Fleichman 1 +0110101110 Kulicke 1 +0110101110 Kammholtz 1 +0110101110 Seabee 1 +0110101110 Bijker 1 +0110101110 Austern 1 +0110101110 Salons 1 +0110101110 Nutty 1 +0110101110 Lohnes 1 +0110101110 KAI 1 +0110101110 DUPONT 1 +0110101110 Merel 1 +0110101110 3005 1 +0110101110 Kushinsky 1 +0110101110 4047 1 +0110101110 bain 1 +0110101110 BOOKE 1 +0110101110 HELMERICH 1 +0110101110 Labouiss 1 +0110101110 PHILP 1 +0110101110 Shacknai 1 +0110101110 Richardsons 1 +0110101110 Electro-Optical 1 +0110101110 MEESCHAERT-ROUSSELLE 1 +0110101110 Gumpertz 1 +0110101110 Kennels 1 +0110101110 Ruffa 1 +0110101110 Camins 1 +0110101110 McNeily 1 +0110101110 Constancio 1 +0110101110 Elders-Scottish 1 +0110101110 DesLauriers 1 +0110101110 Nicholaus 1 +0110101110 Trebilcock 1 +0110101110 Deleeuw 1 +0110101110 Zomback 1 +0110101110 LUFKIN 1 +0110101110 Kirschenbaum 1 +0110101110 Boenning 1 +0110101110 Yahn 1 +0110101110 Spritzer 1 +0110101110 Wickes-Gulf 1 +0110101110 LEDER 1 +0110101110 Piaker 1 +0110101110 Martire 1 +0110101110 Publications/Harper 1 +0110101110 AFG-Wagner 1 +0110101110 Seasongood 1 +0110101110 Remer-Ribolow 1 +0110101110 Geto 1 +0110101110 Deklewa 1 +0110101110 GALLAGHER 1 +0110101110 Sawdon 1 +0110101110 Agio 1 +0110101110 NEWMARK 1 +0110101110 Outwater 1 +0110101110 LEGGETT 1 +0110101110 Bricks 1 +0110101110 VINER 1 +0110101110 POMEROY 1 +0110101110 Plasser 1 +0110101110 Fonderie 1 +0110101110 HORMEL 1 +0110101110 Knoedler 1 +0110101110 Weinick 1 +0110101110 D.H.IBlair 1 +0110101110 Draperies 1 +0110101110 Routiere 1 +0110101110 Dreiseszun 1 +0110101110 UPHAM 1 +0110101110 AFG/Wagner 1 +0110101110 RD 1 +0110101110 Orci 1 +0110101110 GERIATRIC 1 +0110101110 CAMBRIAN 1 +0110101110 Shaveck 1 +0110101110 PENINSULAR 1 +0110101110 Newhoff 1 +0110101110 Linklaters 1 +0110101110 McCooey 1 +0110101110 Quarles 1 +0110101110 Rokeach 1 +0110101110 Taintor 1 +0110101110 CUSHMAN 1 +0110101110 WALKER-GOODERHAM 1 +0110101110 UNIROYAL 1 +0110101110 Fearnow 1 +0110101110 MICROELECTRONICS 1 +0110101110 Wigram 1 +0110101110 Varon 1 +0110101110 Widgets 1 +0110101110 Wrubel 1 +0110101110 Nim 1 +0110101110 McMeel 1 +0110101110 Press/Simon 1 +0110101110 Lullin 1 +0110101110 Predictor 1 +0110101110 Lubricity 1 +0110101110 Roth/Horner 1 +0110101110 Burkholz 1 +0110101110 Mininni 1 +0110101110 McAliley 1 +0110101110 TBWA/Kerlick 1 +0110101110 Steans 1 +0110101110 106-b 1 +0110101110 Yamin 1 +0110101110 FRASER 1 +0110101110 McPheeters 1 +0110101110 GMB 1 +0110101110 Myerson/Allen 1 +0110101110 Warney 1 +0110101110 Severson 1 +0110101110 Lipshy 1 +0110101110 ARBITRAGER 1 +0110101110 Hitchens 1 +0110101110 Mathison 1 +0110101110 Milley 1 +0110101110 Haskett 1 +0110101110 OWENS 1 +0110101110 Kariku 1 +0110101110 Zeidman 1 +0110101110 BOGGS 1 +0110101110 Govaars 1 +0110101110 McIntee 1 +0110101110 Babcox 1 +0110101110 Guiditta 1 +0110101110 Newberger 1 +0110101110 Gianettino 1 +0110101110 Smaedt 1 +0110101110 Raffinage 1 +0110101110 Krinsky 1 +0110101110 DuCanto 1 +0110101110 THORNTON 1 +0110101110 Serna 1 +0110101110 Alsberg 1 +0110101110 Olgilvy 1 +0110101110 Rinsoz 1 +0110101110 Breakfast/Bees 1 +0110101110 Tawa 1 +0110101110 PaineWebber/Young 1 +0110101110 Liskow 1 +0110101110 Haegglof 1 +0110101110 J.P.MORGAN 1 +0110101110 Schriver 1 +0110101110 832444-2 1 +0110101110 Tsumura 1 +0110101110 Secrest 1 +0110101110 Hutchins-Young 1 +0110101110 henry 1 +0110101110 Beveridge 1 +0110101110 Simien 1 +0110101110 Smullian 1 +0110101110 Abbet 1 +0110101110 Golenbock 1 +0110101110 Griner-Cuesta 1 +0110101110 Lemely 1 +0110101110 Mistui 1 +0110101110 DeLeeuw 1 +0110101110 Vereins 1 +0110101110 Wieden 1 +0110101110 D-15 1 +0110101110 Bael 1 +0110101110 Trinkhaus 1 +0110101110 Perrachon 1 +0110101110 Bergvall 1 +0110101110 Whiteaker 1 +0110101110 Weber-Lipshie 1 +0110101110 Cornrows 1 +0110101110 Gunder 1 +0110101110 Kolesar 1 +0110101110 Cristini 1 +0110101110 Feit 1 +0110101110 vinted 1 +0110101110 Weinress 1 +0110101110 Shinkin 1 +0110101110 Tathum-Laird 1 +0110101110 Latina-Finanza 1 +0110101110 BAUSCH 1 +0110101110 Sta. 1 +0110101110 RECKITT 1 +0110101110 Starsky 1 +0110101110 Bracewell 1 +0110101110 ERNST 1 +0110101110 Olliff 1 +0110101110 SCHMIDT 1 +0110101110 Wassendorf 1 +0110101110 Hochreiter 1 +0110101110 Larroca 1 +0110101110 UBS-Philips 1 +0110101110 Durmer 1 +0110101110 Crosser 1 +0110101110 Handels- 1 +0110101110 Gace 1 +0110101110 Ruckert 1 +0110101110 Bessie/Harper 1 +0110101110 Garnsey 1 +0110101110 Altheimer 1 +0110101110 life-wonderer 1 +0110101110 Buttle 1 +0110101110 Richardt-Alyn 1 +0110101110 AEBI 1 +0110101110 GISLER 1 +0110101110 STALDER 1 +0110101110 Telefonbau 1 +0110101110 Wolgemuth 1 +0110101110 Gisler 1 +0110101110 Upman 1 +0110101110 Lubars 1 +0110101110 Petigrow 1 +0110101110 Bromagen 1 +0110101110 DHB 1 +0110101110 Hambrecth 1 +0110101110 Rounick 1 +0110101110 C.E.M. 1 +0110101110 Wallack 1 +0110101110 MERRYLAND 1 +0110101110 Sheshuoff 1 +0110101110 Relais 1 +0110101110 Texana 1 +0110101110 MultiBanc 1 +0110101110 Petrol 1 +0110101110 SABLE 1 +0110101110 Bary 1 +0110101110 Jaffin 1 +0110101110 Bass/Yager 1 +0110101110 Glauchau 1 +0110101110 Swidler 1 +0110101110 Yoss 1 +0110101110 Werth 1 +0110101110 Margeotes/Fertitta 1 +0110101110 Heher 1 +0110101110 Devans 1 +0110101110 Yellen 1 +0110101110 Books/Simon 1 +0110101110 Stinky 1 +0110101110 Frischer 1 +0110101110 Stirrat 1 +0110101110 Modjeski 1 +0110101110 Merritt-Chapman 1 +0110101110 Cockerham 1 +0110101110 Rowman 1 +0110101110 Jadow 1 +0110101110 Midhudson 1 +0110101110 Ornelas 1 +0110101110 Koski 1 +0110101110 Spechthrie 1 +0110101110 Soghigian 1 +0110101110 Bondo 1 +0110101110 DBV 1 +0110101110 Hesselbart 1 +0110101110 Chudnoff 1 +0110101110 BURNUP 1 +0110101110 ContiCarriers 1 +0110101110 Maertelaere 1 +0110101110 Feeley 1 +0110101110 Bingley 1 +0110101110 Teraoka 1 +0110101110 Tabb 1 +0110101110 LEA 1 +0110101110 Wayne/Luckie 1 +0110101110 Jurgovan 1 +0110101110 Programas 1 +0110101110 Karli 1 +0110101110 Parella 1 +0110101110 105s 1 +0110101110 Cederquist/Young 1 +0110101110 Books/Harper 1 +0110101110 Prowse 1 +0110101110 Arisohn 1 +0110101110 Simmermacher 2 +0110101110 WHITBREAD 2 +0110101110 Holleb 2 +0110101110 Coutts 2 +0110101110 Morinaga 2 +0110101110 Itoman 2 +0110101110 WEDNESDAY 2 +0110101110 Beaverlodge 2 +0110101110 McChurner 2 +0110101110 Marymount 2 +0110101110 Farzin 2 +0110101110 OLYMPIA 2 +0110101110 Gerschel 2 +0110101110 Durstine 2 +0110101110 Brimberg 2 +0110101110 Aronsohn 2 +0110101110 Bayern 2 +0110101110 LeBranche 2 +0110101110 Pedone 2 +0110101110 Raintree 2 +0110101110 Laventhal 2 +0110101110 Identification 2 +0110101110 World-Telegram 2 +0110101110 Frackville 2 +0110101110 Ariffin 2 +0110101110 Poswick 2 +0110101110 FORSTMANN 2 +0110101110 Antonow 2 +0110101110 Stargatt 2 +0110101110 Wittman 2 +0110101110 McEnte 2 +0110101110 Drybrough 2 +0110101110 Strutt 2 +0110101110 STROOCK 2 +0110101110 Kamerow 2 +0110101110 Sturge 2 +0110101110 McMicking 2 +0110101110 Buccino 2 +0110101110 Servais 2 +0110101110 CORROON 2 +0110101110 Abacus 2 +0110101110 Oberst 2 +0110101110 Blackfield 2 +0110101110 Endres 2 +0110101110 Behrhorst 2 +0110101110 Bollenbacher 2 +0110101110 Petrini 2 +0110101110 Rhin 2 +0110101110 Tellier 2 +0110101110 6-ranked 2 +0110101110 Fedrau 2 +0110101110 Kommunikations 2 +0110101110 Schnittman 2 +0110101110 MacManus 2 +0110101110 CORK 2 +0110101110 Cayzac 2 +0110101110 Hatchards 2 +0110101110 Kobs 2 +0110101110 Perrella 2 +0110101110 USPA 2 +0110101110 Rofe 2 +0110101110 INSPECTION 2 +0110101110 Consolidated-Tomoka 2 +0110101110 Margaretten 2 +0110101110 NRI 2 +0110101110 Kalis 2 +0110101110 Hirschl 2 +0110101110 Carret 2 +0110101110 Flornoy 2 +0110101110 Hartger 2 +0110101110 Aarons 2 +0110101110 ICU 2 +0110101110 Cruttenden 2 +0110101110 Metrolina 2 +0110101110 Ketchum/Hicks 2 +0110101110 Ronquillo 2 +0110101110 Informaciones 2 +0110101110 Althin 2 +0110101110 Giuffre 2 +0110101110 Nerval 2 +0110101110 Sudler 2 +0110101110 Huddleson 2 +0110101110 Josepthal 2 +0110101110 Hambricht 2 +0110101110 Shalov 2 +0110101110 Snyder-Reade 2 +0110101110 Byoir 2 +0110101110 Griffinger 2 +0110101110 Stoess 2 +0110101110 Stills 2 +0110101110 McNall 2 +0110101110 Dunwody 2 +0110101110 Jorden 2 +0110101110 Olle 2 +0110101110 Carpano 2 +0110101110 Heldman 2 +0110101110 Chanco 2 +0110101110 Forstmann-Little 2 +0110101110 Chapa 2 +0110101110 KAUFMAN 2 +0110101110 Tofu 2 +0110101110 Thalman 2 +0110101110 Gardere 2 +0110101110 Absorbents 2 +0110101110 TOOTH 2 +0110101110 Drayage 2 +0110101110 Roulet 2 +0110101110 Goulston 2 +0110101110 Wirtschafts 2 +0110101110 Dollond 2 +0110101110 Nagashima 2 +0110101110 Nagelvoort 2 +0110101110 Brouwers 2 +0110101110 Selvage 2 +0110101110 TATE 2 +0110101110 Asbill 2 +0110101110 Safic-Alcan 2 +0110101110 Babock 2 +0110101110 Gambrell 2 +0110101110 TIFFANY 2 +0110101110 Mc. 2 +0110101110 CARNEGIE 2 +0110101110 Mikals 2 +0110101110 Kerlick 2 +0110101110 Notables 2 +0110101110 Potocki 2 +0110101110 Youghiogheny 2 +0110101110 Cornfield 2 +0110101110 Listrom 2 +0110101110 Tonkel 2 +0110101110 Pavelic 2 +0110101110 Chapdelaine 2 +0110101110 Treister 2 +0110101110 Krussman 2 +0110101110 Py 2 +0110101110 Buckmaster 2 +0110101110 ALEXANDER 3 +0110101110 Valelo 3 +0110101110 Hunton 3 +0110101110 Bohbot 3 +0110101110 Edrich 3 +0110101110 LaBouisse 3 +0110101110 Vorwerk 3 +0110101110 Deleage 3 +0110101110 Aachener 3 +0110101110 Hagoshrim 3 +0110101110 Shillito 3 +0110101110 Harrisons 3 +0110101110 V.I.P. 3 +0110101110 Adachi 3 +0110101110 BEN 3 +0110101110 Ticknor 3 +0110101110 Clicks 3 +0110101110 HORN 3 +0110101110 TURNER 3 +0110101110 Penick 3 +0110101110 Munitz 3 +0110101110 Heldfond 3 +0110101110 Lukfin 3 +0110101110 Hentsch 3 +0110101110 Kinnard 3 +0110101110 Alex.Brown 3 +0110101110 Trinkaus 3 +0110101110 Plesent 3 +0110101110 Wegard 3 +0110101110 Shapo 3 +0110101110 Burg 3 +0110101110 Stiftung 3 +0110101110 ROEBUCK 3 +0110101110 Mitchell/Titus 3 +0110101110 Dearman 3 +0110101110 Tullis-Cook 3 +0110101110 Israels 3 +0110101110 Bigsby 3 +0110101110 Sopher 3 +0110101110 Postaer 3 +0110101110 Rutty 3 +0110101110 Gabelli-Rosenthal 3 +0110101110 Baume 3 +0110101110 P&F 3 +0110101110 Tullett 3 +0110101110 Prima 3 +0110101110 Hillerich 3 +0110101110 Yanase 3 +0110101110 WILLCOX 3 +0110101110 Neuflize 3 +0110101110 Jenson 3 +0110101110 Mewhinney 3 +0110101110 MARTELL 3 +0110101110 INK 3 +0110101110 Crate 3 +0110101110 Lineberger 3 +0110101110 Morgen 3 +0110101110 Mid-Hudson 3 +0110101110 Mastrovita 3 +0110101110 Torii 3 +0110101110 Shroder 3 +0110101110 Trattner 3 +0110101110 Visconsi 3 +0110101110 Ede 3 +0110101110 Brotherston 3 +0110101110 COLUMBUS 3 +0110101110 Confectionery 3 +0110101110 LOMAS 3 +0110101110 Litman/Gregory 3 +0110101110 Callard 3 +0110101110 Shrubs 3 +0110101110 PROCTER 3 +0110101110 Masland 4 +0110101110 Cohig 4 +0110101110 Hibler 4 +0110101110 HAMILTON 4 +0110101110 Phleger 4 +0110101110 Hoover-Gorin 4 +0110101110 SCOTTISH 4 +0110101110 Tabori 4 +0110101110 Sheff 4 +0110101110 Kuchel 4 +0110101110 Obata 4 +0110101110 E.F.IHutton 4 +0110101110 ROCHE 4 +0110101110 Spic 4 +0110101110 Hoffman-LaRoche 4 +0110101110 Howrey 4 +0110101110 Beuret 4 +0110101110 MERCK 4 +0110101110 Finck 4 +0110101110 Bernet 4 +0110101110 DBS 4 +0110101110 SteinRoe 4 +0110101110 Poudres 4 +0110101110 Astley 4 +0110101110 AC&R/DHB 5 +0110101110 Snelling 5 +0110101110 Teamwork 5 +0110101110 Tzora 5 +0110101110 Otero 5 +0110101110 NATHAN 5 +0110101110 Keplinger 5 +0110101110 Muscle 5 +0110101110 Nemours 5 +0110101110 Woolcott 5 +0110101110 OLIVETTI 5 +0110101110 Catalysts 5 +0110101110 Gruner 5 +0110101110 Arter 5 +0110101110 Roulston 5 +0110101110 Smick-Medley 5 +0110101110 Wiggin 5 +0110101110 Kettler 5 +0110101110 Hengst 5 +0110101110 1-rated 5 +0110101110 Liipfert 5 +0110101110 Maps 5 +0110101110 Jessup 5 +0110101110 Arnhold 5 +0110101110 CASTLE 5 +0110101110 Blatt 5 +0110101110 Lipshie 5 +0110101110 Stockwell 5 +0110101110 Arral 5 +0110101110 Smoker 5 +0110101110 Pomeroy 5 +0110101110 ITOH 5 +0110101110 SOLVAY 5 +0110101110 Valliant 5 +0110101110 Fasken 5 +0110101110 Wildenstein 5 +0110101110 Glore 5 +0110101110 Fairweather 5 +0110101110 Rogal 5 +0110101110 Fentress 5 +0110101110 McAlaine 5 +0110101110 Fahlgren 5 +0110101110 Stansberry 6 +0110101110 Thurn 6 +0110101110 Cicco 6 +0110101110 Mowlem 6 +0110101110 Gifford-Hill 6 +0110101110 McGladrey 6 +0110101110 Loomis-Sayles 6 +0110101110 Fothergill 6 +0110101110 DJS-Inverness 6 +0110101110 Erdlen 6 +0110101110 Voorhis 6 +0110101110 Weidenfeld 6 +0110101110 MARKS 6 +0110101110 Townsend-Greenspan 6 +0110101110 TIRE 6 +0110101110 Knape 6 +0110101110 Gelberg 6 +0110101110 Sites 6 +0110101110 Richwhite 6 +0110101110 WILSON 6 +0110101110 Marttila 6 +0110101110 Comisky 6 +0110101110 XII 7 +0110101110 Goodbody 7 +0110101110 Philp 7 +0110101110 Sage-Allen 7 +0110101110 Janofsky 7 +0110101110 Irell 7 +0110101110 LEISURE 7 +0110101110 Farnsworth 7 +0110101110 DUFFOUR 7 +0110101110 Hypotheken 7 +0110101110 McCutcheon 7 +0110101110 O'Brien-Kreitzberg 8 +0110101110 Estabrook 8 +0110101110 Milliman 8 +0110101110 Folger 8 +0110101110 Gotschal 8 +0110101110 Strevig 8 +0110101110 Strawbridge 8 +0110101110 DeKuyper 8 +0110101110 BARKER 8 +0110101110 Specthrie 8 +0110101110 Doremus 8 +0110101110 HERALD 8 +0110101110 Abbett 8 +0110101110 Montefiore 8 +0110101110 Purvin 8 +0110101110 GRACE 9 +0110101110 Roussel 9 +0110101110 Fertitta 9 +0110101110 Struthers 9 +0110101110 DeArman 9 +0110101110 Desk 9 +0110101110 Mesirow 9 +0110101110 Kitcat 9 +0110101110 Smathers 9 +0110101110 BOVERI 10 +0110101110 Consultations 10 +0110101110 Selchow 10 +0110101110 Podleska 10 +0110101110 Swink 10 +0110101110 Leichtman 10 +0110101110 YOUNG 10 +0110101110 Suhler 10 +0110101110 Jenkens 11 +0110101110 Ropes 11 +0110101110 Nicolaus 11 +0110101110 HONGKONG 11 +0110101110 Drye 11 +0110101110 JOHNSON 11 +0110101110 MITSUI 11 +0110101110 Belden 11 +0110101110 SAATCHI 12 +0110101110 Sidley 12 +0110101110 Sheshunoff 12 +0110101110 Rosenkranz 12 +0110101110 Southold 12 +0110101110 1706 12 +0110101110 Aequitron 12 +0110101110 Conning 12 +0110101110 Hueglin 12 +0110101110 Montfort 13 +0110101110 Handels 13 +0110101110 Lind-Waldock 13 +0110101110 Hauer 13 +0110101110 Owings 13 +0110101110 Peninsular 13 +0110101110 Tordella 13 +0110101110 Delafield 13 +0110101110 Githens 13 +0110101110 Helmerich 13 +0110101110 Acheson 14 +0110101110 Roney 14 +0110101110 Mahin 14 +0110101110 Squirt 14 +0110101110 Raman 15 +0110101110 Tompane 15 +0110101110 Strand 15 +0110101110 Steptoe 15 +0110101110 Caplin 15 +0110101110 Caufield 15 +0110101110 Leggett 16 +0110101110 Howells 16 +0110101110 Rosenman 16 +0110101110 Corette 17 +0110101110 Asiel 17 +0110101110 Crossland 17 +0110101110 Dailey 17 +0110101110 Tatham-Laird 17 +0110101110 Chefitz 17 +0110101110 Pensions 17 +0110101110 Sante 18 +0110101110 Cagney 18 +0110101110 Duffour 18 +0110101110 BLACK 18 +0110101110 Giddings 18 +0110101110 Grubb 19 +0110101110 Thacher 19 +0110101110 Boettcher 20 +0110101110 Notable 20 +0110101110 TransOhio 20 +0110101110 Weedon 20 +0110101110 Bowne 21 +0110101110 Cork 22 +0110101110 Volpe 22 +0110101110 Glickenhaus 22 +0110101110 Arm 22 +0110101110 Fahnestock 22 +0110101110 Tristan 23 +0110101110 Peers 23 +0110101110 Travisano 24 +0110101110 Kamin 24 +0110101110 UBS-Phillips 25 +0110101110 Lehn 26 +0110101110 Harkness 26 +0110101110 Bartles 26 +0110101110 Booz-Allen 26 +0110101110 Gruss 26 +0110101110 Thoma 26 +0110101110 Stotler 27 +0110101110 Muse 27 +0110101110 Corroon 27 +0110101110 Chadbourne 27 +0110101110 Ammirati 28 +0110101110 McEntee 29 +0110101110 Burnup 29 +0110101110 Vinson 29 +0110101110 Wickersham 29 +0110101110 Dominick 30 +0110101110 Closed 31 +0110101110 Jesup 31 +0110101110 Schieffelin 31 +0110101110 Crompton 31 +0110101110 Ranh 31 +0110101110 Abercrombie 32 +0110101110 Lemon 32 +0110101110 Crisanti 32 +0110101110 Lamson 32 +0110101110 Deutschman 33 +0110101110 Heidrick 34 +0110101110 Cowen 34 +0110101110 Neuberger 34 +0110101110 Ally 35 +0110101110 REVIEW 35 +0110101110 E.D. 36 +0110101110 Shearman 36 +0110101110 Georgeson 37 +0110101110 Swaine 38 +0110101110 Thames 38 +0110101110 Sibson 38 +0110101110 Hadley 39 +0110101110 Tweed 39 +0110101110 Gotshal 40 +0110101110 Tel. 40 +0110101110 Fulbright 41 +0110101110 Willcox 43 +0110101110 Gaston 46 +0110101110 Reckitt 47 +0110101110 Newmark 54 +0110101110 Josephthal 54 +0110101110 Hormel 55 +0110101110 Thunberg 55 +0110101110 Straus 56 +0110101110 Lanston 57 +0110101110 Farr 59 +0110101110 Rodman 59 +0110101110 Dietz 61 +0110101110 Homestead 61 +0110101110 Cazenove 61 +0110101110 Sprague 62 +0110101110 Beam 62 +0110101110 Stroock 63 +0110101110 Lung 63 +0110101110 Crum 66 +0110101110 Reavis 68 +0110101110 Bausch 69 +0110101110 Sutro 72 +0110101110 Rohm 73 +0110101110 Laing 76 +0110101110 Kenyon 81 +0110101110 Nuveen 82 +0110101110 Bresler 83 +0110101110 Bath 85 +0110101110 Shriver 85 +0110101110 Fenner 86 +0110101110 Nugent 88 +0110101110 Steak 90 +0110101110 MacAndrews 96 +0110101110 Duff 96 +0110101110 Backer 100 +0110101110 Gruntal 100 +0110101110 Thalmann 105 +0110101110 Haskins 106 +0110101110 Cambrian 116 +0110101110 Meagher 116 +0110101110 Chips 117 +0110101110 Babcock 122 +0110101110 Towbin 123 +0110101110 Corrections 125 +0110101110 Laventhol 127 +0110101110 Doubleday 127 +0110101110 Cushman 127 +0110101110 Topeka 132 +0110101110 Quick 133 +0110101110 Kelso 135 +0110101110 Marsh 141 +0110101110 Cone 144 +0110101110 Ahmanson 145 +0110101110 McKinsey 145 +0110101110 Arps 149 +0110101110 Jaffray 150 +0110101110 Colman 165 +0110101110 Bruyette 165 +0110101110 Reading 186 +0110101110 Pincus 188 +0110101110 Horn 201 +0110101110 Coopers 208 +0110101110 Leisure 215 +0110101110 Alpha 218 +0110101110 Scottish 227 +0110101110 Butcher 231 +0110101110 Hambrecht 239 +0110101110 Schroder 242 +0110101110 Freres 247 +0110101110 Tate 266 +0110101110 Case 298 +0110101110 Leeds 302 +0110101110 Lomas 307 +0110101110 Ogilvy 323 +0110101110 Wharton 326 +0110101110 Ernst 344 +0110101110 Stop 351 +0110101110 Read 354 +0110101110 Castle 383 +0110101110 Harper 394 +0110101110 Dun 401 +0110101110 Matthews 419 +0110101110 Procter 440 +0110101110 Sugar 446 +0110101110 Hongkong 459 +0110101110 Roebuck 514 +0110101110 Olympia 633 +0110101110 Pratt 679 +0110101110 Oppenheimer 702 +0110101110 Lufkin 765 +0110101110 Cable 1041 +0110101110 Saatchi 1141 +0110101110 Stearns 1407 +0110101110 Peabody 1420 +0110101110 Harris 1871 +0110101110 Black 1885 +0110101110 Sachs 2179 +0110101110 Standard 4192 +0110101110 Gulf 3473 +0110101111 Save-A-Lot 1 +0110101111 TwentyFirst 1 +0110101111 171,900 1 +0110101111 O.M.W. 1 +0110101111 T-COM 1 +0110101111 139,639 1 +0110101111 J.P.M. 1 +0110101111 Kulzer 1 +0110101111 Datek 1 +0110101111 then-Federal 1 +0110101111 mediacracy 1 +0110101111 290-page 1 +0110101111 Tritus 1 +0110101111 Marketfield 1 +0110101111 Candair 1 +0110101111 96,200 1 +0110101111 40,149 1 +0110101111 Quarterdeck 1 +0110101111 price-to-cash 1 +0110101111 S.C.P. 1 +0110101111 918,900 1 +0110101111 151,200 1 +0110101111 Kerkhoff 1 +0110101111 computer-phobia 1 +0110101111 CommVest 1 +0110101111 Flexsteel 1 +0110101111 Codec-UNA 1 +0110101111 MBMB 1 +0110101111 Agrifuture 1 +0110101111 S.C.T. 1 +0110101111 79,600 1 +0110101111 1,065,500 1 +0110101111 354,800 1 +0110101111 264,800 1 +0110101111 crinolines 1 +0110101111 263,400 1 +0110101111 Seligco 1 +0110101111 196,400 1 +0110101111 322,900 1 +0110101111 Olivine 1 +0110101111 907,900 1 +0110101111 Dento-Med 1 +0110101111 Britton-Lee 1 +0110101111 Vanco 1 +0110101111 419,800 1 +0110101111 Sidler 1 +0110101111 592,400 1 +0110101111 209,157 1 +0110101111 317,740 1 +0110101111 826,200 1 +0110101111 2,650,200 1 +0110101111 Vigoro 1 +0110101111 1,435,800 1 +0110101111 138,909 1 +0110101111 Arcelik 1 +0110101111 Mimosa 1 +0110101111 sice 1 +0110101111 Carena-Bancorp 1 +0110101111 Valueline 1 +0110101111 Freeman-Owings 1 +0110101111 Tolosa 1 +0110101111 265,500 1 +0110101111 Talmis 1 +0110101111 277,759 1 +0110101111 pawnbrokers 1 +0110101111 334,600 1 +0110101111 Ballarpur 1 +0110101111 front- 1 +0110101111 Aletha 1 +0110101111 B-words 1 +0110101111 108,062 1 +0110101111 Vulsay 1 +0110101111 Nauru 1 +0110101111 Jenn 1 +0110101111 Rotan-Mosele 1 +0110101111 45,900 1 +0110101111 Colortyme 1 +0110101111 Communications-Pacific 1 +0110101111 Tohoko 1 +0110101111 Admont 1 +0110101111 62,350 1 +0110101111 bandanna 1 +0110101111 Promsyrioimport 1 +0110101111 Bevaco 1 +0110101111 Kliment 1 +0110101111 Hartco 1 +0110101111 tassles 1 +0110101111 Kyungwon 1 +0110101111 Sheilah 1 +0110101111 Cualoping 1 +0110101111 Wahler 1 +0110101111 blood-drawing 1 +0110101111 Metoprolol 1 +0110101111 Relache 1 +0110101111 Yamaichi/Dean 1 +0110101111 T-Glass 1 +0110101111 McKinely 1 +0110101111 Seattle-Tacoma 1 +0110101111 WQUE-FM 1 +0110101111 Sterne 1 +0110101111 Robotic 1 +0110101111 turbos 1 +0110101111 319,300 1 +0110101111 892,300 1 +0110101111 Technograph 1 +0110101111 Damone/Andrew 1 +0110101111 PaineWebber.Inc 1 +0110101111 Huddings 1 +0110101111 Lemby-Yarling 1 +0110101111 Carson/Lyon 1 +0110101111 Arnautical 1 +0110101111 BESA 1 +0110101111 113,500 1 +0110101111 Signatron 1 +0110101111 Intuit 1 +0110101111 Isobe 1 +0110101111 Freedland 1 +0110101111 Koseisho 1 +0110101111 Kleinworth 1 +0110101111 SKS 1 +0110101111 Sonicraft 1 +0110101111 Levco 1 +0110101111 Licom 1 +0110101111 52,400 1 +0110101111 Racon 1 +0110101111 675,100 1 +0110101111 401,700 1 +0110101111 Texet 1 +0110101111 Internorth 1 +0110101111 476,700 1 +0110101111 107,400 1 +0110101111 Pepsi-Co 1 +0110101111 1,230,300 1 +0110101111 225,200 1 +0110101111 JI 1 +0110101111 Aptech 1 +0110101111 E.F 1 +0110101111 Multi-County 1 +0110101111 Y.P.F. 1 +0110101111 ballboys 1 +0110101111 CEPE 1 +0110101111 61701 1 +0110101111 192,100 1 +0110101111 181,600 1 +0110101111 Cherisse 1 +0110101111 Lanaco 1 +0110101111 50,436 1 +0110101111 499,200 1 +0110101111 73,200 1 +0110101111 693,658 1 +0110101111 310,400 1 +0110101111 Riverpoint 1 +0110101111 172,714 1 +0110101111 Mini-Chews 1 +0110101111 sundeck 1 +0110101111 30,600 1 +0110101111 Scharr 1 +0110101111 Health-Tex 1 +0110101111 Modumend 1 +0110101111 50,101 1 +0110101111 wine-tastings 1 +0110101111 30,683 1 +0110101111 MacKinsey 1 +0110101111 Health-tex 1 +0110101111 flouride 1 +0110101111 479,600 1 +0110101111 non-hunters 1 +0110101111 187,998 1 +0110101111 Kordell 1 +0110101111 86,600 1 +0110101111 4,339,056 1 +0110101111 836,500 1 +0110101111 Greenfield-Campbell 1 +0110101111 178,100 1 +0110101111 195,500 1 +0110101111 228,500 1 +0110101111 Chemetals 1 +0110101111 Microphor 1 +0110101111 209,300 1 +0110101111 Mekler/Ansell 1 +0110101111 Howmedica 1 +0110101111 Chartcraft 1 +0110101111 1,601,000 1 +0110101111 Batch-Air 1 +0110101111 Craftmatic-Contour 1 +0110101111 Winfull 1 +0110101111 turbo-engine 1 +0110101111 Towa 1 +0110101111 Chakri 1 +0110101111 Mardel 1 +0110101111 Elkem 1 +0110101111 Myoplex 1 +0110101111 Tennol 1 +0110101111 Marsan 1 +0110101111 less-comfortable 1 +0110101111 PECO 1 +0110101111 H-R 1 +0110101111 Majendie 1 +0110101111 154,200 1 +0110101111 Anapolis 1 +0110101111 43,356 1 +0110101111 Farely 1 +0110101111 593,455 1 +0110101111 Intravision 1 +0110101111 199,600 1 +0110101111 86,582 1 +0110101111 27,429 1 +0110101111 529,100 1 +0110101111 148,600 1 +0110101111 CuraTech 1 +0110101111 NuTone 1 +0110101111 870,100 1 +0110101111 166,200 1 +0110101111 bed-hoppers 1 +0110101111 Aoyama-Gakuin 1 +0110101111 Seijo 1 +0110101111 Staodynamics 1 +0110101111 267,500 1 +0110101111 Postum 1 +0110101111 EVI 1 +0110101111 Honeywell-Bull 1 +0110101111 SPC 1 +0110101111 Amworld 1 +0110101111 1,243,200 1 +0110101111 semistrangers 1 +0110101111 IE 1 +0110101111 REDM 1 +0110101111 horn-rims 1 +0110101111 Richardson-Greenshields 1 +0110101111 IKL 1 +0110101111 1,501,500 1 +0110101111 Graz 1 +0110101111 Legers 1 +0110101111 GriffTel 1 +0110101111 ValAgri 1 +0110101111 1,299,500 1 +0110101111 Dresdner-ADB 1 +0110101111 Sogen 1 +0110101111 902,500 1 +0110101111 Schrafft 1 +0110101111 Canatom 1 +0110101111 Telescripps 1 +0110101111 221,800 1 +0110101111 ETC 1 +0110101111 Tagetes 1 +0110101111 2,499,990 1 +0110101111 Kermanshah 1 +0110101111 Freshfields 1 +0110101111 Canrep/Morse 1 +0110101111 Cohen-Hatfield 1 +0110101111 Quik-To-Fix 1 +0110101111 Setre 1 +0110101111 Polygram/Nippon 1 +0110101111 Trontech 1 +0110101111 MasterVision 1 +0110101111 Hickorycraft 1 +0110101111 Mie 1 +0110101111 Sandimmune 1 +0110101111 51,600 1 +0110101111 125,900 1 +0110101111 PanElectric 1 +0110101111 busboys 1 +0110101111 Loyala 1 +0110101111 54,447 1 +0110101111 Pigtail 1 +0110101111 101,943 1 +0110101111 Tecnetics 1 +0110101111 312,500 1 +0110101111 107,650 1 +0110101111 Fredco 1 +0110101111 348,100 1 +0110101111 Righteous 1 +0110101111 Quadrez 1 +0110101111 Midland/Odessa 1 +0110101111 178,700 1 +0110101111 Ittilaat 1 +0110101111 midlake 1 +0110101111 NONTECHNICAL 1 +0110101111 MSDOS 1 +0110101111 Madras-based 1 +0110101111 Humagen 1 +0110101111 StaRite 1 +0110101111 Antebellum 1 +0110101111 CBs 1 +0110101111 B.O. 1 +0110101111 Metacom 1 +0110101111 FreePort-McMoRan 1 +0110101111 Anilan 1 +0110101111 Equanil 1 +0110101111 BE&K 1 +0110101111 RBC-Dominion 1 +0110101111 GTL 1 +0110101111 Hyatt-Clark 1 +0110101111 160,075 1 +0110101111 EBW 1 +0110101111 Hoedowns 1 +0110101111 Hiter 1 +0110101111 CC 1 +0110101111 Imark 1 +0110101111 Microrim 1 +0110101111 Privatbanken 1 +0110101111 Topy 1 +0110101111 SOLvation 1 +0110101111 Enrigue 1 +0110101111 hourglass-shaped 1 +0110101111 Stankoimport 1 +0110101111 Mutoh 1 +0110101111 Marakon 1 +0110101111 Hsin-Chu 1 +0110101111 180,921 1 +0110101111 Diawa 1 +0110101111 Hongsakul 1 +0110101111 Toaster 1 +0110101111 ruby-crowned 1 +0110101111 70,635 1 +0110101111 Scadden 1 +0110101111 naptha 1 +0110101111 Raba 1 +0110101111 KINETIC 1 +0110101111 Alen 1 +0110101111 Sunwealth 1 +0110101111 Sandstone 1 +0110101111 Gulledge 1 +0110101111 IFPS 1 +0110101111 98,253 1 +0110101111 IL2 1 +0110101111 HansGeorg 1 +0110101111 Jobco 1 +0110101111 38,700 1 +0110101111 Schwitzer 1 +0110101111 1,003,900 1 +0110101111 546,962 1 +0110101111 Ronn 1 +0110101111 Melmon 1 +0110101111 Sunrises 1 +0110101111 Revertex 1 +0110101111 Wetheim 1 +0110101111 Shoreman 1 +0110101111 Kennosuke 1 +0110101111 weeks-including 1 +0110101111 Intellitech 1 +0110101111 TeleChoice 1 +0110101111 299,562 1 +0110101111 228,378 1 +0110101111 Tellerogenic 1 +0110101111 60648 1 +0110101111 60610 1 +0110101111 Macy/Federated 1 +0110101111 Flinestone 1 +0110101111 log-splitting 1 +0110101111 Wikco 1 +0110101111 Wico 1 +0110101111 Simmons-NL 1 +0110101111 Persoft 1 +0110101111 Beldoch 1 +0110101111 Bassel 1 +0110101111 Bunratty 1 +0110101111 188,500 1 +0110101111 USB 1 +0110101111 Land/Vest 1 +0110101111 Assunta 1 +0110101111 Chewie 1 +0110101111 Yorkton 1 +0110101111 Gyo 1 +0110101111 InterQual 1 +0110101111 166,800 1 +0110101111 Ontaria-based 1 +0110101111 clone-supplier 1 +0110101111 Wackabuck 1 +0110101111 ECOS 1 +0110101111 meows 1 +0110101111 funk-dunk 1 +0110101111 DIVAD 1 +0110101111 Bloomindale 1 +0110101111 UNICEF 1 +0110101111 Aircal 1 +0110101111 Siberia-made 1 +0110101111 Lanie 1 +0110101111 Salomom 1 +0110101111 395,600 1 +0110101111 95,575 1 +0110101111 Xilinx 1 +0110101111 black-tinted 1 +0110101111 Indiana-Purdue 1 +0110101111 Yukichi 1 +0110101111 195,550 1 +0110101111 Mainbocher 1 +0110101111 Bishun 1 +0110101111 quasigovernmental 1 +0110101111 Totaltop 1 +0110101111 Intersputnik 1 +0110101111 Tuebingen 1 +0110101111 Stratagene 1 +0110101111 Supercritical 1 +0110101111 ASEA-BROWN 1 +0110101111 Frox 1 +0110101111 Pechner 1 +0110101111 LaChute 1 +0110101111 Caraustar 1 +0110101111 CHR 1 +0110101111 141,730 1 +0110101111 Lewco 1 +0110101111 140,400 1 +0110101111 Lefac 1 +0110101111 Soyuzgoscirk 1 +0110101111 Warbug 1 +0110101111 A.R.A. 1 +0110101111 132,800 1 +0110101111 CROWN 1 +0110101111 Adriaen 1 +0110101111 Diponegoro 1 +0110101111 Kurabo 1 +0110101111 Quickwheel 1 +0110101111 Half-A-Car 1 +0110101111 ExploiTech 1 +0110101111 Nawbo 1 +0110101111 T.M.B. 1 +0110101111 Kynaston 1 +0110101111 364,759 1 +0110101111 Conmel 1 +0110101111 Technobribor 1 +0110101111 59,800 1 +0110101111 Quad/Marketing 1 +0110101111 Kloster-Madsen 1 +0110101111 fruit-colored 1 +0110101111 Epplers 1 +0110101111 Omnipage 1 +0110101111 Eletto 1 +0110101111 benzehexachloride 1 +0110101111 Scotia-Mcleod 1 +0110101111 bullwhips 1 +0110101111 ballasts 1 +0110101111 Synopsys 1 +0110101111 Westward-looking 1 +0110101111 Dempsey-Tunney 1 +0110101111 Westlb 1 +0110101111 wantonness 1 +0110101111 Unregistered 1 +0110101111 attention-grabbers 1 +0110101111 Kagoshima 1 +0110101111 ENSKILDA 1 +0110101111 Haking 1 +0110101111 215,800 1 +0110101111 SBCI-Savory 1 +0110101111 dog-beaters 1 +0110101111 Kardiothor 1 +0110101111 Maniatis-group 1 +0110101111 close-to-home 1 +0110101111 503,221 1 +0110101111 82,200 1 +0110101111 Transportek 1 +0110101111 11,680 1 +0110101111 Rasa 1 +0110101111 Sanwa-BGK 1 +0110101111 Twentyfirst 1 +0110101111 CollegeTrack 1 +0110101111 DepoProvera 1 +0110101111 Chem-Elec 1 +0110101111 sonabuoys 1 +0110101111 bazookas 1 +0110101111 Speakman 1 +0110101111 CCG 1 +0110101111 Fosgate 1 +0110101111 Sangyong 1 +0110101111 Savage-Western 2 +0110101111 2,049,400 2 +0110101111 Sta-Rite 2 +0110101111 Harshaw 2 +0110101111 Agri-Tech 2 +0110101111 Seattle-Northwest 2 +0110101111 Avantor 2 +0110101111 Berel 2 +0110101111 Gonzaga 2 +0110101111 EcoLab 2 +0110101111 Massena 2 +0110101111 Ochanomizu 2 +0110101111 Mosely 2 +0110101111 monte 2 +0110101111 Haringey 2 +0110101111 Deadwood 2 +0110101111 N.I. 2 +0110101111 Pennmount 2 +0110101111 Daikin 2 +0110101111 Farley/Northwest 2 +0110101111 Qassem 2 +0110101111 Pasar 2 +0110101111 Puissant 2 +0110101111 HMC 2 +0110101111 AstroTurf 2 +0110101111 PHB 2 +0110101111 W&D 2 +0110101111 Crosspoint 2 +0110101111 1987.7 2 +0110101111 81,200 2 +0110101111 Wasser 2 +0110101111 GOODYEAR 2 +0110101111 TRE-Modern 2 +0110101111 Transmanche-Link 2 +0110101111 Grier 2 +0110101111 Plaid 2 +0110101111 Electro-Scientific 2 +0110101111 WTBS. 2 +0110101111 20,453.90 2 +0110101111 49,700 2 +0110101111 Waddington 2 +0110101111 Guelph 2 +0110101111 Attapulgus 2 +0110101111 Isley 2 +0110101111 Zelco 2 +0110101111 Noma 2 +0110101111 Dresdner-ABD 2 +0110101111 Prades 2 +0110101111 Amos-Lee 2 +0110101111 ProCare 2 +0110101111 FIRESTONE 2 +0110101111 KBL 2 +0110101111 Micronas 2 +0110101111 an-Najah 2 +0110101111 221,400 2 +0110101111 Sonar 2 +0110101111 Lazuli 2 +0110101111 VTLS 2 +0110101111 Invexco 2 +0110101111 Algorithm 2 +0110101111 Garren 2 +0110101111 Chervenak 2 +0110101111 Grinnan 2 +0110101111 Bruise 2 +0110101111 Pandel 2 +0110101111 MultiVision 2 +0110101111 Spindrift 2 +0110101111 Allegan 2 +0110101111 Campbell-Taggart 2 +0110101111 Kankeiren 2 +0110101111 Sekitei 2 +0110101111 harpsichords 2 +0110101111 Season-all 2 +0110101111 Citi 2 +0110101111 Totalab 2 +0110101111 Landvest 2 +0110101111 Beatreme 2 +0110101111 Gelderman 2 +0110101111 MVM 2 +0110101111 Bata 2 +0110101111 Kimberlon 2 +0110101111 Reid-Rowell 2 +0110101111 Millersville 2 +0110101111 Wesave 2 +0110101111 Bi-Lo 2 +0110101111 Anscor-Hagedorn 2 +0110101111 Opecna 2 +0110101111 Hellmuth 2 +0110101111 WBF 2 +0110101111 IMS. 2 +0110101111 MF 2 +0110101111 Neotech 2 +0110101111 Terrie 2 +0110101111 Gefica 2 +0110101111 Multiflow 2 +0110101111 CLAlexanders 2 +0110101111 NYBG 2 +0110101111 Bluffton 2 +0110101111 ScotiaMcleod 2 +0110101111 SSAO 2 +0110101111 Fedstar 2 +0110101111 Bevil 2 +0110101111 Adelphi 2 +0110101111 Janie 2 +0110101111 Werbel-Roth 2 +0110101111 Cropcast 2 +0110101111 BDA/BBDO 2 +0110101111 L.F.IRothschild 2 +0110101111 Retrac 2 +0110101111 ArrowHead 2 +0110101111 Daeshin 2 +0110101111 Dracelle 2 +0110101111 Axe-Houghton 2 +0110101111 Acon 2 +0110101111 Pepperdine 2 +0110101111 Jacee 2 +0110101111 CRM 2 +0110101111 Jit 2 +0110101111 Strescon 2 +0110101111 Shukry 2 +0110101111 Marrietta 2 +0110101111 To-Fitness 2 +0110101111 6-feet-3 2 +0110101111 Ahron 2 +0110101111 118,150 2 +0110101111 Zmudowski 2 +0110101111 Evli 2 +0110101111 Saintoin 2 +0110101111 Imede 2 +0110101111 Bridgehampton 2 +0110101111 Hop-In 2 +0110101111 Shotland 2 +0110101111 Clal 2 +0110101111 Invemed 2 +0110101111 Botto 2 +0110101111 Saloman 2 +0110101111 Salvat 2 +0110101111 361,100 2 +0110101111 2384 2 +0110101111 CareerTrack 2 +0110101111 Craftmatic/Contour 2 +0110101111 ADcorp 2 +0110101111 WIYY-FM 2 +0110101111 TemPositions 2 +0110101111 Patrician 2 +0110101111 Rusco 2 +0110101111 DAINIPPON 2 +0110101111 Roberston 2 +0110101111 Faya 2 +0110101111 Scherck 2 +0110101111 Brantford 2 +0110101111 Neorex 2 +0110101111 Waleran 2 +0110101111 Sabel 2 +0110101111 Trumark 2 +0110101111 Intermarco 2 +0110101111 SunHealth 2 +0110101111 Woodmere 2 +0110101111 Rosaline 2 +0110101111 Guardsmark 2 +0110101111 BDB 2 +0110101111 PetroCanada 2 +0110101111 better-secured 2 +0110101111 InterSec 2 +0110101111 Saladin 2 +0110101111 Telerey 2 +0110101111 FNN. 2 +0110101111 NASH 3 +0110101111 Ladysmith 3 +0110101111 BTL 3 +0110101111 Beaird 3 +0110101111 Gulton 3 +0110101111 Biny 3 +0110101111 BVA 3 +0110101111 Doobie 3 +0110101111 Korn-Ferry 3 +0110101111 Taiheiyo 3 +0110101111 Saran 3 +0110101111 sandblasting 3 +0110101111 DAK 3 +0110101111 Astec 3 +0110101111 Eberstadt-Fleming 3 +0110101111 Gondola 3 +0110101111 Capitalcorp. 3 +0110101111 BNY 3 +0110101111 Tellus 3 +0110101111 NYLife 3 +0110101111 Western-Mobile 3 +0110101111 Wegmans 3 +0110101111 Villager 3 +0110101111 Charlesworth 3 +0110101111 Picky 3 +0110101111 Krestmark 3 +0110101111 Jetronic 3 +0110101111 Hosei 3 +0110101111 Rosenkrantz 3 +0110101111 Thomson-McKinnon 3 +0110101111 Baboquivari 3 +0110101111 Amici 3 +0110101111 Iwakuni 3 +0110101111 Ferrostaal 3 +0110101111 Delmar 3 +0110101111 Imogene 3 +0110101111 Tenby 3 +0110101111 Baytank 3 +0110101111 K.W. 3 +0110101111 Fergusson 3 +0110101111 Park-Kenilworth 3 +0110101111 Gao 3 +0110101111 Kutsher 3 +0110101111 EquiManagement 3 +0110101111 Asset-Backed 3 +0110101111 Anadite 3 +0110101111 Nutriplexx 3 +0110101111 Omark 3 +0110101111 Medicorp 3 +0110101111 Japex 3 +0110101111 Buhler 3 +0110101111 Dongsuh 3 +0110101111 Versar 3 +0110101111 Ayrton 3 +0110101111 Nordstern 3 +0110101111 DeAnza 3 +0110101111 Bocconi 3 +0110101111 NI 3 +0110101111 Northville 3 +0110101111 Springwood 3 +0110101111 Rudco 3 +0110101111 Valda 3 +0110101111 Tishman-Speyer 3 +0110101111 Caparo 3 +0110101111 Qinghua 3 +0110101111 CONNER 3 +0110101111 RPC 3 +0110101111 Fudan 3 +0110101111 HTL 3 +0110101111 Anocut 3 +0110101111 Dial-a-Mattress 3 +0110101111 Walbridge 3 +0110101111 Coryo 3 +0110101111 Fechtor 3 +0110101111 Adaptec 3 +0110101111 Louvin 3 +0110101111 Pinza 3 +0110101111 Cryomedics 3 +0110101111 Caprock 3 +0110101111 Mahir 3 +0110101111 KF 3 +0110101111 ASI 3 +0110101111 Masada 3 +0110101111 Sami/Burke 3 +0110101111 Over-The-Counter 3 +0110101111 veiling 3 +0110101111 Morco 4 +0110101111 Reorganized 4 +0110101111 DV 4 +0110101111 Shakarchi 4 +0110101111 Tellabs 4 +0110101111 Penland 4 +0110101111 Nitta 4 +0110101111 Trademarks 4 +0110101111 Leiden 4 +0110101111 I.W. 4 +0110101111 Cinnamont 4 +0110101111 Lexecon 4 +0110101111 Sprott 4 +0110101111 Eastlake 4 +0110101111 Pelikan 4 +0110101111 Saugatuck 4 +0110101111 Putt-Putt 4 +0110101111 Duskin 4 +0110101111 Normura 4 +0110101111 Insteel 4 +0110101111 Tintoretto 4 +0110101111 Cale 4 +0110101111 KVIL 4 +0110101111 HOFFMANN-LA 4 +0110101111 FL 4 +0110101111 Exposaic 4 +0110101111 Waseda 4 +0110101111 Oneita 4 +0110101111 Malco 4 +0110101111 Jardine-Fleming 4 +0110101111 Helme 4 +0110101111 Rikkyo 4 +0110101111 Korey 4 +0110101111 Derlan 4 +0110101111 Jeneric 4 +0110101111 Emmylou 4 +0110101111 HALT 4 +0110101111 I.C. 4 +0110101111 Transtech 4 +0110101111 Scancem 4 +0110101111 GTC 4 +0110101111 Uppsala 4 +0110101111 Pius 4 +0110101111 Amsted 4 +0110101111 Price/Stern/Sloan 4 +0110101111 JPM 4 +0110101111 Wham 4 +0110101111 Staveley 4 +0110101111 Heide 4 +0110101111 Amfco 4 +0110101111 CIFCO 4 +0110101111 GMN 4 +0110101111 Lantic 4 +0110101111 Yashica 4 +0110101111 Everly 4 +0110101111 Angenics 4 +0110101111 Marudai 4 +0110101111 Joffre 4 +0110101111 McCollum/Spielman 4 +0110101111 AMS 4 +0110101111 Weyerhauser 4 +0110101111 Stone-Consolidated 4 +0110101111 Bridgemarket 4 +0110101111 Shepley 5 +0110101111 Carriage 5 +0110101111 G.F. 5 +0110101111 I.E.P. 5 +0110101111 Tribble 5 +0110101111 Loantech 5 +0110101111 Gilreath 5 +0110101111 Val-Agri 5 +0110101111 Deco-Grand 5 +0110101111 Covell 5 +0110101111 Daylin 5 +0110101111 CSS 5 +0110101111 IBM-Brasil 5 +0110101111 Coherent 5 +0110101111 Oxtoby-Smith 5 +0110101111 AFCO 5 +0110101111 RLR 5 +0110101111 Dycom 5 +0110101111 Richardson-Smith 5 +0110101111 Vestaur 5 +0110101111 Hahnemann 5 +0110101111 Natco 5 +0110101111 Welco 5 +0110101111 NM 5 +0110101111 Loughborough 5 +0110101111 MKI 5 +0110101111 S.O.I. 6 +0110101111 6-foot-6 6 +0110101111 Demuth 6 +0110101111 Loewen 6 +0110101111 Heytesbury 6 +0110101111 Sonja 6 +0110101111 Spreckels 6 +0110101111 Petrostrategies 6 +0110101111 JPL 6 +0110101111 Pentland 6 +0110101111 Komazawa 6 +0110101111 HQ 6 +0110101111 Orrick 6 +0110101111 Hollins 6 +0110101111 Smith/Greenland 6 +0110101111 Tohoku 6 +0110101111 Hem 6 +0110101111 DavCo 6 +0110101111 Daratech 6 +0110101111 Bar-Ilan 6 +0110101111 Stetson 7 +0110101111 Amedco 7 +0110101111 Veronis 7 +0110101111 Shearon 7 +0110101111 Stendig 7 +0110101111 Dashwood 7 +0110101111 Verner 7 +0110101111 Shinsei 7 +0110101111 Okasan 7 +0110101111 BHF 7 +0110101111 Genelabs 7 +0110101111 PMC 7 +0110101111 Sharps 7 +0110101111 Doley 7 +0110101111 Erasmus 7 +0110101111 Duchossois 7 +0110101111 Olsher 7 +0110101111 Altschiller 7 +0110101111 MVP 7 +0110101111 DeTomaso 7 +0110101111 LaPointe 7 +0110101111 BC 7 +0110101111 Mercer-Meidinger 8 +0110101111 Lennox 8 +0110101111 NYT 8 +0110101111 Monogram 8 +0110101111 Reynold 8 +0110101111 TPF&C 8 +0110101111 Texfi 8 +0110101111 Hofstra 8 +0110101111 Cheil 8 +0110101111 Amfesco 8 +0110101111 ASB 8 +0110101111 Helmsley-Spear 8 +0110101111 Deltec 8 +0110101111 Hanifen 8 +0110101111 DePaul 8 +0110101111 Washburn 8 +0110101111 Kansallis-Osake-Pankki 8 +0110101111 Tengiz 8 +0110101111 Nipsco 9 +0110101111 Nankai 9 +0110101111 Kibbutz 9 +0110101111 Over-the-Counter 9 +0110101111 Escanaba 9 +0110101111 Margeotes 9 +0110101111 Anixter 9 +0110101111 Sogang 9 +0110101111 TKR 9 +0110101111 Invest/Net 9 +0110101111 Calpis 9 +0110101111 Riverway 9 +0110101111 Inverness 9 +0110101111 Centromin 10 +0110101111 BIW 10 +0110101111 Annick 10 +0110101111 Tuskegee 10 +0110101111 LeBoeuf 11 +0110101111 Oberweis 11 +0110101111 MetPath 11 +0110101111 Westbrook 11 +0110101111 InfoCorp 11 +0110101111 Kleer-Vu 11 +0110101111 Flemming 11 +0110101111 Nutmeg 11 +0110101111 J.I. 11 +0110101111 Manfra 11 +0110101111 Nuexco 11 +0110101111 Gabriele 11 +0110101111 Friona 11 +0110101111 CL-Alexanders 11 +0110101111 Pan-Electric 11 +0110101111 Eton 11 +0110101111 Palco 12 +0110101111 Nissin 12 +0110101111 Roadmaster 12 +0110101111 Villanova 12 +0110101111 Clairol 12 +0110101111 Bayside 12 +0110101111 Greenbrier 12 +0110101111 Skidmore 12 +0110101111 Thorndike 12 +0110101111 Coudert 12 +0110101111 Keio 12 +0110101111 Ulmer 12 +0110101111 Eglin 12 +0110101111 MSL 13 +0110101111 Bradco 13 +0110101111 Sheppards 13 +0110101111 Canny 13 +0110101111 Savory 13 +0110101111 In-Stat 13 +0110101111 Lefrak 14 +0110101111 Infotechnology 14 +0110101111 Anantha 14 +0110101111 Toray 14 +0110101111 Shand 14 +0110101111 FP 14 +0110101111 Keeneland 14 +0110101111 CBN 14 +0110101111 Infocorp 15 +0110101111 Redpath 15 +0110101111 Gilford 15 +0110101111 Brambles 15 +0110101111 Popsicle 15 +0110101111 ACLI 15 +0110101111 HBM/Creamer 15 +0110101111 Athlone 15 +0110101111 Whale 16 +0110101111 CIBC 16 +0110101111 Fox-Pitt 16 +0110101111 Transcisco 17 +0110101111 Horsehead 17 +0110101111 DLJ 17 +0110101111 Enskilda 17 +0110101111 Lykes 17 +0110101111 MicroAge 17 +0110101111 BPB 17 +0110101111 Yonsei 18 +0110101111 Nu-West 18 +0110101111 Birr 18 +0110101111 Stellenbosch 18 +0110101111 Jacuzzi 18 +0110101111 Swarthmore 18 +0110101111 Sophia 18 +0110101111 Atek 18 +0110101111 Valmont 19 +0110101111 Houdaille 19 +0110101111 TS 19 +0110101111 Keck 19 +0110101111 ERLY 19 +0110101111 Swergold 19 +0110101111 Marinvest 19 +0110101111 Smiths 20 +0110101111 Pemberton 20 +0110101111 Koor 20 +0110101111 ACF 20 +0110101111 WMS 20 +0110101111 Seligmann 21 +0110101111 Wedbush 21 +0110101111 Ringling 22 +0110101111 Weatherly 23 +0110101111 Fordham 23 +0110101111 Komaba 24 +0110101111 WTD 25 +0110101111 DePauw 25 +0110101111 Veribanc 25 +0110101111 Loyola 25 +0110101111 Eppler 26 +0110101111 Larizza 26 +0110101111 SBCI 27 +0110101111 Sloves 27 +0110101111 Wesleyan 27 +0110101111 Wako 27 +0110101111 Shubert 28 +0110101111 PrudentialBache 28 +0110101111 Dentsu 28 +0110101111 Airship 29 +0110101111 Mercer-Meidinger-Hansen 29 +0110101111 Burson-Marsteller 29 +0110101111 Sonic 29 +0110101111 Tulane 31 +0110101111 AEL 32 +0110101111 Wean 33 +0110101111 Mocatta 34 +0110101111 Convenient 36 +0110101111 Cam 36 +0110101111 Ashton 37 +0110101111 Kai 37 +0110101111 Purdue 39 +0110101111 BT 40 +0110101111 C.H. 42 +0110101111 Katy 42 +0110101111 B.A.IT 43 +0110101111 Brandeis 43 +0110101111 Clemson 44 +0110101111 SL 44 +0110101111 Willamette 44 +0110101111 Twenty-First 45 +0110101111 Sulzer 46 +0110101111 Mortgage-Backed 46 +0110101111 Ply-Gem 46 +0110101111 Keane 46 +0110101111 Balfour 47 +0110101111 Wylde 47 +0110101111 Zurn 47 +0110101111 Seidler 48 +0110101111 Spartan 49 +0110101111 Toll 49 +0110101111 Baylor 50 +0110101111 Milbank 50 +0110101111 Eagle-Picher 51 +0110101111 Willkie 51 +0110101111 Emory 51 +0110101111 Crescott 52 +0110101111 Carnegie-Mellon 52 +0110101111 Geldermann 55 +0110101111 Alexanders 55 +0110101111 Harriman 57 +0110101111 Geduld 58 +0110101111 Tufts 59 +0110101111 Avondale 61 +0110101111 Blount 61 +0110101111 Cluett 61 +0110101111 Bateman 63 +0110101111 Rohr 63 +0110101111 Philipp 63 +0110101111 Blasius 64 +0110101111 Baring 64 +0110101111 Kuhns 64 +0110101111 Cadwalader 67 +0110101111 Bessemer 70 +0110101111 Rutgers 72 +0110101111 Mabon 73 +0110101111 H.F. 75 +0110101111 Cravath 76 +0110101111 Trinity 76 +0110101111 McCann-Erickson 82 +0110101111 Norsk 82 +0110101111 Bowater 86 +0110101111 IBJ 90 +0110101111 Worthington 91 +0110101111 Arvin 97 +0110101111 Refco 98 +0110101111 Vanderbilt 101 +0110101111 Pitney 103 +0110101111 Hinderliter 109 +0110101111 Ladenburg 110 +0110101111 Drake 111 +0110101111 Prescott 115 +0110101111 RB 118 +0110101111 Browning-Ferris 126 +0110101111 Dataquest 152 +0110101111 Advest 163 +0110101111 PPG 176 +0110101111 Finley 179 +0110101111 Hoare 181 +0110101111 Skadden 182 +0110101111 UBS 182 +0110101111 Barris 194 +0110101111 Georgetown 195 +0110101111 Fuqua 200 +0110101111 Dresser 202 +0110101111 Norwood 209 +0110101111 Moseley 210 +0110101111 Cornell 213 +0110101111 Spear 238 +0110101111 Wertheim 252 +0110101111 Gartner 261 +0110101111 Pace 276 +0110101111 Piper 286 +0110101111 Litton 298 +0110101111 Northwestern 322 +0110101111 IC 323 +0110101111 Kleinwort 353 +0110101111 Yamaichi 365 +0110101111 Lazard 406 +0110101111 Daiwa 506 +0110101111 Nikko 539 +0110101111 Yale 557 +0110101111 Stanford 581 +0110101111 Warburg 627 +0110101111 E.F. 671 +0110101111 Donaldson 885 +0110101111 Montgomery 998 +0110101111 Nomura 1206 +0110101111 Bear 1530 +0110101111 Dean 1584 +0110101111 Prudential-Bache 1588 +0110101111 Harvard 1642 +0110101111 Reynolds 1655 +0110101111 PaineWebber 1956 +0110101111 Kidder 2197 +0110101111 Salomon 4023 +0110101111 Goldman 2995 +0110110 Korina 1 +0110110 Kassie 1 +0110110 Ottfried 1 +0110110 Younus 1 +0110110 Silviu 1 +0110110 BriAnne 1 +0110110 Yasuke 1 +0110110 Pehr 1 +0110110 Vilam 1 +0110110 Barnardo 1 +0110110 Marylou 1 +0110110 Iva 1 +0110110 Meizo 1 +0110110 Derwyn 1 +0110110 Deniece 1 +0110110 Elysia 1 +0110110 Dyann 1 +0110110 non-Yellow 1 +0110110 Dauss 1 +0110110 Lucretia 1 +0110110 Bismark 1 +0110110 Ayoob 1 +0110110 Gweneth 1 +0110110 Vijali 1 +0110110 Kamau 1 +0110110 hacer 1 +0110110 Janey 1 +0110110 Traci 1 +0110110 Lannis 1 +0110110 Daria 1 +0110110 Phylis 1 +0110110 Sibgatullah 1 +0110110 Piotr 1 +0110110 Liv 1 +0110110 Yiddy 1 +0110110 Spessard 1 +0110110 Haryce 1 +0110110 Seichiro 1 +0110110 Chandralekha 1 +0110110 Munekazu 1 +0110110 Yoshitoki 1 +0110110 Man-Bing 1 +0110110 Cheah 1 +0110110 Keichi 1 +0110110 Ivan-Pierre 1 +0110110 Septima 1 +0110110 Henry-Michel 1 +0110110 Julieta 1 +0110110 property-magnate 1 +0110110 U.W. 1 +0110110 Sabia 1 +0110110 Motoko 1 +0110110 Cigdem 1 +0110110 Atanas 1 +0110110 ACTORS 1 +0110110 Aidan 1 +0110110 Tink 1 +0110110 Urbaldo 1 +0110110 Strikeback-founder 1 +0110110 moun 1 +0110110 R&K 1 +0110110 Dellora 1 +0110110 Trouble-shooter 1 +0110110 Pitty 1 +0110110 Jubali 1 +0110110 Give-'em-hell 1 +0110110 Alija 1 +0110110 Elda 1 +0110110 Antonietta 1 +0110110 Rondi 1 +0110110 Hirohiko 1 +0110110 Norikazu 1 +0110110 Dalgaberto 1 +0110110 prosecutor-general 1 +0110110 Tabbie 1 +0110110 Julianna 1 +0110110 Torg 1 +0110110 Goven 1 +0110110 Sultana 1 +0110110 Kindra 1 +0110110 Nelie 1 +0110110 challege 1 +0110110 Yoshihiko 1 +0110110 Bayrische 1 +0110110 Lionte 1 +0110110 Sadam 1 +0110110 Third-placer 1 +0110110 Runnerup 1 +0110110 pre-judge 1 +0110110 Imran 1 +0110110 Yasumoto 1 +0110110 Yogan 1 +0110110 Francisque 1 +0110110 Salvator 1 +0110110 Valtr 1 +0110110 Sheril 1 +0110110 Saisho 1 +0110110 206-pound 1 +0110110 O.L. 1 +0110110 Annbrit 1 +0110110 Lissy 1 +0110110 Migalina 1 +0110110 Karl-Eduard 1 +0110110 deflowers 1 +0110110 Soonthon 1 +0110110 Neelan 1 +0110110 Gilberte 1 +0110110 Laboratorios 1 +0110110 Efrain 1 +0110110 Emi 1 +0110110 Abdul-Wahed 1 +0110110 Carol-Linnea 1 +0110110 President-Elect 1 +0110110 Pierluigi 1 +0110110 light-haired 1 +0110110 Valerii 1 +0110110 Shigeho 1 +0110110 Ryusei 1 +0110110 Lilliam 1 +0110110 Clain 1 +0110110 Bobi 1 +0110110 WALL-STREET 1 +0110110 Yuming 1 +0110110 Reynie 1 +0110110 T.Z. 1 +0110110 Arnita 1 +0110110 Shambhu 1 +0110110 --Shannon 1 +0110110 Vivek 1 +0110110 K.T. 1 +0110110 Houy 1 +0110110 flair-like 1 +0110110 Lyndsey 1 +0110110 Nobukazu 1 +0110110 Asif 1 +0110110 Sheelah 1 +0110110 Hidetaro 1 +0110110 Hiraku 1 +0110110 Hyla 1 +0110110 Allana 1 +0110110 Mierle 1 +0110110 Jimy 1 +0110110 Sachio 1 +0110110 Liubov 1 +0110110 Presidentelect 1 +0110110 Ramini 1 +0110110 Kentaro 1 +0110110 Hironori 1 +0110110 Ved 1 +0110110 Damid 1 +0110110 Nona 1 +0110110 Hikonobu 1 +0110110 Tomiaki 1 +0110110 Risa 1 +0110110 Glyndell 1 +0110110 225-lawyer 1 +0110110 Toyoaki 1 +0110110 Joethelia 1 +0110110 Satchel 1 +0110110 Balwan 1 +0110110 Niall 1 +0110110 Kayitan 1 +0110110 Sahib 1 +0110110 Chao-Yuan 1 +0110110 Rakeh 1 +0110110 Takaki 1 +0110110 Simas 1 +0110110 Corrin 1 +0110110 Z.D. 1 +0110110 Caryle 1 +0110110 Leonary 1 +0110110 Sanae 1 +0110110 Masaka 1 +0110110 Hillard 1 +0110110 Akihiko 1 +0110110 Lamis 1 +0110110 Yunha 1 +0110110 Takenori 1 +0110110 Commissoner 1 +0110110 Pro-Business 1 +0110110 Encarnacion 1 +0110110 Aghelos 1 +0110110 Konstantinos 1 +0110110 Ryujiro 1 +0110110 Yumi 1 +0110110 Dory 1 +0110110 Izzie 1 +0110110 Rasmi 1 +0110110 Dimitrios 1 +0110110 Treg 1 +0110110 Friz 1 +0110110 Cardiologist 1 +0110110 Theana 1 +0110110 Hacob 1 +0110110 Palmira 1 +0110110 Malcome 1 +0110110 Peterlowford 1 +0110110 Leydell 1 +0110110 Mazie 1 +0110110 Hial 1 +0110110 Yoshihide 1 +0110110 Adelbert 1 +0110110 Yonosuke 1 +0110110 Gadi 1 +0110110 Konstatin 1 +0110110 Ival 1 +0110110 Lito 1 +0110110 Andrenor 1 +0110110 Shimao 1 +0110110 Meridel 1 +0110110 Ou-Yang 1 +0110110 Shigebumi 1 +0110110 Emyl 1 +0110110 440,500 1 +0110110 Ranjit 1 +0110110 Matsuyo 1 +0110110 Kamwanna 1 +0110110 L&S 1 +0110110 Gotaas 1 +0110110 runningmate 1 +0110110 popster 1 +0110110 Brahim 1 +0110110 Sudhir 1 +0110110 Harbir 1 +0110110 Yasufumi 1 +0110110 Reiny 1 +0110110 Vishu 1 +0110110 Frederina 1 +0110110 Roedad 1 +0110110 Takumi 1 +0110110 market-researcher 1 +0110110 Twentieth-Century 1 +0110110 Sauveur 1 +0110110 acov 1 +0110110 Atilio 1 +0110110 MaryAnn 1 +0110110 Anant 1 +0110110 Torakichi 1 +0110110 Kazuro 1 +0110110 Pruitt- 1 +0110110 Deedar 1 +0110110 Milovan 1 +0110110 Pavlusko 1 +0110110 Tanja 1 +0110110 H-P-no 1 +0110110 Abdul-Kadir 1 +0110110 Azzedine 1 +0110110 '39 1 +0110110 Suis 1 +0110110 Dankmar 1 +0110110 Katsuji 1 +0110110 Zalin 1 +0110110 Strahinja 1 +0110110 Naresh 1 +0110110 Sakip 1 +0110110 437,100 1 +0110110 Danitra 1 +0110110 Ioanna 1 +0110110 Karine 1 +0110110 Cirilo 1 +0110110 Neile 1 +0110110 Jarel 1 +0110110 Reina 1 +0110110 Efrem 1 +0110110 Tekeuchi 1 +0110110 Andulio 1 +0110110 Tuxtla 1 +0110110 Alena 1 +0110110 Perri 1 +0110110 Zerilda 1 +0110110 Behnam 1 +0110110 Grantland 1 +0110110 Gondolier 1 +0110110 Hirotsugo 1 +0110110 Prosenjit 1 +0110110 Saleem 1 +0110110 Paulino 1 +0110110 Aline 1 +0110110 Thermoproof 1 +0110110 Mose 1 +0110110 Joachim-Ernst 1 +0110110 Amadou-Mahtar 1 +0110110 Knut 1 +0110110 Betty-Jo 1 +0110110 Edelburg 1 +0110110 Bernard-Henri 1 +0110110 Wicleffe 1 +0110110 Jyotindra 1 +0110110 Promila 1 +0110110 Trudi 1 +0110110 Zoanne 1 +0110110 Fitler 1 +0110110 VADM 1 +0110110 Kitley 1 +0110110 Hartsell 1 +0110110 Megawati 1 +0110110 Theophile 1 +0110110 Balwant 1 +0110110 Siddhartha 1 +0110110 Dragomir 1 +0110110 Reidar 1 +0110110 Ebrahaim 1 +0110110 Molefi 1 +0110110 Kimio 1 +0110110 Yorum 1 +0110110 Morimasa 1 +0110110 Nassos 1 +0110110 Aspara 1 +0110110 Romelia 1 +0110110 Tammi 1 +0110110 Nynke 1 +0110110 Yukihiko 1 +0110110 Bretta 1 +0110110 4339 1 +0110110 Bodley 1 +0110110 Julisz 1 +0110110 Taryn 1 +0110110 Isobel 1 +0110110 Yuet 1 +0110110 Naoko 1 +0110110 Resurreccion 1 +0110110 Josiane 1 +0110110 Shunjiro 1 +0110110 Davida 1 +0110110 Jelon 1 +0110110 Shopco 1 +0110110 Masaji 1 +0110110 Ottokar 1 +0110110 Cetus-Ben 1 +0110110 Abdulhadi 1 +0110110 18700 1 +0110110 Sharlyne 1 +0110110 Berenice 1 +0110110 Marylee 1 +0110110 Makuto 1 +0110110 Khosrow 1 +0110110 Machesney 1 +0110110 O.W. 1 +0110110 Augmenting 1 +0110110 -Mimi 1 +0110110 Clovis 1 +0110110 Argentina-Obdulio 1 +0110110 Margalith 1 +0110110 Eladio 1 +0110110 Dusan 1 +0110110 Miran 1 +0110110 Shyamala 1 +0110110 Loll 1 +0110110 Tor 1 +0110110 Edwarde 1 +0110110 Mayin 1 +0110110 Satya 1 +0110110 Micihiko 1 +0110110 J.Y.M. 1 +0110110 Collister 1 +0110110 Ernestine 1 +0110110 Pendrick 1 +0110110 Monidip 1 +0110110 dans 1 +0110110 Holkema 1 +0110110 Volkmar 1 +0110110 Alyn 1 +0110110 Tetsuji 1 +0110110 Kenjiro 1 +0110110 Mitsukuni 1 +0110110 Odfjell 1 +0110110 Heidruin 1 +0110110 6,039 1 +0110110 Houry 1 +0110110 Rosalio 1 +0110110 Ardyce 1 +0110110 Mogens 1 +0110110 Cathernie 1 +0110110 Fasil 1 +0110110 Jef 1 +0110110 Aideen 1 +0110110 Guy-Jean 1 +0110110 Zdislaw 1 +0110110 Genovena 1 +0110110 Hidekichi 1 +0110110 A.J.C. 1 +0110110 Efrim 1 +0110110 Mkt 1 +0110110 Tameka 1 +0110110 Nehl 1 +0110110 Yann 1 +0110110 Karpal 1 +0110110 Zino 1 +0110110 --Robert 1 +0110110 parar 1 +0110110 Concessa 1 +0110110 Emogene 1 +0110110 Hashiro 1 +0110110 Crayon-maker 1 +0110110 tenant-managed 1 +0110110 Katsuro 1 +0110110 Myung-Sik 1 +0110110 Jemy 1 +0110110 Nan-Yao 1 +0110110 Annamarie 1 +0110110 Shigeka 1 +0110110 Felipa 1 +0110110 Sholom 1 +0110110 Ranganath 1 +0110110 Hushang 1 +0110110 capitalist-tool 1 +0110110 Neelie 1 +0110110 Asker 1 +0110110 Norlando 1 +0110110 near-naked 1 +0110110 Good-old-boy 1 +0110110 230-pound 1 +0110110 Larraine 1 +0110110 Hiroshe 1 +0110110 Simba 1 +0110110 Boniface 1 +0110110 Verdon 1 +0110110 Dalip 1 +0110110 Delphine 1 +0110110 Katheryn 1 +0110110 Jungi 1 +0110110 Bolanie 1 +0110110 Guitty 1 +0110110 Hulusi 1 +0110110 Halit 1 +0110110 Rausher 1 +0110110 Sune 1 +0110110 Matteo 1 +0110110 Reimar 1 +0110110 Lyda 1 +0110110 Dalsukhbhai 1 +0110110 then-alderman 1 +0110110 Rika 1 +0110110 Atsutake 1 +0110110 Kosaku 1 +0110110 Aart 1 +0110110 303,602 1 +0110110 Carrole 1 +0110110 Carmack 1 +0110110 Hamdija 1 +0110110 Emanual 1 +0110110 Nehama 1 +0110110 Azuma 1 +0110110 Virg 1 +0110110 Hidenobu 1 +0110110 Theodeor 1 +0110110 Taiji 1 +0110110 Gorriaran 1 +0110110 Tarik 1 +0110110 Chitosei 1 +0110110 Gumercindo 1 +0110110 Joellyn 1 +0110110 Rennell 1 +0110110 N.S. 1 +0110110 Dusko 1 +0110110 Gerri 1 +0110110 Milanko 1 +0110110 Yusaku 1 +0110110 Beaird-Poulan/ 1 +0110110 Fawzy 1 +0110110 Sprechen 1 +0110110 Zenaida 1 +0110110 I.P. 1 +0110110 Maryjo 1 +0110110 Joseph-Daniel 1 +0110110 Capitalist-minded 1 +0110110 M.E. 1 +0110110 M.T. 1 +0110110 N.J.based-Jack 1 +0110110 Cleanth 1 +0110110 Shojiro 1 +0110110 Jean-Roch 1 +0110110 S.B 1 +0110110 Miloanne 1 +0110110 Alissa 1 +0110110 Arjen 1 +0110110 Governor-elect 1 +0110110 Csaba 1 +0110110 Keigi 1 +0110110 Hement 1 +0110110 Idalee 1 +0110110 Shabtai 1 +0110110 LaDonna 1 +0110110 JeanMarie 1 +0110110 Ludmila 1 +0110110 Trigve 1 +0110110 Borje 1 +0110110 Jonna 1 +0110110 Tameaki 1 +0110110 Duayne 1 +0110110 euologized 1 +0110110 Gaetan 1 +0110110 Jeromir 1 +0110110 Acquisition-hungry 1 +0110110 Keijiro 1 +0110110 Maurits 1 +0110110 Starters 1 +0110110 Macel 1 +0110110 Vasili 1 +0110110 Tohri 1 +0110110 Sture 1 +0110110 393,400 1 +0110110 Karlyn 1 +0110110 Nazia 1 +0110110 Zeyda 1 +0110110 Sharadhumar 1 +0110110 Tichi 1 +0110110 Torbjoern 1 +0110110 Mwajabu 1 +0110110 Cleopa 1 +0110110 Laigh 1 +0110110 Jaleel 1 +0110110 President-to-be 1 +0110110 Craton 1 +0110110 Naoyoshi 1 +0110110 Ronal 1 +0110110 Stephany 1 +0110110 Leeam 1 +0110110 Sanat 1 +0110110 Dorothee 1 +0110110 Reszo 1 +0110110 Chizuko 1 +0110110 Duma 1 +0110110 khona 1 +0110110 new-hero 1 +0110110 1966-winner 1 +0110110 I.L. 1 +0110110 38-lawyer 1 +0110110 Predrag 1 +0110110 Ryne 1 +0110110 Omus 1 +0110110 Leiv 1 +0110110 Motofumi 1 +0110110 Mineko 1 +0110110 Giorgos 1 +0110110 Widikind 1 +0110110 Bradlyn 1 +0110110 Lynnette 1 +0110110 Gedrus 1 +0110110 4100 1 +0110110 Marlyn 1 +0110110 Chard 1 +0110110 Aggrey 1 +0110110 Kimitoshi 1 +0110110 Lezek 1 +0110110 Skeet 1 +0110110 Ataman 1 +0110110 Strobe 1 +0110110 Tamami 1 +0110110 Laris 1 +0110110 Contraves 1 +0110110 Nikitas 1 +0110110 Sappho 1 +0110110 Gianbattista 1 +0110110 Lezlie 1 +0110110 Jaafar 1 +0110110 Wirt 1 +0110110 Roelof 1 +0110110 Cinders 1 +0110110 Syuichi 1 +0110110 Stephania 1 +0110110 Friedrun 1 +0110110 Warland 1 +0110110 Sukanto 1 +0110110 Ennius 1 +0110110 Karl-Hermann 1 +0110110 Aedan 1 +0110110 Phileas 1 +0110110 Koichiro 1 +0110110 Geula 1 +0110110 Taku 1 +0110110 Babaloo 1 +0110110 Zillah 1 +0110110 Toots 1 +0110110 Friederick 1 +0110110 Ismanto 1 +0110110 Craf 1 +0110110 Kathyann 1 +0110110 Geri 1 +0110110 Klaus-Christian 1 +0110110 Phylicia 1 +0110110 Althea 1 +0110110 Cicely 1 +0110110 Deloris 1 +0110110 coronate 1 +0110110 Atalanta/ 1 +0110110 Kamini 1 +0110110 Takahide 1 +0110110 Gersham 1 +0110110 Lajuana 1 +0110110 Miep 1 +0110110 Dhananjay 1 +0110110 Nyameka 1 +0110110 Eula 1 +0110110 Hylton 1 +0110110 Derl 1 +0110110 Michaele 1 +0110110 thinning-haired 1 +0110110 Attie 1 +0110110 Tajir 1 +0110110 Trey 1 +0110110 65-lawyer 1 +0110110 Vel 1 +0110110 Bambang 1 +0110110 Asep 1 +0110110 Padmo 1 +0110110 Karyn 1 +0110110 --Dick 1 +0110110 --Rodney 1 +0110110 Itsie 1 +0110110 Koloman 1 +0110110 Haitham 1 +0110110 Kochi 1 +0110110 Curnick 1 +0110110 Rockie 1 +0110110 Nahoko 1 +0110110 Sadako 1 +0110110 Lemuel 1 +0110110 Cokie 1 +0110110 Carlean 1 +0110110 Rahul 1 +0110110 Shmuel 1 +0110110 Toshiichi 1 +0110110 Tomosuke 1 +0110110 Spierer 1 +0110110 Detloff 1 +0110110 PRESSURING 1 +0110110 Masoud 1 +0110110 Uldis 1 +0110110 Gerold 1 +0110110 Teruaki 1 +0110110 Mersud 1 +0110110 Laraine 1 +0110110 Pierre-Marc 1 +0110110 Mayumi 1 +0110110 Giambattista 1 +0110110 Once-publicity-shy 1 +0110110 Lonn 1 +0110110 Riaz 1 +0110110 Toshikatsu 1 +0110110 Mimmo 1 +0110110 Sohrab 1 +0110110 Gheorghe 1 +0110110 Netty 1 +0110110 Timna 1 +0110110 Rusdu 1 +0110110 Trini 1 +0110110 Amalfi 1 +0110110 Dairl 1 +0110110 Francie 1 +0110110 Y.S. 1 +0110110 Tira 1 +0110110 Kul 1 +0110110 Greenall 1 +0110110 Eloy 1 +0110110 Tanni 1 +0110110 Eijiro 1 +0110110 Zaha 1 +0110110 Bostonbased 1 +0110110 Jen 1 +0110110 Rodgrigo 1 +0110110 Matej 1 +0110110 Thoru 1 +0110110 U.R. 1 +0110110 Christen 1 +0110110 Aljedrando 1 +0110110 Lancellott 1 +0110110 Besin 1 +0110110 Unal 1 +0110110 Ritasue 1 +0110110 Indiana-grad 1 +0110110 Amatsia 1 +0110110 Lief 1 +0110110 Bahram 1 +0110110 Manouchehr 1 +0110110 Sargon 1 +0110110 Hamideh 1 +0110110 Akito 1 +0110110 Wilmat 1 +0110110 Francois-Emile 1 +0110110 Kourosh 1 +0110110 Inaugurates 1 +0110110 Maisie 1 +0110110 Takayuki 1 +0110110 Katsuyuki 1 +0110110 Shouichiro 1 +0110110 Sherbaz 1 +0110110 Mahbubul 1 +0110110 Chelsfield 1 +0110110 Chiharu 1 +0110110 Takeharu 1 +0110110 Kymberly 1 +0110110 Daws 1 +0110110 Nanette 1 +0110110 Maribeth 1 +0110110 Avigdor 1 +0110110 eb 1 +0110110 Adella 1 +0110110 Wali 1 +0110110 Fazlur 1 +0110110 Werter 1 +0110110 Fatimata 1 +0110110 Sisu 1 +0110110 Damrosch 1 +0110110 Chelle 1 +0110110 Bubber 1 +0110110 Bharati 1 +0110110 Hailu 1 +0110110 Mortezar 1 +0110110 Sylvio 1 +0110110 Narendra 1 +0110110 Venerina 1 +0110110 Kusu 1 +0110110 M/I 1 +0110110 Winda 1 +0110110 Lupe 1 +0110110 Kuniko 1 +0110110 Raed 1 +0110110 Varuzhian 1 +0110110 Sadoun 1 +0110110 Anat 1 +0110110 Shigemi 1 +0110110 Woodie 1 +0110110 Ernst-Moritz 1 +0110110 Harrel 1 +0110110 Butros 1 +0110110 Shigeji 1 +0110110 Nanzi 1 +0110110 Elberton 1 +0110110 ASIDE 1 +0110110 Osra 1 +0110110 Cheikh 1 +0110110 Yazid 1 +0110110 precise-spoken 1 +0110110 Karrie 1 +0110110 Auditor-General 1 +0110110 Voit 1 +0110110 Klaus-Jurgen 1 +0110110 Marz 1 +0110110 Maeve 1 +0110110 Reconsidering 1 +0110110 Dirkie 1 +0110110 once-solid 1 +0110110 Andee 1 +0110110 Gemiyah 1 +0110110 Kristi 1 +0110110 Frayda 1 +0110110 Altynai 1 +0110110 Farukh 1 +0110110 Gibraltar-based 1 +0110110 Shahram 1 +0110110 Eleonore 1 +0110110 Toerstein 1 +0110110 I.F. 1 +0110110 Kenyatta 1 +0110110 Lallois 1 +0110110 Linetta 1 +0110110 Tanemichi 1 +0110110 Margaret-Anne 1 +0110110 Olya 1 +0110110 Rohit 1 +0110110 trovato 1 +0110110 Kennywood 1 +0110110 Artiem 1 +0110110 Mihalis 1 +0110110 Thanassis 1 +0110110 Sinikka 1 +0110110 Sumie 1 +0110110 1987-Henry 1 +0110110 Murilo 1 +0110110 ghost-memoirist 1 +0110110 Eisako 1 +0110110 Gerdy 1 +0110110 Abeille-Paix 1 +0110110 Rita-Sue 1 +0110110 Lisa-Marie 1 +0110110 Alben 1 +0110110 Mitsutoshi 1 +0110110 Saharnouz 1 +0110110 Marie-Josee 1 +0110110 Neala 1 +0110110 Katsuyoshi 2 +0110110 Ferdinando 2 +0110110 G.E.R. 2 +0110110 A.N. 2 +0110110 Ulan 2 +0110110 Neelam 2 +0110110 Urvashi 2 +0110110 Mitsuko 2 +0110110 Leonore 2 +0110110 Haydar 2 +0110110 B.W.H. 2 +0110110 Kazuyuki 2 +0110110 Shelia 2 +0110110 Yuki 2 +0110110 Atsuko 2 +0110110 Nobuyasu 2 +0110110 Baaron 2 +0110110 Jean-Guy 2 +0110110 Christiev 2 +0110110 Thyra 2 +0110110 Carolee 2 +0110110 Firoze 2 +0110110 Gayland 2 +0110110 Aiden 2 +0110110 Mory 2 +0110110 Abdelhadi 2 +0110110 Mitsuro 2 +0110110 Kazie 2 +0110110 M.I. 2 +0110110 Adrien 2 +0110110 FAWN 2 +0110110 Shatterproof 2 +0110110 Wonjerika 2 +0110110 Fikret 2 +0110110 Elayne 2 +0110110 Yoshinari 2 +0110110 Naokazu 2 +0110110 Soichi 2 +0110110 Sig 2 +0110110 Denzil 2 +0110110 Karakian 2 +0110110 Darci 2 +0110110 Hiroyoshi 2 +0110110 Dita 2 +0110110 Gatsha 2 +0110110 Nedis 2 +0110110 Takamori 2 +0110110 Ghena 2 +0110110 Annelise 2 +0110110 Bunji 2 +0110110 Hironobu 2 +0110110 Derick 2 +0110110 Madis 2 +0110110 Yossef 2 +0110110 W.V. 2 +0110110 Kartal 2 +0110110 Industriebank 2 +0110110 Jorg 2 +0110110 Norimoto 2 +0110110 Kyo 2 +0110110 Jacopo 2 +0110110 Egil 2 +0110110 Liviel 2 +0110110 Cassim 2 +0110110 Genjiro 2 +0110110 Jean-Patrick 2 +0110110 Kazumasa 2 +0110110 Dhana 2 +0110110 Alphonso 2 +0110110 Arni 2 +0110110 Thea 2 +0110110 Toshihide 2 +0110110 Nicomedes 2 +0110110 Gliceria 2 +0110110 Hans-Dieter 2 +0110110 Angelita 2 +0110110 Teruko 2 +0110110 Jorma 2 +0110110 Hidero 2 +0110110 K.S. 2 +0110110 Koeks 2 +0110110 Trisha 2 +0110110 Orlo 2 +0110110 Ayhan 2 +0110110 Dadan 2 +0110110 Icaro 2 +0110110 Takamasa 2 +0110110 Yoshindo 2 +0110110 Aviva 2 +0110110 S.M. 2 +0110110 Zedie 2 +0110110 Zdzislaw 2 +0110110 D.E. 2 +0110110 Setrag 2 +0110110 Nanci 2 +0110110 Leanne 2 +0110110 Shlomo 2 +0110110 Imtaiz 2 +0110110 Ferenc 2 +0110110 Kazuhiro 2 +0110110 Zwelakhe 2 +0110110 Ola 2 +0110110 Tsuruo 2 +0110110 Kunihiko 2 +0110110 Tomoshige 2 +0110110 Wai 2 +0110110 Riki 2 +0110110 Jethro 2 +0110110 Valarie 2 +0110110 Nario 2 +0110110 Ryozo 2 +0110110 Marie-Denise 2 +0110110 Graziella 2 +0110110 Yoshiyasu 2 +0110110 Hideyo 2 +0110110 Nikolay 2 +0110110 Serafina 2 +0110110 Dorcey 2 +0110110 Abdelsallam 2 +0110110 Justine 2 +0110110 Oded 2 +0110110 Vipin 2 +0110110 Srully 2 +0110110 J.O. 2 +0110110 Hirokazu 2 +0110110 W.D. 2 +0110110 Kuniyasu 2 +0110110 Riddick 2 +0110110 Gianna 2 +0110110 Def 2 +0110110 Devra 2 +0110110 Cabanne 2 +0110110 Imogen 2 +0110110 Yacoub 2 +0110110 Garet 2 +0110110 F.L. 2 +0110110 Costandi 2 +0110110 Toshi 2 +0110110 Nochum 2 +0110110 Zalman 2 +0110110 Petrika 2 +0110110 Tadd 2 +0110110 Rufino 2 +0110110 Floretta 2 +0110110 G.W.W. 2 +0110110 Andree 2 +0110110 Seisuke 2 +0110110 Yasukazu 2 +0110110 Shuhei 2 +0110110 Bennie 2 +0110110 Ken-Ichi 2 +0110110 Romy 2 +0110110 W.K. 2 +0110110 Dasan 2 +0110110 Caryn 2 +0110110 Kazuaki 2 +0110110 Bronwen 2 +0110110 Judit 2 +0110110 Beurt 2 +0110110 Sofonias 2 +0110110 Thelonious 2 +0110110 Arther 2 +0110110 Dermot 2 +0110110 Edd 2 +0110110 Antonino 2 +0110110 Sachiko 2 +0110110 Bethann 2 +0110110 Mary-Liz 2 +0110110 Jalong 2 +0110110 Marcin 2 +0110110 Marianna 3 +0110110 Alexandr 3 +0110110 Hiroki 3 +0110110 Merlyn 3 +0110110 Zoe 3 +0110110 Junko 3 +0110110 Neptali 3 +0110110 Goeran 3 +0110110 Jin-Shung 3 +0110110 Birgit 3 +0110110 Django 3 +0110110 Nobutoshi 3 +0110110 Persio 3 +0110110 Tadao 3 +0110110 Arpad 3 +0110110 Stephane 3 +0110110 Daniela 3 +0110110 Eishiro 3 +0110110 Yoshiko 3 +0110110 Isaias 3 +0110110 Chiaki 3 +0110110 Jeanetta 3 +0110110 Yoshiji 3 +0110110 Nobuhiko 3 +0110110 Shunsuke 3 +0110110 Rokuro 3 +0110110 Gaylen 3 +0110110 Mila 3 +0110110 Arun 3 +0110110 Severina 3 +0110110 Geidar 3 +0110110 Swoosie 3 +0110110 Vartan 3 +0110110 K.Y. 3 +0110110 Aprile 3 +0110110 Tatsuro 3 +0110110 Nobumitsu 3 +0110110 Ikkan 3 +0110110 Tommaso 3 +0110110 Toyoharu 3 +0110110 Teruhisa 3 +0110110 Rosemarie 3 +0110110 Kyoko 3 +0110110 Six-year-old 3 +0110110 Harunori 3 +0110110 Deirdre 3 +0110110 Yasuhiko 3 +0110110 Shoshana 3 +0110110 Janharm 3 +0110110 Wilf 3 +0110110 Giampiero 3 +0110110 Benita 3 +0110110 Tyne 3 +0110110 Wataru 3 +0110110 Shari 3 +0110110 Norimasa 3 +0110110 Dorothea 3 +0110110 Ermanno 3 +0110110 Praveen 3 +0110110 Pinchas 3 +0110110 Gotthilf 3 +0110110 Feliks 3 +0110110 Satur 3 +0110110 Rashed 3 +0110110 Safi 3 +0110110 Gulbuddin 3 +0110110 Andrej 3 +0110110 Ta 3 +0110110 Jeri 3 +0110110 Georgene 3 +0110110 Bahar 3 +0110110 Jose-Luis 3 +0110110 Lennard 3 +0110110 Jaacov 3 +0110110 Toshiko 3 +0110110 Karole 3 +0110110 Noberto 3 +0110110 Teena 3 +0110110 Rigoberto 3 +0110110 Catalino 3 +0110110 Arjay 3 +0110110 Hisako 3 +0110110 Gigi 3 +0110110 Kiran 3 +0110110 Ariyoshi 3 +0110110 Rotraut 3 +0110110 Yoshitaka 3 +0110110 Johsen 3 +0110110 Gouverneur 3 +0110110 Cabreo 3 +0110110 Lyudmila 3 +0110110 Shinji 4 +0110110 Snooty 4 +0110110 L.W. 4 +0110110 Rosabeth 4 +0110110 Derk 4 +0110110 Jaak 4 +0110110 Gwyn 4 +0110110 Nobuhiro 4 +0110110 Ayako 4 +0110110 Jiro 4 +0110110 Kensuke 4 +0110110 Haruhiko 4 +0110110 Yoshinobu 4 +0110110 Seiichi 4 +0110110 Marj 4 +0110110 Takuro 4 +0110110 ipso 4 +0110110 Morty 4 +0110110 Tad 4 +0110110 RitaSue 4 +0110110 Hiroko 4 +0110110 Nariman 4 +0110110 Waltraud 4 +0110110 Hisamichi 4 +0110110 Sherri 4 +0110110 Tomomitsu 4 +0110110 Alfre 4 +0110110 Henny 4 +0110110 Moira 4 +0110110 Goro 4 +0110110 Lora 4 +0110110 Kokichi 4 +0110110 Manoucher 4 +0110110 Jeannine 4 +0110110 Helgi 4 +0110110 T.D. 4 +0110110 M.M. 4 +0110110 Shuichi 4 +0110110 Ib 4 +0110110 Hei 4 +0110110 Allanna 4 +0110110 Yoh 4 +0110110 W.P. 4 +0110110 Shirgeru 4 +0110110 Wynand 4 +0110110 Matti 4 +0110110 Hanae 4 +0110110 Berthold 4 +0110110 Yasushi 4 +0110110 Katsuya 5 +0110110 Karl-Erik 5 +0110110 Seijiro 5 +0110110 Arnab 5 +0110110 Motoi 5 +0110110 Yuichi 5 +0110110 Joichi 5 +0110110 Armond 5 +0110110 Tamotsu 5 +0110110 Yuji 5 +0110110 Angelina 5 +0110110 Fereydon 5 +0110110 Aloys 5 +0110110 Toshiaki 5 +0110110 Kozo 5 +0110110 Ingenio 5 +0110110 Tatsuo 5 +0110110 Mitsuru 5 +0110110 Marybeth 5 +0110110 Erdal 5 +0110110 Yoshiyuki 5 +0110110 Theodor 5 +0110110 Ulf 5 +0110110 Aharon 5 +0110110 Eliza 5 +0110110 Ilona 5 +0110110 Pratap 5 +0110110 K.F. 5 +0110110 Clem 5 +0110110 Arlon 5 +0110110 Zohar 6 +0110110 Enno 6 +0110110 Domenic 6 +0110110 Ivor 6 +0110110 M.R. 6 +0110110 Yumiko 6 +0110110 Udayan 6 +0110110 Norio 6 +0110110 Vixen 6 +0110110 Yusuke 6 +0110110 Kaoru 6 +0110110 Ryuzo 6 +0110110 Mstislav 6 +0110110 Harve 6 +0110110 Mirella 7 +0110110 DuWayne 7 +0110110 Masami 7 +0110110 Eishi 7 +0110110 Vahid 7 +0110110 Shigekuni 7 +0110110 Ruam 7 +0110110 Yaacov 7 +0110110 Stockard 7 +0110110 O.J. 7 +0110110 Hiromasa 7 +0110110 R.K. 7 +0110110 mr. 7 +0110110 Ibn 7 +0110110 Katsumi 7 +0110110 Mariette 7 +0110110 Magneti 7 +0110110 Brigitte 7 +0110110 Twyla 7 +0110110 Dani 8 +0110110 Jorio 8 +0110110 Kris 8 +0110110 Arie 8 +0110110 Jacquie 8 +0110110 Mushtaq 8 +0110110 Mieczyslaw 8 +0110110 Evelina 8 +0110110 Trude 8 +0110110 Arve 8 +0110110 Cybill 8 +0110110 Hitoshi 8 +0110110 Eiichi 8 +0110110 Leonel 9 +0110110 Avner 9 +0110110 Daini 9 +0110110 T.E. 9 +0110110 Hannoch 9 +0110110 Christiane 9 +0110110 Eiji 10 +0110110 MTU 10 +0110110 Yasuo 10 +0110110 Hans-Joerg 10 +0110110 Frederica 10 +0110110 Hisao 10 +0110110 S.L. 10 +0110110 Yuko 10 +0110110 Stanislas 11 +0110110 Tsuneo 11 +0110110 W.I. 12 +0110110 F.A.O. 12 +0110110 Dinsa 12 +0110110 Belkacem 12 +0110110 Jing 12 +0110110 Oleg 13 +0110110 Genghis 14 +0110110 Trygve 14 +0110110 Einar 14 +0110110 Jean-Francois 14 +0110110 Lorne 15 +0110110 Felice 15 +0110110 Tetsuo 16 +0110110 Akio 16 +0110110 Keiichi 17 +0110110 Francoise 18 +0110110 Hildegard 18 +0110110 Toyoo 19 +0110110 Masakazu 20 +0110110 Koichi 20 +0110110 Zubin 20 +0110110 Orson 21 +0110110 Placido 24 +0110110 Refaat 24 +0110110 Susumu 25 +0110110 C.R. 29 +0110110 Priscilla 33 +0110110 Norberto 36 +0110110 W.R. 177 +0110110 Nigel 263 +0110110 Bayerische 308 +0110110 Banca 348 +0110110 Dr. 4048 +0110110 Mrs. 4377 +0110110 Mr. 207594 +0110110 Ms. 8748 +011011100 Veras 1 +011011100 Kooi 1 +011011100 Mercer/Harry 1 +011011100 ricos 1 +011011100 PULLED 1 +011011100 Burns-Gracie 1 +011011100 Haniff 1 +011011100 Spinks-Gerry 1 +011011100 Claret 1 +011011100 Nader-founded 1 +011011100 Joaquina 1 +011011100 Shoop 1 +011011100 Olu 1 +011011100 Mettesheim 1 +011011100 Abdelhamid 1 +011011100 Eddin 1 +011011100 Makki 1 +011011100 Mokhtar 1 +011011100 Junipero 1 +011011100 Jawad 1 +011011100 Camerine 1 +011011100 Ramage 1 +011011100 Ud 1 +011011100 Jorgen 1 +011011100 Sigifredo 1 +011011100 Arditas 1 +011011100 North-Brendan 1 +011011100 al-Abdulla 1 +011011100 Goldberg/Lily 1 +011011100 clown/dancer/mime 1 +011011100 Ruffo 1 +011011100 al-Ahmed 1 +011011100 Waclaw 1 +011011100 Bernert 1 +011011100 Mikailovich 1 +011011100 Calcott 1 +011011100 Acero 1 +011011100 Kounty 1 +011011100 Tyson-Robin 1 +011011100 Helms-Jerry 1 +011011100 Tarsisius 1 +011011100 Morris/Kraft/General 1 +011011100 Toinette 1 +011011100 Zurita 1 +011011100 Eldridge/Loose 1 +011011100 Clerc 1 +011011100 Hashin 1 +011011100 Vissaronovich 1 +011011100 Haddon 1 +011011100 Astaire-Ginger 1 +011011100 shitsurei 1 +011011100 Popa 1 +011011100 Szandor 1 +011011100 Mallord 1 +011011100 Beatty-Dustin 1 +011011100 McLelland 1 +011011100 Dagnino 1 +011011100 Geovanna 1 +011011100 Freiherr 1 +011011100 Nunn-Chuck 1 +011011100 Prawer 1 +011011100 Granberry 1 +011011100 Fergusonesque 1 +011011100 Dacres 1 +011011100 Hearns-James 1 +011011100 Minuth 1 +011011100 Bux 1 +011011100 Rivero 1 +011011100 Spinks-Mike 1 +011011100 Esquius 1 +011011100 Leiland 1 +011011100 Hiromu 1 +011011100 Steinberg-controlled 1 +011011100 McEnroe-Jimmy 1 +011011100 Arsht 1 +011011100 Yaseen 1 +011011100 Khadr 1 +011011100 Salaheddin 1 +011011100 Poulos 1 +011011100 Guyla 1 +011011100 Diables 1 +011011100 Bachir 1 +011011100 Stillson 1 +011011100 Fentener 1 +011011100 Igrejas 1 +011011100 Calbraith 1 +011011100 Weil-Garris 1 +011011100 Hope-Bing 1 +011011100 Lel 1 +011011100 Auli 1 +011011100 fein 1 +011011100 Smith-Ross 1 +011011100 Chavira 1 +011011100 Monroe. 1 +011011100 Barrajas 1 +011011100 MaGregor 1 +011011100 Vorder 1 +011011100 Bhabani 1 +011011100 Aleksandrovich 1 +011011100 Geovanni 1 +011011100 Tyson-Trevor 1 +011011100 Clogston 1 +011011100 Beaux. 1 +011011100 Holl 1 +011011100 Cercone 1 +011011100 Sive 1 +011011100 Saraiva 1 +011011100 Sarit 1 +011011100 Reni. 1 +011011100 Kapalekilahao 1 +011011100 Jacob/Beth 1 +011011100 Maclay 1 +011011100 Greenspan-led 1 +011011100 Stack/Eliot 1 +011011100 Cottin 1 +011011100 Palma-David 1 +011011100 Gaddy 1 +011011100 Higueras 1 +011011100 Kaizan 1 +011011100 Shalispin. 1 +011011100 F.U. 1 +011011100 Raheemm 1 +011011100 Velspa 1 +011011100 Amerine 1 +011011100 Barranco 1 +011011100 Dole-George 1 +011011100 Hidro 1 +011011100 Avilar 1 +011011100 Harlemm 1 +011011100 Kloevedal 1 +011011100 Alvero 1 +011011100 Savar 1 +011011100 V.W. 1 +011011100 Eletra 1 +011011100 Hall-Steinberg 1 +011011100 Sou 1 +011011100 Ryu 1 +011011100 Bhawani 1 +011011100 Toribin 1 +011011100 Chitoshi 1 +011011100 Schwengel 1 +011011100 Jessy 1 +011011100 Flahertie 1 +011011100 Retano 1 +011011100 Siad 1 +011011100 Bevers 1 +011011100 Kyros 1 +011011100 McVacy 1 +011011100 Money-Judgments 1 +011011100 Weinlader 1 +011011100 Mollegen 1 +011011100 Chik 1 +011011100 Macklowe 1 +011011100 Ferst 1 +011011100 Sau-Ki 1 +011011100 Tanzman 1 +011011100 Pavolvich 1 +011011100 Davalos 1 +011011100 Velline 1 +011011100 Lynfield 1 +011011100 Lynise 1 +011011100 Maiz 1 +011011100 Azeglio 1 +011011100 Dobrish 1 +011011100 Kiyohide 1 +011011100 Porter. 1 +011011100 Irigoyen 1 +011011100 Dibble 1 +011011100 Doubilet. 1 +011011100 Barran 1 +011011100 Timofeyevich 1 +011011100 Rather/George 1 +011011100 Tomsits 1 +011011100 Browing 1 +011011100 Garrote 1 +011011100 Sybilla 1 +011011100 Maler 1 +011011100 VIII/ 1 +011011100 Kasmin 1 +011011100 Ellena 1 +011011100 Cichan 1 +011011100 Granados 1 +011011100 Canape 1 +011011100 Dy 1 +011011100 Kless 1 +011011100 Magill 1 +011011100 Alemany 1 +011011100 Hippel 1 +011011100 Gahaghan 1 +011011100 Schomaker 1 +011011100 Blaisdell 1 +011011100 Jungho 1 +011011100 Yoni 1 +011011100 Raich 1 +011011100 Cahal 1 +011011100 Internazionale 1 +011011100 Phillips/Harry 1 +011011100 Koopmans 1 +011011100 Romanee 1 +011011100 Vicent 1 +011011100 Pleasance 1 +011011100 OncoScint 1 +011011100 J.McCall 1 +011011100 Shotzberger-Sichi 1 +011011100 Curtenius 1 +011011100 Lunder 1 +011011100 Heimsath 1 +011011100 Malvenius 1 +011011100 Domeier 1 +011011100 Rogers-Dale 1 +011011100 Presidnet 1 +011011100 Micklin 1 +011011100 Lapinsky 1 +011011100 Howat 1 +011011100 Deaner 1 +011011100 Paulsel 1 +011011100 Klipper. 1 +011011100 Inocente 1 +011011100 Diers 1 +011011100 Amueda 1 +011011100 Ikuo 1 +011011100 Pesqueira 1 +011011100 AMUSEMENT 1 +011011100 Geragandi 1 +011011100 Coote 1 +011011100 Prin 1 +011011100 Ludvig 1 +011011100 Newcomb-Allen 1 +011011100 Ossawa 1 +011011100 Horwin 1 +011011100 Aleu 1 +011011100 Tyson-Michael 1 +011011100 Girardot 1 +011011100 Eamonn 1 +011011100 Tuat 1 +011011100 Rockwell-tinted 1 +011011100 Sui-Kan 1 +011011100 Ridings 1 +011011100 Reul 1 +011011100 Wright-William 1 +011011100 Rost 1 +011011100 el-Abed 1 +011011100 Elbo 1 +011011100 Doguardi 1 +011011100 Hawbaker 1 +011011100 Klehr 1 +011011100 Regan-Larry 1 +011011100 Feathergail 1 +011011100 Attarian 1 +011011100 Fischman 1 +011011100 Overbeek 1 +011011100 Montana-to-Jerry 1 +011011100 Kelne 1 +011011100 Neza 1 +011011100 Sotelo 1 +011011100 Abdel-Ali 1 +011011100 Jeung 1 +011011100 Woodley 2 +011011100 F.G. 2 +011011100 W.M. 2 +011011100 vanden 2 +011011100 Tun 2 +011011100 Raouf 2 +011011100 L.K. 2 +011011100 zur 2 +011011100 Lian 2 +011011100 Sharron 2 +011011100 Heun 2 +011011100 Leonard-Marvin 2 +011011100 C.Y. 2 +011011100 Auffenberg 2 +011011100 Milhous 2 +011011100 Ley 2 +011011100 Nour 2 +011011100 N.R. 2 +011011100 S.Y. 2 +011011100 B.M. 2 +011011100 Alim 2 +011011100 Shorenstein 2 +011011100 Terwilliger 2 +011011100 P.L. 2 +011011100 Hastie 2 +011011100 Russi 2 +011011100 Needles 2 +011011100 Rehman 2 +011011100 K.P. 2 +011011100 Neme 2 +011011100 DuRoss 2 +011011100 Konik 2 +011011100 Cooperativo 2 +011011100 Leonard-Donny 2 +011011100 Ballas 2 +011011100 delle 2 +011011100 Herrnstein 2 +011011100 Tsing 2 +011011100 Lardi 2 +011011100 B.E. 2 +011011100 Wha 2 +011011100 Halim 2 +011011100 Kilduff 2 +011011100 Southall 2 +011011100 Khasan 2 +011011100 Wyck 2 +011011100 Bra 2 +011011100 Smangaliso 2 +011011100 Krome 2 +011011100 Nesley 3 +011011100 B.W. 3 +011011100 K.J. 3 +011011100 Sirot 3 +011011100 Piasecka 3 +011011100 Huei 3 +011011100 M.N. 3 +011011100 T.F. 3 +011011100 Gilray 3 +011011100 C.O. 3 +011011100 Emlyn 3 +011011100 K.A. 3 +011011100 Mouton 3 +011011100 Amuedo 3 +011011100 Lenor 3 +011011100 Dassault-Breguet 3 +011011100 Joergen 3 +011011100 Conchita 3 +011011100 ROARED 3 +011011100 Perszyx 3 +011011100 Kreider 3 +011011100 G.L. 3 +011011100 H.S. 4 +011011100 Europe/Middle 4 +011011100 Daerr 4 +011011100 Jeong 4 +011011100 arap 4 +011011100 Ivanovich 4 +011011100 Penfield 4 +011011100 F.X. 4 +011011100 O.P. 4 +011011100 Akhbar 5 +011011100 D.G. 5 +011011100 Hatwood 5 +011011100 Ardito 5 +011011100 Delle 5 +011011100 Delfim 5 +011011100 C.T. 5 +011011100 Bashevis 5 +011011100 Pour 6 +011011100 dell' 6 +011011100 Kok 6 +011011100 Rahim 6 +011011100 Sui-Kuan 6 +011011100 Minister-designate 7 +011011100 Dos 7 +011011100 Raheem 7 +011011100 Recital 7 +011011100 Weyforth 7 +011011100 H.M. 9 +011011100 McChesney 9 +011011100 Dore 10 +011011100 Xuan 10 +011011100 Tilson 10 +011011100 dos 10 +011011100 Gurley 10 +011011100 I.J. 12 +011011100 Hens 13 +011011100 Ochs 13 +011011100 Industriali 14 +011011100 E.R. 17 +011011100 Karim 17 +011011100 C.M. 17 +011011100 J.F. 17 +011011100 Vonder 19 +011011100 Febres 21 +011011100 Abba 22 +011011100 Fiorini 24 +011011100 Akbar 24 +011011100 Khalifa 28 +011011100 C.W. 32 +011011100 Zaki 34 +011011100 X. 36 +011011100 Q. 36 +011011100 W.C. 37 +011011100 Kuan 53 +011011100 Y. 63 +011011100 Z. 67 +011011100 Kampen 69 +011011100 Josef 71 +011011100 di 87 +011011100 del 151 +011011100 da 153 +011011100 Luther 170 +011011100 Dae 252 +011011100 des 326 +011011100 d' 419 +011011100 AND 499 +011011100 V. 503 +011011100 I. 507 +011011100 O. 552 +011011100 N. 634 +011011100 K. 771 +011011100 P. 1630 +011011100 G. 1803 +011011100 T. 1806 +011011100 S. 2251 +011011100 B. 2321 +011011100 W. 2739 +011011100 H. 2866 +011011100 F. 2914 +011011100 L. 2921 +011011100 C. 3076 +011011100 M. 3282 +011011100 Minister 3455 +011011100 E. 3542 +011011100 de 3927 +011011100 A. 4321 +011011100 J. 5801 +011011101 1872-1951 1 +011011101 Dukovic 1 +011011101 Yandell 1 +011011101 Videotaping 1 +011011101 Terrian 1 +011011101 Kalmar 1 +011011101 Rehor 1 +011011101 Klinkhoff 1 +011011101 Joyal 1 +011011101 Dresner 1 +011011101 Suize 1 +011011101 Stegall 1 +011011101 Littlefon 1 +011011101 Metrulis 1 +011011101 Scollin 1 +011011101 Gabinski 1 +011011101 Hart. 1 +011011101 Ladendorff 1 +011011101 Weisbein 1 +011011101 Lapatine 1 +011011101 Moquin 1 +011011101 Wollstonecraft 1 +011011101 Kestner 1 +011011101 Fogg-Johnson 1 +011011101 Vanderpool 1 +011011101 Pottasch 1 +011011101 Samton 1 +011011101 1770-1850 1 +011011101 Seine-Martime 1 +011011101 Hearne 1 +011011101 Nicolescu 1 +011011101 Vuu 1 +011011101 Stellman 1 +011011101 Osseiran 1 +011011101 Gajan 1 +011011101 Klehs 1 +011011101 Ascuenaga 1 +011011101 Gutkoski 1 +011011101 Stalcup 1 +011011101 Yibo 1 +011011101 Steltzer 1 +011011101 Shaplen 1 +011011101 Whelpley 1 +011011101 Drotman 1 +011011101 Coronel 1 +011011101 Jalandoni 1 +011011101 Ausburn 1 +011011101 Veady 1 +011011101 Bennette 1 +011011101 Berley 1 +011011101 Khalili 1 +011011101 Rienhoff 1 +011011101 Kouros 1 +011011101 Tomochika 1 +011011101 Kaneda 1 +011011101 Renstroem 1 +011011101 Liedke 1 +011011101 Satungia 1 +011011101 Nadelhoffer 1 +011011101 Stolenburg 1 +011011101 Russenberger 1 +011011101 DelVecchio 1 +011011101 Parkel 1 +011011101 Borrelli 1 +011011101 Frerot 1 +011011101 Auque 1 +011011101 Wolsky 1 +011011101 Vaczek 1 +011011101 DeLaura 1 +011011101 Miranti 1 +011011101 Fregni 1 +011011101 Heuvelen 1 +011011101 Kodl 1 +011011101 Paternotte 1 +011011101 Dobbin 1 +011011101 Pinkert 1 +011011101 Fellouris 1 +011011101 Romatowsky 1 +011011101 Steuert 1 +011011101 Hirschy 1 +011011101 Najas 1 +011011101 Strohm 1 +011011101 Ekey 1 +011011101 DeBisschop 1 +011011101 Illegitimacy 1 +011011101 Briesch 1 +011011101 Weiss-Terbell 1 +011011101 Hagaman 1 +011011101 Windeler 1 +011011101 Ljubimov 1 +011011101 Martinson 1 +011011101 Ceidro 1 +011011101 Hitchler 1 +011011101 Ross-Munro 1 +011011101 Spilny 1 +011011101 Stafford-Clark 1 +011011101 Erola 1 +011011101 Haggens 1 +011011101 Defren 1 +011011101 Syse 1 +011011101 Levignac 1 +011011101 Lavroff 1 +011011101 Cazier 1 +011011101 Duin 1 +011011101 Gair 1 +011011101 Kirstie 1 +011011101 Armenakis 1 +011011101 Melfe 1 +011011101 Lovato 1 +011011101 1942-77 1 +011011101 Zar 1 +011011101 Woiwode 1 +011011101 Aboutboul 1 +011011101 Triner 1 +011011101 Folkes 1 +011011101 DiNuzzo 1 +011011101 Swearer 1 +011011101 Zwhalan 1 +011011101 Regazzi 1 +011011101 Lubalin 1 +011011101 Meskin 1 +011011101 Sonkin 1 +011011101 Melcer 1 +011011101 Kleypas 1 +011011101 Manolikakis 1 +011011101 Askey 1 +011011101 Schmicker 1 +011011101 Wiessmann 1 +011011101 Mindt 1 +011011101 Corbyn 1 +011011101 Hettema 1 +011011101 Boylen 1 +011011101 Gonsalves 1 +011011101 Frankenberg 1 +011011101 Melinsky 1 +011011101 Soraparu 1 +011011101 Michanowicz 1 +011011101 Huebner 1 +011011101 1789-1986 1 +011011101 fedEYE 1 +011011101 Vasin 1 +011011101 Sedgman 1 +011011101 McMichael 1 +011011101 1791-1883 1 +011011101 Meservey 1 +011011101 HautBrion 1 +011011101 Agnell 1 +011011101 Rosengren 1 +011011101 Delham 1 +011011101 Stendahl 1 +011011101 Lyster 1 +011011101 Leibowtiz 1 +011011101 Jakucs 1 +011011101 Bacle 1 +011011101 Halli 1 +011011101 Figurelli 1 +011011101 Wharmby 1 +011011101 Corvalan 1 +011011101 Arnow 1 +011011101 DiMarizio 1 +011011101 Vigil 1 +011011101 Maringer 1 +011011101 Lloyd-Davies 1 +011011101 Canby 1 +011011101 McSweeny 1 +011011101 Pernfors 1 +011011101 Schreib 1 +011011101 STROM 1 +011011101 BarLev 1 +011011101 Hover 1 +011011101 Ohlson 1 +011011101 Passaro 1 +011011101 Khouli 1 +011011101 Diercks 1 +011011101 Boorda 1 +011011101 Sardot 1 +011011101 Xinrong 1 +011011101 Ossofsky 1 +011011101 Akabas 1 +011011101 Parman 1 +011011101 Kosiak 1 +011011101 Tantalean 1 +011011101 Spight 1 +011011101 Chaisson 1 +011011101 Geske 1 +011011101 Polmar 1 +011011101 Feuchter 1 +011011101 Onofrio 1 +011011101 Rehard 1 +011011101 Detorie 1 +011011101 Mincing 1 +011011101 Salemme 1 +011011101 Sapirstein 1 +011011101 Rimmeli 1 +011011101 Andstein 1 +011011101 Chantry 1 +011011101 Marsay 1 +011011101 Talis 1 +011011101 Raschke 1 +011011101 Bourg 1 +011011101 R.D.R. 1 +011011101 Theeuwes 1 +011011101 Bonsen 1 +011011101 Elvidge 1 +011011101 Pelaez 1 +011011101 Slyunkov 1 +011011101 pobres 1 +011011101 Fanego 1 +011011101 Thorrington-Smith 1 +011011101 Mingo-Jones 1 +011011101 Irie 1 +011011101 Doringer 1 +011011101 Horchler 1 +011011101 Glysteen 1 +011011101 Izenour 1 +011011101 Cameron-Webb 1 +011011101 Abdelnour 1 +011011101 Avramedes 1 +011011101 Al-Awadi 1 +011011101 Serongoane 1 +011011101 Al-Otaiba 1 +011011101 Froland 1 +011011101 Ellenbogen 1 +011011101 Courtiss 1 +011011101 Solorio 1 +011011101 Vardi 1 +011011101 Barbach 1 +011011101 Hoblin 1 +011011101 Dolin 1 +011011101 Cardile 1 +011011101 Vanauken 1 +011011101 Helfman 1 +011011101 Dugo 1 +011011101 Arneth 1 +011011101 Kluver 1 +011011101 Wesstroem 1 +011011101 Borowitz 1 +011011101 Rappaciolli 1 +011011101 Mulliner 1 +011011101 Schoenen 1 +011011101 Presutti 1 +011011101 Shabacker 1 +011011101 Streem 1 +011011101 Weiant 1 +011011101 Custance-Baker 1 +011011101 Nobele 1 +011011101 Jobert 1 +011011101 Krief 1 +011011101 Duykers 1 +011011101 Mirasol 1 +011011101 Canady 1 +011011101 Amhaus 1 +011011101 Nakazawa 1 +011011101 Cassman 1 +011011101 Ben-Zvi 1 +011011101 Hertig 1 +011011101 Pato 1 +011011101 Noelling 1 +011011101 Somemiya 1 +011011101 Sugimura 1 +011011101 Yaoi 1 +011011101 Inoki 1 +011011101 Shuler 1 +011011101 Steinkras 1 +011011101 Saint-Pierre 1 +011011101 Aleandro 1 +011011101 Norflus 1 +011011101 Dowden 1 +011011101 Smethurst 1 +011011101 Rinzler 1 +011011101 Carlstedt 1 +011011101 Nasello 1 +011011101 Annear 1 +011011101 Hylbert 1 +011011101 Veer 1 +011011101 Mertens 1 +011011101 Simonnet 1 +011011101 Hervet 1 +011011101 Chatillon 1 +011011101 Bonadies 1 +011011101 Strauss-Kahn 1 +011011101 Gardee 1 +011011101 Mohtashami-Por 1 +011011101 Dravecky 1 +011011101 Brunansky 1 +011011101 Tremitiere 1 +011011101 Sienes 1 +011011101 Zielke 1 +011011101 show-MET-lah 1 +011011101 Cluchey 1 +011011101 Smurra 1 +011011101 Ulstein 1 +011011101 Taubeneck 1 +011011101 Copps 1 +011011101 Bauchard 1 +011011101 DiLallo 1 +011011101 Saviola 1 +011011101 Bartenstein 1 +011011101 Fischinger 1 +011011101 Benincasa 1 +011011101 Ram-BOO-ka 1 +011011101 Schmoll 1 +011011101 Castenson 1 +011011101 Bewley 1 +011011101 Bankford 1 +011011101 Philipps 1 +011011101 Oseroff 1 +011011101 Landess 1 +011011101 Zatko 1 +011011101 Knadler 1 +011011101 Miali 1 +011011101 Frucht 1 +011011101 Beuren 1 +011011101 Kasdorf 1 +011011101 Focht 1 +011011101 Toledo-Flores 1 +011011101 Stanzel 1 +011011101 Mazlish 1 +011011101 Morelli 1 +011011101 Eyzaguirre 1 +011011101 1841-1895 1 +011011101 DeGruson 1 +011011101 DeLange 1 +011011101 Nederkoom 1 +011011101 Cerra 1 +011011101 Dantowitz 1 +011011101 Litzenberger 1 +011011101 Lueck 1 +011011101 1855-1899 1 +011011101 Kilmartin 1 +011011101 Grummer 1 +011011101 Telramund 1 +011011101 rt-PA 1 +011011101 Leehaug 1 +011011101 Weisburg 1 +011011101 Vavrik 1 +011011101 Mege 1 +011011101 Heneault 1 +011011101 Chaykin 1 +011011101 Bryne 1 +011011101 Trewin 1 +011011101 Lantrip 1 +011011101 Swarts 1 +011011101 RHU 1 +011011101 CPCU 1 +011011101 Mamase 1 +011011101 Stonestreet 1 +011011101 Heynes 1 +011011101 Lainez 1 +011011101 Knutzen 1 +011011101 Oie 1 +011011101 Velotta 1 +011011101 film-related 1 +011011101 Kerschaw 1 +011011101 Beardslee 1 +011011101 Koban 1 +011011101 Tusher 1 +011011101 Runciman 1 +011011101 Dudler 1 +011011101 Axen 1 +011011101 Delasalle 1 +011011101 Hasselgren 1 +011011101 Yanev 1 +011011101 Siffert 1 +011011101 Gentsher 1 +011011101 Leemann 1 +011011101 Purviness 1 +011011101 Penhaligon 1 +011011101 212-242-0800 1 +011011101 Walton-Mackie 1 +011011101 Ashurst 1 +011011101 ATD 1 +011011101 Stelloff 1 +011011101 3.14159265 1 +011011101 Kila 1 +011011101 Ruvo 1 +011011101 Wiesz 1 +011011101 Brandley 1 +011011101 Ligammari 1 +011011101 Mattioli 1 +011011101 Allio 1 +011011101 Ditmore 1 +011011101 Buchli 1 +011011101 Agnos 1 +011011101 Harner 1 +011011101 Clougherty 1 +011011101 Delins 1 +011011101 Damiani 1 +011011101 Kurlansky 1 +011011101 Oyer 1 +011011101 D-Wis. 1 +011011101 Wice 1 +011011101 Henricks 1 +011011101 Lachance 1 +011011101 Boell 1 +011011101 Seagly 1 +011011101 Eichenger 1 +011011101 Hufford 1 +011011101 Rutkowski 1 +011011101 Mauser 1 +011011101 Valis 1 +011011101 Sard 1 +011011101 Gorkow 1 +011011101 Zeeb 1 +011011101 Throneburg 1 +011011101 Roosma 1 +011011101 Bishofberger 1 +011011101 Fasullo 1 +011011101 Murza 1 +011011101 Brangaccio 1 +011011101 Ortiner 1 +011011101 Capozzi 1 +011011101 1-800-235-KIDS 1 +011011101 Xenokis 1 +011011101 1976-1981 1 +011011101 Gussner 1 +011011101 Botka 1 +011011101 1565-1635 1 +011011101 DeStefano 1 +011011101 HR-4 1 +011011101 NYCHA 1 +011011101 Raus 1 +011011101 Buckwold 1 +011011101 Haggie 1 +011011101 Stugis 1 +011011101 Moxely 1 +011011101 Rautenberg 1 +011011101 Sabbagh 1 +011011101 Gunselman 1 +011011101 Osato 1 +011011101 Tregidon 1 +011011101 KISSING 1 +011011101 Bratanata 1 +011011101 Sule 1 +011011101 Delavallee 1 +011011101 Serusier 1 +011011101 Kavafian 1 +011011101 Kaihara 1 +011011101 non-restaurant 1 +011011101 Schwed 1 +011011101 Benko 1 +011011101 Fusen 1 +011011101 Konilovsky 1 +011011101 Petukhov 1 +011011101 Jastrow 1 +011011101 Bhardwaj 1 +011011101 Stilgoe 1 +011011101 Stavisky 1 +011011101 Wignowsky 1 +011011101 Trossen 1 +011011101 McGonigle 1 +011011101 LaVista 1 +011011101 Mauzy 1 +011011101 Haueter 1 +011011101 Zaluckyj 1 +011011101 Ledwidge 1 +011011101 al-Anbari 1 +011011101 Tumonainen 1 +011011101 Finkleman 1 +011011101 Lajas 1 +011011101 Daughenbaugh 1 +011011101 Chocula 1 +011011101 bonnier 1 +011011101 Edles 1 +011011101 IUPUI 1 +011011101 Serow 1 +011011101 Kalita 1 +011011101 Chamoun 1 +011011101 Forszt 1 +011011101 sidder-OG-ruh-ferz 1 +011011101 Sharawi 1 +011011101 1711-1776 1 +011011101 224-3753 1 +011011101 224-2315 1 +011011101 225-2464 1 +011011101 225-6235 1 +011011101 Gaeddert 1 +011011101 Dawaa 1 +011011101 Llanza 1 +011011101 Shati 1 +011011101 McVean 1 +011011101 800-621-0379 1 +011011101 Holdsworth 1 +011011101 Oiwa 1 +011011101 Chodash 1 +011011101 Moreschi 1 +011011101 Curlook 1 +011011101 Ben-Veniste 1 +011011101 plant-owning 1 +011011101 Lindelow 1 +011011101 Bohnen 1 +011011101 Tauman 1 +011011101 Demeuleneere 1 +011011101 Demarbaix 1 +011011101 Almaviva 1 +011011101 1793-94 1 +011011101 Hirayama 1 +011011101 Vondracek 1 +011011101 Assis 1 +011011101 Branham 1 +011011101 Rotsch 1 +011011101 Lloydisms 1 +011011101 Deronda 1 +011011101 Hutto 1 +011011101 Gimenez 1 +011011101 Abdulkader 1 +011011101 Mustazaafin 1 +011011101 Fakhrou 1 +011011101 Ruchalski 1 +011011101 Munns 1 +011011101 Ketelle 1 +011011101 i.e 1 +011011101 Kindlelan 1 +011011101 Ulacia 1 +011011101 Siddall 1 +011011101 LaVigne 1 +011011101 Heckel 1 +011011101 LONG-e 1 +011011101 Hampel 1 +011011101 Thirkill 1 +011011101 Hait 1 +011011101 Bonsignore 1 +011011101 Rauber 1 +011011101 Mense 1 +011011101 Geschwill 1 +011011101 Brickey 1 +011011101 Beaubrun 1 +011011101 gonah-EVE 1 +011011101 Nedda 1 +011011101 Algieri 1 +011011101 EL-uhter 1 +011011101 Poltrock 1 +011011101 Verplank 1 +011011101 Webb-Ware 1 +011011101 Begell 1 +011011101 Kunzmann 1 +011011101 Wileman 1 +011011101 Rabossi 1 +011011101 Monro 1 +011011101 Dollarhyde 1 +011011101 Nachtsheim 1 +011011101 Wineman 1 +011011101 Nagai 1 +011011101 Motlatsi 1 +011011101 Corp./Group 1 +011011101 Bonaventura 1 +011011101 Vipond 1 +011011101 Fise 1 +011011101 Mapston 1 +011011101 Kretch 1 +011011101 Patella 1 +011011101 Bloechle 1 +011011101 Cornacchione 1 +011011101 Vahala 1 +011011101 Destounis 1 +011011101 Ryll 1 +011011101 Saied 1 +011011101 Firstenberg 1 +011011101 Scanzoni 1 +011011101 Wolin 1 +011011101 Melano 1 +011011101 Trussel 1 +011011101 Borovsky 1 +011011101 Veno 1 +011011101 Bardon 1 +011011101 Liepins 1 +011011101 Subtitle 1 +011011101 -.429 1 +011011101 -.713 1 +011011101 SEC/CFTC 1 +011011101 Weinzweig 1 +011011101 Kaufer 1 +011011101 Conelo 1 +011011101 DiGenova 1 +011011101 Mellstig 1 +011011101 Hermansson 1 +011011101 1983-1985 1 +011011101 CRSs 1 +011011101 Hadjelias 1 +011011101 Portalakis 1 +011011101 Kuzma 1 +011011101 Eysser 1 +011011101 Magidson 1 +011011101 Ohya 1 +011011101 Heltman 1 +011011101 Byham 1 +011011101 Osos 1 +011011101 Szewach 1 +011011101 Cairncross 1 +011011101 Cotchett 1 +011011101 Bowder 1 +011011101 Commiskey 1 +011011101 Boornazian 1 +011011101 Lammert-Reeves 1 +011011101 Pestalozzi 1 +011011101 Guyett 1 +011011101 Caldabaugh 1 +011011101 Smeenk 1 +011011101 Stiglitz 1 +011011101 Espinasse 1 +011011101 NNRF 1 +011011101 Dezan 1 +011011101 Uccellini 1 +011011101 Valkin 1 +011011101 Ciccolini 1 +011011101 Colosimo 1 +011011101 Chiaradia 1 +011011101 Swindal 1 +011011101 Lauryk 1 +011011101 Fieldman 1 +011011101 Hoye 1 +011011101 Saborio 1 +011011101 Robicheaux 1 +011011101 Burmester 1 +011011101 Winskie 1 +011011101 McPeek 1 +011011101 BOSS-key 1 +011011101 Darro 1 +011011101 Teigen 1 +011011101 Fenigsen 1 +011011101 Gevers 1 +011011101 Rigter 1 +011011101 Sutorius 1 +011011101 fue 1 +011011101 Dauhajre 1 +011011101 Lattie 1 +011011101 Vetrone 1 +011011101 Nickol 1 +011011101 Buglass 1 +011011101 SPILLOVER 1 +011011101 Melrose-Brown 1 +011011101 Pinkham 1 +011011101 Metheny 1 +011011101 Dockendorf 1 +011011101 Rajski 1 +011011101 1706-90 1 +011011101 Nisley 1 +011011101 Miccolis 1 +011011101 Kassinger 1 +011011101 Ferman 1 +011011101 Virenque 1 +011011101 Spadine 1 +011011101 Paro 1 +011011101 Kouris 1 +011011101 Kalthoff 1 +011011101 Angeltvit 1 +011011101 Sinowski 1 +011011101 Tamiya 1 +011011101 Portmann 1 +011011101 Chonggye 1 +011011101 Bisignani 1 +011011101 Schmolzer 1 +011011101 Kressler 1 +011011101 Parmentier 1 +011011101 Rodarte 1 +011011101 Northcutt 1 +011011101 Borkowicz 1 +011011101 Andreini 1 +011011101 Soane 1 +011011101 Fieldsteel 1 +011011101 Buxbaum 1 +011011101 Semer 1 +011011101 Skeens 1 +011011101 Konnersmann 1 +011011101 Farrand 1 +011011101 NARSAD 1 +011011101 Pizzorno 1 +011011101 Jorndt 1 +011011101 Lindorff 1 +011011101 McLagan 1 +011011101 Lukyanenko 1 +011011101 Berestovsky 1 +011011101 Teles 1 +011011101 Constantio 1 +011011101 55-yard-long 1 +011011101 peenahns 1 +011011101 Slee 1 +011011101 Salleh 1 +011011101 Silversmith 1 +011011101 Shafi 1 +011011101 RCA/Bluebird 1 +011011101 Andricks 1 +011011101 Jirovsky 1 +011011101 Chaitin 1 +011011101 Fezatte 1 +011011101 Saphos 1 +011011101 Swesnik 1 +011011101 Prinstein 1 +011011101 Rovsek 1 +011011101 Brihay 1 +011011101 Al-Rubee 1 +011011101 Tribaldos 1 +011011101 Vanasco 1 +011011101 Sherba 1 +011011101 Hottinger 1 +011011101 Tsurumi 1 +011011101 Passin 1 +011011101 Gillin 1 +011011101 McEnroe-like 1 +011011101 Latrenta 1 +011011101 Komisar 1 +011011101 Labasse 1 +011011101 Fleys 1 +011011101 Rivoire 1 +011011101 Chemain 1 +011011101 Grapsi 1 +011011101 Gervacio 1 +011011101 Willdanger 1 +011011101 Mehr 1 +011011101 Bossong 1 +011011101 Heigham 1 +011011101 Halterman 1 +011011101 Tabbert 1 +011011101 Wideman 1 +011011101 Shortliffe 1 +011011101 Sandness 1 +011011101 Blaustein 1 +011011101 Qvigstad 1 +011011101 Frady 1 +011011101 Valiquette 1 +011011101 Uggams 1 +011011101 Antilles/New 1 +011011101 Bason 1 +011011101 Ashkenazi 1 +011011101 Hartstein 1 +011011101 Dastor 1 +011011101 Gancher 1 +011011101 Demain 1 +011011101 Johnboy 1 +011011101 Blecksmith 1 +011011101 Kajiwara 1 +011011101 Nakaoka 1 +011011101 Pacsi 1 +011011101 Pagliaroli 1 +011011101 Vadala 1 +011011101 Orsatti 1 +011011101 Verden 1 +011011101 Gessell 1 +011011101 Geneson 1 +011011101 Kook-Chin 1 +011011101 Fanizza 1 +011011101 Monogenis 1 +011011101 Lavchenko 1 +011011101 Drummond-Hay 1 +011011101 Dhawan 1 +011011101 Sommerfield 1 +011011101 Leggatt 1 +011011101 Leonsis 1 +011011101 Cristy 1 +011011101 Schollbach 1 +011011101 Barsi 1 +011011101 McElduff 1 +011011101 Morneault 1 +011011101 Ishizumi 1 +011011101 Benford 1 +011011101 Klein-Siebenbuergen 1 +011011101 Plautt 1 +011011101 Boff 1 +011011101 Grear 1 +011011101 Sungman 1 +011011101 Dendtler 1 +011011101 Bargert 1 +011011101 Brattland 1 +011011101 Colley 1 +011011101 Bessmertnova 1 +011011101 Natalya 1 +011011101 Irek 1 +011011101 203-496-1222 1 +011011101 212-316-7540 1 +011011101 Rentsch 1 +011011101 Bastankhah 1 +011011101 Thiessen 1 +011011101 Huckabee 1 +011011101 Dopmeyer 1 +011011101 Kelson 1 +011011101 Panelli 1 +011011101 Posman 1 +011011101 Serrani 1 +011011101 Bodow 1 +011011101 Bruckhiemer 1 +011011101 Kittleson 1 +011011101 Jauch 1 +011011101 Halis 1 +011011101 Blankenbuehler 1 +011011101 Caldecott 1 +011011101 Steppe 1 +011011101 Imber 1 +011011101 Feinsod 1 +011011101 Ater 1 +011011101 Papiano 1 +011011101 Bleiweiss 1 +011011101 Sedlmayr 1 +011011101 Ballamy 1 +011011101 Menzies 1 +011011101 Kerston 1 +011011101 Sherwell 1 +011011101 Dunnett 1 +011011101 Wiswall 1 +011011101 Jenchura 1 +011011101 Moayeri 1 +011011101 Mouhadjer 1 +011011101 1553-1610 1 +011011101 Faussat 1 +011011101 Laingen 1 +011011101 Hoyinck 1 +011011101 Fenical 1 +011011101 Giametta 1 +011011101 Krutch 1 +011011101 Bechtholdt 1 +011011101 Nuttall 1 +011011101 Beffa 1 +011011101 Fredston 1 +011011101 Krawczuk 1 +011011101 Resiman 1 +011011101 Iacono 1 +011011101 McDermitt 1 +011011101 Vangreen 1 +011011101 Goldener 1 +011011101 Conway-Welch 1 +011011101 Mottram-Doss 1 +011011101 Esai 1 +011011101 Rosana 1 +011011101 Esbeck 1 +011011101 Manweller 1 +011011101 McMonigall 1 +011011101 Balmaseda 1 +011011101 Conthe 1 +011011101 Tamames 1 +011011101 Dalchau 1 +011011101 Wathen 1 +011011101 Colella 1 +011011101 Gaiti 1 +011011101 Sangster 1 +011011101 Kriebel 1 +011011101 Balick 1 +011011101 Markkula 1 +011011101 Frechette 1 +011011101 Kantrow 1 +011011101 Rummell 1 +011011101 Turman 1 +011011101 Merjos 1 +011011101 Zonis 1 +011011101 Hamdoun 1 +011011101 Kroeger 1 +011011101 Bortle 1 +011011101 Terranova 1 +011011101 Brosee 1 +011011101 Pourier 1 +011011101 Werdekker 1 +011011101 Puccinelli 1 +011011101 Gallia 1 +011011101 Bahl 1 +011011101 Simonetti 1 +011011101 Ingleby 1 +011011101 Stogsdill 1 +011011101 Disson 1 +011011101 Pranga 1 +011011101 Brechtel 1 +011011101 Kasner 1 +011011101 Klenaitis 1 +011011101 Forner 1 +011011101 Kalf 1 +011011101 Pfeifle 1 +011011101 Pandolfini 1 +011011101 Menzer 1 +011011101 Streibl 1 +011011101 Manz 1 +011011101 Nishisaka 1 +011011101 Dosher 1 +011011101 Iddles 1 +011011101 Routledge 1 +011011101 Klepac 1 +011011101 Caranchini 1 +011011101 Ngugi 1 +011011101 Kech 1 +011011101 1890-1988 1 +011011101 Saunby 1 +011011101 Strasheim 1 +011011101 Krattenmaker 1 +011011101 Goos 1 +011011101 Carmon 1 +011011101 CAMS 1 +011011101 CONNECTIONS 1 +011011101 Crumley 1 +011011101 Hudock 1 +011011101 Shea-Stonum 1 +011011101 Vitner 1 +011011101 Litwok 1 +011011101 Fransi 1 +011011101 Manduca 1 +011011101 Nolvadex 1 +011011101 Odle 1 +011011101 Vernon-Katz 1 +011011101 Branand 1 +011011101 D-Wisc. 1 +011011101 D.-Miss. 1 +011011101 Borlaug 1 +011011101 Trombetti 1 +011011101 Martignetti 1 +011011101 Sortwell 1 +011011101 800-832-1838 1 +011011101 Thoday 1 +011011101 Bonyata 1 +011011101 Shefts 1 +011011101 Trillo 1 +011011101 Moscato 1 +011011101 Pestcoe 1 +011011101 Shiftlett 1 +011011101 Mabro 1 +011011101 Calwell 1 +011011101 Baldus 1 +011011101 DeWeese 1 +011011101 Barschi 1 +011011101 Gelston 1 +011011101 Cromie 1 +011011101 Franch 1 +011011101 Damaska 1 +011011101 Coppel 1 +011011101 DuMouchel 1 +011011101 Fabiero 1 +011011101 Bubrick 1 +011011101 Basagoiti 1 +011011101 Tijerina 1 +011011101 Shoff 1 +011011101 Masser 1 +011011101 Alcaman 1 +011011101 Somare 1 +011011101 Plenier 1 +011011101 Furedi 1 +011011101 Garidze 1 +011011101 Moffat 1 +011011101 Briguglio 1 +011011101 Yarberry 1 +011011101 Tarabbia 1 +011011101 Thorup 1 +011011101 Tongate 1 +011011101 Seay 1 +011011101 Schieferdecker 1 +011011101 Gelinas 1 +011011101 Nollet 1 +011011101 Inai 1 +011011101 Shamas 1 +011011101 Schaab 1 +011011101 Moschner 1 +011011101 Tattam 1 +011011101 Gripp 1 +011011101 Anifantis 1 +011011101 Englehorn 1 +011011101 Mitome 1 +011011101 Karamtchakov 1 +011011101 Marksee 1 +011011101 Hartig 1 +011011101 Kotoski 1 +011011101 Giraudo 1 +011011101 Soderberg 1 +011011101 Eveland 1 +011011101 Grapenthien 1 +011011101 Kindle 1 +011011101 Shabanov 1 +011011101 DeMarois 1 +011011101 Rezendes 1 +011011101 Kosko 1 +011011101 Grossberg 1 +011011101 Hankla 1 +011011101 Balz 1 +011011101 Sittig 1 +011011101 Allgayer 1 +011011101 Dux 1 +011011101 Schupper 1 +011011101 Werning 1 +011011101 Willhite 1 +011011101 Venora 1 +011011101 Murch 1 +011011101 Traverse-Healy 1 +011011101 Ruland 1 +011011101 Sterbenz 1 +011011101 Amaon 1 +011011101 Bulzacchelli 1 +011011101 Grosman 1 +011011101 Grandon 1 +011011101 Dyjor 1 +011011101 Sharperson 1 +011011101 Iwanaga 1 +011011101 Wender 1 +011011101 Blunte 1 +011011101 Seevers 1 +011011101 Solt 1 +011011101 Guinta 1 +011011101 Franciscovich 1 +011011101 Jaschke 1 +011011101 Rodenberger 1 +011011101 Kunv 1 +011011101 Vaska 1 +011011101 Fygi 1 +011011101 Grundler 1 +011011101 Kierans 1 +011011101 Montemayor 1 +011011101 Latto 1 +011011101 Debreu 1 +011011101 Rion 1 +011011101 Drouhin 1 +011011101 Erath 1 +011011101 Eversole 1 +011011101 Ripert 1 +011011101 Schneeweis 1 +011011101 Bickwit 1 +011011101 Zachman 1 +011011101 Brownelle 1 +011011101 Ferron 1 +011011101 Ehara 1 +011011101 Smolla 1 +011011101 Yaroslovsky 1 +011011101 Gueron 1 +011011101 Santulli 1 +011011101 Froess 1 +011011101 Widomski 1 +011011101 Bozza 1 +011011101 Klapthor 1 +011011101 Tronetti 1 +011011101 Boyll 1 +011011101 Geohegan 1 +011011101 Semmelmeyer 1 +011011101 Santoski 1 +011011101 Foscarinis 1 +011011101 Trauth 1 +011011101 Cuilian 1 +011011101 Chapnik 1 +011011101 Sedin 1 +011011101 Peetz 1 +011011101 Funsch 1 +011011101 Cekander 1 +011011101 Beligratis 1 +011011101 Denari 1 +011011101 Bension 1 +011011101 Pavone 1 +011011101 Zviak 1 +011011101 Greata 1 +011011101 Meadville 1 +011011101 Quimby 1 +011011101 Mullet 1 +011011101 Odescalchi 1 +011011101 Puerner 1 +011011101 Gunnels 1 +011011101 Muratov 1 +011011101 Woo-Choong 1 +011011101 Ekers 1 +011011101 Beavan 1 +011011101 Kmiec 1 +011011101 Canick 1 +011011101 Tumanov 1 +011011101 Karaganova 1 +011011101 Raycraft 1 +011011101 Heigel 1 +011011101 Knust 1 +011011101 Zaren 1 +011011101 Giunta 1 +011011101 Youngwood 1 +011011101 Leardi 1 +011011101 Carraher 1 +011011101 Yufu 1 +011011101 Eslinger 1 +011011101 codices 1 +011011101 Glyptis 1 +011011101 Ekenberg 1 +011011101 Demarco 1 +011011101 Behzad 1 +011011101 Kamagata 1 +011011101 al-Rashed 1 +011011101 Cranch 1 +011011101 Fojtik 1 +011011101 Milosevich 1 +011011101 Langham 1 +011011101 Teston 1 +011011101 Vogler 1 +011011101 Piela 1 +011011101 1975-78 1 +011011101 Kovener 1 +011011101 Fairnington 1 +011011101 Rahdert 1 +011011101 Djerassi 1 +011011101 Unverzagt 1 +011011101 Fitterman 1 +011011101 1975-1985 1 +011011101 BUYer 1 +011011101 McCalla 1 +011011101 Bloor 1 +011011101 Riegels 1 +011011101 fate-telling 1 +011011101 Kapustin 1 +011011101 Gaulding 1 +011011101 Hybels 1 +011011101 Shchelokov 1 +011011101 Pregl 1 +011011101 Gostancic 1 +011011101 Bavcar 1 +011011101 Warnecke 1 +011011101 Schneuwly 1 +011011101 Trink 1 +011011101 Gambaccini 1 +011011101 Chaltiel 1 +011011101 Behringer 1 +011011101 Szybillo 1 +011011101 1913-14 1 +011011101 Houlne 1 +011011101 Hewie 1 +011011101 McGavick 1 +011011101 Gugino 1 +011011101 Pirault 1 +011011101 Kamanitz 1 +011011101 D.-N.Y. 1 +011011101 Wyner 1 +011011101 Tonha 1 +011011101 Ofrichter 1 +011011101 Eddins 1 +011011101 Mehall 1 +011011101 Hokmark 1 +011011101 Reimers 1 +011011101 Moorefield 1 +011011101 Gentes 1 +011011101 Espach 1 +011011101 Lovic 1 +011011101 Velenik 1 +011011101 Charleton-Jones 1 +011011101 Koo-CHIN-ski 1 +011011101 Wiskeman 1 +011011101 Gennity 1 +011011101 .325 1 +011011101 Moorehouse 1 +011011101 McReynolds 1 +011011101 Kneen 1 +011011101 Cicconi 1 +011011101 Scheri 1 +011011101 Kohda 1 +011011101 McLaughlan 1 +011011101 ERD 1 +011011101 Legac 1 +011011101 Skelley 1 +011011101 1603-1867 1 +011011101 Udono 1 +011011101 Carisio 1 +011011101 2-lahn 1 +011011101 Cornut 1 +011011101 Bechtler 1 +011011101 Buomberger 1 +011011101 Knopp 1 +011011101 Warshafsky 1 +011011101 Spallone 1 +011011101 Grath 1 +011011101 Gundersheim 1 +011011101 single/married 1 +011011101 Nagamochi 1 +011011101 Rashkow 1 +011011101 Rootness 1 +011011101 Cunning 1 +011011101 VI. 1 +011011101 Rosing 1 +011011101 Shappelle 1 +011011101 Mafaje 1 +011011101 Notte 1 +011011101 Ellison-Sandler 1 +011011101 5,284 1 +011011101 5,334 1 +011011101 Kert 1 +011011101 Corigliano 1 +011011101 Winby 1 +011011101 Nauwelaerts 1 +011011101 Chongsoo 1 +011011101 Kobuse 1 +011011101 1918- 1 +011011101 Arnem 1 +011011101 Stadd 1 +011011101 Hershenson 1 +011011101 McPhillips 1 +011011101 Stofan 1 +011011101 Bugg 1 +011011101 Patrucco 1 +011011101 Routh 1 +011011101 Lowen 1 +011011101 Lockman-Brooks 1 +011011101 Wollin 1 +011011101 Walhout 1 +011011101 Tullier 1 +011011101 Cadloff 1 +011011101 Cannon-Albright 1 +011011101 Giblin 1 +011011101 Mapondo 1 +011011101 Ehrhart 1 +011011101 Pragoff 1 +011011101 Reahm 1 +011011101 Mesheshvilli 1 +011011101 Rafiq-Doust 1 +011011101 Swaveley 1 +011011101 Mobley 1 +011011101 Egmont 1 +011011101 Irminger 1 +011011101 Reishman 1 +011011101 Klonski 1 +011011101 Cossutta 1 +011011101 CMHCs 1 +011011101 Sexer 1 +011011101 1:01.2 1 +011011101 2:08.6 1 +011011101 Gallimore 1 +011011101 Stehrenberger 1 +011011101 Recktenwald 1 +011011101 Skowronski 1 +011011101 Minier 1 +011011101 Bhattacherjee 1 +011011101 Marchick 1 +011011101 Donzelli 1 +011011101 Sowiski 1 +011011101 cooched 1 +011011101 Neimeier 1 +011011101 Damore. 1 +011011101 Gutt 1 +011011101 Tumavitch 1 +011011101 Doctrow 1 +011011101 Pfander 1 +011011101 Ellert 1 +011011101 Signore 1 +011011101 Nakatani 1 +011011101 Washkowitz 1 +011011101 Catequista 1 +011011101 Geruso 1 +011011101 Rehr 1 +011011101 Depa 1 +011011101 Ambrosi 1 +011011101 Vidmar 1 +011011101 Gold-Bilkin 1 +011011101 Althoff 1 +011011101 Freidheim 1 +011011101 Gerritsen 1 +011011101 Casy 1 +011011101 DeLucas 1 +011011101 Uman 1 +011011101 Lackritz 1 +011011101 Mitarai 1 +011011101 Stanovich 1 +011011101 Libenson 1 +011011101 Nepantla 1 +011011101 Sherratt 1 +011011101 Veziris 1 +011011101 Kalendarian 1 +011011101 Jabara 1 +011011101 Soukup 1 +011011101 Denove 1 +011011101 Kralovec 1 +011011101 Bos 1 +011011101 Stepnes 1 +011011101 Zeftel 1 +011011101 Khachapuri 1 +011011101 Piggott 1 +011011101 Raighn 1 +011011101 Winborn 1 +011011101 Wrench 1 +011011101 Ferree 1 +011011101 Paulshock 1 +011011101 Schaafsma 1 +011011101 Mulva 1 +011011101 Galer 1 +011011101 Tackx 1 +011011101 Beratan 1 +011011101 Behrman 1 +011011101 Armijo 1 +011011101 Tarves 1 +011011101 Monod 1 +011011101 Lapinski 1 +011011101 Rittmaster 1 +011011101 Acello 1 +011011101 Gorlin 1 +011011101 Mitani 1 +011011101 Warley-Cummings 1 +011011101 Soviet-watcher 1 +011011101 Verding 1 +011011101 Likus 1 +011011101 Delorme 1 +011011101 Morfogen 1 +011011101 Cacciotti 1 +011011101 Drooyan 1 +011011101 Lemka 1 +011011101 Shwe 1 +011011101 Glaub 1 +011011101 Widney 1 +011011101 McLodge 1 +011011101 McJobs 1 +011011101 Bowick 1 +011011101 Genis 1 +011011101 Ziv 1 +011011101 Mansky 1 +011011101 Kalm 1 +011011101 Yakimanka 1 +011011101 Hayghe 1 +011011101 Biklin 1 +011011101 Frison 1 +011011101 Stoker 1 +011011101 Kashima 1 +011011101 Rakewell 1 +011011101 800-255-3396 1 +011011101 Raiser 1 +011011101 Traylor 1 +011011101 Shubin 1 +011011101 Hackbarth 1 +011011101 Lesage 1 +011011101 VerPloeg 1 +011011101 Marro 1 +011011101 Esh 1 +011011101 Mueser 1 +011011101 Harangody 1 +011011101 Grin 1 +011011101 Tovin 1 +011011101 Pawliger 1 +011011101 Schanback 1 +011011101 Briam 1 +011011101 Meit 1 +011011101 Eilon 1 +011011101 Schellmoser 1 +011011101 Dettmer 1 +011011101 Doren 1 +011011101 Carideo 1 +011011101 Meale 1 +011011101 Tebbutt 1 +011011101 Pomerance 1 +011011101 Carroli 1 +011011101 Nomura-Eastdil 1 +011011101 Rosewater 1 +011011101 Overwalle 1 +011011101 Tsugawa 1 +011011101 Westphall 1 +011011101 Auschlander 1 +011011101 Ettinger 1 +011011101 Matsebula 1 +011011101 Elisburg 1 +011011101 Poppic 1 +011011101 Honney 1 +011011101 Geeling 1 +011011101 Wartman 1 +011011101 Gendall 1 +011011101 Godisch 1 +011011101 Kothe 1 +011011101 Getraer 1 +011011101 Coneway 1 +011011101 Vestuto 1 +011011101 Silvana 1 +011011101 McKinnerney 1 +011011101 Denemark 1 +011011101 ba-GOD-ja 1 +011011101 Pitegoff 1 +011011101 Bretland 1 +011011101 Buesse 1 +011011101 Tapner 1 +011011101 Brocksom 1 +011011101 Christafalo 1 +011011101 Jamele 1 +011011101 Matutes 1 +011011101 Seabury 1 +011011101 Lindenauer 1 +011011101 Botwin 1 +011011101 Raim 1 +011011101 Sheffler 1 +011011101 Oreja 1 +011011101 Letsche 1 +011011101 Levander 1 +011011101 Boersma 1 +011011101 Renirie 1 +011011101 Seielstad 1 +011011101 Zitzer 1 +011011101 Brenn 1 +011011101 Luchini 1 +011011101 Gettings 1 +011011101 Mayginnes 1 +011011101 Wooldridge 1 +011011101 Netter 1 +011011101 DeFina 1 +011011101 Settelmeyer 1 +011011101 Chaiken 1 +011011101 Martinus 1 +011011101 Velzer 1 +011011101 54-24-1 1 +011011101 Moschella 1 +011011101 Nowikowski 1 +011011101 Romweber 1 +011011101 M&As 1 +011011101 Bittke 1 +011011101 Furciniti 1 +011011101 Colarusso 1 +011011101 Savaides 1 +011011101 Hougardy 1 +011011101 Mossbacher 1 +011011101 Arenstein 1 +011011101 Sutin 1 +011011101 Scwarzschild 1 +011011101 Dettinger-Gardner 1 +011011101 Schaal 1 +011011101 Hampe 1 +011011101 Morrongiello 1 +011011101 Tague 1 +011011101 Foisy 1 +011011101 Petruzzi 1 +011011101 Flaster 1 +011011101 Ashenfelter 1 +011011101 Asenjo 1 +011011101 Frumberg 1 +011011101 Rumbolz 1 +011011101 Meechum 1 +011011101 Stiglin 1 +011011101 Schwarzl 1 +011011101 Yeates 1 +011011101 DiBiase 1 +011011101 Poletto 1 +011011101 Yernault 1 +011011101 Leek 1 +011011101 Shebel 1 +011011101 Haire 1 +011011101 Besnoff 1 +011011101 Silaev 1 +011011101 Ruggeiro 1 +011011101 Rumsey 1 +011011101 Mehlman 1 +011011101 Depoe 1 +011011101 Motiuk 1 +011011101 Busfield 1 +011011101 Hensel 1 +011011101 Yachechak 1 +011011101 Lutter 1 +011011101 Roomkin 1 +011011101 Carsello 1 +011011101 Lindsell 1 +011011101 Oldknow 1 +011011101 Desloge 1 +011011101 Wulken 1 +011011101 Uzungu 1 +011011101 Arensberg 1 +011011101 Mallos 1 +011011101 4.63-4.47 1 +011011101 113-168 1 +011011101 196-210 1 +011011101 .261-.266 1 +011011101 Cottrill 1 +011011101 Walewander 1 +011011101 Miller-Jones 1 +011011101 Antaramian 1 +011011101 Espeland 1 +011011101 Reh 1 +011011101 Bovee 1 +011011101 Mellinger 1 +011011101 Hanon 1 +011011101 Loades 1 +011011101 Kamins 1 +011011101 Brynaert 1 +011011101 Carrion 1 +011011101 Vaught 1 +011011101 Greschner 1 +011011101 Bovey 1 +011011101 Nesmith 1 +011011101 Jannetta 1 +011011101 Wendkos 1 +011011101 Kurinari 1 +011011101 Matell 1 +011011101 Vangelos 1 +011011101 Freece 1 +011011101 Schoenbauer 1 +011011101 Endsley 1 +011011101 Jospe 1 +011011101 Hogle 1 +011011101 Clenaghan 1 +011011101 Veccio 1 +011011101 Moellering 1 +011011101 Gourley 1 +011011101 Retief 1 +011011101 Chenery 1 +011011101 Mansiri 1 +011011101 Kippen 1 +011011101 Aarn 1 +011011101 Kimberleigh 1 +011011101 Siddayao 1 +011011101 Kalban 1 +011011101 Helppie 1 +011011101 Oberbeeke 1 +011011101 Sheasby 1 +011011101 McKeel 1 +011011101 1601-65 1 +011011101 deBerardinis 1 +011011101 Vaes 1 +011011101 Hutcherson 1 +011011101 Froggatt 1 +011011101 Tadokoro 1 +011011101 Angrisani 1 +011011101 Luttner 1 +011011101 Weddle 1 +011011101 Ponomarev-Stepnoy 1 +011011101 McElvany 1 +011011101 Ziglar 1 +011011101 Mourou 1 +011011101 Kaup 1 +011011101 Ehrenhaft 1 +011011101 Souder 1 +011011101 Secco 1 +011011101 Anouilh 1 +011011101 Grossklaus 1 +011011101 Wartungsleben 1 +011011101 Gilham 1 +011011101 Dubren 1 +011011101 Hanzelka 1 +011011101 Lindstroem 1 +011011101 DiChiera 1 +011011101 Gockley 1 +011011101 Vanderploeg 1 +011011101 Wettreich 1 +011011101 Gearty 1 +011011101 Roever 1 +011011101 Rodewig 1 +011011101 Schey 1 +011011101 Jaspan 1 +011011101 Szollosi 1 +011011101 Inuyama 1 +011011101 Kleinaitis 1 +011011101 Springmann 1 +011011101 Silary 1 +011011101 Lagasca 1 +011011101 Brugger 1 +011011101 Mesagno 1 +011011101 Sanfedele 1 +011011101 Brehaut 1 +011011101 Mangada 1 +011011101 Amrhein 1 +011011101 Kamer 1 +011011101 Yarger 1 +011011101 Shanis 1 +011011101 VonWormer 1 +011011101 Doroff 1 +011011101 DeDoncker 1 +011011101 Nagamura 1 +011011101 Kennish 1 +011011101 Wyrsch 1 +011011101 Wolinsky 1 +011011101 Murphine 1 +011011101 Balisle 1 +011011101 Vernamonti 1 +011011101 Hatsopolous 1 +011011101 Oistad 1 +011011101 Darling-Hammond 1 +011011101 Litewka 1 +011011101 Thorning 1 +011011101 Menefee 1 +011011101 Gerstenzang 1 +011011101 Cronin-Golomb 1 +011011101 Raspler 1 +011011101 Ciatto 1 +011011101 Hempling 1 +011011101 Bainwol 1 +011011101 Noyer 1 +011011101 Olfert 1 +011011101 DeBernardo 1 +011011101 Chaudhuri 1 +011011101 Bagaman 1 +011011101 Jortberg 1 +011011101 Decourtray 1 +011011101 Durcholz 1 +011011101 Thyme 1 +011011101 Defrene 1 +011011101 Knabe 1 +011011101 Roco 1 +011011101 Klatell 1 +011011101 Chang-Soo 1 +011011101 Firnhaber 1 +011011101 Anbinder 1 +011011101 Pleck 1 +011011101 Correu 1 +011011101 Smithwick 1 +011011101 Solas 1 +011011101 Druskin 1 +011011101 Weand 1 +011011101 Nozaki 1 +011011101 Elektra/Nonesuch 1 +011011101 Kuriokhin 1 +011011101 Roark-Strummer 1 +011011101 Buche 1 +011011101 McCully 1 +011011101 Monferdini 1 +011011101 McCants 1 +011011101 Sypher 1 +011011101 97-94 1 +011011101 96-94 1 +011011101 Stepfanie 1 +011011101 Cingano 1 +011011101 Redish 1 +011011101 Kubarych 1 +011011101 Overholt 1 +011011101 Raptopoulous 1 +011011101 DiMarco 1 +011011101 Daverio 1 +011011101 Russler 1 +011011101 Bruenner 1 +011011101 Chernyshev 1 +011011101 TROOR-nisht 1 +011011101 Yankwitt 1 +011011101 Tregillus 1 +011011101 Hers-his-er 1 +011011101 Marvet 1 +011011101 Sidorsky 1 +011011101 Fentanes 1 +011011101 Defensor-Santiago 1 +011011101 Shelton-Colby 1 +011011101 Thurop 1 +011011101 Verrecchia 1 +011011101 Pelanne 1 +011011101 Utecht 1 +011011101 Ameche 1 +011011101 Curiel 1 +011011101 Kireta 1 +011011101 Luczaj 1 +011011101 Lagno 1 +011011101 Thirteen-year-old 1 +011011101 Vollum 1 +011011101 Kanegae 1 +011011101 Baldassari 1 +011011101 Redesdale 1 +011011101 Cutitta 1 +011011101 Rozenberg 1 +011011101 Gubrud 1 +011011101 Vapnek 1 +011011101 Wienheim 1 +011011101 Picci 1 +011011101 Daltrey 1 +011011101 Opatowski 1 +011011101 Balicki 1 +011011101 Bergdahl 1 +011011101 Bormann 1 +011011101 PMRC 1 +011011101 Overlan 1 +011011101 Kvols 1 +011011101 Luebke 1 +011011101 Galmiche 1 +011011101 leClerc 1 +011011101 Labreque 1 +011011101 Overchuck 1 +011011101 Seagrove 1 +011011101 Anway 1 +011011101 Ballan 1 +011011101 Harr 1 +011011101 Swilley 1 +011011101 Brenneman 1 +011011101 Harmatz 1 +011011101 Beletic 1 +011011101 Defty 1 +011011101 Oberhuber 1 +011011101 1594-1665 1 +011011101 Koya 1 +011011101 LaReese 1 +011011101 Terington 1 +011011101 Debber 1 +011011101 Bivins 1 +011011101 Haveles 1 +011011101 Tschantz 1 +011011101 Zakarin 1 +011011101 Bulaski 1 +011011101 Hamida 1 +011011101 Chehabar 1 +011011101 Grupp 1 +011011101 Deford 1 +011011101 Barbery 1 +011011101 Bornholdt 1 +011011101 Hatoyama 1 +011011101 Roehls 1 +011011101 Orear 1 +011011101 Robinson-Lewis 1 +011011101 Simko 1 +011011101 I-Jen 1 +011011101 Kinzbach 1 +011011101 Pinkele 1 +011011101 Kalisch 1 +011011101 McElwain 1 +011011101 Geater 1 +011011101 Kashpaw 1 +011011101 Rippon 1 +011011101 Adare 1 +011011101 Langness 1 +011011101 Geleji 1 +011011101 Karch 1 +011011101 Crowson 1 +011011101 Finan 1 +011011101 Talafre 1 +011011101 Fuerst 1 +011011101 VanderMeulen 1 +011011101 Proetta 1 +011011101 Selley 1 +011011101 Hollembeak 1 +011011101 Kotnour 1 +011011101 Lomazow 1 +011011101 Grego 1 +011011101 Sugi 1 +011011101 1836-37 1 +011011101 Hercz 1 +011011101 Muang 1 +011011101 Binggeli 1 +011011101 Gillego 1 +011011101 Skaags 1 +011011101 Stroeder 1 +011011101 Urbut 1 +011011101 Isman 1 +011011101 Ornest 1 +011011101 Tsurikov 1 +011011101 Kathrada 1 +011011101 Puliselik 1 +011011101 Andreeva 1 +011011101 Soorus 1 +011011101 Herries 1 +011011101 Leerhsen 1 +011011101 Philomel 1 +011011101 Shimshack 1 +011011101 Giess 1 +011011101 deHaven-Smith 1 +011011101 Kirstien 1 +011011101 Haniyeh 1 +011011101 Kepel 1 +011011101 Grenon 1 +011011101 Dantin 1 +011011101 Wingard 1 +011011101 Sayenga 1 +011011101 Facchetti 1 +011011101 Devalle 1 +011011101 Longwell 1 +011011101 Granade 1 +011011101 Negrier 1 +011011101 Dubow 1 +011011101 Arikady 1 +011011101 Hinkson 1 +011011101 817-155-1 1 +011011101 PolyGram-Verve 1 +011011101 101-106 1 +011011101 Ritze 1 +011011101 Hochhalter 1 +011011101 Recholtz 1 +011011101 1948-55 1 +011011101 1946-47 1 +011011101 1944-48 1 +011011101 Nadolski 1 +011011101 Lurton 1 +011011101 Paulet 1 +011011101 Schack 1 +011011101 Phale 1 +011011101 Noeth 1 +011011101 Taraba 1 +011011101 Nitzberg 1 +011011101 Freeberg 1 +011011101 Bakstansky 1 +011011101 Sarti 1 +011011101 1793-1864 1 +011011101 655-731 1 +011011101 Morris/Kraft 1 +011011101 Shapolsky 1 +011011101 Medoff 1 +011011101 Bolka 1 +011011101 Roesler 1 +011011101 Federighi 1 +011011101 Chehardy 1 +011011101 Newmarch 1 +011011101 Venables 1 +011011101 Choudhury 1 +011011101 Upcott 1 +011011101 Killelea 1 +011011101 Sayler 1 +011011101 Zia-ulHaq 1 +011011101 Hagenmeyer 1 +011011101 Dymond 1 +011011101 Shusas 1 +011011101 Zolezzi 1 +011011101 Rachko 1 +011011101 Ehrenhaus 1 +011011101 Zampa 1 +011011101 Hopcroft 1 +011011101 McIlroy 1 +011011101 Bereskov 1 +011011101 Hilvitz 1 +011011101 non-insiders 1 +011011101 Brehault 1 +011011101 ro-HEY-lio 1 +011011101 Bidinotto 1 +011011101 Setrakian 1 +011011101 Durack 1 +011011101 Knappman 1 +011011101 Dahmer 1 +011011101 Kolof 1 +011011101 Porteous 1 +011011101 Bearisto 1 +011011101 Gaba 1 +011011101 Bare-ZHAY 1 +011011101 Caldiero 1 +011011101 Devaquet 1 +011011101 Stenberg 1 +011011101 Steijger 1 +011011101 Vejnoska 1 +011011101 Zoglin 1 +011011101 Hollom 1 +011011101 Neree 1 +011011101 Chanoine 1 +011011101 Philidor 1 +011011101 Raalte 1 +011011101 Kappus 1 +011011101 Padia 1 +011011101 DiMaura 1 +011011101 Strobl 1 +011011101 Ashfield 1 +011011101 Mauhs 1 +011011101 Christia 1 +011011101 Gehringer 1 +011011101 Musha 1 +011011101 peep-LEEN 1 +011011101 golly-mah-CHAH 1 +011011101 waw-wah-RHAWN 1 +011011101 Berowne 1 +011011101 Skopp 1 +011011101 Steslow 1 +011011101 LaFrere 1 +011011101 Evey 1 +011011101 Cowfer 1 +011011101 Bohnett 1 +011011101 Parell 1 +011011101 McComas 1 +011011101 Versalle 1 +011011101 Latscher 1 +011011101 Midorikawa 1 +011011101 Inhofe 1 +011011101 Lusardi 1 +011011101 Noces 1 +011011101 Mati 1 +011011101 McConaughy 1 +011011101 Hartsel 1 +011011101 gah-YET 1 +011011101 Rhead 1 +011011101 Khatemi 1 +011011101 Ramsier 1 +011011101 Guell 1 +011011101 Haggin 1 +011011101 Lazaris 1 +011011101 Bidner 1 +011011101 Zanowski 1 +011011101 Viejitos 1 +011011101 Duflos 1 +011011101 Lefevbre 1 +011011101 Harino 1 +011011101 Briance 1 +011011101 Kambanis 1 +011011101 R-Calif. 1 +011011101 Tapagni 1 +011011101 Winne 1 +011011101 Warach 1 +011011101 Culberson 1 +011011101 1943-45 1 +011011101 Fugate 1 +011011101 Zindler 1 +011011101 Gbeho 1 +011011101 oh-WHY-hee 1 +011011101 Gievers 1 +011011101 Nanes 1 +011011101 Zubak 1 +011011101 Narcado 1 +011011101 Houminer 1 +011011101 Scaramozi 1 +011011101 Newkome 1 +011011101 DeCote 1 +011011101 Bricchetti 1 +011011101 Eshleman 1 +011011101 Mazze 1 +011011101 Stellas 1 +011011101 Adamski 1 +011011101 Hudd 1 +011011101 Stasick 1 +011011101 Lockleer 1 +011011101 Vagadori 1 +011011101 Moscarino 1 +011011101 Wambach 1 +011011101 Gault-Williams 1 +011011101 Grabel 1 +011011101 Arnette 1 +011011101 1921-22 1 +011011101 Offen 1 +011011101 Terris 1 +011011101 Bremridge 1 +011011101 Koyanagi 1 +011011101 Kueppers 1 +011011101 Sadaoui 1 +011011101 Puz 1 +011011101 Ingebretson 1 +011011101 Scinicariello 1 +011011101 Fryer 1 +011011101 Ramsen 1 +011011101 Shapiro-Matthews 1 +011011101 Bilstad 1 +011011101 Stancliffe 1 +011011101 Paysee 1 +011011101 Feess 1 +011011101 Fosbeck 1 +011011101 Memishian 1 +011011101 Peloquin 1 +011011101 Delport 1 +011011101 Tiner 1 +011011101 Scoppetta 1 +011011101 Genuario 1 +011011101 Herge 1 +011011101 Pitroda 1 +011011101 Marchione 1 +011011101 Paulin 1 +011011101 Ndemande 1 +011011101 Mashele 1 +011011101 Skapertas 1 +011011101 1724-1753 1 +011011101 Ille 1 +011011101 Reissig 1 +011011101 Zorina 1 +011011101 Mulrow 1 +011011101 Quattropani 1 +011011101 Lohss 1 +011011101 Rauschenbach 1 +011011101 Belforte 1 +011011101 Wegler 1 +011011101 Kotchian 1 +011011101 Hanawada 1 +011011101 McGull-Billingsley 1 +011011101 Gouws 1 +011011101 Elardo 1 +011011101 Mercaldo 1 +011011101 Bramsden 1 +011011101 Nothdurft 1 +011011101 Promocion 1 +011011101 Doctores 1 +011011101 Hegeman 1 +011011101 Grossvogel 1 +011011101 Deterding 1 +011011101 Cordery 1 +011011101 Chater 1 +011011101 McNaul 1 +011011101 Ribolow 1 +011011101 Tuffield 1 +011011101 bleeper 1 +011011101 Brunswijk 1 +011011101 Talensky 1 +011011101 Arnesen 1 +011011101 Kotar 1 +011011101 Kaericher 1 +011011101 Oswold 1 +011011101 Refsland 1 +011011101 Klath 1 +011011101 Margaronis 1 +011011101 Langbaum 1 +011011101 Squitero 1 +011011101 Elphick 1 +011011101 Lucchi 1 +011011101 Kalec 1 +011011101 Orentlicher 1 +011011101 Chenin 1 +011011101 Cavada 1 +011011101 Pierrard 1 +011011101 Ramond 1 +011011101 Sabatier 1 +011011101 Gutshall 1 +011011101 Calianese 1 +011011101 Dormer 1 +011011101 LoBue 1 +011011101 Bimonte 1 +011011101 Favretto 1 +011011101 Pettigrew 1 +011011101 Langton 1 +011011101 Kennard 1 +011011101 irately 1 +011011101 Phalen 1 +011011101 unspiked 1 +011011101 Entman 1 +011011101 Bargen 1 +011011101 Zichroni 1 +011011101 Toussia-Cohen 1 +011011101 Yadom-Lewis 1 +011011101 Geronimi 1 +011011101 Filarski 1 +011011101 Worner 1 +011011101 Kressel 1 +011011101 Kasofsky 1 +011011101 Takai 1 +011011101 Mogel 1 +011011101 Clifton-Bligh 1 +011011101 Shlossman 1 +011011101 Cersosimo 1 +011011101 Staak 1 +011011101 Guttag 1 +011011101 Morath 1 +011011101 Kovacevic 1 +011011101 Piersante 1 +011011101 Virden 1 +011011101 Hilson 1 +011011101 Mulhare 1 +011011101 Jester 1 +011011101 Kirton 1 +011011101 Jost 1 +011011101 Glinert 1 +011011101 Pfann 1 +011011101 D-Ore. 1 +011011101 Inselmann 1 +011011101 Havahart 1 +011011101 Knoblock 1 +011011101 Dicasoli 1 +011011101 Kravitt 1 +011011101 Beefsteaks 1 +011011101 Ogure 1 +011011101 Gushner 1 +011011101 Shumate 1 +011011101 Gillette-made 1 +011011101 Bufkin 1 +011011101 Slutzky 1 +011011101 Shulansky 1 +011011101 gibbs 1 +011011101 Landymore 1 +011011101 Skomorowsky 1 +011011101 N.B. 1 +011011101 Quirsfeld 1 +011011101 Levinger 1 +011011101 Typaldos 1 +011011101 Miyamura 1 +011011101 Shorten 1 +011011101 Stracuzzi 1 +011011101 Melius 1 +011011101 Poncet 1 +011011101 Cajal 1 +011011101 Herriman 1 +011011101 Pineo 1 +011011101 Courson 1 +011011101 Bee-rye-ter 1 +011011101 Mm-fu-may 1 +011011101 Qua-ee-see 1 +011011101 Furuichi 1 +011011101 Minich 1 +011011101 hetero 1 +011011101 Oliveti 1 +011011101 Proh-teck-shun-izm 1 +011011101 Cuhm-peh-tuh-tiv-nuss 1 +011011101 five-tone 1 +011011101 Polonofsky 1 +011011101 Lendrum 1 +011011101 1967-70 1 +011011101 Glockner 1 +011011101 Hobert 1 +011011101 Redburn 1 +011011101 Penzler 1 +011011101 Magram 1 +011011101 Schocket 1 +011011101 Rine 1 +011011101 Bertschmann 1 +011011101 Galvani 1 +011011101 Benkendorf 1 +011011101 McKimmie 1 +011011101 Sotoloff 1 +011011101 Niederhoffer 1 +011011101 DuVall 1 +011011101 Anana 1 +011011101 Brackett 1 +011011101 1841-1904 1 +011011101 Kloepfer 1 +011011101 Ramer 1 +011011101 Pollaci 1 +011011101 Huneker 1 +011011101 Schierling 1 +011011101 Sain 1 +011011101 Donow 1 +011011101 Theze 1 +011011101 Wrye 1 +011011101 Saloom 1 +011011101 Thiart 1 +011011101 Currin 1 +011011101 trefoil 1 +011011101 birdsfoot 1 +011011101 Verderosa 1 +011011101 Bessell 1 +011011101 Dromeshauser 1 +011011101 Mandaville 1 +011011101 Beauchemin 1 +011011101 Veronen 1 +011011101 51,001 1 +011011101 Generalis 1 +011011101 Dausch 1 +011011101 Krull 1 +011011101 DISSINGER 1 +011011101 Greacen 1 +011011101 Hensler 1 +011011101 Dobriner 1 +011011101 1568-1615 1 +011011101 Bonchick 1 +011011101 Yllescas 1 +011011101 Capelli 1 +011011101 Gants 1 +011011101 Bandrowsky 1 +011011101 Maruo 1 +011011101 Angermueller 1 +011011101 Shiniara 1 +011011101 Poincare 1 +011011101 Vinas 1 +011011101 Hoopes 1 +011011101 Erceg 1 +011011101 c.365 1 +011011101 Paarlberg 1 +011011101 Kintzle 1 +011011101 Ruthman 1 +011011101 Schlappi 1 +011011101 Sandage 1 +011011101 Koziol 1 +011011101 Tanimoto 1 +011011101 Lannutti 1 +011011101 Pohmiller 1 +011011101 Kirkner 1 +011011101 Riddel 1 +011011101 puh-KAY 1 +011011101 Gruensteidl 1 +011011101 Mizushima 1 +011011101 Heessels 1 +011011101 Hulett-Needham 1 +011011101 Mrozkowska-Brand 1 +011011101 Azzolina 1 +011011101 Goffin 1 +011011101 Duckworth 1 +011011101 Ottaviano 1 +011011101 Ruello 1 +011011101 Tella 1 +011011101 Gochman 1 +011011101 Rej 1 +011011101 Negronida 1 +011011101 Jehle 1 +011011101 Ake 1 +011011101 aargh 1 +011011101 Klimaszewski 1 +011011101 Flintoft 1 +011011101 Strawhorn 1 +011011101 Kiejman 1 +011011101 Kapsch 1 +011011101 Ryskind 1 +011011101 Flamment 1 +011011101 Scheyer 1 +011011101 Tavitian 1 +011011101 Rentzer 1 +011011101 FitzRandolph 1 +011011101 Mayersohn 1 +011011101 Mechsner 1 +011011101 Gwizdela 1 +011011101 Yengst 1 +011011101 Garages 1 +011011101 Laarman 1 +011011101 Meischen 1 +011011101 Goeldner 1 +011011101 Maanhede 1 +011011101 Deme 1 +011011101 Fasola 1 +011011101 Schuss 1 +011011101 Bordisso 1 +011011101 Nuber 1 +011011101 Satula 1 +011011101 Zurfluh 1 +011011101 Katzoff 1 +011011101 Pencke 1 +011011101 Breenan 1 +011011101 Amoureuses 1 +011011101 Korvach 1 +011011101 Bushfield 1 +011011101 Lewinter 1 +011011101 Steinbrunner 1 +011011101 BEE-loe 1 +011011101 Brossier 1 +011011101 Sjolin 1 +011011101 Rampal 1 +011011101 Paladeau 1 +011011101 Zakheim 1 +011011101 Cubbin 1 +011011101 Maluta 1 +011011101 Bertinelli 1 +011011101 Durrance 1 +011011101 Rothermore 1 +011011101 Caprile 1 +011011101 Cleeman 1 +011011101 Herwitz 1 +011011101 Processini 1 +011011101 Tagliabue 1 +011011101 Ollmann 1 +011011101 Brueghel 1 +011011101 Catala-Roca 1 +011011101 Hipps 1 +011011101 IBUs 1 +011011101 Gamse 1 +011011101 PAHN-ish 1 +011011101 Dubroc 1 +011011101 Fyffe 1 +011011101 Dobbs-Higginson 1 +011011101 Dember 1 +011011101 Paret 1 +011011101 HEE-guh 1 +011011101 Marzani 1 +011011101 Lauenstein 1 +011011101 Duchateau 1 +011011101 Zacchi 1 +011011101 Eckford 1 +011011101 Karkow 1 +011011101 Miyao 1 +011011101 Carceres 1 +011011101 Boczek 1 +011011101 Martinet 1 +011011101 Dettmar 1 +011011101 Enga 1 +011011101 Ponnet 1 +011011101 Wilshe 1 +011011101 Creer 1 +011011101 Willox 1 +011011101 DeProsse 1 +011011101 Olenick 1 +011011101 Gentles 1 +011011101 Haggarty 1 +011011101 Clossey 1 +011011101 Pincham 1 +011011101 Schulz-Koehn 1 +011011101 Epton 1 +011011101 Rubes 1 +011011101 Broadman 1 +011011101 Shurkin 1 +011011101 Rozen 1 +011011101 Falsgraf 1 +011011101 DeCof 1 +011011101 Bonne 1 +011011101 Greenwold 1 +011011101 Washburne 1 +011011101 Gutowski 1 +011011101 Orgolini 1 +011011101 Hadlock 1 +011011101 Footlick 1 +011011101 Shaib 1 +011011101 Schopick 1 +011011101 Hilford 1 +011011101 Battipaglia 1 +011011101 1969-84 1 +011011101 Abberley 1 +011011101 Kotzan 1 +011011101 Knappik 1 +011011101 Hart-Dyke 1 +011011101 468-102 1 +011011101 Heitzeberg 1 +011011101 201-933-8500 1 +011011101 1-800-2234050 1 +011011101 Bodan 1 +011011101 Kupinski 1 +011011101 Holihan 1 +011011101 Borrus 1 +011011101 Bollerer 1 +011011101 Tavris 1 +011011101 McAlister 1 +011011101 Theofanous 1 +011011101 Pietropinto 1 +011011101 Meadlock 1 +011011101 Foots 1 +011011101 Engstrom 1 +011011101 Hatskin 1 +011011101 Wierusz 1 +011011101 Ruizhou 1 +011011101 Prot 1 +011011101 Tkach 1 +011011101 Canale 1 +011011101 Cren 1 +011011101 Vair-Zhess 1 +011011101 Stolpen 1 +011011101 Jackiewicz 1 +011011101 Owenby 1 +011011101 Albu 1 +011011101 Sclafani 1 +011011101 Chorlton 1 +011011101 Wailes 1 +011011101 Bouchot 1 +011011101 Ebsen 1 +011011101 9/27/85 1 +011011101 oaky 1 +011011101 Langsley 1 +011011101 Thrun 1 +011011101 Verrone 1 +011011101 Stabinski 1 +011011101 Gapp 1 +011011101 Kushman 1 +011011101 Zigholboim 1 +011011101 Bengtson 1 +011011101 Carnesecca 1 +011011101 Bertrane 1 +011011101 Mackenroth 1 +011011101 Partlow 1 +011011101 Benderson 1 +011011101 Villega 1 +011011101 Meacher 1 +011011101 Kuechenmeister 1 +011011101 Seisser 1 +011011101 Bengston 1 +011011101 Hutnick 1 +011011101 Rohl 1 +011011101 Galizia 1 +011011101 Spicuzza 1 +011011101 Bachner 1 +011011101 Nemecek 1 +011011101 Seisert 1 +011011101 OSLER 1 +011011101 Lemen 1 +011011101 Reitze 1 +011011101 Belshe 1 +011011101 Schlichting 1 +011011101 Teichgraeber 1 +011011101 Schlenger 1 +011011101 Higginbottom 1 +011011101 Wronskyj 1 +011011101 Blanke 1 +011011101 Pyke 1 +011011101 Panoi 1 +011011101 Hurst-Hyde 1 +011011101 Burricelli 1 +011011101 Wolvers 1 +011011101 Benney 1 +011011101 Scarano 1 +011011101 Wachman 1 +011011101 Quillinan 1 +011011101 STLV-3 1 +011011101 Hoshinoya 1 +011011101 Serotkin 1 +011011101 Murillo 1 +011011101 Lifka 1 +011011101 Korty 1 +011011101 Sarducci 1 +011011101 Upchurch 1 +011011101 McWeeney 1 +011011101 Carron 1 +011011101 Anni 1 +011011101 Behrenwaldt 1 +011011101 Baszucki 1 +011011101 Bohne 1 +011011101 Schelling 1 +011011101 Dilenscheider 1 +011011101 Reichard 1 +011011101 Morgaman 1 +011011101 Laviano 1 +011011101 Mossinghoff 1 +011011101 Bollin 1 +011011101 Sennish 1 +011011101 Hallisey 1 +011011101 2:29:58 1 +011011101 2:29:53 1 +011011101 Kavett 1 +011011101 Carroccio 1 +011011101 Zoi 1 +011011101 Kirlin 1 +011011101 Malakoff 1 +011011101 Tschinkel 1 +011011101 Godlin 1 +011011101 Ricke 1 +011011101 Slyly 1 +011011101 Jalinos 1 +011011101 Abeng 1 +011011101 Breitenstein 1 +011011101 Bilger 1 +011011101 Gunyon 1 +011011101 Propeck 1 +011011101 Pakendorf 1 +011011101 Wietschner 1 +011011101 Teracura 1 +011011101 MacCullum 1 +011011101 Sevrens 1 +011011101 TENURE 1 +011011101 Conquerors 1 +011011101 Petrelis 1 +011011101 Kanchuger 1 +011011101 Bolus 1 +011011101 Eidenberg 1 +011011101 Egge 1 +011011101 Allgood 1 +011011101 Svedburg 1 +011011101 Berryhill 1 +011011101 Zimel 1 +011011101 Naddaff 1 +011011101 Benteen 1 +011011101 Kiesling 1 +011011101 Glanzelius 1 +011011101 zuh-GAHT 1 +011011101 Cantone 1 +011011101 Aikhomu 1 +011011101 DeanColeman 1 +011011101 Gindin 1 +011011101 Noels 1 +011011101 Benbrook 1 +011011101 Belbruno 1 +011011101 Hobelmann 1 +011011101 Sanera 1 +011011101 Tsubaki 1 +011011101 Mathew-Bauer 1 +011011101 Depeni 1 +011011101 Lenter 1 +011011101 Arnstein 1 +011011101 Caspel 1 +011011101 DeWinter 1 +011011101 McGilvrey 1 +011011101 Bleaman 1 +011011101 DeMent 1 +011011101 Chilenskas 1 +011011101 Plewes 1 +011011101 Nishiwaki 1 +011011101 Heiblim 1 +011011101 Perdikakis 1 +011011101 Koppelin 1 +011011101 Kashiwada 1 +011011101 Companc 1 +011011101 M2+CDs 1 +011011101 Notari 1 +011011101 Lieberfarb 1 +011011101 Mourglatos 1 +011011101 Oh-my 1 +011011101 Alejos 1 +011011101 Bomberger 1 +011011101 Dibbern 1 +011011101 Lakatos 1 +011011101 Crapper 1 +011011101 Kraslow 1 +011011101 Caicedo 1 +011011101 Bessho 1 +011011101 Cudmore 1 +011011101 Asada 1 +011011101 Harmelin 1 +011011101 Brockmeier 1 +011011101 Petschek 1 +011011101 Koletar 1 +011011101 Mahn-je 1 +011011101 Lahar 1 +011011101 Grinstead 1 +011011101 Godfrey-Isaacs 1 +011011101 Warriner 1 +011011101 Finniston 1 +011011101 Dautresme 1 +011011101 Meurling 1 +011011101 Seitler 1 +011011101 Siegenthaler 1 +011011101 Ordas 1 +011011101 Jackalone 1 +011011101 Kalke 1 +011011101 Zitz 1 +011011101 Beason 1 +011011101 Patane 1 +011011101 Ipanoff 1 +011011101 Appleyard 1 +011011101 Bechanan 1 +011011101 Ternus 1 +011011101 Schenider 1 +011011101 Crory 1 +011011101 Lurye 1 +011011101 Kaska 1 +011011101 Polisuk 1 +011011101 Borofsky 1 +011011101 Otterness 1 +011011101 Glusman 1 +011011101 Bethusy-Huc 1 +011011101 Zanker 1 +011011101 Tullius 1 +011011101 Fromm 1 +011011101 Gregorsky 1 +011011101 Kretzschmar 1 +011011101 Kyotani 1 +011011101 1864-1941 1 +011011101 1862-1941 1 +011011101 Koshiishi 1 +011011101 Morisaki 1 +011011101 Banes 1 +011011101 Hould-Ward 1 +011011101 Wessling 1 +011011101 Wunch 1 +011011101 Konle 1 +011011101 Dockser 1 +011011101 Kilberg 1 +011011101 Lutze 1 +011011101 Hallan-Gibson 1 +011011101 Heale 1 +011011101 amendment-passing 1 +011011101 Mozen 1 +011011101 Kiszynski 1 +011011101 Ruttenberg 1 +011011101 Fronius 1 +011011101 Wissak 1 +011011101 Stadtmueller 1 +011011101 Sever 1 +011011101 Saavedra 1 +011011101 Wynette 1 +011011101 Skuse 1 +011011101 Weston-Smith 1 +011011101 DeGenaro 1 +011011101 Mattuck 1 +011011101 McBay 1 +011011101 Bayliss 1 +011011101 Vucci 1 +011011101 Prestamo 1 +011011101 Nikkila 1 +011011101 Ferreri 1 +011011101 Birakos 1 +011011101 Grimmett 1 +011011101 Reaser 1 +011011101 Drennig 1 +011011101 Cochet 1 +011011101 Boettner 1 +011011101 Nadlman 1 +011011101 Biernat 1 +011011101 AK-yur-a 1 +011011101 Gleissner 1 +011011101 Wolfsberger 1 +011011101 Herko 1 +011011101 Hiers 1 +011011101 Wynia 1 +011011101 Shuffleton 1 +011011101 Wonnacott 1 +011011101 Mander 1 +011011101 Funt 1 +011011101 Shalit 1 +011011101 Kinison 1 +011011101 Javers 1 +011011101 Sundick 1 +011011101 Fannon 1 +011011101 Gushurst 1 +011011101 Ezzard 1 +011011101 Kengor 1 +011011101 Stahel 1 +011011101 Marus 1 +011011101 Grayzel 1 +011011101 Rozanov 1 +011011101 Jessel 1 +011011101 CROW-way-er 1 +011011101 Raulston 1 +011011101 Hulsebos 1 +011011101 Weirup 1 +011011101 Reger 1 +011011101 Siyassah 1 +011011101 Whitham 1 +011011101 Maddams 1 +011011101 Shontell 1 +011011101 Dolinger 1 +011011101 Wichser 1 +011011101 Hoppin 1 +011011101 Gerberding 1 +011011101 Herbeck 1 +011011101 Muehlig 1 +011011101 Chindler 1 +011011101 Celli 1 +011011101 Spaventa 1 +011011101 Lucchini 1 +011011101 Knightley 1 +011011101 Feltner 1 +011011101 Buttel 1 +011011101 Breimyer 1 +011011101 Akechi 1 +011011101 Dollard 1 +011011101 Tansill 1 +011011101 Bertin-Mourot 1 +011011101 Maraz 1 +011011101 Goldthwaite 1 +011011101 Whibley 1 +011011101 Heimbinder 1 +011011101 Whichard 1 +011011101 Gaub 1 +011011101 Laudeman 1 +011011101 Mowat 1 +011011101 Fonyo 1 +011011101 Woodgate 1 +011011101 Matto 1 +011011101 Kuttin 1 +011011101 ASW 1 +011011101 Willis-Fleming 1 +011011101 Kettl 1 +011011101 Suber-Smith 1 +011011101 Oberg 1 +011011101 Heimark 1 +011011101 Gallois 1 +011011101 Kowalik 1 +011011101 Tadeo 1 +011011101 Pottinger 1 +011011101 Huembes 1 +011011101 Cartes 1 +011011101 Bogel 1 +011011101 Rork 1 +011011101 Winstead 1 +011011101 Fabrikant 1 +011011101 Wilgus 1 +011011101 1892-1942 1 +011011101 Andemening 1 +011011101 Featherman 1 +011011101 Goalby 1 +011011101 Noddings 1 +011011101 Volkoff 1 +011011101 Mesiti 1 +011011101 Olzowski 1 +011011101 Kulikov 1 +011011101 Werdegar 1 +011011101 Bogni 1 +011011101 Goldthorpe 1 +011011101 ENG-vay 1 +011011101 Diefenderfer 1 +011011101 Lomotey 1 +011011101 Barg 1 +011011101 four-kilometer 1 +011011101 01 1 +011011101 Keehner 1 +011011101 VanDongen 1 +011011101 Mitty-like 1 +011011101 Lodato 1 +011011101 Truluck 1 +011011101 Walburn 1 +011011101 Poch 1 +011011101 Fetterley 1 +011011101 Flanery 1 +011011101 Habschmidt 1 +011011101 Barte 1 +011011101 Hunsinger 1 +011011101 Muste 1 +011011101 McLinn 1 +011011101 Trawicki 1 +011011101 Zorgniotti 1 +011011101 Loddo 1 +011011101 Kesh 1 +011011101 Moreau-Defarges 1 +011011101 Gomu 1 +011011101 Burgum 1 +011011101 Lipshultz 1 +011011101 Nepsa 1 +011011101 Lewitt 1 +011011101 Weingaertner 1 +011011101 Kanupke 1 +011011101 FCIA 1 +011011101 Bensen 1 +011011101 Cordelle 1 +011011101 Acciaioli 1 +011011101 CBP 1 +011011101 Beatley 1 +011011101 Yeaton 1 +011011101 Krainin 1 +011011101 Hoche 1 +011011101 1863-1952 1 +011011101 Deitch 1 +011011101 Tomaino 1 +011011101 Horrow 1 +011011101 Haroutunian 1 +011011101 Dodman 1 +011011101 Athanasiou 1 +011011101 Katsky 1 +011011101 Capatosto 1 +011011101 Bellino 1 +011011101 Codd 1 +011011101 Hitchell 1 +011011101 Laberis 1 +011011101 Hamerling 1 +011011101 Archiv 1 +011011101 eye-KEY-ah 1 +011011101 Laemmle 1 +011011101 Bressand 1 +011011101 Sleater 1 +011011101 Zuur 1 +011011101 EMI-Angel 1 +011011101 Trask 1 +011011101 1853-1857 1 +011011101 Ratterman 1 +011011101 Aschenbach 1 +011011101 Haverland 1 +011011101 Schaffarzick 1 +011011101 NQSO 1 +011011101 Batalden 1 +011011101 Postawa 1 +011011101 Wack 1 +011011101 Dummar 1 +011011101 Riniker 1 +011011101 Machesko 1 +011011101 Augustyn 1 +011011101 Weithers 1 +011011101 Bongianino 1 +011011101 Gallison 1 +011011101 Marchaterre 1 +011011101 Jaroslavsky 1 +011011101 Lickleider 1 +011011101 Dammers 1 +011011101 Callone 1 +011011101 Durik 1 +011011101 Rezak 1 +011011101 Carranza 1 +011011101 Ham-TRAM-ick 1 +011011101 Burnett-Hall 1 +011011101 Garfein 1 +011011101 Schnee 1 +011011101 McIlvaine 1 +011011101 Mandelker 1 +011011101 Tati 1 +011011101 Bryk 1 +011011101 McGlone 1 +011011101 Petereit 1 +011011101 Boman 1 +011011101 Loscutoff 1 +011011101 Shindo 1 +011011101 Lefferman 1 +011011101 Siener 1 +011011101 Cawood 1 +011011101 Bagge 1 +011011101 Bedbrook 1 +011011101 Habermann 1 +011011101 Kanada 1 +011011101 5-feet-8 1 +011011101 5-feet-11 1 +011011101 Craviso 1 +011011101 Wilmerding 1 +011011101 Cosley 1 +011011101 Valeggia 1 +011011101 Tiberio 1 +011011101 Fillon 1 +011011101 schnell 1 +011011101 Boyes 1 +011011101 Pilotti 1 +011011101 Markoski 1 +011011101 Lorant 1 +011011101 Jingozian 1 +011011101 Adshead 1 +011011101 Jaen 1 +011011101 Broms 1 +011011101 Wieczorek 1 +011011101 Reimann 1 +011011101 Loemker 1 +011011101 Verryn 1 +011011101 Molatsi 1 +011011101 Swerling 1 +011011101 Kitaori 1 +011011101 Dovalina 1 +011011101 Fuson 1 +011011101 Okinow 1 +011011101 Nakanishi 1 +011011101 Goshima 1 +011011101 Giannoulas 1 +011011101 Chandros 1 +011011101 LaBrecque 1 +011011101 Paster 1 +011011101 Zandt 1 +011011101 Tinham 1 +011011101 Geisman 1 +011011101 OMGs 1 +011011101 Hrizo 1 +011011101 Meidel 1 +011011101 1958-63 1 +011011101 Cangelosi 1 +011011101 Sanfilippo 1 +011011101 Codon 1 +011011101 Jaros 1 +011011101 Wojtyla 1 +011011101 Lopatka 1 +011011101 Piasecki 1 +011011101 Jamka 1 +011011101 Tischner 1 +011011101 Mosconi 1 +011011101 Kleinas 1 +011011101 Cousteaus 1 +011011101 ACE/Putnam 1 +011011101 MccGwire 1 +011011101 Schwindeman 1 +011011101 Brandner 1 +011011101 Santiesteban 1 +011011101 Duyck 1 +011011101 Eltsin 1 +011011101 Modugno 1 +011011101 Dever 1 +011011101 Bevilaqua 1 +011011101 Mee-co-een 1 +011011101 Hannefin 1 +011011101 Conoscenti 1 +011011101 Sound-alikes 1 +011011101 Sichting 1 +011011101 Udbinac 1 +011011101 Griels 1 +011011101 DeWalden 1 +011011101 Tous 1 +011011101 Gersonde 1 +011011101 Rankis 1 +011011101 Koplowitz 1 +011011101 Nieznay 1 +011011101 Okuzawa 1 +011011101 Bonnington 1 +011011101 212-362-8719 1 +011011101 516-632-7230 1 +011011101 Benowitz 1 +011011101 Raintree-Northwoods 1 +011011101 Sandborg 1 +011011101 Allec 1 +011011101 Wilkniss 1 +011011101 Kosaka 1 +011011101 Spix 1 +011011101 Saifer 1 +011011101 Ikonen 1 +011011101 Boecklin 1 +011011101 Gehlen 1 +011011101 Shepher 1 +011011101 Casden 1 +011011101 Worswick 1 +011011101 Rohrs 1 +011011101 Arime 1 +011011101 Sphar 1 +011011101 Abdou 1 +011011101 Getsinger 1 +011011101 Ardolino 1 +011011101 all-too-humanly 1 +011011101 Koschitzki 1 +011011101 Maultsby 1 +011011101 Comtois 1 +011011101 Rachlin 1 +011011101 Hapke 1 +011011101 Allegrezza 1 +011011101 Lysaker 1 +011011101 Lutrin 1 +011011101 nhonga 1 +011011101 Wielgos 1 +011011101 Maclennan 1 +011011101 Hoelzel 1 +011011101 Geurtz 1 +011011101 Dorbin 1 +011011101 Murrah 1 +011011101 Hylind 1 +011011101 Brunelle 1 +011011101 Marbach 1 +011011101 Diedrick 1 +011011101 Chiodi 1 +011011101 Kobell 1 +011011101 Wodraska 1 +011011101 Hoermann 1 +011011101 Heathfield 1 +011011101 Kamaryt 1 +011011101 Kench 1 +011011101 Klemann 1 +011011101 Pascuito 1 +011011101 Mastropolo 1 +011011101 Ceccarelli 1 +011011101 Schulhofer 1 +011011101 Belter 1 +011011101 Feinschreiber 1 +011011101 Imbrecht 1 +011011101 Heppe 1 +011011101 Fabricant 1 +011011101 Ostry 1 +011011101 Kerwin 1 +011011101 Goesling 1 +011011101 Brost 1 +011011101 Tilling 1 +011011101 Tozzi 1 +011011101 Braet 1 +011011101 Giammo 1 +011011101 Beton 1 +011011101 Blais 1 +011011101 Fullmer 1 +011011101 McEver 1 +011011101 Naifeh 1 +011011101 Lindenthal 1 +011011101 Asmann 1 +011011101 Maskovich 1 +011011101 Moriarity 1 +011011101 Bryck 1 +011011101 Skeie 1 +011011101 Massinga 1 +011011101 Sagal 1 +011011101 Katey 1 +011011101 McGarity 1 +011011101 Allegrucci 1 +011011101 Nothnagel 1 +011011101 Donsky 1 +011011101 huevos=eggs=testicles 1 +011011101 Heidenberger 1 +011011101 Ahrendt 1 +011011101 Nyberg 1 +011011101 COW-et 1 +011011101 Morrissette 1 +011011101 Dlugatch 1 +011011101 Chahine 1 +011011101 Gelsthorpe 1 +011011101 Bardeen 1 +011011101 Smalhout 1 +011011101 MACLEN 1 +011011101 Kobre 1 +011011101 Busiek 1 +011011101 Vona 1 +011011101 MacAdoo 1 +011011101 Misset 1 +011011101 1951-54 1 +011011101 1945-51 1 +011011101 Ogrocki 1 +011011101 Landsman 1 +011011101 Feuerstein 1 +011011101 Biasotti 1 +011011101 Demeny 1 +011011101 Hammel 1 +011011101 Kresky 1 +011011101 Kartalis 1 +011011101 Markezinis 1 +011011101 Tangstad 1 +011011101 Blauner 1 +011011101 Darmanin 1 +011011101 Zolotas 1 +011011101 1880-1940 1 +011011101 Repin 1 +011011101 Ennals 1 +011011101 Rossovich 1 +011011101 Antcliffe 1 +011011101 Fatale 1 +011011101 Hudack 1 +011011101 Bonhoeffer 1 +011011101 Ringlien 1 +011011101 Herbison 1 +011011101 Matzkin 1 +011011101 Soorko 1 +011011101 Zeledon 1 +011011101 Shahan 1 +011011101 Kuecker 1 +011011101 Ingari 1 +011011101 Fusilier 1 +011011101 Mouvagha 1 +011011101 Hirdman 1 +011011101 Shauklas 1 +011011101 Bolcar 1 +011011101 Merk 1 +011011101 Ionson 1 +011011101 Hewes 1 +011011101 Gurlacz 1 +011011101 Mutahar 1 +011011101 Brouster 1 +011011101 Petherick 1 +011011101 Gloeckle 1 +011011101 1557 1 +011011101 Nowaczyk 1 +011011101 Argueta 1 +011011101 Grijalva 1 +011011101 Kerstetter 1 +011011101 DePuzzo 1 +011011101 McGuiness 1 +011011101 Boas 1 +011011101 Loria 1 +011011101 Miailovich 1 +011011101 Nock 1 +011011101 LUST 1 +011011101 Vanbeek 1 +011011101 Mielewczyk 1 +011011101 Borkowska 1 +011011101 Slomczynski 1 +011011101 Feltwell 1 +011011101 Diedrichsen 1 +011011101 Mejillas 1 +011011101 Tuca 1 +011011101 Goussen 1 +011011101 Altamirano 1 +011011101 Charnwood 1 +011011101 Kulju 1 +011011101 Moreyra 1 +011011101 Martelle 1 +011011101 Condry 1 +011011101 Hackes 1 +011011101 Oakapple 1 +011011101 Meilleur 1 +011011101 Centeno 1 +011011101 Tessmann 1 +011011101 Troppito 1 +011011101 McElfresh 1 +011011101 luhFRACK 1 +011011101 LEFF-rack 1 +011011101 Lauricella 1 +011011101 herstory 1 +011011101 scutage 1 +011011101 Jungmeyer 1 +011011101 Speca 1 +011011101 Guerrieria 1 +011011101 Tacheuchi 1 +011011101 Stefik 1 +011011101 Tempel 1 +011011101 Wilkinsen 1 +011011101 Turlington 1 +011011101 Colaneri 1 +011011101 Utterback 1 +011011101 Margenau 1 +011011101 Poitevin 1 +011011101 Cozzolino 1 +011011101 Camens 1 +011011101 Mecum 1 +011011101 Flescher 1 +011011101 Schmalstieg 1 +011011101 RobbinsRoth 1 +011011101 Benyon 1 +011011101 Casabianca-Hilton 1 +011011101 McKinnes 1 +011011101 Ratchford 1 +011011101 Drozdow 1 +011011101 Benstead 1 +011011101 Rinner 1 +011011101 Scharbo 1 +011011101 Flaig 1 +011011101 Cavanah 1 +011011101 Himona 1 +011011101 Wahtera 1 +011011101 Staigor 1 +011011101 Bretzing 1 +011011101 Kandell 1 +011011101 Meachum 1 +011011101 Atieh 1 +011011101 Jostes 1 +011011101 Stirring 1 +011011101 Deratany 1 +011011101 June-AY-joe 1 +011011101 Ohtomo 1 +011011101 1745-1818 1 +011011101 Sotnick 1 +011011101 Kelty 1 +011011101 Tugendhat 1 +011011101 Trebatoski 1 +011011101 Obminsky 1 +011011101 Studemann 1 +011011101 Riis 1 +011011101 Archerd 1 +011011101 Dartland 1 +011011101 Bugno 1 +011011101 Pennywell 1 +011011101 Lebovitz 1 +011011101 Trau 1 +011011101 Shattls 1 +011011101 Hamnet 1 +011011101 Gribetz 1 +011011101 Auken 1 +011011101 Tylor 1 +011011101 Lewo 1 +011011101 Vandever 1 +011011101 Whyles 1 +011011101 Fauske 1 +011011101 Fondell 1 +011011101 Ryczek 1 +011011101 1833-1917 1 +011011101 Finucan 1 +011011101 Mulrooney 1 +011011101 Produccion 1 +011011101 Fomin 1 +011011101 Merrithew 1 +011011101 Ablondi 1 +011011101 Dermee 1 +011011101 Cervenka 1 +011011101 Emswiler 1 +011011101 Narutomi 1 +011011101 Miyashita 1 +011011101 Cook-Carlisle 1 +011011101 Guardiola 1 +011011101 1714-1778 1 +011011101 Kreger 1 +011011101 Niethammer 1 +011011101 Komiyama 1 +011011101 Kibbel 1 +011011101 Batkin 1 +011011101 Slacik 1 +011011101 Lidberg 1 +011011101 Tsikerdanos 1 +011011101 Gossert 1 +011011101 LeVay 1 +011011101 Croswhite 1 +011011101 Susetka 1 +011011101 Kamler 1 +011011101 Houdon 1 +011011101 Calverly 1 +011011101 EM-shuh 1 +011011101 Sorrel 1 +011011101 Takemi 1 +011011101 Bonsal 1 +011011101 Bessinger 1 +011011101 Tannucilli 1 +011011101 Roose 1 +011011101 Loorz 1 +011011101 Mlezcko 1 +011011101 kot 1 +011011101 Oshish 1 +011011101 1862-1867 1 +011011101 Nezu 1 +011011101 Gibney 1 +011011101 Declusin 1 +011011101 Chrysothemis 1 +011011101 Maythenyi 1 +011011101 DeRocker 1 +011011101 DuPois 1 +011011101 Starletta 1 +011011101 Yourcenar 1 +011011101 JEFCO 1 +011011101 Alschuler 1 +011011101 Zimbert 1 +011011101 Suddleson 1 +011011101 Lesperance 1 +011011101 1910-1917 1 +011011101 Copeman 1 +011011101 Cantafio 1 +011011101 Macove 1 +011011101 Scollander 1 +011011101 Yastrzemski 1 +011011101 Duemer 1 +011011101 Cazalet 1 +011011101 Rachofsky 1 +011011101 Bergel 1 +011011101 Starfin 1 +011011101 Fogge 1 +011011101 Vernet 1 +011011101 Leatherbury 1 +011011101 Umehara 1 +011011101 Pilsen 1 +011011101 Romanos 1 +011011101 Kenber 1 +011011101 Hod 1 +011011101 Drea 1 +011011101 viz 1 +011011101 Romatowski 1 +011011101 ABDC 1 +011011101 Sczudlo 1 +011011101 DeLoatche 1 +011011101 Quagliata 1 +011011101 Overdorf 1 +011011101 Gundersen 1 +011011101 Dunnam 1 +011011101 Goldfaden 1 +011011101 Stiefel 1 +011011101 Norich 1 +011011101 Borts 1 +011011101 Soreanu 1 +011011101 Grudniewicz 1 +011011101 VerStandig 1 +011011101 Gourio 1 +011011101 Arranda 1 +011011101 Lapierre 1 +011011101 Tabu/CBS 1 +011011101 Wiegman 1 +011011101 Teesdale 1 +011011101 Gurevitch 1 +011011101 Abdalla 1 +011011101 Shain 1 +011011101 Eveloff 1 +011011101 Soener 1 +011011101 Burlingham 1 +011011101 Clansman 1 +011011101 Kurdus 1 +011011101 Swinarton 1 +011011101 Flicker 1 +011011101 Sono 1 +011011101 Lonicera 1 +011011101 sempervirens 1 +011011101 Yednock 1 +011011101 Mahlhmann 1 +011011101 Coulsen 1 +011011101 Eccleston 1 +011011101 Cardascia 1 +011011101 Krasucki 1 +011011101 Tickett 1 +011011101 Niesenholtz 1 +011011101 Heditsian 1 +011011101 Dentlinger 1 +011011101 Sorsby 1 +011011101 Lierde 1 +011011101 Ponting 1 +011011101 Zepf 1 +011011101 Henchman 1 +011011101 .448 1 +011011101 Guokas 1 +011011101 Okamura 1 +011011101 D-Texas 1 +011011101 Hamelin 1 +011011101 Noakes 1 +011011101 ARCS 1 +011011101 RATS 1 +011011101 Stormonth-Darling 1 +011011101 Parsloe 1 +011011101 Guilbert 1 +011011101 Haroldsen 1 +011011101 Candrian 1 +011011101 Reinke 1 +011011101 Michell 1 +011011101 Kotula 1 +011011101 Warsch 1 +011011101 Riccardi 1 +011011101 Elephantorrhiza 1 +011011101 1873-1947 1 +011011101 FORECASTERS 1 +011011101 Munnell 1 +011011101 1870-1902 1 +011011101 Pizer 1 +011011101 Granito 1 +011011101 Fiorito 1 +011011101 Holmstrom 1 +011011101 Hazell 1 +011011101 Rebhan 1 +011011101 Furnari 1 +011011101 McBurnie 1 +011011101 Gilgo 1 +011011101 Lupeo 1 +011011101 Millhouse 1 +011011101 Homolle 1 +011011101 Salz 1 +011011101 Mommy-by-Objective 1 +011011101 Yanney 1 +011011101 1962-1965 1 +011011101 Romjue 1 +011011101 Maysles 1 +011011101 Cruys 1 +011011101 Romanko 1 +011011101 Apsey 1 +011011101 Millington 1 +011011101 Francl 1 +011011101 Hitchener 1 +011011101 1792-1822 1 +011011101 1856-1939 1 +011011101 1818-1883 1 +011011101 Sterbenc 1 +011011101 pay-GON 1 +011011101 1/25/87 1 +011011101 Bonnaire 1 +011011101 Sarkanen 1 +011011101 Ajootian 1 +011011101 Gorczyk 1 +011011101 post-1948 1 +011011101 Beckmeyer 1 +011011101 Gianinno 1 +011011101 Truit 1 +011011101 McConaghy 1 +011011101 Wruble 1 +011011101 11/25 1 +011011101 11/18 1 +011011101 11/14 1 +011011101 11/10 1 +011011101 11/3 1 +011011101 10/24 1 +011011101 10/21 1 +011011101 10/13 1 +011011101 10/6 1 +011011101 10/3 1 +011011101 9/29 1 +011011101 9/18 1 +011011101 9/8 1 +011011101 9/2 1 +011011101 8/26 1 +011011101 12/29 1 +011011101 12/22 1 +011011101 12/18 1 +011011101 12/16 1 +011011101 12/12 1 +011011101 12/11 1 +011011101 12/3 1 +011011101 12/2 1 +011011101 11/28 1 +011011101 3/26 1 +011011101 3/21 1 +011011101 3/10 1 +011011101 2/26 1 +011011101 1/28 1 +011011101 1/23 1 +011011101 1/17 1 +011011101 8/21 1 +011011101 8/18 1 +011011101 8/6 1 +011011101 8/1 1 +011011101 7/28 1 +011011101 7/25 1 +011011101 7/18 1 +011011101 7/10 1 +011011101 7/3 1 +011011101 7/2 1 +011011101 6/26 1 +011011101 6/23 1 +011011101 6/18 1 +011011101 6/9 1 +011011101 5/13 1 +011011101 5/6 1 +011011101 4/29 1 +011011101 4/22 1 +011011101 4/15 1 +011011101 Costonis 1 +011011101 Prasoprattanasuk 1 +011011101 Chasuparinr 1 +011011101 Nanayakkara 1 +011011101 Mirchandani 1 +011011101 Tjan 1 +011011101 Leventon 1 +011011101 Carrafiello 1 +011011101 Kobes 1 +011011101 Brisson 1 +011011101 Colville 1 +011011101 McKamey 1 +011011101 Pokorski 1 +011011101 Caloudes 1 +011011101 Hankiss 1 +011011101 Emberton 1 +011011101 Bonneil 1 +011011101 Serageldin 1 +011011101 Hindom 1 +011011101 Silalahi 1 +011011101 Geidt 1 +011011101 Kazanoff 1 +011011101 Bellus 1 +011011101 Langenhoven 1 +011011101 Lissack 1 +011011101 Areen 1 +011011101 Laufer 1 +011011101 Petropoulos 1 +011011101 Rockenstein 1 +011011101 Matuszak 1 +011011101 1890-91 1 +011011101 1937-40 1 +011011101 1920-22 1 +011011101 Sheeler 1 +011011101 Schoettle 1 +011011101 McCluggage 1 +011011101 Babitzke 1 +011011101 Tiefenthaler 1 +011011101 Usami 1 +011011101 Magota 1 +011011101 Kambury 1 +011011101 Dachik 1 +011011101 Berlstein 1 +011011101 PTY 1 +011011101 Owara 1 +011011101 Kinmonth 1 +011011101 Atanowsky 1 +011011101 Varnai 1 +011011101 Sinclair-Jones 1 +011011101 Badyna 1 +011011101 Bond-style 1 +011011101 DeHoll 1 +011011101 Escue 1 +011011101 Mallery 1 +011011101 Robalewski 1 +011011101 koo-TRAH-lay 1 +011011101 Forbush 1 +011011101 Hinchliffe 1 +011011101 Moosekian 1 +011011101 Eastaway 1 +011011101 Kharrazi 1 +011011101 Shelanskey 1 +011011101 Dechicco 1 +011011101 Mutumbuka 1 +011011101 Shenar 1 +011011101 Telnac 1 +011011101 Tolson 1 +011011101 Stirland 1 +011011101 Cukier 1 +011011101 Kecskemeti 1 +011011101 1968-1973 1 +011011101 Humblot 1 +011011101 Quast 1 +011011101 Lieblein 1 +011011101 Bantel 1 +011011101 Martersteck 1 +011011101 Parnas 1 +011011101 Garman 1 +011011101 Raffanti 1 +011011101 Nourizadeh 1 +011011101 Volmer 1 +011011101 Horrocks 1 +011011101 Razin 1 +011011101 Cohn-Bendit 1 +011011101 Orsich 1 +011011101 Funkhauser 1 +011011101 Hotseller 1 +011011101 Louzon 1 +011011101 Rendine 1 +011011101 Huie 1 +011011101 Portuondo 1 +011011101 Greenway 1 +011011101 Koide 1 +011011101 Malacarne 1 +011011101 Mebus 1 +011011101 Yonnone 1 +011011101 Holtapp 1 +011011101 Goldfield 1 +011011101 Greehey 1 +011011101 Morone 1 +011011101 Conforte 1 +011011101 Szramka 1 +011011101 Thorlo 1 +011011101 Chegwyn 1 +011011101 Truszkowski 1 +011011101 Bolea 1 +011011101 Mitiguy 1 +011011101 Tayler 1 +011011101 Stencil 1 +011011101 Nettercille 1 +011011101 MacEachern 1 +011011101 Fitchew 1 +011011101 Devas 1 +011011101 FIP 1 +011011101 Trippier 1 +011011101 1520-66 1 +011011101 Harenberg 1 +011011101 Pah-neesh 1 +011011101 Bethkenhagen 1 +011011101 Thunnell 1 +011011101 Reeff 1 +011011101 Iveagh 1 +011011101 Biviano 1 +011011101 Rodenhuis 1 +011011101 Paeschke 1 +011011101 Dorf 1 +011011101 Siegrist 1 +011011101 Sarpkaya 1 +011011101 Itagaki 1 +011011101 Zitek 1 +011011101 Nickoll 1 +011011101 Hillery 1 +011011101 Stracey 1 +011011101 Pettibone 1 +011011101 Souviron 1 +011011101 Ortibez 1 +011011101 Gainsburg 1 +011011101 DeGanay 1 +011011101 Winzenburg 1 +011011101 Ulis 1 +011011101 Padian 1 +011011101 Montagna 1 +011011101 Vellante 1 +011011101 OAPEC 1 +011011101 PID 1 +011011101 McPeak 1 +011011101 Durkan 1 +011011101 Amendolia 1 +011011101 Meagen 1 +011011101 Pantin 1 +011011101 Bukata 1 +011011101 Strohl 1 +011011101 Gutoff 1 +011011101 Vanda 1 +011011101 Zubrensky 1 +011011101 Hartauer 1 +011011101 Hudspeth 1 +011011101 Grumbly 1 +011011101 Kaferle 1 +011011101 D-Mass. 1 +011011101 Bellantoni 1 +011011101 conspiratologist 1 +011011101 Wagstaff 1 +011011101 Froning 1 +011011101 Geanoulis 1 +011011101 Luberski 1 +011011101 Radwanski 1 +011011101 Chaplanov 1 +011011101 Lalla 1 +011011101 Lacina 1 +011011101 Purpel 1 +011011101 Rasky 1 +011011101 Shallus 1 +011011101 Essaye 1 +011011101 Blackley 1 +011011101 Roseman 1 +011011101 Diez-Alegria 1 +011011101 Barefield 1 +011011101 Seftenberg 1 +011011101 Larriberot 1 +011011101 Gregga 1 +011011101 DiLillo 1 +011011101 Scelia 1 +011011101 Manuchia 1 +011011101 Kaline 1 +011011101 Jeddeloh 1 +011011101 Belluardo 1 +011011101 Perse 1 +011011101 Wyroba 1 +011011101 Kamensky 1 +011011101 StucchiPiretti 1 +011011101 E.Lefton 1 +011011101 IUFA 1 +011011101 Menetrez 1 +011011101 Wilker 1 +011011101 Ostrovsky 1 +011011101 Kiehne 1 +011011101 Gothlin 1 +011011101 Chandla 1 +011011101 1857-1934 1 +011011101 Wachtmeister 1 +011011101 Bourgue 1 +011011101 1872-1958 1 +011011101 Telarc 1 +011011101 Giteck 1 +011011101 Hodgdon 1 +011011101 Abalkhail 1 +011011101 Bosse 1 +011011101 push-a-thon 1 +011011101 Bischof 1 +011011101 Blankstein 1 +011011101 Baillargeon 1 +011011101 Paule 1 +011011101 Beugen 1 +011011101 Klinkner 1 +011011101 Loeser 1 +011011101 Raisman 1 +011011101 Boudames 1 +011011101 Ludt 1 +011011101 Sutfin 1 +011011101 McCluskey 1 +011011101 Pfautch 1 +011011101 Whibbs 1 +011011101 Curia 1 +011011101 68,200-mile 1 +011011101 Mathrani 1 +011011101 Valones 1 +011011101 Hornido 1 +011011101 Hornett 1 +011011101 Charlap 1 +011011101 Crestol 1 +011011101 Shamosh 1 +011011101 Rosenne 1 +011011101 Sosnowitz 1 +011011101 Belcaster 1 +011011101 Daenzer 1 +011011101 Abdow 1 +011011101 Hestor 1 +011011101 Preslund 1 +011011101 NERP 1 +011011101 Subas 1 +011011101 Consultoria 1 +011011101 Gumbinger 1 +011011101 Astaburuaga 1 +011011101 Respectively 1 +011011101 Stobbe 1 +011011101 Lecuona 1 +011011101 Saebo 1 +011011101 Maire 1 +011011101 Boeninger 1 +011011101 Gartenlaub 1 +011011101 Pruskin 1 +011011101 eteneproste 1 +011011101 Muyshondt 1 +011011101 Capitman 1 +011011101 Kasdin 1 +011011101 Mocambo 1 +011011101 Patchett 1 +011011101 Glorieux 1 +011011101 Sessena 1 +011011101 polypropolene 1 +011011101 Stuurop 1 +011011101 Aluta 1 +011011101 Knoche 1 +011011101 Klaffer 1 +011011101 Semrod 1 +011011101 Kreiter 1 +011011101 Campolungo 1 +011011101 Wuiss 1 +011011101 Harlen 1 +011011101 Benaron 1 +011011101 Baumes 1 +011011101 Polesta 1 +011011101 Yingbi 1 +011011101 Castner 1 +011011101 Bevier 1 +011011101 Demelle 1 +011011101 Riefle 1 +011011101 Carabatsos 1 +011011101 Silver-Conway 1 +011011101 Hattingh 1 +011011101 Kambule 1 +011011101 Perlmuth 1 +011011101 Velie 1 +011011101 Smith-Cameron 1 +011011101 Schowengerdt 1 +011011101 Netcher 1 +011011101 Herrera-Sobek 1 +011011101 Reibstein 1 +011011101 Dallin 1 +011011101 Tijerino 1 +011011101 Gorski 1 +011011101 Naygrow 1 +011011101 Ordower 1 +011011101 Tarkovsky 1 +011011101 Overturf 1 +011011101 IMAs 1 +011011101 SMI 1 +011011101 Brenk 1 +011011101 St-Jacques 1 +011011101 Bodenburg 1 +011011101 Malinsky 1 +011011101 Penning 1 +011011101 Tsubouchi 1 +011011101 Zeppelins 1 +011011101 Tsumuri 1 +011011101 Mastrocovi 1 +011011101 Cluff 1 +011011101 deCair 1 +011011101 Paullin 1 +011011101 Leo-Grande 1 +011011101 Spruell 1 +011011101 Fayle 1 +011011101 Passarella 1 +011011101 Ormsbee 1 +011011101 Derbes 1 +011011101 Gillies 1 +011011101 Eschete 1 +011011101 Cavaliere 1 +011011101 Obrecht 1 +011011101 shahr-DAY 1 +011011101 Froats 1 +011011101 Jaram 1 +011011101 Cascio 1 +011011101 Soltman 1 +011011101 Jakobovsky 1 +011011101 Hevener 1 +011011101 Beigen 1 +011011101 Hadrych 1 +011011101 Borowski 1 +011011101 Freedenburg 1 +011011101 Aumueller 1 +011011101 Bocaccio 1 +011011101 Kolsch 1 +011011101 Fosco 1 +011011101 PHA 1 +011011101 FIN 1 +011011101 Maltempo 1 +011011101 Wolkowitz 1 +011011101 Trembley 1 +011011101 Anselmi 1 +011011101 Flexner 1 +011011101 Gallivan 1 +011011101 Duston 1 +011011101 Tipgos 1 +011011101 Cremasco 1 +011011101 Bula 1 +011011101 1839-1906 1 +011011101 Hotlen 1 +011011101 Tehransfer 1 +011011101 Ferden 1 +011011101 Sargisson 1 +011011101 Kotzin 1 +011011101 Scialdone 1 +011011101 Ohlbach 1 +011011101 Saade 1 +011011101 Siboni 1 +011011101 Pretto 1 +011011101 Heiligbrodt 1 +011011101 Ziltz 1 +011011101 Merrow 1 +011011101 Mogavero 1 +011011101 1734-81 1 +011011101 Muertos 1 +011011101 Lowther 1 +011011101 Weintrob 1 +011011101 Nowakowski 1 +011011101 Gorynski 1 +011011101 Wynne-Morgan 1 +011011101 Spargo 1 +011011101 Burrow 1 +011011101 Schaja 1 +011011101 Federici 1 +011011101 Shikles 1 +011011101 Schreter 1 +011011101 Ostrager 1 +011011101 Purpora 1 +011011101 Edri 1 +011011101 Bakalian 1 +011011101 Dellibovi 1 +011011101 Steckler 1 +011011101 Rulnick 1 +011011101 Aslanian 1 +011011101 Pallack 1 +011011101 Somerfield 1 +011011101 Liscio 1 +011011101 Heatherington 1 +011011101 Scheringer 1 +011011101 Elgee 1 +011011101 Kottlowski 1 +011011101 Goll 1 +011011101 Mingyuan 1 +011011101 Laynor 1 +011011101 Sabotnick 1 +011011101 Jenne 1 +011011101 Kachadurian 1 +011011101 Courville 1 +011011101 Brannan 1 +011011101 Maisonpierre 1 +011011101 Embrey 1 +011011101 Duprey 1 +011011101 Prip 1 +011011101 Trame 1 +011011101 1732-1806 1 +011011101 Sagonis 1 +011011101 Mgeni 1 +011011101 Isnardi 1 +011011101 Gausling 1 +011011101 1711-1669 1 +011011101 Grindlay 1 +011011101 Freyre 1 +011011101 Figueira 1 +011011101 Profeta 1 +011011101 Ludd 1 +011011101 Gordan 1 +011011101 Allam 1 +011011101 Temmin 1 +011011101 Mant 1 +011011101 Lacovera 1 +011011101 hoofnotes 1 +011011101 Betley 1 +011011101 Fenig 1 +011011101 Callanta 1 +011011101 Damron 1 +011011101 Bujaj 1 +011011101 Lebrecque 1 +011011101 1762 1 +011011101 Perchak 1 +011011101 Beksiak 1 +011011101 Miodowicz 1 +011011101 Pajestka 1 +011011101 Kagy 1 +011011101 Stura 1 +011011101 Presbrey 1 +011011101 Cowie 1 +011011101 sativa 1 +011011101 Hamersveld 1 +011011101 Zishka 1 +011011101 Trump-style 1 +011011101 Bar-Shavit 1 +011011101 AGVs 1 +011011101 Nagatsuka 1 +011011101 Madeyski 1 +011011101 Schwoegler 1 +011011101 Hesseman 1 +011011101 Doeren 1 +011011101 Houtte 1 +011011101 Pialat 1 +011011101 Lelouch 1 +011011101 Tsur 1 +011011101 Berglas 1 +011011101 Ulterino 1 +011011101 Gasca 1 +011011101 Olberg 1 +011011101 Barberi 1 +011011101 Runolfson 1 +011011101 Pegg 1 +011011101 Hooke 1 +011011101 Lisovolik 1 +011011101 Fulkerson 1 +011011101 Schenkkan 1 +011011101 Feders 1 +011011101 1859-1935 1 +011011101 Wanger 1 +011011101 Reisert 1 +011011101 Bleustein-Blanchet 1 +011011101 Pedraglio 1 +011011101 Hornig 1 +011011101 Druker 1 +011011101 Petrucci 1 +011011101 Hackle 1 +011011101 Baik 1 +011011101 Cappellino 1 +011011101 Ajzenman 1 +011011101 BRON-tiss 1 +011011101 TRIBE 1 +011011101 Faight 1 +011011101 Damrad-Frye 1 +011011101 Ehrecke 1 +011011101 Kabak 1 +011011101 Kovens 1 +011011101 Segev 1 +011011101 Candler 1 +011011101 Handman 1 +011011101 Swig 1 +011011101 Yakupzack 1 +011011101 Hockins 1 +011011101 Mois 1 +011011101 Ruvin 1 +011011101 Batesole 1 +011011101 Noodleman 1 +011011101 Kranich 1 +011011101 Lilienthal 1 +011011101 Noser 1 +011011101 Corran 1 +011011101 McKneely 1 +011011101 Yuckert 1 +011011101 175-pound 1 +011011101 Branfman 1 +011011101 Safran 1 +011011101 Twayne 1 +011011101 Bartholet 1 +011011101 Estier 1 +011011101 Lavenhar 1 +011011101 Rabie 1 +011011101 Soal 1 +011011101 Louria 1 +011011101 Vahlberg 1 +011011101 Olinski 1 +011011101 Cortazar 1 +011011101 Atha 1 +011011101 Gorshkov 1 +011011101 Mikolay 1 +011011101 Eckerle 1 +011011101 Valenstein 1 +011011101 Freudenberger 1 +011011101 Duverne 1 +011011101 roe-DAY-oh 1 +011011101 Arpaillange 1 +011011101 Poperen 1 +011011101 Sathe 1 +011011101 Mouchet 1 +011011101 DiPasquale 1 +011011101 Slane 1 +011011101 Lepo 1 +011011101 Al-Faqih 1 +011011101 Perez-Cisneros 1 +011011101 thumb-size 1 +011011101 Ralace 1 +011011101 3,704 1 +011011101 Sindbad 1 +011011101 Boatman 1 +011011101 Wimmer 1 +011011101 Phan 1 +011011101 Arbetman 1 +011011101 Partei 1 +011011101 Watz 1 +011011101 Altenau 1 +011011101 Metschke 1 +011011101 Wickers 1 +011011101 Durflinger 1 +011011101 Oduber 1 +011011101 Artuzov 1 +011011101 Neisloss 1 +011011101 Perell 1 +011011101 Dittus 1 +011011101 Tarshis 1 +011011101 Ritscher 1 +011011101 Schoel 1 +011011101 Jankowsky 1 +011011101 Zweifach 1 +011011101 Tremayne 1 +011011101 Harenski 1 +011011101 Stallworth 1 +011011101 Zdziarska 1 +011011101 Kozar 1 +011011101 Pinard 1 +011011101 Lormans 1 +011011101 Records. 1 +011011101 Sostilio 1 +011011101 Cerys 1 +011011101 Brionne 1 +011011101 Akieh 1 +011011101 Zednik 1 +011011101 Deserti 1 +011011101 Bignardi 1 +011011101 Estragon 1 +011011101 Allgeier 1 +011011101 Schoder 1 +011011101 Constello 1 +011011101 Salveson 1 +011011101 Lenckos 1 +011011101 Ausubel 1 +011011101 Libertini 1 +011011101 Florek 1 +011011101 Fragin 1 +011011101 Forteza 1 +011011101 1968-1981 1 +011011101 Radsch 1 +011011101 Malmierca 1 +011011101 Shellenberger 1 +011011101 Washawanny 1 +011011101 Astorga 1 +011011101 Leichty 1 +011011101 Adkerson 1 +011011101 Vanke 1 +011011101 Hebba 1 +011011101 Maghribi 1 +011011101 Dotrice 1 +011011101 Yumoto 1 +011011101 Tewnion 1 +011011101 Berentsen 1 +011011101 Lamond 1 +011011101 Moubagha 1 +011011101 Handoussa 1 +011011101 Whittredge 1 +011011101 Moonves 1 +011011101 Kusin 1 +011011101 Gombos 1 +011011101 Porges 1 +011011101 1971-79 1 +011011101 Ramenda 1 +011011101 Monteath 1 +011011101 Chiarrocchi 1 +011011101 Bolvin 1 +011011101 LaBastille 1 +011011101 Steidtman 1 +011011101 Canino 1 +011011101 Kaestner 1 +011011101 Raimer 1 +011011101 Howley 1 +011011101 Nuissl 1 +011011101 Bussitil 1 +011011101 Zolo 1 +011011101 Slawinksi 1 +011011101 Gusses 1 +011011101 Betancourt 1 +011011101 Gehm 1 +011011101 Dileo 1 +011011101 Huss 1 +011011101 Hougham 1 +011011101 Theisen 1 +011011101 Wodicka 1 +011011101 Spier 1 +011011101 Hudig 1 +011011101 Broughton 1 +011011101 Krampf 1 +011011101 Bemowski 1 +011011101 Redeker 1 +011011101 Kinzie 1 +011011101 Sacrement 1 +011011101 Deba 1 +011011101 Keefer 1 +011011101 Kowalsky 1 +011011101 Aslin 1 +011011101 Fejto 1 +011011101 Negret 1 +011011101 Morier-Genoud 1 +011011101 Roodhouse 1 +011011101 Bahna 1 +011011101 Minneapolis-St.Paul 1 +011011101 SSNP 1 +011011101 Mazaika 1 +011011101 Schweiz 1 +011011101 Handke 1 +011011101 Robinson-Simpson 1 +011011101 Knickman 1 +011011101 Hokin 1 +011011101 Schragis 1 +011011101 Varennikov 1 +011011101 Sullins 1 +011011101 Swanzey 1 +011011101 Mitzman 1 +011011101 Peacher 1 +011011101 Rudolphi 1 +011011101 Unterreiner 1 +011011101 Sheahin 1 +011011101 Hawkens 1 +011011101 Pytka 1 +011011101 Hannaman 1 +011011101 Rosmarin 1 +011011101 Cappo 1 +011011101 Winterer 1 +011011101 Holbert 1 +011011101 Issaacson 1 +011011101 Jaclot 1 +011011101 Elofson-Gardine 1 +011011101 Schonbeck 1 +011011101 Svedgerb 1 +011011101 Navarette 1 +011011101 Ehrnreich 1 +011011101 Costanzo 1 +011011101 Kenndey 1 +011011101 Heckmann 1 +011011101 Therkelsen 1 +011011101 DeSanctis 1 +011011101 Bluhme 1 +011011101 Ljungh 1 +011011101 Stormer 1 +011011101 Uhlman 1 +011011101 Vernhes 1 +011011101 Kleinert 1 +011011101 Mercurio 1 +011011101 Mercandino 1 +011011101 Ririe 1 +011011101 EMI-Manhattan 1 +011011101 Hochwert 1 +011011101 Whitington 1 +011011101 Arambulo 1 +011011101 Sweetnam 1 +011011101 Seelbach 1 +011011101 Shinners 1 +011011101 Sandman 1 +011011101 Pancich 1 +011011101 Gillatano 1 +011011101 Kantlehner 1 +011011101 Hadder 1 +011011101 Ryckman 1 +011011101 Perrow 1 +011011101 Rathers 1 +011011101 Berghaus 1 +011011101 Cazzarelli 1 +011011101 Macaleer 1 +011011101 Hanby 1 +011011101 Weyl 1 +011011101 Pouliot 1 +011011101 Arrighi 1 +011011101 Stranahan 1 +011011101 Racord 1 +011011101 Rubeli 1 +011011101 Coulton 1 +011011101 Havlicek 1 +011011101 Diebenkorn 1 +011011101 Klayman 1 +011011101 Peletz 1 +011011101 soon-to-appear 1 +011011101 Ritblat 1 +011011101 Meiklejohn 1 +011011101 Venegas 1 +011011101 Propst 1 +011011101 Hagstroem 1 +011011101 Malotke 1 +011011101 Aaronson 1 +011011101 Hone 1 +011011101 Sheirer 1 +011011101 Tattle 1 +011011101 Dahmen 1 +011011101 Krohley 1 +011011101 Drazek 1 +011011101 960-1126 1 +011011101 Eidemuller 1 +011011101 Najarian 1 +011011101 Birzon 1 +011011101 Bolotsky 1 +011011101 618-906 1 +011011101 581-618 1 +011011101 Thoennes 1 +011011101 Brueckner 1 +011011101 Buczynski 1 +011011101 Bengter 1 +011011101 Rathje 1 +011011101 Otsubo 1 +011011101 Pawlak 1 +011011101 Mayekawa 1 +011011101 Schnirel 1 +011011101 Stiling 1 +011011101 Brahs 1 +011011101 Steinbrook 1 +011011101 Arangio 1 +011011101 Wellhauser 1 +011011101 Lesgold 1 +011011101 Voltz 1 +011011101 Streusand 1 +011011101 Havard 1 +011011101 Bova 1 +011011101 Noodle 1 +011011101 Stocke 1 +011011101 Hignett 1 +011011101 Morante 1 +011011101 Schempf 1 +011011101 Angersbach 1 +011011101 Pellegrene 1 +011011101 McKissack 1 +011011101 Curby 1 +011011101 Anglewicz 1 +011011101 Mazzolini 1 +011011101 Ludwiniak 1 +011011101 Henfrey 1 +011011101 Next-door 1 +011011101 Duques 1 +011011101 Dargan 1 +011011101 Ricciuto 1 +011011101 Hedman 1 +011011101 Holback 1 +011011101 Vilaplana 1 +011011101 Adamy 1 +011011101 Harrigian 1 +011011101 Kuwahara 1 +011011101 Hickock 1 +011011101 Pavlovna 1 +011011101 Stasov 1 +011011101 Jauregui 1 +011011101 Vargulick 1 +011011101 Kingsick 1 +011011101 Zarker 1 +011011101 Bostic 1 +011011101 Apar 1 +011011101 Vorenberg 1 +011011101 Sweetland 1 +011011101 Vranken 1 +011011101 Peirano 1 +011011101 Koreman 1 +011011101 Schnur 1 +011011101 chuck-chee 1 +011011101 Auspitz 1 +011011101 Zylman 1 +011011101 Minnery 1 +011011101 Guillermin 1 +011011101 DeMar 1 +011011101 Rawkins 1 +011011101 Bussolari 1 +011011101 Fishkin 1 +011011101 Philpot 1 +011011101 Turturro 1 +011011101 Boettger 1 +011011101 Hochstrasser 1 +011011101 Batt 1 +011011101 Becht 1 +011011101 Lisnow 1 +011011101 Duccio 1 +011011101 Boggess 1 +011011101 Rohrman 1 +011011101 Meerschwam 1 +011011101 Sabinson 1 +011011101 Merdian 1 +011011101 Andel 1 +011011101 Buatta 1 +011011101 Leffler 1 +011011101 DiSabato 1 +011011101 Neibor 1 +011011101 Lakness 1 +011011101 Roskens 1 +011011101 Goldwag 1 +011011101 Bondfund 1 +011011101 LaHaie 1 +011011101 Huneke 1 +011011101 Supranational 1 +011011101 Denktash 1 +011011101 Hoyos 1 +011011101 Saragat 1 +011011101 Crothers 1 +011011101 Kobey 1 +011011101 Calisi 1 +011011101 Faltermeier 1 +011011101 Burke-Hennessy 1 +011011101 Poplawski 1 +011011101 Maisonrouge 1 +011011101 Greeve 1 +011011101 Posthuma 1 +011011101 Neuer 1 +011011101 Pitchford 1 +011011101 Schabel 1 +011011101 Hunnewell 1 +011011101 Yohem 1 +011011101 non-equity-holding 1 +011011101 Warheart 1 +011011101 Verlaine 1 +011011101 Leshley 1 +011011101 Weg 1 +011011101 Padovani 1 +011011101 Persing 1 +011011101 Killow 1 +011011101 Vossen 1 +011011101 Ecola 1 +011011101 Congiu 1 +011011101 Weitzer 1 +011011101 Posford 1 +011011101 Lidval 1 +011011101 zek 1 +011011101 DeVeaugh-Geiss 1 +011011101 Fiuszynski 1 +011011101 Eichhorn 1 +011011101 Heiler 1 +011011101 Lorello 1 +011011101 Davell 1 +011011101 Velner 1 +011011101 Kreiner 1 +011011101 Mulvihill 1 +011011101 Moor-Jankowski 1 +011011101 Teleki 1 +011011101 Sackman 1 +011011101 Beckhart 1 +011011101 Serlin 1 +011011101 Koenike 1 +011011101 Tsentraliye 1 +011011101 Rynok 1 +011011101 Mannery 1 +011011101 Zepp 1 +011011101 Kinkaid 1 +011011101 Landberg 1 +011011101 Luksik 1 +011011101 Delahooke 1 +011011101 Fedyski 1 +011011101 Awartani 1 +011011101 Golovensky 1 +011011101 Lanning 1 +011011101 Moggeridge 1 +011011101 Arbit 1 +011011101 Raty 1 +011011101 Leebaw 1 +011011101 Quill/Morrow 1 +011011101 Orzechowski 1 +011011101 Viada 1 +011011101 Piquet 1 +011011101 Dalston 1 +011011101 Hubscher 1 +011011101 Yuqing 1 +011011101 Vayno 1 +011011101 Delacourt 1 +011011101 McElaney 1 +011011101 McConnaughey 1 +011011101 double-income 1 +011011101 Provencher 1 +011011101 Bryggman 1 +011011101 Busichio 1 +011011101 Zitto 1 +011011101 Wroblewski 1 +011011101 Toornstra 1 +011011101 Saiki 1 +011011101 Vitoux 1 +011011101 Frearson 1 +011011101 Mizuuchi 1 +011011101 Nishimoto 1 +011011101 Shils 1 +011011101 Stuffle 1 +011011101 Pedott 1 +011011101 Mancebo 1 +011011101 .523 1 +011011101 Shafran 1 +011011101 Bugel 1 +011011101 Maladowitz 1 +011011101 Kuendig 1 +011011101 Thielemann 1 +011011101 Boneberg 1 +011011101 McFeeley 1 +011011101 Petitbon 1 +011011101 Franzetta 1 +011011101 Hillriegel 1 +011011101 Swol 1 +011011101 Pontier 1 +011011101 Moskowsky 1 +011011101 Severoni 1 +011011101 Mallary 1 +011011101 McVicker 1 +011011101 16-byte 1 +011011101 Korot 1 +011011101 Overbury 1 +011011101 Vasvani 1 +011011101 Lugosh 1 +011011101 Hirschler 1 +011011101 Lelong 1 +011011101 Theriot 1 +011011101 Schissel 1 +011011101 Okudaira 1 +011011101 Pisar 1 +011011101 Boleat 1 +011011101 McQuay 1 +011011101 Baytos 1 +011011101 Nanni 1 +011011101 Slader 1 +011011101 Hussai 1 +011011101 Ahluwalia 1 +011011101 Tobiyama 1 +011011101 Basterrechea 1 +011011101 Frascatore 1 +011011101 Dwojakowski 1 +011011101 Boese 1 +011011101 Rearick 1 +011011101 Lewels 1 +011011101 Oher 1 +011011101 Hanselman 1 +011011101 Nyhuis 1 +011011101 Graney 1 +011011101 Vikbladh 1 +011011101 Clinkard 1 +011011101 Gorriti 1 +011011101 McNeight 1 +011011101 Harwin 1 +011011101 Carusillo 1 +011011101 McCleod 1 +011011101 Rande 1 +011011101 Mahdaviani 1 +011011101 Bonnefoux 1 +011011101 Mazingo 1 +011011101 Torke 1 +011011101 Pizam 1 +011011101 Clyburn 1 +011011101 Demetrias 1 +011011101 Noettl 1 +011011101 Vandiver 1 +011011101 DeClementi 1 +011011101 Karotkin 1 +011011101 Caurier 1 +011011101 Aggeler 1 +011011101 Murakoshi 1 +011011101 Krasinski 1 +011011101 Teranishi 1 +011011101 1883-1959 1 +011011101 1903-1975 1 +011011101 Durrie 1 +011011101 1840-1917 1 +011011101 Strohmeyer 1 +011011101 Ziemak 1 +011011101 Schwalbe 1 +011011101 Clissold 1 +011011101 Andreyeva 1 +011011101 Bradsher 1 +011011101 Greisler 1 +011011101 Bunyaner 1 +011011101 Meth 1 +011011101 Gromley 1 +011011101 Musich 1 +011011101 Lohle 1 +011011101 Gruza 1 +011011101 Papadjiakou 1 +011011101 Weidinger 1 +011011101 Grillos 1 +011011101 Gallahue 1 +011011101 Kresch 1 +011011101 Ciesinki 1 +011011101 Peerce 1 +011011101 Millais 1 +011011101 kahSEE-kays 1 +011011101 Radner 1 +011011101 Macaskill 1 +011011101 TooSHOOM 1 +011011101 Balzo 1 +011011101 Basham 1 +011011101 Nociforo 1 +011011101 Youens 1 +011011101 Vannieuwenburg 1 +011011101 Korbynska 1 +011011101 Pernetz 1 +011011101 Caccappolo 1 +011011101 Dumars 1 +011011101 Laudon 1 +011011101 Tanzi 1 +011011101 Matthis 1 +011011101 Gambelli 1 +011011101 Mirman 1 +011011101 Vickerman 1 +011011101 Ribis 1 +011011101 Stine 1 +011011101 Secretaria 1 +011011101 Gantcher 1 +011011101 Lamberjack 1 +011011101 Neihart 1 +011011101 Hagee 1 +011011101 Carnahan 1 +011011101 Korbyback 1 +011011101 Gounarides 1 +011011101 Schouten 1 +011011101 Sudarsky 1 +011011101 Kawauchi 1 +011011101 Donini 1 +011011101 Kajachian 1 +011011101 Shimkin 1 +011011101 Blay 1 +011011101 Keirns 1 +011011101 Raymaker 1 +011011101 Veru 1 +011011101 Flatoff 1 +011011101 Charof 1 +011011101 Mackay-Coghill 1 +011011101 Kollins 1 +011011101 Littlewood 1 +011011101 Morril 1 +011011101 Zubor 1 +011011101 McTigue 1 +011011101 Challen 1 +011011101 Ramqvist 1 +011011101 Weinschelbaum 1 +011011101 McGlassen 1 +011011101 Swersky 1 +011011101 Hwoo 1 +011011101 Wessler 1 +011011101 Leese 1 +011011101 Gosiengfiao 1 +011011101 Boily 1 +011011101 Bisson 1 +011011101 Baumgarth 1 +011011101 Pevehouse 1 +011011101 plomo 1 +011011101 Stavetski 1 +011011101 Cavour 1 +011011101 Bilder 1 +011011101 Berlincourt 1 +011011101 Stieven 1 +011011101 Giallorenzi 1 +011011101 Cecconi 1 +011011101 Avorn 1 +011011101 Norment 1 +011011101 Bardach 1 +011011101 Tufayli 1 +011011101 Lanigan 1 +011011101 Clarksboro 1 +011011101 Warme 1 +011011101 Dixmont 1 +011011101 Munro-Davies 1 +011011101 Krudt 1 +011011101 Metuchen 1 +011011101 Penhorwood 1 +011011101 Aligood 1 +011011101 Langa 1 +011011101 Equale 1 +011011101 Riquelme 1 +011011101 Vennera 1 +011011101 Musca 1 +011011101 Podmore 1 +011011101 Jabari 1 +011011101 Kletch 1 +011011101 Rehill 1 +011011101 Elswick 1 +011011101 Smelov 1 +011011101 Barzilay 1 +011011101 Sparacino 1 +011011101 Sluzewski 1 +011011101 Dutton/ 1 +011011101 Readdy 1 +011011101 DelliQuadri 1 +011011101 Celmer 1 +011011101 Pilak 1 +011011101 Rhinehart 1 +011011101 Ferruggia 1 +011011101 Trogden 1 +011011101 Mayoux 1 +011011101 Metrinko 1 +011011101 Tirpak 1 +011011101 Witterwulghe 1 +011011101 Nuttal 1 +011011101 Fuoco 1 +011011101 Garralda 1 +011011101 Cogger 1 +011011101 Hinojosa 1 +011011101 Samuelian 1 +011011101 Pallone 1 +011011101 Domogala 1 +011011101 Shimmek 1 +011011101 Buntack 1 +011011101 Allera 1 +011011101 Spurgin 1 +011011101 Madlem 1 +011011101 Bielecki 1 +011011101 Tavormina 1 +011011101 Erber 1 +011011101 Pavlis 1 +011011101 Grakal 1 +011011101 Holdstein 1 +011011101 Esser 1 +011011101 Buente 1 +011011101 Rauner 1 +011011101 .180 1 +011011101 Bodek 1 +011011101 Sheldrick 1 +011011101 Bifulco 1 +011011101 Gez 1 +011011101 Keffer 1 +011011101 Snowboards 1 +011011101 Karoff 1 +011011101 LaBier 1 +011011101 Mordock 1 +011011101 Karvan 1 +011011101 Hulton 1 +011011101 Sunahara 1 +011011101 Wesbury 1 +011011101 McMakin 1 +011011101 Malentacchi 1 +011011101 Donnet 1 +011011101 Messier 1 +011011101 Wigle 1 +011011101 Sydorick 1 +011011101 Branner 1 +011011101 Campadese 1 +011011101 Cusick 1 +011011101 Allevi 1 +011011101 Bendheim 1 +011011101 Brusco 1 +011011101 Graupe 1 +011011101 Folkenflik 1 +011011101 Firster 1 +011011101 Gamzu 1 +011011101 Sid-Ahmed 1 +011011101 Welke 1 +011011101 Filipson 1 +011011101 Corlett 1 +011011101 Wanecq 1 +011011101 Sentes 1 +011011101 Hoskin 1 +011011101 Marasca 1 +011011101 Voznesenky 1 +011011101 Emerich 1 +011011101 Hanss 1 +011011101 Tchuruka 1 +011011101 Middaugh 1 +011011101 2097 1 +011011101 Fritzman 1 +011011101 Kamine 1 +011011101 Criss 1 +011011101 Sterret 1 +011011101 Beevor 1 +011011101 Schore 1 +011011101 Fenstermacher 1 +011011101 Weyn 1 +011011101 Ryckebosch 1 +011011101 Bulmash 1 +011011101 Stritch 1 +011011101 Gerot 1 +011011101 Buenaventura 1 +011011101 Sieron 1 +011011101 Theodores 1 +011011101 Endacott 1 +011011101 Staiano 1 +011011101 Galecke 1 +011011101 Secundy 1 +011011101 Cabe 1 +011011101 Aliksanian 1 +011011101 Terzaghi 1 +011011101 Parlett 1 +011011101 Syryjczyk 1 +011011101 Slisz 1 +011011101 DeMeo 1 +011011101 DeSchutter 1 +011011101 Fishback 1 +011011101 Stavin 1 +011011101 Mazurek 1 +011011101 Segrest 1 +011011101 Netanyahu 1 +011011101 Beamis 1 +011011101 Druz 1 +011011101 Skubiszewski 1 +011011101 Lorgus 1 +011011101 Knowland 1 +011011101 Helmar 1 +011011101 Klores 1 +011011101 Jueneman 1 +011011101 Brandstad 1 +011011101 Deeley 1 +011011101 Pacchioni 1 +011011101 Sansbury 1 +011011101 Windmuller 1 +011011101 Gennaoui 1 +011011101 Stietz 1 +011011101 Duffer 1 +011011101 Gillum 1 +011011101 p-type 1 +011011101 n-type 1 +011011101 Cuzzocrea 1 +011011101 Broonzy 1 +011011101 1890-1945 1 +011011101 CK40846 1 +011011101 PolyGram/Mercury 1 +011011101 Salb 1 +011011101 Abo 1 +011011101 Allen-look-alike 1 +011011101 Zed 1 +011011101 Makant 1 +011011101 Matusevich 1 +011011101 Grider 1 +011011101 Marlinga 1 +011011101 Graziadei 1 +011011101 Topel 1 +011011101 Wietecki 1 +011011101 Vardeman 1 +011011101 Issachs 1 +011011101 Lico 1 +011011101 Misrock 1 +011011101 Fueuerman 1 +011011101 Steinbrueck 1 +011011101 Marklow 1 +011011101 Breiterman 1 +011011101 Shein 1 +011011101 Goffstein 1 +011011101 Aul 1 +011011101 Tenison 1 +011011101 Gendler 1 +011011101 Grinkov 1 +011011101 Mouscher 1 +011011101 Fresco 1 +011011101 6288-2-RB 1 +011011101 Nishioki 1 +011011101 Silberstein 1 +011011101 Baux 1 +011011101 Modrall 1 +011011101 1965-71 1 +011011101 Essig 1 +011011101 Rabassa 1 +011011101 Momtchiloff 1 +011011101 Gritten 1 +011011101 Quiroga 1 +011011101 Bongrand 1 +011011101 1861-1948 1 +011011101 Faisant 1 +011011101 Wehrly 1 +011011101 Gutjahr 1 +011011101 Boroff 1 +011011101 Ahtisaari 1 +011011101 Dacheff 1 +011011101 Sembler 1 +011011101 Tolmie 1 +011011101 Likierman 1 +011011101 kayo 1 +011011101 Folkers 1 +011011101 Joell 1 +011011101 Seccombe 1 +011011101 UPAU 1 +011011101 Lyall 1 +011011101 Aldape 1 +011011101 Reedus 1 +011011101 Sardelli 1 +011011101 Bedowitz 1 +011011101 Svos 1 +011011101 el-Bashir 1 +011011101 Trepper 1 +011011101 Bramlage 1 +011011101 Slewinski 1 +011011101 McClune 1 +011011101 Griego 1 +011011101 Rickett 1 +011011101 Ribe 1 +011011101 Orsmond 1 +011011101 Pendse 1 +011011101 CavenAtack 1 +011011101 Mazner 1 +011011101 Burmeister 1 +011011101 Loucata 1 +011011101 Scarpati 1 +011011101 Rosenker 1 +011011101 Simkin 1 +011011101 Payolle 1 +011011101 McIvoy 1 +011011101 Immergut 1 +011011101 Burnet 1 +011011101 Tsuaska 1 +011011101 Maitlin 1 +011011101 Skansera 1 +011011101 Forbesian 1 +011011101 Thorsteinson 1 +011011101 Botsford 1 +011011101 Yianalos 1 +011011101 Pohlmann 1 +011011101 Mangone 1 +011011101 Eversberg 1 +011011101 Hiestermann 1 +011011101 Terens 1 +011011101 Golob 1 +011011101 Mauraine 1 +011011101 Maruno 1 +011011101 Pelinka 1 +011011101 Gilruth 1 +011011101 Okuyama 1 +011011101 Hayslett 1 +011011101 Rapkins 1 +011011101 Murnane 1 +011011101 Quailey 1 +011011101 Perec 1 +011011101 Kokert 1 +011011101 Gleckman 1 +011011101 Cogren 1 +011011101 Schwalb 1 +011011101 Azzoni 1 +011011101 Nigri 1 +011011101 Byas 1 +011011101 ness-TAH 1 +011011101 Mizusuna 1 +011011101 tah-BESS 1 +011011101 McButter 1 +011011101 Seelinger 1 +011011101 Jonklaas 1 +011011101 Bosl 1 +011011101 Cunliffe 1 +011011101 Koberg 1 +011011101 Amason 1 +011011101 Pagliasotti 1 +011011101 Dicino 1 +011011101 Papavizas 1 +011011101 Cohl 1 +011011101 Hoffecker 1 +011011101 Asakura 1 +011011101 Pautler 1 +011011101 Britcher 1 +011011101 Durdin 1 +011011101 Blasdell 1 +011011101 Wert 1 +011011101 Loney 1 +011011101 Corkins 1 +011011101 Dalley 1 +011011101 Fitt 1 +011011101 Heathcott 1 +011011101 Zeschin 1 +011011101 Honeyman 1 +011011101 Zamorano 1 +011011101 Pohlod 1 +011011101 Tanikawa 1 +011011101 Lanschulz 1 +011011101 Mitford 1 +011011101 Hrisak 1 +011011101 Prushansky 1 +011011101 Sklarin 1 +011011101 Iannuzzo 1 +011011101 Gordley 1 +011011101 Moone 1 +011011101 Bareika 1 +011011101 Azbell 1 +011011101 Methner 1 +011011101 Utoft 1 +011011101 Schoeppner 1 +011011101 Mashey 1 +011011101 Dardick 1 +011011101 habla 1 +011011101 Zimroth 1 +011011101 Olarsch 1 +011011101 Wienckoski 1 +011011101 Maikish 1 +011011101 Fili 1 +011011101 H3N2 1 +011011101 Shekar 1 +011011101 Rafat 1 +011011101 Chaitow 1 +011011101 Lapayover 1 +011011101 Fardella 1 +011011101 Kermani 1 +011011101 Wendorff 1 +011011101 Acomb 1 +011011101 Pfeiler 1 +011011101 Bratkovich 1 +011011101 Baruzdin 1 +011011101 Muhri 1 +011011101 Clabaugh 1 +011011101 Ishiko 1 +011011101 Danese 1 +011011101 Barile 1 +011011101 Poppell 1 +011011101 Daems 1 +011011101 Sheidy 1 +011011101 Sturdier 1 +011011101 Tekeda 1 +011011101 Kalejs 1 +011011101 Shikano 1 +011011101 Yasinovsky 1 +011011101 Obrentz 1 +011011101 Buffa 1 +011011101 Schwandt 1 +011011101 Breene 1 +011011101 Padala 1 +011011101 Obermiaer 1 +011011101 Morrish 1 +011011101 Wasserspring 1 +011011101 Pallan 1 +011011101 Migliaccio 1 +011011101 Nevelson 1 +011011101 Broman 1 +011011101 Ogunjobi 1 +011011101 Horstman 1 +011011101 Bukoosh 1 +011011101 Wernet 1 +011011101 Saitoti 1 +011011101 Hoad 1 +011011101 92-448 1 +011011101 Wambui 1 +011011101 Dhuu 1 +011011101 Haarhuis 1 +011011101 Lutuli 1 +011011101 Elshout 1 +011011101 Chlopak 1 +011011101 Vlasin 1 +011011101 Brimble 1 +011011101 Coppersmith 1 +011011101 non-AMT 1 +011011101 Buser 1 +011011101 Ghotbzadeh 1 +011011101 Boernsen 1 +011011101 Watterworth 1 +011011101 Wheelen 1 +011011101 Nicolaisen 1 +011011101 212-362-6000 1 +011011101 800-424-8504 1 +011011101 Bonfield 1 +011011101 Wallwork 1 +011011101 Cornejo 1 +011011101 Zyman 1 +011011101 Sibthorpe 1 +011011101 Brochu 1 +011011101 Protess 1 +011011101 Cantwin 1 +011011101 Gotterer 1 +011011101 Powless 1 +011011101 McFather 1 +011011101 Berrow 1 +011011101 Braye 1 +011011101 Orzell 1 +011011101 Nies 1 +011011101 Wainaina 1 +011011101 DeBolske 1 +011011101 2G 1 +011011101 1848-1903 1 +011011101 Heisen 1 +011011101 Avincola 1 +011011101 2625-703 1 +011011101 Noppen 1 +011011101 Yunusova 1 +011011101 Kwiatkowski 1 +011011101 Sabini 1 +011011101 Mazzarello 1 +011011101 Dimisa 1 +011011101 Varitimidis 1 +011011101 Zey 1 +011011101 Flury 1 +011011101 Chiz 1 +011011101 Calb 1 +011011101 Emen 1 +011011101 Frazen 1 +011011101 Budnick 1 +011011101 Axford 1 +011011101 Benedek 1 +011011101 Frumkes 1 +011011101 Glickstein 1 +011011101 Neufeld 1 +011011101 Mcauliffe 1 +011011101 Raffield 1 +011011101 Parasco 1 +011011101 Pasties 1 +011011101 Mobilieres 1 +011011101 Glavine 1 +011011101 DeMicoli 1 +011011101 Gergorin 1 +011011101 Roed 1 +011011101 Ohiwa 1 +011011101 Bodson 1 +011011101 terHorst 1 +011011101 Leterach 1 +011011101 Funderburg 1 +011011101 1509-64 1 +011011101 AlunJones 1 +011011101 Jipson 1 +011011101 Wright-style 1 +011011101 Charleson 1 +011011101 Johnes 1 +011011101 Rathborne 1 +011011101 Blacknall 1 +011011101 Gabrielsen 1 +011011101 Rimpel 1 +011011101 Riedesel 1 +011011101 Willenbring 1 +011011101 Hopkinson 1 +011011101 Katzive 1 +011011101 Latham-Koenig 1 +011011101 McQuiston 1 +011011101 KBI 1 +011011101 Macksey 1 +011011101 Mis-Speakes. 1 +011011101 Hogberg 1 +011011101 PARM 1 +011011101 Sellecca 1 +011011101 Underwarning 1 +011011101 Himelfarb 1 +011011101 Sevcec 1 +011011101 Wahba 1 +011011101 Shimayama 1 +011011101 Kimelman 1 +011011101 Wolicki 1 +011011101 Cheverall 1 +011011101 Artuso 1 +011011101 Bailen 1 +011011101 Sweeting 1 +011011101 Vercruysse 1 +011011101 McGlothlin 1 +011011101 Ashworth 1 +011011101 Stearman 1 +011011101 Dombi 1 +011011101 Supple 1 +011011101 Morson 1 +011011101 Hochstin 1 +011011101 Dedousis 1 +011011101 Iervasi 1 +011011101 Sawicki 1 +011011101 Woikin 1 +011011101 MacVittie 1 +011011101 Yawney 1 +011011101 Stephanopolous 1 +011011101 HEMit 1 +011011101 trouserless 1 +011011101 Hadar 1 +011011101 Deisroth 1 +011011101 Dohlen 1 +011011101 Falcone-Graves 1 +011011101 Rhys-Davies 1 +011011101 Apkarian 1 +011011101 Caserta 1 +011011101 Happ 1 +011011101 Quenington 1 +011011101 Landgraf 1 +011011101 McGrawHill 1 +011011101 Belakian 1 +011011101 Rabattu 1 +011011101 Karpf 1 +011011101 Adelo 1 +011011101 Goad 1 +011011101 Berghorst 1 +011011101 Karcher-Everly 1 +011011101 Aroesty 1 +011011101 Surber 1 +011011101 Poinsett 1 +011011101 Pietras 1 +011011101 Doughty 1 +011011101 Locken 1 +011011101 Jaroslawicz 1 +011011101 Harriss 1 +011011101 Dumon 1 +011011101 Knicely 1 +011011101 Filvaroff 1 +011011101 Lorsch 1 +011011101 Montalto 1 +011011101 Frishberg 1 +011011101 Fishzohn 1 +011011101 Kuschuk 1 +011011101 Barakett 1 +011011101 McVicar 1 +011011101 Brydges 1 +011011101 Catz 1 +011011101 Renatus 1 +011011101 Stretz 1 +011011101 Gerstenblatt 1 +011011101 Parseghian 1 +011011101 Helgerson 1 +011011101 Bachlund 1 +011011101 Gammon 1 +011011101 Schildkraut 1 +011011101 Guidette 1 +011011101 Cedegren 1 +011011101 DePhillips 1 +011011101 Steiber 1 +011011101 DiBernardo 1 +011011101 Loebbecke 1 +011011101 Baruschke 1 +011011101 .557 1 +011011101 Wiarda 1 +011011101 Rosenblat 1 +011011101 Harkinson 1 +011011101 Flemister 1 +011011101 McReady 1 +011011101 Derryberry 1 +011011101 Korus 1 +011011101 Whalley 1 +011011101 Huelsemann 1 +011011101 Haverty 1 +011011101 Kerins 1 +011011101 DiMario 1 +011011101 DuBay 1 +011011101 Disbrow 1 +011011101 Masley 1 +011011101 Bellmer 1 +011011101 Pfenning 1 +011011101 Keelor 1 +011011101 q 1 +011011101 Wiggenhorn 1 +011011101 Biesack 1 +011011101 Yamakoshi 1 +011011101 Gabrysch 1 +011011101 KOHsur 1 +011011101 1839-42 1 +011011101 Snepsts 1 +011011101 Schoenfield 1 +011011101 Chanoff 1 +011011101 Trouyet 1 +011011101 1946-1952 1 +011011101 1934-1940 1 +011011101 Ringwood 1 +011011101 Meintjies 1 +011011101 Mazibuko 1 +011011101 Keech 1 +011011101 Caba 1 +011011101 Thackrah 1 +011011101 Talucci 1 +011011101 Wisneski 1 +011011101 Poscover 1 +011011101 Crikelair 1 +011011101 Droal 1 +011011101 Amkraut 1 +011011101 Gaudio 1 +011011101 Bussfeld 1 +011011101 Bernau 1 +011011101 Rosch 1 +011011101 Naimi 1 +011011101 Breiteneicher 1 +011011101 Pauken 1 +011011101 Foglio 1 +011011101 Heery 1 +011011101 Weidenhammer 1 +011011101 Piercey 1 +011011101 Shouse 1 +011011101 Sweanor 1 +011011101 duCille 1 +011011101 LaRiviere 1 +011011101 Beeler 1 +011011101 Haronian 1 +011011101 Gilby 1 +011011101 Matkins 1 +011011101 Fonso 1 +011011101 Buzzotta 1 +011011101 Spielman 1 +011011101 Wakeman 1 +011011101 Herdt 1 +011011101 Kailin 1 +011011101 Bertini 1 +011011101 Maunz 1 +011011101 Edwardo-Franco 1 +011011101 Ligeti 1 +011011101 Pakradoonian 1 +011011101 Kurtwood 1 +011011101 Rivers-type 1 +011011101 7,812 1 +011011101 Muncke 1 +011011101 Vint 1 +011011101 Rentrow 1 +011011101 Kooij 1 +011011101 Herpin 1 +011011101 Solandt 1 +011011101 Harvey-Jones 1 +011011101 Stukey 1 +011011101 Stray-Gunderson 1 +011011101 Jelinek 1 +011011101 Haddadin 1 +011011101 Noy 1 +011011101 Ashington-Pickett 1 +011011101 Rieke 1 +011011101 Zanga 1 +011011101 Probandt 1 +011011101 Howards 1 +011011101 Jarbawi 1 +011011101 mentum 1 +011011101 Bienstadt 1 +011011101 Padula 1 +011011101 Crocus-fearer 1 +011011101 Delworth 1 +011011101 Encarnation 1 +011011101 Materniak 1 +011011101 McLachlin 1 +011011101 Creson 1 +011011101 Mohlere 1 +011011101 Kerim 1 +011011101 Chettle 1 +011011101 Novis 1 +011011101 Clohesy 1 +011011101 Pellinghuisen 1 +011011101 bweeg 1 +011011101 Scowen 1 +011011101 Andreieva 1 +011011101 Yancik 1 +011011101 Grether 1 +011011101 Studwell 1 +011011101 Lacher 1 +011011101 Mancino 1 +011011101 1644-1911 1 +011011101 Brunelli 1 +011011101 Diffenderffer 1 +011011101 Mendes-France 1 +011011101 Pharis 1 +011011101 Singletary 1 +011011101 Nemunaitis 1 +011011101 Beechen 1 +011011101 Sidberry 1 +011011101 Rattlay 1 +011011101 Aldershoff 1 +011011101 Chauhan 1 +011011101 Molishever 1 +011011101 Giaquinta 1 +011011101 Nesgos 1 +011011101 Teclaw 1 +011011101 Baish 1 +011011101 Sirotin 1 +011011101 Ellwein 1 +011011101 Feola 1 +011011101 Schoenhaar 1 +011011101 Agresto 1 +011011101 Annunziato 1 +011011101 Lippitt 1 +011011101 Lubert 1 +011011101 Ditoro 1 +011011101 under21 1 +011011101 Iqbal 1 +011011101 Raifman 1 +011011101 DeFosset 1 +011011101 Eichenauer 1 +011011101 Turnblad 1 +011011101 Neimark 1 +011011101 Hsiang 1 +011011101 Springut 1 +011011101 Tysoe 1 +011011101 Wunderlich 1 +011011101 Salitan 1 +011011101 Dumeny 1 +011011101 Shreck 1 +011011101 Phillipson 1 +011011101 Sengstock 1 +011011101 Oulton 1 +011011101 p. 1 +011011101 Giuffrida 1 +011011101 Langangen 1 +011011101 Biundo 1 +011011101 Jobes 1 +011011101 Kemp-Welch 1 +011011101 Switz 1 +011011101 Tindle 1 +011011101 Mostoff 1 +011011101 Garea 1 +011011101 Lasley 1 +011011101 Simenon 1 +011011101 McNatt 1 +011011101 Giraldo 1 +011011101 Culbreath 1 +011011101 Dietzer 1 +011011101 Jeary 1 +011011101 Corporon 1 +011011101 Tauxe 1 +011011101 Maccario 1 +011011101 Drinkard 1 +011011101 Molpus 1 +011011101 Leibson 1 +011011101 Mazerov 1 +011011101 pre-human 1 +011011101 e.g 1 +011011101 Feagles 1 +011011101 Lannaman 1 +011011101 Delehanty 1 +011011101 Kuspit 1 +011011101 Seideneck 1 +011011101 Guigni 1 +011011101 Branton 1 +011011101 Amyx 1 +011011101 Poberezny 1 +011011101 Qura 1 +011011101 Khayyam 1 +011011101 Pai 1 +011011101 Davi 1 +011011101 Felsher 1 +011011101 Heinke 1 +011011101 Bonaccolta 1 +011011101 Brandhorst 1 +011011101 Dragoumis 1 +011011101 Vecker 1 +011011101 Lovegren 1 +011011101 Mennel 1 +011011101 Erlandson 1 +011011101 Shukri 1 +011011101 Satlin 1 +011011101 Schildhause 1 +011011101 Fukayama 1 +011011101 Tippin 1 +011011101 Hofstad 1 +011011101 Fulson 1 +011011101 Satell 1 +011011101 Jodrell 1 +011011101 Niedermaier 1 +011011101 Alizart 1 +011011101 Galluzzi 1 +011011101 Coulas 1 +011011101 Mehdorn 1 +011011101 Dagget 1 +011011101 Dehlendorf 1 +011011101 DeFord 1 +011011101 Zipoy 1 +011011101 Luxmoor 1 +011011101 nonrefrigerated 1 +011011101 Mincey 1 +011011101 Bisignano 1 +011011101 Grolimund 1 +011011101 non-discount 1 +011011101 Rositano 1 +011011101 Dattels 1 +011011101 Nicksay 1 +011011101 Denzenhall 1 +011011101 Kametches 1 +011011101 Romankow 1 +011011101 Friccius 1 +011011101 Fauchey 1 +011011101 Siehafer 1 +011011101 Rodenas 1 +011011101 Balthazor 1 +011011101 Takeyasu 1 +011011101 Shiraki 1 +011011101 Opulence 1 +011011101 phew 1 +011011101 Dolfi 1 +011011101 Deady 1 +011011101 Tiberghien 1 +011011101 Riddlesperger 1 +011011101 Samios 1 +011011101 Krumhansl 1 +011011101 Sulak 1 +011011101 74,000-acre 1 +011011101 Creasey 1 +011011101 Dehn 1 +011011101 Shellac 1 +011011101 Pflock 1 +011011101 Sinsar 1 +011011101 Smif 1 +011011101 Jaycobs 1 +011011101 Lobe 1 +011011101 Felk 1 +011011101 Cotliar 1 +011011101 Lavergne 1 +011011101 Howlett 1 +011011101 Raibolini 1 +011011101 Moxham 1 +011011101 Bouza 1 +011011101 Craner 1 +011011101 Haring 1 +011011101 Stancs 1 +011011101 Steurle 1 +011011101 Tabano 1 +011011101 Chalfie 1 +011011101 Moehn 1 +011011101 Rafiq-Dust 1 +011011101 Mydans 1 +011011101 Barbanell 1 +011011101 Kuser 1 +011011101 Bergstresser 1 +011011101 Bassios 1 +011011101 Mielenz 1 +011011101 1882-1943 1 +011011101 McCrossan 1 +011011101 Shirwen 1 +011011101 Wolder 1 +011011101 Chesshire 1 +011011101 Liautaud 1 +011011101 Zamfear 1 +011011101 Smialek 1 +011011101 Wiederlight 1 +011011101 Heerwagen 1 +011011101 Seme 1 +011011101 Klyver 1 +011011101 Holz 1 +011011101 Dearden 1 +011011101 Ncgoya 1 +011011101 Besher 1 +011011101 Wold 1 +011011101 Pittelman 1 +011011101 Krementz 1 +011011101 Chafin 1 +011011101 Pikul 1 +011011101 KMU 1 +011011101 Darira 1 +011011101 Pokorny 1 +011011101 Bacharach 1 +011011101 Jabril 1 +011011101 Thoman 1 +011011101 Landefeld 1 +011011101 Reboredo 1 +011011101 Deegenaar 1 +011011101 Stebben 1 +011011101 Haro 1 +011011101 Brodsly 1 +011011101 Lobene 1 +011011101 Tschoegl 1 +011011101 Artabane 1 +011011101 Sung-il 1 +011011101 Zunxin 1 +011011101 Akvilyanov 1 +011011101 Purow 1 +011011101 Carus 1 +011011101 1978-82 1 +011011101 Nahyyan 1 +011011101 Savelyeva 1 +011011101 Kenna 1 +011011101 Hennefeld 1 +011011101 Hagie 1 +011011101 Berte 1 +011011101 Kays 1 +011011101 over-covered 1 +011011101 Thorsell 1 +011011101 Sebelius 1 +011011101 Tatten 1 +011011101 Schmidt-Chiari 1 +011011101 Kupelian 1 +011011101 Loquasto 1 +011011101 Rumore 1 +011011101 Arbus 1 +011011101 Caddel 1 +011011101 Laubich 1 +011011101 Bontems 1 +011011101 Hecker 1 +011011101 Claussen 1 +011011101 Kilory 1 +011011101 Castagna 1 +011011101 Lenos 1 +011011101 Zugschwert 1 +011011101 1530-1650 1 +011011101 212-970-JOKE 1 +011011101 Elkman 1 +011011101 Brockelman 1 +011011101 Schwertfeger 1 +011011101 Vekovius 1 +011011101 Schaney 1 +011011101 laudably 1 +011011101 Lofts 1 +011011101 Karinch 1 +011011101 Shishlin 1 +011011101 Henig 1 +011011101 Wilmott-Brown 1 +011011101 Libeskind 1 +011011101 Gadbois 1 +011011101 Burkhead 1 +011011101 Pavlou 1 +011011101 Centlivre 1 +011011101 Painke 1 +011011101 Seyfried 1 +011011101 Nagl 1 +011011101 Walmsley 1 +011011101 Lyness 1 +011011101 Shemiatenkov 1 +011011101 LePlaca 1 +011011101 Rudzki 1 +011011101 Pekkala 1 +011011101 Gattis 1 +011011101 Retsinas 1 +011011101 al-Moayed 1 +011011101 Spoeri 1 +011011101 Wahab 1 +011011101 Casselli 1 +011011101 Ferlinghetti 1 +011011101 Crichton-Brown 1 +011011101 Rozanski 1 +011011101 Aldin 1 +011011101 Treschow 1 +011011101 Swindells 1 +011011101 Asmussen 1 +011011101 Makharadze 1 +011011101 Bloodworth 1 +011011101 Avtandil 1 +011011101 Guarin 1 +011011101 Saporta 1 +011011101 Konopnicki 1 +011011101 Burman 1 +011011101 Corbeil-Vincent 1 +011011101 Hurvis 1 +011011101 Romagnoli 1 +011011101 Sadden 1 +011011101 Wehmeier 1 +011011101 Altenburg 1 +011011101 Redlich 1 +011011101 Pariser 1 +011011101 Chee-ju 1 +011011101 Thomessen 1 +011011101 Il-ho 1 +011011101 Sang-po 1 +011011101 Chitiea 1 +011011101 Wallman 1 +011011101 Sankovitz 1 +011011101 Hoeft 1 +011011101 Sacconi 1 +011011101 Paysop 1 +011011101 Otwell 1 +011011101 Counsil 1 +011011101 Stelzel 1 +011011101 Mottran 1 +011011101 Urbiet 1 +011011101 Plowden 1 +011011101 Groninger 1 +011011101 Lindup 1 +011011101 Shakhasheri 1 +011011101 1952-58 1 +011011101 D-Ohio 1 +011011101 Whang-Peng 1 +011011101 Ripberger 1 +011011101 Purkis 1 +011011101 VanDenBerg 1 +011011101 Hechtkopf 1 +011011101 Moudy 1 +011011101 too-koo-MAHN 1 +011011101 Raisfeld 1 +011011101 Sternklar 1 +011011101 Ellingwood 1 +011011101 Weinhold 1 +011011101 Chesser 1 +011011101 Plastow 1 +011011101 Slosser 1 +011011101 Sicherman 1 +011011101 Lorick 1 +011011101 Breglio 1 +011011101 Gaboury 1 +011011101 Roualt 1 +011011101 Urmstom 1 +011011101 Norbury 1 +011011101 Altimari 1 +011011101 Cappelluzzo 1 +011011101 Sondakh 1 +011011101 Zeidenberg 1 +011011101 Stronks 1 +011011101 Sacqynski 1 +011011101 Beltrami 1 +011011101 Maushammer 1 +011011101 Lethcoe 1 +011011101 Gurit- 1 +011011101 Bendixen 1 +011011101 Mitropolous 1 +011011101 Longabaugh 1 +011011101 Cancian 1 +011011101 Kazdin 1 +011011101 Guttierez 1 +011011101 Rochford 1 +011011101 Zadow 1 +011011101 DuVal 1 +011011101 Snowbarger 1 +011011101 Cantrill 1 +011011101 Birkensleigh 1 +011011101 Nkala 1 +011011101 Lyndorff 1 +011011101 Troiso 1 +011011101 Muzorewa 1 +011011101 Vasta 1 +011011101 1947-58 1 +011011101 Taghavi 1 +011011101 Mamoudzadeh 1 +011011101 Bajelan 1 +011011101 Hesketh 1 +011011101 Morthland 1 +011011101 McNabb 1 +011011101 flyrod 1 +011011101 Hammerley 1 +011011101 Mizuguchi 1 +011011101 Lugeon 1 +011011101 Lintz 1 +011011101 Willever 1 +011011101 Tomasin 1 +011011101 Tamberlane 1 +011011101 Frazza 1 +011011101 Maravich 1 +011011101 Montaruli 1 +011011101 a-koo-ka 1 +011011101 Jetmundson 1 +011011101 Vradenburg 1 +011011101 Rivett 1 +011011101 Foxe 1 +011011101 Kassim 1 +011011101 Fesharaki 1 +011011101 Murphy-autographed 1 +011011101 Sandlund 1 +011011101 Colleran 1 +011011101 Salvisberg 1 +011011101 Wakil 1 +011011101 Rachels 1 +011011101 Grunberg 1 +011011101 Dulworth 1 +011011101 Harburg 1 +011011101 Hershatter 1 +011011101 Pica 1 +011011101 Kimihide 1 +011011101 Akazawa 1 +011011101 Jindrich 1 +011011101 Nishihashi 1 +011011101 Stagliano 1 +011011101 Schwinger 1 +011011101 Buzzell 1 +011011101 Shunk 1 +011011101 MacEachen 1 +011011101 Dorfler 1 +011011101 Wetheimer 1 +011011101 Schommers 1 +011011101 Senderens 1 +011011101 Ecuyer 1 +011011101 Stahnke 1 +011011101 Urbina 1 +011011101 Dunkley 1 +011011101 Huetten 1 +011011101 Haemmerle 1 +011011101 Sivitz 1 +011011101 Woitas 1 +011011101 Sonday 1 +011011101 Gres 1 +011011101 Hayhurst 1 +011011101 Thesiger 1 +011011101 Rimes 1 +011011101 Clavenna 1 +011011101 Narol 1 +011011101 Spiotta 1 +011011101 Misaki 1 +011011101 CPDH 1 +011011101 Creelman 1 +011011101 Bianchi-Sand 1 +011011101 Hessan 1 +011011101 Ghio 1 +011011101 Westerterpe 1 +011011101 Diest 1 +011011101 Dantchik 1 +011011101 deNoia 1 +011011101 Granin 1 +011011101 Samoilov 1 +011011101 Garmaise 1 +011011101 Outcault 1 +011011101 Rogari 1 +011011101 Shafonsky 1 +011011101 Luker 1 +011011101 Yoshikawa 1 +011011101 Urdanoff 1 +011011101 Kots 1 +011011101 Baynard 1 +011011101 Halva-Neubauer 1 +011011101 Nakauchi 1 +011011101 CPTs 1 +011011101 Boorstyn 1 +011011101 Sipiora 1 +011011101 Loewenherz 1 +011011101 Divall 1 +011011101 Loevner 1 +011011101 Tornay 1 +011011101 Roganti 1 +011011101 Yohannan 1 +011011101 Viclad 1 +011011101 CAPA 1 +011011101 COA 1 +011011101 Bianchetti 1 +011011101 Frankola 1 +011011101 Flacks 1 +011011101 Aglira 1 +011011101 RETREATED 1 +011011101 Banovick 1 +011011101 Chappelle 1 +011011101 Fossan 1 +011011101 Oristaglio 1 +011011101 Lashof 1 +011011101 INSERM 1 +011011101 Suess 1 +011011101 Denais 1 +011011101 Aurelian 1 +011011101 1892-94 1 +011011101 Neckers 1 +011011101 Giboux 1 +011011101 Schessler 1 +011011101 1875-76 1 +011011101 Gouilloud 1 +011011101 Adoo 1 +011011101 Hendren 1 +011011101 Branchflower 1 +011011101 Meekison 1 +011011101 Rawle 1 +011011101 Gallens 1 +011011101 Phin 1 +011011101 Laufenberg 1 +011011101 Norquist 1 +011011101 1900-02 1 +011011101 Chitty 1 +011011101 Dreebman 1 +011011101 Fiattarone 1 +011011101 Ventimiglia 1 +011011101 Branscome 1 +011011101 Sekel 1 +011011101 Kesler 1 +011011101 Varalli 1 +011011101 BenVeniste 1 +011011101 Jerdee 1 +011011101 Cherner 1 +011011101 Maseji 1 +011011101 non-Havana 1 +011011101 DeLellis 1 +011011101 Sessa 1 +011011101 Kuschel 1 +011011101 Gosset 1 +011011101 Jeske 1 +011011101 Piel 1 +011011101 Frees 1 +011011101 Ansdell 1 +011011101 Dockweiler 1 +011011101 216-204 1 +011011101 Elswit 1 +011011101 Pacho 1 +011011101 nonfrozen 1 +011011101 Harootyan 1 +011011101 Clenendan 1 +011011101 Frykholm 1 +011011101 Abernethy 1 +011011101 Winterhalder 1 +011011101 McGeown 1 +011011101 Woodwell 1 +011011101 Riegert 1 +011011101 Suzzy 1 +011011101 Tamaras 1 +011011101 Svasemberg 1 +011011101 Roeber 1 +011011101 Sorich 1 +011011101 Leinwand 1 +011011101 Ringenbach 1 +011011101 Tancock 1 +011011101 Merszei 1 +011011101 Ispahani 1 +011011101 Tuerkheimer 1 +011011101 Pilko 1 +011011101 Dunnan 1 +011011101 Mako 1 +011011101 Steckles 1 +011011101 Annacone 1 +011011101 Comizio 1 +011011101 Orentreich 1 +011011101 Citrin 1 +011011101 Jasey 1 +011011101 Rouvillois 1 +011011101 Bogossian 1 +011011101 Hinchliff 1 +011011101 Arvantidis 1 +011011101 Mujica 1 +011011101 Ehlinger 1 +011011101 Rouleau 1 +011011101 Kameishi 1 +011011101 Ahlerich 1 +011011101 1912-33 1 +011011101 Finsilver 1 +011011101 Milbauer 1 +011011101 Haniye 1 +011011101 Downton 1 +011011101 Mentzer 1 +011011101 Tirrel 1 +011011101 1896-1976 1 +011011101 285,754 1 +011011101 Vass 1 +011011101 Kardos 1 +011011101 SCULLEY 1 +011011101 CALFAB 1 +011011101 Cicarone 1 +011011101 Dyshalenkova 1 +011011101 Ninomiya 1 +011011101 Coiffet 1 +011011101 Mihalas 1 +011011101 Shulstad 1 +011011101 1967=100 1 +011011101 Kahwaty 1 +011011101 Eigo 1 +011011101 Greindl 1 +011011101 Voskarides 1 +011011101 731-798 1 +011011101 Slightam 1 +011011101 Ramishvili 1 +011011101 Grandis 1 +011011101 Champtaloup 1 +011011101 Sheiner 1 +011011101 Mielock 1 +011011101 Hymanson 1 +011011101 Kernish 1 +011011101 Pewsey 1 +011011101 Sallet 1 +011011101 1332-1404 1 +011011101 1263-1328 1 +011011101 Huwa 1 +011011101 Holler 1 +011011101 Ettelbrick 1 +011011101 Krolikowski 1 +011011101 Muns 1 +011011101 Bricken 1 +011011101 Echeandia 1 +011011101 Weckstein 1 +011011101 Herberich 1 +011011101 Karrh 1 +011011101 Bissiere 1 +011011101 Alechinsky 1 +011011101 Griss 1 +011011101 1840-1906 1 +011011101 Clayton-Pedersen 1 +011011101 Kelsea 1 +011011101 Kolsrud 1 +011011101 Plaze 1 +011011101 Steube 1 +011011101 Pradilla 1 +011011101 Kupperman 1 +011011101 Coltoff 1 +011011101 Danko 1 +011011101 Sukel 1 +011011101 Holch 1 +011011101 Ragano 1 +011011101 Deatherage 1 +011011101 Dornfield 1 +011011101 Tortoriello 1 +011011101 Biondo 1 +011011101 Lipsen 1 +011011101 Orsino 1 +011011101 Perloff 1 +011011101 Senyei 1 +011011101 Uretz 1 +011011101 McLagen 1 +011011101 Shagoury 1 +011011101 Escott 1 +011011101 Nakash 1 +011011101 Korobytsin 1 +011011101 Oddy 1 +011011101 Halsmuseum 1 +011011101 Holynskyj 1 +011011101 Weintraut 1 +011011101 Hagelstein 1 +011011101 Grenesko 1 +011011101 Verban 1 +011011101 1948-50 1 +011011101 Stana 1 +011011101 Pasternack 1 +011011101 Tionko 1 +011011101 Grove/Weidenfeld 1 +011011101 Hirasuna 1 +011011101 Al. 1 +011011101 Tsunozaki 1 +011011101 McLuggage 1 +011011101 Burka 1 +011011101 Serra-Badue 1 +011011101 Gallinger 1 +011011101 Sonsky 1 +011011101 Kolodner 1 +011011101 Alberding 1 +011011101 Grantham-Hill 1 +011011101 Sietsma 1 +011011101 Angellism 1 +011011101 Surmanek 1 +011011101 Dyar 1 +011011101 DuPrey 1 +011011101 Asay 1 +011011101 Ostrowsky 1 +011011101 Poyne 1 +011011101 Sult 1 +011011101 1966-1967 1 +011011101 Clooney 1 +011011101 Urben 1 +011011101 Defeo 1 +011011101 Nagorski 1 +011011101 Derobert 1 +011011101 Charlebois 1 +011011101 Jue 1 +011011101 deGuillenchmidt 1 +011011101 Hollsworth 1 +011011101 Ringnauld 1 +011011101 Fege 1 +011011101 DeLiefde 1 +011011101 Jaspers 1 +011011101 Hoexum 1 +011011101 Gilhooley 1 +011011101 Prelegos 1 +011011101 Holscher 1 +011011101 Lindamood 1 +011011101 Drobnick 1 +011011101 Bygdeman 1 +011011101 Stahler-Sholk 1 +011011101 Alyward 1 +011011101 Feingold 1 +011011101 Aufthauser 1 +011011101 Wetherill 1 +011011101 1618-48 1 +011011101 Bozicevich 1 +011011101 Edwardh 1 +011011101 Binsfeld 1 +011011101 Studach 1 +011011101 Magnanti 1 +011011101 Persabal 1 +011011101 Canedo 1 +011011101 ci 1 +011011101 Tineo 1 +011011101 Dills 1 +011011101 Coler 1 +011011101 Digre 1 +011011101 Parkos 1 +011011101 Tominovich 1 +011011101 Hiratsuka 1 +011011101 Humiston 1 +011011101 Zechman 1 +011011101 Raptapolous 1 +011011101 Lepiner 1 +011011101 Naiman 1 +011011101 Nthenda 1 +011011101 Mio 1 +011011101 Moher 1 +011011101 Milko 1 +011011101 Jacobson-Sive 1 +011011101 Tauranac 1 +011011101 Turchin 1 +011011101 Bedeian 1 +011011101 Zable 1 +011011101 Scarperi 1 +011011101 1959-1986 1 +011011101 Bienz 1 +011011101 Stares 1 +011011101 Hastoy 1 +011011101 Munkenbeck 1 +011011101 BEE-kee 1 +011011101 Froybu 1 +011011101 Hulkower 1 +011011101 1828-1910 1 +011011101 Tichenor 1 +011011101 Schlager-Herscott 1 +011011101 Yura 1 +011011101 Mildner 1 +011011101 Teschner 1 +011011101 Shushat 1 +011011101 Worre 1 +011011101 Zanotti 1 +011011101 Furusaka 1 +011011101 shhh 1 +011011101 Hadland 1 +011011101 Waki 1 +011011101 Svistunov 1 +011011101 Lutmer 1 +011011101 Wurm 1 +011011101 Brokaw. 1 +011011101 Manenti 1 +011011101 laughed. 1 +011011101 Glorie 1 +011011101 Huey-Burns 1 +011011101 Fiering 1 +011011101 Puette 1 +011011101 Maleska 1 +011011101 Winegar 1 +011011101 Pollnow 1 +011011101 Browder 1 +011011101 Rietz 1 +011011101 Carbaugh 1 +011011101 Marcellino 1 +011011101 Treleaven 1 +011011101 Augenthaler 1 +011011101 Schoonmaker 1 +011011101 Erginsoy 1 +011011101 Israfil 1 +011011101 Brandler 1 +011011101 Turbyfill 1 +011011101 Wragg 1 +011011101 Scratchard 1 +011011101 Dupps 1 +011011101 Broich 1 +011011101 Naster 1 +011011101 Yune 1 +011011101 Waage 1 +011011101 Crunkleton 1 +011011101 Pinson-Smith 1 +011011101 Brummel 1 +011011101 Lyles 1 +011011101 Stoltman 1 +011011101 Camnitzer 1 +011011101 Gerven 1 +011011101 Wolbrette 1 +011011101 Ghurair 1 +011011101 Travkin 1 +011011101 Sklyarov 1 +011011101 Kudryavtsev 1 +011011101 Vatanen 1 +011011101 Mrad 1 +011011101 LaGamba 1 +011011101 Kentoff 1 +011011101 Mazzucchelli 1 +011011101 Wychwood 1 +011011101 Borst 1 +011011101 Eavey 1 +011011101 Doose 1 +011011101 Kassapian 1 +011011101 Knipe 1 +011011101 uh-oh 1 +011011101 Bodurtha 1 +011011101 Sangenito 1 +011011101 Dahman 1 +011011101 Fisketjon 1 +011011101 Schwarte 1 +011011101 Jiangmen 1 +011011101 Rejto 1 +011011101 Schneider-Maunoury 1 +011011101 Klyuchevsky 1 +011011101 Westney 1 +011011101 Odinokov 1 +011011101 Hauptly 1 +011011101 Taphorn 1 +011011101 Ferriday 1 +011011101 Ertman 1 +011011101 bogoiskatel 1 +011011101 stvo 1 +011011101 Duga 1 +011011101 Szemeredy 1 +011011101 Veilleux 1 +011011101 Schmotzer 1 +011011101 Stillinger 1 +011011101 Panet-Raymond 1 +011011101 Lochridge 1 +011011101 Badr-Taleh 1 +011011101 Conheeney 1 +011011101 Schoener 1 +011011101 Stensrud 1 +011011101 Rydholm 1 +011011101 Bozanich 1 +011011101 Sprandel 1 +011011101 Bunkell 1 +011011101 Meinerzthagen 1 +011011101 Schuberth 1 +011011101 Bolley 1 +011011101 Bernish 1 +011011101 Dittamore 1 +011011101 Didley 1 +011011101 DiPasquali 1 +011011101 Kaplowitz 1 +011011101 Zeisel 1 +011011101 McKirgan 1 +011011101 Torello 1 +011011101 Wadleigh 1 +011011101 Gouba 1 +011011101 Favelukes 1 +011011101 Tilberg 1 +011011101 Tenan 1 +011011101 Gajewski 1 +011011101 Turzak 1 +011011101 Yudoff 1 +011011101 Radspieler 1 +011011101 Garver 1 +011011101 Emly 1 +011011101 Torgl 1 +011011101 Suwa 1 +011011101 Dewhirst 1 +011011101 Ivany 1 +011011101 Beier 1 +011011101 Gabin 1 +011011101 Neppl 1 +011011101 Steyer 1 +011011101 Zemmol 1 +011011101 Mickle 1 +011011101 Hadwiger 1 +011011101 Golman 1 +011011101 Drumheller 1 +011011101 DeIanni 1 +011011101 Ketchen 1 +011011101 Pantano 1 +011011101 Ginter 1 +011011101 Luttig 1 +011011101 Reuling 1 +011011101 Ruggieri 1 +011011101 Fullett 1 +011011101 Cabrales 1 +011011101 Karfunkel 1 +011011101 Kibbe 1 +011011101 Schlissel 1 +011011101 UNAG 1 +011011101 LINEUP 1 +011011101 Vizzone 1 +011011101 Sudmeier 1 +011011101 Kashef 1 +011011101 Aronica 1 +011011101 Sako 1 +011011101 Eber 1 +011011101 Erhrenhalt 1 +011011101 Likhachev 1 +011011101 Braatz 1 +011011101 Wolzein 1 +011011101 Libin 1 +011011101 Milbourne 1 +011011101 Beddow 1 +011011101 Fulgham 1 +011011101 Varoutsos 1 +011011101 Watry 1 +011011101 Szewczyk 1 +011011101 Niegsch 1 +011011101 Dubitzky 1 +011011101 TAMS 1 +011011101 Brudzinski 1 +011011101 Crowninshield 1 +011011101 Blate 1 +011011101 Nappo 1 +011011101 Mantell 1 +011011101 Cordonier 1 +011011101 Yema 1 +011011101 Lowsley 1 +011011101 Wolbarsht 1 +011011101 Dzershinsky 1 +011011101 Petizon 1 +011011101 Maxon 1 +011011101 Oyama 1 +011011101 Heys 1 +011011101 Panocchia 1 +011011101 Rappaccioli 1 +011011101 Signorelli 1 +011011101 Quinones 1 +011011101 Dahltorp 1 +011011101 Lumbly 1 +011011101 Kaczorowski 1 +011011101 Eickman 1 +011011101 Shakely 1 +011011101 Ulrey 1 +011011101 Novogrod 1 +011011101 McNeish 1 +011011101 Halverson 1 +011011101 Sauvan 1 +011011101 Fronk 1 +011011101 Fagg 1 +011011101 Clayton-Cragg 1 +011011101 Seisler 1 +011011101 4,416 1 +011011101 Wilby 1 +011011101 Farahi 1 +011011101 Bulfield 1 +011011101 Qabir 1 +011011101 Anziano 1 +011011101 Harshman 1 +011011101 Doocy 1 +011011101 Russell-Jones 1 +011011101 Schull 1 +011011101 Jojoba 1 +011011101 Pitou 1 +011011101 Turon 1 +011011101 Girolimon 1 +011011101 Suhrke 1 +011011101 Katzav 1 +011011101 Pohilko 1 +011011101 Grodahl 1 +011011101 Birdsong 1 +011011101 nonexpert 1 +011011101 14:17-21 1 +011011101 Bettencourt 1 +011011101 Destro 1 +011011101 Yegian 1 +011011101 Nyby 1 +011011101 Tabatabai 1 +011011101 Kiszcak 1 +011011101 Avildsen 1 +011011101 Bednarscuk 1 +011011101 Bovenzi 1 +011011101 Wander 1 +011011101 Pfiefer 1 +011011101 Shenold 1 +011011101 Dadd 1 +011011101 Kimberlin 1 +011011101 Podgers 1 +011011101 Raychuk 1 +011011101 1801-1835 1 +011011101 Lovegrove 1 +011011101 Maslen 1 +011011101 Nex 1 +011011101 McLeland 1 +011011101 Kassin 1 +011011101 Yaquinto 1 +011011101 Pekrul 1 +011011101 Galegher 1 +011011101 Durmoy 1 +011011101 Georgesen 1 +011011101 Hickerson 1 +011011101 Skouem 1 +011011101 Vadies 1 +011011101 Koritzinsky 1 +011011101 McNee 1 +011011101 Kettrick 1 +011011101 Jahnigen 1 +011011101 Tarrantino 1 +011011101 Libow 1 +011011101 Pfauwadel 1 +011011101 Ceresney 1 +011011101 Keddington 1 +011011101 Chanler 1 +011011101 Bice 1 +011011101 Bealmear 1 +011011101 Rully 1 +011011101 In-Ki 1 +011011101 Yourdon 1 +011011101 Fagundes 1 +011011101 MacCrate 1 +011011101 Veille 1 +011011101 Hamar 1 +011011101 Gebhard 1 +011011101 Travaglini 1 +011011101 Seefeldt 1 +011011101 Biamby 1 +011011101 Fellberg 1 +011011101 Kampula 1 +011011101 Feldsott 1 +011011101 Ringkjob 1 +011011101 Beston 1 +011011101 Villata 1 +011011101 Kibart 1 +011011101 Romash 1 +011011101 Amlot 1 +011011101 Epting 1 +011011101 Su-kyung 1 +011011101 Sylphides 1 +011011101 Tardos 1 +011011101 Fizdale 1 +011011101 Anzalone 1 +011011101 Geraschenko 1 +011011101 Tampin 1 +011011101 Loe 1 +011011101 Sternbach 1 +011011101 Sharlitt 1 +011011101 Mansson 1 +011011101 Novarro 1 +011011101 Nederkoorn 1 +011011101 Gerdes 1 +011011101 Rayher 1 +011011101 Corden 1 +011011101 Lescott 1 +011011101 Huiskamp 1 +011011101 Kellmer 1 +011011101 Gouse 1 +011011101 Courtman 1 +011011101 Heley-Hutchinson 1 +011011101 Leemans 1 +011011101 Gabour 1 +011011101 149.5pound 1 +011011101 Skoropowski 1 +011011101 Selyunin 1 +011011101 Riekert 1 +011011101 Hazouri 1 +011011101 Kasher 1 +011011101 Jurdahl 1 +011011101 Indrocarburi 1 +011011101 Voorhes 1 +011011101 Goodings 1 +011011101 Harry-Porter 1 +011011101 Hegi 1 +011011101 Chimberg 1 +011011101 Shiqing 1 +011011101 Erbin 1 +011011101 Nobs 1 +011011101 Lench 1 +011011101 Arzymanow 1 +011011101 Gonzelli 1 +011011101 Alstott 1 +011011101 Nader-related 1 +011011101 Farer 1 +011011101 Kirsh 1 +011011101 Cosham 1 +011011101 Janasz 1 +011011101 Roballo 1 +011011101 Yettaw 1 +011011101 Sherick 1 +011011101 Ols 1 +011011101 Laug 1 +011011101 Knothenberg 1 +011011101 Nofi 1 +011011101 Lammerding 1 +011011101 Miron 1 +011011101 Hernly 1 +011011101 Claypole 1 +011011101 Feniger 1 +011011101 what's-his-name 1 +011011101 Lefort 1 +011011101 Miskel 1 +011011101 Medavoy 1 +011011101 Dodwell 1 +011011101 Wigg 1 +011011101 N.Zealand 1 +011011101 Polin 1 +011011101 Polachi 1 +011011101 Morowitz 1 +011011101 Massocca 1 +011011101 Erben 1 +011011101 Fescher 1 +011011101 Falkenstein 1 +011011101 Rueve 1 +011011101 Tikhonov 1 +011011101 Turissini 1 +011011101 Hileman 1 +011011101 Zegar 1 +011011101 Rolan 1 +011011101 Kutzke 1 +011011101 Rabi 1 +011011101 Shosteck 1 +011011101 Novitch 1 +011011101 DeNoon 1 +011011101 Yusko 1 +011011101 Sansolo 1 +011011101 Yayama 1 +011011101 Aramanda 1 +011011101 Simonberg 1 +011011101 Devere 1 +011011101 Nedaskovskaya 1 +011011101 Nonna 1 +011011101 DiJoseph 1 +011011101 Kotwas 1 +011011101 DeNoville 1 +011011101 Lithell 1 +011011101 Voltaggio 1 +011011101 Bowdon 1 +011011101 Behague 1 +011011101 Zomber 1 +011011101 Gurevich 1 +011011101 NagyAntal 1 +011011101 Nickson 1 +011011101 Bargerter 1 +011011101 Rentz 1 +011011101 Bracey 1 +011011101 Jauhiainen 1 +011011101 Clinkscales 1 +011011101 Huffstodt 1 +011011101 Pelin 1 +011011101 Ogtrop 1 +011011101 Holdman 1 +011011101 Grenside 1 +011011101 Risley 1 +011011101 Azzi 1 +011011101 Busterud 1 +011011101 Balboni 1 +011011101 Laciura 1 +011011101 Luetzel 1 +011011101 Uroshevich 1 +011011101 SLFP 1 +011011101 Gatward 1 +011011101 Kromer 1 +011011101 Handshy 1 +011011101 Masurel 1 +011011101 Magrizi 1 +011011101 Francanzani 1 +011011101 Karten 1 +011011101 Neddo 1 +011011101 McMurry 1 +011011101 Coughran 1 +011011101 Southon 1 +011011101 Rayboy 1 +011011101 Henn 1 +011011101 Wempner 1 +011011101 Frio 1 +011011101 Katzke 1 +011011101 Waxweiler 1 +011011101 Hintze 1 +011011101 Jeffe 1 +011011101 literally> 1 +011011101 Copp 1 +011011101 Kennedy-wordsmith 1 +011011101 Lysiak 1 +011011101 Lewis-Davies 1 +011011101 Zulkarnain 1 +011011101 Blaydes 1 +011011101 Kutner 1 +011011101 MacCallan 1 +011011101 1972-80 1 +011011101 Suneby 1 +011011101 Dupond 1 +011011101 Fahner 1 +011011101 Kleinfield 1 +011011101 Brezinski 1 +011011101 Schmalzried 1 +011011101 Zirkle 1 +011011101 Schwarzenberg 1 +011011101 Browen 1 +011011101 Lengesia 1 +011011101 Tempesst 1 +011011101 Uston 1 +011011101 Denard 1 +011011101 Chemin 1 +011011101 Armentrout 1 +011011101 Lifar 1 +011011101 Matsuzaki 1 +011011101 Tufteland 1 +011011101 Maitumo 1 +011011101 Heimfeld 1 +011011101 Forgash 1 +011011101 Garrecht 1 +011011101 Chite 1 +011011101 Boyde 1 +011011101 Houchin 1 +011011101 Glesinger 1 +011011101 Hirschboeck 1 +011011101 Delwiche 1 +011011101 Laroy 1 +011011101 Leddick 1 +011011101 Beirise 1 +011011101 a-Natour 1 +011011101 Niccolini 1 +011011101 Tysse 1 +011011101 Monteux 1 +011011101 Aguiar 1 +011011101 Elsholz 1 +011011101 Dutcher 1 +011011101 Codrington 1 +011011101 Ewers 1 +011011101 3.3-inch-diagonal 1 +011011101 Markgraf 1 +011011101 Ariola 1 +011011101 Houtman 1 +011011101 LaVoie 1 +011011101 Alment 1 +011011101 Mulvey 1 +011011101 Recce 1 +011011101 Caspe 1 +011011101 Termaat 1 +011011101 Klitzman 1 +011011101 Jenkinson 1 +011011101 Mutton 1 +011011101 Tabacchi 1 +011011101 41-55 1 +011011101 Uhlenhop 1 +011011101 Zipko 1 +011011101 GSE 1 +011011101 Breihan 1 +011011101 Chronometer 1 +011011101 Westermeyer 1 +011011101 Dettinger 1 +011011101 Buddendorf 1 +011011101 Yaklin 1 +011011101 Boeren-Veen 1 +011011101 Geun 1 +011011101 Boles 1 +011011101 Osiander 1 +011011101 Brostowitz 1 +011011101 Buttigan 1 +011011101 Carnduff 1 +011011101 Mayall 1 +011011101 Gromov 1 +011011101 Mitscher 1 +011011101 Driker 2 +011011101 Dor 2 +011011101 Lawshe 2 +011011101 Gerstgrasser 2 +011011101 ugh 2 +011011101 Hampp 2 +011011101 Hudnall 2 +011011101 Hime 2 +011011101 1886-1980 2 +011011101 Cliggot 2 +011011101 Lunchbucket 2 +011011101 Sonenclar 2 +011011101 Pinney 2 +011011101 Spannaus 2 +011011101 Serre 2 +011011101 Guibilato 2 +011011101 Summerall 2 +011011101 Paletz 2 +011011101 Heras 2 +011011101 Bjelke-Petersen 2 +011011101 DeAngelo 2 +011011101 Henschel 2 +011011101 BSPP 2 +011011101 Marcano 2 +011011101 Scollard 2 +011011101 Taras 2 +011011101 Thevenot 2 +011011101 Reiffel 2 +011011101 Ostergard 2 +011011101 Raffin 2 +011011101 Prizel 2 +011011101 Loos 2 +011011101 Lamesch 2 +011011101 Wellesz 2 +011011101 PPPs 2 +011011101 PPIs 2 +011011101 Herskowitz 2 +011011101 Arenas 2 +011011101 Riper 2 +011011101 Rochac 2 +011011101 Foppiano 2 +011011101 1966-73 2 +011011101 Huse 2 +011011101 Ruschkowski 2 +011011101 Roenigk 2 +011011101 Solters 2 +011011101 Probus 2 +011011101 Colliver 2 +011011101 Pipho 2 +011011101 Elsberg 2 +011011101 Chinitz 2 +011011101 Yocum 2 +011011101 Wetmore 2 +011011101 Curvin 2 +011011101 Sidoti 2 +011011101 Montalbetti 2 +011011101 Salhany 2 +011011101 Dacey 2 +011011101 2/10 2 +011011101 4/2 2 +011011101 Pohle 2 +011011101 HI 2 +011011101 Ciaccio 2 +011011101 Weissmann 2 +011011101 Null 2 +011011101 Barrot 2 +011011101 Tichy 2 +011011101 Chabrol 2 +011011101 1368-1644 2 +011011101 PETA 2 +011011101 diGenova 2 +011011101 Ruesing 2 +011011101 Medgyessy 2 +011011101 Reni 2 +011011101 Razak 2 +011011101 Elinsky 2 +011011101 Satterthwaite 2 +011011101 Mullady 2 +011011101 Cobban 2 +011011101 Qvale 2 +011011101 Verso 2 +011011101 Hammock 2 +011011101 UyTioco 2 +011011101 Halberstadt 2 +011011101 DeGregorio 2 +011011101 Hoenicke 2 +011011101 Soule 2 +011011101 Christin 2 +011011101 Newton-John 2 +011011101 Valdner 2 +011011101 Schicchi 2 +011011101 Dunn-Rankin 2 +011011101 Brandstetter 2 +011011101 Yavitz 2 +011011101 Corney 2 +011011101 Petrick 2 +011011101 Ochi 2 +011011101 Avelar 2 +011011101 Spirrison 2 +011011101 Riben 2 +011011101 Magness 2 +011011101 Lawlor 2 +011011101 Duffey 2 +011011101 Lalli 2 +011011101 Manner 2 +011011101 Porcelli 2 +011011101 Geballe 2 +011011101 Nulty 2 +011011101 Quiros 2 +011011101 Wellborn 2 +011011101 Koltes 2 +011011101 Minch 2 +011011101 Deisz 2 +011011101 Schlapfer 2 +011011101 Bostwick 2 +011011101 Maarbjerg 2 +011011101 Marer 2 +011011101 Teagarden 2 +011011101 Onidi 2 +011011101 Elbaz 2 +011011101 Emrich 2 +011011101 Scopo 2 +011011101 Koller 2 +011011101 Lombardy 2 +011011101 Mansour 2 +011011101 Haake 2 +011011101 Parler 2 +011011101 Overbeeke 2 +011011101 Kavesh 2 +011011101 Cattrall 2 +011011101 LRINF 2 +011011101 Lannie 2 +011011101 Bloggs 2 +011011101 Newlin 2 +011011101 Eastham 2 +011011101 Bishvat 2 +011011101 Halebian 2 +011011101 Lionetti 2 +011011101 Bruner 2 +011011101 Ragavan 2 +011011101 COMEX 2 +011011101 Agajanian 2 +011011101 Abuchowski 2 +011011101 MacFarlane 2 +011011101 Lapenter 2 +011011101 Kump 2 +011011101 Miller-Bakewell 2 +011011101 Scalettar 2 +011011101 Dutt 2 +011011101 Chadonic 2 +011011101 Licon 2 +011011101 Koufax 2 +011011101 1209 2 +011011101 Hetrick 2 +011011101 Gerrard 2 +011011101 Mell 2 +011011101 Shiba 2 +011011101 Danse 2 +011011101 Hurlburt 2 +011011101 Cabria 2 +011011101 Lappe 2 +011011101 Saviers 2 +011011101 Doerig 2 +011011101 AAZK 2 +011011101 1868-1912 2 +011011101 Fuelner 2 +011011101 Bario 2 +011011101 Parlato 2 +011011101 Mauri 2 +011011101 Renteria 2 +011011101 Amiel 2 +011011101 Boakes 2 +011011101 Narkewicz 2 +011011101 Romualdez 2 +011011101 Farago 2 +011011101 Adieux 2 +011011101 Launder 2 +011011101 Lachowsky 2 +011011101 Beaumont-Dark 2 +011011101 Sontheimer 2 +011011101 Kawashima 2 +011011101 Gonski 2 +011011101 Bulloch 2 +011011101 Wachter 2 +011011101 Granwell 2 +011011101 Louis-Dreyfus 2 +011011101 Goldsboro 2 +011011101 Orenstein 2 +011011101 Moeltner 2 +011011101 Verster 2 +011011101 Baumgarten 2 +011011101 Sanson 2 +011011101 Yamamura 2 +011011101 Stancell 2 +011011101 Grissom 2 +011011101 SRs 2 +011011101 JCAH 2 +011011101 Ruehl 2 +011011101 Pilcher 2 +011011101 Labiner 2 +011011101 Kuper 2 +011011101 Maready 2 +011011101 Fialkow 2 +011011101 Cadaret 2 +011011101 1970-76 2 +011011101 Chertow 2 +011011101 Schanbaum 2 +011011101 Haffner 2 +011011101 CEQ 2 +011011101 Selway-Swift 2 +011011101 Conigliaro 2 +011011101 Tebbe 2 +011011101 Erlichman 2 +011011101 Schleicher 2 +011011101 Boal 2 +011011101 Demesse 2 +011011101 MacLaury 2 +011011101 Kitamura 2 +011011101 Wetherby 2 +011011101 Tyrer 2 +011011101 Gielen 2 +011011101 Pratte 2 +011011101 Shulz 2 +011011101 Gorney 2 +011011101 Hendrickse 2 +011011101 Mastrangelo 2 +011011101 Tortorici 2 +011011101 Neveu 2 +011011101 Macdougall 2 +011011101 Lomanno 2 +011011101 Barberis 2 +011011101 Bainbridge 2 +011011101 Meaden 2 +011011101 Sizemore 2 +011011101 Rafuse 2 +011011101 Malmgren 2 +011011101 Capiau 2 +011011101 Wigginton 2 +011011101 ta-KESH-ta 2 +011011101 Obrinksy 2 +011011101 Liberatore 2 +011011101 Gressel 2 +011011101 Mischler 2 +011011101 Kornfeld 2 +011011101 Makens 2 +011011101 Yalen 2 +011011101 Westlund 2 +011011101 McKusick 2 +011011101 Lopata 2 +011011101 Cetrone 2 +011011101 Goutard 2 +011011101 Kreidler 2 +011011101 Glos 2 +011011101 Dalzell 2 +011011101 Soble 2 +011011101 Wiedenmayer 2 +011011101 Mazura 2 +011011101 Accessoires 2 +011011101 Anzola 2 +011011101 Serino 2 +011011101 Berigan 2 +011011101 Shinato 2 +011011101 Ranelli 2 +011011101 Calbo 2 +011011101 Barshop 2 +011011101 Letertre 2 +011011101 Rees-Mogg 2 +011011101 Lobsenz 2 +011011101 mid-May-mid-August 2 +011011101 Jean-Philippe 2 +011011101 Baty 2 +011011101 Manwani 2 +011011101 Allardice 2 +011011101 Diderot 2 +011011101 Grimbley 2 +011011101 Kuhl 2 +011011101 Abtahi 2 +011011101 Minicucci 2 +011011101 McFerran 2 +011011101 Murr 2 +011011101 Marthe 2 +011011101 Spen 2 +011011101 McKeehan 2 +011011101 Binstein 2 +011011101 Jureidini 2 +011011101 Howland 2 +011011101 Perlstein 2 +011011101 Tello 2 +011011101 Andewelt 2 +011011101 Delroy 2 +011011101 Mackenrodt 2 +011011101 Padgitt 2 +011011101 Yaroslavsky 2 +011011101 5,033 2 +011011101 Strozier 2 +011011101 Haglund 2 +011011101 Kwok 2 +011011101 2030-2050 2 +011011101 Huyett 2 +011011101 Hyett 2 +011011101 Sheikholislam 2 +011011101 Crawshaw 2 +011011101 Holroyd 2 +011011101 Kiely 2 +011011101 Hemnes 2 +011011101 Kerfourn 2 +011011101 Kozak 2 +011011101 Transfusion 2 +011011101 Pereire 2 +011011101 Weidner 2 +011011101 Morony 2 +011011101 Laptev 2 +011011101 ChFC 2 +011011101 Boxberger 2 +011011101 Miernyk 2 +011011101 Shillingford 2 +011011101 Menadue 2 +011011101 Poston 2 +011011101 SHAPE 2 +011011101 Ik 2 +011011101 Hodgkinson 2 +011011101 Pinkowitz 2 +011011101 Kirst 2 +011011101 Hartle 2 +011011101 Berckmans 2 +011011101 Riegger 2 +011011101 Moros 2 +011011101 Blane 2 +011011101 Aranha 2 +011011101 fixed/ARPS 2 +011011101 Bonsor 2 +011011101 Anka 2 +011011101 Lari 2 +011011101 Kloner 2 +011011101 Kasuga 2 +011011101 Shuffstall 2 +011011101 Gregoire 2 +011011101 Zeh 2 +011011101 Belas 2 +011011101 Brotman 2 +011011101 Selinger 2 +011011101 Hayter 2 +011011101 Brooker 2 +011011101 Todt 2 +011011101 Hald 2 +011011101 Lenox-Conyngham 2 +011011101 Fallow 2 +011011101 Betterton 2 +011011101 Merrigan 2 +011011101 Bergner 2 +011011101 DalBello 2 +011011101 MacKnight 2 +011011101 Hesburgh 2 +011011101 Beinstein 2 +011011101 Grinold 2 +011011101 2.2-pound 2 +011011101 Adcock 2 +011011101 Grooms 2 +011011101 Gotoda 2 +011011101 Schlemm 2 +011011101 Leleti 2 +011011101 Krejci 2 +011011101 Lipner 2 +011011101 Womble 2 +011011101 McEnally 2 +011011101 Tarrson 2 +011011101 Christakos 2 +011011101 WCC 2 +011011101 Frisbie 2 +011011101 Oct.3 2 +011011101 Dahood 2 +011011101 Brealey 2 +011011101 Brancoli 2 +011011101 Mitchell-Innes 2 +011011101 Dineen 2 +011011101 Hjort 2 +011011101 Gaeckler 2 +011011101 Shahn 2 +011011101 Dupuy 2 +011011101 Burstyn 2 +011011101 Bohane 2 +011011101 Charbonneau 2 +011011101 Heisterberg 2 +011011101 Banducci 2 +011011101 Hilfiger 2 +011011101 Schanz 2 +011011101 Stickel 2 +011011101 Kasanof 2 +011011101 Yin 2 +011011101 Kerns 2 +011011101 Weisler 2 +011011101 Baxendale 2 +011011101 Abedrop 2 +011011101 Schreuder 2 +011011101 Mangione 2 +011011101 Voke 2 +011011101 Perigord 2 +011011101 Danielak 2 +011011101 Witte 2 +011011101 Evers 2 +011011101 Ranada 2 +011011101 Malson 2 +011011101 Diezi 2 +011011101 Schiffman 2 +011011101 Wimbish 2 +011011101 MacDonnell 2 +011011101 1568 2 +011011101 Mussati 2 +011011101 Iffland 2 +011011101 Brossard 2 +011011101 Riedl 2 +011011101 Spiker 2 +011011101 Fulaij 2 +011011101 Adham 2 +011011101 Cappello 2 +011011101 Biffen 2 +011011101 Schavernoch 2 +011011101 Grimstone 2 +011011101 Dotterweich 2 +011011101 Miesmer 2 +011011101 Drumm 2 +011011101 Graebner 2 +011011101 Yanchar 2 +011011101 Malman 2 +011011101 Tembe 2 +011011101 Hedley 2 +011011101 Meagher-Davis 2 +011011101 Adelsheim 2 +011011101 Jamila 2 +011011101 Thrasher 2 +011011101 SOM 2 +011011101 Bruckheimer 2 +011011101 Mitsuzuka 2 +011011101 Naqvi 2 +011011101 mcf 2 +011011101 Kunkle 2 +011011101 Preece 2 +011011101 Meresman 2 +011011101 Altshuler 2 +011011101 Meghan 2 +011011101 Koonce 2 +011011101 Vanderwoude 2 +011011101 Matsuki 2 +011011101 Ashkin 2 +011011101 Shar 2 +011011101 Harvill 2 +011011101 Ure 2 +011011101 Nasky 2 +011011101 Kani 2 +011011101 Beurskens 2 +011011101 Chulsu 2 +011011101 Weng 2 +011011101 Edmondson 2 +011011101 Mastro 2 +011011101 Ouchi 2 +011011101 Doubled 2 +011011101 Utsman 2 +011011101 Shimokobe 2 +011011101 Marcovicci 2 +011011101 Stromberg 2 +011011101 Sequeira 2 +011011101 D-Calif. 2 +011011101 Kihwan 2 +011011101 Tretheway 2 +011011101 Avila 2 +011011101 Peep 2 +011011101 Goulde 2 +011011101 Democratico 2 +011011101 Reinfrank 2 +011011101 Manus 2 +011011101 Medvid 2 +011011101 Glanz 2 +011011101 Petrocik 2 +011011101 Wandner 2 +011011101 Lowy 2 +011011101 1834-1917 2 +011011101 Treace 2 +011011101 Panuska 2 +011011101 Gunnell 2 +011011101 Iimura 2 +011011101 F.S. 2 +011011101 Levental 2 +011011101 Suchet 2 +011011101 Lawner 2 +011011101 Winsten 2 +011011101 Chaffin 2 +011011101 Trosper 2 +011011101 1c 2 +011011101 Digney 2 +011011101 McCahill 2 +011011101 Salembier 2 +011011101 Vardy 2 +011011101 Mohammedi 2 +011011101 Fajr 2 +011011101 Auth 2 +011011101 Temin 2 +011011101 Magary 2 +011011101 al-Hassan 2 +011011101 Treanor 2 +011011101 DiBello 2 +011011101 Aichi 2 +011011101 Guisewite 2 +011011101 Millenbruch 2 +011011101 Jerram 2 +011011101 Simonelli 2 +011011101 Blackwill 2 +011011101 Pakkasem 2 +011011101 CFTC-regulated 2 +011011101 Stobaugh 2 +011011101 Horlick 2 +011011101 Panzer 2 +011011101 Leow 2 +011011101 first-in 2 +011011101 DiBuono 2 +011011101 Weig 2 +011011101 Widmer 2 +011011101 McCaul 2 +011011101 Dotti 2 +011011101 Glicksman 2 +011011101 Rom 2 +011011101 Dykstra 2 +011011101 Koprucki 2 +011011101 Turnock 2 +011011101 Sulej 2 +011011101 Saslow 2 +011011101 Jacobus 2 +011011101 Hefley 2 +011011101 Bachand 2 +011011101 Brong 2 +011011101 Atzmon 2 +011011101 Rideau 2 +011011101 Dagnan 2 +011011101 Streed 2 +011011101 Vassos 2 +011011101 Matteucci 2 +011011101 Trienens 2 +011011101 Nield 2 +011011101 Reiners 2 +011011101 Frankenheim 2 +011011101 Yip 2 +011011101 Setogawa 2 +011011101 Caulo 2 +011011101 Sudo 2 +011011101 Geils 2 +011011101 Harron 2 +011011101 1633 2 +011011101 Artiano 2 +011011101 Burbach 2 +011011101 Mahorn 2 +011011101 Zeitler 2 +011011101 Hotard 2 +011011101 Dingilian 2 +011011101 Cally 2 +011011101 Lamprey 2 +011011101 al-Haq 2 +011011101 McFarlain 2 +011011101 Buker 2 +011011101 LeGrange 2 +011011101 Baly 2 +011011101 Dessart 2 +011011101 Delsener 2 +011011101 Gilkes 2 +011011101 Aidinoff 2 +011011101 Luiso 2 +011011101 Strumwasser 2 +011011101 MacMurray 2 +011011101 Dammeyer 2 +011011101 Backhaus 2 +011011101 Balderston 2 +011011101 Yamaki 2 +011011101 Caras 2 +011011101 Laxer 2 +011011101 Lorentz 2 +011011101 Lie-Nielsen 2 +011011101 Cleu 2 +011011101 Vinocour 2 +011011101 Preiss 2 +011011101 Treen 2 +011011101 Ogg 2 +011011101 Kamiya 2 +011011101 Daniella 2 +011011101 Brailey 2 +011011101 Evron 2 +011011101 Merl 2 +011011101 Mackness 2 +011011101 SPNFZ 2 +011011101 Thessalonians 2 +011011101 Odascalchi 2 +011011101 McCandless 2 +011011101 Toda 2 +011011101 Stumbo 2 +011011101 Pushkarev 2 +011011101 Fabrizio 2 +011011101 Jacque 2 +011011101 Slan 2 +011011101 Lagnado 2 +011011101 Kinzer 2 +011011101 Riegel 2 +011011101 Saghal 2 +011011101 Hewin 2 +011011101 Ione 2 +011011101 Rathbun 2 +011011101 VERs 2 +011011101 D-Mich. 2 +011011101 Yelsey 2 +011011101 Jaeggi 2 +011011101 MAP 2 +011011101 Randazzo 2 +011011101 Miyasaka 2 +011011101 Plotz 2 +011011101 Alcindor 2 +011011101 Darder 2 +011011101 nothings 2 +011011101 McLoughlin 2 +011011101 Helbig 2 +011011101 Wikes 2 +011011101 Siebenburgen 2 +011011101 Webman 2 +011011101 Mastroddi 2 +011011101 8-7 2 +011011101 Mantilini 2 +011011101 Rivard 2 +011011101 NAIA 2 +011011101 Heclo 2 +011011101 Wegter 2 +011011101 Guyette 2 +011011101 Shirai 2 +011011101 Kirwin 2 +011011101 Barstow 2 +011011101 Lunde 2 +011011101 Kavkaz 2 +011011101 Robbins-Roth 2 +011011101 Keeny 2 +011011101 Callagy 2 +011011101 Schweninger 2 +011011101 Melman 2 +011011101 Marrinson 2 +011011101 Berentson 2 +011011101 Marita 2 +011011101 Guarascio 2 +011011101 Qualman 2 +011011101 Crombie 2 +011011101 Niemier 2 +011011101 Henriquez 2 +011011101 Nehrling 2 +011011101 Calvello 2 +011011101 Scheffer 2 +011011101 1882-1963 2 +011011101 Sinopoli 2 +011011101 DiMartino 2 +011011101 Shik 2 +011011101 Collis 2 +011011101 Mousavi 2 +011011101 Hegemony 2 +011011101 Rosskamm 2 +011011101 Berke 2 +011011101 Rannala 2 +011011101 Schambra 2 +011011101 Rehmet 2 +011011101 Grieco 2 +011011101 McVoy 2 +011011101 Cowden 2 +011011101 Legato 2 +011011101 Westover 2 +011011101 McGillivray 2 +011011101 Liley 2 +011011101 Pursell 2 +011011101 Gittelman 2 +011011101 MasterMedia 2 +011011101 Mauriac 2 +011011101 Irsay 2 +011011101 Wefald 2 +011011101 Gries 2 +011011101 LASC 2 +011011101 Penser 2 +011011101 Mashburn 2 +011011101 Povich 2 +011011101 Bernson 2 +011011101 Gilpin 2 +011011101 Borseth 2 +011011101 DeNiro 2 +011011101 Osnos 2 +011011101 Ergas 2 +011011101 Griles 2 +011011101 Artandi 2 +011011101 Vanasek 2 +011011101 Berecz 2 +011011101 Babich 2 +011011101 Lyden 2 +011011101 Hattner 2 +011011101 Skorpil 2 +011011101 Ryden 2 +011011101 Borisoff 2 +011011101 Lapidus 2 +011011101 Merideth 2 +011011101 Demarest 2 +011011101 McAteer 2 +011011101 Rigden 2 +011011101 Birkner 2 +011011101 Genest 2 +011011101 Selebi 2 +011011101 Ayton 2 +011011101 Toal 2 +011011101 Bagoon 2 +011011101 Cachalia 2 +011011101 Smiddy 2 +011011101 Nejezchleb 2 +011011101 AUB 2 +011011101 Rodham 2 +011011101 1981-1988 2 +011011101 Ladner 2 +011011101 Sneller 2 +011011101 Briloff 2 +011011101 Kunst 2 +011011101 Pierandri 2 +011011101 Weiland 2 +011011101 Hatry 2 +011011101 Staw 2 +011011101 Adderley 2 +011011101 Urich 2 +011011101 Gibbens 2 +011011101 Bininda 2 +011011101 Gaskins 2 +011011101 Winship 2 +011011101 Jurkowitz 2 +011011101 Negri 2 +011011101 Zigas 2 +011011101 Ryon 2 +011011101 Itteilag 2 +011011101 Abramoff 2 +011011101 Stabbert 2 +011011101 Miskin 2 +011011101 Adriatico 2 +011011101 Gady 2 +011011101 Schwartzstein 2 +011011101 Veliotes 2 +011011101 Reingold 2 +011011101 Wattleton 2 +011011101 Bratkowski 2 +011011101 Dymetrol 2 +011011101 Posthumus 2 +011011101 Grassmuck 2 +011011101 Corpora 2 +011011101 Tyszkiewicz 2 +011011101 Hubbert 2 +011011101 Loesch 2 +011011101 Relly 2 +011011101 McGirr 2 +011011101 Ardito-Barletta 2 +011011101 Fyfe 2 +011011101 Nickas 2 +011011101 Kimbrell 2 +011011101 Selleca 2 +011011101 Krisel 2 +011011101 Gibert 2 +011011101 Allingham 3 +011011101 1973-1986 3 +011011101 Barkema 3 +011011101 Svedberg 3 +011011101 Honiss 3 +011011101 Vaness 3 +011011101 Emry 3 +011011101 Sprouse 3 +011011101 Viking/Penguin 3 +011011101 Aldred 3 +011011101 Schardt 3 +011011101 analogs 3 +011011101 Yanes 3 +011011101 Skubal 3 +011011101 Buscaglia 3 +011011101 Abele 3 +011011101 Arata 3 +011011101 Abbeville 3 +011011101 Harkavy 3 +011011101 Peyrefitte 3 +011011101 Zief 3 +011011101 Loy 3 +011011101 Rhea 3 +011011101 Pucci 3 +011011101 Revocable 3 +011011101 Hales 3 +011011101 Strassberg 3 +011011101 McAdoo 3 +011011101 Tynan 3 +011011101 Arnum 3 +011011101 Guillaume 3 +011011101 Akiba 3 +011011101 Lansberg 3 +011011101 Norrett 3 +011011101 Pepe 3 +011011101 Petits 3 +011011101 Flournoy 3 +011011101 Fajen 3 +011011101 natch 3 +011011101 Villeneuve 3 +011011101 CF8 3 +011011101 Biegen 3 +011011101 Coulombe 3 +011011101 Foti 3 +011011101 Triplett 3 +011011101 Moos 3 +011011101 Murasawa 3 +011011101 Ostro 3 +011011101 Kosner 3 +011011101 Reymond 3 +011011101 Parola 3 +011011101 '49 3 +011011101 Weingard 3 +011011101 Schlosser 3 +011011101 Westview 3 +011011101 Fram 3 +011011101 Hartenstein 3 +011011101 Ogiba 3 +011011101 Spader 3 +011011101 Calegari 3 +011011101 Donney 3 +011011101 Bross 3 +011011101 Threadgold 3 +011011101 Jarmin 3 +011011101 Matsumura 3 +011011101 Sakamaki 3 +011011101 Shorell 3 +011011101 Keran 3 +011011101 Lygo 3 +011011101 Stickler 3 +011011101 Minikes 3 +011011101 Azenberg 3 +011011101 McNeilage 3 +011011101 Pannone 3 +011011101 Grote 3 +011011101 Figlewski 3 +011011101 Salami 3 +011011101 Pires 3 +011011101 Hartley-Leonard 3 +011011101 Garbutt 3 +011011101 Krul 3 +011011101 Yager 3 +011011101 Haus 3 +011011101 Minsky 3 +011011101 Podberesky 3 +011011101 Ewart 3 +011011101 Saxbe 3 +011011101 Zvonek 3 +011011101 Puder-York 3 +011011101 Halfpenny 3 +011011101 Pitofsky 3 +011011101 Durning 3 +011011101 Hao 3 +011011101 Rayl 3 +011011101 Loehr 3 +011011101 Mazor 3 +011011101 Godeaux 3 +011011101 Gladden 3 +011011101 Noss 3 +011011101 16-24 3 +011011101 Anglade 3 +011011101 Hinderaker 3 +011011101 Jasim 3 +011011101 Gabele 3 +011011101 Yarmis 3 +011011101 Dallara 3 +011011101 Ottavio 3 +011011101 Assumma 3 +011011101 Dornblaser 3 +011011101 Schily 3 +011011101 Morcom 3 +011011101 Christianson 3 +011011101 Balin 3 +011011101 LeBaube 3 +011011101 Jeancourt-Galignani 3 +011011101 Colliano 3 +011011101 Hyams 3 +011011101 Fireside 3 +011011101 Anzai 3 +011011101 Rodrigues 3 +011011101 Hsieh 3 +011011101 Mograbi 3 +011011101 Ortoli 3 +011011101 Lipinski 3 +011011101 Monnet 3 +011011101 Particelli 3 +011011101 Gwynne 3 +011011101 Hosomi 3 +011011101 Blin 3 +011011101 Lynner 3 +011011101 Tebbitt 3 +011011101 Catalano 3 +011011101 Smerlis 3 +011011101 Halcrow 3 +011011101 Hein 3 +011011101 Sirois 3 +011011101 Brancatelli 3 +011011101 Pau 3 +011011101 Tegner 3 +011011101 Garrow 3 +011011101 Bogenschutz 3 +011011101 Auteuil 3 +011011101 Casnoff 3 +011011101 Pidgeon 3 +011011101 Dufresne 3 +011011101 Obbink 3 +011011101 Mikhailovich 3 +011011101 Pruett 3 +011011101 Catlett 3 +011011101 Rudie 3 +011011101 Behn 3 +011011101 check-ups 3 +011011101 Epperson 3 +011011101 Voy 3 +011011101 Gerster 3 +011011101 Sindona 3 +011011101 Kolstad 3 +011011101 Rehme 3 +011011101 Haass 3 +011011101 Tragos 3 +011011101 Hillaker 3 +011011101 Kuehnle 3 +011011101 Sitzer 3 +011011101 Nader-style 3 +011011101 Boesenberg 3 +011011101 Curren 3 +011011101 Dowding 3 +011011101 Gloyne 3 +011011101 Natividad 3 +011011101 Joad 3 +011011101 Grandfather 3 +011011101 Geisterfer 3 +011011101 MYG 3 +011011101 Kirschbaum 3 +011011101 Cadman 3 +011011101 Azerbaydzhan 3 +011011101 Teslik 3 +011011101 Poutney 3 +011011101 Wassong 3 +011011101 Napley 3 +011011101 Fredericksen 3 +011011101 Aberg 3 +011011101 Mahini 3 +011011101 Nicely 3 +011011101 Seidemann 3 +011011101 Miz 3 +011011101 Schuette 3 +011011101 Deeks 3 +011011101 Spengler 3 +011011101 Heley 3 +011011101 Scherb 3 +011011101 Christiani 3 +011011101 Freeborn 3 +011011101 SCR 3 +011011101 TNM 3 +011011101 Nimoy 4 +011011101 Poelker 4 +011011101 Frutschy 4 +011011101 Edmunds 4 +011011101 Jacki 4 +011011101 Mahmud 4 +011011101 Ostrom 4 +011011101 Ferland 4 +011011101 Gitner 4 +011011101 Bellew 4 +011011101 Neugarten 4 +011011101 Mitropoulos 4 +011011101 Braziller 4 +011011101 pacem 4 +011011101 Myrdal 4 +011011101 Frankovich 4 +011011101 Rafshoon 4 +011011101 Cadwell 4 +011011101 Laurin 4 +011011101 Copperfield 4 +011011101 Menear 4 +011011101 Swords 4 +011011101 Fossen 4 +011011101 Dzodin 4 +011011101 Malizia 4 +011011101 Hershberg 4 +011011101 Laupheimer 4 +011011101 Bensinger 4 +011011101 Katarincic 4 +011011101 Matthau 4 +011011101 Terzian 4 +011011101 Runiewicz 4 +011011101 Krasner 4 +011011101 Taira 4 +011011101 Voorhees 4 +011011101 Sheinkman 4 +011011101 DeLeon 4 +011011101 Rebitz 4 +011011101 Donahoe 4 +011011101 Manfredi 4 +011011101 Bruns 4 +011011101 Gruhn 4 +011011101 Burghardt 4 +011011101 Petrovich 4 +011011101 brraap 4 +011011101 Hedi 4 +011011101 Mottram 4 +011011101 Scribners 4 +011011101 Colvin 4 +011011101 Mikesell 4 +011011101 Enna 4 +011011101 Salfen 4 +011011101 Carnesale 4 +011011101 Mier 4 +011011101 Niculescu 4 +011011101 McCrudden 4 +011011101 Ruxton 4 +011011101 Pazienza 4 +011011101 Ruvkun 4 +011011101 Takemura 4 +011011101 Blanco 4 +011011101 Wilmouth 4 +011011101 Colm 4 +011011101 Winkelried 4 +011011101 Wahl 4 +011011101 Bisset 4 +011011101 Dang 4 +011011101 Spiewak 4 +011011101 Werkstell 4 +011011101 Talvela 4 +011011101 1978-81 4 +011011101 Merigan 4 +011011101 Dellamonte 4 +011011101 Fallick 4 +011011101 Twiss 4 +011011101 Shove 4 +011011101 Weichmann 4 +011011101 Enfants 5 +011011101 Racz 5 +011011101 Youde 5 +011011101 Oelbaum 5 +011011101 Zalusky 5 +011011101 Keye 5 +011011101 Gator 5 +011011101 Wozniak 5 +011011101 Cay 5 +011011101 Smock 5 +011011101 Polhill 5 +011011101 Jackman 5 +011011101 Ogawa 5 +011011101 Baugh 5 +011011101 Primakov 5 +011011101 S.P. 5 +011011101 GAIN 5 +011011101 Beedle 5 +011011101 Benfer 5 +011011101 Rotenberg 5 +011011101 Aperture 5 +011011101 Wass 5 +011011101 Snyderman 5 +011011101 Chalpin 5 +011011101 Nohavec 5 +011011101 Pilevsky 5 +011011101 Loggia 5 +011011101 Schollmeyer 5 +011011101 Malisewski 5 +011011101 Forester 5 +011011101 Oxnard 6 +011011101 Cornwell 6 +011011101 Larrabee 6 +011011101 Grandmaison 6 +011011101 Naipaul 6 +011011101 Smick 6 +011011101 GLCMs 6 +011011101 Liaisons 6 +011011101 Kies 6 +011011101 Orren 7 +011011101 Workman 7 +011011101 Chick 7 +011011101 PLUS 7 +011011101 Sabato 7 +011011101 Kaneko 7 +011011101 Feltes 7 +011011101 Archey 7 +011011101 Neuhauser 7 +011011101 Berrill 7 +011011101 Everson 7 +011011101 Ballinger 7 +011011101 Pohl 7 +011011101 Bolanos 7 +011011101 Fiberglass 7 +011011101 h 7 +011011101 Ravitz 7 +011011101 Leiken 8 +011011101 Marose 8 +011011101 Ukman 8 +011011101 Coggin 8 +011011101 1982=100 8 +011011101 Yingling 8 +011011101 Silbergeld 8 +011011101 Pre 9 +011011101 Meinertzhagen 9 +011011101 Atheneum 9 +011011101 Dongen 9 +011011101 Nickleby 9 +011011101 Chew 9 +011011101 f 9 +011011101 Messrs. 9 +011011101 Shooshan 9 +011011101 Korologos 10 +011011101 H.K. 10 +011011101 bleep 10 +011011101 E.P. 10 +011011101 Griff 11 +011011101 Fri 11 +011011101 oops 12 +011011101 G.m.b. 12 +011011101 U.S.A 15 +011011101 Furniss 17 +011011101 Pantheon 18 +011011101 Charren 18 +011011101 L&A 19 +011011101 S.p. 20 +011011101 Basse 22 +011011101 Bookshelf 24 +011011101 UK 27 +011011101 Topix 28 +011011101 Miserables 31 +011011101 Farrar 35 +011011101 e 39 +011011101 d 39 +011011101 Editorial 47 +011011101 P 49 +011011101 c 62 +011011101 b 73 +011011101 Loewy 74 +011011101 k 74 +011011101 Lespinasse 76 +011011101 Knopf 79 +011011101 Nuys 85 +011011101 e.g. 131 +011011101 LIBOR 198 +011011101 212 207 +011011101 U.S.A. 654 +011011101 See 980 +011011101 D. 5804 +011011101 R. 4173 +0110111100 dive-bombed 1 +0110111100 Springs/Mister 1 +0110111100 Legislator 1 +0110111100 pro-Diem 1 +0110111100 Ex-priest 1 +0110111100 Necmettin 1 +0110111100 football-hulk 1 +0110111100 reporter-turned-hostess 1 +0110111100 Governor-General 1 +0110111100 Thirty-three-year-old 1 +0110111100 Meadows-Corona 1 +0110111100 Tajwar 1 +0110111100 Contestant 1 +0110111100 Jaroy 1 +0110111100 Gannadi 1 +0110111100 TV-character 1 +0110111100 Meteorologist 1 +0110111100 Ven 1 +0110111100 Concurs 1 +0110111100 Hisatsune 1 +0110111100 Tax-weary 1 +0110111100 Inflicts 1 +0110111100 Co-host 1 +0110111100 Insouciant 1 +0110111100 Ange 1 +0110111100 KGB-boss-cum-union-chief 1 +0110111100 Ranja 1 +0110111100 Tawfik 1 +0110111100 Emmanuel-Joseph 1 +0110111100 Farag 1 +0110111100 Abdelkarim 1 +0110111100 Unshaven 1 +0110111100 Aldouri 1 +0110111100 misspells 1 +0110111100 Budding 1 +0110111100 Claude-Michel 1 +0110111100 Grandpappy 1 +0110111100 Olshever 1 +0110111100 Slinky 1 +0110111100 gloom-monger 1 +0110111100 avant-guitarist 1 +0110111100 Shortstop 1 +0110111100 also-tall 1 +0110111100 guitarist/theoretician 1 +0110111100 Thelonius 1 +0110111100 sometime-exhibitionist 1 +0110111100 PRODS 1 +0110111100 Olivette 1 +0110111100 ice-skater 1 +0110111100 Ismaile 1 +0110111100 volleyballer 1 +0110111100 Faan 1 +0110111100 then-Archbishop 1 +0110111100 Carlee 1 +0110111100 Mohammar 1 +0110111100 Kaare 1 +0110111100 Jerko 1 +0110111100 Essayist 1 +0110111100 Elastic-eared 1 +0110111100 Palmiro 1 +0110111100 Twelve-year-old 1 +0110111100 hardballer 1 +0110111100 Interrupts 1 +0110111100 Salce 1 +0110111100 Sixty-seven-year-old 1 +0110111100 Stock-analyst 1 +0110111100 Ellana 1 +0110111100 Ichirou 1 +0110111100 Aisaburo 1 +0110111100 Carissa 1 +0110111100 Sayid 1 +0110111100 Vitor 1 +0110111100 Rightfielder 1 +0110111100 Trombonist 1 +0110111100 Publicist 1 +0110111100 Raymund 1 +0110111100 Hard-liner 1 +0110111100 Munna 1 +0110111100 bee-geneticist 1 +0110111100 Bhasker 1 +0110111100 Yasuki 1 +0110111100 then-captain 1 +0110111100 Eppy 1 +0110111100 Charis 1 +0110111100 Yevgeniy 1 +0110111100 Hulki 1 +0110111100 Wole 1 +0110111100 Academics-conscious 1 +0110111100 Brunei-incorporated 1 +0110111100 Georgena 1 +0110111100 Predecessor 1 +0110111100 Twenty-one-year-old 1 +0110111100 Twice-as-old 1 +0110111100 hostage-negotiator 1 +0110111100 refusenik 1 +0110111100 Choreographer 1 +0110111100 Chambolle-Musigny 1 +0110111100 Mezzo 1 +0110111100 Mother-in-law 1 +0110111100 UC-Santa 1 +0110111100 Point-guard 1 +0110111100 Pumper 1 +0110111100 Georganne 1 +0110111100 Sinologist 1 +0110111100 Chancellor-candidate 1 +0110111100 Aldous 1 +0110111100 Cigarette-maker 1 +0110111100 Jutta 1 +0110111100 Oon 1 +0110111100 Raritan-based 1 +0110111100 Farshad 1 +0110111100 Kept 1 +0110111100 Thirty-two-year-old 1 +0110111100 Bayani 1 +0110111100 Tharon 1 +0110111100 Eighteen-month-old 1 +0110111100 soccer-playing 1 +0110111100 Unheralded 1 +0110111100 PATCO. 1 +0110111100 Helder 1 +0110111100 Tulio 1 +0110111100 Horst-Dieter 1 +0110111100 music-promoter 1 +0110111100 Gymboree-founder 1 +0110111100 talent-agent 1 +0110111100 Brandeis-educated 1 +0110111100 Baby-face 1 +0110111100 Kazimiery 1 +0110111100 Cisero 1 +0110111100 Norval 1 +0110111100 salvager 1 +0110111100 Haqiqat 1 +0110111100 McDonnel 1 +0110111100 witin 1 +0110111100 Panelist 1 +0110111100 Levente 1 +0110111100 Rangy 1 +0110111100 Monique 1 +0110111100 Mostafa 1 +0110111100 Linebacker 1 +0110111100 placekicker 1 +0110111100 Nemisio 1 +0110111100 pass-catcher 1 +0110111100 Mazinani 1 +0110111100 Maharishi 1 +0110111100 Bass-baritones 1 +0110111100 choreographer-director 1 +0110111100 Genady 1 +0110111100 Plumber 1 +0110111100 Co-writer 1 +0110111100 Inquisitor 1 +0110111100 PERSUADED 1 +0110111100 Karie 1 +0110111100 Olmeira 1 +0110111100 Joie 1 +0110111100 7-foot-5 1 +0110111100 Cried 1 +0110111100 potato-supplier 1 +0110111100 Leobardo 1 +0110111100 oboeist 1 +0110111100 Nickolas 1 +0110111100 Market-leader 1 +0110111100 then-unbeaten 1 +0110111100 Six-foot-10 1 +0110111100 Burhannudin 1 +0110111100 Co-producer 1 +0110111100 Tarso 1 +0110111100 Ex-Premier 1 +0110111100 Floid 1 +0110111100 Binnett 1 +0110111100 transliterated 1 +0110111100 Then-Chairman 1 +0110111100 Joseph-Marie 1 +0110111100 Hilde 1 +0110111100 Mahomed 1 +0110111100 Razi 1 +0110111100 Jeanelle 1 +0110111100 Environmentalist 1 +0110111100 Ranbir 1 +0110111100 Karima 1 +0110111100 power-hitter 1 +0110111100 Side-armer 1 +0110111100 Blustery 1 +0110111100 condylomata 1 +0110111100 Pilar 1 +0110111100 Jacques-Francois 1 +0110111100 Consumer-advocate 1 +0110111100 Nida 1 +0110111100 Infielders 1 +0110111100 Kilt 1 +0110111100 Naftali 1 +0110111100 Y.C. 1 +0110111100 Sunil 1 +0110111100 Headhunter 1 +0110111100 Second-placer 1 +0110111100 Gundi 1 +0110111100 Bettina 1 +0110111100 Fini 1 +0110111100 fellow-jockey 1 +0110111100 small-timer 1 +0110111100 Goodloe 1 +0110111100 Eighty-year-old 1 +0110111100 Orlin 1 +0110111100 Lauri 1 +0110111100 then-Judge 1 +0110111100 ex-Lord 1 +0110111100 Bluesman 1 +0110111100 Kozuo 1 +0110111100 Taggarty 1 +0110111100 Ex-pro 1 +0110111100 Carine 1 +0110111100 WORDSMITH 1 +0110111100 Then-President 1 +0110111100 Then-spokesman 1 +0110111100 Azriel 1 +0110111100 Zehdi 1 +0110111100 quipster 1 +0110111100 Surinder 1 +0110111100 Bearish-looking 1 +0110111100 out-sweating 1 +0110111100 fourth-seeded 1 +0110111100 Biologist 1 +0110111100 Bioethicist 1 +0110111100 Goree 1 +0110111100 Jacques-Henri 1 +0110111100 Gedalio 1 +0110111100 Quintin 1 +0110111100 Asserted 1 +0110111100 Carel 1 +0110111100 Natie 1 +0110111100 Ex-broker 1 +0110111100 Marathoner 1 +0110111100 Editor-in-chief 1 +0110111100 Dudu 1 +0110111100 Yitzach 1 +0110111100 Ex-president 1 +0110111100 diminutives 1 +0110111100 Nve 1 +0110111100 Firma 1 +0110111100 Taikichiro 1 +0110111100 Uto 1 +0110111100 Kasmi 1 +0110111100 designer-author 1 +0110111100 Setsuo 1 +0110111100 tavern-keeper 1 +0110111100 Sideman 1 +0110111100 Lindenberg 1 +0110111100 Litton/Dalmo 1 +0110111100 Kenggie 1 +0110111100 Y.W. 1 +0110111100 Ustad 1 +0110111100 K.D. 1 +0110111100 Ventured 1 +0110111100 Seijirou 1 +0110111100 T.Boone 1 +0110111100 Outfielder 1 +0110111100 Detra 1 +0110111100 mischief-maker 1 +0110111100 Maurine 1 +0110111100 Yihya 1 +0110111100 al-Karim 1 +0110111100 Medhi 1 +0110111100 Noufou 1 +0110111100 Idrissa 1 +0110111100 Cosmonaut 1 +0110111100 ADVISES 1 +0110111100 coproducer 1 +0110111100 Ophthalmologist 1 +0110111100 Puppeteer 1 +0110111100 Marziyeh 1 +0110111100 Alaedin 1 +0110111100 Nominee 1 +0110111100 Freckled 1 +0110111100 Appraiser 1 +0110111100 Garba 1 +0110111100 Mihail 1 +0110111100 breakdown-prone 1 +0110111100 bueno 1 +0110111100 Seso 1 +0110111100 Burrle 1 +0110111100 Annita 1 +0110111100 politician-preacher 1 +0110111100 Cameraman 1 +0110111100 Sedell 1 +0110111100 Erline 1 +0110111100 second-baseman 1 +0110111100 Left-fielder 1 +0110111100 papaya-seller 1 +0110111100 LIFO. 1 +0110111100 Rancher 1 +0110111100 Effi 1 +0110111100 Merilyn 1 +0110111100 architect-developer 2 +0110111100 Abdulrahman 2 +0110111100 Haile-Mariam 2 +0110111100 Arrie 2 +0110111100 Leche 2 +0110111100 Gae 2 +0110111100 non-candidate 2 +0110111100 Garel 2 +0110111100 Reuven 2 +0110111100 Mikail 2 +0110111100 Leenie 2 +0110111100 Ozires 2 +0110111100 Sculptor 2 +0110111100 Alejo 2 +0110111100 Tricia 2 +0110111100 Yvon 2 +0110111100 Pinklon 2 +0110111100 commuter-driver 2 +0110111100 Zomar 2 +0110111100 Zvi 2 +0110111100 Joelle 2 +0110111100 Meadow-Corona 2 +0110111100 Twenty-eight-year-old 2 +0110111100 BLUE-CHIP 2 +0110111100 Fakhruddin 2 +0110111100 Lodewijk 2 +0110111100 alumna 2 +0110111100 Jordi 2 +0110111100 pinchhitter 2 +0110111100 Yorba 2 +0110111100 Uriel 2 +0110111100 Helio 2 +0110111100 Moo 2 +0110111100 Quips 2 +0110111100 Ryuichi 2 +0110111100 Italo 2 +0110111100 Garya 2 +0110111100 Laurene 2 +0110111100 Abdul-Amir 2 +0110111100 Assemblywoman 2 +0110111100 Eiko 2 +0110111100 Yoshifumi 2 +0110111100 Mireille 2 +0110111100 Hershel 2 +0110111100 Raju 2 +0110111100 Godward 2 +0110111100 Keynoter 2 +0110111100 Co-Chairmen 2 +0110111100 Wynfred 2 +0110111100 Paraphrasing 2 +0110111100 old-campaigner 2 +0110111100 Hans-Werner 2 +0110111100 Marlo 2 +0110111100 Industrialist 2 +0110111100 then-Speaker 2 +0110111100 Nicos 2 +0110111100 Kuben 2 +0110111100 Ten-year-old 2 +0110111100 Punky 2 +0110111100 Isiah 2 +0110111100 Teammate 2 +0110111100 master-spy 2 +0110111100 Gerontologist 2 +0110111100 Yasuko 2 +0110111100 Free-lancer 2 +0110111100 Tomasz 2 +0110111100 Herard 2 +0110111100 Fullback 2 +0110111100 Kajo 2 +0110111100 Bodo 2 +0110111100 portraitist 2 +0110111100 Sese 2 +0110111100 Devi 2 +0110111100 Rafik 2 +0110111100 Fob 2 +0110111100 Ramzi 2 +0110111100 G.N. 2 +0110111100 Venita 2 +0110111100 Tonie 2 +0110111100 Zircon 3 +0110111100 Amerigo 3 +0110111100 Kilton 3 +0110111100 Andries 3 +0110111100 Ambroise 3 +0110111100 Yacov 3 +0110111100 Paata 3 +0110111100 Dibo 3 +0110111100 Sandi 3 +0110111100 Takara 3 +0110111100 presidential-hopeful 3 +0110111100 Afonso 3 +0110111100 Yannis 3 +0110111100 Jaswant 3 +0110111100 Hayne 3 +0110111100 Elem 3 +0110111100 Naji 3 +0110111100 Shigeaki 3 +0110111100 Supervisor 3 +0110111100 Kavin 3 +0110111100 Helmuth 3 +0110111100 Velupillai 3 +0110111100 Astronaut 3 +0110111100 Tahseen 3 +0110111100 Arbitrator 3 +0110111100 Rab 3 +0110111100 Co-pilot 3 +0110111100 Kelli 3 +0110111100 Jacky 3 +0110111100 Haruyuki 3 +0110111100 Krzystof 3 +0110111100 leftfielder 3 +0110111100 J.Y. 3 +0110111100 Gulbeddin 3 +0110111100 Edita 3 +0110111100 Janez 3 +0110111100 Kazuya 3 +0110111100 third-baseman 3 +0110111100 Congressman-elect 3 +0110111100 Tamsanqa 3 +0110111100 Erno 3 +0110111100 Urs 3 +0110111100 R.N. 3 +0110111100 Luu 3 +0110111100 Yassir 4 +0110111100 Georgy 4 +0110111100 Sami 4 +0110111100 Nikos 4 +0110111100 Jascha 4 +0110111100 Manei 4 +0110111100 Cinematographer 4 +0110111100 T.L. 4 +0110111100 Tiang 4 +0110111100 Astrophysicist 4 +0110111100 Egor 4 +0110111100 C.I. 4 +0110111100 Claudette 4 +0110111100 Jimmie 4 +0110111100 Kalart 4 +0110111100 Arlo 4 +0110111100 Dara 4 +0110111100 Arif 4 +0110111100 Etta 4 +0110111100 Essam 4 +0110111100 Jinho 4 +0110111100 Baritone 4 +0110111100 Syed 5 +0110111100 Porfirio 5 +0110111100 State-designate 5 +0110111100 Aristides 5 +0110111100 Nabih 5 +0110111100 Monsignor 5 +0110111100 Amjad 5 +0110111100 Mitsuo 5 +0110111100 Tenor 5 +0110111100 Younis 5 +0110111100 Tokuo 5 +0110111100 Pollster 5 +0110111100 S.K. 5 +0110111100 Everette 5 +0110111100 Yigor 5 +0110111100 Grandmaster 5 +0110111100 Auctioneer 5 +0110111100 Willa 6 +0110111100 Hojatolislam 6 +0110111100 Sociologist 6 +0110111100 Aviem 6 +0110111100 DEFEATED 6 +0110111100 Playwright 6 +0110111100 Debi 6 +0110111100 Kwame 6 +0110111100 Sirjang 6 +0110111100 Jacobo 6 +0110111100 Jean-Maxime 7 +0110111100 Congresswoman 7 +0110111100 Reynaldo 7 +0110111100 Friedhelm 7 +0110111100 Coretta 7 +0110111100 Violeta 7 +0110111100 Critic 7 +0110111100 Novelist 7 +0110111100 then-Chairman 7 +0110111100 Alessandra 7 +0110111100 Hiroaki 8 +0110111100 Paulette 8 +0110111100 Soprano 8 +0110111100 Alderman 8 +0110111100 producer-director 8 +0110111100 Fr. 9 +0110111100 Shigeo 9 +0110111100 Screenwriter 9 +0110111100 Walid 9 +0110111100 Columnist 9 +0110111100 Jimi 10 +0110111100 Raquel 10 +0110111100 Gennadi 10 +0110111100 Monsieur 10 +0110111100 Journalist 10 +0110111100 L.D. 10 +0110111100 Historian 10 +0110111100 Cpl. 10 +0110111100 O.M. 11 +0110111100 Roone 11 +0110111100 Sheikh 11 +0110111100 Varick 11 +0110111100 Tunku 11 +0110111100 Marta 11 +0110111100 Ortwin 11 +0110111100 Hans-Jochen 11 +0110111100 Karlheinz 12 +0110111100 Framed 12 +0110111100 Manuela 12 +0110111100 Takako 12 +0110111100 Conductor 12 +0110111100 Arbitrager 12 +0110111100 Lampf 13 +0110111100 Reinaldo 13 +0110111100 Comrade 13 +0110111100 Abbe 13 +0110111100 G.W. 13 +0110111100 Merce 13 +0110111100 Marlon 13 +0110111100 Christa 14 +0110111100 Comedian 14 +0110111100 Ichiro 15 +0110111100 Mehdi 16 +0110111100 Milos 16 +0110111100 Rabbi 18 +0110111100 Meryl 18 +0110111100 Alastair 19 +0110111100 Developer 21 +0110111100 Barbra 21 +0110111100 Assemblyman 23 +0110111100 Benazir 23 +0110111100 Yegor 24 +0110111100 Prosecutor 26 +0110111100 Financier 30 +0110111100 C.A. 30 +0110111100 Detective 31 +0110111100 Magistrate 31 +0110111100 Sister 34 +0110111100 I.M. 34 +0110111100 Manucher 34 +0110111100 Sein 35 +0110111100 Rauscher 37 +0110111100 J.E. 39 +0110111100 Fernao 41 +0110111100 Cuauhtemoc 41 +0110111100 S.B. 45 +0110111100 R.G. 46 +0110111100 Vittorio 48 +0110111100 A.W. 53 +0110111100 Yasser 60 +0110111100 Lech 62 +0110111100 Adolfo 71 +0110111100 President-elect 77 +0110111100 Congressman 91 +0110111100 Sgt. 132 +0110111100 Sheik 133 +0110111100 Merv 133 +0110111100 Justices 151 +0110111100 Tae 154 +0110111100 Capt. 193 +0110111100 Marlin 232 +0110111100 Rupert 390 +0110111100 Mayor 531 +0110111100 Senator 606 +0110111100 Mikhail 725 +0110111100 Adm. 744 +0110111100 Prof. 992 +0110111100 Miss 1032 +0110111100 Sir 1541 +0110111100 Gov. 2048 +0110111100 Gen. 2319 +0110111100 Judge 5570 +0110111100 Sen. 6737 +0110111100 Rep. 5602 +01101111010 Selwa 1 +01101111010 roustabout 1 +01101111010 right-fielder 1 +01101111010 Multipurpose 1 +01101111010 ex-Senator 1 +01101111010 Pre-breathe 1 +01101111010 Staughton 1 +01101111010 Jean-Bertrand 1 +01101111010 director-actor 1 +01101111010 Centrais 1 +01101111010 Kjeld 1 +01101111010 COMMISSIONER 1 +01101111010 Optik 1 +01101111010 Undersecretary-General 1 +01101111010 Seppo 1 +01101111010 neurophysiologist 1 +01101111010 super-motivator 1 +01101111010 saki 1 +01101111010 Hughes-McDonnell 1 +01101111010 Declan 1 +01101111010 Feed/Weed 1 +01101111010 son-successor 1 +01101111010 Kasa 1 +01101111010 five-disk 1 +01101111010 Inc.-San 1 +01101111010 even-older 1 +01101111010 hard-to-please 1 +01101111010 Partillo 1 +01101111010 Assessor 1 +01101111010 Director-designate 1 +01101111010 promotor 1 +01101111010 Textile-Asher 1 +01101111010 pianist-composer-leader 1 +01101111010 Chairperson 1 +01101111010 Eilif 1 +01101111010 Haircutting 1 +01101111010 Assails 1 +01101111010 Metalurgica 1 +01101111010 actress/singer 1 +01101111010 composer/trombonist 1 +01101111010 Steely 1 +01101111010 neurobiologist 1 +01101111010 Band-mate 1 +01101111010 Remembers 1 +01101111010 Joun 1 +01101111010 P.N. 1 +01101111010 Governer 1 +01101111010 Ombudsman 1 +01101111010 movie-director 1 +01101111010 then-congressman 1 +01101111010 Lyncher 1 +01101111010 lobbyist/critic 1 +01101111010 Director-Energy 1 +01101111010 Abiel 1 +01101111010 Ringmaster 1 +01101111010 Suzette 1 +01101111010 Secetary 1 +01101111010 religious-broadcaster 1 +01101111010 reporter/editor 1 +01101111010 drug-user 1 +01101111010 man-on-the-moon 1 +01101111010 Quelle 1 +01101111010 Treasurer-General 1 +01101111010 hit-maker 1 +01101111010 giorno 1 +01101111010 INTO 1 +01101111010 Councilmen 1 +01101111010 ADMIT 1 +01101111010 SECRETARY 1 +01101111010 Ugine 1 +01101111010 Josephus 1 +01101111010 ex-mercenary 1 +01101111010 Fuerzas 1 +01101111010 plaster-grinned 1 +01101111010 Sigismundus 1 +01101111010 Domanatrix 1 +01101111010 Ppresident 1 +01101111010 Var 1 +01101111010 Hidetoshi 1 +01101111010 Pizzaria 1 +01101111010 Presdent 1 +01101111010 superagent 1 +01101111010 A.V. 2 +01101111010 Authority-Garden 2 +01101111010 co-plaintiff 2 +01101111010 BANKER 2 +01101111010 Priestess 2 +01101111010 Commisioner 2 +01101111010 Boelkow 2 +01101111010 Fenech 2 +01101111010 Rosamund 2 +01101111010 ex-analyst 2 +01101111010 Envoy 2 +01101111010 Thrift-Rescue 2 +01101111010 INRA 2 +01101111010 counter-tenor 2 +01101111010 Salutes 2 +01101111010 Defections 2 +01101111010 Co-founder 2 +01101111010 then-counselor 2 +01101111010 SENATOR 2 +01101111010 Vessel 2 +01101111010 Speaker-designate 2 +01101111010 Snaps 3 +01101111010 Welcomes 3 +01101111010 Chairman-designate 3 +01101111010 Nhan 3 +01101111010 president-designate 3 +01101111010 Co-chairman 3 +01101111010 Lobbyist 3 +01101111010 Rowdy 3 +01101111010 Counselor 3 +01101111010 Secretary-Treasurer 3 +01101111010 Dermatologist 3 +01101111010 Selectman 3 +01101111010 Tricky 4 +01101111010 Recruiter 4 +01101111010 Risk-Pools 4 +01101111010 Presence 4 +01101111010 Councilwoman 4 +01101111010 Coordinator 4 +01101111010 Businessman 4 +01101111010 Speaker-elect 4 +01101111010 Encouragement 4 +01101111010 Clears 4 +01101111010 K.G. 4 +01101111010 Revoir 5 +01101111010 Provost 5 +01101111010 Estado 5 +01101111010 Architect 5 +01101111010 Controller 6 +01101111010 Auditor 6 +01101111010 Collector 6 +01101111010 Musician 6 +01101111010 Secretary-designate 6 +01101111010 Co-Chairman 6 +01101111010 mezzo-soprano 7 +01101111010 then-Chief 9 +01101111010 Angotti 10 +01101111010 Spokesman 13 +01101111010 Chairmen 14 +01101111010 Chairwoman 15 +01101111010 Dalmo 15 +01101111010 Owner 17 +01101111010 Consultant 24 +01101111010 Cmdr. 27 +01101111010 Superintendent 28 +01101111010 Councilman 31 +01101111010 Bertrand 36 +01101111010 Secretary-General 51 +01101111010 Publisher 53 +01101111010 Analyst 59 +01101111010 Notice 59 +01101111010 Abby 61 +01101111010 Editor 75 +01101111010 Treasurer 75 +01101111010 Whip 83 +01101111010 Administrator 104 +01101111010 Brother 122 +01101111010 Undersecretary 143 +01101111010 Professor 149 +01101111010 Officer 206 +01101111010 Ambassador 236 +01101111010 Representative 259 +01101111010 Adviser 265 +01101111010 Prince 356 +01101111010 Governor 417 +01101111010 Chancellor 499 +01101111010 Commissioner 549 +01101111010 Leader 553 +01101111010 Director 644 +01101111010 Speaker 752 +01101111010 Chief 1144 +01101111010 Chairman 5115 +01101111010 Secretary 3689 +01101111011 Rizzaria 1 +01101111011 Aleli 1 +01101111011 19,083,475 1 +01101111011 ex-haberdasher 1 +01101111011 638,900 1 +01101111011 Hinders 1 +01101111011 Q.G. 1 +01101111011 Dhirubhai 1 +01101111011 Trespassers 1 +01101111011 vigorous-looking 1 +01101111011 composer/saxophonist 1 +01101111011 Khaleda 1 +01101111011 7-foot-1 1 +01101111011 Beshir 1 +01101111011 Zehava 1 +01101111011 Pinar 1 +01101111011 then-Bishop 1 +01101111011 1,068,750 1 +01101111011 Jassim 1 +01101111011 Canon-distributed 1 +01101111011 kayoing 1 +01101111011 host/artist/composer 1 +01101111011 then-freshman 1 +01101111011 super-sleuth 1 +01101111011 left-fielder 1 +01101111011 Kellie 1 +01101111011 Corp.-McDonnell 1 +01101111011 Generoso 1 +01101111011 defection-wracked 1 +01101111011 Celesto 1 +01101111011 second-seeded 1 +01101111011 Dharmo 1 +01101111011 abitrager 1 +01101111011 19,550,000 1 +01101111011 Hungarian-American 1 +01101111011 Kobus 1 +01101111011 Hoagy 1 +01101111011 cleavage-baring 1 +01101111011 Jhoon 1 +01101111011 Anouk 1 +01101111011 Premier-designate 1 +01101111011 pre-spinoff 1 +01101111011 Clamma 1 +01101111011 wonder-worker 1 +01101111011 reelect 1 +01101111011 GMHE. 1 +01101111011 Inocencio 1 +01101111011 Guilio 1 +01101111011 unfettering 1 +01101111011 flame-haired 1 +01101111011 conductor-pianist 1 +01101111011 Stain 1 +01101111011 Kabbalah 1 +01101111011 Pinacoteca 1 +01101111011 1981-through-1983 1 +01101111011 Naviera 1 +01101111011 Hyder 1 +01101111011 ex-teammate 1 +01101111011 Canada-owned 1 +01101111011 slow-witted 1 +01101111011 Mnister 1 +01101111011 Ambrogio 1 +01101111011 Hissein 1 +01101111011 Victorino 1 +01101111011 38,880 1 +01101111011 Ozilio 1 +01101111011 Evadna 1 +01101111011 disasterprone 1 +01101111011 then-chancellor 1 +01101111011 one-day-old 1 +01101111011 Jehan 1 +01101111011 Voleene 1 +01101111011 Tevin 1 +01101111011 Carleen 1 +01101111011 Mauno 1 +01101111011 Pappa 1 +01101111011 pogo-stick-legged 1 +01101111011 frequenter 1 +01101111011 Verlagsgruppe 1 +01101111011 Hornos 1 +01101111011 Citicorp-owned 1 +01101111011 Ieremia 1 +01101111011 arch-statist 1 +01101111011 Angelyne 1 +01101111011 basketballer 1 +01101111011 whiteknight 1 +01101111011 John-Claude 1 +01101111011 Il-Soon 1 +01101111011 Hojatalislam 1 +01101111011 shrewy 1 +01101111011 Best/Worst 1 +01101111011 overhacked 1 +01101111011 Discover-toting 1 +01101111011 Hafizullah 1 +01101111011 medal-threat 1 +01101111011 third-placer 1 +01101111011 Maroone 1 +01101111011 Abdul-Rahim 1 +01101111011 rocket-maker 1 +01101111011 Hurrican 1 +01101111011 detente-minded 1 +01101111011 Yoweri 1 +01101111011 Affonso 1 +01101111011 rightfielder 1 +01101111011 Mezh 1 +01101111011 Mezhdunarodniya 1 +01101111011 Fusako 1 +01101111011 32,250 1 +01101111011 post-toddler 1 +01101111011 pinch-hitter 1 +01101111011 1,166,650 1 +01101111011 20th-place 1 +01101111011 columnist-for-hire 1 +01101111011 second-year-man 1 +01101111011 Erroll 1 +01101111011 President-in-Hiding 1 +01101111011 192,941 1 +01101111011 Risher 1 +01101111011 poverty-pressed 1 +01101111011 115th-ranked 1 +01101111011 91st-ranked 1 +01101111011 Perveen 1 +01101111011 point-guard 1 +01101111011 off-court-affable 1 +01101111011 bookstore-owner 1 +01101111011 activist-nutritionist 1 +01101111011 CAP. 1 +01101111011 Stohlman 1 +01101111011 Guiseppe 1 +01101111011 then-billionaire 1 +01101111011 pro-Turkey 1 +01101111011 Rustum 1 +01101111011 SOM. 1 +01101111011 similar-priced 1 +01101111011 Acqua 1 +01101111011 automobile-dealer 1 +01101111011 out-Jackson 1 +01101111011 punch-happy 1 +01101111011 Catulle 1 +01101111011 26,900 1 +01101111011 leftie 1 +01101111011 Gimenez/Rossini 1 +01101111011 Meteor 1 +01101111011 Leopoldine 1 +01101111011 7,459 1 +01101111011 Alain-Dominique 1 +01101111011 supply-side-conscious 1 +01101111011 Raghib 1 +01101111011 Tahir 1 +01101111011 birdman 1 +01101111011 Napolean 1 +01101111011 Plutarco 1 +01101111011 Ruhani 1 +01101111011 card-shop 1 +01101111011 Michel-Etienne 1 +01101111011 Mette-Ida 1 +01101111011 Minisa 1 +01101111011 Philadephia-based 1 +01101111011 982,200 1 +01101111011 ANM. 1 +01101111011 WOW. 2 +01101111011 Georgie 2 +01101111011 Goats 2 +01101111011 Baltasar 2 +01101111011 Beheshte 2 +01101111011 CH. 2 +01101111011 Glengarry 2 +01101111011 Dian 2 +01101111011 Pawel 2 +01101111011 Mowbray 2 +01101111011 PROTESTER 2 +01101111011 Keikichi 2 +01101111011 Ifincorp 2 +01101111011 Viyacheslav 2 +01101111011 ARC. 2 +01101111011 Acerias 2 +01101111011 Berl 2 +01101111011 Battlement 2 +01101111011 Amalia 2 +01101111011 Tante 2 +01101111011 president-in-hiding 2 +01101111011 textile-maker 2 +01101111011 Josiah 2 +01101111011 Vonn 2 +01101111011 Viscount 2 +01101111011 President-for-life 2 +01101111011 Hapag 2 +01101111011 Nasir 2 +01101111011 Tingo 2 +01101111011 Kaamel 2 +01101111011 Broz 2 +01101111011 RealCorp 2 +01101111011 Nasib 2 +01101111011 Eustace 2 +01101111011 Great-Uncle 2 +01101111011 Saturnino 2 +01101111011 Amon 2 +01101111011 S.F. 2 +01101111011 Shigeyuki 2 +01101111011 Sahabzada 2 +01101111011 Ary 2 +01101111011 Dooney 2 +01101111011 Belisario 3 +01101111011 I/N 3 +01101111011 Sopranos 3 +01101111011 California-Santa 3 +01101111011 GEC. 3 +01101111011 then-Chancellor 3 +01101111011 Mamie 3 +01101111011 Vo 3 +01101111011 McFeely 3 +01101111011 Physicist 3 +01101111011 Julienne 3 +01101111011 Hafiz 3 +01101111011 Comte 3 +01101111011 Gotz 3 +01101111011 Ladislao 3 +01101111011 Jihan 3 +01101111011 Pantron 3 +01101111011 Rena 3 +01101111011 Maybelle 3 +01101111011 Comando 3 +01101111011 Leonidas 3 +01101111011 Soloman 3 +01101111011 Farmitalia 3 +01101111011 Totta 4 +01101111011 Verna 4 +01101111011 Wilfredo 4 +01101111011 Hojatoleslam 4 +01101111011 Gustavus 4 +01101111011 Juliana 4 +01101111011 Babrak 4 +01101111011 Chine 4 +01101111011 Irfan 4 +01101111011 Frantisek 4 +01101111011 Aleksei 4 +01101111011 ex-President 4 +01101111011 Lucian 4 +01101111011 Raggedy 4 +01101111011 Accountant 4 +01101111011 Yo-Yo 4 +01101111011 Brooklynite 4 +01101111011 Cris 4 +01101111011 Bashir 5 +01101111011 Typhoid 5 +01101111011 Elbridge 5 +01101111011 Councilor 5 +01101111011 Hilda 5 +01101111011 Piggly 5 +01101111011 Alhaji 5 +01101111011 Felicia 5 +01101111011 NTN 5 +01101111011 Mallard 6 +01101111011 Rudyard 6 +01101111011 Golda 6 +01101111011 Saburo 6 +01101111011 Vivien 6 +01101111011 C.L. 7 +01101111011 ACA 7 +01101111011 Gian 7 +01101111011 Frieda 7 +01101111011 Arnulfo 7 +01101111011 Jessye 7 +01101111011 J.A.C. 7 +01101111011 Ghulam 7 +01101111011 Rosalynn 7 +01101111011 Coosa 7 +01101111011 Vinicio 7 +01101111011 Umm 7 +01101111011 Pham 7 +01101111011 Francesca 7 +01101111011 M.H. 8 +01101111011 Kenan 8 +01101111011 Marukin 8 +01101111011 Mehmet 8 +01101111011 Avions 9 +01101111011 Syngman 9 +01101111011 Buckskin 9 +01101111011 Marvelous 9 +01101111011 Kiri 9 +01101111011 Empress 9 +01101111011 Sor 10 +01101111011 Anibal 10 +01101111011 Branko 10 +01101111011 Arnoldo 10 +01101111011 Zulfikar 10 +01101111011 Gamal 10 +01101111011 Generalissimo 10 +01101111011 Beefsteak 11 +01101111011 Agatha 11 +01101111011 then-President 12 +01101111011 Mana 12 +01101111011 Ijaz 12 +01101111011 Nicolae 13 +01101111011 Junius 13 +01101111011 Moby 13 +01101111011 Aretha 13 +01101111011 Minneapolis-St. 13 +01101111011 Comandante 14 +01101111011 Typhoon 14 +01101111011 F.H. 15 +01101111011 Stew 15 +01101111011 Aldo 16 +01101111011 Teapot 16 +01101111011 Claudio 16 +01101111011 Issam 16 +01101111011 Alexei 16 +01101111011 Giulio 16 +01101111011 Virgilio 18 +01101111011 Zsa 18 +01101111011 Velda 19 +01101111011 Wee 20 +01101111011 Sigmund 20 +01101111011 Humpty 21 +01101111011 Gustav 22 +01101111011 Amin 22 +01101111011 Aston 23 +01101111011 Hodding 23 +01101111011 Actor 23 +01101111011 Benigno 24 +01101111011 Hafez 24 +01101111011 G.I. 26 +01101111011 Dom 28 +01101111011 Babe 31 +01101111011 Hosni 32 +01101111011 Ente 35 +01101111011 Muhammad 35 +01101111011 R.R. 37 +01101111011 Desmond 37 +01101111011 Anastasio 40 +01101111011 Aunt 42 +01101111011 Anwar 42 +01101111011 Helene 42 +01101111011 Valery 44 +01101111011 Ponce 51 +01101111011 Marshal 51 +01101111011 Jean-Claude 55 +01101111011 Remy 56 +01101111011 Aca 56 +01101111011 Madame 57 +01101111011 Jonas 57 +01101111011 Leonid 68 +01101111011 Luiz 80 +01101111011 G.D. 81 +01101111011 Yves 95 +01101111011 Corazon 111 +01101111011 Dwight 113 +01101111011 Archbishop 115 +01101111011 Napoleon 129 +01101111011 R.H. 129 +01101111011 Presidents 130 +01101111011 Hurricane 139 +01101111011 Raul 146 +01101111011 C.J. 159 +01101111011 Billy 167 +01101111011 Oscar 229 +01101111011 Uncle 232 +01101111011 Staff 539 +01101111011 Jimmy 581 +01101111011 McDonnell 1266 +01101111011 President 11921 +01101111011 Ronald 2133 +0110111110 Iegor 1 +0110111110 Loel 1 +0110111110 TEARS 1 +0110111110 RELOCATE 1 +0110111110 Aine 1 +0110111110 Masood 1 +0110111110 Audra 1 +0110111110 D.E.P. 1 +0110111110 Hazem 1 +0110111110 Norie 1 +0110111110 Katsushi 1 +0110111110 Lyor 1 +0110111110 Kermath 1 +0110111110 Negociaos 1 +0110111110 Renslow 1 +0110111110 Krister 1 +0110111110 Fayville 1 +0110111110 Kichirou 1 +0110111110 Adley 1 +0110111110 Kristena 1 +0110111110 Wyn 1 +0110111110 Noreta 1 +0110111110 Tokutaro 1 +0110111110 Fakhry 1 +0110111110 Abulsamad 1 +0110111110 Janharn 1 +0110111110 Candido 1 +0110111110 Sarason 1 +0110111110 A.T.& 1 +0110111110 Lenis 1 +0110111110 Masamichi 1 +0110111110 Duward 1 +0110111110 Hossur 1 +0110111110 Harjap 1 +0110111110 JeanYves 1 +0110111110 Mahadi 1 +0110111110 Takahiko 1 +0110111110 Barbet 1 +0110111110 Adentokunbo 1 +0110111110 Inoke 1 +0110111110 Isseyas 1 +0110111110 Vonda 1 +0110111110 Daan 1 +0110111110 Mujibur 1 +0110111110 Margretta 1 +0110111110 Kaneyoshi 1 +0110111110 Bernon 1 +0110111110 Hermann-Otto 1 +0110111110 Yevgenii 1 +0110111110 Frithjof 1 +0110111110 Shahla 1 +0110111110 Bronislawa 1 +0110111110 Daris 1 +0110111110 Rosette 1 +0110111110 Wyllis 1 +0110111110 Pricilla 1 +0110111110 Taufik 1 +0110111110 Slamet 1 +0110111110 Angelis 1 +0110111110 Maitama 1 +0110111110 Jusuf 1 +0110111110 Sakichiro 1 +0110111110 Kishimitsu 1 +0110111110 R.B.L. 1 +0110111110 Sakari 1 +0110111110 LouAnn 1 +0110111110 Belen 1 +0110111110 Nageh 1 +0110111110 Peter-Cyrus 1 +0110111110 Kerrie 1 +0110111110 Goran 1 +0110111110 Tarek 1 +0110111110 Nabuo 1 +0110111110 yellowy-eyed 1 +0110111110 Octave 1 +0110111110 Lydell 1 +0110111110 Tsuneharu 1 +0110111110 Briant 1 +0110111110 Kyosaku 1 +0110111110 Wojiech 1 +0110111110 B.J.G. 1 +0110111110 Keena 1 +0110111110 Noriyoshi 1 +0110111110 Conall 1 +0110111110 Ruti 1 +0110111110 Hedric 1 +0110111110 Satindar 1 +0110111110 Randolf 1 +0110111110 Jurrit 1 +0110111110 Fenella 1 +0110111110 J.K.M. 1 +0110111110 Bink 1 +0110111110 Karl-Werner 1 +0110111110 Galvao 1 +0110111110 Taib 1 +0110111110 Bokkie 1 +0110111110 Yoshiya 1 +0110111110 Philmore 1 +0110111110 Geir 1 +0110111110 underwiter 1 +0110111110 Hideharu 1 +0110111110 Nancie 1 +0110111110 Pran 1 +0110111110 Otakar 1 +0110111110 Nagishima 1 +0110111110 Kondobo 1 +0110111110 Tsun-yan 1 +0110111110 Kazumoto 1 +0110111110 Valerij 1 +0110111110 Rinse 1 +0110111110 Manubhai 1 +0110111110 Mitsugu 1 +0110111110 Naoya 1 +0110111110 Royden 1 +0110111110 Messerschmitt-Boeklow-Blohm 1 +0110111110 LIVESTOCKS 1 +0110111110 Mineo 1 +0110111110 Anussorn 1 +0110111110 Yohio 1 +0110111110 Sonjit 1 +0110111110 Prathap 1 +0110111110 Kroghie 1 +0110111110 20,277 1 +0110111110 18,988 1 +0110111110 Endre 1 +0110111110 Augie 1 +0110111110 Ilana 1 +0110111110 Pavlos 1 +0110111110 Judie 1 +0110111110 Dzemal 1 +0110111110 Ilpo 1 +0110111110 Gar 1 +0110111110 Fadi 1 +0110111110 Gualtiero 1 +0110111110 Particio 1 +0110111110 Teruyoshi 1 +0110111110 Darry 1 +0110111110 DeAnn 1 +0110111110 Sharaf 1 +0110111110 Haekke 1 +0110111110 Elhanan 1 +0110111110 Gikas 1 +0110111110 Kimihisa 1 +0110111110 Wulfrano 1 +0110111110 Inez 1 +0110111110 Nazir 1 +0110111110 Ikuhiko 1 +0110111110 Wladimir 1 +0110111110 Miraed 1 +0110111110 Zivko 1 +0110111110 Utz 1 +0110111110 Clementio 1 +0110111110 Desiderio 1 +0110111110 Alyssa 1 +0110111110 Valter 1 +0110111110 Kasumasa 1 +0110111110 Crispina 1 +0110111110 Hideyuki 1 +0110111110 Masanaga 1 +0110111110 Kenichiro 1 +0110111110 Yukinori 1 +0110111110 Haruyasu 1 +0110111110 Kyhl 1 +0110111110 Hamed 1 +0110111110 Nila 1 +0110111110 Isoroku 1 +0110111110 Kinue 1 +0110111110 Glynne 1 +0110111110 Yoshinara 1 +0110111110 Earladeen 1 +0110111110 Fernard 1 +0110111110 Gay-Leclerc 1 +0110111110 Teuvo 1 +0110111110 Sibendra 1 +0110111110 Ilanna 1 +0110111110 Issei 1 +0110111110 Takaaki 1 +0110111110 ni 1 +0110111110 Kunisa 1 +0110111110 Zenta 1 +0110111110 Keizou 1 +0110111110 Harlington 1 +0110111110 Kamiran 1 +0110111110 Mecit 1 +0110111110 Leninskive 1 +0110111110 Deryk 1 +0110111110 Pallie 1 +0110111110 Marlaine 1 +0110111110 Eilene 1 +0110111110 Yehezkel 1 +0110111110 Attillo 1 +0110111110 Jabu 1 +0110111110 Rhesa 1 +0110111110 Sidy 1 +0110111110 Villas-Boas 1 +0110111110 Dorab 1 +0110111110 Alon 1 +0110111110 Pluria 1 +0110111110 Heriberto 1 +0110111110 Dittmar 1 +0110111110 Cicciolino 1 +0110111110 Yahya 1 +0110111110 Crescencio 1 +0110111110 Uemon 1 +0110111110 Marilynn 1 +0110111110 DASSAULT 1 +0110111110 Kohtaro 1 +0110111110 Yukoh 1 +0110111110 Kosti 1 +0110111110 Ruedi 1 +0110111110 Vadaketh 1 +0110111110 Machelle 1 +0110111110 Seagal 1 +0110111110 Manas 1 +0110111110 Marie-Helene 1 +0110111110 Evandro 1 +0110111110 Jun-ichi 1 +0110111110 Cheskel 1 +0110111110 Cathi 1 +0110111110 copresident 1 +0110111110 Nawaf 1 +0110111110 Roelf 1 +0110111110 M.L.T. 1 +0110111110 Teisuke 1 +0110111110 Reezin 1 +0110111110 Kasuichi 1 +0110111110 Ikuei 1 +0110111110 Shigeju 1 +0110111110 Rei 1 +0110111110 Rasul 1 +0110111110 Hitomi 1 +0110111110 Kendra 1 +0110111110 Almarin 1 +0110111110 Masateru 1 +0110111110 Bonifacio 1 +0110111110 Gewela 1 +0110111110 Filemon 1 +0110111110 Davia 1 +0110111110 Beppe 1 +0110111110 Kamil 1 +0110111110 Arlinda 1 +0110111110 Bloxham 1 +0110111110 Olev 1 +0110111110 Josefa 1 +0110111110 Roubina 1 +0110111110 D.N. 1 +0110111110 Wondie 1 +0110111110 Wilmad 1 +0110111110 Frencesco 1 +0110111110 Edmon 1 +0110111110 Ysuhiko 1 +0110111110 Christof 1 +0110111110 Iswar 1 +0110111110 Ioan 1 +0110111110 Royston 1 +0110111110 Lesse 1 +0110111110 Wonmo 1 +0110111110 Darold 1 +0110111110 Hristos 1 +0110111110 Dorwin 1 +0110111110 Mouloud 1 +0110111110 Abdul-Rahman 1 +0110111110 Jame 1 +0110111110 Mackarness 1 +0110111110 Libbie 1 +0110111110 Gentaro 1 +0110111110 Krish 1 +0110111110 Moriyuki 1 +0110111110 Zetwese 1 +0110111110 Pip 1 +0110111110 Kinji 1 +0110111110 Yoshide 1 +0110111110 Marqua 1 +0110111110 Ruther 1 +0110111110 Dragutin 1 +0110111110 Zdrvko 1 +0110111110 Milorad 1 +0110111110 Radmila 1 +0110111110 Darko 1 +0110111110 Chinese-built 1 +0110111110 Laurine 1 +0110111110 Khushwant 1 +0110111110 Romesh 1 +0110111110 Nannerl 1 +0110111110 Pernendu 1 +0110111110 Phyliss 1 +0110111110 Ido 1 +0110111110 Dominico 1 +0110111110 Kyeisha 1 +0110111110 Roblee 1 +0110111110 Pullio 1 +0110111110 U.J. 1 +0110111110 Wladziu 1 +0110111110 Kweisi 1 +0110111110 Masabumi 1 +0110111110 Wayde 1 +0110111110 Necmeddin 1 +0110111110 Ruta 1 +0110111110 Shanna 1 +0110111110 Boustead 1 +0110111110 Michihisa 1 +0110111110 Leonardus 1 +0110111110 Katarzyna 1 +0110111110 tenorman 1 +0110111110 Adriane 1 +0110111110 Camron 1 +0110111110 Torkel 1 +0110111110 Kelle 1 +0110111110 Karunkara 1 +0110111110 Homobono 1 +0110111110 Meta 1 +0110111110 Nuala 1 +0110111110 Sutezo 1 +0110111110 Relle 1 +0110111110 Hillsman 1 +0110111110 Jyll 1 +0110111110 Elwynn 1 +0110111110 Gunhild 1 +0110111110 Melisa 1 +0110111110 Nirmal 1 +0110111110 Arleyne 1 +0110111110 Wolodymyr 1 +0110111110 Abrao 1 +0110111110 Oshel 1 +0110111110 Kiyohiko 1 +0110111110 Marjo 1 +0110111110 Kendal 1 +0110111110 Miodrag 1 +0110111110 Aleksandar 1 +0110111110 Vico 1 +0110111110 Tenri 1 +0110111110 Gerrold 1 +0110111110 Otes 1 +0110111110 Yash 1 +0110111110 Mow 1 +0110111110 Hans-Christian 1 +0110111110 Hidefumi 1 +0110111110 Shijuro 1 +0110111110 Annelies 1 +0110111110 Gerd-Ulf 1 +0110111110 Koro 1 +0110111110 Masayaki 1 +0110111110 Kiyotsugu 1 +0110111110 Surgit 1 +0110111110 Juris 1 +0110111110 Kaley 1 +0110111110 Tomumatsu 1 +0110111110 Karren 1 +0110111110 Kazuhide 1 +0110111110 Fauchier-Magnan/Durant 1 +0110111110 Becki 1 +0110111110 Velinda 1 +0110111110 Milli 1 +0110111110 Colston 1 +0110111110 Masayasu 1 +0110111110 Tatsunari 1 +0110111110 Luanne 1 +0110111110 Wiltrud 1 +0110111110 Tiffani 1 +0110111110 Motoo 1 +0110111110 Naoyuki 1 +0110111110 Annice 1 +0110111110 Blondell 1 +0110111110 Keanu 1 +0110111110 Eckehardt 1 +0110111110 Shreekant 1 +0110111110 Eugeniusz 1 +0110111110 Theorie 1 +0110111110 Keigo 1 +0110111110 Serphin 1 +0110111110 J.H.K. 1 +0110111110 Attiba 1 +0110111110 Kofi 1 +0110111110 Leellen 1 +0110111110 Arlond 1 +0110111110 Khurshid 1 +0110111110 Nasos 1 +0110111110 Gautam 1 +0110111110 Odoardo 1 +0110111110 Benehakaka 1 +0110111110 Mililani 1 +0110111110 Ilei 1 +0110111110 Alin 1 +0110111110 Darl 1 +0110111110 Godofredo 1 +0110111110 Leocadia 1 +0110111110 Timoteo 1 +0110111110 Jamin 1 +0110111110 Dominga 1 +0110111110 F.W.A. 1 +0110111110 Novine 1 +0110111110 Taketsuyo 1 +0110111110 Yupo 1 +0110111110 Grzegorz 1 +0110111110 Hisatoshi 1 +0110111110 Lumpy 1 +0110111110 Kaushik 1 +0110111110 Hatoko 1 +0110111110 Yujiro 1 +0110111110 Sin-Tax 1 +0110111110 Enriqueta 1 +0110111110 Zea 1 +0110111110 Junya 1 +0110111110 Naoichi 1 +0110111110 Ithiel 1 +0110111110 Masako 1 +0110111110 Tsugioki 1 +0110111110 Shunichiro 1 +0110111110 Heino 1 +0110111110 V.G. 1 +0110111110 Anastase 1 +0110111110 Cloyd 1 +0110111110 Diljit 1 +0110111110 Vasilike 1 +0110111110 Kathyrn 1 +0110111110 Masahisa 1 +0110111110 Mindell 1 +0110111110 Stanislawa 1 +0110111110 Despard 1 +0110111110 Severyn 1 +0110111110 Vilmar 1 +0110111110 Daisuke 1 +0110111110 Valerian 1 +0110111110 Tsuguro 1 +0110111110 Yoshitake 1 +0110111110 Aleda 1 +0110111110 Onute 1 +0110111110 KarlHeinz 1 +0110111110 Svend 1 +0110111110 Anelia 1 +0110111110 Marice 1 +0110111110 TURKEYS 1 +0110111110 Yasunobu 1 +0110111110 Shotaro 1 +0110111110 Risto 1 +0110111110 Bjoernar 1 +0110111110 Joern 1 +0110111110 Yosho 1 +0110111110 ElsaGrace 1 +0110111110 Taizo 1 +0110111110 Hatsuo 1 +0110111110 Hiromitsu 1 +0110111110 Tokunosuke 1 +0110111110 Talat 1 +0110111110 Risaburo 1 +0110111110 Yasue 1 +0110111110 Kuzmich 1 +0110111110 Kuni 1 +0110111110 F.S.K. 1 +0110111110 Eugune 1 +0110111110 Dunacan 1 +0110111110 Moti 1 +0110111110 Kalle 1 +0110111110 Dannielle 1 +0110111110 Sven-Erik 1 +0110111110 Ismail-Sabri 1 +0110111110 Bogunika 1 +0110111110 Niels-Erik 1 +0110111110 Naoto 1 +0110111110 Mitsugi 1 +0110111110 Pazel 1 +0110111110 Tishah 1 +0110111110 Prajon 1 +0110111110 Vitoon 1 +0110111110 Ramchand 1 +0110111110 Izaac 1 +0110111110 Hapusan 1 +0110111110 Dicky 1 +0110111110 Marci 1 +0110111110 Tadanobu 1 +0110111110 Vipul 1 +0110111110 Dzingai 1 +0110111110 Navegantes 1 +0110111110 Ludger 1 +0110111110 METS 1 +0110111110 Zay 1 +0110111110 Masahito 1 +0110111110 Ansley 1 +0110111110 Marisse 1 +0110111110 Ajai 1 +0110111110 Mahlon 1 +0110111110 Rumiana 1 +0110111110 Dascomb 1 +0110111110 Raksha 1 +0110111110 Chimanbhai 1 +0110111110 Shinsuke 1 +0110111110 Evgenii 1 +0110111110 Rifka 1 +0110111110 Rowe-Price 1 +0110111110 HansJoerg 1 +0110111110 Roelfien 1 +0110111110 Finanzarie 1 +0110111110 Othniel 1 +0110111110 Janlori 1 +0110111110 Wahib 1 +0110111110 Commentator 1 +0110111110 Psychotherapists 1 +0110111110 Aidee 1 +0110111110 Neisen 1 +0110111110 Myriel 1 +0110111110 Duan 1 +0110111110 K.V. 1 +0110111110 Sheriday 1 +0110111110 Roseann 1 +0110111110 Maurene 1 +0110111110 Zafiro 1 +0110111110 Sibyl 1 +0110111110 Dougles 1 +0110111110 C.D.L. 1 +0110111110 Ozcan 1 +0110111110 Ardith 1 +0110111110 Nati 1 +0110111110 Euzhan 1 +0110111110 Marcis 1 +0110111110 Lesren 1 +0110111110 Tonja 1 +0110111110 Shusei 1 +0110111110 Holsten 1 +0110111110 Ptachia 1 +0110111110 Bhanu 1 +0110111110 Katsuhiro 1 +0110111110 Muki 1 +0110111110 Catlin 1 +0110111110 Edwviges 1 +0110111110 LaVern 1 +0110111110 Promo-tora 1 +0110111110 Shary 1 +0110111110 Yana 1 +0110111110 Schlomo 1 +0110111110 Maurita 1 +0110111110 Paolo-Filippo 1 +0110111110 Khrushid 1 +0110111110 Jevetta 1 +0110111110 Krystyna 1 +0110111110 Lami 1 +0110111110 Sadia 1 +0110111110 STEVEN 1 +0110111110 Heba 1 +0110111110 Evgenia 1 +0110111110 Kingsly 1 +0110111110 Karlhans 1 +0110111110 Noriyuki 1 +0110111110 Motoaki 1 +0110111110 Soji 1 +0110111110 V.K. 1 +0110111110 HUSTLED 1 +0110111110 Volkert 1 +0110111110 T.P. 1 +0110111110 Ladell 1 +0110111110 Carl-Hugo 1 +0110111110 Marie-Claire 1 +0110111110 Evalina 1 +0110111110 Collette 1 +0110111110 Randsell 1 +0110111110 Rolf-Dieter 1 +0110111110 Nelba 1 +0110111110 Malia 1 +0110111110 Ellwyn 1 +0110111110 Klaus-Wermer 1 +0110111110 Meldrim 1 +0110111110 Ertugrul 1 +0110111110 BrandsMart 1 +0110111110 Edgrick 1 +0110111110 Dewain 1 +0110111110 Andi 1 +0110111110 Seiroku 1 +0110111110 Prachaya 1 +0110111110 Shellie 1 +0110111110 Deeohn 1 +0110111110 Radomir 1 +0110111110 Claus-Wilhelm 1 +0110111110 Zahi 1 +0110111110 Domenick 1 +0110111110 Naohiro 1 +0110111110 Valere 1 +0110111110 Sosi 1 +0110111110 Calman 1 +0110111110 Herwig 1 +0110111110 Duvan 1 +0110111110 Ruthanne 1 +0110111110 Shmulig 1 +0110111110 Renatte 1 +0110111110 Serje 1 +0110111110 Farideh 1 +0110111110 Marribell 1 +0110111110 Gerburg 1 +0110111110 Kohzo 1 +0110111110 Olav 1 +0110111110 Copie 1 +0110111110 Misao 1 +0110111110 K.M.S. 1 +0110111110 Dinu 1 +0110111110 Rhae 1 +0110111110 Devendra 1 +0110111110 Belva 1 +0110111110 Bhikhubhai 1 +0110111110 Kennocott 1 +0110111110 Jervase 1 +0110111110 Rodrick 1 +0110111110 Reta 1 +0110111110 Vesna 1 +0110111110 Subhi 1 +0110111110 Huub 1 +0110111110 Hartzel 1 +0110111110 Kaaren 1 +0110111110 Fundidora 1 +0110111110 Cisley 1 +0110111110 PaineWebber/ 1 +0110111110 Rafeek 1 +0110111110 Dorick 1 +0110111110 Shigeichi 1 +0110111110 P.G.T. 1 +0110111110 Adroaldo 1 +0110111110 Jessa 1 +0110111110 Braam 1 +0110111110 Cletus 1 +0110111110 Jonni 1 +0110111110 Stacye 1 +0110111110 Sallianne 1 +0110111110 Elysa 1 +0110111110 Lisl 1 +0110111110 Shiu-Lok 1 +0110111110 Adin 1 +0110111110 Suellen 1 +0110111110 Teofisto 1 +0110111110 Giorgios 1 +0110111110 Dimitris 1 +0110111110 Oiva 1 +0110111110 Krafft 1 +0110111110 Fauad 1 +0110111110 Kimimasa 1 +0110111110 Malvina 1 +0110111110 Sedfrey 1 +0110111110 Christafor 1 +0110111110 Davoru 1 +0110111110 Takahiro 1 +0110111110 Teiji 1 +0110111110 Olio 1 +0110111110 Kazunao 1 +0110111110 Brielle 1 +0110111110 Riab 1 +0110111110 Emelyn 1 +0110111110 Yue-Kong 1 +0110111110 Photios 1 +0110111110 Donzella 1 +0110111110 Temma 1 +0110111110 Bisi 1 +0110111110 Gita 1 +0110111110 Olusegun 1 +0110111110 Sissela 1 +0110111110 Supavud 1 +0110111110 Ramdas 1 +0110111110 Hisaya 1 +0110111110 Lita 1 +0110111110 JeanMarc 1 +0110111110 Hanked 1 +0110111110 Harvy 1 +0110111110 Brownen 1 +0110111110 Jacalyn 1 +0110111110 Thami 1 +0110111110 Kerri 1 +0110111110 Henrick 1 +0110111110 Bernadine 1 +0110111110 Buie 1 +0110111110 Avraham 1 +0110111110 Rosier 1 +0110111110 Nuzhet 1 +0110111110 Prevented 1 +0110111110 Jerrell 1 +0110111110 Tomiyuki 1 +0110111110 Gisela 1 +0110111110 Goichi 1 +0110111110 Mindee 1 +0110111110 Munther 1 +0110111110 Saeb 1 +0110111110 Drug-czar 1 +0110111110 Wiliam 1 +0110111110 Valent 1 +0110111110 Manzar 1 +0110111110 Kyriakos 1 +0110111110 Grigoriy 1 +0110111110 Shimpei 1 +0110111110 Markeeta 1 +0110111110 Kevork 1 +0110111110 Perin 1 +0110111110 Detlef 1 +0110111110 Shyam 1 +0110111110 Shailendra 1 +0110111110 Dathan 1 +0110111110 Dierk 1 +0110111110 Yasunosuke 1 +0110111110 Hans-Gert 1 +0110111110 Fidencio 1 +0110111110 Kees 1 +0110111110 Birtan 1 +0110111110 Tamayose 1 +0110111110 Mitsuhide 1 +0110111110 Ryosuke 1 +0110111110 Tetsunari 1 +0110111110 Marjan 1 +0110111110 Mclean 1 +0110111110 Turker 1 +0110111110 Osha 1 +0110111110 Arseny 1 +0110111110 Yasushige 1 +0110111110 8,915,965 1 +0110111110 FranzJosef 1 +0110111110 Barret 1 +0110111110 Krystof 1 +0110111110 Rege 1 +0110111110 Choe 1 +0110111110 Griselda 1 +0110111110 nominee-to-be 1 +0110111110 Hipolito 1 +0110111110 Baldemar 1 +0110111110 Melanne 1 +0110111110 Dharani 1 +0110111110 Myriam 1 +0110111110 Lucrecia 1 +0110111110 JeanMaxime 1 +0110111110 Arvind 1 +0110111110 Hermut 1 +0110111110 Abdol-Reza 1 +0110111110 Yoshitomo 1 +0110111110 Collyn 1 +0110111110 Ichitaro 1 +0110111110 Fereidun 1 +0110111110 Takano 1 +0110111110 Zoran 1 +0110111110 Albemarle-Pamlico 1 +0110111110 Winant 1 +0110111110 Gulam 1 +0110111110 Daniil 1 +0110111110 Annlia 1 +0110111110 Radley 1 +0110111110 Kamala 1 +0110111110 Toba 1 +0110111110 Kunishiro 1 +0110111110 Trinita 1 +0110111110 Slavko 1 +0110111110 Zita 1 +0110111110 Dismisses 1 +0110111110 Chrisianthia 1 +0110111110 Sabas 1 +0110111110 Wendee 1 +0110111110 Maudine 1 +0110111110 Mazhar 1 +0110111110 Mahnaz 1 +0110111110 Naoaki 1 +0110111110 Hidemi 1 +0110111110 Levao 1 +0110111110 Sohsuke 1 +0110111110 Rimma 1 +0110111110 Tasuke 1 +0110111110 Edwina 1 +0110111110 Gretl 1 +0110111110 Ismet 1 +0110111110 Durk 1 +0110111110 Dilsie 1 +0110111110 Xabier 1 +0110111110 Flavel 1 +0110111110 Roark 1 +0110111110 Masafumi 1 +0110111110 soupe 1 +0110111110 Jaoa 1 +0110111110 Arezki 1 +0110111110 Cecie 1 +0110111110 Madelon 1 +0110111110 Rezsoe 1 +0110111110 Iftikhar 1 +0110111110 Lollit 1 +0110111110 Tita 1 +0110111110 Chane 1 +0110111110 Chuy 1 +0110111110 Dickran 1 +0110111110 Yutake 1 +0110111110 Lottie 1 +0110111110 Edmonia 1 +0110111110 Stanfield 1 +0110111110 Tonya 1 +0110111110 Lloyce 1 +0110111110 Selina 1 +0110111110 Murvin 1 +0110111110 Ses 1 +0110111110 Kailash 1 +0110111110 Moushaheen 1 +0110111110 Gayl 1 +0110111110 Tetsuro 1 +0110111110 Gershen 1 +0110111110 Elyse 1 +0110111110 LaVarne 1 +0110111110 Asghar 1 +0110111110 Erlene 1 +0110111110 Fulvio 1 +0110111110 Rosina 1 +0110111110 Renard 1 +0110111110 Joallyn 1 +0110111110 Lovida 1 +0110111110 Derryl 1 +0110111110 Verena 1 +0110111110 Petter 1 +0110111110 Jose-Angel 1 +0110111110 Geaton 1 +0110111110 Elisio 1 +0110111110 Arped 1 +0110111110 Tadaaki 1 +0110111110 Fuminori 1 +0110111110 MALCOM 1 +0110111110 PATRICK 1 +0110111110 Nilo 1 +0110111110 Eckhard 1 +0110111110 Naas 1 +0110111110 Letitia 1 +0110111110 BengtGoeran 1 +0110111110 Shackford 1 +0110111110 Yukiko 1 +0110111110 Waino 1 +0110111110 Sayeeda 1 +0110111110 Fatta 1 +0110111110 Tamio 1 +0110111110 Yoran 1 +0110111110 Soucy 1 +0110111110 Keiichiro 1 +0110111110 Zakar 1 +0110111110 Kosuke 1 +0110111110 -Samuel 1 +0110111110 Winfred 1 +0110111110 Sammye 1 +0110111110 Sonni 1 +0110111110 Ila 1 +0110111110 Cia. 1 +0110111110 Monsoor 1 +0110111110 Tetsuhisa 1 +0110111110 Kathrine 1 +0110111110 Mirrel 1 +0110111110 Mosen 1 +0110111110 Courteney 1 +0110111110 Jenard 1 +0110111110 Lavinia 2 +0110111110 Eliana 2 +0110111110 Cyriac 2 +0110111110 Rence 2 +0110111110 Krishan 2 +0110111110 Yutaro 2 +0110111110 Raymon 2 +0110111110 Gwendolyn 2 +0110111110 Adan 2 +0110111110 Elihu 2 +0110111110 Plamen 2 +0110111110 Tal 2 +0110111110 Abelardo 2 +0110111110 Kell 2 +0110111110 Bondurant 2 +0110111110 Tamas 2 +0110111110 Katsuhiko 2 +0110111110 Jaydev 2 +0110111110 Bernado 2 +0110111110 Vasilii 2 +0110111110 Petros 2 +0110111110 Lysle 2 +0110111110 Carl-Olof 2 +0110111110 Yvette 2 +0110111110 Tomihiro 2 +0110111110 I.I. 2 +0110111110 Carl-Johan 2 +0110111110 Lilia 2 +0110111110 Maximo 2 +0110111110 Deidre 2 +0110111110 Chiam 2 +0110111110 Ebbe 2 +0110111110 Yaichi 2 +0110111110 Steffan 2 +0110111110 Elissa 2 +0110111110 Shdema 2 +0110111110 Elemer 2 +0110111110 Harriett 2 +0110111110 Ludolf 2 +0110111110 Lennart 2 +0110111110 Shayne 2 +0110111110 Verenda 2 +0110111110 Mordehai 2 +0110111110 Masashi 2 +0110111110 Ralf 2 +0110111110 Hans-Juergen 2 +0110111110 Arney 2 +0110111110 Rikio 2 +0110111110 Ryuji 2 +0110111110 Elwin 2 +0110111110 Jas 2 +0110111110 Hennie 2 +0110111110 Ryoji 2 +0110111110 Alicemarie 2 +0110111110 Zenon 2 +0110111110 Graemer 2 +0110111110 Mikio 2 +0110111110 Jud 2 +0110111110 Hanif 2 +0110111110 Seishichi 2 +0110111110 Heinn 2 +0110111110 Verlin 2 +0110111110 Nikki 2 +0110111110 Alasdair 2 +0110111110 Mic 2 +0110111110 Larisa 2 +0110111110 Mina 2 +0110111110 Shige 2 +0110111110 Yuriy 2 +0110111110 Tommie 2 +0110111110 Seizaburo 2 +0110111110 G.K. 2 +0110111110 Othmar 2 +0110111110 Donna-Ann 2 +0110111110 Rizzoli-Corriere 2 +0110111110 Lanty 2 +0110111110 Alirio 2 +0110111110 Fairleigh 2 +0110111110 Amalya 2 +0110111110 Dato 2 +0110111110 Hannelore 2 +0110111110 Harriette 2 +0110111110 Gloire 2 +0110111110 Satoru 2 +0110111110 Sumiko 2 +0110111110 Marcie 2 +0110111110 Rashi 2 +0110111110 Valorie 2 +0110111110 Hoyte 2 +0110111110 Adrianne 2 +0110111110 Makota 2 +0110111110 Buffy 2 +0110111110 Stefania 2 +0110111110 Carolann 2 +0110111110 Dewitt 2 +0110111110 Yue-kong 2 +0110111110 Heberto 2 +0110111110 E.O. 2 +0110111110 Causewell 2 +0110111110 Baltazar 2 +0110111110 Wallie 2 +0110111110 Patric 2 +0110111110 SPAIN 2 +0110111110 Shiro 2 +0110111110 Mamoru 2 +0110111110 -Robert 2 +0110111110 Vitaliy 2 +0110111110 Carll 2 +0110111110 Froylan 2 +0110111110 Swaleh 2 +0110111110 Madelyn 2 +0110111110 Maryellen 2 +0110111110 Stanilas 2 +0110111110 Sumio 2 +0110111110 Aneurin 2 +0110111110 Ryoichi 2 +0110111110 Karl-Josef 2 +0110111110 Chappe 2 +0110111110 Radulphus 2 +0110111110 Renz 2 +0110111110 Marilee 2 +0110111110 Jannie 2 +0110111110 Marvis 2 +0110111110 Shinichiro 2 +0110111110 Norihiro 2 +0110111110 Hy 2 +0110111110 Bayan 2 +0110111110 F.E. 2 +0110111110 Yanosuke 2 +0110111110 Lurana 2 +0110111110 Nuria 2 +0110111110 Dena 2 +0110111110 Aims 2 +0110111110 Wendeen 2 +0110111110 Tammis 2 +0110111110 Stas 2 +0110111110 Yurii 2 +0110111110 Jurij 2 +0110111110 Els 2 +0110111110 Micha 2 +0110111110 Semyon 2 +0110111110 Kenko 2 +0110111110 Raffaella 2 +0110111110 Claibourne 2 +0110111110 Corydon 2 +0110111110 Waymond 2 +0110111110 Takatoshi 2 +0110111110 Helge 2 +0110111110 Joesph 2 +0110111110 Stelios 2 +0110111110 Hammad 2 +0110111110 B.Z. 2 +0110111110 Thibaut 2 +0110111110 Isak 2 +0110111110 Ueli 2 +0110111110 Rolph 2 +0110111110 Eben 2 +0110111110 Ihor 2 +0110111110 Ghaith 2 +0110111110 Ara 2 +0110111110 Kinzey 2 +0110111110 Theodora 2 +0110111110 Wernher 2 +0110111110 Clementina 2 +0110111110 Nand 2 +0110111110 Mindy 2 +0110111110 Edda 2 +0110111110 Beverley 2 +0110111110 Donal 2 +0110111110 Linnet 2 +0110111110 Juzo 2 +0110111110 Toney 2 +0110111110 Masakatsu 2 +0110111110 Rezso 2 +0110111110 Sergey 2 +0110111110 Krysztof 2 +0110111110 Ronaldo 2 +0110111110 Alvan 2 +0110111110 Yvgeny 2 +0110111110 Sungho 2 +0110111110 Oystein 2 +0110111110 Silvano 2 +0110111110 Cengiz 2 +0110111110 Theron 2 +0110111110 Romualdo 2 +0110111110 Anastasios 2 +0110111110 Katherina 2 +0110111110 COEUR 2 +0110111110 Ronni 2 +0110111110 Kakutaro 2 +0110111110 Reubin 2 +0110111110 Jaroslav 2 +0110111110 Pei-yuan 2 +0110111110 Mansoura 2 +0110111110 Glendon 2 +0110111110 Norihiko 2 +0110111110 Eppie 2 +0110111110 K.I. 2 +0110111110 Michitoshi 2 +0110111110 Flaxie 2 +0110111110 Leonhard 2 +0110111110 E.Y. 2 +0110111110 Torsten 2 +0110111110 Detlev 2 +0110111110 Beate 2 +0110111110 Buckminster 2 +0110111110 Fabio 2 +0110111110 Christoper 2 +0110111110 Davitt 2 +0110111110 Guiliano 2 +0110111110 Amina 2 +0110111110 Roxane 2 +0110111110 Lissa 2 +0110111110 Ornette 2 +0110111110 TerriAnn 2 +0110111110 Jeanie 2 +0110111110 Heinz-Juergen 2 +0110111110 Hiromichi 2 +0110111110 Penaia 2 +0110111110 Kewal 2 +0110111110 Yasumasa 2 +0110111110 Isidoro 2 +0110111110 Masumi 2 +0110111110 Kraig 2 +0110111110 Sar 2 +0110111110 Electricas 2 +0110111110 Ruffen 2 +0110111110 Edgard 2 +0110111110 Gib 2 +0110111110 Dorcas 3 +0110111110 Delo 3 +0110111110 Graciela 3 +0110111110 Rawleigh 3 +0110111110 Delmont 3 +0110111110 Kamisese 3 +0110111110 Hugues 3 +0110111110 Avron 3 +0110111110 Istvan 3 +0110111110 Mahesh 3 +0110111110 Saad 3 +0110111110 Sugiichiro 3 +0110111110 S.O. 3 +0110111110 Winfried 3 +0110111110 Bama 3 +0110111110 Heiko 3 +0110111110 Guri 3 +0110111110 Yuzo 3 +0110111110 Kazutoshi 3 +0110111110 Sheena 3 +0110111110 L.R. 3 +0110111110 Arye 3 +0110111110 Amnon 3 +0110111110 Hidehiro 3 +0110111110 Loris 3 +0110111110 Eneas 3 +0110111110 Lary 3 +0110111110 Hansgeorg 3 +0110111110 Johnathan 3 +0110111110 C.F. 3 +0110111110 Kathie 3 +0110111110 Welton 3 +0110111110 Youssef 3 +0110111110 Jaap 3 +0110111110 Elwyn 3 +0110111110 Vicky 3 +0110111110 Byrle 3 +0110111110 Kinya 3 +0110111110 Anne-Marie 3 +0110111110 I.H. 3 +0110111110 Ric 3 +0110111110 Yevgeni 3 +0110111110 Wim 3 +0110111110 Steny 3 +0110111110 Renate 3 +0110111110 Seiichiro 3 +0110111110 Cornisch 3 +0110111110 Sanjiv 3 +0110111110 Masataka 3 +0110111110 Sanjoy 3 +0110111110 Ute 3 +0110111110 Renita 3 +0110111110 Anthonie 3 +0110111110 Linwood 3 +0110111110 Rony 3 +0110111110 Tomio 3 +0110111110 Shunichi 3 +0110111110 Masanori 3 +0110111110 Amil 3 +0110111110 Joschka 3 +0110111110 Comme 3 +0110111110 Rhona 3 +0110111110 Kanji 3 +0110111110 Yoichiro 3 +0110111110 Hortense 3 +0110111110 Livio 3 +0110111110 Soeren 3 +0110111110 Zacharias 3 +0110111110 Erick 3 +0110111110 Ajit 3 +0110111110 Keisuke 3 +0110111110 Maura 3 +0110111110 Marlys 3 +0110111110 Garen 3 +0110111110 Gilles 3 +0110111110 Merwyn 3 +0110111110 Reva 3 +0110111110 Yuzuru 3 +0110111110 Yair 3 +0110111110 Henk 3 +0110111110 Akiyoshi 3 +0110111110 Yusef 3 +0110111110 Junichi 3 +0110111110 Tidal 3 +0110111110 Takaharu 3 +0110111110 Alcides 3 +0110111110 Marjory 3 +0110111110 Syd 3 +0110111110 C.G. 3 +0110111110 Vaclav 3 +0110111110 Vijay 3 +0110111110 Darius 3 +0110111110 Rudi 3 +0110111110 Eamon 3 +0110111110 Darrin 3 +0110111110 Mbongeni 3 +0110111110 Henryk 3 +0110111110 Sampie 3 +0110111110 Millicent 3 +0110111110 Orrie 3 +0110111110 Lasse 3 +0110111110 Mumtaz 3 +0110111110 Gianluigi 3 +0110111110 Ivers 3 +0110111110 Mithileshwar 3 +0110111110 Dwain 3 +0110111110 Yasunori 3 +0110111110 Shel 3 +0110111110 Efren 3 +0110111110 Erling 3 +0110111110 Achim 3 +0110111110 Terree 3 +0110111110 Jeanine 3 +0110111110 Iwao 3 +0110111110 Karst 3 +0110111110 Vincente 3 +0110111110 Kristina 3 +0110111110 Tetsuya 3 +0110111110 Teruo 3 +0110111110 Louella 3 +0110111110 Levon 3 +0110111110 Hidehiko 3 +0110111110 Gyula 3 +0110111110 Cathryn 3 +0110111110 Gari 3 +0110111110 Hiroo 3 +0110111110 Etienne-Emile 3 +0110111110 Frigyes 3 +0110111110 Hanoch 3 +0110111110 Stevan 3 +0110111110 Massimo 3 +0110111110 Josep 3 +0110111110 Kipp 4 +0110111110 Glenhall 4 +0110111110 Selwin 4 +0110111110 Kazuhisa 4 +0110111110 Isamu 4 +0110111110 Masato 4 +0110111110 Tu 4 +0110111110 Shaul 4 +0110111110 Jerold 4 +0110111110 Ladislav 4 +0110111110 Rya 4 +0110111110 D.R. 4 +0110111110 Lamberto 4 +0110111110 Cheri 4 +0110111110 Harun 4 +0110111110 B.G. 4 +0110111110 Nobuyoshi 4 +0110111110 Ceris 4 +0110111110 Rozanne 4 +0110111110 Kingman 4 +0110111110 Delwin 4 +0110111110 Jerilyn 4 +0110111110 Lisbeth 4 +0110111110 L.G. 4 +0110111110 M.L. 4 +0110111110 Geza 4 +0110111110 Noriko 4 +0110111110 Inzer 4 +0110111110 W.G. 4 +0110111110 Janusz 4 +0110111110 Annemarie 4 +0110111110 RAYMOND 4 +0110111110 Yukuo 4 +0110111110 Ina 4 +0110111110 Celia 4 +0110111110 Myrna 4 +0110111110 Bassam 4 +0110111110 Sari 4 +0110111110 Gavyn 4 +0110111110 Lana 4 +0110111110 Avram 4 +0110111110 Rosalyn 4 +0110111110 Welko 4 +0110111110 McCaughan 4 +0110111110 Denholm 4 +0110111110 Dagmar 4 +0110111110 Hans-Peter 4 +0110111110 Roderic 4 +0110111110 Saundra 4 +0110111110 Isadore 4 +0110111110 Leontyne 4 +0110111110 Stu 4 +0110111110 Udo 4 +0110111110 Randon 4 +0110111110 Hartmut 4 +0110111110 Mancur 4 +0110111110 Nackey 4 +0110111110 Arjun 4 +0110111110 Bernell 4 +0110111110 Junjiro 4 +0110111110 Sadeg 4 +0110111110 Keizo 4 +0110111110 Laurans 4 +0110111110 Marla 4 +0110111110 Kathi 4 +0110111110 Keiko 4 +0110111110 Fawzi 4 +0110111110 Kazimierz 4 +0110111110 Diethard 4 +0110111110 Yoshinori 4 +0110111110 Arland 4 +0110111110 Eartha 4 +0110111110 Fiona 4 +0110111110 Gena 4 +0110111110 Domingos 4 +0110111110 Grahame 4 +0110111110 Kevan 4 +0110111110 Fujio 4 +0110111110 Gidon 4 +0110111110 Minda 4 +0110111110 B.D. 4 +0110111110 Meinhard 4 +0110111110 Ehud 4 +0110111110 Hans-Joachim 4 +0110111110 Eile 4 +0110111110 Amir 4 +0110111110 Gyorgy 4 +0110111110 P.X. 4 +0110111110 Glynis 4 +0110111110 Luci 4 +0110111110 Trish 4 +0110111110 Derwin 4 +0110111110 Mikael 4 +0110111110 Nobuyuki 4 +0110111110 Dinesh 4 +0110111110 Jerre 4 +0110111110 B.L. 4 +0110111110 Jean-Michel 4 +0110111110 Kiyotaka 5 +0110111110 Blas 5 +0110111110 Arlan 5 +0110111110 Thekla 5 +0110111110 Daphne 5 +0110111110 Mauricio 5 +0110111110 Hani 5 +0110111110 Trudy 5 +0110111110 Shireen 5 +0110111110 Amando 5 +0110111110 Geert 5 +0110111110 Virginius 5 +0110111110 Laurance 5 +0110111110 Tasso 5 +0110111110 Kari 5 +0110111110 Masatoshi 5 +0110111110 Lenore 5 +0110111110 Bevis 5 +0110111110 B.R. 5 +0110111110 Susanne 5 +0110111110 Hillel 5 +0110111110 Nikolaus 5 +0110111110 Donnie 5 +0110111110 Constantin 5 +0110111110 Myles 5 +0110111110 Sy 5 +0110111110 Consuelo 5 +0110111110 Morry 5 +0110111110 Budge 5 +0110111110 Takayoshi 5 +0110111110 Nerio 5 +0110111110 Akiko 5 +0110111110 G.R. 5 +0110111110 Alick 5 +0110111110 Darrel 5 +0110111110 Ilene 5 +0110111110 D.B. 5 +0110111110 A.O. 5 +0110111110 Isao 5 +0110111110 Witold 5 +0110111110 Vicomte 5 +0110111110 Betsey 5 +0110111110 Deno 5 +0110111110 Martti 5 +0110111110 Kwasha 5 +0110111110 Akihiro 5 +0110111110 Yoji 5 +0110111110 RICHARD 5 +0110111110 Judi 5 +0110111110 Rosanna 5 +0110111110 Hikmat 5 +0110111110 Livia 5 +0110111110 Fouad 5 +0110111110 Burtt 5 +0110111110 P.G. 5 +0110111110 Delores 5 +0110111110 Gwen 5 +0110111110 Burl 5 +0110111110 Robbin 5 +0110111110 Nelly 5 +0110111110 Francois-Xavier 5 +0110111110 Wilfrid 5 +0110111110 Margie 5 +0110111110 Sheri 5 +0110111110 PHILIP 5 +0110111110 Marisa 5 +0110111110 W.F. 5 +0110111110 Spottswood 5 +0110111110 Marcelo 5 +0110111110 Parren 5 +0110111110 Nella 5 +0110111110 Patrice 6 +0110111110 G.E. 6 +0110111110 Toshiyuki 6 +0110111110 Bonita 6 +0110111110 Jochen 6 +0110111110 Caryl 6 +0110111110 Sheryl 6 +0110111110 Kazuhiko 6 +0110111110 Thaddeus 6 +0110111110 Ryal 6 +0110111110 Petr 6 +0110111110 T.H. 6 +0110111110 Masaharu 6 +0110111110 Aleksander 6 +0110111110 Attilio 6 +0110111110 Vahan 6 +0110111110 Ewan 6 +0110111110 Cristina 6 +0110111110 Matty 6 +0110111110 Sergiu 6 +0110111110 Lanny 6 +0110111110 Mervin 6 +0110111110 Bridget 6 +0110111110 Yoichi 6 +0110111110 Marcella 6 +0110111110 Breckinridge 6 +0110111110 Nils 6 +0110111110 T.B. 6 +0110111110 Lothar 6 +0110111110 Nita 6 +0110111110 Suh 6 +0110111110 V.S. 6 +0110111110 Carmelo 6 +0110111110 Jean-Yves 6 +0110111110 Alois 6 +0110111110 Taro 6 +0110111110 Orestes 6 +0110111110 Donny 6 +0110111110 Edgardo 6 +0110111110 Gad 6 +0110111110 Hisashi 6 +0110111110 Alann 6 +0110111110 Nando 6 +0110111110 Sanjay 6 +0110111110 Vinod 6 +0110111110 I.G. 6 +0110111110 Gedale 6 +0110111110 Morrie 6 +0110111110 Maryanne 6 +0110111110 Yoshihiro 6 +0110111110 Hideki 6 +0110111110 Margery 6 +0110111110 Windle 6 +0110111110 G.J. 6 +0110111110 Rhonda 6 +0110111110 Candace 6 +0110111110 Dina 6 +0110111110 Eugenio 6 +0110111110 Jeannie 6 +0110111110 Yoshiro 6 +0110111110 Mal 6 +0110111110 Phillipe 7 +0110111110 Lenny 7 +0110111110 Russel 7 +0110111110 Genevieve 7 +0110111110 Langhorne 7 +0110111110 Kristin 7 +0110111110 Gerrit 7 +0110111110 Sven 7 +0110111110 Vincenzo 7 +0110111110 Micky 7 +0110111110 Rosanne 7 +0110111110 Irv 7 +0110111110 Garnett 7 +0110111110 Ryohei 7 +0110111110 Orval 7 +0110111110 Kaspar 7 +0110111110 Ramesh 7 +0110111110 R.T. 7 +0110111110 Terrel 7 +0110111110 Dinmukhamed 7 +0110111110 Miroslav 7 +0110111110 Georgette 7 +0110111110 Masayuki 7 +0110111110 Fumio 7 +0110111110 Kenzo 7 +0110111110 Shinichi 7 +0110111110 Naim 7 +0110111110 Juliusz 7 +0110111110 Jean-Jacques 7 +0110111110 H.D. 7 +0110111110 Marek 7 +0110111110 Wilbert 7 +0110111110 Junji 7 +0110111110 Natalia 7 +0110111110 DeRoy 7 +0110111110 Jiri 7 +0110111110 THOMAS 7 +0110111110 Abid 7 +0110111110 Cees 7 +0110111110 Lucius 7 +0110111110 Nomi 7 +0110111110 Jean-Baptiste 7 +0110111110 Tancredo 7 +0110111110 Tsutomu 7 +0110111110 Hakan 7 +0110111110 Cecile 7 +0110111110 Benno 7 +0110111110 Nunzio 7 +0110111110 WILLIAM 7 +0110111110 Willam 7 +0110111110 E.H. 7 +0110111110 Kimba 7 +0110111110 Dolph 7 +0110111110 Tod 7 +0110111110 Ravi 7 +0110111110 D.D. 7 +0110111110 Cecelia 7 +0110111110 Corinne 7 +0110111110 Norodom 7 +0110111110 Kamal 7 +0110111110 Alcee 8 +0110111110 Dianna 8 +0110111110 Herbie 8 +0110111110 Cardiss 8 +0110111110 Carolyne 8 +0110111110 Wilford 8 +0110111110 Mariano 8 +0110111110 Gillian 8 +0110111110 W.N. 8 +0110111110 Alair 8 +0110111110 Jean-Rene 8 +0110111110 Kristen 8 +0110111110 Denys 8 +0110111110 Lesa 8 +0110111110 H.E. 8 +0110111110 Ilya 8 +0110111110 Hamid 8 +0110111110 Hosea 8 +0110111110 Karl-Heinz 8 +0110111110 Lorna 8 +0110111110 C.K. 8 +0110111110 Shaun 8 +0110111110 Fern 8 +0110111110 Pedro-Pablo 8 +0110111110 Shahrokh 8 +0110111110 Alistair 8 +0110111110 Sadao 8 +0110111110 Gilberto 8 +0110111110 C.P. 8 +0110111110 Bjoern 8 +0110111110 Barrie 8 +0110111110 Eunice 8 +0110111110 Hideaki 8 +0110111110 Dilip 8 +0110111110 Bengt 8 +0110111110 Garo 8 +0110111110 Hilary 8 +0110111110 Fyodor 8 +0110111110 Rachelle 8 +0110111110 Irina 8 +0110111110 Toru 9 +0110111110 Ruthann 9 +0110111110 Aleksandr 9 +0110111110 Mangosuthu 9 +0110111110 Freda 9 +0110111110 Abigail 9 +0110111110 Jennie 9 +0110111110 Shoichiro 9 +0110111110 Mordechai 9 +0110111110 Cathleen 9 +0110111110 Darren 9 +0110111110 Rudiger 9 +0110111110 Donn 9 +0110111110 Sherrie 9 +0110111110 Mathilde 9 +0110111110 JoAnn 9 +0110111110 Zev 9 +0110111110 Jerald 9 +0110111110 Yoshi 9 +0110111110 Kristine 9 +0110111110 Claes 9 +0110111110 Bernadette 9 +0110111110 Trilby 9 +0110111110 Carly 9 +0110111110 Juliette 9 +0110111110 Claudine 9 +0110111110 Kiyoshi 9 +0110111110 Phua 9 +0110111110 Takeo 9 +0110111110 Reto 9 +0110111110 Nobuaki 9 +0110111110 Orel 9 +0110111110 Vadim 10 +0110111110 Ruediger 10 +0110111110 Lando 10 +0110111110 Thad 10 +0110111110 Jared 10 +0110111110 Charls 10 +0110111110 A.E. 10 +0110111110 Baine 10 +0110111110 Yevgeny 10 +0110111110 Olivia 10 +0110111110 Jayne 10 +0110111110 Mia 10 +0110111110 Toshihiko 10 +0110111110 Viren 10 +0110111110 Volker 10 +0110111110 Masahiro 10 +0110111110 Gretchen 10 +0110111110 Shigeki 10 +0110111110 Kjell 10 +0110111110 Ramiro 10 +0110111110 Stansfield 10 +0110111110 Lal 11 +0110111110 Vyacheslav 11 +0110111110 Eberhard 11 +0110111110 Kip 11 +0110111110 Zoltan 11 +0110111110 L.C. 11 +0110111110 Becky 11 +0110111110 Harald 11 +0110111110 H.W. 11 +0110111110 Malcom 11 +0110111110 Masahiko 11 +0110111110 Rodd 11 +0110111110 Yoshihisa 11 +0110111110 Yvonne 11 +0110111110 Joann 11 +0110111110 C.E. 11 +0110111110 H.P. 11 +0110111110 Vern 11 +0110111110 Takao 12 +0110111110 Rimmer 12 +0110111110 Charlene 12 +0110111110 Shoichi 12 +0110111110 C.N. 12 +0110111110 Beau 12 +0110111110 Deepak 12 +0110111110 Emile 12 +0110111110 R.M. 12 +0110111110 Gennady 12 +0110111110 Umberto 12 +0110111110 E.G. 12 +0110111110 Andrzej 12 +0110111110 Kenji 12 +0110111110 Masaru 12 +0110111110 Hiroyuki 13 +0110111110 Marlene 13 +0110111110 Guenter 13 +0110111110 Kalo 13 +0110111110 Koji 13 +0110111110 Gianni 13 +0110111110 Isabel 13 +0110111110 Teri 13 +0110111110 Millie 13 +0110111110 Mari 13 +0110111110 Edmar 13 +0110111110 J.G. 13 +0110111110 Jeffry 13 +0110111110 Elgie 13 +0110111110 Milt 13 +0110111110 R.E. 13 +0110111110 Rolando 13 +0110111110 Cecilia 13 +0110111110 W.L. 13 +0110111110 P.J. 13 +0110111110 Euan 13 +0110111110 R.S. 13 +0110111110 Shelly 13 +0110111110 Deryck 13 +0110111110 Gareth 13 +0110111110 Pieter 14 +0110111110 Hazel 14 +0110111110 C.C. 14 +0110111110 Ilan 14 +0110111110 Rogelio 14 +0110111110 Leif 14 +0110111110 Juanita 14 +0110111110 Johan 14 +0110111110 Alvah 14 +0110111110 Elmo 14 +0110111110 Errol 14 +0110111110 Ewen 14 +0110111110 Luc 14 +0110111110 Jean-Marc 14 +0110111110 P.H. 14 +0110111110 Mildred 14 +0110111110 Andras 14 +0110111110 Ashok 15 +0110111110 Loretta 15 +0110111110 Randal 15 +0110111110 Willem 15 +0110111110 Margot 15 +0110111110 Bertil 15 +0110111110 Hernando 15 +0110111110 Avi 15 +0110111110 Eldon 15 +0110111110 Iain 15 +0110111110 Fredrick 15 +0110111110 Naomi 16 +0110111110 Herve 16 +0110111110 Patt 16 +0110111110 Jere 16 +0110111110 W.S. 16 +0110111110 Gustave 16 +0110111110 Bobbie 16 +0110111110 Orin 16 +0110111110 Lindley 16 +0110111110 E.L. 16 +0110111110 Bernice 16 +0110111110 Piers 16 +0110111110 Hardwick 16 +0110111110 Aulana 16 +0110111110 Rainer 16 +0110111110 Milo 16 +0110111110 Michio 17 +0110111110 Francine 17 +0110111110 Kenichi 17 +0110111110 Marsha 17 +0110111110 Herschel 17 +0110111110 Alicia 17 +0110111110 Kika 17 +0110111110 Wes 17 +0110111110 Dwayne 17 +0110111110 Niels 17 +0110111110 Marge 17 +0110111110 Jean-Luc 18 +0110111110 Dimitri 18 +0110111110 Atsushi 18 +0110111110 Y.K. 18 +0110111110 Hideo 18 +0110111110 Emmanuel 18 +0110111110 Arlene 18 +0110111110 Nobuo 18 +0110111110 Arnie 18 +0110111110 Gladys 18 +0110111110 Lon 18 +0110111110 Gunnar 18 +0110111110 Ginger 18 +0110111110 Maryann 18 +0110111110 Rodger 18 +0110111110 Reg 18 +0110111110 Dmitri 18 +0110111110 E.J. 18 +0110111110 Merton 18 +0110111110 Boake 18 +0110111110 Yoko 19 +0110111110 Alison 19 +0110111110 Lesley 19 +0110111110 W.B. 19 +0110111110 E.E. 19 +0110111110 Lodwrick 19 +0110111110 Bernd 19 +0110111110 Heidi 20 +0110111110 Zane 20 +0110111110 Geoff 20 +0110111110 Rocco 20 +0110111110 Jed 20 +0110111110 Takeshi 20 +0110111110 Vicente 20 +0110111110 Keiji 20 +0110111110 Micheal 20 +0110111110 Helane 20 +0110111110 Alec 20 +0110111110 Burnell 20 +0110111110 Annette 20 +0110111110 Colleen 20 +0110111110 Akira 20 +0110111110 Didier 20 +0110111110 Uwe 21 +0110111110 Valentin 21 +0110111110 Melanie 21 +0110111110 Terri 21 +0110111110 Marcy 21 +0110111110 Katharina 21 +0110111110 Osamu 21 +0110111110 Jess 21 +0110111110 Renee 22 +0110111110 Cindy 22 +0110111110 Marguerite 22 +0110111110 Norm 22 +0110111110 Kimberly 22 +0110111110 W.W. 22 +0110111110 Abner 22 +0110111110 Johann 22 +0110111110 J.T. 23 +0110111110 Madeleine 23 +0110111110 Johannes 23 +0110111110 Dino 23 +0110111110 Hamish 23 +0110111110 Graeme 23 +0110111110 Yoshio 23 +0110111110 Rosalind 23 +0110111110 Adlai 23 +0110111110 Pauline 23 +0110111110 L.S. 24 +0110111110 Hemant 24 +0110111110 B.J. 24 +0110111110 Caleb 24 +0110111110 R.C. 24 +0110111110 Suresh 24 +0110111110 Roberta 25 +0110111110 Juergen 25 +0110111110 Ella 25 +0110111110 Toni 25 +0110111110 Ricky 25 +0110111110 Gus 26 +0110111110 Sal 26 +0110111110 Fredric 26 +0110111110 Basil 26 +0110111110 Jean-Marie 26 +0110111110 Roxani 27 +0110111110 E.B. 27 +0110111110 Minoru 27 +0110111110 Kermit 27 +0110111110 Jean-Pierre 27 +0110111110 Bjorn 27 +0110111110 Greta 27 +0110111110 Jeremiah 28 +0110111110 Alexia 28 +0110111110 Dianne 28 +0110111110 Stephanie 28 +0110111110 Makoto 28 +0110111110 Dirk 28 +0110111110 Marcia 29 +0110111110 Melinda 29 +0110111110 Fortney 29 +0110111110 Ernesto 29 +0110111110 Lonnie 30 +0110111110 Giuseppe 30 +0110111110 W.J. 30 +0110111110 Ulric 30 +0110111110 Jean-Louis 30 +0110111110 Karsten 31 +0110111110 Kazuo 31 +0110111110 Leroy 31 +0110111110 Irene 32 +0110111110 Alejandro 32 +0110111110 LeRoy 32 +0110111110 Fawn 32 +0110111110 Lynne 32 +0110111110 STOCKS 33 +0110111110 Garry 33 +0110111110 Shintaro 33 +0110111110 Emil 33 +0110111110 Viktor 33 +0110111110 Heinrich 33 +0110111110 Joanne 33 +0110111110 R.W. 33 +0110111110 Maury 33 +0110111110 Miriam 33 +0110111110 Emma 34 +0110111110 Vicki 34 +0110111110 Norbert 34 +0110111110 Erik 34 +0110111110 Delbert 34 +0110111110 J.W. 34 +0110111110 Egon 35 +0110111110 Dominic 35 +0110111110 JOHN 35 +0110111110 Norma 35 +0110111110 Clive 35 +0110111110 Billie 35 +0110111110 Guillermo 35 +0110111110 Meshulam 35 +0110111110 Susie 35 +0110111110 Carla 36 +0110111110 Rolf 36 +0110111110 Silvio 36 +0110111110 Edmond 37 +0110111110 Javier 38 +0110111110 J.J. 38 +0110111110 Jules 38 +0110111110 Horst 38 +0110111110 Emilio 38 +0110111110 Merle 38 +0110111110 Katharine 39 +0110111110 Lois 39 +0110111110 Manfred 39 +0110111110 Shigeru 39 +0110111110 Salvatore 39 +0110111110 Carole 40 +0110111110 Darryl 40 +0110111110 A.J. 40 +0110111110 Fabian 40 +0110111110 W.H. 41 +0110111110 Carmine 41 +0110111110 Hiroshi 41 +0110111110 Mitch 41 +0110111110 Augustus 42 +0110111110 Jennifer 42 +0110111110 Sheila 43 +0110111110 Ronnie 43 +0110111110 Edith 43 +0110111110 Nicolas 43 +0110111110 Takashi 43 +0110111110 Eileen 43 +0110111110 Denise 43 +0110111110 Johnnie 44 +0110111110 Daryl 44 +0110111110 J.L. 44 +0110111110 Toshio 44 +0110111110 M.J. 44 +0110111110 Cheryl 44 +0110111110 Brendan 45 +0110111110 Betsy 45 +0110111110 Maureen 45 +0110111110 Rebecca 46 +0110111110 Jeanne 46 +0110111110 Audrey 46 +0110111110 Janice 46 +0110111110 Constance 46 +0110111110 Curt 47 +0110111110 Len 47 +0110111110 Rita 48 +0110111110 Michele 49 +0110111110 Jill 49 +0110111110 Esther 50 +0110111110 Valerie 50 +0110111110 Jeane 50 +0110111110 Bonnie 51 +0110111110 Alfonse 51 +0110111110 Darrell 51 +0110111110 Omar 51 +0110111110 Paula 52 +0110111110 H.L. 52 +0110111110 Edson 54 +0110111110 Cecil 55 +0110111110 Rosemary 55 +0110111110 Alfredo 56 +0110111110 Reginald 57 +0110111110 Terrence 58 +0110111110 Anton 58 +0110111110 Rob 58 +0110111110 Ruben 59 +0110111110 Duane 60 +0110111110 Debra 60 +0110111110 Doris 61 +0110111110 Willy 61 +0110111110 Suzanne 61 +0110111110 Jacqueline 61 +0110111110 Bette 62 +0110111110 Phyllis 62 +0110111110 Connie 63 +0110111110 Kathy 64 +0110111110 Kathryn 64 +0110111110 Myron 66 +0110111110 Trevor 66 +0110111110 Michelle 67 +0110111110 Katherine 67 +0110111110 Klaus 67 +0110111110 Evelyn 68 +0110111110 Thurgood 68 +0110111110 Brad 69 +0110111110 Philippe 69 +0110111110 Mimi 70 +0110111110 Geraldine 70 +0110111110 Carolyn 71 +0110111110 Ned 72 +0110111110 Cyril 72 +0110111110 Amy 73 +0110111110 Charming 74 +0110111110 Wendell 75 +0110111110 Enrique 75 +0110111110 Denis 76 +0110111110 Melvyn 76 +0110111110 Rudolf 76 +0110111110 Peggy 77 +0110111110 Yuri 78 +0110111110 Jason 79 +0110111110 Catherine 80 +0110111110 Adrian 80 +0110111110 Sally 80 +0110111110 Gail 81 +0110111110 D.H. 81 +0110111110 Christine 81 +0110111110 Seth 82 +0110111110 Cynthia 83 +0110111110 Elaine 84 +0110111110 Nauman 85 +0110111110 Wolfgang 85 +0110111110 J.R. 85 +0110111110 Marcel 86 +0110111110 Frederic 86 +0110111110 Aubrey 88 +0110111110 Rod 89 +0110111110 Derek 91 +0110111110 Tommy 92 +0110111110 Clyde 92 +0110111110 Dorothy 93 +0110111110 Pamela 93 +0110111110 Alain 94 +0110111110 Vladimir 96 +0110111110 Sean 96 +0110111110 Henri 97 +0110111110 Emanuel 97 +0110111110 Jorge 103 +0110111110 Brenda 104 +0110111110 Hubert 104 +0110111110 Fernand 105 +0110111110 Randy 109 +0110111110 Deborah 109 +0110111110 Terence 116 +0110111110 Mel 117 +0110111110 Joshua 120 +0110111110 Laura 121 +0110111110 Jeremy 121 +0110111110 Alvin 122 +0110111110 Stan 122 +0110111110 Lester 125 +0110111110 Janet 127 +0110111110 Felix 129 +0110111110 Julian 130 +0110111110 Rodney 131 +0110111110 LIVESTOCK 133 +0110111110 Marilyn 133 +0110111110 Roland 134 +0110111110 Roberto 136 +0110111110 Donna 140 +0110111110 Judy 140 +0110111110 Lyndon 143 +0110111110 Melvin 144 +0110111110 Chuck 145 +0110111110 Colin 153 +0110111110 Doug 154 +0110111110 Hans 157 +0110111110 Greg 157 +0110111110 Claude 161 +0110111110 Judith 167 +0110111110 Matthew 173 +0110111110 Ellen 175 +0110111110 Bobby 176 +0110111110 Clarence 183 +0110111110 Martha 185 +0110111110 Edmund 186 +0110111110 Diane 189 +0110111110 Maurice 189 +0110111110 Ira 191 +0110111110 Dave 191 +0110111110 Phillip 194 +0110111110 Andre 197 +0110111110 Jan 198 +0110111110 Karen 198 +0110111110 Guy 199 +0110111110 Bert 204 +0110111110 Kathleen 206 +0110111110 Hal 214 +0110111110 Mickey 220 +0110111110 Rick 231 +0110111110 Kurt 233 +0110111110 Sandra 234 +0110111110 GRAINS 236 +0110111110 Joan 237 +0110111110 Jerome 239 +0110111110 Carol 243 +0110111110 Tim 247 +0110111110 Jeff 250 +0110111110 Patricia 251 +0110111110 Chris 263 +0110111110 Ian 265 +0110111110 Sidney 265 +0110111110 Phil 269 +0110111110 Jon 276 +0110111110 Geoffrey 281 +0110111110 Leon 294 +0110111110 Ken 299 +0110111110 Les 302 +0110111110 Marc 304 +0110111110 Leslie 304 +0110111110 Gene 307 +0110111110 Malcolm 307 +0110111110 Allan 309 +0110111110 Jean 317 +0110111110 Laurence 330 +0110111110 Jonathan 331 +0110111110 Milton 344 +0110111110 Ben 347 +0110111110 Theodore 352 +0110111110 Linda 355 +0110111110 Hugh 358 +0110111110 Timothy 360 +0110111110 Kevin 381 +0110111110 Ron 392 +0110111110 Joel 394 +0110111110 Tony 407 +0110111110 Susan 416 +0110111110 Ernest 424 +0110111110 Stuart 430 +0110111110 Leo 432 +0110111110 Eric 433 +0110111110 Terry 437 +0110111110 Mario 438 +0110111110 Nancy 452 +0110111110 Pat 477 +0110111110 Marvin 491 +0110111110 Ted 512 +0110111110 Jay 545 +0110111110 Eugene 577 +0110111110 Bernard 595 +0110111110 Alfred 597 +0110111110 Steve 597 +0110111110 Frederick 618 +0110111110 Victor 620 +0110111110 Christopher 624 +0110111110 Ralph 699 +0110111110 Raymond 705 +0110111110 Don 712 +0110111110 Brian 742 +0110111110 Harold 775 +0110111110 Albert 808 +0110111110 Jeffrey 829 +0110111110 Andrew 840 +0110111110 Jerry 853 +0110111110 Gerald 870 +0110111110 Larry 882 +0110111110 Harry 900 +0110111110 Anthony 931 +0110111110 Tom 974 +0110111110 Fred 984 +0110111110 Steven 1070 +0110111110 Dan 1071 +0110111110 Roger 1127 +0110111110 Kenneth 1135 +0110111110 Bruce 1249 +0110111110 Gary 1420 +0110111110 Daniel 1465 +0110111110 Jim 1472 +0110111110 Stephen 1601 +0110111110 Arthur 1650 +0110111110 Mark 1660 +0110111110 Philip 1940 +0110111110 Alan 1977 +0110111110 Jack 2032 +0110111110 Donald 2471 +0110111110 Edward 2510 +0110111110 Joseph 2648 +0110111110 Peter 3133 +0110111110 Charles 3560 +0110111110 Thomas 3923 +0110111110 James 7848 +0110111110 David 5531 +0110111110 Richard 5651 +0110111110 Robert 10216 +0110111110 John 11552 +0110111110 William 7233 +0110111111 Encans 1 +0110111111 Ocal 1 +0110111111 Kalpokor 1 +0110111111 Gandra 1 +0110111111 Narcis 1 +0110111111 Edialeuda 1 +0110111111 Perles 1 +0110111111 Alfie 1 +0110111111 outgeneraled 1 +0110111111 Yusof 1 +0110111111 Doyne 1 +0110111111 TANEJA 1 +0110111111 repeater 1 +0110111111 Herty 1 +0110111111 Shashi 1 +0110111111 Ys 1 +0110111111 Gholam 1 +0110111111 Montefibre 1 +0110111111 Kathleeen 1 +0110111111 Ziaur 1 +0110111111 Starke 1 +0110111111 Jussi 1 +0110111111 Marie-Jo 1 +0110111111 Minako 1 +0110111111 Higino 1 +0110111111 Virgen 1 +0110111111 Clotildo 1 +0110111111 Alwa 1 +0110111111 Willabald 1 +0110111111 Bump 1 +0110111111 Edelmiro 1 +0110111111 Sylvain 1 +0110111111 amnistia 1 +0110111111 ley 1 +0110111111 Linsy 1 +0110111111 Zail 1 +0110111111 Buen 1 +0110111111 Thorvald 1 +0110111111 Kecker 1 +0110111111 Filtros 1 +0110111111 Constrution 1 +0110111111 Taraq 1 +0110111111 Karina 1 +0110111111 Coleen 1 +0110111111 Evon 1 +0110111111 Emily-May 1 +0110111111 Blurton 1 +0110111111 Midaq 1 +0110111111 Falwell-Pat 1 +0110111111 STRUCTURE 1 +0110111111 Chub 1 +0110111111 Filippo-Fara 1 +0110111111 lli 1 +0110111111 Mahbubur 1 +0110111111 rof 1 +0110111111 Yuya 1 +0110111111 88-91 1 +0110111111 Cpt 1 +0110111111 shimasu. 1 +0110111111 Lambertina 1 +0110111111 Bashir-ud-Din 1 +0110111111 Grossa 1 +0110111111 Simoes 1 +0110111111 CLEAVER 1 +0110111111 pre-majority 1 +0110111111 Jovita 1 +0110111111 Vladislav 1 +0110111111 Stabat 1 +0110111111 Evva 1 +0110111111 Erkki 1 +0110111111 N.T. 1 +0110111111 Ezer 1 +0110111111 Montieth 1 +0110111111 Partecipazione 1 +0110111111 Giovani 1 +0110111111 Mr.Thomas 1 +0110111111 Mahbub-ul 1 +0110111111 1,065,900 1 +0110111111 Juges 1 +0110111111 Lalit 1 +0110111111 Progres 1 +0110111111 Gurgel 1 +0110111111 Patrizia 1 +0110111111 Opieki 1 +0110111111 Imee 1 +0110111111 Moonbeam 1 +0110111111 Garney 1 +0110111111 London-born 1 +0110111111 Ziering 1 +0110111111 ascia 1 +0110111111 87-23 1 +0110111111 Jourlet 1 +0110111111 Ryo 1 +0110111111 Chevrefeuille 1 +0110111111 ecole 1 +0110111111 Clest 1 +0110111111 Purwin 1 +0110111111 Venancio 1 +0110111111 Vasek 1 +0110111111 Trashy 1 +0110111111 Kelvyn 1 +0110111111 Surjit 1 +0110111111 Hermilo 1 +0110111111 Wendall 1 +0110111111 Laage 1 +0110111111 MacNeil/ 1 +0110111111 Hasburgh-Stephen 1 +0110111111 statistics-keeper 1 +0110111111 BOB 1 +0110111111 Vajiralongkorn 1 +0110111111 novo 1 +0110111111 Chevaliers 1 +0110111111 4590 1 +0110111111 Low-Pay 1 +0110111111 Genese 1 +0110111111 Zenko 1 +0110111111 Cuba/Fuera 1 +0110111111 chemicals-maker 1 +0110111111 Krystian 1 +0110111111 lusso 1 +0110111111 Eisenhower-Robert 1 +0110111111 Cyrille 1 +0110111111 Mauran 1 +0110111111 Lightfoot 1 +0110111111 Yotaro 1 +0110111111 Shive 1 +0110111111 Fredlock 1 +0110111111 87-61 1 +0110111111 Barzikhin 1 +0110111111 Cothran 1 +0110111111 Almir 1 +0110111111 Ali-Joe 1 +0110111111 Siviglia 1 +0110111111 Barbiere 1 +0110111111 Ona 1 +0110111111 Suo 1 +0110111111 Zur 1 +0110111111 Lize 1 +0110111111 Siderugica 1 +0110111111 out-Agnewed 1 +0110111111 8714 1 +0110111111 Lolis 1 +0110111111 Gafaar 1 +0110111111 Bertel 1 +0110111111 Dunner 1 +0110111111 Bogodyazh 1 +0110111111 Wolfram 1 +0110111111 Galystin 1 +0110111111 Conrado 1 +0110111111 Wedick 1 +0110111111 Nobile 1 +0110111111 Trottoirs 1 +0110111111 Interdisciplinaria 1 +0110111111 Ardel 1 +0110111111 Quizy 1 +0110111111 Korvatunturi 1 +0110111111 Technologie 1 +0110111111 Instrucao 1 +0110111111 Qolam 1 +0110111111 Isik 1 +0110111111 CarCool 1 +0110111111 Hap 1 +0110111111 Eoghan 1 +0110111111 Zakes 1 +0110111111 89-95 1 +0110111111 88-19 1 +0110111111 Vladymir 1 +0110111111 Plus-Sociedad 1 +0110111111 Edgie 1 +0110111111 Janoski 1 +0110111111 Horning 1 +0110111111 Neubecker 1 +0110111111 Establissements 1 +0110111111 Lahan 1 +0110111111 Abdul-Raheem 1 +0110111111 Molinos 1 +0110111111 Hypo-Crit 1 +0110111111 DEMPSEY 1 +0110111111 Desmoiselles 1 +0110111111 Cavallari 1 +0110111111 Cascadura 1 +0110111111 Aunty 1 +0110111111 Gilmer 1 +0110111111 Shyamalendu 1 +0110111111 Nafis 1 +0110111111 Aletta 1 +0110111111 Especial 1 +0110111111 Abdel-Halim 1 +0110111111 Korobochka 1 +0110111111 terminalis 1 +0110111111 Ali-George 1 +0110111111 Guennady 1 +0110111111 AIU 1 +0110111111 Kashmeri 1 +0110111111 Leed 1 +0110111111 Krieg 1 +0110111111 Rosamond 1 +0110111111 Breaker 1 +0110111111 88-28 1 +0110111111 Tyll 1 +0110111111 F.V. 1 +0110111111 Murfree 1 +0110111111 Kisilyov 1 +0110111111 Mirek 1 +0110111111 Beaven 1 +0110111111 Miller/Grubb 1 +0110111111 Granata 1 +0110111111 Arias-Jared 1 +0110111111 Christer 1 +0110111111 Michihiko 1 +0110111111 88-42 1 +0110111111 88-49 1 +0110111111 Lute 1 +0110111111 Wardoyo 1 +0110111111 empathetically 1 +0110111111 Panayotis 1 +0110111111 Toi 1 +0110111111 Blier 1 +0110111111 Kater 1 +0110111111 Nadkarni 1 +0110111111 Blaque 1 +0110111111 Sulliman 1 +0110111111 CCMI/McGraw-Hill 1 +0110111111 Strekel 1 +0110111111 Linsenberg 1 +0110111111 Lieman 1 +0110111111 Rafidah 1 +0110111111 Legare 1 +0110111111 Dizak 1 +0110111111 Heitkamp 1 +0110111111 Armi 1 +0110111111 Miram 1 +0110111111 Hirano 1 +0110111111 Esercizio 1 +0110111111 88-96 1 +0110111111 88-94 1 +0110111111 Isabell 1 +0110111111 Kylie 1 +0110111111 Moreton 1 +0110111111 Manca 1 +0110111111 88-89 1 +0110111111 Bloeser 1 +0110111111 Cobern 1 +0110111111 Vallecas 1 +0110111111 Mr.Mohr 1 +0110111111 Manya 1 +0110111111 Assainissement 1 +0110111111 Carros 1 +0110111111 Hammersla 1 +0110111111 Roine 1 +0110111111 Derald 1 +0110111111 88-74 1 +0110111111 Burtch 1 +0110111111 Tamela 1 +0110111111 Speakes-Michael 1 +0110111111 Langedon 1 +0110111111 Auxiliar 1 +0110111111 Silvan 1 +0110111111 Jokichi 1 +0110111111 Sarosdy 1 +0110111111 Ramsewak 1 +0110111111 Long-time 1 +0110111111 Jog 2 +0110111111 Beulah 2 +0110111111 Sandine 2 +0110111111 Electricitie 2 +0110111111 Mirza 2 +0110111111 Khaled 2 +0110111111 Harri 2 +0110111111 Developpement 2 +0110111111 Takuma 2 +0110111111 Wrong-Way 2 +0110111111 Renay 2 +0110111111 Unsettling 2 +0110111111 Sela 2 +0110111111 Sina 2 +0110111111 Francesc 2 +0110111111 Pedroza 2 +0110111111 Bucyrus 2 +0110111111 Houshang 2 +0110111111 Bara 2 +0110111111 Benndorf 2 +0110111111 Lars-Erik 2 +0110111111 Rosamunde 2 +0110111111 Dios 2 +0110111111 Hyogo 2 +0110111111 Nihat 2 +0110111111 Homme 2 +0110111111 Informatica 2 +0110111111 Demetrios 2 +0110111111 Kaneo 2 +0110111111 Allo 2 +0110111111 Brownson 2 +0110111111 Jewelle 2 +0110111111 Arend 2 +0110111111 Katrina 2 +0110111111 Feodor 2 +0110111111 Andimo 2 +0110111111 Shingo 2 +0110111111 Edmundo 2 +0110111111 Combustiveis 2 +0110111111 Roch 2 +0110111111 Agostinho 2 +0110111111 Marko 2 +0110111111 Ro 2 +0110111111 Amr 2 +0110111111 Eudora 2 +0110111111 Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk-Danbury 2 +0110111111 Kamel 2 +0110111111 Cipriani 2 +0110111111 Ima 2 +0110111111 Doodles 2 +0110111111 Fingal 2 +0110111111 Gertrud 2 +0110111111 Hau 2 +0110111111 Baghiti 2 +0110111111 Susy 2 +0110111111 Cleo 2 +0110111111 Claud 2 +0110111111 Burnie 2 +0110111111 Chiung 2 +0110111111 Farrel 2 +0110111111 Nicandra 2 +0110111111 Annees 2 +0110111111 Cauff 2 +0110111111 Taya 2 +0110111111 Piemonte 2 +0110111111 Seeger 2 +0110111111 Salma 2 +0110111111 Macht 2 +0110111111 Nabil 2 +0110111111 Rollie 2 +0110111111 Lockett 2 +0110111111 deBorda 2 +0110111111 Nazionali 2 +0110111111 Yaakov 2 +0110111111 Caren 2 +0110111111 Qasim 2 +0110111111 Levine-Ivan 2 +0110111111 Matchabelli 2 +0110111111 Huw 2 +0110111111 Keifer 2 +0110111111 Chicklet 2 +0110111111 Noburo 2 +0110111111 Sveta 2 +0110111111 Gussie 2 +0110111111 Liebeslieder 2 +0110111111 Ouf 2 +0110111111 Nichole 2 +0110111111 Asa 2 +0110111111 Junzo 2 +0110111111 Aureliano 2 +0110111111 Zoya 2 +0110111111 Azmi 2 +0110111111 Scottie 2 +0110111111 Elisir 2 +0110111111 Nolfredo 2 +0110111111 Olly 2 +0110111111 Anya 2 +0110111111 Akeme 2 +0110111111 Futaba 2 +0110111111 Wil 2 +0110111111 Merrett 2 +0110111111 Gladness 2 +0110111111 Mohsen 2 +0110111111 Byun 2 +0110111111 K.M. 2 +0110111111 Rebekah 2 +0110111111 Tinsley 2 +0110111111 Terrill 2 +0110111111 Jozsef 2 +0110111111 Aeffra 2 +0110111111 Saengravi 2 +0110111111 Phog 2 +0110111111 Elke 2 +0110111111 Debora 2 +0110111111 clean-domed 2 +0110111111 Provincia 2 +0110111111 Giorgi 2 +0110111111 Eby 2 +0110111111 Gerhardt 2 +0110111111 Eda 2 +0110111111 Prakash 2 +0110111111 Shigenobu 2 +0110111111 Frederik 2 +0110111111 Pastilles 2 +0110111111 Adeline 2 +0110111111 Amar 2 +0110111111 Carlen 2 +0110111111 Jasen 2 +0110111111 Arleen 2 +0110111111 Tronquistas 2 +0110111111 Susannah 2 +0110111111 Marise 2 +0110111111 Bosko 2 +0110111111 Mithileswhar 2 +0110111111 Margrethe 2 +0110111111 Hotelier 2 +0110111111 Kenin 2 +0110111111 Whinston 2 +0110111111 Terren 2 +0110111111 Verlyn 2 +0110111111 Hamad 2 +0110111111 Mahar 2 +0110111111 Vought 2 +0110111111 Noor 2 +0110111111 Dweezil 2 +0110111111 Rone 2 +0110111111 Tedjosuwarno 2 +0110111111 Hoffinger 2 +0110111111 Plessix 2 +0110111111 Finanziamento 2 +0110111111 LaSonja 2 +0110111111 Torrence 2 +0110111111 Chatterji 2 +0110111111 Cully 2 +0110111111 Masroor 2 +0110111111 Tohru 2 +0110111111 Shahnawaz 2 +0110111111 Tikka 2 +0110111111 Sinteticas 2 +0110111111 Ebrahim 2 +0110111111 Sei 2 +0110111111 Adina 2 +0110111111 Janna 2 +0110111111 Sousuke 2 +0110111111 Obediah 2 +0110111111 Thorton 2 +0110111111 Sten 2 +0110111111 Ruy 2 +0110111111 Drue 2 +0110111111 Maximilian 2 +0110111111 Ghafoor 2 +0110111111 Lalith 2 +0110111111 Ach 2 +0110111111 Melian 2 +0110111111 pleadingly 2 +0110111111 Alojz 2 +0110111111 Kevern 2 +0110111111 Nadezhda 2 +0110111111 Holleque 2 +0110111111 Truett 2 +0110111111 Elsa-Grace 2 +0110111111 Cadell 2 +0110111111 Comtesse 2 +0110111111 Siah 2 +0110111111 Abdur 2 +0110111111 Carl-Frederik 2 +0110111111 Garrard 2 +0110111111 Tedford 2 +0110111111 Raffineries 2 +0110111111 Sil 2 +0110111111 McComb 2 +0110111111 Nobu 2 +0110111111 Lied 2 +0110111111 Empresas 2 +0110111111 Greville 2 +0110111111 BRIAN 2 +0110111111 Uffe 2 +0110111111 Gwathmey 2 +0110111111 Chiou 2 +0110111111 Kare 2 +0110111111 Jaye 2 +0110111111 Zakia 2 +0110111111 Elkan 2 +0110111111 Fredrik 2 +0110111111 Craighill 2 +0110111111 Bertell 2 +0110111111 Katsutoshi 2 +0110111111 Nicario 2 +0110111111 Campell 2 +0110111111 GQ. 2 +0110111111 Thane 2 +0110111111 Kalevi 2 +0110111111 Almon 2 +0110111111 Bongani 2 +0110111111 Elisabetta 2 +0110111111 Mainstreet 2 +0110111111 Camillo 2 +0110111111 Suzano 2 +0110111111 Bernt 2 +0110111111 ArenaBowl 2 +0110111111 Lavon 2 +0110111111 Jameel 2 +0110111111 Y.T. 2 +0110111111 Roxie 2 +0110111111 Ebola 2 +0110111111 Munim 2 +0110111111 Loni 2 +0110111111 Flecha 2 +0110111111 Ramalho 2 +0110111111 Rino 2 +0110111111 Hautes 2 +0110111111 Christophe 3 +0110111111 Xia 3 +0110111111 Barnaby 3 +0110111111 Kiichiro 3 +0110111111 Boundary 3 +0110111111 Hermione 3 +0110111111 Digby 3 +0110111111 Bhaskar 3 +0110111111 Durwood 3 +0110111111 Atlee 3 +0110111111 Eugenia 3 +0110111111 Aimee 3 +0110111111 Spurgeon 3 +0110111111 Inge 3 +0110111111 Dalila 3 +0110111111 Mi 3 +0110111111 Inder 3 +0110111111 Abdul-Aziz 3 +0110111111 Vladek 3 +0110111111 Kosta 3 +0110111111 Estella 3 +0110111111 Henrique 3 +0110111111 Mayotte 3 +0110111111 Orley 3 +0110111111 Cor 3 +0110111111 Adi 3 +0110111111 Bazyli 3 +0110111111 Murry 3 +0110111111 Conceicao 3 +0110111111 D.T. 3 +0110111111 Rosso 3 +0110111111 Domenico 3 +0110111111 Vasso 3 +0110111111 Shozo 3 +0110111111 Antena-3 3 +0110111111 Labib 3 +0110111111 Coletta 3 +0110111111 Tatyana 3 +0110111111 Edie 3 +0110111111 Nobuko 3 +0110111111 Megat 3 +0110111111 Townes 3 +0110111111 Bezal 3 +0110111111 Hermosa 3 +0110111111 Bramham 3 +0110111111 MACY 3 +0110111111 Rodion 3 +0110111111 Cipriano 3 +0110111111 Loyd 3 +0110111111 Nachun 3 +0110111111 Uma 3 +0110111111 Lefferts 3 +0110111111 Chieko 3 +0110111111 Loree 3 +0110111111 Shere 3 +0110111111 Henrich 3 +0110111111 Moncure 3 +0110111111 Sleigh 3 +0110111111 B.N. 3 +0110111111 Armon 3 +0110111111 Stavros 3 +0110111111 Yolanda 3 +0110111111 Toshihiro 3 +0110111111 Kei 3 +0110111111 Talton 3 +0110111111 Chinua 3 +0110111111 Estelle 3 +0110111111 Haeworth 3 +0110111111 Cluck 3 +0110111111 Contes 3 +0110111111 Ria 3 +0110111111 Goldwin 3 +0110111111 Clarice 3 +0110111111 Zeke 3 +0110111111 Hoai 3 +0110111111 Fra 3 +0110111111 Pere 3 +0110111111 Eisaku 3 +0110111111 G.S. 3 +0110111111 Duesenberg 3 +0110111111 Rauf 3 +0110111111 Guillermina 3 +0110111111 Lynwood 3 +0110111111 Annee 3 +0110111111 Alun 3 +0110111111 Zach 3 +0110111111 Noreen 3 +0110111111 Kitaro 3 +0110111111 Folke 3 +0110111111 Einson 3 +0110111111 Leyla 3 +0110111111 Velma 3 +0110111111 Pietie 3 +0110111111 Latif 3 +0110111111 Gilda 3 +0110111111 Kjell-Olof 3 +0110111111 Zeng 3 +0110111111 Sadeq 3 +0110111111 Romulo 3 +0110111111 Sigurd 3 +0110111111 Issac 3 +0110111111 Frits 3 +0110111111 Genty 3 +0110111111 Vard 3 +0110111111 Cherries 3 +0110111111 Virgilia 3 +0110111111 Kinnie 3 +0110111111 Camilo 3 +0110111111 Reinder 3 +0110111111 Liebe 3 +0110111111 Zelda 3 +0110111111 Lis 3 +0110111111 Savas 3 +0110111111 Franz-Josef 3 +0110111111 Zeno 3 +0110111111 Fermin 3 +0110111111 Marisol 3 +0110111111 Fen 3 +0110111111 Delma 3 +0110111111 Iben 3 +0110111111 Mathew 3 +0110111111 Leticia 3 +0110111111 Risparmio 3 +0110111111 Fereira 3 +0110111111 M.B. 3 +0110111111 Papel 3 +0110111111 Emmet 3 +0110111111 Alvar 3 +0110111111 Yitzak 3 +0110111111 Montserrat 3 +0110111111 Studs 3 +0110111111 Pyotr 3 +0110111111 Seweryn 3 +0110111111 Manly 3 +0110111111 Finis 3 +0110111111 Luder 3 +0110111111 Carman 3 +0110111111 Karene 3 +0110111111 Tenley 3 +0110111111 P.K. 3 +0110111111 Ove 3 +0110111111 Majid 3 +0110111111 Gruff 3 +0110111111 Chace 3 +0110111111 Phisit 3 +0110111111 Avital 3 +0110111111 Valentina 3 +0110111111 Bronislaw 3 +0110111111 Eliezer 3 +0110111111 Neils 3 +0110111111 Demoiselles 4 +0110111111 Peyton 4 +0110111111 Bayardo 4 +0110111111 Kisho 4 +0110111111 Amity 4 +0110111111 Popolare 4 +0110111111 Lise 4 +0110111111 Hosein 4 +0110111111 General-Secretary 4 +0110111111 M.K. 4 +0110111111 Nozze 4 +0110111111 Lacroze 4 +0110111111 Broe 4 +0110111111 Vitali 4 +0110111111 Vande 4 +0110111111 Shuzo 4 +0110111111 Timoci 4 +0110111111 Rachmat 4 +0110111111 Moeen 4 +0110111111 Yitshak 4 +0110111111 Ky 4 +0110111111 Sledge 4 +0110111111 Rhiannon 4 +0110111111 Rollin 4 +0110111111 Kornick 4 +0110111111 Jamil 4 +0110111111 Boutros 4 +0110111111 Albertina 4 +0110111111 Elma 4 +0110111111 Hyacinth 4 +0110111111 Kuniji 4 +0110111111 Ismael 4 +0110111111 Cleon 4 +0110111111 Lennie 4 +0110111111 Lenora 4 +0110111111 Mattie 4 +0110111111 Deyo 4 +0110111111 Kwai 4 +0110111111 Augustin 4 +0110111111 Yehuda 4 +0110111111 Lizzie 4 +0110111111 Suliman 4 +0110111111 Shep 4 +0110111111 Yael 4 +0110111111 Celestino 4 +0110111111 Imad 4 +0110111111 Vanni 4 +0110111111 Janelle 4 +0110111111 Herm 4 +0110111111 Ragnar 4 +0110111111 Hyung 4 +0110111111 Glenys 4 +0110111111 Yusuf 4 +0110111111 Barak 4 +0110111111 Mare 4 +0110111111 Denes 4 +0110111111 Wackerle 4 +0110111111 Zygmunt 4 +0110111111 Codex 4 +0110111111 Darnell 4 +0110111111 Dominee 4 +0110111111 Im 4 +0110111111 Betti 4 +0110111111 Tak 4 +0110111111 Bessie 4 +0110111111 Karol 4 +0110111111 Beyers 4 +0110111111 Chloe 4 +0110111111 Lysander 4 +0110111111 T.W. 4 +0110111111 Enos 4 +0110111111 Christos 4 +0110111111 Sucocitrico 4 +0110111111 Ester 4 +0110111111 Deke 4 +0110111111 Etoile 4 +0110111111 Mavis 4 +0110111111 affaire 4 +0110111111 Morarji 4 +0110111111 Museo 4 +0110111111 Justus 4 +0110111111 Dano 4 +0110111111 Athol 4 +0110111111 Petra 4 +0110111111 Adriaan 4 +0110111111 Lewie 4 +0110111111 Zahra 4 +0110111111 Ein 4 +0110111111 Brandy 4 +0110111111 Jessie 4 +0110111111 Norby 4 +0110111111 Hedda 4 +0110111111 Alfons 4 +0110111111 Henrietta 4 +0110111111 Jose-Maria 4 +0110111111 Grossinger 4 +0110111111 Malachi 5 +0110111111 Isa 5 +0110111111 M.G. 5 +0110111111 Ripa 5 +0110111111 Natasha 5 +0110111111 Barend 5 +0110111111 Letty 5 +0110111111 Lula 5 +0110111111 Kokoi 5 +0110111111 Norrie 5 +0110111111 Alexandre 5 +0110111111 Chaim 5 +0110111111 Courbet 5 +0110111111 Takis 5 +0110111111 Espirito 5 +0110111111 Anjelica 5 +0110111111 Aquilino 5 +0110111111 Luisa 5 +0110111111 Ryszard 5 +0110111111 Leila 5 +0110111111 Newcomer 5 +0110111111 Colombe 5 +0110111111 Marcelino 5 +0110111111 Martyn 5 +0110111111 Yaqub 5 +0110111111 Euterpe 5 +0110111111 Dusty 5 +0110111111 Ronny 5 +0110111111 Liam 5 +0110111111 Fatima 5 +0110111111 R.F. 5 +0110111111 Mordecai 5 +0110111111 Stoffel 5 +0110111111 Akram 5 +0110111111 Adolphe 5 +0110111111 Erin 5 +0110111111 Alphonse 5 +0110111111 Cai 5 +0110111111 Olnick 5 +0110111111 Amintore 5 +0110111111 B.T. 5 +0110111111 Gerd 5 +0110111111 Todor 5 +0110111111 Pino 5 +0110111111 Gosta 5 +0110111111 Scoop 5 +0110111111 Claeys 5 +0110111111 Arkadi 5 +0110111111 Romaine 5 +0110111111 Margit 5 +0110111111 Hendrik 5 +0110111111 Karlis 5 +0110111111 Rhys 5 +0110111111 Ambler 5 +0110111111 Michal 5 +0110111111 Jodie 5 +0110111111 Patsy 5 +0110111111 Mohan 5 +0110111111 Quotidien 5 +0110111111 Takaji 5 +0110111111 Midge 5 +0110111111 FAULDING 5 +0110111111 Panitch 5 +0110111111 Elwood 5 +0110111111 Osvaldo 5 +0110111111 Svetlana 5 +0110111111 Adalberto 5 +0110111111 Daniele 5 +0110111111 Heiner 5 +0110111111 Cornelis 5 +0110111111 Odell 5 +0110111111 Phillippe 5 +0110111111 Tamino 5 +0110111111 Cuyler 5 +0110111111 Ennio 5 +0110111111 Teh 5 +0110111111 Polay 5 +0110111111 Khe 5 +0110111111 Dov 5 +0110111111 Honore 5 +0110111111 Kirsten 5 +0110111111 Nouvelles 5 +0110111111 89-99 6 +0110111111 Maxine 6 +0110111111 Omer 6 +0110111111 Wahid 6 +0110111111 Chemins 6 +0110111111 Rafe 6 +0110111111 I.T. 6 +0110111111 Yasir 6 +0110111111 Aryeh 6 +0110111111 Juanito 6 +0110111111 Abreu 6 +0110111111 Heenan 6 +0110111111 Mershon 6 +0110111111 Rolfe 6 +0110111111 Danilo 6 +0110111111 Randi 6 +0110111111 Chandra 6 +0110111111 H.A. 6 +0110111111 Gabrielle 6 +0110111111 Arlie 6 +0110111111 Wladyslaw 6 +0110111111 Mariko 6 +0110111111 Panos 6 +0110111111 Swartwood 6 +0110111111 Valeri 6 +0110111111 Astrid 6 +0110111111 Dona 6 +0110111111 Dmitry 6 +0110111111 Sondra 6 +0110111111 Alonzo 6 +0110111111 Hiroyasu 6 +0110111111 Schwarze 6 +0110111111 Xenophon 6 +0110111111 Rahila 6 +0110111111 Lilian 6 +0110111111 Chana 6 +0110111111 Gerardo 6 +0110111111 Beland 6 +0110111111 Jeannette 6 +0110111111 Bruskin 6 +0110111111 Tyrell 6 +0110111111 Matias 6 +0110111111 Artur 6 +0110111111 Collin 6 +0110111111 Forza 6 +0110111111 Lorie 6 +0110111111 Templar 6 +0110111111 Bourses 6 +0110111111 H.I. 6 +0110111111 Haim 6 +0110111111 Winton 6 +0110111111 Rawn 6 +0110111111 Cassandra 6 +0110111111 Adriana 6 +0110111111 las 6 +0110111111 Randell 6 +0110111111 D.W. 6 +0110111111 PAUL 6 +0110111111 Erika 6 +0110111111 Howie 6 +0110111111 Opere 7 +0110111111 Alonso 7 +0110111111 Zhou 7 +0110111111 A.K. 7 +0110111111 Erica 7 +0110111111 Qiao 7 +0110111111 Garret 7 +0110111111 Jann 7 +0110111111 Markus 7 +0110111111 Kwan 7 +0110111111 Sparky 7 +0110111111 Lorena 7 +0110111111 Agustin 7 +0110111111 Elie 7 +0110111111 Etablissements 7 +0110111111 Miklos 7 +0110111111 Baillie 7 +0110111111 Leszek 7 +0110111111 Ingo 7 +0110111111 Krzysztof 7 +0110111111 Horacio 7 +0110111111 Myrick 7 +0110111111 Stanislav 7 +0110111111 Blaise 7 +0110111111 Corky 7 +0110111111 Jodi 7 +0110111111 Mystere 7 +0110111111 Franck 7 +0110111111 Ari 7 +0110111111 Aileen 7 +0110111111 Lynette 7 +0110111111 Padua 7 +0110111111 Parnell 7 +0110111111 Tipper 7 +0110111111 Damm 7 +0110111111 Earnest 7 +0110111111 Bayard 7 +0110111111 Roi 7 +0110111111 Ko 7 +0110111111 Schuyler 7 +0110111111 B.S. 7 +0110111111 Jens 7 +0110111111 Gennaro 7 +0110111111 Casimir 7 +0110111111 Freya 7 +0110111111 Stig 7 +0110111111 Morten 7 +0110111111 Ion 7 +0110111111 Rhoda 7 +0110111111 Truong 7 +0110111111 Yehudi 7 +0110111111 Elinor 7 +0110111111 Jovito 7 +0110111111 Christiaan 7 +0110111111 Hattie 7 +0110111111 Filippo 7 +0110111111 Getulio 7 +0110111111 Doreen 7 +0110111111 Karl-Otto 7 +0110111111 Kanon 7 +0110111111 Crispin 7 +0110111111 Heyward 7 +0110111111 Licio 7 +0110111111 Ding 7 +0110111111 Sigourney 7 +0110111111 F.N. 7 +0110111111 Nico 7 +0110111111 B.H. 7 +0110111111 Mahatma 7 +0110111111 Burkhard 8 +0110111111 Kunio 8 +0110111111 Jurgen 8 +0110111111 Jean-Bernard 8 +0110111111 Felicity 8 +0110111111 Kalman 8 +0110111111 Pik 8 +0110111111 Oren 8 +0110111111 Terrance 8 +0110111111 Arline 8 +0110111111 Cyndi 8 +0110111111 Rickey 8 +0110111111 Bynum 8 +0110111111 W.E. 8 +0110111111 Florentino 8 +0110111111 Arno 8 +0110111111 Pellegrino 8 +0110111111 Bret 8 +0110111111 Allyn 8 +0110111111 Masayoshi 8 +0110111111 Elger 8 +0110111111 Castor 8 +0110111111 Garn-St 8 +0110111111 Onni 8 +0110111111 Sly 8 +0110111111 Bertin 8 +0110111111 Thabo 8 +0110111111 Pas 8 +0110111111 Olaf 8 +0110111111 Vasco 8 +0110111111 Q.T. 8 +0110111111 Ezekiel 8 +0110111111 Syndicats 8 +0110111111 Marv 8 +0110111111 Ephraim 8 +0110111111 Bulent 8 +0110111111 Lien 8 +0110111111 Vickie 8 +0110111111 Cedric 8 +0110111111 E.C. 8 +0110111111 Wyche 8 +0110111111 por 8 +0110111111 Yo 8 +0110111111 Thelma 8 +0110111111 Yoshikazu 8 +0110111111 Susanna 8 +0110111111 Elvira 8 +0110111111 Willi 8 +0110111111 Arlin 8 +0110111111 Dorian 8 +0110111111 Milledge 8 +0110111111 Wonda 8 +0110111111 Salah 8 +0110111111 Arvid 8 +0110111111 Alban 8 +0110111111 Iosif 8 +0110111111 Binkley 8 +0110111111 Arnaldo 8 +0110111111 Lonesome 8 +0110111111 Bijan 8 +0110111111 J.V. 9 +0110111111 Tanya 9 +0110111111 Magdalena 9 +0110111111 Mikey 9 +0110111111 Rosie 9 +0110111111 Nizar 9 +0110111111 Slobodan 9 +0110111111 Jeana 9 +0110111111 Rory 9 +0110111111 Muffy 9 +0110111111 Elbert 9 +0110111111 Minnie 9 +0110111111 Judah 9 +0110111111 Evel 9 +0110111111 Kenton 9 +0110111111 Gert 9 +0110111111 A.R. 9 +0110111111 Rufus 9 +0110111111 Jun 9 +0110111111 Mendes 9 +0110111111 Czeslaw 9 +0110111111 F.J. 9 +0110111111 Leopoldo 9 +0110111111 Yosef 9 +0110111111 Nellie 9 +0110111111 Elia 9 +0110111111 Deanna 9 +0110111111 Vitaly 9 +0110111111 Yannick 9 +0110111111 Piero 9 +0110111111 Jewell 9 +0110111111 Financement 9 +0110111111 Celso 9 +0110111111 Renata 9 +0110111111 Stefano 9 +0110111111 Tess 9 +0110111111 Marius 10 +0110111111 Tylee 10 +0110111111 Anselm 10 +0110111111 Fayez 10 +0110111111 Nell 10 +0110111111 Gram 10 +0110111111 Onno 10 +0110111111 Hasan 10 +0110111111 Ciriaco 10 +0110111111 Gro 10 +0110111111 Prosper 10 +0110111111 Konstantin 10 +0110111111 Galen 10 +0110111111 Companhia 10 +0110111111 Dottie 10 +0110111111 Automoviles 10 +0110111111 Kakuei 10 +0110111111 Karel 10 +0110111111 Mitchel 10 +0110111111 F.M. 10 +0110111111 Milian 10 +0110111111 Elijah 10 +0110111111 Cesare 10 +0110111111 Ileana 10 +0110111111 E.S. 10 +0110111111 Skelly 10 +0110111111 Maris 10 +0110111111 Vinnie 10 +0110111111 Graydon 10 +0110111111 Johanna 10 +0110111111 Pasquale 10 +0110111111 Pinot 10 +0110111111 Kung 10 +0110111111 Masaaki 10 +0110111111 Isabella 10 +0110111111 Pico 10 +0110111111 Tone 11 +0110111111 Jacek 11 +0110111111 Clell 11 +0110111111 Ishaq 11 +0110111111 Dort 11 +0110111111 Itzhak 11 +0110111111 Allerton 11 +0110111111 Solita 11 +0110111111 Tawana 11 +0110111111 Whoopi 11 +0110111111 Glenda 11 +0110111111 Harvie 11 +0110111111 Coco 11 +0110111111 Anatoli 11 +0110111111 Lucinda 11 +0110111111 Georgi 11 +0110111111 Siegmund 11 +0110111111 Veronica 11 +0110111111 Fergus 11 +0110111111 Maeda 11 +0110111111 Selwyn 11 +0110111111 R.A. 11 +0110111111 Bea 11 +0110111111 Gina 11 +0110111111 JoAnne 11 +0110111111 Hillary 11 +0110111111 Sophie 11 +0110111111 Lino 11 +0110111111 Lena 12 +0110111111 Antonia 12 +0110111111 Matthias 12 +0110111111 Puppy 12 +0110111111 Darlene 12 +0110111111 Bertha 12 +0110111111 Sherrill 12 +0110111111 Gregor 12 +0110111111 Sinn 12 +0110111111 Joaquim 12 +0110111111 Jock 12 +0110111111 Marceau 12 +0110111111 Sonia 12 +0110111111 Yoshiaki 12 +0110111111 Haskell 12 +0110111111 J.S. 12 +0110111111 Pasco 12 +0110111111 Leah 12 +0110111111 Uzi 12 +0110111111 Margarita 12 +0110111111 Joanna 12 +0110111111 Devan 12 +0110111111 Leap 12 +0110111111 Ryutaro 12 +0110111111 Mendonca 12 +0110111111 Vivian 13 +0110111111 Rae 13 +0110111111 Xavier 13 +0110111111 Sholem 13 +0110111111 Alvaro 13 +0110111111 Rube 13 +0110111111 Govan 13 +0110111111 Hinshaw 13 +0110111111 Slade 13 +0110111111 Dolores 13 +0110111111 Scot 13 +0110111111 Waldo 13 +0110111111 Wilma 13 +0110111111 Danielle 13 +0110111111 Faisal 13 +0110111111 Amiram 13 +0110111111 Participations 13 +0110111111 Poul 13 +0110111111 Nicole 13 +0110111111 Wilfried 13 +0110111111 Selig 13 +0110111111 Irma 13 +0110111111 Haruo 13 +0110111111 Tomilson 13 +0110111111 Alta 13 +0110111111 Reggie 13 +0110111111 D.A. 13 +0110111111 Vin 13 +0110111111 Conan 13 +0110111111 J.K. 13 +0110111111 Samora 13 +0110111111 Charley 13 +0110111111 Jeb 14 +0110111111 Tian 14 +0110111111 Pauli 14 +0110111111 Moteurs 14 +0110111111 Alix 14 +0110111111 Ingvar 14 +0110111111 Madeline 14 +0110111111 Dora 14 +0110111111 Patricio 14 +0110111111 Meir 14 +0110111111 Natan 14 +0110111111 Saeed 14 +0110111111 Valle 14 +0110111111 Ismail 14 +0110111111 Amber 14 +0110111111 W.A. 14 +0110111111 Gino 14 +0110111111 Hossein 14 +0110111111 Bianca 14 +0110111111 Tyrone 14 +0110111111 S.J. 14 +0110111111 Yukio 14 +0110111111 Ingrid 14 +0110111111 Adrienne 14 +0110111111 Ozzie 15 +0110111111 Adele 15 +0110111111 Yutaka 15 +0110111111 Christoph 15 +0110111111 Harrold 15 +0110111111 Vie 15 +0110111111 Nate 15 +0110111111 Edna 15 +0110111111 Stacey 15 +0110111111 Jozef 15 +0110111111 Juana 15 +0110111111 Toshiki 15 +0110111111 Charlton 15 +0110111111 Teodoro 15 +0110111111 Barnet 15 +0110111111 Yuli 15 +0110111111 Seiji 15 +0110111111 Bettino 15 +0110111111 Bao 15 +0110111111 Prudence 15 +0110111111 Vasily 15 +0110111111 Nahum 15 +0110111111 Fuhrman 15 +0110111111 Marcello 15 +0110111111 Tariq 15 +0110111111 Gholamreza 15 +0110111111 Lila 16 +0110111111 Vera 16 +0110111111 Whitey 16 +0110111111 Gonzalo 16 +0110111111 Elena 16 +0110111111 Jac 16 +0110111111 Spiro 16 +0110111111 Ingmar 16 +0110111111 M.S. 16 +0110111111 Richie 16 +0110111111 Jeanette 16 +0110111111 Ida 16 +0110111111 Mandy 16 +0110111111 Lydia 16 +0110111111 Ignacio 17 +0110111111 Elmore 17 +0110111111 Baie 17 +0110111111 Reinhard 17 +0110111111 Raisa 17 +0110111111 Detente 17 +0110111111 Menachem 17 +0110111111 Simone 17 +0110111111 Isabelle 17 +0110111111 Vanessa 17 +0110111111 Linn 17 +0110111111 Trammel 17 +0110111111 Frans 18 +0110111111 Masao 18 +0110111111 A.A. 18 +0110111111 Moselle 18 +0110111111 Chet 18 +0110111111 Khalil 18 +0110111111 Karoly 18 +0110111111 Abbie 18 +0110111111 Memel 18 +0110111111 Rodrigo 18 +0110111111 Flores 18 +0110111111 Cordell 18 +0110111111 Maurizio 18 +0110111111 Tatiana 18 +0110111111 Tadeusz 19 +0110111111 Jeffery 19 +0110111111 Heather 19 +0110111111 Marianne 19 +0110111111 Armin 19 +0110111111 Shoji 19 +0110111111 Yelena 19 +0110111111 Lynda 19 +0110111111 K.C. 19 +0110111111 Butch 19 +0110111111 Zahir 19 +0110111111 Brenton 19 +0110111111 Pancho 19 +0110111111 Joao 19 +0110111111 Konrad 19 +0110111111 Lucille 19 +0110111111 Printon 19 +0110111111 Peg 19 +0110111111 Penelope 19 +0110111111 Rodgin 19 +0110111111 Verne 19 +0110111111 Alma 19 +0110111111 Frankie 19 +0110111111 Rosalie 19 +0110111111 Kyle 20 +0110111111 Nat 20 +0110111111 Alexis 20 +0110111111 Geraldo 20 +0110111111 Gayle 20 +0110111111 Alva 20 +0110111111 Corey 20 +0110111111 Patty 20 +0110111111 Stokely 20 +0110111111 Lazaro 20 +0110111111 Chic 20 +0110111111 Mahmoud 20 +0110111111 Arne 20 +0110111111 Maya 20 +0110111111 Humberto 21 +0110111111 Raoul 21 +0110111111 Marjorie 21 +0110111111 Yoram 21 +0110111111 Flora 21 +0110111111 Gideon 21 +0110111111 Nestor 21 +0110111111 Smoot 21 +0110111111 Olof 21 +0110111111 Rhett 21 +0110111111 Faure 21 +0110111111 Liliana 21 +0110111111 los 21 +0110111111 creme 21 +0110111111 Hobart 21 +0110111111 Serge 21 +0110111111 F.C. 21 +0110111111 Salman 22 +0110111111 Tamara 22 +0110111111 Josephine 22 +0110111111 Theresa 22 +0110111111 Emeritus 22 +0110111111 Renato 22 +0110111111 Generales 22 +0110111111 Cornish 22 +0110111111 Zimbalist 22 +0110111111 Toby 22 +0110111111 Indira 22 +0110111111 Karin 22 +0110111111 Roscoe 22 +0110111111 Abdel 22 +0110111111 Christina 22 +0110111111 Gresham 22 +0110111111 Boyden 22 +0110111111 Leonardo 22 +0110111111 Nathaniel 23 +0110111111 C.D. 23 +0110111111 Phoebe 23 +0110111111 Joerg 23 +0110111111 Ursula 23 +0110111111 Igor 23 +0110111111 Lucien 23 +0110111111 Camille 23 +0110111111 Seward 23 +0110111111 Bertram 24 +0110111111 Val 24 +0110111111 Mohamed 24 +0110111111 H.B. 24 +0110111111 Sander 24 +0110111111 Cavaco 24 +0110111111 Nan 24 +0110111111 Giancarlo 24 +0110111111 Dustin 25 +0110111111 Buster 25 +0110111111 Edzard 25 +0110111111 Dominique 25 +0110111111 Anspach 25 +0110111111 Bernardo 25 +0110111111 Natalie 25 +0110111111 D.J. 25 +0110111111 Sosuke 26 +0110111111 Alfonso 26 +0110111111 Jody 26 +0110111111 Sebastian 26 +0110111111 Faye 26 +0110111111 Katie 26 +0110111111 Alf 26 +0110111111 Libby 26 +0110111111 Jerrold 26 +0110111111 Luigi 26 +0110111111 A.S. 27 +0110111111 Franklyn 27 +0110111111 Ruby 27 +0110111111 Antoine 27 +0110111111 Josh 27 +0110111111 Hans-Dietrich 27 +0110111111 Clarkson 27 +0110111111 Roxanne 27 +0110111111 Gunther 27 +0110111111 Joker 27 +0110111111 Elisabeth 28 +0110111111 Pam 28 +0110111111 Mohammad 28 +0110111111 Rodolfo 28 +0110111111 Alton 28 +0110111111 Rosario 28 +0110111111 Jenny 28 +0110111111 Orville 29 +0110111111 Theo 29 +0110111111 Zachary 29 +0110111111 Candidate 29 +0110111111 Lily 29 +0110111111 Grover 29 +0110111111 Julien 29 +0110111111 Adolf 30 +0110111111 Felipe 30 +0110111111 Nguyen 30 +0110111111 Tadashi 30 +0110111111 Eva 30 +0110111111 Renaud 30 +0110111111 Wilhelm 30 +0110111111 Etienne 31 +0110111111 Stefan 31 +0110111111 Lars 31 +0110111111 T.J. 31 +0110111111 Sylvia 31 +0110111111 Dietrich 31 +0110111111 Hernan 31 +0110111111 Virgil 31 +0110111111 Jervis 31 +0110111111 Lucia 31 +0110111111 al 31 +0110111111 Neville 31 +0110111111 Pascal 31 +0110111111 Vaughn 31 +0110111111 Francesco 31 +0110111111 Fran 31 +0110111111 Nora 32 +0110111111 Vito 32 +0110111111 Manny 32 +0110111111 Guido 32 +0110111111 P.W. 32 +0110111111 Lorraine 32 +0110111111 Mats 32 +0110111111 Vanna 32 +0110111111 Dizzy 33 +0110111111 Stephan 33 +0110111111 Salim 33 +0110111111 Archie 33 +0110111111 Gustavo 33 +0110111111 Landon 33 +0110111111 Jerzy 33 +0110111111 Clement 34 +0110111111 Lori 34 +0110111111 Darwin 34 +0110111111 Clare 34 +0110111111 Siegfried 34 +0110111111 Alexandra 34 +0110111111 Cornelius 34 +0110111111 Thom 34 +0110111111 Vince 34 +0110111111 Huey 35 +0110111111 Benito 35 +0110111111 Wanda 35 +0110111111 Sammy 35 +0110111111 Patti 35 +0110111111 Ethel 35 +0110111111 Janos 36 +0110111111 Marian 36 +0110111111 Prentice 36 +0110111111 Agnes 36 +0110111111 Silas 36 +0110111111 Dieter 36 +0110111111 Leona 36 +0110111111 Sherry 37 +0110111111 Axel 37 +0110111111 Wojciech 37 +0110111111 Smokey 37 +0110111111 Moshe 38 +0110111111 Turgut 38 +0110111111 Wally 38 +0110111111 Tina 38 +0110111111 Bart 38 +0110111111 Homer 38 +0110111111 Elton 38 +0110111111 Giles 39 +0110111111 Armando 39 +0110111111 Mick 40 +0110111111 Santo 40 +0110111111 Wilmer 40 +0110111111 Tammy 40 +0110111111 Justin 40 +0110111111 Tomas 41 +0110111111 Sihanouk 41 +0110111111 Earle 41 +0110111111 Jasper 42 +0110111111 Lillian 42 +0110111111 Debbie 42 +0110111111 Claudia 42 +0110111111 Laszlo 42 +0110111111 Sol 43 +0110111111 Georg 43 +0110111111 Ezra 43 +0110111111 Pablo 43 +0110111111 Halsey 43 +0110111111 Lucy 43 +0110111111 A.M. 43 +0110111111 Travis 43 +0110111111 Friedrich 44 +0110111111 Sherlock 44 +0110111111 Cathy 44 +0110111111 Antony 44 +0110111111 Emily 44 +0110111111 Carrie 44 +0110111111 J.A. 44 +0110111111 Harriet 44 +0110111111 Ike 45 +0110111111 Mort 45 +0110111111 Maggie 46 +0110111111 Bo 46 +0110111111 Benedict 46 +0110111111 U. 46 +0110111111 Hajime 46 +0110111111 Ludwig 46 +0110111111 Kendrick 46 +0110111111 Ernie 46 +0110111111 Sergei 47 +0110111111 Amanda 47 +0110111111 Arlen 47 +0110111111 Courtney 47 +0110111111 Melissa 47 +0110111111 Sheriff 48 +0110111111 Quentin 48 +0110111111 Arch 48 +0110111111 Imelda 48 +0110111111 Ulysses 48 +0110111111 Jo 48 +0110111111 Dante 48 +0110111111 Julio 48 +0110111111 Forrest 49 +0110111111 Raphael 49 +0110111111 Paolo 49 +0110111111 Anatoly 49 +0110111111 Rachel 49 +0110111111 Cote 50 +0110111111 Aga 50 +0110111111 Clint 50 +0110111111 Ramon 50 +0110111111 Julia 50 +0110111111 Hector 50 +0110111111 Monty 51 +0110111111 Angela 51 +0110111111 Tip 51 +0110111111 Trent 51 +0110111111 M.W. 52 +0110111111 Rex 52 +0110111111 Nina 52 +0110111111 Benny 52 +0110111111 Giscard 52 +0110111111 Jessica 52 +0110111111 Gavin 53 +0110111111 Mortimer 53 +0110111111 Tracy 53 +0110111111 Erwin 53 +0110111111 Weldon 53 +0110111111 Abel 54 +0110111111 Loren 54 +0110111111 Zbigniew 54 +0110111111 Bernhard 54 +0110111111 Angus 54 +0110111111 Newt 55 +0110111111 Kitty 55 +0110111111 Ma 55 +0110111111 Rilwanu 55 +0110111111 Eleanor 55 +0110111111 Reuben 55 +0110111111 A.B. 56 +0110111111 Matt 57 +0110111111 Dawn 57 +0110111111 Andres 57 +0110111111 Cary 57 +0110111111 Elmer 57 +0110111111 Emmett 57 +0110111111 Hank 58 +0110111111 Ahmed 58 +0110111111 Ferreira 58 +0110111111 Russ 59 +0110111111 Ricardo 59 +0110111111 Nikolai 59 +0110111111 Wesley 59 +0110111111 Usines 59 +0110111111 Margo 59 +0110111111 Mailson 60 +0110111111 Sumner 60 +0110111111 Andrei 60 +0110111111 Sonny 60 +0110111111 Penny 61 +0110111111 Louise 61 +0110111111 Augusto 61 +0110111111 Leigh 61 +0110111111 Nazionale 62 +0110111111 Vic 62 +0110111111 Cesar 63 +0110111111 Kate 63 +0110111111 Woodrow 63 +0110111111 Annie 63 +0110111111 Rudy 64 +0110111111 Lyn 64 +0110111111 Count 64 +0110111111 Coach 65 +0110111111 Wilfred 65 +0110111111 Angelo 65 +0110111111 Frances 67 +0110111111 Olivier 67 +0110111111 Hisham 67 +0110111111 Caroline 69 +0110111111 Nolan 69 +0110111111 J.B. 70 +0110111111 Hashemi 70 +0110111111 Andrea 70 +0110111111 Rajiv 71 +0110111111 Adnan 71 +0110111111 Beth 72 +0110111111 Sergio 72 +0110111111 Strom 73 +0110111111 Shimon 73 +0110111111 Giovanni 73 +0110111111 Dexter 74 +0110111111 Colby 74 +0110111111 Garth 74 +0110111111 Mona 74 +0110111111 Edsel 74 +0110111111 Orrin 75 +0110111111 Dilson 75 +0110111111 Barrington 75 +0110111111 Kit 76 +0110111111 Assurances 76 +0110111111 Abdul 77 +0110111111 Marty 77 +0110111111 Lew 78 +0110111111 Fritz 78 +0110111111 Lacy 80 +0110111111 Brandon 81 +0110111111 Herb 82 +0110111111 Evan 82 +0110111111 Yitzhak 82 +0110111111 Gil 84 +0110111111 Alberto 84 +0110111111 Buddy 84 +0110111111 Wilbur 84 +0110111111 Gloria 84 +0110111111 Cliff 85 +0110111111 Laurie 85 +0110111111 Patton 85 +0110111111 Eduard 87 +0110111111 Pedro 89 +0110111111 Eduardo 89 +0110111111 Arturo 91 +0110111111 Pink 92 +0110111111 Elias 92 +0110111111 Molly 92 +0110111111 Satoshi 92 +0110111111 Erich 93 +0110111111 Carmen 94 +0110111111 Julie 94 +0110111111 Rene 94 +0110111111 Sue 95 +0110111111 Lawton 97 +0110111111 Dudley 99 +0110111111 Edouard 100 +0110111111 Franz 100 +0110111111 Noel 100 +0110111111 Woody 101 +0110111111 Jaime 101 +0110111111 Sandy 102 +0110111111 Angel 102 +0110111111 Sid 103 +0110111111 Jamie 103 +0110111111 Elliot 104 +0110111111 Lamar 106 +0110111111 Gabriel 106 +0110111111 Floyd 107 +0110111111 Nick 108 +0110111111 Shelby 110 +0110111111 Armand 116 +0110111111 Marie 116 +0110111111 Otis 116 +0110111111 Leland 118 +0110111111 Lisa 118 +0110111111 Boris 119 +0110111111 Sarah 119 +0110111111 Isaac 120 +0110111111 Teddy 123 +0110111111 Lou 125 +0110111111 Georges 126 +0110111111 Gerry 126 +0110111111 Kerry 126 +0110111111 Kiichi 126 +0110111111 Willard 130 +0110111111 Jake 131 +0110111111 Noboru 134 +0110111111 Betty 136 +0110111111 Levi 138 +0110111111 Anna 140 +0110111111 Gerard 140 +0110111111 Sheldon 144 +0110111111 Perez 145 +0110111111 Shirley 146 +0110111111 Glen 147 +0110111111 Jackie 150 +0110111111 Diana 150 +0110111111 Conrad 153 +0110111111 Burt 156 +0110111111 Calvin 157 +0110111111 Ferdinand 157 +0110111111 Willie 158 +0110111111 Beryl 159 +0110111111 Johnny 159 +0110111111 Alice 170 +0110111111 Randall 170 +0110111111 Clifford 171 +0110111111 Mohammed 173 +0110111111 Lance 176 +0110111111 Perrin 177 +0110111111 Curtis 179 +0110111111 Fidel 179 +0110111111 Miguel 180 +0110111111 Luis 181 +0110111111 Otto 182 +0110111111 Jacob 182 +0110111111 Bud 187 +0110111111 Aaron 189 +0110111111 Nathan 189 +0110111111 Andy 194 +0110111111 Maria 194 +0110111111 Neal 197 +0110111111 Helen 197 +0110111111 Gerhard 201 +0110111111 Yasuhiro 201 +0110111111 Herman 203 +0110111111 Caspar 210 +0110111111 Byron 211 +0110111111 Charlie 215 +0110111111 Saint 224 +0110111111 Francois 227 +0110111111 Ruth 228 +0110111111 Lynn 232 +0110111111 Rudolph 234 +0110111111 Rand 235 +0110111111 Ali 236 +0110111111 Winston 238 +0110111111 St 240 +0110111111 Saul 242 +0110111111 Danny 245 +0110111111 Earl 248 +0110111111 Adam 249 +0110111111 Edgar 250 +0110111111 Robin 252 +0110111111 Hyde 253 +0110111111 Father 263 +0110111111 Abraham 268 +0110111111 Dale 269 +0110111111 Eli 270 +0110111111 Pete 274 +0110111111 Gibbons 275 +0110111111 Lowell 282 +0110111111 Helmut 287 +0110111111 Anne 294 +0110111111 Pope 297 +0110111111 Jane 297 +0110111111 Burton 299 +0110111111 Carlo 300 +0110111111 Gregory 320 +0110111111 Max 325 +0110111111 Banque 327 +0110111111 Pierre 340 +0110111111 Karl 351 +0110111111 Benjamin 351 +0110111111 Kirk 355 +0110111111 Francis 355 +0110111111 Keith 359 +0110111111 Asher 361 +0110111111 Neil 365 +0110111111 Rowe 365 +0110111111 Vincent 366 +0110111111 Jacques 371 +0110111111 Manuel 374 +0110111111 Michel 374 +0110111111 Glenn 378 +0110111111 Carlos 394 +0110111111 Irwin 431 +0110111111 Sanford 431 +0110111111 Del 438 +0110111111 Boone 449 +0110111111 Al 453 +0110111111 Clayton 465 +0110111111 Harvey 471 +0110111111 Dick 473 +0110111111 Elizabeth 480 +0110111111 Ann 520 +0110111111 Ray 521 +0110111111 Ed 527 +0110111111 Craig 535 +0110111111 Margaret 544 +0110111111 Mike 603 +0110111111 Nicholas 604 +0110111111 Herbert 614 +0110111111 Morton 622 +0110111111 Barbara 630 +0110111111 Arnold 645 +0110111111 Roy 658 +0110111111 Leonard 689 +0110111111 Wayne 721 +0110111111 Edwin 752 +0110111111 Norman 760 +0110111111 Ivan 772 +0110111111 Franklin 773 +0110111111 Mary 785 +0110111111 Jesse 790 +0110111111 Barry 808 +0110111111 Patrick 828 +0110111111 Van 854 +0110111111 Warren 899 +0110111111 Lloyd 967 +0110111111 Joe 987 +0110111111 Samuel 1004 +0110111111 Kim 1087 +0110111111 Sam 1123 +0110111111 Bob 1145 +0110111111 Dennis 1174 +0110111111 Lord 1209 +0110111111 Carl 1227 +0110111111 Bill 1326 +0110111111 Scott 1350 +0110111111 Walter 1451 +0110111111 Henry 1556 +0110111111 Lawrence 1688 +0110111111 Douglas 1892 +0110111111 Howard 1898 +0110111111 Frank 2492 +0110111111 Martin 2584 +0110111111 George 4899 +0110111111 Michael 5281 +0110111111 Paul 4377 +011100 Spun 1 +011100 PASSIVE-INCOME 1 +011100 Houtbrion 1 +011100 anti-female 1 +011100 Haji 1 +011100 Petrorep 1 +011100 SBNICs 1 +011100 edgily 1 +011100 Hausa 1 +011100 Praful 1 +011100 Performance-a 1 +011100 Purpurea 1 +011100 Mechid 1 +011100 99.458 1 +011100 99.499 1 +011100 Killings 1 +011100 144-something 1 +011100 one-note 1 +011100 Lazares 1 +011100 cellist-conductor 1 +011100 snoods 1 +011100 pouffs 1 +011100 bellini 1 +011100 A.U.S. 1 +011100 Akademic 1 +011100 U.S.N. 1 +011100 IMELDA 1 +011100 block-shaped 1 +011100 Cambridge-educated 1 +011100 LaPoint 1 +011100 Hangs 1 +011100 CPA. 1 +011100 Yasuaki 1 +011100 Comisiones 1 +011100 /not 1 +011100 Gostiniyi 1 +011100 full-spirited 1 +011100 Wrestle 1 +011100 KDLZ-FM 1 +011100 jug-eared 1 +011100 Miljenko 1 +011100 Parthe 1 +011100 KEB 1 +011100 SALARY. 1 +011100 MAC/V 1 +011100 Daryono 1 +011100 sons-a- 1 +011100 Bails 1 +011100 cephalexin 1 +011100 Assures 1 +011100 e.e. 1 +011100 partnering 1 +011100 TENACIOUS 1 +011100 Yukitsugu 1 +011100 Unimak 1 +011100 Nurrungar 1 +011100 PINCs 1 +011100 AVCO 1 +011100 Hungarian-speaking 1 +011100 Manich 1 +011100 ex-student 1 +011100 Panguitch 1 +011100 Computer-Enhanced 1 +011100 purism 1 +011100 Qat 1 +011100 pre-vernal 1 +011100 Dood 1 +011100 3.5620 1 +011100 94064 1 +011100 ans 1 +011100 county-sponsored 1 +011100 Varied 1 +011100 quel 1 +011100 110,000-kilometer 1 +011100 Eccentricity 1 +011100 Kayla 1 +011100 Yoshiharu 1 +011100 antidrugs 1 +011100 Revelation 1 +011100 Titu 1 +011100 Chingiz 1 +011100 Sonnich 1 +011100 EMPRESA 1 +011100 Bildisco 1 +011100 Yosihiro 1 +011100 FEMINISTS 1 +011100 cherub-faced 1 +011100 Genital 1 +011100 UNPAID 1 +011100 Virginia-born 1 +011100 Naruemol 1 +011100 Fritze 1 +011100 Phillippe-Francois 1 +011100 serological 1 +011100 Lamberts 1 +011100 23,400-18,410 1 +011100 Robertao 1 +011100 72,361-64,250 1 +011100 Longue 1 +011100 Erlen 1 +011100 artspeak-spouting 1 +011100 co-edits 1 +011100 205-pound 1 +011100 66222 1 +011100 sadeyed 1 +011100 Taketoshi 1 +011100 Einstein-like 1 +011100 Romare 1 +011100 Penepeistas 1 +011100 Panado 1 +011100 ECCT1989-2 1 +011100 JEFFREY 1 +011100 Alexa 1 +011100 MANDELA 1 +011100 Ilarion 1 +011100 REN 1 +011100 Khigh 1 +011100 Masari 1 +011100 Phill 1 +011100 Asil 1 +011100 WWL2M 1 +011100 Lufeng 1 +011100 Collegially 1 +011100 Ulalume 1 +011100 Bout 1 +011100 Sukru 1 +011100 composer/arranger 1 +011100 .31 1 +011100 Baiba 1 +011100 writer-physician 1 +011100 FORMERLY 1 +011100 Josue 1 +011100 Menno 1 +011100 CYCLICAL 1 +011100 Impacto 1 +011100 hoodle 1 +011100 Tick 1 +011100 silver-bearded 1 +011100 Hermando 1 +011100 Gillie 1 +011100 Remedios 1 +011100 Benigna 1 +011100 98.069 1 +011100 non-Alternative 1 +011100 98.003 1 +011100 97.993 1 +011100 97.988 1 +011100 Cynanchum 1 +011100 Duns 1 +011100 DROWSY 1 +011100 SilverMen 1 +011100 Stanislavs 1 +011100 mythologies 1 +011100 Washed 1 +011100 mid-rise 1 +011100 histing 1 +011100 97.958 1 +011100 MANTON 1 +011100 FTD 1 +011100 97.956 1 +011100 97.973 1 +011100 Zeppo 1 +011100 succeded 1 +011100 baboutie 1 +011100 Nagahide 1 +011100 Mihag 1 +011100 Suchart 1 +011100 Diocletian 1 +011100 FGF 1 +011100 Resthaven 1 +011100 Cavas 1 +011100 unchanged. 1 +011100 CH 2 +011100 Dinos 2 +011100 anti-populist 2 +011100 Chito 2 +011100 Chernobyl-4 2 +011100 Lawful 2 +011100 Ishi 2 +011100 Mullerian 2 +011100 Adriano 2 +011100 WRIV-TV 2 +011100 98.066 2 +011100 Measure 2 +011100 Assar 2 +011100 Routinely 2 +011100 Rune 2 +011100 Zonia 2 +011100 AVIONS 2 +011100 Shukan 2 +011100 DOUBLE 2 +011100 Sanusi 2 +011100 Dak 2 +011100 Rumpled 2 +011100 Playtime 2 +011100 hairy-chested 2 +011100 Deduct 2 +011100 Transformed 2 +011100 lowrated 2 +011100 Gulshan 2 +011100 Quarterback 2 +011100 Revamps 2 +011100 Corrupted 2 +011100 Shaklovity 2 +011100 Melina 2 +011100 Bouncing 2 +011100 Schnejer 2 +011100 Ahmet 2 +011100 WESTDEUTSCHE 2 +011100 Colette 2 +011100 Vulgar 2 +011100 S&C 2 +011100 Damian 3 +011100 Plucking 3 +011100 Jabe 3 +011100 Medallis 3 +011100 CSFB. 3 +011100 HARRIS 3 +011100 Appear 3 +011100 polishes 3 +011100 smudges 3 +011100 Peluso 3 +011100 Lubomir 3 +011100 Molecules 4 +011100 Guilt 4 +011100 Braulio 4 +011100 Khim 5 +011100 Infants 6 +011100 '' 342712 +011100 Predicts 8 +011101 Three-foot-high 1 +011101 Faraway 1 +011101 MAINTAINING 1 +011101 FABLED 1 +011101 Genuinely 1 +011101 Ex-Chief 1 +011101 RETRO 1 +011101 DOMESTIC 1 +011101 Retaliate 1 +011101 Hossiers 1 +011101 528,600 1 +011101 THERAPISTS 1 +011101 VIII. 1 +011101 Excessively 1 +011101 December/ 1 +011101 clay/ 1 +011101 tumble/ 1 +011101 capers/ 1 +011101 papers/ 1 +011101 bill/ 1 +011101 Dronenburg 1 +011101 SMOKE-FREE 1 +011101 Dispelling 1 +011101 IDS. 1 +011101 FLEAS 1 +011101 Anal 1 +011101 Reaga 1 +011101 Gegendstandstheorie 1 +011101 ECGD. 1 +011101 CONCLUSION. 1 +011101 Stint 1 +011101 Golfing 1 +011101 FOLLOW-UP 1 +011101 Thumbs 1 +011101 SNA. 1 +011101 F.A.E. 1 +011101 Staunchly 1 +011101 PUMPKIN-PATCH 1 +011101 Forte-Vital 1 +011101 BEGGING 1 +011101 GASB. 1 +011101 Jean-Leon 1 +011101 millenarian 1 +011101 EEC. 1 +011101 lawyers/ 1 +011101 741.2 1 +011101 MLRS. 1 +011101 Maxcess 1 +011101 Brandsburg 1 +011101 Laserdrive 1 +011101 EMPLOYEE-LEASING 1 +011101 3.5387 1 +011101 2.8427 1 +011101 UNLV. 1 +011101 Djamila 1 +011101 GP. 1 +011101 celebrity-filled 1 +011101 polyurethane-foam 1 +011101 IBJ. 1 +011101 Unblemished 1 +011101 OUTDOOR 1 +011101 LAWN-CARE 1 +011101 ALTON 1 +011101 ABA. 1 +011101 Sendum 1 +011101 CEDAR 1 +011101 PCW. 1 +011101 Gayling 1 +011101 MDM. 1 +011101 Defined-contribution 1 +011101 ESPN. 1 +011101 Totum 1 +011101 Fiercely 1 +011101 ACF. 1 +011101 Harlon 1 +011101 Admiration 1 +011101 HMOS 1 +011101 FIFTEEN-SECOND 1 +011101 HOME-EQUITY 1 +011101 723.6 1 +011101 2.8624 1 +011101 TEMPORARY-HELP 1 +011101 Comchek 1 +011101 FSC. 1 +011101 Ferocity 1 +011101 ZZ 1 +011101 Regain 1 +011101 STUDENTS. 1 +011101 DISMISSALS 1 +011101 GEORGE. 1 +011101 pre-Born 1 +011101 VALET 1 +011101 Invite 1 +011101 Freebies 1 +011101 WELL-GROOMED 1 +011101 2,533 1 +011101 CWA. 1 +011101 BICYCLE 1 +011101 Reaganismo 1 +011101 P.L.O. 1 +011101 DDT. 1 +011101 471-page 1 +011101 much-enjoyed 1 +011101 Taylor-Johnson 1 +011101 Fanatic 1 +011101 BOPA. 1 +011101 Milburne 1 +011101 Nicolaas 1 +011101 Tepid 1 +011101 two-photon 1 +011101 Fastframe 1 +011101 Earnestly 1 +011101 Ideologue 1 +011101 Succeeded 1 +011101 Slimming 1 +011101 Coda 1 +011101 PC/Tax 1 +011101 RESIDENCE 1 +011101 Aristarch 1 +011101 RENT-AN-EXEC 1 +011101 USDA. 1 +011101 Skeptic 1 +011101 Backache 1 +011101 Awe 1 +011101 LYME 1 +011101 Convention-going 1 +011101 SAILBOATS 1 +011101 Low-Tech 1 +011101 Anglo-phobic 1 +011101 P&S 1 +011101 Blithely 1 +011101 Harbor/Save 1 +011101 Sorts 1 +011101 IMC. 1 +011101 nitrofurantoin 1 +011101 Damp 1 +011101 Toshiwo 1 +011101 Barrelhouse 1 +011101 Madmen 1 +011101 BEDEVILED 1 +011101 Wuer 1 +011101 Describes 1 +011101 Post-INF 1 +011101 JON 1 +011101 .remains 1 +011101 Intervene 1 +011101 Oozing 1 +011101 1962-65 1 +011101 pianist-statesman 1 +011101 Soheila 1 +011101 commiphora 1 +011101 SEVENTEEN 1 +011101 COMMUTER 1 +011101 Junie 1 +011101 Chatter-Proofed 1 +011101 Aurel 2 +011101 Tristate 2 +011101 Triple-A-rated 2 +011101 Hokkai 2 +011101 HONEST 2 +011101 HLA 2 +011101 Perfectly 2 +011101 Communicate 2 +011101 Tehranis 2 +011101 Bearclaw 2 +011101 Minicomputers 2 +011101 Kuznetsky 2 +011101 NCNB. 2 +011101 NHTSA. 2 +011101 Loda 2 +011101 Realign 2 +011101 MS-DOS-based 2 +011101 Medical-Legal 2 +011101 tong 2 +011101 AIRPORT 2 +011101 VII. 2 +011101 GAAP. 2 +011101 Underwrote 2 +011101 PPG. 2 +011101 BLOOD 2 +011101 Pistol 2 +011101 Potent 2 +011101 Renn 2 +011101 Regret 2 +011101 JAL. 2 +011101 applied-specific 2 +011101 Payback 2 +011101 stouter 2 +011101 Signifying 2 +011101 Chewing 3 +011101 Vastly 3 +011101 Smith-Corona 3 +011101 Interdale 3 +011101 Undermined 3 +011101 Harness 3 +011101 Explosives 3 +011101 Stays 3 +011101 HIV. 3 +011101 Mauve 3 +011101 Lowered 4 +011101 Dresses 4 +011101 Coronary 4 +011101 B-cell 4 +011101 Poorly 4 +011101 .44-caliber 4 +011101 Khao 4 +011101 Hooge 4 +011101 bizarrely 4 +011101 Aikia 4 +011101 GDP. 4 +011101 Emilian 4 +011101 Spreadsheet 4 +011101 Category 4 +011101 PAC. 4 +011101 Dorling 5 +011101 Suffer 5 +011101 IRA. 5 +011101 Zippo 5 +011101 FBI. 5 +011101 Trendy 5 +011101 BMW. 5 +011101 Sans 5 +011101 Stops 6 +011101 Spare 6 +011101 AZT. 7 +011101 Gotta 8 +011101 Identa 8 +011101 Fishy 9 +011101 Chap 10 +011101 Appendix 14 +011101 GNP. 22 +011101 Chock 53 +011101 ` 62 +011101 `` 343470 +011101 Phase 74 +0111100 Air-shipped 1 +0111100 Round-trip 1 +0111100 Energy-equipment 1 +0111100 One-hundred 1 +0111100 Servers 1 +0111100 Torrential 1 +0111100 Once-sleepy 1 +0111100 MOTIVATING 1 +0111100 Great-uncle 1 +0111100 Rail-mounted 1 +0111100 Age-based 1 +0111100 Paper-industry 1 +0111100 Jakob 1 +0111100 Full-sized 1 +0111100 County-level 1 +0111100 Contested 1 +0111100 Ritualistic 1 +0111100 Non-rubber 1 +0111100 Foreign-held 1 +0111100 Sixteen-year-old 1 +0111100 .my 1 +0111100 Foundation-owned 1 +0111100 Smurf-TV-show 1 +0111100 Third-round 1 +0111100 U.S.-CANADIAN 1 +0111100 Mutagen 1 +0111100 Environmental-law 1 +0111100 Then-assistant 1 +0111100 Buccaneering 1 +0111100 Underpaid 1 +0111100 Interventionist 1 +0111100 GSIF 1 +0111100 owner-protection 1 +0111100 Personal-finance 1 +0111100 Pro-business 1 +0111100 All-girl 1 +0111100 Ecclesiastical 1 +0111100 unhardened 1 +0111100 House-hunters 1 +0111100 Equipment-leasing 1 +0111100 Dark-humor 1 +0111100 Applicable 1 +0111100 Attractively 1 +0111100 Auto-components 1 +0111100 Crediting 1 +0111100 Destructive 1 +0111100 Then-Assistant 1 +0111100 Fee-hungry 1 +0111100 Lanthanum 1 +0111100 Theater-sized 1 +0111100 Scandal-tarred 1 +0111100 Snowy-haired 1 +0111100 Public-employee 1 +0111100 Thermoplastic 1 +0111100 Makeshift 1 +0111100 Brazilian-U.S. 1 +0111100 Unguaranteed 1 +0111100 High-class 1 +0111100 Grilled 1 +0111100 Shish 1 +0111100 Old-hand 1 +0111100 Big-game 1 +0111100 Standout 1 +0111100 BUREAUCRATIC 1 +0111100 Butthe 1 +0111100 Numerical 1 +0111100 Payroll-based 1 +0111100 Smaller-than-expected 1 +0111100 Current-account 1 +0111100 High-stakes 1 +0111100 Hurling 1 +0111100 Transient 1 +0111100 Five-cent 1 +0111100 Nonqualified 1 +0111100 Quickening 1 +0111100 Underprepared 1 +0111100 Overhand 1 +0111100 Unwary 1 +0111100 Similar-sized 1 +0111100 Three-time 1 +0111100 Account-holder 1 +0111100 Misguided 1 +0111100 Hankook 1 +0111100 Casino-quality 1 +0111100 Chinese-Polish 1 +0111100 WHEREFORE 1 +0111100 LESS-BITTER 1 +0111100 Ayu 1 +0111100 Giti 1 +0111100 Smuggled 1 +0111100 Ad-Week 1 +0111100 Plaintive 1 +0111100 .by 1 +0111100 Often-mentioned 1 +0111100 Two-tone 1 +0111100 multiconcept 1 +0111100 Polycrystalline 1 +0111100 Microencapsulation 1 +0111100 Anti-corrosion 1 +0111100 Rental-car 1 +0111100 Black-and-white 1 +0111100 181.12 1 +0111100 Korea-Vietnam 1 +0111100 CASH-FLOW 1 +0111100 259.82 1 +0111100 UNFLUORIDATED 1 +0111100 Administrations 1 +0111100 Collateralizing 1 +0111100 COMMA 1 +0111100 Besmitten 1 +0111100 Cowboy-hat 1 +0111100 Intoned 1 +0111100 Coking 1 +0111100 Sacramento-Calif.-based 1 +0111100 Waist-high 1 +0111100 Mid-level 1 +0111100 Wide-bodied 1 +0111100 non-protectionist 1 +0111100 Back-to-school 1 +0111100 Book-club 1 +0111100 Lame-duck 1 +0111100 Rarity 1 +0111100 Multi-billion 1 +0111100 Government-granted 1 +0111100 Play-only 1 +0111100 Falsifying 1 +0111100 Heavy-hitting 1 +0111100 OVER-THE-COUNTER 1 +0111100 UNSIGHTLY 1 +0111100 Repetitious 1 +0111100 PANAMANIANS 1 +0111100 Five-hundred-foot-high 1 +0111100 Handmade 1 +0111100 Gold-medal 1 +0111100 Cattle-feeding 1 +0111100 other-equipment 1 +0111100 THRIFT-BILL 1 +0111100 Flattering 1 +0111100 Heavy-equipment 1 +0111100 Obsolescent 1 +0111100 transfer-pricing 1 +0111100 Org 1 +0111100 Dissolved 1 +0111100 Pertinent 1 +0111100 Wiseacre 1 +0111100 Extrusion 1 +0111100 Steeples 1 +0111100 Rubyfruit 1 +0111100 Out-of-home 1 +0111100 Hamburger-related 1 +0111100 Non-traded 1 +0111100 Four-wheel 1 +0111100 Pulmonary 1 +0111100 Gleaming 1 +0111100 Crude-products 1 +0111100 Rent-a-car 1 +0111100 All-cash 1 +0111100 COMFORT 1 +0111100 Exceptionally 1 +0111100 Appallingly 1 +0111100 Slow-paying 1 +0111100 Tamer 1 +0111100 Religious-cult 1 +0111100 loading-dock 1 +0111100 Intercepting 1 +0111100 Decomposing 1 +0111100 Lobbs 1 +0111100 Reptilian 1 +0111100 American-Chinese 1 +0111100 High-octane 1 +0111100 Too-rapid 1 +0111100 Gold-backed 1 +0111100 Shrugged 1 +0111100 Rutgers-The 1 +0111100 Summer-school 1 +0111100 Harmonizing 1 +0111100 Vacuous 1 +0111100 LIFE-INSURANCE 1 +0111100 Ferro-alloy 1 +0111100 Matsuzakaya 1 +0111100 Uncomfortably 1 +0111100 Locker-room 1 +0111100 Pipeliners 1 +0111100 Unearthly 1 +0111100 Mortgage-servicing 1 +0111100 Flashier 2 +0111100 Bribing 2 +0111100 Talmage 2 +0111100 Scrubby 2 +0111100 Transracial 2 +0111100 Oil-patch 2 +0111100 Less-stringent 2 +0111100 Pro-Western 2 +0111100 Four-member 2 +0111100 Three-year 2 +0111100 Non-tariff 2 +0111100 Lump-sum 2 +0111100 Thirty-year 2 +0111100 Prototype 2 +0111100 Spinal 2 +0111100 Pricey 2 +0111100 Top-tier 2 +0111100 PLANT-CLOSING 2 +0111100 Medium-size 2 +0111100 Office-furniture 2 +0111100 Low-level 2 +0111100 Damaged 2 +0111100 Government-run 2 +0111100 Land-based 2 +0111100 Hoped-for 2 +0111100 Microscopic 2 +0111100 Non-communist 2 +0111100 Unstable 2 +0111100 Earmarking 2 +0111100 PLASTIC 2 +0111100 Oppressive 2 +0111100 Defeated 3 +0111100 Electrical-products 3 +0111100 Melding 3 +0111100 Prime-time 3 +0111100 Billionaire 3 +0111100 Containing 3 +0111100 Footnote 3 +0111100 Unidentified 3 +0111100 Devising 3 +0111100 Fixed-rated 3 +0111100 Silicone 3 +0111100 Heated 3 +0111100 Elaborate 4 +0111100 Methylene 4 +0111100 Four-year 4 +0111100 Substituting 4 +0111100 Polyvinyl 4 +0111100 Mid-December 4 +0111100 Behind-the-scenes 4 +0111100 Medium-term 4 +0111100 Prepayment 4 +0111100 .The 4 +0111100 PROTESTERS 4 +0111100 Indefinite 5 +0111100 Fledgling 5 +0111100 Hard-line 5 +0111100 Rigid 6 +0111100 High-ranking 7 +0111100 Indirect 9 +0111100 High-level 10 +0111100 Bellwether 14 +0111100 State-owned 21 +0111100 The 320579 +0111100 Comparable 60 +0111101000 loamy 1 +0111101000 FREE-AGENT 1 +0111101000 OUT-OF-STATE 1 +0111101000 Clap 1 +0111101000 Seaborne 1 +0111101000 -More 1 +0111101000 mass-participatory 1 +0111101000 less-broad 1 +0111101000 Whassa 1 +0111101000 Amatory 1 +0111101000 SAILBOAT 1 +0111101000 EPILEPTIC 1 +0111101000 just-trust-us 1 +0111101000 TOURISTIK 1 +0111101000 Singable 1 +0111101000 save-the-seat 1 +0111101000 undamped 1 +0111101000 Well-documented 1 +0111101000 CONSUMING 1 +0111101000 Soften 1 +0111101000 out-trade 1 +0111101000 On-Time 1 +0111101000 Vingt 1 +0111101000 U.S.-MADE 1 +0111101000 unmeritorious 1 +0111101000 PEACE-PLAN 1 +0111101000 sauve 1 +0111101000 Open-mouth 1 +0111101000 neo-capitalist 1 +0111101000 UNLADYLIKE 1 +0111101000 Below-Replacement 1 +0111101000 Smoke-free 1 +0111101000 omnicompetent 1 +0111101000 near-stagnant 1 +0111101000 CAMCORDER 1 +0111101000 Mourning 1 +0111101000 IMITATION 1 +0111101000 HAPPIER 1 +0111101000 data-integrity 1 +0111101000 obsoleting 1 +0111101000 Uncommon 1 +0111101000 OLDER 1 +0111101000 LIBERAL-ARTS 1 +0111101000 Trade-union 1 +0111101000 Underline 1 +0111101000 Self-interested 1 +0111101000 rock-oriented 1 +0111101000 Abysmal 1 +0111101000 WASTE 1 +0111101000 Social-security 1 +0111101000 pay-and-play 1 +0111101000 never-aging 1 +0111101000 Aggravate 1 +0111101000 Bell-Shaped 1 +0111101000 diluvian 1 +0111101000 KIDDIE 1 +0111101000 company-led 1 +0111101000 FIXING 1 +0111101000 Flaunting 1 +0111101000 sprint-relay 1 +0111101000 Societal 1 +0111101000 Circumstantial 1 +0111101000 Apple/Thomson 1 +0111101000 self-protecting 1 +0111101000 Channelers 1 +0111101000 Refigured 1 +0111101000 Multiparty 1 +0111101000 Desk-Top 1 +0111101000 OCTANE 1 +0111101000 COATED 1 +0111101000 substitute-teacher 1 +0111101000 Skinny-Dip 1 +0111101000 CONTINGENT 1 +0111101000 Jests 1 +0111101000 Massmutual 1 +0111101000 Irredentist 1 +0111101000 NONUNION 1 +0111101000 Kennedy/Johnson 1 +0111101000 Preapproved 1 +0111101000 Vile 1 +0111101000 52-Week 1 +0111101000 looniest 1 +0111101000 CUSTOMER 1 +0111101000 Vegetarian 1 +0111101000 bakmee 1 +0111101000 JANUS 1 +0111101000 Grizzly 1 +0111101000 Elfin 1 +0111101000 Sustainable 1 +0111101000 WARRANTY 1 +0111101000 VINTAGE 1 +0111101000 Fruiting 1 +0111101000 DUAL-DIAL 1 +0111101000 ROBUST 1 +0111101000 Kamikaze 1 +0111101000 Single-chain 1 +0111101000 machol 1 +0111101000 Anecdotal 1 +0111101000 RADIATION 1 +0111101000 Free-floating 1 +0111101000 Nuclear-policy 1 +0111101000 ALIEN 1 +0111101000 narced-up 1 +0111101000 power-to-the-poor 1 +0111101000 tax-preference 1 +0111101000 ENERGY-STATE 1 +0111101000 Grenada-style 1 +0111101000 Sold-out 1 +0111101000 Allowable 1 +0111101000 Stock-option 1 +0111101000 SUNTRUST 1 +0111101000 SELF 1 +0111101000 Nonmarital 1 +0111101000 72-Hour 1 +0111101000 well-perceived 1 +0111101000 frightfully 1 +0111101000 Neccessary 1 +0111101000 Bankrolling 1 +0111101000 DISLOCATED 1 +0111101000 Pat-your-foot 1 +0111101000 Deodorizer 1 +0111101000 All-Male 1 +0111101000 in-built 1 +0111101000 Myopic 1 +0111101000 DIVI 1 +0111101000 pipe-dream 1 +0111101000 less-than-vigorous 1 +0111101000 CONNECTED 1 +0111101000 couragious 1 +0111101000 PENNY-PINCHING 1 +0111101000 Retirement-income 1 +0111101000 Candidate-centered 1 +0111101000 daurade 1 +0111101000 Mirabai 1 +0111101000 bourgeoise 1 +0111101000 marche 1 +0111101000 MAIDENFORM 1 +0111101000 light-switch 1 +0111101000 Multifund 1 +0111101000 Unaided 1 +0111101000 Rightful 1 +0111101000 Burroughs-Wellcome=Greedy 1 +0111101000 DELUXE 1 +0111101000 Minority-group 1 +0111101000 ORIENT-EXPRESS 1 +0111101000 wettest 1 +0111101000 Retread 1 +0111101000 Regional-based 1 +0111101000 impermissibly 1 +0111101000 Amoco-type 1 +0111101000 OP 1 +0111101000 Outdoing 1 +0111101000 Multidisciplinary 1 +0111101000 Capital-cost 1 +0111101000 Step-Parenting 1 +0111101000 ANTIQUE 1 +0111101000 two-three 1 +0111101000 ADVANCE-TUITION 1 +0111101000 ratifier 1 +0111101000 Geriatric-Psychiatric 1 +0111101000 PREP-SCHOOL 1 +0111101000 STAN 1 +0111101000 Pre-game 1 +0111101000 Be-Happy 1 +0111101000 Leaky 1 +0111101000 Costliest 1 +0111101000 OBJECTIVITY 1 +0111101000 Weaken 1 +0111101000 ONE-COMPANY 1 +0111101000 TRAVELING 1 +0111101000 Slavonic 1 +0111101000 quality-of-work 1 +0111101000 Critically 1 +0111101000 kinesthetic 1 +0111101000 BUFFS 1 +0111101000 platelet-derived 1 +0111101000 mother-love 1 +0111101000 split-radar 1 +0111101000 home-automation 1 +0111101000 self-authorization 1 +0111101000 TV-living-room 1 +0111101000 design-build 1 +0111101000 BUY-OR-SELL 1 +0111101000 Sport-Utility 1 +0111101000 VIOLENT 1 +0111101000 Devious 1 +0111101000 posy 1 +0111101000 hortis 1 +0111101000 SKI 1 +0111101000 Mid-term 1 +0111101000 Crushing 1 +0111101000 CHAMPAGNE 1 +0111101000 Soothsayers 1 +0111101000 Favorably 1 +0111101000 Black-white 1 +0111101000 blue-baby 1 +0111101000 SEED-FUND 1 +0111101000 NEGLIGENCE 1 +0111101000 Ailee 1 +0111101000 out-of 1 +0111101000 TAX-FACTS 1 +0111101000 councilmanic 1 +0111101000 BUSINESS-SAVVY 1 +0111101000 Tactile 1 +0111101000 drag-raced 1 +0111101000 Day-time 1 +0111101000 IRANIANS 1 +0111101000 fix-it-first 1 +0111101000 JOB-SAFETY 1 +0111101000 Denounce 1 +0111101000 Ouaily 1 +0111101000 YANKS 1 +0111101000 Nonpolitical 1 +0111101000 Keistone 1 +0111101000 -casted 1 +0111101000 EAT 1 +0111101000 zai 1 +0111101000 Drexel-Staley 1 +0111101000 Relevance 1 +0111101000 Oceanfront 1 +0111101000 multiple-point 1 +0111101000 Cloaking 1 +0111101000 Busing 1 +0111101000 Carrier-safety 1 +0111101000 H.O.M.E. 1 +0111101000 Borderline 1 +0111101000 Crawfish 1 +0111101000 Patricidal 1 +0111101000 subjectivist 1 +0111101000 WHATEVER 1 +0111101000 compassionating 1 +0111101000 VENTURE-LEASING 1 +0111101000 Profoundly 1 +0111101000 Quo 1 +0111101000 luxury-appointed 1 +0111101000 executive-legislative 1 +0111101000 TROUBLE 1 +0111101000 divisionwide 1 +0111101000 POINTING 1 +0111101000 Casilda 1 +0111101000 ODER 1 +0111101000 feebler 1 +0111101000 167.44 1 +0111101000 Faring 1 +0111101000 Inherent 1 +0111101000 Enhancing 1 +0111101000 Gut-wrenching 1 +0111101000 Fooling 1 +0111101000 second-most-conservative 1 +0111101000 DISTRUST 1 +0111101000 non-infringing 1 +0111101000 HYATT 1 +0111101000 taste-aversion 1 +0111101000 fab 1 +0111101000 RIVALRIES 1 +0111101000 PATIENCE 1 +0111101000 win-at-all-costs 1 +0111101000 Poitical 1 +0111101000 DEPRECATE 1 +0111101000 Issueless 1 +0111101000 onlie 1 +0111101000 Benign 1 +0111101000 Scouting 1 +0111101000 CIGARETTE 1 +0111101000 Coast-to-Coast 1 +0111101000 PACKAGE-DESIGN 1 +0111101000 multi-front 1 +0111101000 ACCEPTING 1 +0111101000 SCHMIEDE 1 +0111101000 CURBING 1 +0111101000 Risk-Based 1 +0111101000 bi-modal 1 +0111101000 Job-related 1 +0111101000 EUONYMUS 1 +0111101000 Pelicans 1 +0111101000 Great-tasting 1 +0111101000 -sized 1 +0111101000 condition-of-the-people 1 +0111101000 starve-gorge 1 +0111101000 zombielike 1 +0111101000 reticulate 1 +0111101000 Sheep-like 1 +0111101000 Downright 1 +0111101000 Limitless 1 +0111101000 Fruitful 1 +0111101000 pre-30 1 +0111101000 semi-live 1 +0111101000 Extramarital 1 +0111101000 WESPAC 1 +0111101000 EXTREME 1 +0111101000 Speed-sensitive 1 +0111101000 firesale 1 +0111101000 MARITIME 1 +0111101000 Rectangular 1 +0111101000 Shouted 1 +0111101000 GRINDING 1 +0111101000 Fletch 1 +0111101000 idee 1 +0111101000 scholarboy 1 +0111101000 business-led 1 +0111101000 VICORP 1 +0111101000 SUPPOSE 1 +0111101000 Epitomizes 1 +0111101000 Rape-and-ruin 1 +0111101000 psychologic 1 +0111101000 Thought-out 1 +0111101000 drug-like 1 +0111101000 long-ball 1 +0111101000 True-life 1 +0111101000 Madisonian 1 +0111101000 two-fuel 1 +0111101000 publick 1 +0111101000 Incomplete 1 +0111101000 Bubbly 1 +0111101000 Valolapour 1 +0111101000 finite-time 1 +0111101000 Toyotero 1 +0111101000 MONITORING 1 +0111101000 Judeo-Islamic 1 +0111101000 Literal 1 +0111101000 Normalize 1 +0111101000 COSMETICS 1 +0111101000 diktat 1 +0111101000 Hotter 1 +0111101000 Variable-Rate 1 +0111101000 No-smoking 1 +0111101000 Slimy 1 +0111101000 efficiency-type 1 +0111101000 mammothly 1 +0111101000 Hand-lettered 1 +0111101000 SHALLOW 1 +0111101000 MULE 1 +0111101000 Corporate-owned 1 +0111101000 short-hand 1 +0111101000 Small-cell 1 +0111101000 Unexplainable 1 +0111101000 Washlet 1 +0111101000 self-enforced 1 +0111101000 U.F.O. 1 +0111101000 Demonstrative 1 +0111101000 crime-fraud 1 +0111101000 Late-cycle 1 +0111101000 non-punitive 1 +0111101000 Grotesque 1 +0111101000 hard-to-fit 1 +0111101000 Cooked 1 +0111101000 TWELVE 1 +0111101000 stock-and-options 1 +0111101000 Hypersonic 1 +0111101000 Forty-Four 1 +0111101000 Drug-Treatment 1 +0111101000 covert/clandestine 1 +0111101000 doctor-oriented 1 +0111101000 University-based 1 +0111101000 oven-like 1 +0111101000 MEXICAN-Americans 1 +0111101000 Intolerable 1 +0111101000 Inter-market-making 1 +0111101000 ASSUME 1 +0111101000 sunbleached 1 +0111101000 diametric 1 +0111101000 Chipping 1 +0111101000 FERC-mandated 1 +0111101000 Doctor-patient 1 +0111101000 Inspect 1 +0111101000 Peeved 1 +0111101000 Feline 1 +0111101000 on-arrival 1 +0111101000 RECESSION 1 +0111101000 -spouting 1 +0111101000 piss 1 +0111101000 Robbing 1 +0111101000 One-Horse 1 +0111101000 ORIGINAL 1 +0111101000 age-associated 1 +0111101000 TAX-COURT 1 +0111101000 maggot-covered 1 +0111101000 Subsistence 1 +0111101000 Instated 1 +0111101000 Preacher 1 +0111101000 FORTY-SIX 1 +0111101000 Two-Dimensional 1 +0111101000 wunduh 1 +0111101000 Renewable-energy 1 +0111101000 Vamo-BDM 1 +0111101000 all-over 1 +0111101000 EVERYBODY 1 +0111101000 Point-of-sale 1 +0111101000 state-trading 1 +0111101000 Common-law 2 +0111101000 TANDEM 2 +0111101000 connoted 2 +0111101000 BARNETT 2 +0111101000 Disputed 2 +0111101000 Discretionary 2 +0111101000 Expose 2 +0111101000 Jean-Honore 2 +0111101000 Rifles 2 +0111101000 Conscious 2 +0111101000 Flattened 2 +0111101000 Reptiles 2 +0111101000 Well-intentioned 2 +0111101000 lumpen 2 +0111101000 Shopping-center 2 +0111101000 Four-week 2 +0111101000 Leading-edge 2 +0111101000 Comparatively 2 +0111101000 Terminated 2 +0111101000 Predatory 2 +0111101000 Swapping 2 +0111101000 Evolving 2 +0111101000 DEBIT 2 +0111101000 SMART 2 +0111101000 Backup 2 +0111101000 borrow-and-pay-back 2 +0111101000 Rhapsodic 2 +0111101000 Modified 2 +0111101000 Funnier 2 +0111101000 Sphagnum 2 +0111101000 quasi-automatic 2 +0111101000 Honestly 2 +0111101000 USUALLY 2 +0111101000 Resilient 2 +0111101000 Gingerly 2 +0111101000 Downside 2 +0111101000 Towering 2 +0111101000 bust-out 2 +0111101000 Guarded 2 +0111101000 Discounted 2 +0111101000 Re-establish 2 +0111101000 Misplaced 2 +0111101000 Amusing 2 +0111101000 DUPED 2 +0111101000 Fright 2 +0111101000 Freaky 2 +0111101000 Polygraph 2 +0111101000 Answered 2 +0111101000 Tumultuous 2 +0111101000 Pumping 2 +0111101000 Sandostatin 2 +0111101000 zero-dollar 2 +0111101000 Pitting 2 +0111101000 Vacant 2 +0111101000 heart-healthy 2 +0111101000 Symphonic 2 +0111101000 Impotence 2 +0111101000 prix 2 +0111101000 Baise 2 +0111101000 Childless 2 +0111101000 Vesting 2 +0111101000 Thrilling 2 +0111101000 Dishonest 2 +0111101000 Relieving 2 +0111101000 Thirty-Six 2 +0111101000 Louder 2 +0111101000 Spontaneous 2 +0111101000 Style-conscious 2 +0111101000 ENNIS 2 +0111101000 Stimulating 2 +0111101000 HEALTH-CARE 2 +0111101000 Builds 2 +0111101000 Carnal 2 +0111101000 Irreconcilable 2 +0111101000 Mercurial 2 +0111101000 Readiness 2 +0111101000 Data-base 2 +0111101000 Infamous 2 +0111101000 sea-oriented 2 +0111101000 Diminishing 2 +0111101000 Flouting 2 +0111101000 Notary 2 +0111101000 Lower-house 2 +0111101000 Impaired 2 +0111101000 Swaying 2 +0111101000 Snob 2 +0111101000 Overhearing 2 +0111101000 Delightful 2 +0111101000 Rienzi 2 +0111101000 Sticky 2 +0111101000 Shocking 2 +0111101000 Bantu 2 +0111101000 Chronically 2 +0111101000 Chuck-wagon 2 +0111101000 Sheiks 2 +0111101000 Questionable 2 +0111101000 Keenly 2 +0111101000 free-ride 2 +0111101000 Tasteful 3 +0111101000 Superb 3 +0111101000 Do-it-yourself 3 +0111101000 Uncontrolled 3 +0111101000 Starvation 3 +0111101000 LONE 3 +0111101000 Quicker 3 +0111101000 Midair 3 +0111101000 Topical 3 +0111101000 RABBI 3 +0111101000 Baked 3 +0111101000 All-terrain 3 +0111101000 Line-Item 3 +0111101000 Sixty-eight 3 +0111101000 Spacious 3 +0111101000 Unapproved 3 +0111101000 Belly 3 +0111101000 Imperil 3 +0111101000 MINIMUM-WAGE 3 +0111101000 Quality-control 3 +0111101000 Incompetent 3 +0111101000 Zoot 3 +0111101000 Mortal 3 +0111101000 -type 3 +0111101000 Presumed 3 +0111101000 Insufficient 3 +0111101000 Assertive 3 +0111101000 Singular 3 +0111101000 Brideshead 3 +0111101000 Neonatal 3 +0111101000 Long-range 3 +0111101000 Polling 3 +0111101000 Stolen 3 +0111101000 Uphill 3 +0111101000 High-energy 3 +0111101000 notional 3 +0111101000 Persistently 3 +0111101000 Utterly 3 +0111101000 Dormant 3 +0111101000 Midsize 3 +0111101000 Soy 4 +0111101000 COUNTRYWIDE 4 +0111101000 Halting 4 +0111101000 Splendid 4 +0111101000 POISON-PILL 4 +0111101000 -price 4 +0111101000 Unwanted 4 +0111101000 Meaningful 4 +0111101000 Deconstructivist 4 +0111101000 Orfeo 4 +0111101000 actus 4 +0111101000 Shrewd 4 +0111101000 Prosecutorial 4 +0111101000 Insuring 4 +0111101000 Senor 4 +0111101000 Madama 4 +0111101000 Abrupt 4 +0111101000 Reasonably 5 +0111101000 Unpleasant 5 +0111101000 Overcoming 5 +0111101000 Que 5 +0111101000 Overly 5 +0111101000 Pouring 5 +0111101000 Harsh 5 +0111101000 Endless 5 +0111101000 Bearded 5 +0111101000 Ragged 5 +0111101000 Ambitious 5 +0111101000 Probable 5 +0111101000 Timely 5 +0111101000 Fascinating 5 +0111101000 Inefficient 5 +0111101000 Tense 5 +0111101000 Enormous 6 +0111101000 ancien 6 +0111101000 Downward 6 +0111101000 Painful 6 +0111101000 Elegant 6 +0111101000 Necessary 6 +0111101000 Sentence 6 +0111101000 Cosi 7 +0111101000 Honorable 7 +0111101000 Immediate 7 +0111101000 Legitimate 7 +0111101000 Sentimental 7 +0111101000 Supply-side 7 +0111101000 Ruthless 7 +0111101000 Middle-aged 7 +0111101000 Undercover 8 +0111101000 Shattered 8 +0111101000 Warm 8 +0111101000 Lethal 8 +0111101000 Frantic 8 +0111101000 Part-time 8 +0111101000 Foul 8 +0111101000 Jagged 9 +0111101000 Breathing 9 +0111101000 Ideological 9 +0111101000 Extremely 9 +0111101000 Allegedly 9 +0111101000 Mere 10 +0111101000 Das 10 +0111101000 -style 10 +0111101000 Extreme 10 +0111101000 Potentially 11 +0111101000 Reasonable 11 +0111101000 Empty 12 +0111101000 Absolute 12 +0111101000 Designing 12 +0111101000 Loose 14 +0111101000 Honest 16 +0111101000 Costly 17 +0111101000 Ordinary 18 +0111101000 Unsolved 19 +0111101000 Sophisticated 22 +0111101000 YOUR 22 +0111101000 Faster 22 +0111101000 Revolving 22 +0111101000 Miscellaneous 23 +0111101000 Whose 27 +0111101000 Highly 28 +0111101000 Simple 33 +0111101000 Tough 36 +0111101000 Different 44 +0111101000 Serious 53 +0111101000 Fewer 93 +0111101000 Equally 115 +0111101000 Bad 121 +0111101000 Very 191 +0111101000 Less 260 +0111101000 Any 1094 +0111101000 Your 1197 +0111101000 My 2130 +0111101000 Our 2520 +0111101000 No 4232 +0111101000 More 3152 +01111010010 Non-CFC 1 +01111010010 Computer-science 1 +01111010010 Growth-control 1 +01111010010 Brimming 1 +01111010010 THIRD-QUARTER 1 +01111010010 Fiscal-policy 1 +01111010010 Spirited 1 +01111010010 Children-oriented 1 +01111010010 Large-trade 1 +01111010010 Charged-off 1 +01111010010 Cause-related 1 +01111010010 Over-the-air 1 +01111010010 Allocated 1 +01111010010 Unprofitable 1 +01111010010 Flatulent 1 +01111010010 Late-June 1 +01111010010 Ceremony-conscious 1 +01111010010 Warmest 1 +01111010010 Long-run 1 +01111010010 CULLEN 1 +01111010010 Shared-tenant 1 +01111010010 Six-figure 1 +01111010010 Bond-yield 1 +01111010010 Company-arranged 1 +01111010010 Nursery-rhyme 1 +01111010010 Air-passenger 1 +01111010010 Take-over 1 +01111010010 Resurgent 1 +01111010010 Checkbook 1 +01111010010 Appreciating 1 +01111010010 Nonaccrual 1 +01111010010 Full-time-equivalent 1 +01111010010 Long-bond 1 +01111010010 Thrombolytic 1 +01111010010 NTT-related 1 +01111010010 Unanticipated 1 +01111010010 Thirties-style 1 +01111010010 Double-Digit 1 +01111010010 Late-day 1 +01111010010 Oil-refining 1 +01111010010 Dairy-product 1 +01111010010 Souring 1 +01111010010 Head-injury 1 +01111010010 Bloated 1 +01111010010 Diminished 1 +01111010010 Farm-export 1 +01111010010 Lawyerly 1 +01111010010 RESHAPING 1 +01111010010 Covert-action 1 +01111010010 Storm-driven 1 +01111010010 Producer-price 1 +01111010010 Heroic 1 +01111010010 Study-hall 1 +01111010010 Five-hour 1 +01111010010 Eyk 1 +01111010010 Priceless 1 +01111010010 Sharpened 1 +01111010010 Personal-property 1 +01111010010 Allocators 1 +01111010010 Out-of-power 1 +01111010010 Commercial-bank 1 +01111010010 Cornstarch-based 1 +01111010010 Sunglass 1 +01111010010 Older-worker 1 +01111010010 WELFARE-REFORM 1 +01111010010 Rubbing 1 +01111010010 Power-line 1 +01111010010 Spot-market 1 +01111010010 Pump-primed 1 +01111010010 Safe-harbor 1 +01111010010 Ferrochrome 1 +01111010010 Poor-boy-style 1 +01111010010 One-step 1 +01111010010 Golfing-related 1 +01111010010 Induced 1 +01111010010 Offshore-California 1 +01111010010 IBM-related 1 +01111010010 Lessened 1 +01111010010 Big-rig 1 +01111010010 Temporal 1 +01111010010 Oatmeal-colored 1 +01111010010 Mail-volume 1 +01111010010 In-vitro 1 +01111010010 Bugged 1 +01111010010 Money-management 1 +01111010010 Older-style 1 +01111010010 Whitewashed 1 +01111010010 Food-supply 1 +01111010010 Pension-insurance 1 +01111010010 Policy-based 1 +01111010010 Mummified 1 +01111010010 Jingoistic 1 +01111010010 Megadeal 1 +01111010010 REDUCING 1 +01111010010 Long-suffering 1 +01111010010 Privatesector 1 +01111010010 Consumer-led 1 +01111010010 Red-meat 1 +01111010010 Overriding 1 +01111010010 Catchy 1 +01111010010 Boom-time 1 +01111010010 Common-stock 1 +01111010010 Unit-volume 1 +01111010010 Carbonized 1 +01111010010 FAST-TRACKERS 1 +01111010010 Pre-election 1 +01111010010 Dog-bite 1 +01111010010 Frying 1 +01111010010 BACKYARD 1 +01111010010 Fashion-industry 1 +01111010010 Samizdat 1 +01111010010 Simplify 1 +01111010010 Appreciated 1 +01111010010 Big-dollar 1 +01111010010 National-landmark 1 +01111010010 Oversold 1 +01111010010 PAY-FOR-KNOWLEDGE 1 +01111010010 Untied 1 +01111010010 Amyl 1 +01111010010 Deficient 1 +01111010010 CHARLTON 1 +01111010010 Inclement 1 +01111010010 Photosensitive 1 +01111010010 Super-saver 1 +01111010010 Short-time 1 +01111010010 Mexican-based 1 +01111010010 Two-for-one 1 +01111010010 Peak-load 1 +01111010010 S-CORPORATION 1 +01111010010 Green-apple 1 +01111010010 Underpriced 1 +01111010010 Dodging 1 +01111010010 Post-Mao 1 +01111010010 Dingell-directed 1 +01111010010 Refined-nickel 1 +01111010010 Domesticating 1 +01111010010 Easy-cash 1 +01111010010 Virginal 1 +01111010010 Time-deposit 1 +01111010010 Air-cushioned 1 +01111010010 Pre-trial 1 +01111010010 Business-equipment 1 +01111010010 Kinetic-kill 1 +01111010010 Off-balance 1 +01111010010 Non-Communist 1 +01111010010 Six-day 1 +01111010010 Television-repair 1 +01111010010 Government-imposed 1 +01111010010 Service-sector 1 +01111010010 Old-time 1 +01111010010 Tricalcium 1 +01111010010 Bank-interest 1 +01111010010 Three-way 1 +01111010010 Shelf-stable 1 +01111010010 Imbibing 1 +01111010010 Late-winter 1 +01111010010 Damping 1 +01111010010 High-yen 1 +01111010010 oil-shock 1 +01111010010 Neswprint 1 +01111010010 Chorus-line 1 +01111010010 Hand-to-mouth 1 +01111010010 Dollar-denominated 1 +01111010010 Melly 1 +01111010010 Much-needed 1 +01111010010 Visualize 1 +01111010010 wheelchair-sports 1 +01111010010 One-minute 1 +01111010010 Mercantilist 1 +01111010010 Human-development 1 +01111010010 One-stop 1 +01111010010 Homing 1 +01111010010 Uninvested 1 +01111010010 Weight-loss 1 +01111010010 Pre-summit 1 +01111010010 Antibiotic 1 +01111010010 Requested 1 +01111010010 Stretched-out 1 +01111010010 Public-partnership 1 +01111010010 Heat-transfer 1 +01111010010 Paternalistic 1 +01111010010 Flood-insurance 1 +01111010010 Farm-debt 1 +01111010010 Niobium 1 +01111010010 Concealed 1 +01111010010 Undulating 1 +01111010010 Current-value 1 +01111010010 Laissez 1 +01111010010 Rotting 1 +01111010010 Scorching 1 +01111010010 Once-simple 1 +01111010010 Well-timed 1 +01111010010 Chemical-weapons 1 +01111010010 Sales-starved 1 +01111010010 Air-base 1 +01111010010 Neophyte 1 +01111010010 Image-enhancing 1 +01111010010 Noncommunist 1 +01111010010 Annualizing 1 +01111010010 Foreign-language 1 +01111010010 Non-traditional 1 +01111010010 Grain-dust 1 +01111010010 Closed-door 1 +01111010010 Narrow-minded 1 +01111010010 Seven-figure 1 +01111010010 State-bank 1 +01111010010 BESIDES 1 +01111010010 Mineable 1 +01111010010 Mortgage-interest 1 +01111010010 Telephoned 1 +01111010010 Fatigue-related 1 +01111010010 Sub-zero 1 +01111010010 Returns-processing 1 +01111010010 Deceiving 1 +01111010010 Stray 1 +01111010010 Psychiatric-hospital 1 +01111010010 Botrytis-infected 1 +01111010010 State-level 1 +01111010010 Piddling 1 +01111010010 Car-company 1 +01111010010 Anti-satellite 1 +01111010010 Property-liability 1 +01111010010 Arousing 1 +01111010010 Llama 1 +01111010010 Once-cowed 1 +01111010010 Middle-management 1 +01111010010 Smoked 1 +01111010010 Analogous 1 +01111010010 .Domestic 1 +01111010010 Incentive-driven 1 +01111010010 Exhaled 1 +01111010010 flinger 1 +01111010010 Car-insurance 1 +01111010010 Right-to 1 +01111010010 Quarter-to-quarter 1 +01111010010 Whirring 1 +01111010010 Non-gold 1 +01111010010 High-altitude 1 +01111010010 Life-sustaining 1 +01111010010 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 1 +01111010010 Compressed 1 +01111010010 Board-meeting 1 +01111010010 Thunderous 1 +01111010010 Closed-caption 1 +01111010010 Ramie 1 +01111010010 Fatuous 1 +01111010010 Sprained 1 +01111010010 Gross-profit 1 +01111010010 Single-occupancy 1 +01111010010 SUBURBAN 1 +01111010010 CONVENTIONAL 1 +01111010010 PASSPORT 1 +01111010010 Gem-quality 1 +01111010010 Two-day 1 +01111010010 In-law 1 +01111010010 Non-European 1 +01111010010 Distressing 1 +01111010010 Overnight-delivery 1 +01111010010 Ingested 1 +01111010010 Two-gender 1 +01111010010 Obstinate 1 +01111010010 Renminbi 1 +01111010010 RECORDING 1 +01111010010 Venetian-style 1 +01111010010 Auto-insurance 1 +01111010010 Serum 1 +01111010010 Occupational-disease 1 +01111010010 Labor-union 1 +01111010010 Simpler 1 +01111010010 Month-end 1 +01111010010 Gold-bullion 1 +01111010010 Yearlong 1 +01111010010 Domestic-violence 1 +01111010010 129,932 1 +01111010010 Government-held 1 +01111010010 Grayish 1 +01111010010 Meat-judging 1 +01111010010 Mortgage-rate 1 +01111010010 Disparaging 1 +01111010010 Variable-rate 1 +01111010010 Nonreporting 1 +01111010010 Better-than-average 1 +01111010010 Plentiful 1 +01111010010 Eldest 1 +01111010010 Alternative-operator 1 +01111010010 Lower-alcohol 1 +01111010010 Obvious 1 +01111010010 Decent 1 +01111010010 Steel-industry 1 +01111010010 Fixed-mortgage 1 +01111010010 Low-alcohol 1 +01111010010 Stronger-than-anticipated 1 +01111010010 Roll-bar 1 +01111010010 Amiable 1 +01111010010 Company-paid 1 +01111010010 Short-hop 1 +01111010010 Fission-nuclear 1 +01111010010 Rush-hour 1 +01111010010 Blistering 1 +01111010010 Bow-tie 1 +01111010010 Poignant 1 +01111010010 Agriculture-business 1 +01111010010 Investment-house 1 +01111010010 Flagrant 1 +01111010010 Slow-to-no 1 +01111010010 Pre-1986 1 +01111010010 Overarching 1 +01111010010 Forty-five-gallon 1 +01111010010 Scarce 1 +01111010010 Pro-debt 1 +01111010010 First-person 1 +01111010010 Heavier-than-normal 1 +01111010010 Food-price 1 +01111010010 Non-price 1 +01111010010 Nursing-home 1 +01111010010 Erstwhile 1 +01111010010 Honest-to-goodness 1 +01111010010 Palate 1 +01111010010 Primary-dealer 1 +01111010010 Dignified 1 +01111010010 Chumming 1 +01111010010 Ham-handed 1 +01111010010 COMPUTER-ASSISTED 1 +01111010010 belt-driven 1 +01111010010 Non-essential 1 +01111010010 Curried 1 +01111010010 Securities-markets 1 +01111010010 Biotechnology-stock 1 +01111010010 Broad-market 1 +01111010010 Long-rumored 1 +01111010010 Spotlighting 1 +01111010010 Worker-compensation 1 +01111010010 Illness-related 1 +01111010010 Armed-forces 1 +01111010010 Old-age 1 +01111010010 Stunning 1 +01111010010 Bias-motivated 1 +01111010010 Chart-following 1 +01111010010 Public-college 1 +01111010010 Penny-stock 1 +01111010010 Undervalued 1 +01111010010 Irrigated 1 +01111010010 Ninety-day 1 +01111010010 Textile-mill 1 +01111010010 Ominous 1 +01111010010 Goods-producing 1 +01111010010 Poached 1 +01111010010 Travel-agent 1 +01111010010 Shared-equity 1 +01111010010 Curbside 1 +01111010010 Twenty-gauge 1 +01111010010 Player-union 1 +01111010010 grill-gotten 1 +01111010010 Sweeter 1 +01111010010 .as 1 +01111010010 Mid-February 1 +01111010010 Open-air 1 +01111010010 Pellet-sized 1 +01111010010 Slower-growing 1 +01111010010 Depicting 1 +01111010010 Whomever 1 +01111010010 Low-interest-rate 1 +01111010010 Continent-wide 1 +01111010010 Freewheeling 1 +01111010010 Assess 1 +01111010010 Above-normal 1 +01111010010 Crib 1 +01111010010 Monetary-policy 1 +01111010010 non-flattening 1 +01111010010 Employer-provided 1 +01111010010 Plug-in 1 +01111010010 Airline-traffic 1 +01111010010 TOWN-GOWN 1 +01111010010 Short-maturity 1 +01111010010 Garden-variety 1 +01111010010 Lap-belt 1 +01111010010 Alternate-operator 1 +01111010010 Foreign-led 1 +01111010010 Bumper-to-bumper 1 +01111010010 Hard-charging 1 +01111010010 Mishandled 1 +01111010010 Student-loan 1 +01111010010 Good-faith 1 +01111010010 Thirty-odd 1 +01111010010 Marginal-rate 1 +01111010010 price-corroding 1 +01111010010 Gasoline-refining 1 +01111010010 Embarrassing 1 +01111010010 Districtwide 1 +01111010010 State-capitol 1 +01111010010 Large-deposit 1 +01111010010 Coupon-equivalent 1 +01111010010 Company-sponsored 1 +01111010010 Private-school 1 +01111010010 Business-faculty 1 +01111010010 water-guzzling 1 +01111010010 Craving 1 +01111010010 Softwood-timber 1 +01111010010 Overshooting 1 +01111010010 State-financed 1 +01111010010 Luxury-car 1 +01111010010 Stiffening 1 +01111010010 Exportable 1 +01111010010 Trade-related 1 +01111010010 Non-sugar 1 +01111010010 Maternal 1 +01111010010 Low-grade 1 +01111010010 Racketeers 1 +01111010010 --Law 1 +01111010010 .utility 1 +01111010010 High-profile 1 +01111010010 Intentional 1 +01111010010 Self-service 1 +01111010010 Death's-door 1 +01111010010 Fantasy-hotel 1 +01111010010 Subsoil 1 +01111010010 Apartmenthouse 1 +01111010010 Fully-indexed 1 +01111010010 Column-shaped 1 +01111010010 Accounting-profession 1 +01111010010 Sobering 1 +01111010010 Unleashing 1 +01111010010 Unsound 1 +01111010010 Price-rule 1 +01111010010 Ill-advised 1 +01111010010 Post-race 1 +01111010010 Deposit-insurance 1 +01111010010 Hedonic 1 +01111010010 Back-door 1 +01111010010 Sugar-grower 1 +01111010010 Unsupported 1 +01111010010 Reoffering 1 +01111010010 Lessening 1 +01111010010 Indian-interest 1 +01111010010 Bond-fund 1 +01111010010 Impending 1 +01111010010 Employment-related 1 +01111010010 Anti-Armenian 1 +01111010010 Acceptable 2 +01111010010 Forsaking 2 +01111010010 Single-source 2 +01111010010 More-liberal 2 +01111010010 Nonbuilding 2 +01111010010 Cult 2 +01111010010 Inpatient 2 +01111010010 Dissecting 2 +01111010010 Improper 2 +01111010010 Pacemaker 2 +01111010010 Far-reaching 2 +01111010010 Expatriate 2 +01111010010 FIRST-QUARTER 2 +01111010010 Drug-development 2 +01111010010 Narrower 2 +01111010010 Mid-January 2 +01111010010 Burgeoning 2 +01111010010 Superfluous 2 +01111010010 Home-grown 2 +01111010010 General-aviation 2 +01111010010 Flashy 2 +01111010010 Retrofitting 2 +01111010010 Scant 2 +01111010010 Storing 2 +01111010010 Supersaver 2 +01111010010 Brokerage-house 2 +01111010010 Skyrocketing 2 +01111010010 Multi-employer 2 +01111010010 Free-spending 2 +01111010010 Swifter 2 +01111010010 Cramped 2 +01111010010 Raw-material 2 +01111010010 Lighter-than-expected 2 +01111010010 Front-line 2 +01111010010 Bodily 2 +01111010010 Revoking 2 +01111010010 Defective 2 +01111010010 Unintended 2 +01111010010 Frivolous 2 +01111010010 Decisive 2 +01111010010 Septic 2 +01111010010 Fruitcake 2 +01111010010 Industry-wide 2 +01111010010 Purported 2 +01111010010 Outraging 2 +01111010010 Direct-mail 2 +01111010010 Balky 2 +01111010010 Legalize 2 +01111010010 Plant-closing 2 +01111010010 Burdensome 2 +01111010010 Smear 2 +01111010010 Grass-roots 2 +01111010010 Mid-October 2 +01111010010 New-construction 2 +01111010010 Longterm 2 +01111010010 Parochial 2 +01111010010 High-density 2 +01111010010 LAPTOP 2 +01111010010 Forthcoming 2 +01111010010 Explicit 2 +01111010010 Disk-drive 2 +01111010010 Onerous 2 +01111010010 Sterilized 2 +01111010010 Photodegradable 2 +01111010010 Woodlot 2 +01111010010 Swath 2 +01111010010 Sulfur-dioxide 2 +01111010010 b-GM 2 +01111010010 Packaged-goods 2 +01111010010 Hardwood 2 +01111010010 Exploratory 2 +01111010010 Top-quality 2 +01111010010 MARVIN 2 +01111010010 Spurning 2 +01111010010 Inappropriate 2 +01111010010 Arbitrary 2 +01111010010 Introductory 2 +01111010010 Unfunded 2 +01111010010 Robusta-type 2 +01111010010 Flashing 2 +01111010010 STOCK-OPTION 2 +01111010010 DESIGNING 2 +01111010010 Clearer 2 +01111010010 Incorrect 2 +01111010010 Ongoing 2 +01111010010 Crosstown 2 +01111010010 Requesting 2 +01111010010 ADJUSTABLE-RATE 2 +01111010010 Unanimous 2 +01111010010 Non-manufacturer 2 +01111010010 Microsocial 2 +01111010010 Inaccurate 2 +01111010010 Law-firm 2 +01111010010 Stringent 2 +01111010010 Duplicate 2 +01111010010 Tranquil 2 +01111010010 Sunflower-seed 2 +01111010010 Value-added 2 +01111010010 Glasses 2 +01111010010 Latest-period 2 +01111010010 Accumulating 2 +01111010010 Concentrated 2 +01111010010 On-time 2 +01111010010 Lesser-known 2 +01111010010 Corrosion 2 +01111010010 Agreeable 2 +01111010010 Judicious 2 +01111010010 Printronix 2 +01111010010 Gradual 2 +01111010010 Private-label 2 +01111010010 Collect 2 +01111010010 Consumer-price 2 +01111010010 Subjective 2 +01111010010 Non-oil 2 +01111010010 Asbestos-related 2 +01111010010 Tightened 2 +01111010010 Internecine 2 +01111010010 Risking 2 +01111010010 Delegating 2 +01111010010 Remedial 2 +01111010010 Absentee 2 +01111010010 Startling 2 +01111010010 Cumbersome 2 +01111010010 Computer-driven 2 +01111010010 Flinging 2 +01111010010 Merchant-bank 2 +01111010010 Wholehearted 2 +01111010010 Long-awaited 2 +01111010010 Mortgage-banker 2 +01111010010 Chave 2 +01111010010 Drought-related 2 +01111010010 Oil-company 2 +01111010010 Revived 2 +01111010010 Enlarged 2 +01111010010 Abusive 2 +01111010010 Anti-Israeli 2 +01111010010 Nontraditional 2 +01111010010 Intermittent 2 +01111010010 Fund-raising 2 +01111010010 Elevated 2 +01111010010 Garnering 2 +01111010010 Intravenous 2 +01111010010 Low-interest 2 +01111010010 Prepublication 2 +01111010010 Unrestricted 2 +01111010010 Home-mortgage 2 +01111010010 Intensified 2 +01111010010 Cost-of-funds 2 +01111010010 Reagan-style 2 +01111010010 Fiber-rich 2 +01111010010 Rigorous 2 +01111010010 Gloomy 2 +01111010010 Concerted 2 +01111010010 Hard-currency 2 +01111010010 Off-duty 2 +01111010010 Auto-parts 2 +01111010010 Extracting 2 +01111010010 Doctrinal 2 +01111010010 Heavier-than-expected 2 +01111010010 Irking 2 +01111010010 Resulting 2 +01111010010 Frenzied 2 +01111010010 Farm-subsidy 2 +01111010010 Extradition 2 +01111010010 Record-industry 2 +01111010010 Pork-barrel 2 +01111010010 Inject 2 +01111010010 Mini-mall 2 +01111010010 Minimum-security 2 +01111010010 Tuk-tuk 2 +01111010010 Operating-profit 2 +01111010010 Lignite 2 +01111010010 Second-class 2 +01111010010 Index-arbitrage 2 +01111010010 Over-optimistic 2 +01111010010 Campaign-finance 2 +01111010010 Fluorescent 2 +01111010010 Cancerphobia 2 +01111010010 Preferring 2 +01111010010 Cassettes 2 +01111010010 Modern-day 3 +01111010010 Contaminated 3 +01111010010 Brandishing 3 +01111010010 Pent-up 3 +01111010010 Odd-lot 3 +01111010010 Two-tier 3 +01111010010 Natural-gas 3 +01111010010 Chart-oriented 3 +01111010010 Rusting 3 +01111010010 Birth-control 3 +01111010010 Big-ticket 3 +01111010010 Updated 3 +01111010010 Passenger-car 3 +01111010010 Empirical 3 +01111010010 Centralizing 3 +01111010010 Subdued 3 +01111010010 Factional 3 +01111010010 Deliberate 3 +01111010010 Better-than-expected 3 +01111010010 Long-simmering 3 +01111010010 Compulsory 3 +01111010010 Fault-tolerant 3 +01111010010 Fickle 3 +01111010010 Stronger-than-expected 3 +01111010010 Eased 3 +01111010010 Toll-free 3 +01111010010 Unfavorable 3 +01111010010 Countervailing 3 +01111010010 Bankruptcy-court 3 +01111010010 Double-stack 3 +01111010010 Non-residential 3 +01111010010 Unanswered 3 +01111010010 Budgetary 3 +01111010010 Capital-goods 3 +01111010010 Consumer-products 3 +01111010010 Managerial 3 +01111010010 Triple-digit 3 +01111010010 Photodynamic 3 +01111010010 Suitable 3 +01111010010 Higher-than-expected 3 +01111010010 Outdated 3 +01111010010 Optimistic 3 +01111010010 Roaster 3 +01111010010 Minimum-wage 3 +01111010010 Fiscal-year 3 +01111010010 Heterosexual 3 +01111010010 Small-scale 3 +01111010010 Lateral 3 +01111010010 Respectable 3 +01111010010 BACK-TO-SCHOOL 3 +01111010010 Child-support 3 +01111010010 Wooing 3 +01111010010 Heaviest 3 +01111010010 Received 3 +01111010010 Superpower 3 +01111010010 Lower-than-expected 3 +01111010010 Programmable 3 +01111010010 Labor-management 3 +01111010010 Oil-field 3 +01111010010 Youthful 3 +01111010010 Featuring 3 +01111010010 Evacuation 3 +01111010010 Labor-force 3 +01111010010 Ice-cream 3 +01111010010 Overhaul 3 +01111010010 Planted 3 +01111010010 Takeover-related 3 +01111010010 Brokered 3 +01111010010 Preferential 3 +01111010010 Corrugated 3 +01111010010 Exposing 3 +01111010010 Paramilitary 3 +01111010010 Nuclear-powered 3 +01111010010 Volcanic 3 +01111010010 Credible 3 +01111010010 Periodic 3 +01111010010 Late-breaking 3 +01111010010 Sagging 3 +01111010010 User 3 +01111010010 Non-dollar 3 +01111010010 Softer 3 +01111010010 Franchisee 3 +01111010010 Certificate-of-deposit 3 +01111010010 Detailed 3 +01111010010 .the 3 +01111010010 Follow-up 3 +01111010010 Job-training 3 +01111010010 Out-of-control 3 +01111010010 Community-based 3 +01111010010 Non-accruing 3 +01111010010 Discriminatory 3 +01111010010 Shaky 3 +01111010010 Audience 3 +01111010010 Pro-Israel 3 +01111010010 NED 3 +01111010010 Defended 3 +01111010010 Unsold 4 +01111010010 New-product 4 +01111010010 Full-page 4 +01111010010 Cable-TV 4 +01111010010 Plea 4 +01111010010 Maximizing 4 +01111010010 Collapsing 4 +01111010010 Cost-containment 4 +01111010010 One-hour 4 +01111010010 Heavier 4 +01111010010 Vigorous 4 +01111010010 Avacus 4 +01111010010 Non-defense 4 +01111010010 Long-established 4 +01111010010 Spiritual 4 +01111010010 Output-based 4 +01111010010 Biodegradable 4 +01111010010 Overbuilt 4 +01111010010 Thick 4 +01111010010 Gray-market 4 +01111010010 Late-night 4 +01111010010 Seven-year 4 +01111010010 Recurring 4 +01111010010 Franchised 4 +01111010010 Low-cost 4 +01111010010 Longstanding 4 +01111010010 Unfriendly 4 +01111010010 Stock-fund 4 +01111010010 Non-Japanese 4 +01111010010 Light-duty 4 +01111010010 Cable-television 4 +01111010010 Anti-drug 4 +01111010010 Municipal-bond 4 +01111010010 Procedural 4 +01111010010 Food-industry 4 +01111010010 Nondefense 4 +01111010010 Inconsistent 4 +01111010010 Dish 4 +01111010010 Anti-dumping 4 +01111010010 First-class 4 +01111010010 Diehard 4 +01111010010 Protracted 4 +01111010010 Government-funded 4 +01111010010 Color-television 4 +01111010010 Careless 4 +01111010010 Mass-market 4 +01111010010 Entry-level 4 +01111010010 Unprecedented 4 +01111010010 Public-works 4 +01111010010 Semifinished 4 +01111010010 Stricter 4 +01111010010 Distillate 4 +01111010010 Runaway 4 +01111010010 Fairly 4 +01111010010 Uneven 4 +01111010010 Loan-loss 4 +01111010010 Non-accrual 5 +01111010010 Overt 5 +01111010010 Top-level 5 +01111010010 Verbal 5 +01111010010 Marginal 5 +01111010010 Adverse 5 +01111010010 Lengthy 5 +01111010010 Aggregate 5 +01111010010 Preferred-stock 5 +01111010010 Unpublished 5 +01111010010 Prolonged 5 +01111010010 Decreased 5 +01111010010 Foreign-policy 5 +01111010010 Perceived 5 +01111010010 Joint-venture 5 +01111010010 Non-military 5 +01111010010 Vivid 5 +01111010010 Second-half 5 +01111010010 Small-company 5 +01111010010 Double-digit 5 +01111010010 Controversial 5 +01111010010 Condom 5 +01111010010 Smelling 5 +01111010010 Motor-vehicle 5 +01111010010 Across-the-board 5 +01111010010 Tumbling 5 +01111010010 Surprising 5 +01111010010 Logging 5 +01111010010 Business-cycle 5 +01111010010 Enthusiastic 5 +01111010010 Buoyant 5 +01111010010 Stop-loss 5 +01111010010 Restrictive 5 +01111010010 Day-to-day 5 +01111010010 Practicing 5 +01111010010 Dubious 5 +01111010010 Varying 5 +01111010010 Anti-Bork 5 +01111010010 Dietary 5 +01111010010 Brand-name 5 +01111010010 Third-party 5 +01111010010 Lagging 5 +01111010010 Obsolete 5 +01111010010 Inner-city 5 +01111010010 Differing 6 +01111010010 Curb 6 +01111010010 Considerable 6 +01111010010 Blue-collar 6 +01111010010 Outpatient 6 +01111010010 Identical 6 +01111010010 Stiffer 6 +01111010010 Successive 6 +01111010010 Department-store 6 +01111010010 Buy-out 6 +01111010010 Accumulated 6 +01111010010 High-quality 6 +01111010010 Benchmark 6 +01111010010 Free-lance 6 +01111010010 Healthier 6 +01111010010 Consumer-goods 6 +01111010010 Accrued 6 +01111010010 Personal-computer 6 +01111010010 Retaining 6 +01111010010 Violent 6 +01111010010 Realized 6 +01111010010 Tax-free 6 +01111010010 Fierce 6 +01111010010 Sustained 7 +01111010010 Computer-guided 7 +01111010010 Accelerated 7 +01111010010 Dissenting 7 +01111010010 Central-bank 7 +01111010010 Ample 7 +01111010010 Public-sector 7 +01111010010 Emotional 7 +01111010010 Drastic 7 +01111010010 Restoring 7 +01111010010 Anticipated 7 +01111010010 Unadjusted 7 +01111010010 Tax-shelter 7 +01111010010 Cross-border 7 +01111010010 Proved 7 +01111010010 Deferred 7 +01111010010 Unconfirmed 7 +01111010010 Mixing 7 +01111010010 c-Domestic 7 +01111010010 Workstation 7 +01111010010 Old-fashioned 7 +01111010010 Premature 7 +01111010010 Faulty 7 +01111010010 Explosive 7 +01111010010 Two-way 7 +01111010010 Heightened 7 +01111010010 Regulated 7 +01111010010 Color-TV 8 +01111010010 Optional 8 +01111010010 Unionized 8 +01111010010 Desktop 8 +01111010010 Skilled 8 +01111010010 Tentative 8 +01111010010 Authorized 8 +01111010010 Copying 8 +01111010010 Five-year 8 +01111010010 Free-market 8 +01111010010 Escalating 8 +01111010010 Non-OPEC 8 +01111010010 Single-premium 8 +01111010010 Boosting 8 +01111010010 Payroll 8 +01111010010 One-time 8 +01111010010 Lackluster 8 +01111010010 Vaccine 9 +01111010010 Outstanding 9 +01111010010 Upward 9 +01111010010 Definitive 9 +01111010010 Insider-trading 9 +01111010010 Severe 9 +01111010010 Vast 9 +01111010010 Informal 9 +01111010010 Yearly 9 +01111010010 New-home 9 +01111010010 Non-performing 9 +01111010010 Volatile 9 +01111010010 Suggested 9 +01111010010 Median 9 +01111010010 Mandated 9 +01111010010 Incoming 9 +01111010010 Brisk 9 +01111010010 Subordinated 9 +01111010010 Firmer 10 +01111010010 Inadequate 10 +01111010010 Careful 10 +01111010010 Home-equity 10 +01111010010 Demographic 10 +01111010010 Nonfarm 10 +01111010010 Wider 10 +01111010010 Sweeping 10 +01111010010 Attracting 10 +01111010010 Money-fund 10 +01111010010 Taxable 10 +01111010010 Routine 10 +01111010010 Chronic 10 +01111010010 Mainframe 10 +01111010010 Unexpected 10 +01111010010 Projected 10 +01111010010 Outright 10 +01111010010 Bilateral 10 +01111010010 New-issue 10 +01111010010 Yen-denominated 10 +01111010010 Bearish 11 +01111010010 Soft-drink 11 +01111010010 Near-term 11 +01111010010 Unauthorized 11 +01111010010 Tax-exempt 11 +01111010010 Nonmilitary 11 +01111010010 Heavily 11 +01111010010 Imposing 11 +01111010010 Sporadic 11 +01111010010 Conflicting 11 +01111010010 Valuable 11 +01111010010 Arbitrage-related 11 +01111010010 Plunging 11 +01111010010 Depressed 11 +01111010010 Reported 11 +01111010010 Cautious 11 +01111010010 Slumping 12 +01111010010 Proper 12 +01111010010 Expensive 12 +01111010010 Unfair 12 +01111010010 Alleged 12 +01111010010 Disposable 12 +01111010010 Lingering 12 +01111010010 Inflation-adjusted 12 +01111010010 Exchange-rate 12 +01111010010 Air-traffic 12 +01111010010 Promotional 12 +01111010010 Tougher 12 +01111010010 Teen-age 12 +01111010010 Punitive 12 +01111010010 Non-U.S. 12 +01111010010 Investment-grade 12 +01111010010 Large-scale 12 +01111010010 Maximum 13 +01111010010 Steady 13 +01111010010 Intense 13 +01111010010 Expanded 13 +01111010010 Narrow 13 +01111010010 Hefty 13 +01111010010 Paid 13 +01111010010 First-year 13 +01111010010 Robust 13 +01111010010 Would-be 13 +01111010010 Thin 14 +01111010010 Comparative 14 +01111010010 Chart-guided 14 +01111010010 Mobile-home 14 +01111010010 Coordinated 14 +01111010010 Tighter 14 +01111010010 Protectionist 14 +01111010010 Precise 14 +01111010010 Extensive 14 +01111010010 Unilateral 14 +01111010010 Parliamentary 14 +01111010010 Shorter 15 +01111010010 Encouraging 15 +01111010010 Preventive 15 +01111010010 Modest 15 +01111010010 Last-minute 15 +01111010010 Powerful 16 +01111010010 Credit-card 16 +01111010010 Crude-steel 16 +01111010010 Cheaper 16 +01111010010 Favorable 16 +01111010010 Non-building 17 +01111010010 Longtime 17 +01111010010 Weaker 17 +01111010010 Strict 17 +01111010010 Persistent 17 +01111010010 Ethnic 18 +01111010010 Cumulative 18 +01111010010 Mandatory 18 +01111010010 Proxy 18 +01111010010 Year-end 18 +01111010010 Seasonal 18 +01111010010 Mounting 19 +01111010010 Three-month 19 +01111010010 Sudden 19 +01111010010 Negative 19 +01111010010 Unofficial 20 +01111010010 Secured 20 +01111010010 Sluggish 20 +01111010010 Covert 20 +01111010010 Adjustable-rate 20 +01111010010 Revised 20 +01111010010 Mutual-fund 21 +01111010010 Raw 21 +01111010010 Excessive 21 +01111010010 Scattered 21 +01111010010 Stock-market 21 +01111010010 Sexual 21 +01111010010 Slower 22 +01111010010 Stronger 22 +01111010010 Racial 22 +01111010010 Extraordinary 22 +01111010010 Rebel 22 +01111010010 Long-distance 22 +01111010010 Repeated 23 +01111010010 Partial 23 +01111010010 Massive 23 +01111010010 Excess 23 +01111010010 Positive 23 +01111010010 Bullish 23 +01111010010 High-tech 24 +01111010010 Unsecured 24 +01111010010 Substantial 24 +01111010010 Year-to-date 25 +01111010010 Prospective 25 +01111010010 Fixed 25 +01111010010 Surging 26 +01111010010 Per 26 +01111010010 Veteran 27 +01111010010 Cigarette 28 +01111010010 Jury 28 +01111010010 Speculative 28 +01111010010 Larger 28 +01111010010 Nonresidential 28 +01111010010 Renewed 29 +01111010010 Reduced 29 +01111010010 Tight 30 +01111010010 Non-farm 30 +01111010010 Important 30 +01111010010 Minimum 31 +01111010010 Significant 31 +01111010010 Soaring 31 +01111010010 Margin 31 +01111010010 Computerized 31 +01111010010 Latest 32 +01111010010 Interest-rate 32 +01111010010 Illegal 34 +01111010010 Health-care 34 +01111010010 Specific 34 +01111010010 Formal 36 +01111010010 Proposed 36 +01111010010 Developing 37 +01111010010 Active 37 +01111010010 Weak 38 +01111010010 Fixed-rate 38 +01111010010 Longer 39 +01111010010 Striking 41 +01111010010 Regular 41 +01111010010 Secondary 41 +01111010010 Slow 41 +01111010010 Separate 45 +01111010010 Successful 46 +01111010010 Remaining 46 +01111010010 Widespread 47 +01111010010 Foreign-exchange 49 +01111010010 Rival 49 +01111010010 Hourly 49 +01111010010 Possible 49 +01111010010 Improved 50 +01111010010 Real-estate 50 +01111010010 Subsequent 51 +01111010010 Phone 52 +01111010010 Actual 52 +01111010010 Existing 53 +01111010010 So-called 55 +01111010010 Wage 57 +01111010010 Shareholder 59 +01111010010 Huge 61 +01111010010 Nonperforming 62 +01111010010 Numerous 70 +01111010010 Potential 72 +01111010010 Past 73 +01111010010 Falling 74 +01111010010 Various 79 +01111010010 Preliminary 83 +01111010010 World-wide 85 +01111010010 Heating 87 +01111010010 Broader 91 +01111010010 Growing 97 +01111010010 Conventional 103 +01111010010 Previous 105 +01111010010 Smaller 111 +01111010010 Increased 112 +01111010010 Traditional 113 +01111010010 Raw-steel 113 +01111010010 Continued 115 +01111010010 Additional 125 +01111010010 Short-term 138 +01111010010 Low 143 +01111010010 Long-term 148 +01111010010 Full 150 +01111010010 Annual 157 +01111010010 Final 158 +01111010010 Rising 194 +01111010010 Crude 198 +01111010010 Large 207 +01111010010 Initial 223 +01111010010 Takeover 229 +01111010010 Strong 250 +01111010010 Lower 272 +01111010010 Domestic 325 +01111010010 Higher 350 +01111010010 Current 381 +01111010010 Recent 520 +01111010010 Total 878 +01111010010 Her 1010 +01111010010 Their 2149 +01111010010 Its 3519 +01111010010 Such 3747 +01111010010 His 6035 +01111010010 Other 4082 +01111010011 Residential-building 1 +01111010011 Community-care 1 +01111010011 Sale-leaseback 1 +01111010011 Imaginative 1 +01111010011 Put-call 1 +01111010011 Travel-related 1 +01111010011 Pro-Syrian 1 +01111010011 More-substantial 1 +01111010011 hedge-type 1 +01111010011 Corporate-run 1 +01111010011 Market-reservation 1 +01111010011 First-born 1 +01111010011 Oil-sensitive 1 +01111010011 Nonlinear 1 +01111010011 Track-side 1 +01111010011 Pin-stripe 1 +01111010011 Fuel-economy 1 +01111010011 Foisting 1 +01111010011 Non-brokerage 1 +01111010011 Disconnecting 1 +01111010011 Price-trend 1 +01111010011 Sprinters 1 +01111010011 Archival 1 +01111010011 Pre-holiday 1 +01111010011 Eavesdropping 1 +01111010011 Re-regulatory 1 +01111010011 Arms-smuggling 1 +01111010011 Car-mounted 1 +01111010011 Military-type 1 +01111010011 Property-rights 1 +01111010011 Reflex 1 +01111010011 Slice-of-life 1 +01111010011 Labor-protective 1 +01111010011 Drenching 1 +01111010011 Stubbed 1 +01111010011 Job-guarantee 1 +01111010011 Vital-interest 1 +01111010011 Countervailing-duty 1 +01111010011 STOLEN 1 +01111010011 Chemical-producing 1 +01111010011 Ranchland 1 +01111010011 Price-supporting 1 +01111010011 Unsupervised 1 +01111010011 Grownups 1 +01111010011 Goblins 1 +01111010011 Post-season 1 +01111010011 Lopsided 1 +01111010011 Post-Watergate 1 +01111010011 Maglev 1 +01111010011 Employee-leasing 1 +01111010011 Tax-consuming 1 +01111010011 Predominant 1 +01111010011 Converter-equipped 1 +01111010011 Order-entry 1 +01111010011 Pageantry-filled 1 +01111010011 31,191 1 +01111010011 Lifetime-care 1 +01111010011 Work-force 1 +01111010011 Stimulative 1 +01111010011 Public-school 1 +01111010011 Anti-fraud 1 +01111010011 Manufacturing-industry 1 +01111010011 Overambitious 1 +01111010011 Homebuyers 1 +01111010011 Deficit-reduction 1 +01111010011 Contrived 1 +01111010011 Cholesterol-reducing 1 +01111010011 Pro-nuclear 1 +01111010011 red-diaper 1 +01111010011 Semiconductor-oriented 1 +01111010011 Ill-chosen 1 +01111010011 Base-wage 1 +01111010011 Fetal-cell 1 +01111010011 Baldness 1 +01111010011 Hideous 1 +01111010011 Pit-bull 1 +01111010011 inconceivably 1 +01111010011 Non-banking 1 +01111010011 Anti-Sandinista 1 +01111010011 Lecturers 1 +01111010011 Hereditary 1 +01111010011 EXPENSE-ACCOUNT 1 +01111010011 MORTGAGE-DEDUCTION 1 +01111010011 Openend 1 +01111010011 College-tuition 1 +01111010011 Work-zone 1 +01111010011 Sing-song 1 +01111010011 Digital-to-digital 1 +01111010011 Economic-growth 1 +01111010011 Papal-tour 1 +01111010011 Tenure 1 +01111010011 Narrow-interest 1 +01111010011 Five-thousand-plus 1 +01111010011 Dressy 1 +01111010011 High-turnover 1 +01111010011 Credit-rating 1 +01111010011 Commonplace 1 +01111010011 Predictable 1 +01111010011 Family-planning 1 +01111010011 IDEALISTIC 1 +01111010011 Legal-malpractice 1 +01111010011 Equity-purchase 1 +01111010011 Low-beta 1 +01111010011 Alabaster 1 +01111010011 Tartar-control 1 +01111010011 Mouth-watering 1 +01111010011 Non-alcoholic 1 +01111010011 anti-Irish 1 +01111010011 Wage-cut 1 +01111010011 Corporate-control 1 +01111010011 Upper-level 1 +01111010011 Preferred-share 1 +01111010011 Equal-time 1 +01111010011 75,325 1 +01111010011 Cluttered 1 +01111010011 Laser-beam 1 +01111010011 capacity-control 1 +01111010011 Youse 1 +01111010011 Groundbreaking 1 +01111010011 Uncoordinated 1 +01111010011 Advance-fee 1 +01111010011 Verifiable 1 +01111010011 Flight-information 1 +01111010011 Tax-treaty 1 +01111010011 Undersea 1 +01111010011 Noxious 1 +01111010011 Minesweeper 1 +01111010011 Superconductor-oriented 1 +01111010011 Overlapping 1 +01111010011 CORN-HOG 1 +01111010011 Anabolic 1 +01111010011 Gas-mileage 1 +01111010011 dope-smuggling 1 +01111010011 Service-oriented 1 +01111010011 Seeing-eye 1 +01111010011 Name-brand 1 +01111010011 Socket 1 +01111010011 Metallic 1 +01111010011 Two-parent 1 +01111010011 Human-hair 1 +01111010011 Weighty 1 +01111010011 Well-groomed 1 +01111010011 Sinking-fund 1 +01111010011 Oil-field-service 1 +01111010011 Standby 1 +01111010011 Discordant 1 +01111010011 First-round 1 +01111010011 Commercial-liability 1 +01111010011 Discouraging 1 +01111010011 Momentous 1 +01111010011 City-campus 1 +01111010011 Spray-can 1 +01111010011 Self-funded 1 +01111010011 Five-dollar 1 +01111010011 Eight-year-long 1 +01111010011 Tort-reform 1 +01111010011 Pre-tax-revision 1 +01111010011 Homosexual-rights 1 +01111010011 Anti-pollution 1 +01111010011 Fund-management 1 +01111010011 missile-seeking 1 +01111010011 Infrastructural 1 +01111010011 Auto-purchase 1 +01111010011 Subliminal 1 +01111010011 Windblown 1 +01111010011 Extended-stay 1 +01111010011 Pre-season 1 +01111010011 Get-out-and-vote 1 +01111010011 Strike-authorization 1 +01111010011 Wind-whipped 1 +01111010011 Operating-differential-subsidies 1 +01111010011 egg-bearing 1 +01111010011 Big-money 1 +01111010011 Cigar-making 1 +01111010011 Currency-swap 1 +01111010011 ANTI-PLASTIC 1 +01111010011 Titian-tressed 1 +01111010011 Specialty-steel 1 +01111010011 Accented-French 1 +01111010011 Multi-year 1 +01111010011 Rate-regulation 1 +01111010011 Cigarette-lighter 1 +01111010011 pay-to-vote 1 +01111010011 Tear-gas 1 +01111010011 Wind-shear 1 +01111010011 Joint-custody 1 +01111010011 Lucrative 1 +01111010011 Fancier 1 +01111010011 Court-appointed 1 +01111010011 Income-support 1 +01111010011 Asset-allocation 1 +01111010011 Swallowing 1 +01111010011 HEATING 1 +01111010011 Food-service 1 +01111010011 Better-reviewed 1 +01111010011 Unauthorized-practice-of-law 1 +01111010011 Add-on 1 +01111010011 shrink-reduction 1 +01111010011 Documented 1 +01111010011 Pro-Bork 1 +01111010011 Top-notch 1 +01111010011 Asbestos-claim 1 +01111010011 Shorter-maturity 1 +01111010011 Hourlong 1 +01111010011 White-owned 1 +01111010011 Public-affairs 1 +01111010011 Proxy-solicitation 1 +01111010011 Family-leave 1 +01111010011 Anti-gravity 1 +01111010011 Self-cleaning 1 +01111010011 Piecemeal 1 +01111010011 Rate-of-return 1 +01111010011 Out-in-the-sticks 1 +01111010011 Antigen-based 1 +01111010011 Sports-rights 1 +01111010011 Eleventh-hour 1 +01111010011 Live-floor 1 +01111010011 Bookkeeping 1 +01111010011 Immigrant-rights 1 +01111010011 Time-zone 1 +01111010011 Less-durable 1 +01111010011 lightning-rod 1 +01111010011 PUBLIC-INTEREST 1 +01111010011 Single-country 1 +01111010011 Snappy 1 +01111010011 Industry-environmentalist 1 +01111010011 Sales-tax 1 +01111010011 Inventory-sales 1 +01111010011 High-precision 1 +01111010011 Switched 1 +01111010011 Cooped-up 1 +01111010011 Scraggly 1 +01111010011 Widows 1 +01111010011 Nonmanufacturing-sector 1 +01111010011 Health-cost 1 +01111010011 Foreign-controlled 1 +01111010011 Rubber-based 1 +01111010011 Methane-making 1 +01111010011 Horse-drawn 1 +01111010011 Little-noticed 1 +01111010011 Exclusionary-rule 1 +01111010011 Performance-measurement 1 +01111010011 Resident-alien 1 +01111010011 Depreciable 1 +01111010011 Well-crafted 1 +01111010011 Broker-client 1 +01111010011 emigrational 1 +01111010011 Debtor-country 1 +01111010011 U.S.-Jewish 1 +01111010011 Sex-harassment 1 +01111010011 Mangy 1 +01111010011 Shell-torn 1 +01111010011 Parasite 1 +01111010011 Oil-drilling 1 +01111010011 Nuclear-weapons-free 1 +01111010011 Price-increase 1 +01111010011 Farm-program 1 +01111010011 Commercial-jet 1 +01111010011 Memorable 1 +01111010011 Lower-court 1 +01111010011 Traffic-engineering 1 +01111010011 Work-and-family 1 +01111010011 family-strengthening 1 +01111010011 Bread-and-butter 1 +01111010011 Capital-budget 1 +01111010011 Subconscious 1 +01111010011 Thorny 1 +01111010011 Expiration-related 1 +01111010011 Co-insurance 1 +01111010011 Home-office 1 +01111010011 Five-thousand 1 +01111010011 Service-related 1 +01111010011 Air-force 1 +01111010011 Stereotypical 1 +01111010011 Nuclear-free 1 +01111010011 Antiapartheid 1 +01111010011 Offshore-banking 1 +01111010011 Nicer 1 +01111010011 Daytime-only 1 +01111010011 Plastics-related 1 +01111010011 Inconvenient 1 +01111010011 Transmittal 1 +01111010011 Gamesmanship 1 +01111010011 Defensible 1 +01111010011 Triplicate 1 +01111010011 Unprotected 1 +01111010011 Dividend-reinvestment 1 +01111010011 Drive-in 1 +01111010011 Computer-industry 1 +01111010011 IIIA 1 +01111010011 reeducation 1 +01111010011 High-rise 1 +01111010011 Anti-military 1 +01111010011 Data-gathering 1 +01111010011 Laboratory-baked 1 +01111010011 Pink-cheeked 1 +01111010011 Non-core 1 +01111010011 Star-studded 1 +01111010011 Auctioning 1 +01111010011 Electronic-publishing 1 +01111010011 Non-Catholic 1 +01111010011 Foster-care 1 +01111010011 Scanner-based 1 +01111010011 Bucolic 1 +01111010011 Record-high 1 +01111010011 Farmworker-advocacy 1 +01111010011 Phase-two 1 +01111010011 Human-testing 1 +01111010011 TAXPAYING 1 +01111010011 Calendar-year 1 +01111010011 Air-brushed 1 +01111010011 Reused 1 +01111010011 Small-diameter 1 +01111010011 Foreclosed 1 +01111010011 Pension-law 1 +01111010011 Fifty-five-year-old 1 +01111010011 Out-of-area 1 +01111010011 Rheumatic 1 +01111010011 Fibric 1 +01111010011 Enzyme 1 +01111010011 German-supplied 1 +01111010011 Loss-on-sale 1 +01111010011 Wheeler-dealers 1 +01111010011 Household-borrowing 1 +01111010011 Spillover 1 +01111010011 Demand-side 1 +01111010011 State-supported 1 +01111010011 Higher-density 1 +01111010011 Gasoline-tax 1 +01111010011 Light-colored 1 +01111010011 Legal-fee 1 +01111010011 Smallformat 1 +01111010011 Balance-of-payments 1 +01111010011 Life-of-contract 1 +01111010011 Lung-cancer 1 +01111010011 Space-launch 1 +01111010011 Office-supplies 1 +01111010011 Development-agency 1 +01111010011 Self-managed 1 +01111010011 Gold-linked 1 +01111010011 Rhesus 1 +01111010011 Stop-smoking 1 +01111010011 Collectivized 1 +01111010011 Insecticidal 1 +01111010011 Gold-certificate 1 +01111010011 Innumerable 1 +01111010011 Nagging 1 +01111010011 Between-bout 1 +01111010011 tract-by-tract 1 +01111010011 Tunable 1 +01111010011 Debt-ceiling 1 +01111010011 Pension-related 1 +01111010011 Theses 1 +01111010011 Drawn-out 1 +01111010011 Unrated 1 +01111010011 Freestanding 1 +01111010011 Yen-related 1 +01111010011 Rate-increase 1 +01111010011 Streamlined 1 +01111010011 Lower-margin 1 +01111010011 Invisibles 1 +01111010011 New-found 1 +01111010011 Fill-or-kill 1 +01111010011 ex-cons 1 +01111010011 Non-railroad 1 +01111010011 Detachable 1 +01111010011 Statefunded 1 +01111010011 self-defensive 1 +01111010011 Water-diversion 1 +01111010011 Health-insurance 1 +01111010011 Soviet-Marxist-Leninist 1 +01111010011 Silver-dollar-sized 1 +01111010011 Anti-cancer 1 +01111010011 Matchbook 1 +01111010011 Finance-related 1 +01111010011 slave-trading 1 +01111010011 Auto-production 1 +01111010011 Self-mutilating 1 +01111010011 SUPERCONDUCTOR 1 +01111010011 Right-to-work 1 +01111010011 Pro-test 1 +01111010011 Single-room-occupancy 1 +01111010011 Treacherous 1 +01111010011 Wrongful-death 1 +01111010011 Work-rule 1 +01111010011 Job-inflation 1 +01111010011 Cold-metal 1 +01111010011 Price-fixing 1 +01111010011 Hand-woven 1 +01111010011 Agricultural-chemicals 1 +01111010011 Teletext 1 +01111010011 Cold-weather 1 +01111010011 Higher-quality 1 +01111010011 First-generation 1 +01111010011 Much-ballyhooed 1 +01111010011 Business-management 1 +01111010011 High-resolution 1 +01111010011 Heirloom-seed 1 +01111010011 Fairness-doctrine 1 +01111010011 Adventure-travel 1 +01111010011 Cotton-producing 1 +01111010011 Non-stop 1 +01111010011 Amended 1 +01111010011 Personal-interest 1 +01111010011 Discount-rate 1 +01111010011 Extravagant 1 +01111010011 High-capacity 1 +01111010011 Almost-complete 1 +01111010011 Termite 1 +01111010011 Contradictory 1 +01111010011 Two-foot-high 1 +01111010011 Sought-after 1 +01111010011 Wind-etched 1 +01111010011 Shriveled 1 +01111010011 Public-service 1 +01111010011 Cradling 1 +01111010011 Child-welfare 1 +01111010011 ADF 1 +01111010011 Cotton-growing 1 +01111010011 Basketball-size 1 +01111010011 Hydrogeologic 1 +01111010011 Stacked 1 +01111010011 Consumer-protection 1 +01111010011 Eleven-month 1 +01111010011 Superconductive 1 +01111010011 Full-term 1 +01111010011 Home-improvement 1 +01111010011 Co-marketing 1 +01111010011 Instructional 1 +01111010011 Doctorate 1 +01111010011 Youth-related 1 +01111010011 Feedlot 1 +01111010011 Manipulable 1 +01111010011 Non-refundable 1 +01111010011 Foreign-made 1 +01111010011 Budget-gobbling 1 +01111010011 Once-dingy 1 +01111010011 Public-interest 1 +01111010011 Private-interest 1 +01111010011 November-period 1 +01111010011 Energy-efficiency 1 +01111010011 Food-processing 1 +01111010011 Teleconferencing 1 +01111010011 State-of-the-art 1 +01111010011 Category-killer 1 +01111010011 Converging 1 +01111010011 Hazardous-waste 1 +01111010011 Dollar-related 1 +01111010011 Early-entry 1 +01111010011 Long-buried 1 +01111010011 three-piece-suit 1 +01111010011 Video-imaging 1 +01111010011 Driver-training 1 +01111010011 Kleig 1 +01111010011 Memory-resident 1 +01111010011 Steel-framed 1 +01111010011 U.S.-Marcos 1 +01111010011 Wage-concession 1 +01111010011 Evoking 1 +01111010011 Mer-myths 1 +01111010011 Dialysis 1 +01111010011 Student-run 1 +01111010011 Joint-filing 1 +01111010011 non-denial 1 +01111010011 Toxic-tort 1 +01111010011 Social-welfare 1 +01111010011 Master's-degree 1 +01111010011 Stoppages 1 +01111010011 High-double-digit 1 +01111010011 Tape-recorded 1 +01111010011 Venture-backed 1 +01111010011 Title-insurance 1 +01111010011 Frequent-guest 1 +01111010011 Summer-grown 1 +01111010011 Debt-restructuring 1 +01111010011 Fudging 1 +01111010011 Once-struggling 1 +01111010011 Well-conducted 1 +01111010011 Air-raid 1 +01111010011 Disappearing 1 +01111010011 Defense-software 1 +01111010011 Job-search 1 +01111010011 Sports-related 1 +01111010011 Burial 1 +01111010011 Doom-and-gloom 1 +01111010011 Variable-life 1 +01111010011 Round-table 1 +01111010011 Medical-emergency 1 +01111010011 Fist 1 +01111010011 Multi-interest 1 +01111010011 Recalcitrant 1 +01111010011 Lurid 1 +01111010011 Also-rans 1 +01111010011 Rabies 1 +01111010011 Irrelevant 1 +01111010011 Pay-equity 1 +01111010011 Mall-industry 1 +01111010011 Thrill 1 +01111010011 Piebald 1 +01111010011 Additive 1 +01111010011 Omissions 1 +01111010011 Right-to-die 1 +01111010011 Right-to-life 1 +01111010011 Farm-supply 1 +01111010011 Seeming 1 +01111010011 At-risk 1 +01111010011 Droopy 1 +01111010011 Incendiary 1 +01111010011 Pre-fight 1 +01111010011 Tobacco-grower 1 +01111010011 Megabit 1 +01111010011 Plenary 1 +01111010011 Securities-analyst 1 +01111010011 PRIVACY 1 +01111010011 Take-out 1 +01111010011 Two-child 1 +01111010011 Child-labor 1 +01111010011 Hands-off 1 +01111010011 Space-starved 1 +01111010011 Nonmanufacturing 1 +01111010011 Grassroots 1 +01111010011 Earth-moving 1 +01111010011 Still-sketchy 1 +01111010011 voluntarist 1 +01111010011 Replacement-fuel 1 +01111010011 Kiss-and-tell 1 +01111010011 RAFSANJANI 1 +01111010011 Surly 1 +01111010011 Full-scale 1 +01111010011 Similiar 1 +01111010011 Undetectable 1 +01111010011 Snow-crowned 1 +01111010011 Unsocialized 1 +01111010011 Securitizing 1 +01111010011 Expectant 1 +01111010011 Groomers 1 +01111010011 Search-and-rescue 1 +01111010011 Quilting 1 +01111010011 Thicker 1 +01111010011 White-robed 1 +01111010011 Solar-energy 1 +01111010011 Classless 1 +01111010011 Defense-electronics 1 +01111010011 Work-practice 1 +01111010011 Ring-laser 1 +01111010011 Toy-based 1 +01111010011 Health-food 1 +01111010011 State-tax 1 +01111010011 Narration 1 +01111010011 Nearmost 1 +01111010011 Weeklong 1 +01111010011 Business-climate 1 +01111010011 Anti-hunting 1 +01111010011 Obligation 1 +01111010011 Categories 1 +01111010011 Celluloid 1 +01111010011 Frequent-traveler 1 +01111010011 Playwriting 1 +01111010011 Pupils 1 +01111010011 Pro-French 1 +01111010011 Gifting 1 +01111010011 Three-point 1 +01111010011 counterhegemonic 1 +01111010011 Currency-exchange 1 +01111010011 Prespill 1 +01111010011 Consumer-advocacy 1 +01111010011 Picket 1 +01111010011 More-recent 1 +01111010011 Transit-planning 1 +01111010011 Congested 1 +01111010011 Paltry 1 +01111010011 Incontinency-care 1 +01111010011 non-formal 1 +01111010011 Early-retirement 1 +01111010011 Car-cost 1 +01111010011 Photovoltaic 1 +01111010011 Local-content 1 +01111010011 Temporary-Help 1 +01111010011 Non-peelable 1 +01111010011 semi-transportable 1 +01111010011 Maid-Service 1 +01111010011 Debt-protection 1 +01111010011 Cardiac-bypass 1 +01111010011 Property-damage 1 +01111010011 Electroluminescent 1 +01111010011 Heat-recovery 1 +01111010011 Charitable-gift 1 +01111010011 Steel-price 1 +01111010011 FOREIGN-TAX-CREDIT 1 +01111010011 Revolving-credit 1 +01111010011 Middle-tier 1 +01111010011 Underserved 1 +01111010011 Office-supply 1 +01111010011 Law-review 1 +01111010011 Computer-run 1 +01111010011 Preflight 1 +01111010011 Polymeric 1 +01111010011 Acid-washed 1 +01111010011 Seaside 1 +01111010011 Seasick 1 +01111010011 PlanAAhead 1 +01111010011 Graduate-student 1 +01111010011 Pro-Jackson 1 +01111010011 Catastrophic-care 1 +01111010011 Honking 1 +01111010011 Square-cut 1 +01111010011 Full-length 1 +01111010011 More-drastic 1 +01111010011 Multicrystal 1 +01111010011 Weatherizing 1 +01111010011 Productive 1 +01111010011 Free-enterprise 1 +01111010011 127,297 1 +01111010011 KMT-led 1 +01111010011 Catgut 1 +01111010011 TOUCH-SCREEN 1 +01111010011 Pre-sale 1 +01111010011 Sixteen-bit 1 +01111010011 Sullen 1 +01111010011 Non-petroleum 1 +01111010011 Oil-and-gas 1 +01111010011 1536.0 1 +01111010011 Three-judge 1 +01111010011 Sociodemographic 1 +01111010011 Solar-powered 1 +01111010011 Land-development 1 +01111010011 Insurance-underwriting 1 +01111010011 Submarine-launched 1 +01111010011 White-jacketed 1 +01111010011 Court-ordered 1 +01111010011 Half-frame 1 +01111010011 Petrochemicals-based 1 +01111010011 Anti-Swapo 1 +01111010011 Farm-bred 1 +01111010011 Slower-than-normal 1 +01111010011 high-kill 1 +01111010011 Spacesuit-type 1 +01111010011 Cochlear 1 +01111010011 Campaign-disclosure 1 +01111010011 Twenty-four-hour 1 +01111010011 Doctor-owned 1 +01111010011 Hardship 1 +01111010011 Internationally-oriented 1 +01111010011 Pro-apartheid 1 +01111010011 Small-sized 1 +01111010011 Anti-Lilco 1 +01111010011 Oil-price 1 +01111010011 Wrought-iron 1 +01111010011 Prewar 1 +01111010011 Clustering 1 +01111010011 Billion-dollar 1 +01111010011 Gas-cooled 1 +01111010011 Fungal 1 +01111010011 Mending 1 +01111010011 Doctoring 1 +01111010011 More-specific 1 +01111010011 Monied 1 +01111010011 Abnormal 1 +01111010011 debtsettlement 1 +01111010011 Face-to-face 1 +01111010011 Unused 1 +01111010011 white-boy 1 +01111010011 Bone-weary 1 +01111010011 dollar-a-year 1 +01111010011 Coercive 1 +01111010011 UNEXPECTED 1 +01111010011 Foreign-investment 1 +01111010011 Recurrent 1 +01111010011 Jet-fuel 1 +01111010011 Rolled-over 1 +01111010011 Strong-voiced 1 +01111010011 V-sat 1 +01111010011 Strong-arm 1 +01111010011 Unsubtle 1 +01111010011 Forty-mile-per-hour 1 +01111010011 Recalled 1 +01111010011 Organ-procurement 1 +01111010011 Insurance-related 1 +01111010011 Price-controlled 1 +01111010011 Conclusive 1 +01111010011 Corporate-governance 1 +01111010011 Fiscal-1987 1 +01111010011 Sweatshop 1 +01111010011 Demagogic 1 +01111010011 Growth-and-income 1 +01111010011 Shareholder-rights 1 +01111010011 Preproduction 1 +01111010011 Job-enrichment 1 +01111010011 Brokered-time 1 +01111010011 Bottleneck 1 +01111010011 Immune-suppressed 1 +01111010011 Customer-entertainment 1 +01111010011 Military-procurement 1 +01111010011 Pre-menopausal 1 +01111010011 Contract-based 1 +01111010011 Air-freight 1 +01111010011 Bank-secrecy 1 +01111010011 Medical-related 1 +01111010011 Non-tendering 1 +01111010011 Earth-resources 1 +01111010011 Sole-source 1 +01111010011 Stretch 1 +01111010011 Incidental 1 +01111010011 Avid 1 +01111010011 grower-protection 1 +01111010011 Agrichemical 1 +01111010011 Wife-husband 1 +01111010011 Inoperative 1 +01111010011 Well-heeled 1 +01111010011 Cropless 1 +01111010011 Penarroya 1 +01111010011 Advertising-promotional 1 +01111010011 Hair-raising 1 +01111010011 TWO-CAREER 1 +01111010011 Coal-mine 1 +01111010011 Decriminalizing 1 +01111010011 Dishonored 1 +01111010011 Powerhouse 1 +01111010011 Strategic-weapons 1 +01111010011 plain-guy 1 +01111010011 Anti-Mecham 1 +01111010011 Chicken-sandwich 1 +01111010011 Christian-run 1 +01111010011 Auto-assembly 1 +01111010011 Bereaved 1 +01111010011 Sectoral 1 +01111010011 Pre-teen 1 +01111010011 Electrical-machinery 1 +01111010011 Crack-cocaine 1 +01111010011 Local-area 1 +01111010011 Natural-gas-transportation 1 +01111010011 New-venture 1 +01111010011 Low-volume 1 +01111010011 Double-stacks 1 +01111010011 Grimy 1 +01111010011 Urine 1 +01111010011 Metal-working 1 +01111010011 Sports-drink 1 +01111010011 Disclosed 1 +01111010011 Dual-income 1 +01111010011 Brownish 1 +01111010011 Financial-company 1 +01111010011 brown-and-serve 1 +01111010011 Loose-credit 1 +01111010011 Sales-productivity 1 +01111010011 Two-career 1 +01111010011 Vendor-neutral 1 +01111010011 Carry-over 1 +01111010011 Lab-test 1 +01111010011 Semitrailer 1 +01111010011 Computer-reservation 1 +01111010011 Carpentry 1 +01111010011 Flowcontrol 1 +01111010011 Strong-earnings 1 +01111010011 Diagnosing 1 +01111010011 Cigarette-vending 1 +01111010011 Test-market 1 +01111010011 Home-purchase 1 +01111010011 Loftier 1 +01111010011 Unfounded 1 +01111010011 Sunnites 1 +01111010011 Live-in 1 +01111010011 Antibody 1 +01111010011 Open-adoption 1 +01111010011 Foreign-registered 1 +01111010011 Once-glamorous 1 +01111010011 Recreation-related 1 +01111010011 High-calorie 1 +01111010011 Anti-legislation 1 +01111010011 Fuera 1 +01111010011 Longer-maturity 1 +01111010011 rebate/incentive 1 +01111010011 Totalitarian 1 +01111010011 Rare-coin 1 +01111010011 Anti-plastic 1 +01111010011 BACKROOM 1 +01111010011 Cat-sized 1 +01111010011 Off-the-rack 1 +01111010011 Finer 1 +01111010011 size-eight 1 +01111010011 Cellular-mobile 1 +01111010011 Non-profit 1 +01111010011 Custom-made 1 +01111010011 Naked-put 1 +01111010011 Underage 1 +01111010011 Criminal-fraud 1 +01111010011 Mass-burn 1 +01111010011 2,099.8 1 +01111010011 1,981.3 1 +01111010011 85.0 1 +01111010011 12,505.8 1 +01111010011 932.0 1 +01111010011 896.0 1 +01111010011 Monsoon 1 +01111010011 Weather-driven 1 +01111010011 Mimeographed 1 +01111010011 1549.1 1 +01111010011 1970.7 1 +01111010011 Feel-good 1 +01111010011 Natural-gas-pipeline 1 +01111010011 Marine-transportation 1 +01111010011 Contract-drilling 1 +01111010011 Forest-products 1 +01111010011 Non-steel 1 +01111010011 375,202 1 +01111010011 61,530 1 +01111010011 Rocket-powered 1 +01111010011 Mint-condition 1 +01111010011 b-Imported 1 +01111010011 c-Imported 1 +01111010011 SUBTLE 1 +01111010011 Double-breasted 1 +01111010011 Medical-instrument 1 +01111010011 Wage-settlement 1 +01111010011 Quick-fix 1 +01111010011 636.0 1 +01111010011 6,309.0 1 +01111010011 Bustling 1 +01111010011 KITCHEN 1 +01111010011 Fotoforms 1 +01111010011 Insurgent 1 +01111010011 Off-airport 1 +01111010011 Turbofan 1 +01111010011 Credit-risk 1 +01111010011 Internment 1 +01111010011 Back-of-the-envelope 1 +01111010011 Lighted 1 +01111010011 Leash 1 +01111010011 .investigative 1 +01111010011 Adenomatous 1 +01111010011 Sleep-disorder 1 +01111010011 Vitrification 1 +01111010011 Broker-sold 1 +01111010011 Squatter 1 +01111010011 Inferior 1 +01111010011 Computer-peripherals 1 +01111010011 Drawbacks 1 +01111010011 Stopgap 1 +01111010011 Fat-based 1 +01111010011 Government-mandated 1 +01111010011 Brightly-colored 1 +01111010011 Foremen 1 +01111010011 Less-elaborate 1 +01111010011 Readily 1 +01111010011 Affirmative-action 1 +01111010011 CORPORATE-TRAINING 1 +01111010011 Coal-producing 1 +01111010011 Digitizing 1 +01111010011 Haigspeak 1 +01111010011 Environmental-services 1 +01111010011 Fervent 1 +01111010011 Criminal-libel 1 +01111010011 PRE-EMPLOYMENT 1 +01111010011 Foreign-government 1 +01111010011 Gratuitous 1 +01111010011 SOLIDARITY 1 +01111010011 Irksome 1 +01111010011 FASB-neutralizing 1 +01111010011 Choosy 1 +01111010011 Collectible 1 +01111010011 Once-shunned 1 +01111010011 Tax-code 1 +01111010011 Services-producing 1 +01111010011 Outfield 1 +01111010011 Eye-tracking 1 +01111010011 Anti-poison-pill 1 +01111010011 Anti-greenmail 1 +01111010011 Felony 1 +01111010011 Uncut 1 +01111010011 Secretarial 1 +01111010011 StarKist 1 +01111010011 Grain-price 1 +01111010011 asset-intensive 1 +01111010011 Auto-transfusion 1 +01111010011 Aborted 1 +01111010011 Comanagers 1 +01111010011 Property-investment 1 +01111010011 Wholesale-trade 1 +01111010011 Businesspeople 1 +01111010011 start-out 1 +01111010011 Attorney-general 1 +01111010011 Memory-training 1 +01111010011 Authorizing 1 +01111010011 -people 1 +01111010011 ULTRALOW-TAR 1 +01111010011 Later-stage 1 +01111010011 Payout-window 1 +01111010011 document-intensive 1 +01111010011 Thunderstorm 1 +01111010011 Central-office 1 +01111010011 Higher-earning 1 +01111010011 Anti-Khomeini 1 +01111010011 Executive-search 1 +01111010011 Anti-psychotic 1 +01111010011 Stressed-out 1 +01111010011 Sweet-scented 1 +01111010011 Prohibitive 1 +01111010011 Long-cut 1 +01111010011 Yield-curve 1 +01111010011 Employee-attitude 1 +01111010011 Submachine 1 +01111010011 Minicomputer 1 +01111010011 Capitalist-style 1 +01111010011 Federal-court 1 +01111010011 Technical-chart 1 +01111010011 Laser-weapon 1 +01111010011 Higher-waisted 1 +01111010011 Base-closing 1 +01111010011 Dignitaries 1 +01111010011 2054.2 1 +01111010011 Fragmented 2 +01111010011 Readership 2 +01111010011 Anti-terrorist 2 +01111010011 Overwhelming 2 +01111010011 Two-stroke 2 +01111010011 Housing-related 2 +01111010011 Marketable 2 +01111010011 Church-related 2 +01111010011 Agriculture-sector 2 +01111010011 Commodity-related 2 +01111010011 Miscreants 2 +01111010011 Institutional-type 2 +01111010011 Large-screen 2 +01111010011 Remarried 2 +01111010011 Aggrieved 2 +01111010011 Spacing 2 +01111010011 Transportation-equipment 2 +01111010011 Precocious 2 +01111010011 Career-ladder 2 +01111010011 Replicating 2 +01111010011 Center-right 2 +01111010011 Non-cosmetic 2 +01111010011 Political-action 2 +01111010011 Bond-rating 2 +01111010011 Man-made 2 +01111010011 Exhaustive 2 +01111010011 Definite 2 +01111010011 Classroom 2 +01111010011 Black-market 2 +01111010011 Floppy 2 +01111010011 Broad-based 2 +01111010011 Code-sharing 2 +01111010011 Securities-fraud 2 +01111010011 VENTURE-CAPITAL 2 +01111010011 Tenant-management 2 +01111010011 Freezing 2 +01111010011 Arcane 2 +01111010011 Savings-and-loan 2 +01111010011 Ultrasonic 2 +01111010011 Tendered 2 +01111010011 Thirty-second 2 +01111010011 Paired 2 +01111010011 Extraneous 2 +01111010011 Deinstitutionalization 2 +01111010011 Glossy 2 +01111010011 Declassified 2 +01111010011 Importer 2 +01111010011 Working-class 2 +01111010011 Risk-retention 2 +01111010011 Acquisitive 2 +01111010011 Commodities-trading 2 +01111010011 Well-informed 2 +01111010011 Intrauterine 2 +01111010011 Trade-ins 2 +01111010011 Not-for-profit 2 +01111010011 Itemized 2 +01111010011 Derivative 2 +01111010011 Pollution-control 2 +01111010011 Heavy-duty 2 +01111010011 Debt-for-equity 2 +01111010011 Boarded-up 2 +01111010011 Retrenchment 2 +01111010011 Gay-rights 2 +01111010011 Investment-banking 2 +01111010011 Late-stage 2 +01111010011 Customer-service 2 +01111010011 Straight-debt 2 +01111010011 Superfast 2 +01111010011 Nationalistic 2 +01111010011 Diploma 2 +01111010011 Insurance-industry 2 +01111010011 Deficit-cutting 2 +01111010011 Grandiose 2 +01111010011 Box-office 2 +01111010011 Best-selling 2 +01111010011 Glowing 2 +01111010011 Die-hard 2 +01111010011 Yen-based 2 +01111010011 Ground-based 2 +01111010011 Test-tube 2 +01111010011 Anti-friction 2 +01111010011 Midrange 2 +01111010011 Fixed-price 2 +01111010011 Anti-American 2 +01111010011 Product-liability 2 +01111010011 College-educated 2 +01111010011 Enlightened 2 +01111010011 Prepaid 2 +01111010011 non-Latin 2 +01111010011 Substantive 2 +01111010011 Employee-benefit 2 +01111010011 Multiprocessor 2 +01111010011 Cheeseburgers 2 +01111010011 Well-publicized 2 +01111010011 Bond-market 2 +01111010011 Preferred-dividend 2 +01111010011 Generic-drug 2 +01111010011 Health-maintenance 2 +01111010011 Fast-moving 2 +01111010011 Barnstorming 2 +01111010011 Medi-gap 2 +01111010011 Pension-accounting 2 +01111010011 Gab 2 +01111010011 Employee-rights 2 +01111010011 Defined-benefit 2 +01111010011 Time-share 2 +01111010011 Gun-control 2 +01111010011 Air-quality 2 +01111010011 Bolder 2 +01111010011 Nonstop 2 +01111010011 Indigent 2 +01111010011 Class-action 2 +01111010011 Jurisdictional 2 +01111010011 Tremendous 2 +01111010011 Self-help 2 +01111010011 Multiline 2 +01111010011 Levitating 2 +01111010011 Back-to-back 2 +01111010011 DELAYING 2 +01111010011 Million-dollar 2 +01111010011 Medical-malpractice 2 +01111010011 Peacekeeping 2 +01111010011 Low-priced 2 +01111010011 Excise-tax 2 +01111010011 Option-income 2 +01111010011 FREQUENT 2 +01111010011 Anti-war 2 +01111010011 Anencephalic 2 +01111010011 Intermediate-term 2 +01111010011 Waste-management 2 +01111010011 Two-earner 2 +01111010011 Sectarian 2 +01111010011 Oil-service 2 +01111010011 Anti-Noriega 2 +01111010011 Frilly 2 +01111010011 Diskless 2 +01111010011 Rastafarian 2 +01111010011 Anti-Seabrook 2 +01111010011 Nighttime 2 +01111010011 Aramid 2 +01111010011 Consumer-spending 2 +01111010011 Utilization-review 2 +01111010011 Nerve 2 +01111010011 Eight-inch 2 +01111010011 Bond-related 2 +01111010011 Mine-sweeper 2 +01111010011 Vested 2 +01111010011 Mandatory-sentencing 2 +01111010011 Window-shade 2 +01111010011 Capital-spending 2 +01111010011 Longer-dated 2 +01111010011 Consumer-related 2 +01111010011 Nello 2 +01111010011 Out-of-pocket 2 +01111010011 Wire-service 2 +01111010011 Defense-related 2 +01111010011 Oil-exploration 2 +01111010011 Conflict-of-interest 3 +01111010011 Employee-owned 3 +01111010011 Non-union 3 +01111010011 Ducking 3 +01111010011 Posh 3 +01111010011 Negligence 3 +01111010011 Unmarried 3 +01111010011 Higher-priced 3 +01111010011 No-load 3 +01111010011 Offbeat 3 +01111010011 Machinery-maker 3 +01111010011 Discontinued 3 +01111010011 Free-trade 3 +01111010011 Sodium 3 +01111010011 Consumer-oriented 3 +01111010011 Hospital-supply 3 +01111010011 Export-related 3 +01111010011 MAIL-ORDER 3 +01111010011 Noncompetitive 3 +01111010011 Government-sponsored 3 +01111010011 Stresses 3 +01111010011 Industrialized 3 +01111010011 Assorted 3 +01111010011 Quota 3 +01111010011 Building-related 3 +01111010011 Human-rights 3 +01111010011 Animal-rights 3 +01111010011 Anti-pornography 3 +01111010011 Entitlement 3 +01111010011 Epidemiological 3 +01111010011 Single-parent 3 +01111010011 Machine-vision 3 +01111010011 Pro-gun 3 +01111010011 Penalty 3 +01111010011 Home-video 3 +01111010011 Small-town 3 +01111010011 Phenolic 3 +01111010011 Dollar-dependent 3 +01111010011 Non-lawyers 3 +01111010011 Downgraded 3 +01111010011 Bunk 3 +01111010011 Asset-backed 3 +01111010011 Nonrecurring 3 +01111010011 Newborn 3 +01111010011 Nuisance 3 +01111010011 Market-research 3 +01111010011 Twelve-month 3 +01111010011 Big-city 3 +01111010011 Ninety-eight 3 +01111010011 Index-linked 3 +01111010011 High-income 3 +01111010011 Cease-fire 3 +01111010011 Prime-rate 3 +01111010011 CAR-RENTAL 3 +01111010011 Slots 3 +01111010011 Slotting 3 +01111010011 Dollar-earning 3 +01111010011 Family-owned 3 +01111010011 Capital-gains 3 +01111010011 Corrective 3 +01111010011 Gallium-arsenide 3 +01111010011 Interest-sensitive 3 +01111010011 Bondholder 3 +01111010011 Populations 4 +01111010011 Anti-tax 4 +01111010011 Jobless 4 +01111010011 Anti-takeover 4 +01111010011 Midsized 4 +01111010011 Bulging 4 +01111010011 Drought-relief 4 +01111010011 Legalizing 4 +01111010011 Venture-capital 4 +01111010011 Non-telephone 4 +01111010011 Donor 4 +01111010011 Denim 4 +01111010011 Current-cost 4 +01111010011 Solvency 4 +01111010011 Debt-ridden 4 +01111010011 Oil-related 4 +01111010011 Abortion-rights 4 +01111010011 One-way 4 +01111010011 Equity-related 4 +01111010011 Inexpensive 4 +01111010011 Wholly 4 +01111010011 Proudest 4 +01111010011 Ruling-party 4 +01111010011 High-powered 4 +01111010011 Borrowed 4 +01111010011 Stock-loan 4 +01111010011 Unsuccessful 4 +01111010011 Cost-control 4 +01111010011 License 4 +01111010011 Particular 4 +01111010011 Warrant 4 +01111010011 Apparent 4 +01111010011 Waste-to-energy 5 +01111010011 Fast-food 5 +01111010011 Life-insurance 5 +01111010011 Child-care 5 +01111010011 Dividend-capture 5 +01111010011 Unnecessary 5 +01111010011 Small-capitalization 5 +01111010011 Soliciting 5 +01111010011 Ten-year 5 +01111010011 Starring 5 +01111010011 Mainland 5 +01111010011 Year-to-year 5 +01111010011 Covered 5 +01111010011 Homosexual 6 +01111010011 Co-op 6 +01111010011 Income-tax 6 +01111010011 Fundamentalist 6 +01111010011 Defensive 6 +01111010011 Adjustable 6 +01111010011 Installment 6 +01111010011 Foreign-currency 6 +01111010011 Nonelectrical 6 +01111010011 Low-income 6 +01111010011 Discounts 6 +01111010011 High-coupon 6 +01111010011 Grown 6 +01111010011 Mail-order 6 +01111010011 Non-manufacturing 6 +01111010011 Job-security 6 +01111010011 Public-opinion 6 +01111010011 Stock-exchange 6 +01111010011 Nondurable-goods 7 +01111010011 High-priced 7 +01111010011 Abandoned 7 +01111010011 Left-wing 7 +01111010011 Anti-nuclear 7 +01111010011 Poison-pill 7 +01111010011 Smaller-capitalization 7 +01111010011 Money-supply 8 +01111010011 Eligible 8 +01111010011 Unresolved 8 +01111010011 Take-or-pay 8 +01111010011 Educated 8 +01111010011 Neural 8 +01111010011 Equity-linked 8 +01111010011 Shorter-term 8 +01111010011 Day-care 8 +01111010011 Pregnant 8 +01111010011 a-Totals 8 +01111010011 Videocassette 8 +01111010011 Exceptions 8 +01111010011 Rumored 9 +01111010011 Price-earnings 9 +01111010011 Two-year 9 +01111010011 Frequent-flier 9 +01111010011 SMALL-BUSINESS 9 +01111010011 High-technology 9 +01111010011 Featured 9 +01111010011 Export-dependent 9 +01111010011 Arms-control 9 +01111010011 Open-end 9 +01111010011 Anti-smoking 9 +01111010011 Pro-choice 9 +01111010011 High-yield 10 +01111010011 Export-oriented 10 +01111010011 Special-interest 10 +01111010011 Anti-government 10 +01111010011 Entire 10 +01111010011 Inflationary 11 +01111010011 Debt-equity 11 +01111010011 Tax-law 11 +01111010011 Bureaucratic 12 +01111010011 Exit 12 +01111010011 Interested 12 +01111010011 Start-up 12 +01111010011 Durable-goods 13 +01111010011 Multifamily 13 +01111010011 Cyclical 13 +01111010011 Anti-abortion 13 +01111010011 State-run 14 +01111010011 Factoring 14 +01111010011 Unfilled 14 +01111010011 Identifying 14 +01111010011 Uninsured 16 +01111010011 Civil-rights 16 +01111010011 Money-market 17 +01111010011 Fixed-income 19 +01111010011 Anti-apartheid 20 +01111010011 Machine-tool 22 +01111010011 Dissident 24 +01111010011 Zero-coupon 25 +01111010011 Likely 26 +01111010011 Gaining 26 +01111010011 Affected 27 +01111010011 Competing 28 +01111010011 Hostile 29 +01111010011 Capacity 32 +01111010011 Small-business 40 +01111010011 Percentage 42 +01111010011 Highlights 45 +01111010011 Closed-end 45 +01111010011 Over-the-counter 75 +01111010011 Blue-chip 92 +01111010011 Seats 154 +01111010011 Advancing 166 +01111010011 Declining 173 +01111010011 Opposition 205 +01111010011 Accepted 215 +01111010011 Anyone 247 +01111010011 Similar 282 +01111010011 Those 3105 +01111010011 Both 4229 +01111010011 These 5794 +0111101010 Reintegration 1 +0111101010 Existence 1 +0111101010 Contagions 1 +0111101010 Full-fledged 1 +0111101010 Crates 1 +0111101010 Denizens 1 +0111101010 Cross-checking 1 +0111101010 Pollination 1 +0111101010 Binders 1 +0111101010 Back-testing 1 +0111101010 Philadelphia-goers 1 +0111101010 Gaggles 1 +0111101010 Satirical 1 +0111101010 becauase 1 +0111101010 Imposition 1 +0111101010 Ex-trustees 1 +0111101010 Infusions 1 +0111101010 Hospital-management 1 +0111101010 Overexpansion 1 +0111101010 Scenting 1 +0111101010 Nine-tenths 1 +0111101010 Platoons 1 +0111101010 Reminder 1 +0111101010 Picture-profiles 1 +0111101010 Mud-wrestling 1 +0111101010 Robbed 1 +0111101010 Trust-held 1 +0111101010 dairy-herd 1 +0111101010 One-tenth 1 +0111101010 Asset-value 1 +0111101010 Solicitation 1 +0111101010 Reimposition 1 +0111101010 Compilations 1 +0111101010 COMARCO 1 +0111101010 Tributaries 1 +0111101010 Ex-Yankee 1 +0111101010 Severity 1 +0111101010 Backgrounds 1 +0111101010 Ingestion 1 +0111101010 Confidants 1 +0111101010 Scion 1 +0111101010 Cessation 1 +0111101010 NORDBANKEN 1 +0111101010 Recitation 1 +0111101010 Pro-football 1 +0111101010 Seizures 1 +0111101010 Affirmations 1 +0111101010 soda-machine 1 +0111101010 Contamination 1 +0111101010 Theorists 1 +0111101010 UNDERPAYMENTS 1 +0111101010 Sweeps 1 +0111101010 Hives 1 +0111101010 Respectful 1 +0111101010 Oversupply 1 +0111101010 Wearying 1 +0111101010 Inhabitants 1 +0111101010 Postponement 1 +0111101010 Upturns 1 +0111101010 Glossaries 1 +0111101010 Maturation 1 +0111101010 RENT-A-HERD 1 +0111101010 Violation 1 +0111101010 crop-reduction 1 +0111101010 Soc. 1 +0111101010 Penetration 1 +0111101010 Unforgiving 1 +0111101010 Contemptuous 1 +0111101010 Ultrasophistication 1 +0111101010 Firebombing 1 +0111101010 Whiffs 1 +0111101010 Trendiest 1 +0111101010 Poorness 1 +0111101010 Howls 1 +0111101010 Hijackings 1 +0111101010 Reacquisition 1 +0111101010 disinhibition 1 +0111101010 Phase-out 1 +0111101010 Phalanxes 1 +0111101010 Fetishism 1 +0111101010 Field-goal 1 +0111101010 Stirrings 1 +0111101010 Scraps 1 +0111101010 Co-sponsors 1 +0111101010 Fistfuls 1 +0111101010 Two-fifths 1 +0111101010 Reinterpretation 1 +0111101010 Intead 1 +0111101010 Unmindful 1 +0111101010 Redoubled 1 +0111101010 Cognizant 1 +0111101010 Terminations 1 +0111101010 Leveling 1 +0111101010 Re-enactments 1 +0111101010 Determination 1 +0111101010 OVERBOOKED 1 +0111101010 Pursuers 1 +0111101010 Shareholder-tenants 1 +0111101010 Characteristic 1 +0111101010 Kingpins 1 +0111101010 Objectives 1 +0111101010 Envious 1 +0111101010 Denomination 1 +0111101010 Denunciations 1 +0111101010 Dispersion 1 +0111101010 Blockage 1 +0111101010 Habeas 1 +0111101010 Crossownership 1 +0111101010 Unheard 1 +0111101010 Weatherization 1 +0111101010 Gravest 1 +0111101010 Two-time 1 +0111101010 Planetary 1 +0111101010 Flurries 1 +0111101010 Chock-full 1 +0111101010 Cancellation 1 +0111101010 Transfusions 1 +0111101010 golf-and-residential 1 +0111101010 Qualification 1 +0111101010 Mailing-list 1 +0111101010 Misleading 1 +0111101010 Majorities 1 +0111101010 Critiques 1 +0111101010 Trays 1 +0111101010 Outflows 1 +0111101010 Regiments 1 +0111101010 Barrels 1 +0111101010 Twelve-packs 1 +0111101010 Hallmarks 1 +0111101010 Identities 1 +0111101010 rust-proof 1 +0111101010 Fully-diluted 1 +0111101010 Municipalization 1 +0111101010 Blasts 1 +0111101010 Inventions 1 +0111101010 Mentions 1 +0111101010 THOUSANDS 1 +0111101010 Creator/arranger 1 +0111101010 instigatory 1 +0111101010 Epidemics 1 +0111101010 Skeletons 1 +0111101010 Dismemberment 1 +0111101010 Overestimates 1 +0111101010 Master-class 1 +0111101010 Non-money 1 +0111101010 Seepages 1 +0111101010 Convoys 1 +0111101010 Weakest 1 +0111101010 Beads 1 +0111101010 Devolution 1 +0111101010 Accumulation 1 +0111101010 Updates 1 +0111101010 Packs 1 +0111101010 Non-rodent 1 +0111101010 Extrapolation 1 +0111101010 Anti-Patten 1 +0111101010 Multibillions 1 +0111101010 Pluralism 1 +0111101010 Faded 1 +0111101010 Reregulation 1 +0111101010 .offer 1 +0111101010 Presentiments 1 +0111101010 Truckloads 1 +0111101010 Ever-confident 1 +0111101010 Then-Secretary 1 +0111101010 Reorganizations 1 +0111101010 Depictions 2 +0111101010 SNOW 2 +0111101010 Deferral 2 +0111101010 Diffusion 2 +0111101010 Dismissal 2 +0111101010 Eighty-three 2 +0111101010 Secession 2 +0111101010 Gusts 2 +0111101010 Injections 2 +0111101010 Cost-effectiveness 2 +0111101010 Leery 2 +0111101010 Midlife 2 +0111101010 Continuation 2 +0111101010 Indicative 2 +0111101010 Three-fifths 2 +0111101010 Undergo 2 +0111101010 GALAXY 2 +0111101010 Calculation 2 +0111101010 Unaware 2 +0111101010 Booklets 2 +0111101010 Herds 2 +0111101010 PLENTY 2 +0111101010 Reforestation 2 +0111101010 Underuse 2 +0111101010 Illustrative 2 +0111101010 HongkongBank 2 +0111101010 Intimations 2 +0111101010 Receivers 2 +0111101010 Capitalization 2 +0111101010 Broadcasts 2 +0111101010 Floors 2 +0111101010 Gilbeys 2 +0111101010 Planeloads 2 +0111101010 Despairing 2 +0111101010 Flocks 2 +0111101010 Description 2 +0111101010 Alecia 2 +0111101010 Schedulers 2 +0111101010 Layers 2 +0111101010 Chunks 2 +0111101010 Summaries 2 +0111101010 Rabble-rousing 2 +0111101010 Fortunes 2 +0111101010 Consummation 2 +0111101010 Omission 2 +0111101010 Shorn 2 +0111101010 Bottler 2 +0111101010 Vials 2 +0111101010 Replicas 2 +0111101010 Decay 2 +0111101010 Traces 2 +0111101010 Conceptions 2 +0111101010 Condemnation 2 +0111101010 Extremes 2 +0111101010 .is 2 +0111101010 Mistreatment 2 +0111101010 Short-selling 2 +0111101010 Inflows 2 +0111101010 Throngs 2 +0111101010 Calculations 2 +0111101010 Opposites 2 +0111101010 Simplification 2 +0111101010 Interruption 2 +0111101010 Resurgence 2 +0111101010 SaskTel 2 +0111101010 Enactment 3 +0111101010 Apropos 3 +0111101010 Droves 3 +0111101010 Swarms 3 +0111101010 Costing 3 +0111101010 Isicad 3 +0111101010 Rationing 3 +0111101010 Consisting 3 +0111101010 Ignorance 3 +0111101010 SAG 3 +0111101010 Independently 3 +0111101010 Erosion 3 +0111101010 Symptomatic 3 +0111101010 Rewards 3 +0111101010 Guarantees 3 +0111101010 Bereft 3 +0111101010 Acquitted 3 +0111101010 DISCRIMINATION 3 +0111101010 Denials 3 +0111101010 Outlines 3 +0111101010 Rounds 3 +0111101010 Devotees 3 +0111101010 Subsidizing 3 +0111101010 Centrally 3 +0111101010 Resumption 3 +0111101010 Followers 3 +0111101010 Disposing 3 +0111101010 Sponsorship 3 +0111101010 Lubicon 3 +0111101010 Consistency 3 +0111101010 Liberalization 3 +0111101010 Relaxation 4 +0111101010 Connoisseurs 4 +0111101010 Pooling 4 +0111101010 Legalization 4 +0111101010 Scarcity 4 +0111101010 Actel 4 +0111101010 Strands 4 +0111101010 Disbursement 4 +0111101010 Rookie 4 +0111101010 Denial 4 +0111101010 Four-fifths 4 +0111101010 Invergordon 4 +0111101010 Abolishing 4 +0111101010 Piles 4 +0111101010 One-fourth 4 +0111101010 Specifics 4 +0111101010 One-half 4 +0111101010 Interpretations 5 +0111101010 Injection 5 +0111101010 Strangelove 5 +0111101010 Messages 5 +0111101010 Adherents 5 +0111101010 Utilization 5 +0111101010 Versions 5 +0111101010 Churning 5 +0111101010 B-As 5 +0111101010 Tons 5 +0111101010 Mistrust 5 +0111101010 Issuance 5 +0111101010 Upgrading 5 +0111101010 Devaluation 5 +0111101010 Municipality 5 +0111101010 Internationalization 5 +0111101010 Repatriation 5 +0111101010 Exhibits 5 +0111101010 Divestiture 6 +0111101010 Drafts 6 +0111101010 Portions 6 +0111101010 Courtesy 6 +0111101010 Decentralization 6 +0111101010 Mobs 6 +0111101010 Inclusion 6 +0111101010 Standardization 6 +0111101010 CADBURY 6 +0111101010 First-time 6 +0111101010 Aspects 7 +0111101010 One-fifth 7 +0111101010 Elements 7 +0111101010 Methane 7 +0111101010 Consideration 7 +0111101010 Elimination 8 +0111101010 Vinyl 8 +0111101010 One-quarter 8 +0111101010 Economies 8 +0111101010 Deprived 9 +0111101010 Beneficiaries 9 +0111101010 Convicted 9 +0111101010 Ethanol 9 +0111101010 Liquidation 10 +0111101010 Removal 11 +0111101010 Recipients 11 +0111101010 Installation 11 +0111101010 Sort 11 +0111101010 Waves 11 +0111101010 Rejection 12 +0111101010 Implementation 12 +0111101010 Three-fourths 13 +0111101010 Mindful 13 +0111101010 Wary 14 +0111101010 Ratification 14 +0111101010 Repayment 14 +0111101010 Billions 16 +0111101010 Decades 17 +0111101010 Confirmation 23 +0111101010 Copies 24 +0111101010 Tired 27 +0111101010 Three-quarters 28 +0111101010 Worst 30 +0111101010 One-third 32 +0111101010 Purchases 33 +0111101010 Tens 34 +0111101010 Plenty 36 +0111101010 Announcement 42 +0111101010 Disclosure 43 +0111101010 Defenders 46 +0111101010 Criticism 49 +0111101010 Lack 50 +0111101010 Backers 53 +0111101010 Millions 60 +0111101010 Two-thirds 61 +0111101010 Lots 64 +0111101010 Delivery 76 +0111101010 Scores 77 +0111101010 Dozens 88 +0111101010 Evidence 96 +0111101010 Leaders 109 +0111101010 Completion 133 +0111101010 Regardless 146 +0111101010 Hundreds 184 +0111101010 Thousands 198 +0111101010 Load 304 +0111101010 Units 314 +0111101010 Holders 470 +0111101010 Assets 480 +0111101010 Part 570 +0111101010 Members 592 +0111101010 None 700 +0111101010 Much 1014 +0111101010 Each 1600 +0111101010 One 11056 +0111101010 Another 3435 +01111010110 Mid-November 1 +01111010110 Drill-bit 1 +01111010110 ASLEEP 1 +01111010110 TWENTY-FOUR 1 +01111010110 speak-up 1 +01111010110 Design-conscious 1 +01111010110 seventh-10th 1 +01111010110 third-sixth 1 +01111010110 17th-11th 1 +01111010110 10th-13th 1 +01111010110 13th-14th 1 +01111010110 Doctoral-level 1 +01111010110 Coffee-consuming 1 +01111010110 Pardoning 1 +01111010110 TRICKLE 1 +01111010110 Fifty-three 1 +01111010110 Pooling-of-interests 1 +01111010110 Seventy-eight 1 +01111010110 Forty-hour 1 +01111010110 fossil-free 1 +01111010110 Non-auto 1 +01111010110 Conjoining 1 +01111010110 Consciously 1 +01111010110 Small-population 1 +01111010110 Comfortable 1 +01111010110 Stressful 1 +01111010110 Bile-acid 1 +01111010110 Electrophotographic 1 +01111010110 Ameliorating 1 +01111010110 Strong-currency 1 +01111010110 Extra-feature 1 +01111010110 Eighty-two 1 +01111010110 Artificial-intelligence 1 +01111010110 Flawed 1 +01111010110 Monstrous 1 +01111010110 Softening 1 +01111010110 Pipkins 1 +01111010110 Aid-donor 1 +01111010110 Energy-depressed 1 +01111010110 bitching 1 +01111010110 Mitigating 1 +01111010110 Undirected 1 +01111010110 Divisive 1 +01111010110 Willingly 1 +01111010110 Vilification 1 +01111010110 EIGHT 1 +01111010110 ELSEWHERE 1 +01111010110 Erasable 1 +01111010110 Harbinger 1 +01111010110 Textbook-sized 1 +01111010110 Energy-producing 1 +01111010110 More-developed 1 +01111010110 good-value 1 +01111010110 2,122,503 1 +01111010110 Punish 1 +01111010110 Pointless 1 +01111010110 Word-processing 1 +01111010110 Ther 1 +01111010110 Ninetythree 1 +01111010110 -Most 1 +01111010110 2,061,546 1 +01111010110 Capitalincludes 1 +01111010110 Two-and-a-half 1 +01111010110 Super-powerful 1 +01111010110 EIGHTEEN 1 +01111010110 Circulated 1 +01111010110 Gas-reactor 1 +01111010110 13/16th 1 +01111010110 Participant 1 +01111010110 Computer-aided 1 +01111010110 Fiber-optic 1 +01111010110 Eighty-four 1 +01111010110 After-market 1 +01111010110 Lesser-developed 1 +01111010110 Less-developed 1 +01111010110 Sterling-denominated 1 +01111010110 Ailments 1 +01111010110 Lifeguard 1 +01111010110 Ninety-nine 1 +01111010110 Amomng 1 +01111010110 Ninety-seven 1 +01111010110 OPTICAL-DISK 1 +01111010110 .8 1 +01111010110 Unreported 1 +01111010110 Information-systems 1 +01111010110 Overprescribing 1 +01111010110 Uniting 1 +01111010110 nineteen 1 +01111010110 Middle-grade 1 +01111010110 Institutionalized 1 +01111010110 Smog-bound 1 +01111010110 Singly 1 +01111010110 Cost-effective 1 +01111010110 Big-bucks 1 +01111010110 High-yielding 2 +01111010110 Primitive 2 +01111010110 Operating-system 2 +01111010110 Eighty-seven 2 +01111010110 Three-and-a-half 2 +01111010110 Seventy-nine 2 +01111010110 Compromising 2 +01111010110 Junkyard 2 +01111010110 Culminating 2 +01111010110 Weak-currency 2 +01111010110 Fifty-six 2 +01111010110 Ninety-six 2 +01111010110 Stretched 2 +01111010110 Predominantly 2 +01111010110 Betel 2 +01111010110 Sixty-seven 2 +01111010110 Forty-nine 2 +01111010110 Prolonging 2 +01111010110 Sixty-six 2 +01111010110 Reclassifying 2 +01111010110 Fifty-eight 2 +01111010110 Sacrificing 2 +01111010110 Second-tier 2 +01111010110 Thrown 2 +01111010110 Frenchified 2 +01111010110 Explode 2 +01111010110 Long-haul 2 +01111010110 Defenses 2 +01111010110 Inadvertent 2 +01111010110 Eighty-one 2 +01111010110 Swirling 2 +01111010110 Admiring 2 +01111010110 Witching 2 +01111010110 Manipulating 2 +01111010110 Sixty-four 3 +01111010110 Medium-sized 3 +01111010110 Underdeveloped 3 +01111010110 Sixty-nine 3 +01111010110 Sixty-one 3 +01111010110 Debit 3 +01111010110 Trotting 3 +01111010110 Tonk 3 +01111010110 Arrival 3 +01111010110 Curing 3 +01111010110 Registering 3 +01111010110 Seventy-two 3 +01111010110 1430 3 +01111010110 Forty-seven 3 +01111010110 Thirty-nine 3 +01111010110 Sixty-two 3 +01111010110 Seventy-seven 3 +01111010110 Seventy-six 3 +01111010110 FISCAL 3 +01111010110 Punctuating 3 +01111010110 Eighty-eight 3 +01111010110 Faltering 3 +01111010110 Frail 3 +01111010110 Fifty-seven 3 +01111010110 TEN 4 +01111010110 Thirty-six 4 +01111010110 Fifty-nine 4 +01111010110 Fifty-two 4 +01111010110 Stylish 4 +01111010110 Thirty-eight 4 +01111010110 Unethical 4 +01111010110 Forty-three 4 +01111010110 Erratic 4 +01111010110 Export-sensitive 4 +01111010110 SIX 4 +01111010110 Forty-two 4 +01111010110 Tax-loss 4 +01111010110 Fifty-five 4 +01111010110 DAMAGES 4 +01111010110 Ninety-five 4 +01111010110 Neglected 4 +01111010110 Prohibiting 4 +01111010110 Sixty-three 4 +01111010110 Eighty-five 5 +01111010110 Grumpy 5 +01111010110 High-end 5 +01111010110 Twenty-three 5 +01111010110 Pragmatic 5 +01111010110 Confusing 5 +01111010110 Thirty-seven 5 +01111010110 Opposite 5 +01111010110 Forty-eight 5 +01111010110 Fifty-four 5 +01111010110 Well-known 6 +01111010110 Courting 6 +01111010110 Unsolicited 6 +01111010110 Large-capitalization 7 +01111010110 Exempting 7 +01111010110 Myriad 7 +01111010110 Forty-four 7 +01111010110 Sixty-five 7 +01111010110 Seventy-one 7 +01111010110 Forty-one 7 +01111010110 Fifty-one 8 +01111010110 Thirty-two 8 +01111010110 Persuading 8 +01111010110 Twenty-seven 8 +01111010110 Thirty-four 8 +01111010110 Seventy-five 8 +01111010110 Levels 8 +01111010110 Delaying 9 +01111010110 Suspected 9 +01111010110 Banning 9 +01111010110 Leftist 9 +01111010110 Scor 9 +01111010110 Forty-six 9 +01111010110 Summary 11 +01111010110 Consuming 11 +01111010110 Twenty-six 12 +01111010110 Countless 12 +01111010110 Thirty-one 12 +01111010110 Forty-five 12 +01111010110 Thirty-five 13 +01111010110 Debtor 13 +01111010110 Deeply 13 +01111010110 Issuing 13 +01111010110 Targeting 14 +01111010110 Twenty-eight 16 +01111010110 Twenty-four 19 +01111010110 Twenty-two 19 +01111010110 Seventy 20 +01111010110 Creditor 22 +01111010110 Eighty 24 +01111010110 Moderate 24 +01111010110 Twenty-five 29 +01111010110 Sixty 30 +01111010110 Eighteen 32 +01111010110 Ninety 33 +01111010110 Most-Remarkable 33 +01111010110 Export-led 35 +01111010110 Fourteen 50 +01111010110 Sixteen 51 +01111010110 Seventeen 52 +01111010110 Fifty 53 +01111010110 Thirteen 56 +01111010110 Forty 58 +01111010110 Thirty 66 +01111010110 Eleven 78 +01111010110 Fifteen 79 +01111010110 Twelve 89 +01111010110 Twenty 126 +01111010110 Lead 154 +01111010110 Leading 203 +01111010110 Eight 256 +01111010110 Nine 264 +01111010110 Ten 311 +01111010110 Six 448 +01111010110 Seven 791 +01111010110 Five 802 +01111010110 Four 991 +01111010110 Three 2016 +01111010110 Two 3012 +01111010110 Among 5056 +01111010111 lower-echelon 1 +01111010111 Enlisting 1 +01111010111 Residual 1 +01111010111 Hearing-aid 1 +01111010111 Service-station 1 +01111010111 Assignment-group 1 +01111010111 Congressional-panel 1 +01111010111 Vending-machine 1 +01111010111 Leveraged-buyout 1 +01111010111 Unhealthy 1 +01111010111 Employee-benefits 1 +01111010111 Electronic-warfare 1 +01111010111 Computer-synthesizer 1 +01111010111 Group-health 1 +01111010111 Once-skeptical 1 +01111010111 Fratricidal 1 +01111010111 Fiftyfour 1 +01111010111 Vengeful 1 +01111010111 Sugar-industry 1 +01111010111 Jerrybuilt 1 +01111010111 Short-listed 1 +01111010111 Space-station 1 +01111010111 DEFINED-CONTRIBUTION 1 +01111010111 Farsighted 1 +01111010111 Non-management 1 +01111010111 Pre-opening 1 +01111010111 Pre-Revolutionary 1 +01111010111 Dog-club 1 +01111010111 Irresponsible 1 +01111010111 Coddle 1 +01111010111 Task-force 1 +01111010111 Unisex 1 +01111010111 Fashion-conscious 1 +01111010111 Once-hostile 1 +01111010111 One-family 1 +01111010111 Coexecutive 1 +01111010111 Community-theater 1 +01111010111 Mixed-race 1 +01111010111 Vacation-home 1 +01111010111 Developing-country 1 +01111010111 Educational-policy 1 +01111010111 Starry-eyed 1 +01111010111 Energy-related 1 +01111010111 barters 1 +01111010111 Consumer-affairs 1 +01111010111 Second-circulation 1 +01111010111 Acid-rain 1 +01111010111 Wine-cooler 1 +01111010111 Electronics-industry 1 +01111010111 Bottom-line 1 +01111010111 Futures-exchange 1 +01111010111 Beer-industry 1 +01111010111 Milkysweet 1 +01111010111 pick-off 1 +01111010111 Coffee-trade 1 +01111010111 early-arriving 1 +01111010111 Do-gooder 1 +01111010111 Uncooperative 1 +01111010111 Complacent 1 +01111010111 Waiting-room 1 +01111010111 Video-marketing 1 +01111010111 Old-line 1 +01111010111 Plain-paper 1 +01111010111 Larcenous 1 +01111010111 Public-diplomacy 1 +01111010111 HUMAN-RESOURCE 1 +01111010111 Ebullient 1 +01111010111 Morning-after 1 +01111010111 College-bound 1 +01111010111 Accredited 1 +01111010111 Pro-Serbian 1 +01111010111 Producing-country 1 +01111010111 More-skeptical 1 +01111010111 Mid-tier 1 +01111010111 Scab 1 +01111010111 Asset-mix 1 +01111010111 Space-business 1 +01111010111 More-playful 1 +01111010111 SOFT-DRINK 1 +01111010111 Space-shuttle 1 +01111010111 Music-industry 1 +01111010111 Fish-loving 1 +01111010111 Advertising-industry 1 +01111010111 Liberal-establishment 1 +01111010111 Less-partisan 1 +01111010111 Thirsty 1 +01111010111 Gold-oriented 1 +01111010111 Heart-disease 1 +01111010111 Receivable-backed 1 +01111010111 Good-quality 1 +01111010111 Jobless-benefits 1 +01111010111 Doctrinaire 1 +01111010111 Auto-making 1 +01111010111 Dessert 1 +01111010111 Blue-and-white 1 +01111010111 Sweetmeat 1 +01111010111 Futures-market 1 +01111010111 Model-airplane 1 +01111010111 latenight 1 +01111010111 White-smocked 1 +01111010111 Merger-law 1 +01111010111 Rate-sensitive 1 +01111010111 Arms-trade 1 +01111010111 Profitmaking 1 +01111010111 Motivating 1 +01111010111 Child-rearing 1 +01111010111 Auto-accident 1 +01111010111 Street-corner 1 +01111010111 Hopeful 1 +01111010111 Sales-clerk 1 +01111010111 Well-to-do 1 +01111010111 Pedicab 1 +01111010111 State-legislature 1 +01111010111 Overextended 1 +01111010111 mealymouth 1 +01111010111 seed-sized 1 +01111010111 Unlicensed 1 +01111010111 Owner-operator 1 +01111010111 Price-busting 1 +01111010111 Veal 1 +01111010111 Infrequent 1 +01111010111 Securities-industry 1 +01111010111 Ivory-tower 1 +01111010111 Impairing 1 +01111010111 Nuclear-industry 1 +01111010111 Stress-management 1 +01111010111 STRESSED-OUT 1 +01111010111 Insurance-claims 1 +01111010111 Sheet-metal 1 +01111010111 Fine-fiber 1 +01111010111 Loan-backed 1 +01111010111 Browbeating 1 +01111010111 non-yenbased 1 +01111010111 Heart-transplant 1 +01111010111 Show-biz 1 +01111010111 Upper-tier 1 +01111010111 Foreign-hand 1 +01111010111 Original-intent 1 +01111010111 EYE-IN-THE-SKY 1 +01111010111 Land-grant 1 +01111010111 Superconducted 1 +01111010111 Conventional-wisdom 1 +01111010111 Hi-fi 1 +01111010111 Pension-plan 1 +01111010111 Fluctuating 1 +01111010111 Auction-house 1 +01111010111 Redeploying 1 +01111010111 State-chartered 1 +01111010111 Underfunded 1 +01111010111 One-company 1 +01111010111 More-efficient 1 +01111010111 Fair-trade 1 +01111010111 Higher-paid 1 +01111010111 Publishing-industry 1 +01111010111 Personal-stereo 1 +01111010111 Machetewielding 1 +01111010111 Evicted 1 +01111010111 Nondescript 1 +01111010111 Expansion-minded 1 +01111010111 Heart-attack 1 +01111010111 Hard-left 1 +01111010111 securities-oriented 1 +01111010111 Home-computer 1 +01111010111 Hedge-fund 1 +01111010111 Vile-looking 1 +01111010111 Well-lubricated 1 +01111010111 Broadcasting-industry 1 +01111010111 Foraging 1 +01111010111 Government-controlled 1 +01111010111 Non-life 1 +01111010111 Nonvoting 1 +01111010111 Finite 1 +01111010111 Deep-pocket 1 +01111010111 Feed-lot 1 +01111010111 University-Oriented 1 +01111010111 TOMATO 1 +01111010111 Stainless-steel 1 +01111010111 Coal-industry 1 +01111010111 Imaging-system 1 +01111010111 Globe-trotting 1 +01111010111 business-opportunity 1 +01111010111 Nitrate 1 +01111010111 Low-capital 1 +01111010111 Demoted 1 +01111010111 Television-set 1 +01111010111 Separatist 1 +01111010111 Rhythm-and-blues 1 +01111010111 Enervated 1 +01111010111 Creditor-government 1 +01111010111 Revenue-hungry 1 +01111010111 Real-life 1 +01111010111 Sleep-out 1 +01111010111 Clean-coal 1 +01111010111 Delivery-truck 1 +01111010111 Building-materials 1 +01111010111 Bootlegging 1 +01111010111 Non-French 1 +01111010111 Glass-industry 1 +01111010111 Technology-hungry 1 +01111010111 Spurting 1 +01111010111 Law-abiding 1 +01111010111 Non-KMA 1 +01111010111 Lower-ranking 1 +01111010111 Hard-bitten 1 +01111010111 Folklore 1 +01111010111 Overoptimistic 1 +01111010111 Down-to-earth 1 +01111010111 Status-conscious 1 +01111010111 Foreign-car 1 +01111010111 Public-policy 1 +01111010111 Moderate-priced 1 +01111010111 SINGLE-SPONSOR 1 +01111010111 Nongovernment 1 +01111010111 More-mature 1 +01111010111 garbage-can 1 +01111010111 Imaging-team 1 +01111010111 Idled 1 +01111010111 Holdover 1 +01111010111 Anti-Clore 1 +01111010111 Compensate 1 +01111010111 Non-trust 1 +01111010111 Seventy-three 1 +01111010111 Portfolio-insurance 1 +01111010111 33,926 1 +01111010111 LAME-DUCK 1 +01111010111 Able-bodied 1 +01111010111 Halfhearted 1 +01111010111 Seed-potato 1 +01111010111 Long-term-care 1 +01111010111 Look-alike 1 +01111010111 Illiterate 1 +01111010111 Once-poor 1 +01111010111 Long-shot 1 +01111010111 Hushing 1 +01111010111 Ethanol-blend 1 +01111010111 Meat-team 1 +01111010111 Trigger-happy 1 +01111010111 Low-paid 1 +01111010111 Branded 1 +01111010111 TAX-EXEMPT 1 +01111010111 Documenting 1 +01111010111 Family-law 1 +01111010111 Oil-market 1 +01111010111 Graymarket 1 +01111010111 Merger-and-acquisition 1 +01111010111 Short-line 1 +01111010111 Cable-industry 1 +01111010111 Entertainment-industry 1 +01111010111 Higher-income 1 +01111010111 Broadline 1 +01111010111 Plant-location 1 +01111010111 Cartoon-like 1 +01111010111 Respected 1 +01111010111 Securities-law 1 +01111010111 Inflation-weary 1 +01111010111 Muddy 1 +01111010111 Non-NMS 1 +01111010111 Drive-up 1 +01111010111 Gulping 1 +01111010111 EX-CONRAIL 1 +01111010111 Better-capitalized 1 +01111010111 Legal-liability 1 +01111010111 Truant 1 +01111010111 Extra-Dry 1 +01111010111 Electric-razor 1 +01111010111 Data-entry 1 +01111010111 Image-conscious 1 +01111010111 Superdelegate 1 +01111010111 Off-road 1 +01111010111 Once-bitten 1 +01111010111 Crap 1 +01111010111 Physician-owned 1 +01111010111 Folding-room 1 +01111010111 Public-relations-minded 1 +01111010111 Outbidding 1 +01111010111 Unlucky 1 +01111010111 Two-minute 1 +01111010111 Contingency-fee 1 +01111010111 Buy-America 1 +01111010111 Government-bought 1 +01111010111 Slimmed-down 1 +01111010111 New-generation 1 +01111010111 Nearby-delivery 1 +01111010111 Guitar-driven 1 +01111010111 Boiler-room 1 +01111010111 private-investigator 1 +01111010111 Pairs 1 +01111010111 Well-fed 1 +01111010111 Laidoff 1 +01111010111 May-settlement 1 +01111010111 Zealous 1 +01111010111 Pressuring 1 +01111010111 Top-ranking 1 +01111010111 Past-due 1 +01111010111 Big-firm 1 +01111010111 Early-morning 1 +01111010111 Yen-bond 1 +01111010111 PARTNERSHIP 1 +01111010111 Housing-industry 1 +01111010111 In-state 1 +01111010111 Evicting 1 +01111010111 Thrusting 1 +01111010111 Unsuspecting 1 +01111010111 Stationary 1 +01111010111 Space-agency 1 +01111010111 Sorghum 1 +01111010111 Wristbound 1 +01111010111 Shopping-mall 1 +01111010111 Tobacco-litigation 1 +01111010111 Tobacco-industry 1 +01111010111 Asbestosis 1 +01111010111 Overweight 1 +01111010111 Foam-packaging 1 +01111010111 Gate-keeper 1 +01111010111 HAVEN 1 +01111010111 Half-day 1 +01111010111 Aprildelivery 1 +01111010111 Pre-fabricated 1 +01111010111 Ever-competitive 1 +01111010111 Safety-conscious 1 +01111010111 Age-old 1 +01111010111 Subordinated-debt 1 +01111010111 Government-organized 1 +01111010111 Deter 1 +01111010111 Price-boosting 1 +01111010111 Teas 1 +01111010111 Mild-coffee 1 +01111010111 Pro-Israeli 1 +01111010111 Litigation-happy 1 +01111010111 Self-designated 1 +01111010111 Holding-company 1 +01111010111 Water-scooter 1 +01111010111 Well-placed 1 +01111010111 Steamed 1 +01111010111 Drought-stricken 1 +01111010111 Market-oriented 1 +01111010111 Retirement-plan 1 +01111010111 Aviation-industry 1 +01111010111 Non-technical 1 +01111010111 Tradition-minded 1 +01111010111 Freshmen 1 +01111010111 Financial-market 1 +01111010111 Unpaid 1 +01111010111 Electronic-component 1 +01111010111 Consumer-food 1 +01111010111 third-wave 1 +01111010111 Half-time 1 +01111010111 Light-skinned 1 +01111010111 Untrained 1 +01111010111 Hardline 1 +01111010111 Criminal-defense 1 +01111010111 Political-economic 1 +01111010111 Pakeha 1 +01111010111 Nonstriking 1 +01111010111 non-Sears 1 +01111010111 Mystified 1 +01111010111 Wilted 1 +01111010111 Base-metal 1 +01111010111 Second-string 1 +01111010111 Fur-industry 1 +01111010111 Intercity 1 +01111010111 Low-dose 1 +01111010111 Drought-obsessed 1 +01111010111 White-aproned 1 +01111010111 Inflation-indexed 1 +01111010111 Anti-gun 1 +01111010111 Jet-setting 1 +01111010111 Non-Estonian 1 +01111010111 Foreign-issued 1 +01111010111 Jangle 1 +01111010111 Credit-life 1 +01111010111 Disenfranchised 1 +01111010111 Tobacco-company 1 +01111010111 Off-beat 1 +01111010111 Proxy-fight 1 +01111010111 Healthy-looking 1 +01111010111 Cable-system 1 +01111010111 Befuddled 1 +01111010111 Bilking 1 +01111010111 Unreliable 1 +01111010111 Cash-short 1 +01111010111 Investment-oriented 1 +01111010111 once-sympathetic 1 +01111010111 pablum-puking 1 +01111010111 Panic-stricken 1 +01111010111 Non-elected 1 +01111010111 Omnipotent 1 +01111010111 Sun-hungry 1 +01111010111 Solvent 1 +01111010111 Voracious 1 +01111010111 Defrauded 1 +01111010111 Artful 1 +01111010111 Fortifying 1 +01111010111 Pro-Sandinista 1 +01111010111 Treasury-market 1 +01111010111 Tax-bill 1 +01111010111 Health-policy 2 +01111010111 Multicolored 2 +01111010111 Oil-state 2 +01111010111 Big-name 2 +01111010111 Drug-abuse 2 +01111010111 Better-educated 2 +01111010111 Greedy 2 +01111010111 Luring 2 +01111010111 Lower-rated 2 +01111010111 Civil-liberties 2 +01111010111 Vulture 2 +01111010111 Skittish 2 +01111010111 Wineries 2 +01111010111 Seedlings 2 +01111010111 Trend-following 2 +01111010111 Eighty-six 2 +01111010111 Boxed 2 +01111010111 Enlisted 2 +01111010111 Hand-held 2 +01111010111 Off-price 2 +01111010111 Closed-circuit 2 +01111010111 Cash-market 2 +01111010111 Interviewing 2 +01111010111 Surveyed 2 +01111010111 Data-processing 2 +01111010111 Foreign-born 2 +01111010111 Advisory-group 2 +01111010111 Big-league 2 +01111010111 Race-car 2 +01111010111 Well-run 2 +01111010111 Information-service 2 +01111010111 Gold-related 2 +01111010111 Nonfederal 2 +01111010111 Devout 2 +01111010111 Non-family 2 +01111010111 Defense-industry 2 +01111010111 Auto-industry 2 +01111010111 Panicky 2 +01111010111 Armchair 2 +01111010111 Nonlife 2 +01111010111 Food-exporting 2 +01111010111 Euphoric 2 +01111010111 Takeover-stock 2 +01111010111 Self-appointed 2 +01111010111 Bankruptcy-law 2 +01111010111 Seventy-four 2 +01111010111 Cost-conscious 2 +01111010111 CHIRAC 2 +01111010111 Financial-aid 2 +01111010111 Sensible 2 +01111010111 Lower-level 2 +01111010111 Plummeting 2 +01111010111 Criminal-law 2 +01111010111 Embittered 2 +01111010111 Discharged 2 +01111010111 Adoptive 2 +01111010111 Cynical 2 +01111010111 Knowledgeable 2 +01111010111 Auto-safety 2 +01111010111 Out-of-town 2 +01111010111 Fleeing 2 +01111010111 Nuclear-winter 2 +01111010111 Pro-Iranian 2 +01111010111 Show-business 2 +01111010111 Air-to-ground 2 +01111010111 Death-row 2 +01111010111 Consumer-electronics 2 +01111010111 Personal-injury 2 +01111010111 Pre-payment 2 +01111010111 Sleepless 2 +01111010111 Self-proclaimed 2 +01111010111 Nonbank 2 +01111010111 Public-choice 2 +01111010111 Fashionable 2 +01111010111 Hot-pot 2 +01111010111 Public-housing 2 +01111010111 Oil-industry 2 +01111010111 Hard-pressed 3 +01111010111 Timid 3 +01111010111 Drug-industry 3 +01111010111 Upper-income 3 +01111010111 Desalinization 3 +01111010111 Exiled 3 +01111010111 Eucalyptus 3 +01111010111 Conscientious 3 +01111010111 Excited 3 +01111010111 Clone 3 +01111010111 Car-rental 3 +01111010111 Rank-and-file 3 +01111010111 Munitions 3 +01111010111 Executive-compensation 3 +01111010111 Brokerage-firm 3 +01111010111 Plainclothes 3 +01111010111 Banking-industry 3 +01111010111 Commodity-fund 3 +01111010111 Unskilled 3 +01111010111 Compact-disk 3 +01111010111 Junk-fund 3 +01111010111 Offending 3 +01111010111 Centrist 3 +01111010111 Principal-only 3 +01111010111 Old-guard 3 +01111010111 Public-relations 3 +01111010111 Laid-off 4 +01111010111 Nonresident 4 +01111010111 Storm-sea 4 +01111010111 High-speed 4 +01111010111 Talented 4 +01111010111 Non-financial 4 +01111010111 Non-bank 4 +01111010111 Third-class 4 +01111010111 Reputable 4 +01111010111 Farm-state 4 +01111010111 Skeptical 4 +01111010111 Reform-minded 4 +01111010111 Foreign-owned 4 +01111010111 Financial-services 4 +01111010111 Nonfinancial 4 +01111010111 Leaded 4 +01111010111 Minority-owned 4 +01111010111 Jittery 4 +01111010111 Health-conscious 4 +01111010111 Demoralized 4 +01111010111 Baskets 5 +01111010111 Big-time 5 +01111010111 Prototypes 5 +01111010111 Subsidized 5 +01111010111 Courtroom 5 +01111010111 Surviving 5 +01111010111 Sympathetic 5 +01111010111 Irate 5 +01111010111 Pension-fund 5 +01111010111 Full-service 5 +01111010111 Out-of-state 5 +01111010111 Full-time 6 +01111010111 Tightening 6 +01111010111 Durum 6 +01111010111 Nonunion 6 +01111010111 Public-health 7 +01111010111 Unscrupulous 7 +01111010111 Small-stock 7 +01111010111 Thirty-three 8 +01111010111 Twenty-nine 8 +01111010111 Property-casualty 9 +01111010111 Insolvent 9 +01111010111 Twenty-one 9 +01111010111 Thoughtful 9 +01111010111 Government-income 10 +01111010111 Newer 10 +01111010111 High-definition 10 +01111010111 Private-sector 10 +01111010111 Wealthy 11 +01111010111 High-school 11 +01111010111 Influential 11 +01111010111 White-collar 12 +01111010111 Fixed-coupon 12 +01111010111 Middle-class 12 +01111010111 Informed 13 +01111010111 Disgruntled 13 +01111010111 Affluent 13 +01111010111 Experienced 14 +01111010111 Money-center 14 +01111010111 Bargain-hunting 14 +01111010111 Current-delivery 15 +01111010111 Right-wing 16 +01111010111 Limited-service 17 +01111010111 Prominent 18 +01111010111 Participating 18 +01111010111 Unleaded 20 +01111010111 Single-family 23 +01111010111 Nervous 23 +01111010111 Nineteen 28 +01111010111 Angry 30 +01111010111 Younger 67 +01111010111 Older 72 +01111010111 Seasoned 83 +01111010111 Certain 172 +01111010111 Top 376 +01111010111 Few 598 +01111010111 Several 2448 +01111010111 Most 5655 +01111010111 Many 6384 +01111010111 Some 13725 +011110110 Microwave-transmission 1 +011110110 BEGOT 1 +011110110 Enforce 1 +011110110 Female-headed 1 +011110110 Minuscule 1 +011110110 PICKED 1 +011110110 Assignment 1 +011110110 Pro-Washington 1 +011110110 Sardonically 1 +011110110 One-person 1 +011110110 fox-trot 1 +011110110 Reinvigorating 1 +011110110 Verbose 1 +011110110 Platinum-coiffed 1 +011110110 Eighty-nine 1 +011110110 anemic-looking 1 +011110110 Consequent 1 +011110110 Thorough 1 +011110110 Glendale-based 1 +011110110 Unnecessarily 1 +011110110 Abdulla 1 +011110110 Government-affiliated 1 +011110110 Out-of-print 1 +011110110 Sigmatron 1 +011110110 Stonecutters 1 +011110110 Renamed 1 +011110110 Dollar-sensitive 1 +011110110 Junk-food 1 +011110110 Gather 1 +011110110 Job-loyal 1 +011110110 His-and-her 1 +011110110 Jellied 1 +011110110 Nonclearing 1 +011110110 Dichromatic 1 +011110110 Fabri-Center 1 +011110110 Bulky 1 +011110110 Precariously 1 +011110110 Unseasonably 1 +011110110 long-fact 1 +011110110 Disgraced 1 +011110110 Sheepskins 1 +011110110 Idegaard 1 +011110110 minimum-equipment 1 +011110110 Rented 1 +011110110 Far-right 1 +011110110 Publishing-segment 1 +011110110 LOWERED 1 +011110110 Aping 1 +011110110 Prim 1 +011110110 Machine-gun 1 +011110110 Mused 1 +011110110 Peking-born 1 +011110110 TWO-EARNER 1 +011110110 Infected 1 +011110110 Crassly 1 +011110110 Beer-truck 1 +011110110 Cantilevers 1 +011110110 Prime-age 1 +011110110 RITE 1 +011110110 Multipart 1 +011110110 Arming 1 +011110110 Madcap 1 +011110110 CBS/ 1 +011110110 A-like 1 +011110110 Dreary 1 +011110110 Chemically 1 +011110110 Cycle-maker 1 +011110110 Classically 1 +011110110 Rickety 1 +011110110 Matted 1 +011110110 Once-mighty 1 +011110110 Finance-charge 1 +011110110 Country-and-western 1 +011110110 Sneers 1 +011110110 Battle-weary 1 +011110110 Oil-hungry 1 +011110110 Hand-dug 1 +011110110 Notoriously 1 +011110110 decluttering 1 +011110110 LEVITATED 1 +011110110 Tax-revision 1 +011110110 In-ground 1 +011110110 Caged 1 +011110110 Continually 1 +011110110 Road-building 1 +011110110 Government-subsidized 1 +011110110 3,002,901 1 +011110110 Broad-scope 1 +011110110 Ministeelmaker 1 +011110110 Breathtaking 1 +011110110 Boiled 1 +011110110 Saturday-only 1 +011110110 spore 1 +011110110 Sufficiently 1 +011110110 Upstart 1 +011110110 uproots 1 +011110110 Northshore 1 +011110110 Resellers 1 +011110110 Unremittingly 1 +011110110 Untendered 1 +011110110 Radiopharmacies 1 +011110110 More-or-less 1 +011110110 Obsessive 1 +011110110 Authoritarian 1 +011110110 Interminable 1 +011110110 Coffee-drinking 1 +011110110 1988B 1 +011110110 Became 1 +011110110 BristolMyers 1 +011110110 Perceiving 1 +011110110 Fiscally 1 +011110110 Sorters 1 +011110110 Static 1 +011110110 Trawling 1 +011110110 Carding 1 +011110110 Reasoned 1 +011110110 Non-Hispanic 1 +011110110 Unwed 1 +011110110 Get-tough 1 +011110110 Oldtimer 1 +011110110 Hoo 1 +011110110 HISTORIC 1 +011110110 Consummate 1 +011110110 Ineffably 1 +011110110 Bronwyn 1 +011110110 Property-tax 1 +011110110 Youngest 1 +011110110 Cowboyheeled 1 +011110110 Seventh-place 1 +011110110 E-11 1 +011110110 Newspaper-division 1 +011110110 Lightbulbs 1 +011110110 Twelfth-century 1 +011110110 .If 1 +011110110 Once-proud 1 +011110110 Non-GM 1 +011110110 Pro-Bussi 1 +011110110 Proportionately 1 +011110110 Thoroughly 1 +011110110 Ballerina 1 +011110110 NEPOOL 1 +011110110 Free-speech 1 +011110110 Drought-driven 1 +011110110 Wordy 1 +011110110 MacGeorge 1 +011110110 Temperamentally 1 +011110110 Copywriters 1 +011110110 Penalize 1 +011110110 Henchmen 1 +011110110 Neighborly 1 +011110110 Sudeep 1 +011110110 Impossibly 1 +011110110 Delivery-only 1 +011110110 Ill-starred 1 +011110110 Major-appliance 1 +011110110 Discontented 1 +011110110 Renegade 1 +011110110 Market-trained 1 +011110110 Researching 2 +011110110 REHNQUIST 2 +011110110 Moderately 2 +011110110 Tradition-bound 2 +011110110 Domestic-demand 2 +011110110 A-related 2 +011110110 CORPORATES 2 +011110110 Co-author 2 +011110110 ARTHRITIS 2 +011110110 Fifty-year-old 2 +011110110 Tendering 2 +011110110 Highflying 2 +011110110 Gleeful 2 +011110110 Tackling 2 +011110110 Quirky 2 +011110110 Self-contained 2 +011110110 LEGISLATORS 2 +011110110 Plausible 2 +011110110 Televised 2 +011110110 Gold-mining 2 +011110110 Decidedly 2 +011110110 Boil 2 +011110110 Explosively 2 +011110110 Albeit 2 +011110110 Glass-fiber 2 +011110110 Second-ranked 2 +011110110 a-Ex-dividend. 3 +011110110 VMS-sponsored 3 +011110110 Steelmaker 3 +011110110 Archrival 4 +011110110 On-site 4 +011110110 Sohio/BP 4 +011110110 Lax 4 +011110110 Acquisition-minded 4 +011110110 ANNUAL 5 +011110110 Fractional 5 +011110110 Loss-plagued 6 +011110110 Unusually 7 +011110110 Fast-growing 10 +011110110 Unexpectedly 12 +011110110 Sharply 28 +011110110 Slightly 28 +011110110 Federally 29 +011110110 A 47753 +011110110 Relatively 44 +011110111 FORTY 1 +011110111 SHOWTIME/THE 1 +011110111 GLOWING 1 +011110111 GIOVANNI 1 +011110111 LANGLEY 1 +011110111 FISTFUL 1 +011110111 SWISSAIR 1 +011110111 DIAMOND-BATHURST 1 +011110111 TRIBUNE 1 +011110111 SPECTRAMED 1 +011110111 DESIGNATED 1 +011110111 MULTIFAMILY 1 +011110111 PAUPER 1 +011110111 TAX. 1 +011110111 PROFESSIONAL 1 +011110111 BOWEN 1 +011110111 FREMONT 1 +011110111 VANCOUVER 1 +011110111 WEAN 1 +011110111 STOCK-INDEX 1 +011110111 MARGIN 1 +011110111 SPECTROMETERS 1 +011110111 SWATH 1 +011110111 SEASICK-PROOF 1 +011110111 NUT 1 +011110111 FORMICA 1 +011110111 AMERITRUST 1 +011110111 COGNOS 1 +011110111 TIMBERLAND 1 +011110111 RESORTING 1 +011110111 UNDONE 1 +011110111 CREDIT-UNION 1 +011110111 BLACK-OWNED 1 +011110111 SCOTTY 1 +011110111 BAYLY 1 +011110111 SIKH 1 +011110111 COLLISION 1 +011110111 TELEFONIA 1 +011110111 COASTAMERICA 1 +011110111 AQUIFER 1 +011110111 MYCOGEN 1 +011110111 PENWEST 1 +011110111 CLAIRE 1 +011110111 BAGS 1 +011110111 NUVEEN 1 +011110111 MAYFAIR 1 +011110111 Barcode 1 +011110111 TECOGEN 1 +011110111 COMPOUNDING 1 +011110111 QUEBECOR 1 +011110111 CONTENTED-LOOKING 1 +011110111 VESTAR 1 +011110111 REGINA 1 +011110111 INTEGON 1 +011110111 HARSCO 1 +011110111 613,000-SHARE 1 +011110111 MUNSINGWEAR 1 +011110111 EQUION 1 +011110111 HATHAWAY 1 +011110111 BEARINGS 1 +011110111 Hemophilia 1 +011110111 NAKASONE 1 +011110111 REXHAM 1 +011110111 IMMUNITY 1 +011110111 HARD-LINERS 1 +011110111 Grumble 1 +011110111 Co-Mar 1 +011110111 STIRRING 1 +011110111 INDIANAPOLIS 1 +011110111 Multi-millionaire 1 +011110111 BIOTECH 1 +011110111 NORWAY 1 +011110111 Stormont-Bail 1 +011110111 VIRGO 1 +011110111 TAURUS 1 +011110111 ARIES 1 +011110111 aircraft-industry 1 +011110111 By-elections 1 +011110111 PISCES 1 +011110111 AQUARIUS 1 +011110111 CAPRICORN 1 +011110111 SAGITTARIUS 1 +011110111 SCORPIO 1 +011110111 LIBRA 1 +011110111 Forme 1 +011110111 GLOVE 1 +011110111 CHOPSTICKS 1 +011110111 9,457,036 1 +011110111 COOLING 1 +011110111 KINGS 1 +011110111 ILLUSORY 1 +011110111 HAMPER 1 +011110111 SUPPORTERS 1 +011110111 9/30 1 +011110111 YENS 1 +011110111 DROPPING 1 +011110111 TYPHOID 1 +011110111 SHAS 1 +011110111 Douche 1 +011110111 Hard-liquor 1 +011110111 WANING 1 +011110111 PREMIUM 1 +011110111 QUEEN 1 +011110111 FRAUDULENT 1 +011110111 PLAGUED 1 +011110111 ROADWAY 1 +011110111 RATIONALE 1 +011110111 CYACQ 1 +011110111 CARDIOVASCULAR 1 +011110111 DONNA 1 +011110111 XSCRIBE 1 +011110111 AZLAN 1 +011110111 BEST-SELLING 1 +011110111 APPEAR 1 +011110111 GLOBE 1 +011110111 PUSHES 1 +011110111 QUESTIONING 1 +011110111 ARCHIVE 1 +011110111 COMERICA 1 +011110111 EXPECTING 1 +011110111 ALZHEIMER 1 +011110111 CONSTRUCTED 1 +011110111 TRAFALGAR 1 +011110111 CONQUER 1 +011110111 LESSONS 1 +011110111 SOTHEBY 1 +011110111 LINEAR 1 +011110111 CONVOY 1 +011110111 SKANSKA 1 +011110111 LOCTITE 1 +011110111 JEPSON 1 +011110111 DECLINING 1 +011110111 PUTNAM 1 +011110111 BREAST 1 +011110111 KERR-MCGEE 1 +011110111 MINNEAPOLIS 1 +011110111 FISHY 1 +011110111 INTELLICALL 1 +011110111 IX. 1 +011110111 MAXIMUM 1 +011110111 LONETREE 1 +011110111 LINGERING 1 +011110111 CURIOUS 1 +011110111 HALF-TIME 1 +011110111 CONDEMNS 1 +011110111 FIRES 1 +011110111 SLUGGISH 1 +011110111 COLORING 1 +011110111 Vilified 1 +011110111 Ballet/Aspen 1 +011110111 CERAMICS 1 +011110111 KELLOGG 1 +011110111 TRANSIT 1 +011110111 SWEEPING 1 +011110111 GROSSMAN 1 +011110111 PEGASUS 1 +011110111 LAFARGE-COPPEE 1 +011110111 INTERLAKE 1 +011110111 Modules 1 +011110111 BEATING 1 +011110111 FAT 1 +011110111 CIE.FINANCIERE 1 +011110111 ALBERTSON 1 +011110111 DATACARD 1 +011110111 EDIZIONE 1 +011110111 CONCERNED 1 +011110111 DIRTY 1 +011110111 RESTRICTING 1 +011110111 BLACKOUT 1 +011110111 MOACQ 1 +011110111 BARRELING 1 +011110111 STUNNING 1 +011110111 JOULE 1 +011110111 LOBLAW 1 +011110111 SIERRACIN 1 +011110111 BUTT 1 +011110111 BANCTEC 1 +011110111 GILT 1 +011110111 YA 1 +011110111 PREPAID-TUITION 1 +011110111 Hopelessly 1 +011110111 BALDRIGE 1 +011110111 SCHLITZ 1 +011110111 MENTION 1 +011110111 ISHIKAWAJIMA-HARIMA 1 +011110111 SASEBO 1 +011110111 ABITIBI-PRICE 1 +011110111 PARENTING 1 +011110111 INCENTIVE-OPTION 1 +011110111 NANNY 1 +011110111 VESTRON 1 +011110111 CELGENE 1 +011110111 PERENNIAL 1 +011110111 FERRO 1 +011110111 Contracted 1 +011110111 ACHIEVE 1 +011110111 FLOAT 1 +011110111 EAGER 1 +011110111 Monitrend 1 +011110111 LandesKreditbank 1 +011110111 BALLOT 1 +011110111 DAISY-CHAIN 1 +011110111 TIMEX 1 +011110111 TRADER 1 +011110111 EXPECTATIONS 1 +011110111 MESSAGES 1 +011110111 Transmigration 1 +011110111 REPORTERS 1 +011110111 SABOTAGE 1 +011110111 Vicam 1 +011110111 PLANTINGS 1 +011110111 SAGGING 1 +011110111 BIZARRE 1 +011110111 FEATURES. 1 +011110111 MISREADING 1 +011110111 MISJUDGING 1 +011110111 TRUSTING 1 +011110111 unrelentless 1 +011110111 Kennestone 1 +011110111 AIMING 1 +011110111 SIKES 1 +011110111 THIRTY 1 +011110111 IMPROVED 1 +011110111 DEARTH 1 +011110111 KLUGE 1 +011110111 SETTLING 1 +011110111 High-risk 1 +011110111 LADY 1 +011110111 FIRST-REFUSAL 1 +011110111 VIEWS 1 +011110111 SMS 1 +011110111 BUREAUCRATS 1 +011110111 BIG. 1 +011110111 431.69-POINT 1 +011110111 THAT. 1 +011110111 PUTTING 1 +011110111 OFFENDERS 1 +011110111 MASSMUTUAL 1 +011110111 STANDSTILL 1 +011110111 Disingenuous 1 +011110111 EXOTIC 1 +011110111 ACROSS 1 +011110111 ENDOWED 1 +011110111 LEBANON 1 +011110111 DAN 1 +011110111 PREENING 1 +011110111 11. 1 +011110111 PERILS 1 +011110111 DANGEROUS 1 +011110111 TAXING 1 +011110111 Eurco 1 +011110111 HEEKIN 1 +011110111 GEN-PROBE 1 +011110111 Wallpaper 1 +011110111 ADDITIONAL 1 +011110111 Angling 1 +011110111 ESTONIA 1 +011110111 PHASE 1 +011110111 Gurenenthal 1 +011110111 MOLSON 1 +011110111 High-flying 1 +011110111 TEXAS-NEW 1 +011110111 DIALING 1 +011110111 KASLER 1 +011110111 PENDING 1 +011110111 CORONARY 1 +011110111 DOMINICAN 1 +011110111 Estamos 1 +011110111 RAVE 1 +011110111 CHESEBROUGH-POND 1 +011110111 FREER 1 +011110111 CODE-ALARM 1 +011110111 MONTGOMERY 1 +011110111 AIRPLANE 1 +011110111 DUARTE 1 +011110111 DEPRECIABLE 1 +011110111 CODA 1 +011110111 BREAKUP 1 +011110111 LAND-USE 1 +011110111 DIFFERING 1 +011110111 SIX-PLUS 1 +011110111 TRELLEBORG 1 +011110111 PEPPERIDGE 1 +011110111 INVITRON 1 +011110111 COPPERWELD 1 +011110111 SUPERVOTING 1 +011110111 ELDORADO 1 +011110111 PENNY-STOCK 1 +011110111 CONAGRA 1 +011110111 Windstorms 1 +011110111 INTERCO 1 +011110111 AFFIRMATIVE 1 +011110111 LAY 1 +011110111 RAYCHEM 1 +011110111 COVERING 1 +011110111 Unbalancing 1 +011110111 RELAXED 1 +011110111 LAID 1 +011110111 WISE 1 +011110111 ERRONEOUS 1 +011110111 insurance-law 1 +011110111 NO-TAX 1 +011110111 THANKSGIVING 1 +011110111 LYNCHBURG 1 +011110111 INTEGRA-A 1 +011110111 Sabminco 1 +011110111 EARNINGS-YIELD 1 +011110111 SOUPED-UP 1 +011110111 EXPECTED-RETURN 1 +011110111 AGUIRRE 1 +011110111 Post-riot 1 +011110111 Wily 1 +011110111 DIMINISHED 1 +011110111 DASHED 1 +011110111 STRETCH 1 +011110111 LEAF 1 +011110111 NATURE 1 +011110111 SITTING 1 +011110111 EARLIER 1 +011110111 RAYTHEON 1 +011110111 Wisnom 1 +011110111 DOOR-TO-DOOR 1 +011110111 NERCO 1 +011110111 STANDARD-PACIFIC 1 +011110111 TAMBRANDS 1 +011110111 LEGISLATURE 1 +011110111 Divorcing 1 +011110111 FOXBORO 1 +011110111 ONCOR 1 +011110111 Decoupling 1 +011110111 MINSTAR 1 +011110111 SANMARK-STARDUST 1 +011110111 LEUCADIA 1 +011110111 SUPERFUND 1 +011110111 LUGAR 1 +011110111 READER 1 +011110111 ROPER 1 +011110111 Hooch. 1 +011110111 DUTTON 1 +011110111 ALTERNACARE 1 +011110111 LOFT 1 +011110111 ADJUSTMENTS 1 +011110111 BANPONCE 1 +011110111 VALSPAR 1 +011110111 TABLE. 1 +011110111 INTEREST. 1 +011110111 ADJUSTED 1 +011110111 SECURITY. 1 +011110111 KEOGH 1 +011110111 CALMAT 1 +011110111 MEREDITH 1 +011110111 MARKEL 1 +011110111 BANCROFT 1 +011110111 Attwoods 1 +011110111 SYNERGEN 1 +011110111 BLOC 1 +011110111 BENIHANA 1 +011110111 FARM-CREDIT 1 +011110111 FACSIMILE 1 +011110111 JAMESWAY 1 +011110111 DATACOPY 1 +011110111 WEDGESTONE 1 +011110111 SHARPER 1 +011110111 AMPLICON 1 +011110111 NONSMOKER 1 +011110111 TOPPING 1 +011110111 GOPHER 1 +011110111 CRIES 1 +011110111 TIPPERARY 1 +011110111 UNI-MARTS 1 +011110111 CERNER 1 +011110111 NOTES 1 +011110111 BIG-SPENDER 1 +011110111 GOOD-OLD-BOY 1 +011110111 IDIOT 1 +011110111 INSIDER-TRADING 1 +011110111 POLK 1 +011110111 SKY 1 +011110111 Fanmac 1 +011110111 12/11/86 1 +011110111 DATASCOPE 1 +011110111 EXITING 1 +011110111 GUIDES 1 +011110111 USER 1 +011110111 BURNING 1 +011110111 ASTOUNDING 1 +011110111 HAIRY 1 +011110111 BLOOMS 1 +011110111 RECALL 1 +011110111 sentado 1 +011110111 Sentado 1 +011110111 OIL-IMPORT 1 +011110111 LUFFA 1 +011110111 DIGILOG 1 +011110111 CIRCON 1 +011110111 SAN/BAR 1 +011110111 MARRIOTT 1 +011110111 FORGED 1 +011110111 VOICING 1 +011110111 BROTHERLIER 1 +011110111 TORCHMARK 1 +011110111 RELIGIOUS 1 +011110111 JULIUS 1 +011110111 TIMETABLE 1 +011110111 SPECTRA-PHYSICS 1 +011110111 EXCIMER 1 +011110111 AGRIBIOTECH 1 +011110111 SIZELER 1 +011110111 BELVEDERE 1 +011110111 ADTEC 1 +011110111 JOSLYN 1 +011110111 NYCOR 1 +011110111 Verifying 1 +011110111 INFORMAL 1 +011110111 SACRAMENTO 1 +011110111 MAYTAG 1 +011110111 BACARDI 1 +011110111 KNOTTY 1 +011110111 FRAYING 1 +011110111 CALFED 1 +011110111 PIZZA 1 +011110111 NEUTROGENA 1 +011110111 CENTRE 1 +011110111 NIXON 1 +011110111 TYPICAL 1 +011110111 REACH 1 +011110111 WOODSTREAM 1 +011110111 ACCORDS 1 +011110111 SHAKLEE 1 +011110111 KOMAG 1 +011110111 NASTY 1 +011110111 PRINTEMPS 1 +011110111 CATERERS 1 +011110111 INTERFACE 1 +011110111 AMERIBANC 1 +011110111 METROPOLIS 1 +011110111 DO-IT-YOURSELF 1 +011110111 VANITY 1 +011110111 WHITTAKER 1 +011110111 PALACE 1 +011110111 BANDAG 1 +011110111 ENDOTRONICS 1 +011110111 CHESAPEAKE 1 +011110111 LIVINGWELL 1 +011110111 REID-ASHMAN 1 +011110111 Inkhay 1 +011110111 KENNER 1 +011110111 RUSSIAN 1 +011110111 PENANCE 1 +011110111 CHITTENDEN 1 +011110111 KONISHIROKU 1 +011110111 COMMODITY 1 +011110111 DISAGREEMENTS 1 +011110111 LIKES 1 +011110111 STRYKER 1 +011110111 KLAUS 1 +011110111 CERTIFIED 1 +011110111 ROYEX 1 +011110111 AVNET 1 +011110111 KIMBERLY-CLARK 1 +011110111 CHILI 1 +011110111 ELECTRO-BIOLOGY 1 +011110111 JUMPING 1 +011110111 ARTISTIC 1 +011110111 NO-SMOKING 1 +011110111 HESSTON 1 +011110111 TASTE 1 +011110111 PERFECT 1 +011110111 LORAL 1 +011110111 ROWAN 1 +011110111 TELECREDIT 1 +011110111 WELDWOOD 1 +011110111 SCALIA 1 +011110111 MORTON 1 +011110111 TWENTIETH 1 +011110111 UNIVISION 1 +011110111 MATURE 1 +011110111 LEGGY 1 +011110111 AMSOUTH 1 +011110111 CANONIE 1 +011110111 REFERENCE 1 +011110111 PAYS. 1 +011110111 DEMOGRAPHERS 1 +011110111 HELEN 1 +011110111 AVEMCO 1 +011110111 CADNETIX 1 +011110111 EMCO 1 +011110111 POLYGRAPH 1 +011110111 GROLIER 1 +011110111 MITRAL 1 +011110111 COMPETITORS 1 +011110111 POWERFUL 1 +011110111 EASING 1 +011110111 BILLBOARD 1 +011110111 DYNASCAN 1 +011110111 LINGER 1 +011110111 PURITAN-BENNETT 1 +011110111 NVHOMES 1 +011110111 PROVIDE 1 +011110111 Crowsfeet 1 +011110111 BUGGED 1 +011110111 KUHLMAN 1 +011110111 WARNER-LAMBERT 1 +011110111 SCENES 1 +011110111 Wanes 1 +011110111 NORFOLK 1 +011110111 THETFORD 1 +011110111 WRATHER 1 +011110111 NELLCOR 1 +011110111 QUOTES 1 +011110111 ANON. 1 +011110111 Credential 1 +011110111 TRULY 1 +011110111 DAHLBERG 1 +011110111 COMPUTERVISION 1 +011110111 IRE 1 +011110111 LYDALL 1 +011110111 MICROCOM 1 +011110111 MOREHOUSE 1 +011110111 TELLS 1 +011110111 HALLIBURTON 1 +011110111 REPLACING 1 +011110111 GADHAFI 1 +011110111 NORDSON 1 +011110111 Stotts 1 +011110111 SHOOT 1 +011110111 FAILING 1 +011110111 GWINNETT 1 +011110111 NOAH 1 +011110111 EQK 1 +011110111 CLINI-THERM 1 +011110111 NONE 1 +011110111 OSCAR 1 +011110111 WIDELY 1 +011110111 GLAMIS 1 +011110111 PENSION-LAW 1 +011110111 TRIMAC 1 +011110111 XEBEC 1 +011110111 ULTRAHIGH-PRESSURE 1 +011110111 ULTRASYSTEMS 1 +011110111 Purchasing-power 1 +011110111 Defiantly 1 +011110111 CONRAC 1 +011110111 WHICHEVER 1 +011110111 NICARAGUAN 1 +011110111 RAYROCK 1 +011110111 Providentially 1 +011110111 CONSCIOUS 1 +011110111 FORGERY 1 +011110111 HUNGARIAN 1 +011110111 ACADEMY 1 +011110111 PRE-MARITAL 1 +011110111 WHALE 1 +011110111 WHITHER 1 +011110111 CENERGY 1 +011110111 WEITEK 1 +011110111 ENSERCH 1 +011110111 SQUEEZED 1 +011110111 X-FLIX 1 +011110111 DISCOUNTS 1 +011110111 Huu 1 +011110111 ECHO 1 +011110111 Soviet-Indian 1 +011110111 SALESMAN 1 +011110111 SATURDAY 1 +011110111 GOTTSCHALKS 1 +011110111 INFORMIX 1 +011110111 COMPOUND 1 +011110111 CHESS 1 +011110111 DYLEX 1 +011110111 UNIBANCORP 1 +011110111 HUNDRED 1 +011110111 ANTI-TAKEOVER 1 +011110111 BERKEY 1 +011110111 VARITY 1 +011110111 BADGER 1 +011110111 LOGICON 1 +011110111 EMERY 1 +011110111 MARKET-SHARE 1 +011110111 TASTE-TEST 1 +011110111 KARAMI 1 +011110111 E-SYSTEMS 1 +011110111 HOH 1 +011110111 ANECDOTES 1 +011110111 ERIEZ 1 +011110111 SHIRT 1 +011110111 MALONE 1 +011110111 ALPHAREL 1 +011110111 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1 +011110111 COVENANT 1 +011110111 AUTODESK 1 +011110111 TELXON 1 +011110111 WELLMAN 1 +011110111 REXWORKS 1 +011110111 COUNTRIES 1 +011110111 NEAR-MILITARY 1 +011110111 QUELL 1 +011110111 LOBBY 1 +011110111 GENOVESE 1 +011110111 GAINLESS 1 +011110111 ANTI-ABORTION 1 +011110111 SMOOTH 1 +011110111 AIDING 1 +011110111 PATROLLING 1 +011110111 MARUBENI 1 +011110111 PRE-NATAL 1 +011110111 Oksana 1 +011110111 ESSEF 1 +011110111 QUIXOTE 1 +011110111 SOMETIME 1 +011110111 ULTIMATE 1 +011110111 INTERSPEC 1 +011110111 MOTORBOAT-FUEL 1 +011110111 Rearranging 1 +011110111 GREATER 1 +011110111 LENNAR 1 +011110111 FRIENDS 1 +011110111 RX 1 +011110111 MARIO 1 +011110111 AUSTAD 1 +011110111 HEAR 1 +011110111 OWENS-ILLINOIS 1 +011110111 CROSSING 1 +011110111 SKIP 1 +011110111 MINEBEA 1 +011110111 COOPERATION 1 +011110111 JUSTICES 1 +011110111 WIMPSKI 1 +011110111 EYEWITNESS 1 +011110111 HANGS 1 +011110111 Fingerprint 1 +011110111 POSSIS 1 +011110111 DEUTZ 1 +011110111 AUDI 1 +011110111 MAYFLOWER 1 +011110111 FEE 1 +011110111 Ryans 1 +011110111 DEBT-SWAP 1 +011110111 RON 1 +011110111 THUS 1 +011110111 mis 1 +011110111 PAY. 1 +011110111 CURTICE 1 +011110111 SHANGRI-LA 1 +011110111 MALADROIT 1 +011110111 ROILS 1 +011110111 DATATRAK 1 +011110111 Decoding 1 +011110111 UNCHRISTMAS 1 +011110111 SASKATCHEWAN 1 +011110111 KANEMATSU-GOSHO 1 +011110111 ADAMS 1 +011110111 ALLISON 1 +011110111 MICHEL 1 +011110111 BANCARIO 1 +011110111 MILLION-DOLLAR 1 +011110111 FOREIGN-EXCHANGE 1 +011110111 CHARTS 1 +011110111 LOEWS 1 +011110111 CRESTMONT 1 +011110111 NON-TRANSACTION 1 +011110111 ABSHIRE 1 +011110111 HYPONEX 1 +011110111 DISTURBED 1 +011110111 INVESTING 1 +011110111 TRUSTCORP 1 +011110111 COOK 1 +011110111 Bilateralism 1 +011110111 PERFECTLY 1 +011110111 Operate 1 +011110111 RELATED 1 +011110111 PET-FOOD 1 +011110111 ARMCHAIR 1 +011110111 DAYCO 1 +011110111 POLLARD 1 +011110111 BOARDROOM 1 +011110111 ENTHUSIASTS 1 +011110111 COASTAL 1 +011110111 BIOTHERAPEUTICS 1 +011110111 CLAIROL 1 +011110111 CENTERRE 1 +011110111 RESOLUTION 1 +011110111 FREYMILLER 1 +011110111 GEICO 1 +011110111 CASTING 1 +011110111 FULTON 1 +011110111 CAL 1 +011110111 MUSCLED 1 +011110111 HELMS 1 +011110111 CROSS 1 +011110111 KOGER 1 +011110111 SCUDDER 1 +011110111 PUTS 1 +011110111 KEITHLEY 1 +011110111 PASSING 1 +011110111 BEREAVED 1 +011110111 ONGPIN 1 +011110111 TRUTH 1 +011110111 BUSINESS-CLIMATE 1 +011110111 ABOVE 1 +011110111 BEAT 1 +011110111 BLOUNT 1 +011110111 Denant 1 +011110111 ENGLISH-MUFFIN 1 +011110111 TRACOR 1 +011110111 HEARx 1 +011110111 KOENIG 1 +011110111 ELEXIS 1 +011110111 KNIGHT-RIDDER 1 +011110111 GUNDLE 1 +011110111 LAUGHING 1 +011110111 WELFARE-STATE 1 +011110111 PROVIDES 1 +011110111 KEYNESIAN 1 +011110111 AUTOMOVILES 1 +011110111 NEGLIGENT 1 +011110111 UNIMED 1 +011110111 AFFLUENTS 1 +011110111 PAY-PHONE 1 +011110111 SYNTREX 1 +011110111 ROCKROSE 1 +011110111 Well-financed 1 +011110111 IMMUNO 1 +011110111 TELEFLEX 1 +011110111 ANGIO-MEDICAL 1 +011110111 WEIGH 1 +011110111 BENJ. 1 +011110111 EFFICIENCY 1 +011110111 COSTUME 1 +011110111 FORUM 1 +011110111 SWEDLOW 1 +011110111 CARROLS 1 +011110111 FOOTING 1 +011110111 ON-THE-JOB 1 +011110111 COCONUTS 1 +011110111 TEEING 1 +011110111 VOODOO 1 +011110111 POSSESSION 1 +011110111 162,528 1 +011110111 95,854 1 +011110111 +70 1 +011110111 STAR-STUDDED 1 +011110111 2,902 1 +011110111 OGURA 1 +011110111 965.00 1 +011110111 FEDERALLY 1 +011110111 CAMBODIAN 1 +011110111 Aluminum-Bat 1 +011110111 OVERDEVELOPED 1 +011110111 GOLFERS 1 +011110111 Internists 1 +011110111 FIRING 1 +011110111 CARLO 1 +011110111 YESTERDAY. 1 +011110111 PERUSAHAN 1 +011110111 TURNED 1 +011110111 GIPPER 1 +011110111 ANNUITY 1 +011110111 REDUCED 1 +011110111 ASSOCIATION-COLLEGE 1 +011110111 37,028 1 +011110111 31,261 1 +011110111 CLOSED-END 1 +011110111 71,957 1 +011110111 66,328 1 +011110111 CEREAL 1 +011110111 Earache 1 +011110111 1,301 1 +011110111 3,804 1 +011110111 2,553 1 +011110111 5,430 1 +011110111 8,308 1 +011110111 5,113 1 +011110111 5,405 1 +011110111 5,696 1 +011110111 BEMIS 1 +011110111 SCENARIO 1 +011110111 VALHI 1 +011110111 ASAMERA 1 +011110111 PORTLAND 1 +011110111 DAIMARU 1 +011110111 CLOSEST 1 +011110111 BEARS 1 +011110111 61,802 1 +011110111 54,651 1 +011110111 67,908 1 +011110111 Kloeckner-Humbold-Deutz 1 +011110111 112,274 1 +011110111 DIANE 1 +011110111 POST-TRIAL 1 +011110111 2,700.0 1 +011110111 ENROLLED 1 +011110111 +123.9 1 +011110111 1,206.0 1 +011110111 Profane 1 +011110111 VOEST 1 +011110111 MYSTERIES 1 +011110111 KEYSTONE 1 +011110111 CONDOM 1 +011110111 PYRRHIC 1 +011110111 BETTOR 1 +011110111 PATRON 1 +011110111 REPUBLICAN 1 +011110111 GATHERING 1 +011110111 HELMSLEY 1 +011110111 NOFZIGER 1 +011110111 KROC 1 +011110111 DIAPERS 1 +011110111 STORA 1 +011110111 ATTORNEYS 1 +011110111 NURSING 1 +011110111 GUIDE 1 +011110111 DESSAUER 1 +011110111 GRANVILLE 1 +011110111 OPTION 1 +011110111 TONY 1 +011110111 HENFREY 1 +011110111 HOLT 1 +011110111 22-7-Hum 1 +011110111 ERITREAN 1 +011110111 BALTIC 1 +011110111 MINOLTA 1 +011110111 LIBYA 1 +011110111 PERUVIAN 1 +011110111 ANTI-BIAS 1 +011110111 RAX 1 +011110111 RESPOND 1 +011110111 Proliferating 1 +011110111 PERIPATETIC 1 +011110111 COSTLY 1 +011110111 DIAMONDS 1 +011110111 CARTERA 1 +011110111 RYMER 1 +011110111 Drop-kicked 1 +011110111 REACHING 1 +011110111 905.0 1 +011110111 1510.0 1 +011110111 18020.0 1 +011110111 SIXTIES 1 +011110111 Docks 1 +011110111 5150.0 1 +011110111 4950.0 1 +011110111 25000.0 1 +011110111 Bowthorpe 1 +011110111 ARMOR 1 +011110111 CAPTORS 1 +011110111 Moonshining 1 +011110111 DOMESTIC-MADE 1 +011110111 WEIGHTY 1 +011110111 HOLLIS 1 +011110111 PREVENTIVE 1 +011110111 CANCEL 1 +011110111 78,044 1 +011110111 +87 1 +011110111 PROUVOST 1 +011110111 PARTICIPATIONS 1 +011110111 Commutation 1 +011110111 108,987 1 +011110111 +24 1 +011110111 .adjust 1 +011110111 POSITIVE 1 +011110111 HUCKSTER 1 +011110111 12,357 1 +011110111 27,582 1 +011110111 1,150,625 1 +011110111 7,198 1 +011110111 607,363 1 +011110111 55,496 1 +011110111 48,706 1 +011110111 33,978 1 +011110111 35,088 1 +011110111 67,577 1 +011110111 PALESTINIAN 1 +011110111 POSITION 1 +011110111 RELATIONSHIP 1 +011110111 Prestarted 1 +011110111 Start-Ups 1 +011110111 BURIAL 1 +011110111 Embrae 1 +011110111 STRUTHERS 1 +011110111 TRUSTCOMPANY 1 +011110111 Classifying 1 +011110111 Enwood 1 +011110111 249,750 1 +011110111 RESILIENT 1 +011110111 43,591 1 +011110111 GOLDBERG 1 +011110111 REAX 1 +011110111 TOILERS 1 +011110111 LORE 1 +011110111 SILVER 1 +011110111 SALES-TAX 1 +011110111 KAWAI 1 +011110111 MUSICAL 1 +011110111 CORRECTIONS 1 +011110111 FIELD 1 +011110111 COMISKEY 1 +011110111 118,418 1 +011110111 VIN 1 +011110111 59,194 1 +011110111 7,570 1 +011110111 7,302 1 +011110111 7,290 1 +011110111 220,195 1 +011110111 WAR-ON-POVERTY 1 +011110111 NURTURE 1 +011110111 Fanciful 1 +011110111 60,685 1 +011110111 95,987 1 +011110111 SCHOLARS 1 +011110111 PACKAGE 1 +011110111 +118 1 +011110111 WANDERING 1 +011110111 TASTY 1 +011110111 BEAM 1 +011110111 BOWL 1 +011110111 P&E 1 +011110111 Vaaomala 1 +011110111 VINTAGE-CAR 1 +011110111 Crackerjack 1 +011110111 PRICEY 1 +011110111 EARS 1 +011110111 HANG 1 +011110111 ARABS 1 +011110111 KURZWEIL 1 +011110111 CONVICTIONS 1 +011110111 LIBEL 1 +011110111 Synovus 1 +011110111 Sistemas 1 +011110111 TUTU 1 +011110111 SPARKLING 1 +011110111 DEAR 1 +011110111 GRIDIRON 1 +011110111 FRUITFUL 1 +011110111 WEIGHT 1 +011110111 OPUS 1 +011110111 BRUNO 1 +011110111 OVERWEIGHT 1 +011110111 GROUNDLESS 1 +011110111 INFLATED 1 +011110111 SKELETON 1 +011110111 HEALTHIEST 1 +011110111 HEMLINE 1 +011110111 Beeswax 1 +011110111 MASSAGE 1 +011110111 NOWHERE 1 +011110111 Summonses 1 +011110111 AFTERNOON 1 +011110111 VIEWER 1 +011110111 158,190 1 +011110111 91,585 1 +011110111 +73 1 +011110111 31,393 1 +011110111 67,355 1 +011110111 51,893 1 +011110111 20,914 1 +011110111 BLUE-COLLAR 1 +011110111 CUOMO 1 +011110111 SHADY 1 +011110111 AMBIVALENT 1 +011110111 SESSIONS 1 +011110111 24,256 1 +011110111 29,498 1 +011110111 GEORGES 1 +011110111 5,954 1 +011110111 BRASCAN 1 +011110111 38,068 1 +011110111 WEEKS 1 +011110111 1,021,540 1 +011110111 AUGUSTE 1 +011110111 Ordo 1 +011110111 LEAST 1 +011110111 Ex-U.S. 1 +011110111 UNACCREDITED 1 +011110111 ELECTS 1 +011110111 PRESSER 1 +011110111 GIVEBACK 1 +011110111 SNAGS 1 +011110111 DEMJANJUK 1 +011110111 LOWER-FAT 1 +011110111 TWO-MINUTE 1 +011110111 YESTERDAY 1 +011110111 MIDSIZE 1 +011110111 ROTCH 1 +011110111 SLEEPERS 1 +011110111 Narrow-based 1 +011110111 SOCIAL-WELFARE 1 +011110111 KOCH 1 +011110111 INCHCAPE 1 +011110111 MATRIMONIAL 1 +011110111 REQUESTS 1 +011110111 SITUATION 1 +011110111 THRONGS 1 +011110111 DAIEI 1 +011110111 HAROLD 1 +011110111 RUST 1 +011110111 PACIFYING 1 +011110111 LOGGING 1 +011110111 AIRCOA 1 +011110111 TEACHING 1 +011110111 RACHEL 1 +011110111 DARING 1 +011110111 METALLURGIQUE 1 +011110111 FIGHTER 1 +011110111 TRIDENT 1 +011110111 MEDIUM-RANGE 1 +011110111 AIR-TO-AIR 1 +011110111 LUNCH 1 +011110111 Shoring 1 +011110111 UNDERWATER 1 +011110111 SOMEWHERE 1 +011110111 BELGIUM 1 +011110111 THORSBERG 1 +011110111 PURPOSE 1 +011110111 ADVERSE 1 +011110111 AUTOCLAVE 1 +011110111 CAME 1 +011110111 NINETY-DAY 1 +011110111 54,239 1 +011110111 OUSTING 1 +011110111 DAZZLING 1 +011110111 61,571 1 +011110111 Court-awarded 1 +011110111 114,924 1 +011110111 +20 1 +011110111 4,513 1 +011110111 153,541 1 +011110111 86,961 1 +011110111 OFF-THE-WALL 1 +011110111 11.086 1 +011110111 1931.0 1 +011110111 1526.1 1 +011110111 5.240 1 +011110111 -131,700 1 +011110111 Dubied 1 +011110111 Bernina 1 +011110111 HARD-HAT 1 +011110111 MECHAM 1 +011110111 GARDEN 1 +011110111 COLOMBIAN 1 +011110111 COLLECT 1 +011110111 DEBORAH 1 +011110111 AEGON 1 +011110111 IMASCO 1 +011110111 Coercion 1 +011110111 INCREASING 1 +011110111 FOAM 1 +011110111 PARTING 1 +011110111 HIJACKED 1 +011110111 94,505 1 +011110111 INTERPROVINCIAL 1 +011110111 123,693 1 +011110111 73,833 1 +011110111 45,067 1 +011110111 46,811 1 +011110111 21,419 1 +011110111 49,756 1 +011110111 57,144 1 +011110111 -73.3 1 +011110111 3,806,694 1 +011110111 +12.9 1 +011110111 2,551,848 1 +011110111 2,584,467 1 +011110111 78,212 1 +011110111 66,536 1 +011110111 +17.5 1 +011110111 531,167 1 +011110111 498,144 1 +011110111 243,026 1 +011110111 TORRAS-HOSTENCH 1 +011110111 610,839 1 +011110111 73,564 1 +011110111 60,655 1 +011110111 +21.3 1 +011110111 JACOBS-SUCHARD 1 +011110111 Mistaken 1 +011110111 MAGISTRATES 1 +011110111 POLITICIAN 1 +011110111 881,188 1 +011110111 +10.4 1 +011110111 6,946,218 1 +011110111 4,126 1 +011110111 6,583 1 +011110111 9,368 1 +011110111 PRETORIA 1 +011110111 Sports-Drink 1 +011110111 RAIN 1 +011110111 PREFER 1 +011110111 Crave 1 +011110111 Iraqi-based 1 +011110111 CRITICAL 1 +011110111 ENSURING 1 +011110111 THORNBURGH 1 +011110111 NONRESIDENTIAL 1 +011110111 IMPASSE 1 +011110111 Seamens 1 +011110111 DISTRIBUTIONS 1 +011110111 Warring 1 +011110111 Unacceptably 1 +011110111 JEWELS 1 +011110111 REFUGEE 1 +011110111 FROZEN 1 +011110111 CORTES 1 +011110111 FITCH 1 +011110111 EXPANDING 1 +011110111 DIVIDING 1 +011110111 DOG 1 +011110111 SAVINGS-BOND 1 +011110111 PetroLogistics 1 +011110111 ACHING 1 +011110111 WESLEY 1 +011110111 ROMANS 1 +011110111 RUSSIA 1 +011110111 CLAIMING 1 +011110111 FALCONBRIDGE 1 +011110111 SOVIET-EC 1 +011110111 EAVESDROPPING 1 +011110111 SAKS 1 +011110111 MULTIRACIAL 1 +011110111 DADS 1 +011110111 LATCHKEY 1 +011110111 Amclyde 1 +011110111 CULLUM 1 +011110111 ACQUA 1 +011110111 PIA 1 +011110111 Tellefsen 1 +011110111 REVISED 1 +011110111 167,253 1 +011110111 1964-1967 1 +011110111 1973-1979 1 +011110111 MUBARAK 1 +011110111 BERTELSMANN 1 +011110111 SHERRITT 1 +011110111 BORE 1 +011110111 ENERGEN 1 +011110111 Tweeter 1 +011110111 LELAND 1 +011110111 TRADE-GAP 1 +011110111 UNCLAIMED 1 +011110111 SUNBURN 1 +011110111 ATTACKING 1 +011110111 KHOMEINI 1 +011110111 PANHANDLE 1 +011110111 REISTERSTOWN 1 +011110111 8,493 1 +011110111 47.0 1 +011110111 10,869 1 +011110111 29,168 1 +011110111 PRIVATIZATION 1 +011110111 HEINEKEN 1 +011110111 8,566 1 +011110111 7,986,633 1 +011110111 3,730,048 1 +011110111 INSOLVENT 1 +011110111 Rl 1 +011110111 LIFETIME 1 +011110111 PAGEANT 1 +011110111 THRIFT-BAILOUT 1 +011110111 RIOT 1 +011110111 SUSPECTED 1 +011110111 SPIES 1 +011110111 5,653 1 +011110111 6,393 1 +011110111 6,377,695 1 +011110111 37,548 1 +011110111 CHIPPING 1 +011110111 Tasuku 1 +011110111 711,012 1 +011110111 MERGING 1 +011110111 639,516 1 +011110111 629,908 1 +011110111 ANDERSEN 1 +011110111 616,181 1 +011110111 625,212 1 +011110111 825,696 1 +011110111 1,015,580 1 +011110111 763,501 1 +011110111 766,703 1 +011110111 Taikisha 1 +011110111 CORRUPTION 1 +011110111 BRITONS 1 +011110111 PERSUADING 1 +011110111 272,577 1 +011110111 1,696,982 1 +011110111 106,882 1 +011110111 +61 1 +011110111 NO-WIN 1 +011110111 33,415 1 +011110111 36,920 1 +011110111 WARSAW 1 +011110111 684,961 1 +011110111 34,665 1 +011110111 2,327.0 1 +011110111 1,045.0 1 +011110111 +122.7 1 +011110111 53,286 1 +011110111 76,100 1 +011110111 SETBACK 1 +011110111 DEFYING 1 +011110111 116,430 1 +011110111 136,343 1 +011110111 expansion. 1 +011110111 524,096 1 +011110111 431,608 1 +011110111 68,233 1 +011110111 50,508 1 +011110111 166,653 1 +011110111 1,148,204 1 +011110111 229,476 1 +011110111 270,966 1 +011110111 2,458,629 1 +011110111 2,507,224 1 +011110111 705,811 1 +011110111 776,725 1 +011110111 56,763 1 +011110111 573,899 1 +011110111 624,477 1 +011110111 5,233,774 1 +011110111 2,932,119 1 +011110111 b-5,196,232 1 +011110111 27,054 1 +011110111 31,617 1 +011110111 279,509 1 +011110111 61,010 1 +011110111 BURIED 1 +011110111 278,045 1 +011110111 GUESS 1 +011110111 EXCEPT 1 +011110111 LEFT-HANDED 1 +011110111 CRY 1 +011110111 CEASE-FIRE 1 +011110111 ABORTION 1 +011110111 Key-Royal 1 +011110111 Bun 1 +011110111 HUNGER 1 +011110111 KEOWEE 1 +011110111 TOTALTOP 1 +011110111 LESSER 1 +011110111 LINPRO 1 +011110111 BIAGGI 1 +011110111 1537.7 1 +011110111 COKE 1 +011110111 DAIMLER 1 +011110111 CHALLENGING 1 +011110111 ONE-ARMED 1 +011110111 CHARON 1 +011110111 DUELING 1 +011110111 7,610 1 +011110111 7,665 1 +011110111 PAYLOAD 1 +011110111 64,499 1 +011110111 +109 1 +011110111 GIMMEE 1 +011110111 Intangibles 1 +011110111 32,163 1 +011110111 3200.0 1 +011110111 210.0 1 +011110111 1280.0 1 +011110111 89.0 1 +011110111 32500.0 1 +011110111 ACRONYMIC 1 +011110111 VENDING 1 +011110111 BOTTOMING 1 +011110111 WARMING 1 +011110111 REVISIONS 1 +011110111 ADMAN 1 +011110111 JOKE 1 +011110111 BRAND 1 +011110111 STUDEBAKER 1 +011110111 MERGED 1 +011110111 Illegally 1 +011110111 BRUSHED 1 +011110111 EMISSIONS 1 +011110111 SHOWY 1 +011110111 PREDAWN 1 +011110111 COMCAST 1 +011110111 WOOING 1 +011110111 UNDIPLOMATIC 1 +011110111 CHRISTIES 1 +011110111 WINDS 1 +011110111 MEASURED 1 +011110111 MAHLON 1 +011110111 GRABS 1 +011110111 SWISSAIR-SAS 1 +011110111 REBUKE 1 +011110111 DELEGATE 1 +011110111 MAYORS 1 +011110111 FATAL 1 +011110111 PRIMARK 1 +011110111 GRANTS 1 +011110111 EARNED 1 +011110111 GROVE 1 +011110111 PHILANTHROPY 1 +011110111 STARCRAFT 1 +011110111 FUNDAMENTALIST 1 +011110111 VALID 1 +011110111 PEPSICO 1 +011110111 THORN-EMI 1 +011110111 Submicron-sized 1 +011110111 ARMENIAN 1 +011110111 VALEO 1 +011110111 INSPIRED 1 +011110111 QUASHING 1 +011110111 Twists 1 +011110111 NOTCH 1 +011110111 FERVENT 1 +011110111 SURVIVING 1 +011110111 IDLED 1 +011110111 MALAYSIAN 1 +011110111 MOROCCO 1 +011110111 CUTTY 1 +011110111 BREAKDOWN 1 +011110111 240.00 1 +011110111 CONCEPT 1 +011110111 185.00 1 +011110111 -11.1 1 +011110111 GLOOMY 1 +011110111 Heaping 1 +011110111 MOM 1 +011110111 DAUGHTERS 1 +011110111 MARIANNE 1 +011110111 EISENHOWER 1 +011110111 MINIMUM-TAX 1 +011110111 CYNICAL 1 +011110111 BROKERAGE 1 +011110111 BENGUET 1 +011110111 TRASH 1 +011110111 GASSED 1 +011110111 JEWS 1 +011110111 RUNNERS 1 +011110111 QWINZY 1 +011110111 CLEANUP 1 +011110111 SCORING 1 +011110111 TAIYO 1 +011110111 LACKING 1 +011110111 SHRINKING 1 +011110111 ENVY 1 +011110111 EXPANSION 1 +011110111 DYING 1 +011110111 ACTING 1 +011110111 HUBBLE 1 +011110111 BURGEONING 1 +011110111 FIREMAN 1 +011110111 TAMPA 1 +011110111 HEARING 1 +011110111 LIPPER 1 +011110111 JEREZ 1 +011110111 Tranch 1 +011110111 BIDDING 1 +011110111 900-ACRE 1 +011110111 HOME-TOWN 1 +011110111 Montupet 1 +011110111 FULL-FUNDING 1 +011110111 BEATS 1 +011110111 FIDDLE 1 +011110111 NOSTALGIC 1 +011110111 RENTING 1 +011110111 PAYROLL 1 +011110111 PRIVATE-RULING 1 +011110111 FLAT 2 +011110111 RELOCATION 2 +011110111 MALES 2 +011110111 CONFLICTING 2 +011110111 SOCK 2 +011110111 BUM 2 +011110111 CAPITAL-GAINS 2 +011110111 EPITOPE 2 +011110111 THRIVING 2 +011110111 ANITEC 2 +011110111 Adjunct 2 +011110111 HADSON 2 +011110111 MONICA 2 +011110111 LORIMAR-TELEPICTURES 2 +011110111 INITIAL 2 +011110111 LOBBYING 2 +011110111 TWO-TIER 2 +011110111 HANDYMAN 2 +011110111 AETNA 2 +011110111 GRADED 2 +011110111 KAMAN 2 +011110111 ARIAS 2 +011110111 RHODE 2 +011110111 ALARM 2 +011110111 WEBB 2 +011110111 PHARMACIA 2 +011110111 Installations 2 +011110111 QUIKSILVER 2 +011110111 PEKING 2 +011110111 BRAZILIAN 2 +011110111 TEXTRON 2 +011110111 MISCELLANEOUS 2 +011110111 VOTING 2 +011110111 FRUIT 2 +011110111 ELDERLY 2 +011110111 SENSITIVE 2 +011110111 HEARINGS 2 +011110111 INSIDER 2 +011110111 TERRORIST 2 +011110111 BOWATER 2 +011110111 KOHL 2 +011110111 BRING 2 +011110111 HEICO 2 +011110111 KOITO 2 +011110111 IVORY 2 +011110111 CENTEX 2 +011110111 BIRD 2 +011110111 CAESARS 2 +011110111 CAREMARK 2 +011110111 INDEPENDENCE 2 +011110111 SAFECO 2 +011110111 DUN 2 +011110111 REXON 2 +011110111 80.0 2 +011110111 CROWDED 2 +011110111 Third-ranked 2 +011110111 BILLION-DOLLAR 2 +011110111 PENNWALT 2 +011110111 ZIONS 2 +011110111 TRANSWORLD 2 +011110111 STUDYING 2 +011110111 Beefing 2 +011110111 FOUGHT 2 +011110111 COMPETENT 2 +011110111 SIGNATURE 2 +011110111 PINE 2 +011110111 HELPERS 2 +011110111 FACED 2 +011110111 DISCOVERY 2 +011110111 MAXTOR 2 +011110111 EXCELAN 2 +011110111 AMTRAK 2 +011110111 TRAIN 2 +011110111 ARTHUR 2 +011110111 FORCED 2 +011110111 LOCK 2 +011110111 EVANS 2 +011110111 Next-Most-Remarkable 2 +011110111 PERRIER 2 +011110111 MACNEAL-SCHWENDLER 2 +011110111 GUARDIAN 2 +011110111 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC 2 +011110111 BORIS 2 +011110111 NU-MED 2 +011110111 CALLING 2 +011110111 Authoritative 2 +011110111 YALE 2 +011110111 ENGELHARD 2 +011110111 ADULTS 2 +011110111 NIKE 2 +011110111 MINICOMPUTER 2 +011110111 APACHE 2 +011110111 BRISTOL-MYERS 2 +011110111 FRANKLIN 2 +011110111 TOGETHER 2 +011110111 TENNECO 2 +011110111 MOTORISTS 2 +011110111 WASTE-CLEANUP 2 +011110111 Rifle-toting 2 +011110111 MISSION 2 +011110111 METER 2 +011110111 BOTHA 2 +011110111 NEW-PRODUCT 2 +011110111 XICOR 2 +011110111 PULTE 2 +011110111 SWEET 2 +011110111 KLOECKNER-WERKE 2 +011110111 DEMONSTRATORS 2 +011110111 WINNERS 2 +011110111 VOYAGER 2 +011110111 MALAYSIA 2 +011110111 HILTON 2 +011110111 CONSERVATIVE 2 +011110111 UNIT 2 +011110111 ANIMAL 2 +011110111 DEVON 2 +011110111 PREGNANT 2 +011110111 LATER 2 +011110111 PUSHED 2 +011110111 LEATHER 2 +011110111 TASTES 2 +011110111 HEALTHY 2 +011110111 SHARE 2 +011110111 PURCHASING 2 +011110111 SANFORD 2 +011110111 PROVINCE 2 +011110111 MICROSEMI 2 +011110111 ARSON 2 +011110111 PEREZ 2 +011110111 CUTTING 2 +011110111 KEEPING 2 +011110111 AWARE 2 +011110111 HIMONT 2 +011110111 DOUBT 2 +011110111 BUSINESSLAND 2 +011110111 GUN 2 +011110111 ELIZABETH 2 +011110111 BIO-TECHNOLOGY 2 +011110111 NUCLEAR 2 +011110111 BASIX 2 +011110111 RIVAL 2 +011110111 GEORGIA 2 +011110111 JESSE 2 +011110111 GLASNOST 2 +011110111 ZHAO 2 +011110111 TRAILS 2 +011110111 THOUSAND 2 +011110111 BROWN-FORMAN 2 +011110111 ZEHNTEL 2 +011110111 BURNLEY 2 +011110111 TRUCKING 2 +011110111 ECHLIN 2 +011110111 1530.9 2 +011110111 DUKE 2 +011110111 FARMS 2 +011110111 ACCOUNTANTS 2 +011110111 SHAWMUT 2 +011110111 AGING 2 +011110111 OPTICAL 2 +011110111 PORTABLE 2 +011110111 115,436 2 +011110111 ROLLINS 2 +011110111 BURLINGTON 2 +011110111 HOCKEY 2 +011110111 WRIGLEY 2 +011110111 GELCO 2 +011110111 PLAYING 2 +011110111 FIRSTFED 2 +011110111 XIDEX 2 +011110111 KNOGO 2 +011110111 YET 2 +011110111 STREETS 2 +011110111 CHECKING 2 +011110111 DRAFTING 2 +011110111 SOCIALISTS 2 +011110111 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE 2 +011110111 TRINOVA 2 +011110111 SAFER 2 +011110111 LOSES 2 +011110111 MARKED 2 +011110111 WICKES 2 +011110111 MILLIPORE 2 +011110111 FEATHERING 2 +011110111 FOLLOW 2 +011110111 DENTISTS 2 +011110111 RETRAINING 2 +011110111 Cerinvest 2 +011110111 SUNUNU 2 +011110111 EACH 2 +011110111 ORIENT 2 +011110111 ESTATE-TAX 2 +011110111 HANCOCK 2 +011110111 NORANDA 2 +011110111 STRUCTURAL 2 +011110111 MARSHALL 2 +011110111 ATTRACTS 2 +011110111 CARTER 2 +011110111 HAWLEY 2 +011110111 TEAMWORK 2 +011110111 KEYNOTE 2 +011110111 SLEAZE 2 +011110111 HISTORY 2 +011110111 CLIENTS 2 +011110111 Leaking 2 +011110111 MOTHERS 2 +011110111 FALL 2 +011110111 MICROSOFT 2 +011110111 GREENER 2 +011110111 SOLID 2 +011110111 VOLUNTEERS 2 +011110111 DAVOX 2 +011110111 SERVICO 2 +011110111 DISCHARGED 2 +011110111 RETIREE 2 +011110111 ELCOR 2 +011110111 CONFUSION 2 +011110111 GARBAGE 2 +011110111 DISPOSABLE 2 +011110111 SEACOAST 2 +011110111 WEINBERGER 2 +011110111 HANGING 2 +011110111 CERUS 2 +011110111 STATEHOOD 2 +011110111 EASTER 2 +011110111 EXCUSE 2 +011110111 FARMLAND 2 +011110111 SURVEY 2 +011110111 BONUS 2 +011110111 INSTITUTO 2 +011110111 RADAR 2 +011110111 ANTONOVICH 2 +011110111 Mid-August 2 +011110111 VANDERBILT 2 +011110111 NORTHWESTERN 2 +011110111 THANKS 2 +011110111 INSTALLMENT 2 +011110111 ESTIMATED 2 +011110111 BMR 2 +011110111 TELERATE 2 +011110111 LISTED 2 +011110111 FIBER-OPTIC 2 +011110111 WELBILT 2 +011110111 YELTSIN 2 +011110111 MAZOWIECKI 2 +011110111 FIGURES 2 +011110111 MONARCH 2 +011110111 NORSTAR 2 +011110111 DUMPING 2 +011110111 GINSBURG 2 +011110111 INCREASED 2 +011110111 MAGMA 2 +011110111 CHOLESTEROL 2 +011110111 HORIZON 2 +011110111 WALGREEN 2 +011110111 FINAL 2 +011110111 JUNK 2 +011110111 STAY 2 +011110111 BREAKING 2 +011110111 WARY 2 +011110111 IMPAC 2 +011110111 RARE 2 +011110111 SENIOR 2 +011110111 DEWKS 2 +011110111 DRIVE-IN 2 +011110111 WESTAMERICA 2 +011110111 PENTAIR 2 +011110111 JOHNSTON 2 +011110111 GEMINA 2 +011110111 IRVINE 2 +011110111 BUG 2 +011110111 MASTER 2 +011110111 ARMED 2 +011110111 VOTER 2 +011110111 READ 2 +011110111 KYSOR 2 +011110111 PERES 2 +011110111 UTAH 2 +011110111 BETWEEN 2 +011110111 ALGERIA 2 +011110111 ELECTRON 2 +011110111 LOCKHEED 2 +011110111 WEDDING 2 +011110111 FIRST-CLASS 2 +011110111 COMPANIA 2 +011110111 PHONY 2 +011110111 ROCKY 2 +011110111 NERVOUS 2 +011110111 AMDAHL 2 +011110111 MEDIAN 2 +011110111 RYAN 2 +011110111 XYVISION 2 +011110111 SPREAD 2 +011110111 JURORS 2 +011110111 KENTUCKY 2 +011110111 EASCO 2 +011110111 GLENN 2 +011110111 Salesmanship 2 +011110111 BRINKMANN 2 +011110111 TRAUMA 2 +011110111 ARMS-CONTROL 2 +011110111 ROCKEFELLER 2 +011110111 TRUCK 2 +011110111 MEASUREX 2 +011110111 PACIFIC-RIM 2 +011110111 WOLSELEY 2 +011110111 Whiz-kid 2 +011110111 SOCIALIST 2 +011110111 Equivalent 2 +011110111 ATARI 2 +011110111 PHYSICISTS 2 +011110111 BERNARD 2 +011110111 ROSY 2 +011110111 UNTIL 2 +011110111 QUEENSWAY 2 +011110111 IGNORANCE 2 +011110111 MICE 2 +011110111 DIVIDEND-YIELD 2 +011110111 SUED 2 +011110111 1535.6 2 +011110111 1920.8 2 +011110111 HIGHLAND 2 +011110111 GENEROUS 2 +011110111 3COM 2 +011110111 FOREMOST 2 +011110111 REGULATORY 2 +011110111 DOCK 2 +011110111 Piling 2 +011110111 DESKTOP 2 +011110111 TBM 2 +011110111 KAY 2 +011110111 GUNS 2 +011110111 BABBITT 2 +011110111 PERRY 2 +011110111 BEYOND 2 +011110111 SHORE 2 +011110111 JANITORS 2 +011110111 STRANGE 2 +011110111 JAN 2 +011110111 TIGHTER 2 +011110111 LEANER 2 +011110111 SEQUA 2 +011110111 SPARE 2 +011110111 NEGOTIATIONS 2 +011110111 SURGEONS 2 +011110111 IDEAL 2 +011110111 AUDIO 2 +011110111 LURE 2 +011110111 Colder 2 +011110111 EATING 2 +011110111 TOILET 2 +011110111 S.N.L. 2 +011110111 Engex 2 +011110111 ARGENTINA 2 +011110111 CONGRESSMAN 2 +011110111 OUTLET 2 +011110111 AMES 2 +011110111 PERINI 2 +011110111 CELEBRITY 2 +011110111 IVAN 2 +011110111 RUDER 2 +011110111 PORT 2 +011110111 ORGANIZED 2 +011110111 State-controlled 2 +011110111 CONSIDERING 2 +011110111 Lifelong 2 +011110111 FOUL 2 +011110111 WISH 2 +011110111 Soufre 2 +011110111 MINUTEMAN 2 +011110111 PERMANENT 2 +011110111 SCREEN 2 +011110111 Hardened 2 +011110111 TEXTILE 2 +011110111 PROGRESSIVE 2 +011110111 FOREIGN-POLICY 2 +011110111 QUEST 2 +011110111 GASOLINE 2 +011110111 PATLEX 2 +011110111 PRIORITIES 2 +011110111 OLLIE 2 +011110111 SIGNS 2 +011110111 AMOSKEAG 2 +011110111 POSH 2 +011110111 ARTIFICIAL 2 +011110111 Saturated 2 +011110111 STADIUM 2 +011110111 CONCRETE 2 +011110111 EXTENDED-CARE 2 +011110111 WEDTECH 2 +011110111 COMEBACK 2 +011110111 Stagflation 2 +011110111 LOW-INCOME 2 +011110111 TRY 2 +011110111 EVERYONE 2 +011110111 DEEP 2 +011110111 WEEDING 2 +011110111 Portraying 2 +011110111 LATIN 2 +011110111 BERGER 2 +011110111 FINISH 2 +011110111 DAY-CARE 2 +011110111 BETTY 2 +011110111 RESTORING 2 +011110111 INTEL 2 +011110111 ESCAGEN 2 +011110111 ADOPTION 2 +011110111 SURF 2 +011110111 OPEN 2 +011110111 SHADES 2 +011110111 ADVANCES 2 +011110111 ARMCO 2 +011110111 MITTERRAND 2 +011110111 WELLCOME 2 +011110111 GENERIC 2 +011110111 HYDRAULIC 2 +011110111 LOOSE 2 +011110111 LEADERSHIP 2 +011110111 WELLNESS 2 +011110111 BANNER 2 +011110111 FAILURE 2 +011110111 LINDA 2 +011110111 REDEEMING 2 +011110111 Tieless 2 +011110111 ALPINE 2 +011110111 ANCHOR 2 +011110111 YANKEE 2 +011110111 DOMTAR 2 +011110111 CHUBB 2 +011110111 CAPITALIST 2 +011110111 Touchy 2 +011110111 BROCK 2 +011110111 WALDHEIM 2 +011110111 DOSKOCIL 2 +011110111 SUNGARD 2 +011110111 HIGHWAY 2 +011110111 SURPRISING 2 +011110111 DAISY 2 +011110111 DR. 2 +011110111 PROVIDENT 2 +011110111 HAITI 2 +011110111 todos 2 +011110111 GIVEN 2 +011110111 HEFTY 2 +011110111 EX-CIA 2 +011110111 ENCOR 2 +011110111 DEPUTY 2 +011110111 SOONER 2 +011110111 MARRIAGE 2 +011110111 BRANIFF 2 +011110111 JACK 2 +011110111 Cognitronics 2 +011110111 COMPACT 2 +011110111 NINE 2 +011110111 NEITHER 2 +011110111 ITCHING 2 +011110111 COMPROMISE 2 +011110111 PITY 2 +011110111 MIDLANTIC 2 +011110111 OSHMAN 2 +011110111 SPORTING 2 +011110111 DRUG-TESTING 2 +011110111 CARSON 2 +011110111 ALLTEL 2 +011110111 SCANNING 2 +011110111 GOTTA 2 +011110111 BALLY 2 +011110111 REGAN 2 +011110111 ALAN 2 +011110111 DEVELOPERS 2 +011110111 FREDERICK 2 +011110111 SPARTECH 2 +011110111 HIGHEST 2 +011110111 EATON 2 +011110111 WARD 2 +011110111 ROUSE 2 +011110111 VOEST-ALPINE 2 +011110111 MINISCRIBE 2 +011110111 UNEASY 2 +011110111 PHANTOM 2 +011110111 OCTOBER 2 +011110111 LIONEL 2 +011110111 U.S.-SOVIET 2 +011110111 EVIDENCE 3 +011110111 LOWER 3 +011110111 ROOSEVELT 3 +011110111 SMALLER 3 +011110111 MCFARLANE 3 +011110111 KEMPER 3 +011110111 RATING 3 +011110111 ARGENTINE 3 +011110111 MIAMI 3 +011110111 FARMER 3 +011110111 VIETNAM 3 +011110111 GEORGE 3 +011110111 CLOSE 3 +011110111 BRITAIN 3 +011110111 NICOR 3 +011110111 GARY 3 +011110111 AFGHAN 3 +011110111 ENDEVCO 3 +011110111 MIDDLE 3 +011110111 ARKLA 3 +011110111 DUCOMMUN 3 +011110111 PATTEN 3 +011110111 OGDEN 3 +011110111 PILLSBURY 3 +011110111 PART-TIME 3 +011110111 WESTWOOD 3 +011110111 WATCHING 3 +011110111 HUGHES 3 +011110111 HAVING 3 +011110111 FEDDERS 3 +011110111 EDWARD 3 +011110111 FICTION 3 +011110111 mise 3 +011110111 HUSSEIN 3 +011110111 THATCHER 3 +011110111 FISONS 3 +011110111 COLOMBIA 3 +011110111 XYLOGICS 3 +011110111 DONORS 3 +011110111 EAGLE 3 +011110111 OPERATING 3 +011110111 ALIMONY 3 +011110111 CERTAIN 3 +011110111 PROVIGO 3 +011110111 INSIDE 3 +011110111 +23 3 +011110111 UNLIKE 3 +011110111 APARTMENT 3 +011110111 AEROSPATIALE 3 +011110111 RAINIER 3 +011110111 ODD 3 +011110111 NELSON 3 +011110111 DEXTER 3 +011110111 WESTVACO 3 +011110111 KAISER 3 +011110111 RISING 3 +011110111 CARLUCCI 3 +011110111 LEMON 3 +011110111 SYRIA 3 +011110111 PECHINEY 3 +011110111 ALFONSIN 3 +011110111 INB 3 +011110111 THERMO 3 +011110111 DOMINION 3 +011110111 EXPORT 3 +011110111 UNCERTAINTY 3 +011110111 WENDY 3 +011110111 VALERO 3 +011110111 QUICK 3 +011110111 DIVORCE 3 +011110111 DISPUTES 3 +011110111 CLOTHING 3 +011110111 ADOLPH 3 +011110111 COORS 3 +011110111 GILBERT 3 +011110111 Healthsouth 3 +011110111 SUIT 3 +011110111 WANG 3 +011110111 UNDER 3 +011110111 CALTON 3 +011110111 SOARING 3 +011110111 START-UP 3 +011110111 HERBERT 3 +011110111 GUARANTY 3 +011110111 SCHERING-PLOUGH 3 +011110111 MICROPOLIS 3 +011110111 ECONOMISTS 3 +011110111 CURRENCY 3 +011110111 KID 3 +011110111 IMPORTED 3 +011110111 ACCORDING 3 +011110111 PANAMA 3 +011110111 CONTRACTING 3 +011110111 COMMODITIES 3 +011110111 PUBLICLY 3 +011110111 EMPIRE 3 +011110111 SPY 3 +011110111 PEACE 3 +011110111 WITCO 3 +011110111 OUTSIDE 3 +011110111 DEKALB 3 +011110111 AMBITIOUS 3 +011110111 CLOCK 3 +011110111 ALBANY 3 +011110111 AGRICULTURAL 3 +011110111 TECHNICAL 3 +011110111 KARSTADT 3 +011110111 SEN. 3 +011110111 KOREAN 3 +011110111 STUDENT 3 +011110111 CONFERENCE 3 +011110111 DEAVER 3 +011110111 FRANCHISE 3 +011110111 ROGER 3 +011110111 PRODUCER 3 +011110111 DAIRY 3 +011110111 FISHING 3 +011110111 EXPENSIVE 3 +011110111 PRUDENTIAL 3 +011110111 COMBAT 3 +011110111 KIM 3 +011110111 AVENUE 3 +011110111 MOODY 3 +011110111 OUTBOARD 3 +011110111 FISH 3 +011110111 LOS 3 +011110111 PRIDE 3 +011110111 CORONA 3 +011110111 CURRENT 3 +011110111 Comercial 3 +011110111 RISKY 3 +011110111 SAHARA 3 +011110111 BEHIND 3 +011110111 CALIFORNIANS 3 +011110111 TANDY 3 +011110111 MONKEY 3 +011110111 BROADWAY 3 +011110111 MAPCO 3 +011110111 HIJACKERS 3 +011110111 TEACHER 3 +011110111 DURING 3 +011110111 SPEED 3 +011110111 RICE 3 +011110111 THRIFT 3 +011110111 BEECHAM 3 +011110111 TRANSAMERICA 3 +011110111 DEGUSSA 3 +011110111 ESPANOL 3 +011110111 EMERGENCY 3 +011110111 TORONTO 3 +011110111 BRAMALEA 3 +011110111 HAMBROS 3 +011110111 AMFAC 3 +011110111 HER 3 +011110111 ROCHESTER 3 +011110111 LOAD 3 +011110111 BLIND 3 +011110111 ILL 3 +011110111 LECH 3 +011110111 AGENT 3 +011110111 WRITING 3 +011110111 BASS 3 +011110111 GENENTECH 3 +011110111 CONTRAS 3 +011110111 SIMON 3 +011110111 CRUISE 3 +011110111 PINOCHET 3 +011110111 CHRONAR 3 +011110111 TANKS 3 +011110111 HERTZ 3 +011110111 SHUTTLE 3 +011110111 GREYHOUND 3 +011110111 TALMAN 3 +011110111 AVOID 3 +011110111 SPREADING 3 +011110111 INSTANT 3 +011110111 MEXICAN 3 +011110111 SEAGATE 3 +011110111 CATALOG 3 +011110111 MARCOS 3 +011110111 NYNEX 3 +011110111 LOGIC 3 +011110111 IRAQI 3 +011110111 SEATTLE 3 +011110111 PILGRIM 3 +011110111 DILLARD 3 +011110111 AMGEN 3 +011110111 CREATIVE 3 +011110111 CLEAR 3 +011110111 CHICKEN 3 +011110111 REVLON 3 +011110111 NEWBERY 3 +011110111 KLERK 3 +011110111 NOBODY 3 +011110111 NORTHWEST 3 +011110111 MELVILLE 3 +011110111 BURMESE 3 +011110111 BUILD 3 +011110111 TOWN 3 +011110111 440.8 3 +011110111 2138.9 3 +011110111 BAHAMIAN 3 +011110111 KLOECKNER-HUMBOLDT-DEUTZ 3 +011110111 STOP 3 +011110111 MAYBE 3 +011110111 REGULATORS 3 +011110111 GROSS 3 +011110111 DEFENSIVE 3 +011110111 SLOWER 3 +011110111 RECRUITS 3 +011110111 LURING 3 +011110111 MERIT 3 +011110111 FIFTH 3 +011110111 MAKING 3 +011110111 HALF 3 +011110111 RESULTS 3 +011110111 COMMUNIST 3 +011110111 PIEDMONT 3 +011110111 WORRIED 3 +011110111 CITIZEN 3 +011110111 WHETHER 3 +011110111 GAG 3 +011110111 BRUCE 4 +011110111 FINE 4 +011110111 TRADITIONAL 4 +011110111 SPECIAL 4 +011110111 CINCINNATI 4 +011110111 BRIDGESTONE 4 +011110111 FRENCH 4 +011110111 CIRCUS 4 +011110111 HUMAN 4 +011110111 LIABILITY 4 +011110111 COLONIAL 4 +011110111 BURMA 4 +011110111 NEWSPAPER 4 +011110111 BOUYGUES 4 +011110111 TRYING 4 +011110111 ROBOT 4 +011110111 DISABILITY 4 +011110111 MESA 4 +011110111 BROKE 4 +011110111 CHIPS 4 +011110111 SHARING 4 +011110111 SPACE 4 +011110111 Excludes 4 +011110111 BEFORE 4 +011110111 BASE 4 +011110111 EMHART 4 +011110111 FOODMAKER 4 +011110111 SAFETY 4 +011110111 WISCONSIN 4 +011110111 HORSE 4 +011110111 EXPLOSIVOS 4 +011110111 BRUNSWICK 4 +011110111 STERLING 4 +011110111 MUTUAL-FUND 4 +011110111 SALOMON 4 +011110111 COURTAULDS 4 +011110111 WEYERHAEUSER 4 +011110111 ENTEX 4 +011110111 BANKRUPTCY 4 +011110111 BOTH 4 +011110111 BLACKS 4 +011110111 SIGN 4 +011110111 SHAREHOLDER 4 +011110111 KOHLBERG 4 +011110111 KRAVIS 4 +011110111 LAWRENCE 4 +011110111 DIGITAL 4 +011110111 FATHER 4 +011110111 UTILICORP 4 +011110111 SET 4 +011110111 PIPE 4 +011110111 NORWEST 4 +011110111 TRACTEBEL 4 +011110111 ARMSTRONG 4 +011110111 FERRANTI 4 +011110111 CAREER 4 +011110111 SEA 4 +011110111 CONCERN 4 +011110111 POSTAL 4 +011110111 CENTURY 4 +011110111 SOUTHWESTERN 4 +011110111 HISPANIC 4 +011110111 DAILY 4 +011110111 TYLER 4 +011110111 RIVALS 4 +011110111 WINTER 4 +011110111 COMINCO 4 +011110111 SECOND 4 +011110111 MILITARY 4 +011110111 EVERY 4 +011110111 MAXICARE 4 +011110111 GLASS 4 +011110111 SON 4 +011110111 DELAYED 4 +011110111 GUY 4 +011110111 DIRECT 4 +011110111 FUR 4 +011110111 EMPLOYER 4 +011110111 EUROPE 4 +011110111 SEVEN 4 +011110111 MATCH 4 +011110111 FLUOR 4 +011110111 ESSEX 4 +011110111 BRIGHT 4 +011110111 GOT 4 +011110111 MINIMUM 4 +011110111 BEERS 4 +011110111 TRIANGLE 4 +011110111 JERRY 4 +011110111 FINALLY 4 +011110111 PREMIER 4 +011110111 GLENFED 4 +011110111 EASTMAN 4 +011110111 GOLDMAN 4 +011110111 SACHS 4 +011110111 POPE 4 +011110111 BURNS 4 +011110111 STRONG 4 +011110111 BIDEN 4 +011110111 CROSSLAND 4 +011110111 STARTING 4 +011110111 LAB 4 +011110111 TARGET 4 +011110111 KEMP 4 +011110111 EQUIMARK 4 +011110111 JIM 4 +011110111 ANALYSTS 4 +011110111 CONVENTION 4 +011110111 JOINT 4 +011110111 BANNED 4 +011110111 TEKTRONIX 4 +011110111 CUBAN 4 +011110111 RENTAL 4 +011110111 LEADING 4 +011110111 HIGH-TECH 4 +011110111 WAR 4 +011110111 INDEPENDENT 4 +011110111 CHANGING 4 +011110111 LOCAL 4 +011110111 BANC 4 +011110111 SECORD 4 +011110111 SUPER 4 +011110111 QUAKER 5 +011110111 AMSTRAD 5 +011110111 IMAGINE 5 +011110111 MASSACHUSETTS 5 +011110111 TRANSCANADA 5 +011110111 DIVIDEND 5 +011110111 SHEVARDNADZE 5 +011110111 POLICY 5 +011110111 KNOW 5 +011110111 BELIEVE 5 +011110111 LOUISIANA 5 +011110111 st 5 +011110111 HWC 5 +011110111 MERGER 5 +011110111 ROSTENKOWSKI 5 +011110111 SHELL 5 +011110111 APPLIED 5 +011110111 WHERE 5 +011110111 OUR 5 +011110111 GERMAN 5 +011110111 Noted 5 +011110111 NEARLY 5 +011110111 BAY 5 +011110111 EXPORTERS 5 +011110111 INDIAN 5 +011110111 SWEDISH 5 +011110111 JOSEPH 5 +011110111 NUOVO 5 +011110111 LANDMARK 5 +011110111 CONTRA 5 +011110111 GORE 5 +011110111 CHILD-CARE 5 +011110111 ROBERTSON 5 +011110111 CHANCES 5 +011110111 ANGLO 5 +011110111 PREUSSAG 5 +011110111 RICOH 5 +011110111 PAID 5 +011110111 IOWA 5 +011110111 KOMATSU 5 +011110111 MENTOR 5 +011110111 Lucio 5 +011110111 HELPING 5 +011110111 TAXABLE 5 +011110111 BARRY 5 +011110111 DEMOCRATIC 5 +011110111 HUNTING 5 +011110111 GIANT 5 +011110111 TIGER 5 +011110111 MASCO 5 +011110111 HUNGARY 5 +011110111 LASER 5 +011110111 TOY 5 +011110111 HENRY 5 +011110111 PRESIDENTIAL 5 +011110111 Braathens 5 +011110111 ALLEGIS 5 +011110111 BAN 5 +011110111 FLEXIBLE 5 +011110111 ANY 5 +011110111 JARUZELSKI 5 +011110111 ARAB 5 +011110111 UNISYS 5 +011110111 Unreimbursed 5 +011110111 SLOW 5 +011110111 BRAZIL 5 +011110111 CHASE 5 +011110111 VOICE 5 +011110111 GRAIN 5 +011110111 ALTHOUGH 5 +011110111 REMY 5 +011110111 OREGON 5 +011110111 BALTIMORE 5 +011110111 BATTLED 5 +011110111 FEWER 5 +011110111 ORTEGA 5 +011110111 DELAWARE 5 +011110111 MOORE 5 +011110111 SAVE 5 +011110111 IMPORTS 5 +011110111 COOPER 5 +011110111 PRECISION 5 +011110111 MARYLAND 5 +011110111 SELECTED 5 +011110111 SCOTT 5 +011110111 RULE 5 +011110111 PHILIPPINE 5 +011110111 MOVIE 5 +011110111 BOOTS 5 +011110111 AIRLINE 5 +011110111 HEAD 5 +011110111 SOMETIMES 5 +011110111 MERIDIAN 5 +011110111 INCENTIVE 6 +011110111 LOOKING 6 +011110111 STANLEY 6 +011110111 POLITICAL 6 +011110111 GEPHARDT 6 +011110111 GLOBAL 6 +011110111 CONNECTICUT 6 +011110111 FORGET 6 +011110111 NEED 6 +011110111 BUSY 6 +011110111 HURRICANE 6 +011110111 BROAD 6 +011110111 HOLD 6 +011110111 BAR 6 +011110111 USING 6 +011110111 USED 6 +011110111 AMNESTY 6 +011110111 NOTHING 6 +011110111 ARIZONA 6 +011110111 INVESTIGATORS 6 +011110111 CHUN 6 +011110111 JOBLESS 6 +011110111 WATCH 6 +011110111 MATTEL 6 +011110111 CANCER 6 +011110111 SEVERAL 6 +011110111 HOT 6 +011110111 TRANS 6 +011110111 COMING 6 +011110111 PAKISTAN 6 +011110111 LEGAL 6 +011110111 BEER 6 +011110111 ILLEGAL 6 +011110111 CASEY 6 +011110111 FINDING 6 +011110111 ALLEGHENY 6 +011110111 FREE 6 +011110111 TEAMSTERS 6 +011110111 EVER 6 +011110111 RESIDENTIAL 6 +011110111 CHARITY 6 +011110111 SOMETHING 6 +011110111 LEGISLATION 6 +011110111 WAGE 6 +011110111 CONGRESSIONAL 6 +011110111 EUROPEAN 6 +011110111 RESOURCE 6 +011110111 ADD 6 +011110111 ETHICS 6 +011110111 VOLCKER 6 +011110111 DIAMOND 6 +011110111 EQUITABLE 6 +011110111 LOOKS 6 +011110111 HIRING 6 +011110111 THOUGH 6 +011110111 MERCHANTS 6 +011110111 ARMS 6 +011110111 NEVER 6 +011110111 DELTA 6 +011110111 WHY 6 +011110111 WALESA 6 +011110111 INLAND 6 +011110111 GROWING 6 +011110111 PRATT 6 +011110111 UNIVERSAL 6 +011110111 FACTORY 6 +011110111 PITTSBURGH 6 +011110111 MACMILLAN 6 +011110111 MAINE 6 +011110111 MCORP 6 +011110111 REBEL 6 +011110111 DEFENSE 6 +011110111 MANILA 6 +011110111 LAWMAKERS 6 +011110111 SILICON 6 +011110111 TENDER 6 +011110111 COATS 6 +011110111 MANAGER 6 +011110111 TAIWAN 6 +011110111 WELLS 7 +011110111 ZENITH 7 +011110111 POINDEXTER 7 +011110111 ASSOCIATED 7 +011110111 WHICH 7 +011110111 WRIGHT 7 +011110111 Candid 7 +011110111 FAST 7 +011110111 UNIVERSITY 7 +011110111 GUNMEN 7 +011110111 LOOK 7 +011110111 KODAK 7 +011110111 PENNZOIL 7 +011110111 ENGINEERS 7 +011110111 HOUSTON 7 +011110111 DOES 7 +011110111 VENTURE 7 +011110111 ST. 7 +011110111 QUAYLE 7 +011110111 ONCE 7 +011110111 AQUINO 7 +011110111 REPUBLICBANK 7 +011110111 BOEING 7 +011110111 PRIMERICA 7 +011110111 MOSLEM 7 +011110111 MINORITY 7 +011110111 REGIONAL 7 +011110111 FIGHTING 7 +011110111 PEOPLES 7 +011110111 FLYING 7 +011110111 HANSON 7 +011110111 IRANIAN 7 +011110111 NAVY 7 +011110111 IMMIGRATION 7 +011110111 BUYING 7 +011110111 COUNTRY 7 +011110111 FREEPORT-MCMORAN 7 +011110111 CAMPUS 7 +011110111 JIFFY 7 +011110111 JUSTICE 7 +011110111 TRADING 7 +011110111 NACIONAL 7 +011110111 STAKE 7 +011110111 EXEMPT 7 +011110111 WORKING 7 +011110111 MOUNTAIN 7 +011110111 FORT 7 +011110111 SOCIAL 7 +011110111 JARDINE 7 +011110111 FEDERATED 7 +011110111 ATLANTA 7 +011110111 COME 7 +011110111 ISTITUTO 7 +011110111 HOLLYWOOD 7 +011110111 NEWMONT 8 +011110111 SMOKING 8 +011110111 KANSAS 8 +011110111 Occasional 8 +011110111 OVERSEAS 8 +011110111 RIO 8 +011110111 REPUBLIC 8 +011110111 SOUTHWEST 8 +011110111 QUALITY 8 +011110111 IMAGE 8 +011110111 SUCH 8 +011110111 MCDONALD 8 +011110111 HOLIDAY 8 +011110111 THEIR 8 +011110111 TELEFONICA 8 +011110111 MAKE 8 +011110111 FAMILY 8 +011110111 MERCANTILE 8 +011110111 MARINE 8 +011110111 BAYERISCHE 8 +011110111 RECENT 8 +011110111 FIVE 8 +011110111 REAGANITES 8 +011110111 GREENSPAN 8 +011110111 IRAQ 8 +011110111 THOSE 8 +011110111 REAL-ESTATE 8 +011110111 VICTOR 8 +011110111 WEEKLY 8 +011110111 HERITAGE 8 +011110111 BEEN 8 +011110111 NICARAGUA 8 +011110111 MUSIC 8 +011110111 MAZDA 8 +011110111 RETIREMENT 8 +011110111 CHRISTMAS 8 +011110111 PHONE 8 +011110111 BENTSEN 8 +011110111 CITIZENS 8 +011110111 ALASKA 9 +011110111 FIDELITY 9 +011110111 ACTION 9 +011110111 CRASH 9 +011110111 GOLDEN 9 +011110111 CHINA 9 +011110111 CHARTER 9 +011110111 FEW 9 +011110111 Outgoing 9 +011110111 TAKE 9 +011110111 HOUSING 9 +011110111 NORTHEAST 9 +011110111 MOVING 9 +011110111 HOWARD 9 +011110111 DESPITE 9 +011110111 MY 9 +011110111 HOSPITAL 9 +011110111 BRUSSELS 9 +011110111 POLICE 9 +011110111 TAKING 9 +011110111 RETURN 9 +011110111 AVERAGE 9 +011110111 CAMPAIGN 9 +011110111 WANT 9 +011110111 NIAGARA 9 +011110111 HIGHER 9 +011110111 MUNICIPAL 9 +011110111 LINCOLN 9 +011110111 MEN 9 +011110111 DEAN 9 +011110111 PARTY 9 +011110111 CHRYSLER 10 +011110111 SHAMIR 10 +011110111 TAKEOVER 10 +011110111 PARIS 10 +011110111 BUY 10 +011110111 STRATEGIC 10 +011110111 Ailing 10 +011110111 COULD 10 +011110111 ODDS 10 +011110111 DETROIT 10 +011110111 SANTA 10 +011110111 OLD 10 +011110111 HELP 10 +011110111 GETTING 10 +011110111 AMAX 10 +011110111 KIDS 10 +011110111 BANQUE 10 +011110111 SHOULD 10 +011110111 SHOPPING 10 +011110111 TOTAL 10 +011110111 FARM 10 +011110111 BEING 10 +011110111 HART 10 +011110111 CHINESE 10 +011110111 LITTLE 10 +011110111 PENNSYLVANIA 10 +011110111 STUDENTS 11 +011110111 DID 11 +011110111 INDIANA 11 +011110111 JAMES 11 +011110111 FRANK 11 +011110111 PRIVATE 11 +011110111 KRAFT 11 +011110111 MICHAEL 11 +011110111 WORKER 11 +011110111 ITS 11 +011110111 FUJI 11 +011110111 TOUGH 11 +011110111 RIGHT 11 +011110111 FORMER 11 +011110111 THESE 11 +011110111 PERSONAL 11 +011110111 REYNOLDS 11 +011110111 PIONEER 11 +011110111 NORTHERN 12 +011110111 GULF 12 +011110111 LOUIS 12 +011110111 MICHIGAN 12 +011110111 POOR 12 +011110111 TELEVISION 12 +011110111 LET 12 +011110111 KIDDER 12 +011110111 BAD 12 +011110111 EVEN 12 +011110111 ONLY 12 +011110111 STILL 12 +011110111 Confidential 12 +011110111 WALSH 12 +011110111 FOUR 12 +011110111 SUMMIT 12 +011110111 MOSCOW 12 +011110111 MARTIN 12 +011110111 CIRCLE 13 +011110111 HITACHI 13 +011110111 SINGAPORE 13 +011110111 CHICAGO 13 +011110111 LONG 13 +011110111 MANUFACTURERS 13 +011110111 HOTEL 13 +011110111 POLAND 13 +011110111 CANADIAN 13 +011110111 DALLAS 13 +011110111 SUMMER 13 +011110111 BANCO 13 +011110111 ILLINOIS 13 +011110111 GOVERNMENT 14 +011110111 *** 14 +011110111 JUST 14 +011110111 WHILE 14 +011110111 HERE 14 +011110111 EMPLOYEE 14 +011110111 OHIO 14 +011110111 FED 14 +011110111 POLISH 14 +011110111 CASH 14 +011110111 Ago 14 +011110111 TOO 14 +011110111 SMITH 14 +011110111 GOOD 14 +011110111 ISRAELI 14 +011110111 CHILDREN 14 +011110111 MAJOR 15 +011110111 ENVIRONMENTAL 15 +011110111 IRAN 15 +011110111 MEXICO 15 +011110111 TEXACO 15 +011110111 NEXT 15 +011110111 BETTER 15 +011110111 SHORT 15 +011110111 EARLY 15 +011110111 OFF 15 +011110111 THREE 16 +011110111 LIKE 16 +011110111 COLLEGE 16 +011110111 EXECUTIVE 16 +011110111 TRAVEL 16 +011110111 BACK 16 +011110111 ANOTHER 16 +011110111 LABOR 16 +011110111 AD 16 +011110111 EAST 16 +011110111 TOSHIBA 16 +011110111 HIS 16 +011110111 ATLANTIC 16 +011110111 EASTERN 16 +011110111 VALLEY 16 +011110111 ECONOMIC 17 +011110111 NORIEGA 17 +011110111 PENSION 17 +011110111 MUTUAL 17 +011110111 SUN 17 +011110111 GO 18 +011110111 BY 18 +011110111 SAN 18 +011110111 FOOD 18 +011110111 OTHER 18 +011110111 ISRAEL 19 +011110111 BORK 19 +011110111 MR. 19 +011110111 DOLE 19 +011110111 Daffynition 19 +011110111 LAST 19 +011110111 TIMES 19 +011110111 WALL 20 +011110111 BAKER 20 +011110111 ROBERT 20 +011110111 STATES 20 +011110111 HOW 20 +011110111 TIME 20 +011110111 FORD 20 +011110111 HE 20 +011110111 JOB 20 +011110111 MEESE 20 +011110111 SO 20 +011110111 SMALL 21 +011110111 CONSUMER 21 +011110111 AFTER 21 +011110111 CENTRAL 21 +011110111 BLUE 21 +011110111 SOVIET 21 +011110111 WHITE 21 +011110111 SUPREME 21 +011110111 TWO 22 +011110111 GREAT 22 +011110111 LLOYD 22 +011110111 CONTINENTAL 23 +011110111 HIGH 23 +011110111 BOSTON 23 +011110111 Help-wanted 23 +011110111 FROM 23 +011110111 CALIFORNIA 23 +011110111 DRUG 24 +011110111 CONGRESS 24 +011110111 AUTO 24 +011110111 BOND 24 +011110111 TOP 24 +011110111 FLORIDA 25 +011110111 HEALTH 25 +011110111 DEMOCRATS 25 +011110111 CONSOLIDATED 25 +011110111 JAPANESE 25 +011110111 THEY 26 +011110111 SOUTHERN 26 +011110111 ELECTRONIC 27 +011110111 NOT 28 +011110111 MOST 29 +011110111 DO 29 +011110111 WOMEN 31 +011110111 WESTERN 31 +011110111 CAN 32 +011110111 THAT 33 +011110111 MANY 34 +011110111 ALL 34 +011110111 NORTH 34 +011110111 BOESKY 35 +011110111 BUT 36 +011110111 SOUTH 36 +011110111 SHULTZ 36 +011110111 GORBACHEV 36 +011110111 TOKYO 37 +011110111 WITH 38 +011110111 ORANGE 38 +011110111 WORST 39 +011110111 AMERICA 39 +011110111 STATE 40 +011110111 JAPAN 40 +011110111 THIS 40 +011110111 CORPORATE 41 +011110111 SOME 42 +011110111 DUKAKIS 44 +011110111 BIG 44 +011110111 THERE 45 +011110111 DREXEL 46 +011110111 NO 47 +011110111 UNITED 51 +011110111 ONE 51 +011110111 AIR 51 +011110111 BEST 51 +011110111 TEXAS 54 +011110111 Municipals 55 +011110111 IF 59 +011110111 ** 60 +011110111 WHAT 60 +011110111 MORE 62 +011110111 WHEN 64 +011110111 WASHINGTON 69 +011110111 BUSH 76 +011110111 ON 82 +011110111 DE 100 +011110111 AN 106 +011110111 MINOR 112 +011110111 FOR 115 +011110111 FIRST 118 +011110111 IT 120 +011110111 AMERICAN 136 +011110111 TO 136 +011110111 REAGAN 142 +011110111 IN 145 +011110111 STOCK 150 +011110111 Ad 176 +011110111 CERTIFICATES 188 +011110111 BANKERS 191 +011110111 TREASURY 192 +011110111 MERRILL 208 +011110111 FOREIGN 251 +011110111 NEW 266 +011110111 Senior 337 +011110111 COMMERCIAL 403 +011110111 LONDON 446 +011110111 Former 581 +011110111 FEDERAL 636 +011110111 THE 1352 +011110111 An 7259 +011110111 --- 3093 +011111000 MCKINLEY 1 +011111000 Three-term 1 +011111000 In-over-the-counter 1 +011111000 SAO 1 +011111000 Gepruefte 1 +011111000 PEDIATRIC 1 +011111000 ELECTION-NIGHT 1 +011111000 LANCASTER 1 +011111000 Ilmar 1 +011111000 ILAN 1 +011111000 PHILLIPS-VAN 1 +011111000 Dramha 1 +011111000 Incurring 1 +011111000 Jananne 1 +011111000 TIMBER 1 +011111000 Trumpeter 1 +011111000 Computer-triggered 1 +011111000 VIRTUE 1 +011111000 DETAILING 1 +011111000 Panic-driven 1 +011111000 Rinichi 1 +011111000 STINGER 1 +011111000 POLLY 1 +011111000 WILLIS 1 +011111000 Solicitors 1 +011111000 ESTIMATED-TAX 1 +011111000 Masuo 1 +011111000 Kornel 1 +011111000 EXCHANGES 1 +011111000 Still-higher 1 +011111000 221,399 1 +011111000 277,989 1 +011111000 -110,864 1 +011111000 342,394 1 +011111000 47,274 1 +011111000 Mentoring 1 +011111000 Cultivating 1 +011111000 MONDALE 1 +011111000 GAZ 1 +011111000 Lubov 1 +011111000 EVERETT 1 +011111000 FranCine 1 +011111000 FEMININE 1 +011111000 Violinists 1 +011111000 LILLIAN 1 +011111000 ENDING 1 +011111000 Tossed 1 +011111000 MILWAUKEE 1 +011111000 THRIFTY 1 +011111000 SALMON 1 +011111000 Destabilizing 1 +011111000 Communist-capitalist 1 +011111000 Rueben 1 +011111000 TAVERN 1 +011111000 Bumbershoot 1 +011111000 BALLROOM 1 +011111000 Dannie 1 +011111000 MANDATORY 1 +011111000 Yukiyo 1 +011111000 Semi-retired 1 +011111000 Then-president 1 +011111000 Razing 1 +011111000 Meita 1 +011111000 FLOODS 1 +011111000 CLINTON 1 +011111000 Tsutae 1 +011111000 Wulf 1 +011111000 Anne-Claire 1 +011111000 Hidezo 1 +011111000 Urvan 1 +011111000 Suitemates 1 +011111000 Olov 1 +011111000 CHILE 1 +011111000 NATIONAL-DEBT 1 +011111000 Aerovias 1 +011111000 COL. 1 +011111000 Unify 1 +011111000 Zuheir 1 +011111000 ENRIQUE 1 +011111000 RURAL 1 +011111000 CLINICAL 1 +011111000 Chierry 1 +011111000 Programmed 1 +011111000 ANNOYING 1 +011111000 RECKLESS 1 +011111000 USELESS 1 +011111000 Gilli 1 +011111000 REVERSE 1 +011111000 DOUBTFUL 1 +011111000 MOBS 1 +011111000 Brud 1 +011111000 BRIEFLY 1 +011111000 DIXIE 1 +011111000 Tinkham 1 +011111000 Junnosuke 1 +011111000 Gohei 1 +011111000 Metin 1 +011111000 Tap-water 1 +011111000 Insurer 1 +011111000 JIMMY 1 +011111000 Goryackiye 1 +011111000 Lauris 1 +011111000 BON 1 +011111000 Heyva 1 +011111000 Swiss-franc-futures 1 +011111000 Belyiye 1 +011111000 Sorok 1 +011111000 Priin 1 +011111000 HOSTILE 1 +011111000 COMPUTER-AIDED 1 +011111000 BIRDHOUSES 1 +011111000 Yeti 1 +011111000 COMFORTABLE 1 +011111000 Frinna 1 +011111000 REPORTING 1 +011111000 One-month 1 +011111000 PHILLY 1 +011111000 MUSCOCHO 1 +011111000 STALEMATE 1 +011111000 ANDROS 1 +011111000 COSTA 1 +011111000 Homa 1 +011111000 Rockwell-Marconi 1 +011111000 Model-year 1 +011111000 DORCHESTER 1 +011111000 GEOGRAPHY 1 +011111000 MUGGING 1 +011111000 BLOCKING 1 +011111000 RECYCLED 1 +011111000 EMPHASIZE 1 +011111000 ANGRY 1 +011111000 ASBESTOS 1 +011111000 JEFF 1 +011111000 Once-cozy 1 +011111000 KEN 1 +011111000 Academician 1 +011111000 CAPT. 1 +011111000 Radka 1 +011111000 GUN-CONTROL 1 +011111000 TRAINED 1 +011111000 Keshav 1 +011111000 EHRLICH 1 +011111000 REQUIRED 1 +011111000 RAGS-TO-RICHES 1 +011111000 STOCK-QUOTE 1 +011111000 PIGGLY 1 +011111000 Wakao 1 +011111000 BRIEFING 1 +011111000 PITNEY 1 +011111000 Takehiro 1 +011111000 WORKPLACE 1 +011111000 Odeh 1 +011111000 BAMBERGER 1 +011111000 PARTLY 1 +011111000 Albina 1 +011111000 Pagona 1 +011111000 FINGERS 1 +011111000 Najeeb 1 +011111000 COPENHAGEN 1 +011111000 HEMEN 1 +011111000 State-church 1 +011111000 DENVER 1 +011111000 Chagrined 1 +011111000 3.3577 1 +011111000 2.7963 1 +011111000 2.6926 1 +011111000 SOBRIETY 1 +011111000 PACKERLAND 1 +011111000 MAPLE 1 +011111000 Teruka 1 +011111000 Forty-three-year-old 1 +011111000 BAXTER 1 +011111000 Eleanore 1 +011111000 FUNARO 1 +011111000 KEYLESS 1 +011111000 FREEZER 1 +011111000 Foreign-currency-related 1 +011111000 UNILATERAL 1 +011111000 SPIRITED 1 +011111000 Deploring 1 +011111000 ERSATZ 1 +011111000 Northernmost 1 +011111000 CHEMIE 1 +011111000 Hako 1 +011111000 Honduran-Contra 1 +011111000 BOLT 1 +011111000 Taurai 1 +011111000 Fashioning 1 +011111000 Technicolor-bright 1 +011111000 TIMELY 1 +011111000 EAGLE-EYED 1 +011111000 CREDIT-CARD 1 +011111000 LEONARD 1 +011111000 LUTZ 1 +011111000 SALARY 1 +011111000 SCUBA 1 +011111000 GLITCHES 1 +011111000 Ruslan 1 +011111000 MERE 1 +011111000 Perfected 1 +011111000 UPPER-CRUST 1 +011111000 HEIRLOOM 1 +011111000 Ikegami 1 +011111000 PLASTIC-WRAPPED 1 +011111000 BUENOS 1 +011111000 Flexing 1 +011111000 Yonina 1 +011111000 IRWIN 1 +011111000 FRANCIS 1 +011111000 BINDER 1 +011111000 STOCK-FOR-DEBT 1 +011111000 Index-options 1 +011111000 INVITATION 1 +011111000 Mitral-valve 1 +011111000 Exiting 1 +011111000 MATERIAL 1 +011111000 KLOECKNER 1 +011111000 Stodgy 1 +011111000 Prickly 1 +011111000 Feral 1 +011111000 Ottorino 1 +011111000 Malvin 1 +011111000 PRIVATELY 1 +011111000 RIVER 1 +011111000 Gyrating 1 +011111000 DOWN-UNDER 1 +011111000 717.3 1 +011111000 Parent-teacher 1 +011111000 Surasak 1 +011111000 Bangorn 1 +011111000 ELLIOTT 1 +011111000 SWAPPING 1 +011111000 Pairote 1 +011111000 MARGO 1 +011111000 Yadel 1 +011111000 Moustafa 1 +011111000 BORROWED 1 +011111000 TAP-AIR 1 +011111000 TRES 1 +011111000 Ideler 1 +011111000 Allergic 1 +011111000 MAN-MADE 1 +011111000 WILLIE 1 +011111000 Manabu 1 +011111000 EVENHANDED 1 +011111000 ACADEMIC 1 +011111000 STOCKING 1 +011111000 Vorarlberger 1 +011111000 BASKING 1 +011111000 Jackalyne 1 +011111000 Karl-Olof 1 +011111000 LYNN 1 +011111000 Mid-States 1 +011111000 UNSOLICITED 1 +011111000 Kallen 1 +011111000 Susil 1 +011111000 YELLOW-PAGE 1 +011111000 Grandson 1 +011111000 BABY-BOOM 1 +011111000 Determinedly 1 +011111000 Legislative-executive 1 +011111000 Triennial 1 +011111000 GOODBYE 1 +011111000 Waturu 1 +011111000 MOET 1 +011111000 Moshav 1 +011111000 MOONLIGHTING 1 +011111000 OCE-VAN 1 +011111000 THIN 1 +011111000 Spiros 1 +011111000 Sakei 1 +011111000 23,801 1 +011111000 Sunnyi 1 +011111000 60,228 1 +011111000 714.2 1 +011111000 2002.6 1 +011111000 Divulging 1 +011111000 RIPPLE 1 +011111000 DARK-HORSE 1 +011111000 REMAINDER 1 +011111000 PETERSVILLE 1 +011111000 Low-tax 1 +011111000 FOILING 1 +011111000 Jettisoning 1 +011111000 PROCUREMENT 1 +011111000 Etablissement 1 +011111000 BRYN 1 +011111000 SAFEGUARD 1 +011111000 OBSERVANT 1 +011111000 Upcountry 1 +011111000 ENTHUSIASM 1 +011111000 COZY 1 +011111000 Ileene 1 +011111000 Church-state 1 +011111000 Boom-city 1 +011111000 Granulocyte 1 +011111000 CLIFF 1 +011111000 SIDNEY 1 +011111000 Australian-Indonesian 1 +011111000 GREENMAN 1 +011111000 OKOBANK 1 +011111000 HAWKER 1 +011111000 INTERCONTINENTAL 1 +011111000 Mid-sized 1 +011111000 Ex-dividend 1 +011111000 Lacked 1 +011111000 State-farm 1 +011111000 NO-FRILLS 1 +011111000 TUBES 1 +011111000 Drab 1 +011111000 Previewing 1 +011111000 Nightshift 1 +011111000 Shyamal 1 +011111000 TRADE-BILL 1 +011111000 DOGFIGHTS 1 +011111000 Dshamil 1 +011111000 Deriving 1 +011111000 FARM-ACREAGE 1 +011111000 Disemboweling 1 +011111000 Stock-basket 1 +011111000 FOUNTAIN 1 +011111000 Cash-heavy 1 +011111000 CONTAMINATION 1 +011111000 Altama 1 +011111000 Dissipating 1 +011111000 Jay-Dee 1 +011111000 Bungo 1 +011111000 Sulaiman 1 +011111000 Yaphet 1 +011111000 CLEANLINESS 1 +011111000 339.0 1 +011111000 13,724.7 1 +011111000 1,983.0 1 +011111000 342.0 1 +011111000 510.9 1 +011111000 SHAUL 1 +011111000 3,138.0 1 +011111000 5,596.5 1 +011111000 Shoba 1 +011111000 135,979 1 +011111000 239,223 1 +011111000 Severa 1 +011111000 120,242 1 +011111000 13,966 1 +011111000 158,593 1 +011111000 Tapan 1 +011111000 Melanin-impregnated 1 +011111000 FLY 1 +011111000 Satjipto 1 +011111000 1,955.0 1 +011111000 2,255.0 1 +011111000 11,421.0 1 +011111000 2,163.9 1 +011111000 1,220.2 1 +011111000 3,714.6 1 +011111000 5,800.0 1 +011111000 4,028.5 1 +011111000 101,156 1 +011111000 83,091 1 +011111000 TRIVIA 1 +011111000 128,320 1 +011111000 404,545 1 +011111000 127,382 1 +011111000 277,163 1 +011111000 Purchasing-power-parity 1 +011111000 10,545 1 +011111000 139,854 1 +011111000 20,053 1 +011111000 10,475 1 +011111000 ALANN 1 +011111000 Sukio 1 +011111000 RUPERT 1 +011111000 2,617 1 +011111000 19,506 1 +011111000 FREEZING 1 +011111000 THROW-AWAY 1 +011111000 Maijardie 1 +011111000 Ould 1 +011111000 Tiado 1 +011111000 DARMAN 1 +011111000 Oil-busted 1 +011111000 HAITIANS 1 +011111000 World-class 1 +011111000 HIDDEN 1 +011111000 Government-issue 1 +011111000 2470.00 1 +011111000 LEGG 1 +011111000 Computer-directed 1 +011111000 Kierie 1 +011111000 Hoboken-Union 1 +011111000 82,539 1 +011111000 Faramand 1 +011111000 Reflexive 1 +011111000 1563.0 1 +011111000 32,352 1 +011111000 When-issued 2 +011111000 RONALD 2 +011111000 STATISTICAL 2 +011111000 GZA 2 +011111000 Lyonel 2 +011111000 HAIR 2 +011111000 BROADCASTERS 2 +011111000 MUNICIPALS 2 +011111000 POOCH 2 +011111000 CINEPLEX 2 +011111000 Denzel 2 +011111000 SEPARATE 2 +011111000 CO-OPS 2 +011111000 FEELING 2 +011111000 Anil 2 +011111000 GALILEO 2 +011111000 SMITHKLINE 3 +011111000 War-torn 3 +011111000 Averaging 3 +011111000 RALSTON 4 +011111000 CONSERVATIVES 4 +011111000 DANCE 4 +011111000 Dividend-related 5 +011111000 Invoking 7 +011111000 Displaying 7 +011111000 CARL 8 +011111000 Defining 8 +011111000 In 83979 +011111000 PHELPS 9 +01111100100 Anthropomorphic 1 +01111100100 Electioneering 1 +01111100100 Cicada 1 +01111100100 Corks 1 +01111100100 Synthesized 1 +01111100100 Inhalable 1 +01111100100 Coffee-table 1 +01111100100 Soluble 1 +01111100100 Rheumatoid 1 +01111100100 Stroke-causing 1 +01111100100 Macrophages 1 +01111100100 Preservationist 1 +01111100100 .what 1 +01111100100 Diamond-coated 1 +01111100100 More-advanced 1 +01111100100 Craggy 1 +01111100100 Awkward 1 +01111100100 Batting 1 +01111100100 Forums 1 +01111100100 Props 1 +01111100100 Unilaterally 1 +01111100100 Inflammatory 1 +01111100100 Commence 1 +01111100100 Choreographing 1 +01111100100 Driver-side 1 +01111100100 Renaming 1 +01111100100 Degradable 1 +01111100100 Suppressing 1 +01111100100 Generators 1 +01111100100 Oraflex-related 1 +01111100100 Sweetened 1 +01111100100 Cut-your-own 1 +01111100100 Sanitizing 1 +01111100100 Gauging 1 +01111100100 Endometrial 1 +01111100100 Sign-carrying 1 +01111100100 Hugging 1 +01111100100 Succinic 1 +01111100100 Thespians 1 +01111100100 Bulldozing 1 +01111100100 Stearic 1 +01111100100 Carrier-based 1 +01111100100 Rectum 1 +01111100100 Flanking 1 +01111100100 Counteracting 1 +01111100100 Unificationists 1 +01111100100 Dramatically 1 +01111100100 Hydrochloric 1 +01111100100 Sweet-talking 1 +01111100100 Vao 1 +01111100100 Rendering 1 +01111100100 M.F. 1 +01111100100 Elbowing 1 +01111100100 Falciparum 1 +01111100100 Commercializing 1 +01111100100 Complementing 1 +01111100100 Incorrectly 1 +01111100100 Acetic 1 +01111100100 COMMUNION 1 +01111100100 No-fault 1 +01111100100 Ultraviolet 1 +01111100100 Possessing 1 +01111100100 Powdering 1 +01111100100 Unwinding 1 +01111100100 Swishing 1 +01111100100 Bled 1 +01111100100 Acute 1 +01111100100 Bailouts 1 +01111100100 Rhetoricians 1 +01111100100 Unadulterated 1 +01111100100 Demented 1 +01111100100 Corroborating 2 +01111100100 Diagnosed 2 +01111100100 Accruing 2 +01111100100 Waiving 2 +01111100100 Prostate 2 +01111100100 Athough 2 +01111100100 Hospitalized 2 +01111100100 Liberating 2 +01111100100 Hampering 2 +01111100100 High-performance 2 +01111100100 Humorous 2 +01111100100 Rescinding 2 +01111100100 Buttressing 2 +01111100100 Implanted 2 +01111100100 Spilling 2 +01111100100 Reorganize 2 +01111100100 Intensifying 2 +01111100100 Entertainers 2 +01111100100 Erasing 2 +01111100100 Suspecting 2 +01111100100 ABANDONING 2 +01111100100 Retelling 2 +01111100100 Dissolving 2 +01111100100 Reconstructing 2 +01111100100 Upping 2 +01111100100 Quoth 2 +01111100100 LINKING 2 +01111100100 Grenade 2 +01111100100 VOLUNTARY 2 +01111100100 ABANDONED 3 +01111100100 Determine 3 +01111100100 Sparking 3 +01111100100 Discarding 3 +01111100100 Resuming 3 +01111100100 Hailing 3 +01111100100 Enabling 3 +01111100100 Unloading 3 +01111100100 Onto 3 +01111100100 Improve 3 +01111100100 Ensuring 3 +01111100100 Acknowledges 3 +01111100100 Redeeming 3 +01111100100 .for 3 +01111100100 Propelling 3 +01111100100 Assigning 3 +01111100100 Favoring 3 +01111100100 Exercising 3 +01111100100 Witnessing 3 +01111100100 Modernizing 3 +01111100100 Eschewing 3 +01111100100 Stoking 3 +01111100100 Condemning 3 +01111100100 Narrowing 3 +01111100100 Justifying 3 +01111100100 Relentless 3 +01111100100 Refunding 3 +01111100100 Confronting 4 +01111100100 Abandoning 4 +01111100100 Patrolling 4 +01111100100 Suspending 4 +01111100100 Concluded 4 +01111100100 Tapping 4 +01111100100 Projecting 4 +01111100100 Causing 4 +01111100100 Enacting 4 +01111100100 Surrounding 4 +01111100100 Decreasing 4 +01111100100 Disregarding 4 +01111100100 Designating 4 +01111100100 Exchanging 4 +01111100100 Valuing 4 +01111100100 Postponing 4 +01111100100 Highlighting 4 +01111100100 Favors 5 +01111100100 Countering 5 +01111100100 Rampant 5 +01111100100 Eyeing 5 +01111100100 Implementing 5 +01111100100 Terming 5 +01111100100 Aggravating 5 +01111100100 Capping 5 +01111100100 Bolstering 5 +01111100100 Denied 5 +01111100100 Chasing 5 +01111100100 Withdrawing 5 +01111100100 Discovering 5 +01111100100 Weakening 5 +01111100100 Posting 5 +01111100100 Accusing 5 +01111100100 Revising 5 +01111100100 Basing 5 +01111100100 Prompting 6 +01111100100 Interpreting 6 +01111100100 Outlining 6 +01111100100 Contradicting 6 +01111100100 Contemplating 6 +01111100100 Stabilizing 6 +01111100100 Reviving 6 +01111100100 Himself 6 +01111100100 Redefining 6 +01111100100 Awaiting 6 +01111100100 Exploiting 6 +01111100100 Characterizing 6 +01111100100 Underlining 6 +01111100100 Examining 6 +01111100100 Subtracting 6 +01111100100 Wielding 6 +01111100100 Attending 6 +01111100100 Attaining 6 +01111100100 Reiterating 6 +01111100100 Covering 7 +01111100100 Curbing 7 +01111100100 Retiring 7 +01111100100 Shedding 7 +01111100100 Delivering 7 +01111100100 Alleging 7 +01111100100 Earning 7 +01111100100 Accept 7 +01111100100 Privatizing 7 +01111100100 Estimating 7 +01111100100 Minus 8 +01111100100 Urging 8 +01111100100 Charging 8 +01111100100 Emphasizing 8 +01111100100 Alongside 8 +01111100100 Atop 8 +01111100100 Battling 8 +01111100100 Signaling 8 +01111100100 Marking 8 +01111100100 Assessing 8 +01111100100 Representing 9 +01111100100 Spurring 9 +01111100100 Adopting 9 +01111100100 Resolving 9 +01111100100 Balancing 10 +01111100100 Believing 10 +01111100100 Illustrating 10 +01111100100 Predicting 10 +01111100100 Waving 10 +01111100100 Dismissing 10 +01111100100 Defying 10 +01111100100 Pursuing 11 +01111100100 Underscoring 11 +01111100100 Announcing 11 +01111100100 Restricting 12 +01111100100 Expecting 12 +01111100100 Analyzing 13 +01111100100 Limiting 13 +01111100100 Passing 13 +01111100100 Installing 13 +01111100100 Forcing 13 +01111100100 Calculating 14 +01111100100 Obtaining 14 +01111100100 Confirming 14 +01111100100 Lowering 14 +01111100100 Studying 15 +01111100100 Reversing 15 +01111100100 Avoiding 16 +01111100100 Claiming 16 +01111100100 Achieving 16 +01111100100 Rejecting 17 +01111100100 Requiring 17 +01111100100 Ignoring 17 +01111100100 Removing 17 +01111100100 Recalling 18 +01111100100 Protecting 18 +01111100100 Accepting 18 +01111100100 Lifting 19 +01111100100 Offsetting 19 +01111100100 Applying 19 +01111100100 Placing 21 +01111100100 Reaching 21 +01111100100 Exact 21 +01111100100 Establishing 21 +01111100100 Owning 23 +01111100100 Combining 24 +01111100100 Choosing 24 +01111100100 Supporting 25 +01111100100 Riding 26 +01111100100 Eliminating 26 +01111100100 Maintaining 26 +01111100100 Sensing 26 +01111100100 Comparing 28 +01111100100 Compounding 28 +01111100100 Defending 29 +01111100100 Fueling 31 +01111100100 Acknowledging 31 +01111100100 Providing 31 +01111100100 Underlying 33 +01111100100 Creating 35 +01111100100 Discussing 35 +01111100100 Beneath 36 +01111100100 Wearing 39 +01111100100 Reducing 40 +01111100100 Ending 41 +01111100100 Anticipating 42 +01111100100 Extending 43 +01111100100 Addressing 47 +01111100100 Offering 48 +01111100100 Lacking 50 +01111100100 Explaining 50 +01111100100 Fearing 55 +01111100100 Notwithstanding 55 +01111100100 Concerning 57 +01111100100 Absent 60 +01111100100 Watching 62 +01111100100 Facing 62 +01111100100 Pending 78 +01111100100 Called 79 +01111100100 Raising 81 +01111100100 Considering 98 +01111100100 Barring 101 +01111100100 Upon 159 +01111100100 Including 165 +01111100100 Reflecting 167 +01111100100 Assuming 190 +01111100100 Behind 195 +01111100100 Taking 210 +01111100100 Citing 218 +01111100100 Throughout 219 +01111100100 Amid 259 +01111100100 Against 285 +01111100100 Beyond 319 +01111100100 Excluding 385 +01111100100 Using 438 +01111100100 Given 722 +01111100100 Within 746 +01111100100 Following 758 +01111100100 Without 1377 +01111100100 During 2495 +01111100100 After 7762 +01111100100 With 6817 +01111100100 Under 7580 +01111100100 Despite 3947 +01111100101 Tansy 1 +01111100101 Bracing 1 +01111100101 Allying 1 +01111100101 Focused 1 +01111100101 Imagining 1 +01111100101 Screenings 1 +01111100101 Europeennes 1 +01111100101 Overshadowing 1 +01111100101 Dedicate 1 +01111100101 Priding 1 +01111100101 Uncompensated 1 +01111100101 Divesting 1 +01111100101 Directing 1 +01111100101 Committing 1 +01111100101 Commits 1 +01111100101 them-for 1 +01111100101 Extricating 1 +01111100101 Outrunning 1 +01111100101 Non-actors 1 +01111100101 BHA 1 +01111100101 Bridging 2 +01111100101 Reminds 2 +01111100101 Install 2 +01111100101 c-Includes 2 +01111100101 Amidst 2 +01111100101 Likening 2 +01111100101 Abdala 2 +01111100101 Sacking 2 +01111100101 Spicing 2 +01111100101 Remind 2 +01111100101 Arresting 3 +01111100101 Utilizing 3 +01111100101 Buoying 3 +01111100101 Renting 3 +01111100101 Educate 3 +01111100101 Prepaying 3 +01111100101 Triggering 4 +01111100101 Spanning 4 +01111100101 Overhanging 4 +01111100101 Substantially 4 +01111100101 Embracing 4 +01111100101 Evaluating 4 +01111100101 Accompanying 14 +01111100101 Revolucionario 16 +01111100101 Describing 38 +01111100101 Above 140 +01111100101 For 19851 +01111100101 Counting 144 +01111100110 Recessionary 1 +01111100110 voluntary-contribution 1 +01111100110 Judiciously 1 +01111100110 ADJOURNED 1 +01111100110 Suburb 1 +01111100110 diagnostically 1 +01111100110 Nixing 1 +01111100110 Pack-style 1 +01111100110 Communiques 1 +01111100110 Manually 1 +01111100110 Strangling 1 +01111100110 DENIES 1 +01111100110 Botanically 1 +01111100110 Argricetus 1 +01111100110 WHIPSAW 1 +01111100110 Multiyear 1 +01111100110 Toxicity 1 +01111100110 Liveried 1 +01111100110 Fool-proof 1 +01111100110 HIGH-TECH-EXECUTIVE 1 +01111100110 CONTINUOUS 1 +01111100110 Raucous 1 +01111100110 Wraparound 1 +01111100110 Personal-care 1 +01111100110 Gleefully 1 +01111100110 Quarter-end 1 +01111100110 Clot 1 +01111100110 Avocations 1 +01111100110 Feverish 1 +01111100110 Cheerfully 1 +01111100110 Rank-and-filers 1 +01111100110 Free-form 1 +01111100110 Twelve-meter 1 +01111100110 Post-Teledyne 1 +01111100110 COUCH 1 +01111100110 Nutri-Systems 1 +01111100110 Adamantly 1 +01111100110 Claustrophobic 1 +01111100110 Stop-and-go 1 +01111100110 Crop-dusters 1 +01111100110 Tax-motivated 1 +01111100110 Ignited 1 +01111100110 lacquered 1 +01111100110 Orchestrated 1 +01111100110 Wide-scale 1 +01111100110 Nonozone 1 +01111100110 Facilitating 1 +01111100110 First-run 1 +01111100110 Bilzerian-Hammermill 1 +01111100110 Preassembling 1 +01111100110 Writeoffs 1 +01111100110 ghoul 1 +01111100110 ELECTION-YEAR 1 +01111100110 Inhouse 1 +01111100110 re-grand 1 +01111100110 STARTED 1 +01111100110 ENTERING 1 +01111100110 half-an-hour 1 +01111100110 Skillfully 1 +01111100110 Transportation-related 1 +01111100110 Sailboat 1 +01111100110 .in 1 +01111100110 Injunctions 1 +01111100110 Index-related 1 +01111100110 Subcompacts 1 +01111100110 dog-days 1 +01111100110 Preretirement 1 +01111100110 General-products 1 +01111100110 Kroczek 1 +01111100110 Follow-through 1 +01111100110 Hemophiliacs 1 +01111100110 Seven-month 1 +01111100110 Clinicians 1 +01111100110 Spillers 1 +01111100110 READERS 1 +01111100110 Tromatically 1 +01111100110 Planks 1 +01111100110 DESK-TOP 1 +01111100110 Varietal 1 +01111100110 UNSANITARY 1 +01111100110 Poetically 1 +01111100110 OCO 2 +01111100110 Dwarfing 2 +01111100110 Exploring 2 +01111100110 CLUB 2 +01111100110 Steadily 2 +01111100110 Commit 2 +01111100110 Minions 2 +01111100110 Contests 2 +01111100110 Clandestine 2 +01111100110 Gilding 2 +01111100110 Boldly 2 +01111100110 Demanding 2 +01111100110 Dismal 2 +01111100110 Reconsider 2 +01111100110 Wildly 3 +01111100110 Anemic 3 +01111100110 Sectors 3 +01111100110 Promptly 3 +01111100110 NOVEMBER 3 +01111100110 Futures-related 4 +01111100110 Detecting 4 +01111100110 Aggressively 4 +01111100110 Weathering 4 +01111100110 Pleading 4 +01111100110 Implicitly 4 +01111100110 CONSIDER 4 +01111100110 SEPTEMBER 4 +01111100110 REMEMBER 5 +01111100110 Cash-basis 5 +01111100110 Broadly 6 +01111100110 Martial 8 +01111100110 SINCE 9 +01111100110 Remembering 11 +01111100110 Merely 14 +01111100110 ARE 63 +01111100110 Fiscal 128 +01111100110 Between 434 +01111100110 Until 1525 +01111100110 Before 2048 +01111100110 From 2123 +01111100110 By 5717 +01111100110 Since 4768 +011111001110 Future-queen 1 +011111001110 Black-and-Blue 1 +011111001110 Broad-brush 1 +011111001110 Loosened 1 +011111001110 --WSJ 1 +011111001110 Merger-speculating 1 +011111001110 Tenuous 1 +011111001110 Inaugurated 1 +011111001110 Skylake 1 +011111001110 Plascencia 1 +011111001110 Incompetence 1 +011111001110 Premiering 1 +011111001110 1252 1 +011111001110 electronic/robotics 1 +011111001110 Glistening 1 +011111001110 Salt-front 1 +011111001110 Pastoral 1 +011111001110 Profit-hungry 1 +011111001110 Crooner-actor 1 +011111001110 Ragusa 1 +011111001110 Mailbox 1 +011111001110 Frets 2 +011111001110 Enact 2 +011111001110 Overruling 2 +011111001110 Scrapping 2 +011111001110 Reconciling 2 +011111001110 Shunning 2 +011111001110 Dispersing 2 +011111001110 Lived 2 +011111001110 CHOCK 2 +011111001110 Hurting 2 +011111001110 Experiencing 2 +011111001110 Dated 3 +011111001110 Accelerating 3 +011111001110 Perish 3 +011111001110 Lengthening 3 +011111001110 Restrict 3 +011111001110 NW. 3 +011111001110 Undermining 4 +011111001110 Debating 4 +011111001110 Stormy 5 +011111001110 Unveiling 5 +011111001110 Meltdown 5 +011111001110 Mirroring 7 +011111001110 Skipping 7 +011111001110 Sipping 7 +011111001110 TGI 12 +011111001110 Complicating 34 +011111001110 Through 792 +011111001110 Of 3000 +011111001110 On 9183 +011111001111 Renegotiating 1 +011111001111 Spearheading 1 +011111001111 Hoisting 1 +011111001111 Submerging 1 +011111001111 Recapping 1 +011111001111 Rejoining 1 +011111001111 Testimonials 1 +011111001111 Powering 1 +011111001111 Clematis-wise 1 +011111001111 Clouding 1 +011111001111 Skewing 1 +011111001111 Revealing 1 +011111001111 Curtail 1 +011111001111 Climaxing 1 +011111001111 Adapting 1 +011111001111 Allemande 1 +011111001111 Satisfying 1 +011111001111 Recalculating 1 +011111001111 Sealing 1 +011111001111 Pedigreed 1 +011111001111 Disproving 1 +011111001111 Monday-through-Saturday 1 +011111001111 Pintails 1 +011111001111 Inhaling 1 +011111001111 17,841 1 +011111001111 Mothballing 1 +011111001111 Complimenting 1 +011111001111 Persisting 1 +011111001111 Emitting 1 +011111001111 Overlaying 1 +011111001111 Obscuring 1 +011111001111 Mistaking 1 +011111001111 Disbanding 1 +011111001111 Approving 1 +011111001111 Paving 1 +011111001111 Exorcising 1 +011111001111 Nullifying 1 +011111001111 Retrieving 1 +011111001111 Marshaling 1 +011111001111 Masaichi 1 +011111001111 Outwitting 1 +011111001111 Reeking 1 +011111001111 703.9 1 +011111001111 718.7 1 +011111001111 Insinuate 1 +011111001111 Overhauling 1 +011111001111 Exaggerating 1 +011111001111 Contravening 1 +011111001111 Irregular 1 +011111001111 719.1 1 +011111001111 3.4809 1 +011111001111 Disseminating 1 +011111001111 Midafternoon 1 +011111001111 Remarketing 1 +011111001111 Reassuring 1 +011111001111 Widening 1 +011111001111 Disdaining 1 +011111001111 Condensing 1 +011111001111 Breaching 1 +011111001111 Adjoining 1 +011111001111 Outmaneuvering 1 +011111001111 Assimilating 1 +011111001111 Four-megabyte 1 +011111001111 Bending 1 +011111001111 Doubting 1 +011111001111 Dragging 1 +011111001111 Yerba 1 +011111001111 Bypassing 1 +011111001111 Befitting 1 +011111001111 Amortizing 1 +011111001111 LIZ 1 +011111001111 Steamrolling 1 +011111001111 .To 1 +011111001111 Navigating 1 +011111001111 Conveying 1 +011111001111 Groomed 1 +011111001111 Flagging 1 +011111001111 Compiling 1 +011111001111 Once-thriving 1 +011111001111 Inserting 1 +011111001111 Swiftly 1 +011111001111 Amending 1 +011111001111 Commanding 1 +011111001111 POLICING 1 +011111001111 Repaying 1 +011111001111 Comprehend 1 +011111001111 Rekindling 1 +011111001111 Trusting 1 +011111001111 Rejigger 1 +011111001111 Emphasize 1 +011111001111 Watering 1 +011111001111 Vaccine-maker 1 +011111001111 Once-plodding 1 +011111001111 Lob 1 +011111001111 quoth 1 +011111001111 Bagging 1 +011111001111 Vocally 1 +011111001111 Meshing 1 +011111001111 Physicist. 1 +011111001111 Actuary. 1 +011111001111 Enjoying 1 +011111001111 Rename 1 +011111001111 Stipulations 1 +011111001111 Belabor 1 +011111001111 Outfits 1 +011111001111 Tallying 1 +011111001111 Shucking 1 +011111001111 Gracing 1 +011111001111 Championing 1 +011111001111 reassesses 1 +011111001111 Quicken 1 +011111001111 Mowing 1 +011111001111 Paralleling 1 +011111001111 Second-place 1 +011111001111 Supplying 1 +011111001111 Enjoining 1 +011111001111 Belying 1 +011111001111 Aver 1 +011111001111 CASH-STRAPPED 1 +011111001111 Nurture 1 +011111001111 Magnifying 1 +011111001111 Maintain 1 +011111001111 Referenda 1 +011111001111 Braised 1 +011111001111 Debugging 1 +011111001111 SCRATCH 1 +011111001111 Attributing 1 +011111001111 Transporting 1 +011111001111 Tool-resetting 1 +011111001111 Disengaging 1 +011111001111 Tempering 1 +011111001111 Employ 1 +011111001111 Socking 1 +011111001111 Scuttling 1 +011111001111 Repeaters 1 +011111001111 Deriding 1 +011111001111 Publicizing 1 +011111001111 SKANDINAVISKA 1 +011111001111 Methinks 1 +011111001111 Hyping 1 +011111001111 Demolishing 1 +011111001111 Symbolizing 1 +011111001111 .like 1 +011111001111 Equating 1 +011111001111 Undoing 1 +011111001111 Reintroducing 1 +011111001111 Belligerents 2 +011111001111 Angering 2 +011111001111 Endorsing 2 +011111001111 Restraining 2 +011111001111 Awarding 2 +011111001111 Eighteen-year-old 2 +011111001111 Forgoing 2 +011111001111 Suggesting 2 +011111001111 Anti-aging 2 +011111001111 Deploying 2 +011111001111 Ridding 2 +011111001111 Overturning 2 +011111001111 Alienating 2 +011111001111 Householders 2 +011111001111 Yanking 2 +011111001111 Braving 2 +011111001111 Subtract 2 +011111001111 Foreshadowing 2 +011111001111 Reputedly 2 +011111001111 Computerizing 2 +011111001111 Hosting 2 +011111001111 Quipped 2 +011111001111 Disputing 2 +011111001111 harrumphed 2 +011111001111 Pinpointing 2 +011111001111 Invade 2 +011111001111 Escaping 2 +011111001111 Kinju 2 +011111001111 LICKING 2 +011111001111 Devalue 2 +011111001111 Perfecting 2 +011111001111 Decrying 2 +011111001111 Elevating 2 +011111001111 Composing 2 +011111001111 Depressing 2 +011111001111 Advising 2 +011111001111 Summarizing 2 +011111001111 Abusing 2 +011111001111 Scrubbing 2 +011111001111 Alhough 2 +011111001111 Embattled 2 +011111001111 Reaping 2 +011111001111 Conviction 2 +011111001111 Pondering 2 +011111001111 Educating 3 +011111001111 Cracking 3 +011111001111 Forgetting 3 +011111001111 Bando 3 +011111001111 Recognize 3 +011111001111 Typifying 3 +011111001111 Integrating 3 +011111001111 Pounding 3 +011111001111 Touting 3 +011111001111 Strengthening 3 +011111001111 Nearing 3 +011111001111 Recounting 4 +011111001111 Omitting 4 +011111001111 Clarifying 4 +011111001111 Noticing 4 +011111001111 Restarting 4 +011111001111 Seize 4 +011111001111 Praising 4 +011111001111 Dominating 4 +011111001111 Reinforcing 5 +011111001111 Stating 5 +011111001111 Insisting 5 +011111001111 Guaranteeing 5 +011111001111 Repealing 6 +011111001111 Multiplying 6 +011111001111 Enforcing 7 +011111001111 Surveying 7 +011111001111 Indicating 8 +011111001111 Hitting 8 +011111001111 Bucking 9 +011111001111 Completing 10 +011111001111 Contrast 11 +011111001111 Declaring 11 +011111001111 Stressing 12 +011111001111 Asserting 18 +011111001111 Realizing 19 +011111001111 Conceding 19 +011111001111 Heading 33 +011111001111 Recognizing 40 +011111001111 Toward 86 +011111001111 Across 133 +011111001111 Around 158 +011111001111 Noting 254 +011111001111 At 13855 +011111001111 Over 1423 +01111101000 knee-jerked 1 +01111101000 Dispossessing 1 +01111101000 Manana 1 +01111101000 Eradicate 1 +01111101000 Crabgrass 1 +01111101000 Pheumo 1 +01111101000 Finessing 1 +01111101000 Scaring 1 +01111101000 Prestigious 1 +01111101000 Imitate 1 +01111101000 Motivate 1 +01111101000 Politicizing 1 +01111101000 Roiling 1 +01111101000 Chucking 1 +01111101000 Takeaway 1 +01111101000 Italicize 1 +01111101000 Grievous 1 +01111101000 regularizing 1 +01111101000 Razz 1 +01111101000 Scuffy 1 +01111101000 Automating 1 +01111101000 Tax-Hike 1 +01111101000 Home-porting 1 +01111101000 Funniest 1 +01111101000 execessive 1 +01111101000 Shadowing 1 +01111101000 Clocking 1 +01111101000 Jawbone 1 +01111101000 Blanch 1 +01111101000 Explore 1 +01111101000 Wistful 1 +01111101000 dao 1 +01111101000 Hairy 1 +01111101000 Uprooting 1 +01111101000 Outflanking 1 +01111101000 WAKE 1 +01111101000 disrespecting 1 +01111101000 Reelect 1 +01111101000 Nimble 1 +01111101000 Frisk 1 +01111101000 Untie 1 +01111101000 giant-fruited 1 +01111101000 Derail 1 +01111101000 Organize 1 +01111101000 Stalking 1 +01111101000 Thar 1 +01111101000 .but 1 +01111101000 Wili 1 +01111101000 Noticiario 1 +01111101000 reexcite 1 +01111101000 underutilizing 1 +01111101000 overfished 1 +01111101000 Framing 1 +01111101000 Clogging 1 +01111101000 unhitching 1 +01111101000 Magnify 1 +01111101000 Frosty 1 +01111101000 Leveraging 1 +01111101000 Festive 1 +01111101000 Painfully 1 +01111101000 overinterpreting 1 +01111101000 Objets 1 +01111101000 milk-crate 1 +01111101000 Drop-Out 1 +01111101000 chacun 1 +01111101000 Acutely 1 +01111101000 Pledging 1 +01111101000 Destination 1 +01111101000 Misreading 1 +01111101000 Confront 1 +01111101000 Madman 1 +01111101000 Conserve 1 +01111101000 Deregulate 1 +01111101000 Tis 1 +01111101000 a/the 1 +01111101000 Supposing 1 +01111101000 Torturing 1 +01111101000 newage 1 +01111101000 adventure-based 1 +01111101000 N.W.R. 1 +01111101000 Avenge 1 +01111101000 democratizes 1 +01111101000 Occupying 1 +01111101000 Re-inventing 1 +01111101000 Skeptically 1 +01111101000 Higher-ups 1 +01111101000 coz 1 +01111101000 Conquering 1 +01111101000 DOHC 1 +01111101000 Clocker 1 +01111101000 Chemturf 1 +01111101000 Shackle 1 +01111101000 Unflinchingly 1 +01111101000 Critiquing 1 +01111101000 Hommage 1 +01111101000 Omniscient 1 +01111101000 Wrangle 1 +01111101000 Right-Sided 1 +01111101000 Gautamah 1 +01111101000 Xochlit 1 +01111101000 Annihilate 1 +01111101000 Evading 1 +01111101000 Tillie 1 +01111101000 Defund 1 +01111101000 Antagonizing 1 +01111101000 TURF 1 +01111101000 Hiroji 1 +01111101000 bulk-mailed 1 +01111101000 Boxcar 1 +01111101000 Smash 1 +01111101000 Stiffing 1 +01111101000 Eclectisme 1 +01111101000 Arbeit 1 +01111101000 Bienvenido 1 +01111101000 -legislation 1 +01111101000 COMPULSIVE 1 +01111101000 Geduldige 1 +01111101000 Notifying 1 +01111101000 8-Ball 1 +01111101000 deforming 1 +01111101000 Middle-of-the-night 1 +01111101000 Impeding 1 +01111101000 gild 2 +01111101000 Inventing 2 +01111101000 Suor 2 +01111101000 Upsetting 2 +01111101000 Confess 2 +01111101000 Subjecting 2 +01111101000 .are 2 +01111101000 Curtailing 2 +01111101000 Zorba 2 +01111101000 fend-for-yourself 2 +01111101000 Depreciating 2 +01111101000 Paay 2 +01111101000 Riskier 2 +01111101000 Plump 2 +01111101000 Noisy 2 +01111101000 Woza 2 +01111101000 Souci 2 +01111101000 Pleasantly 2 +01111101000 misinterprets 2 +01111101000 Donating 2 +01111101000 Encountering 2 +01111101000 Soak 2 +01111101000 Intentionally 2 +01111101000 Minimizing 2 +01111101000 Attach 2 +01111101000 Neutron 3 +01111101000 Voici 3 +01111101000 Solve 3 +01111101000 Emotionally 3 +01111101000 Nothwithstanding 3 +01111101000 Disclosing 3 +01111101000 Halving 3 +01111101000 Observe 4 +01111101000 Positively 4 +01111101000 Behold 4 +01111101000 Contending 4 +01111101000 Oftentimes 4 +01111101000 Lacombe 5 +01111101000 Visibly 5 +01111101000 Terminating 5 +01111101000 Reforming 5 +01111101000 Privatize 5 +01111101000 Took 5 +01111101000 Jingle 5 +01111101000 Inherit 5 +01111101000 Solving 6 +01111101000 Beside 6 +01111101000 Feeding 6 +01111101000 Towards 6 +01111101000 Everytime 7 +01111101000 Rightly 7 +01111101000 Permitting 8 +01111101000 Celebrating 8 +01111101000 Separating 8 +01111101000 Denying 9 +01111101000 Primetime 9 +01111101000 Blaming 12 +01111101000 Showing 18 +01111101000 Assume 19 +01111101000 Lest 20 +01111101000 Introducing 20 +01111101000 Anytime 28 +01111101000 Wherever 46 +01111101000 Saying 48 +01111101000 Seeing 51 +01111101000 Suppose 84 +01111101000 Putting 95 +01111101000 Thank 99 +01111101000 Meet 101 +01111101000 Ask 133 +01111101000 Whenever 134 +01111101000 Probably 141 +01111101000 Being 197 +01111101000 Getting 207 +01111101000 Had 258 +01111101000 Either 260 +01111101000 Did 276 +01111101000 Would 346 +01111101000 Take 501 +01111101000 Should 509 +01111101000 Unless 543 +01111101000 Whether 774 +01111101000 Maybe 897 +01111101000 Once 1471 +01111101000 If 18512 +01111101000 When 10110 +01111101001 Spate 1 +01111101001 Dishing 1 +01111101001 Proofs 1 +01111101001 disincorporation 1 +01111101001 Lenient 1 +01111101001 Straightening 1 +01111101001 Decimation 1 +01111101001 Excesses 1 +01111101001 -sales 1 +01111101001 Toting 1 +01111101001 Stepped 1 +01111101001 Fleshing 1 +01111101001 Adaptations 1 +01111101001 Rime 1 +01111101001 Sparse 1 +01111101001 Grafted 1 +01111101001 Lulled 1 +01111101001 Lined 1 +01111101001 Breezing 1 +01111101001 Toleration 1 +01111101001 Cosmonauts 1 +01111101001 Barreling 1 +01111101001 Rumbling 1 +01111101001 bowlful 1 +01111101001 Parroting 1 +01111101001 Ljungvall 1 +01111101001 Extramural 1 +01111101001 Toughening 1 +01111101001 Peeping 1 +01111101001 Squaring 1 +01111101001 Expiration 1 +01111101001 Blown 1 +01111101001 Rollovers 1 +01111101001 Leakage 1 +01111101001 Rites 1 +01111101001 Definitions 1 +01111101001 Agnellus 1 +01111101001 Mocking 1 +01111101001 Meanness 1 +01111101001 Cashbacks 1 +01111101001 crossroad 1 +01111101001 multi-tens 1 +01111101001 Sluicing 1 +01111101001 Chairing 1 +01111101001 Swings 1 +01111101001 Flung 1 +01111101001 Converted 1 +01111101001 Peeling 1 +01111101001 Bumping 1 +01111101001 Poring 1 +01111101001 Dispose 1 +01111101001 Crowding 1 +01111101001 Unreliability 1 +01111101001 Abdication 1 +01111101001 Boasting 1 +01111101001 Graphs 1 +01111101001 Wrung 1 +01111101001 Welcomed 1 +01111101001 neocolonies 1 +01111101001 emoluments 1 +01111101001 Pawing 1 +01111101001 Sucking 1 +01111101001 Variability 1 +01111101001 Tidied 1 +01111101001 Jutting 1 +01111101001 Averting 1 +01111101001 Descriptions 1 +01111101001 Irrespective 1 +01111101001 Sopping 1 +01111101001 hairstylists 1 +01111101001 Harking 1 +01111101001 Realms 1 +01111101001 Denigrations 1 +01111101001 annulization 1 +01111101001 Staking 1 +01111101001 Propel 1 +01111101001 Spruced 1 +01111101001 Crawling 1 +01111101001 Bootleg 1 +01111101001 Washington-City 1 +01111101001 Cauterization 1 +01111101001 Kingdoms 1 +01111101001 Queller 1 +01111101001 Earth-slides 1 +01111101001 Suited 1 +01111101001 Corruptions 1 +01111101001 Androgynous 1 +01111101001 Reinstating 1 +01111101001 Soaking 1 +01111101001 Instrumentalities 1 +01111101001 Subtly 1 +01111101001 Fluttering 1 +01111101001 Legislate 1 +01111101001 Earler 1 +01111101001 sweatpants/sweatshirts 1 +01111101001 Hopping 1 +01111101001 Rectifying 1 +01111101001 Redressing 1 +01111101001 Dentrifice 1 +01111101001 Loads 1 +01111101001 Kicked 1 +01111101001 Tiring 1 +01111101001 Browse 1 +01111101001 Furthest 1 +01111101001 Murmur 1 +01111101001 Lullaby 1 +01111101001 Muddling 1 +01111101001 Nosing 1 +01111101001 pastiches 1 +01111101001 Partway 1 +01111101001 Hellcats 1 +01111101001 Awhile 1 +01111101001 Kickover 1 +01111101001 Knifing 1 +01111101001 Softspoken 1 +01111101001 Scrunching 1 +01111101001 Singling 1 +01111101001 Legacies 1 +01111101001 Factored 1 +01111101001 bucket-loads 1 +01111101001 Strung 1 +01111101001 Restitution 1 +01111101001 Zeroing 1 +01111101001 Monroe-Beyond 1 +01111101001 Accentuating 1 +01111101001 Hacking 1 +01111101001 Robes 1 +01111101001 Gunned 1 +01111101001 Dolled 1 +01111101001 Apotheosis 1 +01111101001 Rooftop 1 +01111101001 Icons 1 +01111101001 Bounces 1 +01111101001 Zipping 1 +01111101001 Coyness 1 +01111101001 Abundance 1 +01111101001 Collectivization 1 +01111101001 Bemoaning 1 +01111101001 Spoke 1 +01111101001 Pitted 1 +01111101001 Hyped 1 +01111101001 Chiracization 1 +01111101001 Rollback 1 +01111101001 robotization 1 +01111101001 Bushels 1 +01111101001 Popping 1 +01111101001 Lesion 1 +01111101001 Jammed 1 +01111101001 metal-alloys 1 +01111101001 Five-feet 1 +01111101001 Martyr 1 +01111101001 Validity 1 +01111101001 Painstakingly 1 +01111101001 Half-way 1 +01111101001 Waterseller 1 +01111101001 Camped 1 +01111101001 Self-parody 1 +01111101001 Fished 1 +01111101001 Slogging 1 +01111101001 Recollections 1 +01111101001 Paths 1 +01111101001 Bundling 1 +01111101001 Cozying 1 +01111101001 Fending 1 +01111101001 Pivot 1 +01111101001 Prevalence 1 +01111101001 Conjuring 1 +01111101001 Tearing 1 +01111101001 Emblems 1 +01111101001 Ex-voto 1 +01111101001 Pulled 1 +01111101001 Well-received 2 +01111101001 Insult 2 +01111101001 Dreaming 2 +01111101001 Determinations 2 +01111101001 Liven 2 +01111101001 Tighten 2 +01111101001 Patronage 2 +01111101001 Shortening 2 +01111101001 Sums 2 +01111101001 Apprehensions 2 +01111101001 Safeguarding 2 +01111101001 Restrain 2 +01111101001 Indicates 2 +01111101001 Disadvantages 2 +01111101001 Baser 2 +01111101001 Lilies 2 +01111101001 Fostering 2 +01111101001 Midday 2 +01111101001 Weighed 2 +01111101001 Stroll 2 +01111101001 Slant 2 +01111101001 FULL-TIME 2 +01111101001 Whipped 2 +01111101001 Seigniorage 2 +01111101001 Sugar-Free 2 +01111101001 Belief 2 +01111101001 Anglers 2 +01111101001 Venturing 2 +01111101001 Pinched 2 +01111101001 Combing 2 +01111101001 Rallying 2 +01111101001 Outlived 2 +01111101001 Cautioning 2 +01111101001 Sounded 2 +01111101001 Entirely 2 +01111101001 Breadth 2 +01111101001 Stumble 2 +01111101001 Disciplined 2 +01111101001 Propping 2 +01111101001 Worrisome 2 +01111101001 Self-defense 2 +01111101001 Repurchased 2 +01111101001 Smoothly 2 +01111101001 Wariness 2 +01111101001 Reflect 2 +01111101001 Rattling 2 +01111101001 Waging 2 +01111101001 Differentiate 2 +01111101001 Thumbing 2 +01111101001 Rotating 2 +01111101001 Coupling 2 +01111101001 Stunted 2 +01111101001 RESORT 2 +01111101001 Threw 2 +01111101001 Bobbing 2 +01111101001 Glut 2 +01111101001 Showmanship 2 +01111101001 Routing 2 +01111101001 Motorcycles 2 +01111101001 Dominance 2 +01111101001 Enveloped 2 +01111101001 Ferreting 2 +01111101001 Rub 2 +01111101001 Ticking 2 +01111101001 Twiddling 2 +01111101001 Holed 2 +01111101001 Pearls 2 +01111101001 Phasing 2 +01111101001 Bands 2 +01111101001 Ripping 2 +01111101001 Paychecks 2 +01111101001 Undercut 2 +01111101001 Acidification 2 +01111101001 Barbarians 2 +01111101001 SO-CALLED 2 +01111101001 Clustered 2 +01111101001 Fountains 2 +01111101001 Biting 2 +01111101001 Understands 2 +01111101001 Magnified 2 +01111101001 Depletion 2 +01111101001 Rumpole 2 +01111101001 Crafting 2 +01111101001 Shovel 2 +01111101001 Blighted 2 +01111101001 Invalid 2 +01111101001 Winding 2 +01111101001 Poking 2 +01111101001 Plot 2 +01111101001 Speeding 2 +01111101001 Striding 2 +01111101001 Racking 2 +01111101001 Instances 2 +01111101001 Superiors 2 +01111101001 Shouts 2 +01111101001 Oswalt 2 +01111101001 Ayre 2 +01111101001 Humming 2 +01111101001 Panning 3 +01111101001 Constantly 3 +01111101001 Fad 3 +01111101001 Freeing 3 +01111101001 Tried 3 +01111101001 Deserves 3 +01111101001 Principled 3 +01111101001 Deductibility 3 +01111101001 Assuring 3 +01111101001 Injured 3 +01111101001 Shaping 3 +01111101001 Mastering 3 +01111101001 Resignations 3 +01111101001 Toddler 3 +01111101001 Scared 3 +01111101001 Examine 3 +01111101001 Relocating 3 +01111101001 Shouting 3 +01111101001 Mandating 3 +01111101001 Overlooking 3 +01111101001 Apply 3 +01111101001 Blowing 3 +01111101001 Slash 3 +01111101001 Drifting 3 +01111101001 Submit 3 +01111101001 Dried 3 +01111101001 Disparate 3 +01111101001 Wipe 3 +01111101001 Weaving 3 +01111101001 Rethink 3 +01111101001 Skirts 3 +01111101001 Sneak 3 +01111101001 Tap 3 +01111101001 Punk 3 +01111101001 Consolidating 3 +01111101001 Taming 3 +01111101001 Servants 3 +01111101001 Fastest 3 +01111101001 Sweaty 3 +01111101001 Gearing 3 +01111101001 Lesbians 3 +01111101001 Tossing 3 +01111101001 Investigate 3 +01111101001 Examined 3 +01111101001 Eclectic 3 +01111101001 Branching 3 +01111101001 Tracked 3 +01111101001 Racks 3 +01111101001 Brewed 3 +01111101001 Raspberry 3 +01111101001 Missed 3 +01111101001 Tribes 3 +01111101001 Nordiska 3 +01111101001 Mentioned 3 +01111101001 Lighten 3 +01111101001 Feasibility 3 +01111101001 AFFINITY 3 +01111101001 Stockpiling 3 +01111101001 Mothershead 3 +01111101001 Difficulty 3 +01111101001 Thrust 3 +01111101001 Realize 3 +01111101001 Singled 3 +01111101001 Vulnerable 3 +01111101001 Bailing 3 +01111101001 Pressing 3 +01111101001 Clusters 3 +01111101001 Resurrected 3 +01111101001 streamlines 3 +01111101001 Violating 3 +01111101001 Exceeding 3 +01111101001 Lobb 3 +01111101001 Waking 3 +01111101001 Carving 3 +01111101001 Flipping 3 +01111101001 Celebrate 3 +01111101001 Wiping 3 +01111101001 Affecting 3 +01111101001 Destroying 4 +01111101001 Bury 4 +01111101001 Announce 4 +01111101001 Boarding 4 +01111101001 Tying 4 +01111101001 Cartoonist 4 +01111101001 Earn 4 +01111101001 Protected 4 +01111101001 Chest 4 +01111101001 Stressed 4 +01111101001 Encourage 4 +01111101001 Destroy 4 +01111101001 Wrapped 4 +01111101001 Policing 4 +01111101001 Presuming 4 +01111101001 Kicking 4 +01111101001 Stripping 4 +01111101001 Demonstrating 4 +01111101001 Appealing 4 +01111101001 Slipping 4 +01111101001 Articulate 4 +01111101001 Dismantling 4 +01111101001 Darn 4 +01111101001 Tread 4 +01111101001 Swept 4 +01111101001 Adopt 4 +01111101001 Restore 4 +01111101001 Instrumental 4 +01111101001 Reinstatement 4 +01111101001 Arrest 4 +01111101001 Cancel 4 +01111101001 Chilled 4 +01111101001 Decked 4 +01111101001 Encounters 4 +01111101001 Admit 4 +01111101001 Rewriting 4 +01111101001 Renters 4 +01111101001 Dredging 4 +01111101001 Arise 4 +01111101001 Doubtful 4 +01111101001 Fading 4 +01111101001 Probing 4 +01111101001 Transforming 4 +01111101001 Lining 4 +01111101001 CONTRACT 4 +01111101001 Stopped 4 +01111101001 RENT 4 +01111101001 Freeze 4 +01111101001 Causes 4 +01111101001 Stir 4 +01111101001 Bluffing 4 +01111101001 Creeping 4 +01111101001 Carved 4 +01111101001 Safely 4 +01111101001 Debts 4 +01111101001 Returned 4 +01111101001 Turned 4 +01111101001 Invented 5 +01111101001 Tear 5 +01111101001 Broadening 5 +01111101001 Beating 5 +01111101001 Knocking 5 +01111101001 Canceled 5 +01111101001 Panicked 5 +01111101001 Blocking 5 +01111101001 Periods 5 +01111101001 Termination 5 +01111101001 Gave 5 +01111101001 Comparison 5 +01111101001 Planting 5 +01111101001 Preserving 5 +01111101001 Woven 5 +01111101001 Merits 5 +01111101001 Altering 5 +01111101001 Brushing 5 +01111101001 Breast 5 +01111101001 Squeezing 5 +01111101001 Revive 5 +01111101001 Finished 5 +01111101001 Unsure 5 +01111101001 Warned 5 +01111101001 Purchased 5 +01111101001 Wrapping 5 +01111101001 Disclosures 5 +01111101001 Hats 5 +01111101001 Checking 5 +01111101001 Lying 5 +01111101001 Reluctant 6 +01111101001 Revelations 6 +01111101001 Tipped 6 +01111101001 Knock 6 +01111101001 Looming 6 +01111101001 Bourgeois 6 +01111101001 Aboard 6 +01111101001 Killed 6 +01111101001 Recovering 6 +01111101001 Signed 6 +01111101001 Pitching 6 +01111101001 Recorded 6 +01111101001 Opposes 6 +01111101001 Prove 6 +01111101001 Listing 6 +01111101001 Leaves 6 +01111101001 Tracing 6 +01111101001 Anthills 6 +01111101001 Remove 6 +01111101001 Choking 6 +01111101001 Entering 6 +01111101001 Separation 6 +01111101001 Captured 6 +01111101001 Harvesting 6 +01111101001 Distressed 6 +01111101001 Coup 6 +01111101001 Weary 6 +01111101001 Puts 6 +01111101001 Teach 6 +01111101001 Shrugging 6 +01111101001 Decide 6 +01111101001 Entrenched 6 +01111101001 Everyday 6 +01111101001 Screaming 6 +01111101001 Consult 6 +01111101001 Rapidly 6 +01111101001 Bored 6 +01111101001 Locked 6 +01111101001 Attacks 7 +01111101001 Touring 7 +01111101001 Arranged 7 +01111101001 Converting 7 +01111101001 Investigating 7 +01111101001 Found 7 +01111101001 Confused 7 +01111101001 Prosecuting 7 +01111101001 Remain 7 +01111101001 Disappointed 7 +01111101001 Reminded 7 +01111101001 Ease 7 +01111101001 Repeating 7 +01111101001 Develop 7 +01111101001 Stealing 7 +01111101001 Weighing 7 +01111101001 Doubling 7 +01111101001 Reverse 7 +01111101001 Assertions 8 +01111101001 Combine 8 +01111101001 Hiding 8 +01111101001 Furious 8 +01111101001 Surprised 8 +01111101001 Stretching 8 +01111101001 Crying 8 +01111101001 Challenging 8 +01111101001 Throwing 8 +01111101001 Smooth 8 +01111101001 Opposed 8 +01111101001 Allowed 8 +01111101001 Catching 8 +01111101001 Fake 8 +01111101001 Spinning 8 +01111101001 Shocked 8 +01111101001 Oppose 8 +01111101001 Saved 8 +01111101001 Finishing 8 +01111101001 Viewing 8 +01111101001 Dismissed 8 +01111101001 Went 8 +01111101001 Confident 8 +01111101001 Merging 8 +01111101001 Warming 8 +01111101001 Rebuilding 8 +01111101001 Resident 8 +01111101001 Rankings 8 +01111101001 Traded 8 +01111101001 Curious 9 +01111101001 Forming 9 +01111101001 Ranking 9 +01111101001 Stacks 9 +01111101001 Understand 9 +01111101001 Difficult 9 +01111101001 Include 9 +01111101001 Discounting 9 +01111101001 Knows 9 +01111101001 Clones 9 +01111101001 Preventing 9 +01111101001 Spread 9 +01111101001 Protect 9 +01111101001 Spreading 9 +01111101001 Involving 9 +01111101001 Opposing 9 +01111101001 Incidents 9 +01111101001 Splitting 9 +01111101001 Appointment 9 +01111101001 Divisions 9 +01111101001 Pull 10 +01111101001 Easing 10 +01111101001 Been 10 +01111101001 Echoes 10 +01111101001 Feel 10 +01111101001 Correcting 10 +01111101001 Temporarily 10 +01111101001 Generations 10 +01111101001 Stopping 10 +01111101001 Uncertain 10 +01111101001 Limit 10 +01111101001 Sorting 10 +01111101001 Expand 10 +01111101001 Scrap 11 +01111101001 Leaning 11 +01111101001 Smell 11 +01111101001 Loves 11 +01111101001 Tucked 11 +01111101001 Afraid 11 +01111101001 Stuck 11 +01111101001 Catch 11 +01111101001 Join 11 +01111101001 Takes 11 +01111101001 Shaking 12 +01111101001 Trash 12 +01111101001 Divided 12 +01111101001 Begins 12 +01111101001 Filling 12 +01111101001 Controlling 12 +01111101001 Quietly 12 +01111101001 Settling 12 +01111101001 Lifestyles 12 +01111101001 Collecting 12 +01111101001 Letting 13 +01111101001 Signing 13 +01111101001 Anywhere 13 +01111101001 Laying 13 +01111101001 Mention 13 +01111101001 Burning 13 +01111101001 Till 13 +01111101001 Comes 13 +01111101001 Measuring 13 +01111101001 Pulling 13 +01111101001 Naming 13 +01111101001 Lose 13 +01111101001 Buried 14 +01111101001 Figuring 14 +01111101001 Makes 14 +01111101001 Insituform 14 +01111101001 Boost 14 +01111101001 Doubts 14 +01111101001 Dropping 14 +01111101001 Spend 14 +01111101001 Sensitive 14 +01111101001 Rounding 14 +01111101001 Build 14 +01111101001 Sold 14 +01111101001 Hire 14 +01111101001 Fixing 15 +01111101001 Hanging 15 +01111101001 Granting 15 +01111101001 Stripped 15 +01111101001 Told 15 +01111101001 Approved 15 +01111101001 Ignore 15 +01111101001 Stepping 16 +01111101001 Chariots 16 +01111101001 Learn 16 +01111101001 Repeat 16 +01111101001 Answering 16 +01111101001 Repeal 17 +01111101001 Create 17 +01111101001 Worry 17 +01111101001 Convinced 17 +01111101001 Halfway 17 +01111101001 Follow 17 +01111101001 Reduce 17 +01111101001 Seems 18 +01111101001 Shut 18 +01111101001 Promoting 18 +01111101001 Introduction 18 +01111101001 Temperatures 18 +01111101001 Rest 18 +01111101001 Fix 18 +01111101001 Stick 19 +01111101001 Avoid 19 +01111101001 Eliminate 19 +01111101001 Push 19 +01111101001 Tracking 19 +01111101001 Allegations 19 +01111101001 Raise 19 +01111101001 Drought 19 +01111101001 Lesser 20 +01111101001 Pity 20 +01111101001 Farther 20 +01111101001 Publicity 20 +01111101001 Taxing 20 +01111101001 Wish 20 +01111101001 Might 20 +01111101001 Treating 21 +01111101001 Beware 21 +01111101001 Eat 21 +01111101001 Proving 22 +01111101001 Traveling 22 +01111101001 Lending 22 +01111101001 Sharing 23 +01111101001 Throw 23 +01111101001 Increase 23 +01111101001 Reflections 23 +01111101001 Eating 23 +01111101001 Expanding 24 +01111101001 Praise 24 +01111101001 Stable 24 +01111101001 Send 24 +01111101001 Allow 25 +01111101001 Understanding 25 +01111101001 Desperate 26 +01111101001 Picking 26 +01111101001 Drop 27 +01111101001 Aware 28 +01111101001 Published 29 +01111101001 Hearing 29 +01111101001 Walking 29 +01111101001 Skip 30 +01111101001 Topping 30 +01111101001 Pick 30 +01111101001 Anticipation 30 +01111101001 Fearful 30 +01111101001 Blame 30 +01111101001 Feeling 31 +01111101001 Compare 31 +01111101001 Bringing 32 +01111101001 Hit 32 +01111101001 Hiring 33 +01111101001 Turn 33 +01111101001 Losing 34 +01111101001 Pass 34 +01111101001 Troubled 36 +01111101001 Need 38 +01111101001 Got 38 +01111101001 Indications 39 +01111101001 Breaking 40 +01111101001 Hold 43 +01111101001 Bring 44 +01111101001 Acquiring 44 +01111101001 Complaints 45 +01111101001 Thinking 45 +01111101001 Built 46 +01111101001 Opening 47 +01111101001 Setting 48 +01111101001 Leaving 49 +01111101001 Failing 49 +01111101001 Name 49 +01111101001 Witness 50 +01111101001 Find 51 +01111101001 Set 52 +01111101001 Paying 53 +01111101001 Hurt 53 +01111101001 Talking 53 +01111101001 Stay 55 +01111101001 Knowing 57 +01111101001 Somewhere 57 +01111101001 Driving 58 +01111101001 Giving 60 +01111101001 Leave 60 +01111101001 Changing 61 +01111101001 Into 64 +01111101001 Playing 67 +01111101001 Sell 67 +01111101001 Cut 67 +01111101001 Concerned 68 +01111101001 Cutting 70 +01111101001 Off 72 +01111101001 Turning 76 +01111101001 Winning 76 +01111101001 Fighting 77 +01111101001 Running 79 +01111101001 Forget 81 +01111101001 Face 86 +01111101001 Signs 88 +01111101001 Questions 89 +01111101001 Keeping 91 +01111101001 Closing 93 +01111101001 Sale 95 +01111101001 Fears 97 +01111101001 Calling 98 +01111101001 Wheel 99 +01111101001 Think 100 +01111101001 Made 102 +01111101001 Close 104 +01111101001 Word 104 +01111101001 Continuing 105 +01111101001 Near 109 +01111101001 Keep 111 +01111101001 Cost 112 +01111101001 Fear 115 +01111101001 Talk 125 +01111101001 Going 131 +01111101001 Use 131 +01111101001 Has 138 +01111101001 Put 143 +01111101001 Were 148 +01111101001 Making 185 +01111101001 Could 189 +01111101001 Call 192 +01111101001 Was 211 +01111101001 Selling 219 +01111101001 Outside 223 +01111101001 Buying 225 +01111101001 Half 274 +01111101001 Rumors 276 +01111101001 Out 298 +01111101001 Does 484 +01111101001 Will 585 +01111101001 Early 668 +01111101001 Is 1303 +01111101001 Earlier 2211 +01111101001 All 4572 +01111101001 Because 3236 +01111101010 Creaming 1 +01111101010 semifinalist 1 +01111101010 Pussycats 1 +01111101010 Blackmail 1 +01111101010 errRRAW 1 +01111101010 couzenage 1 +01111101010 Self-Regulation 1 +01111101010 Overs 1 +01111101010 jump-up-and-down-when-you-win-on-the-slots 1 +01111101010 yeahh 1 +01111101010 Demonstrably 1 +01111101010 A'-level 1 +01111101010 B'-level 1 +01111101010 Videofashion 1 +01111101010 /Near 1 +01111101010 dja 1 +01111101010 craws 1 +01111101010 sturgeons 1 +01111101010 Richly 1 +01111101010 Whaddyawan 1 +01111101010 YES. 1 +01111101010 Oho 1 +01111101010 Fraternities 1 +01111101010 Drums 1 +01111101010 Possibility 1 +01111101010 Nevermind 1 +01111101010 Yahoo 1 +01111101010 Wallflowers 1 +01111101010 Outings 1 +01111101010 Dreadfully 1 +01111101010 Overstated 1 +01111101010 Achtung 1 +01111101010 AM-BUSHED 1 +01111101010 Mil-i-ken 1 +01111101010 Hugged 1 +01111101010 Snails 1 +01111101010 tehee 1 +01111101010 benedicite 1 +01111101010 gramercy 1 +01111101010 avoy 1 +01111101010 goder-heal 1 +01111101010 oho 1 +01111101010 prut 1 +01111101010 perfay 1 +01111101010 swith 1 +01111101010 wellaway 1 +01111101010 pyromania 1 +01111101010 Shindig 1 +01111101010 Daaad 1 +01111101010 Poussin/The 1 +01111101010 FFMC 1 +01111101010 Ex-Admiral 1 +01111101010 DUE 1 +01111101010 Fodder 1 +01111101010 Breasts 1 +01111101010 Tchaikovsky/Balanchine 1 +01111101010 Thrills 1 +01111101010 Midasize 1 +01111101010 Dadah 1 +01111101010 Five-fifty 1 +01111101010 Blacktop 1 +01111101010 Modernize 1 +01111101010 SISS-BOOM-BAH 1 +01111101010 Embraceable 1 +01111101010 Race-of-the-day 1 +01111101010 /Give 1 +01111101010 Rewind 1 +01111101010 Footprints 1 +01111101010 Ceau-Ses-Cu 1 +01111101010 Gor-Ba-Chev 1 +01111101010 Huzzah 1 +01111101010 Tenderness 1 +01111101010 Hocus-pocus 1 +01111101010 Nangadeff 1 +01111101010 grizzle-face 1 +01111101010 Nessie 1 +01111101010 Diiinner 1 +01111101010 Nervy 1 +01111101010 FANTASTIC 1 +01111101010 INCREDIBLE 1 +01111101010 Euonymus 1 +01111101010 aspergette 1 +01111101010 AGREE 1 +01111101010 mandla 1 +01111101010 Yakety 1 +01111101010 Irresponsibility 1 +01111101010 Hi-yea 1 +01111101010 geddit 1 +01111101010 what-do-I-get-out-of-it 1 +01111101010 Bitchy 1 +01111101010 Ravenous 1 +01111101010 earplug 1 +01111101010 Nog 1 +01111101010 Piracy 1 +01111101010 Double-B 1 +01111101010 Snugging 1 +01111101010 HiiiYa 1 +01111101010 Portion 1 +01111101010 Zounds 1 +01111101010 AIDS-CIA 1 +01111101010 Testifies 1 +01111101010 Kalokohan 1 +01111101010 Solicitations 1 +01111101010 Drug-Lag 1 +01111101010 Bopha 1 +01111101010 cioffi 1 +01111101010 COLLEGIANS 1 +01111101010 Legged 1 +01111101010 Outrageousness 1 +01111101010 Bratislav 1 +01111101010 Escargots 1 +01111101010 Adventurous 1 +01111101010 Indiscriminate 1 +01111101010 Exploding 1 +01111101010 IBM-speakers 1 +01111101010 Conceptual 1 +01111101010 Rebound 1 +01111101010 Agrobiz 1 +01111101010 Iranbo 1 +01111101010 Shhhhh 1 +01111101010 Pindi 1 +01111101010 Wheee 1 +01111101010 custodes 1 +01111101010 Ma-DON-na 1 +01111101010 MA-donna 1 +01111101010 Precautions 1 +01111101010 ex-auditor 1 +01111101010 Adrift 1 +01111101010 teens/adults 1 +01111101010 Phew 1 +01111101010 spendere 1 +01111101010 Eerie 1 +01111101010 Globalize 1 +01111101010 ABSOLUT 1 +01111101010 Mixer 1 +01111101010 Circular 1 +01111101010 SMILE 1 +01111101010 Shhhh 1 +01111101010 Plodders 1 +01111101010 boooo 1 +01111101010 yeaaaaa 1 +01111101010 Argggh 1 +01111101010 Hyah 1 +01111101010 muttcracker 1 +01111101010 Mussels 1 +01111101010 Stumped 1 +01111101010 Straights 1 +01111101010 Storytelling 1 +01111101010 Eeeek 1 +01111101010 eeek 1 +01111101010 eek 1 +01111101010 Seductions 1 +01111101010 enfants 1 +01111101010 .did 1 +01111101010 fer 1 +01111101010 impassiveness 1 +01111101010 zakuska 1 +01111101010 regnant 1 +01111101010 Single-elimination 1 +01111101010 Revisionists 1 +01111101010 YEEEEEECH 1 +01111101010 nuestro 1 +01111101010 Bullfeathers 1 +01111101010 Quadragesimo 1 +01111101010 Swearing 1 +01111101010 sstudy 1 +01111101010 CarnegieMellon 1 +01111101010 Identifications 1 +01111101010 GREAT-AUNT 1 +01111101010 agitates 1 +01111101010 Downeyflake 1 +01111101010 TITLE 1 +01111101010 Begorra 1 +01111101010 Splat 1 +01111101010 Whitesnake 1 +01111101010 partis 1 +01111101010 Mongeese 1 +01111101010 Post-War 1 +01111101010 Rejoice 1 +01111101010 hiiteen 1 +01111101010 who-are-you 1 +01111101010 Commissars 1 +01111101010 bastarda 1 +01111101010 Biffex 1 +01111101010 Bleep 1 +01111101010 Arrggh 1 +01111101010 SH-H-H-H 1 +01111101010 Rerum 1 +01111101010 Kickbacks 1 +01111101010 Dutiful 1 +01111101010 mai 1 +01111101010 scortesia 1 +01111101010 Cedrela 1 +01111101010 BUSHWHACKED 1 +01111101010 Wimpeach 1 +01111101010 Riflery 1 +01111101010 COMETH 1 +01111101010 Miscanthus 1 +01111101010 Vaccinium 1 +01111101010 Armpits 1 +01111101010 Earwax 1 +01111101010 Poof 1 +01111101010 Hyperbole 1 +01111101010 Fret 1 +01111101010 Chim 1 +01111101010 Murderers 1 +01111101010 get-facts-and 1 +01111101010 non-practicing 1 +01111101010 Drive-ins 1 +01111101010 Ilalim 1 +01111101010 Badges 1 +01111101010 Unrealistic 1 +01111101010 Transcribing 1 +01111101010 Yakkety 1 +01111101010 Repent 1 +01111101010 Icterus 1 +01111101010 Cyanocitta 1 +01111101010 Similarities 1 +01111101010 Turncoats 1 +01111101010 Brevity 1 +01111101010 Panhandling 1 +01111101010 PHILANTHROPOLOGY 1 +01111101010 WUDDA 1 +01111101010 Funky 1 +01111101010 Brahe 1 +01111101010 /A 1 +01111101010 Prognosis 1 +01111101010 Defeatism 1 +01111101010 plasticine 1 +01111101010 ] 1 +01111101010 Somocista 1 +01111101010 82,672 1 +01111101010 Aber 2 +01111101010 THINKING 2 +01111101010 Censored 2 +01111101010 Yawning 2 +01111101010 Miraculous 2 +01111101010 Whoop 2 +01111101010 Roumania 2 +01111101010 Co-sponsoring 2 +01111101010 IPB 2 +01111101010 Summitry 2 +01111101010 Self-control 2 +01111101010 tres 2 +01111101010 SYRIAN 2 +01111101010 Spontaneity 2 +01111101010 YEEECH 2 +01111101010 Ve 2 +01111101010 Dook 2 +01111101010 Dialing 2 +01111101010 Squid 2 +01111101010 Skill 2 +01111101010 Nearer 2 +01111101010 jua 2 +01111101010 Bikes 2 +01111101010 Wertmuller 2 +01111101010 Elation 2 +01111101010 PALMER 2 +01111101010 Wiped 2 +01111101010 Baloney 2 +01111101010 Clampers 2 +01111101010 Imagination 2 +01111101010 pow 2 +01111101010 Nooooo 2 +01111101010 Criticisms 2 +01111101010 Deadlock 2 +01111101010 Brilliantly 2 +01111101010 Naivete 2 +01111101010 Wishing 2 +01111101010 Abolish 2 +01111101010 Round-robin 2 +01111101010 TALKING 2 +01111101010 OPERA 2 +01111101010 Heal 2 +01111101010 Cannot 2 +01111101010 Fixes 2 +01111101010 DRESS 2 +01111101010 SAKE 2 +01111101010 Immature 2 +01111101010 Sunspots 2 +01111101010 Brainstorming 2 +01111101010 Precedent 2 +01111101010 FRICTION 2 +01111101010 Retreat 2 +01111101010 Honoraria 2 +01111101010 INSECURITY 2 +01111101010 Nie 2 +01111101010 Bush/Noriega 2 +01111101010 Mummification 2 +01111101010 Perjury 2 +01111101010 Wayta 2 +01111101010 Hallo 2 +01111101010 Frustrating 2 +01111101010 Corpsman 2 +01111101010 Gripes 2 +01111101010 Descend 2 +01111101010 MOGOOOO 2 +01111101010 Modesty 2 +01111101010 Culprits 2 +01111101010 A.M.L. 2 +01111101010 Asthma 2 +01111101010 Deflation 2 +01111101010 Jurisdiction 2 +01111101010 Formidable 2 +01111101010 Correlation 2 +01111101010 Quiapo 2 +01111101010 Infringement 2 +01111101010 Overqualified 2 +01111101010 Name-calling 2 +01111101010 Fingerprints 2 +01111101010 Assign 2 +01111101010 Burglars 2 +01111101010 ow 2 +01111101010 Right-Wing 2 +01111101010 SWITCH-HITTER 2 +01111101010 Cramden 2 +01111101010 Norteamericanos 2 +01111101010 Sevvy 2 +01111101010 Nativist 2 +01111101010 Corridos 2 +01111101010 Worrying 3 +01111101010 Honk 3 +01111101010 Rejections 3 +01111101010 Junta 3 +01111101010 Marry 3 +01111101010 Insane 3 +01111101010 Impeach 3 +01111101010 Pretending 3 +01111101010 Laymen 3 +01111101010 Prick 3 +01111101010 Censure 3 +01111101010 Capriccio 3 +01111101010 Promoter 3 +01111101010 Pretend 3 +01111101010 Anemia 3 +01111101010 Abandon 3 +01111101010 Confrontation 3 +01111101010 Cliches 3 +01111101010 Overpopulation 3 +01111101010 Unacceptable 3 +01111101010 Psst 3 +01111101010 Banzai 3 +01111101010 SICK 3 +01111101010 Bats 3 +01111101010 GAN 3 +01111101010 BIGGER 3 +01111101010 DISEASE 3 +01111101010 Sock 3 +01111101010 Weep 3 +01111101010 Predictability 3 +01111101010 Burned 3 +01111101010 Twas 3 +01111101010 Goodness 3 +01111101010 Anxieties 3 +01111101010 Discuss 3 +01111101010 Oo 3 +01111101010 Mitla 3 +01111101010 Unhappiness 3 +01111101010 im 3 +01111101010 LETTERS 3 +01111101010 Reorganizing 3 +01111101010 Jogging 3 +01111101010 Abie 3 +01111101010 Trailing 3 +01111101010 Homosexuals 3 +01111101010 Attend 3 +01111101010 Undecided 3 +01111101010 .that 4 +01111101010 Ouch 4 +01111101010 Weigh 4 +01111101010 Tequila 4 +01111101010 Lindell 4 +01111101010 Incineration 4 +01111101010 Bearishness 4 +01111101010 Dedicated 4 +01111101010 Hah 4 +01111101010 Pills 4 +01111101010 Stomach 4 +01111101010 Stickball 4 +01111101010 Tarkanian 4 +01111101010 Pardon 4 +01111101010 Touching 4 +01111101010 Desperation 4 +01111101010 Inefficiency 4 +01111101010 Openness 5 +01111101010 Hurry 5 +01111101010 Threaten 5 +01111101010 Ich 5 +01111101010 Haste 5 +01111101010 Males 5 +01111101010 Explain 5 +01111101010 Puff 5 +01111101010 Starry 5 +01111101010 Pinch 5 +01111101010 'Tis 6 +01111101010 Hypnosis 6 +01111101010 Rhetoric 6 +01111101010 Censorship 6 +01111101010 Forgive 6 +01111101010 Tastes 6 +01111101010 Discriminate 6 +01111101010 PDLA 6 +01111101010 Nationalism 6 +01111101010 Beats 7 +01111101010 Pelleas 7 +01111101010 Youngsters 7 +01111101010 Consistently 7 +01111101010 Desperately 8 +01111101010 Baggage 8 +01111101010 Proof 9 +01111101010 Credibility 10 +01111101010 Shall 10 +01111101010 Methanol 10 +01111101010 Recessions 10 +01111101010 CUT 10 +01111101010 Skepticism 12 +01111101010 Whom 12 +01111101010 Nostalgia 12 +01111101010 Terrorists 13 +01111101010 Excuse 15 +01111101010 Definitely 16 +01111101010 l 16 +01111101010 Gimme 16 +01111101010 Burn 16 +01111101010 Choose 17 +01111101010 Seldom 17 +01111101010 Controversy 18 +01111101010 Damn 18 +01111101010 Hail 19 +01111101010 Anxiety 21 +01111101010 Caution 22 +01111101010 Sarafina 23 +01111101010 Shoot 23 +01111101010 Confusion 24 +01111101010 Hear 25 +01111101010 Volatility 25 +01111101010 Protectionism 25 +01111101010 Firing 26 +01111101010 Rarely 31 +01111101010 Greenmail 33 +01111101010 RE 33 +01111101010 Pretty 41 +01111101010 Sounds 44 +01111101010 Absolutely 45 +01111101010 Must 46 +01111101010 Know 47 +01111101010 Want 50 +01111101010 Believe 52 +01111101010 Attention 54 +01111101010 Help 55 +01111101010 Tell 78 +01111101010 Whoever 82 +01111101010 n 99 +01111101010 Somebody 107 +01111101010 Say 123 +01111101010 Give 140 +01111101010 Make 142 +01111101010 Anything 154 +01111101010 Buy 156 +01111101010 Come 157 +01111101010 Save 166 +01111101010 Someone 175 +01111101010 Something 180 +01111101010 Get 182 +01111101010 Be 214 +01111101010 Have 221 +01111101010 Speculation 245 +01111101010 Everything 282 +01111101010 Too 347 +01111101010 Nothing 439 +01111101010 Everybody 511 +01111101010 Are 575 +01111101010 Everyone 585 +01111101010 Nobody 675 +01111101010 Where 693 +01111101010 Nor 777 +01111101010 Can 790 +01111101010 Let 815 +01111101010 Who 966 +01111101010 Do 1227 +01111101010 Why 1681 +01111101010 What 6937 +01111101010 How 2224 +01111101011 Jeeves 1 +01111101011 OPBOPM 1 +01111101011 Unimaginable 1 +01111101011 principal-onlys 1 +01111101011 denkiya 1 +01111101011 troubled-youth 1 +01111101011 Stelae 1 +01111101011 Street-fighting 1 +01111101011 flatlanders 1 +01111101011 meatgrinder 1 +01111101011 Chaconne 1 +01111101011 Sci-Fi 1 +01111101011 unAmerican 1 +01111101011 Barf 1 +01111101011 minestrone 1 +01111101011 scuadre 1 +01111101011 Whence 1 +01111101011 Japanapologist 1 +01111101011 Slavefare 1 +01111101011 Daybreak 1 +01111101011 Afridi 1 +01111101011 flaneur 1 +01111101011 sprier 1 +01111101011 Neuromancer 1 +01111101011 Sekunjalo 1 +01111101011 Uniformly 1 +01111101011 goniff 1 +01111101011 green-lining 1 +01111101011 megathrifts 1 +01111101011 tortiously 1 +01111101011 Eastenders 1 +01111101011 short-list 1 +01111101011 yeah-boo 1 +01111101011 Footage 1 +01111101011 hoozer 1 +01111101011 hacklings 1 +01111101011 husher 1 +01111101011 Binderweed 1 +01111101011 micropsia 1 +01111101011 TaiPan 1 +01111101011 wreckers 1 +01111101011 Pixars 1 +01111101011 Jesu 1 +01111101011 uncontentious 1 +01111101011 pistes 1 +01111101011 hlasnist 1 +01111101011 Beuys/Voice 1 +01111101011 entfremdungsgefuhl 1 +01111101011 Stable-instability 1 +01111101011 pamyal 1 +01111101011 bisnes 1 +01111101011 Fitzcarraldo 1 +01111101011 dicere 1 +01111101011 not-in-my-back-yard 1 +01111101011 DeWhine 1 +01111101011 hammerbox 1 +01111101011 Albo-Picta 1 +01111101011 no-brainers 1 +01111101011 Frosts 1 +01111101011 Marginally 1 +01111101011 probusiness 1 +01111101011 corbeille 1 +01111101011 Reverberating 1 +01111101011 Bugis 1 +01111101011 ooh-ooh-ooh 1 +01111101011 counterprogram 1 +01111101011 unsnugging 1 +01111101011 De-Stalinization 1 +01111101011 Jazzfest 1 +01111101011 Mijo 1 +01111101011 Unmistakably 1 +01111101011 accomplisher 1 +01111101011 Footlose 1 +01111101011 Funhouse 1 +01111101011 vellus 1 +01111101011 MTNs 1 +01111101011 Interrogation 1 +01111101011 Kukla 1 +01111101011 Joyful 1 +01111101011 Lamentably 1 +01111101011 Sheherazade 1 +01111101011 regroups 1 +01111101011 Meta-analysis 1 +01111101011 Valedictory 1 +01111101011 Slave-fare 1 +01111101011 Teflons 1 +01111101011 Forio 1 +01111101011 Hardcore 1 +01111101011 grazers 1 +01111101011 Bravado 1 +01111101011 chochas 1 +01111101011 ducting 1 +01111101011 parentectomy 1 +01111101011 McTicket 1 +01111101011 Cotillon 1 +01111101011 spokescat 1 +01111101011 dawg 1 +01111101011 Nil 1 +01111101011 toof 1 +01111101011 documonial 1 +01111101011 Thexder 1 +01111101011 Subjectively 1 +01111101011 out-placed 1 +01111101011 larger-ticket 1 +01111101011 clonekiller 1 +01111101011 Scruffily 1 +01111101011 no-pass 1 +01111101011 God-willing 1 +01111101011 rebenchmarking 1 +01111101011 quoll 1 +01111101011 gibber 1 +01111101011 yabber 1 +01111101011 humpy 1 +01111101011 quandong 1 +01111101011 waddy 1 +01111101011 locomote 1 +01111101011 pettifog 1 +01111101011 jeopard 1 +01111101011 misnome 1 +01111101011 burgle 1 +01111101011 Ayuh 1 +01111101011 highliners 1 +01111101011 garmento 1 +01111101011 pets-only 1 +01111101011 Kkamdong 1 +01111101011 Rhodium 1 +01111101011 Fish-tar 1 +01111101011 svan 1 +01111101011 pairage 1 +01111101011 Papermaker 1 +01111101011 Ecologically 1 +01111101011 Inexperience 1 +01111101011 SHOPPING-MALL 1 +01111101011 greige 1 +01111101011 Cardenistas 1 +01111101011 abrebocas 1 +01111101011 Unalloyed 1 +01111101011 gold-fixing 1 +01111101011 flame-broiling 1 +01111101011 Onstage 1 +01111101011 jamu 1 +01111101011 Bapak 1 +01111101011 childminders 1 +01111101011 keikis 1 +01111101011 re-occlusion 1 +01111101011 Biladi 1 +01111101011 Attaboys 1 +01111101011 Clinically 1 +01111101011 dachas 1 +01111101011 Smorgasbord 1 +01111101011 design-ins 1 +01111101011 Humama 1 +01111101011 Daaaddy 1 +01111101011 CAMILLA 1 +01111101011 Excusez-moi 1 +01111101011 minifabs 1 +01111101011 radiation-hard 1 +01111101011 Bebi 1 +01111101011 Shamefully 1 +01111101011 Attaboy 1 +01111101011 Waterlily 1 +01111101011 rakugo 1 +01111101011 Stopdoc 1 +01111101011 pir 1 +01111101011 eins 1 +01111101011 Playkill 1 +01111101011 dee-do 1 +01111101011 homeostasis 1 +01111101011 kaval 1 +01111101011 Superfights 1 +01111101011 KoKo 1 +01111101011 self-front-running 1 +01111101011 co-commander 1 +01111101011 nomu 1 +01111101011 sac-a-lait 1 +01111101011 chaoui 1 +01111101011 ouaouaron 1 +01111101011 grenouille 1 +01111101011 closet-indexed 1 +01111101011 vested-interest 1 +01111101011 capitation 1 +01111101011 Transfigurations 1 +01111101011 Pumice 1 +01111101011 Mothering 1 +01111101011 superspecialists 1 +01111101011 E.T 1 +01111101011 Personage 1 +01111101011 kappo 1 +01111101011 precedent-shattering 1 +01111101011 muti 1 +01111101011 sangomas 1 +01111101011 sportif 1 +01111101011 megabrand 1 +01111101011 ratu 1 +01111101011 petrolized 1 +01111101011 nonstrategy 1 +01111101011 orientated 1 +01111101011 Cocoricocoboy 1 +01111101011 griots 1 +01111101011 tama 1 +01111101011 businessman-governors 1 +01111101011 buckaroos 1 +01111101011 storm-swept 1 +01111101011 Cypresses 1 +01111101011 Firewalker 1 +01111101011 Cuomoesque 1 +01111101011 Caritas 1 +01111101011 tarikat 1 +01111101011 irtica 1 +01111101011 mini-tycoon 1 +01111101011 certs 1 +01111101011 Rosalinda 1 +01111101011 chapans 1 +01111101011 Codfather 1 +01111101011 pulu 1 +01111101011 Cloudy 1 +01111101011 roadblocking 1 +01111101011 negociants 1 +01111101011 Suleymanname 1 +01111101011 DIAL-A-TAX 1 +01111101011 Exuberance 1 +01111101011 B-roll 1 +01111101011 o-daiko 1 +01111101011 all-seeing 1 +01111101011 Deandome 1 +01111101011 Digger 1 +01111101011 supermerchant 1 +01111101011 fweets 1 +01111101011 deconglomeratization 1 +01111101011 Menuetto 1 +01111101011 Markings 1 +01111101011 Nihilism 1 +01111101011 Meaningless 1 +01111101011 epis 1 +01111101011 Steelhammer 1 +01111101011 Sparkplug 1 +01111101011 pixelization 1 +01111101011 Debategate 1 +01111101011 micropreneur 1 +01111101011 ultrapreneur 1 +01111101011 Intrapreneuring 1 +01111101011 Monday-morning-quarterbacking 1 +01111101011 Castaway 1 +01111101011 Shards 1 +01111101011 Karatemania 1 +01111101011 Do-Sa-Do 1 +01111101011 aggro 1 +01111101011 graffiti-free 1 +01111101011 Calyx 1 +01111101011 THEM 1 +01111101011 Staggerlee 1 +01111101011 Bullshipper 1 +01111101011 dochakuka 1 +01111101011 box-and-one 1 +01111101011 taisho 1 +01111101011 Cowdillac 1 +01111101011 he-comes-home-drunk-but-she-loves-him-still 1 +01111101011 Huissier 1 +01111101011 post-millennialists 1 +01111101011 superworkstation 1 +01111101011 plain-language 1 +01111101011 retablista 1 +01111101011 arpilleras 1 +01111101011 capoeira 1 +01111101011 B-scaler 1 +01111101011 milliner 1 +01111101011 Momentarily 1 +01111101011 tree-spiking 1 +01111101011 Garcinia 1 +01111101011 BusinessSavers 1 +01111101011 Model-Secretary 1 +01111101011 Bonito 1 +01111101011 Rolmans 1 +01111101011 Macroinstructions 1 +01111101011 Bretons 1 +01111101011 big-small 1 +01111101011 reacteur 1 +01111101011 moteur 1 +01111101011 Braids 1 +01111101011 Barracoon 1 +01111101011 Pygtailion 1 +01111101011 Assassins 1 +01111101011 Blinking 1 +01111101011 Kennilworth 1 +01111101011 Verrat 1 +01111101011 Issai 1 +01111101011 fearness 1 +01111101011 dismuting 1 +01111101011 Victorianism 1 +01111101011 RingMaster 1 +01111101011 Waterproof 1 +01111101011 Musicircus 1 +01111101011 Kur 1 +01111101011 Genossenschaft 1 +01111101011 Autobahnen 1 +01111101011 niceism 1 +01111101011 Truthfully 1 +01111101011 gatilho 1 +01111101011 one-minutes 1 +01111101011 Double-breasting 1 +01111101011 Nonresidents 1 +01111101011 whoa 1 +01111101011 FABULOUS 1 +01111101011 Horny 1 +01111101011 A-u 1 +01111101011 Tapeheads 1 +01111101011 Shadowinnower 1 +01111101011 Berufsverbot 1 +01111101011 Deal-Estate 1 +01111101011 Offensively 1 +01111101011 noninterventionist 1 +01111101011 Talk-Back 1 +01111101011 Exportise 1 +01111101011 narazuke 1 +01111101011 chindonya 1 +01111101011 Decemberitis 1 +01111101011 Redi-Paks 1 +01111101011 Arrives 1 +01111101011 Cadi-Vette 1 +01111101011 Gymkhana 1 +01111101011 Puk-puk 1 +01111101011 puk-puk 1 +01111101011 Serendipitously 1 +01111101011 Barthold 1 +01111101011 Fuku 1 +01111101011 bioreactors 1 +01111101011 thugee 1 +01111101011 vodoun 1 +01111101011 Assyrian 1 +01111101011 vlanbindingues 1 +01111101011 galipotes 1 +01111101011 zobop 1 +01111101011 mbaqanga 1 +01111101011 pommies 1 +01111101011 Manhunt 1 +01111101011 Harmonium 1 +01111101011 yomp 1 +01111101011 Bureaucratese 1 +01111101011 Dial-a-Santa 1 +01111101011 zeitgeist 1 +01111101011 non-patented 1 +01111101011 Naturalism 1 +01111101011 conflation 1 +01111101011 Cardenio 1 +01111101011 Achievers 1 +01111101011 Experientials 1 +01111101011 kulturbeflissen 1 +01111101011 whatshizname 1 +01111101011 ogres 1 +01111101011 Tobaccutti 1 +01111101011 Superbulls 1 +01111101011 Bagtime 1 +01111101011 Fussy 1 +01111101011 ji-boong 1 +01111101011 feathers-off 1 +01111101011 one-person-one-vote 1 +01111101011 Interoperability 1 +01111101011 Flugabwehrkanone 1 +01111101011 Price-wise 1 +01111101011 Oh-oh 1 +01111101011 Bare-faced 1 +01111101011 Blimpo 1 +01111101011 bottegai 1 +01111101011 poujadism 1 +01111101011 Ladenschlussgesetz 1 +01111101011 Wows 1 +01111101011 turt 1 +01111101011 legere 1 +01111101011 podion 1 +01111101011 sah 1 +01111101011 satura 1 +01111101011 McNaticos 1 +01111101011 self-cleansing 1 +01111101011 embranquecer 1 +01111101011 Effie 1 +01111101011 reviewed/designed 1 +01111101011 Footnoteitis 1 +01111101011 mispigeonholed 1 +01111101011 Kibbutzim 1 +01111101011 Big-capitalization 1 +01111101011 Rampage 1 +01111101011 Symbolon 1 +01111101011 Sharehi 1 +01111101011 German-bashing 1 +01111101011 Flim-flam 1 +01111101011 BUD 1 +01111101011 khorosho 1 +01111101011 traktoristka 1 +01111101011 anti-lipemic 1 +01111101011 Praiseworthy 1 +01111101011 Baretta 1 +01111101011 Firefox 1 +01111101011 Lifecare 1 +01111101011 Erwartung 1 +01111101011 Trovatores 1 +01111101011 kif 1 +01111101011 inflation-proof 1 +01111101011 mergee 1 +01111101011 Shh 1 +01111101011 Schadenfreude 1 +01111101011 festival-oriented 1 +01111101011 HeartGuide 1 +01111101011 Comity 1 +01111101011 Fierrabras 1 +01111101011 DOC-IN-A-BOX 1 +01111101011 Glamoc 1 +01111101011 Batdance 1 +01111101011 sliders 1 +01111101011 sodbusting 1 +01111101011 PC9801LX5C 1 +01111101011 Viscerally 1 +01111101011 Inheritance 1 +01111101011 Mefistofele 1 +01111101011 Howzit 1 +01111101011 deficit-neutrality 1 +01111101011 dazibao 1 +01111101011 polystylistic 1 +01111101011 Goldfink 1 +01111101011 highgrowth 1 +01111101011 Merci 1 +01111101011 cooperativa 1 +01111101011 Ohara 1 +01111101011 Supercarrier 1 +01111101011 Firestarter 1 +01111101011 Pericle 1 +01111101011 Rotate 1 +01111101011 loquitur 1 +01111101011 Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai 1 +01111101011 counter-gap 1 +01111101011 Stagecoach 1 +01111101011 run-of-the-press 1 +01111101011 Archetypes 1 +01111101011 Tanzspiel 1 +01111101011 social-mindedness 1 +01111101011 politicals 1 +01111101011 companero 1 +01111101011 disapppointed 1 +01111101011 super-stability 1 +01111101011 Sonderweg 1 +01111101011 No-Speed 1 +01111101011 major-major 1 +01111101011 Janssens 1 +01111101011 rotators 1 +01111101011 Institutionally 1 +01111101011 heart-driven 1 +01111101011 half-pipes 1 +01111101011 promotionist 1 +01111101011 microfiber 1 +01111101011 Skimming 1 +01111101011 un-poor 1 +01111101011 spetsnaz 1 +01111101011 benchmarking 1 +01111101011 lyophilizer 1 +01111101011 Schmerzfest 1 +01111101011 Clive-ia 1 +01111101011 Expressiv 1 +01111101011 vendido 1 +01111101011 framestore 1 +01111101011 Carpetbaggers 1 +01111101011 Wunderbar 1 +01111101011 Magnifico 1 +01111101011 Mopes 1 +01111101011 See-Hear 1 +01111101011 get-it-fast 1 +01111101011 pro-SEC 1 +01111101011 frottoir 1 +01111101011 self-developers 1 +01111101011 To-ron-to 1 +01111101011 well-housed 1 +01111101011 Machoism 1 +01111101011 Sparcintoshes 1 +01111101011 SuperDave 1 +01111101011 Grasshopper 1 +01111101011 Heinasirkka 1 +01111101011 echorche 1 +01111101011 carpetgate 1 +01111101011 Kurozuka 1 +01111101011 Puffball 1 +01111101011 double-team 1 +01111101011 Funnily 1 +01111101011 Dakkie 1 +01111101011 K-9 1 +01111101011 goldbugs 1 +01111101011 Bondweek 1 +01111101011 Showed 1 +01111101011 Sniff 1 +01111101011 On-Target 1 +01111101011 lawful-to-sell 1 +01111101011 Thunderchicken 1 +01111101011 Legwork 1 +01111101011 INFO-2 1 +01111101011 Megamarketing 1 +01111101011 Intervale 1 +01111101011 condottiere 1 +01111101011 supersoft 1 +01111101011 Molnia 1 +01111101011 airier 1 +01111101011 futuristics 1 +01111101011 higahikaku 1 +01111101011 zenbara 1 +01111101011 Strapless 1 +01111101011 hairhoppers 1 +01111101011 Repulsion 1 +01111101011 age-appropriate 1 +01111101011 Air-jet 1 +01111101011 Pre-October 1 +01111101011 fumblerooski 1 +01111101011 Pocho 1 +01111101011 zakat 1 +01111101011 Bullish-Bullish-Bullish 1 +01111101011 compadre 1 +01111101011 comadre 1 +01111101011 Elephantenhochzeit 1 +01111101011 Libidine 1 +01111101011 Overboard 1 +01111101011 Insulate 1 +01111101011 Cajoling 1 +01111101011 polycephalous 1 +01111101011 Typee 1 +01111101011 METHOTREXATE 1 +01111101011 Wherein 1 +01111101011 dumbed-down 1 +01111101011 yogwans 1 +01111101011 proviruses 1 +01111101011 NAO 1 +01111101011 Urdis 1 +01111101011 collegialism 1 +01111101011 tarek 1 +01111101011 hear-nothing 1 +01111101011 Novanoah 1 +01111101011 Arcodiga 1 +01111101011 anti-materialism 1 +01111101011 Cubetown 1 +01111101011 Incoherence 1 +01111101011 Globaloney 1 +01111101011 Dadillacs 1 +01111101011 Launcher 1 +01111101011 Beforehand 1 +01111101011 animatics 1 +01111101011 Anastasia 1 +01111101011 buppies 1 +01111101011 narrowcaster 1 +01111101011 Son-of-a-gun 1 +01111101011 lipophilic 1 +01111101011 Kayaker 1 +01111101011 Parenthesis 1 +01111101011 Colorcoat 1 +01111101011 F.I.S.T. 1 +01111101011 Equivalently 1 +01111101011 Ceaselessly 1 +01111101011 Emphatically 1 +01111101011 Astrobabble 1 +01111101011 Ti-di 1 +01111101011 Deplorably 1 +01111101011 Algazel 1 +01111101011 Ripoffs 1 +01111101011 comandancia 1 +01111101011 neuro-computers 1 +01111101011 Stoneheads 1 +01111101011 phat 1 +01111101011 Traitor 1 +01111101011 chestwarmers 1 +01111101011 berried 1 +01111101011 athematic 1 +01111101011 Thamos 1 +01111101011 Alakshak 1 +01111101011 ayni 1 +01111101011 Maoridom 1 +01111101011 chaga 1 +01111101011 ooooo 1 +01111101011 Trembling 1 +01111101011 maya 1 +01111101011 gaman 1 +01111101011 Mmm 1 +01111101011 Caregiving 1 +01111101011 pro-peacock 1 +01111101011 ballparking 1 +01111101011 Amakudari 1 +01111101011 down-down 1 +01111101011 be-ins 1 +01111101011 Cholesterol-wise 1 +01111101011 Geech 1 +01111101011 nitwits 1 +01111101011 Checkmates 1 +01111101011 capitulations 1 +01111101011 shortwings 1 +01111101011 Heigh-oh 1 +01111101011 hojin 1 +01111101011 icepick 1 +01111101011 chuanxiong 1 +01111101011 loge 1 +01111101011 idiotypes 1 +01111101011 double-discounted 1 +01111101011 Bestseller 1 +01111101011 W-U-D-D-A 1 +01111101011 I-R-S 1 +01111101011 cross-subsidy 1 +01111101011 Rik 1 +01111101011 Chameleon-like 1 +01111101011 investor-driven 1 +01111101011 S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A 1 +01111101011 Datson 1 +01111101011 E-car 1 +01111101011 regisseur 1 +01111101011 Kettentanz 1 +01111101011 etude 1 +01111101011 France/Dance 1 +01111101011 in-filling 1 +01111101011 Bucketing 1 +01111101011 fizzlick 1 +01111101011 puppydogs 1 +01111101011 yobiko 1 +01111101011 tamamushi 1 +01111101011 Janites 1 +01111101011 Yo-Goat 1 +01111101011 non-obvious 1 +01111101011 sub-therapeutic 1 +01111101011 Clinicard 1 +01111101011 Paperhouse 1 +01111101011 enzymatic 1 +01111101011 francheesy 1 +01111101011 Personages 1 +01111101011 Poochies 1 +01111101011 Wenesday 1 +01111101011 dunk-tanks 1 +01111101011 ultra-perestroika 1 +01111101011 Banging 1 +01111101011 Bluntly 1 +01111101011 nonchange 1 +01111101011 etoiles 1 +01111101011 Willie/Mingo 1 +01111101011 huggy-huggy 1 +01111101011 Aphorismi 1 +01111101011 passe-partout 1 +01111101011 Bleary-eyed 2 +01111101011 Fumbling 2 +01111101011 Arrogant 2 +01111101011 Enraged 2 +01111101011 Quantitatively 2 +01111101011 Weekdays 2 +01111101011 Oh-la-la 2 +01111101011 SWIMMING 2 +01111101011 Extraditables 2 +01111101011 Vamos 2 +01111101011 Terrified 2 +01111101011 Jawohl 2 +01111101011 Cellist 2 +01111101011 Symbolically 2 +01111101011 Mastergate 2 +01111101011 Ooh 2 +01111101011 Messy 2 +01111101011 Biosensor 2 +01111101011 SleepTight 2 +01111101011 Shrug 2 +01111101011 WILMINGTON 2 +01111101011 abridging 2 +01111101011 BORROW 2 +01111101011 Takings 2 +01111101011 Nicotinic 2 +01111101011 Ethicists 2 +01111101011 Deliberately 2 +01111101011 longueurs 2 +01111101011 Artifact 2 +01111101011 Hostas 2 +01111101011 Hard-working 2 +01111101011 Rollover 2 +01111101011 Airwolf 2 +01111101011 Hmm 2 +01111101011 Assumed 2 +01111101011 paso 2 +01111101011 Excepting 2 +01111101011 Ay 2 +01111101011 Starlings 2 +01111101011 nunchakus 2 +01111101011 Brickyard 2 +01111101011 Obeying 2 +01111101011 Ninotchka 2 +01111101011 MAX 2 +01111101011 coach-ball 2 +01111101011 wah 2 +01111101011 Evander 2 +01111101011 Ho-hum 2 +01111101011 Operationally 2 +01111101011 Otlichno 2 +01111101011 Shuttered 2 +01111101011 Knightwatch 2 +01111101011 Rugged 2 +01111101011 Lard 2 +01111101011 Quintus 2 +01111101011 nein 2 +01111101011 Ovens 2 +01111101011 Succinctly 2 +01111101011 Supply-sider 2 +01111101011 Divining 2 +01111101011 delegators 2 +01111101011 Smithereens 2 +01111101011 Naively 2 +01111101011 Depends 2 +01111101011 Nunnally 2 +01111101011 Rosmira 2 +01111101011 Moribund 2 +01111101011 COLGATE 2 +01111101011 Instinctively 2 +01111101011 BehaviorScan 2 +01111101011 Legionella 2 +01111101011 Breakout 2 +01111101011 EM 2 +01111101011 Simulators 2 +01111101011 Awful 2 +01111101011 Relevant 2 +01111101011 Balderdash 2 +01111101011 THEN 2 +01111101011 Suprematism 2 +01111101011 Hasten 2 +01111101011 Murderous 2 +01111101011 pixilation 2 +01111101011 Gremlins 2 +01111101011 Mosques 2 +01111101011 Kayaks 2 +01111101011 Lush 2 +01111101011 Gridlock 2 +01111101011 Lunches 2 +01111101011 Second-guessing 2 +01111101011 Feelgood 2 +01111101011 Self-employed 2 +01111101011 Eagle-Tribune 2 +01111101011 Carefully 2 +01111101011 Industrially 2 +01111101011 Siblings 2 +01111101011 Carny 2 +01111101011 Naw 3 +01111101011 Puller 3 +01111101011 Self-management 3 +01111101011 Yep 3 +01111101011 Feck 3 +01111101011 Brahms-Handel 3 +01111101011 Overlooked 3 +01111101011 Sexy 3 +01111101011 Roufus 3 +01111101011 Posit 3 +01111101011 Chiefly 3 +01111101011 Channeling 3 +01111101011 Beaming 3 +01111101011 Grudgingly 3 +01111101011 Recommend 3 +01111101011 Fandango 3 +01111101011 shelterable 3 +01111101011 Uh-oh 3 +01111101011 Trade-In 3 +01111101011 Revillon 3 +01111101011 Ribs 3 +01111101011 Striptease 3 +01111101011 Thereby 3 +01111101011 Brag 3 +01111101011 Candidly 3 +01111101011 Offstage 3 +01111101011 Unrepentant 3 +01111101011 Sloppy 3 +01111101011 Pubs 3 +01111101011 Praised 3 +01111101011 Logical 3 +01111101011 Ruled 3 +01111101011 Barden 3 +01111101011 Oooh 3 +01111101011 Kayaking 3 +01111101011 WITHOUT 3 +01111101011 Nah 3 +01111101011 Sideways 3 +01111101011 Commercially 3 +01111101011 MetroEconomica 3 +01111101011 Totalitarianism 3 +01111101011 Distraught 3 +01111101011 Unequivocally 3 +01111101011 Nigger 3 +01111101011 Yuasa 3 +01111101011 Mariameneo 3 +01111101011 Mommas 3 +01111101011 tholin 3 +01111101011 Logistically 3 +01111101011 Zirconium 3 +01111101011 THOMSON-CSF 3 +01111101011 Dreamgirls 3 +01111101011 Constitutionally 3 +01111101011 Orphans 3 +01111101011 OH 4 +01111101011 Caliban 4 +01111101011 Professionally 4 +01111101011 Aw 4 +01111101011 Mammograms 4 +01111101011 Streamlining 4 +01111101011 Coincidence 4 +01111101011 Farrowing 4 +01111101011 Selecting 4 +01111101011 Stockbroker 4 +01111101011 Easily 4 +01111101011 Pray 4 +01111101011 Flamboyant 4 +01111101011 Stupid 4 +01111101011 Aesthetically 4 +01111101011 Speeches 4 +01111101011 Hogwash 4 +01111101011 Bashing 4 +01111101011 Strikingly 4 +01111101011 Ethically 4 +01111101011 Typewriters 4 +01111101011 Camarinha 5 +01111101011 GATES 5 +01111101011 Pupil 5 +01111101011 Interesting 5 +01111101011 Erythropoietin 5 +01111101011 Smiling 5 +01111101011 Jeez 5 +01111101011 Eurocops 5 +01111101011 Conceptually 5 +01111101011 Breathless 5 +01111101011 Generous 5 +01111101011 Scratch 5 +01111101011 Deeds 5 +01111101011 Chlorofluorocarbons 5 +01111101011 Culturally 5 +01111101011 Footloose 5 +01111101011 Socially 6 +01111101011 Doubtless 6 +01111101011 Strategically 6 +01111101011 Herewith 6 +01111101011 Conception 6 +01111101011 Rubbish 6 +01111101011 Dopey 6 +01111101011 Short-covering 6 +01111101011 Je 6 +01111101011 Unquestionably 6 +01111101011 Regularly 6 +01111101011 Locally 6 +01111101011 Benji 6 +01111101011 Appropriately 6 +01111101011 Monday-Friday 7 +01111101011 Undeniably 7 +01111101011 Unbelievable 7 +01111101011 Aha 7 +01111101011 Ostensibly 8 +01111101011 Backstage 8 +01111101011 Effectively 8 +01111101011 Uh 8 +01111101011 Intellectually 8 +01111101011 Bokassa 8 +01111101011 Plainly 9 +01111101011 Oops 9 +01111101011 Embarrassed 9 +01111101011 Outraged 9 +01111101011 Nope 10 +01111101011 Rioting 10 +01111101011 DEBATE 11 +01111101011 Domestically 12 +01111101011 Whoa 12 +01111101011 Realistically 12 +01111101011 Briefly 12 +01111101011 Seemingly 13 +01111101011 Psychologically 14 +01111101011 Henceforth 17 +01111101011 Wow 17 +01111101011 Underneath 18 +01111101011 Primarily 18 +01111101011 Upstairs 18 +01111101011 Economically 18 +01111101011 Industrywide 18 +01111101011 Therein 18 +01111101011 Translated 18 +01111101011 Someday 19 +01111101011 Goodbye 19 +01111101011 Overnight 21 +01111101011 Slowly 21 +01111101011 Undoubtedly 23 +01111101011 Evidently 24 +01111101011 Recall 27 +01111101011 Below 27 +01111101011 Fundamentally 29 +01111101011 Okay 32 +01111101011 Hi 32 +01111101011 Everywhere 33 +01111101011 Oddly 37 +01111101011 Granted 42 +01111101011 Wait 42 +01111101011 Luckily 43 +01111101011 Sorry 45 +01111101011 Hello 45 +01111101011 Hopefully 48 +01111101011 Personally 50 +01111101011 Gee 53 +01111101011 Always 59 +01111101011 Financially 59 +01111101011 Nearby 60 +01111101011 Ah 61 +01111101011 Yeah 67 +01111101011 Occasionally 80 +01111101011 Nowadays 88 +01111101011 Frankly 89 +01111101011 Presumably 94 +01111101011 Somehow 94 +01111101011 Mostly 98 +01111101011 Twice 101 +01111101011 Naturally 116 +01111101011 Hence 128 +01111101011 Tomorrow 133 +01111101011 Surely 145 +01111101011 Remember 147 +01111101011 Imagine 149 +01111101011 Hey 164 +01111101011 Basically 178 +01111101011 Again 222 +01111101011 Down 225 +01111101011 Usually 226 +01111101011 Sure 236 +01111101011 Inside 253 +01111101011 Suddenly 253 +01111101011 Apparently 256 +01111101011 Together 262 +01111101011 True 269 +01111101011 Often 275 +01111101011 Oh 294 +01111101011 Soon 371 +01111101011 Obviously 398 +01111101011 Certainly 453 +01111101011 Clearly 464 +01111101011 Yes 474 +01111101011 Sometimes 634 +01111101011 Well 688 +01111101011 Second 792 +01111101011 Rather 931 +01111101011 Or 1072 +01111101011 Besides 1341 +01111101011 Today 2522 +01111101011 Then 3233 +01111101011 Now 6403 +01111101011 So 6986 +01111101100 Huffs 1 +01111101100 Exults 1 +01111101100 Accommodating 1 +01111101100 .have 1 +01111101100 VideoStar 1 +01111101100 Kenzy 1 +01111101100 Insisted 1 +01111101100 Computer-giant 1 +01111101100 Soothing 1 +01111101100 Hostesses 1 +01111101100 Oil-rich 1 +01111101100 Teleindustria 1 +01111101100 Dollar-hungry 1 +01111101100 Tacitly 1 +01111101100 Muses 1 +01111101100 Storky 1 +01111101100 Arch-rival 1 +01111101100 VACUUMING 1 +01111101100 POST-STRIKE 1 +01111101100 Hard-nosed 1 +01111101100 REGULATIONS 1 +01111101100 Easygoing 1 +01111101100 General-interest 1 +01111101100 First-term 1 +01111101100 Ex-guard 1 +01111101100 Drought-ravaged 1 +01111101100 Proclaimed 1 +01111101100 Renouncing 1 +01111101100 Advises 1 +01111101100 PERONISTS 1 +01111101100 EARRING 1 +01111101100 Speculates 1 +01111101100 Two-term 1 +01111101100 Money-manager 1 +01111101100 Sixty-year-old 1 +01111101100 Middle-level 1 +01111101100 Rough-and-ready 1 +01111101100 Lambasting 1 +01111101100 Shudder 1 +01111101100 Protocol-conscious 1 +01111101100 EDUCATIONAL 1 +01111101100 Insists 1 +01111101100 Green-eyed 1 +01111101100 BanCal 1 +01111101100 Eighteenth-century 1 +01111101100 Ex-cop 1 +01111101100 Cornerback 1 +01111101100 Radioing 1 +01111101100 Roseland-based 1 +01111101100 Rejoins 1 +01111101100 Retorted 1 +01111101100 Ship-maker 1 +01111101100 Speed-skater 2 +01111101100 Confides 2 +01111101100 Nicknamed 2 +01111101100 Wrinkling 2 +01111101100 Psychic 2 +01111101100 Jealous 2 +01111101100 Modifying 2 +01111101100 Swelling 2 +01111101100 Mild-mannered 2 +01111101100 ELDER 2 +01111101100 Heightening 2 +01111101100 Three-year-old 2 +01111101100 Pre-selling 2 +01111101100 Accomplishing 2 +01111101100 Beefy 2 +01111101100 TOM 2 +01111101100 Predicted 2 +01111101100 Emulating 2 +01111101100 Money-losing 2 +01111101100 Foreseeing 2 +01111101100 Nineteenth-century 2 +01111101100 Re-enter 2 +01111101100 Admits 2 +01111101100 Bordering 2 +01111101100 Enriching 2 +01111101100 Enlarging 2 +01111101100 SIR 2 +01111101100 Seventeen-year-old 2 +01111101100 Gripping 3 +01111101100 Humorist 3 +01111101100 Truer 3 +01111101100 Joked 3 +01111101100 Preaching 3 +01111101100 Better-known 3 +01111101100 Five-year-old 3 +01111101100 Spokeswoman 3 +01111101100 Eight-year-old 3 +01111101100 Overseeing 3 +01111101100 Argues 3 +01111101100 Outlawing 3 +01111101100 Seven-year-old 3 +01111101100 Present-day 3 +01111101100 Firming 3 +01111101100 Deducting 3 +01111101100 Flooding 3 +01111101100 COMPREHENSIVE 4 +01111101100 Explained 4 +01111101100 Screenwriters 4 +01111101100 Worsening 4 +01111101100 REP. 4 +01111101100 Advocating 4 +01111101100 Countered 4 +01111101100 Transferring 4 +01111101100 Underpinning 4 +01111101100 Fumes 4 +01111101100 Shutting 4 +01111101100 Exacerbating 4 +01111101100 Contends 5 +01111101100 Backing 5 +01111101100 Capturing 5 +01111101100 Presenting 5 +01111101100 Protesting 6 +01111101100 Pianist 6 +01111101100 Hard-core 6 +01111101100 Observed 6 +01111101100 Entertainer 6 +01111101100 Replied 7 +01111101100 Linking 7 +01111101100 Complains 7 +01111101100 V.H. 7 +01111101100 Government-owned 7 +01111101100 Nine-year-old 7 +01111101100 Warns 7 +01111101100 Responded 7 +01111101100 Attacking 8 +01111101100 Pacing 8 +01111101100 Responds 8 +01111101100 Boasts 8 +01111101100 Approaching 8 +01111101100 Aiding 8 +01111101100 Cash-rich 8 +01111101100 Trimming 8 +01111101100 Heeding 9 +01111101100 Retorts 9 +01111101100 Dubbed 9 +01111101100 Asserts 9 +01111101100 Matching 9 +01111101100 Carrying 10 +01111101100 Cash-strapped 10 +01111101100 Neighboring 10 +01111101100 Shifting 11 +01111101100 Observing 11 +01111101100 Expressing 11 +01111101100 Recalls 11 +01111101100 Criticizing 11 +01111101100 Slowing 12 +01111101100 Declares 12 +01111101100 Asking 12 +01111101100 Observes 13 +01111101100 Asks 14 +01111101100 Replies 14 +01111101100 Concludes 15 +01111101100 Reviewing 15 +01111101100 Concedes 16 +01111101100 Shrinking 16 +01111101100 Improving 18 +01111101100 Replacing 18 +01111101100 Visiting 23 +01111101100 Counters 24 +01111101100 Echoing 24 +01111101100 Explains 38 +01111101100 Whereas 58 +01111101100 Joining 59 +01111101100 Increasing 64 +01111101100 Succeeding 67 +01111101100 Finding 82 +01111101100 Enter 97 +01111101100 Regarding 160 +01111101100 Said 246 +01111101100 Added 272 +01111101100 Adds 643 +01111101100 Whatever 753 +01111101100 Unlike 1064 +01111101100 Says 1259 +01111101100 Neither 1347 +01111101100 Like 1852 +01111101100 Though 2772 +01111101100 While 8457 +01111101100 Although 6744 +01111101101 Stifling 1 +01111101101 Acknowledge 1 +01111101101 Longer-lasting 1 +01111101101 WALTERS 1 +01111101101 Elope 1 +01111101101 Entertain 1 +01111101101 Y.H. 1 +01111101101 Notoriety 1 +01111101101 Swindling 1 +01111101101 Isodoro 1 +01111101101 RAILROAD 1 +01111101101 Arenaballers 1 +01111101101 Telwatch 1 +01111101101 Multi-option 1 +01111101101 Springing 1 +01111101101 Eusebio 1 +01111101101 Reversals 1 +01111101101 Extorting 1 +01111101101 Birthdays 1 +01111101101 Snowmobile 1 +01111101101 De-emphasizing 1 +01111101101 Despots 1 +01111101101 C-LD-R 1 +01111101101 Stewardesses 1 +01111101101 Composition-wise 1 +01111101101 Triploid 1 +01111101101 Methodically 1 +01111101101 Ex- 1 +01111101101 Doggone 1 +01111101101 Homely 1 +01111101101 Overlook 1 +01111101101 Tight-lipped 1 +01111101101 Termed 1 +01111101101 CALERO 1 +01111101101 STEAMBOAT 1 +01111101101 Surpluses 1 +01111101101 IMPROPER 1 +01111101101 Urologists 1 +01111101101 Samplers 1 +01111101101 Ditching 1 +01111101101 .because 1 +01111101101 Roughing 1 +01111101101 Pre-empting 1 +01111101101 Passenger-service 1 +01111101101 Executing 1 +01111101101 Colorize 1 +01111101101 RABIN 1 +01111101101 Miniaturized 1 +01111101101 .Writing 1 +01111101101 Securities-lending 1 +01111101101 Captioned 1 +01111101101 Thence 1 +01111101101 Self-medication 1 +01111101101 Inflation-led 1 +01111101101 Stature 1 +01111101101 .So 1 +01111101101 Slaughterings 1 +01111101101 Interwoven 1 +01111101101 .until 1 +01111101101 Boy-crazy 1 +01111101101 Prescribing 1 +01111101101 MANAGUA 1 +01111101101 Whyever 1 +01111101101 Prodigious 2 +01111101101 Reimbursing 2 +01111101101 TAX-LAW 2 +01111101101 ABRAMS 2 +01111101101 Hammering 2 +01111101101 Clumsy 2 +01111101101 Obscure 2 +01111101101 PARENTAL 2 +01111101101 Locking 2 +01111101101 ARAFAT 2 +01111101101 .and 2 +01111101101 Jabbing 2 +01111101101 Subtitled 2 +01111101101 Jailed 2 +01111101101 Pursued 2 +01111101101 Preceding 2 +01111101101 Beleaguered 3 +01111101101 Veins 3 +01111101101 Considerations 3 +01111101101 Chanting 3 +01111101101 Advertised 3 +01111101101 Incensed 3 +01111101101 Cozy 3 +01111101101 DICK 3 +01111101101 Entitled 3 +01111101101 Chastened 4 +01111101101 Discouraged 4 +01111101101 Ironic 4 +01111101101 McFARLANE 4 +01111101101 Inexperienced 4 +01111101101 Upholding 4 +01111101101 Sidestepping 4 +01111101101 Relaxing 4 +01111101101 Wanting 4 +01111101101 Attractive 5 +01111101101 Nestled 5 +01111101101 Ousted 5 +01111101101 Titled 5 +01111101101 Laments 5 +01111101101 Seizing 5 +01111101101 Repeatedly 5 +01111101101 Spotting 6 +01111101101 Convictions 6 +01111101101 Concluding 7 +01111101101 Admitting 9 +01111101101 Whereupon 9 +01111101101 Provided 10 +01111101101 Incumbent 12 +01111101101 Convincing 12 +01111101101 Suffice 12 +01111101101 Determining 13 +01111101101 Ditto 17 +01111101101 Quoting 18 +01111101101 Arguing 31 +01111101101 Mainly 40 +01111101101 Possibly 53 +01111101101 Quite 121 +01111101101 Consider 466 +01111101101 Perhaps 1205 +01111101101 Yet 2950 +01111101101 But 73602 +01111101101 And 23158 +01111101110 PUZZLING 1 +01111101110 Unloosing 1 +01111101110 Groused 1 +01111101110 Inoculating 1 +01111101110 Depleting 1 +01111101110 Mountainizing 1 +01111101110 re-humanizes 1 +01111101110 Contended 1 +01111101110 Toppling 1 +01111101110 Fast-track 1 +01111101110 Interrupting 1 +01111101110 Donning 1 +01111101110 Stiffling 1 +01111101110 Hustling 1 +01111101110 Slinging 1 +01111101110 Nary 1 +01111101110 Prerequisites 1 +01111101110 Labeled 1 +01111101110 Clinging 1 +01111101110 Slip 1 +01111101110 Formulating 1 +01111101110 Resembling 1 +01111101110 Cornering 1 +01111101110 Spared 1 +01111101110 Bankside 1 +01111101110 Remarked 1 +01111101110 Rebuffing 1 +01111101110 Adjectives 1 +01111101110 MASS 1 +01111101110 Depite 1 +01111101110 Pawning 1 +01111101110 Argued 1 +01111101110 Forfeiting 1 +01111101110 Exhibiting 1 +01111101110 Unraveling 1 +01111101110 Copping 1 +01111101110 Successively 1 +01111101110 Exerting 1 +01111101110 Anchoring 1 +01111101110 Proclaims 1 +01111101110 Hypoglycemia 1 +01111101110 ENDOWMENTS 1 +01111101110 PREPAYING 1 +01111101110 Mimicking 1 +01111101110 Growth-minded 1 +01111101110 Repudiating 1 +01111101110 Ousting 1 +01111101110 Underpaying 1 +01111101110 Unfurling 1 +01111101110 Denominate 1 +01111101110 Unrolling 1 +01111101110 Scrounging 1 +01111101110 CLK 1 +01111101110 Energy-intensive 1 +01111101110 Punching 1 +01111101110 Idling 1 +01111101110 non-covered 1 +01111101110 Tucking 1 +01111101110 Constructing 1 +01111101110 Appoint 1 +01111101110 Sustaining 1 +01111101110 Thwarting 1 +01111101110 Reshaping 1 +01111101110 Snatching 1 +01111101110 Thankful 1 +01111101110 Reaffirming 1 +01111101110 Mumbles 1 +01111101110 Cementing 1 +01111101110 Unlocking 1 +01111101110 Outbreaks 1 +01111101110 codewords 2 +01111101110 Reciting 2 +01111101110 Ere 2 +01111101110 Assemble 2 +01111101110 Greeting 2 +01111101110 Moans 2 +01111101110 Nudging 2 +01111101110 Begging 2 +01111101110 Grabbing 2 +01111101110 Fingering 2 +01111101110 Groping 2 +01111101110 Espousing 3 +01111101110 Scraping 3 +01111101110 Opting 3 +01111101110 Allocating 3 +01111101110 Securing 3 +01111101110 Electing 3 +01111101110 Introduce 3 +01111101110 Renowned 3 +01111101110 Legislating 3 +01111101110 Puffing 3 +01111101110 Suing 3 +01111101110 Pantyhose 3 +01111101110 Commented 3 +01111101110 Co-defendants 3 +01111101110 Caring 4 +01111101110 Scarcely 4 +01111101110 Dressing 4 +01111101110 Conducting 4 +01111101110 Qualifying 4 +01111101110 Arranging 4 +01111101110 Sighs 4 +01111101110 Employing 5 +01111101110 Bedtime 5 +01111101110 Sending 9 +01111101110 Launching 11 +01111101110 Aiming 11 +01111101110 Preparing 13 +01111101110 Negotiating 14 +01111101110 Searching 16 +01111101110 Adjusting 25 +01111101110 Waiting 42 +01111101110 Formerly 59 +01111101110 As 20081 +01111101110 Allowing 61 +01111101111 Inactivity 1 +01111101111 Writ 1 +01111101111 Queues 1 +01111101111 Embodying 1 +01111101111 Self-taught 1 +01111101111 Tuning 1 +01111101111 Complacency 1 +01111101111 Billeted 1 +01111101111 Long-timers 1 +01111101111 Imbedded 1 +01111101111 Apolitical 1 +01111101111 Owner-managers 1 +01111101111 Unsurprising 1 +01111101111 Relishing 1 +01111101111 Ranching 1 +01111101111 Implied 1 +01111101111 Nonparticipants 1 +01111101111 Tangled 1 +01111101111 Clots 1 +01111101111 Leaping 1 +01111101111 WNEV 1 +01111101111 Abounding 1 +01111101111 Protestation 1 +01111101111 Congregations 1 +01111101111 Delter 1 +01111101111 Duvalierism 1 +01111101111 Skirmishing 1 +01111101111 Garbed 1 +01111101111 Residency 1 +01111101111 4:57 1 +01111101111 Breakdowns 1 +01111101111 Exceedingly 1 +01111101111 Unbowed 1 +01111101111 Punctilious 1 +01111101111 -A 1 +01111101111 Boltzmann 1 +01111101111 Enmeshed 1 +01111101111 44,524,000 1 +01111101111 Cross-holdings 1 +01111101111 Walled 1 +01111101111 Provoked 1 +01111101111 Deemed 1 +01111101111 Watched 1 +01111101111 Abuzz 1 +01111101111 Counted 1 +01111101111 Uproars 1 +01111101111 Indefensible 1 +01111101111 Sinister 1 +01111101111 FALLING 1 +01111101111 Immortalized 1 +01111101111 Undesirable 1 +01111101111 Reflected 1 +01111101111 Cavorting 1 +01111101111 Microphone 1 +01111101111 Qualify 1 +01111101111 Citisavings 1 +01111101111 Kneeling 1 +01111101111 Misalignment 1 +01111101111 Peace-keeping 1 +01111101111 Frankness 1 +01111101111 Casualness 1 +01111101111 MDL 1 +01111101111 Cocky 1 +01111101111 Expiring 1 +01111101111 Highlighted 1 +01111101111 Saddened 1 +01111101111 Inconsistencies 1 +01111101111 Kropotkinskaya 1 +01111101111 Unkempt 1 +01111101111 Latecomers 1 +01111101111 Pictured 1 +01111101111 Oddsmakers 1 +01111101111 Unfolding 1 +01111101111 Thirty-year-olds 1 +01111101111 Distasteful 1 +01111101111 Lolling 1 +01111101111 Cloaked 1 +01111101111 DETERMINING 1 +01111101111 Domesticated 1 +01111101111 Concurring 1 +01111101111 Singleminded 1 +01111101111 Gracious 1 +01111101111 HOSIERY 1 +01111101111 Waitresses 1 +01111101111 Expertise 1 +01111101111 Swooning 1 +01111101111 Upswings 1 +01111101111 Interbreeding 1 +01111101111 Huddled 1 +01111101111 Conjecture 1 +01111101111 Gathered 1 +01111101111 Resonant 1 +01111101111 Dominant 1 +01111101111 Changeovers 1 +01111101111 Doubly 1 +01111101111 Senility 1 +01111101111 Inundated 1 +01111101111 Intervening 1 +01111101111 Skaters 1 +01111101111 Patched 1 +01111101111 BACKSLIDING 1 +01111101111 Outsourcing 1 +01111101111 Co-plaintiffs 1 +01111101111 Obsessional 1 +01111101111 Foals 1 +01111101111 Flimsy 1 +01111101111 Okko 1 +01111101111 Disruptions 1 +01111101111 Hedgers 1 +01111101111 Sixth-ranked 1 +01111101111 Stogies 1 +01111101111 Reopenings 1 +01111101111 Bunched 1 +01111101111 Tire-maker 1 +01111101111 Lodged 1 +01111101111 Prying 1 +01111101111 Incapable 1 +01111101111 Delectable 1 +01111101111 overexuberance 1 +01111101111 Freighted 1 +01111101111 Bikers 1 +01111101111 Over-eagerness 1 +01111101111 Stationed 1 +01111101111 Impoliteness 1 +01111101111 Stockbroking 1 +01111101111 Appropriated 1 +01111101111 Fitted 1 +01111101111 Valleys 1 +01111101111 Flare-ups 1 +01111101111 Heralded 1 +01111101111 Placard 1 +01111101111 Oxides 1 +01111101111 Refreshing 1 +01111101111 Suspense 1 +01111101111 Misrepresentation 1 +01111101111 Fieldwork 1 +01111101111 Disruption 1 +01111101111 Pieced 1 +01111101111 Self-congratulation 1 +01111101111 Spats 1 +01111101111 Shake-ups 1 +01111101111 Replaced 1 +01111101111 Primaries 1 +01111101111 Civas 1 +01111101111 Billowing 1 +01111101111 Fascinated 1 +01111101111 Fluency 1 +01111101111 Paradoxical 1 +01111101111 Skirmishes 1 +01111101111 Surveillants 1 +01111101111 Wallowing 1 +01111101111 Stayed 1 +01111101111 Unsophisticated 1 +01111101111 Reelection 1 +01111101111 Snazzy 1 +01111101111 Graduating 1 +01111101111 Eccentric 1 +01111101111 Fretting 1 +01111101111 Renovations 1 +01111101111 Rumblings 1 +01111101111 Gun-shy 1 +01111101111 Consumerism 1 +01111101111 Slapped 1 +01111101111 -0.8 1 +01111101111 120.0 1 +01111101111 Huddling 1 +01111101111 Cheapness 1 +01111101111 Commercialization 1 +01111101111 Speedskaters 1 +01111101111 Implemented 1 +01111101111 Regrettable 1 +01111101111 373.0 1 +01111101111 Officeholding 1 +01111101111 Suggest 1 +01111101111 Splashed 1 +01111101111 Uproar 1 +01111101111 Sprinkled 1 +01111101111 Baffled 1 +01111101111 Uncomfortable 1 +01111101111 BP&N 1 +01111101111 Gene-splicing 1 +01111101111 Lurching 1 +01111101111 Gallstones 1 +01111101111 Denunciation 1 +01111101111 Noninterference 1 +01111101111 Glimpsed 1 +01111101111 Housekeepers 1 +01111101111 Open-handed 1 +01111101111 TINKERER 1 +01111101111 Unsympathetic 1 +01111101111 Under- 1 +01111101111 Restlessness 1 +01111101111 Borrow 1 +01111101111 Fascination 1 +01111101111 Unremarkable 1 +01111101111 Dotted 1 +01111101111 Chiming 1 +01111101111 Catapulted 1 +01111101111 Astronomer. 1 +01111101111 Mathematician. 1 +01111101111 Cowboy. 1 +01111101111 Roofer. 1 +01111101111 Seaman. 1 +01111101111 Fisherman. 1 +01111101111 Decreases 1 +01111101111 Downtime 1 +01111101111 Groggy 1 +01111101111 FW 1 +01111101111 Intriguing 1 +01111101111 Totaling 1 +01111101111 Lunging 1 +01111101111 Prancing 1 +01111101111 Exultant 1 +01111101111 Vigilantes 1 +01111101111 Naysaying 1 +01111101111 fter 1 +01111101111 Trampled 1 +01111101111 Flown 1 +01111101111 Fraying 1 +01111101111 Ringed 1 +01111101111 Dissents 1 +01111101111 Deadlocks 1 +01111101111 Retreats 1 +01111101111 .slowdowns 1 +01111101111 Replete 1 +01111101111 Well-guarded 1 +01111101111 58,913,000 1 +01111101111 58,035,000 1 +01111101111 Encompassing 1 +01111101111 Indecisiveness 1 +01111101111 Bunching 1 +01111101111 Wincing 1 +01111101111 Hemmed 1 +01111101111 Alternating 1 +01111101111 ndentures 1 +01111101111 Apparatchiks 1 +01111101111 wheaten 1 +01111101111 Abducted 1 +01111101111 Delighting 1 +01111101111 Vacationing 1 +01111101111 Checklists 1 +01111101111 Weak-willed 1 +01111101111 Banal 1 +01111101111 Irregularities 1 +01111101111 Hitches 1 +01111101111 Drenched 1 +01111101111 Veils 1 +01111101111 Studded 1 +01111101111 Carelessness 1 +01111101111 557.3 1 +01111101111 Undefined 1 +01111101111 9,107 1 +01111101111 Translocations 1 +01111101111 Contrasted 1 +01111101111 Lumped 1 +01111101111 .was 1 +01111101111 Discharging 1 +01111101111 Jumbled 1 +01111101111 Idiom 1 +01111101111 Joke-bashing 1 +01111101111 Kansei 1 +01111101111 Delving 1 +01111101111 Stringing 1 +01111101111 Shrouded 1 +01111101111 Shelved 1 +01111101111 Half-crocked 1 +01111101111 Bombarded 1 +01111101111 Decorated 1 +01111101111 Trite 1 +01111101111 Enticing 1 +01111101111 Plotted 1 +01111101111 Inequities 1 +01111101111 Laboring 1 +01111101111 Andchanges 1 +01111101111 Sous 1 +01111101111 Decision-makers 1 +01111101111 Slumped 1 +01111101111 Fussing 1 +01111101111 Phases 1 +01111101111 Wording 1 +01111101111 Trimmed 1 +01111101111 Melted 1 +01111101111 Clod 1 +01111101111 Booked 1 +01111101111 MARKSMEN 1 +01111101111 Lounging 1 +01111101111 Disincentives 1 +01111101111 Envelopes 1 +01111101111 Misunderstandings 1 +01111101111 KMHA-FM 1 +01111101111 Synonymous 1 +01111101111 426.4 1 +01111101111 Occupations 1 +01111101111 Gazing 2 +01111101111 Patterned 2 +01111101111 Collaborating 2 +01111101111 Write-downs 2 +01111101111 Interfering 2 +01111101111 Loitering 2 +01111101111 Railing 2 +01111101111 Chartering 2 +01111101111 Sweating 2 +01111101111 Retain 2 +01111101111 Compatibility 2 +01111101111 Staging 2 +01111101111 Replying 2 +01111101111 Assembling 2 +01111101111 Performed 2 +01111101111 Plop 2 +01111101111 Forbidding 2 +01111101111 Dollar-buying 2 +01111101111 Tasters 2 +01111101111 Lavish 2 +01111101111 Credited 2 +01111101111 Experimenting 2 +01111101111 Defer 2 +01111101111 Balking 2 +01111101111 Non-callable 2 +01111101111 NOV. 2 +01111101111 Purges 2 +01111101111 WILD 2 +01111101111 Improbable 2 +01111101111 Bitterness 2 +01111101111 Tags 2 +01111101111 Stitched 2 +01111101111 Experimentation 2 +01111101111 Coaching 2 +01111101111 MOTEL 2 +01111101111 Stranded 2 +01111101111 Strongest 2 +01111101111 Broke 2 +01111101111 Puttable 2 +01111101111 Well-meaning 2 +01111101111 Outfitted 2 +01111101111 Squatting 2 +01111101111 Endowed 2 +01111101111 Scratching 2 +01111101111 Isolated 2 +01111101111 Indulgent 2 +01111101111 Sentiments 2 +01111101111 Equipped 2 +01111101111 Unsatisfied 2 +01111101111 Dividing 2 +01111101111 Proceeding 2 +01111101111 Coinciding 2 +01111101111 Knew 2 +01111101111 Retreating 2 +01111101111 Intoxicated 2 +01111101111 Murmuring 2 +01111101111 Occurring 2 +01111101111 Shimmering 2 +01111101111 Acted 2 +01111101111 Identified 2 +01111101111 Sliding 2 +01111101111 STANDING 2 +01111101111 Misconceptions 2 +01111101111 COUNTING 2 +01111101111 Downturns 2 +01111101111 Apprehension 2 +01111101111 Embedded 2 +01111101111 Swathed 2 +01111101111 Bristling 2 +01111101111 Flushed 2 +01111101111 Surfacing 2 +01111101111 Bloodied 2 +01111101111 Rummaging 2 +01111101111 POST-OCH 2 +01111101111 Strolling 2 +01111101111 Chafing 2 +01111101111 Crammed 2 +01111101111 Packed 2 +01111101111 Piecing 2 +01111101111 Entwined 2 +01111101111 Chatting 2 +01111101111 Speculations 2 +01111101111 Headquartered 2 +01111101111 Queried 2 +01111101111 Questioning 3 +01111101111 FURTHER 3 +01111101111 Exciting 3 +01111101111 Yielding 3 +01111101111 Softness 3 +01111101111 Damned 3 +01111101111 Prodding 3 +01111101111 Perennially 3 +01111101111 Impatient 3 +01111101111 Indecision 3 +01111101111 Little-known 3 +01111101111 SECTION 3 +01111101111 Far-fetched 3 +01111101111 Enacted 3 +01111101111 PARENTS 3 +01111101111 Translating 3 +01111101111 Complying 3 +01111101111 Parked 3 +01111101111 Reminiscing 3 +01111101111 Housed 3 +01111101111 Flaws 3 +01111101111 Lumping 3 +01111101111 Siding 3 +01111101111 Finalists 3 +01111101111 Irritated 3 +01111101111 Proposing 3 +01111101111 Run-ups 3 +01111101111 Nationalized 3 +01111101111 Rescued 3 +01111101111 Interspersed 3 +01111101111 Toss 3 +01111101111 Satisfied 3 +01111101111 Schooled 3 +01111101111 Hunched 3 +01111101111 Haggling 3 +01111101111 Bursting 3 +01111101111 Teaming 3 +01111101111 Advised 3 +01111101111 Scurrying 3 +01111101111 Greatly 4 +01111101111 Impressive 4 +01111101111 Awash 4 +01111101111 Squabbling 4 +01111101111 Tightness 4 +01111101111 Digging 4 +01111101111 Unveiled 4 +01111101111 Expressed 4 +01111101111 Maneuvering 4 +01111101111 Regarded 4 +01111101111 Collaboration 4 +01111101111 Preoccupied 4 +01111101111 Posing 4 +01111101111 Conflicts 4 +01111101111 Hailed 4 +01111101111 Rebuffed 4 +01111101111 Fiddling 4 +01111101111 Recruited 4 +01111101111 Diversify 4 +01111101111 Supplied 4 +01111101111 Obsessed 4 +01111101111 Deterioration 4 +01111101111 Assisting 4 +01111101111 Wondering 4 +01111101111 Worn 4 +01111101111 Valued 5 +01111101111 Glancing 5 +01111101111 Billed 5 +01111101111 Serving 5 +01111101111 Trapped 5 +01111101111 Shown 5 +01111101111 Gesturing 5 +01111101111 Touted 5 +01111101111 MARCH 5 +01111101111 Stated 5 +01111101111 Tampering 5 +01111101111 Enrollments 5 +01111101111 Youths 5 +01111101111 Tinkering 5 +01111101111 Fluctuations 5 +01111101111 Presiding 5 +01111101111 Dropped 5 +01111101111 Negotiate 6 +01111101111 Pleased 6 +01111101111 Partially 6 +01111101111 Handing 6 +01111101111 Passed 6 +01111101111 Multiply 6 +01111101111 Fluent 6 +01111101111 Wrangling 6 +01111101111 Rejected 6 +01111101111 FEB. 6 +01111101111 Ordered 6 +01111101111 Incorporated 6 +01111101111 Purely 6 +01111101111 Consistent 7 +01111101111 Strictly 7 +01111101111 Uncertainties 7 +01111101111 Inasmuch 7 +01111101111 Fortified 7 +01111101111 Wandering 7 +01111101111 Opened 7 +01111101111 Jitters 7 +01111101111 Charged 7 +01111101111 OCT. 7 +01111101111 Complaining 7 +01111101111 Disappointment 7 +01111101111 Dissatisfied 7 +01111101111 Dissatisfaction 7 +01111101111 Saddled 7 +01111101111 Simultaneous 8 +01111101111 Conceived 8 +01111101111 Filed 8 +01111101111 Disagreements 8 +01111101111 Presented 8 +01111101111 Fungible 8 +01111101111 Situated 8 +01111101111 Calculated 9 +01111101111 Kidnappers 9 +01111101111 Threatened 9 +01111101111 Announced 9 +01111101111 Contacted 9 +01111101111 Staying 9 +01111101111 JULY 9 +01111101111 Clad 9 +01111101111 Receiving 9 +01111101111 Frustration 9 +01111101111 Blessed 10 +01111101111 Described 10 +01111101111 Released 10 +01111101111 Modeled 10 +01111101111 Fired 11 +01111101111 Upset 11 +01111101111 Questioned 11 +01111101111 Hired 12 +01111101111 Issued 12 +01111101111 Becoming 12 +01111101111 Remarks 12 +01111101111 Sounding 12 +01111101111 Provide 12 +01111101111 Played 12 +01111101111 Agreeing 13 +01111101111 Unhappy 13 +01111101111 Insofar 14 +01111101111 Conversations 14 +01111101111 Interviewed 14 +01111101111 Write 15 +01111101111 Formed 15 +01111101111 Somewhat 15 +01111101111 Seconds 15 +01111101111 Sticking 15 +01111101111 Invest 16 +01111101111 Flush 16 +01111101111 Raised 18 +01111101111 Nervousness 18 +01111101111 KILLED 18 +01111101111 Implicit 19 +01111101111 Launched 19 +01111101111 Trained 19 +01111101111 Located 20 +01111101111 Deciding 20 +01111101111 Started 21 +01111101111 Pushing 21 +01111101111 Expect 21 +01111101111 Precisely 21 +01111101111 Considered 21 +01111101111 Introduced 21 +01111101111 Fluctuation 22 +01111101111 Created 23 +01111101111 Interviews 25 +01111101111 Seated 25 +01111101111 Alarmed 25 +01111101111 Confronted 26 +01111101111 Approximately 27 +01111101111 Established 27 +01111101111 Optimism 29 +01111101111 Caught 29 +01111101111 Barely 30 +01111101111 Same 30 +01111101111 Viewed 30 +01111101111 Elected 31 +01111101111 Written 33 +01111101111 Coupled 33 +01111101111 Dressed 36 +01111101111 Seen 37 +01111101111 Testimony 39 +01111101111 Sometime 40 +01111101111 Practically 42 +01111101111 Weakness 44 +01111101111 Frustrated 47 +01111101111 Testifying 51 +01111101111 Appearing 55 +01111101111 Exactly 57 +01111101111 Roughly 57 +01111101111 Worried 58 +01111101111 Doing 60 +01111101111 Immediately 60 +01111101111 Moving 60 +01111101111 Measured 61 +01111101111 Worries 62 +01111101111 Known 66 +01111101111 Effective 66 +01111101111 Concerns 67 +01111101111 Writing 68 +01111101111 Uncertainty 72 +01111101111 Acting 76 +01111101111 Hardly 76 +01111101111 Taken 76 +01111101111 Try 80 +01111101111 Fully 80 +01111101111 Reached 82 +01111101111 Largely 85 +01111101111 Particularly 88 +01111101111 Sitting 90 +01111101111 Virtually 104 +01111101111 Founded 105 +01111101111 Named 110 +01111101111 Add 114 +01111101111 Especially 129 +01111101111 Concern 165 +01111101111 Compared 168 +01111101111 Combined 178 +01111101111 Faced 196 +01111101111 Beginning 203 +01111101111 Partly 209 +01111101111 Starting 240 +01111101111 Looking 249 +01111101111 Shortly 352 +01111101111 Along 407 +01111101111 Back 467 +01111101111 Nearly 508 +01111101111 Almost 531 +01111101111 Late 821 +01111101111 Asked 865 +01111101111 Just 1718 +01111101111 Only 2049 +01111101111 Not 2759 +01111101111 About 2895 +01111101111 Even 6139 +011111100 Home-borrowing 1 +011111100 Co-productions 1 +011111100 Reflexivity 1 +011111100 Bettors 1 +011111100 Mr.Greenberg 1 +011111100 Left-wingers 1 +011111100 BENNETT 1 +011111100 Voice-overs 1 +011111100 Reaffiliation 1 +011111100 Duramend 1 +011111100 Survivalists 1 +011111100 First-place 1 +011111100 Nondollar 1 +011111100 Dogfighters 1 +011111100 Oversized 1 +011111100 Brightly 1 +011111100 HOMEWORK 1 +011111100 Add-ons 1 +011111100 Obsequiousness 1 +011111100 Differentiation 1 +011111100 Intercorporate 1 +011111100 Sushi 1 +011111100 Extravagance 1 +011111100 b-Casino 1 +011111100 Novel-staging 1 +011111100 Reset 1 +011111100 Puzzlement 1 +011111100 Comparable-worth 1 +011111100 NASB 1 +011111100 Decision-making 1 +011111100 Pre-set 1 +011111100 GRAIN-TESTING 1 +011111100 Stars-to-Go 1 +011111100 Punsters 1 +011111100 RCA-Nashville 1 +011111100 Audio/Vidio 1 +011111100 Cloning 1 +011111100 NTU 1 +011111100 Rupiah 1 +011111100 Twelve-year-olds 1 +011111100 Paleoanthropology 1 +011111100 Executive-bashing 1 +011111100 Onandaga 1 +011111100 Hi-Profit 1 +011111100 Underdoggedness 1 +011111100 Mr.Gipson 1 +011111100 Mr.McFarlin 1 +011111100 AMBUSHERS 1 +011111100 Must-carry 1 +011111100 Flurbiprofen 1 +011111100 Reformists 1 +011111100 Mangled 1 +011111100 Sluggishness 1 +011111100 GRS 1 +011111100 State-rights 1 +011111100 Klein-the-owner 1 +011111100 Filers 1 +011111100 HOMICIDE 1 +011111100 Halloid 1 +011111100 Penny-pinching 1 +011111100 Liquid-crystal 1 +011111100 Gutters 1 +011111100 Stockbrokerages 1 +011111100 Smoking-policy 1 +011111100 Ramsey-Spirolox 1 +011111100 Ledgers 1 +011111100 Distinctive 1 +011111100 Asset-valuation 1 +011111100 Amnesties 1 +011111100 Bread-baking 1 +011111100 Felines 1 +011111100 Nonintervention 1 +011111100 Dogmas 1 +011111100 Scribbled 1 +011111100 ADVANCED-CERAMICS 1 +011111100 Freely 1 +011111100 Semanticists 1 +011111100 Co-location 1 +011111100 Magnets 1 +011111100 CACI-Federal 1 +011111100 Mid-1987 1 +011111100 Misunderstanding 1 +011111100 Trickers 1 +011111100 Mannessman 1 +011111100 FLEXTIME 1 +011111100 GRUMBLING 1 +011111100 SOFE 1 +011111100 HONECKER 1 +011111100 IDAHO 1 +011111100 RE/MAX 1 +011111100 BancFirst-Austin 1 +011111100 BARTENDERS 1 +011111100 Spencer-Stuart 1 +011111100 Wage-leveling 1 +011111100 Flux 1 +011111100 Yessan 1 +011111100 HAPPINESS 1 +011111100 Incongruity 1 +011111100 Blinding 1 +011111100 In-between 1 +011111100 N-75 1 +011111100 Gunships 1 +011111100 Neutralism 1 +011111100 Historical-performance 1 +011111100 Acceptability 1 +011111100 Gunboats 1 +011111100 Distancing 1 +011111100 Interventionism 1 +011111100 SPANISH 1 +011111100 Meteneprost 1 +011111100 Nonconvertibility 1 +011111100 Offense 1 +011111100 Wurtlizer 1 +011111100 Miniaturization 1 +011111100 Low-tech 1 +011111100 Rebalancing 1 +011111100 Multi-family 1 +011111100 Driftnets 1 +011111100 Dichlorvos 1 +011111100 UNIONIZATION 1 +011111100 Redlining 1 +011111100 Save-the-rigs 1 +011111100 Aeroquip-Vickers 1 +011111100 Remorse 1 +011111100 Retails 1 +011111100 Booking 1 +011111100 Single-family-home 1 +011111100 Silverware 1 +011111100 Karsdadt 1 +011111100 Consiton 1 +011111100 Most-recommended 1 +011111100 Hypnotists 1 +011111100 Extra-point 1 +011111100 Top-rated 1 +011111100 Newspeople 1 +011111100 Townfolk 1 +011111100 Mergers-and-acquisitions 1 +011111100 Inhumanity 1 +011111100 Postmodernism 1 +011111100 Lethargy 1 +011111100 NEBRASKA 1 +011111100 Active-matrix 1 +011111100 Inhospitality 1 +011111100 Tightfistedness 1 +011111100 Freeloaders 1 +011111100 Respectability 1 +011111100 BARTER 1 +011111100 Nonenforcement 1 +011111100 Coarsely 1 +011111100 Familar 1 +011111100 Envy 1 +011111100 Safety-related 1 +011111100 NEPOTISM 1 +011111100 Vacillation 1 +011111100 Mr.Borman 1 +011111100 Widowers 1 +011111100 Homeownership 1 +011111100 Humility 1 +011111100 Tax-overhaul 1 +011111100 Tetrodotoxin 1 +011111100 Tabletop 1 +011111100 Dynamism 1 +011111100 Solemnity 1 +011111100 Mine-sweepers 1 +011111100 Court-martials 1 +011111100 AIDS-relief 1 +011111100 Infrequency 1 +011111100 Surfactant 1 +011111100 Sofas 1 +011111100 Wine-tasting 1 +011111100 Daylighting 1 +011111100 Depletions 1 +011111100 Icahn-watching 1 +011111100 Impersonators 1 +011111100 Yugolsavia 1 +011111100 Estancieros 1 +011111100 d-Volkswagen 1 +011111100 Anesthetics 1 +011111100 Malaria 1 +011111100 Liner 1 +011111100 Onomatopoeia 1 +011111100 FOLEY 1 +011111100 Bling 1 +011111100 Irresistible 1 +011111100 CCOF 1 +011111100 Oblong 1 +011111100 Platronics 1 +011111100 TML 1 +011111100 Resin 1 +011111100 Handled 1 +011111100 Nativists 1 +011111100 Bureaucratism 1 +011111100 Bisneo 1 +011111100 Calmly 1 +011111100 Schering> 1 +011111100 Microphones 1 +011111100 ARMENIANS 1 +011111100 Fatigue 1 +011111100 COHABITATION 1 +011111100 System-specific 1 +011111100 Consents 1 +011111100 Estimaters 1 +011111100 Lenses 1 +011111100 NAMPHY 1 +011111100 Right-field 1 +011111100 Shredding 2 +011111100 Prosectors 2 +011111100 Meningitis 2 +011111100 Claustrophobia 2 +011111100 Rave 2 +011111100 Weyerhaueser 2 +011111100 Quilts 2 +011111100 Backpedaling 2 +011111100 Money-back 2 +011111100 Hyperinflation 2 +011111100 Anguished 2 +011111100 Bebop 2 +011111100 Democratization 2 +011111100 Tornadoes 2 +011111100 Interdependence 2 +011111100 AWKWARD 2 +011111100 GWI 2 +011111100 AMERADA 2 +011111100 Anti-Semitism 2 +011111100 Multiunit 2 +011111100 Absenteeism 2 +011111100 Nuff 2 +011111100 MMH 2 +011111100 Cross-trading 2 +011111100 Jaycor 2 +011111100 ESC 2 +011111100 PESSIMISM 2 +011111100 Ego 2 +011111100 Scuffles 2 +011111100 Checkout 2 +011111100 Cam-out 2 +011111100 Ghoulish 2 +011111100 Loosely 2 +011111100 Kielar 3 +011111100 Measles 3 +011111100 Home-buying 3 +011111100 Wildfires 3 +011111100 Stock-picking 3 +011111100 Misinformation 3 +011111100 ELI 3 +011111100 Bomba 3 +011111100 Resignation 3 +011111100 Warships 3 +011111100 Handwritten 3 +011111100 Specially 3 +011111100 Sexually 4 +011111100 Zelly 4 +011111100 Caliman 4 +011111100 Tipping 4 +011111100 PRESSURE 6 +011111100 Litter 6 +011111100 Euphoria 6 +011111100 Gerrymandering 7 +011111100 Unrest 8 +011111100 Cost-cutting 16 +011111100 Floating-rate 19 +011111100 Newly 43 +011111100 He 47160 +011111100 She 5096 +01111110100 Metal-forming 1 +01111110100 Video-cheating 1 +01111110100 glitterball 1 +01111110100 Impeachment 1 +01111110100 Approve 1 +01111110100 Filibustering 1 +01111110100 business-birth 1 +01111110100 Slot 1 +01111110100 kind-of-scary 1 +01111110100 Capital-raising 1 +01111110100 cooler-heater 1 +01111110100 Emoting 1 +01111110100 Giardiasis 1 +01111110100 fetcher 1 +01111110100 eight-to-nine-year 1 +01111110100 Bad-news 1 +01111110100 Leda 1 +01111110100 Insolvency 1 +01111110100 Amateurism 1 +01111110100 must-legislation 1 +01111110100 Hlasnist 1 +01111110100 Shattering 1 +01111110100 Net-back 1 +01111110100 ROARE 1 +01111110100 Ontology 1 +01111110100 Mine-sweeping 1 +01111110100 Riboflavin 1 +01111110100 Lamco 1 +01111110100 WRIF 1 +01111110100 Forgery 1 +01111110100 Okpu 1 +01111110100 Flirtation 1 +01111110100 believer-clergyman 1 +01111110100 East-and-West 1 +01111110100 Coir 1 +01111110100 Self-awareness 1 +01111110100 T-PA 1 +01111110100 BEEFED-UP 1 +01111110100 Punting 1 +01111110100 integrity-assurance 1 +01111110100 Debt-shock 1 +01111110100 Self-examination 1 +01111110100 Boldface 1 +01111110100 Germplasm 1 +01111110100 Photo-radar 1 +01111110100 cow-plop 1 +01111110100 Comic-turned-TV 1 +01111110100 Methacrylate 1 +01111110100 Polyacetylene 1 +01111110100 Liftoff 1 +01111110100 Self-insurance 1 +01111110100 Tele-politics 1 +01111110100 Obscurity 1 +01111110100 Jojosumarto 1 +01111110100 Certon 1 +01111110100 Earnestness 1 +01111110100 Solid-waste 1 +01111110100 Off-terminal 1 +01111110100 Cross-dressing 1 +01111110100 Sequencing 1 +01111110100 Out-migration 1 +01111110100 Foliage 1 +01111110100 Lysine 1 +01111110100 Voodooo 1 +01111110100 Ju-ju 1 +01111110100 Benignity 1 +01111110100 Creosote 1 +01111110100 Luck-approaching 1 +01111110100 Earshot 1 +01111110100 BanPonce 1 +01111110100 exit-lighting 1 +01111110100 pro-test 1 +01111110100 Yummiedom 1 +01111110100 all-posts 1 +01111110100 Television-news 1 +01111110100 Job-switching 1 +01111110100 Mitsui-Fudosan 1 +01111110100 Petilia 1 +01111110100 Perseverance 1 +01111110100 Pandering 1 +01111110100 Courseware 1 +01111110100 horsy 1 +01111110100 Tax-avoidance 1 +01111110100 Synecdoche 1 +01111110100 Market-failure 1 +01111110100 Roadblocking 1 +01111110100 Cupid 1 +01111110100 overcall 1 +01111110100 Tallow 1 +01111110100 white-coat 1 +01111110100 Breakneck 1 +01111110100 Abstinence 1 +01111110100 Dinoseb 1 +01111110100 Orimulsion 1 +01111110100 Sinter 1 +01111110100 Transcending 1 +01111110100 Mescaline 1 +01111110100 Ohmae-God 1 +01111110100 Tunability 1 +01111110100 Anti-Nakasone 1 +01111110100 -shaped 1 +01111110100 Euro-pessimism 1 +01111110100 Surliness 1 +01111110100 Jeopardizing 1 +01111110100 CHINN 1 +01111110100 Word-of-mouth 1 +01111110100 Gloving 1 +01111110100 Daylight-saving 1 +01111110100 Polyploidy 1 +01111110100 Employability 1 +01111110100 Fujiberio 1 +01111110100 Prevailing 1 +01111110100 800-to-1 1 +01111110100 Omitted 1 +01111110100 Cumene 1 +01111110100 -era 1 +01111110100 color-picture 1 +01111110100 Polyhemoglobin 1 +01111110100 reserve-adjusted 1 +01111110100 Spoilage 1 +01111110100 Bottom-up 1 +01111110100 Attribution 1 +01111110100 Commercialism 1 +01111110100 Tabulation 1 +01111110100 window-seat 1 +01111110100 Beltline 1 +01111110100 Sangemini 1 +01111110100 COMPUTER-SOFTWARE 1 +01111110100 madrigal 1 +01111110100 Enduring 1 +01111110100 Exasperation 1 +01111110100 Chlordimeform 1 +01111110100 Checkerboarding 1 +01111110100 MID-QUARTER 1 +01111110100 pinhole 1 +01111110100 Immunotherapy 1 +01111110100 lordless 1 +01111110100 Talc 1 +01111110100 dual-pricing 1 +01111110100 Escapism 1 +01111110100 Pallor 1 +01111110100 Crumbled 1 +01111110100 Newproduct 1 +01111110100 Ooh-ah 1 +01111110100 Gestevision-Telecinco 1 +01111110100 Seeding 1 +01111110100 Midazolam 1 +01111110100 Tact 1 +01111110100 semi-secret 1 +01111110100 Childlessness 1 +01111110100 Impartiality 1 +01111110100 April-December 1 +01111110100 Institutionalization 1 +01111110100 Moisture 1 +01111110100 incincerator 1 +01111110100 Batdancing 1 +01111110100 Pectin 1 +01111110100 Instructive 1 +01111110100 Chit-chat 1 +01111110100 Debt-financed 1 +01111110100 Localism 1 +01111110100 cross-over 1 +01111110100 Gratification 1 +01111110100 McIngvale 1 +01111110100 b-Percent 1 +01111110100 EXPORTING 1 +01111110100 Fast-breaking 1 +01111110100 professional-managerial 1 +01111110100 bubbler 1 +01111110100 Grade-school 1 +01111110100 Topsoil 1 +01111110100 Likability 1 +01111110100 Dealmaking 1 +01111110100 Orphan-drug 1 +01111110100 FLEX-TIME 1 +01111110100 labouring 1 +01111110100 deconsolidation 1 +01111110100 Firefighting 1 +01111110100 Bentonite 1 +01111110100 Symbolic 1 +01111110100 Chloroquine 1 +01111110100 Irreverence 1 +01111110100 Inventory-probing 1 +01111110100 Elaboration 1 +01111110100 Advertorial 1 +01111110100 Speechmaking 1 +01111110100 HEADHUNTING 1 +01111110100 Endometriosis 1 +01111110100 Electrogalvanizing 1 +01111110100 establisment 1 +01111110100 Moralizing 1 +01111110100 Imaginary 1 +01111110100 Acetylcholine 1 +01111110100 make-it-or-break-it 1 +01111110100 Undisputed 1 +01111110100 INN 1 +01111110100 Missionizing 1 +01111110100 Dystrophin 1 +01111110100 Gouging 1 +01111110100 Littering 1 +01111110100 Primogeniture 1 +01111110100 Zooming 1 +01111110100 Hodgepodge 1 +01111110100 job-strain 1 +01111110100 Arbitraging 1 +01111110100 Veiling 1 +01111110100 Ego-stroking 1 +01111110100 Massonaud-Fontenay 1 +01111110100 Coolies 1 +01111110100 reach-for-yield 1 +01111110100 Tardiness 1 +01111110100 feast-famine 1 +01111110100 Porno-movie 1 +01111110100 Clozapine 1 +01111110100 Electrowinning 1 +01111110100 Biodegradability 1 +01111110100 b-Percentage 1 +01111110100 f-Percentage 1 +01111110100 GFSA 1 +01111110100 Paraquat 1 +01111110100 Tebuthiuron 1 +01111110100 Victimization 1 +01111110100 labeling-overkill 1 +01111110100 Hyperopia 1 +01111110100 Millenarianism 1 +01111110100 Redesign 1 +01111110100 Peacemaking 1 +01111110100 Procrastination 1 +01111110100 Kaixi 1 +01111110100 Over-hasty 1 +01111110100 ROTENSTREICH 1 +01111110100 FCB/LKP 1 +01111110100 Basswood 1 +01111110100 lead-pipe-cinch 1 +01111110100 Brilliance 1 +01111110100 Trade-mart 1 +01111110100 Expert-development-system 1 +01111110100 Centralism 1 +01111110100 Verisimilitude 1 +01111110100 WIPO 1 +01111110100 PAC-driven 1 +01111110100 Bait-and-switch 1 +01111110100 SDIO 1 +01111110100 Foxfie 1 +01111110100 Indomethacin 1 +01111110100 Reapportionment 1 +01111110100 TALL 1 +01111110100 Pentagon-bashing 1 +01111110100 Case-by-case 2 +01111110100 Normalcy 2 +01111110100 Piping 2 +01111110100 Elapsed 2 +01111110100 corporativism 2 +01111110100 Barristers 2 +01111110100 Stalling 2 +01111110100 Cyanazine 2 +01111110100 One-day 2 +01111110100 Linerboard 2 +01111110100 Traumatic 2 +01111110100 Ground-breaking 2 +01111110100 Maquila 2 +01111110100 Geopolitical 2 +01111110100 Familiarity 2 +01111110100 Waslic 2 +01111110100 Superoxide 2 +01111110100 Visibility 2 +01111110100 Vermiculite 2 +01111110100 Irrigation 2 +01111110100 Levamisole 2 +01111110100 Acreage 2 +01111110100 Disenchantment 2 +01111110100 Bimbosis 2 +01111110100 Misappropriation 2 +01111110100 Apologizing 2 +01111110100 Borrower 2 +01111110100 Partition 2 +01111110100 Risk-taking 2 +01111110100 Antifreeze 2 +01111110100 Foreclosure 2 +01111110100 Methadone 2 +01111110100 Carpeting 2 +01111110100 Influenza 2 +01111110100 Melodramatic 2 +01111110100 Corto-plazismo 2 +01111110100 Psoriasis 2 +01111110100 Officialdom 2 +01111110100 Sputtering 2 +01111110100 Angioplasty 2 +01111110100 Record-keeping 2 +01111110100 Temperament 2 +01111110100 Honesty 2 +01111110100 Lupus 2 +01111110100 Mexico-bashing 2 +01111110100 Foot-dragging 2 +01111110100 Illiquidity 2 +01111110100 Snoring 2 +01111110100 Leakers 2 +01111110100 Mortons 2 +01111110100 Xenophobia 2 +01111110100 Suicide 3 +01111110100 Benzene 3 +01111110100 Objectivity 3 +01111110100 Self-regulation 3 +01111110100 Self-interest 3 +01111110100 Polysilicon 3 +01111110100 Psychotherapy 3 +01111110100 Villahermosa 3 +01111110100 Rapeseed 3 +01111110100 Dissemination 3 +01111110100 Aggressiveness 3 +01111110100 Casein 3 +01111110100 Hydrogen 3 +01111110100 Zucchini 3 +01111110100 Vanillin 3 +01111110100 Weekday 3 +01111110100 Cohabitation 3 +01111110100 Polypropylene 3 +01111110100 Bitumen 3 +01111110100 Subsidy 3 +01111110100 PARKING 3 +01111110100 Dextran 3 +01111110100 Technique 3 +01111110100 Countertrade 3 +01111110100 Overcapacity 3 +01111110100 Ethane 3 +01111110100 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3 +01111110100 Hypertension 3 +01111110100 Jai-alai 3 +01111110100 Lodgepole 4 +01111110100 Anti-sense 4 +01111110100 Trimetrexate 4 +01111110100 Slivovitz 4 +01111110100 Repackaging 4 +01111110100 Arraignment 4 +01111110100 Psyllium 4 +01111110100 Homework 4 +01111110100 Homelessness 4 +01111110100 Shorting 5 +01111110100 Imitation 5 +01111110100 Twelfth 5 +01111110100 Contraception 5 +01111110100 Shivering 5 +01111110100 Recruitment 5 +01111110100 Polyethylene 5 +01111110100 DESIGN 5 +01111110100 Flaps 5 +01111110100 Dioxin 5 +01111110100 Hers 6 +01111110100 Suspicion 6 +01111110100 Nicotine 6 +01111110100 Hashing 6 +01111110100 Gallium 6 +01111110100 Cute 6 +01111110100 Flexibility 6 +01111110100 Front-running 6 +01111110100 Confidentiality 6 +01111110100 Plutonium 7 +01111110100 Manga 7 +01111110100 Overtime 8 +01111110100 Globalization 9 +01111110100 Feminism 9 +01111110100 Profitability 10 +01111110100 Theirs 11 +01111110100 Indexing 15 +01111110100 Compromise 16 +01111110100 Ozone 17 +01111110100 Size 17 +01111110100 Aflatoxin 22 +01111110100 Morale 32 +01111110100 Dumping 56 +01111110100 Deregulation 61 +01111110100 Which 310 +01111110100 Inflation 313 +01111110100 This 18663 +01111110100 Every 911 +01111110101 Reneging 1 +01111110101 Pillage 1 +01111110101 Four-wheel-steering 1 +01111110101 Socko 1 +01111110101 Railroadmen 1 +01111110101 MBX 1 +01111110101 Variance 1 +01111110101 Microgeneration 1 +01111110101 Lyricists 1 +01111110101 fulsomely 1 +01111110101 Acrophobia 1 +01111110101 Beatification 1 +01111110101 Militarism 1 +01111110101 Hubbing 1 +01111110101 Abandonment 1 +01111110101 Peak-shedding 1 +01111110101 Non-Communists 1 +01111110101 BioAnalogics 1 +01111110101 Shuttles 1 +01111110101 Undertaker 1 +01111110101 Xcelite 1 +01111110101 Perjurer 1 +01111110101 Thrips 1 +01111110101 Recounts 1 +01111110101 Sacino 1 +01111110101 Monoline 1 +01111110101 Chesebrough-pond 1 +01111110101 Potsdamers 1 +01111110101 SpectraPhysics 1 +01111110101 Colonialism 1 +01111110101 Celluar 1 +01111110101 Holography 1 +01111110101 Ciba-Giegy 1 +01111110101 Hormones 1 +01111110101 Fetuses 1 +01111110101 Candi 1 +01111110101 Conquistarose 1 +01111110101 WAREHOUSE 1 +01111110101 Amputation 1 +01111110101 Embezzler 1 +01111110101 Shortfalls 1 +01111110101 ROYALTIES 1 +01111110101 Sympathetically 1 +01111110101 Homeporting 1 +01111110101 Micro-images 1 +01111110101 Assessments 1 +01111110101 Incumbency 1 +01111110101 Saber-rattling 1 +01111110101 super-realistic 1 +01111110101 Hypochondriac 1 +01111110101 Deployed 1 +01111110101 Tele-Communication 1 +01111110101 Bahrian 1 +01111110101 TWA-USAir 1 +01111110101 Skiers 1 +01111110101 Wheeling-Pittsburg 1 +01111110101 Gourmets 1 +01111110101 Vinegar 1 +01111110101 Overallotments 1 +01111110101 Cheesecloth 1 +01111110101 Chryon 1 +01111110101 SaabScania 1 +01111110101 Plows 1 +01111110101 .It 1 +01111110101 Breathalyzers 1 +01111110101 .There 1 +01111110101 Rykoff 1 +01111110101 Teatime 1 +01111110101 Fragophiles 1 +01111110101 Hypothyroidism 1 +01111110101 MBLE 1 +01111110101 Floodwaters 1 +01111110101 Never-known 1 +01111110101 Mr.Cooke 1 +01111110101 DETECTOR 1 +01111110101 Laggards 1 +01111110101 Duly 1 +01111110101 Non-Russians 1 +01111110101 Saturation 1 +01111110101 Galvanizing 1 +01111110101 antigenic 1 +01111110101 ROBOTS 1 +01111110101 Accommodation 1 +01111110101 Potsherds 1 +01111110101 E-System 1 +01111110101 Reserving 1 +01111110101 Illegality 1 +01111110101 Decriminalization 1 +01111110101 Irretrievably 1 +01111110101 reeport-McMoRan 1 +01111110101 In-duct 1 +01111110101 Serrine 1 +01111110101 IEF 1 +01111110101 Scrubbers 1 +01111110101 Coerced 1 +01111110101 TELEMARKETING 1 +01111110101 Fists 1 +01111110101 Snacking 1 +01111110101 Aphrodite 1 +01111110101 Overfertilizing 1 +01111110101 MUSI 1 +01111110101 Registrants 1 +01111110101 Cunny-thumb 1 +01111110101 Straddles 1 +01111110101 Asset-stripping 1 +01111110101 Khamir 1 +01111110101 Urgently 1 +01111110101 Aboriginals 1 +01111110101 Delicacy 1 +01111110101 Buy-back 2 +01111110101 Priests 2 +01111110101 Ex-smokers 2 +01111110101 Demolition 2 +01111110101 Probenecid 2 +01111110101 Lentulov 2 +01111110101 ForeSight 2 +01111110101 Bathers 2 +01111110101 Prominently 2 +01111110101 Centralization 2 +01111110101 Simonomics 2 +01111110101 INVESTCORP 2 +01111110101 Exempted 2 +01111110101 Straight-line 2 +01111110101 Gerome 2 +01111110101 Indignation 2 +01111110101 Upfront 2 +01111110101 Ever-increasing 2 +01111110101 Fifty-fifty 2 +01111110101 TAXPAYER 3 +01111110101 Sequestration 3 +01111110101 Hardliners 3 +01111110101 Frill 3 +01111110101 Amiprilose 3 +01111110101 Spectron 3 +01111110101 Estrogen 3 +01111110101 Melanin 3 +01111110101 Cross-margining 4 +01111110101 BB&K 4 +01111110101 FISCAL-YEAR 4 +01111110101 EIB 5 +01111110101 Refinancing 5 +01111110101 Dial-a-porn 5 +01111110101 Krista 5 +01111110101 OperaDelaware 5 +01111110101 Renny 5 +01111110101 Noticeably 5 +01111110101 Irony 6 +01111110101 Whichever 14 +01111110101 That 19242 +01111110101 Hardest 20 +01111110110 Canvas 1 +01111110110 Straightforwardness 1 +01111110110 Inconsistency 1 +01111110110 Heterodoxy 1 +01111110110 Log-rolling 1 +01111110110 Alarms 1 +01111110110 Unstated 1 +01111110110 triboluminescence 1 +01111110110 Vessels 1 +01111110110 Wetness 1 +01111110110 Otherworldly 1 +01111110110 Finetuning 1 +01111110110 Mr.Rogers 1 +01111110110 Dialect 1 +01111110110 Coherence 1 +01111110110 Unpredictability 1 +01111110110 Euro-communist 1 +01111110110 .it 1 +01111110110 /We 1 +01111110110 Demagoguery 1 +01111110110 Songwriting 1 +01111110110 IGBE 1 +01111110110 Jueteng 1 +01111110110 Etretinate 1 +01111110110 ex-son-in-law 1 +01111110110 Azidothymidine 1 +01111110110 Overcrowding 1 +01111110110 Capital-sharing 1 +01111110110 Evangelism 1 +01111110110 Prose 1 +01111110110 Gratitude 1 +01111110110 Nonreimbursed 1 +01111110110 Kinship 1 +01111110110 Retroactivity 1 +01111110110 Opera-Delaware 1 +01111110110 Fanaticism 1 +01111110110 Meese-bashing 1 +01111110110 Sterilization 1 +01111110110 Decentralizing 1 +01111110110 .money 1 +01111110110 Second-sourcing 1 +01111110110 Sectionalism 1 +01111110110 Miscasting 1 +01111110110 Indebtedness 1 +01111110110 Contemplation 1 +01111110110 Toddlers 1 +01111110110 JUICY 1 +01111110110 Serendipity 1 +01111110110 Austria-bashing 1 +01111110110 Collectibility 1 +01111110110 Laissez-faire 1 +01111110110 Homophobia 1 +01111110110 Homage 1 +01111110110 Hazama-Gumi 1 +01111110110 Clonidine 1 +01111110110 Profanity 1 +01111110110 Southnet 1 +01111110110 Nemerov 1 +01111110110 Largeness 1 +01111110110 Foreman-Qawi 1 +01111110110 Understandings 1 +01111110110 Acrimony 1 +01111110110 Snap-shooters 1 +01111110110 Upkeep 1 +01111110110 Overbooking 1 +01111110110 Shipbuildings 1 +01111110110 Multilateralism 1 +01111110110 Millward 1 +01111110110 Sopako 1 +01111110110 Overdosing 1 +01111110110 Cortisone 1 +01111110110 Mr.Aquino 1 +01111110110 Hokey 1 +01111110110 Low-pitch 1 +01111110110 Pettifoggery 1 +01111110110 Business-as-usual 1 +01111110110 Stifter 1 +01111110110 Poaching 1 +01111110110 Tollman 1 +01111110110 Mischarging 1 +01111110110 Paderewski 1 +01111110110 Deathbed 1 +01111110110 stabililty 1 +01111110110 Mayehzabeh 1 +01111110110 CP&L 1 +01111110110 More-relaxed 1 +01111110110 Image-building 2 +01111110110 Stone-washing 2 +01111110110 Dogtown 2 +01111110110 Shunto 2 +01111110110 Segregation 2 +01111110110 Dissension 2 +01111110110 Daminozide 2 +01111110110 Groupware 2 +01111110110 squeamishness 2 +01111110110 Sleepwalking 2 +01111110110 Stollen 2 +01111110110 Image-processing 2 +01111110110 Urbanization 2 +01111110110 Self-sufficiency 2 +01111110110 Gemfibrozil 2 +01111110110 Buprenorphine 2 +01111110110 Pork-barreling 2 +01111110110 Picketing 2 +01111110110 Memberships 2 +01111110110 Bipartisanship 2 +01111110110 Gravity 2 +01111110110 Home-building 2 +01111110110 RIMS 2 +01111110110 Bond-holders 2 +01111110110 Hashish 2 +01111110110 Symbolism 2 +01111110110 Retrorunning 2 +01111110110 Instability 2 +01111110110 wiener 2 +01111110110 Paramaribo 2 +01111110110 Sojuzkarta 2 +01111110110 Jamming 3 +01111110110 Gaspesia 3 +01111110110 DISK 3 +01111110110 Unionism 3 +01111110110 Osteoporosis 4 +01111110110 Austerity 4 +01111110110 Lovastatin 4 +01111110110 Decertification 4 +01111110110 Gentrification 5 +01111110110 Boredom 6 +01111110110 Workfare 6 +01111110110 It 51431 +01111110110 Streptokinase 13 +01111110111 Degradability 1 +01111110111 Suitors 1 +01111110111 Calisthenics 1 +01111110111 Marigolds 1 +01111110111 Gruel 1 +01111110111 Garbage-pickers 1 +01111110111 Brakemen 1 +01111110111 Zeros 1 +01111110111 Spices 1 +01111110111 Oversights 1 +01111110111 Overruns 1 +01111110111 Tangos 1 +01111110111 Uphemisms 1 +01111110111 back-packer 1 +01111110111 Yogis 1 +01111110111 Geminis 1 +01111110111 Mean-spiritedness 1 +01111110111 Walk-ins 1 +01111110111 Paroles 1 +01111110111 Smelt 1 +01111110111 Landlubbers 1 +01111110111 Indiana-no-place 1 +01111110111 Surcharges 1 +01111110111 GALLSTONES 1 +01111110111 Ysabel 1 +01111110111 two-McDonald 1 +01111110111 Non-residents 1 +01111110111 Atherosclerosis 1 +01111110111 Trouble-shooters 1 +01111110111 Blowouts 1 +01111110111 Rosters 1 +01111110111 Superminicomputers 1 +01111110111 Sabbaticals 1 +01111110111 Whitewash 1 +01111110111 Jubilees 1 +01111110111 Aspirations 1 +01111110111 Rapists 1 +01111110111 Interviewees 1 +01111110111 Meinong 1 +01111110111 Annulments 1 +01111110111 Lubricants 1 +01111110111 Decoders 1 +01111110111 Captions 1 +01111110111 Weekends 1 +01111110111 Benchmarks 1 +01111110111 Sheepskin 1 +01111110111 Publicans 1 +01111110111 Forgeries 1 +01111110111 Secuestros 1 +01111110111 Cuteness 1 +01111110111 Backstrokers 1 +01111110111 Collisions 1 +01111110111 Rotaters 1 +01111110111 Distractions 1 +01111110111 Hospices 1 +01111110111 Businesswomen 1 +01111110111 Junkies 1 +01111110111 Courtships 1 +01111110111 Puns 1 +01111110111 Warmth 1 +01111110111 Geese 1 +01111110111 BreakMates 1 +01111110111 Minks 1 +01111110111 Waterbeds 1 +01111110111 Home-hunters 1 +01111110111 Noncommittal 1 +01111110111 Refurbishment 1 +01111110111 Gapologists 1 +01111110111 leachate 1 +01111110111 Face-to-Face 1 +01111110111 Microorganisms 1 +01111110111 Rejects 1 +01111110111 Waivers 1 +01111110111 Basrawis 1 +01111110111 mmmm 1 +01111110111 Obscenity 1 +01111110111 Restitutions 1 +01111110111 Worshippers 1 +01111110111 Industry-watchers 1 +01111110111 Surinamese 1 +01111110111 Compartmentalizing 1 +01111110111 Four-wheelers 1 +01111110111 Hosie 1 +01111110111 Rehearings 1 +01111110111 Radiopharmaceuticals 1 +01111110111 Endorsements 1 +01111110111 Door-to-door 1 +01111110111 Neoliberals 1 +01111110111 Avocadoes 1 +01111110111 Cover-ups 1 +01111110111 Chronicity 1 +01111110111 Palms 1 +01111110111 Symbols 1 +01111110111 Yams 1 +01111110111 Hairdressers 1 +01111110111 Farsightedness 1 +01111110111 Boozers 1 +01111110111 Disbelief 1 +01111110111 Mangosteens 1 +01111110111 Ex-Congressman 1 +01111110111 School-building 1 +01111110111 Oratory 1 +01111110111 Cavers 1 +01111110111 Incinerators 1 +01111110111 Chistmas 1 +01111110111 Drones 1 +01111110111 Partridges 1 +01111110111 Massacres 1 +01111110111 Badgers 1 +01111110111 Submariners 1 +01111110111 Southwesterners 1 +01111110111 Extensions 1 +01111110111 Ethanolamines 1 +01111110111 Depressions 1 +01111110111 Minimills 1 +01111110111 Cadres 1 +01111110111 Constitutions 1 +01111110111 Nightcrawlers 1 +01111110111 Curmudgeons 1 +01111110111 Heroics 1 +01111110111 Noboby 1 +01111110111 Surrogates 1 +01111110111 Calipers 1 +01111110111 Gondra 1 +01111110111 Frittatas 1 +01111110111 Pushups 1 +01111110111 Fortnight 1 +01111110111 Dictatorship 1 +01111110111 Rehearing 1 +01111110111 Tailings 1 +01111110111 Stoicism 1 +01111110111 Astrologists 1 +01111110111 Mornings 1 +01111110111 Cautions 1 +01111110111 Tattinger 1 +01111110111 Guarding 1 +01111110111 Ordering 1 +01111110111 Mangroves 1 +01111110111 Compromises 1 +01111110111 Four-tenths 1 +01111110111 .People 1 +01111110111 Wafers 1 +01111110111 ABZ 1 +01111110111 Blindman 1 +01111110111 Non-Moldavians 1 +01111110111 Matchmaking 1 +01111110111 Conforming 1 +01111110111 Hazelnuts 1 +01111110111 Reputation 1 +01111110111 Preservatives 1 +01111110111 INVENTIONS 1 +01111110111 Collectivas 1 +01111110111 Rescissions 1 +01111110111 S-RAMs 1 +01111110111 Logbooks 1 +01111110111 Sightseeing 1 +01111110111 Non-officers 1 +01111110111 Bradykinins 1 +01111110111 Tear-jerkers 1 +01111110111 Suzi 1 +01111110111 RVB 1 +01111110111 Cable-bashing 1 +01111110111 Anniversaries 1 +01111110111 Frankfurt-Berlin 1 +01111110111 Righteousness 1 +01111110111 Ex-jocks 1 +01111110111 Getaways 1 +01111110111 Tiering 1 +01111110111 Knives 1 +01111110111 Rhyme 1 +01111110111 Furloughs 1 +01111110111 Backpackers 1 +01111110111 Survivability 1 +01111110111 Talkativeness 1 +01111110111 Greasies 1 +01111110111 Floppies 1 +01111110111 Muggers 1 +01111110111 DELEGATOR-MANAGERS 1 +01111110111 swhich 1 +01111110111 Courtrooms 1 +01111110111 Storytellers 1 +01111110111 narco-communism 1 +01111110111 Media-buying 1 +01111110111 Polygamy 1 +01111110111 Underdiagnoses 1 +01111110111 Drug-free 1 +01111110111 Smokejumpers 1 +01111110111 Hospitable 1 +01111110111 Ring-leaders 1 +01111110111 Voids 1 +01111110111 Polystyrenics 1 +01111110111 Felons 1 +01111110111 Roadblocks 1 +01111110111 Incrementalism 1 +01111110111 Beards 1 +01111110111 Misleaders 1 +01111110111 Remainders 1 +01111110111 User-friendly 1 +01111110111 Cartographers 1 +01111110111 Musicals 1 +01111110111 Landfills 1 +01111110111 PNP 1 +01111110111 Caviar-lovers 1 +01111110111 Raccoons 1 +01111110111 Dioxins 1 +01111110111 Toxins 1 +01111110111 Engaging 1 +01111110111 Extracts 1 +01111110111 Piggy-backing 1 +01111110111 jaywalkers 1 +01111110111 Job-hopping 1 +01111110111 Seams 1 +01111110111 Cross-pollination 1 +01111110111 Noddy 1 +01111110111 anti-capitalism 1 +01111110111 Speakership 1 +01111110111 Earthlings 1 +01111110111 Panhandlers 1 +01111110111 Venues 1 +01111110111 Potshots 1 +01111110111 noboby 1 +01111110111 Markups 1 +01111110111 Fly-fishermen 1 +01111110111 Antibiotics 1 +01111110111 Hydrochlorothiazides 1 +01111110111 Bumpkin 1 +01111110111 Fatso 1 +01111110111 Desks 1 +01111110111 Villains 1 +01111110111 FEMALES 2 +01111110111 Juggling 2 +01111110111 Bagpipes 2 +01111110111 Expatriates 2 +01111110111 Cleanliness 2 +01111110111 Bad-mouthing 2 +01111110111 Taping 2 +01111110111 Informers 2 +01111110111 Feedback 2 +01111110111 Bootleggers 2 +01111110111 Nematodes 2 +01111110111 Tombstones 2 +01111110111 Linkage 2 +01111110111 Whodunit 2 +01111110111 Microchips 2 +01111110111 Railbikes 2 +01111110111 Underemployment 2 +01111110111 Solos 2 +01111110111 Phobias 2 +01111110111 Mail-Order 2 +01111110111 Swampbuster 2 +01111110111 Slowness 2 +01111110111 Signatories 2 +01111110111 Compliments 2 +01111110111 LoveSexy 2 +01111110111 Estuaries 2 +01111110111 Prospecting 2 +01111110111 Lobsters 2 +01111110111 Laughter 2 +01111110111 Hindsight 2 +01111110111 Curfews 2 +01111110111 Scripts 2 +01111110111 Overblown 2 +01111110111 Stipends 2 +01111110111 Jockeys 2 +01111110111 Tenampa 2 +01111110111 Kiessling 2 +01111110111 Shapes 2 +01111110111 Competency 2 +01111110111 Bohemianism 2 +01111110111 Discretion 3 +01111110111 FIAC 3 +01111110111 Galaxies 3 +01111110111 Knees 3 +01111110111 Specialization 3 +01111110111 Gondolas 3 +01111110111 Perceptions 3 +01111110111 Scooters 3 +01111110111 Loyalties 3 +01111110111 Securitization 3 +01111110111 Maneater 3 +01111110111 Mainframes 3 +01111110111 Horoscopes 3 +01111110111 Radios 3 +01111110111 Plaque 3 +01111110111 Anthropologists 3 +01111110111 Suspensions 3 +01111110111 Trainees 3 +01111110111 Titles 3 +01111110111 Raids 3 +01111110111 Oncogenes 3 +01111110111 Ideologues 4 +01111110111 Sakau 4 +01111110111 Residuals 4 +01111110111 Prizzi 4 +01111110111 Pay-per-view 4 +01111110111 Manipulation 4 +01111110111 Blazing 4 +01111110111 Honorariums 4 +01111110111 Enclosed 5 +01111110111 Landowners 5 +01111110111 Illiteracy 5 +01111110111 Vampire 5 +01111110111 Correspondent 6 +01111110111 Entries 6 +01111110111 Dissent 7 +01111110111 Roasters 12 +01111110111 Winnings 12 +01111110111 Surfing 13 +01111110111 Ethylene 17 +01111110111 Ours 30 +01111110111 Trouble 79 +01111110111 Nowhere 109 +01111110111 Gone 109 +01111110111 There 15145 +01111110111 Here 2184 +011111110 Snickering 1 +011111110 Beggar-thy-neighbor 1 +011111110 Glassboro 1 +011111110 Unnoticed 1 +011111110 Provincialism 1 +011111110 Zackerman 1 +011111110 GENERATORS 1 +011111110 Minis 1 +011111110 Superiority 1 +011111110 Autolatina-Comercio 1 +011111110 Non-degreed 1 +011111110 Procedurally 1 +011111110 Well-researched 1 +011111110 Karlsten 1 +011111110 DOLPHINS 1 +011111110 Self-mutilation 1 +011111110 STAMFORD 1 +011111110 Mini-malls 1 +011111110 CINNAMINSON 1 +011111110 DRYDEN 1 +011111110 Homicides 1 +011111110 FONTANA 1 +011111110 Wondervision 1 +011111110 Necklaces 1 +011111110 Analogously 1 +011111110 TULSA 1 +011111110 SORRY 1 +011111110 Edgerton 1 +011111110 CIMCO 1 +011111110 Craftmatic 1 +011111110 Half-seriously 1 +011111110 Manifestly 1 +011111110 Solomonlike 1 +011111110 Estelbina 1 +011111110 Charismatics 1 +011111110 BURBANK 1 +011111110 Tactfully 1 +011111110 Spacesuits 1 +011111110 EAGAN 1 +011111110 Boron 1 +011111110 Deficit-financed 1 +011111110 LeRoys 1 +011111110 handslaps 1 +011111110 Schlami 1 +011111110 Sidjakov 1 +011111110 JAKARTA 1 +011111110 Ropongi 1 +011111110 Bidwai 1 +011111110 Acupuncturists 1 +011111110 Nathan/Tyler 1 +011111110 TUNIS 1 +011111110 Flamenco 1 +011111110 BIOCONTROL 1 +011111110 Uncowed 1 +011111110 Strawflowers 1 +011111110 SUPERCOMPUTERS 1 +011111110 Gordex 1 +011111110 Tamoxifen 1 +011111110 Vroom-Kastelein 1 +011111110 Hotelmotel 1 +011111110 FliteCalc 1 +011111110 HILB 1 +011111110 Clocks 1 +011111110 Med-Fax 1 +011111110 Morira 1 +011111110 Pampering 1 +011111110 Clyff 1 +011111110 SOUTHFIELD 1 +011111110 Break-dancing 1 +011111110 Plankton 1 +011111110 Noodling 1 +011111110 Geopolitically 1 +011111110 Oncocin 1 +011111110 Glaze-eyed 1 +011111110 LIMOUSINES 1 +011111110 Pilferage 1 +011111110 Effervescent 1 +011111110 Garello 1 +011111110 Ussery 1 +011111110 WXCR-FM 1 +011111110 SYRACUSE 1 +011111110 Isui 1 +011111110 Authenticity 1 +011111110 WNET-TV 1 +011111110 Penicillin 1 +011111110 Gamely 1 +011111110 Neutropenia 1 +011111110 Texture 1 +011111110 Utilitarianism 1 +011111110 Michaan 1 +011111110 Blooms 1 +011111110 Alico 1 +011111110 Elegantly 1 +011111110 MINOXIDIL 1 +011111110 SUBORDINATE 1 +011111110 Bromines 1 +011111110 Oparin 1 +011111110 Customer-raiding 1 +011111110 Engelwood 1 +011111110 Cranks 1 +011111110 Keyboards 1 +011111110 1988-style 1 +011111110 Unamused 1 +011111110 Lonhro 1 +011111110 Adventest 1 +011111110 Diaphragms 1 +011111110 Amniocentesis 1 +011111110 Respecting 1 +011111110 Imprecision 1 +011111110 Decree-laws 1 +011111110 Overwhelmingly 1 +011111110 Pawtuckett 1 +011111110 Balding 1 +011111110 Camping 1 +011111110 Zivijinovic 1 +011111110 Ideologically 1 +011111110 FD3878 1 +011111110 Strong-minded 1 +011111110 Roofless 1 +011111110 Intuitively 1 +011111110 Anthrax 1 +011111110 Obreras 1 +011111110 squint-eyed 1 +011111110 Voskhod 1 +011111110 Volna 1 +011111110 Guriya 1 +011111110 Gumista 1 +011111110 Yildiz 1 +011111110 TISZA 1 +011111110 Kolkhioa 1 +011111110 Vstrecha 1 +011111110 Arevik 1 +011111110 Apsheron 1 +011111110 Skazka 1 +011111110 Myikhua 1 +011111110 Air-driven 1 +011111110 Assol 1 +011111110 Antrakt 1 +011111110 Vika 1 +011111110 Berigi 1 +011111110 Agar-agar 1 +011111110 Hertogenbosch 1 +011111110 Hawtal-Whiting 1 +011111110 Cost-sharing 1 +011111110 Maddeningly 1 +011111110 Secretly 1 +011111110 Hoopeston 1 +011111110 Beitzel 1 +011111110 Couponing 1 +011111110 Streamlinings 1 +011111110 COSATU 1 +011111110 NAFCOC 1 +011111110 Heavyset 1 +011111110 FLRA 1 +011111110 Calico 1 +011111110 Rancoo 1 +011111110 Mirvac 1 +011111110 Consquently 1 +011111110 Kyomi 1 +011111110 Sayuri 1 +011111110 peruana 1 +011111110 Editorialists 1 +011111110 Mathematicians 1 +011111110 Unleashed 1 +011111110 Barneus 1 +011111110 Unintentionally 1 +011111110 DriverGuide 1 +011111110 Self-care 1 +011111110 On-again 1 +011111110 Ameriwest 1 +011111110 CRYSTALLUME 1 +011111110 Yamagiwa 1 +011111110 SEPTUAGENARIANS 1 +011111110 Rasberry 1 +011111110 Bat-fans 1 +011111110 Fee-setting 1 +011111110 Schoolbooks 1 +011111110 Ganciclovir 1 +011111110 Universally 1 +011111110 Corporate-wide 1 +011111110 Wildebeests 1 +011111110 Ticket-splitting 1 +011111110 High-value 1 +011111110 Shampoos 1 +011111110 Self-Development 1 +011111110 DONALDSON 1 +011111110 Monetarily 1 +011111110 Overtly 1 +011111110 Raja 1 +011111110 Buy-stops 1 +011111110 Unpersuaded 1 +011111110 Mixups 1 +011111110 Arten 1 +011111110 AKRON 1 +011111110 Earmuffs 1 +011111110 JACKSONVILLE 1 +011111110 Unchallenged 1 +011111110 Cerniglia 1 +011111110 PHOTOFINISHERS 1 +011111110 Blomkvest 1 +011111110 Equilibrium 1 +011111110 Amusingly 1 +011111110 Biographies 1 +011111110 Sobbing 1 +011111110 Guilt-ridden 1 +011111110 COINCIDENTALLY 1 +011111110 Kertosastro 1 +011111110 Stalwart 1 +011111110 Vucenich 1 +011111110 Fujirebio 1 +011111110 Smelteverk 1 +011111110 Flattered 1 +011111110 Grothgar 1 +011111110 AMARILLO 1 +011111110 BETAVON 1 +011111110 DMY 1 +011111110 Acyclovir 1 +011111110 Fresh-faced 1 +011111110 No-shows 1 +011111110 Guante 1 +011111110 Shooters 1 +011111110 BISMARCK 1 +011111110 Middle-of-the-roaders 1 +011111110 Denti 1 +011111110 Regradless 1 +011111110 KEYCORP. 1 +011111110 monohydrate 1 +011111110 Undetected 1 +011111110 Barpassers 1 +011111110 Thursday-Sunday 1 +011111110 Delicately 1 +011111110 Formatting 1 +011111110 Time-consuming 1 +011111110 UNDOUBTEDLY 1 +011111110 Ribaminol 1 +011111110 MacFadden-Bartell 1 +011111110 Tsakotelis 1 +011111110 Retitled 1 +011111110 BBC-BROWN 1 +011111110 Paddio 1 +011111110 Baibakov 1 +011111110 Phadoonsidhi 1 +011111110 Dardarananda 1 +011111110 Bouhired 1 +011111110 Obligingly 1 +011111110 Cefazoline 1 +011111110 Unluckily 1 +011111110 Face-licking 1 +011111110 Ganatra 1 +011111110 INEVITABLY 1 +011111110 Minamio 1 +011111110 Enviously 1 +011111110 Mercantilism 1 +011111110 Monday-Thursday 1 +011111110 MBH 1 +011111110 Polished 1 +011111110 Cyclosporin 1 +011111110 Donkeys 1 +011111110 Subdivided 1 +011111110 AH 1 +011111110 Trifecta 1 +011111110 Risotto 1 +011111110 Dideoxyadenosine 1 +011111110 Phlebitis 1 +011111110 Upriver 1 +011111110 Untitled 1 +011111110 Shimokawa 1 +011111110 Laghi 1 +011111110 Eadie 1 +011111110 Surfboards 1 +011111110 Indignant 1 +011111110 Commodity-based 1 +011111110 Slapstick 1 +011111110 Dipscam 1 +011111110 Meanhwile 1 +011111110 Siamwalla 1 +011111110 Suntrangkoon 1 +011111110 Pornpiriyakulchai 1 +011111110 Harnage 1 +011111110 Informally 1 +011111110 Unconquered 1 +011111110 Hostage-taking 1 +011111110 Outsized 1 +011111110 Mailmen 1 +011111110 Schoolmates 1 +011111110 Pneumonia 1 +011111110 Lozol 1 +011111110 Droll 1 +011111110 Undismayed 1 +011111110 DEMOTED 1 +011111110 Moralistic 1 +011111110 Non-Moslems 1 +011111110 Nikkatsu 1 +011111110 NATIONALLY 1 +011111110 Reassured 1 +011111110 Durians 1 +011111110 Fruiteries 1 +011111110 Wheelbarrows 1 +011111110 Szeklers 1 +011111110 Sooksomchitra 1 +011111110 Payavichien 1 +011111110 Bullfighters 1 +011111110 LATELY 1 +011111110 CHACABUCO 1 +011111110 Mittal 1 +011111110 Biologically 1 +011111110 Horsefeathers 1 +011111110 Agco 1 +011111110 Predictibly 1 +011111110 Adultery 1 +011111110 Heartened 1 +011111110 KYOTO 1 +011111110 Terauchi 1 +011111110 Disappointingly 1 +011111110 Elsag 1 +011111110 Weariness 1 +011111110 bowsprits 1 +011111110 Click-plop 1 +011111110 Passports 1 +011111110 Unrecorded 1 +011111110 Pennants 1 +011111110 ADIDAS 1 +011111110 Mazelike 1 +011111110 PACIFICORP 1 +011111110 Weingarden 1 +011111110 Plotting 1 +011111110 Languidly 1 +011111110 Glutaraldehyde 1 +011111110 Surrealism 1 +011111110 Honeybees 1 +011111110 Smallpox 1 +011111110 Faculties 1 +011111110 Visaless 1 +011111110 FARROW 1 +011111110 Recovered 1 +011111110 Thereupon 1 +011111110 ARMONK 1 +011111110 Moreoever 1 +011111110 LIMA 1 +011111110 Confrontational 1 +011111110 Stockslager 1 +011111110 Cypus 1 +011111110 DEPRESSED 1 +011111110 Pseudorabies 1 +011111110 SCHAUMBURG 1 +011111110 Theatrics 1 +011111110 Self-pity 1 +011111110 Cariplo 1 +011111110 USTS 1 +011111110 Tenors 1 +011111110 Inspeech 1 +011111110 subheadings 1 +011111110 MURORAN 1 +011111110 Intracorp. 1 +011111110 bake-offs 1 +011111110 Eerily 1 +011111110 Psychotics 1 +011111110 Pump-storage 1 +011111110 Zombification 1 +011111110 Unarrested 1 +011111110 altissima 1 +011111110 vernalization 1 +011111110 Mournfulness 1 +011111110 Crackbusters 1 +011111110 Unabashed 1 +011111110 Intesa 1 +011111110 Upstaging 1 +011111110 McEarthon 1 +011111110 Biceps 1 +011111110 Unattainable 1 +011111110 Nevetheless 1 +011111110 Tearfully 1 +011111110 Afternoons 1 +011111110 Relenting 1 +011111110 Escamillo 1 +011111110 Sheepishly 1 +011111110 Meawnwhile 1 +011111110 PENNBANCORP. 1 +011111110 Yonex 1 +011111110 Expresso 1 +011111110 WTVK 1 +011111110 Squat 1 +011111110 BETHESDA 1 +011111110 horreur 1 +011111110 SHREDDERS 1 +011111110 Concretely 1 +011111110 Mashers 1 +011111110 Psyche 1 +011111110 Quickness 1 +011111110 WALA-TV 1 +011111110 Socializing 1 +011111110 Aghast 1 +011111110 HOWEVER 1 +011111110 Shiraishi 1 +011111110 Hosono 1 +011111110 EWSR814 1 +011111110 Awata 1 +011111110 MOKPO 1 +011111110 Daruwalla 1 +011111110 Unpacified 1 +011111110 Purpa 1 +011111110 Ambulances 1 +011111110 Kolkman 1 +011111110 Netbacks 1 +011111110 Shucks 1 +011111110 Lathes 1 +011111110 Megafunds 1 +011111110 UpScale 1 +011111110 BARRE 1 +011111110 CANTOR 1 +011111110 Artistically 1 +011111110 Unwittingly 1 +011111110 Gillan 1 +011111110 Boneh 1 +011111110 Satoh 1 +011111110 Orchester 1 +011111110 Martiny 1 +011111110 Awww 1 +011111110 Insecurity 1 +011111110 Arquitectonica 1 +011111110 irmao 1 +011111110 Unofficially 1 +011111110 Magnanimous 1 +011111110 Substantively 1 +011111110 Amused 1 +011111110 Blatant 1 +011111110 Yupanki 1 +011111110 Aitmatov 1 +011111110 Standees 1 +011111110 Whirlwinds 1 +011111110 Rodis 1 +011111110 Sonically 1 +011111110 Telegrambyra 1 +011111110 Chronologically 1 +011111110 Non-presidents 1 +011111110 Sedro-Woolley 1 +011111110 Fryland 1 +011111110 Kubosawa 1 +011111110 nuki 1 +011111110 Inayama 1 +011111110 SENIORITY 1 +011111110 Konafa 1 +011111110 Malicious 1 +011111110 Deluca 1 +011111110 Shipwrecks 1 +011111110 Good-looking 1 +011111110 COBEPA 1 +011111110 Confidently 1 +011111110 Pre-merger 1 +011111110 Dalitz 1 +011111110 Droopy-faced 1 +011111110 Non-A 1 +011111110 Nyunt 1 +011111110 Martenot 1 +011111110 Valiente 1 +011111110 Self-expression 1 +011111110 Worsaae 1 +011111110 Unmollified 1 +011111110 Pontiac-West 1 +011111110 Half-dead 1 +011111110 Engert 1 +011111110 Kolo 1 +011111110 Deadlocked 1 +011111110 Kardous 1 +011111110 SecurScan 1 +011111110 atras 1 +011111110 Explicably 1 +011111110 Well-worn 1 +011111110 Pellicano 1 +011111110 Nagila 1 +011111110 Malotky 1 +011111110 Molineux 1 +011111110 Massasoit 1 +011111110 Cautiously 1 +011111110 Condensates 1 +011111110 AnNawras 1 +011111110 Mix-up 1 +011111110 Multiusers 1 +011111110 Innards 1 +011111110 Sillapee 1 +011111110 MILLIONAIRE 1 +011111110 Nordstrum 1 +011111110 Barenholtz 1 +011111110 Cross-country 1 +011111110 Photo-Finishing 1 +011111110 Self-censorship 1 +011111110 Jungjohann 1 +011111110 stylosa 1 +011111110 nervosum 1 +011111110 Dinners 1 +011111110 Hondius 1 +011111110 LeBrun 1 +011111110 Cripples 1 +011111110 Terdayne 1 +011111110 Boerenbond 1 +011111110 Jaskiewicz 1 +011111110 BRONX 1 +011111110 Ringbarkus 1 +011111110 Teichberg 1 +011111110 Fishponds 1 +011111110 Spotters 1 +011111110 Lerena 1 +011111110 Hiraiwa 1 +011111110 Prophetically 1 +011111110 Heredity 1 +011111110 Fainthearted 1 +011111110 Basu 1 +011111110 Domination 1 +011111110 Erythromycin 1 +011111110 Decentralized 1 +011111110 Samapthi 1 +011111110 Weinblatt 1 +011111110 Shiva 1 +011111110 sick-fund 1 +011111110 Kawana 1 +011111110 Vue 1 +011111110 Sugary 1 +011111110 Deutschlandpolitik 1 +011111110 Glogowski 1 +011111110 Ntuli-Carter 1 +011111110 Unself-consciously 1 +011111110 Inexhaustible 1 +011111110 KANSALLIS-OSAKE-PANKKI 1 +011111110 Essenhigh 1 +011111110 Pervyshin 1 +011111110 Academicians 1 +011111110 francais 1 +011111110 Paquin 1 +011111110 Fingerprinting 1 +011111110 Arauz 1 +011111110 columnaris 1 +011111110 Tugwana 1 +011111110 Meticulously 1 +011111110 Poliomyelitis 1 +011111110 Wanikawa 1 +011111110 Naouri 1 +011111110 Coincidently 1 +011111110 Magically 1 +011111110 Wantagh 1 +011111110 bitartrate 1 +011111110 Gray-suited 1 +011111110 Self-knowledge 1 +011111110 ANNAPOLIS 1 +011111110 Lymphocytes 1 +011111110 Bred 1 +011111110 Chlorinated 1 +011111110 museumniks 1 +011111110 Applesauce 1 +011111110 Mr.Benson 1 +011111110 Kokubo 1 +011111110 Evaded 1 +011111110 Vlachoutsicos 1 +011111110 MUNCIE 1 +011111110 Indisputably 1 +011111110 Bearden 1 +011111110 Al-Fatah 1 +011111110 Disturbingly 1 +011111110 Saturday-Wednesday 1 +011111110 Unfailingly 1 +011111110 CALGARY 1 +011111110 Thermoplastics 1 +011111110 V-sats 1 +011111110 Johnson/Burgee 1 +011111110 Frictions 1 +011111110 Kusaka 1 +011111110 Cordelia 1 +011111110 Upstage 1 +011111110 SYDNEY 1 +011111110 Clandestinely 1 +011111110 Betties 1 +011111110 VEVEY 1 +011111110 Pennybags 1 +011111110 Shamans 1 +011111110 Graceful 1 +011111110 albopictus 1 +011111110 Unfortunate 1 +011111110 Baksheesh 1 +011111110 Factory-made 1 +011111110 complexions 1 +011111110 IIP 1 +011111110 McCloughan 1 +011111110 Migranyan 1 +011111110 Grinning 1 +011111110 Shehee 1 +011111110 LUSAKA 1 +011111110 Bioethicists 1 +011111110 Infections 1 +011111110 Ellaurie 1 +011111110 Unimpressed 1 +011111110 Shimshoni 1 +011111110 Yongchaiyut 1 +011111110 Savetsila 1 +011111110 Tulsans 1 +011111110 Lequeux 1 +011111110 Chejlyk 1 +011111110 Murtazayev 1 +011111110 Wastepaper 1 +011111110 Loudspeakers 1 +011111110 Similarily 1 +011111110 excitation 1 +011111110 Labo 1 +011111110 DOUBLEDAY 1 +011111110 Corp.-USA 1 +011111110 Ever-tanned 1 +011111110 CRADOCK 1 +011111110 CHARLOTTESVILLE 1 +011111110 Arao 1 +011111110 Dhiegh 1 +011111110 Sunday-Monday 1 +011111110 Empirically 1 +011111110 DEFRA 1 +011111110 DevelopMate 1 +011111110 Kakutani 1 +011111110 Netline 1 +011111110 Avuncular 1 +011111110 Bazaaris 1 +011111110 Epithets 1 +011111110 Three-on-three 1 +011111110 Dolomite 1 +011111110 Lifecycle 1 +011111110 CompuTrainer 1 +011111110 Delinquencies 1 +011111110 BECKLEY 1 +011111110 Triumphantly 1 +011111110 abadis 1 +011111110 Ceraulo 1 +011111110 Danazol 1 +011111110 Nadier 1 +011111110 Jammas 1 +011111110 Ljubojevic 1 +011111110 Slosberg 1 +011111110 CheddarMelt 1 +011111110 Weirdly 1 +011111110 Hanfsaengl 1 +011111110 Rey/Fawcett 1 +011111110 22-1-2 1 +011111110 Incongruously 1 +011111110 Starch-Inra-Hooper 1 +011111110 Zukim 1 +011111110 Kahl 1 +011111110 CHARLOTTE 1 +011111110 Maccowatt 1 +011111110 Borgmann 1 +011111110 Crosscurrents 1 +011111110 Salinity 1 +011111110 Kaycliff 1 +011111110 Crozes-Hermitage 1 +011111110 Overfunding 1 +011111110 Abbate 1 +011111110 Nates 1 +011111110 Thirty-year-old 1 +011111110 Barsasch 1 +011111110 Frustratingly 1 +011111110 MADISON 1 +011111110 Elekdag 1 +011111110 Minisupercomputers 1 +011111110 Naphtha 1 +011111110 prelim 1 +011111110 Dresder 1 +011111110 Borzois 1 +011111110 Gazeuses 1 +011111110 Nahcolyte 1 +011111110 Williamette 1 +011111110 superspot 1 +011111110 Timidly 1 +011111110 Re-regulation 1 +011111110 BANGKOK 1 +011111110 EASTPORT 1 +011111110 CHEYENNE 1 +011111110 Maimonides 1 +011111110 dipropionate 1 +011111110 Vaikule 1 +011111110 Plaude 1 +011111110 al-Jarallah 1 +011111110 Criminalization 1 +011111110 Idenoshita 1 +011111110 Tactically 1 +011111110 Glyco 1 +011111110 Oyens 1 +011111110 Bossiness 1 +011111110 Retinoblastoma 1 +011111110 SANE/FREEZE 1 +011111110 Meriodionale 1 +011111110 Uncovered 1 +011111110 Information-on-the-Go 1 +011111110 Purdeys 1 +011111110 Alanon 1 +011111110 Bouzoukis 1 +011111110 Glossier 1 +011111110 Shouldered 1 +011111110 co-thief 1 +011111110 CAMDEN 1 +011111110 Camba 1 +011111110 vivace 1 +011111110 Recaptured 1 +011111110 Casanovas 1 +011111110 Fukinbara 1 +011111110 Hedwig 1 +011111110 Throbbing 1 +011111110 Neat 1 +011111110 Quick-witted 1 +011111110 Angelou 1 +011111110 Forewarned 1 +011111110 Ratzker 1 +011111110 Blimey 1 +011111110 Post-tragedy 1 +011111110 Babinec 1 +011111110 Thirdly 1 +011111110 Ecologists 1 +011111110 Envigado 1 +011111110 Morover 1 +011111110 Contrarily 1 +011111110 Tanjuatco 1 +011111110 Vallenato 1 +011111110 Ozgur 1 +011111110 RICHARDSONSMITH 1 +011111110 ahdawam 1 +011111110 Whiissh 1 +011111110 Twinkle 1 +011111110 Bryggerier 1 +011111110 Zurzday 1 +011111110 Streegan 1 +011111110 Numb 1 +011111110 Medani 1 +011111110 macrocrystals 1 +011111110 Hospitalization 1 +011111110 s.r.l. 1 +011111110 Augeri 1 +011111110 Doko 1 +011111110 Parenthetically 1 +011111110 Diaz-Oliver 1 +011111110 Shockingly 1 +011111110 Daunting 1 +011111110 Recondite 1 +011111110 Principally 1 +011111110 Peacocks 1 +011111110 Gertie 1 +011111110 Suksamran 1 +011111110 Proportions 1 +011111110 S&P/McGraw-Hill 1 +011111110 Mustasaari 1 +011111110 Lateef 1 +011111110 Bodenheimer 1 +011111110 Ano 1 +011111110 Goldang 1 +011111110 Abdoon 1 +011111110 nigrum 1 +011111110 Ersen 1 +011111110 Sirketi 1 +011111110 Ogisu 1 +011111110 Torrez 1 +011111110 Inexorably 1 +011111110 Flicek 1 +011111110 Thunderbolt 1 +011111110 Byerwalter 1 +011111110 Bante 1 +011111110 Croom-Helm 1 +011111110 Gin-soaked 1 +011111110 S.A.P.I.C. 1 +011111110 Additionaly 1 +011111110 Relentlessly 1 +011111110 Waldrip 1 +011111110 WOLFSON 1 +011111110 Absurdly 1 +011111110 Hirogane 1 +011111110 Delis 1 +011111110 Auto-manufacturing 1 +011111110 Aboukhater 1 +011111110 Kiyoi 1 +011111110 Phong 1 +011111110 Agitated 1 +011111110 Olivira 1 +011111110 Nexsen-Boyd 1 +011111110 Crucially 1 +011111110 Zukulis 1 +011111110 Cosbi 1 +011111110 Veljanovski 1 +011111110 Thursday-Friday 1 +011111110 TIE-Communications 1 +011111110 Materially 1 +011111110 TRENTON 1 +011111110 Roslyakova 1 +011111110 PLAYBOY 1 +011111110 Originality 1 +011111110 ERRED 1 +011111110 Pangolos 1 +011111110 Suttles 1 +011111110 Mortgage- 1 +011111110 Underpayment 1 +011111110 Milkmen 1 +011111110 chasuble 1 +011111110 Ipek 1 +011111110 Panchita 1 +011111110 Vicenta 1 +011111110 bretheren 1 +011111110 Detected 1 +011111110 Surrendering 1 +011111110 Good-paying 1 +011111110 Velobind 1 +011111110 Kanrhi 1 +011111110 Qureshy 1 +011111110 Boyington 1 +011111110 Felicialiver 1 +011111110 Minicars 1 +011111110 Palsho 1 +011111110 Santicchi 1 +011111110 Tsk 1 +011111110 Onozawa 1 +011111110 Camara 1 +011111110 Gallantly 1 +011111110 Morakotdacho 1 +011111110 Rousseas 1 +011111110 Fentanyl 1 +011111110 Single-handedly 1 +011111110 Classifieds 1 +011111110 Cytomegalovirus 1 +011111110 MacPeg 1 +011111110 Kaczynski 1 +011111110 Incredulous 1 +011111110 bibliophiles 1 +011111110 Disposables 1 +011111110 Acetone 1 +011111110 Architecturally 1 +011111110 Tyrannies 1 +011111110 Gobhai 1 +011111110 Wrongly 1 +011111110 CANBERRA 2 +011111110 Cornea 2 +011111110 noblesse-oblige 2 +011111110 Recapitalization 2 +011111110 Freezes 2 +011111110 Spurned 2 +011111110 Urug 2 +011111110 Longoria 2 +011111110 Matrons 2 +011111110 Subtlety 2 +011111110 Sunday-Wednesday 2 +011111110 NEVERTHELESS 2 +011111110 purpura 2 +011111110 Conventionally 2 +011111110 Engl 2 +011111110 Okuda 2 +011111110 Guanxi 2 +011111110 Uniquely 2 +011111110 Pausing 2 +011111110 Polystyrene 2 +011111110 Loafing 2 +011111110 Technik 2 +011111110 LEVINE 2 +011111110 Dwek 2 +011111110 Pointedly 2 +011111110 Dumaines 2 +011111110 Philosophically 2 +011111110 Optimistically 2 +011111110 Galvalange 2 +011111110 ARROGANT 2 +011111110 Prudently 2 +011111110 GREENWICH 2 +011111110 Kashiwa 2 +011111110 Lindbeck 2 +011111110 Amouage 2 +011111110 Relieved 2 +011111110 Retrospectively 2 +011111110 Large-capital 2 +011111110 Niem 2 +011111110 Unanimously 2 +011111110 Moroever 2 +011111110 LYCOMING 2 +011111110 Simplistic 2 +011111110 Fortuitously 2 +011111110 Pergamon-Brassey 2 +011111110 Re-exports 2 +011111110 Imprisonment 2 +011111110 Metolachlor 2 +011111110 Proudly 2 +011111110 Thalidomide 2 +011111110 Ohmori 2 +011111110 BRASILIA 2 +011111110 Sunday-Tuesday 2 +011111110 Hypothetically 2 +011111110 Erroneously 2 +011111110 MOREOVER 2 +011111110 Decrepit 2 +011111110 WESTCORP 2 +011111110 Dura 2 +011111110 Flustered 2 +011111110 CANTON 2 +011111110 Egorov 2 +011111110 Pre-crisis 2 +011111110 Unconcerned 2 +011111110 Perpetuals 2 +011111110 Abruptly 2 +011111110 Jik 2 +011111110 Doggedly 2 +011111110 Unbelievably 2 +011111110 Solvents 2 +011111110 Admirably 2 +011111110 Plena 2 +011111110 Kamei 2 +011111110 Stylistically 2 +011111110 Tchioba 2 +011111110 Bemused 2 +011111110 Meanwile 2 +011111110 Sous-vide 2 +011111110 TAIPEI 2 +011111110 DataTrak 2 +011111110 Defensively 2 +011111110 Unconvinced 2 +011111110 Photofinishers 2 +011111110 Fourth-class 2 +011111110 Mercouri 2 +011111110 Snowboarders 2 +011111110 Snowboarding 2 +011111110 Brooding 2 +011111110 Naive 2 +011111110 Dvor 2 +011111110 CAMBRIDGE 2 +011111110 Pokrovka 2 +011111110 Zaphiropoulos 2 +011111110 Untrue 2 +011111110 Musically 2 +011111110 Petrobonds 2 +011111110 INDEED 2 +011111110 Gurman 2 +011111110 BUFFALO 2 +011111110 Mercifully 2 +011111110 Crystals 2 +011111110 cummings 2 +011111110 Perversely 2 +011111110 LANDESBANK 2 +011111110 Tabun 2 +011111110 Heh 2 +011111110 Front-runners 2 +011111110 Vaksberg 2 +011111110 Astonishingly 3 +011111110 Sadder 3 +011111110 Inexplicably 3 +011111110 Tellingly 3 +011111110 Superficially 3 +011111110 Intriguingly 3 +011111110 Riens 3 +011111110 Monday-Wednesday 3 +011111110 Indoors 3 +011111110 Correspondingly 3 +011111110 Outwardly 3 +011111110 Junid 3 +011111110 Purportedly 3 +011111110 Fittingly 3 +011111110 Hatorah 3 +011111110 Off-season 3 +011111110 Sekigawa 3 +011111110 Vividly 3 +011111110 Yarmouth 3 +011111110 Externally 3 +011111110 Unabashedly 3 +011111110 Tsering 3 +011111110 Investa 3 +011111110 Diplomatically 3 +011111110 FYI 3 +011111110 ATTENTION 3 +011111110 Conservatively 3 +011111110 Dejected 3 +011111110 SPRING 3 +011111110 Energetic 3 +011111110 Wisely 3 +011111110 Druzhba 3 +011111110 Scientifically 3 +011111110 Seperately 3 +011111110 Morally 3 +011111110 Foolishly 4 +011111110 Cumulatively 4 +011111110 Conveniently 4 +011111110 Profit-sharing 4 +011111110 Pragmatism 4 +011111110 Namely 4 +011111110 Reluctantly 4 +011111110 Neverthless 4 +011111110 Mootham 4 +011111110 Technologically 4 +011111110 SABENA 4 +011111110 Withal 4 +011111110 Militarily 4 +011111110 Miraculously 4 +011111110 Suspicious 4 +011111110 Kindersley 5 +011111110 Globally 5 +011111110 Presently 5 +011111110 Importantly 5 +011111110 Tritium 5 +011111110 Indirectly 5 +011111110 Morever 5 +011111110 Infuriated 5 +011111110 Tragically 5 +011111110 Structurally 6 +011111110 Characteristically 6 +011111110 Hitherto 6 +011111110 Individually 6 +011111110 Instantly 6 +011111110 Customarily 6 +011111110 Reportedly 6 +011111110 Annually 6 +011111110 Unsurprisingly 6 +011111110 Ominously 6 +011111110 Statistically 6 +011111110 Anyhow 7 +011111110 Remarkably 7 +011111110 Arguably 7 +011111110 Geographically 7 +011111110 Belatedly 7 +011111110 Heretofore 8 +011111110 Slurp 8 +011111110 BEAR 8 +011111110 Post-crash 8 +011111110 Internally 9 +011111110 Thankfully 9 +011111110 Alternately 9 +011111110 Regionally 9 +011111110 Amazingly 9 +011111110 Logically 10 +011111110 Afterwards 10 +011111110 Legally 10 +011111110 Invariably 11 +011111110 Concurrently 11 +011111110 Lastly 11 +011111110 Unhappily 12 +011111110 SEOUL 13 +011111110 Strangely 14 +011111110 Collectively 14 +011111110 Periodically 16 +011111110 Supposedly 16 +011111110 Internationally 17 +011111110 Coincidentally 18 +011111110 Incredibly 20 +011111110 Incidentally 21 +011111110 Quickly 22 +011111110 Conceivably 22 +011111110 Notably 22 +011111110 Regrettably 23 +011111110 Understandably 24 +011111110 Longer-term 25 +011111110 Happily 29 +011111110 Undaunted 31 +011111110 Secondly 32 +011111110 Thereafter 33 +011111110 Abroad 35 +011111110 Sadly 35 +011111110 Paradoxically 37 +011111110 Frequently 37 +011111110 Predictably 38 +011111110 Nationally 38 +011111110 Gradually 39 +011111110 Ordinarily 39 +011111110 Simultaneously 44 +011111110 Significantly 47 +011111110 Inevitably 48 +011111110 Publicly 49 +011111110 Politically 51 +011111110 Interestingly 51 +011111110 Admittedly 52 +011111110 Ideally 53 +011111110 Theoretically 53 +011111110 Curiously 54 +011111110 Alternatively 60 +011111110 Technically 60 +011111110 Surprisingly 70 +011111110 Officially 74 +011111110 Afterward 79 +011111110 Essentially 86 +011111110 Privately 93 +011111110 Alas 93 +011111110 Anyway 96 +011111110 Altogether 98 +011111110 Subsequently 104 +011111110 Conversely 108 +011111110 Historically 127 +011111110 Originally 129 +011111110 Accordingly 131 +011111110 Traditionally 148 +011111110 Increasingly 167 +011111110 Likewise 180 +011111110 Negotiable 185 +011111110 Fortunately 188 +011111110 Worse 189 +011111110 Normally 192 +011111110 Lately 194 +011111110 Meantime 218 +011111110 Additionally 226 +011111110 Typically 252 +011111110 Consequently 260 +011111110 Therefore 262 +011111110 Initially 273 +011111110 Actually 296 +011111110 Generally 298 +011111110 Specifically 338 +011111110 Ironically 372 +011111110 Otherwise 412 +011111110 Eventually 416 +011111110 Ultimately 427 +011111110 Elsewhere 540 +011111110 Furthermore 569 +011111110 Unfortunately 601 +011111110 Already 633 +011111110 Recently 633 +011111110 Overall 644 +011111110 Further 719 +011111110 Similarly 734 +011111110 Later 782 +011111110 Previously 799 +011111110 Finally 915 +011111110 Nonetheless 996 +011111110 Currently 1482 +011111110 Nevertheless 1695 +011111110 Thus 2378 +011111110 Instead 2675 +011111110 Indeed 3046 +011111110 Yesterday 3147 +011111110 Separately 3605 +011111110 Also 3705 +011111110 Still 3807 +011111110 Moreover 3910 +011111110 However 7580 +011111110 Meanwhile 5160 +01111111100 Just-released 1 +01111111100 Plucky 1 +01111111100 First-section 1 +01111111100 Teetotalers 1 +01111111100 Bouyed 1 +01111111100 MAINFRAME 1 +01111111100 Refers 1 +01111111100 Attesting 1 +01111111100 Struts 1 +01111111100 INACOMP 1 +01111111100 Passive-activity 1 +01111111100 Resupplied 1 +01111111100 Nourished 1 +01111111100 Short-sales 1 +01111111100 MESOZOIC 1 +01111111100 Declarations 1 +01111111100 Reasoning 1 +01111111100 Traveler's-check 1 +01111111100 LIE-DETECTOR 1 +01111111100 Clobbered 1 +01111111100 Downdraft 1 +01111111100 Rerun 1 +01111111100 Late-October 1 +01111111100 Parole 1 +01111111100 Drafted 1 +01111111100 Vying 1 +01111111100 Non-adherence 1 +01111111100 Soulful 1 +01111111100 rededicated 1 +01111111100 Goaded 1 +01111111100 Co-opted 1 +01111111100 Fade 1 +01111111100 Trespasses 1 +01111111100 PASSIVE-ACTIVITY 1 +01111111100 Decimated 1 +01111111100 Per-ADR 1 +01111111100 Options-related 1 +01111111100 Endorsement 1 +01111111100 Unnerved 1 +01111111100 Earlier-released 1 +01111111100 VACANCY 1 +01111111100 Gurus 1 +01111111100 Bedeviled 1 +01111111100 Condescend 1 +01111111100 Trumpeting 1 +01111111100 LIQUIDATING 1 +01111111100 Late-afternoon 1 +01111111100 Diluted 1 +01111111100 Worshiped 1 +01111111100 Rankled 1 +01111111100 Conditioned 1 +01111111100 Believed 1 +01111111100 Unbeknown 1 +01111111100 Circled 1 +01111111100 Exams 1 +01111111100 Hounded 1 +01111111100 Alleviating 1 +01111111100 Snack-foods 1 +01111111100 Per-store 1 +01111111100 Operated 1 +01111111100 Comforted 1 +01111111100 Ryoden 1 +01111111100 POST-CRASH 1 +01111111100 Unchanged 1 +01111111100 Vibrations 1 +01111111100 Corrected 1 +01111111100 Self-addressed 1 +01111111100 Buffs 1 +01111111100 Advertise 1 +01111111100 Communications-equipment 1 +01111111100 Blasted 1 +01111111100 Umpired 1 +01111111100 Small-car 1 +01111111100 Power-tool 1 +01111111100 Culled 1 +01111111100 Unappeased 1 +01111111100 PLACATING 1 +01111111100 Flutter 1 +01111111100 Want-ad 1 +01111111100 ODYSSEY 1 +01111111100 Gruzinskaya 1 +01111111100 Uzbekskaya 1 +01111111100 Shoulder 1 +01111111100 Dwarfed 1 +01111111100 SHORTWAVE 1 +01111111100 Cremation 1 +01111111100 Third-qarter 1 +01111111100 Vacated 1 +01111111100 OFFERINGS 1 +01111111100 Lifted 1 +01111111100 Pedaling 1 +01111111100 SHIPMENTS 1 +01111111100 CONSORTIUM 1 +01111111100 Late-September 1 +01111111100 Bribes 1 +01111111100 Meters 1 +01111111100 Antagonism 1 +01111111100 Submissions 1 +01111111100 Aspirants 1 +01111111100 PENNY 1 +01111111100 Polymer-products 1 +01111111100 Unrelated 1 +01111111100 Plumped 1 +01111111100 Arising 1 +01111111100 Previous-year 1 +01111111100 Station-wagon 1 +01111111100 Eliminated 1 +01111111100 Subtracted 1 +01111111100 Soothed 1 +01111111100 MCA-America 1 +01111111100 MAXUS 1 +01111111100 Keyed 1 +01111111100 Odysssey 1 +01111111100 Foretold 1 +01111111100 SEX-HARASSMENT 1 +01111111100 Outgunned 1 +01111111100 REVERE 1 +01111111100 PIGGYBACKING 1 +01111111100 Vowing 1 +01111111100 Exempt-interest 1 +01111111100 Beseiged 1 +01111111100 Trailed 1 +01111111100 SNAPPY 1 +01111111100 LEHIGH 1 +01111111100 STEPPED-UP 1 +01111111100 Pestered 1 +01111111100 Rags 1 +01111111100 Refusals 1 +01111111100 Itching 1 +01111111100 FRAUD-FINDING 1 +01111111100 Retire 1 +01111111100 Exhortations 1 +01111111100 Grocery-product 1 +01111111100 Snack-food 1 +01111111100 Dangling 1 +01111111100 Pivotal 1 +01111111100 Asset-backed-securities 1 +01111111100 Unshackled 1 +01111111100 CAUSE-RELATED 1 +01111111100 MEAT-COUNTER 1 +01111111100 Latest-year 1 +01111111100 PROBATE 1 +01111111100 Stairway 1 +01111111100 Germane 1 +01111111100 Reelected 1 +01111111100 Coal-related 1 +01111111100 TAFT 1 +01111111100 Conferring 1 +01111111100 PULITZER 1 +01111111100 SUPPLY-SIDERS 1 +01111111100 Travelers-check 1 +01111111100 Moscow-Kuwait 1 +01111111100 Steaming 1 +01111111100 Specialty-store 1 +01111111100 Attended 1 +01111111100 Abiding 1 +01111111100 Curated 1 +01111111100 Export-bonus 1 +01111111100 REIMBURSEMENT 1 +01111111100 Semiannual 1 +01111111100 Dilution 1 +01111111100 Scarred 1 +01111111100 Hospital-chain 1 +01111111100 Aluminum-company 1 +01111111100 amaur 1 +01111111100 Agrochemical 1 +01111111100 Pocketbooks 1 +01111111100 DEPARTS 1 +01111111100 Eight-week 1 +01111111100 Looted 1 +01111111100 Darting 1 +01111111100 Virginity 1 +01111111100 Agitation 1 +01111111100 Drained 1 +01111111100 Landlocked 1 +01111111100 NORCEN 1 +01111111100 Nine-week 1 +01111111100 MIDEAST 1 +01111111100 Multiplied 1 +01111111100 Graduated 1 +01111111100 Weigh-in 1 +01111111100 KAITEK 1 +01111111100 Less-than-robust 1 +01111111100 Counterfeiting-related 1 +01111111100 Dedication 1 +01111111100 Unaffected 1 +01111111100 Urgings 1 +01111111100 Limited-partnership 1 +01111111100 Inordinate 1 +01111111100 Worse-than-expected 1 +01111111100 DENIM 1 +01111111100 SELF-EMPLOYMENT 1 +01111111100 Industrial-parts 1 +01111111100 Motions 1 +01111111100 Minirefunding 1 +01111111100 Hole-by-hole 1 +01111111100 Barraged 1 +01111111100 Kowtowing 1 +01111111100 Store-for-store 1 +01111111100 Advantages 1 +01111111100 Chaufeurred 1 +01111111100 Shielded 1 +01111111100 Ever-rising 1 +01111111100 FLOPPY-DISK 1 +01111111100 PARTISAN 1 +01111111100 MAGNUM 1 +01111111100 Press-corps 1 +01111111100 IRAN-CONTRA 1 +01111111100 Supplemented 1 +01111111100 MENTAL-HEALTH 1 +01111111100 Realists 1 +01111111100 Populated 1 +01111111100 PROPER 1 +01111111100 Samestore 1 +01111111100 Preceded 1 +01111111100 Euro-clear 1 +01111111100 Minivan 1 +01111111100 PAY-OFF 1 +01111111100 Followed 1 +01111111100 Clamped 1 +01111111100 Striving 1 +01111111100 Relocations 1 +01111111100 Stoked 1 +01111111100 Profiting 1 +01111111100 Truck-divison 1 +01111111100 MERGE 1 +01111111100 c1986 1 +01111111100 Non-cash 1 +01111111100 CONFRONTED 1 +01111111100 SAGE 1 +01111111100 Ridicule 1 +01111111100 Delivered 1 +01111111100 Reverting 1 +01111111100 RIPPLES 1 +01111111100 Sonyclimbed 1 +01111111100 Slip-ups 1 +01111111100 Amplified 1 +01111111100 Seized 1 +01111111100 Militarists 1 +01111111100 PRO-CHOICE 1 +01111111100 Infant-Vision 1 +01111111100 FERTILITY 1 +01111111100 PLATEAUED 1 +01111111100 QUICKER 1 +01111111100 Hardest-hit 1 +01111111100 .Willingness 1 +01111111100 Shaped 1 +01111111100 Overcharges 1 +01111111100 .there 1 +01111111100 Zircons 1 +01111111100 Tormented 1 +01111111100 Guessing 1 +01111111100 PAYOFF 1 +01111111100 Fruition 1 +01111111100 Mid-May 1 +01111111100 Domestic-vehicle 1 +01111111100 REPATRIATED 1 +01111111100 Tuned 1 +01111111100 Hamburger-restaurant 1 +01111111100 YASUDA 1 +01111111100 Cheered 1 +01111111100 SMUG 1 +01111111100 Journeying 1 +01111111100 Good-bye 1 +01111111100 Counterweights 1 +01111111100 Bumped 1 +01111111100 Pedants 1 +01111111100 DURABLE-GOODS 1 +01111111100 SOLAR 1 +01111111100 Local-currency 1 +01111111100 Bond-trading 1 +01111111100 Stock-trading 1 +01111111100 STRIP 1 +01111111100 Early-August 1 +01111111100 Mortgage-loan 1 +01111111100 Delegations 1 +01111111100 COMMITTED 1 +01111111100 Bankrolled 1 +01111111100 Raspy-voiced 1 +01111111100 Devoted 1 +01111111100 replacement-part 1 +01111111100 Cushioned 1 +01111111100 Minibooms 1 +01111111100 Half-year 1 +01111111100 Co-signed 1 +01111111100 Unremitted 1 +01111111100 MAXIM 1 +01111111100 Unhampered 1 +01111111100 CORPORATE-PROFIT 1 +01111111100 PAY-FOR-VIEW 1 +01111111100 Submitted 1 +01111111100 Mitake 1 +01111111100 .this 1 +01111111100 unmellowed 1 +01111111100 Acquiescence 1 +01111111100 Persuaded 1 +01111111100 Late-February 1 +01111111100 Acceding 1 +01111111100 Small-donor 1 +01111111100 Tonnage 1 +01111111100 Beggared 1 +01111111100 Intercepted 1 +01111111100 Referrals 1 +01111111100 Leapfrogging 1 +01111111100 Swamped 1 +01111111100 Undertaken 1 +01111111100 New-circulation 1 +01111111100 Unaltered 1 +01111111100 Disloyal 1 +01111111100 Knighted 1 +01111111100 Heir 1 +01111111100 HIGH-COURT 1 +01111111100 Descended 1 +01111111100 Shipped 1 +01111111100 Autopsy 1 +01111111100 Snubbed 1 +01111111100 Reinforced 1 +01111111100 .trying 1 +01111111100 Grandfathers 1 +01111111100 Pollutants 1 +01111111100 Hand-tool 1 +01111111100 FOOD-INFLATION 1 +01111111100 Motivation 1 +01111111100 ABUSIVE 1 +01111111100 Impelled 1 +01111111100 Summations 1 +01111111100 SWIFT 1 +01111111100 Grants-in-aid 1 +01111111100 Annexation 1 +01111111100 Usurpations 1 +01111111100 Single-pack 1 +01111111100 Reassigned 1 +01111111100 Hatched 1 +01111111100 Gauged 1 +01111111100 Slippage 1 +01111111100 Firsthalf 1 +01111111100 CAHNERS 1 +01111111100 Self-employment 1 +01111111100 Shuttling 1 +01111111100 Gripped 1 +01111111100 Custom-mades 1 +01111111100 Soggy 1 +01111111100 PER-SHARE 1 +01111111100 Factory-machinery 1 +01111111100 Government-to-government 1 +01111111100 Championed 1 +01111111100 FOND 1 +01111111100 Promoted 1 +01111111100 BACKUP 1 +01111111100 Productivity-software 1 +01111111100 Ballooned 1 +01111111100 Abstracting 1 +01111111100 Greeted 1 +01111111100 Becalmed 1 +01111111100 Droppings 1 +01111111100 Cattails 1 +01111111100 Before-tax 1 +01111111100 Clips 1 +01111111100 Bowed 1 +01111111100 Pioneered 1 +01111111100 Pummeled 1 +01111111100 Compelled 1 +01111111100 COUNTRY-CLUB 1 +01111111100 Colorizers 1 +01111111100 Elevation 1 +01111111100 Silentair 1 +01111111100 INVEST 1 +01111111100 Incited 1 +01111111100 Hand-picked 1 +01111111100 Exercisable 1 +01111111100 Unconstrained 1 +01111111100 Shell-shocked 1 +01111111100 CASIO 1 +01111111100 counter-reaction 1 +01111111100 Forfeitures 1 +01111111100 Traumatized 1 +01111111100 Clues 1 +01111111100 Devised 1 +01111111100 Fatalities 1 +01111111100 Foreign-production 1 +01111111100 Bigotry 1 +01111111100 Energized 1 +01111111100 Refrain 2 +01111111100 Underwritten 2 +01111111100 Pro-forma 2 +01111111100 Humiliated 2 +01111111100 Insensitivity 2 +01111111100 Pinned 2 +01111111100 Retroactive 2 +01111111100 Thwarted 2 +01111111100 Elated 2 +01111111100 Reinvested 2 +01111111100 Attaching 2 +01111111100 Obscured 2 +01111111100 APPLICATION 2 +01111111100 Besieged 2 +01111111100 Pursuant 2 +01111111100 Worldly 2 +01111111100 Nine-months 2 +01111111100 CONVEX 2 +01111111100 LaValliere 2 +01111111100 WHEREHOUSE 2 +01111111100 Repelled 2 +01111111100 Overwhelmed 2 +01111111100 Five-month 2 +01111111100 Edited 2 +01111111100 Sheltered 2 +01111111100 Slowed 2 +01111111100 Crippled 2 +01111111100 Adjusters 2 +01111111100 CREDIBILITY 2 +01111111100 W4 2 +01111111100 Price-cutting 2 +01111111100 Enraptured 2 +01111111100 BLOCKER 2 +01111111100 Confined 2 +01111111100 Hewing 2 +01111111100 Predisposition 2 +01111111100 Motioning 2 +01111111100 DIPLOMATIC 2 +01111111100 Subscribe 2 +01111111100 Deluged 2 +01111111100 Charge-card 2 +01111111100 Swayed 2 +01111111100 Invited 2 +01111111100 Luggage 2 +01111111100 WELFARE 2 +01111111100 Sterling-M-Whatever 2 +01111111100 Small- 2 +01111111100 RESTRICT 2 +01111111100 Rattled 2 +01111111100 Flanked 2 +01111111100 Arrears 2 +01111111100 SAUDI 2 +01111111100 Non-recurring 2 +01111111100 Securities-related 2 +01111111100 Food-store 2 +01111111100 Noninterest 2 +01111111100 Enticed 2 +01111111100 Unearned 2 +01111111100 20.45 2 +01111111100 Empowered 2 +01111111100 Unrealized 2 +01111111100 Swollen 2 +01111111100 Tacked 2 +01111111100 Endorsed 2 +01111111100 Hammered 2 +01111111100 Supervised 2 +01111111100 Jockeying 2 +01111111100 CREW 2 +01111111100 Existing-home 2 +01111111100 BYLINE 2 +01111111100 PLEDGE 2 +01111111100 Remains 2 +01111111100 Subjected 2 +01111111100 Current-year 2 +01111111100 Strive 2 +01111111100 SEQUENT 2 +01111111100 Staggering 2 +01111111100 Meant 2 +01111111100 CENTERIOR 2 +01111111100 Endeavour 2 +01111111100 Circling 2 +01111111100 Enamored 2 +01111111100 BUDGETS 2 +01111111100 Attentive 2 +01111111100 Consulted 2 +01111111100 GREY 2 +01111111100 Motivated 2 +01111111100 Racked 2 +01111111100 Dazzled 2 +01111111100 Escorted 2 +01111111100 Nodding 2 +01111111100 Gasoline-station 2 +01111111100 Cowed 2 +01111111100 Miffed 2 +01111111100 BOCA 2 +01111111100 Consumer-product 2 +01111111100 Heavy-truck 2 +01111111100 PLENUM 2 +01111111100 Sparked 2 +01111111100 Awarded 2 +01111111100 AIMS 2 +01111111100 CUSTOMERS 2 +01111111100 Low-end 2 +01111111100 Inattention 2 +01111111100 Complain 2 +01111111100 STATESIDE 2 +01111111100 Narrated 2 +01111111100 Chased 2 +01111111100 Hurrying 2 +01111111100 Relocated 2 +01111111100 Wooed 2 +01111111100 Companywide 2 +01111111100 COMPARED 2 +01111111100 Residences 2 +01111111100 Nominated 2 +01111111100 U.S.-Style 2 +01111111100 Payouts 2 +01111111100 Hobbled 3 +01111111100 Untouched 3 +01111111100 Applies 3 +01111111100 Hampered 3 +01111111100 First-day 3 +01111111100 ON-LINE 3 +01111111100 FALCON 3 +01111111100 Buttressed 3 +01111111100 COMPAQ 3 +01111111100 Fourth-period 3 +01111111100 Allusions 3 +01111111100 Parent-company 3 +01111111100 Acclaimed 3 +01111111100 Dominated 3 +01111111100 TRANSCO 3 +01111111100 Ode 3 +01111111100 DAMAGE 3 +01111111100 Banned 3 +01111111100 Transferred 3 +01111111100 JUMBO 3 +01111111100 TAX-BILL 3 +01111111100 Chaired 3 +01111111100 HARCOURT 3 +01111111100 Clutching 3 +01111111100 Historical-cost 3 +01111111100 Willingness 3 +01111111100 Unaccustomed 3 +01111111100 POSSIBLE 3 +01111111100 Reimbursement 3 +01111111100 Oblivious 3 +01111111100 Sentenced 3 +01111111100 Anchored 3 +01111111100 Upgraded 3 +01111111100 SEXUAL 3 +01111111100 Six-months 3 +01111111100 Installed 3 +01111111100 Staffed 3 +01111111100 Taped 3 +01111111100 APPLE 3 +01111111100 Adjacent 3 +01111111100 Marketed 3 +01111111100 Proposes 3 +01111111100 Alimony 3 +01111111100 Third-period 3 +01111111100 Extrapolating 3 +01111111100 Kudos 3 +01111111100 Overproduction 3 +01111111100 Commercial-vehicle 3 +01111111100 Accustomed 3 +01111111100 Retained 3 +01111111100 Financed 3 +01111111100 Bruised 3 +01111111100 Nominal 3 +01111111100 Inability 3 +01111111100 Light-truck 3 +01111111100 Computed 3 +01111111100 Struck 3 +01111111100 Latest-quarter 3 +01111111100 Co-produced 3 +01111111100 Hostility 4 +01111111100 Woe 4 +01111111100 Disturbed 4 +01111111100 Conspicuous 4 +01111111100 Entrances 4 +01111111100 Burdened 4 +01111111100 Prior-year 4 +01111111100 Commissioned 4 +01111111100 Condemned 4 +01111111100 Relating 4 +01111111100 Unbeknownst 4 +01111111100 Taught 4 +01111111100 Shocks 4 +01111111100 Rebounding 4 +01111111100 Retail-sales 4 +01111111100 Startled 4 +01111111100 Systemwide 4 +01111111100 SWITCHING 4 +01111111100 First-period 4 +01111111100 Jolted 4 +01111111100 Directed 4 +01111111100 Appalled 4 +01111111100 Spooked 4 +01111111100 ETHNIC 4 +01111111100 Non-operating 4 +01111111100 Deviations 4 +01111111100 Compounded 4 +01111111100 Buffeted 4 +01111111100 Committed 4 +01111111100 Restated 4 +01111111100 Indexes 4 +01111111100 Intrigued 4 +01111111100 Conducted 4 +01111111100 Deteriorating 4 +01111111100 Stemming 4 +01111111100 Summoned 4 +01111111100 Second-period 4 +01111111100 Intended 5 +01111111100 Expects 5 +01111111100 Disgusted 5 +01111111100 Scrambling 5 +01111111100 Judged 5 +01111111100 Weakened 5 +01111111100 Irked 5 +01111111100 Dogged 5 +01111111100 Deferring 5 +01111111100 TESTING 5 +01111111100 Adherence 5 +01111111100 Alerted 5 +01111111100 CATALYST 5 +01111111100 Unconsolidated 5 +01111111100 Unfazed 5 +01111111100 Constraints 5 +01111111100 Tend 5 +01111111100 Borrowings 6 +01111111100 Powered 6 +01111111100 Exhausted 6 +01111111100 Sent 6 +01111111100 Moved 6 +01111111100 ALBERTA 6 +01111111100 Lyrics 6 +01111111100 Assisted 6 +01111111100 NIXDORF 6 +01111111100 MITCHELL 6 +01111111100 Reluctance 6 +01111111100 Distributions 6 +01111111100 Repairs 6 +01111111100 TRITON 6 +01111111100 Pushed 6 +01111111100 Needing 6 +01111111100 ADVANCED 6 +01111111100 Annoyed 6 +01111111100 Threats 6 +01111111100 Licence 6 +01111111100 Distracted 6 +01111111100 Paced 7 +01111111100 Compiled 7 +01111111100 HARD 7 +01111111100 Lured 7 +01111111100 Adopted 7 +01111111100 e-Estimated. 7 +01111111100 Unfettered 7 +01111111100 References 7 +01111111100 Dismayed 7 +01111111100 Excluded 7 +01111111100 Threatening 7 +01111111100 Propelled 7 +01111111100 Objections 7 +01111111100 GEN. 7 +01111111100 Funded 7 +01111111100 Owing 7 +01111111100 Benefiting 7 +01111111100 Promising 7 +01111111100 Camps 7 +01111111100 CHARITABLE 7 +01111111100 Hosted 7 +01111111100 Attached 8 +01111111100 Slated 8 +01111111100 Tied 8 +01111111100 LAURENTIIS 8 +01111111100 Stunned 8 +01111111100 BATTLES 8 +01111111100 Shaken 8 +01111111100 Rushing 8 +01111111100 Assigned 8 +01111111100 SHELTER 8 +01111111100 Carried 8 +01111111100 Indicated 8 +01111111100 Required 8 +01111111100 Linked 9 +01111111100 Urged 9 +01111111100 Harder 9 +01111111100 Visits 9 +01111111100 Refusing 9 +01111111100 Drawn 9 +01111111100 New-car 9 +01111111100 Boosted 9 +01111111100 Willing 9 +01111111100 Brought 9 +01111111100 Guided 10 +01111111100 Impressed 10 +01111111100 Attracted 10 +01111111100 Strapped 10 +01111111100 Joined 10 +01111111100 Supported 10 +01111111100 Crucial 10 +01111111100 Frightened 11 +01111111100 Headed 11 +01111111100 Departing 11 +01111111100 Squeezed 11 +01111111100 Produced 11 +01111111100 Unwilling 12 +01111111100 Beset 12 +01111111100 Challenges 12 +01111111100 Prodded 12 +01111111100 MOVES 13 +01111111100 Appointed 13 +01111111100 Anxious 13 +01111111100 Contributions 13 +01111111100 Plagued 14 +01111111100 Disappointing 14 +01111111100 Accompanied 14 +01111111100 Undeterred 14 +01111111100 Emboldened 14 +01111111100 One-year 15 +01111111100 Inspired 15 +01111111100 Bolstered 16 +01111111100 Angered 16 +01111111100 Unknown 16 +01111111100 Donations 16 +01111111100 Prompted 16 +01111111100 REPUBLICANS 17 +01111111100 Struggling 17 +01111111100 Bowing 17 +01111111100 Battered 18 +01111111100 Attempting 18 +01111111100 Driven 18 +01111111100 Surrounded 19 +01111111100 Forced 19 +01111111100 Pressured 19 +01111111100 Developed 20 +01111111100 Relative 20 +01111111100 Subscribers 20 +01111111100 Closer 21 +01111111100 Alluding 22 +01111111100 Sponsored 23 +01111111100 Damage 23 +01111111100 Stung 24 +01111111100 Fueled 24 +01111111100 Determined 24 +01111111100 Listening 25 +01111111100 Per-capita 27 +01111111100 Scheduled 28 +01111111100 Ranked 28 +01111111100 Congratulations 29 +01111111100 After-tax 30 +01111111100 Helped 30 +01111111100 Subject 31 +01111111100 Encouraged 32 +01111111100 Pressed 32 +01111111100 Used 34 +01111111100 Expected 35 +01111111100 Returning 35 +01111111100 Eager 37 +01111111100 Backed 37 +01111111100 Buoyed 40 +01111111100 Designed 41 +01111111100 Pointing 43 +01111111100 Reaction 44 +01111111100 Proposals 47 +01111111100 Reacting 47 +01111111100 Listen 49 +01111111100 Spurred 52 +01111111100 Needless 52 +01111111100 Payments 53 +01111111100 Hoping 53 +01111111100 Contributing 53 +01111111100 Year-ago 57 +01111111100 Borrowing 58 +01111111100 Comparable-store 58 +01111111100 Non-interest 58 +01111111100 TAX 58 +01111111100 Aided 60 +01111111100 Due 63 +01111111100 Attempts 64 +01111111100 Welcome 68 +01111111100 Pre-tax 69 +01111111100 Led 71 +01111111100 First-half 71 +01111111100 Same-store 80 +01111111100 Adjusted 81 +01111111100 Judging 85 +01111111100 Unable 85 +01111111100 Seeking 86 +01111111100 Nine-month 90 +01111111100 Full-year 90 +01111111100 INTEREST 103 +01111111100 Second-quarter 104 +01111111100 Failure 106 +01111111100 Third-quarter 107 +01111111100 Trying 108 +01111111100 First-quarter 110 +01111111100 Six-month 116 +01111111100 Referring 126 +01111111100 Responding 132 +01111111100 Pretax 138 +01111111100 Fourth-quarter 146 +01111111100 Apart 154 +01111111100 Contrary 154 +01111111100 Efforts 158 +01111111100 Adding 176 +01111111100 PRECIOUS 183 +01111111100 Guaranteed 192 +01111111100 DISCOUNT 193 +01111111100 Thanks 201 +01111111100 CALL 205 +01111111100 Year-earlier 207 +01111111100 Aside 215 +01111111100 Fees 224 +01111111100 Annualized 264 +01111111100 Up 295 +01111111100 Per-share 326 +01111111100 Short 366 +01111111100 Prior 378 +01111111100 Estimated 388 +01111111100 PRIME 403 +01111111100 Operating 533 +01111111100 Proceeds 822 +01111111100 According 4999 +01111111100 Net 1274 +011111111010 Spooky 1 +011111111010 Bouts 1 +011111111010 Timetables 1 +011111111010 Searing 1 +011111111010 Routines 1 +011111111010 Cast-iron 1 +011111111010 PLUCKING 1 +011111111010 Stalagmites 1 +011111111010 Diligent 1 +011111111010 3.5129 1 +011111111010 2.8229 1 +011111111010 now-scheduled 1 +011111111010 Glumly 1 +011111111010 Shantytowns 1 +011111111010 soonest-to-expire 1 +011111111010 Writer-proof 1 +011111111010 HOSTAGE 3 +011111111010 Illumination 6 +011111111010 b-Current 62 +011111111010 Seasonally 83 +011111111010 Rated 181 +011111111010 Last 8461 +011111111010 Next 860 +011111111011 Eunuchs 1 +011111111011 Disputants 1 +011111111011 Dinner-table 1 +011111111011 Thisfelt 1 +011111111011 Buzzers 1 +011111111011 Crudely 1 +011111111011 Faint 1 +011111111011 Disallowances 1 +011111111011 Boxscore 1 +011111111011 Cardmember 1 +011111111011 Wimps 1 +011111111011 Dissimilarities 1 +011111111011 third-game 1 +011111111011 SUPERCONDUCTORS 1 +011111111011 Diagrams 1 +011111111011 Cleverly 1 +011111111011 Time-honored 1 +011111111011 Unmitigated 1 +011111111011 Non-prescription 1 +011111111011 Munis 1 +011111111011 Piecework 1 +011111111011 Reg-negs 1 +011111111011 Bedfellows 1 +011111111011 Chiropractors 1 +011111111011 Slit 1 +011111111011 Autocrats 1 +011111111011 Diskettes 1 +011111111011 Derrieres 1 +011111111011 Anent 1 +011111111011 toney 1 +011111111011 Election-time 1 +011111111011 Non-profits 1 +011111111011 Blackened 1 +011111111011 Perpetrators 1 +011111111011 pro-immigration 1 +011111111011 Servicers 1 +011111111011 Right-to-lifers 1 +011111111011 Higher-grade 1 +011111111011 Anti-communism 1 +011111111011 Photorefractive 1 +011111111011 Cover-sheet 1 +011111111011 Lightening 1 +011111111011 Seismographs 1 +011111111011 model-search 1 +011111111011 chucklehead 1 +011111111011 Hydrologists 1 +011111111011 Busily 1 +011111111011 Intra-army 1 +011111111011 Curatorial 1 +011111111011 Transvestite 1 +011111111011 Porches 1 +011111111011 Amaze 1 +011111111011 Imitates 1 +011111111011 Janizaries 1 +011111111011 Maoist-like 1 +011111111011 Boustany 1 +011111111011 Sadness 1 +011111111011 Guffaws 1 +011111111011 RETIREMENTS 1 +011111111011 Epidemiologists 1 +011111111011 Explicitly 1 +011111111011 Cogwheels 1 +011111111011 Sibling 1 +011111111011 Cocktail-party 1 +011111111011 Newsstands 1 +011111111011 Broaden 1 +011111111011 Bicyclists 1 +011111111011 Buffaloes 1 +011111111011 Barroom 1 +011111111011 Rickshaws 1 +011111111011 Mustering 1 +011111111011 Enzymes 1 +011111111011 Airliners 1 +011111111011 Spores 1 +011111111011 Tin-cup 1 +011111111011 Ballplayers 1 +011111111011 Homespun 1 +011111111011 Antigens 1 +011111111011 Photocopy 1 +011111111011 Bodyguards 1 +011111111011 Unconditional 1 +011111111011 Amphetamine 1 +011111111011 CREATED 1 +011111111011 SAVERS 1 +011111111011 HOURS 1 +011111111011 Old-world 1 +011111111011 No-sweat 1 +011111111011 Describe 1 +011111111011 Helmless 1 +011111111011 Reactive 1 +011111111011 Classmates 1 +011111111011 Handcuff 1 +011111111011 CORPORATE-OWNED 1 +011111111011 Widescale 1 +011111111011 CURBS 1 +011111111011 Cocoons 1 +011111111011 minifilms 1 +011111111011 EMTers 1 +011111111011 Steadfast 1 +011111111011 Transistors 1 +011111111011 Revelers 1 +011111111011 Laundry-pile 1 +011111111011 Monopolists 1 +011111111011 Captives 1 +011111111011 Batters 1 +011111111011 Computer-related 1 +011111111011 Home-care 1 +011111111011 Risk-aversives 1 +011111111011 Inflate 1 +011111111011 PUTTERS 1 +011111111011 Blankets 1 +011111111011 moisturizing 1 +011111111011 Nuclear-utility 1 +011111111011 Newsmen 1 +011111111011 Anti-Chinese 1 +011111111011 Chauffeurs 1 +011111111011 Analyze 1 +011111111011 Frostbiters 1 +011111111011 Broader-based 1 +011111111011 Arab-Moslem 1 +011111111011 AUDIOPHILES 1 +011111111011 Poorest 1 +011111111011 Boa 1 +011111111011 Novelists 1 +011111111011 Modernists 1 +011111111011 Porters 1 +011111111011 Thrillers 1 +011111111011 Yappers 1 +011111111011 UAW-negotiated 1 +011111111011 Peddling 1 +011111111011 Indulge 1 +011111111011 Kangaroos 1 +011111111011 Song-titles 1 +011111111011 junk-yard 1 +011111111011 Sophomores 1 +011111111011 Giggle 1 +011111111011 Fasten 1 +011111111011 Dueling 1 +011111111011 Gallows 1 +011111111011 Hitched 1 +011111111011 Kernels 1 +011111111011 Skunks 1 +011111111011 8,748 1 +011111111011 Flexicokers 1 +011111111011 Twould 1 +011111111011 Headings 1 +011111111011 UNPOPULAR 1 +011111111011 Forgot 1 +011111111011 Pagodas 1 +011111111011 Biweekly 1 +011111111011 Byting 1 +011111111011 Wearables 1 +011111111011 Job-seeking 1 +011111111011 Taxonomists 1 +011111111011 Inured 1 +011111111011 Inviting 1 +011111111011 Mindless 1 +011111111011 Skiffs 1 +011111111011 Paraphrase 1 +011111111011 Volkswagen. 1 +011111111011 Mothers-to-be 1 +011111111011 Geriatricians 1 +011111111011 Sunken 1 +011111111011 Co-ops 1 +011111111011 Hastily 1 +011111111011 Careerists 1 +011111111011 Vapors 1 +011111111011 Artists. 1 +011111111011 Minidorms 1 +011111111011 Out-of-towners 2 +011111111011 Identify 2 +011111111011 HEMLINES 2 +011111111011 Interservice 2 +011111111011 CRITICS 2 +011111111011 Sharpen 2 +011111111011 Centralized 2 +011111111011 Sends 2 +011111111011 Election-year 2 +011111111011 Three-wheelers 2 +011111111011 Steroid 2 +011111111011 Spotlights 2 +011111111011 Feedlots 2 +011111111011 After-school 2 +011111111011 Lobbies 2 +011111111011 Sandbags 2 +011111111011 .to 2 +011111111011 Recommended 2 +011111111011 VIDEOS 2 +011111111011 Gag 2 +011111111011 Stagehands 2 +011111111011 Patrols 2 +011111111011 Digressions 2 +011111111011 sensitizes 2 +011111111011 Small-lot 2 +011111111011 Multiplexers 2 +011111111011 Inadvertently 2 +011111111011 Splits 3 +011111111011 TOURISTS 3 +011111111011 Armies 3 +011111111011 Videotapes 3 +011111111011 COMMERCIALS 3 +011111111011 ROOMS 3 +011111111011 Visuals 3 +011111111011 Telexes 4 +011111111011 Labels 4 +011111111011 Once-only 4 +011111111011 Disturbing 4 +011111111011 Charts 5 +011111111011 Waiters 5 +011111111011 Kindly 5 +011111111011 LOANS 6 +011111111011 Wanna 6 +011111111011 Reinsurers 9 +011111111011 Badly 10 +011111111011 Completely 11 +011111111011 Parental 15 +011111111011 FIRMS 17 +011111111011 Helping 49 +011111111011 Simply 83 +011111111011 Polls 86 +011111111011 Please 129 +011111111011 Ever 205 +011111111011 Closely 226 +011111111011 Never 262 +011111111011 Re 388 +011111111011 To 8012 +011111111011 Having 507 +01111111110 Downticks 1 +01111111110 Toneless 1 +01111111110 Dressmakers 1 +01111111110 Laid-back 1 +01111111110 LATECOMERS 1 +01111111110 Bohanon 1 +01111111110 Rappers 1 +01111111110 Clearinghouses 1 +01111111110 Aloof 1 +01111111110 Ratios 1 +01111111110 CHECK-CLEARING 1 +01111111110 Thickness 1 +01111111110 Sharp-tongued 1 +01111111110 Politicized 1 +01111111110 Stubborn 1 +01111111110 Boaters 1 +01111111110 OBANDO 1 +01111111110 Collusion 1 +01111111110 Hulking 1 +01111111110 Eyeglass 1 +01111111110 WORLDCORP 1 +01111111110 RIDE 1 +01111111110 Pseudo-injuries 1 +01111111110 Reticent 1 +01111111110 Sealions 1 +01111111110 Handpicked 1 +01111111110 Non-religiously 1 +01111111110 Upper- 1 +01111111110 Accommodate 1 +01111111110 Sergeants 1 +01111111110 Lavishly 1 +01111111110 LANDS 1 +01111111110 Nightfall 1 +01111111110 Diminutive 1 +01111111110 Juniors 1 +01111111110 Skis 1 +01111111110 Overeating 1 +01111111110 Coffee-producing 1 +01111111110 Obedient 1 +01111111110 BOARDING 1 +01111111110 WASH-SALE 1 +01111111110 Underdressed 1 +01111111110 Honorifics 1 +01111111110 .has 1 +01111111110 Dwelling 1 +01111111110 Toilets 1 +01111111110 Radion 1 +01111111110 Midpriced 1 +01111111110 Foreign-invested 1 +01111111110 Brawls 1 +01111111110 Disapproval 1 +01111111110 SPARIN 1 +01111111110 Tacticians 1 +01111111110 Flavor 1 +01111111110 Briefcases 1 +01111111110 HYDRO-QUEBEC 1 +01111111110 Boisterous 1 +01111111110 Hairstyling 1 +01111111110 Spheres 1 +01111111110 Czarist-Russian 1 +01111111110 Money-changers 1 +01111111110 Boyish-looking 1 +01111111110 Bedpans 1 +01111111110 Locators 1 +01111111110 Affectionately 1 +01111111110 KLOL-FM 1 +01111111110 Narrowly 1 +01111111110 Ambrands 1 +01111111110 Irreverent 1 +01111111110 Superregionals 1 +01111111110 Griping 1 +01111111110 raders 1 +01111111110 Mr.Benton 1 +01111111110 Jesters 1 +01111111110 Peleus 1 +01111111110 Giggling 1 +01111111110 Compacts 1 +01111111110 Symbiotically 1 +01111111110 Zigging 1 +01111111110 Jumpy 1 +01111111110 Labor-intensive 1 +01111111110 Ribbon-cutting 1 +01111111110 Shells 1 +01111111110 SURVIVORS 1 +01111111110 Food-stamp 1 +01111111110 Psychobiographers 1 +01111111110 Classicists 1 +01111111110 Swindlers 1 +01111111110 Main-home 1 +01111111110 Balloting 1 +01111111110 Broad-shouldered 1 +01111111110 Smoothed 1 +01111111110 Guardi 1 +01111111110 Monographs 1 +01111111110 Jocks 1 +01111111110 Therapies 1 +01111111110 Spirometers 1 +01111111110 Iranscams 1 +01111111110 Fuming 1 +01111111110 Embossed 1 +01111111110 Enforcers 1 +01111111110 Surfers 1 +01111111110 SCHOLARSHIPS 1 +01111111110 Lepers 1 +01111111110 Stocky 1 +01111111110 PARIETAL 1 +01111111110 PERSONAL-COMPUTER 1 +01111111110 Grievers 1 +01111111110 Pronunciation 1 +01111111110 Hout 1 +01111111110 Barlcays 1 +01111111110 Osepian 1 +01111111110 Ironies 1 +01111111110 Evasive 1 +01111111110 Vandalism 1 +01111111110 Appointing 1 +01111111110 NO-SPOUSE 1 +01111111110 Jintai 1 +01111111110 Autonomy 1 +01111111110 Ducts 1 +01111111110 Pre-capitalistic 1 +01111111110 Sneeze 1 +01111111110 Presentations 1 +01111111110 Horsesense 1 +01111111110 Somethin 1 +01111111110 Politicos 1 +01111111110 Jeremiahs 1 +01111111110 Catalogers 1 +01111111110 Amateurish 1 +01111111110 Arson 1 +01111111110 Midyear 1 +01111111110 Sincere-sounding 1 +01111111110 Expressivity 1 +01111111110 Overplanting 1 +01111111110 Devaluations 1 +01111111110 Unloved 1 +01111111110 Hand-washing 1 +01111111110 Gamboling 1 +01111111110 Furriers 1 +01111111110 Journalistic 1 +01111111110 White-haired 1 +01111111110 Shutterless 1 +01111111110 Clamps 1 +01111111110 Commuter-drivers 1 +01111111110 Churchgoers 1 +01111111110 Ambushers 1 +01111111110 FILL 1 +01111111110 Well-managed 1 +01111111110 Disheveled 1 +01111111110 Churls 1 +01111111110 Unscathed 1 +01111111110 Swedlow 1 +01111111110 LENDERS 1 +01111111110 Enjoyment 1 +01111111110 Narrow-gauged 1 +01111111110 Hailstorms 1 +01111111110 Anthologies 1 +01111111110 Lower- 1 +01111111110 Caseloads 1 +01111111110 VMN 1 +01111111110 Baubles 1 +01111111110 Electronically 1 +01111111110 .He 1 +01111111110 Passives 1 +01111111110 Slurs 1 +01111111110 .good 1 +01111111110 Dreamy 1 +01111111110 Snicker 1 +01111111110 Strong-willed 1 +01111111110 Financial-service 1 +01111111110 Low- 1 +01111111110 Preachers 1 +01111111110 Second- 1 +01111111110 Clomipramine 1 +01111111110 Slogans 1 +01111111110 Affable 1 +01111111110 Less-well 1 +01111111110 Two-up 1 +01111111110 Nonexistent 1 +01111111110 Parrots 1 +01111111110 Disguises 1 +01111111110 Dismay 1 +01111111110 Khopa 1 +01111111110 Fetterman 1 +01111111110 Bare-chested 1 +01111111110 REQUIRED-PAYOUT 1 +01111111110 Technician 1 +01111111110 Overviews 1 +01111111110 Thinly 1 +01111111110 Safes 1 +01111111110 Short- 1 +01111111110 Arbitrations 1 +01111111110 Robustness 1 +01111111110 Cancellations 1 +01111111110 Cutest 1 +01111111110 Hikers 1 +01111111110 Ballrooms 1 +01111111110 Six-feet-two 1 +01111111110 Criminologists 1 +01111111110 Exiles 1 +01111111110 Estate-tax 1 +01111111110 Two- 1 +01111111110 Stock-switching 1 +01111111110 Nibbling 1 +01111111110 Logs 1 +01111111110 Sportspeak 1 +01111111110 Policy-makers 1 +01111111110 ESTATE-FREEZE 1 +01111111110 trader-entrepreneurs 1 +01111111110 Headstrong 1 +01111111110 Bystanders 1 +01111111110 PASSIVE-LOSS 1 +01111111110 Middle-term 1 +01111111110 Doghouses 1 +01111111110 ANIMAL-RIGHTS 1 +01111111110 Wiry 1 +01111111110 Foolish 1 +01111111110 Unschooled 1 +01111111110 Workshops 1 +01111111110 Behaviorists 1 +01111111110 Personable 1 +01111111110 Correctly 1 +01111111110 Underinvestment 1 +01111111110 Interred 1 +01111111110 Variously 1 +01111111110 Wisconsinites 1 +01111111110 Soupy 1 +01111111110 Plaids 1 +01111111110 Nastiness 1 +01111111110 Summarized 1 +01111111110 Courted 1 +01111111110 Cebuanos 1 +01111111110 Perturbed 1 +01111111110 Grandly 1 +01111111110 Slicing 1 +01111111110 Videotech 1 +01111111110 Banxquotes 1 +01111111110 Two-month 1 +01111111110 Kaiser-Frazer 1 +01111111110 Reformist 1 +01111111110 Catchily 1 +01111111110 Hecklers 1 +01111111110 Specialty-care 1 +01111111110 Snorts 1 +01111111110 TURBULENCE 1 +01111111110 Middle- 1 +01111111110 Medium- 1 +01111111110 Excavation 1 +01111111110 Ever-complaining 1 +01111111110 Club- 1 +01111111110 Gert-Friedrich 1 +01111111110 Prematurity 1 +01111111110 Macro-economists 1 +01111111110 Liquidators 1 +01111111110 Biochemists 1 +01111111110 Junkholders 1 +01111111110 Ex-staffers 1 +01111111110 Towboats 1 +01111111110 Rock-concert 1 +01111111110 Mental-handicap 1 +01111111110 Sixty-day 1 +01111111110 Chelation 1 +01111111110 Third-baseman 1 +01111111110 Kelpie 1 +01111111110 Ideologies 1 +01111111110 Sandpaper 1 +01111111110 Razors 1 +01111111110 Nicknames 2 +01111111110 Officals 2 +01111111110 Fromme 2 +01111111110 Honjo 2 +01111111110 Snafus 2 +01111111110 Storekeepers 2 +01111111110 Strides 2 +01111111110 Market-watchers 2 +01111111110 Contrasts 2 +01111111110 Petitioners 2 +01111111110 Trustcorp. 2 +01111111110 Torotel 2 +01111111110 Reimbursements 2 +01111111110 Petulant 2 +01111111110 Consolidations 2 +01111111110 Ensconced 2 +01111111110 Biometrics 2 +01111111110 Neurosurgeons 2 +01111111110 Grumbling 2 +01111111110 CA.Blockers 2 +01111111110 Philanthropists 2 +01111111110 Depositions 2 +01111111110 Capitalized 2 +01111111110 Monopoles 2 +01111111110 Doctrines 2 +01111111110 Arbitrageurs 2 +01111111110 Mohacs 2 +01111111110 SLHD 2 +01111111110 THRIFTS 2 +01111111110 Cabbies 2 +01111111110 Canvassers 2 +01111111110 Artisans 2 +01111111110 Camcorders 2 +01111111110 Brainstormers 2 +01111111110 Self-funding 2 +01111111110 Settlers 2 +01111111110 SUPERMARKETS 2 +01111111110 Huts 2 +01111111110 Niobec 2 +01111111110 Railbikers 2 +01111111110 Pianists 2 +01111111110 Pediatricians 2 +01111111110 Yelling 2 +01111111110 Marinas 2 +01111111110 Modems 2 +01111111110 Downgrades 2 +01111111110 OPERATORS 2 +01111111110 Datavision 2 +01111111110 Menacing 2 +01111111110 Grasses 2 +01111111110 Rubles 2 +01111111110 MUSEUMS 2 +01111111110 Discreet 2 +01111111110 Nattily 2 +01111111110 Cheapskates 2 +01111111110 Placards 2 +01111111110 Jails 2 +01111111110 Shincho 2 +01111111110 Sonyma 2 +01111111110 Scriptwriters 2 +01111111110 MEDICARE 2 +01111111110 Audiophiles 2 +01111111110 Adolescents 2 +01111111110 Bullishness 2 +01111111110 Floods 2 +01111111110 Seismologists 2 +01111111110 Modestly 2 +01111111110 DRIVERS 2 +01111111110 Chamulans 2 +01111111110 Wigs 2 +01111111110 Blueprints 2 +01111111110 Free-marketeers 2 +01111111110 Deadlines 2 +01111111110 Bottom-fishing 2 +01111111110 Buttons 2 +01111111110 YUGOSLAVIA 2 +01111111110 CCOPs 2 +01111111110 Cereal-makers 2 +01111111110 Orphaned 2 +01111111110 Nonbelievers 2 +01111111110 Ceilings 2 +01111111110 Exasperated 2 +01111111110 Cramming 2 +01111111110 Bargainers 2 +01111111110 Adversely 2 +01111111110 Desegregation 2 +01111111110 Stackware 2 +01111111110 Quarantine 2 +01111111110 Anachronisms 2 +01111111110 Clergymen 2 +01111111110 Summits 2 +01111111110 Settled 2 +01111111110 Asbestriens 2 +01111111110 Schoolteachers 2 +01111111110 Kugelfischer 2 +01111111110 Politely 2 +01111111110 ANCHORAGE 2 +01111111110 Spokes 2 +01111111110 Signers 2 +01111111110 Gangsters 2 +01111111110 Initials 2 +01111111110 Dutifully 2 +01111111110 Meatpackers 2 +01111111110 Chimps 2 +01111111110 Gatherings 2 +01111111110 Publicists 2 +01111111110 Urbane 2 +01111111110 Contrasting 2 +01111111110 Xeriscapers 2 +01111111110 Aquifers 2 +01111111110 Hinting 2 +01111111110 Protestors 2 +01111111110 Subcommittees 2 +01111111110 Heroin 2 +01111111110 Unitholders 2 +01111111110 Greyvest 2 +01111111110 Landslides 2 +01111111110 Capitalists 2 +01111111110 Bhawnesh 3 +01111111110 Marrow-Tech 3 +01111111110 Charge-offs 3 +01111111110 Pitchmen 3 +01111111110 WEBSTER 3 +01111111110 Isco 3 +01111111110 Appetites 3 +01111111110 Non-itemizers 3 +01111111110 Indemnities 3 +01111111110 Editorials 3 +01111111110 Neighborhoods 3 +01111111110 Linage 3 +01111111110 Quarantines 3 +01111111110 Tuberculosis 3 +01111111110 Brochures 3 +01111111110 Cyclicals 3 +01111111110 Tentatively 3 +01111111110 Noncompliance 3 +01111111110 Motives 3 +01111111110 Theatergoers 3 +01111111110 Partisanship 3 +01111111110 MagneTek 3 +01111111110 Soft-spoken 3 +01111111110 Profit-takers 3 +01111111110 Arrivals 3 +01111111110 Neophytes 3 +01111111110 Wags 3 +01111111110 Pre-crash 3 +01111111110 Rows 3 +01111111110 Advertisements 3 +01111111110 Jetliners 3 +01111111110 STRATEGISTS 3 +01111111110 Clerics 3 +01111111110 Footnotes 3 +01111111110 Upgrades 3 +01111111110 Sophisticates 3 +01111111110 Unforeseen 3 +01111111110 Hijackers 3 +01111111110 Workaholics 3 +01111111110 Lightly 3 +01111111110 FLOWERS 3 +01111111110 Shipowners 3 +01111111110 Belts 3 +01111111110 CPC-Rexcel 3 +01111111110 Accommodations 3 +01111111110 Pots 3 +01111111110 Liquidations 3 +01111111110 Tampons 3 +01111111110 Dermatologists 3 +01111111110 Stymied 3 +01111111110 Agronomists 3 +01111111110 Provinces 3 +01111111110 Prosecutions 3 +01111111110 Strougal 3 +01111111110 Pensioners 3 +01111111110 Townsfolk 3 +01111111110 Workmen 3 +01111111110 Wildcatters 3 +01111111110 PetroCorp 3 +01111111110 Combinations 3 +01111111110 Rescuers 3 +01111111110 Stockpiles 3 +01111111110 Spinoffs 3 +01111111110 Derailments 3 +01111111110 Warranties 3 +01111111110 Screams 3 +01111111110 Staffs 3 +01111111110 Reruns 3 +01111111110 Fruitcakes 3 +01111111110 Laptops 3 +01111111110 Preservationists 3 +01111111110 Mirocha 3 +01111111110 Supers 3 +01111111110 Trainers 4 +01111111110 Innovators 4 +01111111110 Commanders 4 +01111111110 Scanners 4 +01111111110 Numismatists 4 +01111111110 Treated 4 +01111111110 Squatters 4 +01111111110 Exhibitors 4 +01111111110 Turbulence 4 +01111111110 Microphoretic 4 +01111111110 Trud 4 +01111111110 Textbooks 4 +01111111110 Panels 4 +01111111110 Minivans 4 +01111111110 Amateurs 4 +01111111110 Commonly 4 +01111111110 Tables 4 +01111111110 Admac 4 +01111111110 Prepayments 4 +01111111110 Winos 4 +01111111110 Oysters 4 +01111111110 Storms 4 +01111111110 Leaflets 4 +01111111110 TEEN-AGERS 4 +01111111110 Walkouts 4 +01111111110 Shelves 4 +01111111110 Setbacks 4 +01111111110 Right-wingers 4 +01111111110 Severely 4 +01111111110 Glitches 4 +01111111110 Protectionists 4 +01111111110 Onlookers 4 +01111111110 Completed 4 +01111111110 Municipalities 4 +01111111110 Astro-Med 4 +01111111110 Unionists 4 +01111111110 Archaeologists 4 +01111111110 Affidavits 4 +01111111110 Memos 4 +01111111110 Assailants 4 +01111111110 Arsonists 4 +01111111110 Bacteria 4 +01111111110 Spying 4 +01111111110 Statisticians 4 +01111111110 Nonaccruing 4 +01111111110 Slight 4 +01111111110 Convertibles 5 +01111111110 Pedestrians 5 +01111111110 HARTFORD 5 +01111111110 Formally 5 +01111111110 Co-workers 5 +01111111110 Substitutes 5 +01111111110 Banners 5 +01111111110 Rainfall 5 +01111111110 HEALTHVEST 5 +01111111110 Invitations 5 +01111111110 Evenings 5 +01111111110 Inspections 5 +01111111110 Symptoms 5 +01111111110 Fund-raisers 5 +01111111110 Foresters 5 +01111111110 Modernism 5 +01111111110 Independents 5 +01111111110 Spectators 5 +01111111110 Inmates 5 +01111111110 Cutbacks 5 +01111111110 Vacationers 5 +01111111110 Start-ups 5 +01111111110 Easier 5 +01111111110 Defectors 5 +01111111110 Enthusiasts 5 +01111111110 Condoms 5 +01111111110 GOODMAN 5 +01111111110 Censors 5 +01111111110 Blue-chips 6 +01111111110 Veterinarians 6 +01111111110 Instructors 6 +01111111110 Maturities 6 +01111111110 Syndicators 6 +01111111110 Mourners 6 +01111111110 Monetarists 6 +01111111110 Pounds 6 +01111111110 Pharmacists 6 +01111111110 Dues 6 +01111111110 Strokes 6 +01111111110 Buy-outs 6 +01111111110 Spouses 6 +01111111110 Attendees 6 +01111111110 Demographers 6 +01111111110 Peering 6 +01111111110 Old-timers 6 +01111111110 CARU 6 +01111111110 Promoters 6 +01111111110 Acquaintances 6 +01111111110 Truckers 6 +01111111110 Commentators 6 +01111111110 Vandals 6 +01111111110 Drafters 6 +01111111110 Fundamentalists 6 +01111111110 Younkers 6 +01111111110 ADVERTISERS 7 +01111111110 Packages 7 +01111111110 Sociologists 7 +01111111110 Listeners 7 +01111111110 Geologists 7 +01111111110 Leaks 7 +01111111110 Addicts 7 +01111111110 Actuaries 7 +01111111110 Credits 7 +01111111110 Subscriptions 7 +01111111110 HOSPITALS 7 +01111111110 Suggestions 7 +01111111110 Headlines 7 +01111111110 Notices 7 +01111111110 Feminists 8 +01111111110 Restaurateurs 8 +01111111110 Juries 8 +01111111110 Schedules 8 +01111111110 Subpoenas 8 +01111111110 Performers 8 +01111111110 Ranchers 8 +01111111110 Foxes 8 +01111111110 Optimists 8 +01111111110 Pollsters 8 +01111111110 Meteorologists 8 +01111111110 Adjustments 8 +01111111110 Discounters 8 +01111111110 Posters 8 +01111111110 Looked 8 +01111111110 Royalties 8 +01111111110 Contestants 8 +01111111110 Chemists 8 +01111111110 Biologists 8 +01111111110 Patrons 8 +01111111110 Expenditures 8 +01111111110 Offerings 8 +01111111110 Buy-backs 9 +01111111110 Villagers 9 +01111111110 Debtors 9 +01111111110 Rooms 9 +01111111110 Hard-liners 9 +01111111110 Foes 9 +01111111110 Afternoon 9 +01111111110 Crops 9 +01111111110 Principals 9 +01111111110 Gangs 9 +01111111110 Warrants 9 +01111111110 Acquirers 9 +01111111110 Nutritionists 9 +01111111110 Firefighters 9 +01111111110 Landlords 10 +01111111110 Conspicuously 10 +01111111110 Suncoast 10 +01111111110 Courses 10 +01111111110 Celebrities 10 +01111111110 Franchisers 10 +01111111110 Pessimists 10 +01111111110 Relatives 10 +01111111110 Photos 10 +01111111110 Challengers 10 +01111111110 Moderates 10 +01111111110 Strongly 10 +01111111110 Policyholders 10 +01111111110 Guerrillas 10 +01111111110 Explanations 10 +01111111110 Emotions 10 +01111111110 Respondents 10 +01111111110 Salesmen 10 +01111111110 Dentists 10 +01111111110 Detractors 10 +01111111110 Academics 11 +01111111110 Overbuilding 11 +01111111110 Physicists 11 +01111111110 Workstations 11 +01111111110 Incumbents 11 +01111111110 Bombs 11 +01111111110 Mistakes 12 +01111111110 Experiments 12 +01111111110 Injuries 12 +01111111110 Backlogs 12 +01111111110 Filings 12 +01111111110 Subordinates 12 +01111111110 Requirements 12 +01111111110 Admirers 12 +01111111110 Psychiatrists 12 +01111111110 Tenants 13 +01111111110 Commercials 13 +01111111110 Fabri-Centers 13 +01111111110 Retirees 13 +01111111110 Teen-agers 13 +01111111110 Activists 13 +01111111110 Cynics 13 +01111111110 Astronomers 13 +01111111110 Vendors 14 +01111111110 Dissidents 14 +01111111110 Heekin 14 +01111111110 Demonstrators 15 +01111111110 Psychologists 15 +01111111110 Swaps 15 +01111111110 Violations 16 +01111111110 Strategists 16 +01111111110 Widely 16 +01111111110 Claimants 17 +01111111110 Brokerages 17 +01111111110 Depositors 17 +01111111110 Properly 17 +01111111110 Aimed 17 +01111111110 Supercomputers 17 +01111111110 Inspectors 18 +01111111110 Callers 18 +01111111110 Bidders 19 +01111111110 Refiners 19 +01111111110 Arriving 19 +01111111110 Protests 19 +01111111110 Staffers 20 +01111111110 Reasons 20 +01111111110 Jurors 20 +01111111110 Protesters 21 +01111111110 Teams 21 +01111111110 Layoffs 22 +01111111110 Applicants 22 +01111111110 Sponsors 23 +01111111110 Franchisees 23 +01111111110 Shortages 24 +01111111110 Guests 24 +01111111110 Defendants 24 +01111111110 Historians 25 +01111111110 Lawsuits 25 +01111111110 Stockholders 25 +01111111110 Locals 25 +01111111110 Forecasters 26 +01111111110 Gunmen 27 +01111111110 Meetings 27 +01111111110 Salaries 27 +01111111110 Advancers 28 +01111111110 Issuers 28 +01111111110 Decliners 29 +01111111110 Priced 29 +01111111110 Outsiders 29 +01111111110 Organizers 29 +01111111110 Educators 29 +01111111110 Smokers 29 +01111111110 Drivers 30 +01111111110 Short-sellers 31 +01111111110 Counselors 33 +01111111110 Lobbyists 34 +01111111110 Steelmakers 34 +01111111110 Borrowers 36 +01111111110 Troops 37 +01111111110 Actively 39 +01111111110 Colleagues 40 +01111111110 Delegates 43 +01111111110 Marketers 43 +01111111110 Fans 44 +01111111110 Losers 45 +01111111110 Viewers 46 +01111111110 Sellers 47 +01111111110 Stockbrokers 47 +01111111110 Documents 49 +01111111110 Witnesses 49 +01111111110 Skeptics 50 +01111111110 Odds 51 +01111111110 Governments 52 +01111111110 Arbitragers 55 +01111111110 Specialists 55 +01111111110 Environmentalists 55 +01111111110 Legislators 56 +01111111110 Plaintiffs 58 +01111111110 Ads 62 +01111111110 Gainers 62 +01111111110 Clients 62 +01111111110 Developers 64 +01111111110 Businessmen 67 +01111111110 Users 70 +01111111110 Wages 71 +01111111110 Negotiators 72 +01111111110 Reporters 74 +01111111110 Makers 74 +01111111110 Insiders 76 +01111111110 Residents 76 +01111111110 Diplomats 80 +01111111110 Chances 81 +01111111110 Profit-taking 83 +01111111110 Thrifts 84 +01111111110 Readers 88 +01111111110 Creditors 96 +01111111110 Competitors 99 +01111111110 Observers 99 +01111111110 Groups 104 +01111111110 Lenders 104 +01111111110 Participants 111 +01111111110 Insurers 121 +01111111110 Politicians 122 +01111111110 Aides 128 +01111111110 Proponents 131 +01111111110 Voters 133 +01111111110 Experts 134 +01111111110 Supporters 150 +01111111110 Retailers 166 +01111111110 Friends 170 +01111111110 Opponents 175 +01111111110 Individuals 178 +01111111110 Authorities 181 +01111111110 Prosecutors 189 +01111111110 Reserves 196 +01111111110 Doctors 203 +01111111110 Regulators 223 +01111111110 Researchers 236 +01111111110 Directors 268 +01111111110 Lawmakers 290 +01111111110 Investigators 298 +01111111110 Scientists 308 +01111111110 Attorneys 314 +01111111110 Underwriters 369 +01111111110 Shareholders 441 +01111111110 Executives 445 +01111111110 Brokers 504 +01111111110 Police 552 +01111111110 Critics 556 +01111111110 Economists 575 +01111111110 Lawyers 586 +01111111110 Sources 753 +01111111110 Dealers 1372 +01111111110 Others 1474 +01111111110 Officials 2320 +01111111110 Analysts 4350 +01111111110 Traders 2637 +01111111111 Artifacts 1 +01111111111 TWO-FOR-ONE 1 +01111111111 IBM-COMPATIBLE 1 +01111111111 Odometers 1 +01111111111 Intruders 1 +01111111111 Gluttony 1 +01111111111 Incme 1 +01111111111 Pessimist 1 +01111111111 Catheters 1 +01111111111 Utopias 1 +01111111111 Feelers 1 +01111111111 Standardizing 1 +01111111111 Jargon 1 +01111111111 Dealer-managers 1 +01111111111 Pronouncing 1 +01111111111 Fencers 1 +01111111111 HOSTAGE-TAKING 1 +01111111111 COMEDY 1 +01111111111 DEODORANT 1 +01111111111 LIQUOR 1 +01111111111 Keying 1 +01111111111 Envision 1 +01111111111 Plagiarism 1 +01111111111 Squabbles 1 +01111111111 AIR-SAFETY 1 +01111111111 Stamped 1 +01111111111 Voice/Dance 1 +01111111111 Unissued 1 +01111111111 THEORY 1 +01111111111 Tamefollow 1 +01111111111 OLLIEGATE 1 +01111111111 Flip-flop 1 +01111111111 AMENITIES 1 +01111111111 NOTIFICATION 1 +01111111111 Bashful 1 +01111111111 Sneezy 1 +01111111111 Fulfillment 1 +01111111111 Tumbrels 1 +01111111111 IRWINDALE 1 +01111111111 Rosencrantz 1 +01111111111 Hypercriticism 1 +01111111111 Draftees 1 +01111111111 RESERVATIONS 1 +01111111111 OVERBOOKING 1 +01111111111 BAGGAGE 1 +01111111111 PETS 1 +01111111111 Portending 1 +01111111111 Bandanna 1 +01111111111 POSTPONEMENT 1 +01111111111 CALCULATIONS 1 +01111111111 Invoices 1 +01111111111 COMPLICATIONS 1 +01111111111 Valuations 1 +01111111111 Piggybacking 1 +01111111111 ICOT 1 +01111111111 Hach 1 +01111111111 CANNIBALS 1 +01111111111 Proselytizer 1 +01111111111 Auditioning 1 +01111111111 STAY-AT-HOMES 1 +01111111111 Re-loading 1 +01111111111 Rely 1 +01111111111 Rooting 1 +01111111111 Remarking 1 +01111111111 Viatech 1 +01111111111 Controversies 1 +01111111111 Starving 1 +01111111111 Broker-dealers 1 +01111111111 Airfares 1 +01111111111 Kailas 1 +01111111111 Skimping 1 +01111111111 Differentials 1 +01111111111 Entrepreneuring 1 +01111111111 /Serpent 1 +01111111111 THERMAL 1 +01111111111 Quiddities 1 +01111111111 Reputations 1 +01111111111 ITALY 1 +01111111111 Ohbayashji 1 +01111111111 Minutes-of-use 1 +01111111111 AFFILIATE 1 +01111111111 CANCELLATION 1 +01111111111 BUY-BACKS 1 +01111111111 PENSIONERS 1 +01111111111 Cityvideos 1 +01111111111 RESTRUCTURING 1 +01111111111 BUZZZZZZZZ 1 +01111111111 Harmonies 1 +01111111111 Pilloried 1 +01111111111 hostess/human 1 +01111111111 Art/Car 1 +01111111111 HIGH-INCOME 1 +01111111111 Assailed 1 +01111111111 RE-LOADING 1 +01111111111 Scenery 1 +01111111111 Piled 1 +01111111111 CHALLENGES 1 +01111111111 GTECH 1 +01111111111 Dealerships 1 +01111111111 RENT-A-TREE 1 +01111111111 Sabers 1 +01111111111 WOMAN-SIZED 1 +01111111111 REPAIR 1 +01111111111 Shippo 1 +01111111111 LUMBER 1 +01111111111 Innocents 1 +01111111111 FILIPINOS 1 +01111111111 Bickering 1 +01111111111 Installments 1 +01111111111 Oarsman 1 +01111111111 Man-hours 1 +01111111111 Sarcasm 1 +01111111111 Tussles 1 +01111111111 Substitution 1 +01111111111 Medicines 1 +01111111111 ESCALATION 1 +01111111111 Bloodhounds 1 +01111111111 Preparers 1 +01111111111 Anti-Age 1 +01111111111 Past/Imperfect 1 +01111111111 TRADE-WAR 1 +01111111111 Parchment 1 +01111111111 Brushes 1 +01111111111 Blips 1 +01111111111 Piecrust 1 +01111111111 ENEMY 1 +01111111111 Fusstidious 1 +01111111111 WNEP-TV 1 +01111111111 Tournaments 1 +01111111111 Mortars 1 +01111111111 Contradictions 1 +01111111111 Backtracking 1 +01111111111 SELF-FUNDING 1 +01111111111 Adjustables 1 +01111111111 Best-known 1 +01111111111 BEACHHEAD 1 +01111111111 EXONERATED 1 +01111111111 Pamphlets 1 +01111111111 FRESHMEN 1 +01111111111 Ratting 1 +01111111111 Jostling 1 +01111111111 CO-PARENTING 1 +01111111111 Superimposed 1 +01111111111 Expounding 1 +01111111111 Apace 1 +01111111111 Thumbtacks 1 +01111111111 WHENEVER 1 +01111111111 Seat-prices 1 +01111111111 Morrisen-Knudsen 1 +01111111111 Defaulting 1 +01111111111 Relocate 1 +01111111111 Nondurables 1 +01111111111 Agriculturalists 1 +01111111111 Boors 1 +01111111111 Imbroglio 1 +01111111111 Azel 1 +01111111111 Congratulated 1 +01111111111 Announcer 1 +01111111111 Fortunetelling 1 +01111111111 Chysler 1 +01111111111 ALIENATED 1 +01111111111 Acquittal 1 +01111111111 Impetus 1 +01111111111 Agendas 1 +01111111111 Edibles 1 +01111111111 Obituaries 1 +01111111111 PAYOLA 1 +01111111111 PHILOSOPHY 1 +01111111111 Eagerness 1 +01111111111 Hawked 1 +01111111111 Tibetan-Americans 1 +01111111111 Specialize 1 +01111111111 Fidget 1 +01111111111 Cross-promotions 1 +01111111111 Housings 1 +01111111111 Shippings 1 +01111111111 Punctuality 1 +01111111111 Impacts 1 +01111111111 BIATHLON 1 +01111111111 LUGE 1 +01111111111 LINEBACKERS 1 +01111111111 Climatic 1 +01111111111 SPLIT-UP 1 +01111111111 Depicted 1 +01111111111 FRAGRANCE 1 +01111111111 Restaurant-goers 1 +01111111111 Electrician 1 +01111111111 POLITICKING 1 +01111111111 Deficiencies 1 +01111111111 Sell-stops 1 +01111111111 QUARTERBACKS 1 +01111111111 RECEIVERS 1 +01111111111 Newborns 1 +01111111111 Cashiers 1 +01111111111 Semtech 1 +01111111111 Hanker 1 +01111111111 ProGroup 1 +01111111111 Levies 1 +01111111111 Spokepersons 1 +01111111111 Sidetracked 1 +01111111111 Shacks 1 +01111111111 SEQUEL 1 +01111111111 Militiamen 1 +01111111111 bhaga 1 +01111111111 Fluidly 1 +01111111111 Evangelicalism 1 +01111111111 Spray-painted 1 +01111111111 Cremations 1 +01111111111 MOVIETIME 1 +01111111111 Televangelism 1 +01111111111 Flashback 1 +01111111111 Impoundments 1 +01111111111 TKD 1 +01111111111 THREE-IN-ONE 1 +01111111111 G.R.C.O.P. 1 +01111111111 Molds 1 +01111111111 ProfScam 1 +01111111111 Codename 1 +01111111111 High-technologies 1 +01111111111 Lugers 1 +01111111111 Exercises 1 +01111111111 RESIGNATION 1 +01111111111 Tally-ho 1 +01111111111 Poindexter/North/McFarlane 1 +01111111111 Prospectuses 1 +01111111111 Attempted 1 +01111111111 Baker/Meese/Deaver 1 +01111111111 Att 1 +01111111111 Krostiny 1 +01111111111 Ethicist 1 +01111111111 Moscow-on-the-Pacific 1 +01111111111 Novo-Nordisk 1 +01111111111 DEBENTURES 1 +01111111111 UNOCAL 1 +01111111111 AMOCO 1 +01111111111 BUY-BACK 1 +01111111111 Perennials 1 +01111111111 Finger-pointing 1 +01111111111 Microscoft 1 +01111111111 Greystoke 1 +01111111111 TUESDAY 1 +01111111111 VACATIONS 1 +01111111111 ANTIFREEZE 1 +01111111111 FERTILIZER 1 +01111111111 Campers 1 +01111111111 DUCKS 1 +01111111111 Calgon-Carbon 1 +01111111111 HAIG 1 +01111111111 Acceptances 1 +01111111111 BENTSEN-BASHING 1 +01111111111 Bangs 1 +01111111111 MUMBO 1 +01111111111 MAY/JUNE 1 +01111111111 FEBRUARY 1 +01111111111 TRACY-LOCKE 1 +01111111111 HEUBLEIN 1 +01111111111 Taito 1 +01111111111 Deferments 1 +01111111111 Volunteering 1 +01111111111 Cross-Purposes 1 +01111111111 Peacemaker 1 +01111111111 Accident-prone 1 +01111111111 BALLPARK 1 +01111111111 Specifications 1 +01111111111 Nadelmann 1 +01111111111 Types 1 +01111111111 soybean-futures-trading 1 +01111111111 Ticket-sellers 1 +01111111111 REORGANIZATION 1 +01111111111 glorifiers 1 +01111111111 STUDIO 1 +01111111111 Internationals 1 +01111111111 Jettisoned 1 +01111111111 MARK-UP 1 +01111111111 Promiscuity 1 +01111111111 CELTICS 1 +01111111111 Tailspin 1 +01111111111 Congre 1 +01111111111 USUAL 1 +01111111111 Medications 1 +01111111111 Cohabiting 1 +01111111111 Vermin 1 +01111111111 SKATES 1 +01111111111 Pawns 1 +01111111111 Star-struck 1 +01111111111 Psicor 1 +01111111111 Guesses 1 +01111111111 Intervenors 1 +01111111111 DIAL-A-PIANO-LESSON 1 +01111111111 CONTROLS 1 +01111111111 Sprayed 1 +01111111111 Sneering 1 +01111111111 Draped 2 +01111111111 UNEMPLOYMENT 2 +01111111111 Soured 2 +01111111111 CHARGES 2 +01111111111 Disillusion 2 +01111111111 Imprisoned 2 +01111111111 RAGED 2 +01111111111 Fanatics 2 +01111111111 Overheard 2 +01111111111 Outcome 2 +01111111111 Spreadsheets 2 +01111111111 AMSTERDAM 2 +01111111111 VIENNA 2 +01111111111 Catches 2 +01111111111 SILENCE 2 +01111111111 Centered 2 +01111111111 Drunks 2 +01111111111 Desserts 2 +01111111111 MARC 2 +01111111111 Turnpikes 2 +01111111111 Feuding 2 +01111111111 Ipalco 2 +01111111111 ITALIAN 2 +01111111111 Deadline 2 +01111111111 Undercapitalized 2 +01111111111 Reared 2 +01111111111 Musing 2 +01111111111 SQUASH 2 +01111111111 SYMBOL 2 +01111111111 Cabdrivers 2 +01111111111 Machineries 2 +01111111111 Concentrating 2 +01111111111 Mired 2 +01111111111 COACHING 2 +01111111111 BONANZA 2 +01111111111 WOODSTOCK 2 +01111111111 Engagement 2 +01111111111 Transcripts 2 +01111111111 SUNDAY 2 +01111111111 Landings 2 +01111111111 DEFERRAL 2 +01111111111 ATTACK 2 +01111111111 Atonio 2 +01111111111 Abstaining 2 +01111111111 BANKAMERICA 2 +01111111111 Brighter 2 +01111111111 SALESPEOPLE 2 +01111111111 El-Damer 2 +01111111111 FIGURE 2 +01111111111 PLAINS 2 +01111111111 Ghettos 2 +01111111111 Townsview 2 +01111111111 Tumors 2 +01111111111 LICENSING 2 +01111111111 Collage 2 +01111111111 Ambitions 2 +01111111111 Marketability 2 +01111111111 Unanimity 2 +01111111111 Converts 2 +01111111111 IMPACT 2 +01111111111 PORTFOLIO 2 +01111111111 Reverberations 2 +01111111111 GUIDELINES 2 +01111111111 Macroeconomics 2 +01111111111 Strife 2 +01111111111 CABLE-TV 2 +01111111111 LAWSUIT 2 +01111111111 Corleone 2 +01111111111 RAILROADS 2 +01111111111 CHEVRON 2 +01111111111 Ridership 2 +01111111111 MacNeal-Schwendler 2 +01111111111 WORD 2 +01111111111 Thefts 2 +01111111111 BOZELL 2 +01111111111 COVENANTS 2 +01111111111 DIVERSIFY 2 +01111111111 Eyebrows 2 +01111111111 LITIGATION 2 +01111111111 Yamashita-Shinnihon 2 +01111111111 M/A/R/C 2 +01111111111 GRAPHIC 2 +01111111111 FAREWELL 2 +01111111111 Matched 2 +01111111111 Layout 2 +01111111111 ANNUITIES 2 +01111111111 Fouts 2 +01111111111 Brothels 2 +01111111111 SETTLEMENT 2 +01111111111 Transponders 2 +01111111111 Socialization 2 +01111111111 BOLINGBROKE 2 +01111111111 EXTON 2 +01111111111 Disquiet 2 +01111111111 Reappointment 2 +01111111111 REMODELING 2 +01111111111 Literati 2 +01111111111 Repurchases 2 +01111111111 REGIONS 2 +01111111111 Dollar-selling 2 +01111111111 Statues 2 +01111111111 ARNOLD 2 +01111111111 Prohibitions 2 +01111111111 Pruning 2 +01111111111 Gunbattles 2 +01111111111 Balances 2 +01111111111 PROBES 2 +01111111111 Quoted 2 +01111111111 WPL 2 +01111111111 Emblazoned 2 +01111111111 Confirmed 2 +01111111111 CRYSTAL 2 +01111111111 Indexation 2 +01111111111 Coincidences 2 +01111111111 Inscribed 2 +01111111111 Crises 2 +01111111111 Repayments 2 +01111111111 Repurchase 2 +01111111111 NICKEL 2 +01111111111 Recombination 2 +01111111111 SMOKE 2 +01111111111 INGLEWOOD 2 +01111111111 Disparities 2 +01111111111 AVON 2 +01111111111 Sows 2 +01111111111 AUGUST 2 +01111111111 Combatants 3 +01111111111 BITE 3 +01111111111 Sympathy 3 +01111111111 MILAN 3 +01111111111 Contributors 3 +01111111111 Fallout 3 +01111111111 Residues 3 +01111111111 SEVEN-UP 3 +01111111111 Provision 3 +01111111111 PROMOTERS 3 +01111111111 WITHHOLDING 3 +01111111111 Truce 3 +01111111111 MICRO 3 +01111111111 Limitations 3 +01111111111 Ranging 3 +01111111111 Escalators 3 +01111111111 Nails 3 +01111111111 OSLO 3 +01111111111 ALLEN 3 +01111111111 Refinements 3 +01111111111 Jumps 3 +01111111111 Starved 3 +01111111111 Modifications 3 +01111111111 Animosity 3 +01111111111 RETAILING 3 +01111111111 Hordes 3 +01111111111 Vacancies 3 +01111111111 Displayed 3 +01111111111 DINING 3 +01111111111 Disdain 3 +01111111111 DELAYS 3 +01111111111 Filming 3 +01111111111 CONTRACTS 3 +01111111111 Offsets 3 +01111111111 Begajahans 3 +01111111111 Elaborating 3 +01111111111 RATHER 3 +01111111111 Drinkers 3 +01111111111 THROW 3 +01111111111 Sorokin 3 +01111111111 MOMENTUM 3 +01111111111 Absences 3 +01111111111 Celadon 3 +01111111111 Vikonics 3 +01111111111 Lurking 3 +01111111111 Scrutiny 3 +01111111111 Assaults 3 +01111111111 Financings 3 +01111111111 Commuters 3 +01111111111 Announcements 3 +01111111111 Suspicions 3 +01111111111 Watchdog 3 +01111111111 Pins 3 +01111111111 THAILAND 3 +01111111111 Births 3 +01111111111 ZURICH 3 +01111111111 MADRID 3 +01111111111 Retaliating 3 +01111111111 Jumpers 3 +01111111111 Restraints 3 +01111111111 FORECASTS 3 +01111111111 Firmly 3 +01111111111 COUNT 3 +01111111111 Egalitarianism 3 +01111111111 Firmness 3 +01111111111 Argument 3 +01111111111 Loneliness 3 +01111111111 Arrayed 3 +01111111111 FAST-FOOD 3 +01111111111 Voice-over 3 +01111111111 Blamed 3 +01111111111 Remedies 3 +01111111111 INDIVIDUAL 3 +01111111111 Elevators 3 +01111111111 MILLER 3 +01111111111 Conferences 4 +01111111111 Expectation 4 +01111111111 STRIKE 4 +01111111111 Exemptions 4 +01111111111 Refineries 4 +01111111111 FAIRCHILD 4 +01111111111 Liabilities 4 +01111111111 LAWSUITS 4 +01111111111 PROTEST 4 +01111111111 Divestitures 4 +01111111111 REGULATION 4 +01111111111 Speculating 4 +01111111111 Hostilities 4 +01111111111 Defaults 4 +01111111111 FASHION 4 +01111111111 Approvals 4 +01111111111 FITZWATER 4 +01111111111 Licenses 4 +01111111111 SOUTHEAST 4 +01111111111 VOTE 4 +01111111111 Hint 4 +01111111111 Reeling 4 +01111111111 Dispute 4 +01111111111 STOCKHOLM 4 +01111111111 Babenko 4 +01111111111 REFUNDS 4 +01111111111 Poised 4 +01111111111 Eligibility 4 +01111111111 Apathy 4 +01111111111 Schemes 4 +01111111111 tel 4 +01111111111 Confrontations 4 +01111111111 Hoopla 4 +01111111111 Budgets 4 +01111111111 Viewership 4 +01111111111 Successes 4 +01111111111 Runners-up 4 +01111111111 ROUND 4 +01111111111 Distortions 4 +01111111111 Arrested 4 +01111111111 Composed 4 +01111111111 G&K 4 +01111111111 Conclusion 4 +01111111111 FEES 4 +01111111111 Transplants 4 +01111111111 MEMBERS 4 +01111111111 Co-managers 4 +01111111111 Caviar 4 +01111111111 Re-election 4 +01111111111 FILMS 4 +01111111111 Bail 4 +01111111111 Bushspeak 5 +01111111111 Separated 5 +01111111111 Registrations 5 +01111111111 Infighting 5 +01111111111 Branches 5 +01111111111 Covenants 5 +01111111111 Possibilities 5 +01111111111 Prescriptions 5 +01111111111 Subjects 5 +01111111111 Butkevich 5 +01111111111 Rulings 5 +01111111111 INTEGRATED 5 +01111111111 MORTGAGES 5 +01111111111 RETAIL 5 +01111111111 TRANSACTION 5 +01111111111 WAGES 5 +01111111111 Ignored 5 +01111111111 Traditions 5 +01111111111 Sandwiched 5 +01111111111 Duties 5 +01111111111 Multinationals 5 +01111111111 POLITICS 5 +01111111111 Market-making 5 +01111111111 Commitments 5 +01111111111 PERSONNEL 5 +01111111111 RECOGNITION 5 +01111111111 PENALTY 6 +01111111111 Dealings 6 +01111111111 MOBIL 6 +01111111111 Astronauts 6 +01111111111 Printed 6 +01111111111 Infection 6 +01111111111 Curbs 6 +01111111111 Popularity 6 +01111111111 Defeat 6 +01111111111 Ambition 6 +01111111111 Sizable 6 +01111111111 Resigning 6 +01111111111 Repression 6 +01111111111 Shipment 6 +01111111111 Financials 6 +01111111111 COMPETITION 6 +01111111111 CREDITS 6 +01111111111 ALUMINUM 6 +01111111111 Joblessness 6 +01111111111 Comparisons 6 +01111111111 Thriving 6 +01111111111 MEDIA 6 +01111111111 Spokeswomen 6 +01111111111 OPTIMISM 6 +01111111111 Contacts 6 +01111111111 Preparation 6 +01111111111 TENSIONS 6 +01111111111 Anti-Americanism 6 +01111111111 ORDERS 6 +01111111111 Backlog 7 +01111111111 Hungry 7 +01111111111 AWAY 7 +01111111111 PRUDENTIAL-BACHE 7 +01111111111 OVERHAUL 7 +01111111111 Rallies 7 +01111111111 Excerpts 7 +01111111111 Preparations 7 +01111111111 Refunds 7 +01111111111 PROBLEMS 7 +01111111111 Instructions 7 +01111111111 Amounts 7 +01111111111 Concerts 7 +01111111111 PRODUCTION 7 +01111111111 EXXON 7 +01111111111 SPLIT 7 +01111111111 Miracles 7 +01111111111 Accusations 7 +01111111111 Clearance 7 +01111111111 Volumes 8 +01111111111 Promotions 8 +01111111111 ALTERNATIVE 8 +01111111111 Involved 8 +01111111111 JACKSON 8 +01111111111 Corporates 8 +01111111111 HUTTON 8 +01111111111 BAKES 8 +01111111111 Troubles 8 +01111111111 x-There 8 +01111111111 Negotiation 8 +01111111111 MOVIES 8 +01111111111 Write-offs 8 +01111111111 Emphasis 8 +01111111111 Placed 8 +01111111111 Occupancy 9 +01111111111 Bookings 9 +01111111111 Payrolls 9 +01111111111 Gloom 9 +01111111111 Filing 9 +01111111111 GOING 9 +01111111111 INCREASES 9 +01111111111 Listed 9 +01111111111 Recommendations 9 +01111111111 RELATIONS 9 +01111111111 Subsidiaries 9 +01111111111 Photographs 9 +01111111111 Deaths 9 +01111111111 Warnings 9 +01111111111 SALE 9 +01111111111 GIFTS 9 +01111111111 BRAIN 9 +01111111111 Lobbying 9 +01111111111 CONTROL 9 +01111111111 Hints 9 +01111111111 Successors 9 +01111111111 INDEX 10 +01111111111 Electricals 10 +01111111111 Requests 10 +01111111111 MAGAZINES 10 +01111111111 Hooray 10 +01111111111 Capitalizing 10 +01111111111 Withdrawal 10 +01111111111 Perched 10 +01111111111 Disagreement 10 +01111111111 EARNINGS 10 +01111111111 Arrests 10 +01111111111 Deductions 11 +01111111111 Turnout 11 +01111111111 Samples 11 +01111111111 Enthusiasm 11 +01111111111 Hedging 11 +01111111111 News-Gazette 11 +01111111111 Redemptions 11 +01111111111 Diversification 11 +01111111111 Pessimism 11 +01111111111 BENEFITS 12 +01111111111 Topics 12 +01111111111 Responses 12 +01111111111 CANDIDATES 12 +01111111111 INFLATION 12 +01111111111 Enrollment 12 +01111111111 Bonuses 12 +01111111111 Reactions 12 +01111111111 Penalties 12 +01111111111 Rebates 13 +01111111111 Callable 13 +01111111111 NEWSPAPERS 13 +01111111111 Votes 13 +01111111111 Failures 14 +01111111111 Flights 14 +01111111111 LAWYER 14 +01111111111 Result 14 +01111111111 SHEARSON 14 +01111111111 Resentment 14 +01111111111 PAINEWEBBER 14 +01111111111 Turmoil 14 +01111111111 Demonstrations 14 +01111111111 JOBS 15 +01111111111 Intent 15 +01111111111 FILM 15 +01111111111 Clashes 15 +01111111111 Demands 16 +01111111111 LORENZO 16 +01111111111 Bidding 16 +01111111111 BUDGET 17 +01111111111 Predictions 17 +01111111111 Casualties 17 +01111111111 Tension 17 +01111111111 Purchasers 18 +01111111111 Premiums 18 +01111111111 Arguments 18 +01111111111 Relying 18 +01111111111 Betting 19 +01111111111 BROADCASTING 19 +01111111111 Bayles 19 +01111111111 Provisions 19 +01111111111 Statements 20 +01111111111 Damages 20 +01111111111 Steels 20 +01111111111 Redemption 20 +01111111111 GOMEZ 20 +01111111111 Pressures 20 +01111111111 Focusing 20 +01111111111 SOFTWARE 22 +01111111111 Reductions 22 +01111111111 Example 22 +01111111111 Quotas 22 +01111111111 Projections 22 +01111111111 Certificates 22 +01111111111 Attendance 22 +01111111111 Restrictions 23 +01111111111 Campaigning 23 +01111111111 Withdrawals 23 +01111111111 Permits 24 +01111111111 RADIO 25 +01111111111 Advances 25 +01111111111 PRESS 26 +01111111111 Disputes 27 +01111111111 Fares 28 +01111111111 Tensions 28 +01111111111 Tickets 28 +01111111111 ENTERTAINMENT 28 +01111111111 Hopes 30 +01111111111 Margins 30 +01111111111 Answer 31 +01111111111 Limits 31 +01111111111 Deposits 32 +01111111111 Conditions 32 +01111111111 Delays 32 +01111111111 Contracting 33 +01111111111 ACQUISITION 33 +01111111111 REMARKS 34 +01111111111 MARKETING 34 +01111111111 Examples 34 +01111111111 Receipts 34 +01111111111 PUBLISHING 35 +01111111111 Cases 35 +01111111111 Commissions 36 +01111111111 Sentiment 36 +01111111111 CABLE 36 +01111111111 Expenses 37 +01111111111 Households 37 +01111111111 Dividends 39 +01111111111 Declines 41 +01111111111 Membership 42 +01111111111 Soybeans 47 +01111111111 Discussions 49 +01111111111 Revenues 49 +01111111111 Hearings 51 +01111111111 Differences 52 +01111111111 Comments 52 +01111111111 Starts 53 +01111111111 Deliveries 57 +01111111111 Charges 60 +01111111111 Tests 60 +01111111111 COMPUTER 61 +01111111111 Calls 63 +01111111111 Commenting 63 +01111111111 Increases 65 +01111111111 Outlays 65 +01111111111 Loss 69 +01111111111 ADVERTISING 70 +01111111111 COCOA 70 +01111111111 Approval 71 +01111111111 Contracts 74 +01111111111 Forecasts 77 +01111111111 Prospects 79 +01111111111 Productivity 79 +01111111111 Sentencing 81 +01111111111 Losses 90 +01111111111 Inventories 93 +01111111111 COFFEE 94 +01111111111 Ratings 101 +01111111111 COTTON 102 +01111111111 Figures 103 +01111111111 Output 107 +01111111111 Pressure 107 +01111111111 Expectations 121 +01111111111 Depending 125 +01111111111 Gains 129 +01111111111 Changes 129 +01111111111 Activity 137 +01111111111 SUGAR 146 +01111111111 Turnover 146 +01111111111 Tenders 149 +01111111111 Shipments 152 +01111111111 Spending 167 +01111111111 Q 169 +01111111111 Estimates 169 +01111111111 Profits 171 +01111111111 Unemployment 173 +01111111111 COPPER 181 +01111111111 Negotiations 191 +01111111111 METALS 193 +01111111111 Talks 200 +01111111111 Died 203 +01111111111 MONEY 210 +01111111111 Included 224 +01111111111 BRIEFS 235 +01111111111 ENERGY 240 +01111111111 Except 240 +01111111111 TRUST 242 +01111111111 Spokesmen 251 +01111111111 Yields 257 +01111111111 Orders 269 +01111111111 Bids 288 +01111111111 Details 293 +01111111111 Demand 293 +01111111111 Speaking 312 +01111111111 RATE 403 +01111111111 Imports 429 +01111111111 Exports 483 +01111111111 Results 493 +01111111111 Production 504 +01111111111 Profit 553 +01111111111 Rates 562 +01111111111 Earnings 590 +01111111111 Dollar 617 +01111111111 Shares 703 +01111111111 Source 718 +01111111111 Commodities 744 +01111111111 Bonds 846 +01111111111 Based 881 +01111111111 Stocks 1202 +01111111111 Trading 1596 +01111111111 Prices 1678 +01111111111 Volume 1980 +01111111111 Terms 2396 +01111111111 Sales 4065 +01111111111 Revenue 3633 +1000000 Cloris 1 +1000000 Japanese-unit 1 +1000000 IAS 1 +1000000 tough-bargaining 1 +1000000 797,487 1 +1000000 Nisha 1 +1000000 bowtie-sporting 1 +1000000 corporate-statist 1 +1000000 preappraising 1 +1000000 hostile-to-government 1 +1000000 Singye 1 +1000000 Board-appointed 1 +1000000 oft-criticized 1 +1000000 Onwardleyswell 1 +1000000 386,729 1 +1000000 building-and-loan 1 +1000000 anniversary-celebration 1 +1000000 gruff-voiced 1 +1000000 Specradyne 1 +1000000 local-bank 1 +1000000 Turkophobic 1 +1000000 never-elected 1 +1000000 ex-vice 1 +1000000 construction-company 1 +1000000 47year-old 1 +1000000 television-group 1 +1000000 Dunawayesque 1 +1000000 Fiorillo 1 +1000000 H.T. 1 +1000000 1,178,000 1 +1000000 owlish-looking 1 +1000000 41year-old 1 +1000000 14th-floor 1 +1000000 once-affluent 1 +1000000 Nedim 1 +1000000 gray-bearded 1 +1000000 then-lame-duck 1 +1000000 Fed-bank 1 +1000000 Racquel 1 +1000000 Adamantios 1 +1000000 publicity-eager 1 +1000000 securities-board 1 +1000000 pork-rind-eating 1 +1000000 555,800 1 +1000000 too-eager 1 +1000000 field-based 1 +1000000 most-beloved 1 +1000000 1,297,022 1 +1000000 Sibrand 1 +1000000 student-body 1 +1000000 Steero 2 +1000000 Wigberto 2 +1000000 district-bank 3 +1000000 vice 20762 +1000000 Taiwan-born 6 +1000001 export-company 1 +1000001 colored-gem 1 +1000001 deled 1 +1000001 third-echelon 1 +1000001 flag-etiquette 1 +1000001 Raimonds 1 +1000001 REO 1 +1000001 flight-safety 1 +1000001 Nipponese 1 +1000001 131-member 1 +1000001 QIT-Fer 1 +1000001 Construciones 1 +1000001 unrestrainable 1 +1000001 face-mask 1 +1000001 electrical/electronics 1 +1000001 Nastassia 1 +1000001 K-Y 1 +1000001 Foersta 1 +1000001 UNIX/XENIX 1 +1000001 ex-GE 1 +1000001 flotillas 1 +1000001 CARRIE 1 +1000001 Makana 1 +1000001 Mileva 1 +1000001 Zuerich 1 +1000001 welltrained 1 +1000001 steel-furnace 1 +1000001 foresnoots 1 +1000001 safety-standards 1 +1000001 Nyanga 1 +1000001 flight-operations 1 +1000001 decathalon 1 +1000001 franchise-financing 1 +1000001 third-section 1 +1000001 casinolike 1 +1000001 language-qualified 1 +1000001 Sovietsky 1 +1000001 Dilating 1 +1000001 Lavrenti 1 +1000001 sports-division 1 +1000001 Ledesma 1 +1000001 pipeline-industry 1 +1000001 once-diverse 1 +1000001 shipping-line 1 +1000001 C.J.C. 1 +1000001 floor-grazing 1 +1000001 51-member 1 +1000001 consumer-attitude 1 +1000001 fatlike 1 +1000001 Eilana 1 +1000001 Grosswell 1 +1000001 Anglo-Polish 1 +1000001 vasoactive 1 +1000001 state-guaranteed 1 +1000001 rules-based 1 +1000001 dog-law 1 +1000001 banking-system 1 +1000001 Hidebumi 1 +1000001 second-highest-paid 1 +1000001 C-23 1 +1000001 staff-model 1 +1000001 AT&T-Microsoft 1 +1000001 Soviet-refined 1 +1000001 most-outspoken 1 +1000001 proMahathir 1 +1000001 paid-time 1 +1000001 silly-looking 1 +1000001 6:00 1 +1000001 more-meticulous 1 +1000001 several-dozen 1 +1000001 fuel-company 1 +1000001 pseudo-modernist 1 +1000001 Kascho 1 +1000001 Khone 1 +1000001 Ozzy 1 +1000001 hard-playing 1 +1000001 ex-Citibank 1 +1000001 Lagoven 1 +1000001 Alexandrina 1 +1000001 Avo 1 +1000001 CP/M 1 +1000001 Antonina 1 +1000001 chart-motivated 1 +1000001 Yngwie 1 +1000001 U.S.-naturalized 1 +1000001 1:11 1 +1000001 Turkoman 1 +1000001 then-Durham 1 +1000001 director-chief 1 +1000001 Jotun 1 +1000001 next-in-line 1 +1000001 president-sector 1 +1000001 19-county 1 +1000001 Noori 1 +1000001 Argas 1 +1000001 travel-company 1 +1000001 unstabilizing 1 +1000001 ex-Drexel 1 +1000001 West-to-East 1 +1000001 Marie-France 1 +1000001 Birgitte 1 +1000001 Japan-born 1 +1000001 AUEW 1 +1000001 Athanasios 1 +1000001 Marissa 1 +1000001 often-consulted 1 +1000001 controling 1 +1000001 Gachinger 1 +1000001 evironmental 1 +1000001 Teamsters-enriched 1 +1000001 Canadian-educated 1 +1000001 bandshell-like 1 +1000001 Haifa-based 1 +1000001 Construccionnes 1 +1000001 somewhat-wooden 1 +1000001 much-resented 1 +1000001 apposite 1 +1000001 subsidy-related 1 +1000001 six-foot-six-inch 1 +1000001 bug-and-gravel 1 +1000001 Chrysothamnus 1 +1000001 racehorse-stable 1 +1000001 Anthropic 1 +1000001 securities-company 1 +1000001 Buhrmann 1 +1000001 Invercon 1 +1000001 Telcon 1 +1000001 Crepes 1 +1000001 Marilyne 1 +1000001 cable-sales 1 +1000001 Agnus 1 +1000001 textbook-proper 2 +1000001 resource-industry 2 +1000001 government-designated 2 +1000001 securitiesindustry 2 +1000001 counterspy 2 +1000001 arts-council 2 +1000001 tire-company 2 +1000001 kitchen-equipment 2 +1000001 ex-Salomon 2 +1000001 Winifred 2 +1000001 Ruin 2 +1000001 Caitlin 3 +1000001 chemical-company 3 +1000001 curmudgeonly 3 +1000001 ex-chief 6 +1000001 Construcciones 37 +1000001 chief 26192 +1000001 co-chief 92 +1000010 slashingly 1 +1000010 executiving 1 +1000010 Speedwagon 1 +1000010 boyish-faced 1 +1000010 self-contempt 1 +1000010 bridge-playing 1 +1000010 super-legislative 1 +1000010 tuggings 1 +1000010 SparBanken 1 +1000010 Tshabalala 1 +1000010 quacker 1 +1000010 Maric 1 +1000010 upheaved 1 +1000010 now-popular 1 +1000010 civil-affairs 1 +1000010 U.N 1 +1000010 Khudozhnik 1 +1000010 GuideWire 1 +1000010 S.A.A.I. 1 +1000010 Rutenfrans 1 +1000010 execitive 1 +1000010 backbends 1 +1000010 often-strident 1 +1000010 subtances 1 +1000010 Mylliemngap 1 +1000010 statistics-oriented 1 +1000010 aficionada 1 +1000010 Gerins 1 +1000010 Ohnuki 1 +1000010 Sherpa 1 +1000010 sub-editor 1 +1000010 employee-compensation 1 +1000010 Kakao-und 1 +1000010 Osbourne 1 +1000010 Milcheva 1 +1000010 Kittask 1 +1000010 Fonds 1 +1000010 Tortillas 1 +1000010 Canonchet 1 +1000010 radio-show 1 +1000010 Garaud 1 +1000010 data-security 1 +1000010 Theologis 1 +1000010 farceur 1 +1000010 seismographers 1 +1000010 tight-waisted 1 +1000010 flexers 1 +1000010 pennywatcher 1 +1000010 moneyman 1 +1000010 execuitive 1 +1000010 executive-type 1 +1000010 apses 1 +1000010 equities-portfolio 1 +1000010 nauseosus 1 +1000010 finishing-school 1 +1000010 Suzettes 1 +1000010 excutive 1 +1000010 Surita 1 +1000010 eighth-floor 1 +1000010 exeuctive 2 +1000010 pretenders 2 +1000010 exective 2 +1000010 excecutive 2 +1000010 executice 2 +1000010 assessor-treasurer 2 +1000010 executive. 3 +1000010 executive 26453 +1000010 Beria 3 +10000110 governor. 1 +10000110 Leachman 1 +10000110 president-building 1 +10000110 Loveyet 1 +10000110 Yussif 1 +10000110 president-futures 1 +10000110 president-materials 1 +10000110 Alvares 1 +10000110 president-stores 1 +10000110 Yangchuk 1 +10000110 president-Europe 1 +10000110 president-supply 1 +10000110 Zsusza 1 +10000110 president-energy 1 +10000110 president-machine 1 +10000110 president-industrial 1 +10000110 prsident 1 +10000110 president-engineering 1 +10000110 president-construction 1 +10000110 president-secretary 1 +10000110 Nengtdu 1 +10000110 president-chemicals 1 +10000110 Prahlad 1 +10000110 president-law 1 +10000110 Feetlebaum 1 +10000110 preisdent 1 +10000110 president-world 1 +10000110 CL9 1 +10000110 HandyWriter 1 +10000110 al-Razi 1 +10000110 C-3PO 1 +10000110 Estuar 1 +10000110 Mulryan 1 +10000110 Hodge-Podge 1 +10000110 Miracle. 1 +10000110 president-special 1 +10000110 president-nuclear 1 +10000110 president-information 1 +10000110 pesident 1 +10000110 president-publicity 1 +10000110 executrix 1 +10000110 Sadaka 1 +10000110 president-operating 1 +10000110 Gyatso 1 +10000110 president/composite 1 +10000110 treasurer-general 1 +10000110 Tejada 1 +10000110 president-editorial 1 +10000110 Pepelasis 1 +10000110 president-treasury 1 +10000110 president/East 1 +10000110 Quackenbush. 1 +10000110 president-communications 1 +10000110 Luk 1 +10000110 president-science 1 +10000110 president-exploration 1 +10000110 executive-in-charge 1 +10000110 president-cargo 1 +10000110 president-transportation 1 +10000110 Sluggo 1 +10000110 president-gas 1 +10000110 president-utility 1 +10000110 versa. 1 +10000110 president-international 1 +10000110 Jurriaans 1 +10000110 president-counsel 1 +10000110 spoilsports 2 +10000110 Lyubov 2 +10000110 president-office 2 +10000110 Peabodys 2 +10000110 president-controller 2 +10000110 presdient 2 +10000110 chairman. 2 +10000110 transposing 2 +10000110 president-planning 2 +10000110 short-weighting 2 +10000110 gizzard 2 +10000110 president-sales 2 +10000110 president-field 2 +10000110 president-chief 2 +10000110 before-school 2 +10000110 president-corporate 2 +10000110 Pontormo 3 +10000110 sallow 3 +10000110 spoilers 3 +10000110 Half-Pint 3 +10000110 president-treasurer 3 +10000110 co-leader 3 +10000110 president-marketing 3 +10000110 webbing 3 +10000110 dogwoods 3 +10000110 president-research 4 +10000110 editor-at-large 4 +10000110 president/finance 4 +10000110 Colossus 4 +10000110 penguins 4 +10000110 Vanderbilts 5 +10000110 president. 5 +10000110 president-administration 6 +10000110 president-operations 6 +10000110 president-finance 20 +10000110 versa 85 +10000110 president 47529 +10000110 presidents 1121 +10000111 Soutine 1 +10000111 WETA-TV 1 +10000111 Khathula 1 +10000111 Browsers 1 +10000111 unexceptionally 1 +10000111 hostless 1 +10000111 CVP 1 +10000111 well-signed 1 +10000111 commercial-telecommunications 1 +10000111 Luncheonette 1 +10000111 Ristorante 1 +10000111 CarePsychCenter 1 +10000111 safflowers 1 +10000111 bulemia 1 +10000111 maternity-wear 1 +10000111 aeropower 1 +10000111 self-subsistency 1 +10000111 self-education 1 +10000111 endodontics 1 +10000111 Yes-man 1 +10000111 Wharfside 1 +10000111 SDPs 1 +10000111 ungoverned 1 +10000111 Barboursville 1 +10000111 dairyman 1 +10000111 indisposedness 1 +10000111 Strohs 1 +10000111 Broad-Beans 1 +10000111 biggest-giving 1 +10000111 para-dichlorobenzene 1 +10000111 little-goody-two-shoes 1 +10000111 Model-30 1 +10000111 macho-sounding 1 +10000111 BDNIW 1 +10000111 RSWPI 1 +10000111 LDPWI 1 +10000111 tomate 1 +10000111 asymmetrically 1 +10000111 Thrombosis 1 +10000111 ee-pples 1 +10000111 Desqview 1 +10000111 Kayo 1 +10000111 Mooged 1 +10000111 wherabouts 1 +10000111 Mini-Market 1 +10000111 out-of-shape 1 +10000111 Eurocard/Mastercard 1 +10000111 mulleins 1 +10000111 Krypton 1 +10000111 badmouthing 1 +10000111 wheel-manufacturing 1 +10000111 bosh 1 +10000111 percipient 1 +10000111 3-3-1 1 +10000111 Thalco 1 +10000111 numerology 1 +10000111 jurymates 1 +10000111 Lizsport 1 +10000111 R-rating 1 +10000111 quasi-cabinet 1 +10000111 radiographs 1 +10000111 micrometeoroids 1 +10000111 smokey 1 +10000111 inkstone 1 +10000111 Rebora 1 +10000111 suboptimization 1 +10000111 macrochange 1 +10000111 UGNEU 1 +10000111 E-250s 1 +10000111 Ananias 1 +10000111 futons 1 +10000111 anatomists 1 +10000111 animists 1 +10000111 restoppered 1 +10000111 Ridgewells 1 +10000111 electric-motor 1 +10000111 X-raying 1 +10000111 mole-maze 1 +10000111 barfing 1 +10000111 homeopathy 1 +10000111 C100 1 +10000111 crudest 1 +10000111 CELLW 1 +10000111 silver-leaved 1 +10000111 self-chronicler 1 +10000111 mignonette 1 +10000111 edgings 1 +10000111 ostlers 1 +10000111 spurge 1 +10000111 disbarments 1 +10000111 candelabras 1 +10000111 Mossadegh 1 +10000111 half-session 1 +10000111 Rouens 1 +10000111 rear-axle 1 +10000111 337.10 1 +10000111 Feica 1 +10000111 Miros 1 +10000111 Laramie 1 +10000111 nabam 1 +10000111 Comets 1 +10000111 Italstrade 1 +10000111 intrigue-voyeurs 1 +10000111 Kayans 1 +10000111 BNHNA 1 +10000111 XPP 1 +10000111 KKPWI 1 +10000111 nitroglycerine 1 +10000111 roguishness 1 +10000111 dehumidifiers 1 +10000111 hithertos 1 +10000111 Yabira 1 +10000111 bulgogi 1 +10000111 pub-meister 1 +10000111 Brzezinskis 1 +10000111 catchwords 1 +10000111 Loutfi 1 +10000111 handplucked 1 +10000111 BZP 1 +10000111 reinspects 1 +10000111 DuMont 1 +10000111 unitive 1 +10000111 market-indexed 1 +10000111 Marinda 1 +10000111 foglamps 1 +10000111 713,340 1 +10000111 greatgrandson 1 +10000111 gadget-meister 1 +10000111 Angkana 1 +10000111 Camembert 1 +10000111 heptathalon 1 +10000111 453.63 1 +10000111 Miskolc 1 +10000111 colonel-general 1 +10000111 Bio-Advance 1 +10000111 pre-Donahue 1 +10000111 carpet-cleaners 1 +10000111 200- 1 +10000111 Wayward 1 +10000111 peppiness 1 +10000111 1.85-to-1.90-mark 1 +10000111 self- 1 +10000111 hyper-cautious 1 +10000111 Bub 1 +10000111 Fungicide 1 +10000111 equerries 1 +10000111 gunsels 1 +10000111 tramsmigration 1 +10000111 counterbetrayal 1 +10000111 Holton 1 +10000111 CTX-2500 1 +10000111 Vermont-born 1 +10000111 apple-growers 1 +10000111 collators 1 +10000111 CF6-50 1 +10000111 Zwieg 1 +10000111 biocides 1 +10000111 Wolfschmidt 1 +10000111 Bassett-Walker 1 +10000111 glass-manufacturing 1 +10000111 self-responsibility 1 +10000111 phoenixes 1 +10000111 wall-scrolls 1 +10000111 Bayerite 1 +10000111 adjuvants 1 +10000111 fluid-filtration 1 +10000111 Carpaccio 1 +10000111 foam-cup 1 +10000111 clothespins 1 +10000111 Zashikibuta 1 +10000111 Frankfurters 1 +10000111 Sane/Freeze 1 +10000111 straight-from-the-shoulder 1 +10000111 Perugino 1 +10000111 trunked 1 +10000111 dissemble 1 +10000111 setaside 1 +10000111 85,087 1 +10000111 crime/drugs 1 +10000111 Tomohiko 1 +10000111 Enerserv 1 +10000111 Euro-currency 1 +10000111 myositis 1 +10000111 WUSA-TV 1 +10000111 dockworker 1 +10000111 tare 1 +10000111 gravies 1 +10000111 Airtemp 1 +10000111 debt-load 1 +10000111 ferrochromium 1 +10000111 Metzenbaums 1 +10000111 Orthene 1 +10000111 portrait-years 1 +10000111 surgical-implant 1 +10000111 131,202 1 +10000111 Goralogodatsky 1 +10000111 combings 1 +10000111 1997-2005 1 +10000111 brick-makers 1 +10000111 fifes 1 +10000111 home-lending 1 +10000111 apalling 1 +10000111 neckerchiefs 1 +10000111 Wessel-Therhorns 1 +10000111 Chromius 1 +10000111 255-198 1 +10000111 PC6300 1 +10000111 commercialbanking 1 +10000111 unvalued 1 +10000111 non-strikers 1 +10000111 dryads 1 +10000111 bookbinder 1 +10000111 gold-marketing 1 +10000111 reified 1 +10000111 seventh- 1 +10000111 pub-goer 1 +10000111 video-proof 1 +10000111 drug-stores 1 +10000111 carapace 1 +10000111 Israeli-Soviet 1 +10000111 Decca/London 1 +10000111 EA-135 1 +10000111 59-acre 1 +10000111 bandsaws 1 +10000111 lantana 1 +10000111 McSalads 1 +10000111 exes 1 +10000111 Yum-Yum 1 +10000111 double-dutch 1 +10000111 Gearingly 1 +10000111 waste-dumping 1 +10000111 multi-engine 1 +10000111 WBOS-FM 1 +10000111 idiot-savants 1 +10000111 darker-haired 1 +10000111 95-93 1 +10000111 hallelujahs 1 +10000111 debeaked 1 +10000111 rescision 1 +10000111 arch-competitor 1 +10000111 reputation-building 1 +10000111 three-wood 1 +10000111 Gargoyles 1 +10000111 re-Englishing 1 +10000111 off-flavor 1 +10000111 Minstrels 1 +10000111 pentacloraphenol 1 +10000111 WGBH/Boston 1 +10000111 Brackenridge 1 +10000111 Allied/Egry 1 +10000111 likability 1 +10000111 8257C 1 +10000111 weatherization 1 +10000111 disease-research 1 +10000111 ultrarich 1 +10000111 admonishment 1 +10000111 tamboura 1 +10000111 median- 1 +10000111 biathlons 1 +10000111 42- 1 +10000111 detesting 1 +10000111 pro-Canadian 1 +10000111 Milnet 1 +10000111 strategycurrently 1 +10000111 Thrace 1 +10000111 Formalwear 1 +10000111 priority-setting 1 +10000111 unfamous 1 +10000111 Buf-Puf 1 +10000111 farm-ownership 1 +10000111 threshes 1 +10000111 scandalmongers 1 +10000111 Rajesh 1 +10000111 photosystems 1 +10000111 Furskins 1 +10000111 court-directed 1 +10000111 dog-grooming 1 +10000111 Conajoharie 1 +10000111 bayonetting 1 +10000111 foreplaying 1 +10000111 Embroideries 1 +10000111 Centurions 1 +10000111 cast-steel 1 +10000111 mestizo-Spanish 1 +10000111 stone-throwings 1 +10000111 anti-church 1 +10000111 A-Ha 1 +10000111 option-prime 1 +10000111 snorkels 1 +10000111 Duey 1 +10000111 Deceit 1 +10000111 turbid 1 +10000111 Tamworth 1 +10000111 Orajel 1 +10000111 kneepads 1 +10000111 Snookies 1 +10000111 progressiveness 1 +10000111 wide-set 1 +10000111 mineral-ceiling 1 +10000111 ling 1 +10000111 form-follows-function 1 +10000111 Alani 1 +10000111 DOOYANG 1 +10000111 279.00 1 +10000111 lawyer-CPA 1 +10000111 SHCOU 1 +10000111 Uglich 1 +10000111 Sikhism 1 +10000111 thick-steel-plate 1 +10000111 DEFINITE 1 +10000111 BYPWI 1 +10000111 ATPWI 1 +10000111 bugbear 1 +10000111 cyclosporine-A 1 +10000111 2,270,000 1 +10000111 Ranji 1 +10000111 cardamom 1 +10000111 cedars 1 +10000111 bushwoman 1 +10000111 fawn-spotted 1 +10000111 Tolrestat 1 +10000111 sorbinil 1 +10000111 tendonitis 1 +10000111 Psychodiepetics 1 +10000111 118-year-history 1 +10000111 prescription- 1 +10000111 pro-housing 1 +10000111 87,698 1 +10000111 Catviar 1 +10000111 Confectionary 1 +10000111 maims 1 +10000111 green-mailers 1 +10000111 transnationalized 1 +10000111 WMMA-AM 1 +10000111 cucurbits 1 +10000111 Mazzolino 1 +10000111 resource-processing 1 +10000111 Sovietophile 1 +10000111 Timer 1 +10000111 pipefitters 1 +10000111 Healthamerica 1 +10000111 Kayseri 1 +10000111 gazetteer 1 +10000111 Roz 1 +10000111 aviation-insurance 1 +10000111 KDPWI 1 +10000111 engineering-and-construction 1 +10000111 PC8 1 +10000111 tri-engined 1 +10000111 customer-services 1 +10000111 rearmed 1 +10000111 Coca-Colas 1 +10000111 Lincoln/Mercury 1 +10000111 Asunciones 1 +10000111 public-library 1 +10000111 Effies 1 +10000111 grumpiness 1 +10000111 screen-printed 1 +10000111 exuberances 1 +10000111 dressmaking-form 1 +10000111 clandestinenes 1 +10000111 clothe 1 +10000111 February-to-February 1 +10000111 screenwriter-turned-director 1 +10000111 underqualified 1 +10000111 Lesbos 1 +10000111 Slo-Bid 1 +10000111 '52 1 +10000111 Corweeta 1 +10000111 OGPWI 1 +10000111 Encapsulation 1 +10000111 part-writer 1 +10000111 Cloverdale 1 +10000111 seaplanes 1 +10000111 papaverine 1 +10000111 TF-33 1 +10000111 moderate-risk 1 +10000111 sporrans 1 +10000111 unsized 1 +10000111 phototypesetting 1 +10000111 pro-Turkish 1 +10000111 mini-lagoons 1 +10000111 Hand-in-Hand 1 +10000111 Macworld 1 +10000111 people-wise 1 +10000111 underorganized 1 +10000111 undercoating 1 +10000111 Dallas-Atlanta 1 +10000111 Fla.-Atlanta 1 +10000111 scaleback 1 +10000111 computer-upgrading 1 +10000111 Comeek 1 +10000111 aphoristic 1 +10000111 Amandine 1 +10000111 thick-set 1 +10000111 Basilica 1 +10000111 over-booking 1 +10000111 genderless 1 +10000111 silver-tipped 1 +10000111 33,350 1 +10000111 66,343 1 +10000111 hurler 1 +10000111 scroungy 1 +10000111 infantilized 1 +10000111 Percogesic 1 +10000111 hot-dogs 1 +10000111 pickerelweed 1 +10000111 shoe-products 1 +10000111 talon 1 +10000111 rebricking 1 +10000111 feloniousness 1 +10000111 bid-riggers 1 +10000111 fine-boned 1 +10000111 Sun-Diamond 1 +10000111 mother-in-mourning 1 +10000111 obfuscatory 1 +10000111 sitars 1 +10000111 Lo-Ovral 1 +10000111 1987-2000 1 +10000111 Boisterousness 1 +10000111 underdosing 1 +10000111 Khowar 1 +10000111 clothiers 1 +10000111 1627 1 +10000111 predecesor 1 +10000111 episodically 1 +10000111 Bird-in-Hand 1 +10000111 organ-grinders 1 +10000111 Romanism 1 +10000111 redebated 1 +10000111 peridots 1 +10000111 strathspey 1 +10000111 nearapotheosis 1 +10000111 Braques 1 +10000111 psycho-graphic 1 +10000111 tomblike 1 +10000111 Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung 1 +10000111 transmutation 1 +10000111 dextrose 1 +10000111 rhizopods 1 +10000111 betwixt 1 +10000111 factfinder 1 +10000111 Ariz.-market 1 +10000111 metal-pressing 1 +10000111 856th 1 +10000111 prepaid-legal 1 +10000111 electrical-installations 1 +10000111 mathemeticians 1 +10000111 1961-72 1 +10000111 Milingimbi 1 +10000111 executive-in-residence 1 +10000111 stratigraphic 1 +10000111 hyperuicemia 1 +10000111 Tritons 1 +10000111 extra-terrestrials 1 +10000111 redbud 1 +10000111 lawn-mowers 1 +10000111 heliotrope 1 +10000111 interlinings 1 +10000111 home-hardware 1 +10000111 Yalom 1 +10000111 Beerenauslese 1 +10000111 rural-electric 1 +10000111 Waynesburg 1 +10000111 house-pets 1 +10000111 DPPW 1 +10000111 percolations 1 +10000111 fertilzer 1 +10000111 familywide 1 +10000111 Sidewinders 1 +10000111 agri-chemicals 1 +10000111 corporate-marketing 1 +10000111 Expoland 1 +10000111 lamb-packing 1 +10000111 computer-phobes 1 +10000111 Samick 1 +10000111 day-in 1 +10000111 Plumpy 1 +10000111 non-coverage 1 +10000111 accouchements 1 +10000111 Katisha 1 +10000111 involtini 1 +10000111 pasteboard 1 +10000111 61-win 1 +10000111 rejuvinated 1 +10000111 Endurall-K 1 +10000111 N.H.-builder 1 +10000111 JellO 1 +10000111 packaged-soap 1 +10000111 silver-glass 1 +10000111 jazzified 1 +10000111 half-avid 1 +10000111 outman 1 +10000111 tantrum- 1 +10000111 Immunogenetics 1 +10000111 tradenames 1 +10000111 cofounders 1 +10000111 Seapower 1 +10000111 supersalesman-chairman 1 +10000111 author-character 1 +10000111 edam 1 +10000111 23,805 1 +10000111 cab-driver 1 +10000111 IMark 1 +10000111 Kimber 1 +10000111 disease-infested 1 +10000111 untrampled 1 +10000111 R-15 1 +10000111 Irangola 1 +10000111 central-heating 1 +10000111 HPP.WI 1 +10000111 stringer 1 +10000111 Simonized 1 +10000111 palmistry 1 +10000111 grandmasters 1 +10000111 2,000- 1 +10000111 nuded-up 1 +10000111 Eteloina 1 +10000111 peredyshka 1 +10000111 Sake 1 +10000111 Unicos 1 +10000111 Nathalie 1 +10000111 own-headaches 1 +10000111 pulsars 1 +10000111 mathless 1 +10000111 elastomerics 1 +10000111 blem 1 +10000111 groomer 1 +10000111 mesmerism 1 +10000111 horror-story 1 +10000111 unzipped 1 +10000111 co-promoter 1 +10000111 Calaber 1 +10000111 pro-technology 1 +10000111 canniest 1 +10000111 DDVP 1 +10000111 safety-enforcement 1 +10000111 Nagaland 1 +10000111 Rykov 1 +10000111 batgarb 1 +10000111 tailfins 1 +10000111 parent-to-be 1 +10000111 electrometallurgical 1 +10000111 Euro-debentures 1 +10000111 ex-publisher 1 +10000111 lupin 1 +10000111 theater- 1 +10000111 hairbrushes 1 +10000111 Kensoha 1 +10000111 narcissistically 1 +10000111 self-motivated 1 +10000111 Levothroid 1 +10000111 Supp-Hose 1 +10000111 Vizir 1 +10000111 undernurtured 1 +10000111 phenobarbital 1 +10000111 artmasks 1 +10000111 Goebel 1 +10000111 HIV-2-UC1 1 +10000111 Chephren 1 +10000111 false-statement 1 +10000111 geriatric-care 1 +10000111 HUHOU 1 +10000111 Pro-Brite 1 +10000111 rough-fringed 1 +10000111 Asia-Pacific-Australia 1 +10000111 Econolodge 1 +10000111 VLA 1 +10000111 Crypt 1 +10000111 riffles 1 +10000111 voice-switching 1 +10000111 Julias 1 +10000111 Castros 1 +10000111 shortbread 1 +10000111 antimaterialism 1 +10000111 vegetarianism 1 +10000111 Cepsa 1 +10000111 mateless 1 +10000111 aquariums 1 +10000111 Red-basher 1 +10000111 houseboy 1 +10000111 course-work 1 +10000111 Agrexco 1 +10000111 Choo-Choo 1 +10000111 time-bound 1 +10000111 friction-free 1 +10000111 Parajon 1 +10000111 scrutineers 1 +10000111 stockman 1 +10000111 Bloomers 1 +10000111 anti-bank 1 +10000111 rebutias 1 +10000111 Zonian 1 +10000111 babydoll 1 +10000111 writer/director/producer 1 +10000111 Octobrists 1 +10000111 blindfolding 1 +10000111 administrator-general 1 +10000111 Yiren 1 +10000111 full-brimmed 1 +10000111 Hartack 1 +10000111 double-coupons 1 +10000111 tufted-velvet 1 +10000111 imperials 1 +10000111 paisleys 1 +10000111 trip-ups 1 +10000111 Nematron 1 +10000111 hoity 1 +10000111 electric-motors 1 +10000111 Utikuma 1 +10000111 IZE 1 +10000111 Arrietas 1 +10000111 armlock 1 +10000111 1170 1 +10000111 Brisay 1 +10000111 Rumsford 1 +10000111 gulfs 1 +10000111 steel-fabrications 1 +10000111 lapwings 1 +10000111 yersinia 1 +10000111 resculpting 1 +10000111 Myres 1 +10000111 Grasbrook 1 +10000111 blueberry-raking 1 +10000111 indoor-batting 1 +10000111 Dunston 1 +10000111 worm-digger 1 +10000111 cytosine 1 +10000111 mini-110 1 +10000111 DentsuInc. 1 +10000111 barechested 1 +10000111 ex-Czech 1 +10000111 beleaguer 1 +10000111 1100/70 1 +10000111 hemagglutinin 1 +10000111 Fernspaehtruppe 1 +10000111 ferretlike 1 +10000111 geoscience 1 +10000111 over-powered 1 +10000111 onion-shaped 1 +10000111 factotum 1 +10000111 Mowgli 1 +10000111 Electrikbroom 1 +10000111 Freds 1 +10000111 caravansary 1 +10000111 literates 1 +10000111 triple-team 1 +10000111 mortagage-banking 1 +10000111 Mercurys 1 +10000111 medical- 1 +10000111 post-structuralism 1 +10000111 F-24 1 +10000111 border-bombing 1 +10000111 runned 1 +10000111 one-on-three 1 +10000111 curiousity 1 +10000111 premium-look 1 +10000111 quartzite-quarrying 1 +10000111 sand-mining 1 +10000111 Filipino-Chinese 1 +10000111 value- 1 +10000111 management-intensive 1 +10000111 Basements 1 +10000111 Snoozer 1 +10000111 al-Fatah 1 +10000111 postmistress 1 +10000111 Galax 1 +10000111 Peugot 1 +10000111 neurasthenia 1 +10000111 PEELS 1 +10000111 Gilad 1 +10000111 pickpocketing 1 +10000111 chipboard 1 +10000111 sem-eyes 1 +10000111 Sarwoto 1 +10000111 ex-roommate 1 +10000111 resah 1 +10000111 fords 1 +10000111 handscrolls 1 +10000111 Messineo 1 +10000111 cocoa- 1 +10000111 belt-tightener 1 +10000111 Torelli 1 +10000111 disco-hopping 1 +10000111 narrator-hero 1 +10000111 1981B 1 +10000111 Coudelet 1 +10000111 Congregationalists 1 +10000111 smiley 1 +10000111 acesulfame-K 1 +10000111 Maleviches 1 +10000111 Quaff 1 +10000111 Damour 1 +10000111 godparent 1 +10000111 enamelware 1 +10000111 tax-assessor 1 +10000111 price-liberalizing 1 +10000111 ad-libbed 1 +10000111 Whataburger 1 +10000111 Chee-Pees 1 +10000111 pastureland 1 +10000111 MGM-UA 1 +10000111 unpunctured 1 +10000111 1995-2001 1 +10000111 Williwear 1 +10000111 belly-to-belly 1 +10000111 BAYAN 1 +10000111 crusting 1 +10000111 under-depreciated 1 +10000111 HCFC-141b 1 +10000111 canoeing/kayaking 1 +10000111 J-stars 1 +10000111 bureaucraticized 1 +10000111 rewound 1 +10000111 reprographic 1 +10000111 construction-metal 1 +10000111 Conelec 1 +10000111 limes 1 +10000111 Vesnin 1 +10000111 fosinopril 1 +10000111 bare-faced 1 +10000111 Micom-Interlan 1 +10000111 data-conversion 1 +10000111 workshoppers 1 +10000111 Terracom 1 +10000111 Hellcat 1 +10000111 AA+ 1 +10000111 RTT 1 +10000111 cupolas 1 +10000111 nonaggressive 1 +10000111 TransAms 1 +10000111 closeknit 1 +10000111 Vendetta 1 +10000111 Burkean 1 +10000111 cost-slashing 1 +10000111 unfinanced 1 +10000111 team-playing 1 +10000111 Hezbollahs 1 +10000111 precision-timing 1 +10000111 Bauknecht 1 +10000111 3,004 1 +10000111 excongressman 1 +10000111 unrelined 1 +10000111 economic-revision 1 +10000111 Challis 1 +10000111 wormwood 1 +10000111 self-parking 1 +10000111 Bible-thumpers 1 +10000111 O.D. 1 +10000111 rigatoni 1 +10000111 pizza-toppings 1 +10000111 test-kitchens 1 +10000111 Duse 1 +10000111 black-backed 1 +10000111 Sindis 1 +10000111 Encare 1 +10000111 Aqua-Ban 1 +10000111 Chocoballs 1 +10000111 gourds 1 +10000111 blow-down 1 +10000111 autostrade 1 +10000111 Reels 1 +10000111 4C41.17 1 +10000111 decametrina 1 +10000111 Drummers 1 +10000111 Hellisen 1 +10000111 radiopaging 1 +10000111 ex-mayor 1 +10000111 moisturizers 1 +10000111 tree-huggers 1 +10000111 advertiser-friendly 1 +10000111 engineless 1 +10000111 Pizzaland 1 +10000111 dowdy-looking 1 +10000111 stock-tips 1 +10000111 overexercised 1 +10000111 Scoresby 1 +10000111 Lermontov 1 +10000111 Frumil 1 +10000111 sweatbands 1 +10000111 Crobsy 1 +10000111 Gulbenkian 1 +10000111 xerophily 1 +10000111 housing- 1 +10000111 Bandolino 1 +10000111 cadenced 1 +10000111 MiniSport 1 +10000111 computer-regulated 1 +10000111 non-expansionary 1 +10000111 Bronkotabs 1 +10000111 Marionsville 1 +10000111 facemask 1 +10000111 Potterton 1 +10000111 Slimetime 1 +10000111 expos 1 +10000111 recreative 1 +10000111 laboratory-sciences 1 +10000111 numbers-portrait 1 +10000111 Saugus 1 +10000111 organic-chemical 1 +10000111 hand-signals 1 +10000111 transshipments 1 +10000111 stonewashed 1 +10000111 oinking 1 +10000111 urine- 1 +10000111 Coushatta 1 +10000111 OMON 1 +10000111 cablecasts 1 +10000111 graphic-communications 1 +10000111 meritous 1 +10000111 womanized 1 +10000111 clearing-houses 1 +10000111 replate 1 +10000111 ex-marine 1 +10000111 ethnicities 1 +10000111 110.01 1 +10000111 119.28 1 +10000111 squad-mates 1 +10000111 Resales 1 +10000111 Cramer-Crasselt 1 +10000111 newspaper-insert 1 +10000111 wallabees 1 +10000111 Apsi 1 +10000111 slogan-shouting 1 +10000111 rubber-covered 1 +10000111 just-rejuvenated 1 +10000111 meclizine 1 +10000111 peccadillos 1 +10000111 defendable 1 +10000111 software-installation 1 +10000111 roiliest 1 +10000111 Janina 1 +10000111 cunny-thumb 1 +10000111 left-populist 1 +10000111 amoxycillin 1 +10000111 Zinoviev 1 +10000111 Tonne 1 +10000111 blocky 1 +10000111 saw-mill 1 +10000111 Team-mate 1 +10000111 IT&T 1 +10000111 Drapes 1 +10000111 Ling-Temco-Vought 1 +10000111 vehicle-registration 1 +10000111 Beanblossom 1 +10000111 PCjrs 1 +10000111 operations-marketing 1 +10000111 porfolio 1 +10000111 Luxair 1 +10000111 Crito 1 +10000111 gametrackers 1 +10000111 medium-heavy 1 +10000111 tire-slashing 1 +10000111 re-ordered 1 +10000111 A7s 1 +10000111 dibasics 1 +10000111 Najran 1 +10000111 job-shop 1 +10000111 ionic 1 +10000111 money-gusher 1 +10000111 hoenders 1 +10000111 Zest 1 +10000111 medium-dry 1 +10000111 business-applications 1 +10000111 67-3893 1 +10000111 groundskeepers 1 +10000111 Lyubasha 1 +10000111 1997-2000 1 +10000111 recension 1 +10000111 guitar-twanging 1 +10000111 Aqua-Net 1 +10000111 Hidatsa 1 +10000111 reconfigures 1 +10000111 boy-soldiers 1 +10000111 grocery-specialties 1 +10000111 Philishave 1 +10000111 biscotti 1 +10000111 annuitant 1 +10000111 nemeses 1 +10000111 WNEW 2 +10000111 1984- 2 +10000111 KMVP-AM 2 +10000111 Marlstone 2 +10000111 Rattle 2 +10000111 Crackle 2 +10000111 foxtail 2 +10000111 pasteurizing 2 +10000111 Enjoli 2 +10000111 1985- 2 +10000111 offal 2 +10000111 matchbooks 2 +10000111 ITV 2 +10000111 military-supply 2 +10000111 Bangladeshis 2 +10000111 Bombieri 2 +10000111 disavowal 2 +10000111 Rittman 2 +10000111 hollyhock 2 +10000111 Baranovichi 2 +10000111 Euro-securities 2 +10000111 Hermia 2 +10000111 Zurek 2 +10000111 streetcars 2 +10000111 co-marketer 2 +10000111 Gowns 2 +10000111 contusions 2 +10000111 starkness 2 +10000111 merman 2 +10000111 E-2c 2 +10000111 concubinage 2 +10000111 laetrile 2 +10000111 under-appreciated 2 +10000111 Multi-Corp 2 +10000111 Oilgram 2 +10000111 canteloupe 2 +10000111 fezzes 2 +10000111 Bouillon 2 +10000111 loose-tobacco 2 +10000111 Preziosilla 2 +10000111 Kittinger 2 +10000111 breezeways 2 +10000111 crashworthiness 2 +10000111 Fiats 2 +10000111 redskin 2 +10000111 Petuna 2 +10000111 scrupulousness 2 +10000111 plastic-pellet 2 +10000111 Miesque 2 +10000111 Mooty 2 +10000111 prefaces 2 +10000111 Hoovervilles 2 +10000111 Tanada 2 +10000111 Guinevere 2 +10000111 Dashers 2 +10000111 Superintendency 2 +10000111 anti-modern 2 +10000111 post-impressionism 2 +10000111 Pimlico 2 +10000111 commissioner-elect 2 +10000111 Salisburys 2 +10000111 Saeki 2 +10000111 Toiletry 2 +10000111 courtesans 2 +10000111 polystyrenics 2 +10000111 Waltraute 2 +10000111 Hennessys 2 +10000111 Chelsey 2 +10000111 Northport 2 +10000111 Longinus 2 +10000111 birdbaths 2 +10000111 stairwells 2 +10000111 double-sided 2 +10000111 tomahawk 2 +10000111 pouts 2 +10000111 Multiplan 2 +10000111 Caramello 2 +10000111 securities-clearance 2 +10000111 22s 2 +10000111 Frigitronics 2 +10000111 diktats 2 +10000111 feed-grains 2 +10000111 2003-2005 2 +10000111 smartness 2 +10000111 sub-contractors 2 +10000111 Illnesses 2 +10000111 Zerlina 2 +10000111 Q30 2 +10000111 nonflammable 2 +10000111 trimethoprim 2 +10000111 cooking-range 2 +10000111 security-alarm 2 +10000111 winegrower 2 +10000111 Vonny 2 +10000111 Feep 2 +10000111 customs-brokerage 2 +10000111 varnishes 2 +10000111 nightshade 2 +10000111 Boraxo 2 +10000111 photogrammetry 2 +10000111 Brangane 2 +10000111 braiding 2 +10000111 Temperate 2 +10000111 lobelias 2 +10000111 pumas 2 +10000111 bloodiness 2 +10000111 esplanades 2 +10000111 pyrethrum 2 +10000111 NYSEG 2 +10000111 ColecoVision 2 +10000111 F-104 2 +10000111 rending 2 +10000111 mausoleums 2 +10000111 unlittered 2 +10000111 Optel 2 +10000111 Habomai 2 +10000111 sixth- 2 +10000111 cornices 2 +10000111 Qhupaq 2 +10000111 Ophelia 2 +10000111 IGAT-1 2 +10000111 kerchief 2 +10000111 nutmeg 3 +10000111 Shikotan 3 +10000111 electron-device 3 +10000111 communitarian 3 +10000111 Babes 3 +10000111 Actifed 3 +10000111 sacredness 3 +10000111 fluoridation 3 +10000111 half-man 3 +10000111 Tajiks 3 +10000111 Monwabisi 3 +10000111 Matz 3 +10000111 '74 3 +10000111 thick-skinned 3 +10000111 Folly 3 +10000111 Scorpions 3 +10000111 strictness 3 +10000111 phlox 3 +10000111 housemate 3 +10000111 grandnephew 3 +10000111 popemobiles 3 +10000111 Rehearsal 3 +10000111 WGMS-AM 3 +10000111 Titian 3 +10000111 mundanely 3 +10000111 tax-selling 3 +10000111 well-drilling 3 +10000111 ramie 3 +10000111 Merlot 3 +10000111 WHBQ-TV 3 +10000111 onyx 3 +10000111 Izzy 3 +10000111 chinos 3 +10000111 Petersville 3 +10000111 malts 3 +10000111 Sacrament 3 +10000111 Pooty 3 +10000111 Jezibaba 4 +10000111 solicitor-general 4 +10000111 aerodynamics 4 +10000111 Shalimar 4 +10000111 Hornell 4 +10000111 SAMs 4 +10000111 Aereas 4 +10000111 undramatic 4 +10000111 Kisses 4 +10000111 llamas 4 +10000111 paymaster 4 +10000111 wall-coverings 4 +10000111 workbooks 4 +10000111 Pistoleiro 4 +10000111 sisal 4 +10000111 Chillicothe 4 +10000111 Brim 4 +10000111 hernias 4 +10000111 electrochemicals 4 +10000111 Medexport 4 +10000111 Moneyletter 4 +10000111 Titleist 4 +10000111 Aleuts 4 +10000111 ghostwriter 4 +10000111 rosaries 4 +10000111 WFLA-AM 4 +10000111 inlets 4 +10000111 Maestro 5 +10000111 then-parent 5 +10000111 flaxseed 5 +10000111 6-foot-4 5 +10000111 oboes 5 +10000111 margarines 6 +10000111 co-publisher 6 +10000111 chardonnay 6 +10000111 famines 7 +10000111 cochairman 7 +10000111 frisked 8 +10000111 vice-chairman 8 +10000111 reconstructions 8 +10000111 jellies 9 +10000111 7-5 10 +10000111 saunas 10 +10000111 Ninety-Eight 11 +10000111 chairman-elect 11 +10000111 chairman-designate 13 +10000111 Insights 15 +10000111 co-founders 15 +10000111 provost 15 +10000111 transporters 16 +10000111 then-president 16 +10000111 co-editor 18 +10000111 second-in-command 19 +10000111 ex-chairman 33 +10000111 grinders 36 +10000111 secretary-treasurer 63 +10000111 chairwoman 70 +10000111 secretary-general 157 +10000111 co-chairman 273 +10000111 treasurer 918 +10000111 chairman 24881 +10000111 founder 1508 +1000100 citizen-exchange 1 +1000100 WCIX-Channel 1 +1000100 once-envisioned 1 +1000100 -18,552 1 +1000100 29,713 1 +1000100 -50,581 1 +1000100 1987-March 1 +1000100 Apr. 1 +1000100 Gesetzlich 1 +1000100 details. 1 +1000100 thrills. 1 +1000100 Oct.4-Jan. 1 +1000100 Spt. 1 +1000100 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya 1 +1000100 bldg 1 +1000100 higher-spending 1 +1000100 20,000-odd 1 +1000100 figurines. 1 +1000100 Merger/reorganization 1 +1000100 pre-Feb. 1 +1000100 720.0 1 +1000100 1987-Sept. 1 +1000100 1988-April 1 +1000100 WLTV/Channel 1 +1000100 1987-Jan 1 +1000100 gymkhana 1 +1000100 TF 1 +1000100 B-R 1 +1000100 Baa- 1 +1000100 Bachaquero 1 +1000100 front-nine 1 +1000100 Mktg 1 +1000100 Khorewah 1 +1000100 sidewise 1 +1000100 be11.72 1 +1000100 Julu 1 +1000100 hamstring-popping 1 +1000100 Subsection 1 +1000100 Atomita 2 +1000100 AUG. 2 +1000100 Vol. 2 +1000100 Amundsena 2 +1000100 1988-Feb. 3 +1000100 pre-Oct. 3 +1000100 HCFC 3 +1000100 jai 3 +1000100 Sep. 4 +1000100 1987-Feb. 4 +1000100 Mar. 4 +1000100 JAN. 4 +1000100 SEPT. 7 +1000100 Nov 8 +1000100 post-Oct. 8 +1000100 Feb 10 +1000100 Aug 12 +1000100 1987-Jan. 12 +1000100 1988-Jan. 13 +1000100 Oct 26 +1000100 Sept 29 +1000100 Feb. 3050 +1000100 Nov. 3206 +1000100 Sept. 5871 +1000100 Aug. 4015 +1000100 Jan. 4289 +1000100 Dec. 4442 +1000100 Oct. 6327 +10001010 Oct.30 1 +10001010 -22,496 1 +10001010 53,362 1 +10001010 storage-down 1 +10001010 PS/2-clone 1 +10001010 Nov.29 1 +10001010 mid-Feburary 1 +10001010 Dec.26 1 +10001010 1:9 1 +10001010 Sept.3 1 +10001010 741.0 1 +10001010 Sept.6 1 +10001010 today.The 1 +10001010 Banaszynski 1 +10001010 Schiele. 1 +10001010 609,898 1 +10001010 big-box 1 +10001010 baptism-by-fire 1 +10001010 54,291 1 +10001010 yestereday 1 +10001010 index-buying 2 +10001010 Pare 2 +10001010 Hlly 2 +10001010 cost-plus-fixed-fee 2 +10001010 wind-carried 2 +10001010 Ertegun 2 +10001010 1607 2 +10001010 Tordon 2 +10001010 Shaft 2 +10001010 June. 2 +10001010 Leftover 2 +10001010 NDRP 2 +10001010 immobilization 3 +10001010 Jan.1 3 +10001010 Montrevel 3 +10001010 Flaccianello 3 +10001010 district. 3 +10001010 May. 4 +10001010 Sept.30 4 +10001010 Dec 6 +10001010 April 10034 +10001010 June 12969 +10001010 March 11506 +10001010 May 10466 +10001010 July 11241 +10001011 HORDERN 1 +10001011 often-imitated 1 +10001011 Myocardial 1 +10001011 Euro-American 1 +10001011 Delahaye 1 +10001011 Wyth 1 +10001011 platinum-bearing 1 +10001011 U.S.-Sweden 1 +10001011 Chinese-to-English 1 +10001011 Devon-Smedvig 1 +10001011 Soviet-Finnish 1 +10001011 Schaipparelli 1 +10001011 profitabiity 1 +10001011 Alexsova 1 +10001011 Piekary 1 +10001011 PAYOUTS 1 +10001011 October/November 1 +10001011 Pepto 1 +10001011 1985-early 1 +10001011 Alaskan-walrus 1 +10001011 Musigny 1 +10001011 2017. 1 +10001011 Morbio 1 +10001011 nearl 1 +10001011 Aldermen 1 +10001011 futures-style 1 +10001011 Jaunary 1 +10001011 GUCCIO 1 +10001011 jackboots 1 +10001011 gospel-inspired 1 +10001011 reciepts 1 +10001011 EFFECTS 1 +10001011 Kishinev 1 +10001011 full-cry 1 +10001011 non-differentiable 1 +10001011 index-buy 1 +10001011 1,350,948 1 +10001011 COGEFAR 1 +10001011 1970s-early 1 +10001011 Israeli-Japanese 1 +10001011 non-goods 1 +10001011 processsing 1 +10001011 1970-77 1 +10001011 Medan 2 +10001011 Siuna 2 +10001011 October. 2 +10001011 Ruthenia 2 +10001011 Taif 2 +10001011 DeRidder 2 +10001011 mid-1956 2 +10001011 Calabassas 2 +10001011 1961-62 2 +10001011 134.89 2 +10001011 Meneba 2 +10001011 Haut-Brion 2 +10001011 Moberly 2 +10001011 Nowy 2 +10001011 Feburary 2 +10001011 soon-to-be-introduced 2 +10001011 Maseru 2 +10001011 S.E.M.T. 2 +10001011 Queenstown 2 +10001011 Misima 2 +10001011 Evry 3 +10001011 Changchun 3 +10001011 punctual 3 +10001011 1739 3 +10001011 l983 3 +10001011 1806 3 +10001011 Tignanello 3 +10001011 1356 3 +10001011 Tavernelle 3 +10001011 Sammarco 3 +10001011 Solaia 3 +10001011 lucre 4 +10001011 1986. 4 +10001011 1833 4 +10001011 Janaury 5 +10001011 Exile 5 +10001011 20-20 6 +10001011 Tampa-St 6 +10001011 mid-1992 6 +10001011 midflight 8 +10001011 mid-summer 11 +10001011 1864 13 +10001011 absentia 18 +10001011 1979-80 37 +10001011 mid-February 106 +10001011 mid-November 133 +10001011 mid-January 134 +10001011 mid-July 141 +10001011 mid-December 144 +10001011 mid-May 149 +10001011 mid-September 155 +10001011 mid-August 165 +10001011 mid-October 179 +10001011 October 7580 +10001011 December 6723 +10001011 November 5746 +10001011 September 6314 +10001011 August 6680 +10001011 February 5306 +10001011 January 6982 +10001100 long-iron 1 +10001100 1992-2007 1 +10001100 1984-1994 1 +10001100 Wolfcraft 1 +10001100 Spain-1988 1 +10001100 bop-intricate 1 +10001100 2005-2007 1 +10001100 ite 1 +10001100 Revolution. 1 +10001100 Kennebunk 1 +10001100 Nov.2 1 +10001100 Aug.3 1 +10001100 consolidators. 1 +10001100 2340 1 +10001100 swamplands 1 +10001100 Strindberg 1 +10001100 1992-2002 1 +10001100 1989-1997 1 +10001100 1987-2002 1 +10001100 1961-71 1 +10001100 Mahbubani 1 +10001100 Dec.15 1 +10001100 Laoussine 1 +10001100 choc 1 +10001100 222-yard 1 +10001100 1992-2008 1 +10001100 product-tampering 1 +10001100 2014-2017 1 +10001100 1991-1999 1 +10001100 1988-2008 1 +10001100 19912003 1 +10001100 1994-1998 1 +10001100 1994-2001 1 +10001100 1991-2009 1 +10001100 1995-2004 1 +10001100 domestic-vehicles 1 +10001100 1991-2019 1 +10001100 2006-2009 1 +10001100 2010-2019 1 +10001100 1999-2002 1 +10001100 Sept.1 1 +10001100 smaller-capital 1 +10001100 1,000,000,000,000,000 1 +10001100 1998-2004 1 +10001100 anti-ideological 1 +10001100 1992-1998 1 +10001100 1989-1993 1 +10001100 Aug.23 1 +10001100 1991-2007 1 +10001100 27. 1 +10001100 1996-2007 1 +10001100 19922003 1 +10001100 Everding 1 +10001100 19912004 1 +10001100 1990-2008 1 +10001100 1994-2011 1 +10001100 1994-2003 1 +10001100 19942016 1 +10001100 1994-2019 1 +10001100 2003-2012 1 +10001100 2007-2012 1 +10001100 1999-2007 1 +10001100 2001-2010 1 +10001100 Bartville 1 +10001100 1994-2002 1 +10001100 1989-2005 1 +10001100 1988-2003 1 +10001100 Africare 1 +10001100 2011-2015 1 +10001100 year-ends 1 +10001100 near-meltdown 1 +10001100 2000-2020 1 +10001100 gene-therapy 1 +10001100 2001-2009 1 +10001100 2000-2005 1 +10001100 1991-2000 1 +10001100 1954-1958 1 +10001100 SAARC 1 +10001100 2005-2010 1 +10001100 1990-2005 1 +10001100 15AUG90 1 +10001100 2010-2017 1 +10001100 1991-2010 1 +10001100 1991-2001 1 +10001100 1990-2019 1 +10001100 2004-2006 1 +10001100 2014-2019 1 +10001100 1995-2003 1 +10001100 1992-1996 1 +10001100 1996-2002 1 +10001100 469-yard 1 +10001100 1998-2002 2 +10001100 1993-1999 2 +10001100 1990-1996 2 +10001100 2000-2003 2 +10001100 philistinism 2 +10001100 ejidos 2 +10001100 Edinburg 2 +10001100 1976-1980 2 +10001100 2004-2010 2 +10001100 1989-2018 2 +10001100 1989-2004 2 +10001100 2007-2013 2 +10001100 1993-2000 2 +10001100 impetigo 2 +10001100 vivo 2 +10001100 1997-2003 2 +10001100 Indianapolis. 2 +10001100 1970-83 2 +10001100 1970-1986 2 +10001100 1988s 2 +10001100 IBH. 2 +10001100 Mossyrock 2 +10001100 24-28 2 +10001100 1999-2005 2 +10001100 1763.3 2 +10001100 1992-1999 2 +10001100 grade-schoolers 2 +10001100 Virginia. 2 +10001100 1988-2012 2 +10001100 Thessco 2 +10001100 2002-2005 2 +10001100 300CE 2 +10001100 2000-2007 2 +10001100 pre-auction 2 +10001100 2037/2038 2 +10001100 1989-2000 2 +10001100 1988-90 2 +10001100 Mandryka 2 +10001100 410-0 2 +10001100 1991-2004 2 +10001100 Balthus 2 +10001100 Petionville 2 +10001100 36-15 2 +10001100 layovers 2 +10001100 1992-2000 2 +10001100 Ascriptin 2 +10001100 midSeptember 2 +10001100 48-46 2 +10001100 1988-2004 2 +10001100 2004-2007 2 +10001100 Glyco-Group 2 +10001100 1968-70 2 +10001100 Transafrica 2 +10001100 1996-2004 2 +10001100 1993-2009 2 +10001100 tetrahydroaminocridine 2 +10001100 1994-2000 2 +10001100 2004-2008 2 +10001100 1989-2013 2 +10001100 2009-2013 2 +10001100 1995-2000 2 +10001100 2001-2004 2 +10001100 1992-2004 2 +10001100 71-25 2 +10001100 2000-2008 2 +10001100 Poas 2 +10001100 surprise. 2 +10001100 277-125 2 +10001100 Zlenice 2 +10001100 Masan 2 +10001100 1348 2 +10001100 Belorussia 2 +10001100 punning 2 +10001100 OTNs 2 +10001100 Onnes 2 +10001100 1984-88 2 +10001100 Lilliput 2 +10001100 1987-91 3 +10001100 Survanta 3 +10001100 1990. 3 +10001100 Corfu 3 +10001100 2002-2004 3 +10001100 Tuktoyaktuk 3 +10001100 1989-1991 3 +10001100 prearrangement 3 +10001100 Tilade 3 +10001100 teenitis 3 +10001100 2006-2007 3 +10001100 1990-2003 3 +10001100 18-21 3 +10001100 1990-1992 3 +10001100 January-September 3 +10001100 1989-1999 3 +10001100 1988-1993 3 +10001100 1988-1992 3 +10001100 1990-1998 3 +10001100 Radiocor 3 +10001100 Hapeville 3 +10001100 1989-2001 3 +10001100 Sovran-D.C. 3 +10001100 1988-2007 3 +10001100 1992-2003 3 +10001100 Fujairah 3 +10001100 Klerksdorp 3 +10001100 1994-2008 3 +10001100 Bydgoszcz 3 +10001100 1991-2008 3 +10001100 Tokyo. 3 +10001100 exchange-rates 3 +10001100 dilligence 3 +10001100 mid-1993 3 +10001100 Kandinsky 3 +10001100 Warner-Chilcott 3 +10001100 3,612,000 3 +10001100 Vneshtorgreklama 3 +10001100 2008-2010 3 +10001100 2000-2004 3 +10001100 1846 3 +10001100 Broschal 3 +10001100 1980-87 3 +10001100 semiliterate 3 +10001100 1979-1981 3 +10001100 2001-2003 4 +10001100 1992-1993 4 +10001100 1991-2005 4 +10001100 gasoil 4 +10001100 2037 4 +10001100 Hakkari 4 +10001100 1990-2004 4 +10001100 1942-43 4 +10001100 WNBC 4 +10001100 Bancotrans 4 +10001100 1991-2003 4 +10001100 cosmology 4 +10001100 Bethanie 4 +10001100 Seveso 4 +10001100 hysterics 4 +10001100 2026 4 +10001100 1990-2001 4 +10001100 1990-2009 4 +10001100 epileptics 4 +10001100 Bridgend 4 +10001100 Hibbing 4 +10001100 1990-1993 4 +10001100 Saarbruecken 4 +10001100 1991-2002 4 +10001100 Boston. 5 +10001100 Afton 5 +10001100 l986 5 +10001100 1979-85 5 +10001100 1989-1998 5 +10001100 1813 5 +10001100 1982-85 5 +10001100 1990-2000 5 +10001100 1973-85 5 +10001100 1990-2002 5 +10001100 1990-1999 6 +10001100 1989-2003 6 +10001100 1981-83 6 +10001100 2047 6 +10001100 1978-1979 6 +10001100 2003-2007 6 +10001100 1982-1983 6 +10001100 1981-86 6 +10001100 l988 7 +10001100 Galesburg 7 +10001100 1989-2002 7 +10001100 1978-1986 7 +10001100 1984-87 8 +10001100 1982-86 8 +10001100 l987 8 +10001100 1983-1984 8 +10001100 1989-2008 8 +10001100 1983-85 9 +10001100 1988. 9 +10001100 mid-1991 9 +10001100 1980-84 9 +10001100 2028 10 +10001100 1983-86 11 +10001100 1984-1985 11 +10001100 2022 12 +10001100 1985-87 12 +10001100 2027 13 +10001100 2030 13 +10001100 1981-85 13 +10001100 '81 14 +10001100 2024 14 +10001100 1812 14 +10001100 Genoa 15 +10001100 2023 15 +10001100 2029 15 +10001100 2021 16 +10001100 1983-84 20 +10001100 Cancun 24 +10001100 2025 24 +10001100 1984-86 25 +10001100 '89 33 +10001100 Ft 37 +10001100 mid-1990 45 +10001100 midsummer 51 +10001100 2014 53 +10001100 1787 53 +10001100 2020 57 +10001100 2013 67 +10001100 2015 71 +10001100 2011 83 +10001100 2005 86 +10001100 '88 90 +10001100 mid-1989 91 +10001100 2019 100 +10001100 diligence 101 +10001100 mid-1988 103 +10001100 2009 103 +10001100 2003/2007 105 +10001100 2006 114 +10001100 2004 114 +10001100 2003 116 +10001100 2001 138 +10001100 2002 156 +10001100 2010 156 +10001100 2007 167 +10001100 2008 178 +10001100 1934 191 +10001100 2016 191 +10001100 2012 217 +10001100 2018 220 +10001100 1999 384 +10001100 2017 425 +10001100 1996 442 +10001100 1995 491 +10001100 1998 511 +10001100 1994 627 +10001100 1993 787 +10001100 1997 818 +10001100 1969 1063 +10001100 1991 1409 +10001100 1992 1904 +10001100 1986 20314 +10001100 1990 3417 +10001100 1987 18645 +10001100 1988 12509 +10001100 1989 5846 +10001101 Huckingen 1 +10001101 mid-Tuesday 1 +10001101 Zollikon 1 +10001101 Dunstable 1 +10001101 1970-1973 1 +10001101 1243.44 1 +10001101 Kaliakor 1 +10001101 edgewise 1 +10001101 Oradea 1 +10001101 double-B-plus/B 1 +10001101 mid-1932 1 +10001101 Qualitaet 1 +10001101 1247.98 1 +10001101 arb-speak 1 +10001101 Wynnwood 1 +10001101 Powertown 1 +10001101 mazuma 1 +10001101 1294.45 1 +10001101 Esterwood 1 +10001101 Grossmont 1 +10001101 1811 1 +10001101 OPECNA 1 +10001101 Colwich 1 +10001101 Zacatecas 1 +10001101 Napanoch 1 +10001101 Wurtsboro 1 +10001101 Quitman 1 +10001101 1306.37 1 +10001101 1313.60 1 +10001101 mid-trip 1 +10001101 Tsuruga 1 +10001101 1421.76 1 +10001101 Runnymede 1 +10001101 2007-2008 1 +10001101 Woerth 1 +10001101 Nimtz 1 +10001101 1235.21 1 +10001101 1231.02 1 +10001101 Patoka 1 +10001101 Duffel 1 +10001101 1229.11 1 +10001101 1976-1979 1 +10001101 parenthesis 1 +10001101 Chilliwack 1 +10001101 Cuiaba 1 +10001101 1121.54 1 +10001101 1205.48 1 +10001101 3529 1 +10001101 1556 1 +10001101 2009-2012 1 +10001101 1178.78 1 +10001101 1179.02 1 +10001101 3,529 1 +10001101 1251.05 1 +10001101 Biddeford 1 +10001101 1257.42 1 +10001101 Oct.12 1 +10001101 549,048 1 +10001101 Grahamstown 1 +10001101 Sienna 1 +10001101 Yeochun 1 +10001101 A-Major 1 +10001101 1224.70 1 +10001101 Conakry 1 +10001101 2:11:01 1 +10001101 1227.66 1 +10001101 McConnelsville 1 +10001101 aggressing 1 +10001101 Heerenveen 1 +10001101 Kunakova 1 +10001101 Arace 1 +10001101 1264.08 1 +10001101 Delicias 1 +10001101 Lacon 1 +10001101 1249.72 1 +10001101 near-balance 1 +10001101 Wiscasset 1 +10001101 Crusinallo 1 +10001101 Gessate 1 +10001101 1251.66 1 +10001101 TV-land 1 +10001101 salesmanlike 1 +10001101 1.5740 1 +10001101 1258.16 1 +10001101 1424.38 1 +10001101 Ani 1 +10001101 1256.34 1 +10001101 Shakopee 1 +10001101 telekinesis 1 +10001101 1249.29 1 +10001101 AMerica 1 +10001101 Delaware. 1 +10001101 chlorophyl 1 +10001101 1252.57 1 +10001101 1250.23 1 +10001101 re-licensing 1 +10001101 midstroke 1 +10001101 1261.53 1 +10001101 1255.63 1 +10001101 Iraq. 1 +10001101 Karbalah 1 +10001101 1227.35 1 +10001101 Caseyville 1 +10001101 Edgartown 1 +10001101 Luquillo 1 +10001101 Beeville 1 +10001101 Pampanga 1 +10001101 Pineville 1 +10001101 1236.80 1 +10001101 campanula 1 +10001101 2.9945 1 +10001101 1227.67 1 +10001101 colloquia 1 +10001101 Wunsiedel 1 +10001101 2076 1 +10001101 1249.43 1 +10001101 1251.99 1 +10001101 midascent 1 +10001101 1256.08 1 +10001101 1253.04 1 +10001101 1251.61 1 +10001101 fusion-reactors 1 +10001101 Neodesha 1 +10001101 1289.73 1 +10001101 1295.27 1 +10001101 1961-80 1 +10001101 1286.52 1 +10001101 Oestrich-Winkel 1 +10001101 Joliette 1 +10001101 overmedication 1 +10001101 Anglo- 1 +10001101 Nieuwpoort 1 +10001101 1294.07 1 +10001101 Saint-Tropez 1 +10001101 Lubec 1 +10001101 Amerinet 1 +10001101 Keeseville 1 +10001101 NaplesSyracuse 1 +10001101 McMasterville 1 +10001101 l980 1 +10001101 Kwinana 1 +10001101 1296.93 1 +10001101 Gitchagumee 1 +10001101 Fleury-Merogis 1 +10001101 1292.71 1 +10001101 1259.76 1 +10001101 Mitchellville 1 +10001101 Wrightstown 1 +10001101 Solentuna 1 +10001101 Fagersta 1 +10001101 Herzogenaurach 1 +10001101 midsemester 1 +10001101 1247.91 1 +10001101 Qufu 1 +10001101 Mayport 1 +10001101 1261.58 1 +10001101 Menomonie 1 +10001101 1267.80 1 +10001101 Paulinia 1 +10001101 7,325 1 +10001101 Geismer 1 +10001101 Ryazan 1 +10001101 1263.72 1 +10001101 Nagadoches 1 +10001101 Vorhees 1 +10001101 Manhasett 1 +10001101 1247.57 1 +10001101 1724 1 +10001101 1191 1 +10001101 mid-Baltic 1 +10001101 Soquimich 1 +10001101 obstetrics/gynecology 1 +10001101 1232.35 1 +10001101 Avchala 1 +10001101 1233.08 1 +10001101 1910-1945 1 +10001101 Clermont-Ferrand 1 +10001101 E-Flat 1 +10001101 376,649 1 +10001101 Igaras 1 +10001101 LaCosta 1 +10001101 1257.12 1 +10001101 1253.68 1 +10001101 Greenelefe 1 +10001101 Droitwich 1 +10001101 FEATURES 1 +10001101 jeapordy 1 +10001101 Mulberry 1 +10001101 Osuka 1 +10001101 1246.18 1 +10001101 FLIPPERS 1 +10001101 Clubmoor 1 +10001101 1252.37 1 +10001101 1259.97 1 +10001101 woodshop 1 +10001101 1237.98 1 +10001101 1968-72 1 +10001101 1236.72 1 +10001101 1173 1 +10001101 1172 1 +10001101 1171 1 +10001101 Guayanilla 1 +10001101 Amagasaki 1 +10001101 1436 1 +10001101 Schnectady 1 +10001101 Burkville 1 +10001101 1241.32 1 +10001101 Placerville 1 +10001101 1198.51 1 +10001101 Cernay 1 +10001101 Ferney-Voltaire 1 +10001101 1209.40 1 +10001101 1210.29 1 +10001101 25500 1 +10001101 Sauget 1 +10001101 1245.04 1 +10001101 Nacimiento 1 +10001101 Cayce 1 +10001101 Overalls 1 +10001101 198185 1 +10001101 1672 1 +10001101 Tisza 1 +10001101 drydock 1 +10001101 1239.11 1 +10001101 pictorials 1 +10001101 Bitlis 1 +10001101 Macclesfield 1 +10001101 beelines 1 +10001101 Tessenderloo 1 +10001101 Stoneham 1 +10001101 Drumright 1 +10001101 1715 1 +10001101 Oct.1 1 +10001101 1175.25 1 +10001101 DESTROYED 1 +10001101 dispute-subcontracting 1 +10001101 1181.94 1 +10001101 2010-2012 1 +10001101 2.9960 1 +10001101 60-year-maturity 1 +10001101 Secacus 1 +10001101 1240.83 1 +10001101 Dharmsala 1 +10001101 1187.37 1 +10001101 Cies 1 +10001101 Sisterhood 1 +10001101 user-friendliness 1 +10001101 Newvineyard 1 +10001101 StGeorges-de-Beauce 1 +10001101 1180.72 1 +10001101 yuppie-vision 1 +10001101 1426.29 1 +10001101 Gumede 1 +10001101 Grayslake 1 +10001101 1111.00 1 +10001101 ScanAmerican 1 +10001101 1130.44 1 +10001101 1168.38 1 +10001101 1970-72 1 +10001101 over-lending 1 +10001101 1165.67 1 +10001101 1678 1 +10001101 1263.65 1 +10001101 Berryville 1 +10001101 Grannis 1 +10001101 1253.98 1 +10001101 Raeford 1 +10001101 1938-1988 1 +10001101 1536 1 +10001101 1271.65 1 +10001101 mid-novel 1 +10001101 Annecy 1 +10001101 Roseau 1 +10001101 2.1429 1 +10001101 1266.98 1 +10001101 Surprise-II 1 +10001101 chicken-raising 1 +10001101 poultry-fattening 1 +10001101 Brecksville 1 +10001101 mid-fall 1 +10001101 1251.42 1 +10001101 Juliaca 1 +10001101 1248.47 1 +10001101 Saddlebrook 1 +10001101 Quakertown 1 +10001101 midcentury 1 +10001101 midconversation 1 +10001101 Statesboro 1 +10001101 Anoka 1 +10001101 Ilion 1 +10001101 Dickens. 1 +10001101 Rouiba 1 +10001101 1933-1937 1 +10001101 1265.60 1 +10001101 Southborough 1 +10001101 2:28:07 1 +10001101 Gattatico 1 +10001101 1461 1 +10001101 Aubonne 1 +10001101 Thankgsgiving 1 +10001101 Holyhead 1 +10001101 1.6403 1 +10001101 hookas 1 +10001101 Stamboul 1 +10001101 Sakaide 1 +10001101 Assiut 1 +10001101 2059 1 +10001101 1919-1920 1 +10001101 1277.32 1 +10001101 Angwin 1 +10001101 Clarkston 1 +10001101 CentAm. 1 +10001101 1918. 1 +10001101 Apia 1 +10001101 1419.79 1 +10001101 E-Major 1 +10001101 Chicoutimi 1 +10001101 1420.18 1 +10001101 Burrillville 1 +10001101 Woodlynne 1 +10001101 Zama 1 +10001101 Araby 1 +10001101 1258.86 1 +10001101 Saragosa 1 +10001101 Nanticoke 1 +10001101 self-mortification 1 +10001101 Jicaro 1 +10001101 Jalapa 1 +10001101 Esteli 1 +10001101 Waslays 1 +10001101 Bismol 1 +10001101 Gazankulu 1 +10001101 Vannes 1 +10001101 mid1989 1 +10001101 Freetown 1 +10001101 mid-shot 1 +10001101 1421.18 1 +10001101 1418.64 1 +10001101 1271.09 1 +10001101 Dottingen 1 +10001101 Valence 1 +10001101 1907-11 1 +10001101 Auvers-sur-Oise 1 +10001101 Shuangcheng 1 +10001101 Oviedo 1 +10001101 1417.82 1 +10001101 2,675,900 1 +10001101 Cluses 1 +10001101 impeachments 1 +10001101 1931-1981 1 +10001101 1413.90 1 +10001101 Maypearl 1 +10001101 1989-91 1 +10001101 Primagaz 1 +10001101 1950-51 1 +10001101 Ningbo 1 +10001101 Spillville 1 +10001101 1413.54 1 +10001101 Walthill 1 +10001101 1425.34 1 +10001101 mid-stage 1 +10001101 super-powers 1 +10001101 Abitare 1 +10001101 three-packs 1 +10001101 St.-Joseph-deBeauce 1 +10001101 1421.47 1 +10001101 4,082 1 +10001101 4,112 1 +10001101 Omak 1 +10001101 Mamelodi 1 +10001101 1731 1 +10001101 Adrar 1 +10001101 Mendham 1 +10001101 1399.98 1 +10001101 Theresienstadt 1 +10001101 Fernley 1 +10001101 Yaroslavl 1 +10001101 Carlow 1 +10001101 Delfzijl 1 +10001101 521,147 1 +10001101 toto. 1 +10001101 EKO 1 +10001101 1291.83 1 +10001101 46,557 1 +10001101 Tooele 1 +10001101 Calverton 1 +10001101 1291.29 1 +10001101 1276.10 1 +10001101 Quelimane 1 +10001101 1332.71 1 +10001101 10,225 1 +10001101 1508 1 +10001101 1281.69 1 +10001101 1313.29 1 +10001101 Wintersburg 1 +10001101 2:58:06 1 +10001101 1272.85 1 +10001101 1:55:42 1 +10001101 2:12:42 1 +10001101 2:12:37 1 +10001101 1278.42 1 +10001101 Vercelli 1 +10001101 1563 1 +10001101 1294.15 1 +10001101 Gosselies 1 +10001101 Deepwater 1 +10001101 Gibbstown 1 +10001101 Sibu 1 +10001101 Houston. 1 +10001101 1283.37 1 +10001101 2013-2016 1 +10001101 1296.94 1 +10001101 1275.27 1 +10001101 Eupora 1 +10001101 Cataumet 1 +10001101 Tulelake 1 +10001101 potpies 1 +10001101 1276.60 1 +10001101 Edinborough 1 +10001101 Negril 1 +10001101 DAFSA 1 +10001101 Kleve 1 +10001101 1246.11 1 +10001101 Essexville 1 +10001101 Washaba 1 +10001101 1237.80 1 +10001101 Alkmaar 1 +10001101 1374.94 1 +10001101 1374.62 1 +10001101 Kasumigaseki 1 +10001101 push-er 1 +10001101 Sotexo 1 +10001101 Torquay 1 +10001101 1420.19 1 +10001101 1416.25 1 +10001101 1939-40 1 +10001101 1346 1 +10001101 midMarch 1 +10001101 1331.55 1 +10001101 NORAID 1 +10001101 Yongkwang 1 +10001101 1690 1 +10001101 Turin. 1 +10001101 Brownville 1 +10001101 Tonowanda 1 +10001101 Brigante 1 +10001101 generalizing 1 +10001101 Hominy 1 +10001101 1295.81 1 +10001101 Oskaloosa 1 +10001101 magnetoencephalography 1 +10001101 1372.42 1 +10001101 Limbo 1 +10001101 BTP 1 +10001101 Saluda 1 +10001101 Lawnside 1 +10001101 midlife-illness 1 +10001101 Penticton 1 +10001101 flophouses 1 +10001101 1349.61 1 +10001101 payroll-cutting 1 +10001101 platooning 1 +10001101 1275.82 1 +10001101 Follansbee 1 +10001101 Mariposa 1 +10001101 Darjeeling 1 +10001101 taxes-income 1 +10001101 Hennef 1 +10001101 Windemere 1 +10001101 1489 1 +10001101 semi-gibberish 1 +10001101 Hartheim 1 +10001101 spending-to-sales 1 +10001101 europium 1 +10001101 understimulating 1 +10001101 1252.65 1 +10001101 Czestochowa 1 +10001101 dead-stroke 1 +10001101 Herefordshire 1 +10001101 Franconia 1 +10001101 Decorah 1 +10001101 Saticoy 1 +10001101 Arnoldia 1 +10001101 1938-41 1 +10001101 1954-55 1 +10001101 478,907 1 +10001101 SANDWICHES 1 +10001101 1197.76 1 +10001101 Ceasa 1 +10001101 1221.87 1 +10001101 1,688 1 +10001101 Eastbourne 1 +10001101 Grantsburg 1 +10001101 extra-legalism 1 +10001101 1195.85 1 +10001101 Bolingbrook 1 +10001101 Thorold 1 +10001101 Derbyshire 1 +10001101 56,930 1 +10001101 Bardstown 1 +10001101 1208.55 1 +10001101 Aabenraa 1 +10001101 Denver. 1 +10001101 Paignton 1 +10001101 1419.41 1 +10001101 1222.83 1 +10001101 triathalons 1 +10001101 Diaspora. 1 +10001101 1195.59 1 +10001101 Angola. 1 +10001101 Decembers 1 +10001101 Petoskey 1 +10001101 TVW7 1 +10001101 1203.29 1 +10001101 1561 1 +10001101 gunbursts 1 +10001101 Winnersh 1 +10001101 Leola 1 +10001101 rice-wine 1 +10001101 Bladenboro 1 +10001101 sequenced 1 +10001101 Norridgewock 1 +10001101 Kronberg 1 +10001101 1221.38 1 +10001101 Escatawpa 1 +10001101 1427.73 1 +10001101 Asnieres 1 +10001101 1422.92 1 +10001101 Coraopolis 1 +10001101 Raytown 1 +10001101 1245.08 1 +10001101 Gorongosa 1 +10001101 cartoonland 1 +10001101 MCCRK 1 +10001101 SLMAJ 1 +10001101 7,762 1 +10001101 1,332,106 1 +10001101 Algona 1 +10001101 1684 1 +10001101 patients. 1 +10001101 Colorodo 1 +10001101 German. 1 +10001101 Crestview 1 +10001101 1241.34 1 +10001101 4:05.45 1 +10001101 Placentia 1 +10001101 businessland 1 +10001101 Amherstberg 1 +10001101 1272 1 +10001101 Barranquilla 1 +10001101 255,601 1 +10001101 1664 1 +10001101 leprosariums 1 +10001101 gentile 1 +10001101 mid-Missouri 1 +10001101 1.6053 1 +10001101 6,236 1 +10001101 1976-85 1 +10001101 Acworth 1 +10001101 1402.75 1 +10001101 1981-1983 1 +10001101 midtakeoff 1 +10001101 1984. 1 +10001101 Apure 1 +10001101 3,712 1 +10001101 port-drinking 1 +10001101 1421.89 1 +10001101 carcass-form 1 +10001101 D-Minor 1 +10001101 1423.94 1 +10001101 1810-21 1 +10001101 Magalia 1 +10001101 Deshler 1 +10001101 240.54 1 +10001101 1433.31 1 +10001101 telecoms 1 +10001101 Wickenburg 1 +10001101 Neuilly 1 +10001101 1435.92 1 +10001101 Chariton 1 +10001101 Bulacan 1 +10001101 Wackersdorf 1 +10001101 Dimbaza 1 +10001101 Bensenville 1 +10001101 olive-drab 1 +10001101 cacocracy 1 +10001101 1178.35 1 +10001101 Myock 1 +10001101 1178.14 1 +10001101 Crawfordville 1 +10001101 Saukville 1 +10001101 Wanamassa 1 +10001101 Lilleborg 1 +10001101 1185.85 1 +10001101 1182.26 1 +10001101 Reddington 1 +10001101 Lancing 1 +10001101 Serbo-Croat 1 +10001101 1184.18 1 +10001101 1196.08 1 +10001101 1171.23 1 +10001101 1422.42 1 +10001101 Hughesville 1 +10001101 teacherdom 1 +10001101 1194.61 1 +10001101 dicators 1 +10001101 1178.46 1 +10001101 1427.28 1 +10001101 Yakutsk 1 +10001101 1414.22 1 +10001101 Ranua 1 +10001101 CablEntertainment 1 +10001101 Rieme 1 +10001101 1405.34 1 +10001101 197576 1 +10001101 all-Nisei 1 +10001101 1420.48 1 +10001101 Saulieu 1 +10001101 1987-90 1 +10001101 colic 1 +10001101 metal-crafting 1 +10001101 HBO-land 1 +10001101 1087 1 +10001101 Belleview 1 +10001101 1614 1 +10001101 1224.74 1 +10001101 Bondage 1 +10001101 Llangollen 1 +10001101 1586 1 +10001101 Scarfarotti 1 +10001101 1424.33 1 +10001101 UFOs. 1 +10001101 2016-2018 1 +10001101 1229.19 1 +10001101 1230.14 1 +10001101 5.6460 1 +10001101 3.3920 1 +10001101 Pielstick 1 +10001101 Westcliffe 1 +10001101 Edmunston 1 +10001101 Euroilstock 1 +10001101 1723 1 +10001101 1582 1 +10001101 20072008 1 +10001101 Naarden 1 +10001101 1215.90 1 +10001101 Bushells 1 +10001101 tabloidland 1 +10001101 Mozzanica 1 +10001101 Foresthill 1 +10001101 AVSN 1 +10001101 1227.63 1 +10001101 Belbeuf 1 +10001101 Omegna 1 +10001101 1975. 1 +10001101 philanthropyspeak 1 +10001101 livestock-tending 1 +10001101 Stutgart 1 +10001101 Queretaro 1 +10001101 1226.08 1 +10001101 Bridgeview 1 +10001101 1943-44 1 +10001101 Vernal 1 +10001101 Maydown 1 +10001101 1234.81 1 +10001101 1860-1865 1 +10001101 Spurgeons 1 +10001101 Limassol 1 +10001101 Massachusetts. 1 +10001101 1306.94 1 +10001101 bowlingdom 1 +10001101 Yehupetz 1 +10001101 Sanbornville 1 +10001101 Kearneysville 1 +10001101 1245.50 1 +10001101 1245.69 1 +10001101 1245.19 1 +10001101 8,172 1 +10001101 midboom 1 +10001101 Weltschmerz 1 +10001101 1235.98 1 +10001101 Mmabatho 1 +10001101 2014-2018 1 +10001101 Stalin. 1 +10001101 1330.68 1 +10001101 Heredon 1 +10001101 1240.38 1 +10001101 1232.11 1 +10001101 scats 1 +10001101 Kahului 1 +10001101 Hangul 1 +10001101 1239.35 1 +10001101 1318.29 1 +10001101 1291.48 1 +10001101 midMay 1 +10001101 1225.99 1 +10001101 McConnellsburg 1 +10001101 Lemoore 1 +10001101 Hopland 1 +10001101 1921-1922 1 +10001101 1230.57 1 +10001101 mils 1 +10001101 1305.99 1 +10001101 2.9736 1 +10001101 sing-alongs 1 +10001101 Lachute 1 +10001101 Waseca 1 +10001101 1203.38 1 +10001101 Lotus-land 1 +10001101 Belpre 1 +10001101 Sindelfingen 1 +10001101 Abidjian 1 +10001101 8,349 1 +10001101 9,528 1 +10001101 7,077,100 1 +10001101 unrealizable 1 +10001101 1280.21 1 +10001101 1232.27 1 +10001101 1054 1 +10001101 attendence 1 +10001101 Osseo 1 +10001101 extenso 1 +10001101 56,327 1 +10001101 Dillontown 1 +10001101 Mundelein 1 +10001101 1312.84 1 +10001101 quadruplicate 1 +10001101 239,634 1 +10001101 Lackawaxen 1 +10001101 1205.35 1 +10001101 Alburtis 1 +10001101 12:00 1 +10001101 1535 1 +10001101 1202.96 1 +10001101 25,096 1 +10001101 1201.77 1 +10001101 1309.14 1 +10001101 60,533 1 +10001101 demand. 1 +10001101 law-in-theory 1 +10001101 8,584 1 +10001101 1210.71 1 +10001101 1207.50 1 +10001101 ceremoniality 1 +10001101 711.3 1 +10001101 1976.8 1 +10001101 Sebring 1 +10001101 Lubbock. 1 +10001101 Hasselt 1 +10001101 Cortaro 1 +10001101 Burgenstock 1 +10001101 near-seclusion 1 +10001101 1635 1 +10001101 Freesoil 1 +10001101 Gackle 1 +10001101 Yokneam 1 +10001101 McMechen 1 +10001101 mid-Febuary 1 +10001101 Donetsk 1 +10001101 green-apple 1 +10001101 Coroma 1 +10001101 Aubange 1 +10001101 Deluth 1 +10001101 harpdom 1 +10001101 1971-85 1 +10001101 1268.03 1 +10001101 enzymology 1 +10001101 Kentfield 1 +10001101 Midvale 1 +10001101 Dolbeau 1 +10001101 megacompensation 1 +10001101 Samgait 1 +10001101 1320.09 1 +10001101 Otterlo 1 +10001101 Bothel 1 +10001101 Flatwoods 1 +10001101 near-depressions 1 +10001101 Turnhout 1 +10001101 1319.20 1 +10001101 Xinxiang 1 +10001101 Portau-Prince 1 +10001101 Warna 1 +10001101 1298.58 1 +10001101 darkness. 1 +10001101 Konstanz 1 +10001101 1298.83 1 +10001101 1298.17 1 +10001101 1295.68 1 +10001101 Murraysville 1 +10001101 Keosauqua 1 +10001101 1293.29 1 +10001101 20,400 1 +10001101 1294.28 1 +10001101 Hertfordshire 1 +10001101 1294.23 1 +10001101 Hanworth 1 +10001101 Kirovabad 1 +10001101 Emmetsburg 1 +10001101 Chanhassen 1 +10001101 Kitzbuehel 1 +10001101 1300.31 1 +10001101 Helmstedt 1 +10001101 Ramat-Gan 1 +10001101 2010-2013 1 +10001101 Patchogue 1 +10001101 saint-john's-wort 1 +10001101 2:08:43 1 +10001101 Riveredge 1 +10001101 1249.07 1 +10001101 Wilkliffe 1 +10001101 Safat 1 +10001101 midJanuary 1 +10001101 Tamaulipas 1 +10001101 1304.91 1 +10001101 Serowe 1 +10001101 Desolation 1 +10001101 Marxism. 1 +10001101 logotypes 1 +10001101 1493 1 +10001101 1269.22 1 +10001101 Lebel-Sur-Quevillon 1 +10001101 12,737 1 +10001101 Montpellier 1 +10001101 1303.86 1 +10001101 Golete 1 +10001101 Glencoe 1 +10001101 Cheraw 1 +10001101 2006-2010 1 +10001101 l972 1 +10001101 Harco 1 +10001101 1496 1 +10001101 1295.03 1 +10001101 double-A1 1 +10001101 1238.76 1 +10001101 1259.13 1 +10001101 '84-85 1 +10001101 2003-2009 1 +10001101 Bankok 1 +10001101 2005-2008 1 +10001101 19-feet 1 +10001101 Rossendale 1 +10001101 Huacrachuco 1 +10001101 1267.72 1 +10001101 1822-28 1 +10001101 Middlefield 1 +10001101 mid-trade 1 +10001101 1970-75 1 +10001101 mid-Tennessee 1 +10001101 midshift 1 +10001101 Gordonsville 1 +10001101 Hamburg-Grassbrook 1 +10001101 crocus-lavender 1 +10001101 perpetuum 1 +10001101 1269.93 1 +10001101 2006-2008 1 +10001101 Bebee 1 +10001101 mid-Janurary 1 +10001101 1318.16 1 +10001101 13,552 1 +10001101 Frome 1 +10001101 midstride 1 +10001101 1214.24 1 +10001101 1609 1 +10001101 Sorrento 1 +10001101 Boyds 1 +10001101 cinematography. 1 +10001101 1218.20 1 +10001101 Seattle. 1 +10001101 1250.14 1 +10001101 43.93 1 +10001101 Hogeye 1 +10001101 1225.13 1 +10001101 Clackamas 1 +10001101 Mechanicsville 1 +10001101 1993-95 1 +10001101 1229.44 1 +10001101 Contactair 1 +10001101 1977-88 1 +10001101 Sarrebourg 1 +10001101 2007-09 1 +10001101 Skillman 1 +10001101 Breinigsville 1 +10001101 Streator 1 +10001101 1241.17 1 +10001101 1967-1977 1 +10001101 moneysyllables 1 +10001101 1208.59 1 +10001101 ferro-alloys 1 +10001101 Yacopi 1 +10001101 Korea. 1 +10001101 1225.94 1 +10001101 Hooverman 1 +10001101 G-strings 1 +10001101 Watchmaking 1 +10001101 Cuma 1 +10001101 1996-98 1 +10001101 inflation- 1 +10001101 Nacagdoches 1 +10001101 underexpectations 1 +10001101 bluejeans 1 +10001101 5,478 1 +10001101 Bethseda 1 +10001101 Cedartown 1 +10001101 1246.09 1 +10001101 epistemology 1 +10001101 Kulm 1 +10001101 urethanes 1 +10001101 Promontory 1 +10001101 Telemunchen 1 +10001101 Austral-Asia 1 +10001101 Sligo 1 +10001101 Coesfeld 1 +10001101 hyposmia 1 +10001101 Pieterburen 1 +10001101 Berkeley. 1 +10001101 309.0 1 +10001101 12,937.9 1 +10001101 Demopolis 1 +10001101 1,594.0 1 +10001101 Wuerzburg 1 +10001101 474.0 1 +10001101 1197.99 1 +10001101 Pune 1 +10001101 Victorville 1 +10001101 1193.82 1 +10001101 small-displacement 1 +10001101 Ravennan 1 +10001101 Swindon 1 +10001101 Australia. 1 +10001101 4,853.7 1 +10001101 1191.46 1 +10001101 143,109 1 +10001101 254,846 1 +10001101 119,195 1 +10001101 13,066 1 +10001101 179,322 1 +10001101 1194.90 1 +10001101 Chiyah 1 +10001101 Vietnam. 1 +10001101 1198.68 1 +10001101 Conda 1 +10001101 1,704.0 1 +10001101 2,085.0 1 +10001101 2,044.5 1 +10001101 Ottobrunn 1 +10001101 9,127.0 1 +10001101 1,140.6 1 +10001101 3,338.4 1 +10001101 5,120.0 1 +10001101 3,418.0 1 +10001101 Nomisma 1 +10001101 1199.80 1 +10001101 mark-sterling 1 +10001101 mid-1967 1 +10001101 198081 1 +10001101 1,686,500 1 +10001101 1985-88 1 +10001101 Dreieich 1 +10001101 1221.66 1 +10001101 1214.18 1 +10001101 super-absorbency 1 +10001101 2008-10 1 +10001101 Boykins 1 +10001101 2010-2014 1 +10001101 1662 1 +10001101 Kalush 1 +10001101 1228.84 1 +10001101 Fontainbleau 1 +10001101 Apopka 1 +10001101 Hyannisport 1 +10001101 Habaniya 1 +10001101 1192.91 1 +10001101 Woodhaven 1 +10001101 Tecuseh 1 +10001101 Leixlip 1 +10001101 semimonthly 1 +10001101 1197.88 1 +10001101 Rhinecliff 1 +10001101 Aulnay 1 +10001101 non-Tories 1 +10001101 Lehi 1 +10001101 .5269 1 +10001101 1203.22 1 +10001101 Leping 1 +10001101 Rozenburg 1 +10001101 Donnacona 1 +10001101 1005 1 +10001101 1249.69 1 +10001101 Demography 1 +10001101 Oldsmar 1 +10001101 Balmertown 1 +10001101 1267.04 1 +10001101 Manilaarea 1 +10001101 Arlit 1 +10001101 Wausa 1 +10001101 Saatchification 1 +10001101 Asti 1 +10001101 Chinandega 1 +10001101 Francesville 1 +10001101 Ropers 1 +10001101 1263.37 1 +10001101 1241.96 1 +10001101 1260.00 1 +10001101 aliya 1 +10001101 1255.13 1 +10001101 Utsunomiya 1 +10001101 1277.13 1 +10001101 Iowa. 1 +10001101 Sandpoint 1 +10001101 Stoneville 1 +10001101 Chesire 1 +10001101 electrophotography 1 +10001101 Canovanas 1 +10001101 Tigard 1 +10001101 1.7370 1 +10001101 1.7225 1 +10001101 1919-1939 1 +10001101 Floresville 1 +10001101 histroy 1 +10001101 Hunstville 1 +10001101 autodidacts 1 +10001101 1657 1 +10001101 Scituate 1 +10001101 1226.13 1 +10001101 1946-48 1 +10001101 Arlee 1 +10001101 1268.10 1 +10001101 1980. 1 +10001101 hotel-housekeeping 1 +10001101 Madawaska 1 +10001101 Borispole 1 +10001101 1224.90 1 +10001101 Gartcosh 1 +10001101 Crossville 1 +10001101 16,558 1 +10001101 Vukovar 1 +10001101 Champa 1 +10001101 Smryna 1 +10001101 Oceana 1 +10001101 1963-64 1 +10001101 1235.27 1 +10001101 Minhang 1 +10001101 Serrana 1 +10001101 1554 1 +10001101 Hilversum 1 +10001101 Clover 1 +10001101 1226.82 1 +10001101 1230.18 1 +10001101 sputnik 1 +10001101 1970-81 1 +10001101 Terneuzen 1 +10001101 Quesnel 1 +10001101 Hydrostone 1 +10001101 Azcapotzalco 1 +10001101 1910-20 1 +10001101 1190 1 +10001101 1661 1 +10001101 bas-relief 1 +10001101 Moroleon 1 +10001101 1561.0 1 +10001101 Drachten 1 +10001101 Rothamsted 1 +10001101 1251.85 1 +10001101 Tubingen 1 +10001101 1736 1 +10001101 1231.96 1 +10001101 33,849 1 +10001101 Ashtabula 2 +10001101 IBM-speak 2 +10001101 1642 2 +10001101 Korem 2 +10001101 '32 2 +10001101 1981-89 2 +10001101 haystacks 2 +10001101 Tredyffrin 2 +10001101 2007-2009 2 +10001101 1702 2 +10001101 Khayelitsha 2 +10001101 1291 2 +10001101 sight. 2 +10001101 2009-2020 2 +10001101 Taichung 2 +10001101 1411.17 2 +10001101 Dhahran 2 +10001101 25-to-1 2 +10001101 1194.60 2 +10001101 1490 2 +10001101 Hydaburg 2 +10001101 Wyncote 2 +10001101 Bracebridge 2 +10001101 Anniston 2 +10001101 1520 2 +10001101 Shadeyside 2 +10001101 forget-me-not 2 +10001101 Barryville 2 +10001101 tax-swaps 2 +10001101 Haleyville 2 +10001101 Ligonier 2 +10001101 1763 2 +10001101 1453 2 +10001101 1526 2 +10001101 Pforzheim 2 +10001101 2260 2 +10001101 Gorbals 2 +10001101 resume-writing 2 +10001101 Opelousas 2 +10001101 Mississagua 2 +10001101 Vienne 2 +10001101 Vitebsk 2 +10001101 centerfield 2 +10001101 1483 2 +10001101 Westerville 2 +10001101 Hula-Hoops 2 +10001101 Luneburg 2 +10001101 Swissvale 2 +10001101 cheesecloth 2 +10001101 restrospect 2 +10001101 Corsicana 2 +10001101 1669 2 +10001101 Stuntbrand 2 +10001101 1240.03 2 +10001101 B/C 2 +10001101 SGGMD 2 +10001101 Cordele 2 +10001101 Wuppertal 2 +10001101 Folkestone 2 +10001101 Manhattan. 2 +10001101 Pella 2 +10001101 Vitos 2 +10001101 Kayenta 2 +10001101 Bequai 2 +10001101 '13 2 +10001101 1200.94 2 +10001101 1300.49 2 +10001101 Bramlea 2 +10001101 mid-1975 2 +10001101 1248.23 2 +10001101 Afabet 2 +10001101 1694 2 +10001101 Cottonton 2 +10001101 Waterville 2 +10001101 1971-1972 2 +10001101 Poway 2 +10001101 Sherbourne 2 +10001101 1932-1933 2 +10001101 1588 2 +10001101 backstretch 2 +10001101 1211.47 2 +10001101 Boxborough 2 +10001101 Florenceville 2 +10001101 Merseyside 2 +10001101 1623 2 +10001101 Fontainebleu 2 +10001101 Collegedale 2 +10001101 1270.18 2 +10001101 April. 2 +10001101 Goiania 2 +10001101 Edenton 2 +10001101 2060 2 +10001101 1758 2 +10001101 Napanee 2 +10001101 pantomine 2 +10001101 Effingham 2 +10001101 triplicate 2 +10001101 1249.45 2 +10001101 Taxila 2 +10001101 Phoeniz 2 +10001101 Korba 2 +10001101 2:25:21 2 +10001101 1249.51 2 +10001101 haberdashery 2 +10001101 Manaus 2 +10001101 1932-33 2 +10001101 1689 2 +10001101 Huntingburg 2 +10001101 Ephrata 2 +10001101 1660 2 +10001101 Bastrop 2 +10001101 '81-82 2 +10001101 1981-1986 2 +10001101 1257.35 2 +10001101 Owego 2 +10001101 Greenock 2 +10001101 1576 2 +10001101 Abkhazians 2 +10001101 Millen 2 +10001101 2004-2009 2 +10001101 Guayaquil 2 +10001101 1381 2 +10001101 Thomonde 2 +10001101 1929-1932 2 +10001101 1696 2 +10001101 INXS 2 +10001101 Recife 2 +10001101 higher-yield 2 +10001101 1232.49 2 +10001101 Seekonk 2 +10001101 2003-2008 2 +10001101 Herborn 2 +10001101 Mosul 2 +10001101 1808 2 +10001101 1604 2 +10001101 Duisburg-Rheinhausen 2 +10001101 Pushto 2 +10001101 crayon 2 +10001101 Moncton 2 +10001101 1515 2 +10001101 January. 2 +10001101 Riegelwood 2 +10001101 1644 2 +10001101 Dorval 2 +10001101 Ontonagon 2 +10001101 Tampico 2 +10001101 Peekskill 2 +10001101 degeneracy 2 +10001101 Lindenwold 2 +10001101 1768 3 +10001101 Bratislava 3 +10001101 Gloucestershire 3 +10001101 Killeen 3 +10001101 McCamey 3 +10001101 Alpena 3 +10001101 Statesville 3 +10001101 1632 3 +10001101 Nazareth 3 +10001101 l985 3 +10001101 1611 3 +10001101 mid-1996 3 +10001101 1843 3 +10001101 Sobibor 3 +10001101 Eschborn 3 +10001101 1978-80 3 +10001101 Pottstown 3 +10001101 Standerton 3 +10001101 Borken 3 +10001101 1829 3 +10001101 Naples-Syracuse 3 +10001101 21000 3 +10001101 Visalia 3 +10001101 Stateline 3 +10001101 Lakeville 3 +10001101 Puchon 3 +10001101 sweatsuits 3 +10001101 1622 3 +10001101 Sukoharjo 3 +10001101 Uvalde 3 +10001101 Ghent 3 +10001101 Songnam 3 +10001101 October-November 3 +10001101 1783 3 +10001101 1796 3 +10001101 22000 3 +10001101 '64 3 +10001101 Vilnius 3 +10001101 Ketchikan 3 +10001101 Dudhrej 3 +10001101 Chico-Redding 3 +10001101 Lumberton 3 +10001101 Plaquemine 3 +10001101 1625 3 +10001101 1826 3 +10001101 Miami. 3 +10001101 Wellsville 3 +10001101 Bloomsburg 3 +10001101 Rockmart 3 +10001101 Uniontown 3 +10001101 Cracow 3 +10001101 Oakton 3 +10001101 1610 3 +10001101 1809 3 +10001101 Skowhegan 3 +10001101 1985. 3 +10001101 Jeffersonville 3 +10001101 mid-flight 4 +10001101 1981-1985 4 +10001101 Harleyville 4 +10001101 Moundsville 4 +10001101 Gurnee 4 +10001101 extremis 4 +10001101 1797 4 +10001101 Tagalog 4 +10001101 1977-78 4 +10001101 Ziebarth 4 +10001101 1801 4 +10001101 Japan. 4 +10001101 Suzuka 4 +10001101 1675 4 +10001101 mid-1979 4 +10001101 GPT 4 +10001101 Dyersville 4 +10001101 Modena 4 +10001101 1599 4 +10001101 mid-1994 4 +10001101 1744 4 +10001101 Agadez 4 +10001101 1516 4 +10001101 1957-58 4 +10001101 1785 4 +10001101 Titograd 4 +10001101 Jonesboro 4 +10001101 Peterborough 4 +10001101 1802 4 +10001101 1822 4 +10001101 2080 4 +10001101 Mountainview 4 +10001101 1755 4 +10001101 1964-65 4 +10001101 Tarzana 4 +10001101 1814 4 +10001101 Malmoe 4 +10001101 Koblenz 4 +10001101 Ajijic 5 +10001101 Baalbek 5 +10001101 '48 5 +10001101 1978-79 5 +10001101 1821 5 +10001101 Kingsey-Falls 5 +10001101 '63 5 +10001101 1960-61 5 +10001101 1770 5 +10001101 Whitefish 5 +10001101 Jabalpur 5 +10001101 1823 5 +10001101 1636 5 +10001101 '72 5 +10001101 Brattleboro 5 +10001101 1828 5 +10001101 Mayaguez 5 +10001101 Martinsville 5 +10001101 Charleroi 5 +10001101 1953-54 5 +10001101 Bridgetown 5 +10001101 1804 5 +10001101 1798 6 +10001101 1825 6 +10001101 Frankfort 6 +10001101 1966-67 6 +10001101 Maastricht 6 +10001101 1805 6 +10001101 mid-Manhattan 6 +10001101 1847 6 +10001101 Truro 6 +10001101 1831 6 +10001101 Guadeloupe 6 +10001101 1781 6 +10001101 1774 6 +10001101 1730 6 +10001101 1815 6 +10001101 Dodgeville 6 +10001101 Stellarton 6 +10001101 1794 6 +10001101 1775 7 +10001101 Augsburg 7 +10001101 1974-75 7 +10001101 Saskatoon 7 +10001101 1877 7 +10001101 1885 7 +10001101 1780 7 +10001101 Albertville 7 +10001101 1841 7 +10001101 Munster 7 +10001101 Marshalltown 7 +10001101 Bracknell 7 +10001101 1842 7 +10001101 Nogales 7 +10001101 1793 7 +10001101 1972-73 7 +10001101 E-flat 7 +10001101 Loretto 7 +10001101 Quantico 7 +10001101 1827 7 +10001101 1816 7 +10001101 1845 7 +10001101 Heidelberg 7 +10001101 Washington. 7 +10001101 lavatories 8 +10001101 1856 8 +10001101 1824 8 +10001101 Torreon 8 +10001101 1784 8 +10001101 1810 8 +10001101 1835 8 +10001101 Marseilles 8 +10001101 1878 8 +10001101 1875 8 +10001101 Lahore 8 +10001101 1883 8 +10001101 Hefei 8 +10001101 1980-82 9 +10001101 2150 9 +10001101 '78 9 +10001101 mid-1981 9 +10001101 Tashkent 10 +10001101 1817 10 +10001101 1792 10 +10001101 numismatics 10 +10001101 1863 10 +10001101 1862 10 +10001101 1637 10 +10001101 Groton 10 +10001101 mid-1980 11 +10001101 1750 11 +10001101 abeyance 11 +10001101 Potsdam 11 +10001101 spades 11 +10001101 1853 11 +10001101 1865 11 +10001101 1791 11 +10001101 1969-70 11 +10001101 1832 11 +10001101 '83 11 +10001101 Mainz 11 +10001101 1871 12 +10001101 1820 12 +10001101 1790 12 +10001101 1894 12 +10001101 1881 12 +10001101 1795 12 +10001101 1851 12 +10001101 1982-1984 12 +10001101 1857 12 +10001101 1874 13 +10001101 1892 13 +10001101 1854 13 +10001101 1982-84 14 +10001101 1840 14 +10001101 1830 15 +10001101 1882 16 +10001101 Amritsar 16 +10001101 Tuscany 16 +10001101 1869 16 +10001101 1803 16 +10001101 '82 16 +10001101 1902 16 +10001101 1776 17 +10001101 1982-83 17 +10001101 1899 17 +10001101 Erlangen 17 +10001101 1891 17 +10001101 988 18 +10001101 1848 18 +10001101 1887 18 +10001101 1788 18 +10001101 1886 18 +10001101 1897 18 +10001101 1884 18 +10001101 1870 19 +10001101 1867 19 +10001101 tatters 19 +10001101 1889 19 +10001101 1879 20 +10001101 1904 20 +10001101 1850 20 +10001101 1868 20 +10001101 1876 20 +10001101 perpetuity 21 +10001101 1980-81 21 +10001101 mid-1982 21 +10001101 1861 22 +10001101 1880 22 +10001101 1903 22 +10001101 1898 23 +10001101 1905 23 +10001101 1890 23 +10001101 1906 24 +10001101 mid-1983 24 +10001101 1888 25 +10001101 1908 26 +10001101 jest 27 +10001101 1909 27 +10001101 1860 27 +10001101 1873 28 +10001101 1893 29 +10001101 1895 32 +10001101 unison 32 +10001101 1789 33 +10001101 1901 33 +10001101 1927 34 +10001101 1916 34 +10001101 1923 34 +10001101 '85 35 +10001101 Toulouse 37 +10001101 1910 37 +10001101 1918 38 +10001101 1896 39 +10001101 1907 39 +10001101 1922 42 +10001101 1915 42 +10001101 1984-85 44 +10001101 1914 44 +10001101 1912 45 +10001101 1921 47 +10001101 '86 48 +10001101 mid-1984 49 +10001101 1925 50 +10001101 1928 50 +10001101 1924 52 +10001101 1926 53 +10001101 1911 54 +10001101 1913 56 +10001101 1920 58 +10001101 1919 61 +10001101 1917 63 +10001101 1931 64 +10001101 1943 66 +10001101 1900 68 +10001101 1935 68 +10001101 diameter 73 +10001101 1942 79 +10001101 mid-1985 83 +10001101 1985-86 86 +10001101 1941 87 +10001101 hindsight 89 +10001101 1981-82 91 +10001101 1944 92 +10001101 mid-1986 93 +10001101 1937 94 +10001101 1939 94 +10001101 1936 96 +10001101 1932 99 +10001101 mid-March 103 +10001101 1938 104 +10001101 1951 105 +10001101 mid-1987 106 +10001101 1930 109 +10001101 1946 121 +10001101 1953 123 +10001101 mid-April 127 +10001101 mid-June 128 +10001101 1940 136 +10001101 1955 139 +10001101 1952 140 +10001101 1945 146 +10001101 1947 152 +10001101 1954 153 +10001101 1933 154 +10001101 1958 155 +10001101 1957 183 +10001101 1956 185 +10001101 1949 195 +10001101 1950 197 +10001101 1948 214 +10001101 1959 231 +10001101 1963 250 +10001101 1961 257 +10001101 1962 308 +10001101 1966 309 +10001101 1965 351 +10001101 1964 365 +10001101 1929 377 +10001101 1960 384 +10001101 1967 512 +10001101 1971 521 +10001101 1968 533 +10001101 1972 734 +10001101 1970 741 +10001101 1975 764 +10001101 1974 767 +10001101 1973 802 +10001101 1976 971 +10001101 1977 974 +10001101 1978 1278 +10001101 1979 1808 +10001101 1981 3011 +10001101 1980 3229 +10001101 1982 3813 +10001101 1983 4195 +10001101 1985 11496 +10001101 1984 6740 +100011100 SURRENDERED 1 +100011100 SIMILARITIES 1 +100011100 BERZOFSKY 1 +100011100 DOTS 1 +100011100 ANSWERS 1 +100011100 Uzzi 1 +100011100 TROUT 1 +100011100 SPIRIT 1 +100011100 ORIGINS 1 +100011100 STATION 1 +100011100 FAVORS 1 +100011100 PRECISE 1 +100011100 OFFICERS 1 +100011100 INCENTIVES 1 +100011100 40-HOUR 1 +100011100 APPRECIATION 1 +100011100 BULLET 1 +100011100 HOSPITALITY 1 +100011100 DUNKIN 1 +100011100 PREVIEWS 1 +100011100 AMPLE 1 +100011100 VIGOR 1 +100011100 CONCEDES 1 +100011100 DISTRIBUTION 1 +100011100 CHIN-LOR 1 +100011100 TOVIG 1 +100011100 COMPLICATION 1 +100011100 CHAMP 1 +100011100 ALLURE 1 +100011100 IMPROVEMENT 1 +100011100 TRESPASS 1 +100011100 mile. 1 +100011100 ANGUISH 1 +100011100 PALS 1 +100011100 fire-in-the-belly 1 +100011100 SILVER-TONGUED 1 +100011100 CELEBRITIES 1 +100011100 PRECHTER 1 +100011100 Donerries 1 +100011100 BALES 1 +100011100 CHAOS 1 +100011100 SEELIG 1 +100011100 TUMULT 1 +100011100 embarrassement 1 +100011100 RAW-STEEL 1 +100011100 SCANLON 1 +100011100 ROSEMARY 1 +100011100 C.B 1 +100011100 Virieu 1 +100011100 MUFFIN 1 +100011100 THIRTIES 1 +100011100 FETCH 1 +100011100 NAGOYA 1 +100011100 DEPARTURE 1 +100011100 CONTEST 1 +100011100 DAGGER 1 +100011100 Yummies 1 +100011100 Cut-Rate 1 +100011100 ZIYANG 1 +100011100 HAGEMAN 1 +100011100 FLAVORS 1 +100011100 EAGERNESS 1 +100011100 870817-0031 1 +100011100 BOWLS 1 +100011100 HANES 1 +100011100 ALLEGATIONS 1 +100011100 INCIDENT 1 +100011100 RUNWAY 1 +100011100 FLASK 1 +100011100 STRIVES 1 +100011100 TEO 1 +100011100 WERSTIUK 1 +100011100 Meeni 1 +100011100 BRISCOE 1 +100011100 DIAGNOSTICS 1 +100011100 DISILLUSION 1 +100011100 TECHNIQUES 1 +100011100 Lector 1 +100011100 heartwarmer 1 +100011100 Salado 1 +100011100 COMMONLY 1 +100011100 SCRAMBLES 1 +100011100 WINSTON-SALEM 1 +100011100 PROMOTIONS 1 +100011100 Bocayare 1 +100011100 WELL-BEING 1 +100011100 PIED 1 +100011100 GROUND 1 +100011100 MAYOR 1 +100011100 DROPOUTS 1 +100011100 SHORTAGES 1 +100011100 STARTS 1 +100011100 DISRUPTIVE 1 +100011100 FLEISHER 1 +100011100 CONSOLIDATION 1 +100011100 pale-green-glazed 1 +100011100 bar-to-tennis-court-ratio 1 +100011100 Binatang 1 +100011100 IVES 1 +100011100 BLITZ 1 +100011100 Caju 1 +100011100 NETHERLANDS 1 +100011100 INWARD 1 +100011100 SANTANDER 1 +100011100 COASTS 1 +100011100 CORNERS 1 +100011100 WORKWEEKS 1 +100011100 TISSUES 1 +100011100 CENTERFOLD 1 +100011100 COMRADE 1 +100011100 GOAL 1 +100011100 ACCOUNTANT 1 +100011100 CLAYS 1 +100011100 GURU 1 +100011100 BENASULI 1 +100011100 PLACEMENT 1 +100011100 SECURE 1 +100011100 STRIVE 1 +100011100 EUROPEANS 1 +100011100 VEREINSBANK 1 +100011100 FORMULA 1 +100011100 Go-Betweens 1 +100011100 PARALLEL 1 +100011100 CONSIDERED 1 +100011100 FORMALLY 1 +100011100 PAMED 1 +100011100 WEINSTEIN 1 +100011100 CONTRIBUTION 1 +100011100 DEFINED 1 +100011100 Sheikdom 1 +100011100 attorney-director 1 +100011100 TICKETS 1 +100011100 GOOD-WILL 1 +100011100 APPLES 1 +100011100 REASONS 1 +100011100 ASTRONAUTS 1 +100011100 goofily 1 +100011100 HASN 1 +100011100 PARTISANSHIP 1 +100011100 PLOY 1 +100011100 WHOLESALE 1 +100011100 Fictions 1 +100011100 VICE 1 +100011100 CROWS 1 +100011100 EXCITMENT 1 +100011100 TURNAROUND 1 +100011100 TEMPORARIES 1 +100011100 OPPOSED 1 +100011100 PROCEDURES 1 +100011100 AIRSPACE 1 +100011100 LIQUIDITY 1 +100011100 FLAWS 1 +100011100 FLOW 1 +100011100 DRIPS 1 +100011100 LOCKER 1 +100011100 Talcos 1 +100011100 Imprensa 1 +100011100 THAR 1 +100011100 Dahuk 1 +100011100 super-weapon 1 +100011100 STAFFED 1 +100011100 Hockery 1 +100011100 offer-in-compromise 1 +100011100 A.B.D. 1 +100011100 SUPPLIERS 1 +100011100 CONDITIONERS 1 +100011100 AUSSIE 1 +100011100 ROBERTS 1 +100011100 ROCKS 1 +100011100 IMPRESSIONS 1 +100011100 LIABILITIES 1 +100011100 IDEAS 1 +100011100 SCENE 1 +100011100 confidence-builder 1 +100011100 ANEMOMETER 1 +100011100 REYES 1 +100011100 ABOARD 1 +100011100 CATCH-444 1 +100011100 REGION 1 +100011100 GRINCH 1 +100011100 PERFUMES 1 +100011100 MIDLIFE 1 +100011100 CORRECTION 1 +100011100 SELDOM 1 +100011100 KEDS 1 +100011100 SUCCEEDS 1 +100011100 HEARTS 1 +100011100 YORKERS 1 +100011100 EARTHQUAKE 1 +100011100 PERSPECTIVE 1 +100011100 SPREADS 1 +100011100 COLLECTION 1 +100011100 Kowtowskys 1 +100011100 Entomology 1 +100011100 COPING 1 +100011100 SOLICITORS 1 +100011100 PLIGHT 1 +100011100 CHOLET 1 +100011100 japes 1 +100011100 PINUP 1 +100011100 SLOPES 1 +100011100 BEDS 1 +100011100 FURNISHINGS 1 +100011100 WARPLANES 1 +100011100 ATTRACTIONS 1 +100011100 HANDCUFFS 1 +100011100 TRANSFERS 1 +100011100 DAKOTANS 1 +100011100 PENH 1 +100011100 PHNOM 1 +100011100 CALENDAR 1 +100011100 JUNG 1 +100011100 DAE 1 +100011100 810-square-foot 1 +100011100 CABLEVISION 1 +100011100 CONDUCTOR 1 +100011100 IRONY 1 +100011100 VENTURING 1 +100011100 RESTRAINT 1 +100011100 OUTSKIRTS 1 +100011100 CLAY 1 +100011100 871008-0033 1 +100011100 FOLIAGE 1 +100011100 FABRICS 1 +100011100 EXEMPTION 1 +100011100 CENTERPIECE 1 +100011100 outgoers 1 +100011100 AVERAGING 1 +100011100 GRAPE 1 +100011100 EQUIPPED 1 +100011100 89-page 1 +100011100 FADES 1 +100011100 BASES 1 +100011100 POTATOES 1 +100011100 INSPECTOR 1 +100011100 pilferproof 1 +100011100 OPTIMISTS 1 +100011100 SUE 1 +100011100 LEVIES 1 +100011100 SCHEDULES 1 +100011100 BLOWS 1 +100011100 READING 1 +100011100 BEGINNING 1 +100011100 POLISHING 1 +100011100 GREEDY 1 +100011100 INNOVATION 1 +100011100 DANIA 1 +100011100 English-made 1 +100011100 GUFFEY 1 +100011100 FII-Fyffes 1 +100011100 THEATERGOERS 1 +100011100 MUNCHIES 1 +100011100 PIANCONE 1 +100011100 DOMINATE 1 +100011100 REWARD 1 +100011100 VANISH 1 +100011100 KNIGHT 1 +100011100 SEASONS 1 +100011100 Peixe 1 +100011100 PERU 1 +100011100 PLUGS 1 +100011100 Werner-speak 1 +100011100 OBSERVERS 1 +100011100 SCREENING 1 +100011100 REVELRY 1 +100011100 AMEN 1 +100011100 BRINGS 1 +100011100 UNFAIRNESS 1 +100011100 UNBARRED 1 +100011100 FACADE 1 +100011100 THOUGHTS 1 +100011100 TOWER 1 +100011100 ITEMIZED 1 +100011100 DIVIDENDS. 1 +100011100 STORYBOARD 1 +100011100 TOLEDO 1 +100011100 freebooter 1 +100011100 ATTRACTION 1 +100011100 BETS 1 +100011100 JEWELLERS 1 +100011100 VALUES 1 +100011100 DEFECTED 1 +100011100 SURFACED 1 +100011100 SHORES 1 +100011100 YANG 1 +100011100 PEEKING 1 +100011100 UNEMPLOYED 1 +100011100 AUDIT 1 +100011100 PRAISE 1 +100011100 POSITIONS 1 +100011100 COME-ON 1 +100011100 CHANCE-OF-A-LIFETIME 1 +100011100 VIOLATIONS 1 +100011100 FIREFIGHTERS 1 +100011100 AVIACION 1 +100011100 TELECOMUNICATIONS 1 +100011100 TRAPPINGS 1 +100011100 Trap-Ease 1 +100011100 MOUSETRAP 1 +100011100 BANQUES 1 +100011100 PAGE 1 +100011100 BERTHA 1 +100011100 CRUCIFIXION 1 +100011100 SPONGES 1 +100011100 THUMB 1 +100011100 BLUEBERRIES 1 +100011100 BULLISH 1 +100011100 ABREAST 1 +100011100 BEVERAGE 1 +100011100 GIRLFRIEND 1 +100011100 SIDES 1 +100011100 Self-Employed 1 +100011100 SIGHTED 1 +100011100 DEFINITION 1 +100011100 eye-grabber 1 +100011100 COFFEEHOUSE 1 +100011100 SPOUSE 1 +100011100 INNOCENT 1 +100011100 HALTED 1 +100011100 AGRONOMICS 1 +100011100 EDGES 1 +100011100 VANS 1 +100011100 ABSOLUTE 1 +100011100 FOE 1 +100011100 ANTONIO 1 +100011100 RODIME 1 +100011100 SUBWAYS 1 +100011100 GENERATING 1 +100011100 BALLYHOOED 1 +100011100 EMERGE 1 +100011100 ESCALATE 1 +100011100 CLOSER 1 +100011100 AMWAY 1 +100011100 abalone-lover 1 +100011100 SHORESIDE 1 +100011100 EX-SPOUSE 1 +100011100 VOCALS 1 +100011100 CERTIFICATION 1 +100011100 BIOSCIENCE 1 +100011100 BARRIER 1 +100011100 ARRANGEMENTS 1 +100011100 UNPROFITABLE 1 +100011100 CARLSON 1 +100011100 ARGUMENT 1 +100011100 SHIELD 1 +100011100 ESSENCE 1 +100011100 child/Her 1 +100011100 JOCKEY 1 +100011100 STAG 1 +100011100 TONGUE 1 +100011100 CONVERTED 1 +100011100 BOUND 1 +100011100 GRATIFICATION 1 +100011100 Rondelli 1 +100011100 arras 1 +100011100 FOX 1 +100011100 UNSWORTH 1 +100011100 TROY 1 +100011100 WEREN 1 +100011100 ASSEMBLED 1 +100011100 ADVANTAGE 1 +100011100 ATTITUDES 1 +100011100 BRANCH 1 +100011100 LASERS 1 +100011100 CADAVERS 1 +100011100 PHARRISS 1 +100011100 WESTON 1 +100011100 BUSINESSPHONES 1 +100011100 LUDLUM 1 +100011100 Amount 1 +100011100 DEGREE 1 +100011100 GUARD 1 +100011100 BOMBSHELLS 1 +100011100 LAWMAKER 1 +100011100 Aulnois 1 +100011100 WORLDS 1 +100011100 WINNER 1 +100011100 COST-OF-LAUGHING 1 +100011100 RESOLUTIONS 1 +100011100 Immodest 1 +100011100 AVALON 1 +100011100 STARK 1 +100011100 MORIYAMA 1 +100011100 BAINS 1 +100011100 insider/arbitrager 1 +100011100 LACK 1 +100011100 LUMPSUM 1 +100011100 TONGUE-TWISTING 1 +100011100 INDICTMENTS 1 +100011100 BLEEP 1 +100011100 SCHEMING 1 +100011100 INSTANCE 1 +100011100 GLOOM 1 +100011100 KILL 1 +100011100 INFORMED 1 +100011100 Reject 1 +100011100 HALMI 1 +100011100 Prosterman 1 +100011100 TINTO-ZINC 1 +100011100 Auteroche 1 +100011100 OFFSHORE 1 +100011100 QUESTIONERS 1 +100011100 ENFORCERS 1 +100011100 SYNDICATOR 1 +100011100 AEGIS 1 +100011100 Thanarat 1 +100011100 MORALE 1 +100011100 INVENTORIES 1 +100011100 TUNE 1 +100011100 Eyeball 1 +100011100 INHERITANCE 1 +100011100 PLAINTIFF 1 +100011100 HURRAH 1 +100011100 TRACK 1 +100011100 ETHICAL 1 +100011100 STARKVILLE 1 +100011100 SORRELL 1 +100011100 CASTPARTS 1 +100011100 FACTORIES 1 +100011100 DEBUTS 1 +100011100 VETERANS 1 +100011100 MCHALE 1 +100011100 SNEAKER 1 +100011100 layettes 1 +100011100 PARTIES 1 +100011100 Morass 1 +100011100 INTER 1 +100011100 MEETINGS 1 +100011100 MOTIVES 1 +100011100 MILEAGE 1 +100011100 FLEXIBILITY 1 +100011100 Clampdown 1 +100011100 Camouflage 1 +100011100 SKEPTICS 1 +100011100 NOMINEE 1 +100011100 SEMENCES 1 +100011100 870615-0116 1 +100011100 BACKSLIDES 1 +100011100 GUNBOATS 1 +100011100 MUDDLED 1 +100011100 NORRIS 1 +100011100 KINNEAR 1 +100011100 JAMAIL 1 +100011100 DISCOVERIES 1 +100011100 FOLKS 1 +100011100 LEVERAGE 1 +100011100 RESCUE 1 +100011100 Wagnerites 1 +100011100 HOSTS 1 +100011100 NUTCRACKER 1 +100011100 ANXIOUS 1 +100011100 CONCEDED 1 +100011100 GRIM 1 +100011100 POCKETS 1 +100011100 AIRLINER 1 +100011100 CON 1 +100011100 PROMOTED 1 +100011100 QUALIFIED 1 +100011100 1872-1922 1 +100011100 apocalypticism 1 +100011100 KARLOFF 1 +100011100 FLYNN 1 +100011100 DEPOT 1 +100011100 DREAMERS 1 +100011100 TEMPTATIONS 1 +100011100 NECESSARY 1 +100011100 Panacea 1 +100011100 PHIPPS 1 +100011100 Epilogue 1 +100011100 CPSU 1 +100011100 FEED 1 +100011100 OLDSTER 1 +100011100 ROSTY 1 +100011100 WILKIS 1 +100011100 VERMONT 1 +100011100 WOOS 1 +100011100 GROPE 1 +100011100 GOVERNMENTS 1 +100011100 BALLOONS 1 +100011100 VALU 1 +100011100 FALLOFF 1 +100011100 SOUTHARD 1 +100011100 caduceus 1 +100011100 INTERESTS 1 +100011100 BIRTHDAY 1 +100011100 DERAILED 1 +100011100 UNDERWENT 1 +100011100 MINERA 1 +100011100 HUSIC 1 +100011100 AGRI-VATION 1 +100011100 BUREAUCRACY 1 +100011100 COMPUTING 1 +100011100 CONVENED 1 +100011100 Necklace 1 +100011100 QUOTATIONS 1 +100011100 SIKORA 1 +100011100 OVERTURES 1 +100011100 WHOLE 1 +100011100 CULTURAL 1 +100011100 EXPANSIONS 1 +100011100 BOUNTY 1 +100011100 CHEATERS 1 +100011100 Dastour 1 +100011100 AGGREGATES 1 +100011100 prizefights 1 +100011100 ITEM 1 +100011100 STEELWORKERS 1 +100011100 7130 1 +100011100 SPORTY 1 +100011100 PAPERS 1 +100011100 REPORTEDLY 1 +100011100 adverb 1 +100011100 CUP 1 +100011100 BURROUGH 1 +100011100 PADDED 1 +100011100 THIRD 1 +100011100 Montepulciano 1 +100011100 VETERINARIANS 1 +100011100 DIFFERENCES 1 +100011100 YIELD 1 +100011100 preposterousness 1 +100011100 MORMON 1 +100011100 tripone 1 +100011100 COURTHOUSE 1 +100011100 PROCEDURE 1 +100011100 PROLIFERATION 1 +100011100 PELLEGRINO 1 +100011100 BEAMS 1 +100011100 ESTATES 1 +100011100 VEHICLE 1 +100011100 KROCK 1 +100011100 DIRT 1 +100011100 BAKERIES 1 +100011100 TURISMO 1 +100011100 OVERPAYING 1 +100011100 SPEAK 1 +100011100 RIZZO 1 +100011100 SURVEILLANCE 1 +100011100 VARIABLES 1 +100011100 EVERYTHING 1 +100011100 LORD 1 +100011100 IMPORTERS 1 +100011100 DRIVES 1 +100011100 SUPPLIES 1 +100011100 encouragements 1 +100011100 BURNOUT 1 +100011100 OSTEOPATHS 1 +100011100 WRITE-OFFS 1 +100011100 WEAR 1 +100011100 TACK 1 +100011100 18-YEAR-OLD 1 +100011100 REVERSAL 1 +100011100 MANEUVER 1 +100011100 UNITES 1 +100011100 AMBITIONS 1 +100011100 Cyanuric 1 +100011100 POSER 1 +100011100 Plumage 1 +100011100 Man-Made 1 +100011100 +26 1 +100011100 81,437 1 +100011100 86,782 1 +100011100 CO-OPs 1 +100011100 RE-ELECTED 1 +100011100 LICK 1 +100011100 FASTEST 1 +100011100 DOOR 1 +100011100 ANTIBIOTIC 1 +100011100 OINTMENT 1 +100011100 TENANT 1 +100011100 TOURED 1 +100011100 WARMER 1 +100011100 EMERGES 1 +100011100 REIGNS 1 +100011100 LEECH 1 +100011100 BIRTHMARKS 1 +100011100 rival-as 1 +100011100 MAMMOGRAPHY 1 +100011100 ROSES 1 +100011100 EMPLOYMENT 1 +100011100 75,930 1 +100011100 ARCHIVES 1 +100011100 34,106 1 +100011100 Bornstein 1 +100011100 SCOOP 1 +100011100 ELECTRICIDAD 1 +100011100 INDUSTRIA 1 +100011100 5,987 1 +100011100 OUTBURST 1 +100011100 MARCUS 1 +100011100 LEUTHOLD 1 +100011100 WACHNER 1 +100011100 SHEEPSKIN 1 +100011100 MARKETER 1 +100011100 PADAVAN 1 +100011100 UNTAXABLE 1 +100011100 FRANCS 1 +100011100 FADS 1 +100011100 ACHIEVER 1 +100011100 DISABLED 1 +100011100 MOTORENWERKE 1 +100011100 INDICTMENT 1 +100011100 HYPERBOLE 1 +100011100 NANCY 1 +100011100 VOW 1 +100011100 RACKS 1 +100011100 SKIING 1 +100011100 HAWAII 1 +100011100 ASKS 1 +100011100 ADVANCEMENT 1 +100011100 COCAINE 1 +100011100 HAZARDOUS 1 +100011100 PATTON 1 +100011100 ADMISSIONS 1 +100011100 PRIVILEGE 1 +100011100 KILBY 1 +100011100 FINISHING 1 +100011100 ADVISOR 1 +100011100 ADVISORY 1 +100011100 OBERMAIER 1 +100011100 SMOKES 1 +100011100 DEADLINE 1 +100011100 Negotiator 1 +100011100 almost-industry 1 +100011100 FINALISTS 1 +100011100 RING 1 +100011100 BOMBER 1 +100011100 STEALTH 1 +100011100 EFFICIENT 1 +100011100 HARDER 1 +100011100 Sexes 1 +100011100 SKYSCRAPERS 1 +100011100 LEVENTHAL 1 +100011100 MITTELSTADT 1 +100011100 CLIPS 1 +100011100 half-ironically 1 +100011100 LATEST 1 +100011100 WORKSHOP 1 +100011100 SOLES 1 +100011100 M-I-C-K-E-Y 1 +100011100 HOUR 1 +100011100 Hoboken-Overpelt 1 +100011100 Agonized 1 +100011100 Treibacher 1 +100011100 Stenstrom 1 +100011100 PROSECUTIONS 1 +100011100 U.S.-Built 1 +100011100 Fogleman 1 +100011100 STOPPED 1 +100011100 RESERVES 1 +100011100 242,010 1 +100011100 247,505 1 +100011100 topper 1 +100011100 MINIMALISM 1 +100011100 EMBARKED 1 +100011100 Terai 1 +100011100 1,197,955 1 +100011100 SURFACES 1 +100011100 COMMUNICATORS 1 +100011100 PHOBIA 1 +100011100 ATTORNEY 1 +100011100 NAVIGATOR 1 +100011100 JACQUES 1 +100011100 UNCOUPLING 1 +100011100 52-pounder 1 +100011100 TERMINATED 1 +100011100 IMPUTED 1 +100011100 LOVERS 1 +100011100 SUPERPOWERS 1 +100011100 TRANSATLANTICO 1 +100011100 RESPONDED 1 +100011100 LORDS 1 +100011100 INSTEAD 1 +100011100 SYMPTOMS 1 +100011100 COS 1 +100011100 DENIED 1 +100011100 PERMANENTE 1 +100011100 PATCHES 1 +100011100 CIRCLES 1 +100011100 SPUR 1 +100011100 DISTANCE 1 +100011100 Pozzi 1 +100011100 QUALMS 1 +100011100 SURROGATES 1 +100011100 LINING 1 +100011100 Absence 1 +100011100 TEXACO-PENNZOIL 1 +100011100 Blankety-Blanks 1 +100011100 responsibilities. 1 +100011100 FUTILE 1 +100011100 BILLBOARDS 1 +100011100 TIPTOES 1 +100011100 College-entrance 1 +100011100 MARSHALS 1 +100011100 ARRIVE 1 +100011100 PLAZA 1 +100011100 PORN 1 +100011100 ORDINAIRE 1 +100011100 +14 1 +100011100 bancs 1 +100011100 212,556 1 +100011100 JUNGLE 1 +100011100 GHOST 1 +100011100 BOBSLED 1 +100011100 REACTION 1 +100011100 TYPEWRITERS 1 +100011100 EXCHANGED 1 +100011100 ROUTE 1 +100011100 BERTH 1 +100011100 SLICE 1 +100011100 CLEAN 1 +100011100 KICKS 1 +100011100 UKRAINIANS 1 +100011100 DIEM 1 +100011100 BASKIN 1 +100011100 BREAKERS 1 +100011100 REFUGEES 1 +100011100 CLASH 1 +100011100 FRAUD 1 +100011100 poltically 1 +100011100 DRESSES 1 +100011100 GATE 1 +100011100 DIGS 1 +100011100 CAREENS 1 +100011100 SPIN 1 +100011100 FINLEY 1 +100011100 BOATS 1 +100011100 OUNCE 1 +100011100 GUERRILLAS 1 +100011100 HUNTS 1 +100011100 DISCIPLINE 1 +100011100 SEEKERS 1 +100011100 COOKED 1 +100011100 SUBSIDIARIES 1 +100011100 HAYWARD 1 +100011100 FOLD 1 +100011100 TEXT 1 +100011100 72,643 1 +100011100 34,198 1 +100011100 MEND 1 +100011100 GOALS 1 +100011100 NATIVE 1 +100011100 RUMORS 1 +100011100 ATTAINS 1 +100011100 EXPECTS 1 +100011100 DIXON 1 +100011100 SURGES 1 +100011100 12,706 1 +100011100 SOLDIER 1 +100011100 1,083,822 1 +100011100 541,413 1 +100011100 RAN 1 +100011100 FAVOR 1 +100011100 ESCOFFIER 1 +100011100 HUNTERS 1 +100011100 SAND 1 +100011100 Ambre 1 +100011100 Seclorum 1 +100011100 GUITAR 1 +100011100 CUFF 1 +100011100 BISCUITS 1 +100011100 BERLIN 1 +100011100 VATICAN 1 +100011100 DECADES 1 +100011100 FREEMAN 1 +100011100 PROLIFERATORS 1 +100011100 ZOOS 1 +100011100 FITNESS 1 +100011100 AWAKE 1 +100011100 MORASS 1 +100011100 Feliciani 1 +100011100 SORT 1 +100011100 BRADLEY 1 +100011100 JUDITH 1 +100011100 MILLIONS 1 +100011100 TRIES 1 +100011100 RECALLS 1 +100011100 GEPPER 1 +100011100 DISARRAY 1 +100011100 STICKS 1 +100011100 insurgency. 1 +100011100 LUNG 1 +100011100 VIBROMETER 1 +100011100 MOVEMENT 1 +100011100 TERRORISM 1 +100011100 TAXIS 1 +100011100 PENARROYA 1 +100011100 VEHICLES 1 +100011100 FIGHTERS 1 +100011100 INITIATIVE 1 +100011100 SELES 1 +100011100 gioia 1 +100011100 GIRL 1 +100011100 TRANSACTIONS 1 +100011100 manager-on-the-edge 1 +100011100 RUNG 1 +100011100 DUO 1 +100011100 STAND 1 +100011100 FIXES 1 +100011100 TAKEOVERS 1 +100011100 SAURER 1 +100011100 +77 1 +100011100 DONNYBROOK 1 +100011100 SUFFERERS 1 +100011100 alphabetize 1 +100011100 SURFACE 1 +100011100 BATHROOM 1 +100011100 RAINS 1 +100011100 SEEN 1 +100011100 Attackers 1 +100011100 RICH 1 +100011100 COAT 1 +100011100 TRENCH 1 +100011100 DISAPPEARS 1 +100011100 BUSTERS 1 +100011100 SURVEYS 1 +100011100 78,713 1 +100011100 7,348 1 +100011100 471,834 1 +100011100 Fonsalette 1 +100011100 1536.5 1 +100011100 1901.7 1 +100011100 RACE 1 +100011100 Afterword 1 +100011100 7,545 1 +100011100 7,258,887 1 +100011100 SMUGGLERS 1 +100011100 Anti-abortionists 1 +100011100 VACUUM 1 +100011100 WEDDINGS 1 +100011100 COLUMNISTS 1 +100011100 WEEKENDS 1 +100011100 UHL 1 +100011100 SELF-DESTROYED 1 +100011100 Waterlooplein 1 +100011100 COMMITTEES 1 +100011100 BATHROOMS 1 +100011100 PROMISE 1 +100011100 INTERIORS 1 +100011100 POWELL 1 +100011100 out-of-stater 1 +100011100 Riunitie 1 +100011100 LAUDERDALE 1 +100011100 LOBSTERS 1 +100011100 OVERDOSE 1 +100011100 QUOTIENT 1 +100011100 RANDELL 1 +100011100 BOAST 1 +100011100 ROOM 1 +100011100 distributors/studios 1 +100011100 CONTENDERS 1 +100011100 DIPLOMATS 1 +100011100 INMATE 1 +100011100 CEREMONY 1 +100011100 employee-morale 1 +100011100 RFP 1 +100011100 WALLACH 1 +100011100 BREAKS 1 +100011100 DISRUPTION 1 +100011100 FAIRS 1 +100011100 CUISINE 1 +100011100 MARCIA 1 +100011100 HELPS 1 +100011100 ANTICA 1 +100011100 COTTING 1 +100011100 BIG-NAME 1 +100011100 GLAUBER 1 +100011100 101,379 1 +100011100 2,957 1 +100011100 EXPOSURE 1 +100011100 MUSTARD 1 +100011100 1947-1962 1 +100011100 REACTIONS 1 +100011100 Cranky 1 +100011100 UNITY 1 +100011100 CONSCIENCE 1 +100011100 SNUFF 1 +100011100 EATERIES 1 +100011100 HEIRDALE 1 +100011100 Leprechaun 1 +100011100 TRICKLES 1 +100011100 SENSOR 1 +100011100 WOUNDED 1 +100011100 HUNT 1 +100011100 1-800-CBT-LEND 1 +100011100 Magnier 1 +100011100 OUTRAGE 1 +100011100 NEWT 1 +100011100 BANCORPORATION 1 +100011100 OPERATION 1 +100011100 Over-50 1 +100011100 springboards 1 +100011100 MOTIVATE 1 +100011100 BITTEN 1 +100011100 CRUTCH 1 +100011100 NONSMOKERS 1 +100011100 Mitsubishi-a 1 +100011100 SAHGAL 1 +100011100 TALENT 1 +100011100 Caroni 1 +100011100 WEAPON 1 +100011100 THREATS 1 +100011100 CAUTION 1 +100011100 HOFFER 1 +100011100 1,333,517 1 +100011100 EURO 1 +100011100 Cataluna 1 +100011100 STATIONS 1 +100011100 TIPS 1 +100011100 Sep 1 +100011100 COLUMN 1 +100011100 514,658 1 +100011100 reqion 1 +100011100 FELLOWSHIP 1 +100011100 CASSETTE 1 +100011100 TAMMY 1 +100011100 CICIPIO 1 +100011100 TERRY 1 +100011100 SEWERS 1 +100011100 DALEY 1 +100011100 PLODDERS 1 +100011100 RUDOLPH 1 +100011100 YORK-To 1 +100011100 executive-desk 1 +100011100 ENGEL 1 +100011100 xero-lingo 1 +100011100 2118.7 1 +100011100 1541.0 1 +100011100 Perduyn 1 +100011100 Glynwed 1 +100011100 least-trumpeted 1 +100011100 ABRACADABRA 1 +100011100 UNDEFINED 1 +100011100 ESTABLISHMENT 1 +100011100 STRIPES 1 +100011100 still-fresh 1 +100011100 Moderating 1 +100011100 FRIDAY 1 +100011100 RESURFACES 1 +100011100 NERVES 1 +100011100 Heyssel 1 +100011100 SUBURBIA 1 +100011100 BRAINTRUSTERS 1 +100011100 CORNFELD 1 +100011100 VICES 1 +100011100 BATHURST 1 +100011100 ADD-ON 1 +100011100 REAP 1 +100011100 REJECTION 1 +100011100 ABUSES 1 +100011100 SHOCKS 1 +100011100 PRELATE 1 +100011100 MOAN 1 +100011100 SUCKER 1 +100011100 good-lookers 1 +100011100 198,400 1 +100011100 ACCRUALS 1 +100011100 DEALER 1 +100011100 VINES 1 +100011100 DELEGATES 1 +100011100 APOLOGIES 1 +100011100 IMAGING 1 +100011100 FOULEST 1 +100011100 ENVELOPES 1 +100011100 Ferrocarril 1 +100011100 KNIFE 1 +100011100 ASSIGNMENT 1 +100011100 SARK 1 +100011100 Wearne 1 +100011100 DIVORCEE 1 +100011100 UNLUCKY 1 +100011100 France-Caecl 1 +100011100 UNITS 1 +100011100 DIET 1 +100011100 KEYBOARDS 1 +100011100 ONE-TIME 1 +100011100 RESNICK 1 +100011100 TRIAL 1 +100011100 SNAFU 1 +100011100 LINKS 1 +100011100 ICEMAN 1 +100011100 PALESTINIANS 1 +100011100 LODESTAR 1 +100011100 EYEWEAR 1 +100011100 TELESCOPE 1 +100011100 REMAINED 1 +100011100 FOURTH 1 +100011100 MOTIVE 1 +100011100 SATISFACTION. 1 +100011100 OUELLETTE 1 +100011100 Rioters 1 +100011100 RETREAT 1 +100011100 TAKESHITA 1 +100011100 AMOUNT 1 +100011100 HEALTH-BENEFITS 1 +100011100 RIDDLE 1 +100011100 ADJUSTMENT 2 +100011100 DECLINES 2 +100011100 ADDITION 2 +100011100 STEIN 2 +100011100 MOMENT 2 +100011100 ELLIS 2 +100011100 AXIOM 2 +100011100 OWNERSHIP 2 +100011100 CHECKS 2 +100011100 DRAFT 2 +100011100 GOBAIN 2 +100011100 SUREST 2 +100011100 INTERIOR 2 +100011100 LONGER 2 +100011100 AMENDMENTS 2 +100011100 POSNER 2 +100011100 PLEA 2 +100011100 SENTENCED 2 +100011100 6251 2 +100011100 ORGANIZERS 2 +100011100 COALITION 2 +100011100 Kools 2 +100011100 HAPPENS 2 +100011100 PIERCE 2 +100011100 ASSERTED 2 +100011100 MINORITIES 2 +100011100 DISTRIBUTORS 2 +100011100 FOLLOWERS 2 +100011100 TASTERS 2 +100011100 WING 2 +100011100 YIELDS 2 +100011100 VS. 2 +100011100 PROBE 2 +100011100 REGULARLY 2 +100011100 LAMENT 2 +100011100 CORP.-c 2 +100011100 ERRORS 2 +100011100 HOMEMADE 2 +100011100 LEAGUE 2 +100011100 FAMOUS 2 +100011100 TALE 2 +100011100 AWAITED 2 +100011100 HOG 2 +100011100 HOMELESS 2 +100011100 QUOTABLE 2 +100011100 BILZERIAN 2 +100011100 APPOINTMENT 2 +100011100 CONDEMNED 2 +100011100 SOLDIERS 2 +100011100 TURNOUT 2 +100011100 BIDCOS 2 +100011100 EXPIRED 2 +100011100 WHEEL 2 +100011100 SPREE 2 +100011100 MEASURES 2 +100011100 LICENSE 2 +100011100 ANITA 2 +100011100 EYE 2 +100011100 CRIMINALS 2 +100011100 SELLER 2 +100011100 WHEELS 2 +100011100 JUAN 2 +100011100 PUBLISHERS 2 +100011100 SAILING 2 +100011100 DISPUTE 2 +100011100 OFTEN 2 +100011100 ramification 2 +100011100 CLOSINGS 2 +100011100 MIDWEST 2 +100011100 REVENGE 2 +100011100 REFORM 2 +100011100 LEGACY 2 +100011100 DEMOCRACY 2 +100011100 JUNE 2 +100011100 matriarchy 2 +100011100 TILT 2 +100011100 INDISPENSABLE 2 +100011100 APOLOGIZES 2 +100011100 PLANNERS 2 +100011100 Jingoism 2 +100011100 Intermittently 2 +100011100 AUTHORITIES 2 +100011100 CONNECTION 2 +100011100 PUBLICATION 2 +100011100 CUELLAR 2 +100011100 RELAX 2 +100011100 BACKS 2 +100011100 TEXTBOOK 2 +100011100 DUTY 2 +100011100 YOURSELF 2 +100011100 VAULT 2 +100011100 PERFORMANCE 2 +100011100 RELUCTANCE 2 +100011100 BASHES 2 +100011100 SCIENCES 2 +100011100 MAKER 2 +100011100 ROOT 2 +100011100 SUCCESSOR 2 +100011100 UTILITY 2 +100011100 ROLLOVER 2 +100011100 SPEAKES 2 +100011100 CHARACTER 2 +100011100 SUBMARINES 2 +100011100 CAMERAS 2 +100011100 BURDEN 2 +100011100 PROOF 2 +100011100 TALLY 2 +100011100 Laredos 2 +100011100 STEP 2 +100011100 EGGS 2 +100011100 AGREEMENTS 2 +100011100 Preface 2 +100011100 SLEEP 2 +100011100 CABLESYSTEMS 2 +100011100 ASSURED 2 +100011100 PICTURE 2 +100011100 RELIEF 2 +100011100 STUMBLES 2 +100011100 MEETING 2 +100011100 BYRD 2 +100011100 SHADOW 2 +100011100 CHANCE 2 +100011100 POLLUTION 2 +100011100 detours 2 +100011100 DRIVE 2 +100011100 SENATORS 2 +100011100 LEFTOVERS 2 +100011100 SUGGESTED 2 +100011100 VEEP 2 +100011100 DELAY 2 +100011100 FATE 2 +100011100 WIRE 2 +100011100 RALLY 2 +100011100 RANGE 2 +100011100 OPPONENTS 2 +100011100 PACKARD 2 +100011100 SPEND 2 +100011100 PASTURES 2 +100011100 DEFEAT 2 +100011100 FLOOR 2 +100011100 WRONG 2 +100011100 JOSTLE 2 +100011100 CREDITORS 2 +100011100 NO-NO 2 +100011100 ELECTIONS 2 +100011100 HEADS 2 +100011100 DUMP 2 +100011100 INDOSUEZ 2 +100011100 SANCTIONS 2 +100011100 PIG 2 +100011100 PRICIEST 2 +100011100 DEDUCT 2 +100011100 PROPOSALS 2 +100011100 MEDICINE 2 +100011100 BOOSTERS 2 +100011100 SHIPS 2 +100011100 SATELLITES 2 +100011100 MEOW 2 +100011100 VACCINE 2 +100011100 Robot-70s 2 +100011100 NUMBER 2 +100011100 FACING 2 +100011100 TREND 2 +100011100 MICROWAVE 2 +100011100 RUNNING 2 +100011100 EASY 2 +100011100 BEQUEST 2 +100011100 APPLIANCES 2 +100011100 TARGETS 2 +100011100 GORDON 2 +100011100 PROJECT 2 +100011100 MIGRATION 2 +100011100 EXPECT 2 +100011100 LIPS 2 +100011100 CYANAMID 2 +100011100 ITEMS 2 +100011100 WEATHER 2 +100011100 CONTROLLERS 2 +100011100 NEWEST 2 +100011100 FACTS 2 +100011100 SPARRED 2 +100011100 DIRECTIONS 2 +100011100 SOURCE 2 +100011100 DEFECTIONS 2 +100011100 JANEIRO 2 +100011100 OKLAHOMA 2 +100011100 TELLER 2 +100011100 STEAK 2 +100011100 STRUGGLES 2 +100011100 SELLS 2 +100011100 EXPAND 2 +100011100 RESISTS 2 +100011100 MINISTERS 2 +100011100 TOOLS 2 +100011100 PARLIAMENT 2 +100011100 CONSULTANTS 2 +100011100 FILED 2 +100011100 EXPENSES 2 +100011100 RETIRE 2 +100011100 BREAK 2 +100011100 DEFAULTS 2 +100011100 LITERARY 2 +100011100 ALLIANCE 2 +100011100 PACKAGING 2 +100011100 Rustling 2 +100011100 BORDER 2 +100011100 BIT 2 +100011100 BUS 2 +100011100 MINUTES 2 +100011100 COLLECTING 2 +100011100 SPIRITS 2 +100011100 PANELS 2 +100011100 ARCHITECT 2 +100011100 Chimie 2 +100011100 ROUTINE 2 +100011100 Adventurer 2 +100011100 TRIP 2 +100011100 GUILT 2 +100011100 POOL 2 +100011100 RESTRICTIONS 2 +100011100 WEALTH 2 +100011100 BOARDS 2 +100011100 PAST 2 +100011100 SHOT 2 +100011100 NATIONWIDE 2 +100011100 MUSCLE 2 +100011100 CREAM 2 +100011100 MILKEN 2 +100011100 TRACKING 2 +100011100 OVERTIME 2 +100011100 CANDIDATE 2 +100011100 all-party 2 +100011100 AREA 2 +100011100 BAUDOUIN 2 +100011100 Gunfire 2 +100011100 HOLIDAYS 2 +100011100 VAST 2 +100011100 LEARNING 2 +100011100 TREES 2 +100011100 PRODUCERS 2 +100011100 APPROVAL 2 +100011100 STRUGGLE 2 +100011100 RESULT 2 +100011100 RATINGS 2 +100011100 MESSAGE 2 +100011100 WOODSIDE 2 +100011100 SLOWDOWN 2 +100011100 ADVOCATES 2 +100011100 DETAINEES 2 +100011100 APPEALED 2 +100011100 TRAIL 2 +100011100 SECRETARIES 2 +100011100 SCORECARD 2 +100011100 WOODS 2 +100011100 SAME 2 +100011100 FACTOR 2 +100011100 GRADUATES 2 +100011100 SHIFTING 2 +100011100 BORING 2 +100011100 CHIEFS 2 +100011100 HEAT 2 +100011100 BLOEDEL 2 +100011100 PATONS 2 +100011100 WIFE 2 +100011100 statement. 2 +100011100 SOYBEAN 2 +100011100 WONDER 2 +100011100 CRIME 2 +100011100 ROME 2 +100011100 WHOLESALERS 2 +100011100 SPLITS 2 +100011100 SURGERY 2 +100011100 SPLASH 2 +100011100 GRANTING 2 +100011100 WIDE 2 +100011100 DILEMMA 2 +100011100 BILBAO 2 +100011100 AGNELLI 2 +100011100 CHANNEL 2 +100011100 Bruss 2 +100011100 INMATES 2 +100011100 POST 2 +100011100 TWIST 2 +100011100 TECHNIQUE 2 +100011100 ZOSEN 2 +100011100 Breather 2 +100011100 TREATMENT 2 +100011100 ORDER 2 +100011100 POTENTIAL 2 +100011100 COLLATERAL 2 +100011100 FILE 2 +100011100 GONE 2 +100011100 TRUE 2 +100011100 ANGELES 2 +100011100 BELT 2 +100011100 MCCORMACK 2 +100011100 HOOK 2 +100011100 BAILOUT 2 +100011100 WOLF 2 +100011100 YOUTH 2 +100011100 CORPS 2 +100011100 CONTRACTORS 2 +100011100 COVER 2 +100011100 LAKES 3 +100011100 KISSINGER 3 +100011100 EXTREMISTS 3 +100011100 MAGNETICS 3 +100011100 BONE 3 +100011100 SETTLED 3 +100011100 HARMONY 3 +100011100 COURSE 3 +100011100 STANDS 3 +100011100 WIND 3 +100011100 RESPONSE 3 +100011100 STANCE 3 +100011100 AGREEMENT 3 +100011100 BEACH 3 +100011100 CONTAINERS 3 +100011100 DELIVERY 3 +100011100 Saturn-esque 3 +100011100 HEADED 3 +100011100 TYPE 3 +100011100 INTENDS 3 +100011100 CHOICE 3 +100011100 SUPPORT 3 +100011100 MOUNT 3 +100011100 RISK 3 +100011100 DEVELOPMENTS 3 +100011100 CALLS 3 +100011100 ACCORD 3 +100011100 MATHESON 3 +100011100 SENSE 3 +100011100 COUPLE 3 +100011100 PROSECUTOR 3 +100011100 WEEKEND 3 +100011100 WEXNER 3 +100011100 TUITION 3 +100011100 BARRICK 3 +100011100 HOPEFULS 3 +100011100 AUCTIONS 3 +100011100 PEPPER 3 +100011100 FIT 3 +100011100 AUSTIN 3 +100011100 INFIGHTING 3 +100011100 SIGNALS 3 +100011100 EFFORTS 3 +100011100 TURNOVER 3 +100011100 SHIFT 3 +100011100 GASP 3 +100011100 BLUES 3 +100011100 GLITTERS 3 +100011100 FOUNDATIONS 3 +100011100 CAMPAIGNS 3 +100011100 NUNN 3 +100011100 TIES 3 +100011100 SOAR 3 +100011100 WARNINGS 3 +100011100 EVENTS 3 +100011100 OATS 3 +100011100 SCRAMBLE 3 +100011100 TRUCE 3 +100011100 RISKS 3 +100011100 STUDY 3 +100011100 CATCHING 3 +100011100 sac 3 +100011100 PERK 3 +100011100 HANDICAPPED 3 +100011100 CLAIM 3 +100011100 DEPT. 3 +100011100 IMMIGRANTS 3 +100011100 APPEAL 3 +100011100 TOURISM 3 +100011100 LIQUIDE 3 +100011100 THOMPSON 3 +100011100 DRUGS 3 +100011100 WANTS 3 +100011100 RETIREES 3 +100011100 FRET 3 +100011100 RAISE 3 +100011100 GIVING 3 +100011100 SKILLS 3 +100011100 FADE 3 +100011100 PTY. 3 +100011100 PRISON 3 +100011100 SURPRISE 3 +100011100 ENTRY 3 +100011100 PHILIPPINES 3 +100011100 DATE 3 +100011100 BALANCE 3 +100011100 LOTTERIES 3 +100011100 SEARCH 3 +100011100 BEGIN 3 +100011100 LEVY 3 +100011100 PARENT 3 +100011100 INVESTIGATION 3 +100011100 LOYALTY 3 +100011100 DRIVING 3 +100011100 CRACKDOWN 3 +100011100 VIOLENCE 3 +100011100 CNV 3 +100011100 DOCUMENTS 3 +100011100 BLAMED 3 +100011100 DECISION 3 +100011100 GAMES 3 +100011100 CHOCOLATE 3 +100011100 MISSILE 3 +100011100 COLLEGES 3 +100011100 SLUMPED 3 +100011100 PLEDGED 3 +100011100 HARBOR 3 +100011100 PREPARERS 3 +100011100 MIXED 3 +100011100 DECLINE 3 +100011100 CIRCUIT 3 +100011100 DEATH 3 +100011100 SUBSIDIES 3 +100011100 LESS 3 +100011100 URBAN 3 +100011100 AFRICAN 3 +100011100 AGENDA 3 +100011100 NATIONS 3 +100011100 DENIAL 3 +100011100 FANCY 3 +100011100 KOREANS 3 +100011100 ROH 3 +100011100 BALL 3 +100011100 TRAVELED 3 +100011100 THYSELF 3 +100011100 Eaters 3 +100011100 KENNEDY 3 +100011100 CREDITO 3 +100011100 STATEMENT 3 +100011100 VIYELLA 3 +100011100 NEEDS 3 +100011100 MEMBERSHIP 3 +100011100 CONSULTING 3 +100011100 UNREST 3 +100011100 PLUNGE 3 +100011100 pre-condition 3 +100011100 MOOD 3 +100011100 LIGHTS 3 +100011100 CONDOS 3 +100011100 CITED 3 +100011100 MANIA 3 +100011100 FACT 3 +100011100 EPISODE 3 +100011100 ATTEMPTED 3 +100011100 ACTIONS 3 +100011100 VUITTON 3 +100011100 PARTICIPATION 3 +100011100 HOTTEST 3 +100011100 COMPLAINTS 3 +100011100 CLIMBED 3 +100011100 MATTER 3 +100011100 CATCH 3 +100011100 ECONOMICS 3 +100011100 BOOSTS 3 +100011100 SKIES 3 +100011100 RUSSIANS 3 +100011100 Sight 3 +100011100 STYLE 3 +100011100 GREEK 3 +100011100 BOAT 3 +100011100 CODES 3 +100011100 STRIKERS 3 +100011100 PHONES 3 +100011100 RE-ENTRY 3 +100011100 PLACE 3 +100011100 POINT 3 +100011100 REVENUE 3 +100011100 NARROWED 3 +100011100 KREMLIN 3 +100011100 COMPENSATION 3 +100011100 MEANS 3 +100011100 HIRE 3 +100011100 STAFF 3 +100011100 MIND 3 +100011100 STUFF 3 +100011100 MYSTERY 3 +100011100 HELICOPTER 3 +100011100 SCENTS 3 +100011100 QUOTAS 3 +100011100 KIDNAPPERS 4 +100011100 VICTORY 4 +100011100 ADVICE 4 +100011100 REVOLUTION 4 +100011100 LIVING 4 +100011100 EXAMPLE 4 +100011100 THING 4 +100011100 COMMITTEE 4 +100011100 RULING 4 +100011100 GAUGE 4 +100011100 BEEF 4 +100011100 NUMBERS 4 +100011100 BARBARA 4 +100011100 SECRET 4 +100011100 OFFER 4 +100011100 SPOTS 4 +100011100 DECEMBER 4 +100011100 JETS 4 +100011100 BENEFIT 4 +100011100 TABLES 4 +100011100 CENSUS 4 +100011100 EDITION 4 +100011100 CLAIMED 4 +100011100 DOLLARS 4 +100011100 OPPOSITION 4 +100011100 MEAN 4 +100011100 AROUND 4 +100011100 COLORADO 4 +100011100 VIEW 4 +100011100 ISLAND 4 +100011100 MIGUEL 4 +100011100 SUES 4 +100011100 IDEA 4 +100011100 Halon 4 +100011100 OFFERING 4 +100011100 APPEARS 4 +100011100 MAGAZINE 4 +100011100 AGENTS 4 +100011100 STRATEGIES 4 +100011100 NEST 4 +100011100 SCANDALS 4 +100011100 HIM 4 +100011100 CABINET 4 +100011100 REASON 4 +100011100 PROFILE 4 +100011100 NATION 4 +100011100 MARCHED 4 +100011100 COUP 4 +100011100 BENEDETTI 4 +100011100 APRIL 4 +100011100 SIZE 4 +100011100 DAKOTA 4 +100011100 UPDATE 4 +100011100 REBELS 4 +100011100 PLANT 4 +100011100 LIKELY 4 +100011100 FRANCHISING 4 +100011100 TESTIFIED 4 +100011100 Mediterraneo 4 +100011100 SOUNDS 4 +100011100 SCANDAL 4 +100011100 BID 4 +100011100 PARTNER 4 +100011100 DOORS 4 +100011100 PATENT 4 +100011100 TECH 4 +100011100 BEGINS 4 +100011100 MONDAY 4 +100011100 ARTISTS 4 +100011100 CHILD 4 +100011100 INQUIRY 4 +100011100 FUTURES 4 +100011100 FAMILIES 4 +100011100 VIE 4 +100011100 BORN 4 +100011100 SHIFTS 4 +100011100 AFFILIATION 4 +100011100 ACKNOWLEDGED 4 +100011100 EXPLOSION 4 +100011100 PLAY 4 +100011100 COMES 4 +100011100 SQUEEZE 4 +100011100 FUSS 4 +100011100 VOTERS 4 +100011100 SWITCH 4 +100011100 EXPENSE 4 +100011100 SAINT 4 +100011100 TROUBLES 4 +100011100 FORM 4 +100011100 WALTER 4 +100011100 AWARDS 4 +100011100 JURY 4 +100011100 TRADED 4 +100011100 WAIT 4 +100011100 Waart 4 +100011100 WORRY 4 +100011100 OFFICES 4 +100011100 QUESTION 4 +100011100 COOPERATIVE 4 +100011100 LOSE 4 +100011100 Autocamiones 4 +100011100 DEMANDS 4 +100011100 REVIEWS 4 +100011100 MATTRESS 5 +100011100 STUDIES 5 +100011100 HANOVER 5 +100011100 PROFIT 5 +100011100 ATTACKS 5 +100011100 ISSUE 5 +100011100 PIPELINES 5 +100011100 SHIP 5 +100011100 BRADY 5 +100011100 HAMPSHIRE 5 +100011100 KEY 5 +100011100 PROPOSAL 5 +100011100 DIRECTOR 5 +100011100 PHOTO 5 +100011100 KING 5 +100011100 LEFT 5 +100011100 TINTO 5 +100011100 WEEK 5 +100011100 DROUGHT 5 +100011100 THEATERS 5 +100011100 GERMANY 5 +100011100 GERMANS 5 +100011100 INTERNAL 5 +100011100 AMBROSIANO 5 +100011100 EGG 5 +100011100 WARNING 5 +100011100 PROTECTION 5 +100011100 LOOM 5 +100011100 COMMISSION 5 +100011100 PARACHUTES 5 +100011100 TELECOM 5 +100011100 GIFT 5 +100011100 TIMING 5 +100011100 CORN 5 +100011100 CAROLINA 5 +100011100 CHIP 5 +100011100 FORCE 5 +100011100 SURGE 5 +100011100 WERKE 5 +100011100 MOTOREN 5 +100011100 BABY 5 +100011100 NEGOTIATORS 5 +100011100 QUESTIONS 5 +100011100 LETTER 5 +100011100 OUSTED 5 +100011100 SAFE 5 +100011100 PROCESS 5 +100011100 COVERAGE 5 +100011100 FRANCISCO 5 +100011100 PLANE 5 +100011100 Dictator 5 +100011100 FACTORS 5 +100011100 GAME 5 +100011100 STRATEGY 5 +100011100 PROJECTS 5 +100011100 Electricidad 5 +100011100 EXPERT 5 +100011100 BOOK 5 +100011100 SUEZ 5 +100011100 FE 5 +100011100 BOOST 5 +100011100 PICK 5 +100011100 WAYS 6 +100011100 FUTURE 6 +100011100 EFFORT 6 +100011100 PROGRAMS 6 +100011100 TURMOIL 6 +100011100 DEMAND 6 +100011100 DEBT 6 +100011100 HUGO 6 +100011100 LIMITS 6 +100011100 RENTALS 6 +100011100 AIDES 6 +100011100 SEEMS 6 +100011100 COMMON 6 +100011100 CONTINUED 6 +100011100 PLANNING 6 +100011100 ADMINISTRATION 6 +100011100 PROSPECTS 6 +100011100 NICE 6 +100011100 SOON 6 +100011100 TEST 6 +100011100 WARNED 6 +100011100 RICHFIELD 6 +100011100 TABLE 6 +100011100 SURE 6 +100011100 PREPARED 6 +100011100 ARROW 6 +100011100 DECIDED 6 +100011100 SPORTS 6 +100011100 OFFICIAL 6 +100011100 JANUARY 6 +100011100 JET 6 +100011100 DEAL 6 +100011100 SUCCESS 6 +100011100 BOSS 6 +100011100 SCHWEPPES 6 +100011100 OFFERS 6 +100011100 FINANCING 6 +100011100 JOURNAL 6 +100011100 CUTBACKS 7 +100011100 RECORD 7 +100011100 HEART 7 +100011100 Recoveries 7 +100011100 LAWS 7 +100011100 FAR 7 +100011100 FIELDS 7 +100011100 TRAINING 7 +100011100 INDICTED 7 +100011100 CHANGE 7 +100011100 CLOSING 7 +100011100 Ado 7 +100011100 POLICIES 7 +100011100 FAULTED 7 +100011100 SOVIETS 7 +100011100 HAND 7 +100011100 DEDUCTIONS 7 +100011100 ROAD 7 +100011100 SHOW 7 +100011100 ESPANA 7 +100011100 CHAIRMAN 7 +100011100 MIRROR 7 +100011100 MONTH 7 +100011100 INSTRUMENTS 8 +100011100 BUSINESSES 8 +100011100 accolade 8 +100011100 AGAIN 8 +100011100 RULED 8 +100011100 REFUSED 8 +100011100 TESTS 8 +100011100 AGENCY 8 +100011100 BARNEY 8 +100011100 COUNSEL 8 +100011100 VOWED 8 +100011100 WAY 8 +100011100 DIRECTORS 8 +100011100 SHORTAGE 8 +100011100 FORCES 8 +100011100 AGENCIES 8 +100011100 WITTER 8 +100011100 PANEL 8 +100011100 WANTED 8 +100011100 TOLD 8 +100011100 END 8 +100011100 ENOUGH 8 +100011100 AFRICA 8 +100011100 PAYMENTS 8 +100011100 RUN 8 +100011100 RUSH 8 +100011100 PARK 8 +100011100 ENGLAND 8 +100011100 RETURNS 9 +100011100 FRONT 9 +100011100 APPEARED 9 +100011100 LEADER 9 +100011100 TALK 9 +100011100 OPTIONS 9 +100011100 SELLING 9 +100011100 PROFITS 9 +100011100 SOUGHT 9 +100011100 INTERSTATE 9 +100011100 USE 9 +100011100 WATER 10 +100011100 WERE 10 +100011100 CHIEF 10 +100011100 DOWN 10 +100011100 BOOKS 10 +100011100 DAYS 10 +100011100 CORPORATIONS 10 +100011100 BELGIQUE 10 +100011100 FAILED 10 +100011100 MAIL 10 +100011100 FIRED 11 +100011100 PROBLEM 11 +100011100 SAY 11 +100011100 CITIES 11 +100011100 COST 11 +100011100 TIP 11 +100011100 -Yr. 11 +100011100 BURNHAM 11 +100011100 rigueur 11 +100011100 LEADERS 11 +100011100 MUCH 12 +100011100 BATTLE 12 +100011100 FRANCE 12 +100011100 MOVED 12 +100011100 ORDERED 12 +100011100 PEABODY 12 +100011100 ISSUES 13 +100011100 KOREA 13 +100011100 HOPES 13 +100011100 ZEALAND 13 +100011100 SEEKS 13 +100011100 PRICE 14 +100011100 DEFICIT 14 +100011100 BOOM 14 +100011100 PLAN 14 +100011100 PRESIDENT 14 +100011100 SPENDING 14 +100011100 ECONOMY 15 +100011100 JERSEY 16 +100011100 LINES 16 +100011100 PENTAGON 16 +100011100 EXCHANGE 16 +100011100 NOTE 17 +100011100 EXPRESS 17 +100011100 YEAR 18 +100011100 BOARD 18 +100011100 GROWTH 18 +100011100 PARIBAS 18 +100011100 MEAT 18 +100011100 WORLD 19 +100011100 ACCOUNTS 20 +100011100 JUDGE 21 +100011100 CALLED 21 +100011100 STREET 21 +100011100 BILL 22 +100011100 BONDS 22 +100011100 ACCOUNT 23 +100011100 SENATE 24 +100011100 VOTED 24 +100011100 NAME 25 +100011100 OUT 29 +100011100 MARKET 30 +100011100 WORK 30 +100011100 VIDEO 31 +100011100 GOLD 33 +100011100 WILL 35 +100011100 JUICE 37 +100011100 COMPANY 40 +100011100 HAS 41 +100011100 DOLLAR 44 +100011100 TRADE 45 +100011100 CURRENCIES 46 +100011100 Notes. 50 +100011100 HOUSE 53 +100011100 PLANS 53 +100011100 PRICES 69 +100011100 ROLE 71 +100011100 INDEXES 81 +100011100 drawback 93 +100011100 MEMOS 113 +100011100 CHECKOFF 113 +100011100 MEATS 114 +100011100 YORK 118 +100011100 FUNDS 166 +100011100 BILLS 183 +100011100 ACCEPTANCES 184 +100011100 NEWS 189 +100011100 EURODOLLARS 190 +100011100 INTERBANK 192 +100011100 DEPOSIT 192 +100011100 LATE 201 +100011100 LYNCH 208 +100011100 SOYBEANS 234 +100011100 HOME 242 +100011100 reason 5811 +100011100 PAPER 395 +1000111010 NCEO 1 +1000111010 EMERGENCIES 1 +1000111010 PARTYING 1 +1000111010 goonery 1 +1000111010 third-parties 1 +1000111010 mono-analysis 1 +1000111010 polytechnic 1 +1000111010 REWARDED 1 +1000111010 GAULT 1 +1000111010 PAYERS 1 +1000111010 primary-market 1 +1000111010 ELLIN 1 +1000111010 mid-sermon 1 +1000111010 HYGIENE 1 +1000111010 SAVORS 1 +1000111010 45-knot 1 +1000111010 NET-PENS 1 +1000111010 PATRONS 1 +1000111010 microswitch 1 +1000111010 surveyers 1 +1000111010 APPARENTLY 1 +1000111010 WATCHERS 1 +1000111010 semi-vacuum 1 +1000111010 debt-issuing 1 +1000111010 POLLS. 1 +1000111010 COATTAILS 1 +1000111010 GUARANTEES 1 +1000111010 NOTED 1 +1000111010 PERELMAN 1 +1000111010 scalds 1 +1000111010 VOYAGE 1 +1000111010 Chetyrye 1 +1000111010 MEGAMERGERS 1 +1000111010 national-over-the 1 +1000111010 CUSTODY 1 +1000111010 SLIPPERS 1 +1000111010 outdoors-books 1 +1000111010 Velika-Kladusa 1 +1000111010 JVT 1 +1000111010 LESSON 1 +1000111010 MIKE 1 +1000111010 STAKES 1 +1000111010 DIVIDENDS 1 +1000111010 SOURCES 1 +1000111010 REMOVALS 1 +1000111010 button-pushing 1 +1000111010 HAYASHIBARA 1 +1000111010 KIRK 1 +1000111010 DOGS 1 +1000111010 NOMINEES 1 +1000111010 ADDICTS 1 +1000111010 BUST 1 +1000111010 LITERACY 1 +1000111010 creepers 1 +1000111010 anti-ballet 1 +1000111010 PERFUME 1 +1000111010 missimpression 1 +1000111010 sensitization 1 +1000111010 SYRUP 1 +1000111010 TENDERED 1 +1000111010 FREEDOM 1 +1000111010 COOLERS 1 +1000111010 rhinovirus 1 +1000111010 sophisms 1 +1000111010 EXODUS 1 +1000111010 MOVIEGOERS 1 +1000111010 FAKERY 1 +1000111010 SUPERSTARS 1 +1000111010 Gahden 1 +1000111010 near-gridlock 1 +1000111010 AIRS 1 +1000111010 SEEDS 1 +1000111010 AIRES 1 +1000111010 inner-cities 1 +1000111010 SWAPS 1 +1000111010 INTRIGUE 1 +1000111010 prolapse 1 +1000111010 PARTICIPANTS 1 +1000111010 Hodeidah 1 +1000111010 scirocco 1 +1000111010 masseria 1 +1000111010 BUYBACK 1 +1000111010 traitor-spies 1 +1000111010 better-countries 1 +1000111010 PC2 1 +1000111010 small-mindedness 1 +1000111010 SCHLANG 1 +1000111010 MONIKER 1 +1000111010 CHIC 1 +1000111010 tom-tom 1 +1000111010 SUTTON 1 +1000111010 BACKER 1 +1000111010 pinstripers 1 +1000111010 STUFFER 1 +1000111010 Esperian 1 +1000111010 Bagdads 1 +1000111010 counterforces 1 +1000111010 finfish 1 +1000111010 neo-Leninism 1 +1000111010 GOOFY 1 +1000111010 pseudo-government 1 +1000111010 in-set 1 +1000111010 collection-building 1 +1000111010 883,281 1 +1000111010 Dubrovnik 1 +1000111010 Kuybyshev 1 +1000111010 COUNSELS 1 +1000111010 giant-killer 1 +1000111010 PREISS 1 +1000111010 priviso 1 +1000111010 STYLING 1 +1000111010 MISSILES 1 +1000111010 plywood-pounding 1 +1000111010 coliseums 1 +1000111010 BASEBALL 1 +1000111010 Pecksniffianism 1 +1000111010 QUANDARIES 1 +1000111010 Mufid-Zade 1 +1000111010 PENS 1 +1000111010 PERKS 1 +1000111010 TAINTS 1 +1000111010 pitons 1 +1000111010 weatherstripping 1 +1000111010 departure-gate 1 +1000111010 Kennedy-mystique 1 +1000111010 COUNTS 1 +1000111010 provitamin 1 +1000111010 BAKHASH 1 +1000111010 QUIZ 1 +1000111010 pseudo-scientists 1 +1000111010 mega-acquisitions 1 +1000111010 MURDOCH 1 +1000111010 LENSES 1 +1000111010 WARNS 1 +1000111010 estrangment 1 +1000111010 rumour 1 +1000111010 Strydom 1 +1000111010 divertissements 1 +1000111010 1639 1 +1000111010 Mito 2 +1000111010 offerers 2 +1000111010 pacifist-minded 2 +1000111010 1619 2 +1000111010 SAMPLING 2 +1000111010 Eurythmics 2 +1000111010 Watseka 2 +1000111010 zesty 2 +1000111010 Brokdorf 2 +1000111010 one-acters 2 +1000111010 Moraga 2 +1000111010 Econoclast 2 +1000111010 Emilia 2 +1000111010 punitives 2 +1000111010 LaFox 2 +1000111010 aerospace/electronics 2 +1000111010 Vergennes 2 +1000111010 aerosal 2 +1000111010 durian 2 +1000111010 remanding 2 +1000111010 Rexdale 2 +1000111010 seance 2 +1000111010 Pampa 2 +1000111010 1733 2 +1000111010 theater-TV 2 +1000111010 promise-to-agree 2 +1000111010 C-Line 2 +1000111010 crime-plagued 2 +1000111010 WY-212m 2 +1000111010 Oroville 2 +1000111010 1786 2 +1000111010 cultish 2 +1000111010 Rosenhayn 2 +1000111010 Willows 2 +1000111010 Ichon 2 +1000111010 Springville 2 +1000111010 Tontitown 2 +1000111010 maintenance-free 2 +1000111010 pre-Hispanic 2 +1000111010 Topton 2 +1000111010 Athlona 2 +1000111010 off-chance 2 +1000111010 Sayreville 3 +1000111010 Cookeville 3 +1000111010 Alba 3 +1000111010 Guasare 3 +1000111010 free-mail 3 +1000111010 Bernardsville 3 +1000111010 GA22V10 3 +1000111010 Deauville 3 +1000111010 rumours 3 +1000111010 Glastonbury 3 +1000111010 straightaway 3 +1000111010 Greenbrae 3 +1000111010 Moorpark 3 +1000111010 Manhasset 3 +1000111010 Columbiana 3 +1000111010 good-cop 3 +1000111010 PC1 3 +1000111010 Forestville 3 +1000111010 Edina 3 +1000111010 Schaumberg 3 +1000111010 Hazlet 3 +1000111010 Gloversville 3 +1000111010 macaw 4 +1000111010 Sowetan 4 +1000111010 turreted 4 +1000111010 Ghazni 4 +1000111010 Vestal 4 +1000111010 Midland-Odessa 4 +1000111010 snowboarding 4 +1000111010 13-1 4 +1000111010 Burkburnett 4 +1000111010 megafirms 5 +1000111010 Tullnerfeld 5 +1000111010 Changwon 6 +1000111010 Uniondale 6 +1000111010 Waynesville 7 +1000111010 Treviso 7 +1000111010 Mequon 7 +1000111010 Bexley 7 +1000111010 ICAHN 7 +1000111010 Stanleytown 9 +1000111010 actuality 13 +1000111010 Hicksville 45 +1000111010 retrospect 118 +1000111010 essence 245 +1000111010 fact 7357 +1000111010 particular 2410 +1000111011 ALLSOPP 1 +1000111011 PAULO 1 +1000111011 COLONY 1 +1000111011 Taska 1 +1000111011 REICH 1 +1000111011 HEUSEN 1 +1000111011 Seleebi 1 +1000111011 Tijeras 1 +1000111011 Sharpless 1 +1000111011 REALIZATION 1 +1000111011 AdWatch 1 +1000111011 Kozaki 1 +1000111011 STING 1 +1000111011 FABER 1 +1000111011 Teramoto 1 +1000111011 Morawiecki 1 +1000111011 last-hired 1 +1000111011 constrast 1 +1000111011 METROPOLITAIN 1 +1000111011 49-0 1 +1000111011 Sadorus 1 +1000111011 epee 1 +1000111011 VERNON 1 +1000111011 CHIPPER 1 +1000111011 MISUNDERSTOOD 1 +1000111011 Aftermath 1 +1000111011 mid-trial 1 +1000111011 comparsion 1 +1000111011 Mayes 1 +1000111011 Taechon 1 +1000111011 Mayanga 1 +1000111011 Leikina 1 +1000111011 1397 1 +1000111011 SHINES 1 +1000111011 Hyodo 1 +1000111011 Horstkotte 1 +1000111011 Alran 1 +1000111011 Inaba 1 +1000111011 Sternfels 1 +1000111011 Fjell 1 +1000111011 Asiasat 1 +1000111011 geoscientists 1 +1000111011 o.s.f.a. 1 +1000111011 BLIMP 1 +1000111011 PESCARMONA 1 +1000111011 TRIALS 1 +1000111011 Poyotte 1 +1000111011 SPEED. 1 +1000111011 Caflish 1 +1000111011 LeTourneau 1 +1000111011 Workbench 1 +1000111011 CLICKS 1 +1000111011 Kishida 1 +1000111011 Kogure 1 +1000111011 1347 1 +1000111011 nonconvertibility 1 +1000111011 Zakuski 1 +1000111011 Norstad 1 +1000111011 Saddik 1 +1000111011 nochi 1 +1000111011 Camcar 1 +1000111011 Bradwell 1 +1000111011 Touche-Ross 1 +1000111011 SITTERS 1 +1000111011 MEETS 1 +1000111011 EXPLORATIONS 1 +1000111011 ANALYZERS 1 +1000111011 WQED 1 +1000111011 RICA 1 +1000111011 Motamen 1 +1000111011 HUGOTON 1 +1000111011 163-148 1 +1000111011 Brezhnevs 1 +1000111011 Chambellan 1 +1000111011 Southbridge 1 +1000111011 BURNETT 1 +1000111011 SURRENDER 1 +1000111011 Pingali 1 +1000111011 Znanie 1 +1000111011 WIGGLY 1 +1000111011 Ohba 1 +1000111011 Agthor 1 +1000111011 mid-1977 1 +1000111011 SLATED 1 +1000111011 Naruse 1 +1000111011 al-Zaghmory 1 +1000111011 POLYMERS 1 +1000111011 Ngula 1 +1000111011 Eddystone 1 +1000111011 Catsounis 1 +1000111011 CROSSED 1 +1000111011 Netromycin 1 +1000111011 Halaby 1 +1000111011 HANDELSBANK 1 +1000111011 Fujireibo 1 +1000111011 WDRC-FM 1 +1000111011 Sinan 1 +1000111011 EUSKERA 1 +1000111011 MOBILIZE 1 +1000111011 3.4445 1 +1000111011 2.8040 1 +1000111011 2.7652 1 +1000111011 Rostov 1 +1000111011 1951-84 1 +1000111011 TRIUMPHS 1 +1000111011 PACKING 1 +1000111011 Ishikura 1 +1000111011 Floboda 1 +1000111011 Questionnaire 1 +1000111011 Kenebo 1 +1000111011 3/4-length 1 +1000111011 order-splitting 1 +1000111011 MCADAMS 1 +1000111011 E&N 1 +1000111011 Fly-by-Nights 1 +1000111011 SOLUTIONS 1 +1000111011 questa 1 +1000111011 LINZ 1 +1000111011 Mairinque 1 +1000111011 sandblasters 1 +1000111011 BERANEK/NEWMAN 1 +1000111011 Pequiven 1 +1000111011 Oporto 1 +1000111011 Chingomo 1 +1000111011 GARMENT 1 +1000111011 QUAQUIL 1 +1000111011 DIVERS 1 +1000111011 Khasbulatov 1 +1000111011 SUSPICION 1 +1000111011 Pairing 1 +1000111011 Tsushinki 1 +1000111011 1950-52 1 +1000111011 Sait 1 +1000111011 medicant 1 +1000111011 GOLDWYN 1 +1000111011 HAMLYN 1 +1000111011 FLAIL 1 +1000111011 Fauchon 1 +1000111011 HUMBOLDT 1 +1000111011 Procter-speak 1 +1000111011 HURTING 1 +1000111011 Respighi 1 +1000111011 Pavik 1 +1000111011 FUNDED 1 +1000111011 major-leaguers 1 +1000111011 CREDIOP 1 +1000111011 1,324 1 +1000111011 lawn-grasses 1 +1000111011 jove 1 +1000111011 Puawaranukroh 1 +1000111011 Panich 1 +1000111011 pre-arrangement 1 +1000111011 Boonpong 1 +1000111011 NURSERY 1 +1000111011 Haidari 1 +1000111011 Vitoria 1 +1000111011 Roseburg 1 +1000111011 cabinetwork 1 +1000111011 Tonelli 1 +1000111011 MOLECULAR 1 +1000111011 nonappealable 1 +1000111011 mis-markdowns 1 +1000111011 Fujimura 1 +1000111011 Sensuntepeque 1 +1000111011 RIDGE 1 +1000111011 Authoritarianism 1 +1000111011 Ruffles 1 +1000111011 Hammarkvist 1 +1000111011 OEHMEN 1 +1000111011 reality-land 1 +1000111011 Trikha 1 +1000111011 LISTINGS 1 +1000111011 Luxco 1 +1000111011 Aiglemont 1 +1000111011 Nippon-Otis 1 +1000111011 1470 1 +1000111011 1254 1 +1000111011 Fukuzawa 1 +1000111011 HENNESSY 1 +1000111011 DER 1 +1000111011 LAYERS 1 +1000111011 Eupaforice 1 +1000111011 Argiris 1 +1000111011 Kuwamura 1 +1000111011 Ariane-space 1 +1000111011 Melles 1 +1000111011 Villa-Lobos 1 +1000111011 Upsala 1 +1000111011 COPIES 1 +1000111011 SLEIGH 1 +1000111011 TIGHTENING 1 +1000111011 Spirituals 1 +1000111011 Summerville 1 +1000111011 VIEWERS 1 +1000111011 Nodland 1 +1000111011 Gruprensa 1 +1000111011 WPBT-TV 1 +1000111011 WOLFE 1 +1000111011 Osuuspankkien 1 +1000111011 22-12 1 +1000111011 1965-66 1 +1000111011 JCPenney 1 +1000111011 Admarketing 1 +1000111011 Ghosh 1 +1000111011 I.N.D. 1 +1000111011 ERUPT 1 +1000111011 Tamapua 1 +1000111011 277-187 1 +1000111011 Calumus 1 +1000111011 Alawites 1 +1000111011 Giardini/Russell 1 +1000111011 singer-actors 1 +1000111011 Ishizaki 1 +1000111011 Groupama 1 +1000111011 Laiq 1 +1000111011 160.0 1 +1000111011 Gauguins 1 +1000111011 1,411.0 1 +1000111011 Diwan 1 +1000111011 Datta 1 +1000111011 Techcorps 1 +1000111011 CHEAP 1 +1000111011 Rahadjo 1 +1000111011 Sudomo 1 +1000111011 Famagusta 1 +1000111011 128,540 1 +1000111011 142,426 1 +1000111011 93,463 1 +1000111011 470,036 1 +1000111011 147,625 1 +1000111011 322,411 1 +1000111011 154,473 1 +1000111011 18,069 1 +1000111011 12,213 1 +1000111011 Paris-Match 1 +1000111011 Emptiness-Sinai 1 +1000111011 STEEN 1 +1000111011 1973-1981 1 +1000111011 Annapurna 1 +1000111011 Iwatare 1 +1000111011 20,403 1 +1000111011 Fati 1 +1000111011 ad-speak 1 +1000111011 +13.3 1 +1000111011 1513 1 +1000111011 Ehayatizadeh 1 +1000111011 Eurogrip 1 +1000111011 SWIM 1 +1000111011 Fairplay 2 +1000111011 Kaiserslautern 2 +1000111011 1695 2 +1000111011 Zunz 2 +1000111011 automotives 2 +1000111011 Nubia 2 +1000111011 Arteries 2 +1000111011 Sirota 2 +1000111011 LINGUS 2 +1000111011 FIND/SVP 2 +1000111011 ODEON 2 +1000111011 Avenel 2 +1000111011 Asheboro 2 +1000111011 CONVERTING 2 +1000111011 Ivrea 2 +1000111011 Brusheski 2 +1000111011 Nampo 2 +1000111011 ELECTRO-OPTICS 2 +1000111011 Vleifontein 2 +1000111011 mid-1978 3 +1000111011 BECKMAN 3 +1000111011 1634 3 +1000111011 Nacogdoches 3 +1000111011 Newnan 3 +1000111011 1687 3 +1000111011 Rockleigh 4 +1000111011 contrast 2268 +1000111011 addition 8360 +100011110 182.20 1 +100011110 205.55 1 +100011110 Benedito 1 +100011110 205.95 1 +100011110 217.12 1 +100011110 procedurals 1 +100011110 207.51 1 +100011110 206.76 1 +100011110 208.14 1 +100011110 210.10 1 +100011110 176.21 1 +100011110 jiggery 1 +100011110 160.98 1 +100011110 170.10 1 +100011110 190.14 1 +100011110 poohbah 1 +100011110 184.27 1 +100011110 180.95 1 +100011110 risk-tolerance 1 +100011110 181.96 1 +100011110 188.06 1 +100011110 188.66 1 +100011110 213.79 1 +100011110 212.96 1 +100011110 212.19 1 +100011110 215.80 1 +100011110 202.23 1 +100011110 204.13 1 +100011110 210.76 1 +100011110 209.87 1 +100011110 Jacy 1 +100011110 205.01 1 +100011110 207.68 1 +100011110 176.98 1 +100011110 177.51 1 +100011110 210.59 1 +100011110 211.06 1 +100011110 209.82 1 +100011110 208.45 1 +100011110 208.75 1 +100011110 204.17 1 +100011110 204.00 1 +100011110 200.71 1 +100011110 206.24 1 +100011110 204.57 1 +100011110 205.15 1 +100011110 200.92 1 +100011110 201.22 1 +100011110 199.91 1 +100011110 200.48 1 +100011110 200.39 1 +100011110 181.84 1 +100011110 184.39 1 +100011110 184.98 1 +100011110 recruiters. 1 +100011110 187.47 1 +100011110 183.62 1 +100011110 216.95 1 +100011110 178.58 1 +100011110 179.71 1 +100011110 179.05 1 +100011110 196.18 1 +100011110 195.23 1 +100011110 196.95 1 +100011110 199.74 1 +100011110 196.83 1 +100011110 183.08 1 +100011110 198.44 1 +100011110 195.41 1 +100011110 196.06 1 +100011110 196.60 1 +100011110 200.57 1 +100011110 198.49 1 +100011110 director-elect 1 +100011110 200.75 1 +100011110 198.61 1 +100011110 197.61 1 +100011110 197.90 1 +100011110 186.88 1 +100011110 187.59 1 +100011110 187.23 1 +100011110 186.70 1 +100011110 186.34 1 +100011110 185.22 1 +100011110 188.30 1 +100011110 213.84 1 +100011110 214.47 1 +100011110 211.94 1 +100011110 196.17 1 +100011110 213.90 1 +100011110 218.45 1 +100011110 220.23 1 +100011110 211.48 1 +100011110 197.60 1 +100011110 213.09 1 +100011110 195.01 1 +100011110 212.40 1 +100011110 221.56 1 +100011110 212.23 1 +100011110 226.16 1 +100011110 218.39 1 +100011110 227.31 1 +100011110 227.49 1 +100011110 221.50 1 +100011110 producer/director/writer 1 +100011110 223.40 1 +100011110 224.72 1 +100011110 227.08 1 +100011110 225.99 1 +100011110 221.96 1 +100011110 222.02 1 +100011110 220.98 1 +100011110 220.41 1 +100011110 219.14 1 +100011110 221.38 1 +100011110 203.02 1 +100011110 203.82 1 +100011110 209.29 1 +100011110 205.61 1 +100011110 204.05 1 +100011110 204.28 1 +100011110 203.59 1 +100011110 206.30 1 +100011110 198.99 1 +100011110 199.33 1 +100011110 200.20 1 +100011110 191.39 1 +100011110 192.71 1 +100011110 213.32 1 +100011110 193.69 1 +100011110 220.06 1 +100011110 217.07 1 +100011110 198.70 1 +100011110 204.34 1 +100011110 208.72 1 +100011110 214.01 1 +100011110 209.52 1 +100011110 198.53 1 +100011110 201.06 1 +100011110 201.75 1 +100011110 203.77 1 +100011110 194.61 1 +100011110 Schokoladenwerke 1 +100011110 198.64 1 +100011110 203.06 1 +100011110 201.52 1 +100011110 202.29 1 +100011110 203.25 1 +100011110 216.43 1 +100011110 207.44 1 +100011110 203.07 1 +100011110 174.73 1 +100011110 178.46 1 +100011110 173.19 1 +100011110 173.72 1 +100011110 173.13 1 +100011110 176.74 1 +100011110 221.04 1 +100011110 222.65 1 +100011110 220.81 1 +100011110 210.44 1 +100011110 219.08 1 +100011110 206.01 1 +100011110 216.37 1 +100011110 213.67 1 +100011110 225.36 1 +100011110 220.00 1 +100011110 222.82 1 +100011110 224.32 1 +100011110 195.29 1 +100011110 195.71 1 +100011110 194.17 1 +100011110 217.47 1 +100011110 199.32 1 +100011110 199.86 1 +100011110 211.83 1 +100011110 209.70 1 +100011110 208.03 1 +100011110 205.78 1 +100011110 209.47 1 +100011110 210.67 1 +100011110 217.76 1 +100011110 212.06 1 +100011110 185.04 1 +100011110 167.79 1 +100011110 169.57 1 +100011110 169.04 1 +100011110 184.86 1 +100011110 167.73 1 +100011110 A-S 1 +100011110 167.08 1 +100011110 218.94 1 +100011110 168.39 1 +100011110 169.22 1 +100011110 170.40 1 +100011110 184.09 1 +100011110 171.17 1 +100011110 170.82 1 +100011110 168.80 1 +100011110 168.86 1 +100011110 217.05 1 +100011110 169.69 1 +100011110 184.33 1 +100011110 170.93 1 +100011110 178.34 1 +100011110 177.93 1 +100011110 179.11 1 +100011110 184.15 1 +100011110 215.67 1 +100011110 213.34 1 +100011110 188.77 1 +100011110 167.97 1 +100011110 168.03 1 +100011110 186.17 1 +100011110 216.80 1 +100011110 219.82 1 +100011110 170.87 1 +100011110 170.34 1 +100011110 219.32 1 +100011110 174.43 1 +100011110 178.17 1 +100011110 215.42 1 +100011110 215.61 1 +100011110 215.54 1 +100011110 172.95 1 +100011110 215.98 1 +100011110 173.07 1 +100011110 173.01 1 +100011110 editor. 1 +100011110 214.10 1 +100011110 177.22 1 +100011110 215.92 1 +100011110 statments 1 +100011110 180.71 1 +100011110 182.73 1 +100011110 168.56 1 +100011110 217.93 1 +100011110 175.14 1 +100011110 217.24 1 +100011110 director-nuclear 1 +100011110 169.87 1 +100011110 167.26 1 +100011110 218.62 1 +100011110 183.03 1 +100011110 174.55 1 +100011110 182.61 1 +100011110 171.47 1 +100011110 214.66 1 +100011110 220.45 1 +100011110 185.34 1 +100011110 176.56 1 +100011110 recuiter 1 +100011110 219.00 1 +100011110 220.32 1 +100011110 179.65 1 +100011110 217.18 1 +100011110 216.17 1 +100011110 oficer 1 +100011110 220.20 1 +100011110 175.50 1 +100011110 184.80 1 +100011110 offier 1 +100011110 176.86 1 +100011110 218.69 1 +100011110 218.81 1 +100011110 218.18 1 +100011110 175.62 1 +100011110 217.68 1 +100011110 177.69 1 +100011110 176.62 1 +100011110 221.20 1 +100011110 219.50 1 +100011110 178.99 1 +100011110 221.64 1 +100011110 182.91 1 +100011110 219.13 1 +100011110 181.66 1 +100011110 181.90 1 +100011110 181.07 1 +100011110 218.31 1 +100011110 178.40 1 +100011110 180.83 1 +100011110 215.17 1 +100011110 181.31 1 +100011110 182.25 1 +100011110 213.91 1 +100011110 181.37 1 +100011110 bogymen 1 +100011110 180.60 1 +100011110 219.19 1 +100011110 216.93 1 +100011110 215.48 1 +100011110 successfully. 1 +100011110 182.31 1 +100011110 176.92 2 +100011110 204.54 2 +100011110 Exell 2 +100011110 218.97 2 +100011110 182.49 2 +100011110 officer. 2 +100011110 218.37 2 +100011110 217.30 2 +100011110 224.26 2 +100011110 216.30 2 +100011110 184.57 2 +100011110 217.56 2 +100011110 199.92 2 +100011110 188.42 2 +100011110 213.78 2 +100011110 196.86 2 +100011110 179.35 2 +100011110 180.30 2 +100011110 183.56 2 +100011110 205.49 2 +100011110 179.82 2 +100011110 169.51 2 +100011110 182.08 2 +100011110 176.68 2 +100011110 169.16 2 +100011110 184.03 2 +100011110 179.47 2 +100011110 168.74 2 +100011110 180.42 2 +100011110 182.67 2 +100011110 211.31 2 +100011110 182.43 2 +100011110 185.57 2 +100011110 204.11 2 +100011110 182.37 2 +100011110 186.05 2 +100011110 185.75 2 +100011110 186.58 2 +100011110 183.74 2 +100011110 177.04 2 +100011110 182.14 2 +100011110 186.11 2 +100011110 177.99 2 +100011110 179.59 2 +100011110 186.28 2 +100011110 209.64 2 +100011110 175.44 2 +100011110 180.00 2 +100011110 175.73 2 +100011110 178.05 2 +100011110 217.74 2 +100011110 212.17 2 +100011110 201.04 2 +100011110 209.98 2 +100011110 178.76 2 +100011110 204.97 2 +100011110 221.33 2 +100011110 207.22 3 +100011110 184.92 3 +100011110 178.11 3 +100011110 201.12 3 +100011110 220.12 3 +100011110 181.54 3 +100011110 206.36 3 +100011110 170.16 3 +100011110 202.10 3 +100011110 201.70 3 +100011110 205.90 3 +100011110 183.68 3 +100011110 178.52 3 +100011110 178.64 3 +100011110 178.88 3 +100011110 177.45 3 +100011110 179.94 4 +100011110 216.55 4 +100011110 177.81 4 +100011110 181.72 5 +100011110 180.18 5 +100011110 officer 16304 +100011110 177.34 5 +1000111110 Jamiat-e-Islami 1 +1000111110 regionalists 1 +1000111110 Watford 1 +1000111110 Serponder 1 +1000111110 Very-high-frequency 1 +1000111110 Reinvigoration 1 +1000111110 bull-baiting 1 +1000111110 1,1,1-trichloethane 1 +1000111110 big-marquee 1 +1000111110 Ku-wait 1 +1000111110 attracters 1 +1000111110 breast-beating 1 +1000111110 vacuousness 1 +1000111110 DeHypnotherapy 1 +1000111110 psychohistorians 1 +1000111110 horselaughs 1 +1000111110 nighties 1 +1000111110 big-government-bashing 1 +1000111110 Zlatni 1 +1000111110 housecoat 1 +1000111110 two-a-day 1 +1000111110 aminoethylpiperazine 1 +1000111110 Utahns 1 +1000111110 1,885 1 +1000111110 Fracture 1 +1000111110 Softkins 1 +1000111110 possibles 1 +1000111110 cookies-in-ice-cream 1 +1000111110 Chrissakes 1 +1000111110 DEAD-WEIGHT 1 +1000111110 ethlyene 1 +1000111110 Godfathers 1 +1000111110 Animex 1 +1000111110 9,268,482 1 +1000111110 conformation 1 +1000111110 670,659 1 +1000111110 on-track 1 +1000111110 cotinine 1 +1000111110 alecky 1 +1000111110 multi-purpose-vehicle 1 +1000111110 Stalinolatry 1 +1000111110 caretaking 1 +1000111110 chin-ups 1 +1000111110 restauraunt 1 +1000111110 IRSA 1 +1000111110 WBLS-FM 1 +1000111110 celiprolol 1 +1000111110 cachepots 1 +1000111110 legibility 1 +1000111110 snowplowing 1 +1000111110 hedgerow 1 +1000111110 brassieres 1 +1000111110 pollinators 1 +1000111110 Ebonite 1 +1000111110 bone-jarring 1 +1000111110 mini-nukes 1 +1000111110 Seshego 1 +1000111110 steets 1 +1000111110 job-switchers 1 +1000111110 non-destination 1 +1000111110 WBTV 1 +1000111110 Parkinsonism 1 +1000111110 shorter-maturities 1 +1000111110 European-looking 1 +1000111110 Rustler 1 +1000111110 ephedrine 1 +1000111110 self-gratification 1 +1000111110 Grandparenting 1 +1000111110 Tooltown 1 +1000111110 Interpool 1 +1000111110 Leeway 1 +1000111110 WCBS-FM 1 +1000111110 M/ACom 1 +1000111110 RHONE 1 +1000111110 non-cooks 1 +1000111110 examle 1 +1000111110 vinyl-acetate 1 +1000111110 1,842 1 +1000111110 63,500 1 +1000111110 slipups 1 +1000111110 schmuck 1 +1000111110 WorldPaper 1 +1000111110 Hovedstedt-Regionens 1 +1000111110 MIGA. 1 +1000111110 co-habitation 1 +1000111110 F.T.O. 1 +1000111110 under-accrual 1 +1000111110 cognoscent 1 +1000111110 Asade-Ame 1 +1000111110 fuuebsies 1 +1000111110 pirogis 1 +1000111110 gold-crazy 1 +1000111110 ozones 1 +1000111110 nonpublished 1 +1000111110 phenylketonuria 1 +1000111110 Furlanetto 1 +1000111110 middle-frequencies 1 +1000111110 33.499 1 +1000111110 Lefties 1 +1000111110 Barclay-card 1 +1000111110 lecher 1 +1000111110 Overlord 1 +1000111110 press-ganged 1 +1000111110 mischeviousness 1 +1000111110 HealthWeek 1 +1000111110 Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis 1 +1000111110 186,385 1 +1000111110 Elisaveta 1 +1000111110 Euro-consumers 1 +1000111110 pro-Slavism 1 +1000111110 collateral-backed 1 +1000111110 mordidas 1 +1000111110 IMIGest 1 +1000111110 3,674,000 1 +1000111110 driblets 1 +1000111110 B.M.W. 1 +1000111110 poetess 1 +1000111110 non-crimes 1 +1000111110 decencies 1 +1000111110 Panadol 1 +1000111110 Spetsialnoye 1 +1000111110 Andy-mania 1 +1000111110 advanced-passive 1 +1000111110 hepatitis-C 1 +1000111110 twenty-seven 1 +1000111110 cross-regulation 1 +1000111110 Scaasi 1 +1000111110 arbitration. 1 +1000111110 hanky 1 +1000111110 Adjustco 1 +1000111110 Hoguet 1 +1000111110 Klansman 1 +1000111110 Dreyfusards 1 +1000111110 Cortizone-5 1 +1000111110 Coutinho 1 +1000111110 Ilpap 1 +1000111110 100-foot-deep 1 +1000111110 step-fathers 1 +1000111110 purposess 1 +1000111110 Recyclers 1 +1000111110 later-generation 1 +1000111110 wedge-driving 1 +1000111110 counterbidder 1 +1000111110 Xywrite 1 +1000111110 diazepam 1 +1000111110 KCOW 1 +1000111110 high-skilled 1 +1000111110 employeees 1 +1000111110 Trumbell 2 +1000111110 TKTS 2 +1000111110 Shroeder 2 +1000111110 ServantCor 2 +1000111110 cyclists 2 +1000111110 DARTS 2 +1000111110 Nubians 2 +1000111110 Hardhats 2 +1000111110 millenia 2 +1000111110 daredevils 2 +1000111110 Resource-Based 2 +1000111110 piperazine 2 +1000111110 Wakhi 2 +1000111110 internal-financing 2 +1000111110 wintergreen 2 +1000111110 5-year-olds 2 +1000111110 Helpers 2 +1000111110 SunSense 2 +1000111110 Reunies 3 +1000111110 Humanity 3 +1000111110 Super-Summit 3 +1000111110 pseudorabies 3 +1000111110 Bucaram 3 +1000111110 tat 4 +1000111110 Itself 5 +1000111110 Prairiefire 7 +1000111110 Institucional 16 +1000111110 starters 104 +1000111110 example 9388 +1000111110 instance 3880 +1000111111 uncivility 1 +1000111111 kwaZulu 1 +1000111111 1659.9 1 +1000111111 235.59 1 +1000111111 Terryville 1 +1000111111 Pittstown 1 +1000111111 Metrocorp. 1 +1000111111 1.6667 1 +1000111111 Viareggio 1 +1000111111 1694.4 1 +1000111111 medium-and-long-term 1 +1000111111 Lowestoft 1 +1000111111 Marguerites 1 +1000111111 dynamic-random 1 +1000111111 INET 1 +1000111111 Lobelia 1 +1000111111 LachowskyZucker 1 +1000111111 pomology 1 +1000111111 transportables 1 +1000111111 xanthophyll 1 +1000111111 114,872 1 +1000111111 538,545 1 +1000111111 108.45 1 +1000111111 CEDICE 1 +1000111111 Goias 1 +1000111111 177,084 1 +1000111111 413,500 1 +1000111111 39,264 1 +1000111111 292-102 1 +1000111111 Permanency 1 +1000111111 radio-carbon 1 +1000111111 ecdysiasts 1 +1000111111 Heightstown 1 +1000111111 1306.97 1 +1000111111 Eustacio 1 +1000111111 wrist-thick 1 +1000111111 Enumclaw 1 +1000111111 1975-77 1 +1000111111 Naroda 1 +1000111111 Okayama-Ken 1 +1000111111 connectedness 1 +1000111111 portentousness 1 +1000111111 Derna 1 +1000111111 Kadison 1 +1000111111 215-201 1 +1000111111 5:04 1 +1000111111 1313.42 1 +1000111111 NACPAC 1 +1000111111 Schnader 1 +1000111111 53-46 1 +1000111111 existentialism 1 +1000111111 Burson-Marsteller/Europe 1 +1000111111 103.674 1 +1000111111 Kalashnikovization 1 +1000111111 supermakets 1 +1000111111 Genji 1 +1000111111 116.2643581 1 +1000111111 tele-fishing 1 +1000111111 Glamis 1 +1000111111 RosenShontz 1 +1000111111 SEP 1 +1000111111 Bernkopf 1 +1000111111 temporary-employee 1 +1000111111 L-Serine 1 +1000111111 CRVS 1 +1000111111 Solingen 1 +1000111111 atrazine 1 +1000111111 1987-from 1 +1000111111 1120.70 1 +1000111111 dollar-cost-averaging 1 +1000111111 229-182 1 +1000111111 pull-tabs 1 +1000111111 1598.0 1 +1000111111 1978-1981 1 +1000111111 Shienfeld 1 +1000111111 suspension. 1 +1000111111 1153.17 1 +1000111111 SLONE 1 +1000111111 Viry-Chatillon 1 +1000111111 Norrkoping 1 +1000111111 manioc 1 +1000111111 DatagraphiX 1 +1000111111 Granbury 1 +1000111111 speechlessness 1 +1000111111 Lungenau 1 +1000111111 Lungen 1 +1000111111 14-2 1 +1000111111 Conjugated 1 +1000111111 bati 1 +1000111111 Drekeniwai 1 +1000111111 Gent 1 +1000111111 Oct.31 1 +1000111111 Ingres 1 +1000111111 preimum-priced 1 +1000111111 Austerlitz 1 +1000111111 dolor 1 +1000111111 20513.65 1 +1000111111 cornsilk 1 +1000111111 Blumenthalism 1 +1000111111 Jiffylube 1 +1000111111 firelight 1 +1000111111 prosecution-basher 1 +1000111111 magnetization-demagnetization 1 +1000111111 Bendit 1 +1000111111 49-46 1 +1000111111 3.3995 1 +1000111111 counterculturists 1 +1000111111 Malaysia. 1 +1000111111 2:30:16 1 +1000111111 Wahoo 1 +1000111111 Daventry 1 +1000111111 Bingen 1 +1000111111 nettles 1 +1000111111 Autohaus-Tischer 1 +1000111111 scriptorial 1 +1000111111 knockwurst 1 +1000111111 Carlinville 1 +1000111111 Interleukin 1 +1000111111 Brescia 1 +1000111111 Ollieolatry 1 +1000111111 memorizations 1 +1000111111 WKBW-TV 1 +1000111111 curability 1 +1000111111 Metricom 1 +1000111111 acquisitors. 1 +1000111111 Prabhat 1 +1000111111 gameness 1 +1000111111 film-goers 1 +1000111111 wanna-be 1 +1000111111 Koch-family 1 +1000111111 propoganda 1 +1000111111 Sharretts 1 +1000111111 Berkshire-Hathaway 1 +1000111111 95-2 1 +1000111111 Kilbarry 1 +1000111111 Mardan 1 +1000111111 Limbang 1 +1000111111 blue-lavender-purple-pink-magenta 1 +1000111111 PaperTree 1 +1000111111 Radiologists 1 +1000111111 BOSH 1 +1000111111 Boukman 1 +1000111111 Carterville 1 +1000111111 Horlicks 1 +1000111111 dance-making 1 +1000111111 self-mutilations 1 +1000111111 8,659 1 +1000111111 137,738 1 +1000111111 2157.2 1 +1000111111 Herstatt 1 +1000111111 mega-events 1 +1000111111 83-11 1 +1000111111 doorstops 1 +1000111111 nine-to-fivers 1 +1000111111 sex-'n'-drugs-'n'-rock-'n'-roll 1 +1000111111 bawdiness 1 +1000111111 Kaysville 1 +1000111111 25,343 1 +1000111111 Quasimodo 1 +1000111111 Leavenworth 1 +1000111111 Clairin 1 +1000111111 Longquan 1 +1000111111 Vulnerability 1 +1000111111 Rimbunan 1 +1000111111 110.767 1 +1000111111 104.29 1 +1000111111 rappy 1 +1000111111 FAW 1 +1000111111 WETA/Washington 1 +1000111111 Wormwood 1 +1000111111 Duntisbourne 1 +1000111111 resewing 1 +1000111111 Chingford 1 +1000111111 Rockrimmon 1 +1000111111 McCamish 1 +1000111111 Beekmantown 1 +1000111111 1302.73 1 +1000111111 Rapco 1 +1000111111 Blackmon-Mooring 1 +1000111111 tenpins 1 +1000111111 1298.37 1 +1000111111 15,805 1 +1000111111 3.359 1 +1000111111 Amansco 1 +1000111111 Pennyslvania 1 +1000111111 dissuasion 1 +1000111111 tattler 1 +1000111111 Meerut 1 +1000111111 enviromentalists 1 +1000111111 cephalosporins 1 +1000111111 Guaianases 1 +1000111111 anti-Luddism 1 +1000111111 midward 1 +1000111111 WQXR-AM/FM 1 +1000111111 396-17 1 +1000111111 .406 1 +1000111111 1269.73 1 +1000111111 98,835 1 +1000111111 Enskede 1 +1000111111 Calama 1 +1000111111 Cheeky 1 +1000111111 Ilie 1 +1000111111 sweatstuff 1 +1000111111 tricosaccaride 1 +1000111111 ex-Reaganites 1 +1000111111 Noriegaism 1 +1000111111 TravelRite 1 +1000111111 .900 1 +1000111111 SABRE 1 +1000111111 antivirals 1 +1000111111 1270.58 1 +1000111111 1636-37 1 +1000111111 1262.64 1 +1000111111 brean 1 +1000111111 1270.54 1 +1000111111 exhibitionism 1 +1000111111 parters 1 +1000111111 Filmmakers 1 +1000111111 Rustam 1 +1000111111 Izieu 1 +1000111111 390-28 1 +1000111111 Handymen 1 +1000111111 324,802 1 +1000111111 526,743 1 +1000111111 100.41 1 +1000111111 Murcia 1 +1000111111 troubador 1 +1000111111 halon 1 +1000111111 ParkeDavis 1 +1000111111 scrumpy 1 +1000111111 Eliotiana 1 +1000111111 8789 1 +1000111111 Benetton. 1 +1000111111 JWT-London. 1 +1000111111 JWT-Germany 1 +1000111111 JWT-Europe 1 +1000111111 Dreamland 1 +1000111111 27638.74 1 +1000111111 Lincroft 1 +1000111111 1817.8 1 +1000111111 1232.81 1 +1000111111 highway. 1 +1000111111 non-medaldom 1 +1000111111 Maxene 1 +1000111111 Waghausel 1 +1000111111 co-parenting 1 +1000111111 90,183 1 +1000111111 1264.77 1 +1000111111 truth-seekers 1 +1000111111 1841.2 1 +1000111111 Bahawalpur 1 +1000111111 Ambulance-Chasers 1 +1000111111 1254.94 1 +1000111111 1831.1 1 +1000111111 Eqypt 1 +1000111111 Lemuria 1 +1000111111 101.98 1 +1000111111 1867.8 1 +1000111111 Tualatin 1 +1000111111 Solaro 1 +1000111111 1267.71 1 +1000111111 Onaizah 1 +1000111111 56-39 1 +1000111111 Synthelabo 1 +1000111111 Hitters 1 +1000111111 100.09 1 +1000111111 935.57 1 +1000111111 peroxidase 1 +1000111111 Methwold 1 +1000111111 meso-America 1 +1000111111 oxidization 1 +1000111111 Carro 1 +1000111111 tenants. 1 +1000111111 Braeside 1 +1000111111 Pithiviers 1 +1000111111 Y.I.E.L.D. 1 +1000111111 escargot 1 +1000111111 GTM 1 +1000111111 Tsukubao 1 +1000111111 1777.1 1 +1000111111 Nampa 1 +1000111111 ghostwriting 1 +1000111111 Goroka 1 +1000111111 teratology 1 +1000111111 Domvraina 1 +1000111111 Danning 1 +1000111111 Istria 1 +1000111111 100.656 1 +1000111111 Tetla 1 +1000111111 Mexico. 1 +1000111111 Flatulence 1 +1000111111 1753.6 1 +1000111111 millionthe 1 +1000111111 Flon 1 +1000111111 Dogberry 1 +1000111111 Qonduz 1 +1000111111 8,365 1 +1000111111 Chichijima 1 +1000111111 Housatonic 1 +1000111111 doublebilling 1 +1000111111 Pennoyer 1 +1000111111 96.96 1 +1000111111 ADVO 1 +1000111111 Clewiston 1 +1000111111 Anaba 1 +1000111111 98.96 1 +1000111111 rope-hopping 1 +1000111111 Badenweiler 1 +1000111111 Mamati 1 +1000111111 797,100 1 +1000111111 177,588 1 +1000111111 Kovoso 1 +1000111111 reconquering 1 +1000111111 LaRouche-style 1 +1000111111 Popocatepetl 1 +1000111111 Baldwinsville 1 +1000111111 98.99 1 +1000111111 plastics-making 1 +1000111111 forboding 1 +1000111111 ball-pounding 1 +1000111111 chromakalim 1 +1000111111 brand-loyalists 1 +1000111111 Gujran 1 +1000111111 Surah 1 +1000111111 spymasters 1 +1000111111 1245.05 1 +1000111111 Samarra 1 +1000111111 1243.70 1 +1000111111 McQuick 1 +1000111111 Dionysius 1 +1000111111 21,209 1 +1000111111 21,380 1 +1000111111 nongraduates 1 +1000111111 Rossmoor 1 +1000111111 Kinyu 1 +1000111111 Milltown 1 +1000111111 153,578 1 +1000111111 1176.32 1 +1000111111 Lodovico 1 +1000111111 Montecatini 1 +1000111111 31-14 1 +1000111111 Udang 1 +1000111111 Ambon 1 +1000111111 Sethe 1 +1000111111 co-evolution 1 +1000111111 Intercrossing 1 +1000111111 state-designate 1 +1000111111 Castelfidardo 1 +1000111111 102.36 1 +1000111111 1235.04 1 +1000111111 1824.4 1 +1000111111 SCECorp. 1 +1000111111 Noninformation 1 +1000111111 dingoes 1 +1000111111 somethings 1 +1000111111 102.72 1 +1000111111 Francoism 1 +1000111111 Grisati 1 +1000111111 high-sticking 1 +1000111111 Chappaquidick 1 +1000111111 non-performance 1 +1000111111 HFD 1 +1000111111 549,500 1 +1000111111 348-68 1 +1000111111 hyperoxygenation 1 +1000111111 Shaka 1 +1000111111 MNMN 1 +1000111111 McAlester 1 +1000111111 Laplace 1 +1000111111 86-0 1 +1000111111 interring 1 +1000111111 11-to-10 1 +1000111111 Phoneworks 1 +1000111111 Fangs 1 +1000111111 26400.63 1 +1000111111 1158.51 1 +1000111111 ARBUTHNOT 1 +1000111111 powerstation 1 +1000111111 Narayama 1 +1000111111 Foghorn 1 +1000111111 Jew-bashing 1 +1000111111 3949.73 1 +1000111111 Krupp/ 1 +1000111111 hearing. 1 +1000111111 1158.26 1 +1000111111 156,207 1 +1000111111 fish-farming 1 +1000111111 Chanute 1 +1000111111 68,357 1 +1000111111 Goring 1 +1000111111 crypts 1 +1000111111 Carnarvon 1 +1000111111 1864.7 1 +1000111111 over-leveraging 1 +1000111111 leveragability 1 +1000111111 I-don't-know-who 1 +1000111111 Castleacre 1 +1000111111 Festerson 1 +1000111111 M109A2 1 +1000111111 Elko 1 +1000111111 Gastroenterology 1 +1000111111 media-bashing 1 +1000111111 Technimetrics 1 +1000111111 Moosup 1 +1000111111 holocausts 1 +1000111111 Caracalla 1 +1000111111 n-butanol 1 +1000111111 Potgietersrus 1 +1000111111 1858.8 1 +1000111111 373,216 1 +1000111111 358-1 1 +1000111111 Carrenfour 1 +1000111111 circumferential 1 +1000111111 banister 1 +1000111111 102.43 1 +1000111111 538.27 1 +1000111111 movement. 1 +1000111111 superhighways 1 +1000111111 Tigoni 1 +1000111111 1248.80 1 +1000111111 28645.14 1 +1000111111 Voluntown 1 +1000111111 crybabying 1 +1000111111 238.90 1 +1000111111 deciles 1 +1000111111 255-177 1 +1000111111 Texmati 1 +1000111111 1275.51 1 +1000111111 339,428 1 +1000111111 externals 1 +1000111111 Hartington 1 +1000111111 Sargou 1 +1000111111 98.046 1 +1000111111 101.91 1 +1000111111 digital-graphics 1 +1000111111 ganglia 1 +1000111111 2,305 1 +1000111111 Kapuskasing 1 +1000111111 27798.18 1 +1000111111 1291.51 1 +1000111111 2:08:20 1 +1000111111 1255.19 1 +1000111111 1776-1777 1 +1000111111 Telshop 1 +1000111111 gesticulation 1 +1000111111 Ideal-Alembrec 1 +1000111111 creakiness 1 +1000111111 Qinhuangdao 1 +1000111111 106.66 1 +1000111111 plug-ins 1 +1000111111 Bassists 1 +1000111111 fact-mongering 1 +1000111111 Battlements 1 +1000111111 Presse-Actualite 1 +1000111111 TV-6 1 +1000111111 Zwentendorf 1 +1000111111 Rosedale 1 +1000111111 misdealing 1 +1000111111 Valjevo 1 +1000111111 Cogarthanghika 1 +1000111111 bagatelles 1 +1000111111 1923-24 1 +1000111111 Powercraft 1 +1000111111 6,675 1 +1000111111 Mensa 1 +1000111111 Evlico 1 +1000111111 106.417 1 +1000111111 Indore 1 +1000111111 ukiyoe 1 +1000111111 Self-Love 1 +1000111111 managerial/professional 1 +1000111111 Lingxixiang 1 +1000111111 Geisa 1 +1000111111 mouldy 1 +1000111111 Tegison 1 +1000111111 Marietou 1 +1000111111 Ablaye 1 +1000111111 Chapare 1 +1000111111 non-complainers 1 +1000111111 574,490 1 +1000111111 noncommunicating 1 +1000111111 Trondheim 1 +1000111111 self-dissolution 1 +1000111111 Sandton 1 +1000111111 85.908 1 +1000111111 Dragoons 1 +1000111111 1914-15 1 +1000111111 Comitan 1 +1000111111 1,521,000 1 +1000111111 1914-1918 1 +1000111111 Setubal 1 +1000111111 propolis 1 +1000111111 papiermache 1 +1000111111 Soshanguve 1 +1000111111 1-by-2s 1 +1000111111 bights 1 +1000111111 Shahs 1 +1000111111 proceduritis 1 +1000111111 156-5 1 +1000111111 12,984 1 +1000111111 commerce. 1 +1000111111 KLTJ 1 +1000111111 Payette 1 +1000111111 Atil 1 +1000111111 truth-in-budgeting 1 +1000111111 Montreux 1 +1000111111 Antongalon 1 +1000111111 malarkey 1 +1000111111 Valencias 1 +1000111111 ordinariness 1 +1000111111 14,158 1 +1000111111 Maghdousheh 1 +1000111111 stupefaction 1 +1000111111 Pierr 1 +1000111111 Aquaculture 1 +1000111111 Ceuta 1 +1000111111 109,112 1 +1000111111 greaseless 1 +1000111111 1,896,000 1 +1000111111 3,384,000 1 +1000111111 2183.9 1 +1000111111 Rajasthan 1 +1000111111 radiophobia 1 +1000111111 moodiness 1 +1000111111 cefazoline 1 +1000111111 183-day 1 +1000111111 Arverne 1 +1000111111 1980-83 1 +1000111111 arm-waving 1 +1000111111 Rievaulx 1 +1000111111 holes. 1 +1000111111 Somax 1 +1000111111 Solvang 1 +1000111111 Rubelsanto 1 +1000111111 memory-hungry 1 +1000111111 296-124 1 +1000111111 3.7-to-1 1 +1000111111 desparecidos 1 +1000111111 23868.43 1 +1000111111 Calvinists 1 +1000111111 standpatters 1 +1000111111 Libertads 1 +1000111111 Vasari 1 +1000111111 O.N.E. 1 +1000111111 decertifications 1 +1000111111 aid-the-Contras 1 +1000111111 418-0 1 +1000111111 Krnjevo 1 +1000111111 2:07:51 1 +1000111111 Salta 1 +1000111111 2:13:30 1 +1000111111 Marmarth 1 +1000111111 ethylenebisdithiocarbamates 1 +1000111111 5,623 1 +1000111111 Selectmen 1 +1000111111 directors. 1 +1000111111 non-attorneys 1 +1000111111 1601 1 +1000111111 Emporium-Capwell 1 +1000111111 lip-moistening 1 +1000111111 Bloemfontein 1 +1000111111 Ukranians 1 +1000111111 protropin 1 +1000111111 friends-who-have-been-there 1 +1000111111 record-keepers 1 +1000111111 mini-Disneyland 1 +1000111111 Tarlac 1 +1000111111 Travelmasters 1 +1000111111 NQ 1 +1000111111 Jezzine 1 +1000111111 1282.38 1 +1000111111 Austro-Marxism 1 +1000111111 Spinoza 1 +1000111111 Chincoteague 1 +1000111111 1308.87 1 +1000111111 Sisseton 1 +1000111111 Euro-logic 1 +1000111111 Herrsching 1 +1000111111 Thermopylae 1 +1000111111 111.70 1 +1000111111 megahouse-building 1 +1000111111 Universology 1 +1000111111 IBM-Europe 1 +1000111111 Anesthesiologists 1 +1000111111 record-making 1 +1000111111 disreputability 1 +1000111111 messagery 1 +1000111111 Yimlamay 1 +1000111111 Wordmark 1 +1000111111 prizewinners 1 +1000111111 sacrality 1 +1000111111 Lupao 1 +1000111111 1,269,100 1 +1000111111 show-and-sell 1 +1000111111 21-20 1 +1000111111 Quinua 1 +1000111111 Dillwyn 1 +1000111111 Angur 1 +1000111111 Lemnos 1 +1000111111 Vozni 1 +1000111111 24608.22 1 +1000111111 Zabrze 1 +1000111111 1317.88 1 +1000111111 Amazonas 1 +1000111111 456,971 1 +1000111111 699,421 1 +1000111111 Ellwangen 1 +1000111111 Fantine 1 +1000111111 Hainesville 1 +1000111111 knuckle-biting 1 +1000111111 mediocrity. 1 +1000111111 Democracy. 1 +1000111111 overextension 1 +1000111111 here-today 1 +1000111111 hard-hats 1 +1000111111 Minorange 1 +1000111111 Iffley 1 +1000111111 Procreation 1 +1000111111 PTAs 1 +1000111111 Transylvania. 1 +1000111111 Buckhannon 1 +1000111111 Montjuic 1 +1000111111 Promethee 1 +1000111111 overproduction. 1 +1000111111 Wheatgrowers 1 +1000111111 Valec 1 +1000111111 Sidbec 1 +1000111111 111.138 1 +1000111111 15,254 1 +1000111111 Covidea 1 +1000111111 Puyallup 1 +1000111111 ultra-exclusive 1 +1000111111 Flame. 1 +1000111111 Herbert-Verkamp 1 +1000111111 2,954,620 1 +1000111111 debt-recycling 1 +1000111111 Duduza 1 +1000111111 whack. 1 +1000111111 1,100. 1 +1000111111 have-it 1 +1000111111 nonresponsibility 1 +1000111111 +0.64 1 +1000111111 American-planned 1 +1000111111 49-to-46 1 +1000111111 Toomay 1 +1000111111 labetalol 1 +1000111111 Nayarit 1 +1000111111 622,303 1 +1000111111 Abert 1 +1000111111 411-0 1 +1000111111 freethinkers 1 +1000111111 Fedecamaras 1 +1000111111 self-independence 1 +1000111111 rusticity 1 +1000111111 58.921 1 +1000111111 home-work 1 +1000111111 one-carat 1 +1000111111 Mancos 1 +1000111111 Hamtramc 1 +1000111111 ultra-cool 1 +1000111111 Witloof 1 +1000111111 Shuichuan 1 +1000111111 Shovelers 1 +1000111111 videodrones 1 +1000111111 orthography 1 +1000111111 529,862 1 +1000111111 Lincolnwood 1 +1000111111 1951-53 1 +1000111111 Israel. 1 +1000111111 Clydebank 1 +1000111111 13,044 1 +1000111111 72-21 1 +1000111111 1969-82 1 +1000111111 153,907 1 +1000111111 149,732 1 +1000111111 Tiffin 1 +1000111111 Texas/M.D. 1 +1000111111 Nagykanizsa 1 +1000111111 Collingswood 1 +1000111111 solid-wood 1 +1000111111 Saucier 1 +1000111111 reserpine 1 +1000111111 Edgars 1 +1000111111 GOPAC 1 +1000111111 Teacherswill 1 +1000111111 Fri. 1 +1000111111 20,401,098 1 +1000111111 1620.4 1 +1000111111 Stadtpark 1 +1000111111 leglislators 1 +1000111111 3,249 1 +1000111111 Neon 1 +1000111111 Holofernes 1 +1000111111 unrecognizability 1 +1000111111 1738.42 1 +1000111111 risk-hedging 1 +1000111111 Norka 1 +1000111111 Happytown 1 +1000111111 837,511 1 +1000111111 Etchers 1 +1000111111 1980-1988 1 +1000111111 irreversibility 1 +1000111111 324-68 1 +1000111111 1257.15 1 +1000111111 Cloaks 1 +1000111111 Thermopolis 1 +1000111111 1235.07 1 +1000111111 1230.21 1 +1000111111 150,058 1 +1000111111 Cogoleto 1 +1000111111 nonreporting 1 +1000111111 isradipine 1 +1000111111 HIRAM 1 +1000111111 59-30 1 +1000111111 Illustrators 1 +1000111111 46,020 1 +1000111111 Afro-bop 1 +1000111111 nonrefundability 1 +1000111111 Representatives. 1 +1000111111 ALFA-LANCIA 1 +1000111111 manors 1 +1000111111 Renault-designed 1 +1000111111 1717.6 1 +1000111111 criticism. 1 +1000111111 TDCC 1 +1000111111 182,975 1 +1000111111 Abyssinia 1 +1000111111 Matamoras 1 +1000111111 0.5520 1 +1000111111 romanticism. 1 +1000111111 dino-hatchlings 1 +1000111111 everyone. 1 +1000111111 0.5243 1 +1000111111 Clemmons 1 +1000111111 Tena 1 +1000111111 playacting 1 +1000111111 Buyers-Up 1 +1000111111 overchoice 1 +1000111111 counter-retaliation 1 +1000111111 tsking 1 +1000111111 corpse-gathering 1 +1000111111 Lacowsky-Zucker 1 +1000111111 watchdogging 1 +1000111111 836.13 1 +1000111111 Folcroft 1 +1000111111 semi-cylindrical 1 +1000111111 Melanesia 1 +1000111111 Texas-M.D. 1 +1000111111 aztreonam 1 +1000111111 anti-intellectuals 1 +1000111111 276.40 1 +1000111111 Khaki 1 +1000111111 laborite 1 +1000111111 Shalamcheh 1 +1000111111 Khorramshahr 1 +1000111111 Inchelium 1 +1000111111 36,152 1 +1000111111 45,976 1 +1000111111 Palanpur 1 +1000111111 1962-64 1 +1000111111 123-46 1 +1000111111 26.7-to-1 1 +1000111111 282.60 1 +1000111111 268.40 1 +1000111111 Handouts 1 +1000111111 Bromm 1 +1000111111 rope-bearers 1 +1000111111 procaterol 1 +1000111111 Multiplex 1 +1000111111 797,679 1 +1000111111 Wheatland 1 +1000111111 Hueblein 1 +1000111111 Missiones 1 +1000111111 catalepsy 1 +1000111111 box-shaped 1 +1000111111 youk-now-what 1 +1000111111 Calexico 1 +1000111111 blackmarketeers 1 +1000111111 1958-1960 1 +1000111111 61-32 1 +1000111111 151,425 1 +1000111111 Irrelevance 1 +1000111111 Comerce 1 +1000111111 Ventersdorp 1 +1000111111 price-to-revenue 1 +1000111111 Kohyang 1 +1000111111 DensePac 1 +1000111111 animism 1 +1000111111 J.R.R. 1 +1000111111 Gomina 1 +1000111111 2722.22 1 +1000111111 singlemindedness 1 +1000111111 Epostane 1 +1000111111 Trilafon 1 +1000111111 perphenazine 1 +1000111111 mini-bank 1 +1000111111 1230.24 1 +1000111111 unenforceability 1 +1000111111 433,100 1 +1000111111 irreplaceability 1 +1000111111 Miniatures 1 +1000111111 Craftmark 1 +1000111111 WCLQ 1 +1000111111 Vorarlberg 1 +1000111111 Nutcracker-Cavalier 1 +1000111111 shutterbugs 1 +1000111111 Amazonia 1 +1000111111 Penna. 1 +1000111111 bronchopneumonia 1 +1000111111 G.L.A.D. 1 +1000111111 Shana 1 +1000111111 Nurse-Midwives 1 +1000111111 valium 1 +1000111111 1.9930 1 +1000111111 Omnibancorp 1 +1000111111 BBs 1 +1000111111 aquatint 1 +1000111111 73,054 1 +1000111111 17,475 1 +1000111111 arthropods 1 +1000111111 socialist-realism 1 +1000111111 97.20 1 +1000111111 Hafiftruths 1 +1000111111 Wooddale 1 +1000111111 writers'-strike 1 +1000111111 H20 1 +1000111111 telephony 1 +1000111111 I-10 1 +1000111111 Fredericton 1 +1000111111 Pompian 1 +1000111111 CableTek 1 +1000111111 Evisceration 1 +1000111111 1227.16 1 +1000111111 155-1 1 +1000111111 2394.4 1 +1000111111 Trat 1 +1000111111 Wheatridge 1 +1000111111 1.7077 1 +1000111111 1800.5 1 +1000111111 supplies-fuel 1 +1000111111 1,032,000 1 +1000111111 1316.49 1 +1000111111 1,561,000 1 +1000111111 Printout 1 +1000111111 27534.87 1 +1000111111 gp61 1 +1000111111 Cosep 1 +1000111111 shop-aholics 1 +1000111111 262.00 1 +1000111111 Eurokitsch 1 +1000111111 Uenohara 1 +1000111111 opinionmakers 1 +1000111111 self-support 1 +1000111111 complementarity 1 +1000111111 Mizoram 1 +1000111111 Ladue 1 +1000111111 Aptos 1 +1000111111 70-13 1 +1000111111 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 1 +1000111111 1902-1914 1 +1000111111 Tonopah 1 +1000111111 34244.43 1 +1000111111 play-acting 1 +1000111111 Cheltenham 1 +1000111111 MVS-Multivision 1 +1000111111 self-treatments 1 +1000111111 Cosmetology 1 +1000111111 non-refrigerated 1 +1000111111 2847.98 1 +1000111111 uncertainty. 1 +1000111111 2394.3 1 +1000111111 253-159 1 +1000111111 eucalyptus-based 1 +1000111111 dance-goers 1 +1000111111 Hating 1 +1000111111 Florsheims 1 +1000111111 3,918,000 1 +1000111111 microsurgery 1 +1000111111 2366.3 1 +1000111111 2379.8 1 +1000111111 349.66 1 +1000111111 drugdealing 1 +1000111111 megapools 1 +1000111111 Tropworld 1 +1000111111 batwear 1 +1000111111 antei 1 +1000111111 2373.3 1 +1000111111 sun-damage 1 +1000111111 Dolgoprudny 1 +1000111111 coup-makers 1 +1000111111 astrophyics 1 +1000111111 182day 1 +1000111111 Nagyr 1 +1000111111 Minneosta 1 +1000111111 Bacton 1 +1000111111 103.22 1 +1000111111 Jouberton 1 +1000111111 Schweizer-Reneke 1 +1000111111 Apothecaries 1 +1000111111 Hayfield 1 +1000111111 analystics 1 +1000111111 defanging 1 +1000111111 Vergil 1 +1000111111 Castlewood 1 +1000111111 102.98 1 +1000111111 sawdust-bread 1 +1000111111 Armaments 1 +1000111111 Kein 1 +1000111111 259.69 1 +1000111111 achievement. 1 +1000111111 1.735 1 +1000111111 374.81 1 +1000111111 1235.35 1 +1000111111 70-49 1 +1000111111 Hart-mania 1 +1000111111 Feydeau 1 +1000111111 Suring 1 +1000111111 IBJ/Schroder 1 +1000111111 Biberach 1 +1000111111 interleukins 1 +1000111111 102.57 1 +1000111111 Suitland 1 +1000111111 Sranton 1 +1000111111 Ajmer 1 +1000111111 306.59 1 +1000111111 Fegersheim 1 +1000111111 St-Basilele-Grand 1 +1000111111 cantalopes 1 +1000111111 1936-39 1 +1000111111 Gruenau 1 +1000111111 328-78 1 +1000111111 Homosote 1 +1000111111 obsessive-compulsiveness 1 +1000111111 28056.98 1 +1000111111 Silao 1 +1000111111 96.53 1 +1000111111 Lemsip 1 +1000111111 Kersey 1 +1000111111 Ladenberg 1 +1000111111 243-169 1 +1000111111 2385.2 1 +1000111111 tulipmania 1 +1000111111 Arscott 1 +1000111111 163,300 1 +1000111111 Hoven 1 +1000111111 Gozkomizdat 1 +1000111111 Yank-bashing 1 +1000111111 Gorbachevolatry 1 +1000111111 28,865 1 +1000111111 wedge-nosed 1 +1000111111 phlebitis 1 +1000111111 Contitech 1 +1000111111 Fiskars 1 +1000111111 109.93 1 +1000111111 hypothesis-testing 1 +1000111111 286-98 1 +1000111111 97,112 1 +1000111111 self-worthiness 1 +1000111111 Taylorism 1 +1000111111 Altamahaw 1 +1000111111 Missouri-St 1 +1000111111 58-41 1 +1000111111 Glenrock 1 +1000111111 KLM-Northwest 1 +1000111111 IVIG-induced 1 +1000111111 Umbria 1 +1000111111 Granard 1 +1000111111 Bombast 1 +1000111111 Movietime/Alfalfa 1 +1000111111 1215.99 1 +1000111111 1.7325 1 +1000111111 blood-filtering 1 +1000111111 Bacillus 1 +1000111111 Attivo 1 +1000111111 99.643 1 +1000111111 neo-Italian 1 +1000111111 104.79 1 +1000111111 103.85 1 +1000111111 1315.72 1 +1000111111 2369.7 1 +1000111111 Hivaoa 1 +1000111111 AICorp. 1 +1000111111 Velayat-e-faqih 1 +1000111111 soapdom 1 +1000111111 1274.62 1 +1000111111 humoria 1 +1000111111 maleantes 1 +1000111111 WGCI 1 +1000111111 naysay 1 +1000111111 Guanacaste 1 +1000111111 Resist 1 +1000111111 school. 1 +1000111111 Anarcho-Syndicalists 1 +1000111111 cycloramas 1 +1000111111 Pruitt-Igoes 1 +1000111111 DISCoveries 1 +1000111111 48a 1 +1000111111 stirred-up 1 +1000111111 peritonitis. 1 +1000111111 2269.7 1 +1000111111 life-asserting 1 +1000111111 26013.19 1 +1000111111 adenine 1 +1000111111 Gesarol 1 +1000111111 Iblisi 1 +1000111111 95.32 1 +1000111111 nonsexual 1 +1000111111 phocomedlia 1 +1000111111 Hamden 1 +1000111111 34542.51 1 +1000111111 34266.75 1 +1000111111 Lashio 1 +1000111111 1327.60 1 +1000111111 SVP 1 +1000111111 Lethlabile 1 +1000111111 2388.1 1 +1000111111 2352.7 1 +1000111111 Elvel 1 +1000111111 53-41 1 +1000111111 conduct-trespassing 1 +1000111111 Attainder 1 +1000111111 2284.5 1 +1000111111 Depiction 1 +1000111111 1274.47 1 +1000111111 1906-07 1 +1000111111 eschatological 1 +1000111111 1321.21 1 +1000111111 2287.4 1 +1000111111 Bubiyan 1 +1000111111 26320.07 1 +1000111111 Antibes 1 +1000111111 13-4 1 +1000111111 96.74 1 +1000111111 prematurity 1 +1000111111 Negmegan 1 +1000111111 2.7-to-1 1 +1000111111 Ekaterina 1 +1000111111 Coachella 1 +1000111111 1264.70 1 +1000111111 Lanett 1 +1000111111 2435.7 1 +1000111111 2223.0 1 +1000111111 Coroca 1 +1000111111 Roadside 1 +1000111111 Euroeconomics 1 +1000111111 rackteering 1 +1000111111 420-0 1 +1000111111 500,000-pound 1 +1000111111 transience 1 +1000111111 95.83 1 +1000111111 Exportkhleb 1 +1000111111 ComputerWare 1 +1000111111 Lubyanka 1 +1000111111 4,986,000 1 +1000111111 monopsony 1 +1000111111 Walpert 1 +1000111111 88.93 1 +1000111111 hearing-aids 1 +1000111111 Alsip 1 +1000111111 self-advertising 1 +1000111111 Kulikovo 1 +1000111111 Lisieux 1 +1000111111 nucleotides 1 +1000111111 571-147 1 +1000111111 male-majority 1 +1000111111 Leesport 1 +1000111111 Uz 1 +1000111111 Midian 1 +1000111111 1756-63 1 +1000111111 doghouses 1 +1000111111 Sevierville 1 +1000111111 Glattbrugg 1 +1000111111 1764 1 +1000111111 1304.15 1 +1000111111 2399.0 1 +1000111111 1289.14 1 +1000111111 ENR 1 +1000111111 2:24:30 1 +1000111111 1243.72 1 +1000111111 begonias 1 +1000111111 hamburger-flippers 1 +1000111111 nomadism 1 +1000111111 Omodaka 1 +1000111111 fat-fighters 1 +1000111111 non-delivery 1 +1000111111 26984.11 1 +1000111111 2926.19 1 +1000111111 2424.5 1 +1000111111 661,600 1 +1000111111 Protectorate 1 +1000111111 2426 1 +1000111111 2410.4 1 +1000111111 Somoto 1 +1000111111 1312.50 1 +1000111111 self-mockery 1 +1000111111 69-26 1 +1000111111 Toettingen 1 +1000111111 99.662 1 +1000111111 hightechnologies 1 +1000111111 2379.4 1 +1000111111 gut-twisting 1 +1000111111 fumblers 1 +1000111111 Barikot 1 +1000111111 growth- 1 +1000111111 non-war 1 +1000111111 4,345 1 +1000111111 Saucony 1 +1000111111 demonology 1 +1000111111 realness 1 +1000111111 blancmange 1 +1000111111 backwoodsmen 1 +1000111111 garrulity 1 +1000111111 misrepresentation. 1 +1000111111 Hooker. 1 +1000111111 Moravia 1 +1000111111 256.10 1 +1000111111 34.59 1 +1000111111 1273.21 1 +1000111111 Gondar 1 +1000111111 improvization 1 +1000111111 endometrium 1 +1000111111 Sunzest 1 +1000111111 KMTF 1 +1000111111 7,740 1 +1000111111 scumbags 1 +1000111111 over-ordering 1 +1000111111 23,156 1 +1000111111 Panagia 1 +1000111111 Indramayu 1 +1000111111 Amery 1 +1000111111 96.09 1 +1000111111 0-to-60 1 +1000111111 Sukaharjo 1 +1000111111 2416.1 1 +1000111111 gruesomeness 1 +1000111111 79-14 1 +1000111111 Lightnet 1 +1000111111 Tuonela 1 +1000111111 Riefenstahl 1 +1000111111 Revell/Monogram 1 +1000111111 ASH 1 +1000111111 98.665 1 +1000111111 Nurserymen 1 +1000111111 Japanese-bashing 1 +1000111111 1270.55 1 +1000111111 sound-painting 1 +1000111111 Co-REEN-thee-an 1 +1000111111 risk-variance 1 +1000111111 Guinnesss 1 +1000111111 TurboTax 1 +1000111111 harder-to-read 1 +1000111111 tetrahydroaminoacradine 1 +1000111111 XT6 1 +1000111111 ickiness 1 +1000111111 coke-snorting 1 +1000111111 Jasrac 1 +1000111111 France. 1 +1000111111 Europoort 1 +1000111111 child-stealing 1 +1000111111 Leaseurope 1 +1000111111 home-improvement-store 1 +1000111111 Chapoutier 1 +1000111111 1283.85 1 +1000111111 2358.3 1 +1000111111 2390.8 1 +1000111111 Beita 1 +1000111111 Interconsult 1 +1000111111 Eilat 1 +1000111111 Sieradz 1 +1000111111 spumanti 1 +1000111111 1634-37 1 +1000111111 Sofipa 1 +1000111111 676.84 1 +1000111111 Burtonsville 1 +1000111111 Awali 1 +1000111111 Lasix 1 +1000111111 VWD 1 +1000111111 2302 1 +1000111111 Lazlo 1 +1000111111 lawyerdom 1 +1000111111 points. 1 +1000111111 4112.9 1 +1000111111 misstriped 1 +1000111111 Delphos 1 +1000111111 KPRC-TV 1 +1000111111 2346.4 1 +1000111111 1826.7 1 +1000111111 2,458,700 1 +1000111111 Feltham 1 +1000111111 Armscor 1 +1000111111 Stanislavsky 1 +1000111111 Jiye 1 +1000111111 Roniglione 1 +1000111111 Oneka 1 +1000111111 Hubler/Swartz 1 +1000111111 2357.9 1 +1000111111 100.698 1 +1000111111 polypropylenes 1 +1000111111 Defi 1 +1000111111 2724 1 +1000111111 2363.6 1 +1000111111 predictiveness 1 +1000111111 group-identity 1 +1000111111 Marsala 1 +1000111111 NCNB-Midland 1 +1000111111 97.19 1 +1000111111 Chollipo 1 +1000111111 Gosheim 1 +1000111111 Beirut-on-Hudson 1 +1000111111 half-reruns 1 +1000111111 1917-1919 1 +1000111111 M&Ms. 1 +1000111111 arrogance. 1 +1000111111 Heilbronn 1 +1000111111 snobism 1 +1000111111 2354.9 1 +1000111111 japan 1 +1000111111 SoCalGas 1 +1000111111 Gulmit 1 +1000111111 Balbalan 1 +1000111111 nudists 1 +1000111111 99.74 1 +1000111111 29,021 1 +1000111111 reteaching 1 +1000111111 advertizing 1 +1000111111 sociobiology 1 +1000111111 Benamou 1 +1000111111 3309 1 +1000111111 Artsbridge 1 +1000111111 autism 1 +1000111111 MCCA 1 +1000111111 1219.56 1 +1000111111 Chesaning 1 +1000111111 Mapleton 1 +1000111111 meningioma 1 +1000111111 1,454,000 1 +1000111111 Yuffies 1 +1000111111 non-asthmatics 1 +1000111111 2278.3 1 +1000111111 shareholdersfunds 1 +1000111111 Wedtechs 1 +1000111111 330.72 1 +1000111111 Irans 1 +1000111111 negligibility 1 +1000111111 13,446,000 1 +1000111111 Console 1 +1000111111 1896-97 1 +1000111111 Mickleton 1 +1000111111 TARP 1 +1000111111 maturity. 1 +1000111111 99.08 1 +1000111111 Rotha 1 +1000111111 WGMS 1 +1000111111 18-to-29-year-olds 1 +1000111111 Subs 1 +1000111111 427.62 1 +1000111111 291-123 1 +1000111111 DnC 1 +1000111111 Slovaks 1 +1000111111 trypanosomes 1 +1000111111 2329.1 1 +1000111111 Honfleur 1 +1000111111 Cadaques 1 +1000111111 5,280 1 +1000111111 Jastrzebie 1 +1000111111 Hethel 1 +1000111111 2297 1 +1000111111 Minorca 1 +1000111111 Oscoda 1 +1000111111 Tanjore 1 +1000111111 Najaf 1 +1000111111 feedgrains 1 +1000111111 479.32 1 +1000111111 2310.3 1 +1000111111 2331.1 1 +1000111111 Paekdu 1 +1000111111 Yalies 1 +1000111111 Ivins 1 +1000111111 Edgefield 1 +1000111111 million-member-Teamsters 1 +1000111111 98.59 1 +1000111111 419.32 1 +1000111111 Byrdstown 1 +1000111111 Jacobius 1 +1000111111 Chicagoana 1 +1000111111 Whittle-produced 1 +1000111111 Lanzhou 1 +1000111111 1885.2 1 +1000111111 Tondal 1 +1000111111 suttee 1 +1000111111 383-18 1 +1000111111 non-Castilians 1 +1000111111 Lae 1 +1000111111 pudicity 1 +1000111111 garbage-in 1 +1000111111 Lastec 1 +1000111111 Medjugorje 1 +1000111111 2218.6 1 +1000111111 agriculture. 1 +1000111111 Coarsegold 1 +1000111111 profit-makers 1 +1000111111 Sidewalks 1 +1000111111 Cotui 1 +1000111111 Provence. 1 +1000111111 Esba 1 +1000111111 221-199 1 +1000111111 conceptualizing 1 +1000111111 semiprocessed 1 +1000111111 ComputerWorld 1 +1000111111 java 1 +1000111111 Tilsit 1 +1000111111 374.07 1 +1000111111 pentigetide 1 +1000111111 non-Hungarians 1 +1000111111 melatonin 1 +1000111111 96.80 1 +1000111111 Atonement 1 +1000111111 2341.5 1 +1000111111 starlike 1 +1000111111 Sofitel 1 +1000111111 Tekstilbank 1 +1000111111 98.073 1 +1000111111 unfunniness 1 +1000111111 Falconry 1 +1000111111 1917-18 1 +1000111111 Menoken 1 +1000111111 peepers 1 +1000111111 successs 1 +1000111111 access-buying 1 +1000111111 1,500mg 1 +1000111111 1239.61 1 +1000111111 mousedom 1 +1000111111 1793.6 1 +1000111111 fice 1 +1000111111 Jiddah 1 +1000111111 KSP 1 +1000111111 1248.48 1 +1000111111 2374.8 1 +1000111111 radar-fooling 1 +1000111111 Muelheim-Ruhr 1 +1000111111 RATP 1 +1000111111 Chungli 1 +1000111111 Komi 1 +1000111111 7,580,000 1 +1000111111 Fowls 1 +1000111111 997-254 1 +1000111111 98.401 1 +1000111111 2332.4 1 +1000111111 foreignborns 1 +1000111111 Taoyuan 1 +1000111111 391.62 1 +1000111111 1251.78 1 +1000111111 27177.54 1 +1000111111 Macumba 1 +1000111111 histamine 1 +1000111111 Gollaprolu 1 +1000111111 ours. 1 +1000111111 royal-baiting 1 +1000111111 megaphones 1 +1000111111 Dipolog 1 +1000111111 doubledealing 1 +1000111111 13,822 1 +1000111111 lionesses 1 +1000111111 COSEP 1 +1000111111 102.06 1 +1000111111 techno-nationalism 1 +1000111111 6,793 1 +1000111111 81-19 1 +1000111111 wigggling 1 +1000111111 120.30 1 +1000111111 Paris-IX-Dauphine 1 +1000111111 under-ascertainment 1 +1000111111 1242.00 1 +1000111111 591,419 1 +1000111111 89-11 1 +1000111111 Kansas. 1 +1000111111 Altamira 1 +1000111111 1910-12 1 +1000111111 oneupmanship 1 +1000111111 Croton 1 +1000111111 America-Canada 1 +1000111111 worktables 1 +1000111111 four. 1 +1000111111 regulation-tightening 1 +1000111111 Crotone 1 +1000111111 373216 1 +1000111111 2383.8 1 +1000111111 Artvin 1 +1000111111 maximum- 1 +1000111111 Creamer. 1 +1000111111 2368.4 1 +1000111111 AVAir 1 +1000111111 pretentiousness 1 +1000111111 390-16 1 +1000111111 13,803 1 +1000111111 ligistics 1 +1000111111 Purdys 1 +1000111111 DMB&B/USA 1 +1000111111 Asiawatch 1 +1000111111 quasi-statehood 1 +1000111111 acetominophen 1 +1000111111 Buchman 1 +1000111111 PEN 1 +1000111111 Horseheads 1 +1000111111 ill-treatment 1 +1000111111 Ophthalmologists 1 +1000111111 1,374,000 1 +1000111111 Coronet/MTI 1 +1000111111 rounders 1 +1000111111 Khaesong 1 +1000111111 regionalitis 1 +1000111111 Edw 1 +1000111111 2314.4 1 +1000111111 Zamunda 1 +1000111111 10-years 1 +1000111111 Heliopolis 1 +1000111111 Grayer 1 +1000111111 multibranch 1 +1000111111 single-A/double-A-minus 1 +1000111111 Fatherlands 1 +1000111111 Umea 1 +1000111111 Copersucar 1 +1000111111 Lehighton 1 +1000111111 Forgiveness 1 +1000111111 Wadi 1 +1000111111 al-Tahl 1 +1000111111 Introspect 1 +1000111111 1222.08 1 +1000111111 Ensenar 1 +1000111111 Namelok 1 +1000111111 372.40 1 +1000111111 Tir 1 +1000111111 2258.3 1 +1000111111 hyphens 1 +1000111111 Elea 1 +1000111111 MBR 1 +1000111111 2291.7 1 +1000111111 stumper 1 +1000111111 309.33 1 +1000111111 Prodintorg 1 +1000111111 35689.98 1 +1000111111 1219.59 1 +1000111111 block-building 1 +1000111111 Equalization 2 +1000111111 237-181 2 +1000111111 glyphosate 2 +1000111111 Abd 2 +1000111111 bus-loads 2 +1000111111 basij 2 +1000111111 Gretna 2 +1000111111 Jaipur 2 +1000111111 neuropharmacology 2 +1000111111 asphyxiation 2 +1000111111 Chittagong 2 +1000111111 Zionsville 2 +1000111111 Synge 2 +1000111111 Illinois-Chicago 2 +1000111111 Reviewers 2 +1000111111 Kunsan 2 +1000111111 dBase4 2 +1000111111 Billund 2 +1000111111 chloroflurocarbons 2 +1000111111 embossers 2 +1000111111 seashores 2 +1000111111 worthlessness 2 +1000111111 Kratowvo 2 +1000111111 quiescence 2 +1000111111 big-bellied 2 +1000111111 acclimatization 2 +1000111111 316,209 2 +1000111111 CHAUMET 2 +1000111111 Weslaco 2 +1000111111 bobcats 2 +1000111111 Steinhagen 2 +1000111111 Bedminster 2 +1000111111 pocho-bashing 2 +1000111111 accountant-catastrophists 2 +1000111111 2443 2 +1000111111 Bellmore 2 +1000111111 Bihac 2 +1000111111 Kiester 2 +1000111111 Centoxin 2 +1000111111 Katutura 2 +1000111111 bitches 2 +1000111111 Allemonde 2 +1000111111 Strongsville 2 +1000111111 Gwalia 2 +1000111111 C-5s 2 +1000111111 Meltex 2 +1000111111 264-121 2 +1000111111 Elmont 2 +1000111111 Canada. 2 +1000111111 corporeal 2 +1000111111 acquirees 2 +1000111111 Verkehrskreditbank 2 +1000111111 Sheba 2 +1000111111 Silsbee 2 +1000111111 Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2 +1000111111 monasticism 2 +1000111111 Beemans 2 +1000111111 Quebecair 2 +1000111111 vancomycin 2 +1000111111 Florida. 2 +1000111111 '40 2 +1000111111 6-feet 2 +1000111111 Wholesalers-Distributors 2 +1000111111 superperformers 2 +1000111111 30,226 2 +1000111111 portal 2 +1000111111 Education. 2 +1000111111 Francorp. 2 +1000111111 378-4 2 +1000111111 gristle 2 +1000111111 Downington 2 +1000111111 Knightstown 2 +1000111111 Londrina 2 +1000111111 Khomeiniism 2 +1000111111 Sportrooms 2 +1000111111 1914-18 2 +1000111111 Nivard 2 +1000111111 neutrophils 2 +1000111111 Poisons 2 +1000111111 Ilminster 2 +1000111111 Stikeman 2 +1000111111 Blackbeard 2 +1000111111 prunes 2 +1000111111 aminopterin 2 +1000111111 50-to-1 2 +1000111111 tripods 2 +1000111111 Ginborak 2 +1000111111 dog-fighting 2 +1000111111 America-U.S. 2 +1000111111 beef-eating 2 +1000111111 farm-ins 2 +1000111111 2345.8 2 +1000111111 Les-Loges-en-Josas 2 +1000111111 Araserv 2 +1000111111 Unionville 2 +1000111111 Dazzling 2 +1000111111 insufferability 2 +1000111111 Fallacies 2 +1000111111 Shoreview 2 +1000111111 Troyes 2 +1000111111 Sparber 2 +1000111111 9-7 2 +1000111111 nicotine. 2 +1000111111 printmaking 2 +1000111111 superalloys 2 +1000111111 Kitezh 2 +1000111111 439.64 2 +1000111111 bedsheets 2 +1000111111 Lynbrook 2 +1000111111 Bimsa 2 +1000111111 Tadzhikistan 2 +1000111111 biostatistics 2 +1000111111 Medicaments 2 +1000111111 Raytec 2 +1000111111 Sokoto 2 +1000111111 Maru 2 +1000111111 Equador 2 +1000111111 1919.71 2 +1000111111 lading 2 +1000111111 snowshoes 2 +1000111111 Amun 2 +1000111111 151,141 2 +1000111111 C.O.P.S. 2 +1000111111 73-24 2 +1000111111 Yearning 2 +1000111111 Madisonville 2 +1000111111 tearoom 2 +1000111111 short-notice 2 +1000111111 Unalaska 2 +1000111111 pay-backs 2 +1000111111 Astrologers 2 +1000111111 Railfan 2 +1000111111 3/17/88 2 +1000111111 2365.4 2 +1000111111 windowsills 2 +1000111111 Econometrix 2 +1000111111 Missouri-Columbia 2 +1000111111 2386.6 2 +1000111111 cholecystokinin 2 +1000111111 Helsingborg 2 +1000111111 Zwide 2 +1000111111 9-4 2 +1000111111 gladiolus 2 +1000111111 non-involvement 2 +1000111111 jujubes 2 +1000111111 Burnaby 2 +1000111111 yester-year 2 +1000111111 peptides 2 +1000111111 untrustworthiness 2 +1000111111 Hercule 2 +1000111111 Deventer 2 +1000111111 goody-goody 2 +1000111111 Provins 2 +1000111111 Okhotsk 2 +1000111111 verapamul 2 +1000111111 Ulanova 2 +1000111111 Pasedena 2 +1000111111 methylenedianiline 2 +1000111111 23938.35 2 +1000111111 Maribor 2 +1000111111 InfoTech 2 +1000111111 Hitlerian 2 +1000111111 C-17s 3 +1000111111 obstructions 3 +1000111111 2237.49 3 +1000111111 Kuito 3 +1000111111 2404.5 3 +1000111111 101.07 3 +1000111111 Famers 3 +1000111111 stoplights 3 +1000111111 Tehuantepec 3 +1000111111 imbeciles 3 +1000111111 Pernambuco 3 +1000111111 Falmouth 3 +1000111111 Eurocommunism 3 +1000111111 muckrakers 3 +1000111111 Tela 3 +1000111111 Middleborough 3 +1000111111 329.7 3 +1000111111 Emergence 3 +1000111111 Ceara 3 +1000111111 bradykinins 3 +1000111111 425,534 3 +1000111111 Darmstadt 3 +1000111111 Hispaniola 3 +1000111111 Thebes 3 +1000111111 denigration 3 +1000111111 biopharmaceuticals 3 +1000111111 ultra-leftism 3 +1000111111 2280.23 3 +1000111111 Peugeots 3 +1000111111 communality 3 +1000111111 Upperville 3 +1000111111 Nalcosa 3 +1000111111 holies 3 +1000111111 zidovudine 3 +1000111111 pulchritude 3 +1000111111 fifth-graders 3 +1000111111 Gethsemane 3 +1000111111 pseudo-intellectuals 3 +1000111111 Biochemistry 3 +1000111111 Lauderhill 3 +1000111111 Softletter 3 +1000111111 pounder 3 +1000111111 Kubera 3 +1000111111 Narberth 3 +1000111111 Lubeck 3 +1000111111 2131.40 4 +1000111111 Oceanography 4 +1000111111 Rexeco 4 +1000111111 2572.07 4 +1000111111 Radiology 4 +1000111111 SoftLetter 4 +1000111111 1929-33 4 +1000111111 227.83 4 +1000111111 2445.51 4 +1000111111 28342.46 4 +1000111111 dunks 4 +1000111111 Wilmont 4 +1000111111 Double-A 4 +1000111111 18936.24 4 +1000111111 negation 4 +1000111111 Herat 4 +1000111111 254.00 4 +1000111111 regents 4 +1000111111 Ecanal 4 +1000111111 Wyomissing 4 +1000111111 Therfectin 4 +1000111111 locomotion 4 +1000111111 400.13 5 +1000111111 grands 5 +1000111111 Rhizobium 5 +1000111111 2152.20 5 +1000111111 28423.38 5 +1000111111 adhesion 5 +1000111111 coquette 5 +1000111111 hypothecation 5 +1000111111 Sidra 5 +1000111111 PSFS 5 +1000111111 unconstitutionality 5 +1000111111 2463.97 5 +1000111111 2451.05 5 +1000111111 1688 5 +1000111111 Tarsus 6 +1000111111 Lok 6 +1000111111 2752.09 6 +1000111111 reserve-building 6 +1000111111 photons 6 +1000111111 Revision 6 +1000111111 Discontent 6 +1000111111 Homebuilders 6 +1000111111 Overseers 6 +1000111111 Damocles 7 +1000111111 455.26 7 +1000111111 Assisi 7 +1000111111 411.16 7 +1000111111 proprietorship 8 +1000111111 mumbo 8 +1000111111 nitrosamines 8 +1000111111 Wrath 9 +1000111111 Wholesaler-Distributors 10 +1000111111 Circulations 10 +1000111111 2405.54 10 +1000111111 Macrodantin 10 +1000111111 2110.08 10 +1000111111 Corinth 11 +1000111111 opus 12 +1000111111 powerlessness 12 +1000111111 Scientology 14 +1000111111 kilter 15 +1000111111 mandamus 16 +1000111111 Babel 17 +1000111111 yore 19 +1000111111 Pediatrics 20 +1000111111 Campus 21 +1000111111 Preferences 22 +1000111111 wedlock 24 +1000111111 berths 25 +1000111111 Prussia 35 +1000111111 Deputies 36 +1000111111 whack 42 +1000111111 Lords 45 +1000111111 Mineworkers 47 +1000111111 Churches 49 +1000111111 2722.42 58 +1000111111 Appeal 76 +1000111111 Hormuz 95 +1000111111 182-day 121 +1000111111 incorporation 122 +1000111111 91-day 146 +1000111111 Machinists 154 +1000111111 Commons 195 +1000111111 Representatives 339 +1000111111 Appeals 533 +1000111111 page 1313 +1000111111 pages 1740 +1000111111 course 5915 +1001000 spy-catchers 1 +1001000 swashbuckler 1 +1001000 wench 1 +1001000 Nandos 1 +1001000 Toyodas 1 +1001000 491,300 1 +1001000 fundametals 1 +1001000 Burtonmander 1 +1001000 trustbusters 1 +1001000 regrooming 1 +1001000 40-to-45-year-olds 1 +1001000 outheast 1 +1001000 Kenne 1 +1001000 transacton 1 +1001000 quasi-index 1 +1001000 slimming-down 1 +1001000 Goldsteins 1 +1001000 Teodorico 1 +1001000 Monstera 1 +1001000 journalist-as-star 1 +1001000 Igo 1 +1001000 propectus 1 +1001000 dealer-appraiser 1 +1001000 Rubinsons 1 +1001000 ISB 1 +1001000 Tapps 1 +1001000 campanies 1 +1001000 sawbones 1 +1001000 book-signings 1 +1001000 1,958 1 +1001000 coompany 1 +1001000 Tokyos 1 +1001000 Eduskunta 1 +1001000 provison 1 +1001000 job-holder 1 +1001000 alarmists 1 +1001000 inchief 1 +1001000 co-conductors 1 +1001000 ground-it 1 +1001000 Gelches 1 +1001000 Olzhas 1 +1001000 cutting-back 1 +1001000 Nylons 1 +1001000 Stephenses 1 +1001000 landspeculation 1 +1001000 C5-A 1 +1001000 1,241 1 +1001000 Tashjians 1 +1001000 compancy 1 +1001000 DSO 1 +1001000 nicely. 1 +1001000 spokesowman 1 +1001000 Slonimskys 1 +1001000 man-in-the-buff 1 +1001000 Finno-Ugrians 1 +1001000 mobilizations 1 +1001000 arrrangement 1 +1001000 grousers 1 +1001000 indutry 1 +1001000 hippoisie 1 +1001000 MD-90s 1 +1001000 prescriber 1 +1001000 Y/MP 1 +1001000 singer-actor 1 +1001000 tractor-semitrailer 1 +1001000 Neeme 1 +1001000 dogooders 1 +1001000 Wigtons 1 +1001000 Virgins 1 +1001000 environmentalist-actor 1 +1001000 yanquis 1 +1001000 Banawans 2 +1001000 MWU 2 +1001000 Iacoccas 2 +1001000 Campodonicos 2 +1001000 embalmers 2 +1001000 Wahrmans 2 +1001000 ex-officer 2 +1001000 WGDB 2 +1001000 partership 2 +1001000 S81 2 +1001000 Milsteins 2 +1001000 bridegroom 2 +1001000 Rosses 2 +1001000 handscroll 2 +1001000 SLT/286 2 +1001000 SwissChamp 2 +1001000 Swensons 2 +1001000 Oneidas 2 +1001000 Pragmatist 2 +1001000 Saxons 3 +1001000 doge 3 +1001000 Frasers 3 +1001000 CCIFP 3 +1001000 Kaskels 3 +1001000 QE2 3 +1001000 minimagazine 3 +1001000 Pasdaran 3 +1001000 FNYIFA 3 +1001000 SX-70 3 +1001000 Burdas 4 +1001000 cameraperson 4 +1001000 telecommuter 4 +1001000 Tanskis 4 +1001000 Review-Journal 6 +1001000 Carnivore 6 +1001000 comany 6 +1001000 taxman 7 +1001000 EIU 7 +1001000 Galloways 7 +1001000 IBA 7 +1001000 Coloradan 8 +1001000 divisor 10 +1001000 coroner 11 +1001000 OTS 11 +1001000 Erria 12 +1001000 toymaker 14 +1001000 Raleses 15 +1001000 Hollanders 18 +1001000 company 123986 +1001000 pope 248 +100100100 Steel-Net 1 +100100100 rhetoric-and-run 1 +100100100 transept 1 +100100100 health-care-financing 1 +100100100 non-eating 1 +100100100 McLanguage 1 +100100100 grotto 1 +100100100 crop-year 1 +100100100 capital-planning 1 +100100100 semi-unification 1 +100100100 undynamic 1 +100100100 Bohmerwald 1 +100100100 CW-capable 1 +100100100 dive-bomber 1 +100100100 Busoni 1 +100100100 gastronome 2 +100100100 twig 2 +100100100 90-footers 2 +100100100 coliseum 2 +100100100 Yorkshireman 2 +100100100 flibbertigibbet 2 +100100100 deviationism 2 +100100100 porker 2 +100100100 rube 2 +100100100 Indiana-sized 2 +100100100 Lazour 2 +100100100 Wandelaar 2 +100100100 clockmaker 2 +100100100 ump 2 +100100100 darkroom 3 +100100100 heartlands 3 +100100100 troglodyte 3 +100100100 cuticle 3 +100100100 gastropod 3 +100100100 hunter-gatherer 3 +100100100 jacuzzi 3 +100100100 wrecker 3 +100100100 Ganges 3 +100100100 streetwalker 3 +100100100 Sahand 4 +100100100 AFLCIO 4 +100100100 newsweeklies 4 +100100100 Boers 4 +100100100 ALA 4 +100100100 Arizonan 4 +100100100 Conqueror 4 +100100100 proscenium 4 +100100100 dodo 4 +100100100 nostrum 4 +100100100 ZJ 4 +100100100 mahout 5 +100100100 cove 5 +100100100 Saddledome 5 +100100100 Sabalan 6 +100100100 loon 6 +100100100 nurseryman 6 +100100100 ZEN 7 +100100100 epoch 7 +100100100 farmhand 7 +100100100 lessee 8 +100100100 postman 8 +100100100 trachea 8 +100100100 griever 9 +100100100 kidnapper 9 +100100100 genus 9 +100100100 roadsides 9 +100100100 isthmus 10 +100100100 Occupation 10 +100100100 estuary 10 +100100100 Silverdome 11 +100100100 Poconos 11 +100100100 city-state 13 +100100100 Ozarks 13 +100100100 highlands 15 +100100100 emirate 16 +100100100 Kansan 16 +100100100 hive 17 +100100100 motherland 17 +100100100 PRO 17 +100100100 lifeboat 17 +100100100 layman 22 +100100100 mid-50s 22 +100100100 eelpout 23 +100100100 Superdome 23 +100100100 mid-20s 24 +100100100 hen 24 +100100100 prefecture 25 +100100100 tortoise 25 +100100100 archipelago 25 +100100100 vine 26 +100100100 Gipper 27 +100100100 convent 27 +100100100 piper 27 +100100100 canyon 32 +100100100 archdiocese 32 +100100100 YMCA 35 +100100100 Ripper 39 +100100100 sultan 47 +100100100 butterfly 52 +100100100 governorship 52 +100100100 monastery 53 +100100100 hemisphere 59 +100100100 sheik 63 +100100100 winery 64 +100100100 rim 64 +100100100 devil 80 +100100100 ruble 99 +100100100 tribe 112 +100100100 peninsula 124 +100100100 masses 157 +100100100 planet 161 +100100100 valley 161 +100100100 colonel 197 +100100100 emperor 207 +100100100 continent 212 +100100100 kingdom 255 +100100100 issuer 307 +100100100 republic 326 +100100100 borrower 355 +100100100 reader 373 +100100100 river 416 +100100100 league 516 +100100100 coast 572 +100100100 cartel 598 +100100100 province 660 +100100100 museum 789 +100100100 island 833 +100100100 region 2550 +100100100 country 13400 +100100100 city 5861 +1001001010 more-pessimistic 1 +1001001010 farm-based 1 +1001001010 Tibet-Nepal 1 +1001001010 Gippsland 1 +1001001010 1,200-room 1 +1001001010 drip-filter 1 +1001001010 foggier 1 +1001001010 labor-starved 1 +1001001010 nitrogen-filled 1 +1001001010 Provencale 1 +1001001010 cockpit-to-cockpit 1 +1001001010 then-famous 1 +1001001010 scratch-and-win 1 +1001001010 most-innocuous 1 +1001001010 cardiac-care 1 +1001001010 Saskatchewan-Alberta 1 +1001001010 Trans-Arabian 1 +1001001010 Whiterose 1 +1001001010 Mexico-Guatemala 1 +1001001010 3,986-mile 1 +1001001010 insurgency-wracked 1 +1001001010 1,400-year-old 1 +1001001010 large-account 1 +1001001010 transisthmian 1 +1001001010 Honduras-Nicaragua 1 +1001001010 Soviet-Afghanistan 1 +1001001010 fold-away 1 +1001001010 immunodiagnostics 1 +1001001010 Quebec-U.S. 1 +1001001010 commodity-chip 1 +1001001010 Kentucky-Virginia 1 +1001001010 often-forecast 1 +1001001010 dreamiest 1 +1001001010 Marcos-ruled 1 +1001001010 prow-shaped 1 +1001001010 295-seat 1 +1001001010 sevennation 1 +1001001010 socialist-planned 1 +1001001010 Spain-Gibraltar 1 +1001001010 recession-stricken 1 +1001001010 Indian-Pakistani 1 +1001001010 ill-administered 1 +1001001010 dawn-tinged 1 +1001001010 Venezuela-Guyana 1 +1001001010 FINEX 1 +1001001010 internal-demand-driven 1 +1001001010 59-million-and-growing 1 +1001001010 lacklaster 1 +1001001010 stichomythic 1 +1001001010 Indiana-Ohio 1 +1001001010 pj 1 +1001001010 do-it-for-me 1 +1001001010 California-Nevada 1 +1001001010 still-jittery 1 +1001001010 heart-fitness 1 +1001001010 18-tanker 1 +1001001010 Nazi-devastated 1 +1001001010 recession-ravaged 1 +1001001010 Hungarian-Austrian 1 +1001001010 Sassan 1 +1001001010 insurgent-wracked 1 +1001001010 drapery-enfolded 1 +1001001010 French/German 1 +1001001010 181-pound-class 1 +1001001010 Afghan-Pakistani 1 +1001001010 Come-by-Chance 1 +1001001010 Quebec-Vermont 1 +1001001010 speed-limitless 1 +1001001010 chemicals-industry 1 +1001001010 Utah-Arizona 1 +1001001010 Angola-Namibian 1 +1001001010 Thai-Cambodia 1 +1001001010 Oklahoma-Arkansas 1 +1001001010 already-extended 1 +1001001010 trans-Andean 1 +1001001010 still-expanding 1 +1001001010 Yibal 1 +1001001010 sun-parched 1 +1001001010 dipeptide 1 +1001001010 Austro-Italian 1 +1001001010 agricultural-futures 1 +1001001010 Afghan-Pakistan 1 +1001001010 Jordan-Israel 1 +1001001010 Angola-Namibia 1 +1001001010 Malawian 1 +1001001010 Ethiopian-Sudanese 1 +1001001010 often-misleading 1 +1001001010 decades-wide 1 +1001001010 Exxon-Valdez 1 +1001001010 French-Swiss 1 +1001001010 dollar-fighting 1 +1001001010 expenditure-cutting 1 +1001001010 Ashland-based 1 +1001001010 mass-merchandiser 2 +1001001010 1264 2 +1001001010 war-strained 2 +1001001010 Honduran-Nicaraguan 2 +1001001010 40-room 2 +1001001010 Alberta-Saskatchewan 2 +1001001010 Tizio 2 +1001001010 460-member 2 +1001001010 Nevada-Arizona 2 +1001001010 windless 2 +1001001010 stingiest 2 +1001001010 letter-writer 2 +1001001010 sleazemonger 2 +1001001010 Automat 2 +1001001010 blurber 2 +1001001010 Quebec-Maine 2 +1001001010 Shiviyacu 2 +1001001010 Chungang 2 +1001001010 monsignor 2 +1001001010 now-cheaper 2 +1001001010 trans-Ecuadorian 2 +1001001010 lemon-yellow 2 +1001001010 track. 2 +1001001010 state-planned 3 +1001001010 Intifada 3 +1001001010 AFI 3 +1001001010 California-Oregon 3 +1001001010 all-aluminum 3 +1001001010 1979-1980 3 +1001001010 Entumeni 3 +1001001010 Charolais 3 +1001001010 Thai-Cambodian 3 +1001001010 Alaska-Siberia 3 +1001001010 Texas-Mexico 3 +1001001010 Khuzinstan 3 +1001001010 she-devil 3 +1001001010 inflation-battered 3 +1001001010 ERP 3 +1001001010 Talisman 3 +1001001010 Mistral 3 +1001001010 shins 4 +1001001010 flyways 4 +1001001010 aorta 4 +1001001010 broomcorn 4 +1001001010 noonday 4 +1001001010 Ogallala 4 +1001001010 RPA 4 +1001001010 crowd-pleaser 4 +1001001010 post-Marcos 4 +1001001010 Kenilworth-Parkside 5 +1001001010 Wilis 5 +1001001010 souffle 5 +1001001010 EWSD 5 +1001001010 Nicaraguan-Honduran 5 +1001001010 Bosporus 5 +1001001010 December-March 5 +1001001010 Friedrichstrasse 5 +1001001010 U.K 5 +1001001010 Manchus 5 +1001001010 Travicom 6 +1001001010 2,000-mile 7 +1001001010 early-1970s 7 +1001001010 Eighties 9 +1001001010 Unlikely 10 +1001001010 DOD 11 +1001001010 late-1970s 11 +1001001010 AFC 12 +1001001010 Clock 20 +1001001010 finder 35 +1001001010 Lavi 39 +1001001010 Earth 356 +1001001010 world 14714 +1001001010 Mideast 524 +1001001011 NAPM 1 +1001001011 care-giver 1 +1001001011 television-commercial-director 1 +1001001011 day-tripper 1 +1001001011 Hitchhiker 1 +1001001011 dry-gulcher 1 +1001001011 maket 1 +1001001011 carbuyer 1 +1001001011 lion-tamer 1 +1001001011 momnent 1 +1001001011 Dodge/Sweet 1 +1001001011 ex-premier 1 +1001001011 bus-driver 1 +1001001011 fairgoer 1 +1001001011 tax-man 1 +1001001011 PSEA 1 +1001001011 lemon-law 1 +1001001011 full-week 1 +1001001011 CMHC 1 +1001001011 biographee 1 +1001001011 Freedmen 1 +1001001011 Executioner 1 +1001001011 small-boy 1 +1001001011 antigen-vaccine 1 +1001001011 jew 1 +1001001011 Bootlegger 1 +1001001011 committe 1 +1001001011 Beggar 1 +1001001011 turbotrain 1 +1001001011 mourner 1 +1001001011 muezzin 1 +1001001011 early-1970 1 +1001001011 discount-retailer 1 +1001001011 USISA 1 +1001001011 paperboy 1 +1001001011 Epitaph 1 +1001001011 fabulator 1 +1001001011 pandora 1 +1001001011 parishoner 1 +1001001011 Flowt 1 +1001001011 drainer 1 +1001001011 doodler 1 +1001001011 Truxell 1 +1001001011 busman 1 +1001001011 bookworm 1 +1001001011 Gambel 1 +1001001011 Boyfriend 1 +1001001011 ski-jumper 1 +1001001011 baronet 1 +1001001011 railwaymen 1 +1001001011 sub-group 1 +1001001011 cetacean 1 +1001001011 Wartburg 1 +1001001011 adminostration 1 +1001001011 well-digger 1 +1001001011 flatfoot 1 +1001001011 Mealey 1 +1001001011 nation-next-door 1 +1001001011 UNFPA 1 +1001001011 foreign-correspondent 1 +1001001011 candymaker 1 +1001001011 battered-men 1 +1001001011 snake-charmer 1 +1001001011 Tyrant 1 +1001001011 100/200 1 +1001001011 bond-issuer 1 +1001001011 money-man 1 +1001001011 biller 1 +1001001011 stockowner 1 +1001001011 freedom-lover 1 +1001001011 cockatoo 1 +1001001011 albertosaurus 1 +1001001011 story-teller 1 +1001001011 life-sentence 1 +1001001011 note-holder 1 +1001001011 letterman 1 +1001001011 Loverboy 1 +1001001011 program.Canada 1 +1001001011 video-retailer 1 +1001001011 return-preparer 1 +1001001011 analysand 1 +1001001011 never-eat-at-a-place-called-Mom 1 +1001001011 military-party 1 +1001001011 IROC 1 +1001001011 ex-prof 1 +1001001011 sanctions-buster 1 +1001001011 doe 1 +1001001011 Carthaginian 1 +1001001011 registrant 1 +1001001011 developer-architect 1 +1001001011 Milliner 1 +1001001011 newsboy 1 +1001001011 livin 1 +1001001011 sweepstake 1 +1001001011 sheepfarmer 1 +1001001011 playwright/actor 1 +1001001011 congregant 1 +1001001011 Sears-McDonald 1 +1001001011 meuzzin 1 +1001001011 insitution 1 +1001001011 comissioner 1 +1001001011 flyfisherman 1 +1001001011 sugarcane 1 +1001001011 Sportswriter 1 +1001001011 CND 2 +1001001011 Vitosha 2 +1001001011 COB 2 +1001001011 mid-70 2 +1001001011 JJ. 2 +1001001011 dey 2 +1001001011 commish 2 +1001001011 Attwater 2 +1001001011 Tattletale 2 +1001001011 protestor 2 +1001001011 MPA 2 +1001001011 Tanakas 2 +1001001011 Kuboyes 2 +1001001011 proposer 2 +1001001011 dialectician 2 +1001001011 Jacquemart-Andre 2 +1001001011 businesman 2 +1001001011 born-salesman 2 +1001001011 Itinerary 2 +1001001011 coachman 2 +1001001011 appellant 2 +1001001011 half-month 2 +1001001011 tangwai 3 +1001001011 picador 3 +1001001011 vicomte 3 +1001001011 job-seeker 3 +1001001011 mini-conglomerate 3 +1001001011 kaiser 3 +1001001011 boatman 3 +1001001011 StrokeMaker 3 +1001001011 compay 3 +1001001011 complainant 4 +1001001011 FNM 4 +1001001011 CHA 4 +1001001011 Bolkiah 4 +1001001011 SFO 5 +1001001011 Dario 5 +1001001011 minidorm 5 +1001001011 Kitten 5 +1001001011 hangman 5 +1001001011 no-man 6 +1001001011 MISL 6 +1001001011 Furrier 7 +1001001011 NRECA 9 +1001001011 duchess 9 +1001001011 Rubik 9 +1001001011 ITA 9 +1001001011 hornet 10 +1001001011 Parthenon 12 +1001001011 sultanate 14 +1001001011 swami 15 +1001001011 synod 15 +1001001011 Shatt 15 +1001001011 Pandora 23 +1001001011 ayatollah 117 +1001001011 shah 133 +1001001011 lion 137 +1001001011 nation 9985 +1001001011 colony 400 +100100110 gold-market 1 +100100110 updaters 1 +100100110 rattlers 1 +100100110 downstater 1 +100100110 171,308 1 +100100110 adamancy 1 +100100110 shamefulness 1 +100100110 more-rapid-than-expected 1 +100100110 commercial-bearing 1 +100100110 zephyr 1 +100100110 owner-to-be 1 +100100110 shirt-maker 1 +100100110 attachable 1 +100100110 dollar-induced 1 +100100110 Herreras 1 +100100110 discount-travel 1 +100100110 Lion-hearted 1 +100100110 people-watcher 1 +100100110 tibia 1 +100100110 back-log 1 +100100110 five-night 1 +100100110 God/There 1 +100100110 Jauchlers 1 +100100110 cud 1 +100100110 Selzers 1 +100100110 Stormtroopers 1 +100100110 Chetniks 1 +100100110 Detwilers 1 +100100110 Palmerites 1 +100100110 Altays 1 +100100110 clarions 1 +100100110 mobility-impaired 1 +100100110 rubled 1 +100100110 249,770 1 +100100110 Luz-Ardiden 1 +100100110 Taorminas 1 +100100110 Lumbermen 1 +100100110 Muchas 1 +100100110 bushman 1 +100100110 abbe 1 +100100110 coyest 1 +100100110 malpractice-policy 1 +100100110 geeps 1 +100100110 512-seat 1 +100100110 imposingly 1 +100100110 brooders-about-1929 1 +100100110 long-since 1 +100100110 Boxells 1 +100100110 al-Anonos 1 +100100110 25-yarder 1 +100100110 CL215T 1 +100100110 Lapenters 1 +100100110 late-buying 1 +100100110 hard-timers 1 +100100110 communicant 1 +100100110 home-owner 1 +100100110 piris 1 +100100110 watercourse 1 +100100110 400-line 1 +100100110 1,186-page 1 +100100110 brewery-scion-turned-banker 1 +100100110 Plunger 1 +100100110 thrfit 1 +100100110 NYPD 1 +100100110 Congressperson 1 +100100110 NCSC 1 +100100110 MGs 1 +100100110 chumming 1 +100100110 single-B-minus/C-rated 1 +100100110 Becker-Lendl 1 +100100110 fretboard 1 +100100110 outlands 1 +100100110 specialness 1 +100100110 pork-filled 1 +100100110 Circus-Circus 1 +100100110 pregame 1 +100100110 Single-A/A-1 1 +100100110 Bergers 1 +100100110 Brices 1 +100100110 829,200 1 +100100110 mythmaking 1 +100100110 deep-yellow 1 +100100110 strike-hobbled 1 +100100110 Riggis 1 +100100110 Clintons 1 +100100110 120-period 1 +100100110 dead-cat 1 +100100110 666,400 1 +100100110 spend-now 1 +100100110 payments-freeze 1 +100100110 payments-ban 1 +100100110 dromedary 2 +100100110 PEG-ADA 2 +100100110 beer-related 2 +100100110 Wigwam 2 +100100110 picturephone 2 +100100110 frostbiters 2 +100100110 Olivieris 2 +100100110 merger-mania 2 +100100110 whiting 2 +100100110 855S 2 +100100110 friars 2 +100100110 Highwaymen 2 +100100110 FT30 2 +100100110 extractant 2 +100100110 Sagamore 2 +100100110 200-pounder 2 +100100110 mainsail 2 +100100110 Thomsons 2 +100100110 discrepencies 2 +100100110 Slatkins 2 +100100110 GEs 2 +100100110 M-380 2 +100100110 Zieglers 2 +100100110 low-loads 2 +100100110 FL657 2 +100100110 on-paper 2 +100100110 Workslate 3 +100100110 Campbells 3 +100100110 testicles 3 +100100110 Malvinas 3 +100100110 Metges 3 +100100110 Piobaireachd 3 +100100110 nefos 3 +100100110 NCBB 3 +100100110 stent 3 +100100110 SS-19 3 +100100110 Benders 3 +100100110 Modarressis 3 +100100110 Indianan 3 +100100110 Decembrists 3 +100100110 clownish 3 +100100110 Dauphine 3 +100100110 Deutschemark 3 +100100110 debugger 3 +100100110 20K 4 +100100110 late-1987 4 +100100110 BOJ 4 +100100110 hypothalamus 4 +100100110 Hatfields 4 +100100110 Hindenburg 4 +100100110 FHFB 4 +100100110 Fridge 4 +100100110 Sixers 4 +100100110 Bedspreadmaker 5 +100100110 shortest-term 5 +100100110 Nenad 6 +100100110 Oriskany 6 +100100110 Yevropeiskaya 6 +100100110 Sniper 6 +100100110 IAM 6 +100100110 WEU 7 +100100110 Mark-50 7 +100100110 JUA 7 +100100110 lizard 8 +100100110 Repository 9 +100100110 CNCL 9 +100100110 Maranon 11 +100100110 Sephardim 12 +100100110 AWSJ 14 +100100110 zloty 15 +100100110 LEI 16 +100100110 DJIA 19 +100100110 Bima 20 +100100110 Casbah 28 +100100110 peseta 34 +100100110 greenback 70 +100100110 CPI 91 +100100110 peso 239 +100100110 dollar 23007 +100100110 latter 702 +100100111 flower. 1 +100100111 Jacobins 1 +100100111 Lusitania 1 +100100111 NICSs 1 +100100111 pike. 1 +100100111 cheesesteak 1 +100100111 heebiejeebies 1 +100100111 placemat 1 +100100111 Taunus 1 +100100111 gundeck 1 +100100111 Sun-1 1 +100100111 Marseillaise 1 +100100111 M-240 1 +100100111 M-280 1 +100100111 regs 1 +100100111 floor. 1 +100100111 empyrean 1 +100100111 self-assertiveness 1 +100100111 Laramies 1 +100100111 Upjohns 1 +100100111 corpmembers 1 +100100111 Majordomo 1 +100100111 woodpulp 1 +100100111 Hochland 1 +100100111 Oresteia 1 +100100111 measurer 1 +100100111 dominions 1 +100100111 crankiest 1 +100100111 masses. 1 +100100111 backog 1 +100100111 request-for-proposal 1 +100100111 Tontons-Macoute 1 +100100111 PADS 1 +100100111 Americanos 1 +100100111 not-so-celebrated 1 +100100111 legroom 1 +100100111 staff. 1 +100100111 exchanges. 1 +100100111 don't-cares 1 +100100111 homeless. 1 +100100111 worker-plaintiff 1 +100100111 church. 1 +100100111 cup. 1 +100100111 disinheritance 1 +100100111 ha-ha 1 +100100111 hostages. 1 +100100111 Pulsifers 1 +100100111 record. 1 +100100111 West. 1 +100100111 penny. 1 +100100111 border. 1 +100100111 Wahhabi 1 +100100111 Indo-U.S.S.R. 1 +100100111 Ramones 1 +100100111 comebacker 1 +100100111 Waitzkins 1 +100100111 Maul 1 +100100111 arabicas 1 +100100111 bushelful 1 +100100111 survey. 1 +100100111 strikers. 1 +100100111 screw-head 1 +100100111 DEBT-MOCRATS 1 +100100111 pastorate 1 +100100111 floccinaucinihilipilification 1 +100100111 Democrats. 1 +100100111 Gregarious 1 +100100111 downstroke 1 +100100111 affray 1 +100100111 reinterpreters 1 +100100111 paranormal 1 +100100111 Venders 1 +100100111 Finansbank 1 +100100111 Placebo 1 +100100111 compamy 1 +100100111 voiceover 1 +100100111 Volga-diving 1 +100100111 l960s 1 +100100111 ECGD 1 +100100111 80C286 1 +100100111 Martinezes 1 +100100111 briefing-book-speak 1 +100100111 BPOA 1 +100100111 non-churchgoers 1 +100100111 proliferators 1 +100100111 sea-coast 1 +100100111 parent. 1 +100100111 Euro-pie 1 +100100111 quale 1 +100100111 two-wheeler 1 +100100111 pro-abortionist 1 +100100111 Portnoys 1 +100100111 N-word 1 +100100111 icky-stickiness 1 +100100111 Lennymania 1 +100100111 Minutemen 1 +100100111 driveshaft 1 +100100111 division. 1 +100100111 position-takers 1 +100100111 broker-traders 1 +100100111 Limmat 1 +100100111 zinger-meister 1 +100100111 garbagemen 1 +100100111 quickshops 1 +100100111 MH-60K 1 +100100111 Ayat 1 +100100111 overdelegator 1 +100100111 owners. 1 +100100111 130s 1 +100100111 Mark-46 1 +100100111 payors 1 +100100111 cymbidiums 1 +100100111 Lodger 1 +100100111 Sophisticatz 1 +100100111 unclubbable 1 +100100111 Sandinistas. 1 +100100111 Lifeboats 1 +100100111 odd-man-out 1 +100100111 situation. 1 +100100111 nationbuilders 1 +100100111 Soilers 1 +100100111 Pretenders 1 +100100111 Ex-Patriots 1 +100100111 Beagles 1 +100100111 thunbergia 1 +100100111 Reinerts 1 +100100111 corrugation 1 +100100111 shut-out 1 +100100111 keyword 1 +100100111 windstorms 1 +100100111 snail-darter 1 +100100111 undebunkable 1 +100100111 laundryman 1 +100100111 Baskervilles 1 +100100111 mega-leveraged-buy-out 1 +100100111 once-mundane 1 +100100111 Nazi-hunter 1 +100100111 corruption. 1 +100100111 Deeps 1 +100100111 firebase 1 +100100111 heather 1 +100100111 Punisher 1 +100100111 jetty 1 +100100111 minibattle 1 +100100111 legalizations 1 +100100111 lecturn 1 +100100111 Spokesman-Review 1 +100100111 offense. 1 +100100111 MiniTower 1 +100100111 sticky-sweetness 1 +100100111 full-loads 1 +100100111 Halves 1 +100100111 Tropics 1 +100100111 rear-wheels 1 +100100111 scrapheap 1 +100100111 boomdocks 1 +100100111 microcosmos 1 +100100111 narrator-protagonist 1 +100100111 gunsel 1 +100100111 A-team 1 +100100111 lowborn 1 +100100111 Sot 1 +100100111 pelters 1 +100100111 paunches 1 +100100111 Opera-Comique 1 +100100111 Sundown 1 +100100111 psycho-killer 1 +100100111 prospekt 1 +100100111 laxers 1 +100100111 yard. 1 +100100111 weekend. 1 +100100111 knowledge-worker 1 +100100111 pan. 1 +100100111 halyard 1 +100100111 vivarium 1 +100100111 HoffmanBormanGallery 1 +100100111 commercial. 1 +100100111 Amalekites 1 +100100111 nene 1 +100100111 fifth-in-a-row 1 +100100111 ex-Mrs 1 +100100111 carport 1 +100100111 claimers 1 +100100111 ex-Nazi 1 +100100111 Dittos 1 +100100111 superconsumer 1 +100100111 trailhead 1 +100100111 haziest 1 +100100111 fuselage. 1 +100100111 840S 1 +100100111 legislature. 1 +100100111 tax-hikers 1 +100100111 Morgontorn 1 +100100111 fly-by-nights 1 +100100111 machines. 1 +100100111 sand. 1 +100100111 Minotaur 1 +100100111 Rijksmuseum 1 +100100111 beneficiary. 1 +100100111 gun-battle 1 +100100111 museum-goer 1 +100100111 remaidner 1 +100100111 mouse. 1 +100100111 best-hoops-ensemble-ever 1 +100100111 bass. 1 +100100111 curtain-raiser 1 +100100111 eye. 1 +100100111 Yellobag 1 +100100111 misprints 1 +100100111 perforator 1 +100100111 Ghermezians 1 +100100111 Adirondacks 1 +100100111 earldom 1 +100100111 paperflow 1 +100100111 Berezina 1 +100100111 Crackerjacks 1 +100100111 dislikable 1 +100100111 mini-disk 1 +100100111 Arbatovs 1 +100100111 stall-out 1 +100100111 centrist-conservative 1 +100100111 McBud 1 +100100111 gun. 1 +100100111 Nolanistas 1 +100100111 conference. 1 +100100111 gym. 1 +100100111 Wallendatorium 1 +100100111 empresarios 1 +100100111 RPMs 1 +100100111 time-being 1 +100100111 holidays. 1 +100100111 Reichstag 1 +100100111 adogiwa-zoku 1 +100100111 superinvestors 1 +100100111 mange 1 +100100111 homefolk 1 +100100111 Expediter 1 +100100111 pageant. 1 +100100111 viewer-voyeur 1 +100100111 expense-cutting 1 +100100111 self-starter 1 +100100111 Auerbachs 1 +100100111 Histradut 1 +100100111 Scantlings. 1 +100100111 backboards 1 +100100111 owners/customers 1 +100100111 Overflow 1 +100100111 self-irony 1 +100100111 arse 1 +100100111 ecomomy 1 +100100111 owner-client 1 +100100111 child-to-be 1 +100100111 puchaser 1 +100100111 2700s 1 +100100111 Agaship 1 +100100111 1960s-flowerchild-turned-1980s-Yuppie 1 +100100111 indigenes 1 +100100111 hoaxers 1 +100100111 Aztecs 1 +100100111 porta-johns 1 +100100111 Jesuits. 1 +100100111 screenful 1 +100100111 accordionist 1 +100100111 advisee 1 +100100111 Krupps 1 +100100111 pompadour 1 +100100111 Bi-Zone 1 +100100111 malefaction 1 +100100111 diggings 1 +100100111 Rockers 1 +100100111 R-5 1 +100100111 Mescalaro 1 +100100111 Spits 1 +100100111 Benedictus 1 +100100111 tricicleto 1 +100100111 super-greedy 1 +100100111 Deep-Minded 1 +100100111 mid-heaven 1 +100100111 chaperones 1 +100100111 grip. 1 +100100111 P-7As 1 +100100111 bullethole 1 +100100111 heliopause 1 +100100111 librettos 1 +100100111 Ultimatte 1 +100100111 gumline 1 +100100111 Kahanites 1 +100100111 wigglers 1 +100100111 Commendatore 1 +100100111 nonsuccessful 1 +100100111 Dreamtime 1 +100100111 ZPG 1 +100100111 annunciation 1 +100100111 smut-battlers 1 +100100111 defender. 1 +100100111 Doughboys 1 +100100111 Jackal 1 +100100111 beeper-pager 1 +100100111 olympics 1 +100100111 scourge. 1 +100100111 ex-creditor 1 +100100111 afterlife. 1 +100100111 3090-E 1 +100100111 32/650 1 +100100111 chaparral 1 +100100111 best-remembered 1 +100100111 selfemployed 1 +100100111 bombblasts 1 +100100111 vibraphones 1 +100100111 licence 1 +100100111 Brazil-U.S. 1 +100100111 helio-copter 1 +100100111 negativist 1 +100100111 governship 1 +100100111 ordinary. 1 +100100111 Gringos 1 +100100111 CRX-HF 1 +100100111 Blocs 1 +100100111 mortgage-business 1 +100100111 Solomons 1 +100100111 Leningraders 1 +100100111 Rekord 1 +100100111 corps. 1 +100100111 cover. 1 +100100111 undefendable 1 +100100111 specifications. 1 +100100111 subtance 1 +100100111 Triplex 1 +100100111 crossbar 1 +100100111 cancellaton 1 +100100111 13th. 1 +100100111 selftender 1 +100100111 SU-85B 1 +100100111 Mohicans 1 +100100111 forefront. 1 +100100111 distractor 1 +100100111 Dutch. 1 +100100111 splitter 1 +100100111 Rinkas 1 +100100111 handoff 1 +100100111 whatevers 1 +100100111 then-Rev 1 +100100111 mega-operas 1 +100100111 nominaton 1 +100100111 subholdings 1 +100100111 snorkeler 1 +100100111 Pez 1 +100100111 Barneses 1 +100100111 voters. 1 +100100111 vanful 1 +100100111 doctor/author 1 +100100111 zestful 1 +100100111 mother-at-home 1 +100100111 numbers. 1 +100100111 slackers 1 +100100111 slugfests 1 +100100111 queenside 1 +100100111 ultra-rich 1 +100100111 yakkers 1 +100100111 narco-communists 1 +100100111 NDP. 1 +100100111 K-word 1 +100100111 Sibaral 1 +100100111 nation-modern 1 +100100111 indecorous 1 +100100111 NCAAs 1 +100100111 least. 1 +100100111 Phoenicians 1 +100100111 what-ifs 1 +100100111 hot-seller 1 +100100111 oil-driller 1 +100100111 already-nervous 1 +100100111 lease-owner 1 +100100111 '89s 1 +100100111 house. 1 +100100111 Y2 1 +100100111 technolology 1 +100100111 Governed 1 +100100111 Enchanter 1 +100100111 archvillain 1 +100100111 licker 1 +100100111 doubler 1 +100100111 miler 1 +100100111 collective. 1 +100100111 Mazurka 1 +100100111 Sachers 1 +100100111 floatation 1 +100100111 RICO-butchering 1 +100100111 spoutees 1 +100100111 dockhouse 1 +100100111 unmaking 1 +100100111 A-bomb-droppers 1 +100100111 mangroves 1 +100100111 wackos 1 +100100111 unk-unks 1 +100100111 gut-shooting 1 +100100111 sun-loving 1 +100100111 Phillipines 1 +100100111 jangles 1 +100100111 penmanship 1 +100100111 KBG 1 +100100111 mid-1600s 1 +100100111 dustbowl 1 +100100111 physician-suppliers 1 +100100111 Tsuru 1 +100100111 inseminations 1 +100100111 8mm-format 1 +100100111 barracks. 1 +100100111 Children. 1 +100100111 instep 1 +100100111 Shires 1 +100100111 footlights. 1 +100100111 powpow 1 +100100111 afterburners 1 +100100111 same. 1 +100100111 richissimos 1 +100100111 wells. 1 +100100111 Four-in-Hand 1 +100100111 sibilants 1 +100100111 Rip-off 1 +100100111 Vus 1 +100100111 carbonara 1 +100100111 services-oriented 1 +100100111 dialecticians 1 +100100111 NV-144 1 +100100111 Dushmans 1 +100100111 rules. 1 +100100111 play-within-a-play 1 +100100111 breadline 1 +100100111 Sixteenth 1 +100100111 Crawfords 1 +100100111 Dunns 1 +100100111 five-and-ten 1 +100100111 shires 1 +100100111 mudhole 1 +100100111 harpsichordist 1 +100100111 18-to-35-year-olds 1 +100100111 stouthearted 1 +100100111 386/33 1 +100100111 Misbegotten 1 +100100111 jetstream 1 +100100111 Iguana 1 +100100111 Senate. 1 +100100111 WAVE. 2 +100100111 Maritimes 2 +100100111 commonweal 2 +100100111 pseudonomads 2 +100100111 cortex 2 +100100111 prof 2 +100100111 semi-finalists 2 +100100111 Kyrie 2 +100100111 pushup 2 +100100111 millenium 2 +100100111 past. 2 +100100111 Mandelas 2 +100100111 McNugget 2 +100100111 Coordinadora 2 +100100111 corporativists 2 +100100111 mini- 2 +100100111 1670s 2 +100100111 cowherd 2 +100100111 Barabars 2 +100100111 Amudarya 2 +100100111 anitus 2 +100100111 Cornbelt 2 +100100111 1790s 2 +100100111 Sixes 2 +100100111 TLWP 2 +100100111 Gorilla 2 +100100111 sabbath 2 +100100111 Mermaid 2 +100100111 press. 2 +100100111 above. 2 +100100111 Warpath 2 +100100111 chancel 2 +100100111 iconostasis 2 +100100111 facililty 2 +100100111 sharpshooter 2 +100100111 onionmeter 2 +100100111 Fed. 2 +100100111 Contras. 2 +100100111 Thorns 2 +100100111 Padmini 2 +100100111 tobacconist 2 +100100111 Trincheros 2 +100100111 tippee 2 +100100111 Lilliputians 2 +100100111 Raeletts 2 +100100111 Sadies 2 +100100111 neocons 2 +100100111 gaiety 2 +100100111 squids 2 +100100111 Merciful 2 +100100111 Stricklands 2 +100100111 Amerikanis 2 +100100111 Reaganauts 2 +100100111 sales. 2 +100100111 heartaches 2 +100100111 phone. 2 +100100111 Magazaniks 2 +100100111 Isopoint 2 +100100111 Nenes 2 +100100111 Kadoories 2 +100100111 castrato 2 +100100111 peephole 2 +100100111 left. 2 +100100111 buck. 2 +100100111 Sun-Tattler 2 +100100111 Hoosierdome 2 +100100111 M&Ms 2 +100100111 truth. 2 +100100111 Nineties 2 +100100111 divinities 2 +100100111 pralines 2 +100100111 fauves 2 +100100111 Amandebele 2 +100100111 credit-earners 2 +100100111 H-II 2 +100100111 Coetzees 2 +100100111 Mysterians 2 +100100111 Sulejmanagics 2 +100100111 Bombergs 2 +100100111 Amazin 2 +100100111 secularists 2 +100100111 NIRA 2 +100100111 Tampa/St 2 +100100111 glens 2 +100100111 Ballgame 2 +100100111 LDEF 2 +100100111 aright 2 +100100111 scoffers 2 +100100111 Clash 2 +100100111 Fuggers 2 +100100111 Peacemakers 2 +100100111 warfront 2 +100100111 0-86 2 +100100111 Chongela 2 +100100111 BOPA 2 +100100111 Seraglio 2 +100100111 opera-lovers 2 +100100111 device. 2 +100100111 sunbelt 2 +100100111 rapidily 2 +100100111 whitecaps 2 +100100111 population. 2 +100100111 semanticists 2 +100100111 Rifleman 2 +100100111 fantods 2 +100100111 Venturis 2 +100100111 Springers 2 +100100111 Buhrs 2 +100100111 Nilgeses 2 +100100111 FHLBs 2 +100100111 mantlepiece 2 +100100111 Ruins 2 +100100111 Pentagon. 2 +100100111 parents-to-be 2 +100100111 anteater 3 +100100111 Barbarian 3 +100100111 Florendos 3 +100100111 anti-Christ 3 +100100111 Subcontinent 3 +100100111 five-miles-an-hour 3 +100100111 beaters 3 +100100111 Eurocracy 3 +100100111 orb 3 +100100111 Rimstalker 3 +100100111 SOBs 3 +100100111 fortepiano 3 +100100111 autobahn 3 +100100111 Mogopas 3 +100100111 ex-partners 3 +100100111 BioDreads 3 +100100111 tablers 3 +100100111 Duvalls 3 +100100111 PSD 3 +100100111 80286-16 3 +100100111 confiteria 3 +100100111 TGWU 3 +100100111 airport. 3 +100100111 Bigelows 3 +100100111 Botschaft 3 +100100111 Round-Up 3 +100100111 Kuriles 3 +100100111 Aliotos 3 +100100111 out-of-doors 3 +100100111 McDeals 3 +100100111 treetops 3 +100100111 quarter-finals 3 +100100111 frontrunning 3 +100100111 Maronites 3 +100100111 IIgs 3 +100100111 inferno 3 +100100111 Chuns 3 +100100111 Pollards 3 +100100111 borderlands 3 +100100111 Tsjudes 3 +100100111 Elms 3 +100100111 Moncriefs 4 +100100111 EESP 4 +100100111 Glashaus 4 +100100111 twitch-peavey-deck 4 +100100111 bigs 4 +100100111 hausfrau 4 +100100111 Rutans 4 +100100111 Dordogne 4 +100100111 Beehive 4 +100100111 crabbers 4 +100100111 woodshed 4 +100100111 Wishnicks 4 +100100111 glitterati 4 +100100111 headboard 4 +100100111 speechmaker 4 +100100111 Ahlgrens 4 +100100111 autobahns 4 +100100111 DDR 4 +100100111 stooges 4 +100100111 Ayatollahs 4 +100100111 RFC 4 +100100111 LGP 4 +100100111 Lewises 4 +100100111 ACCT 4 +100100111 Seychelles 4 +100100111 sacadolares 4 +100100111 juicer 4 +100100111 home-builder 4 +100100111 board. 4 +100100111 electrolyte 4 +100100111 IASC 4 +100100111 cityscape 4 +100100111 Hortons 4 +100100111 adoptee 4 +100100111 Haidas 4 +100100111 papacy 4 +100100111 merchantman 4 +100100111 Hades 4 +100100111 agency. 4 +100100111 Fonz 4 +100100111 sucre 4 +100100111 economy. 5 +100100111 Womanagh 5 +100100111 Berlaymont 5 +100100111 Y.O. 5 +100100111 kyoppo 5 +100100111 Paulista 5 +100100111 Acropolis 5 +100100111 anesthesiologist 5 +100100111 Scriptures 5 +100100111 Copts 5 +100100111 Tigris 5 +100100111 midteens 5 +100100111 Pips 5 +100100111 provenance 5 +100100111 Comintern 5 +100100111 NKVD 5 +100100111 matchbook 5 +100100111 PRD 5 +100100111 DGI 5 +100100111 13ths 5 +100100111 Pyrenees 5 +100100111 CNFR 5 +100100111 Khashoggis 5 +100100111 Panovs 5 +100100111 Waltons 5 +100100111 Atchafalaya 5 +100100111 Flicks 5 +100100111 AX-5 5 +100100111 Nicholsons 5 +100100111 Gallos 5 +100100111 OEX 5 +100100111 E-10 6 +100100111 SACP 6 +100100111 fatherland 6 +100100111 Ngos 6 +100100111 intifada 6 +100100111 handlebars 6 +100100111 Hawkettes 6 +100100111 Nationals 6 +100100111 zodiac 6 +100100111 Nats 6 +100100111 beater 6 +100100111 non-communists 6 +100100111 Sun-4/110 6 +100100111 mid-teens 6 +100100111 Bornecks 6 +100100111 Oltcit 6 +100100111 merrier 6 +100100111 Witwatersrand 6 +100100111 Ptolemies 6 +100100111 Hendersons 6 +100100111 DMZ 6 +100100111 bastards 6 +100100111 Annenbergs 6 +100100111 Saarland 6 +100100111 Bundeswehr 7 +100100111 Rappahannock 7 +100100111 world. 7 +100100111 SAP 7 +100100111 Chautauquans 7 +100100111 BRZ 7 +100100111 NFSW 7 +100100111 extremities 7 +100100111 Crimea 7 +100100111 Dobrins 7 +100100111 mid-1800s 7 +100100111 mid-60s 7 +100100111 Estates-General 7 +100100111 vicar 7 +100100111 Taylors 7 +100100111 Malloys 7 +100100111 Wrights 7 +100100111 guillotine 8 +100100111 Himalayas 8 +100100111 naira 8 +100100111 Iran-U.S. 8 +100100111 ancients 8 +100100111 penis 8 +100100111 Osmonds 8 +100100111 FSIA 8 +100100111 Sturmans 8 +100100111 Euphrates 8 +100100111 T-word 8 +100100111 Tompkinses 8 +100100111 Adriatic 8 +100100111 Incas 8 +100100111 barrens 8 +100100111 Roccas 8 +100100111 bandstand 9 +100100111 Festspielhaus 9 +100100111 PHPO 9 +100100111 cob 9 +100100111 riverbed 9 +100100111 fittest 9 +100100111 hustings 9 +100100111 Enlightenment 9 +100100111 U.A.E. 9 +100100111 grindstone 9 +100100111 superstructure 9 +100100111 equator 10 +100100111 peasantry 10 +100100111 Merciless 10 +100100111 royals 10 +100100111 Azores 10 +100100111 mujahadeen 10 +100100111 wishbone 10 +100100111 gills 10 +100100111 Mezzogiorno 10 +100100111 Tulipmania 11 +100100111 Anschluss 11 +100100111 Brautigams 11 +100100111 ZCBs 11 +100100111 Bundys 11 +100100111 Oppenheimers 11 +100100111 cosmos 12 +100100111 lam 12 +100100111 Aleutians 12 +100100111 F-20s 13 +100100111 Joneses 13 +100100111 speakership 13 +100100111 Posners 13 +100100111 drachma 13 +100100111 Sphinx 13 +100100111 Vanities 14 +100100111 Balkans 14 +100100111 Koala 14 +100100111 petitioner 14 +100100111 Seine 14 +100100111 outback 14 +100100111 Volga 15 +100100111 mid-70s 15 +100100111 hatches 15 +100100111 Thalia 15 +100100111 impressionists 15 +100100111 foreground 15 +100100111 strait 16 +100100111 rafters 16 +100100111 hinterlands 16 +100100111 Pilgrims 16 +100100111 Caucasus 17 +100100111 Sejm 17 +100100111 austral 17 +100100111 pike 17 +100100111 tropics 17 +100100111 Gulag 17 +100100111 bleachers 18 +100100111 Jesuits 18 +100100111 dinar 18 +100100111 Bolsheviks 19 +100100111 uninitiated 19 +100100111 Elbe 19 +100100111 Majors 19 +100100111 proletariat 19 +100100111 esophagus 19 +100100111 dais 20 +100100111 subcontinent 21 +100100111 wearer 21 +100100111 panhandle 22 +100100111 Beast 22 +100100111 Andes 22 +100100111 Bundestag 22 +100100111 birthrate 23 +100100111 Arbat 23 +100100111 gulag 24 +100100111 Danube 24 +100100111 heavens 25 +100100111 feds 25 +100100111 uterus 26 +100100111 premiership 27 +100100111 Urals 27 +100100111 Pershings 27 +100100111 Dakotas 27 +100100111 intelligentsia 27 +100100111 accordion 28 +100100111 womb 28 +100100111 UAE 29 +100100111 floodgates 31 +100100111 Rockies 34 +100100111 monarchy 36 +100100111 coastline 36 +100100111 Skins 36 +100100111 abyss 37 +100100111 skids 37 +100100111 Carolinas 38 +100100111 pendulum 39 +100100111 originals 42 +100100111 fore 43 +100100111 Rhine 44 +100100111 throne 44 +100100111 Amazon 44 +100100111 Titanic 45 +100100111 Framers 47 +100100111 stratosphere 48 +100100111 Koran 51 +100100111 monarch 51 +100100111 citizenry 53 +100100111 Reagans 54 +100100111 Ukraine 55 +100100111 Continent 58 +100100111 Marcoses 59 +100100111 bloodstream 61 +100100111 Euromarkets 63 +100100111 populace 67 +100100111 Pritzkers 72 +100100111 iceberg 77 +100100111 limelight 77 +100100111 airwaves 80 +100100111 mujahideen 82 +100100111 mujahedeen 84 +100100111 Beatles 85 +100100111 offing 94 +100100111 lira 104 +100100111 Nazis 107 +100100111 frigate 109 +100100111 skies 120 +100100111 Mediterranean 139 +100100111 woods 155 +100100111 globe 172 +100100111 Bahamas 173 +100100111 contras 182 +100100111 Taj 184 +100100111 countryside 224 +100100111 horizon 256 +100100111 sky 267 +100100111 mainland 305 +100100111 electorate 306 +100100111 U.S.S.R. 363 +100100111 sun 379 +100100111 insurgents 483 +100100111 sidelines 518 +100100111 Sandinistas 774 +100100111 Netherlands 835 +100100111 gulf 926 +100100111 marketplace 1007 +100100111 Philippines 1052 +100100111 presidency 1089 +100100111 border 1235 +100100111 Constitution 1286 +100100111 economy 12694 +100100111 Contras 2273 +100101000 Glimmerglassers 1 +100101000 Vicelords 1 +100101000 322-87 1 +100101000 good-time 1 +100101000 Bork-wrecking 1 +100101000 laser-trimmer 1 +100101000 union-mandated 1 +100101000 investigtion 1 +100101000 car-borne 1 +100101000 82-inch-tall 1 +100101000 dark-suit-and-white-shirt 1 +100101000 whoop-de-do 1 +100101000 English-speaker 1 +100101000 Kramdens 1 +100101000 long-stayers 1 +100101000 apostate 1 +100101000 founder-entrepreneur 1 +100101000 aid-giving 1 +100101000 Krantzes 1 +100101000 BMWE 1 +100101000 56-foot 1 +100101000 now-familar 1 +100101000 settlment 1 +100101000 Gip 1 +100101000 240-person 1 +100101000 Liffey 1 +100101000 defects-office 1 +100101000 car-crashing 1 +100101000 three-astronaut 1 +100101000 end-result 1 +100101000 ride-sharing 1 +100101000 paint-by-numbers 1 +100101000 less-than-complete 1 +100101000 cobbler 1 +100101000 USGS. 1 +100101000 third-highest-ranking 1 +100101000 anti-rebate 1 +100101000 Koussevitzkys 1 +100101000 inner-core 1 +100101000 stop-watch 1 +100101000 multichip 1 +100101000 spick-and-spanners 1 +100101000 govenment 1 +100101000 11s 1 +100101000 play-within-the-opera 1 +100101000 Madeiras 2 +100101000 Stuntman 2 +100101000 miscasting 2 +100101000 finance-company 2 +100101000 Barksdales 2 +100101000 NAR 2 +100101000 F.D.R. 2 +100101000 RTA 2 +100101000 Ramblas 2 +100101000 caliper 2 +100101000 California-banking 2 +100101000 Bop 2 +100101000 unitization 2 +100101000 Crucifixion 2 +100101000 short-listed 2 +100101000 pro-repeal 2 +100101000 ex-spouse 2 +100101000 embyro 2 +100101000 once-quiet 2 +100101000 Frogdesign 2 +100101000 Udine 2 +100101000 Hansens 2 +100101000 SACE 2 +100101000 WEFA/RSI 2 +100101000 investment-company 2 +100101000 D-100 2 +100101000 USTR 3 +100101000 Merchant-Ivory 3 +100101000 RA 3 +100101000 SWAPO 3 +100101000 PNDC 3 +100101000 Cockpit 3 +100101000 OTV 3 +100101000 Bolands 3 +100101000 FEPA 3 +100101000 PRON 3 +100101000 ASID 3 +100101000 EBRI 3 +100101000 Spaters 3 +100101000 Levelland 3 +100101000 NCNA 3 +100101000 Unmanned 3 +100101000 ICTA 3 +100101000 USBA 3 +100101000 HKSAR 3 +100101000 no-nukers 3 +100101000 SFRC 3 +100101000 Breeder 3 +100101000 Keswicks 3 +100101000 sec 3 +100101000 Istana 3 +100101000 ANA 3 +100101000 Merc-Comex 3 +100101000 bedpan 3 +100101000 ex-PRI 3 +100101000 DSG 3 +100101000 INTV 3 +100101000 NIJ 3 +100101000 epinephrine 4 +100101000 LIRR 4 +100101000 ASTD 4 +100101000 NLA 4 +100101000 Bourj 4 +100101000 CSAB 4 +100101000 Sulejmanagic 4 +100101000 Enagas 4 +100101000 AP600 4 +100101000 moshav 4 +100101000 IWA 4 +100101000 appellants 4 +100101000 DLC 4 +100101000 PDI 4 +100101000 NAA 4 +100101000 UFW 4 +100101000 ATU 4 +100101000 SCLC 4 +100101000 IPMA 4 +100101000 NTIS 4 +100101000 Djemaa 4 +100101000 IDSA 4 +100101000 VRA 4 +100101000 labor-department 4 +100101000 JCT 4 +100101000 GMA 4 +100101000 UNDP 5 +100101000 USTA 5 +100101000 USSF 5 +100101000 NAIC 5 +100101000 SCO 5 +100101000 BFEA 5 +100101000 ILGWU 5 +100101000 Brawn 5 +100101000 3Station 5 +100101000 CSIS 5 +100101000 IPFA 5 +100101000 NEH 6 +100101000 TFD 6 +100101000 UKAEA 6 +100101000 FDIC/FSLIC 6 +100101000 APPWP 6 +100101000 NFPA 6 +100101000 JDA 6 +100101000 Houstonian 6 +100101000 NFA 6 +100101000 NAPAP 6 +100101000 SSBI 6 +100101000 Magyar 6 +100101000 UNOS 7 +100101000 Bulldozer 7 +100101000 futures-exchange 7 +100101000 FIA 7 +100101000 IFA 7 +100101000 NCTA 7 +100101000 SBF 7 +100101000 Ikle-Wohlstetter 7 +100101000 AFT 7 +100101000 ASTA 7 +100101000 PMA 7 +100101000 FHLB 7 +100101000 SIPC 7 +100101000 BLM 7 +100101000 GPO 8 +100101000 Siderographers 8 +100101000 LPP 8 +100101000 Trib 8 +100101000 medfly 8 +100101000 APA 9 +100101000 VFW 9 +100101000 MAS 9 +100101000 SACC 9 +100101000 Nines 9 +100101000 FDC 9 +100101000 UTU 10 +100101000 Tupelov 10 +100101000 CAB 10 +100101000 NAM 10 +100101000 SUNY 10 +100101000 NIA 10 +100101000 FHLBB 10 +100101000 NAEP 10 +100101000 OCC 10 +100101000 Histadrut 11 +100101000 COPS 11 +100101000 DCCC 11 +100101000 CID 11 +100101000 Maktoums 11 +100101000 Hart-Scott 11 +100101000 JCS 12 +100101000 FHAA 12 +100101000 NTIA 12 +100101000 BWA 12 +100101000 MTR 12 +100101000 BVI 12 +100101000 AICPA 12 +100101000 AFSCME 12 +100101000 SAL 12 +100101000 ADRDA 13 +100101000 CEP 13 +100101000 Hemlock 13 +100101000 ECC 13 +100101000 NDF 13 +100101000 SOS 13 +100101000 WAVE 13 +100101000 PRC 13 +100101000 OPM 14 +100101000 P&LE 14 +100101000 MMPI 15 +100101000 MRTA 15 +100101000 NSF 16 +100101000 AEA 16 +100101000 GCC 16 +100101000 PSC 16 +100101000 RenCen 16 +100101000 USPS 16 +100101000 OAS 16 +100101000 NAB 16 +100101000 CTM 17 +100101000 Exon-Florio 17 +100101000 Glomar 17 +100101000 FRA 18 +100101000 IAEA 18 +100101000 ICRP 19 +100101000 CPP 19 +100101000 JSP 20 +100101000 AIBD 20 +100101000 GCI 20 +100101000 IPE 20 +100101000 MPAA 20 +100101000 Riksbank 21 +100101000 NTSB 21 +100101000 Corrado 21 +100101000 DGA 21 +100101000 IUE 21 +100101000 IOC 22 +100101000 UNHCR 22 +100101000 CPSC 22 +100101000 CMF 22 +100101000 BLS 22 +100101000 Matif 22 +100101000 PUC 23 +100101000 USC 23 +100101000 Saemaul 24 +100101000 ADA 25 +100101000 USFL 25 +100101000 ISO 25 +100101000 NYFE 26 +100101000 ICCO 27 +100101000 Kefauver 27 +100101000 CED 27 +100101000 CPB 28 +100101000 SDR 28 +100101000 NRDC 29 +100101000 FAO 30 +100101000 EPLF 30 +100101000 IEA 31 +100101000 MTA 31 +100101000 USOC 32 +100101000 EEC 33 +100101000 ASPCA 34 +100101000 OTA 35 +100101000 NHS 35 +100101000 NFIB 37 +100101000 GASB 37 +100101000 CAW 42 +100101000 NHL 44 +100101000 OCAW 44 +100101000 COURT 46 +100101000 Bundespost 48 +100101000 HCFA 49 +100101000 Kerner 51 +100101000 EEOC 52 +100101000 FEC 53 +100101000 FmHA 53 +100101000 SIB 54 +100101000 NEA 57 +100101000 DTI 65 +100101000 SIA 65 +100101000 USDA 66 +100101000 API 70 +100101000 Sun-Times 74 +100101000 cardinal 75 +100101000 LSC 76 +100101000 BIS 78 +100101000 ICO 79 +100101000 SSC 81 +100101000 DEA 82 +100101000 IADB 92 +100101000 SPD 97 +100101000 KIO 97 +100101000 ADB 99 +100101000 NSA 102 +100101000 AARP 103 +100101000 DOT 104 +100101000 PBGC 105 +100101000 NLRB 105 +100101000 NRA 105 +100101000 AP 107 +100101000 NCAA 108 +100101000 NBA 121 +100101000 FHA 124 +100101000 BBC 125 +100101000 IFC 127 +100101000 RTC 129 +100101000 NAACP 130 +100101000 CBO 130 +100101000 Nymex 136 +100101000 NIH 148 +100101000 HHS 148 +100101000 TVA 164 +100101000 VA 170 +100101000 AMA 171 +100101000 ITC 184 +100101000 FERC 185 +100101000 ABA 193 +100101000 ICC 195 +100101000 CBOT 199 +100101000 OMB 251 +100101000 SBA 251 +100101000 CDC 251 +100101000 OECD 269 +100101000 CBOE 295 +100101000 EMS 305 +100101000 ACLU 311 +100101000 NFL 355 +100101000 AFL-CIO 363 +100101000 ANC 366 +100101000 FASB 372 +100101000 GSA 379 +100101000 INS 429 +100101000 NSC 433 +100101000 GAO 497 +100101000 PLO 507 +100101000 Kremlin 533 +100101000 Amex 545 +100101000 Comex 557 +100101000 CFTC 608 +100101000 UAW 668 +100101000 NRC 679 +100101000 FTC 686 +100101000 NASD 819 +100101000 FBI 991 +100101000 Merc 1129 +100101000 IMF 1176 +100101000 FAA 1247 +100101000 Bundesbank 1295 +100101000 EPA 1297 +100101000 FSLIC 1303 +100101000 CIA 1455 +100101000 FCC 1456 +100101000 FDIC 1485 +100101000 EC 1976 +100101000 FDA 2371 +100101000 Pentagon 2850 +100101000 IRS 2853 +100101000 SEC 6821 +100101000 Fed 7449 +1001010010 anti-recessionary 1 +1001010010 agriculture-subsidy 1 +1001010010 back-out 1 +1001010010 Carbon-14 1 +1001010010 governemnt 1 +1001010010 license-revocation 1 +1001010010 securities-exchange 1 +1001010010 Clausen-Armacost 1 +1001010010 auditor-general 1 +1001010010 foreign-money 1 +1001010010 favor-the-rich 1 +1001010010 parents-teachers 1 +1001010010 triglycerides-cholesterol 1 +1001010010 Columbia-registered 1 +1001010010 hair-restoration 1 +1001010010 non-museum 1 +1001010010 post-office-box 1 +1001010010 mineral-leasing 1 +1001010010 hurricane-relief 1 +1001010010 once-remote 1 +1001010010 tax-bloated 1 +1001010010 insurance-investment 1 +1001010010 agricultural-support 1 +1001010010 congolomerate 1 +1001010010 midcrop 1 +1001010010 coilspring 1 +1001010010 nuttiest 1 +1001010010 grants-making 1 +1001010010 Wilkin 1 +1001010010 missile-research 1 +1001010010 required-request 1 +1001010010 ditch-digger 1 +1001010010 Kerbala 1 +1001010010 Nino-Murcia 1 +1001010010 matching-fund 1 +1001010010 emaciating 1 +1001010010 Avinas 1 +1001010010 Reagan-Volcker 1 +1001010010 great-books 1 +1001010010 program-financing 1 +1001010010 electronic-industry 1 +1001010010 alphabet-soup 1 +1001010010 sight-gag 1 +1001010010 see-sawing 1 +1001010010 hill-dwellers 1 +1001010010 trading-house 1 +1001010010 oerations 1 +1001010010 minority-studies 1 +1001010010 time-sheet 1 +1001010010 oilsupply 1 +1001010010 governent 2 +1001010010 closed-circuit-television 2 +1001010010 biotechnology-research 2 +1001010010 2,000-pound 2 +1001010010 35-day 3 +1001010010 raj 3 +1001010010 conservancy 4 +1001010010 sorcery 5 +1001010010 governmment 5 +1001010010 presenter 6 +1001010010 decedent 8 +1001010010 matador 9 +1001010010 lignin 10 +1001010010 corporal 14 +1001010010 franc-denominated 20 +1001010010 cruzado 20 +1001010010 goverment 37 +1001010010 DOE 54 +1001010010 bourse 83 +1001010010 mint 86 +1001010010 government 42075 +1001010010 Euromarket 102 +10010100110 EEPROM 1 +10010100110 87-124 1 +10010100110 8723082 1 +10010100110 marjority 1 +10010100110 8741066 1 +10010100110 66,837 1 +10010100110 shabbier 1 +10010100110 8837022 1 +10010100110 8833043 1 +10010100110 8831004 1 +10010100110 always-desperate 1 +10010100110 8837034 1 +10010100110 8832043 1 +10010100110 8824026 1 +10010100110 ever-watchful 1 +10010100110 8834085 1 +10010100110 Klanners 1 +10010100110 8739034 1 +10010100110 8737037 1 +10010100110 8841019 1 +10010100110 stretched-body 1 +10010100110 more-dangerous 1 +10010100110 8644041 1 +10010100110 8648027 1 +10010100110 8645017 1 +10010100110 8716032 1 +10010100110 8715006 1 +10010100110 special-force 1 +10010100110 8714035 1 +10010100110 8717003 1 +10010100110 8710009 1 +10010100110 8707004 1 +10010100110 unversity 1 +10010100110 8712009 1 +10010100110 Ensemble-Newark 1 +10010100110 maximo 1 +10010100110 8722083 1 +10010100110 8651055 1 +10010100110 8651007 1 +10010100110 geo-strategic 1 +10010100110 8816005 1 +10010100110 8516002 1 +10010100110 8816046 1 +10010100110 8802003 1 +10010100110 Gaugin 1 +10010100110 8814063 1 +10010100110 8815036 1 +10010100110 ex-bank 1 +10010100110 8820086 1 +10010100110 8746055 1 +10010100110 least-remarked-upon 1 +10010100110 8817002 1 +10010100110 musket-bearing 1 +10010100110 8928016 1 +10010100110 indoctrinational 1 +10010100110 8930012 1 +10010100110 Dictionaries 1 +10010100110 couch-shaped 1 +10010100110 miniature-sized 1 +10010100110 youth-leadership 1 +10010100110 8932004 1 +10010100110 8929001 1 +10010100110 independence.The 1 +10010100110 299,776 1 +10010100110 what-you-know 1 +10010100110 who-you-know 1 +10010100110 recordbook 1 +10010100110 Obernauer 1 +10010100110 8825020 1 +10010100110 discourteously 1 +10010100110 8741002 1 +10010100110 8826003 1 +10010100110 Cassano 1 +10010100110 8832050 1 +10010100110 glazier 1 +10010100110 features-loaded 1 +10010100110 cybermusical 1 +10010100110 8828026 1 +10010100110 non-Fleet 1 +10010100110 copper-domed 1 +10010100110 Alawite 1 +10010100110 8752034 1 +10010100110 8819075 1 +10010100110 5,256 1 +10010100110 8936002 1 +10010100110 8824054 1 +10010100110 8930029 1 +10010100110 Tuskers 2 +10010100110 non-democratic 2 +10010100110 ash-handling 2 +10010100110 Amharas 2 +10010100110 UAW-GM 2 +10010100110 8927005 2 +10010100110 back-bench 2 +10010100110 Reformatory 2 +10010100110 hot-tub 2 +10010100110 anti-sale 2 +10010100110 stonemason 2 +10010100110 unexpressed 2 +10010100110 gas-leak 2 +10010100110 non-line 2 +10010100110 8823109 2 +10010100110 GTD-5 2 +10010100110 washer-dryer 2 +10010100110 crash-landing 2 +10010100110 Dergue 2 +10010100110 sicko 2 +10010100110 Sqaud 2 +10010100110 8812049 2 +10010100110 pelican 2 +10010100110 MI6 2 +10010100110 ITU 2 +10010100110 favela 2 +10010100110 cabana 2 +10010100110 Tangwai 3 +10010100110 figure-skating 3 +10010100110 MNR 3 +10010100110 UFT 3 +10010100110 VJs 3 +10010100110 CEO. 3 +10010100110 Avibras 3 +10010100110 CORAH 3 +10010100110 ZAPU 3 +10010100110 dustjacket 3 +10010100110 Falldin 3 +10010100110 42-10 3 +10010100110 TUG 4 +10010100110 bandoneon 4 +10010100110 Weathermen 4 +10010100110 Scupper 4 +10010100110 campesino 4 +10010100110 URC 4 +10010100110 imaging-team 4 +10010100110 PLP 4 +10010100110 Snowflakes 4 +10010100110 ACUCAA 4 +10010100110 salaryman 4 +10010100110 Kestrel 4 +10010100110 RUC 4 +10010100110 UFCW 4 +10010100110 biathlon 4 +10010100110 NSPA 4 +10010100110 mollusk 4 +10010100110 sultans 5 +10010100110 Misurasata 5 +10010100110 lumberyard 5 +10010100110 TDU 5 +10010100110 Centrao 5 +10010100110 CDS 5 +10010100110 McCoys 5 +10010100110 pant 5 +10010100110 anti-SDI 5 +10010100110 PCN 5 +10010100110 Thirties 5 +10010100110 near-poor 5 +10010100110 reverend 6 +10010100110 RAF 6 +10010100110 Taukei 6 +10010100110 timeline 6 +10010100110 Bonum 6 +10010100110 Hegenna 7 +10010100110 Bizango 7 +10010100110 GE/Kidder 7 +10010100110 BCOA 7 +10010100110 madam 7 +10010100110 SLA 7 +10010100110 Piston 7 +10010100110 LEAVE 7 +10010100110 VC 7 +10010100110 city-council 7 +10010100110 PD 8 +10010100110 imam 8 +10010100110 reptile 8 +10010100110 CBT 8 +10010100110 bandit 8 +10010100110 Gosbank 9 +10010100110 earl 9 +10010100110 Klansmen 9 +10010100110 P-2 9 +10010100110 petunia 9 +10010100110 unionist 10 +10010100110 ANWR 10 +10010100110 giraffe 10 +10010100110 PPD 10 +10010100110 CGT 10 +10010100110 Nepalese 10 +10010100110 Woman/McCall 10 +10010100110 GMHC 10 +10010100110 JVP 10 +10010100110 CSU 11 +10010100110 Rohe 11 +10010100110 welterweight 11 +10010100110 Laker 11 +10010100110 FSLN 11 +10010100110 newsweekly 11 +10010100110 bizango 11 +10010100110 Simex 12 +10010100110 cacique 12 +10010100110 WGA 13 +10010100110 USW 13 +10010100110 Maaco 13 +10010100110 D&H 14 +10010100110 TSSU 14 +10010100110 CFO 14 +10010100110 TTAPS 14 +10010100110 PATCO 15 +10010100110 Klugt 16 +10010100110 ATA 17 +10010100110 Thread 17 +10010100110 UJA 18 +10010100110 RSC 18 +10010100110 Tecos 19 +10010100110 IOR 19 +10010100110 JRA 19 +10010100110 Intrepid 21 +10010100110 RDP 23 +10010100110 Knesset 23 +10010100110 URW 23 +10010100110 counterculture 25 +10010100110 FDP 26 +10010100110 Klan 30 +10010100110 CDU 31 +10010100110 Inkatha 31 +10010100110 MPLA 31 +10010100110 NDP 32 +10010100110 MP 32 +10010100110 Parti 33 +10010100110 ILA 33 +10010100110 DPP 38 +10010100110 IBEW 43 +10010100110 Komsomol 46 +10010100110 kibbutz 46 +10010100110 UDF 49 +10010100110 Scout 50 +10010100110 UMNO 58 +10010100110 commonwealth 63 +10010100110 Establishment 65 +10010100110 FDN 71 +10010100110 NPA 71 +10010100110 PMDB 72 +10010100110 guild 73 +10010100110 DJP 77 +10010100110 SDP 84 +10010100110 tourney 86 +10010100110 militia 89 +10010100110 CWA 91 +10010100110 co-op 93 +10010100110 KMT 94 +10010100110 viewer 97 +10010100110 symphony 98 +10010100110 zoo 98 +10010100110 junta 100 +10010100110 camel 104 +10010100110 Mafia 118 +10010100110 Kuomintang 120 +10010100110 PAN 136 +10010100110 UMW 141 +10010100110 KGB 250 +10010100110 Politburo 258 +10010100110 Diet 260 +10010100110 PAC 264 +10010100110 federation 295 +10010100110 LDP 318 +10010100110 plaintiff 477 +10010100110 PRI 498 +10010100110 university 981 +10010100110 church 1188 +10010100110 union 7775 +10010100110 party 7360 +10010100111 December-future 1 +10010100111 265.0 1 +10010100111 non-retired 1 +10010100111 2,986,453 1 +10010100111 December-cattle 1 +10010100111 343,450 1 +10010100111 2,747 1 +10010100111 NBC-affiliation 1 +10010100111 SBA-processed 1 +10010100111 1,598 1 +10010100111 land-purchase 1 +10010100111 650,320 1 +10010100111 benchwarmer 1 +10010100111 1,022,209 1 +10010100111 compensatory-damage 1 +10010100111 Gatorback 1 +10010100111 32,192 1 +10010100111 EAFE-based 1 +10010100111 Betsie 1 +10010100111 94,300 1 +10010100111 Tumaturmari 1 +10010100111 39,856 1 +10010100111 coal-supply 1 +10010100111 28,057 1 +10010100111 305,419 1 +10010100111 yen-exchange 1 +10010100111 Laidley 1 +10010100111 126,800 1 +10010100111 400,157 1 +10010100111 184,724 1 +10010100111 pollution-insurance 1 +10010100111 8,620,000 1 +10010100111 25,290 1 +10010100111 789,104 1 +10010100111 history-against 1 +10010100111 3,352,100 1 +10010100111 powder-additive 1 +10010100111 55,071 1 +10010100111 61,211 1 +10010100111 Inquirer-type 1 +10010100111 41,352 1 +10010100111 49,343 1 +10010100111 electrical-construction 1 +10010100111 Lisas 1 +10010100111 5,143 1 +10010100111 1,514 1 +10010100111 military-export 1 +10010100111 French-financed 1 +10010100111 Lemur 1 +10010100111 Siuda 1 +10010100111 Greenspoint 1 +10010100111 Democrat-Green 1 +10010100111 12,014 1 +10010100111 road-wheel 1 +10010100111 coal-management 1 +10010100111 82,939 1 +10010100111 2,884 1 +10010100111 Glucometer 1 +10010100111 5-85 1 +10010100111 carpet-purchasing 1 +10010100111 184,177 1 +10010100111 334,156 1 +10010100111 Beach-Norfolk 1 +10010100111 nearest-term 1 +10010100111 inflation-futures 1 +10010100111 8,693 1 +10010100111 85,431 1 +10010100111 CLOUT 1 +10010100111 broker-investor 1 +10010100111 5,197,543 1 +10010100111 Giermak 1 +10010100111 15,132 1 +10010100111 413,838 1 +10010100111 673,311 1 +10010100111 117,220 1 +10010100111 320,900 1 +10010100111 67,251 1 +10010100111 Parameters 1 +10010100111 29,613 1 +10010100111 254,865 1 +10010100111 gift-annuity 1 +10010100111 7,123 1 +10010100111 544,969 1 +10010100111 automatic-penalty 1 +10010100111 78,350 1 +10010100111 GM-UAW 1 +10010100111 gas-export 1 +10010100111 30,267 1 +10010100111 27,298 1 +10010100111 664,580 1 +10010100111 Alexanderplatz 1 +10010100111 28,692 1 +10010100111 Androvett 1 +10010100111 System/20 1 +10010100111 626,300 1 +10010100111 2,337 1 +10010100111 Re-regulating 1 +10010100111 113,899 1 +10010100111 12,195,100 1 +10010100111 3,473,500 1 +10010100111 1,040,200 1 +10010100111 15-satellite 1 +10010100111 1,496 1 +10010100111 pin-setting 1 +10010100111 Hitachi-Goldstar 1 +10010100111 financial-adviser 1 +10010100111 January-futures 1 +10010100111 residual-fuel-oil 1 +10010100111 March-futures 1 +10010100111 advanced-motor 1 +10010100111 trilingual 1 +10010100111 24,027 1 +10010100111 1,674,300 1 +10010100111 bird-cage 1 +10010100111 tar-based 1 +10010100111 100,000-car 1 +10010100111 319,355 1 +10010100111 2,479 1 +10010100111 60,864 1 +10010100111 234,487 1 +10010100111 531,225 1 +10010100111 121,673 1 +10010100111 11,507 1 +10010100111 60,380,000 1 +10010100111 169,800 1 +10010100111 45,376 1 +10010100111 140,439 1 +10010100111 gasturbine 1 +10010100111 81,349 1 +10010100111 militaryship 1 +10010100111 562,060 1 +10010100111 News-two-minute 1 +10010100111 May-futures 1 +10010100111 5,716 1 +10010100111 29,593 1 +10010100111 5,536 1 +10010100111 10,360 1 +10010100111 2,001 1 +10010100111 same-priced 1 +10010100111 116,665 1 +10010100111 Chrysler-UAW 1 +10010100111 2,551 1 +10010100111 1,939 1 +10010100111 153,500 1 +10010100111 334,200 1 +10010100111 146,302 1 +10010100111 Hochschule 1 +10010100111 7,541 1 +10010100111 Solent 1 +10010100111 flower-service 1 +10010100111 already-signed 1 +10010100111 331,551 1 +10010100111 17,095 1 +10010100111 3,664,456 1 +10010100111 llegally 1 +10010100111 Voll 1 +10010100111 281,129 1 +10010100111 851,606 1 +10010100111 Dardalla 1 +10010100111 a-GM 1 +10010100111 7,641 1 +10010100111 Staatskapelle 1 +10010100111 steel-stock 1 +10010100111 gas-sales 1 +10010100111 DMS100 1 +10010100111 electricity-export 1 +10010100111 105,338 1 +10010100111 135,916 1 +10010100111 advanced-tactical-fighter 1 +10010100111 1,180,898 1 +10010100111 Typewriter 1 +10010100111 Ropelowski 1 +10010100111 consideration. 1 +10010100111 test-facility 1 +10010100111 357,378 1 +10010100111 IFC-supported 1 +10010100111 nine-month-long 1 +10010100111 Strangler 1 +10010100111 2,573 1 +10010100111 1,329 1 +10010100111 20,747 1 +10010100111 547,798 1 +10010100111 aviation-display 1 +10010100111 tire-dealer 1 +10010100111 1,786 2 +10010100111 Bellocchio 2 +10010100111 much-sought 2 +10010100111 ship-conversion 2 +10010100111 swim-wear 2 +10010100111 1,942 2 +10010100111 volume-based 2 +10010100111 student-athletes 2 +10010100111 nine-to-10-month 2 +10010100111 minitour 2 +10010100111 Cecily 2 +10010100111 Telesynetics 2 +10010100111 pro-basketball 2 +10010100111 Shakes 2 +10010100111 pro-PLO 2 +10010100111 Treasury-bond-futures 2 +10010100111 engineering-support 2 +10010100111 sing-off 2 +10010100111 malcontent 2 +10010100111 comicstrip 2 +10010100111 ATACC 2 +10010100111 Capes 2 +10010100111 lower-commission 2 +10010100111 diaspora 2 +10010100111 1-85 2 +10010100111 Soutpansberg 2 +10010100111 217,941 2 +10010100111 near-most 2 +10010100111 twin-turboprop 2 +10010100111 416,949 2 +10010100111 Abuses 2 +10010100111 non-passenger 2 +10010100111 more-deferred 2 +10010100111 mine-detector 2 +10010100111 live-cattle 2 +10010100111 pharmacy-research 2 +10010100111 1,064,000 2 +10010100111 2,643 2 +10010100111 2,642 2 +10010100111 126,700 2 +10010100111 expressionless 2 +10010100111 AC-130U 2 +10010100111 Bigeye 2 +10010100111 wiliest 2 +10010100111 metric-ton 2 +10010100111 Rhenish 2 +10010100111 Caribbean-Admiral 2 +10010100111 PrimeTime 3 +10010100111 Hui 3 +10010100111 wood-fired 3 +10010100111 surrogate-mother 3 +10010100111 trans-Hudson 3 +10010100111 RBMK 3 +10010100111 Backwards 3 +10010100111 Polytech 3 +10010100111 10,415 4 +10010100111 derrick 4 +10010100111 computer-maker 4 +10010100111 hotel-chain 4 +10010100111 April-delivery 4 +10010100111 Lamp 4 +10010100111 soybean-oil 5 +10010100111 RSO 5 +10010100111 phone-switching 6 +10010100111 Vagabond 6 +10010100111 MicroVax 6 +10010100111 E-3 6 +10010100111 1986-88 6 +10010100111 three-unit 6 +10010100111 Czarnikow 7 +10010100111 TOPIX 8 +10010100111 Charade 8 +10010100111 advanced-rocket 8 +10010100111 Doulton 9 +10010100111 Cadet 10 +10010100111 Passport 10 +10010100111 Karry 11 +10010100111 jet-fuel 13 +10010100111 Karl-Lorimar 14 +10010100111 Yomiuri 16 +10010100111 RECAP 17 +10010100111 Pewex 17 +10010100111 Finex 17 +10010100111 Divad 18 +10010100111 Slims 18 +10010100111 Daedalus 22 +10010100111 phone-switch 32 +10010100111 no-bid 54 +10010100111 FTS-2000 70 +10010100111 Admiral 80 +10010100111 MMI 103 +10010100111 Mint 141 +10010100111 Guard 519 +10010100111 Sprint 627 +10010100111 Army 2280 +10010100111 Navy 3424 +10010100111 giant 2659 +1001010100 court-constraints 1 +1001010100 poisongas 1 +1001010100 boy-king 1 +1001010100 Waleses 1 +1001010100 police-department 1 +1001010100 price-per-thousand 1 +1001010100 pooh-bah 1 +1001010100 Metrozoo 1 +1001010100 pot-of-gold 1 +1001010100 satrapy 1 +1001010100 MetalWars 1 +1001010100 Gambles 1 +1001010100 polysaccharide 1 +1001010100 levelbut 1 +1001010100 vizier 1 +1001010100 featherheads 1 +1001010100 kaftans 1 +1001010100 subpeonas 1 +1001010100 Tokushoku 1 +1001010100 sneakiest 1 +1001010100 biogrammatically 1 +1001010100 mini-empires 1 +1001010100 post-cancer 1 +1001010100 Galtneys 1 +1001010100 Niemiecs 1 +1001010100 Grub 1 +1001010100 communist-turned-conservative 1 +1001010100 grandjury 1 +1001010100 shallowly 1 +1001010100 basilicas 1 +1001010100 grantgivers 1 +1001010100 pay-setting 1 +1001010100 Mississippian 1 +1001010100 China-watcher 1 +1001010100 equity-committee 1 +1001010100 posion-gas 1 +1001010100 press-shy 2 +1001010100 WLF 2 +1001010100 Runckels 2 +1001010100 Chernack 2 +1001010100 bather 2 +1001010100 Democracies 2 +1001010100 bloodstains 2 +1001010100 Swansons 2 +1001010100 Pattersons 2 +1001010100 man-in-the-street 3 +1001010100 Taggarts 3 +1001010100 respites 3 +1001010100 Rowdies 3 +1001010100 sharecropper 3 +1001010100 bailiff 3 +1001010100 Petries 3 +1001010100 Hastingses 3 +1001010100 Haukes 3 +1001010100 Greylord 5 +1001010100 Branco 5 +1001010100 duchy 5 +1001010100 jester 9 +1001010100 lesion 12 +1001010100 logbook 14 +1001010100 judgeship 14 +1001010100 conciliator 29 +1001010100 pre-emption 30 +1001010100 breaker 35 +1001010100 maestro 36 +1001010100 referee 63 +1001010100 breakers 117 +1001010100 magistrate 132 +1001010100 courthouse 146 +1001010100 mediator 164 +1001010100 judiciary 173 +1001010100 senator 923 +1001010100 prosecutor 962 +1001010100 judge 5457 +1001010100 jury 3192 +1001010101 just-compensation 1 +1001010101 time-value-of-money 1 +1001010101 pork-rationing 1 +1001010101 moratoriumin 1 +1001010101 first-cut 1 +1001010101 horse-shopping 1 +1001010101 Klu 1 +1001010101 maximum-permitted 1 +1001010101 procurers 1 +1001010101 guarani 1 +1001010101 colliery 1 +1001010101 mid-passage 1 +1001010101 flight-deck 1 +1001010101 26-year-olds 1 +1001010101 photochemistry 1 +1001010101 uric-acid 1 +1001010101 1,000-contract 1 +1001010101 parklands 1 +1001010101 payout-suspension 1 +1001010101 Campeau-DeBartolo 1 +1001010101 productionrelated 1 +1001010101 fruit-of-the-poison-tree 1 +1001010101 anti-feeding 1 +1001010101 ex-government 1 +1001010101 scale. 1 +1001010101 officials. 1 +1001010101 PC-export 1 +1001010101 all-but-mandatory 1 +1001010101 Meese-Reagan 1 +1001010101 wholesale-rate 1 +1001010101 pro-slavery 2 +1001010101 glass-factory 2 +1001010101 high-hurdle 2 +1001010101 beat-the-clock 2 +1001010101 near-depression 2 +1001010101 66-page 2 +1001010101 guignol 2 +1001010101 housing-discrimination 2 +1001010101 Fishers 3 +1001010101 show-cause 3 +1001010101 juvenile-court 3 +1001010101 pueblos 3 +1001010101 jailer 3 +1001010101 harmonics 3 +1001010101 verandas 3 +1001010101 mine-layer 4 +1001010101 OSC 4 +1001010101 panther 4 +1001010101 penitentiaries 5 +1001010101 snowboard 5 +1001010101 civil-court 6 +1001010101 trooper 10 +1001010101 capitol 22 +1001010101 penitentiary 33 +1001010101 larceny 40 +1001010101 court 17136 +1001010101 appeals-court 51 +1001010110 Suey 1 +1001010110 Realizations 1 +1001010110 Jasinski 1 +1001010110 glassworks 1 +1001010110 nuclear-liability 1 +1001010110 NAWBO 1 +1001010110 Hruska. 1 +1001010110 Tupolev 1 +1001010110 sideboard 1 +1001010110 Udder 1 +1001010110 470-room 1 +1001010110 SKYSCRAPER 1 +1001010110 Realisations 1 +1001010110 House-supported 1 +1001010110 House-sanctioned 1 +1001010110 House-prepared 1 +1001010110 Rauda 1 +1001010110 junctions 1 +1001010110 House-designated 1 +1001010110 Camomile 1 +1001010110 Kubiczek 1 +1001010110 House/Treasury 1 +1001010110 Pipko 1 +1001010110 legionnaires 1 +1001010110 Gemco-United 1 +1001010110 House-Iran 1 +1001010110 Mischief 1 +1001010110 wheat-board 1 +1001010110 Wolchuk 1 +1001010110 GeorgiaPacific 1 +1001010110 medical-college 1 +1001010110 Dzindzihashvili 1 +1001010110 Labyrinth 1 +1001010110 BALLETIC 1 +1001010110 185-page 1 +1001010110 House-directed 1 +1001010110 Stalinsky 1 +1001010110 Kolompar 1 +1001010110 Intracoastal 1 +1001010110 Middel 1 +1001010110 23d 1 +1001010110 OSU 2 +1001010110 McCarran-Walter 2 +1001010110 12-judge 2 +1001010110 Magnuszewski 2 +1001010110 Beasts 2 +1001010110 Vet 2 +1001010110 tribune 2 +1001010110 Plains-based 2 +1001010110 Dail 3 +1001010110 CAGE 3 +1001010110 Reaper 3 +1001010110 Collar 4 +1001010110 Colosseum 4 +1001010110 Lengths 4 +1001010110 Oberoi 4 +1001010110 Grenache 5 +1001010110 Unlisted 5 +1001010110 House-congressional 5 +1001010110 House-Congress 7 +1001010110 Dinh 7 +1001010110 House-backed 8 +1001010110 Shark 8 +1001010110 Cong 23 +1001010110 Sox 100 +1001010110 Racketeer 114 +1001010110 House 15745 +1001010110 Plains 530 +1001010111 High-End 1 +1001010111 Inter-German 1 +1001010111 Snaky 1 +1001010111 monetarist-minded 1 +1001010111 Goldwater-Nichols 1 +1001010111 Reagan-Rostenkowski-Byrd-Bentsen-Wright 1 +1001010111 613,000-Share 1 +1001010111 Carter-created 1 +1001010111 41-member 1 +1001010111 Cregem 1 +1001010111 JPI 1 +1001010111 Bayernhypo 1 +1001010111 austerity-minded 1 +1001010111 Stupendous 1 +1001010111 Citibank-led 1 +1001010111 Inouye-Hamilton 1 +1001010111 US/Canada 1 +1001010111 building-trades 1 +1001010111 Dilute 1 +1001010111 Bestiality 1 +1001010111 Congresssional 1 +1001010111 Nanny 1 +1001010111 Gaffe 1 +1001010111 Balkar 1 +1001010111 Off-the-Beaten-Path 1 +1001010111 Worthem 1 +1001010111 Procter-Syntex 1 +1001010111 Board.of 1 +1001010111 Neo-Classical 1 +1001010111 Slumbering 1 +1001010111 U.S.-Tibet 1 +1001010111 Congessional 1 +1001010111 Year-Round 1 +1001010111 production-jawboning 1 +1001010111 Daimyo 1 +1001010111 Avian 1 +1001010111 Quip-Filled 1 +1001010111 Parklabrea 1 +1001010111 Sembawang 1 +1001010111 Avrin 1 +1001010111 Insular 1 +1001010111 Colossal 1 +1001010111 Wither 1 +1001010111 Carhaul 1 +1001010111 426-member 1 +1001010111 Regulate 1 +1001010111 Magec 1 +1001010111 master-bedroom 1 +1001010111 All-Poland 1 +1001010111 Wuxi-MSA 1 +1001010111 LTD/Marquis 1 +1001010111 Kamora 1 +1001010111 TransGlobe 1 +1001010111 Upended 1 +1001010111 Politic 1 +1001010111 UM-Michigan 1 +1001010111 Belgian-Luxembourg 1 +1001010111 300,000-plus 1 +1001010111 Distributive 1 +1001010111 OverseaChinese 1 +1001010111 NSW 1 +1001010111 pastor-parish 1 +1001010111 10th-ranking 1 +1001010111 Textual 1 +1001010111 multisectoral 1 +1001010111 Rosenbalm 1 +1001010111 Oromo 1 +1001010111 Meliora 1 +1001010111 PacificCare 1 +1001010111 Politics/In 1 +1001010111 Trade-bill 1 +1001010111 Unspoken 1 +1001010111 Troubling 1 +1001010111 Monarch/Merrill 1 +1001010111 Beltway-consensus 1 +1001010111 Shidler/West 1 +1001010111 NACO 1 +1001010111 compensation-insurance 1 +1001010111 HWWA 1 +1001010111 Explanatory 1 +1001010111 Check-Kiters 1 +1001010111 interministerial 1 +1001010111 Sophistication 1 +1001010111 Dermatologic 1 +1001010111 Root-Tilden-Snow 1 +1001010111 Econonomic 1 +1001010111 Jamiat 1 +1001010111 Allou 1 +1001010111 academic-dominated 1 +1001010111 GINI 1 +1001010111 13th-floor 1 +1001010111 BOGSAT 1 +1001010111 Foreign-Born 1 +1001010111 Rascher 1 +1001010111 Summaryof 1 +1001010111 75-member 2 +1001010111 olive-skinned 2 +1001010111 Sirica 2 +1001010111 Kapiolani 2 +1001010111 six-county 2 +1001010111 Lothian 2 +1001010111 anti-boredom 2 +1001010111 Literatura 2 +1001010111 Medis 2 +1001010111 13-2 2 +1001010111 BAII 2 +1001010111 Inhibiting 2 +1001010111 75-nation 2 +1001010111 Departmental 2 +1001010111 Video-Velodrome 2 +1001010111 Bewildered 2 +1001010111 six-country 2 +1001010111 Ain 2 +1001010111 Calorie 2 +1001010111 3480 2 +1001010111 budget-slashing 2 +1001010111 93-member 2 +1001010111 Curaflex 2 +1001010111 Pepper-Roybal 2 +1001010111 Chatilla 2 +1001010111 Centinela 2 +1001010111 254-158 2 +1001010111 hispanic 2 +1001010111 Econo 2 +1001010111 Imprinted 2 +1001010111 law-society 2 +1001010111 Julliard 2 +1001010111 tigher 2 +1001010111 then-reigning 2 +1001010111 west-south-central 2 +1001010111 36-member 2 +1001010111 Irvington 2 +1001010111 7,000-member 2 +1001010111 Symbionese 2 +1001010111 1929-31 2 +1001010111 subcabinet-level 2 +1001010111 one-million-acre 2 +1001010111 245-181 2 +1001010111 truck-based 2 +1001010111 Neil/Lehrer 2 +1001010111 1,200-member 2 +1001010111 Offensive 2 +1001010111 often-frustrating 2 +1001010111 Immoral 2 +1001010111 Rickmansworth 2 +1001010111 Newscorp 2 +1001010111 NagornoKarabakh 2 +1001010111 Posse 2 +1001010111 103-year-old 2 +1001010111 Developmental 2 +1001010111 Livingstone 2 +1001010111 Profitco 2 +1001010111 Borobudur 2 +1001010111 38-member 3 +1001010111 NIMBY 3 +1001010111 IDF 3 +1001010111 10-6 3 +1001010111 Oncogene 3 +1001010111 Communist-allied 3 +1001010111 Feminist 3 +1001010111 Cedel 3 +1001010111 industry-creditors 3 +1001010111 Arcoa 3 +1001010111 Extravehicular 3 +1001010111 Washington/Baltimore 3 +1001010111 undetectable-handgun 3 +1001010111 EPL 3 +1001010111 Saguenay 3 +1001010111 Cardio-Renal 3 +1001010111 Westerly 3 +1001010111 borage 3 +1001010111 Ifo 3 +1001010111 Spartacist 3 +1001010111 Ceylon 3 +1001010111 Sobeys 3 +1001010111 200,000-member 3 +1001010111 CONFEREES 3 +1001010111 Folketing 3 +1001010111 Tacolcy 3 +1001010111 Ecuadoreans 3 +1001010111 Gilyarovsky 3 +1001010111 then-proposed 3 +1001010111 CSX/Sea-Land 3 +1001010111 Tigreans 3 +1001010111 Ndebele 3 +1001010111 Restless 3 +1001010111 BNA 3 +1001010111 Multi-Fiber 3 +1001010111 Straphangers 3 +1001010111 jaguar 3 +1001010111 Amhara 3 +1001010111 IWA-Canada 3 +1001010111 Cathodic 3 +1001010111 56-story 3 +1001010111 Polonia 3 +1001010111 48-member 3 +1001010111 Radiological 4 +1001010111 Forensic 4 +1001010111 high-tariff 4 +1001010111 Fetal 4 +1001010111 Visigoths 4 +1001010111 1,400-member 4 +1001010111 Real-World 4 +1001010111 Kalahari 4 +1001010111 Holts 4 +1001010111 general-creditors 4 +1001010111 L&N 4 +1001010111 74-member 4 +1001010111 UNCLE 4 +1001010111 GOP. 4 +1001010111 Dove-Pork 4 +1001010111 Alienated 4 +1001010111 Immunological 4 +1001010111 6,000-member 4 +1001010111 AEU 4 +1001010111 Kissing 4 +1001010111 Regressive 4 +1001010111 Oversea-Chinese 4 +1001010111 Politician 4 +1001010111 Cagliari 4 +1001010111 Ballycotton 4 +1001010111 Solna 4 +1001010111 Nervion 5 +1001010111 Leonard-Hagler 5 +1001010111 Accidental 5 +1001010111 Airwaves 5 +1001010111 chairing 5 +1001010111 Naco 5 +1001010111 Dardanelles 5 +1001010111 Minories 5 +1001010111 Cabinet-level 5 +1001010111 Kennedy-Markey 5 +1001010111 Deutsches 5 +1001010111 Soligaz 5 +1001010111 Uffizi 5 +1001010111 over-50 5 +1001010111 Idanha 5 +1001010111 Joes 6 +1001010111 Pill 6 +1001010111 Thinker 6 +1001010111 NPC 6 +1001010111 Paris-Dakar 6 +1001010111 Helaba 6 +1001010111 Bundesrat 6 +1001010111 MacNeil-Lehrer 6 +1001010111 Nuremburg 6 +1001010111 Chosen 6 +1001010111 Karakoram 6 +1001010111 Shearson-Hutton 6 +1001010111 Washington-Baltimore 6 +1001010111 Libel 6 +1001010111 PE 7 +1001010111 Tenth 7 +1001010111 Manned 7 +1001010111 Interferon 7 +1001010111 AuSable 7 +1001010111 Laborers 7 +1001010111 SPAR 7 +1001010111 Riksdag 7 +1001010111 Handicapped 7 +1001010111 Paperwork 7 +1001010111 Mid-South 7 +1001010111 1948-49 7 +1001010111 Affirmative 7 +1001010111 Exhibitor 7 +1001010111 Composer 8 +1001010111 Detainees 8 +1001010111 Sixties 8 +1001010111 mid-South 8 +1001010111 Cydonia 8 +1001010111 MCP 8 +1001010111 Gobi 8 +1001010111 Masai 8 +1001010111 14-bank 8 +1001010111 Asian-Pacific 8 +1001010111 Mendelssohn 9 +1001010111 Palladium 9 +1001010111 Hubble 9 +1001010111 Barabar 9 +1001010111 G-6 9 +1001010111 DIW 10 +1001010111 G7 10 +1001010111 IFO 10 +1001010111 Crips 11 +1001010111 Belgo-Luxembourg 11 +1001010111 Flathead 11 +1001010111 Character 11 +1001010111 Nerds 11 +1001010111 Basle 11 +1001010111 9,000-member 11 +1001010111 Gaydos 11 +1001010111 UN 12 +1001010111 MTB 12 +1001010111 Mossad 12 +1001010111 Childcraft 12 +1001010111 Soil 12 +1001010111 Mob 13 +1001010111 Jungle 13 +1001010111 Dying 13 +1001010111 TIMI 14 +1001010111 Baroque 14 +1001010111 SBC 14 +1001010111 alewife 14 +1001010111 Equilink 14 +1001010111 O's 14 +1001010111 ELN 15 +1001010111 Eurofighter 15 +1001010111 PSUM 15 +1001010111 Provisional 15 +1001010111 Amateur 16 +1001010111 Faw 16 +1001010111 16-nation 16 +1001010111 GDR 17 +1001010111 MacNeil/Lehrer 18 +1001010111 Intergovernmental 20 +1001010111 Homeless 22 +1001010111 Kirov 23 +1001010111 Gospel 23 +1001010111 O&W 25 +1001010111 Omnibus 25 +1001010111 Katyn 26 +1001010111 APS 26 +1001010111 Reconstruction 26 +1001010111 M-19 26 +1001010111 Okura 27 +1001010111 Waldorf-Astoria 27 +1001010111 Algonquin 27 +1001010111 AAA 31 +1001010111 Nile 32 +1001010111 Berne 33 +1001010111 Antarctic 34 +1001010111 Hidden 36 +1001010111 Hermitage 40 +1001010111 Eritrean 42 +1001010111 Mayflower 42 +1001010111 Mesaba 44 +1001010111 External 48 +1001010111 Cara 57 +1001010111 Mental 63 +1001010111 Moral 64 +1001010111 senate 70 +1001010111 Border 71 +1001010111 Cabinet 73 +1001010111 Ritz 74 +1001010111 tax-writing 74 +1001010111 Voting 77 +1001010111 Claridge 80 +1001010111 cabinet-level 82 +1001010111 False 84 +1001010111 Westpac 87 +1001010111 Rainbow 100 +1001010111 Equal 111 +1001010111 Beltway 116 +1001010111 Uruguay 125 +1001010111 House-passed 133 +1001010111 Corrupt 153 +1001010111 Palestine 174 +1001010111 Occupational 192 +1001010111 Arctic 211 +1001010111 Vatican 302 +1001010111 Currency 305 +1001010111 Challenger 324 +1001010111 G-7 357 +1001010111 GATT 376 +1001010111 Caribbean 440 +1001010111 Teamsters 654 +1001010111 Congressional 822 +1001010111 Northeast 823 +1001010111 U.N. 908 +1001010111 Senate 9003 +1001010111 Midwest 1191 +100101100 heartier 1 +100101100 anti-exploration 1 +100101100 Jonason 1 +100101100 not-so-charming 1 +100101100 clBut 1 +100101100 on-exchange 1 +100101100 carpet-replacement 1 +100101100 exchange. 1 +100101100 plastic-bag 1 +100101100 bookrunners 1 +100101100 765-yard 1 +100101100 sales-and-delivery 1 +100101100 decentralization-centralization 1 +100101100 Elsevier-Pearson 1 +100101100 hyper-competitive 1 +100101100 philosopher-poet 1 +100101100 action-reaction 1 +100101100 15-footer 1 +100101100 product-dollar 1 +100101100 less-frenzied 1 +100101100 +0.15 1 +100101100 inflation/deflation 1 +100101100 5,090,000 1 +100101100 foreign-control 1 +100101100 financing-incentives 1 +100101100 heightened-sensitivity 1 +100101100 product-life 1 +100101100 rangelands 1 +100101100 takeoff-pressurization-landing 1 +100101100 0.2108 1 +100101100 per-dose 1 +100101100 unchanelled 1 +100101100 coupon-pricing 1 +100101100 clubfeet 1 +100101100 buying-on-credit 1 +100101100 marekt 1 +100101100 maidnapper 1 +100101100 afflatus 1 +100101100 anti-PRI 1 +100101100 chemical-induced 1 +100101100 sleep-wake 1 +100101100 deficit-inflation-capital-flight 1 +100101100 order-to-ship 1 +100101100 healther 1 +100101100 immiserated 1 +100101100 postride 1 +100101100 liquor-drinking 1 +100101100 sunspot 2 +100101100 megacarrier 2 +100101100 insurance-market 2 +100101100 Siemens-Asea 2 +100101100 Coke-Pepsi 2 +100101100 H-P/Toshiba 2 +100101100 swindler 3 +100101100 walrus 6 +100101100 market. 8 +100101100 swindle 13 +100101100 market 63611 +100101100 terrier 13 +1001011010 surfacewater 1 +1001011010 industrial-engineering 1 +1001011010 electrical-industry 1 +1001011010 bail-outs 1 +1001011010 Equitables 1 +1001011010 OPEC-production 1 +1001011010 riflemen 1 +1001011010 pedophobic 1 +1001011010 Australian-equities 1 +1001011010 Norvus 1 +1001011010 Edelch 1 +1001011010 international-pharmaceuticals 1 +1001011010 magazine-industry 1 +1001011010 Babylonians 1 +1001011010 autosafety 1 +1001011010 scientists/executives 1 +1001011010 SALVAGE 1 +1001011010 sell-side 1 +1001011010 failure-analysis 1 +1001011010 advertising-industry 1 +1001011010 photolithography 1 +1001011010 glass-industry 1 +1001011010 Polanica 1 +1001011010 Farmers-B.A.T 1 +1001011010 asssociation 1 +1001011010 spillage 2 +1001011010 pension-industry 2 +1001011010 arms-industry 2 +1001011010 price-cut 2 +1001011010 imaging-technology 2 +1001011010 eighty-seven 2 +1001011010 budworm 2 +1001011010 industy 2 +1001011010 recording-industry 2 +1001011010 underpass 2 +1001011010 payor 2 +1001011010 boundary-making 2 +1001011010 chief-of-staff 3 +1001011010 owner-operator 3 +1001011010 housing-industry 3 +1001011010 aluminum-industry 4 +1001011010 impurity 5 +1001011010 eighty-eight 5 +1001011010 industry-funded 6 +1001011010 trestle 6 +1001011010 aerospace-industry 6 +1001011010 neuropathy 9 +1001011010 exhibitor 17 +1001011010 auto-industry 56 +1001011010 oil-industry 73 +1001011010 additive 78 +1001011010 industry 23933 +1001011010 oven 81 +1001011011 SOMC 1 +1001011011 tooth-rattling 1 +1001011011 Admirals 1 +1001011011 Brushstyle 1 +1001011011 secondary-markets 1 +1001011011 Maliano 1 +1001011011 renominates 1 +1001011011 Louisianan 1 +1001011011 Xiaojun 1 +1001011011 Venkataraman 1 +1001011011 unctuously 1 +1001011011 knew. 1 +1001011011 118-113 1 +1001011011 splurged 1 +1001011011 Alburt 1 +1001011011 Coucouzes 1 +1001011011 Ku-hwa 1 +1001011011 ulHaq 1 +1001011011 Dizdarevic 1 +1001011011 Habyarimana 1 +1001011011 administration-initiated 1 +1001011011 Tae-woo 1 +1001011011 Seyed 1 +1001011011 Harrlach 1 +1001011011 commissionership 1 +1001011011 scribbler 1 +1001011011 heckles 1 +1001011011 domestic-affairs 1 +1001011011 Velazco 1 +1001011011 Schluep 1 +1001011011 Po-yun 1 +1001011011 w/ 1 +1001011011 Sokolovskiy 1 +1001011011 Tapes. 1 +1001011011 Pida 1 +1001011011 Goltzius 1 +1001011011 insurance-department 1 +1001011011 Talavera 1 +1001011011 Seisakoshu 1 +1001011011 bedazzlement 1 +1001011011 icn 1 +1001011011 Wrenn 1 +1001011011 administation 1 +1001011011 BinJadid 1 +1001011011 Piozzi 1 +1001011011 Langtry 1 +1001011011 counterterror 1 +1001011011 Kouri 1 +1001011011 bewails 1 +1001011011 Lodwick 1 +1001011011 Kaddah 1 +1001011011 Mun 1 +1001011011 Kuang-yuan 1 +1001011011 Liankui 1 +1001011011 inadvisedly 1 +1001011011 Chithaisong 1 +1001011011 wilai 1 +1001011011 Zhiqing 1 +1001011011 Puddle-Duck 1 +1001011011 Youchan 1 +1001011011 Petres 1 +1001011011 Schwaz 1 +1001011011 Institution-sponsored 1 +1001011011 Mojsov 1 +1001011011 dello 1 +1001011011 26s 1 +1001011011 administration-bashing 1 +1001011011 Trilateralists 1 +1001011011 Schmall 1 +1001011011 Gossens 1 +1001011011 Bernuth 1 +1001011011 eccentrically 1 +1001011011 undersecretary-level 1 +1001011011 Chief-of-Staff 1 +1001011011 Changqin 1 +1001011011 Doo-whan 1 +1001011011 Institution. 1 +1001011011 Farfan 1 +1001011011 Doo-hwan 1 +1001011011 Hsiaoyung 1 +1001011011 Tiscornia 1 +1001011011 Kyung-Hwan 1 +1001011011 information-ministry 1 +1001011011 PRINCETON/NEWPORT 1 +1001011011 contoversy 1 +1001011011 Qatari 1 +1001011011 Fed/Dukakis 1 +1001011011 Shigao 1 +1001011011 Sydow 1 +1001011011 Okongwu 1 +1001011011 Chikwong 1 +1001011011 ephebe 1 +1001011011 won-who 1 +1001011011 Luan 1 +1001011011 Savalas 2 +1001011011 Puche 2 +1001011011 Magana 2 +1001011011 Onizuka 2 +1001011011 centurions 2 +1001011011 Justines 2 +1001011011 Ledgard 2 +1001011011 Klink 2 +1001011011 military-policy 2 +1001011011 Chromatography 2 +1001011011 Senile 2 +1001011011 Hsiao-wu 2 +1001011011 al-Samman 2 +1001011011 Paullada 2 +1001011011 Jiwei 2 +1001011011 Resigns 2 +1001011011 Arreaza 2 +1001011011 Delarbre 2 +1001011011 el-Mahdi 2 +1001011011 Jinglian 2 +1001011011 An-225 2 +1001011011 Crue 2 +1001011011 Kashing 2 +1001011011 Georgoudis 2 +1001011011 Lorca 2 +1001011011 Figarella 2 +1001011011 Goon 2 +1001011011 Qiaomu 2 +1001011011 Premadasa 2 +1001011011 Gierke 2 +1001011011 Randone 2 +1001011011 Aux 2 +1001011011 Eskew 2 +1001011011 Sarhan 2 +1001011011 nostalgiacs 2 +1001011011 Clariond 2 +1001011011 Leoncavallo 2 +1001011011 Dello 2 +1001011011 Identity 2 +1001011011 Urbino 2 +1001011011 Cattela 2 +1001011011 Grunewald 2 +1001011011 Greenewalt 2 +1001011011 Polshek 2 +1001011011 Flimflam 3 +1001011011 Mahan 3 +1001011011 Bradsky 3 +1001011011 Yuk-sui 3 +1001011011 Bed-Lift 3 +1001011011 Alyea 3 +1001011011 Zainuddin 3 +1001011011 Hofmannsthal 3 +1001011011 Pahlevi 3 +1001011011 Hoyo 3 +1001011011 Arevalo 3 +1001011011 Commager 3 +1001011011 Hamzah 3 +1001011011 Halsted 3 +1001011011 Klub 3 +1001011011 Chi-cheng 3 +1001011011 Urbaneja 3 +1001011011 stand-ins 3 +1001011011 Mola 3 +1001011011 Meyern-Hohenberg 3 +1001011011 Alam 3 +1001011011 Meesters 3 +1001011011 Pahlavi 3 +1001011011 Xitong 3 +1001011011 Mateos 3 +1001011011 Popovic 3 +1001011011 Ul-Haq 3 +1001011011 Xueqian 3 +1001011011 Beg 3 +1001011011 Chingkuo 4 +1001011011 Weizsacker 4 +1001011011 Clemm 4 +1001011011 Wassefs 4 +1001011011 Rihua 4 +1001011011 Runnan 4 +1001011011 al-Din 4 +1001011011 Ax 4 +1001011011 Waaden 4 +1001011011 Peale 4 +1001011011 Yining 4 +1001011011 Gewelber 4 +1001011011 Bueller 4 +1001011011 Chau 4 +1001011011 Qili 4 +1001011011 court-packing 4 +1001011011 Cuenca 4 +1001011011 Bendjedid 5 +1001011011 Rajan 5 +1001011011 Wissell 5 +1001011011 addressee 5 +1001011011 Erenu 5 +1001011011 Teape 5 +1001011011 McGuffey 5 +1001011011 Akhtar 5 +1001011011 Benjedid 5 +1001011011 Kao-cheng 5 +1001011011 Mai 5 +1001011011 Holtzbrinck 6 +1001011011 Ramlawi 6 +1001011011 Schaaf 6 +1001011011 Pimienta 6 +1001011011 Loewenstern 6 +1001011011 Golembe 6 +1001011011 Barrows 7 +1001011011 Chok 7 +1001011011 Poo 7 +1001011011 ISE 7 +1001011011 Asiain 7 +1001011011 Longworth 7 +1001011011 Carruthers 7 +1001011011 Stengel 7 +1001011011 Wassef 7 +1001011011 Ledyard 8 +1001011011 Liqun 8 +1001011011 Bulow 9 +1001011011 Joyner 9 +1001011011 Svizzera 10 +1001011011 Kanawa 10 +1001011011 Yilin 10 +1001011011 Tae-Woo 10 +1001011011 adminstration 11 +1001011011 Pomicino 12 +1001011011 Mancha 14 +1001011011 Calderon 14 +1001011011 Ledo 14 +1001011011 Stade 14 +1001011011 Resende 15 +1001011011 Jagt 15 +1001011011 Defarges 15 +1001011011 Presidency 16 +1001011011 Kuenheim 17 +1001011011 Curve 18 +1001011011 ul-Haq 18 +1001011011 Zalm 19 +1001011011 Tessler 19 +1001011011 DiLeo 19 +1001011011 Marbod 21 +1001011011 Rana 21 +1001011011 Mardon 23 +1001011011 Mohamad 25 +1001011011 Kyung 30 +1001011011 Hee 31 +1001011011 Ka-shing 34 +1001011011 Grisanti 38 +1001011011 Kai-shek 40 +1001011011 Portillo 42 +1001011011 Ching-kuo 46 +1001011011 Llosa 47 +1001011011 Yaobang 50 +1001011011 Peng 52 +1001011011 Ziyang 71 +1001011011 appointee 90 +1001011011 Doo 134 +1001011011 Xiaoping 153 +1001011011 Doctrine 175 +1001011011 Pereira 275 +1001011011 Institution 335 +1001011011 administration 12262 +1001011011 Hawley 467 +10010111000 commiteee 1 +10010111000 die-offs 1 +10010111000 Mountaineering 1 +10010111000 77-12 1 +10010111000 groundskeeper 1 +10010111000 barrette 1 +10010111000 convertible. 1 +10010111000 Lodges 1 +10010111000 38-0 1 +10010111000 Deloria 1 +10010111000 rightsand 1 +10010111000 Safety. 1 +10010111000 venture-capitalists 1 +10010111000 sworn-in 1 +10010111000 CEILING 1 +10010111000 behind-the-times 1 +10010111000 Seligmans 1 +10010111000 crooners 1 +10010111000 near-silence 1 +10010111000 shop-till-you-drop 1 +10010111000 361-47 1 +10010111000 Neo-PAN 1 +10010111000 campaign-planting 1 +10010111000 Riyadh-on-the-Seine 1 +10010111000 risk-value 1 +10010111000 Rubouts 1 +10010111000 usurpations 1 +10010111000 newshawks 2 +10010111000 Wilsonians 2 +10010111000 dawi 2 +10010111000 carrels 2 +10010111000 Dalkon-Shield 2 +10010111000 S.A 2 +10010111000 accumulator 2 +10010111000 Harriers 2 +10010111000 Out-Witted 2 +10010111000 mountaineer 2 +10010111000 85-7 2 +10010111000 subcommitee 2 +10010111000 deliberators 2 +10010111000 Subcomittee 2 +10010111000 searcher 3 +10010111000 85-11 3 +10010111000 subcomittee 4 +10010111000 Kultura 5 +10010111000 imputation 6 +10010111000 commitee 6 +10010111000 Newshour 8 +10010111000 Sketch 8 +10010111000 doorkeeper 13 +10010111000 summiteers 14 +10010111000 Presidium 15 +10010111000 econships 19 +10010111000 Vincennes 51 +10010111000 suite 191 +10010111000 conferees 335 +10010111000 council 1214 +10010111000 subcommittee 1471 +10010111000 panel 4211 +10010111000 committee 7600 +10010111001 long-latent 1 +10010111001 ChesebroughPond 1 +10010111001 681,169 1 +10010111001 Sherpas 1 +10010111001 drug-advertising 1 +10010111001 ever-eroding 1 +10010111001 Groove 1 +10010111001 final-term 1 +10010111001 Loniten 1 +10010111001 once-bulging 1 +10010111001 once-unified 1 +10010111001 40-1 1 +10010111001 drug-besotted 1 +10010111001 Kewanee 1 +10010111001 flimsiness 1 +10010111001 balanace 1 +10010111001 Vineyard. 1 +10010111001 standardbearer 1 +10010111001 Sportman 1 +10010111001 Eximbank 1 +10010111001 9,986 1 +10010111001 Wethersfield 1 +10010111001 secretarytreasurer 1 +10010111001 mule. 1 +10010111001 non-cement 1 +10010111001 gruffness 1 +10010111001 midland 1 +10010111001 80,967 1 +10010111001 bellringers 1 +10010111001 high-service 1 +10010111001 pizzicato-heavy 1 +10010111001 much-labored-over 1 +10010111001 De-Lovely 1 +10010111001 Busman 1 +10010111001 53-employee 1 +10010111001 restraurants 1 +10010111001 BATF 1 +10010111001 UltraLite 1 +10010111001 power-takeoff 1 +10010111001 kaleidoscopes 1 +10010111001 proceduresas 1 +10010111001 publican 1 +10010111001 pseudo-democratic 1 +10010111001 Etowa 1 +10010111001 auditable 1 +10010111001 22,383 1 +10010111001 Saltville 1 +10010111001 pro-Labor 1 +10010111001 rape-obsessed 1 +10010111001 meager-yielding 1 +10010111001 Wilksboro 1 +10010111001 basicchemicals 1 +10010111001 modernizaton 1 +10010111001 a-wasting 1 +10010111001 Takeshitasan 1 +10010111001 Chicago-Columbus 1 +10010111001 geniuses-by-consensus 1 +10010111001 Quayle-baiting 1 +10010111001 closing. 1 +10010111001 dustbins 1 +10010111001 5,858,102 1 +10010111001 yarn-making 1 +10010111001 proselytizers 1 +10010111001 biomatrix 1 +10010111001 fees. 1 +10010111001 Joutel 1 +10010111001 640-employee 1 +10010111001 flyleaf 1 +10010111001 permission. 1 +10010111001 Koyanagi-san 1 +10010111001 gorgeous. 1 +10010111001 re-fattening 1 +10010111001 village-council 1 +10010111001 2,057 1 +10010111001 designed-in 1 +10010111001 heels-in 1 +10010111001 polo-playing 1 +10010111001 8:26.58 1 +10010111001 Colestipol 1 +10010111001 image-consciousness 1 +10010111001 Litkontrol 1 +10010111001 53,162 1 +10010111001 1,459 1 +10010111001 Baltimore-London 1 +10010111001 1697.35 1 +10010111001 14day 1 +10010111001 113,360 1 +10010111001 twitchy 1 +10010111001 curly-blond 1 +10010111001 Chiasso 1 +10010111001 Chindits 1 +10010111001 Boisbriand 1 +10010111001 Arrived 1 +10010111001 re-authorized 1 +10010111001 1600-speed 1 +10010111001 Andys 1 +10010111001 91-5 1 +10010111001 amazing. 1 +10010111001 DC9-30s 1 +10010111001 Rawsonville 1 +10010111001 subcommitees 1 +10010111001 predications 1 +10010111001 23-11 1 +10010111001 325,734 1 +10010111001 money-targeting 1 +10010111001 19,868 1 +10010111001 172,895 1 +10010111001 frippery 1 +10010111001 tumults 1 +10010111001 WJR 1 +10010111001 Trentwood 1 +10010111001 statusy 1 +10010111001 oddsmaking 1 +10010111001 neo-chlamys 1 +10010111001 profligateness 1 +10010111001 duff 1 +10010111001 Wrangel-St 1 +10010111001 pinfeathers 1 +10010111001 now-defeated 1 +10010111001 civil-rights-minded 1 +10010111001 ever-so-smarmy 1 +10010111001 108,245 1 +10010111001 titilating 1 +10010111001 secondary-mortgage-loan 1 +10010111001 deeps 1 +10010111001 journalism. 1 +10010111001 smoke-and-mirrors 1 +10010111001 233,360 1 +10010111001 Delhaize. 1 +10010111001 1.6900-mark 1 +10010111001 83-6 1 +10010111001 CDROMs 1 +10010111001 peaceniks 1 +10010111001 production-scheduling 1 +10010111001 26-9 1 +10010111001 nerveracking 1 +10010111001 underclothes 1 +10010111001 unhealthy. 1 +10010111001 car-like 1 +10010111001 signature. 1 +10010111001 depredation 1 +10010111001 1.7200-mark 1 +10010111001 Meavcor 1 +10010111001 money-granting 1 +10010111001 longest-sitting 1 +10010111001 spacebar 1 +10010111001 child-psychiatry 1 +10010111001 wok 1 +10010111001 executive-board 1 +10010111001 vermicatalog 1 +10010111001 note-printing 1 +10010111001 sugar-policy 1 +10010111001 moaners 1 +10010111001 vivacity 1 +10010111001 over-engineered 1 +10010111001 102.99 1 +10010111001 Millbury 1 +10010111001 sabre-rattling 1 +10010111001 crash-battered 1 +10010111001 sexpert 1 +10010111001 thriftiest 1 +10010111001 premium-end 1 +10010111001 pentastar 1 +10010111001 mushroom-gobbling 1 +10010111001 Edsion 1 +10010111001 possible. 1 +10010111001 ignorant. 1 +10010111001 then-14 1 +10010111001 syndrome. 1 +10010111001 madeleine 1 +10010111001 long-successful 1 +10010111001 trees. 1 +10010111001 NEWSLETTER 1 +10010111001 unwieldiness 1 +10010111001 forewall 1 +10010111001 duties. 1 +10010111001 adoptive-parent 1 +10010111001 1-900-234-JOSE 1 +10010111001 Ivonia 1 +10010111001 cold-bloodedness 1 +10010111001 Digest-Canada 1 +10010111001 codename 1 +10010111001 ever-so-Oxonian 1 +10010111001 salads/Campbell 1 +10010111001 stamp-information 1 +10010111001 taproots 1 +10010111001 Hippieville 1 +10010111001 downsides 1 +10010111001 pteranodon 1 +10010111001 lovable/hateable 1 +10010111001 Fester 1 +10010111001 6286 1 +10010111001 correspondence-made-public 1 +10010111001 2,322 1 +10010111001 A-OK 1 +10010111001 military-assistance 1 +10010111001 acetyl-L-carnitine 1 +10010111001 fifth-least 1 +10010111001 121,321 1 +10010111001 Doswell 1 +10010111001 glasnosticians 1 +10010111001 /Bullock 1 +10010111001 Galatoire 1 +10010111001 super-lightweight 1 +10010111001 Zermatt 1 +10010111001 president-to-be 1 +10010111001 Skuh-LEE-uh 1 +10010111001 PACmen 1 +10010111001 Meyrin 1 +10010111001 Sharonville 1 +10010111001 132.66 1 +10010111001 1.618 1 +10010111001 ill-effects 1 +10010111001 developement 1 +10010111001 loaves. 1 +10010111001 hacksaw-proof 1 +10010111001 mortgagee 1 +10010111001 useability 1 +10010111001 mini-crop 1 +10010111001 pro-research 1 +10010111001 Catlettsburg 1 +10010111001 Pickens-inspired 1 +10010111001 over-indebtedness 2 +10010111001 anti-matter 2 +10010111001 filo 2 +10010111001 roadbeds 2 +10010111001 blacksmith 2 +10010111001 Steelton 2 +10010111001 energy-wasting 2 +10010111001 problems. 2 +10010111001 31,484 2 +10010111001 16-party 2 +10010111001 abbot 2 +10010111001 playbook 2 +10010111001 managing-board 2 +10010111001 particularity 2 +10010111001 position. 2 +10010111001 crotchets 2 +10010111001 extra-parliamentary 3 +10010111001 utopianism 3 +10010111001 ousters 3 +10010111001 retransmissions 3 +10010111001 Aliquippa 3 +10010111001 Ueroku 3 +10010111001 apogee 3 +10010111001 825SL 3 +10010111001 Hirschite 3 +10010111001 Asiad 3 +10010111001 A310s 3 +10010111001 Hemopump 3 +10010111001 regatta 4 +10010111001 Finest 4 +10010111001 autopilot 4 +10010111001 union-led 4 +10010111001 syllabus 6 +10010111001 report. 6 +10010111001 dues-paying 8 +10010111001 Jumbos 9 +10010111001 Storting 11 +10010111001 midsection 11 +10010111001 reaffiliation 12 +10010111001 Basement 15 +10010111001 governor-general 15 +10010111001 FOMC 16 +10010111001 Mujahedeen 17 +10010111001 /Bishop 21 +10010111001 board 17062 +10010111001 hull 51 +10010111010 Fabiola 1 +10010111010 farm/factory 1 +10010111010 relatons 1 +10010111010 Giulia 1 +10010111010 non-Briton 1 +10010111010 Hametz 1 +10010111010 clock-computer 1 +10010111010 trading-by-headline 1 +10010111010 datum 1 +10010111010 WUSL-FM 1 +10010111010 Sooni 1 +10010111010 Dorrits 1 +10010111010 drug-abuser 1 +10010111010 picocurie 1 +10010111010 Inga 1 +10010111010 CATEGORY 1 +10010111010 Middle-Westerner 1 +10010111010 Liliuokalani 1 +10010111010 shyster 1 +10010111010 jakes 1 +10010111010 pitman 1 +10010111010 match-ups 1 +10010111010 mile-and-a-half 1 +10010111010 companywho 1 +10010111010 toolsheds 1 +10010111010 Liliukalani 1 +10010111010 trine 1 +10010111010 Jeroen 1 +10010111010 14-D-1 1 +10010111010 gastronaut 1 +10010111010 Tippi 1 +10010111010 Nefertiti. 1 +10010111010 Floriana 1 +10010111010 passenger-mile 1 +10010111010 Gallego 1 +10010111010 unblushingly 1 +10010111010 slumlord 1 +10010111010 evening-shift 1 +10010111010 remic 1 +10010111010 Ruz 1 +10010111010 Chauvin 1 +10010111010 frothings 1 +10010111010 transcriber 1 +10010111010 power-company 2 +10010111010 Dealey 2 +10010111010 man-year 2 +10010111010 Natshe 2 +10010111010 dioxane 2 +10010111010 Delfeayo 2 +10010111010 CFIII 2 +10010111010 sayers 2 +10010111010 mariachis 2 +10010111010 retarders 2 +10010111010 family. 2 +10010111010 Patties 2 +10010111010 ganglion 2 +10010111010 shufflings 2 +10010111010 piglet 2 +10010111010 JSIM 2 +10010111010 vitrine 2 +10010111010 Northerner 3 +10010111010 5/2 4 +10010111010 Survivor 5 +10010111010 Maker 12 +10010111010 confederation 50 +10010111010 clan 51 +10010111010 shake-up 199 +10010111010 group 31210 +10010111010 consortium 1093 +100101110110 YVES 1 +100101110110 ajustment 1 +100101110110 clerks. 1 +100101110110 ILG 1 +100101110110 unmusicality 1 +100101110110 COURCOUX 1 +100101110110 CCR2.2VHNLX 1 +100101110110 rulemakers 1 +100101110110 satellite-by 1 +100101110110 MASSONAUD-FONTENAY 1 +100101110110 coneheads 1 +100101110110 self-effacement 1 +100101110110 Dewaay 2 +100101110110 hard-hearted 2 +100101110110 Butchers 3 +100101110110 rule-setting 4 +100101110110 firm 20979 +100101110110 firm. 10 +1001011101110 Wolverines 1 +1001011101110 infinit 1 +1001011101110 anti-testers 1 +1001011101110 Meskos 1 +1001011101110 revenue-based 1 +1001011101110 raisings 1 +1001011101110 industry-commissioned 1 +1001011101110 slenderly 1 +1001011101110 Mobilgas 1 +1001011101110 165-pounder 1 +1001011101110 stix 1 +1001011101110 negotatiators 1 +1001011101110 Nuf 1 +1001011101110 agency-advertiser 1 +1001011101110 800-mile-long 1 +1001011101110 activitiesan 1 +1001011101110 posters. 1 +1001011101110 litem 1 +1001011101110 much-spurned 1 +1001011101110 Jungvolk 2 +1001011101110 forelock 2 +1001011101110 EPC 2 +1001011101110 excavator 2 +1001011101110 N-car 2 +1001011101110 Confrerie 2 +1001011101110 PROGRAM 2 +1001011101110 Villagrans 2 +1001011101110 agencies. 2 +1001011101110 Armagnac 2 +1001011101110 Exploder 2 +1001011101110 libs 2 +1001011101110 VPT391 3 +1001011101110 argolla 3 +1001011101110 AAGPBL 4 +1001011101110 chancellery 4 +1001011101110 Missourian 4 +1001011101110 NMFS 4 +1001011101110 valorem 5 +1001011101110 infinitum 5 +1001011101110 Leones 6 +1001011101110 hominem 6 +1001011101110 nauseam 7 +1001011101110 PAP 22 +1001011101110 observatory 32 +1001011101110 hoc 67 +1001011101110 announcer 96 +1001011101110 admiral 104 +1001011101110 academy 116 +1001011101110 agency 12750 +1001011101110 association 2325 +1001011101111 Franco-British 1 +1001011101111 pass-the-buck 1 +1001011101111 Iranagua 1 +1001011101111 leaved 1 +1001011101111 yuppies-in-training 1 +1001011101111 seigniorial 1 +1001011101111 Robot-70 1 +1001011101111 Byzantines 1 +1001011101111 Honzawas 1 +1001011101111 Kazino 1 +1001011101111 record-bashing 1 +1001011101111 Haixian 1 +1001011101111 casement 1 +1001011101111 4/4 1 +1001011101111 770-room 1 +1001011101111 dutyfree 1 +1001011101111 state-monitored 1 +1001011101111 Pillsbury-owned 1 +1001011101111 300-bed 1 +1001011101111 already-packed 1 +1001011101111 anthracite-burning 1 +1001011101111 578-room 1 +1001011101111 blond-bombshell 1 +1001011101111 501-room 1 +1001011101111 pre-board-meeting 1 +1001011101111 5,500-unit 1 +1001011101111 two-stick 1 +1001011101111 16-time 1 +1001011101111 260-room 1 +1001011101111 electronic-assembly 1 +1001011101111 deparment 1 +1001011101111 345,000-circulation 1 +1001011101111 literary-awards 1 +1001011101111 knifelike 1 +1001011101111 80-seat 1 +1001011101111 multiscreened 1 +1001011101111 ex-SBA 1 +1001011101111 teen-dominated 1 +1001011101111 205-seat 1 +1001011101111 Allegis-owned 1 +1001011101111 rimstone 1 +1001011101111 main-floor 1 +1001011101111 Yama 1 +1001011101111 Avion 1 +1001011101111 opera-like 1 +1001011101111 radical-slick 1 +1001011101111 tropical-fish 1 +1001011101111 oil-ministry 1 +1001011101111 53,629 1 +1001011101111 dozen-plus 1 +1001011101111 early-budding 1 +1001011101111 Samuelson-Nordhaus 1 +1001011101111 690-outlet 1 +1001011101111 Mulroneys 1 +1001011101111 alley/Italian 1 +1001011101111 400-bedroom 1 +1001011101111 simonpure 1 +1001011101111 600,000-circulation 1 +1001011101111 lit-hype 1 +1001011101111 Washington-centered 1 +1001011101111 111-year-old 1 +1001011101111 Boersen-Zeitung 1 +1001011101111 health-centered 1 +1001011101111 glasnost-drunk 1 +1001011101111 20-dealer 1 +1001011101111 360-room 1 +1001011101111 supermarket-style 1 +1001011101111 2,800-room 1 +1001011101111 bomb-bay 1 +1001011101111 42-megawatt 1 +1001011101111 Robesonian 1 +1001011101111 half-frame 1 +1001011101111 eight-warhead 1 +1001011101111 poverty-ridden 1 +1001011101111 Wallenbergs 1 +1001011101111 Sternbergs 1 +1001011101111 down-home-style 1 +1001011101111 TV-cable 1 +1001011101111 60,000-circulation 1 +1001011101111 headliners 1 +1001011101111 piranha-like 1 +1001011101111 non-Nazi 1 +1001011101111 IGA 1 +1001011101111 supermarket-styled 1 +1001011101111 supersafe 1 +1001011101111 136-year-old 1 +1001011101111 semilurid 1 +1001011101111 318-suite 1 +1001011101111 Phildelphia-based 1 +1001011101111 almost-empty 1 +1001011101111 non-retro 1 +1001011101111 left-bank 1 +1001011101111 165-bed 1 +1001011101111 city/regional 1 +1001011101111 windbell 1 +1001011101111 Wilkinsons 1 +1001011101111 pro-Sendero 1 +1001011101111 telephone-connected 1 +1001011101111 Burgsteinfurt 1 +1001011101111 JDL 1 +1001011101111 lovestruck 1 +1001011101111 385-room 1 +1001011101111 son-of-a-gun 1 +1001011101111 new-look 1 +1001011101111 capsule-maker 1 +1001011101111 1,292-screen 1 +1001011101111 calcium-chloride 1 +1001011101111 too-expensive 1 +1001011101111 35,000-circulation 1 +1001011101111 42nd-largest 1 +1001011101111 four-to-six 1 +1001011101111 63-store 1 +1001011101111 90,000-square-foot 2 +1001011101111 Camerons 2 +1001011101111 Artswatch 2 +1001011101111 Virginian-Pilot 2 +1001011101111 Grosses 2 +1001011101111 page-white 2 +1001011101111 Hebrew-language 2 +1001011101111 250-room 2 +1001011101111 shilly-shallying 2 +1001011101111 twisters 2 +1001011101111 government-influenced 2 +1001011101111 Kayhan 2 +1001011101111 Newmans 3 +1001011101111 1,174-room 3 +1001011101111 Hapsburgs 3 +1001011101111 Deity 3 +1001011101111 AIA 3 +1001011101111 Cotronics 4 +1001011101111 kebab 4 +1001011101111 Talmud 5 +1001011101111 Colliers 5 +1001011101111 GIA 5 +1001011101111 superlative 5 +1001011101111 CSO 5 +1001011101111 Mummy 6 +1001011101111 AHA 8 +1001011101111 N-reactor 10 +1001011101111 Ilbo 11 +1001011101111 navigator 14 +1001011101111 Aladdin 14 +1001011101111 emir 18 +1001011101111 pontiff 32 +1001011101111 Gazeta 35 +1001011101111 denomination 46 +1001011101111 Lancet 56 +1001011101111 tribunal 113 +1001011101111 Nation 195 +1001011101111 institute 1012 +1001011101111 ministry 1116 +1001011101111 department 7344 +1001011101111 commission 4913 +10010111100 Reliant/Caravelle 1 +10010111100 character-reading 1 +10010111100 7,000-shop 1 +10010111100 Corp.-type 1 +10010111100 court-reporting 1 +10010111100 mass-communications 1 +10010111100 friendlies 1 +10010111100 fantasy-tapes 1 +10010111100 frozen-specialties 1 +10010111100 voice-technology 1 +10010111100 nonelectrical-machinery 1 +10010111100 fabricated-metal-products 1 +10010111100 candystriped 1 +10010111100 outdoor-services 1 +10010111100 Cabranes 1 +10010111100 nonferrous-casting 1 +10010111100 gasoline-distribution 1 +10010111100 telecommuncations 1 +10010111100 metal-packaging 1 +10010111100 modeling-compound 1 +10010111100 crossing-guard 1 +10010111100 placer-mining 1 +10010111100 buggy-whip 1 +10010111100 baby-goods 1 +10010111100 folding-carton 1 +10010111100 Fino 1 +10010111100 concrete-pipe 1 +10010111100 electron-tube 1 +10010111100 rough-shod 1 +10010111100 inter-connect 1 +10010111100 shoe-retailing 1 +10010111100 phone-manufacturing 1 +10010111100 period-but 1 +10010111100 close-to-the-ground 1 +10010111100 offshore-oil 1 +10010111100 major-airline 1 +10010111100 sugaring 1 +10010111100 pharmacuetical 1 +10010111100 shell-fishing 1 +10010111100 paging-services 1 +10010111100 savings-banks 1 +10010111100 steel-drum 1 +10010111100 market-letter 1 +10010111100 shooting-preserve 1 +10010111100 telephone-marketing 1 +10010111100 health-maintenance-organization 1 +10010111100 architectural-hardware 1 +10010111100 insulin-device 1 +10010111100 consumer-cyclical 1 +10010111100 glass-distribution 1 +10010111100 microcomputer-software 1 +10010111100 automotive-supplier 1 +10010111100 tv 1 +10010111100 nomenclatural 1 +10010111100 once-fraternal 1 +10010111100 wholesale-utility 1 +10010111100 baby-formula 1 +10010111100 N-bloctin 1 +10010111100 cattle-packing 1 +10010111100 home-services 1 +10010111100 wind-power 1 +10010111100 ICAC 2 +10010111100 80-store 2 +10010111100 Americanophile 2 +10010111100 jingoes 2 +10010111100 thift 2 +10010111100 electricpower 2 +10010111100 digital-communications 2 +10010111100 motion-picture-theater 2 +10010111100 confectioners 2 +10010111100 wine-industry 2 +10010111100 soft-contact-lens 2 +10010111100 takeover-rumor 2 +10010111100 slumlords 2 +10010111100 early-1960s 3 +10010111100 honeybee 3 +10010111100 tire-maker 3 +10010111100 housing-market 3 +10010111100 ironworks 3 +10010111100 Herbfarm 3 +10010111100 midlands 3 +10010111100 nuclear-utility 3 +10010111100 Kendons 3 +10010111100 curries 3 +10010111100 H-I 3 +10010111100 Olmec 4 +10010111100 Amethyste 4 +10010111100 watchmaker 4 +10010111100 chromatograph 4 +10010111100 everyman 4 +10010111100 nation-state 4 +10010111100 lead-recycling 5 +10010111100 twin-engined 5 +10010111100 stork 5 +10010111100 Intecom 5 +10010111100 pawnbroker 5 +10010111100 Airtours 5 +10010111100 CBC 5 +10010111100 countertop 6 +10010111100 triathlon 6 +10010111100 SBIC 6 +10010111100 colonizers 6 +10010111100 chipmaker 6 +10010111100 Globe-Democrat 8 +10010111100 savings-bank 8 +10010111100 commuter-airline 8 +10010111100 forwarder 8 +10010111100 Mesbic 9 +10010111100 tiremaker 9 +10010111100 Oncogen 11 +10010111100 Chargers 12 +10010111100 oracle 14 +10010111100 ETA-10 14 +10010111100 E2C 15 +10010111100 amphitheater 16 +10010111100 SAR 16 +10010111100 automaker 18 +10010111100 homebuilder 26 +10010111100 MLP 36 +10010111100 shipbuilder 38 +10010111100 meatpacker 41 +10010111100 electric-utility 47 +10010111100 arb 47 +10010111100 infantry 51 +10010111100 freighter 65 +10010111100 REIT 118 +10010111100 HMO 173 +10010111100 savings-and-loan 179 +10010111100 brewer 303 +10010111100 steelmaker 504 +10010111100 S&L 527 +10010111100 insurer 1105 +10010111100 railroad 1460 +10010111100 army 1562 +10010111100 carrier 2018 +10010111100 thrift 3824 +10010111100 utility 4621 +10010111100 airline 5311 +10010111101 Korps 1 +10010111101 provision-federal 1 +10010111101 nondepository 1 +10010111101 water-leakage 1 +10010111101 Gaubert-McBirney 1 +10010111101 customers. 1 +10010111101 file-server 1 +10010111101 neo-Calvinism 1 +10010111101 392,400-share 1 +10010111101 Nova-controlled 1 +10010111101 Muavesi 1 +10010111101 rail-mill 1 +10010111101 training-center 1 +10010111101 51-bank 1 +10010111101 honeybrown 1 +10010111101 telephone-utility 1 +10010111101 unrelated-business-income 1 +10010111101 Batchy 1 +10010111101 mortgage-bank 1 +10010111101 IAPA 1 +10010111101 grass-root 1 +10010111101 non-Tiger 1 +10010111101 yet-to-be-created 1 +10010111101 PL480 1 +10010111101 freehanded 1 +10010111101 space-center 1 +10010111101 62-bank 1 +10010111101 41-bank 1 +10010111101 33-bank 1 +10010111101 Holyoke-based 1 +10010111101 al-Shalabi 1 +10010111101 financical 1 +10010111101 intramarginal-intervention 1 +10010111101 multi-airline 1 +10010111101 Chicago-branch 1 +10010111101 gelatin-like 1 +10010111101 dividend-capturing 1 +10010111101 Purolator-related 1 +10010111101 radiostation 1 +10010111101 Mabsorba-column 1 +10010111101 highest-interest 1 +10010111101 surbordinated 1 +10010111101 sales-solicitation 1 +10010111101 Mexican-type 1 +10010111101 national-edition 1 +10010111101 industry-residential 1 +10010111101 Carlo-based 1 +10010111101 muzzle-loading 1 +10010111101 fluctuating-rate 1 +10010111101 Communitywide 1 +10010111101 banks. 1 +10010111101 cold-fusion 2 +10010111101 company-financed 2 +10010111101 nonconsolidated 2 +10010111101 Manute 2 +10010111101 multi-bank 2 +10010111101 dollardenominated 2 +10010111101 operating-company 2 +10010111101 three-bank 2 +10010111101 Baden-Baden 2 +10010111101 inter-company 2 +10010111101 correlating 2 +10010111101 five-bank 2 +10010111101 emergency-care 2 +10010111101 Unifil 2 +10010111101 C&NW 3 +10010111101 barrack 3 +10010111101 nine-bank 3 +10010111101 currency-denominated 3 +10010111101 bank-issued 3 +10010111101 advertising-agency 3 +10010111101 lesser-developed-country 3 +10010111101 USAID 3 +10010111101 military-sales 5 +10010111101 Hilo 5 +10010111101 one-bank 6 +10010111101 Freia 6 +10010111101 water-utility 8 +10010111101 securities-firm 16 +10010111101 multibank 20 +10010111101 commercial-bank 72 +10010111101 bank 24267 +10010111101 IDA 96 +10010111110 21-floor 1 +10010111110 250-dog 1 +10010111110 wholesaler-distributor 1 +10010111110 Sterivet 1 +10010111110 wispiness 1 +10010111110 consitution 1 +10010111110 chocolate-box 1 +10010111110 1753 1 +10010111110 wood-tie 1 +10010111110 interprovincial 1 +10010111110 quasi-party 1 +10010111110 open-claw 1 +10010111110 MBBC 1 +10010111110 hich 1 +10010111110 cabaret-like 1 +10010111110 irresponsiblity 1 +10010111110 insect-infested 1 +10010111110 MONITOR 1 +10010111110 REINSURERS 1 +10010111110 ECRS 1 +10010111110 non-veteran 1 +10010111110 jukebox-like 1 +10010111110 parklike 2 +10010111110 multiplexes 2 +10010111110 follow-the-leader 2 +10010111110 Impressionists 2 +10010111110 bloc-controlled 2 +10010111110 crossbreeding 2 +10010111110 malingerers 2 +10010111110 lean-tos 2 +10010111110 private-bank 3 +10010111110 poorhouse 3 +10010111110 sidewall 3 +10010111110 dogcatcher 4 +10010111110 york 4 +10010111110 acounting 4 +10010111110 evader 4 +10010111110 Grotto 4 +10010111110 matchbox 4 +10010111110 Limelight 6 +10010111110 assessor 10 +10010111110 preparer 10 +10010111110 Sidekick 16 +10010111110 fiat 31 +10010111110 Legislature 287 +10010111110 constitution 540 +10010111110 legislature 598 +10010111110 statute 668 +10010111110 law 17112 +10010111110 code 1017 +100101111110 parternships 1 +100101111110 unproductivity 1 +100101111110 barflies 1 +100101111110 Compaqs 1 +100101111110 minisubs 1 +100101111110 technique. 1 +100101111110 pageboy 1 +100101111110 2,038,000 1 +100101111110 mineral-assay 1 +100101111110 nincompoop 1 +100101111110 troop-trains 1 +100101111110 hub-currency 1 +100101111110 hot-sellers 1 +100101111110 mintage 1 +100101111110 inductors 1 +100101111110 pregnancy-disability 1 +100101111110 engine-makers 1 +100101111110 benefits-write-offs 1 +100101111110 playpants 1 +100101111110 succcess 1 +100101111110 divots 1 +100101111110 Terzo 1 +100101111110 graphicss 1 +100101111110 aircraft-fighters 1 +100101111110 Chrysler-Renault 1 +100101111110 phrasings 1 +100101111110 207,307,135 1 +100101111110 534,514 1 +100101111110 1,565,000 1 +100101111110 end-product 1 +100101111110 partnerhsips 1 +100101111110 mood-piece 1 +100101111110 self-searching 1 +100101111110 budget. 1 +100101111110 48/17B-5 1 +100101111110 boat-maker 1 +100101111110 Butazolidin 1 +100101111110 workingmen 1 +100101111110 retail-client 1 +100101111110 mise-en-scene 1 +100101111110 43,120 1 +100101111110 rates-of-return 1 +100101111110 tirewrecker 1 +100101111110 Bedlam 1 +100101111110 rat-bashing 1 +100101111110 Accord-fighter 1 +100101111110 non-Indonesian 1 +100101111110 trader-brokers 1 +100101111110 Teletas 1 +100101111110 beef-trade 1 +100101111110 program-training 1 +100101111110 counterspace 1 +100101111110 incomprehension 2 +100101111110 mischiefs 2 +100101111110 parterships 2 +100101111110 Lotta 2 +100101111110 parternship 2 +100101111110 Demond 2 +100101111110 C9CAA 2 +100101111110 Landrau 3 +100101111110 influence. 3 +100101111110 Belly-Button 3 +100101111110 Sudamtex 3 +100101111110 airspaces 3 +100101111110 ex-nun 3 +100101111110 dirtball 3 +100101111110 spaceflight 3 +100101111110 partnerhip 4 +100101111110 co-insurer 4 +100101111110 measure. 4 +100101111110 depositories 5 +100101111110 revenue-raiser 5 +100101111110 brats 6 +100101111110 prostates 6 +100101111110 scaffold 7 +100101111110 vote-getter 11 +100101111110 rate-mortgages 12 +100101111110 Federated-Macy 13 +100101111110 telemarketer 17 +100101111110 conduits 45 +100101111110 conduit 145 +100101111110 trusts 687 +100101111110 corporation 1631 +100101111110 partnerships 1729 +100101111110 banker 2229 +100101111110 partnership 4364 +100101111110 trust 3664 +100101111111 F-50s 1 +100101111111 signficiant 1 +100101111111 equity-to-risk 1 +100101111111 Soviet-North 1 +100101111111 accordion-making 1 +100101111111 newspaper-printing 1 +100101111111 theme-pub-cum-wine-bar 1 +100101111111 employer-worker 1 +100101111111 fiber-optic/digital 1 +100101111111 Quebecor/British 1 +100101111111 investigations/prosecutions 1 +100101111111 chip-development 1 +100101111111 BP-Standard 1 +100101111111 OECD-BIS 1 +100101111111 concluded. 1 +100101111111 Bahian 1 +100101111111 gatefolds 1 +100101111111 two-jury 1 +100101111111 State-Justice 1 +100101111111 industry-FAA 1 +100101111111 Armenian-Azerbaijani 1 +100101111111 Odyssey-Pepperell 1 +100101111111 then-lower 1 +100101111111 U.S.-Peruvian 1 +100101111111 oil-auto 1 +100101111111 757-767 1 +100101111111 often-fictional 1 +100101111111 tidelands 1 +100101111111 industrial/municipal 1 +100101111111 solications 1 +100101111111 sitzbath 1 +100101111111 laser-treatment 1 +100101111111 ownerships 2 +100101111111 Brazilian-Argentine 2 +100101111111 Congolese 2 +100101111111 policies. 2 +100101111111 airport-service 2 +100101111111 venturers 3 +100101111111 Cubbies 3 +100101111111 pratfall 3 +100101111111 knowhow 4 +100101111111 link-up 8 +100101111111 tenancy 8 +100101111111 union-management 17 +100101111111 solicitors 28 +100101111111 solicitation 313 +100101111111 venture 5842 +100101111111 ventures 1528 +10011000 Manchurians 1 +10011000 68020s 1 +10011000 68000s 1 +10011000 sshares 1 +10011000 vision. 1 +10011000 23-to-32-year-olds 1 +10011000 13-to-22-year-olds 1 +10011000 106,874 1 +10011000 Pluribus 1 +10011000 debenetures 1 +10011000 floating-rates 1 +10011000 rather-ordinary-looking 1 +10011000 embyros 1 +10011000 shop-management 1 +10011000 3,104,918 1 +10011000 baton-twirling 1 +10011000 sdhares 1 +10011000 sensepredicts 1 +10011000 prefixes 1 +10011000 techno-dome 1 +10011000 cattle-contracts 1 +10011000 resaurants 1 +10011000 ounces-and 1 +10011000 CELLS 1 +10011000 meat-eater 1 +10011000 milliion 1 +10011000 plaint 1 +10011000 mega-resort 1 +10011000 15,723 1 +10011000 situs 2 +10011000 admittees 2 +10011000 FLAP 2 +10011000 stockowners 2 +10011000 pyong 2 +10011000 nickelodeons 2 +10011000 yuck 2 +10011000 International. 3 +10011000 bequerel 4 +10011000 110s 4 +10011000 RTs 4 +10011000 Rabbits 5 +10011000 Zulus 9 +10011000 ADSs 9 +10011000 Continentals 10 +10011000 shares 61945 +10011000 denominator 39 +10011001 single-pack 1 +10011001 Amercan 1 +10011001 post-bailout 1 +10011001 huge-foreign 1 +10011001 Druckers 1 +10011001 already-aggressive 1 +10011001 yet-to-be-convened 1 +10011001 most-discussed 1 +10011001 takeover-scarred 1 +10011001 then-fair 1 +10011001 116-year-old 1 +10011001 Sami-Burke 1 +10011001 debt-issue 1 +10011001 4:38-to-go 1 +10011001 peso-dollar 1 +10011001 18.5-mile-wide 1 +10011001 five-five 1 +10011001 three-quarter-mile 1 +10011001 Nasdaq-London 1 +10011001 24000-point 1 +10011001 four-for-four 1 +10011001 slow-starting 1 +10011001 waffle-machine 1 +10011001 dollar-pound 1 +10011001 200-drachma 1 +10011001 hair-coloring 1 +10011001 stylist-customer 1 +10011001 30-ton 1 +10011001 5.75-cent 1 +10011001 two-page-plus 1 +10011001 one-million-vehicle 1 +10011001 Carson-Bushkin 1 +10011001 MSOE-to-industry 1 +10011001 9,500-meter 1 +10011001 100-MIPS 1 +10011001 still-booming 1 +10011001 24-state 1 +10011001 25,000-yen 1 +10011001 city-metropolitan 1 +10011001 risk-riddled 1 +10011001 oral-contraceptive 1 +10011001 477-pence 1 +10011001 six-minutes-to-go 1 +10011001 crude-production 1 +10011001 two-issue 1 +10011001 five-billion 1 +10011001 motor-scooter 1 +10011001 stock-for-asset 1 +10011001 bulk-purchased 1 +10011001 7,000-point 1 +10011001 debt-for-securities 1 +10011001 1,300-person 1 +10011001 platinum-contract 1 +10011001 ruble/gold 1 +10011001 once-indominable 1 +10011001 specialty-cheese 1 +10011001 0.71-point 1 +10011001 onscene 1 +10011001 Valdez-based 1 +10011001 highwater 2 +10011001 radio-advertising 2 +10011001 Levine-Boesky 2 +10011001 2320.4 2 +10011001 FinanceAmerica 2 +10011001 260,000-barrel 2 +10011001 wider-than-normal 2 +10011001 family-vacation 2 +10011001 aluminum-ingot 2 +10011001 options-only 2 +10011001 bonds-for-debt 2 +10011001 240-degree 2 +10011001 clothes-for-credit 2 +10011001 low-tide 2 +10011001 debt-for-bonds 3 +10011001 encomia 3 +10011001 dollar/mark 4 +10011001 transceiver 4 +10011001 bid-ask 4 +10011001 uncut-diamond 5 +10011001 on-scene 5 +10011001 MOB 7 +10011001 stock 51420 +10011001 debt-for-bond 10 +100110100 243,514 1 +100110100 223,600 1 +100110100 180,200 1 +100110100 620,651 1 +100110100 5,045,000 1 +100110100 349,768,945 1 +100110100 50,049 1 +100110100 0.84896 1 +100110100 120,900 1 +100110100 34,200 1 +100110100 1,604,800 1 +100110100 362,961 1 +100110100 517,700 1 +100110100 702,400 1 +100110100 45,548 1 +100110100 329,900 1 +100110100 759,186 1 +100110100 360,437 1 +100110100 589,375 1 +100110100 3,439 1 +100110100 23,231 1 +100110100 36,357,891 1 +100110100 669,900 1 +100110100 71,200 1 +100110100 442,400 1 +100110100 576,800 1 +100110100 756,390 1 +100110100 11,127,500 1 +100110100 198,800 1 +100110100 131,293 1 +100110100 629,600 1 +100110100 93,544 1 +100110100 819,600 1 +100110100 524,472 1 +100110100 522,266 1 +100110100 192,900 1 +100110100 417,518 1 +100110100 388,600 1 +100110100 25,437 1 +100110100 245,900 1 +100110100 5,837,798 1 +100110100 208,600 1 +100110100 435,300 1 +100110100 78,900 1 +100110100 227,200 1 +100110100 511,500 1 +100110100 997,756 1 +100110100 1,051,500 1 +100110100 13,171,914 1 +100110100 301,434,000 1 +100110100 190,506,900 1 +100110100 82,900 1 +100110100 8,289,440 1 +100110100 1,374,800 1 +100110100 373,200 1 +100110100 659,420 1 +100110100 894,400 1 +100110100 586,500 1 +100110100 302,833 1 +100110100 605,667 1 +100110100 4,745 1 +100110100 298,852 1 +100110100 972,938 1 +100110100 524,900 1 +100110100 17,342 1 +100110100 284,117,100 1 +100110100 288,059,700 1 +100110100 6.161 1 +100110100 8,053,181 1 +100110100 76,300 1 +100110100 28,548,213 1 +100110100 665,700 1 +100110100 718,400 1 +100110100 519,300 1 +100110100 1,335,500 1 +100110100 199,700 1 +100110100 850,800 1 +100110100 446,400 1 +100110100 1,277,988 1 +100110100 532,900 1 +100110100 1,558,916 1 +100110100 4,194 1 +100110100 346,200 1 +100110100 27,100 1 +100110100 138,300 1 +100110100 446,600 1 +100110100 529,300 1 +100110100 238,900 1 +100110100 988,400 1 +100110100 363,800 1 +100110100 158,300 1 +100110100 28,054 1 +100110100 2,988,510 1 +100110100 175,400 1 +100110100 313,300 1 +100110100 123,599,500 1 +100110100 869,700 1 +100110100 457,291 1 +100110100 268,900 1 +100110100 1,670,900 1 +100110100 45.977 1 +100110100 505,100 1 +100110100 482,300 1 +100110100 2,540,100 1 +100110100 35,900 1 +100110100 38,463,772 1 +100110100 85,585 1 +100110100 375,698 1 +100110100 4,465,000 1 +100110100 913,600 1 +100110100 4,945,817 1 +100110100 400,050 1 +100110100 188,600 1 +100110100 272,200 1 +100110100 Bfree 1 +100110100 working-style 1 +100110100 316,700 1 +100110100 556,475 1 +100110100 3,858,781 1 +100110100 35,236,997 1 +100110100 1,215,000 1 +100110100 566,400 1 +100110100 4,564,300 1 +100110100 97,756 1 +100110100 752,071 1 +100110100 11,576,900 1 +100110100 548,100 1 +100110100 2,077,800 1 +100110100 111,744 1 +100110100 0.763754 1 +100110100 33,722,150 1 +100110100 374,943,059 1 +100110100 2,302,600 1 +100110100 305,200 1 +100110100 225,810 1 +100110100 140,967 1 +100110100 43,412 1 +100110100 48,330 1 +100110100 53,990 1 +100110100 271,170,584 1 +100110100 333,325 1 +100110100 712,500 1 +100110100 1,690,400 1 +100110100 628,600 1 +100110100 68,800 1 +100110100 2,305,000 1 +100110100 6,699,000 1 +100110100 376,602 1 +100110100 9,059,520 1 +100110100 6,716,077 1 +100110100 12,069,472 1 +100110100 38,309 1 +100110100 30,858,070 1 +100110100 876,075 1 +100110100 405,124 1 +100110100 1,450,294 1 +100110100 10,498,955 1 +100110100 186,300 1 +100110100 7,510 1 +100110100 9,678,457 1 +100110100 137,325 1 +100110100 1,303,408 1 +100110100 622,727 1 +100110100 4.167 1 +100110100 314,700 1 +100110100 2,130,600 1 +100110100 393,300 1 +100110100 194,700 1 +100110100 487,378 1 +100110100 2,588,000 1 +100110100 395,501 1 +100110100 624,900 1 +100110100 10,858,918 1 +100110100 854,900 1 +100110100 164,001 1 +100110100 720,462 1 +100110100 1,533,400 1 +100110100 191,196 1 +100110100 323,733 1 +100110100 21,996,000 1 +100110100 515,900 1 +100110100 251,860 1 +100110100 4,896,275 1 +100110100 2,472,950 1 +100110100 288,300 1 +100110100 2,408,700 1 +100110100 2,801,016 1 +100110100 217,340 1 +100110100 292,100 1 +100110100 269,600 1 +100110100 285,590 1 +100110100 4,015,000 1 +100110100 378,900 1 +100110100 999,600 1 +100110100 2,489,429 1 +100110100 1,124,200 1 +100110100 752,600 1 +100110100 16,160 1 +100110100 5,375 1 +100110100 50,950 1 +100110100 849,100 1 +100110100 1,618,100 1 +100110100 89,556 1 +100110100 51,378 1 +100110100 219,303 1 +100110100 234,200 1 +100110100 7,241,743 1 +100110100 1,172,270 1 +100110100 831,283 1 +100110100 1,281,100 1 +100110100 2,578,956 1 +100110100 AshtonTate 1 +100110100 FDIC-held 1 +100110100 441,500 1 +100110100 129,240 1 +100110100 31,413,438 1 +100110100 takeover-play 1 +100110100 318,624,104 1 +100110100 599,076 1 +100110100 210,900 1 +100110100 387,541 1 +100110100 679,600 1 +100110100 64,533 1 +100110100 200,649 1 +100110100 6,336,000 1 +100110100 13,188 1 +100110100 1.736 1 +100110100 927,700 1 +100110100 355,400 1 +100110100 163,500 1 +100110100 122,500 1 +100110100 350,100 1 +100110100 734,700 1 +100110100 non-Icahn 1 +100110100 357,815 1 +100110100 115,400 1 +100110100 26,612 1 +100110100 1,270,490 1 +100110100 720,600 1 +100110100 44,798 1 +100110100 267,562 1 +100110100 80-million-share 1 +100110100 208,200 1 +100110100 1,295,700 1 +100110100 424,500 1 +100110100 556,200 1 +100110100 125,600 1 +100110100 184,100 1 +100110100 214,500 1 +100110100 253,600 1 +100110100 4,752 1 +100110100 300,013 1 +100110100 372,400 1 +100110100 337,200 1 +100110100 1,387,539 1 +100110100 253,030 1 +100110100 218,800 1 +100110100 330,600 1 +100110100 1,160,271 1 +100110100 2,485,510 1 +100110100 171,800 1 +100110100 5,402,986 1 +100110100 333,980 1 +100110100 231,039 1 +100110100 394,920 1 +100110100 10,639,276 1 +100110100 832,900 1 +100110100 401,600 1 +100110100 129,500 1 +100110100 651,700 1 +100110100 258,400 1 +100110100 2,495,600 1 +100110100 248,235,302 1 +100110100 591,800 1 +100110100 7,859,925 1 +100110100 8,054,737 1 +100110100 2,743,000 1 +100110100 post-payout 1 +100110100 7,000-barrel-a-day 1 +100110100 370,650 1 +100110100 1,059,210 1 +100110100 402,988 1 +100110100 8,040,000 1 +100110100 34,630 1 +100110100 109,500 1 +100110100 1,959,674 1 +100110100 985,838 1 +100110100 41,107 1 +100110100 665,900 1 +100110100 128,375 1 +100110100 8,340,000 1 +100110100 9,501,267 1 +100110100 19,202 1 +100110100 520,180 1 +100110100 1,548,015 1 +100110100 291,691 1 +100110100 145,119 1 +100110100 124,900 1 +100110100 84,200 1 +100110100 29,150 1 +100110100 672,376 1 +100110100 3,720,000 1 +100110100 132,400 1 +100110100 355,471 1 +100110100 141,750 1 +100110100 50,771 1 +100110100 751,800 1 +100110100 848,100 1 +100110100 2,878,070 1 +100110100 4,025,000 1 +100110100 4,915,170 1 +100110100 200,232 1 +100110100 584,946 1 +100110100 449,981 1 +100110100 already-undervalued 1 +100110100 254,100 1 +100110100 3,353,900 1 +100110100 8.609 1 +100110100 24,010 1 +100110100 551,930 1 +100110100 309,700 1 +100110100 390-megawatt 1 +100110100 3,338,329 1 +100110100 17,657,260 1 +100110100 10,184,410 1 +100110100 852,800 1 +100110100 765,100 1 +100110100 47,775 1 +100110100 287,013 1 +100110100 636,600 1 +100110100 531,800 1 +100110100 785,178 1 +100110100 419,220 1 +100110100 182,600 1 +100110100 48,323 1 +100110100 462,399 1 +100110100 659,380 1 +100110100 66,667 1 +100110100 46,200 1 +100110100 358,900 1 +100110100 63,417,171 1 +100110100 315,820 1 +100110100 537,100 1 +100110100 389,549 1 +100110100 5,501,936 1 +100110100 216,600 1 +100110100 66,088,880 1 +100110100 920,900 1 +100110100 164,013 1 +100110100 90,750 1 +100110100 71,700 1 +100110100 6,333 1 +100110100 10,580,000 1 +100110100 271,700 1 +100110100 291,709 1 +100110100 15,410,000 1 +100110100 768,018 1 +100110100 30,464 1 +100110100 insider-held 1 +100110100 2,295,000 1 +100110100 1,287,500 1 +100110100 677,500 1 +100110100 283,200 1 +100110100 1,098,200 1 +100110100 187,500,000 1 +100110100 2,249,227 1 +100110100 4,220,000 1 +100110100 3,220,000 1 +100110100 6,440,400 1 +100110100 1,551,100 1 +100110100 274,586 1 +100110100 2,064,900 1 +100110100 2,618,300 1 +100110100 353,200 1 +100110100 295,096 1 +100110100 704,904 1 +100110100 94,286 1 +100110100 5,361,000 1 +100110100 937,400 1 +100110100 Angiomedic 1 +100110100 476,191 1 +100110100 12,845,000 1 +100110100 241,600 1 +100110100 238,739,384 1 +100110100 450,400 1 +100110100 3,172,600 1 +100110100 1,546,427 1 +100110100 208,391 1 +100110100 1,279,177 1 +100110100 613,900 1 +100110100 326,100 1 +100110100 8,481,700 1 +100110100 103,540 1 +100110100 3,137,400 1 +100110100 905,737 1 +100110100 7,963,927 1 +100110100 214,779 1 +100110100 414,706 1 +100110100 328,970 1 +100110100 4,032,710 1 +100110100 173,733 1 +100110100 302,300 1 +100110100 31,026,717 1 +100110100 32,953,082 1 +100110100 185,923,477 1 +100110100 0.2065 1 +100110100 903,000 1 +100110100 2,690,000 1 +100110100 14,721 1 +100110100 213,100 1 +100110100 86,325 1 +100110100 5,025,578 1 +100110100 862,200 1 +100110100 6,521,739 1 +100110100 39,800 1 +100110100 347,222 1 +100110100 415,222 1 +100110100 638,372 1 +100110100 925,394 1 +100110100 88,400 1 +100110100 698,200 1 +100110100 807,800 1 +100110100 106,400 1 +100110100 185,530 1 +100110100 421,100 1 +100110100 5,130,000 1 +100110100 647,186 1 +100110100 1,137,500 1 +100110100 206,200 1 +100110100 284,080 1 +100110100 600,200 1 +100110100 892,400 1 +100110100 0.845 1 +100110100 671,215 1 +100110100 172,100 1 +100110100 2,794,276 1 +100110100 five-or-10-paragraph 1 +100110100 119,648 1 +100110100 1,056,480 1 +100110100 62,100 1 +100110100 459,400 1 +100110100 2,749,300 1 +100110100 2,515,400 1 +100110100 700,102 1 +100110100 12,226,666 1 +100110100 120,200 1 +100110100 641,609 1 +100110100 751,700 1 +100110100 491,790 1 +100110100 1,350,800 1 +100110100 2,546,600 1 +100110100 301,600 1 +100110100 1,018,382 1 +100110100 283,235 1 +100110100 61,125 1 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6,764,004 1 +100110100 559,800 1 +100110100 298,200 1 +100110100 179,867 1 +100110100 2,830,390 1 +100110100 pro-rating 1 +100110100 95,510 1 +100110100 326,400 1 +100110100 401,254 1 +100110100 469,900 1 +100110100 415,086 1 +100110100 163,350 1 +100110100 553,955 1 +100110100 33,100 1 +100110100 1,337,800 1 +100110100 17,332,184 1 +100110100 ever-sterling 1 +100110100 930,300 1 +100110100 1,824,000 1 +100110100 960,100 1 +100110100 389,083 1 +100110100 390,800 1 +100110100 80,090 1 +100110100 9,658,000 1 +100110100 386,400 1 +100110100 915,500 1 +100110100 2,748,575 1 +100110100 125,882 1 +100110100 639,245 1 +100110100 33,639 1 +100110100 nonrestricted 1 +100110100 565,100 1 +100110100 163,200 1 +100110100 175,800 1 +100110100 1,480,830 1 +100110100 325,932 1 +100110100 2.1382 1 +100110100 1,058,500 1 +100110100 211,300 1 +100110100 707,905 1 +100110100 548,849 1 +100110100 486,720 1 +100110100 168,500 1 +100110100 217,150 1 +100110100 1,238,311 1 +100110100 436,332 1 +100110100 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+100110100 769,500 1 +100110100 2,165,684 1 +100110100 14,104 1 +100110100 2,066,170 1 +100110100 3,679,400 1 +100110100 796,413 1 +100110100 1.667 1 +100110100 776,300 1 +100110100 333,333 1 +100110100 306,224 1 +100110100 40,081,552 1 +100110100 639,850 1 +100110100 851,119 1 +100110100 460,500 1 +100110100 1,530,851 1 +100110100 758,616 1 +100110100 4,420,419 1 +100110100 546,628 1 +100110100 243,190 1 +100110100 382,394 1 +100110100 1,560,750 1 +100110100 30,025 1 +100110100 4,436,852 1 +100110100 coal-rate 1 +100110100 28,169,919 1 +100110100 138,877 1 +100110100 213,900 1 +100110100 543,237 1 +100110100 2,705,700 1 +100110100 1,728,770 1 +100110100 983,770 1 +100110100 3,691,145 1 +100110100 573,800 1 +100110100 222,200 1 +100110100 332,204 1 +100110100 88,050 1 +100110100 2,867,500 1 +100110100 78,557 1 +100110100 1,722,500 1 +100110100 2,045,250 1 +100110100 209,400 1 +100110100 980,800 1 +100110100 1,797,300 1 +100110100 2,436,700 1 +100110100 single-company 1 +100110100 387,124,739 1 +100110100 2,293,200 1 +100110100 10,980,000 1 +100110100 5,460,600 1 +100110100 1,149,300 1 +100110100 2,215,100 1 +100110100 531,993 1 +100110100 58,300 1 +100110100 319,020 1 +100110100 749,600 1 +100110100 200,085 1 +100110100 357,221 1 +100110100 non-Jansen 1 +100110100 557,500 1 +100110100 48,200 1 +100110100 1,234,900 1 +100110100 1,237,500 1 +100110100 223,663,077 1 +100110100 2,114,500 1 +100110100 441,700 1 +100110100 8,419,000 1 +100110100 597,579 1 +100110100 626,230 1 +100110100 128,295,721 1 +100110100 29,519 1 +100110100 3,626,400 1 +100110100 488,200 1 +100110100 352,200 1 +100110100 729,800 1 +100110100 4,724,694 1 +100110100 102,022,000 1 +100110100 1,010,200 1 +100110100 3,492,600 1 +100110100 361,095 1 +100110100 875,034 1 +100110100 1,242,927 1 +100110100 2,521,200 1 +100110100 279,700 1 +100110100 505,135 1 +100110100 202,457 1 +100110100 744,425 1 +100110100 1,819,935 1 +100110100 2,213,000 1 +100110100 2,018,355 1 +100110100 8,255,562 1 +100110100 71,460 1 +100110100 39,246 1 +100110100 2,633,197 1 +100110100 2,148,548 1 +100110100 29,210,443 1 +100110100 2,168,020 1 +100110100 1,241,232 1 +100110100 4,861,400 1 +100110100 639,800 1 +100110100 1,111,116 1 +100110100 575,190 1 +100110100 423,200 1 +100110100 14,279,041 1 +100110100 118,751,500 1 +100110100 168,140 1 +100110100 39,480 1 +100110100 102,729,700 1 +100110100 246,600 1 +100110100 30,364,000 1 +100110100 147,900 1 +100110100 below-market-price 1 +100110100 644,823 1 +100110100 3,181,063 1 +100110100 7,875,573 1 +100110100 346,655 1 +100110100 9,567,000 1 +100110100 9,303,000 1 +100110100 648,225 1 +100110100 22,550 1 +100110100 firstpreference 1 +100110100 11,883,672 1 +100110100 109,700 1 +100110100 271,800 1 +100110100 79,223 1 +100110100 low-30s 1 +100110100 28,864,000 1 +100110100 20,925 1 +100110100 120,513 1 +100110100 one-vote-per-share 1 +100110100 47,100 1 +100110100 710,800 1 +100110100 704,900 1 +100110100 663,500 1 +100110100 452,031 1 +100110100 38,934 1 +100110100 3,154,400 1 +100110100 1,660,740 1 +100110100 123,300 1 +100110100 436,500 1 +100110100 579,400 1 +100110100 815,600 1 +100110100 717,900 1 +100110100 645,100 1 +100110100 263,709 1 +100110100 343,111 1 +100110100 4,413 1 +100110100 528,784 1 +100110100 94,314 1 +100110100 8,148,913 1 +100110100 291,100 1 +100110100 517,600 1 +100110100 2,549,210 1 +100110100 135,676,459 1 +100110100 55,936,673 1 +100110100 lodgepole-pine 1 +100110100 23,017 1 +100110100 738,700 1 +100110100 57,400 1 +100110100 second-preferred 1 +100110100 8,743,000 1 +100110100 167,500 1 +100110100 10,235,000 1 +100110100 625,300 1 +100110100 139,895 1 +100110100 8,294,365 1 +100110100 1,361,300 1 +100110100 55,690 1 +100110100 184,300 1 +100110100 245,100 1 +100110100 711,200 1 +100110100 13,180,000 1 +100110100 584,100 1 +100110100 860,800 1 +100110100 4,521,200 1 +100110100 11,850,000 1 +100110100 147,800 1 +100110100 642,500 1 +100110100 819,928 1 +100110100 1,084,606 1 +100110100 409,500 1 +100110100 988,200 1 +100110100 126,300 1 +100110100 709,200 1 +100110100 427,700 1 +100110100 1,079,700 1 +100110100 30,823,733 1 +100110100 28,668,016 1 +100110100 16,780,000 1 +100110100 3,786,398 1 +100110100 1,222,700 1 +100110100 0.101 1 +100110100 8,007 1 +100110100 265,200 1 +100110100 157,800 1 +100110100 49,054,037 1 +100110100 48,922,594 1 +100110100 broker-consultant 1 +100110100 741,800 1 +100110100 150,831 1 +100110100 107,600 1 +100110100 123,694 1 +100110100 253,500 1 +100110100 7,016,110 1 +100110100 158,312 1 +100110100 5,817 1 +100110100 873,900 1 +100110100 1,901,979 1 +100110100 2,117,000 1 +100110100 51,850 1 +100110100 1.6807 1 +100110100 9,951,796 1 +100110100 464,800 1 +100110100 143,600 1 +100110100 89,568 1 +100110100 188,700 1 +100110100 6,903,274 1 +100110100 928,230 1 +100110100 383,144 1 +100110100 4,987,500 1 +100110100 4,030,000 1 +100110100 1,430,300 1 +100110100 593,700 1 +100110100 937,900 1 +100110100 327,700 1 +100110100 107,378 1 +100110100 797,300 1 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+100110100 88,994 1 +100110100 6,292,791 1 +100110100 883,200 1 +100110100 879,200 1 +100110100 38,400 1 +100110100 373,600 1 +100110100 911,400 1 +100110100 707,200 1 +100110100 471,869 1 +100110100 305,594 1 +100110100 215,400 1 +100110100 204,900 1 +100110100 237,900 1 +100110100 2,999,710 1 +100110100 689,900 1 +100110100 135,700 1 +100110100 336,200 1 +100110100 181,400 1 +100110100 483,906 1 +100110100 18,008 1 +100110100 161,600 1 +100110100 428,600 1 +100110100 142,206 1 +100110100 179,507 1 +100110100 27,200 1 +100110100 non-disposable 1 +100110100 270,500 1 +100110100 212,900 1 +100110100 719,900 1 +100110100 4,584 1 +100110100 228,571 1 +100110100 223,507 1 +100110100 767,700 1 +100110100 700,800 1 +100110100 1,138,200 1 +100110100 4,356,245 1 +100110100 121,292 1 +100110100 120,352 1 +100110100 1,574,000 1 +100110100 138,400 1 +100110100 94,700 1 +100110100 56,074 1 +100110100 small-capitalized 1 +100110100 663,845 1 +100110100 625,200 1 +100110100 473,100 1 +100110100 5,503,107 1 +100110100 233,600 1 +100110100 31,413,448 1 +100110100 380,144,863 1 +100110100 981,154 1 +100110100 29,440,048 1 +100110100 168,300 1 +100110100 355,800 1 +100110100 13,004,175 1 +100110100 427,975 1 +100110100 1,284,000 1 +100110100 117,100 1 +100110100 1,479,626 1 +100110100 2,216,800 1 +100110100 473,600 1 +100110100 909,100 1 +100110100 71,504 1 +100110100 108,100 1 +100110100 809,300 1 +100110100 3,599,927 1 +100110100 122,379 1 +100110100 715,600 1 +100110100 691,900 1 +100110100 31,032,501 1 +100110100 27,325,841 1 +100110100 111,850 1 +100110100 weighted-average 1 +100110100 253,800 1 +100110100 77,325 1 +100110100 99,400 1 +100110100 31,100 1 +100110100 80,700 1 +100110100 321,419 1 +100110100 2,220,039 1 +100110100 6,080,000 1 +100110100 97,800 1 +100110100 413,600 1 +100110100 715,986 1 +100110100 908,300 1 +100110100 862,700 1 +100110100 796,379 1 +100110100 39,050 1 +100110100 736,752 1 +100110100 1.429 1 +100110100 193,600 1 +100110100 68,666 1 +100110100 456,700 1 +100110100 140,700 1 +100110100 903,200 1 +100110100 515,700 1 +100110100 2,506 1 +100110100 194,444 1 +100110100 566,500 1 +100110100 3,980,000 1 +100110100 5,685,110 1 +100110100 407,295 1 +100110100 1,864,155 1 +100110100 17,990,000 1 +100110100 54,050,000 1 +100110100 534,400 1 +100110100 49,950,000 1 +100110100 1,531,200 1 +100110100 1,823,000 1 +100110100 398,325 1 +100110100 274,295 1 +100110100 2,084,876 1 +100110100 139,003 1 +100110100 514,013 1 +100110100 187,700 1 +100110100 176,650 1 +100110100 4,135,160 1 +100110100 1,549,400 1 +100110100 200,696 1 +100110100 501,600 1 +100110100 227,100 1 +100110100 218,300 1 +100110100 597,400 1 +100110100 887,100 1 +100110100 399,700 1 +100110100 216,400 1 +100110100 9,946,802 1 +100110100 358,400 1 +100110100 913,893 1 +100110100 356,600 1 +100110100 549,755 1 +100110100 695,547 1 +100110100 468,170 1 +100110100 311,300 1 +100110100 1,442,614 1 +100110100 33,300 1 +100110100 353,467 1 +100110100 143,956 1 +100110100 226,500 1 +100110100 142,857 1 +100110100 753,300 1 +100110100 512,300 1 +100110100 2,308,000 1 +100110100 once-glamorous 1 +100110100 dividend-right 1 +100110100 275,800 1 +100110100 36,100 1 +100110100 566,300 1 +100110100 1,067,800 1 +100110100 822,500 1 +100110100 623,400 1 +100110100 412,900 1 +100110100 531,507 1 +100110100 177,760 1 +100110100 0.5747 1 +100110100 318,600 1 +100110100 402,200 1 +100110100 322,712 1 +100110100 10,432 1 +100110100 832,143 1 +100110100 1,417,200 1 +100110100 0.3417 1 +100110100 1,415,000 1 +100110100 242,389 1 +100110100 12.256 1 +100110100 548,388 1 +100110100 657,482 1 +100110100 169,690,000 1 +100110100 9,463,987 1 +100110100 595,400 1 +100110100 103,982 1 +100110100 229,200 1 +100110100 357,700 1 +100110100 421,600 1 +100110100 167,300 1 +100110100 505,044 1 +100110100 344,500 1 +100110100 61,250 1 +100110100 889,700 1 +100110100 290,634 1 +100110100 764,800 1 +100110100 262,400 1 +100110100 814,900 1 +100110100 3,670,000 1 +100110100 7,631,873 1 +100110100 463,541 1 +100110100 24,056 1 +100110100 48,672,419 1 +100110100 555,057 1 +100110100 third-tranche 1 +100110100 151,197,400 1 +100110100 6.0824 1 +100110100 4,268,172 1 +100110100 359,700 1 +100110100 578,500 1 +100110100 144,200 1 +100110100 67,400 1 +100110100 1,073,300 1 +100110100 120,219 1 +100110100 231,347 1 +100110100 13,389,764 1 +100110100 3,554,273 1 +100110100 1,369,760 1 +100110100 2,207,771 1 +100110100 197,708 1 +100110100 606,300 1 +100110100 26.8959 1 +100110100 50,060 1 +100110100 1,770,943 1 +100110100 677,700 1 +100110100 240,900 1 +100110100 447,500 1 +100110100 449,900 1 +100110100 16,689,655 1 +100110100 756,800 1 +100110100 6,826,138 1 +100110100 92,300 1 +100110100 2,893,500 1 +100110100 2,752,300 1 +100110100 163,800 1 +100110100 1,076,700 1 +100110100 82,298 1 +100110100 471,125 1 +100110100 798,728 1 +100110100 B-restricted 1 +100110100 1,030,636 1 +100110100 54,425 1 +100110100 259,418 1 +100110100 693,627 1 +100110100 561,200 1 +100110100 1,246,175 1 +100110100 0.941 1 +100110100 622,777 1 +100110100 32,463,670 1 +100110100 2,155,900 1 +100110100 515,200 1 +100110100 192,500 1 +100110100 31,912,415 1 +100110100 760,211 1 +100110100 518,500 1 +100110100 34,250,000 1 +100110100 159,761 1 +100110100 1,037,360 1 +100110100 68,692 1 +100110100 209,885 1 +100110100 3,669,700 1 +100110100 141,600 1 +100110100 company-option 1 +100110100 1,147,194 1 +100110100 2,113,600 1 +100110100 10,128,000 1 +100110100 769,316 1 +100110100 434,600 1 +100110100 393,500 1 +100110100 617,600 1 +100110100 199,994 1 +100110100 91,900 1 +100110100 1,104,617 1 +100110100 8,322,645 1 +100110100 255,600 1 +100110100 21,211 1 +100110100 1,203,600 1 +100110100 90,621 1 +100110100 4,273 1 +100110100 501,698 1 +100110100 3,655,080 1 +100110100 3,921,115 1 +100110100 320,800 1 +100110100 242,600 1 +100110100 296,200 1 +100110100 1,022,600 1 +100110100 922,522 1 +100110100 813,678 1 +100110100 567,356 1 +100110100 bank-embezzlement 1 +100110100 599,300 1 +100110100 785,300 1 +100110100 55,600 1 +100110100 983,600 1 +100110100 306,800 1 +100110100 170,138 1 +100110100 559,403 1 +100110100 101,938 1 +100110100 536,800 1 +100110100 443,500 1 +100110100 65,900 1 +100110100 6,332,471 2 +100110100 41.66667 2 +100110100 185,793,411 2 +100110100 215,743,879 2 +100110100 715,570 2 +100110100 751,739 2 +100110100 118,928 2 +100110100 commom 2 +100110100 526,315 2 +100110100 43,780 2 +100110100 34,498,661 2 +100110100 27,657,440 2 +100110100 operator-services 2 +100110100 7,650,000 2 +100110100 105,500 2 +100110100 192,600 2 +100110100 494,596,541 2 +100110100 1.418 2 +100110100 302,700 2 +100110100 153,300 2 +100110100 30,099 2 +100110100 578,572 2 +100110100 odd-lots 2 +100110100 404,041 2 +100110100 432,700 2 +100110100 410,400 2 +100110100 86,810,000 2 +100110100 2,025,398 2 +100110100 182,376,552 2 +100110100 922,900 2 +100110100 5,350,000 2 +100110100 227,500 2 +100110100 29,001,763 2 +100110100 448,190,631 2 +100110100 873,000 2 +100110100 662,100 2 +100110100 7,550,000 2 +100110100 4,894 2 +100110100 237,200 2 +100110100 625,800 2 +100110100 439,265,365 2 +100110100 510,150,597 2 +100110100 partly-paid-for 2 +100110100 1,462,476 2 +100110100 522,300 2 +100110100 453,527,893 2 +100110100 34,310,924 2 +100110100 3,843 2 +100110100 2.5125 2 +100110100 527,700 2 +100110100 556,500 2 +100110100 272,400 2 +100110100 504,227 2 +100110100 488,465 2 +100110100 698,600 2 +100110100 159,300 2 +100110100 31,300 2 +100110100 53,300 2 +100110100 52,300 2 +100110100 483,621,746 2 +100110100 40,740 2 +100110100 1,784 2 +100110100 242,244,279 2 +100110100 13.068 2 +100110100 beneficial-interest 2 +100110100 146,370,000 2 +100110100 59,342 2 +100110100 40,556,000 2 +100110100 306,200 2 +100110100 436,900 2 +100110100 445,200 2 +100110100 power-utility 2 +100110100 383,364,953 2 +100110100 2,877 2 +100110100 173,100 2 +100110100 211,200 2 +100110100 133,900 2 +100110100 37.037 2 +100110100 436,763,450 2 +100110100 419,279 2 +100110100 2,157,357 2 +100110100 11,018,955 2 +100110100 174,900 2 +100110100 1.935 2 +100110100 169,750,000 2 +100110100 39,300 2 +100110100 465,831,221 2 +100110100 2,026,399 2 +100110100 182,550,000 3 +100110100 141,610,000 3 +100110100 114,700 3 +100110100 158,350,000 3 +100110100 155,320,000 3 +100110100 133,100 3 +100110100 Agricoles 3 +100110100 225,520,000 3 +100110100 12,750,000 3 +100110100 full-value 3 +100110100 106,200 3 +100110100 179,600 3 +100110100 3,436,037 3 +100110100 80386SX 3 +100110100 20,200 3 +100110100 967,000 3 +100110100 58,750,000 3 +100110100 572,500 3 +100110100 3,749,401 3 +100110100 9,101,583 3 +100110100 420,900 3 +100110100 113,010,000 3 +100110100 3,358 3 +100110100 465,468,621 3 +100110100 445,674,104 3 +100110100 multiple-voting 3 +100110100 147,560,000 3 +100110100 17,200 3 +100110100 1,940,000 3 +100110100 128,920,000 3 +100110100 1,041,000 3 +100110100 S&N 3 +100110100 1,751,000 3 +100110100 37,180,852 4 +100110100 name-recognition 4 +100110100 608,120,000 4 +100110100 1,027,000 4 +100110100 high-voting 4 +100110100 1,121,493 4 +100110100 2.636 4 +100110100 546,294,477 4 +100110100 1.055 4 +100110100 24,175,000 4 +100110100 685,600 4 +100110100 888,634 5 +100110100 470,578,343 5 +100110100 commmon 6 +100110100 USH 6 +100110100 optioned 13 +100110100 common 19559 +100110100 fractional 54 +100110101 180,261 1 +100110101 139,790,000 1 +100110101 199,520,000 1 +100110101 220,480,000 1 +100110101 29,883,575 1 +100110101 123,002 1 +100110101 28,864,973 1 +100110101 4,032,211 1 +100110101 86,360,000 1 +100110101 148,250,000 1 +100110101 158,270,000 1 +100110101 164,340,000 1 +100110101 573,000 1 +100110101 189,170,000 1 +100110101 4,153 1 +100110101 569,800 1 +100110101 143,160,000 1 +100110101 3,863,862 1 +100110101 44,685,032 1 +100110101 8,198,768 1 +100110101 884,300 1 +100110101 3,173,024 1 +100110101 157,140,000 1 +100110101 4,170,000 1 +100110101 154,930,000 1 +100110101 165,480,000 1 +100110101 177,310,000 1 +100110101 9,137,000 1 +100110101 200,730,000 1 +100110101 3,457,569 1 +100110101 145,175 1 +100110101 2,581,000 1 +100110101 135,856 1 +100110101 153,760,000 1 +100110101 1,162,900 1 +100110101 178,210,000 1 +100110101 541,742 1 +100110101 537,064 1 +100110101 2,365,000 1 +100110101 618,370 1 +100110101 194,200,000 1 +100110101 192,200 1 +100110101 310,086 1 +100110101 1,322,700 1 +100110101 176,200 1 +100110101 142,490,000 1 +100110101 1,706,984 1 +100110101 239,003,879 1 +100110101 150,540,000 1 +100110101 592,200 1 +100110101 505,618 1 +100110101 173,520,000 1 +100110101 higher-vote 1 +100110101 1,465,000 1 +100110101 254,350 1 +100110101 602,781,000 1 +100110101 627,900 1 +100110101 245,560,000 1 +100110101 Sevice 1 +100110101 1,194,700 1 +100110101 3,261,482 1 +100110101 258,140,000 1 +100110101 279,410,000 1 +100110101 1,623,207 1 +100110101 10,631,800 1 +100110101 849,247 1 +100110101 198,140,000 1 +100110101 11,159,037 1 +100110101 338,480,000 1 +100110101 2,992,345 1 +100110101 118,500 1 +100110101 1,356,051 1 +100110101 13,288,884 1 +100110101 152,538 1 +100110101 306,500 1 +100110101 184,310,000 1 +100110101 147,850,000 1 +100110101 C-2 1 +100110101 C-1 1 +100110101 160,690,000 1 +100110101 283,100 1 +100110101 191,500 1 +100110101 160,400 1 +100110101 174,920,000 1 +100110101 206,280,000 1 +100110101 1,536 1 +100110101 227,840,000 1 +100110101 139,213,100 1 +100110101 303,360,000 1 +100110101 176,040,000 1 +100110101 1,027,878 1 +100110101 201,660 1 +100110101 228,290,000 1 +100110101 202,530,000 1 +100110101 217,300 1 +100110101 225,960,000 1 +100110101 4,695,000 1 +100110101 196,120,000 1 +100110101 217,070,000 1 +100110101 198,400,000 1 +100110101 581,800 1 +100110101 938,955 1 +100110101 414,600 1 +100110101 134,930,000 1 +100110101 638,773 1 +100110101 212,660,000 1 +100110101 6.3158 1 +100110101 192,720,000 1 +100110101 191,950,000 1 +100110101 278,130,000 1 +100110101 235,750,000 1 +100110101 187,200,000 1 +100110101 156,330,000 1 +100110101 .5084 1 +100110101 163,610,000 1 +100110101 50,345 1 +100110101 pre-plunge 1 +100110101 149,870,000 1 +100110101 1,917,500 1 +100110101 272,800 1 +100110101 148,890,000 1 +100110101 327,050 1 +100110101 1,125,831 1 +100110101 88,888 1 +100110101 818,300 1 +100110101 268,910,000 1 +100110101 2.5-for1 1 +100110101 market-battered 1 +100110101 1987-1 1 +100110101 180,880,000 1 +100110101 410,800 1 +100110101 196,570,000 1 +100110101 213,480,000 1 +100110101 1.2174 1 +100110101 86,100 1 +100110101 196,190,000 1 +100110101 149,350,000 1 +100110101 210,880,000 1 +100110101 209,980,000 1 +100110101 1,223,398 1 +100110101 3-for2 1 +100110101 1,110,719 1 +100110101 202,290,000 1 +100110101 3,066,400 1 +100110101 3,459,000 1 +100110101 186,570,000 1 +100110101 unvested 1 +100110101 2,637,773 1 +100110101 17,784,525 1 +100110101 3,738,095 1 +100110101 168,140,000 1 +100110101 6,053,244 1 +100110101 195,400,000 1 +100110101 433,800 1 +100110101 207,460,000 1 +100110101 185,850,000 1 +100110101 2,899,000 1 +100110101 2,971,000 1 +100110101 172,130,000 1 +100110101 1,662,721 1 +100110101 3,962,421 1 +100110101 1,856,421 1 +100110101 2,851,950 1 +100110101 1,511,667 1 +100110101 4,474,477 1 +100110101 181,870,000 1 +100110101 10,605,258 1 +100110101 208,020,000 1 +100110101 166,490,000 1 +100110101 207,840,000 1 +100110101 158,390,000 1 +100110101 13,503,889 1 +100110101 174,650,000 1 +100110101 163,670,000 1 +100110101 806,680 1 +100110101 172,600,000 1 +100110101 196,180,000 1 +100110101 244,244,279 1 +100110101 2.923 1 +100110101 GG 1 +100110101 2,788,363 1 +100110101 130,380,000 1 +100110101 restricted-stock 1 +100110101 949,025 1 +100110101 56,832 1 +100110101 36,364 1 +100110101 958,200 1 +100110101 30,769,469 1 +100110101 785,757 1 +100110101 48,344,085 1 +100110101 56,360,838 1 +100110101 151,213,610 1 +100110101 150,027,195 1 +100110101 6,476,000 1 +100110101 merino 1 +100110101 9,190,000 1 +100110101 1,359,233 1 +100110101 11,203,287 1 +100110101 28,677 1 +100110101 sleep-well 1 +100110101 11,640,000 1 +100110101 715,100 1 +100110101 698,500 1 +100110101 139,590,000 1 +100110101 3,325,175 1 +100110101 1,798,769 1 +100110101 114,880,000 1 +100110101 8,680,000 1 +100110101 1,511 1 +100110101 149,380,000 1 +100110101 141,540,000 1 +100110101 108,720,000 1 +100110101 99,280,000 1 +100110101 159,840,000 1 +100110101 144,090,000 1 +100110101 1,845,500 1 +100110101 1,029,220 1 +100110101 5,872,000 1 +100110101 135,770,000 1 +100110101 437,484 1 +100110101 177,220,000 1 +100110101 162,490,000 1 +100110101 junk-bond-fund 1 +100110101 1,561 1 +100110101 2,222,681 1 +100110101 211,110,000 1 +100110101 161,210,000 1 +100110101 100,200 1 +100110101 1,316,724 1 +100110101 162,150,000 1 +100110101 137,950,000 1 +100110101 183,070,000 1 +100110101 193,200,000 1 +100110101 173,530,000 1 +100110101 892,833 1 +100110101 220,280,000 1 +100110101 7,486,344 1 +100110101 10,335,000 1 +100110101 209,510,000 1 +100110101 141,870,000 1 +100110101 158,310,000 1 +100110101 1,607,350 1 +100110101 1,179,200 1 +100110101 263,180,000 1 +100110101 172,870,000 1 +100110101 207,350,000 1 +100110101 2,775,000 1 +100110101 2for-1 1 +100110101 743,008 1 +100110101 170,610 1 +100110101 159,650,000 1 +100110101 853,100 1 +100110101 186,250,000 1 +100110101 198,700,000 1 +100110101 175,600,000 1 +100110101 421,700 1 +100110101 146,300,000 1 +100110101 3,130,500 1 +100110101 concert-party 1 +100110101 26-cent-a-share 1 +100110101 much-buffeted 1 +100110101 9-for-1 1 +100110101 0.164 1 +100110101 8,000,000 1 +100110101 195,410,000 1 +100110101 4,666,666 1 +100110101 8,990,000 1 +100110101 545,226 1 +100110101 667,975 1 +100110101 55,975,693 1 +100110101 59,694,091 1 +100110101 148,110,503 1 +100110101 160,631,079 1 +100110101 126,746 1 +100110101 924,497 1 +100110101 0.9375 1 +100110101 119,180 1 +100110101 7,456 1 +100110101 Thema 1 +100110101 7,640,000 1 +100110101 18,603,172 1 +100110101 4,485,000 1 +100110101 51,228 1 +100110101 7,400,000 1 +100110101 1,123,500 1 +100110101 200,140,000 1 +100110101 all-ordinary 1 +100110101 all-resource 1 +100110101 1,982,168 1 +100110101 230,350,000 1 +100110101 568,437 1 +100110101 1,011,479 1 +100110101 63,821 1 +100110101 512,500 1 +100110101 196,432,525 1 +100110101 less-plentiful 1 +100110101 171,420,000 1 +100110101 156,910,000 1 +100110101 5,112,782 1 +100110101 165,800,000 1 +100110101 6,088,211 1 +100110101 184,140,000 1 +100110101 133,750,000 1 +100110101 382,700 1 +100110101 5,743,000 1 +100110101 153,770,000 1 +100110101 93,530,000 1 +100110101 3,275,000 1 +100110101 148,220,000 1 +100110101 44,445 1 +100110101 135,820,000 1 +100110101 126,610,000 1 +100110101 416,400 1 +100110101 285,715 1 +100110101 14,160,000 1 +100110101 189,850,000 1 +100110101 819,398 1 +100110101 1,923 1 +100110101 330,110 1 +100110101 5,891,523 1 +100110101 1,445,000 1 +100110101 233,250 1 +100110101 128,690,000 1 +100110101 803,100 1 +100110101 1,540,750 1 +100110101 114,400 1 +100110101 early-1986 1 +100110101 777,750 1 +100110101 135,990,000 1 +100110101 139,670,000 1 +100110101 86H 1 +100110101 256,660,000 1 +100110101 3,922,715 1 +100110101 184,100,000 1 +100110101 149,240,000 1 +100110101 222,430,000 1 +100110101 corseted 1 +100110101 168,290,000 1 +100110101 6,222,523 1 +100110101 7,968,633 1 +100110101 971,207 1 +100110101 143,300,000 1 +100110101 resource-dominated 1 +100110101 743,100 1 +100110101 220,838 1 +100110101 163,360,000 1 +100110101 195,820,000 1 +100110101 205,250,000 1 +100110101 198,050,000 1 +100110101 0.2802 1 +100110101 5,175,000 1 +100110101 4,557,458 1 +100110101 22,223 1 +100110101 177,360,000 1 +100110101 764,900 1 +100110101 142,800,000 1 +100110101 181,530,000 1 +100110101 2,144,188 1 +100110101 166,500 1 +100110101 937,192 1 +100110101 238,389 1 +100110101 8,023,953 1 +100110101 218,210,000 1 +100110101 249,350 1 +100110101 151,310,000 1 +100110101 5.45445 1 +100110101 1,059,500 1 +100110101 fast-running 1 +100110101 170,450,000 1 +100110101 200,380,000 1 +100110101 9,854 1 +100110101 444,200 1 +100110101 1,263,348 1 +100110101 172,350,000 1 +100110101 920,100 1 +100110101 187,820,000 1 +100110101 453,870 1 +100110101 2,465,000 1 +100110101 184,380,000 1 +100110101 1,357,100 1 +100110101 1,589,428 1 +100110101 185,930,000 1 +100110101 2,104,597 1 +100110101 17,050,450 1 +100110101 77,320 1 +100110101 17,740,000 1 +100110101 2,565,518 1 +100110101 1,725,000 1 +100110101 cost-rigidity 1 +100110101 20,946,368 1 +100110101 173,930,000 1 +100110101 372,500 1 +100110101 12,122,507 1 +100110101 189,570,000 1 +100110101 460,944 1 +100110101 exchange-rate-linked 1 +100110101 123,800 1 +100110101 191,340,000 1 +100110101 139,070,000 1 +100110101 3,409,000 1 +100110101 196,560,000 1 +100110101 183,060,000 1 +100110101 2,325,000 1 +100110101 13,346,851 1 +100110101 567,309 1 +100110101 140,610,000 1 +100110101 192,290,000 1 +100110101 160,110,000 1 +100110101 4,348,545 1 +100110101 1,333,237 1 +100110101 42.78 1 +100110101 PINCH 1 +100110101 222,710,000 1 +100110101 161,880,000 1 +100110101 177,960,000 1 +100110101 8,299,988 1 +100110101 44,944 1 +100110101 173,590,000 1 +100110101 215,200,000 1 +100110101 180,080,000 1 +100110101 140,600 1 +100110101 182,630,000 1 +100110101 171,760,000 1 +100110101 0.051675 1 +100110101 206,830,000 1 +100110101 175,350,000 1 +100110101 213,390,000 1 +100110101 182,950,000 1 +100110101 1/2-for-1 1 +100110101 164,830,000 1 +100110101 0.893 1 +100110101 196,040,000 1 +100110101 171,340,000 1 +100110101 208,440,000 1 +100110101 7,907,700 1 +100110101 184,400,000 1 +100110101 925,341 1 +100110101 180,800,000 1 +100110101 181,030,000 1 +100110101 2,333,333 1 +100110101 169,530,000 1 +100110101 9,628,500 1 +100110101 1,327,300 1 +100110101 1,050,610 1 +100110101 198,150,000 1 +100110101 489,764 1 +100110101 266,540,000 1 +100110101 1,692,000 1 +100110101 1,806,200 1 +100110101 186,410,000 1 +100110101 173,720,000 1 +100110101 382,600 1 +100110101 295,445 1 +100110101 180,250,000 1 +100110101 752,125 1 +100110101 179,840,000 1 +100110101 174,160,000 1 +100110101 164,180,000 1 +100110101 67,161 1 +100110101 56,300 1 +100110101 136,370,000 1 +100110101 138,860,000 1 +100110101 905,285 1 +100110101 175,070,000 1 +100110101 86,700 1 +100110101 83,575 1 +100110101 169,294 1 +100110101 litigation-minded 1 +100110101 197,440,000 1 +100110101 6-for-5 1 +100110101 ironed-body 1 +100110101 153,360,000 1 +100110101 964,936 1 +100110101 149,340,000 1 +100110101 82B 1 +100110101 82A 1 +100110101 140,300,000 1 +100110101 129,110,000 1 +100110101 164,170,000 1 +100110101 199,940,000 1 +100110101 3,360,000 1 +100110101 1,790,00 1 +100110101 193,450,000 1 +100110101 129,070,000 1 +100110101 242,880,000 1 +100110101 165,200,000 1 +100110101 157,790,000 1 +100110101 186,880,000 1 +100110101 1,341,700 1 +100110101 16,787,720 1 +100110101 156,920,000 1 +100110101 29.205 1 +100110101 168,580,000 1 +100110101 3,891,486 1 +100110101 165,810,000 1 +100110101 388,080 1 +100110101 184,720,000 1 +100110101 807,855 1 +100110101 151,680,000 1 +100110101 925,600 1 +100110101 188,960,000 1 +100110101 4,667,000 1 +100110101 214,970,000 1 +100110101 168,400 1 +100110101 678,125 1 +100110101 193,820,000 1 +100110101 10,582,762 1 +100110101 187,690,000 1 +100110101 1,132,500 1 +100110101 6,174,929 1 +100110101 184,800,000 1 +100110101 204,160,000 1 +100110101 8,984,464 1 +100110101 150,870,000 1 +100110101 231,430,000 1 +100110101 146,660,000 1 +100110101 227,310,000 1 +100110101 174,470,000 1 +100110101 hormone-fed 1 +100110101 131,220,000 1 +100110101 3,454,666 1 +100110101 10,751,000 1 +100110101 920,545 1 +100110101 108,800,000 1 +100110101 1,745,195 1 +100110101 418,923 1 +100110101 153,500,000 1 +100110101 111,580,000 1 +100110101 149,230,000 1 +100110101 862,547 1 +100110101 276,220,000 1 +100110101 148,910 1 +100110101 191,780,000 1 +100110101 192,650,000 1 +100110101 203,110,000 1 +100110101 183,800 1 +100110101 5,134,000 1 +100110101 161,790,000 1 +100110101 8,433,539 1 +100110101 193,030,000 1 +100110101 194,520,000 1 +100110101 318,405 1 +100110101 220,158 1 +100110101 705,930 1 +100110101 214,230,000 1 +100110101 3,132,000 1 +100110101 170,940,000 1 +100110101 91,880,000 1 +100110101 19,040,000 1 +100110101 181,590,000 1 +100110101 Ansbacher-held 1 +100110101 three-century 1 +100110101 542,224 1 +100110101 139,170,000 1 +100110101 1,206,000 1 +100110101 189,300,000 1 +100110101 190,870,000 1 +100110101 869,400 1 +100110101 181,850,000 1 +100110101 449,400 1 +100110101 302,390,000 1 +100110101 25,388 1 +100110101 56,181,731 1 +100110101 188,660,000 1 +100110101 198,410,000 1 +100110101 192,320,000 1 +100110101 245,400 1 +100110101 138,800,000 1 +100110101 4,805,575 1 +100110101 0.055 1 +100110101 218,390,000 1 +100110101 1,463,502 1 +100110101 615,530 1 +100110101 957,285 1 +100110101 253,120,000 1 +100110101 224,790,000 1 +100110101 162,830,000 1 +100110101 1,643,230 1 +100110101 150,710,000 1 +100110101 136,240,000 1 +100110101 1,729,900 1 +100110101 195,740,000 1 +100110101 28,207,148 1 +100110101 60,840 1 +100110101 170,070,000 1 +100110101 207,700 1 +100110101 491,579 1 +100110101 179,790,000 1 +100110101 174,760,000 1 +100110101 10,607,595 1 +100110101 1,538,462 1 +100110101 164,910,000 1 +100110101 154,380,000 1 +100110101 1,250,600 1 +100110101 1,766,026 1 +100110101 178,020,000 1 +100110101 697,341 1 +100110101 95,410,000 1 +100110101 732,011 1 +100110101 212,821,575 1 +100110101 157,610,000 1 +100110101 1,673,077 1 +100110101 188,700,000 1 +100110101 99,800,000 1 +100110101 126,180,000 1 +100110101 745,200 1 +100110101 93.74997 1 +100110101 47,269 1 +100110101 2,069,834 1 +100110101 48,860,000 1 +100110101 NLV 1 +100110101 148,840,000 1 +100110101 1,036,000 1 +100110101 2,923,957 1 +100110101 3,820,332 1 +100110101 165,430,000 1 +100110101 136,200 1 +100110101 195,400 1 +100110101 low-dividend 1 +100110101 9,172,000 1 +100110101 244,680,000 1 +100110101 955,877 1 +100110101 8,625,000 1 +100110101 1,569,176 1 +100110101 3,669,512 1 +100110101 155,430,000 1 +100110101 558,520 1 +100110101 2,984,810 1 +100110101 17,852,000 1 +100110101 1,051,600 1 +100110101 routine-looking 1 +100110101 176,720,000 1 +100110101 arbitrage-traded 1 +100110101 7,506,339 1 +100110101 168,850,000 1 +100110101 143,880,000 1 +100110101 88,600 1 +100110101 41,240 1 +100110101 166,320,000 1 +100110101 129,080,000 1 +100110101 131,200,000 1 +100110101 2,122,087 1 +100110101 162,350,000 1 +100110101 133,850,000 1 +100110101 186,490,000 1 +100110101 9,332,858 1 +100110101 209,420,000 1 +100110101 408,200 1 +100110101 9,965,710 1 +100110101 754,162 1 +100110101 868,000 1 +100110101 147,240,000 1 +100110101 6,925 1 +100110101 127,700,000 1 +100110101 1,545,700 1 +100110101 161,310,000 1 +100110101 128,680,000 1 +100110101 13,170,000 1 +100110101 A-M 1 +100110101 18,553,119 1 +100110101 177,190,000 1 +100110101 776,600 1 +100110101 3,820 1 +100110101 135,620,000 1 +100110101 152,300,000 1 +100110101 4,119,525 1 +100110101 2,094,100 1 +100110101 354,237 1 +100110101 133,810,000 1 +100110101 CONDO 1 +100110101 1,759,271 1 +100110101 324,910 1 +100110101 135,380,000 1 +100110101 141,320,000 1 +100110101 187,980,000 1 +100110101 171,840,000 1 +100110101 121,237,200 1 +100110101 1,233,460 1 +100110101 on-land 1 +100110101 Stephens-Riady 1 +100110101 1,474,507 1 +100110101 1989-62 1 +100110101 872,550 1 +100110101 136,470,000 1 +100110101 auction-preferred 1 +100110101 131,061,800 1 +100110101 200,760,000 1 +100110101 176,920,000 1 +100110101 1,818,182 1 +100110101 1,948,920 1 +100110101 88-A 1 +100110101 189,600,000 1 +100110101 168,710,000 1 +100110101 10,600,000 1 +100110101 176,360,000 1 +100110101 1988-17 1 +100110101 14,280,000 1 +100110101 8,980,290 1 +100110101 B-complex 1 +100110101 234,560,000 1 +100110101 2,730,000 1 +100110101 907,700 1 +100110101 4,380,000 1 +100110101 166,430,000 1 +100110101 193,540,000 1 +100110101 4,615,500 1 +100110101 235,160,000 1 +100110101 6,830,000 1 +100110101 11,930,000 1 +100110101 155,710,000 1 +100110101 275,250,000 1 +100110101 JJ 1 +100110101 730,618 1 +100110101 188,757,085 1 +100110101 404,799 1 +100110101 now-depressed 1 +100110101 484,818,847 1 +100110101 138,380,000 1 +100110101 310,030,000 1 +100110101 191,200 1 +100110101 558,095 1 +100110101 139,930,000 1 +100110101 164,920,000 1 +100110101 75,200 1 +100110101 102,640,000 1 +100110101 2,851,364 1 +100110101 189,500 1 +100110101 138,310,000 1 +100110101 1.0593 1 +100110101 234,010,000 1 +100110101 20,908,166 1 +100110101 1,492,317 1 +100110101 88A 1 +100110101 165,160,000 1 +100110101 237,270,000 1 +100110101 preferrance 1 +100110101 EE2 1 +100110101 HH2 1 +100110101 120,600,000 1 +100110101 605,076 1 +100110101 678,100 1 +100110101 211,880,000 1 +100110101 133,590,000 1 +100110101 247,610,000 1 +100110101 3,988,746 1 +100110101 1,141,628 1 +100110101 1989-70 1 +100110101 277,773 1 +100110101 125,068,000 1 +100110101 Appia 1 +100110101 210,660,000 1 +100110101 164,260,000 1 +100110101 16,480,000 1 +100110101 167,370,000 1 +100110101 166,667 1 +100110101 63,140 1 +100110101 WARRIORS 1 +100110101 184,910,000 1 +100110101 128,830,000 1 +100110101 191,900 1 +100110101 11,130,000 1 +100110101 587,700 1 +100110101 199,630,000 1 +100110101 2,482 1 +100110101 142,000,000 1 +100110101 5/7 1 +100110101 152,690,000 1 +100110101 236,050,000 1 +100110101 1/2-for-one 1 +100110101 13,550,000 1 +100110101 151,810,000 1 +100110101 3,629,715 1 +100110101 five-sevenths 1 +100110101 1989-63 1 +100110101 515,500 1 +100110101 199,990,000 1 +100110101 70,944,421 1 +100110101 134,185,698 1 +100110101 136,422,919 1 +100110101 205,130,119 1 +100110101 163,170,000 1 +100110101 17,418,000 1 +100110101 3,473,000 1 +100110101 Crista 1 +100110101 142,820,000 1 +100110101 200,020,000 1 +100110101 5,079,800 1 +100110101 131,890,000 1 +100110101 1,119,100 1 +100110101 793,400 1 +100110101 210,300 1 +100110101 210,900,000 1 +100110101 237,680,000 1 +100110101 197,260,000 1 +100110101 486,100 1 +100110101 B-trucks 1 +100110101 1989-66 1 +100110101 629,400 1 +100110101 211,920,000 1 +100110101 5,373,393 1 +100110101 311,400 1 +100110101 245,750,000 1 +100110101 1989-64 1 +100110101 203,310,000 1 +100110101 1989-67 1 +100110101 133,170,000 1 +100110101 363,750 1 +100110101 1,834,200 1 +100110101 1,970,819 1 +100110101 102,800 1 +100110101 201,410,000 1 +100110101 4,631,400 1 +100110101 153,590,000 1 +100110101 144,650,000 1 +100110101 367,500 1 +100110101 94,473 1 +100110101 646,330 1 +100110101 234,160,000 1 +100110101 small-capital 1 +100110101 161,910,000 1 +100110101 10-for-one 1 +100110101 966,676 1 +100110101 3,220,090 1 +100110101 180,300,000 1 +100110101 4,703,113 1 +100110101 185,120,000 1 +100110101 16,250,000 1 +100110101 211,810,000 1 +100110101 1989-69 1 +100110101 178,930,000 1 +100110101 176,830,000 1 +100110101 544,600 1 +100110101 152,520,000 1 +100110101 244,510,000 1 +100110101 316,980 1 +100110101 147,590,000 1 +100110101 1,016,027 1 +100110101 873,631 1 +100110101 1,111,612 1 +100110101 seductiveness 1 +100110101 151,430,000 1 +100110101 1,563,499 1 +100110101 168,440,000 1 +100110101 135,290,000 1 +100110101 182,080,000 1 +100110101 5,339,148 1 +100110101 189,760,000 1 +100110101 150,677 1 +100110101 14,190,000 1 +100110101 1988-No.1 1 +100110101 213,490,000 1 +100110101 933,300 1 +100110101 7,381,486 1 +100110101 158,060,000 1 +100110101 139,870,000 1 +100110101 1,766,400 1 +100110101 10,110,000 1 +100110101 1989-68 1 +100110101 1,237,800 1 +100110101 ScientificAtlanta 1 +100110101 2,945,000 1 +100110101 4,179,044 1 +100110101 678,300 1 +100110101 1,031,250 1 +100110101 3,261,468 1 +100110101 192,260,000 1 +100110101 146,400,000 1 +100110101 177,840,000 1 +100110101 1981A 1 +100110101 172,925 1 +100110101 175,280,659 1 +100110101 133,892,616 1 +100110101 212,730,000 1 +100110101 169,300,000 1 +100110101 1,584,550 1 +100110101 58,329,085 1 +100110101 143,957,072 1 +100110101 135,890,000 1 +100110101 7,568,000 1 +100110101 154,570,000 1 +100110101 170,140,000 1 +100110101 11,610,000 1 +100110101 2,216,739 1 +100110101 671,995 1 +100110101 1,456,358 1 +100110101 215,140,000 1 +100110101 9,653,000 1 +100110101 181,810,000 1 +100110101 121,960,000 1 +100110101 2,410,000 1 +100110101 4,410,000 1 +100110101 1989C 1 +100110101 29,699,919 1 +100110101 166,660,000 1 +100110101 Resort-related 1 +100110101 203,590,000 1 +100110101 192,340,000 1 +100110101 267,983 1 +100110101 1,837,300 1 +100110101 1989-78 1 +100110101 1989-80 1 +100110101 1989-77 1 +100110101 138,170,000 1 +100110101 199,710,000 1 +100110101 serial-preferred 1 +100110101 175,360,000 1 +100110101 144,110,000 1 +100110101 156,210,000 1 +100110101 980,256 1 +100110101 339,366 1 +100110101 197,300,000 1 +100110101 35,200 1 +100110101 54,200 1 +100110101 520,700 1 +100110101 16,136,513 1 +100110101 602,500 1 +100110101 2,430,000 1 +100110101 505,430 1 +100110101 9,279,000 1 +100110101 1989-73 1 +100110101 155,300,000 1 +100110101 492,041 1 +100110101 162,300 1 +100110101 raider-repelling 1 +100110101 149,460,000 1 +100110101 198,660,000 1 +100110101 209,520,000 1 +100110101 148,880,000 1 +100110101 2,308,342 1 +100110101 484,948 1 +100110101 6,787,000 1 +100110101 3,310,000 1 +100110101 151,990,000 1 +100110101 169,737,000 1 +100110101 122,370,000 1 +100110101 419,699 1 +100110101 248,521 1 +100110101 3,194,230 1 +100110101 33,732,498 1 +100110101 95,700 1 +100110101 15,760,000 1 +100110101 172,520,000 1 +100110101 first-preferred 1 +100110101 162,790,000 1 +100110101 1898-57 1 +100110101 1989-56 1 +100110101 post-Crash 1 +100110101 169,500,000 1 +100110101 127,640,000 1 +100110101 63,071,815 1 +100110101 49,699,758 1 +100110101 151,617,606 1 +100110101 150,840,848 1 +100110101 1,435,700 1 +100110101 45,977 1 +100110101 12,820,000 1 +100110101 1989-55 1 +100110101 89,240,000 1 +100110101 119,540,000 1 +100110101 coated-end 1 +100110101 127,800,000 1 +100110101 984,224 1 +100110101 278,289 1 +100110101 169,099 1 +100110101 227,155 1 +100110101 426,100 1 +100110101 Europreference 1 +100110101 200,710,000 1 +100110101 548,784 1 +100110101 1989-74 1 +100110101 10,949,800 1 +100110101 157,240,000 1 +100110101 12,670,000 1 +100110101 88,451 1 +100110101 113,400,000 1 +100110101 128,560,000 1 +100110101 229,170 1 +100110101 1989-75 1 +100110101 76-A 1 +100110101 5,231,419 1 +100110101 707,997 1 +100110101 324,566 1 +100110101 200,950,000 1 +100110101 449,201 1 +100110101 399,959 1 +100110101 176,960,000 1 +100110101 173,000,000 1 +100110101 236,466 1 +100110101 1989-58 1 +100110101 92,046 1 +100110101 1,387,000 1 +100110101 15,180,000 1 +100110101 401,500 1 +100110101 135,100,000 1 +100110101 179,880,000 1 +100110101 948,143 1 +100110101 1,691,318 1 +100110101 3,954,167 1 +100110101 264,410,000 1 +100110101 1962-1964 1 +100110101 3,068,500 1 +100110101 153,550,000 1 +100110101 217,510,000 1 +100110101 96,960 1 +100110101 148,250 1 +100110101 12,210,000 1 +100110101 185,770,000 1 +100110101 272,900 1 +100110101 131,328 1 +100110101 397,963 1 +100110101 10,760,000 1 +100110101 15,220,000 1 +100110101 227,410,000 1 +100110101 608,148,710 1 +100110101 238,330,000 1 +100110101 140,570,000 1 +100110101 197,940,000 1 +100110101 152,370,000 1 +100110101 15,240,000 1 +100110101 159,590,000 1 +100110101 11,988,000 1 +100110101 150,260,000 1 +100110101 114,226,678 1 +100110101 276,694 1 +100110101 2,627,450 1 +100110101 13,300,000 1 +100110101 161,550,000 1 +100110101 11,848,000 1 +100110101 203,800 1 +100110101 447,700 1 +100110101 158,080,000 1 +100110101 147,050,000 1 +100110101 4,942,022 1 +100110101 359,790 1 +100110101 8,638,000 1 +100110101 427,600 1 +100110101 125,310,000 1 +100110101 488,600 1 +100110101 227,150,000 1 +100110101 8,710,000 1 +100110101 181,660,000 1 +100110101 747,175 1 +100110101 73,985,000 1 +100110101 155,060,000 1 +100110101 343,920,000 1 +100110101 1989-52 1 +100110101 1989-53 1 +100110101 1989-72 1 +100110101 9,500,000 1 +100110101 1989-60 1 +100110101 1989-61 1 +100110101 1989-3 1 +100110101 116,750,000 1 +100110101 11.674 1 +100110101 14,890,000 1 +100110101 123,300,000 1 +100110101 154,020,000 1 +100110101 12,430,000 1 +100110101 151,875 1 +100110101 189,630,000 1 +100110101 1,634,000 1 +100110101 136,070,000 1 +100110101 21.5-million 1 +100110101 13,967,000 1 +100110101 156,100,000 1 +100110101 8,526,260 1 +100110101 14,340,000 1 +100110101 165,730,000 1 +100110101 most-purchased 1 +100110101 171,790,000 1 +100110101 equity-redemption 1 +100110101 11,510,000 1 +100110101 11,170,000 1 +100110101 161,650,000 1 +100110101 317,800 1 +100110101 149,250,000 2 +100110101 179,270,000 2 +100110101 five-for-four 2 +100110101 5,678,750 2 +100110101 14,790,000 2 +100110101 188,070,000 2 +100110101 14,350,000 2 +100110101 15,110,000 2 +100110101 578,700 2 +100110101 104,500 2 +100110101 840,576 2 +100110101 496,861,713 2 +100110101 0.725 2 +100110101 9,990,000 2 +100110101 anti-dilutive 2 +100110101 96,500 2 +100110101 post-divestiture 2 +100110101 136,640,000 2 +100110101 '10 2 +100110101 999,999 2 +100110101 180,610,000 2 +100110101 4,080,000 2 +100110101 528,735 2 +100110101 184,220,000 2 +100110101 164,240,000 2 +100110101 15,470,000 2 +100110101 177,890,000 2 +100110101 1,411,300 2 +100110101 380,900 2 +100110101 713,700 2 +100110101 9,420,000 2 +100110101 146,930,000 2 +100110101 164,070,000 2 +100110101 14,080,000 2 +100110101 12,510,000 2 +100110101 583,500 2 +100110101 12,560,000 2 +100110101 2,663,000 2 +100110101 23,271,011 2 +100110101 127,410,000 2 +100110101 10,580 2 +100110101 2,806,000 2 +100110101 422,245 2 +100110101 first-preference 2 +100110101 166,650,000 2 +100110101 246,500 2 +100110101 158,400,000 2 +100110101 4,540,000 2 +100110101 234,870,000 2 +100110101 7,375,000 2 +100110101 205,430,000 2 +100110101 preferrred 2 +100110101 12,310,000 2 +100110101 incentive-option 2 +100110101 133,350,000 2 +100110101 1,543,916 2 +100110101 2,045,640 2 +100110101 15,040 2 +100110101 652,742 2 +100110101 14,100,000 2 +100110101 260,220,000 2 +100110101 141,930,000 2 +100110101 449,350,000 2 +100110101 392,160,000 2 +100110101 7,208,000 2 +100110101 bond-for-debt 2 +100110101 34,100 2 +100110101 11,892,000 2 +100110101 180,500 2 +100110101 Palmitate 2 +100110101 5,271,600 2 +100110101 145,810,000 2 +100110101 120,400 2 +100110101 1,216,700 2 +100110101 119,853 2 +100110101 8,430,000 2 +100110101 47,700 2 +100110101 996,511 2 +100110101 165,930,000 2 +100110101 8,610,000 2 +100110101 6,980,000 2 +100110101 9,950,000 2 +100110101 1,013,500 2 +100110101 159,640,000 2 +100110101 664,500 2 +100110101 9,450,000 2 +100110101 5,850,000 2 +100110101 157,760,000 2 +100110101 12,748,590 2 +100110101 9,010,000 2 +100110101 170,590,000 2 +100110101 8,804,010 2 +100110101 9,510,000 2 +100110101 91,500 2 +100110101 9,778,440 2 +100110101 Mafia-backed 2 +100110101 8,307,000 2 +100110101 10,190,000 2 +100110101 181,550,000 2 +100110101 152,040,000 2 +100110101 197,550,000 2 +100110101 196,540,000 2 +100110101 170,970,000 2 +100110101 166,120,000 2 +100110101 153,570,000 2 +100110101 8,110 2 +100110101 10,650,000 2 +100110101 235,200 2 +100110101 216,390,000 2 +100110101 1,428,572 2 +100110101 209,900,000 2 +100110101 10,176,000 2 +100110101 16,350,000 2 +100110101 6,265,000 2 +100110101 19,010,000 2 +100110101 160,240,000 2 +100110101 9,020,000 2 +100110101 8,920,000 2 +100110101 154,530,000 2 +100110101 175,130,000 2 +100110101 203,660,000 2 +100110101 8,280,000 2 +100110101 161,710,000 2 +100110101 197,580,000 2 +100110101 135,500,000 2 +100110101 142,900,000 2 +100110101 8,080,000 2 +100110101 181,760,000 2 +100110101 non-qualified 2 +100110101 245,500 2 +100110101 157,560,000 2 +100110101 300,500 2 +100110101 9,170,000 2 +100110101 no-par 2 +100110101 34,900 2 +100110101 188,270,000 2 +100110101 A-C 2 +100110101 9,729,830 2 +100110101 1,871,420 2 +100110101 143,580,000 2 +100110101 122,250,000 2 +100110101 160,160,000 2 +100110101 12,300,000 2 +100110101 narrow-based 2 +100110101 422,700 2 +100110101 1,484,224 2 +100110101 383,600 2 +100110101 158,980,000 2 +100110101 1B 2 +100110101 1,605,430 2 +100110101 763,071 2 +100110101 225,280,000 2 +100110101 7,690,000 2 +100110101 8,420,000 2 +100110101 12,460,000 2 +100110101 7,930,000 2 +100110101 709,500 2 +100110101 non-transferable 2 +100110101 155,700 2 +100110101 11,080,000 2 +100110101 904,500 2 +100110101 A-D 2 +100110101 11,910,000 2 +100110101 8,570,000 2 +100110101 16,800,000 2 +100110101 2,978,586 2 +100110101 1,669,212 2 +100110101 139,820,000 2 +100110101 76,900 2 +100110101 B-free 2 +100110101 1988-1 2 +100110101 1987-20 2 +100110101 1,000-dollar 2 +100110101 9,140,000 2 +100110101 tomato-juice 2 +100110101 155,010,000 2 +100110101 805,194 2 +100110101 10,530,000 2 +100110101 1,664,087 2 +100110101 10,550,000 2 +100110101 400,700 2 +100110101 2.5-for-1 2 +100110101 estate-freeze 2 +100110101 202,800 2 +100110101 7,840,000 2 +100110101 18,190,000 2 +100110101 3,640,000 2 +100110101 0.709 2 +100110101 509,067 2 +100110101 3,650,000 2 +100110101 1988-B 2 +100110101 131,180,000 2 +100110101 1,433,929 2 +100110101 157,040,000 2 +100110101 145,180,000 2 +100110101 super-voting 2 +100110101 AX 2 +100110101 213,680,000 2 +100110101 Conwest 2 +100110101 4,875,000 2 +100110101 143,420,000 2 +100110101 36,900 2 +100110101 158,771 2 +100110101 168,690,000 2 +100110101 14,610,000 2 +100110101 189,070,000 2 +100110101 86B 2 +100110101 86C 2 +100110101 86D 2 +100110101 156,950,000 2 +100110101 five-for-one 3 +100110101 13,120,000 3 +100110101 common-equivalent 3 +100110101 175,750,000 3 +100110101 174,350,000 3 +100110101 436,966,248 3 +100110101 162,189 3 +100110101 133,300,000 3 +100110101 136,940,000 3 +100110101 4,747,000 3 +100110101 387,100 3 +100110101 175,210,000 3 +100110101 126,020,000 3 +100110101 154,090,000 3 +100110101 142,140,000 3 +100110101 175,330,000 3 +100110101 BO 3 +100110101 AY 3 +100110101 152,460,000 3 +100110101 1,436,265 3 +100110101 142,010,000 3 +100110101 150,060,000 3 +100110101 148,770,000 3 +100110101 200,340,000 3 +100110101 1989B 3 +100110101 1,746,000 3 +100110101 1,235,000 3 +100110101 11,790,000 3 +100110101 121,130,000 3 +100110101 136,800,000 3 +100110101 farmer-borrower 3 +100110101 1,028,000 3 +100110101 308,820,000 3 +100110101 52,800 3 +100110101 1,855,000 3 +100110101 189,580,000 3 +100110101 661,693 3 +100110101 1,605,000 3 +100110101 5-for-3 3 +100110101 Unigas 3 +100110101 155,790,000 3 +100110101 162,500,000 3 +100110101 can-body 3 +100110101 119,290,000 3 +100110101 2,040,000 3 +100110101 186,350,000 3 +100110101 140,900,000 3 +100110101 8,160,000 3 +100110101 154,840,000 3 +100110101 124,660,000 3 +100110101 194,590,000 3 +100110101 127,400,000 3 +100110101 convertible-preferred 3 +100110101 923,100 3 +100110101 145,100,000 3 +100110101 116,420,000 3 +100110101 150,670,000 3 +100110101 7,780,000 3 +100110101 152,980,000 3 +100110101 161,300,000 3 +100110101 133,870,000 3 +100110101 972,400 3 +100110101 363,500 3 +100110101 141,660,000 3 +100110101 151,250,000 3 +100110101 153,140,000 3 +100110101 115,170,000 3 +100110101 143,460,000 3 +100110101 155,190,000 3 +100110101 8,580,000 3 +100110101 non-tendering 4 +100110101 dividend-yielding 4 +100110101 137,600 4 +100110101 337,500 4 +100110101 five-million 4 +100110101 perferred 4 +100110101 three-for-one 4 +100110101 533,500 4 +100110101 83,300 4 +100110101 5,950,000 4 +100110101 1989-B 4 +100110101 1988-A 4 +100110101 834,000 5 +100110101 then-outstanding 5 +100110101 1988A 5 +100110101 2,350,000 5 +100110101 1,115,000 5 +100110101 I.G.E. 6 +100110101 three-for-two 6 +100110101 EE 6 +100110101 10000 6 +100110101 four-for-one 6 +100110101 presplit 7 +100110101 1989A 7 +100110101 5-for-2 8 +100110101 Cabriolet 10 +100110101 3,450,000 11 +100110101 0.6672 12 +100110101 5-for-4 13 +100110101 car-market 14 +100110101 4-for-1 15 +100110101 4-for-3 21 +100110101 two-for-one 37 +100110101 supervoting 39 +100110101 1.575 54 +100110101 Y 66 +100110101 3-for-1 74 +100110101 F 80 +100110101 G 91 +100110101 unissued 96 +100110101 non-voting 116 +100110101 post-split 133 +100110101 H 145 +100110101 pre-split 157 +100110101 buffer 181 +100110101 nonvoting 182 +100110101 D 267 +100110101 3-for-2 314 +100110101 E 315 +100110101 debenture 459 +100110101 2-for-1 524 +100110101 preference 772 +100110101 preferred 6731 +100110101 B 1883 +100110110 uncourageous 1 +100110110 polyalpha 1 +100110110 56,000-member 1 +100110110 mini-manic 1 +100110110 known. 1 +100110110 multi-volume 1 +100110110 depositers 1 +100110110 auto-gear 1 +100110110 146-member 1 +100110110 deepest-water 1 +100110110 misredemption 1 +100110110 centurie-sold 1 +100110110 122,020 1 +100110110 free-admission 1 +100110110 teenaged 1 +100110110 salty-snack 1 +100110110 cool-and 1 +100110110 kindergarten-teacher 1 +100110110 television-ministry 1 +100110110 one-in-eight 1 +100110110 ultra-dovish 1 +100110110 highest-value 1 +100110110 406-member 1 +100110110 instate 1 +100110110 already-bullish 1 +100110110 debt-strategy 1 +100110110 Conan-Terminator 1 +100110110 unshucked 1 +100110110 gridded 1 +100110110 glass-top 1 +100110110 15-piece 1 +100110110 temporary-investments 1 +100110110 marketable-securities 1 +100110110 dandyish 1 +100110110 social-moral 1 +100110110 pro-poor 1 +100110110 once-overwhelming 1 +100110110 labyrinthian 1 +100110110 140-button 1 +100110110 hide-outs 1 +100110110 least-promising 1 +100110110 frothiest 1 +100110110 nonmilitaristic 1 +100110110 heavy-hanging 1 +100110110 anti-acid 1 +100110110 intaday 1 +100110110 32-station 1 +100110110 Sensititre 1 +100110110 starchily 1 +100110110 amnesty-program 1 +100110110 291.88-point 1 +100110110 worm-picking 1 +100110110 soybean-processor 1 +100110110 assumptive 1 +100110110 ticket-selling 1 +100110110 only-show-in-town 1 +100110110 once-sealed 1 +100110110 medicine-show 1 +100110110 GI-bill 1 +100110110 hybrid-corn 1 +100110110 sing-a-long 1 +100110110 all-too-accurate 1 +100110110 already-enormous 1 +100110110 dating-service 1 +100110110 financial-integrity 1 +100110110 export-development 1 +100110110 122-year 1 +100110110 debt-loaded 1 +100110110 bookfilled 1 +100110110 geodesic-dome 1 +100110110 29-foot 1 +100110110 international-presidency 1 +100110110 gangster-movie 1 +100110110 Full-Size 1 +100110110 Schahfer 1 +100110110 well-shaped 1 +100110110 trend-setters 1 +100110110 1,500-screen 1 +100110110 rapidly-expanding 1 +100110110 postchampionship 1 +100110110 suit-rep-tie-white-shirt 1 +100110110 MicroMagic 1 +100110110 audaciousness 1 +100110110 square-shouldered 1 +100110110 sector-fund 1 +100110110 czarevitch 1 +100110110 864-page 1 +100110110 court-recognized 1 +100110110 then-lagging 1 +100110110 gun-metal 1 +100110110 league-table 1 +100110110 high-country 1 +100110110 926,402 1 +100110110 wooden-faced 1 +100110110 lit-major 1 +100110110 non-accounting 1 +100110110 blues-rooted 1 +100110110 exlusive 1 +100110110 hind-leg 1 +100110110 670-person 1 +100110110 submission-for-salami 1 +100110110 120-foot 1 +100110110 next-level 1 +100110110 suit-jacket 1 +100110110 league-leading 1 +100110110 controlled-capacity 1 +100110110 Tente-brand 1 +100110110 still-awaited 1 +100110110 Sandinista-formed 1 +100110110 crew-scheduling 1 +100110110 1,513 1 +100110110 golf-crazy 1 +100110110 insurance-writing 1 +100110110 bluestocking 1 +100110110 8,400-member 1 +100110110 club-land 1 +100110110 dilettantish 1 +100110110 coppery 1 +100110110 co-anchor/partner/best 1 +100110110 pre-debate 1 +100110110 129-year 1 +100110110 97-page 1 +100110110 then-19-year-old 1 +100110110 shrewed 1 +100110110 Anglo-Celtic 1 +100110110 97-year-old 1 +100110110 haggish 1 +100110110 704-page 1 +100110110 Getty-sized 1 +100110110 well-trodden 1 +100110110 graphic-research 1 +100110110 Neupogen 1 +100110110 prosodic 1 +100110110 roach-filled 1 +100110110 less-than-legal 1 +100110110 87-year 1 +100110110 cocaine-smoking 1 +100110110 just-picked 1 +100110110 10,000-hour 1 +100110110 5,710-member 1 +100110110 skidrow 1 +100110110 neofascist 1 +100110110 trade-threatening 1 +100110110 353-year 1 +100110110 mood-enhancing 1 +100110110 megaphone-like 1 +100110110 county-fair 1 +100110110 marblelike 1 +100110110 junior-management 1 +100110110 28,915 1 +100110110 dry-goods 1 +100110110 near-magical 1 +100110110 reactor-building 1 +100110110 tender-offering 1 +100110110 often-dreadful 1 +100110110 spare-part 1 +100110110 25-vehicle 1 +100110110 retire-and-consult 1 +100110110 once-healthy 1 +100110110 5000-model 1 +100110110 5,400-kilowatt 1 +100110110 gold-toothed 1 +100110110 5550 1 +100110110 anti-anginal 1 +100110110 self-abasing 1 +100110110 fault-free 1 +100110110 wheezy 1 +100110110 365-mile 1 +100110110 SuperNow 1 +100110110 not-so-behind-the-scenes 1 +100110110 boarding-home 1 +100110110 hyperactivist 1 +100110110 eight-car 1 +100110110 Kentucky-Ohio 1 +100110110 75-month 1 +100110110 hotel-executive 1 +100110110 pixillated 1 +100110110 election-campaign 1 +100110110 worst-in-the-league 1 +100110110 much-injured 1 +100110110 refrigerator-components 1 +100110110 soon-to-be-opened 1 +100110110 party-furnished 1 +100110110 10-stop 1 +100110110 dance-instructor 1 +100110110 coral-lacquered 1 +100110110 pointillistic 1 +100110110 lease. 1 +100110110 children's-center 1 +100110110 Goldstake 1 +100110110 feast-and-famine 1 +100110110 justification-for-life 1 +100110110 anti-waterbed 1 +100110110 state-provided 1 +100110110 fluorescent-lamp 1 +100110110 Samscan 1 +100110110 82-person 1 +100110110 service-performance 1 +100110110 12-by-16-foot 1 +100110110 most-willing 1 +100110110 59th-floor 1 +100110110 71-year 1 +100110110 client-contract 1 +100110110 most-cautious 1 +100110110 always-fluent 1 +100110110 hydrocephalic 1 +100110110 regional-service 1 +100110110 microchip/computers 1 +100110110 black-glass 1 +100110110 3,000-employee 1 +100110110 112-year 1 +100110110 four-zip 1 +100110110 curveball 1 +100110110 Swiss-immigrant 1 +100110110 federal-bench 1 +100110110 Aquaflex 1 +100110110 no-tax-rise 1 +100110110 souvenir-cluttered 1 +100110110 Chevron-issued 1 +100110110 guaranteed-student-loan 1 +100110110 17.5-ounce 1 +100110110 32nd-floor 1 +100110110 12.6-acre 1 +100110110 biotechology 1 +100110110 prole 1 +100110110 most-notable 1 +100110110 lottery-like 1 +100110110 blood-spattered 1 +100110110 money-for-bodies 1 +100110110 21,866 1 +100110110 Caminada 1 +100110110 presidential-elector 1 +100110110 new-fi 1 +100110110 megalarian 1 +100110110 defensive-strategy 1 +100110110 2,100-broker 1 +100110110 Chinese-character 1 +100110110 philanthropic-minded 1 +100110110 1,426,800 1 +100110110 colorfulness 1 +100110110 worst-dressed 1 +100110110 long-runnning 1 +100110110 carbuncular 1 +100110110 cell-inhibiting 1 +100110110 top-25 1 +100110110 361,500 1 +100110110 debut-bound 1 +100110110 historical-landmark 1 +100110110 non-wind 1 +100110110 once-stated 1 +100110110 Hanoverian 1 +100110110 schizzy 1 +100110110 customer-owner 1 +100110110 financial-planner 1 +100110110 fan-feathered 1 +100110110 acanthusleaf 1 +100110110 klutziness 1 +100110110 eight-and-a-half-month 1 +100110110 cuddliest 1 +100110110 921-foot 1 +100110110 business-system 1 +100110110 driver's-test 1 +100110110 griot 1 +100110110 195,250 1 +100110110 unflowery 1 +100110110 moon-in-June 1 +100110110 five-of-diamonds 1 +100110110 poetry-writing 1 +100110110 knock-heads-with-the-competition 1 +100110110 farthest-flung 1 +100110110 dual-drive 1 +100110110 Mideastern-sounding 1 +100110110 Vitalis 1 +100110110 waste-managment 1 +100110110 sugar-market 1 +100110110 13-jet 1 +100110110 430-acre 1 +100110110 litigation-stalled 1 +100110110 minority-business 1 +100110110 three-month-long 1 +100110110 machine-style 1 +100110110 post-meal 1 +100110110 talismanic 1 +100110110 upbeat-Dallas 1 +100110110 man-in-the-moon 1 +100110110 communications-based 1 +100110110 600th 1 +100110110 BENNES 1 +100110110 begetters 1 +100110110 curfew-long 1 +100110110 tourist-drawing 1 +100110110 4361 1 +100110110 rules-enforcing 1 +100110110 plant-order 1 +100110110 earth-bound 1 +100110110 beach-blond 1 +100110110 fellow-Czech 1 +100110110 several-pack-a-day 1 +100110110 pack-and-a-half-a-day 1 +100110110 undomesticated 1 +100110110 bradykinin-blocking 1 +100110110 employee-benefit-plan 1 +100110110 bearer-of-bad-news 1 +100110110 1,045,947 1 +100110110 already-considerable 1 +100110110 Instamatics 1 +100110110 oft-made 1 +100110110 highest-energy 1 +100110110 pre-restructuring 1 +100110110 near-freezing 1 +100110110 nationalist/protectionist 1 +100110110 college-degreed 1 +100110110 frequent-flying 1 +100110110 emergency-law 1 +100110110 system-bank 1 +100110110 design-development 1 +100110110 gas-service 1 +100110110 heretic-burning 1 +100110110 chipmunk 1 +100110110 out-by-out 1 +100110110 declining-price 1 +100110110 sun-washed 1 +100110110 Tendercuts 1 +100110110 erogenous 1 +100110110 videotape-editing 1 +100110110 squash-court 1 +100110110 jumbo-sized 1 +100110110 pension-retirement 1 +100110110 hen-and-chick 1 +100110110 unified-engineering 1 +100110110 no-longer-chic 1 +100110110 quick-pitch 1 +100110110 seven-jet 1 +100110110 oral-history 1 +100110110 harbor-view 1 +100110110 rabbit-hunting 1 +100110110 Patran 1 +100110110 274,400 1 +100110110 two-pack-a-week 1 +100110110 Tonys 1 +100110110 763,546 1 +100110110 prosecutorially 1 +100110110 prosperous-looking 1 +100110110 ill-guided 1 +100110110 all-fruit 1 +100110110 literary-agent 1 +100110110 combed-cotton 1 +100110110 Marxist-planned 1 +100110110 Chopin-style 1 +100110110 musk-ox 1 +100110110 DEX 1 +100110110 ruby-encrusted 1 +100110110 creedal 1 +100110110 romantic-comedy 1 +100110110 once-magical 1 +100110110 6,900-acre 1 +100110110 58,000-subscriber 1 +100110110 rough-skinned 1 +100110110 early-session 1 +100110110 store-shy 1 +100110110 pre-Raphaelite 1 +100110110 hard-toiling 1 +100110110 loan-brokerage 1 +100110110 cash-paying 1 +100110110 Commie 1 +100110110 Normodyne 1 +100110110 lider 1 +100110110 MaxSaving 1 +100110110 saccharine-sweet 1 +100110110 amendment-drafting 1 +100110110 between-service 1 +100110110 slower-reacting 1 +100110110 34,000-person 1 +100110110 sometimes-profane 1 +100110110 good-guys-take-out-the-bad-guys 1 +100110110 anti-MBA 1 +100110110 prescripts 1 +100110110 Hyphae 1 +100110110 inching-along 1 +100110110 film-library 1 +100110110 merger-happy 1 +100110110 TV-shaped 1 +100110110 140,000-man 1 +100110110 6-foot-6-inch 1 +100110110 tissue-thin 1 +100110110 Ciao 1 +100110110 television-fixated 1 +100110110 2,485 1 +100110110 46-unit 1 +100110110 3,400-person 1 +100110110 iron-curtain 1 +100110110 Washington-departing 1 +100110110 alcohol-consuming 1 +100110110 parlous 1 +100110110 299-year 1 +100110110 limited-time 1 +100110110 American-modern 1 +100110110 unfussy 1 +100110110 snowed-in 1 +100110110 ornithic 1 +100110110 nip-and-tuck 1 +100110110 slogan-makers 1 +100110110 cult-captured 1 +100110110 cork-shot 1 +100110110 farmer-stockholders 1 +100110110 anual 1 +100110110 Slurpee 1 +100110110 greediest 1 +100110110 corollary-supply-side 1 +100110110 anti-Hollywood 1 +100110110 three-decades-old 1 +100110110 Apulian 1 +100110110 220-employee 1 +100110110 tax-professional 1 +100110110 Zylin 1 +100110110 piano-teacher 1 +100110110 Zulu-based 1 +100110110 car-centered 1 +100110110 9-volt 1 +100110110 two-cent-a-gallon 1 +100110110 provenience 1 +100110110 dead-level 1 +100110110 two-millionth 1 +100110110 art-historian 1 +100110110 105-year 1 +100110110 current-lease 1 +100110110 nine-year-long 1 +100110110 six-million-strong 1 +100110110 centuries-long 1 +100110110 periwinkle-painted 1 +100110110 most-anticipated 1 +100110110 best-developed 1 +100110110 salivary 1 +100110110 Canada-to-California 1 +100110110 flapper 1 +100110110 movieland 1 +100110110 350-plus 1 +100110110 Colona 1 +100110110 red-shaded 1 +100110110 government-acquired 1 +100110110 60,000-car 1 +100110110 byproduct-prosperity 1 +100110110 once-tranquil 1 +100110110 3,000-member 1 +100110110 188,000-employee 1 +100110110 tribal-warfare 1 +100110110 fur-draped 1 +100110110 Robinson-Dike 1 +100110110 Leewards 1 +100110110 abusive-tax-shelter 1 +100110110 now-traditional 1 +100110110 human-knuckle 1 +100110110 anti-spending 1 +100110110 17-aircraft 1 +100110110 subscribersand 1 +100110110 angry-looking 1 +100110110 Marxist-Leninist-based 1 +100110110 frozen-pork 1 +100110110 overnight-call 1 +100110110 right-to-privacy 1 +100110110 Tony-winning 1 +100110110 already-stated 1 +100110110 soon-to-be-born 1 +100110110 thaler 1 +100110110 police-band 1 +100110110 black-township 1 +100110110 ecumenicism 1 +100110110 fourlegged 1 +100110110 ready-to-pick 1 +100110110 unanesthetized 1 +100110110 listener-request 1 +100110110 letter-national 1 +100110110 Cuban-type 1 +100110110 ursine 1 +100110110 union-prone 1 +100110110 nylon-covered 1 +100110110 Carinthian 1 +100110110 cardboard-recycling 1 +100110110 favored-company 1 +100110110 telephone-filled 1 +100110110 pecan-based 1 +100110110 astrologist 1 +100110110 77-seat 1 +100110110 early-running 1 +100110110 gray-edged 1 +100110110 gold-capped 1 +100110110 looseleaf 1 +100110110 730-member 1 +100110110 170-member 1 +100110110 972-unit 1 +100110110 70-foot 1 +100110110 protected-species 1 +100110110 40,000-year-old 1 +100110110 Styrofoam-brand 1 +100110110 bright-yellow 1 +100110110 well-promoted 1 +100110110 Borsari 1 +100110110 plasticized 1 +100110110 steel-export 1 +100110110 screechy 1 +100110110 perfume-trademark 1 +100110110 1991-1995 1 +100110110 eight-game 1 +100110110 Azerty 1 +100110110 29,320-member 1 +100110110 33,000-person 1 +100110110 ice-queen 1 +100110110 4x2 1 +100110110 pony-picking 1 +100110110 anti-technology 1 +100110110 basest 1 +100110110 15,000-share 1 +100110110 diapered 1 +100110110 3,000th 1 +100110110 gutsier 1 +100110110 once-clever 1 +100110110 would-have-been 1 +100110110 well-overdue 1 +100110110 suit-clad 1 +100110110 then-Harvard 1 +100110110 death-related 1 +100110110 Esoteric-brand 1 +100110110 dry-grocery 1 +100110110 drug-addled 1 +100110110 spread-the-wealth 1 +100110110 anti-utopian 1 +100110110 chip-buying 1 +100110110 foreign-wned 1 +100110110 broker-members 1 +100110110 mom-pop-and-brothers 1 +100110110 16-man 1 +100110110 still-beautiful 1 +100110110 enrichment-plant 1 +100110110 Coraflex 1 +100110110 billy-goat 1 +100110110 Ritmo 1 +100110110 mud-wall 1 +100110110 oh-so-brief 1 +100110110 full-life 1 +100110110 purple-haired 1 +100110110 business-use 1 +100110110 cushion-like 1 +100110110 42nd-floor 1 +100110110 bowling-league 1 +100110110 stage-design 1 +100110110 44,000-member 1 +100110110 inter-line 1 +100110110 still-mammoth 1 +100110110 137,000-pound 1 +100110110 freezenik 1 +100110110 gulyas 1 +100110110 deficit-projection 1 +100110110 let-'em-hit-it 1 +100110110 pine-paneled 1 +100110110 hot-dog-loving 1 +100110110 bat-counting 1 +100110110 no-increase 1 +100110110 packhorse 1 +100110110 three-millionth 1 +100110110 baseball-watching 1 +100110110 supercool 1 +100110110 once-revised 1 +100110110 docudramatic 1 +100110110 29-volume 1 +100110110 laboratory-tested 1 +100110110 blonde-streaked 1 +100110110 Diplock 1 +100110110 wordprocessing 1 +100110110 non-MLP 1 +100110110 moral/political 1 +100110110 bordello-like 1 +100110110 big-bopper 1 +100110110 car-quota 1 +100110110 insurgency-threatened 1 +100110110 784,000-a-year 1 +100110110 body-shipping 1 +100110110 happi 1 +100110110 post-boxing 1 +100110110 propaganda-machine 1 +100110110 live-entertainment 1 +100110110 collegues 1 +100110110 23-story 1 +100110110 THA-lecithin 1 +100110110 star-athlete 1 +100110110 cast. 1 +100110110 flame-broiled 1 +100110110 much-cherished 1 +100110110 AIDS-tainted 1 +100110110 once-lofty 1 +100110110 tax-crime 1 +100110110 polyester-blend 1 +100110110 movie-placement 1 +100110110 eight-cent-a-share 1 +100110110 moony 1 +100110110 transmission-pressure 1 +100110110 big-boat 1 +100110110 publicity-battered 1 +100110110 Dorito 1 +100110110 media-borne 1 +100110110 imported-from-Europe 1 +100110110 jurisdiction. 1 +100110110 mail-solicitation 1 +100110110 musicial 1 +100110110 annual-banquet 1 +100110110 debt-subordination 1 +100110110 widely-used 1 +100110110 intracacies 1 +100110110 splotched 1 +100110110 fraudulent-transactions 1 +100110110 Case-Pac 1 +100110110 nests. 1 +100110110 anti-Giuliani 1 +100110110 motherand 1 +100110110 well-embalmed 1 +100110110 loss-posting 1 +100110110 500-store 1 +100110110 paint-it-black 1 +100110110 TV-interview 1 +100110110 grandiloquence 1 +100110110 bumpiest 1 +100110110 extra-Guarneri 1 +100110110 exploitational 1 +100110110 target-market 1 +100110110 Chablis-sipping 1 +100110110 oft-volatile 1 +100110110 sex-symbol 1 +100110110 320-picture 1 +100110110 124-year 1 +100110110 much-adapted 1 +100110110 73-page 1 +100110110 Armorall 1 +100110110 egg-crate 1 +100110110 long-sacred 1 +100110110 just-received 1 +100110110 Teamster-represented 1 +100110110 factoring-receivables 1 +100110110 aspartame-sweetened 1 +100110110 53-plane 1 +100110110 property-distribution 1 +100110110 714,680 1 +100110110 penny-a-point 1 +100110110 much-repeated 1 +100110110 imprecations 1 +100110110 WesBlot 1 +100110110 cottage-industry 1 +100110110 wine-cured 1 +100110110 spangled 1 +100110110 states'-rights 1 +100110110 Matra-Racing 1 +100110110 bookcase-lined 1 +100110110 prostate-surgery 1 +100110110 pre-nomination 1 +100110110 street-talk 1 +100110110 less-than-startling 1 +100110110 ever-critical 1 +100110110 just-above-a-whisper 1 +100110110 Tele-Tax 1 +100110110 interposition 1 +100110110 adenoidal 1 +100110110 random-urinalysis 1 +100110110 ditsy 1 +100110110 hospital-green 1 +100110110 on-the-mark 1 +100110110 unseeing 1 +100110110 dark-squared 1 +100110110 TRV 1 +100110110 MO. 1 +100110110 103-points-a-game 1 +100110110 chart-room 1 +100110110 book-tour 1 +100110110 drugstore-style 1 +100110110 Reagan-Republican 1 +100110110 scarf-like 1 +100110110 pill-factory 1 +100110110 artificers 1 +100110110 fast-turnaround 1 +100110110 200-calorie 1 +100110110 popcorn-marketing 1 +100110110 Italianate 1 +100110110 week-one 1 +100110110 four-round 1 +100110110 nation-leading 1 +100110110 four-back 1 +100110110 Soviet-crazy 1 +100110110 cogeneration/district 1 +100110110 ice-gathering 1 +100110110 four-games-to-one 1 +100110110 100mg 1 +100110110 14-month-long 1 +100110110 68-foot 1 +100110110 ingredient-oriented 1 +100110110 866-room 1 +100110110 space-travel-haunted-house-action 1 +100110110 anti-administration 1 +100110110 long-ineffective 1 +100110110 dart-board 1 +100110110 space-consuming 1 +100110110 symptomssciatic 1 +100110110 feet-lasted 1 +100110110 Pantheon-published 1 +100110110 591-page 1 +100110110 8-year-old 1 +100110110 PaineWebber-involved 1 +100110110 class-based 1 +100110110 TV-sales 1 +100110110 once-downtrodden 1 +100110110 romanticizing 1 +100110110 criminal-abortion 1 +100110110 limited-conflict 1 +100110110 northern-region 1 +100110110 keep-the-pipeline 1 +100110110 Polish-built 1 +100110110 10-lawyer 1 +100110110 half-mad 1 +100110110 dissolving-pulp 1 +100110110 security-obsessed 1 +100110110 cleaner-than-clean 1 +100110110 Third-World-can-do-no-wrong 1 +100110110 good-cop/bad-cop 1 +100110110 1,565 1 +100110110 rough-housing 1 +100110110 153-year-old 1 +100110110 pro-peace 1 +100110110 bi-hemispheric 1 +100110110 spaghetti-western 1 +100110110 nominee-account 1 +100110110 already-stumbling 1 +100110110 above-ceiling 1 +100110110 pre-junta 1 +100110110 cigarette-factory 1 +100110110 owner. 1 +100110110 co-executors 1 +100110110 bulk-container 1 +100110110 rags-to-ranches 1 +100110110 119-year 1 +100110110 once-laughed-at 1 +100110110 five-foot-eight 1 +100110110 300-picture 1 +100110110 heady-left 1 +100110110 since-deceased 1 +100110110 110-plane 1 +100110110 Frankfurt-Vienna 1 +100110110 peace-oriented 1 +100110110 hit-man 1 +100110110 egotisical 1 +100110110 1-meg 1 +100110110 913-person 1 +100110110 futures-pit 1 +100110110 MerCruiser 1 +100110110 multibilliondollar 1 +100110110 gee-gosh 1 +100110110 MDL-1 1 +100110110 64-outlet 1 +100110110 field-price 1 +100110110 kid-cluttered 1 +100110110 people-counting 1 +100110110 movie-fed 1 +100110110 over-populated 1 +100110110 self-commissioned 1 +100110110 self-transforming 1 +100110110 goat-drawn 1 +100110110 Sedco-Forex 1 +100110110 A-320-200 1 +100110110 play-on-words 1 +100110110 cream-of-the-crop 1 +100110110 client-oriented 1 +100110110 cybernetic 1 +100110110 Bronzavia-Air 1 +100110110 172-foot 1 +100110110 Pooh-like 1 +100110110 spike-heeled 1 +100110110 backgrounding 1 +100110110 Gene-Amp 1 +100110110 genetic-inheritance 1 +100110110 80-employee 1 +100110110 post-spill 1 +100110110 everpresent 1 +100110110 other-than-peacekeeping 1 +100110110 Toledo-area 1 +100110110 southbound 1 +100110110 woman-as-devil 1 +100110110 basketball-mad 1 +100110110 380-person 1 +100110110 swept-back 1 +100110110 fund-performance 1 +100110110 500,000th 1 +100110110 135th 1 +100110110 fall-harvest 1 +100110110 sixteenth 1 +100110110 roach-killing 1 +100110110 73-acre 1 +100110110 bardic 1 +100110110 now-public 1 +100110110 200th-birthday 1 +100110110 Jiminy 1 +100110110 hatchet-man 1 +100110110 Bernie-and-Earnie 1 +100110110 clean-sheet-of-paper 1 +100110110 whalelike 1 +100110110 361,700 1 +100110110 Lastac 1 +100110110 dobermans 1 +100110110 Tangiers 1 +100110110 defense-cooperation 1 +100110110 work-hardened 1 +100110110 oncebright 1 +100110110 involuted 1 +100110110 powderpuff 1 +100110110 20th-floor 1 +100110110 cancer-detection 1 +100110110 oratorial 1 +100110110 pre-1986 1 +100110110 cot-sized 1 +100110110 underdog-becomes-champion 1 +100110110 63-year 1 +100110110 Top-Shelf 1 +100110110 brassknuckle 1 +100110110 cat-nabbed 1 +100110110 Hourglass 1 +100110110 quasi-lame-duck 1 +100110110 wage-based 1 +100110110 education-accountability 1 +100110110 sugared-water 1 +100110110 365-mile-long 1 +100110110 PCAX2 1 +100110110 above-the-fray 1 +100110110 46-member 1 +100110110 amniotic 1 +100110110 Elizabethan-style 1 +100110110 69-person 1 +100110110 poignance 1 +100110110 deftful 1 +100110110 OSE 1 +100110110 2,000-company 1 +100110110 175-mile-range 1 +100110110 once-big 1 +100110110 post-Mengers 1 +100110110 Krugercraft 1 +100110110 Benzamycin 1 +100110110 cram-school 1 +100110110 graphological 1 +100110110 castle-like 1 +100110110 Petasol 1 +100110110 chunky-knit 1 +100110110 chokecherry 1 +100110110 not-very-virginal 1 +100110110 77-store 1 +100110110 planted-acreage 1 +100110110 handwoven 1 +100110110 assortments. 1 +100110110 1,731 1 +100110110 permed 1 +100110110 lone-hero 1 +100110110 Anscriptin 1 +100110110 184th-place 1 +100110110 wasp-waisted 1 +100110110 stand-up-and-be-counted 1 +100110110 blue-and-yellow 2 +100110110 weak-on-defense 2 +100110110 Featherlite 2 +100110110 drought-plagued 2 +100110110 eight-ship 2 +100110110 96-page 2 +100110110 15-week 2 +100110110 chess-playing 2 +100110110 phone-lines 2 +100110110 billion-year-old 2 +100110110 1,747,796 2 +100110110 apportions 2 +100110110 15,239 2 +100110110 then-controversial 2 +100110110 once-favorite 2 +100110110 grain-buying 2 +100110110 230-member 2 +100110110 dollar-linked 2 +100110110 frizzy 2 +100110110 counterinflationary 2 +100110110 Recombigen 2 +100110110 employer-services 2 +100110110 pollution-cleanup 2 +100110110 61-year 2 +100110110 no-new-tax 2 +100110110 16-mm 2 +100110110 uncelebrated 2 +100110110 1,800-member 2 +100110110 9800 2 +100110110 A12 2 +100110110 savings-plan 2 +100110110 30-office 2 +100110110 MMF 2 +100110110 CashStream 2 +100110110 uncommunicative 2 +100110110 nightmare-like 2 +100110110 Torsen 2 +100110110 company-contributed 2 +100110110 state-college 2 +100110110 900-line 2 +100110110 buckskin 2 +100110110 dextrous 2 +100110110 non-TV 2 +100110110 least-liked 2 +100110110 459-room 2 +100110110 scare-mongering 2 +100110110 32-county 2 +100110110 95-year 2 +100110110 military-minded 2 +100110110 never-fail 2 +100110110 70-odd 2 +100110110 Holt-McDermott 2 +100110110 7,500-member 2 +100110110 waste-in-government 2 +100110110 escutcheon 2 +100110110 despoiled 2 +100110110 weak-voting 2 +100110110 kingly 2 +100110110 emergency-management 2 +100110110 M-939 2 +100110110 little-girl 2 +100110110 138-year 2 +100110110 AIDS-stricken 2 +100110110 casualty-property 2 +100110110 Ticlopidine 2 +100110110 off-court 3 +100110110 secretary-of-state 3 +100110110 happy-go-lucky 3 +100110110 108,710 3 +100110110 80-year 3 +100110110 collectability 3 +100110110 bloodstreams 3 +100110110 search-warrant 3 +100110110 712,650 3 +100110110 I.O.U. 3 +100110110 oft-expressed 3 +100110110 rumps 4 +100110110 computer-buying 4 +100110110 Clairton 4 +100110110 top-floor 4 +100110110 sulky 4 +100110110 nonlisted 4 +100110110 militaries 5 +100110110 sternest 7 +100110110 livings 8 +100110110 oft-stated 11 +100110110 hard-earned 21 +100110110 own 19771 +100110110 entirety 44 +1001101110 peviously 1 +1001101110 commercial-currently 1 +1001101110 previoulsy 1 +1001101110 Behrmann 1 +1001101110 orignally 1 +1001101110 Ekspres 1 +1001101110 Detroiter 1 +1001101110 Radyo 1 +1001101110 C.A.U. 1 +1001101110 electro-Latino 1 +1001101110 Steigbigel 1 +1001101110 Benet 1 +1001101110 Mihajlo 1 +1001101110 previosuly 1 +1001101110 18,385 1 +1001101110 engine-level 1 +1001101110 Victorica 1 +1001101110 Prevoyance 1 +1001101110 Dahmane 1 +1001101110 thunderously 1 +1001101110 Yehoshafat 1 +1001101110 1,517 1 +1001101110 Short-Sighted 1 +1001101110 tail-gunner 1 +1001101110 attendent 1 +1001101110 Stratocruisers 1 +1001101110 non-lesser 1 +1001101110 storm-driven 1 +1001101110 groundings 1 +1001101110 lodgepoles 2 +1001101110 previouly 2 +1001101110 previously 11230 +1001101110 incorrectly 362 +1001101111 agri-chemical 1 +1001101111 crop-genetics 1 +1001101111 floor-wax 1 +1001101111 four-division 1 +1001101111 seventh-ranking 1 +1001101111 outdoor-wear 1 +1001101111 optical-scanning-equipment 1 +1001101111 tax-preparer 1 +1001101111 computer-automation 1 +1001101111 bookbinding 1 +1001101111 telecommmunications 1 +1001101111 30-employee 1 +1001101111 construction-development 1 +1001101111 healthproducts 1 +1001101111 118-year-old 1 +1001101111 sewing-pattern 1 +1001101111 cashstrapped 1 +1001101111 savings-andloan 1 +1001101111 CIA-operated 1 +1001101111 Hutton-recommended 1 +1001101111 dual-business 1 +1001101111 project-driven 1 +1001101111 three-product 1 +1001101111 pharmaceutical-based 1 +1001101111 paper-wide 1 +1001101111 transportation-manufacturing 1 +1001101111 Icahn-controlled 1 +1001101111 transaction-systems 1 +1001101111 doctor-owned 1 +1001101111 flavors-and-scents 1 +1001101111 BNP-AK 1 +1001101111 micrographic-services 1 +1001101111 company-backed 1 +1001101111 oil-field-service 1 +1001101111 broadcasting-only 1 +1001101111 Shreveport-based 1 +1001101111 traget 1 +1001101111 real-estate-information 1 +1001101111 concentrate-completing 1 +1001101111 medical-billing 1 +1001101111 land-shark 1 +1001101111 brothers-controlled 1 +1001101111 cable-services 1 +1001101111 transporatation 1 +1001101111 TV-retailing 1 +1001101111 laundry-appliance 1 +1001101111 tardiest 1 +1001101111 children's-clothing 1 +1001101111 delivery-services 1 +1001101111 prestige-brand 1 +1001101111 Spectrum-led 1 +1001101111 mineral-mining 1 +1001101111 bird-seed 1 +1001101111 Corona-import 1 +1001101111 company-by-private 1 +1001101111 studio/production 1 +1001101111 insurance-sales 1 +1001101111 specialty-stores 1 +1001101111 Coke-financed 1 +1001101111 newspaper-operating 1 +1001101111 small-to-mid-sized 1 +1001101111 Curacao-registered 1 +1001101111 Hunt-family 1 +1001101111 bath-equipment 1 +1001101111 magazine-publishing 1 +1001101111 billiard-table 1 +1001101111 Toulouse-based 1 +1001101111 bottler-run 1 +1001101111 management-owned 1 +1001101111 households-goods 1 +1001101111 telecommunications-holding 1 +1001101111 year-earlier. 1 +1001101111 Japansese 1 +1001101111 bakery-goods 1 +1001101111 solvent-refining 1 +1001101111 carbonated-drink 1 +1001101111 Fry-Merrill 1 +1001101111 catalog-supply 1 +1001101111 residence-in-exile 1 +1001101111 Orem-based 1 +1001101111 bus-contracting 1 +1001101111 equipment-rental 1 +1001101111 Kansai-based 1 +1001101111 chemical-handling 1 +1001101111 reindeers 1 +1001101111 television-and-media 1 +1001101111 sugar-holding 1 +1001101111 Wellington-based 1 +1001101111 mushroom-producing 1 +1001101111 health-management 1 +1001101111 gas-delivery 1 +1001101111 Columbia-Tri-Star 1 +1001101111 luxury-product 1 +1001101111 consumer-membership-services 1 +1001101111 publishing-research 1 +1001101111 auto-leasing 1 +1001101111 total-control 1 +1001101111 once-sprawling 1 +1001101111 436,162 1 +1001101111 then-employee-owned 1 +1001101111 cost-driven 1 +1001101111 predivestiture 1 +1001101111 machine-making 1 +1001101111 Wars'-related 1 +1001101111 worker-run 1 +1001101111 milk-products 1 +1001101111 precision-stamping 1 +1001101111 Khashoggi-related 1 +1001101111 convertible-investment 1 +1001101111 home-canning 1 +1001101111 name-plating 1 +1001101111 slowestgrowing 1 +1001101111 rice-marketing 1 +1001101111 higher-growth-rate 1 +1001101111 corn-pone 1 +1001101111 Weber-controlled 1 +1001101111 nuclear-fuel-processing 1 +1001101111 Swiss-backed 1 +1001101111 regulationstied 1 +1001101111 paperboard-products 1 +1001101111 Imperial-Holly 1 +1001101111 Negras 1 +1001101111 pen-patent 1 +1001101111 Western-owned 1 +1001101111 financial-holding 1 +1001101111 river-rafting 1 +1001101111 30-person 1 +1001101111 rollingstock 1 +1001101111 offshore-service 1 +1001101111 one-drug 1 +1001101111 stuffed-toy 1 +1001101111 1,000-worker 1 +1001101111 kitchen-installation 1 +1001101111 suntan-booth 1 +1001101111 cellular-phone-system 1 +1001101111 now-saltless 1 +1001101111 hydrocarbon-storage 1 +1001101111 French-run 1 +1001101111 most-shopped 1 +1001101111 land-investment 1 +1001101111 picture-framing 1 +1001101111 not-yet-formed 1 +1001101111 sales-representative 1 +1001101111 zinc-processing 1 +1001101111 travel-management 1 +1001101111 land-resources 1 +1001101111 mutual-life-insurance 1 +1001101111 Delaware-registered 1 +1001101111 now-smaller 1 +1001101111 plastic-molding 1 +1001101111 telecommunication-service 1 +1001101111 homeopathic-drug 1 +1001101111 screw-machine 1 +1001101111 containerized-shipping 1 +1001101111 stock-exchange-listed 1 +1001101111 computer-networking-systems 1 +1001101111 takeover-prone 1 +1001101111 metals-refining 1 +1001101111 familyrun 1 +1001101111 computer-room-equipment 1 +1001101111 rock-management 1 +1001101111 biotechnlogy 1 +1001101111 preciousmetals 1 +1001101111 Shannon-based 1 +1001101111 environmental-management 1 +1001101111 specialtychemicals 1 +1001101111 70-employee 1 +1001101111 Jackson-based 1 +1001101111 once-private 1 +1001101111 lower-tech 1 +1001101111 one-restaurant 1 +1001101111 royalty-collecting 1 +1001101111 financial-publications 1 +1001101111 herbal-medicine 1 +1001101111 telecommuniations 1 +1001101111 personality-test 1 +1001101111 civil-service-like 1 +1001101111 marketing-type 1 +1001101111 musical-production 1 +1001101111 disk-technology 1 +1001101111 parcel-delivery 1 +1001101111 personnel-testing 1 +1001101111 correctional-services 1 +1001101111 730-employee 1 +1001101111 travel-book 1 +1001101111 restraurant 1 +1001101111 37,800-employee 1 +1001101111 financial-marketing 1 +1001101111 television-receiver 1 +1001101111 computer-using 1 +1001101111 return-on-assets-driven 1 +1001101111 Spainish 1 +1001101111 Pittsburghbased 1 +1001101111 cotton-picking 1 +1001101111 nonlitigious 1 +1001101111 real-estate-investment 2 +1001101111 foreign-capital 2 +1001101111 food-supply 2 +1001101111 cocoa-processing 2 +1001101111 information-age 2 +1001101111 mining-finance 2 +1001101111 final-quarter 2 +1001101111 post-LBO 2 +1001101111 hunting-equipment 2 +1001101111 Trupin-related 2 +1001101111 industrial-management 2 +1001101111 cult-like 2 +1001101111 railroad-holding 2 +1001101111 radio-broadcasting 2 +1001101111 parcel-post 2 +1001101111 steel-trading 2 +1001101111 titanium-production 2 +1001101111 financial-publication 2 +1001101111 software-systems 2 +1001101111 adult-beverage 2 +1001101111 governmentowned 2 +1001101111 photo-equipment 2 +1001101111 graphics-products 2 +1001101111 non-sister 2 +1001101111 Anglo-Italian 2 +1001101111 sanction-list 2 +1001101111 Reichmann-controlled 3 +1001101111 hotel-development 3 +1001101111 technology-services 3 +1001101111 natural-gas-distribution 3 +1001101111 data-processing-services 4 +1001101111 research-driven 4 +1001101111 industrial-holding 5 +1001101111 worker-owned 7 +1001101111 amalgamated 7 +1001101111 one-product 9 +1001101111 bankholding 9 +1001101111 insurance-holding 11 +1001101111 airline-holding 12 +1001101111 thrift-holding 13 +1001101111 utility-holding 13 +1001101111 development-stage 14 +1001101111 Posner-controlled 15 +1001101111 recapitalized 92 +1001101111 bank-holding 132 +1001101111 surviving 462 +1001101111 holding 10237 +10011100000 medical-education 1 +10011100000 joint-financing 1 +10011100000 first-base 1 +10011100000 SAISON 1 +10011100000 Euro-convertible 1 +10011100000 pointdrop 1 +10011100000 oversize-load 1 +10011100000 fire-support 1 +10011100000 divestituture 1 +10011100000 fruit-and-cookie 1 +10011100000 Cordobesa 1 +10011100000 anti-pope 1 +10011100000 mony 1 +10011100000 domestic-oil 1 +10011100000 sourcebook 1 +10011100000 brunette-bombshell 1 +10011100000 Antinous 1 +10011100000 anti-landlord 1 +10011100000 nasality 1 +10011100000 nia 1 +10011100000 symphonic/operatic 1 +10011100000 carnivores 1 +10011100000 short-grain 1 +10011100000 bow-killed 1 +10011100000 jeweller 1 +10011100000 pro-pot 1 +10011100000 television-film 1 +10011100000 Sasa 1 +10011100000 weapon. 1 +10011100000 coffee-producer 1 +10011100000 Materielverk 1 +10011100000 scrap-iron 1 +10011100000 month-from-prior-month 1 +10011100000 income-averaging 1 +10011100000 income-producers 1 +10011100000 Holmesiana 1 +10011100000 7032 1 +10011100000 calorimeter 1 +10011100000 liberal-studies 1 +10011100000 watchmakers 1 +10011100000 Philippine-Japanese 1 +10011100000 albatrosses 1 +10011100000 fixed-disk 1 +10011100000 senza 1 +10011100000 possessory 1 +10011100000 theircompany 1 +10011100000 franchisee-investor 1 +10011100000 USAF 1 +10011100000 volume-wine 1 +10011100000 embarassments 1 +10011100000 youth-fitness 1 +10011100000 family-led 1 +10011100000 non-sterling 1 +10011100000 cleanup-cost 1 +10011100000 capital-city 1 +10011100000 pilot-seniority 1 +10011100000 shell-jewelry 1 +10011100000 mutual-fund-industry 1 +10011100000 scoopers 1 +10011100000 Suez-led 1 +10011100000 corn-seed 1 +10011100000 goat-milk 1 +10011100000 Video. 1 +10011100000 jug-wine 1 +10011100000 half-breathing 1 +10011100000 cartonero 2 +10011100000 50-yard-line 2 +10011100000 cash-withdrawal 2 +10011100000 two-third 2 +10011100000 13-ounce 2 +10011100000 16-11 2 +10011100000 7010 2 +10011100000 yule 2 +10011100000 seafarer 2 +10011100000 mortgage-service 2 +10011100000 two-session 2 +10011100000 felony-conspiracy 2 +10011100000 IBM-designed 2 +10011100000 Christmas-card 2 +10011100000 employee-initiated 2 +10011100000 pepenador 2 +10011100000 72-23 2 +10011100000 rerun-sales 2 +10011100000 pre-delivery 2 +10011100000 choirmaster 2 +10011100000 hit-making 2 +10011100000 breaststroke 2 +10011100000 Krokodil 2 +10011100000 landlubber 2 +10011100000 caddie 2 +10011100000 ziggurat 2 +10011100000 bleeder 2 +10011100000 moon-shot 2 +10011100000 230-page 2 +10011100000 post-spinoff 3 +10011100000 86-14 3 +10011100000 robin 3 +10011100000 boozer 3 +10011100000 27-inch 3 +10011100000 sports-page 3 +10011100000 moss-covered 3 +10011100000 Biker 3 +10011100000 model-year-end 3 +10011100000 celeb 3 +10011100000 gold-investment 3 +10011100000 still-functioning 3 +10011100000 Sansei 3 +10011100000 market-capitalization 3 +10011100000 formalist 4 +10011100000 chlorzoxazone 4 +10011100000 gray-blue 4 +10011100000 toga 4 +10011100000 12-3 4 +10011100000 13G 4 +10011100000 unit-holder 4 +10011100000 glassmakers 4 +10011100000 field-goal 5 +10011100000 fortnightly 5 +10011100000 shareowner 5 +10011100000 tutorial 5 +10011100000 Tinseltown 5 +10011100000 paramedic 6 +10011100000 high-wire 6 +10011100000 prompter 6 +10011100000 federal-government 6 +10011100000 minibus 6 +10011100000 nuclear-industry 6 +10011100000 concierge 6 +10011100000 lap-shoulder 7 +10011100000 unitholder 7 +10011100000 locality 8 +10011100000 U.S.-dollar 8 +10011100000 cipher 9 +10011100000 rump 10 +10011100000 warm-up 11 +10011100000 cadaver 11 +10011100000 stagecoach 12 +10011100000 co-marketing 13 +10011100000 imponderable 14 +10011100000 cardholder 15 +10011100000 visitation 16 +10011100000 catalogue 20 +10011100000 nonsmoker 20 +10011100000 LOT 21 +10011100000 stud 28 +10011100000 snail 28 +10011100000 pupil 32 +10011100000 share-purchase 33 +10011100000 battleship 33 +10011100000 whirlwind 35 +10011100000 clown 40 +10011100000 machinist 45 +10011100000 biweekly 46 +10011100000 policyholder 51 +10011100000 constituent 63 +10011100000 memorial 68 +10011100000 bondholder 78 +10011100000 goat 81 +10011100000 referral 95 +10011100000 depositor 99 +10011100000 stock-purchase 103 +10011100000 placebo 121 +10011100000 retiree 122 +10011100000 blanket 153 +10011100000 franchisee 174 +10011100000 donor 197 +10011100000 tenant 201 +10011100000 subscriber 229 +10011100000 voter 245 +10011100000 stockholder 373 +10011100000 pro 453 +10011100000 user 487 +10011100000 taxpayer 535 +10011100000 master 906 +10011100000 pilot 1081 +10011100000 holder 1404 +10011100000 student 1792 +10011100000 rival 2010 +10011100000 shareholder 4866 +10011100000 customer 2826 +10011100001 138-day 1 +10011100001 225-day 1 +10011100001 134-day 1 +10011100001 161-day 1 +10011100001 supercounterintelligence 1 +10011100001 felicities 1 +10011100001 1.3-month 1 +10011100001 27-judge 1 +10011100001 54-day 1 +10011100001 Jive/RCA 1 +10011100001 7.1-month 1 +10011100001 crop-curbing 1 +10011100001 Cran-Blueberry 1 +10011100001 federal/industry 1 +10011100001 508-point-plunge 1 +10011100001 scientism 1 +10011100001 handsomeness 1 +10011100001 low-prestige 1 +10011100001 crowd. 1 +10011100001 once-tight 1 +10011100001 pushovers 1 +10011100001 five-and-a-half-hour 1 +10011100001 widemouthed 1 +10011100001 arduousness 1 +10011100001 63-member 1 +10011100001 combatant-theater 1 +10011100001 cross-court 1 +10011100001 Kerouac-style 1 +10011100001 Hire-A-Kid 1 +10011100001 jackpot-control 1 +10011100001 Amtrack 1 +10011100001 146-day 1 +10011100001 scientific-miracles 1 +10011100001 59-day 1 +10011100001 fistsize 1 +10011100001 waker-upper 1 +10011100001 IABP-like 1 +10011100001 subversiveness 1 +10011100001 inexorability 1 +10011100001 materials-research 1 +10011100001 micro-environment 1 +10011100001 Custerlike 1 +10011100001 puniness 1 +10011100001 hun 1 +10011100001 hora 1 +10011100001 models. 1 +10011100001 microtones 1 +10011100001 74-day 1 +10011100001 legislative-like 1 +10011100001 lactic-acid 1 +10011100001 vestry 1 +10011100001 raiments 1 +10011100001 farm-outlook 1 +10011100001 five-paragraph 1 +10011100001 disply 1 +10011100001 methanol-fuel 1 +10011100001 snd 1 +10011100001 note-referring 1 +10011100001 preparaton 1 +10011100001 oilcan 1 +10011100001 raiment 1 +10011100001 105-day 1 +10011100001 power-demand 1 +10011100001 60.6-day 1 +10011100001 four-and-a-half-hour 1 +10011100001 twin-spired 1 +10011100001 minimum-pricing 1 +10011100001 congressional-committee 1 +10011100001 nocturne 1 +10011100001 episcopal 1 +10011100001 shop-steward 1 +10011100001 142-day 1 +10011100001 theme-trading 1 +10011100001 import-damage 1 +10011100001 117-day 1 +10011100001 suggestiveness 1 +10011100001 22-day 1 +10011100001 doctor-ordered 1 +10011100001 universities. 1 +10011100001 5.4-month 1 +10011100001 blaster 1 +10011100001 speed-filled 1 +10011100001 137-day 1 +10011100001 population-decline 1 +10011100001 aloneness 1 +10011100001 review-board 1 +10011100001 tabbies 1 +10011100001 non-cabinet 1 +10011100001 175-day 1 +10011100001 92-day 1 +10011100001 Celtic-sounding 1 +10011100001 plts 1 +10011100001 131-days 1 +10011100001 92-days 1 +10011100001 love-on-the-road-to-who-knows-where 1 +10011100001 grill-toasted 1 +10011100001 6.6-month 1 +10011100001 pre-show 1 +10011100001 authentic-instrument 1 +10011100001 counter-news 1 +10011100001 salt-labeling 1 +10011100001 KCNA 1 +10011100001 32,251 1 +10011100001 trust-department 1 +10011100001 preppie/bad 1 +10011100001 single-candidate 1 +10011100001 coins. 1 +10011100001 video-tape 1 +10011100001 chilliness 1 +10011100001 epigraphs 1 +10011100001 mixed-discipline 1 +10011100001 Sigunna 1 +10011100001 temporary-lawyer 1 +10011100001 civil-resistance 1 +10011100001 strokelike 1 +10011100001 television-reference 1 +10011100001 digital-editing 1 +10011100001 riverine 1 +10011100001 hypoxic 1 +10011100001 new-future-world 1 +10011100001 gold-eagle 1 +10011100001 273-day 1 +10011100001 youth-services 1 +10011100001 parentheticals 1 +10011100001 165-day 1 +10011100001 U.S.-Russian 1 +10011100001 margin-rules 1 +10011100001 free-vote 1 +10011100001 auto-shop 1 +10011100001 superpower-sponsored 1 +10011100001 share-value 1 +10011100001 126-day 1 +10011100001 167-day 1 +10011100001 sharkskin-covered 1 +10011100001 7,000-person 1 +10011100001 bi-regional 1 +10011100001 intra-office 1 +10011100001 Karntnerthor 1 +10011100001 caramel-dipped 1 +10011100001 roper 1 +10011100001 Oja 1 +10011100001 Harvard-Genentech 1 +10011100001 washcloth 1 +10011100001 blue-cheese 1 +10011100001 experimentalist 1 +10011100001 Xeph 1 +10011100001 43rd-floor 1 +10011100001 Bournemouth 1 +10011100001 protrusion 1 +10011100001 actuarial-science 1 +10011100001 manufactured-export 1 +10011100001 dirt-bike 1 +10011100001 circular-file 1 +10011100001 banker. 1 +10011100001 half-hourly 1 +10011100001 precipices 1 +10011100001 pre-exhibition 1 +10011100001 dogooder 1 +10011100001 branchline 1 +10011100001 pseudo-Tudor 1 +10011100001 career-counseling 1 +10011100001 goony 1 +10011100001 3.7-month 1 +10011100001 filet-mignon 1 +10011100001 anti-vending 1 +10011100001 educational-computing 1 +10011100001 tartan-patterned 1 +10011100001 sodium-rich 1 +10011100001 irised 1 +10011100001 health-summary 1 +10011100001 boutique-like 1 +10011100001 one-acter 1 +10011100001 surprise-filled 1 +10011100001 director-related 1 +10011100001 well-photographed 1 +10011100001 68-day 1 +10011100001 bank-security 1 +10011100001 lecture-like 1 +10011100001 treaty-amending 1 +10011100001 presidential-gubernatorial 1 +10011100001 Tevye. 1 +10011100001 kangaroo-committee 1 +10011100001 pseudo-world 1 +10011100001 56-day 2 +10011100001 audiocassette 2 +10011100001 consensus-seeking 2 +10011100001 seasonals 2 +10011100001 port-side 2 +10011100001 horseracing 2 +10011100001 Pecora 2 +10011100001 marquise 2 +10011100001 48-day 2 +10011100001 private-detective 2 +10011100001 79-day 2 +10011100001 51-day 2 +10011100001 mind-expanding 2 +10011100001 fiestas 2 +10011100001 55-mile-an-hour 2 +10011100001 environmental-awareness 2 +10011100001 72-day 2 +10011100001 110-day 2 +10011100001 twaddle 2 +10011100001 SSSP 2 +10011100001 contract-cost 2 +10011100001 hospital-inspection 2 +10011100001 19-minute 2 +10011100001 Army-McCarthy 2 +10011100001 IISS 2 +10011100001 280-seat 2 +10011100001 6.9-month 2 +10011100001 GRQ 2 +10011100001 anti-gang 2 +10011100001 subtexts 2 +10011100001 anti-imperialist 2 +10011100001 quarter-pound 2 +10011100001 94-day 2 +10011100001 presentencing 2 +10011100001 nightshirt 2 +10011100001 6.5-month 2 +10011100001 advisory-committee 2 +10011100001 conceptualizer 2 +10011100001 102-day 2 +10011100001 super-regulatory 2 +10011100001 131-day 2 +10011100001 cattle-breeding 3 +10011100001 Falb 3 +10011100001 55-miles-per-hour 3 +10011100001 glass-topped 3 +10011100001 Maquiladora 3 +10011100001 UCSD 3 +10011100001 bank-rating 3 +10011100001 6.4-month 3 +10011100001 6.7-month 3 +10011100001 note-taker 3 +10011100001 5.9-month 3 +10011100001 6.3-month 3 +10011100001 doom-and-gloom 3 +10011100001 Francophile 3 +10011100001 43-day 3 +10011100001 47-day 3 +10011100001 6.8-month 3 +10011100001 news-service 3 +10011100001 coefficient 3 +10011100001 crag 3 +10011100001 Beetles 3 +10011100001 97-day 3 +10011100001 66-day 3 +10011100001 military-technology 3 +10011100001 superstate 3 +10011100001 62-day 3 +10011100001 pro-drilling 3 +10011100001 64-day 3 +10011100001 flat-screen 3 +10011100001 reaper 3 +10011100001 3,000-page 4 +10011100001 ULI 4 +10011100001 Nyheter 4 +10011100001 riddance 4 +10011100001 credit-reporting 4 +10011100001 SuperX 4 +10011100001 sublimation 4 +10011100001 78-day 4 +10011100001 news-agency 4 +10011100001 76-day 4 +10011100001 Wehrkunde 4 +10011100001 63-day 5 +10011100001 SALP 5 +10011100001 99-day 5 +10011100001 pro-football 6 +10011100001 business-news 6 +10011100001 temporary-personnel 6 +10011100001 44-day 6 +10011100001 near-miss 7 +10011100001 state-created 7 +10011100001 95-day 8 +10011100001 41-day 9 +10011100001 fides 10 +10011100001 near-collision 15 +10011100001 Senate-House 16 +10011100001 reconfirmation 16 +10011100001 wire-service 22 +10011100001 fide 89 +10011100001 House-Senate 282 +10011100001 news 9958 +10011100001 confirmation 706 +10011100010 black-to-white 1 +10011100010 governmentgranted 1 +10011100010 dividend-producing 1 +10011100010 brut 1 +10011100010 garbage-limitation 1 +10011100010 anti-tampering 1 +10011100010 artier 1 +10011100010 federal-contract 1 +10011100010 now-still 1 +10011100010 Hillhead 1 +10011100010 Macoutes-made 1 +10011100010 rust-belt 1 +10011100010 Dukakis-backed 1 +10011100010 Globaliztion 1 +10011100010 run-from-above 1 +10011100010 Mining-made 1 +10011100010 water-user 1 +10011100010 light-refracting 1 +10011100010 farm-bred 1 +10011100010 Yankees-Brooklyn 1 +10011100010 four-million-member 1 +10011100010 central-district 1 +10011100010 then-rampant 1 +10011100010 barbiturate 1 +10011100010 reciprocates 2 +10011100010 Flashman 2 +10011100010 woodmen 2 +10011100010 Kiplinger 2 +10011100010 total-immersion 2 +10011100010 out-of-plan 2 +10011100010 vocational-school 2 +10011100010 three-toed 2 +10011100010 ILO 2 +10011100010 test-kit 2 +10011100010 KMT-run 2 +10011100010 Democratic-held 2 +10011100010 GrammRudman 2 +10011100010 non-means-tested 2 +10011100010 unpunctuated 2 +10011100010 Firstbancorp. 2 +10011100010 heath 3 +10011100010 best-sellerdom 3 +10011100010 Zairean 3 +10011100010 dynamiting 3 +10011100010 calligraphy 3 +10011100010 Ukranian 3 +10011100010 Deblois 3 +10011100010 NMU 4 +10011100010 parson 4 +10011100010 niggling 4 +10011100010 employee-led 4 +10011100010 miscreant 4 +10011100010 inexpert 4 +10011100010 physician-owned 8 +10011100010 FICA 8 +10011100010 Knicks 12 +10011100010 Nottingham 12 +10011100010 Journal-Constitution 13 +10011100010 racquets 19 +10011100010 EDA 20 +10011100010 Sundance 52 +10011100010 lemon 60 +10011100010 Yankees 102 +10011100010 Mets 103 +10011100010 riot 228 +10011100010 state 20666 +10011100010 county 681 +10011100011 mahogany-paneled 1 +10011100011 ground-systems 1 +10011100011 Arab-Jewish 1 +10011100011 chemical-biological 1 +10011100011 taxpayer-IRS 1 +10011100011 one-store 1 +10011100011 physician-led 1 +10011100011 buyer-supplier 1 +10011100011 Austrian-U.S. 1 +10011100011 final-year 1 +10011100011 moving-industry 1 +10011100011 blacked-out 1 +10011100011 Moslem-world 1 +10011100011 deficit-inspired 1 +10011100011 mosque-state 1 +10011100011 57-foot 1 +10011100011 crackly 1 +10011100011 intra-personnel 1 +10011100011 product-supply 1 +10011100011 desensitizing 1 +10011100011 five-year-long 1 +10011100011 biomedical-research 1 +10011100011 intercarrier 1 +10011100011 buffoonish 1 +10011100011 Russian-Polish 1 +10011100011 inter-firm 1 +10011100011 dfensive 1 +10011100011 200-person 1 +10011100011 near-wartime 1 +10011100011 Chinese-Soviet 1 +10011100011 golden-boy 1 +10011100011 Iraqi-U.S. 1 +10011100011 bloodpressure 1 +10011100011 once-conservative 1 +10011100011 shoddy-product 1 +10011100011 company-provided 1 +10011100011 Bloomberg-type 1 +10011100011 35,000-member 1 +10011100011 840-acre 1 +10011100011 commercialpaper 1 +10011100011 much-sullied 1 +10011100011 maternity-related 1 +10011100011 ugly-German 1 +10011100011 private-entrepreneurial 1 +10011100011 semirealistic 1 +10011100011 11-seat 1 +10011100011 cross-generational 1 +10011100011 Cooper-Beethoven 1 +10011100011 wrestling/sweat 1 +10011100011 academic/research 1 +10011100011 insider-trading-scandal 1 +10011100011 Indian-U.S. 1 +10011100011 air-support 1 +10011100011 high-IQ 1 +10011100011 Minnesota-Duluth 1 +10011100011 arms-test 1 +10011100011 207-year-old 1 +10011100011 Springsteen/Mellencamp 1 +10011100011 463-page 1 +10011100011 career-threatening 1 +10011100011 B-school 1 +10011100011 competition-battered 1 +10011100011 207-bed 1 +10011100011 Stallone/Schwarzenegger 1 +10011100011 sagelike 1 +10011100011 cookies-and-crackers 1 +10011100011 fire-code 1 +10011100011 hardshell 1 +10011100011 tricontinental 1 +10011100011 once-poisonous 1 +10011100011 foreign-hand 1 +10011100011 insider-tradings 1 +10011100011 just-begun 1 +10011100011 Neutrality-Act 1 +10011100011 small-talk 1 +10011100011 central-France 1 +10011100011 U.S.-Arab 1 +10011100011 police-minority 1 +10011100011 Arab-African 1 +10011100011 merchant-customer 1 +10011100011 folk-music 1 +10011100011 railroad-to-barge 1 +10011100011 trademark-application 1 +10011100011 four-corners 1 +10011100011 technical-staff 1 +10011100011 fumblitis 1 +10011100011 jute-milling 1 +10011100011 Sino-Iranian 1 +10011100011 French-Zairean 1 +10011100011 Walters-Bloom 1 +10011100011 Out-of-Bounds 1 +10011100011 nuclear-biological-chemical 1 +10011100011 Salmeron 1 +10011100011 telecommunications-project 1 +10011100011 local-plant 1 +10011100011 prdominant 1 +10011100011 Anglo-Chinese 1 +10011100011 math-teaching 1 +10011100011 Boesky-Drexel 1 +10011100011 Ligurian 1 +10011100011 tax-of-the-month 1 +10011100011 pass-run 1 +10011100011 poster-clad 1 +10011100011 them-and-us 1 +10011100011 microcomputer-to-mainframe 1 +10011100011 Korean-Soviet 1 +10011100011 115-pence 1 +10011100011 genealogists 1 +10011100011 machine-industry 1 +10011100011 silver-mine 1 +10011100011 casual/chic 1 +10011100011 voting-trust 1 +10011100011 starlit 1 +10011100011 six-to-ten-week 1 +10011100011 Shijo 1 +10011100011 crusading-prosecutor 1 +10011100011 price-dictated 1 +10011100011 gusty 1 +10011100011 boys-will-be-boys 1 +10011100011 49-patient 1 +10011100011 90-cents 1 +10011100011 nonownership 1 +10011100011 soon-to-boom 1 +10011100011 Polish-Czech 1 +10011100011 gum-popping 1 +10011100011 Ibadhi 1 +10011100011 24,000-foot 1 +10011100011 allembracing 1 +10011100011 sometimes-bizarre 1 +10011100011 Japanese-Panamanian 1 +10011100011 3,800-acre 1 +10011100011 Belgian-style 1 +10011100011 Jeeplike 1 +10011100011 Giuliani-era 1 +10011100011 Iraqi-American 1 +10011100011 network-writer 1 +10011100011 command-and-control-system 1 +10011100011 Seoul-supported 1 +10011100011 Dessalines 1 +10011100011 flag-festooned 1 +10011100011 European-U.S. 1 +10011100011 ever-soaring 1 +10011100011 they-ought-to-be-grateful 1 +10011100011 defence 1 +10011100011 aerostat 1 +10011100011 crown-prince 1 +10011100011 EastWest 1 +10011100011 north-coast 1 +10011100011 49-page 1 +10011100011 731,000-ton 1 +10011100011 fashion-tinged 1 +10011100011 dead-ahead 1 +10011100011 vestigal 1 +10011100011 electric-transmission 1 +10011100011 four-decade-old 1 +10011100011 public-stock 1 +10011100011 17,366 1 +10011100011 Health-sponsored 1 +10011100011 closed-end-fund 1 +10011100011 bordertruce 1 +10011100011 noncompany 1 +10011100011 industry-bashing 1 +10011100011 corporate-employee 1 +10011100011 stockexchange 1 +10011100011 telephone-wristwatch 1 +10011100011 eye-rolling 1 +10011100011 amateur-hockey 1 +10011100011 four-dollar 1 +10011100011 40/41 1 +10011100011 MedaSonics 1 +10011100011 defeatest 1 +10011100011 attorneys-fee 1 +10011100011 ship-classification 1 +10011100011 50-horsepower 1 +10011100011 more-normal 1 +10011100011 normal-length 1 +10011100011 police-community 1 +10011100011 techno-managerial 1 +10011100011 movie-themed 1 +10011100011 low-threshold 1 +10011100011 irresolvable 1 +10011100011 IRS-HHS 1 +10011100011 scarf-style 1 +10011100011 ponderosa 1 +10011100011 154-year-old 1 +10011100011 U.S.-Czech 1 +10011100011 clerk-turned-politician 1 +10011100011 145-pence-a-share 1 +10011100011 longstrained 1 +10011100011 new-technologies 1 +10011100011 1,379-mile 1 +10011100011 Greco-Turkish 1 +10011100011 pre-causus 1 +10011100011 grass-ro 1 +10011100011 grain-traders 1 +10011100011 less-strident 1 +10011100011 electronic-typing 1 +10011100011 less-than-rigorous 2 +10011100011 ceremonious 2 +10011100011 non-debtor 2 +10011100011 U.S.-Chinese 2 +10011100011 1962-63 2 +10011100011 well-cultivated 2 +10011100011 manatee 2 +10011100011 Lijiaping 2 +10011100011 zai-tech 2 +10011100011 tabular 2 +10011100011 dairy-price 2 +10011100011 cash-payment 2 +10011100011 telegraphic 2 +10011100011 premium-brand 2 +10011100011 U.S.-Brazilian 2 +10011100011 700-pound 2 +10011100011 work-oriented 2 +10011100011 ECU-bill 2 +10011100011 Meese-Wallach 2 +10011100011 home-owning 2 +10011100011 Junrong 2 +10011100011 problem-oriented 2 +10011100011 graphoanalysis 2 +10011100011 2,515 2 +10011100011 Indo-American 2 +10011100011 physician-patient 2 +10011100011 Soviet-Japanese 3 +10011100011 U.S.-Iraq 3 +10011100011 goodie 3 +10011100011 puffed-up 3 +10011100011 retrogressive 3 +10011100011 global-marketing 3 +10011100011 Spandex 3 +10011100011 U.S.D.A. 3 +10011100011 milk-price 3 +10011100011 Fenian 3 +10011100011 sexual-morality 3 +10011100011 drug-taking 4 +10011100011 peekaboo 4 +10011100011 schoolyards 4 +10011100011 Palgrave 4 +10011100011 cozier 4 +10011100011 convertible-debt 4 +10011100011 U.S.-Philippine 4 +10011100011 shipwreck 5 +10011100011 prophylactic 5 +10011100011 Gujarati 5 +10011100011 Teheran 5 +10011100011 dosing 5 +10011100011 Hippocratic 5 +10011100011 Cantonese 6 +10011100011 U.S.-German 6 +10011100011 rate-cut 6 +10011100011 U.S.-Pakistan 6 +10011100011 upriver 7 +10011100011 wholehearted 7 +10011100011 Chautauqua 7 +10011100011 back-and-forth 8 +10011100011 lock-step 8 +10011100011 squeaky-clean 8 +10011100011 yellow-rain 9 +10011100011 reflexive 10 +10011100011 online 10 +10011100011 barroom 13 +10011100011 cuff 15 +10011100011 cameo 19 +10011100011 watchful 27 +10011100011 public 17347 +10011100011 purchasing-power 34 +10011100100 46-man 1 +10011100100 dividend-tax 1 +10011100100 Itaparica 1 +10011100100 often-tedious 1 +10011100100 booby-trap 1 +10011100100 material-flammability 1 +10011100100 specialprosecutor 1 +10011100100 trade-embargo 1 +10011100100 spending-recision 1 +10011100100 truck-option 1 +10011100100 sugar-refund 1 +10011100100 86-acre 1 +10011100100 429-acre 1 +10011100100 commerce-clause 1 +10011100100 food-subsidy 1 +10011100100 naval-air 1 +10011100100 deficitcutting 1 +10011100100 citizen-lawsuit 1 +10011100100 civil-racketeer 1 +10011100100 establishment-of-religion 1 +10011100100 free-exercise-of-religion 1 +10011100100 fleet-replacement 1 +10011100100 socialist-inspired 1 +10011100100 mandatory-notice 1 +10011100100 back-fit 1 +10011100100 crime-victims 1 +10011100100 legislature-imposed 1 +10011100100 41-section 1 +10011100100 flat-world 1 +10011100100 no-war 1 +10011100100 26.5-mpg 1 +10011100100 23,637 1 +10011100100 contractor-fee 1 +10011100100 prior-hospitalization 1 +10011100100 collateral-source 1 +10011100100 profit-recapture 1 +10011100100 two-battery 1 +10011100100 written-contract 1 +10011100100 market-capitalization-weighted 1 +10011100100 Indianapolis-Milwaukee 1 +10011100100 weight-saving 1 +10011100100 13-block 1 +10011100100 tradebill 1 +10011100100 team-election 1 +10011100100 bribe-and-fraud 1 +10011100100 multi-tenant 1 +10011100100 minority-rights 1 +10011100100 speedy-trial 1 +10011100100 pledge-leading 1 +10011100100 pay-parity 1 +10011100100 plant-closing-notification 1 +10011100100 union-security 1 +10011100100 automatic-stay 1 +10011100100 taxincrease 1 +10011100100 organized-crime-control 1 +10011100100 360-page 1 +10011100100 Jeffords-Henry 1 +10011100100 airline-advertising 1 +10011100100 legislative-review 1 +10011100100 convertible-Eurobond 1 +10011100100 game-management 1 +10011100100 10,000-yen 1 +10011100100 supermajority-voting 1 +10011100100 nautilus-shaped 1 +10011100100 491,000-square-foot 1 +10011100100 5,000-signature 1 +10011100100 pooper-scooper 1 +10011100100 benefits-denial 1 +10011100100 B-Minor 1 +10011100100 special-permit 1 +10011100100 no-competition 1 +10011100100 431-page 1 +10011100100 total-divestment 1 +10011100100 minority-contracting 1 +10011100100 manufacturing-engineering 1 +10011100100 tariff-valuation 1 +10011100100 center-of-mass 1 +10011100100 welfare-coordinating 1 +10011100100 trade-expanding 1 +10011100100 investment-disclosure 1 +10011100100 pre-martial 1 +10011100100 cash-andsecurities 1 +10011100100 well-water 1 +10011100100 benefit-of-the-bargain 1 +10011100100 public-sector-borrowing 1 +10011100100 minimum-rest 1 +10011100100 tax-broadening 1 +10011100100 Skousen-influenced 1 +10011100100 4,000-word 1 +10011100100 Biden-Levine 1 +10011100100 500-square-foot 1 +10011100100 sense-of-the-Senate 1 +10011100100 automatic-restraint 1 +10011100100 ski-service 1 +10011100100 civil-guard 1 +10011100100 floorwide 1 +10011100100 Stark-Gradison 1 +10011100100 63-word 1 +10011100100 estimated-payment 1 +10011100100 operating-expenses 1 +10011100100 Marxist-influenced 1 +10011100100 education-planning 1 +10011100100 3,000-day 1 +10011100100 448-seat 1 +10011100100 two-disc 1 +10011100100 promoter-penalty 1 +10011100100 asset-limitation 1 +10011100100 no-marriage 1 +10011100100 public-funding 1 +10011100100 PAC-ban 1 +10011100100 domestic-stimulus 1 +10011100100 intelligence-authorization 1 +10011100100 use-up-your-college-eligibility-first 1 +10011100100 half-heartening 1 +10011100100 Gallo-Proxmire 1 +10011100100 mortgage-commitment 1 +10011100100 future-year 1 +10011100100 Teflon-president 1 +10011100100 10,000-word 1 +10011100100 involuntary-conversion 1 +10011100100 price-and-production 1 +10011100100 interest-deductibility 1 +10011100100 budget-tax 1 +10011100100 dead-letter 1 +10011100100 124-page 1 +10011100100 consumer-complaints 1 +10011100100 corrections-bill 1 +10011100100 breakup-fee 1 +10011100100 tax-forms 1 +10011100100 Tins-for-Tots 1 +10011100100 Connnecticut 1 +10011100100 Choisin 1 +10011100100 hand-shaking 1 +10011100100 now-changed 1 +10011100100 all-holders 1 +10011100100 two-senators-to-a-state 1 +10011100100 A-340/A-330 1 +10011100100 rate-design 1 +10011100100 minimum-health-benefits 1 +10011100100 500-unit 1 +10011100100 Rostenkowski-Gibbons 1 +10011100100 residential-linkage 1 +10011100100 anti-contraception 1 +10011100100 10-votes-to-one 1 +10011100100 student-housing 1 +10011100100 inflation-accounting 1 +10011100100 LIPA-introduced 1 +10011100100 already-passed 1 +10011100100 towlette 1 +10011100100 Quabbin 1 +10011100100 450-page 1 +10011100100 joint-petition 1 +10011100100 tire-unit 1 +10011100100 disease-notification 1 +10011100100 civil-damage 1 +10011100100 520-unit 1 +10011100100 Watergate-era 1 +10011100100 NRA-backed 1 +10011100100 harder-to-value 1 +10011100100 163.2-cubic-inch 1 +10011100100 quick-exit 1 +10011100100 incompatability 1 +10011100100 business-combination 1 +10011100100 56-member 1 +10011100100 anti-jobs 1 +10011100100 core-capital 1 +10011100100 approveda 1 +10011100100 cross-guarantee 1 +10011100100 Japanese-Catalan 1 +10011100100 pro-birth 1 +10011100100 Kennedy-Moynihan 1 +10011100100 ironhanded 1 +10011100100 late-penalty 1 +10011100100 successorship 1 +10011100100 nitrosamines-blocking 1 +10011100100 tenant-hardship 1 +10011100100 special-access 1 +10011100100 equal-justice 1 +10011100100 agricultural-trade 1 +10011100100 tombstone-ad 1 +10011100100 evil-intent 1 +10011100100 plant-inspection 1 +10011100100 Treasury-requested 1 +10011100100 committee-approved 1 +10011100100 Morresi 1 +10011100100 one-to-a-market 1 +10011100100 Kennedy-Waxman 1 +10011100100 much-listed 1 +10011100100 PLO-Syria 1 +10011100100 500-cruzado 1 +10011100100 --w 1 +10011100100 common-ownership 1 +10011100100 three-seconds 1 +10011100100 type-size 1 +10011100100 conventional-arms-reduction 1 +10011100100 airline-liberalization 1 +10011100100 oil-leasing 1 +10011100100 bank-nationalization 1 +10011100100 Kreutzer 1 +10011100100 Oahe 1 +10011100100 Proxmire-Garn 1 +10011100100 antique-furnished 1 +10011100100 anti-accountability 1 +10011100100 dividend-sweetened 1 +10011100100 once-derelict 1 +10011100100 union-constitution 1 +10011100100 36-acre 1 +10011100100 pension-costs 1 +10011100100 29-floor 1 +10011100100 early-departure 1 +10011100100 60-vote 1 +10011100100 yttrium-containing 1 +10011100100 regulatory-exclusion 1 +10011100100 drug-safety 1 +10011100100 state-aid 1 +10011100100 downard 1 +10011100100 singleparty 1 +10011100100 prochoice 1 +10011100100 cement-like 1 +10011100100 consumer-warning 1 +10011100100 anti-drug-law 1 +10011100100 700-page 1 +10011100100 Uprenski 1 +10011100100 no-false-starts 1 +10011100100 tax-uniformity 1 +10011100100 procurement-office 1 +10011100100 Bakersfield-area 1 +10011100100 light-activated 1 +10011100100 multilane 1 +10011100100 home-finance 1 +10011100100 single-most-needed 1 +10011100100 business-purpose 1 +10011100100 fundamentalist-sponsored 1 +10011100100 tax-inducement 1 +10011100100 deficit-limiting 1 +10011100100 Gardelin 1 +10011100100 two-button 1 +10011100100 300page 1 +10011100100 beer-pricing 1 +10011100100 sulfur-reduction 1 +10011100100 computer-shoes 1 +10011100100 simultaneous-candidacy 1 +10011100100 negative-pledge 1 +10011100100 p4 2 +10011100100 mid-quarter 2 +10011100100 catastrophic-health-insurance 2 +10011100100 full-financing 2 +10011100100 local-tax 2 +10011100100 M-2 2 +10011100100 beer-advertising 2 +10011100100 international-payments 2 +10011100100 tax-immunity 2 +10011100100 cash-distribution 2 +10011100100 presentment 2 +10011100100 arms-embargo 2 +10011100100 spending-limit 2 +10011100100 general-welfare 2 +10011100100 headrest 2 +10011100100 fast-dwindling 2 +10011100100 65-story 2 +10011100100 currency-loss 2 +10011100100 tort-revision 2 +10011100100 labor-policy 2 +10011100100 single-license 2 +10011100100 banking-reform 2 +10011100100 campaign-reform 2 +10011100100 Pepper-Simon 2 +10011100100 due-obedience 2 +10011100100 bribery-and-fraud 2 +10011100100 58-year 2 +10011100100 copyright-protection 2 +10011100100 80/20 2 +10011100100 construction-ban 2 +10011100100 labor-supported 2 +10011100100 single-child 2 +10011100100 pension-reform 2 +10011100100 prudent-man 2 +10011100100 Republican-backed 2 +10011100100 public-notice 2 +10011100100 clinical-trial 2 +10011100100 foreign-disclosure 2 +10011100100 waste-cleanup 2 +10011100100 notice-of-plant-closing 2 +10011100100 gasoline-mileage 2 +10011100100 trust-building 2 +10011100100 175-page 2 +10011100100 foreign-oil 2 +10011100100 stock-for-concessions 2 +10011100100 phosphorothioate 2 +10011100100 PAC-limit 2 +10011100100 wage-and-benefits 2 +10011100100 government-affairs 2 +10011100100 super-collider 2 +10011100100 waiting-period 2 +10011100100 open-enrollment 2 +10011100100 phantom-income 2 +10011100100 social-program 2 +10011100100 13-person 2 +10011100100 conference-approved 2 +10011100100 Jedi 3 +10011100100 public-liaison 3 +10011100100 import-restricting 3 +10011100100 defense-appropriations 3 +10011100100 flight-time 3 +10011100100 nonbank-bank 3 +10011100100 military-base 3 +10011100100 committee-passed 3 +10011100100 annual-meeting 3 +10011100100 world-debt 3 +10011100100 650-foot 3 +10011100100 free-exercise 3 +10011100100 military-reform 3 +10011100100 plantclosing 3 +10011100100 exit-fee 3 +10011100100 CSCE 3 +10011100100 automotive-safety 3 +10011100100 30-story 3 +10011100100 factfinding 3 +10011100100 AT&T/Olivetti 3 +10011100100 McCarthy-era 3 +10011100100 taxpayer-rights 3 +10011100100 fiscal-stimulus 3 +10011100100 flat-tax 3 +10011100100 excessive-fines 3 +10011100100 seven-digit 3 +10011100100 American-Arab 3 +10011100100 production-cost 3 +10011100100 pledge-of-allegiance 3 +10011100100 common-carrier 3 +10011100100 military-construction 3 +10011100100 asbestos-in-schools 3 +10011100100 annual-income 3 +10011100100 credit-loss 3 +10011100100 by-law 3 +10011100100 addiction-treatment 3 +10011100100 transportation-spending 4 +10011100100 Harkin-Gephardt 4 +10011100100 Risk-Pooling 4 +10011100100 software-copyright 4 +10011100100 home-health-care 4 +10011100100 change-of-control 4 +10011100100 corrupt-practices 4 +10011100100 family-leave 4 +10011100100 73-year 4 +10011100100 21-story 4 +10011100100 ease-of-use 4 +10011100100 Mexico-Morgan 4 +10011100100 independent-prosecutor 4 +10011100100 weapons-procurement 4 +10011100100 price-discounting 4 +10011100100 Senate-approved 4 +10011100100 non-circumvention 4 +10011100100 prompt-pay 5 +10011100100 homeless-aid 5 +10011100100 federal-budget 5 +10011100100 supplemental-appropriations 5 +10011100100 Kennedy-Hollings 5 +10011100100 health-benefits 5 +10011100100 co-financing 5 +10011100100 parental-consent 6 +10011100100 advice-and-consent 6 +10011100100 Simpson-Mazzoli 6 +10011100100 immigration-reform 6 +10011100100 welfare-overhaul 6 +10011100100 liberal-conservative 6 +10011100100 Saudi-Iranian 6 +10011100100 budget-reconciliation 7 +10011100100 prevailing-wage 7 +10011100100 deficit-reducing 7 +10011100100 advance-notice 8 +10011100100 bank-powers 8 +10011100100 equal-protection 8 +10011100100 thrift-bailout 8 +10011100100 on-budget 8 +10011100100 tax-and-spending 8 +10011100100 work-for-welfare 8 +10011100100 flipper 9 +10011100100 defense-authorization 10 +10011100100 speed-limit 12 +10011100100 tax-filing 12 +10011100100 budget-reduction 12 +10011100100 base-closing 13 +10011100100 business-judgment 13 +10011100100 welfare-revision 13 +10011100100 debt-limit 14 +10011100100 economic-stimulus 14 +10011100100 tax-reduction 14 +10011100100 single-market 14 +10011100100 intellectual-property 14 +10011100100 thrift-rescue 14 +10011100100 G-R-H 17 +10011100100 due-process 18 +10011100100 budget-balancing 18 +10011100100 technical-corrections 18 +10011100100 wiretap 18 +10011100100 tax-credit 20 +10011100100 clean-water 23 +10011100100 airworthiness 23 +10011100100 welfare-reform 24 +10011100100 tax-cut 28 +10011100100 tax-revision 28 +10011100100 rescission 31 +10011100100 budget-deficit 35 +10011100100 baseline 37 +10011100100 drought-relief 39 +10011100100 takings 43 +10011100100 independent-counsel 45 +10011100100 exclusionary 46 +10011100100 plant-closings 50 +10011100100 stopgap 51 +10011100100 cross-ownership 59 +10011100100 budget-cutting 60 +10011100100 Senate-passed 61 +10011100100 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings 64 +10011100100 debt-ceiling 70 +10011100100 clean-air 81 +10011100100 tax-increase 82 +10011100100 tax-reform 82 +10011100100 gender 98 +10011100100 tax-overhaul 111 +10011100100 Superfund 126 +10011100100 deficit-cutting 143 +10011100100 plant-closing 148 +10011100100 copyright 405 +10011100100 deficit-reduction 508 +10011100100 appropriations 545 +10011100100 Gramm-Rudman 741 +10011100100 budget 9557 +10011100100 patent 1244 +10011100101 deficittrimming 1 +10011100101 seven-shot 1 +10011100101 pretax-income 1 +10011100101 pre-marital-testing 1 +10011100101 parentalleave 1 +10011100101 budget-reducing 1 +10011100101 three-games-to-two 1 +10011100101 debt-increase 1 +10011100101 record-deep 1 +10011100101 price-ceiling 1 +10011100101 currentaccount 1 +10011100101 Penan 1 +10011100101 movie-queen 1 +10011100101 microswitches 1 +10011100101 rock-and-rap 1 +10011100101 segmentssanitary 1 +10011100101 employment-data 1 +10011100101 in-class 1 +10011100101 international-trade 1 +10011100101 impove 1 +10011100101 pay-and-benefits 1 +10011100101 21-3 1 +10011100101 defense-overhaul 1 +10011100101 local-ownership 1 +10011100101 risk-pooling 1 +10011100101 environmentalist-industry 1 +10011100101 base-closings 1 +10011100101 catastrophic-illness-insurance 1 +10011100101 no-purchase 1 +10011100101 tax-corrections 1 +10011100101 celebrity-rights 1 +10011100101 corn-loan 1 +10011100101 two-games-to-none 1 +10011100101 female-asparagus 1 +10011100101 retail-bank 1 +10011100101 galumphed 1 +10011100101 defense-caused 1 +10011100101 limited-number 1 +10011100101 Japan-trade 1 +10011100101 pain-producing 1 +10011100101 highway/transit 1 +10011100101 broadcasting-deregulation 1 +10011100101 industry-environmentalist 1 +10011100101 market-penetration 1 +10011100101 52-44 1 +10011100101 Out-of-stock 1 +10011100101 transfers.The 1 +10011100101 layoff-notification 1 +10011100101 horticultural-crops 1 +10011100101 two-sets-to-one 1 +10011100101 computer-user 1 +10011100101 prepayment-plan 1 +10011100101 futures/stocks 1 +10011100101 airline-traffic 1 +10011100101 sell-order 1 +10011100101 invisible-earnings 1 +10011100101 in-print 1 +10011100101 unsurmountable 1 +10011100101 import-limitation 1 +10011100101 emloyment 1 +10011100101 water-pollution-control 1 +10011100101 Construct 1 +10011100101 current-season 1 +10011100101 dog-kennel 1 +10011100101 export/import 1 +10011100101 ski-and-culture-borne 1 +10011100101 service-trade 1 +10011100101 hand-crafted 1 +10011100101 barnacled 1 +10011100101 590,000-ton 1 +10011100101 chemical-recovery 1 +10011100101 insurance-purchasing 1 +10011100101 highway-authorization 1 +10011100101 technical-correction 1 +10011100101 trade-account 1 +10011100101 legal/regulatory 1 +10011100101 13-percentage-point 1 +10011100101 computer-delivered 1 +10011100101 noncancellation 1 +10011100101 year-after-year 1 +10011100101 fiscal-year-to-date 1 +10011100101 brand-awareness 1 +10011100101 economic-output 1 +10011100101 drug-regulating 1 +10011100101 shoot-while-talking 1 +10011100101 oil-trade 1 +10011100101 trading-rights 1 +10011100101 present-year 1 +10011100101 State-imposed 1 +10011100101 20,000-peso 1 +10011100101 exchange-to-mutual-benefit 1 +10011100101 ethics-related 1 +10011100101 fivedollar 1 +10011100101 5,000-cruzado 1 +10011100101 dodecaphonic 1 +10011100101 visitor-arrival 1 +10011100101 budget-swamping 1 +10011100101 Top-40 1 +10011100101 sales-stimulating 1 +10011100101 highly-regarded 1 +10011100101 external-account 1 +10011100101 consumer-survey 1 +10011100101 widenening 1 +10011100101 trade-restraint 1 +10011100101 school/college 1 +10011100101 presumptive-sentencing 1 +10011100101 6.8-ton 1 +10011100101 water-irrigation 1 +10011100101 high-profile/low-esteem 1 +10011100101 investment/savings 1 +10011100101 5.7-percentage-point 1 +10011100101 cytology-test 1 +10011100101 trustfund 1 +10011100101 market-revision 1 +10011100101 pollution-caused 1 +10011100101 travel-trade 2 +10011100101 MITI-backed 2 +10011100101 wraithlike 2 +10011100101 interest-default 2 +10011100101 production-over-consumption 2 +10011100101 money-flow 2 +10011100101 capital-account 2 +10011100101 NEC/Intel 2 +10011100101 price-stabilizing 2 +10011100101 earnings-forecast 2 +10011100101 timber-company 2 +10011100101 private-pilots 2 +10011100101 demand-supply 2 +10011100101 truth-in-savings 2 +10011100101 dissident-shareholder 2 +10011100101 housing-authorization 2 +10011100101 DNC 2 +10011100101 refinishing 2 +10011100101 oil-inventory 2 +10011100101 metastasized 2 +10011100101 birth-certificate 2 +10011100101 SEC-type 2 +10011100101 business-lobbying 2 +10011100101 defense-and-space 3 +10011100101 placebo-control 3 +10011100101 water-projects 3 +10011100101 ring-arc 3 +10011100101 savings/investment 3 +10011100101 low-bid 3 +10011100101 Modi 3 +10011100101 horsemeat 3 +10011100101 nuclear-cooperation 3 +10011100101 price-stabilization 3 +10011100101 biosciences 3 +10011100101 Bechtel-led 3 +10011100101 aerospace-and-defense 4 +10011100101 corporate-takeover 4 +10011100101 management-committee 4 +10011100101 armscontrol 4 +10011100101 union-backed 4 +10011100101 already-reported 4 +10011100101 nontariff 5 +10011100101 trading-surveillance 5 +10011100101 saving-investment 5 +10011100101 short-sales 5 +10011100101 canasta 7 +10011100101 grain-trade 8 +10011100101 balance-of-trade 8 +10011100101 drug-company 9 +10011100101 farm-trade 9 +10011100101 trade-balance 11 +10011100101 balance-of-payment 13 +10011100101 splinter 38 +10011100101 non-tariff 39 +10011100101 trade-deficit 49 +10011100101 merchandise-trade 56 +10011100101 Franco-Belgian 112 +10011100101 balance-of-payments 145 +10011100101 trade 22204 +10011100101 current-account 396 +10011100110 U.K.-U.S. 1 +10011100110 new-station 1 +10011100110 sweeping-yet-vague 1 +10011100110 AIDS-spending 1 +10011100110 bu-yout 1 +10011100110 buy-out-that 1 +10011100110 target-lowering 1 +10011100110 price-sustaining 1 +10011100110 screen-splitting 1 +10011100110 11page 1 +10011100110 securities-tax 1 +10011100110 standard-of-need 1 +10011100110 connecting-flight 1 +10011100110 pooch-next-door 1 +10011100110 generic-standard 1 +10011100110 half-humorous 1 +10011100110 receivables-financing 1 +10011100110 non-pension 1 +10011100110 Northrop-Grumman 1 +10011100110 borrrowing 1 +10011100110 376-page 1 +10011100110 reg 1 +10011100110 takeover. 1 +10011100110 suitor.That 1 +10011100110 buy-outs. 1 +10011100110 Telemundo/CNN 1 +10011100110 brewing-assets 1 +10011100110 fish-food 1 +10011100110 lease-purchasing 1 +10011100110 reduced-commission 1 +10011100110 funding-cutoff 1 +10011100110 preliminary-injunction 1 +10011100110 AMR-Delta 1 +10011100110 anti-MX 1 +10011100110 candidacy-declaration 1 +10011100110 credit-transfer 1 +10011100110 Morgan-Mexican 1 +10011100110 Walinsky-Rubinstein 1 +10011100110 beef-access 1 +10011100110 4,764 1 +10011100110 Paris-Washington 1 +10011100110 MTCR 2 +10011100110 Telemundo-CNN 2 +10011100110 loan-and-option 2 +10011100110 lammergeier 2 +10011100110 Eurocredit 2 +10011100110 English-proficiency 2 +10011100110 Mack-Morsani 2 +10011100110 lesser-paid 2 +10011100110 Asia-bashing 2 +10011100110 hyperventilation 2 +10011100110 stock-offering 3 +10011100110 technology-exchange 3 +10011100110 co-finances 3 +10011100110 ICP 3 +10011100110 multi-racial 3 +10011100110 state- 3 +10011100110 treasure-trove 3 +10011100110 French-Belgian 4 +10011100110 huissier 4 +10011100110 management-pilot 4 +10011100110 pork-buster 4 +10011100110 share-exchange 5 +10011100110 Limited-DeBartolo 5 +10011100110 management/Goldman 6 +10011100110 power-sales 6 +10011100110 Antar-Belzberg 7 +10011100110 tabling 7 +10011100110 MBFR 7 +10011100110 NACM 9 +10011100110 troika 10 +10011100110 enlistment 10 +10011100110 debarment 14 +10011100110 pilot-management 21 +10011100110 co-production 23 +10011100110 power-sharing 29 +10011100110 rate-increase 38 +10011100110 JOA 40 +10011100110 sale-leaseback 44 +10011100110 disallowance 51 +10011100110 buyouts 222 +10011100110 confidentiality 318 +10011100110 buy-outs 649 +10011100110 consent 890 +10011100110 buyout 1530 +10011100110 buy-out 3824 +10011100110 merger 7179 +10011100110 settlement 5534 +10011100111 reward-or-inducement 1 +10011100111 customer-incentive 1 +10011100111 synthetic-fuels 1 +10011100111 SmokEnders 1 +10011100111 diversification-by-acquisition 1 +10011100111 paper-folding 1 +10011100111 economic-decentralization 1 +10011100111 1987/88 1 +10011100111 negligible-risk 1 +10011100111 school-construction 1 +10011100111 sales-only 1 +10011100111 departmentwide 1 +10011100111 energy-incentive 1 +10011100111 quality-test 1 +10011100111 open-border 1 +10011100111 soak-the-two-earner-family 1 +10011100111 tank-landing 1 +10011100111 get-even-richer-quick 1 +10011100111 anti-deficit 1 +10011100111 33,800-ton 1 +10011100111 child-restraint 1 +10011100111 airline-inspection 1 +10011100111 capital-restructuring 1 +10011100111 still-nascent 1 +10011100111 night-and-day 1 +10011100111 records-review 1 +10011100111 10-course 1 +10011100111 10-year-averaging 1 +10011100111 earthquake-response 1 +10011100111 slide-show 1 +10011100111 privilege-hungry 1 +10011100111 hypermacho 1 +10011100111 Gray-Chiles 1 +10011100111 early-repayment 1 +10011100111 recession-contingency 1 +10011100111 water-injection 1 +10011100111 budget-deficit-reduction 1 +10011100111 lawyer-free 1 +10011100111 U.S.-brand 1 +10011100111 well-calculated 1 +10011100111 Cleveland-LaGuardia 1 +10011100111 Earth-observation 1 +10011100111 budget-enhancing 1 +10011100111 tension-relief 1 +10011100111 capital-creating 1 +10011100111 tube-assembly 1 +10011100111 zinc-citrate 1 +10011100111 turf-protective 1 +10011100111 torch-cutter 1 +10011100111 Heinz-Bonker 1 +10011100111 back-to-school/stay-in-school 1 +10011100111 surgical-instrument 1 +10011100111 dog-chasing-its-tail 1 +10011100111 no-longer-secret 1 +10011100111 Art-in-Architecture 1 +10011100111 1,000-man 1 +10011100111 water-cleaning 1 +10011100111 subsidy-reducing 1 +10011100111 price-freeze 1 +10011100111 glass-and-embrane 1 +10011100111 -minded 1 +10011100111 back-to-front 1 +10011100111 105-foot 1 +10011100111 mold-produced 1 +10011100111 citizens-sponsored 1 +10011100111 protocol/internet 1 +10011100111 pettiest 1 +10011100111 fiscal-austerity 1 +10011100111 laser-detecting 1 +10011100111 no-fault-insurance 1 +10011100111 five-class 1 +10011100111 lapel-pin 1 +10011100111 non-thermal 1 +10011100111 retirement-insurance 1 +10011100111 text-search 1 +10011100111 Seattle-to-Tokyo 1 +10011100111 employee-relocation 1 +10011100111 growth-restraining 1 +10011100111 X.25 1 +10011100111 CD-Rom 1 +10011100111 dioxin-containing 1 +10011100111 early-afternoon 1 +10011100111 financial-restoration 1 +10011100111 hot-dog-shaped 1 +10011100111 capital-restoration 1 +10011100111 aid-to-Africa 1 +10011100111 incomes-maintenance 1 +10011100111 waste-reduction 1 +10011100111 criminal-furlough 1 +10011100111 hurricane-preparation 1 +10011100111 fundamental-skills 1 +10011100111 pension-protection 1 +10011100111 nicotine-inhaling 1 +10011100111 stock-jobbing 1 +10011100111 visiting-judge 1 +10011100111 buyer-protection 1 +10011100111 non-Conrail 1 +10011100111 fare-discount 1 +10011100111 12.7mm 1 +10011100111 pressure-relief 1 +10011100111 self-exclusion 1 +10011100111 ultra-compact 1 +10011100111 character-investigation 1 +10011100111 financial-assistance 1 +10011100111 Fugu 1 +10011100111 bunk-bed 1 +10011100111 management-trainee 1 +10011100111 deep-freeze 1 +10011100111 designer-jeans 1 +10011100111 377-passenger 1 +10011100111 old-standby 1 +10011100111 clamp-like 1 +10011100111 flexible-freeze 1 +10011100111 capacity-expanding 1 +10011100111 network-modernization 1 +10011100111 chemical-mixing 1 +10011100111 reverse-compensation 1 +10011100111 racial-quota 1 +10011100111 note-counting 1 +10011100111 heat-detection 1 +10011100111 civilian-in-space 1 +10011100111 300,000-person 1 +10011100111 semi-custom 1 +10011100111 lumbar-extension 1 +10011100111 dialysis-at-home 1 +10011100111 high-loan 1 +10011100111 tobacco-tax 1 +10011100111 youth-service 1 +10011100111 re-zoning 1 +10011100111 coal-loading 1 +10011100111 resource-control 1 +10011100111 double-severance 1 +10011100111 weapons-purchasing 1 +10011100111 Brussels-Kinshasa 1 +10011100111 pay-as-you-don't-plow 1 +10011100111 dollar-rescue 1 +10011100111 debt-paring 1 +10011100111 Eurolaser 1 +10011100111 strategic-policy 1 +10011100111 defense-appropriation 1 +10011100111 voluntary-separation 1 +10011100111 block-club 1 +10011100111 penny-diversion 1 +10011100111 Taylorville 1 +10011100111 Flint-area 1 +10011100111 summer-jobs-for-youth 1 +10011100111 bored-looking 1 +10011100111 linked-trading 1 +10011100111 reference-zones 1 +10011100111 224-page 1 +10011100111 discounted-fare 1 +10011100111 sensitive-skin 1 +10011100111 hard-times 1 +10011100111 reactor-testing 1 +10011100111 worker-adjustment 1 +10011100111 profit-booking 1 +10011100111 consensus-type 1 +10011100111 blue-shirted 1 +10011100111 Reagan-Bowen 1 +10011100111 capital-sharing 1 +10011100111 volunteer-based 1 +10011100111 stock-equivalent 1 +10011100111 375,000-kilowatt 1 +10011100111 515,000-kilowatt 1 +10011100111 fare-restructuring 1 +10011100111 auction-sale 1 +10011100111 Vienna-Bangkok 1 +10011100111 benefit-distribution 1 +10011100111 Heals 1 +10011100111 glass-and-copper 1 +10011100111 chorale-like 1 +10011100111 master-teacher 1 +10011100111 phony-invoicing 1 +10011100111 kendo 1 +10011100111 million-car-a-year 1 +10011100111 export-aiding 1 +10011100111 discount-sale 1 +10011100111 seismic-research 1 +10011100111 corporate-socialist 1 +10011100111 equalaccess 1 +10011100111 EPRI-DOE 1 +10011100111 check-deposit 1 +10011100111 leprosy-vaccination 1 +10011100111 job-selling 1 +10011100111 flexible-bonus 1 +10011100111 dollar-per-trolley 1 +10011100111 Dodd-Schumer 1 +10011100111 tax-allocation 1 +10011100111 joint-development 1 +10011100111 mentor-teacher 1 +10011100111 import-insurance 1 +10011100111 tuition-financing 1 +10011100111 Boston-Syracuse 1 +10011100111 mathematical-analysis 1 +10011100111 peace-conference 1 +10011100111 voluntary-bumping 1 +10011100111 slim-down 1 +10011100111 customer-loyalty 1 +10011100111 pave-your-own-street 1 +10011100111 wage-moderation 1 +10011100111 still-vague 1 +10011100111 two-company 1 +10011100111 fleet-renewal 1 +10011100111 balloon-tipped 1 +10011100111 loan-refinancing 1 +10011100111 SuperCalc 1 +10011100111 amnesty-assistance 1 +10011100111 34-well 1 +10011100111 cave-rescue 1 +10011100111 comparable-work 1 +10011100111 almond-butter 1 +10011100111 computer-powered 1 +10011100111 drug-patent 1 +10011100111 tax-certificate 1 +10011100111 fly-by-the-book 1 +10011100111 rural-response 1 +10011100111 car-shopping 1 +10011100111 reorganization-cum-settlement 1 +10011100111 citizen-initiated 1 +10011100111 technical-manual 1 +10011100111 Baker-Webster 1 +10011100111 growth-boosting 1 +10011100111 encription 1 +10011100111 homeownership-assistance 1 +10011100111 Charlotte-to-London 1 +10011100111 640K 1 +10011100111 rate-refund 1 +10011100111 wildlife-recreation 1 +10011100111 staff-development 1 +10011100111 half-submerged 1 +10011100111 stock-compensation 1 +10011100111 railroad-basing 1 +10011100111 youth-employment 1 +10011100111 passports-for-sale 1 +10011100111 reconstructed-conversation 1 +10011100111 metaproterenol 1 +10011100111 financial-compliance 1 +10011100111 fixed-tuition 1 +10011100111 C-minor 1 +10011100111 antitheft 1 +10011100111 job-outreach 1 +10011100111 cost-cutback 1 +10011100111 much-contested 1 +10011100111 ASU 1 +10011100111 neck-to-the-hind-legs 1 +10011100111 dispute-resolving 1 +10011100111 inventory-holding 1 +10011100111 work-scholarship 1 +10011100111 eye-exam 1 +10011100111 Florida-like 1 +10011100111 time-period 1 +10011100111 film-and-Rockettes 1 +10011100111 security-awareness 1 +10011100111 export-compliance 1 +10011100111 excellence-in-education 1 +10011100111 college-savings 1 +10011100111 ozonating 1 +10011100111 housing-linkage 1 +10011100111 race-reclassification 1 +10011100111 tax-rebate 1 +10011100111 25,000-mile 1 +10011100111 pin-making 1 +10011100111 time-planning 1 +10011100111 wage-trigger 1 +10011100111 Cuny-Thompson 1 +10011100111 tax-restructuring 1 +10011100111 pewter-casting 1 +10011100111 kidney-transplant 1 +10011100111 skills-retraining 1 +10011100111 immigrant-amnesty 1 +10011100111 protection-rights 1 +10011100111 share-dilution 1 +10011100111 corporate-listing 1 +10011100111 immunassay 1 +10011100111 consent-form 1 +10011100111 pet-adoption 1 +10011100111 Miami-London 1 +10011100111 pink-slip 1 +10011100111 media/image 1 +10011100111 shareholders-rights 1 +10011100111 243-step 1 +10011100111 swine-identification 1 +10011100111 expense-reducing 1 +10011100111 home-port 1 +10011100111 multihulled 1 +10011100111 useful-looking 1 +10011100111 sprinkler-system 1 +10011100111 software-designing 1 +10011100111 overhead-reduction 1 +10011100111 consent-solicitation 1 +10011100111 dump-Noriega 1 +10011100111 still-uncompleted 1 +10011100111 import-replacement 1 +10011100111 once-languid 1 +10011100111 Armey-Roth 1 +10011100111 loan-growth 1 +10011100111 still-wilder 1 +10011100111 buffer-stock-buying 1 +10011100111 medication-substitution 1 +10011100111 exotic-Hawaiian-locale 1 +10011100111 toxic-chemicals 1 +10011100111 370-mile 1 +10011100111 minimumwage 1 +10011100111 save-the-Sphinx 1 +10011100111 video-vending 1 +10011100111 cash-purchase 1 +10011100111 guard-dog 1 +10011100111 compliance-measurement 1 +10011100111 quiz-show 1 +10011100111 unit-repurchase 1 +10011100111 largest-diameter 1 +10011100111 deficit-elimination 1 +10011100111 military-buying 1 +10011100111 all-feminine 1 +10011100111 Greenwalds 1 +10011100111 crew-coordination 1 +10011100111 loan-restructuring 1 +10011100111 cooperative-research 1 +10011100111 2,350-mile 1 +10011100111 processing-modernization 1 +10011100111 heat-generating 1 +10011100111 regional-aid 1 +10011100111 Manoplax 1 +10011100111 plant-modernization 1 +10011100111 foodpackage 1 +10011100111 asset-privatization 1 +10011100111 taxover-haul 1 +10011100111 rabbit-breeding 1 +10011100111 brain-scanning 1 +10011100111 super-austerity 1 +10011100111 330-mile 1 +10011100111 vincristine 1 +10011100111 target-detecting 1 +10011100111 second-longest-running 1 +10011100111 patient-relations 1 +10011100111 140,000-mile 1 +10011100111 lawyer-export 1 +10011100111 15-foot-long 1 +10011100111 sound-detection 1 +10011100111 faculty-aid 1 +10011100111 film-promotion 1 +10011100111 structured-interview 1 +10011100111 anti-takeover-rights 1 +10011100111 home-reading 1 +10011100111 agricultural-worker 1 +10011100111 stockrepurchase 1 +10011100111 anti-recording 1 +10011100111 Court-packing 1 +10011100111 debt-repudiation 1 +10011100111 ink-jetting 1 +10011100111 seventh-place 1 +10011100111 tax-clinic 1 +10011100111 technology-liberalization 1 +10011100111 stock-grant 1 +10011100111 6,600-nautical-mile 1 +10011100111 store-remodeling 1 +10011100111 New-Wave 1 +10011100111 final-days 1 +10011100111 freeroom 1 +10011100111 sugar-quota 1 +10011100111 gift-certificate 1 +10011100111 Mexico-debt 1 +10011100111 payequity 1 +10011100111 cattle-cloning 1 +10011100111 highway-funds 1 +10011100111 self-recapitalization 1 +10011100111 assets-sale 1 +10011100111 performance-achievement 1 +10011100111 Broviac 1 +10011100111 holder-rights 1 +10011100111 INCENTIVE-PAY 1 +10011100111 single-disk-jockey 1 +10011100111 capital-risk 1 +10011100111 retirement-centers 1 +10011100111 corporate-awareness 1 +10011100111 recaptalization 1 +10011100111 hostage-swap 1 +10011100111 virus-by-mail 1 +10011100111 ship-and-test 1 +10011100111 financial-support 1 +10011100111 Lex-Campbell 1 +10011100111 trade-pact 1 +10011100111 four-by-four-inch 1 +10011100111 SpellRight 1 +10011100111 citizen-sponsored 1 +10011100111 ESPRIT 1 +10011100111 user-interface 1 +10011100111 seized-property 1 +10011100111 grape-crushing 1 +10011100111 family-assistance 1 +10011100111 claimantsa 1 +10011100111 benefits-communication 1 +10011100111 disaster-payments 1 +10011100111 non-operative 1 +10011100111 farm-therapy 1 +10011100111 oil-skimming 1 +10011100111 computer/keyboard 1 +10011100111 quake-related 1 +10011100111 payroll-reduction 1 +10011100111 tree-replacement 1 +10011100111 celebrity-driven 1 +10011100111 full-coverage 1 +10011100111 132-bomber 1 +10011100111 OnePlus 1 +10011100111 lease-incentive 1 +10011100111 village-destruction 1 +10011100111 business-migration 1 +10011100111 minishock 1 +10011100111 debt-repurchasing 1 +10011100111 aging-fleet 1 +10011100111 debt-securitization 1 +10011100111 120-degree 1 +10011100111 house-the-poor 1 +10011100111 two-inch-wide 1 +10011100111 work-furlough 1 +10011100111 much-bigger 1 +10011100111 U.S.-endorsed 1 +10011100111 paced-incremental-dullness 1 +10011100111 vehicle-recall 1 +10011100111 clamshell-like 1 +10011100111 stock/cash 1 +10011100111 Anti-Ballistic-Missile 1 +10011100111 false-vouchering 1 +10011100111 134-page 1 +10011100111 Kennedy-Dukakis 1 +10011100111 pen-usage 1 +10011100111 store-opening 1 +10011100111 Bush-supported 1 +10011100111 judicial-bypass 1 +10011100111 loan-forgiveness 1 +10011100111 blood-scavenging 1 +10011100111 Dulles-Cancun 1 +10011100111 investment-visa 1 +10011100111 S&L-rescue 1 +10011100111 public-assistant 1 +10011100111 MD90 1 +10011100111 briefcase-like 1 +10011100111 Jamesbury 1 +10011100111 industry-specialization 1 +10011100111 FlexComp 1 +10011100111 B1-Bomber 1 +10011100111 magnet-school 1 +10011100111 managed-cost 1 +10011100111 instant-credit 1 +10011100111 focused-factory 1 +10011100111 Y/MP-832 1 +10011100111 craftsman-in-residence 1 +10011100111 Montreal-Toronto 1 +10011100111 push-back 1 +10011100111 coastal-development 1 +10011100111 debt-for-export 1 +10011100111 prison-building 1 +10011100111 constitutional-amendment 1 +10011100111 466-mile 1 +10011100111 employee-investment 1 +10011100111 limited-scale 1 +10011100111 utility-draw 1 +10011100111 steelrod-making 1 +10011100111 duty-remission 1 +10011100111 market-purchase 1 +10011100111 student-placement 1 +10011100111 stock-dispersal 1 +10011100111 stock-conspiracy 1 +10011100111 36,000-ton 1 +10011100111 Hunt-backed 1 +10011100111 fleet-modernization 1 +10011100111 public-jobs 1 +10011100111 quality-growth 1 +10011100111 sharesupport 1 +10011100111 hot-breakfast 1 +10011100111 singhe 1 +10011100111 bonus-incentive 1 +10011100111 asset-enhancing 1 +10011100111 savings-incentive 1 +10011100111 inventable 1 +10011100111 drug-sensing 1 +10011100111 economic-offset 1 +10011100111 breadbox-size 1 +10011100111 very-talked-about 1 +10011100111 sixpoint 1 +10011100111 disaster-loan 1 +10011100111 proficiency-testing 1 +10011100111 downsizers 1 +10011100111 labor-separation 1 +10011100111 lock-out 2 +10011100111 automatic-cut 2 +10011100111 log-on 2 +10011100111 jazz-classical 2 +10011100111 tax-equalization 2 +10011100111 reorganizaton 2 +10011100111 cost-curbing 2 +10011100111 pay-deferral 2 +10011100111 Morgan-Mexico 2 +10011100111 investment-note 2 +10011100111 block-grant 2 +10011100111 mirror-subsidiary 2 +10011100111 contract-compliance 2 +10011100111 immuno-adsorption 2 +10011100111 moneymen 2 +10011100111 debt-moratorium 2 +10011100111 kick-back 2 +10011100111 Moneypaper 2 +10011100111 recapitalizaton 2 +10011100111 social-development 2 +10011100111 automatic-retaliation 2 +10011100111 early-deployment 2 +10011100111 AppleCD 2 +10011100111 expense-reduction 2 +10011100111 check-overdrafting 2 +10011100111 employee-bonus 2 +10011100111 debt-buyback 2 +10011100111 work-training 2 +10011100111 Goldman-Kidder 2 +10011100111 sound-money 2 +10011100111 employee-stock-ownership 2 +10011100111 outdoor-training 2 +10011100111 Rohatyn-Altman 2 +10011100111 equity-participation 2 +10011100111 68030-based 2 +10011100111 campaign-fund 2 +10011100111 Fez 2 +10011100111 job-reduction 2 +10011100111 JOAs 2 +10011100111 deficit-narrowing 2 +10011100111 inventory-reduction 2 +10011100111 day-camp 2 +10011100111 condominium-financing 2 +10011100111 Cabletime 2 +10011100111 store-renovation 2 +10011100111 Patent/ANDA 2 +10011100111 national-health-care 2 +10011100111 housing-integration 2 +10011100111 dealer-incentive 2 +10011100111 hypo-allergenic 2 +10011100111 rice-purchase 2 +10011100111 non-HMO 2 +10011100111 strike-preparation 2 +10011100111 ethics-training 2 +10011100111 ward-heeling 2 +10011100111 AIDS-research 2 +10011100111 asset-shedding 2 +10011100111 eating-disorder 2 +10011100111 manned-spaceflight 2 +10011100111 Brayalls 2 +10011100111 villagization 2 +10011100111 cost-paring 2 +10011100111 staff-cutting 2 +10011100111 spill-prevention 2 +10011100111 misbranding 2 +10011100111 exchange-offer 2 +10011100111 metal-bonding 2 +10011100111 rain-insurance 2 +10011100111 set-back 2 +10011100111 economic-stimulation 2 +10011100111 cash-incentive 2 +10011100111 Dare-to-be-Great 2 +10011100111 Belfast-London 2 +10011100111 city-approved 2 +10011100111 tax-limitation 2 +10011100111 loss-to-profit 2 +10011100111 aortic 2 +10011100111 retirement-incentive 2 +10011100111 store-expansion 2 +10011100111 Sun-compatible 2 +10011100111 DPSC 2 +10011100111 severance-payment 2 +10011100111 marketing-loan 2 +10011100111 microsponge 2 +10011100111 roof-bolting 2 +10011100111 revaccination 2 +10011100111 inflation-adjustment 2 +10011100111 disaster-aid 2 +10011100111 official-English 2 +10011100111 first-of-its-kind 2 +10011100111 foreign-income 2 +10011100111 frequent-shopper 2 +10011100111 direct-payment 2 +10011100111 shareholder-investment 2 +10011100111 individual-rate 2 +10011100111 general-amnesty 2 +10011100111 stock-incentive 2 +10011100111 director-retirement 2 +10011100111 open-skies 2 +10011100111 stock-bonus 2 +10011100111 reform-resistant 2 +10011100111 nuclear-test-limitation 3 +10011100111 severence 3 +10011100111 frequent-traveler 3 +10011100111 rural-housing 3 +10011100111 drug-detection 3 +10011100111 Buffetts 3 +10011100111 nation-building 3 +10011100111 debt-refinancing 3 +10011100111 rate-reduction 3 +10011100111 asset-redeployment 3 +10011100111 musicology 3 +10011100111 blood-filtration 3 +10011100111 risk-avoidance 3 +10011100111 parts-switching 3 +10011100111 borrowed-manager 3 +10011100111 report-card 3 +10011100111 deferred-maintenance 3 +10011100111 jackboot 3 +10011100111 stock-withholding 3 +10011100111 import-liberalization 3 +10011100111 reoganization 3 +10011100111 employee-ownership 3 +10011100111 tax-dodging 3 +10011100111 eight-processor 3 +10011100111 5990-1400 3 +10011100111 pay-incentive 3 +10011100111 no-fuss 3 +10011100111 management-compensation 3 +10011100111 transmigration 3 +10011100111 debt-problem 3 +10011100111 economic-liberalization 3 +10011100111 GCEC 3 +10011100111 health-and-fitness 3 +10011100111 memory-resident 3 +10011100111 urban-grant 3 +10011100111 big-donor 3 +10011100111 air-piracy 3 +10011100111 page-layout 3 +10011100111 FDIC-approved 3 +10011100111 economic-restructuring 3 +10011100111 mileage-based 3 +10011100111 COLTS 4 +10011100111 market-halting 4 +10011100111 blood-recycling 4 +10011100111 tax-amnesty 4 +10011100111 pocket-charter 4 +10011100111 management-incentive 4 +10011100111 divesture 4 +10011100111 land-redistribution 4 +10011100111 price-propping 4 +10011100111 housing-voucher 4 +10011100111 cost-allocation 4 +10011100111 Medicare-HMO 4 +10011100111 currying 4 +10011100111 safety-net 4 +10011100111 Wright-Reagan 4 +10011100111 tachycardia 4 +10011100111 access-charge 4 +10011100111 witness-protection 4 +10011100111 acercamiento 4 +10011100111 well-conceived 4 +10011100111 bank-financing 4 +10011100111 return-to-work 4 +10011100111 cost-shifting 5 +10011100111 worker-retraining 5 +10011100111 primavera 5 +10011100111 casualness 5 +10011100111 tax-enforcement 5 +10011100111 crew-escape 5 +10011100111 resection 5 +10011100111 overdrafting 5 +10011100111 restucturing 5 +10011100111 trigger-price 5 +10011100111 tax-benefit 5 +10011100111 stock-buy-back 5 +10011100111 phone-access 5 +10011100111 BCal 5 +10011100111 career-ladder 5 +10011100111 end-of-model-year 5 +10011100111 staff-reduction 5 +10011100111 military-aid 5 +10011100111 consumption-tax 5 +10011100111 work-release 5 +10011100111 6/60 6 +10011100111 stockholder-rights 6 +10011100111 debt-forgiveness 6 +10011100111 PINs 6 +10011100111 management-consignment 6 +10011100111 payroll-padding 6 +10011100111 6386 7 +10011100111 loan-sale 7 +10011100111 guest-worker 7 +10011100111 cash-out 7 +10011100111 TEA 7 +10011100111 0-92 7 +10011100111 career-break 7 +10011100111 decertification 7 +10011100111 frequent-guest 7 +10011100111 moderate-rehabilitation 7 +10011100111 school-lunch 7 +10011100111 economic-recovery 8 +10011100111 agrarian-reform 8 +10011100111 financial-restructuring 8 +10011100111 stock-parking 8 +10011100111 stock-buyback 8 +10011100111 share-buyback 8 +10011100111 PCR 8 +10011100111 dividend-reinvestment 8 +10011100111 policy-coordination 8 +10011100111 debt-exchange 9 +10011100111 rezoning 9 +10011100111 bidco 9 +10011100111 wildcatting 9 +10011100111 import-restraint 9 +10011100111 alternative-fuels 9 +10011100111 costcutting 9 +10011100111 dextran 9 +10011100111 export-enhancement 10 +10011100111 debt-conversion 10 +10011100111 severance-pay 10 +10011100111 Reagan-Wright 10 +10011100111 AT&T-Sun 11 +10011100111 gain-sharing 11 +10011100111 pump-priming 12 +10011100111 export-subsidy 12 +10011100111 Seattle-Tokyo 13 +10011100111 shut-off 13 +10011100111 catastrophic-care 13 +10011100111 self-insurance 13 +10011100111 confidence-building 13 +10011100111 subtraction 14 +10011100111 OEM 14 +10011100111 secession 14 +10011100111 split-up 15 +10011100111 bankruptcy-reorganization 15 +10011100111 zero-zero 15 +10011100111 coupling 15 +10011100111 checkoff 16 +10011100111 share-support 16 +10011100111 coinsurance 16 +10011100111 entrenchment 17 +10011100111 cost-savings 17 +10011100111 asset-sale 18 +10011100111 economic-reform 19 +10011100111 information-sharing 19 +10011100111 collectivization 20 +10011100111 share-repurchase 21 +10011100111 trade-liberalization 21 +10011100111 Ponzi 22 +10011100111 debt-payment 24 +10011100111 land-reform 24 +10011100111 decoupling 25 +10011100111 consignment 25 +10011100111 capital-raising 26 +10011100111 stock-repurchase 29 +10011100111 trade-in 32 +10011100111 debt-swap 33 +10011100111 cost-sharing 36 +10011100111 conservatorship 37 +10011100111 phase-in 37 +10011100111 check-kiting 39 +10011100111 debt-restructuring 40 +10011100111 capital-spending 48 +10011100111 debt-relief 48 +10011100111 partition 48 +10011100111 reincorporation 49 +10011100111 UDAG 51 +10011100111 desegregation 53 +10011100111 credit-easing 58 +10011100111 resettlement 59 +10011100111 debt-reduction 63 +10011100111 price-support 65 +10011100111 divestment 66 +10011100111 stock-option 66 +10011100111 belt-tightening 83 +10011100111 break-up 86 +10011100111 kickback 92 +10011100111 cost-reduction 95 +10011100111 kidnapping 100 +10011100111 credit-tightening 100 +10011100111 shareholder-rights 103 +10011100111 early-retirement 104 +10011100111 anti-inflation 127 +10011100111 extradition 153 +10011100111 denationalization 163 +10011100111 stabilization 174 +10011100111 streamlining 227 +10011100111 rescheduling 237 +10011100111 profit-sharing 258 +10011100111 succession 312 +10011100111 austerity 352 +10011100111 divestiture 385 +10011100111 refinancing 531 +10011100111 privatization 599 +10011100111 liquidation 760 +10011100111 bailout 775 +10011100111 cost-cutting 800 +10011100111 recapitalization 1442 +10011100111 reorganization 2354 +10011100111 peace 2495 +10011100111 retirement 2527 +10011100111 restructuring 6567 +10011101000 8.75-dollar 1 +10011101000 LaFontant-Baker 1 +10011101000 95.55 1 +10011101000 1,367,000 1 +10011101000 period-piece 1 +10011101000 legitimate-enough 1 +10011101000 switchback 1 +10011101000 gasoline-content 1 +10011101000 Chita 1 +10011101000 15,972 1 +10011101000 multi-medal 1 +10011101000 Sigoloff-Drexel 1 +10011101000 wintergreen-scented 1 +10011101000 management-buy-out 1 +10011101000 share-and-cash 1 +10011101000 outermost 1 +10011101000 four-class 1 +10011101000 bond-exchange 1 +10011101000 physician's-office 1 +10011101000 biocide 1 +10011101000 shellacking 1 +10011101000 Shearson-backed 1 +10011101000 less-adored 1 +10011101000 seven-million-share 1 +10011101000 -a-share 1 +10011101000 worm-carrying 1 +10011101000 below-the-Beltway 1 +10011101000 canned-goods 1 +10011101000 deaccession 1 +10011101000 Euromarks 1 +10011101000 three-month-leave 1 +10011101000 untender 1 +10011101000 Pereslavl-Zalessky 1 +10011101000 Yawata 1 +10011101000 Chun-Nakasone 1 +10011101000 Carquinez 1 +10011101000 green-tubed 1 +10011101000 80-mile-an-hour 1 +10011101000 croc-sized 1 +10011101000 pro-deregulation 1 +10011101000 middle-voiced 1 +10011101000 non-Dutch-produced 1 +10011101000 bone-crushing 1 +10011101000 350-pence 1 +10011101000 notes-exchange 1 +10011101000 price-floor 1 +10011101000 shoptalk 1 +10011101000 660-pence 1 +10011101000 price-fall 1 +10011101000 cardboard-packing 1 +10011101000 rottenest 1 +10011101000 12-dollar-a-share 1 +10011101000 college-textbook 1 +10011101000 interim-aid 1 +10011101000 precursory 1 +10011101000 request.The 1 +10011101000 often-subtle 1 +10011101000 Swit 1 +10011101000 14-dollar-a-share 1 +10011101000 160-pence-a-share 1 +10011101000 Noranda-Trelleborg 1 +10011101000 890-pence 1 +10011101000 siege-and-search 1 +10011101000 CULOTTES 1 +10011101000 Magellanic 1 +10011101000 horns-four 1 +10011101000 big-navy 1 +10011101000 830-foot 1 +10011101000 furthur-sweetened 1 +10011101000 dog-pile 1 +10011101000 baseball-bat-sized 1 +10011101000 quarter-and 1 +10011101000 ploughman 1 +10011101000 form/instant 1 +10011101000 franc-a-share 1 +10011101000 Sovilla 1 +10011101000 baseline-basher 1 +10011101000 can-plant 1 +10011101000 diamond-polishing 1 +10011101000 receptor-equipped 1 +10011101000 metalforming 1 +10011101000 320-megabyte 1 +10011101000 85-megabyte 1 +10011101000 coprocessor 1 +10011101000 Sindi 1 +10011101000 hand-hewn 1 +10011101000 nova 1 +10011101000 self-reflexive 1 +10011101000 orange-and-white 1 +10011101000 cold-tolerance 1 +10011101000 red-cushioned 1 +10011101000 mechanical-movement 1 +10011101000 Shaker-like 1 +10011101000 pre-litigation 1 +10011101000 seperate 1 +10011101000 multiplestep 1 +10011101000 850-pence-a-share 1 +10011101000 135-mile-an-hour 1 +10011101000 micros 1 +10011101000 ear-piercing 1 +10011101000 10-dollar-a-share 1 +10011101000 free-air-conditioning 1 +10011101000 50-mile-an-hour 2 +10011101000 merit-award 2 +10011101000 cash-and-shares 2 +10011101000 Purolator-Hutton 2 +10011101000 U.S.-negotiated 2 +10011101000 890-pence-a-share 2 +10011101000 tuneless 2 +10011101000 twotier 2 +10011101000 voluntary-severance 2 +10011101000 below-book-value 2 +10011101000 cash-and-debenture 2 +10011101000 minority-stake 4 +10011101000 Ciba-Geigy/Chiron 5 +10011101000 dollar-a-share 11 +10011101000 all-paper 12 +10011101000 cash-back 19 +10011101000 self-tender 37 +10011101000 tender 5972 +10011101000 sweetened 966 +10011101001 Inkatha-UDF 1 +10011101001 trade-education 1 +10011101001 one-week-old 1 +10011101001 management-Bass 1 +10011101001 combat-proven 1 +10011101001 French-U.S. 1 +10011101001 post-hoc 1 +10011101001 pass-rush-based 1 +10011101001 anti-Kennedy 1 +10011101001 lastditch 1 +10011101001 share-accumulation 1 +10011101001 bottom-drawer 1 +10011101001 foreignaid 1 +10011101001 acquisition-pool 1 +10011101001 multidwelling 1 +10011101001 123-page 1 +10011101001 build-in-Japan 1 +10011101001 sovereign-immunity 1 +10011101001 Contra-funding 1 +10011101001 pro-sugar-import-quota 1 +10011101001 bigger-than-usual 1 +10011101001 numercal 1 +10011101001 union-imposed 1 +10011101001 U.S.-missile 1 +10011101001 toilet-tissue 1 +10011101001 cook-and-freeze 1 +10011101001 intra-factional 1 +10011101001 soccer-pools 1 +10011101001 recording-studio 1 +10011101001 family-insurance 1 +10011101001 long-murmured 1 +10011101001 court-named 1 +10011101001 team-sport 1 +10011101001 worker-performance 1 +10011101001 telephone-sales 1 +10011101001 once-in-a-millennium 1 +10011101001 shrimp-shaped 1 +10011101001 sometimes-passionate 1 +10011101001 read-the-book 1 +10011101001 buyout-related 1 +10011101001 107,000-acre 1 +10011101001 Euro-Asian 1 +10011101001 get-soft 1 +10011101001 Siemens-GEC 1 +10011101001 GEC-Siemens 1 +10011101001 two-pipeline 1 +10011101001 print-advertising 1 +10011101001 donkey-headed 1 +10011101001 U.S.-only 1 +10011101001 control-rod 1 +10011101001 810-pence-a-share 1 +10011101001 Kanga-Roll 1 +10011101001 job-rotation 1 +10011101001 personal-greed 1 +10011101001 13-month-long 1 +10011101001 ball-player 1 +10011101001 television-interview 1 +10011101001 Anglo-French-Israeli 1 +10011101001 source-reduction 1 +10011101001 now-nostalgic 1 +10011101001 tantalum-tungsten 1 +10011101001 back-county 1 +10011101001 pre-deployed 1 +10011101001 borderland 1 +10011101001 FDA-mandated 1 +10011101001 prefatory 1 +10011101001 center-front 1 +10011101001 2,400-square-foot 1 +10011101001 computer-centers 1 +10011101001 Turkish-born 1 +10011101001 Micro-Sony 1 +10011101001 AT&T-Boeing 1 +10011101001 twice-spurned 1 +10011101001 dour-faced 1 +10011101001 even-worse 1 +10011101001 cost-tightening 1 +10011101001 Mephistophelean 1 +10011101001 political-reconstruction 1 +10011101001 child-safety 1 +10011101001 troop-withdrawal 1 +10011101001 260-page 1 +10011101001 chocolate-truffle 1 +10011101001 two-series 1 +10011101001 three-lane 1 +10011101001 shareholder-solicitation 1 +10011101001 billiard-company 1 +10011101001 second-choice 1 +10011101001 so-far-encouraging 1 +10011101001 subsidy-backed 1 +10011101001 more-pronounced 1 +10011101001 3,200-year-old 1 +10011101001 leather-shop 1 +10011101001 tongue-in-check 1 +10011101001 Calvi-related 1 +10011101001 country-store 1 +10011101001 mostly-stock 1 +10011101001 360,000-share 1 +10011101001 united-front 1 +10011101001 singleyear 1 +10011101001 stock-support 1 +10011101001 mustsign 1 +10011101001 moderate-cost 1 +10011101001 bulk-building 1 +10011101001 non-robotic 1 +10011101001 bond-loss 1 +10011101001 slangier 1 +10011101001 pacifist-inclined 1 +10011101001 Texaco-sponsored 1 +10011101001 post-Ottoman 1 +10011101001 populist/progressive 1 +10011101001 high-steel 1 +10011101001 450-a-share 1 +10011101001 music-channel 1 +10011101001 near-religious 1 +10011101001 unhittable 1 +10011101001 parts-manufacturing 1 +10011101001 medium-to-long-term 1 +10011101001 three-ruble 1 +10011101001 woe-filled 1 +10011101001 back-to-fat 1 +10011101001 burro-management 1 +10011101001 nature-conservation 1 +10011101001 Rumanian 1 +10011101001 inflation-fed 1 +10011101001 cashout 1 +10011101001 investment-area 1 +10011101001 toughest-ever 1 +10011101001 20-plane 1 +10011101001 bridge-lending 1 +10011101001 astrology-driven 1 +10011101001 preventive-medicine 1 +10011101001 Kirghiz 1 +10011101001 newspaper-tabloid 1 +10011101001 return-on-savings 1 +10011101001 shock-radio 1 +10011101001 radical-right 1 +10011101001 bank-takeover 1 +10011101001 500-pence-a-share 1 +10011101001 oil-consumption 1 +10011101001 2525 1 +10011101001 Westway 1 +10011101001 near-unmatched 1 +10011101001 three-series 1 +10011101001 governors-association 1 +10011101001 school-improvement 1 +10011101001 7,000-franc 1 +10011101001 beer-and-hamburger 1 +10011101001 appliance-shop 1 +10011101001 provincewide 1 +10011101001 380-pence-a-share 1 +10011101001 rate-boost 1 +10011101001 low-bracket 1 +10011101001 computer-services-firm 1 +10011101001 late-inning 1 +10011101001 coal-contract 1 +10011101001 loop-shaped 1 +10011101001 life-affirming 1 +10011101001 career-development 1 +10011101001 herpetological 1 +10011101001 evacuation-plan 1 +10011101001 head-cutting 1 +10011101001 Massachsetts 1 +10011101001 5,000-car 1 +10011101001 five-mark 1 +10011101001 1,000-mark 1 +10011101001 bare-knuckles 1 +10011101001 Brierley-led 1 +10011101001 rich-and-famous 1 +10011101001 peaches-and-cream 1 +10011101001 early-hours 1 +10011101001 bond-default 1 +10011101001 non-electric 1 +10011101001 Dutch-uncle 1 +10011101001 5,000-peso 1 +10011101001 cracked-open 1 +10011101001 branch-sale 1 +10011101001 early-reinforcement 1 +10011101001 none-too-veiled 1 +10011101001 throttle-control 1 +10011101001 twice-frustrated 1 +10011101001 Co.-757 1 +10011101001 hold-pat 1 +10011101001 long-blocked 1 +10011101001 tightly-controlled 1 +10011101001 bull's-eye-shaped 1 +10011101001 1,000-cruzado 1 +10011101001 risk/reward 1 +10011101001 4,000-franc 1 +10011101001 city-organized 1 +10011101001 pigskin-variety 1 +10011101001 overhwelming 1 +10011101001 plant-shop 1 +10011101001 goodfaith 1 +10011101001 emic/etic 1 +10011101001 government-bailout 1 +10011101001 production-threatening 1 +10011101001 labor-sponsored 1 +10011101001 import-screening 1 +10011101001 production-controlling 1 +10011101001 Spanish-born 1 +10011101001 10-week-leave 1 +10011101001 kind/generous/thoughtful/engaging 1 +10011101001 Socanav-Caisse 1 +10011101001 well-camouflaged 1 +10011101001 dollar-propping 1 +10011101001 punker 1 +10011101001 tanker-financing 1 +10011101001 pickle-store 1 +10011101001 CIA-sponsored 1 +10011101001 4,500-word 1 +10011101001 crunchie 1 +10011101001 young-skewing 1 +10011101001 clear-the-deck 1 +10011101001 name-the-flavor 1 +10011101001 Merrill-Lynch 1 +10011101001 all-services 1 +10011101001 stop-Giuliani 1 +10011101001 cleaner-burning 1 +10011101001 court-appoined 1 +10011101001 road-paving 1 +10011101001 state-retained 1 +10011101001 half-successful 1 +10011101001 last-gasp 1 +10011101001 radiation-safety 1 +10011101001 Hatfields-McCoys 1 +10011101001 joint-aid 1 +10011101001 bombproof 1 +10011101001 0.8-point 1 +10011101001 less-than-attractive 1 +10011101001 spill-cleanup 1 +10011101001 House-floor 1 +10011101001 multi-step 1 +10011101001 300-person 1 +10011101001 Asian-diplomacy 1 +10011101001 no-contest 2 +10011101001 five-wheeled 2 +10011101001 export-bonus 2 +10011101001 cannibalistic 2 +10011101001 19-nation 2 +10011101001 ruffed 2 +10011101001 last-chance 2 +10011101001 punchier 2 +10011101001 Messianic 2 +10011101001 not-guilty 2 +10011101001 trade-clearing 2 +10011101001 heaven-sent 2 +10011101001 loan-rescheduling 2 +10011101001 Ali-Frazier 2 +10011101001 dermatitis 2 +10011101001 Rondo 2 +10011101001 amatory 2 +10011101001 750-film 2 +10011101001 hostile-bid 2 +10011101001 commodity-market 2 +10011101001 558-mile 2 +10011101001 diamond-coated 2 +10011101001 change-of-ownership 2 +10011101001 silver-price 2 +10011101001 semiconductor-patent 2 +10011101001 recess-appointment 2 +10011101001 semiconductor-technology 2 +10011101001 less-partisan 2 +10011101001 farm-reform 2 +10011101001 persistant 2 +10011101001 save-the-hotel 2 +10011101001 nutria 2 +10011101001 three-decade 2 +10011101001 swizzle 2 +10011101001 E-mail 2 +10011101001 unsportsmanlike 2 +10011101001 Trion 2 +10011101001 firstround 2 +10011101001 Miesian 2 +10011101001 uncrowned 2 +10011101001 political-reform 2 +10011101001 singles-bar 2 +10011101001 fantasy-adventure 2 +10011101001 pile-on 2 +10011101001 more-creative 2 +10011101001 sale-lease-back 3 +10011101001 pilots-management 3 +10011101001 Guinness-Distillers 3 +10011101001 consumer-education 3 +10011101001 pre-indictment 3 +10011101001 gene-mapping 3 +10011101001 time-proven 3 +10011101001 domestic-incentive 3 +10011101001 loan-note 3 +10011101001 research-grant 3 +10011101001 bisneo 3 +10011101001 counterinsurgent 3 +10011101001 Ph.D 3 +10011101001 Democratic-backed 4 +10011101001 capital-maintenance 4 +10011101001 in-service 5 +10011101001 new-construction 5 +10011101001 monetary-growth 5 +10011101001 military-contract 5 +10011101001 sale/leaseback 5 +10011101001 liquid-yield 6 +10011101001 share-swap 7 +10011101001 David-and-Goliath 7 +10011101001 tax-exemption 7 +10011101001 cash-and-share 8 +10011101001 corporate-control 9 +10011101001 takover 10 +10011101001 come-from-behind 12 +10011101001 guardianship 12 +10011101001 hostile-takeover 14 +10011101001 commencement 28 +10011101001 keynote 56 +10011101001 leveraged-buyout 58 +10011101001 takeover 11667 +10011101001 last-ditch 75 +10011101010 court-related 1 +10011101010 stock-boosting 1 +10011101010 export-rule 1 +10011101010 Full-fare 1 +10011101010 best-deal 1 +10011101010 government-defined 1 +10011101010 Saatchi-DFS 1 +10011101010 Republic-LTV 1 +10011101010 National-USX 1 +10011101010 foreign-reserve 1 +10011101010 consumer-laws 1 +10011101010 court-case 1 +10011101010 basic-football 1 +10011101010 42-foot-high 1 +10011101010 765-pence-a-share 1 +10011101010 Sunstar-Butler 1 +10011101010 federally-aided 1 +10011101010 six-for-seven 1 +10011101010 toy-company 1 +10011101010 ever-rumored 1 +10011101010 sick-thrift 1 +10011101010 seatback 1 +10011101010 Sino-Syrian 1 +10011101010 Kohlberg-led 1 +10011101010 takeover-resistant 1 +10011101010 buyerless 1 +10011101010 Gas-SCEcorp 1 +10011101010 Ford-Lockheed 1 +10011101010 production-limitation 1 +10011101010 most-ambitious 1 +10011101010 yclical 1 +10011101010 untouted 1 +10011101010 Emery-Purolator 1 +10011101010 nuclear-scare 1 +10011101010 13-to-11 1 +10011101010 six-weeklong 1 +10011101010 exfoliative 1 +10011101010 Hughes-sized 1 +10011101010 altogether.The 1 +10011101010 government-guarded 1 +10011101010 single-lump 1 +10011101010 300-pence-a-share 1 +10011101010 politico-politicee 1 +10011101010 wildcard 1 +10011101010 FSLIC-supervised 1 +10011101010 Salomon-Phibro 1 +10011101010 Marwick-KMG 1 +10011101010 Encor-Aberford 1 +10011101010 Piedmont-USAir 1 +10011101010 Drexel-inspired 1 +10011101010 twotiered 1 +10011101010 wholeherd 1 +10011101010 state-assisted 1 +10011101010 government-encouraged 1 +10011101010 cash-and-note 1 +10011101010 tax-case 1 +10011101010 190-pence-a-share 1 +10011101010 lower-bidding 1 +10011101010 Federal-Tiger 1 +10011101010 Texas-thrift 1 +10011101010 Shearson/Hutton 1 +10011101010 Gibbons-led 1 +10011101010 Cossack-like 1 +10011101010 Pepperell-Stevens 1 +10011101010 whole-herd 1 +10011101010 Bristol-Myers-Squibb 1 +10011101010 mechanical/technical 1 +10011101010 MCO-Maxxam 1 +10011101010 full-firm 1 +10011101010 186-milewide 1 +10011101010 debt-structured 1 +10011101010 Bristol-Squibb 1 +10011101010 BBC/WNET 1 +10011101010 cowpox 1 +10011101010 forestry-industry 1 +10011101010 foreign-bank-debt 1 +10011101010 Bolognese 1 +10011101010 Coniston-backed 1 +10011101010 Pelican-style 1 +10011101010 65-month 1 +10011101010 forestry-sector 1 +10011101010 previously-reported 1 +10011101010 peristent 1 +10011101010 negligence-suit 1 +10011101010 Tasaki-Riger 1 +10011101010 RJR-style 1 +10011101010 Posner-led 1 +10011101010 Anglo-Swedish 1 +10011101010 FCC-approved 1 +10011101010 often-acrimonious 1 +10011101010 bottling-operation 1 +10011101010 nostalgia-provoking 1 +10011101010 Fabtex 1 +10011101010 life-time 1 +10011101010 night-opener 1 +10011101010 corbeled 1 +10011101010 Siemens-GEC-Plessey 1 +10011101010 government-decreed 1 +10011101010 remarkabe 1 +10011101010 sand-swept 1 +10011101010 comparitive 1 +10011101010 friend-ofthe-court 1 +10011101010 Lipton-Celestial 1 +10011101010 then-rumored 1 +10011101010 45day 1 +10011101010 Japanese/Chinese 1 +10011101010 pro-bono 2 +10011101010 450-pence-a-share 2 +10011101010 strife-free 2 +10011101010 non-caloric 2 +10011101010 now-terminated 2 +10011101010 thrift-plan 2 +10011101010 Noticiero 2 +10011101010 940-pence-a-share 2 +10011101010 exchange-of-stock 2 +10011101010 Sorg-Young 2 +10011101010 Finarte-Euromobiliare 2 +10011101010 next-largest 2 +10011101010 board-approved 2 +10011101010 five-step 2 +10011101010 junk-bond-financed 2 +10011101010 managementled 2 +10011101010 obscenity-law 2 +10011101010 friendly-suitor 2 +10011101010 currency-law 2 +10011101010 long-discussed 2 +10011101010 leverged 2 +10011101010 Arab-sponsored 2 +10011101010 550-pence-a-share 2 +10011101010 amalgamation-type 3 +10011101010 now-withdrawn 3 +10011101010 non-negotiated 3 +10011101010 management-union 3 +10011101010 lowball 3 +10011101010 1,194-page 3 +10011101010 200-mark 3 +10011101010 pro-Dukakis 3 +10011101010 Warner-Lorimar 3 +10011101010 pilot-led 4 +10011101010 stockswap 4 +10011101010 single-number 4 +10011101010 stock-for-stock 4 +10011101010 late-entry 4 +10011101010 Burroughs-Sperry 4 +10011101010 Campeau-Federated 4 +10011101010 Drexel-led 5 +10011101010 FSLIC-assisted 5 +10011101010 management-employee 5 +10011101010 employee-management 5 +10011101010 Compton-DFS 5 +10011101010 federally-assisted 5 +10011101010 second-step 6 +10011101010 Fujitsu-Fairchild 7 +10011101010 Drexel-backed 7 +10011101010 Rales-led 8 +10011101010 government-assisted 9 +10011101010 stock-and-cash 10 +10011101010 cash-and-stock 39 +10011101010 stock-swap 43 +10011101010 friend-of-the-court 85 +10011101010 two-step 88 +10011101010 out-of-court 150 +10011101010 management-led 322 +10011101010 friendly 1902 +10011101010 hostile 3500 +10011101010 leveraged 3712 +10011101011 much-shortened 1 +10011101011 mandate-bidding 1 +10011101011 Hankyu 1 +10011101011 UDAG-HoDAG 1 +10011101011 quarter-billion-dollar 1 +10011101011 Sony-CBS 1 +10011101011 15,000-square-mile 1 +10011101011 Ford-VW 1 +10011101011 dental-research 1 +10011101011 45-paragraph 1 +10011101011 midcampaign 1 +10011101011 Celnik-arranged 1 +10011101011 countervailable 1 +10011101011 lead-pigments 1 +10011101011 deep-ocean 1 +10011101011 34,000-word 1 +10011101011 re-aimed 1 +10011101011 anti-reality 1 +10011101011 phone-making 1 +10011101011 Spinks-Cooney 1 +10011101011 2,000th 1 +10011101011 per-column 1 +10011101011 advertising-slogan 1 +10011101011 atrium-capped 1 +10011101011 go-fast 1 +10011101011 single-laser 1 +10011101011 Santayanish 1 +10011101011 day-after-Christmas 1 +10011101011 semi-popular 1 +10011101011 nomination-acceptance 1 +10011101011 powder-keg 1 +10011101011 worker-student 1 +10011101011 credit-oriented 1 +10011101011 50-square-mile 1 +10011101011 DC-7 1 +10011101011 Mobius 1 +10011101011 camel-trading 1 +10011101011 down-in-the-mouth 1 +10011101011 48-nation 1 +10011101011 Gephardt-Harkin 1 +10011101011 rifle-and-machete 1 +10011101011 CIT-224 1 +10011101011 CIT-220+ 1 +10011101011 hoop-throwing 1 +10011101011 Ergonomic 1 +10011101011 pro-Seoul 1 +10011101011 utility-funded 1 +10011101011 sterling-yen 1 +10011101011 cocaine-addiction 1 +10011101011 one-for-50 1 +10011101011 endocrinology 1 +10011101011 7.5-million-share 1 +10011101011 firstplace 1 +10011101011 swap-meet 1 +10011101011 business-funded 1 +10011101011 presidential-looking 1 +10011101011 sports-business 1 +10011101011 blast-proof 1 +10011101011 economic-impact 1 +10011101011 Tyuratam 1 +10011101011 98-acre 1 +10011101011 fourth-round 1 +10011101011 been-around-the 1 +10011101011 half-won 1 +10011101011 nonmortal 1 +10011101011 1,562,800-share 1 +10011101011 baton-passing 1 +10011101011 15-word 1 +10011101011 superwarehouse 1 +10011101011 anti-Durant 1 +10011101011 inperson 1 +10011101011 computer-readable 1 +10011101011 36-minute 1 +10011101011 government-contract 1 +10011101011 Ridder-Tribune 1 +10011101011 video-market 1 +10011101011 tin-mining 1 +10011101011 sunder 1 +10011101011 auto-building 1 +10011101011 33-12 1 +10011101011 GTE-AT&T 1 +10011101011 welcome-aboard 1 +10011101011 bitterly-contested 1 +10011101011 over-hyped 1 +10011101011 air-brushed 1 +10011101011 quick-copy 1 +10011101011 451,000-share 1 +10011101011 16,246 1 +10011101011 telephone-to-wristwatch 1 +10011101011 interim-committee 1 +10011101011 undestroyed 1 +10011101011 cold-finished 1 +10011101011 283,200-share 1 +10011101011 919,168-share 1 +10011101011 180-foot 1 +10011101011 dozen-car 1 +10011101011 Fed-administration 1 +10011101011 libertarian-conservative 1 +10011101011 polished-wood 1 +10011101011 information-science 1 +10011101011 60-cents-a-gallon 1 +10011101011 house-decorating 1 +10011101011 insurance-banking 1 +10011101011 lamination 1 +10011101011 gardening-supplies 1 +10011101011 GM-Allied-Signal 1 +10011101011 contract-interpretation 1 +10011101011 still-spreading 1 +10011101011 digital-to-analog 1 +10011101011 tighter-than-anticipated 1 +10011101011 conclusory 1 +10011101011 drug-and-alcohol 1 +10011101011 cocaine-abuse 1 +10011101011 days-long 1 +10011101011 post-inaugural 1 +10011101011 13,000-dinar 1 +10011101011 family-confrontation 1 +10011101011 10-LP 1 +10011101011 yellow-big-head 1 +10011101011 biological-weapons-defense 1 +10011101011 two-dog 1 +10011101011 back-tax 1 +10011101011 African-bee 1 +10011101011 domestic-is-best 1 +10011101011 wafer-making 1 +10011101011 less-ambitious 1 +10011101011 1-for-15 1 +10011101011 3,500-acre 1 +10011101011 often-emotional 1 +10011101011 ichthyology 1 +10011101011 high-beam 1 +10011101011 rolling-on-the-floor 1 +10011101011 post-concert 1 +10011101011 760-yard 1 +10011101011 marble-tiled 1 +10011101011 5,300-foot 1 +10011101011 184-day-old 1 +10011101011 Americus-trust 1 +10011101011 newspaper-television 1 +10011101011 televideo-marketing 1 +10011101011 Washington-Tokyo 1 +10011101011 43-nation 1 +10011101011 team-tonnage 1 +10011101011 fathead 1 +10011101011 most-probable 1 +10011101011 1,000-for-1 1 +10011101011 72-acre 1 +10011101011 praetorian 1 +10011101011 pre-concert 1 +10011101011 onyx-handled 1 +10011101011 black-cowboy 1 +10011101011 warning-of-deed-restriction-violation 1 +10011101011 community-center 1 +10011101011 midnight-to-5-a.m. 1 +10011101011 floury 1 +10011101011 14-11 1 +10011101011 works-council 1 +10011101011 watergun 1 +10011101011 entrenched-manager 1 +10011101011 switch-making 1 +10011101011 VA-rate 1 +10011101011 segregative 1 +10011101011 twin-tube 1 +10011101011 six-acre 1 +10011101011 German-Canadian 1 +10011101011 suburban-Dallas 1 +10011101011 regulatory-body 1 +10011101011 magnetic-field 1 +10011101011 market-controlling 1 +10011101011 4,083,000-share 1 +10011101011 thirteen-ounce 1 +10011101011 three-seventh 1 +10011101011 Vietnam-like 1 +10011101011 12-building 1 +10011101011 minority-led 1 +10011101011 corporate-financed 1 +10011101011 dentist-style 1 +10011101011 international-communications 1 +10011101011 1-for-1,000 1 +10011101011 squid-recipe 1 +10011101011 multi-company 1 +10011101011 three-alarm 1 +10011101011 anti-Mozambique 1 +10011101011 28,000-square-foot 1 +10011101011 ping-pong-ball 1 +10011101011 scientific-political 1 +10011101011 480-mile 1 +10011101011 French-dominated 1 +10011101011 major-championship 1 +10011101011 31-foot 1 +10011101011 Leonard/Duran 1 +10011101011 whorehouse 1 +10011101011 16-letter 1 +10011101011 Cooney-Tyson 1 +10011101011 tax-opinion 1 +10011101011 500-word 1 +10011101011 used-can 1 +10011101011 to-and-fro 1 +10011101011 cat-vs.-bird 1 +10011101011 violence-marred 1 +10011101011 all-European 1 +10011101011 head-tax 1 +10011101011 top-of-the-ticket 1 +10011101011 testing-the-waters 1 +10011101011 recipe/comic 1 +10011101011 765-foot-long 1 +10011101011 freedom-of-thought 1 +10011101011 Bush-Dole 1 +10011101011 BP-government 1 +10011101011 48-game 1 +10011101011 4,250,000-share 1 +10011101011 phone-directory 1 +10011101011 not-so-glamorous 1 +10011101011 slanging 1 +10011101011 out-moded 1 +10011101011 2.15-million 1 +10011101011 3.7-acre 1 +10011101011 truth-may-be-stranger-than-fiction 1 +10011101011 GPA-Airbus 1 +10011101011 Democratic-majority 1 +10011101011 mass-manufacturing 1 +10011101011 Leath-Aspin 1 +10011101011 Reagan-Mondale 1 +10011101011 13-minute 1 +10011101011 humpbacked 1 +10011101011 land-condemnation 1 +10011101011 two-earner/two-job 1 +10011101011 multi-hued 1 +10011101011 500-mile-an-hour 1 +10011101011 62-page 1 +10011101011 jount 1 +10011101011 Montgomery-based 1 +10011101011 international-operations 1 +10011101011 27,560 1 +10011101011 MK-50 1 +10011101011 wheel-clamping 1 +10011101011 mud-soaked 1 +10011101011 tax-write-off 1 +10011101011 natiowide 1 +10011101011 women's-studies 1 +10011101011 Ron-to-Yasu 1 +10011101011 department-funded 1 +10011101011 1-ounce 1 +10011101011 level-toned 1 +10011101011 castle-shaped 1 +10011101011 weeks-old 1 +10011101011 634,000-share 1 +10011101011 Bush/Rather 1 +10011101011 sharp-tongued 1 +10011101011 transitional-bilingual 1 +10011101011 seating-support 1 +10011101011 4,500-mile 1 +10011101011 Tallahassee-based 1 +10011101011 direct-pay 1 +10011101011 independence-day 1 +10011101011 homosexual-oriented 1 +10011101011 sterling/mark 1 +10011101011 swap-offer 1 +10011101011 breadbakers 1 +10011101011 cheaper-to-produce 1 +10011101011 annual-report 1 +10011101011 AEG-designed 1 +10011101011 I-am-a-democrat 1 +10011101011 many-armed 1 +10011101011 100-lane 1 +10011101011 mad-cap 1 +10011101011 183,000-unit 1 +10011101011 communications-equipment-manufacturing 1 +10011101011 bulk-mail 1 +10011101011 fourway 1 +10011101011 100-for-1 1 +10011101011 wedding-anniversary 1 +10011101011 English-rights 1 +10011101011 baby-picture 1 +10011101011 starting-gate 1 +10011101011 88-minute 1 +10011101011 highly-confident 1 +10011101011 21-foot-wide 1 +10011101011 220,000-acre 1 +10011101011 heat-stable 1 +10011101011 fourth-down 1 +10011101011 multiple-rocket 1 +10011101011 big-stock/little-stock 1 +10011101011 stockloan 1 +10011101011 stock-receiving 1 +10011101011 Chrysler-Belarus 1 +10011101011 medal-round 1 +10011101011 Jafco-Nomura 1 +10011101011 anti-Edwards 1 +10011101011 Toyota-GM 1 +10011101011 mini-trading 1 +10011101011 ultrashort 1 +10011101011 text-to-type 1 +10011101011 Merc-Reuters 1 +10011101011 380,000-subscriber 1 +10011101011 one-for-100 1 +10011101011 vile-tasting 1 +10011101011 three-race 1 +10011101011 Pacificus 1 +10011101011 M-50 1 +10011101011 Macmillan/McGraw 1 +10011101011 civil-case 1 +10011101011 Amoco-Exxon 1 +10011101011 pottery-packed 1 +10011101011 sod-turning 1 +10011101011 AT&T-Italtel 1 +10011101011 softer-core 1 +10011101011 popgun 1 +10011101011 better-fitting 1 +10011101011 3,000-name 1 +10011101011 cranberry-growers 1 +10011101011 anticorruption 1 +10011101011 action-crammed 1 +10011101011 67-43 1 +10011101011 Dole-Bush 1 +10011101011 pro-maritime 1 +10011101011 livestock-products 1 +10011101011 small-shopkeepers 1 +10011101011 121-page 1 +10011101011 impossible-to-satisfy 1 +10011101011 threater 1 +10011101011 crop-eradication 1 +10011101011 pricedepressing 1 +10011101011 demobilizea 1 +10011101011 seven-unit 1 +10011101011 loudening 1 +10011101011 Hungary-Austria 1 +10011101011 cochlear-implant 1 +10011101011 2,000-room 1 +10011101011 54-nation 1 +10011101011 14-car 1 +10011101011 corporate-bond-syndicate 1 +10011101011 station/hydro 1 +10011101011 consumer-billing 1 +10011101011 Tyson-Cayton 1 +10011101011 71,000-share 1 +10011101011 pumped-water 1 +10011101011 Whirlpool-Philips 1 +10011101011 brown-glass 1 +10011101011 eight-partner 1 +10011101011 chin-out 1 +10011101011 110-man 1 +10011101011 unpermitted 1 +10011101011 topping-off 1 +10011101011 11-car 1 +10011101011 company-issued 1 +10011101011 busy-signal 1 +10011101011 GE-Siemens 1 +10011101011 party-sanctioned 1 +10011101011 insect-control 1 +10011101011 40th-anniversary 1 +10011101011 chemical-vapor 1 +10011101011 nuclear-based 1 +10011101011 midfive-figure 1 +10011101011 ICL-GE 1 +10011101011 Budapest-based 1 +10011101011 utility-drawn 1 +10011101011 37,000-square-foot 1 +10011101011 1-for-20 1 +10011101011 long-bitter 1 +10011101011 cashiering 1 +10011101011 chili-eating 1 +10011101011 500,000-dollar 1 +10011101011 1,798,600-share 1 +10011101011 big-bug 1 +10011101011 car-crunching 1 +10011101011 women-at-work 1 +10011101011 hand-squeeze 1 +10011101011 Bradford-led 1 +10011101011 school-crossing 1 +10011101011 mass-mail 1 +10011101011 nationalist-cause 1 +10011101011 matey 1 +10011101011 European-size 1 +10011101011 junior-national 1 +10011101011 board-control 1 +10011101011 155-mile 1 +10011101011 migratory-bird 1 +10011101011 debt-syndicate 1 +10011101011 27-mile 1 +10011101011 Reagan-Takeshita 1 +10011101011 drug-bill 1 +10011101011 425,000-share 1 +10011101011 21-17 1 +10011101011 450-room 1 +10011101011 whole-animal 1 +10011101011 Pentagon-appointed 1 +10011101011 future-not 1 +10011101011 genetherapy 1 +10011101011 pomp-filled 1 +10011101011 government-organized 2 +10011101011 multicity 2 +10011101011 Philips/GEC 2 +10011101011 NuMed 2 +10011101011 videocasette 2 +10011101011 one-for-two 2 +10011101011 six-to-one 2 +10011101011 much-despised 2 +10011101011 rough-and-ready 2 +10011101011 grocery-shopping 2 +10011101011 bill-signing 2 +10011101011 70-foot-long 2 +10011101011 spare-tire 2 +10011101011 above-the-knee 2 +10011101011 no-nuke 2 +10011101011 resource-intensive 2 +10011101011 Tyson-Spinks 2 +10011101011 phone-based 2 +10011101011 health-publishing 2 +10011101011 one-round 2 +10011101011 kerosene-based 2 +10011101011 opening-game 2 +10011101011 113-page 2 +10011101011 space-telescope 2 +10011101011 reinforced-concrete 2 +10011101011 migraine-art 2 +10011101011 smart-money 2 +10011101011 two-line 2 +10011101011 wham 2 +10011101011 thermos-making 2 +10011101011 cross-continental 2 +10011101011 Galanis-linked 2 +10011101011 stock-registration 2 +10011101011 Astro-Pizza 2 +10011101011 three-sentence 2 +10011101011 230-mile 2 +10011101011 Oak-Mitsui 2 +10011101011 needleless 2 +10011101011 video-duplicating 2 +10011101011 500-acre 2 +10011101011 foreign-funded 2 +10011101011 75-mile 2 +10011101011 salad-dressing 2 +10011101011 state-of-the-state 2 +10011101011 hospital-industry 2 +10011101011 party-to-party 2 +10011101011 decrement 2 +10011101011 gloom-filled 2 +10011101011 telephone-service 2 +10011101011 IBM-Toshiba 2 +10011101011 77-day 2 +10011101011 540-mile 2 +10011101011 fashion-magazine 2 +10011101011 three-character 2 +10011101011 state-of-the-nation 2 +10011101011 Copenhagen-based 2 +10011101011 much-deserved 2 +10011101011 still-unsettled 2 +10011101011 700,000-share 2 +10011101011 hyped-up 2 +10011101011 178-delegate 2 +10011101011 bubonic 3 +10011101011 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 3 +10011101011 post-meeting 3 +10011101011 4,000-mile 3 +10011101011 customer-complaint 3 +10011101011 58-million-bag 3 +10011101011 slow-burning 3 +10011101011 100,000-share 3 +10011101011 long-sterling/short-mark 3 +10011101011 crank-it-up 3 +10011101011 1-for-25 3 +10011101011 Dukakis-Jackson 3 +10011101011 U.S.-Panama 3 +10011101011 GEC-Plessey 3 +10011101011 Ford-like 3 +10011101011 250-mile 3 +10011101011 43-page 3 +10011101011 business-type 3 +10011101011 300,000-share 3 +10011101011 Brierley-Packer 3 +10011101011 crescent-shaped 3 +10011101011 pre-Olympics 3 +10011101011 15-unit 3 +10011101011 submarine-seeking 3 +10011101011 jail-house 3 +10011101011 countywide 3 +10011101011 four-paragraph 3 +10011101011 suburban-Chicago 3 +10011101011 Senate-backed 3 +10011101011 joint-research 3 +10011101011 IBM-Fiat 3 +10011101011 HUD-backed 3 +10011101011 quarterfinal 3 +10011101011 strongly-worded 3 +10011101011 multi-image 3 +10011101011 intra-industry 3 +10011101011 Quayle-Bentsen 3 +10011101011 sister-city 4 +10011101011 yen-mark 4 +10011101011 concentration-camp 4 +10011101011 1-for-7 4 +10011101011 Hagler-Leonard 4 +10011101011 Westinghouse-Airship 4 +10011101011 ITT-CGE 4 +10011101011 one-for-10 4 +10011101011 international-banking 4 +10011101011 globe-girdling 4 +10011101011 1-for-8 4 +10011101011 hobby-based 4 +10011101011 brake-light 4 +10011101011 turbine-vane 4 +10011101011 long-forgotten 4 +10011101011 five-million-share 4 +10011101011 radio-television 4 +10011101011 three-foot-wide 5 +10011101011 Swiss-Swedish 5 +10011101011 half-page 5 +10011101011 110-mile 5 +10011101011 tax-treaty 5 +10011101011 three-paragraph 5 +10011101011 nuclear-arms-control 5 +10011101011 ribbon-cutting 5 +10011101011 pit-bull 5 +10011101011 two-sentence 6 +10011101011 23-page 6 +10011101011 Badin 6 +10011101011 dusk-to-dawn 6 +10011101011 1-for-50 6 +10011101011 pro-sanctions 6 +10011101011 one-for-four 6 +10011101011 12-foot-high 6 +10011101011 joint-production 6 +10011101011 sonobuoy 6 +10011101011 financial-markets 6 +10011101011 5-for-1 6 +10011101011 pre-hearing 7 +10011101011 one-paragraph 7 +10011101011 two-paragraph 7 +10011101011 40-nation 7 +10011101011 1-for-3 7 +10011101011 military-style 8 +10011101011 1-for-2 9 +10011101011 Sino-foreign 9 +10011101011 truck-leasing 9 +10011101011 1-for-4 10 +10011101011 knockdown 10 +10011101011 nonregulated 11 +10011101011 hand-to-hand 12 +10011101011 profit-and-loss 13 +10011101011 round-the-world 13 +10011101011 1-for-10 13 +10011101011 ion 14 +10011101011 pre-sentencing 18 +10011101011 private-placement 19 +10011101011 five-page 19 +10011101011 1-for-5 23 +10011101011 one-sentence 26 +10011101011 long-simmering 29 +10011101011 four-page 29 +10011101011 three-page 30 +10011101011 collaborative 31 +10011101011 nuclear-waste 38 +10011101011 pastoral 41 +10011101011 two-page 44 +10011101011 hand-picked 63 +10011101011 terse 80 +10011101011 non-binding 94 +10011101011 stumbling 214 +10011101011 televised 322 +10011101011 joint 5147 +10011101011 proxy 1999 +1001110110 world-export 1 +1001110110 postal-fraud 1 +1001110110 tenth-circuit 1 +1001110110 1,543 1 +1001110110 Beijing-backed 1 +1001110110 1987-89 1 +1001110110 CIVIL-RIGHTS 1 +1001110110 Riggs-Itakura 1 +1001110110 swamp-bound 1 +1001110110 multiprovince 1 +1001110110 defense-contact 1 +1001110110 5,135 1 +1001110110 rocket-docket 1 +1001110110 stengthened 1 +1001110110 now-toothless 1 +1001110110 trade-complaint 1 +1001110110 first-circuit 1 +1001110110 riot-ready 1 +1001110110 Russian-imposed 1 +1001110110 iron-pumping 1 +1001110110 pro-wilderness 1 +1001110110 1930s-era 1 +1001110110 10-million-franc 1 +1001110110 Marxist-ruled 1 +1001110110 10th-circuit 1 +1001110110 criminal-coddling 1 +1001110110 austral-denominated 1 +1001110110 IRI-like 1 +1001110110 non-Kurdish 1 +1001110110 allpowerful 1 +1001110110 25-month-old 1 +1001110110 often-blander 1 +1001110110 more-holistic 1 +1001110110 2,909 1 +1001110110 14,459 1 +1001110110 financing-incentive 1 +1001110110 review-commission 1 +1001110110 4,058 1 +1001110110 750-page 1 +1001110110 national-unity 1 +1001110110 non-obtrusive 1 +1001110110 methods-engineering 1 +1001110110 film-market 1 +1001110110 credit-because 1 +1001110110 six-day-old 1 +1001110110 nuclear-laden 1 +1001110110 wind-pool 1 +1001110110 city-backed 1 +1001110110 Marxist-style 1 +1001110110 building-siding 1 +1001110110 nickel-sized 1 +1001110110 litigation-wary 1 +1001110110 stimulus-laden 1 +1001110110 professional-athlete 1 +1001110110 bass-tourney 1 +1001110110 fibric-acid 1 +1001110110 Boane 1 +1001110110 circuit-riding 1 +1001110110 Baker-fashioned 1 +1001110110 wildlife-law 1 +1001110110 SPD-led 1 +1001110110 32-month-old 1 +1001110110 20year 1 +1001110110 fair-payment 1 +1001110110 Cuban-instigated 1 +1001110110 U.S.ICanada 1 +1001110110 early-retirement-incentive 1 +1001110110 boat-show 1 +1001110110 white-led 1 +1001110110 anti-enroadment 1 +1001110110 ministry-level 1 +1001110110 always-balanced 1 +1001110110 race-driven 1 +1001110110 big-figure 1 +1001110110 health-protecting 1 +1001110110 27-month-old 1 +1001110110 military-linked 1 +1001110110 single-faction 1 +1001110110 1718 1 +1001110110 federals 1 +1001110110 post-occupation 1 +1001110110 Continentwide 1 +1001110110 faction-torn 1 +1001110110 semi-deranged 1 +1001110110 roadhouse 1 +1001110110 non-PRI 1 +1001110110 Deleware 1 +1001110110 21-square-mile 1 +1001110110 Somalian 1 +1001110110 WORLDLY 1 +1001110110 manager-matching 1 +1001110110 Social-Liberal 1 +1001110110 free-market-promoting 1 +1001110110 non-debt 1 +1001110110 fussier 1 +1001110110 minority-recruiting 1 +1001110110 Meese-Deaver-Nofziger-North 1 +1001110110 extra-executive 1 +1001110110 Watkins-appointed 1 +1001110110 defense-oversight 1 +1001110110 whisper-stock 1 +1001110110 thoroughbred-racing 1 +1001110110 habeas-corpus 1 +1001110110 commodity-exchange 1 +1001110110 paper-manipulating 1 +1001110110 Republican-selected 1 +1001110110 tourism-promotion 1 +1001110110 TUC 1 +1001110110 fourth-circuit 1 +1001110110 Waive 1 +1001110110 newspaper-TV 1 +1001110110 custom-written 1 +1001110110 more-tightly 1 +1001110110 outside-service 1 +1001110110 trade-reporting 1 +1001110110 Hoshiarpur 1 +1001110110 unruliest 1 +1001110110 processing-plant 1 +1001110110 post-Monet 1 +1001110110 French-model 1 +1001110110 ever-attentive 1 +1001110110 left-center 1 +1001110110 city-county 1 +1001110110 yellow-light 1 +1001110110 rodeo-riding 1 +1001110110 then-Missouri 1 +1001110110 high-adventure 1 +1001110110 130-sponsor 1 +1001110110 anti-popular 1 +1001110110 IRS-proposed 1 +1001110110 Malay-dominated 1 +1001110110 Noriega-backed 1 +1001110110 federal-bank 1 +1001110110 highranking 1 +1001110110 sub-granting 1 +1001110110 Alaouite 1 +1001110110 Simmons-controlled 1 +1001110110 diamond-cutting 1 +1001110110 ticket-writing 1 +1001110110 military-appointed 1 +1001110110 church-funded 1 +1001110110 Sans-a-belt 1 +1001110110 corporate-ethics 1 +1001110110 Cheryomushky 1 +1001110110 positive-seeming 1 +1001110110 still-rapid 1 +1001110110 REAR-VIEW 1 +1001110110 post-Zia 1 +1001110110 Cuban-supported 1 +1001110110 nonspecific 1 +1001110110 film-festival 1 +1001110110 securities-enforcement 1 +1001110110 EPA-certified 1 +1001110110 West-German 1 +1001110110 Nsanje 1 +1001110110 God-sponsored 1 +1001110110 60-to-65-year-old 1 +1001110110 single-tier 1 +1001110110 ever-new 1 +1001110110 less-fiery 1 +1001110110 chili-loving 1 +1001110110 federally-chartered 1 +1001110110 more-representative 1 +1001110110 single-count 1 +1001110110 overbloated 1 +1001110110 share-buy-back 1 +1001110110 119-page 1 +1001110110 Akasaka 1 +1001110110 guest-conducting 1 +1001110110 more-humane 2 +1001110110 Sofres 2 +1001110110 federal-circuit 2 +1001110110 301-member 2 +1001110110 pro-UAW 2 +1001110110 savings-oriented 2 +1001110110 10-judge 2 +1001110110 Socialist-Communist 2 +1001110110 saucepan 2 +1001110110 film-school 2 +1001110110 bloody-minded 2 +1001110110 850-member 2 +1001110110 sixth-circuit 2 +1001110110 industrial-property 2 +1001110110 Class-1 2 +1001110110 five-to-four 2 +1001110110 poorer-performing 2 +1001110110 search-and-seizure 2 +1001110110 less-complex 2 +1001110110 congresssional 2 +1001110110 Bazargan 2 +1001110110 Saint-Jean 2 +1001110110 Djiboutian 2 +1001110110 general-practice 2 +1001110110 insurance-benefit 2 +1001110110 criminal-court 2 +1001110110 Catalonian 2 +1001110110 court-mandated 2 +1001110110 Hunt-related 2 +1001110110 takeoff-warning 2 +1001110110 eighth-circuit 2 +1001110110 drug-forfeiture 2 +1001110110 defense-fraud 2 +1001110110 weapons-testing 2 +1001110110 dirt-road 2 +1001110110 poverty-level 2 +1001110110 stand-pat 3 +1001110110 two-chamber 3 +1001110110 research-related 3 +1001110110 slide-in 3 +1001110110 housing-authority 3 +1001110110 messiest 3 +1001110110 BNS-related 3 +1001110110 art-house 3 +1001110110 military-civilian 3 +1001110110 post-Noriega 3 +1001110110 quasi-federal 3 +1001110110 one-world 3 +1001110110 120,000-man 3 +1001110110 1,482 3 +1001110110 high-employment 4 +1001110110 Carter-appointed 4 +1001110110 near-constant 4 +1001110110 second-circuit 4 +1001110110 third-circuit 4 +1001110110 Vietnamese-backed 4 +1001110110 post-conviction 4 +1001110110 plain-clothes 5 +1001110110 mandatory-use 5 +1001110110 red-light 5 +1001110110 44-nation 5 +1001110110 treble-damages 5 +1001110110 seventh-circuit 5 +1001110110 ninth-circuit 6 +1001110110 texas 6 +1001110110 state-utility 7 +1001110110 second-degree 9 +1001110110 Paraguayan 9 +1001110110 court-supervised 11 +1001110110 Solidarity-led 18 +1001110110 state-court 34 +1001110110 federal 23225 +1001110110 supplementary 76 +10011101110 undeposited 1 +10011101110 banruptcy-law 1 +10011101110 captive-shipper 1 +10011101110 single-elimination 1 +10011101110 customer-builder 1 +10011101110 Breakthru 1 +10011101110 anti-Toshiba 1 +10011101110 police/fire 1 +10011101110 wildlife-habitat 1 +10011101110 family-advice 1 +10011101110 open-court 1 +10011101110 dual-source 1 +10011101110 single-Brated 1 +10011101110 dazedly 1 +10011101110 HartScott 1 +10011101110 seatcloth 1 +10011101110 better-franchised 1 +10011101110 common-market 1 +10011101110 vein-clogging 1 +10011101110 bankrutpcy-court 1 +10011101110 closed-court 1 +10011101110 intersystem 1 +10011101110 praticcal 1 +10011101110 3,000-person 1 +10011101110 intermaterial 1 +10011101110 CIA-Mossad 1 +10011101110 83A 1 +10011101110 85A 1 +10011101110 suspense-snuffing 1 +10011101110 anti-liability 1 +10011101110 210-page 1 +10011101110 Baker-inspired 1 +10011101110 asbestos-lawsuit 1 +10011101110 rate-review 1 +10011101110 delaying-action 1 +10011101110 post-Chapter 1 +10011101110 horse-and-buggy 1 +10011101110 non-vivid 1 +10011101110 patent-type 1 +10011101110 still-intense 1 +10011101110 Etruscans 1 +10011101110 Middendorf. 1 +10011101110 non-licensees 1 +10011101110 352-page 1 +10011101110 U.S.-Greek 1 +10011101110 greed-heads 1 +10011101110 Liberal-NDP 1 +10011101110 bankruptcy-court-protection 1 +10011101110 defense-economic 1 +10011101110 bankruptcty-law 1 +10011101110 WTTW-Channel 1 +10011101110 criminal-information 1 +10011101110 David-vs.-Goliath 1 +10011101110 Maine-grown 1 +10011101110 outlanders 1 +10011101110 23,885 1 +10011101110 roped-off 1 +10011101110 legal-style 1 +10011101110 262-page 1 +10011101110 9-approximately 1 +10011101110 presidential-congressional 1 +10011101110 producer-consumer 1 +10011101110 Pervasive 1 +10011101110 composition. 1 +10011101110 aug. 1 +10011101110 5,240.5 1 +10011101110 nerly 1 +10011101110 bargained-for 1 +10011101110 16MHz 1 +10011101110 DISQUALIFIED 1 +10011101110 non-Chapter 1 +10011101110 emasculates 1 +10011101110 price-and-seasonally 1 +10011101110 8K 1 +10011101110 b11.01 1 +10011101110 _ 1 +10011101110 country-versus-country 1 +10011101110 a11.66 1 +10011101110 b13.22 1 +10011101110 b11.72 1 +10011101110 b12.91 1 +10011101110 defense-consultant 1 +10011101110 public/private-sector 1 +10011101110 precompetitive 1 +10011101110 option-based 1 +10011101110 presidential/senatorial 1 +10011101110 bankrupty-law 1 +10011101110 BREAKING-UP 1 +10011101110 unfaltering 1 +10011101110 AIDS-based 2 +10011101110 72-hour 2 +10011101110 cordite 2 +10011101110 noise-related 2 +10011101110 below-freezing 2 +10011101110 loss-of-consortium 2 +10011101110 pre-Chapter 2 +10011101110 vaulter 2 +10011101110 power-disturbance 2 +10011101110 bankrutpcy-law 2 +10011101110 bankruptcylaw 3 +10011101110 interbrand 3 +10011101110 seaonally 3 +10011101110 bankrupcty-law 4 +10011101110 hand-eye 4 +10011101110 tortious 4 +10011101110 contempt-of-Congress 4 +10011101110 10-Q 6 +10011101110 bankruptcy-code 8 +10011101110 hedonic 11 +10011101110 13-D 29 +10011101110 treble 36 +10011101110 Deskpro 41 +10011101110 compensatory 181 +10011101110 bankruptcy-court 212 +10011101110 punitive 728 +10011101110 bankruptcy-law 1492 +10011101110 seasonally 1510 +10011101110 Chapter 2543 +10011101111 Acoma 1 +10011101111 nine-woman 1 +10011101111 Castelo 1 +10011101111 140,000-member 1 +10011101111 seven-millimeter 1 +10011101111 toughest-sentencing 1 +10011101111 construction-wage 1 +10011101111 11-judge 1 +10011101111 inter-departmental 1 +10011101111 26-officer 1 +10011101111 health-store 1 +10011101111 crash-survivability 1 +10011101111 11th-circuit 1 +10011101111 37-judge 1 +10011101111 intermediate-credit 1 +10011101111 drumhead 1 +10011101111 joint-ownership 1 +10011101111 unidentifed 1 +10011101111 distict 1 +10011101111 banckruptcy 1 +10011101111 100-foot-tall 1 +10011101111 antiterrorism 1 +10011101111 shipbuilding-subsidy 1 +10011101111 rackeetering 1 +10011101111 non-enforcement 1 +10011101111 Guinness-requested 1 +10011101111 ex-Colorado 1 +10011101111 bourbon-soaked 1 +10011101111 farmland-idling 1 +10011101111 kangeroo 1 +10011101111 anti-testing 1 +10011101111 solvency-threatening 1 +10011101111 warehouse-like 1 +10011101111 family-court 1 +10011101111 much-divided 1 +10011101111 Rehnquist-Scalia 1 +10011101111 woman-sized 1 +10011101111 truth-in-lending 1 +10011101111 bankrutcpty 1 +10011101111 mega-circuit 1 +10011101111 land-disposal 1 +10011101111 Food-for-Peace 1 +10011101111 FACA. 1 +10011101111 thousand-page 1 +10011101111 bankborrowing 1 +10011101111 IMAGINARY 1 +10011101111 emissions-warranty 1 +10011101111 Rationalizing 1 +10011101111 natural-gas-pricing 1 +10011101111 wedding-cake 1 +10011101111 instant-replay 1 +10011101111 longshoreman 1 +10011101111 similar-ounding 1 +10011101111 1,832 1 +10011101111 apellate 1 +10011101111 Testy 1 +10011101111 restrictive-practices 1 +10011101111 patient-dumping 1 +10011101111 bankuptcy 1 +10011101111 construction-site 1 +10011101111 ash-dumping 1 +10011101111 common-pleas 1 +10011101111 food-surplus 1 +10011101111 thhern 1 +10011101111 solar-industry 1 +10011101111 railway-labor 1 +10011101111 summary-trial 2 +10011101111 incognito 2 +10011101111 friend-of-the 2 +10011101111 bankrupcy 2 +10011101111 driver-training 2 +10011101111 appelate 2 +10011101111 viceregal 2 +10011101111 secret-service 2 +10011101111 appellate-court 2 +10011101111 superior-court 2 +10011101111 bankruptcy-protection 2 +10011101111 APPELLATE 2 +10011101111 farm-income 3 +10011101111 anti-graft 3 +10011101111 opt-in 3 +10011101111 circuit-court 3 +10011101111 Romanov 4 +10011101111 Castello 4 +10011101111 trial-court 6 +10011101111 KwaNdebele 6 +10011101111 bankrupcty 6 +10011101111 administrative-law 6 +10011101111 risk-assessment 8 +10011101111 district-court 11 +10011101111 small-claims 14 +10011101111 probate 38 +10011101111 chancery 50 +10011101111 11-member 51 +10011101111 supreme 213 +10011101111 appellate 230 +10011101111 circuit 619 +10011101111 grand 1811 +10011101111 district 2372 +10011101111 appeals 2816 +10011101111 bankruptcy 2893 +10011110000 mini-IMF 1 +10011110000 computer-sales 1 +10011110000 consumer-sales 1 +10011110000 truckstop-style 1 +10011110000 leather-wear 1 +10011110000 cruiseship 1 +10011110000 Toyota-Volkswagen 1 +10011110000 race-fixing 1 +10011110000 apparel-buying 1 +10011110000 buy-by-television 1 +10011110000 well-wrought 1 +10011110000 union-only 1 +10011110000 commodities-futures 1 +10011110000 bingo-parlor 1 +10011110000 cold-storage-facility 1 +10011110000 green-gray 1 +10011110000 1920s-style 1 +10011110000 census-taking 1 +10011110000 air-supply 1 +10011110000 paper-converting 1 +10011110000 toy-retailing 1 +10011110000 fabric-store 1 +10011110000 air-resupply 1 +10011110000 180.5-pound 1 +10011110000 multi-island 1 +10011110000 309-store 1 +10011110000 salmon-raising 1 +10011110000 pyramid-sales 1 +10011110000 airlift-resupply 1 +10011110000 dinner-house 1 +10011110000 42-unit 1 +10011110000 B-O-C 1 +10011110000 healthfoods 1 +10011110000 telemarketing-like 1 +10011110000 120-hour-a-week 1 +10011110000 school-accessories 1 +10011110000 seamless-pipe 1 +10011110000 1,500-store 1 +10011110000 spirits-market 1 +10011110000 peak-shedding 1 +10011110000 Direct-Marketing 1 +10011110000 Bainbridge-Aquabatten 1 +10011110000 332-store 1 +10011110000 then-stumbling 1 +10011110000 TV-rental 1 +10011110000 392-outlet 1 +10011110000 engine-components 1 +10011110000 astro-space 1 +10011110000 weapons-smuggling 1 +10011110000 outdoor-clothing 1 +10011110000 home-infusion-therapy 1 +10011110000 five-truck 1 +10011110000 resource-energy-systems 1 +10011110000 apparel-making 1 +10011110000 563-unit 1 +10011110000 5,687-store 1 +10011110000 450-hog 1 +10011110000 Northamptonshire-based 1 +10011110000 war-injured 1 +10011110000 Halloween-costume 1 +10011110000 Colorado-Utah 1 +10011110000 Tribune-Turner 1 +10011110000 75-and-older 1 +10011110000 Pandex 1 +10011110000 voice-systems 1 +10011110000 steam-system 1 +10011110000 bond-distribution 1 +10011110000 392-unit 1 +10011110000 department-stores 1 +10011110000 540-store 1 +10011110000 clinical-laboratory 1 +10011110000 bakery-restaurant 1 +10011110000 printed-circuit-board 1 +10011110000 Hydro-Aire 1 +10011110000 150-employee 1 +10011110000 dinnerhouse 1 +10011110000 wild-animal 1 +10011110000 bondresearch 1 +10011110000 23-person 1 +10011110000 Aeroplex 1 +10011110000 Sovyetskaya 1 +10011110000 141-store 1 +10011110000 food-bank 1 +10011110000 too-late-for-the-a.m.s 1 +10011110000 Vitre-Graf 1 +10011110000 beauty-supplies-store 1 +10011110000 830-store 1 +10011110000 interior-products 1 +10011110000 abalone-processing 1 +10011110000 natural-science 1 +10011110000 computer-switching 1 +10011110000 pharmacy-chain 1 +10011110000 6-foot-4-and-under 1 +10011110000 20-store 1 +10011110000 39-hospital 1 +10011110000 55-person 1 +10011110000 110-store 1 +10011110000 home-electronics 1 +10011110000 6,000-employee 1 +10011110000 loan-intermediation 1 +10011110000 hotstock 1 +10011110000 reserve-draining 1 +10011110000 retail-broker 1 +10011110000 luxuryitem 1 +10011110000 61-newspaper 1 +10011110000 media-and-entertainment 1 +10011110000 military-like 1 +10011110000 hog-farming 1 +10011110000 youthwear 1 +10011110000 Japanese-auto 1 +10011110000 Break-Free 1 +10011110000 litigation-services 1 +10011110000 Fast-Tax 1 +10011110000 advertising-placement 1 +10011110000 balsa-wood 1 +10011110000 ship-breaking 1 +10011110000 multi-regional 1 +10011110000 Acme/Chaston 1 +10011110000 private-arms 1 +10011110000 airport-restaurant 1 +10011110000 quintuple-bypass 1 +10011110000 multi-million-dollar 1 +10011110000 CIA-NSC 1 +10011110000 large-appliance 1 +10011110000 space-products 1 +10011110000 aircraft-controls 1 +10011110000 special-credits 1 +10011110000 drugstore-chain 1 +10011110000 freebooting 1 +10011110000 heating-products 1 +10011110000 corporatecommunications 1 +10011110000 12-hotel 1 +10011110000 Lee-Norse 1 +10011110000 Protector 1 +10011110000 granite-gray 1 +10011110000 VR/Wesson 1 +10011110000 Hersant-run 1 +10011110000 craft-stores 1 +10011110000 Fisher-Guide 1 +10011110000 Lily-Tulip 1 +10011110000 fife-and-drum 1 +10011110000 residential-community 1 +10011110000 meshlike 1 +10011110000 110,000-square-foot 1 +10011110000 professional-information 1 +10011110000 hydroponic-greenhouse 1 +10011110000 quick-change 1 +10011110000 Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge 1 +10011110000 325-store 1 +10011110000 public-auction 1 +10011110000 five-store 1 +10011110000 prescription-drugs 1 +10011110000 executive-clothing 1 +10011110000 100-store 1 +10011110000 quick-lubrication 1 +10011110000 Pumptron 1 +10011110000 liquiditysteering 1 +10011110000 scented-candle 1 +10011110000 terminal-equipment 1 +10011110000 mall-nourishing 1 +10011110000 Miracle-Ear 1 +10011110000 fountain-syrup 1 +10011110000 radio-communications 1 +10011110000 old-lady 1 +10011110000 200-dealer 1 +10011110000 HUD-supervised 1 +10011110000 most-depressed 1 +10011110000 campaign-plane 1 +10011110000 delicatessen-and-grocery 1 +10011110000 33-store 1 +10011110000 82-store 1 +10011110000 seafood-restaurant 1 +10011110000 sugar-manufacturing 1 +10011110000 WNET-produced 1 +10011110000 resources-investment 1 +10011110000 platinummarketing 1 +10011110000 18-store 1 +10011110000 semifinished-products 1 +10011110000 anti-BASF 1 +10011110000 urological 1 +10011110000 sports-gear 1 +10011110000 general-books 1 +10011110000 vacuum-products 1 +10011110000 vacation-village 1 +10011110000 ex-telephone 1 +10011110000 10-restaurant 1 +10011110000 print-music 1 +10011110000 oil-marketing 1 +10011110000 litarary 1 +10011110000 agricultural-loan 1 +10011110000 upscale-jewelry 1 +10011110000 interactive-systems 1 +10011110000 Mexican-fast-food 1 +10011110000 Bandito 1 +10011110000 specialty-food-stores 1 +10011110000 Deco-style 1 +10011110000 merchantbanking 1 +10011110000 newspaper-chain 1 +10011110000 college-book 1 +10011110000 private-delivery 1 +10011110000 Investment-Banking 1 +10011110000 independent-study 1 +10011110000 delivery-based 1 +10011110000 country-radio 1 +10011110000 21-store 1 +10011110000 Pharmaseal 1 +10011110000 fiber-reinforcing 1 +10011110000 137-store 1 +10011110000 mill-service 1 +10011110000 videocassette-making 1 +10011110000 specialty-brands 1 +10011110000 leisure-travel 1 +10011110000 roast-beef-sandwich 1 +10011110000 144-store 1 +10011110000 29-dealer 1 +10011110000 juice-packaging 1 +10011110000 Amecom 1 +10011110000 leather-apparel 1 +10011110000 cement/concrete 1 +10011110000 consumer-magazines 1 +10011110000 business-furniture 1 +10011110000 car-smashing 1 +10011110000 teacher-support 1 +10011110000 beard-growing 1 +10011110000 Memcor 1 +10011110000 post-Yaltan 1 +10011110000 theater-exhibition 1 +10011110000 videocassette-rental 1 +10011110000 lead-processing 1 +10011110000 146-store 1 +10011110000 Amhara-dominated 1 +10011110000 U.S.-Honduran 1 +10011110000 glass-distributing 1 +10011110000 convenience-stores 1 +10011110000 loss-troubled 1 +10011110000 motorcycle-industry 1 +10011110000 military-truck 1 +10011110000 Welex 1 +10011110000 landmachinery 1 +10011110000 Bussman 1 +10011110000 panzer 1 +10011110000 ski-shop 1 +10011110000 computer-hardware-services 1 +10011110000 audio-components 1 +10011110000 special-asset 1 +10011110000 services-repair 1 +10011110000 all-Spanish 1 +10011110000 Transmic 1 +10011110000 property-claims-service 1 +10011110000 transportation-management-services 1 +10011110000 Asia/Australasia 1 +10011110000 power-boat 1 +10011110000 group-sales 1 +10011110000 retail-distribution 1 +10011110000 men's-clothing 1 +10011110000 3,750-unit 1 +10011110000 casket-making 1 +10011110000 insurance-premium-finance 1 +10011110000 Russian-Marxist 1 +10011110000 luncheon-voucher 1 +10011110000 Darex 1 +10011110000 aerobics-studio 1 +10011110000 membership-warehouse 1 +10011110000 psychiatric-center 1 +10011110000 science-products 1 +10011110000 polyomerase 1 +10011110000 donut-sales 1 +10011110000 Rothshchild 1 +10011110000 mainframe-manufacturing 1 +10011110000 314-store 1 +10011110000 premium-tobacco 1 +10011110000 Vellumoid 1 +10011110000 26-paper 1 +10011110000 113-store 1 +10011110000 internationalcredit 1 +10011110000 arts/craft 1 +10011110000 Etienne-Aigner 1 +10011110000 Heckett 1 +10011110000 advertising-services 1 +10011110000 Panamanian-based 1 +10011110000 grain-store 1 +10011110000 HomeClub-type 1 +10011110000 copy-shop 1 +10011110000 food-production 1 +10011110000 timber-salvaging 1 +10011110000 81-unit 1 +10011110000 856-store 1 +10011110000 Microsoft/Sybase 1 +10011110000 golfequipment 1 +10011110000 AUTOS 1 +10011110000 factory-construction 1 +10011110000 motor-products 1 +10011110000 rental-office 1 +10011110000 scientific-equipment 2 +10011110000 motor-hotel 2 +10011110000 business-magazines 2 +10011110000 bath-fashions 2 +10011110000 casual-apparel 2 +10011110000 townfolk 2 +10011110000 retail-space 2 +10011110000 Vive 2 +10011110000 37-store 2 +10011110000 fiber-products 2 +10011110000 PH 2 +10011110000 3+ 2 +10011110000 fruit-drink 2 +10011110000 65-store 2 +10011110000 vitamin-mineral 2 +10011110000 toystore 2 +10011110000 Baltimore-area 2 +10011110000 Hayters 2 +10011110000 Eater 2 +10011110000 medical-systems 2 +10011110000 AHP 2 +10011110000 gift-shop 2 +10011110000 Librascope 2 +10011110000 sex-change 2 +10011110000 68-store 2 +10011110000 NetWare 2 +10011110000 City-area 2 +10011110000 family-dining 2 +10011110000 specialty-toy 2 +10011110000 bio-products 2 +10011110000 Taussig-Blalock 2 +10011110000 bond-offering 2 +10011110000 MacTCP 2 +10011110000 oil-fields 2 +10011110000 public-radio 2 +10011110000 business-supplies 2 +10011110000 charter-flight 2 +10011110000 contra-aid 2 +10011110000 Marlite 2 +10011110000 non-target 2 +10011110000 machine-technology 2 +10011110000 securities-clearing 2 +10011110000 pet-shop 2 +10011110000 Mepco/Centralab 2 +10011110000 129-store 2 +10011110000 fuel-consumption 2 +10011110000 425-screen 2 +10011110000 citrus-processing 2 +10011110000 Rayloc 2 +10011110000 wire-harness 2 +10011110000 golf-club 3 +10011110000 hotel/casino 3 +10011110000 image-polishing 3 +10011110000 gasoline-station 3 +10011110000 fingertip 3 +10011110000 self-enforcement 3 +10011110000 mag 3 +10011110000 electromagnetics 3 +10011110000 26-store 3 +10011110000 car-lubrication 3 +10011110000 popsicle 3 +10011110000 Plexo 3 +10011110000 Transicold 3 +10011110000 beef-cattle 3 +10011110000 charter-airline 3 +10011110000 theatre 3 +10011110000 30-store 3 +10011110000 data-products 3 +10011110000 discount-department-store 3 +10011110000 gold-refining 3 +10011110000 dialysis-center 3 +10011110000 animal-control 3 +10011110000 casino/hotel 3 +10011110000 Magnedyne 3 +10011110000 Buckhead 3 +10011110000 handbill 3 +10011110000 drug-and-grocery 3 +10011110000 bootstrap 3 +10011110000 24-store 4 +10011110000 bullfight 4 +10011110000 good-old-boy 4 +10011110000 funeral-home 4 +10011110000 8000 4 +10011110000 record-store 4 +10011110000 QDE 4 +10011110000 hernia 4 +10011110000 affiliate-relations 4 +10011110000 17-store 4 +10011110000 liquor-store 4 +10011110000 Hizbollah 4 +10011110000 clothing-catalog 4 +10011110000 sambuca 4 +10011110000 travel-guide 4 +10011110000 ski-resort 5 +10011110000 100-hotel 5 +10011110000 Blower 5 +10011110000 hospital-products 5 +10011110000 discount-stores 5 +10011110000 civil-aviation 5 +10011110000 14-store 5 +10011110000 yahoo 5 +10011110000 16-store 5 +10011110000 cut-price 5 +10011110000 theater-chain 5 +10011110000 doorknob 6 +10011110000 jueteng 6 +10011110000 Contra-resupply 6 +10011110000 trade-magazine 6 +10011110000 Verson 6 +10011110000 toy-store 6 +10011110000 oceanfront 6 +10011110000 retail-chain 6 +10011110000 DC-3 6 +10011110000 clothing-store 7 +10011110000 bookshop 7 +10011110000 windmill 7 +10011110000 Crowntek 7 +10011110000 track-and-field 7 +10011110000 Convair 7 +10011110000 APT 7 +10011110000 pizzeria 7 +10011110000 Neue 8 +10011110000 building-supplies 8 +10011110000 Mercantil 8 +10011110000 swimwear 8 +10011110000 jewelry-store 9 +10011110000 polymerase 9 +10011110000 thrift-institution 9 +10011110000 microcircuits 9 +10011110000 drug-store 9 +10011110000 costume-jewelry 10 +10011110000 Contra-supply 10 +10011110000 Asia/Pacific 10 +10011110000 radio-station 10 +10011110000 semifinal 11 +10011110000 kelp 11 +10011110000 barbershop 11 +10011110000 Aramis 12 +10011110000 video-store 12 +10011110000 steakhouse 12 +10011110000 hardware-store 12 +10011110000 gumshoe 12 +10011110000 hypermarket 14 +10011110000 pawnshop 14 +10011110000 daisy 16 +10011110000 iris 16 +10011110000 Gilfillan 16 +10011110000 tugboat 17 +10011110000 gallbladder 17 +10011110000 catalog-showroom 17 +10011110000 Minitel 18 +10011110000 saloon 18 +10011110000 Goose 19 +10011110000 building-supply 19 +10011110000 Ginza 19 +10011110000 statehouse 20 +10011110000 discount-store 21 +10011110000 playback 22 +10011110000 turnpike 22 +10011110000 dorm 24 +10011110000 Jeep/Eagle 24 +10011110000 Post-Dispatch 25 +10011110000 tango 25 +10011110000 synagogue 28 +10011110000 fishery 28 +10011110000 racetrack 30 +10011110000 tavern 30 +10011110000 commando 32 +10011110000 dormitory 35 +10011110000 burger 36 +10011110000 sawmill 37 +10011110000 movie-theater 37 +10011110000 health-club 38 +10011110000 storefront 40 +10011110000 oyster 42 +10011110000 newswire 43 +10011110000 slum 48 +10011110000 cinema 49 +10011110000 plantation 49 +10011110000 foundry 57 +10011110000 nightclub 62 +10011110000 grocery-store 64 +10011110000 pub 66 +10011110000 convenience-store 73 +10011110000 banquet 74 +10011110000 casino-hotel 77 +10011110000 billboard 85 +10011110000 bookstore 90 +10011110000 brewery 114 +10011110000 motel 116 +10011110000 hamburger 129 +10011110000 tabloid 133 +10011110000 cafeteria 143 +10011110000 pig 150 +10011110000 navy 153 +10011110000 department-store 160 +10011110000 hotel-casino 163 +10011110000 textbook 169 +10011110000 condominium 179 +10011110000 Bible 182 +10011110000 drugstore 226 +10011110000 warehouse 409 +10011110000 lab 695 +10011110000 casino 733 +10011110000 supermarket 815 +10011110000 theater 1058 +10011110000 restaurant 1682 +10011110000 hospital 2331 +10011110000 hotel 2524 +10011110000 media 2854 +10011110000 store 3197 +10011110000 newspaper 3751 +10011110000 press 3952 +10011110000 magazine 3885 +100111100010 revenue-ravenous 1 +100111100010 deficit-obsessed 1 +100111100010 Gramm-Rudman-influenced 1 +100111100010 reregulatory-minded 1 +100111100010 protectionist-bent 1 +100111100010 jagged-glass 1 +100111100010 Army-style 1 +100111100010 Labor-controlled 1 +100111100010 persimmons 1 +100111100010 deficit-wary 1 +100111100010 rocket-riding 1 +100111100010 RSS1 1 +100111100010 liquid-drug 1 +100111100010 consturction 1 +100111100010 rum-based 1 +100111100010 Thatcher-dominated 1 +100111100010 projects-something 1 +100111100010 Sourdough 1 +100111100010 naso-gastro 1 +100111100010 357-member 1 +100111100010 truckbed 1 +100111100010 cardmember 2 +100111100010 jail-bar 2 +100111100010 tricameral 2 +100111100010 Hardison 2 +100111100010 steel-rod 2 +100111100010 Hof 2 +100111100010 Lukas-trained 2 +100111100010 retinoid 2 +100111100010 briquette 2 +100111100010 headcheese 2 +100111100010 custom-keyboard 2 +100111100010 composite-parts 2 +100111100010 allopurinol 2 +100111100010 spirits-based 2 +100111100010 Chiller 2 +100111100010 truck-body 2 +100111100010 Scirocco 3 +100111100010 situation-comedy 3 +100111100010 open-house 3 +100111100010 825SRX 3 +100111100010 dhow 3 +100111100010 grapefruit-juice 3 +100111100010 joggling 3 +100111100010 sardine 3 +100111100010 teeter-totter 3 +100111100010 Riehl 3 +100111100010 dinette 3 +100111100010 Pissarro 3 +100111100010 nuclear-materials 3 +100111100010 buccaneering 3 +100111100010 adult-bookstore 3 +100111100010 free-style 3 +100111100010 meatloaf 3 +100111100010 Spanish-style 3 +100111100010 professional-sports 3 +100111100010 Ultradrive 3 +100111100010 plotter 3 +100111100010 semi-automatic 3 +100111100010 sorbet 3 +100111100010 goggle 4 +100111100010 full-bore 4 +100111100010 mannerist 4 +100111100010 bubble-gum 5 +100111100010 toupee 5 +100111100010 pain-reliever 5 +100111100010 woodland 5 +100111100010 rhinoceros 5 +100111100010 feature-film 5 +100111100010 dill 5 +100111100010 walk-on 5 +100111100010 audiophile 5 +100111100010 shoe-polish 5 +100111100010 countertenor 6 +100111100010 marigold 6 +100111100010 Check-Up 6 +100111100010 carnation 6 +100111100010 KH-11 6 +100111100010 D-RAM 6 +100111100010 lacquer 6 +100111100010 tri-cone 6 +100111100010 grille 6 +100111100010 microwave-oven 6 +100111100010 Rheinhausen 6 +100111100010 pay-phone 6 +100111100010 headlight 6 +100111100010 intravenous-drug 6 +100111100010 Marshalls 7 +100111100010 confection 7 +100111100010 kilometer 7 +100111100010 chariot 7 +100111100010 mascara 7 +100111100010 slipper 7 +100111100010 towboat 7 +100111100010 tot 7 +100111100010 rattlesnake 7 +100111100010 methamphetamine 7 +100111100010 spacesuit 7 +100111100010 centrifuge 7 +100111100010 body-building 7 +100111100010 bottomfish 7 +100111100010 travel-agency 8 +100111100010 Gatling 8 +100111100010 widget 8 +100111100010 fungicide 8 +100111100010 VAD 8 +100111100010 fruit-juice 8 +100111100010 LeSharo 8 +100111100010 CSA 8 +100111100010 streetcar 8 +100111100010 beetle 8 +100111100010 marshmallow 8 +100111100010 suture 9 +100111100010 Atocha 9 +100111100010 occult 9 +100111100010 petroleum-products 9 +100111100010 motorboat 9 +100111100010 binder 9 +100111100010 carbon-dioxide 9 +100111100010 shaver 9 +100111100010 carbohydrate 9 +100111100010 nuclear-reactor 10 +100111100010 dinnerware 10 +100111100010 bagel 10 +100111100010 tractor-trailer 10 +100111100010 40-foot 10 +100111100010 peacock 10 +100111100010 Slowpoke 10 +100111100010 mosquito 10 +100111100010 mini-supercomputer 10 +100111100010 Bronte 11 +100111100010 1040EZ 11 +100111100010 pretzel 11 +100111100010 SRAM 12 +100111100010 diuretic 12 +100111100010 minisupercomputer 12 +100111100010 ranger 12 +100111100010 kimono 12 +100111100010 pellet 12 +100111100010 Chrysler-Plymouth 12 +100111100010 lollipop 13 +100111100010 zipper 13 +100111100010 blazer 14 +100111100010 thermostat 14 +100111100010 slivovitz 14 +100111100010 Montero 14 +100111100010 lathe 14 +100111100010 lager 14 +100111100010 snowmobile 15 +100111100010 hot-dog 15 +100111100010 decoder 16 +100111100010 minicar 16 +100111100010 coal-mine 16 +100111100010 roach 16 +100111100010 Eprom 16 +100111100010 jeep 16 +100111100010 skier 17 +100111100010 burro 17 +100111100010 megahouse 17 +100111100010 mango 17 +100111100010 preservative 17 +100111100010 analgesic 17 +100111100010 waterbed 18 +100111100010 gallium-arsenide 18 +100111100010 candlestick 18 +100111100010 leech 19 +100111100010 sneaker 19 +100111100010 Checker 19 +100111100010 Strawberries 20 +100111100010 three-story 20 +100111100010 pickle 20 +100111100010 swimsuit 20 +100111100010 nozzle 21 +100111100010 toothbrush 22 +100111100010 spear 22 +100111100010 polysilicon 23 +100111100010 mouthwash 23 +100111100010 scooter 23 +100111100010 steroid 23 +100111100010 K-car 25 +100111100010 tranquilizer 25 +100111100010 Lada 25 +100111100010 pottery 25 +100111100010 cartridge 26 +100111100010 tampon 26 +100111100010 rag 27 +100111100010 rayon 27 +100111100010 lubricant 27 +100111100010 transistor 28 +100111100010 small-car 28 +100111100010 handgun 29 +100111100010 swine 29 +100111100010 FSC 30 +100111100010 pastry 31 +100111100010 camcorder 31 +100111100010 sherry 31 +100111100010 modem 31 +100111100010 Blazer 32 +100111100010 cologne 32 +100111100010 used-car 32 +100111100010 flute 33 +100111100010 wallpaper 33 +100111100010 memory-chip 33 +100111100010 hilltop 33 +100111100010 doughnut 33 +100111100010 Dali 33 +100111100010 refrigerant 33 +100111100010 broom 34 +100111100010 lingerie 35 +100111100010 dishwasher 36 +100111100010 hydrocarbon 36 +100111100010 mink 36 +100111100010 rum 37 +100111100010 Corvette 38 +100111100010 sailboat 38 +100111100010 casket 39 +100111100010 mattress 40 +100111100010 tablet 44 +100111100010 tile 46 +100111100010 freeway 46 +100111100010 mule 46 +100111100010 fisheries 48 +100111100010 lamp 48 +100111100010 porcelain 48 +100111100010 feedlot 50 +100111100010 butcher 50 +100111100010 cola 51 +100111100010 lobster 51 +100111100010 liner 51 +100111100010 bee 53 +100111100010 crane 55 +100111100010 worm 56 +100111100010 sausage 56 +100111100010 Probe 60 +100111100010 monkey 61 +100111100010 cottage 62 +100111100010 blade 63 +100111100010 wig 63 +100111100010 menswear 64 +100111100010 limestone 65 +100111100010 fountain 67 +100111100010 raisin 67 +100111100010 bulb 68 +100111100010 locomotive 69 +100111100010 yarn 69 +100111100010 sweater 71 +100111100010 hospitality 71 +100111100010 Fiero 75 +100111100010 tuna 75 +100111100010 condo 76 +100111100010 shampoo 81 +100111100010 typewriter 83 +100111100010 nursery 83 +100111100010 compressor 86 +100111100010 diaper 86 +100111100010 underwear 88 +100111100010 T-shirt 99 +100111100010 trailer 99 +100111100010 Scotch 100 +100111100010 bike 102 +100111100010 condom 107 +100111100010 showroom 109 +100111100010 doll 115 +100111100010 barge 119 +100111100010 turkey 120 +100111100010 minivan 120 +100111100010 VCR 122 +100111100010 refrigerator 128 +100111100010 tractor 130 +100111100010 cookie 131 +100111100010 landfill 134 +100111100010 lens 134 +100111100010 motorcycle 137 +100111100010 fur 142 +100111100010 cabin 143 +100111100010 toothpaste 143 +100111100010 fragrance 145 +100111100010 robot 145 +100111100010 keyboard 150 +100111100010 bicycle 159 +100111100010 garage 161 +100111100010 microchip 161 +100111100010 cooler 162 +100111100010 Samurai 170 +100111100010 pasta 172 +100111100010 perfume 177 +100111100010 pesticide 187 +100111100010 brick 192 +100111100010 cereal 208 +100111100010 clone 216 +100111100010 manual 216 +100111100010 ballet 217 +100111100010 cockpit 219 +100111100010 diamond 244 +100111100010 Jeep 263 +100111100010 workstation 272 +100111100010 battery 284 +100111100010 supercomputer 286 +100111100010 carpet 289 +100111100010 pizza 331 +100111100010 coin 336 +100111100010 container 344 +100111100010 fiber 352 +100111100010 garden 362 +100111100010 musical 500 +100111100010 vaccine 565 +100111100010 catalog 571 +100111100010 van 578 +100111100010 boat 674 +100111100010 camera 742 +100111100010 bus 820 +100111100010 cigarette 943 +100111100010 wine 1023 +100111100010 glass 1024 +100111100010 beer 1245 +100111100010 vehicle 1589 +100111100010 chip 1723 +100111100010 truck 1757 +100111100010 factory 1767 +100111100010 movie 2666 +100111100010 film 2938 +100111100010 drug 8357 +100111100010 car 5703 +100111100011 arms-summit 1 +100111100011 screwlike 1 +100111100011 3090E 1 +100111100011 Kool-Aid-colored 1 +100111100011 Coke/old 1 +100111100011 Camper 1 +100111100011 PC-RT 1 +100111100011 nasty-executive 1 +100111100011 tightly-disciplined 1 +100111100011 transimission 1 +100111100011 see-no-evil-hear-no-evil 1 +100111100011 barcoded 1 +100111100011 no-salt 1 +100111100011 4AD 1 +100111100011 Cetera 1 +100111100011 Jeep-production 1 +100111100011 high-dosage 1 +100111100011 buffalo-meat 1 +100111100011 whooping-cough 1 +100111100011 1,600-page 1 +100111100011 tent-meeting 1 +100111100011 stock-evaluation 1 +100111100011 20-window 1 +100111100011 thick-film 1 +100111100011 lemon-drink 1 +100111100011 airline-manufacturing 1 +100111100011 Wright-Rudman 1 +100111100011 white-plastic 1 +100111100011 Naugahyde 1 +100111100011 SR5 1 +100111100011 tax-information 1 +100111100011 beverage-portfolio 1 +100111100011 Textra 1 +100111100011 high-fluoride 1 +100111100011 gin-and-orange-juice 1 +100111100011 greenway 1 +100111100011 Nielsens 1 +100111100011 babka 1 +100111100011 tumor-associated 1 +100111100011 banana-fiber 1 +100111100011 laundermat 1 +100111100011 seven-company 1 +100111100011 in-every-home 1 +100111100011 halide-based 1 +100111100011 rotary-file 1 +100111100011 middle-of-the-line 1 +100111100011 5990-series 1 +100111100011 procurement/marketing 1 +100111100011 committeemen 1 +100111100011 maximum-tax 1 +100111100011 thirst-quencher 1 +100111100011 one-franc 1 +100111100011 parents-and-kids 1 +100111100011 SL-1 1 +100111100011 SEi 1 +100111100011 broadband 1 +100111100011 mortgage-credit 1 +100111100011 Tennesseans 1 +100111100011 call-routing 1 +100111100011 software-marketing 1 +100111100011 nipapalm 1 +100111100011 EC-1 1 +100111100011 crisis-response 1 +100111100011 fast-cut 1 +100111100011 passenger-safety 1 +100111100011 miniconglomerates 1 +100111100011 over-counter-trading 1 +100111100011 furors 1 +100111100011 toy-sales 1 +100111100011 schnitzel 2 +100111100011 majority-party 2 +100111100011 etouffee 2 +100111100011 1987-1/2 2 +100111100011 amino-acid 2 +100111100011 radar-aircraft 2 +100111100011 90-footer 2 +100111100011 Miamians 2 +100111100011 dreamboat 2 +100111100011 Interhash 2 +100111100011 Aviion 2 +100111100011 MV40000 2 +100111100011 GVL 2 +100111100011 GVS 2 +100111100011 528e 2 +100111100011 two-handled 2 +100111100011 leveraged-liberalism 2 +100111100011 single-level 2 +100111100011 Koromex 2 +100111100011 386S 2 +100111100011 shower-singing 2 +100111100011 minibudget 2 +100111100011 hydrate 2 +100111100011 Apostrophe 2 +100111100011 labels. 2 +100111100011 C201 2 +100111100011 StorageTek 2 +100111100011 TenderCare 2 +100111100011 cornice 2 +100111100011 318i 2 +100111100011 LXi 2 +100111100011 bomba 2 +100111100011 enmities 2 +100111100011 once-over-lightly 2 +100111100011 rail-intermodal 2 +100111100011 box-sized 2 +100111100011 computer-printed 2 +100111100011 80/90 2 +100111100011 retail-sized 2 +100111100011 1100-90 2 +100111100011 financial-center 2 +100111100011 cocaine-related 2 +100111100011 80-bed 3 +100111100011 jowls 3 +100111100011 635CSi 3 +100111100011 caplet 3 +100111100011 XA2000 3 +100111100011 wish-list 3 +100111100011 PS-2 3 +100111100011 E5 3 +100111100011 consumption-led 3 +100111100011 over-the 3 +100111100011 Coty 3 +100111100011 Relativity 3 +100111100011 bisdithiocarbamate 3 +100111100011 928S-4 3 +100111100011 condiment 3 +100111100011 scatter-gun 3 +100111100011 hydrates 3 +100111100011 535i 3 +100111100011 500SL 3 +100111100011 xeric 3 +100111100011 1100/90 3 +100111100011 GXE 3 +100111100011 medical-emergency 3 +100111100011 sorriest 4 +100111100011 Eighty-Eight 4 +100111100011 sign-off 4 +100111100011 hothead 4 +100111100011 wage-setting 4 +100111100011 rind 4 +100111100011 Chillery 4 +100111100011 A6 4 +100111100011 blotches 4 +100111100011 Corsica/Beretta 4 +100111100011 Wilsons 4 +100111100011 Silhouette 4 +100111100011 Erato 4 +100111100011 sportscar 5 +100111100011 735i 5 +100111100011 GTA 5 +100111100011 EX 5 +100111100011 MV 5 +100111100011 mind-sets 5 +100111100011 curd 5 +100111100011 bouillon 5 +100111100011 CLX 5 +100111100011 planter 5 +100111100011 Ektar 5 +100111100011 190D 5 +100111100011 cleaver 5 +100111100011 Breton 5 +100111100011 Sun-3 5 +100111100011 V-series 5 +100111100011 1,200-mile 6 +100111100011 lookalikes 6 +100111100011 Galant 6 +100111100011 325i 6 +100111100011 grain-marketing 6 +100111100011 nugget 6 +100111100011 Forenza 6 +100111100011 base-model 6 +100111100011 tax-withholding 6 +100111100011 heirloom 7 +100111100011 burrito 7 +100111100011 sparrow 7 +100111100011 DPS 7 +100111100011 Vanagon 7 +100111100011 386SX 7 +100111100011 5990 7 +100111100011 centerfold 7 +100111100011 IIe 7 +100111100011 ST 7 +100111100011 XR4Ti 7 +100111100011 Cray-2 8 +100111100011 Justy 8 +100111100011 ballgame 8 +100111100011 190E 8 +100111100011 peptide 8 +100111100011 7000 8 +100111100011 I.D. 8 +100111100011 Omni/Horizon 8 +100111100011 1975-80 8 +100111100011 I-Mark 8 +100111100011 Monster 8 +100111100011 teriyaki 9 +100111100011 two-seater 9 +100111100011 Passat 9 +100111100011 RX-7 9 +100111100011 confessional 9 +100111100011 yearling 9 +100111100011 Taurus/Sable 10 +100111100011 Tipo 10 +100111100011 PCjr 10 +100111100011 Q45 10 +100111100011 Brougham 10 +100111100011 conga 11 +100111100011 committeeman 11 +100111100011 pox 12 +100111100011 turbo 12 +100111100011 medallion 12 +100111100011 jerky 13 +100111100011 Vectra 13 +100111100011 DeVille 13 +100111100011 4381 14 +100111100011 TC 14 +100111100011 grinder 14 +100111100011 Scorpio 14 +100111100011 Tercel 14 +100111100011 roll-out 15 +100111100011 CRX 15 +100111100011 demarcation 15 +100111100011 Casera 17 +100111100011 antacid 17 +100111100011 Sedan 17 +100111100011 whirlpool 18 +100111100011 X-MP 18 +100111100011 coop 18 +100111100011 VAXstation 19 +100111100011 LX 20 +100111100011 Slice 21 +100111100011 FX 21 +100111100011 Toronado 21 +100111100011 maglev 22 +100111100011 Prelude 22 +100111100011 LS 22 +100111100011 Stanza 23 +100111100011 Merkur 24 +100111100011 Jetta 26 +100111100011 3090 26 +100111100011 XJ6 27 +100111100011 Allante 28 +100111100011 MicroVAX 28 +100111100011 Corolla 29 +100111100011 Coupe 30 +100111100011 carry-over 30 +100111100011 GL 33 +100111100011 anthem 36 +100111100011 Wrangler 36 +100111100011 bran 36 +100111100011 Walkman 38 +100111100011 Camry 39 +100111100011 rollout 41 +100111100011 model-year 43 +100111100011 AS/400 44 +100111100011 nameplate 44 +100111100011 hatchback 47 +100111100011 Lumina 47 +100111100011 pastime 64 +100111100011 GM-10 69 +100111100011 blimp 71 +100111100011 cane 71 +100111100011 Amiga 76 +100111100011 oxide 82 +100111100011 bicentennial 86 +100111100011 9370 87 +100111100011 leaf 94 +100111100011 Escort 98 +100111100011 freshman 106 +100111100011 bug 110 +100111100011 W-4 115 +100111100011 medal 151 +100111100011 banner 163 +100111100011 Accord 171 +100111100011 sedan 175 +100111100011 hormone 203 +100111100011 census 249 +100111100011 PS/2 300 +100111100011 cell 343 +100111100011 meal 416 +100111100011 calendar 461 +100111100011 harvest 635 +100111100011 ticket 989 +100111100011 brand 1646 +100111100011 crop 1716 +100111100011 product 8153 +100111100011 model 2973 +100111100100 31-degree 1 +100111100100 summerlike 1 +100111100100 close-to-normal 1 +100111100100 racing-news 1 +100111100100 marching-band 1 +100111100100 express-freight 1 +100111100100 high-ratings 1 +100111100100 5-17 1 +100111100100 cucumber-smelling 1 +100111100100 non-hyperbolic 1 +100111100100 dish-antenna 1 +100111100100 chanteys 1 +100111100100 immigrant-tale 1 +100111100100 non-air 1 +100111100100 unstimulating 1 +100111100100 Federal-Bell 1 +100111100100 direct-to-the-U.S. 1 +100111100100 64-inch 1 +100111100100 weekend-only 1 +100111100100 fast-lubrication 1 +100111100100 begrudging 1 +100111100100 35-44 1 +100111100100 NBC-made 1 +100111100100 dejeuner 1 +100111100100 30-below 1 +100111100100 aversive 1 +100111100100 bomb-grade 1 +100111100100 morphogenetic 1 +100111100100 mainland-Japan 1 +100111100100 Epstein-Barr 1 +100111100100 garbage-dumping 1 +100111100100 finger-sized 1 +100111100100 rail-and-highway 1 +100111100100 tangy-sweet 1 +100111100100 clot-disolving 1 +100111100100 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1 +100111100100 multiflavored 1 +100111100100 2,611 1 +100111100100 seal-blubber 1 +100111100100 Foreign-debt 1 +100111100100 galium 1 +100111100100 non-declared 1 +100111100100 gold-laden 1 +100111100100 late-night-TV 1 +100111100100 vapor-venting 1 +100111100100 trial-balloon 1 +100111100100 seeped-in 1 +100111100100 Texas-Louisiana 1 +100111100100 fixed-route 1 +100111100100 prodemocracy 1 +100111100100 spay/neuter 1 +100111100100 Alar-style 1 +100111100100 water-particle 1 +100111100100 container-refuse 1 +100111100100 non-stain-resistant 1 +100111100100 commerical-banking 1 +100111100100 deep-dwelling 1 +100111100100 preplanning 1 +100111100100 64-degree 1 +100111100100 weapons-usable 1 +100111100100 tenant-landlord 1 +100111100100 drier-than-normal 1 +100111100100 mock-Japanese 1 +100111100100 amateur-baseball 1 +100111100100 nonrebating 1 +100111100100 typewriter-style 1 +100111100100 divorce-related 1 +100111100100 gabardine 1 +100111100100 new-mown 1 +100111100100 egg-borne 1 +100111100100 laboratory-acquired 1 +100111100100 defect-related 1 +100111100100 audio-tech 1 +100111100100 synthesizer-driven 1 +100111100100 blackberry-basil 1 +100111100100 chuckholed 1 +100111100100 newspaper-and-croissant 1 +100111100100 fascimile-machine 1 +100111100100 export-controlling 1 +100111100100 Riverwalk 1 +100111100100 less-than-amicable 1 +100111100100 advertiser-supplied 1 +100111100100 modulatory 1 +100111100100 wind-blitzed 1 +100111100100 express-bus 1 +100111100100 save-the-universe 1 +100111100100 three-times-a-week 1 +100111100100 shuttle-type 1 +100111100100 oil-forming 1 +100111100100 woodpecker 1 +100111100100 red-tailed 1 +100111100100 unforested 1 +100111100100 warmer-than-normal 2 +100111100100 bagpipe 2 +100111100100 bitter-cold 2 +100111100100 dinner-hour 2 +100111100100 non-credit 2 +100111100100 Caesarean-section 2 +100111100100 tabasco 2 +100111100100 sex-gene 2 +100111100100 868,778 2 +100111100100 Semillon 2 +100111100100 intra-family 2 +100111100100 2,317 2 +100111100100 g-CSF 2 +100111100100 1,202 2 +100111100100 brick-hard 2 +100111100100 switching-equipment 2 +100111100100 70-plus 2 +100111100100 tasseling 2 +100111100100 river-bank 2 +100111100100 self-stick 2 +100111100100 needle-stick 2 +100111100100 pelf 2 +100111100100 pension-dumping 2 +100111100100 well-trampled 2 +100111100100 45,800 2 +100111100100 call-girl 2 +100111100100 sequinned 2 +100111100100 Treason 2 +100111100100 oily-looking 2 +100111100100 passsenger 2 +100111100100 air-passenger 2 +100111100100 gold-bearing 2 +100111100100 post-Balanchinian 2 +100111100100 grade-A 2 +100111100100 ticket-counter 2 +100111100100 putrid 2 +100111100100 Lidex 2 +100111100100 non-explosive 2 +100111100100 missing-in-action 2 +100111100100 gastroesophageal 2 +100111100100 income-tax-preparation 2 +100111100100 in-the-home 2 +100111100100 rhubarb 2 +100111100100 fino 2 +100111100100 antiabortion 2 +100111100100 ruly 2 +100111100100 insufficient-funds 2 +100111100100 brucellosis 2 +100111100100 crash-injury 2 +100111100100 iced-tea 2 +100111100100 employer/employee 2 +100111100100 fact-gathering 2 +100111100100 regulator-assisted 2 +100111100100 flambe 2 +100111100100 all-Gershwin 2 +100111100100 plasticene 2 +100111100100 dog-day 2 +100111100100 cysts 2 +100111100100 Karoo 2 +100111100100 neoclassic 3 +100111100100 HIV/AIDS 3 +100111100100 M6 3 +100111100100 milder-than-usual 3 +100111100100 taro 3 +100111100100 LAV-2 3 +100111100100 fireside 3 +100111100100 50-pound 3 +100111100100 Eldercare 3 +100111100100 auto-dealer 3 +100111100100 sauntering 3 +100111100100 pumpernickel 3 +100111100100 snakelike 3 +100111100100 blotter 3 +100111100100 giardiasis 3 +100111100100 grayish 3 +100111100100 frisk 3 +100111100100 Mugs 3 +100111100100 current-events 3 +100111100100 government-paid 3 +100111100100 lead-free 3 +100111100100 offpeak 3 +100111100100 dandruff 3 +100111100100 Phase-3 3 +100111100100 AIDS-causing 3 +100111100100 strapless 3 +100111100100 aseptic 3 +100111100100 fuel-related 3 +100111100100 Bernini 3 +100111100100 sado-masochistic 3 +100111100100 downwind 3 +100111100100 acid-based 3 +100111100100 Airstream 3 +100111100100 Steer-Mom 3 +100111100100 indigo 3 +100111100100 hermit 3 +100111100100 nordic 3 +100111100100 pop-up 4 +100111100100 music-oriented 4 +100111100100 mid-century 4 +100111100100 cognition 4 +100111100100 Ovaltine 4 +100111100100 TRAX 4 +100111100100 network-TV 4 +100111100100 fainting 4 +100111100100 MIR 4 +100111100100 Montparnasse 4 +100111100100 undiagnosed 4 +100111100100 Puss 4 +100111100100 EC-made 4 +100111100100 Contragate 4 +100111100100 GSL 4 +100111100100 Panavision 4 +100111100100 Kojonup 4 +100111100100 wicking 4 +100111100100 1976-1982 4 +100111100100 Kix 4 +100111100100 D-2 4 +100111100100 overdressed 4 +100111100100 RTD 4 +100111100100 airbag 4 +100111100100 bedspread 4 +100111100100 Schwartauer 4 +100111100100 Metroliner 4 +100111100100 leasable 4 +100111100100 Endymion 4 +100111100100 liturgical 4 +100111100100 1,023 4 +100111100100 sports-oriented 4 +100111100100 danazol 4 +100111100100 mini-doll 4 +100111100100 pine-covered 4 +100111100100 aquisitions 4 +100111100100 Afro 4 +100111100100 deuterium 4 +100111100100 lobe 4 +100111100100 schlami 4 +100111100100 aborigine 4 +100111100100 water-borne 4 +100111100100 Mbaqanga 4 +100111100100 VisaPhone 4 +100111100100 Porcher 4 +100111100100 sphinx-like 4 +100111100100 garage-door 4 +100111100100 Saharan 5 +100111100100 engraving 5 +100111100100 brie 5 +100111100100 commercial-free 5 +100111100100 auto-accident 5 +100111100100 InterTalent 5 +100111100100 alder 5 +100111100100 Aeropostale 5 +100111100100 Santeria 5 +100111100100 artichoke 5 +100111100100 goulash 5 +100111100100 Martine 5 +100111100100 re-registration 5 +100111100100 ECPA 5 +100111100100 One-Pass 5 +100111100100 trackside 5 +100111100100 milk-based 5 +100111100100 homemaking 5 +100111100100 cellulite 5 +100111100100 eggplant 5 +100111100100 HSV 5 +100111100100 unimproved 5 +100111100100 embalming 5 +100111100100 pita 5 +100111100100 KPFK 5 +100111100100 drinkable 5 +100111100100 5500 5 +100111100100 trinket 5 +100111100100 dog-tooth 5 +100111100100 Frigidaire 5 +100111100100 CDW 5 +100111100100 concrete-and-steel 5 +100111100100 WorldPass 5 +100111100100 nafarelin 5 +100111100100 Leukemia 6 +100111100100 potable 6 +100111100100 meatball 6 +100111100100 Lip 6 +100111100100 Clio 6 +100111100100 polyacetylene 6 +100111100100 aoudad 6 +100111100100 cheddar 6 +100111100100 digitized 6 +100111100100 2-by-4 6 +100111100100 truth-telling 6 +100111100100 Freeform 6 +100111100100 Orangina 6 +100111100100 Off-Broadway 6 +100111100100 stone-washing 6 +100111100100 rock-and-roll 6 +100111100100 M.O. 6 +100111100100 vaccinia 6 +100111100100 naltrexone 6 +100111100100 developable 6 +100111100100 Velcro 6 +100111100100 ambulance-chasing 6 +100111100100 phase-two 6 +100111100100 scriptwriting 6 +100111100100 looped 6 +100111100100 trial-and-error 6 +100111100100 fin-de-siecle 6 +100111100100 marimba 6 +100111100100 DPT 7 +100111100100 amphetamine 7 +100111100100 muggy 7 +100111100100 Everyman 7 +100111100100 kimchi 7 +100111100100 3.8-liter 7 +100111100100 microfiche 7 +100111100100 reciprocating 7 +100111100100 puffer 7 +100111100100 MS 7 +100111100100 Mutt 7 +100111100100 MRP 7 +100111100100 raptor 7 +100111100100 Beefeater 7 +100111100100 Riesling 7 +100111100100 Dixieland 7 +100111100100 ant 7 +100111100100 business-class 7 +100111100100 mesothelioma 7 +100111100100 Snoopy 7 +100111100100 reduced-instruction-set-computing 7 +100111100100 IMU 7 +100111100100 Matsapa 7 +100111100100 italics 7 +100111100100 anti-family 7 +100111100100 truffle 7 +100111100100 pepperoni 7 +100111100100 FC134a 7 +100111100100 hypothermia 7 +100111100100 MIC 7 +100111100100 Zeebrugge 8 +100111100100 interplanetary 8 +100111100100 gout 8 +100111100100 Ashcreek 8 +100111100100 teak 8 +100111100100 sable 8 +100111100100 otter 8 +100111100100 chinook 8 +100111100100 10-to-1 8 +100111100100 decompression 8 +100111100100 crankshaft 8 +100111100100 archeological 8 +100111100100 WWII 8 +100111100100 BST 8 +100111100100 Smalltalk 8 +100111100100 inclement 8 +100111100100 private-school 8 +100111100100 oblong 8 +100111100100 Skoda 8 +100111100100 scleroderma 9 +100111100100 berry 9 +100111100100 Tavist 9 +100111100100 Chianti 9 +100111100100 muslin 9 +100111100100 anti-wrinkle 9 +100111100100 foie 9 +100111100100 Landsat 9 +100111100100 aeronautics 9 +100111100100 cellophane 9 +100111100100 '68 9 +100111100100 sulfite 9 +100111100100 macaroni 9 +100111100100 pre-kindergarten 9 +100111100100 radium 9 +100111100100 private-industry 9 +100111100100 Christendom 9 +100111100100 flag-burning 9 +100111100100 bebop 9 +100111100100 cytology 9 +100111100100 VSAT 9 +100111100100 well-done 9 +100111100100 AlaskaMen 9 +100111100100 Torque 9 +100111100100 reflexivity 9 +100111100100 zydeco 10 +100111100100 peat 10 +100111100100 Medi-Cal 10 +100111100100 Inglenook 10 +100111100100 unorganized 10 +100111100100 VHS-C 10 +100111100100 kenaf 10 +100111100100 phonograph 10 +100111100100 Lark 10 +100111100100 rashes 10 +100111100100 EBDC 10 +100111100100 cappuccino 10 +100111100100 chimpanzee 10 +100111100100 VISA 10 +100111100100 100-degree 10 +100111100100 wastewater 10 +100111100100 Bayonne 10 +100111100100 typhoid 10 +100111100100 pumice 11 +100111100100 styrofoam 11 +100111100100 dew 11 +100111100100 Verve 11 +100111100100 skeet 11 +100111100100 T-1 11 +100111100100 Sanskrit 11 +100111100100 scavenger 11 +100111100100 post-accident 11 +100111100100 Tron 11 +100111100100 gauze 11 +100111100100 ex 11 +100111100100 inanimate 11 +100111100100 HTLV-I 11 +100111100100 oboe 11 +100111100100 urinalysis 12 +100111100100 grandfathering 12 +100111100100 Dealerline 12 +100111100100 Vaseline 12 +100111100100 rabies 12 +100111100100 Velveeta 12 +100111100100 Miata 12 +100111100100 bighorn 12 +100111100100 Stolichnaya 12 +100111100100 Precis 12 +100111100100 Oxbridge 12 +100111100100 jade 13 +100111100100 Lysol 13 +100111100100 hemophilia 13 +100111100100 freshwater 13 +100111100100 CAD 13 +100111100100 broiling 13 +100111100100 salsa 13 +100111100100 hepatitis-B 13 +100111100100 Sputnik 13 +100111100100 NA 13 +100111100100 FAX 13 +100111100100 kayaking 13 +100111100100 Smirnoff 13 +100111100100 overwork 13 +100111100100 Transformers 13 +100111100100 rib 13 +100111100100 candlelight 13 +100111100100 gator 13 +100111100100 leprosy 14 +100111100100 NewWave 14 +100111100100 epilepsy 14 +100111100100 antiquities 14 +100111100100 enamel 14 +100111100100 Nehemiah 14 +100111100100 Mild 14 +100111100100 ammo 14 +100111100100 arable 14 +100111100100 yoga 14 +100111100100 RoadRailer 14 +100111100100 lewd 14 +100111100100 Marineland 15 +100111100100 TIL 15 +100111100100 waterfowl 15 +100111100100 beluga 15 +100111100100 lavender 15 +100111100100 acupuncture 15 +100111100100 in-vitro 16 +100111100100 blueberry 16 +100111100100 clotting 16 +100111100100 feverfew 16 +100111100100 Chiapas 16 +100111100100 bluegrass 16 +100111100100 Colorwatch 17 +100111100100 urchin 17 +100111100100 AAdvantage 17 +100111100100 demon 17 +100111100100 unsightly 17 +100111100100 heart-disease 17 +100111100100 Tougaloo 17 +100111100100 grizzly 17 +100111100100 kiwi 17 +100111100100 Biedermeier 17 +100111100100 sightseeing 17 +100111100100 burlap 17 +100111100100 reggae 17 +100111100100 A-B 17 +100111100100 Spinfizz 17 +100111100100 telecommuting 17 +100111100100 Play-Doh 17 +100111100100 JIT 17 +100111100100 oncoming 17 +100111100100 flowered 17 +100111100100 Crotonville 18 +100111100100 overland 18 +100111100100 ovulation 18 +100111100100 B-scale 18 +100111100100 Habitat 18 +100111100100 Emmy 18 +100111100100 crocus 18 +100111100100 VIP 18 +100111100100 slapstick 18 +100111100100 polka 18 +100111100100 child-rearing 18 +100111100100 Wheaties 18 +100111100100 Cheerios 18 +100111100100 Listerine 18 +100111100100 onion 19 +100111100100 movable 19 +100111100100 Kronk 19 +100111100100 8th 19 +100111100100 Subway 19 +100111100100 Beaujolais 19 +100111100100 breast-cancer 19 +100111100100 Steppenwolf 19 +100111100100 badminton 20 +100111100100 Rossini 20 +100111100100 plasma 20 +100111100100 Malacanang 20 +100111100100 rush-hour 20 +100111100100 Kleenex 20 +100111100100 walnut 20 +100111100100 seltzer 20 +100111100100 PCP 21 +100111100100 smallpox 21 +100111100100 cholera 21 +100111100100 Eternity 21 +100111100100 ALPS 21 +100111100100 dystrophin 21 +100111100100 Nuremberg 21 +100111100100 psoriasis 22 +100111100100 supper 22 +100111100100 influenza 22 +100111100100 FSA 22 +100111100100 Bresse 22 +100111100100 semen 22 +100111100100 ballast 23 +100111100100 emphysema 23 +100111100100 mumps 23 +100111100100 colorization 23 +100111100100 est 23 +100111100100 Freon 23 +100111100100 quail 23 +100111100100 IVF 23 +100111100100 Midas 24 +100111100100 Caldor 24 +100111100100 CASE 24 +100111100100 acetaminophen 24 +100111100100 Lexis 24 +100111100100 almond 24 +100111100100 Lanvin 24 +100111100100 Outward 24 +100111100100 SAD 24 +100111100100 HTLV-1 24 +100111100100 fluoride 24 +100111100100 saltwater 25 +100111100100 check-in 25 +100111100100 thrombolytic 25 +100111100100 Absolut 26 +100111100100 shellfish 26 +100111100100 Izod 26 +100111100100 Rhone 26 +100111100100 alphabet 27 +100111100100 impoundment 27 +100111100100 kerosene 27 +100111100100 J&B 27 +100111100100 fingerprint 27 +100111100100 menopause 27 +100111100100 chiropractic 28 +100111100100 Hiroshima 28 +100111100100 amyloid 28 +100111100100 Passover 28 +100111100100 Impulse 29 +100111100100 deodorant 29 +100111100100 Abscam 30 +100111100100 off-Broadway 30 +100111100100 Garfield 30 +100111100100 midweek 30 +100111100100 angina 30 +100111100100 hardcover 30 +100111100100 frying 31 +100111100100 ROTC 31 +100111100100 Teflon 31 +100111100100 salami 32 +100111100100 ibuprofen 32 +100111100100 cellulose 32 +100111100100 pre-employment 32 +100111100100 measles 32 +100111100100 Roundup 33 +100111100100 Spam 33 +100111100100 Phobos 33 +100111100100 Intourist 33 +100111100100 unisex 33 +100111100100 sushi 34 +100111100100 melanin 34 +100111100100 manga 34 +100111100100 fancier 34 +100111100100 first-degree 34 +100111100100 chrome 34 +100111100100 occupant 34 +100111100100 polar 34 +100111100100 Iranamok 34 +100111100100 allergy 35 +100111100100 Niihau 35 +100111100100 Camel 35 +100111100100 Hanes 36 +100111100100 Kool-Aid 36 +100111100100 surfing 37 +100111100100 autograph 37 +100111100100 opium 38 +100111100100 AA 38 +100111100100 Caesarean 38 +100111100100 fasting 38 +100111100100 bamboo 39 +100111100100 Rodin 39 +100111100100 linear 39 +100111100100 COCOM 40 +100111100100 cyanide 41 +100111100100 Goliath 41 +100111100100 excursion 41 +100111100100 yeast 42 +100111100100 IUD 42 +100111100100 adhesive 42 +100111100100 IPS 42 +100111100100 ankle 43 +100111100100 plaster 43 +100111100100 booze 43 +100111100100 WTBS 44 +100111100100 melanoma 44 +100111100100 mating 44 +100111100100 margarine 44 +100111100100 graft 45 +100111100100 Valium 45 +100111100100 estrogen 46 +100111100100 backstage 46 +100111100100 look-alike 46 +100111100100 Burgundy 46 +100111100100 8mm 47 +100111100100 daylight 47 +100111100100 baldness 47 +100111100100 tuberculosis 47 +100111100100 cello 47 +100111100100 Cinemax 48 +100111100100 abalone 49 +100111100100 assembly-line 49 +100111100100 malaria 49 +100111100100 turtle 49 +100111100100 squid 50 +100111100100 oatmeal 51 +100111100100 granite 51 +100111100100 spaghetti 52 +100111100100 gasohol 52 +100111100100 Arabic 53 +100111100100 ketchup 53 +100111100100 Pampers 53 +100111100100 insect 53 +100111100100 oak 55 +100111100100 rust 55 +100111100100 dialysis 55 +100111100100 dessert 55 +100111100100 asthma 56 +100111100100 aerobics 56 +100111100100 formaldehyde 57 +100111100100 fibrosis 57 +100111100100 angioplasty 59 +100111100100 gymnastics 59 +100111100100 gallium 59 +100111100100 Nimrod 59 +100111100100 burial 60 +100111100100 low-calorie 60 +100111100100 roadside 60 +100111100100 Mir 61 +100111100100 trout 61 +100111100100 dope 62 +100111100100 herpes 62 +100111100100 surf 63 +100111100100 Aging 63 +100111100100 jogging 64 +100111100100 Monopoly 65 +100111100100 ham 65 +100111100100 AFDC 65 +100111100100 aspartame 66 +100111100100 polio 67 +100111100100 chemotherapy 67 +100111100100 aerial 69 +100111100100 elk 69 +100111100100 disco 69 +100111100100 ATM 70 +100111100100 Budweiser 71 +100111100100 insulin 71 +100111100100 proficiency 71 +100111100100 inheritance 71 +100111100100 ulcer 71 +100111100100 Tylenol 72 +100111100100 flu 72 +100111100100 self-defense 73 +100111100100 barbecue 73 +100111100100 acne 73 +100111100100 kindergarten 74 +100111100100 alligator 75 +100111100100 impeachment 75 +100111100100 refueling 77 +100111100100 particle 77 +100111100100 weekday 77 +100111100100 pine 79 +100111100100 fiberglass 79 +100111100100 benzene 80 +100111100100 Bordeaux 82 +100111100100 salmonella 82 +100111100100 groundwater 82 +100111100100 self-help 84 +100111100100 bottled 85 +100111100100 MBA 89 +100111100100 Beretta 90 +100111100100 voodoo 90 +100111100100 Mustang 93 +100111100100 Geo 93 +100111100100 methanol 98 +100111100100 Halloween 100 +100111100100 HDTV 101 +100111100100 calcium 103 +100111100100 hypertension 108 +100111100100 year-round 109 +100111100100 Arena 111 +100111100100 daytime 112 +100111100100 deer 112 +100111100100 corrosion 114 +100111100100 singles 115 +100111100100 silk 118 +100111100100 graduation 120 +100111100100 nicotine 120 +100111100100 foul 121 +100111100100 lip 121 +100111100100 lightning 123 +100111100100 urine 131 +100111100100 HIV 131 +100111100100 leukemia 134 +100111100100 Elvis 135 +100111100100 cardboard 138 +100111100100 torture 139 +100111100100 Form 141 +100111100100 heroin 145 +100111100100 heart-attack 147 +100111100100 tumor 148 +100111100100 Disneyland 153 +100111100100 sweat 156 +100111100100 math 163 +100111100100 Mass 170 +100111100100 transplant 177 +100111100100 arthritis 180 +100111100100 tin 180 +100111100100 apple 182 +100111100100 takeoff 185 +100111100100 espionage 187 +100111100100 Thanksgiving 188 +100111100100 narcotics 189 +100111100100 Cocom 191 +100111100100 boxing 195 +100111100100 Easter 207 +100111100100 wet 208 +100111100100 Mercedes 214 +100111100100 marijuana 233 +100111100100 champagne 234 +100111100100 superconductivity 245 +100111100100 Watergate 255 +100111100100 egg 258 +100111100100 aspirin 259 +100111100100 wildlife 259 +100111100100 trash 263 +100111100100 pregnancy 265 +100111100100 infant 270 +100111100100 DNA 278 +100111100100 tea 292 +100111100100 swimming 303 +100111100100 ocean 313 +100111100100 charity 324 +100111100100 breakfast 362 +100111100100 jazz 379 +100111100100 radiation 385 +100111100100 pop 404 +100111100100 garbage 432 +100111100100 acid 441 +100111100100 Broadway 444 +100111100100 iron 449 +100111100100 divorce 462 +100111100100 Medicaid 491 +100111100100 cocaine 636 +100111100100 arbitration 645 +100111100100 alcohol 656 +100111100100 animal 663 +100111100100 lunch 676 +100111100100 abortion 681 +100111100100 ice 710 +100111100100 SDI 716 +100111100100 vacation 772 +100111100100 dinner 802 +100111100100 wire 802 +100111100100 asbestos 807 +100111100100 dry 911 +100111100100 rock 914 +100111100100 sex 917 +100111100100 color 1027 +100111100100 Medicare 1106 +100111100100 Christmas 1454 +100111100100 English 1545 +100111100100 mail 1569 +100111100100 cancer 2021 +100111100100 college 2091 +100111100100 art 2185 +100111100100 air 4413 +100111100100 AIDS 4355 +100111100101 water-pumping 1 +100111100101 random-sample 1 +100111100101 adobe-colored 1 +100111100101 Atlantique 1 +100111100101 4,672 1 +100111100101 atherosclerotic 1 +100111100101 front-disc 1 +100111100101 formaldehyde-induced 1 +100111100101 Illinos 1 +100111100101 genecontaining 1 +100111100101 cellulose-eating 1 +100111100101 HemisFair 1 +100111100101 anti-misting 1 +100111100101 tail-finned 1 +100111100101 foot-in-mouth 1 +100111100101 copper-type 1 +100111100101 suit-and-tie-clad 1 +100111100101 pink-and-blue 1 +100111100101 yellow-and-red 1 +100111100101 pillow-sized 1 +100111100101 t-cell 1 +100111100101 field-trial 1 +100111100101 Klondike-brand 1 +100111100101 Glascoat 1 +100111100101 grain-moving 1 +100111100101 hydrofluoric 1 +100111100101 cancer-screening 1 +100111100101 per-table 1 +100111100101 18-to-19-inch 1 +100111100101 Incirlik 1 +100111100101 city-approvals 1 +100111100101 Bull's-Eye 1 +100111100101 forcolorectal 1 +100111100101 prussic 1 +100111100101 four-times-a-week 1 +100111100101 Nottinghamshire 1 +100111100101 Os-Cal 1 +100111100101 self-sealing 1 +100111100101 Villamor 1 +100111100101 waterfilled 1 +100111100101 book-studying 1 +100111100101 10,000-foot 1 +100111100101 populist-type 1 +100111100101 humanwave 1 +100111100101 nickel-alloy 1 +100111100101 pot-shaped 1 +100111100101 tambourine-wielding 1 +100111100101 770-yard 1 +100111100101 anhydrite 1 +100111100101 long-acting 1 +100111100101 Madonna-ish 1 +100111100101 nine-ton 1 +100111100101 foreign-policy-making 1 +100111100101 still-accented 1 +100111100101 six-loss 1 +100111100101 on-sale 1 +100111100101 mind-destroying 1 +100111100101 column-free 1 +100111100101 32-by-16-foot 1 +100111100101 American-like 1 +100111100101 355,511 1 +100111100101 single-missile 1 +100111100101 Relay 1 +100111100101 chocolate-chocolate-chip 1 +100111100101 dollar-stabilizing 1 +100111100101 letter-size 1 +100111100101 Kinkakuji 1 +100111100101 hemophilic 1 +100111100101 Breyers 1 +100111100101 state-ofthe-art 1 +100111100101 air-piercing 1 +100111100101 25-to-40-year-old 1 +100111100101 Grenada-like 1 +100111100101 non-ionizing 1 +100111100101 4,400-yard 1 +100111100101 tuberculosis-related 1 +100111100101 populist-style 1 +100111100101 once-endangered 1 +100111100101 experimental-jazz 1 +100111100101 1000-megawatt 1 +100111100101 post-cease-fire 1 +100111100101 mustard-gas 1 +100111100101 Shashlik 1 +100111100101 recriminalizing 1 +100111100101 Lichtenstein-based 1 +100111100101 Tirstrup 1 +100111100101 immune-suppressing 1 +100111100101 Motown-style 1 +100111100101 shrug-offable 1 +100111100101 scotland 1 +100111100101 lion-sized 1 +100111100101 1,818,604 1 +100111100101 chlorous 1 +100111100101 network-televised 1 +100111100101 hand-grenade 1 +100111100101 all-Mongolian 1 +100111100101 drill-team 1 +100111100101 scooped-out 1 +100111100101 Jewish-conspiracy 1 +100111100101 woodlike 1 +100111100101 audience-pleasing 1 +100111100101 antibody-derived 1 +100111100101 superduper-rich 1 +100111100101 Proventil 1 +100111100101 peptide-secreting 1 +100111100101 long-shelf-life 1 +100111100101 Solid-state 1 +100111100101 racetrack-shaped 1 +100111100101 20-century 1 +100111100101 quasi-magical 1 +100111100101 charcoal-burning 1 +100111100101 bathetic 1 +100111100101 post-vote 1 +100111100101 baled 1 +100111100101 five-borough 1 +100111100101 568-578 1 +100111100101 corporate-parody 1 +100111100101 drip-drip-drip 1 +100111100101 sandpapering 1 +100111100101 golden-oldies 1 +100111100101 third-lowest 1 +100111100101 dive-bombing 1 +100111100101 multipartisan 1 +100111100101 well-printed 1 +100111100101 Adamstown-area 1 +100111100101 paper-copying 1 +100111100101 street-stall 1 +100111100101 interference-from 1 +100111100101 7,000-gallon 1 +100111100101 pygmyish 1 +100111100101 Fatih 1 +100111100101 palm-shrouded 1 +100111100101 tofu-and-vegetable 1 +100111100101 military-goods 1 +100111100101 satisfied-looking 1 +100111100101 brocaded 1 +100111100101 drum-like 1 +100111100101 6,807 1 +100111100101 Borden-style 1 +100111100101 low-effort 1 +100111100101 Paris-Lyon 1 +100111100101 jamoca 1 +100111100101 disk-gusting 1 +100111100101 Libya-style 1 +100111100101 mapmaking 1 +100111100101 harvestable 1 +100111100101 workplace-related 1 +100111100101 television-type 1 +100111100101 700-student 1 +100111100101 Chapstick 1 +100111100101 Illopango 1 +100111100101 diastolic 1 +100111100101 systolic 1 +100111100101 frescoed 1 +100111100101 briquetted 1 +100111100101 tacked-on 1 +100111100101 advertising-heavy 1 +100111100101 highboy 1 +100111100101 salary-arbitration 1 +100111100101 ever-so-exciting 1 +100111100101 Malay-Filipino 1 +100111100101 three-foot-deep 1 +100111100101 laser-light 1 +100111100101 alcohol-breast 1 +100111100101 hyper-tufa 1 +100111100101 London-broil 1 +100111100101 Novyi 1 +100111100101 three-sided 1 +100111100101 Citibank-American 1 +100111100101 108-acre 1 +100111100101 dance/martial 1 +100111100101 irregularites 1 +100111100101 investment-community 1 +100111100101 404-square-mile 1 +100111100101 ball-swallowing 1 +100111100101 main-event 1 +100111100101 guerrilla-inflicted 1 +100111100101 Tay-Sachs 1 +100111100101 adult-t-cell 1 +100111100101 frost-stricken 1 +100111100101 Hellenistic 1 +100111100101 Off-Off 1 +100111100101 48-minute 1 +100111100101 gangliated 1 +100111100101 Pre-marital 1 +100111100101 120-feet-long 1 +100111100101 staccatto 1 +100111100101 dribbly 1 +100111100101 one-ring 1 +100111100101 cyprus-lined 1 +100111100101 2,700-member 1 +100111100101 bacteria-proof 1 +100111100101 proton-beam 1 +100111100101 4-by-5-inch 1 +100111100101 Futuristic 1 +100111100101 bullet-nicked 1 +100111100101 non-television 1 +100111100101 Gothic-style 1 +100111100101 endometrial 1 +100111100101 two-ounce 1 +100111100101 next-morning 1 +100111100101 turkey-trotting 1 +100111100101 fresh-caught 1 +100111100101 2.4-mile 1 +100111100101 somnambulant 1 +100111100101 tax-treatment 1 +100111100101 tween 1 +100111100101 hot-gas 1 +100111100101 American-assembled 1 +100111100101 1,000-megawatt 1 +100111100101 barbering 1 +100111100101 Reagan-led 1 +100111100101 accordion-pleated 1 +100111100101 black-walnut 1 +100111100101 oxygen-consuming 1 +100111100101 152-yard-long 1 +100111100101 arrogance-of-power 1 +100111100101 frozen-water 1 +100111100101 oxalic 1 +100111100101 hunter-turned 1 +100111100101 fake-brass-colored 1 +100111100101 fingernail-width 1 +100111100101 merriest 1 +100111100101 crosswalk 1 +100111100101 anti-intellectualan 1 +100111100101 not-so-famous 1 +100111100101 muriatic 1 +100111100101 shrapnel-bomb 1 +100111100101 five-course 1 +100111100101 scarlet-sided 1 +100111100101 spaz 1 +100111100101 synchotron 1 +100111100101 lankmark 1 +100111100101 cockroach-infested 1 +100111100101 hydroxyethyl 1 +100111100101 media-age 1 +100111100101 derringer-concealing 1 +100111100101 .25-caliber 1 +100111100101 velveteen 1 +100111100101 GIFT. 1 +100111100101 linoleic 1 +100111100101 ammonia-streaked 1 +100111100101 eve-of-hostilities 1 +100111100101 482,179 1 +100111100101 10,000-name 1 +100111100101 48-foot 1 +100111100101 dialed-up 1 +100111100101 Atlanta-Chicago 1 +100111100101 35-foot-diameter 1 +100111100101 pool-side 1 +100111100101 three-row 1 +100111100101 30-by-54-inch 1 +100111100101 125-acre 1 +100111100101 defense-orders 1 +100111100101 Glagolitic 1 +100111100101 multiarm 1 +100111100101 guilt-driven 1 +100111100101 blue-tinted 1 +100111100101 wage-inflation 1 +100111100101 Bufferin-brand 1 +100111100101 green-and-gold 1 +100111100101 wassail 1 +100111100101 mathematic 1 +100111100101 4,705,269 1 +100111100101 non-running 1 +100111100101 4,361 1 +100111100101 castiron 1 +100111100101 inquisitional 1 +100111100101 hemlock-covered 1 +100111100101 Glasgow-to-London 1 +100111100101 headbanging 1 +100111100101 Rent-a-Russian 1 +100111100101 fieldstone 1 +100111100101 farm-polluting 1 +100111100101 sausage-sandwich 1 +100111100101 anti-monoclonal 1 +100111100101 Stri-Dex 1 +100111100101 flying-club 1 +100111100101 hiccupy 1 +100111100101 live-virus 1 +100111100101 fourday 1 +100111100101 RAMP 1 +100111100101 summer's-end 1 +100111100101 eicosapentaenoic 1 +100111100101 six-LP 1 +100111100101 nutsy 1 +100111100101 plinking 1 +100111100101 .51-caliber 1 +100111100101 conoid 1 +100111100101 corrogated 1 +100111100101 tear-wringing 1 +100111100101 hooked-up 1 +100111100101 Pamyet 1 +100111100101 seaweed-wrapped 1 +100111100101 price/size 1 +100111100101 light-green 1 +100111100101 razor-edged 1 +100111100101 transfusion-borne 1 +100111100101 acetylsalicylic 1 +100111100101 multi-drug 1 +100111100101 E.p.t. 1 +100111100101 non-lymphocytic 1 +100111100101 roll-off 1 +100111100101 Mig 1 +100111100101 Bunsen 1 +100111100101 nonionizing 1 +100111100101 44-pound 1 +100111100101 pork-industry 1 +100111100101 coal-generated 1 +100111100101 Reversed 1 +100111100101 acclimation 1 +100111100101 WHO-sponsored 1 +100111100101 dollar-a-pint 1 +100111100101 nonscheduled 1 +100111100101 inactivation 1 +100111100101 20-meters-long 1 +100111100101 SportsTicker 1 +100111100101 French-accented 1 +100111100101 dioxin-tainted 1 +100111100101 electical 1 +100111100101 egg-related 1 +100111100101 more-varied 1 +100111100101 celiac 1 +100111100101 verhiess 1 +100111100101 poverty-making 1 +100111100101 in-the-cup 1 +100111100101 tatami 1 +100111100101 celadon-colored 1 +100111100101 24-bar 1 +100111100101 myelocytic 1 +100111100101 sword-resistant 1 +100111100101 hat-in-hand 1 +100111100101 Fabian-like 1 +100111100101 igneous 1 +100111100101 post-heart 1 +100111100101 230E 1 +100111100101 ARSR-3 1 +100111100101 miasmic 1 +100111100101 maraschino 1 +100111100101 timber-ceilinged 1 +100111100101 postheart 1 +100111100101 N.D.-based 1 +100111100101 macaroni-and-cheese 1 +100111100101 -accepted 1 +100111100101 moth-like 1 +100111100101 AK47 1 +100111100101 myelogenous 1 +100111100101 chuck-holed 1 +100111100101 piney-woods 1 +100111100101 laser-enhanced 1 +100111100101 doll-like 1 +100111100101 33,401 1 +100111100101 43,020 1 +100111100101 HIV-related 1 +100111100101 olympic-size 1 +100111100101 rear-disc 1 +100111100101 non-functioning 1 +100111100101 four-drug 1 +100111100101 full-dose 1 +100111100101 country-swing 1 +100111100101 mother-and-daughter 1 +100111100101 Oshkosh-made 1 +100111100101 extra-clear 1 +100111100101 near-riotous 1 +100111100101 trailers-exactly 1 +100111100101 Drowsy 1 +100111100101 praline 1 +100111100101 260-clause 1 +100111100101 close-packed 1 +100111100101 ceiling-ball 1 +100111100101 coal-heated 1 +100111100101 cobweb-covered 1 +100111100101 Health-Recombinant 1 +100111100101 50-ton 1 +100111100101 dirt-spattered 1 +100111100101 backcourt 1 +100111100101 reverse-weave 1 +100111100101 pewterlike 1 +100111100101 practice-ski 1 +100111100101 warm-red 1 +100111100101 dustiest 1 +100111100101 silver-white 1 +100111100101 toss-'em-together 1 +100111100101 broadcast-related 1 +100111100101 6-foot-plus 1 +100111100101 heartstring-plucking 1 +100111100101 tenderest 2 +100111100101 Lisburne 2 +100111100101 3,262 2 +100111100101 sex-determining 2 +100111100101 wintering 2 +100111100101 ERYX 2 +100111100101 median-nerve 2 +100111100101 pidgin 2 +100111100101 bobwhite 2 +100111100101 sandbag 2 +100111100101 welcome-home 2 +100111100101 Enzo-developed 2 +100111100101 cuddliness 2 +100111100101 beer-promotion 2 +100111100101 174,075 2 +100111100101 sulphuric 2 +100111100101 Precambrian 2 +100111100101 cheeriest 2 +100111100101 enlivening 2 +100111100101 ice-fishing 2 +100111100101 whitest 2 +100111100101 split-rail 2 +100111100101 Europalia 2 +100111100101 thatch 2 +100111100101 candle-lit 2 +100111100101 near-exclusive 2 +100111100101 self-wringing 2 +100111100101 chicken-wire 2 +100111100101 Clearasil 2 +100111100101 tungstic 2 +100111100101 human-wave 2 +100111100101 uric 2 +100111100101 exercise-induced 2 +100111100101 film-developing 2 +100111100101 Jamesport 2 +100111100101 burled 2 +100111100101 locust 2 +100111100101 metal-plated 2 +100111100101 carnii 2 +100111100101 fold-up 2 +100111100101 small-boat 2 +100111100101 wittiest 2 +100111100101 aluminum-sided 2 +100111100101 midautumn 2 +100111100101 Suchitoto 2 +100111100101 blood-related 2 +100111100101 kindey 2 +100111100101 lymphocytic 2 +100111100101 tick-tack-toe 2 +100111100101 four-foot-high 2 +100111100101 too-short 2 +100111100101 community-sponsored 2 +100111100101 steelhead 2 +100111100101 Worldopoly 2 +100111100101 mid-autumn 2 +100111100101 drug-laden 2 +100111100101 immunoglobulin 2 +100111100101 multicellular 2 +100111100101 predispute 2 +100111100101 granulomatous 2 +100111100101 deus 2 +100111100101 hard-to-detect 2 +100111100101 lap-joint 2 +100111100101 Gamay 2 +100111100101 PIPS 2 +100111100101 concertina 2 +100111100101 thrift-shop 2 +100111100101 HOVE 2 +100111100101 testicular 2 +100111100101 blood-based 2 +100111100101 lymphoblastic 2 +100111100101 whelping 2 +100111100101 auto-generated 2 +100111100101 easy-to-handle 2 +100111100101 12-foot-diameter 2 +100111100101 65-and-over 2 +100111100101 furfuryl 2 +100111100101 driver's-side 2 +100111100101 acidifying 2 +100111100101 arachidonic 2 +100111100101 66,907 2 +100111100101 Tenderleaf 2 +100111100101 refastenable 2 +100111100101 SEC-required 2 +100111100101 coronary-artery 2 +100111100101 lymphatic 2 +100111100101 UYK-43 2 +100111100101 soft-serve 2 +100111100101 requiem 2 +100111100101 sunblocking 2 +100111100101 main-meals 2 +100111100101 60-inch 2 +100111100101 5-foot-2-inch 2 +100111100101 17-3 2 +100111100101 76,503 2 +100111100101 Lud 2 +100111100101 12/ 2 +100111100101 25s 2 +100111100101 plate-glass 2 +100111100101 cursive 2 +100111100101 Korean-style 2 +100111100101 Okoujava 2 +100111100101 black-marble 2 +100111100101 nonfunctioning 2 +100111100101 path-dependent 2 +100111100101 palmitic 2 +100111100101 Muscovy 2 +100111100101 oleanolic 2 +100111100101 Colorgene 2 +100111100101 C-4 2 +100111100101 hours-long 2 +100111100101 myeloid 2 +100111100101 exhalation 2 +100111100101 pod-setting 2 +100111100101 testings 2 +100111100101 blast-resistant 2 +100111100101 1585 2 +100111100101 PXCL 2 +100111100101 deep-vein 2 +100111100101 demerit 2 +100111100101 citric 3 +100111100101 Hollywood-style 3 +100111100101 neurotoxic 3 +100111100101 gluing 3 +100111100101 Galil 3 +100111100101 Eastern-style 3 +100111100101 Chiffon 3 +100111100101 luxury-class 3 +100111100101 five-gallon 3 +100111100101 fortuneteller 3 +100111100101 tubal 3 +100111100101 Fallopian 3 +100111100101 sun. 3 +100111100101 litter-strewn 3 +100111100101 album-oriented 3 +100111100101 Rivonia 3 +100111100101 underutilization 3 +100111100101 nicotinic 3 +100111100101 conceptualization 3 +100111100101 baling 3 +100111100101 tracheostomy 3 +100111100101 rapier 3 +100111100101 pesto 3 +100111100101 corrugated-metal 3 +100111100101 Carara 3 +100111100101 FHLMC 3 +100111100101 dunking 3 +100111100101 male-pattern 3 +100111100101 weeding-out 3 +100111100101 teetotaling 3 +100111100101 diode 3 +100111100101 ribonucleic 3 +100111100101 granny 3 +100111100101 terephthalic 3 +100111100101 25-acre 3 +100111100101 silo 3 +100111100101 thermostatic 3 +100111100101 Hearty 3 +100111100101 tinting 3 +100111100101 half-acre 3 +100111100101 fourth-best 3 +100111100101 Bangles 3 +100111100101 metastatic 3 +100111100101 JAS 3 +100111100101 damage-assessment 3 +100111100101 ROA 3 +100111100101 phosphoric 3 +100111100101 squeezable 3 +100111100101 Parkay 3 +100111100101 gingham 3 +100111100101 Proto 4 +100111100101 clunker 4 +100111100101 triploid 4 +100111100101 Boghammer 4 +100111100101 vitamin-enriched 4 +100111100101 boric 4 +100111100101 smokable 4 +100111100101 Cremonese 4 +100111100101 capital-formation 4 +100111100101 rock-hard 4 +100111100101 thymus 4 +100111100101 antisense 4 +100111100101 barrel-vaulted 4 +100111100101 unventilated 4 +100111100101 P-51 4 +100111100101 MX-5 4 +100111100101 pod-filling 4 +100111100101 Geritol 4 +100111100101 multisite 4 +100111100101 ENA 4 +100111100101 hydrochloric 4 +100111100101 cobblestone 4 +100111100101 engine-compartment 4 +100111100101 parking-brake 4 +100111100101 comprehensiveness 4 +100111100101 six-foot-high 4 +100111100101 upper-management 4 +100111100101 magnetite 4 +100111100101 small-minded 4 +100111100101 telepathic 4 +100111100101 magnolia 4 +100111100101 subjectivity 4 +100111100101 Cray-1 4 +100111100101 Luftwaffe 5 +100111100101 ambient 5 +100111100101 6,350 5 +100111100101 numerator 5 +100111100101 AIDS-like 5 +100111100101 teary 5 +100111100101 folic 5 +100111100101 liquid-nitrogen 5 +100111100101 hucksters 5 +100111100101 low-impact 5 +100111100101 inhalable 5 +100111100101 roe 5 +100111100101 blood-vessel 5 +100111100101 pseudomonas 5 +100111100101 Fabulous 5 +100111100101 grandsons 5 +100111100101 ochre 5 +100111100101 tinder 5 +100111100101 Snorre 5 +100111100101 unpaved 5 +100111100101 VD 5 +100111100101 10-pound 5 +100111100101 doleful 5 +100111100101 chamomile 5 +100111100101 OvuStick 5 +100111100101 KTM 5 +100111100101 petit 5 +100111100101 sketchbook 5 +100111100101 fast-acting 6 +100111100101 cicada 6 +100111100101 post-Chernobyl 6 +100111100101 ionizing 6 +100111100101 Chernobyl-related 6 +100111100101 simian 6 +100111100101 2,008 6 +100111100101 colorectal 6 +100111100101 clink 6 +100111100101 Kaiseraugst 6 +100111100101 hurdling 6 +100111100101 standards-setting 6 +100111100101 hang-glider 6 +100111100101 waterborne 6 +100111100101 follicle 6 +100111100101 cyanuric 6 +100111100101 drive-up 6 +100111100101 p53 6 +100111100101 pancreatic 7 +100111100101 passenger-side 7 +100111100101 cardigan 7 +100111100101 Rb 7 +100111100101 pre-dispute 7 +100111100101 hyaluronic 7 +100111100101 flaking 7 +100111100101 Superstation 7 +100111100101 potluck 7 +100111100101 lumberjack 7 +100111100101 oscillating 7 +100111100101 pasteurization 7 +100111100101 peppermint 8 +100111100101 prepackaged 8 +100111100101 contour 8 +100111100101 lactic 8 +100111100101 predisposing 8 +100111100101 car-body 8 +100111100101 gurgling 8 +100111100101 chain-link 8 +100111100101 trade-adjustment 8 +100111100101 Claymation 9 +100111100101 bunt 9 +100111100101 AWACs 9 +100111100101 radiation-induced 9 +100111100101 deoxyribonucleic 9 +100111100101 bootlegging 9 +100111100101 Prego 9 +100111100101 duodenal 9 +100111100101 Mukluk 9 +100111100101 foraging 9 +100111100101 metabolic 9 +100111100101 Klondike 10 +100111100101 blue-green 10 +100111100101 lilac 10 +100111100101 boll 10 +100111100101 paralytic 10 +100111100101 stearic 10 +100111100101 nonfat 10 +100111100101 delirium 10 +100111100101 renal 10 +100111100101 reentry 10 +100111100101 Cyrillic 10 +100111100101 honking 10 +100111100101 arterial 11 +100111100101 sulfuric 11 +100111100101 layered 11 +100111100101 dictation 11 +100111100101 opiate 11 +100111100101 travelogue 11 +100111100101 navel 11 +100111100101 lodgepole 12 +100111100101 pandemic 12 +100111100101 VHL 12 +100111100101 delegate-selection 12 +100111100101 pituitary 12 +100111100101 state-of-the 12 +100111100101 feline 12 +100111100101 standing-room-only 12 +100111100101 lily 13 +100111100101 sunscreen 13 +100111100101 papier-mache 13 +100111100101 thatched 13 +100111100101 coloratura 13 +100111100101 SoHo 13 +100111100101 tinsel 13 +100111100101 burgundy 13 +100111100101 Extra-Strength 13 +100111100101 barnyard 14 +100111100101 ovarian 14 +100111100101 Novy 15 +100111100101 carpal 15 +100111100101 soldering 15 +100111100101 carinii 16 +100111100101 bedtime 16 +100111100101 pancreas 16 +100111100101 DMD 17 +100111100101 dining-room 17 +100111100101 room-temperature 17 +100111100101 T-cell 17 +100111100101 bile 18 +100111100101 lava 18 +100111100101 leaching 18 +100111100101 Nandaime 18 +100111100101 maturation 18 +100111100101 bone-marrow 19 +100111100101 uterine 20 +100111100101 neutron 21 +100111100101 urinary 22 +100111100101 venereal 22 +100111100101 iced 22 +100111100101 genital 23 +100111100101 strand 23 +100111100101 head-injury 24 +100111100101 jug 25 +100111100101 aft 26 +100111100101 genome 27 +100111100101 amino 29 +100111100101 thyroid 34 +100111100101 machine-gun 35 +100111100101 barbed 35 +100111100101 rheumatoid 36 +100111100101 frontal 38 +100111100101 bladder 42 +100111100101 IQ 42 +100111100101 chromosome 43 +100111100101 driver-side 45 +100111100101 malignant 52 +100111100101 SAT 55 +100111100101 cystic 56 +100111100101 sunset 56 +100111100101 cervical 62 +100111100101 recombinant 68 +100111100101 fusion 69 +100111100101 healing 78 +100111100101 meter 81 +100111100101 sperm 83 +100111100101 colon 109 +100111100101 prostate 114 +100111100101 nest 120 +100111100101 roller 131 +100111100101 liberation 135 +100111100101 courtesy 149 +100111100101 organ 151 +100111100101 peer 162 +100111100101 kidney 163 +100111100101 dawn 164 +100111100101 breast 195 +100111100101 horror 209 +100111100101 nerve 210 +100111100101 liver 217 +100111100101 dirt 241 +100111100101 rear 251 +100111100101 bone 263 +100111100101 Chernobyl 263 +100111100101 root 278 +100111100101 pleasure 301 +100111100101 aged 304 +100111100101 ages 309 +100111100101 lung 335 +100111100101 brain 494 +100111100101 fairness 499 +100111100101 sea 608 +100111100101 skin 624 +100111100101 birth 743 +100111100101 maturity 1003 +100111100101 memory 1191 +100111100101 blood 1921 +100111100101 heart 2693 +100111100101 standard 3206 +100111100101 age 3230 +100111100110 warning-system 1 +100111100110 missile-training 1 +100111100110 helicopter-gun 1 +100111100110 Elettrica 1 +100111100110 handling-equipment 1 +100111100110 fish-raising 1 +100111100110 software-maintenance 1 +100111100110 beecham 1 +100111100110 aeronautic 1 +100111100110 mission-planning 1 +100111100110 fighter-attack 1 +100111100110 GE-100 1 +100111100110 resources-ethical 1 +100111100110 combat-control 1 +100111100110 diagnostic-test 1 +100111100110 complex-bend 1 +100111100110 Fiorden 1 +100111100110 weather-reporting 1 +100111100110 jets. 1 +100111100110 storers 1 +100111100110 Jijo 1 +100111100110 pulp-bleaching 1 +100111100110 non-leaded 1 +100111100110 twin-prop 1 +100111100110 767-300-ER 1 +100111100110 measurement-oriented 1 +100111100110 cylinderblock 1 +100111100110 mine-detecting 1 +100111100110 aviaiton 1 +100111100110 nuclear-delivery 1 +100111100110 gun-system 1 +100111100110 weedkiller 1 +100111100110 backscatter 1 +100111100110 62M 1 +100111100110 diesel-electric 1 +100111100110 ski-season 1 +100111100110 44P 1 +100111100110 service-four 1 +100111100110 Panhard 1 +100111100110 Haircare 1 +100111100110 Ahitagni 1 +100111100110 night-attack 1 +100111100110 757-225 1 +100111100110 helicopter-training 1 +100111100110 707-type 1 +100111100110 oxygenation 1 +100111100110 34Ds 1 +100111100110 female-busted 1 +100111100110 bronchodilating 1 +100111100110 bloats 1 +100111100110 WorldPort 1 +100111100110 10-30 1 +100111100110 torpedo-defense 1 +100111100110 aircraft-part 1 +100111100110 Backscatter 1 +100111100110 noise-suppression 1 +100111100110 hightop 1 +100111100110 higher-altitude 1 +100111100110 central-processor 1 +100111100110 rig-fishing 1 +100111100110 aircraft-operating 1 +100111100110 fire-extingishing 1 +100111100110 fresh-orange-juice 1 +100111100110 submarine-fired 1 +100111100110 fanjet 1 +100111100110 aircraft-development 1 +100111100110 prfits 1 +100111100110 city-to-city 1 +100111100110 DC-8-71 1 +100111100110 subcurrents 1 +100111100110 radar-avoiding 1 +100111100110 5659-2-RB 1 +100111100110 cruisemissile 1 +100111100110 heavy-machine-tool 1 +100111100110 vehicle-guidance 1 +100111100110 spectrometry 1 +100111100110 MI-17 1 +100111100110 shipboard-weapons 1 +100111100110 chemical-thermomechanical 1 +100111100110 oil-changing 1 +100111100110 sprouts-laden 1 +100111100110 1,196,189 1 +100111100110 Prowlers 1 +100111100110 mission-control 1 +100111100110 digital-imaging 1 +100111100110 punch-out 1 +100111100110 mopup 1 +100111100110 bed-liner 1 +100111100110 electronic-quote 1 +100111100110 bellyskin 1 +100111100110 freesheet 1 +100111100110 RB-211-535E4 1 +100111100110 56-5A 1 +100111100110 landing-assistance 1 +100111100110 knockers 1 +100111100110 radar-surveillance 1 +100111100110 mailsorting 1 +100111100110 forest-lands 1 +100111100110 early-production 1 +100111100110 jet-style 1 +100111100110 dangly 1 +100111100110 dronelike 1 +100111100110 Finback 1 +100111100110 4,184,412 1 +100111100110 rotor-blade 1 +100111100110 radar-test 1 +100111100110 ejection-seat 1 +100111100110 sulphite 1 +100111100110 styrene-acrylic 1 +100111100110 bomb-carrying 1 +100111100110 INTELSAT-5 1 +100111100110 gunfire-control 1 +100111100110 signal-detecting 1 +100111100110 advanced-tactical 1 +100111100110 wattle 1 +100111100110 transport-plane 1 +100111100110 battlefield-reconnaissance 1 +100111100110 up-link 1 +100111100110 wallcovering 1 +100111100110 107mm 1 +100111100110 belly-skin 1 +100111100110 middle-weight 1 +100111100110 decongestant 2 +100111100110 satellite-launcher 2 +100111100110 launch-vehicle 2 +100111100110 singlet 2 +100111100110 ultra-light 2 +100111100110 electronic-display 2 +100111100110 all-Reich 2 +100111100110 reentry-vehicle 2 +100111100110 IL-18 2 +100111100110 Cinnamon 2 +100111100110 Jeep-brand 2 +100111100110 economy-size 2 +100111100110 250,045 2 +100111100110 turbo-fan 2 +100111100110 RB-211-524L 2 +100111100110 Orions 2 +100111100110 antiship 2 +100111100110 chicory 2 +100111100110 900,000-plus 2 +100111100110 widebodies 2 +100111100110 accuracies 2 +100111100110 powerplant 2 +100111100110 rough-terrain 2 +100111100110 air-crew 2 +100111100110 179-seat 2 +100111100110 II-gs 2 +100111100110 satellite-delivery 2 +100111100110 wide-cabin 2 +100111100110 fuel-distribution 2 +100111100110 S211 2 +100111100110 fixed-flame 2 +100111100110 umbrella-like 2 +100111100110 airlifter 2 +100111100110 jetplane 2 +100111100110 151,131 2 +100111100110 missile-targeting 2 +100111100110 ad-hominem 2 +100111100110 missile-basing 2 +100111100110 turbo-prop 2 +100111100110 Gigondas 2 +100111100110 avionics-support 2 +100111100110 uncontrived 2 +100111100110 firs 2 +100111100110 Spitfire 2 +100111100110 fighterbombers 2 +100111100110 AC-130 2 +100111100110 space-research 2 +100111100110 aircraft-communications 2 +100111100110 ripens 2 +100111100110 II-type 2 +100111100110 free-sheet 2 +100111100110 saxatilis 2 +100111100110 gatling 2 +100111100110 weapons-making 2 +100111100110 Turboprop 2 +100111100110 rosa 2 +100111100110 P-body 2 +100111100110 Akula 2 +100111100110 all-Beethoven 2 +100111100110 8-inch 2 +100111100110 blow-molding 2 +100111100110 laser-weapons 2 +100111100110 AGM-130 2 +100111100110 redecoration 2 +100111100110 honeydew 2 +100111100110 testrange 2 +100111100110 EP-3E 3 +100111100110 aircraft-training 3 +100111100110 Ilyushin 3 +100111100110 retrofits 3 +100111100110 B-25 3 +100111100110 four-stroke 3 +100111100110 trijet 3 +100111100110 still-life 3 +100111100110 mobile-missile 3 +100111100110 crew-training 3 +100111100110 proof-of-purchase 3 +100111100110 stepper 3 +100111100110 all-wheel-drive 3 +100111100110 ground-wood 3 +100111100110 767-200ER 3 +100111100110 impatiens 3 +100111100110 prowler 3 +100111100110 neo-classical 3 +100111100110 net-pen 3 +100111100110 aircraft-electronics 3 +100111100110 Tigershark 3 +100111100110 ginger-ale 3 +100111100110 backpacking 3 +100111100110 Boeing-737 3 +100111100110 Ariane-3 3 +100111100110 reconnaisance 3 +100111100110 altimeter 3 +100111100110 G-1 3 +100111100110 jellybean 3 +100111100110 325is 3 +100111100110 PW-2000 3 +100111100110 Peacekeeper 3 +100111100110 200SX 3 +100111100110 flight-inspection 3 +100111100110 MD-81 3 +100111100110 antiballistic-missile 3 +100111100110 combat-system 4 +100111100110 co-processor 4 +100111100110 A-340-200 4 +100111100110 banknote 4 +100111100110 Buran 4 +100111100110 suppressor 4 +100111100110 A310-300 4 +100111100110 short-to-medium 4 +100111100110 reconaissance 4 +100111100110 fuel-cell 4 +100111100110 F-27 4 +100111100110 Commander-in-Chief 4 +100111100110 SR-71 4 +100111100110 MD11 4 +100111100110 air-breathing 4 +100111100110 classiest 4 +100111100110 B-767s 4 +100111100110 industry-owned 4 +100111100110 4s 4 +100111100110 superalloy 4 +100111100110 tri-jets 4 +100111100110 747-100 4 +100111100110 estanciero 4 +100111100110 Cobras 4 +100111100110 missile-system 4 +100111100110 A-300-600 4 +100111100110 cratered 4 +100111100110 Raskolnikov 4 +100111100110 quasi-military 4 +100111100110 longhorn 4 +100111100110 deodorizing 4 +100111100110 P-7A 4 +100111100110 727-200 4 +100111100110 shuddering 5 +100111100110 727-100 5 +100111100110 H-1 5 +100111100110 Tomcat 5 +100111100110 landing-gear 5 +100111100110 F/A-18C 5 +100111100110 R3000 5 +100111100110 data-recording 5 +100111100110 chloride-backed 5 +100111100110 B1 5 +100111100110 test-equipment 5 +100111100110 F-16C 5 +100111100110 airframes 5 +100111100110 cut-out 5 +100111100110 anti-collision 5 +100111100110 twinjet 5 +100111100110 34D 5 +100111100110 Woolite 5 +100111100110 CFM-56 5 +100111100110 purifier 5 +100111100110 pentachlorophenol 6 +100111100110 MD-87 6 +100111100110 NX 6 +100111100110 Manchu 6 +100111100110 A-310-300 6 +100111100110 Maktoum 6 +100111100110 SSN-688 6 +100111100110 Bluebird 6 +100111100110 Lacrosse 6 +100111100110 commode 6 +100111100110 oat-bran 6 +100111100110 Superfan 6 +100111100110 anti-radar 6 +100111100110 sulfide 6 +100111100110 Ledger 6 +100111100110 jet-fighter 6 +100111100110 airman 6 +100111100110 duct 6 +100111100110 dressmaker 7 +100111100110 washroom 7 +100111100110 A-321 7 +100111100110 tri-jet 7 +100111100110 hot-water 7 +100111100110 emulsion 7 +100111100110 EFA 7 +100111100110 F16 7 +100111100110 minesweeper 7 +100111100110 rummy 8 +100111100110 RS 8 +100111100110 four-engined 8 +100111100110 F-1 8 +100111100110 slasher 8 +100111100110 767-300ER 8 +100111100110 Chinook 8 +100111100110 Hind 8 +100111100110 corkscrew 8 +100111100110 home-run 8 +100111100110 Belarus 8 +100111100110 Blackjack 8 +100111100110 gunship 8 +100111100110 Osprey 8 +100111100110 satellite-launch 8 +100111100110 Ariane-4 8 +100111100110 floater 8 +100111100110 F-50 8 +100111100110 cinder-block 9 +100111100110 turbojet 9 +100111100110 pebble 9 +100111100110 wide-bodies 9 +100111100110 smasher 9 +100111100110 MD-83 9 +100111100110 Kenworth 9 +100111100110 8086 9 +100111100110 rocket-motor 9 +100111100110 amplifier 9 +100111100110 howitzer 9 +100111100110 .45 9 +100111100110 Tristar 9 +100111100110 rotor 9 +100111100110 sapphire 9 +100111100110 ALR-67 9 +100111100110 88000 9 +100111100110 L&M 10 +100111100110 monomer 10 +100111100110 oxidizer 10 +100111100110 blower 10 +100111100110 767-200 10 +100111100110 SuperFan 10 +100111100110 747-300 10 +100111100110 eucalyptus 10 +100111100110 kinetic-kill 10 +100111100110 T-46 10 +100111100110 Pulsar 10 +100111100110 roundtrip 10 +100111100110 T800 11 +100111100110 Wok 11 +100111100110 sentry 11 +100111100110 A-310 11 +100111100110 isotope 11 +100111100110 A1 11 +100111100110 inter-island 11 +100111100110 PW-4000 12 +100111100110 turbofan 12 +100111100110 antidepressant 12 +100111100110 Rafale 12 +100111100110 Seawolf 12 +100111100110 A-300 13 +100111100110 fir 13 +100111100110 XE 13 +100111100110 peroxide 13 +100111100110 Backfire 13 +100111100110 O-ring 13 +100111100110 V2500 13 +100111100110 fighter-bomber 13 +100111100110 air-cooled 14 +100111100110 speedboat 14 +100111100110 DC-8 14 +100111100110 acetate 15 +100111100110 ordnance 15 +100111100110 icebreaker 15 +100111100110 pinball 15 +100111100110 300E 15 +100111100110 68030 15 +100111100110 hopper 16 +100111100110 Starship 16 +100111100110 7J-7 17 +100111100110 MiG 17 +100111100110 aviator 17 +100111100110 rodent 18 +100111100110 workhorse 18 +100111100110 Cray-3 18 +100111100110 A340 18 +100111100110 metal-cutting 18 +100111100110 Blackhawk 18 +100111100110 A320 19 +100111100110 octane 20 +100111100110 projectile 20 +100111100110 747-200 20 +100111100110 757-200 20 +100111100110 Hornet 20 +100111100110 aptitude 21 +100111100110 Aeromexico 22 +100111100110 causeway 22 +100111100110 ATF 22 +100111100110 Amraam 22 +100111100110 SS-25 22 +100111100110 kraft 22 +100111100110 marsh 23 +100111100110 AWACS 24 +100111100110 three-door 24 +100111100110 herb 25 +100111100110 carbide 25 +100111100110 drone 26 +100111100110 drainage 26 +100111100110 767-300 27 +100111100110 V-22 27 +100111100110 737-500 27 +100111100110 heater 30 +100111100110 Y-MP 30 +100111100110 launcher 31 +100111100110 SS-24 31 +100111100110 elm 31 +100111100110 membrane 32 +100111100110 interceptor 32 +100111100110 737-200 33 +100111100110 D-5 33 +100111100110 buffalo 34 +100111100110 twin-jet 34 +100111100110 advanced-technology 34 +100111100110 Aquila 35 +100111100110 P-3 35 +100111100110 space-launch 35 +100111100110 Aeroflot 35 +100111100110 crab 35 +100111100110 Concorde 35 +100111100110 power-plant 36 +100111100110 Phalanx 36 +100111100110 ballistic-missile 36 +100111100110 737-400 36 +100111100110 MRI 36 +100111100110 matrix 37 +100111100110 Tide 38 +100111100110 turboprop 38 +100111100110 missile-guidance 38 +100111100110 sub 38 +100111100110 whaling 38 +100111100110 wafer 39 +100111100110 payload 39 +100111100110 F/A-18 40 +100111100110 L-1011 41 +100111100110 ICBM 42 +100111100110 cruise-missile 43 +100111100110 7J7 43 +100111100110 propeller 43 +100111100110 airframe 44 +100111100110 mortar 44 +100111100110 LHX 46 +100111100110 re-entry 47 +100111100110 C-17 47 +100111100110 707 49 +100111100110 Sentra 50 +100111100110 early-warning 50 +100111100110 grenade 52 +100111100110 737-300 53 +100111100110 F-18 53 +100111100110 robber 56 +100111100110 DC-9 56 +100111100110 air-defense 57 +100111100110 antenna 58 +100111100110 A-330 59 +100111100110 cruiser 59 +100111100110 compartment 60 +100111100110 propulsion 60 +100111100110 accessory 62 +100111100110 Holocaust 62 +100111100110 alloy 64 +100111100110 atom 66 +100111100110 Ariane 66 +100111100110 simulator 66 +100111100110 grape 67 +100111100110 A-6 68 +100111100110 FSX 68 +100111100110 reconnaissance 69 +100111100110 F-20 71 +100111100110 propfan 71 +100111100110 Mirage 80 +100111100110 SS-20 80 +100111100110 MD-80 81 +100111100110 747-400 85 +100111100110 Awacs 86 +100111100110 A-320 92 +100111100110 incinerator 101 +100111100110 DC-10 101 +100111100110 727 106 +100111100110 X-ray 108 +100111100110 vending 110 +100111100110 trainer 110 +100111100110 767 112 +100111100110 chloride 112 +100111100110 Sparc 112 +100111100110 paperboard 115 +100111100110 A-340 116 +100111100110 Aegis 118 +100111100110 detergent 122 +100111100110 B-2 133 +100111100110 757 135 +100111100110 antibody 143 +100111100110 salad 143 +100111100110 Midgetman 148 +100111100110 B-1 150 +100111100110 subcompact 151 +100111100110 munitions 158 +100111100110 attendant 159 +100111100110 fax 160 +100111100110 potato 163 +100111100110 laundry 169 +100111100110 silicon 183 +100111100110 artillery 184 +100111100110 brass 192 +100111100110 MD-11 194 +100111100110 airliner 200 +100111100110 747 225 +100111100110 precision 231 +100111100110 explosives 233 +100111100110 custom 235 +100111100110 737 236 +100111100110 jetliner 241 +100111100110 booster 259 +100111100110 submarine 277 +100111100110 microprocessor 308 +100111100110 pipe 356 +100111100110 MX 394 +100111100110 airplane 412 +100111100110 bomber 417 +100111100110 motor 504 +100111100110 charter 507 +100111100110 freight 544 +100111100110 helicopter 556 +100111100110 cargo 623 +100111100110 fighter 651 +100111100110 radar 656 +100111100110 rocket 686 +100111100110 laboratory 852 +100111100110 satellite 994 +100111100110 airport 1192 +100111100110 shuttle 1269 +100111100110 jet 1310 +100111100110 metal 1536 +100111100110 missile 1574 +100111100110 engine 1593 +100111100110 flight 2505 +100111100110 aircraft 4787 +100111100110 paper 5812 +1001111001110 03138-131 1 +1001111001110 Filbert 1 +1001111001110 1-selling 1 +1001111001110 Collapses 1 +1001111001110 Ts 1 +1001111001110 3,668,658 1 +1001111001110 89-57 1 +1001111001110 27,800 1 +1001111001110 2784 1 +1001111001110 Walesboro 2 +1001111001110 2051 2 +1001111001110 rat-race 2 +1001111001110 1,2,3 2 +1001111001110 8-100s 2 +1001111001110 KitKat 2 +1001111001110 70-mile-an-hour 2 +1001111001110 odontoglossums 2 +1001111001110 Birchtree 2 +1001111001110 canefields 2 +1001111001110 Phantoms 2 +1001111001110 9200 2 +1001111001110 5-foot-11-inch 2 +1001111001110 firebrick 2 +1001111001110 8500 3 +1001111001110 2750 3 +1001111001110 PFP 3 +1001111001110 Centauri 3 +1001111001110 lavenders 3 +1001111001110 1342 3 +1001111001110 villainy 3 +1001111001110 carbaryl 3 +1001111001110 marginals 3 +1001111001110 bullring 4 +1001111001110 SS-21s 4 +1001111001110 TCS 4 +1001111001110 Trofeo 4 +1001111001110 mops 4 +1001111001110 Nescafe 4 +1001111001110 enviroment 4 +1001111001110 genealogy 4 +1001111001110 vigils 4 +1001111001110 mallets 4 +1001111001110 bifida 4 +1001111001110 flatulence 4 +1001111001110 Novocain 4 +1001111001110 mozzarella 5 +1001111001110 latrines 5 +1001111001110 icebergs 5 +1001111001110 credenza 5 +1001111001110 Elavil 5 +1001111001110 yokels 5 +1001111001110 paraffin 5 +1001111001110 cleavage 5 +1001111001110 quill 5 +1001111001110 nematode 5 +1001111001110 custard 6 +1001111001110 quails 6 +1001111001110 cackling 6 +1001111001110 bugling 6 +1001111001110 coves 6 +1001111001110 pantsuit 6 +1001111001110 parsley 6 +1001111001110 ferro 6 +1001111001110 redwoods 6 +1001111001110 watermelons 7 +1001111001110 parkland 7 +1001111001110 narrators 7 +1001111001110 sparrows 7 +1001111001110 lemmings 7 +1001111001110 domesticity 7 +1001111001110 milkweed 7 +1001111001110 fortifications 7 +1001111001110 uni 7 +1001111001110 Madras 7 +1001111001110 U-2 7 +1001111001110 scrimmage 8 +1001111001110 pastrami 8 +1001111001110 revelry 8 +1001111001110 Foltene 8 +1001111001110 cider 8 +1001111001110 hardwoods 8 +1001111001110 sod 8 +1001111001110 deerskin 8 +1001111001110 theatricality 8 +1001111001110 groveling 8 +1001111001110 crepe 8 +1001111001110 hide-and-seek 8 +1001111001110 tofu 8 +1001111001110 wastepaper 8 +1001111001110 macroeconomics 8 +1001111001110 Khad 8 +1001111001110 grime 9 +1001111001110 chastity 9 +1001111001110 hymns 9 +1001111001110 gras 9 +1001111001110 1961-69 9 +1001111001110 noninterference 9 +1001111001110 linoleum 9 +1001111001110 meatballs 9 +1001111001110 muffin 9 +1001111001110 garter 9 +1001111001110 songwriting 10 +1001111001110 rhythmically 10 +1001111001110 sturgeon 10 +1001111001110 WGN 10 +1001111001110 riverfront 10 +1001111001110 Sabbath 10 +1001111001110 muggers 10 +1001111001110 napalm 10 +1001111001110 mountainsides 10 +1001111001110 spinach 10 +1001111001110 sangiovese 11 +1001111001110 collagen 11 +1001111001110 zucchini 11 +1001111001110 freestyle 11 +1001111001110 helplessness 11 +1001111001110 greenery 11 +1001111001110 SS-24s 12 +1001111001110 dumpsters 12 +1001111001110 coiled 12 +1001111001110 cabotage 12 +1001111001110 celery 12 +1001111001110 woodlands 13 +1001111001110 vanillin 13 +1001111001110 lard 13 +1001111001110 octopus 13 +1001111001110 puffery 13 +1001111001110 cube 13 +1001111001110 hand-holding 14 +1001111001110 ed 14 +1001111001110 underdogs 14 +1001111001110 overbooking 14 +1001111001110 brine 14 +1001111001110 boxcar 16 +1001111001110 airship 16 +1001111001110 hearth 17 +1001111001110 tartar 17 +1001111001110 '92 17 +1001111001110 filler 17 +1001111001110 moss 17 +1001111001110 magnesium 17 +1001111001110 algebra 18 +1001111001110 slime 18 +1001111001110 finger-pointing 18 +1001111001110 lacrosse 18 +1001111001110 pigeon 18 +1001111001110 rhyme 19 +1001111001110 silverware 19 +1001111001110 compost 19 +1001111001110 3600 19 +1001111001110 reed 19 +1001111001110 jelly 20 +1001111001110 scrubbers 20 +1001111001110 arc 20 +1001111001110 stockyards 20 +1001111001110 obscenities 20 +1001111001110 grasses 20 +1001111001110 self-rule 21 +1001111001110 effluent 21 +1001111001110 tequila 21 +1001111001110 bun 21 +1001111001110 lipstick 22 +1001111001110 froth 22 +1001111001110 gentrification 22 +1001111001110 crabs 22 +1001111001110 partying 22 +1001111001110 acidity 22 +1001111001110 forage 23 +1001111001110 fright 23 +1001111001110 pantyhose 23 +1001111001110 insanity 23 +1001111001110 chaff 23 +1001111001110 number-crunching 24 +1001111001110 hostage-taking 24 +1001111001110 pavement 25 +1001111001110 contraband 26 +1001111001110 cropland 26 +1001111001110 pyramids 27 +1001111001110 sizzle 27 +1001111001110 fluff 27 +1001111001110 orchards 27 +1001111001110 reprisal 28 +1001111001110 ether 28 +1001111001110 ammonia 29 +1001111001110 pigment 29 +1001111001110 asparagus 29 +1001111001110 rancor 29 +1001111001110 decoration 30 +1001111001110 meditation 30 +1001111001110 cabbage 30 +1001111001110 mercury 30 +1001111001110 lemonade 31 +1001111001110 trench 33 +1001111001110 gown 33 +1001111001110 garlic 33 +1001111001110 catfish 34 +1001111001110 Jell-O 35 +1001111001110 misinformation 36 +1001111001110 desserts 36 +1001111001110 sakau 38 +1001111001110 bushes 39 +1001111001110 subsistence 40 +1001111001110 ribbon 41 +1001111001110 conciliation 41 +1001111001110 RNA 41 +1001111001110 arch 42 +1001111001110 glitz 43 +1001111001110 shoreline 46 +1001111001110 bleach 47 +1001111001110 coolant 47 +1001111001110 sidewalks 48 +1001111001110 insecticide 49 +1001111001110 pasture 49 +1001111001110 wills 50 +1001111001110 fruitcake 50 +1001111001110 bourbon 50 +1001111001110 manure 51 +1001111001110 chili 54 +1001111001110 2500 55 +1001111001110 gravel 56 +1001111001110 dynamite 59 +1001111001110 2200 62 +1001111001110 gunfire 62 +1001111001110 sunshine 63 +1001111001110 gin 65 +1001111001110 accelerator 65 +1001111001110 rationing 66 +1001111001110 carpets 67 +1001111001110 PPP 67 +1001111001110 glue 70 +1001111001110 caviar 70 +1001111001110 layout 71 +1001111001110 habitat 72 +1001111001110 3000 74 +1001111001110 outdoors 76 +1001111001110 sludge 78 +1001111001110 electrons 79 +1001111001110 bonding 79 +1001111001110 canvas 80 +1001111001110 yogurt 80 +1001111001110 tar 81 +1001111001110 rhythm 81 +1001111001110 cloth 82 +1001111001110 stairs 82 +1001111001110 suspense 83 +1001111001110 Krasnoyarsk 86 +1001111001110 rehearsal 86 +1001111001110 sunlight 87 +1001111001110 hydrogen 87 +1001111001110 sandwich 89 +1001111001110 plutonium 91 +1001111001110 hysteria 92 +1001111001110 famine 95 +1001111001110 hay 96 +1001111001110 fireworks 97 +1001111001110 debris 98 +1001111001110 ash 99 +1001111001110 bait 104 +1001111001110 airspace 104 +1001111001110 timberland 109 +1001111001110 rope 114 +1001111001110 blues 114 +1001111001110 grapes 116 +1001111001110 detente 121 +1001111001110 vodka 124 +1001111001110 nostalgia 126 +1001111001110 gum 128 +1001111001110 clay 129 +1001111001110 wilderness 129 +1001111001110 sauce 134 +1001111001110 farmland 139 +1001111001110 impulse 140 +1001111001110 medication 146 +1001111001110 correspondence 147 +1001111001110 bathroom 151 +1001111001110 romance 152 +1001111001110 jungle 162 +1001111001110 powder 164 +1001111001110 cake 165 +1001111001110 hype 166 +1001111001110 sheep 167 +1001111001110 adventure 172 +1001111001110 chemistry 180 +1001111001110 salmon 181 +1001111001110 tail 183 +1001111001110 luggage 189 +1001111001110 mud 195 +1001111001110 soup 203 +1001111001110 salt 204 +1001111001110 battlefield 208 +1001111001110 grass 211 +1001111001110 addiction 213 +1001111001110 insulation 216 +1001111001110 pie 216 +1001111001110 terror 216 +1001111001110 oxygen 222 +1001111001110 sand 222 +1001111001110 baggage 231 +1001111001110 butter 232 +1001111001110 patience 236 +1001111001110 cheese 239 +1001111001110 snow 259 +1001111001110 noise 263 +1001111001110 bread 297 +1001111001110 holidays 307 +1001111001110 plate 315 +1001111001110 tissue 339 +1001111001110 infection 340 +1001111001110 medium 346 +1001111001110 dust 349 +1001111001110 privacy 402 +1001111001110 therapy 427 +1001111001110 fruit 495 +1001111001110 steam 655 +1001111001110 offensive 689 +1001111001110 rain 776 +1001111001110 heat 893 +1001111001110 fish 923 +1001111001110 litigation 2198 +1001111001110 music 2363 +1001111001110 ground 2605 +1001111001110 property 3489 +1001111001110 water 3549 +1001111001110 space 3643 +1001111001110 land 3738 +1001111001110 war 5434 +10011110011110 feed-water 1 +10011110011110 monotheistic 1 +10011110011110 schlemiels 1 +10011110011110 better-yielding 1 +10011110011110 Publica 1 +10011110011110 plant-specific 1 +10011110011110 maintenance-tracking 1 +10011110011110 latchings 1 +10011110011110 gardening-tools 1 +10011110011110 little-traded 1 +10011110011110 phallus 1 +10011110011110 new-class 1 +10011110011110 electronics-system 1 +10011110011110 corporate- 1 +10011110011110 checkout-scanning 1 +10011110011110 trademark-licensing 1 +10011110011110 car-radio 1 +10011110011110 odalisques 1 +10011110011110 die-design 1 +10011110011110 phone-dialing 1 +10011110011110 launch-related 1 +10011110011110 fried-seafood 1 +10011110011110 business-safety 1 +10011110011110 Gottex 1 +10011110011110 hip-waders 1 +10011110011110 lentil 1 +10011110011110 repairers 1 +10011110011110 ochres 1 +10011110011110 overgraded 1 +10011110011110 axial 1 +10011110011110 tech-low 1 +10011110011110 S-series 1 +10011110011110 red-bean 1 +10011110011110 troglodytic 1 +10011110011110 local-exchange 1 +10011110011110 train-inspection 1 +10011110011110 urban-aid 1 +10011110011110 radiation-therapy 1 +10011110011110 land-moving 1 +10011110011110 checks-and-balances 1 +10011110011110 pitch-sensing 1 +10011110011110 ophthalmoscope 1 +10011110011110 ozonides 1 +10011110011110 high-beta 1 +10011110011110 spectrum-analyzer 1 +10011110011110 rand-hedge 1 +10011110011110 cask 1 +10011110011110 medium-capitalized 1 +10011110011110 travel-reservation 1 +10011110011110 electronic-test 1 +10011110011110 datastorage 1 +10011110011110 liability-lid 1 +10011110011110 ultra-filtration 1 +10011110011110 audience-polling 1 +10011110011110 narcotics-control 1 +10011110011110 car-related 1 +10011110011110 tape-coating 1 +10011110011110 inaugurations 1 +10011110011110 yenta 1 +10011110011110 nonindustrial 1 +10011110011110 low-dividend-paying 1 +10011110011110 major-capitalization 1 +10011110011110 support-software 1 +10011110011110 douches 1 +10011110011110 strength-training 1 +10011110011110 direct-mailing 1 +10011110011110 5,461 1 +10011110011110 passenger-information 1 +10011110011110 cholesterol-reduction 1 +10011110011110 quasi-populist 1 +10011110011110 antiaging 1 +10011110011110 transpositions 1 +10011110011110 172,038 1 +10011110011110 equipment-making 1 +10011110011110 industrial-minerals 1 +10011110011110 sign-making 1 +10011110011110 GSP-related 1 +10011110011110 notchback 1 +10011110011110 interestsensitive 1 +10011110011110 electronic-design 2 +10011110011110 boy. 2 +10011110011110 bioherbicide 2 +10011110011110 photorealism 2 +10011110011110 luminosity 2 +10011110011110 trust-management 2 +10011110011110 1,218 2 +10011110011110 excreta 2 +10011110011110 clapper 2 +10011110011110 database-manager 2 +10011110011110 intellection 2 +10011110011110 most-recommended 2 +10011110011110 trade-monitoring 2 +10011110011110 countercharge 2 +10011110011110 growth-company 2 +10011110011110 businesss 2 +10011110011110 cheekbones 2 +10011110011110 rotatable 2 +10011110011110 antipersonnel 2 +10011110011110 1,401 2 +10011110011110 cellular-communication 2 +10011110011110 Subarus 2 +10011110011110 set-ups 2 +10011110011110 third-line 2 +10011110011110 order-distribution 2 +10011110011110 AutoCAD 2 +10011110011110 trade-crossing 2 +10011110011110 VGA 2 +10011110011110 recoded 2 +10011110011110 rollerskating 2 +10011110011110 Technet 2 +10011110011110 weight-training 2 +10011110011110 tomagraphic 2 +10011110011110 presentation-manager 2 +10011110011110 paper-manufacturing 2 +10011110011110 SpeechViewer 2 +10011110011110 carlike 2 +10011110011110 ultra-lightweight 2 +10011110011110 A-frame 2 +10011110011110 trade-confirmation 2 +10011110011110 CenDec 2 +10011110011110 polypropylene-based 2 +10011110011110 variety-type 2 +10011110011110 drug-chain 2 +10011110011110 Pomeranians 2 +10011110011110 consumer-growth 2 +10011110011110 insulin-delivery 2 +10011110011110 automatic-transmission 2 +10011110011110 Japanese-like 2 +10011110011110 computer-booking 2 +10011110011110 myself. 2 +10011110011110 perm 2 +10011110011110 adornment 2 +10011110011110 1,029 2 +10011110011110 gerontologists 2 +10011110011110 orangeade 2 +10011110011110 CoAdvil 3 +10011110011110 pink-sheet 3 +10011110011110 construction-grant 3 +10011110011110 active-matrix 3 +10011110011110 1,356 3 +10011110011110 1,749 3 +10011110011110 survivalism 3 +10011110011110 chipmaking 3 +10011110011110 mask-making 3 +10011110011110 1,064 3 +10011110011110 beam-control 3 +10011110011110 resource-related 3 +10011110011110 untended 3 +10011110011110 PC/Forum 3 +10011110011110 cordiality 3 +10011110011110 barometric 3 +10011110011110 10-2 3 +10011110011110 workplace-exposure 3 +10011110011110 consols 3 +10011110011110 polyols 3 +10011110011110 magneto-optical 3 +10011110011110 high-capitalization 3 +10011110011110 vote-tallying 3 +10011110011110 satiety 3 +10011110011110 refried 3 +10011110011110 color-printing 3 +10011110011110 Ibans 4 +10011110011110 hyperthermia 4 +10011110011110 encapsulation 4 +10011110011110 MultiFinder 4 +10011110011110 cellular-communications 4 +10011110011110 cable-ready 4 +10011110011110 duplicator 4 +10011110011110 subsystem 4 +10011110011110 A/UX 4 +10011110011110 quick-profit 4 +10011110011110 missile-warning 4 +10011110011110 Xenix 4 +10011110011110 barcode 4 +10011110011110 1,183 4 +10011110011110 duplicators 4 +10011110011110 auto-focus 5 +10011110011110 incentive-backed 5 +10011110011110 large-company 5 +10011110011110 Pyrex 5 +10011110011110 Garfields 5 +10011110011110 casseroles 5 +10011110011110 document-matching 5 +10011110011110 freon 5 +10011110011110 XTs 5 +10011110011110 manikin 5 +10011110011110 Netware 6 +10011110011110 Caridex 6 +10011110011110 horseflesh 6 +10011110011110 Vancouver-listed 6 +10011110011110 tomography 6 +10011110011110 PALs 6 +10011110011110 figuration 6 +10011110011110 Pagemaker 6 +10011110011110 chemical-weapon 6 +10011110011110 algorithms 6 +10011110011110 shrubbery 6 +10011110011110 debugging 7 +10011110011110 vote-counting 7 +10011110011110 replicase 7 +10011110011110 Q-beta 7 +10011110011110 photo-radar 7 +10011110011110 minis 7 +10011110011110 Fosters 8 +10011110011110 vector 8 +10011110011110 psychobabble 8 +10011110011110 Inboard 8 +10011110011110 sculpturing 8 +10011110011110 health-service 9 +10011110011110 F-150 9 +10011110011110 groupware 9 +10011110011110 videodisk 9 +10011110011110 frock 9 +10011110011110 PARS 9 +10011110011110 pigskin 10 +10011110011110 levitation 10 +10011110011110 MagNet 10 +10011110011110 order-entry 10 +10011110011110 betel 10 +10011110011110 superminicomputer 11 +10011110011110 PSR 11 +10011110011110 typeface 11 +10011110011110 rustproofing 11 +10011110011110 MS/DOS 11 +10011110011110 monorail 12 +10011110011110 co-insurance 12 +10011110011110 interest-rate-sensitive 12 +10011110011110 urethane 12 +10011110011110 6300 12 +10011110011110 quartz 12 +10011110011110 100-index 12 +10011110011110 Legends 13 +10011110011110 embroidery 13 +10011110011110 VisiCalc 13 +10011110011110 Postscript 14 +10011110011110 big-capitalization 14 +10011110011110 bluechip 15 +10011110011110 yttrium 16 +10011110011110 sculpting 17 +10011110011110 aftermarket 22 +10011110011110 toner 22 +10011110011110 Maxima 23 +10011110011110 Rolex 23 +10011110011110 typesetting 24 +10011110011110 DOS 24 +10011110011110 pager 25 +10011110011110 supercollider 29 +10011110011110 penicillin 29 +10011110011110 XT 30 +10011110011110 thallium 31 +10011110011110 UNIX 33 +10011110011110 smaller-capitalization 35 +10011110011110 rate-sensitive 35 +10011110011110 disc 38 +10011110011110 scanner 40 +10011110011110 hard-disk 43 +10011110011110 small-capitalization 44 +10011110011110 composites 45 +10011110011110 interest-sensitive 47 +10011110011110 helium 49 +10011110011110 hygiene 50 +10011110011110 nut 53 +10011110011110 sensor 62 +10011110011110 tech 63 +10011110011110 resonance 65 +10011110011110 generics 74 +10011110011110 MS-DOS 79 +10011110011110 Legend 82 +10011110011110 large-capitalization 90 +10011110011110 magnets 90 +10011110011110 stationery 91 +10011110011110 popcorn 97 +10011110011110 AT 100 +10011110011110 carpeting 118 +10011110011110 ceramics 148 +10011110011110 photography 151 +10011110011110 networking 153 +10011110011110 nitrogen 156 +10011110011110 spreadsheet 215 +10011110011110 OS/2 236 +10011110011110 reservation 309 +10011110011110 1-2-3 334 +10011110011110 printer 349 +10011110011110 Unix 429 +10011110011110 graphics 491 +10011110011110 blue-chip 694 +10011110011110 disk 840 +10011110011110 hardware 849 +10011110011110 technology 6072 +10011110011110 software 4195 +10011110011111 cotton-mouth 1 +10011110011111 connaisseuse 1 +10011110011111 McCambridge 1 +10011110011111 tete-a-tetes 1 +10011110011111 8282 1 +10011110011111 sextants 1 +10011110011111 Underalls 1 +10011110011111 '56 1 +10011110011111 8582 1 +10011110011111 extruders 1 +10011110011111 rain/snow 1 +10011110011111 ethnography 1 +10011110011111 anti-parasitic 1 +10011110011111 pochee 1 +10011110011111 cargo-related 1 +10011110011111 pomace 1 +10011110011111 hybridization 1 +10011110011111 probe-based 1 +10011110011111 5329 1 +10011110011111 orchid-viewing 1 +10011110011111 anti-viruses 1 +10011110011111 rose-and-green 1 +10011110011111 nucleating 1 +10011110011111 Sings 1 +10011110011111 1040-ES 1 +10011110011111 VE-2-2508 1 +10011110011111 831-553-1 1 +10011110011111 837-176-1 1 +10011110011111 spectrograph 1 +10011110011111 traffic-messages 1 +10011110011111 Regression 1 +10011110011111 inducers 1 +10011110011111 hash-browns 1 +10011110011111 Disclaimer 1 +10011110011111 hulling 1 +10011110011111 auger 1 +10011110011111 sororities. 1 +10011110011111 spermatozoa 1 +10011110011111 4626-W 1 +10011110011111 1040-X 1 +10011110011111 typherium 1 +10011110011111 sulphide 1 +10011110011111 2031. 1 +10011110011111 Gumbie 1 +10011110011111 1099-B. 1 +10011110011111 programs-research 1 +10011110011111 disemboweled 1 +10011110011111 1040ES 1 +10011110011111 ceviche 1 +10011110011111 kabob 1 +10011110011111 nog 1 +10011110011111 shantung 1 +10011110011111 crepes 1 +10011110011111 giftgiving 1 +10011110011111 1099-S 1 +10011110011111 sequesterants 1 +10011110011111 cargo-vessels 1 +10011110011111 shuttlecocks 1 +10011110011111 foo 1 +10011110011111 cream-making 1 +10011110011111 entrance-examination 1 +10011110011111 treatment-evaluation 1 +10011110011111 5498 1 +10011110011111 Seders 1 +10011110011111 Classico 1 +10011110011111 sickness. 1 +10011110011111 political-corruption 1 +10011110011111 5500EZ 1 +10011110011111 Scrapbook 1 +10011110011111 prognostication 1 +10011110011111 Cost-Shifting 1 +10011110011111 Stardom 1 +10011110011111 water-sea 1 +10011110011111 reader-printer 1 +10011110011111 aria-mongers 1 +10011110011111 ordains 1 +10011110011111 Setup 1 +10011110011111 slug-kebab 1 +10011110011111 Mahood 1 +10011110011111 Record-Tribune 1 +10011110011111 weather-Kansas 1 +10011110011111 antimonide 1 +10011110011111 20-minute-long 1 +10011110011111 resurfacer 1 +10011110011111 half-figures 1 +10011110011111 Profiteer 1 +10011110011111 phraseologist 1 +10011110011111 pyres 1 +10011110011111 LaCoste 1 +10011110011111 beurre 1 +10011110011111 seders 1 +10011110011111 cream. 1 +10011110011111 virs 1 +10011110011111 gardener-writers 1 +10011110011111 lites 1 +10011110011111 sveltes 1 +10011110011111 noncertified 1 +10011110011111 cleanable 1 +10011110011111 cathedra 1 +10011110011111 minus/A-1-plus 1 +10011110011111 rovings 1 +10011110011111 grogginess 1 +10011110011111 fumigant 1 +10011110011111 18-6 1 +10011110011111 Ripperologist 1 +10011110011111 antiques. 1 +10011110011111 Benzes 1 +10011110011111 ironware 1 +10011110011111 waistcoats 1 +10011110011111 finos 1 +10011110011111 holdbacks 1 +10011110011111 curer 1 +10011110011111 silicate 2 +10011110011111 prunings 2 +10011110011111 attractant 2 +10011110011111 signboards 2 +10011110011111 3115 2 +10011110011111 marinara 2 +10011110011111 nectars 2 +10011110011111 sauteed 2 +10011110011111 suppressors 2 +10011110011111 linesman 2 +10011110011111 300SEL 2 +10011110011111 savannas 2 +10011110011111 ratemaking 2 +10011110011111 gulches 2 +10011110011111 penury 2 +10011110011111 MoCA 2 +10011110011111 2688 2 +10011110011111 profiteer 2 +10011110011111 jack-o'-lanterns 2 +10011110011111 parte 2 +10011110011111 bugled 2 +10011110011111 machina 2 +10011110011111 slims 2 +10011110011111 Bound-type 2 +10011110011111 1040X 2 +10011110011111 bromeliads 2 +10011110011111 forests. 2 +10011110011111 hexachloride 2 +10011110011111 service. 2 +10011110011111 mini-museums 2 +10011110011111 8606 2 +10011110011111 sweetbread 2 +10011110011111 hospital-insurance 3 +10011110011111 pulley 3 +10011110011111 1040-A 3 +10011110011111 compactors 3 +10011110011111 crocs 3 +10011110011111 Bio/Technology 3 +10011110011111 pectoris 3 +10011110011111 testiness 3 +10011110011111 8283 3 +10011110011111 icecap 3 +10011110011111 pinafore 3 +10011110011111 ripoff 3 +10011110011111 reflux 3 +10011110011111 textbook-publishing 4 +10011110011111 Haunt 4 +10011110011111 shoehorns 4 +10011110011111 steamers 4 +10011110011111 dither 4 +10011110011111 authentication 4 +10011110011111 Verse 4 +10011110011111 compactor 5 +10011110011111 shoot-'em-up 5 +10011110011111 8716 5 +10011110011111 Tracker 5 +10011110011111 bunnies 5 +10011110011111 LCDs 5 +10011110011111 chino 5 +10011110011111 fuzz 5 +10011110011111 preventatives 6 +10011110011111 8598 6 +10011110011111 Seder 6 +10011110011111 1099 6 +10011110011111 simplex 6 +10011110011111 lifers 6 +10011110011111 injector 7 +10011110011111 husbandry 7 +10011110011111 fireproofing 7 +10011110011111 sherbet 7 +10011110011111 sacs 8 +10011110011111 gift-giving 8 +10011110011111 carbonate 9 +10011110011111 carols 9 +10011110011111 yolks 9 +10011110011111 Virus 10 +10011110011111 sequencing 10 +10011110011111 reseller 12 +10011110011111 pail 12 +10011110011111 theocracy 13 +10011110011111 arcade 15 +10011110011111 minimill 15 +10011110011111 cubes 15 +10011110011111 corks 16 +10011110011111 fingerprinting 16 +10011110011111 openers 17 +10011110011111 foliage 18 +10011110011111 balm 23 +10011110011111 sorters 25 +10011110011111 deco 25 +10011110011111 curricula 28 +10011110011111 cork 28 +10011110011111 1040 30 +10011110011111 habitats 33 +10011110011111 educations 35 +10011110011111 telecast 39 +10011110011111 Bound 40 +10011110011111 linen 46 +10011110011111 abatement 47 +10011110011111 nouveau 49 +10011110011111 blackout 51 +10011110011111 conditioner 53 +10011110011111 hotline 55 +10011110011111 interface 56 +10011110011111 arsenide 57 +10011110011111 upstream 57 +10011110011111 sickness 58 +10011110011111 wax 63 +10011110011111 Presley 66 +10011110011111 skating 67 +10011110011111 gateway 72 +10011110011111 vanilla 74 +10011110011111 rod 90 +10011110011111 poisoning 92 +10011110011111 stunt 96 +10011110011111 directory 120 +10011110011111 conditioners 127 +10011110011111 cleaner 157 +10011110011111 Eve 159 +10011110011111 conditioning 177 +10011110011111 prayer 198 +10011110011111 ore 288 +10011110011111 shelter 406 +10011110011111 cream 438 +10011110011111 dance 516 +10011110011111 transport 547 +10011110011111 channel 564 +10011110011111 monopoly 694 +10011110011111 franchise 848 +10011110011111 programming 1147 +10011110011111 fare 1148 +10011110011111 broadcast 1188 +10011110011111 fashion 1228 +10011110011111 weather 1658 +10011110011111 service 8948 +10011110011111 travel 2457 +10011110100 forklift-truck 1 +10011110100 charter-aircraft 1 +10011110100 smoking-tobacco 1 +10011110100 payroll-processing 1 +10011110100 ground-courier 1 +10011110100 bank-data 1 +10011110100 industrial-service 1 +10011110100 microgeneration 1 +10011110100 apparel-retailing 1 +10011110100 office-furnishings 1 +10011110100 customer-accounting 1 +10011110100 options-broking 1 +10011110100 airconditioning 1 +10011110100 waste-recovery 1 +10011110100 label-manufacturing 1 +10011110100 amines 1 +10011110100 dourness 1 +10011110100 hotel-and-casino 1 +10011110100 spray-coating 1 +10011110100 industrial-container 1 +10011110100 storage-terminal 1 +10011110100 baby-product 1 +10011110100 buildingmaterials 1 +10011110100 soundstudio 1 +10011110100 waste-management-services 1 +10011110100 univeral 1 +10011110100 timing-device 1 +10011110100 houseplant 1 +10011110100 trust-services 1 +10011110100 Warszawa 1 +10011110100 uranium-conversion 1 +10011110100 congeneration 1 +10011110100 garment-trucking 1 +10011110100 packaging-products 1 +10011110100 carabineros 1 +10011110100 phony-business 1 +10011110100 steam-iron 1 +10011110100 metals-products 1 +10011110100 individual-investment 1 +10011110100 beer-making 1 +10011110100 steel-product 1 +10011110100 performance-materials 1 +10011110100 linen-supply 1 +10011110100 ripening-inhibitor 1 +10011110100 camping-equipment 1 +10011110100 well-anchored 1 +10011110100 frozen-potato-processing 1 +10011110100 rehabilitation-center 1 +10011110100 healthservices 1 +10011110100 sugar-production 1 +10011110100 equipment-syndication 1 +10011110100 timber-products 1 +10011110100 computing-services 1 +10011110100 hot-chocolate 1 +10011110100 pork-products 1 +10011110100 resort-development 1 +10011110100 pneumatic-automation 1 +10011110100 tooth-care 1 +10011110100 car-leasing 1 +10011110100 toxic-waste-disposal 1 +10011110100 party-favors 1 +10011110100 specialty-product 1 +10011110100 tert-butyl 1 +10011110100 heavy-duty-truck 1 +10011110100 marketing-and-services 1 +10011110100 egocentrism 1 +10011110100 panelling 1 +10011110100 business-finance 1 +10011110100 photographic-equipment 1 +10011110100 blood-substitute 1 +10011110100 gasoline-retailing 1 +10011110100 gendarme 1 +10011110100 Brisbane-based 1 +10011110100 workstation/terminals 1 +10011110100 refrigerated-storage 1 +10011110100 sports-apparel 1 +10011110100 glass-packing 1 +10011110100 slime-plant 1 +10011110100 fastest-shrinking 1 +10011110100 fuels-trading 1 +10011110100 road-transport 1 +10011110100 driveline 1 +10011110100 tent-making 1 +10011110100 automobile- 1 +10011110100 beneficiation 1 +10011110100 fresh-meats 1 +10011110100 public-health-and-safety 1 +10011110100 home-supplies 1 +10011110100 mechanical-services 1 +10011110100 liquidation-services 1 +10011110100 hardware-products 1 +10011110100 food-color 1 +10011110100 utility-dominated 1 +10011110100 PC-software 1 +10011110100 respiratory-therapy 1 +10011110100 audiovisual-products 1 +10011110100 forest-resources 1 +10011110100 corn-canning 1 +10011110100 reform-twisting 1 +10011110100 credit-card-services 1 +10011110100 horse-packing 1 +10011110100 tableting 1 +10011110100 bunkering 2 +10011110100 rubber-products 2 +10011110100 food-and-beverage 2 +10011110100 electrical-machinery 2 +10011110100 consumer-food 2 +10011110100 electronic-keyboard 2 +10011110100 cellular-radio 2 +10011110100 560SEC 2 +10011110100 package-goods 2 +10011110100 interior-construction 2 +10011110100 reinforced-plastics 2 +10011110100 chemical-making 2 +10011110100 food-making 2 +10011110100 process-controls 2 +10011110100 computerized-communications 2 +10011110100 oilfield-services 2 +10011110100 electronics-components 2 +10011110100 electronic-components 2 +10011110100 contract-food 2 +10011110100 commercial-products 2 +10011110100 high-image 2 +10011110100 mah-jongg 2 +10011110100 business-publishing 2 +10011110100 aerospace/technology 2 +10011110100 thoroughbred-breeding 2 +10011110100 contract-research 2 +10011110100 Pritzker-affiliated 2 +10011110100 financial-advisory 2 +10011110100 industrial-vehicle 2 +10011110100 travelers-check 2 +10011110100 railcar-maintenance 2 +10011110100 gas-marketing 2 +10011110100 vermiculite 2 +10011110100 120-year-old 2 +10011110100 Sprinter 2 +10011110100 petroleum-services 2 +10011110100 non-competing 2 +10011110100 manufacturing-technology 2 +10011110100 electrical-electronics 2 +10011110100 nutritional-supplements 2 +10011110100 ironwork 2 +10011110100 automobile-rental 2 +10011110100 bus-manufacturing 2 +10011110100 shrimp-farming 2 +10011110100 beachware 2 +10011110100 Signal-Stat 2 +10011110100 career-school 2 +10011110100 loungewear 2 +10011110100 Stephens-Adamson 2 +10011110100 mushroom-growing 2 +10011110100 computer-disk-drive 2 +10011110100 bio-tech 2 +10011110100 energy-service 2 +10011110100 movie-camera 2 +10011110100 military-equipment 2 +10011110100 specialty-foods 2 +10011110100 non-pill 2 +10011110100 800-service 2 +10011110100 microwave-equipment 2 +10011110100 laser-scanning 2 +10011110100 pipeline-inspection 2 +10011110100 eye-wear 2 +10011110100 videoconferencing 2 +10011110100 building-services 2 +10011110100 pre-theater 2 +10011110100 strategic-materials 2 +10011110100 re-insurance 2 +10011110100 cable-manufacturing 2 +10011110100 lease-financing 2 +10011110100 electronics-goods 2 +10011110100 diversified-services 2 +10011110100 energy-exploration 2 +10011110100 dairy-products 2 +10011110100 oil-pumping 2 +10011110100 Suomi 2 +10011110100 energy-resources 2 +10011110100 communication-systems 2 +10011110100 computer-servicing 2 +10011110100 fluoropolymers 2 +10011110100 electrical-distribution 2 +10011110100 hazardous-waste-management 2 +10011110100 financial-software 2 +10011110100 geothermal-power 2 +10011110100 leisure-services 2 +10011110100 icemaking 2 +10011110100 construction-services 2 +10011110100 lower-price 2 +10011110100 intimate-apparel 2 +10011110100 balustrades 2 +10011110100 furniture-manufacturing 2 +10011110100 Glassware 2 +10011110100 light-metals 2 +10011110100 fire-extinguisher 2 +10011110100 lighting-parts 2 +10011110100 mineral-resources 2 +10011110100 Bra-Con 2 +10011110100 Pennbank 2 +10011110100 bright-red 2 +10011110100 temporary-service 2 +10011110100 boatmaking 2 +10011110100 express-delivery 2 +10011110100 Brockville 2 +10011110100 commodites 2 +10011110100 carbon-products 2 +10011110100 diversified-products 2 +10011110100 international-services 2 +10011110100 particleboard 3 +10011110100 freight-transportation 3 +10011110100 cold-storage 3 +10011110100 processed-meats 3 +10011110100 Almay 3 +10011110100 textile-finishing 3 +10011110100 Wellcraft 3 +10011110100 beauty-aids 3 +10011110100 steel-wire 3 +10011110100 service-merchandising 3 +10011110100 woodcrafts 3 +10011110100 agricultural-equipment 3 +10011110100 well-built 3 +10011110100 freight-car 3 +10011110100 specialty-printing 3 +10011110100 electronic-imaging 3 +10011110100 sports-shoe 3 +10011110100 alcohol- 3 +10011110100 distilled-spirits 3 +10011110100 Franco-Italian 3 +10011110100 nonresidential-construction 3 +10011110100 precision-instrument 3 +10011110100 toiletry 3 +10011110100 office-machine 3 +10011110100 metal-pipe 3 +10011110100 niobium 3 +10011110100 security-guard 3 +10011110100 resorts-development 3 +10011110100 aerospace-defense 3 +10011110100 bio-technology 3 +10011110100 catalog-shopping 3 +10011110100 scientific-instruments 3 +10011110100 environmental-consulting 3 +10011110100 tantalum 3 +10011110100 mineral-exploration 3 +10011110100 agri-business 3 +10011110100 industrial-piping 3 +10011110100 television-game-show 3 +10011110100 plastic-container 3 +10011110100 beef-slaughtering 3 +10011110100 manufactured-homes 3 +10011110100 plasterboard 3 +10011110100 pet-foods 3 +10011110100 writing-instrument 3 +10011110100 teapots 3 +10011110100 gas-utility 3 +10011110100 garment-making 3 +10011110100 missile-systems 3 +10011110100 plastic-products 3 +10011110100 sorter 3 +10011110100 better-focused 3 +10011110100 metal-fabricating 3 +10011110100 uniform-rental 3 +10011110100 plasticizers 3 +10011110100 medium-capitalization 3 +10011110100 construction-products 3 +10011110100 money-creating 3 +10011110100 health-product 3 +10011110100 chemical-plant 3 +10011110100 slag-recycling 3 +10011110100 recreational-products 3 +10011110100 laboratory-equipment 3 +10011110100 medical-instrument 3 +10011110100 communications-services 3 +10011110100 property-investment 3 +10011110100 Bujones 3 +10011110100 electric-controls 3 +10011110100 chlorinators 4 +10011110100 industrial-services 4 +10011110100 commercial-finance 4 +10011110100 instant-printing 4 +10011110100 office-product 4 +10011110100 defense-equipment 4 +10011110100 building-product 4 +10011110100 agrochemical 4 +10011110100 Thalhimers 4 +10011110100 verbose 4 +10011110100 engine-parts 4 +10011110100 computer-retail 4 +10011110100 fuel-trading 4 +10011110100 tarpaulin 4 +10011110100 high-roller 4 +10011110100 auto-rental 4 +10011110100 outdoor-advertising 4 +10011110100 baseball-card 4 +10011110100 health-care-services 4 +10011110100 specialty-metals 4 +10011110100 support-services 4 +10011110100 fire-damage 4 +10011110100 seven-day-a-week 4 +10011110100 steel-bar 4 +10011110100 aerospace/defense 4 +10011110100 tire-retreading 4 +10011110100 ultrasonics 4 +10011110100 protective-services 4 +10011110100 asbestos-mining 4 +10011110100 auto-part 4 +10011110100 energy-products 4 +10011110100 farm-management 4 +10011110100 beachwear 4 +10011110100 hazardous-waste-disposal 4 +10011110100 steamship 4 +10011110100 office-systems 4 +10011110100 food-and-drink 4 +10011110100 arms-making 4 +10011110100 barging 4 +10011110100 nondairy 4 +10011110100 radiopharmaceutical 4 +10011110100 leisure-related 4 +10011110100 family-entertainment 4 +10011110100 marine-products 4 +10011110100 power-systems 4 +10011110100 hog-slaughtering 4 +10011110100 cleaning-services 4 +10011110100 aircraft-parts 4 +10011110100 polyolefins 4 +10011110100 WheelTek 4 +10011110100 health-care-products 4 +10011110100 mining-equipment 4 +10011110100 corn-sweetener 4 +10011110100 optoelectronics 5 +10011110100 butyl 5 +10011110100 consumer-foods 5 +10011110100 nondurable-goods 5 +10011110100 retail-brokerage 5 +10011110100 medical-electronics 5 +10011110100 aromatics 5 +10011110100 recycled-paperboard 5 +10011110100 furniture-making 5 +10011110100 electronic-systems 5 +10011110100 raw-milk 5 +10011110100 feminine-protection 5 +10011110100 beef-packing 5 +10011110100 bus-making 5 +10011110100 personnel-services 5 +10011110100 car-parts 5 +10011110100 cleaning-products 5 +10011110100 sundries 5 +10011110100 electronics-distribution 5 +10011110100 acrylics 5 +10011110100 liquefied-petroleum-gas 5 +10011110100 corn-syrup 5 +10011110100 nuclear-fuel 5 +10011110100 computer-peripheral 5 +10011110100 vegetable-oil 5 +10011110100 flour-milling 5 +10011110100 energy-development 5 +10011110100 fiberboard 5 +10011110100 tobacco-based 5 +10011110100 satellite-television 5 +10011110100 Lenscrafters 5 +10011110100 household-product 5 +10011110100 medical-instruments 5 +10011110100 plant-building 5 +10011110100 synthetic-rubber 5 +10011110100 replacement-parts 5 +10011110100 barrow 5 +10011110100 sugar-processing 5 +10011110100 elastomer 5 +10011110100 ice-making 5 +10011110100 neckwear 5 +10011110100 flat-glass 5 +10011110100 oil-products 5 +10011110100 escudo 5 +10011110100 medical-supply 6 +10011110100 ferro-nickel 6 +10011110100 construction-machinery 6 +10011110100 single-product 6 +10011110100 micrographics 6 +10011110100 medical-technology 6 +10011110100 steel-fabricating 6 +10011110100 electrical-contracting 6 +10011110100 optical-products 6 +10011110100 pet-food 6 +10011110100 personal-care-products 6 +10011110100 electrical-equipment 6 +10011110100 corn-milling 6 +10011110100 golf-course 6 +10011110100 furniture-rental 6 +10011110100 elastomers 6 +10011110100 chewing-gum 6 +10011110100 Zuercher 6 +10011110100 grocery-products 6 +10011110100 glassmaking 6 +10011110100 vehicle-leasing 6 +10011110100 kaolin 6 +10011110100 Anacin 6 +10011110100 heavy-engineering 6 +10011110100 nickel-mining 6 +10011110100 medical-diagnostic 6 +10011110100 auto-products 6 +10011110100 metal-stamping 6 +10011110100 rent-a-car 7 +10011110100 Bild 7 +10011110100 Tareyton 7 +10011110100 luxury-products 7 +10011110100 refractories 7 +10011110100 mineral-water 7 +10011110100 oil-field-services 7 +10011110100 sugar-refining 7 +10011110100 razor-blade 7 +10011110100 beverage-can 7 +10011110100 snack-foods 7 +10011110100 private-client 7 +10011110100 copper-mining 7 +10011110100 computer-maintenance 7 +10011110100 now-troubled 7 +10011110100 Thermopatch 7 +10011110100 bioscience 7 +10011110100 ocean-shipping 7 +10011110100 animal-feed 7 +10011110100 professional-services 7 +10011110100 truck-rental 7 +10011110100 gingerbread 7 +10011110100 needlework 7 +10011110100 data-services 8 +10011110100 heavy-construction 8 +10011110100 manufactured-housing 8 +10011110100 engineered-materials 8 +10011110100 stevedoring 8 +10011110100 office-supplies 8 +10011110100 Polynesia 8 +10011110100 drill-bit 8 +10011110100 movie-production 8 +10011110100 filmed-entertainment 8 +10011110100 outerwear 8 +10011110100 anti-smuggling 8 +10011110100 smokeless-tobacco 8 +10011110100 defense-contracting 8 +10011110100 capacitor 8 +10011110100 mutual-funds 8 +10011110100 scrap-metal 9 +10011110100 third- 9 +10011110100 construction-material 9 +10011110100 contract-services 9 +10011110100 molasses 9 +10011110100 truck-trailer 9 +10011110100 television-production 9 +10011110100 electrical-appliance 9 +10011110100 Sleipner 9 +10011110100 health-services 9 +10011110100 agricultural-products 9 +10011110100 leisure-products 9 +10011110100 sleepwear 9 +10011110100 oil-seed 9 +10011110100 recorded-music 9 +10011110100 business-products 9 +10011110100 tropical-fruit 9 +10011110100 check-cashing 10 +10011110100 heat-treating 10 +10011110100 lithography 10 +10011110100 transportation-services 10 +10011110100 sales-promotion 10 +10011110100 special-events 10 +10011110100 asbestos-abatement 10 +10011110100 defense-systems 10 +10011110100 information-technology 10 +10011110100 business-equipment 10 +10011110100 music-publishing 10 +10011110100 aviation-services 10 +10011110100 kitchenware 10 +10011110100 cement-making 10 +10011110100 food-retailing 10 +10011110100 data-systems 10 +10011110100 handicrafts 10 +10011110100 bookmaking 11 +10011110100 Monteil 11 +10011110100 stapler 11 +10011110100 soft-drinks 11 +10011110100 drapery 11 +10011110100 Cuajone 11 +10011110100 hydro 11 +10011110100 corn-refining 11 +10011110100 investment-trust 11 +10011110100 gunpowder 11 +10011110100 canned-food 11 +10011110100 beauty-products 11 +10011110100 freight-forwarding 12 +10011110100 photographic-products 12 +10011110100 debt-rating 12 +10011110100 building-material 12 +10011110100 meat-packing 12 +10011110100 hydraulics 12 +10011110100 computer-equipment 12 +10011110100 Toquepala 12 +10011110100 softdrink 12 +10011110100 air-cargo 13 +10011110100 travel-services 13 +10011110100 hotel-management 13 +10011110100 home-products 13 +10011110100 biopharmaceutical 13 +10011110100 agrochemicals 13 +10011110100 environmental-services 14 +10011110100 hospital-management 14 +10011110100 giftware 14 +10011110100 silicones 14 +10011110100 automotive-products 14 +10011110100 sulphur 14 +10011110100 business-information 14 +10011110100 aircraft-leasing 14 +10011110100 automotive-parts 14 +10011110100 money-broking 15 +10011110100 specialty-steel 15 +10011110100 industrial-automation 15 +10011110100 gas-pipeline 15 +10011110100 technical-services 15 +10011110100 specialty-retailing 16 +10011110100 flooring 16 +10011110100 marketing-services 16 +10011110100 palm-oil 16 +10011110100 sugar-beet 17 +10011110100 manganese 17 +10011110100 business-services 17 +10011110100 commercial-banking 17 +10011110100 solids 17 +10011110100 electrical-products 17 +10011110100 asbestos-removal 17 +10011110100 connector 17 +10011110100 air-freight 17 +10011110100 frozen-foods 18 +10011110100 computer-products 18 +10011110100 styrene 18 +10011110100 plumbers 18 +10011110100 oil-services 19 +10011110100 glass-making 19 +10011110100 agro-industrial 19 +10011110100 oil-refining 19 +10011110100 wood-products 19 +10011110100 snack-food 19 +10011110100 biscuit 19 +10011110100 home-furnishings 19 +10011110100 dry-cleaning 20 +10011110100 personal-products 20 +10011110100 agricultural-chemicals 21 +10011110100 beryllium 21 +10011110100 containerboard 21 +10011110100 package-delivery 22 +10011110100 shampoos 22 +10011110100 computer-leasing 22 +10011110100 household-products 22 +10011110100 flavorings 24 +10011110100 office-supply 24 +10011110100 delicatessen 26 +10011110100 paper-products 26 +10011110100 fastener 27 +10011110100 industrial-products 27 +10011110100 knitwear 27 +10011110100 book-publishing 27 +10011110100 land-development 27 +10011110100 food-products 27 +10011110100 theme-park 27 +10011110100 private-banking 27 +10011110100 food-services 28 +10011110100 homebuilding 28 +10011110100 alternative-energy 28 +10011110100 liqueur 29 +10011110100 computer-services 29 +10011110100 cutlery 29 +10011110100 forest-product 29 +10011110100 employment-services 29 +10011110100 industrial-gas 30 +10011110100 pay-television 30 +10011110100 specialty-chemicals 30 +10011110100 glassware 30 +10011110100 lawn-care 31 +10011110100 medical-products 31 +10011110100 microelectronics 31 +10011110100 eye-care 32 +10011110100 consumer-finance 32 +10011110100 upholstery 33 +10011110100 graphite 33 +10011110100 realty 33 +10011110100 construction-materials 33 +10011110100 natural-resource 33 +10011110100 abrasives 35 +10011110100 confectionary 36 +10011110100 molybdenum 36 +10011110100 distilling 38 +10011110100 information-systems 39 +10011110100 carpet-cleaning 41 +10011110100 iron-ore 42 +10011110100 waste-management 42 +10011110100 consumer-product 45 +10011110100 polystyrene 45 +10011110100 sporting-goods 45 +10011110100 confectionery 46 +10011110100 office-equipment 48 +10011110100 warehousing 48 +10011110100 financial-service 49 +10011110100 telegraph 49 +10011110100 robotics 49 +10011110100 luxury-goods 53 +10011110100 roofing 55 +10011110100 consumer-goods 56 +10011110100 non-telephone 58 +10011110100 non-oil 58 +10011110100 motion-picture 60 +10011110100 non-utility 60 +10011110100 gypsum 60 +10011110100 health-products 61 +10011110100 mortgage-banking 61 +10011110100 resin 61 +10011110100 cookware 61 +10011110100 bedding 62 +10011110100 propane 63 +10011110100 asphalt 66 +10011110100 rental-car 67 +10011110100 natural-resources 67 +10011110100 denim 69 +10011110100 hosiery 71 +10011110100 china 72 +10011110100 building-products 73 +10011110100 home-building 73 +10011110100 fertilizers 73 +10011110100 crafts 73 +10011110100 defense-electronics 74 +10011110100 information-services 74 +10011110100 adhesives 77 +10011110100 polypropylene 85 +10011110100 agribusiness 85 +10011110100 food-processing 87 +10011110100 baking 87 +10011110100 toiletries 89 +10011110100 factoring 93 +10011110100 gaming 94 +10011110100 flour 96 +10011110100 bakery 99 +10011110100 oil-service 100 +10011110100 meatpacking 104 +10011110100 forestry 104 +10011110100 housewares 106 +10011110100 cognac 109 +10011110100 building-materials 113 +10011110100 forest-products 122 +10011110100 gold-mining 124 +10011110100 polyethylene 132 +10011110100 petrochemicals 136 +10011110100 seafood 139 +10011110100 whiskey 144 +10011110100 citrus 169 +10011110100 sportswear 191 +10011110100 lodging 193 +10011110100 plumbing 204 +10011110100 consumer-products 228 +10011110100 chocolate 228 +10011110100 shipbuilding 233 +10011110100 poultry 237 +10011110100 footwear 251 +10011110100 fertilizer 280 +10011110100 petrochemical 281 +10011110100 candy 297 +10011110100 bottling 304 +10011110100 timber 306 +10011110100 textiles 313 +10011110100 minerals 330 +10011110100 leisure 343 +10011110100 appliance 352 +10011110100 brewing 355 +10011110100 beverage 374 +10011110100 dairy 384 +10011110100 lumber 411 +10011110100 soft-drink 418 +10011110100 cosmetics 454 +10011110100 trucking 464 +10011110100 jewelry 471 +10011110100 rubber 479 +10011110100 cement 528 +10011110100 liquor 575 +10011110100 pharmaceuticals 602 +10011110100 gambling 622 +10011110100 plastics 699 +10011110100 financial-services 728 +10011110100 textile 770 +10011110100 clothing 937 +10011110100 broadcasting 963 +10011110100 furniture 967 +10011110100 packaging 970 +10011110100 biotechnology 998 +10011110100 petroleum 1005 +10011110100 aluminum 1187 +10011110100 pharmaceutical 1225 +10011110100 retailing 1303 +10011110100 apparel 1384 +10011110100 coal 1588 +10011110100 entertainment 1700 +10011110100 tobacco 1762 +10011110100 mining 2016 +10011110100 aerospace 2149 +10011110100 publishing 2372 +10011110100 chemicals 2649 +10011110100 electronics 3257 +10011110100 chemical 3366 +10011110100 steel 4090 +10011110100 energy 4808 +10011110100 food 6217 +100111101010 bangle 1 +100111101010 defense-product 1 +100111101010 impoliticly 1 +100111101010 nursing-school 1 +100111101010 Citronelle 1 +100111101010 Walsh-Greenwood 1 +100111101010 well-brought-up 1 +100111101010 marble- 1 +100111101010 11-for-1 1 +100111101010 denarius 1 +100111101010 secondary-trading 1 +100111101010 Youthair 1 +100111101010 tobacco-products 1 +100111101010 energy-guzzling 1 +100111101010 price- 1 +100111101010 intravenous-feeding 1 +100111101010 raw-silk 1 +100111101010 dollar-a-day 1 +100111101010 soybean-contract 1 +100111101010 popular-song 1 +100111101010 protraits 1 +100111101010 KLZ-AM 1 +100111101010 primary-aluminum 1 +100111101010 then-defense 1 +100111101010 specialty-niche 1 +100111101010 crude-sale 1 +100111101010 cassette-phone 1 +100111101010 alkaloid 1 +100111101010 wastemanagement 1 +100111101010 reactionism 1 +100111101010 now-diminished 1 +100111101010 cane-refining 1 +100111101010 inlays 1 +100111101010 bare-cement 1 +100111101010 apartment-housing 1 +100111101010 CF-6000 1 +100111101010 ropings 1 +100111101010 Depression-level 1 +100111101010 regulator-set 1 +100111101010 TRUSTEES 1 +100111101010 denaturalization 1 +100111101010 lampshade 1 +100111101010 tab-stock 1 +100111101010 Huskies 1 +100111101010 OTC-stock 1 +100111101010 dioxides 1 +100111101010 Dungeons 1 +100111101010 motorvehicle 1 +100111101010 security-house 1 +100111101010 Royal-190 1 +100111101010 white-fronted 1 +100111101010 Simpson/Bruckheimer 1 +100111101010 cattlefutures 1 +100111101010 gas-conditioning 1 +100111101010 Orientation 1 +100111101010 Assam 1 +100111101010 borates 1 +100111101010 rough-diamond 1 +100111101010 then-plunging 1 +100111101010 asphalt-products 1 +100111101010 7120 1 +100111101010 smaller-unit 1 +100111101010 hexafluoride 1 +100111101010 142b 1 +100111101010 less-destructive 1 +100111101010 almost-was 1 +100111101010 market-pulp 1 +100111101010 once-burdensome 1 +100111101010 taconite 1 +100111101010 better-dressed 1 +100111101010 lower-middle- 1 +100111101010 marketdetermined 1 +100111101010 aggregrates 1 +100111101010 comsumption 1 +100111101010 Tigris-Euphrates 1 +100111101010 fun-facts 1 +100111101010 fresh-orange 1 +100111101010 crash-reduced 1 +100111101010 CIA-handled 1 +100111101010 mind-wilting 1 +100111101010 ocial 1 +100111101010 automotive-product 1 +100111101010 Lycra 1 +100111101010 clockmaking 1 +100111101010 exchange-certified 1 +100111101010 refined-zinc 1 +100111101010 retrovirologists 1 +100111101010 consumer-good 1 +100111101010 rush-lord 1 +100111101010 indium 1 +100111101010 German-sized 1 +100111101010 blowdown 1 +100111101010 civil-engine 1 +100111101010 shoplifting-prevention 1 +100111101010 singing-telegram 1 +100111101010 avidity 1 +100111101010 knife-sharpener 1 +100111101010 remainders 1 +100111101010 vis-avis 1 +100111101010 colonial-era 1 +100111101010 knocked-down 1 +100111101010 Peregourdine 1 +100111101010 speculator-driven 1 +100111101010 gril 1 +100111101010 canned-mushroom 1 +100111101010 diving-support 1 +100111101010 electric-wire 1 +100111101010 bullfighters 1 +100111101010 automated-wagering 1 +100111101010 trilobites 1 +100111101010 augers 1 +100111101010 626s 2 +100111101010 tankage 2 +100111101010 equity-for-debt 2 +100111101010 authority-figure 2 +100111101010 damage-restoration 2 +100111101010 air-delivery 2 +100111101010 medium-truck 2 +100111101010 earworm 2 +100111101010 shanks 2 +100111101010 stroganoff 2 +100111101010 oil-equipment 2 +100111101010 health- 2 +100111101010 Gert-Rudolf 2 +100111101010 agricultural-commodity 2 +100111101010 seed-corn 2 +100111101010 media-related 2 +100111101010 mill-product 2 +100111101010 barge-shipping 2 +100111101010 oil-for-sugar 2 +100111101010 medical-surgical 2 +100111101010 cufflinks 2 +100111101010 state-fixed 2 +100111101010 antimony 2 +100111101010 Comex-approved 2 +100111101010 ex-interior 2 +100111101010 drought-depleted 2 +100111101010 refined-products 2 +100111101010 radio-only 2 +100111101010 transport-only 2 +100111101010 Tots-R-Us 2 +100111101010 ester 2 +100111101010 cut-flower 2 +100111101010 suprematist 2 +100111101010 telephone-wire 2 +100111101010 guayaberas 2 +100111101010 sea-lift 2 +100111101010 market-intervention 2 +100111101010 dryhole 2 +100111101010 exchange-approved 2 +100111101010 scatter-market 2 +100111101010 raw-sugar 3 +100111101010 haiku 3 +100111101010 petroleum-product 3 +100111101010 nonferrous-metals 3 +100111101010 oil-product 3 +100111101010 operating-lease 3 +100111101010 Safavid 3 +100111101010 gaslights 3 +100111101010 plant-engineering 3 +100111101010 bookcases 3 +100111101010 crudeoil 3 +100111101010 mash 3 +100111101010 ginning 4 +100111101010 2-ethylhexanol 4 +100111101010 left- 4 +100111101010 oil-processing 4 +100111101010 gourmet-food 5 +100111101010 manufactured-goods 5 +100111101010 aircraft-maintenance 5 +100111101010 can-sheet 6 +100111101010 offshore-drilling 6 +100111101010 oil- 7 +100111101010 oil-platform 7 +100111101010 non-technology 7 +100111101010 paper-product 7 +100111101010 pre- 8 +100111101010 red-meat 8 +100111101010 wet-milling 11 +100111101010 1973-75 12 +100111101010 Nutone 13 +100111101010 starch 37 +100111101010 oil 19397 +100111101010 syrup 120 +100111101011 million-or-more 1 +100111101011 birthing-bed 1 +100111101011 first-ranking 1 +100111101011 asbestos-product 1 +100111101011 licorice-extract 1 +100111101011 greater-than-majority 1 +100111101011 adventurer-film 1 +100111101011 printing-materials 1 +100111101011 communications-electronics 1 +100111101011 soft-coal 1 +100111101011 692-foot 1 +100111101011 English-muffin 1 +100111101011 counter-intelligence 1 +100111101011 facsimile-machine 1 +100111101011 merchant-vessel 1 +100111101011 smarmiest 1 +100111101011 heavy-duty-parts 1 +100111101011 Dionysian 1 +100111101011 luxury-apartment 1 +100111101011 building-components 1 +100111101011 woman-shaped 1 +100111101011 larger-than-planned 1 +100111101011 Compton-based 1 +100111101011 sports-undergarment 1 +100111101011 Indian-jewelry 1 +100111101011 farm-tractor 1 +100111101011 leaf-blower 1 +100111101011 electrical-goods 1 +100111101011 burled-walnut 1 +100111101011 sanitary-papers 1 +100111101011 horsehair-and-plaster 1 +100111101011 alternative-fueled-vehicle 1 +100111101011 preparatory-school 1 +100111101011 anti-mural 1 +100111101011 plastic-card 1 +100111101011 demand-related 1 +100111101011 Vicenza-based 1 +100111101011 bobby-soxer 1 +100111101011 dormer-crowded 1 +100111101011 liquefied-gas 1 +100111101011 second-offense 1 +100111101011 Aerolinas 1 +100111101011 less-believable 1 +100111101011 prepared-salad 1 +100111101011 laminate 1 +100111101011 ERISA-qualified 1 +100111101011 microdisk 1 +100111101011 diskdrive 1 +100111101011 pharmaeutical 1 +100111101011 packaging-machinery 1 +100111101011 more-visible 1 +100111101011 571,021 1 +100111101011 computer-disk-drives 1 +100111101011 sunken-treasure 1 +100111101011 stereoscopic 1 +100111101011 storage-systems 1 +100111101011 roofing-materials 1 +100111101011 Koala-related 1 +100111101011 Vogtlenuclear-power 1 +100111101011 metalproducts 1 +100111101011 state-selected 1 +100111101011 sketchiest 1 +100111101011 equities-quote 1 +100111101011 storm-related 1 +100111101011 specialty-tea 1 +100111101011 2,286,280 1 +100111101011 potting-soil 1 +100111101011 knitted-outerwear 1 +100111101011 women's-sportswear 1 +100111101011 Northridge-based 1 +100111101011 digital-watch 1 +100111101011 beer-importing 1 +100111101011 heating-gas 1 +100111101011 manufacturing-investment 1 +100111101011 cordless-telephone 1 +100111101011 expresso 1 +100111101011 specialty-fabrics 1 +100111101011 phone-tap 1 +100111101011 temp-services 1 +100111101011 once-enthusiastic 1 +100111101011 uranium-metal 1 +100111101011 small-appliances 1 +100111101011 electronic-instrument 1 +100111101011 cement-kiln 1 +100111101011 specialty-bed 1 +100111101011 ceramic-products 1 +100111101011 automotive-and-aerospace 1 +100111101011 men's-apparel 1 +100111101011 poet/wine 1 +100111101011 restaurant-food 1 +100111101011 electrical-wire 1 +100111101011 pine-scented 1 +100111101011 BOLDFACE 1 +100111101011 clucky 1 +100111101011 national-level 1 +100111101011 2,142 1 +100111101011 energy-sated 1 +100111101011 food-container 1 +100111101011 Mitsubishi-supplied 1 +100111101011 anti-knock 1 +100111101011 non-Cyber 1 +100111101011 light-plane 1 +100111101011 stoutest 1 +100111101011 fat-protein 1 +100111101011 very-small-business 1 +100111101011 laser-equipment 1 +100111101011 pevious 1 +100111101011 tapered-roller-bearing 1 +100111101011 sika 1 +100111101011 power-press 1 +100111101011 chip-pact 1 +100111101011 policy-planning 1 +100111101011 lift-truck 1 +100111101011 frozen-cake 1 +100111101011 quick-frozen 1 +100111101011 hydraulic-parts 1 +100111101011 tradtional 1 +100111101011 legal-clinic 1 +100111101011 rock-product 1 +100111101011 truck-equipment 1 +100111101011 genre-life-size 1 +100111101011 million-type 1 +100111101011 floating-train 1 +100111101011 cash-tight 1 +100111101011 luxury-home 1 +100111101011 toy-manufacturing 1 +100111101011 13,450 1 +100111101011 piping-products 1 +100111101011 thumbtack-size 1 +100111101011 filtration-equipment 1 +100111101011 appliance-parts 1 +100111101011 ex-prime 1 +100111101011 trillion-a-year 1 +100111101011 carbonated-drinks 1 +100111101011 single-life 1 +100111101011 class-ring 1 +100111101011 auto-components 1 +100111101011 electric-products 1 +100111101011 glass-products 1 +100111101011 discount-drinks 1 +100111101011 Hertz-Avis 1 +100111101011 sugar-cola 1 +100111101011 electric-appliances 1 +100111101011 electronic-publishing-systems 1 +100111101011 soup-kitchen 1 +100111101011 artificial-heart-valve 1 +100111101011 licorice-extracts 1 +100111101011 aerospace-components 1 +100111101011 press-room 1 +100111101011 documentary-film 1 +100111101011 copper-zinc 1 +100111101011 specialty-food-store 1 +100111101011 linotype 1 +100111101011 easy-life 1 +100111101011 chip-filled 1 +100111101011 electronic-controller 1 +100111101011 bus-production 1 +100111101011 BURNED 1 +100111101011 Taylor-based 1 +100111101011 spreadsheet-program 1 +100111101011 ski-apparel 1 +100111101011 Stop-n-Shop 1 +100111101011 farm-implements 1 +100111101011 sportcoat 1 +100111101011 non-machine 1 +100111101011 compatible-parts 1 +100111101011 orange-juice-concentrate 1 +100111101011 home-game 1 +100111101011 international-economic-policy 1 +100111101011 semiconductor-capital-equipment 1 +100111101011 screwball-sentimental 1 +100111101011 greediest-looking 1 +100111101011 stencil-like 1 +100111101011 general-industries 1 +100111101011 lightning-ignited 1 +100111101011 opinion-forming 1 +100111101011 penny-sized 1 +100111101011 woodworking-machine 1 +100111101011 softmaterial 1 +100111101011 basic-chemical 1 +100111101011 cargo-trailer 1 +100111101011 warning-flag 1 +100111101011 art-hungry 1 +100111101011 police-comedy 1 +100111101011 condo-lined 1 +100111101011 machine-parts 1 +100111101011 reactor-room 1 +100111101011 post-seminary 1 +100111101011 limousine-manufacturing 1 +100111101011 PS/2-type 1 +100111101011 developing-nations 1 +100111101011 silver-coin 1 +100111101011 sports-trivia 1 +100111101011 waferboard 1 +100111101011 nuclear-fuels 1 +100111101011 construction-gear 1 +100111101011 propane-gas 1 +100111101011 tourist-office 1 +100111101011 car-amplifier 1 +100111101011 Glashovian 1 +100111101011 floral-papered 1 +100111101011 institutional-food 1 +100111101011 chocolate-drink 1 +100111101011 boat-engine 1 +100111101011 Akademie 1 +100111101011 aerospace-equipment 1 +100111101011 information-displays 1 +100111101011 seedier 1 +100111101011 badcheck 1 +100111101011 aircraft-equipment 1 +100111101011 catalog-company 1 +100111101011 hazardous-waste-fluid 1 +100111101011 military/strategic 1 +100111101011 phospate 1 +100111101011 steel-recycling 1 +100111101011 selective-strike 1 +100111101011 eyeglass-frame 1 +100111101011 container-freight 1 +100111101011 gear-making 1 +100111101011 anchor-chain 1 +100111101011 financial-community 1 +100111101011 microprocessor-chip 1 +100111101011 electronic-material 1 +100111101011 now-unsuccessful 1 +100111101011 plumbing-supplies 1 +100111101011 miniature-bearing 1 +100111101011 computer-terminals 1 +100111101011 automatic-welding-equipment 1 +100111101011 video-program 1 +100111101011 all-lines 1 +100111101011 food-ingredient 1 +100111101011 air-gun 1 +100111101011 noodle-opera 1 +100111101011 healthcare-products 1 +100111101011 midwest 1 +100111101011 now-sluggish 1 +100111101011 management-research 1 +100111101011 book-world 1 +100111101011 olive-oil 1 +100111101011 now-graying 1 +100111101011 safety-controls 1 +100111101011 more-risky 1 +100111101011 precision-motor 1 +100111101011 ethelyne 1 +100111101011 Anabaptist 1 +100111101011 auto-upholstery 1 +100111101011 pickup-truck-accessory 1 +100111101011 medical-devices 1 +100111101011 foresake 1 +100111101011 jet-turbine 1 +100111101011 upholstered-furniture 1 +100111101011 steel-plant 1 +100111101011 porn-theater 1 +100111101011 computer-keyboard 1 +100111101011 performing-rights 1 +100111101011 soy-processing 1 +100111101011 trash-heap 1 +100111101011 compressed-air-products 1 +100111101011 fast-transmission 1 +100111101011 bridal-dress 1 +100111101011 pizza-topping 1 +100111101011 aeronautical-equipment 1 +100111101011 motorcyle 1 +100111101011 all-student 1 +100111101011 tinting-film 1 +100111101011 291-branch 1 +100111101011 cargo-transport 1 +100111101011 injectable-drug 1 +100111101011 air-tools 1 +100111101011 space-rocket 1 +100111101011 scientific-instrument 1 +100111101011 Augean 1 +100111101011 pharmaceutical-capsule 1 +100111101011 grocery-bag 1 +100111101011 bathroom-fixture 1 +100111101011 Amagasaki-based 1 +100111101011 gas-market 1 +100111101011 compressor-driven 1 +100111101011 Gimbles 1 +100111101011 agricultural-machine 1 +100111101011 woolens 1 +100111101011 grocery-chain 1 +100111101011 automobile-tire 1 +100111101011 one-ship 1 +100111101011 non-vested 1 +100111101011 government-aviation 1 +100111101011 motion-picture-print 1 +100111101011 naval-construction 1 +100111101011 picture-telephone 1 +100111101011 already-embattled 1 +100111101011 retail-paper 1 +100111101011 style-setting 1 +100111101011 constitutive 1 +100111101011 bait-worm 1 +100111101011 office-temp 1 +100111101011 pool-table 1 +100111101011 medical-image-device 1 +100111101011 9-by-12-foot 1 +100111101011 pickiest 1 +100111101011 trattoria 1 +100111101011 post-structuralist 1 +100111101011 truck-engine 1 +100111101011 ocean-borne 1 +100111101011 FDA-regulated 1 +100111101011 end-copper 1 +100111101011 electronics-publishing-systems 1 +100111101011 nonregistered 1 +100111101011 8,421 1 +100111101011 matzoh 1 +100111101011 glassed-over 1 +100111101011 bucket-shop 1 +100111101011 aviation-equipment 1 +100111101011 compressor-manufacturing 1 +100111101011 weather-sensitive 1 +100111101011 biological-products 1 +100111101011 writing-instruments 1 +100111101011 protection-equipment 1 +100111101011 heavy-vehicle 2 +100111101011 video-shopping 2 +100111101011 fur-coat 2 +100111101011 pharmaceutical/chemical 2 +100111101011 bowling-ball 2 +100111101011 running-shoe 2 +100111101011 home-construction 2 +100111101011 air-filter 2 +100111101011 analytic-instruments 2 +100111101011 specialty-vehicle 2 +100111101011 automotive-lighting 2 +100111101011 electric-equipment 2 +100111101011 processing-equipment 2 +100111101011 aerospace-parts 2 +100111101011 hardboard 2 +100111101011 children's-wear 2 +100111101011 large-business 2 +100111101011 audiometer 2 +100111101011 budget-policy 2 +100111101011 computer-retailing 2 +100111101011 beef-jerky 2 +100111101011 door-chime 2 +100111101011 computer-gear 2 +100111101011 specialty-machinery 2 +100111101011 Osem 2 +100111101011 Oce-van 2 +100111101011 filing-cabinet 2 +100111101011 Afrikaans-speaking 2 +100111101011 lead-paint 2 +100111101011 transportation-parts 2 +100111101011 household-appliances 2 +100111101011 small-aircraft 2 +100111101011 life-reinsurance 2 +100111101011 electrical-utility 2 +100111101011 computer-workstation 2 +100111101011 specialty-fabric 2 +100111101011 microwave-popcorn 2 +100111101011 matzo 2 +100111101011 sports-drink 2 +100111101011 fine-fragrance 2 +100111101011 shopping-cart 2 +100111101011 communications-systems 2 +100111101011 chemical-bomb 2 +100111101011 fantasy-hotel 2 +100111101011 software-products 2 +100111101011 high-ceilinged 2 +100111101011 gold-chain 2 +100111101011 narc. 2 +100111101011 business-credit 2 +100111101011 car-engine 2 +100111101011 farm-tire 2 +100111101011 skin-cream 2 +100111101011 cable-TV-system 2 +100111101011 nonlife 2 +100111101011 tubular-goods 2 +100111101011 potbellied 2 +100111101011 floor-tile 2 +100111101011 aerospace-electronics 2 +100111101011 airline-catering 2 +100111101011 luncheon-meat 2 +100111101011 pleasure-boat 2 +100111101011 auto-engine 2 +100111101011 independent-station 2 +100111101011 Indian-American 2 +100111101011 automobile-lighting 2 +100111101011 communications-product 2 +100111101011 technical-computer 2 +100111101011 carpet-underlay 2 +100111101011 day-care-center 2 +100111101011 non-film 2 +100111101011 foreign-film 2 +100111101011 lighting-equipment 3 +100111101011 sugar-substitute 3 +100111101011 aluminum-products 3 +100111101011 defense-products 3 +100111101011 Israel-based 3 +100111101011 lower-scale 3 +100111101011 commuter-aircraft 3 +100111101011 steel-products 3 +100111101011 agricultural-chemical 3 +100111101011 million-a-day 3 +100111101011 floor-covering 3 +100111101011 container-ship 3 +100111101011 women's-wear 3 +100111101011 potato-chip 3 +100111101011 concrete-products 3 +100111101011 electronic-typewriter 3 +100111101011 electronic-equipment 3 +100111101011 doughnut-shop 3 +100111101011 water-cooler 3 +100111101011 glass-fabrics 3 +100111101011 automobile-parts 3 +100111101011 security-systems 3 +100111101011 snowplow 3 +100111101011 gun-fashion 3 +100111101011 stump-dump 3 +100111101011 motor-home 3 +100111101011 traded-options 3 +100111101011 steel-rail 3 +100111101011 auto-tire 3 +100111101011 candy-bar 3 +100111101011 compact-pickup 3 +100111101011 homeowners-insurance 3 +100111101011 business-machines 3 +100111101011 commercial-printing 3 +100111101011 period-instrument 3 +100111101011 fleecewear 3 +100111101011 imported-beer 4 +100111101011 airplane-engine 4 +100111101011 farm-implement 4 +100111101011 specialty-apparel 4 +100111101011 carpet-tile 4 +100111101011 business-forms 4 +100111101011 industrial-equipment 4 +100111101011 industrial-materials 4 +100111101011 cooking-oil 4 +100111101011 imported-car 4 +100111101011 office-gear 4 +100111101011 small-appliance 4 +100111101011 packaging-materials 4 +100111101011 phone-equipment 4 +100111101011 luxury-auto 4 +100111101011 field-service 4 +100111101011 computer-parts 4 +100111101011 electrical-accessories 4 +100111101011 computer-shoe 4 +100111101011 root-beer 4 +100111101011 hand-tool 4 +100111101011 cable-systems 4 +100111101011 primary-metals 4 +100111101011 audio-equipment 4 +100111101011 nitrogen-fertilizer 4 +100111101011 electrical-product 4 +100111101011 baked-goods 5 +100111101011 household-appliance 5 +100111101011 property-and-casualty 5 +100111101011 vehicle-parts 5 +100111101011 sports-equipment 5 +100111101011 electronic-products 5 +100111101011 off-airport 5 +100111101011 crude-steel 5 +100111101011 800-store 5 +100111101011 electronics-parts 5 +100111101011 engine-overheating 5 +100111101011 ball-bearings 5 +100111101011 tennis-racket 5 +100111101011 computer-peripherals 5 +100111101011 package-tour 5 +100111101011 illegal-drug 5 +100111101011 small-computer 5 +100111101011 industrial-electronics 5 +100111101011 TV-set 5 +100111101011 nuclear-power-plant 6 +100111101011 sewing-machine 6 +100111101011 water-scooter 6 +100111101011 strap-on 6 +100111101011 trade-show 6 +100111101011 ground-service 6 +100111101011 wall-covering 6 +100111101011 sports-car 6 +100111101011 steel-pipe 7 +100111101011 plastic-packaging 7 +100111101011 automation-equipment 7 +100111101011 women's-apparel 7 +100111101011 autoparts 7 +100111101011 metal-products 7 +100111101011 computer-printer 7 +100111101011 vending-machine 8 +100111101011 feed-lot 9 +100111101011 commercial-vehicle 9 +100111101011 alcoholic-beverage 9 +100111101011 athletic-footwear 9 +100111101011 cable-system 9 +100111101011 engine-making 9 +100111101011 tool-and-die 10 +100111101011 gas-station 10 +100111101011 computer-hardware 10 +100111101011 foreign-car 10 +100111101011 desktop-computer 11 +100111101011 non-life 11 +100111101011 semiconductor-equipment 11 +100111101011 property-liability 11 +100111101011 motor-oil 12 +100111101011 herbal-tea 12 +100111101011 home-appliance 13 +100111101011 gelatin-capsule 13 +100111101011 ball-bearing 13 +100111101011 powerboat 13 +100111101011 office-furniture 14 +100111101011 communications-equipment 14 +100111101011 air-conditioner 14 +100111101011 light-bulb 16 +100111101011 commercial-aircraft 17 +100111101011 control-room 19 +100111101011 circuit-board 19 +100111101011 electronic-parts 20 +100111101011 telecommunications-equipment 21 +100111101011 property/casualty 22 +100111101011 office-products 23 +100111101011 baby-food 25 +100111101011 construction-equipment 25 +100111101011 athletic-shoe 26 +100111101011 glass-container 27 +100111101011 ATV 43 +100111101011 motor-vehicle 45 +100111101011 mobile-home 46 +100111101011 aircraft-engine 52 +100111101011 capital-goods 62 +100111101011 ice-cream 73 +100111101011 farm-equipment 82 +100111101011 luxury-car 85 +100111101011 generic-drug 103 +100111101011 auto-parts 148 +100111101011 machine-tool 180 +100111101011 property-casualty 181 +100111101011 automobile 604 +100111101011 auto 6726 +100111101011 tire 939 +100111101100 environmental-risk 1 +100111101100 net-lease 1 +100111101100 ex-aerospace 1 +100111101100 user-owned 1 +100111101100 car-fleet 1 +100111101100 deep-shelter 1 +100111101100 Industrial-nation 1 +100111101100 Liberal-SDP 1 +100111101100 deal-on-a-handshake 1 +100111101100 unamendable 1 +100111101100 Venezuela-based 1 +100111101100 Finks-Mora 1 +100111101100 pattern-making 1 +100111101100 Washington-connected 1 +100111101100 CEO/investment 1 +100111101100 economics-consulting 1 +100111101100 research-investment 1 +100111101100 50-year-veteran 1 +100111101100 acting-service 1 +100111101100 agrichemical 1 +100111101100 MIT-educated 1 +100111101100 image-based 1 +100111101100 pre-offer 1 +100111101100 treasury-investment 1 +100111101100 beer-marketing 1 +100111101100 low-leverage 1 +100111101100 real-estate-management 1 +100111101100 computer-supply 1 +100111101100 Warner-Columbia 1 +100111101100 cash-backed 1 +100111101100 expansionist-minded 1 +100111101100 advanced-weapons 1 +100111101100 financial-business 1 +100111101100 theatrical-management 1 +100111101100 film-financing 1 +100111101100 doctorate-level 1 +100111101100 overlying 1 +100111101100 employee-run 1 +100111101100 industry-consumer 1 +100111101100 non-security 1 +100111101100 Leastec-managed 1 +100111101100 racket-tossing 1 +100111101100 favor-pleading 1 +100111101100 meat-department 1 +100111101100 bond-investment 1 +100111101100 business-location 1 +100111101100 coal-tax 1 +100111101100 Olivetti-like 1 +100111101100 structuralist-type 1 +100111101100 food-law 1 +100111101100 LAID-OFF 1 +100111101100 equity-unit 1 +100111101100 aviation-service 1 +100111101100 public-hospital 1 +100111101100 under-regulated 1 +100111101100 yield/merchant 1 +100111101100 art-group 1 +100111101100 378-bed 1 +100111101100 sensory-perception 1 +100111101100 unfortuitous 1 +100111101100 Guterman-controlled 1 +100111101100 antinomian 1 +100111101100 Penman-Ross 1 +100111101100 contract-guarantee 1 +100111101100 dial-a-banker 1 +100111101100 Janitors 1 +100111101100 technology-shy 1 +100111101100 military-space 1 +100111101100 marine-insurance 1 +100111101100 salon-products 1 +100111101100 equipmwent-leasing 1 +100111101100 Duenas 1 +100111101100 ex-Citicorp 1 +100111101100 EC-based 1 +100111101100 balleyhooed 1 +100111101100 institutional-investment 1 +100111101100 Stearns-Cobey 2 +100111101100 noncombat 2 +100111101100 124-year-old 2 +100111101100 egg-producing 2 +100111101100 training-services 2 +100111101100 shipowning 2 +100111101100 marketing-communications 2 +100111101100 invesment 2 +100111101100 soubrette 2 +100111101100 option-fund 2 +100111101100 market-tending 2 +100111101100 soap-making 2 +100111101100 newspaper-publishing 3 +100111101100 out-placement 3 +100111101100 45-member 3 +100111101100 private-public 3 +100111101100 obstetric 3 +100111101100 Lindner-led 3 +100111101100 astronautics 3 +100111101100 insurance-underwriting 3 +100111101100 growth-hormone 3 +100111101100 nontraded 3 +100111101100 Cralin 3 +100111101100 magazine-development 4 +100111101100 Jakarta-based 4 +100111101100 investment-fund 4 +100111101100 index-fund 5 +100111101100 undiversified 5 +100111101100 synfuels 6 +100111101100 investment-holding 6 +100111101100 co-lead 13 +100111101100 export-import 17 +100111101100 energy-services 26 +100111101100 equipment-leasing 29 +100111101100 investment 22746 +100111101100 Edelman-Dominion 40 +1001111011010 strangulating 1 +1001111011010 empty-plane 1 +1001111011010 anticopying 1 +1001111011010 instrument-landing 1 +1001111011010 security-shutter 1 +1001111011010 best-conceived 1 +1001111011010 100,000-subscriber 1 +1001111011010 MPN-XX 1 +1001111011010 195-year-old 1 +1001111011010 Guillain-Barre 1 +1001111011010 air-evacuation 1 +1001111011010 retail-insurance 1 +1001111011010 designated-order-turnaround 1 +1001111011010 fixed-commission 1 +1001111011010 output-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 premium-setting 1 +1001111011010 parts-producing 1 +1001111011010 barterlike 1 +1001111011010 dought-relief 1 +1001111011010 knives-in-the-dark 1 +1001111011010 farmer-controlled 1 +1001111011010 owl/lark 1 +1001111011010 one-venture 1 +1001111011010 non-exotic 1 +1001111011010 ontological 1 +1001111011010 unisex-pricing 1 +1001111011010 party-governmental 1 +1001111011010 family-tenancy 1 +1001111011010 tractor-production 1 +1001111011010 dance/performance 1 +1001111011010 dipotassium 1 +1001111011010 water-removal 1 +1001111011010 health-care-delivery 1 +1001111011010 Contra-arms 1 +1001111011010 graduated-commission 1 +1001111011010 Paris-or-nothing 1 +1001111011010 fire-wall 1 +1001111011010 computer-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 Jekyll-and-Hyde 1 +1001111011010 two-year-college 1 +1001111011010 two-chairmen 1 +1001111011010 fabric-coating 1 +1001111011010 Image-Plus 1 +1001111011010 tort-based 1 +1001111011010 electronic-dealing 1 +1001111011010 blind-draw 1 +1001111011010 electronics-equipment 1 +1001111011010 MT/P 1 +1001111011010 education-information 1 +1001111011010 radio-programming 1 +1001111011010 price-bidding 1 +1001111011010 3-Display 1 +1001111011010 trading-stamps 1 +1001111011010 equipment-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 international-financial 1 +1001111011010 shoot-the-messenger 1 +1001111011010 land-management 1 +1001111011010 rental-leasing 1 +1001111011010 gravity-chute 1 +1001111011010 atmosphere-ocean 1 +1001111011010 bond-quotation 1 +1001111011010 flower-growing 1 +1001111011010 employment-level 1 +1001111011010 home-policy 1 +1001111011010 trade-inspection 1 +1001111011010 federal-tax-deposit 1 +1001111011010 non-proprietary 1 +1001111011010 fabric-sales 1 +1001111011010 judicial-conduct 1 +1001111011010 collective-farming 1 +1001111011010 installment-payment 1 +1001111011010 research-funding 1 +1001111011010 consensus-based 1 +1001111011010 592,000-student 1 +1001111011010 chemical-treatment 1 +1001111011010 target-attack 1 +1001111011010 movie-rating 1 +1001111011010 regional-pricing 1 +1001111011010 lending-rate 1 +1001111011010 Soviet-imposed 1 +1001111011010 landingfee 1 +1001111011010 state-university 1 +1001111011010 Laserprobe 1 +1001111011010 business-survey 1 +1001111011010 liquid-packaging 1 +1001111011010 message-processing 1 +1001111011010 luxury-good 1 +1001111011010 export-credit-insurance 1 +1001111011010 rock-quarrying 1 +1001111011010 auction-trading 1 +1001111011010 job-support 1 +1001111011010 radiation-confinement 1 +1001111011010 executive-bonus 1 +1001111011010 Visa-MasterCard 1 +1001111011010 climate-modeling 1 +1001111011010 plane-making 1 +1001111011010 Salomon-Citibank-Cedel 1 +1001111011010 60,000-square-foot 1 +1001111011010 radar-beacon 1 +1001111011010 targetzone 1 +1001111011010 food-rationing 1 +1001111011010 bowl-like 1 +1001111011010 mandatory-sentencing 1 +1001111011010 PC-DOS 1 +1001111011010 state-planning 1 +1001111011010 64-campus 1 +1001111011010 photo-identification 1 +1001111011010 door-to-door-delivery 1 +1001111011010 jet-making 1 +1001111011010 health-sentinel 1 +1001111011010 securities-review 1 +1001111011010 neighborhood-school 1 +1001111011010 ball-valve 1 +1001111011010 spy-scandal 1 +1001111011010 136-office 1 +1001111011010 humidity-control 1 +1001111011010 warning-and-control 1 +1001111011010 dual-board 1 +1001111011010 157-member 1 +1001111011010 signal-transmission 1 +1001111011010 prospective-payment 1 +1001111011010 telescoping 1 +1001111011010 hospital-care 1 +1001111011010 grade-implied 1 +1001111011010 windshield-installation 1 +1001111011010 deficency 1 +1001111011010 price-and-supply 1 +1001111011010 gun-permit 1 +1001111011010 two-cave 1 +1001111011010 garden-center 1 +1001111011010 nuclear-family 1 +1001111011010 multiple-trading 1 +1001111011010 coffee-filter 1 +1001111011010 photoelectric-type 1 +1001111011010 quick-delivery 1 +1001111011010 Victorian-style 1 +1001111011010 medical-alert 1 +1001111011010 fire-suppression 1 +1001111011010 bond-yield 1 +1001111011010 controlled-combustion 1 +1001111011010 clothing-chain 1 +1001111011010 spendand-elect 1 +1001111011010 15,500-mile 1 +1001111011010 13,000-mile 1 +1001111011010 white-settler 1 +1001111011010 iron-and-steel 1 +1001111011010 two-bracket 1 +1001111011010 24,000-student 1 +1001111011010 energy-storage 1 +1001111011010 bank-advisory 1 +1001111011010 26,600-subscriber 1 +1001111011010 sociocommunal 1 +1001111011010 GSA-requested 1 +1001111011010 people-meter-only 1 +1001111011010 credit-card-telephone 1 +1001111011010 brake-manufacturing 1 +1001111011010 affiliate-payment 1 +1001111011010 eye-care-products 1 +1001111011010 profits-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 Baathist 1 +1001111011010 9,600-mile 1 +1001111011010 judicial-nominees 1 +1001111011010 family-responsibility 1 +1001111011010 idle-control 1 +1001111011010 corporate-maturity 1 +1001111011010 drug-review 1 +1001111011010 curtain-tracking 1 +1001111011010 stock-margining 1 +1001111011010 physical-gold 1 +1001111011010 Autex 1 +1001111011010 political-patronage 1 +1001111011010 Dauod 1 +1001111011010 decision-by-committee 1 +1001111011010 criminaljustice 1 +1001111011010 42,798-mile 1 +1001111011010 launch-control 1 +1001111011010 SEAQ 1 +1001111011010 homeshopping 1 +1001111011010 dying-loyalty 1 +1001111011010 service-and-parts 1 +1001111011010 trader-reporting 1 +1001111011010 beef-importing 1 +1001111011010 beef-distribution 1 +1001111011010 election-readiness 1 +1001111011010 FEAL-8 1 +1001111011010 import-surveillance 1 +1001111011010 trade-regulatory 1 +1001111011010 electrosurgical 1 +1001111011010 sprinker 1 +1001111011010 institutional-equity 1 +1001111011010 Baker-Deaver 1 +1001111011010 discount-securities 1 +1001111011010 diahrreal 1 +1001111011010 aid-delivery 1 +1001111011010 beef-quota 1 +1001111011010 non-Communist-led 1 +1001111011010 belt-and-pulley 1 +1001111011010 industiral 1 +1001111011010 permanent-quota 1 +1001111011010 Stevens-Johnson 1 +1001111011010 6013A 1 +1001111011010 grateful-dead 1 +1001111011010 19,600-mile 1 +1001111011010 postal-savings 1 +1001111011010 pressurizer 1 +1001111011010 air-mail 1 +1001111011010 businessman-as-celebrity 1 +1001111011010 jilted-lover 1 +1001111011010 shared-risk 1 +1001111011010 customs-rules 1 +1001111011010 space-propulsion 1 +1001111011010 camera-control 1 +1001111011010 military-justice 1 +1001111011010 Pronto 1 +1001111011010 6,700-subscriber 1 +1001111011010 market-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 import-management 1 +1001111011010 Streams 1 +1001111011010 chip-monitoring 1 +1001111011010 non-dogmatic 1 +1001111011010 air-injection 1 +1001111011010 Business-phone 1 +1001111011010 family-education 1 +1001111011010 local-ratings 1 +1001111011010 power-marketing 1 +1001111011010 Sovietbacked 1 +1001111011010 110,000-subscriber 1 +1001111011010 three-beam 1 +1001111011010 secondary-education 1 +1001111011010 industrial-licensing 1 +1001111011010 Ob-Irtysh 1 +1001111011010 check-return 1 +1001111011010 personnel-management 1 +1001111011010 Laboratories-U.S. 1 +1001111011010 Hydra-headed 1 +1001111011010 shuttle-cargo 1 +1001111011010 once-macho 1 +1001111011010 DGA-directed 1 +1001111011010 financial-records 1 +1001111011010 left-ventricular-assist 1 +1001111011010 wet-scrubber 1 +1001111011010 ADEX 1 +1001111011010 3,400-student 1 +1001111011010 81.6-mile 1 +1001111011010 electrical-manufacturing 1 +1001111011010 Thrift-bailout 1 +1001111011010 greed-driven 1 +1001111011010 accounts-receivable 1 +1001111011010 color-game 1 +1001111011010 price-regulatory 1 +1001111011010 payment-processing 1 +1001111011010 corporate-reporting 1 +1001111011010 AA/NA 1 +1001111011010 voluntary-compliance 1 +1001111011010 risk-transfer 1 +1001111011010 cable-program 1 +1001111011010 shareholder-controlled 1 +1001111011010 TV-ratings 1 +1001111011010 mobile-telecommunications 1 +1001111011010 Moscow-supported 1 +1001111011010 warehouse-management 1 +1001111011010 dual-share 1 +1001111011010 automated-pit-trading 1 +1001111011010 Solidarityled 1 +1001111011010 ITQ 1 +1001111011010 high-networth 1 +1001111011010 coated-fabrics 1 +1001111011010 seniority-promotion 1 +1001111011010 war-gaming 1 +1001111011010 industry-advisory 1 +1001111011010 less-elaborate 1 +1001111011010 quota-procurement 1 +1001111011010 Hitler-like 1 +1001111011010 insurance-exchange 1 +1001111011010 Nasdaq-type 1 +1001111011010 earth-sciences 1 +1001111011010 officer-election 1 +1001111011010 insider-dominated 1 +1001111011010 motion-analysis 1 +1001111011010 library-automation 1 +1001111011010 bank-supervision 1 +1001111011010 not-untypical 1 +1001111011010 procrement 1 +1001111011010 RMJ/Delta 1 +1001111011010 country-elevator 1 +1001111011010 military-command 1 +1001111011010 writin 1 +1001111011010 electro-deposition 1 +1001111011010 alcohol-producing 1 +1001111011010 defense-consulting 1 +1001111011010 Mengitsu 1 +1001111011010 DECnet 1 +1001111011010 color-electronic-imaging 1 +1001111011010 drip-irrigation 1 +1001111011010 secondrate 1 +1001111011010 industry-based 1 +1001111011010 good-news-is-bad-news 1 +1001111011010 banks-for-cooperatives 1 +1001111011010 market-data 2 +1001111011010 reference-price 2 +1001111011010 investment-policy 2 +1001111011010 product-testing 2 +1001111011010 floating-exchange 2 +1001111011010 floating-exchange-rate 2 +1001111011010 semiconductor-industry 2 +1001111011010 trauma-care 2 +1001111011010 banking-related 2 +1001111011010 foreign-trading 2 +1001111011010 product-distribution 2 +1001111011010 parts-purchasing 2 +1001111011010 family-preference 2 +1001111011010 kisha-club 2 +1001111011010 strategy-steering 2 +1001111011010 international-stock 2 +1001111011010 Rogerson 2 +1001111011010 meat-rationing 2 +1001111011010 family-like 2 +1001111011010 DO3 2 +1001111011010 business-aircraft 2 +1001111011010 educational-services 2 +1001111011010 food-retail 2 +1001111011010 case-lottery 2 +1001111011010 non-crystalline 2 +1001111011010 inter-provincial 2 +1001111011010 sports-promotion 2 +1001111011010 psychological-testing 2 +1001111011010 base-chemicals 2 +1001111011010 web-press 2 +1001111011010 new-city 2 +1001111011010 loan-review 2 +1001111011010 business-reporting 2 +1001111011010 photographic-services 2 +1001111011010 meal-voucher 2 +1001111011010 senior/subordinated 2 +1001111011010 eyecare 2 +1001111011010 unsecured-creditors 2 +1001111011010 public-court 2 +1001111011010 trickle-up 2 +1001111011010 videocassette-ratings 2 +1001111011010 random-selection 2 +1001111011010 probable-cause 2 +1001111011010 ASME 2 +1001111011010 document-search 2 +1001111011010 juvenile-justice 2 +1001111011010 administrative-services 2 +1001111011010 arms-dealing 3 +1001111011010 airborne-radar 3 +1001111011010 world-trading 3 +1001111011010 adult-entertainment 3 +1001111011010 passenger-jet 3 +1001111011010 6800 3 +1001111011010 water-resources 3 +1001111011010 Chainsaw 3 +1001111011010 electro-optics 3 +1001111011010 reference-range 3 +1001111011010 three-branch 3 +1001111011010 military-airplane 3 +1001111011010 not-invented-here 3 +1001111011010 agri-monetary 3 +1001111011010 human-service 3 +1001111011010 public-transport 3 +1001111011010 tort-liability 3 +1001111011010 air-services 3 +1001111011010 check-clearance 3 +1001111011010 satellite-telecommunications 3 +1001111011010 gun-missile 3 +1001111011010 pre-menstrual 3 +1001111011010 laser-weapon 3 +1001111011010 parkway 4 +1001111011010 contract-drilling 4 +1001111011010 consumer-banking 4 +1001111011010 civil-justice 4 +1001111011010 performance-review 4 +1001111011010 financial-regulatory 4 +1001111011010 international-finance 4 +1001111011010 customer-supplier 4 +1001111011010 investment-research 4 +1001111011010 apparel-manufacturing 4 +1001111011010 agrimonetary 4 +1001111011010 ground-services 4 +1001111011010 metal-container 5 +1001111011010 natural-gas-pipeline 5 +1001111011010 Playcount 5 +1001111011010 space-transportation 5 +1001111011010 reserve-currency 5 +1001111011010 prison-furlough 5 +1001111011010 defense-technology 5 +1001111011010 insurance-broking 5 +1001111011010 auto-making 5 +1001111011010 heavy-electrical-engineering 6 +1001111011010 mortgage-finance 6 +1001111011010 flow-control 6 +1001111011010 options-clearing 8 +1001111011010 check-clearing 8 +1001111011010 aircraft-services 9 +1001111011010 check-processing 10 +1001111011010 production-quota 10 +1001111011010 hub-and-spoke 10 +1001111011010 insurance-brokerage 10 +1001111011010 biosafety 10 +1001111011010 caste 11 +1001111011010 business-research 12 +1001111011010 mortgage-lending 13 +1001111011010 satellite-launching 13 +1001111011010 equity-trading 13 +1001111011010 consumer-affairs 13 +1001111011010 policymaking 15 +1001111011010 electrical-engineering 15 +1001111011010 pension-insurance 16 +1001111011010 lawmaking 20 +1001111011010 public-finance 21 +1001111011010 old-boy 27 +1001111011010 futures-trading 29 +1001111011010 media-buying 30 +1001111011010 fund-management 31 +1001111011010 temporary-services 34 +1001111011010 oil-trading 42 +1001111011010 policy-setting 46 +1001111011010 price-monitoring 51 +1001111011010 merchant-banking 116 +1001111011010 quotation 145 +1001111011010 policy-making 247 +1001111011010 deficiency 630 +1001111011010 banking 7899 +1001111011010 advisory 915 +1001111011011 acrylic-fibers 1 +1001111011011 1,340,100 1 +1001111011011 promotion-security 1 +1001111011011 institutional-brokerage 1 +1001111011011 Kongsberg-Vaapenfabrikk 1 +1001111011011 Cowgirls 1 +1001111011011 futures-brokerage 1 +1001111011011 member-dealer 1 +1001111011011 better-insulated 1 +1001111011011 wage-related 1 +1001111011011 commercial-grains 1 +1001111011011 metals-research 1 +1001111011011 furniture-like 1 +1001111011011 undergarment 1 +1001111011011 equipment-supply 1 +1001111011011 pharmaceutical-exporting 1 +1001111011011 insurance-administration 1 +1001111011011 signal-quality 1 +1001111011011 later-day 1 +1001111011011 oil-appraisal 1 +1001111011011 career-management 1 +1001111011011 executive-outplacement 1 +1001111011011 merchandising-consulting 1 +1001111011011 refining-consulting 1 +1001111011011 210-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 brokerage-selling 1 +1001111011011 220-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 consulting-engineer 1 +1001111011011 personal-management 1 +1001111011011 celebrity-brokerage 1 +1001111011011 energy-forecasting 1 +1001111011011 security-selling 1 +1001111011011 agriculture-equipment 1 +1001111011011 woman-owned 1 +1001111011011 139-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 plan-funding 1 +1001111011011 480-employee 1 +1001111011011 20-person 1 +1001111011011 security-consulting 1 +1001111011011 temporary-doctor 1 +1001111011011 investmentbanking 1 +1001111011011 800-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 broadcast-equipment 1 +1001111011011 wire-making 1 +1001111011011 five-partner 1 +1001111011011 X-rated-movie 1 +1001111011011 left/right 1 +1001111011011 stucco-on-brick 1 +1001111011011 honesty-testing 1 +1001111011011 less-secretive 1 +1001111011011 optical-communications 1 +1001111011011 broad-product-line 1 +1001111011011 270-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 graphics-design 1 +1001111011011 econometric-forecasting 1 +1001111011011 economypolicy 1 +1001111011011 multiple-construction 1 +1001111011011 log-and-stone 1 +1001111011011 brand-naming 1 +1001111011011 military-systems 1 +1001111011011 13th-biggest 1 +1001111011011 chip-shot 1 +1001111011011 acoustical-engineering 1 +1001111011011 tar-paper 1 +1001111011011 travel-sales 1 +1001111011011 development-consulting 1 +1001111011011 makers-brokerage 1 +1001111011011 10-bed 1 +1001111011011 commodity-research 1 +1001111011011 wine-marketing 1 +1001111011011 1,900-employee 1 +1001111011011 Jaoul 1 +1001111011011 professional-service 1 +1001111011011 exchange-member 1 +1001111011011 cat-burglar 1 +1001111011011 Stock-brokerage 1 +1001111011011 sports-management 1 +1001111011011 100th-largest 1 +1001111011011 investmentmanagement 1 +1001111011011 apartment-maintenance 1 +1001111011011 mortgage-tracking 1 +1001111011011 more-staid 1 +1001111011011 product-research 1 +1001111011011 profit-yielding 1 +1001111011011 venture-leasing 1 +1001111011011 retail-based 1 +1001111011011 marine-towing 1 +1001111011011 investor-wned 1 +1001111011011 A-cup 1 +1001111011011 105mm 1 +1001111011011 industrial-psychology 1 +1001111011011 market-strategy 1 +1001111011011 tomato-products 1 +1001111011011 top-billing 1 +1001111011011 68-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 cost-consulting 1 +1001111011011 white-collar-defense 1 +1001111011011 immigration-consulting 1 +1001111011011 fertilizer-importing 1 +1001111011011 fashion-design 1 +1001111011011 ducal 1 +1001111011011 fiber-making 1 +1001111011011 foreign-oriented 1 +1001111011011 textile/apparel 1 +1001111011011 275-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 230-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 compensation-consultant 1 +1001111011011 training-aid 1 +1001111011011 behind-the-scene 1 +1001111011011 seven-professional 1 +1001111011011 protective-coating 1 +1001111011011 Suddeutsche 1 +1001111011011 media-investment 1 +1001111011011 Southfield-based 1 +1001111011011 options-selling 1 +1001111011011 benefits-research 1 +1001111011011 wireless-cable 1 +1001111011011 business-market 1 +1001111011011 beverage-consulting 1 +1001111011011 Washingtonbased 1 +1001111011011 16th-ranking 1 +1001111011011 Board-member 1 +1001111011011 200-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 135-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 foreign-bribery 1 +1001111011011 government-built 1 +1001111011011 once-sickly 1 +1001111011011 policy-analysis 1 +1001111011011 legal-graphics 1 +1001111011011 drug-wholesaler 1 +1001111011011 brokerage-oriented 1 +1001111011011 520-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 159-year-old 1 +1001111011011 rooming 1 +1001111011011 480-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 550-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 454-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 neo-Colonial 1 +1001111011011 252-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 fund-selling 1 +1001111011011 250-lawyer 1 +1001111011011 Roche/Dinkeloo 1 +1001111011011 ballot-counting 1 +1001111011011 rat-control 1 +1001111011011 accounting-method 1 +1001111011011 accounting-period 1 +1001111011011 technology-patent 1 +1001111011011 investment-advising 1 +1001111011011 executive-summary 1 +1001111011011 fraud-auditing 1 +1001111011011 turn-key 1 +1001111011011 concrete-lined 1 +1001111011011 money-exchange 1 +1001111011011 fund-research 2 +1001111011011 worker-managed 2 +1001111011011 bond-insurance 2 +1001111011011 nonclearing 2 +1001111011011 Reichmann-owned 2 +1001111011011 bank-consulting 2 +1001111011011 white-oriented 2 +1001111011011 personal-trading 2 +1001111011011 Panama-registered 2 +1001111011011 benefit-consulting 2 +1001111011011 charnel 2 +1001111011011 160-lawyer 2 +1001111011011 pennystock 2 +1001111011011 dealer-related 2 +1001111011011 acccounting 2 +1001111011011 grocery-buying 2 +1001111011011 bond-management 2 +1001111011011 research-consulting 2 +1001111011011 Ohio-incorporated 2 +1001111011011 eight-lawyer 2 +1001111011011 beauty-product 2 +1001111011011 25-employee 2 +1001111011011 management-consultant 2 +1001111011011 pinky 2 +1001111011011 catalog-consulting 2 +1001111011011 20-man 2 +1001111011011 plumbing-supply 2 +1001111011011 grain-exporting 2 +1001111011011 pension-investment 2 +1001111011011 Western-civilization 2 +1001111011011 Deny 2 +1001111011011 bank-securities 2 +1001111011011 pension-consulting 2 +1001111011011 industrial-controls 2 +1001111011011 securities-brokerage 2 +1001111011011 fight-promotion 2 +1001111011011 securities-rating 2 +1001111011011 shareholder-search 2 +1001111011011 household-survey 2 +1001111011011 deposit-rating 2 +1001111011011 energy-consulting 2 +1001111011011 cash-machine 2 +1001111011011 mortgage-brokerage 2 +1001111011011 120-lawyer 2 +1001111011011 bank-ratings 2 +1001111011011 executive-consulting 2 +1001111011011 agronomic 2 +1001111011011 jacaranda 2 +1001111011011 trade-consulting 2 +1001111011011 Sukrawetan 2 +1001111011011 cartage 2 +1001111011011 stock-watch 2 +1001111011011 corsets 2 +1001111011011 retail-consulting 2 +1001111011011 oyster-shucking 2 +1001111011011 non-exchange 2 +1001111011011 franchise-consulting 2 +1001111011011 house-building 2 +1001111011011 marketing-strategy 2 +1001111011011 tax-service 2 +1001111011011 financial-consulting 2 +1001111011011 options-brokerage 2 +1001111011011 ocean-side 2 +1001111011011 travel-consulting 2 +1001111011011 airport-security 2 +1001111011011 compensation-consulting 2 +1001111011011 farm-law 2 +1001111011011 multi-product 2 +1001111011011 boat-making 2 +1001111011011 executive-recruitment 2 +1001111011011 well-motivated 2 +1001111011011 metal-trading 2 +1001111011011 profit-maximizing 2 +1001111011011 stock-specialist 2 +1001111011011 investment-consulting 3 +1001111011011 marketing-consulting 3 +1001111011011 commodity-brokerage 3 +1001111011011 ink-stained 3 +1001111011011 media-research 3 +1001111011011 mail-processing 3 +1001111011011 16-person 3 +1001111011011 home-remodeling 3 +1001111011011 legal-consulting 3 +1001111011011 tradition-steeped 3 +1001111011011 waste-collection 3 +1001111011011 package-design 3 +1001111011011 retirement-housing 3 +1001111011011 political-consulting 3 +1001111011011 stock-research 3 +1001111011011 bearing-manufacturing 3 +1001111011011 parts-delivery 3 +1001111011011 50-lawyer 3 +1001111011011 700-lawyer 3 +1001111011011 general-contracting 4 +1001111011011 African-American 4 +1001111011011 headhunting 4 +1001111011011 securities-research 4 +1001111011011 inventory-accounting 4 +1001111011011 300-lawyer 4 +1001111011011 computer-consulting 4 +1001111011011 propeller-jet 4 +1001111011011 140-lawyer 5 +1001111011011 thespian 5 +1001111011011 Japanese-affiliated 5 +1001111011011 investment-counseling 5 +1001111011011 American-controlled 5 +1001111011011 cinderblock 5 +1001111011011 marketing-research 5 +1001111011011 private-investment 5 +1001111011011 chaise 5 +1001111011011 security-services 6 +1001111011011 grain-trading 6 +1001111011011 accounting-rule 6 +1001111011011 management-services 6 +1001111011011 oil-consulting 6 +1001111011011 stock-brokerage 7 +1001111011011 financial-management 7 +1001111011011 metals-trading 7 +1001111011011 full-cost 7 +1001111011011 labor-law 7 +1001111011011 auto-financing 7 +1001111011011 corn-processing 7 +1001111011011 executive-recruiting 8 +1001111011011 work-out 8 +1001111011011 benefits-consulting 9 +1001111011011 consumer-research 9 +1001111011011 inventory-control 9 +1001111011011 pension-accounting 10 +1001111011011 econometrics 10 +1001111011011 proxy-solicitation 12 +1001111011011 sports-marketing 13 +1001111011011 economic-consulting 13 +1001111011011 commercial/industrial 14 +1001111011011 discount-brokerage 17 +1001111011011 options-trading 17 +1001111011011 broking 18 +1001111011011 investment-advisory 22 +1001111011011 executive-search 29 +1001111011011 temp 29 +1001111011011 stockbroking 32 +1001111011011 consultancy 34 +1001111011011 management-consulting 35 +1001111011011 financial-planning 40 +1001111011011 asset-management 41 +1001111011011 investment-management 52 +1001111011011 outplacement 75 +1001111011011 advance-purchase 86 +1001111011011 CPA 101 +1001111011011 market-research 119 +1001111011011 money-management 148 +1001111011011 stockbrokerage 165 +1001111011011 auditing 240 +1001111011011 investment-banking 329 +1001111011011 clearing 626 +1001111011011 consulting 2415 +1001111011011 brokerage 3594 +1001111011011 accounting 4209 +10011110111000 collision-warning 1 +10011110111000 retailiatory 1 +10011110111000 flexible-manufacturing 1 +10011110111000 mail-forwarding 1 +10011110111000 altitude-measuring 1 +10011110111000 test-audience 1 +10011110111000 cubo-futurist 1 +10011110111000 electronic-shopping 1 +10011110111000 long-range-radar 1 +10011110111000 coke-fueled 1 +10011110111000 fraud-detection 1 +10011110111000 counter-espionage 1 +10011110111000 plaque-removing 1 +10011110111000 order-option 1 +10011110111000 pulse-research 1 +10011110111000 snow-making 1 +10011110111000 communiciations 1 +10011110111000 defueling 1 +10011110111000 tooth-cleaning 1 +10011110111000 shot-in-the-dark 1 +10011110111000 avionics-engineering 1 +10011110111000 sports-programming 1 +10011110111000 program-development 1 +10011110111000 base-publishing 1 +10011110111000 retarder 1 +10011110111000 behind-the-lines 1 +10011110111000 homosexual-support 1 +10011110111000 production-engineering 1 +10011110111000 tactical-display 1 +10011110111000 appliance-store 1 +10011110111000 mergers-advisory 1 +10011110111000 theft-alarm 1 +10011110111000 political-funding 1 +10011110111000 maintenance-program 1 +10011110111000 price-quotation 2 +10011110111000 pre-funding 2 +10011110111000 power-producing 2 +10011110111000 computer-graphic 2 +10011110111000 ballon 2 +10011110111000 facsimile-transmission 2 +10011110111000 WHDH-AM 2 +10011110111000 telephone-system 2 +10011110111000 cash-register 2 +10011110111000 economic-cooperation 2 +10011110111000 engine-development 2 +10011110111000 impulse-buying 2 +10011110111000 deficit-control 2 +10011110111000 tax-compliance 2 +10011110111000 crime-detection 2 +10011110111000 factory-building 2 +10011110111000 sub-assembly 2 +10011110111000 cardiac-pacing 2 +10011110111000 unappropriated 2 +10011110111000 electronic-defense 2 +10011110111000 night-shift 2 +10011110111000 timber-harvesting 2 +10011110111000 unenacted 2 +10011110111000 home-stretch 2 +10011110111000 annealing 2 +10011110111000 regasification 2 +10011110111000 film-editing 2 +10011110111000 test-range 2 +10011110111000 home-cooking 3 +10011110111000 fractal 3 +10011110111000 steady-as-she-goes 3 +10011110111000 monoline 3 +10011110111000 lactation 3 +10011110111000 community-relations 3 +10011110111000 concertizing 3 +10011110111000 television-programming 3 +10011110111000 tune-up 3 +10011110111000 unselfish 3 +10011110111000 BMP 3 +10011110111000 cowgirls 3 +10011110111000 information-storage 3 +10011110111000 round-robin 3 +10011110111000 non-engineering 3 +10011110111000 gold-trading 3 +10011110111000 data-analysis 3 +10011110111000 truck-making 3 +10011110111000 home-banking 3 +10011110111000 containable 3 +10011110111000 anti-Electrolux 3 +10011110111000 employment-severance 3 +10011110111000 Polydor 3 +10011110111000 phonics 3 +10011110111000 discus 3 +10011110111000 atropine 3 +10011110111000 targetable 3 +10011110111000 fee-related 4 +10011110111000 roadbuilding 4 +10011110111000 union-company 4 +10011110111000 satellite-control 4 +10011110111000 chrome-plating 4 +10011110111000 star-gazing 4 +10011110111000 encrypted 4 +10011110111000 rewind 4 +10011110111000 business-management 4 +10011110111000 Medicare-certified 4 +10011110111000 audience-measurement 4 +10011110111000 pyrotechnic 4 +10011110111000 electrolysis 4 +10011110111000 electric-powered 4 +10011110111000 acqusitions 4 +10011110111000 merchandizing 4 +10011110111000 hematology 5 +10011110111000 air-service 5 +10011110111000 energy-supply 5 +10011110111000 Kotex 5 +10011110111000 quicksilver 5 +10011110111000 countersuits 5 +10011110111000 missile-production 5 +10011110111000 order-processing 5 +10011110111000 manicure 6 +10011110111000 deposit-gathering 6 +10011110111000 trading-company 6 +10011110111000 municipal-finance 6 +10011110111000 floor-trading 6 +10011110111000 electronic-trading 6 +10011110111000 composting 6 +10011110111000 information-retrieval 7 +10011110111000 electronic-information 7 +10011110111000 co-ownership 7 +10011110111000 well-lit 7 +10011110111000 command-and-control 8 +10011110111000 data-collection 8 +10011110111000 sneering 8 +10011110111000 get-out-the-vote 8 +10011110111000 biking 8 +10011110111000 reprocessing 8 +10011110111000 remediation 9 +10011110111000 argon 9 +10011110111000 fire-fighting 9 +10011110111000 intermodal 9 +10011110111000 stock-buying 9 +10011110111000 trouble-shooting 10 +10011110111000 export-finance 10 +10011110111000 intelligence-gathering 11 +10011110111000 hand-washing 11 +10011110111000 lubrication 11 +10011110111000 critical-care 11 +10011110111000 image-building 11 +10011110111000 mine-clearing 11 +10011110111000 ventilating 12 +10011110111000 decontamination 13 +10011110111000 lube 13 +10011110111000 representational 13 +10011110111000 high-strength 13 +10011110111000 movie-making 13 +10011110111000 drug-interdiction 14 +10011110111000 feathered 14 +10011110111000 business-development 14 +10011110111000 bleaching 15 +10011110111000 software-development 15 +10011110111000 docking 16 +10011110111000 ginger 16 +10011110111000 rafting 17 +10011110111000 post-production 17 +10011110111000 peacemaking 18 +10011110111000 telemetry 18 +10011110111000 supercomputing 18 +10011110111000 merger-and-acquisition 19 +10011110111000 relending 19 +10011110111000 risk-management 19 +10011110111000 managed-care 19 +10011110111000 canning 20 +10011110111000 robotic 20 +10011110111000 missile-engineering 20 +10011110111000 image-processing 21 +10011110111000 news-gathering 21 +10011110111000 currency-trading 23 +10011110111000 messaging 25 +10011110111000 prospecting 26 +10011110111000 percussion 26 +10011110111000 extrusion 26 +10011110111000 ticketing 26 +10011110111000 firefighting 28 +10011110111000 converter 28 +10011110111000 photocopying 29 +10011110111000 towing 30 +10011110111000 problem-solving 31 +10011110111000 brokering 32 +10011110111000 wagering 34 +10011110111000 forwarding 35 +10011110111000 boating 35 +10011110111000 sourcing 35 +10011110111000 decorating 37 +10011110111000 landscaping 38 +10011110111000 dredging 41 +10011110111000 retrieval 44 +10011110111000 product-development 47 +10011110111000 molding 54 +10011110111000 deal-making 55 +10011110111000 welding 56 +10011110111000 camping 56 +10011110111000 braking 56 +10011110111000 grazing 60 +10011110111000 subcontracting 61 +10011110111000 fabricating 63 +10011110111000 telemarketing 64 +10011110111000 interchange 64 +10011110111000 M&A 74 +10011110111000 stock-trading 78 +10011110111000 logistics 88 +10011110111000 courier 88 +10011110111000 pharmacy 92 +10011110111000 seating 98 +10011110111000 wiring 101 +10011110111000 PR 104 +10011110111000 corporate-finance 127 +10011110111000 paging 141 +10011110111000 irrigation 142 +10011110111000 navigation 157 +10011110111000 market-making 160 +10011110111000 franchising 176 +10011110111000 backup 194 +10011110111000 fitness 225 +10011110111000 recycling 243 +10011110111000 conservation 257 +10011110111000 computing 258 +10011110111000 merchandising 299 +10011110111000 lighting 302 +10011110111000 billing 332 +10011110111000 fund-raising 338 +10011110111000 servicing 358 +10011110111000 communication 366 +10011110111000 public-relations 380 +10011110111000 hedging 392 +10011110111000 beauty 429 +10011110111000 promotional 450 +10011110111000 syndication 453 +10011110111000 cooperative 477 +10011110111000 fishing 522 +10011110111000 landing 587 +10011110111000 storage 761 +10011110111000 licensing 793 +10011110111000 lobbying 1023 +10011110111000 shipping 1209 +10011110111000 processing 1484 +10011110111000 engineering 2368 +10011110111000 marketing 7473 +10011110111000 communications 2482 +10011110111001 driling 1 +10011110111001 maxi-debate 1 +10011110111001 spirts 1 +10011110111001 nsurance 1 +10011110111001 joint-exploration 1 +10011110111001 specialty-insurance 1 +10011110111001 development/production/distribution 1 +10011110111001 radiative 1 +10011110111001 wild-catting 1 +10011110111001 cost-recognition 1 +10011110111001 multihued 1 +10011110111001 part-making 1 +10011110111001 steel-finishing 1 +10011110111001 directory-printing 1 +10011110111001 turbine-related 1 +10011110111001 container-transport 1 +10011110111001 Microsoft-Apple 1 +10011110111001 basic-materials 1 +10011110111001 to-four-family 1 +10011110111001 jackup 1 +10011110111001 draining-and-flushing 1 +10011110111001 Hanina 1 +10011110111001 drugs-for-arms 1 +10011110111001 CLAUSTROPHOBIC 1 +10011110111001 protection-related 1 +10011110111001 life-health 1 +10011110111001 roof-support 1 +10011110111001 submicron 1 +10011110111001 masonry-clad 1 +10011110111001 cow-like 1 +10011110111001 hay-topped 1 +10011110111001 dealing-room 2 +10011110111001 drilling-bit 2 +10011110111001 wage-negotiation 2 +10011110111001 home-buyer 2 +10011110111001 807-type 2 +10011110111001 profiteroles 2 +10011110111001 field-equipment 2 +10011110111001 unpressurized 2 +10011110111001 bookselling 2 +10011110111001 commercial-jet 2 +10011110111001 order-delivery 2 +10011110111001 soft-drink-bottling 2 +10011110111001 paper-distribution 2 +10011110111001 Eurobond-trading 2 +10011110111001 inertial-guidance 2 +10011110111001 process-development 2 +10011110111001 bus-building 2 +10011110111001 Tempo/Topaz 2 +10011110111001 battery-manufacturing 2 +10011110111001 oil-shale 2 +10011110111001 minority-employment 2 +10011110111001 computer-manufacturing 2 +10011110111001 deflations 2 +10011110111001 missile-support 2 +10011110111001 exploration-equipment 2 +10011110111001 drillings 2 +10011110111001 Beruit 2 +10011110111001 aluminum-making 2 +10011110111001 disposer 2 +10011110111001 automations 2 +10011110111001 mortgage-making 2 +10011110111001 grouting 2 +10011110111001 Lowenbrau 3 +10011110111001 congregate-living 3 +10011110111001 desipramine 3 +10011110111001 crash-protection 3 +10011110111001 Oceania 3 +10011110111001 SCEcorp. 3 +10011110111001 pest-resistant 3 +10011110111001 air-carrier 3 +10011110111001 bankrutpcy 3 +10011110111001 video-distribution 3 +10011110111001 power-production 3 +10011110111001 Dalhousie 3 +10011110111001 steering-column 3 +10011110111001 desulfurization 3 +10011110111001 colorings 3 +10011110111001 mulberry 3 +10011110111001 component-making 3 +10011110111001 1960s-style 3 +10011110111001 squirting 3 +10011110111001 industry-related 3 +10011110111001 barbeque 3 +10011110111001 spearing 3 +10011110111001 waste-processing 4 +10011110111001 gas-drilling 4 +10011110111001 site-preparation 4 +10011110111001 well-service 4 +10011110111001 tourism-related 4 +10011110111001 alpha-naphthol 4 +10011110111001 commercial-lending 4 +10011110111001 military-aerospace 4 +10011110111001 dataprocessing 4 +10011110111001 non-transportation 4 +10011110111001 denim-making 4 +10011110111001 note-issuance 4 +10011110111001 timekeeping 4 +10011110111001 white-run 4 +10011110111001 parts-distribution 5 +10011110111001 electronics-related 5 +10011110111001 packinghouse 5 +10011110111001 Cryovac 5 +10011110111001 dipstick 5 +10011110111001 plant-construction 5 +10011110111001 corporate-lending 5 +10011110111001 film-distribution 5 +10011110111001 well-servicing 5 +10011110111001 basic-chemicals 5 +10011110111001 bulk-shipping 6 +10011110111001 magnetics 6 +10011110111001 cargo-handling 6 +10011110111001 market-surveillance 6 +10011110111001 capital-investment 6 +10011110111001 separator 6 +10011110111001 sealant 6 +10011110111001 monomers 6 +10011110111001 waste-removal 7 +10011110111001 contruction 7 +10011110111001 film-production 7 +10011110111001 mooring 7 +10011110111001 bank-refinancing 8 +10011110111001 doctor's-office 8 +10011110111001 order-routing 8 +10011110111001 de-icing 8 +10011110111001 gas-supply 9 +10011110111001 car-making 9 +10011110111001 pulping 9 +10011110111001 guzzler 10 +10011110111001 radiator 10 +10011110111001 tax-preparation 10 +10011110111001 claims-processing 11 +10011110111001 reexport 13 +10011110111001 paper-making 13 +10011110111001 interconnection 14 +10011110111001 film-processing 14 +10011110111001 parts-making 16 +10011110111001 tire-making 16 +10011110111001 etching 17 +10011110111001 Claymore 18 +10011110111001 waste-treatment 18 +10011110111001 airways 18 +10011110111001 intensive-care 19 +10011110111001 compression 29 +10011110111001 rehab 29 +10011110111001 chip-making 30 +10011110111001 capital-markets 32 +10011110111001 purification 33 +10011110111001 veneer 35 +10011110111001 ranching 38 +10011110111001 goods-producing 38 +10011110111001 slaughtering 38 +10011110111001 optic 46 +10011110111001 wholesaling 46 +10011110111001 smelting 48 +10011110111001 wallboard 53 +10011110111001 startup 57 +10011110111001 incineration 59 +10011110111001 waste-disposal 62 +10011110111001 extraction 62 +10011110111001 Corsica 65 +10011110111001 animation 66 +10011110111001 remodeling 71 +10011110111001 combustion 73 +10011110111001 instrumentation 76 +10011110111001 simulation 86 +10011110111001 fabrication 89 +10011110111001 logging 91 +10011110111001 coating 93 +10011110111001 enrichment 93 +10011110111001 refrigeration 94 +10011110111001 avionics 103 +10011110111001 steelmaking 109 +10011110111001 turbine 111 +10011110111001 liquids 116 +10011110111001 convoy 117 +10011110111001 sewage 144 +10011110111001 Taurus 180 +10011110111001 measurement 202 +10011110111001 imaging 215 +10011110111001 spirits 335 +10011110111001 automation 406 +10011110111001 start-up 654 +10011110111001 refining 774 +10011110111001 transmission 826 +10011110111001 printing 929 +10011110111001 drilling 995 +10011110111001 leasing 1051 +10011110111001 maintenance 1364 +10011110111001 pipeline 1606 +10011110111001 exploration 1638 +10011110111001 distribution 3397 +10011110111001 construction 5299 +10011110111001 manufacturing 4660 +100111101110100 air-emergency 1 +100111101110100 limited-release 1 +100111101110100 opinion-polling 1 +100111101110100 Clark-Cowlitz 1 +100111101110100 Banishing 1 +100111101110100 refugee-protection 1 +100111101110100 univesrity 1 +100111101110100 IMF-style 1 +100111101110100 159-nation 1 +100111101110100 alcoholism-treatment 1 +100111101110100 special-needs 1 +100111101110100 anti-tax-reform 1 +100111101110100 advertiser-produced 1 +100111101110100 program-sales 1 +100111101110100 unshared 1 +100111101110100 all-but-independent 1 +100111101110100 securities-watchdog 1 +100111101110100 independent-expenditure 1 +100111101110100 alternatative 1 +100111101110100 trellising 1 +100111101110100 awareness-building 1 +100111101110100 philatelic 1 +100111101110100 anti-slowdown 1 +100111101110100 work-welfare 1 +100111101110100 export-guarantee 1 +100111101110100 toy-related 1 +100111101110100 income-preserving 1 +100111101110100 temperature-taking 1 +100111101110100 small-publishing 1 +100111101110100 devlopment 1 +100111101110100 anti-spiritual-pollution 1 +100111101110100 all-beef 1 +100111101110100 wing-part 1 +100111101110100 dude-ranch 1 +100111101110100 regional-marketing 1 +100111101110100 economice 1 +100111101110100 at-my-desk 1 +100111101110100 real-estate-loan 1 +100111101110100 energy-efficiency 1 +100111101110100 consumer-country 1 +100111101110100 software-license 1 +100111101110100 petroleum-cracking 1 +100111101110100 advance-guard 1 +100111101110100 social-interest 1 +100111101110100 poverty-law 1 +100111101110100 pension-benefits 1 +100111101110100 IVF/GIFT 1 +100111101110100 SPENDERS 1 +100111101110100 gold-braided 1 +100111101110100 anti-Armenian 1 +100111101110100 domestic-violence 1 +100111101110100 deep-space 1 +100111101110100 Turner-Kumagai 1 +100111101110100 liquor-marketing 1 +100111101110100 8,000-square-foot 1 +100111101110100 tool-builders 1 +100111101110100 information-security 1 +100111101110100 loan-guaranty 1 +100111101110100 split-commission 1 +100111101110100 due-on-sale 1 +100111101110100 bag-related 1 +100111101110100 Crew-reduction 1 +100111101110100 early-release 1 +100111101110100 OSHA-type 1 +100111101110100 energy-cost 1 +100111101110100 527,000but 1 +100111101110100 all-state 1 +100111101110100 show/merchandising 1 +100111101110100 taxi-owners 1 +100111101110100 communist-front 1 +100111101110100 presorting 1 +100111101110100 food-relief 1 +100111101110100 marine-machinery 1 +100111101110100 up-close-and-personal 1 +100111101110100 player-sportswriter 1 +100111101110100 Guide-sized 1 +100111101110100 themepark 1 +100111101110100 industrial-finance 1 +100111101110100 semipublic 1 +100111101110100 commercial-insurance 1 +100111101110100 risk-absorbing 1 +100111101110100 stock-photo 1 +100111101110100 budget-driven 1 +100111101110100 auto-lubrication 1 +100111101110100 as-yet-unwritten 1 +100111101110100 television-advertising 2 +100111101110100 jury-duty 2 +100111101110100 body-collection 2 +100111101110100 office-temporary 2 +100111101110100 coin-production 2 +100111101110100 straight-faced 2 +100111101110100 anti-feminist 2 +100111101110100 tax-collecting 2 +100111101110100 image-boosting 2 +100111101110100 principal-transaction 2 +100111101110100 vehicle-making 2 +100111101110100 adverstising 2 +100111101110100 quick-print 2 +100111101110100 neoprene 2 +100111101110100 coupon-distribution 2 +100111101110100 AIDS-prevention 2 +100111101110100 image-advertising 2 +100111101110100 bourgeois-liberalization 2 +100111101110100 bluestone 2 +100111101110100 anti-free-trade 2 +100111101110100 anti-banking 2 +100111101110100 patent-licensing 2 +100111101110100 15-game 2 +100111101110100 investment-guarantee 2 +100111101110100 Adachiya 2 +100111101110100 2,545 2 +100111101110100 issue-less 2 +100111101110100 growth-management 2 +100111101110100 private-employer 2 +100111101110100 bistate 2 +100111101110100 anti-gambling 3 +100111101110100 industrial-strength 3 +100111101110100 rheumatism 3 +100111101110100 newspaper-ad 3 +100111101110100 serialization 3 +100111101110100 self-motivation 3 +100111101110100 schilling 3 +100111101110100 106-member 3 +100111101110100 anti-drinking 3 +100111101110100 fumigation 4 +100111101110100 applesauce 4 +100111101110100 Citi-One 5 +100111101110100 advertising-sales 5 +100111101110100 town-house 5 +100111101110100 trade-promotion 6 +100111101110100 alms 6 +100111101110100 capital-improvement 7 +100111101110100 eyebrow 10 +100111101110100 miniature-golf 11 +100111101110100 stumpage 11 +100111101110100 advertorial 12 +100111101110100 ox 12 +100111101110100 credit-research 12 +100111101110100 accrediting 15 +100111101110100 151-nation 17 +100111101110100 debt-collection 17 +100111101110100 oil-change 18 +100111101110100 anti-corruption 19 +100111101110100 overdraft 23 +100111101110100 encyclopedia 45 +100111101110100 traffic-safety 53 +100111101110100 ARM 56 +100111101110100 invoice 69 +100111101110100 ADR 102 +100111101110100 entitlement 159 +100111101110100 escrow 208 +100111101110100 drinks 508 +100111101110100 underwriting 1320 +100111101110100 advertising 5616 +100111101110100 ad 3450 +100111101110101 bulk-mailing 1 +100111101110101 pharmaceutics 1 +100111101110101 company-administration 1 +100111101110101 head-scratching 1 +100111101110101 hairbrained 1 +100111101110101 loan-underwriting 1 +100111101110101 oil-transfer 1 +100111101110101 traumatology 1 +100111101110101 market-promoting 1 +100111101110101 Lasertronics 1 +100111101110101 mutual-aid 1 +100111101110101 silk-trading 1 +100111101110101 IMF-endorsed 1 +100111101110101 Piper-Heidseick 1 +100111101110101 discrimination-complaint 1 +100111101110101 dysfunctions 1 +100111101110101 safety-training 1 +100111101110101 debate-organizing 1 +100111101110101 media-watchdog 1 +100111101110101 Setback 1 +100111101110101 4,497,205 1 +100111101110101 joint-trade 1 +100111101110101 8,000-odd 1 +100111101110101 heat-escape 1 +100111101110101 thrift-study 1 +100111101110101 small-business-development 1 +100111101110101 Mutt-and-Jeff 1 +100111101110101 angiotensin-converting 1 +100111101110101 non-naturalistic 1 +100111101110101 serology 1 +100111101110101 emergency-locater 1 +100111101110101 protective-custody 1 +100111101110101 cartographic 1 +100111101110101 geochemistry 1 +100111101110101 346.44 1 +100111101110101 distraction-free 1 +100111101110101 ethnic-study 1 +100111101110101 obstetrics-gynecology 1 +100111101110101 1777-78 1 +100111101110101 fauteuils 1 +100111101110101 563.24 1 +100111101110101 Jurisprudence 1 +100111101110101 face-painting 1 +100111101110101 counterinflation 1 +100111101110101 educational-research 1 +100111101110101 cross-linking 1 +100111101110101 news-digging 1 +100111101110101 equipment-partsmaking 1 +100111101110101 cream-vending 1 +100111101110101 consumer-advice 1 +100111101110101 peritonitis 1 +100111101110101 domestic-commodity 1 +100111101110101 time-space 1 +100111101110101 Jersey-Pennsylvania 1 +100111101110101 window-filled 1 +100111101110101 rice-bug 1 +100111101110101 load-management 1 +100111101110101 bond-sales 1 +100111101110101 newsgathering 1 +100111101110101 news-and-gossip 1 +100111101110101 unjaded 1 +100111101110101 2286.2 1 +100111101110101 Monplaisir 1 +100111101110101 otology 1 +100111101110101 district-attorney 1 +100111101110101 energy-pricing 1 +100111101110101 user-funded 1 +100111101110101 globetrotting 1 +100111101110101 Alabam 1 +100111101110101 second-act 1 +100111101110101 trade-fair 1 +100111101110101 highbrow-furrowing 1 +100111101110101 Rebar 1 +100111101110101 loan-workout 1 +100111101110101 Toronto-Montreal-Ottawa 1 +100111101110101 Theremin 1 +100111101110101 pre-stamped 1 +100111101110101 engine-casting 1 +100111101110101 pushbacks 1 +100111101110101 car-window 1 +100111101110101 suburb-to-center 1 +100111101110101 trdaing 1 +100111101110101 Wartnaby 1 +100111101110101 insider-selling 1 +100111101110101 gene-analysis 1 +100111101110101 payment-system 1 +100111101110101 hematology-oncology 2 +100111101110101 shams 2 +100111101110101 policy-research 2 +100111101110101 light-industry 2 +100111101110101 broadcasted 2 +100111101110101 murder-for-hire 2 +100111101110101 international-relations 2 +100111101110101 Khuzestan 2 +100111101110101 closed-off 2 +100111101110101 order-matching 2 +100111101110101 carnivore 2 +100111101110101 loungers 2 +100111101110101 power-assisted 2 +100111101110101 two-fund 2 +100111101110101 taste-testing 2 +100111101110101 credit-review 2 +100111101110101 corporate-communications 2 +100111101110101 flea-bitten 2 +100111101110101 symposia 2 +100111101110101 Habsheim 2 +100111101110101 well-administered 2 +100111101110101 year-in 2 +100111101110101 enology 2 +100111101110101 bill-padding 2 +100111101110101 bloater 2 +100111101110101 chemical-weapon-free 2 +100111101110101 F&I 2 +100111101110101 audiology 2 +100111101110101 perishing 2 +100111101110101 every-man-for-himself 2 +100111101110101 380SL 2 +100111101110101 AIDS-service 2 +100111101110101 city-planning 2 +100111101110101 shoebox-size 2 +100111101110101 art-history 3 +100111101110101 freshet 3 +100111101110101 laryngitis 3 +100111101110101 tuba 3 +100111101110101 entomology 3 +100111101110101 self-addressed 3 +100111101110101 Cassino 3 +100111101110101 reseach 3 +100111101110101 agate 3 +100111101110101 export-processing 3 +100111101110101 photojournalism 3 +100111101110101 depositor-owned 3 +100111101110101 45-degree 3 +100111101110101 popular-culture 3 +100111101110101 environmental-affairs 3 +100111101110101 supra-national 3 +100111101110101 non-money 3 +100111101110101 bricklayer 3 +100111101110101 loudness 3 +100111101110101 sponging 3 +100111101110101 croc 4 +100111101110101 behaviorist 4 +100111101110101 gerontology 4 +100111101110101 ophthalmology 4 +100111101110101 video-communications 4 +100111101110101 phonetics 4 +100111101110101 agronomy 4 +100111101110101 zoology 4 +100111101110101 biomechanics 4 +100111101110101 customs-free 4 +100111101110101 debt-financing 4 +100111101110101 geophysics 4 +100111101110101 anesthesiology 5 +100111101110101 rosary 5 +100111101110101 nail-biting 5 +100111101110101 near-misses 5 +100111101110101 invoicing 5 +100111101110101 botany 5 +100111101110101 bioengineering 5 +100111101110101 linguistics 5 +100111101110101 superconduction 5 +100111101110101 employee-assistance 5 +100111101110101 shuffleboard 5 +100111101110101 deftness 5 +100111101110101 biophysics 5 +100111101110101 health-promotion 6 +100111101110101 detoxification 6 +100111101110101 worker-training 6 +100111101110101 commas 6 +100111101110101 pod 6 +100111101110101 Chosun 7 +100111101110101 speedskating 7 +100111101110101 picture-taking 7 +100111101110101 biofeedback 7 +100111101110101 silica 8 +100111101110101 bestsellers 8 +100111101110101 cephalosporin 8 +100111101110101 horticulture 9 +100111101110101 deliberative 9 +100111101110101 birthing 9 +100111101110101 bradykinin 9 +100111101110101 gynecology 10 +100111101110101 matinee 10 +100111101110101 Dong-A 10 +100111101110101 groundbreaking 10 +100111101110101 1002 10 +100111101110101 virology 10 +100111101110101 criminology 10 +100111101110101 viola 11 +100111101110101 oncology 12 +100111101110101 epidemiology 12 +100111101110101 aquaculture 12 +100111101110101 rapt 12 +100111101110101 neurology 14 +100111101110101 methadone 14 +100111101110101 microbiology 14 +100111101110101 cathedrals 14 +100111101110101 dysfunction 14 +100111101110101 insemination 16 +100111101110101 cardiology 16 +100111101110101 toxicology 16 +100111101110101 immunology 16 +100111101110101 self-regulating 17 +100111101110101 sit-ins 17 +100111101110101 astronomy 17 +100111101110101 radiology 17 +100111101110101 dermatology 17 +100111101110101 geriatrics 18 +100111101110101 obstetrics 19 +100111101110101 pediatrics 21 +100111101110101 firebombs 22 +100111101110101 biochemistry 22 +100111101110101 Literaturnaya 22 +100111101110101 pharmacology 23 +100111101110101 brainstorming 26 +100111101110101 public-affairs 28 +100111101110101 standard-setting 29 +100111101110101 geology 31 +100111101110101 pathology 31 +100111101110101 anthropology 31 +100111101110101 rodeo 31 +100111101110101 investor-relations 32 +100111101110101 genetics 35 +100111101110101 athletics 36 +100111101110101 health-maintenance 36 +100111101110101 twilight 44 +100111101110101 psychiatry 49 +100111101110101 humanities 65 +100111101110101 gardening 69 +100111101110101 sociology 72 +100111101110101 literacy 84 +100111101110101 syndications 87 +100111101110101 biology 103 +100111101110101 mathematics 124 +100111101110101 recreation 138 +100111101110101 bowling 142 +100111101110101 gossip 174 +100111101110101 admissions 191 +100111101110101 detention 200 +100111101110101 polling 200 +100111101110101 physics 204 +100111101110101 watchdog 226 +100111101110101 architecture 250 +100111101110101 soap 294 +100111101110101 decision-making 295 +100111101110101 counseling 345 +100111101110101 commerce 559 +100111101110101 science 1199 +100111101110101 economics 1199 +100111101110101 research 8973 +100111101110101 shopping 1511 +100111101110110 d-piano 1 +100111101110110 silvery-leaved 1 +100111101110110 Cohen-Boyer 1 +100111101110110 commercial-development 1 +100111101110110 chocolate-bar 1 +100111101110110 paper-white 1 +100111101110110 rock-influenced 1 +100111101110110 more-luxurious 1 +100111101110110 KWTO-AM 1 +100111101110110 WCAO-AM 1 +100111101110110 WAOK-AM 1 +100111101110110 WONE-AM 1 +100111101110110 WAKR-AM 1 +100111101110110 KFOR-AM 1 +100111101110110 18,000-employee 1 +100111101110110 fabricated-metal 1 +100111101110110 as----- 1 +100111101110110 global-circulation 1 +100111101110110 antifungal 1 +100111101110110 WLAC-AM 1 +100111101110110 WNIC-FM 1 +100111101110110 vehicle-shipment 1 +100111101110110 heatingoil 1 +100111101110110 single-colored 1 +100111101110110 leasing-company 1 +100111101110110 magnesite 1 +100111101110110 nondepositor 1 +100111101110110 eye-and-ear 1 +100111101110110 moon-launch 1 +100111101110110 non-mushroom 1 +100111101110110 post-enactment 1 +100111101110110 animal-human 1 +100111101110110 Shuffling 1 +100111101110110 scandal-free 1 +100111101110110 outside-contract 1 +100111101110110 fast-approaching 1 +100111101110110 refrigerator-compressor 1 +100111101110110 50,890 1 +100111101110110 non-signatory 1 +100111101110110 congessional 1 +100111101110110 electrical-worker 1 +100111101110110 counterguerrilla 1 +100111101110110 Pentacostal 2 +100111101110110 Pepsodent 2 +100111101110110 social-affairs 2 +100111101110110 equal-opportunities 2 +100111101110110 lowest-quality 2 +100111101110110 monetary-affairs 2 +100111101110110 can-sealing 2 +100111101110110 WIBC-AM 2 +100111101110110 WCBS-TV 2 +100111101110110 PR-wise 2 +100111101110110 marketing-service 2 +100111101110110 transcutaneous 2 +100111101110110 domestic-airline 2 +100111101110110 escrow-account 2 +100111101110110 Euroguilder 2 +100111101110110 three-section 2 +100111101110110 hand-dyed 2 +100111101110110 defense-production 2 +100111101110110 40-some 2 +100111101110110 swoony 2 +100111101110110 tax-based 2 +100111101110110 large-cap 2 +100111101110110 government-private 2 +100111101110110 bathroom-tissue 2 +100111101110110 more-disciplined 2 +100111101110110 Breuners 3 +100111101110110 drudge 3 +100111101110110 corporate-affairs 3 +100111101110110 corporate-travel 3 +100111101110110 needle-sharing 3 +100111101110110 all-in-one 3 +100111101110110 agricultural-development 3 +100111101110110 corrosion-control 3 +100111101110110 Byrds 3 +100111101110110 drywall 3 +100111101110110 nondestructive 3 +100111101110110 family-care 3 +100111101110110 crop-insurance 3 +100111101110110 stone-faced 3 +100111101110110 computer-education 3 +100111101110110 space-exploration 3 +100111101110110 social-studies 3 +100111101110110 copper-consuming 4 +100111101110110 neatness 4 +100111101110110 recession-fighting 4 +100111101110110 Wellsburg 4 +100111101110110 weapons-plant 4 +100111101110110 school-district 5 +100111101110110 stair 5 +100111101110110 human-services 5 +100111101110110 road-construction 5 +100111101110110 retail-ad 5 +100111101110110 strategic-defense 6 +100111101110110 telecom 6 +100111101110110 government-wide 6 +100111101110110 causative 7 +100111101110110 public-spending 7 +100111101110110 investment-recovery 7 +100111101110110 production-control 8 +100111101110110 ag 8 +100111101110110 foreign-assistance 8 +100111101110110 non-medical 8 +100111101110110 transporation 9 +100111101110110 self-protection 9 +100111101110110 Huta 13 +100111101110110 antidrug 16 +100111101110110 hedge-fund 19 +100111101110110 masonry 19 +100111101110110 bromine 19 +100111101110110 catchall 22 +100111101110110 remarketing 23 +100111101110110 transportation-equipment 33 +100111101110110 foreign-aid 58 +100111101110110 research-and-development 89 +100111101110110 nonresidential 115 +100111101110110 public-works 196 +100111101110110 R&D 211 +100111101110110 tourism 302 +100111101110110 lawn 312 +100111101110110 interior 338 +100111101110110 treasury 409 +100111101110110 highway 699 +100111101110110 agriculture 882 +100111101110110 defense 8156 +100111101110110 transportation 2444 +100111101110111 marketing-conference 1 +100111101110111 care-products 1 +100111101110111 radio-related 1 +100111101110111 offshore-services 1 +100111101110111 medical-facility 1 +100111101110111 tartar-free 1 +100111101110111 non-Marxists 1 +100111101110111 legal-defense 1 +100111101110111 expansion-oriented 1 +100111101110111 restorers 1 +100111101110111 relational-database 1 +100111101110111 informationsystems 1 +100111101110111 audio-visual-systems 1 +100111101110111 interministry 1 +100111101110111 shut. 1 +100111101110111 erythematosus 1 +100111101110111 eight-million 1 +100111101110111 whale-sized 1 +100111101110111 Deep-South 1 +100111101110111 lauryl 1 +100111101110111 Corp.-affiliated 1 +100111101110111 spins. 1 +100111101110111 overnight-mail 1 +100111101110111 new-name 1 +100111101110111 Chetnik-style 1 +100111101110111 Indiana-incorporated 1 +100111101110111 Sumitomo-clan 1 +100111101110111 strainer 1 +100111101110111 aerosol-packing 1 +100111101110111 Egyptological 1 +100111101110111 Ontario-chartered 1 +100111101110111 depressors 1 +100111101110111 cuttlefish 1 +100111101110111 aircraft-making 1 +100111101110111 airplane-repair 1 +100111101110111 cable-service 1 +100111101110111 alarm-systems 1 +100111101110111 surf-fashion 1 +100111101110111 Pritzker-controlled 1 +100111101110111 noncard 1 +100111101110111 fruit-farm 1 +100111101110111 pomades 1 +100111101110111 jobs-for-teens 1 +100111101110111 Popeye-style 1 +100111101110111 accrual-method 1 +100111101110111 web-printing 1 +100111101110111 airport-services 1 +100111101110111 rites. 1 +100111101110111 irrigation-management 1 +100111101110111 re-emerges 1 +100111101110111 CREDIT-card 1 +100111101110111 import-verification 1 +100111101110111 non-quiet 1 +100111101110111 shouter 1 +100111101110111 non-quoted 1 +100111101110111 stage-five 1 +100111101110111 financialservices 1 +100111101110111 makersa 1 +100111101110111 Semites 1 +100111101110111 Nonproductive 1 +100111101110111 nonmedia 1 +100111101110111 ROUNTABLE 1 +100111101110111 food-oriented 1 +100111101110111 Israeli-based 1 +100111101110111 refacing 1 +100111101110111 equity-mortgage 1 +100111101110111 currency-consulting 1 +100111101110111 relaxer 1 +100111101110111 water-engineering 1 +100111101110111 fresher-feeling 1 +100111101110111 asset-based-financing 1 +100111101110111 low-multiple 1 +100111101110111 state-charted 1 +100111101110111 lab-equipment 1 +100111101110111 single-industry 1 +100111101110111 striping 1 +100111101110111 computer-imaging-systems 1 +100111101110111 supercomputer-manufacturing 1 +100111101110111 EC-controlled 1 +100111101110111 employee-controlled 2 +100111101110111 college-loan 2 +100111101110111 engineering-services 2 +100111101110111 agricultural-biotechnology 2 +100111101110111 Hispanic-market 2 +100111101110111 salinization 2 +100111101110111 cleaning-service 2 +100111101110111 Australian-listed 2 +100111101110111 peasant-style 2 +100111101110111 Combs-Gates 2 +100111101110111 state-designed 2 +100111101110111 environmental-quality 2 +100111101110111 financial-fraud 2 +100111101110111 11-bank 2 +100111101110111 big-borrowing 2 +100111101110111 letter-box 2 +100111101110111 extra-European 2 +100111101110111 Dutch-registered 2 +100111101110111 land-asset 2 +100111101110111 Oppenheimer-controlled 2 +100111101110111 more-successful 2 +100111101110111 have-not 2 +100111101110111 CompuHealth 2 +100111101110111 engineering-software 2 +100111101110111 grise 2 +100111101110111 Chinese-controlled 2 +100111101110111 nonlife-insurance 2 +100111101110111 athletic-wear 2 +100111101110111 data-service 2 +100111101110111 once-potent 2 +100111101110111 coupon-redemption 2 +100111101110111 community-affairs 2 +100111101110111 late-stage 2 +100111101110111 unreserved 2 +100111101110111 auto-electronics 2 +100111101110111 chromatograph/mass 2 +100111101110111 pharmaecutical 2 +100111101110111 dislocated-worker 3 +100111101110111 boggling 3 +100111101110111 follicles 3 +100111101110111 self-fulfillment 3 +100111101110111 asset-sales 3 +100111101110111 buying-in 3 +100111101110111 gasoline-refining 3 +100111101110111 catalog-sales 3 +100111101110111 television-syndication 3 +100111101110111 teacher-training 3 +100111101110111 processed-foods 4 +100111101110111 insurance-service 4 +100111101110111 major-medical 4 +100111101110111 state-regulated 4 +100111101110111 local-telephone 4 +100111101110111 multi-industry 4 +100111101110111 guesthouse 4 +100111101110111 pack-style 4 +100111101110111 in-law 4 +100111101110111 preserver 4 +100111101110111 grain-storage 4 +100111101110111 automobile-insurance 5 +100111101110111 plaited 5 +100111101110111 accounts-payable 5 +100111101110111 lozenges 5 +100111101110111 credit-insurance 5 +100111101110111 tax-haven 7 +100111101110111 municipal-securities 7 +100111101110111 petroleum-refining 7 +100111101110111 expectancies 7 +100111101110111 air-transport 8 +100111101110111 Petites 8 +100111101110111 retardant 8 +100111101110111 drug-distribution 9 +100111101110111 data-gathering 9 +100111101110111 metallurgy 10 +100111101110111 public-utility 12 +100111101110111 computer-service 12 +100111101110111 investment-bank 12 +100111101110111 title-insurance 13 +100111101110111 economic-research 16 +100111101110111 import-export 16 +100111101110111 early-stage 16 +100111101110111 IND 17 +100111101110111 information-service 22 +100111101110111 dryers 29 +100111101110111 mortgage-insurance 31 +100111101110111 oil-exploration 37 +100111101110111 auto-insurance 46 +100111101110111 deposit-insurance 50 +100111101110111 expectancy 54 +100111101110111 employee-owned 57 +100111101110111 car-rental 118 +100111101110111 annuity 167 +100111101110111 life-insurance 189 +100111101110111 insurance 9937 +100111101110111 reinsurance 276 +10011110111100 -managed 1 +10011110111100 domed-stadium 1 +10011110111100 nightlong 1 +10011110111100 construction-financing 1 +10011110111100 Training-Choices 1 +10011110111100 Socialistic 1 +10011110111100 sno-cone 1 +10011110111100 vehicle-financing 1 +10011110111100 basketcase 1 +10011110111100 21-mile 1 +10011110111100 too-long 1 +10011110111100 Knightsbridge 1 +10011110111100 abuse/prevention 1 +10011110111100 gas-storage 1 +10011110111100 Photro 1 +10011110111100 ego-building 1 +10011110111100 litigation-support 1 +10011110111100 attitude-changing 1 +10011110111100 laser-development 1 +10011110111100 18-foot-long 1 +10011110111100 .50-caliber 1 +10011110111100 close-to-the-edge 1 +10011110111100 retreatment 1 +10011110111100 tax-software 1 +10011110111100 platform-maintenance 1 +10011110111100 mop-up 2 +10011110111100 dales 2 +10011110111100 disposers 2 +10011110111100 sukiyaki 2 +10011110111100 nonperformers 2 +10011110111100 Weizhou 2 +10011110111100 make-overs 2 +10011110111100 implementer 2 +10011110111100 selflessness 2 +10011110111100 whitening 2 +10011110111100 entourages 2 +10011110111100 cytarabine 2 +10011110111100 developent 2 +10011110111100 re-marketer 2 +10011110111100 maintainability 2 +10011110111100 VPT390 2 +10011110111100 cashing-out 2 +10011110111100 pocks 2 +10011110111100 Exxons 2 +10011110111100 door-opening 2 +10011110111100 substructure 2 +10011110111100 pointlessness 2 +10011110111100 greenfield 2 +10011110111100 royalty-free 2 +10011110111100 EXPs 2 +10011110111100 maladjustment 2 +10011110111100 Anahuac 2 +10011110111100 producer-distributor 2 +10011110111100 progesterone 3 +10011110111100 entryways 3 +10011110111100 impresarios 3 +10011110111100 hara-kiri 3 +10011110111100 Baluchis 3 +10011110111100 stodgiest 3 +10011110111100 superfund 3 +10011110111100 bookmakers 3 +10011110111100 recurrences 3 +10011110111100 whimsies 3 +10011110111100 workover 3 +10011110111100 Pitfalls 3 +10011110111100 M-CSF 4 +10011110111100 closeout 4 +10011110111100 emaciation 4 +10011110111100 Moduretic 4 +10011110111100 malleability 4 +10011110111100 pacification 4 +10011110111100 portraiture 4 +10011110111100 wherefores 4 +10011110111100 orbits 4 +10011110111100 cheerfulness 4 +10011110111100 seacoast 5 +10011110111100 draftsmen 5 +10011110111100 mockups 5 +10011110111100 spin-offs 5 +10011110111100 deprivations 5 +10011110111100 insufficiency 5 +10011110111100 industriousness 5 +10011110111100 sorrows 5 +10011110111100 crevices 5 +10011110111100 Bloods 5 +10011110111100 inflection 5 +10011110111100 mock-ups 5 +10011110111100 embezzlements 5 +10011110111100 vestibule 6 +10011110111100 matchmaking 6 +10011110111100 decriminalization 6 +10011110111100 initiators 6 +10011110111100 bratwurst 6 +10011110111100 testosterone 6 +10011110111100 exhaled 6 +10011110111100 damnation 7 +10011110111100 vomit 7 +10011110111100 activation 7 +10011110111100 gals 7 +10011110111100 arousal 7 +10011110111100 vibrancy 7 +10011110111100 extermination 7 +10011110111100 forthrightness 7 +10011110111100 distillation 8 +10011110111100 woof 8 +10011110111100 firebombing 8 +10011110111100 Fate 9 +10011110111100 house-cleaning 10 +10011110111100 functionality 10 +10011110111100 absorber 10 +10011110111100 hardness 10 +10011110111100 expropriations 10 +10011110111100 condemnations 10 +10011110111100 crannies 11 +10011110111100 rearmament 11 +10011110111100 waists 11 +10011110111100 cutouts 11 +10011110111100 refurbishment 12 +10011110111100 cranny 12 +10011110111100 adjudication 15 +10011110111100 reclamation 15 +10011110111100 resuscitation 18 +10011110111100 abuser 19 +10011110111100 contemplation 19 +10011110111100 desecration 20 +10011110111100 destabilization 21 +10011110111100 flyer 21 +10011110111100 eradication 22 +10011110111100 excavation 23 +10011110111100 leaseback 26 +10011110111100 clean-up 30 +10011110111100 obsolescence 30 +10011110111100 semantics 30 +10011110111100 cons 31 +10011110111100 upkeep 33 +10011110111100 cultivation 35 +10011110111100 inflammation 38 +10011110111100 standardization 38 +10011110111100 convertibility 39 +10011110111100 rationalization 40 +10011110111100 revitalization 41 +10011110111100 overhauls 42 +10011110111100 overdose 43 +10011110111100 demolition 46 +10011110111100 Snecma 47 +10011110111100 interdiction 47 +10011110111100 lease-back 48 +10011110111100 commercialization 53 +10011110111100 piracy 59 +10011110111100 rotation 64 +10011110111100 downsizing 67 +10011110111100 redevelopment 67 +10011110111100 duplication 71 +10011110111100 reproduction 73 +10011110111100 aggregates 78 +10011110111100 reinvestment 80 +10011110111100 retention 83 +10011110111100 reconstruction 91 +10011110111100 enhancement 110 +10011110111100 downs 123 +10011110111100 recruitment 127 +10011110111100 modification 140 +10011110111100 relocation 146 +10011110111100 sponsorship 153 +10011110111100 amortization 155 +10011110111100 detection 159 +10011110111100 legalization 160 +10011110111100 renovation 171 +10011110111100 appraisal 175 +10011110111100 prevention 199 +10011110111100 rehabilitation 227 +10011110111100 renewal 259 +10011110111100 infrastructure 264 +10011110111100 innovation 336 +10011110111100 integration 339 +10011110111100 modernization 389 +10011110111100 cleanup 492 +10011110111100 diversification 503 +10011110111100 disposal 567 +10011110111100 placement 631 +10011110111100 abuse 817 +10011110111100 promotion 832 +10011110111100 development 7633 +10011110111100 expansion 3581 +10011110111101 action-tax 1 +10011110111101 chances. 1 +10011110111101 reshape. 1 +10011110111101 cutesy-poo 1 +10011110111101 nobile 1 +10011110111101 unfair-dismissal 1 +10011110111101 gene-insertion 1 +10011110111101 hold-and-forward 1 +10011110111101 multiple-rate 1 +10011110111101 Hugg-A-Planet 1 +10011110111101 interferon-TNF 1 +10011110111101 early-caucus 1 +10011110111101 Lijfrentekas 1 +10011110111101 Cremi 1 +10011110111101 balls. 1 +10011110111101 callus 1 +10011110111101 bid-proof 1 +10011110111101 capital-to-loan 1 +10011110111101 motorbiking 1 +10011110111101 emerging-business 1 +10011110111101 videos. 1 +10011110111101 shared-cost 1 +10011110111101 entitlement- 1 +10011110111101 Velban 1 +10011110111101 staffship 1 +10011110111101 nutriments 1 +10011110111101 Eisensteinian 1 +10011110111101 XBR 1 +10011110111101 dust-collection 1 +10011110111101 titling 1 +10011110111101 in-transit 1 +10011110111101 technology-policing 1 +10011110111101 air-emission 1 +10011110111101 service-return 1 +10011110111101 coal-marketing 1 +10011110111101 vacanices 1 +10011110111101 ruboff 1 +10011110111101 self-repudiation 1 +10011110111101 Scholasticus 1 +10011110111101 slayer 1 +10011110111101 air-fuel 1 +10011110111101 kidney-failure 1 +10011110111101 cluster-manager 1 +10011110111101 electronics-research 1 +10011110111101 mishap. 1 +10011110111101 abscesses 1 +10011110111101 talkfests 1 +10011110111101 O-medal 1 +10011110111101 radiocommunications 1 +10011110111101 position-risk 1 +10011110111101 smog-control 1 +10011110111101 ingeneral 1 +10011110111101 Turner-sponsored 1 +10011110111101 melt-up 1 +10011110111101 50/56-seat 1 +10011110111101 passenger-transportation 1 +10011110111101 Tatanga 1 +10011110111101 strangler 1 +10011110111101 safety-monitoring 1 +10011110111101 consumer-advertising 1 +10011110111101 meat-based 1 +10011110111101 varieties. 1 +10011110111101 smellers 1 +10011110111101 attention-deficit 1 +10011110111101 one-market 2 +10011110111101 acid-washing 2 +10011110111101 borrow-and-spend 2 +10011110111101 70-member 2 +10011110111101 technology-intensive 2 +10011110111101 capital-reserve 2 +10011110111101 poultry-inspection 2 +10011110111101 anti-counterfeit 2 +10011110111101 BMW-5 2 +10011110111101 acid-rain-control 2 +10011110111101 satellite-navigation 2 +10011110111101 welfare-work 2 +10011110111101 latchkey 2 +10011110111101 general-staff 2 +10011110111101 consolidated-return 2 +10011110111101 unitary-tax 2 +10011110111101 extruding 2 +10011110111101 third-hand 2 +10011110111101 currency-option 2 +10011110111101 enhanced-recovery 2 +10011110111101 computer-training 2 +10011110111101 skill-training 2 +10011110111101 hutches 2 +10011110111101 self-study 2 +10011110111101 judicial-election 2 +10011110111101 hotel-administration 2 +10011110111101 -500 2 +10011110111101 burn-out 2 +10011110111101 prisoner-furlough 2 +10011110111101 planar 2 +10011110111101 slave-labor 2 +10011110111101 phonebook 2 +10011110111101 refugee-resettlement 2 +10011110111101 yuppie-bashing 2 +10011110111101 self-screening 2 +10011110111101 partial-divestment 2 +10011110111101 PSX/300 2 +10011110111101 patent-application 2 +10011110111101 patent-office 2 +10011110111101 crew-reduction 2 +10011110111101 Ariodante 2 +10011110111101 interlacing 2 +10011110111101 Marxian 2 +10011110111101 pheromone 2 +10011110111101 lock-picking 2 +10011110111101 Discoverer 2 +10011110111101 pinscher 2 +10011110111101 shoulder-belt 2 +10011110111101 gas-separation 2 +10011110111101 hardiness 2 +10011110111101 fluorescence 2 +10011110111101 taxpayer-aid 2 +10011110111101 modulation 2 +10011110111101 document-image-processing 2 +10011110111101 show-and-tell 2 +10011110111101 dial-a-video 2 +10011110111101 people-to-people 3 +10011110111101 pettifogging 3 +10011110111101 bone-growth 3 +10011110111101 blow-out 3 +10011110111101 asynchronous 3 +10011110111101 cosmetic-surgery 3 +10011110111101 vehicle-safety 3 +10011110111101 action-filled 3 +10011110111101 semi-public 3 +10011110111101 know-your-client 3 +10011110111101 D'Amato-Cranston 3 +10011110111101 wands 3 +10011110111101 vicious-dog 3 +10011110111101 electronic-payment 3 +10011110111101 identifier 3 +10011110111101 government-procurement 3 +10011110111101 drug-counseling 3 +10011110111101 temporary-worker 3 +10011110111101 military-satellite 3 +10011110111101 jambiya 3 +10011110111101 Mittelstand 3 +10011110111101 work-sharing 3 +10011110111101 strike-outs 3 +10011110111101 minilateral 3 +10011110111101 syndicated-exclusivity 3 +10011110111101 encoder 4 +10011110111101 parastatals 4 +10011110111101 trawling 4 +10011110111101 savings-bond 4 +10011110111101 biomechanical 4 +10011110111101 lift-slab 4 +10011110111101 audit-trail 4 +10011110111101 formulary 4 +10011110111101 Dial-A-Sailor 4 +10011110111101 galleria 4 +10011110111101 anti-monopoly 4 +10011110111101 pretreatment 4 +10011110111101 domestic-spending 4 +10011110111101 hairsplitting 4 +10011110111101 carotene 4 +10011110111101 no-action 4 +10011110111101 quality-inspection 4 +10011110111101 loss-on-sale 4 +10011110111101 transshipment 5 +10011110111101 off-terminal 5 +10011110111101 pre-treatment 5 +10011110111101 security-related 5 +10011110111101 train-control 5 +10011110111101 competitive-bidding 5 +10011110111101 age-group 5 +10011110111101 buy-write 5 +10011110111101 right-of-way 5 +10011110111101 trade-handling 5 +10011110111101 contact-tracing 5 +10011110111101 mister 5 +10011110111101 low-life 5 +10011110111101 freight-hauling 5 +10011110111101 dispute-settling 5 +10011110111101 lockout/tagout 6 +10011110111101 two-shift 6 +10011110111101 goon 6 +10011110111101 export-screening 6 +10011110111101 X.75 6 +10011110111101 foreign-worker 6 +10011110111101 flim-flam 6 +10011110111101 LACMA 6 +10011110111101 frivolity 7 +10011110111101 universality 7 +10011110111101 canto 7 +10011110111101 shift-lock 7 +10011110111101 bail-out 7 +10011110111101 right-to-know 7 +10011110111101 tree-planting 7 +10011110111101 price-control 7 +10011110111101 superstore 8 +10011110111101 calibration 8 +10011110111101 vagrancy 8 +10011110111101 Bullwinkle 8 +10011110111101 preferred-provider 8 +10011110111101 coinage 9 +10011110111101 anti-growth 9 +10011110111101 reemployment 9 +10011110111101 case-management 9 +10011110111101 child-protection 9 +10011110111101 kennel 9 +10011110111101 first-strike 10 +10011110111101 accountancy 10 +10011110111101 Monkees 10 +10011110111101 naturalization 10 +10011110111101 beggar-thy-neighbor 10 +10011110111101 swampbuster 10 +10011110111101 self-censorship 10 +10011110111101 open-outcry 10 +10011110111101 Iranscam 11 +10011110111101 siting 11 +10011110111101 slalom 12 +10011110111101 time-sharing 12 +10011110111101 internal-security 12 +10011110111101 dango 13 +10011110111101 air-bag 13 +10011110111101 bait-and-switch 13 +10011110111101 torts 13 +10011110111101 lymphadenopathy 14 +10011110111101 down-payment 14 +10011110111101 rulemaking 16 +10011110111101 fundraising 16 +10011110111101 coding 18 +10011110111101 home-buying 18 +10011110111101 weapons-buying 19 +10011110111101 rate-setting 20 +10011110111101 double-breasting 20 +10011110111101 immunization 20 +10011110111101 vaccination 20 +10011110111101 spoiler 21 +10011110111101 wellness 21 +10011110111101 flammability 21 +10011110111101 POW 22 +10011110111101 dieting 22 +10011110111101 word-of-mouth 22 +10011110111101 toxics 22 +10011110111101 redistricting 23 +10011110111101 outreach 24 +10011110111101 self-policing 27 +10011110111101 reflagging 28 +10011110111101 indecency 28 +10011110111101 eviction 30 +10011110111101 affordability 30 +10011110111101 SuperDot 35 +10011110111101 ignition 41 +10011110111101 sterilization 42 +10011110111101 housekeeping 44 +10011110111101 trivia 47 +10011110111101 voucher 51 +10011110111101 nationalities 55 +10011110111101 nonlethal 59 +10011110111101 fact-finding 60 +10011110111101 drug-testing 64 +10011110111101 accreditation 69 +10011110111101 ventilation 70 +10011110111101 disinformation 70 +10011110111101 quality-control 84 +10011110111101 grievance 91 +10011110111101 furlough 93 +10011110111101 bookkeeping 109 +10011110111101 parole 110 +10011110111101 retraining 126 +10011110111101 residency 128 +10011110111101 containment 138 +10011110111101 contraceptive 145 +10011110111101 nutrition 153 +10011110111101 mediation 155 +10011110111101 zoning 178 +10011110111101 certification 192 +10011110111101 humanitarian 217 +10011110111101 supervisory 225 +10011110111101 record-keeping 233 +10011110111101 verification 268 +10011110111101 transit 315 +10011110111101 lottery 318 +10011110111101 propaganda 358 +10011110111101 oversight 405 +10011110111101 surveillance 420 +10011110111101 sentencing 429 +10011110111101 procurement 621 +10011110111101 parking 649 +10011110111101 ethics 837 +10011110111101 welfare 1324 +10011110111101 pricing 1624 +10011110111101 enforcement 1805 +10011110111101 training 2342 +10011110111101 safety 3426 +10011110111101 security 4405 +10011110111110 oil-sharing 1 +10011110111110 side-street 1 +10011110111110 clot-fighting 1 +10011110111110 strategems 1 +10011110111110 Astianax 1 +10011110111110 EAS-fostered 1 +10011110111110 limited-premium 1 +10011110111110 RV20 1 +10011110111110 8-iron 1 +10011110111110 concordances 2 +10011110111110 allocative 2 +10011110111110 optronics 2 +10011110111110 hooding 3 +10011110111110 non-labor 3 +10011110111110 guano 3 +10011110111110 Touchdown 3 +10011110111110 unserviceable 3 +10011110111110 asymmetries 3 +10011110111110 breastplate 3 +10011110111110 newsies 3 +10011110111110 gigantism 3 +10011110111110 taximeters 4 +10011110111110 subzone 4 +10011110111110 spillway 4 +10011110111110 overcollateralization 4 +10011110111110 tutus 4 +10011110111110 activewear 5 +10011110111110 dormancy 6 +10011110111110 midcareer 6 +10011110111110 BIOS 9 +10011110111110 adrenalin 11 +10011110111110 flack 11 +10011110111110 blitzkrieg 11 +10011110111110 blackness 11 +10011110111110 price-setting 11 +10011110111110 recompense 12 +10011110111110 scrip 14 +10011110111110 conditionality 15 +10011110111110 self-government 15 +10011110111110 cross-margining 16 +10011110111110 repellent 16 +10011110111110 cheerleading 22 +10011110111110 mammography 22 +10011110111110 shorthand 22 +10011110111110 honoraria 23 +10011110111110 remuneration 24 +10011110111110 shrapnel 24 +10011110111110 digestion 25 +10011110111110 vesting 26 +10011110111110 debt-servicing 27 +10011110111110 indenture 27 +10011110111110 sequestration 29 +10011110111110 spillover 32 +10011110111110 housecleaning 33 +10011110111110 registry 35 +10011110111110 reinforcement 41 +10011110111110 reparations 41 +10011110111110 fodder 45 +10011110111110 payback 50 +10011110111110 decommissioning 50 +10011110111110 forbearance 59 +10011110111110 picketing 61 +10011110111110 affinity 63 +10011110111110 indemnification 64 +10011110111110 set-aside 71 +10011110111110 exclusivity 86 +10011110111110 reciprocity 92 +10011110111110 deferral 106 +10011110111110 ransom 106 +10011110111110 deportation 109 +10011110111110 visa 113 +10011110111110 input 121 +10011110111110 goodwill 126 +10011110111110 indexing 131 +10011110111110 appropriation 132 +10011110111110 donation 135 +10011110111110 paperwork 158 +10011110111110 scholarship 164 +10011110111110 restitution 167 +10011110111110 eligibility 173 +10011110111110 instruction 194 +10011110111110 reimbursement 204 +10011110111110 documentation 211 +10011110111110 notification 239 +10011110111110 contempt 273 +10011110111110 warranty 318 +10011110111110 amnesty 413 +10011110111110 subsidy 501 +10011110111110 gift 571 +10011110111110 salary 1224 +10011110111110 relief 1430 +10011110111110 compensation 1780 +10011110111110 reserve 1806 +10011110111110 funding 2016 +10011110111110 fine 2216 +10011110111110 material 2410 +10011110111110 treatment 2824 +10011110111110 financing 6698 +10011110111111 conduct-of-business 1 +10011110111111 dissatisfying 1 +10011110111111 contract-managed 1 +10011110111111 paper-cutters 1 +10011110111111 1,726 1 +10011110111111 childbirths 1 +10011110111111 model-building 1 +10011110111111 rock- 1 +10011110111111 carrot-nibbling 1 +10011110111111 four-fifty 1 +10011110111111 rice-milling 1 +10011110111111 bond- 1 +10011110111111 sunrises 1 +10011110111111 carob 1 +10011110111111 yin 1 +10011110111111 zarzuelas 1 +10011110111111 anthills 1 +10011110111111 governerships 1 +10011110111111 peut 1 +10011110111111 2,452 1 +10011110111111 Acupuncture 1 +10011110111111 Asyut 1 +10011110111111 44-2 1 +10011110111111 graphicart 1 +10011110111111 ABA- 1 +10011110111111 tough-on-crime 1 +10011110111111 flummoxed 1 +10011110111111 169-9 1 +10011110111111 Muffie 1 +10011110111111 SAVAK 1 +10011110111111 pseudo-workaholics 1 +10011110111111 Shalamar 1 +10011110111111 Spanish- 1 +10011110111111 Jaerfaella 1 +10011110111111 junior- 1 +10011110111111 apogees 1 +10011110111111 Journeymen 1 +10011110111111 well-control 1 +10011110111111 226,286 1 +10011110111111 likeability 1 +10011110111111 JWT-Italia 1 +10011110111111 KRPM-AM 1 +10011110111111 hobgoblins 1 +10011110111111 leavetakings 1 +10011110111111 97.710 1 +10011110111111 Dearing 1 +10011110111111 kawaii 1 +10011110111111 WTVS/Detroit 1 +10011110111111 522,500 1 +10011110111111 LaRouchites 1 +10011110111111 9.8s 1 +10011110111111 130-megabyte 1 +10011110111111 flappers 1 +10011110111111 master's-level 1 +10011110111111 SAIL 1 +10011110111111 Macfarlanes 1 +10011110111111 Bonebrake 1 +10011110111111 steel- 1 +10011110111111 low-rainfall 1 +10011110111111 life-presidency 1 +10011110111111 electro-galvanized 1 +10011110111111 clean-air-technology 1 +10011110111111 timbrel 1 +10011110111111 1.6:1 1 +10011110111111 14.5:1 1 +10011110111111 I-beams 1 +10011110111111 Angria 1 +10011110111111 6.6-liter 1 +10011110111111 network-control 1 +10011110111111 fuchsias 1 +10011110111111 Arcunum 1 +10011110111111 Khalistan 1 +10011110111111 pecan-shelling 1 +10011110111111 pro-Americans 1 +10011110111111 overutilization 1 +10011110111111 lily-gilding 1 +10011110111111 one-machine 1 +10011110111111 El-Mashrek 1 +10011110111111 113.17 1 +10011110111111 child-killers 1 +10011110111111 business- 1 +10011110111111 pluckier 1 +10011110111111 counter-revolutions 1 +10011110111111 Limburg 1 +10011110111111 15-9 1 +10011110111111 underbilling 1 +10011110111111 heterosexuality 1 +10011110111111 road-access 1 +10011110111111 pain-killers 1 +10011110111111 Varanasi 1 +10011110111111 boxboard 1 +10011110111111 resistants 1 +10011110111111 1592-98 1 +10011110111111 Condivi 1 +10011110111111 Tocache 1 +10011110111111 tin-producing 1 +10011110111111 fuel-spurting 1 +10011110111111 lugubriously 1 +10011110111111 cultdom 1 +10011110111111 group-liability 1 +10011110111111 turnabouts 1 +10011110111111 forsythia 1 +10011110111111 late-romantic 1 +10011110111111 precipitators 1 +10011110111111 summit-gouging 1 +10011110111111 huggermugger 1 +10011110111111 cassis 1 +10011110111111 submitters 1 +10011110111111 Rimini 1 +10011110111111 hacksaws 1 +10011110111111 component-supply 1 +10011110111111 431,087 1 +10011110111111 Bounceroos 1 +10011110111111 millenarianism 1 +10011110111111 proverbs 1 +10011110111111 hazels 1 +10011110111111 recharger 1 +10011110111111 smoking- 1 +10011110111111 686,787 1 +10011110111111 tumeric 1 +10011110111111 Marinduque 1 +10011110111111 coxswains 1 +10011110111111 pop-funk 1 +10011110111111 biologicals 1 +10011110111111 108.05 1 +10011110111111 swing-producers 1 +10011110111111 gunrunning 1 +10011110111111 Berseba 1 +10011110111111 indefatigability 1 +10011110111111 microbreweries 1 +10011110111111 lives. 1 +10011110111111 Filipinas 1 +10011110111111 swinishness 1 +10011110111111 Marusa 1 +10011110111111 Ibid.s 1 +10011110111111 inflationism 1 +10011110111111 damge 1 +10011110111111 child- 1 +10011110111111 teacups 1 +10011110111111 Appropriateness 1 +10011110111111 ocean-research 1 +10011110111111 Wellington/Thorndike 1 +10011110111111 semi-bleached-softwood 1 +10011110111111 Euroskepticism 1 +10011110111111 evasion-related 1 +10011110111111 Libyas 1 +10011110111111 cies 1 +10011110111111 auto-collision 1 +10011110111111 Cobh 1 +10011110111111 Langres 1 +10011110111111 Tobolsk 1 +10011110111111 lacework 1 +10011110111111 founder/president 1 +10011110111111 hard- 1 +10011110111111 racoons 1 +10011110111111 air-distribution 1 +10011110111111 sexually-explicit 1 +10011110111111 Bakunin 1 +10011110111111 bond-tagging 1 +10011110111111 Montanans 1 +10011110111111 inkwells 1 +10011110111111 1323.24 1 +10011110111111 mini-cars 1 +10011110111111 snowthrowers 1 +10011110111111 fluid-analysis 1 +10011110111111 neo-conservatism 1 +10011110111111 Plumbers 1 +10011110111111 postal-business 1 +10011110111111 saguaros 1 +10011110111111 Penzoil 1 +10011110111111 bluegill 1 +10011110111111 rough-gem 1 +10011110111111 hype-merchant 1 +10011110111111 77-21 1 +10011110111111 crampons 1 +10011110111111 generic-pharmaceutical 1 +10011110111111 swifts 1 +10011110111111 1929-1933 1 +10011110111111 narcotraffickers 1 +10011110111111 Edek 1 +10011110111111 car-audio 1 +10011110111111 cigarets 1 +10011110111111 duct-work 1 +10011110111111 gang- 1 +10011110111111 2351.4 1 +10011110111111 determinedness 1 +10011110111111 mesas 1 +10011110111111 automated-ticketing 1 +10011110111111 99.698 1 +10011110111111 mega-positions 1 +10011110111111 258.90 1 +10011110111111 encripting 1 +10011110111111 butterscotch 1 +10011110111111 double- 1 +10011110111111 Lombok 1 +10011110111111 L-DOPA 1 +10011110111111 m.b.a.s 1 +10011110111111 bookwriting 1 +10011110111111 Kents 1 +10011110111111 nationalsecurity 1 +10011110111111 Barja 1 +10011110111111 1679.0 1 +10011110111111 folk-song 1 +10011110111111 watercraft 1 +10011110111111 598,800 1 +10011110111111 accelerometers 1 +10011110111111 federal-insured 1 +10011110111111 Embalmers 1 +10011110111111 head-down 1 +10011110111111 guidewheels 1 +10011110111111 storage-management 1 +10011110111111 tackboard 1 +10011110111111 rubouts 1 +10011110111111 Alabama-Huntsville 1 +10011110111111 pugnaciousness 1 +10011110111111 Arcot 1 +10011110111111 pet-seekers 1 +10011110111111 mink-trimmed 1 +10011110111111 transaxle 1 +10011110111111 ornithology 1 +10011110111111 belled 1 +10011110111111 1665 1 +10011110111111 tinplate 1 +10011110111111 Pointe-aux-Trembles 1 +10011110111111 yen/mark 1 +10011110111111 BAMs 1 +10011110111111 1245.78 1 +10011110111111 Packinghouse 1 +10011110111111 non-maple 1 +10011110111111 slaves-turned-sharecroppers 1 +10011110111111 crawler-bulldozers 1 +10011110111111 Vaelaes 1 +10011110111111 61,206 1 +10011110111111 Harlequins 1 +10011110111111 urine-testing 1 +10011110111111 Vaeles 1 +10011110111111 surface- 1 +10011110111111 plexiglas 1 +10011110111111 carpetbagging 1 +10011110111111 Matabeleland 1 +10011110111111 rattraps 1 +10011110111111 Salish 1 +10011110111111 luaus 1 +10011110111111 Geology 1 +10011110111111 Zaporozh 1 +10011110111111 highhanded 2 +10011110111111 corrals 2 +10011110111111 fluid-control 2 +10011110111111 self-executing 2 +10011110111111 collusions 2 +10011110111111 Clergy 2 +10011110111111 anti-extortion 2 +10011110111111 ice-breaker 2 +10011110111111 black-gum 2 +10011110111111 concealments 2 +10011110111111 97.17 2 +10011110111111 air- 2 +10011110111111 load-shedding 2 +10011110111111 OvestMarine 2 +10011110111111 U.S.- 2 +10011110111111 loons 2 +10011110111111 eight- 2 +10011110111111 clamshell 2 +10011110111111 contract-settlement 2 +10011110111111 brambles 2 +10011110111111 anti-semitism 2 +10011110111111 Goldilocks 2 +10011110111111 relapses 2 +10011110111111 Antichrist 2 +10011110111111 ROP 2 +10011110111111 cavity-fighting 2 +10011110111111 Inbal 2 +10011110111111 germplasm 2 +10011110111111 summa 2 +10011110111111 premenstrual 2 +10011110111111 emulsifiers 2 +10011110111111 pro-opposition 2 +10011110111111 Tiran 2 +10011110111111 spiritualist 2 +10011110111111 attractants 2 +10011110111111 marimbas 2 +10011110111111 sienna 2 +10011110111111 empanadas 2 +10011110111111 rosemary 2 +10011110111111 IMUs 2 +10011110111111 tweeds 2 +10011110111111 pilasters 2 +10011110111111 anti-party 2 +10011110111111 mental-stress 2 +10011110111111 swashbucklers 2 +10011110111111 homesites 3 +10011110111111 endearment 3 +10011110111111 1976-80 3 +10011110111111 terrorism-related 3 +10011110111111 thrift-fraud 3 +10011110111111 24-7 3 +10011110111111 put-ons 3 +10011110111111 meteorites 3 +10011110111111 syndromes 3 +10011110111111 paraprofessionals 3 +10011110111111 menstruation 3 +10011110111111 anchovies 3 +10011110111111 MMFs 3 +10011110111111 moonshining 3 +10011110111111 grape-growing 3 +10011110111111 re-enlistment 3 +10011110111111 scrollwork 3 +10011110111111 mark- 3 +10011110111111 seven- 3 +10011110111111 manicures 3 +10011110111111 salmonellosis 3 +10011110111111 punkers 3 +10011110111111 merriment 3 +10011110111111 Collierville 3 +10011110111111 Hanaspur 3 +10011110111111 non-customer 3 +10011110111111 Coconuts 3 +10011110111111 piranha 4 +10011110111111 conflicts-of-interest 4 +10011110111111 dallying 4 +10011110111111 gun-running 4 +10011110111111 RSV 4 +10011110111111 nickeling 4 +10011110111111 spittoons 4 +10011110111111 calluses 4 +10011110111111 headscarf 4 +10011110111111 snowdrifts 4 +10011110111111 name-dropping 4 +10011110111111 Keynesianism 4 +10011110111111 mother-of-pearl 4 +10011110111111 courtships 4 +10011110111111 jots 5 +10011110111111 MacBasic 5 +10011110111111 ooh 5 +10011110111111 licit 5 +10011110111111 moi 5 +10011110111111 elves 5 +10011110111111 underfunding 5 +10011110111111 mimicry 5 +10011110111111 hoes 5 +10011110111111 redeemability 5 +10011110111111 khakis 5 +10011110111111 canes 5 +10011110111111 biologic 5 +10011110111111 baccarat 5 +10011110111111 jealousies 5 +10011110111111 Voyagers 5 +10011110111111 wastebaskets 5 +10011110111111 polygamy 6 +10011110111111 Eatsco 6 +10011110111111 oxidation 6 +10011110111111 fryers 6 +10011110111111 backaches 6 +10011110111111 autarky 6 +10011110111111 shimmy 6 +10011110111111 19- 6 +10011110111111 pails 6 +10011110111111 Skull 6 +10011110111111 skyboxes 6 +10011110111111 over-regulation 6 +10011110111111 tam 6 +10011110111111 lepers 7 +10011110111111 turrets 7 +10011110111111 muggings 7 +10011110111111 repossessions 7 +10011110111111 ringleaders 7 +10011110111111 comings 7 +10011110111111 de-industrialization 7 +10011110111111 chlordane 7 +10011110111111 self-expression 7 +10011110111111 oohs 7 +10011110111111 digitalis 7 +10011110111111 vacillation 7 +10011110111111 waterproofing 7 +10011110111111 lawbreaking 7 +10011110111111 seaports 7 +10011110111111 multitasking 7 +10011110111111 treadmills 7 +10011110111111 law-breaking 8 +10011110111111 saccharin 8 +10011110111111 cremation 8 +10011110111111 Engraving 8 +10011110111111 Anthropology 8 +10011110111111 groin 8 +10011110111111 wining 8 +10011110111111 huffing 8 +10011110111111 non-discrimination 8 +10011110111111 heartbreak 8 +10011110111111 underwithholding 8 +10011110111111 sleet 8 +10011110111111 strikebreakers 9 +10011110111111 back-scratching 9 +10011110111111 trespass 9 +10011110111111 guilds 9 +10011110111111 disorganization 9 +10011110111111 equalization 9 +10011110111111 improvising 9 +10011110111111 drug-running 9 +10011110111111 guile 10 +10011110111111 arms-smuggling 10 +10011110111111 self-sacrifice 10 +10011110111111 multiplication 10 +10011110111111 obfuscation 10 +10011110111111 Mellaril 10 +10011110111111 botulism 10 +10011110111111 maquiladoras 10 +10011110111111 gluttony 10 +10011110111111 lupus 10 +10011110111111 make-goods 10 +10011110111111 pilferage 11 +10011110111111 immorality 11 +10011110111111 tarring 11 +10011110111111 Judea 11 +10011110111111 Marlboros 11 +10011110111111 mail- 11 +10011110111111 megamergers 11 +10011110111111 phobias 11 +10011110111111 overconsumption 11 +10011110111111 franking 11 +10011110111111 butane 11 +10011110111111 comp 11 +10011110111111 irrationality 12 +10011110111111 sodomy 12 +10011110111111 causation 12 +10011110111111 collectivism 12 +10011110111111 Obstetricians 12 +10011110111111 boron 12 +10011110111111 cease-fires 12 +10011110111111 pomp 12 +10011110111111 interrogations 13 +10011110111111 tardiness 14 +10011110111111 six- 14 +10011110111111 price-gouging 14 +10011110111111 sawdust 14 +10011110111111 safekeeping 15 +10011110111111 second- 15 +10011110111111 sofas 15 +10011110111111 four- 15 +10011110111111 sedition 15 +10011110111111 Oraflex 16 +10011110111111 portability 16 +10011110111111 small- 18 +10011110111111 mutilation 18 +10011110111111 cowardice 19 +10011110111111 topsoil 20 +10011110111111 nondiscrimination 20 +10011110111111 stabilizers 20 +10011110111111 lockouts 21 +10011110111111 statesmanship 21 +10011110111111 shoplifting 21 +10011110111111 transparency 21 +10011110111111 regression 22 +10011110111111 vinegar 23 +10011110111111 cronyism 23 +10011110111111 obedience 24 +10011110111111 wiretapping 24 +10011110111111 mischarging 24 +10011110111111 malfeasance 25 +10011110111111 Eurodollars 25 +10011110111111 malnutrition 25 +10011110111111 wheeling 28 +10011110111111 contagion 29 +10011110111111 short- 29 +10011110111111 burden-sharing 29 +10011110111111 anthrax 29 +10011110111111 statehood 29 +10011110111111 authoritarianism 31 +10011110111111 uniformity 31 +10011110111111 profanity 32 +10011110111111 hue 32 +10011110111111 polluters 32 +10011110111111 manslaughter 33 +10011110111111 civility 35 +10011110111111 deliberation 35 +10011110111111 vandalism 35 +10011110111111 Allergy 35 +10011110111111 plagiarism 35 +10011110111111 adultery 36 +10011110111111 forgery 36 +10011110111111 arm-twisting 38 +10011110111111 nausea 38 +10011110111111 profiteering 40 +10011110111111 disinflation 40 +10011110111111 arson 45 +10011110111111 fidelity 46 +10011110111111 starvation 47 +10011110111111 leakage 47 +10011110111111 deceit 47 +10011110111111 dementia 48 +10011110111111 treason 49 +10011110111111 homicide 49 +10011110111111 defamation 52 +10011110111111 decency 55 +10011110111111 firearms 56 +10011110111111 disinvestment 58 +10011110111111 self-dealing 60 +10011110111111 euthanasia 66 +10011110111111 risk-taking 68 +10011110111111 obscenity 70 +10011110111111 hospitalization 76 +10011110111111 coercion 76 +10011110111111 forfeiture 78 +10011110111111 misrepresentation 83 +10011110111111 influence-peddling 84 +10011110111111 robbery 89 +10011110111111 extortion 101 +10011110111111 price-cutting 104 +10011110111111 bid-rigging 105 +10011110111111 rollover 105 +10011110111111 spying 105 +10011110111111 front-running 110 +10011110111111 toxicity 111 +10011110111111 ups 121 +10011110111111 embezzlement 127 +10011110111111 intimidation 130 +10011110111111 imprisonment 130 +10011110111111 moisture 133 +10011110111111 rape 141 +10011110111111 price-fixing 141 +10011110111111 short-covering 149 +10011110111111 foreclosure 170 +10011110111111 hunger 178 +10011110111111 perjury 181 +10011110111111 cheating 190 +10011110111111 seniority 197 +10011110111111 misconduct 222 +10011110111111 negligence 230 +10011110111111 mismanagement 234 +10011110111111 probation 246 +10011110111111 bribery 283 +10011110111111 suicide 297 +10011110111111 malpractice 315 +10011110111111 secrecy 327 +10011110111111 theft 367 +10011110111111 taxation 430 +10011110111111 RICO 451 +10011110111111 racketeering 513 +10011110111111 injury 597 +10011110111111 corruption 675 +10011110111111 conspiracy 943 +10011110111111 justice 1003 +10011110111111 smoking 1022 +10011110111111 deposit 1561 +10011110111111 mergers 1701 +10011110111111 liability 2073 +10011110111111 fraud 3142 +10011110111111 savings 4196 +100111110000 floating-interest 1 +100111110000 department-set 1 +100111110000 greenhouse-grown 1 +100111110000 market/GNP 1 +100111110000 garbage-collection 1 +100111110000 exchange-trading 1 +100111110000 40-mph 1 +100111110000 principal-repayment 1 +100111110000 coupon-reinvestment 1 +100111110000 debt-to-exports 1 +100111110000 trade-after 1 +100111110000 conveners 1 +100111110000 foliage-area 1 +100111110000 curtain-raisers 1 +100111110000 PORTUGAL 1 +100111110000 commonstock 1 +100111110000 manipulationan 1 +100111110000 options-buying 1 +100111110000 enthusiam 1 +100111110000 solid-chocolate 1 +100111110000 70-mm 1 +100111110000 Wheatcroft 1 +100111110000 two-set 1 +100111110000 best-of-three-set 1 +100111110000 most-recommended-issues 1 +100111110000 currencies-at 1 +100111110000 Cophenhagen 1 +100111110000 800-meter-and-over 1 +100111110000 computer-activated 1 +100111110000 end-of-aisle 1 +100111110000 market-exchange 1 +100111110000 investment. 2 +100111110000 credit-creation 2 +100111110000 1,375 2 +100111110000 Towles 2 +100111110000 mainframe-software 2 +100111110000 Jidda 3 +100111110000 gravestone 3 +100111110000 timekeeper 3 +100111110000 1,648,000 3 +100111110000 T-bonds 3 +100111110000 repurchase-agreement 11 +100111110000 interbank-offered 13 +100111110000 exchange 12623 +100111110000 IPO 60 +1001111100010 715.16 1 +1001111100010 578,748 1 +1001111100010 fund-administered 1 +1001111100010 military-trained 1 +1001111100010 Thunderbird/Cougar 1 +1001111100010 gold-fund 1 +1001111100010 office-technology 1 +1001111100010 small-money 1 +1001111100010 portfolio-analysis 1 +1001111100010 ceritifcates 1 +1001111100010 funds-one 1 +1001111100010 companiess 1 +1001111100010 futures-fund 1 +1001111100010 once-cosseted 1 +1001111100010 equity-broking 1 +1001111100010 equity-brokerage 1 +1001111100010 out-year 2 +1001111100010 non-recognition 2 +1001111100010 computer-shy 2 +1001111100010 Altemus 2 +1001111100010 Itkol 2 +1001111100010 safety-conscious 2 +1001111100010 fund-owned 2 +1001111100010 Palestinian-American 2 +1001111100010 mutualfund 3 +1001111100010 UMOPAR 3 +1001111100010 funds-excluding 3 +1001111100010 Renthals 3 +1001111100010 USBCs 4 +1001111100010 Ohioan 4 +1001111100010 barbecue-sauce 5 +1001111100010 paysop 5 +1001111100010 Harrania 5 +1001111100010 fund 9183 +1001111100010 NYSE 147 +1001111100011 flagsticks 1 +1001111100011 noires 1 +1001111100011 penefits 1 +1001111100011 self-renewal 1 +1001111100011 emnity 1 +1001111100011 27,035 1 +1001111100011 regulatons 1 +1001111100011 head-banging 1 +1001111100011 derogations 1 +1001111100011 business-mileage 1 +1001111100011 aerials 1 +1001111100011 non-buying 1 +1001111100011 hyper-velocity 1 +1001111100011 litanies 1 +1001111100011 buyershave 1 +1001111100011 gorup 2 +1001111100011 foreplay 2 +1001111100011 rights. 2 +1001111100011 135.78 2 +1001111100011 Deadeye 2 +1001111100011 reversers 3 +1001111100011 timecards 3 +1001111100011 Brownies 3 +1001111100011 penetrations 3 +1001111100011 raters 4 +1001111100011 Kalashnikovs 6 +1001111100011 money. 7 +1001111100011 recrimination 8 +1001111100011 causeways 10 +1001111100011 Stingers 58 +1001111100011 funds 15885 +1001111100011 monies 59 +1001111100100 olefin 1 +1001111100100 slower-than-usual 1 +1001111100100 sexual-orientation 1 +1001111100100 telepathically 1 +1001111100100 fourth-inning 1 +1001111100100 pork-type 1 +1001111100100 mother-to-be 1 +1001111100100 tax-money 1 +1001111100100 dog. 1 +1001111100100 anti-obscenity 1 +1001111100100 Lubbers-Ruding 1 +1001111100100 property-based 1 +1001111100100 IvecoFord 1 +1001111100100 religion-based 1 +1001111100100 videotape-processing 1 +1001111100100 black-made 1 +1001111100100 shorthaul 1 +1001111100100 limit-busting 1 +1001111100100 hailstone-hurling 1 +1001111100100 stock-divestment 1 +1001111100100 captial 1 +1001111100100 backlot 1 +1001111100100 capital-like 1 +1001111100100 1972-1973 1 +1001111100100 nonfinancial-business 1 +1001111100100 bullion-price 1 +1001111100100 2,324 1 +1001111100100 capitial 1 +1001111100100 farmland-price 1 +1001111100100 ermal 1 +1001111100100 defense-industrial 1 +1001111100100 palm-trees. 1 +1001111100100 nonhousing-related 1 +1001111100100 HMX 1 +1001111100100 farm-wage 1 +1001111100100 captal 1 +1001111100100 clerical-secretarial 1 +1001111100100 intellectual/philosophical 1 +1001111100100 tax-derived 1 +1001111100100 audience-share 1 +1001111100100 2,077 1 +1001111100100 pre-natal-care 1 +1001111100100 900,000-share 1 +1001111100100 Afro-funky 1 +1001111100100 Sun-based 1 +1001111100100 softheaded 1 +1001111100100 home-produced 1 +1001111100100 Depression-weakened 1 +1001111100100 newspaper-advertising 1 +1001111100100 airline-rating 1 +1001111100100 food-labeling 1 +1001111100100 less-than-anticipated 1 +1001111100100 plant-operating 1 +1001111100100 month-over-month 1 +1001111100100 pugilistic 1 +1001111100100 disorientedly 1 +1001111100100 value-conscious 1 +1001111100100 real-estate-sales 1 +1001111100100 sausage-in-waiting 1 +1001111100100 manufacturing-job 1 +1001111100100 body-builder 1 +1001111100100 4,777,872 1 +1001111100100 dead. 1 +1001111100100 winningly 1 +1001111100100 anti-productive 1 +1001111100100 pay-and-benefit 1 +1001111100100 inflation-based 1 +1001111100100 smokestack-height 1 +1001111100100 fund-valuation 1 +1001111100100 stiffnecked 1 +1001111100100 16.43-point 1 +1001111100100 doper 1 +1001111100100 commercial-goods 1 +1001111100100 folding-chair 1 +1001111100100 extra-fat 1 +1001111100100 intervention-speeded 1 +1001111100100 deficit-financed 1 +1001111100100 ash- 1 +1001111100100 labor-camp 2 +1001111100100 independent-TV 2 +1001111100100 already-inexpensive 2 +1001111100100 leggings 2 +1001111100100 crop-saving 2 +1001111100100 business-investment 2 +1001111100100 policy-writing 2 +1001111100100 current-cash 2 +1001111100100 unit-volume 3 +1001111100100 shrimping 3 +1001111100100 marketmaking 3 +1001111100100 gas-price 3 +1001111100100 bank-capital 3 +1001111100100 opening-price 3 +1001111100100 ramrod 3 +1001111100100 citrus-fruit 3 +1001111100100 once-a-month 4 +1001111100100 personal-consumption 4 +1001111100100 trade-financing 4 +1001111100100 ovations 6 +1001111100100 capital-to-asset 6 +1001111100100 OASDI 6 +1001111100100 usury 7 +1001111100100 Queensberry 7 +1001111100100 per-pupil 8 +1001111100100 plant-and-equipment 10 +1001111100100 trade-processing 17 +1001111100100 capital 13598 +1001111100100 ovation 50 +10011111001010 ton-a-year 1 +10011111001010 retail-sugar 1 +10011111001010 rule-by-whim 1 +10011111001010 strict-constructionist 1 +10011111001010 anti-Quayle 1 +10011111001010 U.S./Canadian 1 +10011111001010 Exclusivity 1 +10011111001010 less-than-overwhelmingly 1 +10011111001010 contraceptive-pill 1 +10011111001010 Binghams 1 +10011111001010 government-research 1 +10011111001010 phone-gear 1 +10011111001010 INVALIDATED 1 +10011111001010 attorney. 1 +10011111001010 EnviroSpray 1 +10011111001010 food-business 1 +10011111001010 ADVISER 1 +10011111001010 Timepieces 1 +10011111001010 oil-drilling-equipment 1 +10011111001010 innovatively 1 +10011111001010 price-destabilizing 1 +10011111001010 already-heated 1 +10011111001010 cotton-sheeting 1 +10011111001010 WRBQ 1 +10011111001010 uppermiddle 1 +10011111001010 electric-sunroof 1 +10011111001010 Singverein 1 +10011111001010 Brocksmiths 1 +10011111001010 bridal-boutique 1 +10011111001010 automatic-equity 1 +10011111001010 italix 1 +10011111001010 3,978 1 +10011111001010 space-software 1 +10011111001010 commercial-liability 1 +10011111001010 electric-range 1 +10011111001010 rail-equipment 1 +10011111001010 public-procurement 1 +10011111001010 orange-drink 1 +10011111001010 intro-EMS 1 +10011111001010 auto-production 1 +10011111001010 Donsbachs 1 +10011111001010 based-CAE 1 +10011111001010 automotive-repair 1 +10011111001010 Batallion-2000 1 +10011111001010 Tekko 1 +10011111001010 tax-dollar 1 +10011111001010 handwasher 1 +10011111001010 chilled-food 1 +10011111001010 derecognition 1 +10011111001010 bargaining-chip 1 +10011111001010 Kooperitief 1 +10011111001010 U.K.-Japan 1 +10011111001010 ground-coffee 2 +10011111001010 ACV 2 +10011111001010 Campuses 2 +10011111001010 neuroscience 2 +10011111001010 next-day-delivery 2 +10011111001010 military-loan 2 +10011111001010 food-canning 2 +10011111001010 franc-dollar 2 +10011111001010 foreign-lent 2 +10011111001010 Brezhnevism 2 +10011111001010 military-simulation 2 +10011111001010 separationists 2 +10011111001010 international-equity 2 +10011111001010 anti-Japan 2 +10011111001010 product-market 2 +10011111001010 stock-portfolio 2 +10011111001010 vexation 2 +10011111001010 digital-switch 2 +10011111001010 Ameh-sha 2 +10011111001010 marinade 2 +10011111001010 Union-busting 2 +10011111001010 keyhole 3 +10011111001010 options-related 3 +10011111001010 Canadian-U.S. 3 +10011111001010 PC-1512 4 +10011111001010 Prefecture 4 +10011111001010 interest-rates 5 +10011111001010 Eurocurrency 6 +10011111001010 coastlines 7 +10011111001010 expressionist 9 +10011111001010 Comdex 13 +10011111001010 Leipzig 13 +10011111001010 Borax 28 +10011111001010 Pact 278 +10011111001010 interbank 507 +10011111001010 sterling 575 +10011111001010 equities 1006 +10011111001010 foreign-exchange 1235 +10011111001010 currency 6637 +10011111001010 merchandise 1430 +10011111001011 3,484,000-share 1 +10011111001011 fiberglass-fabric 1 +10011111001011 930,000-share 1 +10011111001011 non-selling 1 +10011111001011 let's-talk-up-the-market 1 +10011111001011 recently-promulgated 1 +10011111001011 572,500-share 1 +10011111001011 movskaya 1 +10011111001011 U.S.-Japan-Europe 1 +10011111001011 vehicle-production 1 +10011111001011 oil-output 1 +10011111001011 wingmen 1 +10011111001011 Ryad-el-Feth 1 +10011111001011 grandparental 1 +10011111001011 eightpager 1 +10011111001011 456,900-share 1 +10011111001011 equity-asset 1 +10011111001011 late-14th-century 1 +10011111001011 outstanding.The 1 +10011111001011 corporate-spending 1 +10011111001011 24-million-share 1 +10011111001011 -floor 1 +10011111001011 industrial-customer 1 +10011111001011 voter-redistricting 1 +10011111001011 once-significant 1 +10011111001011 steel-wool 1 +10011111001011 pro-farmer 1 +10011111001011 technical-research 1 +10011111001011 corporate-operations 1 +10011111001011 offensive-line 1 +10011111001011 and-or 1 +10011111001011 medical-community 1 +10011111001011 buy-now 1 +10011111001011 750-share 1 +10011111001011 Guthire 1 +10011111001011 814,000-square-foot 1 +10011111001011 market-weary 1 +10011111001011 capital-timber 1 +10011111001011 coal-seam-gas 1 +10011111001011 life-of-contracts 1 +10011111001011 stock-purchasing 1 +10011111001011 asset-disposition 2 +10011111001011 cross-company 2 +10011111001011 diviner 2 +10011111001011 25-6 2 +10011111001011 ex-head 2 +10011111001011 Value-Line 2 +10011111001011 trade-up 2 +10011111001011 casework 2 +10011111001011 1,345 2 +10011111001011 top-rate 2 +10011111001011 250-point 2 +10011111001011 commonshare 2 +10011111001011 Moncada 2 +10011111001011 TechSym 2 +10011111001011 cataloguing 2 +10011111001011 long-dollar 3 +10011111001011 rate-relief 3 +10011111001011 Countermeasures 3 +10011111001011 food-sector 3 +10011111001011 melamine 4 +10011111001011 common-equity 4 +10011111001011 inestimable 4 +10011111001011 ergonomics 5 +10011111001011 equity-conversion 5 +10011111001011 tariff-free 6 +10011111001011 consumer-loan 11 +10011111001011 paid-in 12 +10011111001011 off-market 15 +10011111001011 eternity 29 +10011111001011 stock-ownership 53 +10011111001011 evacuation 229 +10011111001011 fixed-income 659 +10011111001011 ownership 2840 +10011111001011 equity 6355 +1001111100110 inventory-keeping 1 +1001111100110 OV-1 1 +1001111100110 corporate-equity 1 +1001111100110 commission-approved 1 +1001111100110 share-sale 1 +1001111100110 lawyer-rainmakers 1 +1001111100110 debentureholders 1 +1001111100110 bibliographical 1 +1001111100110 partowned 1 +1001111100110 supervisers 1 +1001111100110 tightly-priced 1 +1001111100110 contra-bonds 1 +1001111100110 85-cent-a-bushel 1 +1001111100110 Banespa 1 +1001111100110 once-a-week 1 +1001111100110 1,137,541 1 +1001111100110 income-subsidy 1 +1001111100110 receivable-related 1 +1001111100110 property-specific 1 +1001111100110 War-related 1 +1001111100110 get-out-of-my-way 1 +1001111100110 viablity 1 +1001111100110 holdingcompany 1 +1001111100110 neutrino 1 +1001111100110 broadcasting-service 1 +1001111100110 solubility 1 +1001111100110 tax-research 1 +1001111100110 titleholders 2 +1001111100110 problem-drinking 2 +1001111100110 Self-Esteem 2 +1001111100110 competition. 2 +1001111100110 Jno 2 +1001111100110 fussiness 2 +1001111100110 chronic-care 2 +1001111100110 pre-announced 2 +1001111100110 reconquest 2 +1001111100110 parleys 2 +1001111100110 records-keeping 3 +1001111100110 pendants 3 +1001111100110 federal-employee 3 +1001111100110 1,415 3 +1001111100110 coiling 3 +1001111100110 communications. 3 +1001111100110 vocational-education 3 +1001111100110 OIRA 4 +1001111100110 conviviality 4 +1001111100110 cha-cha 4 +1001111100110 subordinated-debt 7 +1001111100110 Ridgecrest 7 +1001111100110 problem-loan 7 +1001111100110 U.S.-mediated 8 +1001111100110 senior-debt 10 +1001111100110 Eurodebt 25 +1001111100110 bank-debt 25 +1001111100110 indebtedness 119 +1001111100110 debt 22878 +10011111001110 cooperative-production 1 +10011111001110 residential-servicing 1 +10011111001110 whoopie 1 +10011111001110 piscatorial 1 +10011111001110 economic-performance 1 +10011111001110 technology-production 1 +10011111001110 insider-buying 1 +10011111001110 non-distributed 1 +10011111001110 anti-teen 1 +10011111001110 slim-trim-and-full-of-vim 1 +10011111001110 gypsum-products 1 +10011111001110 firm-structured 1 +10011111001110 wins-55 1 +10011111001110 domesitc 1 +10011111001110 home-sale 1 +10011111001110 nonbonus 1 +10011111001110 energy-loan 1 +10011111001110 export-monitoring 1 +10011111001110 subsistence-level 1 +10011111001110 post-lunch 1 +10011111001110 same-stores 1 +10011111001110 freewayside 1 +10011111001110 Todorovich 1 +10011111001110 domestic-concentrated 1 +10011111001110 Kundruhns 1 +10011111001110 charter-business 1 +10011111001110 radar-receiver 1 +10011111001110 family-support 1 +10011111001110 quasi-extortionary 1 +10011111001110 rust-prone 1 +10011111001110 34-cents-a-share 1 +10011111001110 new-stadium 1 +10011111001110 hand-and-brush 1 +10011111001110 exchange-of-knowledge 1 +10011111001110 inflation-hedging 1 +10011111001110 all-employee 1 +10011111001110 7,000-share-a-day 1 +10011111001110 10,936 1 +10011111001110 dollar-income 1 +10011111001110 capital-coverage 1 +10011111001110 output-restricting 1 +10011111001110 tobacco-division 1 +10011111001110 2,000-zloty 1 +10011111001110 entertainment-based 1 +10011111001110 counter-trade 2 +10011111001110 bomb-making 2 +10011111001110 fire-rescue 2 +10011111001110 presummit 2 +10011111001110 horniness 2 +10011111001110 direct-rent 2 +10011111001110 final-status 2 +10011111001110 fattens 2 +10011111001110 phasedown 2 +10011111001110 more-frequent 2 +10011111001110 food-growing 2 +10011111001110 customer-contact 2 +10011111001110 benefit-fund 2 +10011111001110 semiconductor-chip 2 +10011111001110 re-lection 2 +10011111001110 superconductivity-patent 2 +10011111001110 low-volatility 2 +10011111001110 capital-expenditure 2 +10011111001110 pot-smoking 2 +10011111001110 Vortex 2 +10011111001110 off-book 2 +10011111001110 foreign-payoff 2 +10011111001110 building-height 2 +10011111001110 six-bank 3 +10011111001110 loan-to-capital 3 +10011111001110 disaster-assistance 3 +10011111001110 investment-securities 3 +10011111001110 income-aiding 3 +10011111001110 operability 3 +10011111001110 Beechjet 3 +10011111001110 pensionfund 3 +10011111001110 PX 4 +10011111001110 business-interruption 4 +10011111001110 tillage 4 +10011111001110 certificate-of-deposit 4 +10011111001110 collateralization 4 +10011111001110 before-tax 5 +10011111001110 headcount 5 +10011111001110 job-retraining 5 +10011111001110 Zapmail 6 +10011111001110 return-on-investment 6 +10011111001110 economic-aid 6 +10011111001110 credit-line 6 +10011111001110 new-loan 7 +10011111001110 dartboard 7 +10011111001110 currency-translation 7 +10011111001110 farm-support 8 +10011111001110 mortgage-loan 8 +10011111001110 farm-loan 9 +10011111001110 sweatshop 9 +10011111001110 export-financing 9 +10011111001110 remarriage 10 +10011111001110 SUB 11 +10011111001110 income-protection 11 +10011111001110 job-creation 12 +10011111001110 consumer-lending 13 +10011111001110 bank-loan 13 +10011111001110 mortgage-servicing 14 +10011111001110 loan-servicing 14 +10011111001110 income-support 15 +10011111001110 economic-adjustment 16 +10011111001110 home-loan 18 +10011111001110 currency-exchange 22 +10011111001110 securities-repurchase 24 +10011111001110 securities-trading 25 +10011111001110 export-credit 34 +10011111001110 take-home 40 +10011111001110 bond-trading 49 +10011111001110 origination 56 +10011111001110 CD 434 +10011111001110 severance 485 +10011111001110 loan 6621 +10011111001110 lending 2651 +10011111001111 Japanese-bond 1 +10011111001111 futures-index 1 +10011111001111 curling-iron 1 +10011111001111 semi-western 1 +10011111001111 714,190 1 +10011111001111 oncogenic 1 +10011111001111 15-year-term 1 +10011111001111 14,850,000 1 +10011111001111 constrictor-like 1 +10011111001111 656,000 1 +10011111001111 SL1 1 +10011111001111 13,667 1 +10011111001111 1,611,000 1 +10011111001111 electronic-transfer 1 +10011111001111 15,518,000 1 +10011111001111 Reagan-Gatsby 1 +10011111001111 run-pass 1 +10011111001111 electronic-scanning 1 +10011111001111 K1 1 +10011111001111 DN500 1 +10011111001111 6,770,020 1 +10011111001111 345,000-volt 1 +10011111001111 stapling-product 1 +10011111001111 left-stick 1 +10011111001111 animated-bear 1 +10011111001111 claims-paying-ability 1 +10011111001111 700-mark 1 +10011111001111 disposable-equipment 1 +10011111001111 irrational-market 1 +10011111001111 Ray-Ban 1 +10011111001111 hot-forging 1 +10011111001111 no-compromise-with-the-imperialists 1 +10011111001111 11,980 1 +10011111001111 4x5 1 +10011111001111 customer-group 1 +10011111001111 ethane-extraction 1 +10011111001111 Anderson-run 1 +10011111001111 151,617 1 +10011111001111 Toon/non-Toon 1 +10011111001111 oldgrowth 1 +10011111001111 2200-600 1 +10011111001111 1,086,000 1 +10011111001111 1,436,000 1 +10011111001111 outdoor-product 1 +10011111001111 sometimes-sloppy 1 +10011111001111 chocolate-cake-mix 1 +10011111001111 voice-only 1 +10011111001111 state-engineered 1 +10011111001111 once-well-defined 1 +10011111001111 B-a-3 1 +10011111001111 A-1plus 1 +10011111001111 Stab-Lok 1 +10011111001111 owner-satisfaction 1 +10011111001111 pencil-like 1 +10011111001111 213-mile 1 +10011111001111 post-Series 1 +10011111001111 A-containing 1 +10011111001111 left-nationalist 1 +10011111001111 off-speed 1 +10011111001111 Lanterns 1 +10011111001111 14,534 1 +10011111001111 machinery-making 1 +10011111001111 positive-negative 1 +10011111001111 silicon-carbide 1 +10011111001111 two-driver 1 +10011111001111 1,200-square-foot 1 +10011111001111 22,700-ton 1 +10011111001111 micro-cogeneration 1 +10011111001111 Service/2 1 +10011111001111 Back-end 1 +10011111001111 smoking-gun 1 +10011111001111 D.C.-Maryland 1 +10011111001111 19-yard 1 +10011111001111 3-by-5-inch 1 +10011111001111 Nopco 1 +10011111001111 food-ration 1 +10011111001111 22,434 1 +10011111001111 studio-management 1 +10011111001111 IBM-compatibility 1 +10011111001111 1,806,000 1 +10011111001111 pimps-and-bankers 1 +10011111001111 18,700-square-foot 1 +10011111001111 otherwise-anemic 1 +10011111001111 Citicorp-issued 1 +10011111001111 industry/government/residents 1 +10011111001111 four-share 1 +10011111001111 don't-worry 1 +10011111001111 field-hockey 1 +10011111001111 anti-Wilson 1 +10011111001111 700-seat 1 +10011111001111 helicopter-assembly 1 +10011111001111 solvent-extraction-electrowinning 1 +10011111001111 natural-ingredient 1 +10011111001111 nonpharmaceutical 1 +10011111001111 900-foot 1 +10011111001111 185-mile 1 +10011111001111 Philadelphia-to-Pittsburgh 1 +10011111001111 eight-model 1 +10011111001111 new-contract 1 +10011111001111 acupunctural 1 +10011111001111 7,300-pound 1 +10011111001111 gas-miser 1 +10011111001111 aircraft-brake 1 +10011111001111 6,058,635 1 +10011111001111 non-hologramed 1 +10011111001111 job-for-job 1 +10011111001111 aircraft-purchase 1 +10011111001111 steelpipe 1 +10011111001111 300-mark 1 +10011111001111 433,300 1 +10011111001111 contraceptive-products 1 +10011111001111 higher-strength 1 +10011111001111 safety-instruction 1 +10011111001111 domestic-route 1 +10011111001111 photo-I.D. 1 +10011111001111 aluminum-coil-production 1 +10011111001111 nuclear-fossil 1 +10011111001111 direction-finding 1 +10011111001111 truth-is-stranger 1 +10011111001111 fluty 1 +10011111001111 nonsupermarket 1 +10011111001111 one-yard 1 +10011111001111 36-yard 1 +10011111001111 helium-distribution 1 +10011111001111 cash-dispenser 1 +10011111001111 pre-SB 1 +10011111001111 1,802,000 1 +10011111001111 95-yard 1 +10011111001111 boil-in 1 +10011111001111 af 1 +10011111001111 desireable 1 +10011111001111 3,565,000 1 +10011111001111 duffle 1 +10011111001111 four-player 1 +10011111001111 three-by-five 1 +10011111001111 bells-and-whistles 1 +10011111001111 gear-reduction 1 +10011111001111 five-doll 1 +10011111001111 non-greeting 1 +10011111001111 1,093,000 1 +10011111001111 highest-profit 1 +10011111001111 548,273 1 +10011111001111 536,158 1 +10011111001111 528,420 1 +10011111001111 kibbutz-made 1 +10011111001111 Aries/Reliant 1 +10011111001111 1,416,000 1 +10011111001111 marine-safety 1 +10011111001111 helicopter-company 1 +10011111001111 132-pound 1 +10011111001111 almost-good-as-new 1 +10011111001111 five-row 1 +10011111001111 yuppie-looking 1 +10011111001111 Tarot-like 1 +10011111001111 417,00 1 +10011111001111 278,230 1 +10011111001111 7,780 1 +10011111001111 summit-time 1 +10011111001111 smaller-engine 1 +10011111001111 clown-white 1 +10011111001111 charged-particle 1 +10011111001111 franchising-related 1 +10011111001111 J-953 1 +10011111001111 now-fluid 1 +10011111001111 16-yard 1 +10011111001111 safedeposit 1 +10011111001111 461,340 1 +10011111001111 Aa 1 +10011111001111 court-compelled 1 +10011111001111 146,900 1 +10011111001111 Paraguaya 1 +10011111001111 71,280 1 +10011111001111 residential-plumbing 1 +10011111001111 6,461 1 +10011111001111 kitchen-range 1 +10011111001111 not-Prime 1 +10011111001111 nondistribution 1 +10011111001111 1,402,000 1 +10011111001111 Paris-held 1 +10011111001111 aluminum-producing 1 +10011111001111 284,914 1 +10011111001111 large-car 1 +10011111001111 3,800-horsepower 1 +10011111001111 107,166 1 +10011111001111 committee-assignment 1 +10011111001111 cyclamate 1 +10011111001111 insurance-fund 1 +10011111001111 apronlike 1 +10011111001111 Dellums-Jackson 1 +10011111001111 single-B-Minus 1 +10011111001111 stump-speech 1 +10011111001111 gab-party 1 +10011111001111 non-housing 1 +10011111001111 already-glutted 1 +10011111001111 world-currency 1 +10011111001111 1,089,000 1 +10011111001111 102,929 1 +10011111001111 reinbursement 1 +10011111001111 package-handling 1 +10011111001111 computer-and-semiconductor 1 +10011111001111 personneltest 1 +10011111001111 travelers-aid 1 +10011111001111 dollars-for-data 1 +10011111001111 39-mile 1 +10011111001111 all-girl 1 +10011111001111 refrigerated-food 1 +10011111001111 X-Acto 1 +10011111001111 Frostar 1 +10011111001111 120-car 1 +10011111001111 waste-composting 1 +10011111001111 1,267,000 1 +10011111001111 standard-body 1 +10011111001111 hitting-pitching 1 +10011111001111 MoneyCard-issued 1 +10011111001111 cholesterol-screening 1 +10011111001111 distinctive-looking 1 +10011111001111 550-mile 1 +10011111001111 fought-for 1 +10011111001111 van-sized 1 +10011111001111 bacteria-contaminated 1 +10011111001111 too-few 1 +10011111001111 paint-recycling 1 +10011111001111 30-by-30 1 +10011111001111 Ziari 1 +10011111001111 9,504 1 +10011111001111 Biore 1 +10011111001111 351,700 1 +10011111001111 576,134 1 +10011111001111 securities-parking 2 +10011111001111 information-products 2 +10011111001111 26-yard 2 +10011111001111 325e 2 +10011111001111 E10 2 +10011111001111 Miskito-Creole 2 +10011111001111 Ellaville 2 +10011111001111 business-plane 2 +10011111001111 five-yard 2 +10011111001111 Sancel 2 +10011111001111 technology-development 2 +10011111001111 favorable-unfavorable 2 +10011111001111 asset-valuation 2 +10011111001111 tarot 2 +10011111001111 Nakfa 2 +10011111001111 System/370 2 +10011111001111 apples-to-oranges 2 +10011111001111 7,520,000 2 +10011111001111 Speedring 2 +10011111001111 1,384,000 2 +10011111001111 fee-charging 2 +10011111001111 garbage-treatment 2 +10011111001111 seven-yard 2 +10011111001111 Cardene 2 +10011111001111 439,968 2 +10011111001111 PSX/200 2 +10011111001111 SP-1 2 +10011111001111 pH 2 +10011111001111 three-machine 2 +10011111001111 MFN 2 +10011111001111 production-restraint 2 +10011111001111 R1 2 +10011111001111 A001R/A008R 2 +10011111001111 Filenes 2 +10011111001111 weather-radar 2 +10011111001111 Pro-Specs 2 +10011111001111 big-three 2 +10011111001111 1,489,000 2 +10011111001111 sheet-coating 2 +10011111001111 1,590,000 2 +10011111001111 magnetic-stripped 2 +10011111001111 Nazca 3 +10011111001111 1,095,000 3 +10011111001111 right-left 3 +10011111001111 snappier 3 +10011111001111 10-yard 3 +10011111001111 EI 3 +10011111001111 7UP 3 +10011111001111 68-ounce 3 +10011111001111 condolence 3 +10011111001111 1,377,000 3 +10011111001111 Selectives 3 +10011111001111 widescale 3 +10011111001111 Ramis 3 +10011111001111 Taurus-Sable 3 +10011111001111 pickling 3 +10011111001111 DECstation 3 +10011111001111 favorable/unfavorable 3 +10011111001111 PET 3 +10011111001111 fuel-mileage 3 +10011111001111 Bartenders 4 +10011111001111 Sybervision 4 +10011111001111 anti-corporate 4 +10011111001111 HBI 4 +10011111001111 Armadillo 4 +10011111001111 Euronote 5 +10011111001111 check-off 5 +10011111001111 50-yard 5 +10011111001111 job-approval 5 +10011111001111 work-authorization 5 +10011111001111 duffel 5 +10011111001111 two-yard 5 +10011111001111 16-ounce 5 +10011111001111 customer-satisfaction 5 +10011111001111 bank-credit 5 +10011111001111 Mason-Dixon 6 +10011111001111 semi-Western 6 +10011111001111 Batan 6 +10011111001111 letter-of-credit 6 +10011111001111 adaptor 6 +10011111001111 favorability 7 +10011111001111 Manager-based 7 +10011111001111 top-of-the 7 +10011111001111 Crocus 8 +10011111001111 specialty-food 10 +10011111001111 claims-paying 13 +10011111001111 Trivial 15 +10011111001111 revolving-credit 28 +10011111001111 trump 29 +10011111001111 gab 33 +10011111001111 debit 54 +10011111001111 Optima 75 +10011111001111 greeting 129 +10011111001111 credit 9619 +10011111001111 picket 145 +10011111010 solid-to-water 1 +10011111010 program-contract 1 +10011111010 immortalize 1 +10011111010 Achievements 1 +10011111010 short-money 1 +10011111010 74,544 1 +10011111010 earthquake-relief 1 +10011111010 loan-principal 1 +10011111010 cropsubsidy 1 +10011111010 bank-draft 1 +10011111010 Cruzados 1 +10011111010 finace 1 +10011111010 stamp-duty 1 +10011111010 electrical-accident 1 +10011111010 guaranteed-income 1 +10011111010 spooled 1 +10011111010 program-acquisition 1 +10011111010 land-diversion 1 +10011111010 leave-of-absence 1 +10011111010 government-support 1 +10011111010 non-interest-fee 1 +10011111010 educational-loan 1 +10011111010 loan-default 1 +10011111010 mail-preparation 1 +10011111010 Disoriented 1 +10011111010 auto-theft 1 +10011111010 fire-fighters 1 +10011111010 Latitude 1 +10011111010 Slowest 1 +10011111010 Airport-lot 1 +10011111010 1,349,349-share 1 +10011111010 recipient-participation 1 +10011111010 subsistance 1 +10011111010 hospice-care 1 +10011111010 lombard 1 +10011111010 post-bankruptcy-filing 1 +10011111010 marginality 1 +10011111010 loan-finance 1 +10011111010 predetermining 1 +10011111010 political-ad 1 +10011111010 strikeouts-to-walks 1 +10011111010 cost-highest 1 +10011111010 air-fatality 1 +10011111010 273.40 1 +10011111010 salary-sized 1 +10011111010 paid-circulation 1 +10011111010 Barbarina 1 +10011111010 worth-to-deposit 1 +10011111010 profitsharing 1 +10011111010 fixed-labor 1 +10011111010 Eurodeposit 1 +10011111010 Candidacy 1 +10011111010 oil-feedstock 1 +10011111010 per-sale 1 +10011111010 debenture-interest 1 +10011111010 beginner-level 1 +10011111010 capacity-use 1 +10011111010 debt-to-total-capital 1 +10011111010 rehospitalization 1 +10011111010 card-based 1 +10011111010 RIOTING 1 +10011111010 traffic-fatality 1 +10011111010 productivity-fund 1 +10011111010 non-programming 1 +10011111010 buyer-inquiry 1 +10011111010 foreign-manufacturing 1 +10011111010 bridegrooms 1 +10011111010 t-term 1 +10011111010 even-higher 1 +10011111010 oil-flow 1 +10011111010 bank-failure 1 +10011111010 GATHERED 1 +10011111010 government-subsidy 1 +10011111010 single-rate 1 +10011111010 industry-order 1 +10011111010 feed-corn 1 +10011111010 plant-use 2 +10011111010 intellgence 2 +10011111010 16.6-million-barrel 2 +10011111010 college-completion 2 +10011111010 violent-crime 2 +10011111010 dollar-exchange 2 +10011111010 cost-of-living-adjustment 2 +10011111010 market-price 2 +10011111010 repossession 3 +10011111010 Harborplace 3 +10011111010 telegraphic-transfer 3 +10011111010 ordinary-income 3 +10011111010 assemblyline 3 +10011111010 interst 4 +10011111010 fixed-mortgage 4 +10011111010 interest. 4 +10011111010 office-vacancy 7 +10011111010 recidivism 8 +10011111010 mortgage-interest 30 +10011111010 delinquency 44 +10011111010 debt-service 78 +10011111010 interest 27987 +10011111010 occupancy 133 +100111110110 polyester-yarn 1 +100111110110 seasonending 1 +100111110110 whale-shaped 1 +100111110110 Alif 1 +100111110110 custom-parts 1 +100111110110 petroluem 1 +100111110110 domestic-travel 1 +100111110110 Cocom-related 1 +100111110110 14,509 1 +100111110110 offsore 1 +100111110110 polyoxyalkylene 1 +100111110110 Weisbaden 1 +100111110110 Caffa 1 +100111110110 radiotelescopes 1 +100111110110 fuel-based 1 +100111110110 PCB-loaded 1 +100111110110 alumimum 1 +100111110110 silicon-crystal 1 +100111110110 airdropping 1 +100111110110 50-gallon 1 +100111110110 appliance-control 1 +100111110110 1,416 1 +100111110110 mung 1 +100111110110 near-infrared-spectroscopy 1 +100111110110 pinto 1 +100111110110 fine-fiber 1 +100111110110 light-fuel 1 +100111110110 funny-face 1 +100111110110 staphylococcus 1 +100111110110 bisphenol-A 1 +100111110110 non-Greeks 1 +100111110110 corklike 1 +100111110110 microwave-components 1 +100111110110 vinyl-acrylic 1 +100111110110 U.S.-bought 1 +100111110110 London-exchange 1 +100111110110 12month 1 +100111110110 bi-metallic 1 +100111110110 Medicaid-subsidized 1 +100111110110 cod-liver 1 +100111110110 flight-certified 1 +100111110110 Nod-A-Way 1 +100111110110 unhusked-rice 1 +100111110110 inground 1 +100111110110 raw-ivory 1 +100111110110 deliverymonth 1 +100111110110 slatternly 1 +100111110110 consumer-preferred 1 +100111110110 package-foreign 1 +100111110110 Screamers 1 +100111110110 Swedish-language 1 +100111110110 air-dropping 1 +100111110110 super-tanker 1 +100111110110 producer-output 1 +100111110110 Trinidadian 1 +100111110110 nearnormal 1 +100111110110 recreation-center 1 +100111110110 fuel-injector 1 +100111110110 steel-sheet 1 +100111110110 June-expiration 1 +100111110110 high-benefit 1 +100111110110 Pacific-area 1 +100111110110 Lit-Ning 1 +100111110110 war-damaged 1 +100111110110 eight-foot-high 1 +100111110110 kraut 1 +100111110110 IBM-bashing 1 +100111110110 non-fossil 1 +100111110110 Pentyde 1 +100111110110 pre-financed 1 +100111110110 mousselike 1 +100111110110 metricton-sized 1 +100111110110 copper-tubing 1 +100111110110 broadsiding 1 +100111110110 gas-oil 2 +100111110110 anise 2 +100111110110 100-yen 2 +100111110110 yen-related 2 +100111110110 Mylanta 2 +100111110110 Ranchero 2 +100111110110 Fudgsicle 2 +100111110110 mealy 2 +100111110110 panic-prone 2 +100111110110 Catapres 2 +100111110110 tachometer 2 +100111110110 brightly-colored 2 +100111110110 producible 2 +100111110110 5/8-inch 2 +100111110110 wontons 2 +100111110110 large-quantity 2 +100111110110 old-crop 2 +100111110110 four-million-gallon 2 +100111110110 Cyprus-based 2 +100111110110 Rosehaugh 2 +100111110110 094 2 +100111110110 Mistletoe 2 +100111110110 Amvisc 2 +100111110110 empty-looking 2 +100111110110 Friday-night 2 +100111110110 male-oriented 2 +100111110110 bilge 2 +100111110110 mini-major 2 +100111110110 bimetallic 2 +100111110110 tomato-plant 2 +100111110110 50-49 2 +100111110110 colloquialisms 3 +100111110110 paratungstate 3 +100111110110 deliciosa 3 +100111110110 1,061 3 +100111110110 cassava 3 +100111110110 1-1 3 +100111110110 beefsteak 3 +100111110110 palm-kernel 3 +100111110110 coking-coal 3 +100111110110 MR2 3 +100111110110 HCFC-22 3 +100111110110 5,119 3 +100111110110 ferrous 3 +100111110110 scalable 3 +100111110110 aluminium 3 +100111110110 Diprolene 3 +100111110110 gumdrops 3 +100111110110 pinto-bean 3 +100111110110 sesame 3 +100111110110 zirconium 4 +100111110110 towelettes 4 +100111110110 safflower 4 +100111110110 public-minded 4 +100111110110 nitrous 4 +100111110110 self-portraits 4 +100111110110 IL-2/TIL 4 +100111110110 Tums 4 +100111110110 Sprite 4 +100111110110 SO2 4 +100111110110 tarlike 4 +100111110110 emeralds 4 +100111110110 toluene 4 +100111110110 business-form 4 +100111110110 Avitene 4 +100111110110 A4 4 +100111110110 soybean-meal 4 +100111110110 curlers 4 +100111110110 human-growth 5 +100111110110 Philco 5 +100111110110 shut-in 5 +100111110110 jojoba 5 +100111110110 anti-personnel 5 +100111110110 price-controlled 5 +100111110110 Ibiza 5 +100111110110 Rolaids 5 +100111110110 motor-fuel 5 +100111110110 sevruga 6 +100111110110 castor 6 +100111110110 corn-gluten 6 +100111110110 phenol 6 +100111110110 woody 6 +100111110110 voyeurism 6 +100111110110 fajita 7 +100111110110 crayfish 7 +100111110110 hazelnut 7 +100111110110 lima 7 +100111110110 sugar-free 7 +100111110110 mauve 7 +100111110110 olefins 7 +100111110110 Pentax 7 +100111110110 cane-sugar 7 +100111110110 base-metals 8 +100111110110 home-heating 8 +100111110110 footware 8 +100111110110 maize 8 +100111110110 anti-freeze 8 +100111110110 T-bond 8 +100111110110 cottonseed 8 +100111110110 MEK 8 +100111110110 winter-wheat 9 +100111110110 cinnamon 9 +100111110110 new-crop 9 +100111110110 urea 9 +100111110110 vanadium 9 +100111110110 steel-ingot 10 +100111110110 Crisco 10 +100111110110 placer 10 +100111110110 naphtha 10 +100111110110 selenium 11 +100111110110 antelope 12 +100111110110 glucose 12 +100111110110 sickle 13 +100111110110 Kirkuk 13 +100111110110 Canadian-owned 14 +100111110110 papaya 14 +100111110110 ferronickel 15 +100111110110 denser 15 +100111110110 submersible 15 +100111110110 WTI 15 +100111110110 canola 15 +100111110110 burley 15 +100111110110 chlorofluorocarbon 16 +100111110110 Scrabble 16 +100111110110 rapeseed 16 +100111110110 broccoli 17 +100111110110 Robitussin 17 +100111110110 lubricating 18 +100111110110 cobalt 19 +100111110110 broiler 19 +100111110110 chromium 19 +100111110110 anthracite 20 +100111110110 7-Up 20 +100111110110 shale 21 +100111110110 hydropower 22 +100111110110 Chardonnay 22 +100111110110 deliverable 22 +100111110110 ferrochrome 22 +100111110110 pineapple 23 +100111110110 veal 23 +100111110110 orange-juice 24 +100111110110 cod 25 +100111110110 Maalox 26 +100111110110 above-ground 26 +100111110110 casein 26 +100111110110 encyclopedias 26 +100111110110 feed-grain 28 +100111110110 raw-materials 30 +100111110110 feedstock 30 +100111110110 grapefruit 33 +100111110110 soy 33 +100111110110 KHJ 34 +100111110110 antifreeze 36 +100111110110 oilseed 36 +100111110110 alfalfa 37 +100111110110 bauxite 40 +100111110110 lime 40 +100111110110 strawberry 40 +100111110110 distillate 42 +100111110110 calf 43 +100111110110 maple 45 +100111110110 palladium 47 +100111110110 sorghum 48 +100111110110 monoxide 49 +100111110110 ethane 50 +100111110110 tritium 52 +100111110110 oat 52 +100111110110 shrimp 54 +100111110110 linerboard 54 +100111110110 lamb 58 +100111110110 alumina 58 +100111110110 potash 59 +100111110110 chlorine 61 +100111110110 brandy 62 +100111110110 lettuce 62 +100111110110 honey 66 +100111110110 bacon 74 +100111110110 piping 75 +100111110110 raw-material 79 +100111110110 oats 82 +100111110110 coca 83 +100111110110 bean 84 +100111110110 ivory 86 +100111110110 heating-oil 89 +100111110110 postage 91 +100111110110 plywood 100 +100111110110 wool 115 +100111110110 barley 122 +100111110110 bumper 128 +100111110110 methane 139 +100111110110 vegetable 157 +100111110110 zinc 160 +100111110110 ethylene 161 +100111110110 soda 172 +100111110110 ethanol 185 +100111110110 dioxide 206 +100111110110 crude-oil 262 +100111110110 livestock 333 +100111110110 hog 354 +100111110110 uranium 359 +100111110110 nickel 371 +100111110110 cocoa 459 +100111110110 juice 493 +100111110110 heating 543 +100111110110 soybeans 552 +100111110110 pork 578 +100111110110 rice 583 +100111110110 milk 608 +100111110110 pulp 637 +100111110110 chicken 652 +100111110110 newsprint 671 +100111110110 cotton 703 +100111110110 platinum 722 +100111110110 meat 726 +100111110110 cattle 953 +100111110110 beef 981 +100111110110 coffee 1229 +100111110110 soybean 1263 +100111110110 electricity 1287 +100111110110 wheat 1443 +100111110110 gasoline 1461 +100111110110 silver 1466 +100111110110 grain 1500 +100111110110 sugar 1530 +100111110110 copper 1719 +100111110110 corn 1992 +100111110110 fuel 2117 +100111110110 crude 2384 +100111110110 gold 6226 +100111110110 housing 2949 +1001111101110 debt-and-interest 1 +1001111101110 vestigation 1 +1001111101110 aid-to-religious-schools 1 +1001111101110 65-to-100-bed 1 +1001111101110 131-foot 1 +1001111101110 order-growth 1 +1001111101110 micro-injected 1 +1001111101110 Bos-Wash 1 +1001111101110 1631 1 +1001111101110 pinch-hitters 1 +1001111101110 SNCC 1 +1001111101110 world-stock 1 +1001111101110 toxemia 1 +1001111101110 blackmarketeering 1 +1001111101110 Bermudas 1 +1001111101110 execution-manufacturing 1 +1001111101110 6,200-mile 1 +1001111101110 windsheer-detection 1 +1001111101110 nitrous-oxide 1 +1001111101110 1749 1 +1001111101110 growth-target 1 +1001111101110 gasoline-making 1 +1001111101110 downspouts 1 +1001111101110 on- 1 +1001111101110 video-text 1 +1001111101110 biological- 1 +1001111101110 Giesmar 1 +1001111101110 national-prestige 1 +1001111101110 zymurgical 1 +1001111101110 Mr.Cotte 1 +1001111101110 133-to-137-yen 1 +1001111101110 Boeing-747s 1 +1001111101110 Euphemisms 1 +1001111101110 anhydrous-ammonia 1 +1001111101110 1976-81 1 +1001111101110 fixed-wing-aircraft 1 +1001111101110 10,000-job 1 +1001111101110 carwash 1 +1001111101110 396-402 1 +1001111101110 1484 1 +1001111101110 3- 1 +1001111101110 dahlias 1 +1001111101110 ticket-sale 1 +1001111101110 nonperformer 1 +1001111101110 senior-acquisition 1 +1001111101110 application-development 1 +1001111101110 meg 1 +1001111101110 mid-aria 1 +1001111101110 2500-to-2700 1 +1001111101110 handwork 1 +1001111101110 concertinas 1 +1001111101110 carcinogenesis 1 +1001111101110 parts-per-trillion 1 +1001111101110 patent-maintenance 1 +1001111101110 knee-surgery 1 +1001111101110 Flins 1 +1001111101110 6-to-7 1 +1001111101110 F-14d 1 +1001111101110 engineeering 1 +1001111101110 800-holder 1 +1001111101110 copier-duplicator 1 +1001111101110 mark-pound 1 +1001111101110 rumor-buffeted 1 +1001111101110 small-community 1 +1001111101110 under-500-kilometer 1 +1001111101110 Brezins 1 +1001111101110 957-acre 1 +1001111101110 higher-than-allowed 1 +1001111101110 perhour 1 +1001111101110 restorable 1 +1001111101110 Terengganu 1 +1001111101110 tire-pricing 1 +1001111101110 1993-1994 1 +1001111101110 Humoresque 1 +1001111101110 once-continuous 1 +1001111101110 6,600-mile 1 +1001111101110 motor-fuels 1 +1001111101110 runon 1 +1001111101110 Wauseon 1 +1001111101110 Eldertrivia 1 +1001111101110 chameleonlike 1 +1001111101110 6-to-8 1 +1001111101110 chlorophyll 1 +1001111101110 sewage-treatment-plant 1 +1001111101110 scuffs 1 +1001111101110 level-six 1 +1001111101110 supermini 1 +1001111101110 power-wielding 1 +1001111101110 oh-so-polite 1 +1001111101110 3,000-nautical-mile 1 +1001111101110 quota-price 1 +1001111101110 subisidies 1 +1001111101110 Drummondville 1 +1001111101110 boating-safety 1 +1001111101110 1952-53 1 +1001111101110 pre-Colombian 1 +1001111101110 mechanical-design 1 +1001111101110 100-hour-or-less 1 +1001111101110 500-hour 1 +1001111101110 land-access 1 +1001111101110 mid-250 1 +1001111101110 cardiological 1 +1001111101110 electronic-guidance 1 +1001111101110 MORTICES 1 +1001111101110 Woosung 1 +1001111101110 Logansport 1 +1001111101110 pool-spa 1 +1001111101110 Ford- 1 +1001111101110 mid-30,000 1 +1001111101110 foreign-broadcasting-rights 1 +1001111101110 five-to-10-year 1 +1001111101110 TF-39 1 +1001111101110 centipedes 1 +1001111101110 400,000-to-800,000 1 +1001111101110 part-surreal 1 +1001111101110 Ukrainian-Americans 1 +1001111101110 0.02-cent 1 +1001111101110 science- 1 +1001111101110 mid-hundred-million-dollar 1 +1001111101110 formlessness 1 +1001111101110 100-degree-plus 1 +1001111101110 quarter-cent-a-pound 1 +1001111101110 habitability 1 +1001111101110 Chekovian 1 +1001111101110 single-word 1 +1001111101110 extended-payment 1 +1001111101110 high-pitch 1 +1001111101110 1950-1960 1 +1001111101110 12-to-14-year-old 1 +1001111101110 Rooseveltology 1 +1001111101110 emergency-cash 1 +1001111101110 Noxzema 1 +1001111101110 dirty-water 1 +1001111101110 platinum-clearing 1 +1001111101110 custards 1 +1001111101110 digestable 1 +1001111101110 offering-price 1 +1001111101110 non-raisin 1 +1001111101110 Liego 1 +1001111101110 Kortrijk 1 +1001111101110 manufacturer-dealer 1 +1001111101110 1,250-to-1,550-lire 1 +1001111101110 velvets 1 +1001111101110 53-30 1 +1001111101110 1-mark 1 +1001111101110 Israel-bashing 1 +1001111101110 architect-engineering 1 +1001111101110 hand-painting 1 +1001111101110 tantric 1 +1001111101110 Coricidin 1 +1001111101110 prosperty 1 +1001111101110 adhesions 1 +1001111101110 lowgrowth 1 +1001111101110 development-aid 1 +1001111101110 52,790,000 1 +1001111101110 Vegematics 1 +1001111101110 stressors 1 +1001111101110 book-promotion 1 +1001111101110 Bajaur 1 +1001111101110 private-income 1 +1001111101110 budget-message 1 +1001111101110 eye- 1 +1001111101110 English- 1 +1001111101110 1238 1 +1001111101110 in-duct 1 +1001111101110 sickos 1 +1001111101110 two-shift-a-day 1 +1001111101110 Kolozsvar/Cluj-Napoca 1 +1001111101110 40-cents-a-pound 1 +1001111101110 heroin-user 1 +1001111101110 low-caliber 1 +1001111101110 seven-million-dollar 1 +1001111101110 short-word 1 +1001111101110 feedmills 1 +1001111101110 bloodlettings 1 +1001111101110 low-40 1 +1001111101110 leis 1 +1001111101110 less-than-flattering 1 +1001111101110 Treasury-rate 1 +1001111101110 radiation-containment 1 +1001111101110 consensus-forecast 1 +1001111101110 Forstmann-Leff-Associates 1 +1001111101110 1.9200-mark 1 +1001111101110 two-pfennig 1 +1001111101110 hoagies 1 +1001111101110 vendor-performance 1 +1001111101110 F/F-18 1 +1001111101110 billionths-of-a-second 1 +1001111101110 20-foot-wide 1 +1001111101110 surgicenters 1 +1001111101110 moderate- 1 +1001111101110 10-ticket 1 +1001111101110 operating-cash 1 +1001111101110 Alapaha 1 +1001111101110 transgressive 1 +1001111101110 BCGM 1 +1001111101110 Kars 1 +1001111101110 Westinghouse-built 1 +1001111101110 awful-and-scarce 1 +1001111101110 dollar-equivalent 1 +1001111101110 half-hourlong 1 +1001111101110 glissandi 1 +1001111101110 mezzo-sopranos 1 +1001111101110 Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen 1 +1001111101110 pollution-sampling 1 +1001111101110 10W-30 1 +1001111101110 mid-vacation 1 +1001111101110 engineering-procurement 1 +1001111101110 saris 2 +1001111101110 current-dollar 2 +1001111101110 C-12 2 +1001111101110 tradesman 2 +1001111101110 Muynak 2 +1001111101110 intracoronary 2 +1001111101110 145-yen 2 +1001111101110 Lismore 2 +1001111101110 putouts 2 +1001111101110 Trimline 2 +1001111101110 greatcoats 2 +1001111101110 financal 2 +1001111101110 fleet-underway 2 +1001111101110 sniffles 2 +1001111101110 swap-market 2 +1001111101110 peonage 2 +1001111101110 order-handling 2 +1001111101110 rebar 2 +1001111101110 silkworms 2 +1001111101110 1994-2014 2 +1001111101110 bagpipers 2 +1001111101110 crime- 2 +1001111101110 175-mile 2 +1001111101110 aroni 2 +1001111101110 agrarianism 2 +1001111101110 construction-differential-subsidies 2 +1001111101110 marketshare 2 +1001111101110 blowguns 2 +1001111101110 Hetchy 3 +1001111101110 transboundary 3 +1001111101110 property- 3 +1001111101110 west-to-east 3 +1001111101110 waistcoat 3 +1001111101110 bioethics 3 +1001111101110 operating-differential-subsidies 3 +1001111101110 television-rights 3 +1001111101110 income- 3 +1001111101110 middle-price 3 +1001111101110 19th- 3 +1001111101110 self-care 3 +1001111101110 lower- 4 +1001111101110 drought-assistance 4 +1001111101110 64K 4 +1001111101110 zigs 4 +1001111101110 pinstripes 4 +1001111101110 boogie-woogie 4 +1001111101110 mid-sentence 4 +1001111101110 corduroys 4 +1001111101110 dreadlocks 4 +1001111101110 Goa 4 +1001111101110 midriff 4 +1001111101110 medical-expense 5 +1001111101110 Itaran 5 +1001111101110 dribs 5 +1001111101110 full- 5 +1001111101110 loco 5 +1001111101110 declarative 5 +1001111101110 year-and-a-day 6 +1001111101110 12- 6 +1001111101110 lederhosen 6 +1001111101110 long- 7 +1001111101110 personal-appearance 7 +1001111101110 sign-up 10 +1001111101110 one- 19 +1001111101110 three- 24 +1001111101110 common-share 24 +1001111101110 captivity 31 +1001111101110 middle- 33 +1001111101110 medium- 37 +1001111101110 low- 44 +1001111101110 alimony 49 +1001111101110 jail 824 +1001111101110 cash 14457 +1001111101110 prison 1983 +10011111011110 perspiration-inducing 1 +10011111011110 contract-flight 1 +10011111011110 buttes 1 +10011111011110 driving-while-intoxicated 1 +10011111011110 refundability 1 +10011111011110 9/18B 1 +10011111011110 16/27b 1 +10011111011110 16/26 1 +10011111011110 down-the-road 1 +10011111011110 1-to-4 1 +10011111011110 judoists 1 +10011111011110 chikungunya 1 +10011111011110 Manzini 1 +10011111011110 wall-mounted 1 +10011111011110 paid-leave 1 +10011111011110 alphabets 1 +10011111011110 field-production 1 +10011111011110 punditdom 1 +10011111011110 stop-out 1 +10011111011110 Fontanelle 1 +10011111011110 drug-positive 1 +10011111011110 campanile 1 +10011111011110 Kaly 1 +10011111011110 factious 1 +10011111011110 private-ownership 1 +10011111011110 WOR-FM 1 +10011111011110 990-T 1 +10011111011110 Trepps 1 +10011111011110 re-authorization 1 +10011111011110 wire-reference 1 +10011111011110 imprecision 1 +10011111011110 aggies 1 +10011111011110 embankments 1 +10011111011110 GNP-growth 1 +10011111011110 catarrh 1 +10011111011110 seniority-based 1 +10011111011110 centrism 1 +10011111011110 broadcast-rights 1 +10011111011110 2430 1 +10011111011110 innaccurate 1 +10011111011110 zeppelins 1 +10011111011110 over-commercialization 1 +10011111011110 toper 1 +10011111011110 Cuberli 1 +10011111011110 stale-cigarette 1 +10011111011110 tainted-food 1 +10011111011110 drug-traffickers 1 +10011111011110 re-order 1 +10011111011110 unperceivable 1 +10011111011110 previously-filed 1 +10011111011110 ordinary-loss 1 +10011111011110 long-distance-rate 1 +10011111011110 6407/9 1 +10011111011110 goaltending 1 +10011111011110 Bindernagel 1 +10011111011110 chip-on-the-shoulder 1 +10011111011110 patent-infringers 1 +10011111011110 doomers 1 +10011111011110 franc/mark 1 +10011111011110 dominos 1 +10011111011110 intracellulare 1 +10011111011110 politico-plaintiffs 1 +10011111011110 positioner 1 +10011111011110 sugar-planted 1 +10011111011110 cable-copyright 1 +10011111011110 microcosms 1 +10011111011110 unable-to-locate 1 +10011111011110 Schatten 1 +10011111011110 government-as-usual 1 +10011111011110 unaccommodating 1 +10011111011110 heart-stoppingly 1 +10011111011110 labor-participation 1 +10011111011110 masonry-wall 1 +10011111011110 9/23B 1 +10011111011110 serge 1 +10011111011110 special-case 1 +10011111011110 multiple-appraisal 1 +10011111011110 inflation-tag 1 +10011111011110 post-service 1 +10011111011110 uncapped 2 +10011111011110 S-RAM 2 +10011111011110 profitablilty 2 +10011111011110 Ahonoora 2 +10011111011110 audiotapes 2 +10011111011110 Cispes 2 +10011111011110 niggardly 2 +10011111011110 Ho-Ho-Kus 2 +10011111011110 savings-deposit 2 +10011111011110 Pomaks 2 +10011111011110 55-46 2 +10011111011110 quota-cheating 2 +10011111011110 severance-tax 2 +10011111011110 Cytotechnologists 2 +10011111011110 light-walled 2 +10011111011110 Mi-Cebrin 2 +10011111011110 reduced-duty 2 +10011111011110 re-unionization 2 +10011111011110 RUB 2 +10011111011110 15/22 2 +10011111011110 encephalopathy 2 +10011111011110 red-lining 2 +10011111011110 live-sighting 2 +10011111011110 atheists 2 +10011111011110 numberless 2 +10011111011110 childrearing 2 +10011111011110 Unfulfilled 2 +10011111011110 icicle 2 +10011111011110 Roquefort 3 +10011111011110 medians 3 +10011111011110 inscrutability 3 +10011111011110 Gudrid 3 +10011111011110 tweezers 3 +10011111011110 SRAM-II 3 +10011111011110 paydowns 3 +10011111011110 arsenate 3 +10011111011110 homology 3 +10011111011110 baby-selling 3 +10011111011110 itemizing 3 +10011111011110 mendacious 3 +10011111011110 parasols 3 +10011111011110 undertakers 3 +10011111011110 25929.42 3 +10011111011110 medical-assistance 3 +10011111011110 neckline 3 +10011111011110 pseudonymity 3 +10011111011110 dabblers 3 +10011111011110 woodpeckers 3 +10011111011110 R2D2 3 +10011111011110 majoritarianism 3 +10011111011110 annualization 4 +10011111011110 brawn 4 +10011111011110 hypochondria 4 +10011111011110 HTLV-4 4 +10011111011110 EEP 4 +10011111011110 17th- 4 +10011111011110 onlending 4 +10011111011110 Ormuz 4 +10011111011110 understaffing 4 +10011111011110 idolatry 4 +10011111011110 busineses 4 +10011111011110 over-capacity 4 +10011111011110 mitzvahs 4 +10011111011110 pettifoggery 4 +10011111011110 interest-income 4 +10011111011110 counterrevolutionaries 4 +10011111011110 babysitting 4 +10011111011110 Darvon 4 +10011111011110 fatherhood 4 +10011111011110 evenhandedness 4 +10011111011110 osmosis 5 +10011111011110 ballutes 5 +10011111011110 mitzvah 5 +10011111011110 Turgenev 5 +10011111011110 lesbianism 5 +10011111011110 smut 5 +10011111011110 sequoias 5 +10011111011110 Shangri-La 5 +10011111011110 AFIS 5 +10011111011110 MediCal 5 +10011111011110 dysentery 5 +10011111011110 Wordstar 5 +10011111011110 neurosurgery 5 +10011111011110 2350 5 +10011111011110 deconstructionism 6 +10011111011110 glaucoma 6 +10011111011110 countryman 6 +10011111011110 FIFO 6 +10011111011110 liquidities 6 +10011111011110 morbidity 6 +10011111011110 crabmeat 6 +10011111011110 CCK 6 +10011111011110 legalisms 6 +10011111011110 mid-America 6 +10011111011110 fatalism 7 +10011111011110 osteoarthritis 7 +10011111011110 Internet 7 +10011111011110 diltiazem 7 +10011111011110 hemorrhoids 7 +10011111011110 yarmulkes 7 +10011111011110 repentance 7 +10011111011110 firecrackers 7 +10011111011110 seller-financing 7 +10011111011110 NMP 8 +10011111011110 wildflowers 8 +10011111011110 autocracy 8 +10011111011110 eugenics 8 +10011111011110 overpopulation 8 +10011111011110 overregulation 8 +10011111011110 mechanization 8 +10011111011110 cadmium 8 +10011111011110 inoculation 8 +10011111011110 Pinstripes 8 +10011111011110 truancy 8 +10011111011110 coyotes 9 +10011111011110 drop-out 9 +10011111011110 EDB 9 +10011111011110 mackerel 9 +10011111011110 breakage 9 +10011111011110 advance-decline 9 +10011111011110 hemoglobin 9 +10011111011110 check-writing 9 +10011111011110 serotonin 9 +10011111011110 anti-selection 9 +10011111011110 PLAM 10 +10011111011110 seigniorage 10 +10011111011110 propylene 10 +10011111011110 bilingualism 11 +10011111011110 dehydration 11 +10011111011110 dwarfism 11 +10011111011110 cubism 11 +10011111011110 reforestation 11 +10011111011110 senility 12 +10011111011110 artifice 12 +10011111011110 permeability 12 +10011111011110 fabrications 12 +10011111011110 poppies 12 +10011111011110 triglycerides 13 +10011111011110 35000 13 +10011111011110 abstention 14 +10011111011110 respiration 14 +10011111011110 immunotherapy 14 +10011111011110 monogamy 14 +10011111011110 quack 15 +10011111011110 repos 15 +10011111011110 LDL-cholesterol 15 +10011111011110 self-restraint 15 +10011111011110 couponing 15 +10011111011110 dominoes 15 +10011111011110 nonviolence 16 +10011111011110 spoilage 16 +10011111011110 Peptide 17 +10011111011110 parenthood 17 +10011111011110 liming 17 +10011111011110 interventionism 17 +10011111011110 drunkenness 18 +10011111011110 Nicorette 19 +10011111011110 home-ownership 20 +10011111011110 deforestation 21 +10011111011110 counterfeiting 22 +10011111011110 Nazism 22 +10011111011110 drowsiness 23 +10011111011110 anesthesia 23 +10011111011110 illegitimacy 25 +10011111011110 ridership 25 +10011111011110 fascism 26 +10011111011110 radioactivity 29 +10011111011110 humidity 29 +10011111011110 contraception 30 +10011111011110 caffeine 31 +10011111011110 syphilis 33 +10011111011110 hypnosis 33 +10011111011110 Stalinism 33 +10011111011110 psychotherapy 33 +10011111011110 childbirth 36 +10011111011110 busing 37 +10011111011110 osteoporosis 37 +10011111011110 homeownership 37 +10011111011110 fertilization 38 +10011111011110 incest 39 +10011111011110 obesity 42 +10011111011110 cabernet 42 +10011111011110 anti-Semitism 42 +10011111011110 1800 45 +10011111011110 artwork 45 +10011111011110 ebb 49 +10011111011110 diarrhea 52 +10011111011110 absenteeism 54 +10011111011110 overcrowding 55 +10011111011110 illiteracy 55 +10011111011110 homelessness 56 +10011111011110 self-regulation 61 +10011111011110 joblessness 61 +10011111011110 slavery 70 +10011111011110 prostitution 75 +10011111011110 sodium 78 +10011111011110 homosexuality 82 +10011111011110 self-incrimination 86 +10011111011110 alcoholism 93 +10011111011110 fertility 96 +10011111011110 diabetes 96 +10011111011110 smog 102 +10011111011110 pornography 106 +10011111011110 dropout 106 +10011111011110 dioxin 119 +10011111011110 Libor 174 +10011111011110 aflatoxin 187 +10011111011110 theirs 188 +10011111011110 mortality 206 +10011111011110 M2 219 +10011111011110 gilts 228 +10011111011110 communism 305 +10011111011110 tuition 321 +10011111011110 M1 386 +10011111011110 apartheid 449 +10011111011110 protectionism 452 +10011111011110 terrorism 485 +10011111011110 poverty 753 +10011111011110 inflationary 1021 +10011111011110 unemployment 2504 +10011111011110 inflation 8882 +10011111011110 education 2908 +10011111011111 finding-cost 1 +10011111011111 stowage 1 +10011111011111 merchandise-inventory 1 +10011111011111 title-policy 1 +10011111011111 cholesterol/HDL 1 +10011111011111 midsize-car 1 +10011111011111 63-page 1 +10011111011111 agrarianethnic 1 +10011111011111 Effektenbank-Warburg 1 +10011111011111 reorganization-related 1 +10011111011111 postal-worker 1 +10011111011111 1,200-page 1 +10011111011111 contract-penalty 1 +10011111011111 noir-lit 1 +10011111011111 Gazettes 1 +10011111011111 trade-transport 1 +10011111011111 non-distribution 1 +10011111011111 many-digit 1 +10011111011111 39,189 1 +10011111011111 paint-finish 1 +10011111011111 manufacuturing 1 +10011111011111 last-in-first-out 1 +10011111011111 worker-benefit 1 +10011111011111 debt/economic 1 +10011111011111 death-benefit 1 +10011111011111 travelrelated 1 +10011111011111 home-borrowing 1 +10011111011111 steel-labor 1 +10011111011111 customer-broker 1 +10011111011111 production-run 1 +10011111011111 non-recoverable 1 +10011111011111 expansion-related 1 +10011111011111 timber-clearing 1 +10011111011111 investment-financing 1 +10011111011111 peak-service 1 +10011111011111 under-projected 1 +10011111011111 shareholder-servicing 1 +10011111011111 state-of-the-industry 1 +10011111011111 medical-claims 1 +10011111011111 personal-identification 1 +10011111011111 garden-hose 1 +10011111011111 lost-opportunity 1 +10011111011111 wooden-sounding 1 +10011111011111 work-and-savings 1 +10011111011111 paper-storage 1 +10011111011111 factory-capacity-utilization 1 +10011111011111 paper-processing 1 +10011111011111 community-hospital 1 +10011111011111 alarm-system 1 +10011111011111 food-tolerance 1 +10011111011111 fish-contamination 1 +10011111011111 war-movie 1 +10011111011111 store-liquidation 1 +10011111011111 production-rate 1 +10011111011111 fuel-transportation 1 +10011111011111 utility-construction 1 +10011111011111 engineering-design 1 +10011111011111 replacement-energy 1 +10011111011111 airline-performance 1 +10011111011111 job-settlement 1 +10011111011111 mileage-use 1 +10011111011111 stock-issues 1 +10011111011111 defense-preparedness 1 +10011111011111 livestock-related 1 +10011111011111 post-construction 1 +10011111011111 militia-style 1 +10011111011111 primary-production 1 +10011111011111 squirrel-like 1 +10011111011111 producer-price-index 1 +10011111011111 industry-operating 1 +10011111011111 garment-makers 1 +10011111011111 ex-Atlanta 1 +10011111011111 business-inventory 1 +10011111011111 unbudgeted 1 +10011111011111 million-computer 1 +10011111011111 cement-manufacturing 1 +10011111011111 defense-work 1 +10011111011111 employment-payroll 1 +10011111011111 once-ballooning 1 +10011111011111 total-yardage 1 +10011111011111 rawmaterials 1 +10011111011111 1.89-mark 1 +10011111011111 gasline-repair 1 +10011111011111 30,000-won 1 +10011111011111 often-lethal 1 +10011111011111 already-incurred 1 +10011111011111 production-utilization 1 +10011111011111 trading-staff 1 +10011111011111 soybeanoil 1 +10011111011111 noncommodity 1 +10011111011111 1.92-mark 1 +10011111011111 inflationery 1 +10011111011111 cranberry-and-gray 1 +10011111011111 still-punishing 1 +10011111011111 private-airplane 1 +10011111011111 average-earnings 1 +10011111011111 AIDS-care 1 +10011111011111 housing-start 1 +10011111011111 Express-prepared 1 +10011111011111 shutdown-related 1 +10011111011111 retiree-medical 1 +10011111011111 Airbus-related 1 +10011111011111 target-price 2 +10011111011111 farm-labor 2 +10011111011111 business-promotion 2 +10011111011111 voluntary-restraint 2 +10011111011111 cupids 2 +10011111011111 Cimulcer 2 +10011111011111 104-page 2 +10011111011111 Titania 2 +10011111011111 order-inflow 2 +10011111011111 oil-finding 2 +10011111011111 half-length 2 +10011111011111 exit-poll 2 +10011111011111 2.00-mark 2 +10011111011111 team-handball 2 +10011111011111 product-introduction 2 +10011111011111 anti-export 2 +10011111011111 soft-brown 2 +10011111011111 near-equal 2 +10011111011111 runs-batted-in 2 +10011111011111 consumer-recognition 2 +10011111011111 offshore-insurance 2 +10011111011111 patent-litigation 2 +10011111011111 health-claim 2 +10011111011111 U.S.-Angola 2 +10011111011111 quarter-end 2 +10011111011111 '73 2 +10011111011111 asbestos-claim 2 +10011111011111 strike-breaking 2 +10011111011111 export-sales 2 +10011111011111 Soviet-Japan 2 +10011111011111 enrichment-program 2 +10011111011111 heeling 2 +10011111011111 client-agency 2 +10011111011111 1570 2 +10011111011111 bank-customer 2 +10011111011111 pre-development 2 +10011111011111 preproduction 2 +10011111011111 unit-labor 2 +10011111011111 self-seeking 3 +10011111011111 SCOPE 3 +10011111011111 retail-trade 3 +10011111011111 2400-point 3 +10011111011111 CCOP 3 +10011111011111 health-industry 3 +10011111011111 pipeline-producer 3 +10011111011111 cattle-inventory 3 +10011111011111 more-extreme 3 +10011111011111 hourly-wage 3 +10011111011111 economic-crime 3 +10011111011111 purchased-power 3 +10011111011111 jiggles 3 +10011111011111 1975-79 3 +10011111011111 bad-news 3 +10011111011111 HxCDD 3 +10011111011111 election-night 3 +10011111011111 old-school 4 +10011111011111 half-yearly 4 +10011111011111 medical-benefit 4 +10011111011111 triglyceride 4 +10011111011111 scrapbooks 4 +10011111011111 equity-capital 4 +10011111011111 EVD 4 +10011111011111 airline-service 4 +10011111011111 Jessi 4 +10011111011111 Komeito 4 +10011111011111 pre-operational 4 +10011111011111 Akai 4 +10011111011111 white-blood-cell 4 +10011111011111 NCIC 4 +10011111011111 pre-launch 4 +10011111011111 personnel-related 4 +10011111011111 age-related 4 +10011111011111 consumer-complaint 4 +10011111011111 asbestos-litigation 4 +10011111011111 blood-cholesterol 5 +10011111011111 skilled-worker 5 +10011111011111 crop-production 5 +10011111011111 Handelsblatt 5 +10011111011111 carbamazepine 5 +10011111011111 Celine 5 +10011111011111 unrecoverable 5 +10011111011111 jobholders 5 +10011111011111 regionalism 5 +10011111011111 backslapping 6 +10011111011111 campaign-spending 6 +10011111011111 pseudo 6 +10011111011111 broker-customer 6 +10011111011111 work-in-progress 6 +10011111011111 industrial-production 6 +10011111011111 malpractice-insurance 6 +10011111011111 tinkling 6 +10011111011111 discount-fare 7 +10011111011111 TEFRA 7 +10011111011111 non-political 8 +10011111011111 replacement-power 9 +10011111011111 investment-interest 9 +10011111011111 military-spending 9 +10011111011111 IVIG 11 +10011111011111 EISA 11 +10011111011111 surrogacy 12 +10011111011111 strike-related 13 +10011111011111 farm-program 14 +10011111011111 Alma-Ata 15 +10011111011111 retail-price 17 +10011111011111 ISDN 17 +10011111011111 PPI 17 +10011111011111 10K 20 +10011111011111 vibration 23 +10011111011111 Cabernet 23 +10011111011111 cattle-on-feed 24 +10011111011111 Maekawa 24 +10011111011111 brute 27 +10011111011111 serum 27 +10011111011111 underworld 27 +10011111011111 LIFO 30 +10011111011111 NAS 31 +10011111011111 LDL 33 +10011111011111 10-K 35 +10011111011111 retail-sales 41 +10011111011111 GAAP 42 +10011111011111 HDL 47 +10011111011111 out-of-pocket 52 +10011111011111 public-opinion 71 +10011111011111 radon 86 +10011111011111 dosage 90 +10011111011111 emigration 168 +10011111011111 staffing 177 +10011111011111 GDP 232 +10011111011111 ozone 383 +10011111011111 overhead 559 +10011111011111 cholesterol 593 +10011111011111 payroll 698 +10011111011111 GNP 1110 +10011111011111 inventory 1710 +10011111011111 labor 5768 +10011111011111 employment 2993 +10011111100 credit-loans 1 +10011111100 Autophiles 1 +10011111100 finger-waggling 1 +10011111100 disinvests 1 +10011111100 -shareholder 1 +10011111100 debntures 1 +10011111100 shootin 1 +10011111100 9288 1 +10011111100 veterand 1 +10011111100 middle-paying 1 +10011111100 kiwi-uniqueness 1 +10011111100 Shenlu 1 +10011111100 Candida 1 +10011111100 Citroens 1 +10011111100 ruble. 1 +10011111100 appproval 1 +10011111100 Breitung 1 +10011111100 boy-Merlin 1 +10011111100 G-men-and 1 +10011111100 five-o 1 +10011111100 agents-in-training 1 +10011111100 disbelieves 1 +10011111100 el-Damer 1 +10011111100 capitulates 1 +10011111100 dithers 2 +10011111100 minicompact 2 +10011111100 Koncar 2 +10011111100 thuds 2 +10011111100 Renoirs 2 +10011111100 camshaft 2 +10011111100 BOOMS 2 +10011111100 planos 2 +10011111100 Oukasie 2 +10011111100 Lilburn 2 +10011111100 Dunhills 2 +10011111100 franks 3 +10011111100 Eurodebentures 20 +10011111100 Euronotes 24 +10011111100 Eurobonds 718 +10011111100 debentures 4411 +10011111100 notes 10471 +10011111101 hasn't-as 1 +10011111101 sylvestris 1 +10011111101 noload 1 +10011111101 affairs-Washington 1 +10011111101 affairs-Bethlehem 1 +10011111101 then. 1 +10011111101 lower-downs 1 +10011111101 undies 1 +10011111101 pre-pubescents 1 +10011111101 collapsed. 1 +10011111101 ballot-rigging 1 +10011111101 Jefe 1 +10011111101 pronouncements. 1 +10011111101 2002-2008 1 +10011111101 treasurys 1 +10011111101 cash-equivalents 1 +10011111101 1550-1700 1 +10011111101 post-fray 1 +10011111101 budget-squeezing 1 +10011111101 parsonages 1 +10011111101 subvention 1 +10011111101 whetstones 1 +10011111101 granaries 1 +10011111101 3-year 1 +10011111101 valuuuue 1 +10011111101 hula-hooping 1 +10011111101 bonds-high-yield 1 +10011111101 crckdown 1 +10011111101 bluebooks 2 +10011111101 1624 2 +10011111101 spendthrifts 2 +10011111101 fuel-switching 2 +10011111101 investor. 2 +10011111101 1995-1996 2 +10011111101 obit 2 +10011111101 882.51 3 +10011111101 FICOs 3 +10011111101 IOU 3 +10011111101 Zwilich 3 +10011111101 per-diems 3 +10011111101 program. 4 +10011111101 Eurodeposits 9 +10011111101 OATs 10 +10011111101 butterfat 17 +10011111101 delinquencies 28 +10011111101 corporates 30 +10011111101 munis 30 +10011111101 municipals 153 +10011111101 CDs 517 +10011111101 bonds 17318 +10011111101 bills 4524 +100111111100 futures-clearing 1 +100111111100 associaton 1 +100111111100 joint-member 1 +100111111100 offense-minded 1 +100111111100 April-October 1 +100111111100 cargo-preference 1 +100111111100 price-mileage 1 +100111111100 dog-bite 1 +100111111100 caught-foreign 1 +100111111100 caught-U.S. 1 +100111111100 market/book 1 +100111111100 agricultural-debt 1 +100111111100 gray-shingle 1 +100111111100 crop-loan 1 +100111111100 currency-control 1 +100111111100 merger-and-acquisitions 1 +100111111100 landuse 1 +100111111100 Technical-oriented 1 +100111111100 17,012,288 1 +100111111100 NASD-member 1 +100111111100 scooper 1 +100111111100 capitalist/imperialist 1 +100111111100 multi-city 1 +100111111100 Alzheimer-type 1 +100111111100 network-switching 1 +100111111100 labor-vouchering 1 +100111111100 paper-clip 1 +100111111100 once-exotic 1 +100111111100 securities-has 1 +100111111100 Matsushita-owned 1 +100111111100 anti-cruelty 2 +100111111100 electricity-supply 2 +100111111100 bond-financed 2 +100111111100 competitive-analysis 2 +100111111100 pr 2 +100111111100 bigamy 2 +100111111100 marine-assistance 2 +100111111100 mergers-and-acquisition 2 +100111111100 second-opinion 3 +100111111100 food-stock 3 +100111111100 gaming-industry 3 +100111111100 committment 3 +100111111100 military-contracting 4 +100111111100 stockholding 7 +100111111100 chip-industry 8 +100111111100 z-Not 8 +100111111100 securites 9 +100111111100 mortgage-security 9 +100111111100 securities 17077 +100111111100 commodities-trading 15 +100111111101 industrial-fuel 1 +100111111101 connection-charge 1 +100111111101 anti-stock 1 +100111111101 literature-outline 1 +100111111101 bond-future 1 +100111111101 1961-1962 1 +100111111101 family/business 1 +100111111101 tax-discrimination 1 +100111111101 jump-the-gun 1 +100111111101 metals-money 1 +100111111101 once-handy 1 +100111111101 used-PC 1 +100111111101 competition-free 1 +100111111101 cash-bond 1 +100111111101 seventh-most-active 1 +100111111101 sporty-car 1 +100111111101 auto-resale 1 +100111111101 public-issue 1 +100111111101 non-controvertible 1 +100111111101 futures-type 1 +100111111101 securities-hedging 1 +100111111101 mechanical-seals 1 +100111111101 nonauto 1 +100111111101 valuation-related 1 +100111111101 international-airline 1 +100111111101 right-to-refuse-treatment 1 +100111111101 new-grad 1 +100111111101 non-benchmark 1 +100111111101 toy-block 1 +100111111101 quality-oriented 1 +100111111101 office-refurbishing 1 +100111111101 Portland-Seattle 1 +100111111101 sanitary-napkin 1 +100111111101 AI-specialty 1 +100111111101 assetbacked 1 +100111111101 refrigeration-substitutes 1 +100111111101 bankpowers 1 +100111111101 sex-magazine 1 +100111111101 100-million-year-old 1 +100111111101 health-records 1 +100111111101 agriculture-biotech 1 +100111111101 not-so-simple 1 +100111111101 clip-below 1 +100111111101 rental-store 1 +100111111101 Naral 1 +100111111101 then-overheated 1 +100111111101 management-experience 1 +100111111101 ELV 1 +100111111101 syndicated-credit 1 +100111111101 banking-services 1 +100111111101 string-piano 1 +100111111101 Denver-to-Dallas 1 +100111111101 currency-driven 1 +100111111101 tiny-television 1 +100111111101 long-rising 1 +100111111101 quality-debt 1 +100111111101 island-versus-mainland 1 +100111111101 longignored 1 +100111111101 pre-tax-change 1 +100111111101 Eurowarrants 1 +100111111101 sexual-discrimination 1 +100111111101 logic-chip 1 +100111111101 theme-driven 1 +100111111101 U.S.-London 1 +100111111101 business-microcomputing 1 +100111111101 movie-print 1 +100111111101 sixth-most-active 1 +100111111101 utility-vehicle 1 +100111111101 electric-generation 1 +100111111101 sub-sector 1 +100111111101 engineering-workstation 1 +100111111101 naming-rights 1 +100111111101 consumer-consultation 1 +100111111101 book-of-the-year 1 +100111111101 photoprocessing 1 +100111111101 no-rust 1 +100111111101 economy-motel 1 +100111111101 home-dish 1 +100111111101 contract-suspension 1 +100111111101 home-insulation 1 +100111111101 noncarbonated-water 1 +100111111101 home-gardening 1 +100111111101 taxable-municipal 1 +100111111101 contra-funding 1 +100111111101 dining-out 1 +100111111101 two-diaper 1 +100111111101 personalcomputer 1 +100111111101 middle-Tennesse 1 +100111111101 nuptial 1 +100111111101 truck-parts 1 +100111111101 movieprint 1 +100111111101 business-minicomputer 1 +100111111101 much-called-for 1 +100111111101 employment-opportunity 1 +100111111101 expensive-car 1 +100111111101 construction-machine 1 +100111111101 video-cartridge 1 +100111111101 used-aircraft 1 +100111111101 ton-plus 1 +100111111101 sleep-deprivation 1 +100111111101 most-withered 1 +100111111101 station-license 1 +100111111101 service-level 1 +100111111101 secret-society-related 1 +100111111101 regional-security 1 +100111111101 now-glutted 1 +100111111101 news-driven 1 +100111111101 bottled-beer 1 +100111111101 therapy-denial 1 +100111111101 serious-speaker 1 +100111111101 now-deflated 1 +100111111101 drug-availability 1 +100111111101 compact-audio-disk 1 +100111111101 telephone-deregulation 1 +100111111101 preserved-plant 1 +100111111101 ornamental-plant 1 +100111111101 lowest-coupon 1 +100111111101 water-filtration 1 +100111111101 subconstitutional 1 +100111111101 ultra-deluxe 1 +100111111101 ultility 1 +100111111101 2,003 1 +100111111101 grain-sales 1 +100111111101 welfare-policy 1 +100111111101 tradable-goods 1 +100111111101 corn-herbicide 1 +100111111101 soybean-herbicide 1 +100111111101 bearer-bond 1 +100111111101 1,394 1 +100111111101 bond-backed 1 +100111111101 import-fee 1 +100111111101 rabies-vaccine 1 +100111111101 casual-shoe 1 +100111111101 worst-ranked 1 +100111111101 environmental-safety 1 +100111111101 bank-led 1 +100111111101 registered-share 1 +100111111101 election-cycle 1 +100111111101 letter-of-credit-backed 1 +100111111101 color-TV-set 1 +100111111101 Taiwan-mainland 1 +100111111101 happy-face 1 +100111111101 juvenile-book 1 +100111111101 after-bourse 1 +100111111101 government-destabilized 1 +100111111101 used-equipment 1 +100111111101 no-circumvention 1 +100111111101 older-people 1 +100111111101 4,378 1 +100111111101 luxury-watch 1 +100111111101 still-emerging 1 +100111111101 retirement-living 1 +100111111101 military-personnel 1 +100111111101 educational-software 1 +100111111101 canned-soup 1 +100111111101 quasi-stock 1 +100111111101 high-rate-deposit 1 +100111111101 used-3X 1 +100111111101 crash-collapsed 1 +100111111101 international-capital 1 +100111111101 fallout-shelter 1 +100111111101 tile-coatings 1 +100111111101 parent/child 1 +100111111101 right-to-counsel 1 +100111111101 automobile-loan 1 +100111111101 synthetic-food 1 +100111111101 mechanical-calculator 1 +100111111101 sea-transport 1 +100111111101 giant-capital 1 +100111111101 dollar-warrant 1 +100111111101 electronic-printing 1 +100111111101 underground-transfer 1 +100111111101 air-rights 1 +100111111101 polyester-fiber 1 +100111111101 often-stuffy 1 +100111111101 multifamily-home 1 +100111111101 matching-funds 1 +100111111101 utilities-index 1 +100111111101 once-coveted 1 +100111111101 high-rewards 1 +100111111101 small-issues 1 +100111111101 taped-music 1 +100111111101 less-than-resounding 1 +100111111101 retail-music 1 +100111111101 low-conviction 1 +100111111101 contract-law 1 +100111111101 community-wide 1 +100111111101 4,698-issue 1 +100111111101 international-oriented 1 +100111111101 bank-supported 1 +100111111101 most-divisive 1 +100111111101 cooled-down 1 +100111111101 UTS/UNIX 1 +100111111101 nonbrand 1 +100111111101 utilization-review 1 +100111111101 cold-cereal 1 +100111111101 diet-related 1 +100111111101 flavor-oriented 1 +100111111101 rumor-fraught 1 +100111111101 city-pair 1 +100111111101 personal-desktop-publishing 1 +100111111101 gold-loan 1 +100111111101 data-gathering-and-massaging 1 +100111111101 cleated 1 +100111111101 still-sprawling 1 +100111111101 foreign-exhange 1 +100111111101 high-cap 1 +100111111101 compact-stereo-component 1 +100111111101 cashmarket 1 +100111111101 foreign-movie 1 +100111111101 retirement-home 1 +100111111101 health-record 1 +100111111101 end-of-school 1 +100111111101 black-consumer 1 +100111111101 4,346 1 +100111111101 forex 1 +100111111101 bar-soap 1 +100111111101 three-installment 1 +100111111101 color-television-set 1 +100111111101 retiree-health-benefit 1 +100111111101 coffeemaker 1 +100111111101 ng 1 +100111111101 tomato-paste 1 +100111111101 rail-signaling 1 +100111111101 lightly-traded 1 +100111111101 size-of-government 1 +100111111101 self-medicated 1 +100111111101 manufacturerset 1 +100111111101 diabetes-care 1 +100111111101 hair-relaxer 1 +100111111101 mainframe-computing 1 +100111111101 big-tube 1 +100111111101 ruble-exchange 1 +100111111101 Canada-U.S.-Mexico 1 +100111111101 tax-backed 1 +100111111101 drug-pricing 1 +100111111101 prepared-food 1 +100111111101 newissue 1 +100111111101 offshore-reinsurance 1 +100111111101 PEN/Hemingway 1 +100111111101 day-labor 1 +100111111101 drought-elevated 1 +100111111101 4,405 1 +100111111101 prison-site 1 +100111111101 4,402 1 +100111111101 diluge 1 +100111111101 inter-bank 1 +100111111101 ash-disposal 1 +100111111101 new-powers 1 +100111111101 medium-price 1 +100111111101 time-deposits 1 +100111111101 containership 1 +100111111101 best-funded 1 +100111111101 water-diversion 1 +100111111101 industrial-enzymes 1 +100111111101 military-simulator 1 +100111111101 still-camera 1 +100111111101 single-premium-life 1 +100111111101 yen-interest 1 +100111111101 dollar-interest 1 +100111111101 world-oil 2 +100111111101 bean-oil 2 +100111111101 initial-offering 2 +100111111101 commodity-swap 2 +100111111101 Eurodollar-deposit 2 +100111111101 credit-enhancement 2 +100111111101 cooking-appliance 2 +100111111101 used-computer 2 +100111111101 front-burner 2 +100111111101 tire-division 2 +100111111101 supermarket-chain 2 +100111111101 still-fragmented 2 +100111111101 single-dish 2 +100111111101 farm-commodity 2 +100111111101 luxury-housing 2 +100111111101 trash-hauling 2 +100111111101 freescrip 2 +100111111101 ballute 2 +100111111101 salted-nut 2 +100111111101 cat-food 2 +100111111101 hotel-industry 2 +100111111101 chip-supply 2 +100111111101 biotechnolgy 2 +100111111101 preference-share 2 +100111111101 straight-bond 2 +100111111101 noncontrolled 2 +100111111101 consumer-battery 2 +100111111101 hot-cereal 2 +100111111101 merger-driven 2 +100111111101 homemarket 2 +100111111101 bulk-fuels 3 +100111111101 heavy-freight 3 +100111111101 Pacific-route 3 +100111111101 silver-futures 3 +100111111101 best-received 3 +100111111101 fixedincome 3 +100111111101 mortgage-backed-securities 3 +100111111101 white-out 3 +100111111101 debt-futures 3 +100111111101 sovereign-debt 3 +100111111101 secondary-mortgage 3 +100111111101 conventional-mortgage 3 +100111111101 sun-screen 3 +100111111101 regional-airline 3 +100111111101 secondary-loan 3 +100111111101 outdoor-equipment 3 +100111111101 Sinking-Fund 4 +100111111101 1,053 4 +100111111101 crude-futures 4 +100111111101 post-stock 4 +100111111101 financial-asset 4 +100111111101 bulk-power 4 +100111111101 personal-loan 4 +100111111101 gas-futures 4 +100111111101 aerobic-shoe 4 +100111111101 hog-futures 4 +100111111101 pet-supplies 4 +100111111101 aviation-fuel 5 +100111111101 floating-rate-note 5 +100111111101 syndicated-loan 5 +100111111101 private-insurance 5 +100111111101 bond-index 6 +100111111101 collectible-car 6 +100111111101 Newark-Chicago 6 +100111111101 color-copier 6 +100111111101 yen-bond 7 +100111111101 free-exchange 7 +100111111101 long-bond 8 +100111111101 conventional-film 8 +100111111101 debt-securities 8 +100111111101 GIC 8 +100111111101 new-share 9 +100111111101 A-scale 9 +100111111101 refined-product 10 +100111111101 farm-land 11 +100111111101 foreign-bond 15 +100111111101 corporate-bond 17 +100111111101 straight-debt 20 +100111111101 bond-futures 20 +100111111101 new-issues 21 +100111111101 convertible-bond 22 +100111111101 CMO 24 +100111111101 flea 26 +100111111101 financial-futures 28 +100111111101 muni 30 +100111111101 commercial-paper 34 +100111111101 government-bond 36 +100111111101 government-securities 67 +100111111101 municipal-bond 113 +100111111101 gilt 148 +100111111101 new-issue 185 +100111111101 junk-bond 543 +100111111101 Eurobond 597 +100111111101 bull 960 +100111111101 bond 11005 +100111111101 secondary 1380 +1001111111100 flower-bulb 1 +1001111111100 102,333 1 +1001111111100 ivestment 1 +1001111111100 exemptive 1 +1001111111100 store-package 1 +1001111111100 snack-cake 1 +1001111111100 municipal-utility 1 +1001111111100 non-OTC 1 +1001111111100 exhaust-emission 1 +1001111111100 capital-import 1 +1001111111100 copper-contract 1 +1001111111100 high-competition 1 +1001111111100 electronic-technology 1 +1001111111100 two-machine 1 +1001111111100 chart-conscious 1 +1001111111100 antihistamine-decongestant 1 +1001111111100 unit/dollar 1 +1001111111100 market-gasoline 1 +1001111111100 noncapitalist 1 +1001111111100 foreign-share 1 +1001111111100 peripheral-products 1 +1001111111100 rate-dominated 1 +1001111111100 undercompetitive 1 +1001111111100 quasi-market 1 +1001111111100 oil-share 1 +1001111111100 pipeline-supply 1 +1001111111100 Ministry-stock 1 +1001111111100 after-holiday 1 +1001111111100 MITI-funded 1 +1001111111100 expenditure/GDP 1 +1001111111100 heavy-job 1 +1001111111100 48,775 1 +1001111111100 building-industry 1 +1001111111100 20-bond 1 +1001111111100 Frenetic 1 +1001111111100 inflation-fueled 1 +1001111111100 new-equipment 1 +1001111111100 options-arbitraging 1 +1001111111100 sports-art 1 +1001111111100 job-producing 1 +1001111111100 migrant-visa 1 +1001111111100 profit-enhancing 1 +1001111111100 cooking-gas 1 +1001111111100 still-outraged 1 +1001111111100 international-defense 1 +1001111111100 standard-form 1 +1001111111100 multiplane 1 +1001111111100 phone-exchange 1 +1001111111100 noise-detecting 1 +1001111111100 sales-restructuring 1 +1001111111100 breakfast-cereal 1 +1001111111100 polymer-products 1 +1001111111100 guaranteed-value 1 +1001111111100 in-the-kitchen 1 +1001111111100 individual-stock 1 +1001111111100 computer-stock 1 +1001111111100 chicken-breast 1 +1001111111100 coal-sales 1 +1001111111100 local-news 1 +1001111111100 beet-growing 1 +1001111111100 straight-down 1 +1001111111100 7,253 1 +1001111111100 sleep-and-wake 1 +1001111111100 farm-futures 1 +1001111111100 smallinvestor 1 +1001111111100 March-contract 2 +1001111111100 Tianguis 2 +1001111111100 hubcap 2 +1001111111100 post-theatrical 2 +1001111111100 mortgage-market 2 +1001111111100 1987-1991 2 +1001111111100 price-tag 2 +1001111111100 crude-oil-futures 2 +1001111111100 apparel-fabric 2 +1001111111100 ordinaries 2 +1001111111100 field-services 2 +1001111111100 forward-dollar 2 +1001111111100 back-month 2 +1001111111100 index-option 2 +1001111111100 grain-futures 3 +1001111111100 front-month 3 +1001111111100 stackers 3 +1001111111100 naturalists 3 +1001111111100 glycols 3 +1001111111100 crude-goods 3 +1001111111100 direct-market 3 +1001111111100 Hermanos 3 +1001111111100 forward-oil 4 +1001111111100 corn-futures 4 +1001111111100 frankfurter 4 +1001111111100 currency-futures 6 +1001111111100 government-regulated 6 +1001111111100 cattle-futures 7 +1001111111100 futures-contract 7 +1001111111100 commodity-futures 8 +1001111111100 wheat-futures 9 +1001111111100 yen-futures 10 +1001111111100 finished-goods 10 +1001111111100 stock-futures 11 +1001111111100 energy-futures 12 +1001111111100 stock-index-futures 13 +1001111111100 stock-options 13 +1001111111100 futures-prices 13 +1001111111100 soybean-futures 14 +1001111111100 green-coffee 16 +1001111111100 gas-purchase 16 +1001111111100 oil-futures 21 +1001111111100 precious-metal 23 +1001111111100 index-futures 23 +1001111111100 precious-metals 159 +1001111111100 belly 225 +1001111111100 bullion 335 +1001111111100 commodities 1130 +1001111111100 metals 1993 +1001111111100 futures 9813 +1001111111100 commodity 2083 +1001111111101 135.57 1 +1001111111101 130.62 1 +1001111111101 125.29 1 +1001111111101 133.03 1 +1001111111101 131.60 1 +1001111111101 131.52 1 +1001111111101 130.47 1 +1001111111101 129.72 1 +1001111111101 131.46 1 +1001111111101 1251.12 1 +1001111111101 125.46 1 +1001111111101 128.49 1 +1001111111101 126.87 1 +1001111111101 126.14 1 +1001111111101 126.86 1 +1001111111101 124.16 1 +1001111111101 122.72 1 +1001111111101 126.81 1 +1001111111101 124.31 1 +1001111111101 124.45 1 +1001111111101 124.74 1 +1001111111101 1311.45 1 +1001111111101 Sinkiang 1 +1001111111101 127.56 1 +1001111111101 126.63 1 +1001111111101 129.53 1 +1001111111101 125.33 1 +1001111111101 126.23 1 +1001111111101 132.59 1 +1001111111101 125.16 1 +1001111111101 127.32 1 +1001111111101 113.74 1 +1001111111101 126.51 1 +1001111111101 127.87 1 +1001111111101 127.44 1 +1001111111101 129.02 1 +1001111111101 Oman-all 1 +1001111111101 125.79 1 +1001111111101 128.84 1 +1001111111101 129.91 1 +1001111111101 112.88 1 +1001111111101 113.23 1 +1001111111101 130.12 1 +1001111111101 129.52 1 +1001111111101 131.13 1 +1001111111101 134.86 1 +1001111111101 130.08 1 +1001111111101 129.29 1 +1001111111101 131.43 1 +1001111111101 128.85 1 +1001111111101 125.42 1 +1001111111101 127.53 1 +1001111111101 126.06 1 +1001111111101 127.64 1 +1001111111101 126.52 1 +1001111111101 128.31 1 +1001111111101 125.91 1 +1001111111101 126.29 1 +1001111111101 129.68 1 +1001111111101 129.51 1 +1001111111101 131.03 1 +1001111111101 127.72 1 +1001111111101 128.72 1 +1001111111101 135.64 1 +1001111111101 135.91 1 +1001111111101 136.09 1 +1001111111101 134.92 1 +1001111111101 139.03 1 +1001111111101 138.51 1 +1001111111101 134.49 1 +1001111111101 139.28 1 +1001111111101 insurance-against 1 +1001111111101 132.91 1 +1001111111101 137.45 1 +1001111111101 136.56 1 +1001111111101 113.80 1 +1001111111101 113.43 1 +1001111111101 137.72 1 +1001111111101 137.43 1 +1001111111101 133.77 1 +1001111111101 137.33 1 +1001111111101 136.48 1 +1001111111101 135.88 1 +1001111111101 136.71 1 +1001111111101 1239.18 1 +1001111111101 136.49 1 +1001111111101 254-43-05 1 +1001111111101 134.16 1 +1001111111101 134.51 1 +1001111111101 134.67 1 +1001111111101 134.63 1 +1001111111101 137.96 1 +1001111111101 137.66 1 +1001111111101 1242.15 1 +1001111111101 133.89 1 +1001111111101 136.86 1 +1001111111101 130.76 1 +1001111111101 130.57 1 +1001111111101 137.84 1 +1001111111101 133.09 1 +1001111111101 126.71 1 +1001111111101 126.73 1 +1001111111101 131.42 1 +1001111111101 132.39 1 +1001111111101 800-424-3676 1 +1001111111101 137.90 1 +1001111111101 135.13 1 +1001111111101 138.68 1 +1001111111101 138.22 1 +1001111111101 kudohka 1 +1001111111101 139.22 1 +1001111111101 139.13 1 +1001111111101 warlocks 1 +1001111111101 135.24 1 +1001111111101 139.53 1 +1001111111101 137.27 1 +1001111111101 136.63 1 +1001111111101 139.58 1 +1001111111101 135.41 1 +1001111111101 135.73 1 +1001111111101 139.62 1 +1001111111101 137.34 1 +1001111111101 140.81 1 +1001111111101 136.24 1 +1001111111101 120.00 1 +1001111111101 119.04 1 +1001111111101 120.02 1 +1001111111101 119.22 1 +1001111111101 118.41 1 +1001111111101 118.53 1 +1001111111101 118.26 1 +1001111111101 114.51 1 +1001111111101 1-800-424-FORM 1 +1001111111101 115.26 1 +1001111111101 120.42 1 +1001111111101 119.76 1 +1001111111101 117.18 1 +1001111111101 130.19 1 +1001111111101 117.13 1 +1001111111101 212-587-1111 1 +1001111111101 115.06 1 +1001111111101 115.15 1 +1001111111101 115.63 1 +1001111111101 116.90 1 +1001111111101 117.71 1 +1001111111101 116.82 1 +1001111111101 114.61 1 +1001111111101 115.48 1 +1001111111101 115.44 1 +1001111111101 116.63 1 +1001111111101 116.22 1 +1001111111101 116.12 1 +1001111111101 116.79 1 +1001111111101 117.12 1 +1001111111101 114.95 1 +1001111111101 114.50 1 +1001111111101 113.79 1 +1001111111101 113.30 1 +1001111111101 secured-debt 1 +1001111111101 114.14 1 +1001111111101 113.61 1 +1001111111101 114.31 1 +1001111111101 115.59 1 +1001111111101 114.24 1 +1001111111101 114.98 1 +1001111111101 113.81 1 +1001111111101 114.55 1 +1001111111101 115.09 1 +1001111111101 816-926-0060 1 +1001111111101 122.10 1 +1001111111101 122.63 1 +1001111111101 124.13 1 +1001111111101 executory 1 +1001111111101 130.29 1 +1001111111101 121.14 1 +1001111111101 131.05 1 +1001111111101 120.62 1 +1001111111101 121.79 1 +1001111111101 123.08 1 +1001111111101 129.49 1 +1001111111101 122.15 1 +1001111111101 127.61 1 +1001111111101 124.81 1 +1001111111101 127.81 1 +1001111111101 127.51 1 +1001111111101 127.24 1 +1001111111101 123.72 1 +1001111111101 123.46 1 +1001111111101 123.32 1 +1001111111101 115.04 1 +1001111111101 114.23 1 +1001111111101 114.10 1 +1001111111101 1383.01 1 +1001111111101 131.40 1 +1001111111101 131.38 1 +1001111111101 130.72 1 +1001111111101 115.46 1 +1001111111101 113.96 1 +1001111111101 131.47 1 +1001111111101 115.27 1 +1001111111101 114.22 1 +1001111111101 115.81 1 +1001111111101 114.71 1 +1001111111101 116.08 1 +1001111111101 116.04 1 +1001111111101 115.56 1 +1001111111101 132.84 1 +1001111111101 132.47 1 +1001111111101 118.14 1 +1001111111101 119.39 1 +1001111111101 118.06 1 +1001111111101 118.09 1 +1001111111101 120.63 1 +1001111111101 120.43 1 +1001111111101 119.66 1 +1001111111101 121.39 1 +1001111111101 116.69 1 +1001111111101 117.64 1 +1001111111101 116.27 1 +1001111111101 126.04 1 +1001111111101 129.86 1 +1001111111101 128.16 1 +1001111111101 128.43 1 +1001111111101 126.11 1 +1001111111101 127.19 1 +1001111111101 126.93 1 +1001111111101 131.27 1 +1001111111101 127.59 1 +1001111111101 128.68 1 +1001111111101 130.87 1 +1001111111101 micro-instructions 1 +1001111111101 113.77 1 +1001111111101 113.07 1 +1001111111101 126.47 1 +1001111111101 132.33 1 +1001111111101 131.78 1 +1001111111101 134.14 1 +1001111111101 132.23 1 +1001111111101 133.79 1 +1001111111101 132.76 1 +1001111111101 1242.49 1 +1001111111101 112.85 1 +1001111111101 129.47 1 +1001111111101 130.20 1 +1001111111101 113.62 1 +1001111111101 113.70 1 +1001111111101 136.02 1 +1001111111101 1259.62 1 +1001111111101 128.71 1 +1001111111101 126.09 1 +1001111111101 133.70 1 +1001111111101 1-800-626-3333 1 +1001111111101 132.67 1 +1001111111101 135.44 1 +1001111111101 end-of-month 1 +1001111111101 135.32 1 +1001111111101 115.90 1 +1001111111101 114.16 1 +1001111111101 116.51 1 +1001111111101 115.79 1 +1001111111101 115.93 1 +1001111111101 112.90 1 +1001111111101 113.94 1 +1001111111101 115.14 1 +1001111111101 115.00 1 +1001111111101 115.49 1 +1001111111101 115.92 1 +1001111111101 115.85 1 +1001111111101 116.83 1 +1001111111101 114.15 1 +1001111111101 115.67 1 +1001111111101 115.05 1 +1001111111101 115.38 1 +1001111111101 116.01 1 +1001111111101 116.34 1 +1001111111101 128.21 1 +1001111111101 130.80 1 +1001111111101 128.91 1 +1001111111101 113.14 1 +1001111111101 128.18 1 +1001111111101 131.21 1 +1001111111101 1196.00 1 +1001111111101 115.61 1 +1001111111101 114.72 1 +1001111111101 114.46 1 +1001111111101 114.84 1 +1001111111101 115.69 1 +1001111111101 112.93 1 +1001111111101 Iranograms 1 +1001111111101 115.86 1 +1001111111101 134.26 1 +1001111111101 134.62 1 +1001111111101 1321.41 1 +1001111111101 3282.31 1 +1001111111101 129.99 1 +1001111111101 1324.07 1 +1001111111101 135.61 1 +1001111111101 1311.69 1 +1001111111101 136.15 1 +1001111111101 134.36 1 +1001111111101 301-955-7703 1 +1001111111101 129.67 1 +1001111111101 3302.47 1 +1001111111101 3271.65 1 +1001111111101 131.09 1 +1001111111101 134.21 1 +1001111111101 1329.20 1 +1001111111101 301-443-3504 1 +1001111111101 301-295-8012 1 +1001111111101 130.59 1 +1001111111101 134.48 1 +1001111111101 132.54 1 +1001111111101 shrimp-trawler 1 +1001111111101 132.02 1 +1001111111101 128.07 1 +1001111111101 131.34 1 +1001111111101 3283.08 1 +1001111111101 1306.00 1 +1001111111101 128.52 1 +1001111111101 3290.17 1 +1001111111101 3309.27 1 +1001111111101 128.51 1 +1001111111101 142.44 1 +1001111111101 139.82 1 +1001111111101 138.02 1 +1001111111101 136.96 1 +1001111111101 3288.04 1 +1001111111101 141.62 1 +1001111111101 138.52 1 +1001111111101 3273.85 1 +1001111111101 138.23 1 +1001111111101 134.19 1 +1001111111101 140.73 1 +1001111111101 3260.04 1 +1001111111101 upgraded-corporate 1 +1001111111101 129.39 1 +1001111111101 134.41 1 +1001111111101 132.82 1 +1001111111101 134.81 1 +1001111111101 131.91 1 +1001111111101 128.38 1 +1001111111101 113.72 1 +1001111111101 130.21 1 +1001111111101 3286.90 1 +1001111111101 136.68 1 +1001111111101 shortcake 1 +1001111111101 3301.17 1 +1001111111101 3345.70 1 +1001111111101 131.86 1 +1001111111101 128.99 1 +1001111111101 131.30 1 +1001111111101 129.85 1 +1001111111101 3294.90 1 +1001111111101 129.74 1 +1001111111101 3302.41 1 +1001111111101 3336.13 1 +1001111111101 127.31 1 +1001111111101 133.26 1 +1001111111101 130.28 1 +1001111111101 3337.61 1 +1001111111101 132.19 1 +1001111111101 135.02 1 +1001111111101 132.22 1 +1001111111101 3328.83 1 +1001111111101 127.21 1 +1001111111101 1265.00 1 +1001111111101 132.08 1 +1001111111101 131.71 1 +1001111111101 3317.72 1 +1001111111101 3330.03 1 +1001111111101 3323.47 1 +1001111111101 130.61 1 +1001111111101 1296.13 1 +1001111111101 129.44 1 +1001111111101 132.62 1 +1001111111101 129.59 1 +1001111111101 127.09 1 +1001111111101 slip-and-fall 1 +1001111111101 132.93 1 +1001111111101 129.24 1 +1001111111101 129.13 1 +1001111111101 135.17 1 +1001111111101 130.05 1 +1001111111101 3310.66 1 +1001111111101 129.83 1 +1001111111101 133.33 1 +1001111111101 129.16 1 +1001111111101 3309.98 1 +1001111111101 3335.28 1 +1001111111101 3330.80 1 +1001111111101 130.38 1 +1001111111101 134.91 1 +1001111111101 132.12 1 +1001111111101 130.53 1 +1001111111101 1312.55 1 +1001111111101 131.99 1 +1001111111101 127.76 1 +1001111111101 131.89 1 +1001111111101 3316.11 1 +1001111111101 129.37 1 +1001111111101 3398.84 1 +1001111111101 128.47 1 +1001111111101 128.28 1 +1001111111101 3334.96 1 +1001111111101 retyping 1 +1001111111101 130.88 1 +1001111111101 138.98 1 +1001111111101 Wasabelle 1 +1001111111101 135.36 1 +1001111111101 131.06 1 +1001111111101 3364.20 1 +1001111111101 128.13 1 +1001111111101 3302.78 1 +1001111111101 128.73 1 +1001111111101 3304.42 1 +1001111111101 134.61 1 +1001111111101 junkification 1 +1001111111101 132.32 1 +1001111111101 142.54 1 +1001111111101 136.84 1 +1001111111101 3302.17 1 +1001111111101 136.44 1 +1001111111101 141.91 1 +1001111111101 129.23 1 +1001111111101 135.67 1 +1001111111101 3303.44 1 +1001111111101 137.28 1 +1001111111101 3293.27 1 +1001111111101 130.92 1 +1001111111101 141.79 1 +1001111111101 137.19 1 +1001111111101 129.03 1 +1001111111101 3332.36 1 +1001111111101 202-566-3171 1 +1001111111101 141.93 1 +1001111111101 136.16 1 +1001111111101 136.32 1 +1001111111101 141.47 1 +1001111111101 136.82 1 +1001111111101 132.99 1 +1001111111101 3351.00 1 +1001111111101 135.52 1 +1001111111101 koala 1 +1001111111101 3373.79 1 +1001111111101 3376.52 1 +1001111111101 3321.95 1 +1001111111101 136.30 1 +1001111111101 1198.37 1 +1001111111101 135.01 1 +1001111111101 132.41 1 +1001111111101 3320.24 1 +1001111111101 136.12 1 +1001111111101 132.09 1 +1001111111101 3372.02 1 +1001111111101 128.12 1 +1001111111101 136.11 1 +1001111111101 3378.46 1 +1001111111101 electronic-transaction 1 +1001111111101 3322.41 1 +1001111111101 135.19 1 +1001111111101 131.59 1 +1001111111101 133.32 1 +1001111111101 3323.09 1 +1001111111101 3320.70 1 +1001111111101 129.31 1 +1001111111101 135.79 1 +1001111111101 134.42 1 +1001111111101 135.96 1 +1001111111101 139.77 1 +1001111111101 3290.64 1 +1001111111101 141.57 1 +1001111111101 133.76 1 +1001111111101 142.29 1 +1001111111101 137.63 1 +1001111111101 3305.07 1 +1001111111101 141.76 1 +1001111111101 138.79 1 +1001111111101 135.68 1 +1001111111101 129.04 1 +1001111111101 3287.17 1 +1001111111101 139.87 1 +1001111111101 141.52 1 +1001111111101 Solidarity-controlled 1 +1001111111101 133.12 1 +1001111111101 130.44 1 +1001111111101 3285.93 1 +1001111111101 140.89 1 +1001111111101 143.44 1 +1001111111101 3400.61 1 +1001111111101 142.12 1 +1001111111101 142.99 1 +1001111111101 3289.54 1 +1001111111101 144.54 1 +1001111111101 3290.19 1 +1001111111101 3285.65 1 +1001111111101 139.08 1 +1001111111101 133.91 1 +1001111111101 142.36 1 +1001111111101 140.79 1 +1001111111101 141.08 1 +1001111111101 137.56 1 +1001111111101 3287.63 1 +1001111111101 137.55 1 +1001111111101 3262.16 1 +1001111111101 135.99 1 +1001111111101 139.92 1 +1001111111101 130.58 2 +1001111111101 114.33 2 +1001111111101 134.32 2 +1001111111101 128.36 2 +1001111111101 recourses 2 +1001111111101 share-equivalents 2 +1001111111101 moderne 2 +1001111111101 115.45 2 +1001111111101 114.52 2 +1001111111101 131.26 2 +1001111111101 115.40 2 +1001111111101 134.94 2 +1001111111101 anti-fashion 2 +1001111111101 130.69 2 +1001111111101 128.10 2 +1001111111101 134.46 2 +1001111111101 129.94 2 +1001111111101 Karadjordje 2 +1001111111101 116.74 2 +1001111111101 128.39 2 +1001111111101 130.93 2 +1001111111101 129.26 2 +1001111111101 127.94 2 +1001111111101 130.78 2 +1001111111101 115.01 2 +1001111111101 113.59 2 +1001111111101 131.48 2 +1001111111101 115.98 2 +1001111111101 131.16 2 +1001111111101 128.58 2 +1001111111101 130.73 2 +1001111111101 129.56 2 +1001111111101 140.37 2 +1001111111101 133.97 2 +1001111111101 128.70 2 +1001111111101 130.68 2 +1001111111101 116.46 2 +1001111111101 129.78 2 +1001111111101 129.63 2 +1001111111101 129.21 2 +1001111111101 127.29 2 +1001111111101 lifeinsurance 2 +1001111111101 116.02 2 +1001111111101 133.02 2 +1001111111101 130.54 2 +1001111111101 134.18 2 +1001111111101 132.36 2 +1001111111101 136.01 2 +1001111111101 134.47 2 +1001111111101 128.03 2 +1001111111101 114.59 2 +1001111111101 137.10 2 +1001111111101 138.66 2 +1001111111101 138.78 2 +1001111111101 130.49 2 +1001111111101 134.04 2 +1001111111101 135.63 2 +1001111111101 135.39 2 +1001111111101 137.88 2 +1001111111101 hither 2 +1001111111101 117.60 2 +1001111111101 thioridazine 2 +1001111111101 137.09 2 +1001111111101 Scuds 2 +1001111111101 magnetometer 2 +1001111111101 134.74 2 +1001111111101 130.17 2 +1001111111101 129.45 2 +1001111111101 128.14 2 +1001111111101 130.85 2 +1001111111101 134.54 2 +1001111111101 129.66 2 +1001111111101 116.17 2 +1001111111101 116.38 2 +1001111111101 117.09 2 +1001111111101 129.17 2 +1001111111101 profit-skimming 2 +1001111111101 Cordley 2 +1001111111101 132.69 2 +1001111111101 127.97 2 +1001111111101 127.74 2 +1001111111101 135.04 2 +1001111111101 Congress-bashing 2 +1001111111101 131.96 2 +1001111111101 133.18 2 +1001111111101 131.82 2 +1001111111101 134.33 2 +1001111111101 134.84 2 +1001111111101 131.62 2 +1001111111101 132.28 2 +1001111111101 deceits 2 +1001111111101 133.01 2 +1001111111101 129.22 2 +1001111111101 119.58 2 +1001111111101 132.44 2 +1001111111101 128.29 2 +1001111111101 127.92 2 +1001111111101 128.56 2 +1001111111101 132.16 2 +1001111111101 126.69 2 +1001111111101 134.39 2 +1001111111101 merchandise-margin 2 +1001111111101 132.72 2 +1001111111101 128.92 2 +1001111111101 131.14 2 +1001111111101 heartbreaks 2 +1001111111101 131.33 2 +1001111111101 116.09 2 +1001111111101 132.71 2 +1001111111101 126.66 2 +1001111111101 127.96 2 +1001111111101 115.42 3 +1001111111101 128.48 3 +1001111111101 126.61 3 +1001111111101 115.41 3 +1001111111101 Fedvolks 3 +1001111111101 129.97 3 +1001111111101 116.14 3 +1001111111101 1207.12 3 +1001111111101 snappish 3 +1001111111101 130.46 3 +1001111111101 113.39 3 +1001111111101 132.96 3 +1001111111101 thrill-seeking 3 +1001111111101 131.32 3 +1001111111101 129.64 3 +1001111111101 129.90 3 +1001111111101 placemats 3 +1001111111101 futures-options 3 +1001111111101 129.48 3 +1001111111101 128.19 3 +1001111111101 129.46 3 +1001111111101 129.07 3 +1001111111101 129.34 3 +1001111111101 128.64 3 +1001111111101 127.62 3 +1001111111101 132.61 3 +1001111111101 132.29 3 +1001111111101 sash 3 +1001111111101 Tyvek 3 +1001111111101 131.68 3 +1001111111101 133.46 3 +1001111111101 1213.35 3 +1001111111101 136.31 3 +1001111111101 ill-housed 3 +1001111111101 135.29 3 +1001111111101 128.41 3 +1001111111101 glycerin 3 +1001111111101 weak-willed 3 +1001111111101 128.37 3 +1001111111101 131.84 3 +1001111111101 129.77 4 +1001111111101 bedspreads 4 +1001111111101 sororities 4 +1001111111101 130.36 4 +1001111111101 134.11 4 +1001111111101 134.44 4 +1001111111101 clerking 4 +1001111111101 100-to-1 4 +1001111111101 HEDI 4 +1001111111101 129.54 4 +1001111111101 postured 4 +1001111111101 132.88 4 +1001111111101 128.22 4 +1001111111101 115.84 4 +1001111111101 strivers 4 +1001111111101 markets. 4 +1001111111101 130.63 4 +1001111111101 brokerdealers 4 +1001111111101 appetizer 5 +1001111111101 outgo 5 +1001111111101 scalpels 5 +1001111111101 biologics 5 +1001111111101 orthodontics 5 +1001111111101 zingers 6 +1001111111101 thesaurus 6 +1001111111101 phosphates 6 +1001111111101 Lightness 6 +1001111111101 WRKO-AM 6 +1001111111101 Optica 6 +1001111111101 grooms 6 +1001111111101 Motrin 7 +1001111111101 SS-25s 8 +1001111111101 rutile 8 +1001111111101 roadwork 8 +1001111111101 crispy 9 +1001111111101 clearinghouses 10 +1001111111101 silks 10 +1001111111101 best-sellers 10 +1001111111101 Mastercard 11 +1001111111101 bequests 12 +1001111111101 consumerism 23 +1001111111101 MasterCards 25 +1001111111101 participations 33 +1001111111101 subcontracts 46 +1001111111101 collectibles 46 +1001111111101 antiques 58 +1001111111101 ammunition 309 +1001111111101 collateral 781 +1001111111101 arbitrage 1332 +1001111111101 warrants 1858 +1001111111101 options 5475 +1001111111101 overseas 2818 +1001111111110 esate 1 +1001111111110 grabber 1 +1001111111110 p-e 1 +1001111111110 world-events 1 +1001111111110 Laundromat 1 +1001111111110 under-recorded 1 +1001111111110 87-56 1 +1001111111110 estate. 1 +1001111111110 baddies 1 +1001111111110 Megadeaths 1 +1001111111110 bustiers 1 +1001111111110 Installer 1 +1001111111110 Southern-fried 1 +1001111111110 WOO 1 +1001111111110 Senesino 1 +1001111111110 tingly 1 +1001111111110 topsyturvy 1 +1001111111110 Proofing 1 +1001111111110 Saturnalia 1 +1001111111110 Antilles-registered 1 +1001111111110 angelicism 1 +1001111111110 asset-level 1 +1001111111110 new-era 1 +1001111111110 prolixity 1 +1001111111110 Krystle 1 +1001111111110 estate-investment 1 +1001111111110 estate-income 1 +1001111111110 Pomus 1 +1001111111110 advertisingwise 1 +1001111111110 Rescheduling 1 +1001111111110 anti-handgun 1 +1001111111110 Euro-handwringing 1 +1001111111110 edgier 1 +1001111111110 laserlike 1 +1001111111110 speed-shifting 1 +1001111111110 Power-Dow 1 +1001111111110 knee-slapping 1 +1001111111110 taxi-cab 1 +1001111111110 most-owned 1 +1001111111110 top-shelf 1 +1001111111110 orangy-pinks 1 +1001111111110 Sont 1 +1001111111110 sont 1 +1001111111110 de-Nazification 1 +1001111111110 non-bargains 1 +1001111111110 most-aggressive 1 +1001111111110 art-buyer 1 +1001111111110 Western-level 1 +1001111111110 plugger 1 +1001111111110 Japanese-European 1 +1001111111110 pixxax 1 +1001111111110 VIOLATED 1 +1001111111110 PROFESSOR 1 +1001111111110 Gossips 1 +1001111111110 antiyuppie 1 +1001111111110 Mahal-flavor 1 +1001111111110 rib-tickling 1 +1001111111110 dualisms 1 +1001111111110 estate-finance 1 +1001111111110 whipper-snapper 1 +1001111111110 Princeton-based 1 +1001111111110 estate-based 2 +1001111111110 Majal 2 +1001111111110 Boilerworks 2 +1001111111110 Aryans 2 +1001111111110 estate-secured 2 +1001111111110 problem. 2 +1001111111110 multipaks 2 +1001111111110 honest-to-goodness 2 +1001111111110 difficilior 2 +1001111111110 estate-rich 3 +1001111111110 visors 6 +1001111111110 estate-related 8 +1001111111110 Antilles-based 8 +1001111111110 Theorist 16 +1001111111110 Mahal 129 +1001111111110 estate 7130 +1001111111110 Antilles 180 +1001111111111 822-mile 1 +1001111111111 acrylic-resin 1 +1001111111111 ampitheater 1 +1001111111111 related-services 1 +1001111111111 D-series 1 +1001111111111 natural-resouces 1 +1001111111111 sportinggoods 1 +1001111111111 hand-knitting 1 +1001111111111 wastage. 1 +1001111111111 rotary-screw 1 +1001111111111 streamers. 1 +1001111111111 five-well 1 +1001111111111 donation-related 1 +1001111111111 WLII 1 +1001111111111 ba-nee-nees 1 +1001111111111 900-kilometer 1 +1001111111111 market-busting 1 +1001111111111 indigenously 1 +1001111111111 mini-hydro 1 +1001111111111 nonrenewable 1 +1001111111111 135-mile 1 +1001111111111 fibreoptic 1 +1001111111111 yang 1 +1001111111111 Reappraisals 1 +1001111111111 theater-operating 1 +1001111111111 hospital-bed 1 +1001111111111 urban-landscaping 1 +1001111111111 luxury-item 1 +1001111111111 ground-delivery 1 +1001111111111 Greenspans 1 +1001111111111 voice-transaction 1 +1001111111111 clinical-scale 1 +1001111111111 Oglivy 1 +1001111111111 pleurisy 1 +1001111111111 urban-redevelopment 1 +1001111111111 blood-plasma 1 +1001111111111 185,000-square-foot 1 +1001111111111 nitrogen-oxides 1 +1001111111111 608-mile 1 +1001111111111 gas-holding 1 +1001111111111 photographic-papers 1 +1001111111111 almuninum 1 +1001111111111 blood-collection 1 +1001111111111 agro-industries 1 +1001111111111 electronics-assembly 1 +1001111111111 industrial-supply 1 +1001111111111 synthetic-fuel 1 +1001111111111 concrete-encased 1 +1001111111111 44-cent-a-unit 1 +1001111111111 collection-agency 1 +1001111111111 TransAlaska 1 +1001111111111 two-Skoda 1 +1001111111111 multipolar 1 +1001111111111 harmony. 1 +1001111111111 new-prison 1 +1001111111111 wood-room 1 +1001111111111 Valley-like 1 +1001111111111 Suze 1 +1001111111111 amusements-machine 1 +1001111111111 error-checking 1 +1001111111111 brand-development 1 +1001111111111 latex-glove 1 +1001111111111 1,050-kilometer 1 +1001111111111 mining-services 1 +1001111111111 molls 1 +1001111111111 downsies 1 +1001111111111 Remand 1 +1001111111111 113,000-square-foot 1 +1001111111111 coastal-oil 1 +1001111111111 drug-packaging 1 +1001111111111 refining-and-marketing 1 +1001111111111 newhome 1 +1001111111111 investigative-services 1 +1001111111111 inland-marine 1 +1001111111111 cotton-candy 1 +1001111111111 uhs 1 +1001111111111 re-certify 1 +1001111111111 animal-byproducts 1 +1001111111111 mortgage-bond 1 +1001111111111 Dataspan 1 +1001111111111 metal-marketing 1 +1001111111111 systems-engineering 1 +1001111111111 diversified-foods 1 +1001111111111 import-competing 1 +1001111111111 membership-campground 1 +1001111111111 control-system 1 +1001111111111 student-loan-servicing 1 +1001111111111 forestry-products 1 +1001111111111 pharamaceutical 1 +1001111111111 Climatrol 1 +1001111111111 lowest-margin 1 +1001111111111 management-service 1 +1001111111111 chitin 1 +1001111111111 K-Tec 1 +1001111111111 KMEZ-AM 1 +1001111111111 seascapes 1 +1001111111111 new-airport 1 +1001111111111 incandescent-lamp 1 +1001111111111 mortgage- 1 +1001111111111 non-mortgaged 1 +1001111111111 cocooner 1 +1001111111111 gnarled-handed 1 +1001111111111 59-mile 1 +1001111111111 securitues 1 +1001111111111 timing-products 1 +1001111111111 new-oil 1 +1001111111111 electrical-contacts 1 +1001111111111 1,900-mile 1 +1001111111111 12,032 1 +1001111111111 phospholipids 1 +1001111111111 Dogpatch 1 +1001111111111 galvanized-metal 1 +1001111111111 all-ceramic 1 +1001111111111 gadulka 1 +1001111111111 worm-like 1 +1001111111111 sensitive-materials 1 +1001111111111 technology-consulting 1 +1001111111111 Pans 1 +1001111111111 U.S.-currency 1 +1001111111111 farm-operation 1 +1001111111111 farming-oriented 1 +1001111111111 Soundness 1 +1001111111111 Phoenix-missile 1 +1001111111111 fourth-string 1 +1001111111111 underregulated 1 +1001111111111 needle-borne 1 +1001111111111 275,000-square-foot 1 +1001111111111 disaster-rehabilitation 1 +1001111111111 equipage 1 +1001111111111 no-calorie 1 +1001111111111 aramid-fiber 1 +1001111111111 agriservice 1 +1001111111111 alternativefuels 1 +1001111111111 broadasting 1 +1001111111111 fiancees 1 +1001111111111 Usseri 1 +1001111111111 niobium-germanium 1 +1001111111111 KPL 1 +1001111111111 Tweedledee 1 +1001111111111 Canmar 1 +1001111111111 business-lending 1 +1001111111111 tank-wagon 1 +1001111111111 tank-car 1 +1001111111111 stinko 1 +1001111111111 still-centralized 1 +1001111111111 steel-equipment 1 +1001111111111 allergens 1 +1001111111111 mineral-fiber 1 +1001111111111 counterfilings 1 +1001111111111 new-housing 1 +1001111111111 rubber-product 1 +1001111111111 Scirrocos 1 +1001111111111 oil-andgas 1 +1001111111111 capital-lease 1 +1001111111111 foot-stamping 1 +1001111111111 over-mechanistic 1 +1001111111111 transmission-line 1 +1001111111111 advertising-related 1 +1001111111111 venture-investments 1 +1001111111111 industrial- 1 +1001111111111 KKOB-AM 1 +1001111111111 Butterfingers 1 +1001111111111 central-research 1 +1001111111111 lease-loss 1 +1001111111111 F150 1 +1001111111111 acetaminophen-based 1 +1001111111111 30-inch-diameter 1 +1001111111111 paid-access 1 +1001111111111 TINY 1 +1001111111111 344-mile 1 +1001111111111 extended-coverage 1 +1001111111111 four-well 1 +1001111111111 168,374-acre 1 +1001111111111 Tziganes 1 +1001111111111 -operated 1 +1001111111111 Detergents 1 +1001111111111 agricultural-engineering 1 +1001111111111 lawn-mowing 1 +1001111111111 single-row 1 +1001111111111 domestic-service 1 +1001111111111 book-keeping 1 +1001111111111 ground-equipment 1 +1001111111111 general-industry 1 +1001111111111 sea-grass 1 +1001111111111 mixed-concrete 1 +1001111111111 oil-and-mineral 1 +1001111111111 6,963 1 +1001111111111 radio-tags 1 +1001111111111 letter-press 1 +1001111111111 home-improvement-products 1 +1001111111111 giant-ship 1 +1001111111111 aircraft-hull 1 +1001111111111 Uhland 1 +1001111111111 natuiral-gas 1 +1001111111111 263-mile 1 +1001111111111 profit-intensive 1 +1001111111111 product-support 1 +1001111111111 Sensuality 1 +1001111111111 Dinettes 1 +1001111111111 metal-mining 1 +1001111111111 Seaswirl 1 +1001111111111 turquoises 1 +1001111111111 Gooseberries 1 +1001111111111 home-care-products 1 +1001111111111 Calligraphy 1 +1001111111111 19-mile 1 +1001111111111 electric-energy 1 +1001111111111 imaging-product 1 +1001111111111 steel-intensive 1 +1001111111111 financial-data-service 1 +1001111111111 electric-product 1 +1001111111111 engineering-materials 1 +1001111111111 residual-value 1 +1001111111111 TENONS 1 +1001111111111 Soviet-Bulgarian 1 +1001111111111 chemical-munitions 1 +1001111111111 quasi-state 1 +1001111111111 paging-systems 1 +1001111111111 end-of-Depression-era 1 +1001111111111 health-assessment 1 +1001111111111 125,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1001111111111 disease-carrying 1 +1001111111111 cussing 1 +1001111111111 explosives-detection 1 +1001111111111 barkless 1 +1001111111111 electric-tools 1 +1001111111111 falafel 1 +1001111111111 796-mile 1 +1001111111111 microwave-systems 1 +1001111111111 fastrising 1 +1001111111111 commodity-processing 1 +1001111111111 export-reliant 1 +1001111111111 nonspecialized 1 +1001111111111 fullpower 1 +1001111111111 over-the-wire 1 +1001111111111 resource-conserving 1 +1001111111111 Rothian 1 +1001111111111 millwork 1 +1001111111111 Narita-style 1 +1001111111111 12-foot-by-24-foot 1 +1001111111111 Melnor 1 +1001111111111 whiplike 1 +1001111111111 co-CEOs 1 +1001111111111 barite 1 +1001111111111 micro-electronics 1 +1001111111111 bulk-carrier 1 +1001111111111 gift-products 1 +1001111111111 nonconducting 1 +1001111111111 thalessemia 1 +1001111111111 embarassed 1 +1001111111111 volubility 1 +1001111111111 daybeds 1 +1001111111111 small-cigar 1 +1001111111111 takeovers. 1 +1001111111111 snow-laden 1 +1001111111111 a-Monthly 1 +1001111111111 well-thought-of 1 +1001111111111 foodservices 1 +1001111111111 photopolymer 1 +1001111111111 asymptotic 1 +1001111111111 reach-through 1 +1001111111111 Amee 1 +1001111111111 now-separate 1 +1001111111111 elevens 1 +1001111111111 uplink 1 +1001111111111 human-robot 1 +1001111111111 easy-to-turn 1 +1001111111111 SCRIVEN 1 +1001111111111 135,233 1 +1001111111111 300Z 1 +1001111111111 transportation-service 1 +1001111111111 distribution-related 1 +1001111111111 primary-metal 1 +1001111111111 Uranus. 1 +1001111111111 salt-products 1 +1001111111111 pelvises 1 +1001111111111 snow-plow 1 +1001111111111 motel-operating 1 +1001111111111 insurance-testing 1 +1001111111111 radio-pharmaceutical 1 +1001111111111 Colorado-winter-wheat 1 +1001111111111 17-foot-high 1 +1001111111111 navy-escorted 1 +1001111111111 car-dealership 1 +1001111111111 petroleum-catalyst 1 +1001111111111 273-mile 1 +1001111111111 shortage-enforced 1 +1001111111111 aerospace-products 1 +1001111111111 Granadas 1 +1001111111111 Waterton 1 +1001111111111 marketing/telemarketing 1 +1001111111111 opacity 1 +1001111111111 non-gas 1 +1001111111111 cutting-tools 1 +1001111111111 sales-order 1 +1001111111111 bone-deep 1 +1001111111111 gas-range 1 +1001111111111 science-education 1 +1001111111111 laboratory-supply 1 +1001111111111 rail-products 1 +1001111111111 wholsale-drug 1 +1001111111111 Sensibilia 1 +1001111111111 quadruple-team 1 +1001111111111 4X 1 +1001111111111 three-well 1 +1001111111111 surveillance-functions 1 +1001111111111 entertainment-programming 1 +1001111111111 non-menthol 1 +1001111111111 one-Adam-twelved 1 +1001111111111 security-check 1 +1001111111111 special-metals 1 +1001111111111 Cuban- 1 +1001111111111 ill-costumed 1 +1001111111111 network-building 1 +1001111111111 petroleumproducts 1 +1001111111111 nonstick 1 +1001111111111 boxed-beef-fabrication 1 +1001111111111 nowbankrupt 1 +1001111111111 V-6-equipped 1 +1001111111111 sawn-timber 1 +1001111111111 child-molesters 1 +1001111111111 settlement-expense 1 +1001111111111 wound-management 1 +1001111111111 Alberta-to-California 1 +1001111111111 paper-milling 1 +1001111111111 laser-sensitive 1 +1001111111111 grade-reduction 1 +1001111111111 beet-sugar 1 +1001111111111 nitrogen-bearing 1 +1001111111111 congesting 1 +1001111111111 pre-construction 1 +1001111111111 gas-centrifuge 1 +1001111111111 engineering-resins 1 +1001111111111 Misdemeanors 1 +1001111111111 commercial-scale 1 +1001111111111 instructions. 1 +1001111111111 skim-milk 1 +1001111111111 CYB 1 +1001111111111 bleat 1 +1001111111111 1,700-mile 1 +1001111111111 incorruptibility 1 +1001111111111 40MB 1 +1001111111111 WPIX-TV 1 +1001111111111 assessories 1 +1001111111111 container-board 1 +1001111111111 metal-management 1 +1001111111111 metal-based 1 +1001111111111 Astrup-Hoeyer 1 +1001111111111 photoconductor 1 +1001111111111 laurel-wreathed 1 +1001111111111 amusement-machine 1 +1001111111111 1,500-ton 1 +1001111111111 then-sluggish 1 +1001111111111 Soviet-advised 1 +1001111111111 minerals-projects 1 +1001111111111 newlyformed 1 +1001111111111 Syrian-Iraqi 1 +1001111111111 resort-management 1 +1001111111111 timber-dependent 1 +1001111111111 oil-transportation 1 +1001111111111 autoglass 1 +1001111111111 lawn- 1 +1001111111111 never-ceasing 1 +1001111111111 Defoe 1 +1001111111111 engine-timing 1 +1001111111111 responder 1 +1001111111111 wildlife-related 1 +1001111111111 computer-power-supply 1 +1001111111111 high-technology-services 1 +1001111111111 small-denomination 1 +1001111111111 Willys 1 +1001111111111 trans-Panama 1 +1001111111111 petroleum-fuel 1 +1001111111111 morning-tomidnight 1 +1001111111111 vehicle-transmission 1 +1001111111111 motion-video 1 +1001111111111 alcohol-drenched 1 +1001111111111 alternative-power 1 +1001111111111 bammed 1 +1001111111111 THWACKs 1 +1001111111111 too-hot 1 +1001111111111 residential-heating 1 +1001111111111 dateless 1 +1001111111111 newts 1 +1001111111111 real-estate-service 1 +1001111111111 dealer-services 1 +1001111111111 mass-faxing 1 +1001111111111 veneer-mill 1 +1001111111111 magnetic-resonance 1 +1001111111111 gold-processing 1 +1001111111111 124.90 1 +1001111111111 horse-steak 1 +1001111111111 Whiteland 1 +1001111111111 macadamias 1 +1001111111111 Jupiler 1 +1001111111111 50-pence 1 +1001111111111 oil-development 1 +1001111111111 274-mile 1 +1001111111111 trifecta 1 +1001111111111 5.5-mile 1 +1001111111111 little-practiced 1 +1001111111111 defense-analysis 1 +1001111111111 33-mile-long 1 +1001111111111 retransport 1 +1001111111111 semisubmersible 1 +1001111111111 television-bulb-glass 1 +1001111111111 flagpole-stiff 1 +1001111111111 900-mile 1 +1001111111111 brick-paved 1 +1001111111111 computer-research 1 +1001111111111 distrubition 1 +1001111111111 67-38931 1 +1001111111111 photovoltaic-film 1 +1001111111111 document-reproduction 1 +1001111111111 nitrogenoxide 1 +1001111111111 amusement-game 1 +1001111111111 long-chilled 1 +1001111111111 Warsaw-Chicago 1 +1001111111111 machine-formed 1 +1001111111111 modelling 1 +1001111111111 dental-fillings 1 +1001111111111 psychiatric-testing 1 +1001111111111 Delilah 1 +1001111111111 2megabyte 1 +1001111111111 specialty-rubber-product 1 +1001111111111 Islands-registered 2 +1001111111111 Eikonix 2 +1001111111111 sevice 2 +1001111111111 laboratory-services 2 +1001111111111 ferro-alloy 2 +1001111111111 ferroalloys 2 +1001111111111 life-span 2 +1001111111111 specialty-products 2 +1001111111111 business-park 2 +1001111111111 photographic-paper 2 +1001111111111 satellite-to-home 2 +1001111111111 architectural-services 2 +1001111111111 non-monogamous 2 +1001111111111 brand-building 2 +1001111111111 Circumstance 2 +1001111111111 LN-7 2 +1001111111111 mortgage-and-equity 2 +1001111111111 Islands-based 2 +1001111111111 nuclear-technology 2 +1001111111111 industrial-parts 2 +1001111111111 industrial-process 2 +1001111111111 transportation-products 2 +1001111111111 electricity-generation 2 +1001111111111 photovoltaic-panel 2 +1001111111111 truck-manufacturing 2 +1001111111111 industrial-capacity 2 +1001111111111 KCBS-TV 2 +1001111111111 perinatal 2 +1001111111111 Showak 2 +1001111111111 Overburdened 2 +1001111111111 third-base 2 +1001111111111 geothermal-energy 2 +1001111111111 Myths 2 +1001111111111 wine-and-spirits 2 +1001111111111 commercial-vehicles 2 +1001111111111 anti-oxidant 2 +1001111111111 industrial-product 2 +1001111111111 parttime 2 +1001111111111 joint-life 2 +1001111111111 Justification 2 +1001111111111 constuction 2 +1001111111111 home-fashions 2 +1001111111111 shirt-making 2 +1001111111111 investible 2 +1001111111111 retsina 2 +1001111111111 platinum-mining 2 +1001111111111 better-supervision 2 +1001111111111 redrilling 2 +1001111111111 telecommunications-products 2 +1001111111111 tenth-ounce 2 +1001111111111 low-net-worth 2 +1001111111111 non-underwritten 2 +1001111111111 WYLD-AM 2 +1001111111111 cruise-line 2 +1001111111111 stop-action 2 +1001111111111 Vitabath 2 +1001111111111 couscous 2 +1001111111111 gas-development 2 +1001111111111 lawn-equipment 2 +1001111111111 financial-data 2 +1001111111111 cash-and-equity 2 +1001111111111 radiographic 2 +1001111111111 estrangements 2 +1001111111111 truck-building 2 +1001111111111 gas-plant 2 +1001111111111 Feasting 2 +1001111111111 federally-funded 2 +1001111111111 resale-price 2 +1001111111111 aluminum-related 2 +1001111111111 Bio-T 2 +1001111111111 expediently 2 +1001111111111 leisure-activities 2 +1001111111111 Beit 2 +1001111111111 television-program 2 +1001111111111 WFLZ-FM 2 +1001111111111 mineral-resource 2 +1001111111111 Goffriller 2 +1001111111111 Sunnah 2 +1001111111111 Atlanta-Tokyo 2 +1001111111111 TV-program 3 +1001111111111 latrine 3 +1001111111111 Benedick 3 +1001111111111 Quebec-Telephone 3 +1001111111111 682-mile 3 +1001111111111 light-wave 3 +1001111111111 industrial-park 3 +1001111111111 out-patient 3 +1001111111111 kneading 3 +1001111111111 synthetic-fiber 3 +1001111111111 lighting-fixture 3 +1001111111111 Storyteller 3 +1001111111111 over-medicate 3 +1001111111111 naturalgas 3 +1001111111111 textile-related 3 +1001111111111 Kahlua 3 +1001111111111 locksmith 3 +1001111111111 tire-recapping 3 +1001111111111 consumer-services 3 +1001111111111 blackberry 3 +1001111111111 cubed 3 +1001111111111 racing-parts 3 +1001111111111 television-audience 3 +1001111111111 loan-related 3 +1001111111111 non-art 3 +1001111111111 localizing 3 +1001111111111 telephone-call 3 +1001111111111 water-damaged 3 +1001111111111 euchre 3 +1001111111111 flight-simulator 3 +1001111111111 parking-garage 3 +1001111111111 hawed 3 +1001111111111 Volvo/GMC 3 +1001111111111 steel-fabrication 3 +1001111111111 wholesale-drug 3 +1001111111111 Deweyism 4 +1001111111111 wheel-making 4 +1001111111111 data/voice 4 +1001111111111 precision-materials 4 +1001111111111 re-issued 4 +1001111111111 Bushmills 4 +1001111111111 business-service 4 +1001111111111 trans-Alaska 4 +1001111111111 steam-turbine 4 +1001111111111 wood-processing 4 +1001111111111 hydration 4 +1001111111111 Miquelon 4 +1001111111111 Lancers 4 +1001111111111 flexographic 5 +1001111111111 coal-slurry 5 +1001111111111 little-cigar 5 +1001111111111 30-inch 5 +1001111111111 Frigid 5 +1001111111111 diming 5 +1001111111111 Trans-Panama 5 +1001111111111 gas-related 5 +1001111111111 subsea 5 +1001111111111 gas-producing 6 +1001111111111 laude 6 +1001111111111 sheet-fed 6 +1001111111111 resource-development 6 +1001111111111 semi-submersible 6 +1001111111111 fixed-charge 7 +1001111111111 phosphorus 7 +1001111111111 Widuri 7 +1001111111111 packaged-foods 7 +1001111111111 nonbuilding 7 +1001111111111 gas-transmission 7 +1001111111111 casualty-insurance 7 +1001111111111 Error 8 +1001111111111 Samaria 8 +1001111111111 Berettas 8 +1001111111111 flavoring 9 +1001111111111 bitumen 9 +1001111111111 Scapa 9 +1001111111111 Cain-Sloan 9 +1001111111111 airway 9 +1001111111111 computer-integrated 12 +1001111111111 diamond-mining 12 +1001111111111 railcar 14 +1001111111111 ivy 16 +1001111111111 slurry 17 +1001111111111 coral 18 +1001111111111 cracker 20 +1001111111111 non-building 20 +1001111111111 Remembrance 25 +1001111111111 Oster 27 +1001111111111 Stripes 29 +1001111111111 personal-service 31 +1001111111111 condensate 40 +1001111111111 Ends 45 +1001111111111 Topaz 48 +1001111111111 distilled 57 +1001111111111 Sable 136 +1001111111111 mineral 316 +1001111111111 resource 352 +1001111111111 casualty 373 +1001111111111 natural-gas 406 +1001111111111 gas 7770 +1001111111111 pill 856 +1010000000 25974.96 1 +1010000000 rate-rise 1 +1010000000 OPEC-wide 1 +1010000000 payout-ratios 1 +1010000000 investigationsof 1 +1010000000 PROVISION 2 +1010000000 EDGE 2 +1010000000 FOCUS 2 +1010000000 1,955,000 2 +1010000000 affadavit 2 +1010000000 leopards 2 +1010000000 3,120 4 +1010000000 upsurge 63 +1010000000 uptick 69 +1010000000 increase 20854 +1010000000 overhaul 773 +1010000001 Rheingau 1 +1010000001 Mussulmen 1 +1010000001 Stay-On-Tab 1 +1010000001 break-off 1 +1010000001 electrooptics 1 +1010000001 Warburgs 1 +1010000001 117th 1 +1010000001 Westernizers 1 +1010000001 Elizabethans 1 +1010000001 3,097,173 1 +1010000001 Penitent 1 +1010000001 Pushtuns 1 +1010000001 passthroughs 1 +1010000001 Hellespont 1 +1010000001 155th-largest 1 +1010000001 gremlin 1 +1010000001 near-halt 1 +1010000001 Yalie 1 +1010000001 Sandinists 1 +1010000001 commpany 1 +1010000001 boo-boos 1 +1010000001 coryphees 1 +1010000001 Druids 1 +1010000001 hackbox 1 +1010000001 potter-partner 1 +1010000001 equity-raising 1 +1010000001 under-25,000 1 +1010000001 urgencies 1 +1010000001 766,361 1 +1010000001 top-rankers 1 +1010000001 Marschallin 1 +1010000001 beef-packer 1 +1010000001 Antipodes 1 +1010000001 flea-flicker 1 +1010000001 Unassailable 1 +1010000001 divertissement 1 +1010000001 salesrooms 1 +1010000001 -a 1 +1010000001 longest-ever 1 +1010000001 dum-dums 1 +1010000001 consternations 1 +1010000001 Helmses 1 +1010000001 Washingtonian/Baltimore 1 +1010000001 pickpocket 1 +1010000001 pseudo-history 1 +1010000001 Narragansetts 1 +1010000001 Rostovs 1 +1010000001 cost-efficiencies 1 +1010000001 calmest 1 +1010000001 nevetheless 1 +1010000001 hot-tickets 1 +1010000001 UFCWU 1 +1010000001 quarter-finalists 1 +1010000001 chainsmoker 1 +1010000001 imperishables 1 +1010000001 Chieftains 1 +1010000001 unsteadiness 1 +1010000001 viewer/listener/reader 1 +1010000001 post-fluency 1 +1010000001 29th-largest 1 +1010000001 near-freeze 1 +1010000001 Newsweekly 1 +1010000001 plasmodium 1 +1010000001 deterioriation 1 +1010000001 d-Stck. 1 +1010000001 Pueblos 1 +1010000001 Mozarteum 1 +1010000001 F-word 1 +1010000001 pork-dove 1 +1010000001 doom-mongering 1 +1010000001 faries 1 +1010000001 non-job 1 +1010000001 croupier-in-training 1 +1010000001 Gantlet 1 +1010000001 third-fastest 1 +1010000001 straightest-arrows 1 +1010000001 leaseholder 1 +1010000001 Budespot 1 +1010000001 Newport-Inglewood 1 +1010000001 drop-offs 2 +1010000001 biathlete 2 +1010000001 downslide 2 +1010000001 flexiblity 2 +1010000001 convocation 2 +1010000001 mote 2 +1010000001 neutralists 2 +1010000001 hawkishness 2 +1010000001 easiness 3 +1010000001 rescreen 3 +1010000001 Liquors 3 +1010000001 hobbyhorse 3 +1010000001 Kunstmuseum 3 +1010000001 backslide 4 +1010000001 jinx 5 +1010000001 leveling-off 8 +1010000001 twinkle 9 +1010000001 washout 9 +1010000001 dropoff 13 +1010000001 homer 17 +1010000001 fall-off 17 +1010000001 falloff 45 +1010000001 runup 50 +1010000001 drop-off 54 +1010000001 spike 56 +1010000001 weighting 88 +1010000001 dip 190 +1010000001 spurt 192 +1010000001 tumble 277 +1010000001 leap 278 +1010000001 run-up 284 +1010000001 retreat 563 +1010000001 decrease 677 +1010000001 rebound 1219 +1010000001 slide 1246 +1010000001 plunge 1450 +1010000001 jump 1618 +1010000001 surge 2227 +1010000001 decline 9171 +1010000001 rise 11039 +1010000001 drop 7484 +1010000010 constriction 1 +1010000010 sagesse 1 +1010000010 persecutor 1 +1010000010 9-foot-3 1 +1010000010 dabblings 1 +1010000010 poulterer 1 +1010000010 -jump 1 +1010000010 cerium 1 +1010000010 occupancy. 1 +1010000010 32-10/32 1 +1010000010 secuestros 1 +1010000010 -occupied 1 +1010000010 churches-turned-nightclubs 1 +1010000010 bardship 1 +1010000010 workshare 1 +1010000010 sequencer 1 +1010000010 TV-watch 1 +1010000010 shareholdership 1 +1010000010 passer-runner 1 +1010000010 -margin 1 +1010000010 sleuthed 1 +1010000010 contempories 1 +1010000010 KYSP-FM 1 +1010000010 counterlogic 1 +1010000010 waterflood 1 +1010000010 owner-employers 1 +1010000010 smokehouse 1 +1010000010 WYSP-FM 1 +1010000010 Astrakan 1 +1010000010 bicentenntial 1 +1010000010 cost-structuring 1 +1010000010 tuberoses 1 +1010000010 pre-leased 1 +1010000010 decider 1 +1010000010 intererst 1 +1010000010 over-caution 1 +1010000010 inclinitions 1 +1010000010 KLAT 1 +1010000010 high-seriousness 1 +1010000010 -state 1 +1010000010 incrrease 1 +1010000010 one-reelers 1 +1010000010 man-at-the-grill 1 +1010000010 REDUCTION 1 +1010000010 Golightly 1 +1010000010 Chinese-run 1 +1010000010 KCCI 1 +1010000010 fromMay 1 +1010000010 pre-eminance 1 +1010000010 involvment 1 +1010000010 puppet-government 1 +1010000010 -debt 1 +1010000010 hoarseness 1 +1010000010 furthet 1 +1010000010 tippets 1 +1010000010 auto-oriented 1 +1010000010 addresss 1 +1010000010 Week-e 1 +1010000010 moneybags 1 +1010000010 shrinkages 1 +1010000010 Casino-Hotel 1 +1010000010 Westword 1 +1010000010 thrusters 1 +1010000010 overfulfilled 1 +1010000010 Felson 2 +1010000010 Steakhouse 2 +1010000010 Barracks 2 +1010000010 recliners 2 +1010000010 rowboat 2 +1010000010 -leased 2 +1010000010 -off 3 +1010000010 -deductible 4 +1010000010 -invested 4 +1010000010 -stake 5 +1010000010 half-stake 6 +1010000010 > 7 +1010000010 -owner 24 +1010000010 half-interest 42 +1010000010 stake 15501 +1010000010 inception 114 +1010000011 inflation-wise 1 +1010000011 non-happenings 1 +1010000011 quadrille 1 +1010000011 physician-scientists 1 +1010000011 kick-ins 1 +1010000011 --party 1 +1010000011 cytopathologist 1 +1010000011 haunter 1 +1010000011 musketeers 1 +1010000011 8080 1 +1010000011 techno-babble 1 +1010000011 bordellos 1 +1010000011 three-rigger 1 +1010000011 principle-- 1 +1010000011 witnessess 1 +1010000011 laugh-getter 1 +1010000011 fellow-workers 1 +1010000011 tone-decoder 1 +1010000011 Pegnitz 1 +1010000011 rationalizer 1 +1010000011 Reagan-basher 1 +1010000011 stituation 1 +1010000011 netorks 1 +1010000011 insurance-sponsored 1 +1010000011 Cussing 1 +1010000011 bombardier-navigator 1 +1010000011 sub-categories 1 +1010000011 hirer 1 +1010000011 socializers 1 +1010000011 4-year-olds 1 +1010000011 20-ton 1 +1010000011 pt 1 +1010000011 buzzed-about 1 +1010000011 estragole 1 +1010000011 technonerds 1 +1010000011 treaty-scoffer 1 +1010000011 brown-steel 1 +1010000011 misquotations 1 +1010000011 neuropsychological 1 +1010000011 multiprocessing 1 +1010000011 pace. 1 +1010000011 14-foot-tall 1 +1010000011 competitition 1 +1010000011 lamenter 1 +1010000011 disseminators 1 +1010000011 panflutist 1 +1010000011 discrepency 1 +1010000011 antibody-making 1 +1010000011 Taucher 1 +1010000011 dollar-sellers 1 +1010000011 .81 1 +1010000011 gamesmen 1 +1010000011 colorizer 1 +1010000011 cross-promotion 1 +1010000011 adulteration 1 +1010000011 complicitous 1 +1010000011 enshrinement 2 +1010000011 undervaluations 2 +1010000011 limits. 2 +1010000011 bracero 2 +1010000011 epochs 2 +1010000011 head-to-toe 2 +1010000011 sinkholes 2 +1010000011 procurer 2 +1010000011 ratemakers 2 +1010000011 kevlar 2 +1010000011 colorist 2 +1010000011 handover 2 +1010000011 consul-general 2 +1010000011 tickertape 2 +1010000011 bearskin 2 +1010000011 Swasy 2 +1010000011 advancer 2 +1010000011 margarita 2 +1010000011 presser 2 +1010000011 money-raiser 2 +1010000011 man-of-war 2 +1010000011 insurrections 2 +1010000011 canonization 2 +1010000011 southerner 3 +1010000011 KCSB-FM 3 +1010000011 clone-maker 3 +1010000011 courtmartial 3 +1010000011 squiggle 3 +1010000011 sturdiness 3 +1010000011 fearmonger 3 +1010000011 near-failure 3 +1010000011 wraith 4 +1010000011 headstart 4 +1010000011 detachments 4 +1010000011 tsunami 4 +1010000011 chink 6 +1010000011 step-up 6 +1010000011 strategem 6 +1010000011 turnip 6 +1010000011 Hypocrisy 7 +1010000011 reacceleration 7 +1010000011 healer 7 +1010000011 dossier 8 +1010000011 speed-up 8 +1010000011 presences 9 +1010000011 cog 11 +1010000011 sojourn 15 +1010000011 tempest 21 +1010000011 drawdown 22 +1010000011 determinant 24 +1010000011 thorn 28 +1010000011 quirk 30 +1010000011 beachhead 33 +1010000011 toehold 35 +1010000011 build-up 41 +1010000011 mover 43 +1010000011 plank 46 +1010000011 pick-up 46 +1010000011 bulge 55 +1010000011 believer 72 +1010000011 rollback 74 +1010000011 doctorate 93 +1010000011 shareholding 120 +1010000011 flaw 146 +1010000011 foothold 190 +1010000011 ingredient 231 +1010000011 participant 263 +1010000011 component 413 +1010000011 buildup 521 +1010000011 pickup 546 +1010000011 element 609 +1010000011 player 1193 +1010000011 involvement 1217 +1010000011 presence 1668 +1010000011 reduction 2739 +1010000011 role 5866 +1010000011 factor 3044 +101000010 Rantoul 1 +101000010 nine-inch-wide 1 +101000010 wild-tulipo-trend 1 +101000010 coulibiac 1 +101000010 Mockingbird 1 +101000010 peerage 1 +101000010 Malvolio 1 +101000010 gelding 1 +101000010 souvenir. 1 +101000010 dishcloth 1 +101000010 milkmaid 1 +101000010 non-Contadora 1 +101000010 greenish-gray 1 +101000010 900-seat 1 +101000010 gotterdammerung 1 +101000010 D-minus 1 +101000010 Georgetown-St 1 +101000010 crack-up 1 +101000010 needler 1 +101000010 billion-eight 1 +101000010 ranchhand 1 +101000010 Fridley 1 +101000010 punkette 1 +101000010 column-inch 1 +101000010 rip-snorting 1 +101000010 non-system 1 +101000010 hanky-wringer 1 +101000010 cummerbund 1 +101000010 military-imposed 1 +101000010 Saugerties 1 +101000010 furore 1 +101000010 lovo 1 +101000010 last-play 1 +101000010 47-yarder 1 +101000010 pah-ty 1 +101000010 herbarium 1 +101000010 113-liter 1 +101000010 Guymon 1 +101000010 fructo-oligosaccharide 1 +101000010 mail-drop 1 +101000010 trifler 1 +101000010 self-assigned 1 +101000010 non-response 1 +101000010 Booneville 1 +101000010 mid-match 1 +101000010 Rennewick 1 +101000010 four-store 1 +101000010 one-bodied 1 +101000010 blackmailer 1 +101000010 wimper 1 +101000010 22-21 1 +101000010 JT8D-217A 1 +101000010 third. 1 +101000010 handstand 1 +101000010 gale-driven 1 +101000010 novena 1 +101000010 mini-ranch 1 +101000010 westerner 1 +101000010 hairnet 1 +101000010 showstopper 1 +101000010 workpiece 1 +101000010 job-producer 1 +101000010 747F 1 +101000010 chance. 1 +101000010 video-equipment 1 +101000010 Saline. 1 +101000010 dropper 1 +101000010 30second 1 +101000010 pseudo-informality 1 +101000010 semicrisis 1 +101000010 croak 1 +101000010 Nazi-Fascist 1 +101000010 foxtrot 1 +101000010 payer-of-last-resort 1 +101000010 stickhorse 1 +101000010 oneshare 1 +101000010 waste-cutter 1 +101000010 440-foot 1 +101000010 mission-oriented 1 +101000010 trainee-broker 1 +101000010 non-protester 1 +101000010 19-year-veteran 1 +101000010 music-hall 1 +101000010 damned-if-he-knew 1 +101000010 22,800-kilowatt 1 +101000010 four-win 1 +101000010 caminhada 1 +101000010 homebody 1 +101000010 Western-cut 1 +101000010 jocund 1 +101000010 non-Jew 1 +101000010 de-testimonial 1 +101000010 confrontationist 1 +101000010 more-youthful 1 +101000010 5.9-liter 1 +101000010 monstre 1 +101000010 down-trend 1 +101000010 rangefinder 1 +101000010 detraction 1 +101000010 quinella 1 +101000010 Sov 1 +101000010 TBTF 1 +101000010 clef 1 +101000010 nine-year-low 1 +101000010 bubble-bursting 1 +101000010 Hastingson-Hudson 1 +101000010 wineglass 1 +101000010 playlet 1 +101000010 Quarryville 1 +101000010 refrigerator-freezer 1 +101000010 one-afternoon 1 +101000010 HomeSpa 1 +101000010 portico 1 +101000010 Hollidaysburg 1 +101000010 quasi-cigarette 1 +101000010 flyway 1 +101000010 cashpoor 1 +101000010 crampon 1 +101000010 rara 1 +101000010 bomb-store 1 +101000010 speak-easy 1 +101000010 Dalmatiner 1 +101000010 halftruth 1 +101000010 direction. 1 +101000010 heavy-breather 1 +101000010 Blacklick 1 +101000010 novel. 1 +101000010 put-off 1 +101000010 near-fiasco 1 +101000010 28-megawatt 1 +101000010 bayonnet 1 +101000010 headwind 1 +101000010 Casselton 1 +101000010 Bromyard 1 +101000010 900-austral 1 +101000010 Euro-bank 1 +101000010 wimple 1 +101000010 townful 1 +101000010 lawnful 1 +101000010 dishevelled-looking 1 +101000010 14-footer 1 +101000010 clone-killer 1 +101000010 non-obese 1 +101000010 garrison-state 1 +101000010 bailout. 1 +101000010 six-attorney 1 +101000010 hurry. 1 +101000010 nonbanker 1 +101000010 fast-disbursing 1 +101000010 Countryside 1 +101000010 bumblebee 1 +101000010 Tilsonburg 1 +101000010 miner. 1 +101000010 rotisserie 1 +101000010 safecracker 1 +101000010 dingo 1 +101000010 gray-templed 1 +101000010 gigabyte 1 +101000010 Necrophiliac 1 +101000010 mistakeover 1 +101000010 house-foundation 1 +101000010 half-quote 1 +101000010 SAL. 1 +101000010 self-deceiver 1 +101000010 Matchmate 1 +101000010 Valise 1 +101000010 52,000-square-foot 1 +101000010 Rockwall 1 +101000010 frame-up 1 +101000010 ballotbox 1 +101000010 spitoon 1 +101000010 plagiarist 1 +101000010 zebu 1 +101000010 quack-up 1 +101000010 schlockmeister 1 +101000010 biter 1 +101000010 much-weakened 1 +101000010 discussion. 1 +101000010 cupcake 1 +101000010 swish 1 +101000010 passkey 1 +101000010 co-nominee 1 +101000010 280,000-member 1 +101000010 cash-conscious 1 +101000010 near-fanatic 1 +101000010 djab 1 +101000010 switch-hitter 1 +101000010 third-to-home 1 +101000010 taxcutter 1 +101000010 dealbreaker 1 +101000010 fish-finder 1 +101000010 23-pounder 1 +101000010 1966-style 1 +101000010 widely-recognized 1 +101000010 Concordville 1 +101000010 biochip 1 +101000010 curie 1 +101000010 single-brand 1 +101000010 demurrer 1 +101000010 made-in-Paris 1 +101000010 takeover-evidence 1 +101000010 carbon-dioxide-charged 1 +101000010 road-hugging 1 +101000010 blackfly 1 +101000010 l-l-l-l-liberal 1 +101000010 purple-body 1 +101000010 green-head 1 +101000010 '90s-style 1 +101000010 plowhorse 1 +101000010 Yunozawa 1 +101000010 Poughquag 1 +101000010 heads-you-win 1 +101000010 supranationalism 1 +101000010 stone-free 1 +101000010 1040-C 1 +101000010 paper-shuffler 1 +101000010 105-point 1 +101000010 globby 1 +101000010 34-foot-long 1 +101000010 Gustine 1 +101000010 dwarf. 1 +101000010 cabinet-government 1 +101000010 no-carbohydrates 1 +101000010 psephologist 1 +101000010 164-seat 1 +101000010 lien-to 1 +101000010 Willmar 1 +101000010 marmoset 1 +101000010 capuccino 1 +101000010 four-passenger 1 +101000010 Gold-Trimmed 1 +101000010 43-footer 1 +101000010 two-pack 1 +101000010 stratocracy 1 +101000010 Chickamauga 1 +101000010 demi-studio 1 +101000010 quasi-businessman 1 +101000010 contingency-measure 1 +101000010 super-symbol 1 +101000010 Cogdon 1 +101000010 smashup 1 +101000010 Bio-Bibliography 1 +101000010 shorter-fuselage 1 +101000010 rancher-guide 1 +101000010 Hartsdale 1 +101000010 91-unit 1 +101000010 Painesville 1 +101000010 non-politician 1 +101000010 shiny-red 1 +101000010 25-man 1 +101000010 Glance 1 +101000010 Belmar 1 +101000010 10-ppm 1 +101000010 pre-conception 1 +101000010 decade. 1 +101000010 doc-in-a-box 1 +101000010 transsexual 1 +101000010 yards-long 1 +101000010 kanji 1 +101000010 fare-thee-well 1 +101000010 Coleville 1 +101000010 son. 1 +101000010 half-sibling 1 +101000010 Wrentham 1 +101000010 proctologist 1 +101000010 football. 1 +101000010 premillennialist 1 +101000010 32-story 1 +101000010 rose-red 1 +101000010 paraphase 1 +101000010 geohydrologist 1 +101000010 kidder 1 +101000010 blowgun 1 +101000010 concert. 1 +101000010 rijsttafel 1 +101000010 wave-briefly 1 +101000010 plasticizer 1 +101000010 newsman-turned-speechwriter 1 +101000010 5-foot 1 +101000010 millionairess 1 +101000010 catch-phrase 1 +101000010 prayer. 1 +101000010 homeroom 1 +101000010 four-level 1 +101000010 drab-looking 1 +101000010 halfwit 1 +101000010 handcarved 1 +101000010 hand-folded 1 +101000010 technothriller 1 +101000010 semi-monopoly 1 +101000010 wool-gatherer 1 +101000010 Tukwila 1 +101000010 gutser 1 +101000010 bright-orange 1 +101000010 dedocracy 1 +101000010 mini-AT&T 1 +101000010 mini-consolidation 1 +101000010 neo-anything 1 +101000010 woman-hater 1 +101000010 theologian. 1 +101000010 stationer 1 +101000010 stomach-ache 1 +101000010 50,000-watt 1 +101000010 re-vote 1 +101000010 roomie 1 +101000010 semiologist 1 +101000010 Clafoutis 1 +101000010 Hazelcrest 1 +101000010 length-and-a-half 1 +101000010 single-interest 1 +101000010 pipedream 1 +101000010 European-East 1 +101000010 sailboard 1 +101000010 Brimfield 1 +101000010 late-edition 1 +101000010 bump-and-grinder 1 +101000010 tn5-marked 1 +101000010 fee-pot 1 +101000010 shoe-in 1 +101000010 mou-esse 1 +101000010 superperson 1 +101000010 point-of-difference 1 +101000010 mutual-support 1 +101000010 30-year-career 1 +101000010 photodiode 1 +101000010 gravedigger 1 +101000010 mink-clad 1 +101000010 1,127-page 1 +101000010 reco 1 +101000010 Wallenda 1 +101000010 less-homogenous 1 +101000010 superministry 1 +101000010 toastmaster 1 +101000010 129-foot 1 +101000010 remote-operated 1 +101000010 stroke. 1 +101000010 demerger 1 +101000010 sulfur-laden 1 +101000010 l00 1 +101000010 spill-over 1 +101000010 44-hour 1 +101000010 chloropsis 1 +101000010 Floridan 1 +101000010 slogger 1 +101000010 green-barriered 1 +101000010 Loudonville 1 +101000010 third-down-and-20 1 +101000010 miss-hit 1 +101000010 schoolmistress 1 +101000010 library-socialist 1 +101000010 muchness 1 +101000010 two-aisle 1 +101000010 Canonsburg 1 +101000010 well-girthed 1 +101000010 gun-for-gun 1 +101000010 twopart 1 +101000010 culture. 1 +101000010 short-timer 1 +101000010 cloak-and-suiter 1 +101000010 mini-newspaper 1 +101000010 mass-and 1 +101000010 4,580-pound 1 +101000010 fryer 1 +101000010 Eurosecurity 1 +101000010 halfcentury 1 +101000010 short-on-top 1 +101000010 900-bed 1 +101000010 nonracist 1 +101000010 backbiter 1 +101000010 neanderthal 1 +101000010 battleship-sized 1 +101000010 Conneaut 1 +101000010 lion's-head 1 +101000010 sunny-tempered 1 +101000010 substantive-due-process 1 +101000010 SQUID 1 +101000010 golf-lover 1 +101000010 thimble 1 +101000010 sculler 1 +101000010 teamster 1 +101000010 semi-sadist 1 +101000010 non-actress 1 +101000010 skywalk 1 +101000010 black-woman-without-a-friend-in-the-world-dying-of-leukemia- 1 +101000010 Weathersfield 1 +101000010 schlump 1 +101000010 LeMars 1 +101000010 sorehead 1 +101000010 hirsute 1 +101000010 copy. 1 +101000010 vocoder 1 +101000010 lapdog. 1 +101000010 weenie 1 +101000010 bloodsucker 1 +101000010 compliment. 1 +101000010 composer-slash-businessman 1 +101000010 phase-up 1 +101000010 coupon-level 1 +101000010 Worland 1 +101000010 paparazzo 1 +101000010 Troika 1 +101000010 cockapoo 1 +101000010 summer-camp 1 +101000010 ticket-taker 1 +101000010 40-year-period 1 +101000010 backdown 1 +101000010 multimillionare 1 +101000010 marketing. 1 +101000010 committee-in-chief 1 +101000010 rig-turned-reef 1 +101000010 goatee. 1 +101000010 mini-reversal 1 +101000010 very-good-yielding 1 +101000010 talkfest 1 +101000010 17-unit 1 +101000010 panic-type 1 +101000010 brushstroke 1 +101000010 scamp 1 +101000010 piricuaco 1 +101000010 cause-celebre 1 +101000010 blubbery 1 +101000010 compere 1 +101000010 belvedere 1 +101000010 self-contradiction 1 +101000010 bomb-builder 1 +101000010 hydroholic 1 +101000010 5.1-million-barrel 1 +101000010 man-tended 1 +101000010 freethinker 1 +101000010 room-size 1 +101000010 pigsty 1 +101000010 conumdrum 1 +101000010 chest-puffing 1 +101000010 tooth. 1 +101000010 five-in-one 1 +101000010 telephone. 1 +101000010 non-genius 1 +101000010 finger-licking 1 +101000010 bomb-thrower 1 +101000010 120-horsepower 1 +101000010 Mellotone 1 +101000010 non-entity 1 +101000010 26-inch-high 1 +101000010 gold-depressing 1 +101000010 jack-in-the-box 1 +101000010 Hayti 1 +101000010 Brocket 1 +101000010 Plattsmouth 1 +101000010 review. 1 +101000010 nanny. 1 +101000010 slick-paper 1 +101000010 furnitureless 1 +101000010 problemsolver 1 +101000010 forward-deployed 1 +101000010 book-signing 1 +101000010 200-million-year-old 1 +101000010 quarterpoint 1 +101000010 12-car 1 +101000010 father-confessor 1 +101000010 Euroconsumer 1 +101000010 chippy 1 +101000010 high-privilege 1 +101000010 Euro-son 1 +101000010 7-foot-5-inch 1 +101000010 fiddle-dee-dee 1 +101000010 thirteen-year-old 1 +101000010 telenovela 1 +101000010 dreadnought 1 +101000010 chewer-outer 1 +101000010 Florida-produced 1 +101000010 seamer 1 +101000010 beartrap 1 +101000010 per-channel 1 +101000010 pseudo-problem 1 +101000010 Honolulu-Nagoya 1 +101000010 let-'em-eat-cake 1 +101000010 Spanish-designed 1 +101000010 quasi-autonomous 1 +101000010 boatmaker 1 +101000010 shoot-first 1 +101000010 worker-compensation-styled 1 +101000010 mini-estate 1 +101000010 carpetbag 1 +101000010 near-standoff 1 +101000010 fatwa 1 +101000010 stand-out 1 +101000010 1.03-billion-rand 1 +101000010 heartstring 1 +101000010 1653 1 +101000010 humidified 1 +101000010 162-foot-high 1 +101000010 high-investment 1 +101000010 mutually-beneficial 1 +101000010 2-inch-by-4-inch 1 +101000010 polecat 1 +101000010 Ferarri 1 +101000010 non-insider 1 +101000010 bull-headed 1 +101000010 magpie 1 +101000010 cofferdam 1 +101000010 Suzycott 1 +101000010 three-pack 1 +101000010 wingless 1 +101000010 ministampede 1 +101000010 ditz 1 +101000010 Nappanee 1 +101000010 uniter 1 +101000010 fellow-bishop 1 +101000010 strange-Protestant-land 1 +101000010 100-kilo 1 +101000010 counter-example 1 +101000010 split-fingered 1 +101000010 Shinnston 1 +101000010 spellchecker 1 +101000010 smoke-spewing 1 +101000010 sousaphone 1 +101000010 Naziland. 1 +101000010 minipanic 1 +101000010 money-grubber 1 +101000010 profanity-laced 1 +101000010 13-candidate 1 +101000010 try. 1 +101000010 counterguarantee 1 +101000010 reanimator 1 +101000010 recession-causer 1 +101000010 teetotaller 1 +101000010 larky 1 +101000010 multi-cultural 1 +101000010 Carrolton 1 +101000010 9-pence 1 +101000010 worstcase 1 +101000010 Moviola 1 +101000010 policy-easing 1 +101000010 snitch. 1 +101000010 polemicist 1 +101000010 Zeroine 1 +101000010 162-year-old 1 +101000010 creampuff 1 +101000010 circulation-builder 1 +101000010 squaw 1 +101000010 dramadoc 1 +101000010 cycle. 1 +101000010 high-calorie 1 +101000010 35-3 1 +101000010 Republican. 1 +101000010 tradition. 1 +101000010 graffiti-smeared 1 +101000010 mini-backpack 1 +101000010 thudding 1 +101000010 side-show 1 +101000010 leek 1 +101000010 51-yard 1 +101000010 dirigiste 1 +101000010 Gorgosaurus 1 +101000010 videocam 1 +101000010 powder-brained 1 +101000010 Broomall 1 +101000010 middle-octane 1 +101000010 heartstopper 1 +101000010 30,000-hectare 1 +101000010 human-looking 1 +101000010 soft-liner 1 +101000010 sunstroke 1 +101000010 non-investigative 1 +101000010 basket-maker 1 +101000010 five-foot-tall 1 +101000010 SIM 1 +101000010 skirt-chaser 1 +101000010 wildgrowing 1 +101000010 laissez-passer 1 +101000010 non-fan 1 +101000010 honey-pot. 1 +101000010 Pistil 1 +101000010 mininursery 1 +101000010 protozoan 1 +101000010 nahs 1 +101000010 one-hour-at-a-time 1 +101000010 one-day-at-a-time 1 +101000010 five-stick 1 +101000010 U-Miss 1 +101000010 deal-closer 1 +101000010 TEAC 1 +101000010 one-stooler 1 +101000010 splitlevel 1 +101000010 super-agency 1 +101000010 succesor 1 +101000010 naco 1 +101000010 quasi-LBO 1 +101000010 backing-away 1 +101000010 2-win 1 +101000010 railbiker 1 +101000010 Bush-whacker 1 +101000010 125,000-franc 1 +101000010 cinemogul 1 +101000010 22-foot-tall 1 +101000010 nickel-a-pound 1 +101000010 re-mix 1 +101000010 semi-worker 1 +101000010 non-team-player 1 +101000010 howler 1 +101000010 sexologist 1 +101000010 snaggletoothed 1 +101000010 Laytonsville 1 +101000010 super-headache 1 +101000010 three-meringue 1 +101000010 Fungus 1 +101000010 bearbaiting 1 +101000010 mohajir 1 +101000010 non-problem 1 +101000010 Testerossa 1 +101000010 co-major 1 +101000010 27-incher 1 +101000010 60,000- 1 +101000010 cesspool. 1 +101000010 Hermantown 1 +101000010 trollop 1 +101000010 winging-it 1 +101000010 40-billion-yen 1 +101000010 semi-isolationism 1 +101000010 tablepounder 1 +101000010 portrait. 1 +101000010 3,200-acre 1 +101000010 scrooge 1 +101000010 treehouse 1 +101000010 Boerne 1 +101000010 pseudo-hawk 1 +101000010 Hauppage 1 +101000010 boat-rocker 1 +101000010 mini-apprenticeship 1 +101000010 style-cramper 1 +101000010 sandstorm 1 +101000010 526-page 1 +101000010 Supertot 1 +101000010 woodstove 1 +101000010 gray-brown 1 +101000010 Takeover-Related 1 +101000010 several-dollars 1 +101000010 crime-bribery 1 +101000010 sieve. 1 +101000010 frameup 1 +101000010 Kinderhook 1 +101000010 triphammer 1 +101000010 70-to-1 1 +101000010 clear-thinking 1 +101000010 Kentuckian 1 +101000010 both/and 1 +101000010 5.6-trillion-yen 1 +101000010 climb-down 1 +101000010 halfmile 1 +101000010 wolf. 1 +101000010 Bore 1 +101000010 640-acre 1 +101000010 3,000-room 1 +101000010 dictatorship. 1 +101000010 non-vote-getter 1 +101000010 sadomasochist 1 +101000010 Mandolin 1 +101000010 Dorecht 1 +101000010 go-cart 1 +101000010 birthmark 1 +101000010 half-black 1 +101000010 180-pounder 1 +101000010 mineworker 1 +101000010 nonparticipant 1 +101000010 whip-tap 1 +101000010 14-race 1 +101000010 Perugia 1 +101000010 Torringford 1 +101000010 pilot-trainee 1 +101000010 Carload 1 +101000010 sphincter-tightening 1 +101000010 rudderman 1 +101000010 Trussville 1 +101000010 doctor. 1 +101000010 sit-around 1 +101000010 Porta-Potti 1 +101000010 helideck 1 +101000010 drought-breaker 1 +101000010 unit-by-unit 1 +101000010 high-tax-rate 1 +101000010 seven-panel 1 +101000010 model/actress 1 +101000010 roadrunner 1 +101000010 1779 1 +101000010 mini-corporation 1 +101000010 Bite-O-Meter 1 +101000010 scoutmaster 2 +101000010 360,000-kilowatt 2 +101000010 trice 2 +101000010 jet-setter 2 +101000010 well-argued 2 +101000010 co-organizer 2 +101000010 27-yarder 2 +101000010 Vonore 2 +101000010 minirefunding 2 +101000010 topknot 2 +101000010 tepee 2 +101000010 one-nighter 2 +101000010 ceramicist 2 +101000010 clambake 2 +101000010 subpeona 2 +101000010 cablegram 2 +101000010 sandbar 2 +101000010 Perk 2 +101000010 Montgomeryville 2 +101000010 hunderweight 2 +101000010 thunderclap 2 +101000010 mini-industry 2 +101000010 Tampa. 2 +101000010 warchest 2 +101000010 by-your-leave 2 +101000010 thumbtack 2 +101000010 centipede 2 +101000010 neuromagnetometer 2 +101000010 woodcarver 2 +101000010 walk-out 2 +101000010 trenchcoat 2 +101000010 powderkeg 2 +101000010 while. 2 +101000010 mid-double-A 2 +101000010 high-triple-B 2 +101000010 speargun 2 +101000010 rabble-rouser 2 +101000010 handbasket 2 +101000010 tentadero 2 +101000010 pansy 2 +101000010 ka-chunk 2 +101000010 Fostoria 2 +101000010 non-story 2 +101000010 MiG-19 2 +101000010 heartbreaker 2 +101000010 Dansville 2 +101000010 great-great-great-grandson 2 +101000010 Securities-JTM 2 +101000010 co-bidder 2 +101000010 vacuum. 2 +101000010 nail-biter 2 +101000010 skinflint 2 +101000010 microsecond 2 +101000010 Hitter 2 +101000010 one-piece 2 +101000010 deal-breaker 2 +101000010 faker 2 +101000010 semi-desert 2 +101000010 Landisville 2 +101000010 co-defendent 2 +101000010 superflood 2 +101000010 desk. 2 +101000010 sicky 2 +101000010 half-truth 2 +101000010 farthing 2 +101000010 maatam 2 +101000010 Murrysville 2 +101000010 narwhal 2 +101000010 Crisfield 2 +101000010 cheapskate 2 +101000010 revenue-loser 2 +101000010 murder-suicide 2 +101000010 sawbuck 2 +101000010 straddler 2 +101000010 churl 2 +101000010 flashover 2 +101000010 hard-nose 2 +101000010 dabbler 2 +101000010 Newburgh 2 +101000010 descrambler 2 +101000010 Colrain 2 +101000010 smidgeon 2 +101000010 profit-maker 2 +101000010 nondrinker 2 +101000010 four-footer 2 +101000010 stomachache 2 +101000010 kleptocracy 2 +101000010 straight-out 2 +101000010 halfpoint 2 +101000010 stinker 3 +101000010 half-cent 3 +101000010 psychopath 3 +101000010 mastiff 3 +101000010 laywer 3 +101000010 tourniquet 3 +101000010 mini-recession 3 +101000010 gully 3 +101000010 timeout 3 +101000010 low-double-A 3 +101000010 dauber 3 +101000010 grimace 3 +101000010 Lebec 3 +101000010 heliport 3 +101000010 fistfight 3 +101000010 magnetron 3 +101000010 Cobleskill 3 +101000010 penguin 3 +101000010 non-person 3 +101000010 greenhorn 3 +101000010 no-hitter 3 +101000010 promontory 3 +101000010 sweatsuit 3 +101000010 one-kilogram 3 +101000010 left-winger 3 +101000010 bummer 3 +101000010 bagpiper 3 +101000010 toady 3 +101000010 Simca 3 +101000010 taxiway 4 +101000010 Phillipsburg 4 +101000010 non-smoker 4 +101000010 Syosset 4 +101000010 daze 4 +101000010 price-depressant 4 +101000010 bell-ringer 4 +101000010 capon 4 +101000010 firearm 4 +101000010 tragicomedy 4 +101000010 coward 4 +101000010 madhouse 5 +101000010 paperweight 5 +101000010 Coltibuono 5 +101000010 Limb 5 +101000010 goner 5 +101000010 whisker 5 +101000010 counter-bid 6 +101000010 hundredfold 6 +101000010 pedicure 6 +101000010 bullhorn 6 +101000010 molehill 6 +101000010 fishbowl 6 +101000010 blowtorch 6 +101000010 money-loser 7 +101000010 fireball 7 +101000010 non-starter 7 +101000010 hundred-weight 7 +101000010 glossary 8 +101000010 Middleburg 8 +101000010 spade 8 +101000010 doer 9 +101000010 huff 9 +101000010 6-foot 9 +101000010 tizzy 9 +101000010 Salesman 9 +101000010 whopper 10 +101000010 skateboard 10 +101000010 cop-out 10 +101000010 cropper 10 +101000010 lark 11 +101000010 co-trustee 13 +101000010 first-come 13 +101000010 nonstarter 13 +101000010 nonevent 14 +101000010 teapot 15 +101000010 pushover 16 +101000010 kilo 16 +101000010 trance 16 +101000010 whimper 17 +101000010 nutshell 17 +101000010 non-issue 19 +101000010 shoo-in 20 +101000010 misnomer 23 +101000010 kilogram 23 +101000010 gram 24 +101000010 coma 25 +101000010 godsend 27 +101000010 traitor 27 +101000010 Shrewsbury 27 +101000010 Sedona 43 +101000010 hundredweight 44 +101000010 non-event 45 +101000010 quarter-point 47 +101000010 shambles 51 +101000010 fluke 54 +101000010 vengeance 73 +101000010 Holliston 137 +101000010 gallon 452 +101000010 bushel 472 +101000010 row 678 +101000010 share 51621 +101000010 barrel 1924 +10100001100 anotheir 1 +10100001100 skyscraper-to-go 1 +10100001100 ob-gyn 1 +10100001100 hard-baked 1 +10100001100 millirem 1 +10100001100 shut-eye 1 +10100001100 foreigner-basher 1 +10100001100 Kansas-bred 1 +10100001100 foulness 1 +10100001100 studio-within-a-studio 1 +10100001100 nitwit 1 +10100001100 Euro-stagnation 1 +10100001100 immodesty 1 +10100001100 near-perfection 1 +10100001100 silviculture 1 +10100001100 cents-per 1 +10100001100 lifelessly 1 +10100001100 new-that 1 +10100001100 intangibly 1 +10100001100 nonbureaucracy 1 +10100001100 high-ball 1 +10100001100 bender 2 +10100001100 immunosorbent 2 +10100001100 buzzards 2 +10100001100 birdhouse 3 +10100001100 somersault 3 +10100001100 sunspots 3 +10100001100 colonnaded 3 +10100001100 3/8-point 5 +10100001100 decliner 10 +10100001100 juncture 83 +10100001100 notch 87 +10100001100 point 11085 +10100001100 gainer 103 +10100001101 per-metric-ton 1 +10100001101 ammendments 1 +10100001101 football-free 1 +10100001101 Miles. 1 +10100001101 20-by-24-inch 1 +10100001101 Cornetti 1 +10100001101 post-Meltdown 1 +10100001101 grainhandlers 1 +10100001101 milles 1 +10100001101 wassubstantially 1 +10100001101 cowhide 1 +10100001101 Years. 1 +10100001101 pounds-a-year 1 +10100001101 carfare 2 +10100001101 F-100s 3 +10100001101 cogs 4 +10100001101 billion. 4 +10100001101 shekels 4 +10100001101 Billion 19 +10100001101 pfennigs 52 +10100001101 Million 66 +10100001101 points 9731 +10100001101 degrees 648 +10100001110 son-of-Smoot-Hawley 1 +10100001110 countercurrent 1 +10100001110 Girondists 1 +10100001110 sawhorse 1 +10100001110 misanthrope 1 +10100001110 straight-shooter 1 +10100001110 cowbell 1 +10100001110 black-marketeer 1 +10100001110 447-yarder 1 +10100001110 counter-coalition 1 +10100001110 Kremlin-watcher 1 +10100001110 light-year 1 +10100001110 drumstick 1 +10100001110 remittitur 1 +10100001110 concordat 1 +10100001110 home-purchaser 1 +10100001110 penalty-loss 1 +10100001110 house-raising 1 +10100001110 10-year-sentence 1 +10100001110 quota-breaker 1 +10100001110 pacifier 1 +10100001110 superteam 1 +10100001110 incumbent-lock 1 +10100001110 down-side 1 +10100001110 tsubo 1 +10100001110 Mafia-fighter 1 +10100001110 miscarry 1 +10100001110 over-withhold 1 +10100001110 Beachhead 1 +10100001110 stepparent 1 +10100001110 Foreword 1 +10100001110 Gauloise 1 +10100001110 quasi-specialist 1 +10100001110 megapurse 1 +10100001110 finishing-course 1 +10100001110 social-democrat 1 +10100001110 softie 1 +10100001110 agglutinate 1 +10100001110 soft-liners 1 +10100001110 realigment 1 +10100001110 byelection 1 +10100001110 gazelle 1 +10100001110 resectoscope 1 +10100001110 mega-winner 1 +10100001110 near-fistfight 1 +10100001110 mini-Olympics 1 +10100001110 quarter-- 1 +10100001110 tankhouse 1 +10100001110 mini-revolt 1 +10100001110 fleabite 1 +10100001110 sign-post 1 +10100001110 parcel-bomb 1 +10100001110 soft-top/hard-top 1 +10100001110 crash-course 1 +10100001110 Curveball 1 +10100001110 Wannabee 1 +10100001110 delusory 1 +10100001110 spatzle 1 +10100001110 X-factor 1 +10100001110 lacuna 1 +10100001110 micromanager 1 +10100001110 mini-experiment 1 +10100001110 22-year-term 1 +10100001110 shopowner 1 +10100001110 Slavophile 1 +10100001110 solecism 1 +10100001110 re-incorporation 1 +10100001110 record-breaker 1 +10100001110 Turkey-bashing 1 +10100001110 knee-stance 1 +10100001110 Nereid 1 +10100001110 do-except 1 +10100001110 transpose 1 +10100001110 lawyer-pharmacologist 1 +10100001110 loaner 2 +10100001110 talkies 2 +10100001110 stealer 2 +10100001110 rater 2 +10100001110 rear-guardist 2 +10100001110 Kelowna 2 +10100001110 lulu 2 +10100001110 cosponsor 2 +10100001110 slick-fielding 2 +10100001110 Kladusa 2 +10100001110 unmeasured 2 +10100001110 hippo 2 +10100001110 Capricorn 2 +10100001110 half-pound 2 +10100001110 Rowayton 2 +10100001110 lay-up 2 +10100001110 thickener 2 +10100001110 clicker 2 +10100001110 Radcliff 2 +10100001110 Hatboro 2 +10100001110 Guilderland 2 +10100001110 Sylacauga 2 +10100001110 savviness 2 +10100001110 near-tripling 2 +10100001110 down-draft 2 +10100001110 half-marathon 2 +10100001110 M-O-N-E-Y 2 +10100001110 thickset 2 +10100001110 Dabbler 2 +10100001110 Califon 2 +10100001110 WTO 2 +10100001110 homunculus 3 +10100001110 plateful 3 +10100001110 thimbleful 3 +10100001110 nullity 3 +10100001110 substrain 3 +10100001110 stein 3 +10100001110 quadrillionth 3 +10100001110 Cellar 3 +10100001110 Abduction 3 +10100001110 near-accident 4 +10100001110 lithotripter 5 +10100001110 peculiarity 6 +10100001110 brownout 6 +10100001110 near-doubling 9 +10100001110 bundle 71 +10100001110 result 11039 +10100001110 upshot 106 +10100001111 363.67 1 +10100001111 1/2-cent-a-barrel 1 +10100001111 647.77 1 +10100001111 138.60 1 +10100001111 369.20 1 +10100001111 769.74 1 +10100001111 1387.63 1 +10100001111 two-hundredths 1 +10100001111 318.75 1 +10100001111 70.15 1 +10100001111 no-effect 1 +10100001111 otherwise-inevitable 1 +10100001111 99-basis 1 +10100001111 Labors 1 +10100001111 pro-IMF 1 +10100001111 215.68 1 +10100001111 175.96 1 +10100001111 33.27 1 +10100001111 two-aircraft 1 +10100001111 6/100ths 1 +10100001111 enlargening 1 +10100001111 38.19 1 +10100001111 perfect-10 1 +10100001111 138.07 1 +10100001111 250.98 1 +10100001111 fashion-cycle 1 +10100001111 0.69033 1 +10100001111 cackled 1 +10100001111 160.37 1 +10100001111 199.11 1 +10100001111 3/100th 1 +10100001111 semi-fixed 1 +10100001111 7.06-point 1 +10100001111 1163.17 1 +10100001111 re-capitalization 1 +10100001111 welfare-assistance 1 +10100001111 several-day 1 +10100001111 boobook 1 +10100001111 well-sharpened 1 +10100001111 79-basis 1 +10100001111 due-date 1 +10100001111 1656.62 1 +10100001111 207.56 1 +10100001111 1/2,500th 1 +10100001111 1/2-percentage 1 +10100001111 1/2-mile-per-gallon 1 +10100001111 0.78-point 1 +10100001111 confabulations 1 +10100001111 82.87 1 +10100001111 contract-negotiating 1 +10100001111 6.60-point 1 +10100001111 traffic-generating 1 +10100001111 124.01 1 +10100001111 51.53 1 +10100001111 updatings 1 +10100001111 88-29 1 +10100001111 name-and-nominal-value 1 +10100001111 peavey 1 +10100001111 sorest 1 +10100001111 farther-than-normal 1 +10100001111 parallel-parking 1 +10100001111 788.50 1 +10100001111 UNESCOs 1 +10100001111 taking-off 1 +10100001111 quarter-percentage 1 +10100001111 34945.56 1 +10100001111 percentgage 1 +10100001111 2584.07 1 +10100001111 193.31 1 +10100001111 20/100ths 1 +10100001111 5160 1 +10100001111 pertcentage 1 +10100001111 219.22-point 1 +10100001111 second-person 1 +10100001111 1512.99 1 +10100001111 net-cord 1 +10100001111 135.56-point 1 +10100001111 70.66-point 1 +10100001111 1545.77 1 +10100001111 156.04 1 +10100001111 civil-liberty 1 +10100001111 point-gain 1 +10100001111 reservationholder 1 +10100001111 stock-option-plan 1 +10100001111 Kinds 1 +10100001111 perforation 1 +10100001111 75.03 1 +10100001111 Beijing-Moscow 1 +10100001111 progressive-conservative 1 +10100001111 17/100ths 1 +10100001111 78.27 1 +10100001111 Lagrangian 1 +10100001111 excustomers 1 +10100001111 20-30 1 +10100001111 278.64 1 +10100001111 determinent 1 +10100001111 165.74 1 +10100001111 payout-bylaws 1 +10100001111 609.53 1 +10100001111 141.01 1 +10100001111 left-to-right 1 +10100001111 benefit-related 1 +10100001111 board-another 1 +10100001111 Archimedean 1 +10100001111 midnight-to-8-a.m. 1 +10100001111 34771.21 1 +10100001111 167.16 2 +10100001111 lead-pipe 2 +10100001111 500-yen 2 +10100001111 1203.23 2 +10100001111 97.56 2 +10100001111 vogues 2 +10100001111 d-Percent 2 +10100001111 enzyme-linked 2 +10100001111 273.46 2 +10100001111 4/100ths 2 +10100001111 188.95 2 +10100001111 189.43 2 +10100001111 305.99 2 +10100001111 vanloads 2 +10100001111 pecentage 2 +10100001111 Musketeers 2 +10100001111 trans-shipment 2 +10100001111 73.21 2 +10100001111 ca 2 +10100001111 132.52 2 +10100001111 287.66 2 +10100001111 81.61 2 +10100001111 enduser 2 +10100001111 criticial 3 +10100001111 dramatizations 3 +10100001111 trillionths 3 +10100001111 906.42 3 +10100001111 143.74 3 +10100001111 one-percentage 4 +10100001111 615.49 4 +10100001111 short-position 4 +10100001111 half-percentage 5 +10100001111 billionths 6 +10100001111 44.15 6 +10100001111 jumping-off 7 +10100001111 d-Percentage 9 +10100001111 decimal 14 +10100001111 megabyte 25 +10100001111 percentage-point 28 +10100001111 1/2-point 28 +10100001111 508.00 31 +10100001111 hundredths 39 +10100001111 vantage 39 +10100001111 five-cent 40 +10100001111 focal 70 +10100001111 percentage 5784 +10100001111 percent 442 +1010001000 arangement 1 +1010001000 Petard 1 +1010001000 veto. 1 +1010001000 198,339 1 +1010001000 comedy-adventure-fantasy 1 +1010001000 sexenio 1 +1010001000 two-footer 1 +1010001000 eight-foot-chain 1 +1010001000 magnetization 1 +1010001000 equipoise 1 +1010001000 arbitrament 1 +1010001000 ABM-mode 1 +1010001000 triteness 1 +1010001000 iron-bending 1 +1010001000 curtsy 1 +1010001000 pro-nuncio 1 +1010001000 locket 1 +1010001000 6-foot-7-incher 1 +1010001000 PERSISTED 1 +1010001000 angstrom 1 +1010001000 ROMANCES 1 +1010001000 indemnifaction 1 +1010001000 concern-had 1 +1010001000 amnesiac 1 +1010001000 Komisarjevsky 1 +1010001000 educationalist 1 +1010001000 self-centeredness 1 +1010001000 Kozara 1 +1010001000 ontology 1 +1010001000 makeweight 1 +1010001000 Paris-Marseilles 1 +1010001000 Kluxers 1 +1010001000 exachanges 1 +1010001000 intermeddler 1 +1010001000 mischance 1 +1010001000 wiz 1 +1010001000 supergroups 1 +1010001000 Mainers 2 +1010001000 nuncio 2 +1010001000 underbidder 2 +1010001000 words. 2 +1010001000 Agasse 2 +1010001000 megatrade 2 +1010001000 ottoman 2 +1010001000 infiltrator 2 +1010001000 enhancer 2 +1010001000 CONTACT 2 +1010001000 ever-smiling 2 +1010001000 reconnection 2 +1010001000 clinic-hospital 2 +1010001000 twosome 3 +1010001000 angiogram 4 +1010001000 architect-engineer 4 +1010001000 arrangments 4 +1010001000 advertisment 4 +1010001000 aesthete 5 +1010001000 algorithm 5 +1010001000 CLASHED 7 +1010001000 agreeement 7 +1010001000 announcment 8 +1010001000 afterlife 8 +1010001000 designations 8 +1010001000 injuction 9 +1010001000 earring 13 +1010001000 appendix 21 +1010001000 armistice 23 +1010001000 ax 71 +1010001000 ordinance 138 +1010001000 obsession 163 +1010001000 impasse 238 +1010001000 embargo 345 +1010001000 experiment 715 +1010001000 alliance 913 +1010001000 injunction 1061 +1010001000 arrangement 1412 +1010001000 amendment 1861 +1010001000 agreement 19323 +1010001000 accord 3321 +10100010010 80-child 1 +10100010010 18-person 1 +10100010010 icehouse 1 +10100010010 over-distribution 1 +10100010010 obstetrician/gynecologist 1 +10100010010 index- 1 +10100010010 Aukland 1 +10100010010 MCA-vs.-Disney 1 +10100010010 airhead. 1 +10100010010 anum 1 +10100010010 88-foot 1 +10100010010 acquiree 1 +10100010010 amulet 1 +10100010010 acronymaniac 1 +10100010010 anti-Radical 1 +10100010010 inmate-number 1 +10100010010 injury-plagued 1 +10100010010 ex-laundress 1 +10100010010 Enjoyable 1 +10100010010 worker-hour 1 +10100010010 amateur-night 1 +10100010010 extrovert 1 +10100010010 ever-spiraling 1 +10100010010 egg-shell 1 +10100010010 annoucement 1 +10100010010 eight-medal 1 +10100010010 Abstraction 1 +10100010010 '80-type 1 +10100010010 indeterminancy 1 +10100010010 saltiness 1 +10100010010 underplanned 1 +10100010010 annnoucement 1 +10100010010 apron-clad 1 +10100010010 HCE 1 +10100010010 oceansurvivalist 1 +10100010010 uninstructed 1 +10100010010 octane-enhancer 1 +10100010010 Admonishment 1 +10100010010 avenue. 1 +10100010010 815,000-share 1 +10100010010 orgiastically 1 +10100010010 afterburner 1 +10100010010 Atascadero 1 +10100010010 ambulette 1 +10100010010 aider 1 +10100010010 airball 1 +10100010010 anti-hormone 1 +10100010010 plebicite 1 +10100010010 infirmary 1 +10100010010 Atchinson 1 +10100010010 appraisal. 1 +10100010010 A&E-sponsored 1 +10100010010 full. 1 +10100010010 bargirls 1 +10100010010 Ozalist 1 +10100010010 unspellbinding 1 +10100010010 84-yard 1 +10100010010 offshore-oil-lease 1 +10100010010 instamatic 1 +10100010010 11-Bush 1 +10100010010 imposter 1 +10100010010 adventure-fantasy 1 +10100010010 aid-to-the-contras 1 +10100010010 unreconstituted 1 +10100010010 order-taker 1 +10100010010 ex-consultant 1 +10100010010 Arbeitskreis 1 +10100010010 animal-hater 1 +10100010010 arthrogram 1 +10100010010 Illness 1 +10100010010 inteview 1 +10100010010 earth-shaker 1 +10100010010 envelope. 1 +10100010010 auto-decouplage 1 +10100010010 overachiever 1 +10100010010 upclose-and-personal 1 +10100010010 Elkview 1 +10100010010 overbid 1 +10100010010 oxy-moron 1 +10100010010 anti-asthmatic 1 +10100010010 industry-suported 1 +10100010010 amethyst-lover 1 +10100010010 oversale 1 +10100010010 egotist 1 +10100010010 agent-telegrapher 1 +10100010010 ever-so-slim 1 +10100010010 affair. 1 +10100010010 assistant. 1 +10100010010 over-the-table 1 +10100010010 employment-practices 1 +10100010010 exciton 1 +10100010010 X-curve 1 +10100010010 expatriation 1 +10100010010 aproned 1 +10100010010 aardvark 1 +10100010010 11.93-point 1 +10100010010 11-yard 1 +10100010010 ex-IBMer 1 +10100010010 allergist. 1 +10100010010 inferiority-complex 1 +10100010010 NEAR 1 +10100010010 afterword 1 +10100010010 electrocardiograph 1 +10100010010 efficent 1 +10100010010 Orwellian-type 1 +10100010010 upsweep 1 +10100010010 endrun 1 +10100010010 aileron 1 +10100010010 Inkster 1 +10100010010 eater. 1 +10100010010 Afrikaaner 1 +10100010010 also-dunked 1 +10100010010 18-mile-long 1 +10100010010 accelerometer 1 +10100010010 oxygenate 1 +10100010010 English-Korean 1 +10100010010 identical-looking 1 +10100010010 steak. 1 +10100010010 owner-occupier 1 +10100010010 route-mile 1 +10100010010 Idahoan 1 +10100010010 oats-growing 1 +10100010010 engine-seal 1 +10100010010 interview.But 1 +10100010010 aura. 1 +10100010010 alky 1 +10100010010 Ehrhard 1 +10100010010 hour-confirmation 1 +10100010010 obsession-compulsion 1 +10100010010 inbounds 1 +10100010010 ess 1 +10100010010 aberrancy 1 +10100010010 activist-lawyer-turned-publisher 1 +10100010010 inverview 1 +10100010010 almost-idea 1 +10100010010 ouch 1 +10100010010 outliner 1 +10100010010 epoxied 1 +10100010010 over-dramatic 1 +10100010010 abortion. 1 +10100010010 excrescence 1 +10100010010 second-nearly 1 +10100010010 officer/director 1 +10100010010 18-screener 1 +10100010010 MC6700 1 +10100010010 unchaperoned 1 +10100010010 ill-ventilated 1 +10100010010 erractic 1 +10100010010 iron-mining 1 +10100010010 ulcerating 1 +10100010010 Econo-Lodge 1 +10100010010 even-better 1 +10100010010 eight-blade 1 +10100010010 accountant-turned-entrepreneur 1 +10100010010 corm 1 +10100010010 Ogeechee-lime 1 +10100010010 apron-wearer 1 +10100010010 H2Owner 1 +10100010010 imprinter 1 +10100010010 averaging-out 1 +10100010010 expensive-to-make 1 +10100010010 arcology 1 +10100010010 agency-broker 1 +10100010010 on-deck 1 +10100010010 impetuousness 1 +10100010010 ending-ending 1 +10100010010 ever-so-tentative 1 +10100010010 over-groomed 1 +10100010010 idea-rich 1 +10100010010 Biologico 1 +10100010010 8mm-tape 1 +10100010010 Mexican. 1 +10100010010 up-close 1 +10100010010 eskimo 1 +10100010010 Keckhaver 1 +10100010010 American-Noriega 1 +10100010010 artiodactyl 1 +10100010010 unblurred 1 +10100010010 S.R.O. 1 +10100010010 kwe 1 +10100010010 advice-giver 1 +10100010010 eight-foot-fence 1 +10100010010 in-grown 1 +10100010010 industrial-explosives 1 +10100010010 anti-country 1 +10100010010 escallation 1 +10100010010 ow-ah 1 +10100010010 over-two-decade 1 +10100010010 index-finger 1 +10100010010 ex-janitor 1 +10100010010 hour-and-a-half-long 1 +10100010010 labor-hour 1 +10100010010 18-ounce 1 +10100010010 uitlander 1 +10100010010 aneurism 1 +10100010010 unpompous 1 +10100010010 attention-grabber 2 +10100010010 Iraqi-fired 2 +10100010010 atomosphere 2 +10100010010 audiologist 2 +10100010010 efflorescence 2 +10100010010 tablespoon 2 +10100010010 kiloliter 2 +10100010010 experimenter 2 +10100010010 EKG 2 +10100010010 aperitif 2 +10100010010 Erector 2 +10100010010 ex-partner 2 +10100010010 eyeful 2 +10100010010 ember 2 +10100010010 RBI 2 +10100010010 airbrush 2 +10100010010 8-8 2 +10100010010 8.6-million-share 2 +10100010010 extra-careful 2 +10100010010 18/64-inch 2 +10100010010 cosmopolite 2 +10100010010 Umpire 2 +10100010010 abortionist 2 +10100010010 schmeer 2 +10100010010 aneurysm 2 +10100010010 ammendment 2 +10100010010 LVAD 2 +10100010010 ibex 2 +10100010010 ex-boss 2 +10100010010 endophyte 2 +10100010010 airline. 2 +10100010010 orangutan 2 +10100010010 editee 2 +10100010010 organist 2 +10100010010 Osterville 2 +10100010010 unpatrolled 2 +10100010010 atelier 3 +10100010010 ibis 3 +10100010010 instrumentality 3 +10100010010 endoscope 3 +10100010010 eight-iron 3 +10100010010 ex-communist 3 +10100010010 underachiever 3 +10100010010 anticoagulant 3 +10100010010 introvert 3 +10100010010 applicator 3 +10100010010 Doum 3 +10100010010 icebox 3 +10100010010 ensign 3 +10100010010 pagare 3 +10100010010 eraser 4 +10100010010 man-hour 4 +10100010010 elegy 4 +10100010010 obelisk 4 +10100010010 acupuncturist 4 +10100010010 anticlimax 5 +10100010010 alleyway 5 +10100010010 amoeba 5 +10100010010 easement 5 +10100010010 abacus 6 +10100010010 appendectomy 6 +10100010010 impostor 6 +10100010010 amenity 6 +10100010010 asterisk 6 +10100010010 autocrat 6 +10100010010 eyesore 6 +10100010010 anchorage 7 +10100010010 adulterer 7 +10100010010 attention-getter 7 +10100010010 android 7 +10100010010 aphrodisiac 7 +10100010010 egomaniac 7 +10100010010 agnostic 8 +10100010010 octave 8 +10100010010 earful 9 +10100010010 underperformer 9 +10100010010 Elkhorn 10 +10100010010 easel 10 +10100010010 outhouse 10 +10100010010 antihistamine 11 +10100010010 annulment 11 +10100010010 aftershock 11 +10100010010 abomination 12 +10100010010 ashtray 13 +10100010010 annum 14 +10100010010 idealist 14 +10100010010 also-ran 15 +10100010010 inflation-fighter 15 +10100010010 end-run 15 +10100010010 iota 15 +10100010010 encore 17 +10100010010 A-plus 18 +10100010010 S.O.B. 18 +10100010010 deciliter 19 +10100010010 oddity 20 +10100010010 opportunist 23 +10100010010 enigma 24 +10100010010 accomplice 26 +10100010010 uptrend 27 +10100010010 afterthought 27 +10100010010 anachronism 29 +10100010010 arrow 30 +10100010010 ambush 48 +10100010010 optimist 51 +10100010010 anomaly 72 +10100010010 se 81 +10100010010 interviewer 95 +10100010010 intermediary 115 +10100010010 aberration 124 +10100010010 uphill 149 +10100010010 acre 182 +10100010010 outsider 232 +10100010010 advertisement 249 +10100010010 inch 251 +10100010010 ounce 2213 +10100010010 hour 2224 +10100010010 interview 4336 +10100010011 artspeak 1 +10100010011 awareness-training 1 +10100010011 microenvironment 1 +10100010011 battlement 1 +10100010011 emmissions 1 +10100010011 invester 1 +10100010011 self-explanations 1 +10100010011 otolaryngologist 1 +10100010011 arson-for-profit 1 +10100010011 in-joke 1 +10100010011 twenty-nine 1 +10100010011 anti-fundamentalist 1 +10100010011 ACT-SO 1 +10100010011 Airbus-300 1 +10100010011 raider-villains 1 +10100010011 orienting 1 +10100010011 Illinoisan 1 +10100010011 animal-exchange 1 +10100010011 entrepreneurial-studies 1 +10100010011 FDIC-sponsored 1 +10100010011 girlfully 1 +10100010011 elementary-school-French 1 +10100010011 adult-care 1 +10100010011 bodyblow 1 +10100010011 egg-grading 1 +10100010011 ex-Maoist 1 +10100010011 non-mice 1 +10100010011 officer-exchange 1 +10100010011 petroleum-acquisition 1 +10100010011 insurance-style 1 +10100010011 boner 1 +10100010011 oil-sensing 1 +10100010011 pallet 1 +10100010011 finial 1 +10100010011 affort 1 +10100010011 menance 1 +10100010011 arms-elimination 1 +10100010011 output-cutting 1 +10100010011 89.76 1 +10100010011 genuflection 1 +10100010011 Amoco-owned 1 +10100010011 negotiatiors 1 +10100010011 110.22 1 +10100010011 resemblence 1 +10100010011 employee-reduction 1 +10100010011 all-Mozart 1 +10100010011 car-line 1 +10100010011 backing-up 1 +10100010011 carwashes 1 +10100010011 overexposures 1 +10100010011 thumb-sucking 1 +10100010011 stock-switching 1 +10100010011 all-Copland 1 +10100010011 evacuant 1 +10100010011 travel-weariness 1 +10100010011 deadness 1 +10100010011 investment-promotion 1 +10100010011 ethics-education 1 +10100010011 starchiness 1 +10100010011 proneness 1 +10100010011 all-Ellington 1 +10100010011 energizer 1 +10100010011 162,870 1 +10100010011 mislabelings 1 +10100010011 2200s 1 +10100010011 upgrade-coordinating 1 +10100010011 18-yarder 1 +10100010011 nurse-organizing 1 +10100010011 endurable 2 +10100010011 piquancy 2 +10100010011 sonority 2 +10100010011 inflated-invoice 2 +10100010011 RAMs 2 +10100010011 counterpoints 2 +10100010011 anxiousness 2 +10100010011 vinblastine 2 +10100010011 satchels 2 +10100010011 service-centers 2 +10100010011 anti-climax 3 +10100010011 interruptaholic 3 +10100010011 all-digital 3 +10100010011 oldie 3 +10100010011 exemplar 3 +10100010011 earpiece 4 +10100010011 obeisance 4 +10100010011 adherent 4 +10100010011 axe 5 +10100010011 apologia 5 +10100010011 addendum 5 +10100010011 eye-opener 6 +10100010011 appendage 6 +10100010011 analogue 6 +10100010011 understudy 9 +10100010011 internship 9 +10100010011 inroad 9 +10100010011 enticement 10 +10100010011 ambassadorship 10 +10100010011 ode 11 +10100010011 approximation 12 +10100010011 exhortation 17 +10100010011 epitaph 17 +10100010011 irritant 26 +10100010011 blanche 26 +10100010011 allusion 31 +10100010011 affront 34 +10100010011 ultimatum 36 +10100010011 overreaction 51 +10100010011 antidote 55 +10100010011 inducement 67 +10100010011 impediment 81 +10100010011 apology 108 +10100010011 insult 115 +10100010011 impetus 188 +10100010011 objection 219 +10100010011 invitation 308 +10100010011 embarrassment 330 +10100010011 excuse 363 +10100010011 obstacle 450 +10100010011 incentive 1463 +10100010011 alternative 2301 +10100010011 opportunity 2965 +10100010011 option 3205 +10100010011 attempt 4194 +10100010011 effort 7127 +10100010100 hotdog-to-go 1 +10100010100 counterchallenge 1 +10100010100 womanfully 1 +10100010100 router 1 +10100010100 vica 1 +10100010100 frug 1 +10100010100 stencil 1 +10100010100 lustre 1 +10100010100 howdy-do 1 +10100010100 700-pound-woman 1 +10100010100 chiropracter 1 +10100010100 counter-ideology 1 +10100010100 shareand 1 +10100010100 4,445 1 +10100010100 late-comer 1 +10100010100 codicil 1 +10100010100 ricotta 1 +10100010100 half-guilder 1 +10100010100 subisidiaries 1 +10100010100 president/publishers 1 +10100010100 bedfellow 1 +10100010100 moneylender 1 +10100010100 surpise 1 +10100010100 player/actor 1 +10100010100 fruit-yield 1 +10100010100 midsections 1 +10100010100 stepping-stone 1 +10100010100 B-24s 1 +10100010100 Kennedyites 1 +10100010100 cross-appeal 1 +10100010100 quarter-turn 1 +10100010100 coondog 1 +10100010100 clasps 1 +10100010100 93-seat 1 +10100010100 reluctancy 1 +10100010100 schnook 1 +10100010100 mammy 1 +10100010100 xenophobe 1 +10100010100 Rottweiler 1 +10100010100 centime 1 +10100010100 sitcoms-within-a-sitcom 1 +10100010100 successsor 1 +10100010100 Impulses 1 +10100010100 eye-banger 1 +10100010100 20-yarder 1 +10100010100 moralizer 1 +10100010100 Bophuthatswanan 1 +10100010100 backdoors 1 +10100010100 willingess 1 +10100010100 manueuver 1 +10100010100 14-yarder 1 +10100010100 mailboat 1 +10100010100 300- 1 +10100010100 scientist-consultant 1 +10100010100 superagency 2 +10100010100 modulations 2 +10100010100 firefights 2 +10100010100 subtheme 2 +10100010100 late-16th-century 2 +10100010100 body-blow 2 +10100010100 lusher 2 +10100010100 excitement. 2 +10100010100 royalist 2 +10100010100 drubbings 2 +10100010100 stength 2 +10100010100 crappie 2 +10100010100 fictionist 2 +10100010100 Japans 2 +10100010100 near-miracle 3 +10100010100 resonances 3 +10100010100 snoozer 3 +10100010100 headdresses 3 +10100010100 problem-solver 3 +10100010100 excision 3 +10100010100 candlepower 3 +10100010100 mailmen 3 +10100010100 barn-burner 3 +10100010100 renationalization 4 +10100010100 puzzler 4 +10100010100 musket 4 +10100010100 countertrend 4 +10100010100 sidelight 4 +10100010100 frameworks 4 +10100010100 get-up 4 +10100010100 tripwire 4 +10100010100 cat's-paw 5 +10100010100 bridgehead 5 +10100010100 mitigation 5 +10100010100 pre-conditions 5 +10100010100 ringer 5 +10100010100 ornamentation 5 +10100010100 latecomer 5 +10100010100 memorials 6 +10100010100 signposts 6 +10100010100 countersanctions 6 +10100010100 chameleon 6 +10100010100 counterpunch 6 +10100010100 counterforce 7 +10100010100 steppingstone 7 +10100010100 Tribute 8 +10100010100 turnoff 9 +10100010100 Salute 9 +10100010100 recalculation 11 +10100010100 morsel 11 +10100010100 carryover 12 +10100010100 sledgehammer 13 +10100010100 10- 14 +10100010100 paean 15 +10100010100 misstatement 17 +10100010100 capitulation 17 +10100010100 palliative 18 +10100010100 godfather 18 +10100010100 subterfuge 20 +10100010100 stimulant 21 +10100010100 smokescreen 21 +10100010100 cataclysm 22 +10100010100 counterweight 24 +10100010100 predisposition 27 +10100010100 counterpoint 28 +10100010100 precondition 29 +10100010100 provocation 32 +10100010100 hindrance 35 +10100010100 breakout 35 +10100010100 testament 37 +10100010100 disturbance 37 +10100010100 disincentive 39 +10100010100 throwback 39 +10100010100 gratuity 41 +10100010100 technicality 44 +10100010100 rebuttal 48 +10100010100 pretext 51 +10100010100 yardstick 51 +10100010100 rebuke 53 +10100010100 springboard 56 +10100010100 menace 61 +10100010100 precursor 65 +10100010100 prerequisite 68 +10100010100 disservice 71 +10100010100 roadblock 75 +10100010100 consolation 75 +10100010100 giveaway 84 +10100010100 relevance 87 +10100010100 resemblance 91 +10100010100 recourse 92 +10100010100 monument 99 +10100010100 prelude 105 +10100010100 sin 123 +10100010100 clue 129 +10100010100 stranger 131 +10100010100 boon 144 +10100010100 tribute 153 +10100010100 lengths 162 +10100010100 contributor 168 +10100010100 temptation 182 +10100010100 clues 263 +10100010100 concession 294 +10100010100 barrier 350 +10100010100 tendency 449 +10100010100 precedent 483 +10100010100 reference 628 +10100010100 transition 794 +10100010100 solution 1504 +10100010100 threat 2608 +10100010100 ways 3406 +10100010100 chance 3442 +10100010101 mademoiselle 1 +10100010101 CLHB 1 +10100010101 JII 1 +10100010101 POAI 1 +10100010101 industry-wafting 1 +10100010101 Rochesters 1 +10100010101 positionings 1 +10100010101 WCRSY 1 +10100010101 PSB.WS 1 +10100010101 CMAFC 1 +10100010101 HYI 1 +10100010101 cash-plus-securities 1 +10100010101 amateurishness 1 +10100010101 jabber 1 +10100010101 macroscopic 1 +10100010101 viscosities 1 +10100010101 PANL 1 +10100010101 ATO 1 +10100010101 dogfighting 1 +10100010101 liabilitysince 1 +10100010101 JMPC 1 +10100010101 LARL 1 +10100010101 snoot 1 +10100010101 X-MPs 1 +10100010101 Boz-worth 1 +10100010101 Edal 1 +10100010101 window-shop 1 +10100010101 DMF 1 +10100010101 MWGP 1 +10100010101 METC 1 +10100010101 124.30-yen 1 +10100010101 tram-ride 1 +10100010101 sociobabble 1 +10100010101 indoor-track 1 +10100010101 79,072 1 +10100010101 private-labels 1 +10100010101 survelance 1 +10100010101 REAS 1 +10100010101 eyes/Look 1 +10100010101 Goldfarbs 1 +10100010101 enormities 1 +10100010101 tendril 1 +10100010101 hairdryers 1 +10100010101 bejesus 1 +10100010101 earthling 1 +10100010101 K-rations 1 +10100010101 3,131,000 1 +10100010101 Rouse. 1 +10100010101 HWNC 1 +10100010101 FBTC 1 +10100010101 TOV 1 +10100010101 CXV 1 +10100010101 code-word 1 +10100010101 2,814 1 +10100010101 monetarily 1 +10100010101 getting-to-know 1 +10100010101 Feb.19 1 +10100010101 ashcan 1 +10100010101 hairdresser-husband 1 +10100010101 alehouses 1 +10100010101 CBOG 1 +10100010101 USM 1 +10100010101 requisites 1 +10100010101 LVX 1 +10100010101 HLYS 1 +10100010101 stepladders 1 +10100010101 IHKSV 1 +10100010101 98-pound 1 +10100010101 assistor 1 +10100010101 Anne-Sophie 1 +10100010101 170,517 1 +10100010101 non-performer 1 +10100010101 GMGW 1 +10100010101 GNE 1 +10100010101 NWGI 1 +10100010101 self-possession 1 +10100010101 brand-names 1 +10100010101 VRSY 1 +10100010101 proles 1 +10100010101 Lenin. 1 +10100010101 TDRLF 1 +10100010101 VCEL 1 +10100010101 INBS 1 +10100010101 FRC 1 +10100010101 PPT 1 +10100010101 PSF 1 +10100010101 TTF 1 +10100010101 HYB 1 +10100010101 U.S.that 1 +10100010101 fuel-but 1 +10100010101 snowdrops 1 +10100010101 FPRY 1 +10100010101 NGFCF 1 +10100010101 NRG 1 +10100010101 STW 1 +10100010101 duvets 1 +10100010101 SLRV 1 +10100010101 FFGT 1 +10100010101 no-brainer-if 1 +10100010101 toots 1 +10100010101 long-discredited 1 +10100010101 microsocieties 1 +10100010101 DM3,500 1 +10100010101 stuffings 1 +10100010101 PL-480 1 +10100010101 coach-and-horses 1 +10100010101 GLYT 1 +10100010101 LMAC 1 +10100010101 MFFC 1 +10100010101 PWRR 1 +10100010101 manager-owner 1 +10100010101 hell-hole 1 +10100010101 NNCXF 1 +10100010101 CGNEP 1 +10100010101 dissembling 1 +10100010101 BIM 1 +10100010101 UBN 1 +10100010101 CNCD 1 +10100010101 FSVA 1 +10100010101 down- 1 +10100010101 7,479 1 +10100010101 SLFC 1 +10100010101 card-counters 1 +10100010101 perimeters 1 +10100010101 preachments 2 +10100010101 Imamate 2 +10100010101 stolovia 2 +10100010101 Guasches 2 +10100010101 incarcerations 2 +10100010101 excursus 2 +10100010101 windsurfers 2 +10100010101 G-word 2 +10100010101 mid-1700s 2 +10100010101 bejeezus 2 +10100010101 stratagem 2 +10100010101 Northeasterner 2 +10100010101 workspace 2 +10100010101 recordkeeper 2 +10100010101 gravitation 2 +10100010101 brazilwood 2 +10100010101 euphony 2 +10100010101 valediction 2 +10100010101 Subandrios 2 +10100010101 ascents 2 +10100010101 Romagna 2 +10100010101 tear-jerkers 2 +10100010101 Protons 3 +10100010101 bodices 3 +10100010101 variousness 3 +10100010101 darnedest 3 +10100010101 5-foot-2 3 +10100010101 nabobs 3 +10100010101 Philadelphian 3 +10100010101 sleigh 3 +10100010101 darndest 3 +10100010101 legitimization 4 +10100010101 toolbox 4 +10100010101 semicircle 5 +10100010101 sotto 5 +10100010101 damnedest 5 +10100010101 daylights 6 +10100010101 bylines 7 +10100010101 trendline 7 +10100010101 way. 11 +10100010101 soonest 13 +10100010101 way 17452 +10100010101 prologue 14 +10100010110 1807 1 +10100010110 viticulture 1 +10100010110 1960-64 1 +10100010110 residence. 1 +10100010110 London-contributed 1 +10100010110 canticles 1 +10100010110 wig-wearing 1 +10100010110 1583 1 +10100010110 perniciousness 1 +10100010110 Unicbank 1 +10100010110 Chicago. 1 +10100010110 ton-miles 1 +10100010110 even-aged 1 +10100010110 Schnucks 1 +10100010110 midspeech 1 +10100010110 parttimers 1 +10100010110 additon 1 +10100010110 25th-anniversary 1 +10100010110 superefficient 1 +10100010110 anti-piracy 1 +10100010110 1951-52 1 +10100010110 10-box 1 +10100010110 DONATIONS 1 +10100010110 politcs 1 +10100010110 Pfannenstiel 1 +10100010110 contradistinction 1 +10100010110 blue-water 1 +10100010110 '91 1 +10100010110 Beersheva 1 +10100010110 Arzamas 1 +10100010110 tattling 1 +10100010110 Mummers 1 +10100010110 Pittburgh 1 +10100010110 doodad 1 +10100010110 vestors 1 +10100010110 Port-of-Spain 1 +10100010110 Stravropol 1 +10100010110 Pepsilike 1 +10100010110 Lap-land 1 +10100010110 Zenchiku 1 +10100010110 Rochester. 1 +10100010110 Maschera 1 +10100010110 bass-dominated 1 +10100010110 pressroom 2 +10100010110 Wanaka 2 +10100010110 1638 2 +10100010110 Pittsburgh. 2 +10100010110 Jurong 2 +10100010110 mantillas 2 +10100010110 headfirst 2 +10100010110 Relation 2 +10100010110 indentations 2 +10100010110 soft-cover 2 +10100010110 November. 2 +10100010110 endeavoring 2 +10100010110 greatcoat 2 +10100010110 weapons-building 2 +10100010110 Marudi 2 +10100010110 intenders 3 +10100010110 utero 3 +10100010110 Argos 3 +10100010110 Babysitting 4 +10100010110 midsentence 4 +10100010110 undersupply 4 +10100010110 foal 7 +10100010110 midstream 9 +10100010110 thrall 12 +10100010110 reponse 13 +10100010110 deference 80 +10100010110 vain 120 +10100010110 jeopardy 178 +10100010110 relation 296 +10100010110 principle 1754 +10100010110 reaction 1897 +10100010110 order 8164 +10100010110 response 4310 +10100010111 extraneity 1 +10100010111 Schweikmost 1 +10100010111 un-chic 1 +10100010111 incapability 1 +10100010111 unacceptability 1 +10100010111 linespeed 1 +10100010111 visor 1 +10100010111 overwillingness 1 +10100010111 homages 1 +10100010111 29-yarder 1 +10100010111 ambassador-designate 1 +10100010111 milltowns 1 +10100010111 bill-collectors 1 +10100010111 mega-agreement 1 +10100010111 inabilty 1 +10100010111 Camargue 1 +10100010111 ablility 1 +10100010111 protfolio 1 +10100010111 Vow 1 +10100010111 flunkies 1 +10100010111 inkwell 1 +10100010111 Barcaloungers 1 +10100010111 workshed 1 +10100010111 VideoGuide 1 +10100010111 Payoff 1 +10100010111 vists 1 +10100010111 intructions 1 +10100010111 ten-year-old 1 +10100010111 splaining 1 +10100010111 yachtrepreneurs 1 +10100010111 Enough-go 1 +10100010111 bank-bashing 1 +10100010111 panegyric 1 +10100010111 13,510,000 1 +10100010111 susceptibilities 1 +10100010111 kinsmen 1 +10100010111 sergeant-at-arms 2 +10100010111 nearness 2 +10100010111 indebtness 2 +10100010111 reproof 2 +10100010111 Pastamatic 2 +10100010111 allocable 2 +10100010111 Attempt 2 +10100010111 hindrances 2 +10100010111 recommitment 2 +10100010111 wombs 3 +10100010111 preachings 3 +10100010111 re-admission 3 +10100010111 Ability 3 +10100010111 EFTA 3 +10100010111 acquiesence 4 +10100010111 resemblances 4 +10100010111 keenness 4 +10100010111 incantations 4 +10100010111 16- 5 +10100010111 receptiveness 5 +10100010111 immunities 6 +10100010111 congregants 6 +10100010111 parliament-in-exile 6 +10100010111 paeans 8 +10100010111 riposte 9 +10100010111 pilgrimages 10 +10100010111 receptivity 11 +10100010111 subordination 12 +10100010111 contortions 15 +10100010111 newness 15 +10100010111 overexposure 17 +10100010111 susceptibility 19 +10100010111 allusions 20 +10100010111 protestations 22 +10100010111 refusals 22 +10100010111 responsiveness 30 +10100010111 entreaties 31 +10100010111 assent 31 +10100010111 audacity 36 +10100010111 hesitancy 38 +10100010111 insensitivity 45 +10100010111 closeness 46 +10100010111 acquiescence 47 +10100010111 compulsion 49 +10100010111 attachment 62 +10100010111 impediments 65 +10100010111 haste 67 +10100010111 propensity 75 +10100010111 proximity 79 +10100010111 devotion 83 +10100010111 aversion 85 +10100010111 adherence 93 +10100010111 indifference 97 +10100010111 dedication 100 +10100010111 eagerness 104 +10100010111 energies 116 +10100010111 inclination 131 +10100010111 readiness 134 +10100010111 unwillingness 135 +10100010111 bylaws 155 +10100010111 zeal 180 +10100010111 vulnerability 209 +10100010111 sensitivity 230 +10100010111 references 256 +10100010111 overtures 278 +10100010111 additions 307 +10100010111 reluctance 345 +10100010111 responses 380 +10100010111 inability 550 +10100010111 determination 553 +10100010111 refusal 619 +10100010111 intentions 683 +10100010111 threats 691 +10100010111 objections 692 +10100010111 intention 910 +10100010111 contribution 917 +10100010111 willingness 954 +10100010111 desire 1148 +10100010111 exposure 1354 +10100010111 attempts 1582 +10100010111 commitment 1881 +10100010111 failure 2576 +10100010111 efforts 7029 +10100010111 ability 3590 +101000110000 anti-antibody 1 +101000110000 progressivists 1 +101000110000 service-free 1 +101000110000 Badea 1 +101000110000 as-of-right 1 +101000110000 megatrial 1 +101000110000 TINs 1 +101000110000 matched-book 1 +101000110000 Swingers 1 +101000110000 triple-trigger 1 +101000110000 second-highest-ranking 1 +101000110000 quota-discipline 1 +101000110000 counterplot 1 +101000110000 stablemates 1 +101000110000 superpremium-priced 1 +101000110000 aggregate-income 1 +101000110000 retrodates 1 +101000110000 nine-band 1 +101000110000 absurdum 1 +101000110000 Salt-I 1 +101000110000 AAS 1 +101000110000 nominee-apparent 1 +101000110000 campaign. 2 +101000110000 tapado 2 +101000110000 rower 2 +101000110000 Max-Saver 2 +101000110000 maxi-trial 2 +101000110000 fellow-traveler 2 +101000110000 sourdoughs 2 +101000110000 supergiants 2 +101000110000 barstool 2 +101000110000 sales-related 2 +101000110000 Tidings 2 +101000110000 poolers 2 +101000110000 basilica 2 +101000110000 baptistery 2 +101000110000 heartlessness 2 +101000110000 Prize-winner 2 +101000110000 Laureate 3 +101000110000 Ji 3 +101000110000 redoubts 3 +101000110000 drawing-room 3 +101000110000 tartan 3 +101000110000 anti-idiotypes 3 +101000110000 Universiad 3 +101000110000 timeframe 3 +101000110000 encampment 3 +101000110000 consumables 3 +101000110000 compaign 3 +101000110000 potentate 3 +101000110000 trapdoor 3 +101000110000 firewalls 4 +101000110000 pathfinder 4 +101000110000 safer-sex 4 +101000110000 gibes 4 +101000110000 constitutionalist 4 +101000110000 homeopathic 4 +101000110000 cloakroom 4 +101000110000 lib 4 +101000110000 collapsible 5 +101000110000 lilt 5 +101000110000 schema 5 +101000110000 rabble-rousing 5 +101000110000 wipeout 6 +101000110000 frogman 6 +101000110000 landfall 6 +101000110000 seamstress 8 +101000110000 dialectic 8 +101000110000 swearing-in 11 +101000110000 fete 14 +101000110000 frontrunner 16 +101000110000 copywriter 16 +101000110000 counteroffensive 18 +101000110000 theoretician 21 +101000110000 drawl 21 +101000110000 Olympiad 22 +101000110000 pitchman 26 +101000110000 opener 30 +101000110000 crusader 32 +101000110000 aspirant 34 +101000110000 go-between 36 +101000110000 sweepstakes 66 +101000110000 hopefuls 71 +101000110000 insurgency 121 +101000110000 blitz 129 +101000110000 challenger 138 +101000110000 front-runner 148 +101000110000 crusade 152 +101000110000 fund-raiser 160 +101000110000 palace 163 +101000110000 caucus 164 +101000110000 contender 234 +101000110000 candidacy 264 +101000110000 caucuses 284 +101000110000 primaries 300 +101000110000 Games 557 +101000110000 platform 767 +101000110000 camp 844 +101000110000 nominee 895 +101000110000 convention 1386 +101000110000 nomination 1545 +101000110000 victory 2147 +101000110000 race 2170 +101000110000 campaign 8400 +101000110000 candidate 3086 +101000110001 now-you're-a-legend 1 +101000110001 out-loud 1 +101000110001 ascetic-looking 1 +101000110001 dystopian 1 +101000110001 debt-fornature 1 +101000110001 FAPA. 1 +101000110001 cornmeal-coated 1 +101000110001 august-sounding 1 +101000110001 gray-marketeers 1 +101000110001 Oscar-nominated 1 +101000110001 gourmandizing 1 +101000110001 Northrop-produced 1 +101000110001 monk-like 1 +101000110001 PSA. 1 +101000110001 inspirer 1 +101000110001 6500 1 +101000110001 ECC. 1 +101000110001 commercial-heat 1 +101000110001 Petipa/Gorsky 1 +101000110001 month-would 1 +101000110001 September-to-June 1 +101000110001 over-collections 1 +101000110001 Konsomol 1 +101000110001 10-run 1 +101000110001 twin-plant 1 +101000110001 water-deluge 1 +101000110001 hosta 1 +101000110001 zinnia 1 +101000110001 Scandinavian-inspired 1 +101000110001 often-heralded 1 +101000110001 shrublike 1 +101000110001 hairy-leaved 1 +101000110001 unwieldy-sounding 1 +101000110001 silver-screen-come-to-life 1 +101000110001 Stopping. 1 +101000110001 Coralli-Petipa 1 +101000110001 silent-movie-style 1 +101000110001 study. 1 +101000110001 debate-is 1 +101000110001 HCFA. 1 +101000110001 Gibraltar. 1 +101000110001 yield-management 1 +101000110001 police. 1 +101000110001 now-discarded 1 +101000110001 setback. 1 +101000110001 learning. 1 +101000110001 Fujisan 1 +101000110001 Op-ed 1 +101000110001 earth-penetrator 1 +101000110001 Tortes 1 +101000110001 stodgier-sounding 1 +101000110001 1/2-octave 1 +101000110001 race. 1 +101000110001 15,693-line 1 +101000110001 now-widespread 1 +101000110001 call-backs 1 +101000110001 football-shaped 1 +101000110001 aluminum-cased 1 +101000110001 individuals. 1 +101000110001 soundware-software 1 +101000110001 consultant. 1 +101000110001 ill-described 1 +101000110001 sprint-and-coast 1 +101000110001 cartel. 1 +101000110001 Liberace-style 1 +101000110001 Basie-Green 1 +101000110001 computerized-database 1 +101000110001 non-procedure 1 +101000110001 Spielberg-directed 1 +101000110001 immunoregulator 1 +101000110001 LaserShare 1 +101000110001 unspecifed 1 +101000110001 expert-systems 1 +101000110001 ultracold 1 +101000110001 13,671 1 +101000110001 data-reading 1 +101000110001 35-to-50-year-old 1 +101000110001 Israeli-American 1 +101000110001 solemncholy 1 +101000110001 Lawrence-Rafii 1 +101000110001 Bush-as-a- 1 +101000110001 660th 1 +101000110001 unneccessarily 1 +101000110001 Take-Aways 1 +101000110001 Give-Aways 1 +101000110001 acupunctures 1 +101000110001 eveninglong 1 +101000110001 unbearlike 1 +101000110001 Isetta 1 +101000110001 purchase. 1 +101000110001 public-hearing 1 +101000110001 under-rehearsed 1 +101000110001 non-words 1 +101000110001 Powells 1 +101000110001 gun-training 1 +101000110001 asphyxiating 1 +101000110001 HP-12-C 1 +101000110001 micro- 1 +101000110001 accursed 1 +101000110001 mile-range 1 +101000110001 no-longer-practiced 1 +101000110001 wowability 1 +101000110001 Western-designated 1 +101000110001 cubist-inspired 1 +101000110001 now- 1 +101000110001 sailers 1 +101000110001 21-LP 1 +101000110001 squawky 1 +101000110001 four-times-optioned 1 +101000110001 Hemdale-financed 1 +101000110001 over-inked 1 +101000110001 long-heralded 1 +101000110001 resignation. 1 +101000110001 red-green 1 +101000110001 gray-cold 1 +101000110001 clean-scrubbed 1 +101000110001 early-19th 1 +101000110001 Flea-O-Rama 1 +101000110001 serio-comic 1 +101000110001 happily-ever-after 1 +101000110001 penumbra-based 1 +101000110001 NMP-produced 1 +101000110001 just-out 1 +101000110001 Kesslers 1 +101000110001 cafe-lined 1 +101000110001 anti-androgens 1 +101000110001 swamp-creature 1 +101000110001 Dimple 1 +101000110001 partner-notification 1 +101000110001 sulfa-drug 1 +101000110001 curves. 1 +101000110001 much-celebrated 1 +101000110001 Civ. 1 +101000110001 end-of-day 1 +101000110001 yet-to-be-proven 1 +101000110001 adder 1 +101000110001 strongarm 1 +101000110001 pobre 1 +101000110001 crepuscular 1 +101000110001 3,296 1 +101000110001 still-startling 1 +101000110001 URC. 1 +101000110001 platinum-gold 1 +101000110001 much-advertised 1 +101000110001 fluoxetine 1 +101000110001 28-quarter 1 +101000110001 comparative-negligence 1 +101000110001 non-sightseer 1 +101000110001 1,296 1 +101000110001 transition. 1 +101000110001 Biedermier 1 +101000110001 mini-tax 1 +101000110001 kettle-timbred 1 +101000110001 hearttugging 1 +101000110001 yachtsman-broadcaster 1 +101000110001 REALs 1 +101000110001 FDA-Summers 1 +101000110001 Cell. 1 +101000110001 modified. 1 +101000110001 security-analysis 1 +101000110001 pull-back 1 +101000110001 presentment-clause 1 +101000110001 recently-acquired 1 +101000110001 now-epic 1 +101000110001 wolfer 1 +101000110001 micro-brewers 1 +101000110001 hurricane-caused 1 +101000110001 201st 1 +101000110001 mandatory-attendance 1 +101000110001 basket-stuffing 1 +101000110001 Giacometti-influenced 1 +101000110001 two-yard-high 1 +101000110001 80,000-ton-a 1 +101000110001 baroque-inspired 1 +101000110001 self-dubbed 1 +101000110001 disseration 1 +101000110001 Bambi-syndronists 1 +101000110001 office/dept 1 +101000110001 not-so-funny 1 +101000110001 exiguous 1 +101000110001 piks 1 +101000110001 megaborrowers 1 +101000110001 prision 1 +101000110001 too-often-seen 1 +101000110001 aircraft-like 1 +101000110001 ras 1 +101000110001 McArrogance 1 +101000110001 long-lamented 1 +101000110001 1,685 1 +101000110001 toe-tapper 1 +101000110001 0259-86-3630 1 +101000110001 house-price 1 +101000110001 Phreak 1 +101000110001 LDP. 1 +101000110001 election. 1 +101000110001 35mms 1 +101000110001 inamorata 1 +101000110001 editorial-writing 1 +101000110001 anti-warehousing 1 +101000110001 unnumbered 1 +101000110001 election-Olympic 1 +101000110001 compatiblizers 1 +101000110001 powersteering 1 +101000110001 AIDS-defining 1 +101000110001 port-shopping 1 +101000110001 one-semester 1 +101000110001 al-Salaam 1 +101000110001 Ruggeri 1 +101000110001 headliner 2 +101000110001 speechwriting 2 +101000110001 FARs 2 +101000110001 CSPAN 2 +101000110001 U.P. 2 +101000110001 NB 2 +101000110001 two-column 2 +101000110001 1338 2 +101000110001 back-of-the-book 2 +101000110001 third-graders 2 +101000110001 Olympic-election 2 +101000110001 UDPS 2 +101000110001 lustful 2 +101000110001 relabeling 2 +101000110001 mid-forties 2 +101000110001 THEATER 2 +101000110001 foulards 2 +101000110001 DINKS 2 +101000110001 light-fingered 2 +101000110001 KPRP 2 +101000110001 inchworm 2 +101000110001 Trumpets 2 +101000110001 W2 2 +101000110001 misreporting 2 +101000110001 one-handers 2 +101000110001 claims-made 2 +101000110001 asymetrical 2 +101000110001 barbell 2 +101000110001 Mum 2 +101000110001 giraffes 2 +101000110001 nonperformance 2 +101000110001 billion-ECU 2 +101000110001 pull-ahead 2 +101000110001 Napo 2 +101000110001 rain-forest 2 +101000110001 recording. 2 +101000110001 Nixon-Ford 3 +101000110001 process. 3 +101000110001 non-banks 3 +101000110001 FUN 3 +101000110001 anti-idiotype 3 +101000110001 comparative-fault 3 +101000110001 pre-calculus 3 +101000110001 TBMs 3 +101000110001 exterminator 3 +101000110001 graphical-user-interface 3 +101000110001 ATR-42 3 +101000110001 overpass 3 +101000110001 OS-2 3 +101000110001 upper-affluent 3 +101000110001 festivity 3 +101000110001 speechmaking 3 +101000110001 anti- 4 +101000110001 agreement. 4 +101000110001 8,448 4 +101000110001 superstations 4 +101000110001 show. 4 +101000110001 sportsmanship 5 +101000110001 Oktoberfest 5 +101000110001 p.r. 5 +101000110001 Bechuanaland 5 +101000110001 greensward 5 +101000110001 almanac 6 +101000110001 bannings 6 +101000110001 scoreless 6 +101000110001 SARs 6 +101000110001 stenciled 6 +101000110001 EAS 6 +101000110001 insulator 7 +101000110001 intercom 7 +101000110001 censuses 7 +101000110001 Regions 7 +101000110001 renovators 7 +101000110001 by-elections 8 +101000110001 oncogene 9 +101000110001 patrimony 9 +101000110001 magnum 10 +101000110001 encyclical 10 +101000110001 adapter 11 +101000110001 IRA-Plus 11 +101000110001 prefix 11 +101000110001 razzmatazz 11 +101000110001 Asides 13 +101000110001 editorialist 13 +101000110001 Rossiya 14 +101000110001 go-around 16 +101000110001 expletive 16 +101000110001 Viewpoint 41 +101000110001 op-ed 65 +101000110001 balloting 142 +101000110001 essay 160 +101000110001 column 832 +101000110001 editorial 1855 +101000110001 elections 2204 +101000110001 election 4543 +101000110001 article 3812 +101000110010 Zeiss-Ikon 1 +101000110010 serfs-in-fact 1 +101000110010 FLOODING 1 +101000110010 Barcalounger 1 +101000110010 self-torture 1 +101000110010 multisourcing 1 +101000110010 oddness 1 +101000110010 tithe 2 +101000110010 overtone 2 +101000110010 laager 2 +101000110010 bonhomie 2 +101000110010 agenda. 2 +101000110010 call-ups 2 +101000110010 atomization 2 +101000110010 digression 2 +101000110010 predispositions 2 +101000110010 off-ramp 2 +101000110010 avowal 2 +101000110010 Alp 2 +101000110010 pinafores 2 +101000110010 garishness 2 +101000110010 disavowals 3 +101000110010 smelts 3 +101000110010 OS 3 +101000110010 impracticality 3 +101000110010 gunplay 3 +101000110010 undersheriff 3 +101000110010 entre 3 +101000110010 captor 3 +101000110010 recognitions 3 +101000110010 bureacracy 4 +101000110010 investigation. 4 +101000110010 potboiler 4 +101000110010 farewells 4 +101000110010 automaton 4 +101000110010 anteroom 4 +101000110010 expansiveness 4 +101000110010 octopuses 5 +101000110010 inhabitant 5 +101000110010 looseness 5 +101000110010 arsonist 5 +101000110010 profundity 5 +101000110010 oscilloscope 5 +101000110010 shibboleth 6 +101000110010 disciplinarian 6 +101000110010 seige 6 +101000110010 utterance 6 +101000110010 oration 7 +101000110010 agitator 7 +101000110010 avocation 7 +101000110010 epilogue 7 +101000110010 initiator 7 +101000110010 epigram 7 +101000110010 aggrandizement 7 +101000110010 affections 7 +101000110010 observances 7 +101000110010 overpayment 8 +101000110010 carburetor 8 +101000110010 obstructionism 8 +101000110010 incongruity 9 +101000110010 banishment 10 +101000110010 animus 10 +101000110010 abnormality 10 +101000110010 MPV 10 +101000110010 isle 10 +101000110010 frailty 10 +101000110010 orchestration 11 +101000110010 aftertaste 11 +101000110010 specification 11 +101000110010 interception 13 +101000110010 irregularity 13 +101000110010 extrapolation 14 +101000110010 conceptions 15 +101000110010 inhibitor 15 +101000110010 obituary 17 +101000110010 earnestness 17 +101000110010 idiom 17 +101000110010 ass 18 +101000110010 indulgence 21 +101000110010 attic 21 +101000110010 letterhead 21 +101000110010 odyssey 21 +101000110010 bombardment 22 +101000110010 artifact 24 +101000110010 abdication 25 +101000110010 undercurrent 25 +101000110010 narration 26 +101000110010 cross-examination 26 +101000110010 edifice 26 +101000110010 intrusions 26 +101000110010 tutelage 28 +101000110010 encroachment 28 +101000110010 incursion 28 +101000110010 machinations 29 +101000110010 ointment 29 +101000110010 autopsy 29 +101000110010 infiltration 29 +101000110010 imprimatur 30 +101000110010 exposition 30 +101000110010 anthology 33 +101000110010 enlargement 34 +101000110010 acquittal 34 +101000110010 insurrection 35 +101000110010 itinerary 36 +101000110010 anecdote 37 +101000110010 absurdity 38 +101000110010 abstraction 39 +101000110010 oligopoly 39 +101000110010 annoyance 39 +101000110010 overstatement 41 +101000110010 ethos 42 +101000110010 impairment 44 +101000110010 arbiter 44 +101000110010 affirmation 44 +101000110010 ambiance 45 +101000110010 largess 46 +101000110010 admirer 50 +101000110010 exaggeration 54 +101000110010 outburst 55 +101000110010 entree 66 +101000110010 understatement 71 +101000110010 imprint 73 +101000110010 occurrence 73 +101000110010 altitude 75 +101000110010 allotment 76 +101000110010 adaptation 77 +101000110010 injustice 77 +101000110010 forays 82 +101000110010 intrusion 84 +101000110010 interrogation 86 +101000110010 about-face 89 +101000110010 servant 97 +101000110010 uproar 108 +101000110010 oath 115 +101000110010 autobiography 119 +101000110010 engagement 120 +101000110010 escalation 127 +101000110010 domain 131 +101000110010 foray 136 +101000110010 invention 146 +101000110010 oversupply 146 +101000110010 illustration 153 +101000110010 outcry 170 +101000110010 observation 179 +101000110010 insight 188 +101000110010 identification 220 +101000110010 entrance 248 +101000110010 offense 273 +101000110010 acceleration 358 +101000110010 admission 364 +101000110010 examination 376 +101000110010 expression 384 +101000110010 supervision 405 +101000110010 evaluation 406 +101000110010 endorsement 416 +101000110010 inspection 589 +101000110010 assessment 608 +101000110010 prosecution 614 +101000110010 interpretation 631 +101000110010 identity 652 +101000110010 scrutiny 663 +101000110010 error 697 +101000110010 probe 843 +101000110010 audit 849 +101000110010 entry 857 +101000110010 appearance 874 +101000110010 agenda 1072 +101000110010 attitude 1076 +101000110010 eye 1186 +101000110010 application 1198 +101000110010 investigations 1234 +101000110010 inquiry 1506 +101000110010 analysis 1826 +101000110010 image 2103 +101000110010 investigation 6516 +101000110010 opinion 2675 +1010001100110 Berg-Batchelder 1 +1010001100110 OSHA-commissioned 1 +1010001100110 inanely 1 +1010001100110 intermediate-nuclear-forces 1 +1010001100110 spermacides 1 +1010001100110 semi-barbarians 1 +1010001100110 aeromagnetic 1 +1010001100110 woe-is-me 1 +1010001100110 uncrossed 1 +1010001100110 stalement 1 +1010001100110 revenue-losers 1 +1010001100110 Czechoslovakians 1 +1010001100110 Harborpark 1 +1010001100110 physiotherapist 2 +1010001100110 calipers 2 +1010001100110 chaffing 2 +1010001100110 coifs 2 +1010001100110 Israelites 2 +1010001100110 1,600-patient 2 +1010001100110 region. 2 +1010001100110 928S 2 +1010001100110 charterer 2 +1010001100110 brickwork 2 +1010001100110 EPG 2 +1010001100110 autostrada 2 +1010001100110 cheerier 2 +1010001100110 ex-actor 2 +1010001100110 USGS 2 +1010001100110 other. 3 +1010001100110 Tiber 3 +1010001100110 Spartans 3 +1010001100110 Mitchells 3 +1010001100110 indaba 3 +1010001100110 newsmakers 3 +1010001100110 bureauracy 3 +1010001100110 mufti 3 +1010001100110 Turners 3 +1010001100110 Cressida 4 +1010001100110 Wrathers 4 +1010001100110 tie-breaker 4 +1010001100110 apostates 4 +1010001100110 grantee 4 +1010001100110 crudeness 4 +1010001100110 warpath 5 +1010001100110 1500s 5 +1010001100110 FX16 5 +1010001100110 pulsation 5 +1010001100110 backstroke 6 +1010001100110 Mercato 6 +1010001100110 Schubertiade 6 +1010001100110 inti 7 +1010001100110 contagiousness 7 +1010001100110 celebrants 8 +1010001100110 multitudes 10 +1010001100110 eventuality 12 +1010001100110 payday 12 +1010001100110 Tramp 12 +1010001100110 Guadalcanal 12 +1010001100110 denouement 16 +1010001100110 dugout 21 +1010001100110 woodwork 28 +1010001100110 mishap 48 +1010001100110 trusteeship 50 +1010001100110 chairmanship 241 +1010001100110 bench 251 +1010001100110 privilege 254 +1010001100110 occasion 392 +1010001100110 episode 480 +1010001100110 incident 1065 +1010001100110 event 2115 +1010001100110 case 14463 +1010001100111 Wellesey 1 +1010001100111 Locale 1 +1010001100111 Duxorcist 1 +1010001100111 economist-banker 1 +1010001100111 cross-checks 1 +1010001100111 5-foot-5 1 +1010001100111 Monett 1 +1010001100111 Perryville 1 +1010001100111 Derg 1 +1010001100111 Charades 1 +1010001100111 Gleaners 1 +1010001100111 Measurmatic 1 +1010001100111 Chinquapin 1 +1010001100111 minarettes 1 +1010001100111 Bacchae 1 +1010001100111 tap-taps 1 +1010001100111 Gershwins 1 +1010001100111 leaper 1 +1010001100111 Citibanks 1 +1010001100111 Tehran-triggered 1 +1010001100111 semi-government 1 +1010001100111 contaminations 1 +1010001100111 Dealmakers 1 +1010001100111 WKTC-FM 1 +1010001100111 Petraks 1 +1010001100111 perfumers 1 +1010001100111 co-researchers 1 +1010001100111 six-class 1 +1010001100111 flowerpot 1 +1010001100111 Whirly-Girls 1 +1010001100111 Colchester 1 +1010001100111 kinking 1 +1010001100111 Miamian 1 +1010001100111 fettuccine 1 +1010001100111 Bottings 1 +1010001100111 liberal/Keynesians 1 +1010001100111 Dalles 1 +1010001100111 FFF 1 +1010001100111 dualism 1 +1010001100111 grievant 1 +1010001100111 Duden 1 +1010001100111 788,630 1 +1010001100111 6,000-warhead 1 +1010001100111 rejecters 1 +1010001100111 author/sleuth 1 +1010001100111 Discoverers 1 +1010001100111 Creators 1 +1010001100111 Beekeepers 1 +1010001100111 Ewes 1 +1010001100111 Mastermind 1 +1010001100111 vaccinates 1 +1010001100111 no-seating 1 +1010001100111 BUNDESBANK 1 +1010001100111 ejectee 1 +1010001100111 citizen-president 1 +1010001100111 Soverville 1 +1010001100111 Jeffersons 1 +1010001100111 save-now 1 +1010001100111 Symphonettes 1 +1010001100111 stagiaires 1 +1010001100111 McName 1 +1010001100111 communally 1 +1010001100111 fair-mindedness 1 +1010001100111 11-sided 1 +1010001100111 legations 1 +1010001100111 Ghostwriter 1 +1010001100111 anti-Bolsheviks 1 +1010001100111 Gales 1 +1010001100111 ScanAmerica 1 +1010001100111 then-financially 1 +1010001100111 Tortellis 1 +1010001100111 Edisons 1 +1010001100111 4400 1 +1010001100111 cross-complaints 1 +1010001100111 late-1500s 1 +1010001100111 Gunner 1 +1010001100111 Gondoliers 1 +1010001100111 Sunshield 1 +1010001100111 spilt 1 +1010001100111 linen-service 1 +1010001100111 poncho-clad 1 +1010001100111 refreshers 1 +1010001100111 Informer 1 +1010001100111 eyebags 1 +1010001100111 Kanaks 1 +1010001100111 Misfits 1 +1010001100111 confidence-induced 1 +1010001100111 32/850 1 +1010001100111 oysterman 1 +1010001100111 Bedfordshire 1 +1010001100111 commutation 1 +1010001100111 month-to-month-growth 1 +1010001100111 Earth-birds 1 +1010001100111 Miser 1 +1010001100111 bauble 1 +1010001100111 Dhammapada 1 +1010001100111 Killers 1 +1010001100111 Supai 1 +1010001100111 Madsens 1 +1010001100111 vote-switchers 1 +1010001100111 Shaumburg 1 +1010001100111 Songlines 1 +1010001100111 half-sentences 1 +1010001100111 Keidaren 1 +1010001100111 Good-Morrow 1 +1010001100111 storeowner 1 +1010001100111 Rookies 1 +1010001100111 PLO-sanctioned 1 +1010001100111 guestworkers 1 +1010001100111 Broadway-bound 1 +1010001100111 Redeemers 1 +1010001100111 townswomen 1 +1010001100111 Manns 1 +1010001100111 Kochtopus 1 +1010001100111 Wickcliffe 1 +1010001100111 6150 1 +1010001100111 dogfish 1 +1010001100111 asset-seizure 1 +1010001100111 suppliers-St 1 +1010001100111 Skyrider 1 +1010001100111 pampas 1 +1010001100111 Bangerters 1 +1010001100111 Smug 1 +1010001100111 civil-theft 1 +1010001100111 Itos 1 +1010001100111 AAUP 1 +1010001100111 Wenham 1 +1010001100111 GOPers 1 +1010001100111 Xerophyte 1 +1010001100111 1.2-liter 1 +1010001100111 Hucksters 1 +1010001100111 under-cuirasses 1 +1010001100111 285-mile 1 +1010001100111 Fourbeats 1 +1010001100111 evaporator 1 +1010001100111 Sanksrit 1 +1010001100111 Middletons 1 +1010001100111 homolies 1 +1010001100111 Monkey-Doodle-Do 1 +1010001100111 NAEYC 1 +1010001100111 ex-manager 1 +1010001100111 Kokeses 1 +1010001100111 tee-time 1 +1010001100111 Highwayman 2 +1010001100111 workers. 2 +1010001100111 Wiz 2 +1010001100111 neologism 2 +1010001100111 Enforcer 2 +1010001100111 Welshman 2 +1010001100111 Revolutionist 2 +1010001100111 Gotliebs 2 +1010001100111 IRRC 2 +1010001100111 Afterlife 2 +1010001100111 madras 2 +1010001100111 Grandville 2 +1010001100111 Naifys 2 +1010001100111 Brethren 2 +1010001100111 Uprooted 2 +1010001100111 breastwork 2 +1010001100111 Stepfather 2 +1010001100111 523,770 2 +1010001100111 Gunslinger 2 +1010001100111 cuckold 2 +1010001100111 property-damage 2 +1010001100111 bogyman 2 +1010001100111 Cavanaughs 2 +1010001100111 Jerker 2 +1010001100111 Idolmaker 2 +1010001100111 MHA 3 +1010001100111 Dresdener 3 +1010001100111 Clicker 3 +1010001100111 Avengers 3 +1010001100111 minirally 3 +1010001100111 commitees 3 +1010001100111 rainout 3 +1010001100111 cudgel 3 +1010001100111 RULINGS 3 +1010001100111 Deuce 3 +1010001100111 Ironman 3 +1010001100111 Moderns 3 +1010001100111 Kusha 4 +1010001100111 Charmings 4 +1010001100111 kabo 4 +1010001100111 Blob 4 +1010001100111 derivatively 4 +1010001100111 Shawl 4 +1010001100111 R.A.C.E. 4 +1010001100111 recliner 4 +1010001100111 three-speed 5 +1010001100111 steerer 5 +1010001100111 Gruenbergs 5 +1010001100111 Counterlife 6 +1010001100111 updraft 6 +1010001100111 cross-complaint 6 +1010001100111 informations 7 +1010001100111 Colbys 7 +1010001100111 two-by-four 8 +1010001100111 Cocoanuts 8 +1010001100111 A-Team 9 +1010001100111 judgement 15 +1010001100111 Abyss 19 +1010001100111 bulwark 24 +1010001100111 server 29 +1010001100111 vendetta 37 +1010001100111 counterclaim 63 +1010001100111 countersuit 69 +1010001100111 affidavit 242 +1010001100111 verdict 657 +1010001100111 indictment 1503 +1010001100111 judgment 1833 +1010001100111 complaint 1847 +1010001100111 suit 8184 +1010001100111 lawsuit 2670 +1010001101000 kombinats 1 +1010001101000 cost-allocating 1 +1010001101000 more-sex-is-better 1 +1010001101000 unrealities 1 +1010001101000 mixed-nation 1 +1010001101000 confederacy 1 +1010001101000 MSRB 1 +1010001101000 centripetal 1 +1010001101000 meliorist 1 +1010001101000 agreeemnt 1 +1010001101000 counter-argument 1 +1010001101000 quick-reaction 1 +1010001101000 reinventions 1 +1010001101000 American-invented 1 +1010001101000 rubberband 1 +1010001101000 non-journalist 1 +1010001101000 division-size 1 +1010001101000 reproduction/sampling 1 +1010001101000 definer 1 +1010001101000 Badness 1 +1010001101000 versification 1 +1010001101000 scrollery 1 +1010001101000 surroundings. 1 +1010001101000 Hippopotamus 1 +1010001101000 videoscape 1 +1010001101000 mavenhood 1 +1010001101000 V-word 1 +1010001101000 ego-satisfaction 1 +1010001101000 fifteen-carrier 1 +1010001101000 shabbiness 1 +1010001101000 lubricator 1 +1010001101000 theocrat 1 +1010001101000 pro-inflationary 1 +1010001101000 Fibe-Mini 1 +1010001101000 counternationalist 1 +1010001101000 mystagogues 1 +1010001101000 sucessor 1 +1010001101000 free-spiritedness 1 +1010001101000 Futurist 1 +1010001101000 capper 1 +1010001101000 98,000-employee 1 +1010001101000 Snows 2 +1010001101000 tiredness 2 +1010001101000 fearlessness 2 +1010001101000 least-governed 2 +1010001101000 Tooz 2 +1010001101000 funder 2 +1010001101000 sentimentalist 2 +1010001101000 feistiness 2 +1010001101000 geniality 2 +1010001101000 Brontes 2 +1010001101000 SS24 2 +1010001101000 positiveness 2 +1010001101000 undergrounds 2 +1010001101000 aeries 2 +1010001101000 possibilty 2 +1010001101000 incomprehensibility 2 +1010001101000 guardedness 2 +1010001101000 gook 2 +1010001101000 Confession 2 +1010001101000 eyesores 3 +1010001101000 unlikelihood 3 +1010001101000 shogunate 3 +1010001101000 drabness 3 +1010001101000 otherworldliness 3 +1010001101000 CONCERNS 3 +1010001101000 egoism 3 +1010001101000 fantasyland 3 +1010001101000 begetter 3 +1010001101000 lenience 3 +1010001101000 LIVES 3 +1010001101000 mistranslation 3 +1010001101000 obligors 3 +1010001101000 runt 3 +1010001101000 overviews 3 +1010001101000 grinch 3 +1010001101000 tax-deductibility 3 +1010001101000 backwash 4 +1010001101000 one-sidedness 4 +1010001101000 concensus 5 +1010001101000 Pleasures 5 +1010001101000 edginess 5 +1010001101000 hallucinogen 5 +1010001101000 XMP-14 5 +1010001101000 immaturity 5 +1010001101000 oppressor 6 +1010001101000 catechism 6 +1010001101000 weirdness 6 +1010001101000 irrelevancy 7 +1010001101000 drawbridge 7 +1010001101000 insinuation 7 +1010001101000 supposition 7 +1010001101000 quotient 8 +1010001101000 tingle 8 +1010001101000 tortures 8 +1010001101000 tipoff 9 +1010001101000 subculture 11 +1010001101000 deletion 13 +1010001101000 timbre 14 +1010001101000 vibes 15 +1010001101000 verities 16 +1010001101000 axiom 16 +1010001101000 possiblity 16 +1010001101000 infraction 18 +1010001101000 conceit 19 +1010001101000 onus 21 +1010001101000 corpus 21 +1010001101000 delusion 22 +1010001101000 perpetrator 24 +1010001101000 muse 25 +1010001101000 omen 27 +1010001101000 admonition 27 +1010001101000 mindset 27 +1010001101000 tenet 29 +1010001101000 fallacy 30 +1010001101000 particulars 37 +1010001101000 mind-set 40 +1010001101000 caveat 55 +1010001101000 presumption 61 +1010001101000 stereotype 63 +1010001101000 accusation 79 +1010001101000 omission 83 +1010001101000 stigma 83 +1010001101000 thrill 88 +1010001101000 illusion 139 +1010001101000 realization 172 +1010001101000 implication 189 +1010001101000 allegation 200 +1010001101000 premise 202 +1010001101000 trick 223 +1010001101000 proposition 244 +1010001101000 irony 309 +1010001101000 thrust 352 +1010001101000 topic 366 +1010001101000 expectation 456 +1010001101000 suggestion 587 +1010001101000 impression 668 +1010001101000 assumption 706 +1010001101000 objective 717 +1010001101000 aim 758 +1010001101000 exception 813 +1010001101000 conclusion 839 +1010001101000 notion 916 +1010001101000 truth 930 +1010001101000 danger 1098 +1010001101000 concept 1175 +1010001101000 purpose 1488 +1010001101000 task 2035 +1010001101000 idea 4698 +1010001101000 question 5928 +1010001101001 NARROWS 1 +1010001101001 counter-revolution 1 +1010001101001 mega-bidding 1 +1010001101001 brouhahas 1 +1010001101001 dissimilarity 1 +1010001101001 culturalclash 1 +1010001101001 computer-part 1 +1010001101001 boy-bias 1 +1010001101001 taxophiliac 1 +1010001101001 almost-romance 1 +1010001101001 non-winner 1 +1010001101001 Pest 1 +1010001101001 self-shackling 1 +1010001101001 rectifications 1 +1010001101001 compatability 1 +1010001101001 PARDON 1 +1010001101001 vote-grabber 1 +1010001101001 yuk-yuk 1 +1010001101001 signal-sending 1 +1010001101001 curmudgeonhood 1 +1010001101001 Hobohemia 1 +1010001101001 five-leafer 1 +1010001101001 firebreak 1 +1010001101001 how-you-doing 1 +1010001101001 interstices 1 +1010001101001 Louislike 1 +1010001101001 corporation/organization 1 +1010001101001 back-and-forthing 1 +1010001101001 artful-if-intentional 1 +1010001101001 drumrolls 1 +1010001101001 Gallon 1 +1010001101001 infringer 1 +1010001101001 mean-time 1 +1010001101001 kohl 1 +1010001101001 pseudo-opposition 1 +1010001101001 pasa 1 +1010001101001 treaty-ratification-by-letter 1 +1010001101001 backround 1 +1010001101001 lady-killer 1 +1010001101001 narcotraficante 1 +1010001101001 synapse 1 +1010001101001 Compatriots 1 +1010001101001 Sagittarius 1 +1010001101001 block-trader 1 +1010001101001 FLARE 1 +1010001101001 wingman 1 +1010001101001 Euro-factories 1 +1010001101001 boondoggie 1 +1010001101001 quadrangle 1 +1010001101001 Autograph 1 +1010001101001 fluffies 1 +1010001101001 in-box 1 +1010001101001 220-mile-route 1 +1010001101001 rain-makers 1 +1010001101001 backseams 1 +1010001101001 meathead 1 +1010001101001 BARFO 1 +1010001101001 department/office 1 +1010001101001 dirt-bag 1 +1010001101001 non-custodians 1 +1010001101001 Dukacrat 1 +1010001101001 chests. 1 +1010001101001 afro 1 +1010001101001 tunefulness 1 +1010001101001 brotherism 1 +1010001101001 Turtletop 1 +1010001101001 gnu 1 +1010001101001 glasshopper 1 +1010001101001 hugger 1 +1010001101001 chevalier 2 +1010001101001 close-down 2 +1010001101001 opossum 2 +1010001101001 hedgerows 2 +1010001101001 nation-states 2 +1010001101001 Shagger 2 +1010001101001 cross-investing 2 +1010001101001 harborside 2 +1010001101001 32-7 2 +1010001101001 bruiser 2 +1010001101001 mid-point 2 +1010001101001 overcentralized 2 +1010001101001 concision 2 +1010001101001 mistake. 2 +1010001101001 hard-action 2 +1010001101001 payee 2 +1010001101001 fake-out 2 +1010001101001 jingo 2 +1010001101001 dolt 2 +1010001101001 manifestoes 2 +1010001101001 coughers 2 +1010001101001 incompatibilities 2 +1010001101001 career-minded 2 +1010001101001 pup 2 +1010001101001 rest. 2 +1010001101001 clubbiness 2 +1010001101001 hoedown 2 +1010001101001 right-to-lifer 2 +1010001101001 Heimlich 2 +1010001101001 post-modernism 3 +1010001101001 Cleburne 3 +1010001101001 Boz 3 +1010001101001 speakerphone 3 +1010001101001 opt-out 3 +1010001101001 matter. 3 +1010001101001 deal. 3 +1010001101001 punchline 3 +1010001101001 disjunction 3 +1010001101001 cytotechnologist 3 +1010001101001 maiming 3 +1010001101001 rampart 3 +1010001101001 quid-pro-quo 3 +1010001101001 doubter 3 +1010001101001 law. 3 +1010001101001 gatehouse 3 +1010001101001 prude 4 +1010001101001 Jerk 4 +1010001101001 facilitator 4 +1010001101001 vowel 4 +1010001101001 lance 4 +1010001101001 discontinuity 4 +1010001101001 cavalcade 4 +1010001101001 householder 4 +1010001101001 fatso 5 +1010001101001 gentleman-farmer 5 +1010001101001 tossup 6 +1010001101001 toss-up 6 +1010001101001 dowry 6 +1010001101001 tradeoff 6 +1010001101001 fissure 6 +1010001101001 constancy 6 +1010001101001 pygmy 6 +1010001101001 meritocracy 6 +1010001101001 de-emphasis 6 +1010001101001 continuum 7 +1010001101001 nexus 7 +1010001101001 typo 7 +1010001101001 laughingstock 7 +1010001101001 flagpole 7 +1010001101001 wallflower 8 +1010001101001 congruence 8 +1010001101001 heckler 8 +1010001101001 Hoe 9 +1010001101001 catchword 9 +1010001101001 synergism 10 +1010001101001 midget 10 +1010001101001 pivot 10 +1010001101001 heretic 10 +1010001101001 mouthful 11 +1010001101001 slouch 12 +1010001101001 rematch 14 +1010001101001 crook 16 +1010001101001 dichotomy 17 +1010001101001 shocker 20 +1010001101001 chasm 21 +1010001101001 mismatch 28 +1010001101001 crossfire 29 +1010001101001 interplay 29 +1010001101001 travesty 33 +1010001101001 knot 42 +1010001101001 tightrope 48 +1010001101001 wimp 52 +1010001101001 compliment 57 +1010001101001 divergence 58 +1010001101001 wedge 61 +1010001101001 panacea 64 +1010001101001 similarity 72 +1010001101001 trade-off 85 +1010001101001 splash 101 +1010001101001 correlation 105 +1010001101001 discrepancy 110 +1010001101001 contradiction 112 +1010001101001 coincidence 177 +1010001101001 disparity 181 +1010001101001 virtue 238 +1010001101001 mystery 349 +1010001101001 distinction 374 +1010001101001 mistake 936 +1010001101001 surprise 1795 +1010001101001 difference 2551 +1010001101001 matter 4788 +1010001101010 artfulness 1 +1010001101010 hussies 1 +1010001101010 patches. 1 +1010001101010 conformists 1 +1010001101010 garbageman 1 +1010001101010 woman-chasers 1 +1010001101010 urbanite 1 +1010001101010 conifers 1 +1010001101010 poet/critic/scholar 1 +1010001101010 market-movers 1 +1010001101010 luftmensch 1 +1010001101010 incrustation 1 +1010001101010 grossness 1 +1010001101010 V-8s 1 +1010001101010 toxin. 1 +1010001101010 rondo-burlesque 1 +1010001101010 gamebird 1 +1010001101010 gamefish 1 +1010001101010 manuverings 1 +1010001101010 sentencers 1 +1010001101010 ex-senator 1 +1010001101010 destiny. 1 +1010001101010 yen-holders 1 +1010001101010 cellblock 1 +1010001101010 cephalopod 1 +1010001101010 notetakers 1 +1010001101010 flesh-eaters 1 +1010001101010 whitish-gray 1 +1010001101010 photo-technology 1 +1010001101010 praxis 1 +1010001101010 whirligigs 1 +1010001101010 tumor-fighter 1 +1010001101010 plinths 1 +1010001101010 Draupadi 1 +1010001101010 triology 1 +1010001101010 karts 1 +1010001101010 oil-prices 1 +1010001101010 quadrilateral 1 +1010001101010 fatcats 1 +1010001101010 imp 1 +1010001101010 penny-stocks 1 +1010001101010 test-taker 1 +1010001101010 present. 1 +1010001101010 schismatic 1 +1010001101010 disarmers 1 +1010001101010 presentation. 1 +1010001101010 indiscriminacy 1 +1010001101010 page-turner 1 +1010001101010 Transcaucasus 1 +1010001101010 parodist-whether 1 +1010001101010 idea. 1 +1010001101010 overgeneralizations 1 +1010001101010 insider-traders 1 +1010001101010 salami-slicing 1 +1010001101010 homelife 1 +1010001101010 head-topper 1 +1010001101010 drollery 1 +1010001101010 olorosos 1 +1010001101010 solutions. 1 +1010001101010 postion 2 +1010001101010 benediction 2 +1010001101010 grandfolk 2 +1010001101010 rescreening 2 +1010001101010 Frustrations 2 +1010001101010 look-see 2 +1010001101010 explantion 2 +1010001101010 technolgy 2 +1010001101010 savant 2 +1010001101010 self-description 2 +1010001101010 defibrillator 2 +1010001101010 kung 2 +1010001101010 fleetness 2 +1010001101010 gunrunner 2 +1010001101010 bureaucratese 2 +1010001101010 fez 3 +1010001101010 Weltanschauung 3 +1010001101010 repulsion 3 +1010001101010 intonation 3 +1010001101010 underestimation 3 +1010001101010 flyspeck 3 +1010001101010 frescos 3 +1010001101010 draftsmanship 3 +1010001101010 egomania 3 +1010001101010 double-whammy 4 +1010001101010 decision. 4 +1010001101010 omniscience 4 +1010001101010 demigod 4 +1010001101010 putdown 4 +1010001101010 fieldwork 4 +1010001101010 duality 4 +1010001101010 hallucination 5 +1010001101010 transmogrification 5 +1010001101010 helmsman 5 +1010001101010 hairpiece 5 +1010001101010 enchantment 5 +1010001101010 miscue 5 +1010001101010 coda 6 +1010001101010 vignette 6 +1010001101010 detonator 6 +1010001101010 one-liner 6 +1010001101010 mantra 6 +1010001101010 proclivities 6 +1010001101010 contrivance 6 +1010001101010 substrate 6 +1010001101010 smirk 7 +1010001101010 fillip 8 +1010001101010 convulsion 9 +1010001101010 shortsightedness 9 +1010001101010 polemic 9 +1010001101010 mire 9 +1010001101010 obstinacy 10 +1010001101010 qualifier 10 +1010001101010 stakeout 10 +1010001101010 generalization 10 +1010001101010 lair 11 +1010001101010 comeuppance 11 +1010001101010 crutch 11 +1010001101010 fastball 11 +1010001101010 U-turn 11 +1010001101010 misjudgment 12 +1010001101010 bedfellows 12 +1010001101010 hulk 13 +1010001101010 dagger 13 +1010001101010 sheen 13 +1010001101010 mousetrap 15 +1010001101010 lineage 15 +1010001101010 pronunciation 16 +1010001101010 tirade 18 +1010001101010 triumvirate 19 +1010001101010 locale 19 +1010001101010 reportage 20 +1010001101010 metamorphosis 20 +1010001101010 motivator 20 +1010001101010 zenith 20 +1010001101010 standard-bearer 21 +1010001101010 moniker 21 +1010001101010 crust 22 +1010001101010 malignancy 25 +1010001101010 mettle 25 +1010001101010 synthesis 25 +1010001101010 ruse 25 +1010001101010 concurrence 26 +1010001101010 connotation 27 +1010001101010 bequest 29 +1010001101010 riddle 30 +1010001101010 miscalculation 35 +1010001101010 terminology 38 +1010001101010 quagmire 38 +1010001101010 vocation 39 +1010001101010 disclaimer 39 +1010001101010 firestorm 40 +1010001101010 nadir 40 +1010001101010 prognosis 40 +1010001101010 prerogative 41 +1010001101010 savior 42 +1010001101010 mecca 44 +1010001101010 hunch 45 +1010001101010 buzzword 47 +1010001101010 blunder 49 +1010001101010 morass 52 +1010001101010 regimen 52 +1010001101010 chore 53 +1010001101010 lever 62 +1010001101010 criterion 69 +1010001101010 designation 76 +1010001101010 veil 77 +1010001101010 methodology 77 +1010001101010 metaphor 88 +1010001101010 predicament 94 +1010001101010 gimmick 103 +1010001101010 heyday 105 +1010001101010 feat 115 +1010001101010 dimension 125 +1010001101010 journey 156 +1010001101010 reign 158 +1010001101010 backdrop 169 +1010001101010 destination 171 +1010001101010 motive 184 +1010001101010 haven 190 +1010001101010 mode 191 +1010001101010 calculation 205 +1010001101010 ploy 205 +1010001101010 blessing 216 +1010001101010 constituency 220 +1010001101010 frenzy 254 +1010001101010 gesture 254 +1010001101010 posture 259 +1010001101010 disadvantage 273 +1010001101010 nightmare 284 +1010001101010 triumph 295 +1010001101010 prediction 308 +1010001101010 forum 325 +1010001101010 legacy 329 +1010001101010 framework 331 +1010001101010 reception 425 +1010001101010 tactic 477 +1010001101010 path 667 +1010001101010 climate 739 +1010001101010 mood 743 +1010001101010 tone 768 +1010001101010 manner 810 +1010001101010 vision 823 +1010001101010 stance 834 +1010001101010 mission 855 +1010001101010 method 1173 +1010001101010 reputation 1492 +1010001101010 condition 1737 +1010001101010 goal 2438 +1010001101010 position 7818 +1010001101010 strategy 5658 +1010001101011 party-girl's-eye 1 +1010001101011 odor-fighting 1 +1010001101011 Yogi-isms 1 +1010001101011 public-turned-private 1 +1010001101011 Primates 1 +1010001101011 con-man 1 +1010001101011 major-media 1 +1010001101011 sun-scorched 1 +1010001101011 appointments. 1 +1010001101011 Leagacy 1 +1010001101011 history- 1 +1010001101011 carbides 1 +1010001101011 areas. 1 +1010001101011 otherwise-unsung 1 +1010001101011 pageant-filled 1 +1010001101011 deer-are-long-legged-rats-with-big-ears 1 +1010001101011 up-move 1 +1010001101011 super-priority 1 +1010001101011 visualizations 1 +1010001101011 zillionaire 1 +1010001101011 near-ghost 1 +1010001101011 sad-faced 2 +1010001101011 multibusiness 2 +1010001101011 timberline 2 +1010001101011 rumpus 2 +1010001101011 lonely-hearts 2 +1010001101011 meeting. 2 +1010001101011 wife. 2 +1010001101011 astrolabes 2 +1010001101011 orthochlorophenol 2 +1010001101011 lickin 2 +1010001101011 semi-nude 2 +1010001101011 nemisis 2 +1010001101011 much-covered 2 +1010001101011 monicker 2 +1010001101011 first-century 2 +1010001101011 Bab-el-Oued 2 +1010001101011 cupid 2 +1010001101011 STORY 2 +1010001101011 clean-plate 2 +1010001101011 tocsin 2 +1010001101011 phantasmagoria 2 +1010001101011 inconstancy 2 +1010001101011 DIETS 2 +1010001101011 picturesquely 2 +1010001101011 happens. 2 +1010001101011 mega-hit 3 +1010001101011 remittance 3 +1010001101011 prescriptive 3 +1010001101011 piffle 3 +1010001101011 modifier 3 +1010001101011 hangup 3 +1010001101011 folderol 3 +1010001101011 martingale 3 +1010001101011 condor 3 +1010001101011 Alabamian 3 +1010001101011 begonia 3 +1010001101011 parry 3 +1010001101011 jackal 3 +1010001101011 U.S.-Pahlavi 3 +1010001101011 chalkboard 4 +1010001101011 Sandie 4 +1010001101011 unifier 4 +1010001101011 Muziektheater 4 +1010001101011 cubbyhole 4 +1010001101011 prognosticator 4 +1010001101011 tetralogy 4 +1010001101011 tremolo 4 +1010001101011 criers 4 +1010001101011 theorem 4 +1010001101011 songbook 4 +1010001101011 cherub 4 +1010001101011 haziness 4 +1010001101011 scrambler 4 +1010001101011 deification 4 +1010001101011 precedential 4 +1010001101011 screed 5 +1010001101011 restorer 5 +1010001101011 duster 5 +1010001101011 grimness 5 +1010001101011 causality 5 +1010001101011 suffix 5 +1010001101011 dirge 5 +1010001101011 Carracci 5 +1010001101011 boatyard 6 +1010001101011 cantata 6 +1010001101011 disrespectful 6 +1010001101011 discography 6 +1010001101011 weathervane 6 +1010001101011 threesome 6 +1010001101011 poop 6 +1010001101011 wrap-up 7 +1010001101011 soliloquy 7 +1010001101011 turret 7 +1010001101011 subplot 8 +1010001101011 put-down 8 +1010001101011 decision-maker 8 +1010001101011 decapitation 8 +1010001101011 pachysandra 8 +1010001101011 moisturizer 8 +1010001101011 critter 9 +1010001101011 pessimist 10 +1010001101011 supernova 11 +1010001101011 mast 11 +1010001101011 tidbit 11 +1010001101011 mandarin 11 +1010001101011 speedometer 11 +1010001101011 gantlet 12 +1010001101011 homily 12 +1010001101011 verb 12 +1010001101011 bogeyman 12 +1010001101011 come-on 12 +1010001101011 operetta 12 +1010001101011 defensiveness 12 +1010001101011 mausoleum 12 +1010001101011 sobriquet 12 +1010001101011 conundrum 13 +1010001101011 docudrama 13 +1010001101011 transponder 14 +1010001101011 stallion 14 +1010001101011 motifs 14 +1010001101011 credential 14 +1010001101011 potion 14 +1010001101011 aphorism 14 +1010001101011 tagline 14 +1010001101011 blurb 15 +1010001101011 bugaboo 16 +1010001101011 revue 17 +1010001101011 campsite 17 +1010001101011 trilogy 17 +1010001101011 brainstorm 18 +1010001101011 guidebook 18 +1010001101011 ballad 19 +1010001101011 spiel 19 +1010001101011 skit 19 +1010001101011 adjective 19 +1010001101011 quip 20 +1010001101011 grapevine 20 +1010001101011 contraption 20 +1010001101011 truism 21 +1010001101011 buzzer 21 +1010001101011 marquee 21 +1010001101011 affliction 21 +1010001101011 majesty 21 +1010001101011 reassignment 21 +1010001101011 tome 22 +1010001101011 dictum 22 +1010001101011 straitjacket 22 +1010001101011 flick 22 +1010001101011 gaffe 23 +1010001101011 sleeper 25 +1010001101011 dialect 26 +1010001101011 charade 26 +1010001101011 subtitle 27 +1010001101011 maxim 28 +1010001101011 noose 28 +1010001101011 vibrations 30 +1010001101011 credo 31 +1010001101011 microbe 31 +1010001101011 skeptic 31 +1010001101011 mural 32 +1010001101011 phobia 33 +1010001101011 libretto 34 +1010001101011 specimen 34 +1010001101011 bacterium 37 +1010001101011 adage 38 +1010001101011 fable 39 +1010001101011 baton 42 +1010001101011 monologue 43 +1010001101011 caption 44 +1010001101011 trait 46 +1010001101011 quartet 48 +1010001101011 verse 49 +1010001101011 fungus 55 +1010001101011 circumstance 56 +1010001101011 racket 57 +1010001101011 memoir 58 +1010001101011 farce 59 +1010001101011 cliche 62 +1010001101011 scent 64 +1010001101011 sitcom 66 +1010001101011 mystique 67 +1010001101011 thriller 67 +1010001101011 motto 67 +1010001101011 hypothesis 70 +1010001101011 honeymoon 75 +1010001101011 confession 78 +1010001101011 manuscript 79 +1010001101011 deed 80 +1010001101011 villain 86 +1010001101011 qualification 88 +1010001101011 rug 90 +1010001101011 poem 92 +1010001101011 repertoire 94 +1010001101011 revelation 95 +1010001101011 poster 97 +1010001101011 parody 97 +1010001101011 arithmetic 98 +1010001101011 questionnaire 105 +1010001101011 paradox 107 +1010001101011 saga 127 +1010001101011 miniseries 128 +1010001101011 nickname 142 +1010001101011 brochure 144 +1010001101011 ritual 146 +1010001101011 commentary 160 +1010001101011 thesis 163 +1010001101011 myth 194 +1010001101011 button 200 +1010001101011 documentary 202 +1010001101011 remark 227 +1010001101011 logo 235 +1010001101011 crown 238 +1010001101011 script 253 +1010001101011 reasoning 254 +1010001101011 slogan 278 +1010001101011 headline 286 +1010001101011 phrase 344 +1010001101011 tale 367 +1010001101011 comedy 387 +1010001101011 joke 399 +1010001101011 protein 404 +1010001101011 drama 430 +1010001101011 song 434 +1010001101011 text 446 +1010001101011 plot 459 +1010001101011 prize 460 +1010001101011 breakup 484 +1010001101011 rumor 516 +1010001101011 lesson 589 +1010001101011 seller 733 +1010001101011 stuff 884 +1010001101011 theme 964 +1010001101011 novel 970 +1010001101011 consensus 1119 +1010001101011 title 1249 +1010001101011 argument 1374 +1010001101011 theory 1520 +1010001101011 language 1545 +1010001101011 message 2027 +1010001101011 word 2162 +1010001101011 picture 2413 +1010001101011 story 3889 +1010001101011 book 5262 +1010001101100 repackagings 1 +1010001101100 stocking-up 1 +1010001101100 editions. 1 +1010001101100 barbarity 1 +1010001101100 shamaness 1 +1010001101100 palaver 1 +1010001101100 disinform 1 +1010001101100 win-by-default 1 +1010001101100 mini-IBM 1 +1010001101100 enunciation 1 +1010001101100 pseudo-newscast 1 +1010001101100 disagreeemnt 1 +1010001101100 Tschernobyl 1 +1010001101100 gamebirds 1 +1010001101100 Milward 1 +1010001101100 superstructures 1 +1010001101100 lassos 1 +1010001101100 plus-176 1 +1010001101100 exclusionism 1 +1010001101100 drawbridges 1 +1010001101100 footstep 1 +1010001101100 timorousness 1 +1010001101100 polyphosphate 1 +1010001101100 pharmacotherapy 1 +1010001101100 minicontroversy 1 +1010001101100 bullshit 1 +1010001101100 yawper 1 +1010001101100 conclude. 1 +1010001101100 manuvering 1 +1010001101100 lolls 1 +1010001101100 donnybrooks 1 +1010001101100 center-fielder 1 +1010001101100 223.34 2 +1010001101100 warehouser 2 +1010001101100 1,336,000 2 +1010001101100 tambourine 2 +1010001101100 25366.11 2 +1010001101100 319.25 2 +1010001101100 1722.2 2 +1010001101100 359.80 2 +1010001101100 wall. 2 +1010001101100 bumpersticker 2 +1010001101100 counter-puncher 2 +1010001101100 crossmember 2 +1010001101100 MPIST 2 +1010001101100 Paraguayans 2 +1010001101100 searchlight 2 +1010001101100 leadership. 2 +1010001101100 coarseness 2 +1010001101100 papa 2 +1010001101100 petrocurrency 2 +1010001101100 tangent 3 +1010001101100 counter-trend 3 +1010001101100 bounceback 3 +1010001101100 dirigible 3 +1010001101100 rumor-mongering 3 +1010001101100 coursework 3 +1010001101100 culpas 3 +1010001101100 frieze 3 +1010001101100 1,490,000 3 +1010001101100 hurrahs 3 +1010001101100 Regionales 3 +1010001101100 299.80 3 +1010001101100 firewall 4 +1010001101100 dithered 4 +1010001101100 standoffs 4 +1010001101100 tiffs 4 +1010001101100 near-revolt 4 +1010001101100 jitteriness 4 +1010001101100 bellyache 4 +1010001101100 wranglings 4 +1010001101100 keratitis 4 +1010001101100 cyclone 5 +1010001101100 snit 5 +1010001101100 fussing 5 +1010001101100 glossing 5 +1010001101100 predation 5 +1010001101100 discourses 5 +1010001101100 turpitude 6 +1010001101100 militance 6 +1010001101100 horse-trading 6 +1010001101100 papering 6 +1010001101100 unconcern 6 +1010001101100 licensure 7 +1010001101100 contretemps 8 +1010001101100 preening 9 +1010001101100 slugfest 9 +1010001101100 blather 9 +1010001101100 swooning 9 +1010001101100 quibbles 10 +1010001101100 dithering 11 +1010001101100 entanglement 11 +1010001101100 hullabaloo 11 +1010001101100 self-examination 11 +1010001101100 tantrum 12 +1010001101100 quibbling 12 +1010001101100 dogfight 14 +1010001101100 tiff 17 +1010001101100 jousting 18 +1010001101100 dickering 18 +1010001101100 fracas 19 +1010001101100 stink 19 +1010001101100 skirmishing 19 +1010001101100 ruckus 20 +1010001101100 glaze 20 +1010001101100 brouhaha 21 +1010001101100 schism 30 +1010001101100 feuds 31 +1010001101100 tussle 33 +1010001101100 tug-of-war 34 +1010001101100 brawl 36 +1010001101100 ferment 36 +1010001101100 gloss 37 +1010001101100 wrangle 44 +1010001101100 sniping 48 +1010001101100 acrimony 52 +1010001101100 poring 53 +1010001101100 squabbles 53 +1010001101100 pall 60 +1010001101100 haggling 66 +1010001101100 hoopla 68 +1010001101100 spat 68 +1010001101100 skirmish 69 +1010001101100 squabbling 73 +1010001101100 standoff 74 +1010001101100 hardball 75 +1010001101100 squabble 84 +1010001101100 feuding 87 +1010001101100 wrangling 114 +1010001101100 bickering 117 +1010001101100 deadlock 120 +1010001101100 stalemate 134 +1010001101100 fuss 137 +1010001101100 flap 150 +1010001101100 furor 152 +1010001101100 feud 217 +1010001101100 maneuvering 219 +1010001101100 disagreement 315 +1010001101100 struggle 1248 +1010001101100 controversy 1403 +1010001101100 debate 3065 +1010001101100 dispute 3071 +1010001101100 date 3704 +1010001101100 battle 3714 +1010001101101 nonpolitician 1 +1010001101101 periodontist 1 +1010001101101 drake 1 +1010001101101 constructionists 1 +1010001101101 clergyperson 1 +1010001101101 232,000-acre 1 +1010001101101 fare-war 1 +1010001101101 critical/historical 1 +1010001101101 bloom-dependent 1 +1010001101101 spatters 1 +1010001101101 drug-analyst 1 +1010001101101 stateswoman 1 +1010001101101 parnership 1 +1010001101101 pseudoclassical 1 +1010001101101 trickster 1 +1010001101101 tip-in 1 +1010001101101 pole-vaulter 1 +1010001101101 plea-agreement 1 +1010001101101 rebonding 1 +1010001101101 definitiveness 1 +1010001101101 four-setter 1 +1010001101101 five-setter 1 +1010001101101 ziti 1 +1010001101101 dislikings 1 +1010001101101 parchute 1 +1010001101101 destocking 1 +1010001101101 sub-universe 1 +1010001101101 bogey-word 1 +1010001101101 glinting 1 +1010001101101 salesman-trader 1 +1010001101101 channel-zap 1 +1010001101101 proto-galaxy 1 +1010001101101 toggle 1 +1010001101101 assuredness 1 +1010001101101 radiosensitizer 1 +1010001101101 rubdown 1 +1010001101101 chumminess 1 +1010001101101 millionare 1 +1010001101101 17-judge 1 +1010001101101 279-4200 1 +1010001101101 seeress 1 +1010001101101 semi-supply-sider 1 +1010001101101 beanie 1 +1010001101101 3,000-year-old 1 +1010001101101 exigency 1 +1010001101101 runin 1 +1010001101101 jockography 1 +1010001101101 crapshooter 1 +1010001101101 sail-off 1 +1010001101101 groaner 1 +1010001101101 Olympics-goers 1 +1010001101101 mini-flap 1 +1010001101101 Adalgisa 1 +1010001101101 rendevous 1 +1010001101101 beer-drinker 1 +1010001101101 doo-doo. 1 +1010001101101 CHECKUPS 1 +1010001101101 packt 1 +1010001101101 coexistance 1 +1010001101101 whiteboard 1 +1010001101101 link-ups 2 +1010001101101 disemployment 2 +1010001101101 fault-line 2 +1010001101101 tongued 2 +1010001101101 cackle 2 +1010001101101 woman. 2 +1010001101101 co-venture 2 +1010001101101 hook-up 2 +1010001101101 leveler 2 +1010001101101 outrageousness 2 +1010001101101 superwoman 2 +1010001101101 trois 2 +1010001101101 21-10 2 +1010001101101 dust-up 2 +1010001101101 moonshot 2 +1010001101101 truncation 2 +1010001101101 liason 2 +1010001101101 set-to 2 +1010001101101 counter-attack 3 +1010001101101 mongrel 3 +1010001101101 constructionism 3 +1010001101101 mope 3 +1010001101101 impasses 3 +1010001101101 confict 3 +1010001101101 REITS 3 +1010001101101 nihilist 3 +1010001101101 gunfight 4 +1010001101101 monopolists 4 +1010001101101 dialog 4 +1010001101101 entente 4 +1010001101101 crossbreed 4 +1010001101101 falling-out 5 +1010001101101 carbuncle 5 +1010001101101 gourd 5 +1010001101101 mots 5 +1010001101101 miscommunication 5 +1010001101101 breech 5 +1010001101101 cuddle 5 +1010001101101 affinities 6 +1010001101101 hole-in-one 6 +1010001101101 stand-off 6 +1010001101101 schmooze 6 +1010001101101 veranda 6 +1010001101101 doo-doo 6 +1010001101101 dealmaking 6 +1010001101101 dalliance 6 +1010001101101 rapture 7 +1010001101101 coziness 7 +1010001101101 candelabra 7 +1010001101101 rehabilitations 8 +1010001101101 superhighway 9 +1010001101101 slam-dunk 9 +1010001101101 hanky-panky 9 +1010001101101 incompatibility 9 +1010001101101 whore 9 +1010001101101 vacillate 10 +1010001101101 tryst 10 +1010001101101 whine 11 +1010001101101 oldies 11 +1010001101101 brim 11 +1010001101101 tramp 12 +1010001101101 jibes 13 +1010001101101 collider 14 +1010001101101 kinship 15 +1010001101101 face-off 15 +1010001101101 run-in 15 +1010001101101 weariness 15 +1010001101101 commune 16 +1010001101101 recap 17 +1010001101101 give-and-take 17 +1010001101101 tie-up 17 +1010001101101 scuffle 18 +1010001101101 whirl 18 +1010001101101 shoot-out 20 +1010001101101 coexistence 21 +1010001101101 giggle 22 +1010001101101 queue 22 +1010001101101 flirtation 23 +1010001101101 romp 23 +1010001101101 rendezvous 27 +1010001101101 linkup 28 +1010001101101 fling 28 +1010001101101 wager 30 +1010001101101 variance 36 +1010001101101 duet 36 +1010001101101 duel 40 +1010001101101 rupture 47 +1010001101101 hassle 52 +1010001101101 rapport 54 +1010001101101 yawn 55 +1010001101101 rapprochement 57 +1010001101101 interaction 63 +1010001101101 parting 67 +1010001101101 synergy 67 +1010001101101 chord 70 +1010001101101 parachute 81 +1010001101101 grin 81 +1010001101101 linkage 107 +1010001101101 preoccupation 117 +1010001101101 chat 118 +1010001101101 puzzle 119 +1010001101101 quarrel 127 +1010001101101 parallels 131 +1010001101101 overlap 132 +1010001101101 treasure 143 +1010001101101 rift 152 +1010001101101 shame 153 +1010001101101 reconciliation 172 +1010001101101 brush 175 +1010001101101 rivalry 177 +1010001101101 collision 178 +1010001101101 affiliation 181 +1010001101101 showdown 193 +1010001101101 friendship 194 +1010001101101 clash 277 +1010001101101 gamble 305 +1010001101101 smile 316 +1010001101101 dialogue 352 +1010001101101 hell 461 +1010001101101 conversation 534 +1010001101101 confrontation 536 +1010001101101 distance 628 +1010001101101 bargain 763 +1010001101101 link 1097 +1010001101101 conflict 1451 +1010001101101 compromise 1682 +1010001101101 deal 6464 +1010001101101 relationship 2168 +1010001101110 never-identified 1 +1010001101110 ticketholder 1 +1010001101110 two-base 1 +1010001101110 quick-ratification 1 +1010001101110 flaring-up 1 +1010001101110 Buddha-like 1 +1010001101110 dollhouse 1 +1010001101110 houseflies 1 +1010001101110 shepherdess 1 +1010001101110 seed-growing 1 +1010001101110 parasol 1 +1010001101110 tollbooth 1 +1010001101110 artilce 1 +1010001101110 weavings 2 +1010001101110 kidnap-murder 2 +1010001101110 hellhole 2 +1010001101110 starlight 2 +1010001101110 guesstimate 2 +1010001101110 Brakes 2 +1010001101110 motorcycle-riding 2 +1010001101110 half-ownership 2 +1010001101110 Monegasque 2 +1010001101110 derangement 2 +1010001101110 fender-bender 2 +1010001101110 megabid 2 +1010001101110 muleback 2 +1010001101110 mini-revolution 2 +1010001101110 tiebreaker 2 +1010001101110 ex-lover 2 +1010001101110 braggart 2 +1010001101110 sparkler 2 +1010001101110 rearguard 2 +1010001101110 crick 3 +1010001101110 damsel 3 +1010001101110 misquote 3 +1010001101110 sojourner 3 +1010001101110 stayaway 3 +1010001101110 mafrag 3 +1010001101110 nonparticipation 3 +1010001101110 followthrough 3 +1010001101110 sinecure 3 +1010001101110 moviemaker 3 +1010001101110 mainspring 3 +1010001101110 retrievers 3 +1010001101110 counterargument 3 +1010001101110 concussion 3 +1010001101110 flasher 3 +1010001101110 miniboom 4 +1010001101110 stele 4 +1010001101110 palazzo 4 +1010001101110 cave-in 4 +1010001101110 declamation 4 +1010001101110 geriatrician 4 +1010001101110 weakling 4 +1010001101110 bumbler 4 +1010001101110 photojournalist 4 +1010001101110 greenbelt 4 +1010001101110 mega-deal 4 +1010001101110 plunger 5 +1010001101110 megahit 5 +1010001101110 swastika 5 +1010001101110 supercycle 5 +1010001101110 sea-change 5 +1010001101110 tusk 5 +1010001101110 mini-hub 5 +1010001101110 lawbreaker 5 +1010001101110 glider 5 +1010001101110 toad 6 +1010001101110 go-getter 6 +1010001101110 spire 6 +1010001101110 blahs 6 +1010001101110 blooper 6 +1010001101110 tremor 6 +1010001101110 pileup 7 +1010001101110 trendsetter 7 +1010001101110 divider 7 +1010001101110 bounce-back 7 +1010001101110 oratorio 7 +1010001101110 dragnet 7 +1010001101110 jig 8 +1010001101110 layover 8 +1010001101110 mixup 8 +1010001101110 coverup 8 +1010001101110 racketeer 8 +1010001101110 cytotech 8 +1010001101110 cliffhanger 8 +1010001101110 TD 9 +1010001101110 blindfold 9 +1010001101110 gash 9 +1010001101110 run-off 10 +1010001101110 downswing 10 +1010001101110 ravine 10 +1010001101110 rectangle 10 +1010001101110 budget-buster 10 +1010001101110 stripper 10 +1010001101110 stopover 10 +1010001101110 fly-rod 11 +1010001101110 firefight 11 +1010001101110 holdup 11 +1010001101110 gale 11 +1010001101110 troublemaker 11 +1010001101110 freefall 12 +1010001101110 sunburn 12 +1010001101110 beginner 12 +1010001101110 no-brainer 12 +1010001101110 firebomb 12 +1010001101110 shake-out 12 +1010001101110 combatant 12 +1010001101110 crater 12 +1010001101110 quakes 13 +1010001101110 discotheque 13 +1010001101110 jihad 13 +1010001101110 torpor 13 +1010001101110 buffoon 14 +1010001101110 goof 14 +1010001101110 depressant 14 +1010001101110 catamaran 15 +1010001101110 downdraft 15 +1010001101110 retriever 15 +1010001101110 crapshoot 15 +1010001101110 mix-up 15 +1010001101110 conflagration 16 +1010001101110 no-no 16 +1010001101110 hiccup 16 +1010001101110 snowfall 16 +1010001101110 free-fall 16 +1010001101110 letdown 17 +1010001101110 counterrevolution 18 +1010001101110 retrial 18 +1010001101110 thunderstorm 18 +1010001101110 makeover 18 +1010001101110 slumber 19 +1010001101110 waterfall 19 +1010001101110 closedown 20 +1010001101110 speedup 20 +1010001101110 peacemaker 21 +1010001101110 tornado 21 +1010001101110 berth 21 +1010001101110 swoon 21 +1010001101110 dud 21 +1010001101110 rainstorm 22 +1010001101110 drubbing 23 +1010001101110 nosedive 24 +1010001101110 grudge 24 +1010001101110 notation 25 +1010001101110 broadside 26 +1010001101110 deceleration 26 +1010001101110 rampage 27 +1010001101110 chuckle 27 +1010001101110 martyr 28 +1010001101110 wink 30 +1010001101110 bimbo 31 +1010001101110 pariah 31 +1010001101110 downtrend 31 +1010001101110 ceasefire 32 +1010001101110 flare-up 32 +1010001101110 Catch-22 33 +1010001101110 mutiny 33 +1010001101110 blowout 34 +1010001101110 mist 35 +1010001101110 bombshell 36 +1010001101110 hangover 39 +1010001101110 glitch 40 +1010001101110 bloodbath 40 +1010001101110 calamity 42 +1010001101110 blockade 43 +1010001101110 lockout 45 +1010001101110 hoax 48 +1010001101110 mistrial 48 +1010001101110 touchdown 49 +1010001101110 malfunction 49 +1010001101110 selloff 50 +1010001101110 snowstorm 52 +1010001101110 turnabout 53 +1010001101110 scapegoat 61 +1010001101110 cover-up 64 +1010001101110 rarity 65 +1010001101110 runoff 70 +1010001101110 meltdown 71 +1010001101110 quake 75 +1010001101110 blip 82 +1010001101110 snag 84 +1010001101110 flier 86 +1010001101110 rehearing 89 +1010001101110 watershed 93 +1010001101110 pullback 95 +1010001101110 frost 97 +1010001101110 tailspin 104 +1010001101110 bonanza 104 +1010001101110 fad 106 +1010001101110 flop 107 +1010001101110 lull 115 +1010001101110 milestone 121 +1010001101110 hurricane 132 +1010001101110 catastrophe 141 +1010001101110 rout 146 +1010001101110 contraction 165 +1010001101110 rage 169 +1010001101110 retrenchment 174 +1010001101110 cutback 190 +1010001101110 recess 198 +1010001101110 pioneer 199 +1010001101110 shakeout 200 +1010001101110 backlash 220 +1010001101110 layoff 223 +1010001101110 miracle 225 +1010001101110 truce 271 +1010001101110 walkout 272 +1010001101110 comeback 274 +1010001101110 breakthrough 381 +1010001101110 depression 390 +1010001101110 demonstration 422 +1010001101110 storm 492 +1010001101110 panic 553 +1010001101110 sell-off 601 +1010001101110 cease-fire 603 +1010001101110 setback 610 +1010001101110 correction 662 +1010001101110 downturn 802 +1010001101110 coup 814 +1010001101110 turnaround 1011 +1010001101110 disaster 1131 +1010001101110 slowdown 1163 +1010001101110 drought 1272 +1010001101110 boom 1452 +1010001101110 slump 1456 +1010001101110 recession 3137 +1010001101110 trial 3425 +1010001101110 rally 3755 +1010001101110 strike 4329 +10100011011110 CRISIS 1 +10100011011110 pre-revolution-debts 1 +10100011011110 dance-maker 1 +10100011011110 6,329,533 1 +10100011011110 445-pence-a-share 1 +10100011011110 NCC-1701-D 1 +10100011011110 trackbed 1 +10100011011110 physician-ethicist 1 +10100011011110 two-doors 1 +10100011011110 dogfood 1 +10100011011110 booklist 1 +10100011011110 medcines 1 +10100011011110 somnolence 1 +10100011011110 5890-600 1 +10100011011110 Palmers 1 +10100011011110 kingship 1 +10100011011110 undisguisedly 1 +10100011011110 drug-maker 1 +10100011011110 corms 1 +10100011011110 Lilliputs 1 +10100011011110 mini-TVs 1 +10100011011110 nonmedically 1 +10100011011110 refurbisher 1 +10100011011110 postage-stamp-size 1 +10100011011110 Pattons 1 +10100011011110 reacquisition 2 +10100011011110 cook-off 2 +10100011011110 Medicis 2 +10100011011110 recapitaliztion 2 +10100011011110 crusher 2 +10100011011110 Aspide 2 +10100011011110 sheepdog 2 +10100011011110 Simplifier 2 +10100011011110 rakers 2 +10100011011110 lysine 2 +10100011011110 plane-maker 2 +10100011011110 Millards 2 +10100011011110 8380R 2 +10100011011110 table. 2 +10100011011110 meuniere 2 +10100011011110 hokey-pokey 2 +10100011011110 pay-outs 2 +10100011011110 NYCLU 2 +10100011011110 Mariels 2 +10100011011110 consumer-taxpayer 2 +10100011011110 Thingi 2 +10100011011110 skillet 2 +10100011011110 Staircase 2 +10100011011110 scow 3 +10100011011110 LXN 3 +10100011011110 forcola 3 +10100011011110 joyride 3 +10100011011110 Printables 3 +10100011011110 nunnery 3 +10100011011110 burnet 3 +10100011011110 yolk 3 +10100011011110 tautology 3 +10100011011110 8615 3 +10100011011110 PDPA 3 +10100011011110 sextet 3 +10100011011110 Trupins 3 +10100011011110 sandstorms 3 +10100011011110 scrim 3 +10100011011110 cabanas 3 +10100011011110 NLPA 3 +10100011011110 G-Analyst 3 +10100011011110 briquettes 3 +10100011011110 Parodis 3 +10100011011110 cupboards 3 +10100011011110 B-1s 3 +10100011011110 boo-boo 3 +10100011011110 WY-150 3 +10100011011110 colonoscopy 3 +10100011011110 supertitles 4 +10100011011110 22V10 4 +10100011011110 microburst 4 +10100011011110 supercharger 4 +10100011011110 1,200-acre 4 +10100011011110 defendent 4 +10100011011110 32/800 4 +10100011011110 literatus 4 +10100011011110 piazza 4 +10100011011110 gondolier 5 +10100011011110 runaround 5 +10100011011110 microExplorer 5 +10100011011110 shaman 5 +10100011011110 Gaucho 5 +10100011011110 brewmaster 5 +10100011011110 enrollee 6 +10100011011110 megafirm 6 +10100011011110 ITO 6 +10100011011110 Somozas 6 +10100011011110 Sierras 6 +10100011011110 Nahnmwarki 6 +10100011011110 sniffer 7 +10100011011110 Biennale 7 +10100011011110 Marielitos 7 +10100011011110 clinician 7 +10100011011110 sender 8 +10100011011110 CR 8 +10100011011110 matchup 9 +10100011011110 jirga 9 +10100011011110 unicorn 10 +10100011011110 Doles 10 +10100011011110 V-2500 11 +10100011011110 EITC 12 +10100011011110 bolivar 13 +10100011011110 cannisters 14 +10100011011110 mike 14 +10100011011110 W-4A 21 +10100011011110 painkiller 25 +10100011011110 liquidator 46 +10100011011110 curtain 102 +10100011011110 sweetener 116 +10100011011110 virus 1388 +10100011011110 treaty 1928 +10100011011110 plane 2032 +10100011011110 transaction 8651 +10100011011110 pact 3034 +10100011011111 1.000 1 +10100011011111 PATENTS 1 +10100011011111 .186 1 +10100011011111 Cooz 1 +10100011011111 neglect-maintenance 1 +10100011011111 .301 1 +10100011011111 position-staking 1 +10100011011111 problemsolving 1 +10100011011111 89-98 1 +10100011011111 .293 1 +10100011011111 directionlessness 1 +10100011011111 .340 1 +10100011011111 .350 1 +10100011011111 crowd-puller 1 +10100011011111 impasto 1 +10100011011111 mahouts 2 +10100011011111 pang 2 +10100011011111 Wasteland 2 +10100011011111 rationalism 2 +10100011011111 seachange 2 +10100011011111 Ramthites 2 +10100011011111 infirmity 2 +10100011011111 intiative 2 +10100011011111 AVA 2 +10100011011111 rejectionism 2 +10100011011111 Wanderers 2 +10100011011111 re-appraisal 2 +10100011011111 Fundis 3 +10100011011111 C-word 3 +10100011011111 nutcracker 3 +10100011011111 bogy 3 +10100011011111 kouros 3 +10100011011111 sortie 3 +10100011011111 3A 3 +10100011011111 jiageya 3 +10100011011111 shrew 3 +10100011011111 winglet 3 +10100011011111 crock 3 +10100011011111 scumbag 3 +10100011011111 bufyet 3 +10100011011111 urinal 4 +10100011011111 blow-off 4 +10100011011111 misdeed 4 +10100011011111 charger 4 +10100011011111 '90 4 +10100011011111 dilettante 4 +10100011011111 joker 5 +10100011011111 drover 5 +10100011011111 Extra-Terrestrial 5 +10100011011111 activators 5 +10100011011111 stunner 5 +10100011011111 streaker 5 +10100011011111 downer 5 +10100011011111 JR. 6 +10100011011111 Wunderkind 6 +10100011011111 corset 6 +10100011011111 zinger 6 +10100011011111 minuet 6 +10100011011111 battlefront 7 +10100011011111 10-X 7 +10100011011111 colloquy 7 +10100011011111 idioms 8 +10100011011111 screw-up 8 +10100011011111 boulevard 8 +10100011011111 make-up 8 +10100011011111 doozy 8 +10100011011111 spectrometer 9 +10100011011111 sandbox 9 +10100011011111 company. 9 +10100011011111 pacesetter 9 +10100011011111 Bretts 10 +10100011011111 blowup 10 +10100011011111 asymmetry 11 +10100011011111 money-maker 11 +10100011011111 hang-up 11 +10100011011111 bonfire 11 +10100011011111 Terminator 12 +10100011011111 patsy 12 +10100011011111 clincher 12 +10100011011111 catharsis 12 +10100011011111 donnybrook 13 +10100011011111 sedative 13 +10100011011111 monstrosity 13 +10100011011111 degeneration 14 +10100011011111 caper 14 +10100011011111 Inquisition 15 +10100011011111 precipice 15 +10100011011111 maelstrom 18 +10100011011111 hubbub 18 +10100011011111 sideshow 19 +10100011011111 pitfall 21 +10100011011111 dike 22 +10100011011111 kicker 22 +10100011011111 parasite 23 +10100011011111 malady 23 +10100011011111 moneymaker 24 +10100011011111 bottleneck 26 +10100011011111 spigot 26 +10100011011111 checkpoint 27 +10100011011111 juggernaut 28 +10100011011111 misstep 29 +10100011011111 dissenter 29 +10100011011111 holdout 29 +10100011011111 free-for-all 37 +10100011011111 Untouchables 37 +10100011011111 imbroglio 38 +10100011011111 logjam 42 +10100011011111 gambit 52 +10100011011111 culprits 54 +10100011011111 quandary 61 +10100011011111 renaissance 74 +10100011011111 hitch 78 +10100011011111 statistic 91 +10100011011111 battleground 92 +10100011011111 fiasco 111 +10100011011111 scam 112 +10100011011111 culprit 119 +10100011011111 spiral 146 +10100011011111 headache 159 +10100011011111 payoff 172 +10100011011111 bell 212 +10100011011111 crunch 247 +10100011011111 hurdle 248 +10100011011111 debacle 259 +10100011011111 shortfall 275 +10100011011111 tragedy 277 +10100011011111 loser 286 +10100011011111 dilemma 403 +10100011011111 mess 447 +10100011011111 scenario 466 +10100011011111 phenomenon 472 +10100011011111 revision 594 +10100011011111 winner 805 +10100011011111 revolution 897 +10100011011111 summit 1689 +10100011011111 scandal 1940 +10100011011111 trend 2637 +10100011011111 crisis 2755 +10100011011111 problem 10083 +10100011011111 situation 3825 +1010001110000 trade-policies 1 +1010001110000 Quinism 1 +1010001110000 Focuses 1 +1010001110000 schlub 1 +1010001110000 supply-above 1 +1010001110000 rapporteurs 1 +1010001110000 3737 1 +1010001110000 repassed 1 +1010001110000 iguanas 1 +1010001110000 FIDDLER 1 +1010001110000 repairperson 1 +1010001110000 correspondant 1 +1010001110000 variationfrom 1 +1010001110000 Kodar 1 +1010001110000 cum-office 1 +1010001110000 radiothon 1 +1010001110000 Treatise 1 +1010001110000 smash-up 2 +1010001110000 Aftenposten 2 +1010001110000 spot-checks 2 +1010001110000 Petunias 2 +1010001110000 Duvalierists 3 +1010001110000 clerkship 3 +1010001110000 REPORTS 4 +1010001110000 notary 5 +1010001110000 eunuch 5 +1010001110000 colloquium 5 +1010001110000 play-offs 5 +1010001110000 melodramas 6 +1010001110000 debriefing 6 +1010001110000 gander 6 +1010001110000 over-the-counter-trading 6 +1010001110000 scolding 10 +1010001110000 pun 17 +1010001110000 clipping 26 +1010001110000 parley 31 +1010001110000 clippings 35 +1010001110000 liftoff 39 +1010001110000 symposium 55 +1010001110000 plenum 66 +1010001110000 plebiscite 95 +1010001110000 luncheon 167 +1010001110000 seminar 214 +1010001110000 conferences 243 +1010001110000 briefing 338 +1010001110000 referendum 358 +1010001110000 hearings 1857 +1010001110000 conference 3956 +1010001110000 hearing 2921 +1010001110001 disatisfaction 1 +1010001110001 metrical 1 +1010001110001 fracases 1 +1010001110001 gay-lesbian 1 +1010001110001 super-crop 1 +1010001110001 uanimously 1 +1010001110001 catfight 1 +1010001110001 louvers 1 +1010001110001 bill-writers 1 +1010001110001 tail-chasing 1 +1010001110001 intitiative 1 +1010001110001 auto-lease 1 +1010001110001 Stored 1 +1010001110001 still-overheated 1 +1010001110001 game-to-end-all-games 1 +1010001110001 144.37 1 +1010001110001 assigment 1 +1010001110001 EC-Japan 1 +1010001110001 Ilyushin-62 1 +1010001110001 oppressions 1 +1010001110001 four-section 1 +1010001110001 buscapade 1 +1010001110001 storybooks 1 +1010001110001 jamboree 1 +1010001110001 zaniness 1 +1010001110001 verifed 1 +1010001110001 miniaturist 2 +1010001110001 acquiesces 2 +1010001110001 income. 2 +1010001110001 nebula 2 +1010001110001 nimbleness 2 +1010001110001 scorcher 2 +1010001110001 love-fest 2 +1010001110001 extention 2 +1010001110001 hoopsters 2 +1010001110001 reports. 3 +1010001110001 murk 3 +1010001110001 Playmate 3 +1010001110001 reassessments 3 +1010001110001 Tutsi 3 +1010001110001 show-stopper 4 +1010001110001 sleekness 4 +1010001110001 highflyer 4 +1010001110001 powwow 4 +1010001110001 carryforward 4 +1010001110001 shindig 5 +1010001110001 windstorm 5 +1010001110001 conclave 7 +1010001110001 carryforwards 8 +1010001110001 tempore 9 +1010001110001 get-together 13 +1010001110001 dispensation 14 +1010001110001 shootout 22 +1010001110001 massacre 142 +1010001110001 carry-forward 178 +1010001110001 meeting 12776 +1010001110001 carry-forwards 209 +1010001110010 87-106 1 +1010001110010 87-103 1 +1010001110010 87-17 1 +1010001110010 87-102 1 +1010001110010 87-62 1 +1010001110010 chairmen. 1 +1010001110010 headquaters 1 +1010001110010 ex-staffer 1 +1010001110010 88-66 1 +1010001110010 asumes 1 +1010001110010 88-73 1 +1010001110010 Handelsblad 1 +1010001110010 87-95 1 +1010001110010 86-141 1 +1010001110010 87-22 1 +1010001110010 al-Barajneh 1 +1010001110010 22920 1 +1010001110010 1341 1 +1010001110010 87-131 1 +1010001110010 86-148 1 +1010001110010 Nailing 1 +1010001110010 86-151 1 +1010001110010 shim 1 +1010001110010 87-94 1 +1010001110010 lyceum 1 +1010001110010 el-Fna 1 +1010001110010 post-hearing 1 +1010001110010 89-90 1 +1010001110010 frostiness 1 +1010001110010 AUTOMOBILES 1 +1010001110010 return-printing 1 +1010001110010 Frederico 1 +1010001110010 SHAKE-UPS 1 +1010001110010 pass-back 1 +1010001110010 nuclear-performance 1 +1010001110010 205.0 1 +1010001110010 Racisme 1 +1010001110010 slickers 1 +1010001110010 88-46 1 +1010001110010 87-136 1 +1010001110010 heir-designate 2 +1010001110010 Mafioso 2 +1010001110010 owner-occupant 2 +1010001110010 420SEL 2 +1010001110010 slurred 2 +1010001110010 1981-1987 2 +1010001110010 Tanners 2 +1010001110010 88-50 2 +1010001110010 Kapels 2 +1010001110010 86-142 2 +1010001110010 75-280 2 +1010001110010 shoebox 3 +1010001110010 approval. 3 +1010001110010 Undong 3 +1010001110010 260E 4 +1010001110010 Il-96 4 +1010001110010 milkman 4 +1010001110010 GLS 4 +1010001110010 Wooz 4 +1010001110010 innovating 4 +1010001110010 ly 5 +1010001110010 Slowey 6 +1010001110010 Scandia 10 +1010001110010 registration 774 +1010001110010 filing 8479 +1010001110010 filings 806 +1010001110011 constitutional-revision 1 +1010001110011 debt-accord 1 +1010001110011 personnel-records 1 +1010001110011 wild-card 1 +1010001110011 national-contract 1 +1010001110011 playrooms 1 +1010001110011 Moscow-induced 1 +1010001110011 Crite 1 +1010001110011 Reappraised 1 +1010001110011 3300 1 +1010001110011 Fractions 1 +1010001110011 Kronholz 1 +1010001110011 piggybanks 1 +1010001110011 torpedo-man 1 +1010001110011 salesclerk 1 +1010001110011 guilden 1 +1010001110011 RunTime 1 +1010001110011 containerships 1 +1010001110011 car- 1 +1010001110011 840,000-square-foot 1 +1010001110011 multiple-cells 1 +1010001110011 Regained 1 +1010001110011 96503. 1 +1010001110011 man-ape 1 +1010001110011 do-or-goodbye 1 +1010001110011 production-supply 1 +1010001110011 2,436 1 +1010001110011 block-purchases 1 +1010001110011 Dougall 1 +1010001110011 worldtrade 1 +1010001110011 sergeant-major 1 +1010001110011 Reservist 1 +1010001110011 SJN-5 1 +1010001110011 Champain 1 +1010001110011 tactical-vehicle 1 +1010001110011 Stockpoint 1 +1010001110011 state-lottery 1 +1010001110011 storerooms 2 +1010001110011 limerick 2 +1010001110011 projects. 2 +1010001110011 Causa 2 +1010001110011 Contra-Sandinista 2 +1010001110011 erector 2 +1010001110011 ContraFund 2 +1010001110011 Sacz 2 +1010001110011 base-rights 2 +1010001110011 Backfires 2 +1010001110011 clothespin 2 +1010001110011 Preventor 3 +1010001110011 time-frame 4 +1010001110011 panda 5 +1010001110011 A-12 7 +1010001110011 contract 13631 +1010001110011 margining 10 +1010001110100 seditionist 1 +1010001110100 one-run-in-eight 1 +1010001110100 bookstacks 1 +1010001110100 swayback 1 +1010001110100 Freeleys 1 +1010001110100 counterreport 1 +1010001110100 NABJ 1 +1010001110100 Benedictis 1 +1010001110100 franchise-winner 1 +1010001110100 most-hyped 1 +1010001110100 doorframe 1 +1010001110100 recepit 1 +1010001110100 face-lifting 1 +1010001110100 DENY 1 +1010001110100 hydrogeologist 1 +1010001110100 bio-documentary 1 +1010001110100 dawn-to-dusk 1 +1010001110100 tie-vote 1 +1010001110100 peace-maker 1 +1010001110100 tensiometer 1 +1010001110100 offscreen 1 +1010001110100 assassination-theory 1 +1010001110100 buckaroo 1 +1010001110100 misdeal 1 +1010001110100 patterused 1 +1010001110100 privatizer 1 +1010001110100 CG-47 1 +1010001110100 092 1 +1010001110100 currency-devalued 1 +1010001110100 7s 1 +1010001110100 trilogy-in-progress 1 +1010001110100 MFG42887 1 +1010001110100 MFG52987 1 +1010001110100 1661966S 1 +1010001110100 resoluton 1 +1010001110100 prior-period 1 +1010001110100 Universal-made 1 +1010001110100 econonomists 1 +1010001110100 Mexican-produced 1 +1010001110100 adminstrations 1 +1010001110100 tracheotomy 1 +1010001110100 talk-format 1 +1010001110100 non-precedential 1 +1010001110100 ur 1 +1010001110100 regrading 1 +1010001110100 NUTHATCH 1 +1010001110100 play/musical 1 +1010001110100 better-offs 1 +1010001110100 four-gold-medal 1 +1010001110100 epaulets 1 +1010001110100 1,197,411 1 +1010001110100 hhhmmmm 1 +1010001110100 pathmaker 1 +1010001110100 yearall 1 +1010001110100 83381-011 1 +1010001110100 career-boost 1 +1010001110100 Al-Nayyam 1 +1010001110100 husband-to-be 1 +1010001110100 32/200 2 +1010001110100 Lure 2 +1010001110100 15-year-veteran 2 +1010001110100 1,101 2 +1010001110100 20/1 2 +1010001110100 browbeating 2 +1010001110100 streetfighter 2 +1010001110100 number-cruncher 2 +1010001110100 Shabba-Haft 2 +1010001110100 rechecking 2 +1010001110100 extensiveness 2 +1010001110100 Natatorium 2 +1010001110100 seismologist 2 +1010001110100 most-often 2 +1010001110100 posturings 3 +1010001110100 avatars 3 +1010001110100 retablo 3 +1010001110100 Lisboa 3 +1010001110100 Skynyrd 3 +1010001110100 minion 3 +1010001110100 cyclorama 3 +1010001110100 firebombings 3 +1010001110100 litigiousness 3 +1010001110100 Kidspac 3 +1010001110100 Chippewas 5 +1010001110100 PA-28 5 +1010001110100 tracker 5 +1010001110100 REPORT 5 +1010001110100 monograph 8 +1010001110100 temblor 9 +1010001110100 crunchers 10 +1010001110100 self-portrait 17 +1010001110100 diagram 17 +1010001110100 graph 33 +1010001110100 chart 340 +1010001110100 poll 1313 +1010001110100 study 6950 +1010001110100 survey 3636 +1010001110101 less-enlightened 1 +1010001110101 L-100-30s 1 +1010001110101 16,072,000 1 +1010001110101 knob-turning 1 +1010001110101 MILE 1 +1010001110101 Nedelya 1 +1010001110101 trend-attracting 1 +1010001110101 quasi-safety 1 +1010001110101 167,107 1 +1010001110101 inundation 1 +1010001110101 balance-of-accounts 1 +1010001110101 pileups 1 +1010001110101 festivalmaking 1 +1010001110101 caffeinated 1 +1010001110101 183.85 2 +1010001110101 Elghanayans 2 +1010001110101 exciter 2 +1010001110101 undercard 2 +1010001110101 ILIB 2 +1010001110101 Sise 3 +1010001110101 nose-dive 4 +1010001110101 DIFFERENCE 5 +1010001110101 stricture 5 +1010001110101 report 18214 +1010001110101 Duper 9 +1010001110110 Mazdectomy 1 +1010001110110 alliance-builders 1 +1010001110110 gonadotrophin 1 +1010001110110 ride. 1 +1010001110110 persuader 1 +1010001110110 mamas 1 +1010001110110 debt-swapping 1 +1010001110110 Microvax 1 +1010001110110 HP-22s 1 +1010001110110 Indextron 1 +1010001110110 venturer 1 +1010001110110 moneywise 1 +1010001110110 13-passenger 1 +1010001110110 318is 2 +1010001110110 Lynching 2 +1010001110110 3S/200 2 +1010001110110 uncrating 2 +1010001110110 Yad 2 +1010001110110 Saddams 2 +1010001110110 abutment 2 +1010001110110 Warner-Amex 2 +1010001110110 wonderfulness 3 +1010001110110 Bonn-Roettgen 3 +1010001110110 timelessness 3 +1010001110110 USGA 3 +1010001110110 Equalens 3 +1010001110110 reversions 3 +1010001110110 Herald-Press 3 +1010001110110 antecedent 3 +1010001110110 Progressives 5 +1010001110110 Arhat 5 +1010001110110 Pioneers 7 +1010001110110 armadillo 7 +1010001110110 cooker 12 +1010001110110 tranche 28 +1010001110110 exhibit 307 +1010001110110 indicator 700 +1010001110110 issue 17426 +1010001110110 award 1254 +10100011101110 Euratom 1 +10100011101110 derogatorily 1 +10100011101110 rhapsodists 1 +10100011101110 ROLLING 1 +10100011101110 four-parter 1 +10100011101110 presupposition 1 +10100011101110 tighening 1 +10100011101110 tuna-head 1 +10100011101110 say-because 1 +10100011101110 jobholder 1 +10100011101110 retentions 1 +10100011101110 inimitability 1 +10100011101110 commission-producers 1 +10100011101110 Brutality 2 +10100011101110 nihilists 2 +10100011101110 mongers 2 +10100011101110 old-old 2 +10100011101110 deliverability 2 +10100011101110 scholar-critic 3 +10100011101110 tally 210 +10100011101110 advocate 501 +10100011101110 projection 521 +10100011101110 forecast 2599 +10100011101110 estimate 4174 +10100011101110 figure 4390 +10100011101111 house-burnings 1 +10100011101111 4.5-day 1 +10100011101111 Confederateland 1 +10100011101111 work-easies 1 +10100011101111 self-propulsion 1 +10100011101111 372,155 1 +10100011101111 time-of-game 1 +10100011101111 4-to-6-foot-tall 1 +10100011101111 counterdemonstrations 1 +10100011101111 Spiegelman/Mouly 1 +10100011101111 moneyeaters 1 +10100011101111 mega-theater 1 +10100011101111 artsiness 1 +10100011101111 lameness 1 +10100011101111 Christianism 1 +10100011101111 repulsiveness 1 +10100011101111 wimpmobiles 1 +10100011101111 babyhoods 1 +10100011101111 tax-frees 1 +10100011101111 infantilism 1 +10100011101111 yodeler 1 +10100011101111 Aziscohos 1 +10100011101111 war-by-biology 1 +10100011101111 woodblocks 1 +10100011101111 rhetoric-making 1 +10100011101111 sanatoriums 1 +10100011101111 faxers 1 +10100011101111 hyperspeed 1 +10100011101111 emendations 1 +10100011101111 dihydrostesterone 1 +10100011101111 bootlaces 1 +10100011101111 Ster 1 +10100011101111 near-anonymity 1 +10100011101111 federal-assistance 1 +10100011101111 tonsillitis 1 +10100011101111 stablemate 1 +10100011101111 forestation 1 +10100011101111 ludicrousness 1 +10100011101111 academese 1 +10100011101111 blank-verse 1 +10100011101111 CMPA 1 +10100011101111 unidentifiability 1 +10100011101111 ungloved 1 +10100011101111 low-input 1 +10100011101111 four-sevenths 1 +10100011101111 piecrust 1 +10100011101111 bookmarks 1 +10100011101111 policy-holders 1 +10100011101111 farmworker-amnesty 1 +10100011101111 outspokeness 1 +10100011101111 existence. 1 +10100011101111 vichyssoise 1 +10100011101111 subdisciplines 1 +10100011101111 273,926 1 +10100011101111 petards 1 +10100011101111 Copec 1 +10100011101111 transition-team 1 +10100011101111 42-cent-a-share 1 +10100011101111 stimulater 1 +10100011101111 archfoes 1 +10100011101111 cross-subsidized 1 +10100011101111 strong-mindedness 1 +10100011101111 pharmeceuticals 1 +10100011101111 market-timers 1 +10100011101111 aqueducts 1 +10100011101111 no-pays 1 +10100011101111 charcoal-lined 1 +10100011101111 special-enforcement 1 +10100011101111 mini-pickup 1 +10100011101111 324,403 1 +10100011101111 Eurotab 1 +10100011101111 churlishness 1 +10100011101111 Hayleyolatry 1 +10100011101111 momemtum 1 +10100011101111 Varadero 1 +10100011101111 Schubertiades 1 +10100011101111 one-hander 1 +10100011101111 fiats 1 +10100011101111 business/environmental 1 +10100011101111 al-Amarah 1 +10100011101111 quasi-welfare 1 +10100011101111 Stammtisch 1 +10100011101111 Excelled 1 +10100011101111 ill-advisedly 1 +10100011101111 glass-beaded 1 +10100011101111 deadheading 1 +10100011101111 levelheadedness 1 +10100011101111 fancy-dress 1 +10100011101111 deceptiveness 1 +10100011101111 Compustat 1 +10100011101111 sports. 1 +10100011101111 Dragados 1 +10100011101111 rapiers 1 +10100011101111 VWs 1 +10100011101111 Tirana 1 +10100011101111 jeepneys 1 +10100011101111 Japanese. 1 +10100011101111 mini-mafia 1 +10100011101111 Bandaranaike 1 +10100011101111 Equipement 1 +10100011101111 benefit. 1 +10100011101111 secularist 1 +10100011101111 countrywomen 1 +10100011101111 spaceworthy 1 +10100011101111 ethylenethiourea 2 +10100011101111 acccount 2 +10100011101111 wigwams 2 +10100011101111 Andromaca 2 +10100011101111 cultivars 2 +10100011101111 ex- 2 +10100011101111 undulations 2 +10100011101111 lapdogs 2 +10100011101111 periscope 2 +10100011101111 cash-benefits 2 +10100011101111 tang 2 +10100011101111 environmental-law 2 +10100011101111 Milesburg 2 +10100011101111 sleepiness 2 +10100011101111 line. 2 +10100011101111 corto-plazismo 2 +10100011101111 frankfurters 2 +10100011101111 quarter-more 2 +10100011101111 breakouts 3 +10100011101111 fief 3 +10100011101111 plowshares 3 +10100011101111 storehouses 3 +10100011101111 airbill 3 +10100011101111 bunkhouse 3 +10100011101111 unsuitability 3 +10100011101111 vocoders 3 +10100011101111 IIci 3 +10100011101111 arbor 3 +10100011101111 unmarketable 4 +10100011101111 P-3s 4 +10100011101111 rowdiness 5 +10100011101111 orthodontist 5 +10100011101111 insignificance 5 +10100011101111 petard 7 +10100011101111 volition 10 +10100011101111 increment 17 +10100011101111 recognizance 26 +10100011101111 overflow 51 +10100011101111 accrual 52 +10100011101111 allowance 264 +10100011101111 exit 375 +10100011101111 exemption 556 +10100011101111 account 6041 +10100011101111 adjustment 1223 +101000111100 22.22 1 +101000111100 tele-ectorate 1 +101000111100 offeree 1 +101000111100 sinisterly 1 +101000111100 reflectiveness 1 +101000111100 patent-protection 1 +101000111100 481-berth 1 +101000111100 chart-- 1 +101000111100 parka 2 +101000111100 Neckar 2 +101000111100 2155 2 +101000111100 illustration-- 2 +101000111100 immolation 2 +101000111100 ecomony 2 +101000111100 DV-1 4 +101000111100 mercies 9 +101000111100 offer 25523 +101000111100 overture 131 +101000111101 chronoflower 1 +101000111101 question. 1 +101000111101 game-player 1 +101000111101 woman-friend 1 +101000111101 phonebooks 1 +101000111101 miniscandal 1 +101000111101 leveraged-buyouts 1 +101000111101 channel. 1 +101000111101 workers-1,400 1 +101000111101 pugilism 1 +101000111101 quant 1 +101000111101 McOutfit 1 +101000111101 supersedence 1 +101000111101 anually 1 +101000111101 584-4500 1 +101000111101 cross-petition 1 +101000111101 Mexicanism 1 +101000111101 DOS/16M 1 +101000111101 vitamin-wise 1 +101000111101 930-0855 1 +101000111101 Urbain 2 +101000111101 vapidity 2 +101000111101 nodule 2 +101000111101 sparkplug 2 +101000111101 -level 2 +101000111101 genders 2 +101000111101 then- 2 +101000111101 quitter 3 +101000111101 subleases 3 +101000111101 chambermaid 3 +101000111101 disassociation 3 +101000111101 decline. 3 +101000111101 basis. 3 +101000111101 paunch 4 +101000111101 offerer 7 +101000111101 cue 101 +101000111101 suitor 889 +101000111101 bid 16345 +101000111101 bidder 976 +1010001111100 grittiness 1 +1010001111100 merrymaker 1 +1010001111100 inseparably 1 +1010001111100 thinktank 1 +1010001111100 double-needle 1 +1010001111100 checkbut 1 +1010001111100 tear-jerker 1 +1010001111100 flowerdecked 1 +1010001111100 non-relative 1 +1010001111100 scare-letter 1 +1010001111100 four-set 1 +1010001111100 sticking-point 1 +1010001111100 supersyndicate 1 +1010001111100 countermotion 1 +1010001111100 university-like 1 +1010001111100 12-footer 1 +1010001111100 next-to-nothing 1 +1010001111100 cellmate 1 +1010001111100 higher-than-level 1 +1010001111100 expiraton 1 +1010001111100 late-late-late 1 +1010001111100 tax-reductions 1 +1010001111100 counterposter 1 +1010001111100 trencherman 1 +1010001111100 subtype 1 +1010001111100 lion-fish 1 +1010001111100 canoeist 1 +1010001111100 sometimes-rock 1 +1010001111100 soldier-informant 1 +1010001111100 careeningly 1 +1010001111100 septet 1 +1010001111100 more-comfortable 1 +1010001111100 insp. 1 +1010001111100 rail-highway 1 +1010001111100 submissiveness 1 +1010001111100 220-page 1 +1010001111100 counterdemonstrator 1 +1010001111100 10-question 1 +1010001111100 lozenge 1 +1010001111100 mega-manager 1 +1010001111100 10-for-26 1 +1010001111100 Jeremiad 1 +1010001111100 locution 1 +1010001111100 tassel 1 +1010001111100 dormitory-like 1 +1010001111100 recesson 1 +1010001111100 hardnose 1 +1010001111100 less-structured 1 +1010001111100 12-rounder 1 +1010001111100 thunderhead 1 +1010001111100 quasi-belief 1 +1010001111100 resume-enhancing 1 +1010001111100 carnival-type 1 +1010001111100 more-level 1 +1010001111100 glissando 2 +1010001111100 semanticist 2 +1010001111100 streamer 2 +1010001111100 communqiue 2 +1010001111100 Winterset 2 +1010001111100 teabag 2 +1010001111100 footpath 2 +1010001111100 lisp 2 +1010001111100 kip 2 +1010001111100 stagehand 2 +1010001111100 muskrats 2 +1010001111100 spyglass 2 +1010001111100 lander 2 +1010001111100 near-crawl 2 +1010001111100 stepladder 2 +1010001111100 coolie 2 +1010001111100 near-agreement 2 +1010001111100 windowpane 2 +1010001111100 beaker 3 +1010001111100 punctiliousness 3 +1010001111100 Eurocrat 3 +1010001111100 10-footer 3 +1010001111100 stasher 3 +1010001111100 well-planned 3 +1010001111100 brazier 3 +1010001111100 fact-finder 3 +1010001111100 sweet-faced 3 +1010001111100 miniconglomerate 3 +1010001111100 knucklehead 3 +1010001111100 doubleheader 3 +1010001111100 countercomplaint 3 +1010001111100 workup 3 +1010001111100 neuropsychologist 3 +1010001111100 straightjacket 3 +1010001111100 Japan-basher 3 +1010001111100 preschooler 4 +1010001111100 two-iron 4 +1010001111100 piccolo 4 +1010001111100 DC-6 4 +1010001111100 forint 4 +1010001111100 reminiscence 4 +1010001111100 baseliner 4 +1010001111100 statment 5 +1010001111100 Mailgram 5 +1010001111100 mini-rally 5 +1010001111100 summation 5 +1010001111100 bathrobe 5 +1010001111100 pinata 5 +1010001111100 roadshow 5 +1010001111100 scythe 5 +1010001111100 feint 5 +1010001111100 epistle 6 +1010001111100 car. 6 +1010001111100 tux 6 +1010001111100 minnow 6 +1010001111100 missive 7 +1010001111100 valedictory 7 +1010001111100 mailgram 7 +1010001111100 crowbar 7 +1010001111100 barb 7 +1010001111100 jaunt 7 +1010001111100 counter-offer 8 +1010001111100 masterwork 8 +1010001111100 tongue-lashing 8 +1010001111100 tinderbox 9 +1010001111100 tip-off 9 +1010001111100 telethon 9 +1010001111100 countermove 10 +1010001111100 yo-yo 10 +1010001111100 syringe 10 +1010001111100 lather 11 +1010001111100 leaflet 11 +1010001111100 preamble 11 +1010001111100 facelift 11 +1010001111100 placard 11 +1010001111100 weatherman 13 +1010001111100 postscript 14 +1010001111100 midwife 15 +1010001111100 biopsy 16 +1010001111100 foreword 17 +1010001111100 chateau 18 +1010001111100 bodyguard 20 +1010001111100 handout 20 +1010001111100 shortcut 21 +1010001111100 worksheet 21 +1010001111100 demotion 23 +1010001111100 counterproposal 24 +1010001111100 pittance 25 +1010001111100 sabbatical 26 +1010001111100 motorcade 27 +1010001111100 corollary 28 +1010001111100 quorum 34 +1010001111100 formality 41 +1010001111100 pamphlet 43 +1010001111100 microscope 43 +1010001111100 stipulation 43 +1010001111100 sermon 45 +1010001111100 counterbid 47 +1010001111100 counteroffer 55 +1010001111100 reprieve 55 +1010001111100 telegram 58 +1010001111100 pilgrimage 58 +1010001111100 curfew 77 +1010001111100 sequel 98 +1010001111100 footnote 113 +1010001111100 circular 126 +1010001111100 deposition 181 +1010001111100 ceremony 220 +1010001111100 communique 260 +1010001111100 memorandum 296 +1010001111100 declaration 298 +1010001111100 presentation 420 +1010001111100 memo 977 +1010001111100 successor 1336 +1010001111100 trip 1368 +1010001111100 speech 2546 +1010001111100 pound 2946 +1010001111100 letter 6014 +1010001111100 statement 6530 +1010001111101 least-controversial 1 +1010001111101 pick-pocket-tax 1 +1010001111101 mismangement 1 +1010001111101 re-indictment 1 +1010001111101 three-town 1 +1010001111101 FLOOD 1 +1010001111101 70,000-seat 1 +1010001111101 leitmotifs 1 +1010001111101 736,788 1 +1010001111101 margin-cutting 1 +1010001111101 late-show 1 +1010001111101 Boorish 1 +1010001111101 Doubletalk 1 +1010001111101 oil-workers 1 +1010001111101 moonshiner 1 +1010001111101 noselessness 1 +1010001111101 ostentatiousness 1 +1010001111101 Pedrillo 1 +1010001111101 Action-Touch 1 +1010001111101 jacket-copy 1 +1010001111101 23-minute 1 +1010001111101 once-monolithic 1 +1010001111101 treacle 1 +1010001111101 660,000-member 1 +1010001111101 second-highest-rated 1 +1010001111101 college-hoop 1 +1010001111101 randier 1 +1010001111101 ProMavica 1 +1010001111101 roundtrippers 1 +1010001111101 non-discounter 1 +1010001111101 methylepijasmonate 1 +1010001111101 pollster-in-chief 1 +1010001111101 doo 1 +1010001111101 reform-driven 1 +1010001111101 photo-safari 1 +1010001111101 towrope 1 +1010001111101 easygoingness 1 +1010001111101 l-a-t-e-s-t 1 +1010001111101 critic-bashing 1 +1010001111101 T-Factor 1 +1010001111101 maintenance-of-way 1 +1010001111101 SwedBank 1 +1010001111101 40-inch 1 +1010001111101 sightseer 1 +1010001111101 leadenness 1 +1010001111101 coppers 1 +1010001111101 truant 1 +1010001111101 daughters-in-law 1 +1010001111101 indestructibility 1 +1010001111101 upcut 1 +1010001111101 bid-information 1 +1010001111101 schlockiness 1 +1010001111101 non-amnesty 1 +1010001111101 Peerscope 1 +1010001111101 climbable 1 +1010001111101 metaphor-of-choice 1 +1010001111101 taffeta-weaving 1 +1010001111101 expection 1 +1010001111101 hyperzeal 1 +1010001111101 pop-musical 1 +1010001111101 ServiceXtra 1 +1010001111101 Batallion 1 +1010001111101 pro-Washington 1 +1010001111101 more-hawkish 1 +1010001111101 Moscow-line 1 +1010001111101 weapon-of-choice 1 +1010001111101 telecommunicationsindustry 1 +1010001111101 little-heard 1 +1010001111101 Provenzanos 2 +1010001111101 Sun-Sentinel 2 +1010001111101 uttermost 2 +1010001111101 Congregationalist 2 +1010001111101 FCB/Telecom 2 +1010001111101 chorea 2 +1010001111101 Pacifics 2 +1010001111101 Panhellenic 2 +1010001111101 Holiness 2 +1010001111101 Haight-Ashbury 2 +1010001111101 adorability 2 +1010001111101 wobbliness 2 +1010001111101 Ramboys 2 +1010001111101 ath 2 +1010001111101 logotype 2 +1010001111101 very-much-in-power 2 +1010001111101 minicoup 2 +1010001111101 curia 2 +1010001111101 near-default 2 +1010001111101 Levines 2 +1010001111101 trigonometry 2 +1010001111101 Moscow-oriented 2 +1010001111101 anointment 2 +1010001111101 brusqueness 3 +1010001111101 thumbprint 3 +1010001111101 Wehrmacht 3 +1010001111101 Lorton 3 +1010001111101 el-Barajneh 3 +1010001111101 XA 3 +1010001111101 NEP 3 +1010001111101 reclusiveness 3 +1010001111101 Steppenwolves 3 +1010001111101 stenographer 4 +1010001111101 designee 4 +1010001111101 decison 5 +1010001111101 listlessness 5 +1010001111101 Notebook 5 +1010001111101 readmission 5 +1010001111101 acquittals 5 +1010001111101 reemergence 6 +1010001111101 Iago 7 +1010001111101 Sarcoma 8 +1010001111101 coming-out 8 +1010001111101 Apra 8 +1010001111101 schoolroom 8 +1010001111101 stock-in-trade 9 +1010001111101 accession 11 +1010001111101 ascension 20 +1010001111101 edict 22 +1010001111101 Klux 25 +1010001111101 pronouncement 30 +1010001111101 proclamation 32 +1010001111101 arraignment 40 +1010001111101 finale 51 +1010001111101 downfall 93 +1010001111101 Panel 126 +1010001111101 insistence 256 +1010001111101 assertion 322 +1010001111101 recommendation 1076 +1010001111101 appointment 1150 +1010001111101 departure 1345 +1010001111101 resignation 1438 +1010001111101 decision 10690 +1010001111101 ruling 5195 +1010001111101 announcement 4421 +10100011111100 Averted 1 +10100011111100 ROI 1 +10100011111100 cobweb 1 +10100011111100 87-82 1 +10100011111100 hrugouttheU 1 +10100011111100 starburst 1 +10100011111100 levelization 1 +10100011111100 relationhip 1 +10100011111100 Marrack 1 +10100011111100 Port-O-Potty 2 +10100011111100 gloominess 2 +10100011111100 whooshing 2 +10100011111100 subcategory 2 +10100011111100 cam 4 +10100011111100 preventer 4 +10100011111100 prudery 4 +10100011111100 infringers 4 +10100011111100 OTN 5 +10100011111100 bandage 11 +10100011111100 psychosis 13 +10100011111100 foul-up 14 +10100011111100 proviso 17 +10100011111100 monopole 26 +10100011111100 guideline 43 +10100011111100 sequester 46 +10100011111100 booklet 63 +10100011111100 covenant 77 +10100011111100 directive 216 +10100011111100 loophole 242 +10100011111100 restriction 245 +10100011111100 defect 323 +10100011111100 waiver 336 +10100011111100 clause 445 +10100011111100 compound 450 +10100011111100 sum 677 +10100011111100 document 1154 +10100011111100 requirement 1214 +10100011111100 resolution 1387 +10100011111100 package 3349 +10100011111100 provision 3438 +10100011111100 measure 4995 +10100011111100 rule 4356 +10100011111101 miscode 1 +10100011111101 provisons 1 +10100011111101 manufacturing-doomsayers 1 +10100011111101 clay-lime 1 +10100011111101 money-multiplier 1 +10100011111101 JJIRA 1 +10100011111101 Nevadan 1 +10100011111101 ex-chancellor 1 +10100011111101 DWUs 1 +10100011111101 DWU 1 +10100011111101 pay-off 1 +10100011111101 sunbather 1 +10100011111101 education-campaign 1 +10100011111101 H-pattern 1 +10100011111101 rhinally 1 +10100011111101 Creche 1 +10100011111101 Procter-speaker 1 +10100011111101 7-foot-2er 1 +10100011111101 supervotes 1 +10100011111101 doorkeepers 1 +10100011111101 uptakes 1 +10100011111101 al-Khayils 1 +10100011111101 Hanninens 1 +10100011111101 costs-of-golfing 1 +10100011111101 heat-up 1 +10100011111101 recommentations 1 +10100011111101 headhunt 1 +10100011111101 hold-downs 1 +10100011111101 Goldenrod 1 +10100011111101 more-rapidly 1 +10100011111101 Hightowers 1 +10100011111101 bills-measures 1 +10100011111101 snake-tube 1 +10100011111101 all-time-high 1 +10100011111101 questionbut 1 +10100011111101 988,000-unit 1 +10100011111101 result-orientation 2 +10100011111101 Cray-4 2 +10100011111101 deluges 2 +10100011111101 drug-runner 2 +10100011111101 veep 2 +10100011111101 limiter 2 +10100011111101 peony 2 +10100011111101 UAVs 2 +10100011111101 typescript 2 +10100011111101 tete-a-tete 3 +10100011111101 Bernadotte 3 +10100011111101 avoiders 3 +10100011111101 Strad 3 +10100011111101 sump 4 +10100011111101 bill 11118 +10100011111101 Hotel-Casino 7 +10100011111110 non-ownership 1 +10100011111110 violation. 1 +10100011111110 miniconstitution 1 +10100011111110 virus-1 1 +10100011111110 negotiaions 1 +10100011111110 defict 2 +10100011111110 leer 2 +10100011111110 check-up 2 +10100011111110 sterilizers 2 +10100011111110 accounts. 3 +10100011111110 feeler 3 +10100011111110 cordoba 3 +10100011111110 Paele 3 +10100011111110 plans. 3 +10100011111110 plan 22781 +10100011111110 Merwe 7 +10100011111111 jail-cell 1 +10100011111111 19,621 1 +10100011111111 Vanillamark 1 +10100011111111 competitveness 1 +10100011111111 decreee 1 +10100011111111 rubout 2 +10100011111111 C-note 2 +10100011111111 sitting-room 2 +10100011111111 cops-and-robbers 2 +10100011111111 Nap 2 +10100011111111 pantleg 2 +10100011111111 Dubliner 2 +10100011111111 pre-operative 2 +10100011111111 undershipments 2 +10100011111111 co-option 2 +10100011111111 standard-setter 2 +10100011111111 endgame 3 +10100011111111 monoclonals 3 +10100011111111 piker 3 +10100011111111 counter-proposal 3 +10100011111111 union-busters 3 +10100011111111 stretcher 3 +10100011111111 decatherm 3 +10100011111111 forester 4 +10100011111111 ambassador-at-large 4 +10100011111111 madonna 4 +10100011111111 kilt 4 +10100011111111 flareup 5 +10100011111111 squeaker 5 +10100011111111 novella 6 +10100011111111 jackhammer 6 +10100011111111 clothier 7 +10100011111111 cyst 7 +10100011111111 manhunt 7 +10100011111111 houseboat 8 +10100011111111 Biennial 9 +10100011111111 inquisitors 11 +10100011111111 byword 12 +10100011111111 synonym 14 +10100011111111 swan 21 +10100011111111 prank 21 +10100011111111 proclivity 23 +10100011111111 handbook 39 +10100011111111 euphemism 40 +10100011111111 manifesto 44 +10100011111111 screenplay 50 +10100011111111 go-ahead 62 +10100011111111 citation 64 +10100011111111 knack 93 +10100011111111 mania 93 +10100011111111 blueprint 139 +10100011111111 recipe 148 +10100011111111 catalyst 207 +10100011111111 quest 258 +10100011111111 pleas 268 +10100011111111 timetable 361 +10100011111111 decree 433 +10100011111111 prospectus 495 +10100011111111 plea 649 +10100011111111 petition 731 +10100011111111 motion 1186 +10100011111111 deadline 1458 +10100011111111 proposal 10610 +10100011111111 request 3469 +10100100000 fezlike 1 +10100100000 anti-Gadhafi 1 +10100100000 second-row 1 +10100100000 bloodcell 1 +10100100000 chart-following 1 +10100100000 drilling-supply 1 +10100100000 176-90 1 +10100100000 rabbit-fur 1 +10100100000 pistol-grip 1 +10100100000 life-tenured 1 +10100100000 one-inning 1 +10100100000 tertile 2 +10100100000 216-208 2 +10100100000 crackpopulist 2 +10100100000 coal-miners 2 +10100100000 employee-consultant 2 +10100100000 fat-man 2 +10100100000 sing-song 2 +10100100000 T-34 2 +10100100000 26-25 2 +10100100000 413-3 2 +10100100000 food-processor 2 +10100100000 klutz 2 +10100100000 EDSer 2 +10100100000 322-90 2 +10100100000 crankcase 2 +10100100000 forkball 2 +10100100000 second-circulation 2 +10100100000 alabaster 3 +10100100000 agitprop 3 +10100100000 chain-of-command 3 +10100100000 seatbelt 3 +10100100000 pillbox 3 +10100100000 monocle 3 +10100100000 statuette 3 +10100100000 sloop 3 +10100100000 stutter 3 +10100100000 outcrop 3 +10100100000 union-buster 3 +10100100000 multiballot 3 +10100100000 stock-picker 3 +10100100000 narco 3 +10100100000 estancia 3 +10100100000 407-17 3 +10100100000 Pekingese 3 +10100100000 thunderbolt 4 +10100100000 sulk 4 +10100100000 showoff 4 +10100100000 dishwater 4 +10100100000 headset 4 +10100100000 draftee 4 +10100100000 maximalist 4 +10100100000 poacher 4 +10100100000 sweetie 4 +10100100000 pinup 4 +10100100000 hypochondriac 4 +10100100000 tabby 4 +10100100000 gunfighter 4 +10100100000 kachina 4 +10100100000 Lamaze 4 +10100100000 panflute 4 +10100100000 handlebar 4 +10100100000 metronome 4 +10100100000 underpants 4 +10100100000 vestments 4 +10100100000 cortege 4 +10100100000 larynx 4 +10100100000 backhoe 4 +10100100000 chintz 4 +10100100000 girdle 4 +10100100000 RN 4 +10100100000 followership 4 +10100100000 tap-tap 4 +10100100000 halter 4 +10100100000 layette 4 +10100100000 caver 5 +10100100000 Plattsburgh 5 +10100100000 washboard 5 +10100100000 five-iron 5 +10100100000 rhino 5 +10100100000 godmother 5 +10100100000 bookie 5 +10100100000 hazing 5 +10100100000 17-0 5 +10100100000 retrovirus 5 +10100100000 hovel 5 +10100100000 disconsolate 5 +10100100000 lawyer-bashing 5 +10100100000 paratrooper 5 +10100100000 six-story 5 +10100100000 Azucena 5 +10100100000 boardinghouse 5 +10100100000 boar 5 +10100100000 Hegelian 5 +10100100000 bead 5 +10100100000 laundromat 6 +10100100000 reawakening 6 +10100100000 mastectomy 6 +10100100000 banjo 6 +10100100000 croissant 6 +10100100000 sombrero 6 +10100100000 juggler 6 +10100100000 windup 6 +10100100000 smock 6 +10100100000 roundhouse 6 +10100100000 newspeak 6 +10100100000 highchair 6 +10100100000 ranch-style 6 +10100100000 paintbrush 6 +10100100000 raincoat 7 +10100100000 sell-out 7 +10100100000 weirdo 7 +10100100000 samba 7 +10100100000 tricycle 7 +10100100000 shakedown 7 +10100100000 shashlik 7 +10100100000 disconnection 7 +10100100000 monohull 7 +10100100000 shaker 7 +10100100000 cream-colored 7 +10100100000 hurdler 7 +10100100000 coyote 7 +10100100000 machete 7 +10100100000 jersey 7 +10100100000 footprint 7 +10100100000 megalomaniac 7 +10100100000 dolphin 7 +10100100000 dune 7 +10100100000 tripod 7 +10100100000 rudder 7 +10100100000 pueblo 7 +10100100000 gopher 7 +10100100000 Toon 7 +10100100000 hula 8 +10100100000 trampoline 8 +10100100000 striptease 8 +10100100000 spotter 8 +10100100000 kite 8 +10100100000 mite 8 +10100100000 spreader 8 +10100100000 steamer 8 +10100100000 7-0 8 +10100100000 kiosk 8 +10100100000 caterpillar 8 +10100100000 Synchro-Energizer 8 +10100100000 Doberman 8 +10100100000 horseshoe 8 +10100100000 soapbox 8 +10100100000 wonderland 8 +10100100000 brio 8 +10100100000 tram 8 +10100100000 bastard 8 +10100100000 job. 8 +10100100000 five-bedroom 8 +10100100000 bel 8 +10100100000 talker 8 +10100100000 hotshot 8 +10100100000 dinghy 8 +10100100000 comet 8 +10100100000 sheepskin 9 +10100100000 mammal 9 +10100100000 zombie 9 +10100100000 chopper 9 +10100100000 thumbnail 9 +10100100000 strangeness 9 +10100100000 chainsaw 9 +10100100000 limo 9 +10100100000 blacktop 9 +10100100000 survivalist 9 +10100100000 puddle 9 +10100100000 swinger 9 +10100100000 manhole 9 +10100100000 steamboat 9 +10100100000 Megabucks 9 +10100100000 Busier-Than-Thou 9 +10100100000 turtleneck 9 +10100100000 no-show 9 +10100100000 stopwatch 9 +10100100000 percentile 9 +10100100000 echelon 9 +10100100000 mallet 9 +10100100000 railbike 9 +10100100000 ark 9 +10100100000 duplex 9 +10100100000 half-time 10 +10100100000 bargainer 10 +10100100000 counterparty 10 +10100100000 garret 10 +10100100000 gong 10 +10100100000 play-by-play 10 +10100100000 beaver 10 +10100100000 merry-go-round 10 +10100100000 chick 10 +10100100000 headband 10 +10100100000 sauna 10 +10100100000 grasshopper 10 +10100100000 cheeseburger 10 +10100100000 wheelbarrow 10 +10100100000 walkie-talkie 10 +10100100000 climate-controlled 11 +10100100000 postcard 11 +10100100000 turban 11 +10100100000 fender 11 +10100100000 harpsichord 11 +10100100000 thermos 11 +10100100000 shrieking 11 +10100100000 ronin 11 +10100100000 sluice 11 +10100100000 skylight 11 +10100100000 hysterectomy 11 +10100100000 snout 11 +10100100000 falsehood 11 +10100100000 baboon 11 +10100100000 saucer 11 +10100100000 rulebook 11 +10100100000 scorecard 11 +10100100000 slob 11 +10100100000 kitty 12 +10100100000 quivering 12 +10100100000 boilerplate 12 +10100100000 preppie 12 +10100100000 blender 12 +10100100000 shingle 12 +10100100000 poodle 12 +10100100000 showpiece 12 +10100100000 rotunda 12 +10100100000 monotone 12 +10100100000 byline 12 +10100100000 Stradivarius 12 +10100100000 price-slashing 12 +10100100000 gatekeeper 12 +10100100000 dresser 12 +10100100000 Yank 12 +10100100000 debater 13 +10100100000 canteen 13 +10100100000 martini 13 +10100100000 pedestal 13 +10100100000 womanizer 13 +10100100000 UFO 13 +10100100000 palatial 13 +10100100000 brothel 13 +10100100000 wetland 13 +10100100000 silhouette 14 +10100100000 surfboard 14 +10100100000 boomer 14 +10100100000 skunk 14 +10100100000 heptathlon 14 +10100100000 sax 14 +10100100000 coronation 14 +10100100000 bookshelf 14 +10100100000 twitch 14 +10100100000 bubbly 14 +10100100000 blocker 14 +10100100000 flashback 14 +10100100000 kettle 14 +10100100000 hideaway 15 +10100100000 respirator 15 +10100100000 keg 15 +10100100000 by-election 15 +10100100000 diva 15 +10100100000 cockroach 15 +10100100000 getaway 15 +10100100000 SuperBar 15 +10100100000 valet 15 +10100100000 dung 15 +10100100000 waltz 16 +10100100000 funk 16 +10100100000 napkin 16 +10100100000 wand 16 +10100100000 hymn 16 +10100100000 jukebox 16 +10100100000 playpen 16 +10100100000 daredevil 16 +10100100000 hippie 16 +10100100000 chestnut 17 +10100100000 backpack 17 +10100100000 bulldozer 17 +10100100000 torso 17 +10100100000 brat 17 +10100100000 luge 17 +10100100000 necklace 17 +10100100000 sandstone 17 +10100100000 saxophone 17 +10100100000 checkers 18 +10100100000 mini 18 +10100100000 hairdo 18 +10100100000 homestead 18 +10100100000 revolver 18 +10100100000 junkyard 18 +10100100000 cookbook 18 +10100100000 scalpel 19 +10100100000 watercolor 19 +10100100000 canoe 19 +10100100000 ventilator 19 +10100100000 manor 19 +10100100000 chimp 19 +10100100000 sinner 19 +10100100000 forehand 20 +10100100000 washer 20 +10100100000 jock 20 +10100100000 goldfish 20 +10100100000 synthesizer 20 +10100100000 bravura 20 +10100100000 fin 20 +10100100000 homecoming 20 +10100100000 pumpkin 20 +10100100000 lighthouse 20 +10100100000 rut 21 +10100100000 sweatshirt 21 +10100100000 blouse 21 +10100100000 crap 21 +10100100000 watermelon 21 +10100100000 backhand 21 +10100100000 crucifix 21 +10100100000 crib 21 +10100100000 wristwatch 21 +10100100000 necktie 21 +10100100000 finisher 21 +10100100000 schoolboy 21 +10100100000 jab 22 +10100100000 beeper 22 +10100100000 lapel 22 +10100100000 birdie 22 +10100100000 ankles 22 +10100100000 pillow 22 +10100100000 lunatic 22 +10100100000 bra 22 +10100100000 tryout 23 +10100100000 pedigree 23 +10100100000 gymnasium 23 +10100100000 directorship 23 +10100100000 gondola 23 +10100100000 fellowship 24 +10100100000 Datsun 24 +10100100000 pothole 24 +10100100000 rip-off 24 +10100100000 gutter 25 +10100100000 voice-over 25 +10100100000 gangster 25 +10100100000 boondoggle 25 +10100100000 gorilla 25 +10100100000 password 25 +10100100000 bikini 25 +10100100000 hacker 26 +10100100000 carnival 26 +10100100000 racehorse 26 +10100100000 frog 26 +10100100000 canopy 26 +10100100000 flashlight 26 +10100100000 slippers 27 +10100100000 checklist 27 +10100100000 puppy 28 +10100100000 tombstone 28 +10100100000 sage 28 +10100100000 clarinet 28 +10100100000 checkbook 29 +10100100000 scalp 29 +10100100000 den 29 +10100100000 donkey 29 +10100100000 burnout 29 +10100100000 bedside 30 +10100100000 seminary 30 +10100100000 toaster 31 +10100100000 mustache 31 +10100100000 ledger 32 +10100100000 markdown 32 +10100100000 breadwinner 32 +10100100000 gavel 32 +10100100000 vigil 32 +10100100000 spine 32 +10100100000 runner-up 32 +10100100000 sled 32 +10100100000 screwdriver 33 +10100100000 god 33 +10100100000 knockout 33 +10100100000 kickoff 33 +10100100000 tuxedo 33 +10100100000 pocketbook 33 +10100100000 heartbeat 33 +10100100000 nap 34 +10100100000 candle 34 +10100100000 farmhouse 34 +10100100000 mailbox 34 +10100100000 tray 34 +10100100000 marker 34 +10100100000 noir 35 +10100100000 voltage 35 +10100100000 jingle 36 +10100100000 dragon 36 +10100100000 carriage 36 +10100100000 bunker 36 +10100100000 chauffeur 37 +10100100000 burglary 37 +10100100000 fireplace 38 +10100100000 boyhood 38 +10100100000 recital 38 +10100100000 wardrobe 38 +10100100000 graveyard 39 +10100100000 crocodile 40 +10100100000 notebook 40 +10100100000 siren 40 +10100100000 melody 41 +10100100000 dinosaur 41 +10100100000 jaw 42 +10100100000 suitcase 42 +10100100000 fortress 42 +10100100000 freezer 42 +10100100000 haircut 42 +10100100000 tub 43 +10100100000 lifestyle 43 +10100100000 sofa 43 +10100100000 pennant 44 +10100100000 fox 44 +10100100000 triangle 45 +10100100000 beta 45 +10100100000 fanatic 46 +10100100000 drawer 46 +10100100000 rainbow 46 +10100100000 sucker 46 +10100100000 boardroom 46 +10100100000 workday 46 +10100100000 bathtub 47 +10100100000 quarry 47 +10100100000 bounty 47 +10100100000 missionary 48 +10100100000 playground 48 +10100100000 trophy 50 +10100100000 psychic 50 +10100100000 starter 50 +10100100000 sweetheart 51 +10100100000 workforce 51 +10100100000 bluff 52 +10100100000 plum 52 +10100100000 calculator 52 +10100100000 hillside 53 +10100100000 vineyard 53 +10100100000 virtuoso 53 +10100100000 pyramid 54 +10100100000 cathedral 54 +10100100000 warrior 54 +10100100000 cage 54 +10100100000 curse 55 +10100100000 handshake 56 +10100100000 whale 56 +10100100000 workout 56 +10100100000 beard 56 +10100100000 coffin 57 +10100100000 sideline 58 +10100100000 destroyer 58 +10100100000 shotgun 59 +10100100000 rabbit 59 +10100100000 paycheck 59 +10100100000 gala 60 +10100100000 tan 60 +10100100000 limb 61 +10100100000 tomb 62 +10100100000 censure 63 +10100100000 helmet 63 +10100100000 lounge 63 +10100100000 tiger 65 +10100100000 styling 66 +10100100000 sanctuary 66 +10100100000 precinct 66 +10100100000 superstar 67 +10100100000 ballroom 67 +10100100000 wolf 68 +10100100000 diploma 68 +10100100000 picnic 69 +10100100000 pencil 70 +10100100000 horn 70 +10100100000 backyard 70 +10100100000 laggard 71 +10100100000 violin 72 +10100100000 fist 73 +10100100000 castle 73 +10100100000 steak 73 +10100100000 messenger 73 +10100100000 magnet 76 +10100100000 sensation 76 +10100100000 tooth 76 +10100100000 wrist 77 +10100100000 plateau 79 +10100100000 plaque 79 +10100100000 exterior 80 +10100100000 cigar 80 +10100100000 handwriting 81 +10100100000 wheelchair 82 +10100100000 briefcase 83 +10100100000 limousine 83 +10100100000 sword 83 +10100100000 self 86 +10100100000 workshop 88 +10100100000 snake 88 +10100100000 Ph.D. 90 +10100100000 pistol 90 +10100100000 novelty 92 +10100100000 rat 95 +10100100000 knee 96 +10100100000 rap 96 +10100100000 collar 98 +10100100000 gospel 100 +10100100000 guitar 104 +10100100000 passport 106 +10100100000 fraternity 106 +10100100000 cab 107 +10100100000 hobby 109 +10100100000 ghost 109 +10100100000 landslide 111 +10100100000 nuisance 117 +10100100000 diary 118 +10100100000 closet 122 +10100100000 tent 122 +10100100000 solo 123 +10100100000 marathon 124 +10100100000 narrative 127 +10100100000 cult 127 +10100100000 rifle 131 +10100100000 purse 137 +10100100000 yacht 141 +10100100000 monster 141 +10100100000 mob 142 +10100100000 bass 145 +10100100000 pen 150 +10100100000 mouse 155 +10100100000 straw 160 +10100100000 foe 164 +10100100000 legend 166 +10100100000 hybrid 168 +10100100000 bedroom 168 +10100100000 basement 183 +10100100000 coat 185 +10100100000 killer 186 +10100100000 ranch 193 +10100100000 companion 196 +10100100000 breath 197 +10100100000 homeland 201 +10100100000 flavor 205 +10100100000 wedding 206 +10100100000 cow 208 +10100100000 classroom 211 +10100100000 cat 211 +10100100000 finger 220 +10100100000 childhood 223 +10100100000 genius 226 +10100100000 performer 228 +10100100000 stroke 229 +10100100000 bird 231 +10100100000 fantasy 232 +10100100000 funeral 248 +10100100000 celebrity 257 +10100100000 piano 271 +10100100000 neck 288 +10100100000 hat 291 +10100100000 magic 297 +10100100000 chest 307 +10100100000 courtroom 307 +10100100000 guest 321 +10100100000 stone 336 +10100100000 birthday 342 +10100100000 chair 347 +10100100000 diet 358 +10100100000 tree 379 +10100100000 nose 380 +10100100000 kitchen 389 +10100100000 grade 396 +10100100000 niche 401 +10100100000 trademark 401 +10100100000 lifetime 417 +10100100000 fortune 441 +10100100000 personality 481 +10100100000 horse 493 +10100100000 hero 502 +10100100000 youth 544 +10100100000 gun 601 +10100100000 pit 615 +10100100000 talent 630 +10100100000 marriage 633 +10100100000 taste 675 +10100100000 dog 680 +10100100000 desk 757 +10100100000 star 867 +10100100000 background 875 +10100100000 baby 895 +10100100000 priority 930 +10100100000 character 1055 +10100100000 crime 1461 +10100100000 voice 1671 +10100100000 career 1779 +10100100000 floor 2450 +10100100000 population 2545 +10100100000 job 7975 +10100100000 house 3417 +10100100001 house-husband 1 +10100100001 mini-tulipomania 1 +10100100001 merchandise-return 1 +10100100001 Americanness 1 +10100100001 339,683 1 +10100100001 Musicae 1 +10100100001 tuggers 1 +10100100001 much-revised 1 +10100100001 plan/I 1 +10100100001 husband. 1 +10100100001 egg-swollen 1 +10100100001 lounger 1 +10100100001 eight-shooter 1 +10100100001 loftmate 1 +10100100001 beanstalk 1 +10100100001 escallonias 1 +10100100001 octane-enhancing 1 +10100100001 Austrian-made 1 +10100100001 interpretor 1 +10100100001 agent-investors 1 +10100100001 attorney-husband 1 +10100100001 baronesses 1 +10100100001 soon-to-be-ex-wife 1 +10100100001 labor-government 1 +10100100001 schoolteacher-mother 1 +10100100001 secretary. 1 +10100100001 determination. 1 +10100100001 blankness 1 +10100100001 godchild 1 +10100100001 lawyer-wife 1 +10100100001 washcloths 1 +10100100001 high-keyed 1 +10100100001 pot-sweeteners 1 +10100100001 brother-inlaw 1 +10100100001 presidente 1 +10100100001 scrimshaws 1 +10100100001 re-book 1 +10100100001 bone-weariness 1 +10100100001 tra-la-la 1 +10100100001 butcher. 1 +10100100001 one-pieces 1 +10100100001 chaft 1 +10100100001 Stroemsnes 1 +10100100001 predecesssor 1 +10100100001 cold-eyed 1 +10100100001 cage-mate 1 +10100100001 carter 1 +10100100001 Homburg 1 +10100100001 Petrova 1 +10100100001 Windsheim 1 +10100100001 too-willing 1 +10100100001 all-present 1 +10100100001 fathe 1 +10100100001 licensors 1 +10100100001 soft-on-crime 1 +10100100001 brainpan 1 +10100100001 gris 1 +10100100001 unnaturalness 1 +10100100001 corpulence 1 +10100100001 ehs 1 +10100100001 obtuseness 1 +10100100001 laser- 1 +10100100001 subalterns 1 +10100100001 C-shaped 1 +10100100001 under-five 1 +10100100001 bush-camp 1 +10100100001 bailer 1 +10100100001 11-mile 1 +10100100001 shirt-front 1 +10100100001 toque 1 +10100100001 tempo-setter 1 +10100100001 countrywoman 1 +10100100001 seed-counting 1 +10100100001 Kinenos 1 +10100100001 grotesqueness 1 +10100100001 stoniness 1 +10100100001 beaus 1 +10100100001 great-great-uncle 1 +10100100001 partner/hubby 1 +10100100001 politicalthinking 1 +10100100001 delegates. 1 +10100100001 paddlewheels 1 +10100100001 neediness 1 +10100100001 son-inlaw 1 +10100100001 existences 1 +10100100001 nightclothes 1 +10100100001 half-chewed 1 +10100100001 mossback 1 +10100100001 spouse-equivalent 1 +10100100001 girl-next-door 1 +10100100001 self-infatuation 1 +10100100001 lummox 1 +10100100001 tablemates 1 +10100100001 Boswells 1 +10100100001 smokefilled 1 +10100100001 volleying 1 +10100100001 sinfulness 1 +10100100001 physician-father 1 +10100100001 precedessor 1 +10100100001 practice-tee 1 +10100100001 hightops 1 +10100100001 bejeaned 1 +10100100001 stickups 1 +10100100001 layups 1 +10100100001 doppelganger 1 +10100100001 catastrophe-laden 1 +10100100001 valise 1 +10100100001 firstborn 1 +10100100001 paint-covered 1 +10100100001 Bounds 1 +10100100001 arbitrariness. 1 +10100100001 half-mistress 1 +10100100001 then-mistress 1 +10100100001 Aasen 1 +10100100001 Calamity 1 +10100100001 great-great-great-grandchildren 1 +10100100001 bicuspid 1 +10100100001 gutsiness 1 +10100100001 city-suburb 1 +10100100001 eyebrow-raising 1 +10100100001 rapaciously 1 +10100100001 Wrightwood 1 +10100100001 shirt-throwing 1 +10100100001 watch-chain 1 +10100100001 160th 1 +10100100001 self-vaccination 1 +10100100001 I.R.A. 1 +10100100001 snorkle 1 +10100100001 kang 1 +10100100001 Schooling 1 +10100100001 tripe-cutting 1 +10100100001 anti-macassars 1 +10100100001 spaciness 1 +10100100001 surfer-girl 1 +10100100001 Deviation 1 +10100100001 golden-hued 1 +10100100001 Veilchen 1 +10100100001 scholasticism 1 +10100100001 crisp-weather 1 +10100100001 cold-warrior 1 +10100100001 neo-detentists 1 +10100100001 governmnent 1 +10100100001 contenement 1 +10100100001 involvments 1 +10100100001 empire. 1 +10100100001 trellises 1 +10100100001 855th 1 +10100100001 brattiness 1 +10100100001 drink-up 1 +10100100001 dismissible 1 +10100100001 ex-aunt 1 +10100100001 inactions 1 +10100100001 gaura 1 +10100100001 half-glasses 1 +10100100001 horrormaster 1 +10100100001 amours 1 +10100100001 Butterflys 1 +10100100001 berouged 1 +10100100001 cantaloupemeter 1 +10100100001 Modus 1 +10100100001 Fluggerate 1 +10100100001 radarman 1 +10100100001 Farmington-based 1 +10100100001 step-nephew 1 +10100100001 biometrics 1 +10100100001 owner-trainer 1 +10100100001 chairlift-mate 1 +10100100001 partner/suitor 1 +10100100001 thinnings 1 +10100100001 lorgnette 1 +10100100001 tormenters 1 +10100100001 demonically 1 +10100100001 robert 1 +10100100001 epic-length 1 +10100100001 lechery 1 +10100100001 tush 1 +10100100001 ................................... 1 +10100100001 then-wife 1 +10100100001 excitability 1 +10100100001 battiness 1 +10100100001 jubilees 1 +10100100001 Perking 1 +10100100001 carry-back 1 +10100100001 ex-chattels 1 +10100100001 ex-boyfriend 1 +10100100001 gardening-accessories 1 +10100100001 art-throb 1 +10100100001 dish-on-a-truck 1 +10100100001 half-sincere 1 +10100100001 backswing 1 +10100100001 Kitcheners 1 +10100100001 ax-handle 1 +10100100001 putsch 1 +10100100001 cast-mates 1 +10100100001 cantankerousness 1 +10100100001 augurers 1 +10100100001 flightiness 1 +10100100001 insta-book 1 +10100100001 forepaw 1 +10100100001 recomendation 1 +10100100001 woolshed 1 +10100100001 mouth-hooked 1 +10100100001 ex-Czech-to-be 1 +10100100001 non-crime 1 +10100100001 tangibly 1 +10100100001 jowls. 1 +10100100001 Clef 1 +10100100001 wife-to-be 1 +10100100001 maxillary 1 +10100100001 jollies 1 +10100100001 allegros 1 +10100100001 mother-upon 1 +10100100001 grandad 1 +10100100001 writer-producer-activist 1 +10100100001 obiter 1 +10100100001 intellectuality 1 +10100100001 range-wise 1 +10100100001 Luckies 1 +10100100001 sassiness 1 +10100100001 short-shorts 1 +10100100001 fuse. 1 +10100100001 Burts 1 +10100100001 inarticulateness 1 +10100100001 back-ups 1 +10100100001 nurse/companion 1 +10100100001 sister. 1 +10100100001 halfbrother 1 +10100100001 poor/Your 1 +10100100001 physician-wife 1 +10100100001 housemates 1 +10100100001 derriere 1 +10100100001 troopship 1 +10100100001 veh. 1 +10100100001 lacerating 1 +10100100001 stagemate 1 +10100100001 licentiousness 1 +10100100001 icecream 1 +10100100001 Hassle 1 +10100100001 market-conscious 1 +10100100001 110-pound 1 +10100100001 chef-mobile 1 +10100100001 adventurously 1 +10100100001 hydrophilous 1 +10100100001 Greenness 1 +10100100001 jawline 1 +10100100001 godson 1 +10100100001 ex-astronaut 1 +10100100001 snow-blower 1 +10100100001 manager-son 1 +10100100001 rookeries 1 +10100100001 sleazily 1 +10100100001 tutuclad 1 +10100100001 shiner 1 +10100100001 Achilleses 1 +10100100001 scenery-chewing 1 +10100100001 subordinates. 1 +10100100001 six-lawyer 1 +10100100001 ball-fan 1 +10100100001 departure. 1 +10100100001 Tanztheater 1 +10100100001 trips. 1 +10100100001 HISPANICS 1 +10100100001 Workplaces 1 +10100100001 cocksureness 1 +10100100001 Southernness 1 +10100100001 executive-cousins 1 +10100100001 injury-of-the-moment 1 +10100100001 Hanayagi 1 +10100100001 misters 1 +10100100001 ephemeras 1 +10100100001 holdingly 1 +10100100001 armories 1 +10100100001 paintbrushes 1 +10100100001 Forsa 2 +10100100001 victuals 2 +10100100001 superjock 2 +10100100001 lunacies 2 +10100100001 500-meter 2 +10100100001 backhands 2 +10100100001 medal-winning 2 +10100100001 Murtra 2 +10100100001 pro-NATO 2 +10100100001 bloodline 2 +10100100001 ball-handling 2 +10100100001 queen's-knight 2 +10100100001 bleached-blond 2 +10100100001 orals 2 +10100100001 cosmetologist 2 +10100100001 overlord 2 +10100100001 bodice 2 +10100100001 letter-turning 2 +10100100001 labour 2 +10100100001 liberationists 2 +10100100001 then-employer 2 +10100100001 preachiness 2 +10100100001 demitasse 2 +10100100001 sternum 2 +10100100001 stick-to-itiveness 2 +10100100001 pipefitter 2 +10100100001 mother-inlaw 2 +10100100001 cub 2 +10100100001 cleats 2 +10100100001 somnambulism 2 +10100100001 Kanes 2 +10100100001 exhusband 2 +10100100001 sandaled 2 +10100100001 delts 2 +10100100001 headstone 2 +10100100001 aays 2 +10100100001 zwieback 2 +10100100001 80-lawyer 2 +10100100001 shipmates 2 +10100100001 affectations 2 +10100100001 Oba-san 2 +10100100001 gaudiness 2 +10100100001 Raywood 2 +10100100001 Begum 2 +10100100001 cello-playing 2 +10100100001 coiffure 2 +10100100001 sufferance 2 +10100100001 eyrie 2 +10100100001 bullfrog 2 +10100100001 amour 2 +10100100001 biddy 2 +10100100001 Brazier 2 +10100100001 Doxerl 2 +10100100001 composer/pianist 2 +10100100001 Spouse 2 +10100100001 crewmates 2 +10100100001 client-state 2 +10100100001 roll-on 2 +10100100001 bedchamber 2 +10100100001 doctor-husband 2 +10100100001 Eminence 2 +10100100001 Angeleno 2 +10100100001 pickax 2 +10100100001 rancheros 3 +10100100001 megaphone 3 +10100100001 fierceness 3 +10100100001 granary 3 +10100100001 Naturalist 3 +10100100001 stethoscope 3 +10100100001 thoughtfulness 3 +10100100001 witticism 3 +10100100001 sickbed 3 +10100100001 Polonaise 3 +10100100001 spatula 3 +10100100001 lifetime-employment 3 +10100100001 protegee 3 +10100100001 dominee 3 +10100100001 momma 3 +10100100001 careerism 3 +10100100001 shirt-sleeves 3 +10100100001 73-ton 3 +10100100001 Pomeranian 3 +10100100001 Byung 3 +10100100001 detractor 3 +10100100001 Messaggero 3 +10100100001 sidemen 3 +10100100001 oregano 3 +10100100001 dinner-party 3 +10100100001 tonsils 3 +10100100001 sis 3 +10100100001 DAVIS 3 +10100100001 musicianship 3 +10100100001 6-6 3 +10100100001 reapplication 3 +10100100001 costumers 3 +10100100001 pagoda 3 +10100100001 schtick 3 +10100100001 ex-employer 3 +10100100001 rucksack 3 +10100100001 calliope 3 +10100100001 silkscreen 3 +10100100001 stepdaughter 4 +10100100001 dachshund 4 +10100100001 cassock 4 +10100100001 nightgown 4 +10100100001 workingman 4 +10100100001 co-executor 4 +10100100001 volk 4 +10100100001 inheritors 4 +10100100001 Cockney 4 +10100100001 claque 4 +10100100001 Throne 4 +10100100001 round-faced 4 +10100100001 pre-teen 4 +10100100001 Jewishness 4 +10100100001 knapsack 4 +10100100001 paramour 4 +10100100001 Broederbond 4 +10100100001 poncho 4 +10100100001 henchman 4 +10100100001 bride-to-be 4 +10100100001 cowshed 4 +10100100001 bete 4 +10100100001 courtesan 4 +10100100001 mailbag 4 +10100100001 rook 5 +10100100001 axioms 5 +10100100001 oar 5 +10100100001 buttock 5 +10100100001 backache 5 +10100100001 Excellency 5 +10100100001 Valkyrie 5 +10100100001 workbench 5 +10100100001 coldness 5 +10100100001 no-tax-increase 5 +10100100001 ketch 5 +10100100001 truck-driver 5 +10100100001 generalissimo 5 +10100100001 greenmailer 5 +10100100001 cost-basis 5 +10100100001 stuttering 5 +10100100001 rearrest 5 +10100100001 mommy 6 +10100100001 dander 6 +10100100001 grandpa 6 +10100100001 Merga 6 +10100100001 mama 6 +10100100001 playmate 6 +10100100001 couturier 6 +10100100001 druggist 6 +10100100001 Molero 6 +10100100001 superheavyweight 6 +10100100001 co-screenwriter 6 +10100100001 recantation 6 +10100100001 great-great-grandfather 6 +10100100001 steed 7 +10100100001 landlady 7 +10100100001 mariner 7 +10100100001 armpits 7 +10100100001 motorbike 7 +10100100001 great-uncle 7 +10100100001 tummy 7 +10100100001 Inferno 8 +10100100001 crotch 8 +10100100001 great-grandmother 8 +10100100001 accuser 8 +10100100001 geyser 8 +10100100001 lifeguard 8 +10100100001 overcoat 8 +10100100001 Pains 8 +10100100001 beehive 9 +10100100001 half-sister 9 +10100100001 Saxony 9 +10100100001 confidante 9 +10100100001 tormentors 9 +10100100001 beau 9 +10100100001 forties 10 +10100100001 lynching 10 +10100100001 coven 10 +10100100001 womanizing 10 +10100100001 co-producer 10 +10100100001 arranger 10 +10100100001 instigation 10 +10100100001 eyelids 11 +10100100001 retinue 11 +10100100001 gosh 11 +10100100001 grantor 11 +10100100001 fiancee 12 +10100100001 caddy 12 +10100100001 great-grandfather 12 +10100100001 sixties 12 +10100100001 harem 12 +10100100001 CFP 12 +10100100001 connoisseur 13 +10100100001 bluntness 13 +10100100001 druthers 13 +10100100001 directness 14 +10100100001 fingertips 14 +10100100001 stepson 14 +10100100001 Liberace 14 +10100100001 primate 14 +10100100001 next-door 14 +10100100001 oeuvre 14 +10100100001 co-star 14 +10100100001 half-brother 15 +10100100001 tuk-tuk 15 +10100100001 brow 16 +10100100001 backside 16 +10100100001 spleen 17 +10100100001 bunny 17 +10100100001 daughter-in-law 17 +10100100001 colt 18 +10100100001 stepmother 18 +10100100001 Darblay 19 +10100100001 thigh 19 +10100100001 mid-30s 19 +10100100001 likeness 19 +10100100001 mid-40s 19 +10100100001 stepfather 20 +10100100001 deathbed 20 +10100100001 sidekick 20 +10100100001 ancestor 20 +10100100001 Rumson 21 +10100100001 ilk 21 +10100100001 ex-husband 22 +10100100001 nanny 22 +10100100001 junkie 22 +10100100001 palette 23 +10100100001 namesake 23 +10100100001 loyalist 24 +10100100001 sister-in-law 24 +10100100001 granddaughter 25 +10100100001 thighs 25 +10100100001 modus 25 +10100100001 Majesty 27 +10100100001 toddler 27 +10100100001 fiance 28 +10100100001 father-in-law 28 +10100100001 teammate 29 +10100100001 teammates 29 +10100100001 sleeve 30 +10100100001 estimation 32 +10100100001 crony 33 +10100100001 forte 34 +10100100001 sibling 36 +10100100001 forehead 38 +10100100001 protagonist 40 +10100100001 collaborator 42 +10100100001 ex-wife 42 +10100100001 wallet 42 +10100100001 roommate 43 +10100100001 niece 44 +10100100001 nemesis 45 +10100100001 entourage 47 +10100100001 pal 50 +10100100001 Corner 51 +10100100001 mother-in-law 52 +10100100001 bride 54 +10100100001 aunt 55 +10100100001 biographer 56 +10100100001 mistress 57 +10100100001 alma 58 +10100100001 captors 61 +10100100001 son-in-law 61 +10100100001 buddy 64 +10100100001 congregation 67 +10100100001 chin 70 +10100100001 boyfriend 72 +10100100001 countrymen 72 +10100100001 brother-in-law 82 +10100100001 nephew 93 +10100100001 heroine 97 +10100100001 mom 99 +10100100001 dad 108 +10100100001 confidant 108 +10100100001 mentor 110 +10100100001 glove 111 +10100100001 lap 119 +10100100001 girlfriend 125 +10100100001 landlord 129 +10100100001 grandmother 131 +10100100001 lover 134 +10100100001 uncle 159 +10100100001 cousin 165 +10100100001 widow 192 +10100100001 hometown 199 +10100100001 grandfather 209 +10100100001 signature 212 +10100100001 neighbor 309 +10100100001 colleague 390 +10100100001 sister 531 +10100100001 predecessor 629 +10100100001 daughter 894 +10100100001 favorite 949 +10100100001 boss 954 +10100100001 brother 1022 +10100100001 husband 1346 +10100100001 mother 1471 +10100100001 friend 1761 +10100100001 client 2026 +10100100001 son 2098 +10100100001 father 2129 +10100100001 wife 2793 +10100100001 family 8277 +10100100001 team 3984 +10100100010 near-martyr 1 +10100100010 Welshmen 1 +10100100010 rapper 1 +10100100010 attoney 1 +10100100010 superpatriot 1 +10100100010 submariner 1 +10100100010 bird-dog 1 +10100100010 shrimper 1 +10100100010 Man/Beast 1 +10100100010 punkrocker 1 +10100100010 nonbeliever 1 +10100100010 seven-ounce 1 +10100100010 perjurer 1 +10100100010 sophisticate 1 +10100100010 Pilsener 1 +10100100010 blackguard 1 +10100100010 call-to-prayer 1 +10100100010 herpetologist 1 +10100100010 reprobate 1 +10100100010 Atlantan 1 +10100100010 non-Mormon 1 +10100100010 two-masted 1 +10100100010 60-piece 1 +10100100010 geezer 1 +10100100010 snorters 1 +10100100010 folkie 1 +10100100010 roofer 1 +10100100010 pop-tart 1 +10100100010 car-style 1 +10100100010 preacher/politician/pedophile 1 +10100100010 disloyalists 1 +10100100010 chanteuses 1 +10100100010 aridity 1 +10100100010 anti-vivisectionist 1 +10100100010 JETLINER 1 +10100100010 Kellerton 1 +10100100010 iconoclasts 1 +10100100010 parachutists 1 +10100100010 bellboy 1 +10100100010 red-baiter 1 +10100100010 para-professional 1 +10100100010 less-than-fresh 1 +10100100010 post-docs 1 +10100100010 near-human 1 +10100100010 B-squader 1 +10100100010 bookbinders 1 +10100100010 landmine 1 +10100100010 mummiform 1 +10100100010 faggots 1 +10100100010 pencil-jockey 1 +10100100010 Columbus-Ohio 1 +10100100010 horsebreeder 1 +10100100010 grantsmen 1 +10100100010 Greek-Italian 1 +10100100010 Joigny 1 +10100100010 rowhouses 1 +10100100010 bowman 1 +10100100010 apartment-seeker 1 +10100100010 late-runner 1 +10100100010 tinkler 1 +10100100010 Celie 1 +10100100010 townsfathers 1 +10100100010 grandmom-and-pop 1 +10100100010 fems 1 +10100100010 frontiersmen 1 +10100100010 stickman 1 +10100100010 Calcuttan 1 +10100100010 ovate 1 +10100100010 foul-mouth 1 +10100100010 garagemen 1 +10100100010 steamfitter 1 +10100100010 martinet 1 +10100100010 marcher 1 +10100100010 Toltec/Chorotegans 1 +10100100010 novelist-philosopher 1 +10100100010 ex-Czecher 1 +10100100010 brahmin 1 +10100100010 skywriter 1 +10100100010 surveillant 1 +10100100010 microeconomist 1 +10100100010 Republican-turned-Democrat 1 +10100100010 mud-wrestlers 1 +10100100010 three-handicapper 1 +10100100010 ex-carpenter 1 +10100100010 consensus-seeker 1 +10100100010 anti-statists 1 +10100100010 pro-lifer 1 +10100100010 Tshirt 1 +10100100010 nonscientist 1 +10100100010 non-salmon 1 +10100100010 Sochaux 1 +10100100010 highschooler 1 +10100100010 Thunder-on-Wheelite 1 +10100100010 major-leaguer 1 +10100100010 workmates 1 +10100100010 Kingites 1 +10100100010 Sephardi 1 +10100100010 shnook 1 +10100100010 ninth-grader 1 +10100100010 gyrfalcon 1 +10100100010 statehooder 1 +10100100010 deliveryman 1 +10100100010 less-interventionist 1 +10100100010 table-pounder 1 +10100100010 gamecock 1 +10100100010 irridentists 1 +10100100010 lumberman 1 +10100100010 workmate 1 +10100100010 mysterioso 1 +10100100010 nightwear 1 +10100100010 225-foot-long 1 +10100100010 too-swift 1 +10100100010 20-pound-carp 1 +10100100010 armorer 1 +10100100010 zombie-meister 1 +10100100010 sybarite 1 +10100100010 not-quite-22-year-old 1 +10100100010 student-turned-actress 1 +10100100010 lunger 1 +10100100010 Hong-Kong 1 +10100100010 goatherd 1 +10100100010 Johnny-come-lately 2 +10100100010 ex-lawyer 2 +10100100010 washerwoman 2 +10100100010 chubbikins 2 +10100100010 saleslady 2 +10100100010 chile 2 +10100100010 policymaker 2 +10100100010 salamander 2 +10100100010 coworker 2 +10100100010 spitball 2 +10100100010 hitchhiker 2 +10100100010 despots 2 +10100100010 hotdogs 2 +10100100010 Torn 2 +10100100010 wrongdoer 2 +10100100010 sociopath 2 +10100100010 saloonkeeper 2 +10100100010 terminus 2 +10100100010 nitpicker 2 +10100100010 midpreneur 2 +10100100010 farts 2 +10100100010 warhorse 2 +10100100010 gnome 2 +10100100010 ponytail 2 +10100100010 fifth-grader 2 +10100100010 bumpkins 2 +10100100010 geezers 2 +10100100010 pursers 2 +10100100010 cutie 2 +10100100010 bitters 2 +10100100010 moo 2 +10100100010 woodworker 2 +10100100010 sexpot 2 +10100100010 arroyo 2 +10100100010 tiepin 2 +10100100010 pleasantry 2 +10100100010 wretch 2 +10100100010 cadenzas 2 +10100100010 hooey 2 +10100100010 leprechaun 2 +10100100010 fantast 2 +10100100010 half-caste 2 +10100100010 preppies 2 +10100100010 Frenchwoman 2 +10100100010 dumpling 2 +10100100010 fortune-teller 2 +10100100010 one-antitrypsin 2 +10100100010 bombthrower 2 +10100100010 digger 2 +10100100010 sommelier 2 +10100100010 yarmulke 2 +10100100010 Chateauneuf-du-Pape 2 +10100100010 Rotarian 2 +10100100010 ashram 2 +10100100010 middleweights 2 +10100100010 Jacksonian 2 +10100100010 demand-sider 2 +10100100010 buzzard 2 +10100100010 squall 2 +10100100010 margi 2 +10100100010 Realtor 2 +10100100010 hedger 2 +10100100010 schnauzer 2 +10100100010 avant-gardist 2 +10100100010 Constanze 2 +10100100010 Gigolo 2 +10100100010 Poonie 2 +10100100010 worshipper 2 +10100100010 freeman 2 +10100100010 second-grader 2 +10100100010 ball-bashers 2 +10100100010 newswoman 2 +10100100010 backpacker 2 +10100100010 schooler 2 +10100100010 Louisianian 2 +10100100010 longboat 2 +10100100010 Catalogue 2 +10100100010 chain-smoker 2 +10100100010 warmonger 2 +10100100010 fogey 2 +10100100010 techno-weenie 2 +10100100010 TKO 2 +10100100010 salesgirl 2 +10100100010 gadabout 2 +10100100010 Newfoundlander 2 +10100100010 woodsman 2 +10100100010 simpleton 2 +10100100010 faintheart 2 +10100100010 harmonium 2 +10100100010 leotard 2 +10100100010 Shar-Pei 3 +10100100010 dieter 3 +10100100010 metalworker 3 +10100100010 lass 3 +10100100010 menorah 3 +10100100010 small-businessman 3 +10100100010 babysitter 3 +10100100010 desperado 3 +10100100010 deckhand 3 +10100100010 worrier 3 +10100100010 fastballer 3 +10100100010 SHARK 3 +10100100010 cellmates 3 +10100100010 bandana 3 +10100100010 fop 3 +10100100010 ingrate 3 +10100100010 pinups 3 +10100100010 duffer 3 +10100100010 bloke 3 +10100100010 blowhards 3 +10100100010 churchman 3 +10100100010 railroader 3 +10100100010 congressperson 3 +10100100010 folklorist 3 +10100100010 hitman 3 +10100100010 whiner 3 +10100100010 reveler 3 +10100100010 genealogist 3 +10100100010 krewe 3 +10100100010 horticulturist 3 +10100100010 Pennsylvanian 3 +10100100010 prig 3 +10100100010 Manhattanite 3 +10100100010 oaf 3 +10100100010 crone 3 +10100100010 graffito 3 +10100100010 viscount 3 +10100100010 boor 3 +10100100010 ninny 3 +10100100010 friar 3 +10100100010 DPM 3 +10100100010 haberdasher 3 +10100100010 charlatan 3 +10100100010 plantiff 3 +10100100010 weightlifter 3 +10100100010 loafer 3 +10100100010 geophysicist 3 +10100100010 bigwig 3 +10100100010 bibliography 3 +10100100010 billfold 3 +10100100010 globe-trotter 3 +10100100010 trouper 3 +10100100010 deregulator 3 +10100100010 sphinx 3 +10100100010 pedant 3 +10100100010 Diemut 3 +10100100010 bloodhound 3 +10100100010 career-switcher 3 +10100100010 fast-tracker 3 +10100100010 Weerstandsbeweging 3 +10100100010 Nibelung 3 +10100100010 Democrat-turned-Republican 3 +10100100010 shrub 3 +10100100010 disarmer 3 +10100100010 gabmonger 3 +10100100010 barmaid 3 +10100100010 codger 3 +10100100010 lobsterman 3 +10100100010 selectman 3 +10100100010 eavesdropper 3 +10100100010 guardsman 3 +10100100010 busybody 3 +10100100010 tightwad 3 +10100100010 bozo 3 +10100100010 puppeteer 4 +10100100010 free-marketeer 4 +10100100010 podiatrist 4 +10100100010 sorceress 4 +10100100010 naif 4 +10100100010 shipowner 4 +10100100010 scrapper 4 +10100100010 deacon 4 +10100100010 masochist 4 +10100100010 browser 4 +10100100010 fiddler 4 +10100100010 habitation 4 +10100100010 huckster 4 +10100100010 mason 4 +10100100010 power-broker 4 +10100100010 trainman 4 +10100100010 hag 4 +10100100010 Vermonter 4 +10100100010 Navel 4 +10100100010 whistleblower 4 +10100100010 logger 4 +10100100010 harridan 4 +10100100010 picketer 4 +10100100010 starlet 4 +10100100010 snagger 4 +10100100010 first-grader 4 +10100100010 gofer 4 +10100100010 conversationalist 4 +10100100010 loincloth 4 +10100100010 werewolf 4 +10100100010 complainer 4 +10100100010 nostril 4 +10100100010 moron 4 +10100100010 Aliena 4 +10100100010 dames 4 +10100100010 singer-songwriter 4 +10100100010 switchman 4 +10100100010 choirboy 4 +10100100010 kaftan 4 +10100100010 frump 4 +10100100010 bidet 4 +10100100010 philanderer 4 +10100100010 conquistador 4 +10100100010 fussbudget 4 +10100100010 cabbie 4 +10100100010 lexicographer 4 +10100100010 toolmaker 4 +10100100010 Rockette 4 +10100100010 politican 4 +10100100010 copilot 4 +10100100010 constable 4 +10100100010 centerfielder 4 +10100100010 counterfeiter 4 +10100100010 risotto 4 +10100100010 cappella 4 +10100100010 cabinetmaker 4 +10100100010 Oklahoman 4 +10100100010 hoodlum 4 +10100100010 pasha 4 +10100100010 sleepwalker 4 +10100100010 Huns 4 +10100100010 scribe 5 +10100100010 IBMer 5 +10100100010 seventh-grader 5 +10100100010 highlander 5 +10100100010 nymphet 5 +10100100010 physician-researcher 5 +10100100010 sheikdom 5 +10100100010 Casanova 5 +10100100010 Monastery 5 +10100100010 serf 5 +10100100010 hasher 5 +10100100010 pitchfork 5 +10100100010 vaudevillian 5 +10100100010 boarder 5 +10100100010 clot-dissolver 5 +10100100010 sadist 5 +10100100010 mugger 5 +10100100010 barman 5 +10100100010 conglomerateur 5 +10100100010 planetarium 5 +10100100010 businessperson 5 +10100100010 bandleader 5 +10100100010 fedora 5 +10100100010 Ptolemy 5 +10100100010 QB 5 +10100100010 batsman 5 +10100100010 passerby 5 +10100100010 mitten 5 +10100100010 DTC 5 +10100100010 gnat 5 +10100100010 clipboard 5 +10100100010 storekeeper 5 +10100100010 schoolgirl 5 +10100100010 bettor 5 +10100100010 potter 5 +10100100010 tinkerer 5 +10100100010 beekeeper 5 +10100100010 supersalesman 5 +10100100010 rascal 5 +10100100010 transvestite 5 +10100100010 bicyclist 5 +10100100010 mallard 5 +10100100010 bodysuit 5 +10100100010 zookeeper 5 +10100100010 tomboy 5 +10100100010 marksman 5 +10100100010 trapper 5 +10100100010 record-keeper 5 +10100100010 capes 5 +10100100010 cougar 5 +10100100010 moviegoer 5 +10100100010 monopolist 6 +10100100010 seedsman 6 +10100100010 schooner 6 +10100100010 slip-up 6 +10100100010 geographer 6 +10100100010 busboy 6 +10100100010 ingenue 6 +10100100010 burgher 6 +10100100010 frill 6 +10100100010 leopard 6 +10100100010 porter 6 +10100100010 sportsman 6 +10100100010 ref 6 +10100100010 free-marketer 6 +10100100010 nobles 6 +10100100010 sorcerer 6 +10100100010 hypocrite 6 +10100100010 platitude 6 +10100100010 metallurgist 6 +10100100010 grandma 6 +10100100010 chador 6 +10100100010 ballplayer 6 +10100100010 C-minus 6 +10100100010 redhead 7 +10100100010 schemer 7 +10100100010 right-winger 7 +10100100010 playhouse 7 +10100100010 seducer 7 +10100100010 pooch 7 +10100100010 crewman 7 +10100100010 deity 7 +10100100010 paralegal 7 +10100100010 Reverend 7 +10100100010 mullah 7 +10100100010 cyclist 7 +10100100010 Muscovite 7 +10100100010 hearse 7 +10100100010 mortician 7 +10100100010 journeyman 7 +10100100010 curmudgeon 7 +10100100010 councilwoman 7 +10100100010 Steeler 7 +10100100010 wanderer 7 +10100100010 seminarian 7 +10100100010 Bostonian 7 +10100100010 nonentity 7 +10100100010 parishioner 7 +10100100010 bigot 7 +10100100010 impersonator 7 +10100100010 tipster 7 +10100100010 detainee 7 +10100100010 purist 7 +10100100010 courtier 7 +10100100010 countess 7 +10100100010 septuagenarian 7 +10100100010 viper 7 +10100100010 classicist 7 +10100100010 gent 7 +10100100010 narc 8 +10100100010 reservist 8 +10100100010 virologist 8 +10100100010 Chardonnays 8 +10100100010 weaver 8 +10100100010 gal 8 +10100100010 consensus-builder 8 +10100100010 naturalist 8 +10100100010 schoolmate 8 +10100100010 six-footer 8 +10100100010 mailman 8 +10100100010 firehouse 8 +10100100010 turbocharger 8 +10100100010 vacationer 8 +10100100010 philistine 8 +10100100010 Minnesotan 8 +10100100010 shawl 8 +10100100010 landscaper 8 +10100100010 falcon 8 +10100100010 motorcyclist 8 +10100100010 policewoman 8 +10100100010 raconteur 8 +10100100010 smokejumper 8 +10100100010 Spaniard 8 +10100100010 empress 8 +10100100010 mountaintop 9 +10100100010 bulldog 9 +10100100010 self-promoter 9 +10100100010 spinster 9 +10100100010 geisha 9 +10100100010 divorcee 9 +10100100010 prankster 9 +10100100010 villager 9 +10100100010 fullback 9 +10100100010 heartthrob 9 +10100100010 seaman 9 +10100100010 matriarch 9 +10100100010 madman 9 +10100100010 beautician 9 +10100100010 forger 9 +10100100010 Scotsman 9 +10100100010 wino 9 +10100100010 deserter 9 +10100100010 lawman 9 +10100100010 nobleman 9 +10100100010 assessors 9 +10100100010 surfer 10 +10100100010 stewardess 10 +10100100010 sufferer 10 +10100100010 jogger 10 +10100100010 governess 10 +10100100010 pensioner 10 +10100100010 patrolman 10 +10100100010 maniac 10 +10100100010 biggie 10 +10100100010 fixer 10 +10100100010 cadet 10 +10100100010 welder 10 +10100100010 furrier 10 +10100100010 bungalow 10 +10100100010 ditty 10 +10100100010 bootlegger 10 +10100100010 belle 10 +10100100010 scoundrels 11 +10100100010 Floridian 11 +10100100010 dramatist 11 +10100100010 vocalist 11 +10100100010 wunderkind 11 +10100100010 despot 11 +10100100010 crooner 11 +10100100010 zealot 11 +10100100010 flutist 11 +10100100010 widower 11 +10100100010 vermin 11 +10100100010 dame 12 +10100100010 lefty 12 +10100100010 filer 12 +10100100010 harpist 12 +10100100010 risk-taker 12 +10100100010 schoolmaster 12 +10100100010 moralist 12 +10100100010 Brit 12 +10100100010 sleuth 12 +10100100010 panelist 12 +10100100010 cot 12 +10100100010 screener 12 +10100100010 vampire 12 +10100100010 fielder 12 +10100100010 drifter 12 +10100100010 cost-cutter 12 +10100100010 co-investor 13 +10100100010 pol 13 +10100100010 goalie 13 +10100100010 litigant 13 +10100100010 prelate 13 +10100100010 Midwesterner 13 +10100100010 cabby 13 +10100100010 cubicle 13 +10100100010 butler 13 +10100100010 free-lancer 13 +10100100010 lyricist 13 +10100100010 supply-sider 13 +10100100010 commissar 13 +10100100010 perfectionist 13 +10100100010 conservationist 14 +10100100010 Dutchman 14 +10100100010 hustler 14 +10100100010 scorer 14 +10100100010 eatery 14 +10100100010 hooker 14 +10100100010 mathematician 14 +10100100010 Nisei 14 +10100100010 handkerchief 14 +10100100010 cabdriver 14 +10100100010 gunner 14 +10100100010 theologian 14 +10100100010 paraplegic 14 +10100100010 rooster 15 +10100100010 psychotherapist 15 +10100100010 chiropractor 15 +10100100010 barrister 15 +10100100010 pimp 15 +10100100010 matron 15 +10100100010 showman 15 +10100100010 percussionist 15 +10100100010 vintner 15 +10100100010 alderman 15 +10100100010 respondent 15 +10100100010 Swede 16 +10100100010 firefighter 16 +10100100010 settler 16 +10100100010 gynecologist 16 +10100100010 shooter 16 +10100100010 dreamer 16 +10100100010 clergyman 16 +10100100010 tactician 16 +10100100010 woodchuck 16 +10100100010 sprinter 16 +10100100010 florist 16 +10100100010 cornfield 16 +10100100010 brunette 16 +10100100010 volcano 17 +10100100010 mystic 17 +10100100010 mare 17 +10100100010 mirage 17 +10100100010 peddler 17 +10100100010 craftsman 17 +10100100010 urologist 17 +10100100010 draftsman 17 +10100100010 Westerner 17 +10100100010 slugger 17 +10100100010 demonstrator 18 +10100100010 neurosurgeon 18 +10100100010 wheeler-dealer 18 +10100100010 newspaperman 18 +10100100010 bookseller 18 +10100100010 bystander 19 +10100100010 dude 19 +10100100010 protester 19 +10100100010 doorman 19 +10100100010 highflier 19 +10100100010 whistle-blower 19 +10100100010 cynic 19 +10100100010 fireman 19 +10100100010 motorist 19 +10100100010 Gentleman 20 +10100100010 songwriter 20 +10100100010 biker 20 +10100100010 racer 21 +10100100010 reinsurer 21 +10100100010 hard-liner 21 +10100100010 parliamentarian 21 +10100100010 chap 21 +10100100010 plumber 21 +10100100010 vet 21 +10100100010 mannequin 22 +10100100010 drinker 22 +10100100010 playboy 22 +10100100010 partridge 22 +10100100010 kitten 22 +10100100010 charmer 22 +10100100010 diocese 22 +10100100010 bowler 23 +10100100010 comrade 23 +10100100010 recluse 23 +10100100010 swimmer 23 +10100100010 magician 23 +10100100010 philanthropist 23 +10100100010 gymnast 23 +10100100010 grandparent 23 +10100100010 lad 24 +10100100010 typist 24 +10100100010 ballerina 24 +10100100010 grandchild 24 +10100100010 chum 24 +10100100010 goddess 25 +10100100010 businesswoman 25 +10100100010 janitor 25 +10100100010 teenager 25 +10100100010 bookkeeper 26 +10100100010 lineman 26 +10100100010 socialite 26 +10100100010 patriot 26 +10100100010 mobster 26 +10100100010 hairdresser 26 +10100100010 tyrant 26 +10100100010 steelworker 26 +10100100010 salesperson 26 +10100100010 Briton 27 +10100100010 questioner 27 +10100100010 shortstop 27 +10100100010 realist 27 +10100100010 decorator 27 +10100100010 nun 27 +10100100010 loner 27 +10100100010 diner 28 +10100100010 soloist 28 +10100100010 mummy 28 +10100100010 cameraman 28 +10100100010 wrestler 28 +10100100010 geologist 29 +10100100010 claimant 29 +10100100010 felon 30 +10100100010 hijacker 30 +10100100010 scarf 30 +10100100010 fella 30 +10100100010 contestant 30 +10100100010 Tennessean 30 +10100100010 newsman 30 +10100100010 hitter 31 +10100100010 veterinarian 31 +10100100010 pragmatist 31 +10100100010 restaurateur 31 +10100100010 pathologist 31 +10100100010 jeweler 31 +10100100010 co-worker 31 +10100100010 landowner 31 +10100100010 laborer 32 +10100100010 smuggler 32 +10100100010 hostess 32 +10100100010 storyteller 33 +10100100010 grocer 33 +10100100010 headhunter 34 +10100100010 shopkeeper 35 +10100100010 burglar 35 +10100100010 homemaker 35 +10100100010 mezzo 36 +10100100010 housekeeper 36 +10100100010 pseudonym 37 +10100100010 diver 37 +10100100010 supertanker 37 +10100100010 hospice 37 +10100100010 cartoonist 37 +10100100010 baker 37 +10100100010 gardener 38 +10100100010 skater 38 +10100100010 trucker 39 +10100100010 repairman 39 +10100100010 pediatrician 39 +10100100010 monk 39 +10100100010 Southerner 41 +10100100010 jurist 41 +10100100010 therapist 41 +10100100010 campaigner 42 +10100100010 technocrat 42 +10100100010 violinist 42 +10100100010 bartender 43 +10100100010 sergeant 43 +10100100010 listener 43 +10100100010 Californian 43 +10100100010 guitarist 44 +10100100010 cardiologist 44 +10100100010 princess 44 +10100100010 waitress 45 +10100100010 co-conspirator 45 +10100100010 workaholic 45 +10100100010 carpenter 45 +10100100010 sculptor 46 +10100100010 cashier 46 +10100100010 municipality 46 +10100100010 gunman 49 +10100100010 narrator 50 +10100100010 drummer 50 +10100100010 translator 52 +10100100010 blonde 53 +10100100010 golfer 54 +10100100010 waiter 54 +10100100010 catcher 54 +10100100010 youngster 55 +10100100010 thief 55 +10100100010 gambler 55 +10100100010 reviewer 55 +10100100010 prostitute 56 +10100100010 juror 56 +10100100010 thinker 57 +10100100010 pharmacist 58 +10100100010 liar 58 +10100100010 fisherman 59 +10100100010 schoolteacher 59 +10100100010 murderer 59 +10100100010 rider 61 +10100100010 sailor 63 +10100100010 shark 64 +10100100010 receptionist 64 +10100100010 rancher 65 +10100100010 philosopher 65 +10100100010 preacher 65 +10100100010 bishop 68 +10100100010 maid 71 +10100100010 foreigner 71 +10100100010 Frenchman 71 +10100100010 boxer 72 +10100100010 homeowner 73 +10100100010 reformer 75 +10100100010 choreographer 75 +10100100010 runner 78 +10100100010 bachelor 79 +10100100010 bureaucrat 79 +10100100010 shopper 80 +10100100010 Jew 81 +10100100010 newcomer 87 +10100100010 publicist 89 +10100100010 pianist 90 +10100100010 mechanic 90 +10100100010 dancer 92 +10100100010 hunter 94 +10100100010 middleman 95 +10100100010 chef 96 +10100100010 musician 103 +10100100010 gentleman 103 +10100100010 knife 103 +10100100010 miner 105 +10100100010 pitcher 105 +10100100010 Texan 114 +10100100010 playwright 116 +10100100010 smoker 117 +10100100010 dentist 118 +10100100010 housewife 123 +10100100010 psychiatrist 131 +10100100010 millionaire 132 +10100100010 quarterback 133 +10100100010 painter 142 +10100100010 photographer 143 +10100100010 policeman 151 +10100100010 caller 151 +10100100010 cop 153 +10100100010 teen-ager 153 +10100100010 legislator 156 +10100100010 novelist 157 +10100100010 detective 175 +10100100010 poet 178 +10100100010 lawmaker 179 +10100100010 collector 185 +10100100010 nurse 193 +10100100010 broadcaster 203 +10100100010 priest 220 +10100100010 spouse 236 +10100100010 soldier 258 +10100100010 composer 274 +10100100010 lady 278 +10100100010 singer 283 +10100100010 stockbroker 298 +10100100010 visitor 336 +10100100010 kid 341 +10100100010 journalist 375 +10100100010 clerk 406 +10100100010 citizen 439 +10100100010 congressman 442 +10100100010 farmer 485 +10100100010 politician 499 +10100100010 defendant 563 +10100100010 physician 577 +10100100010 girl 580 +10100100010 teacher 632 +10100100010 driver 649 +10100100010 boy 730 +10100100010 doctor 995 +10100100010 businessman 1129 +10100100010 guy 1189 +10100100010 reporter 1216 +10100100010 patient 1228 +10100100010 writer 1242 +10100100010 worker 1629 +10100100010 Democrat 1632 +10100100010 child 1922 +10100100010 woman 2563 +10100100010 person 3215 +10100100010 lawyer 4409 +10100100010 man 6474 +101001000110 Communards 1 +101001000110 political-philosophy 1 +101001000110 NOTICE 1 +101001000110 57-story 1 +101001000110 Spanish-literature 1 +101001000110 energy-law 1 +101001000110 far-western 1 +101001000110 Carthusian 1 +101001000110 Czech-emigre 1 +101001000110 Apayao 1 +101001000110 book-Bureau 1 +101001000110 formulator 1 +101001000110 Uygur 1 +101001000110 pre-law 1 +101001000110 Bia 1 +101001000110 development-phase 1 +101001000110 once-vacant 1 +101001000110 co-record 1 +101001000110 managerialist 1 +101001000110 timber-state 1 +101001000110 Wolfes 1 +101001000110 antebellum-style 1 +101001000110 flambuoyant 1 +101001000110 leaders-cum-arms 1 +101001000110 scrum 2 +101001000110 crime-buster 2 +101001000110 gold-convertible 2 +101001000110 video-retail 2 +101001000110 low-saving 2 +101001000110 appassionato 2 +101001000110 candy-making 2 +101001000110 villainess 2 +101001000110 Stelly 2 +101001000110 knight-errant 2 +101001000110 cement-block 2 +101001000110 torpedo-bomber 2 +101001000110 tap-dance 3 +101001000110 31-story 3 +101001000110 Nogueira 3 +101001000110 machine-shop 3 +101001000110 tax-department 3 +101001000110 27-story 3 +101001000110 quarter-share 3 +101001000110 Estacado 3 +101001000110 ferryboat 3 +101001000110 87-1 3 +101001000110 P-38 3 +101001000110 adjutant 3 +101001000110 co-agent 4 +101001000110 cryptographer 4 +101001000110 rice-growing 4 +101001000110 maharajah 4 +101001000110 tributary 4 +101001000110 confab 4 +101001000110 sycophant 4 +101001000110 elf 5 +101001000110 toothpick 5 +101001000110 demo 7 +101001000110 reunified 7 +101001000110 beggar 8 +101001000110 lakefront 9 +101001000110 lackey 9 +101001000110 Diocese 9 +101001000110 generalist 9 +101001000110 burlesque 9 +101001000110 leper 12 +101001000110 redoubt 12 +101001000110 validation 13 +101001000110 knockoff 13 +101001000110 firebrand 13 +101001000110 devotee 13 +101001000110 signatory 21 +101001000110 disciple 22 +101001000110 truckload 23 +101001000110 penthouse 24 +101001000110 Soldier 27 +101001000110 stalwart 29 +101001000110 co-sponsor 32 +101001000110 garrison 38 +101001000110 multimillionaire 41 +101001000110 pawn 49 +101001000110 packet 49 +101001000110 rundown 51 +101001000110 Member 61 +101001000110 puppet 76 +101001000110 defender 89 +101001000110 protege 98 +101001000110 prisoner 116 +101001000110 backer 123 +101001000110 proponent 123 +101001000110 lieutenant 143 +101001000110 supporter 288 +101001000110 suburb 312 +101001000110 champion 319 +101001000110 fan 359 +101001000110 summary 369 +101001000110 resident 466 +101001000110 critic 526 +101001000110 graduate 652 +101001000110 native 716 +101001000110 host 835 +101001000110 veteran 936 +101001000110 representative 1211 +101001000110 branch 1833 +101001000110 member 5138 +101001000111 5E 1 +101001000111 pointings 1 +101001000111 nearly-six-foot 1 +101001000111 noteholder 1 +101001000111 synthesizer-processed 1 +101001000111 twofer 1 +101001000111 vibraphonist 1 +101001000111 Yamatsu 1 +101001000111 ex-client 1 +101001000111 lithographer 1 +101001000111 arbritrager 1 +101001000111 voyager 1 +101001000111 milt 1 +101001000111 cofradia 1 +101001000111 fluctuations.The 1 +101001000111 embattlement 1 +101001000111 shortstops 1 +101001000111 croquettes 1 +101001000111 87-2 1 +101001000111 spartanly 1 +101001000111 86-121 1 +101001000111 less-passive 1 +101001000111 gemologist 1 +101001000111 clocker 1 +101001000111 lintel 1 +101001000111 barrel-forward 1 +101001000111 lasciviousness 1 +101001000111 cut-glass 1 +101001000111 shortner 1 +101001000111 bandannas 1 +101001000111 Aprons 1 +101001000111 spatulas 1 +101001000111 89-122 1 +101001000111 quasi-exception 1 +101001000111 Chateaubriand 1 +101001000111 scrawler 1 +101001000111 X-tend 1 +101001000111 greeter 2 +101001000111 pyre 2 +101001000111 chartist 2 +101001000111 distributary 2 +101001000111 spectroscope 2 +101001000111 steeds 2 +101001000111 dramatics 3 +101001000111 gibe 3 +101001000111 profiler 3 +101001000111 topcoat 3 +101001000111 disseminator 3 +101001000111 projectionist 3 +101001000111 subunit 3 +101001000111 parapet 3 +101001000111 freeloader 3 +101001000111 sprain 3 +101001000111 carafe 3 +101001000111 Lubovitch 4 +101001000111 jitney 4 +101001000111 spectrometers 4 +101001000111 smithy 4 +101001000111 laugher 4 +101001000111 potline 5 +101001000111 marketmaker 5 +101001000111 brig 5 +101001000111 gastroenterologist 6 +101001000111 parsonage 6 +101001000111 striker 6 +101001000111 loader 7 +101001000111 c-Translated 8 +101001000111 polluter 9 +101001000111 eulogy 10 +101001000111 dumpster 10 +101001000111 Francais 11 +101001000111 carver 11 +101001000111 deal-maker 13 +101001000111 impresario 13 +101001000111 saver 13 +101001000111 shortcoming 14 +101001000111 propagandist 15 +101001000111 thoroughfare 15 +101001000111 conspirator 16 +101001000111 cure-all 18 +101001000111 wreath 20 +101001000111 seeker 21 +101001000111 rescuer 22 +101001000111 manipulator 25 +101001000111 sitter 27 +101001000111 short-seller 34 +101001000111 saleswoman 36 +101001000111 breeder 39 +101001000111 cheerleader 43 +101001000111 predator 45 +101001000111 market-maker 54 +101001000111 licensee 78 +101001000111 statesman 80 +101001000111 survivor 93 +101001000111 vendor 222 +101001000111 regulator 311 +101001000111 raider 470 +101001000111 salesman 478 +101001000111 lender 631 +101001000111 competitor 993 +101001000111 dealer 2141 +101001000111 buyer 2249 +101001000111 broker 2287 +101001000111 source 3818 +101001000111 trader 2894 +101001001000 snakebit 1 +101001001000 volvulvus 1 +101001001000 Zylis-Gara 1 +101001001000 outside-cable 1 +101001001000 VEGAS 1 +101001001000 spectra 1 +101001001000 stents 1 +101001001000 video-shop 1 +101001001000 videoshop 1 +101001001000 Siderographer 1 +101001001000 Borjas 1 +101001001000 family-program 1 +101001001000 Hanbai 1 +101001001000 Cavenagh 1 +101001001000 kniahs 1 +101001001000 Michigan. 1 +101001001000 7/7/7 1 +101001001000 teacher-union 1 +101001001000 maceration 1 +101001001000 Homemaker 1 +101001001000 Unfairly 1 +101001001000 Toasts 1 +101001001000 Duryea 1 +101001001000 Demiral 1 +101001001000 Beets 1 +101001001000 balaclavas 1 +101001001000 magazine-type 1 +101001001000 precision-machine 1 +101001001000 Dusossoit 1 +101001001000 Hindawi 1 +101001001000 Velmain 1 +101001001000 Fajar 1 +101001001000 reposing 1 +101001001000 Beiderbecke 1 +101001001000 Moderato 1 +101001001000 Penseroso 1 +101001001000 Seina 1 +101001001000 --it 1 +101001001000 TH 1 +101001001000 betrayed. 1 +101001001000 stationmaster 1 +101001001000 Lidke 1 +101001001000 fever. 1 +101001001000 season-ender 1 +101001001000 chiming 1 +101001001000 cinerea 1 +101001001000 championships. 1 +101001001000 deaminase 1 +101001001000 motocross 1 +101001001000 mine-mill 1 +101001001000 Hartsaw 1 +101001001000 Gigogne 1 +101001001000 Lanchester 1 +101001001000 spanielpoodle 1 +101001001000 Clore-backed 1 +101001001000 exasperates 1 +101001001000 Aveugle 1 +101001001000 Grigorian 1 +101001001000 1+1=3 1 +101001001000 wielder 1 +101001001000 hcl 1 +101001001000 39694 1 +101001001000 b-Volkswagen 1 +101001001000 Arcas 1 +101001001000 Slinger 1 +101001001000 tax-troglodyte 1 +101001001000 Maritima 1 +101001001000 ladle 1 +101001001000 Supertrims 1 +101001001000 control-related 1 +101001001000 Signal-gathering 1 +101001001000 biryanis 1 +101001001000 Amott 1 +101001001000 Blacketer 1 +101001001000 keratectomy 1 +101001001000 Khorshid 1 +101001001000 pre-emptions 1 +101001001000 CJ5 2 +101001001000 panelboard 2 +101001001000 TM-4 2 +101001001000 Enchaine 2 +101001001000 Amphitheatre 2 +101001001000 snuggles 2 +101001001000 gunbattle 2 +101001001000 monocytogenes 2 +101001001000 loch 2 +101001001000 hyacinths 2 +101001001000 plant. 2 +101001001000 Kreisky 2 +101001001000 glowered 2 +101001001000 Sabagal 2 +101001001000 overlays 2 +101001001000 homier 2 +101001001000 goblet 2 +101001001000 hypnotherapist 2 +101001001000 Mosnier 2 +101001001000 Leignadier 2 +101001001000 sing-along 2 +101001001000 Vilmain 2 +101001001000 degasification 2 +101001001000 Hartzog 2 +101001001000 blintzes 3 +101001001000 Treasury-indexed 3 +101001001000 NPL 3 +101001001000 Cerna 3 +101001001000 Amberville 3 +101001001000 single-lens 3 +101001001000 vasectomy 3 +101001001000 Goncourt 3 +101001001000 horseman 3 +101001001000 Saint-Freres 3 +101001001000 Gymnich 3 +101001001000 Moors 3 +101001001000 Secunde 3 +101001001000 EuroDisneyland 3 +101001001000 recorder-television 3 +101001001000 Kondratieff 3 +101001001000 Orangerie 3 +101001001000 Revs 3 +101001001000 SR 3 +101001001000 goalposts 3 +101001001000 twister 4 +101001001000 Caverns 4 +101001001000 pincers 4 +101001001000 fronton 5 +101001001000 hanger 5 +101001001000 BSO 5 +101001001000 1/35 5 +101001001000 FFA 5 +101001001000 gallate 5 +101001001000 hex 5 +101001001000 dairymen 5 +101001001000 softeners 5 +101001001000 Peas 6 +101001001000 hatchery 6 +101001001000 canner 6 +101001001000 Minnelli 6 +101001001000 milkshake 6 +101001001000 hobbyist 7 +101001001000 substation 7 +101001001000 mesa 7 +101001001000 jumpers 7 +101001001000 upgrader 7 +101001001000 purifiers 7 +101001001000 sorpasso 7 +101001001000 9580 7 +101001001000 newscaster 7 +101001001000 canker 7 +101001001000 paddy 8 +101001001000 flume 8 +101001001000 DeskJet 8 +101001001000 Chevette 9 +101001001000 Minelli 9 +101001001000 trawler 9 +101001001000 puck 9 +101001001000 CJ-5 9 +101001001000 spaniel 9 +101001001000 thrower 9 +101001001000 hawkers 10 +101001001000 conferencing 10 +101001001000 Nestea 11 +101001001000 Argentinas 11 +101001001000 cannery 11 +101001001000 mini-series 12 +101001001000 pollen 14 +101001001000 dispatcher 14 +101001001000 softener 15 +101001001000 schoolhouse 15 +101001001000 chandelier 15 +101001001000 faucets 15 +101001001000 Conservancy 16 +101001001000 tester 17 +101001001000 Bosendorfer 17 +101001001000 distillery 17 +101001001000 laxative 17 +101001001000 brunch 18 +101001001000 mousse 19 +101001001000 CJ 20 +101001001000 projector 21 +101001001000 scaffolding 22 +101001001000 transformer 23 +101001001000 dismutase 24 +101001001000 spoon 25 +101001001000 cone 25 +101001001000 outage 27 +101001001000 vapor 28 +101001001000 distributorship 30 +101001001000 depot 36 +101001001000 hangar 37 +101001001000 grid 39 +101001001000 transmitter 40 +101001001000 salon 44 +101001001000 marina 44 +101001001000 shipper 49 +101001001000 parlor 60 +101001001000 detector 67 +101001001000 telescope 68 +101001001000 furnace 78 +101001001000 hose 84 +101001001000 coupe 89 +101001001000 spacecraft 132 +101001001000 dish 135 +101001001000 mansion 136 +101001001000 rig 157 +101001001000 dam 185 +101001001000 smelter 196 +101001001000 dealership 214 +101001001000 shipyard 225 +101001001000 tournament 228 +101001001000 stadium 253 +101001001000 Guide 267 +101001001000 tanker 356 +101001001000 terminal 412 +101001001000 reactor 433 +101001001000 mall 471 +101001001000 refinery 566 +101001001000 tank 735 +101001001000 studio 790 +101001001000 shop 972 +101001001000 mill 974 +101001001000 mine 1658 +101001001000 station 2448 +101001001000 facility 2619 +101001001000 plant 11452 +1010010010010 Springield 1 +1010010010010 artist/singer 1 +1010010010010 basic-food 1 +1010010010010 Eric=Jericho 1 +1010010010010 Japanese-brand 1 +1010010010010 market-predictor 1 +1010010010010 Smalltown 1 +1010010010010 Edgarton 1 +1010010010010 sub-unit 1 +1010010010010 quota-offenders 1 +1010010010010 LAMP 1 +1010010010010 Day-Timer 1 +1010010010010 McMaid 1 +1010010010010 McPrint 1 +1010010010010 MISURA 1 +1010010010010 KOBC-TV 1 +1010010010010 KCSTTV 1 +1010010010010 WJBKTV 1 +1010010010010 Shaw-Barton 1 +1010010010010 margin-busting 1 +1010010010010 products/indirect 1 +1010010010010 greenhouse-growing 1 +1010010010010 leuprolide 1 +1010010010010 somatrem 1 +1010010010010 Super-Deb 1 +1010010010010 Dublin-Amsterdam 1 +1010010010010 Shannon-London 1 +1010010010010 Cork-London 1 +1010010010010 Ashbrooks 1 +1010010010010 Charmes-Chambertin 1 +1010010010010 WHOI-TV 1 +1010010010010 WTRF-TV 1 +1010010010010 WMTV 1 +1010010010010 Compazine 1 +1010010010010 co-movements 1 +1010010010010 price-comparison 1 +1010010010010 Indiana-Sweet 1 +1010010010010 5,499,000 1 +1010010010010 Thomson-Sintra 1 +1010010010010 Euralair 1 +1010010010010 WCIZ-TV 1 +1010010010010 semi-passive 1 +1010010010010 WITI 1 +1010010010010 WAGA 1 +1010010010010 WJW 1 +1010010010010 oligopoly-driven 1 +1010010010010 Logos 1 +1010010010010 Tessenderlo 1 +1010010010010 WL-TV 1 +1010010010010 WX-TV 1 +1010010010010 KMEX 1 +1010010010010 1967-based 1 +1010010010010 Herzen 1 +1010010010010 WYNK 1 +1010010010010 Libreville 1 +1010010010010 Dowell-Schlumberger 1 +1010010010010 per-mule 1 +1010010010010 miller.The 1 +1010010010010 Tempore 1 +1010010010010 Australia-wide 1 +1010010010010 Grit 1 +1010010010010 Scotties 1 +1010010010010 WDCA 1 +1010010010010 KTXH 1 +1010010010010 KTXA 1 +1010010010010 -drugs 1 +1010010010010 WIVES 1 +1010010010010 3-by-5 1 +1010010010010 LASA 1 +1010010010010 350-stock 1 +1010010010010 9.770 1 +1010010010010 employment-cost 1 +1010010010010 -unsecured 1 +1010010010010 1-800-283-7777 1 +1010010010010 b-Based 1 +1010010010010 honorably. 1 +1010010010010 h-Stck. 1 +1010010010010 hydrotherapy 1 +1010010010010 Ritchard 1 +1010010010010 220,000,003 1 +1010010010010 X-bodies 1 +1010010010010 violinist/conductor 1 +1010010010010 already-identified 1 +1010010010010 conventional- 2 +1010010010010 seat-sale 2 +1010010010010 WLS 2 +1010010010010 Chaskel 2 +1010010010010 Shulim 2 +1010010010010 brooder 2 +1010010010010 personal-income-tax 2 +1010010010010 steerage 2 +1010010010010 bopper 2 +1010010010010 Price-Cutting 2 +1010010010010 equipments 2 +1010010010010 KTXA-TV 2 +1010010010010 WDCA-TV 2 +1010010010010 videodiscs 2 +1010010010010 Baseline 2 +1010010010010 Mediocrity 2 +1010010010010 vagabonds 2 +1010010010010 40-bond 2 +1010010010010 slinger 2 +1010010010010 crisis. 2 +1010010010010 venders 3 +1010010010010 relaxants 3 +1010010010010 Lucifer 3 +1010010010010 dollar-amount 3 +1010010010010 EAFE 3 +1010010010010 prepublication 3 +1010010010010 per-bushel 3 +1010010010010 laminations 3 +1010010010010 price-weighted 3 +1010010010010 Renaldo 3 +1010010010010 1,100-stock 3 +1010010010010 WITI-TV 4 +1010010010010 livability 4 +1010010010010 market-clearing 4 +1010010010010 creamer 4 +1010010010010 ombudsmen 4 +1010010010010 double-cross 4 +1010010010010 urns 4 +1010010010010 heist 5 +1010010010010 Jacko 5 +1010010010010 Ibuprin 5 +1010010010010 I.V. 6 +1010010010010 leaker 6 +1010010010010 premium-to-market 6 +1010010010010 WBBM-TV 7 +1010010010010 by-products 8 +1010010010010 mini-mill 8 +1010010010010 return-on-asset 8 +1010010010010 gluten 10 +1010010010010 schoolbooks 10 +1010010010010 grove 16 +1010010010010 glycol 17 +1010010010010 carcass 18 +1010010010010 medalist 21 +1010010010010 driller 28 +1010010010010 cost-of-funds 30 +1010010010010 bin 36 +1010010010010 packer 37 +1010010010010 kingpin 45 +1010010010010 grower 73 +1010010010010 stickers 74 +1010010010010 ingot 105 +1010010010010 sticker 132 +1010010010010 exporter 186 +1010010010010 refiner 198 +1010010010010 utilization 249 +1010010010010 processor 420 +1010010010010 coach 484 +1010010010010 designer 616 +1010010010010 spot 2241 +1010010010010 producer 3529 +1010010010010 base 4649 +1010010010011 737.43 1 +1010010010011 peach-and-cream 1 +1010010010011 pauvres 1 +1010010010011 740.71 1 +1010010010011 1026.94 1 +1010010010011 728.43 1 +1010010010011 738.43 1 +1010010010011 738.71 1 +1010010010011 748.29 1 +1010010010011 betes 1 +1010010010011 726.57 1 +1010010010011 Christstollen 1 +1010010010011 1026.08 1 +1010010010011 938.35 1 +1010010010011 1030.16 1 +1010010010011 1029.27 1 +1010010010011 1029.79 1 +1010010010011 1039.25 1 +1010010010011 689.15 1 +1010010010011 749.60 1 +1010010010011 685.59 1 +1010010010011 examplesusually 1 +1010010010011 776.87 1 +1010010010011 941.65 1 +1010010010011 751.71 1 +1010010010011 sulu 1 +1010010010011 787.01 1 +1010010010011 736.57 1 +1010010010011 5/8-a-share 1 +1010010010011 734.29 1 +1010010010011 749.86 1 +1010010010011 750.14 1 +1010010010011 nonmagnetic 1 +1010010010011 770.55 1 +1010010010011 768.86 1 +1010010010011 766.20 1 +1010010010011 1099.97 1 +1010010010011 930.47 1 +1010010010011 dashman 1 +1010010010011 1082.85 1 +1010010010011 1069.15 1 +1010010010011 1074.03 1 +1010010010011 1100.11 1 +1010010010011 1094.18 1 +1010010010011 1094.31 1 +1010010010011 1062.04 1 +1010010010011 alcohol-industry 1 +1010010010011 697.14 1 +1010010010011 702.43 1 +1010010010011 695.14 1 +1010010010011 1086.67 1 +1010010010011 1075.87 1 +1010010010011 1080.74 1 +1010010010011 1091.41 1 +1010010010011 1084.43 1 +1010010010011 1044.78 1 +1010010010011 1041.62 1 +1010010010011 link. 1 +1010010010011 1039.91 1 +1010010010011 1031.61 1 +1010010010011 investors. 1 +1010010010011 1035.56 1 +1010010010011 1076.66 1 +1010010010011 1076.26 1 +1010010010011 1060.59 1 +1010010010011 mark-downs 1 +1010010010011 1052.42 1 +1010010010011 1058.09 1 +1010010010011 1067.57 1 +1010010010011 exhange 1 +1010010010011 saram 1 +1010010010011 911.14 1 +1010010010011 906.96 1 +1010010010011 918.01 1 +1010010010011 unfriendliness 1 +1010010010011 912.34 1 +1010010010011 890.38 1 +1010010010011 891.73 1 +1010010010011 908.60 1 +1010010010011 915.11 1 +1010010010011 912.76 1 +1010010010011 929.01 1 +1010010010011 916.42 1 +1010010010011 news-and-commentary 1 +1010010010011 924.03 1 +1010010010011 914.43 1 +1010010010011 929.06 1 +1010010010011 908.81 1 +1010010010011 945.86 1 +1010010010011 cashthat 1 +1010010010011 924.47 1 +1010010010011 866.94 1 +1010010010011 in-season 1 +1010010010011 867.68 1 +1010010010011 866.64 1 +1010010010011 873.81 1 +1010010010011 848.42 1 +1010010010011 857.23 1 +1010010010011 886.80 1 +1010010010011 881.42 1 +1010010010011 892.32 1 +1010010010011 gyno 1 +1010010010011 888.29 1 +1010010010011 Rituals 1 +1010010010011 875.30 1 +1010010010011 871.57 1 +1010010010011 guilt-purge 1 +1010010010011 870.37 1 +1010010010011 1036.09 1 +1010010010011 1027.79 1 +1010010010011 1033.19 1 +1010010010011 1047.68 1 +1010010010011 1062.30 1 +1010010010011 1037.14 1 +1010010010011 890.98 1 +1010010010011 906.51 1 +1010010010011 1025.16 1 +1010010010011 cave-digger 1 +1010010010011 nouveaus 1 +1010010010011 shaper 1 +1010010010011 WILD-AM 1 +1010010010011 WDAS-FM 1 +1010010010011 1036.88 1 +1010010010011 1011.59 1 +1010010010011 1063.22 1 +1010010010011 1064.41 1 +1010010010011 1044.92 1 +1010010010011 1038.46 1 +1010010010011 1049.79 1 +1010010010011 galabaya 1 +1010010010011 921.59 1 +1010010010011 stylebook 1 +1010010010011 922.95 1 +1010010010011 C64/ 1 +1010010010011 931.09 1 +1010010010011 926.72 1 +1010010010011 938.33 1 +1010010010011 ministership 1 +1010010010011 933.84 1 +1010010010011 garage/office 1 +1010010010011 925.36 1 +1010010010011 923.55 1 +1010010010011 927.62 1 +1010010010011 909.08 1 +1010010010011 909.38 1 +1010010010011 ok 1 +1010010010011 after-summer 1 +1010010010011 936.67 1 +1010010010011 letters-of-credit 1 +1010010010011 932.75 1 +1010010010011 921.14 1 +1010010010011 929.73 1 +1010010010011 858.84 1 +1010010010011 riser 1 +1010010010011 939.56 1 +1010010010011 abroadquietly 1 +1010010010011 845.91 1 +1010010010011 834.77 1 +1010010010011 953.73 1 +1010010010011 related-products 1 +1010010010011 grog 1 +1010010010011 841.12 1 +1010010010011 845.31 1 +1010010010011 917.39 1 +1010010010011 940.77 1 +1010010010011 aesthetes 1 +1010010010011 911.94 1 +1010010010011 907.82 1 +1010010010011 915.82 1 +1010010010011 874.88 1 +1010010010011 881.90 1 +1010010010011 935.68 1 +1010010010011 951.07 1 +1010010010011 951.55 1 +1010010010011 953.00 1 +1010010010011 building. 1 +1010010010011 939.44 1 +1010010010011 938.95 1 +1010010010011 910.85 1 +1010010010011 two-one 1 +1010010010011 dollar-owners 1 +1010010010011 922.36 1 +1010010010011 956.87 1 +1010010010011 mushmouths 1 +1010010010011 929.27 1 +1010010010011 924.09 1 +1010010010011 batik 1 +1010010010011 intertitles 1 +1010010010011 941.32 1 +1010010010011 927.46 1 +1010010010011 914.12 1 +1010010010011 fuds 1 +1010010010011 916.45 1 +1010010010011 910.23 1 +1010010010011 netowrk 1 +1010010010011 910.88 1 +1010010010011 908.03 1 +1010010010011 925.15 1 +1010010010011 Matea 1 +1010010010011 919.69 1 +1010010010011 933.42 1 +1010010010011 934.33 1 +1010010010011 951.43 1 +1010010010011 928.90 1 +1010010010011 951.19 1 +1010010010011 949.61 1 +1010010010011 935.44 1 +1010010010011 963.86 1 +1010010010011 950.26 1 +1010010010011 921.37 1 +1010010010011 914.90 1 +1010010010011 songsmith 1 +1010010010011 953.63 1 +1010010010011 1028.37 1 +1010010010011 1029.53 1 +1010010010011 kidkillers 1 +1010010010011 966.58 1 +1010010010011 970.73 1 +1010010010011 compies 1 +1010010010011 986.66 1 +1010010010011 978.76 1 +1010010010011 film-Kodak 1 +1010010010011 1037.93 1 +1010010010011 1048.21 1 +1010010010011 1012.12 1 +1010010010011 1033.72 1 +1010010010011 939.80 1 +1010010010011 1026.81 1 +1010010010011 1022.80 1 +1010010010011 stargazer 1 +1010010010011 699.00 1 +1010010010011 731.00 1 +1010010010011 721.14 1 +1010010010011 Disini 1 +1010010010011 661.00 1 +1010010010011 673.57 1 +1010010010011 935.32 1 +1010010010011 707.43 1 +1010010010011 681.14 1 +1010010010011 699.86 1 +1010010010011 943.68 1 +1010010010011 753.57 1 +1010010010011 770.29 1 +1010010010011 photo-typesetting 1 +1010010010011 976.68 1 +1010010010011 747.71 1 +1010010010011 airmanship 1 +1010010010011 754.43 1 +1010010010011 767.29 1 +1010010010011 770.43 1 +1010010010011 774.00 1 +1010010010011 767.86 1 +1010010010011 853.92 1 +1010010010011 merketplace 1 +1010010010011 853.56 1 +1010010010011 exchange-related 1 +1010010010011 816.38 1 +1010010010011 807.17 1 +1010010010011 841.93 1 +1010010010011 869.19 1 +1010010010011 876.09 1 +1010010010011 952.88 1 +1010010010011 yong 1 +1010010010011 tubers 1 +1010010010011 865.55 1 +1010010010011 872.21 1 +1010010010011 natural- 1 +1010010010011 877.79 1 +1010010010011 1021.47 1 +1010010010011 Hamtramckers 1 +1010010010011 1024.76 1 +1010010010011 1005.80 1 +1010010010011 decretary 1 +1010010010011 1021.60 1 +1010010010011 949.01 1 +1010010010011 1038.72 1 +1010010010011 1032.53 1 +1010010010011 820.37 1 +1010010010011 over-ripeness 1 +1010010010011 industry-software 1 +1010010010011 830.91 1 +1010010010011 824.13 1 +1010010010011 810.20 1 +1010010010011 819.65 1 +1010010010011 829.58 1 +1010010010011 Steinberg-watcher 1 +1010010010011 944.77 1 +1010010010011 establishment. 1 +1010010010011 effort-systems 1 +1010010010011 835.88 1 +1010010010011 825.34 1 +1010010010011 821.98 1 +1010010010011 diviners 1 +1010010010011 756.86 1 +1010010010011 818.40 1 +1010010010011 gamesman 1 +1010010010011 843.04 1 +1010010010011 1506.58 1 +1010010010011 single-image 1 +1010010010011 Steelworks 1 +1010010010011 760.43 1 +1010010010011 813.47 1 +1010010010011 760.86 1 +1010010010011 796.74 1 +1010010010011 tollbooths 1 +1010010010011 Fridtjof 1 +1010010010011 822.43 1 +1010010010011 829.30 1 +1010010010011 758.57 1 +1010010010011 840.20 1 +1010010010011 panter 1 +1010010010011 842.00 1 +1010010010011 850.81 1 +1010010010011 165-pound 1 +1010010010011 845.43 1 +1010010010011 791.14 1 +1010010010011 instutitions 1 +1010010010011 776.86 1 +1010010010011 trodding 1 +1010010010011 1457.33 1 +1010010010011 nighthawks 1 +1010010010011 774.14 1 +1010010010011 857.97 1 +1010010010011 853.94 1 +1010010010011 854.24 1 +1010010010011 746.00 1 +1010010010011 hairiness 1 +1010010010011 761.43 1 +1010010010011 1437.77 1 +1010010010011 paperhangers 1 +1010010010011 872.61 1 +1010010010011 business-residential 1 +1010010010011 perfumery 1 +1010010010011 877.39 1 +1010010010011 749.29 1 +1010010010011 coatdress 1 +1010010010011 743.43 1 +1010010010011 873.06 1 +1010010010011 1433.50 1 +1010010010011 campaign-decided 1 +1010010010011 794.95 1 +1010010010011 771.14 1 +1010010010011 784.05 1 +1010010010011 794.65 1 +1010010010011 948.89 1 +1010010010011 796.89 1 +1010010010011 759.14 1 +1010010010011 796.59 1 +1010010010011 1448.26 1 +1010010010011 764.29 1 +1010010010011 804.66 1 +1010010010011 rule-of-thumb 1 +1010010010011 andheating 1 +1010010010011 1269.20 1 +1010010010011 765.00 1 +1010010010011 800.33 1 +1010010010011 1448.79 1 +1010010010011 U.S.-bashing 1 +1010010010011 878.73 1 +1010010010011 880.08 1 +1010010010011 sector. 1 +1010010010011 1469.59 1 +1010010010011 snowboarder 1 +1010010010011 838.37 1 +1010010010011 make-loans-not-war 1 +1010010010011 1439.72 1 +1010010010011 863.80 1 +1010010010011 danseurs 1 +1010010010011 834.96 1 +1010010010011 moist-eyed 1 +1010010010011 859.47 1 +1010010010011 832.59 1 +1010010010011 860.96 1 +1010010010011 847.12 1 +1010010010011 850.68 1 +1010010010011 1469.24 1 +1010010010011 849.05 1 +1010010010011 858.24 1 +1010010010011 853.50 1 +1010010010011 841.19 1 +1010010010011 toxoid 1 +1010010010011 849.94 1 +1010010010011 848.01 1 +1010010010011 849.79 1 +1010010010011 836.17 1 +1010010010011 1266.18 1 +1010010010011 836.47 1 +1010010010011 815.54 1 +1010010010011 877.69 1 +1010010010011 841.85 1 +1010010010011 795.67 1 +1010010010011 domponents 1 +1010010010011 827.36 1 +1010010010011 1450.21 1 +1010010010011 796.26 1 +1010010010011 830.50 1 +1010010010011 875.15 1 +1010010010011 826.36 1 +1010010010011 879.48 1 +1010010010011 1278.98 1 +1010010010011 884.56 1 +1010010010011 819.69 1 +1010010010011 874.25 1 +1010010010011 817.62 1 +1010010010011 1442.21 1 +1010010010011 883.66 1 +1010010010011 855.73 1 +1010010010011 educrats 1 +1010010010011 quandries 1 +1010010010011 858.27 1 +1010010010011 860.22 1 +1010010010011 12-month/12,000-mile 1 +1010010010011 891.58 1 +1010010010011 diselenide 1 +1010010010011 handshaker 1 +1010010010011 887.84 1 +1010010010011 1455.19 1 +1010010010011 lowtechnology 1 +1010010010011 busybodies 1 +1010010010011 891.28 1 +1010010010011 789.43 1 +1010010010011 877.09 1 +1010010010011 886.65 1 +1010010010011 745.00 1 +1010010010011 1450.04 1 +1010010010011 anchorages 1 +1010010010011 869.47 1 +1010010010011 repertoire-Mozart 1 +1010010010011 857.38 1 +1010010010011 780.29 1 +1010010010011 danseur 1 +1010010010011 883.06 1 +1010010010011 783.86 1 +1010010010011 833.78 1 +1010010010011 1266.89 1 +1010010010011 1250.00 1 +1010010010011 845.88 1 +1010010010011 846.33 1 +1010010010011 cryptofascists 1 +1010010010011 1467.11 1 +1010010010011 +126.6 1 +1010010010011 838.56 1 +1010010010011 831.54 1 +1010010010011 845.58 1 +1010010010011 1277.74 1 +1010010010011 market-Europe 1 +1010010010011 1505.87 1 +1010010010011 gallery-bookstore 1 +1010010010011 867.53 1 +1010010010011 choice-making 1 +1010010010011 885.30 1 +1010010010011 881.27 1 +1010010010011 1459.28 1 +1010010010011 848.57 1 +1010010010011 852.15 1 +1010010010011 757.29 1 +1010010010011 898.89 1 +1010010010011 881.57 1 +1010010010011 755.00 1 +1010010010011 882.77 1 +1010010010011 wait-for-the-customers-to-come-to-you 1 +1010010010011 890.68 1 +1010010010011 skyjams 1 +1010010010011 908.15 1 +1010010010011 1401.67 1 +1010010010011 899.34 1 +1010010010011 740.43 1 +1010010010011 756.00 1 +1010010010011 890.23 1 +1010010010011 888.14 1 +1010010010011 consumer-packaging 1 +1010010010011 865.89 1 +1010010010011 737.57 1 +1010010010011 742.86 1 +1010010010011 873.36 1 +1010010010011 881.12 1 +1010010010011 741.57 1 +1010010010011 868.13 1 +1010010010011 864.10 1 +1010010010011 856.93 1 +1010010010011 1273.47 1 +1010010010011 1424.96 1 +1010010010011 890.83 1 +1010010010011 746.29 1 +1010010010011 co-chairperson 1 +1010010010011 889.19 1 +1010010010011 894.41 1 +1010010010011 756.43 1 +1010010010011 1404.69 1 +1010010010011 749.57 1 +1010010010011 908.45 1 +1010010010011 1413.94 1 +1010010010011 882.62 1 +1010010010011 813.23 2 +1010010010011 1033.46 2 +1010010010011 1504.62 2 +1010010010011 1253.07 2 +1010010010011 reseeding 2 +1010010010011 891.84 2 +1010010010011 1019.30 2 +1010010010011 1060.85 2 +1010010010011 businessess 2 +1010010010011 867.01 2 +1010010010011 griefs 2 +1010010010011 1465.86 2 +1010010010011 1484.53 2 +1010010010011 960.36 2 +1010010010011 railroaders 2 +1010010010011 rigger 2 +1010010010011 1427.63 2 +1010010010011 842.42 2 +1010010010011 LearJet 2 +1010010010011 851.02 2 +1010010010011 877.54 2 +1010010010011 822.66 2 +1010010010011 984.59 2 +1010010010011 822.06 2 +1010010010011 843.27 2 +1010010010011 1023.45 2 +1010010010011 1013.34 2 +1010010010011 1023.32 2 +1010010010011 1001.42 2 +1010010010011 956.64 2 +1010010010011 893.53 2 +1010010010011 1518.49 2 +1010010010011 863.74 2 +1010010010011 980.70 2 +1010010010011 1021.11 2 +1010010010011 852.96 2 +1010010010011 740.25 2 +1010010010011 fixed-principal 2 +1010010010011 980.24 2 +1010010010011 879.18 2 +1010010010011 674.92 2 +1010010010011 913.47 2 +1010010010011 DPA 2 +1010010010011 954.15 2 +1010010010011 961.01 2 +1010010010011 caregivers 2 +1010010010011 947.67 2 +1010010010011 1442.39 2 +1010010010011 burgeons 2 +1010010010011 745.57 2 +1010010010011 726.29 2 +1010010010011 945.85 2 +1010010010011 1467.99 2 +1010010010011 callings 2 +1010010010011 784.38 2 +1010010010011 847.67 2 +1010010010011 725.50 2 +1010010010011 757.24 2 +1010010010011 perspicacity 2 +1010010010011 849.01 2 +1010010010011 928.50 2 +1010010010011 826.31 2 +1010010010011 892.77 2 +1010010010011 777.86 2 +1010010010011 918.91 2 +1010010010011 1413.23 2 +1010010010011 935.01 2 +1010010010011 976.04 2 +1010010010011 924.22 2 +1010010010011 886.20 2 +1010010010011 1406.29 2 +1010010010011 863.05 2 +1010010010011 classicists 2 +1010010010011 1355.80 2 +1010010010011 1428.34 2 +1010010010011 conquerer 2 +1010010010011 short-sightedness 2 +1010010010011 1266.66 2 +1010010010011 932.90 2 +1010010010011 869.18 2 +1010010010011 1089.17 2 +1010010010011 841.48 2 +1010010010011 957.38 2 +1010010010011 1075.47 2 +1010010010011 853.69 2 +1010010010011 1473.68 2 +1010010010011 roustabouts 2 +1010010010011 857.83 2 +1010010010011 1090.62 2 +1010010010011 1477.06 2 +1010010010011 863.75 2 +1010010010011 692.86 2 +1010010010011 872.02 2 +1010010010011 839.01 2 +1010010010011 860.87 2 +1010010010011 904.12 2 +1010010010011 962.82 2 +1010010010011 866.74 2 +1010010010011 1021.73 2 +1010010010011 856.78 2 +1010010010011 831.69 2 +1010010010011 1030.43 2 +1010010010011 854.84 2 +1010010010011 876.94 2 +1010010010011 842.44 2 +1010010010011 915.21 2 +1010010010011 spangles 2 +1010010010011 1027.20 2 +1010010010011 830.10 2 +1010010010011 833.33 2 +1010010010011 1509.42 2 +1010010010011 1032.93 2 +1010010010011 1047.02 2 +1010010010011 947.55 2 +1010010010011 oligopolies 2 +1010010010011 853.35 2 +1010010010011 951.30 2 +1010010010011 933.81 3 +1010010010011 844.83 3 +1010010010011 Houstonians 3 +1010010010011 1040.31 3 +1010010010011 748.86 3 +1010010010011 meridian 3 +1010010010011 masseur 3 +1010010010011 1013.83 3 +1010010010011 SHO 3 +1010010010011 clamper 3 +1010010010011 892.92 3 +1010010010011 dollar-holders 4 +1010010010011 income-protecting 5 +1010010010011 shaming 5 +1010010010011 vane 6 +1010010010011 Verses 10 +1010010010011 minister-designate 15 +1010010010011 riche 17 +1010010010011 premiers 24 +1010010010011 mower 29 +1010010010011 mowers 60 +1010010010011 placements 128 +1010010010011 contractor 1138 +1010010010011 ministers 1411 +1010010010011 sector 3630 +1010010010011 minister 3604 +101001001010 quota-busting 1 +101001001010 licensed-character 1 +101001001010 Hondaland 1 +101001001010 Canadian-border 1 +101001001010 bar-accredited 1 +101001001010 media-dominated 1 +101001001010 human-health-care 1 +101001001010 syndrome-related 1 +101001001010 Latinate 1 +101001001010 something-he 1 +101001001010 silk-screening 1 +101001001010 Imbaba 1 +101001001010 edited-down 1 +101001001010 union-managment 1 +101001001010 trade-industry 1 +101001001010 4,099,963 1 +101001001010 family-migrant 1 +101001001010 Covenanter 1 +101001001010 communication-cluttered 1 +101001001010 10,435 1 +101001001010 6,716 1 +101001001010 Gogh-craving 1 +101001001010 large-typeface 1 +101001001010 1,236,338 1 +101001001010 9,987 1 +101001001010 13,602 1 +101001001010 6,835 1 +101001001010 9,079 1 +101001001010 haul-out 1 +101001001010 tour/theme 1 +101001001010 Iran-hostages 1 +101001001010 mealtime 1 +101001001010 500,112 2 +101001001010 Arab-Sudanese 2 +101001001010 Kangnam 2 +101001001010 Catalans 2 +101001001010 Vilna 2 +101001001010 cosmopolitans 2 +101001001010 fund-switching 2 +101001001010 A-minor 2 +101001001010 Ellingtonia 2 +101001001010 living-related 2 +101001001010 train-surfing 2 +101001001010 repast 2 +101001001010 alluvial 2 +101001001010 outlier 2 +101001001010 pulse-quickening 2 +101001001010 boxier 2 +101001001010 cross-stitch 2 +101001001010 rubbled 3 +101001001010 tea-leaf 3 +101001001010 disk-based 3 +101001001010 Cosanti 3 +101001001010 stockholders. 3 +101001001010 counter-insurgency 3 +101001001010 girder 3 +101001001010 Malightco 3 +101001001010 jive-talking 3 +101001001010 Matsekha 3 +101001001010 joystick 3 +101001001010 impersonations 4 +101001001010 paper-shuffling 4 +101001001010 ovum 4 +101001001010 falconry 4 +101001001010 movie-going 5 +101001001010 CPE 5 +101001001010 backgammon 6 +101001001010 gyroscope 6 +101001001010 zaibatsu 7 +101001001010 bismuth 7 +101001001010 seam 7 +101001001010 pantry 8 +101001001010 business. 8 +101001001010 KKB 8 +101001001010 Bedford-Stuyvesant 10 +101001001010 non-trading 10 +101001001010 mentoring 11 +101001001010 trombone 12 +101001001010 HP029 12 +101001001010 schnapps 13 +101001001010 housework 15 +101001001010 pushups 17 +101001001010 dentistry 18 +101001001010 shui 19 +101001001010 shingles 20 +101001001010 behemoth 36 +101001001010 ticker 39 +101001001010 business 33745 +101001001010 farming 331 +1010010010110 graphics-materials 1 +1010010010110 often-sued 1 +1010010010110 yackety 1 +1010010010110 tax-spending 1 +1010010010110 supply-growth 1 +1010010010110 retail-stores 1 +1010010010110 yacht-racing 1 +1010010010110 solar-engineering 1 +1010010010110 credit-management 1 +1010010010110 peer-counseling 1 +1010010010110 Chicano-lesbian 1 +1010010010110 Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac 1 +1010010010110 12-researcher 1 +1010010010110 serenading 1 +1010010010110 bank-creditor 1 +1010010010110 real-estate-lending 1 +1010010010110 coalition-ruled 1 +1010010010110 rumor-mill 1 +1010010010110 refrigeration-components 1 +1010010010110 Truckload 1 +1010010010110 insider-investigations 1 +1010010010110 no-longer-big 1 +1010010010110 One-for-one 1 +1010010010110 film-and-real-life 1 +1010010010110 tax-advisory 1 +1010010010110 All-Short 1 +1010010010110 global-trade-finance 1 +1010010010110 sustainable-agriculture 1 +1010010010110 trumpet-playing 1 +1010010010110 ProMax 1 +1010010010110 automotive-systems 1 +1010010010110 written-premium 1 +1010010010110 Comp-Tech 1 +1010010010110 lippy 1 +1010010010110 39,975 1 +1010010010110 once-handsome 1 +1010010010110 foodprocessing 1 +1010010010110 actress-courtesan 1 +1010010010110 testing-services 1 +1010010010110 fluid-technology 1 +1010010010110 technology/telecommunications 1 +1010010010110 project-finance 1 +1010010010110 travel-related-services 1 +1010010010110 beauty-queen 1 +1010010010110 corporate-coverage 1 +1010010010110 geeky 1 +1010010010110 leaveraged 1 +1010010010110 airplane-bird 1 +1010010010110 religous 1 +1010010010110 asset-managment 1 +1010010010110 Eastern-educated 1 +1010010010110 CHIPSet 1 +1010010010110 action-promoting 1 +1010010010110 sports-products 1 +1010010010110 trailguide 1 +1010010010110 vill 1 +1010010010110 cable-making 1 +1010010010110 Beelzebub 1 +1010010010110 corporate-strategy 1 +1010010010110 understandably-ex 1 +1010010010110 hostage-negotiating 1 +1010010010110 airline-hostess 1 +1010010010110 chip-repair 1 +1010010010110 professional-products 1 +1010010010110 appellate-litigation 1 +1010010010110 sureties 1 +1010010010110 restuarant 1 +1010010010110 hard-to-fill 1 +1010010010110 Vilgrain 1 +1010010010110 vavoom 1 +1010010010110 wraith-like 1 +1010010010110 interest-accrual 1 +1010010010110 federal-local 2 +1010010010110 sirloin 2 +1010010010110 new-ventures 2 +1010010010110 Roerig 2 +1010010010110 Olympic-like 2 +1010010010110 Mistsubishi 2 +1010010010110 1,4 2 +1010010010110 automotive-components 2 +1010010010110 sales-management 2 +1010010010110 post-1980 2 +1010010010110 NVA 2 +1010010010110 Europartners 2 +1010010010110 life-sciences 2 +1010010010110 market-analysis 2 +1010010010110 LWR 2 +1010010010110 ALS 2 +1010010010110 land-barge 2 +1010010010110 HU 2 +1010010010110 Buhrle 2 +1010010010110 misprinted 2 +1010010010110 Forest-Line 2 +1010010010110 run-on 3 +1010010010110 bank-regulation 3 +1010010010110 wielders 3 +1010010010110 CATS 3 +1010010010110 nuclear-planning 3 +1010010010110 farm-workers 3 +1010010010110 redesigns 3 +1010010010110 manangement 3 +1010010010110 do-it-yourselfer 3 +1010010010110 nonsalaried 3 +1010010010110 market-fund 3 +1010010010110 aircraft-building 3 +1010010010110 kryptonite 3 +1010010010110 24,200 3 +1010010010110 Thomson-SGS 3 +1010010010110 sanctions-busting 3 +1010010010110 2200/400 3 +1010010010110 medical-benefits 3 +1010010010110 political-economic 3 +1010010010110 high-skill 4 +1010010010110 doc 4 +1010010010110 corporate-identity 4 +1010010010110 Impco 4 +1010010010110 PARC 4 +1010010010110 Mostel 5 +1010010010110 eight-bit 5 +1010010010110 Savak 5 +1010010010110 mangement 6 +1010010010110 quartile 7 +1010010010110 DisplayWrite 7 +1010010010110 auctioneering 7 +1010010010110 Doughboy 7 +1010010010110 management. 8 +1010010010110 Chevrolet-Pontiac-Canada 9 +1010010010110 ballerinas 9 +1010010010110 Techint 9 +1010010010110 Nutrasweet 9 +1010010010110 SWAT 11 +1010010010110 VP 13 +1010010010110 schlock 14 +1010010010110 Perma 15 +1010010010110 prom 16 +1010010010110 managment 19 +1010010010110 Buick-Oldsmobile-Cadillac 25 +1010010010110 management 15893 +1010010010110 share-buying 29 +1010010010111 antique-filled 1 +1010010010111 low-rider 1 +1010010010111 vehicle-research 1 +1010010010111 school-committee 1 +1010010010111 Chicago-trained 1 +1010010010111 press-gallery 1 +1010010010111 estate-conservation 1 +1010010010111 13,847 1 +1010010010111 ex-boxing 1 +1010010010111 toiler 1 +1010010010111 atomic-bomb 1 +1010010010111 brokerage-affiliated 1 +1010010010111 gamey 1 +1010010010111 lady-explorer 1 +1010010010111 wirefraud 1 +1010010010111 statistical-services 1 +1010010010111 calculator-sized 1 +1010010010111 Klampenborg 1 +1010010010111 Italian-speaking 1 +1010010010111 anecdotage 1 +1010010010111 business-suited 1 +1010010010111 security-development 1 +1010010010111 seceding 1 +1010010010111 advisory-group 1 +1010010010111 drug-compliance 1 +1010010010111 trailer-office 1 +1010010010111 national-secuity 1 +1010010010111 gangsterish 1 +1010010010111 Machinist-union 1 +1010010010111 save-the-wildlife 1 +1010010010111 then-campaign 1 +1010010010111 let-the-locals-decide 1 +1010010010111 steering-committee 1 +1010010010111 dollar-pinching 1 +1010010010111 HMW 1 +1010010010111 self-chosen 2 +1010010010111 TED-spread 2 +1010010010111 kidney-disease 2 +1010010010111 advisory-board 2 +1010010010111 public-course 2 +1010010010111 bank-management 2 +1010010010111 hazel-eyed 2 +1010010010111 popular-music 2 +1010010010111 talkshow 2 +1010010010111 slavering 2 +1010010010111 white-cell 2 +1010010010111 jazzed-up 2 +1010010010111 commodity-fund 2 +1010010010111 predevelopment 2 +1010010010111 AWB 2 +1010010010111 hexagonally 2 +1010010010111 non-floor-trading 2 +1010010010111 ASL 2 +1010010010111 Vanceburg 2 +1010010010111 six-string 2 +1010010010111 nuclear-accident 2 +1010010010111 Supernova 3 +1010010010111 floorboard 3 +1010010010111 titlist 3 +1010010010111 1,585 3 +1010010010111 tyro 3 +1010010010111 management-board 3 +1010010010111 winegrowing 3 +1010010010111 hemophiliac 4 +1010010010111 TSP 4 +1010010010111 5-foot-9 4 +1010010010111 nectar 5 +1010010010111 nonfamily 5 +1010010010111 product-planning 5 +1010010010111 media-relations 6 +1010010010111 non-party 6 +1010010010111 delectable 7 +1010010010111 careerist 8 +1010010010111 politburo 9 +1010010010111 Award-winning 10 +1010010010111 counter-terrorism 10 +1010010010111 primes 11 +1010010010111 13d 19 +1010010010111 brakeman 21 +1010010010111 task-force 24 +1010010010111 directorate 72 +1010010010111 brigade 75 +1010010010111 gang 261 +1010010010111 faculty 367 +1010010010111 syndicate 593 +1010010010111 crew 871 +1010010010111 cabinet 1262 +1010010010111 fellow 1274 +1010010010111 personnel 1541 +1010010010111 staff 6011 +1010010010111 portfolio 3339 +1010010011000 =Have 1 +1010010011000 radon-screening 1 +1010010011000 air-cleaning 1 +1010010011000 GESTURE 1 +1010010011000 spending-factors 1 +1010010011000 COOLNESS 1 +1010010011000 shift-control 1 +1010010011000 nippers 1 +1010010011000 divisors 2 +1010010011000 flyby 2 +1010010011000 Meeschaert 2 +1010010011000 speedway 2 +1010010011000 covers. 2 +1010010011000 mudball 3 +1010010011000 near-disaster 3 +1010010011000 harvester 3 +1010010011000 prioritization 4 +1010010011000 Express-News 4 +1010010011000 Newswire 4 +1010010011000 microorganism 7 +1010010011000 footrace 7 +1010010011000 threshhold 8 +1010010011000 concourses 8 +1010010011000 countermeasure 8 +1010010011000 concessionaire 9 +1010010011000 sunroof 9 +1010010011000 cleanser 9 +1010010011000 analyzer 11 +1010010011000 break-in 11 +1010010011000 sonata 12 +1010010011000 contaminant 12 +1010010011000 SC 13 +1010010011000 pointer 13 +1010010011000 disinfectant 14 +1010010011000 quintet 14 +1010010011000 periodical 15 +1010010011000 diskette 18 +1010010011000 checkup 18 +1010010011000 sulfate 20 +1010010011000 gadget 22 +1010010011000 dispenser 24 +1010010011000 thermometer 26 +1010010011000 docket 31 +1010010011000 propellant 33 +1010010011000 catheter 34 +1010010011000 sponge 38 +1010010011000 venue 44 +1010010011000 setup 56 +1010010011000 carcinogen 64 +1010010011000 clearinghouse 69 +1010010011000 generator 84 +1010010011000 protocol 87 +1010010011000 craze 98 +1010010011000 kit 115 +1010010011000 herbicide 121 +1010010011000 squad 139 +1010010011000 valve 167 +1010010011000 hazard 201 +1010010011000 vessel 267 +1010010011000 format 343 +1010010011000 mechanism 522 +1010010011000 weapon 564 +1010010011000 bureaucracy 671 +1010010011000 procedure 693 +1010010011000 technique 698 +1010010011000 route 845 +1010010011000 formula 866 +1010010011000 device 1132 +1010010011000 initiative 1184 +1010010011000 scheme 1420 +1010010011000 program 14868 +1010010011000 machine 2417 +1010010011001 stackups 1 +1010010011001 ships/troopships 1 +1010010011001 center. 1 +1010010011001 osmotic 1 +1010010011001 less-than-radiant 1 +1010010011001 calls-that 1 +1010010011001 Hookers 1 +1010010011001 give-up 1 +1010010011001 sydrome 1 +1010010011001 author-historian 1 +1010010011001 proect 1 +1010010011001 boson 2 +1010010011001 plan. 2 +1010010011001 cruzeiro 2 +1010010011001 bill. 2 +1010010011001 intermediation 3 +1010010011001 keystroke 3 +1010010011001 pleaders 3 +1010010011001 legislation. 3 +1010010011001 minilab 3 +1010010011001 sytem 3 +1010010011001 decisions. 4 +1010010011001 snorer 4 +1010010011001 typesetter 4 +1010010011001 lifter 4 +1010010011001 hologram 5 +1010010011001 clerisy 5 +1010010011001 handicapper 6 +1010010011001 globulin 6 +1010010011001 chessboard 8 +1010010011001 prosthesis 8 +1010010011001 gizmo 9 +1010010011001 dynamo 10 +1010010011001 sentries 11 +1010010011001 leviathan 12 +1010010011001 colossus 17 +1010010011001 Confederacy 19 +1010010011001 set-up 19 +1010010011001 warden 24 +1010010011001 cutter 27 +1010010011001 printout 30 +1010010011001 pathway 38 +1010010011001 dynasty 56 +1010010011001 ladder 169 +1010010011001 apparatus 195 +1010010011001 curve 214 +1010010011001 profession 481 +1010010011001 syndrome 696 +1010010011001 regime 1232 +1010010011001 system 15761 +1010010011001 structure 2360 +1010010011010 bond-dealing 1 +1010010011010 oil. 1 +1010010011010 Pollyannas 1 +1010010011010 AUDITORS 1 +1010010011010 dollar-holdings 1 +1010010011010 ITSELF 1 +1010010011010 overhaul-related 1 +1010010011010 works-related 1 +1010010011010 royalism 1 +1010010011010 thought. 1 +1010010011010 military-sale 1 +1010010011010 parlance-while 1 +1010010011010 forcasts 1 +1010010011010 pointman 1 +1010010011010 normatives 1 +1010010011010 triumverate 1 +1010010011010 pattern. 1 +1010010011010 design-life 1 +1010010011010 juddgments 1 +1010010011010 values-free 1 +1010010011010 rate-IRA 1 +1010010011010 factor. 1 +1010010011010 dressed-in-black 1 +1010010011010 re-opener 1 +1010010011010 buyers. 1 +1010010011010 risk-benefited 1 +1010010011010 macro-indicators 1 +1010010011010 misrule 2 +1010010011010 competitiors 2 +1010010011010 upliftment 2 +1010010011010 mastitis 2 +1010010011010 brassheads 2 +1010010011010 telecommunications-policy 2 +1010010011010 lexicography 2 +1010010011010 affairs. 2 +1010010011010 dissaving 3 +1010010011010 fecklessness 3 +1010010011010 trial. 3 +1010010011010 suppport 3 +1010010011010 assigned-risk 3 +1010010011010 language. 3 +1010010011010 royalists 3 +1010010011010 performance. 4 +1010010011010 hotspots 4 +1010010011010 dissavings 4 +1010010011010 issues. 4 +1010010011010 seapower 4 +1010010011010 consensus-building 5 +1010010011010 mercantilists 5 +1010010011010 stooge 5 +1010010011010 fisc 7 +1010010011010 decisionmaking 7 +1010010011010 somatotropin 7 +1010010011010 policy. 7 +1010010011010 stringency 9 +1010010011010 stollen 9 +1010010011010 readjustment 10 +1010010011010 government. 10 +1010010011010 opprobrium 13 +1010010011010 rectitude 13 +1010010011010 stimulants 14 +1010010011010 collaborations 15 +1010010011010 lifeline 26 +1010010011010 largesse 32 +1010010011010 stimulation 52 +1010010011010 stimulus 228 +1010010011010 affairs 1983 +1010010011010 reform 2578 +1010010011010 policy 12756 +10100100110110 sport-fishermen 1 +10100100110110 Kozyrev 1 +10100100110110 cook-offs 1 +10100100110110 slurpers 1 +10100100110110 damage-flattened 1 +10100100110110 locaters 1 +10100100110110 chewers 1 +10100100110110 bearnaise 1 +10100100110110 Scarf 1 +10100100110110 gage 1 +10100100110110 tractor-cades 1 +10100100110110 chicken-skin 1 +10100100110110 heavers 1 +10100100110110 rellenos 1 +10100100110110 k-e-e-p-s 1 +10100100110110 Fenvalerate 1 +10100100110110 check-forging 1 +10100100110110 limitable 1 +10100100110110 crimpers 1 +10100100110110 Sociales 1 +10100100110110 cov 1 +10100100110110 stirrups 1 +10100100110110 Eludes 1 +10100100110110 business-records 1 +10100100110110 Respiration 1 +10100100110110 area-commander 1 +10100100110110 responsibily 1 +10100100110110 nada 1 +10100100110110 vehicles. 1 +10100100110110 booboos 1 +10100100110110 industryas 1 +10100100110110 tectonics 1 +10100100110110 railbed 1 +10100100110110 scaler 1 +10100100110110 handers 1 +10100100110110 purees 1 +10100100110110 dispersions 1 +10100100110110 veterans. 1 +10100100110110 spawning-ground 1 +10100100110110 nibblers 1 +10100100110110 bisque 1 +10100100110110 aqueduct 1 +10100100110110 footballers 2 +10100100110110 BankAmericard 2 +10100100110110 kinetic-killers 2 +10100100110110 write-ups 2 +10100100110110 20-F 2 +10100100110110 droppers 2 +10100100110110 Clyne 2 +10100100110110 crisis-era 2 +10100100110110 basketballers 2 +10100100110110 hunter-gatherers 2 +10100100110110 alliance. 2 +10100100110110 tutti 3 +10100100110110 vaccuum 3 +10100100110110 awakenings 3 +10100100110110 SS-18s 3 +10100100110110 vocabularies 3 +10100100110110 Embassies 3 +10100100110110 regrowth 3 +10100100110110 cru 3 +10100100110110 rovers 3 +10100100110110 sumps 3 +10100100110110 sprite 4 +10100100110110 clindamycin 4 +10100100110110 net-pens 4 +10100100110110 bonnets 4 +10100100110110 Euridice 4 +10100100110110 clime 4 +10100100110110 ringmaster 4 +10100100110110 Trophy 5 +10100100110110 biplane 5 +10100100110110 hideouts 5 +10100100110110 sparkled 6 +10100100110110 exchanger 6 +10100100110110 bordello 6 +10100100110110 splices 7 +10100100110110 F-111s 7 +10100100110110 charades 7 +10100100110110 hideout 8 +10100100110110 cannister 8 +10100100110110 sallies 8 +10100100110110 PIN 9 +10100100110110 hatcheries 9 +10100100110110 exchangers 10 +10100100110110 lookalike 11 +10100100110110 insignia 13 +10100100110110 setters 14 +10100100110110 dunes 15 +10100100110110 bleeds 15 +10100100110110 Opens 16 +10100100110110 outrages 21 +10100100110110 fins 22 +10100100110110 allocators 23 +10100100110110 preparedness 24 +10100100110110 cannons 30 +10100100110110 deployments 31 +10100100110110 implements 36 +10100100110110 stunts 36 +10100100110110 rebounds 38 +10100100110110 stabilizes 50 +10100100110110 harbors 53 +10100100110110 juices 60 +10100100110110 plasminogen 62 +10100100110110 escorts 72 +10100100110110 patrols 77 +10100100110110 handlers 128 +10100100110110 exercises 231 +10100100110110 belts 256 +10100100110110 guards 317 +10100100110110 hostage 401 +10100100110110 bases 1028 +10100100110110 values 2506 +10100100110110 forces 3589 +10100100110110 -RCB- 4154 +10100100110111 ambassador-nominee 1 +10100100110111 processional 1 +10100100110111 drop-kicker 1 +10100100110111 apparatuses 1 +10100100110111 strength-more 1 +10100100110111 commandantes 1 +10100100110111 \cuts 1 +10100100110111 OBJECTIONS 1 +10100100110111 returnee 1 +10100100110111 assitance 1 +10100100110111 buildup. 1 +10100100110111 euromissiles 1 +10100100110111 dockyard 1 +10100100110111 juntas 1 +10100100110111 martinets 1 +10100100110111 forces. 1 +10100100110111 forces-which 1 +10100100110111 i0 1 +10100100110111 stock-plan 1 +10100100110111 oppositio 1 +10100100110111 prgas 1 +10100100110111 mulelift 1 +10100100110111 target-towing 1 +10100100110111 resale-royalty 1 +10100100110111 functions. 1 +10100100110111 MARINES 1 +10100100110111 defense-funding 1 +10100100110111 serivces 1 +10100100110111 prosposal 1 +10100100110111 sub-committee 1 +10100100110111 infiltrations 1 +10100100110111 unlimited-underwater 1 +10100100110111 specialists. 1 +10100100110111 ratios-caused 1 +10100100110111 selfinterest 1 +10100100110111 judgments. 2 +10100100110111 recruitments 2 +10100100110111 recipiency 2 +10100100110111 acrobat 3 +10100100110111 involvements 3 +10100100110111 oligarchies 3 +10100100110111 arms-supply 3 +10100100110111 mixups 3 +10100100110111 potentates 6 +10100100110111 legerdemain 9 +10100100110111 conscription 16 +10100100110111 Armageddon 20 +10100100110111 emissary 24 +10100100110111 wherewithal 32 +10100100110111 advisor 33 +10100100110111 attache 45 +10100100110111 airlift 143 +10100100110111 envoy 199 +10100100110111 planner 274 +10100100110111 ambassador 621 +10100100110111 assistance 1827 +10100100110111 aid 4621 +10100100110111 adviser 2946 +1010010011100 gashlike 1 +1010010011100 officio 1 +1010010011100 jointed 1 +1010010011100 falutin 1 +1010010011100 Jura 1 +1010010011100 tax-review 1 +1010010011100 copper-colored 1 +1010010011100 wheelchair-marathon 1 +1010010011100 sugar-farming 1 +1010010011100 economic-justice 1 +1010010011100 Kareol 1 +1010010011100 T4-cell 1 +1010010011100 six-wheeled 1 +1010010011100 anti-Saudi 1 +1010010011100 objectives/characteristics 1 +1010010011100 job-referral 1 +1010010011100 free-hospital 1 +1010010011100 balling 1 +1010010011100 sierra 1 +1010010011100 school-only 1 +1010010011100 Ahaggar 1 +1010010011100 Asir 1 +1010010011100 Guildhall 2 +1010010011100 Juchitan 2 +1010010011100 over-achievers 2 +1010010011100 Wanchai 2 +1010010011100 timbres 2 +1010010011100 beguilement 2 +1010010011100 walkaway 2 +1010010011100 unviewed 2 +1010010011100 socialism. 2 +1010010011100 Auvergne 2 +1010010011100 event. 2 +1010010011100 Stetsons 2 +1010010011100 dick 2 +1010010011100 Fs 2 +1010010011100 tessitura 2 +1010010011100 terrorism. 2 +1010010011100 Jap 2 +1010010011100 3,663 2 +1010010011100 riff 2 +1010010011100 Melians 2 +1010010011100 Heerlen 2 +1010010011100 Sisyphus 3 +1010010011100 dragon-boat 3 +1010010011100 semi-abstract 3 +1010010011100 practical-minded 3 +1010010011100 Alleghenies 3 +1010010011100 4,440 3 +1010010011100 home-economics 3 +1010010011100 fortresses 3 +1010010011100 demimonde 3 +1010010011100 birth-weight 3 +1010010011100 reflector 3 +1010010011100 loam 3 +1010010011100 school-educated 3 +1010010011100 scorpion 3 +1010010011100 crescent 3 +1010010011100 waterfronts 3 +1010010011100 SS-1 4 +1010010011100 cymbals 4 +1010010011100 grassland 4 +1010010011100 sanitarian 4 +1010010011100 rectory 4 +1010010011100 one-handed 4 +1010010011100 creationist 4 +1010010011100 hilltops 4 +1010010011100 lowland 4 +1010010011100 cavalryman 4 +1010010011100 negligee 4 +1010010011100 numeral 4 +1010010011100 Rockettes 4 +1010010011100 tablecloth 4 +1010010011100 confreres 4 +1010010011100 misadventure 4 +1010010011100 knoll 5 +1010010011100 Ivry 5 +1010010011100 do-gooder 5 +1010010011100 riverbank 5 +1010010011100 esplanade 5 +1010010011100 lowlands 6 +1010010011100 Kush 6 +1010010011100 oilfields 6 +1010010011100 rectangles 7 +1010010011100 self-treatment 7 +1010010011100 scrawl 7 +1010010011100 slicker 8 +1010010011100 bullfighter 8 +1010010011100 blandishments 9 +1010010011100 minstrel 9 +1010010011100 readout 9 +1010010011100 titan 9 +1010010011100 Kurdistan 10 +1010010011100 taiko 10 +1010010011100 skits 11 +1010010011100 captions 11 +1010010011100 hygienist 11 +1010010011100 mermaid 11 +1010010011100 equivalency 12 +1010010011100 dispossessed 12 +1010010011100 bayou 12 +1010010011100 shutters 12 +1010010011100 UNCF 12 +1010010011100 repute 12 +1010010011100 Moment 12 +1010010011100 cults 14 +1010010011100 monolith 14 +1010010011100 promenade 14 +1010010011100 seaport 15 +1010010011100 Masses 15 +1010010011100 samurai 15 +1010010011100 birch 15 +1010010011100 think-tank 16 +1010010011100 shantytown 16 +1010010011100 pews 16 +1010010011100 gentry 18 +1010010011100 councilors 19 +1010010011100 yearbook 20 +1010010011100 barrio 20 +1010010011100 pines 21 +1010010011100 cape 22 +1010010011100 vernacular 24 +1010010011100 squire 24 +1010010011100 lettering 26 +1010010011100 safari 28 +1010010011100 bourgeoisie 30 +1010010011100 sprawl 31 +1010010011100 festivals 31 +1010010011100 slang 33 +1010010011100 90s 34 +1010010011100 backwater 34 +1010010011100 spa 35 +1010010011100 roulette 39 +1010010011100 hallways 40 +1010010011100 etiquette 41 +1010010011100 hamlet 48 +1010010011100 colonies 62 +1010010011100 parish 62 +1010010011100 plains 66 +1010010011100 heartland 68 +1010010011100 underclass 72 +1010010011100 seas 73 +1010010011100 slums 81 +1010010011100 ghetto 83 +1010010011100 barracks 86 +1010010011100 boutique 90 +1010010011100 majors 92 +1010010011100 dictionary 95 +1010010011100 jewels 95 +1010010011100 township 111 +1010010011100 prince 124 +1010010011100 bulletin 135 +1010010011100 curriculum 148 +1010010011100 frontier 161 +1010010011100 sculpture 168 +1010010011100 glory 172 +1010010011100 traveler 176 +1010010011100 journalism 254 +1010010011100 exile 259 +1010010011100 clinic 306 +1010010011100 Revolution 312 +1010010011100 suburbs 323 +1010010011100 fiction 325 +1010010011100 journal 385 +1010010011100 campus 409 +1010010011100 elite 442 +1010010011100 arts 443 +1010010011100 parks 461 +1010010011100 port 481 +1010010011100 library 501 +1010010011100 village 529 +1010010011100 flag 540 +1010010011100 neighborhood 699 +1010010011100 sport 777 +1010010011100 enterprise 807 +1010010011100 park 938 +1010010011100 club 957 +1010010011100 tape 957 +1010010011100 society 2110 +1010010011100 town 2444 +1010010011100 schools 2516 +1010010011100 practice 2700 +1010010011100 community 3433 +1010010011100 school 4376 +1010010011101 HJR 1 +1010010011101 restaurant-related 1 +1010010011101 psychology. 1 +1010010011101 Orlean 1 +1010010011101 Skids 1 +1010010011101 conniption 1 +1010010011101 Medeo 1 +1010010011101 69-cent 1 +1010010011101 letterhead. 1 +1010010011101 Tacjams 1 +1010010011101 16-track 1 +1010010011101 Taskhkadzor 1 +1010010011101 martket 1 +1010010011101 Lanzino 1 +1010010011101 Gan-Ru 1 +1010010011101 NEA-owned 1 +1010010011101 Basks 1 +1010010011101 ceramics-copper-oxide 1 +1010010011101 K-Series 1 +1010010011101 congressional-bureaucratic-journalistic 1 +1010010011101 Fulano 1 +1010010011101 306,000-square-foot 1 +1010010011101 Elek 1 +1010010011101 five-color 1 +1010010011101 Kepong 1 +1010010011101 jam-ups 1 +1010010011101 nomenclatura 1 +1010010011101 inward-investment 1 +1010010011101 500,000-name 1 +1010010011101 impresario-like 1 +1010010011101 Zalaquett 1 +1010010011101 head-wise 1 +1010010011101 once-lavish 1 +1010010011101 Times-Union 1 +1010010011101 asset-financing 1 +1010010011101 careers. 1 +1010010011101 1976-86 1 +1010010011101 glanders 1 +1010010011101 serious-faced 1 +1010010011101 atrisk 1 +1010010011101 Thermenos 1 +1010010011101 burned-over 1 +1010010011101 dispersement 1 +1010010011101 peace-talk 1 +1010010011101 faint-voiced 1 +1010010011101 Enteria 1 +1010010011101 means-based 1 +1010010011101 non-telecommunications 1 +1010010011101 Intraco 1 +1010010011101 Pizarro 1 +1010010011101 mall-office 1 +1010010011101 cradlelike 1 +1010010011101 jostles 1 +1010010011101 immuno-stimulating 1 +1010010011101 performance-day 1 +1010010011101 deicer 1 +1010010011101 Sophisticate 1 +1010010011101 anti-lice 1 +1010010011101 inyanga 1 +1010010011101 Valdiviesco 1 +1010010011101 Bank-Huron 1 +1010010011101 9R/27L 1 +1010010011101 720,000-square-foot 1 +1010010011101 Weltwirtschaft 1 +1010010011101 Ingenuity 1 +1010010011101 Super-Dough 1 +1010010011101 protection. 1 +1010010011101 auto-plant 1 +1010010011101 95-points-per-game 1 +1010010011101 Contents 1 +1010010011101 viprostol 1 +1010010011101 fat-replacement 1 +1010010011101 2,134-year-old 1 +1010010011101 Apollinaire 1 +1010010011101 manufactuing 1 +1010010011101 Mouratgolu 1 +1010010011101 advertising-ESPN 1 +1010010011101 selection. 1 +1010010011101 Jouvet 1 +1010010011101 sills 1 +1010010011101 61-mile 1 +1010010011101 lefthand 1 +1010010011101 broadcastng 1 +1010010011101 2.3-million-square-foot 1 +1010010011101 6-foot-high 1 +1010010011101 nuclear-storage 1 +1010010011101 Telephone. 1 +1010010011101 14-12 1 +1010010011101 self-alleged 1 +1010010011101 black-walled 1 +1010010011101 AN/ALQ-135 1 +1010010011101 second-safest 1 +1010010011101 ganlanqiu 1 +1010010011101 Chaya 1 +1010010011101 blasphemed 1 +1010010011101 democratic-reform 1 +1010010011101 minisummit 1 +1010010011101 ropelike 1 +1010010011101 Fievel-adorned 1 +1010010011101 car-painting 1 +1010010011101 socialite-oracle 1 +1010010011101 swing-and-picket 1 +1010010011101 born-and-bred 1 +1010010011101 2,400-seat 1 +1010010011101 leather-covered 1 +1010010011101 ................................ 1 +1010010011101 defense-market 1 +1010010011101 Motorolas 1 +1010010011101 Square-area 1 +1010010011101 grounders 1 +1010010011101 ocean-transportation 1 +1010010011101 stalkers 1 +1010010011101 building-restoration 1 +1010010011101 Gruson 1 +1010010011101 Sojic 1 +1010010011101 Munchkins 1 +1010010011101 thongs. 1 +1010010011101 public-schools 1 +1010010011101 shed-like 1 +1010010011101 knocker 1 +1010010011101 191,000-square-foot 1 +1010010011101 laddie 1 +1010010011101 doublers 1 +1010010011101 office-shopping 1 +1010010011101 union-by-union 1 +1010010011101 cobras 1 +1010010011101 wingshooting 1 +1010010011101 stockbrockerage 1 +1010010011101 hotel/entertainment 1 +1010010011101 1988-1989-1990 1 +1010010011101 proof. 1 +1010010011101 much-developed 1 +1010010011101 Canucks 1 +1010010011101 10,729 1 +1010010011101 voles 1 +1010010011101 cherimoya 1 +1010010011101 light-vehicle-parts 1 +1010010011101 often-predicted 1 +1010010011101 Gillibrand 1 +1010010011101 37-story 1 +1010010011101 dissolvents 1 +1010010011101 Maree 1 +1010010011101 outlet. 1 +1010010011101 sidestreet 1 +1010010011101 2,572 1 +1010010011101 chamberpot 1 +1010010011101 Cassise 1 +1010010011101 empty-necked 1 +1010010011101 v.B. 1 +1010010011101 TAS-65 1 +1010010011101 tomato-ish 1 +1010010011101 INT-1 1 +1010010011101 Grafica 1 +1010010011101 singer-comedian 1 +1010010011101 position-location 1 +1010010011101 Chronical 1 +1010010011101 off-the-bench 1 +1010010011101 inflation-watchers 1 +1010010011101 clock-stopped 1 +1010010011101 usinessmen 1 +1010010011101 defoggers 1 +1010010011101 conglomerated 1 +1010010011101 Lookouts 1 +1010010011101 Mattei 1 +1010010011101 Stewart-Hertzberg 1 +1010010011101 gray-walled 1 +1010010011101 Concertgebouw 1 +1010010011101 abbess 1 +1010010011101 ex-friends 2 +1010010011101 Staatsoper 2 +1010010011101 Skydome 2 +1010010011101 Basilio 2 +1010010011101 trouble-making 2 +1010010011101 conveyers 2 +1010010011101 mortem 2 +1010010011101 optionals 2 +1010010011101 47-story 2 +1010010011101 D-3 2 +1010010011101 Triumphant 2 +1010010011101 Claremore 2 +1010010011101 headwaters 2 +1010010011101 sarcophagus 2 +1010010011101 procrastinates 2 +1010010011101 14-32 2 +1010010011101 taproom 2 +1010010011101 Irmas 2 +1010010011101 two-million-square-foot 2 +1010010011101 alternative-fuel 2 +1010010011101 evil-smelling 2 +1010010011101 quick-cooking 2 +1010010011101 Ghawar 2 +1010010011101 05 2 +1010010011101 Argonauts 2 +1010010011101 shore-front 2 +1010010011101 CityTrust 2 +1010010011101 Shangri-la 2 +1010010011101 cabarets 3 +1010010011101 unblushing 3 +1010010011101 Sketchbooks 3 +1010010011101 nuclear-production 3 +1010010011101 Atoll 3 +1010010011101 engraver 3 +1010010011101 coffeehouse 3 +1010010011101 Penguins 3 +1010010011101 overstretched 3 +1010010011101 rope-like 3 +1010010011101 schoolrooms 3 +1010010011101 yams 3 +1010010011101 most-publicized 3 +1010010011101 preludes 3 +1010010011101 islander 3 +1010010011101 prism-shaped 3 +1010010011101 Rizal 3 +1010010011101 Mausoleum 3 +1010010011101 pleasers 3 +1010010011101 Peerage 3 +1010010011101 hostelry 3 +1010010011101 co-ordinator 3 +1010010011101 Lotto 3 +1010010011101 menu. 3 +1010010011101 overprotected 3 +1010010011101 WKAQ-TV 3 +1010010011101 Araiza 3 +1010010011101 liposuctions 4 +1010010011101 Tatler 4 +1010010011101 defogger 4 +1010010011101 KPFK-FM 4 +1010010011101 WSVN-TV 4 +1010010011101 eight-story 4 +1010010011101 optician 4 +1010010011101 BART 4 +1010010011101 neurotics 4 +1010010011101 pleaser 4 +1010010011101 Florist 4 +1010010011101 DMS-100 4 +1010010011101 speakeasy 4 +1010010011101 Sharfman 4 +1010010011101 Glue 4 +1010010011101 beltway 5 +1010010011101 nightspot 5 +1010010011101 Beans 5 +1010010011101 bistro 5 +1010010011101 Desdemona 5 +1010010011101 Forties 5 +1010010011101 Allied/Federated 5 +1010010011101 metering 6 +1010010011101 scat 6 +1010010011101 caterer 6 +1010010011101 Stradivari 7 +1010010011101 AHEAD 7 +1010010011101 Docklands 7 +1010010011101 Anatolia 7 +1010010011101 fairgrounds 8 +1010010011101 Dorset 8 +1010010011101 Wola 8 +1010010011101 Reservoir 10 +1010010011101 epoxy 10 +1010010011101 Statehouse 10 +1010010011101 semis 12 +1010010011101 dissolvers 13 +1010010011101 brownstone 13 +1010010011101 delta 14 +1010010011101 Freeway 14 +1010010011101 buster 15 +1010010011101 Star-Telegram 15 +1010010011101 Tavern 15 +1010010011101 wipers 16 +1010010011101 McNuggets 17 +1010010011101 tenement 17 +1010010011101 orchard 20 +1010010011101 lysis 20 +1010010011101 Fog 22 +1010010011101 expressway 23 +1010010011101 Thoroughbred 24 +1010010011101 sarcoma 25 +1010010011101 secretariat 26 +1010010011101 Sonata 27 +1010010011101 symphonies 29 +1010010011101 Birthday 30 +1010010011101 BBB 30 +1010010011101 inferiority 32 +1010010011101 precincts 33 +1010010011101 loft 34 +1010010011101 Vineyard 35 +1010010011101 mayonnaise 37 +1010010011101 dissolver 39 +1010010011101 Bourse 49 +1010010011101 skyline 49 +1010010011101 LaGuardia 50 +1010010011101 tallest 52 +1010010011101 townhouse 52 +1010010011101 Cathedral 55 +1010010011101 skyscraper 57 +1010010011101 coverings 60 +1010010011101 Reliant 63 +1010010011101 Newsday 72 +1010010011101 inmate 74 +1010010011101 waterfront 115 +1010010011101 Choice 140 +1010010011101 Philharmonic 152 +1010010011101 Symphony 240 +1010010011101 Strip 242 +1010010011101 hub 335 +1010010011101 embassy 409 +1010010011101 apartment 965 +1010010011101 bureau 976 +1010010011101 office 11070 +1010010011101 headquarters 2520 +1010010011110 crawler 1 +1010010011110 SDI-derived 1 +1010010011110 scenarist 1 +1010010011110 beause 1 +1010010011110 availabilities 1 +1010010011110 extracurriculars 1 +1010010011110 evening. 1 +1010010011110 stockpilings 1 +1010010011110 jasper 1 +1010010011110 Songbook 1 +1010010011110 influence-peddlers 1 +1010010011110 Journal-American 1 +1010010011110 KH-12 2 +1010010011110 shoal 2 +1010010011110 eight-pounder 2 +1010010011110 Gallardo 2 +1010010011110 skiff 2 +1010010011110 boat. 2 +1010010011110 arm-twister 2 +1010010011110 pace-setters 2 +1010010011110 up-and-comer 2 +1010010011110 skylines 3 +1010010011110 18-wheeler 3 +1010010011110 stayover 3 +1010010011110 group. 3 +1010010011110 fractionalization 3 +1010010011110 dumper 3 +1010010011110 scrappage 3 +1010010011110 iguana 3 +1010010011110 Herald-Tribune 3 +1010010011110 desperadoes 3 +1010010011110 quarterbacking 3 +1010010011110 crawlers 3 +1010010011110 personages 3 +1010010011110 stay-over 4 +1010010011110 watchman 4 +1010010011110 anitu 4 +1010010011110 omelet 4 +1010010011110 agglutination 4 +1010010011110 nouns 4 +1010010011110 anvil 4 +1010010011110 salesroom 4 +1010010011110 7310 4 +1010010011110 abortifacient 5 +1010010011110 attendee 5 +1010010011110 indentation 5 +1010010011110 inhaler 5 +1010010011110 snowfalls 5 +1010010011110 embankment 5 +1010010011110 allegro 5 +1010010011110 prelims 5 +1010010011110 incarnate 5 +1010010011110 cityscapes 6 +1010010011110 huddles 6 +1010010011110 burg 6 +1010010011110 electrocardiogram 6 +1010010011110 MFA 6 +1010010011110 apparition 6 +1010010011110 antigen 6 +1010010011110 soiree 6 +1010010011110 inlet 7 +1010010011110 one. 7 +1010010011110 interregnum 7 +1010010011110 waif 7 +1010010011110 achiever 7 +1010010011110 artisan 7 +1010010011110 splint 7 +1010010011110 churchyard 7 +1010010011110 idyll 7 +1010010011110 X-car 8 +1010010011110 topography 8 +1010010011110 junction 8 +1010010011110 F-117A 8 +1010010011110 allocator 8 +1010010011110 gossips 8 +1010010011110 imitator 8 +1010010011110 endpoint 9 +1010010011110 urn 9 +1010010011110 flimflam 9 +1010010011110 inquisition 9 +1010010011110 attacker 9 +1010010011110 interloper 10 +1010010011110 ex-cop 10 +1010010011110 officeholder 10 +1010010011110 F-19 10 +1010010011110 aficionado 10 +1010010011110 orphanage 10 +1010010011110 craziness 11 +1010010011110 mutt 11 +1010010011110 fest 11 +1010010011110 eater 11 +1010010011110 armory 11 +1010010011110 undertaker 11 +1010010011110 enclosure 12 +1010010011110 mandarins 12 +1010010011110 regalia 12 +1010010011110 interviewee 12 +1010010011110 Massacre 12 +1010010011110 bullpen 13 +1010010011110 appellation 13 +1010010011110 spinner 13 +1010010011110 ogre 13 +1010010011110 oligarchy 14 +1010010011110 interlude 15 +1010010011110 ecosystem 15 +1010010011110 Astrodome 15 +1010010011110 elixir 15 +1010010011110 drizzle 15 +1010010011110 citadel 15 +1010010011110 infield 16 +1010010011110 underbrush 16 +1010010011110 armada 17 +1010010011110 itch 18 +1010010011110 undertone 19 +1010010011110 invader 19 +1010010011110 assailant 19 +1010010011110 module 19 +1010010011110 outcast 19 +1010010011110 incubator 20 +1010010011110 mafia 20 +1010010011110 anesthetic 21 +1010010011110 intruder 21 +1010010011110 milieu 21 +1010010011110 atlas 21 +1010010011110 infestation 21 +1010010011110 atrium 21 +1010010011110 orator 22 +1010010011110 oxymoron 23 +1010010011110 antagonist 23 +1010010011110 escalator 24 +1010010011110 organism 25 +1010010011110 aquarium 25 +1010010011110 apron 26 +1010010011110 idol 26 +1010010011110 aquifer 27 +1010010011110 splendor 27 +1010010011110 undercount 27 +1010010011110 aristocracy 27 +1010010011110 stripe 27 +1010010011110 ornament 27 +1010010011110 inscription 27 +1010010011110 enforcer 28 +1010010011110 lexicon 29 +1010010011110 Affair 30 +1010010011110 albatross 30 +1010010011110 inn 33 +1010010011110 idiot 33 +1010010011110 oasis 35 +1010010011110 airfield 36 +1010010011110 newscast 36 +1010010011110 aggressor 38 +1010010011110 metropolis 38 +1010010011110 subdivision 38 +1010010011110 umpire 40 +1010010011110 aria 41 +1010010011110 embryo 41 +1010010011110 intersection 42 +1010010011110 icon 42 +1010010011110 bazaar 42 +1010010011110 ideologue 42 +1010010011110 innovator 44 +1010010011110 rink 44 +1010010011110 angel 44 +1010010011110 interval 46 +1010010011110 airstrip 46 +1010010011110 alley 47 +1010010011110 outing 48 +1010010011110 outpost 48 +1010010011110 ace 48 +1010010011110 offender 52 +1010010011110 lore 54 +1010010011110 eagle 61 +1010010011110 enclave 61 +1010010011110 basin 62 +1010010011110 aisle 64 +1010010011110 expedition 65 +1010010011110 addict 69 +1010010011110 underdog 69 +1010010011110 extravaganza 70 +1010010011110 avenue 71 +1010010011110 interpreter 76 +1010010011110 acquaintance 77 +1010010011110 ailment 77 +1010010011110 ordeal 77 +1010010011110 antibiotic 77 +1010010011110 artery 78 +1010010011110 auditorium 84 +1010010011110 enzyme 89 +1010010011110 envelope 90 +1010010011110 angle 95 +1010010011110 ensemble 104 +1010010011110 adversary 110 +1010010011110 analogy 110 +1010010011110 applicant 121 +1010010011110 equation 134 +1010010011110 upswing 151 +1010010011110 corridor 168 +1010010011110 elephant 169 +1010010011110 outfit 172 +1010010011110 doldrums 175 +1010010011110 exam 181 +1010010011110 mentality 182 +1010010011110 earthquake 186 +1010010011110 elevator 192 +1010010011110 lineup 196 +1010010011110 outlet 205 +1010010011110 uprising 214 +1010010011110 album 240 +1010010011110 epidemic 252 +1010010011110 umbrella 258 +1010010011110 orchestra 284 +1010010011110 attraction 312 +1010010011110 landscape 317 +1010010011110 assignment 328 +1010010011110 exhibition 378 +1010010011110 arena 410 +1010010011110 opponent 473 +1010010011110 zone 476 +1010010011110 instrument 485 +1010010011110 ally 495 +1010010011110 enemy 518 +1010010011110 opera 539 +1010010011110 entity 594 +1010010011110 explosion 632 +1010010011110 item 640 +1010010011110 atmosphere 745 +1010010011110 establishment 756 +1010010011110 Olympics 766 +1010010011110 era 1121 +1010010011110 accident 1425 +1010010011110 institution 1481 +1010010011110 affair 1528 +1010010011110 audience 1592 +1010010011110 environment 1817 +1010010011110 body 1953 +1010010011110 organization 2762 +1010010011110 center 3278 +1010010011110 area 5366 +1010010011110 session 3723 +1010010011111 cathedral-style 1 +1010010011111 sea-view 1 +1010010011111 Waldens 1 +1010010011111 pretty-much 1 +1010010011111 back-lights 1 +1010010011111 taupe 1 +1010010011111 overreaches 2 +1010010011111 non-realistic 2 +1010010011111 203-acre 2 +1010010011111 waddlers 2 +1010010011111 ministates 2 +1010010011111 horsepacking 2 +1010010011111 snowbanks 3 +1010010011111 uptake 3 +1010010011111 boater 3 +1010010011111 sidewalls 3 +1010010011111 disease. 3 +1010010011111 kitchenette 3 +1010010011111 WWOR-TV 3 +1010010011111 pathogen 3 +1010010011111 synchrotrons 3 +1010010011111 lamprey 4 +1010010011111 Centipede 4 +1010010011111 Rhineland 4 +1010010011111 doormat 4 +1010010011111 Rialto 4 +1010010011111 awning 4 +1010010011111 ambience 4 +1010010011111 proctor 4 +1010010011111 Shatt-al-Arab 4 +1010010011111 theatergoer 4 +1010010011111 patois 4 +1010010011111 casserole 4 +1010010011111 mir 4 +1010010011111 trellis 4 +1010010011111 troubleshooting 4 +1010010011111 trajectories 5 +1010010011111 entryway 5 +1010010011111 moderators 5 +1010010011111 Hug-A-World 5 +1010010011111 mistral 5 +1010010011111 crags 5 +1010010011111 proprieties 5 +1010010011111 nave 5 +1010010011111 anthill 5 +1010010011111 armpit 5 +1010010011111 linguist 5 +1010010011111 wheelbase 5 +1010010011111 paddock 5 +1010010011111 grounder 5 +1010010011111 lobotomy 6 +1010010011111 headmistress 6 +1010010011111 downpour 6 +1010010011111 verisimilitude 6 +1010010011111 beautification 6 +1010010011111 doorbell 6 +1010010011111 Mobe 6 +1010010011111 boulder 6 +1010010011111 griddle 6 +1010010011111 stairwell 7 +1010010011111 triptych 7 +1010010011111 hydrant 7 +1010010011111 pendant 7 +1010010011111 pew 8 +1010010011111 mid-80s 8 +1010010011111 pusher 8 +1010010011111 galley 8 +1010010011111 mists 8 +1010010011111 wringer 8 +1010010011111 boondocks 8 +1010010011111 cupboard 8 +1010010011111 fulcrum 8 +1010010011111 scroll 8 +1010010011111 passageway 9 +1010010011111 checker 9 +1010010011111 flask 9 +1010010011111 faucet 9 +1010010011111 hare 9 +1010010011111 lavatory 9 +1010010011111 stylus 9 +1010010011111 hostel 9 +1010010011111 OED 9 +1010010011111 Flintstones 9 +1010010011111 Flowton 10 +1010010011111 gearbox 10 +1010010011111 slammer 10 +1010010011111 wildcatters 10 +1010010011111 semifinals 10 +1010010011111 redness 10 +1010010011111 dressers 10 +1010010011111 moat 10 +1010010011111 seashore 10 +1010010011111 Tevatron 10 +1010010011111 cauldron 10 +1010010011111 cavity 10 +1010010011111 mailroom 11 +1010010011111 scum 11 +1010010011111 welds 11 +1010010011111 souk 11 +1010010011111 rostrum 11 +1010010011111 phoenix 11 +1010010011111 wastebasket 11 +1010010011111 turntable 11 +1010010011111 lattice 11 +1010010011111 ridges 11 +1010010011111 walkway 11 +1010010011111 terrace 12 +1010010011111 stairway 12 +1010010011111 concourse 12 +1010010011111 Catskills 12 +1010010011111 broomstick 12 +1010010011111 combo 12 +1010010011111 roll-up 12 +1010010011111 H-2 13 +1010010011111 henhouse 13 +1010010011111 dispersant 13 +1010010011111 meadow 13 +1010010011111 megadeal 13 +1010010011111 plume 13 +1010010011111 conservatory 13 +1010010011111 matchmaker 14 +1010010011111 hem 14 +1010010011111 wharf 14 +1010010011111 foursome 14 +1010010011111 foyer 14 +1010010011111 fort 14 +1010010011111 spermicide 14 +1010010011111 miniskirt 15 +1010010011111 shredder 15 +1010010011111 breezes 15 +1010010011111 payer 15 +1010010011111 kiln 15 +1010010011111 chute 16 +1010010011111 lantern 16 +1010010011111 diaphragm 16 +1010010011111 bracelet 17 +1010010011111 chimney 17 +1010010011111 hangout 17 +1010010011111 varnish 17 +1010010011111 doghouse 17 +1010010011111 pouch 18 +1010010011111 groove 18 +1010010011111 spaceship 19 +1010010011111 czars 19 +1010010011111 tarmac 19 +1010010011111 outfield 19 +1010010011111 reef 19 +1010010011111 pollutant 19 +1010010011111 stabilizer 19 +1010010011111 dunk 19 +1010010011111 ledge 20 +1010010011111 Dinky 20 +1010010011111 seams 20 +1010010011111 mountainside 20 +1010010011111 slaughterhouse 21 +1010010011111 scoreboard 21 +1010010011111 restroom 21 +1010010011111 fairway 21 +1010010011111 battlefields 21 +1010010011111 cohort 21 +1010010011111 bulkhead 21 +1010010011111 melee 22 +1010010011111 caster 22 +1010010011111 priesthood 22 +1010010011111 cursor 22 +1010010011111 boardwalk 23 +1010010011111 hoop 23 +1010010011111 vase 24 +1010010011111 concerto 24 +1010010011111 bud 24 +1010010011111 pier 25 +1010010011111 doorway 25 +1010010011111 motif 25 +1010010011111 creek 25 +1010010011111 blackboard 26 +1010010011111 derby 26 +1010010011111 coil 26 +1010010011111 hash 26 +1010010011111 mongoose 28 +1010010011111 villa 28 +1010010011111 staircase 28 +1010010011111 tee 30 +1010010011111 shack 30 +1010010011111 loot 31 +1010010011111 decor 31 +1010010011111 toxin 31 +1010010011111 chapel 31 +1010010011111 gland 32 +1010010011111 sands 32 +1010010011111 orbiter 33 +1010010011111 muck 33 +1010010011111 pudding 33 +1010010011111 mosque 34 +1010010011111 clubhouse 35 +1010010011111 dashboard 35 +1010010011111 hemorrhage 36 +1010010011111 stool 36 +1010010011111 casing 36 +1010010011111 hut 37 +1010010011111 finals 37 +1010010011111 skeleton 37 +1010010011111 gel 38 +1010010011111 bible 41 +1010010011111 transfusion 41 +1010010011111 Bridgeton 41 +1010010011111 plaza 42 +1010010011111 repertory 42 +1010010011111 porch 43 +1010010011111 shaft 43 +1010010011111 hauler 43 +1010010011111 torch 43 +1010010011111 dome 44 +1010010011111 goose 44 +1010010011111 glitter 44 +1010010011111 pulpit 45 +1010010011111 hallway 45 +1010010011111 whim 45 +1010010011111 cellar 46 +1010010011111 mat 46 +1010010011111 soundtrack 46 +1010010011111 pageant 46 +1010010011111 balcony 48 +1010010011111 docks 49 +1010010011111 ramp 49 +1010010011111 slope 49 +1010010011111 driveway 49 +1010010011111 lotion 50 +1010010011111 slopes 51 +1010010011111 jackpot 51 +1010010011111 duo 51 +1010010011111 molecule 52 +1010010011111 stove 52 +1010010011111 courtyard 52 +1010010011111 hood 53 +1010010011111 countdown 53 +1010010011111 catch-up 53 +1010010011111 corpse 53 +1010010011111 decks 53 +1010010011111 loop 54 +1010010011111 cylinder 55 +1010010011111 shrine 55 +1010010011111 newsroom 56 +1010010011111 beast 56 +1010010011111 festivities 57 +1010010011111 windshield 58 +1010010011111 beacon 58 +1010010011111 trenches 58 +1010010011111 victor 58 +1010010011111 skull 58 +1010010011111 residue 59 +1010010011111 dice 60 +1010010011111 blaze 61 +1010010011111 aisles 62 +1010010011111 feast 62 +1010010011111 pedal 62 +1010010011111 playoffs 65 +1010010011111 trunk 66 +1010010011111 burner 67 +1010010011111 carrot 68 +1010010011111 choir 69 +1010010011111 breeze 69 +1010010011111 trough 70 +1010010011111 sidewalk 70 +1010010011111 waterway 73 +1010010011111 fuselage 74 +1010010011111 barn 76 +1010010011111 cafe 79 +1010010011111 stump 79 +1010010011111 bucket 81 +1010010011111 cart 81 +1010010011111 cemetery 82 +1010010011111 pond 83 +1010010011111 dock 84 +1010010011111 bush 84 +1010010011111 ropes 84 +1010010011111 lane 85 +1010010011111 whistle 90 +1010010011111 troupe 92 +1010010011111 temple 93 +1010010011111 bowl 93 +1010010011111 microphone 97 +1010010011111 couch 98 +1010010011111 basics 99 +1010010011111 podium 109 +1010010011111 bandwagon 110 +1010010011111 booth 110 +1010010011111 ballpark 112 +1010010011111 clot 113 +1010010011111 gym 115 +1010010011111 genre 116 +1010010011111 tract 120 +1010010011111 wagon 122 +1010010011111 circus 123 +1010010011111 towel 125 +1010010011111 bubble 132 +1010010011111 hill 136 +1010010011111 halls 137 +1010010011111 queen 139 +1010010011111 norm 146 +1010010011111 bullet 147 +1010010011111 canal 167 +1010010011111 universe 168 +1010010011111 lake 173 +1010010011111 hills 174 +1010010011111 deck 176 +1010010011111 tab 177 +1010010011111 tunnel 178 +1010010011111 herd 180 +1010010011111 moon 184 +1010010011111 fray 185 +1010010011111 fence 186 +1010010011111 gate 191 +1010010011111 runway 192 +1010010011111 gallery 200 +1010010011111 wheel 201 +1010010011111 disorder 204 +1010010011111 pot 205 +1010010011111 brakes 219 +1010010011111 tube 241 +1010010011111 spotlight 243 +1010010011111 yard 256 +1010010011111 vacuum 265 +1010010011111 festival 301 +1010010011111 map 305 +1010010011111 roof 319 +1010010011111 beach 321 +1010010011111 tower 342 +1010010011111 leak 359 +1010010011111 clock 367 +1010010011111 ballot 385 +1010010011111 pack 395 +1010010011111 hall 396 +1010010011111 chamber 408 +1010010011111 gene 421 +1010010011111 hole 451 +1010010011111 bag 458 +1010010011111 earth 460 +1010010011111 doctrine 523 +1010010011111 ring 572 +1010010011111 corner 682 +1010010011111 surface 712 +1010010011111 window 733 +1010010011111 ball 735 +1010010011111 box 802 +1010010011111 foundation 818 +1010010011111 streets 893 +1010010011111 wall 913 +1010010011111 category 943 +1010010011111 crowd 960 +1010010011111 screen 978 +1010010011111 scene 1084 +1010010011111 street 1172 +1010010011111 door 1420 +1010010011111 road 1453 +1010010011111 table 1596 +1010010011111 site 1635 +1010010011111 disease 1949 +1010010011111 stage 2140 +1010010011111 game 3060 +1010010011111 field 3163 +1010010011111 process 6075 +1010010011111 project 5621 +1010010100 prices-factors 1 +1010010100 processsor 1 +1010010100 precut 1 +1010010100 Foscolos 1 +1010010100 Takara-Gumin 1 +1010010100 projectionists 1 +1010010100 teraphthalate 1 +1010010100 oxychloride 1 +1010010100 gangrene 1 +1010010100 Wilsey 1 +1010010100 microscopist 1 +1010010100 resaler 1 +1010010100 Newburg 1 +1010010100 processers 1 +1010010100 perlite 1 +1010010100 circumstances. 1 +1010010100 veneers 1 +1010010100 hydroprene 1 +1010010100 import-limits 1 +1010010100 nostalgia-fest 1 +1010010100 butadiene-emulsions 1 +1010010100 Ummar 1 +1010010100 terephlate 1 +1010010100 structures. 1 +1010010100 striper 1 +1010010100 duckie 1 +1010010100 Shohola 1 +1010010100 SALK 1 +1010010100 double-skirted 1 +1010010100 waster 1 +1010010100 easy-open 1 +1010010100 1-aminocyclopropane-1 1 +1010010100 airfoils 1 +1010010100 COLOGNE 1 +1010010100 manufacturers. 1 +1010010100 exploraton 1 +1010010100 recitation-harangue 1 +1010010100 Autostrade 1 +1010010100 unmasculine 1 +1010010100 non-affiliate 1 +1010010100 ducky 1 +1010010100 refinishers 1 +1010010100 terephthalate 1 +1010010100 H-piles 2 +1010010100 924.18 2 +1010010100 selector 2 +1010010100 conern 2 +1010010100 Haiphong 2 +1010010100 powerboats 3 +1010010100 Kantonalbank 3 +1010010100 relaxant 4 +1010010100 controversialist 4 +1010010100 fetishism 6 +1010010100 concern 22804 +1010010100 conglomerate 551 +10100101010 SERA 1 +10100101010 LE-ISRAEL 1 +10100101010 Meccanotechnia 1 +10100101010 Cimento 1 +10100101010 BM 1 +10100101010 Corp.-sponsored 1 +10100101010 Seldin 1 +10100101010 FMH 1 +10100101010 504,500 1 +10100101010 Mourdes 1 +10100101010 CACHET 1 +10100101010 2WB 1 +10100101010 MODIFIED 1 +10100101010 monarchy. 1 +10100101010 Custos 1 +10100101010 Maria-Paula 1 +10100101010 34,513 1 +10100101010 Piren 1 +10100101010 Kathelyn 1 +10100101010 LTDA 1 +10100101010 Suspects 1 +10100101010 Vetraria 1 +10100101010 subdiary 1 +10100101010 SKANDIA 1 +10100101010 20,993 1 +10100101010 Sally. 1 +10100101010 Bierce 1 +10100101010 ogan 1 +10100101010 McClintock 1 +10100101010 Cmdr 1 +10100101010 institutions-all 1 +10100101010 266,327 1 +10100101010 EUROC 1 +10100101010 Bonnierforetagen 1 +10100101010 Ashisuto 1 +10100101010 -14.7 1 +10100101010 MD82s 1 +10100101010 Bering-Jensen 1 +10100101010 Trekanten 1 +10100101010 442,789 1 +10100101010 22,093 1 +10100101010 447,195 1 +10100101010 727-100s 1 +10100101010 peace-keepers 1 +10100101010 Effjohn 1 +10100101010 11820.0 1 +10100101010 2,006,026 1 +10100101010 reserarch 1 +10100101010 Magazines-Asia 1 +10100101010 Vapenfabrikk 2 +10100101010 Mey 2 +10100101010 modulator 2 +10100101010 tabernacle 2 +10100101010 Thach 2 +10100101010 Beperk 2 +10100101010 INDUSTRIVAERDEN 2 +10100101010 memoirist 2 +10100101010 looker 2 +10100101010 Utama 2 +10100101010 Mota 3 +10100101010 Coil 3 +10100101010 toy-maker 3 +10100101010 SLQ-32 3 +10100101010 satchel 3 +10100101010 Argentus 3 +10100101010 TSF/Wellhead 3 +10100101010 Troutman 3 +10100101010 subsidary 4 +10100101010 Peller 4 +10100101010 Providentia 4 +10100101010 ELECTROLUX 5 +10100101010 Goerdeler 5 +10100101010 Pollitt 5 +10100101010 Hungerfords 6 +10100101010 unit. 7 +10100101010 messiah 7 +10100101010 VOLVO 16 +10100101010 op 24 +10100101010 PHILIPS 26 +10100101010 unit 31129 +10100101010 subsidiary 5532 +101001010110 mold-casting 1 +101001010110 sty 1 +101001010110 ad-campaign 1 +101001010110 industry-Knight-Ridder 1 +101001010110 qualifiedly 1 +101001010110 clause. 1 +101001010110 Tikkun 1 +101001010110 Hurriyet 1 +101001010110 Somos 1 +101001010110 An-Nahar 1 +101001010110 Okaz 1 +101001010110 product-purchasing 1 +101001010110 open. 1 +101001010110 inserters 1 +101001010110 industry-extended-stay 1 +101001010110 deodorizer 1 +101001010110 maganate 1 +101001010110 bull-session 1 +101001010110 outserts 1 +101001010110 centerfolds 1 +101001010110 agentry 1 +101001010110 Heimat 1 +101001010110 resticted 1 +101001010110 Wache 1 +101001010110 housemother 1 +101001010110 Shutterbug 1 +101001010110 Regardies 1 +101001010110 dispositon 1 +101001010110 Maeil 1 +101001010110 DELETE 1 +101001010110 Regulation. 1 +101001010110 Spectathlete 1 +101001010110 kit. 1 +101001010110 converage 1 +101001010110 box. 1 +101001010110 sailboards 1 +101001010110 al-Fajr 1 +101001010110 input-prices 1 +101001010110 megachain 1 +101001010110 right-of-access 1 +101001010110 Nationalgalerie 2 +101001010110 Izvestiya 2 +101001010110 technicans 2 +101001010110 shuckers 2 +101001010110 Liberator 2 +101001010110 lootings 2 +101001010110 Commonweal 2 +101001010110 87-15 2 +101001010110 sward 2 +101001010110 inhalant 2 +101001010110 services/broadcast 2 +101001010110 boardwalks 3 +101001010110 fakery 3 +101001010110 KZKC-TV 3 +101001010110 brogue 3 +101001010110 indexer 3 +101001010110 pornographers 3 +101001010110 owner-manager 3 +101001010110 marksmen 4 +101001010110 verite 4 +101001010110 Dagens 4 +101001010110 keypad 4 +101001010110 Milliyet 4 +101001010110 squeegee 6 +101001010110 commissary 8 +101001010110 leitmotif 8 +101001010110 integrator 9 +101001010110 divison 9 +101001010110 Excelsior 10 +101001010110 deliverers 10 +101001010110 magnates 11 +101001010110 assembler 14 +101001010110 emporium 14 +101001010110 installer 15 +101001010110 photofinisher 28 +101001010110 lord 30 +101001010110 LTD 31 +101001010110 discounter 36 +101001010110 mogul 49 +101001010110 coils 52 +101001010110 buff 56 +101001010110 enthusiast 61 +101001010110 merchandiser 63 +101001010110 baron 69 +101001010110 czar 124 +101001010110 bottler 173 +101001010110 magnate 173 +101001010110 corps 185 +101001010110 importer 241 +101001010110 builder 416 +101001010110 empire 722 +101001010110 segment 1060 +101001010110 affiliate 1331 +101001010110 arm 1476 +101001010110 operator 2164 +101001010110 retailer 2643 +101001010110 chain 3896 +101001010110 division 7501 +101001010110 operation 4559 +101001010110 network 4754 +101001010111 finials 1 +101001010111 Booneco 1 +101001010111 weed-trimmer 1 +101001010111 Diamond-Bathhurst 1 +101001010111 edibility 1 +101001010111 Masci 1 +101001010111 re-telling 1 +101001010111 measurement-control 1 +101001010111 Filterite 1 +101001010111 Gehring 1 +101001010111 witch-name 1 +101001010111 XT. 1 +101001010111 enrichments 1 +101001010111 270,836 1 +101001010111 Hannen 1 +101001010111 S.S.T. 1 +101001010111 mich 1 +101001010111 Compugrahic 1 +101001010111 Guafitas 1 +101001010111 Liggons 1 +101001010111 343,500 1 +101001010111 Augurio 1 +101001010111 apothecary 1 +101001010111 Buitenen 1 +101001010111 Efrayim 1 +101001010111 Happart 1 +101001010111 Skillers 1 +101001010111 Solovei 1 +101001010111 photographic-product 1 +101001010111 goup 1 +101001010111 659,860 1 +101001010111 756,700 1 +101001010111 Astier 1 +101001010111 Pogorelich 1 +101001010111 metals-projects 1 +101001010111 babbino 1 +101001010111 aftermarkets 1 +101001010111 Beniquez 1 +101001010111 Gavalondo 1 +101001010111 satyr 1 +101001010111 teetotalism 2 +101001010111 Garces 2 +101001010111 cowling 2 +101001010111 retreader 2 +101001010111 7300 2 +101001010111 proselytizer 2 +101001010111 steins 2 +101001010111 27-20 2 +101001010111 scaffolds 2 +101001010111 glass-maker 2 +101001010111 Gitomer 2 +101001010111 undersecretaries 2 +101001010111 least-known 2 +101001010111 bootmaker 2 +101001010111 outfitters 2 +101001010111 Pinebrook 2 +101001010111 formulators 2 +101001010111 Montville 2 +101001010111 sidecar 2 +101001010111 Boott 2 +101001010111 MSD 2 +101001010111 Wolferen 2 +101001010111 excessiveness 2 +101001010111 Latane 2 +101001010111 towage 2 +101001010111 Eyck 2 +101001010111 armamentarium 2 +101001010111 truck-maker 3 +101001010111 Barnham 3 +101001010111 crassness 3 +101001010111 Dijk 3 +101001010111 luminary 3 +101001010111 puree 4 +101001010111 hawker 5 +101001010111 integrators 5 +101001010111 Duinen 5 +101001010111 dignitary 6 +101001010111 cataloger 6 +101001010111 Arsdale 7 +101001010111 leaser 7 +101001010111 recycler 9 +101001010111 servicer 11 +101001010111 shoemaker 15 +101001010111 glassmaker 22 +101001010111 packager 22 +101001010111 confectioner 26 +101001010111 renter 26 +101001010111 fabricator 30 +101001010111 purveyor 37 +101001010111 lessor 41 +101001010111 distiller 99 +101001010111 Gogh 139 +101001010111 franchiser 199 +101001010111 wholesaler 234 +101001010111 provider 419 +101001010111 marketer 485 +101001010111 supplier 1219 +101001010111 distributor 1224 +101001010111 maker 13080 +101001010111 manufacturer 1435 +10100101100 supervior 1 +10100101100 andchairman 1 +10100101100 fuehrer 1 +10100101100 nuttiness 1 +10100101100 deptartment 1 +10100101100 composer/conductor 1 +10100101100 10,065 1 +10100101100 director-president 1 +10100101100 general. 1 +10100101100 director-operations 1 +10100101100 director/president 1 +10100101100 pricewise 2 +10100101100 director-designate 2 +10100101100 brawler 2 +10100101100 Podufaly 2 +10100101100 inhalations 2 +10100101100 viceroy 2 +10100101100 ex-University 2 +10100101100 director-investments 2 +10100101100 tincture 2 +10100101100 Arcangelo 2 +10100101100 contortion 2 +10100101100 friezes 2 +10100101100 archway 2 +10100101100 habitue 2 +10100101100 Tajik 2 +10100101100 Balkanization 2 +10100101100 fastness 3 +10100101100 compiler 3 +10100101100 fourth-grader 3 +10100101100 parter 3 +10100101100 treament 3 +10100101100 impulsion 3 +10100101100 m.b.H. 3 +10100101100 co-chairwoman 3 +10100101100 Latour 4 +10100101100 perquisite 5 +10100101100 sixth-grader 5 +10100101100 co-developer 6 +10100101100 drafter 9 +10100101100 quarter-ounce 9 +10100101100 rector 9 +10100101100 cofounder 11 +10100101100 co-president 12 +10100101100 conservator 18 +10100101100 vice-president 24 +10100101100 part-owner 26 +10100101100 curator 85 +10100101100 co-owner 110 +10100101100 recruiter 112 +10100101100 co-founder 155 +10100101100 dean 356 +10100101100 editor 2586 +10100101100 director 15492 +10100101100 professor 2621 +101001011010 WITHDRAWALS 1 +101001011010 meteriorlogist 1 +101001011010 Rulons 1 +101001011010 terminologist 1 +101001011010 three-alarmer 1 +101001011010 thunks 1 +101001011010 staterooms 1 +101001011010 par-saver 1 +101001011010 scoutmasters 1 +101001011010 restaurant-goers 1 +101001011010 quiverer 1 +101001011010 superviser 1 +101001011010 Nytt 1 +101001011010 peeker 1 +101001011010 P205 1 +101001011010 13.22-gain 1 +101001011010 nurse-practitioner 1 +101001011010 GMer 1 +101001011010 psychopharmacologist 1 +101001011010 Hall-of-Famers 1 +101001011010 reservationist 1 +101001011010 medal-winner 1 +101001011010 chemist-turned-physicist 1 +101001011010 loincloth-clad 1 +101001011010 countermessage 1 +101001011010 mangager 1 +101001011010 non-discounted 1 +101001011010 bottler-distributorships 1 +101001011010 labled 1 +101001011010 seine 1 +101001011010 carouser 1 +101001011010 box-boy 1 +101001011010 townswoman 1 +101001011010 puposes 1 +101001011010 churchgoer 1 +101001011010 Supply/Demand 1 +101001011010 televiewers 1 +101001011010 bookstall 1 +101001011010 domiciles 1 +101001011010 counsel-regions 1 +101001011010 wing-ding 1 +101001011010 road-grader 1 +101001011010 sinologist 1 +101001011010 garnets 1 +101001011010 monoliths 1 +101001011010 chipper-looking 1 +101001011010 quarter-final 1 +101001011010 ex-girlfriend 1 +101001011010 rager 1 +101001011010 futurist/director 1 +101001011010 compounder 1 +101001011010 magazine-ad 1 +101001011010 purpose-machines 1 +101001011010 skiier 1 +101001011010 afficionado 1 +101001011010 neuroscientist 1 +101001011010 327-megabyte 1 +101001011010 courtswatcher 1 +101001011010 contributions. 1 +101001011010 conglomerate-watcher 1 +101001011010 J-30 1 +101001011010 committee-President 1 +101001011010 miscommunications 1 +101001011010 practicioner 1 +101001011010 package-tracing 1 +101001011010 pedometer 1 +101001011010 cormholes 1 +101001011010 fact-checker 1 +101001011010 johnboat 1 +101001011010 sidetable 1 +101001011010 1476 1 +101001011010 carpet-seller 1 +101001011010 fill-up 1 +101001011010 spartanism 1 +101001011010 journey. 1 +101001011010 SPCAs 1 +101001011010 behavioralist 1 +101001011010 handwashing 1 +101001011010 misanthropy 1 +101001011010 brownshirts 1 +101001011010 two-pence 1 +101001011010 asserts. 1 +101001011010 reoperation 1 +101001011010 neurochemist 2 +101001011010 carousing 2 +101001011010 mainlander 2 +101001011010 procurator 2 +101001011010 rock-thrower 2 +101001011010 anti-Americans 2 +101001011010 echidna 2 +101001011010 Cough 2 +101001011010 mini-cinemogul 2 +101001011010 naysayer 2 +101001011010 Nixonite 2 +101001011010 polltaker 2 +101001011010 serious-looking 2 +101001011010 battler 2 +101001011010 businesmen 2 +101001011010 determinist 2 +101001011010 outdoorsman 2 +101001011010 dykes 2 +101001011010 senator-elect 2 +101001011010 re-rating 2 +101001011010 container-leasing 3 +101001011010 TWICE 3 +101001011010 cul-de-sac 3 +101001011010 creche 3 +101001011010 jujitsu 3 +101001011010 clerk-typist 3 +101001011010 humdinger 3 +101001011010 rustler 3 +101001011010 rheumatologist 3 +101001011010 hematologist 3 +101001011010 receptacle 4 +101001011010 backbencher 4 +101001011010 Horatius 4 +101001011010 caboose 4 +101001011010 part-timer 4 +101001011010 Misty 4 +101001011010 nonperson 4 +101001011010 fugue 4 +101001011010 nesters 5 +101001011010 acclamation 5 +101001011010 Svengali 5 +101001011010 chaser 5 +101001011010 sneezes 5 +101001011010 sideman 5 +101001011010 share. 5 +101001011010 proofreader 5 +101001011010 Kremlinologist 5 +101001011010 dietician 5 +101001011010 paleontologist 6 +101001011010 temptress 6 +101001011010 knighthood 6 +101001011010 cornerback 6 +101001011010 tether 6 +101001011010 bonnet 6 +101001011010 teetotaler 6 +101001011010 muckraker 6 +101001011010 outfitter 7 +101001011010 guidepost 7 +101001011010 trend-setter 7 +101001011010 prospector 7 +101001011010 high-flier 7 +101001011010 trailblazer 7 +101001011010 vagabond 7 +101001011010 physiologist 8 +101001011010 hardliner 8 +101001011010 halfback 8 +101001011010 seer 8 +101001011010 sportscaster 9 +101001011010 pharmacologist 9 +101001011010 criminologist 9 +101001011010 psychoanalyst 9 +101001011010 professorship 9 +101001011010 yachtsman 10 +101001011010 stylist 10 +101001011010 trouble-shooter 11 +101001011010 satirist 11 +101001011010 pundit 11 +101001011010 archivist 11 +101001011010 misfit 11 +101001011010 storeroom 11 +101001011010 caseworker 12 +101001011010 handyman 12 +101001011010 microbiologist 13 +101001011010 neurologist 14 +101001011010 troubleshooter 14 +101001011010 toxicologist 14 +101001011010 grad 14 +101001011010 fundraiser 15 +101001011010 walker 15 +101001011010 nutritionist 16 +101001011010 botanist 16 +101001011010 climber 17 +101001011010 nerd 18 +101001011010 Albanians 18 +101001011010 tinge 19 +101001011010 minefield 19 +101001011010 radiologist 20 +101001011010 geneticist 20 +101001011010 sportswriter 20 +101001011010 handler 20 +101001011010 democrat 20 +101001011010 tutor 21 +101001011010 demographer 23 +101001011010 cellist 23 +101001011010 sit-in 26 +101001011010 Commander 27 +101001011010 dermatologist 27 +101001011010 biochemist 31 +101001011010 litigator 34 +101001011010 co-defendant 34 +101001011010 parlance 34 +101001011010 speechwriter 37 +101001011010 sophomore 39 +101001011010 wizard 42 +101001011010 theorist 43 +101001011010 librarian 45 +101001011010 trainee 48 +101001011010 fixture 49 +101001011010 classmate 62 +101001011010 lecturer 65 +101001011010 practitioner 67 +101001011010 whiz 69 +101001011010 meteorologist 70 +101001011010 programmer 70 +101001011010 foreman 76 +101001011010 biologist 81 +101001011010 tycoon 86 +101001011010 chemist 87 +101001011010 forecaster 93 +101001011010 guru 97 +101001011010 subcontractor 102 +101001011010 powerhouse 114 +101001011010 sociologist 119 +101001011010 physicist 144 +101001011010 commentator 150 +101001011010 technician 162 +101001011010 promoter 183 +101001011010 counselor 190 +101001011010 psychologist 221 +101001011010 scholar 236 +101001011010 counsels 253 +101001011010 correspondent 253 +101001011010 historian 294 +101001011010 supervisor 311 +101001011010 columnist 351 +101001011010 lobbyist 386 +101001011010 researcher 539 +101001011010 scientist 676 +101001011010 newsletter 1243 +101001011010 specialist 1388 +101001011010 counsel 3188 +101001011010 partner 4680 +101001011010 consultant 3190 +101001011011 pueblo-style 1 +101001011011 fiords 1 +101001011011 sailingthere 1 +101001011011 bibliographer 1 +101001011011 repraisals 1 +101001011011 Ioffe 1 +101001011011 transcendentalist 1 +101001011011 Tetha 1 +101001011011 fleshpressing 1 +101001011011 Radmin 1 +101001011011 Polityka 1 +101001011011 Meditations 1 +101001011011 cartelists 1 +101001011011 demi-centenarians 1 +101001011011 groovers 1 +101001011011 perfomances 1 +101001011011 wie 1 +101001011011 philosopohy 1 +101001011011 Varya 1 +101001011011 Lubovich 1 +101001011011 plantsman 1 +101001011011 trafficways 1 +101001011011 yelps 1 +101001011011 wagon-1,354 1 +101001011011 Watson-Guptill 1 +101001011011 chairman/consultant 1 +101001011011 INPS 1 +101001011011 secretarys 1 +101001011011 6-feet-8 1 +101001011011 tatcntbeuedfr 1 +101001011011 vamps 2 +101001011011 headman 2 +101001011011 keynoter 2 +101001011011 appearances. 2 +101001011011 tanneries 2 +101001011011 Montanan 2 +101001011011 roadmap 2 +101001011011 mustiness 2 +101001011011 scorekeeper 2 +101001011011 Nebraskan 2 +101001011011 toadstools 2 +101001011011 pallor 2 +101001011011 secretary-designate 3 +101001011011 confederations 3 +101001011011 kitties 3 +101001011011 destructiveness 3 +101001011011 co-sponsorship 3 +101001011011 Baathists 3 +101001011011 basso 3 +101001011011 bagmen 3 +101001011011 basher 4 +101001011011 Laurette 4 +101001011011 lackeys 5 +101001011011 launderer 7 +101001011011 manger 7 +101001011011 officiating 7 +101001011011 dweller 8 +101001011011 launderers 12 +101001011011 raiser 18 +101001011011 co-manager 57 +101001011011 organizer 136 +101001011011 superintendent 158 +101001011011 coordinator 215 +101001011011 undersecretary 246 +101001011011 controller 517 +101001011011 administrator 626 +101001011011 commissioner 927 +101001011011 underwriter 1169 +101001011011 manager 7937 +101001011011 secretary 3491 +101001011100 Porteno 1 +101001011100 suplementation 1 +101001011100 WRESTLE 1 +101001011100 piccata 1 +101001011100 ex-liberal 1 +101001011100 developer-turned-banker 1 +101001011100 DISSATISFACTION 1 +101001011100 market-watcher 1 +101001011100 hibernants 1 +101001011100 BALKED 1 +101001011100 vender 1 +101001011100 WRESTLES 1 +101001011100 87-10 1 +101001011100 groundlings 1 +101001011100 unmuddled 1 +101001011100 semi-works 1 +101001011100 ex-pal 1 +101001011100 tune-ups 1 +101001011100 octupus 1 +101001011100 owner-employee 1 +101001011100 breadboxes 1 +101001011100 exit-bond 1 +101001011100 OPENS 1 +101001011100 shut-offs 1 +101001011100 legged 1 +101001011100 INTERFERES 1 +101001011100 athletic-trainer-turned-scholar 1 +101001011100 age-mate 1 +101001011100 evolutionist 1 +101001011100 88-16 1 +101001011100 archswindler 1 +101001011100 Taymor 1 +101001011100 extermist 1 +101001011100 oulet 1 +101001011100 88-60 1 +101001011100 SALESMEN 1 +101001011100 11th-grader 1 +101001011100 time-expert 1 +101001011100 PROSPER 1 +101001011100 architect/planner 1 +101001011100 entreprenuer 1 +101001011100 BANS 1 +101001011100 ex-Democrat 1 +101001011100 anlayst 2 +101001011100 immuno-modulator 2 +101001011100 87-12 2 +101001011100 Oscar-winner 2 +101001011100 ex-engineer 2 +101001011100 aviculturist 2 +101001011100 archeologist 2 +101001011100 MLP. 2 +101001011100 EXPERIMENT 2 +101001011100 ............................... 3 +101001011100 out-of-towner 3 +101001011100 agenda-setter 3 +101001011100 ex-general 3 +101001011100 COPE 4 +101001011100 oceanographer 4 +101001011100 upholsterer 4 +101001011100 Egyptologist 6 +101001011100 analyst 12140 +101001011100 MET 15 +101001011101 remounting 1 +101001011101 Bitenieks 1 +101001011101 proceduces 1 +101001011101 Lubricating 1 +101001011101 DOLAN 1 +101001011101 combat-training 1 +101001011101 gold-medalist 1 +101001011101 cofinancings 1 +101001011101 Confections 1 +101001011101 artist-in-residence 1 +101001011101 Izaak 1 +101001011101 numismatist 1 +101001011101 Kinmukhamed 1 +101001011101 Metros 1 +101001011101 owner-chefs 1 +101001011101 Playmakers 1 +101001011101 inhospitality 1 +101001011101 Yasar 1 +101001011101 lech 1 +101001011101 Shmeruk 1 +101001011101 deskman 1 +101001011101 airbase 1 +101001011101 rabbinates 1 +101001011101 point-man 1 +101001011101 pipewelder 1 +101001011101 ex-generals 1 +101001011101 2/5 1 +101001011101 recordholder 1 +101001011101 reprices 1 +101001011101 asssumption 1 +101001011101 cliveia 1 +101001011101 Federspiel 1 +101001011101 An-Hyp 1 +101001011101 industrial-drive 1 +101001011101 I.O.S. 1 +101001011101 Cosmology 1 +101001011101 Tetterode 1 +101001011101 Papermills 1 +101001011101 Versicherings 1 +101001011101 sculptor-engraver 1 +101001011101 Dei 1 +101001011101 1392 2 +101001011101 Ass 2 +101001011101 rusher 2 +101001011101 confabs 2 +101001011101 student-athlete 2 +101001011101 R2-D2 2 +101001011101 chinoiserie 2 +101001011101 appropriator 2 +101001011101 Iacocca. 2 +101001011101 ornithologist 2 +101001011101 flyfishing 2 +101001011101 80-16 2 +101001011101 undergrads 2 +101001011101 impingement 2 +101001011101 enologist 2 +101001011101 xenografts 2 +101001011101 Ex-Aide 2 +101001011101 arthritics 2 +101001011101 entrepot 2 +101001011101 honcho 3 +101001011101 vote-counter 3 +101001011101 caddying 3 +101001011101 gerontologist 4 +101001011101 8-4 4 +101001011101 Hassanal 4 +101001011101 tormentor 5 +101001011101 bioethicist 5 +101001011101 fence-sitters 5 +101001011101 barker 5 +101001011101 endocrinologist 6 +101001011101 alibi 6 +101001011101 KMET 7 +101001011101 technologist 8 +101001011101 apologist 9 +101001011101 immunologist 9 +101001011101 entomologist 9 +101001011101 iconoclast 10 +101001011101 climatologist 11 +101001011101 ecologist 11 +101001011101 Sovietologist 11 +101001011101 ethicist 13 +101001011101 agronomist 13 +101001011101 astrophysicist 15 +101001011101 intern 26 +101001011101 astronomer 27 +101001011101 epidemiologist 32 +101001011101 actuary 33 +101001011101 Aeronauticas 34 +101001011101 statistician 36 +101001011101 watcher 39 +101001011101 quotations 320 +101001011101 negotiator 366 +101001011101 strategist 883 +101001011101 engineer 894 +101001011101 economist 4414 +101001011101 expert 1028 +101001011110 then-solicitor 1 +101001011110 Caddies 1 +101001011110 underwiters 1 +101001011110 Stateside 1 +101001011110 exMarine 1 +101001011110 Cooperating 1 +101001011110 president/assistant 1 +101001011110 Grissett 1 +101001011110 importer/distributor 1 +101001011110 WAGS 1 +101001011110 Pillager 1 +101001011110 rail-operations 1 +101001011110 Brunei-based 1 +101001011110 less-senior 1 +101001011110 power-seeking 1 +101001011110 cavalry-complete 1 +101001011110 porkmeister 1 +101001011110 Appetite 1 +101001011110 god-child 1 +101001011110 hidey-hole 1 +101001011110 molts 1 +101001011110 clents 1 +101001011110 old-people 1 +101001011110 older-person 1 +101001011110 FILERS 1 +101001011110 atorney 1 +101001011110 broker-elected 1 +101001011110 SCALPERS 1 +101001011110 DEBUT 1 +101001011110 embasssy 1 +101001011110 YORK-Moody 1 +101001011110 vice-consul 1 +101001011110 fogie 1 +101001011110 shot-putter 1 +101001011110 debt-portfolio 1 +101001011110 earphone 1 +101001011110 ward-heeler 1 +101001011110 commandoes 1 +101001011110 greatgrandmother 1 +101001011110 stattorney 1 +101001011110 knifesman 1 +101001011110 eighteen-wheeler 1 +101001011110 Stapler 2 +101001011110 ex-schoolteacher 2 +101001011110 ex-congressman 2 +101001011110 MULTINATIONALS 2 +101001011110 spoilsport 2 +101001011110 acorn 2 +101001011110 airlifts 2 +101001011110 embalmer 2 +101001011110 eighth-grader 2 +101001011110 crematories 2 +101001011110 acronymn 2 +101001011110 Easterner 2 +101001011110 epigraph 2 +101001011110 retaliates 2 +101001011110 inverter 2 +101001011110 opposition-led 2 +101001011110 wipe-out 2 +101001011110 inflator 2 +101001011110 ZAPS 2 +101001011110 gamekeeper 3 +101001011110 chamberlain 3 +101001011110 obstetrician-gynecologist 3 +101001011110 optometrist 3 +101001011110 acolyte 3 +101001011110 ex-attorney 3 +101001011110 expediter 3 +101001011110 HOMEOWNERS 3 +101001011110 TEAM 4 +101001011110 clubbers 4 +101001011110 Luster 4 +101001011110 abbreviation 5 +101001011110 Darts 5 +101001011110 maximums 5 +101001011110 Elysees 6 +101001011110 executioner 6 +101001011110 Iowan 8 +101001011110 ombudsman 13 +101001011110 registrar 13 +101001011110 M.P. 14 +101001011110 alias 15 +101001011110 adjuster 18 +101001011110 assemblyman 18 +101001011110 consul 21 +101001011110 electrician 34 +101001011110 councilman 53 +101001011110 postmaster 59 +101001011110 informant 68 +101001011110 acronym 69 +101001011110 instructor 90 +101001011110 solicitor 114 +101001011110 examiner 115 +101001011110 arbitrator 148 +101001011110 surgeon 255 +101001011110 investigator 271 +101001011110 inspector 380 +101001011110 auditor 438 +101001011110 accountant 489 +101001011110 attorney 6083 +101001011110 agent 1474 +101001011111 Best-Draft 1 +101001011111 Baltic-Helsinki 1 +101001011111 8,755 1 +101001011111 Amoco-operated 1 +101001011111 Amerada-operated 1 +101001011111 20-to-30-year-old 1 +101001011111 copyright-law 1 +101001011111 Iranian-led 1 +101001011111 chicos 1 +101001011111 Wesray-led 1 +101001011111 Giant-led 1 +101001011111 EMI-Palmieri 1 +101001011111 Chambers-Archimedes 1 +101001011111 rural-advocacy 1 +101001011111 Japanese-Hungarian 1 +101001011111 noble-spirited 1 +101001011111 agent-investor 1 +101001011111 bond-portfolio-analysis 1 +101001011111 NETWORKING 1 +101001011111 UBS-Hill 1 +101001011111 Sweetgrass 1 +101001011111 brand-management 1 +101001011111 aster 1 +101001011111 constructed-products 1 +101001011111 not-so-great 1 +101001011111 Self-Realization 1 +101001011111 Reliance-led 1 +101001011111 songstress 1 +101001011111 tax-dodge 1 +101001011111 Hamilton-McFadden-Szabo 1 +101001011111 minor-key 1 +101001011111 shipping-and-services 1 +101001011111 booze-hounds 1 +101001011111 electronics-systems 1 +101001011111 voter-action 1 +101001011111 890,600 1 +101001011111 non-melancholic 1 +101001011111 Tsaritsa 1 +101001011111 over-45 1 +101001011111 Major-Leaguer 1 +101001011111 machinery-diversified 1 +101001011111 patientadvocacy 1 +101001011111 Ivy-Stanford-M.I.T. 1 +101001011111 topers 1 +101001011111 by-then-abdicated 1 +101001011111 pro-Chirac 1 +101001011111 food-ingredients 1 +101001011111 16/29a-9 1 +101001011111 air-inflatable 1 +101001011111 environmental-advocacy 1 +101001011111 Habomais 1 +101001011111 nine-store 1 +101001011111 issues-research 1 +101001011111 non-screened 1 +101001011111 fleet-voiced 1 +101001011111 UNION-MANAGEMENT 1 +101001011111 she-sleuth 1 +101001011111 often-abrasive 1 +101001011111 non-affinity 1 +101001011111 superconductivity-research 1 +101001011111 recession-battered 1 +101001011111 Ford-backed 1 +101001011111 Johnson-Shearson-Salomon 1 +101001011111 ever-charming 1 +101001011111 Iroquis 1 +101001011111 Johnson-Shearson 1 +101001011111 operations-management 1 +101001011111 Fialho-Conservas 1 +101001011111 Forstmann-led 1 +101001011111 political-organizing 1 +101001011111 anti-conscription 1 +101001011111 Philharmonic. 1 +101001011111 plastic-surgeon 1 +101001011111 Brunei-registered 1 +101001011111 AT&T-Philips-led 1 +101001011111 85-and-over 1 +101001011111 now-established 1 +101001011111 test-pilot 1 +101001011111 longest-listed 1 +101001011111 anti-imperalist 1 +101001011111 home-builders 1 +101001011111 paddlewheeler 1 +101001011111 80-bank 1 +101001011111 RUMASA 1 +101001011111 AIDS-information 1 +101001011111 battery-processing 1 +101001011111 urban-terrorist 1 +101001011111 Mobil-operated 1 +101001011111 Heinz-Pickle-Pepper 1 +101001011111 Shamrock-led 1 +101001011111 core-holder 1 +101001011111 Commissione 1 +101001011111 widest-spread 1 +101001011111 10-piece 1 +101001011111 definition-drafting 1 +101001011111 jeans-maker 1 +101001011111 all-but-deified 1 +101001011111 Adorable 1 +101001011111 non-hysterial 1 +101001011111 airheaded 1 +101001011111 Revillon/Cora/Editions/Mondiales 1 +101001011111 market-coverage 1 +101001011111 '70s-issue 1 +101001011111 keyboardist 1 +101001011111 loan-shark 1 +101001011111 Zuccherifici 1 +101001011111 aid-donor 1 +101001011111 some-of-the-time 1 +101001011111 Timesman 1 +101001011111 social-reform 1 +101001011111 tuxed-up 1 +101001011111 philologist 1 +101001011111 bull-like 1 +101001011111 sculptor/fiance 1 +101001011111 sentient 1 +101001011111 unslaked 1 +101001011111 once-bullish 1 +101001011111 Narraganset/Taft 1 +101001011111 mechanical-components 1 +101001011111 much-younger 1 +101001011111 oliveball 1 +101001011111 German-Brazilian 1 +101001011111 three-country 1 +101001011111 stock-pricing 1 +101001011111 railroad-labor 1 +101001011111 then-state-owned 1 +101001011111 unlustrous 1 +101001011111 ocean-crossing 1 +101001011111 Bharata 1 +101001011111 mortgage-bankers 1 +101001011111 legal-action 1 +101001011111 ever-reliable 1 +101001011111 Epic-label 1 +101001011111 Harrison/Prudential-Bache 1 +101001011111 noble-under-the-circumstances 1 +101001011111 focus/discussion 1 +101001011111 PORTRAIT 1 +101001011111 ultra-select 1 +101001011111 heptathlete 1 +101001011111 Chekist 1 +101001011111 18-company 1 +101001011111 much-hyped 1 +101001011111 transportation-industry 1 +101001011111 INVENTOR 1 +101001011111 slavery-tolerating 1 +101001011111 popularist 1 +101001011111 consumer-watchdog 1 +101001011111 brass-heavy 1 +101001011111 Casita 1 +101001011111 Mitsui-led 1 +101001011111 88-member 1 +101001011111 Steamrollers 1 +101001011111 under-three-years 1 +101001011111 arch-Hun 1 +101001011111 iridologist 1 +101001011111 Buffett-Tisch 1 +101001011111 electric-haired 1 +101001011111 death-squad-linked 1 +101001011111 Caribbean-Philippine 1 +101001011111 color-man 1 +101001011111 1939-41 1 +101001011111 Updikean 1 +101001011111 Electronic-Mechanical 1 +101001011111 Telecom-Mitel 1 +101001011111 Amplex 1 +101001011111 impressario 1 +101001011111 S.P.A 1 +101001011111 uncommissioned 1 +101001011111 sydicator 1 +101001011111 kind-hearted 1 +101001011111 124-outlet 1 +101001011111 ever-clever 1 +101001011111 Engle-led 1 +101001011111 cathouse 1 +101001011111 Rocio 1 +101001011111 manpower-services 1 +101001011111 Neuropsychologist 1 +101001011111 aspirational 1 +101001011111 barely-seen 1 +101001011111 330-screen 1 +101001011111 corn-farmers 1 +101001011111 she-woman 1 +101001011111 external-relations 1 +101001011111 privatization-consulting 1 +101001011111 consumerwatchdog 1 +101001011111 Cinchoneros 1 +101001011111 Mutual-Wesray 1 +101001011111 Pasadena-based 1 +101001011111 distance-race 1 +101001011111 super-cautious 1 +101001011111 club-pro-based 1 +101001011111 trade-sponsored 1 +101001011111 nerve-scraping 1 +101001011111 farm-engineering 1 +101001011111 year-older 1 +101001011111 D.C.based 1 +101001011111 agency-contracted 1 +101001011111 plantswoman 1 +101001011111 homefurnishings 1 +101001011111 Corimon 1 +101001011111 Evergo 1 +101001011111 Eller-Turley 1 +101001011111 Amoco-led 1 +101001011111 hall-of-famer 1 +101001011111 anti-hunger 1 +101001011111 ever-so-civil 1 +101001011111 Finno-Ugric 1 +101001011111 ultra-rightist 1 +101001011111 wholesale-grocers 1 +101001011111 lamp-manufacturing 1 +101001011111 business-press 1 +101001011111 industrysupported 1 +101001011111 LDP-supporting 1 +101001011111 defenseman 2 +101001011111 cineaste 2 +101001011111 concertmaster 2 +101001011111 ex-champ 2 +101001011111 Dreamers 2 +101001011111 Icahn-led 2 +101001011111 bookmaker 2 +101001011111 oligopolist 2 +101001011111 TVA. 2 +101001011111 singer/songwriter 2 +101001011111 producer/director 2 +101001011111 Yousef 2 +101001011111 Dreyfusard 2 +101001011111 octagenarian 2 +101001011111 elfish 2 +101001011111 anti-romantic 2 +101001011111 animal-protection 2 +101001011111 Simon-Martin 2 +101001011111 Bregman/Belzberg 2 +101001011111 courtside 2 +101001011111 biotechnologist 2 +101001011111 adjusted-gross-income 2 +101001011111 Electrolytic 2 +101001011111 smooth-haired 2 +101001011111 American-led 2 +101001011111 restauranteur 2 +101001011111 Robespierre 2 +101001011111 model-turned-actress 2 +101001011111 arms-controller 2 +101001011111 PERSON 2 +101001011111 Blackstone-Wasserstein 2 +101001011111 Hyon 2 +101001011111 upswept 2 +101001011111 ex-pug 2 +101001011111 Hecco-Craig 2 +101001011111 acccountants 2 +101001011111 incrementalist 2 +101001011111 Koc 2 +101001011111 Ericsson-led 2 +101001011111 Corsair-Concord 2 +101001011111 ex-fighter 2 +101001011111 WINES 2 +101001011111 country-singer 2 +101001011111 inside-trader 2 +101001011111 labor-monitoring 2 +101001011111 writer/producer 2 +101001011111 even-money 2 +101001011111 Agracetus 2 +101001011111 Soros-led 2 +101001011111 assemblywoman 2 +101001011111 Pee-wee 2 +101001011111 pain-in-the-neck 2 +101001011111 ethnic-studies 2 +101001011111 anti-Fed 2 +101001011111 Impressionism 3 +101001011111 bluesman 3 +101001011111 bicyclists 3 +101001011111 then-mayor 3 +101001011111 ironist 3 +101001011111 Salam 3 +101001011111 compatriot 3 +101001011111 noblewoman 3 +101001011111 private-investor 3 +101001011111 caucus-goers 3 +101001011111 CGE-led 3 +101001011111 money-manager 3 +101001011111 nuclear-services 3 +101001011111 trumpeters 3 +101001011111 multibillionaire 3 +101001011111 Bass-management 3 +101001011111 instrumentalist 3 +101001011111 Narragansett/Taft 3 +101001011111 Sarita 3 +101001011111 cricketer 3 +101001011111 Anglo-Argentine 3 +101001011111 madame 4 +101001011111 Campeche 4 +101001011111 right-hander 4 +101001011111 allergist 4 +101001011111 inquisitor 4 +101001011111 futurist 4 +101001011111 management-buyout 4 +101001011111 inner-circle 4 +101001011111 speed-skater 4 +101001011111 freelancer 4 +101001011111 image-maker 4 +101001011111 illusionist 4 +101001011111 actor-director 4 +101001011111 ironworker 4 +101001011111 punter 4 +101001011111 anchorwoman 4 +101001011111 writer-director 5 +101001011111 poll-taker 5 +101001011111 Saudi-American 5 +101001011111 anti-Semite 5 +101001011111 Peppermint 5 +101001011111 airhead 5 +101001011111 cattleman 5 +101001011111 buccaneer 5 +101001011111 auteur 5 +101001011111 ex-governor 5 +101001011111 oboist 5 +101001011111 film-maker 5 +101001011111 rupee 5 +101001011111 plutocrats 5 +101001011111 reliefer 5 +101001011111 running-mate 5 +101001011111 Ayn 6 +101001011111 agribusinessman 6 +101001011111 jazzman 6 +101001011111 Archduke 6 +101001011111 animator 6 +101001011111 anarchist 6 +101001011111 ex-convict 6 +101001011111 luger 6 +101001011111 Griffith-Joyner 6 +101001011111 all-Japanese 6 +101001011111 heldentenor 7 +101001011111 whiz-kid 7 +101001011111 RJR-Shearson-Salomon 7 +101001011111 Irishman 7 +101001011111 outfielders 7 +101001011111 trombonist 7 +101001011111 alchemist 7 +101001011111 Englishwoman 8 +101001011111 archaeologist 8 +101001011111 woodsmen 8 +101001011111 Wazir 8 +101001011111 cosmonaut 8 +101001011111 Beatle 9 +101001011111 individualist 9 +101001011111 realtor 9 +101001011111 embezzler 9 +101001011111 emigrant 9 +101001011111 preservationist 9 +101001011111 congresswoman 9 +101001011111 comedienne 9 +101001011111 infielder 9 +101001011111 ex-employee 9 +101001011111 EXPRESSED 10 +101001011111 academician 10 +101001011111 Edelman-led 10 +101001011111 electrocution 10 +101001011111 Chicagoan 11 +101001011111 GI 11 +101001011111 scriptwriter 11 +101001011111 Tara 11 +101001011111 filly 11 +101001011111 insider-trader 11 +101001011111 adman 12 +101001011111 innkeeper 12 +101001011111 ex-con 12 +101001011111 Ferruzzi-Montedison 13 +101001011111 ex-Marine 13 +101001011111 infantryman 14 +101001011111 essayist 15 +101001011111 cinematographer 15 +101001011111 oncologist 16 +101001011111 clarinetist 16 +101001011111 illustrator 17 +101001011111 bassist 17 +101001011111 wildcatter 17 +101001011111 ophthalmologist 18 +101001011111 adventurer 18 +101001011111 Prophet 18 +101001011111 aristocrat 18 +101001011111 internist 20 +101001011111 hotelier 21 +101001011111 saxophonist 22 +101001011111 trumpeter 22 +101001011111 rocker 22 +101001011111 Pickens-led 23 +101001011111 obstetrician 23 +101001011111 Olympian 24 +101001011111 explorer 24 +101001011111 then-chairman 28 +101001011111 heiress 31 +101001011111 linebacker 34 +101001011111 astrologer 34 +101001011111 anthropologist 36 +101001011111 educator 36 +101001011111 screenwriter 37 +101001011111 Englishman 38 +101001011111 baritone 44 +101001011111 oilmen 44 +101001011111 appraiser 45 +101001011111 anchorman 49 +101001011111 industry-supported 63 +101001011111 extremist 64 +101001011111 astronaut 65 +101001011111 auctioneer 72 +101001011111 syndicator 87 +101001011111 oilman 88 +101001011111 evangelist 92 +101001011111 entertainer 95 +101001011111 comedian 97 +101001011111 industrialist 98 +101001011111 soprano 100 +101001011111 advertiser 127 +101001011111 athlete 132 +101001011111 speculator 150 +101001011111 billionaire 157 +101001011111 advocacy 198 +101001011111 pollster 214 +101001011111 Queen 280 +101001011111 actress 297 +101001011111 actor 439 +101001011111 arbitrager 441 +101001011111 activist 469 +101001011111 entrepreneur 475 +101001011111 artist 692 +101001011111 financier 795 +101001011111 employer 1124 +101001011111 investor 7461 +101001011111 developer 1578 +101001100000 Yongin 1 +101001100000 Washington-an 1 +101001100000 extenuation 1 +101001100000 mid-stride 1 +101001100000 work-outs 1 +101001100000 evenness 1 +101001100000 Consequence 1 +101001100000 84,600 1 +101001100000 we'll-settle-for-less 1 +101001100000 bevies 1 +101001100000 Kranj 2 +101001100000 thicknesses 2 +101001100000 recisions 2 +101001100000 Uentrop 2 +101001100000 dacha 3 +101001100000 exegesis 5 +101001100000 longhand 7 +101001100000 effigy 7 +101001100000 fractions 15 +101001100000 contravention 16 +101001100000 increments 52 +101001100000 droves 80 +101001100000 observance 107 +101001100000 defiance 107 +101001100000 multiples 328 +101001100000 sight 551 +101001100000 anticipation 724 +101001100000 violation 963 +101001100000 favor 2971 +101001100000 charge 8031 +101001100000 advance 2983 +1010011000010 Big-event 1 +1010011000010 re-bidding 1 +1010011000010 loan-rating 1 +1010011000010 Salem-style 1 +1010011000010 530,271 1 +1010011000010 Rivaud 1 +1010011000010 ABANDON 1 +1010011000010 area-code-900 1 +1010011000010 seven-billion 1 +1010011000010 Yogiism 1 +1010011000010 LOCKERS 1 +1010011000010 1446 1 +1010011000010 softcover 1 +1010011000010 1,119,000 1 +1010011000010 anti-Federalists 1 +1010011000010 Hadera 1 +1010011000010 24,192 1 +1010011000010 163,000-subscriber 1 +1010011000010 napped 1 +1010011000010 share-of-market 1 +1010011000010 laser-assisted 1 +1010011000010 66,691 1 +1010011000010 419.79 1 +1010011000010 ERODES 1 +1010011000010 80-channel 1 +1010011000010 Veraguas 1 +1010011000010 1174.62 1 +1010011000010 STRINGS 1 +1010011000010 non-DNA 1 +1010011000010 Xalapa 1 +1010011000010 evaporators 1 +1010011000010 beansprouts 1 +1010011000010 Britain-U.S. 1 +1010011000010 13-0 2 +1010011000010 Kaffir 2 +1010011000010 TRAC 2 +1010011000010 preregistration 2 +1010011000010 239-190 2 +1010011000010 Phuket 2 +1010011000010 613.67 2 +1010011000010 paraquat 2 +1010011000010 rebidding 2 +1010011000010 2373.8 2 +1010011000010 Orangeroof 2 +1010011000010 bambino 2 +1010011000010 minutes-of-use 2 +1010011000010 90-0 2 +1010011000010 5,850 2 +1010011000010 11,356,625 2 +1010011000010 62-38 2 +1010011000010 olfaction 2 +1010011000010 eyewash 2 +1010011000010 Zululand 2 +1010011000010 anodes 2 +1010011000010 Variation 2 +1010011000010 65-33 3 +1010011000010 opinion-shopping 3 +1010011000010 93-3 3 +1010011000010 Cigli 3 +1010011000010 nondeductibility 4 +1010011000010 GST 6 +1010011000010 Bid 28 +1010011000010 preparation 359 +1010011000010 default 1047 +1010011000010 return 8089 +1010011000010 search 1580 +1010011000011 sabatoge 1 +1010011000011 0.5449 1 +1010011000011 getups 1 +1010011000011 non-reappointment 1 +1010011000011 serious-sounding 1 +1010011000011 slapsticky 1 +1010011000011 Drammen 1 +1010011000011 one-iron 1 +1010011000011 non-citizens 1 +1010011000011 Turkmenistan 1 +1010011000011 Rarotonga 1 +1010011000011 yuppiehood 1 +1010011000011 role-players 1 +1010011000011 over-the-shoulder 1 +1010011000011 strike-authorization 1 +1010011000011 Tescheljabinsk 1 +1010011000011 Grosseto 1 +1010011000011 Erftstadt 1 +1010011000011 Moundhouse 1 +1010011000011 tollway 1 +1010011000011 flimflammed 1 +1010011000011 Astrakhan 1 +1010011000011 diagnotics 1 +1010011000011 pranksterism 1 +1010011000011 behaviour. 1 +1010011000011 Spidey 1 +1010011000011 1455 1 +1010011000011 majority. 1 +1010011000011 mini-speeches 1 +1010011000011 Grizabella 1 +1010011000011 Franklinisms 1 +1010011000011 Baaba 1 +1010011000011 coincidently 1 +1010011000011 prenant 1 +1010011000011 lunch-breaks 1 +1010011000011 Hartlike 1 +1010011000011 midconstruction 1 +1010011000011 Invercargill 1 +1010011000011 Newarkness 1 +1010011000011 welt 1 +1010011000011 Stratford-upon-Avon 1 +1010011000011 mega-vitamins 1 +1010011000011 propeller-topped 1 +1010011000011 Polesine 1 +1010011000011 drug. 1 +1010011000011 unionized. 1 +1010011000011 glasnost-perestroika 1 +1010011000011 afterwork 1 +1010011000011 midsaunter 1 +1010011000011 dietitians 1 +1010011000011 handle. 1 +1010011000011 thorium 1 +1010011000011 breakfast-eaters 1 +1010011000011 .321 1 +1010011000011 door-locks 1 +1010011000011 fluconazole 1 +1010011000011 25,261,323,898,060,800 1 +1010011000011 Dax-Pontonx 1 +1010011000011 calligraphically 1 +1010011000011 self-exile 1 +1010011000011 654,744 1 +1010011000011 ambassadorships 1 +1010011000011 lepidoptery 1 +1010011000011 rehashed. 1 +1010011000011 test-markets 1 +1010011000011 INPAC 1 +1010011000011 megabids 1 +1010011000011 ampersands 1 +1010011000011 164,428 1 +1010011000011 Eurocrooks 1 +1010011000011 obsolesence 1 +1010011000011 back-offices 1 +1010011000011 Altamont 1 +1010011000011 slow-building 1 +1010011000011 Silkstone 1 +1010011000011 badder 1 +1010011000011 1953-1960 1 +1010011000011 Dogukapi 1 +1010011000011 illegibly 1 +1010011000011 Raybestos 1 +1010011000011 STUD 1 +1010011000011 stowaway 2 +1010011000011 Znaniye 2 +1010011000011 207,514 2 +1010011000011 teach-ins 2 +1010011000011 trowel 2 +1010011000011 Antilon 2 +1010011000011 arabesque 2 +1010011000011 Connemara 2 +1010011000011 superminis 2 +1010011000011 rascality 2 +1010011000011 lobotomies 2 +1010011000011 1680 2 +1010011000011 Chongju 2 +1010011000011 Episcopalians 2 +1010011000011 effect. 2 +1010011000011 commandment 2 +1010011000011 .100 2 +1010011000011 wing-tips 2 +1010011000011 crematorium 2 +1010011000011 ringsiders 2 +1010011000011 goggled 3 +1010011000011 play. 3 +1010011000011 action. 3 +1010011000011 chaotically 3 +1010011000011 snowflake 3 +1010011000011 aspirins 3 +1010011000011 tuyere 4 +1010011000011 non-musical 4 +1010011000011 double-digits 4 +1010011000011 Europe. 4 +1010011000011 locator 4 +1010011000011 hooting 4 +1010011000011 toenail 4 +1010011000011 eddies 4 +1010011000011 shirtsleeves 5 +1010011000011 dungarees 5 +1010011000011 blemish 6 +1010011000011 crypt 6 +1010011000011 semi-retirement 6 +1010011000011 Beantown 7 +1010011000011 pelvis 8 +1010011000011 disuse 9 +1010011000011 crouch 9 +1010011000011 Psalm 9 +1010011000011 naps 11 +1010011000011 potshots 14 +1010011000011 disequilibrium 14 +1010011000011 hock 16 +1010011000011 shortcuts 17 +1010011000011 umbrage 17 +1010011000011 adulthood 27 +1010011000011 fiddle 42 +1010011000011 handcuffs 49 +1010011000011 ruins 61 +1010011000011 vogue 89 +1010011000011 stride 110 +1010011000011 flames 121 +1010011000011 receivership 127 +1010011000011 pad 142 +1010011000011 delight 158 +1010011000011 orbit 189 +1010011000011 pains 210 +1010011000011 refuge 221 +1010011000011 tune 335 +1010011000011 detail 551 +1010011000011 foot 734 +1010011000011 place 7223 +1010011000011 shape 1029 +101001100010 akimbo 1 +101001100010 odor-control 1 +101001100010 915,600 1 +101001100010 Piqua 1 +101001100010 missile-surveillance 1 +101001100010 uncertaintly 1 +101001100010 sphagnol 1 +101001100010 10-mos 1 +101001100010 176,700 1 +101001100010 continuances 1 +101001100010 Prosecute 1 +101001100010 Evensen 1 +101001100010 298,857 1 +101001100010 30,154 1 +101001100010 parboiled 1 +101001100010 1,527,050 1 +101001100010 9,015,230 1 +101001100010 dual-decks 1 +101001100010 Ektelon 1 +101001100010 29,975 1 +101001100010 good-neighborly 1 +101001100010 centre 1 +101001100010 459,500 1 +101001100010 nonofficer 1 +101001100010 superspeeds 1 +101001100010 fast-enough 1 +101001100010 ratio-operating 1 +101001100010 1,099,930 1 +101001100010 luncheonettes 1 +101001100010 1,227,650 1 +101001100010 glucocerebrosidase 1 +101001100010 Europe-1992 1 +101001100010 blacklists 1 +101001100010 sub-units 1 +101001100010 suzerainty 1 +101001100010 Swer 1 +101001100010 covert-aid 1 +101001100010 Roper-produced 1 +101001100010 Khabbouz 1 +101001100010 Ranta 1 +101001100010 Space-Co 1 +101001100010 developer-partners 1 +101001100010 542,652 1 +101001100010 healthiness 1 +101001100010 optimizer 1 +101001100010 Caedmon 1 +101001100010 controversialists 1 +101001100010 380,579 1 +101001100010 40,946 1 +101001100010 altitude-broadcasting 1 +101001100010 Roomful 1 +101001100010 commisioner 1 +101001100010 Steller 1 +101001100010 460,633 1 +101001100010 maleness 1 +101001100010 469,605 1 +101001100010 self-audits 1 +101001100010 megadoses 1 +101001100010 multiple-cable 1 +101001100010 10,594,925 1 +101001100010 Hydraquip 1 +101001100010 Odizor 1 +101001100010 Zymogenetics 1 +101001100010 roll-era 1 +101001100010 location-fixing 1 +101001100010 compromise-seekers 1 +101001100010 squintier 1 +101001100010 pollings 1 +101001100010 Lapygin 1 +101001100010 risk-in-force 1 +101001100010 1,115,937 1 +101001100010 bra-burners 1 +101001100010 broomsticks 1 +101001100010 GIVENCHY 1 +101001100010 17,100 1 +101001100010 457,800 1 +101001100010 airbus 1 +101001100010 twirly 1 +101001100010 No.7 1 +101001100010 204,350 1 +101001100010 tieups 1 +101001100010 ekagrata 1 +101001100010 four-speaker 1 +101001100010 workturns 1 +101001100010 NORCEM 1 +101001100010 oil-removal 1 +101001100010 gnation 1 +101001100010 reprobation 1 +101001100010 clownsmanship 1 +101001100010 Mahoganny 1 +101001100010 437,500 1 +101001100010 free- 1 +101001100010 Prantl 1 +101001100010 dialectically 1 +101001100010 2,007,544 1 +101001100010 0.6397 1 +101001100010 Chelny 1 +101001100010 117,400 1 +101001100010 sales-of 1 +101001100010 patienthood 1 +101001100010 anti-littering 1 +101001100010 Interprovinciale 1 +101001100010 black-marketeers 1 +101001100010 splatted 1 +101001100010 order-recording 1 +101001100010 nationaltaxes 1 +101001100010 double-counting 2 +101001100010 pole-vault 2 +101001100010 subsidence 2 +101001100010 penny-wise 2 +101001100010 atriums 2 +101001100010 In-Depth 2 +101001100010 twenty-fives 2 +101001100010 implemention 2 +101001100010 near-accidents 2 +101001100010 Sluts 2 +101001100010 cavil 3 +101001100010 porpoises 3 +101001100010 shallowness 3 +101001100010 bohemians 3 +101001100010 authoring 3 +101001100010 dissidence 4 +101001100010 control. 4 +101001100010 remakes 5 +101001100010 habitues 6 +101001100010 mishandling 34 +101001100010 jams 42 +101001100010 precedence 64 +101001100010 possession 263 +101001100010 jurisdiction 465 +101001100010 control 12083 +101001100010 rid 519 +1010011000110 Duisburg-Huckingen 1 +1010011000110 dodgier 1 +1010011000110 megaliths 1 +1010011000110 self-caricature 1 +1010011000110 politicizations 1 +1010011000110 advanatge 1 +1010011000110 wood/ 1 +1010011000110 wads 1 +1010011000110 behavior. 1 +1010011000110 nymphomania 1 +1010011000110 legup 1 +1010011000110 Volzhsk 1 +1010011000110 coupon-clipping 1 +1010011000110 Ciceros 1 +1010011000110 upholders 1 +1010011000110 neurotoxicity 1 +1010011000110 flummery 1 +1010011000110 pictures. 1 +1010011000110 1985s 1 +1010011000110 wicket 1 +1010011000110 voodoo. 1 +1010011000110 guineas 1 +1010011000110 marketing-directed 1 +1010011000110 rat-faces 1 +1010011000110 in-theater 1 +1010011000110 ghoulishness 1 +1010011000110 rockface 1 +1010011000110 shedder 1 +1010011000110 lost-worktime 1 +1010011000110 fuzzballs 1 +1010011000110 manner. 1 +1010011000110 renumeration 1 +1010011000110 syncopation 1 +1010011000110 diffences 1 +1010011000110 vino 1 +1010011000110 science-fictionish 1 +1010011000110 neoliberalism 1 +1010011000110 lip-smacker 1 +1010011000110 bill-payer 1 +1010011000110 cusses 1 +1010011000110 seriousnesses 1 +1010011000110 thumb-twiddling 1 +1010011000110 people-places 1 +1010011000110 52.57 1 +1010011000110 translucence 1 +1010011000110 grinding-down 1 +1010011000110 entites 1 +1010011000110 titer 1 +1010011000110 foliar 1 +1010011000110 hardeners 1 +1010011000110 cancer-causer 1 +1010011000110 fusillades 1 +1010011000110 incrustations 1 +1010011000110 Taninga 1 +1010011000110 Manjacaze 1 +1010011000110 knower 1 +1010011000110 nightcrawlers 1 +1010011000110 adumbration 1 +1010011000110 LDLcholesterol 1 +1010011000110 non-stars 1 +1010011000110 mannerism 1 +1010011000110 price-trimming 1 +1010011000110 Wite-Out 1 +1010011000110 peccancies 1 +1010011000110 attender 1 +1010011000110 Tula 1 +1010011000110 celebrator 1 +1010011000110 Wickersham-2 1 +1010011000110 hocus 1 +1010011000110 JRS 1 +1010011000110 rethinkings 1 +1010011000110 dragomans 1 +1010011000110 co-responsibility. 1 +1010011000110 uplinks 1 +1010011000110 aggrandization 1 +1010011000110 tariff-cutting 1 +1010011000110 thanthose 1 +1010011000110 advange 1 +1010011000110 misinvestments 1 +1010011000110 bptism 1 +1010011000110 three-program 1 +1010011000110 onomatopoeia 1 +1010011000110 pugs 1 +1010011000110 intransigencies 1 +1010011000110 knot-points 1 +1010011000110 minicycles 1 +1010011000110 expectationism 1 +1010011000110 documenter 1 +1010011000110 voyage-to-nowhere 1 +1010011000110 forewarnings 1 +1010011000110 tap-technique 1 +1010011000110 gangplanks 1 +1010011000110 coveys 1 +1010011000110 Pacmen 1 +1010011000110 disrepair. 1 +1010011000110 malversation 1 +1010011000110 1487 1 +1010011000110 self-multilation 1 +1010011000110 Mimis 1 +1010011000110 open-to-buy 1 +1010011000110 Hudsonville 1 +1010011000110 C-ration 1 +1010011000110 dazzlements 1 +1010011000110 near-violation 1 +1010011000110 underwiting 1 +1010011000110 soldier-statesman 1 +1010011000110 dissolvent 1 +1010011000110 contract-negotiation 1 +1010011000110 downburst 1 +1010011000110 product-options 1 +1010011000110 impossibilities 1 +1010011000110 hankypanky 1 +1010011000110 side-bets 1 +1010011000110 steeplechase 2 +1010011000110 abscess 2 +1010011000110 adaption 2 +1010011000110 Kimolina 2 +1010011000110 succulents 2 +1010011000110 recapitulation 2 +1010011000110 business-expense 2 +1010011000110 beagles 2 +1010011000110 letter-turner 3 +1010011000110 deities 3 +1010011000110 cognizance 3 +1010011000110 Spite 3 +1010011000110 lowdown 3 +1010011000110 gales 3 +1010011000110 gazebo 3 +1010011000110 zing 3 +1010011000110 triviality 3 +1010011000110 dabs 3 +1010011000110 babushkas 3 +1010011000110 loaners 3 +1010011000110 non-interventionism 3 +1010011000110 vivant 4 +1010011000110 nocere 4 +1010011000110 aggregation 4 +1010011000110 blotch 4 +1010011000110 polarity 4 +1010011000110 humus 4 +1010011000110 overdrive 9 +1010011000110 vu 29 +1010011000110 impossibility 29 +1010011000110 abundance 105 +1010011000110 edge 1142 +1010011000110 advantage 2751 +1010011000110 impact 4068 +1010011000110 effect 7228 +1010011000111 0.805461 1 +1010011000111 chroniclers 1 +1010011000111 south-southwest 1 +1010011000111 phasing-in 1 +1010011000111 --or 1 +1010011000111 290,282 1 +1010011000111 +544 1 +1010011000111 tongue-lashings 1 +1010011000111 CEFP 1 +1010011000111 1977-85 1 +1010011000111 LFB. 1 +1010011000111 128,000-square-foot 1 +1010011000111 A- 1 +1010011000111 price-lists 1 +1010011000111 short-tons 1 +1010011000111 99,150 1 +1010011000111 permissibility 1 +1010011000111 outliers 1 +1010011000111 7/12ths 1 +1010011000111 west-southwest 1 +1010011000111 copperplates 1 +1010011000111 slews 1 +1010011000111 Removals 1 +1010011000111 Rapsheet 1 +1010011000111 Fourcroy 1 +1010011000111 Allies. 1 +1010011000111 greenbriars 1 +1010011000111 Jersey/Delaware 1 +1010011000111 spates 1 +1010011000111 abeam 1 +1010011000111 55-story 1 +1010011000111 reestimation 1 +1010011000111 addding-up 1 +1010011000111 Usefulness 1 +1010011000111 498,334 1 +1010011000111 19,556 1 +1010011000111 150,487 1 +1010011000111 30,000-case 1 +1010011000111 Zhongnanhai 1 +1010011000111 decimations 1 +1010011000111 3/100ths 1 +1010011000111 225,477 1 +1010011000111 Elites 1 +1010011000111 126-mile 1 +1010011000111 0.30453 1 +1010011000111 Shutdowns 1 +1010011000111 0.2494 1 +1010011000111 78,535 1 +1010011000111 correspondent/news 1 +1010011000111 Dalma 1 +1010011000111 Lifecircuit 1 +1010011000111 linking-up 1 +1010011000111 22,483 1 +1010011000111 1,358,976 1 +1010011000111 tax-laws 1 +1010011000111 malpractices 1 +1010011000111 164,560 1 +1010011000111 73,345 1 +1010011000111 74,064 1 +1010011000111 Doormat 1 +1010011000111 Fiddle 1 +1010011000111 DEFIANCE 1 +1010011000111 itchiness 2 +1010011000111 F-sharp 2 +1010011000111 EL.GE 2 +1010011000111 vanguards 2 +1010011000111 undercarriages 2 +1010011000111 desiderata 2 +1010011000111 dubiety 2 +1010011000111 shapers 2 +1010011000111 re-releases 2 +1010011000111 BATC 2 +1010011000111 bards 2 +1010011000111 co-chiefs 2 +1010011000111 bistros 2 +1010011000111 resegregation 2 +1010011000111 elucidation 2 +1010011000111 nonpayers 2 +1010011000111 die-off 3 +1010011000111 teaspoons 3 +1010011000111 imprimaturs 3 +1010011000111 0.801 3 +1010011000111 statuettes 3 +1010011000111 daylighting 3 +1010011000111 usurpers 3 +1010011000111 0.3675 3 +1010011000111 testimonies 4 +1010011000111 progenitors 4 +1010011000111 decimation 4 +1010011000111 avant 4 +1010011000111 watchmen 4 +1010011000111 epiphanies 4 +1010011000111 handfuls 5 +1010011000111 cobblestones 5 +1010011000111 money-changers 5 +1010011000111 facsimiles 6 +1010011000111 compilations 6 +1010011000111 interviewees 6 +1010011000111 engravings 7 +1010011000111 retesting 8 +1010011000111 psyches 8 +1010011000111 Consequences 9 +1010011000111 flurries 11 +1010011000111 tabulations 12 +1010011000111 circumference 12 +1010011000111 blizzards 16 +1010011000111 swarms 26 +1010011000111 southwest 126 +1010011000111 northwest 134 +1010011000111 southeast 143 +1010011000111 northeast 176 +1010011000111 specifics 283 +1010011000111 west 394 +1010011000111 east 404 +1010011000111 portions 441 +1010011000111 stages 596 +1010011000111 south 731 +1010011000111 north 766 +1010011000111 terms 7532 +1010011000111 details 3250 +101001100100 further-and 1 +101001100100 crosssections 1 +101001100100 expecation 1 +101001100100 barberfish 1 +101001100100 emplacement 1 +101001100100 front-ending 1 +101001100100 Monitor-produced 1 +101001100100 Zantec-one 1 +101001100100 figurine 1 +101001100100 fair-sounding 1 +101001100100 recriminalization 1 +101001100100 farmer-tenants 1 +101001100100 lock-and-dam 1 +101001100100 compunctions 1 +101001100100 respecter 2 +101001100100 antihero 2 +101001100100 misdiagnosis 2 +101001100100 fabulations 2 +101001100100 disinterestedness 2 +101001100100 non-starters 2 +101001100100 shares. 2 +101001100100 recalibration 2 +101001100100 sub-specialty 2 +101001100100 down-sizing 2 +101001100100 sheaths 2 +101001100100 factoids 2 +101001100100 gentlemanliness 2 +101001100100 knowlege 3 +101001100100 nakedness 3 +101001100100 derelictions 3 +101001100100 fixity 3 +101001100100 localization 3 +101001100100 defoliation 3 +101001100100 chastisement 3 +101001100100 sieges 3 +101001100100 cowgirl 3 +101001100100 inklings 3 +101001100100 sinew 3 +101001100100 nay-saying 3 +101001100100 intimation 3 +101001100100 offs 4 +101001100100 mincemeat 4 +101001100100 redistributions 4 +101001100100 foreknowledge 4 +101001100100 advertisments 4 +101001100100 infirmities 4 +101001100100 multiculturalism 4 +101001100100 hangups 4 +101001100100 editorializing 5 +101001100100 filaments 5 +101001100100 panaceas 5 +101001100100 forewarning 5 +101001100100 infinity 5 +101001100100 pretentions 5 +101001100100 equivocation 6 +101001100100 legalism 6 +101001100100 blowouts 6 +101001100100 wickedness 7 +101001100100 embellishment 7 +101001100100 irritants 7 +101001100100 eccentricity 8 +101001100100 gushers 8 +101001100100 refutation 8 +101001100100 symbiosis 8 +101001100100 pilgrim 8 +101001100100 dissection 8 +101001100100 vilification 9 +101001100100 misapprehension 9 +101001100100 corroboration 9 +101001100100 articulation 10 +101001100100 canard 10 +101001100100 substantiation 11 +101001100100 exponent 12 +101001100100 commonality 13 +101001100100 emancipation 13 +101001100100 dissipation 14 +101001100100 insinuations 14 +101001100100 notations 14 +101001100100 renderings 15 +101001100100 snugging 15 +101001100100 streaks 15 +101001100100 specificity 16 +101001100100 misperception 17 +101001100100 collage 17 +101001100100 reassurances 18 +101001100100 pretensions 20 +101001100100 sleight 21 +101001100100 misconception 22 +101001100100 accessibility 23 +101001100100 proofs 23 +101001100100 inkling 25 +101001100100 ifs 25 +101001100100 manifestations 27 +101001100100 regularity 28 +101001100100 expedient 29 +101001100100 inference 30 +101001100100 urgings 32 +101001100100 acknowledgement 38 +101001100100 overview 38 +101001100100 reminders 42 +101001100100 rumblings 42 +101001100100 acknowledgment 45 +101001100100 complication 46 +101001100100 unanimity 47 +101001100100 hesitation 50 +101001100100 apologies 54 +101001100100 pretense 54 +101001100100 vindication 59 +101001100100 recollection 59 +101001100100 reassurance 59 +101001100100 thread 74 +101001100100 condemnation 80 +101001100100 impressions 83 +101001100100 imitation 83 +101001100100 interruption 106 +101001100100 clarification 131 +101001100100 misunderstanding 137 +101001100100 streak 145 +101001100100 characteristic 159 +101001100100 encouragement 162 +101001100100 reminder 197 +101001100100 certainty 206 +101001100100 hints 260 +101001100100 hint 288 +101001100100 awareness 301 +101001100100 suspicion 320 +101001100100 assurance 391 +101001100100 assurances 415 +101001100100 proof 541 +101001100100 acceptance 633 +101001100100 explanation 743 +101001100100 recognition 794 +101001100100 understanding 994 +101001100100 indication 1075 +101001100100 discussion 1095 +101001100100 warning 1229 +101001100100 notice 1369 +101001100100 knowledge 1435 +101001100100 criticism 1881 +101001100100 signs 2477 +101001100100 choice 2492 +101001100100 sense 3523 +101001100100 evidence 4668 +101001100101 asseveration 1 +101001100101 preconception 1 +101001100101 purblindness 1 +101001100101 boobytraps 1 +101001100101 sportsjackets 1 +101001100101 theorems 1 +101001100101 bloodbaths 1 +101001100101 agora 1 +101001100101 Tarrance-SRI 1 +101001100101 jauntiness 2 +101001100101 cooperativeness 2 +101001100101 Buckaroo 2 +101001100101 winterkill 2 +101001100101 unbelievability 2 +101001100101 neo-detente 2 +101001100101 eclat 2 +101001100101 fathoming 2 +101001100101 lavishness 2 +101001100101 polis 3 +101001100101 alleyways 3 +101001100101 Drain 3 +101001100101 capsizing 3 +101001100101 funereal 4 +101001100101 footnoting 4 +101001100101 tempi 4 +101001100101 hectoring 5 +101001100101 partiality 6 +101001100101 hypocrites 6 +101001100101 anomie 6 +101001100101 under-reporting 7 +101001100101 thump 8 +101001100101 flaunting 9 +101001100101 Lourdes 9 +101001100101 pilfering 9 +101001100101 rejiggering 10 +101001100101 debunking 11 +101001100101 flogging 12 +101001100101 gush 13 +101001100101 pummeling 16 +101001100101 shriek 18 +101001100101 bustle 19 +101001100101 surmise 21 +101001100101 retort 28 +101001100101 undoing 42 +101001100101 whisper 50 +101001100101 lament 51 +101001100101 dread 60 +101001100101 mistrust 67 +101001100101 characterization 96 +101001100101 vow 122 +101001100101 envy 137 +101001100101 neglect 204 +101001100101 contention 355 +101001100101 fault 381 +101001100101 perception 620 +101001100101 dream 717 +101001100101 suspected 838 +101001100101 stress 849 +101001100101 belief 1043 +101001100101 promise 1295 +101001100101 handling 1295 +101001100101 feeling 1476 +101001100101 love 1493 +101001100101 claim 3176 +101001100101 view 5171 +101001100101 fear 3575 +101001100110 1963-65 1 +101001100110 draconic 1 +101001100110 0S/2 1 +101001100110 cardio-selective 1 +101001100110 document-shredding 1 +101001100110 debauched 1 +101001100110 persiflage 1 +101001100110 video-sculpture 1 +101001100110 data-selling 1 +101001100110 selfsufficiency 1 +101001100110 cash-generator 1 +101001100110 didacticism 1 +101001100110 proselytized 1 +101001100110 anguishing 1 +101001100110 mis-paced 1 +101001100110 ex-IBMers 1 +101001100110 non-voluntary 1 +101001100110 pigheadedness 1 +101001100110 ritualized 1 +101001100110 skepticim 1 +101001100110 batsmen 1 +101001100110 Phanaung 1 +101001100110 charlatanism 1 +101001100110 zagging 1 +101001100110 geochemists 1 +101001100110 specialized. 1 +101001100110 screechings 1 +101001100110 conflict-mediation 1 +101001100110 glumness 1 +101001100110 retarded. 1 +101001100110 aninvestment 1 +101001100110 pseudo-books 1 +101001100110 impossible. 1 +101001100110 heat-prostration 1 +101001100110 day-from 1 +101001100110 leaseholders 1 +101001100110 data-bases 1 +101001100110 earings 1 +101001100110 moldiness 1 +101001100110 incoporation 1 +101001100110 extortions 1 +101001100110 prestissimo 1 +101001100110 self-dismemberment 1 +101001100110 nosier 1 +101001100110 tizziness 1 +101001100110 tetraploid 1 +101001100110 screeds 1 +101001100110 salamanders 1 +101001100110 candids 1 +101001100110 sperms 1 +101001100110 factory-farms 1 +101001100110 self-congratulating 1 +101001100110 non-nationals 1 +101001100110 classwork 1 +101001100110 mega-project 1 +101001100110 super-pessimists 1 +101001100110 70,900 1 +101001100110 preception 1 +101001100110 ostracizing 1 +101001100110 miscegenation 1 +101001100110 pssibility 1 +101001100110 inauthenticity 1 +101001100110 disppointment 1 +101001100110 calicos 1 +101001100110 burblings 1 +101001100110 Sieglindes 1 +101001100110 Overcharge 1 +101001100110 Daza 1 +101001100110 mimesis 1 +101001100110 updrift 1 +101001100110 reverse-LBOs 1 +101001100110 mini-features 1 +101001100110 28059.97 1 +101001100110 news-blurbs 1 +101001100110 belly-aching 1 +101001100110 Longden 1 +101001100110 Czestochwa 1 +101001100110 exorcist 1 +101001100110 antiSemite 1 +101001100110 self-dare 1 +101001100110 still-muddled 1 +101001100110 pingpongs 1 +101001100110 26445.87 1 +101001100110 secularity 1 +101001100110 creamers 1 +101001100110 after-taste 1 +101001100110 Antietam 1 +101001100110 soulsearching 1 +101001100110 .264 1 +101001100110 hellcat 1 +101001100110 debt-bonds 1 +101001100110 walk-outs 1 +101001100110 Japaneseness 1 +101001100110 circuitbreakers 1 +101001100110 patinating 1 +101001100110 yield-per-acre 1 +101001100110 bedsheet 1 +101001100110 Leviticus 2 +101001100110 rules-of-thumb 2 +101001100110 woodlots 2 +101001100110 sound-and-light 2 +101001100110 founder-entrepreneurs 2 +101001100110 aahs 2 +101001100110 non-stories 2 +101001100110 Capriccioso 2 +101001100110 solipsistic 2 +101001100110 pungently 2 +101001100110 sophistries 2 +101001100110 unconsciousness 2 +101001100110 somberness 2 +101001100110 Adventists 2 +101001100110 trapdoors 2 +101001100110 discreditably 2 +101001100110 calendulas 2 +101001100110 to-do 2 +101001100110 sanctioneers 2 +101001100110 rootlessness 2 +101001100110 modularization 2 +101001100110 Gauls 2 +101001100110 celerity 2 +101001100110 guilts 2 +101001100110 bravos 2 +101001100110 factionalized 2 +101001100110 ravings 3 +101001100110 flippancy 3 +101001100110 diffident 3 +101001100110 willfulness 3 +101001100110 Duneava 3 +101001100110 bioethicists 3 +101001100110 fetters 3 +101001100110 typecasting 3 +101001100110 over-optimism 3 +101001100110 mystification 3 +101001100110 chukkers 3 +101001100110 Olliemania 3 +101001100110 handwringing 4 +101001100110 shortcovering 4 +101001100110 protozoa 4 +101001100110 befuddlement 4 +101001100110 taxiways 4 +101001100110 caterwauling 4 +101001100110 broods 4 +101001100110 oversimplification 4 +101001100110 moxie 5 +101001100110 debits 5 +101001100110 snowing 5 +101001100110 encouragingly 5 +101001100110 over-expansion 5 +101001100110 holler 6 +101001100110 .300 6 +101001100110 prattle 6 +101001100110 gabbing 7 +101001100110 trickery 7 +101001100110 shyness 7 +101001100110 queasiness 7 +101001100110 retablos 7 +101001100110 bromides 7 +101001100110 caterpillars 7 +101001100110 hocus-pocus 8 +101001100110 clucking 9 +101001100110 snickering 9 +101001100110 disgruntlement 9 +101001100110 harangue 9 +101001100110 fallacies 9 +101001100110 interminably 9 +101001100110 confusions 10 +101001100110 happenstance 10 +101001100110 fantasizes 11 +101001100110 ranting 11 +101001100110 fantasizing 12 +101001100110 8-1 12 +101001100110 theorizing 12 +101001100110 cautiousness 13 +101001100110 foreboding 14 +101001100110 musing 14 +101001100110 disquiet 14 +101001100110 incredulity 14 +101001100110 silt 15 +101001100110 discouragement 15 +101001100110 profittaking 16 +101001100110 bewilderment 17 +101001100110 demoralization 17 +101001100110 grousing 18 +101001100110 self-criticism 18 +101001100110 negativism 19 +101001100110 moaning 19 +101001100110 ado 19 +101001100110 puzzlement 20 +101001100110 raves 20 +101001100110 pandemonium 21 +101001100110 hand-wringing 22 +101001100110 conjecture 26 +101001100110 trepidation 27 +101001100110 position-squaring 28 +101001100110 misunderstandings 33 +101001100110 wariness 52 +101001100110 skittishness 60 +101001100110 unease 66 +101001100110 ambivalence 67 +101001100110 bullishness 75 +101001100110 uneasiness 84 +101001100110 bearishness 87 +101001100110 grumbling 96 +101001100110 cynicism 101 +101001100110 bargain-hunting 103 +101001100110 apprehension 111 +101001100110 pessimism 182 +101001100110 jitters 190 +101001100110 outrage 214 +101001100110 nervousness 261 +101001100110 anxiety 338 +101001100110 anger 451 +101001100110 disappointment 492 +101001100110 skepticism 575 +101001100110 caution 731 +101001100110 optimism 795 +101001100110 confusion 829 +101001100110 profit-taking 935 +101001100110 doubts 982 +101001100110 worries 1546 +101001100110 uncertainty 1597 +101001100110 rumors 2699 +101001100110 note 3217 +101001100110 speculation 3455 +101001100111 standing. 1 +101001100111 Aww 1 +101001100111 Faggots 1 +101001100111 Petrouchka 1 +101001100111 John-End-of-the-World-Posteraro 1 +101001100111 Whoopee 1 +101001100111 third-and 1 +101001100111 managers. 1 +101001100111 PEs 1 +101001100111 pardners 1 +101001100111 empty-nester 1 +101001100111 riting 1 +101001100111 Anxiolytic 1 +101001100111 earned-run-averages 1 +101001100111 669-acre 1 +101001100111 if-if-if 1 +101001100111 Vette 1 +101001100111 yevskiy 1 +101001100111 mugshots 1 +101001100111 8,437,483 1 +101001100111 15,187,470 1 +101001100111 ABN 1 +101001100111 hieroglyphica 1 +101001100111 bullfeathers 1 +101001100111 work/family 1 +101001100111 Toast-R-Cakes 1 +101001100111 ius 1 +101001100111 perserverence 1 +101001100111 D.E.C. 1 +101001100111 emi 1 +101001100111 284.40 1 +101001100111 seldom-touched 1 +101001100111 Embezzlement 1 +101001100111 concept. 1 +101001100111 easter 1 +101001100111 esnobismo 1 +101001100111 outing. 1 +101001100111 adviser. 1 +101001100111 sires 1 +101001100111 Gastronome 1 +101001100111 equitize 1 +101001100111 compadrazgo 1 +101001100111 Fourscore 1 +101001100111 committtee 1 +101001100111 carryovers 1 +101001100111 Hija 1 +101001100111 Mangles 1 +101001100111 osophies 1 +101001100111 streetscapes 1 +101001100111 Capable 1 +101001100111 dy 1 +101001100111 Jeepers 1 +101001100111 aint 1 +101001100111 re-deployment 1 +101001100111 Ab 1 +101001100111 heavy-compressor 1 +101001100111 Deerslayer 1 +101001100111 Fidelista 1 +101001100111 abrazo 1 +101001100111 nicht 1 +101001100111 RO1 1 +101001100111 bear/beaver 1 +101001100111 Monosson 1 +101001100111 Shoemakers 1 +101001100111 yeses 1 +101001100111 Nicargua 1 +101001100111 expecations 1 +101001100111 fund. 1 +101001100111 regenerators 1 +101001100111 ullu 1 +101001100111 candidate-apparent 1 +101001100111 1/14th 1 +101001100111 abdomens 1 +101001100111 uncomfortableness 1 +101001100111 animal-like 1 +101001100111 Farmersville 1 +101001100111 guestbook 1 +101001100111 hoper 1 +101001100111 He-Mans 1 +101001100111 Ahh 1 +101001100111 sketchpads 1 +101001100111 etazh 1 +101001100111 ez 1 +101001100111 pill-taking 1 +101001100111 Rah-rah-rah 1 +101001100111 hotelcasino 1 +101001100111 voice-communications 1 +101001100111 anti-monarchism 1 +101001100111 Shaunavon 1 +101001100111 fluffiness 1 +101001100111 outcrys 1 +101001100111 monopoly-hold 1 +101001100111 etzni 1 +101001100111 liberationisms 1 +101001100111 Maxithins 1 +101001100111 low-ish 1 +101001100111 Lambertazzi 1 +101001100111 appendectomies 1 +101001100111 ooooh 1 +101001100111 crip 1 +101001100111 Dibs 1 +101001100111 expectatons 1 +101001100111 aime 1 +101001100111 hot-buttons 1 +101001100111 greenlined 1 +101001100111 insurability 1 +101001100111 DeadEnders 1 +101001100111 Republican-like 1 +101001100111 bullet-proofing 1 +101001100111 garbs 1 +101001100111 shamrocks 1 +101001100111 Wadoo 1 +101001100111 baby-killer 1 +101001100111 purchases. 1 +101001100111 nametags 1 +101001100111 administrivia 1 +101001100111 7,241 1 +101001100111 Em. 1 +101001100111 Opossum 1 +101001100111 hover-time 1 +101001100111 self-images 1 +101001100111 long-exercised 1 +101001100111 Duh 1 +101001100111 ari 1 +101001100111 paradises 2 +101001100111 mailrooms 2 +101001100111 Krasnaya 2 +101001100111 Aknahten 2 +101001100111 amortizations 2 +101001100111 not-for-profits 2 +101001100111 aw 2 +101001100111 electrolytes 2 +101001100111 pinholes 2 +101001100111 10Ks 2 +101001100111 burbs 2 +101001100111 roo 2 +101001100111 Lays 2 +101001100111 rithmetic 2 +101001100111 infers 2 +101001100111 assesment 2 +101001100111 Golly 2 +101001100111 skaya 2 +101001100111 boomette 2 +101001100111 Quantities 2 +101001100111 Spoonful 2 +101001100111 nt 3 +101001100111 airdrops 3 +101001100111 ecumenism 3 +101001100111 chessboards 3 +101001100111 etymologies 3 +101001100111 Nellies 3 +101001100111 LOSSES 3 +101001100111 Wuzzle 3 +101001100111 floodwaters 4 +101001100111 clients. 4 +101001100111 self-assessment 4 +101001100111 VE 4 +101001100111 Nique 4 +101001100111 Hagura 5 +101001100111 patties 5 +101001100111 aretz 6 +101001100111 reconciliations 6 +101001100111 misuses 6 +101001100111 Canes 8 +101001100111 insecurities 8 +101001100111 rith 9 +101001100111 fictions 10 +101001100111 gourmets 11 +101001100111 disallowances 11 +101001100111 bicarbonate 12 +101001100111 proclamations 14 +101001100111 outlooks 41 +101001100111 guesses 67 +101001100111 denials 74 +101001100111 Donuts 80 +101001100111 T 169 +101001100111 perceptions 194 +101001100111 assertions 215 +101001100111 releases 405 +101001100111 predictions 530 +101001100111 suggestions 553 +101001100111 indications 836 +101001100111 projections 1128 +101001100111 forecasts 1371 +101001100111 fears 2644 +101001100111 expectations 3014 +101001100111 estimates 5234 +101001100111 reports 5956 +101001101000 Brazil/Cuba 1 +101001101000 anti-regulation 1 +101001101000 popularvor 1 +101001101000 industrial-purchasing 1 +101001101000 execulunching 1 +101001101000 uncontestable 1 +101001101000 insurance-portfolio 1 +101001101000 childwelfare 1 +101001101000 computer-technology 1 +101001101000 successfuly 1 +101001101000 water-rights 1 +101001101000 .345 1 +101001101000 chardonnays 1 +101001101000 bedrails 1 +101001101000 polyamide 1 +101001101000 dividend-yield 1 +101001101000 1986-dated 1 +101001101000 coked-up 1 +101001101000 proletarians 1 +101001101000 more-threatening 1 +101001101000 one-merchant 1 +101001101000 rock-studded 1 +101001101000 time-sense 1 +101001101000 adhesiveness 1 +101001101000 CBS/Hungaroton 1 +101001101000 4.3-mile 1 +101001101000 young-Turk 1 +101001101000 dark-suited 1 +101001101000 0.0126-inch 1 +101001101000 invest-for-the-long-haul 1 +101001101000 private-resource 1 +101001101000 business-strategy 1 +101001101000 sharebuying 1 +101001101000 gas-air 1 +101001101000 red-suited 1 +101001101000 LSC-funded 1 +101001101000 efficiency-an 1 +101001101000 air-driven 1 +101001101000 silicone-coated 1 +101001101000 all-expense 1 +101001101000 pharmaceutical-chemicals 1 +101001101000 housing-credit 1 +101001101000 congressional-campaign 1 +101001101000 wide-gauge 1 +101001101000 date-keeping 1 +101001101000 worry-bead 1 +101001101000 114,200 1 +101001101000 Socialist-oriented 1 +101001101000 charcoal-and-white 1 +101001101000 work-impairing 1 +101001101000 consumer-payment 1 +101001101000 Bass-backed 1 +101001101000 work-a-day 1 +101001101000 vapor-catching 1 +101001101000 DM7,000 1 +101001101000 autograph-seeking 1 +101001101000 hokey-pokeying 1 +101001101000 EuroTV 1 +101001101000 .280 1 +101001101000 often-watched 1 +101001101000 107-day 1 +101001101000 sizable-portfolio 1 +101001101000 error-laden 1 +101001101000 intelligence-gatherers 1 +101001101000 bond-related 2 +101001101000 bejabbers 2 +101001101000 early-1950s 2 +101001101000 jarringly 2 +101001101000 N.A.=Not 2 +101001101000 USSCA 2 +101001101000 popsicles 2 +101001101000 hundred-thousands 2 +101001101000 discourtesies 2 +101001101000 overhiring 2 +101001101000 .294 2 +101001101000 railbiking 2 +101001101000 thank-yous 2 +101001101000 split-levels 2 +101001101000 customer- 2 +101001101000 hillock 2 +101001101000 near-surface 2 +101001101000 minority-investment 2 +101001101000 crash-worthiness 2 +101001101000 hardheadedness 2 +101001101000 truck-bomb 2 +101001101000 Habituals 2 +101001101000 duffers 2 +101001101000 Toshibas 2 +101001101000 suggestively 3 +101001101000 prurience 3 +101001101000 scrabbling 3 +101001101000 Bloomies 3 +101001101000 closed-minded 3 +101001101000 armadillos 3 +101001101000 aerialists 3 +101001101000 discoloration 3 +101001101000 tire-kicking 3 +101001101000 mallards 3 +101001101000 jailings 3 +101001101000 moonflower 3 +101001101000 must-see 3 +101001101000 Frisbee 4 +101001101000 sulfates 4 +101001101000 boomerangs 4 +101001101000 outriggers 4 +101001101000 raccoons 4 +101001101000 drug-money 5 +101001101000 outtakes 5 +101001101000 spunk 5 +101001101000 more-prominent 5 +101001101000 55-mile-per-hour 5 +101001101000 amateurism 6 +101001101000 fanny 6 +101001101000 blockages 6 +101001101000 cashews 6 +101001101000 feebly 8 +101001101000 levity 9 +101001101000 thiodiglycol 9 +101001101000 empties 10 +101001101000 shantytowns 10 +101001101000 fizz 11 +101001101000 omega-3 14 +101001101000 oomph 14 +101001101000 money 20848 +101001101000 leftovers 16 +1010011010010 Buy-Outs 1 +1010011010010 prioritizes 1 +1010011010010 countermen 1 +1010011010010 cocaine-industry 1 +1010011010010 trade-boosting 1 +1010011010010 pulp-price 1 +1010011010010 rays/stared 1 +1010011010010 universal-health-care 1 +1010011010010 DEFERRALS 1 +1010011010010 underpasses 1 +1010011010010 fee-waivers 1 +1010011010010 power-substantial 1 +1010011010010 WZ-63 1 +1010011010010 hotel-to-hotel 1 +1010011010010 plastic-composite 1 +1010011010010 continuo 1 +1010011010010 obstinately 1 +1010011010010 cornmeal-price 1 +1010011010010 4,803,454x 1 +1010011010010 child-protective 1 +1010011010010 opening-bell 1 +1010011010010 already-huge 1 +1010011010010 trawl 1 +1010011010010 already-budgeted 1 +1010011010010 computer-processing 1 +1010011010010 rice-program 1 +1010011010010 environmentalist-developer 1 +1010011010010 gains. 2 +1010011010010 bisulfite 2 +1010011010010 metabisulfite 2 +1010011010010 sleazes 2 +1010011010010 megafund 2 +1010011010010 megafunds 2 +1010011010010 non-payroll 2 +1010011010010 jackstrawed 2 +1010011010010 conferee 2 +1010011010010 1120-S 2 +1010011010010 bond-issuance 2 +1010011010010 car-output 3 +1010011010010 jellyfish 3 +1010011010010 naysaying 3 +1010011010010 julep 3 +1010011010010 salinity 3 +1010011010010 shareprice 3 +1010011010010 city. 3 +1010011010010 deficit-spending 4 +1010011010010 spending. 4 +1010011010010 cosseting 4 +1010011010010 breasting 4 +1010011010010 peeve 4 +1010011010010 orimulsion 4 +1010011010010 nursing-care 5 +1010011010010 Libertad 6 +1010011010010 saboteur 7 +1010011010010 forebearance 8 +1010011010010 photosynthesis 8 +1010011010010 interchanges 14 +1010011010010 overreaching 15 +1010011010010 clays 16 +1010011010010 overspending 22 +1010011010010 expenditure 216 +1010011010010 punishment 316 +1010011010010 contracting 487 +1010011010010 outlays 860 +1010011010010 expenditures 986 +1010011010010 spending 9171 +1010011010010 borrowing 1958 +1010011010011 Lee-Enfields 1 +1010011010011 1,103,000 1 +1010011010011 consultancies 1 +1010011010011 KSTS-TV 1 +1010011010011 295.98 1 +1010011010011 Stakeholders 1 +1010011010011 subbing 1 +1010011010011 capacity-cutting 1 +1010011010011 Hoovernomics 1 +1010011010011 Cakaudrove 1 +1010011010011 7-26 1 +1010011010011 sorbate 1 +1010011010011 superspecialization 1 +1010011010011 1515.0 1 +1010011010011 Kwangwondo 1 +1010011010011 near-stagnation 1 +1010011010011 529,952 1 +1010011010011 william 1 +1010011010011 ascots 1 +1010011010011 1,886 1 +1010011010011 1,621 1 +1010011010011 Goldsworthy 1 +1010011010011 half-slumber 1 +1010011010011 tile-maker 1 +1010011010011 98.81 1 +1010011010011 Preetorius 1 +1010011010011 Aeronomy 1 +1010011010011 2,694 1 +1010011010011 profitablility 1 +1010011010011 Somersets 1 +1010011010011 verbalizing 1 +1010011010011 prostatectomies 1 +1010011010011 shogun 1 +1010011010011 propsectuses 1 +1010011010011 vaccine-believed 1 +1010011010011 Actium 1 +1010011010011 ulceration 1 +1010011010011 .196 1 +1010011010011 1,464,000 1 +1010011010011 chompers 1 +1010011010011 67,071 1 +1010011010011 28402 1 +1010011010011 Ethnology 1 +1010011010011 Holies 1 +1010011010011 WTTG 1 +1010011010011 goods-dollar 1 +1010011010011 4-foot-11 1 +1010011010011 .352 1 +1010011010011 154.95 1 +1010011010011 1.8640 1 +1010011010011 607.24 1 +1010011010011 penholder 1 +1010011010011 involuntary-manslaughter 1 +1010011010011 musuems 1 +1010011010011 KABC-TV 1 +1010011010011 pifflings 1 +1010011010011 provision-making 1 +1010011010011 sewn-on 1 +1010011010011 anti-wimpisms 1 +1010011010011 29,432 1 +1010011010011 Denishawn 1 +1010011010011 A.-excitability 1 +1010011010011 6,523,237 1 +1010011010011 Cannongate 1 +1010011010011 superstrength 1 +1010011010011 earths 1 +1010011010011 line-printers 1 +1010011010011 776.42 1 +1010011010011 volatiles 1 +1010011010011 flukes 1 +1010011010011 Milanje 1 +1010011010011 crypto-Nazis 1 +1010011010011 1,463,000 1 +1010011010011 historicism 1 +1010011010011 Sojitra 1 +1010011010011 earniings 1 +1010011010011 near-holiness 1 +1010011010011 WERG-FM 1 +1010011010011 1,592,000 1 +1010011010011 noneconomics 1 +1010011010011 Terray 1 +1010011010011 Besancon 1 +1010011010011 1.9490 1 +1010011010011 Castile 1 +1010011010011 fast-learning 1 +1010011010011 drapings 1 +1010011010011 18,720 1 +1010011010011 Lo-tung 1 +1010011010011 approval-specifically 1 +1010011010011 pectin 1 +1010011010011 columbine 1 +1010011010011 Hellenism 1 +1010011010011 mudder 1 +1010011010011 2,562,500 1 +1010011010011 cavatinas 1 +1010011010011 tilth 1 +1010011010011 Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 1 +1010011010011 small-holding 1 +1010011010011 unveilings 1 +1010011010011 pseudo-journalists 1 +1010011010011 2387.2 1 +1010011010011 .306 1 +1010011010011 cormorants 1 +1010011010011 jane 1 +1010011010011 KTMD-TV 1 +1010011010011 Tembu 1 +1010011010011 1,452,000 1 +1010011010011 instabiity 1 +1010011010011 Chapultepec 1 +1010011010011 jokesters 1 +1010011010011 bags/individually 1 +1010011010011 Santarem 1 +1010011010011 ticket-balancing 1 +1010011010011 Uniformity 1 +1010011010011 31,548 1 +1010011010011 export-applications 1 +1010011010011 Canting 1 +1010011010011 three-to-five-year-olds 1 +1010011010011 over-investment 1 +1010011010011 678,399 1 +1010011010011 Ica 1 +1010011010011 earth-tone 1 +1010011010011 286,282 1 +1010011010011 williams 1 +1010011010011 2:12.90 1 +1010011010011 Blanchards 1 +1010011010011 comedy-adventure 1 +1010011010011 Sarp 1 +1010011010011 24,209 1 +1010011010011 Rummidge 1 +1010011010011 Deshima 1 +1010011010011 KWQC-TV 1 +1010011010011 consignees 1 +1010011010011 68,700 1 +1010011010011 65,309 1 +1010011010011 Musetta 2 +1010011010011 guys. 2 +1010011010011 Peleliu 2 +1010011010011 entrapments 2 +1010011010011 Tom-Pato 2 +1010011010011 dividers 2 +1010011010011 tumbler 2 +1010011010011 miseducation 2 +1010011010011 businessses 2 +1010011010011 glistened 2 +1010011010011 esters 2 +1010011010011 merrymakers 2 +1010011010011 plexus 2 +1010011010011 car-maker 2 +1010011010011 goods. 2 +1010011010011 liberators 2 +1010011010011 condensers 2 +1010011010011 information- 2 +1010011010011 toupees 2 +1010011010011 asterisks 2 +1010011010011 DC-10-30s 2 +1010011010011 porosity 2 +1010011010011 balancers 2 +1010011010011 litterers 2 +1010011010011 alders 2 +1010011010011 flackery 2 +1010011010011 mulches 2 +1010011010011 Taejon 2 +1010011010011 Blindness 2 +1010011010011 10-pence 2 +1010011010011 llama 2 +1010011010011 Hematology 2 +1010011010011 carbs 2 +1010011010011 tractor-trailers 2 +1010011010011 heatstroke 2 +1010011010011 Chris-Crafts 2 +1010011010011 pain-relievers 2 +1010011010011 doo-dads 2 +1010011010011 aquamarine 3 +1010011010011 natured 3 +1010011010011 statelessness 3 +1010011010011 family- 3 +1010011010011 gimcrackery 3 +1010011010011 siderography 3 +1010011010011 WNAC-TV 3 +1010011010011 privateers 3 +1010011010011 tooths 3 +1010011010011 WNEW-AM 3 +1010011010011 1968-69 3 +1010011010011 hothouses 4 +1010011010011 vermouth 4 +1010011010011 teacher-graduates 4 +1010011010011 aerosols 4 +1010011010011 gendarmes 4 +1010011010011 storks 4 +1010011010011 KGMC-TV 5 +1010011010011 mini-mills 5 +1010011010011 rennin 5 +1010011010011 Earls 5 +1010011010011 komboloi 5 +1010011010011 pachyderms 5 +1010011010011 holes-in-one 5 +1010011010011 pollack 5 +1010011010011 distilleries 5 +1010011010011 mega-carriers 6 +1010011010011 jackhammers 6 +1010011010011 basil 6 +1010011010011 microspheres 6 +1010011010011 dawdling 6 +1010011010011 crusts 6 +1010011010011 karma 6 +1010011010011 mutagens 7 +1010011010011 nationhood 7 +1010011010011 non-durables 7 +1010011010011 Picassos 7 +1010011010011 superlatives 7 +1010011010011 typefaces 8 +1010011010011 lighthouses 8 +1010011010011 surfactant 8 +1010011010011 turnips 8 +1010011010011 vote-buying 9 +1010011010011 footholds 10 +1010011010011 disinterest 11 +1010011010011 yearlings 11 +1010011010011 punctuation 12 +1010011010011 troughs 16 +1010011010011 campgrounds 16 +1010011010011 almonds 17 +1010011010011 lipoprotein 18 +1010011010011 nondurables 21 +1010011010011 timberlands 34 +1010011010011 dough 52 +1010011010011 workdays 56 +1010011010011 durables 63 +1010011010011 luck 475 +1010011010011 faith 840 +1010011010011 hostages 901 +1010011010011 seats 2397 +1010011010011 goods 5391 +1010011010011 confidence 2493 +1010011010100 punchless 1 +1010011010100 retailiation 1 +1010011010100 Atlas-Centaurs 1 +1010011010100 birthweights 1 +1010011010100 14,825 1 +1010011010100 73,338 1 +1010011010100 more-equal 1 +1010011010100 quality-awareness 1 +1010011010100 unappealingly 1 +1010011010100 cost-competition 1 +1010011010100 glasses-wearers 1 +1010011010100 undertow 1 +1010011010100 counterpressure 1 +1010011010100 hang-outs 1 +1010011010100 nonconfrontation 1 +1010011010100 proccedings 1 +1010011010100 incivility 1 +1010011010100 frittatas 1 +1010011010100 213,453 1 +1010011010100 Efrat 1 +1010011010100 price-competitiveness 1 +1010011010100 adjacencies 1 +1010011010100 Chux 1 +1010011010100 microcapitalists 1 +1010011010100 nitty-gritties 1 +1010011010100 discrimating 1 +1010011010100 tissue-change 1 +1010011010100 lethality 1 +1010011010100 clot-dissolvers 2 +1010011010100 bibliographies 2 +1010011010100 ll 2 +1010011010100 Rodents 2 +1010011010100 overborrowing 2 +1010011010100 abbreviations 2 +1010011010100 promotion. 2 +1010011010100 fingerpointing 2 +1010011010100 self-flagellation 2 +1010011010100 repaving 2 +1010011010100 wiseacres 2 +1010011010100 uncollectibles 2 +1010011010100 I-75 2 +1010011010100 yam 2 +1010011010100 Silverhawks 2 +1010011010100 retrials 3 +1010011010100 386/20 3 +1010011010100 commendation 3 +1010011010100 burr 3 +1010011010100 BioAdvance 3 +1010011010100 moderns 4 +1010011010100 riverbanks 4 +1010011010100 competiton 4 +1010011010100 salivation 4 +1010011010100 trysts 4 +1010011010100 dodger 4 +1010011010100 floodlights 5 +1010011010100 fixings 5 +1010011010100 eggnog 5 +1010011010100 retaliations 5 +1010011010100 737-500s 6 +1010011010100 pumpkins 6 +1010011010100 fare-cutting 6 +1010011010100 rumination 6 +1010011010100 tussles 7 +1010011010100 lint 7 +1010011010100 manna 7 +1010011010100 sediment 7 +1010011010100 matchups 8 +1010011010100 megabucks 8 +1010011010100 desertions 8 +1010011010100 counterattacks 11 +1010011010100 misbehavior 12 +1010011010100 chronologically 13 +1010011010100 subgroups 21 +1010011010100 cross-trading 25 +1010011010100 specialization 27 +1010011010100 unionism 33 +1010011010100 abstinence 36 +1010011010100 retribution 40 +1010011010100 leniency 42 +1010011010100 vigilance 48 +1010011010100 noncompliance 56 +1010011010100 reprisals 59 +1010011010100 residuals 62 +1010011010100 experimentation 78 +1010011010100 collusion 93 +1010011010100 injunctions 95 +1010011010100 meddling 98 +1010011010100 havoc 115 +1010011010100 revenge 161 +1010011010100 fallout 230 +1010011010100 anonymity 244 +1010011010100 interference 331 +1010011010100 coordination 402 +1010011010100 restraint 493 +1010011010100 retaliation 508 +1010011010100 discrimination 921 +1010011010100 cooperation 1483 +1010011010100 sanctions 1516 +1010011010100 proceedings 1883 +1010011010100 damages 2621 +1010011010100 protection 3874 +1010011010100 competition 5358 +1010011010101 one-refund-a-household 1 +1010011010101 Minimums 1 +1010011010101 Debbee 1 +1010011010101 144,734 1 +1010011010101 652,094 1 +1010011010101 clot. 1 +1010011010101 corncobs 1 +1010011010101 soberness 1 +1010011010101 premium-to-book-value 1 +1010011010101 1505 1 +1010011010101 non-cancerous 1 +1010011010101 Hasa 1 +1010011010101 letted 1 +1010011010101 syrinage 1 +1010011010101 HOL.A 1 +1010011010101 doctrine-provision 1 +1010011010101 tremens 1 +1010011010101 splatter-marks 1 +1010011010101 Newspeak 1 +1010011010101 seatmate 1 +1010011010101 backroads 1 +1010011010101 Raped 1 +1010011010101 questions-but 1 +1010011010101 2158.60 1 +1010011010101 383.81 1 +1010011010101 25. 1 +1010011010101 2,158.61 1 +1010011010101 corpuscles 1 +1010011010101 lightener 1 +1010011010101 -200 1 +1010011010101 damage-reactions 1 +1010011010101 emhasis 1 +1010011010101 Miscues 1 +1010011010101 carcinoid 1 +1010011010101 nodules 1 +1010011010101 jiujitsu 1 +1010011010101 return-based 1 +1010011010101 boatyards 1 +1010011010101 160.85 1 +1010011010101 T-lymphotropic 1 +1010011010101 glug 1 +1010011010101 availabe 1 +1010011010101 pedantocracy 1 +1010011010101 363,300 1 +1010011010101 syringae 1 +1010011010101 photo-essay 1 +1010011010101 40-54 1 +1010011010101 cryobanking 1 +1010011010101 Hutchi 1 +1010011010101 Portent 1 +1010011010101 brevities 1 +1010011010101 atack 1 +1010011010101 Lags 1 +1010011010101 62-64 1 +1010011010101 post-Sandinista 1 +1010011010101 foodstores 1 +1010011010101 alga 1 +1010011010101 counteroffensives 1 +1010011010101 rule-makings 1 +1010011010101 height-weight 1 +1010011010101 Antalya 1 +1010011010101 transaxles 1 +1010011010101 fatback 1 +1010011010101 status-quoism 1 +1010011010101 mucciloid 1 +1010011010101 cheerlessness 1 +1010011010101 miniplazas 1 +1010011010101 dmage 1 +1010011010101 Menshikov 1 +1010011010101 disk-brake 1 +1010011010101 tomatomongers 1 +1010011010101 Paranagua 1 +1010011010101 Sevastopol 1 +1010011010101 presure 1 +1010011010101 falsies 1 +1010011010101 25746.56 1 +1010011010101 71,800 1 +1010011010101 2248.73 1 +1010011010101 686.65 1 +1010011010101 asphyxia 1 +1010011010101 maintenance-agreement 1 +1010011010101 I-35 1 +1010011010101 B2200 1 +1010011010101 15-21 1 +1010011010101 protectants 1 +1010011010101 fundability 1 +1010011010101 9-16 1 +1010011010101 BLIP 1 +1010011010101 9.975 1 +1010011010101 forms-processing 1 +1010011010101 Phase-2 1 +1010011010101 adverts 1 +1010011010101 disputations 1 +1010011010101 65-75 1 +1010011010101 50,759 1 +1010011010101 .337 1 +1010011010101 Ilyushins 1 +1010011010101 VisiTel 2 +1010011010101 actor-centered 2 +1010011010101 waypoint 2 +1010011010101 pushcarts 2 +1010011010101 equivocating 2 +1010011010101 stoops 2 +1010011010101 vamp 2 +1010011010101 potheads 2 +1010011010101 25-34 2 +1010011010101 tranfusions 2 +1010011010101 sundaes 2 +1010011010101 down-payments 2 +1010011010101 cross-default 2 +1010011010101 pusillanimity 2 +1010011010101 over-reliance 2 +1010011010101 peekers 2 +1010011010101 ally-bashing 2 +1010011010101 millennialists 2 +1010011010101 scepticism 2 +1010011010101 stalemates 3 +1010011010101 rehabs 3 +1010011010101 croaking 3 +1010011010101 interrelationships 3 +1010011010101 sedimentation 3 +1010011010101 2,690 3 +1010011010101 yakking 3 +1010011010101 mopeds 3 +1010011010101 Ashram 3 +1010011010101 occlusion 3 +1010011010101 ultrasonography 3 +1010011010101 18-34 3 +1010011010101 Parliamentarians 3 +1010011010101 grafitti 4 +1010011010101 diffraction 4 +1010011010101 Symposium 4 +1010011010101 cadenza 4 +1010011010101 attack. 4 +1010011010101 overemphasis 4 +1010011010101 hesitance 5 +1010011010101 subconference 5 +1010011010101 weevil 6 +1010011010101 pangs 6 +1010011010101 stopwatches 6 +1010011010101 referenda 7 +1010011010101 overdependence 7 +1010011010101 tarps 7 +1010011010101 motility 7 +1010011010101 platelets 8 +1010011010101 mark-up 8 +1010011010101 overreliance 8 +1010011010101 encroachments 10 +1010011010101 traction 11 +1010011010101 flip-flops 11 +1010011010101 blinders 11 +1010011010101 fighter-bombers 12 +1010011010101 axle 15 +1010011010101 grafts 17 +1010011010101 endings 20 +1010011010101 advisement 21 +1010011010101 icing 23 +1010011010101 duress 30 +1010011010101 deviation 35 +1010011010101 coaster 56 +1010011010101 marrow 66 +1010011010101 tabs 70 +1010011010101 constraint 72 +1010011010101 transfusions 91 +1010011010101 assaults 126 +1010011010101 clots 126 +1010011010101 reliance 298 +1010011010101 dependence 378 +1010011010101 assault 522 +1010011010101 emphasis 1028 +1010011010101 attacks 1501 +1010011010101 damage 2285 +1010011010101 pressure 6549 +1010011010101 attack 2736 +10100110101100 crackpots 1 +10100110101100 household-forming 1 +10100110101100 ratifications 1 +10100110101100 under-consumption 1 +10100110101100 earthquake-recovery 1 +10100110101100 myosin 1 +10100110101100 inhabitation 1 +10100110101100 budget-constraint 1 +10100110101100 rule-maker 1 +10100110101100 whale-watching 1 +10100110101100 Namah 1 +10100110101100 deficit-cut 1 +10100110101100 electrocutions 1 +10100110101100 econo-box 1 +10100110101100 have-beens 1 +10100110101100 mapwork 1 +10100110101100 logician 1 +10100110101100 thrombosis 1 +10100110101100 self-collection 1 +10100110101100 RICO-related 1 +10100110101100 immuno-deficiency 1 +10100110101100 stockownership 1 +10100110101100 colitis 1 +10100110101100 chorionic 1 +10100110101100 power-tools 1 +10100110101100 bleatings 1 +10100110101100 scofflaw 1 +10100110101100 districting 1 +10100110101100 conjugator 1 +10100110101100 CD4-pseudomonas 1 +10100110101100 bents 1 +10100110101100 threateners 1 +10100110101100 July/August 1 +10100110101100 place-names 1 +10100110101100 cuckolding 1 +10100110101100 deviancy 1 +10100110101100 apercu 1 +10100110101100 specialist-printer 1 +10100110101100 chemical-proof 1 +10100110101100 firm-of-the-year 1 +10100110101100 commonplaces 1 +10100110101100 benefaction 1 +10100110101100 profit-spreads 1 +10100110101100 dough-maker 1 +10100110101100 namer 1 +10100110101100 ex-officers 1 +10100110101100 declines. 1 +10100110101100 vita 1 +10100110101100 performance-anxiety 1 +10100110101100 bux 1 +10100110101100 covering-your-rear-end 1 +10100110101100 formas 1 +10100110101100 aggregate-demand 1 +10100110101100 theodicy 1 +10100110101100 biologism 1 +10100110101100 yen-linked 1 +10100110101100 illness-care 1 +10100110101100 capital-building 1 +10100110101100 bill-of-rights 1 +10100110101100 order-filling 1 +10100110101100 racketface 1 +10100110101100 ablution 1 +10100110101100 tastemakers 1 +10100110101100 candlesticks 1 +10100110101100 interlopes 1 +10100110101100 decompensation 1 +10100110101100 Safirite 1 +10100110101100 baseness 1 +10100110101100 quick-switch 1 +10100110101100 probations 1 +10100110101100 waverings 1 +10100110101100 Marathi-speakers 1 +10100110101100 couture. 1 +10100110101100 rheostat 1 +10100110101100 sharpshooting 1 +10100110101100 boarding-houses 1 +10100110101100 line-drawing 1 +10100110101100 bond-and-stock 1 +10100110101100 100-dollar 1 +10100110101100 10-series 1 +10100110101100 dreck 1 +10100110101100 debilities 1 +10100110101100 market-crisis 1 +10100110101100 constitutents 1 +10100110101100 regionality 1 +10100110101100 11-class 1 +10100110101100 foreign-financing 1 +10100110101100 writer/producers 1 +10100110101100 training. 1 +10100110101100 scramblings 1 +10100110101100 adenoviruses 1 +10100110101100 far-rightists 1 +10100110101100 literalism 1 +10100110101100 spectrums 1 +10100110101100 freeshare 1 +10100110101100 workups 1 +10100110101100 support. 1 +10100110101100 ten-strike 1 +10100110101100 TEMPERS 1 +10100110101100 endarterectomy 1 +10100110101100 nicety 1 +10100110101100 stylebooks 1 +10100110101100 freelancing 1 +10100110101100 incinerator-ash 1 +10100110101100 dominations 1 +10100110101100 immunolodeficiency 1 +10100110101100 Naga 1 +10100110101100 maneuverer 1 +10100110101100 CL215s 1 +10100110101100 facilitation 1 +10100110101100 crew-pairing 1 +10100110101100 non-matured 1 +10100110101100 dedications 1 +10100110101100 Xanadu 1 +10100110101100 jag 1 +10100110101100 quo-warrants 1 +10100110101100 361-45 1 +10100110101100 drug-business 1 +10100110101100 recollectivization 1 +10100110101100 often-maligned 1 +10100110101100 Zeki 1 +10100110101100 hero-celebrity 1 +10100110101100 ivory-trade 1 +10100110101100 Trofimov 2 +10100110101100 BELEAGUERED 2 +10100110101100 Yadin 2 +10100110101100 stock-issuing 2 +10100110101100 free-scrip 2 +10100110101100 icecaps 2 +10100110101100 windbag 2 +10100110101100 obbligato 2 +10100110101100 fee. 2 +10100110101100 sovereignties 2 +10100110101100 falconer 2 +10100110101100 quos 3 +10100110101100 roll-back 3 +10100110101100 Nover 3 +10100110101100 darters 3 +10100110101100 base. 3 +10100110101100 HH 4 +10100110101100 chits 4 +10100110101100 rampages 4 +10100110101100 syncytial 5 +10100110101100 Pamyat 6 +10100110101100 Epidemic 6 +10100110101100 objector 6 +10100110101100 tic 6 +10100110101100 mains 7 +10100110101100 embolism 7 +10100110101100 slur 13 +10100110101100 bono 14 +10100110101100 suasion 14 +10100110101100 deferment 17 +10100110101100 acceptability 19 +10100110101100 couture 23 +10100110101100 immunodeficiency 25 +10100110101100 disobedience 38 +10100110101100 rata 73 +10100110101100 beings 128 +10100110101100 forma 136 +10100110101100 liberties 182 +10100110101100 corrections 243 +10100110101100 rights 7407 +10100110101100 obligation 835 +10100110101101 Gedda 1 +10100110101101 Edwardian-type 1 +10100110101101 spaced-based 1 +10100110101101 sables 1 +10100110101101 season-ending 1 +10100110101101 mile-plus-high 1 +10100110101101 quadrenniel 1 +10100110101101 PHILSECO 1 +10100110101101 stroker 1 +10100110101101 anemometers 1 +10100110101101 steam-supply 1 +10100110101101 beefing-up 1 +10100110101101 caesium 1 +10100110101101 byphenyls 1 +10100110101101 loan-assets 1 +10100110101101 taximeter 1 +10100110101101 Nilopolis 1 +10100110101101 inhalers 1 +10100110101101 established-brand 1 +10100110101101 clock-based 1 +10100110101101 flight. 1 +10100110101101 winterizers 1 +10100110101101 missiles. 1 +10100110101101 decongestants 1 +10100110101101 high-overhead 1 +10100110101101 Miho 1 +10100110101101 fruit-tree 1 +10100110101101 windshield-repair 1 +10100110101101 chemotherapies 1 +10100110101101 infinities 1 +10100110101101 100-room 1 +10100110101101 arms-underlines 1 +10100110101101 liberal-internationalist 1 +10100110101101 Rockwell-built 1 +10100110101101 freezeniks 1 +10100110101101 mud-embedded 1 +10100110101101 sign-now-pay-later 1 +10100110101101 racecourse 1 +10100110101101 Ilyushin-96 1 +10100110101101 Tupolev-204 1 +10100110101101 nematicide 1 +10100110101101 infarcts 1 +10100110101101 food-drying 1 +10100110101101 velocities 1 +10100110101101 Salang 1 +10100110101101 office-phone 1 +10100110101101 infarct 1 +10100110101101 weapons-destruction 1 +10100110101101 T-form 1 +10100110101101 Tatliyev 1 +10100110101101 Standyne 1 +10100110101101 neurochemicals 1 +10100110101101 juice-storage 1 +10100110101101 maidenhood 1 +10100110101101 vagabondage 1 +10100110101101 2,000-people 1 +10100110101101 plastics-compounding 1 +10100110101101 vitrification 1 +10100110101101 film. 1 +10100110101101 beanbags 1 +10100110101101 point-of-view 2 +10100110101101 Chryslers 2 +10100110101101 ophthalmoscopes 2 +10100110101101 Y-12 2 +10100110101101 windsurfing 2 +10100110101101 courant 2 +10100110101101 pentoxide 2 +10100110101101 suppository 2 +10100110101101 ELISA 2 +10100110101101 11-to-1 2 +10100110101101 strongbox 2 +10100110101101 reverse-osmosis 2 +10100110101101 KOVR-TV 2 +10100110101101 americium-241 2 +10100110101101 Tsugaru 2 +10100110101101 reagent 2 +10100110101101 barbiturates 2 +10100110101101 Suwon 2 +10100110101101 chin-up 2 +10100110101101 inhalants 2 +10100110101101 399-17 2 +10100110101101 Franjieh 2 +10100110101101 ALCMs 2 +10100110101101 cryptography 3 +10100110101101 thermal-processing 3 +10100110101101 panoramas 3 +10100110101101 Pancake 3 +10100110101101 airpower 3 +10100110101101 self-hatred 3 +10100110101101 marshland 3 +10100110101101 missile-launch 3 +10100110101101 Kunduz 3 +10100110101101 Kingdome 3 +10100110101101 tracers 3 +10100110101101 radiometer 3 +10100110101101 cigarette-making 3 +10100110101101 fission 4 +10100110101101 excavations 4 +10100110101101 singularity 4 +10100110101101 waste-storage 4 +10100110101101 iodine-131 4 +10100110101101 gasification 5 +10100110101101 nuclei 5 +10100110101101 Morenci 5 +10100110101101 porthole 5 +10100110101101 prosthetics 5 +10100110101101 surfactants 6 +10100110101101 timepiece 6 +10100110101101 religiosity 6 +10100110101101 aperture 7 +10100110101101 vera 8 +10100110101101 infarction 9 +10100110101101 teleconference 9 +10100110101101 latticework 9 +10100110101101 nukes 9 +10100110101101 isotopes 10 +10100110101101 iodine 10 +10100110101101 armament 13 +10100110101101 dominion 14 +10100110101101 sprees 17 +10100110101101 electrode 17 +10100110101101 talc 18 +10100110101101 triad 20 +10100110101101 holocaust 23 +10100110101101 annihilation 23 +10100110101101 biphenyls 27 +10100110101101 warhead 44 +10100110101101 armaments 44 +10100110101101 smears 45 +10100110101101 countermeasures 49 +10100110101101 weaponry 96 +10100110101101 arsenals 112 +10100110101101 deterrence 134 +10100110101101 disarmament 161 +10100110101101 arsenal 178 +10100110101101 superiority 181 +10100110101101 fabric 226 +10100110101101 deterrent 235 +10100110101101 custody 275 +10100110101101 warheads 279 +10100110101101 spree 299 +10100110101101 warfare 363 +10100110101101 wisdom 590 +10100110101101 power 10241 +10100110101101 weapons 3146 +10100110101110 responsiblities 1 +10100110101110 churners 1 +10100110101110 responsibilty 1 +10100110101110 chromatography 1 +10100110101110 hunting-ground 1 +10100110101110 quasi-monopoly 2 +10100110101110 lie. 2 +10100110101110 permutation 2 +10100110101110 expandability 3 +10100110101110 funding. 3 +10100110101110 quirkiness 3 +10100110101110 thereto 3 +10100110101110 lithotripsy 3 +10100110101110 scheduler 3 +10100110101110 wattage 3 +10100110101110 Alpha/three 3 +10100110101110 kazoos 4 +10100110101110 humaneness 4 +10100110101110 recapping 4 +10100110101110 innovativeness 4 +10100110101110 chromatographs 4 +10100110101110 encumbrances 4 +10100110101110 inbreeding 4 +10100110101110 embellishments 4 +10100110101110 derricks 5 +10100110101110 falsifications 5 +10100110101110 easements 6 +10100110101110 decomposition 6 +10100110101110 kickers 6 +10100110101110 polloi 7 +10100110101110 wholesomeness 7 +10100110101110 beneficence 7 +10100110101110 bombardments 7 +10100110101110 hajj 7 +10100110101110 carry-overs 7 +10100110101110 arcana 8 +10100110101110 viscosity 8 +10100110101110 toleration 9 +10100110101110 profitablity 9 +10100110101110 condensates 11 +10100110101110 unreality 12 +10100110101110 exertion 12 +10100110101110 comity 13 +10100110101110 servitude 14 +10100110101110 transferability 15 +10100110101110 demagogy 17 +10100110101110 inhibitions 17 +10100110101110 reproach 18 +10100110101110 seasoning 19 +10100110101110 procrastination 20 +10100110101110 mouthpiece 26 +10100110101110 dispensers 27 +10100110101110 coherence 31 +10100110101110 alignment 33 +10100110101110 irresponsibility 40 +10100110101110 cohesion 47 +10100110101110 self-sufficiency 48 +10100110101110 wetlands 54 +10100110101110 progression 63 +10100110101110 firepower 67 +10100110101110 embryos 73 +10100110101110 riches 87 +10100110101110 dependency 131 +10100110101110 know-how 131 +10100110101110 shocks 135 +10100110101110 manpower 137 +10100110101110 censorship 144 +10100110101110 tolerance 160 +10100110101110 congestion 172 +10100110101110 accountability 199 +10100110101110 pills 250 +10100110101110 belt 258 +10100110101110 openness 262 +10100110101110 autonomy 300 +10100110101110 muscle 363 +10100110101110 clout 469 +10100110101110 discipline 549 +10100110101110 capability 592 +10100110101110 expertise 738 +10100110101110 leverage 756 +10100110101110 efficiency 901 +10100110101110 duty 953 +10100110101110 flexibility 1015 +10100110101110 liquidity 1257 +10100110101110 schedule 1379 +10100110101110 powers 1527 +10100110101110 freedom 1587 +10100110101110 coverage 1983 +10100110101110 resources 2740 +10100110101110 reserves 4695 +10100110101110 capacity 3873 +10100110101111 nine- 1 +10100110101111 asup 1 +10100110101111 Dukakis-backing 1 +10100110101111 Parker-with-strings 1 +10100110101111 Germans-Werner 1 +10100110101111 nelson 1 +10100110101111 taxi-group 1 +10100110101111 hand-wired 1 +10100110101111 not-at-all-disinterested 1 +10100110101111 multi-county 1 +10100110101111 brick-and-wood 1 +10100110101111 memebership 1 +10100110101111 nomad 2 +10100110101111 Khalq 2 +10100110101111 chargeability 2 +10100110101111 impertinence 2 +10100110101111 housing-subcommittee 2 +10100110101111 switchbacks 2 +10100110101111 Gurkhas 2 +10100110101111 fretwork 2 +10100110101111 composers-in-residence 2 +10100110101111 gerbil 2 +10100110101111 seventeenfold 2 +10100110101111 expediencies 2 +10100110101111 terrors 2 +10100110101111 entreaty 2 +10100110101111 power. 2 +10100110101111 hard-disks 2 +10100110101111 cookout 3 +10100110101111 savanna 3 +10100110101111 refiling 3 +10100110101111 vote-rigging 3 +10100110101111 Strikeback 3 +10100110101111 scribblings 3 +10100110101111 inhumanity 3 +10100110101111 impetuosity 3 +10100110101111 serpents 4 +10100110101111 angriest 4 +10100110101111 globes 4 +10100110101111 fratricide 4 +10100110101111 faithfulness 5 +10100110101111 farmhands 5 +10100110101111 virulence 5 +10100110101111 2722 5 +10100110101111 obeisances 5 +10100110101111 inheritances 5 +10100110101111 bogies 5 +10100110101111 undergrowth 5 +10100110101111 intervenor 5 +10100110101111 forbearances 5 +10100110101111 microeconomics 6 +10100110101111 Oppressed 7 +10100110101111 brickbats 7 +10100110101111 digressions 8 +10100110101111 inhibition 8 +10100110101111 acetylcholine 8 +10100110101111 stoicism 8 +10100110101111 scrimping 8 +10100110101111 resistence 9 +10100110101111 admittance 10 +10100110101111 gumption 12 +10100110101111 sustenance 13 +10100110101111 greetings 15 +10100110101111 coals 17 +10100110101111 pizazz 22 +10100110101111 airtime 25 +10100110101111 antipathy 37 +10100110101111 flak 50 +10100110101111 homage 60 +10100110101111 solace 62 +10100110101111 luster 88 +10100110101111 credence 91 +10100110101111 submission 104 +10100110101111 latitude 109 +10100110101111 guts 110 +10100110101111 fanfare 111 +10100110101111 prey 121 +10100110101111 allegiance 129 +10100110101111 asylum 131 +10100110101111 leeway 143 +10100110101111 applause 148 +10100110101111 inspiration 158 +10100110101111 hostility 219 +10100110101111 urgency 267 +10100110101111 courage 328 +10100110101111 comfort 370 +10100110101111 discretion 424 +10100110101111 immunity 564 +10100110101111 loyalty 572 +10100110101111 representation 582 +10100110101111 resistance 1430 +10100110101111 intent 1666 +10100110101111 membership 1855 +10100110101111 authority 2863 +10100110101111 opposition 4458 +10100110101111 attention 3693 +1010011011000 Contempt 1 +1010011011000 S-281 1 +1010011011000 Lectionary 1 +1010011011000 outook 1 +1010011011000 nonsmelly 1 +1010011011000 slow-going 1 +1010011011000 900-level 1 +1010011011000 death-knell 1 +1010011011000 oppurtunities 1 +1010011011000 .98 1 +1010011011000 commisssion 1 +1010011011000 wormers 1 +1010011011000 security-checking 1 +1010011011000 two-putted 1 +1010011011000 PEST 1 +1010011011000 730s 1 +1010011011000 ball-carrier 1 +1010011011000 sorrowed 1 +1010011011000 requestion 1 +1010011011000 outdoorsy 1 +1010011011000 PDL 1 +1010011011000 terrority 1 +1010011011000 responsibity 1 +1010011011000 Needlecraft 1 +1010011011000 member-companies 1 +1010011011000 Max-Planck-Institute 1 +1010011011000 crack-ups 1 +1010011011000 103.24 1 +1010011011000 100.58 1 +1010011011000 ROIs 1 +1010011011000 waivered 1 +1010011011000 Sendingkerk 1 +1010011011000 heart-effective 1 +1010011011000 Inpulse 1 +1010011011000 eyeteeth 1 +1010011011000 misgovernment 1 +1010011011000 112.08 1 +1010011011000 untried-market 1 +1010011011000 1620s 1 +1010011011000 propsects 1 +1010011011000 field-calling 1 +1010011011000 LPPs 1 +1010011011000 109.95 1 +1010011011000 civvies 1 +1010011011000 hygrometers 1 +1010011011000 silkier 1 +1010011011000 318,461 1 +1010011011000 foible 1 +1010011011000 switchgear 1 +1010011011000 chemistries 1 +1010011011000 emmissary 1 +1010011011000 redefinitions 1 +1010011011000 kibbles-and-bits 1 +1010011011000 armature 1 +1010011011000 severally 1 +1010011011000 backseam 1 +1010011011000 russet 1 +1010011011000 tramways 1 +1010011011000 forcecast 1 +1010011011000 savings. 1 +1010011011000 564,219 1 +1010011011000 3,774 1 +1010011011000 hots 1 +1010011011000 spinnakers 1 +1010011011000 .322 1 +1010011011000 ad-campaigns 1 +1010011011000 faa 1 +1010011011000 FDR-Americans 1 +1010011011000 LAPD 1 +1010011011000 undistinguishable 1 +1010011011000 roominess 1 +1010011011000 tablogs 1 +1010011011000 sharpeis 1 +1010011011000 ostinatos 1 +1010011011000 purgation 1 +1010011011000 165,970 1 +1010011011000 snugness 1 +1010011011000 Kreuznach 1 +1010011011000 3,063 1 +1010011011000 undersecretary-general 1 +1010011011000 up-starts 1 +1010011011000 xylophones 1 +1010011011000 self-criticisms 1 +1010011011000 doctrinemaker 1 +1010011011000 obstreperousness 1 +1010011011000 co-responsibility 1 +1010011011000 overcaps 1 +1010011011000 shifters 1 +1010011011000 72,200 1 +1010011011000 TRIAP 1 +1010011011000 guesthouses 2 +1010011011000 codeword 2 +1010011011000 apologetics 2 +1010011011000 wellheads 2 +1010011011000 sinecures 2 +1010011011000 Foxborough 2 +1010011011000 Kecks 2 +1010011011000 vouching 2 +1010011011000 S-curve 2 +1010011011000 aerobatics 2 +1010011011000 27000-level 2 +1010011011000 Advantage/2 2 +1010011011000 drumbeating 2 +1010011011000 Injustice 2 +1010011011000 hop-scotch 2 +1010011011000 tee-shot 2 +1010011011000 swearwords 3 +1010011011000 frisking 3 +1010011011000 bisexuality 3 +1010011011000 Hellas 3 +1010011011000 bonanzas 3 +1010011011000 750iL 3 +1010011011000 hay-mowing 3 +1010011011000 Xeroxes 3 +1010011011000 hankie 3 +1010011011000 pipettes 3 +1010011011000 quests 3 +1010011011000 pricetags 3 +1010011011000 oppositions 3 +1010011011000 FIGHT 3 +1010011011000 WORM 4 +1010011011000 lovage 4 +1010011011000 cure-alls 4 +1010011011000 amplitude 4 +1010011011000 prognosticators 4 +1010011011000 receiver-manager 5 +1010011011000 magnesia 5 +1010011011000 reponsibility 5 +1010011011000 sunroofs 5 +1010011011000 ostentation 6 +1010011011000 nourishment 6 +1010011011000 rationales 6 +1010011011000 spot-checking 6 +1010011011000 bunting 6 +1010011011000 responsiblity 7 +1010011011000 omens 7 +1010011011000 backdrops 8 +1010011011000 sanctuaries 8 +1010011011000 solicitude 9 +1010011011000 template 9 +1010011011000 methazine 9 +1010011011000 provisioning 9 +1010011011000 predilection 11 +1010011011000 foils 11 +1010011011000 tryouts 12 +1010011011000 stand-in 18 +1010011011000 timetables 27 +1010011011000 empathy 27 +1010011011000 disrespect 27 +1010011011000 perchlorate 28 +1010011011000 reverence 28 +1010011011000 lookout 32 +1010011011000 dealer-manager 35 +1010011011000 craving 37 +1010011011000 tonic 37 +1010011011000 zest 38 +1010011011000 fondness 39 +1010011011000 ardor 40 +1010011011000 thirst 40 +1010011011000 longing 51 +1010011011000 appetites 56 +1010011011000 distaste 62 +1010011011000 lust 62 +1010011011000 clamor 78 +1010011011000 flair 84 +1010011011000 admiration 117 +1010011011000 affection 121 +1010011011000 groundwork 139 +1010011011000 penchant 142 +1010011011000 rationale 169 +1010011011000 motivation 213 +1010011011000 justification 221 +1010011011000 passion 312 +1010011011000 appetite 381 +1010011011000 enthusiasm 708 +1010011011000 prospects 2173 +1010011011000 outlook 2185 +1010011011000 responsibility 2203 +1010011011000 demand 9037 +1010011011001 Trempolino 1 +1010011011001 6-footer 1 +1010011011001 ubermensch 1 +1010011011001 acitivity 1 +1010011011001 oil-tax 1 +1010011011001 17-to-1 1 +1010011011001 zonked 1 +1010011011001 Deon 1 +1010011011001 drink-franchises 1 +1010011011001 widenings 1 +1010011011001 disproportions 1 +1010011011001 battle-to-prattle 1 +1010011011001 mezzoforte 1 +1010011011001 information-carrying 1 +1010011011001 trade-restriction 1 +1010011011001 course. 1 +1010011011001 families. 1 +1010011011001 399,116 1 +1010011011001 re-showing 1 +1010011011001 SHOWING 1 +1010011011001 flexibility- 1 +1010011011001 undercoat 1 +1010011011001 virological 1 +1010011011001 lapis 1 +1010011011001 dollar-sterling 1 +1010011011001 marinates 1 +1010011011001 energy-savings 1 +1010011011001 pratings 1 +1010011011001 bourree 1 +1010011011001 glissandos 1 +1010011011001 work-weeks 1 +1010011011001 idea-generators 1 +1010011011001 stiffener 1 +1010011011001 lickings 1 +1010011011001 theorization 1 +1010011011001 product-order 1 +1010011011001 mid-Florida 1 +1010011011001 3,979 1 +1010011011001 office-workstation 1 +1010011011001 landing-type 1 +1010011011001 1,733 1 +1010011011001 ham-eggs 1 +1010011011001 power-to-weight 1 +1010011011001 5,837 1 +1010011011001 pay-hike 1 +1010011011001 8,622 1 +1010011011001 18,160 1 +1010011011001 1,111,051 1 +1010011011001 negatives. 1 +1010011011001 rolling-back 1 +1010011011001 sesssion 1 +1010011011001 committee-man 1 +1010011011001 stainers 1 +1010011011001 repents 2 +1010011011001 self-immolation 2 +1010011011001 uptilt 2 +1010011011001 wellbeing 2 +1010011011001 marginalization 2 +1010011011001 fluctations 2 +1010011011001 petroleum-producing 2 +1010011011001 redial 2 +1010011011001 Boliviano 2 +1010011011001 moustache 2 +1010011011001 nitrite 3 +1010011011001 imprisonments 3 +1010011011001 pinnacles 3 +1010011011001 landscapers 3 +1010011011001 sizzles 3 +1010011011001 vibrance 3 +1010011011001 asset-trading 3 +1010011011001 enhancers 4 +1010011011001 concessionality 4 +1010011011001 spigots 5 +1010011011001 reactivity 5 +1010011011001 growth. 5 +1010011011001 meanderings 6 +1010011011001 brushwork 7 +1010011011001 changers 7 +1010011011001 fisticuffs 8 +1010011011001 overstatements 9 +1010011011001 precipitation 41 +1010011011001 depletion 109 +1010011011001 rainfall 156 +1010011011001 tightness 158 +1010011011001 growth 14763 +1010011011001 clip 185 +1010011011010 roughing-the-passer 1 +1010011011010 coupon-cutting 1 +1010011011010 391-1 2 +1010011011010 WNJU 2 +1010011011010 Gaullism 2 +1010011011010 downdrafts 2 +1010011011010 sensuousness 2 +1010011011010 blam-blam 2 +1010011011010 manager-dealer 2 +1010011011010 re-estimates 2 +1010011011010 share-building 2 +1010011011010 nickles 2 +1010011011010 employment. 2 +1010011011010 unattractiveness 2 +1010011011010 intrusiveness 3 +1010011011010 self-discovery 3 +1010011011010 positivism 3 +1010011011010 probings 3 +1010011011010 subspecialty 3 +1010011011010 gracelessness 3 +1010011011010 inebriation 3 +1010011011010 gradations 3 +1010011011010 prodigality 3 +1010011011010 disunion 3 +1010011011010 misquotation 3 +1010011011010 world-view 3 +1010011011010 WCIX-TV 3 +1010011011010 naturalness 4 +1010011011010 overscheduling 4 +1010011011010 skulduggery 4 +1010011011010 Fugue 4 +1010011011010 tomfoolery 4 +1010011011010 war-weariness 4 +1010011011010 pseudoscience 4 +1010011011010 schemers 4 +1010011011010 progess 4 +1010011011010 stodginess 4 +1010011011010 high-mindedness 4 +1010011011010 dangerousness 4 +1010011011010 fuzziness 5 +1010011011010 tackiness 5 +1010011011010 summations 5 +1010011011010 invulnerability 5 +1010011011010 weaklings 5 +1010011011010 cannibalization 5 +1010011011010 hoofs 5 +1010011011010 relativity 5 +1010011011010 mumbo-jumbo 5 +1010011011010 bicep 5 +1010011011010 inventory-building 5 +1010011011010 calmness 5 +1010011011010 vulgarities 5 +1010011011010 sophistry 5 +1010011011010 brotherhoods 5 +1010011011010 timpani 5 +1010011011010 repressions 6 +1010011011010 Proclamation 6 +1010011011010 game-playing 6 +1010011011010 claustrophobia 6 +1010011011010 archetypes 6 +1010011011010 vividness 6 +1010011011010 fallibility 6 +1010011011010 perplexity 6 +1010011011010 hollows 6 +1010011011010 brutalities 6 +1010011011010 whiteness 6 +1010011011010 deindustrialization 6 +1010011011010 jubilee 6 +1010011011010 immobility 7 +1010011011010 vibrato 7 +1010011011010 deportment 7 +1010011011010 niceness 7 +1010011011010 backbiting 7 +1010011011010 pettiness 7 +1010011011010 persuasiveness 7 +1010011011010 heavy-handedness 7 +1010011011010 accretion 7 +1010011011010 cheapness 7 +1010011011010 slackness 7 +1010011011010 devolution 7 +1010011011010 monsoons 7 +1010011011010 megalomania 7 +1010011011010 self-governance 7 +1010011011010 shakiness 7 +1010011011010 disingenuousness 7 +1010011011010 steadfastness 7 +1010011011010 exigencies 7 +1010011011010 bedlam 8 +1010011011010 homogeneity 8 +1010011011010 emulation 8 +1010011011010 roughnecks 8 +1010011011010 blacklisting 8 +1010011011010 forcefulness 8 +1010011011010 unprofitability 8 +1010011011010 sameness 8 +1010011011010 self-righteousness 8 +1010011011010 incapacitation 8 +1010011011010 stillness 9 +1010011011010 hyperactivity 9 +1010011011010 nonchalance 9 +1010011011010 transcriptions 9 +1010011011010 peformance 9 +1010011011010 maw 9 +1010011011010 unreliability 9 +1010011011010 punctuality 9 +1010011011010 Russification 9 +1010011011010 secretiveness 9 +1010011011010 callousness 9 +1010011011010 fluidity 9 +1010011011010 incapacity 9 +1010011011010 quicksand 9 +1010011011010 probity 10 +1010011011010 preeminence 10 +1010011011010 contentiousness 10 +1010011011010 Islamization 10 +1010011011010 cornerstones 10 +1010011011010 denunciations 10 +1010011011010 spasms 10 +1010011011010 eroticism 10 +1010011011010 inquest 10 +1010011011010 acuity 11 +1010011011010 stinginess 11 +1010011011010 suburbanization 11 +1010011011010 smoothness 11 +1010011011010 disorientation 11 +1010011011010 zigzags 11 +1010011011010 desolation 11 +1010011011010 segmentation 11 +1010011011010 rejuvenation 11 +1010011011010 truthfulness 12 +1010011011010 unpleasantness 12 +1010011011010 dullness 12 +1010011011010 cruelties 12 +1010011011010 apocalypse 12 +1010011011010 regimentation 12 +1010011011010 restlessness 12 +1010011011010 savagery 12 +1010011011010 exhilaration 13 +1010011011010 flamboyance 13 +1010011011010 benevolence 13 +1010011011010 adaptability 13 +1010011011010 quickness 13 +1010011011010 monotony 13 +1010011011010 oddities 13 +1010011011010 unilateralism 13 +1010011011010 myopia 14 +1010011011010 ordination 14 +1010011011010 thievery 14 +1010011011010 inflexibility 14 +1010011011010 trajectory 14 +1010011011010 decisiveness 14 +1010011011010 agility 14 +1010011011010 shoals 14 +1010011011010 misadventures 14 +1010011011010 emotionalism 15 +1010011011010 sloppiness 15 +1010011011010 aggravation 15 +1010011011010 heroics 15 +1010011011010 nastiness 15 +1010011011010 immediacy 15 +1010011011010 illumination 15 +1010011011010 prescience 15 +1010011011010 saber-rattling 16 +1010011011010 variability 16 +1010011011010 flanks 16 +1010011011010 ebullience 16 +1010011011010 progressivity 16 +1010011011010 foibles 17 +1010011011010 renown 17 +1010011011010 willpower 17 +1010011011010 timidity 17 +1010011011010 assertiveness 17 +1010011011010 laxity 17 +1010011011010 predominance 17 +1010011011010 stubbornness 17 +1010011011010 fortitude 18 +1010011011010 banality 18 +1010011011010 intoxication 18 +1010011011010 handiwork 18 +1010011011010 aspiration 19 +1010011011010 estrangement 19 +1010011011010 differentiation 19 +1010011011010 indecisiveness 19 +1010011011010 pre-eminence 19 +1010011011010 showmanship 19 +1010011011010 rebellions 19 +1010011011010 unfairness 19 +1010011011010 martyrdom 19 +1010011011010 serenity 19 +1010011011010 exuberance 20 +1010011011010 baptism 20 +1010011011010 eruption 20 +1010011011010 lyricism 20 +1010011011010 inaccuracy 20 +1010011011010 coolness 20 +1010011011010 redirection 20 +1010011011010 indoctrination 21 +1010011011010 tranquility 21 +1010011011010 canon 21 +1010011011010 mutation 22 +1010011011010 selectivity 22 +1010011011010 underperformance 22 +1010011011010 revulsion 22 +1010011011010 profligacy 22 +1010011011010 wasteland 22 +1010011011010 permanence 23 +1010011011010 illiquidity 23 +1010011011010 practicality 23 +1010011011010 hopelessness 24 +1010011011010 emptiness 24 +1010011011010 dismemberment 24 +1010011011010 ineptitude 25 +1010011011010 uniqueness 25 +1010011011010 reregulation 25 +1010011011010 carelessness 25 +1010011011010 detachment 25 +1010011011010 detentions 25 +1010011011010 versatility 26 +1010011011010 brevity 26 +1010011011010 thoroughness 26 +1010011011010 centralization 26 +1010011011010 steadiness 27 +1010011011010 appeasement 27 +1010011011010 militancy 27 +1010011011010 micromanagement 28 +1010011011010 have-nots 28 +1010011011010 impartiality 29 +1010011011010 resiliency 29 +1010011011010 refinement 29 +1010011011010 perseverance 29 +1010011011010 initiation 30 +1010011011010 passivity 30 +1010011011010 inactivity 30 +1010011011010 bloodletting 31 +1010011011010 soul-searching 31 +1010011011010 unpopularity 31 +1010011011010 abduction 31 +1010011011010 rationality 31 +1010011011010 interdependence 32 +1010011011010 dynamism 32 +1010011011010 commotion 33 +1010011011010 disaffection 33 +1010011011010 potency 33 +1010011011010 degradation 33 +1010011011010 subtlety 34 +1010011011010 computerization 34 +1010011011010 dislocation 34 +1010011011010 rigidity 34 +1010011011010 securitization 35 +1010011011010 boldness 35 +1010011011010 purges 36 +1010011011010 buoyancy 37 +1010011011010 predictability 37 +1010011011010 radicalism 39 +1010011011010 Adventures 41 +1010011011010 industrialization 41 +1010011011010 kidnappings 42 +1010011011010 mayhem 42 +1010011011010 polarization 43 +1010011011010 consternation 43 +1010011011010 affluence 44 +1010011011010 incarceration 44 +1010011011010 carnage 45 +1010011011010 lethargy 46 +1010011011010 credit-worthiness 47 +1010011011010 camaraderie 48 +1010011011010 enjoyment 48 +1010011011010 tumult 48 +1010011011010 overhang 49 +1010011011010 recollections 49 +1010011011010 hegemony 49 +1010011011010 anti-Americanism 49 +1010011011010 populism 50 +1010011011010 apathy 50 +1010011011010 tenacity 51 +1010011011010 intimacy 51 +1010011011010 fulfillment 51 +1010011011010 sadness 51 +1010011011010 odor 52 +1010011011010 brilliance 52 +1010011011010 naivete 53 +1010011011010 exhaustion 53 +1010011011010 inexperience 53 +1010011011010 enmity 54 +1010011011010 stewardship 54 +1010011011010 inconsistency 55 +1010011011010 fury 55 +1010011011010 authenticity 56 +1010011011010 slowness 56 +1010011011010 bloodshed 57 +1010011011010 politicking 58 +1010011011010 symbolism 59 +1010011011010 devastation 59 +1010011011010 madness 62 +1010011011010 misfortune 63 +1010011011010 longevity 63 +1010011011010 tyranny 63 +1010011011010 intolerance 64 +1010011011010 ambiguity 65 +1010011011010 cachet 65 +1010011011010 favoritism 66 +1010011011010 caseload 66 +1010011011010 notoriety 66 +1010011011010 insecurity 67 +1010011011010 fluctuation 67 +1010011011010 persecution 68 +1010011011010 supremacy 68 +1010011011010 decontrol 68 +1010011011010 inequality 71 +1010011011010 brutality 71 +1010011011010 decentralization 71 +1010011011010 readership 72 +1010011011010 ascent 75 +1010011011010 hatred 75 +1010011011010 agony 75 +1010011011010 overbuilding 78 +1010011011010 resilience 78 +1010011011010 disapproval 78 +1010011011010 workload 81 +1010011011010 distortion 81 +1010011011010 deflation 82 +1010011011010 decay 85 +1010011011010 slippage 86 +1010011011010 oppression 86 +1010011011010 reinstatement 87 +1010011011010 aggressiveness 88 +1010011011010 malaise 88 +1010011011010 folly 88 +1010011011010 anguish 89 +1010011011010 usefulness 92 +1010011011010 generosity 92 +1010011011010 purity 93 +1010011011010 paralysis 94 +1010011011010 discomfort 95 +1010011011010 segregation 99 +1010011011010 neutrality 99 +1010011011010 rioting 99 +1010011011010 persistence 103 +1010011011010 firmness 104 +1010011011010 gravity 109 +1010011011010 consistency 115 +1010011011010 vitality 116 +1010011011010 democratization 116 +1010011011010 exploitation 117 +1010011011010 equilibrium 118 +1010011011010 shrinkage 121 +1010011011010 excellence 122 +1010011011010 gloom 122 +1010011011010 sluggishness 123 +1010011011010 bitterness 126 +1010011011010 mobility 128 +1010011011010 well-being 130 +1010011011010 sophistication 134 +1010011011010 continuity 136 +1010011011010 equality 137 +1010011011010 advancement 139 +1010011011010 hardship 139 +1010011011010 euphoria 140 +1010011011010 insolvency 145 +1010011011010 rebellion 148 +1010011011010 discontent 150 +1010011011010 turbulence 151 +1010011011010 moderation 152 +1010011011010 viability 154 +1010011011010 visibility 158 +1010011011010 vigor 159 +1010011011010 orientation 160 +1010011011010 ignorance 160 +1010011011010 joy 163 +1010011011010 stagnation 165 +1010011011010 prominence 167 +1010011011010 dismay 167 +1010011011010 turnout 169 +1010011011010 overcapacity 173 +1010011011010 legitimacy 175 +1010011011010 strife 176 +1010011011010 reliability 196 +1010011011010 harassment 208 +1010011011010 stature 217 +1010011011010 disruption 221 +1010011011010 diversity 221 +1010011011010 distress 229 +1010011011010 transformation 231 +1010011011010 resentment 235 +1010011011010 dilution 246 +1010011011010 instability 254 +1010011011010 contamination 256 +1010011011010 evolution 256 +1010011011010 spectrum 258 +1010011011010 riots 275 +1010011011010 necessity 276 +1010011011010 dominance 305 +1010011011010 skill 307 +1010011011010 achievement 326 +1010011011010 satisfaction 344 +1010011011010 excitement 351 +1010011011010 erosion 362 +1010011011010 chaos 386 +1010011011010 logic 390 +1010011011010 debut 398 +1010011011010 arrival 399 +1010011011010 prosperity 422 +1010011011010 bias 428 +1010011011010 fortunes 463 +1010011011010 deterioration 463 +1010011011010 illness 468 +1010011011010 liberalization 477 +1010011011010 effectiveness 494 +1010011011010 frustration 501 +1010011011010 integrity 516 +1010011011010 survival 528 +1010011011010 unrest 635 +1010011011010 conviction 651 +1010011011010 competitiveness 675 +1010011011010 pain 724 +1010011011010 popularity 739 +1010011011010 turmoil 793 +1010011011010 tradition 794 +1010011011010 consolidation 826 +1010011011010 credibility 867 +1010011011010 momentum 931 +1010011011010 independence 936 +1010011011010 violence 1107 +1010011011010 volatility 1150 +1010011011010 deregulation 1192 +1010011011010 behavior 1220 +1010011011010 profitability 1361 +1010011011010 stability 1545 +1010011011010 recovery 1775 +1010011011010 weakness 1792 +1010011011010 collapse 1888 +1010011011010 movement 2137 +1010011011010 status 2484 +1010011011010 death 2989 +1010011011010 experience 3302 +1010011011010 strength 3439 +1010011011010 success 3802 +1010011011010 performance 5751 +1010011011010 history 4173 +1010011011011 cushy-looking 1 +1010011011011 blue-painted 1 +1010011011011 priceearnings 1 +1010011011011 R&D/asset 1 +1010011011011 bilevel 1 +1010011011011 3,174 1 +1010011011011 demotic 1 +1010011011011 stuffier 1 +1010011011011 information-reporting 2 +1010011011011 pullulating 2 +1010011011011 lyre 2 +1010011011011 restagings 2 +1010011011011 document-alteration 2 +1010011011011 precipitousness 2 +1010011011011 thighbone 2 +1010011011011 1:32 2 +1010011011011 4450 2 +1010011011011 panjandrums 3 +1010011011011 life- 3 +1010011011011 slap-happy 3 +1010011011011 motorway 3 +1010011011011 infectiousness 3 +1010011011011 sagacity 3 +1010011011011 short-termism 3 +1010011011011 pile-up 3 +1010011011011 penalities 4 +1010011011011 shoot-down 4 +1010011011011 exoticism 4 +1010011011011 resolicitation 4 +1010011011011 Siege 5 +1010011011011 bioavailability 5 +1010011011011 randomness 5 +1010011011011 detonation 5 +1010011011011 misalignment 5 +1010011011011 disparagement 5 +1010011011011 discomfiture 5 +1010011011011 assortments 5 +1010011011011 spec 5 +1010011011011 ADV 5 +1010011011011 freeze-out 6 +1010011011011 vulgarization 6 +1010011011011 glamor 6 +1010011011011 Europeanization 6 +1010011011011 ingestion 7 +1010011011011 dispersion 7 +1010011011011 flatlands 7 +1010011011011 visualization 7 +1010011011011 metabolism 7 +1010011011011 backlist 8 +1010011011011 clanging 8 +1010011011011 connectivity 9 +1010011011011 retroactivity 9 +1010011011011 pre-notification 9 +1010011011011 monopolization 9 +1010011011011 implosion 9 +1010011011011 institutionalization 10 +1010011011011 argot 10 +1010011011011 side-effect 10 +1010011011011 undervaluation 11 +1010011011011 legalities 11 +1010011011011 Daughters 11 +1010011011011 attentiveness 11 +1010011011011 subsidization 13 +1010011011011 mingling 13 +1010011011011 finality 13 +1010011011011 roadway 15 +1010011011011 survivability 15 +1010011011011 bowel 15 +1010011011011 adulation 16 +1010011011011 divisiveness 16 +1010011011011 P-Es 16 +1010011011011 denuclearization 16 +1010011011011 timeliness 18 +1010011011011 attainment 18 +1010011011011 forfeitures 18 +1010011011011 absorbency 18 +1010011011011 evaporation 20 +1010011011011 probabilities 20 +1010011011011 cost-effectiveness 22 +1010011011011 booty 23 +1010011011011 reasonableness 24 +1010011011011 suitability 25 +1010011011011 injustices 25 +1010011011011 tides 26 +1010011011011 rigor 27 +1010011011011 unionization 27 +1010011011011 reauthorization 28 +1010011011011 grounding 29 +1010011011011 displacement 29 +1010011011011 harmonization 29 +1010011011011 overuse 29 +1010011011011 delicacy 30 +1010011011011 expropriation 32 +1010011011011 alteration 34 +1010011011011 computation 40 +1010011011011 spoils 41 +1010011011011 dissemination 42 +1010011011011 courtship 43 +1010011011011 velocity 45 +1010011011011 locker 47 +1010011011011 esteem 48 +1010011011011 absorption 50 +1010011011011 configuration 51 +1010011011011 boundary 61 +1010011011011 Phantom 62 +1010011011011 rubble 63 +1010011011011 pulse 65 +1010011011011 inconvenience 69 +1010011011011 redistribution 79 +1010011011011 clutter 85 +1010011011011 globalization 85 +1010011011011 classification 86 +1010011011011 conception 91 +1010011011011 substitution 97 +1010011011011 concentrations 98 +1010011011011 boiler 101 +1010011011011 preservation 107 +1010011011011 reins 110 +1010011011011 migration 113 +1010011011011 glamour 119 +1010011011011 solvency 119 +1010011011011 trauma 127 +1010011011011 depths 137 +1010011011011 misappropriation 138 +1010011011011 efficacy 139 +1010011011011 exclusion 177 +1010011011011 diagnosis 180 +1010011011011 translation 188 +1010011011011 frequency 206 +1010011011011 makeup 219 +1010011011011 probability 227 +1010011011011 accuracy 298 +1010011011011 temperature 321 +1010011011011 valuation 341 +1010011011011 execution 346 +1010011011011 allocation 359 +1010011011011 separation 386 +1010011011011 concentration 392 +1010011011011 length 544 +1010011011011 murder 598 +1010011011011 substance 633 +1010011011011 passage 659 +1010011011011 discovery 764 +1010011011011 weight 892 +1010011011011 publication 1084 +1010011011011 scale 1153 +1010011011011 degree 1294 +1010011011011 expense 1712 +1010011011011 disclosure 1825 +1010011011011 quality 3457 +1010011011011 balance 3641 +1010011011011 risk 5179 +101001101110 tulipomania 1 +101001101110 list. 1 +101001101110 33-fold 1 +101001101110 clematisizing 1 +101001101110 Johnny-O 1 +101001101110 neighbour 1 +101001101110 two-pieces 1 +101001101110 numerators 1 +101001101110 duxedo 1 +101001101110 navy-trashing 1 +101001101110 own. 1 +101001101110 340-fold 1 +101001101110 semi-rut 1 +101001101110 relationship-building 1 +101001101110 authority. 1 +101001101110 informers. 1 +101001101110 garbage-overflow-with-no-place-to-go 1 +101001101110 vermicelli 1 +101001101110 revolvaphobia 1 +101001101110 Communism. 1 +101001101110 get-ups 1 +101001101110 hands. 1 +101001101110 Atty 1 +101001101110 misunderstandings. 1 +101001101110 McHead 1 +101001101110 corner. 1 +101001101110 English-Spanish 1 +101001101110 armpits. 1 +101001101110 chadors 1 +101001101110 headship 2 +101001101110 inadvertence 2 +101001101110 buffoonery 2 +101001101110 kibitzer 2 +101001101110 lunchbox 2 +101001101110 TIGRs 2 +101001101110 mankind. 2 +101001101110 sang-froid 2 +101001101110 can-you-top-this 2 +101001101110 neo-Darwinists 2 +101001101110 deshabille 2 +101001101110 joy. 2 +101001101110 product. 2 +101001101110 recyclables 2 +101001101110 newsworthiness 2 +101001101110 strugglers 2 +101001101110 humanness 2 +101001101110 troubadour 2 +101001101110 spottily 2 +101001101110 intemperance 2 +101001101110 15-fold 2 +101001101110 betrothal 2 +101001101110 genitalia 2 +101001101110 redeploys 2 +101001101110 marsupial 2 +101001101110 over-ambition 2 +101001101110 oversimplifications 2 +101001101110 paseo 2 +101001101110 taste. 2 +101001101110 men. 2 +101001101110 commandante 2 +101001101110 wannabes 2 +101001101110 multinationalism 2 +101001101110 downloading 2 +101001101110 history. 2 +101001101110 rodrigazo 2 +101001101110 headlamp 2 +101001101110 Darwinist 2 +101001101110 catacomb 2 +101001101110 largeness 2 +101001101110 punditry 2 +101001101110 regionalization 2 +101001101110 defense. 2 +101001101110 coleslaw 2 +101001101110 Methodism 2 +101001101110 drugs. 2 +101001101110 continence 2 +101001101110 contemporaneity 2 +101001101110 say-so 2 +101001101110 fraud. 2 +101001101110 Pr 2 +101001101110 forestland 2 +101001101110 Tacambaro 2 +101001101110 1040s 2 +101001101110 self-delusions 2 +101001101110 mouthfeel 2 +101001101110 Moscow. 2 +101001101110 overpromising 2 +101001101110 Sincerity 2 +101001101110 mish-mash 2 +101001101110 semaphore 2 +101001101110 location. 2 +101001101110 resetting 2 +101001101110 zinnias 2 +101001101110 gallette 2 +101001101110 setpoint 2 +101001101110 heartstrings 2 +101001101110 stiffness 2 +101001101110 boners 2 +101001101110 plodder 2 +101001101110 pelmeny 2 +101001101110 conformism 2 +101001101110 jib 2 +101001101110 1944-45 2 +101001101110 impositions 2 +101001101110 pro-Americanism 2 +101001101110 disassembly 2 +101001101110 attics 2 +101001101110 untruth 3 +101001101110 diffidence 3 +101001101110 agers 3 +101001101110 crispness 3 +101001101110 archeology 3 +101001101110 argumentation 3 +101001101110 mountebank 3 +101001101110 birthdate 3 +101001101110 casbah 3 +101001101110 perplexities 3 +101001101110 sectarianism 3 +101001101110 dotage 3 +101001101110 tics 3 +101001101110 insomniacs 3 +101001101110 adulteries 3 +101001101110 steeples 3 +101001101110 six-shooters 3 +101001101110 foreignness 3 +101001101110 squeraroli 3 +101001101110 synecdoche 3 +101001101110 patriarchs 3 +101001101110 pugilist 3 +101001101110 bibles 3 +101001101110 xerophytes 3 +101001101110 Spiderman 3 +101001101110 secularization 3 +101001101110 self-mutilation 3 +101001101110 bugler 3 +101001101110 dungeon 3 +101001101110 profits. 3 +101001101110 trouble. 3 +101001101110 tradecraft 3 +101001101110 currant 3 +101001101110 woodcock 3 +101001101110 precocity 3 +101001101110 punters 3 +101001101110 endangerment 3 +101001101110 inferiors 3 +101001101110 biogrammar 3 +101001101110 fecundity 3 +101001101110 forgetfulness 3 +101001101110 Hottentots 3 +101001101110 might-have-beens 3 +101001101110 athleticism 3 +101001101110 simile 3 +101001101110 savoir-faire 3 +101001101110 anticommunism 3 +101001101110 Miyake 3 +101001101110 itinerants 3 +101001101110 democracy. 3 +101001101110 sheepskins 3 +101001101110 snores 3 +101001101110 babe 3 +101001101110 gentiles 3 +101001101110 boyishness 3 +101001101110 privation 3 +101001101110 rutabagas 3 +101001101110 kinsman 3 +101001101110 hipness 3 +101001101110 headscarves 3 +101001101110 musculature 3 +101001101110 25-to-44-year-olds 3 +101001101110 logorrhea 3 +101001101110 fibrillation 3 +101001101110 noisemakers 3 +101001101110 mead 3 +101001101110 manes 3 +101001101110 watchfulness 3 +101001101110 death. 3 +101001101110 folkways 3 +101001101110 malevolence 3 +101001101110 encirclement 3 +101001101110 now-now-ism 3 +101001101110 vin 3 +101001101110 plena 3 +101001101110 change. 3 +101001101110 stepgrandmother 3 +101001101110 self-doubts 3 +101001101110 shinsplints 3 +101001101110 primitives 3 +101001101110 anti-smoker 3 +101001101110 holiness 3 +101001101110 in-fighting 3 +101001101110 Waiter 3 +101001101110 chemises 3 +101001101110 1180 3 +101001101110 multipliers 3 +101001101110 Proverbs 4 +101001101110 cartooning 4 +101001101110 stasis 4 +101001101110 collarbone 4 +101001101110 gastroenteritis 4 +101001101110 troglodytes 4 +101001101110 employability 4 +101001101110 snowbirds 4 +101001101110 state. 4 +101001101110 cloisters 4 +101001101110 youthfulness 4 +101001101110 masochism 4 +101001101110 expressionists 4 +101001101110 non-alignment 4 +101001101110 slanders 4 +101001101110 sloganeering 4 +101001101110 barracudas 4 +101001101110 thriftiness 4 +101001101110 illuminations 4 +101001101110 commodore 4 +101001101110 notaries 4 +101001101110 deformity 4 +101001101110 stone-throwers 4 +101001101110 hankies 4 +101001101110 masterstroke 4 +101001101110 escarpment 4 +101001101110 self-definition 4 +101001101110 Torqueing 4 +101001101110 Taxachusetts 4 +101001101110 beavers 4 +101001101110 eclecticism 4 +101001101110 inexpressive 4 +101001101110 indolence 4 +101001101110 discourtesy 4 +101001101110 boars 4 +101001101110 cinematography 4 +101001101110 role. 4 +101001101110 sonorities 4 +101001101110 chameleons 4 +101001101110 self-consciousness 4 +101001101110 bib 4 +101001101110 guff 4 +101001101110 derelicts 4 +101001101110 hucksterism 4 +101001101110 chauvinists 4 +101001101110 mascots 4 +101001101110 progressivism 4 +101001101110 Itch 4 +101001101110 languor 4 +101001101110 mind. 4 +101001101110 gulags 4 +101001101110 plumage 4 +101001101110 Russianness 4 +101001101110 Brie 4 +101001101110 affectation 4 +101001101110 curiouser 4 +101001101110 bafflement 4 +101001101110 patriarchy 4 +101001101110 ken 4 +101001101110 I-9s 4 +101001101110 peacefulness 4 +101001101110 oceanography 4 +101001101110 mirth 4 +101001101110 tough-mindedness 4 +101001101110 equalizer 4 +101001101110 clods 4 +101001101110 kneecaps 4 +101001101110 activities. 4 +101001101110 reus 5 +101001101110 grids 5 +101001101110 crossovers 5 +101001101110 womanhood 5 +101001101110 sakes 5 +101001101110 plasmid 5 +101001101110 biceps 5 +101001101110 homophobia 5 +101001101110 ingratitude 5 +101001101110 providence 5 +101001101110 expedience 5 +101001101110 self-correction 5 +101001101110 poodles 5 +101001101110 empiricism 5 +101001101110 warmongers 5 +101001101110 utopias 5 +101001101110 bathos 5 +101001101110 scripture 5 +101001101110 Leviathan 5 +101001101110 sainthood 5 +101001101110 globalism 5 +101001101110 fridge 5 +101001101110 oaks 5 +101001101110 Goliaths 5 +101001101110 muscle-flexing 5 +101001101110 workaholism 5 +101001101110 stupor 5 +101001101110 humbug 5 +101001101110 malapropisms 5 +101001101110 lawyering 5 +101001101110 consonants 5 +101001101110 longhouses 5 +101001101110 self-absorption 5 +101001101110 felicity 5 +101001101110 self-knowledge 5 +101001101110 longings 5 +101001101110 high-handedness 5 +101001101110 fuchsia 5 +101001101110 drumsticks 5 +101001101110 wanderers 5 +101001101110 personae 5 +101001101110 chartists 5 +101001101110 unclean 5 +101001101110 eardrum 5 +101001101110 infighter 5 +101001101110 forearms 5 +101001101110 clover 5 +101001101110 self-parody 5 +101001101110 gentleness 5 +101001101110 desertification 5 +101001101110 de-Stalinization 5 +101001101110 muscularity 5 +101001101110 tonality 5 +101001101110 negativity 5 +101001101110 transvestites 5 +101001101110 generality 5 +101001101110 blisters 5 +101001101110 sentimentalism 5 +101001101110 absolutes 5 +101001101110 Medea 5 +101001101110 tidiness 5 +101001101110 apricots 5 +101001101110 hirelings 5 +101001101110 glibness 5 +101001101110 fifties 6 +101001101110 nonconformity 6 +101001101110 dynasties 6 +101001101110 defeatism 6 +101001101110 petulance 6 +101001101110 scabs 6 +101001101110 scarfs 6 +101001101110 self-assertion 6 +101001101110 hyper-inflation 6 +101001101110 free-trader 6 +101001101110 cadences 6 +101001101110 ovaries 6 +101001101110 viciousness 6 +101001101110 glazing 6 +101001101110 glop 6 +101001101110 wryness 6 +101001101110 clear-cutting 6 +101001101110 martinis 6 +101001101110 milo 6 +101001101110 vindictiveness 6 +101001101110 cubs 6 +101001101110 quackery 6 +101001101110 escapism 6 +101001101110 electability 6 +101001101110 talkers 6 +101001101110 spires 6 +101001101110 debauchery 6 +101001101110 aloofness 6 +101001101110 metaphysics 6 +101001101110 broth 6 +101001101110 reveries 6 +101001101110 virility 6 +101001101110 impersonality 6 +101001101110 consciousness-raising 6 +101001101110 nostrils 6 +101001101110 inflections 6 +101001101110 sightseers 6 +101001101110 despotism 6 +101001101110 ranchland 6 +101001101110 overfishing 6 +101001101110 butchery 6 +101001101110 graciousness 6 +101001101110 airspeed 6 +101001101110 lichen 6 +101001101110 ostracism 6 +101001101110 shoelaces 6 +101001101110 basketry 6 +101001101110 vermilion 6 +101001101110 dissonance 6 +101001101110 waistline 6 +101001101110 comportment 6 +101001101110 mitt 7 +101001101110 gymnasiums 7 +101001101110 untouchables 7 +101001101110 reflexes 7 +101001101110 approbation 7 +101001101110 backfield 7 +101001101110 doublespeak 7 +101001101110 graveyards 7 +101001101110 monarchs 7 +101001101110 gullibility 7 +101001101110 boorishness 7 +101001101110 weirdos 7 +101001101110 orderliness 7 +101001101110 titleholder 7 +101001101110 Metrodome 7 +101001101110 rhinestones 7 +101001101110 self-satisfaction 7 +101001101110 nothingness 7 +101001101110 life. 7 +101001101110 roping 7 +101001101110 atheism 7 +101001101110 scapegoating 7 +101001101110 perfectionism 7 +101001101110 country. 7 +101001101110 geraniums 7 +101001101110 rednecks 7 +101001101110 tutorials 7 +101001101110 Arithmetic 7 +101001101110 brainpower 7 +101001101110 parentage 7 +101001101110 downtowns 7 +101001101110 raspberries 7 +101001101110 image-making 7 +101001101110 modernists 7 +101001101110 anthems 7 +101001101110 narratives 7 +101001101110 femininity 7 +101001101110 slingshot 7 +101001101110 musicality 7 +101001101110 convalescence 7 +101001101110 beak 8 +101001101110 incantation 8 +101001101110 nickels 8 +101001101110 adjectives 8 +101001101110 chit-chat 8 +101001101110 caprice 8 +101001101110 deadwood 8 +101001101110 single-mindedness 8 +101001101110 chitchat 8 +101001101110 Creoles 8 +101001101110 people. 8 +101001101110 neurosis 8 +101001101110 headbands 8 +101001101110 booties 8 +101001101110 reflation 8 +101001101110 freeloaders 8 +101001101110 flutes 8 +101001101110 separateness 8 +101001101110 valor 8 +101001101110 depravity 8 +101001101110 secularism 8 +101001101110 shading 8 +101001101110 wildness 8 +101001101110 sweatshops 8 +101001101110 braggadocio 8 +101001101110 blasphemy 8 +101001101110 believability 8 +101001101110 outspokenness 8 +101001101110 tunic 8 +101001101110 daisies 8 +101001101110 entrapment 8 +101001101110 infallibility 8 +101001101110 hedgehog 8 +101001101110 gobbledygook 8 +101001101110 pathos 8 +101001101110 brawls 8 +101001101110 expressivity 8 +101001101110 neuroses 8 +101001101110 earmuffs 8 +101001101110 self-importance 8 +101001101110 overoptimism 8 +101001101110 misfits 9 +101001101110 laity 9 +101001101110 hovels 9 +101001101110 nonintervention 9 +101001101110 handshakes 9 +101001101110 playfulness 9 +101001101110 bologna 9 +101001101110 hilarity 9 +101001101110 reverie 9 +101001101110 pedantry 9 +101001101110 clumsiness 9 +101001101110 brashness 9 +101001101110 reeds 9 +101001101110 cartilage 9 +101001101110 gutters 9 +101001101110 pastimes 9 +101001101110 virgins 9 +101001101110 irreverence 9 +101001101110 moth 9 +101001101110 buggy 9 +101001101110 girth 9 +101001101110 lagoon 9 +101001101110 homesickness 9 +101001101110 introspection 9 +101001101110 D-Day 9 +101001101110 gypsies 9 +101001101110 no-shows 9 +101001101110 poise 9 +101001101110 recuperation 9 +101001101110 encephalitis 9 +101001101110 nomenclature 9 +101001101110 fables 9 +101001101110 circumspection 9 +101001101110 redundancy 9 +101001101110 asides 9 +101001101110 quiver 9 +101001101110 Mexicali 9 +101001101110 separations 9 +101001101110 byways 9 +101001101110 antiquity 9 +101001101110 one-upmanship 10 +101001101110 rebelliousness 10 +101001101110 communion 10 +101001101110 hedonism 10 +101001101110 gibberish 10 +101001101110 statecraft 10 +101001101110 gunslinger 10 +101001101110 statehouses 10 +101001101110 overexpansion 10 +101001101110 titillation 10 +101001101110 flora 10 +101001101110 restrictiveness 10 +101001101110 zealotry 10 +101001101110 grays 10 +101001101110 camper 10 +101001101110 imprudence 10 +101001101110 nylons 10 +101001101110 expressionism 10 +101001101110 thorns 10 +101001101110 mannerisms 10 +101001101110 zaitech 10 +101001101110 abode 10 +101001101110 nirvana 10 +101001101110 cockiness 10 +101001101110 ineffectiveness 10 +101001101110 swans 10 +101001101110 greenbacks 10 +101001101110 grits 10 +101001101110 blustering 10 +101001101110 penance 10 +101001101110 mysticism 10 +101001101110 peacocks 10 +101001101110 socialization 10 +101001101110 railroading 10 +101001101110 suffrage 10 +101001101110 braids 10 +101001101110 chirp 10 +101001101110 knobs 10 +101001101110 beret 10 +101001101110 self-congratulation 10 +101001101110 dukes 11 +101001101110 dentures 11 +101001101110 contrition 11 +101001101110 urbanization 11 +101001101110 nearsightedness 11 +101001101110 classicism 11 +101001101110 boosterism 11 +101001101110 pieties 11 +101001101110 numbness 11 +101001101110 jubilation 11 +101001101110 innuendoes 11 +101001101110 hallucinations 11 +101001101110 shrewdness 11 +101001101110 clans 11 +101001101110 gentility 11 +101001101110 grasslands 11 +101001101110 irrelevance 11 +101001101110 tundra 11 +101001101110 pomposity 11 +101001101110 excrement 11 +101001101110 togetherness 11 +101001101110 self-aggrandizement 11 +101001101110 triage 11 +101001101110 wardrobes 11 +101001101110 hooliganism 11 +101001101110 combativeness 11 +101001101110 cuteness 11 +101001101110 razzle-dazzle 11 +101001101110 incoherence 11 +101001101110 volcanoes 11 +101001101110 demography 11 +101001101110 neutralism 11 +101001101110 geometry 12 +101001101110 immortality 12 +101001101110 generalities 12 +101001101110 self-pity 12 +101001101110 solemnity 12 +101001101110 sores 12 +101001101110 buttocks 12 +101001101110 cant 12 +101001101110 gait 12 +101001101110 electioneering 12 +101001101110 Republicanism 12 +101001101110 acrobatics 12 +101001101110 clowning 12 +101001101110 diction 12 +101001101110 moralism 12 +101001101110 lizards 12 +101001101110 decorum 12 +101001101110 self-assurance 12 +101001101110 cleverness 12 +101001101110 laxatives 12 +101001101110 factionalism 12 +101001101110 whiskers 12 +101001101110 cheesecake 12 +101001101110 retroviruses 12 +101001101110 sobriety 12 +101001101110 contentment 12 +101001101110 infidelities 12 +101001101110 cinemas 12 +101001101110 smugness 13 +101001101110 summitry 13 +101001101110 alacrity 13 +101001101110 righteousness 13 +101001101110 makegoods 13 +101001101110 disengagement 13 +101001101110 bloodlines 13 +101001101110 machismo 13 +101001101110 vulgarity 13 +101001101110 duplicity 13 +101001101110 self-preservation 13 +101001101110 twigs 13 +101001101110 overconfidence 13 +101001101110 insularity 13 +101001101110 mien 13 +101001101110 animosities 13 +101001101110 dogmatism 13 +101001101110 babble 13 +101001101110 chutzpah 13 +101001101110 wheezing 13 +101001101110 separatism 14 +101001101110 avarice 14 +101001101110 virginity 14 +101001101110 disloyalty 14 +101001101110 lunacy 14 +101001101110 resourcefulness 14 +101001101110 ecstasy 14 +101001101110 Westernization 14 +101001101110 physique 14 +101001101110 hairs 14 +101001101110 deniability 14 +101001101110 barbarism 14 +101001101110 bondage 14 +101001101110 derring-do 14 +101001101110 veils 14 +101001101110 invincibility 14 +101001101110 ennui 14 +101001101110 self-delusion 14 +101001101110 infidelity 14 +101001101110 puns 14 +101001101110 commercialism 14 +101001101110 headdress 14 +101001101110 barbarians 15 +101001101110 colonization 15 +101001101110 hokum 15 +101001101110 invective 15 +101001101110 minutiae 15 +101001101110 self-doubt 15 +101001101110 craftsmanship 15 +101001101110 backsliding 15 +101001101110 replication 15 +101001101110 equanimity 15 +101001101110 McCarthyism 15 +101001101110 spirituality 15 +101001101110 beards 15 +101001101110 vices 15 +101001101110 sloth 15 +101001101110 physiology 15 +101001101110 opulence 15 +101001101110 maneuverability 15 +101001101110 pretzels 15 +101001101110 communicator 15 +101001101110 improvisation 15 +101001101110 blandness 15 +101001101110 inclinations 15 +101001101110 quilts 15 +101001101110 solitude 15 +101001101110 sensuality 15 +101001101110 materialism 15 +101001101110 backwardness 16 +101001101110 mudslinging 16 +101001101110 abdomen 16 +101001101110 archaeology 16 +101001101110 decadence 16 +101001101110 knuckles 16 +101001101110 self-image 16 +101001101110 hogwash 16 +101001101110 surrealism 16 +101001101110 treachery 16 +101001101110 auditions 16 +101001101110 boyfriends 16 +101001101110 anatomy 16 +101001101110 procreation 16 +101001101110 snobbery 16 +101001101110 nihilism 16 +101001101110 drudgery 16 +101001101110 filth 16 +101001101110 spears 16 +101001101110 demons 17 +101001101110 pajamas 17 +101001101110 nudity 17 +101001101110 revisionism 17 +101001101110 banter 17 +101001101110 verve 17 +101001101110 triangles 17 +101001101110 sensationalism 17 +101001101110 parochialism 17 +101001101110 desertion 17 +101001101110 palate 17 +101001101110 frankness 17 +101001101110 romanticism 17 +101001101110 amnesia 17 +101001101110 swagger 17 +101001101110 overalls 17 +101001101110 composure 17 +101001101110 vultures 17 +101001101110 idleness 17 +101001101110 authorship 17 +101001101110 pretension 17 +101001101110 ruthlessness 17 +101001101110 regeneration 17 +101001101110 tact 18 +101001101110 dragons 18 +101001101110 compass 18 +101001101110 elitism 18 +101001101110 mercantilism 18 +101001101110 beggars 18 +101001101110 moonlight 18 +101001101110 palates 18 +101001101110 boardrooms 18 +101001101110 self-destruction 18 +101001101110 utopia 18 +101001101110 fiefdom 18 +101001101110 allegory 18 +101001101110 evangelism 19 +101001101110 polity 19 +101001101110 guesswork 19 +101001101110 skulls 19 +101001101110 disunity 19 +101001101110 pate 19 +101001101110 patter 19 +101001101110 laurels 19 +101001101110 companionship 19 +101001101110 tenderness 19 +101001101110 textures 19 +101001101110 sarcasm 19 +101001101110 name-calling 20 +101001101110 competency 20 +101001101110 rudeness 20 +101001101110 flattery 20 +101001101110 erudition 20 +101001101110 pearls 20 +101001101110 mush 20 +101001101110 symmetry 20 +101001101110 friendliness 20 +101001101110 brotherhood 20 +101001101110 seduction 20 +101001101110 egotism 20 +101001101110 suburbia 20 +101001101110 grit 20 +101001101110 chicanery 20 +101001101110 wrists 20 +101001101110 bliss 20 +101001101110 hypermarkets 20 +101001101110 haircuts 20 +101001101110 purses 21 +101001101110 gusto 21 +101001101110 axis 21 +101001101110 ethnicity 21 +101001101110 individuality 21 +101001101110 nuance 21 +101001101110 scarring 21 +101001101110 bandages 21 +101001101110 internationalism 21 +101001101110 dryer 21 +101001101110 flats 21 +101001101110 storytelling 21 +101001101110 expediency 21 +101001101110 inattention 21 +101001101110 self-respect 21 +101001101110 elation 21 +101001101110 stead 21 +101001101110 artistry 21 +101001101110 oratory 22 +101001101110 sausages 22 +101001101110 remorse 22 +101001101110 self-control 22 +101001101110 egalitarianism 22 +101001101110 opportunism 22 +101001101110 panties 22 +101001101110 environmentalism 22 +101001101110 puppets 22 +101001101110 stereotyping 23 +101001101110 grandstanding 23 +101001101110 whimsy 23 +101001101110 culpability 23 +101001101110 progeny 23 +101001101110 manhood 23 +101001101110 roadways 23 +101001101110 eminence 23 +101001101110 spontaneity 23 +101001101110 statism 23 +101001101110 one-liners 24 +101001101110 aesthetics 24 +101001101110 travail 24 +101001101110 whining 24 +101001101110 woe 24 +101001101110 kitsch 24 +101001101110 lawlessness 24 +101001101110 paternalism 24 +101001101110 anti-communism 24 +101001101110 stagflation 24 +101001101110 bipartisanship 24 +101001101110 chauvinism 24 +101001101110 kin 24 +101001101110 offstage 25 +101001101110 virtuosity 25 +101001101110 enlightenment 25 +101001101110 elbows 25 +101001101110 bluster 25 +101001101110 promiscuity 25 +101001101110 colonialism 25 +101001101110 fanaticism 25 +101001101110 genocide 25 +101001101110 frugality 26 +101001101110 empowerment 26 +101001101110 demagoguery 26 +101001101110 monetarism 26 +101001101110 sweetness 26 +101001101110 birthright 26 +101001101110 foolishness 26 +101001101110 venom 26 +101001101110 marbles 26 +101001101110 comprehension 26 +101001101110 heartburn 26 +101001101110 schizophrenia 26 +101001101110 bigotry 27 +101001101110 piety 27 +101001101110 salesmanship 27 +101001101110 temples 27 +101001101110 closets 27 +101001101110 psychoanalysis 27 +101001101110 accompli 27 +101001101110 hillsides 28 +101001101110 inventiveness 28 +101001101110 isolationism 28 +101001101110 courtrooms 28 +101001101110 derision 28 +101001101110 baloney 29 +101001101110 xenophobia 29 +101001101110 panache 29 +101001101110 partisanship 29 +101001101110 tranquillity 29 +101001101110 sentimentality 29 +101001101110 sorrow 29 +101001101110 restrooms 30 +101001101110 workmanship 30 +101001101110 bravery 30 +101001101110 heroism 30 +101001101110 extravagance 30 +101001101110 bravado 30 +101001101110 surname 30 +101001101110 nobility 30 +101001101110 hobbies 30 +101001101110 warts 30 +101001101110 extremism 31 +101001101110 kindness 31 +101001101110 palms 31 +101001101110 cheeks 31 +101001101110 hubris 31 +101001101110 stew 31 +101001101110 perch 31 +101001101110 ancestry 32 +101001101110 astonishment 32 +101001101110 salons 32 +101001101110 sensibilities 32 +101001101110 binoculars 32 +101001101110 stamina 32 +101001101110 swamps 32 +101001101110 grammar 32 +101001101110 infertility 32 +101001101110 slander 33 +101001101110 cleanliness 33 +101001101110 self-promotion 33 +101001101110 assimilation 33 +101001101110 calculus 34 +101001101110 gums 34 +101001101110 rubbish 34 +101001101110 stupidity 34 +101001101110 feminism 34 +101001101110 flux 34 +101001101110 self-reliance 34 +101001101110 ecology 34 +101001101110 gerrymandering 34 +101001101110 individualism 34 +101001101110 vegetation 34 +101001101110 phrasing 34 +101001101110 normalcy 35 +101001101110 adolescence 35 +101001101110 foot-dragging 35 +101001101110 sanity 35 +101001101110 intercourse 35 +101001101110 mediocrity 35 +101001101110 vanity 35 +101001101110 modesty 36 +101001101110 melodies 36 +101001101110 robes 36 +101001101110 mythology 36 +101001101110 tails 36 +101001101110 blindness 36 +101001101110 freshness 37 +101001101110 upbringing 37 +101001101110 humility 37 +101001101110 dishonesty 37 +101001101110 confinement 37 +101001101110 parenting 37 +101001101110 fingernails 38 +101001101110 creed 38 +101001101110 moods 38 +101001101110 ghosts 38 +101001101110 endurance 38 +101001101110 dummies 38 +101001101110 folklore 39 +101001101110 jurisprudence 39 +101001101110 indigestion 39 +101001101110 rhythms 39 +101001101110 breasts 39 +101001101110 foresight 39 +101001101110 greatness 39 +101001101110 amazement 39 +101001101110 jealousy 40 +101001101110 grandeur 40 +101001101110 attire 40 +101001101110 adversity 41 +101001101110 gratification 41 +101001101110 accents 41 +101001101110 sexuality 41 +101001101110 loneliness 41 +101001101110 mores 42 +101001101110 cruelty 42 +101001101110 thunder 42 +101001101110 jawboning 42 +101001101110 oblivion 42 +101001101110 self-determination 43 +101001101110 totalitarianism 43 +101001101110 teachings 43 +101001101110 dogma 43 +101001101110 intuition 43 +101001101110 angst 43 +101001101110 elegance 44 +101001101110 chatter 44 +101001101110 hyperbole 44 +101001101110 fingerprints 45 +101001101110 idealism 45 +101001101110 possessions 45 +101001101110 indignation 45 +101001101110 originality 45 +101001101110 morals 45 +101001101110 professionalism 46 +101001101110 veins 46 +101001101110 prejudices 46 +101001101110 impotence 46 +101001101110 glee 48 +101001101110 prayers 48 +101001101110 awe 48 +101001101110 trousers 49 +101001101110 heresy 49 +101001101110 goodness 51 +101001101110 psyche 51 +101001101110 alienation 51 +101001101110 doorstep 52 +101001101110 hips 52 +101001101110 indecision 52 +101001101110 demeanor 53 +101001101110 heel 53 +101001101110 sleeves 54 +101001101110 hyperinflation 54 +101001101110 anarchy 55 +101001101110 self-esteem 55 +101001101110 sensibility 55 +101001101110 scenery 55 +101001101110 persona 56 +101001101110 loyalties 57 +101001101110 prophecy 57 +101001101110 sewers 57 +101001101110 paranoia 58 +101001101110 prerogatives 58 +101001101110 nationality 58 +101001101110 kings 58 +101001101110 theology 58 +101001101110 frontiers 59 +101001101110 philanthropy 60 +101001101110 greens 60 +101001101110 perfection 61 +101001101110 intellect 62 +101001101110 armor 62 +101001101110 objectivity 63 +101001101110 fog 64 +101001101110 reckoning 64 +101001101110 melodrama 64 +101001101110 pragmatism 64 +101001101110 grief 65 +101001101110 salvation 65 +101001101110 toughness 65 +101001101110 inertia 65 +101001101110 imperialism 65 +101001101110 disbelief 66 +101001101110 ingenuity 66 +101001101110 vest 66 +101001101110 liking 67 +101001101110 respectability 68 +101001101110 self-confidence 68 +101001101110 choreography 69 +101001101110 subversion 69 +101001101110 disgrace 69 +101001101110 persuasion 69 +101001101110 betrayal 69 +101001101110 fantasies 69 +101001101110 sincerity 70 +101001101110 intrigue 70 +101001101110 cuisine 70 +101001101110 archives 70 +101001101110 nails 71 +101001101110 interferon 71 +101001101110 poems 72 +101001101110 vocabulary 72 +101001101110 incompetence 73 +101001101110 surroundings 74 +101001101110 livelihood 74 +101001101110 irritation 74 +101001101110 peanuts 76 +101001101110 teamwork 76 +101001101110 simplicity 76 +101001101110 toes 77 +101001101110 temperament 77 +101001101110 charisma 78 +101001101110 blackmail 79 +101001101110 warmth 80 +101001101110 satire 81 +101001101110 humiliation 81 +101001101110 geography 81 +101001101110 schooling 81 +101001101110 discourse 81 +101001101110 pluralism 82 +101001101110 flame 83 +101001101110 sphere 83 +101001101110 peril 84 +101001101110 deeds 87 +101001101110 inefficiency 88 +101001101110 deception 88 +101001101110 memoirs 88 +101001101110 clientele 90 +101001101110 happiness 90 +101001101110 paradise 93 +101001101110 nerves 93 +101001101110 manners 93 +101001101110 prudence 93 +101001101110 complacency 96 +101001101110 terrain 98 +101001101110 viewpoint 98 +101001101110 laughter 99 +101001101110 posturing 99 +101001101110 boredom 99 +101001101110 emergencies 101 +101001101110 hypocrisy 104 +101001101110 demographics 105 +101001101110 misery 106 +101001101110 candor 107 +101001101110 patronage 108 +101001101110 darkness 108 +101001101110 entrepreneurship 110 +101001101110 muscles 110 +101001101110 thumb 111 +101001101110 ideals 112 +101001101110 realism 112 +101001101110 fervor 116 +101001101110 homework 116 +101001101110 imagery 119 +101001101110 lungs 119 +101001101110 destiny 123 +101001101110 solidarity 125 +101001101110 accent 125 +101001101110 prose 127 +101001101110 classics 128 +101001101110 conscience 129 +101001101110 offspring 130 +101001101110 throat 131 +101001101110 self-interest 131 +101001101110 socks 131 +101001101110 honesty 133 +101001101110 desperation 133 +101001101110 tongue 134 +101001101110 patriotism 135 +101001101110 brains 137 +101001101110 clarity 138 +101001101110 civilization 138 +101001101110 compassion 139 +101001101110 curiosity 141 +101001101110 knees 142 +101001101110 arrogance 143 +101001101110 lips 145 +101001101110 innocence 149 +101001101110 consciousness 150 +101001101110 reunification 152 +101001101110 despair 153 +101001101110 dignity 157 +101001101110 repression 159 +101001101110 emotion 160 +101001101110 wit 162 +101001101110 talents 164 +101001101110 conservatism 165 +101001101110 poetry 167 +101001101110 pants 168 +101001101110 ego 168 +101001101110 nationalism 174 +101001101110 shoulders 180 +101001101110 citizenship 180 +101001101110 disarray 191 +101001101110 creativity 193 +101001101110 morality 196 +101001101110 heritage 199 +101001101110 flags 201 +101001101110 jacket 202 +101001101110 ambition 202 +101001101110 fame 205 +101001101110 nonsense 209 +101001101110 ears 209 +101001101110 tears 209 +101001101110 competence 211 +101001101110 liberalism 212 +101001101110 beliefs 216 +101001101110 racism 218 +101001101110 charm 220 +101001101110 origin 221 +101001101110 isolation 224 +101001101110 liberty 236 +101001101110 greed 237 +101001101110 sovereignty 238 +101001101110 imagination 242 +101001101110 residence 245 +101001101110 diplomacy 246 +101001101110 soul 246 +101001101110 stomach 249 +101001101110 tastes 256 +101001101110 legs 261 +101001101110 credentials 263 +101001101110 dissent 264 +101001101110 socialism 282 +101001101110 shirt 295 +101001101110 turf 300 +101001101110 styles 306 +101001101110 prestige 320 +101001101110 unity 330 +101001101110 ideology 334 +101001101110 teeth 337 +101001101110 silence 345 +101001101110 pocket 345 +101001101110 capitalism 372 +101001101110 mouth 385 +101001101110 soil 421 +101001101110 humor 425 +101001101110 literature 429 +101001101110 borders 433 +101001101110 religion 454 +101001101110 pride 473 +101001101110 bed 496 +101001101110 waters 520 +101001101110 perspective 557 +101001101110 finances 576 +101001101110 rhetoric 633 +101001101110 philosophy 779 +101001101110 medicine 809 +101001101110 hair 845 +101001101110 territory 852 +101001101110 wealth 879 +101001101110 eyes 1027 +101001101110 reality 1078 +101001101110 culture 1163 +101001101110 democracy 1437 +101001101110 style 1746 +101001101110 mind 2210 +101001101110 politics 2513 +101001101110 life 7375 +101001101110 hands 3060 +1010011011110 XETA 1 +1010011011110 SMNA 1 +1010011011110 QLTYP 1 +1010011011110 MLMC 1 +1010011011110 UFF 1 +1010011011110 JASN 1 +1010011011110 ISPC 1 +1010011011110 INBK 1 +1010011011110 GRTR 1 +1010011011110 FHLPZ 1 +1010011011110 DDDI 1 +1010011011110 CWDI 1 +1010011011110 CRBI 1 +1010011011110 BNDY 1 +1010011011110 BARL 1 +1010011011110 ALDC 1 +1010011011110 TNC 1 +1010011011110 TMD 1 +1010011011110 SHD 1 +1010011011110 ECN 1 +1010011011110 AJG 1 +1010011011110 AXX 1 +1010011011110 couple-hundred 1 +1010011011110 CUS 1 +1010011011110 LCNB 1 +1010011011110 LDIC 1 +1010011011110 JOTPV 1 +1010011011110 INEL 1 +1010011011110 DLPH 1 +1010011011110 COILP 1 +1010011011110 COGNF 1 +1010011011110 BRRYA 1 +1010011011110 ADMS 1 +1010011011110 ELUXY 1 +1010011011110 TBL 1 +1010011011110 WGP 1 +1010011011110 ABY 1 +1010011011110 GAL 1 +1010011011110 KNITU 1 +1010011011110 SFGI 1 +1010011011110 RRMN 1 +1010011011110 METB 1 +1010011011110 NYCOP 1 +1010011011110 MYCO 1 +1010011011110 MCOM 1 +1010011011110 ITGN 1 +1010011011110 HRMR 1 +1010011011110 HWCD 1 +1010011011110 FFES 1 +1010011011110 ENEUV 1 +1010011011110 CHCO 1 +1010011011110 BOFR 1 +1010011011110 ADDR 1 +1010011011110 PFPPR 1 +1010011011110 NHI 1 +1010011011110 CFG 1 +1010011011110 WTOY 1 +1010011011110 TCGN 1 +1010011011110 SPMD 1 +1010011011110 RFBK 1 +1010011011110 PGEN 1 +1010011011110 CEQWI 1 +1010011011110 AMW 1 +1010011011110 FGL 1 +1010011011110 CLM 1 +1010011011110 OFC 1 +1010011011110 CRVSC 1 +1010011011110 scalper 1 +1010011011110 THD 1 +1010011011110 MIF 1 +1010011011110 MFO 1 +1010011011110 YLD 1 +1010011011110 UMBIL 1 +1010011011110 TTOI 1 +1010011011110 NMRKV 1 +1010011011110 KPTL 1 +1010011011110 JWAIA 1 +1010011011110 ISOE 1 +1010011011110 FYBR 1 +1010011011110 CTIA 1 +1010011011110 CODL 1 +1010011011110 XTX 1 +1010011011110 LLP 1 +1010011011110 KIX 1 +1010011011110 IVX 1 +1010011011110 FGI 1 +1010011011110 Default. 1 +1010011011110 INSY 1 +1010011011110 BKC 1 +1010011011110 PSB.E 1 +1010011011110 SIVB 1 +1010011011110 PSB 1 +1010011011110 DXN 1 +1010011011110 HAR 1 +1010011011110 XSCR 1 +1010011011110 LZB 1 +1010011011110 RCT 1 +1010011011110 TFTY 1 +1010011011110 TDAT 1 +1010011011110 SNLFA 1 +1010011011110 RAFI 1 +1010011011110 XRAY 1 +1010011011110 ENTC 1 +1010011011110 EESI 1 +1010011011110 ETEX 1 +1010011011110 CRLDO 1 +1010011011110 ACOL 1 +1010011011110 TRS 1 +1010011011110 LVC 1 +1010011011110 EGX 1 +1010011011110 PDG 1 +1010011011110 NMG 1 +1010011011110 XCOL 1 +1010011011110 APWRA 1 +1010011011110 LII 1 +1010011011110 BEP 1 +1010011011110 UKM 1 +1010011011110 ZNT 1 +1010011011110 Medallions 1 +1010011011110 UBSC 1 +1010011011110 RBNH 1 +1010011011110 NJSB 1 +1010011011110 MNBC 1 +1010011011110 MTWO 1 +1010011011110 HBNC 1 +1010011011110 FESX 1 +1010011011110 petioles 1 +1010011011110 ATNN 1 +1010011011110 RBNC 1 +1010011011110 MBLA 1 +1010011011110 HNGI 1 +1010011011110 MESL 1 +1010011011110 NBBS 1 +1010011011110 PLAB 1 +1010011011110 CECI 1 +1010011011110 GBLD 1 +1010011011110 LABL 1 +1010011011110 MCAWA 1 +1010011011110 IFED 1 +1010011011110 INCL 1 +1010011011110 FSNIU 1 +1010011011110 CPBI 1 +1010011011110 ATKM 1 +1010011011110 APOS 1 +1010011011110 PLI 1 +1010011011110 AGH 1 +1010011011110 GTV 1 +1010011011110 AXXN 1 +1010011011110 marketing-order-type 1 +1010011011110 PVNA 1 +1010011011110 CBRYA 1 +1010011011110 MFGR 1 +1010011011110 JEPS 1 +1010011011110 HRDG 1 +1010011011110 DOMN 1 +1010011011110 BTHL 1 +1010011011110 AIMG 1 +1010011011110 CCU 1 +1010011011110 ASR 1 +1010011011110 SWZ 1 +1010011011110 ACG 1 +1010011011110 ETT 1 +1010011011110 TLMD 1 +1010011011110 15-feet 1 +1010011011110 FSHG 1 +1010011011110 PSHPZ 1 +1010011011110 VKSI 1 +1010011011110 VAFB 1 +1010011011110 ROYG 1 +1010011011110 PVSA 1 +1010011011110 LSNB 1 +1010011011110 2.3-16 1 +1010011011110 HRHC 1 +1010011011110 DNNY 1 +1010011011110 FFKY 1 +1010011011110 CPSX 1 +1010011011110 NSB 1 +1010011011110 BBY 1 +1010011011110 tub. 1 +1010011011110 UCOA 1 +1010011011110 TUHC 1 +1010011011110 PFDC 1 +1010011011110 PDLPY 1 +1010011011110 MICA 1 +1010011011110 HIGB 1 +1010011011110 EFSB 1 +1010011011110 CKSB 1 +1010011011110 HDS 1 +1010011011110 MNT 1 +1010011011110 DDRG 1 +1010011011110 MGP 1 +1010011011110 PNET 1 +1010011011110 PRCO 1 +1010011011110 PFPF 1 +1010011011110 ONBK 1 +1010011011110 MIDD 1 +1010011011110 FSCB 1 +1010011011110 EVRX 1 +1010011011110 ECLAY 1 +1010011011110 CGRP 1 +1010011011110 CELG 1 +1010011011110 CIG 1 +1010011011110 threefifths 1 +1010011011110 DYAN 1 +1010011011110 80-311 1 +1010011011110 NAIG 1 +1010011011110 OPTX 1 +1010011011110 IBGI 1 +1010011011110 HORL 1 +1010011011110 FICI 1 +1010011011110 EBKC 1 +1010011011110 CSOF 1 +1010011011110 CNMD 1 +1010011011110 CCL 1 +1010011011110 AHT 1 +1010011011110 SAH 1 +1010011011110 GOB 1 +1010011011110 AMM 1 +1010011011110 WWGPY 1 +1010011011110 SWIS 1 +1010011011110 VMORZ 1 +1010011011110 LMRK 1 +1010011011110 DFSE 1 +1010011011110 NGAS 1 +1010011011110 ADTLY 1 +1010011011110 SYI 1 +1010011011110 KX 1 +1010011011110 MVF 1 +1010011011110 MMA.WI 1 +1010011011110 HTG 1 +1010011011110 DSR 1 +1010011011110 TBY 1 +1010011011110 AAF 1 +1010011011110 AMO 1 +1010011011110 combustor 1 +1010011011110 line-ups 1 +1010011011110 SIER 1 +1010011011110 SLFX 1 +1010011011110 MRAC 1 +1010011011110 CNPGF 1 +1010011011110 ACN 1 +1010011011110 YLT 1 +1010011011110 multi-wall 1 +1010011011110 MMSTE 1 +1010011011110 TUXX. 1 +1010011011110 QS/16 1 +1010011011110 SAYPV 1 +1010011011110 BAIB 1 +1010011011110 FBD 1 +1010011011110 SOV 1 +1010011011110 WLM 1 +1010011011110 XIM 1 +1010011011110 PRDEV 1 +1010011011110 SEEBV 1 +1010011011110 calamine 1 +1010011011110 WWTK 1 +1010011011110 TGDFV 1 +1010011011110 TWRXV 1 +1010011011110 MDEV 1 +1010011011110 CLDRP 1 +1010011011110 CMLE 1 +1010011011110 WOI 1 +1010011011110 WLRF 1 +1010011011110 RM 1 +1010011011110 CYM 1 +1010011011110 BKF 1 +1010011011110 ALM 1 +1010011011110 SCH 1 +1010011011110 SOED 1 +1010011011110 PTAC 1 +1010011011110 NRTN 1 +1010011011110 IMKTA 1 +1010011011110 HIVT 1 +1010011011110 ETRC 1 +1010011011110 DPHZ 1 +1010011011110 CSBC 1 +1010011011110 CNTX 1 +1010011011110 CAMB 1 +1010011011110 ARBC 1 +1010011011110 ELB 1 +1010011011110 luxury-import 1 +1010011011110 premed 1 +1010011011110 VGINY 1 +1010011011110 IIVI 1 +1010011011110 SWVA 1 +1010011011110 INVN 1 +1010011011110 HHBX 1 +1010011011110 FASN 1 +1010011011110 DSMI 1 +1010011011110 CAMBY 1 +1010011011110 ADTX 1 +1010011011110 NLP 1 +1010011011110 LIG 1 +1010011011110 WOV 1 +1010011011110 SUGR 1 +1010011011110 PSPA 1 +1010011011110 GPRO 1 +1010011011110 GARN 1 +1010011011110 FSCC 1 +1010011011110 FLEX 1 +1010011011110 CNCAA 1 +1010011011110 ANSL 1 +1010011011110 AAICA 1 +1010011011110 TEV 1 +1010011011110 AHH 1 +1010011011110 glass-and-leather-furnished 1 +1010011011110 QLTIF 1 +1010011011110 OFII 1 +1010011011110 SZD 1 +1010011011110 VKC 1 +1010011011110 GIT 1 +1010011011110 CM 1 +1010011011110 RTG 1 +1010011011110 RODS 1 +1010011011110 DNM 1 +1010011011110 DCM 1 +1010011011110 BZR 1 +1010011011110 KTF 1 +1010011011110 TLT 1 +1010011011110 SOFS 1 +1010011011110 TOMKY 1 +1010011011110 MTBS 1 +1010011011110 LERYU 1 +1010011011110 LERYW 1 +1010011011110 LERY 1 +1010011011110 GGNS 1 +1010011011110 VSLF 1 +1010011011110 LOGC 1 +1010011011110 advices 1 +1010011011110 WNDTW 1 +1010011011110 WNDT 1 +1010011011110 UNMAA 1 +1010011011110 SOBK 1 +1010011011110 BRG 1 +1010011011110 SKCH 1 +1010011011110 PHBK 1 +1010011011110 LPLI 1 +1010011011110 ITIC 1 +1010011011110 HESI 1 +1010011011110 FFKT 1 +1010011011110 CRPG 1 +1010011011110 AFCX 1 +1010011011110 INP 1 +1010011011110 FTK 1 +1010011011110 METR 1 +1010011011110 EDGC 1 +1010011011110 DXYN 1 +1010011011110 AVFCP 1 +1010011011110 RBK 1 +1010011011110 WSFS 1 +1010011011110 SEASU 1 +1010011011110 SEASW 1 +1010011011110 SEAS 1 +1010011011110 PCSI 1 +1010011011110 RARB 1 +1010011011110 SAFM 1 +1010011011110 SPBC 1 +1010011011110 TOPP 1 +1010011011110 WBNC 1 +1010011011110 RIE 1 +1010011011110 ATTWY 1 +1010011011110 CNBKA 1 +1010011011110 CHTB 1 +1010011011110 DTCI 1 +1010011011110 CVGT 1 +1010011011110 WHI 1 +1010011011110 RTP 1 +1010011011110 IOT 1 +1010011011110 IOTWS 1 +1010011011110 KEC 1 +1010011011110 PXR 1 +1010011011110 MNPI 1 +1010011011110 NELL 1 +1010011011110 NJST 1 +1010011011110 ONPR 1 +1010011011110 DMIC 1 +1010011011110 FWNY 1 +1010011011110 JAYJ 1 +1010011011110 LTIZ 1 +1010011011110 ZBSTU 1 +1010011011110 ZBST 1 +1010011011110 WBST 1 +1010011011110 TRUS 1 +1010011011110 SGOPP 1 +1010011011110 PLTZC 1 +1010011011110 PAHC 1 +1010011011110 MAYF 1 +1010011011110 MAKL 1 +1010011011110 LEXB 1 +1010011011110 LNBK 1 +1010011011110 IDEL 1 +1010011011110 BTCI 1 +1010011011110 ALWS 1 +1010011011110 AARN 1 +1010011011110 PMR 1 +1010011011110 MKE 1 +1010011011110 MNH 1 +1010011011110 FKL 1 +1010011011110 HNT 1 +1010011011110 IMD 1 +1010011011110 AQM 1 +1010011011110 DN3000 1 +1010011011110 skittered 1 +1010011011110 4-256 1 +1010011011110 VFSL 1 +1010011011110 RFBI 1 +1010011011110 MBSX 1 +1010011011110 IFSL 1 +1010011011110 TFSB 1 +1010011011110 EAGL 1 +1010011011110 DLWD 1 +1010011011110 CCTVY 1 +1010011011110 BOFI 1 +1010011011110 BAPO 1 +1010011011110 CHP 1 +1010011011110 BSL 1 +1010011011110 HFOX 1 +1010011011110 FEDF 1 +1010011011110 POWR 1 +1010011011110 PAWN 1 +1010011011110 AMJX 1 +1010011011110 BLV 1 +1010011011110 SIZ 1 +1010011011110 RFED 1 +1010011011110 PRTK 1 +1010011011110 RFSB 1 +1010011011110 PNRE 1 +1010011011110 CONH 1 +1010011011110 CFNH 1 +1010011011110 CTSTO 1 +1010011011110 AMBJP 1 +1010011011110 ATAXZ 1 +1010011011110 FIASCO 1 +1010011011110 ELEX 1 +1010011011110 EXLN 1 +1010011011110 RNRC 1 +1010011011110 EMF 1 +1010011011110 ASBI 1 +1010011011110 CANX 1 +1010011011110 CAII 1 +1010011011110 SSAX 1 +1010011011110 IGC 1 +1010011011110 KFVPR 1 +1010011011110 KFV 1 +1010011011110 AHE 1 +1010011011110 HMT 1 +1010011011110 ABX 1 +1010011011110 TSK 1 +1010011011110 JIB 1 +1010011011110 CVT 1 +1010011011110 FNF 1 +1010011011110 MRGO 1 +1010011011110 ALFB 1 +1010011011110 FGSV 1 +1010011011110 BSBX 1 +1010011011110 FFOD 1 +1010011011110 biologists. 1 +1010011011110 androgen 1 +1010011011110 YCSL 1 +1010011011110 WCBK 1 +1010011011110 MOKN 1 +1010011011110 FRML 1 +1010011011110 FTSI 1 +1010011011110 FFWV 1 +1010011011110 FFMA 1 +1010011011110 CAFS 1 +1010011011110 BLU 1 +1010011011110 DWW 1 +1010011011110 PRX 1 +1010011011110 GSBK 1 +1010011011110 FFNS 1 +1010011011110 FBNC 1 +1010011011110 DVRS 1 +1010011011110 DAVX 1 +1010011011110 LABB 1 +1010011011110 RVR 1 +1010011011110 HKF 1 +1010011011110 DRM 1 +1010011011110 SY 1 +1010011011110 WFOR 1 +1010011011110 SDSB 1 +1010011011110 SHRP 1 +1010011011110 SQNT 1 +1010011011110 PPSA 1 +1010011011110 MIKL 1 +1010011011110 HQH 1 +1010011011110 APB 1 +1010011011110 VALC 1 +1010011011110 SBFS 1 +1010011011110 REXW 1 +1010011011110 FSPG 1 +1010011011110 CACOA 1 +1010011011110 HRK 1 +1010011011110 regular-curriculum 1 +1010011011110 JOL 1 +1010011011110 DEVC 1 +1010011011110 EMPR 1 +1010011011110 ENVI 1 +1010011011110 MTCL 1 +1010011011110 HHC 1 +1010011011110 SZF 1 +1010011011110 SZFPR 1 +1010011011110 WSBC 1 +1010011011110 Mediterraneans 1 +1010011011110 OEN 1 +1010011011110 RK 1 +1010011011110 TDM 1 +1010011011110 TSY 1 +1010011011110 VLANS 1 +1010011011110 SSBA 1 +1010011011110 GRFS 1 +1010011011110 FSHGV 1 +1010011011110 FCTN 1 +1010011011110 FFSW 1 +1010011011110 DEER 1 +1010011011110 FURSA 1 +1010011011110 AMEA 1 +1010011011110 AIRSY 1 +1010011011110 PTG 1 +1010011011110 EGH 1 +1010011011110 COQ 1 +1010011011110 Navarone 1 +1010011011110 MGQ 1 +1010011011110 CWTS 1 +1010011011110 BFSB 1 +1010011011110 APBI 1 +1010011011110 ESN 1 +1010011011110 ATW 1 +1010011011110 CRR 1 +1010011011110 XLGX 1 +1010011011110 UNSA 1 +1010011011110 QFCI 1 +1010011011110 PRXS 1 +1010011011110 PXRE 1 +1010011011110 OFSB 1 +1010011011110 NHER 1 +1010011011110 MSAM 1 +1010011011110 FIRF 1 +1010011011110 AMQ 1 +1010011011110 4D 1 +1010011011110 GPAK 1 +1010011011110 OSBN 1 +1010011011110 PSBX 1 +1010011011110 WFSB 1 +1010011011110 CPX 1 +1010011011110 KJI 1 +1010011011110 CLR 1 +1010011011110 BMCC 1 +1010011011110 CMBK 1 +1010011011110 WCAR 1 +1010011011110 HFSB 1 +1010011011110 ACTA 1 +1010011011110 ABKR 1 +1010011011110 AMPI 1 +1010011011110 GES 1 +1010011011110 FBF 1 +1010011011110 PHG 1 +1010011011110 WLMN 1 +1010011011110 UBSI 1 +1010011011110 SWTX 1 +1010011011110 LJSI 1 +1010011011110 SSLN 1 +1010011011110 PRFT 1 +1010011011110 OSIC 1 +1010011011110 NSRU 1 +1010011011110 MFSL 1 +1010011011110 IMMCO 1 +1010011011110 HCCC 1 +1010011011110 confiscations 1 +1010011011110 GATW 1 +1010011011110 FCTR 1 +1010011011110 DESI 1 +1010011011110 CRBN 1 +1010011011110 BEZRY 1 +1010011011110 AREL 1 +1010011011110 RSE 1 +1010011011110 BPP 1 +1010011011110 GLX 1 +1010011011110 EVSB 1 +1010011011110 ETCO 1 +1010011011110 PHC 1 +1010011011110 WALS 1 +1010011011110 VLCM 1 +1010011011110 UNEWY. 1 +1010011011110 UNTEU 1 +1010011011110 SGHB 1 +1010011011110 PICBF 1 +1010011011110 MNRTS 1 +1010011011110 HRLD 1 +1010011011110 HARL 1 +1010011011110 FFWP 1 +1010011011110 ESSF 1 +1010011011110 VIA 1 +1010011011110 INT 1 +1010011011110 TEF 1 +1010011011110 RKY 1 +1010011011110 IMPX 1 +1010011011110 MPAC 1 +1010011011110 FY.WS 1 +1010011011110 CBWA 1 +1010011011110 1654 1 +1010011011110 MFLR 1 +1010011011110 HNCO 1 +1010011011110 GBBS 1 +1010011011110 FSFI 1 +1010011011110 THI 1 +1010011011110 TOC 1 +1010011011110 GWA 1 +1010011011110 abnormalites 1 +1010011011110 CGAS 1 +1010011011110 CXIM 1 +1010011011110 BDGT 1 +1010011011110 BHIAP 1 +1010011011110 ALCI 1 +1010011011110 LMGWI 1 +1010011011110 VOX 1 +1010011011110 PYE 1 +1010011011110 PGR 1 +1010011011110 WHOO 1 +1010011011110 KMAG 1 +1010011011110 FGBC 1 +1010011011110 PR.P. 1 +1010011011110 PR.B. 1 +1010011011110 SLCPV 1 +1010011011110 12-hour-a-day 1 +1010011011110 WMRKV 1 +1010011011110 ITANV 1 +1010011011110 FLIC 1 +1010011011110 DCPI 1 +1010011011110 CRES 1 +1010011011110 DOZEZ 1 +1010011011110 BAPYZ 1 +1010011011110 WAB 1 +1010011011110 card-backed 1 +1010011011110 electrocoating 1 +1010011011110 SRSL 1 +1010011011110 FFSD 1 +1010011011110 TWT 1 +1010011011110 ULT 1 +1010011011110 COCA 1 +1010011011110 six-story-high 1 +1010011011110 SUA 1 +1010011011110 DNP 1 +1010011011110 WASC 1 +1010011011110 PRIVU 1 +1010011011110 OCOMA 1 +1010011011110 NETX 1 +1010011011110 MDTC 1 +1010011011110 INSMA 1 +1010011011110 HMSD 1 +1010011011110 GSOF 1 +1010011011110 WWBC 1 +1010011011110 NRES 1 +1010011011110 FFSL 1 +1010011011110 FFPR 1 +1010011011110 COTG 1 +1010011011110 CISA 1 +1010011011110 SYS 1 +1010011011110 BLD 1 +1010011011110 WHTI 1 +1010011011110 QZMGF 1 +1010011011110 MCON 1 +1010011011110 BULKF 1 +1010011011110 WRS 1 +1010011011110 SNO 1 +1010011011110 WINNU 1 +1010011011110 RBPAA 1 +1010011011110 PIFI 1 +1010011011110 GLTX 1 +1010011011110 FFS 1 +1010011011110 intended. 1 +1010011011110 FTL 1 +1010011011110 MPP 1 +1010011011110 RIV 1 +1010011011110 MMT 1 +1010011011110 DFP.E. 1 +1010011011110 TMAX 1 +1010011011110 FFHP 1 +1010011011110 MSBI 1 +1010011011110 TIRI 1 +1010011011110 MMSB 1 +1010011011110 LEIX 1 +1010011011110 LLSL 1 +1010011011110 HSPA 1 +1010011011110 CPST 1 +1010011011110 AZB 1 +1010011011110 PRZ 1 +1010011011110 UHT 1 +1010011011110 EQM 1 +1010011011110 SVM 1 +1010011011110 VWBC 1 +1010011011110 TLMN 1 +1010011011110 SGSI 1 +1010011011110 QUIK 1 +1010011011110 MTCH 1 +1010011011110 LOYC 1 +1010011011110 INVS 1 +1010011011110 IGSI 1 +1010011011110 GGLF 1 +1010011011110 WDH 1 +1010011011110 PMP 1 +1010011011110 HRP 1 +1010011011110 FCHT 1 +1010011011110 FFAL 1 +1010011011110 DUSA 1 +1010011011110 CSGI 1 +1010011011110 CSBF 1 +1010011011110 CEDR 1 +1010011011110 CBTF 1 +1010011011110 BOSA 1 +1010011011110 BENJ 1 +1010011011110 ALNT 1 +1010011011110 TWN 1 +1010011011110 IGN 1 +1010011011110 HBE 1 +1010011011110 FRL 1 +1010011011110 STNIB 1 +1010011011110 CDMA 1 +1010011011110 BKMD 1 +1010011011110 MCH 1 +1010011011110 NNM 1 +1010011011110 FCX 1 +1010011011110 fax-mailing 1 +1010011011110 IHK 1 +1010011011110 NIIS 1 +1010011011110 RPAPF 1 +1010011011110 APGI 1 +1010011011110 MNI 1 +1010011011110 BIR 1 +1010011011110 LTG 1 +1010011011110 TSQ 1 +1010011011110 TNN 1 +1010011011110 BFSI 1 +1010011011110 CBKI 1 +1010011011110 SGHI 1 +1010011011110 RESP 1 +1010011011110 BFX 1 +1010011011110 RMR 1 +1010011011110 POBS 1 +1010011011110 BID. 1 +1010011011110 Goskomizdat 1 +1010011011110 AZTR 1 +1010011011110 BFEN 1 +1010011011110 BAW 1 +1010011011110 MDW 1 +1010011011110 MGCPV 1 +1010011011110 MMRH 1 +1010011011110 FGBPZ 1 +1010011011110 TRR 1 +1010011011110 RSR.WI 1 +1010011011110 STLTF 1 +1010011011110 KNCI 1 +1010011011110 KCSG 1 +1010011011110 six-hole 1 +1010011011110 GZEA 1 +1010011011110 FFUT 1 +1010011011110 PMBS 1 +1010011011110 VREOS 1 +1010011011110 HTR 1 +1010011011110 RCHFA 1 +1010011011110 RELY 1 +1010011011110 FRMG 1 +1010011011110 BMRG 1 +1010011011110 CPF 1 +1010011011110 PIF 1 +1010011011110 HTK 1 +1010011011110 APPB 1 +1010011011110 VCOR 1 +1010011011110 OST 1 +1010011011110 MIGI 1 +1010011011110 SCHCP 1 +1010011011110 TND.B 1 +1010011011110 ADVN 1 +1010011011110 TT 1 +1010011011110 CYS 1 +1010011011110 TLP 1 +1010011011110 NYBC 1 +1010011011110 FSVB 1 +1010011011110 FFHS 1 +1010011011110 COFI 1 +1010011011110 CISB 1 +1010011011110 FSAK 1 +1010011011110 ICAR 1 +1010011011110 TJCK 1 +1010011011110 RHPOY 1 +1010011011110 MHCIV 1 +1010011011110 GRV 1 +1010011011110 Namibian-independence 1 +1010011011110 HRC 1 +1010011011110 BVSI 1 +1010011011110 SNV 1 +1010011011110 MBK 1 +1010011011110 AIB.PR 1 +1010011011110 OMS 1 +1010011011110 SEH 1 +1010011011110 SEHA 1 +1010011011110 MALC 1 +1010011011110 VITA 1 +1010011011110 STRU 1 +1010011011110 BRL 1 +1010011011110 MIN 1 +1010011011110 mediumship 1 +1010011011110 fast-curing 1 +1010011011110 HFSA 1 +1010011011110 FES 1 +1010011011110 GIM 1 +1010011011110 DXT 1 +1010011011110 IVT 1 +1010011011110 selfdestructs 1 +1010011011110 MGN 1 +1010011011110 GVT 1 +1010011011110 MXIM 1 +1010011011110 NSS 1 +1010011011110 AKRN 1 +1010011011110 ARB 1 +1010011011110 NHR 1 +1010011011110 CLFI 1 +1010011011110 CNNR 1 +1010011011110 BONEP 1 +1010011011110 CTH 1 +1010011011110 GFCT 1 +1010011011110 CCXLA 1 +1010011011110 SKN.E. 1 +1010011011110 PGU 1 +1010011011110 EAG 1 +1010011011110 BBK 1 +1010011011110 KHI 1 +1010011011110 GLK 1 +1010011011110 enumerator 1 +1010011011110 21,577 1 +1010011011110 MOLE 1 +1010011011110 AVDL 1 +1010011011110 ALTR 1 +1010011011110 CGO 1 +1010011011110 SUS 1 +1010011011110 BZF 1 +1010011011110 PFLY 1 +1010011011110 NEB 1 +1010011011110 USWNA 1 +1010011011110 Pergament 1 +1010011011110 FTSB 1 +1010011011110 WPPGY 1 +1010011011110 PKVL 1 +1010011011110 radio-cassette-tape 1 +1010011011110 FTU 1 +1010011011110 RXN 1 +1010011011110 UFN 1 +1010011011110 BYX 1 +1010011011110 APCC 1 +1010011011110 RFPCK 1 +1010011011110 546-mile 1 +1010011011110 MBY 1 +1010011011110 MRM 1 +1010011011110 COR 1 +1010011011110 BOF 1 +1010011011110 WCP 1 +1010011011110 ZDC 1 +1010011011110 EAFC 1 +1010011011110 OSBW 1 +1010011011110 RATNY 1 +1010011011110 LBC 1 +1010011011110 PFSIP 1 +1010011011110 STEC 1 +1010011011110 TIBI 1 +1010011011110 ASFN 1 +1010011011110 CTY 1 +1010011011110 WYS 1 +1010011011110 KGT 1 +1010011011110 MFT 1 +1010011011110 CIF 1 +1010011011110 AEZNS 1 +1010011011110 BBGS 1 +1010011011110 EBCI 1 +1010011011110 GLMA 1 +1010011011110 HOMG 1 +1010011011110 BKT 1 +1010011011110 NBKC 1 +1010011011110 TUSC 1 +1010011011110 HCF 1 +1010011011110 ALU 1 +1010011011110 PDN 1 +1010011011110 CWP 1 +1010011011110 OIF 1 +1010011011110 10-hole 1 +1010011011110 AOF 1 +1010011011110 IGF 1 +1010011011110 SFY 1 +1010011011110 UTRX 1 +1010011011110 STOT 1 +1010011011110 NVLS 1 +1010011011110 BMCS 1 +1010011011110 KE 1 +1010011011110 BHO 1 +1010011011110 quaility 1 +1010011011110 328s 1 +1010011011110 MO 1 +1010011011110 line-centered 1 +1010011011110 WSBXV 1 +1010011011110 ECGI 1 +1010011011110 CHFC 1 +1010011011110 CFED 1 +1010011011110 SZG 1 +1010011011110 SZG.PR 1 +1010011011110 URT 1 +1010011011110 LICF 1 +1010011011110 NERX 1 +1010011011110 SLTI 1 +1010011011110 FAXM 1 +1010011011110 EOG 1 +1010011011110 MDCO 1 +1010011011110 GENIP 1 +1010011011110 EGLE 1 +1010011011110 tire-development 1 +1010011011110 OPI 1 +1010011011110 SNF 1 +1010011011110 PY 1 +1010011011110 RRR 1 +1010011011110 AKLM 1 +1010011011110 DELL 1 +1010011011110 HVDK 1 +1010011011110 INDX 1 +1010011011110 CNVPr 1 +1010011011110 pure. 1 +1010011011110 BRIK 1 +1010011011110 KPE 1 +1010011011110 CCP.WI 1 +1010011011110 KEI 1 +1010011011110 DEMP 1 +1010011011110 FBDX 1 +1010011011110 EWSCA 1 +1010011011110 HOMF 1 +1010011011110 9015PF 1 +1010011011110 ZSEV 1 +1010011011110 ISR 1 +1010011011110 GSF 1 +1010011011110 SBL 1 +1010011011110 APK 1 +1010011011110 PBK 1 +1010011011110 STT 1 +1010011011110 HRN 1 +1010011011110 HEBC 1 +1010011011110 BZMT 1 +1010011011110 PBK.A. 1 +1010011011110 PGT 1 +1010011011110 CLDRV 1 +1010011011110 LFSA 1 +1010011011110 PTEC 1 +1010011011110 CMU 1 +1010011011110 ABGA 1 +1010011011110 BMEEF 1 +1010011011110 FITZ 1 +1010011011110 LCO 1 +1010011011110 CYT 1 +1010011011110 CSM 1 +1010011011110 PBCT 1 +1010011011110 NHLI 1 +1010011011110 ENZ 1 +1010011011110 PRW 1 +1010011011110 VLP 1 +1010011011110 bamboo-slatted 1 +1010011011110 NHDI 1 +1010011011110 liveliness 2 +1010011011110 DLX 2 +1010011011110 16s 2 +1010011011110 manse 2 +1010011011110 change-over 2 +1010011011110 NBB 2 +1010011011110 ECP 2 +1010011011110 1,335 2 +1010011011110 EHP 2 +1010011011110 power-users 2 +1010011011110 SFSL 2 +1010011011110 ELE 2 +1010011011110 SUR 2 +1010011011110 AFPFZ 2 +1010011011110 BNBC 2 +1010011011110 MSHK 2 +1010011011110 ODEP 2 +1010011011110 UTH 2 +1010011011110 HFS 2 +1010011011110 PWN 2 +1010011011110 quartermaster 2 +1010011011110 ACP 2 +1010011011110 VSBC 2 +1010011011110 40000 2 +1010011011110 card-sized 2 +1010011011110 CNBL 2 +1010011011110 TIF 2 +1010011011110 FIF 2 +1010011011110 XTON 2 +1010011011110 memorializes 2 +1010011011110 troposphere 2 +1010011011110 ENRGB 2 +1010011011110 FST 2 +1010011011110 CYC 2 +1010011011110 megatonnage 2 +1010011011110 12-packs 2 +1010011011110 SAF 2 +1010011011110 NUV 2 +1010011011110 popemobile 2 +1010011011110 Regans 2 +1010011011110 FLAG 2 +1010011011110 slow-mo 2 +1010011011110 rollouts 2 +1010011011110 CAF 3 +1010011011110 improvidently 3 +1010011011110 PTC 3 +1010011011110 synchronization 3 +1010011011110 850S 3 +1010011011110 CMP 3 +1010011011110 d-STROY 3 +1010011011110 ALT 3 +1010011011110 Urge 3 +1010011011110 enumerators 3 +1010011011110 epithelioma 3 +1010011011110 PCF 3 +1010011011110 TGL 3 +1010011011110 Appalachians 3 +1010011011110 treaty-making 3 +1010011011110 easings 4 +1010011011110 USF 4 +1010011011110 fishers 4 +1010011011110 parchment 4 +1010011011110 card-activated 4 +1010011011110 left-field 4 +1010011011110 Qingdao 5 +1010011011110 14se 5 +1010011011110 parentheses 5 +1010011011110 redecorating 5 +1010011011110 porches 5 +1010011011110 zapper 5 +1010011011110 chiten 5 +1010011011110 SODA 6 +1010011011110 line-up 7 +1010011011110 3100 9 +1010011011110 lockstep 13 +1010011011110 bunches 14 +1010011011110 APV 16 +1010011011110 remission 20 +1010011011110 Pursuit 25 +1010011011110 4000 26 +1010011011110 tow 36 +1010011011110 tie-in 42 +1010011011110 changeover 79 +1010011011110 concert 545 +1010011011110 comparison 853 +1010011011110 card 1688 +1010011011110 front 2310 +1010011011110 line 8710 +10100110111110 directon 1 +10100110111110 Rajaie-Khorassani 1 +10100110111110 247,269 1 +10100110111110 MAIM 1 +10100110111110 Reaganbasher 1 +10100110111110 notwithstanding. 1 +10100110111110 quencher 1 +10100110111110 beaten-dog 1 +10100110111110 pass-law 1 +10100110111110 100-million-strong 1 +10100110111110 Brooklynites 1 +10100110111110 scabbard 1 +10100110111110 lipid-based 1 +10100110111110 size-18 1 +10100110111110 wingers 1 +10100110111110 opthalmology 1 +10100110111110 sedum-wise 1 +10100110111110 business-consulting 1 +10100110111110 fielders 1 +10100110111110 comedy-melodramas 1 +10100110111110 circumvolving 1 +10100110111110 pre-LBO 1 +10100110111110 synaptic 1 +10100110111110 7110 1 +10100110111110 junk-heap 1 +10100110111110 sesion 1 +10100110111110 DNA-containing 1 +10100110111110 sepia-toned 1 +10100110111110 anti-nicotine 1 +10100110111110 back-through-the-looking-glass 1 +10100110111110 muscle-destroying 1 +10100110111110 Ascap-style 1 +10100110111110 Nicolette 1 +10100110111110 Gestapo-style 1 +10100110111110 8400 1 +10100110111110 Nabulsi 1 +10100110111110 Finnish-Americans 1 +10100110111110 lactation-prevention 1 +10100110111110 coffee- 1 +10100110111110 conundrums 1 +10100110111110 one-item 1 +10100110111110 ageements 1 +10100110111110 Etch-a-Sketch 1 +10100110111110 intramonth 1 +10100110111110 super-status 1 +10100110111110 limbo-mired 1 +10100110111110 67,783 1 +10100110111110 survivals 1 +10100110111110 ely 1 +10100110111110 Khoury 1 +10100110111110 mega-contests 1 +10100110111110 cavern 2 +10100110111110 reenactments 2 +10100110111110 payments. 2 +10100110111110 two-seaters 2 +10100110111110 ovary 2 +10100110111110 tricolor 2 +10100110111110 showmen 2 +10100110111110 Cooney-Spinks 2 +10100110111110 tiddlywinks 2 +10100110111110 movies. 2 +10100110111110 stone. 2 +10100110111110 hemispheres 2 +10100110111110 Milds 2 +10100110111110 tentacle 2 +10100110111110 hospital-supervised 2 +10100110111110 Berengaria 2 +10100110111110 worldclass 2 +10100110111110 plainness 2 +10100110111110 Sacahuista 2 +10100110111110 minefields 2 +10100110111110 hobbyhorses 2 +10100110111110 tarmacs 2 +10100110111110 nonregulation 2 +10100110111110 anticholinesterase 2 +10100110111110 eyelid 2 +10100110111110 dogmatists 2 +10100110111110 pamphleteers 2 +10100110111110 new-job 2 +10100110111110 I-95 2 +10100110111110 seriatim 2 +10100110111110 burn-through 2 +10100110111110 chinooks 2 +10100110111110 hypoxia 2 +10100110111110 ameliorating 3 +10100110111110 another. 3 +10100110111110 Louisianians 3 +10100110111110 watermark 3 +10100110111110 uppercut 3 +10100110111110 quilters 3 +10100110111110 sexagenarian 3 +10100110111110 fifths 3 +10100110111110 Damiel 3 +10100110111110 Ashdown 3 +10100110111110 stashes 3 +10100110111110 suppressant 4 +10100110111110 isles 4 +10100110111110 cartographers 4 +10100110111110 pachyderm 4 +10100110111110 garde 4 +10100110111110 stiletto 4 +10100110111110 amusements 4 +10100110111110 demigods 5 +10100110111110 witticisms 5 +10100110111110 stridency 6 +10100110111110 disenfranchisement 7 +10100110111110 hems 7 +10100110111110 mid-week 7 +10100110111110 idiocy 7 +10100110111110 proprietorships 7 +10100110111110 forearm 8 +10100110111110 Euromissiles 8 +10100110111110 Wapping 8 +10100110111110 staircases 9 +10100110111110 accouterments 9 +10100110111110 conqueror 10 +10100110111110 crutches 12 +10100110111110 epithet 12 +10100110111110 precept 13 +10100110111110 climes 15 +10100110111110 amplification 25 +10100110111110 flank 49 +10100110111110 cheek 67 +10100110111110 pole 88 +10100110111110 ear 216 +10100110111110 wing 529 +10100110111110 location 728 +10100110111110 overnight 1145 +10100110111110 words 2071 +10100110111110 direction 2163 +10100110111110 hand 3870 +10100110111110 side 4137 +10100110111111 crocks 1 +10100110111111 contract. 1 +10100110111111 durations 1 +10100110111111 disclipline 1 +10100110111111 REWARDS 1 +10100110111111 leit-motifs 1 +10100110111111 mercy. 1 +10100110111111 arbritrage 1 +10100110111111 CLIMATE 1 +10100110111111 SHOULDERS 1 +10100110111111 UNACCEPTABLE 1 +10100110111111 linen-decked 1 +10100110111111 pre-testing 1 +10100110111111 debauch 1 +10100110111111 schlocky 1 +10100110111111 HECKLED 1 +10100110111111 cockling 1 +10100110111111 view-as 1 +10100110111111 BUNCH 1 +10100110111111 pockets. 1 +10100110111111 Juyne 1 +10100110111111 HOSPITALIZED 1 +10100110111111 craftsmanship. 1 +10100110111111 hoojee 1 +10100110111111 cartouches 1 +10100110111111 copulation 1 +10100110111111 permisson 1 +10100110111111 SETBACKS 1 +10100110111111 Ribat 1 +10100110111111 Labangan 1 +10100110111111 collpase 1 +10100110111111 JEERED 1 +10100110111111 most-widely 1 +10100110111111 deaf. 1 +10100110111111 marinus 1 +10100110111111 slump. 1 +10100110111111 bemuses 1 +10100110111111 REPLACED 1 +10100110111111 EVE 1 +10100110111111 CAPTIONING 1 +10100110111111 haul. 1 +10100110111111 hairspray 1 +10100110111111 braggin 1 +10100110111111 par-fours 1 +10100110111111 INTRODUCED 1 +10100110111111 over-qualification 1 +10100110111111 broad-base 1 +10100110111111 DOUGH 1 +10100110111111 gines 1 +10100110111111 symtoms 1 +10100110111111 carrybacks 1 +10100110111111 FILES 1 +10100110111111 super-highways 1 +10100110111111 interests-sometimes 1 +10100110111111 Nakhodka 1 +10100110111111 Burma-Shave. 1 +10100110111111 Tuckers 1 +10100110111111 BREWERS 1 +10100110111111 Al-Osboa 1 +10100110111111 Croute 1 +10100110111111 tipper 1 +10100110111111 CONVERTS 2 +10100110111111 game-of-the-week 2 +10100110111111 room. 2 +10100110111111 anesthetics 2 +10100110111111 virus-free 2 +10100110111111 schoolmasters 2 +10100110111111 Sothebys 2 +10100110111111 MINE 2 +10100110111111 off-period 2 +10100110111111 docents 2 +10100110111111 NOTIFIED 2 +10100110111111 mini-constitution 2 +10100110111111 one-worlder 2 +10100110111111 Hibor 2 +10100110111111 Equitrack 2 +10100110111111 compensation. 2 +10100110111111 sheet. 2 +10100110111111 CHOSEN 2 +10100110111111 kopeck 2 +10100110111111 quintuples 2 +10100110111111 Legliz 2 +10100110111111 guns. 2 +10100110111111 roughhousing 2 +10100110111111 flinching 2 +10100110111111 date. 2 +10100110111111 money-launderers 2 +10100110111111 BARRED 2 +10100110111111 earn-out 2 +10100110111111 APPLICANTS 2 +10100110111111 jambalaya 3 +10100110111111 droop 3 +10100110111111 fugu 3 +10100110111111 workturn 3 +10100110111111 inversions 3 +10100110111111 sideburns 3 +10100110111111 melancholic 3 +10100110111111 view. 3 +10100110111111 vanities 3 +10100110111111 Morbidity 4 +10100110111111 Eisteddfod 4 +10100110111111 right. 4 +10100110111111 forethought 5 +10100110111111 johns 5 +10100110111111 passageways 5 +10100110111111 spittoon 5 +10100110111111 enchilada 6 +10100110111111 lead-time 6 +10100110111111 cabooses 7 +10100110111111 place. 7 +10100110111111 apoplexy 7 +10100110111111 lifters 8 +10100110111111 buffets 8 +10100110111111 mortis 8 +10100110111111 cocoons 8 +10100110111111 holster 11 +10100110111111 call-up 11 +10100110111111 shtick 11 +10100110111111 preconditions 22 +10100110111111 attribution 29 +10100110111111 masse 46 +10100110111111 shrift 46 +10100110111111 taker 52 +10100110111111 intervals 59 +10100110111111 distances 78 +10100110111111 skirts 96 +10100110111111 workweek 108 +10100110111111 overdue 294 +10100110111111 maturities 412 +10100110111111 sheets 437 +10100110111111 tenure 474 +10100110111111 merit 626 +10100110111111 fun 752 +10100110111111 rooms 872 +10100110111111 sheet 1010 +10100110111111 term 3838 +10100110111111 room 3027 +101001110000 112,883 1 +101001110000 end-point 1 +101001110000 carton-sealing 1 +101001110000 networks-three 1 +101001110000 conventional-home 1 +101001110000 rail-road 1 +101001110000 polling-place 1 +101001110000 over-stepping 1 +101001110000 10-mos. 1 +101001110000 immediate-delivery 1 +101001110000 ground-crew 1 +101001110000 creamlike 1 +101001110000 Ste.-Therese 1 +101001110000 grumpily 1 +101001110000 Lin-Art 1 +101001110000 Ripault 1 +101001110000 Byla 1 +101001110000 Romanization 1 +101001110000 baby-care 1 +101001110000 calcined 1 +101001110000 probationer 1 +101001110000 rail-making 1 +101001110000 Halocarbon 1 +101001110000 electrical-test 1 +101001110000 Glasswerke 1 +101001110000 motor-mouths 1 +101001110000 office-related 1 +101001110000 420-man 1 +101001110000 recess-fluorescent 1 +101001110000 38-plane 1 +101001110000 Slaskie 1 +101001110000 BARBECUERS 1 +101001110000 ex-psychiatric 1 +101001110000 SmithKline-Beckman 1 +101001110000 Spielberg-sized 1 +101001110000 MSG 1 +101001110000 declamations 1 +101001110000 Layered 1 +101001110000 commission-related 1 +101001110000 career-conscious 1 +101001110000 non-Given 1 +101001110000 redemeption 1 +101001110000 pedicab 1 +101001110000 glycerine 1 +101001110000 governmentheld 1 +101001110000 reposes 1 +101001110000 booze-running 1 +101001110000 PAC-donation 1 +101001110000 post-1983 1 +101001110000 9,648 1 +101001110000 tax-budget 1 +101001110000 bonnet-style 1 +101001110000 non-clerical 1 +101001110000 127,440 1 +101001110000 Technalysis 1 +101001110000 CEMENT 1 +101001110000 Neurobiology 1 +101001110000 Turell 1 +101001110000 167-day-old 1 +101001110000 devaluer 1 +101001110000 ultra-conformist 1 +101001110000 time-beating 1 +101001110000 Superiore 1 +101001110000 voting-power 1 +101001110000 Chinese-immigrant 1 +101001110000 6,689 1 +101001110000 vrycmmnty 1 +101001110000 Liberal-red 1 +101001110000 sky-divers 1 +101001110000 Japanese-grown 1 +101001110000 auto-emissions 1 +101001110000 trumpetings 1 +101001110000 amaretto 1 +101001110000 education-assistance 1 +101001110000 brain-injured 1 +101001110000 1986-four 1 +101001110000 self-scrutiny 1 +101001110000 190,000-barrel-a-day 1 +101001110000 job-holders 1 +101001110000 pre-meeting 1 +101001110000 textile-trade 1 +101001110000 GUCCI 1 +101001110000 miniwindows 1 +101001110000 intrepidly 1 +101001110000 packages-and 1 +101001110000 book-closing 1 +101001110000 network-processing 1 +101001110000 Ohbayshi 1 +101001110000 terrestrially 1 +101001110000 Helene-Curtiss 1 +101001110000 jury-consulting 1 +101001110000 powertrain-related 1 +101001110000 yeastiness 1 +101001110000 all-method 1 +101001110000 30-ship 1 +101001110000 IBM-Canada 1 +101001110000 meat-grading 1 +101001110000 639,872 1 +101001110000 Christmas-hiring 1 +101001110000 7,234 1 +101001110000 non-honeymooning 1 +101001110000 housing/federal 1 +101001110000 Syrdarya 1 +101001110000 subindex 1 +101001110000 budget-review 1 +101001110000 birth-rates 1 +101001110000 RIFTS 1 +101001110000 graduations 1 +101001110000 highly-skilled 1 +101001110000 no-nuker 1 +101001110000 3:41 1 +101001110000 unleadership-like 1 +101001110000 Okakyu 1 +101001110000 26-state 1 +101001110000 Shiite-Sunni 1 +101001110000 Lesch-Nyhan 1 +101001110000 sun-blocking 1 +101001110000 68,324 1 +101001110000 fragmentations 1 +101001110000 profit-per-ton 1 +101001110000 pesticide-residue 1 +101001110000 20,300-person 1 +101001110000 earthworks 1 +101001110000 legislative-branch 1 +101001110000 datadex 1 +101001110000 theft-deterrent 1 +101001110000 beer-can 1 +101001110000 Bovis 2 +101001110000 Navalle 2 +101001110000 virus-infected 2 +101001110000 Trippe 2 +101001110000 Especializados 2 +101001110000 floes 2 +101001110000 pregnancy-related 2 +101001110000 Unternehmen 2 +101001110000 52-47 2 +101001110000 16-to-24-year-olds 2 +101001110000 screenprint 2 +101001110000 UFA 2 +101001110000 compartmentalization 2 +101001110000 8300 3 +101001110000 cross-subsidization 3 +101001110000 HPV 3 +101001110000 income-eligibility 3 +101001110000 asceticism 3 +101001110000 veh 4 +101001110000 copper-futures 4 +101001110000 gas-tank 4 +101001110000 4868 5 +101001110000 interlock 5 +101001110000 Micaela 6 +101001110000 deliverer 6 +101001110000 completions 17 +101001110000 'n' 143 +101001110000 Werke 278 +101001110000 overtime 586 +101001110000 pollution 731 +101001110000 delivery 3629 +101001110000 traffic 2735 +1010011100010 unrestated 1 +1010011100010 bolls 1 +1010011100010 bankrupcties 1 +1010011100010 biz. 1 +1010011100010 daiquiris 1 +1010011100010 Zavodi 1 +1010011100010 insect-eating 1 +1010011100010 teat 1 +1010011100010 soup. 1 +1010011100010 re-exports-shipments 1 +1010011100010 Dip 1 +1010011100010 enemas 1 +1010011100010 bourguignon 1 +1010011100010 sizzler 1 +1010011100010 slaughterer 1 +1010011100010 pressings 1 +1010011100010 kabobs 1 +1010011100010 crucibles 1 +1010011100010 Debris 1 +1010011100010 Rischart 1 +1010011100010 air-tickets 1 +1010011100010 barrelers 1 +1010011100010 bene-bugs 1 +1010011100010 Daikyo 1 +1010011100010 extractors 1 +1010011100010 tartare 2 +1010011100010 unmined 2 +1010011100010 venomously 2 +1010011100010 copolymers 2 +1010011100010 underliner 2 +1010011100010 flexibilities 2 +1010011100010 hexaflouride 2 +1010011100010 Penta-Ocean 2 +1010011100010 filigree 2 +1010011100010 tandems 2 +1010011100010 saffron 2 +1010011100010 Thyssen-Henschel 2 +1010011100010 lifelines 2 +1010011100010 earn-outs 2 +1010011100010 methanes 2 +1010011100010 tallow 3 +1010011100010 wranglers 3 +1010011100010 tamales 3 +1010011100010 disapprobation 3 +1010011100010 cheapie 3 +1010011100010 overshipments 3 +1010011100010 thimbles 3 +1010011100010 grindings 3 +1010011100010 citizenships 3 +1010011100010 slicers 3 +1010011100010 doggedness 4 +1010011100010 turtlenecks 4 +1010011100010 carloads 4 +1010011100010 IDs 5 +1010011100010 ineffectually 5 +1010011100010 presumptions 5 +1010011100010 injectors 5 +1010011100010 bourbons 6 +1010011100010 rinds 6 +1010011100010 cookers 6 +1010011100010 alertness 6 +1010011100010 colas 6 +1010011100010 slaughterings 7 +1010011100010 camshafts 7 +1010011100010 contingents 7 +1010011100010 desktops 8 +1010011100010 ingots 9 +1010011100010 reexports 9 +1010011100010 fajitas 10 +1010011100010 launchings 11 +1010011100010 insulators 13 +1010011100010 jugs 13 +1010011100010 marketings 13 +1010011100010 seepage 18 +1010011100010 T-bills 19 +1010011100010 gluts 21 +1010011100010 outages 21 +1010011100010 mugs 26 +1010011100010 disposals 31 +1010011100010 reinforcements 31 +1010011100010 flakes 32 +1010011100010 premieres 38 +1010011100010 Treasuries 51 +1010011100010 plantings 52 +1010011100010 enrollments 62 +1010011100010 backlogs 78 +1010011100010 harvests 99 +1010011100010 spills 100 +1010011100010 bankruptcies 181 +1010011100010 pumps 232 +1010011100010 warehouses 260 +1010011100010 stockpiles 294 +1010011100010 payrolls 309 +1010011100010 Treasurys 536 +1010011100010 deliveries 578 +1010011100010 shortages 672 +1010011100010 shipments 1865 +1010011100010 inventories 1956 +1010011100010 supplies 2634 +1010011100010 imports 4568 +1010011100010 exports 4934 +1010011100011 copublished 1 +1010011100011 dippers 1 +1010011100011 profit-cap 1 +1010011100011 sell-throughs 1 +1010011100011 curtain-like 1 +1010011100011 constructive-ownership 1 +1010011100011 smokestack-emission 1 +1010011100011 vestment 1 +1010011100011 army-reserve 1 +1010011100011 product-registration 1 +1010011100011 security-deposit 1 +1010011100011 radiation-test 1 +1010011100011 performance-per-dollar 1 +1010011100011 declassification 1 +1010011100011 particulate-matter 1 +1010011100011 overinvestment 2 +1010011100011 placidity 2 +1010011100011 944S 2 +1010011100011 amercements 2 +1010011100011 excellences 2 +1010011100011 whirr 2 +1010011100011 regurgitation 3 +1010011100011 reparation 3 +1010011100011 inventories-to-sales 3 +1010011100011 cookie-making 3 +1010011100011 cattle-feed 3 +1010011100011 downtrends 3 +1010011100011 popularization 3 +1010011100011 ivermectin 4 +1010011100011 klatch 4 +1010011100011 mononucleosis 4 +1010011100011 tailpipe-emission 5 +1010011100011 cellars 5 +1010011100011 sapling 5 +1010011100011 sprayer 6 +1010011100011 entendre 6 +1010011100011 medallions 6 +1010011100011 muds 7 +1010011100011 readability 7 +1010011100011 pressurization 8 +1010011100011 steel-production 9 +1010011100011 steelworks 10 +1010011100011 mineralization 11 +1010011100011 conductivity 12 +1010011100011 Feldene 12 +1010011100011 tailings 15 +1010011100011 airfare 20 +1010011100011 whammy 30 +1010011100011 irradiation 32 +1010011100011 viewership 44 +1010011100011 tonnage 51 +1010011100011 intake 51 +1010011100011 emission 73 +1010011100011 overproduction 128 +1010011100011 stockpile 157 +1010011100011 enrollment 159 +1010011100011 usage 208 +1010011100011 attendance 222 +1010011100011 mileage 255 +1010011100011 acreage 314 +1010011100011 emissions 373 +1010011100011 morale 402 +1010011100011 depreciation 495 +1010011100011 circulation 885 +1010011100011 productivity 1396 +1010011100011 consumption 1531 +1010011100011 production 13530 +1010011100011 output 3477 +101001110010 facilities-management 1 +101001110010 launderettes 1 +101001110010 money-income 1 +101001110010 escapeways 1 +101001110010 producton 1 +101001110010 listfruits 1 +101001110010 straw-poll 1 +101001110010 Euro-malaise 1 +101001110010 soft-pedals 1 +101001110010 catalog-sale 1 +101001110010 mid-winter 2 +101001110010 birth-rate 2 +101001110010 Vons-Safeway 2 +101001110010 end-1987 2 +101001110010 Pathfinders 2 +101001110010 asssets 3 +101001110010 phonographs 3 +101001110010 subsector 3 +101001110010 follow-ups 3 +101001110010 re-evaluations 4 +101001110010 Hatchback 4 +101001110010 wintertime 5 +101001110010 caches 6 +101001110010 transporter 9 +101001110010 revaluations 12 +101001110010 procurements 15 +101001110010 dispositions 38 +101001110010 registrations 67 +101001110010 winnings 98 +101001110010 sales 35126 +101001110010 billings 408 +1010011100110 10-million-unit 1 +1010011100110 radiation-hardened 1 +1010011100110 277,891 1 +1010011100110 noggin 1 +1010011100110 Knight-Pulliam 1 +1010011100110 peak-pullout 1 +1010011100110 gopak 1 +1010011100110 Three-sevenths 1 +1010011100110 religious-secular 1 +1010011100110 Islam. 1 +1010011100110 Seculo 1 +1010011100110 dollar-watchers 1 +1010011100110 Handlesblat 1 +1010011100110 DODG 1 +1010011100110 player-salary 1 +1010011100110 competititon 1 +1010011100110 TCDD 1 +1010011100110 Vlasova 1 +1010011100110 WQUE. 1 +1010011100110 82-9 1 +1010011100110 dedicatee 1 +1010011100110 current-cost-basis 1 +1010011100110 initally 1 +1010011100110 8-12 1 +1010011100110 Luro 1 +1010011100110 3198 1 +1010011100110 Desto 1 +1010011100110 7701 1 +1010011100110 theft-loss 1 +1010011100110 CASELOAD 1 +1010011100110 RATON 1 +1010011100110 weepy-eyed 1 +1010011100110 ARABIA 1 +1010011100110 Dulcinea 1 +1010011100110 19-volume 1 +1010011100110 Bolz 1 +1010011100110 Shiite-Palestinian 1 +1010011100110 kilbasa 1 +1010011100110 WNET/13 1 +1010011100110 TINKERING 1 +1010011100110 Wagniskapital 1 +1010011100110 rans 1 +1010011100110 oil-crudes 1 +1010011100110 theater-wide 1 +1010011100110 schoolchairs 1 +1010011100110 Putters 1 +1010011100110 RELEASE 1 +1010011100110 Lampl 1 +1010011100110 less-than-cordial 1 +1010011100110 Buehl 1 +1010011100110 partnerin 1 +1010011100110 half-sincerely 1 +1010011100110 Keita 1 +1010011100110 lint-picking 1 +1010011100110 BRISTLE 1 +1010011100110 263,032 1 +1010011100110 far-costlier 1 +1010011100110 2,123,482 1 +1010011100110 taipan 1 +1010011100110 versifier 1 +1010011100110 Narodov 1 +1010011100110 Staatssicherheit 1 +1010011100110 Dockets 1 +1010011100110 crack-user 1 +1010011100110 Nobility 1 +1010011100110 0.250 1 +1010011100110 revenue. 1 +1010011100110 2,071,756 1 +1010011100110 Runnings 1 +1010011100110 fly-bys 1 +1010011100110 Kraszewski 1 +1010011100110 Marshack 1 +1010011100110 2,416,000 1 +1010011100110 dyskinesia 1 +1010011100110 guitar-based 2 +1010011100110 Zeppelin 2 +1010011100110 enigmas 2 +1010011100110 Ordynka 2 +1010011100110 MINISTER 2 +1010011100110 E.T.C. 2 +1010011100110 protein-supplemented 2 +1010011100110 604,330,000 2 +1010011100110 Loge 2 +1010011100110 trading-loss 2 +1010011100110 emitter 2 +1010011100110 grouper 2 +1010011100110 Rubble 2 +1010011100110 patentability 2 +1010011100110 REMAIN 2 +1010011100110 plutocrat 2 +1010011100110 4106 2 +1010011100110 HATS 2 +1010011100110 System-2 2 +1010011100110 delicto 2 +1010011100110 312-105 2 +1010011100110 Mangal 2 +1010011100110 JNR 3 +1010011100110 CONTRIBUTIONS 3 +1010011100110 SHELTERS 3 +1010011100110 CASES 3 +1010011100110 motorboats 3 +1010011100110 bogeymen 3 +1010011100110 Jocasta 3 +1010011100110 subsection 3 +1010011100110 debilitation 3 +1010011100110 Jyoti 3 +1010011100110 priestesses 3 +1010011100110 SCID 3 +1010011100110 ACTIVITY 4 +1010011100110 mountaintops 4 +1010011100110 Professionalism 4 +1010011100110 arguta 4 +1010011100110 Habit 5 +1010011100110 Schizophrenia 5 +1010011100110 plateaus 5 +1010011100110 0.325 5 +1010011100110 Obers 5 +1010011100110 Endurance 6 +1010011100110 EDWARDS 7 +1010011100110 NOX 7 +1010011100110 incision 10 +1010011100110 Wiederaufbau 10 +1010011100110 Accreditation 11 +1010011100110 upticks 11 +1010011100110 horseback 32 +1010011100110 WNET/Thirteen 38 +1010011100110 A&E 57 +1010011100110 Certificates-a 82 +1010011100110 halts 113 +1010011100110 ex-dividend 153 +1010011100110 doses 171 +1010011100110 PBS 394 +1010011100110 volumes 462 +1010011100110 turnover 652 +1010011100110 volume 7676 +1010011100111 Meowmoiselle 1 +1010011100111 Tulipa 1 +1010011100111 2,440,000 1 +1010011100111 dollars-per-barrel 1 +1010011100111 multiple-function 1 +1010011100111 1,428,000 1 +1010011100111 loathsomeness 1 +1010011100111 fibrinogen 1 +1010011100111 fourth-down-and-one 1 +1010011100111 target. 1 +1010011100111 WDZZ-FM 1 +1010011100111 Ahvaz 1 +1010011100111 family-reunification 1 +1010011100111 Adman 1 +1010011100111 flip-ins 1 +1010011100111 pauperism 1 +1010011100111 drive-throughs 1 +1010011100111 compatibilty 1 +1010011100111 no-man-is-an-island 1 +1010011100111 293,490 1 +1010011100111 Whoville 1 +1010011100111 averagewell 1 +1010011100111 leopard-spotted 1 +1010011100111 Outreach 1 +1010011100111 300-mile-an-hour 1 +1010011100111 bleepers 1 +1010011100111 7,261,000 1 +1010011100111 kudzu 1 +1010011100111 1,506,000 1 +1010011100111 1.2-million 1 +1010011100111 Zocalo 1 +1010011100111 272,367 1 +1010011100111 Misfortune 1 +1010011100111 excursion-fare 1 +1010011100111 288,690 1 +1010011100111 sexual-assault 1 +1010011100111 Mianeh 1 +1010011100111 3,978,238 1 +1010011100111 Sydney-Singapore-London 1 +1010011100111 newstands 1 +1010011100111 egg-buying 1 +1010011100111 I-26 1 +1010011100111 pocketfuls 1 +1010011100111 1,525,000 1 +1010011100111 disembowelment 1 +1010011100111 drawn-body 1 +1010011100111 meals. 1 +1010011100111 85,250 1 +1010011100111 EC-produced 1 +1010011100111 ikrities 1 +1010011100111 1,483,000 1 +1010011100111 Roman-style 1 +1010011100111 third-and-six 1 +1010011100111 highway-accident 1 +1010011100111 calulators 1 +1010011100111 151,500 1 +1010011100111 coming. 1 +1010011100111 1,394,000 1 +1010011100111 incentives. 1 +1010011100111 parapsychology 1 +1010011100111 1,072,000 1 +1010011100111 crime-solving 1 +1010011100111 1,204,000 1 +1010011100111 advertising-linage 1 +1010011100111 8,772,000 1 +1010011100111 mindlessness 1 +1010011100111 70,000-100,000 1 +1010011100111 reveunue 1 +1010011100111 Unicorn-Kanchana 1 +1010011100111 92,254 1 +1010011100111 package-volume 1 +1010011100111 wildife 1 +1010011100111 wites 1 +1010011100111 frankincense 1 +1010011100111 16,550 1 +1010011100111 top-loaders 1 +1010011100111 manhunts 1 +1010011100111 strategic-force 1 +1010011100111 3,215,000 1 +1010011100111 1,031,263 1 +1010011100111 relandscaping 1 +1010011100111 cocaine-peddling 1 +1010011100111 1,193,000 1 +1010011100111 905,647 1 +1010011100111 4,257,000 1 +1010011100111 1986revenue 1 +1010011100111 fast-walking 1 +1010011100111 double-A-plus-rated 1 +1010011100111 3,578,000 1 +1010011100111 BudgeTelevision 1 +1010011100111 35,029 1 +1010011100111 bicyles 1 +1010011100111 1,037,369 1 +1010011100111 Lire 1 +1010011100111 Campeau-unit 1 +1010011100111 907,767 1 +1010011100111 shuteye 1 +1010011100111 non-Asian 1 +1010011100111 public-mindedness 1 +1010011100111 aggegates 1 +1010011100111 4,914,000 1 +1010011100111 misestimates 1 +1010011100111 83,400 1 +1010011100111 foot-pedaled 1 +1010011100111 6,536,000 1 +1010011100111 Vini 1 +1010011100111 half-pay 1 +1010011100111 4,031,000 1 +1010011100111 Bord 1 +1010011100111 2,974,000 1 +1010011100111 1,010,186 1 +1010011100111 Amager 1 +1010011100111 Aug.11 1 +1010011100111 1,562,000 1 +1010011100111 204,440 1 +1010011100111 hairnets 1 +1010011100111 I-55 2 +1010011100111 sleights 2 +1010011100111 third-and-10 2 +1010011100111 cross-trades 2 +1010011100111 2,278,000 2 +1010011100111 Manila-bound 2 +1010011100111 275,960 2 +1010011100111 11,936,693 2 +1010011100111 Sohio-BP 2 +1010011100111 camelback 2 +1010011100111 Porkopolis 2 +1010011100111 fiberfill 2 +1010011100111 Lillick 2 +1010011100111 obviousness 2 +1010011100111 clotheslines 2 +1010011100111 8,180,000 2 +1010011100111 minter 2 +1010011100111 Take-Overs 2 +1010011100111 DEN 2 +1010011100111 face-amount 2 +1010011100111 827,000 3 +1010011100111 pinheads 3 +1010011100111 misinterpretations 4 +1010011100111 non-trade-related 6 +1010011100111 stilts 10 +1010011100111 underpayments 10 +1010011100111 Alcoholism 14 +1010011100111 linage 76 +1010011100111 feedlots 109 +1010011100111 Tariffs 191 +1010011100111 behalf 1480 +1010011100111 revenue 14706 +10100111010 200-200 1 +10100111010 Proves 1 +10100111010 hussy 1 +10100111010 whuppings 1 +10100111010 yesterday.Mr 1 +10100111010 megacorporations 1 +10100111010 waterproofer 1 +10100111010 twinsheet 1 +10100111010 organizaion 1 +10100111010 force-out 1 +10100111010 homburg 1 +10100111010 anarchism 1 +10100111010 exploration. 1 +10100111010 severances 1 +10100111010 stone-wash 1 +10100111010 coqual 1 +10100111010 Cloak 1 +10100111010 FAIL 1 +10100111010 pact. 1 +10100111010 Inc.as 1 +10100111010 check-point 1 +10100111010 29/32nds 1 +10100111010 messy-evacuation 1 +10100111010 Chiantis 1 +10100111010 waterspout 1 +10100111010 who-is-brutally-raped-by-a-white-man 1 +10100111010 suplies 1 +10100111010 party. 1 +10100111010 pit. 1 +10100111010 change-up 1 +10100111010 stirke 1 +10100111010 post-doctorate 1 +10100111010 Reacts 1 +10100111010 downrating 1 +10100111010 paranoids 1 +10100111010 birdhouses 1 +10100111010 insistance 1 +10100111010 Gabbrielli 1 +10100111010 tenderloin 2 +10100111010 problem-solvers 2 +10100111010 Act. 2 +10100111010 Burnout 2 +10100111010 HOUSEHOLDS 2 +10100111010 Shortcut 2 +10100111010 Nenryo 2 +10100111010 staves 3 +10100111010 tarpaulins 3 +10100111010 Rolexes 4 +10100111010 prices 33780 +10100111010 repurchases 109 +10100111011 eight-room 1 +10100111011 stock-linked 1 +10100111011 brainchildren 1 +10100111011 pseudoharengus 1 +10100111011 flat-land 1 +10100111011 Furor 1 +10100111011 FARMHANDS 1 +10100111011 Levchuk 1 +10100111011 ind 1 +10100111011 STRIKES 1 +10100111011 Pecchioli 1 +10100111011 thrice-yearly 1 +10100111011 KIERULFF 1 +10100111011 handfasters 1 +10100111011 animal-funeral 1 +10100111011 truck-hauled 1 +10100111011 computer-packing 1 +10100111011 tradingfor 1 +10100111011 Empresarial 1 +10100111011 POPULARITY 1 +10100111011 solid-mahogany 1 +10100111011 Emotion 1 +10100111011 appparently 1 +10100111011 BUTTE 1 +10100111011 gimcrack 1 +10100111011 31-plane 1 +10100111011 INDICATORS 1 +10100111011 orders> 1 +10100111011 train-ride 1 +10100111011 genera 1 +10100111011 actions. 1 +10100111011 al-Nahayan 1 +10100111011 Brumaire 1 +10100111011 toonage 1 +10100111011 LQ 1 +10100111011 data.The 1 +10100111011 Marg 1 +10100111011 Euroil-stock 1 +10100111011 moveable 1 +10100111011 haugh 1 +10100111011 postition 1 +10100111011 knife-fighter 1 +10100111011 EMPHASIS 1 +10100111011 rule-gold 1 +10100111011 hand-wringer 1 +10100111011 chukka 1 +10100111011 OCC-member 1 +10100111011 rambler 1 +10100111011 386SX-based 1 +10100111011 Schwarz-A-Tron 1 +10100111011 great-great-granddaughter 1 +10100111011 electoral-vote-rich 1 +10100111011 Caballeros 1 +10100111011 Coups 2 +10100111011 ethers 2 +10100111011 Rajneesh 2 +10100111011 Characteristics 2 +10100111011 investiture 2 +10100111011 Giraffe 2 +10100111011 besmirchment 2 +10100111011 SSTs 2 +10100111011 RABINOWITZ 2 +10100111011 escapee 3 +10100111011 showiest 3 +10100111011 FILING 3 +10100111011 Pascual 3 +10100111011 Farisani 4 +10100111011 500-index 4 +10100111011 Unbearable 6 +10100111011 deflator 94 +10100111011 index 12328 +10100111011 Index 1204 +101001111000 penurious 1 +101001111000 seed-field 1 +101001111000 store-redeemable 1 +101001111000 system-2 1 +101001111000 tear-away 1 +101001111000 social-message 1 +101001111000 telephone-number 1 +101001111000 46-degree 1 +101001111000 finance-rate 1 +101001111000 nonfinancials 1 +101001111000 urban-worker 1 +101001111000 bonified 1 +101001111000 sky-rocketing 1 +101001111000 savings-CD 1 +101001111000 drug-unit 1 +101001111000 body-rust 1 +101001111000 Messerschmitt-BoelkowBlohm 1 +101001111000 fuel-purchase 1 +101001111000 airport-gate 1 +101001111000 de-thorned 1 +101001111000 already-slimming 1 +101001111000 HARASSMENT 1 +101001111000 incentive-buoyed 1 +101001111000 PROSPECTORS 1 +101001111000 1.175-pence 1 +101001111000 263-156 2 +101001111000 much-lower 2 +101001111000 profits-based 2 +101001111000 longer-length 2 +101001111000 Binge 2 +101001111000 pension-settlement 2 +101001111000 typhus 6 +101001111000 profit 15813 +101001111000 net-interest 7 +101001111001 roseate 1 +101001111001 2037.32-point 1 +101001111001 AMX 1 +101001111001 citizen-soldiers 1 +101001111001 already-waning 1 +101001111001 already-lowered 1 +101001111001 Istitute 1 +101001111001 long-recurring 1 +101001111001 too-optimistic 1 +101001111001 SURCHARGE 1 +101001111001 barefaced 1 +101001111001 grain-harvest 1 +101001111001 gross-proceeds 1 +101001111001 gate-hyping 1 +101001111001 COLLIER 1 +101001111001 yen-triggered 1 +101001111001 energy-shortage-era 1 +101001111001 private-economic 1 +101001111001 Confounding 1 +101001111001 survey-based 1 +101001111001 prelimiminary 1 +101001111001 merchandise-trade-deficit 1 +101001111001 2.3-million-barrel 1 +101001111001 sharenet 1 +101001111001 budget-but 1 +101001111001 takeover-value 1 +101001111001 3,768 1 +101001111001 2,172 1 +101001111001 4,926 1 +101001111001 population-growth 1 +101001111001 8,026 1 +101001111001 13,598 1 +101001111001 294,879 1 +101001111001 283,000-job 1 +101001111001 1,053,459 1 +101001111001 2,589 1 +101001111001 stomach-shooting 1 +101001111001 JACKPOTS 1 +101001111001 pavement-performance 1 +101001111001 ROE 1 +101001111001 oil-demand 1 +101001111001 farrowing 2 +101001111001 job-performance 2 +101001111001 passbooks 2 +101001111001 planting-intentions 2 +101001111001 75.23-point 2 +101001111001 1,038 2 +101001111001 Maseratis 3 +101001111001 colognes 3 +101001111001 1101.16 3 +101001111001 operating-income 3 +101001111001 lease-hold 3 +101001111001 Politika 3 +101001111001 Caravans 4 +101001111001 seagulls 4 +101001111001 pretax-profit 8 +101001111001 food-inflation 11 +101001111001 earnings 19044 +101001111001 Istituto 65 +101001111010 HISTORIES 1 +101001111010 expert/D.C. 1 +101001111010 Karstad 1 +101001111010 gasoline-excise 1 +101001111010 computer-hastened 1 +101001111010 worth-assets 1 +101001111010 oil-profit 1 +101001111010 sempervivum 1 +101001111010 800-424-FORM 1 +101001111010 works-wife 1 +101001111010 ANXIETY 1 +101001111010 re-make 1 +101001111010 highway-related 1 +101001111010 226.58 1 +101001111010 REJOICE 1 +101001111010 seven-footer 1 +101001111010 exactitude 2 +101001111010 jay 2 +101001111010 ROYCE 2 +101001111010 8840 2 +101001111010 rate-news 2 +101001111010 BRACE 3 +101001111010 out-migration 6 +101001111010 worths 6 +101001111010 income 16199 +101001111010 in-migration 16 +1010011110110 detergent/fabric 1 +1010011110110 profit-earnings 1 +1010011110110 DISCLOSURE 2 +1010011110110 signpost 2 +1010011110110 pussycat 2 +1010011110110 vote-loser 2 +1010011110110 joules 2 +1010011110110 skein 3 +1010011110110 windowsill 3 +1010011110110 paydown 5 +1010011110110 motherlode 5 +1010011110110 comedown 14 +1010011110110 writedown 34 +1010011110110 outflow 143 +1010011110110 write-off 491 +1010011110110 loss 14709 +1010011110110 write-down 549 +1010011110111 mini-story 1 +1010011110111 thrust-vector 1 +1010011110111 bathetically 1 +1010011110111 overbudget 1 +1010011110111 neon-bright 1 +1010011110111 thermostat-like 1 +1010011110111 new-arms 1 +1010011110111 deputations 1 +1010011110111 mamma 1 +1010011110111 no-amendment 1 +1010011110111 outercontinental 1 +1010011110111 loss-maker 1 +1010011110111 6,483 1 +1010011110111 Scotchman 1 +1010011110111 spillovers 1 +1010011110111 1.3-mile 1 +1010011110111 multistation 1 +1010011110111 rapporteur 1 +1010011110111 reprieves 1 +1010011110111 -holder 1 +1010011110111 disk-jockey 1 +1010011110111 -control 1 +1010011110111 switch-over 1 +1010011110111 income-income 2 +1010011110111 corker 2 +1010011110111 annually. 2 +1010011110111 re-winging 2 +1010011110111 -ownership 2 +1010011110111 high-single-A 3 +1010011110111 huggable 3 +1010011110111 draw-down 5 +1010011110111 RISE 6 +1010011110111 write-up 8 +1010011110111 gain 8595 +1010011110111 variation 288 +101001111100 two-cents-a-pound 1 +101001111100 dry-season 1 +101001111100 price-fluctuation 1 +101001111100 rates.The 1 +101001111100 contrtactors 1 +101001111100 blood-bath 1 +101001111100 Weltwoche 1 +101001111100 sail-raisings 1 +101001111100 tunover 1 +101001111100 resurges 1 +101001111100 cover-to-cover 1 +101001111100 moneychanger 1 +101001111100 subscription-price 1 +101001111100 auto-news 1 +101001111100 telluride 1 +101001111100 virus. 1 +101001111100 7.5/64-inch 1 +101001111100 growth-share 1 +101001111100 Veja 1 +101001111100 rate-economic 1 +101001111100 borohydride 1 +101001111100 interest-rate-risk 1 +101001111100 minidevaluations 1 +101001111100 rate/currency 1 +101001111100 dunker 1 +101001111100 pressures. 1 +101001111100 radiation-risk 1 +101001111100 ratiocination 1 +101001111100 clum 1 +101001111100 sauvigon 1 +101001111100 limit-flagged 1 +101001111100 larger-car 1 +101001111100 owned. 1 +101001111100 25-cents-an-hour 1 +101001111100 benzoate 1 +101001111100 childishness 1 +101001111100 M2-currency 1 +101001111100 can-price 1 +101001111100 telephone-trading 1 +101001111100 mammographs 1 +101001111100 all-company 1 +101001111100 training-budget 1 +101001111100 Bilan 1 +101001111100 polymerization 1 +101001111100 Nepszabdsag 1 +101001111100 cash-dividend 1 +101001111100 hydroxide 1 +101001111100 desalinized 1 +101001111100 fuel-neutral 1 +101001111100 car-price 1 +101001111100 roundtrips 1 +101001111100 print-run 1 +101001111100 America-Economia 1 +101001111100 pentobarbital 1 +101001111100 cherry-blossom 1 +101001111100 drug-seeking 1 +101001111100 -per-year 1 +101001111100 Journal-News 2 +101001111100 R&D/assets 2 +101001111100 Haiti-Observateur 2 +101001111100 streltsy 2 +101001111100 RATIO 2 +101001111100 equipment-purchase 2 +101001111100 Tages-Anzeiger 2 +101001111100 Nepszabadsag 2 +101001111100 Metalliques 3 +101001111100 dichromate 3 +101001111100 starting-salary 3 +101001111100 chlorate 8 +101001111100 sauvignon 20 +101001111100 al. 27 +101001111100 rate 24486 +101001111100 ratio 1537 +1010011111010 strike-price 1 +1010011111010 48-state 1 +1010011111010 tax/telephones 1 +1010011111010 editon 1 +1010011111010 stockmargin 1 +1010011111010 stategrant 1 +1010011111010 national-rate 1 +1010011111010 IRS-conference 1 +1010011111010 proper. 1 +1010011111010 minijet 1 +1010011111010 fiftyfold 1 +1010011111010 reliver 1 +1010011111010 wood-beamed 1 +1010011111010 end-of-winter 1 +1010011111010 time-line 1 +1010011111010 slap-on-the-wrist 1 +1010011111010 flow-based 1 +1010011111010 flow-after-tax 1 +1010011111010 quotients 1 +1010011111010 ego-shattering 1 +1010011111010 plant-rebuilding 1 +1010011111010 smolders 2 +1010011111010 high-test 2 +1010011111010 squeeze-out 2 +1010011111010 half-penny 3 +1010011111010 fade-out 3 +1010011111010 fixed/adjustable 3 +1010011111010 p/e 4 +1010011111010 lead-in 6 +1010011111010 downpayment 7 +1010011111010 charge-off 8 +1010011111010 estimated-tax 9 +1010011111010 pay-out 10 +1010011111010 buy-in 12 +1010011111010 stipend 19 +1010011111010 teaser 26 +1010011111010 miscarriage 30 +1010011111010 knell 32 +1010011111010 reliever 37 +1010011111010 markup 45 +1010011111010 VAT 47 +1010011111010 retainer 62 +1010011111010 limitation 102 +1010011111010 surtax 104 +1010011111010 surcharge 173 +1010011111010 quo 265 +1010011111010 threshold 289 +1010011111010 royalty 302 +1010011111010 rebate 329 +1010011111010 windfall 344 +1010011111010 toll 419 +1010011111010 vacancy 546 +1010011111010 payout 627 +1010011111010 bonus 749 +1010011111010 quota 824 +1010011111010 coupon 890 +1010011111010 penalty 1138 +1010011111010 margin 2181 +1010011111010 fee 2247 +1010011111010 dividend 5871 +1010011111010 premium 2382 +10100111110110 retail-photography 1 +10100111110110 hit-the-beaches 1 +10100111110110 22nd-ranked 1 +10100111110110 24-county 1 +10100111110110 1929-ologists 1 +10100111110110 Shrivers 1 +10100111110110 coal-operators 1 +10100111110110 cable-broadcasting 1 +10100111110110 confidence-boosting 1 +10100111110110 toy-products 1 +10100111110110 dependance 1 +10100111110110 turtle-soup 1 +10100111110110 5.2-million-barrel 1 +10100111110110 air-resistance 1 +10100111110110 specialty-building-products 1 +10100111110110 approvals/signatures 1 +10100111110110 two-century 1 +10100111110110 off-stage 1 +10100111110110 Italian-Swiss 1 +10100111110110 Insulators 1 +10100111110110 securties 1 +10100111110110 pipeline-rehabilitation 1 +10100111110110 Belgian-controlled 1 +10100111110110 Mendozas 1 +10100111110110 Striar-Jacobson 1 +10100111110110 Hunkhood 1 +10100111110110 Standpoint 1 +10100111110110 biotechnoloy 1 +10100111110110 Hitler-bunker 1 +10100111110110 niceguy 1 +10100111110110 Blotch 1 +10100111110110 graphics-equipment 1 +10100111110110 thingamajig 1 +10100111110110 here-we-go-again 1 +10100111110110 pipeline-reconstruction 1 +10100111110110 victory-margin 1 +10100111110110 employment-advertising 1 +10100111110110 wholesale-grocery 1 +10100111110110 oarlock 1 +10100111110110 gondola-builders 1 +10100111110110 residential-building 1 +10100111110110 blue-and-gold-bedecked 1 +10100111110110 physiologic 1 +10100111110110 sugar-daddy 1 +10100111110110 dirty-cop 1 +10100111110110 leastexpensive 1 +10100111110110 tissue-banks 1 +10100111110110 meat-toppings 1 +10100111110110 whiffs 1 +10100111110110 Thoroughbred-breeding 1 +10100111110110 Polish-joke 1 +10100111110110 scientific-journal 1 +10100111110110 Eastern-corridor 1 +10100111110110 industrial-dominated 1 +10100111110110 remixes 1 +10100111110110 card-industries 1 +10100111110110 Hohns 1 +10100111110110 pre-1941 1 +10100111110110 camaigns 1 +10100111110110 10,000-troop 1 +10100111110110 specialty-contracting 1 +10100111110110 concern-for-the-hostages 1 +10100111110110 Drop-everything 1 +10100111110110 special-teams 1 +10100111110110 safety-research 1 +10100111110110 JONAS 1 +10100111110110 Torontobased 1 +10100111110110 long-distance-telecommunications 1 +10100111110110 debt-ratings 1 +10100111110110 Rockford-based 1 +10100111110110 healthcare-services 1 +10100111110110 swing-producer 1 +10100111110110 Mexican-restaurant 1 +10100111110110 king-pawn 1 +10100111110110 10-employee 1 +10100111110110 passengers-only 1 +10100111110110 income-tax-service 1 +10100111110110 stickum 1 +10100111110110 minus/A-3 1 +10100111110110 pop-tops 1 +10100111110110 automotive-technology 1 +10100111110110 GE-type 1 +10100111110110 dire-danger 1 +10100111110110 880,878 1 +10100111110110 Roths 1 +10100111110110 26,405 1 +10100111110110 test-score 1 +10100111110110 tumor-necrosis 1 +10100111110110 colony-stimulating 2 +10100111110110 party-state 2 +10100111110110 post-sale 2 +10100111110110 postmortems 2 +10100111110110 check-verification 2 +10100111110110 transportation-leasing 2 +10100111110110 postmarks 2 +10100111110110 roadbed 3 +10100111110110 Sunraycer 3 +10100111110110 MD-92 3 +10100111110110 wind-chill 4 +10100111110110 bus-leasing 4 +10100111110110 coupon-processing 5 +10100111110110 vise 13 +10100111110110 necrosis 14 +10100111110110 proration 34 +10100111110110 credit-rating 46 +10100111110110 sights 159 +10100111110110 grip 368 +10100111110110 load 1390 +10100111110110 ratings 2669 +10100111110110 rating 3870 +10100111110111 peerages 1 +10100111110111 K1s 1 +10100111110111 239-187 1 +10100111110111 comeons 1 +10100111110111 poolings 1 +10100111110111 level.They 1 +10100111110111 repudiations 1 +10100111110111 Orbitals 1 +10100111110111 service-reduction 1 +10100111110111 hellfire 1 +10100111110111 timepieces 2 +10100111110111 pay-down 2 +10100111110111 FMHA 2 +10100111110111 consessions 2 +10100111110111 discoverers 2 +10100111110111 impalement 2 +10100111110111 riboflavin 2 +10100111110111 opportunties 3 +10100111110111 paleness 3 +10100111110111 nonstops 4 +10100111110111 samogon 4 +10100111110111 comforter 4 +10100111110111 trusteeships 4 +10100111110111 cheater 4 +10100111110111 mikes 4 +10100111110111 remembrances 5 +10100111110111 deductability 5 +10100111110111 silting 5 +10100111110111 paybacks 5 +10100111110111 arrearage 7 +10100111110111 100s 8 +10100111110111 writeoff 12 +10100111110111 reschedulings 20 +10100111110111 semi-annually 21 +10100111110111 arrearages 21 +10100111110111 indexation 39 +10100111110111 forgiveness 84 +10100111110111 repayments 146 +10100111110111 arrears 182 +10100111110111 payouts 203 +10100111110111 distributions 238 +10100111110111 burdens 248 +10100111110111 repayment 503 +10100111110111 deduction 572 +10100111110111 ceiling 927 +10100111110111 burden 1368 +10100111110111 payment 3558 +10100111110111 payments 6566 +10100111111000 small-businesses 1 +10100111111000 3836 1 +10100111111000 throw-weight 1 +10100111111000 project-cancellation 1 +10100111111000 19,990 1 +10100111111000 misalliance 1 +10100111111000 suspiciousness 1 +10100111111000 HongkongBank-Wardley 1 +10100111111000 T-37s 1 +10100111111000 barbecuers 1 +10100111111000 superciliousness 1 +10100111111000 P205s 1 +10100111111000 6'-4 1 +10100111111000 168.89 1 +10100111111000 242.48 1 +10100111111000 737500 1 +10100111111000 173.46 1 +10100111111000 118.62 1 +10100111111000 Bruegelian 1 +10100111111000 kulak 1 +10100111111000 Schelomo 1 +10100111111000 327.54 1 +10100111111000 divertimenti 1 +10100111111000 2,939 1 +10100111111000 automony 1 +10100111111000 underclasses 1 +10100111111000 contendere 1 +10100111111000 Suzel 1 +10100111111000 DC9 1 +10100111111000 240.22 1 +10100111111000 59.62 1 +10100111111000 213.06 1 +10100111111000 1/35th 1 +10100111111000 R-10 1 +10100111111000 most-frequently 1 +10100111111000 191,613,132 1 +10100111111000 Monkee 1 +10100111111000 shrivels 1 +10100111111000 effects/horror 1 +10100111111000 governments-in-exile 1 +10100111111000 CD4-IgG 1 +10100111111000 security. 1 +10100111111000 476.37 1 +10100111111000 half-French 1 +10100111111000 97.76 1 +10100111111000 pleader 1 +10100111111000 no-lead 1 +10100111111000 SP-1-Plus 1 +10100111111000 minus-320 1 +10100111111000 hairstylist 1 +10100111111000 near-debacle 1 +10100111111000 overdepreciation 1 +10100111111000 ss 1 +10100111111000 interest-lawyers 1 +10100111111000 taking. 1 +10100111111000 Nintendos 1 +10100111111000 Whitmanesque 1 +10100111111000 31.72 1 +10100111111000 tradedeficit 1 +10100111111000 concern. 2 +10100111111000 alkylates 2 +10100111111000 crit 2 +10100111111000 whipsaws 3 +10100111111000 shipmate 3 +10100111111000 disbursal 3 +10100111111000 foodies 3 +10100111111000 fixations 4 +10100111111000 range-trading 4 +10100111111000 brownie 4 +10100111111000 Belasco 4 +10100111111000 Portofino 5 +10100111111000 exclamation 10 +10100111111000 editions 219 +10100111111000 edition 1193 +10100111111000 basis 5714 +10100111111000 pace 2537 +10100111111001 Jaminah 1 +10100111111001 entertainer-candidate 1 +10100111111001 Roared 1 +10100111111001 clefts 1 +10100111111001 Affair. 1 +10100111111001 Scuppernong 1 +10100111111001 article. 1 +10100111111001 bureaucracy. 1 +10100111111001 Uniprocessor 1 +10100111111001 dressing-down 1 +10100111111001 itelf 1 +10100111111001 EECIF 1 +10100111111001 2,079,000 1 +10100111111001 snowdrift 1 +10100111111001 34,893,108 1 +10100111111001 2,022,579 1 +10100111111001 Scoundrel 1 +10100111111001 Pu-Yi 1 +10100111111001 Choir. 1 +10100111111001 Ryder/P.I.E. 1 +10100111111001 10,000-yuan 1 +10100111111001 jumpier 1 +10100111111001 high-80s 1 +10100111111001 Sweethearts 1 +10100111111001 925.25 1 +10100111111001 2,279,000 1 +10100111111001 0-for-4 1 +10100111111001 horsefeed 1 +10100111111001 great. 1 +10100111111001 batman 1 +10100111111001 Kundry 1 +10100111111001 Came-Slot 1 +10100111111001 incandescents 1 +10100111111001 game-bird 1 +10100111111001 Karpinsk 1 +10100111111001 orchidarium 1 +10100111111001 crabgrass 1 +10100111111001 2,110,000 1 +10100111111001 SPGLA 1 +10100111111001 2,421 1 +10100111111001 640,388 1 +10100111111001 sweetmeats 1 +10100111111001 Walkerton 1 +10100111111001 246,708 1 +10100111111001 29,708 1 +10100111111001 stonewash 1 +10100111111001 B2000 1 +10100111111001 sherpas 1 +10100111111001 Baghlan 1 +10100111111001 BRDN 1 +10100111111001 figres 1 +10100111111001 9,371 1 +10100111111001 chuckleheadisms 1 +10100111111001 perorations 1 +10100111111001 inquests 1 +10100111111001 entendres 1 +10100111111001 beep. 1 +10100111111001 SPD. 1 +10100111111001 preces 1 +10100111111001 667,077 1 +10100111111001 pseudoepiphytes 1 +10100111111001 deckers 1 +10100111111001 2,376,000 1 +10100111111001 Kremlinology 1 +10100111111001 post. 1 +10100111111001 the. 1 +10100111111001 Leicas 1 +10100111111001 9,491 1 +10100111111001 skinflints 1 +10100111111001 hair-touslings 1 +10100111111001 2,359,000 1 +10100111111001 36,696 1 +10100111111001 -of-something-or-other 1 +10100111111001 opera-goer 1 +10100111111001 2,085,000 1 +10100111111001 782,030 1 +10100111111001 Inkhata 1 +10100111111001 R2t6z 1 +10100111111001 mini-gods 1 +10100111111001 Mandrake 1 +10100111111001 Chevettes 1 +10100111111001 2,066,000 1 +10100111111001 vahgawn 1 +10100111111001 marionettes 1 +10100111111001 9,008 1 +10100111111001 ladder. 1 +10100111111001 Plasticene 1 +10100111111001 entertainment. 1 +10100111111001 toggery 1 +10100111111001 assimilationist 1 +10100111111001 2,476,000 1 +10100111111001 sesin 1 +10100111111001 panda/beaver 1 +10100111111001 2,306,000 1 +10100111111001 poser 1 +10100111111001 zonation 1 +10100111111001 derringer-carrier 1 +10100111111001 chaos. 1 +10100111111001 Cossacks 1 +10100111111001 heroin. 1 +10100111111001 ideograph 1 +10100111111001 orange-strawberry-banana 1 +10100111111001 13,858 1 +10100111111001 2,205,000 1 +10100111111001 2,738 1 +10100111111001 28,768,228 1 +10100111111001 run-around 1 +10100111111001 haranguer 1 +10100111111001 51,844,137 1 +10100111111001 Water-gnome 1 +10100111111001 analysis. 1 +10100111111001 12,561,000 1 +10100111111001 27,969,976 1 +10100111111001 McWar 1 +10100111111001 number. 1 +10100111111001 2,191,000 1 +10100111111001 throughways 1 +10100111111001 ex-shortstop 1 +10100111111001 30,165,656 1 +10100111111001 33,109,811 1 +10100111111001 money-obtained 1 +10100111111001 13,418 1 +10100111111001 nation. 1 +10100111111001 plants. 1 +10100111111001 supension 1 +10100111111001 Purdey 1 +10100111111001 digits. 1 +10100111111001 quinine 1 +10100111111001 2,156,000 1 +10100111111001 goshawks 1 +10100111111001 Fungi 1 +10100111111001 fortunetelling 1 +10100111111001 squaws 1 +10100111111001 vultures. 1 +10100111111001 stuff. 1 +10100111111001 2,182,000 1 +10100111111001 92,362 1 +10100111111001 individual. 1 +10100111111001 2,531,600 1 +10100111111001 1,994,000 1 +10100111111001 techno-toys 1 +10100111111001 LYONs 2 +10100111111001 stalagmites 2 +10100111111001 saturnine 2 +10100111111001 breadstick 2 +10100111111001 bellicosity 2 +10100111111001 Babbitts 2 +10100111111001 gift. 2 +10100111111001 orgies 2 +10100111111001 T-note 2 +10100111111001 gluttons 2 +10100111111001 blast-off 2 +10100111111001 penises 3 +10100111111001 Topsy 3 +10100111111001 yelp 3 +10100111111001 goodbyes 3 +10100111111001 mountaineers 4 +10100111111001 A-minus 5 +10100111111001 helix 6 +10100111111001 hotcakes 6 +10100111111001 lifespan 6 +10100111111001 intermissions 7 +10100111111001 qua 8 +10100111111001 clockwork 11 +10100111111001 digit 12 +10100111111001 wildfire 19 +10100111111001 wavelength 24 +10100111111001 leash 35 +10100111111001 hiatus 64 +10100111111001 vein 69 +10100111111001 digits 105 +10100111111001 span 162 +10100111111001 period 10646 +10100111111001 periods 1029 +10100111111010 428-yarder 1 +10100111111010 335.24 1 +10100111111010 35,168,600 1 +10100111111010 4829.61 1 +10100111111010 3229.15 1 +10100111111010 per-person 1 +10100111111010 361.38 1 +10100111111010 26048.17 1 +10100111111010 wind-shifts 1 +10100111111010 3305.82 1 +10100111111010 1908.6 1 +10100111111010 1877.8 1 +10100111111010 1892.6 1 +10100111111010 3253.42 1 +10100111111010 1868.8 1 +10100111111010 2382 1 +10100111111010 cajolery 1 +10100111111010 357.07 1 +10100111111010 317.25 1 +10100111111010 voltages 1 +10100111111010 dollar-volume 1 +10100111111010 undraped 1 +10100111111010 self-deluded 1 +10100111111010 snowmelt 1 +10100111111010 decile 1 +10100111111010 421.01 1 +10100111111010 1866.1 1 +10100111111010 1486.2 1 +10100111111010 159.31 1 +10100111111010 322.34 1 +10100111111010 1846.7 1 +10100111111010 1472.8 1 +10100111111010 tapados 1 +10100111111010 19921.05 1 +10100111111010 19789.93 1 +10100111111010 299.49 1 +10100111111010 305.56 1 +10100111111010 1832.8 1 +10100111111010 1463.9 1 +10100111111010 20,228.09 1 +10100111111010 162.56 1 +10100111111010 20,766.66 1 +10100111111010 1942.0 1 +10100111111010 1552.3 1 +10100111111010 1925.8 1 +10100111111010 1542.1 1 +10100111111010 24097.79 1 +10100111111010 2163.4 1 +10100111111010 1:43:25 1 +10100111111010 2068.5 1 +10100111111010 1066.90 1 +10100111111010 montaineer 1 +10100111111010 23524.08 1 +10100111111010 occupancies 1 +10100111111010 22,738.67 1 +10100111111010 24729.03 1 +10100111111010 25738.96 1 +10100111111010 poundings 1 +10100111111010 2228.2 1 +10100111111010 exclamations 1 +10100111111010 2179.6 1 +10100111111010 2203.7 1 +10100111111010 2307.6 1 +10100111111010 weepers 1 +10100111111010 120s 1 +10100111111010 1752.3 1 +10100111111010 289.68 1 +10100111111010 19539.48 1 +10100111111010 426.74 1 +10100111111010 19554.72 1 +10100111111010 cantabile 1 +10100111111010 19686.83 1 +10100111111010 1814.4 1 +10100111111010 1441.6 1 +10100111111010 19216.12 1 +10100111111010 294.48 1 +10100111111010 grumpers 1 +10100111111010 6,681 1 +10100111111010 fulfillments 1 +10100111111010 PLEASURE 1 +10100111111010 P-values 1 +10100111111010 2,881 1 +10100111111010 returns-on-assets 1 +10100111111010 3,933 1 +10100111111010 64-59 1 +10100111111010 Nutkin 1 +10100111111010 half-scrap 1 +10100111111010 boomthough 1 +10100111111010 envirnonment 1 +10100111111010 Khans 1 +10100111111010 4,781 1 +10100111111010 4,458 1 +10100111111010 26930.84 1 +10100111111010 unit-president 1 +10100111111010 evel 1 +10100111111010 ever-more-complex 1 +10100111111010 ex-Cubs 1 +10100111111010 525.11 1 +10100111111010 17s 1 +10100111111010 digestibility 1 +10100111111010 preliminay 1 +10100111111010 mile-or-thereabouts 1 +10100111111010 737.83 1 +10100111111010 89,375 1 +10100111111010 429.12 1 +10100111111010 people-management 1 +10100111111010 2939.05 1 +10100111111010 intergrity 1 +10100111111010 461.73 1 +10100111111010 fractionater 1 +10100111111010 80,000s 1 +10100111111010 202,591 1 +10100111111010 505.9 1 +10100111111010 bed-maker 1 +10100111111010 tech-transplants 1 +10100111111010 28147.32 1 +10100111111010 bucketeers 1 +10100111111010 clocking 1 +10100111111010 muckety-muck 1 +10100111111010 2000s 2 +10100111111010 exhanges 2 +10100111111010 evisceration 2 +10100111111010 squerarolo 2 +10100111111010 chatters 2 +10100111111010 12,208 2 +10100111111010 headwear 2 +10100111111010 well-engineered 2 +10100111111010 elevations 2 +10100111111010 ranges. 2 +10100111111010 birthweight 2 +10100111111010 detestation 2 +10100111111010 shortgages 2 +10100111111010 2363.78 3 +10100111111010 libertarianism 3 +10100111111010 2179.42 3 +10100111111010 range. 3 +10100111111010 learners 3 +10100111111010 Shagan 3 +10100111111010 wisdoms 3 +10100111111010 dudgeon 3 +10100111111010 2519.77 3 +10100111111010 approximations 3 +10100111111010 freedom-fighters 3 +10100111111010 up-cycle 3 +10100111111010 responsibility. 3 +10100111111010 attainments 3 +10100111111010 2481.35 4 +10100111111010 Ludu 4 +10100111111010 jinks 4 +10100111111010 densities 4 +10100111111010 2150.45 4 +10100111111010 quintiles 5 +10100111111010 delegator 5 +10100111111010 2567.44 5 +10100111111010 franca 5 +10100111111010 2706.79 5 +10100111111010 conservatories 6 +10100111111010 1971.32 7 +10100111111010 schoolers 8 +10100111111010 predictors 10 +10100111111010 priestess 12 +10100111111010 violator 20 +10100111111010 echelons 26 +10100111111010 altitudes 26 +10100111111010 dosages 28 +10100111111010 quintile 35 +10100111111010 thresholds 35 +10100111111010 rollers 48 +10100111111010 density 86 +10100111111010 layer 252 +10100111111010 profile 480 +10100111111010 levels 6463 +10100111111010 level 8778 +10100111111011 topic. 1 +10100111111011 Euclidean 1 +10100111111011 tulipae 1 +10100111111011 self-mutilator 1 +10100111111011 sublety 1 +10100111111011 states-of-being 1 +10100111111011 moll 1 +10100111111011 manueuvers 1 +10100111111011 miter 1 +10100111111011 noisemaker 1 +10100111111011 picture. 1 +10100111111011 egalitarians 1 +10100111111011 five-thousandths 1 +10100111111011 inflamation 1 +10100111111011 perfusion 1 +10100111111011 make-over 1 +10100111111011 self-confrontation 1 +10100111111011 self-evisceration 1 +10100111111011 Tanjung 1 +10100111111011 lepanthes 1 +10100111111011 klinkers 1 +10100111111011 Shyaam-a-Mbul-a-Ngwoong 1 +10100111111011 applicator. 1 +10100111111011 door-opener 1 +10100111111011 spear-carrier 1 +10100111111011 homonym 1 +10100111111011 Kulturplatz 1 +10100111111011 laterals 1 +10100111111011 mustangs 1 +10100111111011 enlister 1 +10100111111011 adult-child 1 +10100111111011 calamari 1 +10100111111011 neoconservativism 1 +10100111111011 miniseason 1 +10100111111011 fretfulness 1 +10100111111011 discarders 1 +10100111111011 might-have-been 1 +10100111111011 boudoirs 1 +10100111111011 magneticfields 1 +10100111111011 camera-work 1 +10100111111011 needed. 1 +10100111111011 flow-net 1 +10100111111011 horse-faced 1 +10100111111011 potential. 1 +10100111111011 cantor 1 +10100111111011 all-rounders 1 +10100111111011 long-shots 1 +10100111111011 playboat 1 +10100111111011 burkas 1 +10100111111011 granduncle 1 +10100111111011 diarrhea. 1 +10100111111011 satan 1 +10100111111011 sub-category 1 +10100111111011 speculation. 1 +10100111111011 Rabelaisianism 1 +10100111111011 cowboy-hero 1 +10100111111011 moraine 1 +10100111111011 intensiveness 1 +10100111111011 car-pooling 1 +10100111111011 resilience. 1 +10100111111011 cat-eyes 1 +10100111111011 Nelwyns 1 +10100111111011 Atomium 1 +10100111111011 stableman 1 +10100111111011 shimedaiko 1 +10100111111011 half-sit-up 1 +10100111111011 limit-implemented 1 +10100111111011 23-fold 1 +10100111111011 Toshiba-bashers 1 +10100111111011 seductresses 1 +10100111111011 pipe-smoker 1 +10100111111011 Mythili 1 +10100111111011 overwarnings 1 +10100111111011 brain-picker 1 +10100111111011 LZ 1 +10100111111011 encomiums 1 +10100111111011 domaines 1 +10100111111011 graybeards 1 +10100111111011 other-worldliness 1 +10100111111011 bottledeposit 1 +10100111111011 homogenizer 1 +10100111111011 byway 1 +10100111111011 rodders 1 +10100111111011 flow-profit 1 +10100111111011 inquisitiveness 1 +10100111111011 methodsm 1 +10100111111011 Blackwater 1 +10100111111011 boreholes 1 +10100111111011 insectologist 1 +10100111111011 speed- 1 +10100111111011 priss 1 +10100111111011 market-though 1 +10100111111011 thunderheads 1 +10100111111011 referents 2 +10100111111011 draw-downs 2 +10100111111011 lampoons 2 +10100111111011 embarassment 2 +10100111111011 potentiality 2 +10100111111011 GUILTY 2 +10100111111011 crackup 2 +10100111111011 megalopolis 2 +10100111111011 Cartrivision 2 +10100111111011 transits 2 +10100111111011 self-liquidation 2 +10100111111011 blobs 2 +10100111111011 molar 2 +10100111111011 mantel 2 +10100111111011 ravines 2 +10100111111011 buzzes 2 +10100111111011 curvature 3 +10100111111011 spools 3 +10100111111011 co-existence 3 +10100111111011 parentis 4 +10100111111011 cleft 4 +10100111111011 constructionist 5 +10100111111011 billows 6 +10100111111011 rafts 6 +10100111111011 retracement 8 +10100111111011 expanses 9 +10100111111011 hoards 19 +10100111111011 replenishment 20 +10100111111011 excerpt 26 +10100111111011 snarl 30 +10100111111011 gamut 40 +10100111111011 swath 45 +10100111111011 registers 59 +10100111111011 infusions 75 +10100111111011 hoard 88 +10100111111011 respite 89 +10100111111011 parachutes 97 +10100111111011 outlay 116 +10100111111011 inflows 123 +10100111111011 adequacy 159 +10100111111011 inflow 172 +10100111111011 equivalents 183 +10100111111011 injection 197 +10100111111011 stream 437 +10100111111011 infusion 475 +10100111111011 ranges 479 +10100111111011 flows 559 +10100111111011 sentence 802 +10100111111011 range 5189 +10100111111011 flow 3014 +1010011111110 entitlement-program 1 +1010011111110 150-book 1 +1010011111110 Democrat/Republican 1 +1010011111110 stick-ums 1 +1010011111110 extra-base 1 +1010011111110 capitalization-weighted 1 +1010011111110 18-liter 1 +1010011111110 typhoon-season 1 +1010011111110 interest-margin 1 +1010011111110 business-formation 1 +1010011111110 small-format 1 +1010011111110 veil-like 1 +1010011111110 overhead-cost 1 +1010011111110 claims-cost 1 +1010011111110 1,604,375 1 +1010011111110 Twinnies 1 +1010011111110 two-to-five-year 1 +1010011111110 counterexamples 1 +1010011111110 15-to-20-foot 1 +1010011111110 price-standard 1 +1010011111110 defense-investment 1 +1010011111110 Japanese-Taiwan 1 +1010011111110 internationaly 1 +1010011111110 12-step 1 +1010011111110 base-lending-rate 1 +1010011111110 10-to-20-year-old 1 +1010011111110 subgurus 1 +1010011111110 billing-rate 1 +1010011111110 174,000-job 1 +1010011111110 fleet-price 1 +1010011111110 list-price 1 +1010011111110 caviar-bearing 1 +1010011111110 cereal-price 1 +1010011111110 window-service 1 +1010011111110 earnings-estimate 1 +1010011111110 T-Bond 1 +1010011111110 tooth-fairy 2 +1010011111110 grape-size 2 +1010011111110 9,309,394 2 +1010011111110 fund-balance 2 +1010011111110 stock-building 2 +1010011111110 hundred-point 2 +1010011111110 wariest 2 +1010011111110 filleted 2 +1010011111110 less-noticed 2 +1010011111110 spot-price 2 +1010011111110 gewgaw 2 +1010011111110 nightcap 2 +1010011111110 portolio 2 +1010011111110 return-price 2 +1010011111110 bioequivalency 2 +1010011111110 quick-wittedness 2 +1010011111110 golden-brown 2 +1010011111110 pyschology 3 +1010011111110 yellow-green 3 +1010011111110 broad-market 4 +1010011111110 home-price 4 +1010011111110 radiance 5 +1010011111110 Allegro 5 +1010011111110 insurance-rate 5 +1010011111110 magnification 5 +1010011111110 pay-for-performance 6 +1010011111110 wholesale-price 7 +1010011111110 price 29877 +1010011111110 farm-price 16 +10100111111110 crumples 1 +10100111111110 1,260,000 1 +10100111111110 re-broadcast 1 +10100111111110 6,102,000 1 +10100111111110 soundnesss 1 +10100111111110 COBOL 1 +10100111111110 scammel 1 +10100111111110 across. 1 +10100111111110 no-ransom 1 +10100111111110 Oddjob 1 +10100111111110 capitalweighted 1 +10100111111110 half-tubes 1 +10100111111110 Tuturo 1 +10100111111110 regressiveness 1 +10100111111110 circumcisions 1 +10100111111110 11,593 1 +10100111111110 busine 1 +10100111111110 201-27 1 +10100111111110 identical. 1 +10100111111110 stop-and-start 1 +10100111111110 telematique 2 +10100111111110 abstractness 2 +10100111111110 twirler 2 +10100111111110 personalization 2 +10100111111110 raisonne 2 +10100111111110 dilation 2 +10100111111110 tem 2 +10100111111110 appreciations 2 +10100111111110 ouput 3 +10100111111110 jokiness 3 +10100111111110 dumbness 3 +10100111111110 capriciousness 3 +10100111111110 value. 4 +10100111111110 poundage 6 +10100111111110 sell-through 6 +10100111111110 capitalizations 28 +10100111111110 jewel 117 +10100111111110 penetration 124 +10100111111110 value 14082 +10100111111110 capitalization 452 +10100111111111 foreign-currencies 1 +10100111111111 near-abstractions 1 +10100111111111 greasy-chopstick 1 +10100111111111 EPA-imposed 1 +10100111111111 DPU 1 +10100111111111 Westand 1 +10100111111111 Supplementaire 1 +10100111111111 Kudu 1 +10100111111111 fluoroscope 1 +10100111111111 huntsman 1 +10100111111111 recarved 1 +10100111111111 fillers-out 1 +10100111111111 250.28 1 +10100111111111 conventionality 1 +10100111111111 insolubility 1 +10100111111111 armoire 1 +10100111111111 1986s 1 +10100111111111 luminescence 1 +10100111111111 headwaiter 1 +10100111111111 spatter 1 +10100111111111 bonum 1 +10100111111111 Ochopee 1 +10100111111111 overshootings 1 +10100111111111 leucovorin 1 +10100111111111 excercises 1 +10100111111111 value.The 1 +10100111111111 maws 1 +10100111111111 inconclusiveness 1 +10100111111111 hindgut 1 +10100111111111 encapsulations 1 +10100111111111 shrimp-like 1 +10100111111111 poohbahs 1 +10100111111111 draughts 1 +10100111111111 rapacity 1 +10100111111111 effusion 1 +10100111111111 Zieg 1 +10100111111111 jimmying 1 +10100111111111 imaginativeness 1 +10100111111111 incandescence 1 +10100111111111 NAVAL 1 +10100111111111 bikkies 1 +10100111111111 Levelers 1 +10100111111111 deformation 1 +10100111111111 espousal 1 +10100111111111 mongeese 1 +10100111111111 countermining 1 +10100111111111 Elverson 1 +10100111111111 dorries 1 +10100111111111 evalution 1 +10100111111111 devourer 1 +10100111111111 asserter 1 +10100111111111 tranfers 1 +10100111111111 reshipment 1 +10100111111111 4,180-yard-minimum 1 +10100111111111 down-phase 1 +10100111111111 nonmeetings 1 +10100111111111 schoolchair 1 +10100111111111 nickel-plated 1 +10100111111111 84,000-square-foot 1 +10100111111111 agglomerations 1 +10100111111111 snobishness 1 +10100111111111 debt-level 1 +10100111111111 Euro-kitchen 1 +10100111111111 blow-ups 1 +10100111111111 calvary 1 +10100111111111 pontificals 1 +10100111111111 pseudo-news 1 +10100111111111 satans 1 +10100111111111 barrenness 1 +10100111111111 popularizer 1 +10100111111111 hardheartedness 1 +10100111111111 minglings 1 +10100111111111 330.38 1 +10100111111111 triptychs 1 +10100111111111 6,061 1 +10100111111111 amendents 1 +10100111111111 deflowering 1 +10100111111111 cross-sections 1 +10100111111111 kill-off 1 +10100111111111 secretion 1 +10100111111111 swards 1 +10100111111111 decoratively 1 +10100111111111 firms. 1 +10100111111111 capacity-manufacturers 1 +10100111111111 sand-sea 1 +10100111111111 frontality 1 +10100111111111 critcism 1 +10100111111111 kwatcha 1 +10100111111111 240-SX 1 +10100111111111 cross-dresser 1 +10100111111111 dybbuk 1 +10100111111111 ventings 1 +10100111111111 saltboxes 1 +10100111111111 serious-mindedness 1 +10100111111111 refigerator 1 +10100111111111 scaling-down 2 +10100111111111 chapatis 2 +10100111111111 harassers 2 +10100111111111 misallocations 2 +10100111111111 dollar-earners 2 +10100111111111 overgrazing 2 +10100111111111 clearings 2 +10100111111111 bouillabaisse 2 +10100111111111 reoiling 2 +10100111111111 indicia 2 +10100111111111 spermicides 2 +10100111111111 friskiness 2 +10100111111111 gracefulness 2 +10100111111111 accretions 2 +10100111111111 nursemaids 2 +10100111111111 cost. 2 +10100111111111 blowups 2 +10100111111111 gradient 2 +10100111111111 undercollection 2 +10100111111111 archeologists 3 +10100111111111 rawness 3 +10100111111111 impiety 3 +10100111111111 rivulets 3 +10100111111111 leavings 4 +10100111111111 gumshoes 4 +10100111111111 demobilization 4 +10100111111111 intakes 4 +10100111111111 amelioration 4 +10100111111111 landers 4 +10100111111111 courts-martial 4 +10100111111111 breaths 5 +10100111111111 swaths 5 +10100111111111 orchestrations 6 +10100111111111 gangplank 7 +10100111111111 inversion 7 +10100111111111 quicksands 7 +10100111111111 extremity 8 +10100111111111 intensification 8 +10100111111111 infliction 9 +10100111111111 amputation 14 +10100111111111 expanse 30 +10100111111111 assortment 90 +10100111111111 quantity 298 +10100111111111 quantities 361 +10100111111111 sums 425 +10100111111111 array 446 +10100111111111 proportion 633 +10100111111111 extent 1488 +10100111111111 amount 8585 +10100111111111 amounts 2272 +1010100000 perfectibility 1 +1010100000 primmest 1 +1010100000 Donners 1 +1010100000 all-incost 1 +1010100000 allurements 1 +1010100000 assasination 1 +1010100000 simultaneity 1 +1010100000 asumption 1 +1010100000 halfshare 1 +1010100000 exarchs 1 +1010100000 timpanist 1 +1010100000 hyperconcerns 1 +1010100000 gulagization 1 +1010100000 relinkage 1 +1010100000 ruralizing 1 +1010100000 shockers 1 +1010100000 kick-off 1 +1010100000 subtotal 1 +1010100000 intolerableness 1 +1010100000 admissability 1 +1010100000 drumbeats 1 +1010100000 counter-signature 1 +1010100000 hairshirt 1 +1010100000 intractibility 1 +1010100000 nonconsolidating 1 +1010100000 proposers 1 +1010100000 supposed-floor 1 +1010100000 fleshpots 1 +1010100000 overthrowal 1 +1010100000 ungovernability 1 +1010100000 flare-off 1 +1010100000 archipelagoes 1 +1010100000 Woottens 1 +1010100000 brutalization 1 +1010100000 corporation-baiters 1 +1010100000 erasure 1 +1010100000 awesomeness 1 +1010100000 possiblility 1 +1010100000 Exploit 1 +1010100000 downslope 1 +1010100000 cost-competitiveness 1 +1010100000 brazenest 1 +1010100000 unwinnability 1 +1010100000 storyline 1 +1010100000 Miao 1 +1010100000 caldron 1 +1010100000 eschewal 1 +1010100000 re-drafting 1 +1010100000 liquidation-net 1 +1010100000 masts 1 +1010100000 faultlines 1 +1010100000 addressees 1 +1010100000 best-tempered 1 +1010100000 second-to-lowest 1 +1010100000 beastliness 1 +1010100000 witlessness 1 +1010100000 silverwork 1 +1010100000 output-per-man-hour 1 +1010100000 detectability 1 +1010100000 Soles 1 +1010100000 remoulade 1 +1010100000 internals 1 +1010100000 Philips-GE 1 +1010100000 tricentennial 1 +1010100000 culimination 1 +1010100000 Manvilles 1 +1010100000 midpart 1 +1010100000 semi-myth 1 +1010100000 timidities 1 +1010100000 queenpin 1 +1010100000 most-damaging 1 +1010100000 jumpshot 1 +1010100000 breezeway 1 +1010100000 convolution 1 +1010100000 slumbers 1 +1010100000 upstroke 1 +1010100000 lawyer-director 1 +1010100000 unpersuasiveness 1 +1010100000 belfry 1 +1010100000 gurgle 1 +1010100000 Fratry 1 +1010100000 newphew 1 +1010100000 27,000-per-game 1 +1010100000 lawyer-chairman 1 +1010100000 raggedness 1 +1010100000 pensiveness 1 +1010100000 unworkability 1 +1010100000 regularities 1 +1010100000 fire-bombings 1 +1010100000 interrelations 1 +1010100000 zaniest 1 +1010100000 deservedness 1 +1010100000 outfields 1 +1010100000 Latinization 1 +1010100000 Teachings 1 +1010100000 loftiness 1 +1010100000 Synode 1 +1010100000 hokiness 1 +1010100000 streetcorners 1 +1010100000 justiciability 1 +1010100000 near-impossibility 1 +1010100000 re-cartelization 1 +1010100000 autoreferentiality 1 +1010100000 re-Balkanization 1 +1010100000 quackeries 1 +1010100000 Editorship 1 +1010100000 tohubohu 1 +1010100000 Guere 1 +1010100000 slipstream 1 +1010100000 thralldom 1 +1010100000 ineffectuality 1 +1010100000 uncompetitiveness 1 +1010100000 inapplicability 1 +1010100000 clacking 1 +1010100000 coauthor 1 +1010100000 67,688 1 +1010100000 quietness 1 +1010100000 hollowing-out 1 +1010100000 reinstitution 1 +1010100000 backflow 1 +1010100000 equivalant 1 +1010100000 serviceability 1 +1010100000 Comtroller 1 +1010100000 hero-city 1 +1010100000 goldmine 1 +1010100000 chaperonage 1 +1010100000 linchpins 1 +1010100000 tercentenary 1 +1010100000 great-great-great-great-grandson 1 +1010100000 conceitedness 1 +1010100000 luridness 1 +1010100000 engineers-entrepreneurs 1 +1010100000 grandaddy 1 +1010100000 assymetry 1 +1010100000 policy-programming 1 +1010100000 pashas 1 +1010100000 savageness 1 +1010100000 near-success 1 +1010100000 misconstruing 1 +1010100000 decimator 1 +1010100000 Peopling 1 +1010100000 self-concept 1 +1010100000 sparsity 1 +1010100000 owner-lessor 1 +1010100000 shoddiness 1 +1010100000 taproot 1 +1010100000 Rubbias 1 +1010100000 repairer 1 +1010100000 carving-up 1 +1010100000 prince-bishoprics 1 +1010100000 unseemliness 1 +1010100000 goliaths 1 +1010100000 inevitablity 1 +1010100000 secretaries-general 1 +1010100000 developer-king 1 +1010100000 rampagings 1 +1010100000 discursions 1 +1010100000 director-generalship 1 +1010100000 paramountcy 1 +1010100000 transposition 1 +1010100000 Kinsleys 1 +1010100000 V-tails 1 +1010100000 tutelege 1 +1010100000 spottiness 1 +1010100000 re-infection 1 +1010100000 logarithms 1 +1010100000 logarithm 1 +1010100000 pseudo-priest 1 +1010100000 Fugazys 1 +1010100000 leader-elect 1 +1010100000 2,157,513 1 +1010100000 absent-mindedness 1 +1010100000 paganism 1 +1010100000 Forefront 1 +1010100000 brasswork 1 +1010100000 glamorization 1 +1010100000 explusion 1 +1010100000 tragus 1 +1010100000 Carriages 1 +1010100000 two-dimensionality 1 +1010100000 irresistability 1 +1010100000 ghastliness 1 +1010100000 defusion 1 +1010100000 possibity 1 +1010100000 Companions 1 +1010100000 Vicar 1 +1010100000 topping-out 1 +1010100000 moulting 1 +1010100000 depradations 1 +1010100000 vacuities 1 +1010100000 balkiness 1 +1010100000 dean-designate 1 +1010100000 Gaffes 1 +1010100000 voraciousness 1 +1010100000 circulator 1 +1010100000 peripheries 1 +1010100000 governership 1 +1010100000 hugeness 1 +1010100000 re-bedding 1 +1010100000 townhomes 1 +1010100000 YWCA 1 +1010100000 almost-Republic 1 +1010100000 impressiveness 1 +1010100000 near-destruction 1 +1010100000 cryptologists 1 +1010100000 currency-exacerbating 1 +1010100000 fussiest 1 +1010100000 quesiton 1 +1010100000 patho-physiology 1 +1010100000 momentousness 1 +1010100000 simplicities 1 +1010100000 gospels 1 +1010100000 fulminations 1 +1010100000 plaister 1 +1010100000 protectionism-by-quota 1 +1010100000 simplemindedness 1 +1010100000 unchaining 1 +1010100000 Furmint 1 +1010100000 Afrikanerization 1 +1010100000 de-socialization 1 +1010100000 feasability 1 +1010100000 molestation 1 +1010100000 non-dischargeability 1 +1010100000 monetization 1 +1010100000 ripple-effects 1 +1010100000 superdollar 1 +1010100000 real-politik 1 +1010100000 porousness 1 +1010100000 lead-management 1 +1010100000 tastefulness 1 +1010100000 506,103 1 +1010100000 best/Word 1 +1010100000 price/Sell 1 +1010100000 cobbles 1 +1010100000 non-guilt 1 +1010100000 give-ups 1 +1010100000 inadvisability 1 +1010100000 recartelization 1 +1010100000 sordidness 1 +1010100000 ouflow 1 +1010100000 middle-class-ification 1 +1010100000 massiveness 1 +1010100000 insufficiencies 1 +1010100000 senselessness 1 +1010100000 insidiousness 1 +1010100000 irreducibility 1 +1010100000 underrepresentation 1 +1010100000 last-written 1 +1010100000 wispiest 1 +1010100000 relection 1 +1010100000 mantles 1 +1010100000 82,229 1 +1010100000 nascency 1 +1010100000 wolfishness 1 +1010100000 deploymnent 1 +1010100000 apprach 1 +1010100000 conjuncture 1 +1010100000 ridgetops 1 +1010100000 thump-thump 1 +1010100000 Goverment 1 +1010100000 museumization 1 +1010100000 overharvesting 1 +1010100000 pseudoreforms 1 +1010100000 romanization 1 +1010100000 gentlepersons 1 +1010100000 tumbrils 1 +1010100000 metabolites 1 +1010100000 undermanning 1 +1010100000 perpetration 1 +1010100000 managership 1 +1010100000 microdynamics 1 +1010100000 delinking 1 +1010100000 counter-arguments 1 +1010100000 upper-third 1 +1010100000 resurgency 1 +1010100000 near-extinction 1 +1010100000 fifteenth 1 +1010100000 mutability 1 +1010100000 fantail 1 +1010100000 congeries 1 +1010100000 rewinging 1 +1010100000 liberalness 1 +1010100000 biggest-sellers 1 +1010100000 centerpoint 1 +1010100000 pragmatics 1 +1010100000 working-out 1 +1010100000 obtainment 1 +1010100000 sound-score 1 +1010100000 experimentalism 1 +1010100000 proscriptions 1 +1010100000 near-evaporation 1 +1010100000 mujahedeenand 1 +1010100000 co-obligation 1 +1010100000 Mushroompeople 1 +1010100000 send-ups 1 +1010100000 potentialities 1 +1010100000 irresponsibilities 1 +1010100000 time-styles 1 +1010100000 director-manager 1 +1010100000 Bourough 1 +1010100000 sandhills 1 +1010100000 freeze-drying 1 +1010100000 maya-veil 1 +1010100000 wastage 1 +1010100000 showcase-nation 1 +1010100000 cutdown 1 +1010100000 Tropic 1 +1010100000 falsest 1 +1010100000 blondest 1 +1010100000 Hunchback 1 +1010100000 outsides 1 +1010100000 elephant-in-the-room 1 +1010100000 Jacksonization 1 +1010100000 defender/purveyors 1 +1010100000 predations 1 +1010100000 duty-value 1 +1010100000 PC-ization 1 +1010100000 clack-clack 1 +1010100000 archvillains 1 +1010100000 Ides 1 +1010100000 combustibility 1 +1010100000 psychiatrist-author 1 +1010100000 excitment 1 +1010100000 pauperization 1 +1010100000 self-administration 1 +1010100000 conductorship 1 +1010100000 Satan-worshippers 1 +1010100000 mini-saga 1 +1010100000 knowledgeability 1 +1010100000 grandniece 1 +1010100000 unwisdom 1 +1010100000 pussillanimity 1 +1010100000 tersest 1 +1010100000 winnner 1 +1010100000 carpet-bombing 1 +1010100000 peeling-back 1 +1010100000 witness/To 1 +1010100000 stratification 1 +1010100000 archangels 1 +1010100000 unpredictablity 1 +1010100000 apse 1 +1010100000 interworkings 1 +1010100000 liklihood 1 +1010100000 slipperiness 1 +1010100000 formulaton 1 +1010100000 right-to-freedom 1 +1010100000 world-68 1 +1010100000 Staatskappelle 1 +1010100000 laughing-stock 1 +1010100000 Dreamboy 1 +1010100000 distruction 1 +1010100000 Collinses 1 +1010100000 ruralist 1 +1010100000 udder 1 +1010100000 relegation 1 +1010100000 archidrama 1 +1010100000 wasteful-racist-savagery 1 +1010100000 cane-cutters 1 +1010100000 inter-operability 1 +1010100000 enervation 1 +1010100000 re-engining 1 +1010100000 vestibules 1 +1010100000 takedown 1 +1010100000 destigmatization 1 +1010100000 rampancy 1 +1010100000 dethroning 1 +1010100000 melting-down 1 +1010100000 gounds 1 +1010100000 twits 1 +1010100000 near-completion 1 +1010100000 punctilio 1 +1010100000 paylist 1 +1010100000 enmeshment 1 +1010100000 sparseness 1 +1010100000 intenseness 1 +1010100000 more-than-doubling 1 +1010100000 Heyday 1 +1010100000 sob-wallow 1 +1010100000 sickliest 1 +1010100000 ebb-and-flow 1 +1010100000 then-Minister 1 +1010100000 excitements 1 +1010100000 Rajah 1 +1010100000 headwall 1 +1010100000 belatedness 1 +1010100000 diarist 1 +1010100000 Prayerbook 1 +1010100000 strivings 1 +1010100000 millenarians 1 +1010100000 invigilators 1 +1010100000 interpenetration 1 +1010100000 availablity 1 +1010100000 Count-Duke 1 +1010100000 illusiveness 1 +1010100000 debility 1 +1010100000 luster-loss 1 +1010100000 Dhofaris 1 +1010100000 autoclave 1 +1010100000 incurrence 1 +1010100000 boxful 1 +1010100000 tintinnabulation 1 +1010100000 pseudo-religiosity 1 +1010100000 keystones 1 +1010100000 Glorification 1 +1010100000 sucession 1 +1010100000 billfolds 1 +1010100000 weaker-performing 1 +1010100000 skillfulness 1 +1010100000 appearence 1 +1010100000 handmaidens 1 +1010100000 co-signer 1 +1010100000 low-point 1 +1010100000 meaningfulness 1 +1010100000 then-head 1 +1010100000 re-arrests 1 +1010100000 over-production 1 +1010100000 rightest 1 +1010100000 firms-makers 1 +1010100000 price/performance 1 +1010100000 seaworthiness 1 +1010100000 micro-world 1 +1010100000 Korea-basher 1 +1010100000 nerve-center 1 +1010100000 Chimera 1 +1010100000 hocuspocus 1 +1010100000 Unversity 1 +1010100000 essentiality 2 +1010100000 morrow 2 +1010100000 arch-nemesis 2 +1010100000 granddaddies 2 +1010100000 RICOing 2 +1010100000 absense 2 +1010100000 near-quadrupling 2 +1010100000 riservas 2 +1010100000 bicentenary 2 +1010100000 tenuousness 2 +1010100000 exportability 2 +1010100000 Univeristy 2 +1010100000 brashest 2 +1010100000 undercarriage 2 +1010100000 treasurer-elect 2 +1010100000 unsual 2 +1010100000 showiness 2 +1010100000 healthfulness 2 +1010100000 yen-value 2 +1010100000 Burdens 2 +1010100000 Irving-Bank 2 +1010100000 parsons 2 +1010100000 proletarianization 2 +1010100000 governability 2 +1010100000 aft-section 2 +1010100000 Sovietization 2 +1010100000 frivolousness 2 +1010100000 unfitness 2 +1010100000 acme 2 +1010100000 quantification 2 +1010100000 presense 2 +1010100000 discoverer 2 +1010100000 cloakrooms 2 +1010100000 hurly-burly 2 +1010100000 arch-enemy 2 +1010100000 immensity 2 +1010100000 Bursons 2 +1010100000 6550 2 +1010100000 chairperson 2 +1010100000 asserters 2 +1010100000 battle-cry 2 +1010100000 Realm 2 +1010100000 co-beneficiary 2 +1010100000 implausibilities 2 +1010100000 viewfinder 2 +1010100000 firstlings 2 +1010100000 Concurrence 2 +1010100000 federalization 2 +1010100000 head. 2 +1010100000 mid-section 2 +1010100000 job-hop 2 +1010100000 steppes 3 +1010100000 Verge 3 +1010100000 workability 3 +1010100000 prongs 3 +1010100000 roughness 3 +1010100000 dustbin 3 +1010100000 dregs 3 +1010100000 JPO 3 +1010100000 scruff 3 +1010100000 Grandmothers 3 +1010100000 promptings 3 +1010100000 shallows 3 +1010100000 antechamber 3 +1010100000 ides 3 +1010100000 wastefulness 3 +1010100000 quintessence 3 +1010100000 performace 3 +1010100000 Nahnken 3 +1010100000 business-minded 3 +1010100000 Aged 4 +1010100000 inviolability 4 +1010100000 feminization 4 +1010100000 tail-end 4 +1010100000 reestablishment 5 +1010100000 heterogeneity 5 +1010100000 flimsiest 5 +1010100000 imminence 5 +1010100000 afterglow 6 +1010100000 expiry 7 +1010100000 Proceedings 7 +1010100000 rudiments 8 +1010100000 advisability 9 +1010100000 perimeter 14 +1010100000 foothills 19 +1010100000 makings 25 +1010100000 epitome 27 +1010100000 ravages 30 +1010100000 mastermind 33 +1010100000 Advancement 55 +1010100000 outskirts 67 +1010100000 auspices 87 +1010100000 ante 97 +1010100000 behest 117 +1010100000 helm 157 +1010100000 brink 187 +1010100000 eve 208 +1010100000 verge 212 +1010100000 end 15208 +1010100000 wake 1646 +1010100001 sympathic 1 +1010100001 seven-race 1 +1010100001 criminal. 1 +1010100001 questioning. 1 +1010100001 Graveyard 1 +1010100001 bulllet 1 +1010100001 Reveller 1 +1010100001 antipodes 1 +1010100001 Mid-80s 1 +1010100001 drainers 1 +1010100001 Tates 1 +1010100001 -----. 1 +1010100001 boards. 1 +1010100001 Constitution. 1 +1010100001 l-word 1 +1010100001 mass. 1 +1010100001 EuroWeenies 1 +1010100001 eight-ball 1 +1010100001 steaminess 1 +1010100001 R-word 1 +1010100001 Script 1 +1010100001 erosion. 1 +1010100001 embodiers 1 +1010100001 Spiderwoman 1 +1010100001 Brute 1 +1010100001 Fifth. 1 +1010100001 Showgirl 1 +1010100001 Moto-Monsters 1 +1010100001 opposite. 1 +1010100001 makeovers 1 +1010100001 referrants 1 +1010100001 Wetbacks 1 +1010100001 afternoon. 1 +1010100001 ghettoization 1 +1010100001 refreshest 1 +1010100001 Homefront 1 +1010100001 Powerless 1 +1010100001 28000-mark 1 +1010100001 cracks. 1 +1010100001 pokies 1 +1010100001 Populace 1 +1010100001 dentist. 1 +1010100001 riotors 1 +1010100001 Gunboat 1 +1010100001 midsix-figure 1 +1010100001 Bonnanno 1 +1010100001 direcor 1 +1010100001 Streaker 1 +1010100001 paciencia 1 +1010100001 presuppositions 1 +1010100001 lacunae 1 +1010100001 Keans 1 +1010100001 Mexicanization 1 +1010100001 inegration 1 +1010100001 clone-killers 1 +1010100001 Occident 1 +1010100001 Paycock 1 +1010100001 bier 2 +1010100001 salutation 2 +1010100001 relentlessness 2 +1010100001 avatar 2 +1010100001 altos 2 +1010100001 commonalities 2 +1010100001 sexiness 2 +1010100001 crudities 2 +1010100001 ballabile 2 +1010100001 etiology 2 +1010100001 trier 2 +1010100001 foolhardiness 2 +1010100001 ephemera 2 +1010100001 sketchiness 2 +1010100001 privations 2 +1010100001 uselessness 2 +1010100001 nonconsummation 2 +1010100001 Fetzers 2 +1010100001 Grinch 2 +1010100001 repetitiveness 2 +1010100001 exorcising 2 +1010100001 log-jam 2 +1010100001 concatenation 2 +1010100001 tax-cutters 2 +1010100001 Traps 2 +1010100001 overestimation 2 +1010100001 worldliness 2 +1010100001 gestalt 2 +1010100001 admissibility 2 +1010100001 dubiousness 2 +1010100001 productiveness 2 +1010100001 subpopulation 2 +1010100001 Zelig 2 +1010100001 backbones 2 +1010100001 kindnesses 2 +1010100001 infrequency 2 +1010100001 exultation 2 +1010100001 evasiveness 2 +1010100001 whump 2 +1010100001 unevenness 2 +1010100001 bedsides 2 +1010100001 novelization 2 +1010100001 transom 2 +1010100001 sanctification 2 +1010100001 reliabilty 2 +1010100001 allures 2 +1010100001 credit-ratings 2 +1010100001 debilitations 2 +1010100001 maldistribution 2 +1010100001 rearrests 2 +1010100001 unawareness 2 +1010100001 Parlement 2 +1010100001 quais 2 +1010100001 co-mingling 2 +1010100001 legitimation 2 +1010100001 balkanization 2 +1010100001 ubiquitousness 3 +1010100001 bestowal 3 +1010100001 ramblings 3 +1010100001 exportation 3 +1010100001 standard-bearers 3 +1010100001 compactness 3 +1010100001 formalization 3 +1010100001 breakoff 3 +1010100001 invalidity 3 +1010100001 elusiveness 3 +1010100001 pertinence 3 +1010100001 recolonization 3 +1010100001 formalism 3 +1010100001 underconsumption 3 +1010100001 centrality 3 +1010100001 ruck 3 +1010100001 headiness 3 +1010100001 pendency 3 +1010100001 repertoires 3 +1010100001 Shuberts 3 +1010100001 Hound 3 +1010100001 peregrinations 3 +1010100001 centerpieces 3 +1010100001 rareness 3 +1010100001 fetishists 3 +1010100001 Getbacks 3 +1010100001 reformulation 3 +1010100001 granddad 3 +1010100001 commonest 3 +1010100001 after-effect 3 +1010100001 cupola 3 +1010100001 broadness 3 +1010100001 insolence 3 +1010100001 reappraisals 3 +1010100001 capstone 4 +1010100001 genuineness 4 +1010100001 disbandment 4 +1010100001 impenetrability 4 +1010100001 eaves 4 +1010100001 hinterland 4 +1010100001 Shrine 4 +1010100001 sensualist 4 +1010100001 recoverability 4 +1010100001 explosiveness 4 +1010100001 obverse 4 +1010100001 Marquess 4 +1010100001 bureaucratization 4 +1010100001 intermingling 4 +1010100001 ubiquity 4 +1010100001 enfranchisement 4 +1010100001 reinterpretations 4 +1010100001 perversions 4 +1010100001 regressivity 4 +1010100001 waistband 4 +1010100001 dreariness 4 +1010100001 handmaiden 4 +1010100001 unlikeliest 4 +1010100001 nullification 4 +1010100001 meaninglessness 4 +1010100001 intractability 4 +1010100001 ambit 4 +1010100001 watchwords 4 +1010100001 edification 4 +1010100001 steepness 5 +1010100001 showplace 5 +1010100001 depopulation 5 +1010100001 labyrinths 5 +1010100001 subjugation 5 +1010100001 fullness 5 +1010100001 weightlessness 5 +1010100001 prairies 5 +1010100001 ascendency 5 +1010100001 superficiality 5 +1010100001 intricacy 5 +1010100001 consolations 5 +1010100001 Deed 5 +1010100001 battlements 5 +1010100001 ascendance 5 +1010100001 Extraterrestrial 5 +1010100001 practicalities 5 +1010100001 rapidity 6 +1010100001 workhorses 6 +1010100001 wilds 6 +1010100001 entrails 6 +1010100001 locus 6 +1010100001 crucible 6 +1010100001 atmospherics 6 +1010100001 bard 6 +1010100001 proscription 6 +1010100001 astuteness 6 +1010100001 Isthmus 6 +1010100001 Christianization 6 +1010100001 vehemence 6 +1010100001 ignominy 6 +1010100001 lightness 6 +1010100001 prolongation 6 +1010100001 beheading 6 +1010100001 acuteness 6 +1010100001 idiosyncracies 6 +1010100001 commemoration 7 +1010100001 barrios 7 +1010100001 editorship 7 +1010100001 Gospels 7 +1010100001 smallness 7 +1010100001 insides 7 +1010100001 tiller 7 +1010100001 apotheosis 7 +1010100001 enforceability 7 +1010100001 perversity 7 +1010100001 flotsam 7 +1010100001 satisfactions 7 +1010100001 greening 7 +1010100001 completeness 7 +1010100001 taxability 7 +1010100001 cogency 7 +1010100001 solidity 8 +1010100001 doorsteps 8 +1010100001 illogic 8 +1010100001 Assemblies 8 +1010100001 determinants 8 +1010100001 depredations 8 +1010100001 canons 8 +1010100001 abhorrence 8 +1010100001 lateness 8 +1010100001 abruptness 8 +1010100001 victimization 8 +1010100001 seasonality 9 +1010100001 gist 9 +1010100001 crucifixion 10 +1010100001 debasement 10 +1010100001 radicalization 10 +1010100001 ramparts 10 +1010100001 ugliness 10 +1010100001 propagation 10 +1010100001 sufferings 10 +1010100001 bosom 10 +1010100001 rightness 11 +1010100001 agonies 11 +1010100001 Annals 11 +1010100001 feasts 11 +1010100001 robustness 11 +1010100001 brightness 11 +1010100001 narrowness 11 +1010100001 admonitions 11 +1010100001 collectibility 11 +1010100001 backwaters 11 +1010100001 sustainability 12 +1010100001 arbiters 12 +1010100001 swiftness 12 +1010100001 perpetuation 12 +1010100001 subtext 12 +1010100001 harshness 12 +1010100001 trustworthiness 12 +1010100001 usurpation 13 +1010100001 remoteness 13 +1010100001 bluest 13 +1010100001 spectre 13 +1010100001 vastness 13 +1010100001 aftereffects 13 +1010100001 cyclicality 14 +1010100001 realms 14 +1010100001 apex 14 +1010100001 nub 14 +1010100001 granddaddy 14 +1010100001 flatness 14 +1010100001 enumeration 14 +1010100001 unavailability 14 +1010100001 awkwardness 14 +1010100001 correctness 15 +1010100001 evocation 15 +1010100001 epicenter 15 +1010100001 indignity 15 +1010100001 vortex 15 +1010100001 stationing 15 +1010100001 yoke 15 +1010100001 tribulations 15 +1010100001 pantheon 15 +1010100001 destinies 15 +1010100001 suddenness 16 +1010100001 overvaluation 16 +1010100001 reincarnation 16 +1010100001 nick 16 +1010100001 fickleness 16 +1010100001 vicissitudes 16 +1010100001 underside 16 +1010100001 betterment 16 +1010100001 Decade 17 +1010100001 totality 17 +1010100001 hallmarks 17 +1010100001 midpoint 17 +1010100001 bowels 17 +1010100001 pervasiveness 18 +1010100001 peculiarities 18 +1010100001 silliness 18 +1010100001 ringleader 18 +1010100001 impoverishment 19 +1010100001 thinness 19 +1010100001 enormity 19 +1010100001 applicability 19 +1010100001 veracity 19 +1010100001 signers 20 +1010100001 bane 20 +1010100001 politicization 20 +1010100001 traumas 20 +1010100001 complexion 20 +1010100001 watchword 21 +1010100001 tedium 21 +1010100001 mosaics 22 +1010100001 aroma 22 +1010100001 rubric 22 +1010100001 ghettos 22 +1010100001 appropriateness 23 +1010100001 aegis 24 +1010100001 genesis 24 +1010100001 antithesis 24 +1010100001 resurrection 25 +1010100001 subtleties 26 +1010100001 imperatives 26 +1010100001 eloquence 27 +1010100001 ferocity 27 +1010100001 width 27 +1010100001 follies 27 +1010100001 purview 27 +1010100001 perpetrators 27 +1010100001 embodiment 28 +1010100001 annals 28 +1010100001 joys 28 +1010100001 juxtaposition 29 +1010100001 squalor 29 +1010100001 comforts 30 +1010100001 aftershocks 30 +1010100001 fragmentation 30 +1010100001 unpredictability 30 +1010100001 contours 30 +1010100001 thickness 31 +1010100001 jaws 31 +1010100001 din 31 +1010100001 whims 32 +1010100001 inadequacy 32 +1010100001 sanctity 33 +1010100001 accompaniment 33 +1010100001 ascendancy 33 +1010100001 lifeblood 33 +1010100001 blessings 34 +1010100001 crest 35 +1010100001 vagueness 35 +1010100001 crux 35 +1010100001 nuances 35 +1010100001 primacy 35 +1010100001 riskiness 35 +1010100001 intricacies 36 +1010100001 pinnacle 37 +1010100001 caliber 38 +1010100001 tempo 38 +1010100001 marketability 38 +1010100001 futility 39 +1010100001 periphery 39 +1010100001 prevalence 41 +1010100001 inevitability 41 +1010100001 throes 42 +1010100001 richness 42 +1010100001 chagrin 43 +1010100001 desirability 44 +1010100001 fringes 44 +1010100001 mantle 45 +1010100001 nucleus 45 +1010100001 vicinity 45 +1010100001 coattails 45 +1010100001 creditworthiness 46 +1010100001 durability 48 +1010100001 culmination 48 +1010100001 fragility 50 +1010100001 rigors 50 +1010100001 vanguard 51 +1010100001 footsteps 52 +1010100001 linchpin 56 +1010100001 confines 56 +1010100001 Statue 57 +1010100001 evils 57 +1010100001 brainchild 57 +1010100001 disintegration 57 +1010100001 ashes 58 +1010100001 glare 59 +1010100001 vagaries 62 +1010100001 importation 62 +1010100001 propriety 68 +1010100001 trappings 68 +1010100001 wreckage 69 +1010100001 horrors 69 +1010100001 internationalization 69 +1010100001 guise 70 +1010100001 ire 72 +1010100001 whereabouts 73 +1010100001 perils 77 +1010100001 beginnings 78 +1010100001 wrath 82 +1010100001 Pledge 83 +1010100001 disappearance 83 +1010100001 soundness 86 +1010100001 flaps 86 +1010100001 dynamics 87 +1010100001 mysteries 88 +1010100001 attractiveness 91 +1010100001 backbone 93 +1010100001 framers 94 +1010100001 detriment 97 +1010100001 complexities 100 +1010100001 deductibility 102 +1010100001 abandonment 105 +1010100001 allure 109 +1010100001 mercy 113 +1010100001 onset 117 +1010100001 brunt 117 +1010100001 wording 120 +1010100001 breadth 133 +1010100001 workings 134 +1010100001 advent 137 +1010100001 forefront 141 +1010100001 realm 143 +1010100001 spectacle 151 +1010100001 severity 152 +1010100001 legality 154 +1010100001 seriousness 160 +1010100001 duration 172 +1010100001 imposition 175 +1010100001 virtues 179 +1010100001 outset 194 +1010100001 centerpiece 198 +1010100001 demise 200 +1010100001 composition 207 +1010100001 validity 210 +1010100001 specter 216 +1010100001 intensity 217 +1010100001 contents 220 +1010100001 height 238 +1010100001 sake 243 +1010100001 constitutionality 250 +1010100001 aftermath 253 +1010100001 plight 260 +1010100001 complexity 275 +1010100001 tide 318 +1010100001 resignations 331 +1010100001 depth 340 +1010100001 magnitude 344 +1010100001 heels 370 +1010100001 dangers 386 +1010100001 merits 389 +1010100001 destruction 444 +1010100001 context 445 +1010100001 pursuit 449 +1010100001 availability 486 +1010100001 midst 493 +1010100001 formation 514 +1010100001 significance 536 +1010100001 likelihood 573 +1010100001 scope 593 +1010100001 existence 629 +1010100001 fate 652 +1010100001 remainder 798 +1010100001 spirit 804 +1010100001 consequences 829 +1010100001 creation 945 +1010100001 timing 960 +1010100001 bulk 979 +1010100001 absence 1063 +1010100001 importance 1167 +1010100001 chances 1269 +1010100001 outcome 1277 +1010100001 prospect 1382 +1010100001 bottom 1422 +1010100001 nature 1562 +1010100001 middle 1770 +1010100001 symbol 1788 +1010100001 effects 2339 +1010100001 possibility 2811 +1010100001 rest 4536 +1010100001 size 3792 +10101000100 Oehler 1 +10101000100 under-reserving 1 +10101000100 sainting 1 +10101000100 fee-for-research 1 +10101000100 justificatory 1 +10101000100 rocks-and-tear-gas 1 +10101000100 Armenia-Azerbaijan 1 +10101000100 IBM-Digital 1 +10101000100 Fortnighter 1 +10101000100 Vietnamese-Chinese 1 +10101000100 Dukakis-Biden 1 +10101000100 Stealers 1 +10101000100 hawks-vs.-doves 1 +10101000100 Contra-Sandinistas 1 +10101000100 CINCPAC 1 +10101000100 defective-pricing 1 +10101000100 offshore-lease 1 +10101000100 Magi 1 +10101000100 Haves 1 +10101000100 already-bitter 1 +10101000100 133-day-old 1 +10101000100 Under-25s 1 +10101000100 military-buildup 1 +10101000100 imported-oil 1 +10101000100 jump-shot 1 +10101000100 quarter- 1 +10101000100 Iraqi-Iranian 1 +10101000100 already-fierce 1 +10101000100 thrash/punk 1 +10101000100 NCAA-SMU 1 +10101000100 triple- 1 +10101000100 Fantasyland 1 +10101000100 Campeau-Macy 1 +10101000100 35-year-long 1 +10101000100 Paine-Burke 1 +10101000100 U.S.-Singapore 1 +10101000100 burdensharing 1 +10101000100 Democratic-nomination 1 +10101000100 Hoylake/B.A.T 1 +10101000100 pen-pal 1 +10101000100 Strivers 1 +10101000100 Insecures 1 +10101000100 450-year-old 1 +10101000100 Jackson-Dukakis 1 +10101000100 Superslim 1 +10101000100 underpersoned 1 +10101000100 90- 1 +10101000100 Conflagration 1 +10101000100 global-warming 1 +10101000100 cattle-lifter 1 +10101000100 forfeiture-law 1 +10101000100 Treasury-Fed 1 +10101000100 27-day-old 1 +10101000100 phoneswitch 1 +10101000100 ditch-digging 1 +10101000100 nuclear-insurance 1 +10101000100 guy-girlfriend 1 +10101000100 Armenian-Azerbaijan 1 +10101000100 production-ceiling 1 +10101000100 B.A.T-Farmers 1 +10101000100 torture-death 2 +10101000100 relisting 2 +10101000100 paroxysms 2 +10101000100 amiability 2 +10101000100 effervescence 2 +10101000100 PFL 2 +10101000100 corrosiveness 2 +10101000100 Cascades-Pinault 2 +10101000100 charioteer 2 +10101000100 avowals 2 +10101000100 crevasses 2 +10101000100 fishing-rights 2 +10101000100 pluckiness 2 +10101000100 retransmission 2 +10101000100 quarterlys 2 +10101000100 baluns 2 +10101000100 retractions 2 +10101000100 floatations 3 +10101000100 miscoding 3 +10101000100 gratifications 3 +10101000100 reconvening 3 +10101000100 brazenness 3 +10101000100 wallflowers 3 +10101000100 placenta 3 +10101000100 Caisses 3 +10101000100 exoneration 4 +10101000100 haughtiness 4 +10101000100 mildness 4 +10101000100 nonexistence 4 +10101000100 consecration 4 +10101000100 communization 4 +10101000100 beatification 4 +10101000100 non-use 4 +10101000100 murkiness 4 +10101000100 finalization 4 +10101000100 floodgate 4 +10101000100 skimpiest 5 +10101000100 quietude 5 +10101000100 Embarrassment 5 +10101000100 recertification 5 +10101000100 derivation 5 +10101000100 pull-out 5 +10101000100 stay-at-homes 5 +10101000100 wrongness 5 +10101000100 relinquishment 5 +10101000100 half-life 6 +10101000100 lift-off 6 +10101000100 shuttering 6 +10101000100 fresco 6 +10101000100 re-employment 6 +10101000100 blastoff 6 +10101000100 revocations 7 +10101000100 disinclination 7 +10101000100 heckling 7 +10101000100 TFR 7 +10101000100 reimposition 9 +10101000100 rediscovery 10 +10101000100 prism 10 +10101000100 dismantlement 11 +10101000100 retina 11 +10101000100 insertion 13 +10101000100 recision 14 +10101000100 implantation 14 +10101000100 abrogation 14 +10101000100 reintroduction 15 +10101000100 near-collapse 16 +10101000100 invalidation 16 +10101000100 renomination 17 +10101000100 test-firing 17 +10101000100 maximization 18 +10101000100 discontinuance 19 +10101000100 re-emergence 20 +10101000100 nonpayment 25 +10101000100 discontinuation 26 +10101000100 reversion 26 +10101000100 reclassification 28 +10101000100 disqualification 31 +10101000100 extinguishment 32 +10101000100 flotation 37 +10101000100 underpayment 39 +10101000100 annexation 40 +10101000100 forerunner 42 +10101000100 redeployment 43 +10101000100 spin-off 44 +10101000100 disbursement 45 +10101000100 reconsideration 52 +10101000100 revocation 52 +10101000100 repudiation 52 +10101000100 repatriation 53 +10101000100 elevation 54 +10101000100 renegotiation 56 +10101000100 inauguration 68 +10101000100 abolition 81 +10101000100 defection 82 +10101000100 nationalization 91 +10101000100 phase-out 94 +10101000100 restatement 94 +10101000100 dissolution 104 +10101000100 expulsion 120 +10101000100 cutoff 130 +10101000100 pullout 136 +10101000100 seizure 156 +10101000100 postponement 161 +10101000100 inclusion 170 +10101000100 enactment 175 +10101000100 disposition 178 +10101000100 resale 202 +10101000100 closure 205 +10101000100 ouster 230 +10101000100 emergence 232 +10101000100 restoration 272 +10101000100 shutdown 293 +10101000100 installation 305 +10101000100 implementation 314 +10101000100 cancellation 319 +10101000100 deployment 357 +10101000100 dismissal 392 +10101000100 termination 421 +10101000100 adoption 439 +10101000100 issuance 477 +10101000100 spinoff 512 +10101000100 elimination 520 +10101000100 shipment 529 +10101000100 removal 546 +10101000100 diversion 551 +10101000100 rejection 616 +10101000100 expiration 630 +10101000100 suspension 670 +10101000100 introduction 775 +10101000100 redemption 993 +10101000100 withdrawal 1011 +10101000100 sale 17225 +10101000100 conversion 1028 +10101000101 coordinations 1 +10101000101 oversuppply 1 +10101000101 overcounting 1 +10101000101 atmoshpere 1 +10101000101 sale/lease-back 1 +10101000101 eon 1 +10101000101 etimate 1 +10101000101 eaing 1 +10101000101 employer-licensing 1 +10101000101 800-home 1 +10101000101 agglomerate 1 +10101000101 oxbow 1 +10101000101 candidatetens 1 +10101000101 recession-unemployment 1 +10101000101 ex-worker 1 +10101000101 1945-1950 1 +10101000101 upvaluation 1 +10101000101 itemization 1 +10101000101 affilliate 1 +10101000101 apreciation 1 +10101000101 plat 1 +10101000101 exemplification 1 +10101000101 miniversion 1 +10101000101 mega-purchases 1 +10101000101 Eruption 1 +10101000101 245-unit 1 +10101000101 torture-murder 1 +10101000101 innnovative 1 +10101000101 torture-slaying 1 +10101000101 Iowa-Purdue 1 +10101000101 outcropping 1 +10101000101 all-timer 1 +10101000101 Offshoot 1 +10101000101 Sunsplash 1 +10101000101 waste-burial 1 +10101000101 annexations 2 +10101000101 BASHING 2 +10101000101 aquisition 2 +10101000101 loneliest 2 +10101000101 Suppression 2 +10101000101 HERO 2 +10101000101 quincentennial 2 +10101000101 augmentation 2 +10101000101 auto-transfuser 2 +10101000101 evidence-gathering 2 +10101000101 contract-award 2 +10101000101 reinvestigation 2 +10101000101 FOUNDER 2 +10101000101 ex-mistress 2 +10101000101 detainment 2 +10101000101 poison-gassing 2 +10101000101 counteractions 2 +10101000101 lowliest 2 +10101000101 centaur 3 +10101000101 bouncers 3 +10101000101 armload 3 +10101000101 splendors 3 +10101000101 RESIDENTS 3 +10101000101 encumbrance 3 +10101000101 impost 3 +10101000101 mega-merger 3 +10101000101 shootdown 3 +10101000101 wind-down 4 +10101000101 H-bomb 4 +10101000101 magnanimity 4 +10101000101 adopter 4 +10101000101 MH-6 4 +10101000101 overtaxation 4 +10101000101 armful 4 +10101000101 SIMs 5 +10101000101 altercation 5 +10101000101 acquisiton 5 +10101000101 alleviation 5 +10101000101 pricetag 5 +10101000101 archetype 6 +10101000101 imperfection 6 +10101000101 mayoralty 6 +10101000101 agglomeration 7 +10101000101 airdrop 7 +10101000101 impersonation 10 +10101000101 centenary 11 +10101000101 overabundance 12 +10101000101 falsity 12 +10101000101 over-allotment 13 +10101000101 overlay 13 +10101000101 acquistion 14 +10101000101 assemblage 15 +10101000101 slayings 16 +10101000101 archenemy 17 +10101000101 originator 19 +10101000101 invocation 21 +10101000101 amalgamation 22 +10101000101 erection 24 +10101000101 apostle 25 +10101000101 amalgam 26 +10101000101 Isle 34 +10101000101 emblem 36 +10101000101 orgy 38 +10101000101 internment 41 +10101000101 Wizard 43 +10101000101 conquest 44 +10101000101 offshoot 44 +10101000101 outpouring 48 +10101000101 slaying 48 +10101000101 unification 59 +10101000101 outgrowth 61 +10101000101 altar 74 +10101000101 avalanche 91 +10101000101 aura 99 +10101000101 onslaught 109 +10101000101 hijacking 143 +10101000101 endowment 156 +10101000101 accumulation 177 +10101000101 influx 180 +10101000101 outbreak 184 +10101000101 assassination 217 +10101000101 exodus 234 +10101000101 ESOP 328 +10101000101 acquirer 415 +10101000101 invasion 442 +10101000101 selection 810 +10101000101 acquisition 10372 +10101000101 extension 1130 +10101000110 doctrinalism 1 +10101000110 Tuesday.The 1 +10101000110 onrush 2 +10101000110 Saone 2 +10101000110 joint-float 2 +10101000110 hobgoblin 2 +10101000110 Mountie 2 +10101000110 Bengalis 2 +10101000110 office-machines 2 +10101000110 resource-poor 2 +10101000110 much-derided 2 +10101000110 Eurotrash 2 +10101000110 grayest 2 +10101000110 reoccupation 2 +10101000110 SEK 2 +10101000110 multilocal 2 +10101000110 citadels 3 +10101000110 honoree 3 +10101000110 looter 3 +10101000110 hauteur 3 +10101000110 nymph 3 +10101000110 dateline 3 +10101000110 speedometers 3 +10101000110 emotionality 3 +10101000110 balancer 3 +10101000110 usurper 3 +10101000110 noun 3 +10101000110 choristers 3 +10101000110 sacrament 3 +10101000110 chancellorship 4 +10101000110 violist 4 +10101000110 possum 4 +10101000110 Forthbank 4 +10101000110 nurturer 4 +10101000110 Apostle 4 +10101000110 stockroom 4 +10101000110 Reformation 5 +10101000110 Pharaoh 5 +10101000110 towelette 5 +10101000110 pressman 5 +10101000110 Altar 5 +10101000110 6-foot-2 5 +10101000110 gassy 5 +10101000110 soothsayer 5 +10101000110 progenitor 6 +10101000110 Evolution 6 +10101000110 Dinosaur 6 +10101000110 canton 6 +10101000110 Nemesis 6 +10101000110 bayous 7 +10101000110 adrenaline 7 +10101000110 booker 7 +10101000110 HARM 7 +10101000110 reactivation 7 +10101000110 stroller 7 +10101000110 6-foot-8 7 +10101000110 Maoists 7 +10101000110 composer-in-residence 8 +10101000110 instigator 8 +10101000110 clang 8 +10101000110 masthead 8 +10101000110 Gobblers 8 +10101000110 regent 10 +10101000110 licensor 10 +10101000110 headmaster 10 +10101000110 accompanist 10 +10101000110 breadbasket 10 +10101000110 morgue 10 +10101000110 etymology 11 +10101000110 PDR 11 +10101000110 blob 12 +10101000110 240SX 13 +10101000110 chaplain 13 +10101000110 Scrooge 13 +10101000110 Countess 14 +10101000110 gadfly 17 +10101000110 Imam 18 +10101000110 surveyor 20 +10101000110 moderator 21 +10101000110 overseer 25 +10101000110 custodians 27 +10101000110 prophet 27 +10101000110 assassin 28 +10101000110 executor 34 +10101000110 patriarch 34 +10101000110 rabbi 35 +10101000110 skipper 35 +10101000110 commander-in-chief 37 +10101000110 custodian 40 +10101000110 benefactor 44 +10101000110 keeper 46 +10101000110 saint 47 +10101000110 guarantor 49 +10101000110 guardian 60 +10101000110 proprietor 68 +10101000110 archbishop 70 +10101000110 co-pilot 80 +10101000110 pastor 82 +10101000110 president-elect 97 +10101000110 Crash 98 +10101000110 sheriff 100 +10101000110 inventor 101 +10101000110 creator 123 +10101000110 tenor 143 +10101000110 conductor 179 +10101000110 recipient 183 +10101000110 receiver 190 +10101000110 purchaser 231 +10101000110 CEO 254 +10101000110 captain 281 +10101000110 chancellor 298 +10101000110 shell 335 +10101000110 comptroller 345 +10101000110 king 414 +10101000110 architect 441 +10101000110 speaker 562 +10101000110 trustee 691 +10101000110 mayor 845 +10101000110 author 1144 +10101000110 governor 2021 +10101000110 owner 2401 +10101000110 parent 4082 +10101000110 target 3835 +10101000111 Calif.-mortgage 1 +10101000111 disbursals 1 +10101000111 1,551 1 +10101000111 director-choreographer 1 +10101000111 Calif.-maker 1 +10101000111 cosponsorship 1 +10101000111 incumbrances 1 +10101000111 Itani 1 +10101000111 archduke 1 +10101000111 maintainer 1 +10101000111 superfan-type 1 +10101000111 stager 1 +10101000111 Mueller-Weingarten 1 +10101000111 co-operators 1 +10101000111 third-oldest 1 +10101000111 spacings 1 +10101000111 sulphamethoxazole 1 +10101000111 protectress 1 +10101000111 1,333-1,326 1 +10101000111 Ebie 1 +10101000111 mini-secretaries 1 +10101000111 ahost 1 +10101000111 leasebacks 1 +10101000111 emiritus 1 +10101000111 Pacharapha 1 +10101000111 secretry 1 +10101000111 20,270 1 +10101000111 Apprentices 1 +10101000111 gullets 1 +10101000111 15-business-day 1 +10101000111 reinstitutionalization 1 +10101000111 zubon 1 +10101000111 poor-mouthings 1 +10101000111 87-3 1 +10101000111 PlainsBank 1 +10101000111 clinginess 1 +10101000111 121,359 1 +10101000111 Banshees 1 +10101000111 great-greatgrandson 1 +10101000111 reinstallation 1 +10101000111 simplication 1 +10101000111 Kohchi 1 +10101000111 ex-commander 1 +10101000111 whelps 1 +10101000111 remanufacturer 1 +10101000111 Leahys 1 +10101000111 one-one-thousandth 1 +10101000111 Braspetro 1 +10101000111 machine-gunning 1 +10101000111 ignitions 1 +10101000111 nephew/son 1 +10101000111 ex-leader 1 +10101000111 Pa.-record 1 +10101000111 Mass.-maker 1 +10101000111 presiden 1 +10101000111 evoker 1 +10101000111 expositor 1 +10101000111 Selenia 1 +10101000111 5,798,211 1 +10101000111 hogsheads 1 +10101000111 overglazing 1 +10101000111 Orange-Co 1 +10101000111 gentleladies 1 +10101000111 N.J.-maker 1 +10101000111 run-of-the-mine 1 +10101000111 England-produced 1 +10101000111 performance-monitoring 1 +10101000111 41,073 1 +10101000111 secretary/treasurer 1 +10101000111 indiscriminateness 1 +10101000111 154,716 1 +10101000111 Mouthpiece 1 +10101000111 evermindful 1 +10101000111 comanager 1 +10101000111 disinvention 1 +10101000111 Corazones 1 +10101000111 DEPRIVED 1 +10101000111 leasings 1 +10101000111 scatterings 1 +10101000111 chairman-emeritus 1 +10101000111 inspiriter 1 +10101000111 rare-stamp 1 +10101000111 asteroids 1 +10101000111 refinisher 1 +10101000111 endower 1 +10101000111 sheaves 1 +10101000111 milleniums 1 +10101000111 seasmanship 1 +10101000111 milkshake-machine 1 +10101000111 20,611 1 +10101000111 jetties 1 +10101000111 interplays 1 +10101000111 Avail-a-Temp 1 +10101000111 343,685 1 +10101000111 Burgermeister 1 +10101000111 yuppie-type 1 +10101000111 Cobos 1 +10101000111 Herreman 1 +10101000111 writing-off 1 +10101000111 pro-shops 1 +10101000111 1,337 1 +10101000111 continuations 1 +10101000111 ever-protective 1 +10101000111 repackager 1 +10101000111 psychiatrist-in-chief 1 +10101000111 S.F.P.O. 1 +10101000111 friends/supporters 1 +10101000111 hysterias 1 +10101000111 depressurizing 1 +10101000111 great-granddaughter 1 +10101000111 stultifications 1 +10101000111 overbreadth 1 +10101000111 weft 1 +10101000111 whimpers 1 +10101000111 brickyards 1 +10101000111 doyenne 1 +10101000111 Sanger-Harris 1 +10101000111 bicycle-parts 1 +10101000111 coowner 1 +10101000111 hundreds-of-thousands 1 +10101000111 spotlessness 1 +10101000111 Jean-Loup 1 +10101000111 then-secretary 1 +10101000111 then-administrator 1 +10101000111 Suncorp. 1 +10101000111 regardles 1 +10101000111 Director-General 1 +10101000111 Suzukis 1 +10101000111 yoni 1 +10101000111 self-disgust 1 +10101000111 RWS 1 +10101000111 Songstress 1 +10101000111 breakwater 1 +10101000111 sectioned 1 +10101000111 re-manufacturer 1 +10101000111 pubisher 1 +10101000111 35,258 1 +10101000111 restricter 1 +10101000111 seventeen 1 +10101000111 discontinuations 1 +10101000111 1/25 1 +10101000111 Maggies 1 +10101000111 1/24th 1 +10101000111 1/48th 1 +10101000111 clean-out 1 +10101000111 Commitees 1 +10101000111 less-common 1 +10101000111 Mediafina 1 +10101000111 admixtures 1 +10101000111 threequarters 1 +10101000111 3,901,756 1 +10101000111 Fla.-maker 1 +10101000111 2MB 1 +10101000111 unexpectedness 1 +10101000111 Heraclitus 1 +10101000111 pseudo-scandals 1 +10101000111 loather 1 +10101000111 encapsulants 1 +10101000111 Trappings 1 +10101000111 dogcatchers 1 +10101000111 FriedrichsInc. 1 +10101000111 already-bulging 1 +10101000111 deceitfulness 1 +10101000111 lopes 1 +10101000111 sprinklings 1 +10101000111 Powerlines 1 +10101000111 Surveyor 1 +10101000111 127,300 1 +10101000111 meteorologist-in-charge 1 +10101000111 quarteracre 1 +10101000111 M1-composed 1 +10101000111 vicar-general 1 +10101000111 co-holder 1 +10101000111 codirector 1 +10101000111 olive-branch 1 +10101000111 squanderers 1 +10101000111 treacheries 1 +10101000111 aides-turned-lobbyists 1 +10101000111 non-recurrence 1 +10101000111 semi-abandonment 1 +10101000111 1,821,324 1 +10101000111 owner-publisher 2 +10101000111 great-grandsons 2 +10101000111 remarketer 2 +10101000111 13,652 2 +10101000111 war-mongering 2 +10101000111 Kampgrounds 2 +10101000111 prefect 2 +10101000111 bluefish 2 +10101000111 Nanook 2 +10101000111 palettes 2 +10101000111 finite-life 2 +10101000111 under-utilization 2 +10101000111 unbanning 2 +10101000111 kerchiefs 2 +10101000111 impulsiveness 2 +10101000111 snips 2 +10101000111 quaintest 2 +10101000111 steel-tubing 2 +10101000111 speaker-designate 2 +10101000111 fetishes 2 +10101000111 tittle 2 +10101000111 relining 3 +10101000111 Chadwicks 3 +10101000111 glorification 3 +10101000111 furriers 3 +10101000111 cohead 3 +10101000111 misspelling 3 +10101000111 submerging 3 +10101000111 bro 3 +10101000111 1/12th 3 +10101000111 simpering 3 +10101000111 grandmaster 3 +10101000111 great-grandchildren 4 +10101000111 bestiality 4 +10101000111 franchisor 4 +10101000111 bantam 4 +10101000111 partner-in-charge 4 +10101000111 sloughing 4 +10101000111 undercapitalization 4 +10101000111 renovator 4 +10101000111 Lar 5 +10101000111 co-directors 6 +10101000111 great-grandson 6 +10101000111 forerunners 6 +10101000111 co-inventor 6 +10101000111 then-chief 7 +10101000111 co-creator 8 +10101000111 co-heads 8 +10101000111 co-anchor 10 +10101000111 clap 10 +10101000111 ex-president 14 +10101000111 huh 15 +10101000111 filet 16 +10101000111 Duchess 17 +10101000111 co-host 19 +10101000111 Triumph 23 +10101000111 scion 27 +10101000111 birthplace 48 +10101000111 65th 52 +10101000111 editor-in-chief 55 +10101000111 downing 61 +10101000111 co-director 67 +10101000111 director-general 68 +10101000111 grandson 90 +10101000111 co-head 94 +10101000111 co-author 112 +10101000111 emeritus 172 +10101000111 premiere 206 +10101000111 head 6897 +10101000111 publisher 2243 +10101001000 2,176 1 +10101001000 see-sawed 1 +10101001000 market-the 1 +10101001000 chemical-giant 1 +10101001000 plummmeted 1 +10101001000 tomfooleries 1 +10101001000 composers. 1 +10101001000 deliberate-style 1 +10101001000 Kyzyl 1 +10101001000 ad-supported 1 +10101001000 evil-doing 1 +10101001000 stock-warrant 1 +10101001000 3,689 1 +10101001000 occupiied 1 +10101001000 auto-maker 1 +10101001000 consumption/production 1 +10101001000 breakfront 2 +10101001000 lazier 2 +10101001000 parachutist 2 +10101001000 short-haired 2 +10101001000 regrow 2 +10101001000 hippopotamuses 2 +10101001000 PCAT 2 +10101001000 phonies 2 +10101001000 pacesetters 3 +10101001000 fraulein 3 +10101001000 Judds 4 +10101001000 cross-license 5 +10101001000 self-liquidating 5 +10101001000 TBA 5 +10101001000 max 7 +10101001000 irredentism 9 +10101001000 crackle 10 +10101001000 bop 10 +10101001000 stag 10 +10101001000 shepherds 17 +10101001000 shepherd 34 +10101001000 swirl 53 +10101001000 splits 140 +10101001000 patch 239 +10101001000 lag 283 +10101001000 spill 342 +10101001000 rank 467 +10101001000 occupied 814 +10101001000 swap 1510 +10101001000 spread 2376 +10101001000 split 3011 +10101001000 mark 2926 +10101001001 above-par 1 +10101001001 mark-a-year 1 +10101001001 last-quoted 1 +10101001001 110-pence-a-share 1 +10101001001 875-pence 1 +10101001001 Canadian-market 1 +10101001001 redmption 1 +10101001001 sheldrake 1 +10101001001 anti-Mitterrand 1 +10101001001 non-extremist 1 +10101001001 400-pence-a-share 1 +10101001001 pre-allocation 1 +10101001001 subsidy-inflated 1 +10101001001 mid-to-upper 1 +10101001001 two-stamp 1 +10101001001 milk-support 1 +10101001001 thenpresent 1 +10101001001 Maldivian 1 +10101001001 gold-panning 1 +10101001001 dividend-share 1 +10101001001 technology-licensing 1 +10101001001 depreciation-induced 1 +10101001001 secure-shareholder 1 +10101001001 takeover-offer 1 +10101001001 earlier-advertised 1 +10101001001 ever-endangered 1 +10101001001 unoption 1 +10101001001 surface-exploration 1 +10101001001 post-collapse 1 +10101001001 colonic 1 +10101001001 standard-configuration 1 +10101001001 equity-gold 1 +10101001001 356,000-kilowatt 1 +10101001001 OPEC-mandated 1 +10101001001 4,032-room 1 +10101001001 Ripperian 1 +10101001001 asset-disposal 1 +10101001001 MISSING 1 +10101001001 per-pound 1 +10101001001 quota-inflated 1 +10101001001 restructing 2 +10101001001 Minny 2 +10101001001 Davises 2 +10101001001 disability-compensation 2 +10101001001 5,547,270 2 +10101001001 higher-end 2 +10101001001 giveback 2 +10101001001 rights-distribution 2 +10101001001 MDA 3 +10101001001 six-year-long 3 +10101001001 share-option 3 +10101001001 pre-suspension 4 +10101001001 1/12 4 +10101001001 miswiring 4 +10101001001 decapitalization 4 +10101001001 3B4000 6 +10101001001 public-offering 7 +10101001001 purchase-rights 12 +10101001001 spending-based 15 +10101001001 retrofit 25 +10101001001 downgrading 213 +10101001001 downgrade 434 +10101001001 buyback 530 +10101001001 rescue 723 +10101001001 repurchase 847 +10101001001 purchase 9951 +10101001001 buy-back 1012 +10101001010 microchip-laden 1 +10101001010 U.S.-currently 1 +10101001010 physician-caused 1 +10101001010 EuroSwiss 1 +10101001010 store-where 1 +10101001010 laborcost 1 +10101001010 Deightonians 1 +10101001010 property-loss 1 +10101001010 100,000-baht 1 +10101001010 off-street 1 +10101001010 fractionate 1 +10101001010 Ercks 1 +10101001010 profit-about 1 +10101001010 hard-top 1 +10101001010 Eliahu 1 +10101001010 2,714,300 1 +10101001010 wage-rate 1 +10101001010 Fed-not 1 +10101001010 rundowns 2 +10101001010 reupholstering 2 +10101001010 life-blood 2 +10101001010 fast-stepping 2 +10101001010 undisbursed 2 +10101001010 inheritor 3 +10101001010 purr 3 +10101001010 pyramiding 3 +10101001010 re-release 4 +10101001010 earmarks 35 +10101001010 cradle 36 +10101001010 outlines 160 +10101001010 cost 12067 +10101001010 consist 392 +101010010110 pre-decline 1 +101010010110 75-pence 1 +101010010110 pesticide-pollution 1 +101010010110 wide-shouldered 1 +101010010110 break-apart 1 +101010010110 state-audit 1 +101010010110 three-figure 1 +101010010110 PPP-determined 1 +101010010110 abjuration 1 +101010010110 McPartland 1 +101010010110 leak-related 1 +101010010110 IRS-asserted 1 +101010010110 new-market 1 +101010010110 raw-land 1 +101010010110 dream-fulfilling 1 +101010010110 junk-salvage 1 +101010010110 federal-deposit-insurance 1 +101010010110 lovelies 1 +101010010110 maximimize 1 +101010010110 windall 1 +101010010110 forign-exchange 1 +101010010110 cold-climate 1 +101010010110 Washington-state 1 +101010010110 wool-and-rayon 1 +101010010110 still-formidable 1 +101010010110 construction-contract 1 +101010010110 princpal 1 +101010010110 auction-block 1 +101010010110 socioeconomically 1 +101010010110 4,216 1 +101010010110 then-doctor 1 +101010010110 nonradicals 1 +101010010110 degree-day 2 +101010010110 offloading 2 +101010010110 14,009 2 +101010010110 17-acre 3 +101010010110 strafing 3 +101010010110 perdition 3 +101010010110 ogling 4 +101010010110 face 7088 +101010010110 lease-purchase 4 +101010010111 587,300 1 +101010010111 inMay 1 +101010010111 AN/MLQ-34 1 +101010010111 in-residence 1 +101010010111 MV/1400 1 +101010010111 Elfcent 1 +101010010111 single-yearling 1 +101010010111 Africanization 1 +101010010111 de-listing 1 +101010010111 89,225 1 +101010010111 Talair 1 +101010010111 conglomerations 1 +101010010111 center-rightists 1 +101010010111 investigator-hero 1 +101010010111 1,163,400 1 +101010010111 snowcap 1 +101010010111 Lifers 1 +101010010111 Memtech 1 +101010010111 229,463 1 +101010010111 truth-in-satire 1 +101010010111 2,833,777 1 +101010010111 self-injection 1 +101010010111 short-circuits 1 +101010010111 663,125 1 +101010010111 443,097 1 +101010010111 younguns 1 +101010010111 emolument 1 +101010010111 savorings 1 +101010010111 sealskins 1 +101010010111 roote 1 +101010010111 341,210 1 +101010010111 gawkiness 1 +101010010111 arms-purchasing 1 +101010010111 1,917,800 1 +101010010111 home-owners 1 +101010010111 12yerol 1 +101010010111 386,000-square-foot 1 +101010010111 327,780 1 +101010010111 time-stamp 1 +101010010111 136,100 1 +101010010111 48/64 1 +101010010111 money-terms 1 +101010010111 rocket-chemical 1 +101010010111 sky-dwarf 1 +101010010111 475,027 1 +101010010111 arkylbenzene 1 +101010010111 cash-in-hand 1 +101010010111 half-run 1 +101010010111 bodacious 1 +101010010111 cross-elasticities 1 +101010010111 559,589 1 +101010010111 soft-top/hardtop 1 +101010010111 acquisitons 1 +101010010111 shellings 1 +101010010111 500-worker 1 +101010010111 1-11-1 1 +101010010111 1.166 1 +101010010111 accessions 1 +101010010111 Nakashes 1 +101010010111 30-passenger 1 +101010010111 law-not 1 +101010010111 386-generation 1 +101010010111 524,000 1 +101010010111 counterexplanation 1 +101010010111 170s 1 +101010010111 Chrysler-Mitsubishi 2 +101010010111 rewiring 2 +101010010111 brutalism 2 +101010010111 Commissariat 2 +101010010111 yokes 2 +101010010111 Unmaking 2 +101010010111 1,907,000 2 +101010010111 SEB 2 +101010010111 mother-board 2 +101010010111 governor-elect 2 +101010010111 Kittiwake 2 +101010010111 smidgens 2 +101010010111 campuslike 3 +101010010111 memoir-novel 3 +101010010111 mid-thirties 3 +101010010111 scrubs 3 +101010010111 heydays 3 +101010010111 menage 3 +101010010111 SIBV-MS 4 +101010010111 Marche 5 +101010010111 KO 7 +101010010111 renditions 10 +101010010111 chronicle 45 +101010010111 shred 60 +101010010111 breed 260 +101010010111 post 4947 +101010010111 form 4767 +1010100110 closely-watched 1 +1010100110 tulip-futures 1 +1010100110 vinyl-covered 1 +1010100110 adjustable-loan 1 +1010100110 import-parity 1 +1010100110 emperor-centered 1 +1010100110 art-loving 1 +1010100110 stick-it-out 1 +1010100110 seventh-consecutive 1 +1010100110 thrift-oriented 1 +1010100110 bus-fare 1 +1010100110 quaverings 1 +1010100110 inside-the-seminary 1 +1010100110 ex-social 1 +1010100110 all-enclosed 1 +1010100110 50-or-more 1 +1010100110 Affarer 1 +1010100110 doctor/patient 1 +1010100110 cotton-dust 1 +1010100110 brightline 1 +1010100110 2005-2009 1 +1010100110 product/energy 1 +1010100110 FY89 1 +1010100110 amnesty/offer-in-compromise 1 +1010100110 nine-hour-plus 1 +1010100110 still-vivid 1 +1010100110 ash-tinted 1 +1010100110 Weill-Gershwin 1 +1010100110 gain-and 1 +1010100110 indubitable 1 +1010100110 Anglo-Spanish 1 +1010100110 minimum-reserve 1 +1010100110 less-flexible 1 +1010100110 55-to-64 1 +1010100110 sorghum-grain 1 +1010100110 good-cause 1 +1010100110 seven-to-11 1 +1010100110 event-filled 1 +1010100110 less-is-more 1 +1010100110 opium-of-the-people 1 +1010100110 AppleLine 1 +1010100110 four-cent-a-pound 1 +1010100110 resuscitations 1 +1010100110 12-cent-a-share 1 +1010100110 ransom-note 1 +1010100110 inactivated-chromosome 1 +1010100110 Cours-la-Reine 1 +1010100110 otherwise-flattering 1 +1010100110 Portasol 1 +1010100110 abscessed 1 +1010100110 end-of-May 1 +1010100110 eight-months-pregnant 1 +1010100110 cave-man 1 +1010100110 27.5-mpg 1 +1010100110 entry-level-worker 1 +1010100110 20-to-24-year-old 1 +1010100110 literary-value 1 +1010100110 minimum-benefit 1 +1010100110 anti-tariff 1 +1010100110 MANEUVERS 1 +1010100110 tetracycline-loaded 1 +1010100110 undisclosred 1 +1010100110 always-stunning 1 +1010100110 less-important 1 +1010100110 350,000-car 1 +1010100110 echeloned 1 +1010100110 11.1-million-barrel 1 +1010100110 35-to-54 1 +1010100110 54.66-cent-a-gallon 1 +1010100110 PROBERS 1 +1010100110 150,000-unit 1 +1010100110 anomic 1 +1010100110 2,200-member 1 +1010100110 271-store 1 +1010100110 18-to-24-year 1 +1010100110 eleventh-grade 1 +1010100110 104,000-member 1 +1010100110 20-foot-by-38-foot 1 +1010100110 229,731 1 +1010100110 under-14 1 +1010100110 chalklike 1 +1010100110 Lockean 1 +1010100110 land-a 1 +1010100110 insurer-run 1 +1010100110 Thatcher-Walters 1 +1010100110 trade-hardened 1 +1010100110 8/64-inch 1 +1010100110 ex-coal 1 +1010100110 18-part 1 +1010100110 12-to-17 1 +1010100110 -a-week 1 +1010100110 twice-postponed 1 +1010100110 8,972 1 +1010100110 underactive 1 +1010100110 ex-priest 1 +1010100110 orange-purple 1 +1010100110 arm-around-the-shoulders 1 +1010100110 Oxford-trained 1 +1010100110 advanced-placement 1 +1010100110 215,000-barrel 1 +1010100110 mastoid 1 +1010100110 now-average 1 +1010100110 not-so-star 1 +1010100110 Oval-Office 1 +1010100110 sweet-and-pungent 1 +1010100110 per-contract 1 +1010100110 soybean-output 1 +1010100110 oneway 1 +1010100110 over-the-aisle 1 +1010100110 anaestheticized 1 +1010100110 187-year-old 1 +1010100110 ex-franchise 1 +1010100110 industry-shaking 1 +1010100110 unstaged 1 +1010100110 air-valve 1 +1010100110 uninspirational 1 +1010100110 Bjork-Shiley 1 +1010100110 outer-borough 1 +1010100110 three-day-long 1 +1010100110 Arab-populated 1 +1010100110 athlete-law 1 +1010100110 163-day 1 +1010100110 chance-risk 1 +1010100110 horizon-wide 1 +1010100110 India-born 1 +1010100110 product-sales 1 +1010100110 brushed-aside 1 +1010100110 18-to-22 1 +1010100110 ex-colleague 1 +1010100110 Greek-Canadian 1 +1010100110 taxable-fund 1 +1010100110 employment-to-population 1 +1010100110 fifth-straight 1 +1010100110 no-wrinkle 1 +1010100110 good-driver 1 +1010100110 ex-gospel 1 +1010100110 Microchannel 1 +1010100110 aircraft-engine-maintenance 1 +1010100110 ever-optimistic 1 +1010100110 5-to-14 1 +1010100110 35-to-44-year 1 +1010100110 800-man 1 +1010100110 Sun-4/150CXP 1 +1010100110 Sun-4/150TAAC 1 +1010100110 labor-force-participation 1 +1010100110 at-best 1 +1010100110 amyloid-rich 1 +1010100110 traffic-growth 1 +1010100110 off-air 1 +1010100110 oft-unsung 1 +1010100110 Edwards-Duromedics 1 +1010100110 ever-accelerating 1 +1010100110 Iranian-Israeli-American 1 +1010100110 FCC-imposed 2 +1010100110 independent-thinking 2 +1010100110 often-futile 2 +1010100110 ridiculousness 2 +1010100110 Athens-based 2 +1010100110 orders-to-sales 2 +1010100110 averge 2 +1010100110 upturned 2 +1010100110 gold-exchange 2 +1010100110 remorseless 2 +1010100110 Lenox-Conynghams 2 +1010100110 Marriotts 2 +1010100110 70-cents-to-75-cents 2 +1010100110 7.2-million 2 +1010100110 rosy-fingered 2 +1010100110 unsupportive 2 +1010100110 35-to-44 2 +1010100110 song-slide 2 +1010100110 NIV 2 +1010100110 ever-declining 2 +1010100110 second-greatest 2 +1010100110 alley-fighters 2 +1010100110 55-and-over 2 +1010100110 Arab-Latin 2 +1010100110 45-to-54 3 +1010100110 archconservative 3 +1010100110 nuclear-radiation 3 +1010100110 original-issue 3 +1010100110 brainstormers 3 +1010100110 25-to-44 3 +1010100110 alcove 3 +1010100110 unguaranteed 3 +1010100110 red-ink 3 +1010100110 auditory 3 +1010100110 still-image 3 +1010100110 Army-Navy 4 +1010100110 nonaffiliated 4 +1010100110 third-worst 5 +1010100110 Nineteenth 5 +1010100110 oversubscription 5 +1010100110 J-7 5 +1010100110 eyelash 7 +1010100110 80-cent 9 +1010100110 amicus 19 +1010100110 above-market 57 +1010100110 unadjusted 125 +1010100110 median 371 +1010100110 average 12620 +1010100110 inflation-adjusted 457 +10101001110 call-boxes 1 +10101001110 14,000-yen 1 +10101001110 ripsnorters 1 +10101001110 step-licensing 1 +10101001110 bear-baitings 1 +10101001110 sua 1 +10101001110 landownership 1 +10101001110 848-page 1 +10101001110 radio-relayed 1 +10101001110 response. 1 +10101001110 hysteria. 1 +10101001110 pipeline-network 1 +10101001110 orprivate 1 +10101001110 creches 1 +10101001110 random-weave 1 +10101001110 retailer-sales 1 +10101001110 ceremonies. 1 +10101001110 inspection. 1 +10101001110 standpipes 1 +10101001110 weal 2 +10101001110 PP&L 2 +10101001110 Avaris 2 +10101001110 unmiked 2 +10101001110 oil-policy 2 +10101001110 Sarkissian 2 +10101001110 gerontocracy 2 +10101001110 cartonnage 2 +10101001110 corporation-partnership 2 +10101001110 offering 11289 +10101001110 excercise 2 +10101001111 Glamorgan 1 +10101001111 unnerves 1 +10101001111 demanding-type 1 +10101001111 lower-growth 1 +10101001111 pre-close 1 +10101001111 SS-N-21 1 +10101001111 camber 1 +10101001111 wearability 1 +10101001111 7,000-franc-a-share 1 +10101001111 pre-rebate 1 +10101001111 Resale 1 +10101001111 Pacificare 1 +10101001111 napalming 1 +10101001111 pre-discount 1 +10101001111 down-a-bit 1 +10101001111 leatherbound 2 +10101001111 f.o.b. 2 +10101001111 and. 2 +10101001111 FAL 2 +10101001111 soirees 2 +10101001111 Kamiah 2 +10101001111 tenebrous 2 +10101001111 powdering 2 +10101001111 overweighting 2 +10101001111 apelike 2 +10101001111 segmenting 2 +10101001111 BellSouth/Lin 2 +10101001111 deflation/recession 2 +10101001111 misbilling 3 +10101001111 63rd 3 +10101001111 rephrasing 3 +10101001111 browning 3 +10101001111 sidelining 3 +10101001111 affordable-housing 3 +10101001111 227-197 3 +10101001111 cross-referencing 3 +10101001111 Gault-Millau 3 +10101001111 SENT 4 +10101001111 runnerup 4 +10101001111 steadying 4 +10101001111 off-loading 4 +10101001111 transference 4 +10101001111 cabling 4 +10101001111 witching-hour 4 +10101001111 unearthing 5 +10101001111 trebling 5 +10101001111 2900 5 +10101001111 force-feeding 5 +10101001111 re-marketing 5 +10101001111 overpricing 5 +10101001111 intertwining 5 +10101001111 1/8th 5 +10101001111 comparision 5 +10101001111 pacifying 5 +10101001111 botching 5 +10101001111 pre-placement 5 +10101001111 rupturing 5 +10101001111 unmasking 6 +10101001111 trouncing 6 +10101001111 smothering 6 +10101001111 molting 6 +10101001111 reprogramming 7 +10101001111 hour-and-a-half 7 +10101001111 adagio 7 +10101001111 wobbling 7 +10101001111 near-bankruptcy 7 +10101001111 wearying 7 +10101001111 amplifying 8 +10101001111 plateauing 8 +10101001111 repainting 9 +10101001111 whipsawing 9 +10101001111 breakeven 9 +10101001111 retracing 10 +10101001111 fraying 10 +10101001111 100-point 10 +10101001111 slanting 10 +10101001111 darkening 11 +10101001111 re-flagging 12 +10101001111 adjourning 12 +10101001111 stabbing 12 +10101001111 rehiring 13 +10101001111 criminalizing 14 +10101001111 voiding 14 +10101001111 sacking 16 +10101001111 reordering 17 +10101001111 dawning 21 +10101001111 disbanding 23 +10101001111 underreporting 24 +10101001111 clogging 24 +10101001111 pairing 26 +10101001111 delisting 27 +10101001111 inverse 28 +10101001111 adjournment 31 +10101001111 convening 32 +10101001111 leveraging 41 +10101001111 yawning 42 +10101001111 unwinding 47 +10101001111 battering 47 +10101001111 flattening 49 +10101001111 batting 62 +10101001111 unraveling 76 +10101001111 pooling 83 +10101001111 unveiling 97 +10101001111 loosening 101 +10101001111 lessening 101 +10101001111 unfolding 103 +10101001111 reopening 149 +10101001111 revamping 157 +10101001111 dismantling 204 +10101001111 softening 277 +10101001111 lifting 298 +10101001111 fixing 325 +10101001111 widening 479 +10101001111 narrowing 574 +10101001111 listing 623 +10101001111 signing 694 +10101001111 tightening 714 +10101001111 downward 819 +10101001111 easing 865 +10101001111 killing 935 +10101001111 upward 1164 +10101001111 opening 2689 +10101001111 closing 3731 +10101001111 auction 3059 +101010100 phenoms 1 +101010100 high-finance 1 +101010100 immediately. 1 +101010100 Episcopate 1 +101010100 farmtown 1 +101010100 presentness 1 +101010100 signifier 1 +101010100 lineages 1 +101010100 reminiscencs 1 +101010100 codifiers 1 +101010100 ruboffs 1 +101010100 wall-hanging 1 +101010100 Statute 1 +101010100 co-captain 1 +101010100 fireplug 1 +101010100 semi-callousness 1 +101010100 stepsister 1 +101010100 Appeal-Federation 1 +101010100 dipper 1 +101010100 snaphots 1 +101010100 Motoramas 1 +101010100 inextricability 1 +101010100 stubholders 1 +101010100 scherzos 1 +101010100 emulator 1 +101010100 resubmission 2 +101010100 sprites 2 +101010100 subclass 2 +101010100 houseful 2 +101010100 mischaracterizations 2 +101010100 patriarchate 2 +101010100 resi 2 +101010100 tankard 2 +101010100 near-sweep 2 +101010100 roll-over 2 +101010100 quintuplets 2 +101010100 god-king 3 +101010100 summing-up 3 +101010100 self-selection 3 +101010100 overhangs 3 +101010100 roughhouse 3 +101010100 Piece 3 +101010100 send-up 3 +101010100 boomtown 3 +101010100 castigation 3 +101010100 cut-outs 3 +101010100 splotch 3 +101010100 wick 4 +101010100 thuggery 4 +101010100 roadsters 4 +101010100 Cradle 4 +101010100 forebear 4 +101010100 miscellany 4 +101010100 showgirl 5 +101010100 knock-off 5 +101010100 re-emphasis 5 +101010100 supergiant 5 +101010100 talisman 6 +101010100 connivance 6 +101010100 Curse 6 +101010100 gust 6 +101010100 perusal 6 +101010100 wingspan 6 +101010100 chimera 6 +101010100 penumbra 6 +101010100 run-through 6 +101010100 reenactment 6 +101010100 reassertion 7 +101010100 Meaning 7 +101010100 posse 7 +101010100 hodge-podge 7 +101010100 oversupplies 7 +101010100 bale 7 +101010100 derailment 8 +101010100 monarchies 8 +101010100 Congregation 8 +101010100 christening 8 +101010100 reformation 8 +101010100 tableau 8 +101010100 memento 8 +101010100 helpings 8 +101010100 cesspool 8 +101010100 visage 9 +101010100 reinspection 9 +101010100 speck 9 +101010100 tattoo 9 +101010100 menagerie 10 +101010100 scrapbook 11 +101010100 reiteration 11 +101010100 montage 11 +101010100 vista 11 +101010100 cutout 11 +101010100 spasm 11 +101010100 glint 11 +101010100 patina 11 +101010100 cocoon 12 +101010100 synopsis 12 +101010100 closeup 12 +101010100 reconfiguration 12 +101010100 swatches 12 +101010100 bull's-eye 13 +101010100 clump 13 +101010100 panorama 13 +101010100 stench 13 +101010100 medley 13 +101010100 tapestry 13 +101010100 reappearance 13 +101010100 reevaluation 14 +101010100 touchstone 14 +101010100 misinterpretation 14 +101010100 storehouse 14 +101010100 font 14 +101010100 sampler 14 +101010100 folder 15 +101010100 six-pack 16 +101010100 regiment 17 +101010100 close-up 17 +101010100 coterie 17 +101010100 bouquet 18 +101010100 dramatization 18 +101010100 parable 18 +101010100 constellation 18 +101010100 thud 19 +101010100 cabal 19 +101010100 gusher 19 +101010100 scattering 19 +101010100 germ 19 +101010100 sprinkling 20 +101010100 predictor 21 +101010100 platter 21 +101010100 sieve 21 +101010100 reallocation 22 +101010100 diffusion 22 +101010100 tabulation 22 +101010100 flotilla 22 +101010100 simplification 23 +101010100 caravan 23 +101010100 blockage 24 +101010100 stepchild 24 +101010100 re-evaluation 25 +101010100 swarm 25 +101010100 roundup 25 +101010100 reinterpretation 25 +101010100 retraction 26 +101010100 thicket 26 +101010100 recitation 26 +101010100 ray 27 +101010100 denunciation 27 +101010100 paradigm 27 +101010100 spoof 28 +101010100 battalion 28 +101010100 reappraisal 28 +101010100 diminution 28 +101010100 darlings 28 +101010100 cloak 29 +101010100 labyrinth 30 +101010100 incarnation 30 +101010100 cascade 31 +101010100 crate 31 +101010100 clutch 32 +101010100 platoon 32 +101010100 ridge 33 +101010100 loaf 33 +101010100 mobilization 33 +101010100 cessation 33 +101010100 hunk 33 +101010100 horde 33 +101010100 squadron 33 +101010100 rite 34 +101010100 concoction 34 +101010100 mosaic 34 +101010100 quilt 34 +101010100 trove 35 +101010100 groundswell 35 +101010100 haze 37 +101010100 mound 37 +101010100 gem 39 +101010100 convergence 39 +101010100 writ 40 +101010100 relic 40 +101010100 rendition 40 +101010100 cache 41 +101010100 rebirth 42 +101010100 sellout 42 +101010100 clique 42 +101010100 scourge 42 +101010100 variant 43 +101010100 caricature 43 +101010100 throng 43 +101010100 galaxy 44 +101010100 snapshot 44 +101010100 replica 45 +101010100 carton 46 +101010100 protector 46 +101010100 repository 47 +101010100 plurality 49 +101010100 compilation 50 +101010100 reaffirmation 51 +101010100 crossroads 51 +101010100 procession 52 +101010100 radius 52 +101010100 reassessment 52 +101010100 pillar 52 +101010100 reunion 54 +101010100 manifestation 55 +101010100 butt 58 +101010100 slab 58 +101010100 patchwork 60 +101010100 portrayal 60 +101010100 badge 63 +101010100 repetition 64 +101010100 tangle 67 +101010100 heck 67 +101010100 facade 69 +101010100 masterpiece 73 +101010100 retrospective 73 +101010100 jar 74 +101010100 heap 75 +101010100 revaluation 75 +101010100 darling 76 +101010100 symptom 76 +101010100 critique 78 +101010100 transcript 79 +101010100 tug 81 +101010100 suppression 86 +101010100 glow 89 +101010100 reservoir 89 +101010100 climax 91 +101010100 formulation 91 +101010100 chronology 91 +101010100 patron 93 +101010100 preview 97 +101010100 cluster 97 +101010100 staple 102 +101010100 trio 105 +101010100 maze 105 +101010100 mainstay 107 +101010100 shade 107 +101010100 roster 108 +101010100 creature 110 +101010100 statue 134 +101010100 stack 136 +101010100 relaxation 140 +101010100 sequence 145 +101010100 scarcity 145 +101010100 batch 153 +101010100 web 154 +101010100 sampling 169 +101010100 chorus 173 +101010100 bout 185 +101010100 slice 189 +101010100 denial 191 +101010100 cup 195 +101010100 photograph 196 +101010100 beneficiary 212 +101010100 biography 214 +101010100 menu 217 +101010100 blend 228 +101010100 parade 232 +101010100 barometer 247 +101010100 half-hour 248 +101010100 resurgence 260 +101010100 habit 278 +101010100 celebration 288 +101010100 portrait 290 +101010100 certificate 290 +101010100 realignment 291 +101010100 description 301 +101010100 revival 301 +101010100 dose 308 +101010100 shadow 309 +101010100 circle 315 +101010100 consequence 322 +101010100 bombing 322 +101010100 devaluation 341 +101010100 breakdown 350 +101010100 glut 365 +101010100 mountain 367 +101010100 chapter 382 +101010100 leg 386 +101010100 basket 392 +101010100 bottle 397 +101010100 sample 450 +101010100 slate 458 +101010100 reversal 466 +101010100 anniversary 537 +101010100 flood 545 +101010100 backlog 572 +101010100 band 649 +101010100 definition 657 +101010100 victim 678 +101010100 mix 786 +101010100 copy 832 +101010100 fleet 880 +101010100 tour 919 +101010100 collection 986 +101010100 pool 1034 +101010100 shortage 1139 +101010100 coalition 1153 +101010100 wave 1240 +101010100 pattern 1293 +101010100 piece 1483 +101010100 generation 1491 +101010100 round 1684 +101010100 combination 1919 +101010100 class 2311 +101010100 version 2734 +101010100 list 3969 +101010100 majority 3988 +1010101010 cynosure 1 +1010101010 Kramers 1 +1010101010 hard-scrabbling 1 +1010101010 basketrs 1 +1010101010 influxes 1 +1010101010 over-presence 1 +1010101010 Sinocization 1 +1010101010 groundlessness 1 +1010101010 de-collectivization 1 +1010101010 Scourge 1 +1010101010 spector 1 +1010101010 anti-Bank 1 +1010101010 re-signing 1 +1010101010 Gnomes 1 +1010101010 Rebirth 1 +1010101010 Dawning 1 +1010101010 thtructure 1 +1010101010 Protocols 1 +1010101010 precariousness 1 +1010101010 Stupidity 1 +1010101010 wump-wump 1 +1010101010 government-contracted 1 +1010101010 theologists 1 +1010101010 Heresy 1 +1010101010 civilities 1 +1010101010 certifictes 1 +1010101010 Metamorphosis 1 +1010101010 patronization 1 +1010101010 demonization 1 +1010101010 prudency-phase 1 +1010101010 Scapegoats 1 +1010101010 Disciplines 1 +1010101010 Superieur 1 +1010101010 gravamen 1 +1010101010 professionalization 1 +1010101010 Bolshevization 1 +1010101010 Pluralization 1 +1010101010 re-adoption 1 +1010101010 swathes 1 +1010101010 PROFITT 1 +1010101010 junkloads 1 +1010101010 Olson-Elm 1 +1010101010 bluesmen 1 +1010101010 Marshes 1 +1010101010 dispensability 1 +1010101010 dam-burst 1 +1010101010 renascence 1 +1010101010 phraseology 1 +1010101010 Blackmailing 1 +1010101010 microsize 1 +1010101010 Possessed 1 +1010101010 physiques 1 +1010101010 resolvers 1 +1010101010 de-Sovietization 1 +1010101010 PRESERVATION 1 +1010101010 sleep-and-wakefulness 1 +1010101010 m.o. 1 +1010101010 cosiness 1 +1010101010 Autocrat 1 +1010101010 Yeomen 1 +1010101010 Demotion 1 +1010101010 Solace 1 +1010101010 Songbirds 1 +1010101010 saleability 1 +1010101010 Dialectics 1 +1010101010 Professorship 1 +1010101010 improbability 2 +1010101010 mudpie 2 +1010101010 scaling-back 2 +1010101010 spoor 2 +1010101010 mini-empire 2 +1010101010 BAROMETER 2 +1010101010 near-shutdown 2 +1010101010 frisson 2 +1010101010 adroitness 2 +1010101010 superfluity 2 +1010101010 phasing-out 2 +1010101010 romanticization 2 +1010101010 unmindful 2 +1010101010 corrida 2 +1010101010 Regard 2 +1010101010 demilitarization 2 +1010101010 Obsolescence 2 +1010101010 abridgement 2 +1010101010 forkful 2 +1010101010 stigmatization 2 +1010101010 shackling 2 +1010101010 reconstitution 2 +1010101010 tippers 2 +1010101010 subsdiary 2 +1010101010 Flogging 2 +1010101010 pleasantness 2 +1010101010 clove 2 +1010101010 fountainhead 3 +1010101010 b-As 3 +1010101010 stretch-out 3 +1010101010 trivialization 3 +1010101010 hollowness 3 +1010101010 Reign 4 +1010101010 lynchpin 4 +1010101010 bottoming-out 4 +1010101010 Ballad 4 +1010101010 incidences 4 +1010101010 husk 4 +1010101010 presidium 4 +1010101010 kaleidoscope 5 +1010101010 carve-up 5 +1010101010 warren 5 +1010101010 bucketful 5 +1010101010 re-enactment 6 +1010101010 shipload 6 +1010101010 subset 6 +1010101010 Pillars 6 +1010101010 Allegory 7 +1010101010 phaseout 7 +1010101010 miasma 8 +1010101010 wellspring 8 +1010101010 personification 8 +1010101010 conglomeration 9 +1010101010 dollop 10 +1010101010 continuance 10 +1010101010 rearrangement 12 +1010101010 Matter 13 +1010101010 cacophony 14 +1010101010 sufficiency 14 +1010101010 kernel 14 +1010101010 keystone 15 +1010101010 multiplicity 15 +1010101010 renunciation 18 +1010101010 re-creation 18 +1010101010 panoply 21 +1010101010 drumbeat 23 +1010101010 Tale 23 +1010101010 surfeit 24 +1010101010 sliver 25 +1010101010 confluence 27 +1010101010 welter 28 +1010101010 profusion 31 +1010101010 cross-section 31 +1010101010 jumble 35 +1010101010 depiction 39 +1010101010 paucity 41 +1010101010 preponderance 42 +1010101010 litany 50 +1010101010 multitude 61 +1010101010 deluge 66 +1010101010 cadre 69 +1010101010 hallmark 73 +1010101010 cornerstone 127 +1010101010 dearth 127 +1010101010 chunks 161 +1010101010 incidence 168 +1010101010 proliferation 199 +1010101010 resumption 199 +1010101010 feasibility 200 +1010101010 continuation 339 +1010101010 chunk 381 +1010101010 fraction 424 +1010101010 portion 2325 +1010101010 number 13904 +1010101011 tubeful 1 +1010101011 12-pack 1 +1010101011 relict 1 +1010101011 Christology 1 +1010101011 day-in-the-life-type 1 +1010101011 phantasm 1 +1010101011 stategy 1 +1010101011 fen 1 +1010101011 mini-institute 1 +1010101011 midden 1 +1010101011 ton-and-a-half 1 +1010101011 sirocco 1 +1010101011 Handful 1 +1010101011 certifier 1 +1010101011 stock-taking 1 +1010101011 tax-paradise 1 +1010101011 mini-fast 1 +1010101011 potful 1 +1010101011 creeping-up 1 +1010101011 glob 1 +1010101011 majoriy 1 +1010101011 2200/600 1 +1010101011 warrior-priest 1 +1010101011 duststorm 1 +1010101011 co-arranger 1 +1010101011 Propos 1 +1010101011 foretaste 1 +1010101011 paroxysm 1 +1010101011 coddler 1 +1010101011 expostulations 1 +1010101011 mini-Hitler 1 +1010101011 paymen 1 +1010101011 re-configuration 1 +1010101011 barrelful 1 +1010101011 preferment 1 +1010101011 tapering-off 1 +1010101011 monoploy 1 +1010101011 floozy 1 +1010101011 trayful 1 +1010101011 mini-epidemic 1 +1010101011 little-old-lady 1 +1010101011 minichain 1 +1010101011 covey 1 +1010101011 ragbag 1 +1010101011 disaggregation 1 +1010101011 co-designer 1 +1010101011 MICROCOSM 1 +1010101011 recollateralization 1 +1010101011 crosscurrent 1 +1010101011 diadem 1 +1010101011 first-use 1 +1010101011 backhaul 1 +1010101011 build-down 1 +1010101011 reaudit 1 +1010101011 cannonade 1 +1010101011 skirl 1 +1010101011 propos 1 +1010101011 dispeller 1 +1010101011 betrayer 1 +1010101011 botch-up 1 +1010101011 perk-up 1 +1010101011 ratcheting-up 1 +1010101011 countersource 1 +1010101011 partowner 1 +1010101011 barnful 1 +1010101011 trunkload 1 +1010101011 momento 1 +1010101011 conniver 1 +1010101011 thumbfuls 1 +1010101011 minipurge 1 +1010101011 trainload 1 +1010101011 de-linking 1 +1010101011 hairsbreadth 1 +1010101011 crazyquilt 1 +1010101011 station-unit 1 +1010101011 recomposition 1 +1010101011 remapping 1 +1010101011 stretching-out 1 +1010101011 hombre-to-hombre 1 +1010101011 near-marathon 1 +1010101011 near-wipeout 1 +1010101011 brushfire 1 +1010101011 reoccurrence 1 +1010101011 FedBank 1 +1010101011 governor-at-large 1 +1010101011 presentiment 1 +1010101011 36-roll 1 +1010101011 four-pack 1 +1010101011 trillionth 1 +1010101011 mischaracterization 1 +1010101011 nearstalemate 1 +1010101011 garageful 1 +1010101011 reducer 1 +1010101011 weeder-out 1 +1010101011 misassessment 1 +1010101011 profesor 1 +1010101011 half-ahead 1 +1010101011 bastardization 1 +1010101011 disapperance 1 +1010101011 re-acceleration 1 +1010101011 nonmillionaire 1 +1010101011 stipendiary 1 +1010101011 near-closing 1 +1010101011 buzzsaw 1 +1010101011 scenelets 1 +1010101011 percentge 1 +1010101011 near-hatred 1 +1010101011 maximimum 1 +1010101011 jigger 1 +1010101011 quaret 1 +1010101011 testfiring 1 +1010101011 world-beater 1 +1010101011 truckful 1 +1010101011 great-grandaughter 1 +1010101011 mini-history 1 +1010101011 re-gearing 1 +1010101011 drumroll 1 +1010101011 counterresurgence 1 +1010101011 value-story 1 +1010101011 sometime-viewer 1 +1010101011 fleck 1 +1010101011 Colloquium 1 +1010101011 wearing-off 1 +1010101011 fee-short 1 +1010101011 backbeat 1 +1010101011 five-times 1 +1010101011 patten 1 +1010101011 tractor-load 1 +1010101011 home-brew 1 +1010101011 near-quintupling 1 +1010101011 subservicer 1 +1010101011 great-great-grandson 2 +1010101011 nabob 2 +1010101011 near-riot 2 +1010101011 tankful 2 +1010101011 moonscape 2 +1010101011 shovelful 2 +1010101011 cupful 2 +1010101011 pentathlon 2 +1010101011 concord 2 +1010101011 super-commissioner 2 +1010101011 falling-off 2 +1010101011 wingding 2 +1010101011 futon 2 +1010101011 vanload 2 +1010101011 skeins 2 +1010101011 garland 2 +1010101011 toothache 2 +1010101011 naughtier 2 +1010101011 swathe 2 +1010101011 snootful 2 +1010101011 lot. 2 +1010101011 cloverleaf 2 +1010101011 ten-thousandth 2 +1010101011 deflection 2 +1010101011 basketful 2 +1010101011 grabbag 2 +1010101011 witch-hunt 2 +1010101011 half-gram 2 +1010101011 pin-ups 2 +1010101011 lifesaver 2 +1010101011 flake 2 +1010101011 diorama 3 +1010101011 closetful 3 +1010101011 precis 3 +1010101011 celebrant 3 +1010101011 billionth 3 +1010101011 ream 3 +1010101011 B+ 3 +1010101011 superabundance 3 +1010101011 fount 3 +1010101011 premonition 3 +1010101011 clothesline 3 +1010101011 vale 3 +1010101011 plenitude 3 +1010101011 watt 3 +1010101011 supression 3 +1010101011 descendent 3 +1010101011 grab-bag 4 +1010101011 diminishment 4 +1010101011 smidge 4 +1010101011 shard 4 +1010101011 pocketful 4 +1010101011 grubstake 4 +1010101011 hater 4 +1010101011 bookcase 5 +1010101011 spoonful 5 +1010101011 smidgen 5 +1010101011 figment 5 +1010101011 bagful 5 +1010101011 crumb 6 +1010101011 teaspoon 6 +1010101011 wisp 6 +1010101011 twinge 7 +1010101011 scintilla 7 +1010101011 fistful 7 +1010101011 licenser 7 +1010101011 mock-up 7 +1010101011 sinkhole 8 +1010101011 swig 8 +1010101011 fusillade 8 +1010101011 hailstorm 8 +1010101011 planeload 8 +1010101011 passel 8 +1010101011 signer 9 +1010101011 principality 9 +1010101011 redefinition 10 +1010101011 murmur 10 +1010101011 by-product 10 +1010101011 reprise 10 +1010101011 boatload 10 +1010101011 reexamination 11 +1010101011 quart 11 +1010101011 snippet 12 +1010101011 melange 13 +1010101011 fetish 13 +1010101011 Rumor 13 +1010101011 busload 13 +1010101011 compendium 13 +1010101011 sheaf 13 +1010101011 hundredth 14 +1010101011 peep 15 +1010101011 rehash 15 +1010101011 paragon 15 +1010101011 potpourri 17 +1010101011 remnant 17 +1010101011 vat 17 +1010101011 cornucopia 18 +1010101011 carat 20 +1010101011 re-examination 20 +1010101011 mishmash 20 +1010101011 pint 20 +1010101011 phalanx 20 +1010101011 crescendo 21 +1010101011 modicum 21 +1010101011 wad 21 +1010101011 roomful 23 +1010101011 trifle 23 +1010101011 half-mile 24 +1010101011 portent 24 +1010101011 smattering 26 +1010101011 vestige 26 +1010101011 tad 26 +1010101011 smorgasbord 27 +1010101011 hotbed 27 +1010101011 gaggle 28 +1010101011 microcosm 30 +1010101011 bevy 34 +1010101011 follower 37 +1010101011 glimmer 39 +1010101011 mockery 41 +1010101011 bastion 42 +1010101011 descendant 43 +1010101011 hodgepodge 53 +1010101011 plethora 55 +1010101011 whiff 57 +1010101011 tenth 67 +1010101011 blizzard 67 +1010101011 torrent 70 +1010101011 replay 75 +1010101011 byproduct 78 +1010101011 harbinger 80 +1010101011 recurrence 84 +1010101011 raft 98 +1010101011 sigh 102 +1010101011 slew 137 +1010101011 glimpse 143 +1010101011 barrage 161 +1010101011 rash 195 +1010101011 mixture 203 +1010101011 reflection 273 +1010101011 spate 310 +1010101011 flurry 370 +1010101011 bunch 383 +1010101011 pair 551 +1010101011 string 671 +1010101011 handful 890 +1010101011 variety 1653 +1010101011 couple 2391 +1010101011 bit 2805 +1010101011 series 4249 +1010101011 lot 8478 +1010101100 row-upon-row 1 +1010101100 Propagation 1 +1010101100 105.95 1 +1010101100 photoactivation 1 +1010101100 boxloads 1 +1010101100 musicalization 1 +1010101100 51,682 1 +1010101100 mega-critic 1 +1010101100 forward-shifting 1 +1010101100 patency 1 +1010101100 representives 1 +1010101100 Alusit 1 +1010101100 dealer-distribution 1 +1010101100 misapplications 1 +1010101100 socio-dramas 1 +1010101100 519,500 1 +1010101100 bargeloads 1 +1010101100 Itoki 1 +1010101100 784,100 1 +1010101100 tinges 1 +1010101100 exacerbation 1 +1010101100 UnionBank 1 +1010101100 Baggies 1 +1010101100 Allwash 1 +1010101100 trayloads 1 +1010101100 99.049 1 +1010101100 snifters 1 +1010101100 ex-makers 1 +1010101100 space-testing 1 +1010101100 Aleksandrov 1 +1010101100 2,584,539 1 +1010101100 1,258,930 1 +1010101100 overpressurization 1 +1010101100 micro-specialty 1 +1010101100 169,905 1 +1010101100 appurtenance 1 +1010101100 stencils 1 +1010101100 1/1000th 1 +1010101100 Prunes 1 +1010101100 391,925 1 +1010101100 liturgies 1 +1010101100 1,007,245 1 +1010101100 galvanization 1 +1010101100 chokepoint 1 +1010101100 Elastik 1 +1010101100 27,235 1 +1010101100 447,100 1 +1010101100 once-pipsqueak 1 +1010101100 476,069 1 +1010101100 neo-mercantilism 1 +1010101100 tail-twisting 1 +1010101100 non-solicitation 1 +1010101100 de-averaging 1 +1010101100 5103 1 +1010101100 sight-out 1 +1010101100 SuperRx 1 +1010101100 677,886 1 +1010101100 1,069,425 1 +1010101100 user-quantities 1 +1010101100 floodtide 1 +1010101100 1,188,690 1 +1010101100 11,889 1 +1010101100 4,059 1 +1010101100 Cargolux 1 +1010101100 630,900 1 +1010101100 tap-dancing 1 +1010101100 sendup 1 +1010101100 mummifying 1 +1010101100 remobilization 1 +1010101100 chimeras 1 +1010101100 thirteen-sixteenths 1 +1010101100 needleful 1 +1010101100 diameters 1 +1010101100 opinon 1 +1010101100 1/315th 1 +1010101100 aftermaths 1 +1010101100 1,936 1 +1010101100 Muelheim 1 +1010101100 3,483,085 1 +1010101100 party-switchers 1 +1010101100 Just-no 1 +1010101100 thouands 1 +1010101100 underrecording 1 +1010101100 497,800 1 +1010101100 tufts 1 +1010101100 500mg 1 +1010101100 docudramatization 1 +1010101100 23,320,900 1 +1010101100 278,337 1 +1010101100 remaker 1 +1010101100 comrade-in-arms 2 +1010101100 Abolition 2 +1010101100 entailment 2 +1010101100 Sanctity 2 +1010101100 subsets 2 +1010101100 peals 2 +1010101100 recoupment 2 +1010101100 achievability 2 +1010101100 cutaways 2 +1010101100 undersides 2 +1010101100 teaspoonful 2 +1010101100 32K 2 +1010101100 Dilemmas 2 +1010101100 fannies 2 +1010101100 pooh-bahs 2 +1010101100 Demise 2 +1010101100 fifteen-sixteenths 2 +1010101100 abnegation 2 +1010101100 1/1,000th 2 +1010101100 near-humiliation 2 +1010101100 magnificence 2 +1010101100 wrongfulness 2 +1010101100 Isimat 2 +1010101100 conclaves 2 +1010101100 Keeper 2 +1010101100 3,112 2 +1010101100 873,261 2 +1010101100 co-discoverer 2 +1010101100 daubs 2 +1010101100 Tyranny 2 +1010101100 outpourings 3 +1010101100 wellsprings 3 +1010101100 evocations 3 +1010101100 one-twelfth 3 +1010101100 naivety 3 +1010101100 dollops 3 +1010101100 gaggles 3 +1010101100 zillions 3 +1010101100 promulgation 3 +1010101100 Registrar 3 +1010101100 Rapture 3 +1010101100 arrogation 3 +1010101100 seven-tenths 3 +1010101100 redesignation 3 +1010101100 1/20th 3 +1010101100 1/142 3 +1010101100 cartelization 3 +1010101100 ripeness 3 +1010101100 politicalization 3 +1010101100 Adoration 3 +1010101100 intimations 4 +1010101100 abolishment 4 +1010101100 distributer 4 +1010101100 Ounce 4 +1010101100 garlands 4 +1010101100 veneration 4 +1010101100 dereliction 4 +1010101100 Misuse 4 +1010101100 then-director 4 +1010101100 phantoms 4 +1010101100 gassing 4 +1010101100 possessor 5 +1010101100 reinvigoration 5 +1010101100 then-Secretary 5 +1010101100 Chevrolet-Pontiac-GM 5 +1010101100 mega-mergers 5 +1010101100 Anatomy 6 +1010101100 Sentinels 6 +1010101100 recission 6 +1010101100 stratum 6 +1010101100 AIME 6 +1010101100 adoration 6 +1010101100 three-tenths 6 +1010101100 reorientation 6 +1010101100 neutralization 6 +1010101100 13/16ths 6 +1010101100 explication 6 +1010101100 scads 6 +1010101100 multimillions 6 +1010101100 wearied 6 +1010101100 misallocation 7 +1010101100 re-establishment 7 +1010101100 glimmers 7 +1010101100 commingling 7 +1010101100 platoons 8 +1010101100 deinstitutionalization 8 +1010101100 after-effects 8 +1010101100 descendents 9 +1010101100 mea 9 +1010101100 oodles 9 +1010101100 Mistress 9 +1010101100 circumvention 10 +1010101100 three-sevenths 10 +1010101100 codification 10 +1010101100 closeups 10 +1010101100 Heartbeat 10 +1010101100 chronicler 11 +1010101100 shortness 12 +1010101100 Ports 12 +1010101100 splashes 13 +1010101100 dint 13 +1010101100 remembrance 15 +1010101100 gobs 15 +1010101100 perversion 16 +1010101100 Kind 21 +1010101100 bunching 22 +1010101100 truckloads 23 +1010101100 disgorgement 27 +1010101100 mounds 27 +1010101100 Abreast 28 +1010101100 misapplication 28 +1010101100 normalization 29 +1010101100 confiscation 30 +1010101100 consummation 31 +1010101100 vestiges 33 +1010101100 facet 35 +1010101100 upwards 35 +1010101100 curtailment 38 +1010101100 legion 39 +1010101100 hardening 40 +1010101100 reams 41 +1010101100 semblance 44 +1010101100 glimpses 49 +1010101100 mastery 55 +1010101100 falsification 56 +1010101100 legions 61 +1010101100 hordes 64 +1010101100 remnants 66 +1010101100 stacks 72 +1010101100 piles 93 +1010101100 breaches 99 +1010101100 obstruction 109 +1010101100 misuse 128 +1010101100 disposing 152 +1010101100 expressions 152 +1010101100 Worlds 196 +1010101100 receipt 216 +1010101100 tens 392 +1010101100 aspect 476 +1010101100 breach 519 +1010101100 dozens 865 +1010101100 billions 931 +1010101100 plenty 962 +1010101100 lots 1036 +1010101100 completion 1149 +1010101100 type 1662 +1010101100 hundreds 1882 +1010101100 sort 2099 +1010101100 millions 2176 +1010101100 thousands 2349 +1010101100 lack 3115 +1010101100 kind 4842 +1010101101 gentlemen-owners 1 +1010101101 137,671 1 +1010101101 circus-like 1 +1010101101 838,414 1 +1010101101 seed-beds 1 +1010101101 near-saturation 1 +1010101101 chockfull 1 +1010101101 non-convertibility 1 +1010101101 one-trillionth 1 +1010101101 444,445 1 +1010101101 ten-tenths 1 +1010101101 12-ounces 1 +1010101101 .55 1 +1010101101 middle-classness 1 +1010101101 reaffirmations 1 +1010101101 impressment 1 +1010101101 self-reports 1 +1010101101 410,594 1 +1010101101 co-operator 1 +1010101101 166,660 1 +1010101101 co-victims 1 +1010101101 sequestrations 1 +1010101101 Gruit-Heberlein 1 +1010101101 .2494 1 +1010101101 retinopathy 1 +1010101101 deacons 1 +1010101101 vice-minister 1 +1010101101 licentious 1 +1010101101 1/10,000th 1 +1010101101 talkiness 1 +1010101101 785,732 1 +1010101101 road-kills 1 +1010101101 quality-independence 1 +1010101101 313,750 1 +1010101101 president-director 1 +1010101101 one-hundreth 1 +1010101101 editor/publisher 1 +1010101101 654,500 1 +1010101101 1,200/3,937ths 1 +1010101101 phenomenons 1 +1010101101 1,310,000 1 +1010101101 invigoration 1 +1010101101 jackwackers 2 +1010101101 scrod 2 +1010101101 MAILINGS 2 +1010101101 616,728 2 +1010101101 Librarian 2 +1010101101 liablities 2 +1010101101 beehives 2 +1010101101 kava 2 +1010101101 GENT-65 2 +1010101101 solidification 2 +1010101101 Montagnards 2 +1010101101 short-term-oriented 2 +1010101101 Tomorrowland 2 +1010101101 Hotspur 3 +1010101101 paragons 3 +1010101101 mutuality 4 +1010101101 one-thousandth 4 +1010101101 part-ownership 5 +1010101101 halons 5 +1010101101 Opren 5 +1010101101 co-underwriter 6 +1010101101 14,375,000 9 +1010101101 furtherance 11 +1010101101 depictions 15 +1010101101 chock-full 15 +1010101101 pawns 18 +1010101101 harbingers 21 +1010101101 one-hundredth 23 +1010101101 trillions 41 +1010101101 symptomatic 49 +1010101101 1/100th 63 +1010101101 1/100 75 +1010101101 milestones 80 +1010101101 lieu 149 +1010101101 part 19564 +1010101101 spite 255 +1010101110 recalibrating 1 +1010101110 rennovation 1 +1010101110 refinancing. 1 +1010101110 21,978 1 +1010101110 income-driven 1 +1010101110 onefifth 1 +1010101110 collectivizing 1 +1010101110 film-like 1 +1010101110 anti-Reaganism 1 +1010101110 Trevanian 1 +1010101110 Array 1 +1010101110 3.5-to-1 1 +1010101110 redemption-by-mail 1 +1010101110 1,103,720 1 +1010101110 desertlike 1 +1010101110 osing 1 +1010101110 bearableness 1 +1010101110 tax-eaters 1 +1010101110 half-a-percentage 1 +1010101110 sesquipedalian 1 +1010101110 1,672,283 1 +1010101110 635,264 1 +1010101110 onetenth 1 +1010101110 14,275 1 +1010101110 entombing 1 +1010101110 re-airing 1 +1010101110 others. 1 +1010101110 13,215,000 1 +1010101110 321,681 1 +1010101110 741,025 1 +1010101110 obssessive 1 +1010101110 5,624,191 1 +1010101110 P-p-p-erfect 1 +1010101110 spacemen 1 +1010101110 capacity-driven 1 +1010101110 705,181 1 +1010101110 despotisms 1 +1010101110 fortyfold 1 +1010101110 sun-worshippers 1 +1010101110 MMST 1 +1010101110 Boeskyism 1 +1010101110 under-advertise 1 +1010101110 rheumatology 1 +1010101110 naturism 1 +1010101110 78,486 1 +1010101110 1,467,000 1 +1010101110 972,720 1 +1010101110 40,113,000 1 +1010101110 Gety 1 +1010101110 301,300 1 +1010101110 521,600 1 +1010101110 750,125 1 +1010101110 27914 1 +1010101110 462,100 1 +1010101110 buck-passers 1 +1010101110 two-years 1 +1010101110 CitiSavings 1 +1010101110 galvanic 1 +1010101110 0.6125 1 +1010101110 jerry-rigging 1 +1010101110 1/25th 1 +1010101110 border-crossing 1 +1010101110 20,947.00 1 +1010101110 272.00 1 +1010101110 17,950,000 1 +1010101110 Koni 1 +1010101110 redeposits 1 +1010101110 threatand 1 +1010101110 736,600 1 +1010101110 335,800 1 +1010101110 633,500 1 +1010101110 three-fourth 1 +1010101110 394,500 1 +1010101110 ladder-climb 1 +1010101110 IBM-proprietary 1 +1010101110 overcomplacency 1 +1010101110 1,654,589 1 +1010101110 0.053 1 +1010101110 573,300 1 +1010101110 342,990 1 +1010101110 Cheneys 1 +1010101110 pole-to-pole 1 +1010101110 19,578,000 1 +1010101110 23,000,000 1 +1010101110 345,500 1 +1010101110 1/15th 1 +1010101110 15,696,000 1 +1010101110 overtired 1 +1010101110 471,300 1 +1010101110 non-changers 1 +1010101110 275,669 1 +1010101110 fashionableness 1 +1010101110 men-and-women-in-particular 1 +1010101110 Z-outs 1 +1010101110 14,530,000 1 +1010101110 one-30th 1 +1010101110 fiveeighths 1 +1010101110 49,955 1 +1010101110 insensible 1 +1010101110 overcompensate 1 +1010101110 969,174 1 +1010101110 332,836 1 +1010101110 1,493,900 1 +1010101110 quinidine 1 +1010101110 evolution. 1 +1010101110 .235 1 +1010101110 fugit 1 +1010101110 Disposed 1 +1010101110 0.706 1 +1010101110 jackknifes 1 +1010101110 evangelicalism 1 +1010101110 non-owners 1 +1010101110 constipating 1 +1010101110 Pinkertons 1 +1010101110 13,896,699 1 +1010101110 well-drawn 1 +1010101110 27260 1 +1010101110 Maxxam-increased 1 +1010101110 1-in-1,428 1 +1010101110 32-thousandths 1 +1010101110 single-jobbers 1 +1010101110 declaratively 1 +1010101110 DJs 1 +1010101110 milkmen 1 +1010101110 reinstatment 1 +1010101110 705,800 1 +1010101110 100-millionths 1 +1010101110 tradeless 1 +1010101110 coversions 1 +1010101110 drunkenn 1 +1010101110 547,012 1 +1010101110 lovi-lovi 1 +1010101110 1/80th 1 +1010101110 safety-testing 1 +1010101110 cost-per-thousand 1 +1010101110 685,200 1 +1010101110 similar-rated 1 +1010101110 6,850 1 +1010101110 180,300 1 +1010101110 gauranteed 1 +1010101110 313,200 1 +1010101110 one-yen 1 +1010101110 210,700 1 +1010101110 1:600 1 +1010101110 50-50. 1 +1010101110 299,696 1 +1010101110 fools-silver 1 +1010101110 2074 1 +1010101110 central-time-zone-based 1 +1010101110 2,000cc 1 +1010101110 981,900 1 +1010101110 post-farm-crisis 1 +1010101110 re-presenting 1 +1010101110 Malthus 1 +1010101110 retractables 1 +1010101110 1,988,000 1 +1010101110 disjuncture 1 +1010101110 limit-up 1 +1010101110 releveraging 1 +1010101110 masturbation 1 +1010101110 competence. 1 +1010101110 representativeness 1 +1010101110 oneeighth 1 +1010101110 DM2,300 1 +1010101110 0.406 1 +1010101110 hairlines 1 +1010101110 4,860,000 1 +1010101110 celebration. 1 +1010101110 600-miles-an-hour 1 +1010101110 tax-eating 1 +1010101110 redepositing 1 +1010101110 Metronic 1 +1010101110 finetuning 1 +1010101110 universalization 1 +1010101110 Effoa 1 +1010101110 4,677,726 1 +1010101110 26,481,960 1 +1010101110 764,485 1 +1010101110 910,710 1 +1010101110 half-speed 1 +1010101110 28,450 1 +1010101110 nightmares. 1 +1010101110 pre-Hugo 1 +1010101110 0.085 1 +1010101110 0.135 1 +1010101110 child-centered 1 +1010101110 sheens 1 +1010101110 63,011 1 +1010101110 re-definitions 1 +1010101110 .025 1 +1010101110 .4 1 +1010101110 tea-servers 1 +1010101110 anticpated 1 +1010101110 fist-pounding 1 +1010101110 0.9677 2 +1010101110 47,650 2 +1010101110 775,500 2 +1010101110 preservers 2 +1010101110 onehalf 2 +1010101110 12,632,000 2 +1010101110 page-and-a-half 2 +1010101110 705,200 2 +1010101110 nonfeasance 2 +1010101110 1/64th 2 +1010101110 time-out 2 +1010101110 four-to-one 2 +1010101110 monohulls 2 +1010101110 20/64 2 +1010101110 54-35 2 +1010101110 4,585,000 2 +1010101110 2/100ths 2 +1010101110 1/50th 2 +1010101110 anniverary 2 +1010101110 four-tenths 2 +1010101110 one-millionth 2 +1010101110 Filipina 2 +1010101110 Russified 2 +1010101110 aggressions 2 +1010101110 0.555 2 +1010101110 glimmerings 3 +1010101110 hosannas 3 +1010101110 93-0 3 +1010101110 1.1828 3 +1010101110 word-for-word 3 +1010101110 0.0687 3 +1010101110 tooting 3 +1010101110 quintupling 3 +1010101110 newsreels 3 +1010101110 sprig 3 +1010101110 406-8 3 +1010101110 1,435 3 +1010101110 .02 4 +1010101110 onequarter 4 +1010101110 5,550 4 +1010101110 96-0 4 +1010101110 ten-fold 4 +1010101110 refiguring 5 +1010101110 six-tenths 5 +1010101110 rehashing 5 +1010101110 one-twentieth 6 +1010101110 Vis 6 +1010101110 onethird 6 +1010101110 nine-tenths 7 +1010101110 eight-tenths 7 +1010101110 1/10 8 +1010101110 twothirds 10 +1010101110 b-Week 12 +1010101110 1/10th 12 +1010101110 two-fifths 16 +1010101110 four-fifths 19 +1010101110 two-tenths 19 +1010101110 one-seventh 19 +1010101110 three-fifths 20 +1010101110 seven-eighths 21 +1010101110 quadrupling 21 +1010101110 five-eighths 23 +1010101110 three-eighths 36 +1010101110 one-sixth 52 +1010101110 one-eighth 57 +1010101110 tripling 72 +1010101110 three-fourths 103 +1010101110 one-tenth 132 +1010101110 one-fourth 164 +1010101110 one-fifth 193 +1010101110 one-quarter 233 +1010101110 one-half 271 +1010101110 three-quarters 284 +1010101110 doubling 390 +1010101110 one-third 1280 +1010101110 half 11006 +1010101110 two-thirds 1384 +10101011110 glitchite 1 +10101011110 assignation 1 +10101011110 items-services 1 +10101011110 coproprietor 1 +10101011110 includable 1 +10101011110 supernumerary 1 +10101011110 Napalm 1 +10101011110 reporter/historians 1 +10101011110 enterprisers 1 +10101011110 tape-recorder 1 +10101011110 grayish-green 1 +10101011110 condors 1 +10101011110 motion. 1 +10101011110 debriefings 1 +10101011110 painterliness 1 +10101011110 job-ready 1 +10101011110 coheads 1 +10101011110 resource. 1 +10101011110 understocked 1 +10101011110 marking-down 1 +10101011110 wiled 1 +10101011110 offensiveness 1 +10101011110 48,787 1 +10101011110 6/1000 1 +10101011110 free-spenders 1 +10101011110 20-year-veterans 1 +10101011110 limericks 1 +10101011110 trustful 1 +10101011110 draught 1 +10101011110 Qualitarians 1 +10101011110 .456 1 +10101011110 suspicous 1 +10101011110 outgrowths 1 +10101011110 picking-off 1 +10101011110 Kalnins 1 +10101011110 independence-mindedness 1 +10101011110 1,564 1 +10101011110 consumptives 1 +10101011110 agrain 1 +10101011110 competition-at-any-cost 1 +10101011110 print. 1 +10101011110 dinkum 1 +10101011110 near-clones 1 +10101011110 Lempereur 1 +10101011110 myocarditis 1 +10101011110 switchmen 1 +10101011110 mini-banks 1 +10101011110 disproven 1 +10101011110 WFMY-TV 1 +10101011110 misrepresentative 1 +10101011110 performer-directors 1 +10101011110 hereditament 1 +10101011110 adventuress 1 +10101011110 mug-shot 1 +10101011110 coprophagous 1 +10101011110 fomenters 1 +10101011110 knowledge. 1 +10101011110 cohabitants 1 +10101011110 off-shoots 1 +10101011110 1,649,472 1 +10101011110 land-grab 1 +10101011110 intensions 1 +10101011110 mass-assets 1 +10101011110 controller/treasurer 1 +10101011110 bachelor's-degree 1 +10101011110 public-at-large 1 +10101011110 jumpiness 1 +10101011110 dispositive 1 +10101011110 feed. 1 +10101011110 idiotic. 1 +10101011110 arguments. 1 +10101011110 Newark-London 1 +10101011110 substrains 1 +10101011110 wrenchmanship 1 +10101011110 cross-merchandising 1 +10101011110 dismayingly 1 +10101011110 service-loss 1 +10101011110 ectothermic 1 +10101011110 fuzzies 1 +10101011110 behests 1 +10101011110 muddlehead 1 +10101011110 keratin 1 +10101011110 unthought 1 +10101011110 quota-based 1 +10101011110 derprived 1 +10101011110 practices-losses 1 +10101011110 revenue- 1 +10101011110 breakpoints 1 +10101011110 thekind 1 +10101011110 vivifier 1 +10101011110 stances. 1 +10101011110 existance 1 +10101011110 praise-song 1 +10101011110 troves 1 +10101011110 Avicenna 1 +10101011110 hoo-ha 1 +10101011110 dossers 1 +10101011110 pleasure-seekers 1 +10101011110 recopying 1 +10101011110 tints 1 +10101011110 Brugghen 1 +10101011110 up-for-grabs 1 +10101011110 due. 1 +10101011110 well-chronicled 1 +10101011110 psychos 1 +10101011110 co-leaders 1 +10101011110 aquitted 1 +10101011110 shelfloads 1 +10101011110 doggies. 1 +10101011110 belles 1 +10101011110 horses. 1 +10101011110 explainer 2 +10101011110 time-conscious 2 +10101011110 fistfuls 2 +10101011110 absolution 2 +10101011110 Rid 2 +10101011110 retinas 2 +10101011110 alfresco 2 +10101011110 amoung 2 +10101011110 469,138,133 2 +10101011110 panners 2 +10101011110 398,929 2 +10101011110 contraventions 2 +10101011110 imbecilic 2 +10101011110 partaking 2 +10101011110 Polaroids 3 +10101011110 1,070,000 3 +10101011110 exercized 3 +10101011110 supernumeraries 3 +10101011110 figments 3 +10101011110 leary 3 +10101011110 salting 4 +10101011110 underuse 4 +10101011110 witting 4 +10101011110 undeserving 4 +10101011110 rebating 4 +10101011110 brand-loyal 4 +10101011110 0.6272 5 +10101011110 desirous 5 +10101011110 disabused 5 +10101011110 chary 6 +10101011110 enslavement 7 +10101011110 scornful 9 +10101011110 cleansed 10 +10101011110 cognizant 10 +10101011110 murmurs 11 +10101011110 dismissive 12 +10101011110 shorn 12 +10101011110 emblematic 13 +10101011110 tiring 20 +10101011110 disdainful 21 +10101011110 envious 22 +10101011110 distrustful 22 +10101011110 clothed 24 +10101011110 apprised 27 +10101011110 appreciative 28 +10101011110 intolerant 30 +10101011110 contemptuous 31 +10101011110 shying 34 +10101011110 resentful 36 +10101011110 deserving 46 +10101011110 reflective 53 +10101011110 enamored 56 +10101011110 jealous 59 +10101011110 ashamed 60 +10101011110 ignorant 75 +10101011110 mindful 75 +10101011110 unheard 94 +10101011110 indicative 94 +10101011110 incapable 105 +10101011110 weary 110 +10101011110 leery 112 +10101011110 fond 137 +10101011110 deprived 150 +10101011110 disposed 188 +10101011110 acquitted 191 +10101011110 worthy 225 +10101011110 supportive 231 +10101011110 fearful 239 +10101011110 relieved 281 +10101011110 unaware 282 +10101011110 stripped 289 +10101011110 shy 316 +10101011110 tired 445 +10101011110 proud 446 +10101011110 wary 562 +10101011110 afraid 705 +10101011110 capable 756 +10101011110 diluted 800 +10101011110 convicted 1161 +10101011110 aware 1783 +10101011110 worth 3527 +10101011111 consits 1 +10101011111 1-E 1 +10101011111 KHFM 1 +10101011111 consiting 1 +10101011111 Erudina 1 +10101011111 overspecialization 1 +10101011111 Diversion 1 +10101011111 Near-completion 1 +10101011111 Proclaimer 1 +10101011111 Co-factors 1 +10101011111 Invasions 1 +10101011111 Accuses 1 +10101011111 Trui 1 +10101011111 Vicaplast 1 +10101011111 Designation 1 +10101011111 upmost 1 +10101011111 wine-bottles 1 +10101011111 7,813 1 +10101011111 Yakovlevich 1 +10101011111 74/100ths 1 +10101011111 within-the-film 1 +10101011111 demobilizations 1 +10101011111 accountings 1 +10101011111 grdersy 1 +10101011111 doorbells 2 +10101011111 brimful 2 +10101011111 sprigs 2 +10101011111 violaters 2 +10101011111 slicks 2 +10101011111 transliteration 2 +10101011111 Nanev 2 +10101011111 Yarin 2 +10101011111 sodbusters 2 +10101011111 half-owner 2 +10101011111 diplomates 2 +10101011111 whorls 3 +10101011111 sanctorum 3 +10101011111 insignias 3 +10101011111 LEAVES 4 +10101011111 stank 4 +10101011111 reeked 4 +10101011111 wisps 4 +10101011111 Dataway 6 +10101011111 redolent 6 +10101011111 undreamed 7 +10101011111 reek 7 +10101011111 garnishment 7 +10101011111 reeking 10 +10101011111 reeks 13 +10101011111 bereft 20 +10101011111 disposes 22 +10101011111 irrespective 26 +10101011111 wistfully 34 +10101011111 smacks 38 +10101011111 disapproved 39 +10101011111 beware 57 +10101011111 devoid 68 +10101011111 comprised 88 +10101011111 reminiscent 135 +10101011111 consisted 256 +10101011111 composed 312 +10101011111 consisting 513 +10101011111 regardless 569 +10101011111 consists 812 +10101011111 none 1543 +10101011111 ahead 4398 +10101011111 instead 4328 +1010110000 23119.08 1 +1010110000 1660.1 1 +1010110000 1310.6 1 +1010110000 22935.65 1 +1010110000 1285.7 1 +1010110000 1289.9 1 +1010110000 CATER 1 +1010110000 Visitations 1 +1010110000 1289.50 1 +1010110000 1658.4 1 +1010110000 566.26 1 +1010110000 730.91 1 +1010110000 20877.32 1 +1010110000 afternon 1 +1010110000 21266.28 1 +1010110000 22083.16 1 +1010110000 furor-finders 1 +1010110000 1702.5 1 +1010110000 22234.29 1 +1010110000 22576.38 1 +1010110000 0.0152 1 +1010110000 thinclads 1 +1010110000 Slurpees 1 +1010110000 confirmational 1 +1010110000 22685.73 1 +1010110000 playbills 1 +1010110000 Velodrome 1 +1010110000 re-bookings 1 +1010110000 BRIDLE 1 +1010110000 1062.28 1 +1010110000 27866.38 1 +1010110000 2085.35 1 +1010110000 pigpen 1 +1010110000 263,978 1 +1010110000 stregthen 1 +1010110000 Panova 1 +1010110000 NIBBLE 1 +1010110000 non-musicians 1 +1010110000 weigh-in 1 +1010110000 176,843 1 +1010110000 counterman 1 +1010110000 kowtowed 1 +1010110000 oil-in-the-ground 1 +1010110000 inadept 1 +1010110000 1,225-the 1 +1010110000 Westins 1 +1010110000 poet-wife 1 +1010110000 joyriders 1 +1010110000 1,457 1 +1010110000 23138.85 1 +1010110000 22876.15 1 +1010110000 22796.98 1 +1010110000 22701.39 1 +1010110000 22662.43 1 +1010110000 23041.63 1 +1010110000 self-liquidate 1 +1010110000 23066.18 1 +1010110000 22831.93 1 +1010110000 22624.62 1 +1010110000 22641.00 1 +1010110000 22815.79 1 +1010110000 18,701.30 1 +1010110000 71,170 1 +1010110000 bureaucrat-prosecutors 1 +1010110000 toyshop 1 +1010110000 1960.05 1 +1010110000 23668.10 1 +1010110000 23750.48 1 +1010110000 27792.55 1 +1010110000 728,200 1 +1010110000 10,634,500 1 +1010110000 23815.08 1 +1010110000 1795.8 1 +1010110000 27593.82 1 +1010110000 Pakistan-U.S. 1 +1010110000 24361.91 1 +1010110000 23819.76 1 +1010110000 23485.00 1 +1010110000 27841.30 1 +1010110000 23483.66 1 +1010110000 marrige 1 +1010110000 23438.26 1 +1010110000 23591.55 1 +1010110000 bottomish 1 +1010110000 23752.96 1 +1010110000 23691.42 1 +1010110000 25886.34 1 +1010110000 25755.95 1 +1010110000 25932.32 1 +1010110000 25143.01 1 +1010110000 26223.85 1 +1010110000 25557.88 1 +1010110000 25819.98 1 +1010110000 25540.67 1 +1010110000 25387.34 1 +1010110000 guavas 1 +1010110000 25911.10 1 +1010110000 25660.84 1 +1010110000 2603 1 +1010110000 25691.33 1 +1010110000 25607.40 1 +1010110000 25828.70 1 +1010110000 24937.31 1 +1010110000 24860.28 1 +1010110000 26612.41 1 +1010110000 25187.74 1 +1010110000 non-existant 1 +1010110000 24949.54 1 +1010110000 base-broadening 1 +1010110000 26938.07 1 +1010110000 21547.48 1 +1010110000 defloration 1 +1010110000 22899.12 1 +1010110000 27365.47 1 +1010110000 22429.79 1 +1010110000 dry-cleaner 1 +1010110000 22676.63 1 +1010110000 27418.87 1 +1010110000 dimwits 1 +1010110000 Stadtheater 1 +1010110000 venuture 1 +1010110000 22909.44 1 +1010110000 38.0 1 +1010110000 McDermid 1 +1010110000 22804.17 1 +1010110000 90.03 1 +1010110000 131,770.59 1 +1010110000 22757.02 1 +1010110000 think-tanks 1 +1010110000 23291.08 1 +1010110000 22783.34 1 +1010110000 22459.02 1 +1010110000 stirringly 1 +1010110000 Void 2 +1010110000 Nickelodeon/Nick 2 +1010110000 one-fifteenth 2 +1010110000 1739.2 2 +1010110000 1307.1 2 +1010110000 28034.61 2 +1010110000 1328.8 2 +1010110000 98.675 2 +1010110000 389,300 2 +1010110000 gallantly 2 +1010110000 100.65 2 +1010110000 suckling 2 +1010110000 coquettish 3 +1010110000 Wong-Staal 3 +1010110000 gape 4 +1010110000 contriving 4 +1010110000 98.15 7 +1010110000 close 14560 +1010110000 swat 10 +10101100010 fourth-level 1 +10101100010 reconsiketing 1 +10101100010 petrify 1 +10101100010 none-too-clean 1 +10101100010 cumulated 2 +10101100010 boob 2 +10101100010 135-yen 2 +10101100010 saddening 2 +10101100010 ahistorical 2 +10101100010 half-strength 2 +10101100010 battle-tested 3 +10101100010 1,045 3 +10101100010 zig-zag 3 +10101100010 sob 3 +10101100010 sublicense 4 +10101100010 underweighting 4 +10101100010 romanticize 5 +10101100010 fifth-place 6 +10101100010 buffers 6 +10101100010 wow 14 +10101100010 chuck 22 +10101100010 bake 27 +10101100010 quickening 30 +10101100010 stoop 33 +10101100010 tame 77 +10101100010 swell 137 +10101100010 gut 138 +10101100010 lean 344 +10101100010 smooth 399 +10101100010 calm 585 +10101100010 cool 620 +10101100010 narrow 1676 +10101100010 lead 5983 +10101100010 slow 2924 +10101100011 fetitval 1 +10101100011 becathe 1 +10101100011 out-think 1 +10101100011 dollar-bullish 1 +10101100011 formula-based 1 +10101100011 anti-Vietnamese 2 +10101100011 fortissimo 2 +10101100011 attune 2 +10101100011 anti-free 2 +10101100011 inked 2 +10101100011 extra-curricular 2 +10101100011 103.88 2 +10101100011 slo-mo 2 +10101100011 Angkor 2 +10101100011 291.88 2 +10101100011 85-cent 2 +10101100011 three-putt 2 +10101100011 half-free 2 +10101100011 RTL-Plus 2 +10101100011 terry 2 +10101100011 authenticate 2 +10101100011 fuzzy-cheeked 2 +10101100011 incisor 2 +10101100011 WTOP-AM 2 +10101100011 purposeless 2 +10101100011 frontier-free 3 +10101100011 blacksmiths 3 +10101100011 1,230 3 +10101100011 godlike 3 +10101100011 gluttonous 3 +10101100011 NYC 3 +10101100011 sloped 4 +10101100011 self-regulated 4 +10101100011 cross-check 4 +10101100011 overburden 4 +10101100011 10-times 4 +10101100011 pong 4 +10101100011 dampens 4 +10101100011 2,460 5 +10101100011 internalize 5 +10101100011 Finale 5 +10101100011 trivializing 5 +10101100011 twirling 5 +10101100011 orient 6 +10101100011 stun 6 +10101100011 1,570 6 +10101100011 limber 6 +10101100011 ex-aide 6 +10101100011 stonewall 8 +10101100011 1,390 11 +10101100011 ape 13 +10101100011 overshoot 13 +10101100011 tote 14 +10101100011 snug 14 +10101100011 eyeball 14 +10101100011 unattended 19 +10101100011 nip 21 +10101100011 imputed 21 +10101100011 rubber-stamp 22 +10101100011 scatter 29 +10101100011 crow 31 +10101100011 straddle 40 +10101100011 spice 43 +10101100011 diffuse 43 +10101100011 mute 52 +10101100011 pat 59 +10101100011 manifest 63 +10101100011 divine 72 +10101100011 consummate 75 +10101100011 utter 86 +10101100011 articulate 115 +10101100011 bare 159 +10101100011 blunt 279 +10101100011 alert 286 +10101100011 idle 350 +10101100011 secure 801 +10101100011 welcome 807 +10101100011 clean 1077 +10101100011 counter 1255 +10101100011 correct 1295 +10101100011 bear 1408 +10101100011 open 6612 +10101100011 present 3273 +1010110010 now-chilling 1 +1010110010 Canadien 1 +1010110010 teakwood 1 +1010110010 musems 1 +1010110010 gratify 1 +1010110010 film-thickness 1 +1010110010 Prufrockian 1 +1010110010 respiring 1 +1010110010 power-pole 1 +1010110010 ld 1 +1010110010 othewise 1 +1010110010 Merc-to 1 +1010110010 Repay 1 +1010110010 substantionally 1 +1010110010 2,923 1 +1010110010 1,504-to-575 1 +1010110010 285.48 1 +1010110010 daub 1 +1010110010 pesticide-laced 1 +1010110010 26029.22 1 +1010110010 MARRIAGES 1 +1010110010 boff 1 +1010110010 CDA. 1 +1010110010 fain 1 +1010110010 2261.2 1 +1010110010 piricuacos 1 +1010110010 out-liberal 1 +1010110010 Crosslands 1 +1010110010 wordlessly 1 +1010110010 archaeologist-historian 1 +1010110010 I've-seen-it-all-and-then-some 1 +1010110010 383.32 1 +1010110010 insurance-plan 1 +1010110010 ASSIGNMENTS 1 +1010110010 cross-bracings 1 +1010110010 perplex 1 +1010110010 sweet-pickle 1 +1010110010 BDM. 1 +1010110010 re-question 2 +1010110010 out-Volcker 2 +1010110010 abler 2 +1010110010 togas 2 +1010110010 cancer-stricken 2 +1010110010 Om 2 +1010110010 outpoll 2 +1010110010 10,530 2 +1010110010 ensnarl 2 +1010110010 uncreditworthy 2 +1010110010 less-drastic 2 +1010110010 non-needy 2 +1010110010 outthink 3 +1010110010 complacently 3 +1010110010 tediously 3 +1010110010 new-age 4 +1010110010 satirize 5 +1010110010 renominate 7 +1010110010 serenade 9 +1010110010 rankle 12 +1010110010 dazzle 19 +1010110010 reappoint 19 +1010110010 65-day 57 +1010110010 please 338 +1010110010 help 12679 +1010110010 succeed 2199 +10101100110 recession-era 1 +10101100110 midsingle 1 +10101100110 waif-under-the-hard-boiled-skin 1 +10101100110 1-plus 1 +10101100110 crystalize 1 +10101100110 officially-priced 1 +10101100110 breast-milk 1 +10101100110 417,644 2 +10101100110 739,000 2 +10101100110 college-sports 2 +10101100110 unsweetened 2 +10101100110 nine-cent 2 +10101100110 Modify 2 +10101100110 counter-balance 2 +10101100110 extoll 3 +10101100110 handpicks 3 +10101100110 bumble 3 +10101100110 re-ignite 3 +10101100110 41,322 4 +10101100110 crease 4 +10101100110 desecrate 4 +10101100110 dupe 5 +10101100110 reload 6 +10101100110 bloat 7 +10101100110 quintuple 7 +10101100110 triples 9 +10101100110 refit 11 +10101100110 cannibalize 14 +10101100110 hamstring 19 +10101100110 counterbalance 24 +10101100110 sap 42 +10101100110 vent 53 +10101100110 quadruple 65 +10101100110 crimp 70 +10101100110 refocus 75 +10101100110 rewrite 96 +10101100110 complement 232 +10101100110 bypass 243 +10101100110 supplement 254 +10101100110 scrap 403 +10101100110 upgrade 527 +10101100110 triple 591 +10101100110 stem 778 +10101100110 lift 784 +10101100110 halt 1180 +10101100110 double 2199 +10101100110 limit 3513 +10101100110 boost 4907 +10101100111 1,233,000 1 +10101100111 43,952 1 +10101100111 267.50 1 +10101100111 244.10 1 +10101100111 246.39 1 +10101100111 5,411 1 +10101100111 26,484 1 +10101100111 121.87 1 +10101100111 54,442 1 +10101100111 42,564 1 +10101100111 clodhoppers 1 +10101100111 420.00 1 +10101100111 268.00 1 +10101100111 22682.96 1 +10101100111 Ghor 1 +10101100111 priciness 1 +10101100111 Imperatriz 1 +10101100111 243.04 1 +10101100111 245.55 1 +10101100111 Anti-Socials 1 +10101100111 233,260 1 +10101100111 GB-INNO-BM 1 +10101100111 overfinance 1 +10101100111 Boesky-town 1 +10101100111 242.99 1 +10101100111 273.3 1 +10101100111 119.94 1 +10101100111 302.94 1 +10101100111 305.63 1 +10101100111 292.47 1 +10101100111 Mbala 1 +10101100111 2284.1 1 +10101100111 304.00 1 +10101100111 62,719 1 +10101100111 425.10 1 +10101100111 304.92 1 +10101100111 1830.8 1 +10101100111 2351.9 1 +10101100111 307.40 1 +10101100111 ten-year-olds 1 +10101100111 1818.5 1 +10101100111 2265.5 1 +10101100111 172.40 1 +10101100111 grandparenting 1 +10101100111 312.75 1 +10101100111 309.65 1 +10101100111 2244.7 1 +10101100111 Telebet 1 +10101100111 308.43 1 +10101100111 404.10 1 +10101100111 307.90 1 +10101100111 2289.3 1 +10101100111 2284.0 1 +10101100111 2277.2 1 +10101100111 2846.49 1 +10101100111 1638.1 1 +10101100111 under-hedge 1 +10101100111 1795.2 1 +10101100111 2329.69 1 +10101100111 239.67 1 +10101100111 227.67 1 +10101100111 272. 1 +10101100111 259. 1 +10101100111 1735.0 1 +10101100111 1322.0 1 +10101100111 267,867 1 +10101100111 213,731 1 +10101100111 238.52 1 +10101100111 1223.28 1 +10101100111 967.95 1 +10101100111 Leh 1 +10101100111 92,814 1 +10101100111 Calgary/Edmonton 1 +10101100111 15,886 1 +10101100111 1833.1 1 +10101100111 4645.29 1 +10101100111 off-markets 1 +10101100111 1943.8 1 +10101100111 351.86 1 +10101100111 258.38 1 +10101100111 Mush 1 +10101100111 2553.125 1 +10101100111 315.19 1 +10101100111 239.00 1 +10101100111 aerate 1 +10101100111 collate 1 +10101100111 320.43 1 +10101100111 124.71 1 +10101100111 248.52 1 +10101100111 blacksmithing 1 +10101100111 140.11 1 +10101100111 23328.91 1 +10101100111 254.48 1 +10101100111 248.96 1 +10101100111 220,819 1 +10101100111 25575.74 1 +10101100111 164.34 1 +10101100111 hyperventilate 1 +10101100111 186.97 1 +10101100111 334.65 1 +10101100111 184.12 1 +10101100111 0.5432 1 +10101100111 Waunakee 1 +10101100111 2224.8 1 +10101100111 2259.6 1 +10101100111 334.11 1 +10101100111 28,168,937 1 +10101100111 2317.4 1 +10101100111 322.09 1 +10101100111 892.9 1 +10101100111 2275.4 1 +10101100111 332.39 1 +10101100111 183.45 1 +10101100111 Seateam 1 +10101100111 Zimyanen 1 +10101100111 629.5 1 +10101100111 116.88 1 +10101100111 4,870 1 +10101100111 2249.7 1 +10101100111 25764.99 1 +10101100111 455.20 1 +10101100111 329.83 1 +10101100111 144.77 1 +10101100111 25231.59 1 +10101100111 2249.6 1 +10101100111 4,140 1 +10101100111 2159.41 1 +10101100111 25875.74 1 +10101100111 1,133.00 1 +10101100111 2,638,100 1 +10101100111 100.37 1 +10101100111 1,148.50 1 +10101100111 25754.33 1 +10101100111 312.70 1 +10101100111 353.09 1 +10101100111 176.67 1 +10101100111 C.P.A.F.F. 1 +10101100111 3050 1 +10101100111 308.55 1 +10101100111 ewers 1 +10101100111 23328.64 1 +10101100111 311.39 1 +10101100111 307.52 1 +10101100111 2371 1 +10101100111 3930 1 +10101100111 2190 1 +10101100111 346.57 1 +10101100111 308.29 1 +10101100111 310.68 1 +10101100111 all-Schubert 1 +10101100111 307.63 1 +10101100111 2383.1 1 +10101100111 adult-contemporary 1 +10101100111 318.05 1 +10101100111 316.23 1 +10101100111 318.45 1 +10101100111 317.57 1 +10101100111 1,785 1 +10101100111 2334.3 1 +10101100111 2920 1 +10101100111 3890 1 +10101100111 2160 1 +10101100111 1,137 1 +10101100111 2340.2 1 +10101100111 23942.94 1 +10101100111 2344.5 1 +10101100111 22702.74 1 +10101100111 308.47 1 +10101100111 307.81 1 +10101100111 re-experience 1 +10101100111 dimethylformamide 1 +10101100111 312.33 1 +10101100111 177.01 1 +10101100111 310.65 1 +10101100111 5,487 1 +10101100111 2333.9 1 +10101100111 353.57 1 +10101100111 351.72 1 +10101100111 437,606 1 +10101100111 225,838 1 +10101100111 268.88 1 +10101100111 1,941 1 +10101100111 386.05 1 +10101100111 304.5 1 +10101100111 272.59 1 +10101100111 269.08 1 +10101100111 2085.53 1 +10101100111 41,010 1 +10101100111 Abyei 1 +10101100111 275.22 1 +10101100111 279.38 1 +10101100111 491.80 1 +10101100111 189.80 1 +10101100111 1862.5 1 +10101100111 27293.67 1 +10101100111 15,883 1 +10101100111 276.41 1 +10101100111 278.07 1 +10101100111 278.24 1 +10101100111 demutualize 1 +10101100111 281.3 1 +10101100111 272.39 1 +10101100111 42-inch-or-bigger 1 +10101100111 1,749.8 1 +10101100111 294.08 1 +10101100111 277.93 1 +10101100111 447.14 1 +10101100111 658.50 1 +10101100111 265.59 1 +10101100111 314,642 1 +10101100111 381.60 1 +10101100111 266.47 1 +10101100111 poliomyelitis 1 +10101100111 265.88 1 +10101100111 264.00 1 +10101100111 1739.8 1 +10101100111 Vallegrande 1 +10101100111 262.51 1 +10101100111 27610.75 1 +10101100111 262.33 1 +10101100111 647.5 1 +10101100111 261.52 1 +10101100111 258.35 1 +10101100111 Competitrack 1 +10101100111 269.73 1 +10101100111 Sandvik 1 +10101100111 514.5 1 +10101100111 353.61 1 +10101100111 383.91 1 +10101100111 268.82 1 +10101100111 269.18 1 +10101100111 401,365 1 +10101100111 195,297 1 +10101100111 269.31 1 +10101100111 267.43 1 +10101100111 295.00 1 +10101100111 269.70 1 +10101100111 679.50 1 +10101100111 27893.94 1 +10101100111 270.65 1 +10101100111 McLaw 1 +10101100111 268.13 1 +10101100111 2342.6 1 +10101100111 326,431 1 +10101100111 441.24 1 +10101100111 Palladio 1 +10101100111 3840.11 1 +10101100111 691.50 1 +10101100111 3180 1 +10101100111 1853.7 1 +10101100111 327.33 1 +10101100111 321.69 1 +10101100111 743.50 1 +10101100111 CardTel 1 +10101100111 3943.64 1 +10101100111 689.50 1 +10101100111 372.13 1 +10101100111 Capitolcare 1 +10101100111 248.19 1 +10101100111 263.82 1 +10101100111 252.41 1 +10101100111 353.31 1 +10101100111 3695.53 1 +10101100111 694.50 1 +10101100111 5,980 1 +10101100111 437.90 1 +10101100111 309.39 1 +10101100111 363.80 1 +10101100111 661.50 1 +10101100111 292.78 1 +10101100111 26286.75 1 +10101100111 non-Humana 1 +10101100111 174.64 1 +10101100111 654.50 1 +10101100111 314.52 1 +10101100111 Sardis 1 +10101100111 5,640 1 +10101100111 328.08 1 +10101100111 2218.5 1 +10101100111 314.16 1 +10101100111 practitioner-driven 1 +10101100111 340.20 1 +10101100111 319.22 1 +10101100111 362.50 1 +10101100111 coproduce 1 +10101100111 5,271 1 +10101100111 264.25 1 +10101100111 281.38 1 +10101100111 8,155 1 +10101100111 Presstime 1 +10101100111 262.10 1 +10101100111 540.50 1 +10101100111 261.99 1 +10101100111 278.97 1 +10101100111 6,881 1 +10101100111 276.97 1 +10101100111 27390.55 1 +10101100111 536.50 1 +10101100111 265.21 1 +10101100111 snowmobilers 1 +10101100111 free-moving 1 +10101100111 265.27 1 +10101100111 282.28 1 +10101100111 273.33 1 +10101100111 273.69 1 +10101100111 378.40 1 +10101100111 258.61 1 +10101100111 373.76 1 +10101100111 251.90 1 +10101100111 21,705.06 1 +10101100111 351,653 1 +10101100111 268,738 1 +10101100111 262.25 1 +10101100111 278.7 1 +10101100111 tenant-owners 1 +10101100111 262.12 1 +10101100111 257.64 1 +10101100111 1285.02 1 +10101100111 382.77 1 +10101100111 dog-sitters 1 +10101100111 381.02 1 +10101100111 18190.97 1 +10101100111 rotisseries 1 +10101100111 1514.76 1 +10101100111 18307.98 1 +10101100111 1272.5 1 +10101100111 145.09 1 +10101100111 1170.4 1 +10101100111 1756.7 1 +10101100111 264,647 1 +10101100111 3310 1 +10101100111 UIP/Warner 1 +10101100111 162.64 1 +10101100111 253.04 1 +10101100111 18455.06 1 +10101100111 2430.52 1 +10101100111 1269.1 1 +10101100111 curiosity-seekers 1 +10101100111 fanaticisms 1 +10101100111 290.76 1 +10101100111 284.00 1 +10101100111 1490.90 1 +10101100111 18083.02 1 +10101100111 282.96 1 +10101100111 320.35 1 +10101100111 282.16 1 +10101100111 141.87 1 +10101100111 GTH-100 1 +10101100111 1280.3 1 +10101100111 18788.94 1 +10101100111 Nordanken 1 +10101100111 18830.64 1 +10101100111 21,435.30 1 +10101100111 2056.2 1 +10101100111 438.13 1 +10101100111 301.64 1 +10101100111 250.04 1 +10101100111 Waterval 1 +10101100111 21,588.25 1 +10101100111 2033.0 1 +10101100111 438.04 1 +10101100111 249.28 1 +10101100111 18710.68 1 +10101100111 289.11 1 +10101100111 251.16 1 +10101100111 vine-covered 1 +10101100111 D.A.D. 1 +10101100111 248.17 1 +10101100111 18731.25 1 +10101100111 18602.72 1 +10101100111 314.98 1 +10101100111 19795.08 1 +10101100111 316.73 1 +10101100111 1722.19 1 +10101100111 19,668.83 1 +10101100111 284.12 1 +10101100111 1458.5 1 +10101100111 19,973.87 1 +10101100111 bedrolls 1 +10101100111 19,679.32 1 +10101100111 1516.6 1 +10101100111 1399.64 1 +10101100111 275.07 1 +10101100111 274.24 1 +10101100111 1613.5 1 +10101100111 274.08 1 +10101100111 1427.0 1 +10101100111 1440.4 1 +10101100111 275.40 1 +10101100111 jackknifing 1 +10101100111 275.99 1 +10101100111 1441.0 1 +10101100111 1750.65 1 +10101100111 546,151 1 +10101100111 1762.07 1 +10101100111 1542.5 1 +10101100111 285.57 1 +10101100111 viewability 1 +10101100111 electrogalvanize 1 +10101100111 285.42 1 +10101100111 epileptic-like 1 +10101100111 1555.0 1 +10101100111 submarginal 1 +10101100111 1566 1 +10101100111 207.75 1 +10101100111 275.62 1 +10101100111 283.00 1 +10101100111 940.04 1 +10101100111 19,874.89 1 +10101100111 1501.0 1 +10101100111 Levittowns 1 +10101100111 277.54 1 +10101100111 19,813.96 1 +10101100111 1493.0 1 +10101100111 285.49 1 +10101100111 19,637.93 1 +10101100111 279.70 1 +10101100111 19,628.87 1 +10101100111 19,531.52 1 +10101100111 1521.0 1 +10101100111 Dushanbe 1 +10101100111 reequip 1 +10101100111 2163.3 1 +10101100111 1686.9 1 +10101100111 5090 1 +10101100111 463.25 1 +10101100111 1531.9 1 +10101100111 291.57 1 +10101100111 delaminate 1 +10101100111 286.82 1 +10101100111 silicosis 1 +10101100111 R-O-S-T-Y 1 +10101100111 1540.3 1 +10101100111 mauves 1 +10101100111 1515.1 1 +10101100111 29,076 1 +10101100111 162.59 1 +10101100111 293.30 1 +10101100111 336.58 1 +10101100111 288.36 1 +10101100111 Rotaries 1 +10101100111 295.47 1 +10101100111 226.30 1 +10101100111 1612.0 1 +10101100111 295.34 1 +10101100111 328.29 1 +10101100111 1628.0 1 +10101100111 281.83 1 +10101100111 293.37 1 +10101100111 2189.89 1 +10101100111 546,659 1 +10101100111 281.52 1 +10101100111 1555.2 1 +10101100111 2126.5 1 +10101100111 1589.4 1 +10101100111 1640.5 1 +10101100111 284.57 1 +10101100111 scientific-engineering 1 +10101100111 219.04 1 +10101100111 294.71 1 +10101100111 159.80 1 +10101100111 292.39 1 +10101100111 2880 1 +10101100111 291.70 1 +10101100111 silver-gray 1 +10101100111 mineral-hunting 1 +10101100111 279.62 1 +10101100111 300.41 1 +10101100111 293.63 1 +10101100111 2214.3 1 +10101100111 280.17 1 +10101100111 21,558.79 1 +10101100111 300.93 1 +10101100111 300.38 1 +10101100111 KP 1 +10101100111 Bang-Gereng 1 +10101100111 1375.32 1 +10101100111 BRP-Tripak 1 +10101100111 289.20 1 +10101100111 296.13 1 +10101100111 4,320 1 +10101100111 1926.68 1 +10101100111 22,178.02 1 +10101100111 24,675 1 +10101100111 1779.4 1 +10101100111 285.62 1 +10101100111 1684.2 1 +10101100111 1204.94 1 +10101100111 1962.8 1 +10101100111 1546.2 1 +10101100111 churchyards 1 +10101100111 1936.7 1 +10101100111 23216.59 1 +10101100111 cereal-eaters 1 +10101100111 287.43 1 +10101100111 294.24 1 +10101100111 284.44 1 +10101100111 485.0 1 +10101100111 1506.7 1 +10101100111 1512.4 1 +10101100111 22919.54 1 +10101100111 Chimoio 1 +10101100111 217.60 1 +10101100111 1987.0 1 +10101100111 22,784.65 1 +10101100111 296.69 1 +10101100111 1965.1 1 +10101100111 304.05 1 +10101100111 22912.99 1 +10101100111 16,681 1 +10101100111 214.79 1 +10101100111 292.86 1 +10101100111 286.65 1 +10101100111 2192.1 1 +10101100111 1696.4 1 +10101100111 2813.68 1 +10101100111 297.26 1 +10101100111 scuba-dive 1 +10101100111 297.28 1 +10101100111 2265.2 1 +10101100111 squidaddle 1 +10101100111 25523.89 1 +10101100111 298.73 1 +10101100111 4,183 1 +10101100111 2256.1 1 +10101100111 2203.0 1 +10101100111 24901.59 1 +10101100111 289.83 1 +10101100111 24992.78 1 +10101100111 underserve 1 +10101100111 fumigations 1 +10101100111 295.09 1 +10101100111 25364.21 1 +10101100111 118,450 1 +10101100111 389.7 1 +10101100111 25049.40 1 +10101100111 321.68 1 +10101100111 339.10 1 +10101100111 2,470 1 +10101100111 99.734 1 +10101100111 695.50 1 +10101100111 333.30 1 +10101100111 potash.The 1 +10101100111 313.56 1 +10101100111 320.21 1 +10101100111 3990 1 +10101100111 335.80 1 +10101100111 1794.5 1 +10101100111 290.31 1 +10101100111 304.76 1 +10101100111 431.43 1 +10101100111 301.62 1 +10101100111 305.69 1 +10101100111 over-react 1 +10101100111 329.80 1 +10101100111 304.81 1 +10101100111 1,519 1 +10101100111 tetraploidy 1 +10101100111 zofenopril 1 +10101100111 116.80 1 +10101100111 1689.8 1 +10101100111 367.50 1 +10101100111 393.50 1 +10101100111 121.25 1 +10101100111 Loto-Quebec 1 +10101100111 Capisol 1 +10101100111 431.5 1 +10101100111 628.5 1 +10101100111 394.50 1 +10101100111 229.50 1 +10101100111 1989.7 1 +10101100111 249.30 1 +10101100111 292.92 1 +10101100111 218.50 1 +10101100111 289.89 1 +10101100111 325.60 1 +10101100111 154,975 1 +10101100111 340.82 1 +10101100111 Nordkap 1 +10101100111 1979.4 1 +10101100111 290.10 1 +10101100111 379.07 1 +10101100111 432.48 1 +10101100111 291.22 1 +10101100111 1733.1 1 +10101100111 258.73 1 +10101100111 18810.36 1 +10101100111 1386.4 1 +10101100111 1353.0 1 +10101100111 377.54 1 +10101100111 1,536,017 1 +10101100111 1393.9 1 +10101100111 262.64 1 +10101100111 Dimondale 1 +10101100111 cycads 1 +10101100111 18669.02 1 +10101100111 259.95 1 +10101100111 1960s- 1 +10101100111 242.17 1 +10101100111 252.78 1 +10101100111 Momotaro 1 +10101100111 673,078 1 +10101100111 2,218 1 +10101100111 18820.55 1 +10101100111 253.25 1 +10101100111 recontextualize 1 +10101100111 1404.1 1 +10101100111 19380.51 1 +10101100111 1795.3 1 +10101100111 19429.18 1 +10101100111 1,806,600 1 +10101100111 273.91 1 +10101100111 416.55 1 +10101100111 1411.2 1 +10101100111 288.62 1 +10101100111 297.83 1 +10101100111 273.75 1 +10101100111 387.98 1 +10101100111 269.61 1 +10101100111 Qurna 1 +10101100111 satyrs 1 +10101100111 1399.0 1 +10101100111 1650.86 1 +10101100111 269.04 1 +10101100111 concert-size 1 +10101100111 17,476 1 +10101100111 1778.4 1 +10101100111 314.86 1 +10101100111 1721 1 +10101100111 314.93 1 +10101100111 317.74 1 +10101100111 2328.3 1 +10101100111 357.30 1 +10101100111 ITCH 1 +10101100111 290.86 1 +10101100111 165.57 1 +10101100111 317.13 1 +10101100111 143,514 1 +10101100111 189.50 1 +10101100111 323.08 1 +10101100111 Greycom 1 +10101100111 foam-blowing 1 +10101100111 5,070 1 +10101100111 321.98 1 +10101100111 2253.2 1 +10101100111 396.50 1 +10101100111 18808.55 1 +10101100111 low-overhead 1 +10101100111 246.75 1 +10101100111 Salla 1 +10101100111 246.34 1 +10101100111 244.67 1 +10101100111 1414.51 1 +10101100111 243.37 1 +10101100111 1301.2 1 +10101100111 non-NYSE 1 +10101100111 288.30 1 +10101100111 247.56 1 +10101100111 2,146,460 1 +10101100111 18847.77 1 +10101100111 18930.03 1 +10101100111 246.78 1 +10101100111 18723.72 1 +10101100111 253.31 1 +10101100111 249.10 1 +10101100111 26985.74 1 +10101100111 348.64 1 +10101100111 27,451.65 1 +10101100111 8,430 1 +10101100111 251.72 1 +10101100111 463.13 1 +10101100111 countercheck 1 +10101100111 340.62 1 +10101100111 343.71 1 +10101100111 425.67 1 +10101100111 sugar-white 1 +10101100111 352.09 1 +10101100111 426.61 1 +10101100111 373.35 1 +10101100111 24,029 1 +10101100111 353.29 1 +10101100111 429.89 1 +10101100111 262.61 1 +10101100111 391.16 1 +10101100111 al-Hussein 1 +10101100111 242.60 1 +10101100111 2,112 1 +10101100111 263.93 1 +10101100111 263.81 1 +10101100111 351.45 1 +10101100111 987,823 1 +10101100111 389.36 1 +10101100111 353.49 1 +10101100111 420,626 1 +10101100111 357.36 1 +10101100111 381.62 1 +10101100111 124,849 1 +10101100111 260.32 1 +10101100111 349.84 1 +10101100111 5,730 1 +10101100111 349.32 1 +10101100111 635.00 1 +10101100111 324.48 1 +10101100111 258.79 1 +10101100111 379.51 1 +10101100111 256.66 1 +10101100111 468.27 1 +10101100111 261.56 1 +10101100111 353.47 1 +10101100111 5,670 1 +10101100111 12,098 1 +10101100111 2,319,505 1 +10101100111 358.37 1 +10101100111 263.00 1 +10101100111 BusinessWorld 1 +10101100111 444.53 1 +10101100111 155,841 1 +10101100111 374.51 1 +10101100111 342.15 1 +10101100111 359.49 1 +10101100111 344.70 1 +10101100111 397.77 1 +10101100111 266.69 1 +10101100111 black-and-orange 1 +10101100111 78,013 1 +10101100111 24,490 1 +10101100111 Eidenau 1 +10101100111 2382.4 1 +10101100111 341.69 1 +10101100111 314.11 1 +10101100111 institutional-sales 1 +10101100111 252.17 1 +10101100111 270.20 1 +10101100111 320.31 1 +10101100111 340.67 1 +10101100111 Anadyr 1 +10101100111 320.45 1 +10101100111 419.27 1 +10101100111 Lyuda 1 +10101100111 636.5 1 +10101100111 Charlotta 1 +10101100111 35054.63 1 +10101100111 mass-audience 1 +10101100111 3,940 1 +10101100111 255.57 1 +10101100111 hyenas 1 +10101100111 1,915.84 1 +10101100111 2,674.84 1 +10101100111 2,590 1 +10101100111 489.95 1 +10101100111 440.79 1 +10101100111 Euro-TV 1 +10101100111 365.16 1 +10101100111 Prescripton 1 +10101100111 409.97 1 +10101100111 381.18 1 +10101100111 5,330 1 +10101100111 329.05 1 +10101100111 Telemachus 1 +10101100111 34705.63 1 +10101100111 1770.2 1 +10101100111 346.69 1 +10101100111 262.16 1 +10101100111 home-brewing 1 +10101100111 255.04 1 +10101100111 365.73 1 +10101100111 468.07 1 +10101100111 self-administer 1 +10101100111 BML 1 +10101100111 310,440 1 +10101100111 47,324 1 +10101100111 416.03 1 +10101100111 Albinoni 1 +10101100111 power-share 1 +10101100111 374.61 1 +10101100111 333.88 1 +10101100111 30,822 1 +10101100111 326.48 1 +10101100111 347.66 1 +10101100111 1463.2 1 +10101100111 Bimeh 1 +10101100111 370.38 1 +10101100111 processing-assembling 1 +10101100111 469.68 1 +10101100111 cornkilling 1 +10101100111 1214 1 +10101100111 370.65 1 +10101100111 relicensing 1 +10101100111 467.01 1 +10101100111 100.525 1 +10101100111 380.20 1 +10101100111 Euros 1 +10101100111 324.73 1 +10101100111 345.46 1 +10101100111 389.21 1 +10101100111 524.58 1 +10101100111 267.38 1 +10101100111 Agness 1 +10101100111 385.43 1 +10101100111 Rushville 1 +10101100111 322.38 1 +10101100111 392.92 1 +10101100111 5021.73 1 +10101100111 Tillich 1 +10101100111 376.93 1 +10101100111 263.84 1 +10101100111 343.16 1 +10101100111 equities-underwriting 1 +10101100111 Toga 1 +10101100111 pseudo-actors 1 +10101100111 angel. 1 +10101100111 1,088,223 1 +10101100111 746.44 1 +10101100111 disunite 1 +10101100111 530.72 1 +10101100111 327.62 1 +10101100111 UTDMK 1 +10101100111 259.77 1 +10101100111 8,070 1 +10101100111 257.92 1 +10101100111 300.92 1 +10101100111 259.21 1 +10101100111 foreclosers 1 +10101100111 flash-cubes 1 +10101100111 28,458,894 1 +10101100111 395.28 1 +10101100111 471.42 1 +10101100111 1222 1 +10101100111 271.57 1 +10101100111 672.5 1 +10101100111 7,840 1 +10101100111 pebble-like 1 +10101100111 primary- 1 +10101100111 256.13 1 +10101100111 745.92 1 +10101100111 256.42 1 +10101100111 230.81 1 +10101100111 1206.71 1 +10101100111 handleware 1 +10101100111 Ahasuerus 1 +10101100111 353.73 1 +10101100111 258.51 1 +10101100111 338.82 1 +10101100111 UH 1 +10101100111 342.81 1 +10101100111 469.25 1 +10101100111 343.75 1 +10101100111 6,812 1 +10101100111 327.90 1 +10101100111 349.24 1 +10101100111 Gatlinburg 1 +10101100111 383.67 1 +10101100111 127,945 1 +10101100111 635.10 1 +10101100111 78,271 1 +10101100111 393.45 1 +10101100111 26924.87 1 +10101100111 424.5 1 +10101100111 271.37 1 +10101100111 32000 1 +10101100111 water-deficient 1 +10101100111 378.88 1 +10101100111 363.14 1 +10101100111 264.43 1 +10101100111 346.08 1 +10101100111 2,079 1 +10101100111 least-admired 1 +10101100111 2199 1 +10101100111 346.94 1 +10101100111 680.5 1 +10101100111 266.02 1 +10101100111 re-dress 1 +10101100111 4,000-share 1 +10101100111 387.12 1 +10101100111 264.68 1 +10101100111 265.19 1 +10101100111 146.14 1 +10101100111 28361.89 1 +10101100111 475.19 1 +10101100111 389.66 1 +10101100111 6,960 1 +10101100111 6,270 1 +10101100111 484.14 1 +10101100111 335.01 1 +10101100111 356.99 1 +10101100111 272.98 1 +10101100111 corniness 1 +10101100111 388.52 1 +10101100111 3,910 1 +10101100111 8,240 1 +10101100111 comparison-shop 1 +10101100111 272.21 1 +10101100111 122,188 1 +10101100111 462.48 1 +10101100111 462.46 1 +10101100111 270.51 1 +10101100111 458.86 1 +10101100111 3220 1 +10101100111 2980 1 +10101100111 1641.8 1 +10101100111 471.14 1 +10101100111 480.50 1 +10101100111 new-listings 1 +10101100111 316.39 1 +10101100111 5290 1 +10101100111 510.50 1 +10101100111 271.80 1 +10101100111 269.32 1 +10101100111 5400 1 +10101100111 1863.3 1 +10101100111 259.50 1 +10101100111 266.66 1 +10101100111 364.81 1 +10101100111 Maryam 1 +10101100111 2950 1 +10101100111 53.59 1 +10101100111 1,416,636 1 +10101100111 6,680 1 +10101100111 8,840 1 +10101100111 268.47 1 +10101100111 256.20 1 +10101100111 468.60 1 +10101100111 391.28 1 +10101100111 27553.98 1 +10101100111 5470 1 +10101100111 22790.50 1 +10101100111 255.30 1 +10101100111 270.00 1 +10101100111 sexology 1 +10101100111 261.03 1 +10101100111 44-year-olds 1 +10101100111 452.38 1 +10101100111 256.98 1 +10101100111 356.97 1 +10101100111 335.02 1 +10101100111 480.66 1 +10101100111 394.43 1 +10101100111 483.64 1 +10101100111 260.56 1 +10101100111 slangy-confidential 1 +10101100111 343.92 1 +10101100111 260.77 1 +10101100111 2017.5 1 +10101100111 CitiTouch 1 +10101100111 GoldCard 1 +10101100111 2,981,076 1 +10101100111 374.04 1 +10101100111 259.18 1 +10101100111 343.91 1 +10101100111 374.43 1 +10101100111 356.94 1 +10101100111 344.74 1 +10101100111 100-person 1 +10101100111 surveil 1 +10101100111 257.09 1 +10101100111 6,030 1 +10101100111 international-share 1 +10101100111 311,367 1 +10101100111 261.13 1 +10101100111 269.98 1 +10101100111 Executive-Branch 1 +10101100111 266.49 1 +10101100111 354.54 1 +10101100111 349.35 1 +10101100111 28360.53 1 +10101100111 50,515 1 +10101100111 271.93 1 +10101100111 2844.04 1 +10101100111 337.06 1 +10101100111 359.13 1 +10101100111 4,820 1 +10101100111 44,650 1 +10101100111 258.69 1 +10101100111 general-management 1 +10101100111 354.71 1 +10101100111 34942.63 1 +10101100111 772.54 1 +10101100111 28,300 1 +10101100111 2247.0 1 +10101100111 337.63 1 +10101100111 261.90 1 +10101100111 Infotab 1 +10101100111 409.19 1 +10101100111 Intair 1 +10101100111 ameloriate 1 +10101100111 law- 1 +10101100111 379.11 1 +10101100111 27946.44 1 +10101100111 262.75 1 +10101100111 340.53 1 +10101100111 402.43 1 +10101100111 459.55 1 +10101100111 250.20 1 +10101100111 428.55 1 +10101100111 sejour 1 +10101100111 1879.3 1 +10101100111 467.41 1 +10101100111 Literaturnaia 1 +10101100111 265.80 1 +10101100111 453.84 1 +10101100111 189.70 1 +10101100111 93.98 1 +10101100111 374.14 1 +10101100111 6,780 1 +10101100111 2,810 1 +10101100111 339.90 1 +10101100111 Iskenderun 1 +10101100111 189.30 1 +10101100111 345.66 1 +10101100111 1450 1 +10101100111 3040 1 +10101100111 641.50 1 +10101100111 443.71 1 +10101100111 Tatham 1 +10101100111 Beersheba 1 +10101100111 27360.39 1 +10101100111 254.20 1 +10101100111 television-camera 1 +10101100111 505.50 1 +10101100111 247.50 1 +10101100111 447.61 1 +10101100111 3130 1 +10101100111 363.50 1 +10101100111 snorkelers 1 +10101100111 274.30 1 +10101100111 269.77 1 +10101100111 86,606.75 1 +10101100111 42,660 1 +10101100111 Fortune-1000 1 +10101100111 271.43 1 +10101100111 bifurcate 1 +10101100111 458.33 1 +10101100111 WDEB-TV 1 +10101100111 268.94 1 +10101100111 strewing 1 +10101100111 271.67 1 +10101100111 27925.57 1 +10101100111 433.44 1 +10101100111 369.01 1 +10101100111 university-related 1 +10101100111 puke 1 +10101100111 redisseminate 1 +10101100111 8,740 1 +10101100111 449.75 1 +10101100111 385.75 1 +10101100111 932,445 1 +10101100111 102.41 1 +10101100111 20100 1 +10101100111 236.80 1 +10101100111 292.10 1 +10101100111 525.50 1 +10101100111 372.78 1 +10101100111 426.29 1 +10101100111 remediate 1 +10101100111 snoekfish 1 +10101100111 private-aircraft 1 +10101100111 395.43 1 +10101100111 60-year-olds 1 +10101100111 268.80 1 +10101100111 479.50 1 +10101100111 270.55 1 +10101100111 531.50 1 +10101100111 237.09 1 +10101100111 713.50 1 +10101100111 672.50 1 +10101100111 18,314 1 +10101100111 2560 1 +10101100111 332.68 1 +10101100111 322.33 1 +10101100111 1580 1 +10101100111 27577.17 1 +10101100111 275.81 1 +10101100111 309.59 1 +10101100111 29,800 1 +10101100111 60,367 1 +10101100111 431.74 1 +10101100111 procurement-reform 1 +10101100111 2,294,700 2 +10101100111 4,400,700 2 +10101100111 Avrett 2 +10101100111 35,100 2 +10101100111 17,700 2 +10101100111 Medialink 2 +10101100111 higher-capacity 2 +10101100111 Justinian 2 +10101100111 292.50 2 +10101100111 vehicle-related 2 +10101100111 consumer-marketing 2 +10101100111 3860 2 +10101100111 exercycle 2 +10101100111 4,030 2 +10101100111 236.83 2 +10101100111 6,810 2 +10101100111 1,188 2 +10101100111 308.62 2 +10101100111 379.18 2 +10101100111 prorating 2 +10101100111 1253 2 +10101100111 5,120 2 +10101100111 Manzanillo 2 +10101100111 3,860 2 +10101100111 270.16 2 +10101100111 1719 2 +10101100111 270.62 2 +10101100111 2,032 2 +10101100111 B-5 2 +10101100111 neuter 2 +10101100111 thicken 2 +10101100111 rutabaga 2 +10101100111 B-flat 2 +10101100111 5,950 2 +10101100111 mainstreamers 2 +10101100111 53,600 2 +10101100111 245.52 2 +10101100111 industrial-based 2 +10101100111 3,870 2 +10101100111 253.4 2 +10101100111 lubricate 2 +10101100111 267.72 2 +10101100111 265.50 2 +10101100111 391.67 2 +10101100111 appliance-maker 2 +10101100111 24,628 2 +10101100111 54-year-olds 2 +10101100111 334.84 2 +10101100111 333.33 2 +10101100111 2,830 2 +10101100111 Herminio 2 +10101100111 363.5 2 +10101100111 under-report 2 +10101100111 Nana 2 +10101100111 xylene 2 +10101100111 235.18 2 +10101100111 262.50 2 +10101100111 262.46 2 +10101100111 wheedle 3 +10101100111 282.88 3 +10101100111 rehabbed 3 +10101100111 pottage 3 +10101100111 locksmiths 3 +10101100111 subdistrict 3 +10101100111 5,960 3 +10101100111 Montauk 3 +10101100111 2,313,000 3 +10101100111 Withdraw 3 +10101100111 hyperventilating 3 +10101100111 dryland 4 +10101100111 2,420 4 +10101100111 unsnarl 4 +10101100111 3,180 4 +10101100111 procreate 4 +10101100111 seminarians 4 +10101100111 tetanus 5 +10101100111 1,290 5 +10101100111 2,930 5 +10101100111 untie 5 +10101100111 3,690 5 +10101100111 repaint 5 +10101100111 demoralize 6 +10101100111 2,820 6 +10101100111 backdated 9 +10101100111 curry 34 +10101100111 depository 294 +10101100111 finance 6846 +10101100111 spare 539 +10101101000 wheel-and-deal 1 +10101101000 mono 1 +10101101000 megabillion 1 +10101101000 ticket-printing 1 +10101101000 sod-busting 1 +10101101000 feed-handling 1 +10101101000 Lanno 1 +10101101000 16,820 1 +10101101000 prekindergarten 1 +10101101000 blubbering 2 +10101101000 P215 2 +10101101000 chatterbox 2 +10101101000 carpet-refurbishing 2 +10101101000 road-map 3 +10101101000 truss 3 +10101101000 caning 3 +10101101000 clipper 3 +10101101000 ZR-1 4 +10101101000 tie-dye 4 +10101101000 bed-and-breakfast 4 +10101101000 lithograph 4 +10101101000 raceway 4 +10101101000 graveside 5 +10101101000 1,176 5 +10101101000 cock 5 +10101101000 retread 5 +10101101000 homeporting 5 +10101101000 kayak 6 +10101101000 stockyard 6 +10101101000 bayonet 6 +10101101000 squirts 7 +10101101000 filament 8 +10101101000 assay 8 +10101101000 burp 9 +10101101000 whoop 9 +10101101000 misfire 10 +10101101000 SystemOne 10 +10101101000 take-off 11 +10101101000 interconnect 11 +10101101000 honeycomb 11 +10101101000 spanking 11 +10101101000 raffle 12 +10101101000 Utopia 12 +10101101000 grate 13 +10101101000 steamroller 14 +10101101000 helper 15 +10101101000 transcription 15 +10101101000 squawk 15 +10101101000 photocopy 16 +10101101000 hiss 16 +10101101000 duke 17 +10101101000 post-mortem 17 +10101101000 canister 17 +10101101000 salve 17 +10101101000 mime 17 +10101101000 rinse 19 +10101101000 shutter 19 +10101101000 sighting 20 +10101101000 massage 20 +10101101000 stain 20 +10101101000 dart 23 +10101101000 strap 24 +10101101000 reflex 26 +10101101000 summons 27 +10101101000 warp 27 +10101101000 feather 27 +10101101000 console 28 +10101101000 court-martial 28 +10101101000 scar 29 +10101101000 mug 29 +10101101000 implant 35 +10101101000 sack 37 +10101101000 knitting 37 +10101101000 fragment 38 +10101101000 pepper 38 +10101101000 piggyback 38 +10101101000 shovel 38 +10101101000 freak 39 +10101101000 grill 39 +10101101000 decoy 39 +10101101000 ruptured 40 +10101101000 lace 40 +10101101000 buffet 41 +10101101000 reprimand 41 +10101101000 ditch 44 +10101101000 quiz 45 +10101101000 zip 45 +10101101000 fracture 45 +10101101000 quarantine 46 +10101101000 gag 47 +10101101000 grease 47 +10101101000 relay 50 +10101101000 squash 53 +10101101000 camouflage 53 +10101101000 buzz 56 +10101101000 toast 56 +10101101000 coloring 57 +10101101000 subcontract 57 +10101101000 cannon 57 +10101101000 marshal 58 +10101101000 dye 59 +10101101000 needle 59 +10101101000 scotch 60 +10101101000 distraction 61 +10101101000 scout 63 +10101101000 bolt 63 +10101101000 wraps 64 +10101101000 hawk 65 +10101101000 mushroom 66 +10101101000 litter 67 +10101101000 pardon 72 +10101101000 pity 74 +10101101000 smear 76 +10101101000 swamp 79 +10101101000 dispatch 93 +10101101000 showcase 94 +10101101000 ferry 102 +10101101000 log 105 +10101101000 capsule 107 +10101101000 handicap 108 +10101101000 siege 127 +10101101000 filter 131 +10101101000 shower 132 +10101101000 beam 133 +10101101000 bath 137 +10101101000 bat 138 +10101101000 redesign 140 +10101101000 spray 147 +10101101000 flash 167 +10101101000 discharge 167 +10101101000 seal 169 +10101101000 mold 169 +10101101000 slot 185 +10101101000 punch 189 +10101101000 sabotage 192 +10101101000 patrol 210 +10101101000 blast 220 +10101101000 prototype 221 +10101101000 trap 221 +10101101000 duck 222 +10101101000 harbor 234 +10101101000 volunteer 241 +10101101000 videotape 243 +10101101000 desert 244 +10101101000 mirror 244 +10101101000 subpoena 245 +10101101000 brake 247 +10101101000 bust 249 +10101101000 frame 259 +10101101000 spy 272 +10101101000 stamp 275 +10101101000 delegate 276 +10101101000 remedy 280 +10101101000 craft 321 +10101101000 cloud 333 +10101101000 photo 333 +10101101000 boycott 369 +10101101000 negotiation 381 +10101101000 dress 408 +10101101000 paint 514 +10101101000 painting 522 +10101101000 substitute 522 +10101101000 sponsor 533 +10101101000 bomb 583 +10101101000 score 671 +10101101000 shock 686 +10101101000 rent 696 +10101101000 repair 733 +10101101000 train 975 +10101101000 draft 1101 +10101101000 lease 1126 +10101101000 consideration 1172 +10101101000 license 1339 +10101101000 ship 1391 +10101101000 waste 1446 +10101101000 veto 1737 +10101101000 fire 2236 +10101101000 design 2529 +10101101000 test 4763 +10101101000 review 4766 +10101101001 advance-sale 1 +10101101001 wing-left 1 +10101101001 printing-cost 1 +10101101001 282.50-all 1 +10101101001 grubbing 1 +10101101001 ground-ball 1 +10101101001 2-14 1 +10101101001 400,000-ton 1 +10101101001 steel-quota 1 +10101101001 income-redistribution 1 +10101101001 mangers 1 +10101101001 oregrade 1 +10101101001 ore-grade 1 +10101101001 imbibing 2 +10101101001 humanrights 2 +10101101001 5,006 2 +10101101001 Eridania 2 +10101101001 backrooms 2 +10101101001 industrial-plant 2 +10101101001 import-dependent 2 +10101101001 2380 2 +10101101001 price-per-share 2 +10101101001 Norcal 2 +10101101001 operaters 2 +10101101001 pro-Libyan 3 +10101101001 bioequivalence 5 +10101101001 sorrowful 6 +10101101001 paw 7 +10101101001 rebroadcast 8 +10101101001 wail 11 +10101101001 minting 12 +10101101001 spout 12 +10101101001 gore 17 +10101101001 hush 21 +10101101001 ration 42 +10101101001 throttle 55 +10101101001 resupply 58 +10101101001 worship 93 +10101101001 sting 103 +10101101001 laundering 129 +10101101001 exhaust 133 +10101101001 escort 143 +10101101001 slaughter 260 +10101101001 trail 330 +10101101001 gauge 358 +10101101001 tip 370 +10101101001 pump 376 +10101101001 drink 624 +10101101001 command 677 +10101101001 display 785 +10101101001 speed 1405 +10101101001 transfer 1589 +10101101001 track 1834 +10101101001 supply 5162 +10101101001 release 3238 +101011010100 3-by-7-foot 1 +101011010100 counterpressures 1 +101011010100 blow-dries 1 +101011010100 counterprotest 1 +101011010100 jerryrigged 1 +101011010100 soliticitations 1 +101011010100 pre-deposit 1 +101011010100 computer-program 2 +101011010100 7320 2 +101011010100 61,209 2 +101011010100 2,227,500 2 +101011010100 2,069,200 2 +101011010100 1,367 3 +101011010100 black-and-gold 3 +101011010100 yak 3 +101011010100 garnish 4 +101011010100 cramp 5 +101011010100 snort 8 +101011010100 canvass 8 +101011010100 gall 14 +101011010100 sow 26 +101011010100 taint 45 +101011010100 remake 55 +101011010100 dwarf 64 +101011010100 wreck 75 +101011010100 stray 75 +101011010100 jolt 112 +101011010100 bribe 138 +101011010100 ruin 164 +101011010100 mask 165 +101011010100 highlight 173 +101011010100 trace 213 +101011010100 smell 223 +101011010100 quote 288 +101011010100 cry 365 +101011010100 reward 377 +101011010100 repeat 433 +101011010100 refund 497 +101011010100 harm 596 +101011010100 trigger 727 +101011010100 mention 1007 +101011010100 grant 1078 +101011010100 recall 1107 +101011010100 signal 1272 +101011010100 guarantee 1441 +101011010100 cause 3821 +101011010100 benefit 3939 +101011010101 bond-sale 1 +101011010101 secretory 1 +101011010101 isat 1 +101011010101 EMPHASIZED 1 +101011010101 Russian-Czech 1 +101011010101 share-issue 1 +101011010101 neuro-physiological 1 +101011010101 ship-sale 1 +101011010101 prettiness 2 +101011010101 reenacts 2 +101011010101 busyness 2 +101011010101 6,327 2 +101011010101 8-by-10 2 +101011010101 disaggregate 2 +101011010101 double-park 2 +101011010101 2,653 2 +101011010101 sloppier 2 +101011010101 redrawing 3 +101011010101 overloads 3 +101011010101 cohost 3 +101011010101 soiling 3 +101011010101 radiation-damaged 3 +101011010101 snip 4 +101011010101 whir 4 +101011010101 sweet-talk 4 +101011010101 unpacking 4 +101011010101 sensationalizing 4 +101011010101 steepening 4 +101011010101 2,130,000 5 +101011010101 memorializing 5 +101011010101 stoning 5 +101011010101 caressing 5 +101011010101 fleecing 5 +101011010101 whoosh 6 +101011010101 smearing 8 +101011010101 rue 11 +101011010101 reuse 13 +101011010101 plunder 16 +101011010101 reissue 21 +101011010101 overestimate 24 +101011010101 overload 32 +101011010101 disapprove 49 +101011010101 annex 52 +101011010101 eclipse 53 +101011010101 conceive 54 +101011010101 echo 94 +101011010101 update 164 +101011010101 overthrow 170 +101011010101 outline 199 +101011010101 surrender 294 +101011010101 dispose 361 +101011010101 repeal 559 +101011010101 manufacture 577 +101011010101 honor 605 +101011010101 use 15279 +101011010101 exercise 1575 +101011010110 173.77 1 +101011010110 783.25 1 +101011010110 178.32 1 +101011010110 271.86 1 +101011010110 382.07 1 +101011010110 jet-injection 1 +101011010110 London-Atlanta 1 +101011010110 1,421 1 +101011010110 1625.2 1 +101011010110 170.83 1 +101011010110 government-industrial 1 +101011010110 156.72 1 +101011010110 martyring 1 +101011010110 exaco 1 +101011010110 sub-lease 1 +101011010110 171.44 1 +101011010110 rock-raw 1 +101011010110 155.97 1 +101011010110 152.09 1 +101011010110 19188.68 1 +101011010110 343.41 1 +101011010110 250.48 1 +101011010110 price-based 1 +101011010110 labor-negotiation 1 +101011010110 local-federal 1 +101011010110 Trake 1 +101011010110 764.21 1 +101011010110 Nevena 1 +101011010110 373.53 1 +101011010110 477.28 1 +101011010110 340.17 1 +101011010110 373.96 1 +101011010110 Dingos 1 +101011010110 bocce 1 +101011010110 rain-soaked 2 +101011010110 Govern 2 +101011010110 military/civilian 2 +101011010110 40-year-olds 2 +101011010110 witch-hunting 3 +101011010110 prick 4 +101011010110 indoctrinate 4 +101011010110 uncork 4 +101011010110 Repetition 4 +101011010110 joust 5 +101011010110 checkmate 5 +101011010110 globalize 5 +101011010110 psych 5 +101011010110 moor 5 +101011010110 Frau 5 +101011010110 swab 6 +101011010110 caress 6 +101011010110 nuke 6 +101011010110 senders 6 +101011010110 curate 7 +101011010110 test-drive 7 +101011010110 propagandize 7 +101011010110 barricade 7 +101011010110 dishonor 8 +101011010110 undress 9 +101011010110 spar 13 +101011010110 strut 15 +101011010110 refill 15 +101011010110 wallop 16 +101011010110 waffle 16 +101011010110 bludgeon 17 +101011010110 relaunch 17 +101011010110 hijack 17 +101011010110 recharge 17 +101011010110 weld 18 +101011010110 paddle 18 +101011010110 whipsaw 19 +101011010110 wag 19 +101011010110 muzzle 19 +101011010110 overcharge 24 +101011010110 fleece 25 +101011010110 pluck 27 +101011010110 lick 29 +101011010110 stalk 29 +101011010110 groom 32 +101011010110 fruition 33 +101011010110 fry 37 +101011010110 fuse 38 +101011010110 Kill 39 +101011010110 kidnap 39 +101011010110 cram 39 +101011010110 hack 41 +101011010110 scrub 41 +101011010110 batter 41 +101011010110 hustle 44 +101011010110 shove 49 +101011010110 recount 49 +101011010110 censor 51 +101011010110 harness 53 +101011010110 smash 55 +101011010110 lodge 55 +101011010110 slam 58 +101011010110 polish 66 +101011010110 bully 70 +101011010110 convict 72 +101011010110 scan 72 +101011010110 insert 76 +101011010110 saddle 77 +101011010110 torpedo 77 +101011010110 rub 78 +101011010110 vault 80 +101011010110 trumpet 81 +101011010110 stub 83 +101011010110 toe 83 +101011010110 bash 92 +101011010110 purge 99 +101011010110 chill 112 +101011010110 skirt 117 +101011010110 foil 120 +101011010110 crush 124 +101011010110 pin 129 +101011010110 temper 133 +101011010110 cheer 134 +101011010110 boot 137 +101011010110 plague 137 +101011010110 restart 152 +101011010110 fold 165 +101011010110 buck 178 +101011010110 fool 182 +101011010110 chase 187 +101011010110 stall 191 +101011010110 void 232 +101011010110 drill 235 +101011010110 float 236 +101011010110 cushion 242 +101011010110 sacrifice 260 +101011010110 shield 262 +101011010110 encounter 338 +101011010110 dump 356 +101011010110 strip 403 +101011010110 cure 408 +101011010110 select 477 +101011010110 cross 501 +101011010110 lure 524 +101011010110 hedge 578 +101011010110 crack 632 +101011010110 lobby 653 +101011010110 guard 707 +101011010110 combat 762 +101011010110 defeat 993 +101011010110 reverse 1052 +101011010110 protest 1161 +101011010110 contest 1321 +101011010110 bar 1428 +101011010110 conduct 1535 +101011010110 launch 2233 +101011010110 block 3326 +101011010110 fight 4287 +101011010110 play 4145 +1010110101110 catapault 1 +1010110101110 2-by-2s 2 +1010110101110 dun 2 +1010110101110 Postpone 2 +1010110101110 go-get- 2 +1010110101110 psychoanalyze 2 +1010110101110 de-average 2 +1010110101110 barnstorm 3 +1010110101110 invoiced 3 +1010110101110 17,405 3 +1010110101110 cherry-pick 3 +1010110101110 poppers 3 +1010110101110 croon 4 +1010110101110 lunge 6 +1010110101110 agitate 6 +1010110101110 crystallize 7 +1010110101110 jostle 8 +1010110101110 grope 11 +1010110101110 gird 11 +1010110101110 vouch 16 +1010110101110 overpay 18 +1010110101110 tease 19 +1010110101110 taunt 21 +1010110101110 brace 33 +1010110101110 slug 34 +1010110101110 comb 43 +1010110101110 salute 48 +1010110101110 peg 51 +1010110101110 beg 53 +1010110101110 commute 58 +1010110101110 hail 60 +1010110101110 jockey 75 +1010110101110 vie 75 +1010110101110 pray 76 +1010110101110 shout 90 +1010110101110 nudge 90 +1010110101110 dial 98 +1010110101110 apologize 110 +1010110101110 opt 175 +1010110101110 scramble 224 +1010110101110 hunt 246 +1010110101110 fix 636 +1010110101110 blame 1172 +1010110101110 watch 1344 +1010110101110 wait 1601 +1010110101110 drive 2680 +1010110101110 call 5766 +1010110101110 push 2744 +1010110101111 undreamed-of 1 +1010110101111 2,100-2,200 1 +1010110101111 protectedness 1 +1010110101111 mid-to-lower 1 +1010110101111 swaddling 1 +1010110101111 pre-aerosol-ban 1 +1010110101111 counter-demands 1 +1010110101111 pre-agreement 1 +1010110101111 pre-bust 1 +1010110101111 Euro-optimism 1 +1010110101111 multi-dealer 1 +1010110101111 pre-reserve 1 +1010110101111 codes-of-conduct 1 +1010110101111 less-than-comfortable 1 +1010110101111 chemotherapeutic-dose 1 +1010110101111 pre-drought 1 +1010110101111 stready 1 +1010110101111 less-than-record 1 +1010110101111 2,516,000 2 +1010110101111 hate-mongering 2 +1010110101111 spokespeople 2 +1010110101111 Rakosi 2 +1010110101111 lusts 2 +1010110101111 bird-dogging 2 +1010110101111 buy/hold 2 +1010110101111 scrabble 2 +1010110101111 Pruitt-Igoe 3 +1010110101111 batterings 3 +1010110101111 choline 3 +1010110101111 Hamet 3 +1010110101111 overburdening 4 +1010110101111 guage 4 +1010110101111 1,134 4 +1010110101111 self-justification 4 +1010110101111 eulogies 4 +1010110101111 backdating 4 +1010110101111 acknowledgments 4 +1010110101111 send-off 5 +1010110101111 double-billing 5 +1010110101111 bungle 5 +1010110101111 fronting 6 +1010110101111 refills 6 +1010110101111 pillage 7 +1010110101111 replanting 7 +1010110101111 slop 7 +1010110101111 disillusion 7 +1010110101111 overestimates 9 +1010110101111 tint 15 +1010110101111 uplift 15 +1010110101111 overbilling 16 +1010110101111 heft 16 +1010110101111 kudos 21 +1010110101111 torment 24 +1010110101111 pique 32 +1010110101111 hatch 34 +1010110101111 finesse 37 +1010110101111 underpinning 42 +1010110101111 ridicule 52 +1010110101111 scorn 57 +1010110101111 gratitude 66 +1010110101111 redress 95 +1010110101111 disdain 110 +1010110101111 doom 126 +1010110101111 prejudice 133 +1010110101111 dislike 137 +1010110101111 sway 142 +1010110101111 distrust 145 +1010110101111 disregard 178 +1010110101111 grasp 194 +1010110101111 praise 439 +1010110101111 respect 1181 +1010110101111 support 11070 +1010110101111 influence 2571 +101011011000 12000 1 +101011011000 386.12 1 +101011011000 rigmarole 1 +101011011000 shot-speaking 1 +101011011000 canter 2 +101011011000 tartness 2 +101011011000 secretes 2 +101011011000 ad-lib 2 +101011011000 barf 3 +101011011000 padlock 3 +101011011000 slurps 3 +101011011000 harpooned 3 +101011011000 bellow 3 +101011011000 de-leverage 3 +101011011000 highball 3 +101011011000 thumps 4 +101011011000 burrow 4 +101011011000 amble 4 +101011011000 reoccur 5 +101011011000 2,780 5 +101011011000 editorialize 5 +101011011000 rebalance 5 +101011011000 co-exist 5 +101011011000 correlates 5 +101011011000 Succeed 6 +101011011000 tarry 6 +101011011000 belch 6 +101011011000 sally 6 +101011011000 requalify 6 +101011011000 scrounge 7 +101011011000 snooze 7 +101011011000 tickle 7 +101011011000 piggybacked 8 +101011011000 chomp 8 +101011011000 slog 8 +101011011000 mumble 9 +101011011000 gulp 9 +101011011000 economize 10 +101011011000 bob 10 +101011011000 growl 10 +101011011000 sling 10 +101011011000 flutter 11 +101011011000 frolic 11 +101011011000 sublet 12 +101011011000 eye-to-eye 13 +101011011000 kneel 13 +101011011000 putter 15 +101011011000 dribble 15 +101011011000 stomp 15 +101011011000 fumble 15 +101011011000 shiver 17 +101011011000 rejoice 19 +101011011000 latch 19 +101011011000 howl 20 +101011011000 groan 21 +101011011000 perish 21 +101011011000 skate 21 +101011011000 leapfrog 22 +101011011000 nibble 24 +101011011000 reciprocate 25 +101011011000 buckle 27 +101011011000 glide 28 +101011011000 click 30 +101011011000 sniff 35 +101011011000 scrape 41 +101011011000 yell 44 +101011011000 wrench 46 +101011011000 chew 48 +101011011000 melt 54 +101011011000 hop 57 +101011011000 poke 59 +101011011000 dodge 61 +101011011000 stroll 63 +101011011000 bump 70 +101011011000 scream 71 +101011011000 shine 85 +101011011000 mesh 86 +101011011000 swim 98 +101011011000 slap 101 +101011011000 cheat 109 +101011011000 dig 123 +101011011000 haul 226 +101011011000 laugh 238 +101011011000 plug 239 +101011011000 stir 284 +101011011000 bite 328 +101011011000 hang 400 +101011011000 ride 682 +101011011000 bet 744 +101011011000 catch 864 +101011011000 speak 1180 +101011011000 fit 1369 +101011011000 stand 2488 +101011011000 run 7486 +101011011000 break 2639 +101011011001 tyrannosaurus 1 +101011011001 dice-throwers 1 +101011011001 dilly-dally 1 +101011011001 low-accident 1 +101011011001 mini-stations 1 +101011011001 repopulate 1 +101011011001 mix-ups 1 +101011011001 Sniffing 1 +101011011001 fast-crashing 1 +101011011001 sycophants 1 +101011011001 glomming 1 +101011011001 hindquarters 1 +101011011001 sinuously 1 +101011011001 metamorphose 1 +101011011001 1988-generally 1 +101011011001 puttered 1 +101011011001 stomps 1 +101011011001 striders 1 +101011011001 raincoming 1 +101011011001 pullng 1 +101011011001 accustoming 1 +101011011001 palling 2 +101011011001 carom 2 +101011011001 end-runs 2 +101011011001 stablize 2 +101011011001 physiognomy 2 +101011011001 hydrofoil 2 +101011011001 malachite 2 +101011011001 reheat 2 +101011011001 fawn 2 +101011011001 deadlocking 2 +101011011001 flouncing 2 +101011011001 1,416,403 2 +101011011001 Sarrat 2 +101011011001 overconcentration 3 +101011011001 psyching 3 +101011011001 wile 3 +101011011001 downwards 3 +101011011001 freaking 3 +101011011001 horsing 3 +101011011001 spool 3 +101011011001 35-year-olds 4 +101011011001 snoop 4 +101011011001 whiten 4 +101011011001 re-edit 4 +101011011001 harpoon 4 +101011011001 goop 4 +101011011001 daintily 4 +101011011001 less-obvious 4 +101011011001 preen 4 +101011011001 rustle 4 +101011011001 doze 4 +101011011001 pirouette 4 +101011011001 reseed 5 +101011011001 vanquish 5 +101011011001 cole 5 +101011011001 millstone 5 +101011011001 jell 5 +101011011001 twit 5 +101011011001 repent 6 +101011011001 hopscotch 7 +101011011001 weasel 7 +101011011001 squeak 8 +101011011001 nag 9 +101011011001 chow 9 +101011011001 drips 9 +101011011001 ooze 9 +101011011001 blare 10 +101011011001 scold 10 +101011011001 hollowing 10 +101011011001 bugle 11 +101011011001 corrode 11 +101011011001 ratchet 13 +101011011001 curl 14 +101011011001 claw 14 +101011011001 gallop 14 +101011011001 lash 15 +101011011001 shreds 16 +101011011001 trot 17 +101011011001 parrot 18 +101011011001 brood 19 +101011011001 wiggle 20 +101011011001 bitch 22 +101011011001 stash 23 +101011011001 dredge 23 +101011011001 prune 23 +101011011001 peel 24 +101011011001 graze 24 +101011011001 sock 26 +101011011001 bog 29 +101011011001 hum 29 +101011011001 jog 29 +101011011001 sip 32 +101011011001 skim 35 +101011011001 fork 35 +101011011001 flare 36 +101011011001 fudge 37 +101011011001 snuff 41 +101011011001 crank 41 +101011011001 reel 42 +101011011001 puff 44 +101011011001 chalk 46 +101011011001 jerk 51 +101011011001 tick 52 +101011011001 scoop 53 +101011011001 skid 56 +101011011001 hug 63 +101011011001 spit 63 +101011011001 rack 66 +101011011001 toss 68 +101011011001 boil 68 +101011011001 weed 81 +101011011001 pan 83 +101011011001 screw 83 +101011011001 dash 87 +101011011001 stumble 88 +101011011001 grind 96 +101011011001 sneak 96 +101011011001 cough 96 +101011011001 kiss 97 +101011011001 jam 104 +101011011001 disguise 113 +101011011001 whip 115 +101011011001 nail 116 +101011011001 flip 124 +101011011001 bend 131 +101011011001 wrap 131 +101011011001 cook 136 +101011011001 choke 137 +101011011001 hammer 153 +101011011001 wash 160 +101011011001 snap 184 +101011011001 bow 193 +101011011001 sweep 263 +101011011001 scare 276 +101011011001 kick 319 +101011011001 spell 379 +101011011001 bail 418 +101011011001 stretch 422 +101011011001 drag 426 +101011011001 lock 444 +101011011001 tie 628 +101011011001 feed 744 +101011011001 roll 757 +101011011001 wind 758 +101011011001 print 805 +101011011001 touch 811 +101011011001 turn 5389 +101011011001 check 1386 +101011011010 reenlistment-bonus 1 +101011011010 year-nearly 1 +101011011010 243-square-mile 1 +101011011010 Tranxene 1 +101011011010 inflation-racked 1 +101011011010 year-up 1 +101011011010 post-Victorian 1 +101011011010 541,252 1 +101011011010 DELIVERED 1 +101011011010 gay-pride 1 +101011011010 2,463 1 +101011011010 steel-driven 1 +101011011010 Zvesda 1 +101011011010 strike-truncated 1 +101011011010 120-block 1 +101011011010 calcium-added 1 +101011011010 up-down 1 +101011011010 yearand 1 +101011011010 300-foot-wide 1 +101011011010 book-hungry 1 +101011011010 lawyer-happy 1 +101011011010 peso-devalued 1 +101011011010 nowdays 1 +101011011010 Zarya 1 +101011011010 RECANT 1 +101011011010 now-ebbing 1 +101011011010 0.50-point 1 +101011011010 DEAD 1 +101011011010 drought-scorched 1 +101011011010 half-trashed 1 +101011011010 monthby 1 +101011011010 out-of-whack 1 +101011011010 tourist-rich 1 +101011011010 described. 1 +101011011010 STINGY 1 +101011011010 litter-free 1 +101011011010 unconquered 1 +101011011010 1,093 2 +101011011010 4,667 2 +101011011010 belt-tighten 2 +101011011010 malnourishment 2 +101011011010 matters. 2 +101011011010 decamp 2 +101011011010 impends 2 +101011011010 Mephistopheles 2 +101011011010 KH 2 +101011011010 zag 2 +101011011010 militates 3 +101011011010 257.28 3 +101011011010 twining 3 +101011011010 idiosyncrasy 4 +101011011010 2771.09 4 +101011011010 ALONE 4 +101011011010 glacier 7 +101011011010 shimmer 7 +101011011010 swerve 9 +101011011010 beckon 10 +101011011010 carp 11 +101011011010 fizzle 20 +101011011010 zoom 23 +101011011010 fester 24 +101011011010 gasp 29 +101011011010 sag 33 +101011011010 recede 38 +101011011010 wane 70 +101011011010 lapse 90 +101011011010 flourish 107 +101011011010 plummet 121 +101011011010 deteriorate 128 +101011011010 soar 276 +101011011010 resort 707 +101011011010 vary 797 +101011011010 fall 8417 +101011011010 climb 873 +101011011011 effectually 1 +101011011011 full-pension 1 +101011011011 three-dimensionally 1 +101011011011 horseflies 1 +101011011011 unoffensive 1 +101011011011 fang 1 +101011011011 tankersthat 1 +101011011011 ethic. 1 +101011011011 unbossed 1 +101011011011 pan-Germanism 1 +101011011011 close-outs 1 +101011011011 paddleball 1 +101011011011 Bismarck-for-a-day 1 +101011011011 Eponine 1 +101011011011 dogmas 1 +101011011011 shallots 1 +101011011011 anti-militarist 1 +101011011011 concentraion 1 +101011011011 January-to-January 1 +101011011011 waypoints 1 +101011011011 combinatorics 1 +101011011011 Caressed 1 +101011011011 fink 1 +101011011011 upstage/downstage 1 +101011011011 inoffensively 1 +101011011011 Bangkok-Rangoon 1 +101011011011 projector-slides 1 +101011011011 nationalisation 1 +101011011011 work-down 1 +101011011011 gay- 1 +101011011011 west-northwest 1 +101011011011 drug-information 1 +101011011011 situtation 1 +101011011011 high-market-share 2 +101011011011 1.5-volt 2 +101011011011 L-shape 2 +101011011011 174.67 2 +101011011011 marsupials 2 +101011011011 entwine 3 +101011011011 175.79 3 +101011011011 jelled 3 +101011011011 menaces 3 +101011011011 tieless 4 +101011011011 emptor 9 +101011011011 apnea 13 +101011011011 Sauvignon 17 +101011011011 buildups 20 +101011011011 inhalation 31 +101011011011 stoppages 52 +101011011011 stoppage 113 +101011011011 ethic 117 +101011011011 force 7981 +101011011011 mate 287 +101011011100 island-nations 1 +101011011100 smash-down 1 +101011011100 half-smoked 1 +101011011100 access-watch 1 +101011011100 land-trade 1 +101011011100 loan-creating 1 +101011011100 mega-biotech 1 +101011011100 fantasy-science 1 +101011011100 catchphrase 1 +101011011100 TV-screen 1 +101011011100 in-first 1 +101011011100 quarter-especially 1 +101011011100 divergency 1 +101011011100 biographythan 1 +101011011100 Malaysian-assembled 1 +101011011100 adjoin 1 +101011011100 meeting-date 1 +101011011100 ex-jock 1 +101011011100 semi-deliveries 1 +101011011100 Jell-o 1 +101011011100 test-dose 1 +101011011100 action-thriller 1 +101011011100 TENDS 1 +101011011100 day-an 1 +101011011100 appoached 1 +101011011100 controvery 1 +101011011100 foreign-security 1 +101011011100 year-half 1 +101011011100 export-order 1 +101011011100 single-beam 1 +101011011100 above-water 1 +101011011100 bowl-off 1 +101011011100 bear-turned-bull 1 +101011011100 Clamping 1 +101011011100 Sputniks 1 +101011011100 motorcycled 1 +101011011100 radio-listening 1 +101011011100 CTA 2 +101011011100 1043.73 2 +101011011100 header 3 +101011011100 three-pointer 3 +101011011100 issue. 3 +101011011100 250-stock 3 +101011011100 half-step 4 +101011011100 hurtle 4 +101011011100 wisecrack 4 +101011011100 stanza 5 +101011011100 delineation 6 +101011011100 clatter 6 +101011011100 cascades 8 +101011011100 flicker 16 +101011011100 rumble 23 +101011011100 gleam 24 +101011011100 entrant 35 +101011011100 volley 38 +101011011100 blush 40 +101011011100 rung 41 +101011011100 sketch 45 +101011011100 wrinkle 53 +101011011100 perk 64 +101011011100 salvo 72 +101011011100 tier 98 +101011011100 trickle 120 +101011011100 bang 129 +101011011100 glance 131 +101011011100 parcel 134 +101011011100 pile 223 +101011011100 twist 260 +101011011100 burst 316 +101011011100 feature 887 +101011011100 phase 955 +101011011100 section 1624 +101011011100 step 3936 +101011011100 sign 3348 +1010110111010 Zanthe 1 +1010110111010 Apteryx 1 +1010110111010 shutins 1 +1010110111010 turneth 1 +1010110111010 Formacel 1 +1010110111010 57mm 1 +1010110111010 Leponex 1 +1010110111010 proposal.While 1 +1010110111010 neck-deep 2 +1010110111010 Wiwili 2 +1010110111010 near-recession 2 +1010110111010 pseudoregulation 2 +1010110111010 punier 2 +1010110111010 twiddle 2 +1010110111010 truckstop 2 +1010110111010 infuence 2 +1010110111010 wignapping 3 +1010110111010 postulate 3 +1010110111010 yowl 3 +1010110111010 nonspecialists 3 +1010110111010 cold-shoulder 3 +1010110111010 hippopotamus 3 +1010110111010 furrow 3 +1010110111010 cuss 4 +1010110111010 CHART 4 +1010110111010 unbalance 5 +1010110111010 manuever 5 +1010110111010 turndown 8 +1010110111010 dab 10 +1010110111010 converse 11 +1010110111010 letup 12 +1010110111010 ballyhoo 13 +1010110111010 squirrel 14 +1010110111010 cinch 24 +1010110111010 rake 34 +1010110111010 reshuffle 49 +1010110111010 thaw 53 +1010110111010 blur 55 +1010110111010 reshuffling 61 +1010110111010 shuffle 91 +1010110111010 cave 99 +1010110111010 dent 132 +1010110111010 shift 1915 +1010110111010 change 11107 +1010110111010 delay 2200 +1010110111011 near-crisis 1 +1010110111011 drably 1 +1010110111011 largly 1 +1010110111011 screwdriver-turn 1 +1010110111011 marathon-length 1 +1010110111011 cartwheel 1 +1010110111011 foals 1 +1010110111011 ping-thunk 1 +1010110111011 stone's-throw 1 +1010110111011 mini-catalog 1 +1010110111011 earcup 1 +1010110111011 limo-length 1 +1010110111011 teleprompter 1 +1010110111011 non-PLAM 1 +1010110111011 microsociety 1 +1010110111011 exuberance.You 1 +1010110111011 impala 1 +1010110111011 neo-Malthusianism 1 +1010110111011 ryegrass 1 +1010110111011 6-day 1 +1010110111011 Zanzibar 2 +1010110111011 1,158 2 +1010110111011 pointillism 2 +1010110111011 Grind 2 +1010110111011 mickey 2 +1010110111011 short-cut 2 +1010110111011 Stealthie 2 +1010110111011 AJC 3 +1010110111011 spanner 3 +1010110111011 Know-It-All 3 +1010110111011 waddle 4 +1010110111011 grunting 5 +1010110111011 segue 6 +1010110111011 saunter 6 +1010110111011 portals 9 +1010110111011 wobble 11 +1010110111011 relapse 15 +1010110111011 detour 19 +1010110111011 sprint 21 +1010110111011 genie 23 +1010110111011 ram 32 +1010110111011 sop 33 +1010110111011 snowball 34 +1010110111011 dove 35 +1010110111011 trek 44 +1010110111011 query 45 +1010110111011 muddle 46 +1010110111011 lurch 48 +1010110111011 rebuff 53 +1010110111011 voyage 63 +1010110111011 crawl 81 +1010110111011 stampede 95 +1010110111011 nod 98 +1010110111011 tilt 149 +1010110111011 hurry 176 +1010110111011 hook 217 +1010110111011 drift 255 +1010110111011 march 326 +1010110111011 maneuver 326 +1010110111011 swing 555 +1010110111011 rush 777 +1010110111011 guide 850 +1010110111011 blow 920 +1010110111011 move 12908 +1010110111011 switch 1110 +101011011110 Meguro 1 +101011011110 ticket-use 1 +101011011110 remorselessly 1 +101011011110 rapid-deployment 1 +101011011110 6,000-strong 1 +101011011110 price/earning 1 +101011011110 federal-needs 1 +101011011110 105,000-strong 1 +101011011110 playwright-actor 1 +101011011110 sleazing 1 +101011011110 industry-stated 1 +101011011110 then-boss 1 +101011011110 all-number 1 +101011011110 rent-stabilization 1 +101011011110 basting 1 +101011011110 import-control 1 +101011011110 overdosing 2 +101011011110 kidders 2 +101011011110 190.02 2 +101011011110 dillydallied 2 +101011011110 1,102 2 +101011011110 DECWorld 2 +101011011110 936.41 2 +101011011110 druggy 2 +101011011110 1480.97 2 +101011011110 Kingaroy 2 +101011011110 biaotai 2 +101011011110 trade-bashing 2 +101011011110 twelfth 2 +101011011110 1526.32 2 +101011011110 1492.89 3 +101011011110 1443.28 3 +101011011110 1419.63 3 +101011011110 1428.17 3 +101011011110 21910.08 3 +101011011110 disinfection 3 +101011011110 3,460 3 +101011011110 764.71 3 +101011011110 853.79 3 +101011011110 2104.37 3 +101011011110 773.43 3 +101011011110 1498.76 3 +101011011110 sallying 3 +101011011110 non-book 4 +101011011110 3,070 4 +101011011110 1738.41 4 +101011011110 television-watching 4 +101011011110 grub 4 +101011011110 2,710 4 +101011011110 2,960 4 +101011011110 vipers 4 +101011011110 fettucine 5 +101011011110 consort 6 +101011011110 urinate 6 +101011011110 fouls 6 +101011011110 1,410 6 +101011011110 3,130 6 +101011011110 1,470 7 +101011011110 repose 7 +101011011110 1,990 7 +101011011110 work. 8 +101011011110 masquerade 11 +101011011110 Tahiti 12 +101011011110 sleuthing 12 +101011011110 featherbedding 13 +101011011110 knuckle 13 +101011011110 hoe 15 +101011011110 sparkle 27 +101011011110 toil 34 +101011011110 dole 35 +101011011110 rot 36 +101011011110 gaze 47 +101011011110 bark 49 +101011011110 bloom 65 +101011011110 flesh 125 +101011011110 sleep 393 +101011011110 work 18144 +101011011110 smoke 686 +1010110111110 434-XL 1 +1010110111110 Nibs 1 +1010110111110 Yell 2 +1010110111110 Mandarins 2 +1010110111110 Bortnik 2 +1010110111110 resume. 2 +1010110111110 prudishness 2 +1010110111110 king-making 2 +1010110111110 buttonhole 2 +1010110111110 AIF 3 +1010110111110 landmass 3 +1010110111110 ruggedness 3 +1010110111110 chump 3 +1010110111110 kneecap 3 +1010110111110 warble 3 +1010110111110 rhapsody 3 +1010110111110 openhanded 3 +1010110111110 alternator 4 +1010110111110 casebook 4 +1010110111110 intro 4 +1010110111110 sire 5 +1010110111110 chattel 6 +1010110111110 domicile 6 +1010110111110 pork-barreling 10 +1010110111110 rejoinder 15 +1010110111110 endorser 17 +1010110111110 snub 18 +1010110111110 shroud 19 +1010110111110 preface 24 +1010110111110 gerrymander 24 +1010110111110 flip-flop 29 +1010110111110 slant 34 +1010110111110 audition 41 +1010110111110 chant 53 +1010110111110 elbow 66 +1010110111110 brew 74 +1010110111110 endeavor 92 +1010110111110 flock 128 +1010110111110 instinct 147 +1010110111110 tack 152 +1010110111110 anchor 160 +1010110111110 reply 316 +1010110111110 shoulder 345 +1010110111110 pitch 500 +1010110111110 mandate 546 +1010110111110 label 587 +1010110111110 object 592 +1010110111110 arrest 637 +1010110111110 pledge 643 +1010110111110 visit 1984 +1010110111110 answer 2128 +1010110111110 challenge 2310 +1010110111110 appeal 3451 +1010110111110 approach 3553 +1010110111110 name 6750 +1010110111111 mini-playlet 1 +1010110111111 gooselike 1 +1010110111111 rank-and-filer 1 +1010110111111 juleping 1 +1010110111111 runtime 1 +1010110111111 chokehold 1 +1010110111111 cantina 1 +1010110111111 Snuffleupagus 1 +1010110111111 crypto-custodian 1 +1010110111111 whistle-like 1 +1010110111111 veejays 1 +1010110111111 dollar-limit 1 +1010110111111 sublimit 1 +1010110111111 seiche 1 +1010110111111 pixies 1 +1010110111111 57.8-cent 1 +1010110111111 kingpin/rapist 1 +1010110111111 tootles 1 +1010110111111 attitudinizing 1 +1010110111111 hyperfocus 1 +1010110111111 wobbler 1 +1010110111111 vote-count 1 +1010110111111 half-Boesky 1 +1010110111111 headlock 1 +1010110111111 airplane-boat 1 +1010110111111 postmortem 1 +1010110111111 Plod 1 +1010110111111 slat 1 +1010110111111 winger 1 +1010110111111 battle-cries 1 +1010110111111 cairn 1 +1010110111111 softy 1 +1010110111111 killer-rapist 1 +1010110111111 multiplications 1 +1010110111111 suns 1 +1010110111111 band-aid 1 +1010110111111 six-pounder 1 +1010110111111 moralizers 2 +1010110111111 Sextus 2 +1010110111111 emphases 2 +1010110111111 buss 2 +1010110111111 near-low 2 +1010110111111 fadeout 2 +1010110111111 run-and-gun 2 +1010110111111 tom 3 +1010110111111 pittances 3 +1010110111111 Gentiles 3 +1010110111111 deejay 3 +1010110111111 misidentification 3 +1010110111111 disquisition 4 +1010110111111 snitch 4 +1010110111111 blotters 4 +1010110111111 toot 5 +1010110111111 whitetail 6 +1010110111111 smudge 6 +1010110111111 knob 7 +1010110111111 learner 8 +1010110111111 primer 11 +1010110111111 peck 11 +1010110111111 bogey 12 +1010110111111 gorge 13 +1010110111111 splurge 14 +1010110111111 backstop 15 +1010110111111 demagogue 16 +1010110111111 hammerlock 16 +1010110111111 dissertation 19 +1010110111111 frown 21 +1010110111111 boomerang 22 +1010110111111 boomlet 23 +1010110111111 fixation 23 +1010110111111 near-monopoly 24 +1010110111111 blot 27 +1010110111111 putt 28 +1010110111111 clampdown 29 +1010110111111 blight 34 +1010110111111 treatise 34 +1010110111111 harp 41 +1010110111111 blink 42 +1010110111111 stranglehold 47 +1010110111111 damper 56 +1010110111111 roar 57 +1010110111111 counterattack 59 +1010110111111 filibuster 97 +1010110111111 sanction 120 +1010110111111 pinch 122 +1010110111111 lecture 142 +1010110111111 dive 159 +1010110111111 balloon 166 +1010110111111 bind 177 +1010110111111 lid 181 +1010110111111 stint 207 +1010110111111 pause 212 +1010110111111 prohibition 235 +1010110111111 revolt 239 +1010110111111 levy 284 +1010110111111 crackdown 355 +1010110111111 drain 367 +1010110111111 strain 371 +1010110111111 raid 372 +1010110111111 moratorium 490 +1010110111111 witness 536 +1010110111111 squeeze 610 +1010110111111 cap 686 +1010110111111 function 722 +1010110111111 freeze 889 +1010110111111 warrant 912 +1010110111111 count 1388 +1010110111111 seat 1681 +1010110111111 ban 1898 +1010110111111 vote 7406 +1010110111111 act 3601 +10101110 stickwork 1 +10101110 pre-natally 1 +10101110 business-holding 1 +10101110 masonry-and-glass 1 +10101110 market-players 1 +10101110 rip-out 1 +10101110 downticking 1 +10101110 horn-tooting 1 +10101110 contraire 1 +10101110 reportoire 1 +10101110 1.8978 1 +10101110 meliorism 1 +10101110 profit-spinner 1 +10101110 vocalizations 1 +10101110 slack. 1 +10101110 Oct.5 1 +10101110 head-lice 1 +10101110 caterwauls 1 +10101110 Menckenisms 1 +10101110 Pumpkinland 1 +10101110 Fisk-fan 1 +10101110 econo-boxes 1 +10101110 apercus 1 +10101110 sprirt 1 +10101110 +0.47 1 +10101110 Srejber 1 +10101110 schnozz 1 +10101110 Celebritys 1 +10101110 225.21 1 +10101110 falterings 1 +10101110 deism 1 +10101110 toe-firster 1 +10101110 taxi-seekers 1 +10101110 psycho-thriller 1 +10101110 statements. 1 +10101110 Tateho-type 1 +10101110 exgeneral 1 +10101110 naturel 1 +10101110 cross-references 1 +10101110 fertilizations 1 +10101110 dopeyness 1 +10101110 drainpipe 1 +10101110 issueswas 1 +10101110 despot. 1 +10101110 siestas 1 +10101110 3,362 1 +10101110 I.Q. 1 +10101110 frabjous 1 +10101110 nebulae 1 +10101110 tarding 1 +10101110 contritely 1 +10101110 focusings 1 +10101110 steel-and-wood 1 +10101110 breathers 1 +10101110 Marvellee 1 +10101110 trding 1 +10101110 riots. 1 +10101110 avenger 1 +10101110 retreat. 1 +10101110 couple. 1 +10101110 chattily 1 +10101110 REDUCTIONS 1 +10101110 bacchanalia 1 +10101110 strip-joint 1 +10101110 cash-posting 1 +10101110 508.3 1 +10101110 664.22 1 +10101110 4019.62 1 +10101110 inititated 1 +10101110 Quayle-backer 1 +10101110 6,024 1 +10101110 half-tablet 1 +10101110 sub-indexes 1 +10101110 profitmaker 1 +10101110 ejections 1 +10101110 sill 1 +10101110 tardive 1 +10101110 8,526,000 1 +10101110 pre-kindergartens 1 +10101110 3,864 2 +10101110 position-taking 2 +10101110 precipitator 2 +10101110 13-story 2 +10101110 program-selling 2 +10101110 mafioso 2 +10101110 coffeehouses 4 +10101110 trading 40735 +10101110 trading-related 11 +1010111100 yack 1 +1010111100 point-drops 1 +1010111100 Dictaphones 1 +1010111100 festoonery 1 +1010111100 volte-face 1 +1010111100 hard-blowing 1 +1010111100 spinster-hood 1 +1010111100 money-changer 1 +1010111100 385.01 1 +1010111100 writeback 1 +1010111100 least-traded 1 +1010111100 Cedarville 1 +1010111100 Pharoahs 1 +1010111100 Sub-Committee 1 +1010111100 noodled 1 +1010111100 71-cent 1 +1010111100 mostactive 1 +1010111100 531,417 1 +1010111100 85-pence 1 +1010111100 casino-resort 1 +1010111100 UPSWI 1 +1010111100 double-dealing 1 +1010111100 tattled 1 +1010111100 OGSWI 1 +1010111100 kabosh 1 +1010111100 Tandems 1 +1010111100 FOCUSING 1 +1010111100 not-so-fortunate 1 +1010111100 beer-sales 1 +1010111100 still-disputed 1 +1010111100 gladiolas 1 +1010111100 importuners 1 +1010111100 womp 1 +1010111100 aerators 1 +1010111100 3-to-3 1 +1010111100 still-stubborn 1 +1010111100 choke-hold 1 +1010111100 overstimulation 1 +1010111100 Observations 1 +1010111100 clamp-down 1 +1010111100 28000-barrier 1 +1010111100 beading 1 +1010111100 deal-of-a-lifetime 1 +1010111100 cottontails 1 +1010111100 feet-to-feet 1 +1010111100 retractor 1 +1010111100 DIVIDED 1 +1010111100 loop-the-loops 1 +1010111100 Wreckage 1 +1010111100 3783 1 +1010111100 l0-day 1 +1010111100 rail-straight 1 +1010111100 sturdiest 1 +1010111100 2100-level 1 +1010111100 2,227 1 +1010111100 teethmarks 1 +1010111100 fixate 2 +1010111100 welch 2 +1010111100 34-year-olds 2 +1010111100 non-interference 2 +1010111100 97.65 2 +1010111100 warlock 2 +1010111100 dote 2 +1010111100 kibosh 2 +1010111100 nosh 2 +1010111100 mid-1900s 3 +1010111100 Vaxes 4 +1010111100 backpedal 4 +1010111100 backtrack 6 +1010111100 Survive 6 +1010111100 Documenta 7 +1010111100 scrimp 7 +1010111100 encroach 10 +1010111100 eavesdrop 10 +1010111100 subsist 11 +1010111100 impinge 15 +1010111100 intercede 18 +1010111100 renege 42 +1010111100 embark 57 +1010111100 dwell 63 +1010111100 Heard 76 +1010111100 infringe 76 +1010111100 foreclose 80 +1010111100 hinge 80 +1010111100 capitalize 295 +1010111100 rely 802 +1010111100 depend 940 +1010111100 concentrate 1048 +1010111100 focus 3152 +1010111100 yield 7326 +1010111101 1,902.47 1 +1010111101 122.52 1 +1010111101 106.30 1 +1010111101 philosophize 1 +1010111101 136.90 1 +1010111101 233.92 1 +1010111101 137.93 1 +1010111101 25,528 1 +1010111101 261.00 1 +1010111101 1783.1 1 +1010111101 25288.12 1 +1010111101 316.75 1 +1010111101 136.21 1 +1010111101 442.42 1 +1010111101 1833.96 1 +1010111101 137.58 1 +1010111101 1309.3 1 +1010111101 22813.73 1 +1010111101 1867.56 1 +1010111101 22734.49 1 +1010111101 SBLI 1 +1010111101 1854.07 1 +1010111101 1,875.75 1 +1010111101 246.76 1 +1010111101 329.55 1 +1010111101 119.38 1 +1010111101 136.13 1 +1010111101 1855.73 1 +1010111101 cents-on-the-dollar 1 +1010111101 255.2 1 +1010111101 22531.60 1 +1010111101 59-year-olds 1 +1010111101 326,852 1 +1010111101 171.83 1 +1010111101 166.41 1 +1010111101 24176.40 1 +1010111101 barers 1 +1010111101 327,453 1 +1010111101 171.55 1 +1010111101 23870.86 1 +1010111101 172.89 1 +1010111101 1794.6 1 +1010111101 2297.4 1 +1010111101 2050.52 1 +1010111101 24465.48 1 +1010111101 self-finance 1 +1010111101 1751.6 1 +1010111101 306.86 1 +1010111101 twinning 1 +1010111101 24794.91 1 +1010111101 173.22 1 +1010111101 8,642 1 +1010111101 Case. 1 +1010111101 home-in 1 +1010111101 426.48 1 +1010111101 172.99 1 +1010111101 24509.41 1 +1010111101 24892.75 1 +1010111101 lawn-cutting 1 +1010111101 1772.5 1 +1010111101 25031.35 1 +1010111101 1684.1 1 +1010111101 1258.70 1 +1010111101 224.33 1 +1010111101 22202.56 1 +1010111101 2395.72 1 +1010111101 2558 1 +1010111101 319,670 1 +1010111101 2241.69 1 +1010111101 1802.77 1 +1010111101 1.7265 1 +1010111101 1241.10 1 +1010111101 22696.49 1 +1010111101 welsh 1 +1010111101 parkgoers 1 +1010111101 overorder 1 +1010111101 1841.38 1 +1010111101 130.31 1 +1010111101 1288.5 1 +1010111101 229.43 1 +1010111101 895.03 1 +1010111101 472.86 1 +1010111101 516.54 1 +1010111101 4303.42 1 +1010111101 2977.31 1 +1010111101 1550.4 1 +1010111101 1801.6 1 +1010111101 1439.2 1 +1010111101 258.16 1 +1010111101 Tiruchirapalli 1 +1010111101 282.25 1 +1010111101 120,686 1 +1010111101 2152.98 1 +1010111101 26366.74 1 +1010111101 227.12 1 +1010111101 24404.45 1 +1010111101 399.0 1 +1010111101 577.44 1 +1010111101 1527.3 1 +1010111101 294.50 1 +1010111101 327.50 1 +1010111101 281.97 1 +1010111101 1962.41 1 +1010111101 134.06 1 +1010111101 317.79 1 +1010111101 1290.0 1 +1010111101 Castro. 1 +1010111101 243.17 1 +1010111101 22418.37 1 +1010111101 1317.1 1 +1010111101 22600.31 1 +1010111101 1842.73 1 +1010111101 sacrifice. 1 +1010111101 2295 1 +1010111101 250.82 1 +1010111101 22765.04 1 +1010111101 1244.04 1 +1010111101 251.79 1 +1010111101 1723.7 1 +1010111101 141.81 1 +1010111101 1857.07 1 +1010111101 22793.58 1 +1010111101 synthesize. 1 +1010111101 326.18 1 +1010111101 22593.37 1 +1010111101 22795.02 1 +1010111101 320.13 1 +1010111101 1885.71 1 +1010111101 288.23 1 +1010111101 2116 1 +1010111101 25560.23 1 +1010111101 329.25 1 +1010111101 25344.34 1 +1010111101 668.02 1 +1010111101 1732.2 1 +1010111101 meetcha 1 +1010111101 19,532,497 1 +1010111101 1,203 1 +1010111101 669.50 1 +1010111101 25378.88 1 +1010111101 1764.0 1 +1010111101 362.87 1 +1010111101 186.76 1 +1010111101 2105.96 1 +1010111101 25494.01 1 +1010111101 clergywomen 1 +1010111101 24800.95 1 +1010111101 retrogress 1 +1010111101 1796.6 1 +1010111101 5,830 1 +1010111101 24658.23 1 +1010111101 1754.1 1 +1010111101 180.37 1 +1010111101 323.25 1 +1010111101 186.13 1 +1010111101 1772.6 1 +1010111101 185.70 1 +1010111101 southwesterly 1 +1010111101 329.45 1 +1010111101 328.00 1 +1010111101 1742.6 1 +1010111101 25119.70 1 +1010111101 sex-offenders 1 +1010111101 1583.9 1 +1010111101 1133 1 +1010111101 21,885 1 +1010111101 3583.33 1 +1010111101 435.6 1 +1010111101 1755.1 1 +1010111101 2163.50 1 +1010111101 361.02 1 +1010111101 454.79 1 +1010111101 1249.8 1 +1010111101 116.85 1 +1010111101 305.24 1 +1010111101 232.98 1 +1010111101 1857.59 1 +1010111101 22915.49 1 +1010111101 305.22 1 +1010111101 1847.04 1 +1010111101 22686.78 1 +1010111101 1250.9 1 +1010111101 2157.48 1 +1010111101 2158.21 1 +1010111101 CBS/Epic 1 +1010111101 116.96 1 +1010111101 25396.57 1 +1010111101 660.19 1 +1010111101 2129.31 1 +1010111101 25559.18 1 +1010111101 2164.97 1 +1010111101 335.90 1 +1010111101 447.95 1 +1010111101 184.38 1 +1010111101 187.04 1 +1010111101 1712.4 1 +1010111101 656.97 1 +1010111101 create. 1 +1010111101 1,127.5 1 +1010111101 6,130 1 +1010111101 2148.39 1 +1010111101 25643.39 1 +1010111101 1768.5 1 +1010111101 2161.24 1 +1010111101 1752.1 1 +1010111101 2225.1 1 +1010111101 186.27 1 +1010111101 re-formulate 1 +1010111101 2004.23 1 +1010111101 24003.61 1 +1010111101 175.70 1 +1010111101 1996.69 1 +1010111101 23983.45 1 +1010111101 314.59 1 +1010111101 4060 1 +1010111101 1995.54 1 +1010111101 23969.76 1 +1010111101 643.69 1 +1010111101 173.59 1 +1010111101 1290.06 1 +1010111101 1840.46 1 +1010111101 21,415.37 1 +1010111101 1991.8 1 +1010111101 1,576.6 1 +1010111101 2390.5 1 +1010111101 2346 1 +1010111101 437.1 1 +1010111101 23078.36 1 +1010111101 2400.7 1 +1010111101 1939.21 1 +1010111101 amalgamate 1 +1010111101 Kununurra 1 +1010111101 346.79 1 +1010111101 23755.90 1 +1010111101 1827.2 1 +1010111101 laneside 1 +1010111101 173.42 1 +1010111101 5690 1 +1010111101 2020.50 1 +1010111101 5580 1 +1010111101 1998.76 1 +1010111101 23931.53 1 +1010111101 697.2 1 +1010111101 24102.99 1 +1010111101 178.63 1 +1010111101 maneuvers. 1 +1010111101 24427.12 1 +1010111101 1874.4 1 +1010111101 24510.37 1 +1010111101 1788.6 1 +1010111101 178.54 1 +1010111101 360.31 1 +1010111101 178.07 1 +1010111101 24755.95 1 +1010111101 489.6 1 +1010111101 1815.1 1 +1010111101 hoofing 1 +1010111101 1918.19 1 +1010111101 23036.52 1 +1010111101 3677 1 +1010111101 2346.9 1 +1010111101 1832.4 1 +1010111101 3030 1 +1010111101 173.45 1 +1010111101 173.04 1 +1010111101 24385.82 1 +1010111101 175.24 1 +1010111101 277.95 1 +1010111101 174.47 1 +1010111101 24104.98 1 +1010111101 1834.2 1 +1010111101 300.00 1 +1010111101 153.23 1 +1010111101 384.48 1 +1010111101 7990.75 1 +1010111101 27727.96 1 +1010111101 G-rated 1 +1010111101 1455.8 1 +1010111101 27444.28 1 +1010111101 299.97 1 +1010111101 299.62 1 +1010111101 352.58 1 +1010111101 384.20 1 +1010111101 aflatoxin-contamination 1 +1010111101 27573.27 1 +1010111101 trill 1 +1010111101 382.75 1 +1010111101 107.59 1 +1010111101 298.40 1 +1010111101 151.64 1 +1010111101 382.22 1 +1010111101 27766.66 1 +1010111101 354.95 1 +1010111101 902,408 1 +1010111101 coment 1 +1010111101 298.74 1 +1010111101 27435.59 1 +1010111101 8613.82 1 +1010111101 357.65 1 +1010111101 1248.71 1 +1010111101 27843.95 1 +1010111101 2131.96 1 +1010111101 153.78 1 +1010111101 1231.51 1 +1010111101 298.87 1 +1010111101 152.03 1 +1010111101 354.11 1 +1010111101 289,570 1 +1010111101 19,297 1 +1010111101 27323.93 1 +1010111101 2,209 1 +1010111101 27341.38 1 +1010111101 302.04 1 +1010111101 155.34 1 +1010111101 157.32 1 +1010111101 34,771 1 +1010111101 2115 1 +1010111101 27241.30 1 +1010111101 2108.66 1 +1010111101 27324.90 1 +1010111101 glazings 1 +1010111101 303.27 1 +1010111101 155.87 1 +1010111101 2119.79 1 +1010111101 27240.52 1 +1010111101 2128.05 1 +1010111101 1510.9 1 +1010111101 UniMarts 1 +1010111101 351.57 1 +1010111101 156.81 1 +1010111101 non-judges 1 +1010111101 304.09 1 +1010111101 156.96 1 +1010111101 1261.63 1 +1010111101 301.14 1 +1010111101 385.15 1 +1010111101 351.25 1 +1010111101 385.28 1 +1010111101 reseal 1 +1010111101 301.91 1 +1010111101 154.77 1 +1010111101 167.28 1 +1010111101 1471.9 1 +1010111101 1814.3 1 +1010111101 2116.61 1 +1010111101 1257.94 1 +1010111101 303.77 1 +1010111101 156.77 1 +1010111101 6899.91 1 +1010111101 1487.2 1 +1010111101 2113.97 1 +1010111101 27632.60 1 +1010111101 2125.14 1 +1010111101 296.36 1 +1010111101 150.38 1 +1010111101 6,180 1 +1010111101 27407.81 1 +1010111101 2110.40 1 +1010111101 1426.0 1 +1010111101 1243.68 1 +1010111101 283.20 1 +1010111101 475.50 1 +1010111101 296.59 1 +1010111101 150.20 1 +1010111101 2129.64 1 +1010111101 296.67 1 +1010111101 5,710 1 +1010111101 297.00 1 +1010111101 non-racers 1 +1010111101 251.40 1 +1010111101 98.62 1 +1010111101 499.50 1 +1010111101 228.80 1 +1010111101 2134.81 1 +1010111101 27740.11 1 +1010111101 1398.5 1 +1010111101 nonteachers 1 +1010111101 wiremaking 1 +1010111101 294.91 1 +1010111101 148.66 1 +1010111101 2141.49 1 +1010111101 344.73 1 +1010111101 1581.6 1 +1010111101 295.05 1 +1010111101 148.55 1 +1010111101 1858.31 1 +1010111101 2137.08 1 +1010111101 376.55 1 +1010111101 294.80 1 +1010111101 148.29 1 +1010111101 2031.65 1 +1010111101 Gatlings 1 +1010111101 293.18 1 +1010111101 146.68 1 +1010111101 grubs 1 +1010111101 2093.20 1 +1010111101 27004.64 1 +1010111101 27472.59 1 +1010111101 2123.64 1 +1010111101 298.63 1 +1010111101 27799.09 1 +1010111101 384.10 1 +1010111101 27731.80 1 +1010111101 double-bill 1 +1010111101 352.22 1 +1010111101 297.67 1 +1010111101 151.92 1 +1010111101 384.86 1 +1010111101 384.91 1 +1010111101 298.97 1 +1010111101 152.64 1 +1010111101 295.7 1 +1010111101 1253.70 1 +1010111101 2108.55 1 +1010111101 298.35 1 +1010111101 152.13 1 +1010111101 296.79 1 +1010111101 151.15 1 +1010111101 35,583 1 +1010111101 7783.43 1 +1010111101 205.50 1 +1010111101 136.10 1 +1010111101 1409.8 1 +1010111101 1756.3 1 +1010111101 2147.38 1 +1010111101 350.83 1 +1010111101 151.60 1 +1010111101 383.85 1 +1010111101 non-paramedics 1 +1010111101 1831.6 1 +1010111101 self-betterment 1 +1010111101 2368.1 1 +1010111101 1851.3 1 +1010111101 2140.14 1 +1010111101 2048.45 1 +1010111101 24944.88 1 +1010111101 1811.9 1 +1010111101 2313.4 1 +1010111101 tomorrrow 1 +1010111101 333.20 1 +1010111101 2366 1 +1010111101 2136.61 1 +1010111101 26010.88 1 +1010111101 182.97 1 +1010111101 331.70 1 +1010111101 226.92 1 +1010111101 518.20 1 +1010111101 456.9 1 +1010111101 2368.3 1 +1010111101 2139.15 1 +1010111101 2247.6 1 +1010111101 338.80 1 +1010111101 191.80 1 +1010111101 28982.25 1 +1010111101 2234.15 1 +1010111101 148.96 1 +1010111101 337.91 1 +1010111101 289.59 1 +1010111101 nonemployees 1 +1010111101 1831.8 1 +1010111101 24866.06 1 +1010111101 31,290 1 +1010111101 33,931 1 +1010111101 3763.11 1 +1010111101 361.50 1 +1010111101 451.7 1 +1010111101 2352.4 1 +1010111101 2234.98 1 +1010111101 178.48 1 +1010111101 173.52 1 +1010111101 332.40 1 +1010111101 322.90 1 +1010111101 5,360 1 +1010111101 2156.17 1 +1010111101 26284.65 1 +1010111101 2338.5 1 +1010111101 overwrite 1 +1010111101 1858.2 1 +1010111101 2158.25 1 +1010111101 26338.77 1 +1010111101 337.04 1 +1010111101 166.64 1 +1010111101 2375.5 1 +1010111101 1866.9 1 +1010111101 2154.37 1 +1010111101 631.10 1 +1010111101 311.07 1 +1010111101 347.20 1 +1010111101 1834.7 1 +1010111101 2181.47 1 +1010111101 281.50 1 +1010111101 1812.9 1 +1010111101 26428.22 1 +1010111101 2167.3 1 +1010111101 670.50 1 +1010111101 1847.4 1 +1010111101 2161.69 1 +1010111101 seaward 1 +1010111101 176.02 1 +1010111101 171.26 1 +1010111101 2382.2 1 +1010111101 1872.3 1 +1010111101 2114.19 1 +1010111101 204.20 1 +1010111101 1873.7 1 +1010111101 2119.87 1 +1010111101 26018.33 1 +1010111101 Watergate. 1 +1010111101 333.80 1 +1010111101 344.90 1 +1010111101 180,080 1 +1010111101 253,098 1 +1010111101 1860.9 1 +1010111101 2108.33 1 +1010111101 25721.74 1 +1010111101 444.64 1 +1010111101 176.32 1 +1010111101 3936.13 1 +1010111101 1853.5 1 +1010111101 2121.29 1 +1010111101 25952.27 1 +1010111101 319.85 1 +1010111101 447.51 1 +1010111101 178.98 1 +1010111101 1858.3 1 +1010111101 2131.61 1 +1010111101 26088.97 1 +1010111101 3906.44 1 +1010111101 303.50 1 +1010111101 375.50 1 +1010111101 2367.9 1 +1010111101 senator. 1 +1010111101 2137.25 1 +1010111101 27733.10 1 +1010111101 shout. 1 +1010111101 382.79 1 +1010111101 1314.98 1 +1010111101 1858.4 1 +1010111101 352.70 1 +1010111101 385.19 1 +1010111101 303.44 1 +1010111101 158.37 1 +1010111101 542.5 1 +1010111101 300.64 1 +1010111101 2156.44 1 +1010111101 27982.54 1 +1010111101 299.56 1 +1010111101 156.98 1 +1010111101 2155.62 1 +1010111101 28013.67 1 +1010111101 546.50 1 +1010111101 758.50 1 +1010111101 1852.4 1 +1010111101 1501.7 1 +1010111101 300.95 1 +1010111101 156.94 1 +1010111101 1289.72 1 +1010111101 191,816 1 +1010111101 noncitizen 1 +1010111101 whites. 1 +1010111101 304.48 1 +1010111101 156.18 1 +1010111101 385.76 1 +1010111101 1512.5 1 +1010111101 2123.90 1 +1010111101 306.37 1 +1010111101 484.04 1 +1010111101 1293.72 1 +1010111101 2120.78 1 +1010111101 27421.49 1 +1010111101 304.38 1 +1010111101 158.87 1 +1010111101 122,468 1 +1010111101 27302.59 1 +1010111101 2111.24 1 +1010111101 304.95 1 +1010111101 158.85 1 +1010111101 387.23 1 +1010111101 1,486 1 +1010111101 294.04 1 +1010111101 294.63 1 +1010111101 154.09 1 +1010111101 1,683 1 +1010111101 347.50 1 +1010111101 1287.88 1 +1010111101 294.76 1 +1010111101 154.84 1 +1010111101 1277.30 1 +1010111101 less-than-masterpieces 1 +1010111101 289.40 1 +1010111101 28507.90 1 +1010111101 1874.80 1 +1010111101 381.78 1 +1010111101 take. 1 +1010111101 1589.5 1 +1010111101 157.08 1 +1010111101 349.19 1 +1010111101 1288.55 1 +1010111101 2150.29 1 +1010111101 27985.26 1 +1010111101 299.83 1 +1010111101 744.5 1 +1010111101 1271.13 1 +1010111101 27784.70 1 +1010111101 278.50 1 +1010111101 Hieselaar 1 +1010111101 1506.49 1 +1010111101 1278.4 1 +1010111101 267.89 1 +1010111101 24539.75 1 +1010111101 2134.26 1 +1010111101 1420 1 +1010111101 1265.9 1 +1010111101 1551.56 1 +1010111101 18623.95 1 +1010111101 1268.5 1 +1010111101 1546.91 1 +1010111101 24580.87 1 +1010111101 2146.4 1 +1010111101 616.24 1 +1010111101 2153.4 1 +1010111101 288.73 1 +1010111101 144.68 1 +1010111101 1532.26 1 +1010111101 163.61 1 +1010111101 2157.4 1 +1010111101 318.53 1 +1010111101 161.97 1 +1010111101 24433.65 1 +1010111101 1,766.65 1 +1010111101 142.39 1 +1010111101 1292.2 1 +1010111101 1507.51 1 +1010111101 1777.63 1 +1010111101 1980.2 1 +1010111101 161.41 1 +1010111101 248.21 1 +1010111101 159.05 1 +1010111101 1637.0 1 +1010111101 1566.03 1 +1010111101 1280.4 1 +1010111101 1568.51 1 +1010111101 restabilize 1 +1010111101 1860.72 1 +1010111101 142.87 1 +1010111101 1859.33 1 +1010111101 1611.5 1 +1010111101 265.36 1 +1010111101 142.57 1 +1010111101 1554.19 1 +1010111101 1275.5 1 +1010111101 225.17 1 +1010111101 162.72 1 +1010111101 266.78 1 +1010111101 143.59 1 +1010111101 monogamy. 1 +1010111101 blindfolds 1 +1010111101 1285.5 1 +1010111101 1553.54 1 +1010111101 18776.18 1 +1010111101 316.9 1 +1010111101 1284.7 1 +1010111101 1555.78 1 +1010111101 250.96 1 +1010111101 691,000 1 +1010111101 1547.13 1 +1010111101 320.0 1 +1010111101 1284.4 1 +1010111101 2149.96 1 +1010111101 1708.08 1 +1010111101 1731.60 1 +1010111101 19,550.21 1 +1010111101 1898.4 1 +1010111101 423.56 1 +1010111101 1828.6 1 +1010111101 1740.77 1 +1010111101 19,956.33 1 +1010111101 162.16 1 +1010111101 1742.12 1 +1010111101 1,805.61 1 +1010111101 1722.99 1 +1010111101 403.50 1 +1010111101 157.18 1 +1010111101 Russky-bashing 1 +1010111101 316.65 1 +1010111101 390.98 1 +1010111101 156.19 1 +1010111101 156.11 1 +1010111101 1417.51 1 +1010111101 26,209,590 1 +1010111101 4,045 1 +1010111101 1798.1 1 +1010111101 1731.73 1 +1010111101 understanding. 1 +1010111101 1812.1 1 +1010111101 1723.24 1 +1010111101 157.28 1 +1010111101 16,373 1 +1010111101 disenroll 1 +1010111101 1808.3 1 +1010111101 1758.34 1 +1010111101 20,048.35 1 +1010111101 20,072.09 1 +1010111101 397.18 1 +1010111101 1930.1 1 +1010111101 1762.87 1 +1010111101 317.66 1 +1010111101 417.03 1 +1010111101 162.76 1 +1010111101 1752.27 1 +1010111101 1961.5 1 +1010111101 violence. 1 +1010111101 1952.0 1 +1010111101 1736.72 1 +1010111101 Episcopalianism 1 +1010111101 161.38 1 +1010111101 161.12 1 +1010111101 157.58 1 +1010111101 1793.17 1 +1010111101 161.58 1 +1010111101 423.91 1 +1010111101 321.75 1 +1010111101 1895.8 1 +1010111101 1743.44 1 +1010111101 319.0 1 +1010111101 1878.6 1 +1010111101 3703.93 1 +1010111101 158.47 1 +1010111101 1733.75 1 +1010111101 1874.9 1 +1010111101 162.48 1 +1010111101 1710.57 1 +1010111101 159.56 1 +1010111101 1698.72 1 +1010111101 1898.1 1 +1010111101 1712.52 1 +1010111101 418.16 1 +1010111101 287.19 1 +1010111101 4890 1 +1010111101 2193.75 1 +1010111101 293.07 1 +1010111101 1940.2 1 +1010111101 23886.10 1 +1010111101 spectate 1 +1010111101 grandmothers-to-be 1 +1010111101 164.70 1 +1010111101 334.72 1 +1010111101 1955.7 1 +1010111101 417.43 1 +1010111101 162.23 1 +1010111101 24363.19 1 +1010111101 overtrade 1 +1010111101 2155.17 1 +1010111101 3410 1 +1010111101 2790 1 +1010111101 1680.5 1 +1010111101 20,563 1 +1010111101 46,195 1 +1010111101 1949.4 1 +1010111101 2141.19 1 +1010111101 234.79 1 +1010111101 1922.2 1 +1010111101 447.89 1 +1010111101 286.91 1 +1010111101 1670.4 1 +1010111101 24535.85 1 +1010111101 2179.78 1 +1010111101 219.24 1 +1010111101 2174.88 1 +1010111101 23,895.22 1 +1010111101 non-exercisers 1 +1010111101 GermaniaBank 1 +1010111101 421.91 1 +1010111101 2171.97 1 +1010111101 417.73 1 +1010111101 dollar-debt 1 +1010111101 162.86 1 +1010111101 221.74 1 +1010111101 166.47 1 +1010111101 163.22 1 +1010111101 23274.83 1 +1010111101 166.34 1 +1010111101 296.30 1 +1010111101 2065.1 1 +1010111101 453.0 1 +1010111101 1580.9 1 +1010111101 1,004.5 1 +1010111101 2077.9 1 +1010111101 3,672 1 +1010111101 24207.55 1 +1010111101 159.27 1 +1010111101 1986.6 1 +1010111101 23072.41 1 +1010111101 1304.21 1 +1010111101 2235.37 1 +1010111101 1968.6 1 +1010111101 24024.61 1 +1010111101 1658.7 1 +1010111101 24589.23 1 +1010111101 2022.1 1 +1010111101 2086.5 1 +1010111101 1005.5 1 +1010111101 2038.6 1 +1010111101 160.94 1 +1010111101 640,396 1 +1010111101 166.13 1 +1010111101 282.51 1 +1010111101 428.34 1 +1010111101 166.04 1 +1010111101 criticsm 1 +1010111101 1558.0 1 +1010111101 165.89 1 +1010111101 157.02 1 +1010111101 406.57 1 +1010111101 1577.1 1 +1010111101 8,520 1 +1010111101 157.93 1 +1010111101 170.20 1 +1010111101 166.76 1 +1010111101 24077.88 1 +1010111101 2122.1 1 +1010111101 1567.6 1 +1010111101 28,100 1 +1010111101 158.07 1 +1010111101 1623.0 1 +1010111101 1860.16 1 +1010111101 24,430 1 +1010111101 1869.51 1 +1010111101 170.77 1 +1010111101 170.50 1 +1010111101 1.5905 1 +1010111101 3110 1 +1010111101 23754.01 1 +1010111101 2073.34 1 +1010111101 wages. 1 +1010111101 290.40 1 +1010111101 164.56 1 +1010111101 168.37 1 +1010111101 2054.91 1 +1010111101 24651.44 1 +1010111101 2169.45 1 +1010111101 215.33 1 +1010111101 162.14 1 +1010111101 4040 1 +1010111101 4,010 1 +1010111101 1981.44 1 +1010111101 2032.54 1 +1010111101 165.76 1 +1010111101 161.03 1 +1010111101 1917.1 1 +1010111101 483.8 1 +1010111101 2017.24 1 +1010111101 7,674 1 +1010111101 Odetta 1 +1010111101 7,708 1 +1010111101 Transylvanians 1 +1010111101 1564.5 1 +1010111101 1942.07 1 +1010111101 168.35 1 +1010111101 Westerners. 1 +1010111101 785.50 1 +1010111101 281.80 1 +1010111101 287.20 1 +1010111101 1933.31 1 +1010111101 170.96 1 +1010111101 1558.6 1 +1010111101 1961.92 1 +1010111101 nontransferability 1 +1010111101 2178.79 1 +1010111101 2460 1 +1010111101 2189.7 1 +1010111101 1691.6 1 +1010111101 166.09 1 +1010111101 230.88 1 +1010111101 161.45 1 +1010111101 24298.98 1 +1010111101 3450 1 +1010111101 4030 1 +1010111101 2729.55 1 +1010111101 25379.88 1 +1010111101 421.67 1 +1010111101 167.38 1 +1010111101 167.13 1 +1010111101 168.24 1 +1010111101 229.79 1 +1010111101 armaments. 1 +1010111101 1752.2 1 +1010111101 1,656,671 1 +1010111101 225.81 1 +1010111101 1803.08 1 +1010111101 24,902.63 1 +1010111101 162.77 1 +1010111101 1730.7 1 +1010111101 1712.1 1 +1010111101 166.15 1 +1010111101 293.45 1 +1010111101 31,552 1 +1010111101 15,129 1 +1010111101 171,831 1 +1010111101 165.27 1 +1010111101 Rice-A-Roni 1 +1010111101 518.25 1 +1010111101 180.12 1 +1010111101 26655.07 1 +1010111101 1763.2 1 +1010111101 4,790 1 +1010111101 2139.47 1 +1010111101 181.21 1 +1010111101 341.50 1 +1010111101 2154.26 1 +1010111101 3797 1 +1010111101 368.00 1 +1010111101 2153.20 1 +1010111101 175.59 1 +1010111101 179.34 1 +1010111101 1586.4 1 +1010111101 2110.38 1 +1010111101 101.04 1 +1010111101 102.49 1 +1010111101 452.8 1 +1010111101 1774.5 1 +1010111101 25738.86 1 +1010111101 25756.44 1 +1010111101 1786.6 1 +1010111101 survive. 1 +1010111101 169.85 1 +1010111101 2255.67 1 +1010111101 25894.27 1 +1010111101 170.60 1 +1010111101 302.69 1 +1010111101 171.84 1 +1010111101 184.45 1 +1010111101 Guildford 1 +1010111101 1857.23 1 +1010111101 23035.81 1 +1010111101 MiG-21s 1 +1010111101 non-delegates 1 +1010111101 233.57 1 +1010111101 1,855.44 1 +1010111101 235.05 1 +1010111101 5,130 1 +1010111101 1879.21 1 +1010111101 23280.84 1 +1010111101 379.80 1 +1010111101 109.50 1 +1010111101 376.50 1 +1010111101 1844.55 1 +1010111101 22846.73 1 +1010111101 nonmembers. 1 +1010111101 318.72 1 +1010111101 312.68 1 +1010111101 628.50 1 +1010111101 1837.03 1 +1010111101 22819.42 1 +1010111101 1312.4 1 +1010111101 215.50 1 +1010111101 250.40 1 +1010111101 252.60 1 +1010111101 1845.39 1 +1010111101 314.22 1 +1010111101 309.36 1 +1010111101 1848.02 1 +1010111101 298.75 1 +1010111101 stall. 1 +1010111101 1857.54 1 +1010111101 22948.34 1 +1010111101 220.50 1 +1010111101 223.80 1 +1010111101 5,190 1 +1010111101 1578 1 +1010111101 1226.75 1 +1010111101 Rob. 1 +1010111101 1856.40 1 +1010111101 22885.70 1 +1010111101 1,842.24 1 +1010111101 116.57 1 +1010111101 375.10 1 +1010111101 1598.4 1 +1010111101 1279.3 1 +1010111101 1833.13 1 +1010111101 22586.52 1 +1010111101 165.31 1 +1010111101 110,330 1 +1010111101 59,650,000 1 +1010111101 Bermudan-flag 1 +1010111101 recommend. 1 +1010111101 20936.95 1 +1010111101 1571.4 1 +1010111101 263.80 1 +1010111101 1829.68 1 +1010111101 354.49 1 +1010111101 325.53 1 +1010111101 Photocarcinogenesis 1 +1010111101 1377.8 1 +1010111101 22977.75 1 +1010111101 1833.48 1 +1010111101 22826.97 1 +1010111101 326.85 1 +1010111101 Balcic 1 +1010111101 1844.26 1 +1010111101 22899.83 1 +1010111101 327.30 1 +1010111101 1825.46 1 +1010111101 1819.23 1 +1010111101 22693.85 1 +1010111101 165.96 1 +1010111101 meatcutters 1 +1010111101 1840.44 1 +1010111101 22956.84 1 +1010111101 1976-1986 1 +1010111101 1582.48 1 +1010111101 1372.5 1 +1010111101 148.39 1 +1010111101 folde-rol 1 +1010111101 149.31 1 +1010111101 1582.44 1 +1010111101 ex-Dodgers 1 +1010111101 1587.74 1 +1010111101 18842.37 1 +1010111101 110,661 1 +1010111101 1557.46 1 +1010111101 18544.05 1 +1010111101 1591.57 1 +1010111101 18784.27 1 +1010111101 1389.0 1 +1010111101 389.95 1 +1010111101 150.58 1 +1010111101 coleus 1 +1010111101 1568.90 1 +1010111101 287.73 1 +1010111101 386.40 1 +1010111101 149.14 1 +1010111101 1320.2 1 +1010111101 138.58 1 +1010111101 1308.6 1 +1010111101 278.86 1 +1010111101 372.49 1 +1010111101 21,734 1 +1010111101 1334.3 1 +1010111101 1593.62 1 +1010111101 1322.8 1 +1010111101 1575.31 1 +1010111101 1,746 1 +1010111101 L'Oiseau-Lyre 1 +1010111101 1775.9 1 +1010111101 1673.82 1 +1010111101 double-parking 1 +1010111101 pontification 1 +1010111101 30,634 1 +1010111101 endusers 1 +1010111101 153,064 1 +1010111101 1677.12 1 +1010111101 328.0 1 +1010111101 1761.6 1 +1010111101 1673.63 1 +1010111101 393.17 1 +1010111101 1697.69 1 +1010111101 155.85 1 +1010111101 1702.96 1 +1010111101 279,200 1 +1010111101 153.63 1 +1010111101 165.41 1 +1010111101 429.00 1 +1010111101 329.47 1 +1010111101 87,460 1 +1010111101 1406.9 1 +1010111101 1602 1 +1010111101 U.S.-newspaper 1 +1010111101 392.57 1 +1010111101 392.06 1 +1010111101 152.90 1 +1010111101 392.59 1 +1010111101 alliteration 1 +1010111101 333.0 1 +1010111101 1403.0 1 +1010111101 1639.53 1 +1010111101 19149.63 1 +1010111101 1397.0 1 +1010111101 1654.37 1 +1010111101 Apshai 1 +1010111101 2061.71 1 +1010111101 24967.73 1 +1010111101 1,727 1 +1010111101 2279.8 1 +1010111101 176.48 1 +1010111101 317.80 1 +1010111101 336.90 1 +1010111101 177.98 1 +1010111101 22,351 1 +1010111101 10,220 1 +1010111101 697.80 1 +1010111101 305.50 1 +1010111101 tie-breakers 1 +1010111101 2044.67 1 +1010111101 24844.84 1 +1010111101 1833.2 1 +1010111101 1821.45 1 +1010111101 2038.79 1 +1010111101 24912.42 1 +1010111101 1837.3 1 +1010111101 1973.7 1 +1010111101 1576.3 1 +1010111101 436.01 1 +1010111101 693.99 1 +1010111101 2051.22 1 +1010111101 24855.31 1 +1010111101 2304.5 1 +1010111101 2249.1 1 +1010111101 443.48 1 +1010111101 177.46 1 +1010111101 bargain-hunt 1 +1010111101 humpburger 1 +1010111101 2082.10 1 +1010111101 25204.09 1 +1010111101 313.92 1 +1010111101 1788.5 1 +1010111101 25,004.09 1 +1010111101 2052.49 1 +1010111101 24828.27 1 +1010111101 non-ambulatory 1 +1010111101 2065.57 1 +1010111101 24954.02 1 +1010111101 180.02 1 +1010111101 2048.96 1 +1010111101 24795.24 1 +1010111101 448.9 1 +1010111101 1196 1 +1010111101 1559.73 1 +1010111101 247.40 1 +1010111101 1566.66 1 +1010111101 140.72 1 +1010111101 1294.7 1 +1010111101 139.12 1 +1010111101 10,369 1 +1010111101 1557.41 1 +1010111101 18774.26 1 +1010111101 1556.37 1 +1010111101 18701.30 1 +1010111101 21,123.10 1 +1010111101 1817.26 1 +1010111101 21,105.85 1 +1010111101 1816.69 1 +1010111101 164.25 1 +1010111101 141.56 1 +1010111101 1279.6 1 +1010111101 1574.49 1 +1010111101 1276.1 1 +1010111101 1563.23 1 +1010111101 313.25 1 +1010111101 1272.1 1 +1010111101 1569.07 1 +1010111101 defect. 1 +1010111101 1270.6 1 +1010111101 1552.27 1 +1010111101 bodybuilders 1 +1010111101 2170.33 1 +1010111101 140.34 1 +1010111101 368.51 1 +1010111101 341.25 1 +1010111101 McSpaghetti 1 +1010111101 2164.43 1 +1010111101 296.96 1 +1010111101 467.19 1 +1010111101 442.92 1 +1010111101 34678.17 1 +1010111101 34607.41 1 +1010111101 10011.2 1 +1010111101 1926.94 1 +1010111101 299.99 1 +1010111101 317.96 1 +1010111101 344.97 1 +1010111101 2180.47 1 +1010111101 2185.77 1 +1010111101 27489.31 1 +1010111101 27412.25 1 +1010111101 1924.87 1 +1010111101 34699.28 1 +1010111101 141.63 1 +1010111101 34745.02 1 +1010111101 255.10 1 +1010111101 34857.60 1 +1010111101 1435.5 1 +1010111101 2202.83 1 +1010111101 466.75 1 +1010111101 441.64 1 +1010111101 292.79 1 +1010111101 251.35 1 +1010111101 462.85 1 +1010111101 2200.06 1 +1010111101 678,109 1 +1010111101 2182.22 1 +1010111101 27468.31 1 +1010111101 107,266 1 +1010111101 381.67 1 +1010111101 330.17 1 +1010111101 11-to-one 1 +1010111101 1387.1 1 +1010111101 23791.19 1 +1010111101 3,783 1 +1010111101 19,882 1 +1010111101 148.33 1 +1010111101 2,808 1 +1010111101 nonrenewal 1 +1010111101 466.92 1 +1010111101 444.01 1 +1010111101 399.26 1 +1010111101 469.33 1 +1010111101 24344.51 1 +1010111101 351.84 1 +1010111101 survivability. 1 +1010111101 237.50 1 +1010111101 2189.42 1 +1010111101 1,500-meters 1 +1010111101 301.45 1 +1010111101 148.93 1 +1010111101 34482.70 1 +1010111101 2,631,800 1 +1010111101 gweilos 1 +1010111101 364.76 1 +1010111101 386.15 1 +1010111101 348.80 1 +1010111101 18,388 1 +1010111101 1806.7 1 +1010111101 24,207.47 1 +1010111101 148.94 1 +1010111101 195.27 1 +1010111101 2176.38 1 +1010111101 1386.9 1 +1010111101 1981.70 1 +1010111101 462.97 1 +1010111101 534.74 1 +1010111101 553.72 1 +1010111101 weather-forecasting 1 +1010111101 681,862 1 +1010111101 132,754 1 +1010111101 54,248 1 +1010111101 302.54 1 +1010111101 34690.29 1 +1010111101 34470.58 1 +1010111101 194.47 1 +1010111101 2,577.92 1 +1010111101 8,530 1 +1010111101 1368.4 1 +1010111101 1718.5 1 +1010111101 1933.88 1 +1010111101 1443.2 1 +1010111101 210.40 1 +1010111101 238.70 1 +1010111101 509.50 1 +1010111101 242.40 1 +1010111101 1438.1 1 +1010111101 302.39 1 +1010111101 146.51 1 +1010111101 8527 1 +1010111101 144.24 1 +1010111101 488.56 1 +1010111101 464.33 1 +1010111101 302.46 1 +1010111101 147.83 1 +1010111101 379.14 1 +1010111101 372.80 1 +1010111101 34499.90 1 +1010111101 346.47 1 +1010111101 439.20 1 +1010111101 382.23 1 +1010111101 2213.08 1 +1010111101 237.90 1 +1010111101 explore. 1 +1010111101 350.50 1 +1010111101 325.91 1 +1010111101 1381.0 1 +1010111101 148.57 1 +1010111101 303.22 1 +1010111101 458.36 1 +1010111101 1882.75 1 +1010111101 259.52 1 +1010111101 321.06 1 +1010111101 430.77 1 +1010111101 456.97 1 +1010111101 301.94 1 +1010111101 339.95 1 +1010111101 190.38 1 +1010111101 377.70 1 +1010111101 191.84 1 +1010111101 1912.28 1 +1010111101 253.08 1 +1010111101 1232.44 1 +1010111101 299.08 1 +1010111101 434.98 1 +1010111101 532.83 1 +1010111101 459.37 1 +1010111101 298.29 1 +1010111101 150.34 1 +1010111101 2151.17 1 +1010111101 315.31 1 +1010111101 relieve. 1 +1010111101 pain/discomfort 1 +1010111101 run. 1 +1010111101 mid1984 1 +1010111101 1975.9 1 +1010111101 2644.02 1 +1010111101 34893.28 1 +1010111101 369.75 1 +1010111101 141.51 1 +1010111101 country-gone-to-meeting 1 +1010111101 365.55 1 +1010111101 397.92 1 +1010111101 1243.04 1 +1010111101 152.36 1 +1010111101 189.97 1 +1010111101 376.58 1 +1010111101 1881.71 1 +1010111101 27920.36 1 +1010111101 2199.92 1 +1010111101 49,047 1 +1010111101 375.86 1 +1010111101 190.11 1 +1010111101 1418.0 1 +1010111101 1767.3 1 +1010111101 1896.95 1 +1010111101 2182.53 1 +1010111101 Baby-Boomers 1 +1010111101 344.23 1 +1010111101 381.40 1 +1010111101 2185.18 1 +1010111101 363.8 1 +1010111101 2183.79 1 +1010111101 35079.63 1 +1010111101 2643.20 1 +1010111101 187.30 1 +1010111101 2,767,700 1 +1010111101 35114.35 1 +1010111101 2153.12 1 +1010111101 290.68 1 +1010111101 143.61 1 +1010111101 0.008080 1 +1010111101 elabore 1 +1010111101 2158.22 1 +1010111101 2152.39 1 +1010111101 533.62 1 +1010111101 eternity. 1 +1010111101 552.08 1 +1010111101 17,193 1 +1010111101 194.79 1 +1010111101 503.5 1 +1010111101 27508.77 1 +1010111101 2170.31 1 +1010111101 Cuba. 1 +1010111101 605,332 1 +1010111101 6,090,893 1 +1010111101 30,260,545 1 +1010111101 291.79 1 +1010111101 1910.81 1 +1010111101 1981.0 1 +1010111101 34710.81 1 +1010111101 169.37 1 +1010111101 2165.87 1 +1010111101 1977.9 1 +1010111101 zookeepers 1 +1010111101 449.12 1 +1010111101 non-partners 1 +1010111101 2128.58 1 +1010111101 294.19 1 +1010111101 overflights. 1 +1010111101 148.04 1 +1010111101 self-achievement 1 +1010111101 346.20 1 +1010111101 402.46 1 +1010111101 143.33 1 +1010111101 1925.83 1 +1010111101 292.06 1 +1010111101 2151.38 1 +1010111101 27428.24 1 +1010111101 moteliers-turned-developers 1 +1010111101 107.03 1 +1010111101 290.58 1 +1010111101 143.77 1 +1010111101 1489.3 1 +1010111101 34808.05 1 +1010111101 463.01 1 +1010111101 34951.62 1 +1010111101 367.29 1 +1010111101 458.31 1 +1010111101 380.09 1 +1010111101 358.49 1 +1010111101 391.92 1 +1010111101 widen. 1 +1010111101 446.47 1 +1010111101 111,380 1 +1010111101 105,307 1 +1010111101 67,374 1 +1010111101 439.44 1 +1010111101 39,346 1 +1010111101 349.53 1 +1010111101 lobby. 1 +1010111101 30,377 1 +1010111101 24,419 1 +1010111101 2121.64 1 +1010111101 144.94 1 +1010111101 186.10 1 +1010111101 1462.7 1 +1010111101 370.12 1 +1010111101 390.96 1 +1010111101 Bogie 1 +1010111101 382.43 1 +1010111101 193.30 1 +1010111101 34113.66 1 +1010111101 695.5 1 +1010111101 34217.55 1 +1010111101 2127.40 1 +1010111101 360.03 1 +1010111101 gobblers 1 +1010111101 3033.33 1 +1010111101 34732.21 1 +1010111101 378.48 1 +1010111101 34828.19 1 +1010111101 graffiti-writing 1 +1010111101 2077.84 1 +1010111101 1423.7 1 +1010111101 Europeanism 1 +1010111101 1405.6 1 +1010111101 383.19 1 +1010111101 34877.74 1 +1010111101 governer 1 +1010111101 2147.90 1 +1010111101 739.54 1 +1010111101 442.40 1 +1010111101 468.73 1 +1010111101 463.54 1 +1010111101 443.92 1 +1010111101 455.04 1 +1010111101 471.31 1 +1010111101 468.66 1 +1010111101 25320.72 1 +1010111101 1408.3 1 +1010111101 2078.07 1 +1010111101 ex-congressmen 1 +1010111101 discretion. 1 +1010111101 2097.29 1 +1010111101 ex-strongmen 1 +1010111101 388.77 1 +1010111101 1449.9 1 +1010111101 192.29 1 +1010111101 358.42 1 +1010111101 439.27 1 +1010111101 719.39 1 +1010111101 452.48 1 +1010111101 150.53 1 +1010111101 92.55 1 +1010111101 2074.52 1 +1010111101 philosopher-king 1 +1010111101 190.95 1 +1010111101 2104.33 1 +1010111101 stay. 1 +1010111101 34309.32 1 +1010111101 464.77 1 +1010111101 444.82 1 +1010111101 468.78 1 +1010111101 near-madness 1 +1010111101 1296.03 1 +1010111101 393.72 1 +1010111101 457.94 1 +1010111101 narcotraffic 1 +1010111101 372.01 1 +1010111101 363.65 1 +1010111101 394.38 1 +1010111101 allow. 1 +1010111101 470.42 1 +1010111101 1463.6 1 +1010111101 2106.20 1 +1010111101 2,781,000 1 +1010111101 855,171 1 +1010111101 468.57 1 +1010111101 445.92 1 +1010111101 127,549 1 +1010111101 nonconformists 1 +1010111101 3.0838 1 +1010111101 473.14 1 +1010111101 444.04 1 +1010111101 388.71 1 +1010111101 356.63 1 +1010111101 425.51 1 +1010111101 452.04 1 +1010111101 knowledge-intensity 1 +1010111101 34332.88 1 +1010111101 34314.50 1 +1010111101 193.88 1 +1010111101 382.82 1 +1010111101 471.86 1 +1010111101 448.65 1 +1010111101 468.68 1 +1010111101 388,312 1 +1010111101 2031.90 1 +1010111101 1382.6 1 +1010111101 26663.55 1 +1010111101 2155.29 1 +1010111101 34483.78 1 +1010111101 378.83 1 +1010111101 146.17 1 +1010111101 375.11 1 +1010111101 360.77 1 +1010111101 464.11 1 +1010111101 mega-cases 1 +1010111101 470.48 1 +1010111101 447.16 1 +1010111101 468.26 1 +1010111101 743.10 1 +1010111101 esq 1 +1010111101 34416.44 1 +1010111101 34441.95 1 +1010111101 2187.78 1 +1010111101 26993.64 1 +1010111101 2038.56 1 +1010111101 346.67 1 +1010111101 2173.80 1 +1010111101 2193.95 1 +1010111101 340.40 1 +1010111101 1996.24 1 +1010111101 27231.84 1 +1010111101 34548.96 1 +1010111101 357.45 1 +1010111101 320.60 1 +1010111101 190.22 1 +1010111101 unlearn 1 +1010111101 375.35 1 +1010111101 443.87 1 +1010111101 463.86 1 +1010111101 447.03 1 +1010111101 468.28 1 +1010111101 1786.8 1 +1010111101 471.34 1 +1010111101 383.99 1 +1010111101 2162.46 1 +1010111101 26859.00 1 +1010111101 2152.93 1 +1010111101 26828.16 1 +1010111101 29,290,579 1 +1010111101 sigificance 1 +1010111101 145.24 1 +1010111101 296.71 1 +1010111101 non-problems 1 +1010111101 358.41 1 +1010111101 355.63 1 +1010111101 383.96 1 +1010111101 2014.82 1 +1010111101 196.37 1 +1010111101 381.63 1 +1010111101 345.79 1 +1010111101 146.29 1 +1010111101 2136.02 1 +1010111101 1633.55 1 +1010111101 451.12 1 +1010111101 145.17 1 +1010111101 455.36 1 +1010111101 371.89 1 +1010111101 739.05 1 +1010111101 443.34 1 +1010111101 149.76 1 +1010111101 297.58 1 +1010111101 2150.1 1 +1010111101 191.38 1 +1010111101 387.17 1 +1010111101 2071.93 1 +1010111101 382.87 1 +1010111101 1782.4 1 +1010111101 credits. 1 +1010111101 375.81 1 +1010111101 448.77 1 +1010111101 bountyhunters 1 +1010111101 34898.46 1 +1010111101 17,288 1 +1010111101 34243.06 1 +1010111101 2142.93 1 +1010111101 worsen. 1 +1010111101 382.52 1 +1010111101 359.88 1 +1010111101 luxury. 1 +1010111101 303.69 1 +1010111101 235.96 1 +1010111101 152.47 1 +1010111101 366.07 1 +1010111101 23,555 1 +1010111101 2183.58 1 +1010111101 2045.92 1 +1010111101 26950.11 1 +1010111101 2182.02 1 +1010111101 12,629,143 1 +1010111101 153.19 1 +1010111101 394.56 1 +1010111101 272.55 1 +1010111101 265.02 1 +1010111101 299.38 1 +1010111101 32,673 1 +1010111101 150.28 1 +1010111101 60,545 1 +1010111101 minihockey 1 +1010111101 287,887 1 +1010111101 438.57 1 +1010111101 30,968 1 +1010111101 142.63 1 +1010111101 25050.47 1 +1010111101 2050.29 1 +1010111101 Comm 1 +1010111101 113,811 1 +1010111101 6,220 1 +1010111101 354.66 1 +1010111101 1779.7 1 +1010111101 2173.46 1 +1010111101 34198.10 1 +1010111101 148.54 1 +1010111101 26748.89 1 +1010111101 34472.54 1 +1010111101 2188.56 1 +1010111101 27856.42 1 +1010111101 457.14 1 +1010111101 354.74 1 +1010111101 192.41 1 +1010111101 crash-land 1 +1010111101 politics-as-usual 1 +1010111101 302.85 1 +1010111101 2195.84 1 +1010111101 28002.42 1 +1010111101 193.20 1 +1010111101 303.63 1 +1010111101 381.15 1 +1010111101 2228 1 +1010111101 376.56 1 +1010111101 eight. 1 +1010111101 1373.9 1 +1010111101 85,418 1 +1010111101 45,426 1 +1010111101 349.15 1 +1010111101 348.25 1 +1010111101 253.63 1 +1010111101 2364.7 1 +1010111101 2640.13 1 +1010111101 2147.26 1 +1010111101 27323.19 1 +1010111101 149.74 1 +1010111101 304.68 1 +1010111101 34830.53 1 +1010111101 304.64 1 +1010111101 27525.28 1 +1010111101 2155.08 1 +1010111101 385.79 1 +1010111101 323.81 1 +1010111101 1690.44 1 +1010111101 387.80 1 +1010111101 361.07 1 +1010111101 2253.10 1 +1010111101 306.50 1 +1010111101 153.54 1 +1010111101 2245.47 1 +1010111101 34822.71 1 +1010111101 2624.70 1 +1010111101 475.08 1 +1010111101 395.68 1 +1010111101 482.16 1 +1010111101 470.17 1 +1010111101 473.07 1 +1010111101 197.81 1 +1010111101 306.34 1 +1010111101 35589.32 1 +1010111101 362.14 1 +1010111101 35130.99 1 +1010111101 35622.97 1 +1010111101 2703.58 1 +1010111101 462.41 1 +1010111101 34835.42 1 +1010111101 217.80 1 +1010111101 27911.63 1 +1010111101 28,398.14 1 +1010111101 388.00 1 +1010111101 439.46 1 +1010111101 544.60 1 +1010111101 478.88 1 +1010111101 28274.39 1 +1010111101 2249.10 1 +1010111101 28326.31 1 +1010111101 153.52 1 +1010111101 1820.17 1 +1010111101 1434.5 1 +1010111101 432.61 1 +1010111101 34712.96 1 +1010111101 394.77 1 +1010111101 27662.12 1 +1010111101 2166.56 1 +1010111101 2140 1 +1010111101 1849.3 1 +1010111101 1483.3 1 +1010111101 transactions. 1 +1010111101 380.64 1 +1010111101 746.55 1 +1010111101 1,845 1 +1010111101 23,956 1 +1010111101 346.13 1 +1010111101 22628.20 1 +1010111101 1500.8 1 +1010111101 1818.43 1 +1010111101 291.50 1 +1010111101 258.30 1 +1010111101 229.20 1 +1010111101 255.20 1 +1010111101 1215.82 1 +1010111101 307.66 1 +1010111101 152.27 1 +1010111101 glitziness 1 +1010111101 152.76 1 +1010111101 269,958 1 +1010111101 150.90 1 +1010111101 308.20 1 +1010111101 wearwithwhat 1 +1010111101 1632.2 1 +1010111101 2837.79 1 +1010111101 2176.08 1 +1010111101 27676.14 1 +1010111101 1864.4 1 +1010111101 1496.0 1 +1010111101 256.50 1 +1010111101 354.94 1 +1010111101 1479.4 1 +1010111101 1707.89 1 +1010111101 6,657 1 +1010111101 27149.03 1 +1010111101 308.39 1 +1010111101 34633.99 1 +1010111101 2130.57 1 +1010111101 1480.8 1 +1010111101 1623.6 1 +1010111101 358.12 1 +1010111101 35747.11 1 +1010111101 1621.1 1 +1010111101 483.32 1 +1010111101 461.71 1 +1010111101 1820.03 1 +1010111101 2163.14 1 +1010111101 1497.9 1 +1010111101 87.90 1 +1010111101 fondled 1 +1010111101 28200.72 1 +1010111101 2203.87 1 +1010111101 147.81 1 +1010111101 294.96 1 +1010111101 27952.53 1 +1010111101 2197.37 1 +1010111101 293.01 1 +1010111101 2205.80 1 +1010111101 198.05 1 +1010111101 34700.55 1 +1010111101 34741.99 1 +1010111101 6,210 1 +1010111101 Fairview-Quiapo 1 +1010111101 2659.38 1 +1010111101 1598.9 1 +1010111101 35279.30 1 +1010111101 1860.70 1 +1010111101 147.49 1 +1010111101 1473.3 1 +1010111101 5,030 1 +1010111101 191.64 1 +1010111101 147.64 1 +1010111101 376.10 1 +1010111101 28291.11 1 +1010111101 2,944,449 1 +1010111101 293.21 1 +1010111101 376.82 1 +1010111101 Chrysler. 1 +1010111101 197.98 1 +1010111101 394.36 1 +1010111101 34779.81 1 +1010111101 34706.70 1 +1010111101 192.09 1 +1010111101 35441.50 1 +1010111101 35382.80 1 +1010111101 1890.2 1 +1010111101 1,989.33 1 +1010111101 292.00 1 +1010111101 35522.99 1 +1010111101 40,714 1 +1010111101 42,492 1 +1010111101 1633.1 1 +1010111101 1467.5 1 +1010111101 2171.31 1 +1010111101 27924.39 1 +1010111101 1110 1 +1010111101 1560 1 +1010111101 non-junkies 1 +1010111101 147.93 1 +1010111101 294.06 1 +1010111101 27975.35 1 +1010111101 MITI-watching 1 +1010111101 32,840,000 1 +1010111101 starboard 1 +1010111101 2107.40 1 +1010111101 152.52 1 +1010111101 304.23 1 +1010111101 speak. 1 +1010111101 1226.92 1 +1010111101 384.23 1 +1010111101 150.66 1 +1010111101 301.12 1 +1010111101 437.52 1 +1010111101 2220.29 1 +1010111101 27758.87 1 +1010111101 2222.96 1 +1010111101 28287.83 1 +1010111101 194.13 1 +1010111101 380.96 1 +1010111101 305.33 1 +1010111101 100.38 1 +1010111101 35356.78 1 +1010111101 1696.23 1 +1010111101 397.03 1 +1010111101 199.00 1 +1010111101 royalities 1 +1010111101 293.83 1 +1010111101 35352.96 1 +1010111101 463.5 1 +1010111101 24,167 1 +1010111101 52,239 1 +1010111101 146.58 1 +1010111101 Nirvana 1 +1010111101 393.02 1 +1010111101 457.42 1 +1010111101 196.84 1 +1010111101 378.95 1 +1010111101 478.19 1 +1010111101 2189.85 1 +1010111101 127,900 1 +1010111101 8,130 1 +1010111101 6,170 1 +1010111101 9,550 1 +1010111101 1822.9 1 +1010111101 2230.79 1 +1010111101 199.34 1 +1010111101 396.52 1 +1010111101 34656.18 1 +1010111101 emulate. 1 +1010111101 194.19 1 +1010111101 148.23 1 +1010111101 bring. 1 +1010111101 27682.39 1 +1010111101 Acronymophobia 1 +1010111101 378.51 1 +1010111101 345.36 1 +1010111101 1484.8 1 +1010111101 1843.4 1 +1010111101 STP 1 +1010111101 7,020 1 +1010111101 2189.43 1 +1010111101 296.74 1 +1010111101 475.82 1 +1010111101 473.57 1 +1010111101 485.73 1 +1010111101 claustrophobics 1 +1010111101 revile 1 +1010111101 375.48 1 +1010111101 191.78 1 +1010111101 1828.09 1 +1010111101 318.50 1 +1010111101 129.70 1 +1010111101 1494.9 1 +1010111101 370.23 1 +1010111101 1,141 1 +1010111101 306.62 1 +1010111101 packinghouses 1 +1010111101 460.83 1 +1010111101 1468.1 1 +1010111101 643.50 1 +1010111101 446.39 1 +1010111101 Czechoslavakia 1 +1010111101 self-determination. 1 +1010111101 fertilization. 1 +1010111101 308.59 1 +1010111101 14,129 1 +1010111101 268.50 1 +1010111101 1820.46 1 +1010111101 467.84 1 +1010111101 461.66 1 +1010111101 447.74 1 +1010111101 27860.78 1 +1010111101 27695.04 1 +1010111101 7,460 1 +1010111101 35061.38 1 +1010111101 308.82 1 +1010111101 27732.93 1 +1010111101 27865.79 1 +1010111101 35190.38 1 +1010111101 1800.36 1 +1010111101 460.38 1 +1010111101 429.74 1 +1010111101 460.79 1 +1010111101 309.25 1 +1010111101 35370.57 1 +1010111101 35498.83 1 +1010111101 2681.66 1 +1010111101 379.60 1 +1010111101 192.64 1 +1010111101 1483.2 1 +1010111101 394.66 1 +1010111101 SKr405 1 +1010111101 34974.69 1 +1010111101 1947.8 1 +1010111101 34905.49 1 +1010111101 amipriloe 1 +1010111101 27,494.83 1 +1010111101 308.42 1 +1010111101 .5153 1 +1010111101 graper 1 +1010111101 1856.9 1 +1010111101 1477.4 1 +1010111101 262.20 1 +1010111101 401.50 1 +1010111101 200.40 1 +1010111101 683.50 1 +1010111101 467.77 1 +1010111101 1591.65 1 +1010111101 5,890 1 +1010111101 345.10 1 +1010111101 383.04 1 +1010111101 307.15 1 +1010111101 154.67 1 +1010111101 308.78 1 +1010111101 154.52 1 +1010111101 4,180 1 +1010111101 1807.13 1 +1010111101 307.07 1 +1010111101 28213.17 1 +1010111101 2217.18 1 +1010111101 2219.98 1 +1010111101 28179.91 1 +1010111101 28036.54 1 +1010111101 2209.03 1 +1010111101 324,444 1 +1010111101 11,686 1 +1010111101 27,779 1 +1010111101 466.71 1 +1010111101 6483.89 1 +1010111101 38,644 1 +1010111101 460.43 1 +1010111101 371.55 1 +1010111101 3,946 1 +1010111101 1969.0 1 +1010111101 2675.22 1 +1010111101 35651.54 1 +1010111101 305.12 1 +1010111101 385.99 1 +1010111101 395.38 1 +1010111101 1609.03 1 +1010111101 153.29 1 +1010111101 306.88 1 +1010111101 28188.68 1 +1010111101 340.36 1 +1010111101 316.18 1 +1010111101 387.75 1 +1010111101 1860.1 1 +1010111101 208.30 1 +1010111101 460.94 1 +1010111101 461.97 1 +1010111101 35136.14 1 +1010111101 1979.0 1 +1010111101 1409.2 1 +1010111101 1815.23 1 +1010111101 1468.7 1 +1010111101 334.85 1 +1010111101 304.93 1 +1010111101 now-Sen 1 +1010111101 34674.65 1 +1010111101 425.68 1 +1010111101 1510.5 1 +1010111101 1876.8 1 +1010111101 526.50 1 +1010111101 452.82 1 +1010111101 3,140 1 +1010111101 1795.15 1 +1010111101 254.35 1 +1010111101 1140 1 +1010111101 1870.0 1 +1010111101 19,063 1 +1010111101 316.97 1 +1010111101 73.74 1 +1010111101 1775.80 1 +1010111101 reimplantation 1 +1010111101 34642.10 1 +1010111101 250.60 1 +1010111101 309.21 1 +1010111101 368.96 1 +1010111101 favor-seeking 1 +1010111101 339.41 1 +1010111101 311.45 1 +1010111101 1506.8 1 +1010111101 1877.2 1 +1010111101 308.95 1 +1010111101 482.50 1 +1010111101 308.58 1 +1010111101 raquetball 1 +1010111101 259.20 1 +1010111101 423.60 1 +1010111101 2410 1 +1010111101 459.72 1 +1010111101 488.66 1 +1010111101 459.99 1 +1010111101 429.62 1 +1010111101 1799.42 1 +1010111101 379.82 1 +1010111101 520.50 1 +1010111101 523.50 1 +1010111101 232.20 1 +1010111101 1858.5 1 +1010111101 3556.05 1 +1010111101 1954-1982 1 +1010111101 short-sell 1 +1010111101 338.52 1 +1010111101 151.62 1 +1010111101 307.31 1 +1010111101 452.05 1 +1010111101 1485.3 1 +1010111101 191.37 1 +1010111101 1854.8 1 +1010111101 27724.17 1 +1010111101 Zwingle 1 +1010111101 155.57 1 +1010111101 460.91 1 +1010111101 35774.31 1 +1010111101 379.00 1 +1010111101 459.04 1 +1010111101 simulcasting 1 +1010111101 buy. 1 +1010111101 326.30 2 +1010111101 445.8 2 +1010111101 165.39 2 +1010111101 380.94 2 +1010111101 2168.45 2 +1010111101 Iran. 2 +1010111101 698.50 2 +1010111101 35366.37 2 +1010111101 320.50 2 +1010111101 commment 2 +1010111101 1999.67 2 +1010111101 351.04 2 +1010111101 236.73 2 +1010111101 299.50 2 +1010111101 1924.73 2 +1010111101 2223.28 2 +1010111101 255.33 2 +1010111101 2326.15 2 +1010111101 445.31 2 +1010111101 147.55 2 +1010111101 359.98 2 +1010111101 21217.04 2 +1010111101 1912.82 2 +1010111101 467.05 2 +1010111101 periodontists 2 +1010111101 21,214.46 2 +1010111101 255.50 2 +1010111101 382.19 2 +1010111101 15,225 2 +1010111101 2291.57 2 +1010111101 290.52 2 +1010111101 6,160 2 +1010111101 304.15 2 +1010111101 6,610 2 +1010111101 25946.60 2 +1010111101 355.28 2 +1010111101 293.47 2 +1010111101 6,540 2 +1010111101 die. 2 +1010111101 2674.58 2 +1010111101 statute. 2 +1010111101 1629.2 2 +1010111101 2099.40 2 +1010111101 327.79 2 +1010111101 298.25 2 +1010111101 151.96 2 +1010111101 2085.17 2 +1010111101 386.81 2 +1010111101 388.53 2 +1010111101 152.87 2 +1010111101 296.34 2 +1010111101 296.57 2 +1010111101 453.5 2 +1010111101 248.25 2 +1010111101 2322.30 2 +1010111101 254.80 2 +1010111101 2109.17 2 +1010111101 439.6 2 +1010111101 379.50 2 +1010111101 390.53 2 +1010111101 321.50 2 +1010111101 2083.93 2 +1010111101 2687.97 2 +1010111101 5,170 2 +1010111101 255.5 2 +1010111101 Firsts 2 +1010111101 461.68 2 +1010111101 49-year-olds 2 +1010111101 1966.75 2 +1010111101 152.44 2 +1010111101 363.26 2 +1010111101 2037.52 2 +1010111101 27393.85 2 +1010111101 inventory-taking 2 +1010111101 328.33 2 +1010111101 307.05 2 +1010111101 22033.89 2 +1010111101 302.61 2 +1010111101 2080.01 2 +1010111101 2090.50 2 +1010111101 1956.44 2 +1010111101 1915.64 2 +1010111101 2086.59 2 +1010111101 2110.60 2 +1010111101 1867.2 2 +1010111101 159.01 2 +1010111101 2134.07 2 +1010111101 2683.99 2 +1010111101 re-arm 2 +1010111101 231.50 2 +1010111101 2133.18 2 +1010111101 151.33 2 +1010111101 388.86 2 +1010111101 264.10 2 +1010111101 286.30 2 +1010111101 367.79 2 +1010111101 151.04 2 +1010111101 2119.13 2 +1010111101 2570.17 2 +1010111101 389.00 2 +1010111101 380.70 2 +1010111101 6,530 2 +1010111101 337.50 2 +1010111101 153.02 2 +1010111101 21,514.73 2 +1010111101 3,510 2 +1010111101 Dukakis. 2 +1010111101 1494.3 2 +1010111101 280.00 2 +1010111101 265.79 2 +1010111101 346.55 2 +1010111101 377.74 2 +1010111101 2170.51 2 +1010111101 2112.91 2 +1010111101 480.10 2 +1010111101 2630 2 +1010111101 256.30 2 +1010111101 2425 2 +1010111101 2065.26 2 +1010111101 258.89 2 +1010111101 261.50 2 +1010111101 1980.60 2 +1010111101 186.50 2 +1010111101 370.42 2 +1010111101 breast-feed 2 +1010111101 2063.12 2 +1010111101 1932.93 2 +1010111101 1997.51 2 +1010111101 1508.71 2 +1010111101 2062.17 2 +1010111101 142.02 2 +1010111101 3650 2 +1010111101 2047.41 2 +1010111101 222.20 2 +1010111101 617.50 2 +1010111101 226.80 2 +1010111101 2,920 2 +1010111101 239.50 2 +1010111101 376.76 2 +1010111101 250.30 2 +1010111101 2066.15 2 +1010111101 1925.06 2 +1010111101 2067.64 2 +1010111101 305.16 2 +1010111101 381.58 2 +1010111101 297.96 2 +1010111101 356.93 2 +1010111101 2020.23 2 +1010111101 360.84 2 +1010111101 2409.76 2 +1010111101 297.70 2 +1010111101 306.95 2 +1010111101 2043.27 2 +1010111101 379.74 2 +1010111101 centuries. 2 +1010111101 2058.36 2 +1010111101 crapshooters 2 +1010111101 appendicitis 2 +1010111101 2439.73 2 +1010111101 24640.35 2 +1010111101 262.80 2 +1010111101 1582.2 2 +1010111101 419.63 2 +1010111101 v.p. 2 +1010111101 2280.97 2 +1010111101 345.87 2 +1010111101 2243.20 2 +1010111101 4,630 2 +1010111101 315.65 2 +1010111101 2485.33 2 +1010111101 2072.37 2 +1010111101 war. 2 +1010111101 2546.72 2 +1010111101 2013.93 2 +1010111101 318.66 2 +1010111101 377.84 2 +1010111101 148.21 2 +1010111101 gyotaku 2 +1010111101 2290 2 +1010111101 sadomasochism 2 +1010111101 378.67 2 +1010111101 2047.91 2 +1010111101 301.16 2 +1010111101 2175.77 2 +1010111101 375.27 2 +1010111101 232.88 3 +1010111101 282.38 3 +1010111101 2335.80 3 +1010111101 women. 3 +1010111101 2583.08 3 +1010111101 3,790 3 +1010111101 3,390 3 +1010111101 2272.52 3 +1010111101 2325.49 3 +1010111101 2,760 3 +1010111101 2690 3 +1010111101 1508.9 3 +1010111101 9,060 3 +1010111101 2360.94 3 +1010111101 croplands 3 +1010111101 2390.34 3 +1010111101 1871.3 3 +1010111101 2320.69 3 +1010111101 temporize 3 +1010111101 233.19 3 +1010111101 298.90 3 +1010111101 227.18 3 +1010111101 2040.29 3 +1010111101 1895.39 3 +1010111101 1899.20 3 +1010111101 2320 3 +1010111101 353.20 3 +1010111101 2065.79 3 +1010111101 leave. 3 +1010111101 2590.57 3 +1010111101 6,620 3 +1010111101 2108.46 3 +1010111101 non-scientists 3 +1010111101 2662.95 3 +1010111101 nought 3 +1010111101 2697.07 3 +1010111101 2107.10 3 +1010111101 2,310 3 +1010111101 2418.53 3 +1010111101 2420.85 3 +1010111101 263.50 3 +1010111101 252.50 3 +1010111101 223.06 3 +1010111101 374.64 3 +1010111101 250.50 3 +1010111101 4,510 3 +1010111101 3,880 3 +1010111101 Laughs 3 +1010111101 IDD/PSA 3 +1010111101 2071.83 3 +1010111101 2785.52 3 +1010111101 200.50 3 +1010111101 2041.43 3 +1010111101 2021.51 3 +1010111101 147.30 3 +1010111101 2173.36 3 +1010111101 quadriplegics 3 +1010111101 byte 3 +1010111101 264.50 3 +1010111101 2004.27 4 +1010111101 2694.99 4 +1010111101 2,610 4 +1010111101 2661.61 4 +1010111101 2679.63 4 +1010111101 2557.08 4 +1010111101 smithereens 4 +1010111101 2686.08 4 +1010111101 248.39 4 +1010111101 2117.89 4 +1010111101 2124.47 4 +1010111101 3,090 4 +1010111101 2743.36 4 +1010111101 24-year-olds 4 +1010111101 5,020 4 +1010111101 4,610 4 +1010111101 3,320 4 +1010111101 generis 4 +1010111101 3,160 4 +1010111101 258.40 4 +1010111101 2664.89 4 +1010111101 2679.52 4 +1010111101 3,360 4 +1010111101 1926.89 4 +1010111101 224.50 4 +1010111101 5,140 4 +1010111101 2785.33 4 +1010111101 Tots 4 +1010111101 2,290 4 +1010111101 2566.58 5 +1010111101 3,550 5 +1010111101 2,870 5 +1010111101 2,730 5 +1010111101 matrimony 5 +1010111101 2082.33 5 +1010111101 pollinate 5 +1010111101 3,480 5 +1010111101 1942.97 5 +1010111101 1,810 5 +1010111101 1951.09 5 +1010111101 comment. 5 +1010111101 1,090 5 +1010111101 1,910 5 +1010111101 260.50 5 +1010111101 3,440 5 +1010111101 4,420 5 +1010111101 2221.28 5 +1010111101 sonobuoys 6 +1010111101 3,190 6 +1010111101 2246.74 6 +1010111101 Sitnasuak 6 +1010111101 1793.93 6 +1010111101 1,890 6 +1010111101 2081.07 6 +1010111101 3,890 6 +1010111101 1,210 7 +1010111101 1,790 7 +1010111101 1985.41 7 +1010111101 2548.63 7 +1010111101 2,130 10 +1010111101 Enterprising 12 +1010111101 taxes. 14 +1010111101 naught 15 +1010111101 skimp 16 +1010111101 roost 23 +1010111101 posterity 26 +1010111101 elaboration 74 +1010111101 comment 14571 +1010111101 elaborate 2230 +1010111110 313.13 1 +1010111110 196,159 1 +1010111110 1915-16 1 +1010111110 re-mortgaging 1 +1010111110 312.49 1 +1010111110 318.22 1 +1010111110 suppliers. 1 +1010111110 double-A-minus/single-A-plus 1 +1010111110 A-1-plus/double-A-minus 1 +1010111110 28,736,600 1 +1010111110 reoccurring 1 +1010111110 239.58 1 +1010111110 parade-goers 1 +1010111110 within. 1 +1010111110 133,838 1 +1010111110 unsurvivable 1 +1010111110 6.8975 1 +1010111110 expatriated 1 +1010111110 804,875 1 +1010111110 1.67059 1 +1010111110 2.9959 1 +1010111110 contract-maintenance 1 +1010111110 pollutions 1 +1010111110 1,022,900 1 +1010111110 360.21 1 +1010111110 COLLECTIONS 1 +1010111110 A-plus-rated 1 +1010111110 single-A3 1 +1010111110 530,409 1 +1010111110 301,021 1 +1010111110 2,872,093 1 +1010111110 2.9188 1 +1010111110 26,718,000 1 +1010111110 13,451,000 1 +1010111110 non-initiates 1 +1010111110 triple-B-minus/single-A-3 1 +1010111110 owningggks 1 +1010111110 1411 1 +1010111110 single-A-3/triple-B-minus 1 +1010111110 65,196 1 +1010111110 decors 1 +1010111110 2.9719 1 +1010111110 7,893 1 +1010111110 VRT 1 +1010111110 5,161 1 +1010111110 deliquencies 1 +1010111110 single-A/single-A-1 1 +1010111110 3,311,000 1 +1010111110 who-knows-where 1 +1010111110 133.71 1 +1010111110 89days 1 +1010111110 Kampuchea 1 +1010111110 257,905 1 +1010111110 sasparilla 1 +1010111110 49,976 1 +1010111110 1983-88 1 +1010111110 119days 1 +1010111110 19,584 1 +1010111110 155,536 1 +1010111110 finetune 1 +1010111110 Nuits-St 1 +1010111110 double-A-three 1 +1010111110 179-days 1 +1010111110 penetrated. 1 +1010111110 8,093,847 1 +1010111110 310,261 1 +1010111110 Nae 1 +1010111110 jadeite 1 +1010111110 3,069 1 +1010111110 matins 1 +1010111110 2,866 1 +1010111110 NASAA 1 +1010111110 Trans-Am 1 +1010111110 boatpeople 1 +1010111110 triple-B-minus-A3 1 +1010111110 triple-B-A3 1 +1010111110 43,938 1 +1010111110 provisional-double-A-2 1 +1010111110 789,985 1 +1010111110 tear-gas-filled 1 +1010111110 152.79 1 +1010111110 46,298,980 1 +1010111110 mediocrities 1 +1010111110 card-switching 1 +1010111110 2,435 1 +1010111110 78,006 1 +1010111110 overspends 1 +1010111110 2,571,072 1 +1010111110 306,592 1 +1010111110 3,355 1 +1010111110 overeagerness 1 +1010111110 invention. 1 +1010111110 beflagged 1 +1010111110 loss-cutting 1 +1010111110 527,584 1 +1010111110 1,701,197 1 +1010111110 2,269,053 1 +1010111110 123.95 1 +1010111110 257.13 1 +1010111110 hunch-proof 1 +1010111110 128,983 1 +1010111110 0.07563 1 +1010111110 price-bargain 1 +1010111110 anti-conspiracy 1 +1010111110 163.00 1 +1010111110 19,656 1 +1010111110 95,073 1 +1010111110 he-knows-not-where 1 +1010111110 162.65 1 +1010111110 stenography 1 +1010111110 159,437 1 +1010111110 162.67 1 +1010111110 home-comers 1 +1010111110 281.16 1 +1010111110 160.36 1 +1010111110 Condorcet 1 +1010111110 liablity 1 +1010111110 inestimably 1 +1010111110 2,685 1 +1010111110 nonevents 1 +1010111110 64,274 1 +1010111110 tourists-turned-believers 1 +1010111110 2.8263 1 +1010111110 non-suspects 1 +1010111110 bat-lovers 1 +1010111110 1.5355 1 +1010111110 153.60 1 +1010111110 lout 1 +1010111110 Fibich 1 +1010111110 17,597,630 1 +1010111110 20-1 1 +1010111110 25,864 1 +1010111110 1.4713 1 +1010111110 21,515 1 +1010111110 1947-70 1 +1010111110 government-aid 1 +1010111110 1963-83 1 +1010111110 Momentus 1 +1010111110 18,971 1 +1010111110 under-invoice 1 +1010111110 Aa-3 1 +1010111110 triple-Bplus 1 +1010111110 4320 1 +1010111110 1.4508 1 +1010111110 inexhaustable 1 +1010111110 2.9016 1 +1010111110 3,319 1 +1010111110 273,192 1 +1010111110 356-62 1 +1010111110 541,039 1 +1010111110 42,433 1 +1010111110 35-15 1 +1010111110 34-2 1 +1010111110 1.5130 1 +1010111110 1.8163 1 +1010111110 22,817 1 +1010111110 acupuncture-wares 1 +1010111110 overexploitation 1 +1010111110 17,709 1 +1010111110 11,210 1 +1010111110 81.727 1 +1010111110 2.9416 1 +1010111110 1888-1892 1 +1010111110 15,236 1 +1010111110 Masonville 1 +1010111110 sactions 1 +1010111110 clock-watching 1 +1010111110 Psychotic 1 +1010111110 parleys. 1 +1010111110 once-iron 1 +1010111110 1,786,300 1 +1010111110 35,887 1 +1010111110 25,732 1 +1010111110 50,677 1 +1010111110 266,312 1 +1010111110 A-plus-plus 1 +1010111110 278,016 1 +1010111110 eminase 1 +1010111110 equal-work 1 +1010111110 gate-crashers 1 +1010111110 1.4998 1 +1010111110 2.9976 1 +1010111110 1,100,757 1 +1010111110 250,279 1 +1010111110 5.6005 1 +1010111110 FuelCo 1 +1010111110 rinkside 1 +1010111110 123.38 1 +1010111110 video-retailers 1 +1010111110 91,600 1 +1010111110 337.87 1 +1010111110 977,000 1 +1010111110 2.9635 1 +1010111110 reviw 1 +1010111110 328.67 1 +1010111110 kolkhozes 1 +1010111110 785.69 1 +1010111110 1.6208 1 +1010111110 329,930 1 +1010111110 606,388 1 +1010111110 279,775 1 +1010111110 91,113 1 +1010111110 43,654 1 +1010111110 741,013 1 +1010111110 visitations 1 +1010111110 158.55 1 +1010111110 95,588 1 +1010111110 51,411 1 +1010111110 1.5333 1 +1010111110 revilement 1 +1010111110 2,002,800 1 +1010111110 TRIL 1 +1010111110 2,217,700 1 +1010111110 877,500 1 +1010111110 1.5148 1 +1010111110 71,887 1 +1010111110 Prime2 1 +1010111110 padres 1 +1010111110 24-4 1 +1010111110 1.6593 1 +1010111110 uncuttable 1 +1010111110 867,059 1 +1010111110 molt 1 +1010111110 enthusiatically 1 +1010111110 1615-1868 1 +1010111110 viselike 1 +1010111110 unadoptable 1 +1010111110 Danette 1 +1010111110 brownbagging 1 +1010111110 KIXI-AM 1 +1010111110 Bahamasair 1 +1010111110 3.1902 1 +1010111110 hump-top 1 +1010111110 3,239,025 1 +1010111110 3.1681 1 +1010111110 195.45 1 +1010111110 unpleasant-nausea 1 +1010111110 anti-liberty 1 +1010111110 psycho-sclerosis 1 +1010111110 72,883 1 +1010111110 107,099 1 +1010111110 24,075 1 +1010111110 489.85 1 +1010111110 A-1-plus/double-A 1 +1010111110 128:1 1 +1010111110 2,545,117 1 +1010111110 GMIC 1 +1010111110 1,257,799 1 +1010111110 241,095 1 +1010111110 445.99 1 +1010111110 226.67 1 +1010111110 6,882 1 +1010111110 455,700 1 +1010111110 316,082 1 +1010111110 28,595 1 +1010111110 MIG-2 1 +1010111110 Sunnism 1 +1010111110 68,885 1 +1010111110 33,838 1 +1010111110 341.19 1 +1010111110 33,402 1 +1010111110 33,212 1 +1010111110 6,816 1 +1010111110 1.9125 1 +1010111110 1,376 1 +1010111110 56,917 1 +1010111110 76.23 1 +1010111110 29,452,000 1 +1010111110 facts. 1 +1010111110 less-than-prime 1 +1010111110 AA-plus 1 +1010111110 6,308 1 +1010111110 3,515 1 +1010111110 102.476 1 +1010111110 sportcoats 1 +1010111110 Natiguas 1 +1010111110 defacers 1 +1010111110 U.S.investors 1 +1010111110 61,616 1 +1010111110 40,083 1 +1010111110 retructure 1 +1010111110 alpaca 1 +1010111110 769,100 1 +1010111110 single-A-plus/A-1-plus 1 +1010111110 3.856 1 +1010111110 revenue-estimating 1 +1010111110 34049.65 1 +1010111110 Ovid 1 +1010111110 362.47 1 +1010111110 ponderousness 1 +1010111110 1945-1971 1 +1010111110 3.0982 1 +1010111110 18,108 1 +1010111110 34,685 1 +1010111110 Double-B/B 1 +1010111110 Single-B-plus 1 +1010111110 Single-B-minus 1 +1010111110 Triple-C-plus 1 +1010111110 Single-B 1 +1010111110 Pliocene 1 +1010111110 234.26 1 +1010111110 97,687 1 +1010111110 MIG-2/SP1 1 +1010111110 19731982 1 +1010111110 657.50 1 +1010111110 309,426 1 +1010111110 321,800 1 +1010111110 3.1202 1 +1010111110 10-inches 1 +1010111110 Fukien 1 +1010111110 5.4-to-1 1 +1010111110 recidivists 1 +1010111110 4.5-to-1 1 +1010111110 2:34 1 +1010111110 1.3643 1 +1010111110 4095.61 1 +1010111110 Sggmd 1 +1010111110 council-members 1 +1010111110 Protege 1 +1010111110 324.50 1 +1010111110 double-A1/double-A 1 +1010111110 nature. 1 +1010111110 34,305 1 +1010111110 1.2885 1 +1010111110 FRUSTRATIONS 1 +1010111110 493,201 1 +1010111110 Salonica 1 +1010111110 315,332 1 +1010111110 776,498 1 +1010111110 single-A/single-A-minus 1 +1010111110 clearnace 1 +1010111110 238-189 1 +1010111110 21,439 1 +1010111110 46,184 1 +1010111110 40,434 1 +1010111110 6,434 1 +1010111110 re-infestation 1 +1010111110 nutrition- 1 +1010111110 MIG-1/SP-1-plus 1 +1010111110 clampdowns 1 +1010111110 1.6065 1 +1010111110 19,171,000 1 +1010111110 4,957,897 1 +1010111110 single-A-2/single-A 1 +1010111110 signage 1 +1010111110 9,992 1 +1010111110 solid-brass 1 +1010111110 auto-transfusions 1 +1010111110 Portables 1 +1010111110 Aug.1 1 +1010111110 single-A-1/single-A-plus 1 +1010111110 Single-A-Plus 1 +1010111110 insomnia-inducing 1 +1010111110 233.74 1 +1010111110 Aghanistan 1 +1010111110 13,400,000 1 +1010111110 699,947 2 +1010111110 654,787 2 +1010111110 2,086,600 2 +1010111110 1,992,800 2 +1010111110 Baa1 2 +1010111110 single-A-1/double-A-minus 2 +1010111110 sexcapade 2 +1010111110 3,289,800 2 +1010111110 707,619 2 +1010111110 671,894 2 +1010111110 3,566,300 2 +1010111110 1,817 2 +1010111110 2,922,400 2 +1010111110 single-A/single-A-plus 2 +1010111110 1,997 2 +1010111110 1,655 2 +1010111110 1.4930 2 +1010111110 ELXSF 2 +1010111110 single-A-minus/single-A-2 2 +1010111110 single-A-plus/single-A-1 2 +1010111110 single-A-1/single-A 2 +1010111110 802,598 2 +1010111110 842,238 2 +1010111110 shrillness 2 +1010111110 Eskom 2 +1010111110 Single-B-3 2 +1010111110 raunch 2 +1010111110 2,627 2 +1010111110 815,028 2 +1010111110 864,182 2 +1010111110 A3 2 +1010111110 tripleC-plus 2 +1010111110 spotchecks 2 +1010111110 Andechs 2 +1010111110 Libourne 2 +1010111110 dervish 2 +1010111110 1,685,100 2 +1010111110 37,524 2 +1010111110 single-A-one 2 +1010111110 2,918 2 +1010111110 kumquats 2 +1010111110 appetizers 2 +1010111110 cross-buying 2 +1010111110 98.35 2 +1010111110 2,832,400 2 +1010111110 estimate-slashing 2 +1010111110 killjoys 2 +1010111110 double-A/double-A 2 +1010111110 2,049,700 2 +1010111110 88,394 2 +1010111110 Chaps 2 +1010111110 shipwrecks 2 +1010111110 ScotTowels 2 +1010111110 double-B-plus/single-B 2 +1010111110 triple-B-minus/A-3 2 +1010111110 triple-B/A-2 2 +1010111110 Eldrich-Flavel 2 +1010111110 2,338,600 2 +1010111110 double-A/double-A-minus 2 +1010111110 2.9106 2 +1010111110 1509 2 +1010111110 single-A2 2 +1010111110 Triple-B 2 +1010111110 give-aways 2 +1010111110 2,111,700 2 +1010111110 1174 2 +1010111110 2,369,600 2 +1010111110 double-B/single-B 2 +1010111110 P-1 3 +1010111110 double-A/A-1-plus 3 +1010111110 single-A-minus/A-2 3 +1010111110 coldheartedness 3 +1010111110 tripleA 3 +1010111110 single-Aminus 3 +1010111110 suds 3 +1010111110 A2 3 +1010111110 Single-A-plus 3 +1010111110 single-A1 3 +1010111110 B3 3 +1010111110 2450 3 +1010111110 Ba2 3 +1010111110 cleanings 3 +1010111110 moralize 3 +1010111110 SP1-Plus 3 +1010111110 Guinea-Bissau 3 +1010111110 NGK 3 +1010111110 strangulation 3 +1010111110 fro 3 +1010111110 Single-A 3 +1010111110 Single-A-3 3 +1010111110 payments-in-kind 3 +1010111110 Edon 3 +1010111110 triple-Bminus 3 +1010111110 Single-A-2 4 +1010111110 SP-1-plus 4 +1010111110 OCS 4 +1010111110 non-payment 4 +1010111110 PG-13 4 +1010111110 vinegars 4 +1010111110 cameos 4 +1010111110 inoculations 4 +1010111110 not-prime 4 +1010111110 Baa3 4 +1010111110 double-A/single-A-plus 4 +1010111110 Buchenwald 5 +1010111110 double-A-minus/A-1-plus 5 +1010111110 Baa2 5 +1010111110 ukase 5 +1010111110 B2 6 +1010111110 single-A-plus/A-1 7 +1010111110 apportionment 7 +1010111110 deliverance 7 +1010111110 Triple-A 8 +1010111110 B-minus 8 +1010111110 thence 9 +1010111110 B-plus 9 +1010111110 single-A/A-1 9 +1010111110 prime-3 10 +1010111110 MIG-1 13 +1010111110 B-3 14 +1010111110 Baa 15 +1010111110 afar 19 +1010111110 single-D 20 +1010111110 prime-2 20 +1010111110 single-A-1-plus 22 +1010111110 double-C 22 +1010111110 prime-1 28 +1010111110 desist 30 +1010111110 A-3 34 +1010111110 triple-C-minus 37 +1010111110 Prime-3 39 +1010111110 Ca 42 +1010111110 A-1-plus 52 +1010111110 single-C 53 +1010111110 triple-C-plus 67 +1010111110 double-A-plus 68 +1010111110 Prime-1 77 +1010111110 double-B 79 +1010111110 triple-C 88 +1010111110 double-A-1 98 +1010111110 A-1 100 +1010111110 A-2 108 +1010111110 Prime-2 112 +1010111110 Caa 115 +1010111110 double-B-minus 119 +1010111110 double-A-2 120 +1010111110 double-B-plus 138 +1010111110 Ba-2 140 +1010111110 Ba-1 141 +1010111110 Ba-3 147 +1010111110 single-B-plus 147 +1010111110 single-B-2 149 +1010111110 single-B-minus 157 +1010111110 single-B-1 157 +1010111110 single-B-3 159 +1010111110 single-B 162 +1010111110 double-A-3 172 +1010111110 reelection 178 +1010111110 triple-B-minus 181 +1010111110 triple-B-plus 191 +1010111110 double-A-minus 227 +1010111110 single-A-minus 228 +1010111110 single-A-plus 229 +1010111110 single-A-3 231 +1010111110 triple-B 232 +1010111110 Baa-3 246 +1010111110 Baa-1 262 +1010111110 Baa-2 271 +1010111110 ratification 285 +1010111110 single-A-2 303 +1010111110 double-A 318 +1010111110 single-A-1 335 +1010111110 single-A 344 +1010111110 re-election 398 +1010111110 triple-A 466 +1010111110 authorization 476 +1010111110 approvals 552 +1010111110 clearance 879 +1010111110 approval 7207 +1010111110 permission 962 +1010111111 10,382 1 +1010111111 1314.4 1 +1010111111 23,282.18 1 +1010111111 1689.1 1 +1010111111 1335.2 1 +1010111111 1866.11 1 +1010111111 23077.91 1 +1010111111 22,856.02 1 +1010111111 99.818 1 +1010111111 2293.2 1 +1010111111 25750.55 1 +1010111111 1758.3 1 +1010111111 2266.1 1 +1010111111 615.73 1 +1010111111 132.78 1 +1010111111 1308.2 1 +1010111111 23052.23 1 +1010111111 2194.18 1 +1010111111 121.59 1 +1010111111 22410.54 1 +1010111111 22344.28 1 +1010111111 1663.7 1 +1010111111 322.37 1 +1010111111 1684.7 1 +1010111111 1325.6 1 +1010111111 22468.68 1 +1010111111 22615.43 1 +1010111111 35-1 1 +1010111111 1657.7 1 +1010111111 1309.4 1 +1010111111 22705.56 1 +1010111111 1639.1 1 +1010111111 1859.90 1 +1010111111 22668.80 1 +1010111111 12:51 1 +1010111111 11:43 1 +1010111111 3482 1 +1010111111 135.51 1 +1010111111 135.65 1 +1010111111 11:28 1 +1010111111 11:12 1 +1010111111 146.92 1 +1010111111 147.52 1 +1010111111 4,590 1 +1010111111 24252.38 1 +1010111111 99.822 1 +1010111111 Karonie 1 +1010111111 829,749 1 +1010111111 241.78 1 +1010111111 Grafenwoehr 1 +1010111111 99.9925 1 +1010111111 1800.0 1 +1010111111 Tarbela 1 +1010111111 2020.4 1 +1010111111 5:35 1 +1010111111 98.622 1 +1010111111 145.97 1 +1010111111 pre-amble 1 +1010111111 144.88 1 +1010111111 146.32 1 +1010111111 1737.0 1 +1010111111 4,770 1 +1010111111 99.841 1 +1010111111 98.9666 1 +1010111111 cheercropper 1 +1010111111 147.13 1 +1010111111 154.15 1 +1010111111 99.94 1 +1010111111 1790.7 1 +1010111111 2291.3 1 +1010111111 24902.72 1 +1010111111 1784.6 1 +1010111111 4,490 1 +1010111111 1427.32 1 +1010111111 Halethorpe 1 +1010111111 146.22 1 +1010111111 342.93 1 +1010111111 99.588 1 +1010111111 324.93 1 +1010111111 22278.16 1 +1010111111 140.95 1 +1010111111 1396.8 1 +1010111111 2462.14 1 +1010111111 Schweizerhalle 1 +1010111111 23201.22 1 +1010111111 2122.98 1 +1010111111 142.27 1 +1010111111 1.4693 1 +1010111111 141.32 1 +1010111111 1682.0 1 +1010111111 1303.4 1 +1010111111 2204.52 1 +1010111111 22,696.49 1 +1010111111 99.859 1 +1010111111 138.57 1 +1010111111 99.842 1 +1010111111 138.10 1 +1010111111 2362.16 1 +1010111111 2370.16 1 +1010111111 Alanno 1 +1010111111 22280.22 1 +1010111111 22577.53 1 +1010111111 1703.3 1 +1010111111 22932.40 1 +1010111111 358.53 1 +1010111111 1,100,628 1 +1010111111 140.45 1 +1010111111 Cerepfi 1 +1010111111 2053.3 1 +1010111111 25586.67 1 +1010111111 1645.8 1 +1010111111 23872.80 1 +1010111111 540.90 1 +1010111111 26,651.58 1 +1010111111 mega-profits 1 +1010111111 yaktivist 1 +1010111111 5,240 1 +1010111111 99.717 1 +1010111111 99.922 1 +1010111111 94.60 1 +1010111111 Volgodonsk 1 +1010111111 1435.3 1 +1010111111 24810.18 1 +1010111111 244.50 1 +1010111111 258.25 1 +1010111111 144.22 1 +1010111111 4,059.75 1 +1010111111 23,286.94 1 +1010111111 24678.31 1 +1010111111 1246.9 1 +1010111111 21686.46 1 +1010111111 Giverny 1 +1010111111 pondificator 1 +1010111111 99.562 1 +1010111111 134.10 1 +1010111111 1586.9 1 +1010111111 22448.25 1 +1010111111 telegrim 1 +1010111111 136.45 1 +1010111111 135.87 1 +1010111111 136.55 1 +1010111111 Mitigate 1 +1010111111 99.847 1 +1010111111 23106.07 1 +1010111111 137.07 1 +1010111111 137.50 1 +1010111111 1358.3 1 +1010111111 23122.11 1 +1010111111 137.05 1 +1010111111 1342.7 1 +1010111111 1914.87 1 +1010111111 23358.60 1 +1010111111 22629.65 1 +1010111111 1638.8 1 +1010111111 1287.9 1 +1010111111 1274.0 1 +1010111111 22637.01 1 +1010111111 2113.67 1 +1010111111 1620.8 1 +1010111111 Mervyns 1 +1010111111 134.45 1 +1010111111 134.77 1 +1010111111 326.39 1 +1010111111 1255.6 1 +1010111111 23060.53 1 +1010111111 2104.6 1 +1010111111 2290.1 1 +1010111111 graduation. 1 +1010111111 79.77 1 +1010111111 2286.1 1 +1010111111 4190 1 +1010111111 1270 1 +1010111111 5180 1 +1010111111 5460 1 +1010111111 145.65 1 +1010111111 0.6855 1 +1010111111 330.3 1 +1010111111 99.612 1 +1010111111 2295.4 1 +1010111111 148.70 1 +1010111111 streetside 1 +1010111111 788.05 1 +1010111111 286.95 1 +1010111111 2041.49 1 +1010111111 1726.9 1 +1010111111 2226.2 1 +1010111111 Rezaie 1 +1010111111 2261.4 1 +1010111111 Heverlee 1 +1010111111 Abiquiu 1 +1010111111 .5489 1 +1010111111 25282.97 1 +1010111111 56,971,000 1 +1010111111 99.731 1 +1010111111 clem'-atis 1 +1010111111 mom-and-pops 1 +1010111111 150.95 1 +1010111111 crewsade 1 +1010111111 151.83 1 +1010111111 Al-Fujairah 1 +1010111111 2242.2 1 +1010111111 4,960 1 +1010111111 866-POPE 1 +1010111111 1844.91 1 +1010111111 2245.8 1 +1010111111 25968.78 1 +1010111111 1851.86 1 +1010111111 22993.70 1 +1010111111 22832.89 1 +1010111111 1.6386 1 +1010111111 375.85 1 +1010111111 231.85 1 +1010111111 1,842.34 1 +1010111111 1590.3 1 +1010111111 1266.9 1 +1010111111 Plan-Econ 1 +1010111111 225.68 1 +1010111111 22447.67 1 +1010111111 Charlecote 1 +1010111111 Knowsley 1 +1010111111 1579.9 1 +1010111111 138-to-140 1 +1010111111 1700.2 1 +1010111111 2185.3 1 +1010111111 chickmate 1 +1010111111 2205.8 1 +1010111111 9-midnight 1 +1010111111 99.472 1 +1010111111 2197.6 1 +1010111111 47.815 1 +1010111111 54.741 1 +1010111111 CCF 1 +1010111111 100.12 1 +1010111111 4,970 1 +1010111111 6,140 1 +1010111111 2248.1 1 +1010111111 Azle 1 +1010111111 571,944 1 +1010111111 4520 1 +1010111111 4200 1 +1010111111 245.58 1 +1010111111 151.27 1 +1010111111 1916.9 1 +1010111111 2428.7 1 +1010111111 Gullane 1 +1010111111 68.701 1 +1010111111 99.5625 1 +1010111111 148.95 1 +1010111111 148.35 1 +1010111111 174.58 1 +1010111111 doormutt 1 +1010111111 3940 1 +1010111111 5700 1 +1010111111 109.786 1 +1010111111 4010 1 +1010111111 2490 1 +1010111111 beefcase 1 +1010111111 22.63 1 +1010111111 245.18 1 +1010111111 middecade 1 +1010111111 1889.6 1 +1010111111 4220 1 +1010111111 1390 1 +1010111111 99.934 1 +1010111111 173.15 1 +1010111111 150.60 1 +1010111111 149.16 1 +1010111111 1846.1 1 +1010111111 23816.09 1 +1010111111 99.813 1 +1010111111 2385.0 1 +1010111111 2356.9 1 +1010111111 doubleheaders 1 +1010111111 Crystal-Barkley 1 +1010111111 633.99 1 +1010111111 2212 1 +1010111111 1146.5 1 +1010111111 Wanping 1 +1010111111 2,056 1 +1010111111 17,550 1 +1010111111 6,510 1 +1010111111 Tacktician 1 +1010111111 2017.74 1 +1010111111 5,185 1 +1010111111 13,950 1 +1010111111 6,480 1 +1010111111 WMFE-FM 1 +1010111111 149.60 1 +1010111111 1862.3 1 +1010111111 2370.5 1 +1010111111 319.7 1 +1010111111 498.9 1 +1010111111 1852.5 1 +1010111111 2360.9 1 +1010111111 151.30 1 +1010111111 149.89 1 +1010111111 1590 1 +1010111111 4280 1 +1010111111 2369 1 +1010111111 1836.1 1 +1010111111 3390 1 +1010111111 1540 1 +1010111111 1845.0 1 +1010111111 aristocat 1 +1010111111 1480 1 +1010111111 5600 1 +1010111111 152.10 1 +1010111111 51.718 1 +1010111111 99.23 1 +1010111111 2359.9 1 +1010111111 150.05 1 +1010111111 150.67 1 +1010111111 317.05 1 +1010111111 150.50 1 +1010111111 0.6675 1 +1010111111 oiligarchy 1 +1010111111 387.71 1 +1010111111 1476.5 1 +1010111111 1826.5 1 +1010111111 134.30 1 +1010111111 134.37 1 +1010111111 Hainburg 1 +1010111111 2,105.26 1 +1010111111 1242.44 1 +1010111111 1802.6 1 +1010111111 2125.78 1 +1010111111 27545.53 1 +1010111111 family-car 1 +1010111111 133.48 1 +1010111111 133.43 1 +1010111111 384.52 1 +1010111111 99.574 1 +1010111111 1252.31 1 +1010111111 1471.7 1 +1010111111 1826.3 1 +1010111111 2116.76 1 +1010111111 27405.49 1 +1010111111 852.14 1 +1010111111 trialblazer 1 +1010111111 1245.58 1 +1010111111 1457.6 1 +1010111111 2129.78 1 +1010111111 27501.02 1 +1010111111 2116.81 1 +1010111111 27499.56 1 +1010111111 1808.0 1 +1010111111 1248.36 1 +1010111111 1,292 1 +1010111111 1792.7 1 +1010111111 1446.5 1 +1010111111 2095.84 1 +1010111111 27333.75 1 +1010111111 1829.0 1 +1010111111 bluffet 1 +1010111111 1466.4 1 +1010111111 1812.5 1 +1010111111 27638.83 1 +1010111111 2133.46 1 +1010111111 27752.01 1 +1010111111 Impermanence 1 +1010111111 134.20 1 +1010111111 1242.67 1 +1010111111 Hinomaruya 1 +1010111111 jishuku 1 +1010111111 383.46 1 +1010111111 1494.0 1 +1010111111 27306.57 1 +1010111111 1269.80 1 +1010111111 2109.30 1 +1010111111 27273.30 1 +1010111111 1487.9 1 +1010111111 1830.7 1 +1010111111 127.66 1 +1010111111 50-bid 1 +1010111111 1295.79 1 +1010111111 1509.5 1 +1010111111 1857.0 1 +1010111111 27141.98 1 +1010111111 1513.2 1 +1010111111 2118.17 1 +1010111111 386.25 1 +1010111111 1282.99 1 +1010111111 27268.74 1 +1010111111 1860.0 1 +1010111111 4,627 1 +1010111111 1286.93 1 +1010111111 1490.3 1 +1010111111 1844.1 1 +1010111111 132.20 1 +1010111111 1481.5 1 +1010111111 1838.9 1 +1010111111 2096.31 1 +1010111111 27172.34 1 +1010111111 .261 1 +1010111111 91.31 1 +1010111111 91.21 1 +1010111111 1269.36 1 +1010111111 27258.27 1 +1010111111 2,443.4 1 +1010111111 382.55 1 +1010111111 6,050 1 +1010111111 27337.41 1 +1010111111 27409.37 1 +1010111111 385.49 1 +1010111111 1427.64 1 +1010111111 1838.3 1 +1010111111 27442.44 1 +1010111111 27469.60 1 +1010111111 99.24 1 +1010111111 1419.5 1 +1010111111 27504.01 1 +1010111111 133.67 1 +1010111111 MacLeans 1 +1010111111 96.27 1 +1010111111 103.19 1 +1010111111 27320.51 1 +1010111111 1567.2 1 +1010111111 27640 1 +1010111111 2112.82 1 +1010111111 2124 1 +1010111111 27647.10 1 +1010111111 7629.27 1 +1010111111 1554.8 1 +1010111111 503.50 1 +1010111111 1402.4 1 +1010111111 27708.21 1 +1010111111 1738.4 1 +1010111111 27645.27 1 +1010111111 379.73 1 +1010111111 71.80 1 +1010111111 72.00 1 +1010111111 1754.8 1 +1010111111 1409.9 1 +1010111111 27511.65 1 +1010111111 1763.15 1 +1010111111 134.97 1 +1010111111 136.75 1 +1010111111 72.70 1 +1010111111 137.13 1 +1010111111 99.953 1 +1010111111 1409.4 1 +1010111111 2128.02 1 +1010111111 27365.95 1 +1010111111 2670 1 +1010111111 1770.7 1 +1010111111 27664.51 1 +1010111111 27678.91 1 +1010111111 27506.04 1 +1010111111 27379.10 1 +1010111111 3,188 1 +1010111111 98.16 1 +1010111111 27394.18 1 +1010111111 1764.5 1 +1010111111 1420.5 1 +1010111111 1-800-HOT-HOGS 1 +1010111111 258.80 1 +1010111111 1754.81 1 +1010111111 1730.5 1 +1010111111 1391.6 1 +1010111111 26934.26 1 +1010111111 71.40 1 +1010111111 1429.9 1 +1010111111 27548.58 1 +1010111111 1260.99 1 +1010111111 2122.03 1 +1010111111 27712.66 1 +1010111111 1796.8 1 +1010111111 1759.9 1 +1010111111 1418.6 1 +1010111111 2151.86 1 +1010111111 27901.00 1 +1010111111 383.44 1 +1010111111 1792.4 1 +1010111111 1446.8 1 +1010111111 27429.57 1 +1010111111 27390.12 1 +1010111111 1443.8 1 +1010111111 1788.7 1 +1010111111 1440.7 1 +1010111111 27428.31 1 +1010111111 hair-dye 1 +1010111111 99.58 1 +1010111111 16:00-19:00 1 +1010111111 1744.6 1 +1010111111 1401.7 1 +1010111111 2139.20 1 +1010111111 27756.74 1 +1010111111 133.415 1 +1010111111 499.59 1 +1010111111 27794.16 1 +1010111111 1769.3 1 +1010111111 1422.0 1 +1010111111 Time. 1 +1010111111 382.70 1 +1010111111 27,985.40 1 +1010111111 130-138 1 +1010111111 133.53 1 +1010111111 2146.73 1 +1010111111 27805.67 1 +1010111111 1416.5 1 +1010111111 3884.65 1 +1010111111 2,810,000 1 +1010111111 25837.34 1 +1010111111 326.40 1 +1010111111 517.60 1 +1010111111 442.29 1 +1010111111 3768.42 1 +1010111111 146.12 1 +1010111111 25998 1 +1010111111 snitchboard 1 +1010111111 1460.9 1 +1010111111 1802.3 1 +1010111111 28829.41 1 +1010111111 123.54 1 +1010111111 122.40 1 +1010111111 265.05 1 +1010111111 122.45 1 +1010111111 1477.1 1 +1010111111 123.58 1 +1010111111 39.711 1 +1010111111 324.90 1 +1010111111 2336.2 1 +1010111111 2,820,000 1 +1010111111 2039.80 1 +1010111111 1,616 1 +1010111111 28996.12 1 +1010111111 1,810.20 1 +1010111111 3,667.95 1 +1010111111 363154 1 +1010111111 Jamesville 1 +1010111111 2,290,000 1 +1010111111 1428.15 1 +1010111111 7,122,300 1 +1010111111 farmacology 1 +1010111111 2322.9 1 +1010111111 99.954 1 +1010111111 2301.9 1 +1010111111 2350.2 1 +1010111111 144.27 1 +1010111111 142.42 1 +1010111111 flee-for-all 1 +1010111111 119.0 1 +1010111111 2123.53 1 +1010111111 26006.59 1 +1010111111 151.88 1 +1010111111 2385.8 1 +1010111111 2,880,000 1 +1010111111 99.824 1 +1010111111 6,860 1 +1010111111 30.02 1 +1010111111 79.64 1 +1010111111 99.8579 1 +1010111111 Bringing-in-the-Houseplants 1 +1010111111 99.405 1 +1010111111 99.106 1 +1010111111 2359.8 1 +1010111111 Minneapolis-Northwest 1 +1010111111 1.5950 1 +1010111111 Toscana 1 +1010111111 381.77 1 +1010111111 1313.35 1 +1010111111 1502.6 1 +1010111111 1852.1 1 +1010111111 2140.96 1 +1010111111 27722.92 1 +1010111111 125.72 1 +1010111111 27998.93 1 +1010111111 27,961.01 1 +1010111111 6,226.01 1 +1010111111 6018.07 1 +1010111111 2130.80 1 +1010111111 27620.60 1 +1010111111 crashendo 1 +1010111111 1310.63 1 +1010111111 1503.2 1 +1010111111 1850.7 1 +1010111111 27688 1 +1010111111 125.90 1 +1010111111 126.10 1 +1010111111 382.46 1 +1010111111 99.364 1 +1010111111 125.20 1 +1010111111 125.30 1 +1010111111 124.82 1 +1010111111 1310.79 1 +1010111111 1507.7 1 +1010111111 1300.79 1 +1010111111 125.88 1 +1010111111 126.17 1 +1010111111 1509.3 1 +1010111111 1859.3 1 +1010111111 27338.57 1 +1010111111 353.98 1 +1010111111 1.8135 1 +1010111111 1864.3 1 +1010111111 388.62 1 +1010111111 27,293.67 1 +1010111111 1295.21 1 +1010111111 400.50 1 +1010111111 106.80 1 +1010111111 1847.8 1 +1010111111 1500.9 1 +1010111111 1499.4 1 +1010111111 1848.4 1 +1010111111 127.08 1 +1010111111 27281.54 1 +1010111111 halfprice 1 +1010111111 123.80 1 +1010111111 1263.34 1 +1010111111 1826.2 1 +1010111111 2176.57 1 +1010111111 28166.42 1 +1010111111 378.84 1 +1010111111 1491.0 1 +1010111111 2145.73 1 +1010111111 28007.27 1 +1010111111 125.52 1 +1010111111 1479.8 1 +1010111111 28218.02 1 +1010111111 28212.78 1 +1010111111 Info-this 1 +1010111111 122.35 1 +1010111111 1261.84 1 +1010111111 1452.5 1 +1010111111 1794.3 1 +1010111111 28520.90 1 +1010111111 1461.2 1 +1010111111 1802.7 1 +1010111111 28489.57 1 +1010111111 123.70 1 +1010111111 Annaba 1 +1010111111 279.20 1 +1010111111 1280.58 1 +1010111111 1489.5 1 +1010111111 1837.6 1 +1010111111 382.35 1 +1010111111 103.30 1 +1010111111 1495.6 1 +1010111111 1474.3 1 +1010111111 1819.7 1 +1010111111 2129.44 1 +1010111111 27866.36 1 +1010111111 400-a-year 1 +1010111111 Kalimati 1 +1010111111 27953.25 1 +1010111111 1834.3 1 +1010111111 2144.08 1 +1010111111 2:28 1 +1010111111 Congressman-for-Life 1 +1010111111 Jussieu 1 +1010111111 161.83 1 +1010111111 251.05 1 +1010111111 Etretat 1 +1010111111 2440 1 +1010111111 2145.7 1 +1010111111 1674.1 1 +1010111111 99.548 1 +1010111111 18604.91 1 +1010111111 Grauholz 1 +1010111111 4750 1 +1010111111 1677.8 1 +1010111111 Frauenfeld 1 +1010111111 99.638 1 +1010111111 99.427 1 +1010111111 Pastel 1 +1010111111 neofight 1 +1010111111 153.05 1 +1010111111 1946.8 1 +1010111111 1559.2 1 +1010111111 Moruroa 1 +1010111111 1765.55 1 +1010111111 20,076.48 1 +1010111111 3350 1 +1010111111 1678.2 1 +1010111111 20,186.33 1 +1010111111 1584.9 1 +1010111111 2117.54 1 +1010111111 283.90 1 +1010111111 nichemanship 1 +1010111111 18325.50 1 +1010111111 321.0 1 +1010111111 1601.7 1 +1010111111 143.05 1 +1010111111 1423.50 1 +1010111111 99.805 1 +1010111111 100.625 1 +1010111111 800-847-5785 1 +1010111111 1419.92 1 +1010111111 0.6736 1 +1010111111 148.45 1 +1010111111 96.125 1 +1010111111 98.375 1 +1010111111 113.175 1 +1010111111 99.447 1 +1010111111 1421.46 1 +1010111111 1420.73 1 +1010111111 98.932 1 +1010111111 1423.09 1 +1010111111 99.664 1 +1010111111 Stephenville 1 +1010111111 144.10 1 +1010111111 117.11 1 +1010111111 24582.77 1 +1010111111 1424.94 1 +1010111111 Streamwood 1 +1010111111 311.40 1 +1010111111 403.12 1 +1010111111 88,500 1 +1010111111 20,933.82 1 +1010111111 1983.1 1 +1010111111 1604.5 1 +1010111111 Bicycle-frame 1 +1010111111 1910.7 1 +1010111111 112.27 1 +1010111111 98.953 1 +1010111111 99.96 1 +1010111111 1402.84 1 +1010111111 Lusthaus 1 +1010111111 0.6592 1 +1010111111 0.5544 1 +1010111111 1414.59 1 +1010111111 3511.9 1 +1010111111 Rorschach 1 +1010111111 1998.3 1 +1010111111 20,971.39 1 +1010111111 1821.37 1 +1010111111 medium-maturity 1 +1010111111 1426.08 1 +1010111111 20,023.55 1 +1010111111 153.48 1 +1010111111 99.175 1 +1010111111 1418.28 1 +1010111111 1428.45 1 +1010111111 Desota 1 +1010111111 1413.27 1 +1010111111 154.00 1 +1010111111 20,080.39 1 +1010111111 1567.0 1 +1010111111 3,211 1 +1010111111 100.70 1 +1010111111 19,881.76 1 +1010111111 293.0 1 +1010111111 1939.7 1 +1010111111 1556.9 1 +1010111111 1729.46 1 +1010111111 19,940.50 1 +1010111111 1423.98 1 +1010111111 14,460 1 +1010111111 98.67 1 +1010111111 lawngevity 1 +1010111111 282.85 1 +1010111111 1418.14 1 +1010111111 153.85 1 +1010111111 1599.8 1 +1010111111 1979.2 1 +1010111111 2220.47 1 +1010111111 202.02 1 +1010111111 1406.53 1 +1010111111 287.05 1 +1010111111 97.05 1 +1010111111 Ixiz 1 +1010111111 KWU-designed 1 +1010111111 106.54 1 +1010111111 R.I.T. 1 +1010111111 98.659 1 +1010111111 24,608.22 1 +1010111111 1297.21 1 +1010111111 Aguacote 1 +1010111111 1773.81 1 +1010111111 97.708 1 +1010111111 422.16 1 +1010111111 1546.8 1 +1010111111 139.37 1 +1010111111 140.78 1 +1010111111 104.39 1 +1010111111 23510.69 1 +1010111111 140.13 1 +1010111111 143.22 1 +1010111111 18,688 1 +1010111111 postphonement 1 +1010111111 99.923 1 +1010111111 2,900,000 1 +1010111111 brakedancing 1 +1010111111 Cilegon 1 +1010111111 162.19 1 +1010111111 99.809 1 +1010111111 chaseworkers 1 +1010111111 289.36 1 +1010111111 102,492 1 +1010111111 23903.73 1 +1010111111 137.40 1 +1010111111 22889.86 1 +1010111111 2.9882 1 +1010111111 1608.6 1 +1010111111 97.977 1 +1010111111 98.448 1 +1010111111 331.65 1 +1010111111 22,040.18 1 +1010111111 110.52 1 +1010111111 146.42 1 +1010111111 99.83 1 +1010111111 1997.6 1 +1010111111 21,566.66 1 +1010111111 12:35 1 +1010111111 22,367.72 1 +1010111111 145.82 1 +1010111111 2042.9 1 +1010111111 21,472.97 1 +1010111111 1614.9 1 +1010111111 2037.8 1 +1010111111 1422.19 1 +1010111111 1418.78 1 +1010111111 Heibert 1 +1010111111 2153.7 1 +1010111111 1677.7 1 +1010111111 5020 1 +1010111111 108.47 1 +1010111111 4600 1 +1010111111 1620.6 1 +1010111111 2048.6 1 +1010111111 97.562 1 +1010111111 1409.58 1 +1010111111 1782.5 1 +1010111111 99.281 1 +1010111111 1290 1 +1010111111 Legnice 1 +1010111111 22922.20 1 +1010111111 1523.8 1 +1010111111 140.68 1 +1010111111 105.175 1 +1010111111 1908.9 1 +1010111111 2,680,000 1 +1010111111 145.33 1 +1010111111 unautomated 1 +1010111111 1546.4 1 +1010111111 1566.0 1 +1010111111 1989.6 1 +1010111111 22586.11 1 +1010111111 nestalgia 1 +1010111111 helicoppers 1 +1010111111 1976.7 1 +1010111111 216.10 1 +1010111111 Arenales 1 +1010111111 5360 1 +1010111111 99.582 1 +1010111111 sliminar 1 +1010111111 Shindand 1 +1010111111 2228.4 1 +1010111111 99.827 1 +1010111111 1740.8 1 +1010111111 2249.3 1 +1010111111 167.53 1 +1010111111 297.47 1 +1010111111 99.577 1 +1010111111 106.525 1 +1010111111 143.18 1 +1010111111 260.28 1 +1010111111 1724.3 1 +1010111111 2219.6 1 +1010111111 99.851 1 +1010111111 prizeflight 1 +1010111111 144.92 1 +1010111111 144.62 1 +1010111111 5-14 1 +1010111111 1729.9 1 +1010111111 2228.8 1 +1010111111 31.30 1 +1010111111 1724.6 1 +1010111111 sexual-disease 1 +1010111111 1739.6 1 +1010111111 2235.4 1 +1010111111 2,790 1 +1010111111 25,673.20 1 +1010111111 2249.5 1 +1010111111 Three-inch 1 +1010111111 barbecrew 1 +1010111111 3075.23 1 +1010111111 3644.28 1 +1010111111 2272.8 1 +1010111111 323.35 1 +1010111111 1824.30 1 +1010111111 141.66 1 +1010111111 Supergiant 1 +1010111111 2268.1 1 +1010111111 2309.0 1 +1010111111 2231.13 1 +1010111111 425.39 1 +1010111111 99.668 1 +1010111111 193.28 1 +1010111111 99.396 1 +1010111111 1755.2 1 +1010111111 98.419 1 +1010111111 1310.7 1 +1010111111 Olin-Mathieson 1 +1010111111 1285.0 1 +1010111111 252.20 1 +1010111111 1619.6 1 +1010111111 1670.0 1 +1010111111 1332.0 1 +1010111111 1348.9 1 +1010111111 611,476 1 +1010111111 22926.28 1 +1010111111 1652.6 1 +1010111111 1262.7 1 +1010111111 22673.41 1 +1010111111 Northstar-At-Tahoe 1 +1010111111 22808.16 1 +1010111111 113.86 1 +1010111111 1588.4 1 +1010111111 1263.6 1 +1010111111 KCCI-TV 1 +1010111111 1624.4 1 +1010111111 1294.9 1 +1010111111 1,902.52 1 +1010111111 99.453 1 +1010111111 Pootung 1 +1010111111 1297.6 1 +1010111111 112.69 1 +1010111111 294.77 1 +1010111111 22748.85 1 +1010111111 1427.77 1 +1010111111 Springhill 1 +1010111111 99.261 1 +1010111111 102.33 1 +1010111111 Kgodora 1 +1010111111 1432.3 1 +1010111111 21533.44 1 +1010111111 1408.0 1 +1010111111 McGladry 1 +1010111111 1730.3 1 +1010111111 1382.3 1 +1010111111 missiletoe 1 +1010111111 1717.0 1 +1010111111 326.91 1 +1010111111 248.65 1 +1010111111 243.15 1 +1010111111 1706.2 1 +1010111111 1366.6 1 +1010111111 1408.9 1 +1010111111 22741.02 1 +1010111111 1750.2 1 +1010111111 1405.1 1 +1010111111 dairylict 1 +1010111111 Winterburg 1 +1010111111 18778.74 1 +1010111111 260.30 1 +1010111111 99.829 1 +1010111111 155.60 1 +1010111111 Kissembo 1 +1010111111 Newchwang 1 +1010111111 0.6531 1 +1010111111 0.5467 1 +1010111111 157.30 1 +1010111111 0.5288 1 +1010111111 1533.45 1 +1010111111 3066.18 1 +1010111111 1426.90 1 +1010111111 Norborne 1 +1010111111 Dnepropetrovsk 1 +1010111111 158.44 1 +1010111111 158.27 1 +1010111111 99.255 1 +1010111111 157.75 1 +1010111111 256.25 1 +1010111111 squeamishly 1 +1010111111 158.20 1 +1010111111 medical-ethics 1 +1010111111 361.19 1 +1010111111 158.98 1 +1010111111 236.40 1 +1010111111 379.25 1 +1010111111 Cutufi 1 +1010111111 Noumea 1 +1010111111 1422.63 1 +1010111111 164.41 1 +1010111111 152.15 1 +1010111111 97.60 1 +1010111111 99.534 1 +1010111111 1434.65 1 +1010111111 7:50 1 +1010111111 14:43:01 1 +1010111111 289.00 1 +1010111111 271.35 1 +1010111111 97.83 1 +1010111111 242.84 1 +1010111111 1434.85 1 +1010111111 U.S.-border 1 +1010111111 1829.61 1 +1010111111 99.59 1 +1010111111 97.667 1 +1010111111 98.956 1 +1010111111 1435.97 1 +1010111111 1102.92 1 +1010111111 151.90 1 +1010111111 1437.37 1 +1010111111 151.95 1 +1010111111 152.55 1 +1010111111 21,031.66 1 +1010111111 1827.24 1 +1010111111 2002.7 1 +1010111111 1612.4 1 +1010111111 heartifacts 1 +1010111111 153.30 1 +1010111111 Bercy 1 +1010111111 10,000-15,000 1 +1010111111 99.91 1 +1010111111 1790.2 1 +1010111111 143.57 1 +1010111111 scareribs 1 +1010111111 99.844 1 +1010111111 99.525 1 +1010111111 Coors-sponsored 1 +1010111111 21,166.40 1 +1010111111 3667.95 1 +1010111111 2305.9 1 +1010111111 1,794 1 +1010111111 2334.8 1 +1010111111 349.75 1 +1010111111 49.262 1 +1010111111 143.20 1 +1010111111 6,006 1 +1010111111 7:02 1 +1010111111 Haakonsvern 1 +1010111111 Mid-Century 1 +1010111111 4,890 1 +1010111111 24937.93 1 +1010111111 1423.14 1 +1010111111 141.65 1 +1010111111 314.10 1 +1010111111 2275 1 +1010111111 2283.6 1 +1010111111 2,067.61 1 +1010111111 1763.8 1 +1010111111 Straengnaes 1 +1010111111 ice-sledding 1 +1010111111 3649.84 1 +1010111111 2271.8 1 +1010111111 7,131,300 1 +1010111111 Squamish 1 +1010111111 Yreka 1 +1010111111 161.40 1 +1010111111 1188.04 1 +1010111111 1428.38 1 +1010111111 1421.68 1 +1010111111 18825.40 1 +1010111111 tranceplant 1 +1010111111 159.45 1 +1010111111 1407.78 1 +1010111111 barktender 1 +1010111111 1428.67 1 +1010111111 1998.2 1 +1010111111 1601.4 1 +1010111111 99.16 1 +1010111111 18933.07 1 +1010111111 1424.97 1 +1010111111 Nerb 1 +1010111111 163.45 1 +1010111111 288.40 1 +1010111111 164.15 1 +1010111111 250.15 1 +1010111111 249.73 1 +1010111111 98.634 1 +1010111111 Schnieder 1 +1010111111 162.96 1 +1010111111 2676 1 +1010111111 Tekoa 1 +1010111111 27161.05 1 +1010111111 1756.8 1 +1010111111 1406.4 1 +1010111111 1424.73 1 +1010111111 TONG 1 +1010111111 99.737 1 +1010111111 99.487 1 +1010111111 1772.3 1 +1010111111 1417.6 1 +1010111111 27212.58 1 +1010111111 15,627 1 +1010111111 2610.29 1 +1010111111 3288.42 1 +1010111111 99.28 1 +1010111111 1349.0 1 +1010111111 1694.5 1 +1010111111 21560.00 1 +1010111111 23771.60 1 +1010111111 103.55 1 +1010111111 99.303 1 +1010111111 315.85 1 +1010111111 27264.30 1 +1010111111 1794.9 1 +1010111111 1801.1 1 +1010111111 27548.74 1 +1010111111 27487.77 1 +1010111111 466.72 1 +1010111111 444.61 1 +1010111111 0.33499 1 +1010111111 1792.6 1 +1010111111 1435.8 1 +1010111111 124.23 1 +1010111111 73.86 1 +1010111111 73.59 1 +1010111111 142.86 1 +1010111111 1707.2 1 +1010111111 23662.27 1 +1010111111 1355.9 1 +1010111111 2615.63 1 +1010111111 3312.40 1 +1010111111 2380.8 1 +1010111111 34687.65 1 +1010111111 1972.7 1 +1010111111 314.76 1 +1010111111 4,570 1 +1010111111 252.21 1 +1010111111 8,980 1 +1010111111 3449.89 1 +1010111111 2655.52 1 +1010111111 372.27 1 +1010111111 -3/32 1 +1010111111 Spangdahlem 1 +1010111111 1789.2 1 +1010111111 2380.9 1 +1010111111 1962.9 1 +1010111111 Geilenkirchen 1 +1010111111 251.10 1 +1010111111 85-18 1 +1010111111 1043.82 1 +1010111111 3,270 1 +1010111111 142.51 1 +1010111111 27767.58 1 +1010111111 27601.81 1 +1010111111 1428.6 1 +1010111111 27,608.92 1 +1010111111 196.00 1 +1010111111 202.00 1 +1010111111 Fogal 1 +1010111111 3.1865 1 +1010111111 453.29 1 +1010111111 1410.9 1 +1010111111 1766.9 1 +1010111111 23709.10 1 +1010111111 349.97 1 +1010111111 23650.80 1 +1010111111 372.48 1 +1010111111 99.794 1 +1010111111 301-443-3830 1 +1010111111 88.54 1 +1010111111 100.436 1 +1010111111 1385.0 1 +1010111111 1734.0 1 +1010111111 1389.1 1 +1010111111 1809.5 1 +1010111111 1804.4 1 +1010111111 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+1010111111 226.37 1 +1010111111 27999.71 1 +1010111111 1468.2 1 +1010111111 Temecula 1 +1010111111 126.0 1 +1010111111 339.33 1 +1010111111 1828.2 1 +1010111111 27912.65 1 +1010111111 28131.07 1 +1010111111 1455.2 1 +1010111111 1820.2 1 +1010111111 1445.1 1 +1010111111 27967.32 1 +1010111111 142.78 1 +1010111111 379.32 1 +1010111111 1635.93 1 +1010111111 1638.81 1 +1010111111 blankruptcy 1 +1010111111 34960.71 1 +1010111111 1463.7 1 +1010111111 27996.24 1 +1010111111 28069.42 1 +1010111111 propulsively 1 +1010111111 1832.7 1 +1010111111 1452.8 1 +1010111111 4,520 1 +1010111111 2359.6 1 +1010111111 1937.3 1 +1010111111 3279.81 1 +1010111111 1966.3 1 +1010111111 2370.8 1 +1010111111 98.518 1 +1010111111 298.17 1 +1010111111 27197.65 1 +1010111111 27249.76 1 +1010111111 1407.6 1 +1010111111 Kilhamet 1 +1010111111 172,947 1 +1010111111 1924.8 1 +1010111111 23,672.21 1 +1010111111 1067 1 +1010111111 1774.40 1 +1010111111 1420.10 1 +1010111111 Shockbroker 1 +1010111111 0.008052 1 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1 +1010111111 99.673 1 +1010111111 5,480 1 +1010111111 26769.22 1 +1010111111 1399.4 1 +1010111111 1761.0 1 +1010111111 CORINTO 1 +1010111111 98.39 1 +1010111111 99.6875 1 +1010111111 2602.70 1 +1010111111 73.46 1 +1010111111 3383.35 1 +1010111111 8,820 1 +1010111111 1417.0 1 +1010111111 1760.1 1 +1010111111 24968.65 1 +1010111111 1958.9 1 +1010111111 4,675 1 +1010111111 99.736 1 +1010111111 99.774 1 +1010111111 1413.4 1 +1010111111 2427.4 1 +1010111111 1978.7 1 +1010111111 34271.31 1 +1010111111 2090.18 1 +1010111111 3409.19 1 +1010111111 2622.23 1 +1010111111 1840.8 1 +1010111111 27738.57 1 +1010111111 472.92 1 +1010111111 3,665 1 +1010111111 27796.09 1 +1010111111 1480.7 1 +1010111111 1841.3 1 +1010111111 121.00 1 +1010111111 121.30 1 +1010111111 266.85 1 +1010111111 1712.7 1 +1010111111 38,267 1 +1010111111 13,962 1 +1010111111 2347.3 1 +1010111111 1961.4 1 +1010111111 6,940 1 +1010111111 will-o'-the-wasp 1 +1010111111 27183.53 1 +1010111111 1474.1 1 +1010111111 1473.0 1 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1969.6 1 +1010111111 2354.2 1 +1010111111 sun-up 1 +1010111111 134.28 1 +1010111111 377.02 1 +1010111111 394.59 1 +1010111111 27109.31 1 +1010111111 260.63 1 +1010111111 1424.5 1 +1010111111 696.11 1 +1010111111 28020.10 1 +1010111111 2197.97 1 +1010111111 27968.40 1 +1010111111 22872.56 1 +1010111111 132.83 1 +1010111111 chantytown 1 +1010111111 393.56 1 +1010111111 Kapikule 1 +1010111111 96.33 1 +1010111111 28151.83 1 +1010111111 2198.88 1 +1010111111 28084.08 1 +1010111111 13800 1 +1010111111 1216.61 1 +1010111111 270.26 1 +1010111111 2113.62 1 +1010111111 394.67 1 +1010111111 377.36 1 +1010111111 30-13-5 1 +1010111111 Koele 1 +1010111111 96.30 1 +1010111111 100.06 1 +1010111111 2390 1 +1010111111 131.85 1 +1010111111 Cloudlands 1 +1010111111 387.35 1 +1010111111 363.72 1 +1010111111 702.17 1 +1010111111 27301.34 1 +1010111111 27,265.78 1 +1010111111 6,460 1 +1010111111 2,031.50 1 +1010111111 2,031.5 1 +1010111111 1437.1 1 +1010111111 1789.6 1 +1010111111 136.05 1 +1010111111 21575.28 1 +1010111111 130.65 1 +1010111111 Tattletales 1 +1010111111 144.82 1 +1010111111 2638.20 1 +1010111111 27283.56 1 +1010111111 140.10 1 +1010111111 Bagneaux 1 +1010111111 1885.7 1 +1010111111 35636.76 1 +1010111111 1787.1 1 +1010111111 271.55 1 +1010111111 clause-trophobia 1 +1010111111 Chequers 1 +1010111111 377.22 1 +1010111111 Lyaki 1 +1010111111 1912.1 1 +1010111111 1833.9 1 +1010111111 1476.2 1 +1010111111 28129.36 1 +1010111111 Manitou 1 +1010111111 530.41 1 +1010111111 709.94 1 +1010111111 1832.3 1 +1010111111 1477.2 1 +1010111111 28079.18 1 +1010111111 28209.42 1 +1010111111 1484.5 1 +1010111111 1844.3 1 +1010111111 2613.27 1 +1010111111 1940.8 1 +1010111111 sinario 1 +1010111111 2315.9 1 +1010111111 2277.5 1 +1010111111 2628.90 1 +1010111111 1825.3 1 +1010111111 27896.55 1 +1010111111 2187.49 1 +1010111111 28035.39 1 +1010111111 7,160 1 +1010111111 Intar 1 +1010111111 8,040 1 +1010111111 7604.25 1 +1010111111 144.00 1 +1010111111 376.22 1 +1010111111 28178.86 1 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28292.66 1 +1010111111 1508.5 1 +1010111111 138.72 1 +1010111111 1869.7 1 +1010111111 97.936 1 +1010111111 McCann-Erikson 1 +1010111111 38,123 1 +1010111111 1796.7 1 +1010111111 1,327.75 1 +1010111111 138.40 1 +1010111111 133.80 1 +1010111111 2688.80 1 +1010111111 27831.67 1 +1010111111 2318.6 1 +1010111111 1899.3 1 +1010111111 74.32 1 +1010111111 74.82 1 +1010111111 Sandhurst 1 +1010111111 Hvittrask 1 +1010111111 98.801 1 +1010111111 1465.6 1 +1010111111 27901.29 1 +1010111111 9,380 1 +1010111111 2673.56 1 +1010111111 35376.35 1 +1010111111 1512.8 1 +1010111111 1875.9 1 +1010111111 28312.00 1 +1010111111 28362.18 1 +1010111111 Twickenham 1 +1010111111 7,970 1 +1010111111 2615.48 1 +1010111111 34630.38 1 +1010111111 2661.42 1 +1010111111 nestbuilding 1 +1010111111 349.41 1 +1010111111 2172.80 1 +1010111111 27886.49 1 +1010111111 2,187.04 1 +1010111111 27,833.51 1 +1010111111 95.99 1 +1010111111 1013.77 1 +1010111111 27784.98 1 +1010111111 .007573 1 +1010111111 .5328 1 +1010111111 1.7096 1 +1010111111 1790.0 1 +1010111111 22910.20 1 +1010111111 27556.21 1 +1010111111 27454.14 1 +1010111111 131.35 1 +1010111111 cremations 1 +1010111111 65.612 1 +1010111111 131.70 1 +1010111111 130.90 1 +1010111111 130.48 1 +1010111111 135-to-145 1 +1010111111 344.34 1 +1010111111 160-to-165 1 +1010111111 142.32 1 +1010111111 1436.7 1 +1010111111 27435.01 1 +1010111111 2155.70 1 +1010111111 27271.67 1 +1010111111 1423.0 1 +1010111111 22898.17 1 +1010111111 2185.54 1 +1010111111 77.16 1 +1010111111 76.58 1 +1010111111 35090.11 1 +1010111111 7,480 1 +1010111111 2652.96 1 +1010111111 2178.64 1 +1010111111 1510 1 +1010111111 5150 1 +1010111111 2330 1 +1010111111 1878.9 1 +1010111111 2650.61 1 +1010111111 9663.60 1 +1010111111 35084.15 1 +1010111111 1398.7 1 +1010111111 190.65 1 +1010111111 2329.6 1 +1010111111 115.643 1 +1010111111 2633.24 1 +1010111111 1961.8 1 +1010111111 100.40 1 +1010111111 133.57 1 +1010111111 8,590 1 +1010111111 27769.40 1 +1010111111 2183.10 1 +1010111111 27823.14 1 +1010111111 5280 1 +1010111111 34810.69 1 +1010111111 2326.2 1 +1010111111 2633.33 1 +1010111111 setside 1 +1010111111 92.763 1 +1010111111 Point-Comfort 1 +1010111111 141.40 1 +1010111111 1923.9 1 +1010111111 2148.25 1 +1010111111 1848.0 1 +1010111111 1478.3 1 +1010111111 108.69 1 +1010111111 Then-Rep 1 +1010111111 96.42 1 +1010111111 27398.09 1 +1010111111 27515.99 1 +1010111111 2158.48 1 +1010111111 880,674 1 +1010111111 2331.2 1 +1010111111 2329.8 1 +1010111111 1907.4 1 +1010111111 5230 1 +1010111111 1855.1 1 +1010111111 1479.7 1 +1010111111 27607.33 1 +1010111111 2,166.90 1 +1010111111 27730.36 1 +1010111111 22973.06 1 +1010111111 136.20 1 +1010111111 99.961 1 +1010111111 389.08 1 +1010111111 361.40 1 +1010111111 Rutgers-Camden 1 +1010111111 471,519 1 +1010111111 1404.0 1 +1010111111 22710.26 1 +1010111111 1861.9 1 +1010111111 99.975 1 +1010111111 335.67 1 +1010111111 28093.52 1 +1010111111 1869.3 1 +1010111111 126.22 1 +1010111111 125.19 1 +1010111111 28064.11 1 +1010111111 1461.1 1 +1010111111 1838.8 1 +1010111111 126.35 1 +1010111111 mind- 1 +1010111111 1482.7 1 +1010111111 28061.80 1 +1010111111 2213.63 1 +1010111111 23125.33 1 +1010111111 1421.0 1 +1010111111 2659.08 1 +1010111111 2374.7 1 +1010111111 88.2568 1 +1010111111 1770.9 1 +1010111111 35109.56 1 +1010111111 8,810 1 +1010111111 string-pulling 1 +1010111111 126.39 1 +1010111111 243.50 1 +1010111111 5,370 1 +1010111111 2336.1 1 +1010111111 1913.5 1 +1010111111 2189.87 1 +1010111111 2219.33 1 +1010111111 28,232.55 1 +1010111111 1472.6 1 +1010111111 1850.1 1 +1010111111 96.10 1 +1010111111 2375.1 1 +1010111111 10-to-2 1 +1010111111 Freehill 1 +1010111111 2652.50 1 +1010111111 quacksilver 1 +1010111111 1752.8 1 +1010111111 22843.14 1 +1010111111 28021.21 1 +1010111111 2204.19 1 +1010111111 49.836 1 +1010111111 128.78 1 +1010111111 28139.03 1 +1010111111 125.84 1 +1010111111 Artesia 1 +1010111111 2632.97 1 +1010111111 6,910 1 +1010111111 34671.62 1 +1010111111 1950.3 1 +1010111111 454.08 1 +1010111111 1760.2 1 +1010111111 12300 1 +1010111111 3210 1 +1010111111 7550 1 +1010111111 1417.4 1 +1010111111 28058.08 1 +1010111111 2200.56 1 +1010111111 27985.99 1 +1010111111 22578.43 1 +1010111111 2325.9 1 +1010111111 27766.60 1 +1010111111 2176.55 1 +1010111111 27671.02 1 +1010111111 5310 1 +1010111111 22324.99 1 +1010111111 246.25 1 +1010111111 22451.99 1 +1010111111 1733.4 1 +1010111111 1391.1 1 +1010111111 Infocorp. 1 +1010111111 272.02 1 +1010111111 97.723 1 +1010111111 395.45 1 +1010111111 2586.13 1 +1010111111 88.12 1 +1010111111 1-800-233-3271 1 +1010111111 344.72 1 +1010111111 Raydah 1 +1010111111 99.902 1 +1010111111 99.991 1 +1010111111 27965.88 1 +1010111111 2197.91 1 +1010111111 27917.08 1 +1010111111 271.78 1 +1010111111 long-existing 1 +1010111111 2180.86 1 +1010111111 27902.39 1 +1010111111 1484.2 1 +1010111111 232.28 1 +1010111111 1396.9 1 +1010111111 22625.05 1 +1010111111 246.35 1 +1010111111 112.0 1 +1010111111 651,200 1 +1010111111 1876.2 1 +1010111111 28099.84 1 +1010111111 2207.97 1 +1010111111 28089.40 1 +1010111111 96.92 1 +1010111111 267.85 1 +1010111111 Riviere-Beaudette 1 +1010111111 Halabjah 1 +1010111111 271.30 1 +1010111111 393.52 1 +1010111111 2164.11 1 +1010111111 125.24 1 +1010111111 1885.8 1 +1010111111 2696.18 1 +1010111111 nearlyweds 1 +1010111111 Myuongdong 2 +1010111111 2006.6 2 +1010111111 1775.4 2 +1010111111 2264.5 2 +1010111111 21564.00 2 +1010111111 1307.40 2 +1010111111 1313.03 2 +1010111111 1196.69 2 +1010111111 150.35 2 +1010111111 1222.54 2 +1010111111 99.558 2 +1010111111 3,780 2 +1010111111 159.85 2 +1010111111 1903.51 2 +1010111111 2268.98 2 +1010111111 1288.10 2 +1010111111 115.75 2 +1010111111 122.85 2 +1010111111 99.931 2 +1010111111 1322.04 2 +1010111111 2226.52 2 +1010111111 143.63 2 +1010111111 115.25 2 +1010111111 2231.96 2 +1010111111 152.83 2 +1010111111 343.09 2 +1010111111 1927.31 2 +1010111111 1778.9 2 +1010111111 1961.54 2 +1010111111 1189.70 2 +1010111111 1789.0 2 +1010111111 1249.61 2 +1010111111 2176.74 2 +1010111111 1.5168 2 +1010111111 274.45 2 +1010111111 1309.07 2 +1010111111 2216.68 2 +1010111111 10-midnight 2 +1010111111 1239.31 2 +1010111111 2101.52 2 +1010111111 1307.21 2 +1010111111 2408.13 2 +1010111111 152.98 2 +1010111111 135.80 2 +1010111111 3,640 2 +1010111111 10:50 2 +1010111111 44.314 2 +1010111111 1256.43 2 +1010111111 2071.29 2 +1010111111 99.575 2 +1010111111 146.90 2 +1010111111 133.19 2 +1010111111 34538.90 2 +1010111111 1274.57 2 +1010111111 1237.42 2 +1010111111 129.89 2 +1010111111 153.41 2 +1010111111 1324.90 2 +1010111111 monumentality 2 +1010111111 154.35 2 +1010111111 WCLY-FM 2 +1010111111 1282.57 2 +1010111111 1319.98 2 +1010111111 108,200 2 +1010111111 1282.20 2 +1010111111 1259.37 2 +1010111111 2527.90 2 +1010111111 143.48 2 +1010111111 2267.34 2 +1010111111 99.63 2 +1010111111 1232.59 2 +1010111111 1187.73 2 +1010111111 96.02 2 +1010111111 1,719 2 +1010111111 1312.42 2 +1010111111 100.04 2 +1010111111 2,039,300 2 +1010111111 125.34 2 +1010111111 130.98 2 +1010111111 447.78 2 +1010111111 1419.4 2 +1010111111 317.75 2 +1010111111 2,770,000 2 +1010111111 126.33 2 +1010111111 128.87 2 +1010111111 217.43 2 +1010111111 141.10 2 +1010111111 2210 2 +1010111111 1299.57 2 +1010111111 1329.29 2 +1010111111 1243.71 2 +1010111111 138.70 2 +1010111111 WEYI 2 +1010111111 2056.37 2 +1010111111 101.85 2 +1010111111 1386.7 2 +1010111111 1179.23 2 +1010111111 1282.16 2 +1010111111 130.52 2 +1010111111 99.798 2 +1010111111 1326.08 2 +1010111111 1299.08 2 +1010111111 2063.49 2 +1010111111 126.70 2 +1010111111 1303.99 2 +1010111111 23498.76 2 +1010111111 96.79 2 +1010111111 2254.26 2 +1010111111 1911.14 2 +1010111111 Malongo 2 +1010111111 127.79 2 +1010111111 1781.8 2 +1010111111 348.83 2 +1010111111 143.78 2 +1010111111 Edwardsville 2 +1010111111 116.43 2 +1010111111 2223.99 2 +1010111111 Herculaneum 2 +1010111111 25596.31 2 +1010111111 99.765 2 +1010111111 7,090 2 +1010111111 1291.26 2 +1010111111 1185.03 2 +1010111111 1176.66 2 +1010111111 1283.92 2 +1010111111 2057.86 2 +1010111111 101.45 2 +1010111111 1310.94 2 +1010111111 Gomel 2 +1010111111 1276.03 2 +1010111111 150.22 2 +1010111111 1318.45 2 +1010111111 22603.65 2 +1010111111 1327.33 2 +1010111111 99.871 2 +1010111111 1952.92 2 +1010111111 142.53 2 +1010111111 1956.07 2 +1010111111 2692.82 2 +1010111111 462.87 2 +1010111111 1926.18 2 +1010111111 1255.03 2 +1010111111 2,640,000 2 +1010111111 Bardai 2 +1010111111 1775.2 2 +1010111111 1244.30 2 +1010111111 158.33 2 +1010111111 1729.8 2 +1010111111 2009.42 2 +1010111111 2039.95 2 +1010111111 multitrillion 2 +1010111111 1286.58 2 +1010111111 Skrunda 2 +1010111111 1737.8 2 +1010111111 geep 2 +1010111111 KTIV-TV 2 +1010111111 114.12 2 +1010111111 2160.01 2 +1010111111 1285.96 2 +1010111111 2360.13 2 +1010111111 1926.88 2 +1010111111 2012.94 2 +1010111111 Photokina 2 +1010111111 102.35 2 +1010111111 152.70 2 +1010111111 25100.66 2 +1010111111 363.62 2 +1010111111 1307.25 2 +1010111111 99.846 2 +1010111111 2183.35 2 +1010111111 1389.4 2 +1010111111 1183.21 2 +1010111111 144.25 2 +1010111111 1202.56 2 +1010111111 2337.08 2 +1010111111 2599.49 2 +1010111111 129.88 2 +1010111111 140.98 2 +1010111111 2186.87 2 +1010111111 1279.89 2 +1010111111 8:10 2 +1010111111 1286.1 2 +1010111111 1916.11 2 +1010111111 2306 2 +1010111111 101.175 2 +1010111111 95.67 2 +1010111111 99.835 2 +1010111111 3,980 2 +1010111111 1245.91 2 +1010111111 Sohyo 2 +1010111111 2561.38 2 +1010111111 1201.09 2 +1010111111 162.55 2 +1010111111 344.66 2 +1010111111 HEC 2 +1010111111 1914.37 2 +1010111111 1747.2 2 +1010111111 141.78 2 +1010111111 141.80 2 +1010111111 1391 2 +1010111111 2352.70 2 +1010111111 1278.95 2 +1010111111 6-feet-2 2 +1010111111 1286.61 2 +1010111111 114.53 2 +1010111111 BAB 2 +1010111111 124.00 2 +1010111111 162.93 2 +1010111111 1182.77 2 +1010111111 2014.59 2 +1010111111 1317.50 2 +1010111111 153.55 2 +1010111111 25649.88 2 +1010111111 2353.61 2 +1010111111 1278.41 2 +1010111111 1727.2 2 +1010111111 2351.64 2 +1010111111 2299.4 2 +1010111111 1284.71 2 +1010111111 1320.44 2 +1010111111 2039.12 2 +1010111111 Murdochville 2 +1010111111 Ishpeming 2 +1010111111 1201.95 2 +1010111111 153.98 2 +1010111111 129.20 2 +1010111111 154.20 2 +1010111111 1270.12 2 +1010111111 Okotoks 2 +1010111111 1321.52 2 +1010111111 1930.40 2 +1010111111 0.889 2 +1010111111 Leetsdale 2 +1010111111 2608.74 2 +1010111111 130.00 2 +1010111111 1958.22 2 +1010111111 2235.24 2 +1010111111 152.77 2 +1010111111 2288.23 2 +1010111111 1295.66 2 +1010111111 128.81 2 +1010111111 Diversey 2 +1010111111 1759.8 2 +1010111111 145.53 2 +1010111111 190.20 2 +1010111111 6,330 2 +1010111111 1423.52 2 +1010111111 2076.63 2 +1010111111 1259.94 2 +1010111111 1791.1 2 +1010111111 1930.04 2 +1010111111 2613.04 2 +1010111111 2165.78 2 +1010111111 308.50 2 +1010111111 2681.61 2 +1010111111 1291.14 2 +1010111111 144.47 2 +1010111111 CIAPA 2 +1010111111 1313.45 2 +1010111111 252.19 2 +1010111111 2070.46 2 +1010111111 2391.54 2 +1010111111 1247.12 2 +1010111111 1320.75 2 +1010111111 2550 2 +1010111111 1963.86 2 +1010111111 1756.1 2 +1010111111 124.05 2 +1010111111 5,650 2 +1010111111 Greytown 2 +1010111111 4,070 2 +1010111111 2334.66 2 +1010111111 1316.09 2 +1010111111 half-mast 2 +1010111111 1189.05 2 +1010111111 2576.05 2 +1010111111 Tientsin 2 +1010111111 153.75 2 +1010111111 1262.76 2 +1010111111 1765.2 2 +1010111111 1273.74 2 +1010111111 101.20 2 +1010111111 1307.96 2 +1010111111 23918.56 2 +1010111111 4,330 2 +1010111111 153.92 2 +1010111111 2023.21 2 +1010111111 3070 2 +1010111111 1304.49 2 +1010111111 5,580 2 +1010111111 141.15 2 +1010111111 8,030 2 +1010111111 2278.22 2 +1010111111 1255.40 2 +1010111111 bed-and-breakfasts 2 +1010111111 1320.20 2 +1010111111 2226.24 2 +1010111111 Larnaca 2 +1010111111 1,607 2 +1010111111 133.04 2 +1010111111 1152.47 2 +1010111111 1238.40 2 +1010111111 1241.71 2 +1010111111 2101.71 2 +1010111111 1202.55 2 +1010111111 99.904 2 +1010111111 99.56 2 +1010111111 1198.91 2 +1010111111 2090.68 2 +1010111111 1122.98 2 +1010111111 1263.44 2 +1010111111 Charlottetown 2 +1010111111 1262.04 2 +1010111111 1235.13 2 +1010111111 1130.33 2 +1010111111 1217.46 2 +1010111111 1866.2 2 +1010111111 2647.00 2 +1010111111 1241.76 2 +1010111111 127.52 2 +1010111111 256.33 2 +1010111111 1232.90 2 +1010111111 1240.27 2 +1010111111 22834.96 2 +1010111111 1198.84 2 +1010111111 1235.11 2 +1010111111 1387.42 2 +1010111111 98.55 2 +1010111111 2647 2 +1010111111 99.963 2 +1010111111 1238.70 2 +1010111111 23298.78 2 +1010111111 2093.35 2 +1010111111 1481.6 2 +1010111111 101.76 2 +1010111111 1230.09 2 +1010111111 7,120 2 +1010111111 1169.42 2 +1010111111 2640.18 2 +1010111111 146.60 2 +1010111111 1377.00 2 +1010111111 2372.16 2 +1010111111 1171.01 2 +1010111111 2148.29 2 +1010111111 1169.38 2 +1010111111 1247.14 2 +1010111111 126.15 2 +1010111111 2,430 2 +1010111111 1239.16 2 +1010111111 147.00 2 +1010111111 1171.72 2 +1010111111 321.83 2 +1010111111 49.39 2 +1010111111 1179.21 2 +1010111111 1247.49 2 +1010111111 2640.99 2 +1010111111 unburied 2 +1010111111 1243.31 2 +1010111111 141.43 2 +1010111111 125.68 2 +1010111111 127.23 2 +1010111111 2471.44 2 +1010111111 2286.93 2 +1010111111 5,410 2 +1010111111 1835.2 2 +1010111111 305.23 2 +1010111111 260.64 2 +1010111111 WJBK 2 +1010111111 1131.16 2 +1010111111 1373.98 2 +1010111111 145.60 2 +1010111111 1156.39 2 +1010111111 unlaced 2 +1010111111 1160.32 2 +1010111111 1277.23 2 +1010111111 1228.37 2 +1010111111 1167.74 2 +1010111111 99.473 2 +1010111111 1230.07 2 +1010111111 1459.1 2 +1010111111 351.74 2 +1010111111 2482.21 2 +1010111111 1153.19 2 +1010111111 2366.5 2 +1010111111 129.95 2 +1010111111 2104.02 2 +1010111111 137.76 2 +1010111111 1229.93 2 +1010111111 1430.7 2 +1010111111 1949.10 2 +1010111111 1209.88 2 +1010111111 124.30 2 +1010111111 1961.37 2 +1010111111 100.90 2 +1010111111 124.38 2 +1010111111 131.10 2 +1010111111 1962.53 2 +1010111111 97.40 2 +1010111111 1206.42 2 +1010111111 1250.36 2 +1010111111 1259.10 2 +1010111111 1300.84 2 +1010111111 21546.50 2 +1010111111 1383.09 2 +1010111111 656.5 2 +1010111111 158.25 2 +1010111111 1247.77 2 +1010111111 130.35 2 +1010111111 136.27 2 +1010111111 1239.78 2 +1010111111 Dallas-Ft 2 +1010111111 456.93 2 +1010111111 188.14 2 +1010111111 1973.1 2 +1010111111 1206.95 2 +1010111111 2087.48 2 +1010111111 11,089 2 +1010111111 133.13 2 +1010111111 1236.63 2 +1010111111 1257.27 2 +1010111111 1210.07 2 +1010111111 97.30 2 +1010111111 5:10 2 +1010111111 1195.67 2 +1010111111 1243.75 2 +1010111111 1203.30 2 +1010111111 9:46 2 +1010111111 135.20 2 +1010111111 3,260 2 +1010111111 1,723 2 +1010111111 1177 2 +1010111111 1289.87 2 +1010111111 1240.86 2 +1010111111 1952.59 2 +1010111111 2081.08 2 +1010111111 1203.64 2 +1010111111 313.93 2 +1010111111 1298.85 2 +1010111111 1238.49 2 +1010111111 125.67 2 +1010111111 3900 2 +1010111111 4,270 2 +1010111111 1232.73 2 +1010111111 139.05 2 +1010111111 1810.3 2 +1010111111 2,187 2 +1010111111 1252.80 2 +1010111111 1226.40 2 +1010111111 1243.38 2 +1010111111 1653.9 2 +1010111111 1482.1 2 +1010111111 1382.74 2 +1010111111 3,830 2 +1010111111 1231.92 2 +1010111111 1240.63 2 +1010111111 1239.44 2 +1010111111 1237.64 2 +1010111111 133.50 2 +1010111111 323.30 2 +1010111111 1240.67 2 +1010111111 2075.21 2 +1010111111 132.81 2 +1010111111 1257.44 2 +1010111111 1215.33 2 +1010111111 1232.0 2 +1010111111 124.78 2 +1010111111 21036.76 2 +1010111111 1207.13 2 +1010111111 1198.24 2 +1010111111 18,200 2 +1010111111 134.60 2 +1010111111 1271.84 2 +1010111111 4860 2 +1010111111 1375.30 2 +1010111111 2320.45 2 +1010111111 99.475 2 +1010111111 74.93 2 +1010111111 1262.85 2 +1010111111 1242.77 2 +1010111111 117.25 2 +1010111111 1234.64 2 +1010111111 1262.06 2 +1010111111 2131.22 2 +1010111111 152.93 2 +1010111111 102.70 2 +1010111111 1251.52 2 +1010111111 1215.74 2 +1010111111 1210 2 +1010111111 1380 2 +1010111111 1259.01 2 +1010111111 1212.13 2 +1010111111 142.05 2 +1010111111 143.09 2 +1010111111 1336.84 2 +1010111111 1214.31 2 +1010111111 1254.20 2 +1010111111 1234.71 2 +1010111111 Arkhangelsk 2 +1010111111 139.78 2 +1010111111 1268.85 2 +1010111111 2149.89 2 +1010111111 2105.26 2 +1010111111 271.38 2 +1010111111 1496.7 2 +1010111111 1282.03 2 +1010111111 1328.96 2 +1010111111 1254.68 2 +1010111111 1211.53 2 +1010111111 4,080 2 +1010111111 138.77 2 +1010111111 102.90 2 +1010111111 1264.19 2 +1010111111 ShoWest 2 +1010111111 1496.5 2 +1010111111 2270.60 2 +1010111111 2130.51 2 +1010111111 1216.22 2 +1010111111 1224.65 2 +1010111111 101.90 2 +1010111111 1261.92 2 +1010111111 130.84 2 +1010111111 Fushun 2 +1010111111 2329.68 2 +1010111111 1285.25 2 +1010111111 131.37 2 +1010111111 2053.70 2 +1010111111 1286.96 2 +1010111111 2299.57 2 +1010111111 127.80 2 +1010111111 Rijeka 2 +1010111111 132.53 2 +1010111111 1266.68 2 +1010111111 123.10 2 +1010111111 1250.22 2 +1010111111 2286.22 2 +1010111111 182.85 2 +1010111111 1217.98 2 +1010111111 1213.28 2 +1010111111 385.67 2 +1010111111 34899.34 2 +1010111111 136.72 2 +1010111111 127.90 2 +1010111111 1180.52 2 +1010111111 1259.30 2 +1010111111 1255.37 2 +1010111111 102.60 2 +1010111111 1260.39 2 +1010111111 1218.94 2 +1010111111 2060.99 2 +1010111111 1844.8 2 +1010111111 2133.36 2 +1010111111 1254.01 2 +1010111111 2073.97 2 +1010111111 1314.00 2 +1010111111 1221.11 2 +1010111111 5,420 2 +1010111111 133.37 2 +1010111111 1249.33 2 +1010111111 162.25 2 +1010111111 2322.60 2 +1010111111 2131.58 2 +1010111111 1807.3 2 +1010111111 391.66 2 +1010111111 1260.26 2 +1010111111 1251.69 2 +1010111111 1238.29 2 +1010111111 1235.73 2 +1010111111 1248.42 2 +1010111111 133.85 2 +1010111111 1253.82 2 +1010111111 133.10 2 +1010111111 1339.86 2 +1010111111 2338.78 2 +1010111111 138.85 2 +1010111111 1247.13 2 +1010111111 1240.26 2 +1010111111 97.10 2 +1010111111 130.45 2 +1010111111 144.60 2 +1010111111 1178.64 2 +1010111111 1355.99 2 +1010111111 1177.69 2 +1010111111 1849.8 2 +1010111111 141.89 2 +1010111111 1225.52 2 +1010111111 1165.15 2 +1010111111 1244.24 2 +1010111111 1320.53 2 +1010111111 1192.30 2 +1010111111 260.71 2 +1010111111 1477.6 2 +1010111111 3,380 2 +1010111111 2121.98 2 +1010111111 1192.95 2 +1010111111 1177.06 2 +1010111111 143.25 2 +1010111111 130.99 2 +1010111111 1250.79 2 +1010111111 Orono 2 +1010111111 1843.2 2 +1010111111 Ringaskiddy 2 +1010111111 1227.37 2 +1010111111 9:10 2 +1010111111 1740 2 +1010111111 2006.3 2 +1010111111 394.15 2 +1010111111 1275.13 2 +1010111111 2327.5 2 +1010111111 1223.77 2 +1010111111 1857.6 2 +1010111111 1485.6 2 +1010111111 125.28 2 +1010111111 12:31 2 +1010111111 1256.51 2 +1010111111 2145.80 2 +1010111111 1857.8 2 +1010111111 1272.00 2 +1010111111 1231.06 2 +1010111111 387.72 2 +1010111111 102.20 2 +1010111111 38,600 2 +1010111111 1313.69 2 +1010111111 1219.90 2 +1010111111 279.06 2 +1010111111 1236.16 2 +1010111111 1248.58 2 +1010111111 1478.8 2 +1010111111 140.27 2 +1010111111 1825.7 2 +1010111111 1246.80 2 +1010111111 2126.60 2 +1010111111 122.50 2 +1010111111 122.55 2 +1010111111 1235.62 2 +1010111111 133.78 2 +1010111111 137.86 2 +1010111111 1247.52 2 +1010111111 2106.15 2 +1010111111 2122.69 2 +1010111111 2860 2 +1010111111 1233.73 2 +1010111111 2:50 2 +1010111111 1840.6 2 +1010111111 275.15 2 +1010111111 1253.14 2 +1010111111 27700.13 2 +1010111111 1239.60 2 +1010111111 1255.42 2 +1010111111 129.65 2 +1010111111 1257.92 2 +1010111111 144.85 2 +1010111111 392.47 2 +1010111111 Baie-Comeau 2 +1010111111 1272.52 2 +1010111111 1916.90 2 +1010111111 135.60 2 +1010111111 1768.0 2 +1010111111 1259.08 2 +1010111111 1249.77 2 +1010111111 1288.53 2 +1010111111 162.54 2 +1010111111 162.20 2 +1010111111 162.30 2 +1010111111 15,000-to-1 2 +1010111111 1237.20 2 +1010111111 140.70 2 +1010111111 2709.54 2 +1010111111 1282.73 2 +1010111111 1998.34 2 +1010111111 1273.85 2 +1010111111 BHF-Bank 2 +1010111111 335.30 2 +1010111111 27341.58 2 +1010111111 1254.03 2 +1010111111 1758.2 2 +1010111111 2,570 2 +1010111111 145.94 2 +1010111111 1258.85 2 +1010111111 1202.41 2 +1010111111 1259.12 2 +1010111111 4,620 2 +1010111111 5,080 2 +1010111111 294.57 2 +1010111111 2592.00 2 +1010111111 3700 2 +1010111111 2095.99 2 +1010111111 1261.01 2 +1010111111 unplanted 2 +1010111111 151.02 2 +1010111111 1282.47 2 +1010111111 1256.47 2 +1010111111 8,910 2 +1010111111 128.02 2 +1010111111 1271.19 2 +1010111111 100.45 2 +1010111111 99.97 2 +1010111111 2685.43 2 +1010111111 1269.37 2 +1010111111 74.00 2 +1010111111 1778.6 2 +1010111111 98.125 2 +1010111111 1261.05 2 +1010111111 152.41 2 +1010111111 1238.35 2 +1010111111 1262.52 2 +1010111111 130.95 2 +1010111111 1785.3 2 +1010111111 126.65 2 +1010111111 2650 2 +1010111111 Auvers 2 +1010111111 1258.69 2 +1010111111 151.20 2 +1010111111 1272.18 2 +1010111111 130.43 2 +1010111111 1070 2 +1010111111 2720 2 +1010111111 1258.04 2 +1010111111 138.95 2 +1010111111 1425.09 2 +1010111111 377.96 2 +1010111111 135.25 2 +1010111111 135.15 2 +1010111111 1651.6 2 +1010111111 1300.96 2 +1010111111 1867.04 2 +1010111111 1196.67 2 +1010111111 99.932 2 +1010111111 1203.77 2 +1010111111 1300.86 2 +1010111111 254.50 2 +1010111111 2050.07 2 +1010111111 1196.27 2 +1010111111 Semipalatinsk 2 +1010111111 132.86 2 +1010111111 1639.3 2 +1010111111 133.60 2 +1010111111 1947.27 2 +1010111111 2038.23 2 +1010111111 800,000-strong 2 +1010111111 131.07 2 +1010111111 1205.05 2 +1010111111 5-feet-5 2 +1010111111 slow-pitch 2 +1010111111 1210.04 2 +1010111111 25682.82 2 +1010111111 5,260 2 +1010111111 2064.32 2 +1010111111 1290.16 2 +1010111111 27870.44 2 +1010111111 1230.89 2 +1010111111 161.85 2 +1010111111 4,980 2 +1010111111 1425.4 2 +1010111111 2017.43 2 +1010111111 1300.16 2 +1010111111 3,770 2 +1010111111 2381.3 2 +1010111111 1256.11 2 +1010111111 1301.32 2 +1010111111 2034.98 2 +1010111111 hodori 2 +1010111111 1224.76 2 +1010111111 126.00 2 +1010111111 1207.73 2 +1010111111 1232.62 2 +1010111111 1819.2 2 +1010111111 341.99 2 +1010111111 237.08 2 +1010111111 1200.53 2 +1010111111 132.42 2 +1010111111 1233.38 2 +1010111111 1230.10 2 +1010111111 3.0987 2 +1010111111 1279.19 2 +1010111111 1231.85 2 +1010111111 26500 2 +1010111111 136.50 2 +1010111111 1275.29 2 +1010111111 74.20 2 +1010111111 1573.5 2 +1010111111 687.5 2 +1010111111 1275.69 2 +1010111111 1340 2 +1010111111 Bure 2 +1010111111 6,690 2 +1010111111 1223.09 2 +1010111111 72.33 2 +1010111111 26768.15 2 +1010111111 136.60 2 +1010111111 Nanterre 2 +1010111111 monkfish 2 +1010111111 1298.66 2 +1010111111 99.852 2 +1010111111 1828.1 2 +1010111111 1222.66 2 +1010111111 2295.81 2 +1010111111 3,960 2 +1010111111 1280.43 2 +1010111111 1939.68 2 +1010111111 1279.39 2 +1010111111 162.90 2 +1010111111 5,010 2 +1010111111 5,110 2 +1010111111 1233.20 2 +1010111111 27799.67 2 +1010111111 1307.27 2 +1010111111 128.80 2 +1010111111 2429.53 2 +1010111111 1626.9 2 +1010111111 1241.59 2 +1010111111 2225.77 2 +1010111111 16:00-18:00 2 +1010111111 3:21 2 +1010111111 1236.28 2 +1010111111 87-27 2 +1010111111 1197.72 2 +1010111111 11:57 2 +1010111111 1838.5 2 +1010111111 92.38 2 +1010111111 2036.31 2 +1010111111 Saint-Cloud 2 +1010111111 Kolkhoznaya 2 +1010111111 Kiyevskaya 2 +1010111111 1311.41 2 +1010111111 125.97 2 +1010111111 150.40 2 +1010111111 1438.0 2 +1010111111 1997.35 2 +1010111111 6:10 2 +1010111111 2269.8 2 +1010111111 127.04 2 +1010111111 1297.58 2 +1010111111 1440.1 2 +1010111111 2007.46 2 +1010111111 2328.1 2 +1010111111 149.35 2 +1010111111 1304.46 2 +1010111111 1765.1 2 +1010111111 2452.97 2 +1010111111 99.596 2 +1010111111 100.80 2 +1010111111 1293.09 2 +1010111111 1816.8 2 +1010111111 138.05 2 +1010111111 2032.33 2 +1010111111 1298.08 2 +1010111111 149.01 2 +1010111111 1237.97 2 +1010111111 23472.42 2 +1010111111 583.5 2 +1010111111 1304.39 2 +1010111111 1300.93 2 +1010111111 2455.99 2 +1010111111 2363.49 2 +1010111111 73.65 2 +1010111111 Commerce. 2 +1010111111 1234.83 2 +1010111111 1247.51 2 +1010111111 1295.46 2 +1010111111 2451.21 2 +1010111111 150.12 2 +1010111111 124.76 2 +1010111111 1228.66 2 +1010111111 2098.15 2 +1010111111 147.10 2 +1010111111 1307.81 2 +1010111111 123.73 2 +1010111111 23419.60 2 +1010111111 99.845 2 +1010111111 1314.80 2 +1010111111 1990.55 2 +1010111111 1315.94 2 +1010111111 338.48 2 +1010111111 133.20 2 +1010111111 139.57 2 +1010111111 233.50 2 +1010111111 3,060 2 +1010111111 1236.01 2 +1010111111 242.90 2 +1010111111 1946.95 2 +1010111111 100.20 2 +1010111111 21,627.57 2 +1010111111 134.43 2 +1010111111 136.88 2 +1010111111 1216.57 2 +1010111111 1226.56 2 +1010111111 Cotulla 2 +1010111111 1299.33 2 +1010111111 3,490 2 +1010111111 4,120 2 +1010111111 2446.91 2 +1010111111 HDI 2 +1010111111 1225.77 2 +1010111111 145.30 2 +1010111111 1298.82 2 +1010111111 1300.03 2 +1010111111 1227.47 2 +1010111111 2003.65 2 +1010111111 125.35 2 +1010111111 1308.39 2 +1010111111 Babayevskaya 2 +1010111111 1195.99 2 +1010111111 2428.41 2 +1010111111 202-376-0388 2 +1010111111 2436.86 2 +1010111111 4,560 2 +1010111111 1773.4 2 +1010111111 1968.00 2 +1010111111 124.54 2 +1010111111 half-staff 2 +1010111111 1245.94 2 +1010111111 139.95 2 +1010111111 1258.18 2 +1010111111 1263.70 2 +1010111111 1298.50 2 +1010111111 1999.50 2 +1010111111 1241.88 2 +1010111111 1246.48 2 +1010111111 1269.46 2 +1010111111 1244.84 2 +1010111111 1266.76 2 +1010111111 116.58 2 +1010111111 1241.26 2 +1010111111 2493.94 2 +1010111111 1285.93 2 +1010111111 Bonaire 2 +1010111111 Khesanh 2 +1010111111 1987.40 2 +1010111111 133.41 2 +1010111111 373.20 2 +1010111111 1268.57 2 +1010111111 1260.79 2 +1010111111 1245.36 2 +1010111111 1787.2 2 +1010111111 129.55 2 +1010111111 Wahnfried 2 +1010111111 1248.24 2 +1010111111 2307.8 2 +1010111111 24172.60 2 +1010111111 1276.67 2 +1010111111 1278.44 2 +1010111111 120-to-140 2 +1010111111 146.13 2 +1010111111 2566.65 2 +1010111111 Astara 2 +1010111111 2016.00 2 +1010111111 347.10 2 +1010111111 2008.12 2 +1010111111 7,880 2 +1010111111 4,830 2 +1010111111 1268.31 2 +1010111111 13-6 2 +1010111111 1252.79 2 +1010111111 1244.03 2 +1010111111 2068.81 2 +1010111111 1261.10 2 +1010111111 3,720 2 +1010111111 124.89 2 +1010111111 1247.85 2 +1010111111 2280.40 2 +1010111111 1800.8 2 +1010111111 1279.85 2 +1010111111 151.25 2 +1010111111 3530 2 +1010111111 1290.69 2 +1010111111 2419.2 2 +1010111111 Cukurca 2 +1010111111 2083.04 2 +1010111111 1290.21 2 +1010111111 1,136 2 +1010111111 127.83 2 +1010111111 2483.74 2 +1010111111 2041.28 2 +1010111111 1237.26 2 +1010111111 138.14 2 +1010111111 1296.96 2 +1010111111 1292.08 2 +1010111111 1246.17 2 +1010111111 2025.96 2 +1010111111 114.57 2 +1010111111 2471.94 2 +1010111111 1273.23 2 +1010111111 2470.18 2 +1010111111 1420.53 2 +1010111111 27213.45 2 +1010111111 12:20 2 +1010111111 27330.09 2 +1010111111 18-to-34-year-olds 2 +1010111111 DQ 2 +1010111111 99.604 2 +1010111111 148.60 2 +1010111111 1936.16 2 +1010111111 1248.12 2 +1010111111 1413.3 2 +1010111111 153.56 3 +1010111111 2713.72 3 +1010111111 2257.45 3 +1010111111 2244.09 3 +1010111111 73.61 3 +1010111111 132.11 3 +1010111111 142.14 3 +1010111111 99.775 3 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+1010111111 2286.36 3 +1010111111 384.60 3 +1010111111 22349.37 3 +1010111111 101.80 3 +1010111111 99.68 3 +1010111111 Hunt-Wesson 3 +1010111111 Hogs 3 +1010111111 2000.99 3 +1010111111 2377.73 3 +1010111111 144.73 3 +1010111111 2094.24 3 +1010111111 126.36 3 +1010111111 1239.43 3 +1010111111 6,470 3 +1010111111 4,710 3 +1010111111 1962.04 3 +1010111111 128.57 3 +1010111111 dichlorvos 3 +1010111111 1983.26 3 +1010111111 2508.16 3 +1010111111 129.08 3 +1010111111 143.89 3 +1010111111 1274.29 3 +1010111111 1284.01 3 +1010111111 2675.06 3 +1010111111 149.55 3 +1010111111 2639.35 3 +1010111111 144.05 3 +1010111111 141.92 3 +1010111111 98.10 3 +1010111111 1979.77 3 +1010111111 132.45 3 +1010111111 half-power 3 +1010111111 152.73 3 +1010111111 2467.95 3 +1010111111 1248.06 3 +1010111111 2044.76 3 +1010111111 2487.72 3 +1010111111 Urbana 3 +1010111111 152.31 3 +1010111111 127.98 3 +1010111111 bell-bottoms 3 +1010111111 Kliptown 3 +1010111111 139.26 3 +1010111111 467.57 3 +1010111111 133.17 3 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3 +1010111111 2773.56 3 +1010111111 130.24 3 +1010111111 1199.05 3 +1010111111 139.30 3 +1010111111 115.73 3 +1010111111 1197.28 3 +1010111111 153.20 3 +1010111111 97.70 3 +1010111111 2027.03 3 +1010111111 97.22 3 +1010111111 151.93 3 +1010111111 4,040 3 +1010111111 1-800-638-2772 3 +1010111111 grantsmanship 3 +1010111111 135.93 3 +1010111111 2,660,000 3 +1010111111 1194.42 3 +1010111111 Portside 3 +1010111111 136.03 3 +1010111111 4,740 3 +1010111111 6,770 3 +1010111111 7,950 3 +1010111111 134.27 3 +1010111111 2773.36 3 +1010111111 133.87 3 +1010111111 132.70 3 +1010111111 157.42 3 +1010111111 98.70 3 +1010111111 101.10 3 +1010111111 157.62 3 +1010111111 Manzanar 3 +1010111111 133.31 3 +1010111111 265.49 3 +1010111111 sixes 3 +1010111111 2092.28 3 +1010111111 135.75 3 +1010111111 100.85 3 +1010111111 128.77 3 +1010111111 113.98 3 +1010111111 130.75 3 +1010111111 155.55 3 +1010111111 134.05 3 +1010111111 133.56 3 +1010111111 2035.01 3 +1010111111 Bluefields 3 +1010111111 2148.65 3 +1010111111 249.50 3 +1010111111 5,860 3 +1010111111 2635.24 3 +1010111111 131.31 3 +1010111111 128.53 3 +1010111111 1918.31 3 +1010111111 151.39 3 +1010111111 2111.31 3 +1010111111 2342.19 3 +1010111111 10:34 3 +1010111111 1269.02 3 +1010111111 2129.45 3 +1010111111 131.02 3 +1010111111 124.72 3 +1010111111 378.77 3 +1010111111 2065.08 3 +1010111111 2092.64 3 +1010111111 143.39 3 +1010111111 2,740,000 3 +1010111111 2156.83 3 +1010111111 3,330 3 +1010111111 1920.59 3 +1010111111 1251.81 3 +1010111111 2114.69 3 +1010111111 127.13 3 +1010111111 133.98 3 +1010111111 122.23 3 +1010111111 1944.63 3 +1010111111 1316.84 3 +1010111111 99.867 3 +1010111111 1275.17 3 +1010111111 2150.96 3 +1010111111 2270 3 +1010111111 Doudian 3 +1010111111 2097.26 3 +1010111111 2165.18 3 +1010111111 267.20 3 +1010111111 1946.45 3 +1010111111 164.03 3 +1010111111 143.04 3 +1010111111 131.90 3 +1010111111 128.90 3 +1010111111 142.56 3 +1010111111 3,580 3 +1010111111 1936.34 3 +1010111111 376.51 3 +1010111111 1761.3 3 +1010111111 2530.19 3 +1010111111 127.60 4 +1010111111 125.73 4 +1010111111 gnats 4 +1010111111 132.43 4 +1010111111 153.58 4 +1010111111 1244.35 4 +1010111111 2118.24 4 +1010111111 2100.64 4 +1010111111 134.24 4 +1010111111 2516.64 4 +1010111111 knock-down 4 +1010111111 2496.97 4 +1010111111 1250.27 4 +1010111111 1236.55 4 +1010111111 145.20 4 +1010111111 97.90 4 +1010111111 2230.54 4 +1010111111 152.95 4 +1010111111 2124.64 4 +1010111111 99.20 4 +1010111111 2737.27 4 +1010111111 146.45 4 +1010111111 mealtimes 4 +1010111111 2127.49 4 +1010111111 133.93 4 +1010111111 129.25 4 +1010111111 Soyuztorgreklama 4 +1010111111 2285.94 4 +1010111111 2551.08 4 +1010111111 2039.30 4 +1010111111 125.59 4 +1010111111 6-foot-1 4 +1010111111 126.38 4 +1010111111 1990.22 4 +1010111111 132.26 4 +1010111111 136.26 4 +1010111111 2002.31 4 +1010111111 128.26 4 +1010111111 136.53 4 +1010111111 2744.68 4 +1010111111 misdirection 4 +1010111111 143.45 4 +1010111111 3,680 4 +1010111111 2038.58 4 +1010111111 120.45 4 +1010111111 123.00 4 +1010111111 2693.29 4 +1010111111 1,860 4 +1010111111 1198.01 4 +1010111111 2669.32 4 +1010111111 2026.67 4 +1010111111 2077.17 4 +1010111111 128.23 4 +1010111111 2090.19 4 +1010111111 133.86 4 +1010111111 distress-sale 4 +1010111111 2539.54 4 +1010111111 2307.30 4 +1010111111 2613.05 4 +1010111111 150.45 4 +1010111111 133.99 4 +1010111111 150.63 4 +1010111111 2687.78 4 +1010111111 2639.20 4 +1010111111 2510.04 4 +1010111111 2601.50 4 +1010111111 146.05 4 +1010111111 140.83 4 +1010111111 Jamba 4 +1010111111 2067.03 4 +1010111111 100.75 4 +1010111111 2,210 4 +1010111111 135.58 4 +1010111111 Lindenmere 4 +1010111111 1922.25 4 +1010111111 11:25 4 +1010111111 133.66 4 +1010111111 124.35 4 +1010111111 125.48 4 +1010111111 135.84 4 +1010111111 3150 4 +1010111111 1846.49 4 +1010111111 136.25 4 +1010111111 2653.45 4 +1010111111 2140.83 4 +1010111111 135.81 4 +1010111111 136.80 4 +1010111111 134.78 4 +1010111111 1950.43 4 +1010111111 131.15 4 +1010111111 130.70 4 +1010111111 142.60 4 +1010111111 131.67 4 +1010111111 135.23 4 +1010111111 135.95 4 +1010111111 134.00 4 +1010111111 143.00 4 +1010111111 1256.54 4 +1010111111 135.55 4 +1010111111 139.55 4 +1010111111 2304.69 4 +1010111111 2,840 4 +1010111111 2064.01 4 +1010111111 1,270 4 +1010111111 1,740 4 +1010111111 127.58 4 +1010111111 134.80 4 +1010111111 2678.11 4 +1010111111 3,430 4 +1010111111 98.45 4 +1010111111 1250.97 4 +1010111111 127.46 4 +1010111111 139.38 4 +1010111111 1945.29 4 +1010111111 2650.99 4 +1010111111 137.51 4 +1010111111 142.90 4 +1010111111 145.83 4 +1010111111 135.10 4 +1010111111 1960.21 4 +1010111111 135.46 4 +1010111111 2,090 4 +1010111111 1846.82 4 +1010111111 2137.27 4 +1010111111 138.48 4 +1010111111 134.25 4 +1010111111 115.39 4 +1010111111 143.85 4 +1010111111 206-205 4 +1010111111 1878.15 4 +1010111111 134.15 4 +1010111111 142.75 4 +1010111111 2412.70 4 +1010111111 129.35 4 +1010111111 142.30 4 +1010111111 140.30 4 +1010111111 146.80 4 +1010111111 2436.70 4 +1010111111 99.89 4 +1010111111 3,280 4 +1010111111 139.70 4 +1010111111 2141.71 4 +1010111111 L-2 4 +1010111111 143.68 4 +1010111111 2726.63 4 +1010111111 125.98 4 +1010111111 dinnertime 4 +1010111111 126.13 4 +1010111111 958.21 4 +1010111111 150.25 4 +1010111111 134.58 4 +1010111111 144.83 4 +1010111111 141.33 4 +1010111111 3800 4 +1010111111 134.53 4 +1010111111 133.62 4 +1010111111 2150.25 4 +1010111111 151.55 4 +1010111111 130.86 4 +1010111111 2,620 4 +1010111111 145.75 4 +1010111111 2027.85 4 +1010111111 2699.17 4 +1010111111 2677.92 4 +1010111111 2,740 4 +1010111111 146.72 4 +1010111111 132.65 4 +1010111111 143.95 4 +1010111111 125.15 4 +1010111111 132.85 4 +1010111111 132.15 4 +1010111111 143.38 4 +1010111111 132.35 4 +1010111111 141.55 4 +1010111111 152.30 4 +1010111111 132.97 4 +1010111111 1945.13 4 +1010111111 127.38 4 +1010111111 16,800 4 +1010111111 4,940 4 +1010111111 100.15 4 +1010111111 3,230 4 +1010111111 all-cotton 4 +1010111111 152.80 4 +1010111111 2031.50 4 +1010111111 153.38 4 +1010111111 122.98 4 +1010111111 4,880 4 +1010111111 2163.39 4 +1010111111 146.00 4 +1010111111 131.95 4 +1010111111 144.58 4 +1010111111 Intertrust 4 +1010111111 146.65 4 +1010111111 1993.95 4 +1010111111 129.82 4 +1010111111 126.68 4 +1010111111 2,180 4 +1010111111 129.30 4 +1010111111 99.06 4 +1010111111 1812.17 4 +1010111111 3,210 4 +1010111111 3,630 4 +1010111111 144.03 4 +1010111111 1924.57 4 +1010111111 3,610 4 +1010111111 142.41 4 +1010111111 2,770 4 +1010111111 2,980 4 +1010111111 Troutdale 4 +1010111111 undershorts 4 +1010111111 1928.85 4 +1010111111 125.60 4 +1010111111 125.95 4 +1010111111 127.00 4 +1010111111 132.60 4 +1010111111 18,700 4 +1010111111 143.83 4 +1010111111 Appomattox 4 +1010111111 2260.12 4 +1010111111 1879.14 4 +1010111111 145.63 4 +1010111111 Sorel 4 +1010111111 3,470 4 +1010111111 126.40 4 +1010111111 126.30 4 +1010111111 4,530 4 +1010111111 141.05 4 +1010111111 Mashhad 4 +1010111111 1766.74 4 +1010111111 133.58 4 +1010111111 11:00 4 +1010111111 142.65 4 +1010111111 152.75 4 +1010111111 143.60 4 +1010111111 2,720 4 +1010111111 127.45 4 +1010111111 127.65 4 +1010111111 128.00 4 +1010111111 1974.47 4 +1010111111 2026.03 4 +1010111111 2171.96 4 +1010111111 2,380 4 +1010111111 2102.50 4 +1010111111 127.57 4 +1010111111 100.05 4 +1010111111 140.93 4 +1010111111 2665.82 4 +1010111111 123.25 4 +1010111111 138.50 4 +1010111111 99.82 4 +1010111111 Quotrons 4 +1010111111 153.76 4 +1010111111 26000 4 +1010111111 2791.41 4 +1010111111 Sigonella 4 +1010111111 2333.52 4 +1010111111 142.23 4 +1010111111 151.56 4 +1010111111 2,670 4 +1010111111 152.68 4 +1010111111 Aqueduct 4 +1010111111 153.73 4 +1010111111 2691.49 4 +1010111111 101.95 4 +1010111111 2061.67 4 +1010111111 144.63 4 +1010111111 2086.04 4 +1010111111 10:15 4 +1010111111 1272.53 4 +1010111111 129.38 4 +1010111111 2094.07 4 +1010111111 149.23 4 +1010111111 123.50 4 +1010111111 146.84 4 +1010111111 1550 4 +1010111111 149.94 4 +1010111111 120.20 4 +1010111111 125.82 4 +1010111111 153.43 4 +1010111111 1848.97 4 +1010111111 1760 4 +1010111111 132.24 4 +1010111111 2687.50 4 +1010111111 2635.43 4 +1010111111 2002.25 4 +1010111111 1842.34 4 +1010111111 2701.85 4 +1010111111 138.65 4 +1010111111 2683.89 4 +1010111111 1938.83 4 +1010111111 134.50 4 +1010111111 2070.73 4 +1010111111 23000 4 +1010111111 115.31 4 +1010111111 98.65 4 +1010111111 1978.95 4 +1010111111 142.00 4 +1010111111 132.63 5 +1010111111 142.85 5 +1010111111 124.73 5 +1010111111 2287.07 5 +1010111111 130.37 5 +1010111111 2610.97 5 +1010111111 140.85 5 +1010111111 129.80 5 +1010111111 144.57 5 +1010111111 133.40 5 +1010111111 128.83 5 +1010111111 99.78 5 +1010111111 99.825 5 +1010111111 134.13 5 +1010111111 123.23 5 +1010111111 132.40 5 +1010111111 Lutece 5 +1010111111 2,860 5 +1010111111 Mulhouse 5 +1010111111 2545.12 5 +1010111111 2,650,000 5 +1010111111 Harrow 5 +1010111111 141.50 5 +1010111111 2034.14 5 +1010111111 126.60 5 +1010111111 99.275 5 +1010111111 142.10 5 +1010111111 139.00 5 +1010111111 Bastogne 5 +1010111111 133.68 5 +1010111111 1855.5 5 +1010111111 2337.07 5 +1010111111 146.43 5 +1010111111 2015.25 5 +1010111111 134.88 5 +1010111111 124.26 5 +1010111111 6-foot-3 5 +1010111111 2079.13 5 +1010111111 133.73 5 +1010111111 133.47 5 +1010111111 2659.19 5 +1010111111 133.28 5 +1010111111 124.83 5 +1010111111 142.18 5 +1010111111 125.66 5 +1010111111 124.63 5 +1010111111 2130.16 5 +1010111111 140.80 5 +1010111111 Innsbruck 5 +1010111111 126.18 5 +1010111111 163.48 5 +1010111111 125.50 5 +1010111111 126.78 5 +1010111111 140.25 5 +1010111111 124.28 5 +1010111111 Insead 5 +1010111111 153.18 5 +1010111111 147.50 5 +1010111111 2158.04 5 +1010111111 125.00 5 +1010111111 141.85 5 +1010111111 2252.98 5 +1010111111 Peterbroeck 5 +1010111111 1911.31 5 +1010111111 2694.91 5 +1010111111 2126.24 5 +1010111111 134.66 5 +1010111111 1080 5 +1010111111 Champaign-Urbana 5 +1010111111 153.62 5 +1010111111 127.48 5 +1010111111 2,680 5 +1010111111 139.15 5 +1010111111 Ceyhan 5 +1010111111 99.10 5 +1010111111 3/4-mile 5 +1010111111 143.53 5 +1010111111 133.22 5 +1010111111 143.35 5 +1010111111 2,970 5 +1010111111 2023.87 5 +1010111111 146.93 5 +1010111111 129.15 5 +1010111111 99.93 5 +1010111111 1910.48 5 +1010111111 2,220 5 +1010111111 3400 5 +1010111111 146.33 5 +1010111111 2,440 5 +1010111111 Christmastime 5 +1010111111 126.37 5 +1010111111 1833.55 5 +1010111111 99.87 5 +1010111111 140.02 5 +1010111111 123.98 5 +1010111111 1965.85 5 +1010111111 153.69 5 +1010111111 144.15 5 +1010111111 100.30 5 +1010111111 162.92 5 +1010111111 150.75 5 +1010111111 126.50 5 +1010111111 50- 5 +1010111111 146.63 5 +1010111111 1229.38 5 +1010111111 1935.01 5 +1010111111 133.42 5 +1010111111 140.50 5 +1010111111 127.75 5 +1010111111 1932.86 5 +1010111111 Bauxite 5 +1010111111 140.64 5 +1010111111 134.31 5 +1010111111 146.15 5 +1010111111 2,330 5 +1010111111 127.55 5 +1010111111 143.55 5 +1010111111 2,320 5 +1010111111 98.95 5 +1010111111 134.40 5 +1010111111 2258.66 5 +1010111111 2035.97 5 +1010111111 127.07 5 +1010111111 151.80 5 +1010111111 5,150 5 +1010111111 126.28 5 +1010111111 127.67 5 +1010111111 2850 5 +1010111111 126.80 5 +1010111111 124.37 5 +1010111111 anti-Semites 5 +1010111111 OCU 5 +1010111111 146.75 5 +1010111111 1924.40 5 +1010111111 126.95 5 +1010111111 101.875 5 +1010111111 146.95 5 +1010111111 Lebel-sur-Quevillon 5 +1010111111 124.07 5 +1010111111 2338.07 5 +1010111111 125.55 5 +1010111111 127.06 5 +1010111111 146.86 5 +1010111111 1938.33 5 +1010111111 2297.94 5 +1010111111 99.725 5 +1010111111 128.62 5 +1010111111 2355.09 5 +1010111111 133.63 5 +1010111111 130.10 5 +1010111111 144.90 5 +1010111111 2,040 5 +1010111111 2635.84 5 +1010111111 128.30 5 +1010111111 2087.37 5 +1010111111 145.88 5 +1010111111 142.25 5 +1010111111 2,260 5 +1010111111 3,570 5 +1010111111 143.40 5 +1010111111 2031.12 5 +1010111111 145.50 5 +1010111111 141.23 5 +1010111111 30000 6 +1010111111 151.45 6 +1010111111 133.05 6 +1010111111 127.85 6 +1010111111 142.80 6 +1010111111 98.90 6 +1010111111 133.15 6 +1010111111 101.60 6 +1010111111 nightfall 6 +1010111111 MacWorld 6 +1010111111 101.30 6 +1010111111 3,810 6 +1010111111 133.83 6 +1010111111 1,610 6 +1010111111 143.50 6 +1010111111 153.70 6 +1010111111 campfires 6 +1010111111 142.35 6 +1010111111 136.65 6 +1010111111 Meltham 6 +1010111111 2145.67 6 +1010111111 133.55 6 +1010111111 144.30 6 +1010111111 132.30 6 +1010111111 135.00 6 +1010111111 133.23 6 +1010111111 150.80 6 +1010111111 2700.57 6 +1010111111 141.73 6 +1010111111 Reims 6 +1010111111 140.60 6 +1010111111 131.66 6 +1010111111 2183.50 6 +1010111111 racetracks 6 +1010111111 122.70 6 +1010111111 2,070 6 +1010111111 124.93 6 +1010111111 128.95 6 +1010111111 1,670 6 +1010111111 123.60 6 +1010111111 139.25 6 +1010111111 midmonth 6 +1010111111 Urbana-Champaign 6 +1010111111 129.60 6 +1010111111 101.05 6 +1010111111 1,880 6 +1010111111 133.45 6 +1010111111 1841.01 6 +1010111111 144.36 6 +1010111111 136.70 6 +1010111111 124.03 6 +1010111111 2712.63 6 +1010111111 133.88 6 +1010111111 132.98 6 +1010111111 129.06 6 +1010111111 2,160 6 +1010111111 143.98 6 +1010111111 124.88 6 +1010111111 142.45 6 +1010111111 126.98 6 +1010111111 141.90 6 +1010111111 99.125 6 +1010111111 129.43 6 +1010111111 151.78 6 +1010111111 2102.95 6 +1010111111 143.15 6 +1010111111 daybreak 6 +1010111111 101.35 6 +1010111111 Porgera 6 +1010111111 135.45 6 +1010111111 131.08 6 +1010111111 2568.05 6 +1010111111 125.65 6 +1010111111 127.43 6 +1010111111 128.05 6 +1010111111 2,190 6 +1010111111 142.33 6 +1010111111 2071.62 6 +1010111111 128.33 6 +1010111111 124.40 6 +1010111111 co-optation 6 +1010111111 134.70 6 +1010111111 2,520 6 +1010111111 124.58 6 +1010111111 126.64 6 +1010111111 99.73 6 +1010111111 135.90 6 +1010111111 Lambert-St 6 +1010111111 126.85 6 +1010111111 1986.41 6 +1010111111 138.88 7 +1010111111 point-blank 7 +1010111111 139.20 7 +1010111111 139.68 7 +1010111111 144.75 7 +1010111111 141.25 7 +1010111111 141.95 7 +1010111111 1630 7 +1010111111 128.40 7 +1010111111 127.93 7 +1010111111 145.85 7 +1010111111 128.50 7 +1010111111 135.50 7 +1010111111 2005.64 7 +1010111111 E.D.&F 7 +1010111111 126.55 7 +1010111111 123.65 7 +1010111111 128.75 7 +1010111111 150.70 7 +1010111111 151.85 7 +1010111111 151.18 7 +1010111111 2492.82 7 +1010111111 147.20 7 +1010111111 144.33 7 +1010111111 124.80 7 +1010111111 120-140 7 +1010111111 125.70 7 +1010111111 135.03 7 +1010111111 138.35 7 +1010111111 133.16 7 +1010111111 134.08 7 +1010111111 2054.59 7 +1010111111 131.50 7 +1010111111 128.45 7 +1010111111 1776.53 7 +1010111111 132.51 7 +1010111111 127.05 7 +1010111111 143.10 7 +1010111111 2,640 7 +1010111111 146.20 7 +1010111111 146.70 7 +1010111111 126.08 7 +1010111111 134.93 7 +1010111111 134.75 7 +1010111111 bonkers 7 +1010111111 128.65 7 +1010111111 Janow 7 +1010111111 2,580 7 +1010111111 97.80 7 +1010111111 argumentative 7 +1010111111 143.90 7 +1010111111 127.30 7 +1010111111 152.60 7 +1010111111 8:45 7 +1010111111 30-1 7 +1010111111 venereal-disease 7 +1010111111 1,980 7 +1010111111 145.00 7 +1010111111 3200 7 +1010111111 139.85 8 +1010111111 140.15 8 +1010111111 1010 8 +1010111111 Aguacate 8 +1010111111 128.93 8 +1010111111 139.75 8 +1010111111 135.18 8 +1010111111 129.50 8 +1010111111 133.30 8 +1010111111 2407.35 8 +1010111111 136.95 8 +1010111111 124.65 8 +1010111111 124.67 8 +1010111111 1895.95 8 +1010111111 138.75 8 +1010111111 141.45 8 +1010111111 3,370 8 +1010111111 151.23 8 +1010111111 125.25 8 +1010111111 2170.34 8 +1010111111 1,820 8 +1010111111 1,940 8 +1010111111 144.70 8 +1010111111 134.38 8 +1010111111 2,230 8 +1010111111 124.98 8 +1010111111 2,110 8 +1010111111 125.80 8 +1010111111 132.80 8 +1010111111 132.75 8 +1010111111 1941.48 8 +1010111111 1963.53 8 +1010111111 125.63 8 +1010111111 145.05 8 +1010111111 127.15 8 +1010111111 141.60 8 +1010111111 125.75 9 +1010111111 128.35 9 +1010111111 1,690 9 +1010111111 1,930 9 +1010111111 139.90 9 +1010111111 141.70 9 +1010111111 1,220 9 +1010111111 Allenwood 9 +1010111111 Sarajevo 9 +1010111111 127.25 9 +1010111111 1,730 9 +1010111111 142.13 9 +1010111111 127.20 9 +1010111111 146.55 9 +1010111111 Pradesh 9 +1010111111 126.90 9 +1010111111 134.55 9 +1010111111 99.30 9 +1010111111 124.25 9 +1010111111 124.50 9 +1010111111 126.75 9 +1010111111 130.25 9 +1010111111 146.25 9 +1010111111 140.05 9 +1010111111 125.08 9 +1010111111 UNAM 9 +1010111111 123.75 9 +1010111111 142.40 9 +1010111111 126.05 9 +1010111111 98.25 10 +1010111111 Petrus 10 +1010111111 puberty 10 +1010111111 all. 10 +1010111111 Nite 10 +1010111111 124.85 10 +1010111111 Stalingrad 10 +1010111111 137.25 10 +1010111111 144.20 10 +1010111111 99.85 10 +1010111111 125.10 10 +1010111111 125.05 10 +1010111111 133.75 10 +1010111111 cross-purposes 10 +1010111111 Vicksburg 10 +1010111111 140.65 10 +1010111111 145.13 10 +1010111111 1,110 10 +1010111111 126.56 10 +1010111111 2734.64 11 +1010111111 100.10 11 +1010111111 133.35 11 +1010111111 99.35 11 +1010111111 Laterriere 11 +1010111111 142.50 11 +1010111111 127.95 11 +1010111111 99.375 12 +1010111111 2051.89 12 +1010111111 1,490 12 +1010111111 sundown 12 +1010111111 133.38 13 +1010111111 132.50 13 +1010111111 99.875 13 +1010111111 133.65 13 +1010111111 CERN 13 +1010111111 1,720 13 +1010111111 2,950 13 +1010111111 1,020 13 +1010111111 3500 13 +1010111111 1,520 13 +1010111111 pheasant 14 +1010111111 rent-free 14 +1010111111 1,070 14 +1010111111 128.25 14 +1010111111 1600 15 +1010111111 Drepung 16 +1010111111 mid-month 16 +1010111111 sunrise 16 +1010111111 gunpoint 16 +1010111111 Dimona 16 +1010111111 poolside 17 +1010111111 Vladivostok 17 +1010111111 99.65 18 +1010111111 99.25 18 +1010111111 2050 18 +1010111111 straws 19 +1010111111 99.70 19 +1010111111 Fao 19 +1010111111 99.60 20 +1010111111 99.55 21 +1010111111 99.625 21 +1010111111 midsession 22 +1010111111 99.80 22 +1010111111 windmills 23 +1010111111 99.50 24 +1010111111 picnics 24 +1010111111 1700 25 +1010111111 2600 26 +1010111111 1500 29 +1010111111 99.90 30 +1010111111 99.75 30 +1010111111 mid-afternoon 34 +1010111111 lunchtime 35 +1010111111 Yalta 41 +1010111111 2300 42 +1010111111 half-price 42 +1010111111 dusk 44 +1010111111 2700 50 +1010111111 Wimbledon 56 +1010111111 downhill 75 +1010111111 skiing 83 +1010111111 midafternoon 103 +1010111111 bay 126 +1010111111 noon 256 +1010111111 bankrupt 299 +1010111111 midday 324 +1010111111 midnight 533 +1010111111 par 1600 +1010111111 home 9465 +1011000000 consultating 1 +1011000000 windsprints 1 +1011000000 hard-to-buy-for 1 +1011000000 half-cocked 1 +1011000000 discusions 1 +1011000000 1990-2015 1 +1011000000 mommy-tracker 1 +1011000000 historiography 1 +1011000000 79.47 1 +1011000000 shoot'em-ups 1 +1011000000 mesones 2 +1011000000 Totalbank 2 +1011000000 dropoffs 2 +1011000000 peacekeeper 2 +1011000000 superbanks 2 +1011000000 rapaciousness 2 +1011000000 Mandarich 2 +1011000000 truces 2 +1011000000 dicussions 2 +1011000000 inquirers 2 +1011000000 eye-level 2 +1011000000 clerkships 2 +1011000000 gropings 2 +1011000000 tions 2 +1011000000 quibbled 3 +1011000000 Tulipomania 3 +1011000000 co-financings 3 +1011000000 CL-215s 3 +1011000000 magnifiers 3 +1011000000 bull's-eyes 3 +1011000000 mechanicals 4 +1011000000 locators 4 +1011000000 scuffles 4 +1011000000 bywords 4 +1011000000 byplay 4 +1011000000 warm-ups 4 +1011000000 convenants 4 +1011000000 negotations 4 +1011000000 accordions 5 +1011000000 apprenticeships 5 +1011000000 figs 6 +1011000000 communes 6 +1011000000 fasts 6 +1011000000 wrangles 7 +1011000000 renegotiations 9 +1011000000 get-togethers 9 +1011000000 thoroughfares 11 +1011000000 interconnections 12 +1011000000 dogfights 13 +1011000000 non-compliance 15 +1011000000 dialogues 15 +1011000000 rifts 32 +1011000000 chats 33 +1011000000 skirmishes 57 +1011000000 confrontations 97 +1011000000 consultations 146 +1011000000 disagreements 211 +1011000000 pacts 218 +1011000000 clashes 224 +1011000000 deliberations 279 +1011000000 accords 312 +1011000000 fights 344 +1011000000 conversations 406 +1011000000 odds 712 +1011000000 interviews 784 +1011000000 disputes 1072 +1011000000 meetings 2174 +1011000000 discussions 2504 +1011000000 agreements 3081 +1011000000 talks 7282 +1011000000 negotiations 4584 +1011000001 relationhips 1 +1011000001 bootie 1 +1011000001 peak-performance-times 1 +1011000001 home-and-home 1 +1011000001 1983.34 1 +1011000001 sex-dog 1 +1011000001 non-familiarity 1 +1011000001 viols 1 +1011000001 cloak-and-daggering 1 +1011000001 negotitated 1 +1011000001 connnection 1 +1011000001 straw-top 1 +1011000001 publicity-hater 1 +1011000001 dissatisfactions 1 +1011000001 minivehicles 1 +1011000001 reasoner 1 +1011000001 digressing 1 +1011000001 Rhodopian 1 +1011000001 tricorn 1 +1011000001 gargled 1 +1011000001 paper-rattling 1 +1011000001 Chevelles 1 +1011000001 Balanchinism 1 +1011000001 trysting 1 +1011000001 interoperability 1 +1011000001 kickball 1 +1011000001 polyploidy 1 +1011000001 self-test 1 +1011000001 oligarch 1 +1011000001 conversance 1 +1011000001 rt-Pa 1 +1011000001 firetraps 1 +1011000001 ultra-liberals 1 +1011000001 private-contract 1 +1011000001 Babylonia 1 +1011000001 disussions 1 +1011000001 retardate 1 +1011000001 disappoinment 1 +1011000001 box-score 1 +1011000001 litigaton 1 +1011000001 smooches 1 +1011000001 chlorals 1 +1011000001 candleholder 1 +1011000001 minimarket 1 +1011000001 non-revenue 1 +1011000001 Ford/Mercury 1 +1011000001 0-to-6 1 +1011000001 booklovers 1 +1011000001 land-holdings 1 +1011000001 relatively-poor 1 +1011000001 chateau-complete 1 +1011000001 interfacing 1 +1011000001 cross-borrowings 1 +1011000001 micro-interviews 1 +1011000001 back-toback 1 +1011000001 interbreeding 1 +1011000001 co-operation 1 +1011000001 Daredevils 1 +1011000001 liquidity-short-selling 1 +1011000001 assocation 1 +1011000001 Apaches 2 +1011000001 rematches 2 +1011000001 151,228 2 +1011000001 141,483 2 +1011000001 Jeddah 2 +1011000001 merdog 2 +1011000001 skyhook 2 +1011000001 Dreyfusiana 2 +1011000001 calliopes 2 +1011000001 tootsie 2 +1011000001 face-offs 2 +1011000001 zagged 2 +1011000001 kerel 2 +1011000001 apparat 2 +1011000001 lullabies 2 +1011000001 consulation 2 +1011000001 altercations 2 +1011000001 eardrums 3 +1011000001 intercessions 3 +1011000001 hydroponics 3 +1011000001 antiheroes 3 +1011000001 provocateur 3 +1011000001 showdowns 3 +1011000001 joint-ventures 4 +1011000001 sophism 4 +1011000001 postmodernism 4 +1011000001 ponytails 4 +1011000001 off-white 4 +1011000001 parallelism 4 +1011000001 match-up 4 +1011000001 tussling 5 +1011000001 pleasantries 5 +1011000001 fraternization 5 +1011000001 alternation 5 +1011000001 wonderment 6 +1011000001 dudes 6 +1011000001 cahoots 6 +1011000001 conformance 7 +1011000001 seclusion 7 +1011000001 synch 8 +1011000001 flirtations 8 +1011000001 saber 8 +1011000001 vivendi 9 +1011000001 disrepute 10 +1011000001 brinkmanship 12 +1011000001 amity 12 +1011000001 unfamiliarity 15 +1011000001 entanglements 16 +1011000001 comparability 17 +1011000001 liaisons 18 +1011000001 run-ins 20 +1011000001 infatuation 23 +1011000001 exasperation 26 +1011000001 sync 29 +1011000001 quarrels 38 +1011000001 conformity 47 +1011000001 disenchantment 53 +1011000001 familiarity 68 +1011000001 disgust 73 +1011000001 disillusionment 73 +1011000001 compatibility 81 +1011000001 impatience 88 +1011000001 displeasure 88 +1011000001 unhappiness 88 +1011000001 fascination 100 +1011000001 limbo 111 +1011000001 tampering 112 +1011000001 tinkering 117 +1011000001 liaison 118 +1011000001 tandem 119 +1011000001 consultation 141 +1011000001 harmony 148 +1011000001 parity 171 +1011000001 footing 192 +1011000001 accordance 194 +1011000001 collaboration 194 +1011000001 dissatisfaction 196 +1011000001 friction 220 +1011000001 conjunction 252 +1011000001 connections 385 +1011000001 sympathy 399 +1011000001 links 605 +1011000001 relationships 669 +1011000001 contacts 682 +1011000001 compliance 893 +1011000001 contact 972 +1011000001 difficulty 1031 +1011000001 dealings 1101 +1011000001 ties 1778 +1011000001 connection 2170 +1011000001 relations 3263 +1011000001 trouble 2519 +1011000010 sub-zones 1 +1011000010 current-surplus 1 +1011000010 deficit/dollar/protectionism 1 +1011000010 surplus. 1 +1011000010 Kinekor 1 +1011000010 deficit. 1 +1011000010 premiums-associated 1 +1011000010 tax-filers 1 +1011000010 represenative 1 +1011000010 more-telling 1 +1011000010 non-Fidelity 1 +1011000010 Testudinata 1 +1011000010 piracies 1 +1011000010 asociation 1 +1011000010 imbalance. 1 +1011000010 deficitwhich 1 +1011000010 Birdpark 1 +1011000010 makeups 1 +1011000010 sportwear 2 +1011000010 receivable-backed 2 +1011000010 sub-zone 2 +1011000010 cuts. 2 +1011000010 infringment 2 +1011000010 front. 3 +1011000010 infringements 24 +1011000010 frictions 68 +1011000010 infringement 263 +1011000010 imbalance 328 +1011000010 imbalances 356 +1011000010 secrets 357 +1011000010 surpluses 621 +1011000010 barriers 1083 +1011000010 deficits 1362 +1011000010 gap 1541 +1011000010 surplus 3300 +1011000010 deficit 9187 +10110000110 Schnabels 1 +10110000110 severalfold 1 +10110000110 quarterfinalists 1 +10110000110 Cavins 1 +10110000110 One-Source 1 +10110000110 cliffhangers 1 +10110000110 earnings.This 1 +10110000110 competitivenes 1 +10110000110 extinguishant 1 +10110000110 circumlocutions 1 +10110000110 mispresentations 1 +10110000110 churchbells 1 +10110000110 rebounders 1 +10110000110 Benettons 1 +10110000110 super-plungers 1 +10110000110 CD-ROMS 1 +10110000110 Cliffords 1 +10110000110 Basieites 1 +10110000110 lunchmates 1 +10110000110 co-adjutors 1 +10110000110 Corwins 1 +10110000110 SHAKEUP 1 +10110000110 sport-utilities 1 +10110000110 candidate. 1 +10110000110 ailors 1 +10110000110 co-beneficiaries 1 +10110000110 selectiveness 1 +10110000110 firstnighters 1 +10110000110 McFerrins 1 +10110000110 Waldrons 1 +10110000110 Zanucks 1 +10110000110 institutionals 1 +10110000110 sot 1 +10110000110 departers 1 +10110000110 forty-fold 1 +10110000110 Richmonders 1 +10110000110 Yamaha/apparatus 1 +10110000110 panzers 1 +10110000110 Su-25s 1 +10110000110 AMs 1 +10110000110 non-respondents 1 +10110000110 Astaires 1 +10110000110 Stalin-style 1 +10110000110 PANistas 2 +10110000110 McCutcheons 2 +10110000110 jirgas 2 +10110000110 flowerpots 2 +10110000110 paradigms 2 +10110000110 werewolves 2 +10110000110 e.p.t. 2 +10110000110 LENS 2 +10110000110 keylists 3 +10110000110 Rosenbergs 3 +10110000110 Laxalts 3 +10110000110 Perches 3 +10110000110 nightspots 3 +10110000110 card-holders 5 +10110000110 propects 5 +10110000110 overlords 6 +10110000110 '85s 6 +10110000110 counterproposals 6 +10110000110 Cabernets 7 +10110000110 IUR 7 +10110000110 underbelly 12 +10110000110 pickings 29 +10110000110 standings 31 +10110000110 results 10209 +10110000110 expirations 35 +10110000111 year-to-date-figures 1 +10110000111 concrete-panel 1 +10110000111 Fours 1 +10110000111 McNeil/Lehrer 1 +10110000111 print-outs 1 +10110000111 Friday-afternoon 1 +10110000111 farmer-owners 1 +10110000111 deviationists 1 +10110000111 megatrades 1 +10110000111 PROGRAMMERS 1 +10110000111 redialers 1 +10110000111 boomtowns 1 +10110000111 INFINITIVES 1 +10110000111 extractants 1 +10110000111 Matchups 1 +10110000111 insurance-funds 1 +10110000111 Satanists 1 +10110000111 alerter 1 +10110000111 tabloid-format 1 +10110000111 Sordonis 1 +10110000111 Francks 1 +10110000111 AmeriSuites 1 +10110000111 pedicabs 1 +10110000111 Amblinites 1 +10110000111 forcolas 1 +10110000111 Phonebook 1 +10110000111 annoucements 1 +10110000111 McNernys 1 +10110000111 Lotion 1 +10110000111 statil 1 +10110000111 McKeans 1 +10110000111 martyrdoms 1 +10110000111 cosmetologists 1 +10110000111 modishness 1 +10110000111 insiders/arbitragers 1 +10110000111 Curtises 1 +10110000111 Busches 1 +10110000111 DEPARTMENTS 1 +10110000111 Myselves 1 +10110000111 Thyselves 1 +10110000111 all-Digital 1 +10110000111 anti-establishmentarians 1 +10110000111 stop-losses 1 +10110000111 private-eye 1 +10110000111 Dengist 1 +10110000111 endpapers 1 +10110000111 Illinoisans 1 +10110000111 Palestians 1 +10110000111 infected-well 1 +10110000111 Fischers 1 +10110000111 Gorens 1 +10110000111 yuppie-angst 1 +10110000111 battle-lines 1 +10110000111 Newhalls 1 +10110000111 AUDITING 1 +10110000111 undercover-cop 1 +10110000111 Garcias 1 +10110000111 low-concept 1 +10110000111 PC-clones 1 +10110000111 pianissimi 1 +10110000111 Picnics 1 +10110000111 border-fence 1 +10110000111 concession-holders 1 +10110000111 reappointments 1 +10110000111 shriekers 1 +10110000111 WAIVERS 1 +10110000111 Dawsons 1 +10110000111 Middleness 1 +10110000111 31-piece 1 +10110000111 240-screen 1 +10110000111 Teen-Age 1 +10110000111 OTCs 1 +10110000111 Hashemites 1 +10110000111 magazine-format 1 +10110000111 corn-fields 1 +10110000111 CTAs 1 +10110000111 song-and-talk 1 +10110000111 pothos 1 +10110000111 Denverites 1 +10110000111 Fouries 1 +10110000111 abdications 1 +10110000111 rodeo-horse 1 +10110000111 fugitive-manhunt 1 +10110000111 ivory-colored 1 +10110000111 talk-variety 1 +10110000111 Coolidges 2 +10110000111 implantations 2 +10110000111 externality 2 +10110000111 crochets 2 +10110000111 Tercels 2 +10110000111 idylls 2 +10110000111 ovine 2 +10110000111 invitees 2 +10110000111 deflators 2 +10110000111 Schreiers 2 +10110000111 V&A 2 +10110000111 state-of-the-union 2 +10110000111 Garouttes 2 +10110000111 Graces 2 +10110000111 Berts 2 +10110000111 Tarts 2 +10110000111 most-feared 2 +10110000111 fillers 2 +10110000111 scoldings 2 +10110000111 aptitudes 2 +10110000111 replenishments 3 +10110000111 receptacles 3 +10110000111 coolest 3 +10110000111 EIRs 3 +10110000111 honky-tonks 3 +10110000111 udders 3 +10110000111 escalations 3 +10110000111 Kunstlerhaus 3 +10110000111 Armory 3 +10110000111 Ilks 3 +10110000111 money-makers 4 +10110000111 recalculations 4 +10110000111 Williamses 4 +10110000111 Remondis 4 +10110000111 rhetoricians 4 +10110000111 techs 5 +10110000111 Ravens 6 +10110000111 worriers 10 +10110000111 freaks 11 +10110000111 Jornal 11 +10110000111 woodwinds 14 +10110000111 plums 14 +10110000111 stats 15 +10110000111 reps 18 +10110000111 Warriors 21 +10110000111 tallies 41 +10110000111 rep 43 +10110000111 squads 88 +10110000111 rankings 225 +10110000111 bulls 290 +10110000111 surveys 615 +10110000111 polls 1032 +10110000111 statistics 1622 +10110000111 figures 6929 +10110000111 numbers 3239 +101100010000 loudmouths 1 +101100010000 libidinoids 1 +101100010000 scholar-artist 1 +101100010000 calligrapher 1 +101100010000 orchestrator 1 +101100010000 malformations 1 +101100010000 70,000-point 1 +101100010000 tragedian 1 +101100010000 backslappers 1 +101100010000 marauder 1 +101100010000 man-child 1 +101100010000 deterent 1 +101100010000 clod 1 +101100010000 kozo 1 +101100010000 squealer 1 +101100010000 historicizing 1 +101100010000 condition. 1 +101100010000 maman 1 +101100010000 178-horsepower 1 +101100010000 cirucumstances 1 +101100010000 decison-making 1 +101100010000 high-schooler 1 +101100010000 philosopher-scientist 1 +101100010000 pantomimes 1 +101100010000 tallness 1 +101100010000 cicumstances 1 +101100010000 truisms 1 +101100010000 anti-militarism 1 +101100010000 tautness 1 +101100010000 immigrant-workers 1 +101100010000 industrializes 1 +101100010000 Squalls 1 +101100010000 shenanigan 1 +101100010000 thingamajigs 1 +101100010000 radarscopes 1 +101100010000 4.2-liter 1 +101100010000 quadrumvirate 1 +101100010000 tenderfoot 1 +101100010000 cup-shaped 1 +101100010000 blasphemers 1 +101100010000 prices-prepaid 1 +101100010000 holdings. 1 +101100010000 unorthodoxy 1 +101100010000 anti-opera 1 +101100010000 buying-down 1 +101100010000 excoriation 1 +101100010000 Kundenkreditbank 1 +101100010000 grandiosities 1 +101100010000 skills. 1 +101100010000 newsmaker 1 +101100010000 castle-themed 1 +101100010000 meanspiritedness 1 +101100010000 drollness 1 +101100010000 ingenuousness 1 +101100010000 basketcases 1 +101100010000 seven-million-barrel 1 +101100010000 MiG-29s 2 +101100010000 oppportunities 2 +101100010000 leukemias 2 +101100010000 buccaneers 2 +101100010000 products-related 2 +101100010000 channeler 2 +101100010000 conditions. 2 +101100010000 contributers 2 +101100010000 Taba 2 +101100010000 dieases 2 +101100010000 stuffiness 2 +101100010000 neoconservatism 2 +101100010000 government-recognized 3 +101100010000 self-evaluation 3 +101100010000 anti-Communism 3 +101100010000 mawkishness 3 +101100010000 principalities 3 +101100010000 acquisitors 3 +101100010000 activites 3 +101100010000 faddishness 3 +101100010000 preciousness 4 +101100010000 omnipotence 4 +101100010000 runups 4 +101100010000 skimmer 4 +101100010000 crests 4 +101100010000 stagnates 4 +101100010000 ova 5 +101100010000 put-downs 6 +101100010000 duckling 8 +101100010000 readjustments 9 +101100010000 seers 9 +101100010000 bulges 9 +101100010000 stiffs 9 +101100010000 binges 10 +101100010000 contractions 14 +101100010000 timer 16 +101100010000 manipulators 26 +101100010000 powerhouses 28 +101100010000 debacles 29 +101100010000 gimmickry 30 +101100010000 dislocations 30 +101100010000 climates 32 +101100010000 manipulations 35 +101100010000 indices 36 +101100010000 conspiracies 39 +101100010000 benchmarks 43 +101100010000 deprivation 51 +101100010000 engagements 61 +101100010000 barometers 108 +101100010000 downturns 113 +101100010000 conversions 142 +101100010000 niches 166 +101100010000 combinations 178 +101100010000 binge 207 +101100010000 cycles 217 +101100010000 fever 237 +101100010000 covenants 237 +101100010000 psychology 359 +101100010000 habits 360 +101100010000 scandals 363 +101100010000 associations 426 +101100010000 manipulation 449 +101100010000 swaps 456 +101100010000 averages 473 +101100010000 patterns 517 +101100010000 wars 530 +101100010000 fundamentals 625 +101100010000 abuses 629 +101100010000 cycle 710 +101100010000 indexes 744 +101100010000 indicators 945 +101100010000 sentiment 1118 +101100010000 circumstances 1331 +101100010000 practices 2172 +101100010000 conditions 4432 +101100010000 activity 4304 +101100010001 dissonance. 1 +101100010001 iniquity 1 +101100010001 Pentecost 1 +101100010001 rulings. 1 +101100010001 obsessives 1 +101100010001 confrontation. 1 +101100010001 hankerings 1 +101100010001 amendments. 1 +101100010001 guarantees. 1 +101100010001 number-shopping 1 +101100010001 pejoratives 1 +101100010001 ejaculations 1 +101100010001 stratas 1 +101100010001 yens 1 +101100010001 maldoers 1 +101100010001 anti-authoritarianism 1 +101100010001 software-programs 1 +101100010001 infelicities 1 +101100010001 fenestration 1 +101100010001 tablao 1 +101100010001 values. 1 +101100010001 tithing 1 +101100010001 contraints 1 +101100010001 worth. 1 +101100010001 Quebecer 1 +101100010001 warfare. 1 +101100010001 minisermons 1 +101100010001 allusiveness 1 +101100010001 theories. 1 +101100010001 relativist 1 +101100010001 indefinition 1 +101100010001 flow-charts 1 +101100010001 lynchings 1 +101100010001 fraility 1 +101100010001 buzzword. 1 +101100010001 repercussion 1 +101100010001 ity 1 +101100010001 allee 1 +101100010001 perogatives 1 +101100010001 quenching 1 +101100010001 poseur 1 +101100010001 erotica 1 +101100010001 sentence. 1 +101100010001 penalty. 1 +101100010001 shtik 1 +101100010001 fraudulence 1 +101100010001 higherups 1 +101100010001 harassments 1 +101100010001 standards. 1 +101100010001 catheterizations 1 +101100010001 cavaliers 1 +101100010001 reproduction. 1 +101100010001 transfiguration 1 +101100010001 being. 1 +101100010001 mapper 1 +101100010001 mudwrestling 1 +101100010001 parties. 1 +101100010001 makeup. 1 +101100010001 impaction 1 +101100010001 liberation. 1 +101100010001 energy. 1 +101100010001 patronage. 1 +101100010001 songfest 1 +101100010001 bacchanals 1 +101100010001 reconceptualization 1 +101100010001 toke 1 +101100010001 omnivorousness 1 +101100010001 probelems 1 +101100010001 demogoguery 1 +101100010001 conditons 1 +101100010001 issuesand 1 +101100010001 liberties. 1 +101100010001 Britishness 2 +101100010001 accomodation 2 +101100010001 brutishness 2 +101100010001 perturbations 2 +101100010001 shocktroopers 2 +101100010001 conservativism 2 +101100010001 pigeonholing 2 +101100010001 displacements 2 +101100010001 idiocies 2 +101100010001 discomforts 2 +101100010001 toadies 2 +101100010001 toxicant 2 +101100010001 scruple 2 +101100010001 perversities 2 +101100010001 capital. 2 +101100010001 adepts 2 +101100010001 psalm 2 +101100010001 differences. 2 +101100010001 discussions. 2 +101100010001 chasms 2 +101100010001 crosswinds 2 +101100010001 about-faces 2 +101100010001 overcentralization 2 +101100010001 padre 2 +101100010001 joaillerie 2 +101100010001 free-for-alls 2 +101100010001 trances 2 +101100010001 arrhythmias 3 +101100010001 risk. 3 +101100010001 elasticities 3 +101100010001 views. 3 +101100010001 polarities 3 +101100010001 regressions 3 +101100010001 forebodings 3 +101100010001 incisions 3 +101100010001 imbroglios 3 +101100010001 externalities 3 +101100010001 inflammations 3 +101100010001 slickness 3 +101100010001 Pablum 3 +101100010001 kind. 3 +101100010001 incongruities 3 +101100010001 modernizers 3 +101100010001 firmament 3 +101100010001 epigrams 3 +101100010001 questions. 3 +101100010001 failure. 3 +101100010001 impairments 3 +101100010001 sadism 4 +101100010001 bunglers 4 +101100010001 promptness 4 +101100010001 wingtips 4 +101100010001 compulsions 4 +101100010001 indiscretion 4 +101100010001 exorcism 4 +101100010001 aborigines 4 +101100010001 travesties 4 +101100010001 acacias 4 +101100010001 orthodoxies 4 +101100010001 cleavages 4 +101100010001 dugouts 5 +101100010001 clunkers 5 +101100010001 expositions 5 +101100010001 contraindications 5 +101100010001 stratagems 5 +101100010001 memorization 5 +101100010001 prognostications 5 +101100010001 adversities 5 +101100010001 vetos 5 +101100010001 finagling 5 +101100010001 contrivances 5 +101100010001 humors 5 +101100010001 sedation 5 +101100010001 nonpareil 6 +101100010001 yummies 6 +101100010001 flubs 6 +101100010001 countdowns 6 +101100010001 playthings 6 +101100010001 antecedents 6 +101100010001 arbitrariness 6 +101100010001 limos 6 +101100010001 runners-up 6 +101100010001 subservience 6 +101100010001 shadings 7 +101100010001 identifications 7 +101100010001 spats 7 +101100010001 wanderlust 7 +101100010001 undertones 7 +101100010001 biggies 7 +101100010001 netherworld 7 +101100010001 provincialism 7 +101100010001 frontrunners 7 +101100010001 certitude 8 +101100010001 pageantry 8 +101100010001 purgatory 8 +101100010001 magnitudes 8 +101100010001 discontents 8 +101100010001 rip-offs 8 +101100010001 edicts 8 +101100010001 predilections 8 +101100010001 Darwinism 8 +101100010001 wanderings 8 +101100010001 alignments 8 +101100010001 deformities 8 +101100010001 miseries 8 +101100010001 absolutism 8 +101100010001 Rembrandts 8 +101100010001 instabilities 9 +101100010001 palliatives 9 +101100010001 afflictions 9 +101100010001 maxims 9 +101100010001 quandaries 10 +101100010001 stimuli 10 +101100010001 bombast 10 +101100010001 ecosystems 10 +101100010001 galleys 10 +101100010001 permutations 10 +101100010001 selves 10 +101100010001 absurdities 10 +101100010001 aggressors 10 +101100010001 hang-ups 10 +101100010001 breadwinners 10 +101100010001 moneymakers 11 +101100010001 cohesiveness 11 +101100010001 hierarchies 11 +101100010001 rationalizations 11 +101100010001 evictions 12 +101100010001 aphorisms 12 +101100010001 slurs 12 +101100010001 recyclers 12 +101100010001 brinksmanship 12 +101100010001 remissions 12 +101100010001 tomes 13 +101100010001 recklessness 13 +101100010001 romances 13 +101100010001 prerequisites 13 +101100010001 sugars 13 +101100010001 coordinators 13 +101100010001 oracles 13 +101100010001 coloration 13 +101100010001 pyrotechnics 13 +101100010001 shackles 13 +101100010001 eruptions 14 +101100010001 fiefdoms 14 +101100010001 frailties 14 +101100010001 Englishmen 15 +101100010001 conquests 15 +101100010001 indiscretions 15 +101100010001 preoccupations 15 +101100010001 formalities 16 +101100010001 reverberations 16 +101100010001 humiliations 16 +101100010001 side-effects 16 +101100010001 obsessions 16 +101100010001 crosscurrents 17 +101100010001 gamesmanship 18 +101100010001 maladies 18 +101100010001 tangles 18 +101100010001 humanism 18 +101100010001 meanings 18 +101100010001 configurations 18 +101100010001 panics 18 +101100010001 paradoxes 19 +101100010001 escapades 19 +101100010001 opportunists 19 +101100010001 convulsions 19 +101100010001 connotations 19 +101100010001 justifications 19 +101100010001 sagas 19 +101100010001 behaviors 20 +101100010001 expulsions 20 +101100010001 relativism 20 +101100010001 analogies 20 +101100010001 allegiances 20 +101100010001 interactions 20 +101100010001 niceties 20 +101100010001 stirrings 20 +101100010001 catastrophes 21 +101100010001 indignities 21 +101100010001 rigidities 22 +101100010001 buzzwords 22 +101100010001 goings-on 22 +101100010001 confidences 22 +101100010001 snafu 23 +101100010001 nests 24 +101100010001 imperfections 24 +101100010001 vulnerabilities 24 +101100010001 offensives 24 +101100010001 crusades 24 +101100010001 maneuverings 24 +101100010001 retardation 24 +101100010001 resentments 24 +101100010001 misfortunes 25 +101100010001 pathologies 25 +101100010001 inadequacies 26 +101100010001 transitions 26 +101100010001 liberalizations 27 +101100010001 massacres 27 +101100010001 embarrassments 27 +101100010001 doings 27 +101100010001 gateways 28 +101100010001 levers 28 +101100010001 technicalities 28 +101100010001 pluses 29 +101100010001 exclusions 29 +101100010001 stances 29 +101100010001 hitches 29 +101100010001 linkages 29 +101100010001 missteps 30 +101100010001 essentials 31 +101100010001 ploys 31 +101100010001 feats 32 +101100010001 transgressions 33 +101100010001 summits 33 +101100010001 miscalculations 33 +101100010001 snafus 34 +101100010001 abstractions 34 +101100010001 sensitivities 35 +101100010001 murals 35 +101100010001 undertakings 36 +101100010001 unknowns 36 +101100010001 hassles 37 +101100010001 agitation 37 +101100010001 ambiguities 37 +101100010001 propositions 38 +101100010001 temptations 38 +101100010001 outbursts 38 +101100010001 faculties 38 +101100010001 shenanigans 39 +101100010001 gaffes 39 +101100010001 underpinnings 40 +101100010001 outposts 40 +101100010001 abnormalities 41 +101100010001 biases 43 +101100010001 limbs 43 +101100010001 doctrines 43 +101100010001 tragedies 43 +101100010001 masterpieces 43 +101100010001 understandings 44 +101100010001 overkill 45 +101100010001 ironies 45 +101100010001 pursuits 45 +101100010001 acclaim 46 +101100010001 upheavals 46 +101100010001 travails 47 +101100010001 affiliations 47 +101100010001 markers 47 +101100010001 homelands 48 +101100010001 motivations 48 +101100010001 impacts 48 +101100010001 movers 48 +101100010001 disadvantages 49 +101100010001 garb 49 +101100010001 dilemmas 52 +101100010001 antics 52 +101100010001 philosophies 53 +101100010001 capacities 53 +101100010001 agendas 53 +101100010001 overtones 54 +101100010001 reversals 55 +101100010001 breakdowns 55 +101100010001 coffees 55 +101100010001 blueprints 55 +101100010001 currents 55 +101100010001 heavyweights 57 +101100010001 interruptions 58 +101100010001 parameters 58 +101100010001 creations 60 +101100010001 contingencies 62 +101100010001 straits 65 +101100010001 blunders 65 +101100010001 disabilities 65 +101100010001 rivalries 66 +101100010001 necessities 68 +101100010001 treasures 68 +101100010001 enhancements 68 +101100010001 phenomena 69 +101100010001 roadblocks 69 +101100010001 failings 71 +101100010001 hardships 71 +101100010001 infractions 72 +101100010001 mishaps 72 +101100010001 glitches 74 +101100010001 miracles 74 +101100010001 tendencies 82 +101100010001 norms 82 +101100010001 inefficiencies 82 +101100010001 twists 83 +101100010001 sins 85 +101100010001 snags 86 +101100010001 improprieties 86 +101100010001 fences 87 +101100010001 ramifications 87 +101100010001 amenities 88 +101100010001 outcomes 89 +101100010001 adventures 91 +101100010001 traits 93 +101100010001 exposures 94 +101100010001 examinations 94 +101100010001 lapses 97 +101100010001 passions 98 +101100010001 backgrounds 99 +101100010001 gatherings 100 +101100010001 chores 102 +101100010001 negatives 103 +101100010001 tissues 104 +101100010001 controversies 108 +101100010001 repercussions 111 +101100010001 killings 114 +101100010001 ills 117 +101100010001 frustrations 118 +101100010001 prowess 120 +101100010001 jargon 120 +101100010001 contradictions 120 +101100010001 ailments 122 +101100010001 measurements 122 +101100010001 premises 124 +101100010001 aspirations 125 +101100010001 arteries 136 +101100010001 breakthroughs 138 +101100010001 tricks 138 +101100010001 pitfalls 142 +101100010001 precedents 145 +101100010001 proportions 148 +101100010001 instincts 151 +101100010001 disasters 153 +101100010001 freedoms 156 +101100010001 traditions 162 +101100010001 drawbacks 162 +101100010001 wounds 169 +101100010001 grievances 172 +101100010001 shortcomings 174 +101100010001 excesses 174 +101100010001 discoveries 175 +101100010001 complications 178 +101100010001 accomplishments 179 +101100010001 safeguards 179 +101100010001 explanations 185 +101100010001 abilities 187 +101100010001 boundaries 187 +101100010001 qualities 190 +101100010001 achievements 195 +101100010001 innovations 200 +101100010001 qualifications 200 +101100010001 preferences 201 +101100010001 crises 204 +101100010001 offenses 206 +101100010001 maneuvers 208 +101100010001 standpoint 218 +101100010001 concepts 228 +101100010001 remedies 234 +101100010001 illnesses 236 +101100010001 strengths 237 +101100010001 flaws 239 +101100010001 characteristics 245 +101100010001 weaknesses 251 +101100010001 motives 251 +101100010001 realities 261 +101100010001 setbacks 265 +101100010001 victories 268 +101100010001 ambitions 275 +101100010001 irregularities 275 +101100010001 hurdles 279 +101100010001 experiences 296 +101100010001 alliances 296 +101100010001 strains 308 +101100010001 hazards 309 +101100010001 symptoms 319 +101100010001 themes 338 +101100010001 successes 355 +101100010001 tasks 376 +101100010001 criteria 399 +101100010001 woes 401 +101100010001 objectives 426 +101100010001 circles 434 +101100010001 considerations 435 +101100010001 obstacles 475 +101100010001 priorities 491 +101100010001 possibilities 503 +101100010001 errors 583 +101100010001 crimes 603 +101100010001 conflicts 647 +101100010001 functions 653 +101100010001 defenses 664 +101100010001 battles 721 +101100010001 principles 745 +101100010001 responsibilities 840 +101100010001 troubles 914 +101100010001 methods 921 +101100010001 skills 923 +101100010001 grounds 926 +101100010001 implications 966 +101100010001 tactics 999 +101100010001 facts 1031 +101100010001 difficulties 1171 +101100010001 goals 1223 +101100010001 developments 1246 +101100010001 reforms 1329 +101100010001 targets 1734 +101100010001 risks 2107 +101100010001 problems 12294 +101100010001 events 2210 +101100010010 prejudgments 1 +101100010010 Sitnin 1 +101100010010 anti-Nakasone 1 +101100010010 overmuch 1 +101100010010 moodily 1 +101100010010 imperceptivity 1 +101100010010 volatiliy 1 +101100010010 delegitimization 1 +101100010010 semicolon 1 +101100010010 chocoholics 1 +101100010010 pseudo-profundities 1 +101100010010 nightingale 1 +101100010010 gabble 1 +101100010010 Toil 1 +101100010010 despatch 1 +101100010010 gastritis 1 +101100010010 persuaders 1 +101100010010 tickers 2 +101100010010 giddiness 2 +101100010010 Mores 2 +101100010010 premeditation 2 +101100010010 rhapsodizing 2 +101100010010 conjectured 2 +101100010010 fearlessly 2 +101100010010 smeller 2 +101100010010 nonstudents 2 +101100010010 budget-busters 2 +101100010010 tidings 3 +101100010010 Kynar 3 +101100010010 untidiness 3 +101100010010 self-appraisal 3 +101100010010 footpaths 3 +101100010010 celesta 3 +101100010010 dismemberments 3 +101100010010 goofiness 3 +101100010010 lamentations 3 +101100010010 coproduction 3 +101100010010 soliloquies 3 +101100010010 disquisitions 3 +101100010010 end-game 3 +101100010010 paperweights 4 +101100010010 gleanings 4 +101100010010 infatuations 4 +101100010010 hesitations 4 +101100010010 tendinitis 5 +101100010010 red-baiting 5 +101100010010 harangues 5 +101100010010 murmurings 5 +101100010010 wetness 5 +101100010010 perturbation 5 +101100010010 jokers 5 +101100010010 yaks 5 +101100010010 tramps 5 +101100010010 perceptiveness 5 +101100010010 bookends 5 +101100010010 corruptions 5 +101100010010 interlocutors 6 +101100010010 monikers 6 +101100010010 upgradings 6 +101100010010 meditations 7 +101100010010 tendons 7 +101100010010 knowledgeably 7 +101100010010 banknotes 7 +101100010010 taskmaster 7 +101100010010 mailer 7 +101100010010 inductees 7 +101100010010 histrionics 8 +101100010010 tableaux 8 +101100010010 diversifications 8 +101100010010 squawks 8 +101100010010 specs 8 +101100010010 outcries 9 +101100010010 recalcitrance 9 +101100010010 rebuttals 9 +101100010010 hoots 10 +101100010010 prophecies 10 +101100010010 predicaments 10 +101100010010 evasions 10 +101100010010 conveyance 11 +101100010010 luncheons 11 +101100010010 hypotheses 11 +101100010010 preconceptions 11 +101100010010 scruples 12 +101100010010 drivel 12 +101100010010 pretenses 12 +101100010010 taboos 12 +101100010010 sensations 12 +101100010010 misperceptions 12 +101100010010 ruminations 13 +101100010010 potions 13 +101100010010 morsels 13 +101100010010 pointers 13 +101100010010 moles 15 +101100010010 nicknames 15 +101100010010 grudges 15 +101100010010 hunches 15 +101100010010 pleadings 15 +101100010010 exhortations 16 +101100010010 inferences 16 +101100010010 musings 16 +101100010010 dissents 18 +101100010010 delusions 18 +101100010010 falsehoods 18 +101100010010 utterances 19 +101100010010 gambles 19 +101100010010 disclaimers 19 +101100010010 theatrics 19 +101100010010 commentaries 20 +101100010010 sermons 20 +101100010010 determinations 20 +101100010010 ballads 21 +101100010010 jabs 21 +101100010010 generalizations 21 +101100010010 arias 22 +101100010010 communiques 23 +101100010010 firsts 23 +101100010010 reminiscences 24 +101100010010 platitudes 25 +101100010010 footprints 25 +101100010010 harnesses 25 +101100010010 speculations 26 +101100010010 prophets 27 +101100010010 misconceptions 29 +101100010010 equations 31 +101100010010 caveats 31 +101100010010 reflections 32 +101100010010 contentions 33 +101100010010 incursions 33 +101100010010 tidbits 34 +101100010010 hackles 34 +101100010010 barbs 36 +101100010010 perspectives 37 +101100010010 documentaries 38 +101100010010 vignettes 39 +101100010010 monologues 39 +101100010010 apprehensions 40 +101100010010 confessions 43 +101100010010 manuscripts 46 +101100010010 fads 47 +101100010010 cues 48 +101100010010 representations 49 +101100010010 discharges 51 +101100010010 truths 51 +101100010010 ballets 54 +101100010010 cliches 59 +101100010010 odometers 60 +101100010010 gripes 63 +101100010010 noises 64 +101100010010 declarations 69 +101100010010 myths 69 +101100010010 stereotypes 71 +101100010010 illusions 71 +101100010010 qualms 71 +101100010010 anecdotes 73 +101100010010 nightmares 74 +101100010010 anxieties 75 +101100010010 triumphs 78 +101100010010 queries 79 +101100010010 pronouncements 83 +101100010010 directives 89 +101100010010 essays 98 +101100010010 appraisals 108 +101100010010 misgivings 108 +101100010010 endorsements 111 +101100010010 phrases 120 +101100010010 observations 122 +101100010010 eyebrows 122 +101100010010 editorials 127 +101100010010 insights 135 +101100010010 notions 148 +101100010010 presentations 153 +101100010010 sentiments 169 +101100010010 bones 175 +101100010010 revelations 190 +101100010010 suspicions 201 +101100010010 wires 202 +101100010010 criticisms 202 +101100010010 emotions 210 +101100010010 fliers 240 +101100010010 assumptions 275 +101100010010 bets 294 +101100010010 judgments 296 +101100010010 reactions 297 +101100010010 headlines 299 +101100010010 theories 319 +101100010010 debates 322 +101100010010 appearances 329 +101100010010 jokes 331 +101100010010 thoughts 370 +101100010010 uncertainties 394 +101100010010 announcements 448 +101100010010 speeches 470 +101100010010 conclusions 477 +101100010010 feelings 486 +101100010010 messages 512 +101100010010 warnings 519 +101100010010 disclosures 547 +101100010010 attitudes 547 +101100010010 opinions 587 +101100010010 inquiries 615 +101100010010 choices 621 +101100010010 mistakes 628 +101100010010 articles 691 +101100010010 challenges 774 +101100010010 stories 1408 +101100010010 complaints 1729 +101100010010 ideas 1938 +101100010010 statements 2333 +101100010010 decisions 2793 +101100010010 concerns 5981 +101100010010 questions 4112 +101100010011 ample-sized 1 +101100010011 defense-satellite 1 +101100010011 regulatory-reserve 1 +101100010011 floorlevel 1 +101100010011 electronic-images 1 +101100010011 down-and-back 1 +101100010011 heavy-electrical 1 +101100010011 insititutions 1 +101100010011 55-member 1 +101100010011 spent-fuel 1 +101100010011 nuclear-related 1 +101100010011 sulfureous 1 +101100010011 retractors 1 +101100010011 camera-plus-recorder 1 +101100010011 air-cooling 1 +101100010011 underseat 1 +101100010011 more-innovative 1 +101100010011 family-ness 1 +101100010011 Banknet 1 +101100010011 Boulanger 1 +101100010011 16450 1 +101100010011 glare-reducing 1 +101100010011 credit-report 1 +101100010011 methionine 1 +101100010011 Pandas 1 +101100010011 Kiribati-Soviet 1 +101100010011 duotones 1 +101100010011 studio-and-tour 1 +101100010011 policy-coordinating 1 +101100010011 air-surveillance 1 +101100010011 memory-intensive 1 +101100010011 1987-returns 1 +101100010011 loan-payment 1 +101100010011 Skeeter 1 +101100010011 pectorals 1 +101100010011 red-rock 1 +101100010011 colored-plastic 1 +101100010011 hatbox 1 +101100010011 profit-depressed 1 +101100010011 3,383 1 +101100010011 affirmative-action-rights 1 +101100010011 hard-to-cut 1 +101100010011 tarrifs 1 +101100010011 water-sprinkler 1 +101100010011 traffic-building 1 +101100010011 43-member 1 +101100010011 baby-carriage-falling-downstairs 1 +101100010011 Airbus-style 1 +101100010011 purrings 1 +101100010011 Sunsweet 1 +101100010011 navel-orange 1 +101100010011 megadeaths 1 +101100010011 synthetic-glass 1 +101100010011 forgetter 1 +101100010011 manufacturability 1 +101100010011 ultramarine 1 +101100010011 land-mobile 1 +101100010011 sheep-horn 1 +101100010011 Abbott-and-Costello 1 +101100010011 hardest-fought 1 +101100010011 teleprinter 1 +101100010011 mission-critical 1 +101100010011 Intel-Micron 1 +101100010011 cutterhead 1 +101100010011 delicatessen-meat 1 +101100010011 set-top 1 +101100010011 Medicare-claims 1 +101100010011 2,177 1 +101100010011 most-open 1 +101100010011 error-correcting 1 +101100010011 tongue-retaining 1 +101100010011 horti-hype 1 +101100010011 drug-supply 1 +101100010011 16,500-ton-a-day 1 +101100010011 preciosity 1 +101100010011 sugar-mill 1 +101100010011 halyards 1 +101100010011 Bochco-esque 1 +101100010011 trash-bag 1 +101100010011 8,262,241 1 +101100010011 gravitas 1 +101100010011 MIPS-based 1 +101100010011 conceptual-design 1 +101100010011 water-sensible 1 +101100010011 Annenberg-funded 1 +101100010011 Geoserve-type 1 +101100010011 system-engineering 1 +101100010011 648,000-square-foot 1 +101100010011 car-launch 1 +101100010011 mishmashes 1 +101100010011 laser-patent 1 +101100010011 defense-based 1 +101100010011 KL-43 1 +101100010011 document-production 2 +101100010011 info 2 +101100010011 intuitions 2 +101100010011 satellite-transmission 2 +101100010011 quaintness 2 +101100010011 backlighting 2 +101100010011 break-dancing 2 +101100010011 fast-multiplying 2 +101100010011 judiciousness 2 +101100010011 identification-card 2 +101100010011 databank 2 +101100010011 tradingroom 2 +101100010011 free-of-charge 2 +101100010011 haying 2 +101100010011 electronic-data 2 +101100010011 lipectomy 2 +101100010011 Santorini 2 +101100010011 discernment 3 +101100010011 news-retrieval 3 +101100010011 overbillings 3 +101100010011 brassiere 3 +101100010011 sublimits 3 +101100010011 counter-measures 3 +101100010011 humidifier 3 +101100010011 kvetching 3 +101100010011 data-capture 3 +101100010011 rights-of-way 3 +101100010011 balustrade 3 +101100010011 fish-shooting 4 +101100010011 country-direct 4 +101100010011 primers 4 +101100010011 matter-of-factness 4 +101100010011 dimples 4 +101100010011 sonnets 4 +101100010011 soot 5 +101100010011 retrievable 5 +101100010011 airflow 5 +101100010011 birdies 5 +101100010011 pagination 6 +101100010011 self-analysis 7 +101100010011 torque 7 +101100010011 rehabilitative 7 +101100010011 refreshment 9 +101100010011 ribbing 10 +101100010011 payables 11 +101100010011 wisecracks 15 +101100010011 headsets 16 +101100010011 moralizing 22 +101100010011 telegrams 23 +101100010011 eavesdropping 36 +101100010011 feedback 88 +101100010011 alarm 320 +101100010011 guidance 513 +101100010011 reservations 547 +101100010011 publicity 878 +101100010011 information 9705 +101100010011 data 6334 +1011000101000 contriteness 1 +1011000101000 supermarket-drugstores 1 +1011000101000 testimoney 1 +1011000101000 fragrancing 1 +1011000101000 trekker 1 +1011000101000 hygene 1 +1011000101000 27291.40 1 +1011000101000 Contrivances 1 +1011000101000 aggravations 1 +1011000101000 puss 1 +1011000101000 sticky-tape 1 +1011000101000 fiddlesticks 1 +1011000101000 egregiousness 1 +1011000101000 caprices 1 +1011000101000 pricing-review 1 +1011000101000 mortification 1 +1011000101000 fatherliness 1 +1011000101000 well-told 1 +1011000101000 expensives 1 +1011000101000 log-rolling 1 +1011000101000 highhandedness 1 +1011000101000 crowds. 1 +1011000101000 macro-reforms 1 +1011000101000 source-licensing 1 +1011000101000 grub-hoes 1 +1011000101000 FDA-bashers 1 +1011000101000 Metallica 1 +1011000101000 dealership-income 1 +1011000101000 investigators. 1 +1011000101000 incandescently 1 +1011000101000 lifework 2 +1011000101000 monkeyshines 2 +1011000101000 warranto 2 +1011000101000 scrappiness 2 +1011000101000 Okies 2 +1011000101000 voicings 2 +1011000101000 trendsetters 2 +1011000101000 merrymaking 2 +1011000101000 appoval 2 +1011000101000 Turiddu 2 +1011000101000 paramours 2 +1011000101000 Francophones 2 +1011000101000 genitals 3 +1011000101000 traditionalism 3 +1011000101000 diatribes 3 +1011000101000 inlaws 3 +1011000101000 deficit-reductions 3 +1011000101000 Periogene 3 +1011000101000 Apology 3 +1011000101000 stakebuilding 3 +1011000101000 simplifications 3 +1011000101000 help. 3 +1011000101000 office. 4 +1011000101000 admonishments 4 +1011000101000 conceits 4 +1011000101000 hideaways 4 +1011000101000 onslaughts 4 +1011000101000 philosophizing 4 +1011000101000 ineptness 4 +1011000101000 prestidigitation 4 +1011000101000 footdragging 4 +1011000101000 proddings 4 +1011000101000 impoundments 5 +1011000101000 Messerschmidt 5 +1011000101000 censures 5 +1011000101000 Germanicas 5 +1011000101000 temblors 5 +1011000101000 doggerel 5 +1011000101000 broadsides 5 +1011000101000 Cube 6 +1011000101000 bailiwick 6 +1011000101000 scorekeepers 6 +1011000101000 soundings 6 +1011000101000 ministrations 7 +1011000101000 enactments 8 +1011000101000 stake-building 9 +1011000101000 verbiage 9 +1011000101000 gradualism 9 +1011000101000 incarnations 9 +1011000101000 countermoves 9 +1011000101000 transgression 9 +1011000101000 receiverships 9 +1011000101000 belligerence 10 +1011000101000 eyesight 11 +1011000101000 disfavor 12 +1011000101000 escapade 12 +1011000101000 dockets 13 +1011000101000 reapportionment 13 +1011000101000 rebuffs 13 +1011000101000 polemics 13 +1011000101000 geysers 14 +1011000101000 backtracking 15 +1011000101000 enticements 16 +1011000101000 diatribe 22 +1011000101000 sympathies 32 +1011000101000 strictures 42 +1011000101000 reticence 46 +1011000101000 reappointment 46 +1011000101000 atrocities 52 +1011000101000 intransigence 59 +1011000101000 contraceptives 64 +1011000101000 inaction 91 +1011000101000 writings 127 +1011000101000 interventions 151 +1011000101000 activism 183 +1011000101000 rulings 482 +1011000101000 arguments 995 +1011000101000 recommendations 1025 +1011000101000 findings 1091 +1011000101000 remarks 1168 +1011000101000 duties 1249 +1011000101000 comments 1636 +1011000101000 intervention 1878 +1011000101000 testimony 2090 +1011000101000 action 8999 +1011000101000 actions 3243 +1011000101001 micromanagment 1 +1011000101001 Trotskyism 1 +1011000101001 causalities 1 +1011000101001 emsembles 1 +1011000101001 absorbencies 1 +1011000101001 60-33 1 +1011000101001 254-4 1 +1011000101001 36,093 1 +1011000101001 cross-examinations 1 +1011000101001 catch-alls 1 +1011000101001 bivalves 1 +1011000101001 tax-deferments 1 +1011000101001 support/opposition 1 +1011000101001 taxi-driver 1 +1011000101001 wire-man 1 +1011000101001 damage. 2 +1011000101001 bedbugs 2 +1011000101001 mums 2 +1011000101001 misdoings 2 +1011000101001 mucus 2 +1011000101001 anticipations 2 +1011000101001 presssure 2 +1011000101001 knuckleheads 2 +1011000101001 qualifiers 2 +1011000101001 48-30 2 +1011000101001 Persuaders 2 +1011000101001 sternness 3 +1011000101001 12-8 3 +1011000101001 pretexts 3 +1011000101001 sorting-out 3 +1011000101001 positions. 3 +1011000101001 rantings 3 +1011000101001 B-17s 3 +1011000101001 94-3 3 +1011000101001 sedatives 4 +1011000101001 Benzigers 4 +1011000101001 wastelands 4 +1011000101001 proposal. 4 +1011000101001 anemias 4 +1011000101001 elixirs 5 +1011000101001 antipathies 5 +1011000101001 fractiousness 5 +1011000101001 maybes 5 +1011000101001 oaths 7 +1011000101001 holdups 7 +1011000101001 minesweepers 8 +1011000101001 throttles 8 +1011000101001 ruses 9 +1011000101001 aliases 10 +1011000101001 exotics 14 +1011000101001 flashbacks 18 +1011000101001 submissions 19 +1011000101001 rapids 19 +1011000101001 tributes 20 +1011000101001 deterrents 21 +1011000101001 attachments 26 +1011000101001 add-ons 30 +1011000101001 feelers 33 +1011000101001 fixes 52 +1011000101001 decrees 67 +1011000101001 precautions 89 +1011000101001 invitations 108 +1011000101001 gestures 123 +1011000101001 resolutions 226 +1011000101001 treaties 262 +1011000101001 appointments 408 +1011000101001 approaches 552 +1011000101001 solutions 606 +1011000101001 amendments 638 +1011000101001 answers 639 +1011000101001 alternatives 1255 +1011000101001 steps 2457 +1011000101001 moves 3245 +1011000101001 proposals 3285 +1011000101001 measures 4029 +1011000101001 legislation 5257 +1011000101010 engineer/ski 1 +1011000101010 diol 1 +1011000101010 militating 1 +1011000101010 no-accounts 1 +1011000101010 vituperation 1 +1011000101010 base-efforts 1 +1011000101010 fingernail-size 1 +1011000101010 anti-Bush 1 +1011000101010 diplomat-chat 1 +1011000101010 escheat 1 +1011000101010 lesson-learning 1 +1011000101010 Interest-Rate 2 +1011000101010 plights 2 +1011000101010 preventives 2 +1011000101010 pogroms 2 +1011000101010 creases 2 +1011000101010 season-opener 2 +1011000101010 insurance. 2 +1011000101010 reevaluations 2 +1011000101010 phaseouts 2 +1011000101010 Euro-losses 2 +1011000101010 interferences 2 +1011000101010 grandees 2 +1011000101010 Playboys 3 +1011000101010 litigations 3 +1011000101010 rainstorms 3 +1011000101010 subunits 3 +1011000101010 co-processors 3 +1011000101010 discriminations 3 +1011000101010 indemnifications 3 +1011000101010 rumormongering 4 +1011000101010 laws. 4 +1011000101010 inclines 4 +1011000101010 wordplay 4 +1011000101010 spores 5 +1011000101010 bulkheads 5 +1011000101010 embers 5 +1011000101010 rightists 6 +1011000101010 exotica 6 +1011000101010 affronts 6 +1011000101010 spuds 7 +1011000101010 scalps 7 +1011000101010 heartbeats 8 +1011000101010 tirades 8 +1011000101010 alchemy 8 +1011000101010 wails 11 +1011000101010 notifications 13 +1011000101010 writs 16 +1011000101010 revolts 18 +1011000101010 pores 20 +1011000101010 railing 30 +1011000101010 rejections 30 +1011000101010 counterclaims 33 +1011000101010 libertarians 49 +1011000101010 prohibitions 94 +1011000101010 hedges 121 +1011000101010 petitions 132 +1011000101010 prosecutions 148 +1011000101010 motions 153 +1011000101010 servants 191 +1011000101010 probes 204 +1011000101010 assessments 213 +1011000101010 accusations 261 +1011000101010 convictions 304 +1011000101010 suspects 358 +1011000101010 indictments 490 +1011000101010 demonstrations 569 +1011000101010 protests 841 +1011000101010 fines 1005 +1011000101010 penalties 1237 +1011000101010 demands 1723 +1011000101010 allegations 1903 +1011000101010 lawsuits 1925 +1011000101010 suits 2238 +1011000101010 provisions 2750 +1011000101010 claims 5746 +1011000101010 charges 8890 +1011000101011 mealiemeal 1 +1011000101011 fluid-film 1 +1011000101011 leger-demain 1 +1011000101011 scrutinies 1 +1011000101011 blue-plate 1 +1011000101011 torpidly 1 +1011000101011 inssues 1 +1011000101011 emphass 1 +1011000101011 duty. 1 +1011000101011 coalition-builder 1 +1011000101011 clean-ups 1 +1011000101011 constrictions 1 +1011000101011 action/goals 1 +1011000101011 backlashes 1 +1011000101011 opposition. 1 +1011000101011 self-depilation 1 +1011000101011 264. 1 +1011000101011 chaperons 1 +1011000101011 lipid-modified 1 +1011000101011 recorder-televisions 1 +1011000101011 initiatve 1 +1011000101011 dilapidation 2 +1011000101011 gassings 2 +1011000101011 go-aheads 2 +1011000101011 150-seaters 2 +1011000101011 reallocations 2 +1011000101011 bounty-hunting 2 +1011000101011 requirments 2 +1011000101011 Dixiecrats 2 +1011000101011 Amigas 2 +1011000101011 staters 2 +1011000101011 TARIFFS 2 +1011000101011 all-nighter 2 +1011000101011 Sinatras 2 +1011000101011 sense. 2 +1011000101011 restitutions 2 +1011000101011 thrush 2 +1011000101011 wheel-spinning 3 +1011000101011 annuitants 3 +1011000101011 proceedings. 3 +1011000101011 furrows 4 +1011000101011 compromiser 4 +1011000101011 evaluator 4 +1011000101011 tangos 5 +1011000101011 billets 6 +1011000101011 idiosyncrasies 6 +1011000101011 amphitheaters 7 +1011000101011 aspersions 7 +1011000101011 permissiveness 11 +1011000101011 decals 12 +1011000101011 folders 13 +1011000101011 maniacs 13 +1011000101011 moratoriums 22 +1011000101011 stipulations 22 +1011000101011 treasuries 27 +1011000101011 crackdowns 32 +1011000101011 slowdowns 39 +1011000101011 minimums 48 +1011000101011 clearances 82 +1011000101011 liens 84 +1011000101011 gimmicks 99 +1011000101011 formulas 157 +1011000101011 ceilings 174 +1011000101011 protections 223 +1011000101011 codes 253 +1011000101011 mechanisms 259 +1011000101011 restraints 295 +1011000101011 curbs 332 +1011000101011 statutes 354 +1011000101011 constraints 361 +1011000101011 limitations 367 +1011000101011 ratios 436 +1011000101011 schedules 595 +1011000101011 guidelines 1172 +1011000101011 quotas 1307 +1011000101011 procedures 1575 +1011000101011 regulation 1900 +1011000101011 regulations 2455 +1011000101011 requirements 2455 +1011000101011 restrictions 2504 +1011000101011 standards 3183 +1011000101011 laws 4567 +1011000101011 rules 6255 +1011000101100 execrable 1 +1011000101100 page-flipping 1 +1011000101100 freshening 1 +1011000101100 1099s 2 +1011000101100 flywheels 2 +1011000101100 tampers 2 +1011000101100 musicale 2 +1011000101100 manuevers 2 +1011000101100 proceduralism 2 +1011000101100 misfires 3 +1011000101100 moccasins 3 +1011000101100 hypotheticals 3 +1011000101100 pallets 3 +1011000101100 immunizations 4 +1011000101100 colloquialism 4 +1011000101100 phenom 5 +1011000101100 blockades 5 +1011000101100 evacuations 5 +1011000101100 itineraries 6 +1011000101100 interludes 6 +1011000101100 Missourians 6 +1011000101100 shootouts 6 +1011000101100 signings 6 +1011000101100 raffles 6 +1011000101100 spadework 6 +1011000101100 sale-leasebacks 7 +1011000101100 capers 7 +1011000101100 regimens 8 +1011000101100 holograms 8 +1011000101100 jackpots 8 +1011000101100 sketchbooks 8 +1011000101100 revues 8 +1011000101100 poisonings 9 +1011000101100 interfaces 9 +1011000101100 obituaries 9 +1011000101100 barrages 9 +1011000101100 break-ins 9 +1011000101100 mischarges 9 +1011000101100 sonatas 9 +1011000101100 dorms 9 +1011000101100 scrapes 11 +1011000101100 loaders 11 +1011000101100 slugs 11 +1011000101100 salvos 11 +1011000101100 handbooks 11 +1011000101100 linkups 11 +1011000101100 powers-that-be 11 +1011000101100 previews 12 +1011000101100 voice-overs 12 +1011000101100 blemishes 12 +1011000101100 overpayments 12 +1011000101100 waffles 13 +1011000101100 bums 14 +1011000101100 certifications 14 +1011000101100 fellowships 14 +1011000101100 accruals 15 +1011000101100 chronologies 16 +1011000101100 numerals 16 +1011000101100 wardens 17 +1011000101100 sprints 17 +1011000101100 transparencies 18 +1011000101100 guidebooks 18 +1011000101100 aces 18 +1011000101100 memorandums 19 +1011000101100 journeys 19 +1011000101100 smarts 20 +1011000101100 rosters 20 +1011000101100 layouts 21 +1011000101100 overdrafts 21 +1011000101100 booklets 21 +1011000101100 referendums 21 +1011000101100 memoranda 21 +1011000101100 drawers 22 +1011000101100 spas 23 +1011000101100 crowns 23 +1011000101100 telexes 23 +1011000101100 ladders 24 +1011000101100 embargoes 26 +1011000101100 lingo 27 +1011000101100 expeditions 28 +1011000101100 stardom 29 +1011000101100 sponsorships 30 +1011000101100 positives 31 +1011000101100 curves 31 +1011000101100 receptions 32 +1011000101100 shafts 33 +1011000101100 dormitories 33 +1011000101100 parades 33 +1011000101100 barricades 34 +1011000101100 screenings 35 +1011000101100 chimes 38 +1011000101100 wigs 38 +1011000101100 odors 38 +1011000101100 bubbles 38 +1011000101100 badges 39 +1011000101100 drones 41 +1011000101100 wiretaps 42 +1011000101100 diagnoses 42 +1011000101100 computations 42 +1011000101100 postings 43 +1011000101100 bottoms 43 +1011000101100 formations 44 +1011000101100 logos 46 +1011000101100 questionnaires 51 +1011000101100 tellers 51 +1011000101100 drills 59 +1011000101100 gauges 59 +1011000101100 scams 60 +1011000101100 compositions 61 +1011000101100 flops 62 +1011000101100 affidavits 62 +1011000101100 pamphlets 63 +1011000101100 charters 65 +1011000101100 verdicts 66 +1011000101100 pads 66 +1011000101100 cleanups 67 +1011000101100 bailouts 67 +1011000101100 props 67 +1011000101100 endowments 67 +1011000101100 competitions 68 +1011000101100 rails 71 +1011000101100 workshops 71 +1011000101100 extras 72 +1011000101100 leaflets 72 +1011000101100 diaries 72 +1011000101100 booms 72 +1011000101100 exhibitions 73 +1011000101100 nets 74 +1011000101100 prospectuses 76 +1011000101100 pins 79 +1011000101100 traps 79 +1011000101100 evenings 79 +1011000101100 dramas 81 +1011000101100 cartels 82 +1011000101100 lunches 85 +1011000101100 upgrades 87 +1011000101100 logs 88 +1011000101100 recipes 92 +1011000101100 briefings 93 +1011000101100 accommodations 96 +1011000101100 selections 97 +1011000101100 briefs 98 +1011000101100 ceremonies 99 +1011000101100 histories 99 +1011000101100 capsules 106 +1011000101100 invoices 109 +1011000101100 lobbies 110 +1011000101100 exams 111 +1011000101100 rifles 113 +1011000101100 texts 115 +1011000101100 citations 116 +1011000101100 supplements 122 +1011000101100 readings 132 +1011000101100 memberships 138 +1011000101100 prescriptions 138 +1011000101100 depositions 140 +1011000101100 crashes 149 +1011000101100 analyses 164 +1011000101100 searches 173 +1011000101100 openings 176 +1011000101100 specifications 183 +1011000101100 recruits 185 +1011000101100 entries 191 +1011000101100 slides 193 +1011000101100 posters 197 +1011000101100 substitutes 200 +1011000101100 ballots 206 +1011000101100 assignments 208 +1011000101100 memos 209 +1011000101100 seminars 215 +1011000101100 fuels 216 +1011000101100 columns 239 +1011000101100 notices 248 +1011000101100 audits 262 +1011000101100 transmissions 262 +1011000101100 raids 269 +1011000101100 drawings 275 +1011000101100 treatments 275 +1011000101100 charts 296 +1011000101100 shelves 298 +1011000101100 advertisements 341 +1011000101100 inspections 362 +1011000101100 calculations 368 +1011000101100 tables 409 +1011000101100 experiments 423 +1011000101100 labels 432 +1011000101100 lights 492 +1011000101100 files 514 +1011000101100 designs 587 +1011000101100 leases 655 +1011000101100 transfers 655 +1011000101100 dates 664 +1011000101100 settlements 668 +1011000101100 stars 719 +1011000101100 licenses 722 +1011000101100 trials 725 +1011000101100 failures 760 +1011000101100 grants 772 +1011000101100 awards 847 +1011000101100 checks 898 +1011000101100 strikes 1045 +1011000101100 papers 1352 +1011000101100 deals 1927 +1011000101100 studies 1970 +1011000101100 trades 2107 +1011000101100 tests 2520 +1011000101100 books 2649 +1011000101100 documents 2671 +1011000101100 ads 2700 +1011000101100 records 2774 +1011000101100 transactions 4203 +1011000101100 accounts 4673 +1011000101101 Gazyeta 1 +1011000101101 organizaton 1 +1011000101101 comeliness 1 +1011000101101 care-issues 1 +1011000101101 throve 1 +1011000101101 insurance-benefits 1 +1011000101101 conjoin 1 +1011000101101 priapism 1 +1011000101101 less-brave 1 +1011000101101 life/death 1 +1011000101101 based-business 1 +1011000101101 sudsier 1 +1011000101101 iron-producers 1 +1011000101101 interests. 2 +1011000101101 derbies 2 +1011000101101 rinses 2 +1011000101101 hoosegow 2 +1011000101101 non-cooperation 2 +1011000101101 affliate 2 +1011000101101 subcultures 2 +1011000101101 therefrom 2 +1011000101101 frolics 2 +1011000101101 unpreparedness 2 +1011000101101 proposals. 2 +1011000101101 Know-It-Alls 2 +1011000101101 popularizers 2 +1011000101101 agenices 2 +1011000101101 combos 3 +1011000101101 possiblities 3 +1011000101101 judiciaries 3 +1011000101101 anouncement 3 +1011000101101 evaluators 3 +1011000101101 lockups 3 +1011000101101 meccas 3 +1011000101101 myth-making 4 +1011000101101 spiels 4 +1011000101101 tax. 4 +1011000101101 hardcovers 4 +1011000101101 glazes 4 +1011000101101 encampments 4 +1011000101101 washrooms 4 +1011000101101 pogrom 5 +1011000101101 councillors 5 +1011000101101 touchstones 5 +1011000101101 man. 5 +1011000101101 megaprojects 6 +1011000101101 proliferates 6 +1011000101101 stakeouts 6 +1011000101101 treatises 6 +1011000101101 pizzazz 6 +1011000101101 gambits 7 +1011000101101 deferments 7 +1011000101101 fiascoes 7 +1011000101101 cutoffs 7 +1011000101101 experimenters 7 +1011000101101 doodads 7 +1011000101101 progams 7 +1011000101101 postures 8 +1011000101101 maven 8 +1011000101101 chancellors 9 +1011000101101 COLAs 10 +1011000101101 councilor 10 +1011000101101 tonics 12 +1011000101101 setups 12 +1011000101101 sieves 14 +1011000101101 cottages 14 +1011000101101 swindles 14 +1011000101101 academies 15 +1011000101101 circulars 15 +1011000101101 incubators 19 +1011000101101 thrillers 20 +1011000101101 sponges 20 +1011000101101 checkpoints 22 +1011000101101 tie-ups 22 +1011000101101 celebre 23 +1011000101101 consortia 27 +1011000101101 stakeholders 28 +1011000101101 ordinances 32 +1011000101101 watchdogs 35 +1011000101101 fairs 38 +1011000101101 bulletins 40 +1011000101101 tie-ins 41 +1011000101101 protocols 41 +1011000101101 junkies 42 +1011000101101 carts 47 +1011000101101 memorabilia 48 +1011000101101 boutiques 60 +1011000101101 forums 63 +1011000101101 coups 65 +1011000101101 handouts 65 +1011000101101 beads 70 +1011000101101 endeavors 76 +1011000101101 coalitions 80 +1011000101101 manuals 80 +1011000101101 bureaus 86 +1011000101101 thinkers 86 +1011000101101 bureaucracies 93 +1011000101101 operas 99 +1011000101101 councils 107 +1011000101101 institutes 123 +1011000101101 slogans 128 +1011000101101 syndicates 129 +1011000101101 vouchers 140 +1011000101101 spaces 156 +1011000101101 clauses 156 +1011000101101 organs 172 +1011000101101 newsletters 183 +1011000101101 journals 192 +1011000101101 ministries 196 +1011000101101 missions 218 +1011000101101 slots 230 +1011000101101 prisons 236 +1011000101101 zones 275 +1011000101101 clinics 285 +1011000101101 providers 308 +1011000101101 schemes 315 +1011000101101 malls 333 +1011000101101 staffs 352 +1011000101101 laboratories 366 +1011000101101 capabilities 411 +1011000101101 structures 413 +1011000101101 lands 417 +1011000101101 entities 433 +1011000101101 courses 473 +1011000101101 bodies 520 +1011000101101 clubs 553 +1011000101101 initiatives 576 +1011000101101 budgets 674 +1011000101101 publications 716 +1011000101101 packages 724 +1011000101101 enterprises 779 +1011000101101 departments 863 +1011000101101 techniques 882 +1011000101101 campaigns 900 +1011000101101 arrangements 1033 +1011000101101 strategies 1091 +1011000101101 subsidies 1546 +1011000101101 organizations 1586 +1011000101101 centers 1882 +1011000101101 agencies 3195 +1011000101101 programs 8346 +1011000101101 policies 4641 +1011000101110 Houstons 1 +1011000101110 helpmate 1 +1011000101110 presidents. 1 +1011000101110 Alcoans 1 +1011000101110 mellitus 1 +1011000101110 companies-in-residence 1 +1011000101110 bill-up 1 +1011000101110 claimants. 1 +1011000101110 pabulum 2 +1011000101110 tax-credits 2 +1011000101110 releasees 2 +1011000101110 remunerations 2 +1011000101110 extrapolations 3 +1011000101110 detriments 3 +1011000101110 sludges 4 +1011000101110 carry-backs 5 +1011000101110 ELVs 5 +1011000101110 Strings 5 +1011000101110 jottings 5 +1011000101110 trifles 6 +1011000101110 opportunites 6 +1011000101110 gatherer 6 +1011000101110 torpedos 6 +1011000101110 mark-ups 6 +1011000101110 pablum 7 +1011000101110 hatchets 7 +1011000101110 restorations 8 +1011000101110 W-2s 9 +1011000101110 give-backs 9 +1011000101110 checkups 10 +1011000101110 acronyms 10 +1011000101110 clarifications 12 +1011000101110 reprimands 12 +1011000101110 stipends 12 +1011000101110 set-asides 12 +1011000101110 guideposts 13 +1011000101110 mammograms 14 +1011000101110 retainers 14 +1011000101110 succor 15 +1011000101110 condolences 16 +1011000101110 accolades 17 +1011000101110 holdovers 18 +1011000101110 givebacks 20 +1011000101110 cheaters 21 +1011000101110 renewals 23 +1011000101110 congratulations 24 +1011000101110 freebies 26 +1011000101110 planks 30 +1011000101110 deviations 32 +1011000101110 remittances 33 +1011000101110 absences 34 +1011000101110 scapegoats 34 +1011000101110 disincentives 35 +1011000101110 punishments 35 +1011000101110 giveaways 41 +1011000101110 padding 41 +1011000101110 cures 52 +1011000101110 windfalls 52 +1011000101110 gratuities 53 +1011000101110 furloughs 54 +1011000101110 misrepresentations 57 +1011000101110 footnotes 68 +1011000101110 entitlements 69 +1011000101110 reimbursements 73 +1011000101110 referrals 73 +1011000101110 avoidance 78 +1011000101110 X-rays 81 +1011000101110 inducements 82 +1011000101110 havens 88 +1011000101110 excuses 104 +1011000101110 perks 116 +1011000101110 brackets 117 +1011000101110 allocations 127 +1011000101110 sacrifices 128 +1011000101110 valuations 131 +1011000101110 scholarships 134 +1011000101110 visas 136 +1011000101110 pitches 140 +1011000101110 payoffs 145 +1011000101110 allowances 158 +1011000101110 prizes 158 +1011000101110 extensions 165 +1011000101110 dues 165 +1011000101110 deadlines 182 +1011000101110 tips 199 +1011000101110 waivers 200 +1011000101110 bribes 207 +1011000101110 headaches 217 +1011000101110 privileges 260 +1011000101110 collections 273 +1011000101110 balances 278 +1011000101110 exemptions 306 +1011000101110 sentences 324 +1011000101110 rewards 327 +1011000101110 shelters 336 +1011000101110 royalties 372 +1011000101110 refunds 407 +1011000101110 instructions 456 +1011000101110 donations 477 +1011000101110 gifts 539 +1011000101110 promotions 559 +1011000101110 receipts 674 +1011000101110 advantages 696 +1011000101110 bonuses 739 +1011000101110 deductions 808 +1011000101110 discounts 834 +1011000101110 contributions 1272 +1011000101110 credits 1432 +1011000101110 concessions 1444 +1011000101110 revenues 1511 +1011000101110 pressures 1600 +1011000101110 incentives 1672 +1011000101110 advice 1789 +1011000101110 opportunities 1823 +1011000101110 returns 2453 +1011000101110 reasons 3170 +1011000101110 benefits 5529 +1011000101110 fees 3865 +1011000101111 Basies 1 +1011000101111 bootprints 1 +1011000101111 dinkier 1 +1011000101111 fumigants 1 +1011000101111 LOBBYISTS 1 +1011000101111 1,574,507 1 +1011000101111 housedress 1 +1011000101111 8,626,672 1 +1011000101111 203,479 1 +1011000101111 music-videos 1 +1011000101111 LOBBIES 1 +1011000101111 technicals 1 +1011000101111 WEEK-TV 1 +1011000101111 descant 1 +1011000101111 Khanates 1 +1011000101111 9s 1 +1011000101111 Viper 1 +1011000101111 T-bones 1 +1011000101111 Denaka 1 +1011000101111 Hummers 2 +1011000101111 over-budgeted 2 +1011000101111 vertebra 2 +1011000101111 reknown 2 +1011000101111 thrombolytics 2 +1011000101111 quizzically 2 +1011000101111 tappers 2 +1011000101111 molars 2 +1011000101111 crappies 2 +1011000101111 WNYB 2 +1011000101111 hazelnuts 3 +1011000101111 1,488 3 +1011000101111 antonym 3 +1011000101111 risk-weighting 3 +1011000101111 sub-assemblies 3 +1011000101111 Reservists 4 +1011000101111 cargos 4 +1011000101111 WYNY-FM 5 +1011000101111 lead-times 5 +1011000101111 infamy 6 +1011000101111 pennants 6 +1011000101111 undershirts 7 +1011000101111 mailgrams 7 +1011000101111 heifers 8 +1011000101111 howitzers 9 +1011000101111 Moondreamers 9 +1011000101111 handbills 9 +1011000101111 ultimatums 10 +1011000101111 pass-throughs 10 +1011000101111 counteroffers 12 +1011000101111 summonses 13 +1011000101111 originators 21 +1011000101111 plaudits 28 +1011000101111 authorizations 32 +1011000101111 placebos 33 +1011000101111 pardons 38 +1011000101111 tenders 93 +1011000101111 consents 97 +1011000101111 acceptances 112 +1011000101111 subscriptions 121 +1011000101111 preparations 130 +1011000101111 bookings 217 +1011000101111 subpoenas 222 +1011000101111 proxies 310 +1011000101111 requests 981 +1011000101111 commitments 1474 +1011000101111 applications 1541 +1011000101111 bids 2461 +1011000101111 orders 5745 +1011000101111 contracts 7606 +101100011000 analysts-- 1 +101100011000 progidies 1 +101100011000 cessations 1 +101100011000 hypertensions 1 +101100011000 sunburns 1 +101100011000 118-0 1 +101100011000 no-man's-land 1 +101100011000 pension-indexing 1 +101100011000 unclarity 1 +101100011000 him-or-herself 1 +101100011000 let-up 1 +101100011000 trialsonce 1 +101100011000 utilitization 1 +101100011000 ground-testing 1 +101100011000 mulching 1 +101100011000 WMUR-TV 1 +101100011000 shelf-space 1 +101100011000 badinage 1 +101100011000 discussion-and-analysis 1 +101100011000 ground-coverer 1 +101100011000 Goan 1 +101100011000 housecleanings 1 +101100011000 speedups 1 +101100011000 linedrawing 1 +101100011000 platinum-palladium 1 +101100011000 reinvestigations 1 +101100011000 upbringings 1 +101100011000 signees 1 +101100011000 abalones 1 +101100011000 expectationists 1 +101100011000 astern 1 +101100011000 consensus-builders 1 +101100011000 prop-up 1 +101100011000 spearlike 1 +101100011000 homeruns 1 +101100011000 civic-mindedness 1 +101100011000 lathe-priced 1 +101100011000 aviaries 1 +101100011000 miswirings 1 +101100011000 dollar-dumping 1 +101100011000 paribus 1 +101100011000 inprovements 1 +101100011000 reissuance 1 +101100011000 workoff 1 +101100011000 WNEW-AM/FM 1 +101100011000 diminutions 1 +101100011000 skills.They 1 +101100011000 counter-apparatus 1 +101100011000 KMID-TV 1 +101100011000 fill-ups 1 +101100011000 tinniness 1 +101100011000 in-jokes 1 +101100011000 bridgeheads 1 +101100011000 misestimation 1 +101100011000 decions 1 +101100011000 top-heaviness 1 +101100011000 catnappings 1 +101100011000 hay-cutting 1 +101100011000 birthrights 1 +101100011000 accentuation 1 +101100011000 muffin-making 1 +101100011000 Radiophysics 1 +101100011000 inexorabilities 2 +101100011000 Fiestas 2 +101100011000 signficance 2 +101100011000 grillwork 2 +101100011000 kingmakers 2 +101100011000 rebounder 2 +101100011000 starlings 2 +101100011000 gradients 2 +101100011000 inter-ownership 2 +101100011000 leakages 2 +101100011000 2,367 2 +101100011000 noncitizens 2 +101100011000 godfathers 2 +101100011000 blue-suiters 2 +101100011000 meteors 3 +101100011000 Intruder 3 +101100011000 courtesies 3 +101100011000 sepsis 3 +101100011000 amorality 3 +101100011000 ruptures 3 +101100011000 WPIX 3 +101100011000 mot 3 +101100011000 skullduggery 3 +101100011000 Gorbymania 3 +101100011000 results. 3 +101100011000 tightenings 3 +101100011000 refurbishments 3 +101100011000 strudel 3 +101100011000 irrelevancies 4 +101100011000 slippages 4 +101100011000 whoppers 4 +101100011000 stopovers 4 +101100011000 near-paralysis 4 +101100011000 maladjustments 4 +101100011000 bellwethers 4 +101100011000 leaguers 4 +101100011000 overstaffing 4 +101100011000 hand-me-downs 4 +101100011000 headstones 4 +101100011000 modifiers 4 +101100011000 wavers 4 +101100011000 normality 5 +101100011000 snapback 5 +101100011000 yuks 5 +101100011000 cross-subsidies 5 +101100011000 ill-will 5 +101100011000 thaws 5 +101100011000 untruths 5 +101100011000 cross-pollination 5 +101100011000 clipboards 5 +101100011000 undesirables 6 +101100011000 astigmatism 6 +101100011000 comebacks 6 +101100011000 schisms 6 +101100011000 synopses 6 +101100011000 moonshine 6 +101100011000 micro-organisms 7 +101100011000 fudging 8 +101100011000 correlations 8 +101100011000 jingoism 8 +101100011000 flare-ups 8 +101100011000 restiveness 8 +101100011000 mutations 8 +101100011000 slip-ups 8 +101100011000 mismatches 8 +101100011000 disharmony 9 +101100011000 verbs 9 +101100011000 happenings 9 +101100011000 bombshells 9 +101100011000 repartee 9 +101100011000 shakeups 9 +101100011000 ambushes 9 +101100011000 stopper 9 +101100011000 kinks 10 +101100011000 dents 10 +101100011000 variances 10 +101100011000 bottom-fishing 11 +101100011000 divergences 11 +101100011000 chinks 11 +101100011000 advancements 11 +101100011000 hiccups 12 +101100011000 acidification 12 +101100011000 escalators 12 +101100011000 cross-holdings 14 +101100011000 redundancies 14 +101100011000 footwork 14 +101100011000 fissures 15 +101100011000 immersion 15 +101100011000 rejoicing 17 +101100011000 near-collisions 18 +101100011000 misjudgments 18 +101100011000 cross-shareholdings 19 +101100011000 deletions 21 +101100011000 substitutions 22 +101100011000 equivalence 22 +101100011000 refinements 23 +101100011000 inequalities 24 +101100011000 dryness 25 +101100011000 blips 26 +101100011000 owl 26 +101100011000 transformations 26 +101100011000 inequity 26 +101100011000 aberrations 27 +101100011000 anomalies 35 +101100011000 antagonism 37 +101100011000 trade-offs 45 +101100011000 inaccuracies 46 +101100011000 mischief 47 +101100011000 inequities 52 +101100011000 inconsistencies 55 +101100011000 gridlock 55 +101100011000 alterations 60 +101100011000 complicity 61 +101100011000 animosity 65 +101100011000 anemia 70 +101100011000 shakeup 70 +101100011000 dissension 78 +101100011000 discord 84 +101100011000 synergies 86 +101100011000 collisions 99 +101100011000 disturbances 101 +101100011000 infighting 104 +101100011000 distinctions 104 +101100011000 disappointments 108 +101100011000 accommodation 113 +101100011000 differentials 114 +101100011000 headway 117 +101100011000 strides 117 +101100011000 similarities 129 +101100011000 disparities 130 +101100011000 accomplishment 133 +101100011000 hostilities 136 +101100011000 discrepancies 147 +101100011000 disruptions 150 +101100011000 compromises 160 +101100011000 loopholes 166 +101100011000 distortions 172 +101100011000 deficiencies 186 +101100011000 softness 192 +101100011000 upheaval 195 +101100011000 differential 196 +101100011000 gaps 206 +101100011000 inroads 212 +101100011000 cracks 229 +101100011000 modifications 244 +101100011000 comparisons 262 +101100011000 revisions 352 +101100011000 upturn 362 +101100011000 spreads 375 +101100011000 surprises 384 +101100011000 tension 474 +101100011000 shifts 533 +101100011000 tensions 704 +101100011000 cutbacks 720 +101100011000 adjustments 854 +101100011000 improvements 1271 +101100011000 delays 1457 +101100011000 differences 1705 +101100011000 improvement 2303 +101100011000 changes 8427 +101100011000 progress 2387 +101100011001 120-5 1 +101100011001 tables. 1 +101100011001 megadollars 1 +101100011001 free-falls 1 +101100011001 overaccrual 1 +101100011001 hold-down 1 +101100011001 shelter-oriented 1 +101100011001 overuns 1 +101100011001 deficicency 1 +101100011001 fly-up 1 +101100011001 stablity 1 +101100011001 SIEVES 1 +101100011001 authorites 1 +101100011001 408-1 1 +101100011001 Overshadowed 1 +101100011001 return. 1 +101100011001 cuts-period 1 +101100011001 momentum-oriented 1 +101100011001 revolters 1 +101100011001 liabilites 1 +101100011001 restaints 1 +101100011001 instablity 1 +101100011001 reimbursible 1 +101100011001 them-that-has 1 +101100011001 fibrillations 1 +101100011001 cut. 1 +101100011001 increasers 2 +101100011001 fixers 2 +101100011001 act. 2 +101100011001 extraditions 2 +101100011001 disproportionally 2 +101100011001 increase. 2 +101100011001 choppiness 3 +101100011001 greenmailers 5 +101100011001 retrogression 5 +101100011001 estimators 8 +101100011001 busters 13 +101100011001 abatements 24 +101100011001 cutters 33 +101100011001 evaders 34 +101100011001 cheats 34 +101100011001 deferrals 35 +101100011001 dips 38 +101100011001 rollbacks 38 +101100011001 gouging 39 +101100011001 run-ups 40 +101100011001 earner 44 +101100011001 payers 53 +101100011001 plunges 63 +101100011001 hikes 100 +101100011001 tags 109 +101100011001 earners 133 +101100011001 hike 143 +101100011001 decreases 145 +101100011001 jumps 155 +101100011001 scales 170 +101100011001 bracket 199 +101100011001 overruns 262 +101100011001 evasion 268 +101100011001 boosts 337 +101100011001 tag 339 +101100011001 swings 554 +101100011001 drops 565 +101100011001 breaks 829 +101100011001 rises 839 +101100011001 trends 1530 +101100011001 reductions 1596 +101100011001 increases 6902 +101100011001 cuts 4447 +101100011010 cradle-rocker 1 +101100011010 flagpoles 1 +101100011010 occurence 1 +101100011010 job-hazards 1 +101100011010 sciatica 1 +101100011010 talkativeness 1 +101100011010 Preti 1 +101100011010 Datapipe 1 +101100011010 mobile-terminal 1 +101100011010 record-setter 1 +101100011010 offerors 1 +101100011010 tortfeasors 1 +101100011010 Infomart 1 +101100011010 franchise-registration 1 +101100011010 emigrators 1 +101100011010 Brandos 1 +101100011010 acquirors 1 +101100011010 back-formation 1 +101100011010 directors-general 1 +101100011010 Mumfords 1 +101100011010 debtload 1 +101100011010 rapproachment 1 +101100011010 bullheadedness 1 +101100011010 monooctanonin 1 +101100011010 wisdom-dispensers 1 +101100011010 WSAW-TV 1 +101100011010 tremolite 1 +101100011010 coconspirators 1 +101100011010 peepholes 1 +101100011010 non-recovery 1 +101100011010 overcooking 1 +101100011010 trends. 1 +101100011010 tapings 1 +101100011010 broadloom 1 +101100011010 parts-demand 1 +101100011010 myeloma 1 +101100011010 escapers 1 +101100011010 anti-Sovietism 1 +101100011010 icemaker 1 +101100011010 Rainier-U.S. 1 +101100011010 chat-mongers 1 +101100011010 micturition 1 +101100011010 defecation 1 +101100011010 trustbuster 1 +101100011010 messiness 1 +101100011010 poisoner 1 +101100011010 goofup 1 +101100011010 opto-electronics 1 +101100011010 Noahs 1 +101100011010 street-sweepers 1 +101100011010 exoduses 1 +101100011010 reinvolvement 1 +101100011010 test-thwarter 1 +101100011010 junketeers 1 +101100011010 LGPs 1 +101100011010 ex-internees 1 +101100011010 deer-handling 1 +101100011010 keynoters 1 +101100011010 metamidophos 1 +101100011010 gunloading 1 +101100011010 free-writing 1 +101100011010 Edict 1 +101100011010 misfeasance 1 +101100011010 detonographers 1 +101100011010 stanzas 2 +101100011010 washings 2 +101100011010 cogenerator 2 +101100011010 appeals. 2 +101100011010 stinkin 2 +101100011010 self-tenders 2 +101100011010 cover-ups 2 +101100011010 smorgasbords 2 +101100011010 fundings 2 +101100011010 tackler 2 +101100011010 saviors 2 +101100011010 mezuzas 2 +101100011010 S.O.D. 2 +101100011010 toileting 2 +101100011010 stepparents 2 +101100011010 Diablos 2 +101100011010 simpletons 2 +101100011010 misappropriations 2 +101100011010 restrucuturing 2 +101100011010 chiselers 2 +101100011010 terrains 2 +101100011010 kindergarteners 2 +101100011010 Scorpios 2 +101100011010 rule-breakers 2 +101100011010 no-nos 2 +101100011010 remodelers 2 +101100011010 v-sat 2 +101100011010 insureds 2 +101100011010 SALPs 2 +101100011010 iconography 2 +101100011010 means. 2 +101100011010 medic 3 +101100011010 Drams 3 +101100011010 selloffs 3 +101100011010 emigrations 3 +101100011010 tonnages 3 +101100011010 reindictment 3 +101100011010 deviousness 3 +101100011010 roundups 3 +101100011010 post-adolescents 3 +101100011010 misdiagnoses 3 +101100011010 bleeders 3 +101100011010 tambourines 3 +101100011010 defibrillators 4 +101100011010 feints 4 +101100011010 enchiladas 4 +101100011010 adopters 4 +101100011010 memoirists 4 +101100011010 endocrine 4 +101100011010 dumpers 4 +101100011010 assignations 4 +101100011010 tollgates 4 +101100011010 headrests 4 +101100011010 intermarriage 4 +101100011010 A320s 4 +101100011010 laxness 5 +101100011010 yeasts 5 +101100011010 flotations 5 +101100011010 sequencers 5 +101100011010 toothpicks 5 +101100011010 gels 5 +101100011010 welts 5 +101100011010 interceptions 6 +101100011010 fluorocarbons 6 +101100011010 reassignments 6 +101100011010 honorees 6 +101100011010 farrowings 6 +101100011010 violets 6 +101100011010 abductions 6 +101100011010 overflights 6 +101100011010 delamination 6 +101100011010 nannies 6 +101100011010 wrongdoings 7 +101100011010 interlopers 7 +101100011010 keepsakes 7 +101100011010 flab 7 +101100011010 burials 8 +101100011010 tradeoffs 8 +101100011010 flagships 8 +101100011010 collages 8 +101100011010 courtyards 8 +101100011010 hostels 8 +101100011010 copycats 8 +101100011010 hirings 8 +101100011010 laziness 8 +101100011010 bumpings 8 +101100011010 biosensors 8 +101100011010 ebbs 9 +101100011010 puddles 9 +101100011010 disbarment 9 +101100011010 breast-feeding 9 +101100011010 provocations 9 +101100011010 malignancies 9 +101100011010 acquistions 9 +101100011010 rehearings 9 +101100011010 abandonments 10 +101100011010 suffocation 10 +101100011010 commissaries 11 +101100011010 standouts 11 +101100011010 betrayals 11 +101100011010 nudes 11 +101100011010 retrenchments 11 +101100011010 removals 11 +101100011010 deadbeats 11 +101100011010 subversives 11 +101100011010 earphones 11 +101100011010 refundings 12 +101100011010 revenue-raisers 12 +101100011010 Congresses 12 +101100011010 inconveniences 12 +101100011010 faire 13 +101100011010 worksheets 13 +101100011010 rescissions 13 +101100011010 collegiality 13 +101100011010 depressions 13 +101100011010 exactions 13 +101100011010 epiphany 13 +101100011010 pullouts 14 +101100011010 walkers 14 +101100011010 clemency 14 +101100011010 nationalizations 15 +101100011010 Oscars 15 +101100011010 rescuers 15 +101100011010 resales 16 +101100011010 issuances 16 +101100011010 pariahs 16 +101100011010 backups 17 +101100011010 gunshots 17 +101100011010 minuses 17 +101100011010 highfliers 17 +101100011010 startups 18 +101100011010 postponements 19 +101100011010 altruism 20 +101100011010 suicides 20 +101100011010 divestments 20 +101100011010 denationalizations 21 +101100011010 loathing 21 +101100011010 bunkers 21 +101100011010 illegalities 22 +101100011010 accumulations 23 +101100011010 troublemakers 23 +101100011010 concealment 24 +101100011010 allergies 24 +101100011010 queens 25 +101100011010 sexism 25 +101100011010 sclerosis 26 +101100011010 robberies 26 +101100011010 mistreatment 26 +101100011010 directorships 26 +101100011010 intruders 27 +101100011010 deportations 28 +101100011010 rollovers 28 +101100011010 spender 28 +101100011010 maltreatment 28 +101100011010 relocations 29 +101100011010 caseloads 29 +101100011010 thefts 32 +101100011010 frills 32 +101100011010 megadeals 33 +101100011010 insolvencies 33 +101100011010 criminality 33 +101100011010 droughts 34 +101100011010 zeros 34 +101100011010 assassinations 34 +101100011010 wrongdoers 35 +101100011010 malice 36 +101100011010 distractions 36 +101100011010 recapitalizations 37 +101100011010 re-regulation 37 +101100011010 blockbusters 37 +101100011010 innovators 38 +101100011010 downgradings 38 +101100011010 hoops 39 +101100011010 hitters 40 +101100011010 illegality 40 +101100011010 misstatements 41 +101100011010 malfunctions 41 +101100011010 executions 42 +101100011010 beatings 43 +101100011010 carcinogens 43 +101100011010 reorganizations 45 +101100011010 shootings 45 +101100011010 earthquakes 45 +101100011010 privatizations 45 +101100011010 diversions 47 +101100011010 turnarounds 48 +101100011010 terminations 48 +101100011010 laggards 49 +101100011010 superstars 49 +101100011010 exits 50 +101100011010 refinancings 50 +101100011010 renovations 51 +101100011010 conspirators 52 +101100011010 occupants 56 +101100011010 walkouts 59 +101100011010 boycotts 62 +101100011010 suspensions 64 +101100011010 predators 65 +101100011010 omissions 67 +101100011010 frauds 68 +101100011010 buybacks 73 +101100011010 foreclosures 76 +101100011010 misdeeds 79 +101100011010 shutdowns 86 +101100011010 seizures 87 +101100011010 merchandisers 87 +101100011010 impropriety 88 +101100011010 floods 91 +101100011010 liquidations 95 +101100011010 overcharges 104 +101100011010 takers 105 +101100011010 explosions 109 +101100011010 consolidations 114 +101100011010 storms 114 +101100011010 downgrades 118 +101100011010 expansions 123 +101100011010 replacements 123 +101100011010 cancellations 131 +101100011010 firings 132 +101100011010 LBOs 134 +101100011010 dismissals 137 +101100011010 mailings 139 +101100011010 violators 149 +101100011010 divestitures 188 +101100011010 defections 200 +101100011010 recessions 213 +101100011010 casualties 226 +101100011010 attrition 230 +101100011010 buy-backs 230 +101100011010 departures 263 +101100011010 acquirers 275 +101100011010 restructurings 282 +101100011010 bargains 310 +101100011010 leaks 325 +101100011010 guilt 329 +101100011010 arrests 334 +101100011010 purchasers 399 +101100011010 winners 527 +101100011010 losers 569 +101100011010 accidents 586 +101100011010 suitors 614 +101100011010 injuries 761 +101100011010 bidders 989 +101100011010 wrongdoing 1058 +101100011010 sellers 1116 +101100011010 layoffs 1137 +101100011010 takeovers 1774 +101100011010 violations 2243 +101100011010 purchases 3531 +101100011010 acquisitions 3922 +101100011010 buyers 4341 +1011000110110 Elvises 1 +1011000110110 Inelectra 1 +1011000110110 bronchiolitis 1 +1011000110110 cofferdams 1 +1011000110110 tumulus 1 +1011000110110 chargeoffs 1 +1011000110110 .200 1 +1011000110110 hellos 1 +1011000110110 pig-out 1 +1011000110110 kickups 1 +1011000110110 guanxi 1 +1011000110110 Chatten 1 +1011000110110 oustandings 1 +1011000110110 Zygo 1 +1011000110110 associaitons 1 +1011000110110 siltation 1 +1011000110110 23,552 1 +1011000110110 2,009 1 +1011000110110 gallantry 2 +1011000110110 loutishness 2 +1011000110110 slab-makers 2 +1011000110110 smacker 2 +1011000110110 28072.02 2 +1011000110110 crossbows 2 +1011000110110 hayrides 2 +1011000110110 nicks 2 +1011000110110 GRRRRRs 2 +1011000110110 28366.33 2 +1011000110110 spankings 2 +1011000110110 catnaps 2 +1011000110110 cancer-risk 2 +1011000110110 grillings 2 +1011000110110 sidelights 3 +1011000110110 batallion 3 +1011000110110 oversubscriptions 3 +1011000110110 sharking 3 +1011000110110 overcoats 3 +1011000110110 pursuer 3 +1011000110110 break-out 3 +1011000110110 carloadings 4 +1011000110110 smooch 4 +1011000110110 accelerations 4 +1011000110110 overwithholding 4 +1011000110110 reponsibilities 5 +1011000110110 leftism 5 +1011000110110 childhoods 5 +1011000110110 dossiers 6 +1011000110110 logjams 7 +1011000110110 migrations 7 +1011000110110 dispersal 7 +1011000110110 guffaws 7 +1011000110110 pre-payments 7 +1011000110110 landholdings 8 +1011000110110 yardage 10 +1011000110110 turnouts 12 +1011000110110 taxer 12 +1011000110110 recriminations 15 +1011000110110 writeoffs 20 +1011000110110 workloads 22 +1011000110110 writedowns 25 +1011000110110 testimonials 25 +1011000110110 dollar-selling 27 +1011000110110 arches 34 +1011000110110 originations 35 +1011000110110 tremors 40 +1011000110110 disbursements 42 +1011000110110 markups 54 +1011000110110 prepayments 56 +1011000110110 recoveries 91 +1011000110110 charge-offs 101 +1011000110110 markdowns 119 +1011000110110 kickbacks 208 +1011000110110 defaults 238 +1011000110110 redemptions 315 +1011000110110 withdrawals 326 +1011000110110 write-downs 478 +1011000110110 write-offs 514 +1011000110110 profits 6237 +1011000110110 losses 9138 +1011000110111 fragranced 1 +1011000110111 Palpable 1 +1011000110111 chilis 1 +1011000110111 30-cent-a-gallon 1 +1011000110111 cutspossibly 1 +1011000110111 slickened 1 +1011000110111 culottes 1 +1011000110111 dousings 1 +1011000110111 WXFL-TV 1 +1011000110111 morphologic 1 +1011000110111 rise-perhaps 1 +1011000110111 markerts 1 +1011000110111 mudballs 1 +1011000110111 misalignments 2 +1011000110111 estimaters 2 +1011000110111 insensitivities 2 +1011000110111 rosettes 2 +1011000110111 tanking 2 +1011000110111 preliminaries 2 +1011000110111 fact-checking 2 +1011000110111 decollectivization 2 +1011000110111 dilutions 2 +1011000110111 gyration 3 +1011000110111 weasels 3 +1011000110111 KOs 3 +1011000110111 dynamos 3 +1011000110111 depressants 4 +1011000110111 downswings 4 +1011000110111 Simpson-Mazzoli-Rodino 4 +1011000110111 leaguer 6 +1011000110111 forehands 6 +1011000110111 curtailments 8 +1011000110111 realizations 10 +1011000110111 drawdowns 13 +1011000110111 upturns 13 +1011000110111 upswings 14 +1011000110111 snowstorms 18 +1011000110111 spurts 19 +1011000110111 uprisings 20 +1011000110111 realignments 21 +1011000110111 sell-offs 33 +1011000110111 shortfalls 49 +1011000110111 surges 69 +1011000110111 showings 73 +1011000110111 outflows 75 +1011000110111 slumps 84 +1011000110111 devaluations 93 +1011000110111 gyrations 119 +1011000110111 rains 291 +1011000110111 fluctuations 442 +1011000110111 rallies 453 +1011000110111 performances 470 +1011000110111 movements 726 +1011000110111 appreciation 751 +1011000110111 advances 815 +1011000110111 declines 2565 +1011000110111 gains 8070 +10110001110 senarios 1 +10110001110 No.4 1 +10110001110 rate-dependent 1 +10110001110 expense. 1 +10110001110 Goodens 1 +10110001110 depreciation. 1 +10110001110 diabolism 1 +10110001110 BORROWERS 1 +10110001110 comptitors 1 +10110001110 VIRGINIANS 1 +10110001110 frugally 1 +10110001110 money-brokers 1 +10110001110 BANQUETS 1 +10110001110 Bede 1 +10110001110 romped 1 +10110001110 586A 1 +10110001110 FORGO 1 +10110001110 reimbursments 2 +10110001110 Pounder 2 +10110001110 collecters 2 +10110001110 1265 3 +10110001110 TACTICS 3 +10110001110 rates. 4 +10110001110 coverages 14 +10110001110 rates 20824 +10110001110 rate. 22 +101100011110 waterlogging 1 +101100011110 over-promising 1 +101100011110 10-pounders 1 +101100011110 sequiturs 1 +101100011110 counter-ads 1 +101100011110 iginition 1 +101100011110 tarriffs 1 +101100011110 worker-pay 1 +101100011110 favor-seekers 1 +101100011110 squeeze-boxer 1 +101100011110 unemloyment 1 +101100011110 first-stringers 1 +101100011110 gooping 1 +101100011110 unfavorables 1 +101100011110 iron-bearing 1 +101100011110 Saturday- 1 +101100011110 Obesitas 1 +101100011110 buyer-incentives 1 +101100011110 glossaries 1 +101100011110 kidnap/hostage 1 +101100011110 thrvey 1 +101100011110 APO 1 +101100011110 vacations. 1 +101100011110 CAT-scan 1 +101100011110 photon 1 +101100011110 excursuses 1 +101100011110 pre-operating 1 +101100011110 dollar. 1 +101100011110 gradings 1 +101100011110 castes 1 +101100011110 wage. 1 +101100011110 more-dependable 1 +101100011110 crescents 1 +101100011110 witholdings 1 +101100011110 loopaholics 1 +101100011110 bushland 1 +101100011110 thumbprints 2 +101100011110 WNEV-TV 2 +101100011110 user-fees 2 +101100011110 octanes 2 +101100011110 1041 2 +101100011110 HealthSouth 2 +101100011110 ROAs 2 +101100011110 annulments 2 +101100011110 Seavers 2 +101100011110 backhoes 3 +101100011110 ransoms 3 +101100011110 sermonettes 3 +101100011110 mudslides 3 +101100011110 1738 3 +101100011110 livestock-grazing 3 +101100011110 insincerity 3 +101100011110 betas 3 +101100011110 Keatons 3 +101100011110 990s 3 +101100011110 looniness 3 +101100011110 Sasebo 4 +101100011110 Rema 4 +101100011110 halos 4 +101100011110 biopsies 4 +101100011110 IQs 4 +101100011110 verifiability 4 +101100011110 profitabilty 5 +101100011110 nitrates 5 +101100011110 sprockets 5 +101100011110 showtime 5 +101100011110 education. 5 +101100011110 sabbaticals 5 +101100011110 infestations 6 +101100011110 airfares 7 +101100011110 surtaxes 7 +101100011110 excises 8 +101100011110 PSRs 8 +101100011110 sequitur 9 +101100011110 co-payments 9 +101100011110 zippers 9 +101100011110 mufflers 10 +101100011110 grata 11 +101100011110 birthrates 11 +101100011110 horoscopes 12 +101100011110 overheads 12 +101100011110 hemlines 14 +101100011110 wagers 15 +101100011110 workweeks 18 +101100011110 brownouts 21 +101100011110 bruises 24 +101100011110 tuitions 37 +101100011110 honorariums 38 +101100011110 deductibles 43 +101100011110 surcharges 48 +101100011110 allotments 66 +101100011110 warranties 143 +101100011110 levies 145 +101100011110 rents 312 +101100011110 coupons 349 +101100011110 pensions 382 +101100011110 temperatures 458 +101100011110 rebates 551 +101100011110 incomes 621 +101100011110 tariffs 770 +101100011110 commissions 884 +101100011110 salaries 940 +101100011110 premiums 1016 +101100011110 fares 1370 +101100011110 wages 1595 +101100011110 dividends 1966 +101100011110 margins 2134 +101100011110 taxes 6549 +101100011110 yields 2795 +101100011111 superciliously 1 +101100011111 optometrically 1 +101100011111 post-session 1 +101100011111 114.18 1 +101100011111 movemente 1 +101100011111 skycam 1 +101100011111 Freegold 1 +101100011111 I.C.H 1 +101100011111 cross-cut 1 +101100011111 Sauvignons 1 +101100011111 splashdown 1 +101100011111 23:00 1 +101100011111 grammarians 1 +101100011111 expensess 1 +101100011111 taht 1 +101100011111 depletions 1 +101100011111 fettle 1 +101100011111 self-empowerment 1 +101100011111 8,314 1 +101100011111 3,209 1 +101100011111 4,284 1 +101100011111 onerousness 1 +101100011111 politeness. 1 +101100011111 stife 1 +101100011111 travellers 1 +101100011111 instrumentals 1 +101100011111 feeling. 1 +101100011111 10:05/ 1 +101100011111 hermaphrodites 1 +101100011111 bareback 1 +101100011111 dayrates 1 +101100011111 250- 1 +101100011111 teams. 1 +101100011111 Aphrodites 1 +101100011111 fact-sheets 1 +101100011111 stress. 1 +101100011111 speed-picking 1 +101100011111 enactment. 1 +101100011111 uncontrollability 1 +101100011111 closeouts 1 +101100011111 plunders 1 +101100011111 advice. 1 +101100011111 pianissimos 2 +101100011111 inconspicuously 2 +101100011111 implementation. 2 +101100011111 castration 2 +101100011111 patty 2 +101100011111 yield-to-maturity 2 +101100011111 unsightliness 2 +101100011111 Canio 2 +101100011111 pneumonias 2 +101100011111 throwaways 3 +101100011111 bindings 3 +101100011111 noncompetitively 3 +101100011111 non-religiously 3 +101100011111 culls 3 +101100011111 adjustors 3 +101100011111 expections 4 +101100011111 costs. 4 +101100011111 manifolds 4 +101100011111 squalls 4 +101100011111 catwalks 5 +101100011111 angiography 6 +101100011111 propensities 6 +101100011111 restatements 6 +101100011111 depleters 7 +101100011111 braid 7 +101100011111 efficiences 8 +101100011111 chutes 12 +101100011111 bins 46 +101100011111 bottlenecks 77 +101100011111 efficiencies 188 +101100011111 expenses 3569 +101100011111 costs 13283 +101100100 tricoastal 1 +101100100 grainfields 1 +101100100 catechistical 1 +101100100 restabilizing 1 +101100100 well-trod 1 +101100100 countersues 1 +101100100 outraise 1 +101100100 hand-modeled 1 +101100100 fortten 1 +101100100 laith 1 +101100100 muzzles 2 +101100100 bad-mouths 2 +101100100 sideswipes 2 +101100100 physicality 2 +101100100 squalling 2 +101100100 licences 2 +101100100 waggling 2 +101100100 whirs 2 +101100100 acounts 3 +101100100 putters 3 +101100100 purring 3 +101100100 slants 3 +101100100 pollinated 3 +101100100 1,831 3 +101100100 bungles 4 +101100100 pinches 4 +101100100 wheezes 4 +101100100 tars 4 +101100100 relents 4 +101100100 eulogizing 4 +101100100 cross-checking 4 +101100100 scowls 4 +101100100 shills 4 +101100100 wedges 4 +101100100 creaks 4 +101100100 squirted 4 +101100100 masterminds 4 +101100100 paddles 5 +101100100 swivels 5 +101100100 snares 5 +101100100 unlocks 5 +101100100 routs 5 +101100100 tucks 5 +101100100 fumbles 5 +101100100 slurp 5 +101100100 knits 5 +101100100 snubs 5 +101100100 molders 5 +101100100 wiggles 5 +101100100 snowballs 5 +101100100 mimes 5 +101100100 gorges 6 +101100100 gleams 6 +101100100 backfires 6 +101100100 legislates 6 +101100100 retreads 6 +101100100 forwards 6 +101100100 combats 6 +101100100 twitches 6 +101100100 padlocks 6 +101100100 thins 6 +101100100 punctures 6 +101100100 claps 7 +101100100 grimaces 7 +101100100 slaughters 7 +101100100 lulls 7 +101100100 twirls 7 +101100100 awakens 7 +101100100 peels 7 +101100100 perches 7 +101100100 dusts 7 +101100100 pastes 7 +101100100 abstracts 7 +101100100 bankrolls 7 +101100100 dredges 7 +101100100 stings 8 +101100100 flounders 8 +101100100 rams 8 +101100100 jacks 8 +101100100 sows 8 +101100100 snatches 8 +101100100 whines 8 +101100100 sprains 8 +101100100 squeaks 8 +101100100 drawls 8 +101100100 savages 8 +101100100 purrs 8 +101100100 pricks 8 +101100100 reappears 9 +101100100 chirps 9 +101100100 lunges 9 +101100100 slits 9 +101100100 clamps 9 +101100100 blundering 9 +101100100 latches 9 +101100100 flushes 10 +101100100 stumps 10 +101100100 licks 10 +101100100 fizzles 10 +101100100 pats 10 +101100100 catapults 10 +101100100 plummets 10 +101100100 combs 10 +101100100 bashes 10 +101100100 tilts 10 +101100100 bellows 11 +101100100 shatters 11 +101100100 treads 11 +101100100 voids 11 +101100100 shrieks 11 +101100100 dodges 11 +101100100 taunts 11 +101100100 exhausts 11 +101100100 chokes 12 +101100100 sputters 12 +101100100 struts 12 +101100100 jabbing 12 +101100100 hugs 12 +101100100 lofts 12 +101100100 snooping 12 +101100100 whoops 12 +101100100 blinks 13 +101100100 toasts 13 +101100100 ignites 13 +101100100 whizzes 13 +101100100 tugs 13 +101100100 smashes 13 +101100100 sneers 13 +101100100 prodigy 13 +101100100 fishes 13 +101100100 gulps 13 +101100100 vacuums 13 +101100100 languishes 14 +101100100 relays 14 +101100100 flicks 14 +101100100 tacks 14 +101100100 surrenders 14 +101100100 intercepts 14 +101100100 beckons 14 +101100100 bogs 15 +101100100 jolts 15 +101100100 stabs 15 +101100100 bores 15 +101100100 ushers 15 +101100100 glows 16 +101100100 buoys 16 +101100100 bangs 16 +101100100 showcases 16 +101100100 crunches 16 +101100100 sprouts 16 +101100100 barks 17 +101100100 grosses 17 +101100100 snickers 17 +101100100 gushed 17 +101100100 spoons 17 +101100100 constructs 18 +101100100 clicks 18 +101100100 rapes 18 +101100100 bends 18 +101100100 polices 18 +101100100 vents 19 +101100100 alternates 19 +101100100 giggles 19 +101100100 curses 19 +101100100 flares 19 +101100100 critiques 19 +101100100 rumbles 20 +101100100 climaxes 20 +101100100 blinds 20 +101100100 brews 20 +101100100 swirls 20 +101100100 yawns 21 +101100100 commutes 22 +101100100 duplicates 22 +101100100 drapes 22 +101100100 creeps 22 +101100100 dons 22 +101100100 crossings 23 +101100100 charms 23 +101100100 overlaps 23 +101100100 shudders 24 +101100100 blares 24 +101100100 folds 24 +101100100 delights 24 +101100100 steals 24 +101100100 grates 24 +101100100 referees 24 +101100100 reprints 24 +101100100 graces 25 +101100100 dives 25 +101100100 ferries 25 +101100100 scoops 25 +101100100 chills 25 +101100100 rattles 25 +101100100 alerts 25 +101100100 intrigues 26 +101100100 plows 26 +101100100 curls 26 +101100100 swallows 26 +101100100 outlaws 26 +101100100 snarls 26 +101100100 dials 27 +101100100 longs 27 +101100100 relaxes 28 +101100100 hops 28 +101100100 reels 28 +101100100 groans 28 +101100100 dispatches 28 +101100100 trumpets 28 +101100100 parodies 29 +101100100 washes 29 +101100100 scratches 29 +101100100 swells 29 +101100100 hauls 29 +101100100 chops 30 +101100100 poisons 30 +101100100 rages 30 +101100100 spikes 30 +101100100 rescues 30 +101100100 straddles 30 +101100100 whips 30 +101100100 digs 31 +101100100 pedals 31 +101100100 grins 31 +101100100 extracts 31 +101100100 kisses 32 +101100100 hawks 33 +101100100 chases 33 +101100100 paces 34 +101100100 mails 34 +101100100 haunts 34 +101100100 crows 34 +101100100 scouts 34 +101100100 tempers 34 +101100100 binds 34 +101100100 puzzles 35 +101100100 steers 36 +101100100 stalks 36 +101100100 hooks 36 +101100100 peppers 36 +101100100 reigns 36 +101100100 explodes 37 +101100100 hunts 38 +101100100 drains 39 +101100100 pans 40 +101100100 cushions 40 +101100100 thrusts 40 +101100100 flourishes 40 +101100100 plugs 40 +101100100 shuttles 42 +101100100 spares 42 +101100100 assists 42 +101100100 spurs 43 +101100100 scans 43 +101100100 squeezes 43 +101100100 spins 43 +101100100 stinks 44 +101100100 knocks 44 +101100100 cooks 46 +101100100 transports 47 +101100100 bows 47 +101100100 lures 47 +101100100 retreats 48 +101100100 dwarfs 48 +101100100 nods 49 +101100100 squares 49 +101100100 lumps 50 +101100100 shields 51 +101100100 brushes 51 +101100100 inserts 51 +101100100 stalls 52 +101100100 blends 52 +101100100 insults 52 +101100100 escapes 52 +101100100 collapses 53 +101100100 mounts 53 +101100100 smells 54 +101100100 sinks 55 +101100100 bumps 56 +101100100 floats 56 +101100100 sails 57 +101100100 hides 57 +101100100 vetoes 58 +101100100 screams 59 +101100100 blasts 59 +101100100 sparks 61 +101100100 anchors 61 +101100100 taps 62 +101100100 offsets 65 +101100100 shoots 65 +101100100 marches 67 +101100100 repeats 68 +101100100 punches 70 +101100100 breeds 71 +101100100 snaps 72 +101100100 bites 72 +101100100 exploits 75 +101100100 airs 76 +101100100 flashes 76 +101100100 shrinks 77 +101100100 crosses 78 +101100100 leaps 78 +101100100 preserves 80 +101100100 kicks 82 +101100100 nears 83 +101100100 dances 84 +101100100 updates 84 +101100100 beats 84 +101100100 faults 89 +101100100 spells 90 +101100100 defeats 90 +101100100 survives 93 +101100100 feeds 95 +101100100 champions 95 +101100100 dumps 96 +101100100 prevails 96 +101100100 senses 99 +101100100 honors 99 +101100100 encounters 101 +101100100 alarms 102 +101100100 mandates 103 +101100100 sweeps 103 +101100100 shouts 107 +101100100 springs 108 +101100100 mixes 109 +101100100 freezes 110 +101100100 locks 113 +101100100 masks 114 +101100100 packs 114 +101100100 catches 121 +101100100 rides 122 +101100100 beams 122 +101100100 exhibits 124 +101100100 strips 126 +101100100 shapes 128 +101100100 lags 129 +101100100 trails 130 +101100100 blows 131 +101100100 stretches 132 +101100100 lectures 132 +101100100 burns 136 +101100100 fumes 139 +101100100 laughs 143 +101100100 converts 143 +101100100 smiles 143 +101100100 cries 146 +101100100 settles 150 +101100100 slips 151 +101100100 hires 153 +101100100 hosts 154 +101100100 paints 157 +101100100 touches 157 +101100100 mirrors 158 +101100100 clouds 163 +101100100 speeds 165 +101100100 tours 168 +101100100 resumes 179 +101100100 guides 192 +101100100 sticks 196 +101100100 commands 203 +101100100 presses 204 +101100100 influences 208 +101100100 prints 210 +101100100 bans 221 +101100100 tops 230 +101100100 dies 238 +101100100 attributes 247 +101100100 caps 257 +101100100 flies 260 +101100100 rolls 268 +101100100 watches 272 +101100100 matches 274 +101100100 winds 278 +101100100 addresses 282 +101100100 chairs 305 +101100100 monitors 318 +101100100 backs 329 +101100100 displays 356 +101100100 passes 419 +101100100 quotes 439 +101100100 processes 440 +101100100 stops 460 +101100100 visits 474 +101100100 bears 497 +101100100 hits 572 +101100100 reviews 587 +101100100 exists 605 +101100100 bars 646 +101100100 tracks 649 +101100100 advocates 704 +101100100 permits 708 +101100100 drives 710 +101100100 lists 756 +101100100 guarantees 892 +101100100 signals 1019 +101100100 plays 1141 +101100100 features 1149 +101100100 sets 1470 +101100100 stands 1519 +101100100 views 1868 +101100100 heads 1947 +101100100 uses 1959 +101100100 limits 2222 +101100100 controls 3400 +101100100 offers 3739 +101100100 works 3410 +10110010100 Pashtuns 1 +10110010100 synods 1 +10110010100 abililty 1 +10110010100 grayness 1 +10110010100 intake-air 1 +10110010100 legwarmers 1 +10110010100 gambols 1 +10110010100 explications 2 +10110010100 whooshes 2 +10110010100 wildebeest 2 +10110010100 pecks 2 +10110010100 sourness 2 +10110010100 drug-users 2 +10110010100 barrows 2 +10110010100 bulldogs 2 +10110010100 Sonys 2 +10110010100 mementoes 2 +10110010100 subtypes 2 +10110010100 beaks 2 +10110010100 instrumentalities 2 +10110010100 igloos 2 +10110010100 Woodwards 2 +10110010100 frenzies 3 +10110010100 stockrooms 3 +10110010100 brasses 3 +10110010100 jurisconsults 3 +10110010100 shavings 3 +10110010100 gametes 3 +10110010100 proms 3 +10110010100 inanity 3 +10110010100 accompaniments 3 +10110010100 paddocks 3 +10110010100 chapels 3 +10110010100 essences 3 +10110010100 pontifications 3 +10110010100 caroms 3 +10110010100 swabs 3 +10110010100 votaries 3 +10110010100 conduction 3 +10110010100 canopies 4 +10110010100 reorders 4 +10110010100 doodles 4 +10110010100 spars 4 +10110010100 relevancy 4 +10110010100 ledges 4 +10110010100 abodes 4 +10110010100 mentalities 4 +10110010100 apprentices 4 +10110010100 pane 4 +10110010100 seductions 4 +10110010100 shibboleths 5 +10110010100 earls 5 +10110010100 effluents 5 +10110010100 commemorations 5 +10110010100 farces 5 +10110010100 hangings 5 +10110010100 droplets 5 +10110010100 gladiators 5 +10110010100 casks 5 +10110010100 understatements 5 +10110010100 accoutrements 5 +10110010100 re-enactments 5 +10110010100 globs 5 +10110010100 splotches 5 +10110010100 cements 5 +10110010100 syntax 5 +10110010100 anti-intellectualism 5 +10110010100 baits 5 +10110010100 bearers 5 +10110010100 pleats 5 +10110010100 moats 6 +10110010100 hives 6 +10110010100 heros 6 +10110010100 clucks 6 +10110010100 blots 6 +10110010100 appendages 6 +10110010100 ruts 6 +10110010100 boughs 6 +10110010100 boatloads 6 +10110010100 mane 6 +10110010100 post-mortems 6 +10110010100 tiara 6 +10110010100 specks 6 +10110010100 enlargements 6 +10110010100 drownings 6 +10110010100 resisters 6 +10110010100 detritus 6 +10110010100 flecks 6 +10110010100 streamers 6 +10110010100 constellations 6 +10110010100 lice 6 +10110010100 parables 7 +10110010100 kegs 7 +10110010100 caverns 7 +10110010100 ABCs 7 +10110010100 gnomes 7 +10110010100 tresses 7 +10110010100 bleakness 7 +10110010100 offshoots 7 +10110010100 tusks 7 +10110010100 carcinoma 7 +10110010100 affirmations 7 +10110010100 dhows 7 +10110010100 torrents 7 +10110010100 litters 7 +10110010100 potentials 8 +10110010100 fuselages 8 +10110010100 nostrums 8 +10110010100 likenesses 8 +10110010100 processions 8 +10110010100 pups 8 +10110010100 slings 8 +10110010100 hulks 8 +10110010100 couplings 8 +10110010100 categorization 8 +10110010100 samplings 8 +10110010100 chateaux 8 +10110010100 ducklings 8 +10110010100 junkyards 8 +10110010100 replays 8 +10110010100 cadence 8 +10110010100 spines 8 +10110010100 percentiles 8 +10110010100 husks 8 +10110010100 indulgences 8 +10110010100 ions 8 +10110010100 soothsayers 8 +10110010100 caravans 9 +10110010100 yearnings 9 +10110010100 flickers 9 +10110010100 flasks 9 +10110010100 nibbles 9 +10110010100 socket 9 +10110010100 platters 9 +10110010100 spokes 9 +10110010100 panes 9 +10110010100 repetitions 10 +10110010100 deceptions 10 +10110010100 duets 10 +10110010100 stubble 10 +10110010100 cravings 10 +10110010100 aromas 10 +10110010100 repositories 10 +10110010100 cuffs 10 +10110010100 cirrhosis 10 +10110010100 soles 11 +10110010100 hunks 11 +10110010100 emblems 11 +10110010100 curiosities 11 +10110010100 temperaments 11 +10110010100 riddles 11 +10110010100 six-packs 11 +10110010100 come-ons 11 +10110010100 webs 11 +10110010100 mutterings 11 +10110010100 arrays 11 +10110010100 craters 12 +10110010100 dens 12 +10110010100 adaptations 12 +10110010100 tolerances 12 +10110010100 duplications 12 +10110010100 necklaces 12 +10110010100 tentacles 12 +10110010100 tins 12 +10110010100 chimneys 12 +10110010100 silhouettes 12 +10110010100 hamlets 12 +10110010100 gusts 12 +10110010100 slivers 12 +10110010100 mixtures 12 +10110010100 portrayals 13 +10110010100 greats 13 +10110010100 vats 13 +10110010100 bouquets 13 +10110010100 fenders 14 +10110010100 volleys 14 +10110010100 cores 14 +10110010100 canyons 14 +10110010100 arcs 14 +10110010100 shards 14 +10110010100 beepers 14 +10110010100 harmonies 14 +10110010100 precursors 14 +10110010100 strata 14 +10110010100 lifestyles 14 +10110010100 tortoises 14 +10110010100 pouches 15 +10110010100 eccentricities 15 +10110010100 heroines 15 +10110010100 legacies 15 +10110010100 palaces 15 +10110010100 dialects 15 +10110010100 queues 15 +10110010100 mementos 16 +10110010100 knockoffs 16 +10110010100 acoustics 16 +10110010100 circulations 16 +10110010100 tenements 16 +10110010100 explorations 16 +10110010100 putts 16 +10110010100 dexterity 16 +10110010100 refuges 16 +10110010100 thickets 16 +10110010100 playgrounds 17 +10110010100 domes 17 +10110010100 gags 17 +10110010100 blazes 17 +10110010100 plumes 17 +10110010100 pseudonyms 17 +10110010100 stables 17 +10110010100 euphemisms 17 +10110010100 gigs 18 +10110010100 recesses 18 +10110010100 compartments 18 +10110010100 tokens 18 +10110010100 wrecks 18 +10110010100 gasps 18 +10110010100 cornfields 18 +10110010100 choruses 18 +10110010100 kernels 18 +10110010100 guarantors 18 +10110010100 protectors 18 +10110010100 confirmations 19 +10110010100 forgeries 19 +10110010100 throngs 19 +10110010100 rungs 19 +10110010100 wrongs 19 +10110010100 hulls 19 +10110010100 bastions 19 +10110010100 sightings 20 +10110010100 facades 20 +10110010100 mainstays 20 +10110010100 windshields 20 +10110010100 replicas 20 +10110010100 portents 20 +10110010100 anniversaries 20 +10110010100 clumps 21 +10110010100 photocopies 21 +10110010100 tiers 21 +10110010100 helpers 21 +10110010100 loaves 21 +10110010100 claws 21 +10110010100 mazes 21 +10110010100 cliffs 21 +10110010100 nuggets 21 +10110010100 wavelengths 22 +10110010100 flocks 22 +10110010100 linings 22 +10110010100 intestines 22 +10110010100 figurines 22 +10110010100 glories 23 +10110010100 fates 23 +10110010100 snows 23 +10110010100 vistas 23 +10110010100 snapshots 24 +10110010100 smokestacks 24 +10110010100 squadrons 24 +10110010100 halves 24 +10110010100 diagrams 25 +10110010100 tombs 25 +10110010100 slates 25 +10110010100 compliments 25 +10110010100 buds 25 +10110010100 canisters 26 +10110010100 mats 26 +10110010100 caricatures 26 +10110010100 reds 27 +10110010100 vials 27 +10110010100 arrows 27 +10110010100 laps 27 +10110010100 precepts 27 +10110010100 chords 28 +10110010100 byproducts 28 +10110010100 puffs 28 +10110010100 messengers 28 +10110010100 relics 28 +10110010100 skeletons 29 +10110010100 rations 29 +10110010100 spectacles 29 +10110010100 chants 29 +10110010100 invasions 29 +10110010100 formulations 30 +10110010100 groupings 30 +10110010100 rites 31 +10110010100 hues 31 +10110010100 outs 32 +10110010100 beasts 32 +10110010100 characterizations 32 +10110010100 clutches 32 +10110010100 perquisites 32 +10110010100 strands 33 +10110010100 entrances 33 +10110010100 reproductions 33 +10110010100 modes 33 +10110010100 snippets 34 +10110010100 innards 34 +10110010100 denizens 34 +10110010100 deserts 34 +10110010100 threads 35 +10110010100 pillars 35 +10110010100 imitations 35 +10110010100 cargoes 35 +10110010100 trunks 36 +10110010100 ornaments 37 +10110010100 batches 37 +10110010100 legends 38 +10110010100 jungles 38 +10110010100 sacks 38 +10110010100 dots 38 +10110010100 bundles 39 +10110010100 packets 39 +10110010100 sprays 40 +10110010100 bowls 40 +10110010100 scraps 40 +10110010100 buckets 41 +10110010100 thrills 42 +10110010100 ideologies 42 +10110010100 sequences 42 +10110010100 gems 42 +10110010100 ribs 43 +10110010100 curtains 43 +10110010100 suitcases 43 +10110010100 specimens 43 +10110010100 horsepower 43 +10110010100 outbreaks 43 +10110010100 benches 44 +10110010100 illustrations 45 +10110010100 metaphors 45 +10110010100 howls 46 +10110010100 wards 46 +10110010100 co-sponsors 46 +10110010100 captains 46 +10110010100 crates 47 +10110010100 pleasures 48 +10110010100 graves 48 +10110010100 purveyors 48 +10110010100 summaries 49 +10110010100 ripples 50 +10110010100 biographies 51 +10110010100 racks 51 +10110010100 killers 51 +10110010100 icons 51 +10110010100 slices 52 +10110010100 quirks 52 +10110010100 revolutions 53 +10110010100 clusters 53 +10110010100 rituals 54 +10110010100 scars 54 +10110010100 monuments 56 +10110010100 pests 57 +10110010100 weights 57 +10110010100 tenets 58 +10110010100 statues 59 +10110010100 jars 61 +10110010100 artifacts 61 +10110010100 interiors 62 +10110010100 transcripts 62 +10110010100 catalysts 63 +10110010100 patches 63 +10110010100 atoms 63 +10110010100 cartons 63 +10110010100 roofs 64 +10110010100 pots 65 +10110010100 texture 65 +10110010100 shades 65 +10110010100 villains 65 +10110010100 slabs 67 +10110010100 injections 68 +10110010100 spinoffs 68 +10110010100 impulses 69 +10110010100 corridors 72 +10110010100 sketches 72 +10110010100 cabinets 73 +10110010100 definitions 74 +10110010100 prototypes 75 +10110010100 classifications 75 +10110010100 bouts 75 +10110010100 avenues 76 +10110010100 bursts 77 +10110010100 profiles 77 +10110010100 surfaces 78 +10110010100 celebrations 79 +10110010100 evaluations 79 +10110010100 fragments 80 +10110010100 shadows 81 +10110010100 banners 82 +10110010100 tones 82 +10110010100 lyrics 88 +10110010100 edges 88 +10110010100 parcels 88 +10110010100 estates 90 +10110010100 cheers 90 +10110010100 passages 93 +10110010100 drafts 94 +10110010100 paths 96 +10110010100 bounds 96 +10110010100 rows 97 +10110010100 clips 101 +10110010100 streams 107 +10110010100 calories 110 +10110010100 chapters 112 +10110010100 videotapes 113 +10110010100 percentages 114 +10110010100 plots 114 +10110010100 descriptions 114 +10110010100 armies 117 +10110010100 tracts 119 +10110010100 marriages 119 +10110010100 varieties 123 +10110010100 portraits 125 +10110010100 dimensions 126 +10110010100 visions 126 +10110010100 signatures 126 +10110010100 murders 132 +10110010100 keys 133 +10110010100 identities 133 +10110010100 maps 134 +10110010100 phases 135 +10110010100 strokes 141 +10110010100 interpretations 154 +10110010100 corners 155 +10110010100 baskets 155 +10110010100 masters 156 +10110010100 reruns 157 +10110010100 footage 160 +10110010100 strings 161 +10110010100 bucks 166 +10110010100 recordings 170 +10110010100 cultures 178 +10110010100 personalities 179 +10110010100 gates 180 +10110010100 tales 182 +10110010100 seeds 196 +10110010100 beaches 198 +10110010100 fruits 203 +10110010100 layers 206 +10110010100 novels 212 +10110010100 episodes 213 +10110010100 symbols 219 +10110010100 grades 222 +10110010100 hearts 227 +10110010100 foundations 235 +10110010100 bits 236 +10110010100 ingredients 236 +10110010100 survivors 240 +10110010100 mountains 249 +10110010100 wings 255 +10110010100 wheels 258 +10110010100 clones 267 +10110010100 dreams 275 +10110010100 crowds 277 +10110010100 floors 277 +10110010100 voices 282 +10110010100 photos 287 +10110010100 rounds 300 +10110010100 species 302 +10110010100 bottles 308 +10110010100 photographs 311 +10110010100 colors 313 +10110010100 moments 329 +10110010100 samples 330 +10110010100 shots 361 +10110010100 pools 375 +10110010100 objects 381 +10110010100 waves 384 +10110010100 lessons 401 +10110010100 memories 402 +10110010100 sections 427 +10110010100 scenes 487 +10110010100 examples 493 +10110010100 images 522 +10110010100 walls 609 +10110010100 scores 688 +10110010100 deaths 727 +10110010100 elements 748 +10110010100 blocks 770 +10110010100 components 815 +10110010100 copies 941 +10110010100 pictures 947 +10110010100 classes 971 +10110010100 boards 1005 +10110010100 pieces 1007 +10110010100 ranks 1010 +10110010100 economies 1020 +10110010100 forms 1287 +10110010100 letters 1701 +10110010100 votes 1848 +10110010100 parts 6055 +10110010100 names 2119 +10110010101 Infinidad 1 +10110010101 Chull 1 +10110010101 brain-friendly 1 +10110010101 Compositae 1 +10110010101 ages. 1 +10110010101 planarity 1 +10110010101 hypodermics 1 +10110010101 Sapphira 1 +10110010101 dead-accurate 1 +10110010101 almost-three-year-old 1 +10110010101 Dullsville 1 +10110010101 co-editors 1 +10110010101 debarments 1 +10110010101 instutition 1 +10110010101 Sealestial 1 +10110010101 lairs 1 +10110010101 Maria-Guadalupe 1 +10110010101 reorients 1 +10110010101 pictorialism 1 +10110010101 friend. 1 +10110010101 connection. 1 +10110010101 predominate. 1 +10110010101 regimentation. 1 +10110010101 breathtaker 1 +10110010101 saracasm 1 +10110010101 6-foot-6-inches 1 +10110010101 counterpurchases 1 +10110010101 coverall 1 +10110010101 dukedoms 1 +10110010101 355,598 1 +10110010101 1987A 1 +10110010101 races. 1 +10110010101 Nilda 1 +10110010101 spotbill 1 +10110010101 geste 1 +10110010101 once-removed 1 +10110010101 summiteer 1 +10110010101 perambulists 1 +10110010101 Jeanne-Claude 1 +10110010101 Giulietta 1 +10110010101 NBAdom 1 +10110010101 CHARY 1 +10110010101 876,698 1 +10110010101 gabmongers 1 +10110010101 Operandi 1 +10110010101 mouthfuls 1 +10110010101 999,111 1 +10110010101 jargons 1 +10110010101 wallach 1 +10110010101 Ya-Ming 1 +10110010101 reactively 1 +10110010101 666,668 1 +10110010101 treatment. 1 +10110010101 dog-bites-man 1 +10110010101 harkened 1 +10110010101 contractor. 1 +10110010101 practioners 1 +10110010101 2,941 1 +10110010101 students. 1 +10110010101 appreciators 1 +10110010101 pandemics 1 +10110010101 no-stars 1 +10110010101 Marlena 1 +10110010101 sprightliness 1 +10110010101 ingestible 1 +10110010101 junk-security 1 +10110010101 gurgled 1 +10110010101 tablier 1 +10110010101 Tammam 1 +10110010101 upfield 1 +10110010101 populizers 1 +10110010101 Airfones 1 +10110010101 Gampy 1 +10110010101 rock-movers 1 +10110010101 Commonwealth-flag 1 +10110010101 government-born 1 +10110010101 non-pathogens 1 +10110010101 snackfood 1 +10110010101 perogi-shops 1 +10110010101 scepter 1 +10110010101 Fuad 1 +10110010101 Mab 1 +10110010101 pus 2 +10110010101 Bikhie 2 +10110010101 recorder/player 2 +10110010101 Scrooges 2 +10110010101 ex-aides 2 +10110010101 importunings 2 +10110010101 ORGANIZATIONS 2 +10110010101 A-list 2 +10110010101 misreadings 2 +10110010101 Guiliana 2 +10110010101 pilferers 2 +10110010101 confessor 2 +10110010101 maters 2 +10110010101 intensities 2 +10110010101 commandants 3 +10110010101 noire 3 +10110010101 Elsies 3 +10110010101 accumulators 3 +10110010101 natures 3 +10110010101 midshipmen 3 +10110010101 safaris 3 +10110010101 reshooting 3 +10110010101 invocations 3 +10110010101 rices 3 +10110010101 lodes 3 +10110010101 covens 3 +10110010101 harvesters 3 +10110010101 heirlooms 4 +10110010101 Tao 4 +10110010101 gondoliers 4 +10110010101 plenums 4 +10110010101 rhinoceroses 5 +10110010101 divas 5 +10110010101 instigators 5 +10110010101 checkerboards 6 +10110010101 recitations 6 +10110010101 apostles 6 +10110010101 shutout 6 +10110010101 undercurrents 7 +10110010101 shiploads 7 +10110010101 totems 7 +10110010101 planeloads 7 +10110010101 chairmanships 9 +10110010101 choirs 10 +10110010101 busloads 10 +10110010101 general-secretary 12 +10110010101 connoisseurs 12 +10110010101 reunions 13 +10110010101 lode 13 +10110010101 intents 15 +10110010101 marketmakers 15 +10110010101 deans 16 +10110010101 operandi 16 +10110010101 hacks 19 +10110010101 presidencies 20 +10110010101 comers 22 +10110010101 heaps 25 +10110010101 variants 25 +10110010101 devotees 30 +10110010101 keepers 36 +10110010101 facets 38 +10110010101 co-owners 39 +10110010101 guardians 42 +10110010101 co-chairmen 50 +10110010101 co-managers 52 +10110010101 mater 56 +10110010101 descendants 88 +10110010101 chairmen 336 +10110010101 proponents 340 +10110010101 sorts 374 +10110010101 beneficiaries 425 +10110010101 versions 760 +10110010101 aspects 783 +10110010101 kinds 930 +10110010101 counts 1188 +10110010101 types 1306 +10110010101 victims 1369 +10110010101 representatives 1647 +10110010101 members 11777 +10110010110 Jimmys 1 +10110010110 gazers 1 +10110010110 metals-silver 1 +10110010110 Clothestimes 1 +10110010110 Sublett 1 +10110010110 leit-motif 1 +10110010110 ebusiness 1 +10110010110 Sensibility 1 +10110010110 Community-style 1 +10110010110 sub-region 1 +10110010110 Timeses 1 +10110010110 newsdealer 1 +10110010110 penisula 1 +10110010110 hotdog 1 +10110010110 Zinfandels 1 +10110010110 Heav 1 +10110010110 truckmakers 1 +10110010110 lymphokines 1 +10110010110 geopoliticians 1 +10110010110 themseslves 1 +10110010110 Chihuaha 1 +10110010110 straphanger 1 +10110010110 newsmagazines 1 +10110010110 munitions-makers 1 +10110010110 crowd-drawer 1 +10110010110 Emerates 1 +10110010110 seabeds 1 +10110010110 201-pounder 1 +10110010110 C15 1 +10110010110 Slave-Trade 1 +10110010110 conjunctivitis 1 +10110010110 1963-70 1 +10110010110 competitors. 1 +10110010110 TopKick 1 +10110010110 plainclothesmen 1 +10110010110 batiks 1 +10110010110 leukoplakia 1 +10110010110 Beantowners 1 +10110010110 confrontationalists 1 +10110010110 Wallonia 1 +10110010110 Euro-cards 1 +10110010110 injuries. 1 +10110010110 pan-nationalism 1 +10110010110 cost-saver 1 +10110010110 sheeps 1 +10110010110 two-hours 1 +10110010110 priorities. 1 +10110010110 two. 1 +10110010110 luxurycar-makers 1 +10110010110 mini-markets 1 +10110010110 multiorgasmic 1 +10110010110 makore 1 +10110010110 reformulations 1 +10110010110 Goatsbeard 1 +10110010110 cost-watcher 1 +10110010110 business-getters 1 +10110010110 abominations 1 +10110010110 malaprops 1 +10110010110 extra-territoriality 1 +10110010110 normalizer 1 +10110010110 non-arm 1 +10110010110 calibre 1 +10110010110 Pollione 1 +10110010110 Shona 1 +10110010110 5,353,830 1 +10110010110 cuddler 1 +10110010110 int 1 +10110010110 Data-Designs 1 +10110010110 victory. 1 +10110010110 Seattlite 1 +10110010110 Yunosti 1 +10110010110 overcommitted 1 +10110010110 polities 1 +10110010110 cosmodrome 1 +10110010110 lilacs 1 +10110010110 105-93 1 +10110010110 tire-makers 1 +10110010110 bestiaries 1 +10110010110 armadas 2 +10110010110 loans. 2 +10110010110 art-collecting 2 +10110010110 beef-packers 2 +10110010110 Newarks 2 +10110010110 order. 2 +10110010110 engine-builders 2 +10110010110 choosiness 2 +10110010110 prickliness 2 +10110010110 spirituals 2 +10110010110 member-nations 2 +10110010110 chanceries 2 +10110010110 co-hosting 2 +10110010110 abridgments 2 +10110010110 federalists 2 +10110010110 plasterers 2 +10110010110 veld 2 +10110010110 biotechnologies 2 +10110010110 mini-computers 2 +10110010110 gables 2 +10110010110 nations. 2 +10110010110 Exocets 3 +10110010110 counterparties 3 +10110010110 city-states 3 +10110010110 computer-makers 3 +10110010110 boycotters 3 +10110010110 flashpoints 3 +10110010110 non-students 3 +10110010110 countries. 3 +10110010110 goverments 3 +10110010110 lightbulbs 4 +10110010110 off-seasons 4 +10110010110 Commando 4 +10110010110 biota 5 +10110010110 sanctums 5 +10110010110 celebrators 5 +10110010110 Thomases 5 +10110010110 Titans 5 +10110010110 Rodins 5 +10110010110 subconferences 5 +10110010110 jet-setters 6 +10110010110 mineowners 6 +10110010110 gasolines 6 +10110010110 supertankers 6 +10110010110 sheikdoms 7 +10110010110 Krugerrand 7 +10110010110 Republics 8 +10110010110 sanctum 10 +10110010110 A-300s 14 +10110010110 golds 15 +10110010110 emirates 21 +10110010110 religions 38 +10110010110 venues 42 +10110010110 capitals 110 +10110010110 republics 119 +10110010110 languages 188 +10110010110 democracies 230 +10110010110 provinces 316 +10110010110 currencies 2299 +10110010110 cities 2570 +10110010110 nations 4145 +10110010110 states 7423 +10110010110 countries 9268 +101100101110 all-Democratic 1 +101100101110 turns. 1 +101100101110 chairpersons 1 +101100101110 immoralists 1 +101100101110 drift-garden 1 +101100101110 volteface 1 +101100101110 reappearances 1 +101100101110 eurekas 1 +101100101110 scabiosas 1 +101100101110 chest-beating 1 +101100101110 think. 1 +101100101110 amazements 1 +101100101110 Al-Naqeeb 1 +101100101110 tear-downs 1 +101100101110 cemetary 1 +101100101110 street-fighter 1 +101100101110 noticeboard 1 +101100101110 shells. 1 +101100101110 unharmoniously 1 +101100101110 fastnesses 1 +101100101110 haberdasheries 1 +101100101110 4-J 1 +101100101110 Brandeises 1 +101100101110 TV-camera 1 +101100101110 47,150 1 +101100101110 tub-thumping 1 +101100101110 physiognomies 1 +101100101110 leftbrainers 1 +101100101110 Western-styles 1 +101100101110 supernovas 1 +101100101110 gamesters 1 +101100101110 Fairchild/Fujitsu 1 +101100101110 poulation 1 +101100101110 psychologizing 1 +101100101110 mafias 1 +101100101110 shay 1 +101100101110 earth-stuff 1 +101100101110 radionuclides 1 +101100101110 possums 1 +101100101110 antelopes 1 +101100101110 Herefords 1 +101100101110 team-in-season 1 +101100101110 acitivities 1 +101100101110 alienations 1 +101100101110 mall-goers 1 +101100101110 boxiness 1 +101100101110 packing-house 1 +101100101110 trake 1 +101100101110 unversities 1 +101100101110 prepress 1 +101100101110 Paleokrassas 1 +101100101110 knolls 1 +101100101110 trans-shipments 1 +101100101110 take-oh-LOW-tase 1 +101100101110 defilement 1 +101100101110 cardiograms 1 +101100101110 eeriness 1 +101100101110 showhorses 1 +101100101110 form. 1 +101100101110 blockbluster 1 +101100101110 cusser 1 +101100101110 crack. 1 +101100101110 saplings 1 +101100101110 camp-out 1 +101100101110 toing-and-froing 1 +101100101110 class-tensions 1 +101100101110 schiessbefehl 1 +101100101110 fugures 1 +101100101110 hipsters 1 +101100101110 contemplations 1 +101100101110 tailcoats 1 +101100101110 Bolanoses 1 +101100101110 gluttonies 1 +101100101110 myograph 1 +101100101110 PS/2-compatibles 1 +101100101110 policy-preventing 1 +101100101110 immigrant-subclass 1 +101100101110 co-presidents. 1 +101100101110 kolkhoz 1 +101100101110 shellfire 1 +101100101110 venoms 1 +101100101110 remasterings 1 +101100101110 sculpturality 1 +101100101110 chocolat 1 +101100101110 side-lighting 1 +101100101110 stepsisters 1 +101100101110 coxswain 1 +101100101110 s&ls 1 +101100101110 intelligenstia 1 +101100101110 frostbiter 1 +101100101110 C-sections 1 +101100101110 7777 1 +101100101110 temporary-living 1 +101100101110 eyedrops 1 +101100101110 heart-wringer 1 +101100101110 psychoses 1 +101100101110 tenaciousness 1 +101100101110 Midlanders 1 +101100101110 eventuated 1 +101100101110 manager-west 1 +101100101110 hope. 1 +101100101110 Chihuahuenses 1 +101100101110 toughie 1 +101100101110 Truth-sayers 1 +101100101110 anti-statist 1 +101100101110 Cutchogue 1 +101100101110 politico 1 +101100101110 X-rating 1 +101100101110 Russophiles 1 +101100101110 megadomes 1 +101100101110 Catholic-homeowner 1 +101100101110 retching 1 +101100101110 Melchior 1 +101100101110 fly-fishermen 1 +101100101110 channels. 1 +101100101110 VapoRub 1 +101100101110 Ottone 2 +101100101110 enterprise. 2 +101100101110 Transkeians 2 +101100101110 paterfamilias 2 +101100101110 libertines 2 +101100101110 headline-grabbers 2 +101100101110 musics 2 +101100101110 resurrections 2 +101100101110 abacuses 2 +101100101110 pow-wows 2 +101100101110 verity 2 +101100101110 disqualifications 2 +101100101110 rainforests 2 +101100101110 schoolhouses 2 +101100101110 cases. 2 +101100101110 wrapup 2 +101100101110 utilties 2 +101100101110 multiengine 2 +101100101110 hausfraus 2 +101100101110 avocations 2 +101100101110 subspecialties 2 +101100101110 round-trippers 2 +101100101110 rambunctiousness 2 +101100101110 collectivity 2 +101100101110 successions 2 +101100101110 heresies 2 +101100101110 Unies 2 +101100101110 puffiness 2 +101100101110 oddments 3 +101100101110 cityhood 3 +101100101110 yachtsmen 3 +101100101110 castanets 3 +101100101110 Satans 3 +101100101110 emporiums 3 +101100101110 kibitzers 3 +101100101110 monstrosities 3 +101100101110 warrens 3 +101100101110 spinners 3 +101100101110 toilers 3 +101100101110 milieus 3 +101100101110 spreaders 3 +101100101110 hoppers 3 +101100101110 S.O.B.s 3 +101100101110 neurotransmitters 4 +101100101110 collie 4 +101100101110 peeves 4 +101100101110 specializations 4 +101100101110 liberalizers 4 +101100101110 crazes 4 +101100101110 readouts 4 +101100101110 truants 4 +101100101110 oscillations 4 +101100101110 reckonings 4 +101100101110 couplets 4 +101100101110 dichotomies 5 +101100101110 miniaturization 5 +101100101110 spellings 5 +101100101110 ordeals 5 +101100101110 methodologies 5 +101100101110 finales 5 +101100101110 conveyances 5 +101100101110 demagogues 5 +101100101110 provisos 5 +101100101110 latitudes 6 +101100101110 seminaries 6 +101100101110 pathogens 6 +101100101110 civilizations 6 +101100101110 pairings 6 +101100101110 Vermonters 6 +101100101110 close-ups 6 +101100101110 self-medication 6 +101100101110 Caesareans 7 +101100101110 brothels 7 +101100101110 sayings 7 +101100101110 baubles 7 +101100101110 imponderables 7 +101100101110 eminences 7 +101100101110 hotbeds 7 +101100101110 subplots 8 +101100101110 overproducers 8 +101100101110 capillaries 8 +101100101110 coincidences 8 +101100101110 junctures 8 +101100101110 owner-operators 9 +101100101110 sleepers 9 +101100101110 scourges 9 +101100101110 headings 10 +101100101110 quacks 10 +101100101110 floaters 10 +101100101110 rarities 10 +101100101110 juxtapositions 11 +101100101110 inhibitors 11 +101100101110 annoyances 11 +101100101110 slights 12 +101100101110 concoctions 12 +101100101110 lipoproteins 13 +101100101110 interstates 13 +101100101110 outcasts 14 +101100101110 beauties 14 +101100101110 contexts 14 +101100101110 delicacies 17 +101100101110 nodes 17 +101100101110 extravaganzas 19 +101100101110 epidemics 19 +101100101110 occurrences 21 +101100101110 enclaves 21 +101100101110 yardsticks 26 +101100101110 holdouts 26 +101100101110 spheres 30 +101100101110 intangibles 31 +101100101110 eras 33 +101100101110 handicaps 36 +101100101110 knots 39 +101100101110 baths 41 +101100101110 locales 45 +101100101110 glands 46 +101100101110 luminaries 47 +101100101110 goodies 48 +101100101110 viewpoints 51 +101100101110 angles 62 +101100101110 staples 65 +101100101110 disciplines 76 +101100101110 jurisdictions 78 +101100101110 environments 81 +101100101110 occupations 83 +101100101110 professions 88 +101100101110 extremes 93 +101100101110 scenarios 97 +101100101110 settings 101 +101100101110 variables 106 +101100101110 sizes 199 +101100101110 disorders 201 +101100101110 fronts 201 +101100101110 respects 240 +101100101110 topics 267 +101100101110 directions 272 +101100101110 exceptions 352 +101100101110 incidents 455 +101100101110 instances 496 +101100101110 segments 513 +101100101110 subjects 518 +101100101110 diseases 580 +101100101110 categories 613 +101100101110 situations 616 +101100101110 regions 648 +101100101110 acts 844 +101100101110 sectors 1079 +101100101110 places 1467 +101100101110 matters 1902 +101100101110 items 2453 +101100101110 areas 4574 +101100101110 cases 6213 +101100101111 leviathans 1 +101100101111 minidebates 1 +101100101111 deficiences 1 +101100101111 gold-inlay 1 +101100101111 acccidents 1 +101100101111 bandwagons 1 +101100101111 asset-holders 1 +101100101111 chamberlains 1 +101100101111 reorganizatons 1 +101100101111 Pickfords 1 +101100101111 fine-sounding 1 +101100101111 Berkleys 1 +101100101111 celebrity-seekers 1 +101100101111 Chrismouse 1 +101100101111 doublethink 1 +101100101111 recalcitrants 1 +101100101111 you-bring-in-your-stuff 1 +101100101111 contributorily 1 +101100101111 cataclysms 1 +101100101111 rat-killing 1 +101100101111 quasi-Dalis 1 +101100101111 inedibles 1 +101100101111 mnemonics 1 +101100101111 Japanophiles 1 +101100101111 sibs 1 +101100101111 yuk-mongers 1 +101100101111 disequilibriums 1 +101100101111 high-specification 1 +101100101111 preschooler. 1 +101100101111 non-winners 1 +101100101111 fellow-students 1 +101100101111 dreamwalkers 1 +101100101111 biddies 1 +101100101111 plate-makers 1 +101100101111 religionists 1 +101100101111 vanillas 1 +101100101111 trade-relations 1 +101100101111 commission-cullers 1 +101100101111 Casbahites 1 +101100101111 mouse-friends 1 +101100101111 anymore. 1 +101100101111 rebroadcasts 1 +101100101111 easy-reading 1 +101100101111 brush-off 1 +101100101111 convocations 1 +101100101111 homilists 1 +101100101111 musician/programmers 1 +101100101111 purse-strings 1 +101100101111 kickshaws 1 +101100101111 fix-its 1 +101100101111 inmates-turned-wardens 1 +101100101111 squiddities 1 +101100101111 days-and 1 +101100101111 australis 1 +101100101111 sentimentalities 1 +101100101111 discussants 1 +101100101111 boatmakers 1 +101100101111 umbrella-waving 1 +101100101111 memo-writing 1 +101100101111 devastations 1 +101100101111 eventualities 1 +101100101111 grant-seekers 1 +101100101111 vasodilators 1 +101100101111 currrencies 1 +101100101111 lines-packaged 1 +101100101111 discombobulation 1 +101100101111 sorts. 1 +101100101111 shops-within-a-store 1 +101100101111 agribusinesses 1 +101100101111 compansation 1 +101100101111 program-bashers 1 +101100101111 president-bashers 1 +101100101111 busy-bodies 1 +101100101111 pseudo-reforms 1 +101100101111 batmusic 1 +101100101111 non-doves 1 +101100101111 elegible 1 +101100101111 neo-statists 1 +101100101111 impluses 1 +101100101111 plane-makers 1 +101100101111 expulsados 1 +101100101111 melo-molls 1 +101100101111 datakeepers 1 +101100101111 Goliathry 1 +101100101111 neatening 1 +101100101111 budgetbusters 1 +101100101111 worm-digging 1 +101100101111 pollai 1 +101100101111 sub-groups 1 +101100101111 editorialization 1 +101100101111 constroversies 1 +101100101111 1,093,648 1 +101100101111 catch-words 1 +101100101111 teleports 1 +101100101111 MTV-ers 1 +101100101111 imbecilities 1 +101100101111 derring 1 +101100101111 non-bankers 1 +101100101111 shutterings 1 +101100101111 trends-of-the-day 1 +101100101111 holloware 1 +101100101111 bellyachers 1 +101100101111 demonstators 1 +101100101111 physician-researchers 1 +101100101111 kindreds 1 +101100101111 Kennedy-haters 1 +101100101111 share-shifting 1 +101100101111 scrappers 1 +101100101111 awfulnesses 1 +101100101111 GSEs 1 +101100101111 songsters 1 +101100101111 subheadlines 1 +101100101111 snivelers 1 +101100101111 mini-rallies 1 +101100101111 crises-of-the-moment 1 +101100101111 instituions 1 +101100101111 slip-shod 1 +101100101111 Sola-Barnes-Hind 1 +101100101111 non-Estonians 1 +101100101111 cowhands 1 +101100101111 Samaritans 1 +101100101111 plainsmen 1 +101100101111 DC-9-14s 1 +101100101111 benzodiazepines 2 +101100101111 Pulitzer-predators 2 +101100101111 emoting 2 +101100101111 stolovias 2 +101100101111 unspectacularly 2 +101100101111 dafties 2 +101100101111 meddlers 2 +101100101111 tutti-frutti 2 +101100101111 obscurantism 2 +101100101111 ischemia 2 +101100101111 fogeyism 2 +101100101111 repatriations 2 +101100101111 non-Westerners 2 +101100101111 neutrals 2 +101100101111 anti-competitiveness 2 +101100101111 glasnostics 2 +101100101111 cubits 2 +101100101111 scrimmaging 2 +101100101111 atolls 2 +101100101111 melanomas 2 +101100101111 non-families 2 +101100101111 aways 2 +101100101111 HIVs 2 +101100101111 autistics 2 +101100101111 exegetical 2 +101100101111 thespians 2 +101100101111 acrophobia 2 +101100101111 establishmentarians 2 +101100101111 broker-finders 2 +101100101111 turnoffs 2 +101100101111 oxidants 2 +101100101111 Euro-analysts 2 +101100101111 aphrodisiacs 2 +101100101111 jitneys 2 +101100101111 dalliances 2 +101100101111 prefunding 2 +101100101111 chalets 2 +101100101111 mimi 2 +101100101111 establishmentarian 2 +101100101111 dose-rates 2 +101100101111 T.s 2 +101100101111 outdoorsmen 2 +101100101111 21-0 2 +101100101111 fuddy-duddies 2 +101100101111 uppercuts 2 +101100101111 eight-year-olds 2 +101100101111 kvetch 2 +101100101111 expansionists 2 +101100101111 fourth-graders 2 +101100101111 B&M 3 +101100101111 mafiosi 3 +101100101111 couturiers 3 +101100101111 tabletops 3 +101100101111 bozos 3 +101100101111 irritations 3 +101100101111 motorways 3 +101100101111 non-politicians 3 +101100101111 asses 3 +101100101111 screamers 3 +101100101111 containerization 3 +101100101111 Duza 3 +101100101111 wrens 3 +101100101111 blinchiki 3 +101100101111 Harleys 3 +101100101111 peccadilloes 3 +101100101111 potboilers 3 +101100101111 macroeconomists 3 +101100101111 Rhinemaidens 3 +101100101111 callees 3 +101100101111 improv 3 +101100101111 hicks 3 +101100101111 factors. 3 +101100101111 subterfuges 4 +101100101111 zappers 4 +101100101111 perishables 4 +101100101111 cocks 4 +101100101111 go-getters 4 +101100101111 commodes 4 +101100101111 louts 4 +101100101111 embolisms 4 +101100101111 manias 4 +101100101111 Gmuend 4 +101100101111 invertebrates 4 +101100101111 mini-dolls 4 +101100101111 all-nighters 4 +101100101111 hoaxes 4 +101100101111 apostrophes 4 +101100101111 esoterica 5 +101100101111 sherries 5 +101100101111 cross-fertilization 5 +101100101111 pancreatitis 5 +101100101111 moneys 5 +101100101111 quitters 5 +101100101111 ATs 5 +101100101111 cross-currents 6 +101100101111 re-creations 6 +101100101111 epithets 7 +101100101111 boondoggles 8 +101100101111 anachronisms 8 +101100101111 growths 11 +101100101111 banalities 11 +101100101111 neurons 13 +101100101111 calamities 15 +101100101111 impurities 21 +101100101111 luxuries 36 +101100101111 things 8186 +101100101111 factors 2832 +10110011000 nonentities 1 +10110011000 boons 1 +10110011000 services-banking 1 +10110011000 news-services 1 +10110011000 closer-trimmed 1 +10110011000 entertainment-production 1 +10110011000 businesses-newspaper 1 +10110011000 promotionals 1 +10110011000 one-upsmanship 1 +10110011000 Normozide 1 +10110011000 electronics-part 1 +10110011000 improvidence 1 +10110011000 electives 1 +10110011000 rare-documents 1 +10110011000 administration-services 1 +10110011000 industryis 1 +10110011000 expenses-incentives 1 +10110011000 sub-section 1 +10110011000 Men. 1 +10110011000 rubrics 1 +10110011000 services-related 1 +10110011000 cheroots 1 +10110011000 coin-marketing 1 +10110011000 8,128,351 1 +10110011000 procedures. 1 +10110011000 homogeny 1 +10110011000 TopiCare 1 +10110011000 implement-making 1 +10110011000 worLd 1 +10110011000 dollies 1 +10110011000 Ruffies 1 +10110011000 Hueys 2 +10110011000 Drano 2 +10110011000 countinghouse 2 +10110011000 fandango 2 +10110011000 blights 2 +10110011000 suppositions 2 +10110011000 barbells 2 +10110011000 grandmas 2 +10110011000 superheroes 2 +10110011000 single-A1-plus 2 +10110011000 facials 2 +10110011000 calibers 2 +10110011000 straitjackets 2 +10110011000 aid. 3 +10110011000 illusionism 3 +10110011000 dyspepsia 3 +10110011000 seafoods 3 +10110011000 chassis-leasing 3 +10110011000 thrones 3 +10110011000 tricycles 3 +10110011000 services. 3 +10110011000 Discharge 3 +10110011000 imaging-products 4 +10110011000 flatcars 4 +10110011000 sleight-of-hand 6 +10110011000 mutton 7 +10110011000 centrifuges 9 +10110011000 headgear 9 +10110011000 blitzes 10 +10110011000 therapeutics 15 +10110011000 wizardry 30 +10110011000 acumen 61 +10110011000 diagnostics 69 +10110011000 sciences 142 +10110011000 services 12465 +10110011000 aids 144 +10110011001 terriorism 1 +10110011001 hard-lining 1 +10110011001 Oxana 1 +10110011001 Andre-Michel 1 +10110011001 osteochondrosis 1 +10110011001 modalities 1 +10110011001 streamlinings 1 +10110011001 phobics 1 +10110011001 stock-- 1 +10110011001 dispensaries 1 +10110011001 Aebele 1 +10110011001 mega-bailout 1 +10110011001 trippers 1 +10110011001 lumpen-proletariat 1 +10110011001 computerbuyers 1 +10110011001 duty-time 1 +10110011001 Rahimullah 1 +10110011001 sudser 1 +10110011001 stategies 1 +10110011001 inoculants 1 +10110011001 Otomo 1 +10110011001 digitizers 1 +10110011001 flim-flammery 1 +10110011001 marathoners 1 +10110011001 toadstool 1 +10110011001 stock-held 1 +10110011001 angiographics 1 +10110011001 emergicenter 1 +10110011001 underwitings 1 +10110011001 self-diagnosis 1 +10110011001 sign-in 1 +10110011001 under-representation 1 +10110011001 custardy 1 +10110011001 daydreamed 1 +10110011001 pactice 1 +10110011001 lavishments 1 +10110011001 declaration. 1 +10110011001 dissections 1 +10110011001 incognita 1 +10110011001 fact. 1 +10110011001 house-cleanings 1 +10110011001 Oannes 1 +10110011001 Piper-Heidsieck. 1 +10110011001 Enfields 1 +10110011001 Out-2-Lunch 1 +10110011001 relleno 1 +10110011001 Sempe 1 +10110011001 ossification 1 +10110011001 Medgar 1 +10110011001 honeycombs 1 +10110011001 innovtion 1 +10110011001 sex-hormone 1 +10110011001 low-payers 1 +10110011001 illnesses. 1 +10110011001 do-goodism 1 +10110011001 Prolixin 1 +10110011001 slow-down 1 +10110011001 paper-pushers 1 +10110011001 musicide 1 +10110011001 deductions. 1 +10110011001 contends. 1 +10110011001 extortionists 1 +10110011001 gains/loss 1 +10110011001 coupler 1 +10110011001 harumphing 1 +10110011001 Chalais 1 +10110011001 Vangelis 1 +10110011001 sportspeak 1 +10110011001 pinchers 1 +10110011001 Teresia 1 +10110011001 beneficaries 1 +10110011001 Averroes 1 +10110011001 beasties 1 +10110011001 rationing. 1 +10110011001 research. 1 +10110011001 helms 1 +10110011001 narratologists 1 +10110011001 alchemists 1 +10110011001 super-interested 1 +10110011001 harasser 1 +10110011001 potables 1 +10110011001 androgyne 1 +10110011001 payoffif 1 +10110011001 partnerhsip 1 +10110011001 matricide 1 +10110011001 purpose. 1 +10110011001 underachievement 2 +10110011001 Duisberg 2 +10110011001 Frostproof 2 +10110011001 shadowboxes 2 +10110011001 Archilochus 2 +10110011001 dribbles 2 +10110011001 crumminess 2 +10110011001 geek 2 +10110011001 colors. 2 +10110011001 rouser 2 +10110011001 couth 2 +10110011001 businesswise 2 +10110011001 managementspeak 2 +10110011001 retrorunners 2 +10110011001 fight. 2 +10110011001 dispensary 2 +10110011001 Pansy 2 +10110011001 molesters 2 +10110011001 footgear 2 +10110011001 oppportunity 2 +10110011001 blow-dry 2 +10110011001 Mallarme 3 +10110011001 expressiveness 3 +10110011001 organization. 3 +10110011001 Amneris 3 +10110011001 repellents 3 +10110011001 swigging 3 +10110011001 care-related 3 +10110011001 scuttlebutt 3 +10110011001 reverberation 3 +10110011001 do-gooders 3 +10110011001 firma 4 +10110011001 x-ray 4 +10110011001 pincher 4 +10110011001 care. 5 +10110011001 care-givers 5 +10110011001 thermometers 6 +10110011001 extraordinaire 7 +10110011001 cotta 8 +10110011001 floss 19 +10110011001 lilies 20 +10110011001 governance 123 +10110011001 IOUs 142 +10110011001 care 4580 +10110011001 purposes 2435 +10110011010 leaflike 1 +10110011010 blow-dryers 1 +10110011010 fixative 1 +10110011010 security-products 1 +10110011010 production-management 1 +10110011010 Wavertree 1 +10110011010 appendix. 1 +10110011010 resourceswere 1 +10110011010 super-rabbits 1 +10110011010 CTPA 1 +10110011010 key-container 1 +10110011010 Viprostol 1 +10110011010 aerobically 1 +10110011010 Intersept 1 +10110011010 quasi-pornography 1 +10110011010 Stealths 1 +10110011010 jumbo-jets 1 +10110011010 1-900 1 +10110011010 newswletter 1 +10110011010 enginers 1 +10110011010 winch 1 +10110011010 bond-data 1 +10110011010 gantries 1 +10110011010 conduits-allegations 1 +10110011010 boas 1 +10110011010 eight-abreast 1 +10110011010 sales-but 1 +10110011010 lunchrooms 1 +10110011010 socket-wrench 1 +10110011010 alarms. 1 +10110011010 dimension. 1 +10110011010 lobbies. 1 +10110011010 salad-dressings 1 +10110011010 18-4 1 +10110011010 match. 1 +10110011010 Beatty-pal 1 +10110011010 teacher-interns 1 +10110011010 boom. 1 +10110011010 criteria. 1 +10110011010 hydroelectrically 1 +10110011010 34-66 1 +10110011010 tote-bags 1 +10110011010 skidders 1 +10110011010 linuron 1 +10110011010 Ganymede 1 +10110011010 changes. 1 +10110011010 blood-tests 1 +10110011010 crowd-pleasers 1 +10110011010 Kimigayo 1 +10110011010 Schliesse 1 +10110011010 relations-wise 1 +10110011010 cutting-and-pasting 1 +10110011010 rice-hulls 1 +10110011010 fibers-- 1 +10110011010 range-finders 1 +10110011010 45-56-88 1 +10110011010 compensators 1 +10110011010 aircaft 1 +10110011010 market-information 1 +10110011010 fricassee 1 +10110011010 cycle-mistakes 1 +10110011010 television-equipment 1 +10110011010 depth-finders 1 +10110011010 alcoves 1 +10110011010 turbopumps 1 +10110011010 popcorns 1 +10110011010 disk-read 1 +10110011010 M-14s 1 +10110011010 mallmaker 1 +10110011010 biologist-turned-entrepreneur 1 +10110011010 entrepreneurships 1 +10110011010 fuel-payment 1 +10110011010 peripherials 1 +10110011010 time-light 1 +10110011010 mini-incinerators 1 +10110011010 maching 1 +10110011010 fabric-cutters 1 +10110011010 COUTURE 1 +10110011010 childen 1 +10110011010 image-setters 1 +10110011010 annotator 1 +10110011010 wellhead-manufacturing 1 +10110011010 380776 1 +10110011010 22598 1 +10110011010 28283 1 +10110011010 contactor 1 +10110011010 sheepshearer 1 +10110011010 disks. 1 +10110011010 sooner. 1 +10110011010 M-60s 1 +10110011010 pilots. 1 +10110011010 undercapacity 1 +10110011010 976-HOME 1 +10110011010 meemies 1 +10110011010 storage-system 1 +10110011010 printing-plants 1 +10110011010 whiz-bangs 1 +10110011010 building-security 1 +10110011010 Essec 1 +10110011010 uiltity 1 +10110011010 domestically-grown 1 +10110011010 G&C 1 +10110011010 4,212,802 1 +10110011010 voltaics 1 +10110011010 cravats 1 +10110011010 Dustbusters 1 +10110011010 attendents 1 +10110011010 softwear 1 +10110011010 polisher 1 +10110011010 maser 1 +10110011010 time-bomb 1 +10110011010 plucker 1 +10110011010 Wyborowa 1 +10110011010 Teletimer 1 +10110011010 juvenilia 2 +10110011010 eyelets 2 +10110011010 thinners 2 +10110011010 mangos 2 +10110011010 turbine-generators 2 +10110011010 peelers 2 +10110011010 power-equipment 2 +10110011010 Figeac 2 +10110011010 6312 2 +10110011010 sundials 2 +10110011010 colonnade 2 +10110011010 chervil 2 +10110011010 relocatable 2 +10110011010 arbors 2 +10110011010 eqiupment 2 +10110011010 chalkboards 2 +10110011010 accomplis 2 +10110011010 devices. 2 +10110011010 irradiators 2 +10110011010 valve-lifters 2 +10110011010 6310 2 +10110011010 percolates 2 +10110011010 work-papers 2 +10110011010 frisks 2 +10110011010 plankton 2 +10110011010 kindergartners 2 +10110011010 Neeskay 2 +10110011010 life-cycle 2 +10110011010 stacker 2 +10110011010 nudism 2 +10110011010 footrest 2 +10110011010 removers 2 +10110011010 switch-gear 2 +10110011010 hardward 2 +10110011010 sytems 2 +10110011010 resistivity 3 +10110011010 suppressants 3 +10110011010 serums 3 +10110011010 couplers 3 +10110011010 ales 3 +10110011010 photomasks 3 +10110011010 granules 3 +10110011010 sidings 3 +10110011010 extinguisher 3 +10110011010 pick-ups 3 +10110011010 stuffers 3 +10110011010 mini-piano 3 +10110011010 fitters 3 +10110011010 prototyping 4 +10110011010 hydrants 4 +10110011010 gyro 4 +10110011010 Hornets 4 +10110011010 information-display 4 +10110011010 Twaron 4 +10110011010 actuators 4 +10110011010 polyesters 4 +10110011010 boarders 5 +10110011010 microdisks 5 +10110011010 mobiles 5 +10110011010 colorants 5 +10110011010 anhydride 6 +10110011010 plaything 6 +10110011010 fillets 6 +10110011010 operation. 6 +10110011010 shawls 6 +10110011010 dodgers 7 +10110011010 scopes 7 +10110011010 cords 7 +10110011010 lawnmower 7 +10110011010 pylons 7 +10110011010 plating 7 +10110011010 hook-ups 7 +10110011010 jammers 7 +10110011010 crankshafts 8 +10110011010 rectifiers 8 +10110011010 throwers 9 +10110011010 nerds 9 +10110011010 extenders 9 +10110011010 architectures 9 +10110011010 tribunals 10 +10110011010 gaskets 10 +10110011010 extinguishers 10 +10110011010 excavators 11 +10110011010 pulleys 11 +10110011010 ale 12 +10110011010 resistors 13 +10110011010 archive 13 +10110011010 mixer 13 +10110011010 subassemblies 15 +10110011010 amplifiers 15 +10110011010 ducts 15 +10110011010 gadgetry 16 +10110011010 consoles 16 +10110011010 absorbers 16 +10110011010 casings 17 +10110011010 hookups 17 +10110011010 discs 19 +10110011010 catheters 19 +10110011010 yearbooks 20 +10110011010 diskettes 20 +10110011010 laminates 23 +10110011010 hookup 26 +10110011010 pigments 27 +10110011010 dressings 29 +10110011010 inks 30 +10110011010 subsystems 33 +10110011010 printouts 35 +10110011010 pulses 36 +10110011010 sealants 37 +10110011010 simulations 38 +10110011010 transformers 38 +10110011010 transmitters 39 +10110011010 materiel 39 +10110011010 keyboards 42 +10110011010 cord 45 +10110011010 antennas 47 +10110011010 tiles 48 +10110011010 cranes 52 +10110011010 circuitry 53 +10110011010 castings 53 +10110011010 fittings 56 +10110011010 rays 61 +10110011010 connectors 62 +10110011010 heaters 63 +10110011010 lamps 64 +10110011010 fluids 75 +10110011010 rods 77 +10110011010 assemblies 80 +10110011010 peripherals 82 +10110011010 bells 89 +10110011010 scanners 90 +10110011010 furnaces 90 +10110011010 typewriters 91 +10110011010 simulators 91 +10110011010 fixtures 109 +10110011010 ovens 111 +10110011010 chassis 115 +10110011010 cables 151 +10110011010 cooperatives 164 +10110011010 recorder 172 +10110011010 oils 180 +10110011010 kits 191 +10110011010 coatings 206 +10110011010 motors 256 +10110011010 printers 349 +10110011010 recorders 350 +10110011010 accessories 355 +10110011010 workstations 483 +10110011010 terminals 487 +10110011010 disks 487 +10110011010 gear 596 +10110011010 tool 813 +10110011010 tools 902 +10110011010 machinery 1175 +10110011010 devices 1396 +10110011010 materials 2879 +10110011010 equipment 9207 +10110011010 systems 7736 +10110011011 deposit-and-loan 1 +10110011011 trackwork 1 +10110011011 Yablonskaya 1 +10110011011 association. 1 +10110011011 Cinta 1 +10110011011 night-spot 1 +10110011011 Schub 1 +10110011011 journal-ist 1 +10110011011 maketplace 1 +10110011011 atti-toode 1 +10110011011 homes-away-from-home 1 +10110011011 economy-segment 1 +10110011011 Citicorp-backed 1 +10110011011 condominiums. 1 +10110011011 supermodels 1 +10110011011 death-mask 1 +10110011011 oilchange 1 +10110011011 dirctors 1 +10110011011 100-model 1 +10110011011 phoebe 1 +10110011011 track-layers 1 +10110011011 Yusafzai 1 +10110011011 noninformation 1 +10110011011 angiocatheter 1 +10110011011 home-goods 1 +10110011011 stegosaurus 1 +10110011011 promoters. 1 +10110011011 advice-monger 1 +10110011011 superflare 1 +10110011011 strip-coating 1 +10110011011 solicitousness 1 +10110011011 pink-marble 1 +10110011011 resin-making 1 +10110011011 bag. 1 +10110011011 micronutrients 1 +10110011011 enegry 1 +10110011011 Cubas 1 +10110011011 mask-and-hose 1 +10110011011 Baedekers 1 +10110011011 asssignment 1 +10110011011 frito 1 +10110011011 crisis-planning 1 +10110011011 indexations 1 +10110011011 thong 1 +10110011011 pentagon 1 +10110011011 nose-tip 1 +10110011011 Americas/Pacific 1 +10110011011 influence-seekers 1 +10110011011 desk-legs 1 +10110011011 boat-towing 1 +10110011011 buinesses 1 +10110011011 categories. 1 +10110011011 Walesas 1 +10110011011 componentry 1 +10110011011 backsheet 1 +10110011011 energy-recovery 1 +10110011011 MD-99 1 +10110011011 lothario 1 +10110011011 turmeric 1 +10110011011 absorbables 1 +10110011011 autobiographer 1 +10110011011 toaster. 1 +10110011011 retrenchment. 1 +10110011011 Saabs 1 +10110011011 processses 1 +10110011011 aluminum-production 1 +10110011011 patinas 1 +10110011011 Eurocorporation 1 +10110011011 HoHos 1 +10110011011 clinker 1 +10110011011 Accutane-litigation 1 +10110011011 deicers 1 +10110011011 information-delivery 1 +10110011011 trichloride 1 +10110011011 nonbank-banks 1 +10110011011 Staggerwing 1 +10110011011 18-holer 1 +10110011011 businessmen-authors 1 +10110011011 3,448 1 +10110011011 phoebes 1 +10110011011 prdoducts 1 +10110011011 saw-timber 1 +10110011011 halfballs 1 +10110011011 publisher. 1 +10110011011 milkers 1 +10110011011 specialty-materials 1 +10110011011 home-repair 1 +10110011011 wannabe 1 +10110011011 30,860,000 1 +10110011011 16-room 1 +10110011011 galvinizing 1 +10110011011 micro-development 1 +10110011011 altimeters 2 +10110011011 pinwheels 2 +10110011011 immunotherapies 2 +10110011011 automatic-focus 2 +10110011011 arabesques 2 +10110011011 extruder 2 +10110011011 end-products 2 +10110011011 owner/managers 2 +10110011011 jewelery 2 +10110011011 heldentenors 2 +10110011011 tobaccos 2 +10110011011 radiopharmaceuticals 2 +10110011011 pantries 2 +10110011011 termiticides 2 +10110011011 antifreeze/coolant 2 +10110011011 sulphate 2 +10110011011 school-products 2 +10110011011 Tulips 2 +10110011011 syntheses 2 +10110011011 battletanks 2 +10110011011 sippers 3 +10110011011 parkas 3 +10110011011 trade-credit 3 +10110011011 chowder 3 +10110011011 emulsions 3 +10110011011 paysops 3 +10110011011 VAXstations 3 +10110011011 hillocks 3 +10110011011 catagory 3 +10110011011 ketone 3 +10110011011 enlarger 3 +10110011011 systems. 3 +10110011011 rubbers 3 +10110011011 bakeware 3 +10110011011 windbreaker 3 +10110011011 turnings 3 +10110011011 utensil 4 +10110011011 samovar 4 +10110011011 water-heater 4 +10110011011 biochemicals 4 +10110011011 headlamps 4 +10110011011 conveyors 5 +10110011011 trioxide 5 +10110011011 thongs 5 +10110011011 jobs. 5 +10110011011 concentrator 5 +10110011011 staplers 6 +10110011011 girders 7 +10110011011 miller 9 +10110011011 foams 10 +10110011011 pontoons 10 +10110011011 intermediates 11 +10110011011 advisories 11 +10110011011 cleansers 12 +10110011011 isocyanate 12 +10110011011 utensils 12 +10110011011 wrappers 12 +10110011011 tableware 13 +10110011011 reagents 14 +10110011011 novelties 15 +10110011011 sheeting 15 +10110011011 feedstocks 15 +10110011011 moldings 17 +10110011011 entertainments 18 +10110011011 distillates 19 +10110011011 forgings 20 +10110011011 mini-supercomputers 20 +10110011011 pentamidine 21 +10110011011 capacitors 24 +10110011011 derivatives 25 +10110011011 nameplates 34 +10110011011 liners 36 +10110011011 alloys 45 +10110011011 gadgets 50 +10110011011 entrees 50 +10110011011 fasteners 67 +10110011011 tubing 73 +10110011011 polymers 80 +10110011011 therapies 97 +10110011011 specialties 98 +10110011011 additives 104 +10110011011 resins 165 +10110011011 furnishings 169 +10110011011 fabrics 187 +10110011011 gases 199 +10110011011 stamps 221 +10110011011 fibers 250 +10110011011 containers 443 +10110011011 appliances 556 +10110011011 technologies 692 +10110011011 foods 775 +10110011011 products 18678 +10110011011 instruments 1419 +10110011100 chateaus 1 +10110011100 BETA 1 +10110011100 comuters 1 +10110011100 300-CE 1 +10110011100 Tweedledumb 1 +10110011100 pseudo-names 1 +10110011100 item. 1 +10110011100 Boozie 1 +10110011100 Sheltons 1 +10110011100 drugging 1 +10110011100 anemometer 1 +10110011100 8810 1 +10110011100 shrews 1 +10110011100 Superchief 1 +10110011100 toughener 1 +10110011100 embitterment 1 +10110011100 income-hold 1 +10110011100 drillling 1 +10110011100 work-shirt 1 +10110011100 elastics 1 +10110011100 type-rated 1 +10110011100 unkindness 1 +10110011100 RVs 1 +10110011100 antirheumatics 1 +10110011100 mis-estimate 1 +10110011100 SEs 1 +10110011100 clonidine-HCL 1 +10110011100 hyper-reactivity 1 +10110011100 smoke. 1 +10110011100 w-o-o-s-h 1 +10110011100 videocamera 1 +10110011100 Mamiya 1 +10110011100 oxygenators 1 +10110011100 industrial-goods 1 +10110011100 likings 1 +10110011100 Tyr 1 +10110011100 airbeds 1 +10110011100 mer-costume 1 +10110011100 arsenicals 1 +10110011100 chippish 1 +10110011100 weeper 1 +10110011100 Army- 1 +10110011100 8974 1 +10110011100 fillable 1 +10110011100 recombination 1 +10110011100 spruces 1 +10110011100 slurpee 1 +10110011100 TV-channel 1 +10110011100 terrazzo 1 +10110011100 liberty. 1 +10110011100 speed-bag 1 +10110011100 lockets 1 +10110011100 topsy 1 +10110011100 express-mail 1 +10110011100 personal-business 1 +10110011100 BM-21 1 +10110011100 check-cashers 1 +10110011100 Celicas 1 +10110011100 highlighter 1 +10110011100 6240 1 +10110011100 6230 1 +10110011100 6220 1 +10110011100 Dyazides 1 +10110011100 epithelium 1 +10110011100 5,042 1 +10110011100 ranchhouse 1 +10110011100 19,992 1 +10110011100 87,204 1 +10110011100 sachets 1 +10110011100 boogies 1 +10110011100 leg-up 1 +10110011100 ceams 1 +10110011100 Rieslings 2 +10110011100 8978 2 +10110011100 streetlights 2 +10110011100 windsock 2 +10110011100 Pluses 2 +10110011100 8530 2 +10110011100 8350 2 +10110011100 returns. 2 +10110011100 Wartburgs 2 +10110011100 heron 2 +10110011100 tunics 2 +10110011100 coagulation 2 +10110011100 nachos 2 +10110011100 Normans 2 +10110011100 Margaritas 2 +10110011100 DeVilles 2 +10110011100 Holsteins 2 +10110011100 windbells 2 +10110011100 authoritarians 2 +10110011100 wildernesses 2 +10110011100 water-craft 2 +10110011100 routings 2 +10110011100 sulfazin 2 +10110011100 Rainbows 2 +10110011100 computers. 2 +10110011100 tangerines 2 +10110011100 pollock 2 +10110011100 test-takers 2 +10110011100 riesling 2 +10110011100 collating 2 +10110011100 Gremlin 2 +10110011100 material. 2 +10110011100 6210 2 +10110011100 IL-4 2 +10110011100 banisters 2 +10110011100 spellers 2 +10110011100 legato 2 +10110011100 re-elections 2 +10110011100 pre-sweetened 2 +10110011100 afghan 2 +10110011100 Sevilles 2 +10110011100 watersheds 2 +10110011100 pates 2 +10110011100 mockup 2 +10110011100 piggybank 2 +10110011100 jetways 2 +10110011100 keratotomy 3 +10110011100 speakeasies 3 +10110011100 medics 3 +10110011100 trams 3 +10110011100 pugnacity 3 +10110011100 nipples 3 +10110011100 matting 3 +10110011100 message. 3 +10110011100 formulae 3 +10110011100 truck-trailers 3 +10110011100 Pontiacs 3 +10110011100 insulins 3 +10110011100 pygmies 3 +10110011100 breeches 3 +10110011100 mouthpieces 3 +10110011100 turboprops 3 +10110011100 fifth- 3 +10110011100 extrusions 3 +10110011100 irregulars 3 +10110011100 jays 3 +10110011100 yonder 3 +10110011100 searchlights 3 +10110011100 stateliness 3 +10110011100 Eldorados 3 +10110011100 vertebrae 3 +10110011100 chairlifts 3 +10110011100 scrapers 3 +10110011100 M-16s 3 +10110011100 H-cars 3 +10110011100 Monza 3 +10110011100 Tornados 3 +10110011100 bluebirds 3 +10110011100 ampules 3 +10110011100 overdevelopment 3 +10110011100 brownies 3 +10110011100 aperitifs 3 +10110011100 mycotoxins 3 +10110011100 cursors 3 +10110011100 A-310s 4 +10110011100 underachievers 4 +10110011100 orangutans 4 +10110011100 nursers 4 +10110011100 nacelles 4 +10110011100 silage 4 +10110011100 constipation 4 +10110011100 valets 4 +10110011100 tillers 4 +10110011100 tongs 4 +10110011100 thunderclaps 4 +10110011100 toners 4 +10110011100 eggshell 4 +10110011100 pronouns 4 +10110011100 pecans 4 +10110011100 tetrachloride 4 +10110011100 coiffures 4 +10110011100 MXs 4 +10110011100 dandelion 4 +10110011100 alternators 4 +10110011100 lassitude 4 +10110011100 tumbleweed 4 +10110011100 grapefruits 4 +10110011100 Muffins 4 +10110011100 corkscrews 4 +10110011100 burros 4 +10110011100 Savior 4 +10110011100 dowels 4 +10110011100 doilies 4 +10110011100 mantras 4 +10110011100 avalanches 4 +10110011100 azaleas 4 +10110011100 classifieds 4 +10110011100 mosses 4 +10110011100 snorers 4 +10110011100 WPGH-TV 4 +10110011100 romps 4 +10110011100 vendettas 4 +10110011100 jaunts 5 +10110011100 endorphins 5 +10110011100 antidotes 5 +10110011100 anticoagulants 5 +10110011100 snowplows 5 +10110011100 porridge 5 +10110011100 self-indulgence 5 +10110011100 refreshments 5 +10110011100 orbiters 5 +10110011100 land- 5 +10110011100 motorcycling 5 +10110011100 leotards 5 +10110011100 DISCs 5 +10110011100 blackboards 5 +10110011100 sanders 5 +10110011100 horseshoes 5 +10110011100 telecommuters 5 +10110011100 estrogens 5 +10110011100 fronds 5 +10110011100 scrims 5 +10110011100 hatchbacks 5 +10110011100 milkshakes 5 +10110011100 metalwork 5 +10110011100 pheromones 5 +10110011100 eggplants 5 +10110011100 kites 5 +10110011100 bullhorns 5 +10110011100 Sterlings 5 +10110011100 motorcyles 5 +10110011100 skywriting 5 +10110011100 Nikes 5 +10110011100 improvisations 5 +10110011100 wreaths 5 +10110011100 knickers 5 +10110011100 caulking 5 +10110011100 rinsing 5 +10110011100 spindles 5 +10110011100 typesetters 5 +10110011100 forgers 5 +10110011100 Preludes 5 +10110011100 amulets 6 +10110011100 feedings 6 +10110011100 sprayers 6 +10110011100 A300 6 +10110011100 browns 6 +10110011100 puddings 6 +10110011100 slingshots 6 +10110011100 weevils 6 +10110011100 Twinkies 6 +10110011100 Wranglers 6 +10110011100 turbochargers 6 +10110011100 frogmen 6 +10110011100 Comanches 6 +10110011100 strippers 6 +10110011100 okra 6 +10110011100 cribs 6 +10110011100 Nissans 6 +10110011100 serials 6 +10110011100 armrests 6 +10110011100 glues 6 +10110011100 errands 6 +10110011100 supermicrocomputer 6 +10110011100 collegians 6 +10110011100 polkas 6 +10110011100 two-by-fours 6 +10110011100 Tempos 6 +10110011100 toads 6 +10110011100 crucifixes 6 +10110011100 knickknacks 6 +10110011100 studs 6 +10110011100 kettles 6 +10110011100 inscriptions 6 +10110011100 confetti 7 +10110011100 coveralls 7 +10110011100 radishes 7 +10110011100 shredders 7 +10110011100 strollers 7 +10110011100 curriculums 7 +10110011100 surfboards 7 +10110011100 134a 7 +10110011100 pancakes 7 +10110011100 handkerchiefs 7 +10110011100 Firenzas 7 +10110011100 cramps 7 +10110011100 burritos 7 +10110011100 dumplings 7 +10110011100 guardrails 7 +10110011100 groomers 7 +10110011100 lanterns 7 +10110011100 earplugs 7 +10110011100 regiments 7 +10110011100 legalese 7 +10110011100 railcars 7 +10110011100 transcendence 7 +10110011100 voyages 7 +10110011100 hookers 7 +10110011100 oscilloscopes 7 +10110011100 exaggerations 7 +10110011100 nymphs 7 +10110011100 amputations 7 +10110011100 omelets 7 +10110011100 probenecid 7 +10110011100 bloods 7 +10110011100 megahouses 7 +10110011100 lacerations 7 +10110011100 bonfires 7 +10110011100 cowbells 7 +10110011100 Sentras 7 +10110011100 deafness 7 +10110011100 earthworms 7 +10110011100 DL 7 +10110011100 reloads 8 +10110011100 draperies 8 +10110011100 entrepreneurialism 8 +10110011100 lasagna 8 +10110011100 electrocardiograms 8 +10110011100 eyelashes 8 +10110011100 kindergartens 8 +10110011100 PC-XT 8 +10110011100 railings 8 +10110011100 palpitations 8 +10110011100 canoes 8 +10110011100 fanciers 8 +10110011100 Sables 8 +10110011100 footballs 8 +10110011100 tees 8 +10110011100 interferons 8 +10110011100 podiums 8 +10110011100 EXP 8 +10110011100 hubcaps 8 +10110011100 airships 8 +10110011100 innuendos 8 +10110011100 motorbikes 8 +10110011100 prostheses 8 +10110011100 oases 8 +10110011100 Samaras 8 +10110011100 hGH 8 +10110011100 handbag 8 +10110011100 perspiration 8 +10110011100 backpacks 8 +10110011100 rattlesnakes 8 +10110011100 Corvettes 8 +10110011100 pompons 8 +10110011100 harpists 8 +10110011100 Novas 8 +10110011100 radiators 8 +10110011100 coasters 8 +10110011100 pastas 8 +10110011100 Corsicas 8 +10110011100 carburetors 8 +10110011100 owls 8 +10110011100 pacifiers 8 +10110011100 gliders 9 +10110011100 Aerostars 9 +10110011100 creeks 9 +10110011100 bathrobes 9 +10110011100 typhoons 9 +10110011100 defaulters 9 +10110011100 eels 9 +10110011100 westerns 9 +10110011100 forts 9 +10110011100 minibuses 9 +10110011100 gargoyles 9 +10110011100 ware 9 +10110011100 Cherokees 9 +10110011100 hijackings 9 +10110011100 binders 9 +10110011100 pars 9 +10110011100 crayons 9 +10110011100 symposiums 9 +10110011100 emcee 9 +10110011100 cobwebs 9 +10110011100 cancer. 9 +10110011100 undergarments 9 +10110011100 diodes 9 +10110011100 circuses 9 +10110011100 auditoriums 9 +10110011100 blueberries 9 +10110011100 broilers 9 +10110011100 blenders 9 +10110011100 torsos 9 +10110011100 cots 9 +10110011100 cabinetry 9 +10110011100 super-minicomputers 9 +10110011100 three-wheelers 9 +10110011100 blazers 9 +10110011100 VANs 9 +10110011100 D-RAMs 9 +10110011100 croissants 9 +10110011100 screwdrivers 9 +10110011100 electromagnets 9 +10110011100 raincoats 9 +10110011100 fours 10 +10110011100 rainbows 10 +10110011100 fairways 10 +10110011100 papayas 10 +10110011100 steakhouses 10 +10110011100 politeness 10 +10110011100 cuttings 10 +10110011100 767-300s 10 +10110011100 fuzes 10 +10110011100 coolants 10 +10110011100 jumpsuit 10 +10110011100 DC-8s 10 +10110011100 contraptions 10 +10110011100 straps 10 +10110011100 sweats 10 +10110011100 deodorants 10 +10110011100 minilabs 10 +10110011100 walnuts 10 +10110011100 kayaks 10 +10110011100 baseballs 10 +10110011100 installers 10 +10110011100 mussels 10 +10110011100 coughs 10 +10110011100 truncheons 10 +10110011100 tastings 10 +10110011100 perforations 10 +10110011100 goo 11 +10110011100 sweets 11 +10110011100 terraces 11 +10110011100 avocados 11 +10110011100 Chevys 11 +10110011100 thymidine 11 +10110011100 thoroughbreds 11 +10110011100 duels 11 +10110011100 sardines 11 +10110011100 jumbos 11 +10110011100 thrips 11 +10110011100 calisthenics 11 +10110011100 truffles 11 +10110011100 parrots 11 +10110011100 propellants 11 +10110011100 bikinis 11 +10110011100 abortifacients 11 +10110011100 applicators 11 +10110011100 plazas 11 +10110011100 locusts 11 +10110011100 trimmings 11 +10110011100 petunias 11 +10110011100 prostaglandins 11 +10110011100 respirators 11 +10110011100 MIAs 11 +10110011100 hospices 11 +10110011100 remover 11 +10110011100 forks 11 +10110011100 liqueurs 11 +10110011100 castles 12 +10110011100 cactus 12 +10110011100 Jaguars 12 +10110011100 nonwhites 12 +10110011100 microscopes 12 +10110011100 walkways 12 +10110011100 mixers 12 +10110011100 sutures 12 +10110011100 Silkworms 12 +10110011100 harps 12 +10110011100 breads 12 +10110011100 housings 12 +10110011100 daggers 12 +10110011100 pelts 12 +10110011100 jeers 12 +10110011100 acrobats 12 +10110011100 ferns 12 +10110011100 lecturers 12 +10110011100 multiplexers 12 +10110011100 crumbs 12 +10110011100 ores 12 +10110011100 bugles 12 +10110011100 Buicks 12 +10110011100 wrenches 12 +10110011100 dispatchers 12 +10110011100 squirrels 12 +10110011100 liquors 12 +10110011100 LPs 13 +10110011100 twinjets 13 +10110011100 F-14s 13 +10110011100 winks 13 +10110011100 chopsticks 13 +10110011100 walkie-talkies 13 +10110011100 watercolors 13 +10110011100 beetles 13 +10110011100 dioxins 13 +10110011100 torches 13 +10110011100 airstrips 13 +10110011100 greenhouses 13 +10110011100 mangoes 13 +10110011100 fleas 13 +10110011100 lodgings 13 +10110011100 conveniences 13 +10110011100 meningitis 13 +10110011100 sodas 13 +10110011100 lids 13 +10110011100 crickets 14 +10110011100 minicars 14 +10110011100 burglaries 14 +10110011100 ashtrays 14 +10110011100 yellows 14 +10110011100 scallops 14 +10110011100 candies 14 +10110011100 urchins 14 +10110011100 lotions 14 +10110011100 fillings 14 +10110011100 boulders 14 +10110011100 bungalows 14 +10110011100 barbecues 14 +10110011100 pistons 14 +10110011100 gyms 14 +10110011100 rubies 14 +10110011100 salts 14 +10110011100 trinkets 14 +10110011100 twin-jets 14 +10110011100 marshmallows 14 +10110011100 FSCs 14 +10110011100 screenplays 14 +10110011100 flatware 14 +10110011100 insubordination 14 +10110011100 mulch 14 +10110011100 Civics 14 +10110011100 pheasants 14 +10110011100 maples 15 +10110011100 blooms 15 +10110011100 lithographs 15 +10110011100 widgets 15 +10110011100 varietals 15 +10110011100 oxen 15 +10110011100 Primes 15 +10110011100 yarns 15 +10110011100 sleds 15 +10110011100 hisses 15 +10110011100 rims 15 +10110011100 sedums 15 +10110011100 cookbooks 15 +10110011100 surgeries 15 +10110011100 gearboxes 15 +10110011100 olives 15 +10110011100 hangers 15 +10110011100 Mercedes-Benzes 15 +10110011100 compatibles 15 +10110011100 tempos 15 +10110011100 hangars 15 +10110011100 refrigerants 16 +10110011100 jocks 16 +10110011100 shovels 16 +10110011100 valuables 16 +10110011100 bagels 16 +10110011100 foundries 16 +10110011100 colds 16 +10110011100 powders 16 +10110011100 bathtubs 16 +10110011100 partitions 16 +10110011100 freighters 16 +10110011100 batons 16 +10110011100 toothbrushes 16 +10110011100 Thunderbirds 16 +10110011100 linens 16 +10110011100 VTRs 16 +10110011100 incense 16 +10110011100 tights 16 +10110011100 T-cells 16 +10110011100 jeeps 16 +10110011100 melons 16 +10110011100 racehorses 16 +10110011100 Chevrolets 17 +10110011100 sweatshirts 17 +10110011100 tapestries 17 +10110011100 nozzles 17 +10110011100 synthesizers 17 +10110011100 janitors 17 +10110011100 Rolls-Royces 17 +10110011100 marinas 17 +10110011100 hospitalizations 17 +10110011100 clams 17 +10110011100 lymphocytes 17 +10110011100 ditches 18 +10110011100 postcards 18 +10110011100 ramps 18 +10110011100 pranks 18 +10110011100 pineapples 18 +10110011100 preservatives 18 +10110011100 DC-9s 18 +10110011100 A-340s 18 +10110011100 sailboats 18 +10110011100 placards 18 +10110011100 torpedoes 18 +10110011100 Escorts 18 +10110011100 fungicides 18 +10110011100 mannequins 18 +10110011100 shavers 18 +10110011100 thunderstorms 19 +10110011100 magnetism 19 +10110011100 decoders 19 +10110011100 frogs 19 +10110011100 teas 19 +10110011100 telescopes 19 +10110011100 look-alikes 19 +10110011100 antlers 19 +10110011100 tubs 19 +10110011100 syringes 19 +10110011100 alewives 19 +10110011100 collectives 19 +10110011100 tranquilizers 19 +10110011100 VDTs 20 +10110011100 analyzers 20 +10110011100 coffins 20 +10110011100 shrubs 20 +10110011100 K-cars 20 +10110011100 Toyotas 20 +10110011100 aches 20 +10110011100 Hondas 20 +10110011100 advertorials 20 +10110011100 gemstones 20 +10110011100 self-discipline 20 +10110011100 Porsches 20 +10110011100 parasites 20 +10110011100 cataracts 20 +10110011100 cucumbers 20 +10110011100 toothpastes 20 +10110011100 blouses 20 +10110011100 workouts 21 +10110011100 tulips 21 +10110011100 subtitles 21 +10110011100 DC-10s 21 +10110011100 hams 21 +10110011100 pastries 21 +10110011100 cherries 21 +10110011100 transplantation 21 +10110011100 rehearsals 21 +10110011100 otters 21 +10110011100 superminicomputers 21 +10110011100 blossoms 22 +10110011100 electrodes 22 +10110011100 guitars 22 +10110011100 excursions 22 +10110011100 loafers 22 +10110011100 fatigues 22 +10110011100 orchids 22 +10110011100 fakes 22 +10110011100 couches 22 +10110011100 waterfalls 22 +10110011100 caskets 23 +10110011100 forklifts 23 +10110011100 portables 23 +10110011100 mortars 23 +10110011100 enclosures 23 +10110011100 headphones 23 +10110011100 pagers 23 +10110011100 miscarriages 23 +10110011100 servers 23 +10110011100 microphones 23 +10110011100 peaches 23 +10110011100 tolls 23 +10110011100 snails 24 +10110011100 toasters 24 +10110011100 fugitives 24 +10110011100 disposables 24 +10110011100 steaks 24 +10110011100 projectors 24 +10110011100 mattresses 24 +10110011100 rags 24 +10110011100 dishwashers 24 +10110011100 napkins 25 +10110011100 lodges 25 +10110011100 cabs 25 +10110011100 stains 25 +10110011100 bumpers 25 +10110011100 hammers 25 +10110011100 miniskirts 26 +10110011100 sequels 26 +10110011100 axes 26 +10110011100 biscuits 26 +10110011100 gunships 26 +10110011100 sirens 26 +10110011100 pillows 26 +10110011100 doughnuts 26 +10110011100 barns 26 +10110011100 stoves 26 +10110011100 sandals 26 +10110011100 rivets 27 +10110011100 lesions 27 +10110011100 paneling 27 +10110011100 PS/2s 27 +10110011100 busts 27 +10110011100 Bibles 27 +10110011100 solos 28 +10110011100 trophies 28 +10110011100 cabins 28 +10110011100 bras 28 +10110011100 camcorders 28 +10110011100 flashlights 28 +10110011100 shotguns 28 +10110011100 pigeons 28 +10110011100 decoys 28 +10110011100 F-15s 28 +10110011100 freezers 28 +10110011100 stockings 28 +10110011100 blowers 28 +10110011100 gondolas 28 +10110011100 marshes 28 +10110011100 violins 29 +10110011100 geese 29 +10110011100 lounges 29 +10110011100 D-rams 29 +10110011100 ionizers 29 +10110011100 trays 29 +10110011100 muffins 29 +10110011100 curfews 29 +10110011100 inputs 30 +10110011100 projectiles 30 +10110011100 hydrocarbons 30 +10110011100 minisupercomputers 30 +10110011100 artworks 30 +10110011100 transistors 30 +10110011100 fuses 31 +10110011100 loudspeakers 31 +10110011100 autographs 31 +10110011100 vests 31 +10110011100 transponders 31 +10110011100 peas 31 +10110011100 noodles 31 +10110011100 creams 31 +10110011100 indemnities 31 +10110011100 mosques 31 +10110011100 handbags 31 +10110011100 irons 31 +10110011100 earrings 32 +10110011100 paste 32 +10110011100 crackers 32 +10110011100 vines 32 +10110011100 burgers 32 +10110011100 plaques 32 +10110011100 briefcases 32 +10110011100 seedlings 32 +10110011100 modems 32 +10110011100 sunflowers 32 +10110011100 skis 33 +10110011100 leeches 33 +10110011100 umbrellas 33 +10110011100 737-300s 33 +10110011100 blimps 33 +10110011100 canals 33 +10110011100 axles 33 +10110011100 constructions 34 +10110011100 nutrients 34 +10110011100 cavities 34 +10110011100 pistols 34 +10110011100 sauces 34 +10110011100 headlights 34 +10110011100 turkeys 34 +10110011100 maids 34 +10110011100 decorations 35 +10110011100 shacks 35 +10110011100 destroyers 35 +10110011100 airbags 35 +10110011100 blanks 35 +10110011100 erythropoietin 35 +10110011100 ATMs 35 +10110011100 cheeses 35 +10110011100 tampons 36 +10110011100 yachts 36 +10110011100 photocopiers 36 +10110011100 dictionaries 36 +10110011100 mammals 36 +10110011100 whistles 36 +10110011100 molds 36 +10110011100 toxins 37 +10110011100 handguns 37 +10110011100 skates 37 +10110011100 insecticides 37 +10110011100 onions 38 +10110011100 pianos 38 +10110011100 modules 39 +10110011100 lawns 39 +10110011100 furs 39 +10110011100 747-400s 39 +10110011100 goggles 40 +10110011100 braces 40 +10110011100 ribbons 40 +10110011100 delinquents 40 +10110011100 lemons 40 +10110011100 bulldozers 41 +10110011100 fountains 41 +10110011100 planets 41 +10110011100 microorganisms 41 +10110011100 cruisers 41 +10110011100 IPOs 41 +10110011100 souvenirs 41 +10110011100 Camaro 41 +10110011100 wolves 42 +10110011100 collars 42 +10110011100 ponds 42 +10110011100 scooters 42 +10110011100 potholes 42 +10110011100 gowns 43 +10110011100 oysters 43 +10110011100 fractures 43 +10110011100 pies 43 +10110011100 kidneys 43 +10110011100 scents 44 +10110011100 huts 44 +10110011100 chromosomes 44 +10110011100 stereos 45 +10110011100 rabbits 45 +10110011100 lions 45 +10110011100 Accords 45 +10110011100 vineyards 45 +10110011100 alligators 46 +10110011100 weddings 46 +10110011100 laptops 47 +10110011100 musicals 47 +10110011100 herbicides 47 +10110011100 eyeglasses 47 +10110011100 interleukin-2 48 +10110011100 salads 48 +10110011100 acids 48 +10110011100 notebooks 48 +10110011100 F-16s 48 +10110011100 soups 48 +10110011100 slacks 48 +10110011100 pacemakers 48 +10110011100 blankets 48 +10110011100 calculators 48 +10110011100 sitcoms 48 +10110011100 takeoffs 48 +10110011100 divorces 49 +10110011100 calendars 49 +10110011100 dyes 49 +10110011100 turtles 49 +10110011100 microbes 50 +10110011100 pizzas 50 +10110011100 tunnels 50 +10110011100 graphs 50 +10110011100 bathrooms 50 +10110011100 propellers 50 +10110011100 carrots 50 +10110011100 BMWs 51 +10110011100 limousines 51 +10110011100 herbs 51 +10110011100 727s 52 +10110011100 razors 52 +10110011100 Jeeps 52 +10110011100 whales 53 +10110011100 sedans 53 +10110011100 condos 53 +10110011100 dinosaurs 53 +10110011100 lubricants 54 +10110011100 menus 54 +10110011100 wrinkles 54 +10110011100 wafers 55 +10110011100 perfumes 55 +10110011100 payloads 55 +10110011100 cages 55 +10110011100 chocolates 55 +10110011100 hoses 55 +10110011100 cartridges 56 +10110011100 taxis 56 +10110011100 camels 57 +10110011100 bikes 57 +10110011100 compressors 58 +10110011100 cakes 59 +10110011100 soaps 59 +10110011100 SE 59 +10110011100 lighters 60 +10110011100 lathes 60 +10110011100 databases 60 +10110011100 detergents 60 +10110011100 spices 60 +10110011100 kitchens 61 +10110011100 mushrooms 61 +10110011100 knives 61 +10110011100 sprinklers 61 +10110011100 barges 62 +10110011100 snacks 62 +10110011100 TVs 63 +10110011100 microcomputers 64 +10110011100 tents 64 +10110011100 runways 64 +10110011100 filers 64 +10110011100 enzymes 65 +10110011100 fries 65 +10110011100 feathers 66 +10110011100 snakes 66 +10110011100 towels 66 +10110011100 roses 66 +10110011100 solvents 66 +10110011100 Thunderbird 67 +10110011100 implants 67 +10110011100 landscapes 69 +10110011100 747s 69 +10110011100 cruises 69 +10110011100 screws 70 +10110011100 ulcers 70 +10110011100 newsstands 72 +10110011100 bricks 73 +10110011100 spreadsheets 73 +10110011100 cigars 74 +10110011100 tablets 74 +10110011100 raisins 75 +10110011100 balloons 75 +10110011100 sunglasses 76 +10110011100 bananas 76 +10110011100 motorcycles 77 +10110011100 vitamins 79 +10110011100 sandwiches 80 +10110011100 comedies 80 +10110011100 hormones 81 +10110011100 fatalities 82 +10110011100 chlorofluorocarbons 82 +10110011100 cups 83 +10110011100 tunes 84 +10110011100 sweaters 86 +10110011100 cereals 86 +10110011100 sneakers 86 +10110011100 envelopes 88 +10110011100 microchips 88 +10110011100 medications 88 +10110011100 pens 89 +10110011100 billboards 90 +10110011100 toilets 90 +10110011100 crystals 90 +10110011100 steroids 91 +10110011100 trademarks 92 +10110011100 groceries 92 +10110011100 meats 93 +10110011100 ambulances 93 +10110011100 launchers 93 +10110011100 fragrances 94 +10110011100 landings 94 +10110011100 pickups 95 +10110011100 bicycles 95 +10110011100 seals 96 +10110011100 needles 96 +10110011100 flavors 98 +10110011100 antibiotics 98 +10110011100 locomotives 99 +10110011100 worms 99 +10110011100 tractors 99 +10110011100 bolts 101 +10110011100 convertibles 102 +10110011100 creatures 102 +10110011100 VCRs 103 +10110011100 hamburgers 105 +10110011100 drums 106 +10110011100 cleaners 107 +10110011100 condominiums 107 +10110011100 lanes 107 +10110011100 airliners 109 +10110011100 sensors 110 +10110011100 beers 110 +10110011100 brochures 110 +10110011100 joints 110 +10110011100 gears 112 +10110011100 bulbs 112 +10110011100 jackets 113 +10110011100 sculptures 113 +10110011100 737s 114 +10110011100 radars 115 +10110011100 scripts 116 +10110011100 videocassettes 116 +10110011100 garments 116 +10110011100 pollutants 118 +10110011100 transplants 118 +10110011100 filters 120 +10110011100 tomatoes 121 +10110011100 oranges 123 +10110011100 cartoons 123 +10110011100 cassettes 123 +10110011100 pigs 124 +10110011100 lakes 125 +10110011100 refrigerators 126 +10110011100 uniforms 126 +10110011100 fashions 126 +10110011100 coats 128 +10110011100 fatigue 129 +10110011100 rats 130 +10110011100 pneumonia 131 +10110011100 molecules 131 +10110011100 costumes 133 +10110011100 dolls 133 +10110011100 hats 133 +10110011100 cancers 140 +10110011100 copyrights 141 +10110011100 tumors 143 +10110011100 dishes 144 +10110011100 shells 145 +10110011100 cookies 150 +10110011100 births 150 +10110011100 galleries 150 +10110011100 apples 152 +10110011100 boots 153 +10110011100 medicines 153 +10110011100 dresses 157 +10110011100 hogs 158 +10110011100 T-shirts 159 +10110011100 diapers 159 +10110011100 condoms 160 +10110011100 radios 160 +10110011100 minivans 161 +10110011100 plates 163 +10110011100 pipes 165 +10110011100 bombers 165 +10110011100 copiers 166 +10110011100 robots 168 +10110011100 diamonds 169 +10110011100 viruses 173 +10110011100 bridges 174 +10110011100 bearings 174 +10110011100 televisions 177 +10110011100 concerts 179 +10110011100 potatoes 180 +10110011100 microprocessors 183 +10110011100 buttons 183 +10110011100 vaccines 184 +10110011100 mice 186 +10110011100 annuities 191 +10110011100 gloves 191 +10110011100 proteins 194 +10110011100 stones 196 +10110011100 infections 198 +10110011100 rocks 201 +10110011100 beverages 202 +10110011100 minicomputers 203 +10110011100 supercomputers 204 +10110011100 lasers 204 +10110011100 tubes 204 +10110011100 PCs 209 +10110011100 cows 212 +10110011100 mainframes 213 +10110011100 jetliners 213 +10110011100 videos 215 +10110011100 valves 218 +10110011100 chickens 221 +10110011100 pesticides 226 +10110011100 weekends 227 +10110011100 glasses 227 +10110011100 vans 230 +10110011100 domestically 237 +10110011100 flowers 237 +10110011100 highways 240 +10110011100 catalogs 240 +10110011100 abortions 241 +10110011100 genes 242 +10110011100 batteries 259 +10110011100 launches 275 +10110011100 bacteria 275 +10110011100 antibodies 280 +10110011100 shirts 282 +10110011100 horses 310 +10110011100 meals 311 +10110011100 submarines 312 +10110011100 automobiles 314 +10110011100 jeans 315 +10110011100 superconductors 316 +10110011100 rockets 322 +10110011100 airplanes 331 +10110011100 variations 334 +10110011100 songs 341 +10110011100 buses 364 +10110011100 eggs 370 +10110011100 defects 375 +10110011100 wines 386 +10110011100 repairs 389 +10110011100 autos 394 +10110011100 boats 409 +10110011100 fighters 412 +10110011100 vessels 426 +10110011100 semiconductors 437 +10110011100 helicopters 445 +10110011100 trains 445 +10110011100 guns 460 +10110011100 roads 462 +10110011100 tapes 466 +10110011100 fires 481 +10110011100 satellites 506 +10110011100 tires 533 +10110011100 toys 540 +10110011100 trips 540 +10110011100 patents 576 +10110011100 paintings 586 +10110011100 cigarettes 595 +10110011100 trees 613 +10110011100 clothes 654 +10110011100 shoes 678 +10110011100 jets 707 +10110011100 surgery 741 +10110011100 cells 873 +10110011100 tickets 880 +10110011100 animals 902 +10110011100 films 1096 +10110011100 ships 1165 +10110011100 movies 1349 +10110011100 engines 1393 +10110011100 flights 1734 +10110011100 trucks 1807 +10110011100 chips 1876 +10110011100 planes 1907 +10110011100 vehicles 2505 +10110011100 machines 2791 +10110011100 drugs 3415 +10110011100 cars 7075 +10110011100 computers 5131 +101100111010 player-rock 1 +101100111010 footswear 1 +101100111010 melees 1 +101100111010 sidekicks 1 +101100111010 camera-recorders 1 +101100111010 circuit. 1 +101100111010 non-powerhouses 1 +101100111010 bow-ties 1 +101100111010 stations. 1 +101100111010 legend-makers 1 +101100111010 non-buff 1 +101100111010 1765-1820 1 +101100111010 Systems. 1 +101100111010 Sat2 1 +101100111010 Sat1 1 +101100111010 missiles-goes 1 +101100111010 aspidistra 1 +101100111010 integers 1 +101100111010 atelier-eyrie 1 +101100111010 crafters 1 +101100111010 programers 1 +101100111010 griper 1 +101100111010 muggees 1 +101100111010 progamming 1 +101100111010 time-slots 1 +101100111010 news-hounds 1 +101100111010 myrmidons 1 +101100111010 labor-image 1 +101100111010 settees 1 +101100111010 GTSs 1 +101100111010 zone-radius 1 +101100111010 gunnysacks 1 +101100111010 docu-drama 1 +101100111010 wallet-watch 1 +101100111010 goalies 1 +101100111010 hyperventilators 1 +101100111010 biogs 1 +101100111010 MetalWear 1 +101100111010 opearations 1 +101100111010 ad-buying 1 +101100111010 newsclips 1 +101100111010 PROGRAMMING 1 +101100111010 playlists 1 +101100111010 abattoir 2 +101100111010 rooters 2 +101100111010 pumper 2 +101100111010 programming. 2 +101100111010 shows. 2 +101100111010 incendiaries 2 +101100111010 sashes 2 +101100111010 windsurfer 2 +101100111010 diethylstilbestrol 2 +101100111010 newswriters 2 +101100111010 whitetails 2 +101100111010 channelers 2 +101100111010 sideboards 2 +101100111010 mid-crop 2 +101100111010 copters 2 +101100111010 druglords 2 +101100111010 1-As 2 +101100111010 tuners 2 +101100111010 big-timers 2 +101100111010 store. 2 +101100111010 non-candidates 2 +101100111010 brutes 2 +101100111010 Kresges 2 +101100111010 Pershing-1Bs 2 +101100111010 mashers 2 +101100111010 tut-tutting 2 +101100111010 sidearm 2 +101100111010 sailings 3 +101100111010 airplay 3 +101100111010 alkalinity 3 +101100111010 rowboats 3 +101100111010 fests 3 +101100111010 cognacs 3 +101100111010 honchos 3 +101100111010 shutouts 3 +101100111010 vanes 3 +101100111010 lunchers 3 +101100111010 holsters 3 +101100111010 substations 3 +101100111010 remodelings 3 +101100111010 semi 4 +101100111010 decanter 4 +101100111010 silencers 4 +101100111010 programing 4 +101100111010 montages 4 +101100111010 2s 4 +101100111010 decal 4 +101100111010 prodigies 4 +101100111010 cloths 4 +101100111010 missles 4 +101100111010 ping 4 +101100111010 carbines 5 +101100111010 concentrators 5 +101100111010 porcelains 5 +101100111010 ventilators 5 +101100111010 stills 5 +101100111010 marques 5 +101100111010 magnifier 5 +101100111010 Ferraris 5 +101100111010 newscasters 5 +101100111010 pronunciations 5 +101100111010 triathlons 5 +101100111010 imipramine 5 +101100111010 firehouses 5 +101100111010 jumper 5 +101100111010 cliques 5 +101100111010 farmhouses 5 +101100111010 757-200s 5 +101100111010 bunks 6 +101100111010 duplexes 6 +101100111010 7-Elevens 6 +101100111010 mitts 6 +101100111010 buggies 6 +101100111010 chauffeurs 6 +101100111010 transceivers 6 +101100111010 tuner 6 +101100111010 fiend 6 +101100111010 strikeouts 6 +101100111010 nightlife 6 +101100111010 scribes 7 +101100111010 fluorescents 7 +101100111010 gyroscopes 7 +101100111010 angler 7 +101100111010 pulpits 7 +101100111010 homilies 7 +101100111010 frocks 7 +101100111010 togs 8 +101100111010 outputs 8 +101100111010 townhouses 8 +101100111010 1As 8 +101100111010 clubhouses 8 +101100111010 bric-a-brac 8 +101100111010 endorsers 8 +101100111010 B-2s 8 +101100111010 lagoons 8 +101100111010 checkouts 8 +101100111010 delicatessens 9 +101100111010 newsrooms 9 +101100111010 finery 9 +101100111010 distributorships 9 +101100111010 A330 10 +101100111010 scrolls 10 +101100111010 anchormen 10 +101100111010 turnstiles 10 +101100111010 tourneys 11 +101100111010 videodisks 11 +101100111010 rinks 11 +101100111010 recitals 11 +101100111010 fonts 11 +101100111010 wearers 12 +101100111010 pawnshops 12 +101100111010 PBXs 12 +101100111010 arcades 12 +101100111010 WNYW-TV 12 +101100111010 secretions 12 +101100111010 stallions 12 +101100111010 Audis 13 +101100111010 mites 13 +101100111010 hotlines 13 +101100111010 piers 14 +101100111010 beacons 14 +101100111010 courthouses 15 +101100111010 villas 15 +101100111010 brigades 16 +101100111010 fireplaces 16 +101100111010 boulevards 16 +101100111010 petals 17 +101100111010 federations 17 +101100111010 carriages 17 +101100111010 tuxedos 18 +101100111010 blackouts 18 +101100111010 cameramen 19 +101100111010 ponies 19 +101100111010 champs 20 +101100111010 storefronts 20 +101100111010 marts 20 +101100111010 marathons 20 +101100111010 chandeliers 22 +101100111010 inns 22 +101100111010 scarves 22 +101100111010 hotel-casinos 23 +101100111010 IIs 24 +101100111010 MD-80s 24 +101100111010 feeders 25 +101100111010 ICBMs 25 +101100111010 casino-hotels 25 +101100111010 bays 26 +101100111010 sawmills 26 +101100111010 hoods 28 +101100111010 subdivisions 29 +101100111010 A-320s 30 +101100111010 weeklies 30 +101100111010 funerals 31 +101100111010 livers 31 +101100111010 saws 32 +101100111010 boroughs 32 +101100111010 airfields 33 +101100111010 depots 34 +101100111010 telecasts 34 +101100111010 subs 35 +101100111010 dairies 35 +101100111010 tabloids 36 +101100111010 pellets 36 +101100111010 evangelists 36 +101100111010 newscasts 37 +101100111010 bedrooms 37 +101100111010 cemeteries 38 +101100111010 waterways 38 +101100111010 routines 39 +101100111010 nightclubs 40 +101100111010 converters 40 +101100111010 rugs 41 +101100111010 garages 43 +101100111010 outings 43 +101100111010 MD-11s 43 +101100111010 subways 44 +101100111010 silos 44 +101100111010 arenas 45 +101100111010 skyscrapers 45 +101100111010 rackets 45 +101100111010 cafes 47 +101100111010 formats 48 +101100111010 tournaments 48 +101100111010 bakeries 50 +101100111010 helmets 56 +101100111010 preachers 57 +101100111010 breakfasts 58 +101100111010 jails 60 +101100111010 bats 61 +101100111010 parlors 61 +101100111010 clocks 62 +101100111010 adoptions 64 +101100111010 pharmacies 64 +101100111010 cafeterias 64 +101100111010 interceptors 64 +101100111010 frequencies 65 +101100111010 pubs 67 +101100111010 receivers 70 +101100111010 suites 74 +101100111010 incinerators 75 +101100111010 classrooms 77 +101100111010 stadiums 77 +101100111010 gardens 86 +101100111010 motels 87 +101100111010 frames 89 +101100111010 specials 98 +101100111010 albums 98 +101100111010 bombings 100 +101100111010 dams 105 +101100111010 bullets 121 +101100111010 dinners 126 +101100111010 showrooms 128 +101100111010 drugstores 129 +101100111010 rentals 136 +101100111010 generators 141 +101100111010 blades 145 +101100111010 libraries 146 +101100111010 lenses 151 +101100111010 balls 161 +101100111010 dealerships 165 +101100111010 resorts 220 +101100111010 ports 224 +101100111010 villages 227 +101100111010 reactors 246 +101100111010 casinos 257 +101100111010 circuits 267 +101100111010 broadcasts 276 +101100111010 bombs 301 +101100111010 counties 305 +101100111010 holes 325 +101100111010 apartments 410 +101100111010 crews 420 +101100111010 windows 432 +101100111010 theaters 449 +101100111010 supermarkets 492 +101100111010 cameras 494 +101100111010 screens 499 +101100111010 franchises 507 +101100111010 tanks 591 +101100111010 spots 632 +101100111010 shops 640 +101100111010 doors 691 +101100111010 outlets 759 +101100111010 commercials 989 +101100111010 factories 1117 +101100111010 magazines 1222 +101100111010 branches 1234 +101100111010 hotels 1259 +101100111010 games 1286 +101100111010 restaurants 1409 +101100111010 missiles 2613 +101100111010 stations 2820 +101100111010 offices 2987 +101100111010 stores 6132 +101100111010 plants 5190 +1011001110110 wargames 1 +1011001110110 superheros 1 +1011001110110 basket-making 1 +1011001110110 Aerotransport 1 +1011001110110 rs 1 +1011001110110 productivity. 1 +1011001110110 consultants-to-be 1 +1011001110110 deflectors 1 +1011001110110 competitiveness. 1 +1011001110110 benefit-payments 1 +1011001110110 mortaring 1 +1011001110110 clatters 1 +1011001110110 Nosadella 1 +1011001110110 ghazi 1 +1011001110110 tumescence 1 +1011001110110 gasifier 1 +1011001110110 guideway 1 +1011001110110 recombinations 1 +1011001110110 Contini-Bonacossi 1 +1011001110110 movie. 1 +1011001110110 fixator 1 +1011001110110 esotericism 1 +1011001110110 infomation 1 +1011001110110 underbody 1 +1011001110110 burn-off 1 +1011001110110 bookmarts 1 +1011001110110 agreements. 1 +1011001110110 muddleheadedness 1 +1011001110110 imperviousness 1 +1011001110110 Wright-wash 1 +1011001110110 plane-building 1 +1011001110110 curlicues 2 +1011001110110 convolutions 2 +1011001110110 reheaters 2 +1011001110110 expo 2 +1011001110110 disinfectants 2 +1011001110110 parsimony 2 +1011001110110 paranoias 2 +1011001110110 investigaton 2 +1011001110110 institution. 2 +1011001110110 churnings 2 +1011001110110 yes-man 2 +1011001110110 harmlessness 2 +1011001110110 Epilady 3 +1011001110110 nobodies 3 +1011001110110 cordials 3 +1011001110110 bunkum 3 +1011001110110 reclusion 3 +1011001110110 co-productions 3 +1011001110110 tight-fistedness 4 +1011001110110 information. 4 +1011001110110 work-week 4 +1011001110110 affability 4 +1011001110110 pasts 5 +1011001110110 joists 6 +1011001110110 industry. 6 +1011001110110 lineups 11 +1011001110110 incorporations 13 +1011001110110 indentures 15 +1011001110110 obscurity 66 +1011001110110 mills 756 +1011001110110 operations 17654 +1011001110110 activities 3753 +10110011101110 3/16ths 1 +10110011101110 1,481,782 1 +10110011101110 conversations. 1 +10110011101110 20-for-one 1 +10110011101110 hostaging 1 +10110011101110 wire-tapping 1 +10110011101110 mebranes 1 +10110011101110 transmitter-receivers 1 +10110011101110 call. 1 +10110011101110 addressability 1 +10110011101110 1-800-937-2000 1 +10110011101110 cards. 2 +10110011101110 handset 2 +10110011101110 Zarzis 2 +10110011101110 Festivas 2 +10110011101110 machine. 2 +10110011101110 decomposing 2 +10110011101110 Giacomettis 2 +10110011101110 tamperings 2 +10110011101110 splitters 2 +10110011101110 Encores 2 +10110011101110 observatories 2 +10110011101110 937.50 2 +10110011101110 3903 2 +10110011101110 marquees 3 +10110011101110 granters 3 +10110011101110 signs. 3 +10110011101110 Golfs 3 +10110011101110 waders 3 +10110011101110 Y-MPs 3 +10110011101110 oxbows 4 +10110011101110 Corollas 4 +10110011101110 monthlies 5 +10110011101110 Toronados 5 +10110011101110 LeBarons 5 +10110011101110 Allantes 5 +10110011101110 snouts 5 +10110011101110 reissues 5 +10110011101110 agonists 5 +10110011101110 manholes 5 +10110011101110 mavens 6 +10110011101110 roadster 6 +10110011101110 HF 6 +10110011101110 billet 6 +10110011101110 marque 6 +10110011101110 11-1 6 +10110011101110 fiends 6 +10110011101110 Dexatrim 6 +10110011101110 Excels 7 +10110011101110 handsets 7 +10110011101110 Sagas 8 +10110011101110 groupie 8 +10110011101110 accelerators 9 +10110011101110 gyros 9 +10110011101110 exteriors 9 +10110011101110 consolidators 10 +10110011101110 Hansa 10 +10110011101110 sockets 11 +10110011101110 lifeboats 13 +10110011101110 J-cars 13 +10110011101110 changeovers 14 +10110011101110 grantors 14 +10110011101110 worthiness 15 +10110011101110 Macintoshes 17 +10110011101110 heavies 17 +10110011101110 vintages 19 +10110011101110 idols 20 +10110011101110 coupes 21 +10110011101110 receptors 21 +10110011101110 kiosks 22 +10110011101110 antigens 22 +10110011101110 grills 23 +10110011101110 loops 23 +10110011101110 titans 25 +10110011101110 Fieros 29 +10110011101110 X-cars 29 +10110011101110 membranes 30 +10110011101110 paraphernalia 30 +10110011101110 vapors 34 +10110011101110 blocs 34 +10110011101110 pods 39 +10110011101110 frigates 46 +10110011101110 poles 60 +10110011101110 subcompacts 69 +10110011101110 757s 69 +10110011101110 booths 70 +10110011101110 solicitations 81 +10110011101110 introductions 95 +10110011101110 directories 109 +10110011101110 inhabitants 118 +10110011101110 bands 148 +10110011101110 productions 183 +10110011101110 rings 247 +10110011101110 cans 269 +10110011101110 islands 276 +10110011101110 telephones 311 +10110011101110 switches 342 +10110011101110 territories 393 +10110011101110 phones 427 +10110011101110 boxes 458 +10110011101110 bags 625 +10110011101110 subscribers 850 +10110011101110 teams 875 +10110011101110 divisions 1459 +10110011101110 subsidiaries 1565 +10110011101110 cards 1629 +10110011101110 networks 1959 +10110011101110 models 3037 +10110011101110 units 7724 +10110011101110 lines 3766 +10110011101111 fluttered 1 +10110011101111 tourists. 1 +10110011101111 holders-in-waiting 1 +10110011101111 pipe-fabricators 1 +10110011101111 A15s 1 +10110011101111 chlorides 1 +10110011101111 redevelopments 1 +10110011101111 silos. 1 +10110011101111 owner-developers 1 +10110011101111 smelting-works 1 +10110011101111 Euroratings 1 +10110011101111 nutcase 1 +10110011101111 miniplants 1 +10110011101111 refuelings 1 +10110011101111 admittances 1 +10110011101111 Sheratons 1 +10110011101111 landform 1 +10110011101111 ArgoSystems 1 +10110011101111 tumblers 2 +10110011101111 baronies 2 +10110011101111 R-21 2 +10110011101111 landholder 2 +10110011101111 facilties 2 +10110011101111 ones. 2 +10110011101111 hostelries 2 +10110011101111 foulups 2 +10110011101111 pituitaries 2 +10110011101111 scythes 2 +10110011101111 decisionmakers 2 +10110011101111 bloodhounds 2 +10110011101111 meddler 2 +10110011101111 biplanes 2 +10110011101111 Playbill 2 +10110011101111 vacuity 2 +10110011101111 buldings 3 +10110011101111 brushers 3 +10110011101111 reflectors 3 +10110011101111 scramblers 3 +10110011101111 pastorals 3 +10110011101111 permeation 3 +10110011101111 ovals 3 +10110011101111 gewgaws 3 +10110011101111 down-phases 3 +10110011101111 fetes 3 +10110011101111 virtuosos 3 +10110011101111 rainwear 3 +10110011101111 ex-guards 4 +10110011101111 situps 4 +10110011101111 arks 4 +10110011101111 counteradvertising 4 +10110011101111 expressways 4 +10110011101111 oversights 4 +10110011101111 inflations 4 +10110011101111 songbirds 4 +10110011101111 products. 4 +10110011101111 nationalisms 4 +10110011101111 punchers 4 +10110011101111 digester 4 +10110011101111 hemorrhages 5 +10110011101111 vocalists 5 +10110011101111 guises 5 +10110011101111 tarts 5 +10110011101111 champagnes 5 +10110011101111 guzzlers 5 +10110011101111 scoreboards 5 +10110011101111 specters 5 +10110011101111 facilites 5 +10110011101111 ballrooms 6 +10110011101111 transferees 6 +10110011101111 intellects 6 +10110011101111 wrapper 6 +10110011101111 isolationists 7 +10110011101111 tributaries 7 +10110011101111 galas 7 +10110011101111 healers 7 +10110011101111 roasts 7 +10110011101111 infrastructures 7 +10110011101111 inpatients 7 +10110011101111 confections 8 +10110011101111 assemblymen 8 +10110011101111 standbys 9 +10110011101111 MD-88s 9 +10110011101111 careerists 10 +10110011101111 impostors 10 +10110011101111 cubicles 10 +10110011101111 genres 10 +10110011101111 giver 11 +10110011101111 imprints 11 +10110011101111 epics 11 +10110011101111 battlegrounds 12 +10110011101111 kilns 12 +10110011101111 basins 13 +10110011101111 aquifers 13 +10110011101111 banquets 13 +10110011101111 reliefs 14 +10110011101111 quarries 14 +10110011101111 laundries 14 +10110011101111 gizmos 14 +10110011101111 chestnuts 14 +10110011101111 pavilions 14 +10110011101111 junkets 15 +10110011101111 pathways 15 +10110011101111 mints 17 +10110011101111 intestine 17 +10110011101111 blockers 18 +10110011101111 buns 18 +10110011101111 reefs 19 +10110011101111 eateries 20 +10110011101111 nurseries 23 +10110011101111 antagonists 26 +10110011101111 high-rises 27 +10110011101111 intersections 28 +10110011101111 freeways 31 +10110011101111 ensembles 31 +10110011101111 groves 32 +10110011101111 switchboards 32 +10110011101111 hybrids 35 +10110011101111 reservoirs 36 +10110011101111 plantations 38 +10110011101111 tycoons 39 +10110011101111 landmarks 40 +10110011101111 compacts 42 +10110011101111 contaminants 43 +10110011101111 convoys 43 +10110011101111 foul-ups 43 +10110011101111 alleys 44 +10110011101111 cylinders 45 +10110011101111 boilers 48 +10110011101111 workplaces 49 +10110011101111 givers 51 +10110011101111 empires 54 +10110011101111 periodicals 56 +10110011101111 conductors 59 +10110011101111 foodstuffs 66 +10110011101111 organisms 70 +10110011101111 turbines 83 +10110011101111 establishments 94 +10110011101111 complexes 104 +10110011101111 outfits 112 +10110011101111 particles 117 +10110011101111 fleets 118 +10110011101111 start-ups 126 +10110011101111 landfills 128 +10110011101111 destinations 139 +10110011101111 hubs 144 +10110011101111 platforms 151 +10110011101111 conglomerates 154 +10110011101111 constituencies 174 +10110011101111 towers 178 +10110011101111 installations 178 +10110011101111 attractions 209 +10110011101111 forests 216 +10110011101111 rigs 235 +10110011101111 beds 249 +10110011101111 refineries 249 +10110011101111 wastes 271 +10110011101111 substances 289 +10110011101111 compounds 368 +10110011101111 labs 372 +10110011101111 farms 412 +10110011101111 wells 448 +10110011101111 giants 493 +10110011101111 channels 500 +10110011101111 towns 535 +10110011101111 locations 579 +10110011101111 crops 753 +10110011101111 airports 805 +10110011101111 routes 854 +10110011101111 communities 865 +10110011101111 sites 925 +10110011101111 chains 1052 +10110011101111 fields 1166 +10110011101111 brands 1232 +10110011101111 buildings 1532 +10110011101111 ones 2577 +10110011101111 properties 2682 +10110011101111 industries 3015 +10110011101111 facilities 3120 +10110011101111 projects 4007 +10110011101111 businesses 7990 +101100111100 intemperances 1 +101100111100 cash-prices 1 +101100111100 denominated-debt 1 +101100111100 trading. 1 +101100111100 specialities 1 +101100111100 mucked 1 +101100111100 +56 1 +101100111100 originiated 1 +101100111100 .................................. 1 +101100111100 selectors 1 +101100111100 uncouple 1 +101100111100 undewritings 1 +101100111100 marekts 1 +101100111100 vernus 2 +101100111100 seats. 2 +101100111100 steppe 3 +101100111100 depreciations 3 +101100111100 inconvertibility 3 +101100111100 bathhouses 4 +101100111100 system. 7 +101100111100 picker 18 +101100111100 bourses 20 +101100111100 marketplaces 26 +101100111100 newswires 34 +101100111100 pickers 37 +101100111100 championships 45 +101100111100 translations 87 +101100111100 pits 342 +101100111100 markets 16963 +101100111100 exchanges 2136 +1011001111010 P-3-G 1 +1011001111010 ancecdote 1 +1011001111010 electees 1 +1011001111010 materials. 1 +1011001111010 Parkoscope 1 +1011001111010 soures 1 +1011001111010 Revoked 1 +1011001111010 shirtwaists 1 +1011001111010 Safavids 1 +1011001111010 languorously 1 +1011001111010 Wants-It-Gets-It 1 +1011001111010 mini-city 1 +1011001111010 INCUBATORS 1 +1011001111010 biotherapeutics 1 +1011001111010 non-books 1 +1011001111010 oblongs 1 +1011001111010 occassions 1 +1011001111010 provision. 1 +1011001111010 stores. 1 +1011001111010 shinbone 1 +1011001111010 high-technologies 1 +1011001111010 description. 1 +1011001111010 G-notes 1 +1011001111010 REMICs 2 +1011001111010 fakers 2 +1011001111010 plusses 2 +1011001111010 tracery 2 +1011001111010 appetit 2 +1011001111010 press-conference 2 +1011001111010 Mafiosi 2 +1011001111010 magnetometers 2 +1011001111010 logic. 2 +1011001111010 birches 2 +1011001111010 intruments 2 +1011001111010 usages 2 +1011001111010 hirees 3 +1011001111010 high-flyers 3 +1011001111010 Heaney 3 +1011001111010 wish-lists 3 +1011001111010 duos 3 +1011001111010 plebiscites 3 +1011001111010 anti-virals 4 +1011001111010 riffs 4 +1011001111010 subgroup 6 +1011001111010 subindexes 6 +1011001111010 gasses 7 +1011001111010 registries 7 +1011001111010 stock-pickers 8 +1011001111010 tranches 17 +1011001111010 behemoths 18 +1011001111010 underwritings 121 +1011001111010 advancers 145 +1011001111010 financings 214 +1011001111010 listings 298 +1011001111010 decliners 354 +1011001111010 auctions 400 +1011001111010 gainers 570 +1011001111010 offerings 1781 +1011001111010 issues 16468 +1011001111011 tetrafluoride 1 +1011001111011 tassels 1 +1011001111011 menders 1 +1011001111011 SCANTECH 1 +1011001111011 Euroissues 1 +1011001111011 hoers 1 +1011001111011 bohemias 1 +1011001111011 supermicro 1 +1011001111011 overdog 1 +1011001111011 Furakawa 1 +1011001111011 CRESTED 1 +1011001111011 entrepreneur-scientist 1 +1011001111011 potage 1 +1011001111011 babblings 1 +1011001111011 hymnals 1 +1011001111011 imagers 1 +1011001111011 oxidase 1 +1011001111011 rootworms 1 +1011001111011 debunkers 1 +1011001111011 exists. 1 +1011001111011 sugarers 1 +1011001111011 likker 1 +1011001111011 beeches 1 +1011001111011 marmots 1 +1011001111011 Citicard 1 +1011001111011 bollworm 1 +1011001111011 overmanaged 1 +1011001111011 rod-and-bar 1 +1011001111011 mega-lawyering 1 +1011001111011 scampi 1 +1011001111011 chronometer 1 +1011001111011 extra-pricey 1 +1011001111011 tikka 1 +1011001111011 quantization 1 +1011001111011 childnapping 1 +1011001111011 percolator 1 +1011001111011 state-house 1 +1011001111011 bug-free 2 +1011001111011 companys 2 +1011001111011 bluegills 2 +1011001111011 odalisque 2 +1011001111011 whiteners 2 +1011001111011 highflyers 2 +1011001111011 386/PC 2 +1011001111011 aureus 2 +1011001111011 pone 2 +1011001111011 non-financials 2 +1011001111011 horticulturists 2 +1011001111011 politics. 2 +1011001111011 ropers 2 +1011001111011 culm 2 +1011001111011 Fish-n-Fool 2 +1011001111011 Potpourri 2 +1011001111011 stimulator 2 +1011001111011 watchbands 3 +1011001111011 oars 3 +1011001111011 calumny 3 +1011001111011 500s 3 +1011001111011 jackasses 3 +1011001111011 popper 3 +1011001111011 citrate 3 +1011001111011 giblets 3 +1011001111011 vitrines 3 +1011001111011 stethoscopes 3 +1011001111011 borer 4 +1011001111011 dibromide 4 +1011001111011 narcissism 4 +1011001111011 bosons 4 +1011001111011 borers 4 +1011001111011 vertigo 4 +1011001111011 denims 4 +1011001111011 Unicer 4 +1011001111011 Dough 5 +1011001111011 dispersants 5 +1011001111011 discotheques 5 +1011001111011 stews 6 +1011001111011 bodegas 6 +1011001111011 cheeseburgers 6 +1011001111011 companies. 6 +1011001111011 Parkers 9 +1011001111011 cathodes 9 +1011001111011 syrups 9 +1011001111011 oncogenes 10 +1011001111011 Volkswagens 12 +1011001111011 rustlers 14 +1011001111011 swimsuits 15 +1011001111011 ledgers 18 +1011001111011 tortillas 19 +1011001111011 carcasses 20 +1011001111011 perpetuals 26 +1011001111011 Zeitung 27 +1011001111011 paddies 28 +1011001111011 raisers 34 +1011001111011 beets 35 +1011001111011 jockeys 38 +1011001111011 cyclicals 41 +1011001111011 oxides 41 +1011001111011 MLPs 51 +1011001111011 blue-chips 78 +1011001111011 crudes 94 +1011001111011 medals 102 +1011001111011 bellies 141 +1011001111011 steels 144 +1011001111011 electricals 149 +1011001111011 grains 219 +1011001111011 beans 256 +1011001111011 coins 436 +1011001111011 stocks 15761 +1011001111011 mines 1012 +1011001111100 milennium 1 +1011001111100 symbol-AMSR 1 +1011001111100 uncooperativeness 1 +1011001111100 blurriest 1 +1011001111100 fundholdings 1 +1011001111100 long-shunned 1 +1011001111100 near-neighbors 1 +1011001111100 youngers 1 +1011001111100 pine-cone 1 +1011001111100 backswings 1 +1011001111100 intermediate- 1 +1011001111100 non-Britishness 1 +1011001111100 assiduousness 1 +1011001111100 singsongy 1 +1011001111100 Skodas 1 +1011001111100 279.85 1 +1011001111100 M.R.S. 1 +1011001111100 half-socks 1 +1011001111100 brioche 1 +1011001111100 trouncings 1 +1011001111100 harems 1 +1011001111100 shoulder. 1 +1011001111100 orneriness 1 +1011001111100 cost-attractiveness 1 +1011001111100 tanktops 1 +1011001111100 sheep. 1 +1011001111100 limosines 1 +1011001111100 vexations 1 +1011001111100 shortwaves 1 +1011001111100 credibility. 1 +1011001111100 Webcors 1 +1011001111100 supply-runs 1 +1011001111100 USC-UCLA 1 +1011001111100 hyper-hyped 1 +1011001111100 90-win 1 +1011001111100 argument. 1 +1011001111100 innoculations 1 +1011001111100 palatability 1 +1011001111100 guaranteees 1 +1011001111100 sellers-who 1 +1011001111100 authoress 1 +1011001111100 promulgators 1 +1011001111100 commitment-taking 1 +1011001111100 lingual 1 +1011001111100 corporeality 1 +1011001111100 fruitiness 1 +1011001111100 impregnability 1 +1011001111100 spittle 1 +1011001111100 self-condemnation 1 +1011001111100 menfolk 1 +1011001111100 leashes 1 +1011001111100 britches 1 +1011001111100 clubmate 1 +1011001111100 Chineseness 1 +1011001111100 Rocksports 1 +1011001111100 Lordships 1 +1011001111100 Hamlet-in-residence 1 +1011001111100 non-racism 1 +1011001111100 25-footer 1 +1011001111100 infancies 1 +1011001111100 caldrons 1 +1011001111100 grindstones 1 +1011001111100 sackers 1 +1011001111100 platinum- 1 +1011001111100 standfastness 1 +1011001111100 incorporators 1 +1011001111100 huppa 1 +1011001111100 indulgences. 1 +1011001111100 fuel-guzzlers 1 +1011001111100 multimixers 1 +1011001111100 fellow-traders 1 +1011001111100 franschisees 1 +1011001111100 clickers 1 +1011001111100 interruptaholism 1 +1011001111100 hidey-holes 1 +1011001111100 uteruses 1 +1011001111100 down-hole 1 +1011001111100 co-nationalists 1 +1011001111100 apartments. 1 +1011001111100 incumbencies 1 +1011001111100 victimhood 1 +1011001111100 retinyl-palmitated 1 +1011001111100 bedpost 1 +1011001111100 benfits 1 +1011001111100 reincarnations 1 +1011001111100 working- 1 +1011001111100 traffic-systems 1 +1011001111100 leaving. 1 +1011001111100 indirectness 1 +1011001111100 skivvies 1 +1011001111100 crassest 1 +1011001111100 particpants 1 +1011001111100 jammies 1 +1011001111100 production. 1 +1011001111100 moustaches 1 +1011001111100 shirttails 1 +1011001111100 point-money 1 +1011001111100 ineligibility 1 +1011001111100 high-jumpers 1 +1011001111100 dissonances 2 +1011001111100 884.93 2 +1011001111100 wilts 2 +1011001111100 witchery 2 +1011001111100 cantors 2 +1011001111100 railheads 2 +1011001111100 repugnance 2 +1011001111100 SH-04 2 +1011001111100 forensics 2 +1011001111100 partners. 2 +1011001111100 coater 2 +1011001111100 948.40 2 +1011001111100 840.72 2 +1011001111100 low-fee 2 +1011001111100 monarchists 2 +1011001111100 railbikes 2 +1011001111100 seepages 2 +1011001111100 cultivar 2 +1011001111100 300s 2 +1011001111100 wineglasses 2 +1011001111100 valises 2 +1011001111100 sniggers 2 +1011001111100 VOLKSFUERSORGE 2 +1011001111100 mantels 2 +1011001111100 penthouses 2 +1011001111100 daddies 2 +1011001111100 bedtimes 2 +1011001111100 ponchos 2 +1011001111100 young-old 2 +1011001111100 Scotches 2 +1011001111100 chart-toppers 2 +1011001111100 853.13 2 +1011001111100 JT8Ds 2 +1011001111100 1056.38 2 +1011001111100 uncollectables 2 +1011001111100 1926.2 2 +1011001111100 prognoses 3 +1011001111100 lifespans 3 +1011001111100 passer 3 +1011001111100 district- 3 +1011001111100 967.49 3 +1011001111100 Tridents 3 +1011001111100 major- 3 +1011001111100 rotations 3 +1011001111100 co-religionists 3 +1011001111100 961.48 3 +1011001111100 Scud-Bs 3 +1011001111100 identifiers 3 +1011001111100 dissertations 3 +1011001111100 thermostats 3 +1011001111100 18936.76 3 +1011001111100 ids 3 +1011001111100 Seattlites 3 +1011001111100 lovemaking 3 +1011001111100 duffs 4 +1011001111100 navels 4 +1011001111100 964.64 4 +1011001111100 puritanism 4 +1011001111100 Boeings 4 +1011001111100 cutthroats 4 +1011001111100 2754.56 4 +1011001111100 reshufflings 4 +1011001111100 hearths 4 +1011001111100 orations 4 +1011001111100 1532.01 4 +1011001111100 mutinies 5 +1011001111100 1344.06 5 +1011001111100 hooves 5 +1011001111100 sluices 5 +1011001111100 phlegm 5 +1011001111100 T-tops 5 +1011001111100 2680.48 6 +1011001111100 tyrannies 6 +1011001111100 mariners 6 +1011001111100 toenails 6 +1011001111100 execs 6 +1011001111100 1040A 6 +1011001111100 cabernets 6 +1011001111100 substrates 6 +1011001111100 erections 6 +1011001111100 foreheads 7 +1011001111100 casters 7 +1011001111100 distinctiveness 7 +1011001111100 turbans 7 +1011001111100 tenures 7 +1011001111100 driveways 8 +1011001111100 moons 8 +1011001111100 exertions 8 +1011001111100 tantrums 8 +1011001111100 turnovers 9 +1011001111100 frosts 9 +1011001111100 backyards 9 +1011001111100 boardings 10 +1011001111100 treks 10 +1011001111100 scorers 11 +1011001111100 parities 11 +1011001111100 internships 11 +1011001111100 electorates 11 +1011001111100 antennae 11 +1011001111100 paws 12 +1011001111100 Volvos 12 +1011001111100 beachheads 12 +1011001111100 1955.57 13 +1011001111100 Premiers 13 +1011001111100 publics 13 +1011001111100 Cokes 13 +1011001111100 stools 13 +1011001111100 lockers 14 +1011001111100 eyeballs 14 +1011001111100 checkbooks 15 +1011001111100 W-4s 15 +1011001111100 shake-ups 15 +1011001111100 sorties 15 +1011001111100 mailboxes 15 +1011001111100 droppings 16 +1011001111100 consciences 16 +1011001111100 surnames 16 +1011001111100 homicides 16 +1011001111100 faiths 18 +1011001111100 debuts 18 +1011001111100 livelihoods 20 +1011001111100 bachelors 20 +1011001111100 birthdays 20 +1011001111100 candidacies 22 +1011001111100 weightings 22 +1011001111100 lifetimes 23 +1011001111100 stomachs 24 +1011001111100 canvases 39 +1011001111100 friendships 40 +1011001111100 70s 41 +1011001111100 80s 42 +1011001111100 wallets 43 +1011001111100 skins 44 +1011001111100 pencils 45 +1011001111100 60s 47 +1011001111100 pastures 51 +1011001111100 stints 55 +1011001111100 necks 56 +1011001111100 dwellings 61 +1011001111100 diets 67 +1011001111100 inventions 68 +1011001111100 passports 69 +1011001111100 50s 72 +1011001111100 mouths 74 +1011001111100 wares 78 +1011001111100 residences 89 +1011001111100 egos 91 +1011001111100 noses 95 +1011001111100 heights 100 +1011001111100 paychecks 106 +1011001111100 horns 110 +1011001111100 entrants 113 +1011001111100 arrivals 117 +1011001111100 reputations 119 +1011001111100 herds 124 +1011001111100 40s 129 +1011001111100 20s 149 +1011001111100 30s 157 +1011001111100 peaks 171 +1011001111100 desks 174 +1011001111100 vacancies 215 +1011001111100 vacations 256 +1011001111100 careers 353 +1011001111100 titles 427 +1011001111100 performers 434 +1011001111100 roles 499 +1011001111100 lows 712 +1011001111100 highs 908 +1011001111100 portfolios 958 +1011001111100 posts 1079 +1011001111100 homes 2050 +1011001111100 positions 3568 +1011001111100 jobs 5973 +1011001111100 investments 4449 +1011001111101 Anne-Caroline 1 +1011001111101 1,528,800 1 +1011001111101 verifications 1 +1011001111101 Supertitles 1 +1011001111101 properties.Revenue 1 +1011001111101 bladders 1 +1011001111101 ENIChem 1 +1011001111101 218,740 1 +1011001111101 spinnaker 1 +1011001111101 lilts 1 +1011001111101 stiff-jointed 1 +1011001111101 189,474 1 +1011001111101 25,953 1 +1011001111101 scorches 1 +1011001111101 Bi-Invest 1 +1011001111101 steak-and-fries 1 +1011001111101 571,612 1 +1011001111101 693,750 1 +1011001111101 under-investment 1 +1011001111101 lobbyists. 1 +1011001111101 chemophobics 1 +1011001111101 show-doctors 1 +1011001111101 22,185 1 +1011001111101 294,641 1 +1011001111101 dignity. 1 +1011001111101 3,831 1 +1011001111101 733,332 1 +1011001111101 knapsacks 1 +1011001111101 1.5048 1 +1011001111101 1,681,026 1 +1011001111101 whistles. 1 +1011001111101 lifejackets 1 +1011001111101 let's-have-your-idea-on-this-Jack 1 +1011001111101 WGBS-TV 1 +1011001111101 forcola-maker 1 +1011001111101 gondola-builder 1 +1011001111101 253,907 1 +1011001111101 fascism. 1 +1011001111101 77,422 1 +1011001111101 988,160 1 +1011001111101 25,174 1 +1011001111101 diversifiers 1 +1011001111101 160,998,000 1 +1011001111101 chicanos 1 +1011001111101 227,304 1 +1011001111101 Acailandia 1 +1011001111101 inflation. 1 +1011001111101 quasi-capital 1 +1011001111101 ROOTS 1 +1011001111101 Gorbachev. 1 +1011001111101 strychnine 1 +1011001111101 185,904 1 +1011001111101 512K 1 +1011001111101 Continuance 1 +1011001111101 dead-endsville 1 +1011001111101 Kaffirs 1 +1011001111101 1,259 1 +1011001111101 199,246 1 +1011001111101 WTVH-TV 1 +1011001111101 colliers 1 +1011001111101 368,680 1 +1011001111101 18,936 1 +1011001111101 Lee. 1 +1011001111101 3,336 1 +1011001111101 earflaps 1 +1011001111101 salemen 1 +1011001111101 Chiat/Day. 1 +1011001111101 VICTORIES 1 +1011001111101 stayaways 1 +1011001111101 client-getters 1 +1011001111101 25,538 1 +1011001111101 conjurers 1 +1011001111101 perfomers 1 +1011001111101 nationalism. 1 +1011001111101 pink-cheekers 1 +1011001111101 Gambit 1 +1011001111101 papin 1 +1011001111101 track-record 1 +1011001111101 L.F.Rothschild 1 +1011001111101 1970-1980 1 +1011001111101 zucchinis 1 +1011001111101 psycho-assassination 1 +1011001111101 187,410 1 +1011001111101 612,309 1 +1011001111101 183,448,883 1 +1011001111101 non-professionals 1 +1011001111101 7,829,493 1 +1011001111101 pantheons 1 +1011001111101 133,414 1 +1011001111101 LaserTripter 1 +1011001111101 WFAA-TV 1 +1011001111101 pharamaceuticals 1 +1011001111101 3,247 1 +1011001111101 headscarfs 1 +1011001111101 TSL 1 +1011001111101 Willys-Overland 1 +1011001111101 1,072,851 1 +1011001111101 127,859 1 +1011001111101 Road. 1 +1011001111101 inflation-maker 1 +1011001111101 spies. 1 +1011001111101 dreamboats 1 +1011001111101 Pyramus 1 +1011001111101 fretters 1 +1011001111101 12,103 1 +1011001111101 nonrelatives 1 +1011001111101 Boreland 1 +1011001111101 pompadours 1 +1011001111101 142.67 1 +1011001111101 WNEW-TV 2 +1011001111101 businesses. 2 +1011001111101 advisers. 2 +1011001111101 sk 2 +1011001111101 yup 2 +1011001111101 auxiliaries 2 +1011001111101 Twinsies 2 +1011001111101 McMuffins 2 +1011001111101 business-getter 2 +1011001111101 arch-rivals 2 +1011001111101 crumpets 2 +1011001111101 priority. 2 +1011001111101 streetfighters 2 +1011001111101 commmission 2 +1011001111101 acquisitiveness 2 +1011001111101 Remingtons 2 +1011001111101 WTLV-TV 2 +1011001111101 opportunies 2 +1011001111101 plutocracy 2 +1011001111101 economist-kings 2 +1011001111101 quislings 2 +1011001111101 honeymoons 2 +1011001111101 Dems 2 +1011001111101 65-year-olds 3 +1011001111101 Bums 3 +1011001111101 workbenches 3 +1011001111101 yucks 3 +1011001111101 XT-7 3 +1011001111101 paymasters 3 +1011001111101 kinfolk 3 +1011001111101 Slavs 3 +1011001111101 denominators 3 +1011001111101 lordships 3 +1011001111101 theatres 3 +1011001111101 compilers 4 +1011001111101 arraignments 4 +1011001111101 Assumptions 4 +1011001111101 milers 4 +1011001111101 legation 4 +1011001111101 kilts 4 +1011001111101 self-interests 4 +1011001111101 scorecards 4 +1011001111101 backsides 4 +1011001111101 bootstraps 5 +1011001111101 Mau 5 +1011001111101 bugaboos 5 +1011001111101 rearrangements 5 +1011001111101 legwork 6 +1011001111101 newsmagazine 7 +1011001111101 hairdos 7 +1011001111101 marksmanship 7 +1011001111101 gerrymanders 7 +1011001111101 huffed 7 +1011001111101 toils 8 +1011001111101 domains 11 +1011001111101 moorings 11 +1011001111101 fluency 13 +1011001111101 cockpits 13 +1011001111101 larvae 14 +1011001111101 fowl 14 +1011001111101 designees 16 +1011001111101 doctorates 19 +1011001111101 attentions 19 +1011001111101 consulates 20 +1011001111101 environs 21 +1011001111101 imaginations 35 +1011001111101 labors 37 +1011001111101 chests 37 +1011001111101 tongues 39 +1011001111101 pocketbooks 42 +1011001111101 impunity 52 +1011001111101 stockholdings 53 +1011001111101 throats 55 +1011001111101 shareholdings 73 +1011001111101 shores 106 +1011001111101 origins 147 +1011001111101 roots 380 +1011001111101 pockets 407 +1011001111101 minds 663 +1011001111101 stakes 1052 +1011001111101 participation 1127 +1011001111101 lives 2066 +1011001111101 holdings 3539 +1011001111101 interests 6125 +1011001111110 Panelists 1 +1011001111110 doomsdayer 1 +1011001111110 106.45 1 +1011001111110 Wescoast 1 +1011001111110 prisoners. 1 +1011001111110 109.01 1 +1011001111110 Kaujuitoq 1 +1011001111110 1,873 1 +1011001111110 grinches 1 +1011001111110 106.125 1 +1011001111110 window-dressed 1 +1011001111110 256,567 1 +1011001111110 you-know 1 +1011001111110 104.725 1 +1011001111110 1,767,585 1 +1011001111110 minelayers 1 +1011001111110 co-dependency 1 +1011001111110 recreations 2 +1011001111110 staginess 2 +1011001111110 re-imports 2 +1011001111110 salutations 2 +1011001111110 irremediably 2 +1011001111110 Dimetane 2 +1011001111110 product-mix 2 +1011001111110 inkblots 2 +1011001111110 presses. 2 +1011001111110 liniment 2 +1011001111110 subcomponents 2 +1011001111110 incisiveness 2 +1011001111110 teleconferences 2 +1011001111110 claret 2 +1011001111110 corns 3 +1011001111110 primitivism 3 +1011001111110 supplication 3 +1011001111110 dispassion 3 +1011001111110 debt. 3 +1011001111110 submersibles 3 +1011001111110 bosoms 3 +1011001111110 Gebr 3 +1011001111110 customization 4 +1011001111110 claptrap 4 +1011001111110 ACOG 4 +1011001111110 inaccessibility 4 +1011001111110 Amerco 4 +1011001111110 gruel 5 +1011001111110 scarcities 5 +1011001111110 artificiality 5 +1011001111110 felines 5 +1011001111110 mendacity 6 +1011001111110 informality 7 +1011001111110 elan 7 +1011001111110 9370s 7 +1011001111110 masterworks 8 +1011001111110 bemusement 9 +1011001111110 cornstarch 9 +1011001111110 overfunding 10 +1011001111110 tans 10 +1011001111110 WOR-TV 10 +1011001111110 castoffs 11 +1011001111110 boxcars 11 +1011001111110 plausibility 13 +1011001111110 poignancy 13 +1011001111110 radials 13 +1011001111110 condescension 14 +1011001111110 doorways 19 +1011001111110 horizons 57 +1011001111110 infancy 57 +1011001111110 coffers 122 +1011001111110 loads 189 +1011001111110 receivables 354 +1011001111110 certificates 1088 +1011001111110 debts 1118 +1011001111110 obligations 1229 +1011001111110 liabilities 1433 +1011001111110 assets 14404 +1011001111110 deposits 2569 +1011001111111 copy-protection 1 +1011001111111 acheat 1 +1011001111111 camp. 1 +1011001111111 interest-contracts 1 +1011001111111 Eurocredits 1 +1011001111111 mortgates 1 +1011001111111 loans-amounting 1 +1011001111111 bondsmanship 1 +1011001111111 festers 1 +1011001111111 T0023 1 +1011001111111 324,300 1 +1011001111111 megastructures 1 +1011001111111 6/30/89 1 +1011001111111 660,114 1 +1011001111111 Aboriginality 1 +1011001111111 1980-1986 2 +1011001111111 bloodstock 2 +1011001111111 econony 2 +1011001111111 countervail 2 +1011001111111 office-mates 2 +1011001111111 non-solutions 2 +1011001111111 acquisitor 2 +1011001111111 expedients 2 +1011001111111 manfacturing 2 +1011001111111 exactness 2 +1011001111111 coinsurers 2 +1011001111111 peonies 2 +1011001111111 altars 2 +1011001111111 recentralization 2 +1011001111111 deactivation 2 +1011001111111 crematoriums 2 +1011001111111 blackface 3 +1011001111111 ringers 3 +1011001111111 assays 3 +1011001111111 frontage 3 +1011001111111 twos 3 +1011001111111 stargazing 3 +1011001111111 mimickry 3 +1011001111111 PAC-giving 3 +1011001111111 attributions 3 +1011001111111 disinvestments 4 +1011001111111 copter 4 +1011001111111 galleons 4 +1011001111111 servicers 4 +1011001111111 ravioli 4 +1011001111111 homesteads 5 +1011001111111 blanc 5 +1011001111111 lobes 5 +1011001111111 weeknights 5 +1011001111111 roll-ups 5 +1011001111111 seawater 5 +1011001111111 music-making 6 +1011001111111 margaritas 6 +1011001111111 grapevines 6 +1011001111111 pedestals 7 +1011001111111 pullbacks 8 +1011001111111 lendings 9 +1011001111111 solver 9 +1011001111111 IDBs 10 +1011001111111 mortages 11 +1011001111111 petrodollars 20 +1011001111111 vaults 34 +1011001111111 ARMs 76 +1011001111111 grenades 76 +1011001111111 borrowings 663 +1011001111111 loans 11412 +1011001111111 mortgages 2203 +10110100 oficials 1 +10110100 motorcar 1 +10110100 SHAKESPEARE 1 +10110100 LITCHI 1 +10110100 PURPORTED 1 +10110100 REALISTIC 1 +10110100 rewired 1 +10110100 hairdryer 1 +10110100 siderographer 1 +10110100 TANKER 1 +10110100 junkheap 1 +10110100 gauss 1 +10110100 PRAYER 1 +10110100 girded 1 +10110100 HOME-COMPUTER 1 +10110100 430-seat 1 +10110100 Vocabulary 1 +10110100 Fant 1 +10110100 Batubara 1 +10110100 book-burner 1 +10110100 Hula-Hoop 1 +10110100 Namaliu 1 +10110100 Guihua 1 +10110100 Abdel-Karim 1 +10110100 727-200s 1 +10110100 HEARTY 1 +10110100 Cajunism 1 +10110100 price-setter 1 +10110100 unflattered 1 +10110100 Supersaga 1 +10110100 RentCorp. 1 +10110100 Nbagui 1 +10110100 FORESIGHT 1 +10110100 heydey 1 +10110100 Regencys 1 +10110100 fresh-skinned 1 +10110100 12-C 1 +10110100 quasi-marriage-broker 1 +10110100 Memorandum 1 +10110100 moneyloser 1 +10110100 FUND-RAISER 1 +10110100 SURROGATE 1 +10110100 MOVEABLE 1 +10110100 Land-USA 1 +10110100 by-word 1 +10110100 Zoffman 1 +10110100 Ta-Hai 1 +10110100 PEACEFUL 1 +10110100 B9275 1 +10110100 SITTER 1 +10110100 shopfront 1 +10110100 superyawn 1 +10110100 Battons 1 +10110100 Momentary 1 +10110100 net/Stretched 1 +10110100 Rischbieter 1 +10110100 NICHE 1 +10110100 Gosmans 1 +10110100 tight-voiced 1 +10110100 Stabilizer 1 +10110100 cashgenerator 1 +10110100 conglomorate 1 +10110100 Doloroso 1 +10110100 CRIPPLED 1 +10110100 Speedup 1 +10110100 Kassal 1 +10110100 Falsely 1 +10110100 novel-in-progress 1 +10110100 Weger 1 +10110100 turn-on 1 +10110100 Ballet-Allegory 1 +10110100 miniblimp 1 +10110100 breakthough 1 +10110100 down-converter 1 +10110100 Saeng 1 +10110100 once-faithful 1 +10110100 Windowsill 1 +10110100 mustache-hater 1 +10110100 Maistre 1 +10110100 supertoy 1 +10110100 Well-Regulated 1 +10110100 Tashima 1 +10110100 port-of-entry 1 +10110100 DRESSING-DOWN 1 +10110100 LIMB 1 +10110100 Bum-jun 1 +10110100 pinprick 1 +10110100 Peijian 1 +10110100 COPY. 1 +10110100 Antidote 1 +10110100 biofungicide 1 +10110100 Kouloumbis 1 +10110100 soo 1 +10110100 RETIRED 1 +10110100 DENTIST 1 +10110100 30-footer 1 +10110100 20-footer 1 +10110100 Lament 1 +10110100 78-pound 1 +10110100 weed-line 1 +10110100 Chakravarti 1 +10110100 Gatsby-in-reverse 1 +10110100 payments-suspension 1 +10110100 DEDUCTION 2 +10110100 stalking-horse 2 +10110100 pre-requisite 2 +10110100 ukulele 2 +10110100 Thirst 2 +10110100 Teenager 2 +10110100 Bankcorp. 2 +10110100 beeline 3 +10110100 shill 3 +10110100 Primer 3 +10110100 Streetcar 4 +10110100 spokeswomen 4 +10110100 BOMB 6 +10110100 spokewoman 7 +10110100 stickler 10 +10110100 spokeman 17 +10110100 spokesperson 39 +10110100 spokesman 20081 +10110100 spokeswoman 3941 +1011010100 convulsing 1 +1011010100 broken. 1 +1011010100 fired-sources 1 +1011010100 Asterix 1 +1011010100 Strepponi 1 +1011010100 amp 1 +1011010100 grayhairs 1 +1011010100 Elektras 1 +1011010100 cankers 1 +1011010100 Wanted. 1 +1011010100 rumor-supporters 1 +1011010100 Repairers 1 +1011010100 Criterions 1 +1011010100 diggin 1 +1011010100 MINORCO 1 +1011010100 panic-buying 1 +1011010100 low-down 2 +1011010100 double-stacks 2 +1011010100 tightrope-walking 2 +1011010100 Boogaard 2 +1011010100 belt-tighteners 2 +1011010100 shirkers 2 +1011010100 pitchouts 2 +1011010100 Elora 2 +1011010100 lichens 2 +1011010100 electroplaters 2 +1011010100 whippings 2 +1011010100 eighty-six 2 +1011010100 atheletes 2 +1011010100 exurbs 2 +1011010100 Buttermilk 2 +1011010100 mini-trials 2 +1011010100 bibs 2 +1011010100 volcanos 2 +1011010100 people-movers 2 +1011010100 fund-holders 3 +1011010100 doom-sayers 3 +1011010100 1,066 3 +1011010100 Diante 3 +1011010100 wrappings 3 +1011010100 suntans 3 +1011010100 androids 3 +1011010100 Dayaks 3 +1011010100 mezzos 3 +1011010100 convents 3 +1011010100 stockouts 3 +1011010100 carve-out 3 +1011010100 Hizzoner 3 +1011010100 confectioneries 3 +1011010100 co-presidents 3 +1011010100 53-47 3 +1011010100 maglevs 4 +1011010100 Wolseley 4 +1011010100 beauticians 4 +1011010100 walruses 4 +1011010100 slithers 4 +1011010100 enamels 4 +1011010100 diehards 5 +1011010100 railbikers 5 +1011010100 analgesics 5 +1011010100 streetwalkers 5 +1011010100 toxicologists 5 +1011010100 caterers 5 +1011010100 rank-and-filers 6 +1011010100 neurosurgeons 7 +1011010100 anesthesiologists 8 +1011010100 bookers 10 +1011010100 eliminations 10 +1011010100 ophthalmologists 10 +1011010100 snaggers 11 +1011010100 cavers 12 +1011010100 welders 13 +1011010100 lo 13 +1011010100 Angelenos 14 +1011010100 sitters 15 +1011010100 geneticists 15 +1011010100 crocodiles 25 +1011010100 Gun 79 +1011010100 boomers 164 +1011010100 stockbrokers 297 +1011010100 arbitragers 582 +1011010100 brokers 3507 +1011010100 dealers 4631 +1011010100 traders 9352 +1011010101 patronizingly 1 +1011010101 gentlemen-ranchers 1 +1011010101 Lima-based 1 +1011010101 graphomania 1 +1011010101 rail-roads 1 +1011010101 overdevelopers 1 +1011010101 dubious-sounding 1 +1011010101 Lasertechnics 1 +1011010101 hybridizer 1 +1011010101 biennials 1 +1011010101 Netherlanders 1 +1011010101 Thatcherites 1 +1011010101 two-weeks 1 +1011010101 Bressans 1 +1011010101 puddin 1 +1011010101 wailin 1 +1011010101 most-bullish 1 +1011010101 Siberians 1 +1011010101 revenue-growth 1 +1011010101 Stuffing 1 +1011010101 bul 1 +1011010101 Mosfil 1 +1011010101 Yur 1 +1011010101 right-to-lifers 1 +1011010101 cell-types 1 +1011010101 profit-seekers 1 +1011010101 metal- 1 +1011010101 economsts 1 +1011010101 Sisyphean 1 +1011010101 A-Sha 1 +1011010101 law-expanding 1 +1011010101 parapsychologists 1 +1011010101 comapnies 1 +1011010101 fund-watchers 1 +1011010101 money-lenders 1 +1011010101 party-poopers 1 +1011010101 vente 1 +1011010101 Pahsetopah 1 +1011010101 Axes 1 +1011010101 bringin 1 +1011010101 marshes-in-the-making 1 +1011010101 Philips-watchers 1 +1011010101 Beau-Fighters 1 +1011010101 motorcyclers 1 +1011010101 tho 1 +1011010101 Halburites 1 +1011010101 Mr.oO 1 +1011010101 nonutilities 1 +1011010101 shoutin 1 +1011010101 chito 1 +1011010101 beholders 1 +1011010101 advantage. 1 +1011010101 gymmates 1 +1011010101 whelk 1 +1011010101 creditor-representatives 1 +1011010101 non-collectors 1 +1011010101 repricings 1 +1011010101 Manwanis 1 +1011010101 Novgorod 1 +1011010101 moonlighters 1 +1011010101 Ford-watchers 1 +1011010101 Resa 1 +1011010101 Datatronics 1 +1011010101 Depths. 1 +1011010101 Tsai-watchers 1 +1011010101 shipbrokers 1 +1011010101 pre-billing 1 +1011010101 downhillers 1 +1011010101 mainliners 1 +1011010101 U.S.-Hispanics 1 +1011010101 freedmen 1 +1011010101 poll-takers 1 +1011010101 endocrinologists 1 +1011010101 lawmkers 1 +1011010101 touters 1 +1011010101 hashes 1 +1011010101 Bushmans 1 +1011010101 Vaporub 1 +1011010101 fixin 1 +1011010101 Saatchi-watchers 1 +1011010101 98-cent-a-share 1 +1011010101 amor 1 +1011010101 rate-watchers 1 +1011010101 Mr.O 1 +1011010101 Cinema.The 1 +1011010101 opinion-makers 1 +1011010101 non-Aborigines 1 +1011010101 cash-renters 1 +1011010101 dancin 2 +1011010101 anlaysts 2 +1011010101 ex-reporters 2 +1011010101 immunologists 2 +1011010101 Manilans 2 +1011010101 ex-staffers 2 +1011010101 pro-Northern 2 +1011010101 prettily 2 +1011010101 stategists 2 +1011010101 highness 2 +1011010101 meteorolgists 2 +1011010101 lampreys 2 +1011010101 Complainers 2 +1011010101 Marseillais 2 +1011010101 Isvestia 2 +1011010101 hyperurban 2 +1011010101 Nivard-Flornoy 3 +1011010101 philatelists 4 +1011010101 entomologists 4 +1011010101 oddsmakers 5 +1011010101 foresters 7 +1011010101 ma 10 +1011010101 market-watchers 13 +1011010101 Kremlinologists 13 +1011010101 Fed-watchers 15 +1011010101 numismatists 18 +1011010101 nutritionists 21 +1011010101 demographers 22 +1011010101 meteorologists 62 +1011010101 commentators 119 +1011010101 skeptics 203 +1011010101 forecasters 378 +1011010101 observers 1195 +1011010101 specialists 1774 +1011010101 experts 2516 +1011010101 analysts 18801 +1011010101 economists 3668 +1011010110 reasearch 1 +1011010110 Chevalier-Montrachet 1 +1011010110 EtherTalk 1 +1011010110 Giaquinto. 1 +1011010110 Sementziev 1 +1011010110 equal-area 1 +1011010110 ond 1 +1011010110 Arkansan 1 +1011010110 Demorats 1 +1011010110 SEATS 1 +1011010110 Al-Nahyan 1 +1011010110 crash-avoidance 1 +1011010110 Rak 1 +1011010110 Folclorico 1 +1011010110 Victoria-ISDN 1 +1011010110 BACKLOG 1 +1011010110 philhellene 1 +1011010110 RIFLES 1 +1011010110 address-change 1 +1011010110 CAUTIONED 1 +1011010110 Hameed 1 +1011010110 balsamita 1 +1011010110 PARDONED 1 +1011010110 Tokyoite 1 +1011010110 HD-TV 1 +1011010110 Investigates 1 +1011010110 Kabir 1 +1011010110 LAW-FIRM 1 +1011010110 LIVERPOOL 1 +1011010110 ERGON 1 +1011010110 older-camera 1 +1011010110 pharoah 1 +1011010110 wisenheimer 1 +1011010110 reseacher 1 +1011010110 mini-Merlin 1 +1011010110 CUSTOM 1 +1011010110 HIRES 1 +1011010110 walkout. 1 +1011010110 electro-galvanizing 1 +1011010110 law-enforcer 1 +1011010110 Plagens 1 +1011010110 octave-thundering 1 +1011010110 LIQUID-PROTEIN 1 +1011010110 Arboretum 1 +1011010110 SPERANDEO 1 +1011010110 ILIB-run 1 +1011010110 world-demand 1 +1011010110 midshipman 2 +1011010110 administration-proposed 2 +1011010110 Antiquities 2 +1011010110 oft-hostile 2 +1011010110 Renjun 2 +1011010110 centerfielders 2 +1011010110 ALLIES 2 +1011010110 anatomist 2 +1011010110 PURCHASES 2 +1011010110 Hirlap 2 +1011010110 Folles 2 +1011010110 eighth-graders 2 +1011010110 ADVISERS 2 +1011010110 Yol 2 +1011010110 adjudications 2 +1011010110 Metropole 2 +1011010110 EQUALITY 2 +1011010110 office-space 3 +1011010110 job-hopper 3 +1011010110 JUDGES 3 +1011010110 often-cited 3 +1011010110 ex-official 3 +1011010110 Nemzet 3 +1011010110 ACO 3 +1011010110 G-20 3 +1011010110 88-8 3 +1011010110 84-page 3 +1011010110 AE-1 5 +1011010110 ex-director 5 +1011010110 Russe 6 +1011010110 onlooker 6 +1011010110 inspector-general 8 +1011010110 old-timer 9 +1011010110 underling 9 +1011010110 informer 10 +1011010110 outfielder 19 +1011010110 offical 20 +1011010110 alumnus 54 +1011010110 observer 162 +1011010110 staffer 229 +1011010110 official 12828 +1011010110 aide 1740 +10110101110 reinvasion 1 +10110101110 overtightened 1 +10110101110 scholar-artists 1 +10110101110 Superstations 1 +10110101110 MARKET-WATCHERS 1 +10110101110 telegrapher 1 +10110101110 hydrologist 1 +10110101110 Brynner 1 +10110101110 chieftan 1 +10110101110 Pramaggiore 1 +10110101110 nge 1 +10110101110 revenuers 1 +10110101110 parliamentaries 1 +10110101110 Anikulapo-Kuti 1 +10110101110 Tassels 1 +10110101110 boardwhich 1 +10110101110 Shick 1 +10110101110 brawlers 1 +10110101110 ungraciously 1 +10110101110 wallpapers 1 +10110101110 cement-makers 1 +10110101110 exectives 1 +10110101110 hot-heads 1 +10110101110 OFFICER 1 +10110101110 subequently 1 +10110101110 refs 1 +10110101110 agent-turned-trader 1 +10110101110 profs 2 +10110101110 re-engaged 2 +10110101110 registrants 2 +10110101110 airbases 2 +10110101110 budgeters 2 +10110101110 Capsules 2 +10110101110 OMBUDSMEN 2 +10110101110 concessionaires 2 +10110101110 hositals 2 +10110101110 2244 3 +10110101110 troupers 4 +10110101110 official. 4 +10110101110 Zhen 5 +10110101110 spokespersons 5 +10110101110 member-states 5 +10110101110 weathermen 8 +10110101110 officals 27 +10110101110 watchers 254 +10110101110 officials 27519 +10110101110 spokesmen 366 +10110101111 A&TT 1 +10110101111 souces 1 +10110101111 Gotlibs 1 +10110101111 Korean-national 1 +10110101111 Snopishly 1 +10110101111 tattily 1 +10110101111 Calkinses 1 +10110101111 Wissing 1 +10110101111 Mr.Ruder 1 +10110101111 COMMEMORATIVES 1 +10110101111 obervers 1 +10110101111 108,000-kilowatt 1 +10110101111 coverlet 1 +10110101111 hipbone 1 +10110101111 odds-makers 1 +10110101111 yawners 1 +10110101111 Trengganu 1 +10110101111 25-billion-barrel 1 +10110101111 Penbina 1 +10110101111 Torneses 1 +10110101111 Lusa 1 +10110101111 candelabrum 1 +10110101111 Mr.Broad 1 +10110101111 Mr.Simon 1 +10110101111 Mitoji 1 +10110101111 Two-Thirds 1 +10110101111 stocks-traders 1 +10110101111 OTR-IS 1 +10110101111 disgorging 1 +10110101111 Panama-related 1 +10110101111 BRB 1 +10110101111 Gottliebs 1 +10110101111 Decison 1 +10110101111 NTB 1 +10110101111 Gund 1 +10110101111 Omdurman 1 +10110101111 Confinance 1 +10110101111 Venpres 1 +10110101111 Caplins 1 +10110101111 juleps 1 +10110101111 Mr.Nixon 1 +10110101111 ADN 2 +10110101111 Antara 2 +10110101111 Zeid 2 +10110101111 Handcuffs 2 +10110101111 mashed-potato 2 +10110101111 genies 2 +10110101111 audiologists 2 +10110101111 NPR 2 +10110101111 Beatons 2 +10110101111 cryptically 3 +10110101111 CTK 3 +10110101111 redtape 3 +10110101111 kissers 4 +10110101111 non-service 5 +10110101111 anaylsts 7 +10110101111 ANSA 7 +10110101111 gazette 8 +10110101111 trackers 8 +10110101111 Bernama 8 +10110101111 Tanjug 13 +10110101111 NMTBA 19 +10110101111 Yonhap 23 +10110101111 Eurostat 24 +10110101111 Istat 27 +10110101111 Xinhua 106 +10110101111 sources 6788 +10110101111 Tass 135 +101101100 negativists 1 +101101100 big-girls 1 +101101100 Tomahawks 1 +101101100 Kookin 1 +101101100 editor-agitator 1 +101101100 triumvirs 1 +101101100 Socialsts 1 +101101100 Mugabes 1 +101101100 state-siders 1 +101101100 pro-modernization 1 +101101100 Ovshinskys 1 +101101100 Pinsleys 1 +101101100 Rossettis 1 +101101100 sheriff. 1 +101101100 deputy. 1 +101101100 800s 1 +101101100 resettlers 1 +101101100 Naysayers 1 +101101100 Harrises 1 +101101100 Rollinsons 1 +101101100 grapepickers 1 +101101100 neo-impressionists 1 +101101100 amazin 1 +101101100 sinner-saint 1 +101101100 Kieschnicks 1 +101101100 keenin 1 +101101100 stormclouds 1 +101101100 plaintifffs 1 +101101100 Landaus 1 +101101100 MVIPs 1 +101101100 Sofies 1 +101101100 Eckankarists 1 +101101100 Blecks 1 +101101100 Knapps 1 +101101100 Bronxites 1 +101101100 Kobayashis 1 +101101100 rootin 1 +101101100 Kemplins 1 +101101100 Bednorz-Mueller 1 +101101100 meaures 1 +101101100 mummifiers 1 +101101100 Varians 1 +101101100 Blackmers 1 +101101100 Motsoaledis 1 +101101100 muezzins 1 +101101100 non-pros 1 +101101100 landords 1 +101101100 stone-washers 1 +101101100 Perots 1 +101101100 test-makers 1 +101101100 Vendas 1 +101101100 Sothos 1 +101101100 Deacons 1 +101101100 Kvistads 1 +101101100 future-claimants 1 +101101100 farmer-buyers 1 +101101100 Greenbergs 1 +101101100 limiteds 1 +101101100 Runnin 1 +101101100 F-5Es 1 +101101100 Galanises 1 +101101100 ratings-busters 1 +101101100 numerologically 1 +101101100 pan-Arab 1 +101101100 Platters 1 +101101100 Levys 1 +101101100 Mugger 1 +101101100 Rupps 1 +101101100 Tolstoys 1 +101101100 Strecks 1 +101101100 Herbfarmers 1 +101101100 Maciejowskis 1 +101101100 Maxsons 1 +101101100 Eklunds 1 +101101100 neo-Keynesian 1 +101101100 Windsors 1 +101101100 Krohs 1 +101101100 Tulalips 1 +101101100 '86s 1 +101101100 Texaconis 1 +101101100 Surgeses 1 +101101100 Me-Tooers 1 +101101100 Heywoods 1 +101101100 7-month-olds 1 +101101100 superowers 1 +101101100 Iosues 1 +101101100 neo-Keynesians 1 +101101100 drug-makers 1 +101101100 Emperors 1 +101101100 Salento 1 +101101100 Haritoses 1 +101101100 merrow 1 +101101100 Comeaways 1 +101101100 Reedys 1 +101101100 Witkowskis 1 +101101100 Kauravas 1 +101101100 Jansens 1 +101101100 Karnses 1 +101101100 somebodies 1 +101101100 Marsalises 1 +101101100 Buntrocks 1 +101101100 lunch-table 1 +101101100 cattleraisers 1 +101101100 ex-greats 1 +101101100 timber-toppers 1 +101101100 Euro-enthusiasts 1 +101101100 B1s 1 +101101100 mother. 1 +101101100 Debartolos 1 +101101100 bilingualists 1 +101101100 awe-inspired 1 +101101100 schmalz 1 +101101100 DePrees 1 +101101100 Sontheimers 1 +101101100 Front-Runners 1 +101101100 Blasphemers 1 +101101100 Tanzanians 1 +101101100 Rollers 1 +101101100 Ranevskys 1 +101101100 Shweihehs 1 +101101100 Sarney-backers 1 +101101100 Akhikaris 1 +101101100 Souzases 1 +101101100 anti-biligualists 1 +101101100 insuree 1 +101101100 mall-fighters 1 +101101100 publicity. 1 +101101100 MoynihanD 1 +101101100 Pasternaks 1 +101101100 tipoffs 1 +101101100 Russianists 1 +101101100 Thorntons 1 +101101100 rejoinders 1 +101101100 Ezells 1 +101101100 Halmoses 1 +101101100 big-leaguers 1 +101101100 hospital. 1 +101101100 Buckmans 1 +101101100 lost-profit 1 +101101100 materals 1 +101101100 Franco-Belgians 1 +101101100 cavilers 1 +101101100 MD-83s 1 +101101100 toms 1 +101101100 Obrigacao 1 +101101100 safer-cigarette 1 +101101100 flyin 1 +101101100 Non-Smokers 1 +101101100 instititutional 1 +101101100 McNultys 1 +101101100 college-aged 1 +101101100 Syreks 1 +101101100 mornin 1 +101101100 Chuongs 1 +101101100 Slifkas 1 +101101100 Guadalupes 1 +101101100 Graverobbers 1 +101101100 margin. 1 +101101100 Kersees 1 +101101100 Know-Nothings 1 +101101100 Garretts 1 +101101100 sort-of 1 +101101100 misleader 1 +101101100 Demcrats 1 +101101100 wigmakers 1 +101101100 Tommyknockers 1 +101101100 new-president 1 +101101100 Conns 1 +101101100 under-50s 1 +101101100 Quesadas 1 +101101100 perceivers 1 +101101100 pipelines. 1 +101101100 free-agents 1 +101101100 Democratics 1 +101101100 student-protester 1 +101101100 puchasers 1 +101101100 Fenians 1 +101101100 Atkissons 1 +101101100 Baeyenses 1 +101101100 accuseds 1 +101101100 manses 1 +101101100 town-financed 1 +101101100 inconvenience. 1 +101101100 Allicks 1 +101101100 Paisleys 1 +101101100 Standells 1 +101101100 rating-concerns 1 +101101100 McMahons 2 +101101100 A-cars 2 +101101100 Cervaneks 2 +101101100 Yugoslavians 2 +101101100 ravens 2 +101101100 intelligensia 2 +101101100 pouters 2 +101101100 Ewings 2 +101101100 Fins 2 +101101100 Ibos 2 +101101100 Afrikaaners 2 +101101100 Searchers 2 +101101100 Nomenklatura 2 +101101100 fun-seekers 2 +101101100 Madisons 2 +101101100 Blondskis 2 +101101100 zotls 2 +101101100 turbistas 2 +101101100 showgrounds 2 +101101100 Haases 2 +101101100 bazaaris 2 +101101100 Bidlos 2 +101101100 Alabamians 2 +101101100 Tibbettses 2 +101101100 raconteurs 2 +101101100 scarcest 2 +101101100 Bobettes 2 +101101100 Fisches 2 +101101100 Menace 2 +101101100 Balts 2 +101101100 Shaggers 2 +101101100 Sakharovs 2 +101101100 Rebs 2 +101101100 serialists 2 +101101100 threes 2 +101101100 ACE-inhibitors 2 +101101100 2,005,000 2 +101101100 Illegals 2 +101101100 Holograms 2 +101101100 Calgarians 2 +101101100 Scars 2 +101101100 Alphas 2 +101101100 Truebloods 2 +101101100 jesters 2 +101101100 bluechips 2 +101101100 Maciejkos 2 +101101100 vistors 2 +101101100 Walloons 2 +101101100 antis 2 +101101100 A-bodies 2 +101101100 clampers 2 +101101100 Nkrumahs 2 +101101100 Combses 2 +101101100 Bloodies 2 +101101100 post-minimalist 2 +101101100 superobservatory 2 +101101100 Grandeur 2 +101101100 Prairies 2 +101101100 Bahais 2 +101101100 Parallels 2 +101101100 Serbians 2 +101101100 Marcianos 2 +101101100 rhinos 2 +101101100 Keyneses 2 +101101100 Mulligans 2 +101101100 stowaways 2 +101101100 Potikers 2 +101101100 Swazis 2 +101101100 taxidermists 2 +101101100 Magyars 2 +101101100 Welchs 2 +101101100 Britishers 2 +101101100 soybeaners 2 +101101100 Cadets 2 +101101100 Aquarians 2 +101101100 compromisers 2 +101101100 penitents 2 +101101100 ex-managers 2 +101101100 Abes 2 +101101100 jalopies 2 +101101100 Maccaquanos 2 +101101100 pro-war 2 +101101100 Gators 2 +101101100 straphangers 2 +101101100 elopement 2 +101101100 Decters 2 +101101100 farmsteads 2 +101101100 Hulkster 2 +101101100 Balteses 2 +101101100 Handlins 2 +101101100 Kievan-Rus 2 +101101100 evacuees 2 +101101100 fightin 2 +101101100 Copei 2 +101101100 sensulator 2 +101101100 closed-ends 2 +101101100 Ballves 2 +101101100 office-seekers 2 +101101100 nineties 2 +101101100 kapchunka 2 +101101100 Microsofts 2 +101101100 size. 2 +101101100 Islamists 2 +101101100 about-to-retire 2 +101101100 Saitos 2 +101101100 hobos 2 +101101100 Johnny-come-latelies 2 +101101100 Mohawks 2 +101101100 porkies 2 +101101100 Hubers 2 +101101100 Guarneris 2 +101101100 Moskowitzes 2 +101101100 Colonists 2 +101101100 spin-masters 2 +101101100 Thrombolysis 2 +101101100 Soviet-watchers 2 +101101100 Eyals 2 +101101100 Shiptrac 2 +101101100 title. 2 +101101100 Johnstons 2 +101101100 Sadkers 2 +101101100 transportations 2 +101101100 Philharmonikers 2 +101101100 Siegels 2 +101101100 IPPs 2 +101101100 metamorphoses 2 +101101100 Slums 2 +101101100 party-goers 2 +101101100 worrywarts 2 +101101100 Yamadas 2 +101101100 door. 2 +101101100 Mayans 3 +101101100 Steinbrennerians 3 +101101100 sportscasters 3 +101101100 castaways 3 +101101100 Chicago-O 3 +101101100 NAD 3 +101101100 boobs 3 +101101100 malefactors 3 +101101100 cellists 3 +101101100 Mississippians 3 +101101100 Goodners 3 +101101100 Tracys 3 +101101100 Chadians 3 +101101100 Woodstockians 3 +101101100 adulterers 3 +101101100 freeholders 3 +101101100 fencers 3 +101101100 Larsons 3 +101101100 Moonies 3 +101101100 sempervivums 3 +101101100 superficialities 3 +101101100 Burgundians 3 +101101100 Argentinians 3 +101101100 metropolises 3 +101101100 FreeVees 3 +101101100 Yellobags 3 +101101100 anti-vivisectionists 3 +101101100 rumormongers 3 +101101100 ARPS 3 +101101100 Philistines 3 +101101100 Gatsbys 3 +101101100 Cancers 3 +101101100 non-economists 3 +101101100 Pandavas 3 +101101100 brigands 3 +101101100 no-names 3 +101101100 Shihs 3 +101101100 middle-road 3 +101101100 Caruccis 3 +101101100 birth-dearthers 3 +101101100 partygoers 3 +101101100 Qins 3 +101101100 Goelets 3 +101101100 Populists 3 +101101100 mujaheddin 3 +101101100 Haj 3 +101101100 Riegle-D 3 +101101100 corporatists 3 +101101100 margis 3 +101101100 missis 3 +101101100 Newfoundlanders 3 +101101100 Bourbons 3 +101101100 Darwins 3 +101101100 Neocons 3 +101101100 Al-Fayeds 3 +101101100 Cla 3 +101101100 middle-agers 3 +101101100 Inserras 3 +101101100 Daleys 3 +101101100 organics 3 +101101100 Sovs 3 +101101100 vaulters 3 +101101100 Gettys 3 +101101100 Wedviks 3 +101101100 druggies 3 +101101100 materialists 3 +101101100 Valentinos 3 +101101100 up-phases 3 +101101100 Laras 3 +101101100 Nevadans 3 +101101100 HCEs 3 +101101100 physiologists 3 +101101100 Joads 3 +101101100 IABP 3 +101101100 leathernecks 3 +101101100 Chagas 3 +101101100 Mensheviks 3 +101101100 Khasis 3 +101101100 superhawks 3 +101101100 Ojibwas 3 +101101100 Orkneys 3 +101101100 Watsons 3 +101101100 Bolivians 4 +101101100 Tavianis 4 +101101100 Shriners 4 +101101100 gauchos 4 +101101100 multilaterals 4 +101101100 checkerspots 4 +101101100 Hearins 4 +101101100 AGs 4 +101101100 repackagers 4 +101101100 Toons 4 +101101100 climatologists 4 +101101100 Antilleans 4 +101101100 strobes 4 +101101100 gapologists 4 +101101100 deconstructionists 4 +101101100 smallholders 4 +101101100 Crickets 4 +101101100 Jokers 4 +101101100 Schlachters 4 +101101100 Ravelos 4 +101101100 Wangs 4 +101101100 Grans 4 +101101100 Polynesians 4 +101101100 garimpeiros 4 +101101100 Osmenas 4 +101101100 Dorrances 4 +101101100 pagans 4 +101101100 Bradoskys 4 +101101100 Verves 4 +101101100 segregationists 4 +101101100 rhizobia 4 +101101100 bobsledders 4 +101101100 debaters 4 +101101100 Psalms 4 +101101100 Washingtons 4 +101101100 rock-throwers 4 +101101100 Jerseyites 4 +101101100 colts 4 +101101100 day-trippers 4 +101101100 Magallanes 4 +101101100 Jints 4 +101101100 Navajos 4 +101101100 Tisches 4 +101101100 Marreros 4 +101101100 Rollinses 4 +101101100 conflagrations 4 +101101100 Anglo-Saxons 4 +101101100 Broncs 4 +101101100 Dingells 4 +101101100 Stenhachs 4 +101101100 Mohajirs 4 +101101100 Einbenders 4 +101101100 for-profits 4 +101101100 drovers 4 +101101100 Aussies 4 +101101100 Hiltons 5 +101101100 Winnebagos 5 +101101100 Martians 5 +101101100 Quakers 5 +101101100 scammers 5 +101101100 publicans 5 +101101100 '21 5 +101101100 Alka-Seltzer 5 +101101100 scalpers 5 +101101100 papa-mamas 5 +101101100 gumbo 5 +101101100 Sumitros 5 +101101100 caciques 5 +101101100 Venetians 5 +101101100 Vuittons 5 +101101100 Rotarians 5 +101101100 Debentures 5 +101101100 estancieros 5 +101101100 Patels 5 +101101100 Hopis 5 +101101100 Shias 5 +101101100 Semlers 5 +101101100 Guanches 5 +101101100 absentees 5 +101101100 Bucs 5 +101101100 colorizers 5 +101101100 patrones 5 +101101100 wiccans 5 +101101100 capos 5 +101101100 Higas 5 +101101100 Saatchis 5 +101101100 stonecutters 5 +101101100 Jesudasons 5 +101101100 whys 5 +101101100 Vikes 5 +101101100 Sharks 5 +101101100 Hasidim 5 +101101100 Quayles 5 +101101100 charros 5 +101101100 j 5 +101101100 Valkyries 5 +101101100 Maiettis 5 +101101100 nay-sayers 5 +101101100 Bregmans 5 +101101100 ex-directors 5 +101101100 minimalists 5 +101101100 Yemenis 5 +101101100 Mounties 5 +101101100 Gardners 5 +101101100 Predators 5 +101101100 Crusaders 5 +101101100 Coens 5 +101101100 Carmelites 5 +101101100 Rhinos 5 +101101100 defendents 5 +101101100 Evoniuk 5 +101101100 Armstrongs 5 +101101100 Nuns 5 +101101100 Xiongs 5 +101101100 Jayhawks 5 +101101100 Rootsteins 5 +101101100 undecideds 5 +101101100 Tolchins 5 +101101100 free-thinkers 5 +101101100 McClatchys 5 +101101100 choppers 5 +101101100 semifinalists 6 +101101100 Chaumets 6 +101101100 DATs 6 +101101100 Agnellis 6 +101101100 Policemen 6 +101101100 Murphys 6 +101101100 Cranston-D 6 +101101100 al-Sabahs 6 +101101100 Nollans 6 +101101100 Arkansans 6 +101101100 Poonies 6 +101101100 Japs 6 +101101100 Meeses 6 +101101100 Morans 6 +101101100 gringos 6 +101101100 porkers 6 +101101100 precandidatos 6 +101101100 oldtimers 6 +101101100 bricklayers 6 +101101100 Zagats 6 +101101100 proprietaries 6 +101101100 alimenies 6 +101101100 '83s 6 +101101100 Visas 6 +101101100 Feshbachs 6 +101101100 Robinses 6 +101101100 Vietcong 6 +101101100 Gardeners 6 +101101100 Biminites 6 +101101100 Eucharist 6 +101101100 Poppers 6 +101101100 Sneads 6 +101101100 Blakes 6 +101101100 out-of-staters 6 +101101100 Tans 6 +101101100 Turkish-Americans 6 +101101100 Somalis 6 +101101100 pipers 6 +101101100 Thoroughbreds 6 +101101100 SBICs 6 +101101100 Affirmed 7 +101101100 interventionists 7 +101101100 complainants 7 +101101100 oligarchs 7 +101101100 Gorbachevs 7 +101101100 Compas 7 +101101100 Ashes 7 +101101100 G-men 7 +101101100 Basques 7 +101101100 SEM 7 +101101100 bromines 7 +101101100 Romers 7 +101101100 E2Cs 7 +101101100 Lubicons 7 +101101100 Maverix 7 +101101100 Ismailis 7 +101101100 scotches 7 +101101100 Ortegas 7 +101101100 stagehands 7 +101101100 Federalists 7 +101101100 twain 7 +101101100 Khoos 7 +101101100 trouble-shooters 7 +101101100 critters 7 +101101100 10s 7 +101101100 Bigs 8 +101101100 Atlantans 8 +101101100 Mellons 8 +101101100 hustlers 8 +101101100 nieces 8 +101101100 Blazers 8 +101101100 Dukakises 8 +101101100 Coasters 8 +101101100 Ivatans 8 +101101100 Jacksons 8 +101101100 Clevelanders 8 +101101100 Schecters 8 +101101100 Czechoslovaks 8 +101101100 Oehmens 8 +101101100 hostage-holders 8 +101101100 courtiers 8 +101101100 anti-smokers 8 +101101100 Rhodies 8 +101101100 Meehans 8 +101101100 glaciers 8 +101101100 bassists 8 +101101100 admen 9 +101101100 satirists 9 +101101100 Anti-Federalists 9 +101101100 nomads 9 +101101100 Bernsteins 9 +101101100 Parisians 9 +101101100 chaebol 9 +101101100 Shapiros 9 +101101100 returnees 9 +101101100 gunslingers 9 +101101100 Northerners 9 +101101100 comandante 9 +101101100 filmmakers 9 +101101100 Penans 9 +101101100 robins 9 +101101100 Lithuanians 9 +101101100 CIPs 9 +101101100 Slovenes 9 +101101100 Lapps 9 +101101100 Xus 9 +101101100 flavorists 9 +101101100 Evangelicals 9 +101101100 smokejumpers 9 +101101100 Niners 9 +101101100 Smurfs 9 +101101100 Band-Aids 10 +101101100 maharajahs 10 +101101100 Arizonans 10 +101101100 Bahrainis 10 +101101100 VIPs 10 +101101100 charlatans 10 +101101100 BOCs 10 +101101100 Estonians 10 +101101100 Dromgooles 10 +101101100 M.P.s 10 +101101100 techies 10 +101101100 linguists 10 +101101100 hares 10 +101101100 ayatollahs 10 +101101100 gorillas 10 +101101100 Persians 10 +101101100 informals 10 +101101100 highlanders 10 +101101100 Walkers 10 +101101100 algae 10 +101101100 mutineers 10 +101101100 suckers 11 +101101100 Detroiters 11 +101101100 televangelists 11 +101101100 Jaycees 11 +101101100 OSS 11 +101101100 plantiffs 11 +101101100 IBMers 11 +101101100 kibbutzim 11 +101101100 scavengers 11 +101101100 draftees 11 +101101100 Flames 11 +101101100 reactionaries 11 +101101100 Muppets 11 +101101100 SATs 11 +101101100 Gottis 11 +101101100 lads 11 +101101100 Feds 11 +101101100 MPs 11 +101101100 Riadys 11 +101101100 Miaras 11 +101101100 Whigs 11 +101101100 Caves 11 +101101100 townsfolk 11 +101101100 disappearances 11 +101101100 narcos 12 +101101100 consumerists 12 +101101100 Libertarians 12 +101101100 leakers 12 +101101100 Cajuns 12 +101101100 rodents 12 +101101100 Pathans 12 +101101100 Jamaicans 12 +101101100 Congresspersons 12 +101101100 Grays 12 +101101100 Palauans 12 +101101100 Webers 12 +101101100 Minnesotans 12 +101101100 literati 12 +101101100 malcontents 12 +101101100 idealists 12 +101101100 baby-busters 12 +101101100 QDEs 12 +101101100 resignees 12 +101101100 Ivorians 12 +101101100 cartoneros 12 +101101100 Boeskys 12 +101101100 non-Russians 13 +101101100 Carpenters 13 +101101100 Dominicans 13 +101101100 Sooners 13 +101101100 Baha 13 +101101100 Huxtables 13 +101101100 Carters 13 +101101100 Okinawans 13 +101101100 Ghanaians 13 +101101100 Bakkers 13 +101101100 kiddies 13 +101101100 Stalinists 14 +101101100 Eurocrats 14 +101101100 Victorians 14 +101101100 Korean-Americans 14 +101101100 revisionists 14 +101101100 Baptists 14 +101101100 Baileys 14 +101101100 Scots 14 +101101100 Keynesians 14 +101101100 Nordstroms 14 +101101100 conservators 15 +101101100 Latvians 15 +101101100 Georgians 15 +101101100 Masons 15 +101101100 Robinsons 15 +101101100 VRAs 15 +101101100 Latins 15 +101101100 nematodes 15 +101101100 emperors 15 +101101100 Celts 15 +101101100 Bushes 15 +101101100 politicos 16 +101101100 Kazakhs 16 +101101100 paramedics 16 +101101100 Singers 16 +101101100 Thais 16 +101101100 Disciples 16 +101101100 sinners 16 +101101100 Sunnis 16 +101101100 comandantes 16 +101101100 Vogels 16 +101101100 pickets 16 +101101100 epidemiologists 17 +101101100 Webbs 17 +101101100 Norwegians 17 +101101100 populists 17 +101101100 bullies 17 +101101100 pepenadores 17 +101101100 catalogers 17 +101101100 super-regionals 17 +101101100 pols 17 +101101100 appropriators 18 +101101100 Alaskans 18 +101101100 Nigerians 18 +101101100 neoconservatives 18 +101101100 adapters 18 +101101100 Jordanians 19 +101101100 contrarians 19 +101101100 Milkens 19 +101101100 Finns 19 +101101100 Angolans 19 +101101100 GM-10s 19 +101101100 Bostonians 19 +101101100 CSFs 19 +101101100 Basses 19 +101101100 victors 20 +101101100 doomsayers 20 +101101100 auctioneers 20 +101101100 mullahs 20 +101101100 Charities 20 +101101100 superdelegates 20 +101101100 campesinos 21 +101101100 right-wingers 21 +101101100 Algerians 21 +101101100 Mavericks 21 +101101100 Martinis 21 +101101100 GIs 21 +101101100 attackers 21 +101101100 Malaysians 21 +101101100 Kennedys 21 +101101100 Miskitos 22 +101101100 Naderites 22 +101101100 Chicagoans 22 +101101100 Brits 23 +101101100 Luddites 23 +101101100 lobstermen 23 +101101100 bandits 23 +101101100 dolphins 24 +101101100 Sterns 24 +101101100 parliamentarians 24 +101101100 jurists 24 +101101100 Radicals 24 +101101100 Clippers 25 +101101100 haves 25 +101101100 Hondurans 25 +101101100 Duvaliers 25 +101101100 Rams 25 +101101100 islanders 26 +101101100 zombies 26 +101101100 petitioners 26 +101101100 cadets 26 +101101100 hecklers 26 +101101100 Danes 26 +101101100 Bulgarians 27 +101101100 NICs 27 +101101100 Romanians 27 +101101100 baby-boomers 27 +101101100 Yugoslavs 28 +101101100 Indonesians 28 +101101100 Yeomans 28 +101101100 Austrians 28 +101101100 Czechs 28 +101101100 naysayers 29 +101101100 Yuppies 29 +101101100 cosmonauts 30 +101101100 hens 30 +101101100 Belgians 31 +101101100 surfers 31 +101101100 clergymen 31 +101101100 rioters 32 +101101100 Pistons 33 +101101100 Sikhs 33 +101101100 vigilantes 33 +101101100 termites 34 +101101100 Afrikaners 34 +101101100 Thompsons 34 +101101100 Bryans 34 +101101100 Singaporeans 34 +101101100 marines 34 +101101100 Eritreans 35 +101101100 Cohens 35 +101101100 Haitians 35 +101101100 DeBartolos 35 +101101100 marchers 36 +101101100 centrists 36 +101101100 Venezuelans 37 +101101100 Helmsleys 37 +101101100 clerics 37 +101101100 Yanks 37 +101101100 Mormons 37 +101101100 Bronfmans 39 +101101100 Spaniards 39 +101101100 Romans 39 +101101100 Allies 40 +101101100 Aborigines 40 +101101100 Iowans 40 +101101100 mules 40 +101101100 pessimists 41 +101101100 electricians 42 +101101100 Reichmanns 43 +101101100 Nationalists 43 +101101100 nonprofits 44 +101101100 Stones 44 +101101100 Jets 45 +101101100 monetarists 46 +101101100 Salvadorans 47 +101101100 superregionals 47 +101101100 Peronists 47 +101101100 townspeople 47 +101101100 Colombians 47 +101101100 pragmatists 47 +101101100 financials 48 +101101100 ideologues 48 +101101100 Cardinals 49 +101101100 vets 49 +101101100 thugs 50 +101101100 Syrians 50 +101101100 Libyans 51 +101101100 dissenters 53 +101101100 evangelicals 53 +101101100 panelists 54 +101101100 migrants 54 +101101100 Lakers 54 +101101100 Reaganites 57 +101101100 socialists 57 +101101100 combatants 58 +101101100 front-runners 58 +101101100 defectors 61 +101101100 leftists 63 +101101100 Chileans 65 +101101100 Swedes 66 +101101100 optimists 66 +101101100 Marxists 67 +101101100 Panamanians 67 +101101100 regionals 67 +101101100 Kuwaitis 68 +101101100 Egyptians 68 +101101100 Argentines 68 +101101100 kidnappers 70 +101101100 gunmen 71 +101101100 Founders 73 +101101100 supply-siders 73 +101101100 Tibetans 74 +101101100 Shiites 74 +101101100 Greeks 74 +101101100 clergy 76 +101101100 pollsters 77 +101101100 gods 78 +101101100 Australians 78 +101101100 litigants 79 +101101100 contestants 79 +101101100 twins 80 +101101100 Armenians 81 +101101100 monks 83 +101101100 A's 83 +101101100 Dunkin 84 +101101100 Fathers 86 +101101100 Pakistanis 88 +101101100 Californians 88 +101101100 Kurds 89 +101101100 natives 91 +101101100 Hungarians 92 +101101100 Congressmen 95 +101101100 villagers 100 +101101100 Nicaraguans 103 +101101100 astronauts 112 +101101100 Raiders 113 +101101100 arbs 114 +101101100 Tories 115 +101101100 hijackers 115 +101101100 Dodgers 115 +101101100 Italians 116 +101101100 fundamentalists 118 +101101100 Belzbergs 119 +101101100 Filipinos 120 +101101100 Brazilians 122 +101101100 Tigers 123 +101101100 arbitrators 123 +101101100 Texans 127 +101101100 Turks 131 +101101100 Iraqis 134 +101101100 Afghans 134 +101101100 hard-liners 135 +101101100 Greens 135 +101101100 bishops 135 +101101100 Senators 154 +101101100 radicals 160 +101101100 Christians 163 +101101100 strikers 167 +101101100 reformers 170 +101101100 Britons 170 +101101100 Giants 175 +101101100 Cubans 185 +101101100 Moslems 186 +101101100 CEOs 196 +101101100 pros 203 +101101100 newcomers 208 +101101100 communists 208 +101101100 Poles 221 +101101100 Hafts 221 +101101100 Liberals 226 +101101100 moderates 232 +101101100 incumbents 243 +101101100 peasants 246 +101101100 Socialists 249 +101101100 Mexicans 259 +101101100 respondents 287 +101101100 Marines 296 +101101100 jurors 299 +101101100 locals 300 +101101100 dissidents 311 +101101100 Bells 317 +101101100 Communists 321 +101101100 Israelis 349 +101101100 Indians 355 +101101100 Conservatives 359 +101101100 Canadians 361 +101101100 Hunts 364 +101101100 Arabs 384 +101101100 Jews 447 +101101100 Saudis 448 +101101100 Iranians 477 +101101100 Koreans 485 +101101100 terrorists 486 +101101100 Russians 513 +101101100 liberals 532 +101101100 Palestinians 541 +101101100 congressmen 541 +101101100 authors 599 +101101100 guerrillas 621 +101101100 Europeans 635 +101101100 justices 711 +101101100 legislators 776 +101101100 senators 996 +101101100 plaintiffs 1104 +101101100 conservatives 1113 +101101100 rebels 1384 +101101100 defendants 1697 +101101100 politicians 1802 +101101100 lawmakers 2231 +101101100 Republicans 2389 +101101100 voters 2762 +101101100 Soviets 3542 +101101100 Democrats 4874 +101101100 Americans 4147 +1011011010 yeomen 1 +1011011010 sickie 1 +1011011010 caribous 1 +1011011010 stumblebum 1 +1011011010 Marxist-leaning 1 +1011011010 companions-in-arms 1 +1011011010 Anglo-Americans 1 +1011011010 102,888 1 +1011011010 brothers-in-arms 1 +1011011010 businesspeople/churchmen 1 +1011011010 McHospital 1 +1011011010 legal-briefcases 1 +1011011010 cargo-area 1 +1011011010 co-eds 1 +1011011010 recanters 1 +1011011010 Adonises 1 +1011011010 out-migrants 1 +1011011010 expat 1 +1011011010 highwaymen 1 +1011011010 subluminaries 1 +1011011010 individals 1 +1011011010 degree-days 1 +1011011010 thought-oids 1 +1011011010 non-facts 1 +1011011010 14,870 1 +1011011010 brushstrokes 1 +1011011010 non-Italos 1 +1011011010 Oklahomans 1 +1011011010 chart-topper 1 +1011011010 Oostende 1 +1011011010 wisenheimers 1 +1011011010 iridians 1 +1011011010 MOMS 1 +1011011010 putti 1 +1011011010 spinnable 1 +1011011010 mega-parties 1 +1011011010 alphas 1 +1011011010 Aeghist 1 +1011011010 ship-owner 1 +1011011010 armstrokes 1 +1011011010 plurals 1 +1011011010 congress-persons 1 +1011011010 kaffiyeh 1 +1011011010 Barkers 1 +1011011010 plastic-treated 1 +1011011010 unities 1 +1011011010 holiday-goers 1 +1011011010 primatologist 1 +1011011010 pseudoscientists 1 +1011011010 golf-cleat 1 +1011011010 25345.28 1 +1011011010 manikins 1 +1011011010 snorees 1 +1011011010 athlete-clients 1 +1011011010 rooks 1 +1011011010 may-be 1 +1011011010 17,022 1 +1011011010 fifty-six 1 +1011011010 telecasters 1 +1011011010 blurbers 1 +1011011010 rainmakers 1 +1011011010 rockiness 1 +1011011010 Jacksonians 1 +1011011010 hipster 1 +1011011010 left-liberals 1 +1011011010 idealisms 1 +1011011010 sweatband 1 +1011011010 great-uncles 1 +1011011010 greatgrandsons 1 +1011011010 major-burden-to-the-planet 1 +1011011010 ownermanagers 1 +1011011010 Laredoans 2 +1011011010 drunkards 2 +1011011010 partiers 2 +1011011010 all-stars 2 +1011011010 self-starters 2 +1011011010 knitters 2 +1011011010 hillbillies 2 +1011011010 cad 2 +1011011010 misleaders 2 +1011011010 Louisianans 2 +1011011010 FANS 2 +1011011010 classifiers 2 +1011011010 late-comers 2 +1011011010 ex-leftists 2 +1011011010 bullrings 2 +1011011010 misimpressions 2 +1011011010 Opels 2 +1011011010 twerps 2 +1011011010 hezbollahis 2 +1011011010 blabbermouth 2 +1011011010 TL 2 +1011011010 Marfans 2 +1011011010 hypochondriacs 2 +1011011010 appliques 2 +1011011010 school-children 2 +1011011010 non-celebrities 2 +1011011010 85-year-olds 2 +1011011010 shmucks 2 +1011011010 '45 2 +1011011010 scrimmages 2 +1011011010 Mughals 2 +1011011010 portholes 2 +1011011010 Atlanticists 2 +1011011010 cornets 2 +1011011010 fogeys 2 +1011011010 apocalyptics 2 +1011011010 tykes 2 +1011011010 sadists 3 +1011011010 cubbyholes 3 +1011011010 BVIslanders 3 +1011011010 Acadians 3 +1011011010 mutts 3 +1011011010 personas 3 +1011011010 backpackers 3 +1011011010 assistors 3 +1011011010 urines 3 +1011011010 barracuda 3 +1011011010 Rhodesians 3 +1011011010 narcissists 3 +1011011010 stretchers 3 +1011011010 wordsmiths 3 +1011011010 Shanghainese 3 +1011011010 386s 3 +1011011010 Bavarians 3 +1011011010 carve-ups 3 +1011011010 GMers 4 +1011011010 Delawareans 4 +1011011010 photojournalists 4 +1011011010 rappers 4 +1011011010 panhandlers 4 +1011011010 sunbathers 4 +1011011010 Orientals 4 +1011011010 Kenyans 4 +1011011010 Toledoans 4 +1011011010 Oxonians 4 +1011011010 1,071 4 +1011011010 schizophrenics 4 +1011011010 geographers 4 +1011011010 Actinidias 4 +1011011010 impotency 4 +1011011010 kickoffs 4 +1011011010 biochemists 4 +1011011010 oldsters 5 +1011011010 hashers 5 +1011011010 45-year-olds 5 +1011011010 yo-yos 5 +1011011010 medalists 5 +1011011010 Oregonians 5 +1011011010 drive-ins 6 +1011011010 lollipops 6 +1011011010 Moroccans 6 +1011011010 motorcyclists 6 +1011011010 Westerns 7 +1011011010 rascals 7 +1011011010 raptors 7 +1011011010 sopranos 7 +1011011010 migraines 7 +1011011010 sleepwalkers 7 +1011011010 masons 7 +1011011010 athletically 7 +1011011010 jazzmen 7 +1011011010 unfortunates 7 +1011011010 chaps 8 +1011011010 sandbags 8 +1011011010 Philadelphians 8 +1011011010 spiders 8 +1011011010 worthies 8 +1011011010 Quebeckers 8 +1011011010 survivalists 8 +1011011010 congresspersons 9 +1011011010 straights 9 +1011011010 gentlemen-farmers 9 +1011011010 Kentuckians 10 +1011011010 mangosteens 10 +1011011010 Indianians 10 +1011011010 Samurais 10 +1011011010 out-of-towners 11 +1011011010 kibbutzniks 11 +1011011010 horsemen 11 +1011011010 communicators 11 +1011011010 Washingtonians 13 +1011011010 Mozambicans 13 +1011011010 farmer-borrowers 14 +1011011010 sportswriters 14 +1011011010 churchmen 15 +1011011010 verses 16 +1011011010 fellas 16 +1011011010 mongooses 16 +1011011010 refuseniks 16 +1011011010 Midwesterners 16 +1011011010 Floridians 17 +1011011010 workaholics 17 +1011011010 realists 18 +1011011010 Cambodians 19 +1011011010 sokaiya 22 +1011011010 exhibitors 39 +1011011010 Japanese-Americans 42 +1011011010 Frenchmen 49 +1011011010 folks 443 +1011011010 persons 660 +1011011010 people 29668 +1011011010 guys 898 +10110110110 conglomerateurs 1 +10110110110 baseblots 1 +10110110110 frontiers-woman 1 +10110110110 gashes 1 +10110110110 knighting 1 +10110110110 pronoun 1 +10110110110 soul-thrashing 1 +10110110110 Lakefront 1 +10110110110 slavers 1 +10110110110 hold-overs 1 +10110110110 reregulators 1 +10110110110 Bellamys 1 +10110110110 rescript 1 +10110110110 nasturtiums 1 +10110110110 oleanders 1 +10110110110 guided-tour 1 +10110110110 Pan-Africa 1 +10110110110 helmsmen 1 +10110110110 foothill 1 +10110110110 snake-handlers 1 +10110110110 dogfighter 1 +10110110110 kitschery 1 +10110110110 Korans 1 +10110110110 grower-seller 1 +10110110110 violists 1 +10110110110 non-cognoscenti 1 +10110110110 jackmanii 1 +10110110110 volleyballers 1 +10110110110 costumery 1 +10110110110 trull 1 +10110110110 galoshes 1 +10110110110 footman 1 +10110110110 equivocations 1 +10110110110 palisades 1 +10110110110 ruff 1 +10110110110 gins 1 +10110110110 exercism 1 +10110110110 Spanglish 1 +10110110110 Baraboo 1 +10110110110 youngsters. 1 +10110110110 Portia 1 +10110110110 parakeet 1 +10110110110 tanks. 1 +10110110110 plimsoled 1 +10110110110 butterflys 1 +10110110110 Vonnas 1 +10110110110 8,000-foot-high 1 +10110110110 megastadiums 1 +10110110110 flailers 1 +10110110110 platinum-haired 1 +10110110110 Billys 1 +10110110110 flannels 1 +10110110110 Boscobel 1 +10110110110 shakos 1 +10110110110 cross-straps 1 +10110110110 Oaklawn 1 +10110110110 supercops 1 +10110110110 boxwood 1 +10110110110 aspic 1 +10110110110 gazelles 1 +10110110110 canoist 1 +10110110110 ibises 1 +10110110110 arteritis 1 +10110110110 Norwegian-Americans 1 +10110110110 BAC-111s 1 +10110110110 whippersnappers 1 +10110110110 k.d. 1 +10110110110 oxfords 1 +10110110110 busstop 1 +10110110110 poplar- 1 +10110110110 spear-carriers 1 +10110110110 anti-clericalism 1 +10110110110 Uludere 1 +10110110110 double-talk 1 +10110110110 Cheektowaga 1 +10110110110 dropcloths 1 +10110110110 cats. 1 +10110110110 orchidomania 1 +10110110110 Luiza 1 +10110110110 Soldevilas 1 +10110110110 filmstrip 1 +10110110110 affectlessness 1 +10110110110 boatswain 1 +10110110110 fortune-seekers 1 +10110110110 lowlife 1 +10110110110 walk-ups 1 +10110110110 farmgirls 1 +10110110110 sutras 1 +10110110110 ideas. 1 +10110110110 equestrians 1 +10110110110 discoers 1 +10110110110 sods 1 +10110110110 mummiforms 1 +10110110110 paddlewheel 1 +10110110110 adulthoods 1 +10110110110 ball-heaver 1 +10110110110 mystics 1 +10110110110 fattie 1 +10110110110 artificer 1 +10110110110 Nadejda 1 +10110110110 lawyer-legislator 1 +10110110110 elite-types 1 +10110110110 Bronko 1 +10110110110 stonecutter 1 +10110110110 pipa 1 +10110110110 subregions 1 +10110110110 dancemaker 1 +10110110110 cherubim 1 +10110110110 Bosnians 1 +10110110110 boots. 1 +10110110110 adventure-seekers 1 +10110110110 watercolorists 1 +10110110110 warload 1 +10110110110 Marxes 1 +10110110110 jarheads 1 +10110110110 windcatcher 1 +10110110110 earthworm 1 +10110110110 street-front 1 +10110110110 Bidu 1 +10110110110 napery 1 +10110110110 hubbies 1 +10110110110 chihuahua 1 +10110110110 split-screen 1 +10110110110 protectiveness 1 +10110110110 rug-beater 1 +10110110110 statelet 1 +10110110110 dance-makers 1 +10110110110 Gauloises 1 +10110110110 double-bock 1 +10110110110 artisan-brother 1 +10110110110 shariat 1 +10110110110 Vizela 1 +10110110110 Dacians 1 +10110110110 Pampas 1 +10110110110 anti-Marxism 1 +10110110110 octopus-hurlers 1 +10110110110 Cratchits 1 +10110110110 bermudas 1 +10110110110 pre-debutante 1 +10110110110 acid-wash 1 +10110110110 watchtower 1 +10110110110 experiencia 1 +10110110110 Irishwoman 1 +10110110110 Jesuses 1 +10110110110 mir-doms 1 +10110110110 mirs 1 +10110110110 elephant. 1 +10110110110 Vacherie 1 +10110110110 McUpstart 1 +10110110110 supply-sidism 1 +10110110110 imperiousness 1 +10110110110 gizmo. 1 +10110110110 Turkophile 1 +10110110110 revivalists 1 +10110110110 nilgai 1 +10110110110 gravediggers 1 +10110110110 amylase 1 +10110110110 falloffs 1 +10110110110 Bottecchia 1 +10110110110 retrainee 1 +10110110110 full-timer 1 +10110110110 vaselike 1 +10110110110 tribeswomen 1 +10110110110 spokesman-designate 1 +10110110110 view-shed 1 +10110110110 Rolodexes 1 +10110110110 seed-persona 1 +10110110110 landladies 1 +10110110110 leopard. 1 +10110110110 maestros 1 +10110110110 breastbeating 1 +10110110110 gestator 1 +10110110110 pollo 1 +10110110110 turk 1 +10110110110 colonnades 1 +10110110110 sarabande 1 +10110110110 period-paper 1 +10110110110 end-pages 1 +10110110110 citizen-servants 1 +10110110110 Demre 1 +10110110110 MBoya 1 +10110110110 adrenals 1 +10110110110 labor. 1 +10110110110 Philanthropies 1 +10110110110 armband 1 +10110110110 balladeer 1 +10110110110 cupsman 1 +10110110110 cellophanelike 1 +10110110110 commiseration 1 +10110110110 housing. 1 +10110110110 legalizers 1 +10110110110 cragginess 1 +10110110110 leather-men 1 +10110110110 Euro-mausoleum 1 +10110110110 Zin 1 +10110110110 pontificators 1 +10110110110 S.S.R. 1 +10110110110 rosebud 1 +10110110110 sexagenarians 1 +10110110110 Nawal 1 +10110110110 relativists 1 +10110110110 ottomans 1 +10110110110 wood-grain 1 +10110110110 headpiece 1 +10110110110 hemorrhage. 1 +10110110110 cultivators 1 +10110110110 koan 1 +10110110110 Upanishad 1 +10110110110 artisan-bookbinder 1 +10110110110 vahines 1 +10110110110 darlingtonia 1 +10110110110 bunkmate 1 +10110110110 imbibers 1 +10110110110 free-enterprisers 1 +10110110110 Weavings 1 +10110110110 muscleman 1 +10110110110 Carterites 1 +10110110110 greenworks 1 +10110110110 MAC-10 1 +10110110110 6-feet-5 1 +10110110110 mestizos 1 +10110110110 Lances 1 +10110110110 seatmates 1 +10110110110 1100/60 1 +10110110110 Cairenes 1 +10110110110 ultra-rightists 1 +10110110110 chickhoods 1 +10110110110 mujahid 1 +10110110110 keto 1 +10110110110 Islamics 1 +10110110110 Nashvilleans 1 +10110110110 hell-raiser 1 +10110110110 Sumerians 1 +10110110110 mega-university 1 +10110110110 Adebiyeti 1 +10110110110 newscasting 1 +10110110110 Uniates 1 +10110110110 heads-of-household 1 +10110110110 mountains-chains 1 +10110110110 fitness. 1 +10110110110 non-combatants 1 +10110110110 underarms 1 +10110110110 Battersea 1 +10110110110 daywear 1 +10110110110 bods 1 +10110110110 estrus 1 +10110110110 whippersnapper 1 +10110110110 sportsbiz 1 +10110110110 stirrers 1 +10110110110 cripes 1 +10110110110 Convenant 1 +10110110110 taxpayers-- 1 +10110110110 Daikinis 1 +10110110110 Cessnas 1 +10110110110 superheroine 1 +10110110110 Joyners 1 +10110110110 nonadventures 1 +10110110110 governness 1 +10110110110 Galactica 1 +10110110110 cesspools 1 +10110110110 Firestorm 1 +10110110110 powerholders 1 +10110110110 collegian 1 +10110110110 pseudo-eclectic 1 +10110110110 Chalet-a-Gobet 1 +10110110110 stuntwoman 1 +10110110110 Churchilliana 1 +10110110110 comprehensibility 1 +10110110110 trespasser 1 +10110110110 sluggard 1 +10110110110 papyrus 1 +10110110110 spumes 1 +10110110110 Belcore 1 +10110110110 Slovenians 1 +10110110110 fortune-telling 1 +10110110110 pedagogues 1 +10110110110 kneebreeches 1 +10110110110 bedsteads 1 +10110110110 outdoorsman/writer 1 +10110110110 gatehouses 1 +10110110110 eye-shadow 1 +10110110110 chromatiographics 1 +10110110110 choler 1 +10110110110 warbler 1 +10110110110 Wellingtons 1 +10110110110 antichrist 1 +10110110110 Chelyabinsk 1 +10110110110 empty-nesters 1 +10110110110 cosmopolitanism 1 +10110110110 hole-dweller 1 +10110110110 bugbears 1 +10110110110 capitalists-in-training 1 +10110110110 briquets 1 +10110110110 intramuscularly 1 +10110110110 Irish-Bostonian 1 +10110110110 IBM-er 1 +10110110110 Frankensteins 1 +10110110110 striver 1 +10110110110 slinkiness 1 +10110110110 barrettes 1 +10110110110 lorries 1 +10110110110 octogenaraians 1 +10110110110 frame-ups 1 +10110110110 snootiness 1 +10110110110 cottonweed 1 +10110110110 Norsemen 1 +10110110110 ex-CPA 1 +10110110110 spydom 1 +10110110110 Snowmass 1 +10110110110 highrisk 2 +10110110110 common-equivalents 2 +10110110110 burghers 2 +10110110110 paraparesis 2 +10110110110 acacia 2 +10110110110 concert-goers 2 +10110110110 banquettes 2 +10110110110 saintliness 2 +10110110110 skullcaps 2 +10110110110 neocolonialism 2 +10110110110 Amazons 2 +10110110110 chickpeas 2 +10110110110 middle-managers 2 +10110110110 pre-adolescents 2 +10110110110 runabouts 2 +10110110110 apparitions 2 +10110110110 hickories 2 +10110110110 moly 2 +10110110110 notepad 2 +10110110110 watchtowers 2 +10110110110 yes-men 2 +10110110110 druids 2 +10110110110 coverlets 2 +10110110110 dorks 2 +10110110110 ocher 2 +10110110110 barangays 2 +10110110110 stenographers 2 +10110110110 artillerymen 2 +10110110110 quarterlies 2 +10110110110 oleander 2 +10110110110 tastebuds 2 +10110110110 libidos 2 +10110110110 Aage 2 +10110110110 nightgowns 2 +10110110110 philanthrophy 2 +10110110110 towboats 2 +10110110110 ibexes 2 +10110110110 amphibians 2 +10110110110 gams 2 +10110110110 fact-filled 2 +10110110110 dachshunds 2 +10110110110 jodhpurs 2 +10110110110 abaca 2 +10110110110 unrepentants 2 +10110110110 chiffon 2 +10110110110 dialer 2 +10110110110 moppets 2 +10110110110 dandies 2 +10110110110 ethnocentrism 2 +10110110110 spacesuits 2 +10110110110 stigmata 2 +10110110110 anti-infectives 2 +10110110110 Sovietology 2 +10110110110 shoes. 2 +10110110110 PAC-men 2 +10110110110 elegies 2 +10110110110 Arsenale 2 +10110110110 thistle 2 +10110110110 septuagenarians 2 +10110110110 ejaculation 2 +10110110110 mealie 2 +10110110110 16-year-olds 2 +10110110110 flyboy 2 +10110110110 Millikens 2 +10110110110 loosestrife 2 +10110110110 scallions 2 +10110110110 marathoner 2 +10110110110 Clemenson 2 +10110110110 hitchhikers 2 +10110110110 early-30s 2 +10110110110 ultranationalist 2 +10110110110 derrieres 2 +10110110110 househusband 2 +10110110110 VPs 2 +10110110110 ex-athletes 2 +10110110110 amore 2 +10110110110 off-islanders 2 +10110110110 Amishman 2 +10110110110 scarecrow 2 +10110110110 southpaws 2 +10110110110 backwoodsman 2 +10110110110 pool-hopping 2 +10110110110 panthers 2 +10110110110 peons 2 +10110110110 Lochinvar 2 +10110110110 Aerosmith 2 +10110110110 hamster 2 +10110110110 Herpolsheimer 2 +10110110110 teetotalers 2 +10110110110 mullet 2 +10110110110 30-to-40-year-olds 2 +10110110110 uvula 2 +10110110110 policewomen 2 +10110110110 loggia 2 +10110110110 dancer/choreographer 2 +10110110110 timeouts 3 +10110110110 nit-pickers 3 +10110110110 turks 3 +10110110110 misspellings 3 +10110110110 neo-conservatives 3 +10110110110 keels 3 +10110110110 sahibs 3 +10110110110 sharecroppers 3 +10110110110 tankards 3 +10110110110 businesspersons 3 +10110110110 melisma 3 +10110110110 Flowtons 3 +10110110110 marketeering 3 +10110110110 taffeta 3 +10110110110 carnivals 3 +10110110110 carbons 3 +10110110110 clarinets 3 +10110110110 Enniskillen 3 +10110110110 joviality 3 +10110110110 job-hoppers 3 +10110110110 croupiers 3 +10110110110 bagpiping 3 +10110110110 Learjets 3 +10110110110 evergreens 3 +10110110110 Dachau 3 +10110110110 hibiscus 3 +10110110110 Pats 3 +10110110110 pandas 3 +10110110110 stalactites 3 +10110110110 Einsteins 3 +10110110110 boatlift 3 +10110110110 ex-POWs 3 +10110110110 zinfandel 3 +10110110110 OD 3 +10110110110 climbery 3 +10110110110 Mesopotamia 3 +10110110110 borscht 3 +10110110110 canaries 3 +10110110110 poor. 3 +10110110110 gallbladders 3 +10110110110 eyeshades 3 +10110110110 Pee-Wee 3 +10110110110 constitutionalism 3 +10110110110 Terreri 3 +10110110110 constructivists 3 +10110110110 mutants 3 +10110110110 marrieds 3 +10110110110 sabers 3 +10110110110 narcs 3 +10110110110 tendrils 3 +10110110110 canoeists 3 +10110110110 Monets 3 +10110110110 rajahs 3 +10110110110 unicorns 3 +10110110110 SUITS 3 +10110110110 scriptures 3 +10110110110 poplars 3 +10110110110 smocks 4 +10110110110 Soso 4 +10110110110 Fadzaev 4 +10110110110 Selika 4 +10110110110 cloves 4 +10110110110 friends. 4 +10110110110 eyeshade 4 +10110110110 siderographers 4 +10110110110 jumpsuits 4 +10110110110 plungers 4 +10110110110 choirboys 4 +10110110110 Landesbanken 4 +10110110110 amputees 4 +10110110110 sanctimony 4 +10110110110 hierarchs 4 +10110110110 McMurphy 4 +10110110110 Zimbabweans 4 +10110110110 oddballs 4 +10110110110 birdshot 4 +10110110110 CitySpire 4 +10110110110 behinds 4 +10110110110 Rosacoke 4 +10110110110 selectmen 4 +10110110110 quaffers 4 +10110110110 urinals 4 +10110110110 concubines 4 +10110110110 noes 4 +10110110110 wasps 4 +10110110110 valedictorians 4 +10110110110 stringers 4 +10110110110 fowls 4 +10110110110 children. 4 +10110110110 typos 4 +10110110110 clive-ia 4 +10110110110 Padstow 4 +10110110110 ruffians 4 +10110110110 autobiographies 4 +10110110110 KTLA 4 +10110110110 cannonballs 4 +10110110110 EMCs 4 +10110110110 poinsettias 4 +10110110110 shut-ins 4 +10110110110 hairstyles 4 +10110110110 babyboomers 4 +10110110110 Puritans 4 +10110110110 walleye 4 +10110110110 speechmakers 4 +10110110110 shamans 4 +10110110110 scribblers 4 +10110110110 Steinways 5 +10110110110 goatee 5 +10110110110 you-know-what 5 +10110110110 snowflakes 5 +10110110110 overachievers 5 +10110110110 midgets 5 +10110110110 non-veterans 5 +10110110110 mermaids 5 +10110110110 voyeurs 5 +10110110110 swallowwort 5 +10110110110 Rambos 5 +10110110110 IBM-compatibles 5 +10110110110 inanities 5 +10110110110 Fergie 5 +10110110110 toymakers 5 +10110110110 Leporello 5 +10110110110 loners 5 +10110110110 Barbies 5 +10110110110 prescribers 5 +10110110110 intoxicants 5 +10110110110 dysplasia 5 +10110110110 noblemen 5 +10110110110 drifters 5 +10110110110 fireflies 5 +10110110110 mammoths 5 +10110110110 squires 5 +10110110110 Savigny 5 +10110110110 romantics 5 +10110110110 Davids 5 +10110110110 mine-sweepers 5 +10110110110 barkers 5 +10110110110 lapels 5 +10110110110 gawkers 5 +10110110110 dieters 5 +10110110110 swastikas 5 +10110110110 has-beens 5 +10110110110 psychoanalysts 5 +10110110110 glutamate 5 +10110110110 Andris 5 +10110110110 grail 5 +10110110110 lefties 5 +10110110110 Cherubino 5 +10110110110 schmaltz 5 +10110110110 perfectionists 5 +10110110110 householders 5 +10110110110 dockyards 5 +10110110110 masculinity 5 +10110110110 runaways 5 +10110110110 Cs 5 +10110110110 berets 6 +10110110110 sunsets 6 +10110110110 mustaches 6 +10110110110 maggots 6 +10110110110 hubby 6 +10110110110 pantaloons 6 +10110110110 flamingos 6 +10110110110 cherubs 6 +10110110110 complainers 6 +10110110110 vampires 6 +10110110110 Clemensen 6 +10110110110 Northeasterners 6 +10110110110 stragglers 6 +10110110110 also-rans 6 +10110110110 cowards 6 +10110110110 brows 6 +10110110110 proconsul 6 +10110110110 Segovia 6 +10110110110 suppositories 6 +10110110110 bloopers 6 +10110110110 charismatics 6 +10110110110 brothers-in-law 6 +10110110110 grooves 6 +10110110110 roosters 6 +10110110110 frescoes 6 +10110110110 Nourrit 6 +10110110110 multilateralism 6 +10110110110 red-handed 6 +10110110110 Bs 6 +10110110110 Duchenne 6 +10110110110 fillies 6 +10110110110 foxholes 6 +10110110110 barnacles 6 +10110110110 brooch 6 +10110110110 vowels 6 +10110110110 prelates 7 +10110110110 bookkeepers 7 +10110110110 triplets 7 +10110110110 lugers 7 +10110110110 crazies 7 +10110110110 dusters 7 +10110110110 churchgoers 7 +10110110110 edibles 7 +10110110110 jades 7 +10110110110 marketeer 7 +10110110110 vodkas 7 +10110110110 enlistees 7 +10110110110 moths 7 +10110110110 apes 7 +10110110110 confiterias 7 +10110110110 pacifists 7 +10110110110 outriders 7 +10110110110 aunts 7 +10110110110 armbands 7 +10110110110 jive 7 +10110110110 starlets 7 +10110110110 pansies 7 +10110110110 northerners 7 +10110110110 supers 7 +10110110110 deportees 7 +10110110110 adoptees 7 +10110110110 libido 7 +10110110110 wage-earners 7 +10110110110 kangaroos 7 +10110110110 tugboats 7 +10110110110 spotters 8 +10110110110 canines 8 +10110110110 southerners 8 +10110110110 spaceships 8 +10110110110 bluffs 8 +10110110110 womens 8 +10110110110 minstrels 8 +10110110110 mollusks 8 +10110110110 herrings 8 +10110110110 babysitters 8 +10110110110 doers 8 +10110110110 schoolboys 8 +10110110110 elitists 8 +10110110110 hippies 8 +10110110110 babes 8 +10110110110 Greek-Americans 9 +10110110110 vocals 9 +10110110110 Creator 9 +10110110110 non-Hispanics 9 +10110110110 blondes 9 +10110110110 chainsaws 9 +10110110110 Amundsen 9 +10110110110 fossils 9 +10110110110 maidens 9 +10110110110 high-schoolers 9 +10110110110 job-seekers 9 +10110110110 sweethearts 9 +10110110110 extraterrestrials 9 +10110110110 VADs 9 +10110110110 gynecologists 9 +10110110110 shanties 9 +10110110110 Dalis 9 +10110110110 supremacists 9 +10110110110 fascists 10 +10110110110 gators 10 +10110110110 serfs 10 +10110110110 weavers 10 +10110110110 farmlands 10 +10110110110 pre-schoolers 10 +10110110110 peregrines 10 +10110110110 tradesmen 10 +10110110110 fraternities 10 +10110110110 pinks 10 +10110110110 grunt 10 +10110110110 bellhops 10 +10110110110 incompetents 10 +10110110110 Burgundies 11 +10110110110 counterfeiters 11 +10110110110 schoolteachers 11 +10110110110 hoodlums 11 +10110110110 grandfathers 11 +10110110110 snatcher 11 +10110110110 goddesses 11 +10110110110 airmen 11 +10110110110 certainties 11 +10110110110 stepchildren 11 +10110110110 stylists 11 +10110110110 tyrants 11 +10110110110 eccentrics 11 +10110110110 tattoos 11 +10110110110 guardsmen 12 +10110110110 pitchmen 12 +10110110110 battleships 12 +10110110110 O-rings 12 +10110110110 dreamers 12 +10110110110 cardinals 12 +10110110110 donkeys 12 +10110110110 aristocrats 12 +10110110110 uncles 13 +10110110110 perennials 13 +10110110110 Buddhists 13 +10110110110 lambs 13 +10110110110 ballparks 13 +10110110110 zeroes 13 +10110110110 mini-malls 13 +10110110110 pebbles 13 +10110110110 homemakers 13 +10110110110 achievers 14 +10110110110 ethnics 14 +10110110110 individualists 14 +10110110110 magicians 14 +10110110110 punks 14 +10110110110 Olympias 14 +10110110110 Hyundais 15 +10110110110 visionaries 15 +10110110110 germs 15 +10110110110 jerks 15 +10110110110 chilies 15 +10110110110 martyrs 15 +10110110110 devils 15 +10110110110 dads 15 +10110110110 Anglos 15 +10110110110 suburbanites 15 +10110110110 trainmen 16 +10110110110 18-year-olds 16 +10110110110 preschoolers 16 +10110110110 Azerbaijanis 16 +10110110110 bootleggers 16 +10110110110 patrolmen 16 +10110110110 wimps 17 +10110110110 juveniles 17 +10110110110 protagonists 17 +10110110110 foremen 17 +10110110110 anti-communists 17 +10110110110 irises 17 +10110110110 brides 17 +10110110110 congregations 17 +10110110110 assailants 17 +10110110110 tombstones 18 +10110110110 shrines 18 +10110110110 palsy 18 +10110110110 berries 18 +10110110110 grandmothers 18 +10110110110 longshoremen 18 +10110110110 Buddhism 19 +10110110110 chicks 19 +10110110110 juniors 19 +10110110110 patriots 19 +10110110110 falcons 19 +10110110110 rookies 20 +10110110110 colonels 20 +10110110110 foxes 20 +10110110110 clowns 20 +10110110110 batters 20 +10110110110 monasteries 20 +10110110110 pianists 21 +10110110110 galaxies 22 +10110110110 moms 22 +10110110110 idiots 22 +10110110110 Bishops 22 +10110110110 objectors 22 +10110110110 neckties 22 +10110110110 traitors 23 +10110110110 baboons 23 +10110110110 racists 23 +10110110110 carnations 23 +10110110110 puppies 23 +10110110110 x 23 +10110110110 monsters 23 +10110110110 grown-ups 23 +10110110110 maquilas 23 +10110110110 Zionism 24 +10110110110 ants 24 +10110110110 parishes 24 +10110110110 robe 24 +10110110110 annuals 24 +10110110110 aprons 24 +10110110110 marketeers 25 +10110110110 playwrights 25 +10110110110 roaches 26 +10110110110 revivals 26 +10110110110 Peruvians 26 +10110110110 rockers 26 +10110110110 Ph.D.s 26 +10110110110 kittens 27 +10110110110 drunks 27 +10110110110 brakemen 27 +10110110110 child-bearing 28 +10110110110 Ethiopians 28 +10110110110 gardeners 28 +10110110110 adventurers 28 +10110110110 swords 28 +10110110110 soloists 28 +10110110110 daddy 28 +10110110110 doves 29 +10110110110 diplomas 29 +10110110110 pastors 29 +10110110110 microwaves 29 +10110110110 firemen 29 +10110110110 mansions 30 +10110110110 blurbs 30 +10110110110 eagles 31 +10110110110 witches 32 +10110110110 polyps 32 +10110110110 saints 32 +10110110110 suspenders 33 +10110110110 cleric 34 +10110110110 workmen 34 +10110110110 sportsmen 35 +10110110110 knights 36 +10110110110 winters 36 +10110110110 actresses 37 +10110110110 upstarts 37 +10110110110 tigers 37 +10110110110 orphans 38 +10110110110 cocktails 39 +10110110110 Cadillacs 41 +10110110110 candles 42 +10110110110 Catholicism 44 +10110110110 widows 44 +10110110110 childbearing 45 +10110110110 fetuses 45 +10110110110 adolescents 45 +10110110110 pregnancies 46 +10110110110 lobsters 46 +10110110110 boxers 46 +10110110110 teenagers 46 +10110110110 waiters 46 +10110110110 graffiti 48 +10110110110 Fords 51 +10110110110 co-defendants 51 +10110110110 caves 52 +10110110110 crooks 54 +10110110110 alcoholics 54 +10110110110 Tamils 54 +10110110110 M.B.A.s 55 +10110110110 nuns 57 +10110110110 poets 57 +10110110110 monkeys 58 +10110110110 sharks 58 +10110110110 motherhood 59 +10110110110 fellows 59 +10110110110 Protestants 61 +10110110110 cowboys 61 +10110110110 Southerners 67 +10110110110 herring 67 +10110110110 pupils 68 +10110110110 siblings 70 +10110110110 pitchers 71 +10110110110 angels 71 +10110110110 dystrophy 71 +10110110110 weeds 74 +10110110110 slaves 75 +10110110110 mayors 77 +10110110110 amateurs 81 +10110110110 schoolchildren 92 +10110110110 gentlemen 93 +10110110110 females 94 +10110110110 humanity 95 +10110110110 pets 97 +10110110110 prostitutes 99 +10110110110 elephants 103 +10110110110 townships 115 +10110110110 dependents 116 +10110110110 policemen 124 +10110110110 ducks 126 +10110110110 yuppies 142 +10110110110 sisters 148 +10110110110 husbands 156 +10110110110 grandchildren 158 +10110110110 teens 164 +10110110110 knight 164 +10110110110 priests 166 +10110110110 Catholics 168 +10110110110 cats 178 +10110110110 shorts 183 +10110110110 fathers 184 +10110110110 ladies 184 +10110110110 daughters 190 +10110110110 HMOs 190 +10110110110 spouses 199 +10110110110 youths 216 +10110110110 infants 217 +10110110110 males 218 +10110110110 wives 268 +10110110110 birds 275 +10110110110 teen-agers 279 +10110110110 ink 300 +10110110110 churches 303 +10110110110 neighborhoods 357 +10110110110 sons 361 +10110110110 babies 370 +10110110110 couples 428 +10110110110 girls 446 +10110110110 dogs 454 +10110110110 actors 482 +10110110110 mothers 509 +10110110110 boys 580 +10110110110 adults 613 +10110110110 Church 789 +10110110110 kids 1210 +10110110110 blacks 1590 +10110110110 families 2371 +10110110110 children 5202 +10110110110 men 5687 +10110110110 women 6264 +10110110111 sere 1 +10110110111 literalists 1 +10110110111 cost-inefficiency 1 +10110110111 woodcarvings 1 +10110110111 WEXCW 1 +10110110111 non-participative 1 +10110110111 stir-frys 1 +10110110111 tittles 1 +10110110111 1254.13 1 +10110110111 pina 1 +10110110111 CJs 1 +10110110111 self-confession 1 +10110110111 264-158 1 +10110110111 periodontics 1 +10110110111 decrepitude 1 +10110110111 1305.24 1 +10110110111 non-investors 1 +10110110111 Over-Population 1 +10110110111 KVIL-FM 1 +10110110111 Montagues 1 +10110110111 flashovers 1 +10110110111 salination 1 +10110110111 tribalism 1 +10110110111 wildlands 1 +10110110111 SwissAir 1 +10110110111 1,1-dichloroethylene 1 +10110110111 1,2-dichloroethane 1 +10110110111 1318.39 1 +10110110111 nearmisses 1 +10110110111 inflation/expansion 1 +10110110111 BDNIU 1 +10110110111 RSSWI 1 +10110110111 LDSWI 1 +10110110111 lechuza 1 +10110110111 12-pounders 1 +10110110111 57-0 1 +10110110111 Northeast. 1 +10110110111 ba-noo-noos 1 +10110110111 1243.32 1 +10110110111 1259.21 1 +10110110111 1241.75 1 +10110110111 617,300 1 +10110110111 selfhatred 1 +10110110111 pontificates 1 +10110110111 co-variance 1 +10110110111 SABRES 1 +10110110111 lectors 1 +10110110111 breastplates 1 +10110110111 3,183,200 1 +10110110111 bedstraw 1 +10110110111 1136.70 1 +10110110111 1235.50 1 +10110110111 diethycarbamazine 1 +10110110111 Matsu 1 +10110110111 1231.08 1 +10110110111 1208.77 1 +10110110111 1265.20 1 +10110110111 Bulawayo 1 +10110110111 disfavoring 1 +10110110111 1263.51 1 +10110110111 plantains 1 +10110110111 Pentecostals 1 +10110110111 NDPers 1 +10110110111 demagnitized 1 +10110110111 1246.79 1 +10110110111 underkarat 1 +10110110111 1240.15 1 +10110110111 divestures 1 +10110110111 depoliticized 1 +10110110111 servicess 1 +10110110111 1273.52 1 +10110110111 naphthalene 1 +10110110111 1260.56 1 +10110110111 near-stars 1 +10110110111 successes-yet-to-be 1 +10110110111 UGNEW 1 +10110110111 trotters 1 +10110110111 1271.35 1 +10110110111 practices. 1 +10110110111 1276.08 1 +10110110111 1428.01 1 +10110110111 hub-building 1 +10110110111 paperthrowing 1 +10110110111 self-managing 1 +10110110111 Monopoly. 1 +10110110111 ironwriters 1 +10110110111 Blauvelt 1 +10110110111 1261.37 1 +10110110111 Fasa-Renault 1 +10110110111 Asland 1 +10110110111 beggary 1 +10110110111 MCBKB 1 +10110110111 co-regent 1 +10110110111 ruthenium 1 +10110110111 retreaders 1 +10110110111 1258.05 1 +10110110111 1257.71 1 +10110110111 Tweedledumber 1 +10110110111 1257.04 1 +10110110111 1260.72 1 +10110110111 Termide 1 +10110110111 exercycling 1 +10110110111 1262.94 1 +10110110111 Anthems 1 +10110110111 1239.15 1 +10110110111 CELLU 1 +10110110111 leukemia/lymphoma 1 +10110110111 1249.00 1 +10110110111 1232.52 1 +10110110111 KwaNdeble 1 +10110110111 cretins 1 +10110110111 alyssum 1 +10110110111 transcoder 1 +10110110111 client-finder 1 +10110110111 1259.23 1 +10110110111 1257.05 1 +10110110111 construction. 1 +10110110111 1259.85 1 +10110110111 Pichon-Lalande 1 +10110110111 outlays. 1 +10110110111 1259.20 1 +10110110111 1255.47 1 +10110110111 1293.40 1 +10110110111 1298.96 1 +10110110111 1301.10 1 +10110110111 zineb 1 +10110110111 addons 1 +10110110111 Miri 1 +10110110111 Legitimacy 1 +10110110111 BNHNW 1 +10110110111 cassoulet 1 +10110110111 self-initiative 1 +10110110111 1299.91 1 +10110110111 juniper 1 +10110110111 asseverate 1 +10110110111 GCSWI 1 +10110110111 RFSWI 1 +10110110111 1303.27 1 +10110110111 federal-or 1 +10110110111 foot-draggers 1 +10110110111 1300.81 1 +10110110111 Irvings 1 +10110110111 guzzles 1 +10110110111 single-forward-gear 1 +10110110111 Agincourt 1 +10110110111 1264.17 1 +10110110111 HMSWI 1 +10110110111 HLSWI 1 +10110110111 XXSWI 1 +10110110111 2,241,000 1 +10110110111 2,097,000 1 +10110110111 1251.36 1 +10110110111 deep. 1 +10110110111 individualism. 1 +10110110111 tokkins 1 +10110110111 BZS 1 +10110110111 1268.86 1 +10110110111 2,074 1 +10110110111 1274.92 1 +10110110111 consume. 1 +10110110111 17. 1 +10110110111 daughters. 1 +10110110111 horsewoman 1 +10110110111 know-it-alls 1 +10110110111 1271.37 1 +10110110111 choucroute 1 +10110110111 KDVR 1 +10110110111 azimuths 1 +10110110111 position-reduction 1 +10110110111 parazylene 1 +10110110111 spleens 1 +10110110111 Kirby-Warrick 1 +10110110111 ill-fed 1 +10110110111 In-Fashion 1 +10110110111 Pre-Raphaelites 1 +10110110111 chamfers 1 +10110110111 1238.12 1 +10110110111 tediousness 1 +10110110111 video-recorders 1 +10110110111 magpies 1 +10110110111 spittin 1 +10110110111 commission-discounting 1 +10110110111 pro-something 1 +10110110111 Burst 1 +10110110111 Panics 1 +10110110111 1261.73 1 +10110110111 1264.24 1 +10110110111 asset-write-downs 1 +10110110111 WHJY-FM 1 +10110110111 near-sightedness 1 +10110110111 1250.56 1 +10110110111 paradigm-shifting 1 +10110110111 1257.30 1 +10110110111 weapons-carriers 1 +10110110111 1263.25 1 +10110110111 boozing 1 +10110110111 prioritizing 1 +10110110111 frostings 1 +10110110111 1248.83 1 +10110110111 Angola/Namibia 1 +10110110111 1236.24 1 +10110110111 non-retailers 1 +10110110111 1215.81 1 +10110110111 outer-courter 1 +10110110111 Bimbimba 1 +10110110111 1208.98 1 +10110110111 Fist-Fight 1 +10110110111 God-knows-what 1 +10110110111 assests 1 +10110110111 combustibles 1 +10110110111 Cardozos 1 +10110110111 1214.34 1 +10110110111 punctuations 1 +10110110111 self-medicating 1 +10110110111 Alabamans 1 +10110110111 nine-year-olds 1 +10110110111 1236.31 1 +10110110111 9.9s 1 +10110110111 pokerfaced 1 +10110110111 Bean. 1 +10110110111 Benneton 1 +10110110111 speediness 1 +10110110111 vasculitis 1 +10110110111 streamliner 1 +10110110111 free-booters 1 +10110110111 terrorist-watchers 1 +10110110111 Sckholm 1 +10110110111 Dacron 1 +10110110111 Birkenau 1 +10110110111 cabinetmaking 1 +10110110111 1164.05 1 +10110110111 cinematographers 1 +10110110111 actin 1 +10110110111 Curitiba 1 +10110110111 sub-subcontractors 1 +10110110111 1247.16 1 +10110110111 Precandidates 1 +10110110111 1196.79 1 +10110110111 Enmemus 1 +10110110111 1195.34 1 +10110110111 mastectomies 1 +10110110111 1432.17 1 +10110110111 non-achievements 1 +10110110111 WTOK-TV 1 +10110110111 1135.31 1 +10110110111 1148.43 1 +10110110111 syllogisms 1 +10110110111 1178.23 1 +10110110111 Screwy 1 +10110110111 1179.61 1 +10110110111 post-feminism 1 +10110110111 grass-cutters 1 +10110110111 teachers. 1 +10110110111 abettor 1 +10110110111 1270.56 1 +10110110111 Perly 1 +10110110111 fax-nots 1 +10110110111 1265.54 1 +10110110111 Steeringly 1 +10110110111 headchoppings 1 +10110110111 1278.28 1 +10110110111 best-equipped 1 +10110110111 Intertan 1 +10110110111 1278.85 1 +10110110111 amens 1 +10110110111 asp 1 +10110110111 waxwings 1 +10110110111 synagogues. 1 +10110110111 1261.27 1 +10110110111 1256.19 1 +10110110111 megabuyouts 1 +10110110111 Fagin 1 +10110110111 dividends. 1 +10110110111 1254.80 1 +10110110111 leads. 1 +10110110111 1255.49 1 +10110110111 lawsuit-threats 1 +10110110111 half-castes 1 +10110110111 8258C 1 +10110110111 undersave 1 +10110110111 non-conspiratorial 1 +10110110111 hardhats 1 +10110110111 Self-Fulfillment 1 +10110110111 non-patriots 1 +10110110111 1271.26 1 +10110110111 Al-Ahd 1 +10110110111 1x 1 +10110110111 Gondal 1 +10110110111 NSFnet 1 +10110110111 Etela 1 +10110110111 crime-fighting-programs 1 +10110110111 Chaget 1 +10110110111 Midorikawas 1 +10110110111 1288.45 1 +10110110111 harassment. 1 +10110110111 1934. 1 +10110110111 basketball-star 1 +10110110111 therapees 1 +10110110111 speaker-for-all-occasions 1 +10110110111 1428.33 1 +10110110111 Ranidine 1 +10110110111 urbanism 1 +10110110111 1426.76 1 +10110110111 1244.85 1 +10110110111 winglets 1 +10110110111 Thalheimers 1 +10110110111 weenies 1 +10110110111 Indian-past 1 +10110110111 disillusionments 1 +10110110111 Wilsonart 1 +10110110111 1425.21 1 +10110110111 1423.93 1 +10110110111 1289.88 1 +10110110111 Latesaver 1 +10110110111 squab 1 +10110110111 greys 1 +10110110111 1424.50 1 +10110110111 35.04 1 +10110110111 1426.35 1 +10110110111 G5 1 +10110110111 Pevesa 1 +10110110111 Creamsicle 1 +10110110111 Brightest 1 +10110110111 safety-study 1 +10110110111 1422.54 1 +10110110111 expedience. 1 +10110110111 Canookies 1 +10110110111 limetree 1 +10110110111 Perelmans 1 +10110110111 muskellunge 1 +10110110111 anti-Gospel 1 +10110110111 tortured. 1 +10110110111 1428.06 1 +10110110111 tash 1 +10110110111 humiliation. 1 +10110110111 ultra-coiffed 1 +10110110111 1421.17 1 +10110110111 rewrapped 1 +10110110111 Meshed 1 +10110110111 Wurtsmith 1 +10110110111 Salonika 1 +10110110111 subjourneymen 1 +10110110111 1407.67 1 +10110110111 SHCOW 1 +10110110111 BYSWI 1 +10110110111 1316.79 1 +10110110111 1323.94 1 +10110110111 Abyssinians 1 +10110110111 ex-jocks 1 +10110110111 least-tested 1 +10110110111 lackadaisy 1 +10110110111 1311.35 1 +10110110111 1306.29 1 +10110110111 1339.54 1 +10110110111 unconstructive 1 +10110110111 1288.85 1 +10110110111 weapons-dealers 1 +10110110111 5,000s 1 +10110110111 28,439 1 +10110110111 1338.82 1 +10110110111 1289.40 1 +10110110111 Afghanis 1 +10110110111 1287.29 1 +10110110111 reinsert 1 +10110110111 caneberries 1 +10110110111 conches 1 +10110110111 WFDX 1 +10110110111 KJAC 1 +10110110111 WWAY 1 +10110110111 1322.24 1 +10110110111 Jay-Jay 1 +10110110111 layabouts 1 +10110110111 redheads 1 +10110110111 Belaga 1 +10110110111 1294.54 1 +10110110111 writers-novelist 1 +10110110111 GNS 1 +10110110111 1309.29 1 +10110110111 7,412,697 1 +10110110111 1287.53 1 +10110110111 business-people 1 +10110110111 McD.L.T.s 1 +10110110111 hydroxyapatite 1 +10110110111 Squirtco 1 +10110110111 77,484 1 +10110110111 1296.20 1 +10110110111 experience. 1 +10110110111 chipmunks 1 +10110110111 Lues 1 +10110110111 SQA-B 1 +10110110111 1264.55 1 +10110110111 establish. 1 +10110110111 1387.21 1 +10110110111 1392.19 1 +10110110111 non-incendiary 1 +10110110111 monophonic 1 +10110110111 communications-driven 1 +10110110111 1240.58 1 +10110110111 Cassingham 1 +10110110111 Obies 1 +10110110111 1419.84 1 +10110110111 bed-hopping 1 +10110110111 maroons 1 +10110110111 funistrada 1 +10110110111 sickles 1 +10110110111 permethrin 1 +10110110111 methods. 1 +10110110111 educationists 1 +10110110111 1347.05 1 +10110110111 puzzlings 1 +10110110111 '42 1 +10110110111 1254.50 1 +10110110111 part-adventurer 1 +10110110111 tear-gassing 1 +10110110111 313-966-3300 1 +10110110111 phentolamine 1 +10110110111 Terumo 1 +10110110111 1326.91 1 +10110110111 Thyssens 1 +10110110111 amended. 1 +10110110111 Jubail 1 +10110110111 volitional 1 +10110110111 masturbating 1 +10110110111 1379.67 1 +10110110111 1265.28 1 +10110110111 prize-fest 1 +10110110111 catechists 1 +10110110111 poverty. 1 +10110110111 chuckholes 1 +10110110111 Vanille 1 +10110110111 Tradesmen 1 +10110110111 castanospermine 1 +10110110111 gamekeepers 1 +10110110111 tie. 1 +10110110111 nonconsent 1 +10110110111 homographs 1 +10110110111 Sinners 1 +10110110111 steelies 1 +10110110111 Anarchism 1 +10110110111 shriekings 1 +10110110111 food. 1 +10110110111 acquisitions. 1 +10110110111 Spotteswoode 1 +10110110111 1286.70 1 +10110110111 Radom 1 +10110110111 multi-violations 1 +10110110111 symbolic. 1 +10110110111 fornication 1 +10110110111 1217.02 1 +10110110111 non-taxpayers 1 +10110110111 1234.69 1 +10110110111 cheapskates 1 +10110110111 Liguria 1 +10110110111 1209.16 1 +10110110111 Kaboom 1 +10110110111 Comores 1 +10110110111 1196.29 1 +10110110111 Angaur 1 +10110110111 cowhand 1 +10110110111 insecurely 1 +10110110111 1424.56 1 +10110110111 Calistoga 1 +10110110111 MFG5987 1 +10110110111 chemophobia 1 +10110110111 footmen 1 +10110110111 1234.02 1 +10110110111 1204.02 1 +10110110111 Trollope 1 +10110110111 floor-by-floor 1 +10110110111 humidifiers 1 +10110110111 rubbings 1 +10110110111 Bizerte 1 +10110110111 periwinkles 1 +10110110111 Eurock 1 +10110110111 1243.29 1 +10110110111 booteries 1 +10110110111 overindulges 1 +10110110111 jurisidictions 1 +10110110111 fatness 1 +10110110111 self-realization 1 +10110110111 1231.80 1 +10110110111 over-crowding 1 +10110110111 1426.97 1 +10110110111 jivin 1 +10110110111 1252.04 1 +10110110111 4,024 1 +10110110111 gadgeteers 1 +10110110111 bumpily 1 +10110110111 pro-Australian 1 +10110110111 1258.52 1 +10110110111 Trigonometry 1 +10110110111 Spence-Chapin 1 +10110110111 732,699 1 +10110110111 nonselective 1 +10110110111 Celestina 1 +10110110111 re-admissions 1 +10110110111 rationality. 1 +10110110111 nationalist/religious 1 +10110110111 1244.80 1 +10110110111 ski-lifts 1 +10110110111 Fugua 1 +10110110111 non-abandonment 1 +10110110111 semiliteracy 1 +10110110111 Manigreida 1 +10110110111 petro-politics 1 +10110110111 bewigged 1 +10110110111 Ningpo 1 +10110110111 trouble/But 1 +10110110111 1411.06 1 +10110110111 jiggering 1 +10110110111 haws 1 +10110110111 Creamsicles 1 +10110110111 Victrolas 1 +10110110111 Punchinello 1 +10110110111 1435.20 1 +10110110111 DPSW 1 +10110110111 Sunar/Hauserman 1 +10110110111 Burritos 1 +10110110111 WRTV 1 +10110110111 1435.34 1 +10110110111 38-16 1 +10110110111 over-fishing 1 +10110110111 welfare-staters 1 +10110110111 1441.25 1 +10110110111 shovers 1 +10110110111 Cacherels 1 +10110110111 2,673 1 +10110110111 shuffle-ball-change 1 +10110110111 parchment-thin 1 +10110110111 Matrimony 1 +10110110111 1190.25 1 +10110110111 elswhere 1 +10110110111 1191.42 1 +10110110111 1198.70 1 +10110110111 Frescobaldi 1 +10110110111 imagination. 1 +10110110111 zabaglione 1 +10110110111 EPCOT 1 +10110110111 1191.10 1 +10110110111 wellgroomed 1 +10110110111 1180.36 1 +10110110111 1186.01 1 +10110110111 Modikwe 1 +10110110111 1426.05 1 +10110110111 1205.43 1 +10110110111 smarter. 1 +10110110111 1199.86 1 +10110110111 waxer 1 +10110110111 1429.80 1 +10110110111 1422.81 1 +10110110111 aboveboard. 1 +10110110111 power-stingy 1 +10110110111 1409.97 1 +10110110111 party-ware 1 +10110110111 1425.64 1 +10110110111 anti-Filipino 1 +10110110111 Alcmene 1 +10110110111 non-yuppies 1 +10110110111 HPS.WI 1 +10110110111 lasses 1 +10110110111 1232.26 1 +10110110111 Noodles 1 +10110110111 week-out 1 +10110110111 anti-historical 1 +10110110111 job-hunt 1 +10110110111 chromolithography 1 +10110110111 greenbelts 1 +10110110111 1429.50 1 +10110110111 peace-monitoring 1 +10110110111 1235.88 1 +10110110111 demokratizatsia 1 +10110110111 Velosef 1 +10110110111 undercautious 1 +10110110111 neutering 1 +10110110111 silenced. 1 +10110110111 Xomen-E5 1 +10110110111 contrived-confrontation 1 +10110110111 1231.18 1 +10110110111 Avebury 1 +10110110111 rearmings 1 +10110110111 Gestevision-Tele-cinco 1 +10110110111 cop-killers 1 +10110110111 psychokinesis 1 +10110110111 John-of-there 1 +10110110111 4,406,000 1 +10110110111 1235.18 1 +10110110111 mugwumps 1 +10110110111 capybaras 1 +10110110111 vacillations 1 +10110110111 cefatrizine 1 +10110110111 Tripura 1 +10110110111 1241.69 1 +10110110111 1327.39 1 +10110110111 WOE 1 +10110110111 Cifani 1 +10110110111 1252.94 1 +10110110111 kitchware 1 +10110110111 Fiberall 1 +10110110111 1248.51 1 +10110110111 mortgage-closings 1 +10110110111 duplication. 1 +10110110111 3,417 1 +10110110111 scholar-recluses 1 +10110110111 conformitarianism 1 +10110110111 suffixes 1 +10110110111 1240.02 1 +10110110111 trademarks. 1 +10110110111 bioengineers 1 +10110110111 1323.28 1 +10110110111 1234.28 1 +10110110111 1240.94 1 +10110110111 misshape 1 +10110110111 anti-Stalinists 1 +10110110111 meanly 1 +10110110111 1324.66 1 +10110110111 1233.91 1 +10110110111 1305.03 1 +10110110111 1240.18 1 +10110110111 N-platform 1 +10110110111 Vrischgewaagd 1 +10110110111 half-nelsons 1 +10110110111 playgirls 1 +10110110111 1234.99 1 +10110110111 1314.43 1 +10110110111 undermotivated 1 +10110110111 Aquariums 1 +10110110111 detentists 1 +10110110111 Bielefeld 1 +10110110111 jack-of-all 1 +10110110111 theatergoing 1 +10110110111 tranquilize 1 +10110110111 Meese. 1 +10110110111 ex-brother-in-law 1 +10110110111 honeymooned 1 +10110110111 Catholic-baiter 1 +10110110111 Mini-Mitelite 1 +10110110111 minus-four 1 +10110110111 Saltonstalls 1 +10110110111 dissembler 1 +10110110111 Nowheresville 1 +10110110111 1285.34 1 +10110110111 1243.74 1 +10110110111 half-measures 1 +10110110111 Travelodge 1 +10110110111 WTAT-TV 1 +10110110111 1331.31 1 +10110110111 penny-pincher 1 +10110110111 Leleiohaku 1 +10110110111 reasonable. 1 +10110110111 cooperations 1 +10110110111 30,846 1 +10110110111 1211.81 1 +10110110111 housecleaners 1 +10110110111 Stelazine 1 +10110110111 1212.52 1 +10110110111 1207.43 1 +10110110111 anti-state. 1 +10110110111 pressurizations 1 +10110110111 1318.22 1 +10110110111 blindered 1 +10110110111 unintrusive 1 +10110110111 Nasty 1 +10110110111 checkin 1 +10110110111 1205.56 1 +10110110111 1211.59 1 +10110110111 Vanja 1 +10110110111 euphorbias 1 +10110110111 counter-coups 1 +10110110111 emoted 1 +10110110111 usherettes 1 +10110110111 camping. 1 +10110110111 over-careful 1 +10110110111 11x14 1 +10110110111 3,522,000 1 +10110110111 137,312 1 +10110110111 mishandles 1 +10110110111 handrails 1 +10110110111 Sportvans 1 +10110110111 4,860 1 +10110110111 1275.87 1 +10110110111 regularly. 1 +10110110111 letterwriters 1 +10110110111 C-natural 1 +10110110111 white-supremacists 1 +10110110111 1325.81 1 +10110110111 baklava 1 +10110110111 Ing.C. 1 +10110110111 1326.66 1 +10110110111 soon-to-be-Rep 1 +10110110111 1306.69 1 +10110110111 novellas 1 +10110110111 Gamelords 1 +10110110111 1302.50 1 +10110110111 Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 1 +10110110111 1301.57 1 +10110110111 Taipei.Markets 1 +10110110111 WLFL 1 +10110110111 1297.76 1 +10110110111 1301.42 1 +10110110111 guanine 1 +10110110111 de-stress 1 +10110110111 Cantarell 1 +10110110111 costwise 1 +10110110111 neuraminidase 1 +10110110111 sustainment 1 +10110110111 1302.35 1 +10110110111 plumber-steamfitter 1 +10110110111 money-mad 1 +10110110111 groundwaters 1 +10110110111 KYUU 1 +10110110111 Sonalan 1 +10110110111 1311.64 1 +10110110111 diddle 1 +10110110111 SevenUp 1 +10110110111 Chemgrass 1 +10110110111 1277.63 1 +10110110111 M3. 1 +10110110111 film-watching 1 +10110110111 one-on-four 1 +10110110111 1309.24 1 +10110110111 pro-fascist 1 +10110110111 Legs/Ankles 1 +10110110111 KCOP-13 1 +10110110111 half-dollar 1 +10110110111 Brandenton 1 +10110110111 Fiume 1 +10110110111 unreadiness 1 +10110110111 marketing-intensive 1 +10110110111 FilmAccord 1 +10110110111 1504 1 +10110110111 overambition 1 +10110110111 1308.99 1 +10110110111 1246.92 1 +10110110111 psychothriller 1 +10110110111 1263.90 1 +10110110111 Raichle 1 +10110110111 corncribs 1 +10110110111 Mendelson-Zeller 1 +10110110111 acquisitions.s 1 +10110110111 Omri 1 +10110110111 kleptomania 1 +10110110111 UMass-Amherst 1 +10110110111 anxiety-provoking-phenomenon 1 +10110110111 L&Ms 1 +10110110111 pro-soldier 1 +10110110111 worldweary 1 +10110110111 1275.68 1 +10110110111 destructor 1 +10110110111 1981C 1 +10110110111 gloomers 1 +10110110111 1324.24 1 +10110110111 1222.89 1 +10110110111 underinflation 1 +10110110111 1224.86 1 +10110110111 blatherers 1 +10110110111 1270.41 1 +10110110111 MD83s 1 +10110110111 snuffle 1 +10110110111 emasculating 1 +10110110111 EMCo 1 +10110110111 hunger. 1 +10110110111 unmenacing 1 +10110110111 1235.65 1 +10110110111 212-207 1 +10110110111 cisplatin 1 +10110110111 1233.35 1 +10110110111 close-minded 1 +10110110111 abridgment 1 +10110110111 HCFC-142b 1 +10110110111 WCMH-TV 1 +10110110111 2,424 1 +10110110111 2,409 1 +10110110111 bullfighting 1 +10110110111 KCPM-TV 1 +10110110111 Cademesa 1 +10110110111 well-led 1 +10110110111 concepts. 1 +10110110111 Crescendo 1 +10110110111 1252.11 1 +10110110111 testing. 1 +10110110111 pentagrams 1 +10110110111 unsafely 1 +10110110111 freebase 1 +10110110111 access-seeking 1 +10110110111 1218.49 1 +10110110111 tollways 1 +10110110111 1239.96 1 +10110110111 Columbia/Tri-Star 1 +10110110111 WJLA-TV 1 +10110110111 WPIX-FM 1 +10110110111 Slazenger 1 +10110110111 blue-shuttered 1 +10110110111 Scripto 1 +10110110111 ducktails 1 +10110110111 haplessness 1 +10110110111 whipcracking 1 +10110110111 dismayed. 1 +10110110111 1262.56 1 +10110110111 clerestories 1 +10110110111 nail-biters 1 +10110110111 sitgo 1 +10110110111 simperers 1 +10110110111 puffins 1 +10110110111 1204.43 1 +10110110111 Ignis 1 +10110110111 1199.74 1 +10110110111 PPX-Projection 1 +10110110111 mohawks 1 +10110110111 ethnic-blind 1 +10110110111 rocosms 1 +10110110111 1203.40 1 +10110110111 commie-nukers 1 +10110110111 Roundheads 1 +10110110111 1197.31 1 +10110110111 Oxidol 1 +10110110111 Sleepinal 1 +10110110111 1199.72 1 +10110110111 NP-27 1 +10110110111 hitwoman 1 +10110110111 halters 1 +10110110111 cabalettas 1 +10110110111 Decorating/Remodeling 1 +10110110111 limit-drop 1 +10110110111 1203.74 1 +10110110111 justness 1 +10110110111 Alsace-Lorraine 1 +10110110111 1204.23 1 +10110110111 sinuousness 1 +10110110111 somatotype 1 +10110110111 vise- 1 +10110110111 Hyacinthe 1 +10110110111 1229.26 1 +10110110111 overmedicated 1 +10110110111 alyssums 1 +10110110111 1223.56 1 +10110110111 skittles 1 +10110110111 Procopius 1 +10110110111 spoonerisms 1 +10110110111 bird-lovers 1 +10110110111 Ganny 1 +10110110111 1196.62 1 +10110110111 peanuts. 1 +10110110111 oppressiveness 1 +10110110111 plume-grass 1 +10110110111 bindweed 1 +10110110111 shadowboxing 1 +10110110111 pension-minded 1 +10110110111 all-exclusive 1 +10110110111 .5335 1 +10110110111 1193.57 1 +10110110111 1256.59 1 +10110110111 counseling. 1 +10110110111 under-breastplates 1 +10110110111 nondeceptive 1 +10110110111 Tiger-Heli 1 +10110110111 '67 1 +10110110111 VOOMs 1 +10110110111 1247.24 1 +10110110111 Meisterbrau 1 +10110110111 JewishMen 1 +10110110111 Baudelaire 1 +10110110111 Emersons 1 +10110110111 enviro-cranks 1 +10110110111 goldfinches 1 +10110110111 Stolypin 1 +10110110111 2,191 1 +10110110111 provisioned 1 +10110110111 hummingbirds 1 +10110110111 Royales 1 +10110110111 yippiedom 1 +10110110111 timeconsuming 1 +10110110111 1279.49 1 +10110110111 1251.15 1 +10110110111 Shkoder 1 +10110110111 gaudier 1 +10110110111 beetgrown 1 +10110110111 fathers-to-be 1 +10110110111 1269.84 1 +10110110111 1288.32 1 +10110110111 patchouli 1 +10110110111 B-pluses 1 +10110110111 1290.80 1 +10110110111 Radek 1 +10110110111 wittiness 1 +10110110111 time-intensive 1 +10110110111 demonopolization 1 +10110110111 Gnawbone 1 +10110110111 38s 1 +10110110111 slipcovers 1 +10110110111 WZDX 1 +10110110111 Thessalonica 1 +10110110111 1235.80 1 +10110110111 secessions 1 +10110110111 2,951,000 1 +10110110111 skinnydipped 1 +10110110111 1277.31 1 +10110110111 Tabuk 1 +10110110111 1240.34 1 +10110110111 regulations. 1 +10110110111 hypocrisies 1 +10110110111 8825094 1 +10110110111 W-2P 1 +10110110111 intelligibility 1 +10110110111 1246.14 1 +10110110111 MacPaint 1 +10110110111 MacInnes 1 +10110110111 Oscar. 1 +10110110111 indirection 1 +10110110111 Nihoa 1 +10110110111 leatherwear 1 +10110110111 IRBFV 1 +10110110111 1235.36 1 +10110110111 1239.84 1 +10110110111 7,114,000 1 +10110110111 Turks. 1 +10110110111 ringlets 1 +10110110111 mousses 1 +10110110111 staff-dominated 1 +10110110111 inequitable. 1 +10110110111 Escada 1 +10110110111 1258.43 1 +10110110111 disk-readers 1 +10110110111 WedtechCorp. 1 +10110110111 1245.63 1 +10110110111 word-slips 1 +10110110111 Boulogne 1 +10110110111 Topsiders 2 +10110110111 Croats 2 +10110110111 Noni 2 +10110110111 ship-broking 2 +10110110111 chloroform 2 +10110110111 disinvest 2 +10110110111 squiggles 2 +10110110111 ceasefires 2 +10110110111 Rheims 2 +10110110111 separationist-inspired 2 +10110110111 cupidity 2 +10110110111 leptons 2 +10110110111 callouses 2 +10110110111 Contradiction 2 +10110110111 sugarplums 2 +10110110111 1,910,000 2 +10110110111 13-year-olds 2 +10110110111 deckhands 2 +10110110111 Voltron 2 +10110110111 Pardons 2 +10110110111 Helpmate 2 +10110110111 Cif 2 +10110110111 right-handers 2 +10110110111 woodworm 2 +10110110111 goof-offs 2 +10110110111 Nekrich 2 +10110110111 Alceste 2 +10110110111 pimples 2 +10110110111 bedcovers 2 +10110110111 Mukachevo 2 +10110110111 mass-marketers 2 +10110110111 Kiwis 2 +10110110111 WPDS-FM 2 +10110110111 progestogens 2 +10110110111 talcs 2 +10110110111 Trabants 2 +10110110111 Lao-tse 2 +10110110111 lawfulness 2 +10110110111 rhododendrons 2 +10110110111 Lorelco 2 +10110110111 wirecutters 2 +10110110111 cougars 2 +10110110111 joke-telling 2 +10110110111 gibbons 2 +10110110111 restructurers 2 +10110110111 BU 2 +10110110111 piccolos 2 +10110110111 Quizzard 2 +10110110111 Mattapan 2 +10110110111 Suzdal 2 +10110110111 minipiano 2 +10110110111 fieldworkers 2 +10110110111 KangaROOS 2 +10110110111 frisbees 2 +10110110111 whatnot 2 +10110110111 WEAG-FM 2 +10110110111 WZOU-FM 2 +10110110111 tobacco-growers 2 +10110110111 pound-foolish 2 +10110110111 Merlots 2 +10110110111 Graben 2 +10110110111 popes 2 +10110110111 corner-cutting 2 +10110110111 EESPs 2 +10110110111 nonstrikers 2 +10110110111 024s 2 +10110110111 upper- 2 +10110110111 Freemasons 2 +10110110111 coroners 2 +10110110111 charges. 2 +10110110111 rapeseeds 2 +10110110111 1208.75 2 +10110110111 846,625 2 +10110110111 cottonseeds 2 +10110110111 homesteaders 2 +10110110111 non-believers 2 +10110110111 joysticks 2 +10110110111 rocketry 2 +10110110111 1263.06 2 +10110110111 switchblades 2 +10110110111 brassware 2 +10110110111 bisexuals 2 +10110110111 Krasker 2 +10110110111 legumes 2 +10110110111 deutschemarks 2 +10110110111 Barbuda 2 +10110110111 Trotskyists 2 +10110110111 fellow-travelers 2 +10110110111 leukopenia 2 +10110110111 storeowners 2 +10110110111 nonfunctional 2 +10110110111 Alianca 2 +10110110111 broads 2 +10110110111 Myrthe 2 +10110110111 clinchers 2 +10110110111 ohs 2 +10110110111 goldsmiths 2 +10110110111 Pegu 2 +10110110111 maracas 2 +10110110111 DC-10-40s 2 +10110110111 regroupings 2 +10110110111 1304.37 2 +10110110111 Warda 2 +10110110111 not-Orthodox 2 +10110110111 dillettants 2 +10110110111 Hyderabad 2 +10110110111 handsaws 2 +10110110111 mini-vehicles 2 +10110110111 hermeneutics 2 +10110110111 phencyclidine 2 +10110110111 back-biting 2 +10110110111 land-rich 2 +10110110111 KTXH-TV 2 +10110110111 Zelome 2 +10110110111 almanacs 2 +10110110111 zebras 2 +10110110111 KOAQ-FM 2 +10110110111 ourselves. 2 +10110110111 PFB 2 +10110110111 1243.19 2 +10110110111 23s 2 +10110110111 mid-1998 2 +10110110111 Intergamma 2 +10110110111 servicewomen 2 +10110110111 obfuscations 2 +10110110111 1258.60 2 +10110110111 1273.24 2 +10110110111 Friscol 2 +10110110111 ligaments 2 +10110110111 non-Mormons 2 +10110110111 re-equipping 2 +10110110111 lesser-knowns 2 +10110110111 '58 2 +10110110111 mandolins 2 +10110110111 gigahertz 2 +10110110111 LAKs 2 +10110110111 Gilbraltar 2 +10110110111 Immunopathology 2 +10110110111 E-350s 2 +10110110111 broker/dealers 2 +10110110111 clamshells 2 +10110110111 shoot-outs 2 +10110110111 1250.12 2 +10110110111 WBFS-TV 2 +10110110111 wisteria 2 +10110110111 indeterminacy 2 +10110110111 Grabbits 2 +10110110111 Q-Tips 2 +10110110111 Musicmasters 2 +10110110111 Gouda 2 +10110110111 non-payers 2 +10110110111 nonbanks 2 +10110110111 ex-Rep 2 +10110110111 MBO 2 +10110110111 Tinian 2 +10110110111 gulls 2 +10110110111 scenically 2 +10110110111 Rumania 2 +10110110111 TelePrompTer 2 +10110110111 derris 2 +10110110111 vibraphone 2 +10110110111 thesauruses 2 +10110110111 upholsterers 2 +10110110111 mullets 2 +10110110111 cheetahs 2 +10110110111 Irbil 2 +10110110111 1232.64 2 +10110110111 Samothrace 2 +10110110111 counter-charges 2 +10110110111 tularemia 2 +10110110111 1485 2 +10110110111 uncongested 2 +10110110111 geeks 2 +10110110111 KCPM 2 +10110110111 KNBR-AM 2 +10110110111 landlubbers 2 +10110110111 metallurgists 2 +10110110111 Xydar 2 +10110110111 pre-teens 2 +10110110111 Maroun 2 +10110110111 freebooters 2 +10110110111 Cacho 2 +10110110111 Fascists 2 +10110110111 stretchouts 2 +10110110111 12s 2 +10110110111 perseverence 2 +10110110111 non-Britons 2 +10110110111 cavils 2 +10110110111 Prudential/Simon 2 +10110110111 IL-3 2 +10110110111 Anderson-Little 3 +10110110111 diaphragms 3 +10110110111 CFOs 3 +10110110111 employee-owners 3 +10110110111 myrrh 3 +10110110111 Keoghs 3 +10110110111 Rexfor 3 +10110110111 savings-and-loans 3 +10110110111 videophiles 3 +10110110111 cyanides 3 +10110110111 TC3s 3 +10110110111 Tonga 3 +10110110111 conjoined 3 +10110110111 nonfarmers 3 +10110110111 non-shareholders 3 +10110110111 Tabriz 3 +10110110111 F-5s 3 +10110110111 non-employees 3 +10110110111 ballot-stuffing 3 +10110110111 catalogues 3 +10110110111 lymphomas 3 +10110110111 WJBK-TV 3 +10110110111 salesclerks 3 +10110110111 polishers 3 +10110110111 supplicants 3 +10110110111 Windex 3 +10110110111 true-to-life 3 +10110110111 Pleiku 3 +10110110111 cultists 3 +10110110111 talismans 3 +10110110111 YKK 3 +10110110111 contortionists 3 +10110110111 warehousemen 3 +10110110111 Sunbury 3 +10110110111 Buckpasser 3 +10110110111 Mazdas 3 +10110110111 MacFarlanes 3 +10110110111 showgirls 3 +10110110111 humanitarianism 3 +10110110111 persecutions 3 +10110110111 vice-versa 3 +10110110111 piggies 3 +10110110111 Samarkand 3 +10110110111 sequentially 3 +10110110111 goblins 3 +10110110111 IndalGlass 3 +10110110111 jackrabbits 3 +10110110111 A-6s 3 +10110110111 thane 3 +10110110111 steamships 3 +10110110111 mirages 3 +10110110111 Mfusi 3 +10110110111 butlers 3 +10110110111 GPs 3 +10110110111 canapes 3 +10110110111 4,280 3 +10110110111 delis 3 +10110110111 microbiologists 3 +10110110111 Cacharel 3 +10110110111 non-voters 3 +10110110111 teahouses 3 +10110110111 Thomson-CGR 3 +10110110111 brimstone 3 +10110110111 songbooks 3 +10110110111 black-marketeering 3 +10110110111 mayo 3 +10110110111 drudges 3 +10110110111 WRKO 3 +10110110111 forceably 3 +10110110111 18-to-24-year-olds 3 +10110110111 Shiism 3 +10110110111 M-3 3 +10110110111 orthopedists 3 +10110110111 buckwheat 3 +10110110111 non-violence 3 +10110110111 entrepreneurism 3 +10110110111 Topazes 3 +10110110111 depressurization 3 +10110110111 MCPs 3 +10110110111 under-researched 3 +10110110111 unilateralists 3 +10110110111 Gynecology 3 +10110110111 WHBQ-AM 3 +10110110111 harpoons 3 +10110110111 grandiosity 3 +10110110111 edema 3 +10110110111 creeds 3 +10110110111 Galicians 3 +10110110111 taillights 3 +10110110111 devil-take-the-hindmost 3 +10110110111 pickerel 3 +10110110111 Cosima 3 +10110110111 jaguars 3 +10110110111 Regaine 3 +10110110111 ex-presidents 3 +10110110111 docility 3 +10110110111 seamanship 3 +10110110111 aminoglycosides 3 +10110110111 weed-killers 3 +10110110111 dogwood 3 +10110110111 nonmanufacturers 3 +10110110111 Azeris 3 +10110110111 arms-makers 3 +10110110111 Dominica 3 +10110110111 non-innovators 3 +10110110111 guppies 3 +10110110111 starfish 3 +10110110111 Monetarism 3 +10110110111 gluepots 3 +10110110111 demerits 3 +10110110111 gatherers 4 +10110110111 Mastercards 4 +10110110111 counterbids 4 +10110110111 bottom-fishers 4 +10110110111 non-users 4 +10110110111 asylum-seekers 4 +10110110111 2035 4 +10110110111 Byelorussians 4 +10110110111 flashbulbs 4 +10110110111 Jacuzzis 4 +10110110111 TV3 4 +10110110111 mortuaries 4 +10110110111 Plymouths 4 +10110110111 quarantines 4 +10110110111 Vanuatuans 4 +10110110111 non-blacks 4 +10110110111 subzones 4 +10110110111 derailments 4 +10110110111 sapphires 4 +10110110111 Arab-Americans 4 +10110110111 lyricists 4 +10110110111 Benghazi 4 +10110110111 pilings 4 +10110110111 mothers-to-be 4 +10110110111 Caucasians 4 +10110110111 Jove 4 +10110110111 ninety-two 4 +10110110111 zags 4 +10110110111 salespersons 4 +10110110111 seven-year-olds 4 +10110110111 Mazlat 4 +10110110111 brandies 4 +10110110111 bedsores 4 +10110110111 Lowe-Howard 4 +10110110111 Galina 4 +10110110111 Anglicans 4 +10110110111 MSX 4 +10110110111 five-year-olds 4 +10110110111 Flossie 4 +10110110111 oenophiles 4 +10110110111 appendices 4 +10110110111 bagpipes 4 +10110110111 Cro-Magnons 4 +10110110111 cimetidine 4 +10110110111 WGMS-FM 4 +10110110111 Joiners 4 +10110110111 trichothecenes 4 +10110110111 autopsies 4 +10110110111 unbelievers 4 +10110110111 DC-9-51s 4 +10110110111 TV6 4 +10110110111 evolutionists 4 +10110110111 creationists 4 +10110110111 Euripides 4 +10110110111 emirs 4 +10110110111 Methodists 4 +10110110111 jailers 4 +10110110111 non-Indians 4 +10110110111 IOPOs 4 +10110110111 himself. 4 +10110110111 ITP 4 +10110110111 lucidity 4 +10110110111 ahs 4 +10110110111 paparazzi 4 +10110110111 sociability 4 +10110110111 Yamahas 5 +10110110111 overbookings 5 +10110110111 charterers 5 +10110110111 hangovers 5 +10110110111 arnica 5 +10110110111 pulps 5 +10110110111 Tania 5 +10110110111 UFOs 5 +10110110111 sixth-graders 5 +10110110111 deregulators 5 +10110110111 rowdies 5 +10110110111 rubella 5 +10110110111 three-year-olds 5 +10110110111 Micronase 5 +10110110111 acorns 5 +10110110111 earthlings 5 +10110110111 nonbelievers 5 +10110110111 cellos 5 +10110110111 cachexia 5 +10110110111 predestination 5 +10110110111 mildew 5 +10110110111 Sesac 5 +10110110111 pitchforks 5 +10110110111 15-year-olds 5 +10110110111 noncooperation 5 +10110110111 hawing 5 +10110110111 Etorofu 5 +10110110111 Montenegrins 5 +10110110111 waterworks 5 +10110110111 Gretta 5 +10110110111 rangeland 5 +10110110111 WKYS-FM 5 +10110110111 bailiffs 5 +10110110111 saxophones 5 +10110110111 kayakers 5 +10110110111 winking 5 +10110110111 wheelbarrows 5 +10110110111 despondency 5 +10110110111 Lincolns 5 +10110110111 ex-convicts 5 +10110110111 tripe 5 +10110110111 Belize 6 +10110110111 self-denial 6 +10110110111 vitriol 6 +10110110111 copayments 6 +10110110111 cauliflower 6 +10110110111 whiskies 6 +10110110111 widowers 6 +10110110111 heptachlor 6 +10110110111 madmen 6 +10110110111 washouts 6 +10110110111 snipers 6 +10110110111 14-year-olds 6 +10110110111 chrysanthemums 6 +10110110111 go-betweens 6 +10110110111 winos 6 +10110110111 storytellers 6 +10110110111 dependability 6 +10110110111 blonds 6 +10110110111 musicologists 6 +10110110111 itemizers 6 +10110110111 drabs 6 +10110110111 infanticide 6 +10110110111 co-pilots 6 +10110110111 non-Europeans 6 +10110110111 minarets 6 +10110110111 Busier-Than-Thous 6 +10110110111 aphids 6 +10110110111 hashish 6 +10110110111 germination 6 +10110110111 tacos 7 +10110110111 then-Rep 7 +10110110111 Deliver 7 +10110110111 agronomists 7 +10110110111 particulates 7 +10110110111 Technics 7 +10110110111 12-year-olds 7 +10110110111 dikes 7 +10110110111 arbitrageurs 7 +10110110111 fireweed 7 +10110110111 anti-abortionists 7 +10110110111 DVFA 7 +10110110111 tuk-tuks 7 +10110110111 Interpol 7 +10110110111 taxables 7 +10110110111 asthmatics 7 +10110110111 Londoners 7 +10110110111 pestilence 7 +10110110111 rhodium 7 +10110110111 six-year-olds 7 +10110110111 heartache 7 +10110110111 bassoon 7 +10110110111 grievers 7 +10110110111 tablecloths 7 +10110110111 infantrymen 7 +10110110111 diuretics 7 +10110110111 shipbuildings 7 +10110110111 venison 8 +10110110111 non-Moslems 8 +10110110111 instrumentalists 8 +10110110111 cabbages 8 +10110110111 non-filers 8 +10110110111 starches 8 +10110110111 antacids 8 +10110110111 heparin 8 +10110110111 Rockefellers 8 +10110110111 non-Jews 8 +10110110111 vegetarians 8 +10110110111 incidentals 8 +10110110111 do-it-yourselfers 8 +10110110111 condiments 8 +10110110111 Preakness 8 +10110110111 dampers 8 +10110110111 no-loads 8 +10110110111 internationalists 8 +10110110111 sub-underwriters 8 +10110110111 landfilling 8 +10110110111 non-manufacturers 9 +10110110111 goings 9 +10110110111 passersby 9 +10110110111 Mercedeses 9 +10110110111 coconuts 9 +10110110111 beekeepers 9 +10110110111 bulimia 9 +10110110111 four-year-olds 9 +10110110111 catcalls 9 +10110110111 bronchitis 9 +10110110111 regretfully 9 +10110110111 receptionists 9 +10110110111 Goofy 9 +10110110111 businesswomen 9 +10110110111 jugglers 9 +10110110111 end-users 9 +10110110111 Mauritania 9 +10110110111 barbers 9 +10110110111 reg-negs 9 +10110110111 Gogo 9 +10110110111 Oldsmobiles 9 +10110110111 12b-1s 9 +10110110111 profiteers 9 +10110110111 Kuruman 9 +10110110111 cytotechs 10 +10110110111 butterflies 10 +10110110111 Accuracy 10 +10110110111 Essence 10 +10110110111 dimes 10 +10110110111 rodeos 10 +10110110111 pacifism 10 +10110110111 rapists 10 +10110110111 Uzbeks 10 +10110110111 splints 10 +10110110111 Hawaiians 10 +10110110111 newspapermen 10 +10110110111 Decca 10 +10110110111 sauerkraut 10 +10110110111 miscreants 10 +10110110111 mittens 10 +10110110111 redfish 10 +10110110111 cannibalism 11 +10110110111 exterminators 11 +10110110111 archaeologists 11 +10110110111 Guatemalans 11 +10110110111 joggers 11 +10110110111 hedgehogs 12 +10110110111 fungi 12 +10110110111 Mesbics 12 +10110110111 aplomb 12 +10110110111 non-whites 12 +10110110111 urologists 12 +10110110111 illiterates 13 +10110110111 Contempo 13 +10110110111 fauna 13 +10110110111 telemarketers 13 +10110110111 paralegals 13 +10110110111 WFXT-TV 13 +10110110111 synthetics 13 +10110110111 skylights 13 +10110110111 machetes 13 +10110110111 homebuilders 14 +10110110111 acetone 14 +10110110111 gonorrhea 14 +10110110111 coloreds 14 +10110110111 countercharges 14 +10110110111 latecomers 14 +10110110111 Ukrainians 15 +10110110111 internists 15 +10110110111 selfishness 15 +10110110111 hangers-on 15 +10110110111 underemployment 15 +10110110111 amphetamines 15 +10110110111 bison 15 +10110110111 clinicians 16 +10110110111 seasonings 16 +10110110111 robbers 16 +10110110111 synagogues 16 +10110110111 non-members 16 +10110110111 waitresses 16 +10110110111 conventioneers 16 +10110110111 cashiers 17 +10110110111 lesbians 17 +10110110111 IUDs 17 +10110110111 laymen 18 +10110110111 arsenic 18 +10110110111 grunts 18 +10110110111 tornadoes 19 +10110110111 misdemeanors 19 +10110110111 oilseeds 19 +10110110111 shakers 19 +10110110111 informers 19 +10110110111 pediatricians 19 +10110110111 astrologers 19 +10110110111 nonmembers 19 +10110110111 bartenders 19 +10110110111 gangsters 20 +10110110111 slats 20 +10110110111 morphine 21 +10110110111 nonresidents 21 +10110110111 snowmobiles 21 +10110110111 obstetricians 21 +10110110111 mosquitoes 22 +10110110111 Cuban-Americans 23 +10110110111 re-exports 23 +10110110111 Asian-Americans 23 +10110110111 dermatologists 24 +10110110111 15s 24 +10110110111 admirals 24 +10110110111 boos 24 +10110110111 Mexican-Americans 25 +10110110111 chimps 26 +10110110111 vomiting 26 +10110110111 cardiologists 27 +10110110111 traditionalists 27 +10110110111 non-smokers 28 +10110110111 conservationists 29 +10110110111 academicians 31 +10110110111 Hindus 32 +10110110111 veterinarians 32 +10110110111 bystanders 32 +10110110111 toddlers 32 +10110110111 strawberries 33 +10110110111 behold 33 +10110110111 old-timers 34 +10110110111 passers-by 34 +10110110111 sterility 35 +10110110111 chimpanzees 36 +10110110111 innuendo 38 +10110110111 calves 41 +10110110111 feminists 41 +10110110111 heterosexuals 41 +10110110111 goats 44 +10110110111 valleys 44 +10110110111 gays 49 +10110110111 minors 55 +10110110111 pricings 68 +10110110111 nonsmokers 74 +10110110111 Asians 92 +10110110111 pharmacists 92 +10110110111 localities 98 +10110110111 strangers 106 +10110110111 psychologists 112 +10110110111 Westerners 141 +10110110111 homosexuals 155 +10110110111 M3 182 +10110110111 academics 184 +10110110111 vegetables 230 +10110110111 environmentalists 258 +10110110111 Hispanics 309 +10110110111 minorities 449 +10110110111 outsiders 477 +10110110111 whites 623 +10110110111 individuals 2900 +10110110111 others 8601 +10110111000 sequelae 1 +10110111000 Legionnaries 1 +10110111000 oafs 1 +10110111000 Morrocans 1 +10110111000 epicures 1 +10110111000 equestrianism 1 +10110111000 cussin 1 +10110111000 limited-purposes 1 +10110111000 soli 1 +10110111000 imposts 1 +10110111000 Arab-in-the-street 1 +10110111000 Nashvillians 1 +10110111000 imperturbability 1 +10110111000 sophists 1 +10110111000 keglers 1 +10110111000 re-LBOs 1 +10110111000 solons 1 +10110111000 pythons 1 +10110111000 loadin 1 +10110111000 six-month-olds 1 +10110111000 import- 1 +10110111000 candlemaker 1 +10110111000 plagiarizers 1 +10110111000 tickin 1 +10110111000 IBM-watchers 1 +10110111000 IBM-based 1 +10110111000 museumgoers 1 +10110111000 seismologists 1 +10110111000 Andalusians 1 +10110111000 WestMarcs 1 +10110111000 monthsit 1 +10110111000 Bonzo. 1 +10110111000 wait. 2 +10110111000 Kibbles 2 +10110111000 saucepans 2 +10110111000 floppies 2 +10110111000 fast-trackers 2 +10110111000 Br 2 +10110111000 interruptions. 2 +10110111000 F-14As 2 +10110111000 nuptials 2 +10110111000 19-year-olds 2 +10110111000 alfatoxin 2 +10110111000 hermits 2 +10110111000 physiologically 2 +10110111000 licensers 2 +10110111000 nonusers 2 +10110111000 Wheeling-Pitt 2 +10110111000 westerners 2 +10110111000 snapshooters 2 +10110111000 backstrokers 2 +10110111000 forceps 2 +10110111000 motorcars 2 +10110111000 computer-users 2 +10110111000 employee-shareholders 3 +10110111000 matadors 3 +10110111000 honeymooners 3 +10110111000 home-buyers 3 +10110111000 Quebecers 3 +10110111000 Ggmd 3 +10110111000 PIGs 3 +10110111000 Zugers 3 +10110111000 longhorns 3 +10110111000 dramatists 3 +10110111000 supermen 3 +10110111000 mother-boards 3 +10110111000 acupuncturists 3 +10110111000 Walkin 3 +10110111000 docudramas 3 +10110111000 skunks 3 +10110111000 Belloc 3 +10110111000 lawyer-executives 3 +10110111000 Cinque 3 +10110111000 self-deception 3 +10110111000 femoxetine 3 +10110111000 industry-watchers 3 +10110111000 VNRs 4 +10110111000 landholders 4 +10110111000 prostatectomy 4 +10110111000 coops 4 +10110111000 Manhattanites 4 +10110111000 Irish-Americans 4 +10110111000 filibusters 4 +10110111000 Rosalinde 4 +10110111000 xenophobes 4 +10110111000 sound-alikes 4 +10110111000 museum-goers 4 +10110111000 sluggers 4 +10110111000 good-bye 4 +10110111000 non-Catholics 4 +10110111000 percussionists 4 +10110111000 Portlanders 5 +10110111000 two-year-olds 5 +10110111000 salvagers 5 +10110111000 junk-holders 5 +10110111000 canvassers 5 +10110111000 hairpieces 5 +10110111000 pro-lifers 5 +10110111000 13- 5 +10110111000 Gazans 6 +10110111000 hamsters 6 +10110111000 shortsellers 6 +10110111000 Farmboy 6 +10110111000 campsites 6 +10110111000 futurists 7 +10110111000 Sovietologists 7 +10110111000 clarinetists 7 +10110111000 Ohioans 7 +10110111000 innkeepers 7 +10110111000 multimillionaires 8 +10110111000 non-Canadians 8 +10110111000 snowboarders 8 +10110111000 turnpikes 9 +10110111000 non-itemizers 9 +10110111000 tangibles 9 +10110111000 partridges 10 +10110111000 arsonists 12 +10110111000 full-timers 13 +10110111000 anthropologists 13 +10110111000 profit-takers 15 +10110111000 monopoles 15 +10110111000 fiduciaries 15 +10110111000 newlyweds 15 +10110111000 farmworkers 16 +10110111000 non-profits 16 +10110111000 beginners 17 +10110111000 theatergoers 17 +10110111000 TPAs 18 +10110111000 boaters 18 +10110111000 vandals 19 +10110111000 non-lawyers 20 +10110111000 vintners 21 +10110111000 pedestrians 22 +10110111000 newsmen 22 +10110111000 hedgers 24 +10110111000 hygienists 24 +10110111000 photofinishers 25 +10110111000 bargain-hunters 25 +10110111000 diabetics 27 +10110111000 mortals 28 +10110111000 astronomers 29 +10110111000 moviegoers 32 +10110111000 restaurateurs 40 +10110111000 inventors 40 +10110111000 roasters 43 +10110111000 felons 44 +10110111000 grocers 50 +10110111000 cattlemen 54 +10110111000 meatpackers 56 +10110111000 broker-dealers 59 +10110111000 REITs 61 +10110111000 savers 72 +10110111000 short-sellers 103 +10110111000 motorists 105 +10110111000 franchisers 109 +10110111000 landowners 113 +10110111000 market-makers 142 +10110111000 landlords 155 +10110111000 callers 166 +10110111000 homeowners 279 +10110111000 broadcasters 406 +10110111000 shoppers 417 +10110111000 tourists 484 +10110111000 issuers 565 +10110111000 speculators 571 +10110111000 borrowers 981 +10110111000 advertisers 1030 +10110111000 foreigners 1135 +10110111000 taxpayers 1368 +10110111000 employers 2095 +10110111000 farmers 2585 +10110111000 investors 20262 +10110111000 consumers 4109 +101101110010 consignments 1 +101101110010 denizen 1 +101101110010 fenceposts 1 +101101110010 davits 1 +101101110010 poolroom 2 +101101110010 downpours 2 +101101110010 community. 2 +101101110010 name-dropper 2 +101101110010 videocameras 2 +101101110010 money-saver 2 +101101110010 extractions 2 +101101110010 counterstrikes 2 +101101110010 claimaints 2 +101101110010 sanitariums 3 +101101110010 Hessians 3 +101101110010 krewes 3 +101101110010 Mochtar 3 +101101110010 comradeship 3 +101101110010 moviemakers 3 +101101110010 mutilations 3 +101101110010 hardtop 3 +101101110010 bookshops 3 +101101110010 turntables 3 +101101110010 shoemakers 3 +101101110010 thanksgiving 3 +101101110010 sandboxes 3 +101101110010 skyways 4 +101101110010 tempura 4 +101101110010 inquisitions 4 +101101110010 uplands 4 +101101110010 essayists 5 +101101110010 florists 5 +101101110010 skinheads 5 +101101110010 terriers 5 +101101110010 warlord 5 +101101110010 marigolds 6 +101101110010 Crays 6 +101101110010 internees 6 +101101110010 redeployments 6 +101101110010 gullies 6 +101101110010 tenors 6 +101101110010 co-investors 6 +101101110010 stabbings 6 +101101110010 debutantes 6 +101101110010 boors 6 +101101110010 watermen 6 +101101110010 17-year-olds 7 +101101110010 jobbers 7 +101101110010 dioceses 7 +101101110010 highbrows 7 +101101110010 socialites 7 +101101110010 P/Es 7 +101101110010 trappers 7 +101101110010 illustrators 7 +101101110010 philanthropies 8 +101101110010 antihistamines 8 +101101110010 ecologists 8 +101101110010 saleswomen 8 +101101110010 pratfalls 8 +101101110010 wildfires 9 +101101110010 wheeler-dealers 9 +101101110010 stockbrokerages 9 +101101110010 carvings 9 +101101110010 prawns 10 +101101110010 atlases 10 +101101110010 carvers 10 +101101110010 carters 10 +101101110010 statuary 10 +101101110010 gongs 10 +101101110010 estuaries 11 +101101110010 clone-makers 11 +101101110010 vases 12 +101101110010 painkillers 12 +101101110010 primates 12 +101101110010 bigots 12 +101101110010 free-lancers 12 +101101110010 neophytes 13 +101101110010 sculptors 13 +101101110010 lampposts 13 +101101110010 diggers 14 +101101110010 honeybees 14 +101101110010 parliaments 14 +101101110010 fevers 14 +101101110010 bazaars 14 +101101110010 canneries 15 +101101110010 druggists 15 +101101110010 superstition 15 +101101110010 songwriters 15 +101101110010 planters 15 +101101110010 linemen 16 +101101110010 dealmakers 16 +101101110010 lessors 16 +101101110010 taverns 17 +101101110010 bracelets 17 +101101110010 swindlers 17 +101101110010 soils 20 +101101110010 reptiles 20 +101101110010 bronzes 21 +101101110010 booksellers 22 +101101110010 reformists 22 +101101110010 mummies 22 +101101110010 automakers 23 +101101110010 preservationists 24 +101101110010 shipowners 24 +101101110010 distillers 25 +101101110010 chipmakers 27 +101101110010 dignitaries 28 +101101110010 minimills 29 +101101110010 radiologists 29 +101101110010 jewelers 29 +101101110010 swimmers 33 +101101110010 librarians 37 +101101110010 Eskimos 37 +101101110010 pirates 38 +101101110010 geologists 40 +101101110010 spenders 41 +101101110010 golfers 44 +101101110010 philosophers 44 +101101110010 ranches 45 +101101110010 breweries 46 +101101110010 expatriates 48 +101101110010 smelters 50 +101101110010 orchestras 60 +101101110010 appraisers 62 +101101110010 shipbuilders 62 +101101110010 sweeteners 63 +101101110010 truckers 78 +101101110010 packers 85 +101101110010 dailies 85 +101101110010 insects 86 +101101110010 shipyards 89 +101101110010 discounters 90 +101101110010 intermediaries 97 +101101110010 dentists 98 +101101110010 photographers 99 +101101110010 syndicators 99 +101101110010 bookstores 105 +101101110010 brewers 105 +101101110010 bugs 113 +101101110010 embassies 116 +101101110010 thieves 119 +101101110010 ranchers 123 +101101110010 industrialists 123 +101101110010 fishermen 132 +101101110010 rivers 133 +101101110010 independents 134 +101101110010 leagues 138 +101101110010 elevators 144 +101101110010 financiers 150 +101101110010 wholesalers 158 +101101110010 shippers 167 +101101110010 warships 175 +101101110010 bottlers 178 +101101110010 municipalities 191 +101101110010 museums 198 +101101110010 refiners 253 +101101110010 importers 303 +101101110010 debtors 319 +101101110010 pipelines 351 +101101110010 processors 354 +101101110010 brokerages 372 +101101110010 steelmakers 380 +101101110010 marketers 390 +101101110010 merchants 402 +101101110010 studios 426 +101101110010 vendors 446 +101101110010 growers 447 +101101110010 S&Ls 484 +101101110010 distributors 532 +101101110010 journalists 590 +101101110010 entrepreneurs 594 +101101110010 universities 629 +101101110010 colleges 635 +101101110010 publishers 697 +101101110010 exporters 725 +101101110010 developers 831 +101101110010 businessmen 1058 +101101110010 suppliers 1416 +101101110010 insurers 1469 +101101110010 newspapers 1802 +101101110010 carriers 1812 +101101110010 hospitals 1827 +101101110010 retailers 2018 +101101110010 thrifts 2541 +101101110010 manufacturers 2863 +101101110010 corporations 3057 +101101110010 institutions 5172 +101101110010 producers 3448 +101101110011 trendies 1 +101101110011 Capulets 1 +101101110011 bowl-cleaner 1 +101101110011 provinciality 1 +101101110011 meekness 1 +101101110011 covoys 1 +101101110011 Millcreek 1 +101101110011 woif 1 +101101110011 groundstations 1 +101101110011 semipros 1 +101101110011 lunkers 1 +101101110011 tam-tams 1 +101101110011 butters 1 +101101110011 crosswalks 1 +101101110011 mohawk 1 +101101110011 crisping 1 +101101110011 narcissus 1 +101101110011 Auslesen 1 +101101110011 Aubervilliers 1 +101101110011 Robbinsdale 1 +101101110011 skin-covered 1 +101101110011 Auxerre 1 +101101110011 Khaiber 1 +101101110011 Brep 1 +101101110011 Sids 1 +101101110011 combustors 1 +101101110011 Free-Tails 1 +101101110011 preemptions 1 +101101110011 financial- 1 +101101110011 budget- 1 +101101110011 computer-buyer 1 +101101110011 pensiones 1 +101101110011 civilian-entertainer 1 +101101110011 growth-retarding 1 +101101110011 cuttable 1 +101101110011 secularized 1 +101101110011 deodorizers 1 +101101110011 purser 1 +101101110011 Hayeses 1 +101101110011 Aerospace-Thomson 1 +101101110011 ices 2 +101101110011 sevenday 2 +101101110011 Kalimantan 2 +101101110011 Shakin 2 +101101110011 defroster 2 +101101110011 institutions. 2 +101101110011 cigarette-makers 2 +101101110011 wharves 2 +101101110011 divergencies 2 +101101110011 bonds. 2 +101101110011 triplex 2 +101101110011 exploiter 2 +101101110011 concurrences 2 +101101110011 eggbeaters 2 +101101110011 justice. 2 +101101110011 A330s 2 +101101110011 tonalities 3 +101101110011 stock-indexes 3 +101101110011 stonework 3 +101101110011 transcribers 3 +101101110011 anti-Nazis 3 +101101110011 jackass 3 +101101110011 riggers 4 +101101110011 paratroops 4 +101101110011 off-track 4 +101101110011 spaceport 5 +101101110011 cantons 5 +101101110011 taxers 5 +101101110011 cactuses 5 +101101110011 gophers 5 +101101110011 aircrafts 6 +101101110011 icebreakers 6 +101101110011 toolmakers 7 +101101110011 intervenors 7 +101101110011 internationals 7 +101101110011 slaughterhouses 8 +101101110011 domestics 9 +101101110011 realtors 10 +101101110011 colonists 21 +101101110011 oceans 41 +101101110011 railways 57 +101101110011 seamen 66 +101101110011 railroads 503 +101101110011 governments 2557 +101101110011 banks 20615 +101101110011 airlines 2858 +101101110100 dirigibles 1 +101101110100 chattels 1 +101101110100 Wongs 1 +101101110100 spokes-model 1 +101101110100 recoverables 1 +101101110100 Oltcits 1 +101101110100 protuberances 1 +101101110100 miniprofiles 1 +101101110100 monotones 1 +101101110100 hiker 1 +101101110100 entrenchments 1 +101101110100 netsuke 1 +101101110100 tickseed 1 +101101110100 22,724 1 +101101110100 LeManses 1 +101101110100 fundholders 1 +101101110100 warblers 1 +101101110100 Merieux-Connaught 1 +101101110100 Irinas 1 +101101110100 Federated-Campeau 1 +101101110100 MiG-17s 1 +101101110100 store-turned-office 1 +101101110100 morticians 1 +101101110100 drummer-athletes 2 +101101110100 patent-holders 2 +101101110100 pluralities 2 +101101110100 hyperinflations 2 +101101110100 microchip-makers 2 +101101110100 autoworkers 2 +101101110100 interrogatories 2 +101101110100 Rockwells 2 +101101110100 outhouses 3 +101101110100 noncompet 3 +101101110100 hagiography 3 +101101110100 ruminants 3 +101101110100 Japanologists 3 +101101110100 spillers 3 +101101110100 EPZs 4 +101101110100 colorists 4 +101101110100 tax-shelters 4 +101101110100 lecterns 4 +101101110100 crustaceans 5 +101101110100 burnings 5 +101101110100 dinghies 5 +101101110100 M.D.s 5 +101101110100 erasers 6 +101101110100 adjusters 12 +101101110100 troupes 13 +101101110100 racers 21 +101101110100 drillers 29 +101101110100 companies 38134 +101101110100 multinationals 161 +101101110101 fencer 1 +101101110101 Boone-watchers 1 +101101110101 longue 1 +101101110101 middleranker 1 +101101110101 Ducatel-Duval 1 +101101110101 EMMS 1 +101101110101 CFPs 1 +101101110101 longues 1 +101101110101 oculoplastic 1 +101101110101 Cocles 1 +101101110101 Meidinger-Hansen 1 +101101110101 countries-had 1 +101101110101 rule-makers 1 +101101110101 tooled 1 +101101110101 Gorlaeus 1 +101101110101 Kassebaum.Burnley 1 +101101110101 Extremadura 1 +101101110101 Trump-watchers 1 +101101110101 SFB 2 +101101110101 hotshots 2 +101101110101 Mexico-watchers 2 +101101110101 archdioceses 2 +101101110101 Turban 2 +101101110101 standard-setters 2 +101101110101 high-fliers 4 +101101110101 high-flyer 4 +101101110101 ex-detainees 4 +101101110101 wretches 4 +101101110101 Iberagentes 6 +101101110101 consortiums 15 +101101110101 Practitioners 15 +101101110101 capitalists 281 +101101110101 houses 2201 +101101110101 firms 9303 +101101110110 agriculturists 1 +101101110110 southwestward 1 +101101110110 lexicographers 1 +101101110110 reapportionments 1 +101101110110 sportwriters 1 +101101110110 quints 1 +101101110110 public-utilities 1 +101101110110 aviation-research 1 +101101110110 scientsts 1 +101101110110 historical-archives 1 +101101110110 Aviaco 1 +101101110110 capitols 2 +101101110110 sparklers 2 +101101110110 cryptographers 2 +101101110110 playgoers 2 +101101110110 KSPR-TV 2 +101101110110 Popham 2 +101101110110 drug-smugglers 2 +101101110110 syllogism 3 +101101110110 ultraconservatives 3 +101101110110 Memphians 3 +101101110110 Chicanos 4 +101101110110 comptrollers 4 +101101110110 Phasar 4 +101101110110 English-speakers 4 +101101110110 schoolkids 4 +101101110110 SA-7s 4 +101101110110 buffaloes 4 +101101110110 statists 4 +101101110110 taxpayers. 5 +101101110110 WJW-TV 5 +101101110110 10-9 5 +101101110110 Gostelradio 5 +101101110110 marauders 5 +101101110110 arbitrations 5 +101101110110 grants-in-aid 5 +101101110110 funders 6 +101101110110 4500 6 +101101110110 steamboats 6 +101101110110 Nimitz 6 +101101110110 Keye/Donna/Pearlstein 7 +101101110110 parolees 7 +101101110110 registrars 7 +101101110110 chaplains 7 +101101110110 stairways 9 +101101110110 preemption 10 +101101110110 rogues 11 +101101110110 ZDF 11 +101101110110 sheriffs 11 +101101110110 technologists 12 +101101110110 lawmen 12 +101101110110 judgeships 13 +101101110110 picketers 13 +101101110110 surveyors 14 +101101110110 amnesties 18 +101101110110 policymakers 22 +101101110110 policy-makers 26 +101101110110 troopers 29 +101101110110 censors 31 +101101110110 magistrates 36 +101101110110 constitutions 37 +101101110110 mediators 40 +101101110110 enforcers 41 +101101110110 lotteries 59 +101101110110 marshals 62 +101101110110 examiners 113 +101101110110 monopolies 187 +101101110110 legislatures 208 +101101110110 juries 212 +101101110110 inspectors 421 +101101110110 prosecutors 1473 +101101110110 judges 1609 +101101110110 investigators 1819 +101101110110 courts 2343 +101101110110 authorities 2343 +101101110110 utilities 2365 +101101110110 regulators 4285 +101101110110 police 3313 +101101110111 colorer 1 +101101110111 queen-madonna 1 +101101110111 lady-in-waiting 1 +101101110111 doohickeys 1 +101101110111 forgettables 1 +101101110111 burrows 1 +101101110111 Bever 1 +101101110111 Hoften 1 +101101110111 Roijen 1 +101101110111 arthritically 1 +101101110111 asciutta 1 +101101110111 fresca 1 +101101110111 avaialble 1 +101101110111 Super-Jock 1 +101101110111 XT-1 1 +101101110111 rocket-redesigned 1 +101101110111 brans 1 +101101110111 waistbands 1 +101101110111 Beyeren 1 +101101110111 Niekirk 1 +101101110111 teardown 1 +101101110111 instrument. 1 +101101110111 Methyl 1 +101101110111 smokers. 1 +101101110111 repossessor 1 +101101110111 resourcefully 1 +101101110111 sidecars 1 +101101110111 Blackbird 1 +101101110111 loiters 1 +101101110111 nitride 1 +101101110111 CRAY-2 1 +101101110111 pointillist 1 +101101110111 abutters 1 +101101110111 mounters 1 +101101110111 form-melodrama 1 +101101110111 chuggers 1 +101101110111 typewriter-types 1 +101101110111 dibromochloropropane 1 +101101110111 Volkerkunde 1 +101101110111 makers-by 1 +101101110111 manager-ticket 1 +101101110111 universe. 1 +101101110111 car-rentals 1 +101101110111 Huyssteen 1 +101101110111 Vlissingen 1 +101101110111 skins-baked 1 +101101110111 minoxodil 1 +101101110111 ape-ography 1 +101101110111 Landeghem 1 +101101110111 shredder. 1 +101101110111 cookin 1 +101101110111 trafficking. 1 +101101110111 methamidophos 1 +101101110111 outbuilding 1 +101101110111 Chakraborty 1 +101101110111 flipflops 1 +101101110111 caste-worker 1 +101101110111 Lizards 1 +101101110111 buckler 1 +101101110111 whiskys 1 +101101110111 Cuylenberg 1 +101101110111 socials 1 +101101110111 Electrotechnische 1 +101101110111 G-STAR 1 +101101110111 crystallography 1 +101101110111 barony 1 +101101110111 Arthel 1 +101101110111 Riet 1 +101101110111 bar-and 1 +101101110111 coolers. 1 +101101110111 re-insurer 1 +101101110111 al-Yaum 1 +101101110111 Exovir-HZ 1 +101101110111 Blydskap 1 +101101110111 class-antibiotics 1 +101101110111 stereophiles 1 +101101110111 shennanigans 1 +101101110111 Amsat 1 +101101110111 Meteosat 1 +101101110111 Corsa 1 +101101110111 users. 1 +101101110111 8-MOP 1 +101101110111 liftback 1 +101101110111 amantadine 1 +101101110111 Zmaj 1 +101101110111 Erven 1 +101101110111 Tri-jet 1 +101101110111 drive-shafts 1 +101101110111 violence-only 1 +101101110111 neapolitan 1 +101101110111 microprocesser 1 +101101110111 Miltown 1 +101101110111 wonk 1 +101101110111 archways 1 +101101110111 dough. 1 +101101110111 through. 1 +101101110111 tetrazzini 1 +101101110111 takeouts 1 +101101110111 Bekkum 1 +101101110111 theopylline 1 +101101110111 Tegretol 1 +101101110111 amphibian 1 +101101110111 Breugel 1 +101101110111 Lawick 1 +101101110111 leak-valve 1 +101101110111 rhinovirus-receptors 1 +101101110111 Ciprofloxacin 1 +101101110111 1477 1 +101101110111 spectaculars 1 +101101110111 repackers 1 +101101110111 department. 1 +101101110111 Antivert 1 +101101110111 determinations. 1 +101101110111 Manen 1 +101101110111 master-in-chief 1 +101101110111 sharpeners 1 +101101110111 de-icers 1 +101101110111 czardom 1 +101101110111 lisinopril 2 +101101110111 battlers 2 +101101110111 R.M.S. 2 +101101110111 Bruggen 2 +101101110111 deliverymen 2 +101101110111 Thiel 2 +101101110111 manufactuers 2 +101101110111 probucol 2 +101101110111 rollin 2 +101101110111 windings 2 +101101110111 concert-making 2 +101101110111 capacity. 2 +101101110111 Chavalit 2 +101101110111 use. 2 +101101110111 ribaviran 2 +101101110111 freshener 2 +101101110111 ticlopidine 2 +101101110111 scenter 2 +101101110111 baster 2 +101101110111 danthron 2 +101101110111 rover 2 +101101110111 Agt 2 +101101110111 Zyl 2 +101101110111 Demerol 2 +101101110111 gobbler 2 +101101110111 separators 2 +101101110111 Es 2 +101101110111 Hove 2 +101101110111 crisps 2 +101101110111 315,106 2 +101101110111 tailpipes 2 +101101110111 Ruisdael 2 +101101110111 Ohlen 2 +101101110111 networks. 2 +101101110111 Antwerpen 2 +101101110111 detonators 3 +101101110111 Emmerik 3 +101101110111 smashers 3 +101101110111 Thorazine 3 +101101110111 soundtracks 3 +101101110111 Treflan 3 +101101110111 Drive-In 3 +101101110111 bar-codes 3 +101101110111 siders 3 +101101110111 Heerden 3 +101101110111 Goghs 4 +101101110111 sniffers 4 +101101110111 yippies 4 +101101110111 Houten 4 +101101110111 grout 4 +101101110111 sediments 4 +101101110111 trijets 5 +101101110111 stampings 5 +101101110111 machineries 5 +101101110111 Oppen 5 +101101110111 grilles 5 +101101110111 chargers 5 +101101110111 Ekris 5 +101101110111 cloners 6 +101101110111 Rijn 6 +101101110111 shufflers 6 +101101110111 Eldepryl 6 +101101110111 loadings 7 +101101110111 CJ-7 7 +101101110111 rebuilder 8 +101101110111 acyclovir 8 +101101110111 overdoses 9 +101101110111 dashboards 9 +101101110111 forwarders 9 +101101110111 steppers 9 +101101110111 Wyk 9 +101101110111 assemblers 9 +101101110111 millers 10 +101101110111 trimmer 10 +101101110111 Musschenbroek 12 +101101110111 sergeants 14 +101101110111 shooters 15 +101101110111 feces 16 +101101110111 fabricators 21 +101101110111 timers 21 +101101110111 butts 24 +101101110111 trafficker 26 +101101110111 eaters 26 +101101110111 moguls 26 +101101110111 kingpins 29 +101101110111 whisky 33 +101101110111 cones 35 +101101110111 toppings 44 +101101110111 pushers 46 +101101110111 residues 46 +101101110111 haulers 50 +101101110111 barons 56 +101101110111 optics 57 +101101110111 abusers 57 +101101110111 lords 67 +101101110111 buffs 75 +101101110111 Amerongen 80 +101101110111 der 83 +101101110111 smugglers 108 +101101110111 detectors 117 +101101110111 trailers 123 +101101110111 coolers 127 +101101110111 drinkers 135 +101101110111 boosters 159 +101101110111 trafficking 179 +101101110111 addicts 185 +101101110111 traffickers 189 +101101110111 hunters 220 +101101110111 builders 390 +101101110111 attendants 618 +101101110111 operators 1467 +101101110111 users 1503 +101101110111 participants 1869 +101101110111 makers 6332 +10110111100 bowl. 1 +10110111100 Sowetans 1 +10110111100 qu 1 +10110111100 swingin 1 +10110111100 star-topped 1 +10110111100 BAY-z 1 +10110111100 shuckin 1 +10110111100 1099-B 1 +10110111100 ham-TRAM 1 +10110111100 minin 1 +10110111100 person. 1 +10110111100 16,388 1 +10110111100 Dios. 1 +10110111100 poison-makers 1 +10110111100 manque 1 +10110111100 goof-off 1 +10110111100 92F 1 +10110111100 skinner 1 +10110111100 clappers 2 +10110111100 trespassers 2 +10110111100 dowagers 2 +10110111100 economy-watchers 2 +10110111100 fasters 2 +10110111100 muumuu 2 +10110111100 badgers 2 +10110111100 Mouseville 2 +10110111100 certainty. 2 +10110111100 1,483 2 +10110111100 gunk 2 +10110111100 loas 2 +10110111100 progressive/populist 2 +10110111100 baseballers 2 +10110111100 198-pounder 2 +10110111100 baccalaureates 2 +10110111100 4,118 2 +10110111100 agnostics 2 +10110111100 soundman 2 +10110111100 coffeepots 2 +10110111100 Anacostia 2 +10110111100 rowers 3 +10110111100 taffy 3 +10110111100 princesses 3 +10110111100 gentrifiers 3 +10110111100 exerciser 3 +10110111100 botanists 3 +10110111100 eavesdroppers 3 +10110111100 buglers 3 +10110111100 Clydesdales 3 +10110111100 doormen 3 +10110111100 Coloradans 3 +10110111100 mailbags 4 +10110111100 bellboys 4 +10110111100 singings 4 +10110111100 brownstones 4 +10110111100 anarchists 4 +10110111100 co-operatives 4 +10110111100 piglets 4 +10110111100 freestylers 4 +10110111100 RUBs 4 +10110111100 Laotians 4 +10110111100 millworkers 4 +10110111100 Econolines 4 +10110111100 centenarians 5 +10110111100 compasses 5 +10110111100 Kansans 5 +10110111100 Vinny 5 +10110111100 cricketers 5 +10110111100 Legionnaires 5 +10110111100 nonfilers 5 +10110111100 grantees 5 +10110111100 paratroopers 5 +10110111100 shoplifters 5 +10110111100 invalids 5 +10110111100 indigents 5 +10110111100 flavorist 5 +10110111100 repeaters 5 +10110111100 up-and-comers 5 +10110111100 paddlers 5 +10110111100 assisters 5 +10110111100 impersonators 5 +10110111100 paperworkers 6 +10110111100 cadavers 6 +10110111100 employees. 6 +10110111100 Camrys 6 +10110111100 haters 6 +10110111100 snobs 6 +10110111100 infiltrators 6 +10110111100 reservationists 6 +10110111100 stagecraft 6 +10110111100 sophomores 6 +10110111100 firebrands 6 +10110111100 Athenians 7 +10110111100 scofflaws 7 +10110111100 TOWs 7 +10110111100 miniatures 7 +10110111100 guitarists 7 +10110111100 urbanites 7 +10110111100 skippers 7 +10110111100 merchantmen 7 +10110111100 blokes 7 +10110111100 oncologists 8 +10110111100 moralists 8 +10110111100 probationers 8 +10110111100 transducers 8 +10110111100 caseworkers 8 +10110111100 minks 8 +10110111100 elms 8 +10110111100 opposites 8 +10110111100 Santas 8 +10110111100 homebuyers 9 +10110111100 ideologists 9 +10110111100 gymnasts 9 +10110111100 looters 9 +10110111100 catchers 10 +10110111100 goons 10 +10110111100 barristers 10 +10110111100 hostesses 10 +10110111100 whiskeys 10 +10110111100 drummers 10 +10110111100 exercisers 10 +10110111100 conscripts 10 +10110111100 tinkerers 11 +10110111100 Probes 11 +10110111100 manatees 11 +10110111100 bookies 11 +10110111100 deserters 11 +10110111100 businesspeople 11 +10110111100 groupies 12 +10110111100 temporaries 12 +10110111100 matrons 12 +10110111100 mavericks 12 +10110111100 concertos 12 +10110111100 tutors 12 +10110111100 mares 12 +10110111100 worshippers 13 +10110111100 bakers 13 +10110111100 mathematicians 13 +10110111100 mainlanders 14 +10110111100 Mustangs 14 +10110111100 Muslims 14 +10110111100 toughs 15 +10110111100 sophisticates 15 +10110111100 revelers 15 +10110111100 gadflies 15 +10110111100 visuals 15 +10110111100 reservists 16 +10110111100 ballplayers 16 +10110111100 employes 16 +10110111100 seamstresses 17 +10110111100 burglars 17 +10110111100 loggers 17 +10110111100 innocents 17 +10110111100 optometrists 17 +10110111100 Fijians 17 +10110111100 bikers 18 +10110111100 seafarers 18 +10110111100 dockworkers 18 +10110111100 Latinos 18 +10110111100 risk-takers 18 +10110111100 couriers 18 +10110111100 aviators 18 +10110111100 cabbies 19 +10110111100 escapees 19 +10110111100 crocuses 19 +10110111100 squatters 20 +10110111100 anglers 20 +10110111100 superintendents 20 +10110111100 eyewitnesses 20 +10110111100 miscues 21 +10110111100 bargainers 21 +10110111100 Serbs 21 +10110111100 markings 21 +10110111100 screeners 21 +10110111100 F-18s 21 +10110111100 bowlers 21 +10110111100 explorers 21 +10110111100 hounds 21 +10110111100 worshipers 22 +10110111100 grads 22 +10110111100 battalions 22 +10110111100 novices 23 +10110111100 whistle-blowers 23 +10110111100 interns 23 +10110111100 artisans 24 +10110111100 governorships 24 +10110111100 testers 24 +10110111100 campers 24 +10110111100 carpenters 24 +10110111100 mourners 25 +10110111100 man-hours 26 +10110111100 repairmen 26 +10110111100 enrollees 26 +10110111100 onlookers 26 +10110111100 hobbyists 26 +10110111100 Olympians 27 +10110111100 ethicists 27 +10110111100 peddlers 28 +10110111100 mobsters 28 +10110111100 choreographers 28 +10110111100 undergraduates 28 +10110111100 faxes 29 +10110111100 announcers 30 +10110111100 ol 30 +10110111100 informants 30 +10110111100 aficionados 31 +10110111100 poachers 33 +10110111100 hackers 33 +10110111100 protestors 33 +10110111100 chiropractors 33 +10110111100 preparers 35 +10110111100 breeders 36 +10110111100 stubs 36 +10110111100 entertainers 36 +10110111100 mercenaries 37 +10110111100 interpreters 37 +10110111100 attendees 37 +10110111100 temps 38 +10110111100 chefs 40 +10110111100 craftsmen 40 +10110111100 corpses 41 +10110111100 POWs 42 +10110111100 emigrants 42 +10110111100 skiers 42 +10110111100 missionaries 43 +10110111100 technocrats 45 +10110111100 skaters 46 +10110111100 convicts 46 +10110111100 novelists 46 +10110111100 shopkeepers 47 +10110111100 vacationers 47 +10110111100 newborns 47 +10110111100 dropouts 50 +10110111100 part-timers 50 +10110111100 psychiatrists 51 +10110111100 therapists 53 +10110111100 SS-20s 53 +10110111100 fanatics 53 +10110111100 freshmen 54 +10110111100 trainees 54 +10110111100 comics 55 +10110111100 detectives 56 +10110111100 wineries 58 +10110111100 painters 58 +10110111100 dwellers 58 +10110111100 renters 58 +10110111100 commuters 58 +10110111100 pensioners 59 +10110111100 gamblers 60 +10110111100 divers 61 +10110111100 ambassadors 63 +10110111100 MBAs 63 +10110111100 housewives 67 +10110111100 sufferers 67 +10110111100 firefighters 68 +10110111100 co-ops 70 +10110111100 murderers 70 +10110111100 exiles 70 +10110111100 servicemen 70 +10110111100 cardholders 71 +10110111100 instructors 72 +10110111100 trainers 72 +10110111100 detainees 75 +10110111100 diners 75 +10110111100 tribes 75 +10110111100 showers 80 +10110111100 illegals 80 +10110111100 pioneers 81 +10110111100 physicists 82 +10110111100 fats 84 +10110111100 fund-raisers 86 +10110111100 settlers 86 +10110111100 steelworkers 86 +10110111100 runners 89 +10110111100 licensees 91 +10110111100 spies 92 +10110111100 enthusiasts 98 +10110111100 crewmen 99 +10110111100 riders 100 +10110111100 seniors 102 +10110111100 bees 104 +10110111100 cops 106 +10110111100 laborers 112 +10110111100 alumni 113 +10110111100 spectators 113 +10110111100 sailors 114 +10110111100 peoples 122 +10110111100 composers 124 +10110111100 campuses 127 +10110111100 gangs 130 +10110111100 extremists 138 +10110111100 textbooks 140 +10110111100 singers 145 +10110111100 salespeople 148 +10110111100 middlemen 151 +10110111100 coaches 154 +10110111100 generals 157 +10110111100 programmers 160 +10110111100 practitioners 163 +10110111100 offenders 171 +10110111100 lovers 172 +10110111100 patrons 172 +10110111100 speakers 173 +10110111100 populations 192 +10110111100 dancers 205 +10110111100 youngsters 209 +10110111100 inmates 234 +10110111100 clerks 234 +10110111100 collectors 244 +10110111100 aliens 246 +10110111100 technicians 250 +10110111100 mechanics 252 +10110111100 nurses 264 +10110111100 civilians 275 +10110111100 intellectuals 284 +10110111100 demonstrators 285 +10110111100 musicians 293 +10110111100 protesters 307 +10110111100 volunteers 312 +10110111100 criminals 329 +10110111100 designers 354 +10110111100 athletes 355 +10110111100 professors 393 +10110111100 smokers 404 +10110111100 controllers 437 +10110111100 graduates 477 +10110111100 veterans 499 +10110111100 retirees 510 +10110111100 bureaucrats 515 +10110111100 visitors 520 +10110111100 recipients 529 +10110111100 miners 536 +10110111100 refugees 550 +10110111100 applicants 554 +10110111100 drivers 729 +10110111100 viewers 731 +10110111100 immigrants 734 +10110111100 artists 778 +10110111100 teachers 824 +10110111100 households 826 +10110111100 physicians 828 +10110111100 delegates 867 +10110111100 engineers 913 +10110111100 writers 937 +10110111100 soldiers 984 +10110111100 passengers 1138 +10110111100 residents 1593 +10110111100 citizens 1612 +10110111100 agents 2082 +10110111100 doctors 2185 +10110111100 patients 3564 +10110111100 students 3687 +10110111100 employees 11086 +10110111100 workers 11049 +101101111010 customs-users 1 +101101111010 mid-decade 1 +101101111010 then-Lt 1 +101101111010 over-supply 1 +101101111010 comraderie 1 +101101111010 IIGSs 1 +101101111010 Lousiana-Pacific 1 +101101111010 reclosure 1 +101101111010 train. 1 +101101111010 camera-lens 1 +101101111010 Sufferin 1 +101101111010 Bump. 1 +101101111010 thifts 1 +101101111010 Aug.7 1 +101101111010 nonlawyers 1 +101101111010 owner-managers 1 +101101111010 standees 1 +101101111010 949-493 1 +101101111010 orifice 1 +101101111010 Jan.31 1 +101101111010 Leiber 1 +101101111010 professionsals 1 +101101111010 nail-painting 1 +101101111010 knowledge-workers 1 +101101111010 worker-owners 1 +101101111010 quantifications 1 +101101111010 speaker-phone 1 +101101111010 Detroit- 1 +101101111010 reinfestation 1 +101101111010 theater-goers 1 +101101111010 dogsled 1 +101101111010 WCMU 1 +101101111010 detruction 1 +101101111010 socialism/communism 1 +101101111010 thro 1 +101101111010 935-658 1 +101101111010 947-707 1 +101101111010 mandolin 1 +101101111010 prefabrication 1 +101101111010 Weider-Flex 1 +101101111010 1936-37 1 +101101111010 crypto-socialists 1 +101101111010 Distraction 1 +101101111010 recruiting/relocation 1 +101101111010 non-Egyptians 1 +101101111010 Heed 1 +101101111010 anyone. 1 +101101111010 925-559 1 +101101111010 MGTB/Ayer 1 +101101111010 laboraties 1 +101101111010 Mr.Ozal 1 +101101111010 1918-1920 1 +101101111010 bargainhunting 1 +101101111010 Austro-Germans 1 +101101111010 787-592 1 +101101111010 WTTW/Chicago 1 +101101111010 estoppel 1 +101101111010 airboat 1 +101101111010 MMPI-2 1 +101101111010 Masushita 1 +101101111010 Verve/PolyGram 1 +101101111010 auto-pilot 1 +101101111010 ex-Yankee 1 +101101111010 aftershaves 1 +101101111010 948839 1 +101101111010 ministers-cum-presidents 1 +101101111010 office-holders 1 +101101111010 evangelization 1 +101101111010 lightning. 1 +101101111010 radiotelephone 1 +101101111010 Donemus 1 +101101111010 Goths 1 +101101111010 efficiency-driven 1 +101101111010 Swingin 1 +101101111010 destitutes 1 +101101111010 laggardness 1 +101101111010 earnestly. 1 +101101111010 protest-training 1 +101101111010 drum-beaters 1 +101101111010 sandbars 1 +101101111010 yes. 1 +101101111010 tramway 1 +101101111010 Teletype 1 +101101111010 Cristall 1 +101101111010 guaranties 2 +101101111010 re-investment 2 +101101111010 mid-1999 2 +101101111010 Cracklin 2 +101101111010 3,555 2 +101101111010 animations 2 +101101111010 shools 2 +101101111010 Louisvillians 2 +101101111010 affliates 2 +101101111010 7,170 2 +101101111010 Bevaeringen 2 +101101111010 both. 2 +101101111010 second-liners 2 +101101111010 tootin 2 +101101111010 ALITALIA 2 +101101111010 those. 2 +101101111010 stock. 2 +101101111010 65-days 2 +101101111010 Dordrecht 2 +101101111010 financers 3 +101101111010 transracially 3 +101101111010 Marxist-Leninists 3 +101101111010 instants 3 +101101111010 3,264,000 3 +101101111010 balletomanes 3 +101101111010 737-100s 3 +101101111010 banzai 3 +101101111010 wiseguy 3 +101101111010 jukeboxes 3 +101101111010 dislosures 3 +101101111010 Heidelberger 4 +101101111010 non-Communists 4 +101101111010 Vend 4 +101101111010 Magritte 4 +101101111010 ex-shareholders 4 +101101111010 Metrorail 4 +101101111010 Bass/Aoki 4 +101101111010 indiscipline 5 +101101111010 widths 5 +101101111010 825S 5 +101101111010 condensation 6 +101101111010 dross 7 +101101111010 physicals 7 +101101111010 Noriegas 7 +101101111010 swingers 7 +101101111010 jowl 7 +101101111010 non-residents 8 +101101111010 stewardesses 8 +101101111010 then-Sen 9 +101101111010 lawbreakers 10 +101101111010 737-200s 15 +101101111010 unitholders 23 +101101111010 WON 24 +101101111010 arbitraging 36 +101101111010 ratepayers 158 +101101111010 bondholders 466 +101101111010 depositors 522 +101101111010 stockholders 1327 +101101111010 holders 7212 +101101111010 shareholders 11634 +1011011110110 tidewaters 1 +1011011110110 breath. 1 +1011011110110 hebes 1 +1011011110110 adversarys 1 +1011011110110 polyclinics 1 +1011011110110 penetration. 1 +1011011110110 cathedrals. 1 +1011011110110 ex-superintendent 1 +1011011110110 totalities 1 +1011011110110 party-mates 1 +1011011110110 neighbor-nation 1 +1011011110110 stinkiness 1 +1011011110110 heirs-apparent 1 +1011011110110 craftworkers 1 +1011011110110 business-breakthroughs 1 +1011011110110 philosphy 1 +1011011110110 blurbists 1 +1011011110110 helipad 1 +1011011110110 salesmens 1 +1011011110110 citrus-packing 1 +1011011110110 nine-o 1 +1011011110110 backtests 1 +1011011110110 deposits. 1 +1011011110110 narcodollars 1 +1011011110110 off-time 1 +1011011110110 scientist/traders 1 +1011011110110 breathin 1 +1011011110110 work-to 1 +1011011110110 sleep. 1 +1011011110110 child. 1 +1011011110110 offsprings 1 +1011011110110 toddlin 1 +1011011110110 dual-damping 1 +1011011110110 sucessors 1 +1011011110110 revenue-enforcement 1 +1011011110110 credentials. 1 +1011011110110 workshirt 1 +1011011110110 books. 1 +1011011110110 non-clients 1 +1011011110110 saviour 1 +1011011110110 porcupines 1 +1011011110110 Bureau-gate 1 +1011011110110 delectation 1 +1011011110110 stickball-playing 1 +1011011110110 fishmonger 2 +1011011110110 pedagogy 2 +1011011110110 late-30s 2 +1011011110110 appurtenances 2 +1011011110110 relationship. 2 +1011011110110 rail-thin 2 +1011011110110 force. 2 +1011011110110 renewers 2 +1011011110110 Krushchev 2 +1011011110110 slaveholders 2 +1011011110110 MOS 2 +1011011110110 QBs 2 +1011011110110 optionees 2 +1011011110110 judgment. 2 +1011011110110 forelegs 2 +1011011110110 monolog 2 +1011011110110 globe-trotters 2 +1011011110110 far-sightedness 2 +1011011110110 unsympathetically 2 +1011011110110 supershares 2 +1011011110110 neo-isolationist 2 +1011011110110 sons-in-law 2 +1011011110110 hometowns 2 +1011011110110 backbenchers 3 +1011011110110 smoothies 3 +1011011110110 RoadRailers 3 +1011011110110 shirttail 3 +1011011110110 fanfares 3 +1011011110110 newspeople 3 +1011011110110 Fatherland 3 +1011011110110 Uprising 3 +1011011110110 parishoners 3 +1011011110110 Buddhas 3 +1011011110110 namesakes 3 +1011011110110 vassals 3 +1011011110110 persecutors 3 +1011011110110 tummies 3 +1011011110110 troth 3 +1011011110110 lookouts 4 +1011011110110 great-grandparents 4 +1011011110110 dupes 4 +1011011110110 coworkers 4 +1011011110110 confederates 4 +1011011110110 haunches 4 +1011011110110 hand. 4 +1011011110110 helpfulness 4 +1011011110110 squeri 4 +1011011110110 phoniness 4 +1011011110110 hairstyle 4 +1011011110110 boomlets 4 +1011011110110 samplers 4 +1011011110110 PAYSOPs 4 +1011011110110 salamis 4 +1011011110110 linebackers 4 +1011011110110 workroom 5 +1011011110110 alums 5 +1011011110110 sit-ups 5 +1011011110110 abrasiveness 5 +1011011110110 chins 5 +1011011110110 inspirations 5 +1011011110110 pooches 5 +1011011110110 sprinters 5 +1011011110110 bouncer 5 +1011011110110 troubleshooters 5 +1011011110110 gents 5 +1011011110110 high-rollers 5 +1011011110110 kingdoms 5 +1011011110110 fatties 6 +1011011110110 caretakers 6 +1011011110110 schoolwork 6 +1011011110110 by-laws 6 +1011011110110 missives 6 +1011011110110 residencies 6 +1011011110110 goofs 6 +1011011110110 mediums 6 +1011011110110 bridesmaids 6 +1011011110110 ripostes 7 +1011011110110 packagers 7 +1011011110110 anti-Communists 7 +1011011110110 copywriters 7 +1011011110110 generalists 8 +1011011110110 sovereigns 8 +1011011110110 cost-cutters 8 +1011011110110 oppressors 8 +1011011110110 midwives 8 +1011011110110 deal-makers 8 +1011011110110 fangs 8 +1011011110110 conquerors 9 +1011011110110 playmates 9 +1011011110110 well-wishers 9 +1011011110110 philanthropists 9 +1011011110110 followings 10 +1011011110110 revolvers 10 +1011011110110 henchmen 10 +1011011110110 bookshelves 10 +1011011110110 pursuers 10 +1011011110110 aciduria 10 +1011011110110 superstitions 10 +1011011110110 brooms 11 +1011011110110 typists 11 +1011011110110 hairdressers 11 +1011011110110 addictions 11 +1011011110110 betters 12 +1011011110110 expletives 12 +1011011110110 mistresses 12 +1011011110110 jerseys 12 +1011011110110 biographers 13 +1011011110110 wristwatches 14 +1011011110110 enthusiasms 14 +1011011110110 chums 14 +1011011110110 co-authors 14 +1011011110110 Chas 14 +1011011110110 homeworkers 14 +1011011110110 billionaires 14 +1011011110110 childrens 14 +1011011110110 basements 15 +1011011110110 emissaries 15 +1011011110110 bidcos 15 +1011011110110 quarterbacks 15 +1011011110110 questioners 15 +1011011110110 zoos 15 +1011011110110 archrivals 15 +1011011110110 shareowners 16 +1011011110110 scriptwriters 16 +1011011110110 accusers 16 +1011011110110 roommates 17 +1011011110110 acolytes 17 +1011011110110 SALs 17 +1011011110110 housekeepers 18 +1011011110110 flyers 18 +1011011110110 duds 19 +1011011110110 in-laws 19 +1011011110110 passwords 20 +1011011110110 bettors 20 +1011011110110 prospectors 22 +1011011110110 quartets 22 +1011011110110 proteges 22 +1011011110110 hurricanes 23 +1011011110110 cheerleaders 23 +1011011110110 forebears 23 +1011011110110 minions 23 +1011011110110 forefathers 24 +1011011110110 confidants 25 +1011011110110 compatriots 25 +1011011110110 disciples 26 +1011011110110 accomplices 28 +1011011110110 girlfriends 29 +1011011110110 fists 30 +1011011110110 headhunters 30 +1011011110110 collaborators 31 +1011011110110 superstores 33 +1011011110110 actuaries 34 +1011011110110 cohorts 34 +1011011110110 resellers 35 +1011011110110 proprietors 36 +1011011110110 belongings 36 +1011011110110 comedians 37 +1011011110110 parishioners 37 +1011011110110 statesmen 38 +1011011110110 flippers 38 +1011011110110 underlings 39 +1011011110110 interrogators 39 +1011011110110 benefactors 40 +1011011110110 interviewers 42 +1011011110110 mailers 42 +1011011110110 mentors 44 +1011011110110 doubters 45 +1011011110110 pals 48 +1011011110110 bodyguards 48 +1011011110110 wits 51 +1011011110110 imitators 52 +1011011110110 warriors 52 +1011011110110 adherents 58 +1011011110110 millionaires 59 +1011011110110 companions 59 +1011011110110 contemporaries 60 +1011011110110 co-conspirators 62 +1011011110110 buddies 65 +1011011110110 cronies 65 +1011011110110 comrades 68 +1011011110110 brethren 69 +1011011110110 lieutenants 71 +1011011110110 cousins 72 +1011011110110 ancestors 73 +1011011110110 mates 77 +1011011110110 acquaintances 82 +1011011110110 classmates 89 +1011011110110 believers 92 +1011011110110 souls 94 +1011011110110 elders 97 +1011011110110 admirers 98 +1011011110110 co-workers 100 +1011011110110 assistants 102 +1011011110110 correspondents 103 +1011011110110 subcontractors 110 +1011011110110 grandparents 122 +1011011110110 adversaries 143 +1011011110110 challengers 143 +1011011110110 heirs 144 +1011011110110 listeners 147 +1011011110110 successors 153 +1011011110110 favorites 154 +1011011110110 celebrities 177 +1011011110110 policyholders 185 +1011011110110 charities 200 +1011011110110 managements 202 +1011011110110 contributors 203 +1011011110110 heroes 204 +1011011110110 superiors 207 +1011011110110 peers 226 +1011011110110 fingers 229 +1011011110110 followers 248 +1011011110110 subordinates 261 +1011011110110 constituents 263 +1011011110110 predecessors 266 +1011011110110 bosses 303 +1011011110110 enemies 329 +1011011110110 donors 375 +1011011110110 salesmen 403 +1011011110110 guests 427 +1011011110110 franchisees 429 +1011011110110 tenants 437 +1011011110110 audiences 488 +1011011110110 relatives 507 +1011011110110 neighbors 586 +1011011110110 raiders 600 +1011011110110 witnesses 638 +1011011110110 fans 671 +1011011110110 travelers 687 +1011011110110 characters 882 +1011011110110 readers 937 +1011011110110 associates 996 +1011011110110 rivals 1144 +1011011110110 colleagues 1412 +1011011110110 allies 1570 +1011011110110 reporters 1805 +1011011110110 parents 2100 +1011011110110 friends 2134 +1011011110110 players 2169 +1011011110110 competitors 2903 +1011011110110 customers 8021 +1011011110110 clients 4611 +1011011110111 Delftshaven 1 +1011011110111 presence. 1 +1011011110111 Bundle 1 +1011011110111 Shell-Shocked 1 +1011011110111 diamond-earring 1 +1011011110111 Lebanization 1 +1011011110111 industry-encompassing 1 +1011011110111 trader-customers 1 +1011011110111 Glassworkers 1 +1011011110111 cheap. 1 +1011011110111 Lipsticks 1 +1011011110111 Intramarketing 1 +1011011110111 F.F. 1 +1011011110111 Octopussy 1 +1011011110111 Tradinca 1 +1011011110111 extra-option 1 +1011011110111 Frontline/Time 1 +1011011110111 team. 1 +1011011110111 x-months 1 +1011011110111 tok 1 +1011011110111 kaul 1 +1011011110111 Reinventing 1 +1011011110111 nin 1 +1011011110111 buy-dollar 1 +1011011110111 accordin 1 +1011011110111 Judge-of-the-Month 1 +1011011110111 See-no-evil 1 +1011011110111 affiliiates 1 +1011011110111 stock-raids 1 +1011011110111 Uh-Oh 1 +1011011110111 lyres 1 +1011011110111 landpartnerships 1 +1011011110111 ANTIDOTE 1 +1011011110111 1895-1913 1 +1011011110111 hypertrophy 1 +1011011110111 courseware 1 +1011011110111 Hemo 1 +1011011110111 Libertines 1 +1011011110111 u 1 +1011011110111 cold-ships 1 +1011011110111 white-hat 1 +1011011110111 oologies 1 +1011011110111 26,073 1 +1011011110111 sky-is-falling 1 +1011011110111 civilianized 1 +1011011110111 meister 1 +1011011110111 more-German-growth 1 +1011011110111 immobiles 1 +1011011110111 ilegales 1 +1011011110111 positive-energetic-relaxation 1 +1011011110111 hamsteak 1 +1011011110111 Whelchairs 1 +1011011110111 Koroga 1 +1011011110111 chinensis 1 +1011011110111 plantscapes 1 +1011011110111 Excrement 1 +1011011110111 colonias 1 +1011011110111 Eurosclerosis 1 +1011011110111 fanaticos 1 +1011011110111 1,340,200 1 +1011011110111 de-Echeverriaizing 1 +1011011110111 nope 1 +1011011110111 Habermaas 1 +1011011110111 LEFTIES 1 +1011011110111 -scam 1 +1011011110111 -gate 1 +1011011110111 junk-junk 1 +1011011110111 Boppin 1 +1011011110111 affilates 1 +1011011110111 headcounts 1 +1011011110111 quasi-political 1 +1011011110111 Occasionless 1 +1011011110111 when-it-happens 1 +1011011110111 money-centers 1 +1011011110111 She-Ras 1 +1011011110111 wings. 1 +1011011110111 one-outlook 1 +1011011110111 something-for-nothing 1 +1011011110111 Ramblin 1 +1011011110111 bee-yoo-tee-fool 1 +1011011110111 Bye-bye 1 +1011011110111 detour. 1 +1011011110111 Wagon-Lits 1 +1011011110111 Rhoda. 1 +1011011110111 poverticians. 1 +1011011110111 salade 1 +1011011110111 high-teching 1 +1011011110111 ive 1 +1011011110111 Norma. 1 +1011011110111 fibroids 1 +1011011110111 In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida 1 +1011011110111 line-cussin 1 +1011011110111 FQ 1 +1011011110111 please. 1 +1011011110111 sixmonths 1 +1011011110111 17,553 1 +1011011110111 Stasi 1 +1011011110111 ins. 1 +1011011110111 newsboys 1 +1011011110111 flight-to-safety 1 +1011011110111 lushy-gushy 1 +1011011110111 SPYCATCHER 1 +1011011110111 to-whom-er 1 +1011011110111 pre-martial-law 1 +1011011110111 semiconductor-makers 1 +1011011110111 special-counselors 1 +1011011110111 U.S.S.R 1 +1011011110111 comin 1 +1011011110111 after-care 2 +1011011110111 3,396 2 +1011011110111 disputants 2 +1011011110111 132,644 2 +1011011110111 inanition 2 +1011011110111 subdividers 2 +1011011110111 recommendation. 2 +1011011110111 aficianados 2 +1011011110111 Irece 2 +1011011110111 Hawkeyes 2 +1011011110111 P.M.D.B. 2 +1011011110111 wash-out 2 +1011011110111 Breach 2 +1011011110111 saying. 2 +1011011110111 Marne 2 +1011011110111 front-to-back 2 +1011011110111 anti-contra 2 +1011011110111 rulebooks 2 +1011011110111 plaids 2 +1011011110111 2,961 2 +1011011110111 Bul 2 +1011011110111 Clios 2 +1011011110111 clambering 2 +1011011110111 1029.50 2 +1011011110111 1067.31 2 +1011011110111 1047.42 2 +1011011110111 Capetown 2 +1011011110111 Odysseus 3 +1011011110111 Aerocancun 3 +1011011110111 damsels 3 +1011011110111 public-employees 3 +1011011110111 Hoovered 3 +1011011110111 superchargers 3 +1011011110111 Lothario 3 +1011011110111 umph 3 +1011011110111 lithotripters 3 +1011011110111 Bol 3 +1011011110111 Burnips 3 +1011011110111 Inquisitors 3 +1011011110111 aeration 3 +1011011110111 indexers 3 +1011011110111 extravagances 4 +1011011110111 somethin 4 +1011011110111 tipsters 4 +1011011110111 gettin 4 +1011011110111 SROs 4 +1011011110111 insitutions 4 +1011011110111 account. 4 +1011011110111 breastbone 4 +1011011110111 Cervantes 4 +1011011110111 1438.12 4 +1011011110111 Kunming 4 +1011011110111 roofers 4 +1011011110111 body-builders 5 +1011011110111 non-Americans 5 +1011011110111 MEDIOBANCA 5 +1011011110111 shrimpers 5 +1011011110111 oilworkers 5 +1011011110111 letterheads 5 +1011011110111 garrisons 5 +1011011110111 storekeepers 6 +1011011110111 Bricklayers 6 +1011011110111 arrangers 6 +1011011110111 kiwis 6 +1011011110111 Misanthrope 6 +1011011110111 Meda 6 +1011011110111 Astroturf 7 +1011011110111 flight-attendants 7 +1011011110111 minnows 7 +1011011110111 ne 7 +1011011110111 debt-holders 8 +1011011110111 nothin 8 +1011011110111 WASPs 8 +1011011110111 L-1011s 9 +1011011110111 feudalism 10 +1011011110111 rate-payers 10 +1011011110111 Galilee 10 +1011011110111 hostage-takers 11 +1011011110111 Bojangles 12 +1011011110111 decorators 13 +1011011110111 cogenerators 13 +1011011110111 climbers 14 +1011011110111 wrestlers 15 +1011011110111 mineworkers 16 +1011011110111 metalworkers 16 +1011011110111 rooftops 20 +1011011110111 preferreds 20 +1011011110111 paperbacks 21 +1011011110111 unionists 31 +1011011110111 signatories 33 +1011011110111 Achilles 40 +1011011110111 CMOs 43 +1011011110111 reinsurers 44 +1011011110111 noteholders 48 +1011011110111 debtholders 49 +1011011110111 darts 64 +1011011110111 initials 67 +1011011110111 captives 68 +1011011110111 ADRs 165 +1011011110111 scratch 206 +1011011110111 PACs 235 +1011011110111 supervisors 255 +1011011110111 machinists 467 +1011011110111 claimants 498 +1011011110111 affiliates 770 +1011011110111 contractors 1308 +1011011110111 lenders 2024 +1011011110111 pilots 2121 +1011011110111 unions 2586 +1011011110111 creditors 4159 +1011011110111 partners 3487 +101101111100 analyis 1 +101101111100 well-monitoring 1 +101101111100 J-Cars 1 +101101111100 political-education 1 +101101111100 theocrats 1 +101101111100 accommodationists 2 +101101111100 Augmentin 2 +101101111100 Heels 2 +101101111100 AIN 2 +101101111100 voodooists 2 +101101111100 recaps 2 +101101111100 probers 3 +101101111100 CAMPS 3 +101101111100 ladies-in-waiting 3 +101101111100 Ripperologists 3 +101101111100 flattops 3 +101101111100 Amboseli 3 +101101111100 paleontologists 3 +101101111100 image-makers 3 +101101111100 anti-militarists 3 +101101111100 Bisons 3 +101101111100 consuls 4 +101101111100 die-hards 4 +101101111100 budget-cutters 5 +101101111100 criminologists 5 +101101111100 laywers 5 +101101111100 free-marketeers 6 +101101111100 Cassandras 6 +101101111100 embezzlers 6 +101101111100 reseachers 7 +101101111100 free-traders 7 +101101111100 co-stars 7 +101101111100 aldermen 8 +101101111100 budgeteers 8 +101101111100 schedulers 9 +101101111100 geriatricians 10 +101101111100 left-wingers 11 +101101111100 audiophiles 12 +101101111100 speechwriters 12 +101101111100 presenters 14 +101101111100 animators 14 +101101111100 editorialists 14 +101101111100 psychotherapists 15 +101101111100 sleuths 15 +101101111100 decision-makers 16 +101101111100 intimates 19 +101101111100 geniuses 19 +101101111100 cynics 20 +101101111100 screenwriters 20 +101101111100 princes 22 +101101111100 wags 22 +101101111100 hoteliers 23 +101101111100 advisors 23 +101101111100 wizards 25 +101101111100 purists 25 +101101111100 apologists 26 +101101111100 cognoscenti 27 +101101111100 biologists 32 +101101111100 publicists 33 +101101111100 sociologists 40 +101101111100 statisticians 40 +101101111100 cartoonists 42 +101101111100 hardliners 47 +101101111100 reviewers 50 +101101111100 gurus 55 +101101111100 theorists 63 +101101111100 columnists 64 +101101111100 chemists 66 +101101111100 pundits 96 +101101111100 detractors 100 +101101111100 counselors 108 +101101111100 educators 141 +101101111100 promoters 153 +101101111100 historians 157 +101101111100 administrators 272 +101101111100 scholars 316 +101101111100 lobbyists 466 +101101111100 strategists 474 +101101111100 diplomats 604 +101101111100 staffers 629 +101101111100 planners 647 +101101111100 accountants 793 +101101111100 consultants 1365 +101101111100 professionals 1419 +101101111100 scientists 1783 +101101111100 aides 1810 +101101111100 advisers 1822 +101101111100 researchers 1858 +101101111100 attorneys 2091 +101101111100 critics 2198 +101101111100 managers 6742 +101101111100 bankers 3778 +101101111100 lawyers 5012 +1011011111010 Torquers 1 +1011011111010 Kinski 1 +1011011111010 wrangler 1 +1011011111010 fare-setter 1 +1011011111010 mangagement 1 +1011011111010 organziations 1 +1011011111010 PRI-haters 1 +1011011111010 yuppettes 1 +1011011111010 PPPA 1 +1011011111010 OFFSETS 1 +1011011111010 co-worker. 1 +1011011111010 ethnobotanist 1 +1011011111010 256.00 1 +1011011111010 POW. 1 +1011011111010 disconnects 1 +1011011111010 coders 1 +1011011111010 Bouis 1 +1011011111010 Malmsteen 1 +1011011111010 Telfer 1 +1011011111010 polarizes 1 +1011011111010 flameout 1 +1011011111010 Amini 1 +1011011111010 928-S4 1 +1011011111010 evolutions 1 +1011011111010 track-speed 1 +1011011111010 cocoas 1 +1011011111010 recruiter. 1 +1011011111010 sail-plane 1 +1011011111010 taxwriter 1 +1011011111010 poobah 1 +1011011111010 abbreviatus 1 +1011011111010 Cressidas 2 +1011011111010 GROWERS 2 +1011011111010 Craftsmen 2 +1011011111010 job-hunters 2 +1011011111010 ticketholders 2 +1011011111010 Sidor 2 +1011011111010 menthols 2 +1011011111010 ewes 2 +1011011111010 counterpunches 2 +1011011111010 reopenings 2 +1011011111010 Zachara 2 +1011011111010 Montrealer 2 +1011011111010 pedigrees 2 +1011011111010 ZEAL 2 +1011011111010 vote-getters 2 +1011011111010 NCOs 3 +1011011111010 woodcut 3 +1011011111010 A300s 3 +1011011111010 ex-officials 3 +1011011111010 protestants 3 +1011011111010 drillship 3 +1011011111010 docs 3 +1011011111010 exponents 4 +1011011111010 FXs 4 +1011011111010 182.55 5 +1011011111010 tax-writer 5 +1011011111010 handicappers 5 +1011011111010 provocateurs 5 +1011011111010 lifer 6 +1011011111010 number-crunchers 6 +1011011111010 lessees 8 +1011011111010 ex-employees 8 +1011011111010 savants 9 +1011011111010 GROUPS 9 +1011011111010 junkholders 9 +1011011111010 pageants 12 +1011011111010 finishers 12 +1011011111010 dealmaker 15 +1011011111010 bigwigs 19 +1011011111010 chieftains 27 +1011011111010 treasurers 50 +1011011111010 recruiters 99 +1011011111010 insiders 719 +1011011111010 officers 3114 +1011011111010 executives 9612 +1011011111011 formaldehyde-producing 1 +1011011111011 interest-rate-related 1 +1011011111011 KNSS-FM 1 +1011011111011 Khadija 1 +1011011111011 heav 1 +1011011111011 WRIF-FM 1 +1011011111011 KTEH 1 +1011011111011 Westdeutscher 1 +1011011111011 now-unnecessary 1 +1011011111011 CFTO-TV 1 +1011011111011 internalization 1 +1011011111011 WKBW 1 +1011011111011 WPIX-11 1 +1011011111011 WQBA-AM 1 +1011011111011 self-reformation 1 +1011011111011 WZFM-FM 1 +1011011111011 KKRD-FM 1 +1011011111011 Nanapush 1 +1011011111011 KIHS 1 +1011011111011 KCPQ 1 +1011011111011 Jalala 1 +1011011111011 WWWE 1 +1011011111011 leafleting 1 +1011011111011 KLRS 1 +1011011111011 WBGO-FM 1 +1011011111011 KXXV 1 +1011011111011 punchin 1 +1011011111011 reliquaries 1 +1011011111011 437-page 1 +1011011111011 WSJT 1 +1011011111011 Punjab. 1 +1011011111011 DZBB 1 +1011011111011 people-friends 1 +1011011111011 aircraft-manufacturers 1 +1011011111011 minibars 1 +1011011111011 Phlox 1 +1011011111011 blasters 1 +1011011111011 state-established 1 +1011011111011 Nuttin 1 +1011011111011 Ghazi 1 +1011011111011 673-acre 1 +1011011111011 technologies-they 1 +1011011111011 Ntomb 1 +1011011111011 KMST 1 +1011011111011 WMJI 1 +1011011111011 WCXR-FM 1 +1011011111011 births. 1 +1011011111011 Linens 1 +1011011111011 windbreaks 1 +1011011111011 WCPX 1 +1011011111011 Meltem 1 +1011011111011 KHIT-FM 1 +1011011111011 KSSN-FM 1 +1011011111011 KZOU-FM 1 +1011011111011 KTVX 1 +1011011111011 KDKA 1 +1011011111011 crosschecking 1 +1011011111011 field-officials 1 +1011011111011 WOKJ 1 +1011011111011 keyholes 1 +1011011111011 corn-buyer 1 +1011011111011 power-play 1 +1011011111011 does. 1 +1011011111011 KUED 1 +1011011111011 Stilfontein 1 +1011011111011 megabusts 1 +1011011111011 refurbishings 1 +1011011111011 Dreaded 1 +1011011111011 faculty-hiring 1 +1011011111011 KPWR 1 +1011011111011 directorates 1 +1011011111011 Sambre 1 +1011011111011 horsin 1 +1011011111011 billons 1 +1011011111011 WWSW-FM 1 +1011011111011 A-321s 2 +1011011111011 HSV7 2 +1011011111011 creaminess 2 +1011011111011 picnickers 2 +1011011111011 WKRC 2 +1011011111011 MobiTel 2 +1011011111011 alitame 2 +1011011111011 Comaneci 2 +1011011111011 Imperials 2 +1011011111011 longshots 2 +1011011111011 her. 2 +1011011111011 B-52s 2 +1011011111011 IDMS/SQL 2 +1011011111011 WBZ-TV 2 +1011011111011 HWGA 2 +1011011111011 Khomeinis 2 +1011011111011 eye-blinks 2 +1011011111011 WMHE-FM 2 +1011011111011 countesses 2 +1011011111011 Tafts 2 +1011011111011 containments 2 +1011011111011 Rabl 2 +1011011111011 rudders 2 +1011011111011 Nanotyrannus 2 +1011011111011 KIQQ 2 +1011011111011 world-weariness 2 +1011011111011 snakebites 2 +1011011111011 shovelers 3 +1011011111011 KETV 3 +1011011111011 WQYK-FM 3 +1011011111011 grotesques 3 +1011011111011 concierges 3 +1011011111011 Maroons 3 +1011011111011 MD-82s 3 +1011011111011 WQHT 3 +1011011111011 collieries 3 +1011011111011 scions 3 +1011011111011 CJOH-TV 3 +1011011111011 anvils 3 +1011011111011 Peconic 3 +1011011111011 idlings 3 +1011011111011 2200-600s 3 +1011011111011 cave-ins 3 +1011011111011 terrarium 3 +1011011111011 torturers 4 +1011011111011 trolleys 4 +1011011111011 unit-holders 4 +1011011111011 governors-at-large 4 +1011011111011 promos 4 +1011011111011 uprights 4 +1011011111011 half-brothers 4 +1011011111011 co-underwriters 4 +1011011111011 exaltation 4 +1011011111011 whiners 4 +1011011111011 willows 4 +1011011111011 infielders 5 +1011011111011 ratifiers 5 +1011011111011 KRON 5 +1011011111011 restarts 5 +1011011111011 modernizations 5 +1011011111011 violinists 5 +1011011111011 chasers 6 +1011011111011 Airbuses 6 +1011011111011 lunchroom 6 +1011011111011 renegades 6 +1011011111011 appendixes 6 +1011011111011 Ogonyok 6 +1011011111011 violas 6 +1011011111011 closedowns 6 +1011011111011 charmers 6 +1011011111011 Maoris 7 +1011011111011 knock-offs 7 +1011011111011 skimmers 8 +1011011111011 etchings 8 +1011011111011 Plunge 8 +1011011111011 fiascos 9 +1011011111011 breakups 9 +1011011111011 electors 10 +1011011111011 sharpness 10 +1011011111011 handymen 10 +1011011111011 diesels 11 +1011011111011 707s 11 +1011011111011 737-400s 12 +1011011111011 balconies 13 +1011011111011 sweeper 13 +1011011111011 butchers 13 +1011011111011 councilmen 15 +1011011111011 nephews 15 +1011011111011 jingles 15 +1011011111011 tasters 16 +1011011111011 pathologists 18 +1011011111011 umpires 18 +1011011111011 superfreighters 18 +1011011111011 meadows 18 +1011011111011 discos 18 +1011011111011 WFXT 18 +1011011111011 WOR 21 +1011011111011 assassins 21 +1011011111011 stewards 22 +1011011111011 executors 24 +1011011111011 drafters 24 +1011011111011 liquidators 32 +1011011111011 steward 34 +1011011111011 767s 36 +1011011111011 curators 36 +1011011111011 sweepers 49 +1011011111011 wagons 67 +1011011111011 creators 78 +1011011111011 closures 87 +1011011111011 chiefs 184 +1011011111011 architects 201 +1011011111011 secretaries 217 +1011011111011 founders 306 +1011011111011 principals 319 +1011011111011 commissioners 340 +1011011111011 sponsors 463 +1011011111011 trustees 480 +1011011111011 editors 528 +1011011111011 governors 624 +1011011111011 closings 694 +1011011111011 auditors 700 +1011011111011 brothers 961 +1011011111011 underwriters 1500 +1011011111011 directors 7097 +1011011111011 owners 2979 +101101111110 mega-projects 1 +101101111110 McCarthyites 1 +101101111110 hornets 1 +101101111110 icicles 1 +101101111110 restrainer 1 +101101111110 silo-protected 1 +101101111110 misnomers 1 +101101111110 newspapers. 1 +101101111110 cross-signals 1 +101101111110 secondary-bond 1 +101101111110 workbook 1 +101101111110 silvers 1 +101101111110 ground-school 1 +101101111110 go- 1 +101101111110 gladdens 1 +101101111110 Blancs 1 +101101111110 chain-smoke 1 +101101111110 singer/percussionist 1 +101101111110 isses 1 +101101111110 poufs 1 +101101111110 coddles 1 +101101111110 Airmach 1 +101101111110 Afrikaans- 1 +101101111110 smilin 1 +101101111110 rappelled 1 +101101111110 Haymans 1 +101101111110 Conventiongoers 1 +101101111110 ex-Marines 1 +101101111110 sachems 1 +101101111110 anti-Catholics 1 +101101111110 adjectivally 1 +101101111110 Democrates 1 +101101111110 German-government 1 +101101111110 Mohammedan 1 +101101111110 Ukrainsky 1 +101101111110 Eliminator 1 +101101111110 sides. 1 +101101111110 voyagers 1 +101101111110 citydwellers 1 +101101111110 procrastinators 1 +101101111110 degree-holder 1 +101101111110 cellularphone 1 +101101111110 Avises 1 +101101111110 unposted 1 +101101111110 pseudo-scientific 1 +101101111110 briskets 1 +101101111110 Sippin 1 +101101111110 language/culture 1 +101101111110 Haydnesque 1 +101101111110 self-memorialization 1 +101101111110 trackman 1 +101101111110 Beszelo 1 +101101111110 Chevreuse 1 +101101111110 Nuschelsberg 1 +101101111110 heavy-hitters 1 +101101111110 barbecue. 1 +101101111110 preteens 1 +101101111110 glitteringly 1 +101101111110 skiffs 1 +101101111110 Catalonians 1 +101101111110 Nexts 1 +101101111110 straight-shooters 1 +101101111110 Jewbaiters 1 +101101111110 semi-entities 1 +101101111110 contemporarily 1 +101101111110 moderacy 1 +101101111110 government- 1 +101101111110 getter 1 +101101111110 individual- 1 +101101111110 cartography 2 +101101111110 deejays 2 +101101111110 walk-ins 2 +101101111110 Berlins 2 +101101111110 cash-method 2 +101101111110 marms 2 +101101111110 Bavmorda 2 +101101111110 Landsats 2 +101101111110 CATALOGS 2 +101101111110 Germanies 2 +101101111110 councillor 2 +101101111110 flabbiness 2 +101101111110 grabbers 2 +101101111110 redistributionists 2 +101101111110 groups. 2 +101101111110 statehooders 2 +101101111110 leader. 2 +101101111110 Euroequities 2 +101101111110 speak-easies 2 +101101111110 pro- 2 +101101111110 public- 2 +101101111110 leavers 2 +101101111110 sots 2 +101101111110 vitae 3 +101101111110 canards 3 +101101111110 bluebloods 3 +101101111110 gotico 3 +101101111110 Metroplex 3 +101101111110 secessionists 3 +101101111110 Yakima 3 +101101111110 hatreds 3 +101101111110 countertenors 3 +101101111110 interjections 3 +101101111110 Edens 3 +101101111110 ESP 3 +101101111110 cars. 3 +101101111110 politicans 4 +101101111110 constants 4 +101101111110 fastidiousness 4 +101101111110 bulwarks 4 +101101111110 curmudgeons 5 +101101111110 Roosevelts 5 +101101111110 duchies 5 +101101111110 naturalism 5 +101101111110 Melanesians 5 +101101111110 Brennans 6 +101101111110 appellations 6 +101101111110 identically 6 +101101111110 armchairs 6 +101101111110 herdsmen 6 +101101111110 kennels 6 +101101111110 yahoos 6 +101101111110 cuisines 6 +101101111110 behaviorists 7 +101101111110 orators 7 +101101111110 schoolmates 7 +101101111110 hijinks 7 +101101111110 fundraisers 8 +101101111110 tax-writers 9 +101101111110 switchers 9 +101101111110 searchers 10 +101101111110 archivists 10 +101101111110 psychics 12 +101101111110 belligerents 12 +101101111110 warlords 13 +101101111110 persuasions 14 +101101111110 insurgencies 17 +101101111110 theses 18 +101101111110 rangers 18 +101101111110 agitators 22 +101101111110 officeholders 23 +101101111110 sages 24 +101101111110 theologians 24 +101101111110 litigators 24 +101101111110 notables 25 +101101111110 crusaders 26 +101101111110 landslides 29 +101101111110 aspirants 54 +101101111110 subcommittees 54 +101101111110 sexes 59 +101101111110 Kims 70 +101101111110 stripes 81 +101101111110 finalists 98 +101101111110 seekers 106 +101101111110 worlds 122 +101101111110 surgeons 126 +101101111110 regimes 145 +101101111110 nominations 165 +101101111110 administrations 195 +101101111110 conventions 213 +101101111110 superpowers 216 +101101111110 chambers 216 +101101111110 societies 220 +101101111110 contenders 237 +101101111110 factions 260 +101101111110 appointees 262 +101101111110 contests 292 +101101111110 nominees 429 +101101111110 races 462 +101101111110 panels 466 +101101111110 districts 477 +101101111110 camps 507 +101101111110 activists 767 +101101111110 committees 1393 +101101111110 sides 2139 +101101111110 candidates 3084 +101101111110 groups 6609 +101101111110 parties 3718 +101101111111 netters 1 +101101111111 poopers 1 +101101111111 king-maker 1 +101101111111 toeholds 1 +101101111111 sorcerer-priests 1 +101101111111 hyper-secrecy 1 +101101111111 level-late 1 +101101111111 Kurd 1 +101101111111 ho-hummer 1 +101101111111 Pipsi 1 +101101111111 SS-12/23s 1 +101101111111 Republicain 1 +101101111111 Bursa 1 +101101111111 corporatism 1 +101101111111 Jamaat-i-Islami 1 +101101111111 mini-festival 1 +101101111111 China-watchers 1 +101101111111 emigre's-eye 1 +101101111111 Glycol 1 +101101111111 Socialiste 1 +101101111111 radarplane 1 +101101111111 Fragos 1 +101101111111 all-ivy 1 +101101111111 Quebequois 1 +101101111111 Osumu 1 +101101111111 reaffiliated 1 +101101111111 POPULIST 1 +101101111111 locals. 1 +101101111111 Duru 1 +101101111111 heirarchy 1 +101101111111 loansharks 1 +101101111111 Yeni 1 +101101111111 demarche 2 +101101111111 honeysuckle 2 +101101111111 millstones 2 +101101111111 game. 2 +101101111111 vote-counters 2 +101101111111 familes 2 +101101111111 warhorses 2 +101101111111 manifestos 2 +101101111111 woodworkers 2 +101101111111 episcopate 2 +101101111111 weightlifters 2 +101101111111 Kimonos 2 +101101111111 flyboys 2 +101101111111 tunesmiths 2 +101101111111 fiddlers 3 +101101111111 tom-toms 3 +101101111111 Commies 3 +101101111111 neo-fascist 3 +101101111111 herders 3 +101101111111 militiaman 3 +101101111111 Brooklynese 3 +101101111111 songbird 3 +101101111111 highrises 3 +101101111111 sojourns 3 +101101111111 Laborites 4 +101101111111 hovercraft 4 +101101111111 houseman 4 +101101111111 reintegration 4 +101101111111 troublemaking 4 +101101111111 chocolatiers 4 +101101111111 empire-building 4 +101101111111 Rumpelstiltskin 4 +101101111111 layering 4 +101101111111 edifices 4 +101101111111 pressmen 4 +101101111111 determinism 5 +101101111111 intercession 5 +101101111111 strongmen 5 +101101111111 occupiers 5 +101101111111 militarists 5 +101101111111 humanists 5 +101101111111 capo 5 +101101111111 liturgy 6 +101101111111 humorists 6 +101101111111 steeple 6 +101101111111 tacticians 6 +101101111111 apparatchik 6 +101101111111 hangouts 7 +101101111111 kingmaker 7 +101101111111 peacekeepers 7 +101101111111 leaderships 8 +101101111111 perfidy 8 +101101111111 ideologist 8 +101101111111 protectorate 8 +101101111111 abductors 9 +101101111111 antagonisms 9 +101101111111 blacklist 9 +101101111111 theoreticians 10 +101101111111 proverb 10 +101101111111 soliders 10 +101101111111 thug 10 +101101111111 corneas 11 +101101111111 MiGs 11 +101101111111 sympathizer 11 +101101111111 Consulate 11 +101101111111 America-watchers 11 +101101111111 sects 11 +101101111111 government-in-exile 12 +101101111111 chieftain 12 +101101111111 Jewry 12 +101101111111 campaigners 12 +101101111111 functionary 12 +101101111111 trawlers 12 +101101111111 progressives 13 +101101111111 commissars 13 +101101111111 rabbis 13 +101101111111 propagandists 13 +101101111111 humorist 14 +101101111111 militarism 14 +101101111111 interrogator 14 +101101111111 congresses 14 +101101111111 apparatchiks 16 +101101111111 translators 17 +101101111111 colonialists 17 +101101111111 mole 18 +101101111111 plotters 19 +101101111111 higher-ups 20 +101101111111 serviceman 21 +101101111111 overseers 21 +101101111111 mercenary 23 +101101111111 expansionism 23 +101101111111 dictatorships 23 +101101111111 functionaries 26 +101101111111 gunners 26 +101101111111 mascot 27 +101101111111 navies 27 +101101111111 sect 27 +101101111111 speedboats 27 +101101111111 adventurism 28 +101101111111 zealots 28 +101101111111 tribesmen 29 +101101111111 surrogates 30 +101101111111 Quebecois 30 +101101111111 defector 30 +101101111111 leanings 30 +101101111111 militias 31 +101101111111 Cypriots 32 +101101111111 sheiks 33 +101101111111 envoys 35 +101101111111 sympathizers 36 +101101111111 stalwarts 36 +101101111111 mobs 36 +101101111111 pavilion 37 +101101111111 commandos 37 +101101111111 strongholds 40 +101101111111 emigres 41 +101101111111 democrats 45 +101101111111 invaders 46 +101101111111 warship 48 +101101111111 consulate 49 +101101111111 protectionists 53 +101101111111 dictators 53 +101101111111 militiamen 56 +101101111111 revolutionaries 56 +101101111111 cadres 56 +101101111111 separatists 59 +101101111111 partisans 60 +101101111111 majorities 61 +101101111111 militants 61 +101101111111 orthodoxy 65 +101101111111 fundamentalism 66 +101101111111 nationalists 67 +101101111111 pilgrims 68 +101101111111 elites 70 +101101111111 regulars 71 +101101111111 loyalists 79 +101101111111 delegations 82 +101101111111 strongman 82 +101101111111 nationals 87 +101101111111 champ 87 +101101111111 deputies 93 +101101111111 stronghold 96 +101101111111 operatives 101 +101101111111 descent 115 +101101111111 operative 116 +101101111111 commanders 118 +101101111111 ruler 121 +101101111111 warplanes 122 +101101111111 hierarchy 128 +101101111111 rulers 132 +101101111111 defenders 146 +101101111111 domination 149 +101101111111 aggression 171 +101101111111 dictatorship 177 +101101111111 dictator 193 +101101111111 organizers 208 +101101111111 congress 220 +101101111111 foes 225 +101101111111 counterpart 273 +101101111111 faction 290 +101101111111 occupation 296 +101101111111 backers 356 +101101111111 commander 363 +101101111111 delegation 467 +101101111111 prisoners 473 +101101111111 tankers 480 +101101111111 counterparts 526 +101101111111 Embassy 542 +101101111111 diplomat 580 +101101111111 negotiators 916 +101101111111 opponents 1149 +101101111111 supporters 1265 +101101111111 troops 1881 +101101111111 leadership 2647 +101101111111 leader 4567 +101101111111 leaders 5388 +10111000 386-20 1 +10111000 386-20E 1 +10111000 1267.25 1 +10111000 PCLAN/Server 1 +10111000 Sino-hype 1 +10111000 Homecourt 1 +10111000 Fabians 1 +10111000 5:00 1 +10111000 System/40 1 +10111000 slowings 1 +10111000 disrespectfully 1 +10111000 doctor-tested 1 +10111000 ex-prosecutor 1 +10111000 unbought 1 +10111000 megaproject 1 +10111000 fleet-replenishment 2 +10111000 taxidermist 2 +10111000 DECADE 2 +10111000 bedmate 2 +10111000 millworker 2 +10111000 ventriloquist 2 +10111000 doozie 2 +10111000 spymaster 2 +10111000 case. 3 +10111000 carpetbagger 3 +10111000 miser 3 +10111000 quadrennium 4 +10111000 half-decade 4 +10111000 week-and-a-half 4 +10111000 fortnight 15 +10111000 half-century 58 +10111000 quarter-century 64 +10111000 century 1731 +10111000 year 98313 +10111000 decade 2564 +10111001 yearemerged 1 +10111001 hereases 1 +10111001 description-the 1 +10111001 closing-price 1 +10111001 fazes 1 +10111001 upleg 1 +10111001 24600 1 +10111001 april 1 +10111001 reinsertion 1 +10111001 bower 1 +10111001 week-after 1 +10111001 treasure-stuffed 1 +10111001 pastlessness 1 +10111001 filigreed 1 +10111001 announcement-of-an-announcement 1 +10111001 anti-materialist 1 +10111001 Self-Portrait 1 +10111001 interglacial 1 +10111001 alarm-sounding 1 +10111001 book. 1 +10111001 sign-ups 1 +10111001 novelist-physician 1 +10111001 summmer 1 +10111001 Alamanc 1 +10111001 june 1 +10111001 H-34 1 +10111001 subgenre 1 +10111001 proj 1 +10111001 in-groups 1 +10111001 Century. 1 +10111001 WilkesBarre 1 +10111001 AA-minus 1 +10111001 overperformance 1 +10111001 ospreys 1 +10111001 Easternization 1 +10111001 packaging-containers 1 +10111001 part-concert-film-part-travelogue 1 +10111001 nutjob 1 +10111001 4- 1 +10111001 study-plan 1 +10111001 yearthat 1 +10111001 Romantics 1 +10111001 133-foot-high 1 +10111001 Zeebetite 1 +10111001 auto-blurb 1 +10111001 mega-investigation 1 +10111001 hangmen 1 +10111001 debate. 1 +10111001 Decemer 1 +10111001 straw. 1 +10111001 cattle-call 1 +10111001 half-chapter 1 +10111001 clatterings 1 +10111001 decoction 1 +10111001 collectible-conscious 1 +10111001 Yr 1 +10111001 DANGERS 1 +10111001 era. 1 +10111001 indebtedness. 1 +10111001 steel-maker 1 +10111001 cigarettes. 1 +10111001 B-17G 1 +10111001 scandal-in-the-making 1 +10111001 foxholing 1 +10111001 antler 1 +10111001 fiddle-faddle 1 +10111001 Eid 1 +10111001 well-roundedness 1 +10111001 carrier-virus 1 +10111001 quarter-hour 2 +10111001 spring. 2 +10111001 Cosmodrome 2 +10111001 professoriate 2 +10111001 farrago 2 +10111001 artcle 2 +10111001 earthmover 2 +10111001 morning. 2 +10111001 s--- 3 +10111001 century. 3 +10111001 month. 5 +10111001 week. 9 +10111001 year. 15 +10111001 Temptation 21 +10111001 month 22197 +10111001 week 28240 +101110100 693-27 1 +101110100 moonsick 1 +101110100 teratogenic 1 +101110100 9,000-square-foot 1 +101110100 830-seat 1 +101110100 soft-sloping 1 +101110100 Sulfate 1 +101110100 bad-deal 1 +101110100 petrochemical-refining 1 +101110100 toy-buying 1 +101110100 16:00-23:00 1 +101110100 bagel-delivery 1 +101110100 full-houses 1 +101110100 perpetual-problem 1 +101110100 cloudburst 1 +101110100 wards-of-the-state 1 +101110100 Mama-on-the-Couch 1 +101110100 well-installed 1 +101110100 imagistic 1 +101110100 minute. 1 +101110100 36-volt 1 +101110100 subdivisional 1 +101110100 instititute 1 +101110100 mind-storming 1 +101110100 McStory 1 +101110100 CD-length 1 +101110100 cancel-and-reissue 1 +101110100 ill-thought-out 1 +101110100 truth-is-stranger-than-fiction 1 +101110100 600-pound 1 +101110100 Photojournalist 1 +101110100 overlit 1 +101110100 redwood-studded 1 +101110100 earth-and-heaven-trembling 1 +101110100 arboreal 1 +101110100 ten-day 1 +101110100 American-painting 1 +101110100 British-originated 1 +101110100 343-126 1 +101110100 Military-Congressional 1 +101110100 cowboy-hatted 1 +101110100 quango 1 +101110100 pre-football-season 1 +101110100 prey-rich 1 +101110100 super-duper 1 +101110100 pseudo-amnesty 1 +101110100 typhoon-prone 1 +101110100 still-controversial 1 +101110100 65,000-acre 1 +101110100 molehill-into-a-mountain 1 +101110100 immigrant-turned-fame 1 +101110100 tube-weary 1 +101110100 triple-decked 1 +101110100 funnies 2 +101110100 Straubing 2 +101110100 two-month-long 2 +101110100 Seventies 2 +101110100 unedifying 2 +101110100 1929-32 2 +101110100 block. 2 +101110100 Bastion 2 +101110100 Theorem 2 +101110100 afteroon 2 +101110100 10-part 2 +101110100 solstice 2 +101110100 swan-drawn 2 +101110100 afternooon 2 +101110100 Sanday 2 +101110100 viva 2 +101110100 father. 3 +101110100 Friday. 3 +101110100 acetylcholinesterase 3 +101110100 Mohican 3 +101110100 minidrama 3 +101110100 mangy 3 +101110100 quarterfinals 3 +101110100 50K 4 +101110100 Hump 4 +101110100 seductress 4 +101110100 matinees 5 +101110100 hydrochloride 5 +101110100 fiesta 5 +101110100 hurrah 13 +101110100 off-season 26 +101110100 intermission 29 +101110100 afternoons 51 +101110100 mornings 62 +101110100 Night 284 +101110100 autumn 342 +101110100 winter 1134 +101110100 evening 1156 +101110100 afternoon 2207 +101110100 season 2534 +101110100 weekend 2657 +101110100 spring 2852 +101110100 morning 3193 +101110100 night 4256 +101110100 summer 4746 +101110101 1760s 1 +101110101 computer-inspired 1 +101110101 securitate 1 +101110101 Goosecreek 1 +101110101 unfairnesses 1 +101110101 boiler-rooms 1 +101110101 Platteville 1 +101110101 Celectol 1 +101110101 Kaliningrader 1 +101110101 sokiaya 1 +101110101 xylophone 1 +101110101 repenter 1 +101110101 Torqueline 1 +101110101 Dmark 1 +101110101 Carthaginians 1 +101110101 woodworks 1 +101110101 soul-less 1 +101110101 Bighorns 1 +101110101 wavy-haired 1 +101110101 ex-radicals 1 +101110101 Underclass 1 +101110101 gentlehanded 1 +101110101 quantifiers 1 +101110101 50,000-ton 1 +101110101 Monocle 1 +101110101 Nullifiers 1 +101110101 Staleys 1 +101110101 minitrial 1 +101110101 Be-1 1 +101110101 FDR/FMLN 1 +101110101 Frente 1 +101110101 Scriptwriter 1 +101110101 Kabikinase 1 +101110101 baconer 1 +101110101 Wauna 1 +101110101 BIMA 1 +101110101 SSM-1 1 +101110101 480-inmate 1 +101110101 BulletStop 1 +101110101 surtitlist 1 +101110101 Scheldt 1 +101110101 mink-draped 1 +101110101 80186 1 +101110101 fairground 1 +101110101 tricksters 1 +101110101 fairgounds 1 +101110101 root-weevil 1 +101110101 Pinochle 1 +101110101 procuracy 1 +101110101 GQE 1 +101110101 Karyatides 1 +101110101 corection 1 +101110101 Koches 1 +101110101 shivery 1 +101110101 8380P 1 +101110101 Mantra 1 +101110101 UNCHR 1 +101110101 12.3-mile 1 +101110101 R&A 1 +101110101 instrument-building 1 +101110101 1750s 1 +101110101 revison 1 +101110101 curlyhaired 1 +101110101 hereins 1 +101110101 l950s 1 +101110101 OMR 1 +101110101 C137 1 +101110101 megabrewery 1 +101110101 decathlon 1 +101110101 crossbars 1 +101110101 tweeb 1 +101110101 assimilationists 1 +101110101 silverhaired 1 +101110101 Tugboat 1 +101110101 Valenzuelas 1 +101110101 sale-topper 1 +101110101 Westar-6 1 +101110101 blue-denimed 1 +101110101 oft-described 1 +101110101 paper-airplane-throwing 1 +101110101 Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer 1 +101110101 slips-of-the-tongue 1 +101110101 furcula 1 +101110101 speculative-bubble 1 +101110101 Brain-Dead 1 +101110101 Soutpansbergs 1 +101110101 tip-offs 1 +101110101 Tempter 1 +101110101 386-SX 1 +101110101 Cathouse 1 +101110101 Saesedae 1 +101110101 bin-Nahayan 1 +101110101 4-foot-tall 1 +101110101 bumper-cars 1 +101110101 flat-faced 1 +101110101 Intels 1 +101110101 plebisicite 1 +101110101 Olmecs 1 +101110101 Totonacas 1 +101110101 apiary 1 +101110101 stem-winder 1 +101110101 privilege. 1 +101110101 Groeninge-museum 1 +101110101 Griffins 1 +101110101 slowpokes 1 +101110101 Borsenumsatzsteuer 1 +101110101 Lionheart 1 +101110101 Proletariat 1 +101110101 Turksib 1 +101110101 Louvins 1 +101110101 untamable 1 +101110101 catchline 1 +101110101 Optasia 1 +101110101 Drakes 1 +101110101 Tucumcari 1 +101110101 tooth-grinding 1 +101110101 drug-snorting 1 +101110101 1690s 1 +101110101 bakeoff 1 +101110101 up-today 1 +101110101 Dworkins 1 +101110101 DC-9-30s 1 +101110101 over-valuation 1 +101110101 long-starved 1 +101110101 lieutanants 1 +101110101 Sea-Doo 1 +101110101 Braintrain 1 +101110101 ready-mades 1 +101110101 Arensbergs 1 +101110101 Barkhor 1 +101110101 XMP-48 1 +101110101 aluminum-bodied 1 +101110101 X-MP/14se 1 +101110101 F-15J 1 +101110101 Zugersee 1 +101110101 Baarerstrasse 1 +101110101 Gaps 1 +101110101 Limiteds 1 +101110101 martyred-hero-pantheon 1 +101110101 fleur-de-lis 1 +101110101 garage-wasteland 1 +101110101 duodenum 1 +101110101 Rockford. 1 +101110101 Macandal 1 +101110101 Beanstalk 1 +101110101 Monaca 1 +101110101 single-sized 1 +101110101 more-convenient-to-make 1 +101110101 P-80 1 +101110101 Shamokin 1 +101110101 middle-1990s 1 +101110101 PJ&B 1 +101110101 litigation. 1 +101110101 penalizer 1 +101110101 17,000-resident 1 +101110101 Buckeyes 1 +101110101 S-election 1 +101110101 loratadine 1 +101110101 fingerboard 1 +101110101 overheats 1 +101110101 Luhring 1 +101110101 Tanga 1 +101110101 Hijacks 1 +101110101 best-bused 1 +101110101 bubble-popping 1 +101110101 anti-Machiavellian 1 +101110101 Newark/Elizabeth 1 +101110101 merger-conversion 1 +101110101 Red-Faced 1 +101110101 Stylite 1 +101110101 Mentors 1 +101110101 burn-throughs 1 +101110101 researcher. 1 +101110101 povo 1 +101110101 balance. 1 +101110101 medium-density 1 +101110101 Tupemaros 1 +101110101 semi-tragic 1 +101110101 salability 1 +101110101 388-room 1 +101110101 3/50 1 +101110101 1520s 1 +101110101 Bruegels 1 +101110101 growth-mongers 1 +101110101 X-MP/14 1 +101110101 Godists 1 +101110101 Lev-O-Cal 1 +101110101 age-guesser 1 +101110101 over-racing 1 +101110101 PICABIA 1 +101110101 prosecution. 1 +101110101 1630s 1 +101110101 Fling 1 +101110101 domestic-political 1 +101110101 Tarasoffs 1 +101110101 Midnighters 1 +101110101 Modernaires 1 +101110101 12-toners 1 +101110101 same-resonant 1 +101110101 penguin-shaped 1 +101110101 LaVergne 1 +101110101 Calabash 1 +101110101 nuthouse 1 +101110101 V22 1 +101110101 WHA 1 +101110101 SLV 1 +101110101 SS-300 1 +101110101 ideographic 1 +101110101 cedi 1 +101110101 Laser-LX 1 +101110101 perverseness 1 +101110101 cutstomer 1 +101110101 peanlties 1 +101110101 ever-ambitious 1 +101110101 SX-2-400 1 +101110101 electro-chemistry 1 +101110101 563-seat 1 +101110101 Mellows 1 +101110101 Amesbury 1 +101110101 CFM56-5-S3 1 +101110101 humeri 1 +101110101 condtions 1 +101110101 Ethernettes 1 +101110101 Lydian 1 +101110101 investigations. 1 +101110101 Diamondback 1 +101110101 Resurrecciones 1 +101110101 Warrren 1 +101110101 whore-with-the-heart-of 1 +101110101 churrasco 1 +101110101 enervating 1 +101110101 artist-citizens 1 +101110101 Blutwurst 1 +101110101 icy-eyed 1 +101110101 170-yard 1 +101110101 gurgler 1 +101110101 Rolligon 1 +101110101 DG/1 1 +101110101 six-woman 1 +101110101 FFG-7 1 +101110101 Ishmaels 1 +101110101 torero 1 +101110101 repopulation 1 +101110101 Hamlins 1 +101110101 greaser 1 +101110101 playbill 1 +101110101 Vermeers 1 +101110101 Dong-A-Ilbo 1 +101110101 Carribean 1 +101110101 Laender 1 +101110101 Garberville 1 +101110101 Bodnes 1 +101110101 Shengo 1 +101110101 Alley-Oop 1 +101110101 1990s. 1 +101110101 '84s 1 +101110101 still-predominant 1 +101110101 stagnancy 1 +101110101 Museuminsel 1 +101110101 Kouts 1 +101110101 re-questioning 1 +101110101 Moet-Chandon 1 +101110101 works-in-progress 1 +101110101 Ghibellines 1 +101110101 Astors 1 +101110101 737300s 1 +101110101 Diaspora 1 +101110101 Niemen 1 +101110101 Oder 1 +101110101 near-dark 1 +101110101 Himalaya 1 +101110101 mini-CD 1 +101110101 Reichsmark 1 +101110101 once-dingy 1 +101110101 GBU-15 1 +101110101 Gallicas 1 +101110101 femtosecond 1 +101110101 foehn 1 +101110101 vainest 1 +101110101 Carolines 1 +101110101 Jennette 1 +101110101 no-subsidy 1 +101110101 68040 1 +101110101 Leavers 1 +101110101 budget-bound 1 +101110101 tramontana 1 +101110101 Zhuan 1 +101110101 Rockaways 1 +101110101 HP-28C 1 +101110101 Steinbecks 1 +101110101 megaflop 1 +101110101 Embankment 1 +101110101 lordship 1 +101110101 688s 1 +101110101 Groach 1 +101110101 Slammer 1 +101110101 trash-hunting 1 +101110101 bootnecks 1 +101110101 Minseiiin 1 +101110101 carpet-cutter 1 +101110101 solution-as-idea 1 +101110101 Cheka 1 +101110101 urban-centered 1 +101110101 Merdeka 1 +101110101 slate-gray 1 +101110101 6380E 1 +101110101 toreador 1 +101110101 Realos 1 +101110101 400E 1 +101110101 150E 1 +101110101 carrousel 1 +101110101 Journl 1 +101110101 36-match 1 +101110101 host-organizer 1 +101110101 SPR 1 +101110101 post-impressionists 1 +101110101 jailbreak 1 +101110101 hype-hysteria 1 +101110101 improvers 1 +101110101 protrusions 1 +101110101 hulahoop 1 +101110101 Bridgton 1 +101110101 output- 1 +101110101 jitterbug 1 +101110101 Ibex 1 +101110101 low-to-mid-40s 1 +101110101 stuffees 1 +101110101 Iberians 1 +101110101 propopal 1 +101110101 Recordare 1 +101110101 Malvinas/Falklands 1 +101110101 condiitions 1 +101110101 cat-quick 1 +101110101 Alouettes 1 +101110101 Spitfires 1 +101110101 once-sneered-at 1 +101110101 accordion-folding 1 +101110101 promenades 1 +101110101 Shrew 1 +101110101 Condense 1 +101110101 Quads 1 +101110101 brass-knuckles 1 +101110101 Gagudju 1 +101110101 bare-knuckled 1 +101110101 Socalists 1 +101110101 Bagsvaerd 1 +101110101 Altstadt 1 +101110101 Ringstrasse 1 +101110101 Sjem 1 +101110101 push-buttons 1 +101110101 SA-14 1 +101110101 Exxon-Tenneco 1 +101110101 foot-soldiers 1 +101110101 Dairyman 1 +101110101 Shepody 1 +101110101 flipside 1 +101110101 500E 1 +101110101 280E 1 +101110101 Fiordiligi 1 +101110101 Suffragette 1 +101110101 Backstabber 1 +101110101 Hothead 1 +101110101 oinks 1 +101110101 hero-on-horseback 1 +101110101 C&J 1 +101110101 Herrin 1 +101110101 Chesses 1 +101110101 snitty 1 +101110101 HP-32S 1 +101110101 3,000-square-foot 1 +101110101 semiretirement 1 +101110101 Asuza 1 +101110101 cokies 1 +101110101 surrealists 1 +101110101 lense 1 +101110101 semi-nerd 1 +101110101 Iceberg 1 +101110101 dzhazes 1 +101110101 offer. 1 +101110101 eightball 1 +101110101 650-store 1 +101110101 ionizer 1 +101110101 Greensboro/Winston-Salem 1 +101110101 RER 1 +101110101 bombardier/navigator 1 +101110101 congresspeople 1 +101110101 beatee 1 +101110101 Long-tongued 1 +101110101 risk-aversives 1 +101110101 Rootstown 1 +101110101 FX/80 1 +101110101 FX/40 1 +101110101 leadsman 1 +101110101 Jamesons 1 +101110101 sing-songy 1 +101110101 bulrushes 1 +101110101 bare-bosomed 1 +101110101 Mattawan 1 +101110101 Redeyes 1 +101110101 palazzi 1 +101110101 Yungas 1 +101110101 Aloe 1 +101110101 obligators 1 +101110101 Manilovs 1 +101110101 Seattle/Tacoma 1 +101110101 black-clad 1 +101110101 childbearing. 1 +101110101 marriage. 1 +101110101 Do-Wops 1 +101110101 John-Johns 1 +101110101 pentimento 1 +101110101 disenrollments 1 +101110101 May-December 1 +101110101 Washingon 1 +101110101 SDYC 1 +101110101 R2000 1 +101110101 FOG-M 1 +101110101 half-milelong 1 +101110101 jingoist 1 +101110101 2200-400 1 +101110101 finite-resources 1 +101110101 gonads 1 +101110101 ball-game 1 +101110101 Aqualung 1 +101110101 physic 1 +101110101 QE-II 1 +101110101 long-headed 1 +101110101 microeconomy 1 +101110101 Waver 1 +101110101 Crimper 1 +101110101 Troggs 1 +101110101 tamest 1 +101110101 Millbrae 1 +101110101 here-and-now 1 +101110101 bandbox 1 +101110101 loiterers 1 +101110101 streaky 1 +101110101 greasies 1 +101110101 Labradors 1 +101110101 half-Spanish 1 +101110101 Sudetenland 1 +101110101 Gammas 1 +101110101 ministation 1 +101110101 YB-49 1 +101110101 DC10 1 +101110101 Borateem 1 +101110101 moralist/reformer 1 +101110101 Schauspielhaus 1 +101110101 128-passenger 1 +101110101 once-scandalous 1 +101110101 Sandbox 1 +101110101 swadeshi 1 +101110101 cheesecakes 1 +101110101 novelist-turned-screenwriter 1 +101110101 Barsuki 1 +101110101 surveillence 1 +101110101 chalky-gray 1 +101110101 defendant. 1 +101110101 Tuplimania 1 +101110101 TV-scape 1 +101110101 CEO-designate 1 +101110101 townies 1 +101110101 1.8-liter 1 +101110101 county-judge 1 +101110101 Tudeh 1 +101110101 no-waste 1 +101110101 Wauseca 1 +101110101 scholar-scientist 1 +101110101 APIs 1 +101110101 plain-labeled 1 +101110101 316-unit 1 +101110101 CA770 1 +101110101 Warts 1 +101110101 tulip-marts 1 +101110101 Leontief 1 +101110101 pro-sealed-records 1 +101110101 Sacramento-Stockton 1 +101110101 EMCF 1 +101110101 longhairs 1 +101110101 54-seat 1 +101110101 fur-covered 1 +101110101 dentist-landlord 1 +101110101 amir 1 +101110101 MRC139 1 +101110101 comittee 1 +101110101 mass-based 1 +101110101 possbility 1 +101110101 market-industrial 1 +101110101 Majlis 1 +101110101 auditioners 1 +101110101 hippocampas 1 +101110101 Tuba 1 +101110101 7-foot 1 +101110101 33-mile 1 +101110101 pseudo-objective 1 +101110101 Disklavier 1 +101110101 Stalins 1 +101110101 raw-boned 1 +101110101 man-in-the-European-street 1 +101110101 AFL/CIO 1 +101110101 Har-Tru 1 +101110101 Novel-O-Matic 1 +101110101 gravesites 1 +101110101 Thornburghs 1 +101110101 Hadassah 1 +101110101 Aiken-Augusta 1 +101110101 pickedover 1 +101110101 Hamadis 1 +101110101 ridge-tops 1 +101110101 uncertanties 1 +101110101 Melanosponges 1 +101110101 archness 1 +101110101 momentum. 1 +101110101 bedok 1 +101110101 Dorniers 1 +101110101 ECA 1 +101110101 motor-vehicles 1 +101110101 Louds 1 +101110101 Adens 1 +101110101 west-north-central 1 +101110101 steady-Eddies 1 +101110101 over-50s 1 +101110101 DPX/2 1 +101110101 trail-setters 1 +101110101 Vocalert 1 +101110101 36-mile 1 +101110101 Keyhole 1 +101110101 Winnsboro 1 +101110101 Eol 1 +101110101 Ketchens 1 +101110101 X-maquis 1 +101110101 anchors. 1 +101110101 seedpods 1 +101110101 Fribble 1 +101110101 Tupelev-144 1 +101110101 needle-nosed 1 +101110101 newssheet 1 +101110101 Wobblies 1 +101110101 SubGenius 1 +101110101 23000-level 1 +101110101 Sahel 1 +101110101 once-lush 1 +101110101 ever-dying 1 +101110101 depostion 1 +101110101 falters. 1 +101110101 Dentist 1 +101110101 glutes 1 +101110101 abs 1 +101110101 dirham 1 +101110101 Narrows 1 +101110101 Unelected 1 +101110101 guiltiest 1 +101110101 BBBs 1 +101110101 Ashkins 1 +101110101 Milkaukee 1 +101110101 uptrends 1 +101110101 ureter 1 +101110101 zotl 1 +101110101 Holleys 1 +101110101 pedicel 1 +101110101 Leontsakos 1 +101110101 Salk-vaccine 1 +101110101 grunginess 1 +101110101 EW115 1 +101110101 quayside 1 +101110101 Imbalance 1 +101110101 factory-bound 1 +101110101 inoffensive-looking 1 +101110101 superslicks 1 +101110101 Happauge 1 +101110101 triple-axel 1 +101110101 Shures 1 +101110101 riffraff 1 +101110101 Mailroom 1 +101110101 mid-120s 1 +101110101 grns 1 +101110101 shtetl 1 +101110101 indvidual 1 +101110101 Leeza 1 +101110101 lollapalooza 1 +101110101 move-in 1 +101110101 semi-sterile 1 +101110101 Tims 1 +101110101 muriqui 1 +101110101 pitchman-restaurateur-coach 1 +101110101 LTR 1 +101110101 Kuran 1 +101110101 minidorms 1 +101110101 Mandan 1 +101110101 rockchuck 1 +101110101 maquis 1 +101110101 bowsprit 1 +101110101 naprosyn 2 +101110101 lowerings 2 +101110101 1343 2 +101110101 mid-1920s 2 +101110101 Jitterbug 2 +101110101 Albatross 2 +101110101 Hedger 2 +101110101 back-stabbing 2 +101110101 dissolutions 2 +101110101 coalfields 2 +101110101 FPC 2 +101110101 325es 2 +101110101 Victrola 2 +101110101 S&Ps 2 +101110101 retirment 2 +101110101 early-1930s 2 +101110101 World-Journal-Tribune 2 +101110101 1782 2 +101110101 seven-woman 2 +101110101 near-rich 2 +101110101 Volante 2 +101110101 960-foot 2 +101110101 bloomers 2 +101110101 Bastard 2 +101110101 Nazarene 2 +101110101 Tetons 2 +101110101 Never-Sweats 2 +101110101 barrelhead 2 +101110101 endotoxins 2 +101110101 Haggins 2 +101110101 mews 2 +101110101 stablization 2 +101110101 Thesaurus 2 +101110101 Pluton 2 +101110101 pecs 2 +101110101 area. 2 +101110101 Sorbonne 2 +101110101 doomsaying 2 +101110101 value-based 2 +101110101 Houston-Galveston 2 +101110101 ASLK 2 +101110101 infiltrameter 2 +101110101 photo-ionizer 2 +101110101 150s 2 +101110101 garters 2 +101110101 2020s 2 +101110101 Shepherds 2 +101110101 Belmonts 2 +101110101 gazoo 2 +101110101 alcohols 2 +101110101 Distaff 2 +101110101 colonials 2 +101110101 IDB2000 2 +101110101 bakery-products 2 +101110101 Dynabook 2 +101110101 nonce 2 +101110101 BOHTmn 2 +101110101 cockles 2 +101110101 Boersenzeitung 2 +101110101 sharpies 2 +101110101 Zombie 2 +101110101 Stantons 2 +101110101 Hejaz 2 +101110101 Hunted 2 +101110101 phalaenopsis 2 +101110101 paperclips 2 +101110101 mediation-bashing 2 +101110101 KHAD 2 +101110101 Brandenburgs 2 +101110101 1770s 2 +101110101 Berkenbiles 2 +101110101 philistines 2 +101110101 Sideshow 2 +101110101 1980s. 2 +101110101 Apocrypha 2 +101110101 tape. 2 +101110101 blues. 2 +101110101 Phils 2 +101110101 wheelhouse 2 +101110101 oil-recycling 2 +101110101 SS25 2 +101110101 Yoge 2 +101110101 defibrillation 2 +101110101 forefinger 2 +101110101 Ritz-Carleton 2 +101110101 unmotivated 2 +101110101 Lippincotts 2 +101110101 Mophead 2 +101110101 Ottomans 2 +101110101 up-side 2 +101110101 Hokum 2 +101110101 late-1950s 3 +101110101 Galatians 3 +101110101 Ionia 3 +101110101 Apes 3 +101110101 Blanzy 3 +101110101 telly 3 +101110101 Billeses 3 +101110101 fallas 3 +101110101 d-mark 3 +101110101 muleta 3 +101110101 bathwater 3 +101110101 riyal 3 +101110101 Westclox 3 +101110101 oxygenator 3 +101110101 Sun-3/50 3 +101110101 Schiessbefehl 3 +101110101 Joshan 3 +101110101 CompuTones 3 +101110101 epidermis 3 +101110101 Cyclades 3 +101110101 Yeltsins 3 +101110101 Complainer 3 +101110101 Moets 3 +101110101 Barbalho 3 +101110101 yurts 3 +101110101 1989s 3 +101110101 5890-300 3 +101110101 Sailor 3 +101110101 footlights 3 +101110101 Hajj 3 +101110101 ZR1 4 +101110101 Chamberlains 4 +101110101 turnstile 4 +101110101 1910s 4 +101110101 Snowman 4 +101110101 urethra 4 +101110101 Bahnhofstrasse 4 +101110101 al-Banna 4 +101110101 rudest 4 +101110101 Bulge 4 +101110101 GRU 5 +101110101 Baltics 5 +101110101 Canaries 5 +101110101 Connallys 5 +101110101 seventies 5 +101110101 Bund 5 +101110101 1820s 5 +101110101 eighties 5 +101110101 reveille 5 +101110101 Crusades 6 +101110101 offence 6 +101110101 1830s 6 +101110101 1780s 6 +101110101 twenties 6 +101110101 Funks 6 +101110101 1600s 6 +101110101 comer 6 +101110101 Twenties 7 +101110101 fainthearted 7 +101110101 late-1960s 7 +101110101 mid-1940s 7 +101110101 Zionists 7 +101110101 IBMs 7 +101110101 Berkshires 7 +101110101 Temptations 8 +101110101 Caymans 8 +101110101 1840s 8 +101110101 thirties 8 +101110101 Pyramids 9 +101110101 1850s 9 +101110101 1860s 11 +101110101 Indaba 12 +101110101 1870s 12 +101110101 mid-1930s 13 +101110101 cervix 13 +101110101 beholder 15 +101110101 Hamptons 15 +101110101 1700s 15 +101110101 hilt 19 +101110101 1900s 20 +101110101 1890s 23 +101110101 1880s 24 +101110101 '90s 26 +101110101 1800s 33 +101110101 wayside 34 +101110101 '20s 35 +101110101 mid-1950s 36 +101110101 exchequer 48 +101110101 '40s 57 +101110101 '30s 83 +101110101 mid-1960s 84 +101110101 retirements 115 +101110101 mid-1990s 142 +101110101 '50s 156 +101110101 1940s 179 +101110101 mid-1980s 182 +101110101 '80s 224 +101110101 1920s 233 +101110101 '70s 244 +101110101 '60s 293 +101110101 mid-1970s 300 +101110101 Depression 331 +101110101 1930s 389 +101110101 meantime 605 +101110101 1950s 609 +101110101 1990s 734 +101110101 1960s 1068 +101110101 1980s 1760 +101110101 1970s 2155 +101110101 crash 6728 +101110110 nighters 1 +101110110 quarter-sales 1 +101110110 rock-producer-for-hire 1 +101110110 goround 1 +101110110 names. 1 +101110110 zig 1 +101110110 government-has 1 +101110110 beknighted 1 +101110110 pre-Halloween 1 +101110110 A-bomb 1 +101110110 Typhoon-class 1 +101110110 largest-airline 1 +101110110 most-read 1 +101110110 quarto 1 +101110110 non-Organization 1 +101110110 rejectees 1 +101110110 read-through 1 +101110110 megapool 1 +101110110 portrayer 1 +101110110 anti-model 1 +101110110 distinction. 1 +101110110 placings 1 +101110110 birth. 1 +101110110 computer-price 1 +101110110 neo-realist 1 +101110110 place-tied 1 +101110110 longest-flown 1 +101110110 calif 1 +101110110 operalet 1 +101110110 operina 1 +101110110 10-days 1 +101110110 X-video 1 +101110110 classoom 1 +101110110 utterings 1 +101110110 Christophers 1 +101110110 arrondissement 2 +101110110 folio 2 +101110110 OLs 2 +101110110 prong 2 +101110110 polyrhythms 2 +101110110 3200-speed 2 +101110110 viewings 3 +101110110 quarter. 6 +101110110 go-round 8 +101110110 grader 11 +101110110 trimester 13 +101110110 graders 22 +101110110 baseman 41 +101110110 quarter 25428 +101110110 inning 71 +1011101110 wave-length 1 +1011101110 splendour 1 +1011101110 God-forsaken 1 +1011101110 Egam 1 +1011101110 Catchers 1 +1011101110 technetium-99m 1 +1011101110 demises 1 +1011101110 pseudoethnology 1 +1011101110 long-trusted 1 +1011101110 buspirone 1 +1011101110 non-brother 1 +1011101110 caliphs 1 +1011101110 4,935,625 1 +1011101110 intellectualizing 1 +1011101110 thing-elated 1 +1011101110 loonies 1 +1011101110 cityis 1 +1011101110 querulousness 1 +1011101110 fatigue-producing 1 +1011101110 script-reader 1 +1011101110 Indianola 1 +1011101110 who-said-what-to-whom 1 +1011101110 PeaceNet 1 +1011101110 gamelike 1 +1011101110 reasonable-basis 1 +1011101110 quer 1 +1011101110 tion 1 +1011101110 mega-centers 1 +1011101110 Nordfinanz-Bank 1 +1011101110 moulding 1 +1011101110 Fluminense 1 +1011101110 mesa-musing 1 +1011101110 TDF2 1 +1011101110 Binational 1 +1011101110 Rhodopians 1 +1011101110 Flip-Flop 1 +1011101110 York-Eastern 1 +1011101110 Carsi 1 +1011101110 over-saturation 1 +1011101110 dis-saving 1 +1011101110 folk-rock 1 +1011101110 Mun-Yuen 1 +1011101110 pre-leasing 1 +1011101110 Talmudic 1 +1011101110 funniness 1 +1011101110 Culpa 1 +1011101110 lunettes 1 +1011101110 Vietsovpetro 1 +1011101110 Egyptology 1 +1011101110 upthen 1 +1011101110 Sonatrading 1 +1011101110 imprecisions 1 +1011101110 answer-supervision 1 +1011101110 Credicard 1 +1011101110 timespan 1 +1011101110 glasnostologists 1 +1011101110 Matinee 1 +1011101110 dimunitive 1 +1011101110 doubletalk 1 +1011101110 Kaikan 1 +1011101110 ideonomically 1 +1011101110 pterodactyls 1 +1011101110 arch-villain 1 +1011101110 chi 1 +1011101110 bounders 1 +1011101110 Eliya 1 +1011101110 debaucher 1 +1011101110 starwars 1 +1011101110 280SEL 1 +1011101110 Ez 1 +1011101110 police-room 1 +1011101110 package-labeling 1 +1011101110 John-of-here 1 +1011101110 low-dosage 1 +1011101110 half-exports 1 +1011101110 Simplesse-spiked 1 +1011101110 marbling 1 +1011101110 flounce 1 +1011101110 Babener 1 +1011101110 yellowy 1 +1011101110 bileaflet 1 +1011101110 Scrub 1 +1011101110 subhead 1 +1011101110 croaker 1 +1011101110 triple-jump 1 +1011101110 Colliery 1 +1011101110 Menahga 1 +1011101110 antiprogestin 1 +1011101110 Islamist 1 +1011101110 malediction 1 +1011101110 ball-park 1 +1011101110 unaddicted 1 +1011101110 Final-Four 1 +1011101110 arachnids 1 +1011101110 jeremiad 1 +1011101110 Numsa 1 +1011101110 gloppy 1 +1011101110 orchestrial 1 +1011101110 Handycam 1 +1011101110 3,417,661 1 +1011101110 port-of-call 1 +1011101110 tretinoin-retin-A 1 +1011101110 organisation 1 +1011101110 faculty-appointment 1 +1011101110 completo 1 +1011101110 RISComputer 1 +1011101110 lutefisk 2 +1011101110 sari 2 +1011101110 environ 2 +1011101110 fluting 2 +1011101110 know-nothings 2 +1011101110 hand-modeling 2 +1011101110 demonetization 2 +1011101110 meeeting 2 +1011101110 permissions 2 +1011101110 panhandler 2 +1011101110 Provisionals 2 +1011101110 Controledienst 2 +1011101110 party-building 2 +1011101110 paddlefish 2 +1011101110 funks 2 +1011101110 hymnal 2 +1011101110 swampland 3 +1011101110 Cheops 3 +1011101110 media-shy 3 +1011101110 price. 4 +1011101110 overbuying 4 +1011101110 nettle 4 +1011101110 13-session 5 +1011101110 Canadarm 5 +1011101110 vim 5 +1011101110 wistfulness 6 +1011101110 downtime 8 +1011101110 bandwidth 8 +1011101110 hoof 10 +1011101110 Lockerbie 11 +1011101110 beep 14 +1011101110 time 33719 +1011101110 time. 16 +10111011110 portfoilo 1 +10111011110 cheek-popper 1 +10111011110 gallonjust 1 +10111011110 agegroup 1 +10111011110 vulgarism 1 +10111011110 radiations 1 +10111011110 middlesex 1 +10111011110 Klingon 1 +10111011110 Pakistani. 1 +10111011110 trench-warfare 1 +10111011110 low-lifes 1 +10111011110 deal-stock 1 +10111011110 conglomerate-to-be 1 +10111011110 Friars 1 +10111011110 Shrove 1 +10111011110 spic 1 +10111011110 face-down 1 +10111011110 shrinker 1 +10111011110 Crabtown 1 +10111011110 trust-buster 1 +10111011110 patient/subject 1 +10111011110 antipasto 1 +10111011110 pigpath 1 +10111011110 urination 1 +10111011110 day-even 1 +10111011110 105,746 1 +10111011110 Britisher 2 +10111011110 half-cup 2 +10111011110 pylon 2 +10111011110 brushoff 2 +10111011110 levee 2 +10111011110 Vitalis/U.S. 2 +10111011110 mega-event 2 +10111011110 chit 2 +10111011110 Chamulan 2 +10111011110 washhouse 2 +10111011110 rootedness 2 +10111011110 monofill 2 +10111011110 hour. 2 +10111011110 settee 2 +10111011110 92-acre 2 +10111011110 Pashtun 2 +10111011110 balun 2 +10111011110 newsperson 2 +10111011110 storyboard 3 +10111011110 snowman 3 +10111011110 foghorn 3 +10111011110 hack-box 3 +10111011110 kiloton 3 +10111011110 backboard 3 +10111011110 ivories 3 +10111011110 gigawatt 3 +10111011110 printshop 3 +10111011110 prizefighter 3 +10111011110 near-standstill 3 +10111011110 chalice 3 +10111011110 Wayfarer 3 +10111011110 john 3 +10111011110 spareness 3 +10111011110 riptide 3 +10111011110 cowlick 3 +10111011110 Coronas 3 +10111011110 danish 3 +10111011110 dickens 4 +10111011110 righty 4 +10111011110 doorstop 4 +10111011110 near-certainty 4 +10111011110 breadbox 4 +10111011110 schoolchild 4 +10111011110 scowl 4 +10111011110 cobra 4 +10111011110 wordsmith 4 +10111011110 guardrail 4 +10111011110 manicurist 4 +10111011110 consolidator 5 +10111011110 downtick 5 +10111011110 flashpoint 5 +10111011110 crevice 5 +10111011110 vial 6 +10111011110 layup 6 +10111011110 u.s 6 +10111011110 weeknight 6 +10111011110 odaiko 6 +10111011110 drunkard 6 +10111011110 homestretch 7 +10111011110 shekel 7 +10111011110 once-over 7 +10111011110 lightbulb 7 +10111011110 day. 7 +10111011110 carload 7 +10111011110 put-on 7 +10111011110 haystack 7 +10111011110 mammogram 8 +10111011110 freebie 9 +10111011110 serpent 10 +10111011110 hectare 12 +10111011110 quarter-mile 13 +10111011110 nook 13 +10111011110 rapist 13 +10111011110 syllable 14 +10111011110 hump 16 +10111011110 treadmill 17 +10111011110 typhoon 21 +10111011110 whit 21 +10111011110 comma 22 +10111011110 lectern 22 +10111011110 gig 22 +10111011110 pfennig 26 +10111011110 gauntlet 28 +10111011110 fetus 37 +10111011110 millennium 39 +10111011110 breather 50 +10111011110 semester 52 +10111011110 precaution 57 +10111011110 cliff 83 +10111011110 paragraph 93 +10111011110 dime 102 +10111011110 penny 307 +10111011110 minute 697 +10111011110 day 16011 +10111011110 moment 1747 +10111011111 nonbusinessman 1 +10111011111 SELLOUT 1 +10111011111 sub-patterns 1 +10111011111 Undersold 1 +10111011111 anti-modernism 1 +10111011111 birddog 1 +10111011111 half-true 1 +10111011111 unruliness 1 +10111011111 half-leased 1 +10111011111 billion-Australian-dollar 1 +10111011111 unchaste 1 +10111011111 bough 1 +10111011111 book-it 1 +10111011111 pricecontrolled 1 +10111011111 ex-Jehovah 1 +10111011111 Alienate 1 +10111011111 12,856 1 +10111011111 ultra-furious 1 +10111011111 CHARISMA 1 +10111011111 grocery-shops 1 +10111011111 alia 1 +10111011111 Dagblad 1 +10111011111 shiekdom 1 +10111011111 baldies 1 +10111011111 absentions 1 +10111011111 album-followed 1 +10111011111 chartsy/graphsy 1 +10111011111 Vanished 1 +10111011111 pre-cooking 1 +10111011111 nonbelligerence 1 +10111011111 over-achiever 1 +10111011111 half-facetiously 1 +10111011111 shortseller 1 +10111011111 president-by-appointment 1 +10111011111 escarpments 1 +10111011111 Ieyasu 1 +10111011111 sterbe 1 +10111011111 non-clones 1 +10111011111 self-oriented 1 +10111011111 late-capitalist 1 +10111011111 justs 1 +10111011111 ox-cart 1 +10111011111 GRAAACK 1 +10111011111 UnAmerican 1 +10111011111 usufructuary 1 +10111011111 grumbler 1 +10111011111 Thiefs 1 +10111011111 Odabella 1 +10111011111 hellholes 1 +10111011111 unpresidential 1 +10111011111 Zeniths 1 +10111011111 Innovate 1 +10111011111 Fechit 1 +10111011111 wittier 1 +10111011111 sub-carbuncular 1 +10111011111 Niagara-sized 1 +10111011111 fakish 1 +10111011111 Expansionary 1 +10111011111 monomaniacally 1 +10111011111 half-jestingly 1 +10111011111 murderess 1 +10111011111 super-economy 1 +10111011111 Rockwell-AIM-65 1 +10111011111 polemicizing 1 +10111011111 10-foot-diameter 1 +10111011111 teepee 1 +10111011111 import-processing 1 +10111011111 corporeal. 1 +10111011111 dum-offerings-still 1 +10111011111 spectabiles 1 +10111011111 Aix 1 +10111011111 legal-like 1 +10111011111 Abby-san 1 +10111011111 Dries 1 +10111011111 Anomaly 1 +10111011111 grieves 1 +10111011111 possibility. 1 +10111011111 isolationist-minded 1 +10111011111 SCAMPER 1 +10111011111 billion-markka 1 +10111011111 Untouchable 1 +10111011111 half-aware 1 +10111011111 well-affected 1 +10111011111 Execrable 1 +10111011111 diploid 1 +10111011111 artmafioso 1 +10111011111 Tobruk 1 +10111011111 brains. 1 +10111011111 Letts 1 +10111011111 regionalisms 1 +10111011111 72,853 1 +10111011111 Perdicaris 1 +10111011111 Akdar 1 +10111011111 320,000-barrel 1 +10111011111 91-108 1 +10111011111 mutineer 1 +10111011111 Mnd 1 +10111011111 enunciates 1 +10111011111 republicans 1 +10111011111 half-shift 1 +10111011111 inveterateness 1 +10111011111 747-200B 1 +10111011111 Mousekewitz 1 +10111011111 shortcutting 1 +10111011111 sealife 1 +10111011111 joli 1 +10111011111 CAMERON 1 +10111011111 addresssed 1 +10111011111 Monkeys 1 +10111011111 yodel 1 +10111011111 readerships 1 +10111011111 newsier 1 +10111011111 LISTENING 1 +10111011111 metro-market 1 +10111011111 non-belligerence 1 +10111011111 can-cans 1 +10111011111 half-implemented 1 +10111011111 Ledenyi 1 +10111011111 ocelots 1 +10111011111 briber-turned-informer 1 +10111011111 Piart 1 +10111011111 tlc 1 +10111011111 hah 1 +10111011111 stockboy 1 +10111011111 2400-level 1 +10111011111 sad/But 1 +10111011111 Nice. 1 +10111011111 piaster 1 +10111011111 norming 1 +10111011111 klick 1 +10111011111 crashers 1 +10111011111 wunderbundle 1 +10111011111 Stoned 1 +10111011111 .250 1 +10111011111 Malagasy 1 +10111011111 impressionistically 1 +10111011111 cloacal 1 +10111011111 shrinky 1 +10111011111 hegemonically 1 +10111011111 sea- 1 +10111011111 Kazahks 1 +10111011111 non-meditators 1 +10111011111 part-day 1 +10111011111 baby-sits 1 +10111011111 shell-holes 1 +10111011111 DC9-14 1 +10111011111 unclogs 1 +10111011111 Lybyan 1 +10111011111 biographees 1 +10111011111 Dukakismobile 1 +10111011111 semi-fast 1 +10111011111 83. 1 +10111011111 indifferently 1 +10111011111 negativeis 1 +10111011111 nontheless 1 +10111011111 corpocrat 1 +10111011111 pool-hopped 1 +10111011111 Hindrance 1 +10111011111 GRASS 1 +10111011111 dummied 1 +10111011111 Datababy 1 +10111011111 if. 1 +10111011111 income-earner 1 +10111011111 extra-musical 1 +10111011111 PUBLICITY 1 +10111011111 Unelectable 1 +10111011111 plagiarizes 1 +10111011111 count-conspiracy 1 +10111011111 Sleazy 1 +10111011111 unplayed 1 +10111011111 spokemen 1 +10111011111 billion-French-franc 1 +10111011111 newes 1 +10111011111 tailcount 1 +10111011111 kinkiness 1 +10111011111 job-switching 1 +10111011111 service-disabled 1 +10111011111 UNIMPRESSED 1 +10111011111 slays 1 +10111011111 soulmate 2 +10111011111 transients 2 +10111011111 Beatie 2 +10111011111 defrosting 2 +10111011111 revellers 2 +10111011111 Muoi 2 +10111011111 qualm 2 +10111011111 McStop 2 +10111011111 137,700 2 +10111011111 Dies 2 +10111011111 berm 2 +10111011111 augury 2 +10111011111 reargument 2 +10111011111 streetlight 2 +10111011111 shebang 2 +10111011111 neurotransmitter 2 +10111011111 scuffler 2 +10111011111 misspoke 2 +10111011111 Chayefsky 2 +10111011111 prober 2 +10111011111 Listened 2 +10111011111 thing. 3 +10111011111 else. 3 +10111011111 Else 3 +10111011111 nanosecond 3 +10111011111 stampedes 3 +10111011111 Worldism 3 +10111011111 kooky 3 +10111011111 offeror 4 +10111011111 supposes 5 +10111011111 micron 5 +10111011111 yawner 5 +10111011111 stoplight 5 +10111011111 donna 7 +10111011111 centimeter 8 +10111011111 millimeter 10 +10111011111 donnas 13 +10111011111 ton 750 +10111011111 mile 1379 +10111011111 else 3017 +10111011111 thing 5081 +101111000 non-paid 1 +101111000 5/8.Among 1 +101111000 idealogue 1 +101111000 crosschecks 1 +101111000 2-and-0-ers 1 +101111000 semitones 1 +101111000 sub-waves 1 +101111000 sit-through 1 +101111000 asphaltic 1 +101111000 Iran-backed 1 +101111000 transcontinentals 1 +101111000 farmboys 1 +101111000 soloing 1 +101111000 Chonnam 1 +101111000 furnances 1 +101111000 critieria 1 +101111000 toques 1 +101111000 we-have-enough-weapons-to-blow-the-world-up-100-times 1 +101111000 Recouping 1 +101111000 Croatians 1 +101111000 all-Americans 1 +101111000 undertaking. 1 +101111000 subprocessors 1 +101111000 B-movies 1 +101111000 Diors 1 +101111000 demurrers 1 +101111000 step-ups 1 +101111000 top-five 1 +101111000 five-stand 1 +101111000 otherwise. 1 +101111000 Cornerstoners 1 +101111000 ascription 1 +101111000 ex-traders 1 +101111000 liquor-VO 1 +101111000 infighters 1 +101111000 schooners 1 +101111000 ex-students 1 +101111000 sentencer 1 +101111000 Vedas 1 +101111000 Eliases 1 +101111000 top-owner 1 +101111000 flying-saucer 1 +101111000 submovements 1 +101111000 granddaughters 1 +101111000 recipents 1 +101111000 DHC-6 1 +101111000 more-physically 1 +101111000 triple-bogeys 1 +101111000 1/2-foot-wide 1 +101111000 trading-day 1 +101111000 artlessness 1 +101111000 Euroconvertibles 1 +101111000 fast-reacting 1 +101111000 post-M.B.A. 1 +101111000 Juliets 1 +101111000 part. 1 +101111000 previously-rejected 1 +101111000 crewmembers 1 +101111000 yesteryears 1 +101111000 embossing 1 +101111000 falsities 1 +101111000 Trafalgars 1 +101111000 centimeters. 1 +101111000 Tyrones 1 +101111000 nonsequiturs 1 +101111000 December-January 1 +101111000 downmarket 2 +101111000 forty-two 2 +101111000 downers 2 +101111000 sous 2 +101111000 men-of-war 2 +101111000 Xs 2 +101111000 half-hours 2 +101111000 sixth-century 2 +101111000 corvettes 3 +101111000 Hironaka 3 +101111000 Grammys 3 +101111000 picocuries 4 +101111000 tunings 5 +101111000 nanoseconds 7 +101111000 millimeters 10 +101111000 sledding 20 +101111000 occasions 359 +101111000 times 7372 +101111000 inches 393 +101111001 supernovae 1 +101111001 exacta 1 +101111001 Avnet/International 1 +101111001 provisions. 1 +101111001 PHOG-tomorrow 1 +101111001 Significance 1 +101111001 531,396 1 +101111001 indigence 1 +101111001 girls. 1 +101111001 Kongsbergs 1 +101111001 will-o'-the-wisp 1 +101111001 batteries. 1 +101111001 tranactions 1 +101111001 milliliters 1 +101111001 flunkers 1 +101111001 overeater 1 +101111001 DC-3s 1 +101111001 libels 1 +101111001 hairpiece. 1 +101111001 monstrels 1 +101111001 hyphen 1 +101111001 mineshaft 1 +101111001 terms. 1 +101111001 ex-customers 1 +101111001 diptych 1 +101111001 Walt-worshippers 1 +101111001 squareness 1 +101111001 Launchers 1 +101111001 circumlocution 1 +101111001 mphs 1 +101111001 hard-to-recognize 1 +101111001 visages 1 +101111001 Kahlil 1 +101111001 1974-84 1 +101111001 Targa 1 +101111001 Catarrh 1 +101111001 283-point 1 +101111001 Imagineers 1 +101111001 counterdemonstrators 1 +101111001 longboard 1 +101111001 5,096,336 1 +101111001 754,636 1 +101111001 1,323,976 1 +101111001 6,409 1 +101111001 270,914 1 +101111001 crackpopulism 1 +101111001 DMB&B/International 1 +101111001 PhyCor 1 +101111001 obscenarios 1 +101111001 1,229,355 1 +101111001 2,207,241 1 +101111001 73,333 1 +101111001 249,328 1 +101111001 3,791 1 +101111001 neanderthals 1 +101111001 Jires 1 +101111001 Godzillas 1 +101111001 P.T.A. 1 +101111001 kopecks 1 +101111001 70,435 1 +101111001 2,139,333 1 +101111001 128,561 1 +101111001 1525.9 1 +101111001 4,129,949 1 +101111001 Heinekens 1 +101111001 Ruthenian 1 +101111001 waffler 1 +101111001 miliwatts 1 +101111001 prostitute-slayers 1 +101111001 galoots 1 +101111001 a-share 1 +101111001 WWL2Ms 1 +101111001 2,269,671 1 +101111001 75,635 1 +101111001 1,255,672 1 +101111001 6,421 1 +101111001 6,636 1 +101111001 9,543 1 +101111001 14,516 1 +101111001 -23.4 1 +101111001 445,432 1 +101111001 167,549 1 +101111001 chesnut 1 +101111001 Tele-Japan 1 +101111001 2,501,486 1 +101111001 777,119 1 +101111001 278,620 1 +101111001 115,601 1 +101111001 denouements 1 +101111001 2,110.0 1 +101111001 832.0 1 +101111001 775.0 1 +101111001 1,862.6 1 +101111001 811,192 1 +101111001 1,183,350 1 +101111001 372,158 1 +101111001 1560.2 1 +101111001 250.0 1 +101111001 697.9 1 +101111001 Brasiliaaircraft 1 +101111001 332.4 1 +101111001 1939.6 1 +101111001 397,955 1 +101111001 858,999 1 +101111001 69,760 1 +101111001 1,275,948 1 +101111001 5,651 1 +101111001 Management/Labor 1 +101111001 52,476 1 +101111001 12,650 1 +101111001 29,551 1 +101111001 17,194 1 +101111001 87,270 1 +101111001 163,802 1 +101111001 290,173 1 +101111001 2,580,093 1 +101111001 74,212 1 +101111001 955.0 1 +101111001 5,966.0 1 +101111001 12,001.6 1 +101111001 5,930 1 +101111001 10,010 1 +101111001 506.0 1 +101111001 11,196 1 +101111001 91,738 1 +101111001 180,289 1 +101111001 8,685 1 +101111001 28,971 1 +101111001 408,754 1 +101111001 horse-player 1 +101111001 99,239 1 +101111001 shovel-nose 1 +101111001 C-5Bs 1 +101111001 fellah 1 +101111001 photogs 1 +101111001 93-90 1 +101111001 1-800-922-2008 1 +101111001 229.0 1 +101111001 5,252,781 1 +101111001 2064.5 1 +101111001 kyat 2 +101111001 3,773 2 +101111001 72.0 2 +101111001 suavity 2 +101111001 Pretoria-backed 2 +101111001 260.0 2 +101111001 Biggsy 2 +101111001 2,990 2 +101111001 44,099 2 +101111001 547.4 2 +101111001 EH-101s 2 +101111001 rapscallions 2 +101111001 muskmelons 2 +101111001 rads 2 +101111001 435.4 3 +101111001 thousandths 3 +101111001 Carrera 3 +101111001 dependencies 3 +101111001 coot 3 +101111001 MHz 3 +101111001 frays 3 +101111001 A340s 4 +101111001 things. 4 +101111001 saloons 4 +101111001 rpm 5 +101111001 millionths 5 +101111001 Minutes 96 +101111001 days. 195 +101111001 seconds 435 +101111001 days 15548 +101111001 minutes 1945 +101111010 B-747s 1 +101111010 Equals 1 +101111010 fresh-scrubbed 1 +101111010 clearers 1 +101111010 skydivers 1 +101111010 SS24s 1 +101111010 Mao-ettes 1 +101111010 Hassles 1 +101111010 Ripkens 1 +101111010 Quartets 1 +101111010 drakes 1 +101111010 responders 1 +101111010 Sages 1 +101111010 Eurekas 1 +101111010 Hoovers 1 +101111010 Kenmores 1 +101111010 ball-shaped 1 +101111010 recluses 1 +101111010 Rive 1 +101111010 Productions/WCPX-TV 1 +101111010 F14s 1 +101111010 747-200s 1 +101111010 Claws 1 +101111010 Leonardos 1 +101111010 Dengs 1 +101111010 Hiroshimas 1 +101111010 half-minute-spots 1 +101111010 yesterdays 1 +101111010 briefers 1 +101111010 autumns 1 +101111010 Boroians 1 +101111010 pfennings 1 +101111010 GSers 1 +101111010 Eights 1 +101111010 sectors. 1 +101111010 Mhz 1 +101111010 Septembers 1 +101111010 cleanouts 1 +101111010 Liverpudlians 1 +101111010 LANES 1 +101111010 ex-linebackers 1 +101111010 PATs 1 +101111010 aircrewmen 1 +101111010 beautifuls 1 +101111010 SBs 1 +101111010 Thanksgivings 1 +101111010 Harmsel 1 +101111010 Frelinghuysens 1 +101111010 remained. 1 +101111010 Inning 1 +101111010 30-to-34-year-olds 1 +101111010 A321s 1 +101111010 Isms 1 +101111010 X-principles 1 +101111010 year-bonds 1 +101111010 Slain 1 +101111010 couples. 1 +101111010 runnersup 1 +101111010 shrimps 2 +101111010 in-patients 2 +101111010 Satins 2 +101111010 ex-wives 2 +101111010 Novembers 2 +101111010 150-megawatt 2 +101111010 crownes 3 +101111010 runnings 3 +101111010 Rs 3 +101111010 percents 3 +101111010 nines 4 +101111010 m.p.h. 4 +101111010 milliseconds 4 +101111010 gigaflops 6 +101111010 R's 7 +101111010 Stooges 7 +101111010 microns 9 +101111010 Iwo 10 +101111010 millennia 10 +101111010 A-330s 10 +101111010 quarts 11 +101111010 abstentions 15 +101111010 years 49868 +101111010 years. 26 +1011110110 Axe-men 1 +1011110110 de-stimulation 1 +1011110110 462,613 1 +1011110110 505,688 1 +1011110110 914,646 1 +1011110110 Carsons 1 +1011110110 loins 1 +1011110110 work-for-hire 1 +1011110110 sepals 1 +1011110110 ownerbanks 1 +1011110110 member-governments 1 +1011110110 decades. 1 +1011110110 summitted 1 +1011110110 bandoliers 1 +1011110110 powderpuff-fuls 1 +1011110110 confrontatons 1 +1011110110 selling-day 1 +1011110110 storys 1 +1011110110 minutes. 1 +1011110110 gigabytes 1 +1011110110 airlocks 1 +1011110110 ROV 1 +1011110110 billion-barrel 1 +1011110110 eyes. 1 +1011110110 triple-spins 1 +1011110110 organizations. 1 +1011110110 sugarbushes 1 +1011110110 decedents 1 +1011110110 toppings. 1 +1011110110 nominations. 1 +1011110110 playings 1 +1011110110 Muhlenbergs 1 +1011110110 -32.6 1 +1011110110 coowners 1 +1011110110 one-thousandths 1 +1011110110 non-season 1 +1011110110 utilites 1 +1011110110 liabilty 1 +1011110110 chukkas 1 +1011110110 million-gallon 1 +1011110110 comedy/variety 1 +1011110110 B.U. 2 +1011110110 71-23 2 +1011110110 Sterbas 2 +1011110110 wallabies 2 +1011110110 furlongs 2 +1011110110 nonbrokers 2 +1011110110 P-38s 2 +1011110110 magnums 2 +1011110110 Pankki 4 +1011110110 months. 5 +1011110110 one-hundredths 5 +1011110110 months 24300 +1011110110 megahertz 6 +1011110111 susidiaries 1 +1011110111 tiems 1 +1011110111 big-blossomed 1 +1011110111 catalpas 1 +1011110111 strenghthening 1 +1011110111 initatives 1 +1011110111 Irishmen 1 +1011110111 hydropools 1 +1011110111 Kyongsangs 1 +1011110111 near-tumbles 1 +1011110111 twosomes 1 +1011110111 novel-adaptations 1 +1011110111 suprises 1 +1011110111 unlikelihoods 1 +1011110111 100ths 1 +1011110111 co-signers 1 +1011110111 yearsmainly 1 +1011110111 30-foot-long 1 +1011110111 fourth- 1 +1011110111 pink-eyed 1 +1011110111 picoseconds 1 +1011110111 cirles 1 +1011110111 Arab-Israelis 1 +1011110111 240,000-pound 1 +1011110111 impotents 1 +1011110111 trans-axles 1 +1011110111 afternoons. 1 +1011110111 16-to-21-year-olds 1 +1011110111 Auroras 1 +1011110111 senior-college 1 +1011110111 yen. 1 +1011110111 Chernobyls 1 +1011110111 ELISAs 1 +1011110111 .45s 1 +1011110111 ex-editors 1 +1011110111 sphinxes 1 +1011110111 near-bankruptcies 1 +1011110111 Borlettis 1 +1011110111 Detroits 1 +1011110111 mini-resurgence 1 +1011110111 FUDGING 1 +1011110111 A-pluses 1 +1011110111 sinologists 1 +1011110111 adjournments 1 +1011110111 terminal-sale 1 +1011110111 ET-spending 1 +1011110111 you-know-whats 1 +1011110111 life-terms 1 +1011110111 proofreaders 1 +1011110111 3,157 1 +1011110111 annums 1 +1011110111 2,593 1 +1011110111 Macduffs 1 +1011110111 Jags 1 +1011110111 edged-sword 1 +1011110111 corgis 1 +1011110111 saxes-that 1 +1011110111 houttuynias 1 +1011110111 specfics 1 +1011110111 saltines 1 +1011110111 howlers 1 +1011110111 fathoms 1 +1011110111 bioinsecticides 1 +1011110111 Tylenols 1 +1011110111 over-achievement 1 +1011110111 whiskey-and-waters 1 +1011110111 2,967 1 +1011110111 self-indulgences 1 +1011110111 threesomes 1 +1011110111 Tenochtitlan 1 +1011110111 Chinas 1 +1011110111 candidates. 1 +1011110111 philadelphus 1 +1011110111 All-Americans 1 +1011110111 taxsellers 1 +1011110111 quick-fixes 1 +1011110111 hikers 1 +1011110111 centsthe 1 +1011110111 3,244 1 +1011110111 1,336 1 +1011110111 Druidettes 1 +1011110111 Yemens 1 +1011110111 647,202 1 +1011110111 220,010 1 +1011110111 Octobers 1 +1011110111 1,170,373 1 +1011110111 18-to-49 1 +1011110111 monofills 1 +1011110111 NDA 1 +1011110111 Hungaroton 1 +1011110111 yearinvestigation 1 +1011110111 87s 1 +1011110111 half-bottles 2 +1011110111 VLCCs 2 +1011110111 schematics 2 +1011110111 states. 2 +1011110111 iterations 2 +1011110111 Hall-of-Famer 2 +1011110111 scorpions 2 +1011110111 safeties 2 +1011110111 detonations 2 +1011110111 spacebridges 2 +1011110111 onstream 2 +1011110111 Utrillos 2 +1011110111 Horas 2 +1011110111 Impalas 2 +1011110111 descents 2 +1011110111 Jule 2 +1011110111 comedowns 2 +1011110111 Estudios 2 +1011110111 bandshell 2 +1011110111 Georgias 2 +1011110111 post-modernists 2 +1011110111 siesta 2 +1011110111 sequestrants 3 +1011110111 Biennials 3 +1011110111 freelancers 3 +1011110111 ingenues 3 +1011110111 tenths 3 +1011110111 eighths 3 +1011110111 Olympiads 3 +1011110111 ducats 4 +1011110111 frontons 4 +1011110111 Emmys 4 +1011110111 sexenios 4 +1011110111 airings 4 +1011110111 MD-87s 4 +1011110111 knockouts 4 +1011110111 Christmases 4 +1011110111 standpoints 4 +1011110111 ridings 4 +1011110111 Winns 5 +1011110111 mistrials 5 +1011110111 octaves 5 +1011110111 servings 6 +1011110111 semesters 7 +1011110111 trombones 7 +1011110111 encores 8 +1011110111 millenniums 8 +1011110111 syllables 9 +1011110111 homers 10 +1011110111 earshot 10 +1011110111 printings 10 +1011110111 Dwarfs 10 +1011110111 thirds 12 +1011110111 eons 15 +1011110111 Commandments 15 +1011110111 notches 18 +1011110111 touchdowns 20 +1011110111 stitches 21 +1011110111 Koreas 23 +1011110111 Germanys 37 +1011110111 continents 44 +1011110111 YEARS 46 +1011110111 paragraphs 51 +1011110111 innings 58 +1011110111 felonies 65 +1011110111 summers 74 +1011110111 installments 133 +1011110111 seasons 216 +1011110111 centuries 306 +1011110111 nights 336 +1011110111 generations 360 +1011110111 sessions 1104 +1011110111 quarters 1468 +1011110111 decades 1580 +1011110111 hours 4340 +1011110111 weeks 10004 +10111110 Osowski 1 +10111110 Epitome 1 +10111110 Tomsons 1 +10111110 Cirvilis 1 +10111110 VanderLind 1 +10111110 Hutchens 1 +10111110 Plechaty 1 +10111110 Meteors 1 +10111110 Forrow 1 +10111110 Filep 1 +10111110 Cowsar 1 +10111110 Vitrum 1 +10111110 Nooo 1 +10111110 Arba 1 +10111110 Peirson 1 +10111110 unservicable 1 +10111110 10163 1 +10111110 Fleischacker 1 +10111110 Ramke 1 +10111110 Torreblanca 1 +10111110 Abdulghani 1 +10111110 638,697 1 +10111110 639,340 1 +10111110 133,691 1 +10111110 133,671 1 +10111110 713,594 1 +10111110 -2,146,358 1 +10111110 312,815 1 +10111110 304,531 1 +10111110 4,409 1 +10111110 1,029,323 1 +10111110 66045 1 +10111110 20004 1 +10111110 kinnear 1 +10111110 susman 1 +10111110 GEOFFREY 1 +10111110 Ulama 1 +10111110 Ralson 1 +10111110 Schanzer 1 +10111110 Sekimoto 1 +10111110 94109 1 +10111110 Barpal 1 +10111110 20003 1 +10111110 Yahagi 1 +10111110 29695-0001 1 +10111110 21157 1 +10111110 14550 1 +10111110 Gannouchi 1 +10111110 14450 1 +10111110 Kowey 1 +10111110 Pedigo 1 +10111110 Donat 1 +10111110 Revolting 1 +10111110 Saltwater 1 +10111110 bactericidal 1 +10111110 Rossano 1 +10111110 Goldsberry 1 +10111110 Giacobbi 1 +10111110 Sprowl 1 +10111110 Pugliesi 1 +10111110 pitch-and-putt 1 +10111110 Whisenand 1 +10111110 Davidovich 1 +10111110 Raiz 1 +10111110 Lawalata 1 +10111110 Zhongyun 1 +10111110 Alberdingk 1 +10111110 Timms 1 +10111110 Dzhemilyov 1 +10111110 Jayawardena 1 +10111110 TONNAGE 1 +10111110 Hitzemann 1 +10111110 fleysh 1 +10111110 Hickingbotham 1 +10111110 junior-high-schoolers 1 +10111110 40202 1 +10111110 Petok 1 +10111110 Fenoglio 1 +10111110 Wendelgass 1 +10111110 Sents 1 +10111110 Brownjohn 1 +10111110 Hurburgh 1 +10111110 Associati 1 +10111110 Tinervin 1 +10111110 Planeti 1 +10111110 Morfey 1 +10111110 Produkte 1 +10111110 al-Hamar 1 +10111110 Ciulei 1 +10111110 Romundset 1 +10111110 Binninger 1 +10111110 Laminadas 1 +10111110 Uetani 1 +10111110 Giesbert 1 +10111110 weisswurst 1 +10111110 Teats 1 +10111110 10037 1 +10111110 94710 1 +10111110 Navab-Motlagh 1 +10111110 Palapinger 1 +10111110 Giarraputo 1 +10111110 Stys 1 +10111110 61354 1 +10111110 Vokzal 1 +10111110 Kappler 1 +10111110 Randaccio 1 +10111110 Hardis 1 +10111110 moloko 1 +10111110 Loppnow 1 +10111110 Lawlar 1 +10111110 Surnikov 1 +10111110 Cech 1 +10111110 McHam 1 +10111110 tunnelling 1 +10111110 Kawar 1 +10111110 Nijhoff 1 +10111110 Millhiser 1 +10111110 Kahlenberg 1 +10111110 Hoteles 1 +10111110 Bartholdson 1 +10111110 Pelivan 1 +10111110 Llamas 1 +10111110 Lagarde 1 +10111110 Dudine 1 +10111110 underwriter-gentlemen 1 +10111110 Anstalt 1 +10111110 Press/Morrow 1 +10111110 Acetate 1 +10111110 Saxenian 1 +10111110 Augsburg-Nurnberg 1 +10111110 20006 1 +10111110 Yisrael 1 +10111110 phuc 1 +10111110 Verzahntechnik 1 +10111110 Bandial 1 +10111110 Dammerman 1 +10111110 Borghesani 1 +10111110 92024 1 +10111110 Hafey 1 +10111110 Rinehard 1 +10111110 ragdoll 1 +10111110 LYTLE 1 +10111110 Mid-4 1 +10111110 WARTH 1 +10111110 Bunkering 1 +10111110 Katche 1 +10111110 Edds 1 +10111110 Weagraff 1 +10111110 Hammons 1 +10111110 Kazlow 1 +10111110 1/4-by-4-inch 1 +10111110 Gacho 1 +10111110 07023 1 +10111110 Asefi 1 +10111110 Lambka 1 +10111110 70801 1 +10111110 Hubb 1 +10111110 Naewboonnien 1 +10111110 Chhoy 1 +10111110 Ulrichshofer 1 +10111110 Gorecki 1 +10111110 Mangels 1 +10111110 Jacqmin 1 +10111110 Eisenhardt 1 +10111110 Halsor 1 +10111110 Giurgola 1 +10111110 Viger 1 +10111110 Afif 1 +10111110 deSouza 1 +10111110 WHAMPOA 1 +10111110 DeSimone 1 +10111110 Blacque 1 +10111110 Urist 1 +10111110 Axelson 1 +10111110 Ferroviaire 1 +10111110 Weersing 1 +10111110 Cahalan 1 +10111110 POULENC 1 +10111110 Belton-Willis 1 +10111110 Sandefur 1 +10111110 Goodridge 1 +10111110 Ciemny 1 +10111110 Friends/relatives 1 +10111110 55440 1 +10111110 Mowry 1 +10111110 Toleme 1 +10111110 INVOLVED 1 +10111110 IMarks 1 +10111110 Gaudenzi 1 +10111110 Estafen 1 +10111110 Tambaran 1 +10111110 Vasco-Leonesa 1 +10111110 98816 1 +10111110 01703 1 +10111110 98356 1 +10111110 p.m.-various 1 +10111110 Lindfors 1 +10111110 Disher 1 +10111110 Foundation. 1 +10111110 Manger 1 +10111110 Zhenhua 1 +10111110 Lavers 1 +10111110 20005 1 +10111110 writhing. 1 +10111110 coupon-clipper 1 +10111110 tosh 1 +10111110 06759 1 +10111110 07043 1 +10111110 87010 1 +10111110 65018 1 +10111110 Cart 1 +10111110 MACARTHUR 1 +10111110 Konychev 1 +10111110 02116 1 +10111110 Toller 1 +10111110 Insatiable 1 +10111110 Museum/Abrams 1 +10111110 Rushnell 1 +10111110 Milanov 1 +10111110 92658 1 +10111110 Vorkuta 1 +10111110 Naturgas 1 +10111110 Schanken 1 +10111110 DeMeayer 1 +10111110 COMPO 1 +10111110 elephantina 1 +10111110 Corradi 1 +10111110 Iperbole 1 +10111110 Technika 1 +10111110 Financas 1 +10111110 LaPlace 1 +10111110 Niimi 1 +10111110 Ferretti 1 +10111110 ubjctsyoted 1 +10111110 tteo 1 +10111110 Gunzenhauser 1 +10111110 Piol 1 +10111110 Newark-on-Trent 1 +10111110 DiGuilio 1 +10111110 10001 1 +10111110 Haug 1 +10111110 Lentzsch 1 +10111110 circumnavigation 1 +10111110 Pajon 1 +10111110 Yermolov 1 +10111110 LOONG 1 +10111110 Rensch 1 +10111110 Schwein 1 +10111110 self-indictment 1 +10111110 1970-1989 1 +10111110 Nork 1 +10111110 McMullin 1 +10111110 Grueser 1 +10111110 Grumhaus 1 +10111110 Marlett 1 +10111110 Risques 1 +10111110 Emshwiller 1 +10111110 Dresselhaus 1 +10111110 ompany 1 +10111110 Bunten 1 +10111110 Akaret 1 +10111110 Trabitz 1 +10111110 Masud 1 +10111110 20224 1 +10111110 Bozorgmanesh 1 +10111110 3/4-inch-tall 1 +10111110 Verein 1 +10111110 Lorbach 1 +10111110 Kargula 1 +10111110 McGlamery 1 +10111110 salary-wise 1 +10111110 1/2-inch-square 1 +10111110 POTTS 1 +10111110 Zaleski 1 +10111110 Macchetto 1 +10111110 Colberg 1 +10111110 papyrifera 1 +10111110 nitida 1 +10111110 sm 1 +10111110 Katerndahl 1 +10111110 Jonassaint 1 +10111110 Amani 1 +10111110 Ortino 1 +10111110 Cimoszewicz 1 +10111110 Boulderdash 1 +10111110 Gandolfi 1 +10111110 59401-1426 1 +10111110 El-Mahdi 1 +10111110 Spicola 1 +10111110 Schap 1 +10111110 Enlow 1 +10111110 Olvey 1 +10111110 Helin 1 +10111110 Moua 1 +10111110 Shashy 1 +10111110 Rocher 1 +10111110 95473 1 +10111110 Obelisk 1 +10111110 McBurney 1 +10111110 Hmmmmmm 1 +10111110 35,839 1 +10111110 polemically 1 +10111110 Suzar 1 +10111110 02134 1 +10111110 20024 1 +10111110 Staudohar 1 +10111110 Ruffer 1 +10111110 Solway 1 +10111110 Faggin 1 +10111110 17102 1 +10111110 Caulder 1 +10111110 Malasky 1 +10111110 Bidlack 1 +10111110 Pagen 1 +10111110 espanol 1 +10111110 taalta 1 +10111110 Naznacheniye 1 +10111110 Hickling 1 +10111110 Spirer 1 +10111110 Sherap 1 +10111110 Nadonley 1 +10111110 Strohmeier 1 +10111110 Balbach 1 +10111110 Schlaack 1 +10111110 Bollar 1 +10111110 Koerwer 1 +10111110 Colmant 1 +10111110 Drobis 1 +10111110 Woolford 1 +10111110 Aguais 1 +10111110 Cartooning 1 +10111110 Siswohardjono 1 +10111110 Heiser 1 +10111110 a.m.and 1 +10111110 tablog 1 +10111110 46172 1 +10111110 Furrer 1 +10111110 Strack 1 +10111110 Stampelfabrik 1 +10111110 Diekman 1 +10111110 Zirinsky 1 +10111110 Oooo 1 +10111110 05038 1 +10111110 Mannin 1 +10111110 Shellaque 1 +10111110 Ypiranga 1 +10111110 deer-killing 1 +10111110 Hirsig 1 +10111110 Goodrum 1 +10111110 Vig 1 +10111110 Trolinder 1 +10111110 Dehler 1 +10111110 Fett 1 +10111110 panky 1 +10111110 07960 1 +10111110 OPEL 1 +10111110 Ostermueller 1 +10111110 ALBUKERK 1 +10111110 Kilic 1 +10111110 Mazotti 1 +10111110 Ander 1 +10111110 Mazilo 1 +10111110 Sweere 1 +10111110 07078 1 +10111110 Roxe 1 +10111110 Baroffio 1 +10111110 28640 1 +10111110 YUCK 1 +10111110 Gotanda 1 +10111110 285,717 1 +10111110 Mroz 1 +10111110 Lyssarides 1 +10111110 5,404,713 1 +10111110 Vimukhit 1 +10111110 Grosse-Oetringhaus 1 +10111110 Svenden 1 +10111110 10012 1 +10111110 phenotyping 1 +10111110 Al-Rowas 1 +10111110 328.4 1 +10111110 Unilver 1 +10111110 McClintick 1 +10111110 Blatherwick 1 +10111110 Haselton 1 +10111110 Silone 1 +10111110 Abzug 1 +10111110 Hambelton 1 +10111110 Serwatka 1 +10111110 54494 1 +10111110 Debbink 1 +10111110 Buist 1 +10111110 Kountz 1 +10111110 Grigoriev 1 +10111110 nothwithstanding 1 +10111110 Haab 1 +10111110 Janulis 1 +10111110 Vijayaraghavan 1 +10111110 Blansett 1 +10111110 Gafford 1 +10111110 Tretter 1 +10111110 Etchelecu 1 +10111110 Mergenthaler 1 +10111110 Croisant 1 +10111110 Chats 1 +10111110 Transmoskva 1 +10111110 Whittenmore 1 +10111110 Thorneycroft 1 +10111110 Norrod 1 +10111110 Kephart 1 +10111110 Biele 1 +10111110 Chessum 1 +10111110 Schellhardt 2 +10111110 Transmissions 2 +10111110 Berthoud 2 +10111110 AU 2 +10111110 PPS 2 +10111110 GTO 2 +10111110 Rajavi 2 +10111110 Mesirov 2 +10111110 Suro 2 +10111110 JOVANOVICH 2 +10111110 Riserva 2 +10111110 Espanoles 2 +10111110 Hurwich 2 +10111110 Eee-von 2 +10111110 Hides 2 +10111110 CFR 2 +10111110 06902 2 +10111110 Revealed 2 +10111110 Riiiing 2 +10111110 LEO 2 +10111110 Dellis 2 +10111110 Grazing 2 +10111110 2,052 2 +10111110 Verbindungstechnik 2 +10111110 De-Nol 2 +10111110 Wanding 2 +10111110 Scientifiques 2 +10111110 Bagatelle 2 +10111110 WFBQ 2 +10111110 Wilks 2 +10111110 Cioci 2 +10111110 Confirms 2 +10111110 55,585 2 +10111110 395,690 2 +10111110 Michela 2 +10111110 Cunin 2 +10111110 Makkiyah 2 +10111110 DAI 2 +10111110 Beath 2 +10111110 Quadros 2 +10111110 07102 2 +10111110 WINE 2 +10111110 Spearing 2 +10111110 Naturelles 2 +10111110 Jaskol 2 +10111110 532.5 2 +10111110 ANYTHING 2 +10111110 Sainte-Victoire 2 +10111110 ICE 2 +10111110 Ikea 2 +10111110 AUDIOVOX 2 +10111110 Vilchez 2 +10111110 Ceremonies 2 +10111110 DISCOUNTED 2 +10111110 jestingly 2 +10111110 Heusi 2 +10111110 Bakke 2 +10111110 HERB 2 +10111110 Comey 2 +10111110 Picchu 2 +10111110 Trackers 2 +10111110 Widenor 2 +10111110 Nothhaft 2 +10111110 eng 2 +10111110 Cotugno 2 +10111110 Dishwasher 2 +10111110 zoologist 3 +10111110 Dangereuses 3 +10111110 HAKO 3 +10111110 Reward 3 +10111110 Biafora 3 +10111110 20036 3 +10111110 Telecommuting 3 +10111110 MoneyCenter 3 +10111110 Americanism 3 +10111110 Sweep 3 +10111110 titlists 3 +10111110 CONTROVERSY 3 +10111110 TIRES 3 +10111110 Knauer 3 +10111110 10022 3 +10111110 tock 4 +10111110 82190 4 +10111110 DEFECTOR 4 +10111110 Soghanalian 4 +10111110 MCEG 4 +10111110 Falliero 5 +10111110 Fed-bashing 5 +10111110 Chg 5 +10111110 Glavkosmos 6 +10111110 Pelerin 6 +10111110 Tracers 6 +10111110 Karolyi 7 +10111110 ---- 8 +10111110 BOS 9 +10111110 Silence 9 +10111110 TODAY 10 +10111110 Sets 12 +10111110 c-Yields 12 +10111110 OVER 14 +10111110 excepted 16 +10111110 onward 24 +10111110 Anonymous 35 +10111110 y 43 +10111110 -RRB- 49359 +10111110 B.C. 67 +101111110 Tibetans. 1 +101111110 smackers 1 +101111110 fuel-savers 1 +101111110 228,900 1 +101111110 +3641 1 +101111110 106,578 1 +101111110 CREDITBANK 1 +101111110 MicroFax 1 +101111110 Atilario 1 +101111110 footage. 1 +101111110 LT 1 +101111110 Alfas 1 +101111110 Sprints 1 +101111110 card-members 1 +101111110 francs. 1 +101111110 oulets 1 +101111110 T3100s 1 +101111110 AWARD 1 +101111110 amperes 1 +101111110 Xhosas 1 +101111110 larcenies 1 +101111110 merchantagents 1 +101111110 colones 1 +101111110 Carpathian 1 +101111110 19,087 1 +101111110 4,404 1 +101111110 cost-held 1 +101111110 Tipos 1 +101111110 amps 1 +101111110 fixer-upper 1 +101111110 Polos 1 +101111110 condo-dwellers 1 +101111110 75207 1 +101111110 1987- 1 +101111110 84,076 1 +101111110 PaintJet 1 +101111110 Miatas 1 +101111110 -22.2 1 +101111110 classroom-trailer 1 +101111110 worker-years 1 +101111110 20,826 1 +101111110 1,300,516 1 +101111110 24,405 1 +101111110 toursists 1 +101111110 115,882 1 +101111110 20,573 1 +101111110 91,259 1 +101111110 62,076 1 +101111110 dlrs 1 +101111110 6,523 1 +101111110 141,943 1 +101111110 2,809 1 +101111110 personrads 1 +101111110 -15.1 1 +101111110 -17.5 1 +101111110 -10.4 1 +101111110 grapplers 1 +101111110 feet. 1 +101111110 Mozambiquans 1 +101111110 FEET 2 +101111110 gangway 2 +101111110 bcf 2 +101111110 yen-a-share 2 +101111110 Legacys 2 +101111110 times. 2 +101111110 megatons 2 +101111110 nondailies 2 +101111110 leitmotives 2 +101111110 HX 3 +101111110 r.p.m. 4 +101111110 kiloliters 4 +101111110 sucres 4 +101111110 megabits 5 +101111110 volts 6 +101111110 light-years 6 +101111110 Angstroms 7 +101111110 man-years 8 +101111110 kwanza 9 +101111110 cordobas 10 +101111110 pints 10 +101111110 carats 11 +101111110 pixels 11 +101111110 kilos 15 +101111110 bytes 15 +101111110 kilowatt-hours 18 +101111110 centimeters 20 +101111110 hectares 22 +101111110 liters 24 +101111110 watts 26 +101111110 kilograms 31 +101111110 megabytes 37 +101111110 kilometers 49 +101111110 grams 53 +101111110 kilowatts 81 +101111110 milligrams 85 +101111110 megawatts 90 +101111110 pairs 123 +101111110 meters 214 +101111110 bales 227 +101111110 denominations 286 +101111110 gallons 307 +101111110 yards 335 +101111110 ounces 1038 +101111110 acres 1099 +101111110 pounds 1588 +101111110 barrels 2354 +101111110 feet 2481 +101111110 tons 4623 +101111110 miles 4127 +1011111110 Xometla 1 +1011111110 parasitism 1 +1011111110 500-plus 1 +1011111110 Bolingbroke 1 +1011111110 Magawish 1 +1011111110 1.76-to-1.78 1 +1011111110 Bight 1 +1011111110 ninths 1 +1011111110 technology-dependent 1 +1011111110 psychologies 1 +1011111110 WIOQ-FM 1 +1011111110 product-announcements 1 +1011111110 non-Toons 1 +1011111110 TRO 1 +1011111110 emalangeni 1 +1011111110 LPT 1 +1011111110 jaish 1 +1011111110 sheepherders 1 +1011111110 Apalachicola 1 +1011111110 Sanani 1 +1011111110 KIQQ-FM 1 +1011111110 particularities 1 +1011111110 tomographic 1 +1011111110 inititaive 1 +1011111110 underreacting 1 +1011111110 Azania 1 +1011111110 Studebakers 1 +1011111110 This-Can't-Be-Yogurt 1 +1011111110 1567 1 +1011111110 0.6777 1 +1011111110 Drogheda 1 +1011111110 Janae 1 +1011111110 Sayao 1 +1011111110 wood-and-sinew 1 +1011111110 one-test 1 +1011111110 catchphrases 1 +1011111110 leprosaria 1 +1011111110 power-unit 1 +1011111110 89.87 1 +1011111110 Shule 1 +1011111110 palmology 1 +1011111110 F-minor 1 +1011111110 guideways 1 +1011111110 Skutt 1 +1011111110 principalor 1 +1011111110 1.8733 1 +1011111110 B-25s 1 +1011111110 balsams 1 +1011111110 non-Puritans 1 +1011111110 co-hosted 1 +1011111110 mer-creatures 1 +1011111110 cannabinoids 1 +1011111110 hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1 +1011111110 exemplars 1 +1011111110 Bertill 1 +1011111110 plays-in-progress 1 +1011111110 widder-lady 1 +1011111110 personals 1 +1011111110 Boulevards 1 +1011111110 SANE/Freeze 1 +1011111110 single-A-1/Prime-1 1 +1011111110 Musavi-Ardabili 1 +1011111110 speedskaters 1 +1011111110 gastronomes 1 +1011111110 Glassworks 1 +1011111110 tvorog 1 +1011111110 smokebomb 1 +1011111110 Tigrinya 1 +1011111110 kibitzing 1 +1011111110 Dollars. 1 +1011111110 zakusky 1 +1011111110 Whitianga 1 +1011111110 churls 1 +1011111110 Pinedale 1 +1011111110 Ho-khau 1 +1011111110 Cambodiachea 1 +1011111110 Belem 1 +1011111110 computer-aided-software-engineering 1 +1011111110 C.R.A.S.H. 1 +1011111110 pre-strategic 1 +1011111110 farmboy 1 +1011111110 kpokodeilos 1 +1011111110 chargeoff 1 +1011111110 voodooism 1 +1011111110 Stopera 1 +1011111110 platforming 1 +1011111110 Polysteel 1 +1011111110 osteosarcoma 1 +1011111110 VHC-C 1 +1011111110 bestioles 1 +1011111110 helocopters 1 +1011111110 ZOG 1 +1011111110 buckpassing 1 +1011111110 Kunrad 1 +1011111110 AFDC-U 1 +1011111110 communitarians 1 +1011111110 314,850 1 +1011111110 performnginth 1 +1011111110 corruption-tainted 1 +1011111110 parkinsonism 1 +1011111110 oil-a-day 1 +1011111110 gigolo 1 +1011111110 ummah 1 +1011111110 blackmarketing 1 +1011111110 Whistlers 1 +1011111110 skylighting 2 +1011111110 lowing 2 +1011111110 soviets 2 +1011111110 condensate-a-day 2 +1011111110 Coffeyville 2 +1011111110 grapeshot 2 +1011111110 Parliment 2 +1011111110 Delights 2 +1011111110 discrimination. 2 +1011111110 Dodges 2 +1011111110 Missouri-Rolla 2 +1011111110 Mazeppa 2 +1011111110 Leimen 2 +1011111110 economic- 2 +1011111110 communalism 2 +1011111110 subsidaries 2 +1011111110 Trichosanthin 2 +1011111110 Ramazani 2 +1011111110 Eurydice 2 +1011111110 1529.52 3 +1011111110 hydrologists 3 +1011111110 F/A-18s 3 +1011111110 Rapunzel 3 +1011111110 piasters 3 +1011111110 Gonaives 3 +1011111110 monographs 3 +1011111110 blockheads 3 +1011111110 ITQs 3 +1011111110 Geos 3 +1011111110 cost-overruns 3 +1011111110 dollars. 4 +1011111110 peroration 4 +1011111110 Radio-television 4 +1011111110 Lisburn 4 +1011111110 BTUs 4 +1011111110 APMA 4 +1011111110 manhours 5 +1011111110 Copper-7s 5 +1011111110 three-pointers 5 +1011111110 POPs 6 +1011111110 cornmeal 7 +1011111110 Yugos 9 +1011111110 Radio-Television 10 +1011111110 KGMC 11 +1011111110 Mandate 15 +1011111110 Mounted 16 +1011111110 zlotys 45 +1011111110 ECUs 51 +1011111110 pennies 63 +1011111110 pesos 120 +1011111110 rubles 147 +1011111110 annually 2269 +1011111110 dollars 10132 +10111111110 Werks 1 +10111111110 auctioneer-expert 1 +10111111110 Francs 1 +10111111110 billion-Swedish-kronor 1 +10111111110 Austradollars 1 +10111111110 Landesmuseum 1 +10111111110 Thenardier 1 +10111111110 counsul 1 +10111111110 officiously 1 +10111111110 princeling 1 +10111111110 12:00-23:00 1 +10111111110 bund 1 +10111111110 92.589 1 +10111111110 92.599 1 +10111111110 WART 1 +10111111110 crystallographer 1 +10111111110 Tyson- 1 +10111111110 leaf-drop 1 +10111111110 million-Canadian-dollar 1 +10111111110 1973-1977 1 +10111111110 pentatonic 1 +10111111110 E-boat 1 +10111111110 Tympanuchus 1 +10111111110 carmaker 1 +10111111110 Prissy 1 +10111111110 humanaphobia 1 +10111111110 Nasionale 1 +10111111110 luau 1 +10111111110 SIGHTS 1 +10111111110 Billygate 1 +10111111110 9034.8 1 +10111111110 sculptress 1 +10111111110 Reichsmarks 1 +10111111110 cognate 1 +10111111110 Bankas 1 +10111111110 sericea 1 +10111111110 chole 1 +10111111110 billion-ringgit 1 +10111111110 Thursay 1 +10111111110 Thatcher- 1 +10111111110 distributers 1 +10111111110 CRTF 1 +10111111110 billion-ruble 1 +10111111110 motel-owners 1 +10111111110 bobbies 1 +10111111110 dachshounds 1 +10111111110 kwacha 1 +10111111110 Bennett/Baxter 1 +10111111110 Sportbund 1 +10111111110 Maidens 1 +10111111110 Presserat 1 +10111111110 Furness 1 +10111111110 Reichspost 1 +10111111110 Bldg 1 +10111111110 tetrachords 1 +10111111110 99.631 1 +10111111110 96.274 1 +10111111110 96.289 1 +10111111110 96.284 1 +10111111110 96.107 1 +10111111110 96.102 1 +10111111110 96.127 1 +10111111110 Concordes 1 +10111111110 64.29 1 +10111111110 orbited 1 +10111111110 ghetto-blasters 1 +10111111110 bio-statistician 1 +10111111110 SISISKY 1 +10111111110 96.031 1 +10111111110 96.026 1 +10111111110 96.042 1 +10111111110 47.62 1 +10111111110 CPQ 1 +10111111110 metacais 1 +10111111110 MENTS 1 +10111111110 million-ruble 1 +10111111110 99.579 2 +10111111110 Lombarde 2 +10111111110 billion-Malaysian-dollar 2 +10111111110 Rosanjin 2 +10111111110 colons 2 +10111111110 Swedish-kronor 2 +10111111110 bandolero 2 +10111111110 Ploshchad 2 +10111111110 co-bidders 2 +10111111110 at-bats 3 +10111111110 passenger-miles 3 +10111111110 Birlik 3 +10111111110 Kukhnya 3 +10111111110 escudos 4 +10111111110 billion-guilder 4 +10111111110 rials 4 +10111111110 rupiahs 5 +10111111110 liras 5 +10111111110 markkaa 5 +10111111110 drachmas 6 +10111111110 forints 7 +10111111110 2036 7 +10111111110 mips 7 +10111111110 shillings 7 +10111111110 australs 9 +10111111110 Irish-punt 10 +10111111110 dinars 11 +10111111110 double-spaced 12 +10111111110 bolivars 15 +10111111110 trillion-yen 19 +10111111110 kwh 21 +10111111110 cruzados 23 +10111111110 krona 24 +10111111110 baht 25 +10111111110 schillings 34 +10111111110 markkas 37 +10111111110 ringgit 40 +10111111110 rupees 42 +10111111110 punt 74 +10111111110 yuan 128 +10111111110 pesetas 144 +10111111110 kroner 208 +10111111110 rand 260 +10111111110 apiece 377 +10111111110 guilders 394 +10111111110 RATES 470 +10111111110 kronor 496 +10111111110 bushels 544 +10111111110 lire 802 +10111111110 francs 2545 +10111111110 marks 6776 +10111111110 pence 3157 +10111111111 Merita/Cotton 1 +10111111111 time-fix 1 +10111111111 USLTA 1 +10111111111 diquem 1 +10111111111 I.C.C.H. 1 +10111111111 1,900-lire 1 +10111111111 globefish 1 +10111111111 Fasolt 1 +10111111111 weapons-makers 1 +10111111111 entitites 1 +10111111111 ROL 1 +10111111111 overacted 1 +10111111111 cordons 1 +10111111111 reporter/preachers 1 +10111111111 asset-manager 1 +10111111111 Atlantist 1 +10111111111 Choferes 1 +10111111111 hags 1 +10111111111 Stepmother 1 +10111111111 Alchemedians 1 +10111111111 25,000-to-50,000 1 +10111111111 bushel-plus 1 +10111111111 higher-cap 1 +10111111111 EDT-EST 1 +10111111111 deckle 1 +10111111111 malehood 1 +10111111111 cookie-plant 1 +10111111111 phlebotomists 1 +10111111111 Savoys 1 +10111111111 illiteracies 1 +10111111111 neologisms 1 +10111111111 Epistle 1 +10111111111 3:7-12 1 +10111111111 Podlaski 1 +10111111111 Nutrimato 1 +10111111111 ex-Lafico 1 +10111111111 candy- 1 +10111111111 toll-numbers 1 +10111111111 722.7 1 +10111111111 Louey 1 +10111111111 Javan 1 +10111111111 Momoyama 1 +10111111111 380-franc 1 +10111111111 Martinu 1 +10111111111 406.06 1 +10111111111 economic-equity 1 +10111111111 2/7 1 +10111111111 quays 1 +10111111111 SAPCOs 1 +10111111111 Ricciarelli 1 +10111111111 yen-level 1 +10111111111 PAW 1 +10111111111 Victa 1 +10111111111 gooseberries 1 +10111111111 NLRA 1 +10111111111 Punxsutawney 1 +10111111111 Wapakoneta 1 +10111111111 multiparous 1 +10111111111 338.74 1 +10111111111 Nikolaikirche 1 +10111111111 94.81 1 +10111111111 afer 1 +10111111111 possbily 1 +10111111111 365-pence-a-share 1 +10111111111 HP-19-C 1 +10111111111 underwear. 1 +10111111111 leaking-underground-storage-tank 1 +10111111111 candidiasis 1 +10111111111 Hypotekforening 1 +10111111111 chipsmakers 1 +10111111111 719.2 1 +10111111111 Organisasi 1 +10111111111 shun. 1 +10111111111 homogenization 1 +10111111111 ex-governors 1 +10111111111 FTCA 1 +10111111111 martks 1 +10111111111 Boonie 1 +10111111111 Subaru/Isuzu 1 +10111111111 small-caps 1 +10111111111 title-searching 1 +10111111111 auto-appearance 1 +10111111111 plate/batter 1 +10111111111 Infertility 1 +10111111111 Dincs 1 +10111111111 stiching 1 +10111111111 T.P.O. 1 +10111111111 Renovadores 1 +10111111111 plovers 1 +10111111111 fgrancs 1 +10111111111 dolphinfish 1 +10111111111 TAMBO 1 +10111111111 bodhisattvas 1 +10111111111 megacarrier. 1 +10111111111 Xaytlon 1 +10111111111 6,526 1 +10111111111 Kandinskys 1 +10111111111 fops 1 +10111111111 Reprimand 1 +10111111111 WPI 1 +10111111111 Groggily 1 +10111111111 35-billion-mark 1 +10111111111 m&a 1 +10111111111 countercultures 1 +10111111111 pickleman 1 +10111111111 2,947,398 1 +10111111111 2,874,640 1 +10111111111 6,474 1 +10111111111 INSEAD 1 +10111111111 terrine 1 +10111111111 pool-lengths 1 +10111111111 Aero-Club 1 +10111111111 cruiserweight 1 +10111111111 Austins 1 +10111111111 Hall-Godwins 1 +10111111111 68-kilogram 1 +10111111111 694-pence-a-share 1 +10111111111 biltong 1 +10111111111 koeksisters 1 +10111111111 rusks 1 +10111111111 Nightwatchman 1 +10111111111 bodega 1 +10111111111 cash-swollen 1 +10111111111 SPH 2 +10111111111 Moreland-Portland 2 +10111111111 fortunetellers 2 +10111111111 ownership. 2 +10111111111 Malawians 2 +10111111111 solenoids 2 +10111111111 Vascar 2 +10111111111 ideographs 2 +10111111111 megaflops 2 +10111111111 1987-21 2 +10111111111 downpayments 2 +10111111111 lute 2 +10111111111 crematoria 2 +10111111111 darkrooms 2 +10111111111 AT-bus 2 +10111111111 JST 3 +10111111111 USN 3 +10111111111 rands 3 +10111111111 NLF 3 +10111111111 Dials 3 +10111111111 retinitis 4 +10111111111 markka 4 +10111111111 MST 4 +10111111111 kimonos 5 +10111111111 GMT 6 +10111111111 PST 8 +10111111111 Kommunalbank 8 +10111111111 dirhams 9 +10111111111 yen/dollar 12 +10111111111 rupiah 12 +10111111111 SX 13 +10111111111 SEL 14 +10111111111 Lp 18 +10111111111 PDT 21 +10111111111 dong 28 +10111111111 riyals 40 +10111111111 CDT 42 +10111111111 ET 46 +10111111111 CST 46 +10111111111 EST 917 +10111111111 yen 10508 +10111111111 EDT 1194 +11000 protocol-free 1 +11000 get-rich 1 +11000 aftertime 1 +11000 damnably 1 +11000 thought-through 1 +11000 privately-provided 1 +11000 0.185 1 +11000 polychromatic 1 +11000 254,200 1 +11000 company-sanctioned 1 +11000 4,293,375 1 +11000 8,475,000 1 +11000 escoria 1 +11000 6,525,000 1 +11000 22-degree 1 +11000 42,750 1 +11000 2,510,706 1 +11000 conventional-level 1 +11000 stock-depressing 1 +11000 38,520,000 1 +11000 computer-development 1 +11000 Dubonnet 1 +11000 big-buyer 1 +11000 Kahil 1 +11000 Benadryl 1 +11000 1.2168 1 +11000 that's-my-boy 1 +11000 123,386 1 +11000 fluorescent-tube 1 +11000 backstroking 1 +11000 casino-project 1 +11000 fleeced-knit 1 +11000 nicotine-related 1 +11000 crewless 1 +11000 convertible-debenture 1 +11000 pertinently 1 +11000 Welsh-born 1 +11000 16,292,073 1 +11000 Iraqi-style 1 +11000 4,014,114 1 +11000 quarterback-oriented 1 +11000 local-media 1 +11000 video-terminal 1 +11000 sicking 1 +11000 demoralizingly 1 +11000 morbidly 1 +11000 heather-touched 1 +11000 245.10 1 +11000 ghostlike 1 +11000 783,527 1 +11000 applications-specific 1 +11000 3,772,200 1 +11000 acquitting 1 +11000 Austin-Boston 1 +11000 lowest-rate 1 +11000 one-uppingly 1 +11000 earth-filled 1 +11000 43-hour 1 +11000 2235.24-makes 1 +11000 Treasury-backed 1 +11000 Tamil-controlled 1 +11000 0.000,004 1 +11000 1,187 1 +11000 home-user 1 +11000 2,607 1 +11000 217,186 1 +11000 Domenichino 1 +11000 Memphis-born 1 +11000 black-skinned 1 +11000 Goldwater-Nixon-Reagan-Kemp 1 +11000 aerostatic 1 +11000 fishlinelike 1 +11000 steerable 1 +11000 106,650 1 +11000 button-downed 1 +11000 post-offering 1 +11000 30,963,598 1 +11000 misguidedly 1 +11000 2,887,311 1 +11000 Abscam-style 1 +11000 tourist-season 1 +11000 Camaro-driving 1 +11000 0.5025 1 +11000 0.4975 1 +11000 7.8025 1 +11000 well-treated 1 +11000 Bach/Beethoven/Brahms 1 +11000 exhaustingly 1 +11000 re-engineering 1 +11000 D.C.-Virginia 1 +11000 cnventional 1 +11000 lace-making 1 +11000 20.47-year 1 +11000 3.7-year 1 +11000 Urals-to-the-Atlantic 1 +11000 0.6575 1 +11000 43,900 1 +11000 460,100 1 +11000 instant-action 1 +11000 cartridge-type 1 +11000 147-page 1 +11000 202,500 1 +11000 moderatively 1 +11000 3,656,797 1 +11000 Spanish-speakers 1 +11000 410,625 1 +11000 catheter-type 1 +11000 85,900 1 +11000 guitarlike 1 +11000 unfathomably 1 +11000 20,680 1 +11000 26-minute 1 +11000 0.6944 1 +11000 pre-Wagnerian 1 +11000 radio-transmitter 1 +11000 aircargo 1 +11000 English-Chinese 1 +11000 futures-indexed 1 +11000 exotic-looking 1 +11000 ice-capped 1 +11000 Vehbi 1 +11000 eight-year-long 1 +11000 Boer-bashing 1 +11000 gunbattles 1 +11000 sale-purchase 1 +11000 wear-resistant 1 +11000 wheat-seeded 1 +11000 investor-research 1 +11000 more-economically 1 +11000 airgun 1 +11000 silicone-film 1 +11000 more-integrated 1 +11000 money-dispensing 1 +11000 T700 1 +11000 4,369,000 1 +11000 national-television 1 +11000 retail-rate 1 +11000 inflaton 1 +11000 noncoercive 1 +11000 polylactic 1 +11000 pseudo-medical 1 +11000 user-configurable 1 +11000 cycle-free 1 +11000 market-consolidating 1 +11000 503,500 1 +11000 Second-highest 1 +11000 chip-controlled 1 +11000 chalkdust-laden 1 +11000 bank-employed 1 +11000 sales-linked 1 +11000 megamerged 1 +11000 self-mesmerization 1 +11000 steamer-trunk 1 +11000 AFL-CIO/Teamsters 1 +11000 308,500 1 +11000 consumer-stock 1 +11000 8,142,000 1 +11000 cross-cutting 1 +11000 media-conveyed 1 +11000 computer-trading 1 +11000 265-pound 1 +11000 lowpriced 1 +11000 Dali-esque 1 +11000 post-Warhol 1 +11000 unarguably 1 +11000 intelligence-briefing 1 +11000 too-too-perfect 1 +11000 coq 1 +11000 empire-style 1 +11000 22-year-veteran 1 +11000 Slowpokes 1 +11000 calcium-based 1 +11000 35015.93 1 +11000 642,240 1 +11000 .069 1 +11000 wangling 1 +11000 0.009 1 +11000 331,200 1 +11000 Mexican-manufactured 1 +11000 purse-mouthed 1 +11000 green-field 1 +11000 sucurities 1 +11000 gum-chomping 1 +11000 often-outdated 1 +11000 helpwanted 1 +11000 telecasting 2 +11000 sludgelike 2 +11000 -an 2 +11000 67,775 2 +11000 1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin 2 +11000 trichina 2 +11000 mulitiple 2 +11000 I-know-best 2 +11000 hydrodynamically 2 +11000 nondoctrinaire 2 +11000 30-degree 2 +11000 ex-Reagan 2 +11000 garishly 2 +11000 British-educated 2 +11000 Couvin 2 +11000 stodgier 3 +11000 Ouadi 3 +11000 factory-installed 4 +11000 an 147729 +11000 Workforce 8 +11001 employer-subsidized 1 +11001 0.5911 1 +11001 near-autonomous 1 +11001 stationhouse 1 +11001 1.4656 1 +11001 772,700 1 +11001 hour-shortening 1 +11001 1,315 1 +11001 customer-complaints 1 +11001 party-circuit 1 +11001 LBar-Rossborough 1 +11001 Pecans 1 +11001 multiproduct 1 +11001 3.6488 1 +11001 60-feet 1 +11001 timbral 1 +11001 sweetbread-based 1 +11001 poplar 1 +11001 inter-office 1 +11001 oil-impregnated 1 +11001 five-business 1 +11001 three-year/60,000-mile 1 +11001 3,132 1 +11001 hand-beaded 1 +11001 651,163 1 +11001 gold-spike 1 +11001 556,690 1 +11001 nonreturnable 1 +11001 rusty-haired 1 +11001 over-much 1 +11001 J-10 1 +11001 0.975 1 +11001 0.8232 1 +11001 two-spouted 1 +11001 one-reel 1 +11001 starch-full 1 +11001 dish-cloth 1 +11001 84,496 1 +11001 0.091 1 +11001 management-firm 1 +11001 L-Bar-Rossborough 1 +11001 0.8129 1 +11001 unrefueled 1 +11001 0.02917 1 +11001 heavy-lipped 1 +11001 434,500 1 +11001 grand-scaled 1 +11001 0.364 1 +11001 107-point 1 +11001 1/2-week-long 1 +11001 15,000-worker 1 +11001 sign-and-return 1 +11001 soon-to-be-licensed 1 +11001 guilt-inducing 1 +11001 4,123 1 +11001 six-note 1 +11001 Sun-4/200 1 +11001 382,632 1 +11001 1,209,792 1 +11001 0.2479 1 +11001 gooily 1 +11001 untilled 1 +11001 80-odd 1 +11001 moderate-minded 1 +11001 0.435 1 +11001 benign-appearing 1 +11001 1.5545 1 +11001 1.5640 1 +11001 mininum 1 +11001 935,628 1 +11001 guilt-mongering 1 +11001 chemical-release 1 +11001 broken-in 1 +11001 thermonuclear-policy 1 +11001 co-personal 1 +11001 3,015 1 +11001 13-and 1 +11001 0.765 1 +11001 premium-coupon 1 +11001 22-state 1 +11001 BMW-7 1 +11001 unswapped 1 +11001 2.7692 1 +11001 temper-testing 1 +11001 Owen-Illinois 2 +11001 seven-line 2 +11001 Velika 2 +11001 576,788 2 +11001 EPA-designated 2 +11001 0.667 2 +11001 half-joking 2 +11001 0.851 2 +11001 non-alternative 2 +11001 0.03575 2 +11001 co-extruded 2 +11001 venous 2 +11001 scumbled 3 +11001 actuarily 3 +11001 lily-white 3 +11001 diaphanous 3 +11001 flat-roofed 3 +11001 engendering 3 +11001 0.5263 3 +11001 product-driven 3 +11001 Buttonwood 4 +11001 a 874491 +11001 Outlaw 7 +11010 transistor-like 1 +11010 3.4090 1 +11010 bulk-licensed 1 +11010 Hezie 1 +11010 treasure-laden 1 +11010 thu 1 +11010 1.5685 1 +11010 clam-eating 1 +11010 Narrowed 1 +11010 world-shattering 1 +11010 two-to-seven-year 1 +11010 throught 1 +11010 80.94 1 +11010 unforseeable 1 +11010 Iran-like 1 +11010 82.90 1 +11010 taypayers 1 +11010 43-degree 1 +11010 net-business 1 +11010 more-dire 1 +11010 74.78 1 +11010 high-arching 1 +11010 74.71 1 +11010 football-field 1 +11010 75.46 1 +11010 Easter-less 1 +11010 government-dependent 1 +11010 hyper-accurate 1 +11010 ever-tightening 1 +11010 aluminum-rich 1 +11010 vibrational 1 +11010 1.2890 1 +11010 dollar-holding 1 +11010 2.0015 1 +11010 69.24 1 +11010 73.56 1 +11010 72.51 1 +11010 pre-concrete 1 +11010 77.09 1 +11010 stick-toting 1 +11010 78.85 1 +11010 79.17 1 +11010 toylands 1 +11010 longer-coupon 1 +11010 A&K 1 +11010 morgue-like 1 +11010 stillskittish 1 +11010 GUM 1 +11010 78.45 1 +11010 11th-ranked 1 +11010 made-in-Washington 1 +11010 art-theft 1 +11010 801,700 1 +11010 palm-fat 1 +11010 as-yet-undeclared 1 +11010 80.04 1 +11010 dimantled 1 +11010 tweaks 1 +11010 unparalled 1 +11010 80.83 1 +11010 Defy 1 +11010 76.57 1 +11010 2.9360 1 +11010 low-grossing 1 +11010 82.92 1 +11010 83.09 1 +11010 4,495 1 +11010 annulling 1 +11010 similarsized 1 +11010 out-performing 1 +11010 Lebanon-based 1 +11010 well-sounding 1 +11010 premixed 1 +11010 more-deserving 1 +11010 North-East 1 +11010 shock-resistant 1 +11010 112,800 1 +11010 drought-diminished 1 +11010 Stravinskian 2 +11010 74.11 2 +11010 Palawan 2 +11010 79.46 2 +11010 labor-tight 2 +11010 lower-coupon 2 +11010 longer-than-usual 2 +11010 small-to-medium 2 +11010 notifiying 2 +11010 May-the 2 +11010 labor-oriented 2 +11010 laxer 2 +11010 mutual-assured 2 +11010 mineral-rich 2 +11010 unexpended 2 +11010 U.S.-recognized 2 +11010 248,046 2 +11010 concrete-block 3 +11010 retaking 3 +11010 DBL 4 +11010 pre-Christian 4 +11010 non-traded 4 +11010 Ca' 5 +11010 the 1919420 +11010 BP. 10 +110110 349,900 1 +110110 37,740 1 +110110 smallbusiness 1 +110110 1,686,000 1 +110110 429,269 1 +110110 11,791,790 1 +110110 1,986,926 1 +110110 1,670,072 1 +110110 1,624,191 1 +110110 2,753,068 1 +110110 842,345 1 +110110 503,692 1 +110110 leach-solvent 1 +110110 450,544 1 +110110 sweet-tasting 1 +110110 916,746 1 +110110 4,117,676 1 +110110 2,067,380 1 +110110 211,694 1 +110110 190,118 1 +110110 827,550 1 +110110 560,245 1 +110110 1,457,691 1 +110110 1,089,281 1 +110110 1,951,450 1 +110110 3,175,000 1 +110110 Macoutes-led 1 +110110 875,750 1 +110110 15,476,000 1 +110110 10,359,000 1 +110110 13,055,334 1 +110110 indifference./A 1 +110110 shuttle-style 1 +110110 4,519,478 1 +110110 3,525,000 1 +110110 459,864 1 +110110 5,062,008 1 +110110 financial-system 1 +110110 381,977 1 +110110 1,941,361 1 +110110 reimported 1 +110110 2,129,300 1 +110110 1,094,263 1 +110110 4,448,000 1 +110110 4,820,000 1 +110110 2,323,810 1 +110110 123,600 1 +110110 2,306,474 1 +110110 563,380 1 +110110 union-built 1 +110110 1,428,793 1 +110110 129,850 1 +110110 reemphasizing 1 +110110 508,391 1 +110110 257,600 1 +110110 214,285 1 +110110 911,822 1 +110110 377,753 1 +110110 18,257,350 1 +110110 738,800 1 +110110 521,508 1 +110110 1,089,300 1 +110110 U.S.-brewed 1 +110110 A-3-rated 1 +110110 ex-Pentagon 1 +110110 broadcasting-property 1 +110110 French-designed 1 +110110 1,226,500 1 +110110 2,368,500 1 +110110 4,351,151 1 +110110 198,753 1 +110110 10,192,145 1 +110110 471,700 1 +110110 1,014,957 1 +110110 512,733 1 +110110 461,026 1 +110110 1,308,830 1 +110110 bacteria-infected 1 +110110 payments-deficit 1 +110110 3,210,150 1 +110110 2,239,790 1 +110110 4:14 1 +110110 10,992,880 1 +110110 2,186,498 1 +110110 1,667,796 1 +110110 favored-rate 1 +110110 425,700 1 +110110 time-shared 1 +110110 3,998,153 1 +110110 pencil-sized 1 +110110 307,181 1 +110110 1,419,673 1 +110110 8,257,073 1 +110110 555,448 1 +110110 2,030,000 1 +110110 4,666,667 1 +110110 44,123 1 +110110 369.24-the 1 +110110 253,604 1 +110110 15,299,165 1 +110110 transfusion-related 1 +110110 home-spun 1 +110110 9,839 1 +110110 2,300,000 1 +110110 210,200 1 +110110 1,975,197 1 +110110 residential-phone 1 +110110 31,269,996 1 +110110 3,337,924 1 +110110 companyowned 1 +110110 254,345 1 +110110 600-grit 1 +110110 18.44 1 +110110 5,075,000 1 +110110 carry-in 1 +110110 S-Food 1 +110110 2,857,143 1 +110110 6,720,000 1 +110110 system.The 1 +110110 pretentiously 1 +110110 698,480 1 +110110 17-stick 1 +110110 tax-against 1 +110110 8,450,000 1 +110110 1,494,528 1 +110110 othe 1 +110110 32,788,101 1 +110110 bossa 1 +110110 fictively 1 +110110 127,682 1 +110110 539,578 1 +110110 Namibia-based 1 +110110 21,481 1 +110110 14.485 1 +110110 276,099 1 +110110 technologic 1 +110110 snowboots 1 +110110 treaty-guaranteed 1 +110110 regasified 1 +110110 U.S.-issued 2 +110110 stock-cash 2 +110110 1,666,667 2 +110110 low-profit-margin 2 +110110 poorer-than-expected 2 +110110 37,950,000 2 +110110 965,200 2 +110110 41.77 2 +110110 78,500 2 +110110 442,600 2 +110110 1,484 2 +110110 2,525,000 2 +110110 406,012 2 +110110 610,500 2 +110110 701,754 2 +110110 125,200 2 +110110 paper-company 2 +110110 79,300 2 +110110 559,200 2 +110110 pesticide-contaminated 2 +110110 20.67 2 +110110 13,325,367 2 +110110 embassy-sponsored 2 +110110 1,093,750 2 +110110 5,021,414 2 +110110 10,724,364 2 +110110 3,675,000 2 +110110 animal-loving 2 +110110 Heike 2 +110110 3,025,097 2 +110110 216,500 2 +110110 larger-scale 3 +110110 2,875,000 3 +110110 13,540,000 3 +110110 1,062,500 3 +110110 instruction-set 3 +110110 1,053,800 3 +110110 inboard 3 +110110 1.1606 3 +110110 exportled 4 +110110 multilayer 5 +110110 backed-up 5 +110110 its 173077 +110110 3,350,000 7 +11011100 job-protected 1 +11011100 premium-paying 1 +11011100 Gaevle 1 +11011100 more-ardent 1 +11011100 out-of-sight 1 +11011100 now-distant 1 +11011100 Chicago-school 1 +11011100 securities-regulation 1 +11011100 28-foot-plus 1 +11011100 single-member 1 +11011100 direct-entry 1 +11011100 guild-like 1 +11011100 Hatfield-McCoy 1 +11011100 deifying 1 +11011100 stearates 1 +11011100 all-nurturing 1 +11011100 Cro-Magnon 1 +11011100 12,276 1 +11011100 unexpurgated 1 +11011100 fake-art 1 +11011100 basket-case 1 +11011100 still-tighter 1 +11011100 Christian-magazine 1 +11011100 Montenegrin 1 +11011100 crop-destruction 1 +11011100 white-felt 1 +11011100 biscuit-making 1 +11011100 ginseng-growing 1 +11011100 food-and-housewares 1 +11011100 home-for-the-summer 1 +11011100 flood-plagued 1 +11011100 stultify 1 +11011100 row-crop 1 +11011100 half-loaf 1 +11011100 front-braking 1 +11011100 frequent-user 1 +11011100 LEXIS 1 +11011100 similar-type 1 +11011100 nonpremium 1 +11011100 8,604 1 +11011100 post-automotive 1 +11011100 Disney-licensed 1 +11011100 electronic-gear 1 +11011100 public-investor 1 +11011100 hard-to-quantify 1 +11011100 safety-education 1 +11011100 double-crossing 1 +11011100 nonprofitable 1 +11011100 megatrendy 1 +11011100 219.42-its 1 +11011100 normal-size 1 +11011100 balloon-toting 1 +11011100 business-community 1 +11011100 Shikoku 1 +11011100 pre-auto 1 +11011100 granulocytemacrophage 1 +11011100 Sorensenian 1 +11011100 Riazan 1 +11011100 private-plot 1 +11011100 gold-hungry 1 +11011100 home-bound 1 +11011100 brain-cancer 1 +11011100 often-illogical 1 +11011100 chart-oriented 1 +11011100 well-stained 1 +11011100 fewer-but-bigger 1 +11011100 refinanancing 1 +11011100 above-median-income 1 +11011100 three-chord 1 +11011100 200,000-odd 1 +11011100 American-Jordanian 1 +11011100 near-terminal 1 +11011100 labor-management-community-shareholder 1 +11011100 rice-stuffed 1 +11011100 professional-level 1 +11011100 high-cash 1 +11011100 market-wounded 1 +11011100 380,400 1 +11011100 depreciable-asset 1 +11011100 suporting 1 +11011100 Gephardtian 1 +11011100 bellydancing 1 +11011100 software-induced 1 +11011100 joist-like 1 +11011100 Morgan-related 1 +11011100 medium-to-large 1 +11011100 automotive-industry 1 +11011100 vacation-bound 1 +11011100 irremediable 1 +11011100 sagebrush-covered 1 +11011100 Democratic-appointed 1 +11011100 lesser-heralded 1 +11011100 hard-riding 1 +11011100 limited-tax 1 +11011100 unlimited-tax 1 +11011100 capacity-strained 1 +11011100 tenting 1 +11011100 reformistminded 1 +11011100 major-firm 1 +11011100 miffing 1 +11011100 Canadian-manufactured 1 +11011100 sardined-in 1 +11011100 Gazan 1 +11011100 Pushtun 1 +11011100 stick-wielding 1 +11011100 909,091 1 +11011100 north-flowing 1 +11011100 bulk-materials 1 +11011100 K-8 1 +11011100 world-ranked 1 +11011100 near-manic 1 +11011100 supersmart 1 +11011100 less-compromised 1 +11011100 pepper-coated 1 +11011100 3,078 1 +11011100 convention-related 1 +11011100 multilocation 1 +11011100 hypersexed 1 +11011100 sreform 1 +11011100 Amcor-investor 1 +11011100 pizza-chain 1 +11011100 big-moneyed 1 +11011100 bikinied 1 +11011100 hare-brained 1 +11011100 petrochemical-producing 2 +11011100 unmarried-couple 2 +11011100 measured-service 2 +11011100 trade-negotiating 2 +11011100 non-Chrysler 2 +11011100 non-Mandarin-speaking 2 +11011100 industrial-country 2 +11011100 '80s-style 2 +11011100 post-high-school 2 +11011100 inter-racial 2 +11011100 ex-Distillers 2 +11011100 non-combatant 2 +11011100 mixed-up 2 +11011100 creditor-debtor 2 +11011100 gravity-defying 2 +11011100 well-matched 2 +11011100 low-balance 2 +11011100 negligence-prone 2 +11011100 physical-therapy 2 +11011100 host-country 2 +11011100 heathen 2 +11011100 noncombatant 2 +11011100 pre-1917 2 +11011100 big-stakes 2 +11011100 home-currency 2 +11011100 victim-based 2 +11011100 1,647 3 +11011100 least-favored 3 +11011100 self-induced 3 +11011100 pre-college 3 +11011100 press-release 3 +11011100 2,335 3 +11011100 beget 3 +11011100 AIDS-afflicted 3 +11011100 national-forest 4 +11011100 nonmarital 4 +11011100 large-caliber 4 +11011100 non-custodial 4 +11011100 poorer-quality 4 +11011100 pro-Bush 4 +11011100 Gorbachevian 4 +11011100 storm-sea 5 +11011100 high-caliber 6 +11011100 spousal 10 +11011100 glutaric 11 +11011100 our 18608 +11011100 chart-guided 23 +11011101 production-shift 1 +11011101 domestic-sugar 1 +11011101 single-stock 1 +11011101 commodity-contract 1 +11011101 cushier 1 +11011101 maintenance-safety 1 +11011101 18th-and 1 +11011101 small-country 1 +11011101 factory-constructed 1 +11011101 55-knot 1 +11011101 two-meter 1 +11011101 long-shelved 1 +11011101 Columbus-anniversary 1 +11011101 soybean-based 1 +11011101 welfare-recipient 1 +11011101 sun-bathing 1 +11011101 anti-Washington 1 +11011101 100-mile-an-hour 1 +11011101 social-visit 1 +11011101 adenomatous 1 +11011101 molotov 1 +11011101 outcome-oriented 1 +11011101 sidewalk-sized 1 +11011101 hamburger-look-alike 1 +11011101 double-wide 1 +11011101 chicken-processing 1 +11011101 drug-hungry 1 +11011101 commercial-garment 1 +11011101 gelatin-based 1 +11011101 projection-TV 1 +11011101 sharper-angled 1 +11011101 gas-affected 1 +11011101 X-raylike 1 +11011101 chip-assembly 1 +11011101 Taiwanese-made 1 +11011101 Mormon-oriented 1 +11011101 battery-making 1 +11011101 Algerian-built 1 +11011101 drug-marketing 1 +11011101 merger-defense 1 +11011101 metal-futures 1 +11011101 all-fat 1 +11011101 630,400 1 +11011101 low-rub 1 +11011101 longboats 1 +11011101 small-issue 1 +11011101 aircraft-delivery 1 +11011101 corn-storage 1 +11011101 encaustic 1 +11011101 Anheuser-related 1 +11011101 flower-carpeted 1 +11011101 fat-cell 1 +11011101 tough-to-fill 1 +11011101 Stalinist-era 1 +11011101 U.S.-denominated 1 +11011101 rat-gene 1 +11011101 occassional 1 +11011101 audience-delivery 1 +11011101 goods-production 1 +11011101 holiday-time 1 +11011101 paramedical 1 +11011101 pinstripe-narrow 1 +11011101 freeway-wide 1 +11011101 demandside 1 +11011101 company-built 1 +11011101 1,503 1 +11011101 3,002 1 +11011101 9,463 1 +11011101 into-the-wind 1 +11011101 unconforming 1 +11011101 valveless 1 +11011101 traffic-mitigation 1 +11011101 fire-scene 1 +11011101 1,346 1 +11011101 ever-hardening 1 +11011101 test-preparation 1 +11011101 unrequested 1 +11011101 state-certified 1 +11011101 university-trained 1 +11011101 catalog-consultation 1 +11011101 retributory 1 +11011101 birth-related 1 +11011101 commission-generating 1 +11011101 sometimes-reluctant 1 +11011101 well-creating 1 +11011101 Montecassino 1 +11011101 deputy-cabinet 1 +11011101 SACC-supervised 1 +11011101 wax-and-feather 1 +11011101 rudder-control 1 +11011101 state-industry 1 +11011101 office-ship 1 +11011101 road-gripping 1 +11011101 chocoholic 1 +11011101 dusky 1 +11011101 crapshoot-style 1 +11011101 dirty-dialing 1 +11011101 government-paid-for 1 +11011101 krone-denominated 1 +11011101 college-scholarship 1 +11011101 Medicaid-supported 1 +11011101 2,574 1 +11011101 Astafievian 1 +11011101 typographic 1 +11011101 non-tech 1 +11011101 anti-reformist 1 +11011101 875,077 1 +11011101 unintentional-intentional 1 +11011101 kraft-pulp 1 +11011101 bone-marrow-transplant 1 +11011101 wealth-holders 1 +11011101 three-to-nine-month 1 +11011101 ordersits 1 +11011101 49,170 1 +11011101 3,280,000 1 +11011101 water-heated 1 +11011101 Montagnard 1 +11011101 nonskilled 1 +11011101 lower-skill 1 +11011101 green-tinged 1 +11011101 9,731 1 +11011101 less-advantaged 1 +11011101 uterine-activity 1 +11011101 definitional 1 +11011101 cattle-drawn 1 +11011101 end-year 1 +11011101 12,130 1 +11011101 less-than-antiseptic 1 +11011101 literary-political 1 +11011101 245,854 1 +11011101 airport-noise 1 +11011101 legal-lending 1 +11011101 non-boxer 1 +11011101 7,321 1 +11011101 thinned-out 1 +11011101 exercise-notice 1 +11011101 body-numbing 1 +11011101 17-letter 1 +11011101 3,631 1 +11011101 none-too-discreet 1 +11011101 autopen 1 +11011101 oyster-rich 1 +11011101 non-liquor 1 +11011101 Aegis-related 1 +11011101 sterling-silver 1 +11011101 short-yen 2 +11011101 income-earning 2 +11011101 made-in-the-U.S.A. 2 +11011101 spray-paint 2 +11011101 erosion-prone 2 +11011101 111,300 2 +11011101 after-dark 2 +11011101 1.471 2 +11011101 singlefamily 2 +11011101 more-immediate 2 +11011101 tiger-paw 2 +11011101 55,200 2 +11011101 130,812 2 +11011101 less-direct 2 +11011101 foreigncurrency 2 +11011101 zero-yielding 2 +11011101 soda-fountain 2 +11011101 FERC-ordered 2 +11011101 unclosed 2 +11011101 nonfiling 2 +11011101 unstamped 2 +11011101 911,600 2 +11011101 larger-size 2 +11011101 subfreezing 2 +11011101 patent-infringing 2 +11011101 after-hour 2 +11011101 preschool-aged 2 +11011101 philosphical 2 +11011101 1,806 2 +11011101 already-tight 2 +11011101 repossesed 2 +11011101 108,800 2 +11011101 radiation-contaminated 2 +11011101 votive 2 +11011101 gas-transportation 2 +11011101 higher-skilled 2 +11011101 robust-looking 2 +11011101 unlistenable 2 +11011101 toxic-chemical 3 +11011101 product-placement 3 +11011101 train-crew 3 +11011101 combat-related 3 +11011101 large-firm 3 +11011101 nonoil 3 +11011101 boom-time 3 +11011101 workplace-safety 4 +11011101 sulfurous 4 +11011101 ever-smaller 4 +11011101 rental-rehabilitation 4 +11011101 742,000 4 +11011101 day-glo 5 +11011101 built-up 5 +11011101 crossborder 6 +11011101 capital-construction 7 +11011101 lower-paying 16 +11011101 their 79305 +11011101 sterling-denominated 17 +11011110 1,982 1 +11011110 25-to 1 +11011110 arms-deal 1 +11011110 gee-whiz-wow 1 +11011110 braises 1 +11011110 earlier-the-better 1 +11011110 bout-every-so-often 1 +11011110 nonaudit 1 +11011110 compliance-department 1 +11011110 undiscriminating 1 +11011110 out-migration-the 1 +11011110 price-restraint 1 +11011110 LISC-style 1 +11011110 Nkoane 1 +11011110 re-sift 1 +11011110 death-camp 1 +11011110 government-arranged 1 +11011110 sweet-sour 1 +11011110 simply-striped 1 +11011110 just-qualified 1 +11011110 deviant-type 1 +11011110 cost-oriented 1 +11011110 finetuned 1 +11011110 choleseterol 1 +11011110 wheyfaced 1 +11011110 Disneyesque 1 +11011110 ex-trucking 1 +11011110 sound-level 1 +11011110 bankerat 1 +11011110 often-cantankerous 1 +11011110 3,725 1 +11011110 auto-sector 1 +11011110 inerrantist 1 +11011110 pre-finals 1 +11011110 transfixing 1 +11011110 margin-oriented 1 +11011110 corporate-office 1 +11011110 12,350 1 +11011110 bump-and-grind 1 +11011110 13,979 1 +11011110 global-level 1 +11011110 19-monthlong 1 +11011110 too-slow 1 +11011110 Fatah-Uprising 1 +11011110 pinched-nosed 1 +11011110 state-enforced 2 +11011110 more-rapid 2 +11011110 rational-expectations 2 +11011110 house-hunting 2 +11011110 prayerful 2 +11011110 non-speaking 2 +11011110 corporate-turnaround 2 +11011110 non-Swiss 2 +11011110 more-than-expected 2 +11011110 lower-back 2 +11011110 impressive-looking 2 +11011110 70,200 2 +11011110 hard-plastic 2 +11011110 gruntled 2 +11011110 extrasensory 3 +11011110 2,994 3 +11011110 Krazy 4 +11011110 his 88216 +11011110 job-seeking 6 +110111110 pseudo-pueblo 1 +110111110 fear-driven 1 +110111110 hour-length 1 +110111110 naughty-boy 1 +110111110 unborrowed 1 +110111110 barnlike 1 +110111110 kill-joy 1 +110111110 Chirac-style 1 +110111110 Market-letter 1 +110111110 chin-length 1 +110111110 doll-buying 1 +110111110 graduually 1 +110111110 far-side 1 +110111110 Fun-loving 1 +110111110 straw-colored 1 +110111110 alligator-skin 1 +110111110 body-beautiful 1 +110111110 bat-winged 1 +110111110 Russian-occupied 1 +110111110 Russian-held 1 +110111110 transrectal 1 +110111110 Caligulan 1 +110111110 bequeathing 1 +110111110 polyantha 1 +110111110 OSHA-approved 1 +110111110 maroon-colored 1 +110111110 judicial-nomination 1 +110111110 side-splitting 1 +110111110 Saudi-bashing 1 +110111110 fungus-ridden 1 +110111110 f-o-w-l 1 +110111110 unsynchronized 1 +110111110 unworked-out 1 +110111110 Sandinista-forced 1 +110111110 unionrepresentation 1 +110111110 correcting-random-access 1 +110111110 seat-of-the 1 +110111110 strobe-like 1 +110111110 bended 1 +110111110 trade-sensitive 1 +110111110 loss-side 1 +110111110 profit-side 1 +110111110 red-blond 1 +110111110 autarkic 1 +110111110 Marxist-Leninst 1 +110111110 service-conscious 1 +110111110 shell-pocked 1 +110111110 Scaredy 1 +110111110 puppy-dog 1 +110111110 outer-court 1 +110111110 localelection 1 +110111110 unserviced 1 +110111110 Curity-brand 1 +110111110 anti-depression 1 +110111110 Cafe-1st 1 +110111110 dry-eyed 1 +110111110 military-retirement 1 +110111110 true-high 1 +110111110 psychosexual 1 +110111110 Recipe-brand 1 +110111110 sugar-bush 1 +110111110 anti-gringo 1 +110111110 once-secret 1 +110111110 juristic 1 +110111110 tricolored 1 +110111110 Spanish-Chinese 1 +110111110 bloodying 1 +110111110 race-course 1 +110111110 world-class-money 1 +110111110 disaster-movie 1 +110111110 private-guard 1 +110111110 supply-boat 1 +110111110 ever-stouter 1 +110111110 share-alike 1 +110111110 52,003 1 +110111110 people-are-sick-beneath-their-calm-small-town-veneer 1 +110111110 sultanic 1 +110111110 arrhythmia-producing 1 +110111110 too-little 1 +110111110 legal-trade 1 +110111110 God's-eye 1 +110111110 fraternity-style 1 +110111110 still-warm 1 +110111110 Pupperoni 1 +110111110 compartmentalizing 1 +110111110 anti-diarrhea 1 +110111110 heavy-lidded 1 +110111110 variable-policy 1 +110111110 Australia-born 1 +110111110 still-uncommon 1 +110111110 blondish-red 1 +110111110 British-sponsored 1 +110111110 native-tongue 1 +110111110 inclusionary 1 +110111110 often-neglected 1 +110111110 female-imposed 1 +110111110 clip-out 1 +110111110 Waning 1 +110111110 pre-cholesterol 1 +110111110 Ri 1 +110111110 pay-related 1 +110111110 cry-baby 1 +110111110 shamming 1 +110111110 enamelled 1 +110111110 UOA 1 +110111110 light-admitting 1 +110111110 ice-slick 1 +110111110 turkey-and-giblets 1 +110111110 near-sickening 1 +110111110 protoplast 1 +110111110 salt-encrusted 1 +110111110 mad-scientist 1 +110111110 quart-sized 1 +110111110 U.S.-contra 1 +110111110 cheese-filled 1 +110111110 ad-venture 1 +110111110 plangent 1 +110111110 service-worker 1 +110111110 jewelry-loving 1 +110111110 allocational 1 +110111110 radium-infected 1 +110111110 immigration-inspired 1 +110111110 thrift-related 1 +110111110 Confucianist 1 +110111110 otherwise-invisible 1 +110111110 M-G-M 1 +110111110 electro-shock 1 +110111110 filching 1 +110111110 slasher-type 1 +110111110 silent-movie 1 +110111110 black-hole 1 +110111110 employee-profit-sharing 1 +110111110 pin-prick 1 +110111110 non-small-cell 1 +110111110 212,753 1 +110111110 unMcGuanean 1 +110111110 nonpresidential 1 +110111110 radicalizing 1 +110111110 less-well-manicured 1 +110111110 blame-America-first 1 +110111110 splenetic 1 +110111110 seed-eating 1 +110111110 tuition-paying 1 +110111110 marriageable 1 +110111110 cutaneous 1 +110111110 bedroom-and-boardroom 1 +110111110 asphalt-contractor 1 +110111110 Shopworn 1 +110111110 private-law 1 +110111110 hooligan 1 +110111110 sarcasm-laden 1 +110111110 high-markup 1 +110111110 minimum-deposit 1 +110111110 high-waisted 1 +110111110 evangelic 1 +110111110 bowl-shaped 1 +110111110 Annoying 1 +110111110 nonoriginalist 1 +110111110 short-hemline 1 +110111110 supertight 1 +110111110 venerates 1 +110111110 news-grabbing 1 +110111110 never-play-cards-with-a-guy-named-Doc 1 +110111110 bicycle-rickshaws 1 +110111110 younger-looking 1 +110111110 unamusing 1 +110111110 non-navigable 1 +110111110 in/out 1 +110111110 nonquantifiable 1 +110111110 maroon-tinted 1 +110111110 excitatory 1 +110111110 rendre 1 +110111110 Accutane-linked 1 +110111110 high-art 1 +110111110 chenille 1 +110111110 corn-fed 1 +110111110 fashion-swept 1 +110111110 sinners/Who 1 +110111110 committee-room 1 +110111110 moisture-conserving 1 +110111110 self-deprecatory 1 +110111110 neurogenic 1 +110111110 peach-fuzz 1 +110111110 cardio-pulmonary 1 +110111110 guerrilla-held 1 +110111110 low-road 1 +110111110 0.3048 1 +110111110 upper-body 1 +110111110 morehostile 1 +110111110 Cebuano 1 +110111110 rend 1 +110111110 kneehigh 1 +110111110 medieval-style 1 +110111110 literary-world 1 +110111110 super-powered 1 +110111110 seasick-prone 1 +110111110 even-toed 1 +110111110 cinema-verite 1 +110111110 loan-department 1 +110111110 politically-sensitive 1 +110111110 goldplated 1 +110111110 Thatcherist 1 +110111110 quasi-socialized 1 +110111110 gnomic 1 +110111110 wooly-minded 1 +110111110 red-tinted 1 +110111110 intra-exchange 1 +110111110 investment-sensitive 1 +110111110 fog-shrouded 1 +110111110 hennaed 1 +110111110 tinseltown 1 +110111110 full-body 1 +110111110 broadbrush 2 +110111110 sun-damaged 2 +110111110 wired-up 2 +110111110 sun-induced 2 +110111110 bell-bottom 2 +110111110 connubial 2 +110111110 house-bound 2 +110111110 podiatric 2 +110111110 general-equivalency 2 +110111110 self-depreciating 2 +110111110 discolored 2 +110111110 profit-hungry 2 +110111110 thine 2 +110111110 Pneumocystis 2 +110111110 '60s-style 2 +110111110 pubic 2 +110111110 silent-film 2 +110111110 non-fatal 2 +110111110 out-of-line 2 +110111110 grief-stricken 2 +110111110 sugarfree 2 +110111110 typewriter-quality 2 +110111110 8-by-10-inch 2 +110111110 open-faced 2 +110111110 fortune-cookie 2 +110111110 unloving 2 +110111110 fast-break 2 +110111110 near-continuous 2 +110111110 AIDS-contaminated 2 +110111110 low-nicotine 2 +110111110 Anusol 2 +110111110 pre-bargaining 2 +110111110 nylon-rooted 2 +110111110 forest-floor 2 +110111110 huevos 3 +110111110 dynamic-random-access 3 +110111110 his/her 3 +110111110 bloodshot 3 +110111110 longer-distance 3 +110111110 Sucrets 3 +110111110 bullet-resistant 3 +110111110 recoilless 3 +110111110 post-traumatic 3 +110111110 Wilsonian 3 +110111110 Het 3 +110111110 anti-Asian 4 +110111110 studio-quality 4 +110111110 single-income 4 +110111110 non-religious 4 +110111110 slicked-back 4 +110111110 potting 4 +110111110 oxygen-rich 5 +110111110 banishing 5 +110111110 ratepayer 5 +110111110 filial 6 +110111110 small-cell 7 +110111110 rear-seat 10 +110111110 thy 11 +110111110 single-pay 11 +110111110 congestive 25 +110111110 uncharted 39 +110111110 my 9013 +110111110 your 6841 +110111111 size-16 1 +110111111 Buffalo-burger 1 +110111111 broken-home 1 +110111111 travel-along 1 +110111111 Speculum 1 +110111111 stretch-marked 1 +110111111 stochastic 1 +110111111 Hellenikon 1 +110111111 floral-patterned 1 +110111111 not-so-petty 1 +110111111 thrift-management 1 +110111111 Metallgesells 1 +110111111 Jacotte 1 +110111111 writing/production 1 +110111111 Inna 1 +110111111 fold-down 1 +110111111 pullie 1 +110111111 lubricating-oil 1 +110111111 Bible-belt 1 +110111111 low-growing 1 +110111111 mule-drawn 1 +110111111 IRS-related 1 +110111111 Stalin-Brezhnevite 1 +110111111 self-avowedly 1 +110111111 Titano 1 +110111111 lightning-sharp 1 +110111111 waterworked 1 +110111111 ugly-looking 1 +110111111 30,582 1 +110111111 too-forbearing 1 +110111111 mercury/butter 1 +110111111 19th-cenury 1 +110111111 ten-gallon 1 +110111111 outrage. 1 +110111111 federal-assisted 1 +110111111 virus-killing 1 +110111111 254-seat 1 +110111111 rediscovers 1 +110111111 Gullah 1 +110111111 frost-bitten 1 +110111111 6-month-old 1 +110111111 touseled 1 +110111111 Whoppers 1 +110111111 weak-throwing 1 +110111111 purse-winning 1 +110111111 gold-shovel 1 +110111111 idealizes 1 +110111111 white-lace 1 +110111111 homosexual/bisexual 1 +110111111 857th 1 +110111111 McGovernite 1 +110111111 religious-like 1 +110111111 81,500-member 1 +110111111 gnu-velle 1 +110111111 solid-sounding 1 +110111111 flat-toned 1 +110111111 Edvaldo 1 +110111111 e. 1 +110111111 Neoconservative 1 +110111111 shirtsleeve 1 +110111111 thrift-resolution 1 +110111111 99,337 1 +110111111 2,722 1 +110111111 half-Italian 1 +110111111 Faletan 1 +110111111 upper-medium 1 +110111111 corn-silk 1 +110111111 4,700-acre 1 +110111111 heavy-limbed 1 +110111111 Westing 1 +110111111 blood-lusting 1 +110111111 North-American 1 +110111111 point-and-click 1 +110111111 sapient 1 +110111111 118,539 1 +110111111 Medicare-supported 1 +110111111 skirt-clad 1 +110111111 stolid-looking 1 +110111111 5,465 1 +110111111 gene-carrying 1 +110111111 Hawkette 1 +110111111 neo-classic 1 +110111111 palest 1 +110111111 once-compulsory 1 +110111111 football-player 1 +110111111 barkeep 1 +110111111 make-shift 1 +110111111 deconstructivist 1 +110111111 Araoz 1 +110111111 259,181 1 +110111111 caul 1 +110111111 sod-buster 1 +110111111 traditonally 1 +110111111 more-technical 1 +110111111 active-trading 1 +110111111 Slim-Fast 1 +110111111 382,010 1 +110111111 Vandenberg-style 1 +110111111 bastardizes 1 +110111111 spandex-clad 1 +110111111 panne 1 +110111111 spy-case 1 +110111111 GE-financed 1 +110111111 1.75-times 1 +110111111 water-hungry 1 +110111111 schedule-related 1 +110111111 shift-related 1 +110111111 now-prohibited 1 +110111111 Suzushi 1 +110111111 nerve-fraying 1 +110111111 Iranian-controlled 2 +110111111 rust-colored 2 +110111111 civilrights 2 +110111111 Delta-Avia 2 +110111111 13,268 2 +110111111 south-of-the-border 2 +110111111 anoint 2 +110111111 French-backed 2 +110111111 deep-set 2 +110111111 40ish 2 +110111111 cassowary 2 +110111111 officious 2 +110111111 Redbird 2 +110111111 Afro-Caribbean 2 +110111111 chicken-fried 2 +110111111 house-plant 2 +110111111 washable 2 +110111111 Martian-like 2 +110111111 fluted 2 +110111111 3,838 2 +110111111 quavery 2 +110111111 non-dance 2 +110111111 coagulated 2 +110111111 safety-seat 2 +110111111 non-employed 2 +110111111 stampless 2 +110111111 orgiastic 2 +110111111 unprepossessing 2 +110111111 metastasizing 2 +110111111 mainlining 2 +110111111 tricalcium 2 +110111111 seabird 2 +110111111 proto-cubist 2 +110111111 Shavian 2 +110111111 lymphokine-activated 2 +110111111 triple-bypass 2 +110111111 seafoam 2 +110111111 saddlebag 3 +110111111 medicated 3 +110111111 posher 3 +110111111 ischemic 3 +110111111 exosurf 3 +110111111 uninvested 3 +110111111 lived-in 3 +110111111 rex 3 +110111111 Oakencroft 3 +110111111 characterless 3 +110111111 Audio-Animatronics 3 +110111111 Sarin 4 +110111111 ear-splitting 4 +110111111 enkephalin 4 +110111111 skintight 4 +110111111 bated 5 +110111111 ground-up 6 +110111111 Poznan 7 +110111111 ventricular 11 +110111111 pinot 17 +110111111 her 15296 +110111111 Chapelle 21 +11100000 consumer-use 1 +11100000 still-depressed 1 +11100000 men's-wear 1 +11100000 tough-but-virtuous 1 +11100000 then-exotic 1 +11100000 government-coerced 1 +11100000 thuggish-looking 1 +11100000 non-Nation 1 +11100000 reclosable 1 +11100000 CIA-owned 1 +11100000 food-connected 1 +11100000 high-placed 1 +11100000 Bakersfield-based 1 +11100000 since-deleted 1 +11100000 reg-negon 1 +11100000 23-branch 1 +11100000 27,000-square-foot 1 +11100000 302-acre 1 +11100000 interest-rate-margin 1 +11100000 white-mauve 1 +11100000 ecomomic 1 +11100000 Pontiac-Cadillac 1 +11100000 metal-fabrication 1 +11100000 member-owned 1 +11100000 three-pfennigs 1 +11100000 non-turbocharged 1 +11100000 60,000-acre 1 +11100000 37-minute 1 +11100000 government-educated 1 +11100000 Bendectin-related 1 +11100000 tab-collared 1 +11100000 Chilean-registered 1 +11100000 10,000-seat 1 +11100000 bloodly 1 +11100000 almost-universal 1 +11100000 high-potency 1 +11100000 scuba-gear 1 +11100000 Califiornia 1 +11100000 big-science 1 +11100000 thrift-based 1 +11100000 glacial-paced 1 +11100000 train-auto 1 +11100000 copy-prevention 1 +11100000 39-lawyer 1 +11100000 polymer-related 1 +11100000 double-cassette 1 +11100000 RTZ. 1 +11100000 widely-watched 1 +11100000 management-affiliated 1 +11100000 multi-holed 1 +11100000 27-acre 1 +11100000 hemorrhoid-preparation 1 +11100000 50th-anniversary 1 +11100000 1992-related 1 +11100000 four-inch-thick 1 +11100000 cell-growth 1 +11100000 44-person 1 +11100000 go-getting 1 +11100000 portable-generator 1 +11100000 lemony 1 +11100000 brake-related 1 +11100000 fiberglass-product 1 +11100000 630-megawatt 1 +11100000 thermal-vacuum 1 +11100000 county-court 1 +11100000 density-related 1 +11100000 38.2-acre 1 +11100000 banker-pleasing 1 +11100000 ex-Teradyne 1 +11100000 share-holding 1 +11100000 light-industrial 1 +11100000 price-firming 1 +11100000 At&T 1 +11100000 post-1960s 1 +11100000 14-city 1 +11100000 KKR-financed 1 +11100000 more-independent 1 +11100000 pizza-parlor 1 +11100000 private-business 1 +11100000 B-767-200 1 +11100000 550-volt 1 +11100000 10-mile-square 1 +11100000 gasoline-marketing 1 +11100000 18-pound 1 +11100000 non-semiconductor 1 +11100000 blocked-off 1 +11100000 700,000-ton 1 +11100000 Chrysler-style 1 +11100000 birdie-bogey 1 +11100000 Dallasbased 1 +11100000 36-square-block 1 +11100000 basketball-sized 1 +11100000 13,000-acre 1 +11100000 SHOOTER 1 +11100000 blade-flashing 1 +11100000 10-ship 1 +11100000 financialservice 1 +11100000 non-pharmacological 1 +11100000 shopping-bag 1 +11100000 later-maturing 1 +11100000 150-horsepower 1 +11100000 about-to-boom 1 +11100000 second-fiddle 1 +11100000 peace-of-mind 1 +11100000 free-energy 1 +11100000 anti-Rivera 1 +11100000 baby-soap 1 +11100000 trans-Africa 1 +11100000 galvanizing-line 1 +11100000 sneezy 1 +11100000 Youngstown-based 1 +11100000 once-financially 1 +11100000 no-dance 1 +11100000 swallow-savvy 1 +11100000 country-and-western-style 1 +11100000 sidelong 1 +11100000 political-image 1 +11100000 Victorian-era 1 +11100000 Soviet-British 1 +11100000 1,199,616 1 +11100000 technical-recovery 1 +11100000 Marcos-sized 1 +11100000 2,700-mile 1 +11100000 now-nationalized 1 +11100000 major-label 1 +11100000 seven-ship 1 +11100000 500-kilovolt 1 +11100000 U.S.-type 1 +11100000 toxintipped 1 +11100000 Carterera 1 +11100000 Houston-Chicago 1 +11100000 often-fractious 1 +11100000 famine-stricken 1 +11100000 traffic-system 1 +11100000 1,291 1 +11100000 jai-lai 1 +11100000 Senate-devised 1 +11100000 hick 1 +11100000 250-plus 1 +11100000 constant-level 1 +11100000 porn-house 1 +11100000 bigbuck 1 +11100000 raggle-taggle 1 +11100000 management-proposed 1 +11100000 DC-1030-ER 1 +11100000 little-recognized 1 +11100000 party-wrecking 1 +11100000 neutral-flag 1 +11100000 Sonex-modified 1 +11100000 much-beset 1 +11100000 regional-commuter 1 +11100000 public-owned 1 +11100000 non-Teamsters 1 +11100000 humanities-based 1 +11100000 cruise-missile-equipped 1 +11100000 upper-Midwest 1 +11100000 non-pharmaceuticals 1 +11100000 malpractice-suit 1 +11100000 Bethlehem-based 1 +11100000 semi-confrontational 1 +11100000 stocking-cap 1 +11100000 ceramics-related 1 +11100000 nitrogenfertilizer 1 +11100000 Posner-related 1 +11100000 wood-chip-fired 1 +11100000 TV-audience 1 +11100000 50-rupee 1 +11100000 book-craving 1 +11100000 narcotics-substitution 1 +11100000 Moscow-length 1 +11100000 premium-service 1 +11100000 noncorporate-account 1 +11100000 2,000-branch 1 +11100000 drilling-equipment 1 +11100000 auto-equipment 1 +11100000 questionable-to-weak 1 +11100000 35-seat 1 +11100000 trans-urethral 1 +11100000 Griswold-style 1 +11100000 jacked-up 1 +11100000 68-acre 1 +11100000 34-plane 1 +11100000 post-Police 1 +11100000 semisuccessful 1 +11100000 legal-profession 1 +11100000 unerasable 1 +11100000 medical-services 1 +11100000 2,513-acre 1 +11100000 55-or-15 1 +11100000 space-oriented 1 +11100000 U.S.flagged 1 +11100000 Mideast-prompted 1 +11100000 government-sized 1 +11100000 CIA-organized 1 +11100000 lodging-technology 1 +11100000 marine-engine 1 +11100000 capacity-starved 1 +11100000 quasi-constitutional 1 +11100000 140-horsepower 1 +11100000 heat-reflecting 1 +11100000 465-acre 1 +11100000 633-mile 1 +11100000 million-selling 1 +11100000 78-lawyer 1 +11100000 chickadee 1 +11100000 140-megawatt 1 +11100000 19-inch-wide 1 +11100000 boilerroom 1 +11100000 much-wealthier 1 +11100000 independence-minded 1 +11100000 hightechnology 1 +11100000 600,000-vehicle 1 +11100000 completed-but-still-unlicensed 1 +11100000 30-house 1 +11100000 deficit-boosting 1 +11100000 low-cash-flow 1 +11100000 116-page 1 +11100000 meet-the-candidate 1 +11100000 4-foot-10-inch 1 +11100000 face-toface 1 +11100000 highincome 1 +11100000 Medici-scale 1 +11100000 325-pound 1 +11100000 Treasury-controlled 1 +11100000 slow-down-Jackson 1 +11100000 retrogade 1 +11100000 U.S.-securities 1 +11100000 bull-bedecked 1 +11100000 MAIN 1 +11100000 lessthan-exciting 1 +11100000 time-and-temperature 1 +11100000 Enron-operated 1 +11100000 before-and-after-hours 1 +11100000 12-liter 1 +11100000 one-symbol 1 +11100000 glovemaking 1 +11100000 super-giant 1 +11100000 10.5-acre 1 +11100000 dishwasher-detergent 1 +11100000 Stanford-like 1 +11100000 Tennessee-chartered 1 +11100000 price-strengthing 1 +11100000 million-unit-a-year 1 +11100000 TV-sports 1 +11100000 Haas-sponsored 1 +11100000 sub-sea 1 +11100000 Soviet-Brazilian 1 +11100000 50,000-barrel 1 +11100000 5.8-million-barrel 1 +11100000 step-down 1 +11100000 1.5-million-barrel 1 +11100000 pilot-dominated 1 +11100000 Marcos-crony 1 +11100000 138-horsepower 1 +11100000 47-acre 1 +11100000 42,000-metric-ton-a-year 1 +11100000 1,296-acre 1 +11100000 10-million-ton 1 +11100000 Maltese-flagged 1 +11100000 perhaps-decisive 1 +11100000 230-horsepower 1 +11100000 repeat-call 1 +11100000 Five-Month 1 +11100000 window-film 1 +11100000 not-incidental 1 +11100000 66-story 1 +11100000 Chihuahua-born 1 +11100000 Grumman-built 1 +11100000 31-store 1 +11100000 KMT-owned 1 +11100000 Porsche-Audi 1 +11100000 block-desk 1 +11100000 260-acre 1 +11100000 infection-screening 1 +11100000 400-square-yard 1 +11100000 well-aimed 1 +11100000 national-treasure 1 +11100000 halfdozen 1 +11100000 gum-cracking 1 +11100000 moderate-sounding 1 +11100000 longlost 1 +11100000 most-sold 1 +11100000 transportation-grade 1 +11100000 college-enrolled 1 +11100000 tried-and-proven 1 +11100000 corporate-security 1 +11100000 115-acre 1 +11100000 in-field 1 +11100000 land-oriented 1 +11100000 63-cent-an-hour 1 +11100000 FASB-related 1 +11100000 always-surprising 1 +11100000 two-square-mile 1 +11100000 flood-damage 1 +11100000 provisionary 1 +11100000 discount-drugstore 1 +11100000 7,800-mile 1 +11100000 19.5-acre 1 +11100000 Swedish-Soviet 1 +11100000 Nome-Provideniya 1 +11100000 microwave-actuated 1 +11100000 well-steered 1 +11100000 Huichol 1 +11100000 liposome-based 2 +11100000 Toronto-area 2 +11100000 132-ship 2 +11100000 much-longer 2 +11100000 transfer-risk 2 +11100000 Bible-quoting 2 +11100000 computer-game 2 +11100000 bank-by-mail 2 +11100000 liveable 2 +11100000 smog-bound 2 +11100000 15-man 2 +11100000 50,000-barrel-a-day 2 +11100000 value-minded 2 +11100000 top-paying 2 +11100000 multilateralist 2 +11100000 not-so-secret 2 +11100000 117-acre 2 +11100000 middle-rank 2 +11100000 government-caused 2 +11100000 more-positive 2 +11100000 72-inch 2 +11100000 nonspeaking 2 +11100000 rocket-launch 2 +11100000 clay-like 2 +11100000 Greek-owned 2 +11100000 200-bed 2 +11100000 single-chip 2 +11100000 paper-littered 2 +11100000 special-edition 2 +11100000 quasi-regulatory 2 +11100000 1,400-mile 2 +11100000 390-acre 2 +11100000 small-to-midsize 2 +11100000 company-initiated 2 +11100000 dime-sized 2 +11100000 non-cable 2 +11100000 28-mile 2 +11100000 not-ready-for-prime-time 2 +11100000 on/off 2 +11100000 largest-asset 2 +11100000 110-volt 2 +11100000 long-declining 2 +11100000 shareholder-approved 2 +11100000 scale-model 2 +11100000 500,000-man 2 +11100000 non-export 2 +11100000 Guinness-related 2 +11100000 highest-priority 2 +11100000 72,000-kilowatt 2 +11100000 nonmonetary 2 +11100000 19-acre 2 +11100000 2,300-mile 2 +11100000 nonprogram 2 +11100000 communist-bloc 2 +11100000 dealer-led 2 +11100000 car-distribution 2 +11100000 Panamanian-flag 2 +11100000 equilibrating 2 +11100000 cross-functional 2 +11100000 zinc-nickel 2 +11100000 still-large 3 +11100000 big-cap 3 +11100000 note-issuing 3 +11100000 unmodified 3 +11100000 better-established 3 +11100000 board-authorized 3 +11100000 600-acre 3 +11100000 U.S.-inspired 3 +11100000 ship-building 3 +11100000 five-percentage-point 3 +11100000 rent-controlled 3 +11100000 metals-related 3 +11100000 line-rate 3 +11100000 cash-and-debt 3 +11100000 main-line 3 +11100000 Charlotte-based 3 +11100000 less-serious 3 +11100000 subsidy-hungry 3 +11100000 stereo-sound 3 +11100000 hand-tooled 3 +11100000 capital-hungry 3 +11100000 25-lawyer 3 +11100000 Caracas-based 3 +11100000 head-count 3 +11100000 casino-like 3 +11100000 non-Ford 3 +11100000 15-state 3 +11100000 Navy-escorted 3 +11100000 cash-conservation 3 +11100000 legal-tender 4 +11100000 price-weakening 4 +11100000 California-chartered 4 +11100000 price-strengthening 4 +11100000 hand-lettered 4 +11100000 million-bag 4 +11100000 600,000-man 4 +11100000 one-million-bag 4 +11100000 first-rank 4 +11100000 largescale 4 +11100000 Redskin 4 +11100000 Noes 5 +11100000 marketing-driven 5 +11100000 Canadian-led 5 +11100000 morale-boosting 5 +11100000 wide-reaching 5 +11100000 stock-based 5 +11100000 1929-style 5 +11100000 Japanese-managed 5 +11100000 less-active 6 +11100000 U.S.-escorted 6 +11100000 farflung 6 +11100000 two-bit 6 +11100000 budget-related 6 +11100000 car-selling 7 +11100000 19-plane 7 +11100000 non-German 7 +11100000 hand-written 7 +11100000 70-acre 8 +11100000 Seattle-area 8 +11100000 top-priority 8 +11100000 dollar-dependent 8 +11100000 poor-performing 8 +11100000 corporate-law 9 +11100000 woodwind 9 +11100000 once-proud 10 +11100000 modest-sized 11 +11100000 multi-state 11 +11100000 U.S.-led 13 +11100000 self-respecting 15 +11100000 government-ordered 16 +11100000 money-back 17 +11100000 three-time 17 +11100000 barrier-free 22 +11100000 major 24441 +11100000 world-class 111 +111000010 29-percentage-point 1 +111000010 too-simple 1 +111000010 sample-gathering 1 +111000010 Pentagon-sponsored 1 +111000010 three-weekend 1 +111000010 49,945,000 1 +111000010 bet-the-ranch 1 +111000010 chisled 1 +111000010 agent-oriented 1 +111000010 FASB-GASB 1 +111000010 not-so-doomsday 1 +111000010 westernized 1 +111000010 delusionary 1 +111000010 still-unbuilt 1 +111000010 Shell-Exxon 1 +111000010 once-tame 1 +111000010 looting-type 1 +111000010 Belgrade-Moscow 1 +111000010 10-time 1 +111000010 return-risk 1 +111000010 20-cent-an-hour 1 +111000010 risk-and 1 +111000010 Jerry-Lewis-worshipping 1 +111000010 long-insulated 1 +111000010 Treasury-Bundesbank 1 +111000010 close-call 1 +111000010 Korean-Korean 1 +111000010 negotitating 1 +111000010 advance-man 1 +111000010 non-baseball 1 +111000010 many-gadgeted 1 +111000010 sale-of-business 1 +111000010 eighth-century 1 +111000010 Miskito-Sumo-Rama 1 +111000010 late-autumn 1 +111000010 health-sector 1 +111000010 Swedish-owned 1 +111000010 Moskvitch 1 +111000010 case-load 1 +111000010 declaredly 1 +111000010 Zamboanga-del-Sur-style 1 +111000010 best-of-both-worlds 1 +111000010 mid-1990s.The 1 +111000010 Haitian-born 1 +111000010 giant-long 1 +111000010 melody-mad 1 +111000010 non-amused 1 +111000010 more-legit 1 +111000010 Toyota-Nissan 1 +111000010 minority-contractor 1 +111000010 back-home 1 +111000010 post-truce 1 +111000010 pan-Islamic 1 +111000010 gingerbreaded 1 +111000010 year-ending 1 +111000010 muddling-through 1 +111000010 rice-loving 1 +111000010 then-ruling 1 +111000010 sex-for-spying 1 +111000010 rags-to-Rodeo-Drive 1 +111000010 FDN-aligned 1 +111000010 lower-earnings 1 +111000010 already-murky 1 +111000010 beauty-contest 1 +111000010 inflation-wracked 1 +111000010 fuel-gauge 1 +111000010 trade-shrinking 1 +111000010 more-autonomous 1 +111000010 grevious 1 +111000010 Age-Old 1 +111000010 long-somnolent 1 +111000010 once-sacred 1 +111000010 Airbus/Eastern 1 +111000010 then-popular 1 +111000010 urban-mall 1 +111000010 better-safe-than-sorry 1 +111000010 more-helpful 1 +111000010 supply-threatening 1 +111000010 ground-collapse 1 +111000010 pay-scale 1 +111000010 Christmas-club 1 +111000010 fraction-of-a-point 1 +111000010 Akzo-Royal 1 +111000010 financially-struggling 1 +111000010 no-threat-for-10-years 1 +111000010 second-and-24 1 +111000010 parochial-minded 1 +111000010 120-store 1 +111000010 too-sweeping 1 +111000010 banner-headline 1 +111000010 west-coast 1 +111000010 CIA-KGB 1 +111000010 trans-border 1 +111000010 Carmens 1 +111000010 Kenya-born 1 +111000010 wpstart 1 +111000010 destroyers-for-bases 1 +111000010 more-formidable 1 +111000010 46.62-point 1 +111000010 0.49-point 1 +111000010 circle-prone 1 +111000010 time-warped 1 +111000010 Hoosierland 1 +111000010 new-jobs 1 +111000010 game-fixing 1 +111000010 door-die 1 +111000010 fire-touched 1 +111000010 sometimes-fatal 1 +111000010 year-the 1 +111000010 frozen-embryo 1 +111000010 sick-making 1 +111000010 multiagency 1 +111000010 27-time 1 +111000010 nine-bedroom 1 +111000010 15-foot-high 1 +111000010 221.07-point 1 +111000010 no-surprises 1 +111000010 small-budget 1 +111000010 often-sounded 1 +111000010 nonbargaining 1 +111000010 Lumbee 1 +111000010 Yahi 1 +111000010 thrice-postponed 1 +111000010 penalty-reform 1 +111000010 PREDICTABLY 1 +111000010 aluminum-hulled 1 +111000010 cleanshaven 1 +111000010 Karmann 1 +111000010 CorningSmithKline 1 +111000010 pilot-directed 1 +111000010 sex-for-secrets 1 +111000010 not-so-small 1 +111000010 paper-crunch 1 +111000010 Rubensesque 1 +111000010 much-scrutinized 1 +111000010 not-uncommon 1 +111000010 160-year-old 1 +111000010 noise-insulation 1 +111000010 ICN-Viratek 1 +111000010 cooling-fan 1 +111000010 delirium-inducing 1 +111000010 Stanton-Daley 1 +111000010 Russian-backed 1 +111000010 now-unforeseen 1 +111000010 Azteca 1 +111000010 Cezannes 1 +111000010 health-care-service 1 +111000010 accounting-type 1 +111000010 consultant-accountant 1 +111000010 14-acre 1 +111000010 not-so-trivial 1 +111000010 worse-case 1 +111000010 seven-medal 1 +111000010 convention-financing 1 +111000010 Brokaw-engineered 1 +111000010 prestige-sentitive 1 +111000010 stess-protein 1 +111000010 hit-or-miss 1 +111000010 daily-dividend 1 +111000010 Northrop-Korea 1 +111000010 bond-oriented 1 +111000010 Mitterrand-Kohl 1 +111000010 Alabama-Coushatta 1 +111000010 water-depletion 1 +111000010 single-celled 2 +111000010 dead-of-the-night 2 +111000010 50,000-pound 2 +111000010 pre-invasion 2 +111000010 mortgage-investment 2 +111000010 pro-West 2 +111000010 prissy 2 +111000010 Smurf 2 +111000010 catching-up 2 +111000010 Terribly 2 +111000010 poppy-seed 2 +111000010 special-interest-group 2 +111000010 tabloid-sized 2 +111000010 four-page-a-minute 2 +111000010 killer-bee 2 +111000010 less-leveraged 2 +111000010 32-yard 2 +111000010 Bangalore-based 2 +111000010 fist-sized 2 +111000010 Christmas-time 2 +111000010 Unisys-Convergent 2 +111000010 public-financing 2 +111000010 blood-curdling 2 +111000010 nondiversified 2 +111000010 trading-system 2 +111000010 no-strings-attached 2 +111000010 five-act 2 +111000010 frozen-pizza 2 +111000010 once-protected 2 +111000010 Sealink 2 +111000010 government-granted 2 +111000010 subcabinet 2 +111000010 95-cent 2 +111000010 22-point 2 +111000010 non-serious 2 +111000010 more-militant 2 +111000010 55-pound 2 +111000010 bald-faced 2 +111000010 four-eyed 2 +111000010 one-newspaper 2 +111000010 waterfront-project 2 +111000010 salaried-employee 2 +111000010 transaction-related 3 +111000010 135-year-old 3 +111000010 last-ranked 3 +111000010 two-year-long 3 +111000010 1,000-person 3 +111000010 tension-filled 3 +111000010 five-week-old 3 +111000010 gross-out 3 +111000010 government-orchestrated 3 +111000010 strikebound 3 +111000010 baldfaced 3 +111000010 brokerage-stock 3 +111000010 bases-loaded 3 +111000010 200-store 3 +111000010 low-beta 3 +111000010 Republican-sponsored 3 +111000010 million-vote 3 +111000010 candlelit 3 +111000010 microwaveable 3 +111000010 25,000-square-foot 3 +111000010 hard-to-spot 3 +111000010 lifesize 3 +111000010 400-year-old 3 +111000010 50-cent-an-hour 3 +111000010 seventh-game 3 +111000010 Utopian 3 +111000010 Moscow-Beijing 3 +111000010 beleagured 3 +111000010 37-megawatt 3 +111000010 fast-trading 3 +111000010 multifunction 3 +111000010 well-seasoned 3 +111000010 still-healthy 4 +111000010 financial-sector 4 +111000010 outsize 4 +111000010 regulatory-relief 4 +111000010 1,000-acre 4 +111000010 double-page 4 +111000010 cold-hearted 4 +111000010 white-controlled 4 +111000010 church-based 4 +111000010 May-September 4 +111000010 straight-up 4 +111000010 Akzo/Royal 4 +111000010 three-cent 5 +111000010 life-prolonging 5 +111000010 bona-fide 5 +111000010 consumer-law 5 +111000010 lose-lose 5 +111000010 cash-hungry 5 +111000010 mouth-watering 5 +111000010 similar-size 6 +111000010 viscous 6 +111000010 long-closed 6 +111000010 much-debated 6 +111000010 multihull 6 +111000010 standard-issue 6 +111000010 Gordian 6 +111000010 late-evening 7 +111000010 first-line 7 +111000010 end-of-the-quarter 7 +111000010 billion-dollar-plus 7 +111000010 cash-laden 7 +111000010 semi-governmental 8 +111000010 gravelly 8 +111000010 two-handed 8 +111000010 months-old 8 +111000010 fast-expanding 8 +111000010 160-acre 8 +111000010 300-point 8 +111000010 last-place 9 +111000010 DDG-51 9 +111000010 more-active 9 +111000010 high-yield-bond 9 +111000010 30-cent 9 +111000010 middle-size 9 +111000010 spur-of-the-moment 10 +111000010 mid-life 10 +111000010 tried-and-true 10 +111000010 13th-century 11 +111000010 no-lose 12 +111000010 wintry 13 +111000010 run-of-the-mill 20 +111000010 heavy-industry 21 +111000010 12-point 24 +111000010 top-tier 25 +111000010 knotty 26 +111000010 no-win 31 +111000010 50-point 32 +111000010 wider-than-expected 39 +111000010 back-to-back 41 +111000010 smaller-than-expected 50 +111000010 foregone 55 +111000010 splashy 67 +111000010 budding 76 +111000010 roller-coaster 79 +111000010 thorny 92 +111000010 money-losing 94 +111000010 big 17636 +111000010 billion-dollar 129 +111000011 conservative-advocacy 1 +111000011 medical-center 1 +111000011 26-bank 1 +111000011 hitherto-overlooked 1 +111000011 beaconing 1 +111000011 political-interest 1 +111000011 modest-size 1 +111000011 16-million 1 +111000011 non-minimalist 1 +111000011 variable-cost 1 +111000011 private-research 1 +111000011 mid-management 1 +111000011 35,000-extension 1 +111000011 big-commission 1 +111000011 five-window 1 +111000011 tax-identification 1 +111000011 Korean-owned 1 +111000011 426-foot 1 +111000011 telephone-book-thick 1 +111000011 Boeing-Hughes 1 +111000011 Sangster-led 1 +111000011 PaineWebber-led 1 +111000011 British-Chinese 1 +111000011 taxpayer-identification 1 +111000011 Sino-French 1 +111000011 customer-operated 1 +111000011 375-acre 1 +111000011 96-ounce 1 +111000011 165,000-acre 1 +111000011 savings-and-loan-industry 1 +111000011 company-named 1 +111000011 safety-advocacy 1 +111000011 well-refined 1 +111000011 states-government 1 +111000011 Broadway-like 1 +111000011 mischevious 1 +111000011 changin 1 +111000011 utility-financed 1 +111000011 public-assembly 1 +111000011 broaderscope 1 +111000011 consumer-activist 1 +111000011 color-LCD 1 +111000011 Dine-O-Mat 1 +111000011 refrigerated-products 1 +111000011 113-nation 1 +111000011 gospel-style 1 +111000011 burned-off 1 +111000011 dodgy 1 +111000011 speaker-manufacturing 1 +111000011 161-store 1 +111000011 textile-labeling 1 +111000011 pervertible 1 +111000011 multicomponent 1 +111000011 giddyap-and-go 1 +111000011 legend-encrusted 1 +111000011 solid-gray 1 +111000011 detainees-monitoring 1 +111000011 Spanish-Arab 1 +111000011 stamina-testing 1 +111000011 Merrill-led 1 +111000011 public-law 1 +111000011 blockheaded 1 +111000011 Frates-led 1 +111000011 to-be-determined 1 +111000011 now-unregulated 1 +111000011 long-favored 1 +111000011 pard 1 +111000011 corporate-watchdog 1 +111000011 Jacobs-led 1 +111000011 farmer-advocacy 1 +111000011 more-identifiable 1 +111000011 paltry-pursed 1 +111000011 Louisiana-based 1 +111000011 community-improvement 1 +111000011 direct-delivery 1 +111000011 Village-based 1 +111000011 food-vending 1 +111000011 protective-equipment 1 +111000011 Shula-coached 1 +111000011 94-bed 1 +111000011 more-than-average 1 +111000011 nonwoven-textile 1 +111000011 liberal-leaning 1 +111000011 620-acre 1 +111000011 VAT-like 1 +111000011 pig-farming 1 +111000011 fruit-exporting 1 +111000011 contract-sewing 1 +111000011 hypnotical 1 +111000011 Pickensled 1 +111000011 ore-like 1 +111000011 once-glutted 1 +111000011 metal-treatment 1 +111000011 dog-sized 1 +111000011 corporate-pension 1 +111000011 Starlan 1 +111000011 hot-pink 1 +111000011 Branson-controlled 1 +111000011 200-apartment 1 +111000011 early-seeded 1 +111000011 un-automated 1 +111000011 counter-pressure 1 +111000011 Fiat-led 1 +111000011 higher-than-reported 1 +111000011 Norine 1 +111000011 fast-diminishing 1 +111000011 black-oriented 1 +111000011 once-closed 1 +111000011 713-mile 1 +111000011 gay-advocacy 1 +111000011 gun-advocacy 1 +111000011 56-bed 1 +111000011 college-business 1 +111000011 small-employer 1 +111000011 97-room 1 +111000011 French-Italian 1 +111000011 doll-house-scale 1 +111000011 specialized-engineering 1 +111000011 similar-sounding 1 +111000011 sports-catalog 1 +111000011 military-tent 1 +111000011 30,000-man 1 +111000011 media-publishing 1 +111000011 nickel-size 1 +111000011 3,740-foot 1 +111000011 truck-maintenance 1 +111000011 rural-oriented 1 +111000011 jargony 1 +111000011 British-Arab 1 +111000011 248-room 1 +111000011 group-sponsored 1 +111000011 children's-advocacy 1 +111000011 postcoital 1 +111000011 5,400-mile 1 +111000011 playable 1 +111000011 160-bed 1 +111000011 fee-driven 1 +111000011 prisoner-advocacy 1 +111000011 as-yet-unspecified 1 +111000011 commoditylike 1 +111000011 BellSouth-led 1 +111000011 1.2650 1 +111000011 TravelHoliday 1 +111000011 60-patient 1 +111000011 money-lending 1 +111000011 under-valued 1 +111000011 gabby 1 +111000011 2,000-square-meter 1 +111000011 land-clearing 1 +111000011 perceived-value 1 +111000011 British-French-American 1 +111000011 lobster-supply 1 +111000011 Ferranti-led 1 +111000011 receivable-management 1 +111000011 precise-sounding 1 +111000011 New-York-based 1 +111000011 half-to-full 1 +111000011 chip-producing 1 +111000011 pet-rabbit-raising 1 +111000011 two-passenger 1 +111000011 utility-sponsored 1 +111000011 925-foot-high 1 +111000011 tree-service 1 +111000011 Czechoslovak-made 1 +111000011 securities-analysis 1 +111000011 sales-service 1 +111000011 metal-can 1 +111000011 twin-screen 1 +111000011 certain-sized 2 +111000011 grotty 2 +111000011 gun-happy 2 +111000011 sword-wielding 2 +111000011 high-achieving 2 +111000011 steering-linkage 2 +111000011 Troublesome 2 +111000011 rare-books 2 +111000011 spear-carrying 2 +111000011 50-store 2 +111000011 steering-system 2 +111000011 owlish 2 +111000011 gambling-related 2 +111000011 3,241 2 +111000011 housing-advocacy 2 +111000011 matchstick 2 +111000011 information-oriented 2 +111000011 hard-court 2 +111000011 full-out 2 +111000011 Gargantuan 2 +111000011 French-oriented 2 +111000011 Wisconsin-based 2 +111000011 hard-to-define 2 +111000011 more-combative 2 +111000011 protein-like 2 +111000011 two-team 2 +111000011 itsy-bitsy 2 +111000011 marine-transportation 2 +111000011 niche-oriented 2 +111000011 12E 2 +111000011 greater-than-normal 2 +111000011 klutzy 2 +111000011 larger-than-average 2 +111000011 tile-roofed 2 +111000011 cross-industry 2 +111000011 shoebox-sized 2 +111000011 native-language 2 +111000011 three-fund 2 +111000011 fatcat 2 +111000011 70-millimeter 2 +111000011 worry-free 2 +111000011 seven-city 2 +111000011 doubledecker 2 +111000011 well-produced 2 +111000011 bomb-damaged 2 +111000011 earthquake-damaged 2 +111000011 right-leaning 2 +111000011 college-publishing 2 +111000011 dollar-exposed 2 +111000011 well-justified 2 +111000011 PC-related 2 +111000011 pushcart 3 +111000011 fast-drying 3 +111000011 five-company 3 +111000011 3,000-foot 3 +111000011 sepulchral 3 +111000011 security-sensitive 3 +111000011 narrow-gauge 3 +111000011 heterogenous 3 +111000011 rag-tag 3 +111000011 76-acre 3 +111000011 gold-leaf 3 +111000011 land-office 3 +111000011 child-advocacy 3 +111000011 soon-to-be-published 3 +111000011 40-ton 3 +111000011 less-desirable 3 +111000011 voice-controlled 3 +111000011 wind-whipped 3 +111000011 75-pound 3 +111000011 one-for-five 3 +111000011 three-line 3 +111000011 largish 3 +111000011 silversmith 3 +111000011 family-sized 3 +111000011 claymation 3 +111000011 mediumsized 3 +111000011 500-bed 3 +111000011 5,000-share 3 +111000011 good-news 3 +111000011 10-bank 3 +111000011 low-dose 3 +111000011 diamond-shaped 4 +111000011 three-liter 4 +111000011 more-liquid 4 +111000011 hormone-like 4 +111000011 114-nation 4 +111000011 high-performing 4 +111000011 drug-crazed 4 +111000011 non-recessionary 4 +111000011 non-citizen 4 +111000011 two-foot-tall 4 +111000011 beveled 4 +111000011 export-based 4 +111000011 fenced-in 4 +111000011 half-ton 4 +111000011 used-book 4 +111000011 better-made 4 +111000011 beech 4 +111000011 two-newspaper 4 +111000011 peppy 5 +111000011 two-million 5 +111000011 treeless 5 +111000011 1,072 5 +111000011 calypso 5 +111000011 larger-than-usual 5 +111000011 teensy 5 +111000011 dirt-poor 5 +111000011 kaishime 5 +111000011 fair-sized 5 +111000011 dissonant 5 +111000011 steel-related 5 +111000011 risk-oriented 5 +111000011 bioengineered 6 +111000011 low-return 6 +111000011 1950s-vintage 6 +111000011 city-sponsored 6 +111000011 lusty 6 +111000011 plebeian 6 +111000011 curvy 6 +111000011 Brobdingnagian 6 +111000011 high-tension 6 +111000011 loose-fitting 6 +111000011 unpainted 7 +111000011 Hutu 7 +111000011 still-undetermined 7 +111000011 status-conscious 8 +111000011 king-sized 8 +111000011 better-performing 8 +111000011 technology-oriented 8 +111000011 gory 9 +111000011 one-pound 9 +111000011 fire-damaged 9 +111000011 neo-Nazi 10 +111000011 well-attended 11 +111000011 better-paying 11 +111000011 high-intensity 11 +111000011 self-governing 11 +111000011 half-finished 11 +111000011 non-Nasdaq 11 +111000011 dollar-sensitive 12 +111000011 high-dividend 13 +111000011 100-pound 13 +111000011 one-person 13 +111000011 debt-heavy 13 +111000011 tight-knit 14 +111000011 smallish 15 +111000011 detachable 15 +111000011 Beazer-led 15 +111000011 white-owned 16 +111000011 goodly 17 +111000011 low-profit 18 +111000011 recession-resistant 18 +111000011 nondescript 20 +111000011 malfunctioning 21 +111000011 discrete 22 +111000011 perishable 29 +111000011 below-average 30 +111000011 grimy 30 +111000011 deluxe 30 +111000011 finite 33 +111000011 coarse 34 +111000011 middle-sized 35 +111000011 well-capitalized 35 +111000011 well-run 47 +111000011 well-managed 54 +111000011 second-tier 56 +111000011 consumer-oriented 61 +111000011 medium-size 80 +111000011 dummy 81 +111000011 sleek 94 +111000011 sleepy 114 +111000011 disproportionate 147 +111000011 high-priced 251 +111000011 fancy 349 +111000011 lesser 385 +111000011 medium-sized 423 +111000011 cyclical 537 +111000011 sizable 792 +111000011 tiny 1190 +111000011 small 12017 +111000011 large 12508 +111000100 six-million-unit 1 +111000100 supercompetitive 1 +111000100 1,764,000 1 +111000100 steam-injection 1 +111000100 64-lane 1 +111000100 Wright-Ortega 1 +111000100 late-1962 1 +111000100 64-acre 1 +111000100 less-than-friendly 1 +111000100 1928-1929 1 +111000100 science-journalism 1 +111000100 less-activist 1 +111000100 six-percentage-point 1 +111000100 one-cell 1 +111000100 bomb-caused 1 +111000100 penlike 1 +111000100 19-week 1 +111000100 Mediterranean-sized 1 +111000100 diamond-market 1 +111000100 nine-mile-long 1 +111000100 long-abandoned 1 +111000100 dress-down 1 +111000100 Medicaid-funded 1 +111000100 two-to-three-month 1 +111000100 parachutelike 1 +111000100 pre-condemnation 1 +111000100 37-to-11 1 +111000100 defter 1 +111000100 40-person 1 +111000100 seven-block 1 +111000100 multitrack 1 +111000100 private-power 1 +111000100 high-anxiety 1 +111000100 356-56 1 +111000100 first-story 1 +111000100 fast-advancing 1 +111000100 13-7 1 +111000100 342-point 1 +111000100 208-189 1 +111000100 planetlike 1 +111000100 Martinized 1 +111000100 tower-of-power 1 +111000100 bay-side 1 +111000100 bowling-machine 1 +111000100 McKesson-provided 1 +111000100 post-rejection 1 +111000100 fast-revolving 1 +111000100 global-equities 1 +111000100 6,279,000-unit 1 +111000100 19-0 1 +111000100 caffeine-dependent 1 +111000100 natural-foods 1 +111000100 13-county 1 +111000100 1873-76 1 +111000100 1893-96 1 +111000100 talent-show 1 +111000100 anti-Ngo 1 +111000100 bomb-shelter 1 +111000100 walkout-triggered 1 +111000100 dancing-bear 1 +111000100 rock-and-gravel 1 +111000100 145-yard 1 +111000100 151-yard 1 +111000100 total-liability 1 +111000100 34-day 1 +111000100 production-based 1 +111000100 demand-based 1 +111000100 38-yard 1 +111000100 fullblown 1 +111000100 24.6-acre 1 +111000100 reactor-research 1 +111000100 cable-car 1 +111000100 27-foot 1 +111000100 calcium-dependent 1 +111000100 day-each 1 +111000100 hotel-shopping 1 +111000100 1,514,000-unit 1 +111000100 hardware-industry 1 +111000100 58-month 1 +111000100 landslide-prone 1 +111000100 three-inch-high 1 +111000100 domedshaped 1 +111000100 five-to-six-year 1 +111000100 2.3-year 1 +111000100 heretofore-undisclosed 1 +111000100 rental-building 1 +111000100 post-1956 1 +111000100 savings-club 1 +111000100 54-31 1 +111000100 71-21 1 +111000100 230-183 1 +111000100 7.5-square-mile 1 +111000100 cross-cultural-multimedia 1 +111000100 quasi-scientific 1 +111000100 propulsion-system 1 +111000100 242-190 1 +111000100 Reuter-Niefer 1 +111000100 mother-like 1 +111000100 doglike 1 +111000100 teen-crazed 1 +111000100 90,000-square-mile 1 +111000100 263-155 1 +111000100 high-radiation 1 +111000100 Hindu-run 1 +111000100 752-180 1 +111000100 Bahamian-government 1 +111000100 level-playing 1 +111000100 388-16 1 +111000100 quadratic 1 +111000100 real-grass 1 +111000100 high-walled 1 +111000100 210-foot 1 +111000100 369-48 1 +111000100 breast-pocket 1 +111000100 two-mile-wide 1 +111000100 blooped 1 +111000100 techncial 1 +111000100 3.3-year 1 +111000100 130-home 1 +111000100 municipal-garbage 1 +111000100 .366 1 +111000100 43-41 1 +111000100 50-25 1 +111000100 salmon-rich 1 +111000100 1197-to-1156 1 +111000100 spacesuit-like 1 +111000100 military-built 1 +111000100 250,000-square-foot 1 +111000100 226-168 1 +111000100 52.28-point 1 +111000100 U.N.-supervised 1 +111000100 oil-options 1 +111000100 cocaine-possession 1 +111000100 planetarium-like 1 +111000100 trading-symbol 1 +111000100 single-known 1 +111000100 tight-wire 1 +111000100 firefly-lit 1 +111000100 392-9 1 +111000100 Merrill-controlled 1 +111000100 tax-rate/terms-of-trade 1 +111000100 92-2 1 +111000100 dynamite-filled 1 +111000100 statehouse-steps 1 +111000100 panic-disorder 1 +111000100 450-mile-wide 1 +111000100 Polish-government 1 +111000100 public-services 1 +111000100 two-layer 1 +111000100 17-12 1 +111000100 112-acre 1 +111000100 gasoline-options 1 +111000100 30-0 1 +111000100 lunar-style 1 +111000100 police-state-type 1 +111000100 home-recording 1 +111000100 one-eighth-mile 1 +111000100 Fahmy-Tota 1 +111000100 homestead-equity 1 +111000100 trust-account 1 +111000100 low-gravity 1 +111000100 limestone-and-glass 1 +111000100 callin 1 +111000100 202-197 1 +111000100 Ford-type 1 +111000100 worker/computer 1 +111000100 246-171 1 +111000100 231-183 1 +111000100 black-ink 1 +111000100 12-pond 1 +111000100 365-49 1 +111000100 407-5 1 +111000100 1-to-8 1 +111000100 human-operated 1 +111000100 3,000-case 1 +111000100 public-approval 1 +111000100 16-5 1 +111000100 two-night 1 +111000100 equity-issue 1 +111000100 near-sidearm-throwing 1 +111000100 lofty-sounding 1 +111000100 child-sized 1 +111000100 12week 1 +111000100 twist-off 1 +111000100 parasite-borne 1 +111000100 nuclear-detonation-free 1 +111000100 twee 1 +111000100 30-city 1 +111000100 24.54-point 1 +111000100 bee-and-honeycomb 1 +111000100 125-day-old 1 +111000100 1/8-size 1 +111000100 2,000-year 1 +111000100 cancerlike 1 +111000100 nuclear-arms-free 1 +111000100 money-trading 1 +111000100 loan-booking 1 +111000100 145-acre 1 +111000100 fire-ant 1 +111000100 mountain-fringed 1 +111000100 chemical-weapons-free 1 +111000100 gentle-spirited 1 +111000100 6.6-million-unit 1 +111000100 subway-tunnel 1 +111000100 garbage-strewn 1 +111000100 less-than-orthodox 1 +111000100 pro-Nimrod 1 +111000100 48month 1 +111000100 rust-bowl 1 +111000100 post-nuclear-war 1 +111000100 junk-securities 1 +111000100 2,200-acre 1 +111000100 Crosby-Hope 1 +111000100 sleety 1 +111000100 six-to-nine-month 1 +111000100 four-country 1 +111000100 low-roofed 1 +111000100 high-school-equivalency 1 +111000100 double-fisted 1 +111000100 bleak-looking 1 +111000100 pearllike 1 +111000100 quarterly-tax 1 +111000100 575-room 1 +111000100 since-ended 1 +111000100 reductionist 1 +111000100 business-size 1 +111000100 seventh-inning 1 +111000100 103-unit 1 +111000100 28-by-11-mile 1 +111000100 Dunlap-Robison 1 +111000100 startling-orange 1 +111000100 housing-starved 1 +111000100 church-sanctioned 1 +111000100 1,255,000-unit 1 +111000100 asset-size 1 +111000100 40,000-pound 1 +111000100 Windhaven 1 +111000100 busines 1 +111000100 smelt-like 1 +111000100 184-day 1 +111000100 slowing-down 1 +111000100 butterfly-sighting 1 +111000100 yen-appreciation 1 +111000100 nonjury 1 +111000100 66-point 1 +111000100 postoperative 1 +111000100 1,245,000-unit 1 +111000100 1,833,000-unit 1 +111000100 industrial-comeback 1 +111000100 62-37 1 +111000100 bidder-owned 1 +111000100 automobile-hauler 1 +111000100 229-187 1 +111000100 950,000-metric 1 +111000100 27.5-miles-per-gallon 1 +111000100 Fed-induced 1 +111000100 government-enforced 1 +111000100 one-act-play 1 +111000100 230-190 1 +111000100 193-185 1 +111000100 26-acre 1 +111000100 royal-blue 1 +111000100 land-mine 1 +111000100 turntable-mounted 1 +111000100 tin-and-plywood 1 +111000100 Braves-Cardinals 1 +111000100 '30s-type 1 +111000100 258-153 1 +111000100 402-6 1 +111000100 388-5 1 +111000100 stamp-cancellation 1 +111000100 12-12 1 +111000100 none-too-steady 1 +111000100 Moonie-sponsored 1 +111000100 1,599,000-unit 1 +111000100 449,000-unit 1 +111000100 1,250,000-unit 1 +111000100 45-5 1 +111000100 25-24 1 +111000100 50,000-word 1 +111000100 CIA-led 1 +111000100 dying-second 1 +111000100 3.6-mile-long 1 +111000100 two-gallery 1 +111000100 state-prison 1 +111000100 U.N.-brokered 1 +111000100 silk-smooth-dealing 1 +111000100 multi-plant 1 +111000100 10-ring 1 +111000100 14,000-pipe 1 +111000100 fear-testing 1 +111000100 five-line 1 +111000100 21-7 1 +111000100 most-costly 1 +111000100 97-acre 1 +111000100 36-car 1 +111000100 52-to-47 1 +111000100 Ruinous 1 +111000100 40-card 1 +111000100 female-only 1 +111000100 squid-cleaning 1 +111000100 multiple-personality 1 +111000100 burgundy-striped 1 +111000100 dead-animal 1 +111000100 poor-country 1 +111000100 Wednesday-afternoon 1 +111000100 mud-slick 1 +111000100 neo-fundamentalist 1 +111000100 sage-covered 1 +111000100 nine-million-unit 1 +111000100 ship-turning 1 +111000100 small-arena 1 +111000100 12th-place 1 +111000100 squad-car 1 +111000100 weapons-possession 1 +111000100 1,129,000-unit 1 +111000100 1,477,000-unit 1 +111000100 1973-1975 1 +111000100 big-ship 1 +111000100 computer-tinkering 1 +111000100 soul-music 1 +111000100 2.25-percentage-point 1 +111000100 banking-service 1 +111000100 red-leather 1 +111000100 hiring-and-wage 1 +111000100 Chernobyl-size 1 +111000100 pressure-packed 1 +111000100 preleukemic 1 +111000100 Nativity 1 +111000100 tank-free 1 +111000100 tristate 1 +111000100 spur-like 1 +111000100 16-4 1 +111000100 log-sorting 1 +111000100 August-to-October 1 +111000100 tiger-striped 1 +111000100 blame-the-other-guy 1 +111000100 musette 1 +111000100 superconductor-exploitation 1 +111000100 six-square-mile 1 +111000100 16-inch-high 1 +111000100 caramel-pecan 1 +111000100 365-18 1 +111000100 schedule-making 1 +111000100 big-hype 1 +111000100 year.The 1 +111000100 millenary 1 +111000100 century-mark 1 +111000100 Simms-to-Manuel 1 +111000100 79,000-barrel 1 +111000100 foreign-tax-credit 1 +111000100 22-8 1 +111000100 laundrysoap 1 +111000100 not-too-calm 1 +111000100 gut-string 1 +111000100 dinosauric 1 +111000100 10-degree 1 +111000100 stock-form 1 +111000100 Kabul-backed 1 +111000100 script-to-screen 1 +111000100 73-second 1 +111000100 48/64-inch 1 +111000100 23-yard 1 +111000100 welfare-use 1 +111000100 softening-up 1 +111000100 1,893,000-unit 1 +111000100 less-detailed 1 +111000100 2.09-square-mile 1 +111000100 seven-seven 1 +111000100 Ford-style 1 +111000100 security-inducing 1 +111000100 now-past 1 +111000100 1,486,000 1 +111000100 20/64th-inch 1 +111000100 lengthly 1 +111000100 12-6 1 +111000100 45-acre 1 +111000100 no-parking 1 +111000100 111-acre 1 +111000100 multimilllion-dollar 1 +111000100 4,000-acre 1 +111000100 drug-discovery 1 +111000100 soil-rejuvenation 1 +111000100 triple-whammy 1 +111000100 better-directed 1 +111000100 Triangle-controlled 1 +111000100 chestnut-sized 1 +111000100 new-works 1 +111000100 once-swaggering 1 +111000100 justice-seeking 1 +111000100 crosswind 1 +111000100 incentive-induced 1 +111000100 moisture-absorbing 1 +111000100 Southern-timberland 1 +111000100 55/64-inch 1 +111000100 445,000-job 1 +111000100 Communist-backed 1 +111000100 2,000-square-mile 1 +111000100 U.S.engineered 1 +111000100 television-oriented 1 +111000100 Muppet-based 1 +111000100 product-packaging 1 +111000100 46-acre 1 +111000100 user-interactive 1 +111000100 free-fire 1 +111000100 shipping-industry 1 +111000100 100-foot-wide 1 +111000100 quasifinancial 1 +111000100 47-to-1 1 +111000100 near-biblical 1 +111000100 five-to-three 1 +111000100 382-26 1 +111000100 sewer-dwelling 1 +111000100 rejection-letter 1 +111000100 3-o'clock-in-the-morning 1 +111000100 grinding-it-out 1 +111000100 seven-square-mile 1 +111000100 knuckleball 1 +111000100 high-yen-induced 1 +111000100 yen-appreciation-induced 1 +111000100 mail-ballot 1 +111000100 knit-pink 1 +111000100 supermarket-warehouse 1 +111000100 1,326,000 1 +111000100 silver-backed 1 +111000100 point-of-order 1 +111000100 9/64-inch 1 +111000100 saddle-shaped 1 +111000100 200-square-mile 1 +111000100 halfsize 1 +111000100 land-reclamation 1 +111000100 crumpled-up 1 +111000100 album-liner 1 +111000100 company-and 1 +111000100 rumorfilled 1 +111000100 16.73-point 1 +111000100 company-guaranteed 1 +111000100 quite-literal 1 +111000100 233-171 1 +111000100 900-acre 1 +111000100 one-in-a-billion 1 +111000100 9-by-11-inch 1 +111000100 brass-bullet-and-hip-boots 1 +111000100 budget-cut 1 +111000100 1,360-foot-long 1 +111000100 donkey-pulled 1 +111000100 U.S.style 1 +111000100 slack-stringed 1 +111000100 50-yard-by-85-foot 1 +111000100 30/64inch 1 +111000100 47-day-old 1 +111000100 107-word 1 +111000100 10-4 1 +111000100 budget-hotel 1 +111000100 meet-the-people 1 +111000100 60-29 1 +111000100 Zhongguancun 1 +111000100 68-24 1 +111000100 summercamp 1 +111000100 securities-settlements 1 +111000100 700-bed 1 +111000100 strobe-lighted 1 +111000100 231-185 1 +111000100 hemoglobin-based 1 +111000100 brief-but-woeful 1 +111000100 brushy 1 +111000100 470-foot 1 +111000100 defense/international 1 +111000100 four-county 1 +111000100 rear-sliding 1 +111000100 men's-room 1 +111000100 quasi-corporate 1 +111000100 633-acre 1 +111000100 58-yard 1 +111000100 56-yard 1 +111000100 war-head 1 +111000100 sometimes-tense 1 +111000100 4.5-acre 1 +111000100 price-for-performance 1 +111000100 277-104 1 +111000100 schoolmarmish 1 +111000100 Southwestern-style 1 +111000100 20-3 1 +111000100 cost-reallocation 1 +111000100 carrot-without-the-stick 1 +111000100 96-hour 1 +111000100 midnight-Sunday 1 +111000100 capital-scarce 1 +111000100 crude-producing 1 +111000100 750-room 1 +111000100 328-90 1 +111000100 water-baseball 1 +111000100 cowelled 1 +111000100 grease-streaked 1 +111000100 policy-holder-owned 1 +111000100 bull's-eye-like 1 +111000100 March-inspired 1 +111000100 baby-voiced 1 +111000100 678-acre 1 +111000100 data-transfer 1 +111000100 bribery-extortion 1 +111000100 30-block 1 +111000100 French-franc 1 +111000100 278-143 1 +111000100 143-1 1 +111000100 agency-merger 1 +111000100 concert-quality 1 +111000100 379-word 1 +111000100 Lakers-Celtics 1 +111000100 tea-box 1 +111000100 234-180 1 +111000100 62-28 1 +111000100 government-only 1 +111000100 72-mile-an-hour 1 +111000100 Houstonlike 1 +111000100 58-40 1 +111000100 walnut-size 1 +111000100 seven-to-10-year 1 +111000100 22-5 1 +111000100 geodesic 1 +111000100 15/64-inch 1 +111000100 big-hit 1 +111000100 pea-sized 1 +111000100 30-foot-deep 1 +111000100 primary-campaign 1 +111000100 niche-marketing 1 +111000100 six-sevenths 1 +111000100 rifleshot 1 +111000100 double-A-minus-rated 1 +111000100 more-vibrant 1 +111000100 clean-room 1 +111000100 20-or-30-year 1 +111000100 gold-ore-program 1 +111000100 seven-floor 1 +111000100 greatest-hits 1 +111000100 284-272 1 +111000100 Russocentric 1 +111000100 405-11 1 +111000100 toothed 1 +111000100 hotel-cum-casino-cum-convention 1 +111000100 twin-hull 1 +111000100 black-browed 1 +111000100 dial-a-cargo 1 +111000100 4,500-employee 1 +111000100 foot-square 1 +111000100 Mamluk 1 +111000100 potholeless 1 +111000100 grocery-industry 1 +111000100 reggae-music 1 +111000100 bank-merger 1 +111000100 1,404,000 1 +111000100 10-to-6 1 +111000100 show-stopping 1 +111000100 farm-injury 1 +111000100 7,450,000-unit 1 +111000100 Teamsters-led 1 +111000100 12-year-long 1 +111000100 fast-receding 1 +111000100 30-acre 1 +111000100 35-city 1 +111000100 357,000-acre 1 +111000100 81-9 1 +111000100 mortgage-gain 1 +111000100 S-shaped 1 +111000100 high-seas 1 +111000100 36-exposure 1 +111000100 Chinese-sauce 1 +111000100 single-vineyard 1 +111000100 Paitilla 1 +111000100 Farmbelt 1 +111000100 2.7-million-square-foot 1 +111000100 used-plane 1 +111000100 38-12 1 +111000100 30-20 1 +111000100 27-23 1 +111000100 paper-bleaching 1 +111000100 five-mile-high 1 +111000100 15-cents-a-pound 1 +111000100 great-quality 1 +111000100 gas-meter 1 +111000100 vendor-independent 1 +111000100 23,000-acre 1 +111000100 77-pace 1 +111000100 thousand-point 1 +111000100 European-led 1 +111000100 pro-pension 1 +111000100 food-standards 1 +111000100 10-block 1 +111000100 1,041-to-967 1 +111000100 22-18 1 +111000100 five-pendant 1 +111000100 neutrino-sized 1 +111000100 forced-notification 1 +111000100 hazing-by-shouting-match 1 +111000100 higher-stakes 1 +111000100 184-foot 1 +111000100 21-week-old 1 +111000100 74-8 1 +111000100 Rich-affiliated 1 +111000100 brunet 1 +111000100 9-8 1 +111000100 most-sustained 1 +111000100 1,050-foot 1 +111000100 eightmonth 1 +111000100 14,000-acre 1 +111000100 consensus-run 1 +111000100 strawvote 1 +111000100 17-state 1 +111000100 237-183 1 +111000100 country-inn 1 +111000100 still-simmering 1 +111000100 133-foot 1 +111000100 27-picture 1 +111000100 toy-gun 1 +111000100 deeper-than-desired 1 +111000100 colored-group 1 +111000100 stable-currency 1 +111000100 drop-away 1 +111000100 locked-up 1 +111000100 head-counting 1 +111000100 family-conflict 1 +111000100 5000E 1 +111000100 368-58 1 +111000100 win-at-any-cost 1 +111000100 cowl-like 1 +111000100 loosey-goosey 1 +111000100 37-month 1 +111000100 cycle-ending 1 +111000100 theater-management 1 +111000100 look-to-the-future 1 +111000100 24-acre 1 +111000100 five-blade 1 +111000100 shaking-out 1 +111000100 taragon 1 +111000100 climatological 1 +111000100 278-142 1 +111000100 three-book 1 +111000100 630-acre 1 +111000100 1.09-inch 1 +111000100 20-to-30-year 1 +111000100 headup 1 +111000100 preconference 1 +111000100 109-inch 1 +111000100 900-square-foot 1 +111000100 kid-goes-back-in-time 1 +111000100 Nazi-sympathizing 1 +111000100 prohibition-style 1 +111000100 plant-wide 1 +111000100 six-inch-square 1 +111000100 semi-controlled 1 +111000100 32-9 1 +111000100 4922 1 +111000100 376-26 1 +111000100 212-point 1 +111000100 220-acre 1 +111000100 company-called 1 +111000100 10-blade 1 +111000100 Cheerios-brand 1 +111000100 307-98 1 +111000100 boat-rental 1 +111000100 budget-line 1 +111000100 1928-1937 1 +111000100 blue-carpeted 1 +111000100 mini-dust 1 +111000100 13-day-old 1 +111000100 business-segment 1 +111000100 20-inch-diameter 1 +111000100 capital-surplus 1 +111000100 well-watered 1 +111000100 60-foot-tall 1 +111000100 mood-type 1 +111000100 crude-product 1 +111000100 low-involvement 1 +111000100 circle-the-wagon 1 +111000100 post-liberal 1 +111000100 torpedo-shaped 1 +111000100 400-foot 1 +111000100 not-sufficient-funds 1 +111000100 sunless 1 +111000100 still-unannounced 1 +111000100 systems-management 1 +111000100 721-step 1 +111000100 thrift-like 1 +111000100 water-flood 1 +111000100 rectractable 1 +111000100 271-234 1 +111000100 57,000-acre 1 +111000100 third-straight 1 +111000100 back-burner 1 +111000100 nine-phone-number 1 +111000100 many-storied 1 +111000100 string-of-pearls 1 +111000100 six-foot-wide 1 +111000100 343-54 1 +111000100 93-2 1 +111000100 15-ounce 1 +111000100 timber-supply 1 +111000100 photoconductive 1 +111000100 301-96 1 +111000100 600-voice 1 +111000100 pot-holed 1 +111000100 subway-station 1 +111000100 15-by-20-foot 1 +111000100 rammed-shut 1 +111000100 non-accessible 1 +111000100 car-driving 1 +111000100 palm-thatched 1 +111000100 concrete-coated 1 +111000100 street-lamp-dotted 1 +111000100 podunk 1 +111000100 six-horse 1 +111000100 war-adventure 1 +111000100 big-mouthed 1 +111000100 56.53-point 1 +111000100 26-month 1 +111000100 Pirates-Mets 1 +111000100 once-idyllic 1 +111000100 herd-like 1 +111000100 consumer-fueled 1 +111000100 Formica-topped 1 +111000100 two-out 1 +111000100 9,500-worker 1 +111000100 summer-sports 1 +111000100 126-game 1 +111000100 6-all 1 +111000100 goose-feather 1 +111000100 9/32-inch 1 +111000100 75-15 1 +111000100 91-3 1 +111000100 7/32-inch 1 +111000100 52-unit 1 +111000100 bone-deteriorating 1 +111000100 Manteca 1 +111000100 thump-on-the-back 1 +111000100 hotel-conference 1 +111000100 6,000-square-foot 2 +111000100 breezeless 2 +111000100 400-year 2 +111000100 68-cent 2 +111000100 CFIUS 2 +111000100 4,600-foot 2 +111000100 nine-pound 2 +111000100 menu-like 2 +111000100 17/64-inch 2 +111000100 city-wide 2 +111000100 peace-seeking 2 +111000100 backbench 2 +111000100 secrecy-shrouded 2 +111000100 750-acre 2 +111000100 sad-eyed 2 +111000100 28-month-old 2 +111000100 parent-child 2 +111000100 single-scale 2 +111000100 government-issue 2 +111000100 stage-by-stage 2 +111000100 30-12 2 +111000100 world-competitive 2 +111000100 company-imposed 2 +111000100 post-baby 2 +111000100 business-cost 2 +111000100 25-month 2 +111000100 neverending 2 +111000100 cardinal-red 2 +111000100 Plexiglas 2 +111000100 35,000-square-foot 2 +111000100 80/64-inch 2 +111000100 416-2 2 +111000100 108-day 2 +111000100 public-audit 2 +111000100 creative-writing 2 +111000100 28/64-inch 2 +111000100 12-10 2 +111000100 three-quarter-inch 2 +111000100 '30s-style 2 +111000100 birch-paneled 2 +111000100 trident 2 +111000100 silver-plated 2 +111000100 1,500-acre 2 +111000100 five-piece 2 +111000100 long-enough 2 +111000100 12-volume 2 +111000100 25-mile 2 +111000100 200-foot 2 +111000100 15,000-foot 2 +111000100 17-story 2 +111000100 38-to-4 2 +111000100 104-year-old 2 +111000100 ridge-top 2 +111000100 Grieg 2 +111000100 125-mile-wide 2 +111000100 21-acre 2 +111000100 sight-and-sound 2 +111000100 Swiss-cheese 2 +111000100 ripsnorting 2 +111000100 tax-rule 2 +111000100 Bush-Salinas 2 +111000100 600,000-ton 2 +111000100 then-princely 2 +111000100 six-city 2 +111000100 fast-fading 2 +111000100 plantwide 2 +111000100 Hessian 2 +111000100 four-foot-tall 2 +111000100 20-city 2 +111000100 horror-movie 2 +111000100 union-free 2 +111000100 late-starting 2 +111000100 20-14 2 +111000100 gold-recovery 2 +111000100 two-block 2 +111000100 1,200-year-old 2 +111000100 42-acre 2 +111000100 nine-nation 2 +111000100 well-thumbed 2 +111000100 257-160 2 +111000100 12-5 2 +111000100 news-conference 2 +111000100 seven-foot-high 2 +111000100 30-mile-long 2 +111000100 377-40 2 +111000100 fivemonth 2 +111000100 morning-long 2 +111000100 1,000-seat 2 +111000100 quite-different 2 +111000100 voguish 2 +111000100 5-foot-4-inch 2 +111000100 union-hall 2 +111000100 27-unit 2 +111000100 four-week-old 2 +111000100 Chernobyl-like 2 +111000100 four-horse 2 +111000100 military-band 2 +111000100 1984-1987 2 +111000100 pyrrhic 2 +111000100 15-yard 2 +111000100 bench-clearing 2 +111000100 multiplayer 2 +111000100 safety-deposit 2 +111000100 marble-floored 2 +111000100 1977-80 2 +111000100 stress-relieving 2 +111000100 marijuana-smoking 2 +111000100 father-daughter 2 +111000100 roll-up-your-sleeves 2 +111000100 still-continuing 2 +111000100 banana-shaped 2 +111000100 wide-angle 2 +111000100 pen-like 2 +111000100 five-stage 2 +111000100 chromosomal 2 +111000100 policy-oriented 2 +111000100 Boeing-Aloha 2 +111000100 Pohnpeian 2 +111000100 direct-satellite 2 +111000100 48-year 2 +111000100 rifle-shot 2 +111000100 chichi 2 +111000100 cadaverous 2 +111000100 1,000-rupee 2 +111000100 screwed-up 2 +111000100 50-plus 2 +111000100 non-Christian 2 +111000100 three-night 2 +111000100 nine-week-old 2 +111000100 44-country 2 +111000100 nonsubstantive 2 +111000100 59-page 2 +111000100 Soviet-financed 2 +111000100 10-city 2 +111000100 gap-filling 2 +111000100 beauty-shop 2 +111000100 230-176 2 +111000100 yet-undetermined 2 +111000100 31-week 2 +111000100 long-studied 2 +111000100 best-of-five 2 +111000100 12year 2 +111000100 100-foot-long 2 +111000100 never-changing 2 +111000100 voter-approved 2 +111000100 fixed-fee 2 +111000100 dang 2 +111000100 17-2 2 +111000100 14-page 2 +111000100 reproportioned 2 +111000100 clubbish 2 +111000100 109-day 2 +111000100 70-square-mile 2 +111000100 40-month 2 +111000100 90-mile 2 +111000100 slaveholding 2 +111000100 jitterbugging 2 +111000100 13-concert 2 +111000100 cost-performance 2 +111000100 12-1 2 +111000100 seven-course 2 +111000100 32-week 2 +111000100 financial-advertising 2 +111000100 20-ounce 2 +111000100 staff-prepared 2 +111000100 book-lined 2 +111000100 tug-of-love 2 +111000100 two-decade-long 2 +111000100 1-to-5 2 +111000100 porch-bound 2 +111000100 76-8 2 +111000100 144-acre 2 +111000100 safety-oriented 2 +111000100 several-year 2 +111000100 200,000-ton 2 +111000100 thimble-sized 2 +111000100 catatonic 2 +111000100 coca-growing 2 +111000100 213-201 2 +111000100 bighorn-sheep 2 +111000100 two-wheeled 2 +111000100 three-decade-long 2 +111000100 32/64-inch 2 +111000100 disability-pay 2 +111000100 picture-book 2 +111000100 6-to-3 2 +111000100 pleasant-faced 2 +111000100 pre-1979 2 +111000100 college-hoops 2 +111000100 .30-.30 2 +111000100 pre-historic 2 +111000100 26-22 2 +111000100 under-40 2 +111000100 22-inch 2 +111000100 43-mile 2 +111000100 pint-size 2 +111000100 post-nuclear 2 +111000100 3-foot-high 2 +111000100 semiprivate 2 +111000100 Fiji-style 2 +111000100 15-square-foot 2 +111000100 whacked-out 2 +111000100 hiccuping 2 +111000100 one-megabyte 2 +111000100 4,500-acre 2 +111000100 3,000-seat 2 +111000100 seven-month-long 2 +111000100 120-acre 2 +111000100 management-friendly 2 +111000100 fighter-jet 2 +111000100 snap-brim 2 +111000100 out-of-school 2 +111000100 now-routine 2 +111000100 261-160 2 +111000100 wrong-way 2 +111000100 fuel-storage 2 +111000100 travel-agent 2 +111000100 114-day 2 +111000100 157-acre 2 +111000100 286-unit 2 +111000100 1,493,000-unit 2 +111000100 33-month 2 +111000100 7,000-foot 2 +111000100 rain-swollen 2 +111000100 single-topic 2 +111000100 312-107 2 +111000100 union-organized 2 +111000100 20-business-day 3 +111000100 lighter-than-expected 3 +111000100 250-acre 3 +111000100 26-volume 3 +111000100 13-mile 3 +111000100 highest-grade 3 +111000100 late-spring 3 +111000100 130-year-old 3 +111000100 stock-owned 3 +111000100 12-4 3 +111000100 six-session 3 +111000100 post-arms-control 3 +111000100 20-nation 3 +111000100 threeyear 3 +111000100 three-week-long 3 +111000100 tuition-free 3 +111000100 foamy 3 +111000100 yet-unnamed 3 +111000100 Euroconvertible 3 +111000100 steady-state 3 +111000100 remote-controlled 3 +111000100 10-10 3 +111000100 show-me 3 +111000100 lilting 3 +111000100 Sevres 3 +111000100 don't-tread-on-me 3 +111000100 15-mile 3 +111000100 26.2-mile 3 +111000100 low-commission 3 +111000100 nerve-wracking 3 +111000100 52-mile 3 +111000100 three-and-a-half-year 3 +111000100 17-1 3 +111000100 5,000-meter 3 +111000100 7,000-seat 3 +111000100 Romanian-built 3 +111000100 pro-disarmament 3 +111000100 jeweled 3 +111000100 20-13 3 +111000100 joint-manufacturing 3 +111000100 500,000-ton 3 +111000100 home-plate 3 +111000100 Sunday-afternoon 3 +111000100 33-acre 3 +111000100 fifth-inning 3 +111000100 pixieish 3 +111000100 vehicle-manufacturing 3 +111000100 Book-of-the-Month-Club 3 +111000100 30-foot-high 3 +111000100 too-small 3 +111000100 percussive 3 +111000100 postage-paid 3 +111000100 three-city 3 +111000100 17-foot 3 +111000100 pain-relieving 3 +111000100 1,000-foot 3 +111000100 one-shift 3 +111000100 225-mile 3 +111000100 Grawemeyer 3 +111000100 39-month 3 +111000100 10-megawatt 3 +111000100 light-colored 3 +111000100 stone-age 3 +111000100 fourmonth 3 +111000100 2.5-mile 3 +111000100 27-month 3 +111000100 limited-liability 3 +111000100 one-track 3 +111000100 seven-part 3 +111000100 four-team 3 +111000100 1,000-pound 3 +111000100 50-foot-high 3 +111000100 pauper 3 +111000100 rough-edged 3 +111000100 TV-like 3 +111000100 half-mile-long 3 +111000100 minoxidil-based 3 +111000100 44-year 3 +111000100 highest-stakes 3 +111000100 nonissue 3 +111000100 42-month 3 +111000100 British-French 3 +111000100 civilian-run 3 +111000100 23-day 3 +111000100 360-degree 3 +111000100 31-day 3 +111000100 long-hitting 3 +111000100 bad-cop 3 +111000100 63-36 3 +111000100 25-point 3 +111000100 Hiroshima-Nagasaki 3 +111000100 24-foot 3 +111000100 multi-agency 3 +111000100 36-day 3 +111000100 bad-tempered 3 +111000100 surefire 3 +111000100 hieroglyphic 3 +111000100 multicentered 3 +111000100 threeweek 3 +111000100 165-seat 3 +111000100 profit-boosting 3 +111000100 pre-Broadway 3 +111000100 scabrous 3 +111000100 once-in-a-generation 3 +111000100 Hobbesian 3 +111000100 many-splendored 3 +111000100 111-day 3 +111000100 summer-long 3 +111000100 onemonth 3 +111000100 10/64-inch 3 +111000100 Texaco-Icahn 3 +111000100 Philippines-style 3 +111000100 96-day 3 +111000100 41-store 3 +111000100 Monday-night 4 +111000100 fiveyear 4 +111000100 one-woman 4 +111000100 60-minute 4 +111000100 four-mile 4 +111000100 21-point 4 +111000100 53-mile 4 +111000100 heat-treatment 4 +111000100 longawaited 4 +111000100 XJ-6 4 +111000100 crochet 4 +111000100 multivolume 4 +111000100 multifranchise 4 +111000100 whispery 4 +111000100 multination 4 +111000100 56-42 4 +111000100 juried 4 +111000100 29-day 4 +111000100 31-month 4 +111000100 130-day 4 +111000100 control-share 4 +111000100 380-25 4 +111000100 three-game 4 +111000100 chemical-free 4 +111000100 trading-range 4 +111000100 launch-pad 4 +111000100 12-state 4 +111000100 248-day 4 +111000100 fouryear 4 +111000100 cross-state 4 +111000100 58-day 4 +111000100 40-cent-a-share 4 +111000100 studio-tour 4 +111000100 9-3 4 +111000100 17-minute 4 +111000100 55-day 4 +111000100 nudist 4 +111000100 twoyear 4 +111000100 sealed-bid 4 +111000100 late-year 4 +111000100 innoculation 4 +111000100 fullfledged 4 +111000100 3,303-room 4 +111000100 19-1 4 +111000100 phase-one 4 +111000100 32-hour 4 +111000100 48-month 4 +111000100 150-day 4 +111000100 TV-movie 4 +111000100 music-theater 4 +111000100 25,000-pound 4 +111000100 conference-room 4 +111000100 man-eating 4 +111000100 cost-price 4 +111000100 five-day-old 4 +111000100 five-county 4 +111000100 98-day 4 +111000100 longer-than-normal 4 +111000100 Republican-led 4 +111000100 75-minute 4 +111000100 three-day-old 4 +111000100 nonnegotiable 4 +111000100 33-story 4 +111000100 38-year 4 +111000100 Fireman's-Geico 4 +111000100 seven-week-old 4 +111000100 20-acre 4 +111000100 14/64-inch 4 +111000100 pro-Reagan 4 +111000100 quasi 4 +111000100 nonconfrontational 4 +111000100 70-minute 4 +111000100 weapons-acquisition 4 +111000100 peak-demand 5 +111000100 civilian-military 5 +111000100 Chernobyl-style 5 +111000100 150-foot 5 +111000100 pitch-black 5 +111000100 second-round 5 +111000100 hot-blooded 5 +111000100 three-block 5 +111000100 just-published 5 +111000100 quasi-religious 5 +111000100 45-second 5 +111000100 communist-led 5 +111000100 two-car 5 +111000100 contract-related 5 +111000100 46-day 5 +111000100 shapeless 5 +111000100 take-no-prisoners 5 +111000100 post-Deng 5 +111000100 shoelace 5 +111000100 stop-Jackson 5 +111000100 long-pending 5 +111000100 non-jury 5 +111000100 tariff-reduction 5 +111000100 clamorous 5 +111000100 60-year 5 +111000100 13-point 5 +111000100 three-phase 5 +111000100 mousy 5 +111000100 22/64-inch 5 +111000100 still-unfinished 5 +111000100 three-digit 5 +111000100 high-consumption 5 +111000100 3,000-acre 5 +111000100 16/64-inch 5 +111000100 two-game 5 +111000100 free-trading 5 +111000100 trash-can 5 +111000100 pre-programmed 5 +111000100 much-feared 5 +111000100 17-week 5 +111000100 28-month 5 +111000100 yuletide 5 +111000100 35-minute 5 +111000100 52-page 5 +111000100 single-aircraft 5 +111000100 600-page 5 +111000100 200-member 5 +111000100 31-mile 5 +111000100 four-minute 5 +111000100 French-American 5 +111000100 35-hour 5 +111000100 seven-game 5 +111000100 barebones 5 +111000100 two-foot 5 +111000100 three-nation 5 +111000100 half-billion-dollar 5 +111000100 10,000-acre 5 +111000100 gauzy 5 +111000100 seven-point 5 +111000100 24-day 5 +111000100 take-charge 5 +111000100 grittier 5 +111000100 2,000-acre 5 +111000100 50-acre 5 +111000100 death-defying 5 +111000100 26-mile 5 +111000100 22-acre 5 +111000100 200-year 6 +111000100 60-mile 6 +111000100 cleaned-up 6 +111000100 19-month-old 6 +111000100 six-state 6 +111000100 70-day 6 +111000100 49-day 6 +111000100 32-page 6 +111000100 70-year 6 +111000100 22-week 6 +111000100 300-mile 6 +111000100 three-session 6 +111000100 pro-Sandinista 6 +111000100 100-yard 6 +111000100 42-day 6 +111000100 60-page 6 +111000100 58-42 6 +111000100 five-part 6 +111000100 multipart 6 +111000100 water-filled 6 +111000100 grandiloquent 6 +111000100 three-ounce 6 +111000100 150-acre 6 +111000100 fire-breathing 6 +111000100 six-lane 6 +111000100 second-stage 6 +111000100 full-on 6 +111000100 39-day 6 +111000100 back-slapping 6 +111000100 five-acre 6 +111000100 600-mile 6 +111000100 lowest-rated 6 +111000100 366-day 6 +111000100 61-day 6 +111000100 19-month 6 +111000100 midwinter 6 +111000100 mid-19th-century 6 +111000100 100-acre 6 +111000100 2,000-year-old 6 +111000100 seven-man 6 +111000100 photorefractive 6 +111000100 10-day-old 7 +111000100 50-minute 7 +111000100 two-decade 7 +111000100 one-line 7 +111000100 block-long 7 +111000100 20-page 7 +111000100 300-patient 7 +111000100 13-day 7 +111000100 67-day 7 +111000100 rumor-driven 7 +111000100 45-year 7 +111000100 40-mile 7 +111000100 punk-rock 7 +111000100 six-mile 7 +111000100 true-life 7 +111000100 two-day-old 7 +111000100 99-0 7 +111000100 rollercoaster 7 +111000100 years-long 7 +111000100 bank-stock 7 +111000100 30-week 7 +111000100 60-bed 7 +111000100 1/8-point 8 +111000100 post-deregulation 8 +111000100 43-year 8 +111000100 75-day 8 +111000100 seven-foot 8 +111000100 multicenter 8 +111000100 night-time 8 +111000100 two-pound 8 +111000100 36-hour 8 +111000100 multi-party 8 +111000100 six-point 8 +111000100 22-minute 8 +111000100 little-noted 8 +111000100 first-floor 8 +111000100 quarter-inch 8 +111000100 fixed-mix 8 +111000100 six-part 8 +111000100 five-month-long 8 +111000100 five-mile 8 +111000100 five-session 8 +111000100 drought-inspired 8 +111000100 30-mile 8 +111000100 3-3 8 +111000100 29-month 8 +111000100 rollicking 8 +111000100 pay-back 8 +111000100 gestation 8 +111000100 Saturday-night 8 +111000100 wizened 8 +111000100 100-day 8 +111000100 92-5 8 +111000100 three-stage 8 +111000100 full-throated 8 +111000100 job-guarantee 9 +111000100 one-mile 9 +111000100 100-mile 9 +111000100 57-day 9 +111000100 four-day-old 9 +111000100 50-state 9 +111000100 two-lane 9 +111000100 high-protein 9 +111000100 nine-point 9 +111000100 24-year 9 +111000100 40-acre 9 +111000100 16-foot 9 +111000100 three-tiered 9 +111000100 three-level 9 +111000100 three-week-old 9 +111000100 starry 9 +111000100 four-point 9 +111000100 30-hour 9 +111000100 coffee-table 10 +111000100 jerry-built 10 +111000100 15th-century 10 +111000100 32-month 10 +111000100 three-volume 10 +111000100 3/4-inch 10 +111000100 three-ring 10 +111000100 maximum-security 10 +111000100 13-month 10 +111000100 30-foot 10 +111000100 34-year 10 +111000100 26-day 10 +111000100 17-month 10 +111000100 25-day 10 +111000100 self-congratulatory 10 +111000100 well-oiled 10 +111000100 50-day 10 +111000100 latency 10 +111000100 best-of-seven 10 +111000100 third-floor 10 +111000100 12-page 10 +111000100 ten-year 10 +111000100 mile-long 11 +111000100 150-year-old 11 +111000100 home-town 11 +111000100 21-day 11 +111000100 wage-and-price 11 +111000100 three-minute 11 +111000100 19-day 11 +111000100 moonlit 11 +111000100 two-mile 11 +111000100 dog-eat-dog 11 +111000100 six-week-old 11 +111000100 17-day 11 +111000100 6-5 11 +111000100 hush-hush 12 +111000100 roll-call 12 +111000100 make-or-break 12 +111000100 200-day 12 +111000100 windowless 12 +111000100 nine-hour 12 +111000100 5,000-ounce 12 +111000100 nine-week 12 +111000100 probationary 12 +111000100 congratulatory 12 +111000100 sacrificial 12 +111000100 triennial 12 +111000100 15-foot 12 +111000100 trillion-dollar 12 +111000100 20-month 13 +111000100 40-page 13 +111000100 16-week 13 +111000100 post-Watergate 13 +111000100 21-month 13 +111000100 three-mile 14 +111000100 schoolyard 14 +111000100 conversational 14 +111000100 hair-raising 14 +111000100 seven-month-old 14 +111000100 much-anticipated 14 +111000100 29-year 14 +111000100 12-week 14 +111000100 30-month 14 +111000100 two-week-old 14 +111000100 100-year 15 +111000100 21-year 15 +111000100 Dickensian 15 +111000100 year-and-a-half 15 +111000100 35-year 15 +111000100 200-mile 16 +111000100 lunar 16 +111000100 40-minute 17 +111000100 seven-page 17 +111000100 day-long 17 +111000100 much-heralded 17 +111000100 seven-hour 17 +111000100 six-foot 17 +111000100 half-inch 17 +111000100 one-inch 18 +111000100 40-hour 18 +111000100 27-year 18 +111000100 Martian 18 +111000100 consumer-led 18 +111000100 33-year 18 +111000100 final-hour 19 +111000100 16-day 19 +111000100 16-month 19 +111000100 39-year 19 +111000100 five-hour 19 +111000100 five-month-old 19 +111000100 three-month-old 19 +111000100 five-point 19 +111000100 nine-month-old 20 +111000100 week-long 20 +111000100 15-month 20 +111000100 long-stalled 20 +111000100 fallback 20 +111000100 two-month-old 21 +111000100 zero-sum 21 +111000100 40-day 21 +111000100 28-year 21 +111000100 12-day 21 +111000100 six-hour 22 +111000100 secluded 22 +111000100 14-month 22 +111000100 two-time 22 +111000100 party-line 23 +111000100 sold-out 23 +111000100 26-year 23 +111000100 two-minute 23 +111000100 four-month-old 24 +111000100 helluva 24 +111000100 10-minute 24 +111000100 step-by-step 24 +111000100 ground-breaking 24 +111000100 question-and-answer 25 +111000100 multi-year 25 +111000100 thank-you 25 +111000100 45-minute 26 +111000100 black-tie 26 +111000100 nine-day 26 +111000100 45-day 27 +111000100 six-month-old 27 +111000100 seven-week 27 +111000100 four-part 27 +111000100 veritable 28 +111000100 48-hour 28 +111000100 one-page 28 +111000100 10-week 29 +111000100 20-minute 30 +111000100 17-year 31 +111000100 50-year 31 +111000100 much-touted 32 +111000100 16-year 34 +111000100 daylong 34 +111000100 two-man 36 +111000100 13-year 37 +111000100 30-minute 37 +111000100 15-day 38 +111000100 cavernous 40 +111000100 decade-long 41 +111000100 post-war 41 +111000100 15-minute 42 +111000100 five-nation 44 +111000100 90-minute 44 +111000100 five-week 44 +111000100 month-long 45 +111000100 four-hour 46 +111000100 post-election 47 +111000100 20-day 48 +111000100 little-noticed 52 +111000100 seven-month 52 +111000100 maiden 55 +111000100 nine-year 58 +111000100 one-week 59 +111000100 6-3 62 +111000100 handwritten 64 +111000100 cautionary 65 +111000100 10-month 66 +111000100 four-week 66 +111000100 nuclear-free 66 +111000100 six-week 72 +111000100 three-part 73 +111000100 six-day 76 +111000100 three-hour 77 +111000100 monthlong 77 +111000100 40-year 78 +111000100 25-year 79 +111000100 14-year 82 +111000100 15-year-old 87 +111000100 one-man 88 +111000100 seven-year-old 93 +111000100 five-month 96 +111000100 weeklong 101 +111000100 two-part 105 +111000100 lone 109 +111000100 three-week 118 +111000100 late-night 120 +111000100 four-month 122 +111000100 five-day 122 +111000100 four-year-old 125 +111000100 90-day 126 +111000100 one-hour 130 +111000100 two-hour 134 +111000100 yearlong 137 +111000100 three-year-old 138 +111000100 perpetual 146 +111000100 one-month 156 +111000100 12-month 158 +111000100 four-day 171 +111000100 60-day 174 +111000100 two-year-old 175 +111000100 12-year 204 +111000100 10-day 218 +111000100 two-month 225 +111000100 15-year 245 +111000100 two-week 267 +111000100 six-year 282 +111000100 20-year 287 +111000100 three-day 296 +111000100 two-day 297 +111000100 postwar 372 +111000100 seven-year 529 +111000100 classic 638 +111000100 four-year 659 +111000100 one-year 1071 +111000100 two-year 1173 +111000100 brief 1378 +111000100 three-year 1459 +111000100 five-year 1882 +111000100 single 3512 +111000100 whole 3729 +111000101 Walker-family 1 +111000101 13-foot-high 1 +111000101 production-ready 1 +111000101 tulip-breaking 1 +111000101 anti-sales-tax 1 +111000101 not-that-complicated 1 +111000101 NBC-initiated 1 +111000101 prescription-drug-benefit 1 +111000101 currency-clearing 1 +111000101 fee-and-cost 1 +111000101 93-nation 1 +111000101 diamond-stud 1 +111000101 Volkswagen-commissioned 1 +111000101 precondemnation 1 +111000101 rights-plan 1 +111000101 stingerless 1 +111000101 now-annual 1 +111000101 easy-to-operate 1 +111000101 26/64 1 +111000101 42,092-ton 1 +111000101 NutraSweet-brand 1 +111000101 army-backed 1 +111000101 multiyear-labor 1 +111000101 steel-restraint 1 +111000101 standard-wage 1 +111000101 early-purchase 1 +111000101 Lisztian 1 +111000101 bond-purchase 1 +111000101 lease-management 1 +111000101 40,000-square-foot 1 +111000101 16/64 1 +111000101 corpselike 1 +111000101 process-driven 1 +111000101 MasterCard-Visa 1 +111000101 31-page 1 +111000101 Boeing-Ingersoll 1 +111000101 O'Neill-Reagan 1 +111000101 17/64 1 +111000101 spell-check 1 +111000101 driving-skills 1 +111000101 70-kilowatt 1 +111000101 feudalist 1 +111000101 ABA-ASL 1 +111000101 misstaken 1 +111000101 flip-top 1 +111000101 2,955 1 +111000101 job-fitness 1 +111000101 dual-market 1 +111000101 pop-opera 1 +111000101 labor-led 1 +111000101 arms-destruction 1 +111000101 main-table 1 +111000101 far-from-magnificent 1 +111000101 home-cleaning 1 +111000101 noise-control 1 +111000101 122-page 1 +111000101 pilots-machinists 1 +111000101 Intel-Mitsubishi 1 +111000101 blind-trust 1 +111000101 40-patient 1 +111000101 382-12 1 +111000101 zoo-type 1 +111000101 rate-case 1 +111000101 hepatitus-B 1 +111000101 selfimposed 1 +111000101 definitve 1 +111000101 Skandia-Vesta 1 +111000101 made-in-America 1 +111000101 182-seat 1 +111000101 G&S 1 +111000101 248-150 1 +111000101 Republican-sought 1 +111000101 operating-officer 1 +111000101 20-foot-vault 1 +111000101 Lorimar-Warner 1 +111000101 Illinois-Britain 1 +111000101 on-the-street 1 +111000101 soft-gelatin 1 +111000101 joint-agreement 1 +111000101 370-31 1 +111000101 committee-sponsored 1 +111000101 743-page 1 +111000101 Airbus-McDonnell 1 +111000101 57-32 1 +111000101 pre-competitive 1 +111000101 non-prosecution 1 +111000101 ever-so-urbane 1 +111000101 convention-speech 1 +111000101 union-member 1 +111000101 capital-forebearance 1 +111000101 15-0 1 +111000101 left-ear 1 +111000101 sector-rotation 1 +111000101 time-to-market 1 +111000101 training-wage 1 +111000101 shared-custody 1 +111000101 money-for-silence 1 +111000101 aluminum-bonded 1 +111000101 research-sharing 1 +111000101 70-27 1 +111000101 late-quarter 1 +111000101 Jardine's-affiliate 1 +111000101 Anglo-U.S 1 +111000101 Anglo-German 1 +111000101 goody-two-shoes 1 +111000101 track-sharing 1 +111000101 four-seat 1 +111000101 delayed-delivery 1 +111000101 head-over-heels 1 +111000101 Guyanese 1 +111000101 NATO/INF 1 +111000101 Nomura/Kidder 1 +111000101 cabinetlevel 1 +111000101 110-3 1 +111000101 long-negotiated 1 +111000101 few-months-earlier 1 +111000101 teacher-certification 1 +111000101 mixed-class 1 +111000101 almost-constant 1 +111000101 made-in-Geneva 1 +111000101 animal-laboratory 1 +111000101 late-term 1 +111000101 filmlike 1 +111000101 49-45 1 +111000101 AIDS-associated 1 +111000101 military-bases 1 +111000101 semi-patched-up 1 +111000101 hiring-freeze 1 +111000101 rosy-eyed 1 +111000101 U.S.-Honduras 1 +111000101 below-50 1 +111000101 get-out-your-handkerchiefs 1 +111000101 counterpurchase 1 +111000101 open-systems 1 +111000101 pink-rimmed 1 +111000101 burlap-sack-like 1 +111000101 Atari-Amiga 1 +111000101 technology-license 1 +111000101 Saudi-Algerian 1 +111000101 Ovu-Stick 1 +111000101 69-page 1 +111000101 near-general 1 +111000101 minicomputer-based 1 +111000101 beta-test 1 +111000101 GATT-sponsored 1 +111000101 Johnson-Shad 1 +111000101 difinitve 1 +111000101 money-sharing 1 +111000101 loan-limit 1 +111000101 Nefertiti 1 +111000101 heating-equipment 1 +111000101 bullet-holed 1 +111000101 kidney-function 1 +111000101 Steinberg-Disney 1 +111000101 satisfatory 1 +111000101 highmounted 1 +111000101 semi-negative 1 +111000101 242-page 1 +111000101 Enichem-Montedison 1 +111000101 cortisone-based 1 +111000101 GSA-ordered 1 +111000101 tall-antlered 1 +111000101 state-authorized 1 +111000101 pro-Ericsson 1 +111000101 14/64 1 +111000101 air-cushioned 1 +111000101 piano-vocal 1 +111000101 Krylon 1 +111000101 1,355-page 1 +111000101 Amtrak-Conrail 1 +111000101 buy-America 1 +111000101 Allegis-Boeing 1 +111000101 economic-benefits 1 +111000101 smallerscale 1 +111000101 rocket-joint 1 +111000101 Prosperolike 1 +111000101 teenage-boy 1 +111000101 less-than-productive 1 +111000101 apartheid-rules 1 +111000101 TRADE-RETALIATION 1 +111000101 IBM-Lotus 1 +111000101 Skousen-Moonie 1 +111000101 still-unreleased 1 +111000101 just-finished 1 +111000101 145-page 1 +111000101 anti-Cuomo 1 +111000101 licensing-manufacturing 1 +111000101 bi-monthly 1 +111000101 Saudi-engineered 1 +111000101 four-over-par 1 +111000101 Razaleigh-Musa 1 +111000101 secondsourcing 1 +111000101 tourist-home 1 +111000101 budget-and-taxes 1 +111000101 currency-stability 1 +111000101 fare-increase 1 +111000101 straddlers 1 +111000101 Lufthansa-Iberia 1 +111000101 gunny 1 +111000101 racing-room 1 +111000101 109-103 1 +111000101 285-120 1 +111000101 7.5-foot 1 +111000101 bronze-windowed 1 +111000101 34-passenger 1 +111000101 budget-bill 1 +111000101 best-staged 1 +111000101 payroll-trimming 1 +111000101 28-foot 1 +111000101 National-Fairchild 1 +111000101 dictation-taking 1 +111000101 paper-dictating 1 +111000101 Syria-linked 1 +111000101 AIDS-producing 1 +111000101 Arco-Britoil 1 +111000101 twelve-member 1 +111000101 Viralizer 1 +111000101 city-commissioned 1 +111000101 hand-dug 1 +111000101 intermediate-missiles 1 +111000101 Singapore-flagged 1 +111000101 85-passenger 1 +111000101 GE-IBM 1 +111000101 two-airline 1 +111000101 multiple-support 1 +111000101 Martell-Seagram 1 +111000101 Boeing/Allegis 1 +111000101 rocket-propellant 1 +111000101 deadline-breaking 1 +111000101 tax-court 1 +111000101 mid-to-low 1 +111000101 dominant-father 1 +111000101 detente-era 1 +111000101 German-U.S. 1 +111000101 denotative 1 +111000101 five-deck 1 +111000101 Matsushita-GE 1 +111000101 30,000-mile 1 +111000101 water-act 1 +111000101 U.S.-Swedish 1 +111000101 gas-search 1 +111000101 Stern-Whitehead 1 +111000101 supplications 1 +111000101 body-fat 1 +111000101 U.S.-German-Japanese 1 +111000101 simple-for-complex 1 +111000101 technology-swap 1 +111000101 7.5-mile 1 +111000101 IBM/Futjitsu 1 +111000101 not-opposed 1 +111000101 bulk-export 1 +111000101 one-goal 1 +111000101 scientific-cooperation 1 +111000101 loan-reserves 1 +111000101 first-right-of-refusal 1 +111000101 Simthsonian 1 +111000101 stone-dead 1 +111000101 months-an 1 +111000101 supply-accord 1 +111000101 cable-Hollywood 1 +111000101 team-candidate 1 +111000101 27-minute 1 +111000101 ultrasecret 1 +111000101 ENI-Montedison 1 +111000101 Ferruzzi-Me.T.A. 1 +111000101 plastic-gun 1 +111000101 state-sought 1 +111000101 werewolf-movie 1 +111000101 due-dilligence 1 +111000101 sulfa-on-site 1 +111000101 allover 1 +111000101 Hicklen 1 +111000101 mannequin-equipped 1 +111000101 semi-heterodox 1 +111000101 rig-to-reefs 1 +111000101 passenger-sharing 1 +111000101 engine-intake 1 +111000101 223-195 1 +111000101 letters-come-to-life 1 +111000101 strike-contingency 1 +111000101 HBO-Fox 1 +111000101 17-paragraph 1 +111000101 19-paragraph 1 +111000101 21-paragraph 1 +111000101 Trump-Continental 1 +111000101 326-2 1 +111000101 township-wide 1 +111000101 bird-carcass 1 +111000101 Dow-Marion 1 +111000101 farm-goods 1 +111000101 vanilla-white 1 +111000101 maroon-and-caramel 1 +111000101 keep-well 1 +111000101 in-use 1 +111000101 186-page 1 +111000101 bat-shaped 1 +111000101 U.S.-Dutch 1 +111000101 form-follows 1 +111000101 home-strep-throat 1 +111000101 interspousal 1 +111000101 AT&T-Olivetti 1 +111000101 35,982 1 +111000101 recently-announced 1 +111000101 small-missile 1 +111000101 384-1 1 +111000101 5,000-patient 1 +111000101 93-5 1 +111000101 58-second 1 +111000101 Philips-GEC 1 +111000101 self-denying 1 +111000101 110-page 1 +111000101 oceanographic-research 1 +111000101 Morrison-Olson 1 +111000101 securities-and-insurance 1 +111000101 business-cooperation 1 +111000101 Roper-Whirlpool 1 +111000101 700-question 1 +111000101 super-scalar 1 +111000101 248-175 1 +111000101 insurance-type 1 +111000101 gene-rearrangement 1 +111000101 pre-brushing 1 +111000101 Halmi-Roach 1 +111000101 Motorola/AT&T 1 +111000101 Tokyo-Yamanashi 1 +111000101 service-and-supply 1 +111000101 200-group 1 +111000101 sneak-attack 1 +111000101 Peronist/liberal 1 +111000101 structural-impediment 1 +111000101 264-page 1 +111000101 U.S.-ASEAN 1 +111000101 Bayfield 1 +111000101 technical-licensing 1 +111000101 nonVAX 1 +111000101 691-page 1 +111000101 redtailed 1 +111000101 one-centimeter-wide 1 +111000101 Ford-GM 1 +111000101 free-association 1 +111000101 gold-sale 1 +111000101 trade-jingoist 1 +111000101 liability-pool 1 +111000101 Whirlpool/Roper 1 +111000101 fair-practices 1 +111000101 77-page 1 +111000101 domestic-partners 1 +111000101 Trump-Griffin 1 +111000101 Pakistan-Kabul 1 +111000101 28-6 1 +111000101 Moscow-set 1 +111000101 fuel-supply 1 +111000101 shuttle-transfer 1 +111000101 medium-missile 1 +111000101 small/medium 1 +111000101 Chinese-Brazilian 1 +111000101 75-passenger 1 +111000101 baseball-book 1 +111000101 87.5-decibel 1 +111000101 graphite-composite 1 +111000101 moth-killing 1 +111000101 night-game 1 +111000101 cabinet-committee 1 +111000101 solvency-letter 1 +111000101 GOP-sponsored 1 +111000101 Corning-SmithKline 1 +111000101 dose-limited 1 +111000101 NutraSweet-Kraft 1 +111000101 insurance-unit 1 +111000101 gun-turret 1 +111000101 fructifying 1 +111000101 campaign-trail 1 +111000101 solid-rocket-booster 1 +111000101 31-20 1 +111000101 6,710 1 +111000101 six-to-three 1 +111000101 tent-like 1 +111000101 20-question 1 +111000101 35-to-0 1 +111000101 near-completed 1 +111000101 Yamanote 1 +111000101 jewel-trimmed 1 +111000101 leadership-sanctioned 1 +111000101 hearing-officer 1 +111000101 Who-like 1 +111000101 unduplicated 1 +111000101 Dingell-Waxman 1 +111000101 WCRS-Eurocom 1 +111000101 Itel-Henley 1 +111000101 merger-type 1 +111000101 FAA-initiated 1 +111000101 Jacques-Laurent 1 +111000101 53-page 1 +111000101 size-of-motorcade 1 +111000101 cash-infusion 1 +111000101 yet-to-be-ratified 1 +111000101 Northwest-Skinner 1 +111000101 eager-beaver 1 +111000101 finance-minister 1 +111000101 vaccine-efficacy 1 +111000101 rearview 1 +111000101 anti-Wines/Trupin 1 +111000101 Mugabe-Nkomo 1 +111000101 family-ownership 1 +111000101 Arnault-Guinness 1 +111000101 219-206 1 +111000101 short-flight 1 +111000101 extreme-to-severe 1 +111000101 10-patient 1 +111000101 DM850-a-month 1 +111000101 Jackson-Vanick 1 +111000101 Checchi-NWA 1 +111000101 25-company 1 +111000101 50-to-49 1 +111000101 service-contract 1 +111000101 government-union 1 +111000101 financialdisclosure 1 +111000101 propfan-equipped 1 +111000101 259-member 1 +111000101 healthy-diet 1 +111000101 ruble-convertibility 1 +111000101 plant-infecting 1 +111000101 Hungarian-run 1 +111000101 Wagner/Brown 1 +111000101 thrice-monthly 1 +111000101 shirtwaist 1 +111000101 22-second 1 +111000101 257-156 1 +111000101 socialist-centered 1 +111000101 51-minute 1 +111000101 credit-wrenching 1 +111000101 yacht-club 1 +111000101 word-association 1 +111000101 total-dollar 1 +111000101 59-37 1 +111000101 joint-management 1 +111000101 debt-settlement 1 +111000101 status-defining 1 +111000101 total-ban 1 +111000101 cargo-hold 1 +111000101 joint-account 1 +111000101 millionth-second 1 +111000101 flame-red 1 +111000101 veal-heaped 1 +111000101 15-plane 1 +111000101 Franco-Japanese 1 +111000101 quota-increase 1 +111000101 small-shareholder 1 +111000101 two-firm 1 +111000101 software-licensing 1 +111000101 Twenty-fourth 1 +111000101 10-8 1 +111000101 250-page 1 +111000101 bankdebt 1 +111000101 CBS-Turner 1 +111000101 CI-Bolivia 1 +111000101 wage-concessions 1 +111000101 33-page 1 +111000101 Checchi-Skinner 1 +111000101 fish-or-cut-bait 1 +111000101 Mars-1 1 +111000101 beef-citrus 1 +111000101 459-page 1 +111000101 wide-bottomed 1 +111000101 missile-reduction 1 +111000101 Kodak-like 1 +111000101 126,000-acre 1 +111000101 Varity-Fruehauf 1 +111000101 Cypriot-flagged 1 +111000101 Laffer-curve 1 +111000101 halo-like 1 +111000101 50-inch-diagonal 1 +111000101 corn-production 1 +111000101 gene-transplant 1 +111000101 birdie-making 1 +111000101 court-prescribed 2 +111000101 shareholder-sponsored 2 +111000101 yet-to-be-determined 2 +111000101 Soviet-Kiribati 2 +111000101 feeder-line 2 +111000101 mine-countermeasures 2 +111000101 261-162 2 +111000101 sky-writing 2 +111000101 good-neighbor 2 +111000101 intermediate-missile 2 +111000101 combat-support 2 +111000101 prelimary 2 +111000101 5-to-0 2 +111000101 first-of-a-kind 2 +111000101 Sanofi-Robins 2 +111000101 dioxin-contaminated 2 +111000101 haulage 2 +111000101 shared-power 2 +111000101 pro-environmental 2 +111000101 Kodak-Sterling 2 +111000101 garlic-based 2 +111000101 coerced-license 2 +111000101 beaux-arts 2 +111000101 job-loss 2 +111000101 96-2 2 +111000101 co-label 2 +111000101 trademark-infringement 2 +111000101 equal-price 2 +111000101 conspiracy-theory 2 +111000101 fuel-use 2 +111000101 price-output 2 +111000101 court-sanctioned 2 +111000101 pay-as-we-go 2 +111000101 three-in-one 2 +111000101 Hivagen 2 +111000101 noncompetition 2 +111000101 screw-on 2 +111000101 56-mile 2 +111000101 Cerise 2 +111000101 whole-bank 2 +111000101 long-disputed 2 +111000101 tougher-minded 2 +111000101 cross-investment 2 +111000101 commission-splitting 2 +111000101 coal-capability 2 +111000101 10-lane 2 +111000101 strategic-arms-reduction 2 +111000101 GM-Jaguar 2 +111000101 Model-T 2 +111000101 382-29 2 +111000101 nerdish 2 +111000101 burgundy-colored 2 +111000101 BellSouth/LIN 2 +111000101 power-selling 2 +111000101 129-page 2 +111000101 100,000-pound 2 +111000101 153-page 2 +111000101 Jaguar-GM 2 +111000101 74-page 2 +111000101 Sun-AT&T 2 +111000101 strategicarms 2 +111000101 Kongo 2 +111000101 red-herring 2 +111000101 fraud-riddled 2 +111000101 Skandia-Pohjola 2 +111000101 95-4 2 +111000101 126-page 2 +111000101 Korea-gate 2 +111000101 84-11 2 +111000101 Saudi-Texaco 2 +111000101 potato-shaped 2 +111000101 Indiana-Syracuse 2 +111000101 UAL-pilot 2 +111000101 Hutton-Shearson 2 +111000101 block-trade 2 +111000101 Ogaden 2 +111000101 Occidental-Montedison 2 +111000101 443-page 2 +111000101 172-page 2 +111000101 value-investing 2 +111000101 truth-in-negotiations 2 +111000101 lamb-import 2 +111000101 often-murky 2 +111000101 asset-purchase 2 +111000101 79-page 2 +111000101 fairplay 2 +111000101 government-opposition 2 +111000101 long-arranged 2 +111000101 previously-announced 2 +111000101 no-compete 2 +111000101 Chakrabarty 2 +111000101 yet-to-be-published 2 +111000101 target-letter 2 +111000101 private-letter 2 +111000101 tax-sharing 2 +111000101 lock-and-key 2 +111000101 Walsh-Tribe 2 +111000101 CIA-trained 2 +111000101 55-page 2 +111000101 aluminum-export 2 +111000101 freetrade 2 +111000101 cartoonlike 2 +111000101 seven-session 2 +111000101 19-page 2 +111000101 830-page 2 +111000101 blacklight 2 +111000101 Swiss-U.S. 2 +111000101 quarter-century-old 2 +111000101 cash-bonus 2 +111000101 rate-ceiling 2 +111000101 radio-TV 2 +111000101 prebrushing 2 +111000101 131-page 2 +111000101 probabilistic 2 +111000101 price-cost 2 +111000101 intermediate-forces 2 +111000101 U.S-Japan 2 +111000101 reasonable-sounding 2 +111000101 42-page 2 +111000101 61-page 2 +111000101 short-short 2 +111000101 Toshiba-Motorola 2 +111000101 production-cut 2 +111000101 gene-transfer 2 +111000101 Turner-NBC 2 +111000101 nuclear-missiles 2 +111000101 26-page 2 +111000101 intra-aortic 2 +111000101 non-sugar 2 +111000101 batched 2 +111000101 board-appointed 2 +111000101 shoreside 2 +111000101 heat-release 2 +111000101 debt-for-products 2 +111000101 too-perfect 2 +111000101 news-wire 2 +111000101 228-182 2 +111000101 now-exhausted 2 +111000101 libel-suit 2 +111000101 15,000-pound 2 +111000101 media-generated 2 +111000101 bio-equivalence 2 +111000101 1581 2 +111000101 120-minute 2 +111000101 365-page 2 +111000101 bilingual-education 2 +111000101 Belizean 2 +111000101 Sumy 2 +111000101 breathalyzer 2 +111000101 hot-issue 2 +111000101 three-number 2 +111000101 greenside 2 +111000101 302-127 2 +111000101 mutual-assistance 2 +111000101 racial-bias 2 +111000101 milk-quota 3 +111000101 fee-sharing 3 +111000101 stand-still 3 +111000101 short-form 3 +111000101 pre-sale 3 +111000101 LIN-BellSouth 3 +111000101 merit-shop 3 +111000101 defense-policy 3 +111000101 Furman/Shannon 3 +111000101 37-page 3 +111000101 one-house 3 +111000101 90-page 3 +111000101 BellSouth-LIN 3 +111000101 Saudi-backed 3 +111000101 16-inch 3 +111000101 48-45 3 +111000101 stop-work 3 +111000101 joint-operating 3 +111000101 99-page 3 +111000101 91-page 3 +111000101 Methuen 3 +111000101 once-and-for-all 3 +111000101 Boeing-United 3 +111000101 pre-nuptial 3 +111000101 microinjection 3 +111000101 double-witching 3 +111000101 Baker-Shevardnadze 3 +111000101 prudent-purchasing 3 +111000101 data-networking 3 +111000101 apostolic 3 +111000101 nuclear-arms-reduction 3 +111000101 anti-PAC 3 +111000101 road-test 3 +111000101 pre-admission 3 +111000101 41-page 3 +111000101 jailhouse 3 +111000101 plastic-waste 3 +111000101 large-trade 3 +111000101 U.S.-imposed 3 +111000101 bottom-of-the-line 3 +111000101 health-hazard 3 +111000101 57-page 3 +111000101 Rallye 3 +111000101 225-186 3 +111000101 off-off-Broadway 3 +111000101 Iranian-Syrian 3 +111000101 line-of-credit 3 +111000101 disapointing 3 +111000101 multipicture 3 +111000101 75-page 3 +111000101 letters-to-the-editor 3 +111000101 urine-based 3 +111000101 Hitler-Stalin 3 +111000101 Solomon-like 3 +111000101 post-race 3 +111000101 business-driven 3 +111000101 Carter-Mondale 3 +111000101 58-page 3 +111000101 water-conservation 3 +111000101 trading-halt 3 +111000101 non-aggression 3 +111000101 trackage-rights 3 +111000101 376-23 3 +111000101 aflatoxin-producing 3 +111000101 103-page 3 +111000101 narrow-bank 3 +111000101 93-6 3 +111000101 Clover-Mist 3 +111000101 information-exchange 3 +111000101 defense-bill 3 +111000101 tripartite 3 +111000101 methane-gas 3 +111000101 Texaco-Saudi 3 +111000101 no-sell 3 +111000101 first-edition 3 +111000101 35-page 3 +111000101 water-pump 3 +111000101 trade-opening 3 +111000101 market-sharing 4 +111000101 still-classified 4 +111000101 dog-eared 4 +111000101 dual-track 4 +111000101 frankest 4 +111000101 less-controversial 4 +111000101 160-page 4 +111000101 long-promised 4 +111000101 single-union 4 +111000101 often-repeated 4 +111000101 Solomonic 4 +111000101 volume-purchase 4 +111000101 291st 4 +111000101 notarized 4 +111000101 Molotov-Ribbentrop 4 +111000101 call-blocking 4 +111000101 handshaking 4 +111000101 400-page 4 +111000101 72-hole 4 +111000101 Nunn-Byrd 4 +111000101 much-praised 4 +111000101 65-page 4 +111000101 Nkomati 4 +111000101 mid-engine 4 +111000101 non-disclosure 4 +111000101 equal-rights 4 +111000101 U.S.-Israel 4 +111000101 66-34 4 +111000101 price-limit 4 +111000101 Ford-UAW 4 +111000101 best-effort 4 +111000101 150-page 4 +111000101 two-volume 4 +111000101 75-year 4 +111000101 300-page 4 +111000101 provisonal 4 +111000101 107-page 4 +111000101 cash-stock 4 +111000101 trade-retaliation 4 +111000101 45-page 4 +111000101 tenative 4 +111000101 dress-for-success 4 +111000101 astral 4 +111000101 two-word 4 +111000101 Seagram-Martell 4 +111000101 Tolstaya 4 +111000101 dead-of-night 4 +111000101 actual-malice 4 +111000101 leg-injury 5 +111000101 item-reduction 5 +111000101 waste-handling 5 +111000101 Dome-Amoco 5 +111000101 gold-platinum 5 +111000101 9-2 5 +111000101 time-worn 5 +111000101 fence-mending 5 +111000101 substance-by-substance 5 +111000101 government-inspired 5 +111000101 near-unanimous 5 +111000101 drug-test 5 +111000101 noncompete 5 +111000101 29-page 5 +111000101 17-month-old 5 +111000101 parenthetical 5 +111000101 joint-marketing 5 +111000101 multifiber 5 +111000101 70-page 5 +111000101 Okie 5 +111000101 75-14 5 +111000101 Pennzoil-Getty 5 +111000101 aircraft-financing 5 +111000101 little-publicized 5 +111000101 much-disputed 5 +111000101 nondisclosure 5 +111000101 conservative-liberal 5 +111000101 arms-limitation 5 +111000101 first-to-file 5 +111000101 power-purchase 5 +111000101 double-jeopardy 5 +111000101 350-73 5 +111000101 post-fight 5 +111000101 research-regulatory 6 +111000101 47-page 6 +111000101 50-member 6 +111000101 full-membership 6 +111000101 near-universal 6 +111000101 hazard-communication 6 +111000101 13-page 6 +111000101 7-7 6 +111000101 heart-to-heart 6 +111000101 post-debate 6 +111000101 computer-marketing 6 +111000101 U.S.-British 6 +111000101 36-page 6 +111000101 chest-injury 6 +111000101 short-supply 6 +111000101 prenuptial 6 +111000101 100-page 6 +111000101 Anglo-Irish 6 +111000101 semiconductor-trade 6 +111000101 Apple-Microsoft 6 +111000101 ANZUS 6 +111000101 cloture 6 +111000101 U.S.-Swiss 6 +111000101 Davis/Zweig 6 +111000101 black-money 6 +111000101 71-27 6 +111000101 production-price 6 +111000101 25-page 6 +111000101 Kodak-Fuqua 6 +111000101 AT&T/Sun 6 +111000101 unamended 7 +111000101 loss-sharing 7 +111000101 35-mph 7 +111000101 120-day 7 +111000101 21-page 7 +111000101 much-reduced 7 +111000101 zero-option 7 +111000101 baby-bust 7 +111000101 48-page 7 +111000101 school-prayer 7 +111000101 recusal 7 +111000101 three-step 7 +111000101 now-infamous 7 +111000101 22-page 7 +111000101 budget-trimming 7 +111000101 50-page 7 +111000101 history-making 7 +111000101 post-INF 7 +111000101 highway-bill 7 +111000101 12-round 7 +111000101 tax-boost 7 +111000101 item-veto 7 +111000101 pre-convention 7 +111000101 back-channel 8 +111000101 catbird 8 +111000101 buy-sell 8 +111000101 school-desegregation 8 +111000101 year-by-year 8 +111000101 Negev 8 +111000101 SPSF 8 +111000101 one-step 8 +111000101 do-or-die 8 +111000101 anti-LDP 8 +111000101 much-awaited 8 +111000101 state-Lilco 8 +111000101 IBM/Fujitsu 8 +111000101 Lilco-state 8 +111000101 put-and-call 8 +111000101 one-month-old 9 +111000101 high-court 9 +111000101 24-page 9 +111000101 15-page 9 +111000101 2,000-page 9 +111000101 wage-concession 9 +111000101 production-sharing 9 +111000101 OPEC/non-OPEC 9 +111000101 front-row 10 +111000101 17-page 10 +111000101 99-year 10 +111000101 5-2 10 +111000101 test-market 10 +111000101 16-page 10 +111000101 nonaggression 10 +111000101 focus-group 10 +111000101 Eternal 10 +111000101 cross-shareholding 10 +111000101 5-1 10 +111000101 30-page 10 +111000101 court-imposed 10 +111000101 Pavlovian 11 +111000101 grandstand 11 +111000101 pre-hire 11 +111000101 Baker-Miyazawa 11 +111000101 non-competition 11 +111000101 biennial 11 +111000101 martial-law 11 +111000101 eleventh 11 +111000101 technology-transfer 12 +111000101 Rorer-Robins 12 +111000101 10-page 12 +111000101 revenue-neutral 12 +111000101 dollar-stabilization 13 +111000101 7-1 13 +111000101 pattern-setting 13 +111000101 week-old 13 +111000101 pre-summit 13 +111000101 P.A. 13 +111000101 Jackson-Vanik 13 +111000101 plea-bargain 13 +111000101 nine-page 14 +111000101 flip-in 14 +111000101 rear-view 14 +111000101 4-4 14 +111000101 unholy 14 +111000101 due-diligence 15 +111000101 six-page 16 +111000101 voting-rights 16 +111000101 plea-bargaining 16 +111000101 no-confidence 16 +111000101 fair-price 16 +111000101 technology-sharing 16 +111000101 netback 16 +111000101 lock-up 17 +111000101 code-sharing 17 +111000101 take-it-or-leave-it 17 +111000101 debt-rescheduling 17 +111000101 base-cap 17 +111000101 circuit-breaker 18 +111000101 going-private 18 +111000101 two-track 19 +111000101 Sino-British 19 +111000101 long-expected 19 +111000101 cash-and-securities 19 +111000101 5-3 19 +111000101 Macy-Federated 20 +111000101 double-zero 21 +111000101 double-barreled 21 +111000101 month-old 22 +111000101 one-two 22 +111000101 court-approved 22 +111000101 USAir-Piedmont 22 +111000101 cross-licensing 23 +111000101 first-round 23 +111000101 Pac-Man 24 +111000101 6-2 24 +111000101 GNP-based 24 +111000101 supermajority 25 +111000101 production-cutting 25 +111000101 six-nation 25 +111000101 prudency 25 +111000101 Ku 25 +111000101 nonexclusive 26 +111000101 non-compete 26 +111000101 7-2 27 +111000101 federal-court 27 +111000101 triple-witching 28 +111000101 concessionary 29 +111000101 U.N.-sponsored 29 +111000101 trade-bill 30 +111000101 full-power 35 +111000101 9-0 36 +111000101 1,000-page 37 +111000101 precedent-setting 37 +111000101 papal 38 +111000101 currency-stabilization 43 +111000101 fateful 43 +111000101 Texaco-Pennzoil 44 +111000101 nonbinding 45 +111000101 3-2 45 +111000101 collective-bargaining 50 +111000101 strategic-arms 52 +111000101 lockup 56 +111000101 13D 57 +111000101 voluminous 59 +111000101 three-way 59 +111000101 lower-court 64 +111000101 balanced-budget 68 +111000101 5-4 75 +111000101 tacit 75 +111000101 START 78 +111000101 long-delayed 80 +111000101 2-1 86 +111000101 line-item 187 +111000101 poison-pill 194 +111000101 unanimous 252 +111000101 long-awaited 271 +111000101 landmark 280 +111000101 Louvre 281 +111000101 free-trade 295 +111000101 Boland 299 +111000101 ABM 354 +111000101 provisional 370 +111000101 standstill 418 +111000101 INF 429 +111000101 mere 610 +111000101 tentative 763 +111000101 formal 1588 +111000101 definitive 1609 +111000101 preliminary 2339 +111000101 final 4923 +111000101 original 2954 +111000110 rose-covered 1 +111000110 giant-size 1 +111000110 72-seat 1 +111000110 hand-tied 1 +111000110 jeep-like 1 +111000110 piano-like 1 +111000110 baritonal 1 +111000110 survival-products 1 +111000110 soft-core-porn 1 +111000110 bobbing-head 1 +111000110 pasta-machine 1 +111000110 self-park 1 +111000110 Ford-designed 1 +111000110 jangling 1 +111000110 AMA-sponsored 1 +111000110 thousand-pound 1 +111000110 950-foot-long 1 +111000110 theme-and-variations 1 +111000110 3-D-capable 1 +111000110 minivan-style 1 +111000110 ping-pong-playing 1 +111000110 Chevrolet-powered 1 +111000110 sodium-sulphur 1 +111000110 Flo-Jo 1 +111000110 small-scaled 1 +111000110 super-tough 1 +111000110 24-ounce 1 +111000110 kiddy 1 +111000110 Die-Hard 1 +111000110 172-bed 1 +111000110 sealed-in 1 +111000110 Nagoya-based 1 +111000110 Turkish-Lebanese 1 +111000110 supercomputer-based 1 +111000110 Lebanese-Turkish 1 +111000110 radiant-heat 1 +111000110 chlorine-carrying 1 +111000110 gravure 1 +111000110 svelter 1 +111000110 non-marketing 1 +111000110 16,000-square-foot 1 +111000110 9370/20 1 +111000110 parade-float 1 +111000110 drum-shaped 1 +111000110 thousand-mile 1 +111000110 multi-screen 1 +111000110 742-acre 1 +111000110 4,000-pound 1 +111000110 10-screen 1 +111000110 kindergarten-level 1 +111000110 cagelike 1 +111000110 108-volt 1 +111000110 dissolvable 1 +111000110 chocolate-pecan 1 +111000110 by-appointment-only 1 +111000110 wallet-thin 1 +111000110 country-English 1 +111000110 Revlon-distributed 1 +111000110 muscle-relaxing 1 +111000110 257-177 1 +111000110 between-events 1 +111000110 50-mm 1 +111000110 half-million-tree 1 +111000110 Sunfish 1 +111000110 hydrogen-powered 1 +111000110 stick-type 1 +111000110 distinctive-tasting 1 +111000110 charcoal-filter 1 +111000110 combine-producing 1 +111000110 112-mile 1 +111000110 4-millimeter 1 +111000110 Freon-cooled 1 +111000110 gas-soaked 1 +111000110 British-developed 1 +111000110 fetch-and-carry 1 +111000110 topical-application 1 +111000110 Broadway-style 1 +111000110 three-bay 1 +111000110 race-ready 1 +111000110 gallstone-dissolving 1 +111000110 driving-school 1 +111000110 Fiat-body 1 +111000110 teeth-jarring 1 +111000110 video-tube 1 +111000110 76,000-ton 1 +111000110 doggie-bag 1 +111000110 robot-mounted 1 +111000110 frontwheel-drive 1 +111000110 3/8-inch-thick 1 +111000110 sandhill 1 +111000110 teach-yourself 1 +111000110 full-fashioned 1 +111000110 radar-directed 1 +111000110 220-bed 1 +111000110 Soviet-Korean 1 +111000110 fur-production 1 +111000110 223-page 1 +111000110 laser-carrying 1 +111000110 Hemdale-backed 1 +111000110 gas-saving 1 +111000110 rum-flavored 1 +111000110 psyllium-fortified 1 +111000110 Druse-held 1 +111000110 Olympic-theme 1 +111000110 Hewlett-Apollo 1 +111000110 homemade-style 1 +111000110 non-ecumenical 1 +111000110 Houk-Creamer 1 +111000110 6.07-carat 1 +111000110 16-carat 1 +111000110 exotic-plants 1 +111000110 baby-shoe 1 +111000110 3,874,000 1 +111000110 dumpster-size 1 +111000110 home-movie 1 +111000110 once-rare 1 +111000110 still-taboo 1 +111000110 polymide 1 +111000110 blood-thinning 1 +111000110 semipermanent 1 +111000110 650-mile 1 +111000110 municipal-waste 1 +111000110 snow-crystal 1 +111000110 middle-of-the-street 1 +111000110 radiation-detecting 1 +111000110 550-cc 1 +111000110 patrol-type 1 +111000110 care-and-feeding-of-the-animals 1 +111000110 calcium-supplemented 1 +111000110 27-yearold 1 +111000110 one-car 1 +111000110 play-oriented 1 +111000110 robot-library 2 +111000110 gramophone 2 +111000110 dirt-covered 2 +111000110 debt-crisis 2 +111000110 quality-controlled 2 +111000110 1978-83 2 +111000110 now-expired 2 +111000110 market-risk 2 +111000110 PEG-modified 2 +111000110 now-beloved 2 +111000110 FiberWorld 2 +111000110 Kilngas 2 +111000110 Trovac 2 +111000110 wristwatch-sized 2 +111000110 Soviet-armed 2 +111000110 Dutch-owned 2 +111000110 plastic-based 2 +111000110 16-story 2 +111000110 500,000-gallon 2 +111000110 five-floor 2 +111000110 less-sympathetic 2 +111000110 soon-to-open 2 +111000110 travel-rebates 2 +111000110 misting 2 +111000110 26-carat 2 +111000110 computer-magazine 2 +111000110 glass-facade 2 +111000110 beginning-level 2 +111000110 sharp-toothed 2 +111000110 distinguished-professor 2 +111000110 university-sponsored 2 +111000110 portrait-photography 2 +111000110 sports-labor 2 +111000110 technetium-tagged 2 +111000110 zippier 2 +111000110 just-opened 2 +111000110 limited-production 2 +111000110 35-pound 2 +111000110 17-pound 2 +111000110 three-course 2 +111000110 1,200-ton-a-day 2 +111000110 cargo-ship 2 +111000110 ultra-high-end 2 +111000110 suboptimal 2 +111000110 less-prestigious 2 +111000110 stadium-sized 2 +111000110 Reconstruction-era 2 +111000110 large-format 2 +111000110 retail-sale 2 +111000110 23-unit 2 +111000110 No-Squint 2 +111000110 still-new 2 +111000110 hymn-like 2 +111000110 high-strain 2 +111000110 3,000-ton 2 +111000110 twomonth 2 +111000110 county-by-county 2 +111000110 younger-generation 2 +111000110 twangy 2 +111000110 StreamLine 2 +111000110 two-bill 2 +111000110 less-than-major 2 +111000110 non-chicken 2 +111000110 pollution-prevention 2 +111000110 96-acre 2 +111000110 desk-sized 2 +111000110 media-backed 2 +111000110 pan-national 2 +111000110 homeless-assistance 2 +111000110 soon-to-be-formed 2 +111000110 female-to-male 2 +111000110 spackling 2 +111000110 270-page 2 +111000110 Micronic 2 +111000110 closed-shop 2 +111000110 ozone-safe 2 +111000110 20-volume 2 +111000110 cash-budget 2 +111000110 Knoxville-based 2 +111000110 filled-in 2 +111000110 19th-floor 2 +111000110 British-listed 2 +111000110 time-wasting 2 +111000110 instant-movie 2 +111000110 item-by-item 2 +111000110 three-building 2 +111000110 TV-dinner 2 +111000110 186-mile-wide 2 +111000110 13F 2 +111000110 community-minded 2 +111000110 postage-meter 2 +111000110 twopronged 2 +111000110 50-stock 3 +111000110 guaranteed-loan 3 +111000110 higher-price 3 +111000110 campaign-contribution 3 +111000110 Byronic 3 +111000110 dispute-resolution 3 +111000110 48-inch 3 +111000110 book-filled 3 +111000110 once-lackluster 3 +111000110 MD-60 3 +111000110 special-occasion 3 +111000110 Washington-Boston 3 +111000110 950-foot 3 +111000110 late-blooming 3 +111000110 150,000-square-foot 3 +111000110 bicameral 3 +111000110 LaserJet 3 +111000110 Japanese-controlled 3 +111000110 six-car 3 +111000110 dark-colored 3 +111000110 thumbs-up 3 +111000110 more-rigid 3 +111000110 phosphorous 3 +111000110 weapons-development 3 +111000110 dual-processor 3 +111000110 yellow-and-black 3 +111000110 bomb-disposal 3 +111000110 Norwegian-owned 3 +111000110 100-mile-long 3 +111000110 200-employee 3 +111000110 misengraved 3 +111000110 picture-postcard 3 +111000110 less-favored 3 +111000110 Toyota-designed 3 +111000110 lotta 3 +111000110 once-dull 3 +111000110 bismuth-containing 3 +111000110 Republican-dominated 3 +111000110 one-volume 3 +111000110 longer-acting 3 +111000110 Fujitsu-affiliated 3 +111000110 wrap-fee 3 +111000110 ever-escalating 3 +111000110 mortgage-gathering 3 +111000110 spanking-new 3 +111000110 20-employee 3 +111000110 Georgian-style 3 +111000110 30-seat 3 +111000110 pharaonic 3 +111000110 better-qualified 3 +111000110 125-mile 3 +111000110 spring-loaded 3 +111000110 extended-service 3 +111000110 Waxman-Berman 3 +111000110 laboratory-made 3 +111000110 zero-growth 3 +111000110 top-20 3 +111000110 much-quoted 4 +111000110 160-foot 4 +111000110 five-door 4 +111000110 food-storage 4 +111000110 informed-consent 4 +111000110 normal-sized 4 +111000110 wallet-sized 4 +111000110 multistage 4 +111000110 top-dollar 4 +111000110 light-density 4 +111000110 government-authorized 4 +111000110 Dino-Riders 4 +111000110 rate-lock 4 +111000110 10-story 4 +111000110 reduced-price 4 +111000110 15,000-square-foot 4 +111000110 hot-rod 4 +111000110 heart-lung 4 +111000110 four-digit 4 +111000110 22-hour 4 +111000110 1980-1981 4 +111000110 world-scale 4 +111000110 fiesty 4 +111000110 highest-profile 4 +111000110 nuclear-submarine 4 +111000110 fast-developing 4 +111000110 carriage-trade 4 +111000110 six-foot-long 4 +111000110 truck-mounted 4 +111000110 long-vacant 4 +111000110 silk-stocking 4 +111000110 yellowed 4 +111000110 one-million-square-foot 4 +111000110 1976-82 4 +111000110 trade-oriented 4 +111000110 sealed-envelope 4 +111000110 once-hot 5 +111000110 transportation-related 5 +111000110 top-earning 5 +111000110 turbo-charged 5 +111000110 dental-care 5 +111000110 plaque-fighting 5 +111000110 non-paying 5 +111000110 300-year-old 5 +111000110 glassed-in 5 +111000110 pre-fabricated 5 +111000110 Teflon-coated 5 +111000110 seven-room 5 +111000110 500,000-square-foot 5 +111000110 campus-like 5 +111000110 super-luxury 5 +111000110 modernistic 5 +111000110 loophole-ridden 5 +111000110 trimmed-down 5 +111000110 500-page 5 +111000110 more-general 5 +111000110 three-room 6 +111000110 14-foot 6 +111000110 plug-in 6 +111000110 one-act 6 +111000110 big-dollar 6 +111000110 publicly-traded 6 +111000110 200-seat 6 +111000110 conical 6 +111000110 PS/2-compatible 6 +111000110 three-tier 6 +111000110 self-declared 6 +111000110 Liechtenstein-based 6 +111000110 higher-profile 6 +111000110 black-led 6 +111000110 new-plant 6 +111000110 Malaysian-built 6 +111000110 equity-sharing 6 +111000110 bank-financed 6 +111000110 45-story 6 +111000110 still-growing 6 +111000110 single-processor 7 +111000110 wedge-shaped 7 +111000110 well-appointed 7 +111000110 more-limited 7 +111000110 200-acre 7 +111000110 rear-drive 7 +111000110 high-commission 7 +111000110 hair-thin 7 +111000110 2,000-member 7 +111000110 blown-up 7 +111000110 punitive-damage 7 +111000110 12-acre 7 +111000110 Beechcraft 7 +111000110 government-chartered 8 +111000110 three-foot 8 +111000110 25-foot 8 +111000110 once-thriving 8 +111000110 400-member 8 +111000110 stock-transfer 8 +111000110 middle-range 8 +111000110 Liberian-registered 8 +111000110 well-diversified 8 +111000110 commercial-property 8 +111000110 top-grossing 8 +111000110 low-pay 8 +111000110 1,000-mile 8 +111000110 10-second 8 +111000110 multistory 8 +111000110 much-discussed 9 +111000110 House-approved 9 +111000110 50-story 9 +111000110 post-merger 9 +111000110 chief-executive 10 +111000110 Delaware-based 10 +111000110 five-story 10 +111000110 14-inch 10 +111000110 drilling-rig 10 +111000110 carrot-and-stick 10 +111000110 U.S.-financed 10 +111000110 European-made 10 +111000110 holographic 10 +111000110 more-restrictive 10 +111000110 stock-quote 10 +111000110 one-acre 10 +111000110 fat-cat 11 +111000110 fortress-like 11 +111000110 freestanding 11 +111000110 long-planned 12 +111000110 more-advanced 12 +111000110 less-costly 12 +111000110 100-seat 13 +111000110 money-saving 13 +111000110 supercharged 13 +111000110 less-restrictive 13 +111000110 wholly-owned 13 +111000110 two-class 13 +111000110 high-octane 14 +111000110 four-person 14 +111000110 new-generation 14 +111000110 gallstone 14 +111000110 super-secret 14 +111000110 3.5-inch 14 +111000110 less-powerful 14 +111000110 bestselling 15 +111000110 two-inch 15 +111000110 government-mandated 15 +111000110 lakeside 16 +111000110 non-competitive 16 +111000110 Japanese-built 16 +111000110 slimmed-down 16 +111000110 hottest-selling 16 +111000110 large-capital 16 +111000110 three-pronged 17 +111000110 ragtag 17 +111000110 revenue-producing 17 +111000110 gene-spliced 18 +111000110 newfangled 18 +111000110 special-purpose 18 +111000110 follow-on 18 +111000110 circuitous 19 +111000110 crystalline 19 +111000110 time-tested 20 +111000110 multimedia 21 +111000110 Soviet-built 21 +111000110 four-color 21 +111000110 kiddie 21 +111000110 three-party 21 +111000110 higher-paying 24 +111000110 more-powerful 24 +111000110 life-size 24 +111000110 price-cap 25 +111000110 two-seat 25 +111000110 souped-up 25 +111000110 big-budget 25 +111000110 10-mile 26 +111000110 book-entry 26 +111000110 back-up 26 +111000110 snazzy 27 +111000110 tax-deferral 28 +111000110 next-generation 31 +111000110 stripped-down 31 +111000110 no-frills 37 +111000110 top-secret 39 +111000110 turn-of-the-century 39 +111000110 full-length 41 +111000110 brand-new 42 +111000110 loss-making 46 +111000110 second-generation 46 +111000110 top-selling 51 +111000110 free-standing 51 +111000110 makeshift 53 +111000110 low-budget 56 +111000110 hot-selling 56 +111000110 scaled-down 59 +111000110 multiyear 61 +111000110 two-door 71 +111000110 stand-alone 82 +111000110 top-of-the-line 102 +111000110 four-door 104 +111000110 year-old 109 +111000110 five-year-old 119 +111000110 high-powered 134 +111000110 fixed-price 140 +111000110 state-of-the-art 195 +111000110 sprawling 215 +111000110 best-selling 238 +111000110 fledgling 267 +111000110 new 64683 +111000110 newer 280 +11100011100 legal-fee 1 +11100011100 552,716 1 +11100011100 real-orld 1 +11100011100 reform-proof 1 +11100011100 post-1940 1 +11100011100 sure-win 1 +11100011100 Huntsville-area 1 +11100011100 soon-to-be-dispatched 1 +11100011100 vocalist/guitarist/keyboard 1 +11100011100 foreign-credit 1 +11100011100 socialist-atheist 1 +11100011100 Wishy-Washy 1 +11100011100 swaps-desk 1 +11100011100 doctor-lawyer 1 +11100011100 Mars-happy 1 +11100011100 post-adolescent 1 +11100011100 top-salaried 1 +11100011100 tennis-camp 1 +11100011100 Tigua 1 +11100011100 6-inch 1 +11100011100 J-10/J-20 1 +11100011100 59,400 1 +11100011100 121,450 1 +11100011100 law-department 1 +11100011100 valuable-player 1 +11100011100 ex-guitar 1 +11100011100 extended-cab 1 +11100011100 now-or-never 1 +11100011100 nonimportant 1 +11100011100 C20 1 +11100011100 Abyssinian 1 +11100011100 individual-event 1 +11100011100 great-powers 1 +11100011100 Greens-Social 1 +11100011100 simlarly 1 +11100011100 once-forbidden 1 +11100011100 labor/management 1 +11100011100 cat-loving 1 +11100011100 1,000-ruble 1 +11100011100 100-ruble 1 +11100011100 32,460 1 +11100011100 Mom-and-apple-pie 1 +11100011100 estate-dotted 1 +11100011100 5,000-square-foot 1 +11100011100 big-shot 1 +11100011100 U.S.-Danish 1 +11100011100 more-critical 1 +11100011100 22-yearold 1 +11100011100 grain-wagon 1 +11100011100 bond-call 1 +11100011100 flag-carrying 1 +11100011100 five-speed-manual-transmission 1 +11100011100 heraldic 1 +11100011100 silver-spoon 1 +11100011100 red-neck 1 +11100011100 swap-driven 1 +11100011100 short-tie 1 +11100011100 intelligence-agency 1 +11100011100 food-anxiety 1 +11100011100 1742 1 +11100011100 1,445 1 +11100011100 ore-handling 1 +11100011100 high-knowledge 1 +11100011100 Weickerian 1 +11100011100 Europeanwide 2 +11100011100 CUNY 2 +11100011100 near-ideal 2 +11100011100 sports-minded 2 +11100011100 electro-weak 2 +11100011100 confederate 2 +11100011100 nondemocratic 2 +11100011100 more-reliable 2 +11100011100 leering 2 +11100011100 comeback-of-the-year 2 +11100011100 gussied-up 2 +11100011100 page-long 2 +11100011100 plant-filled 2 +11100011100 proxy-voting 2 +11100011100 Godlike 2 +11100011100 Los-Angeles-based 2 +11100011100 Jungian 2 +11100011100 long-protected 2 +11100011100 perfervid 2 +11100011100 well-played 2 +11100011100 most-popular 2 +11100011100 scandal-tarred 2 +11100011100 Lincolnesque 2 +11100011100 110-meter 2 +11100011100 Disciple 2 +11100011100 long-accepted 2 +11100011100 building-maintenance 2 +11100011100 paperlike 2 +11100011100 non-confrontational 2 +11100011100 rent-paying 2 +11100011100 lopsidedly 2 +11100011100 low-brow 2 +11100011100 backseat 2 +11100011100 major-college 2 +11100011100 anti-Socialist 2 +11100011100 2,500-man 2 +11100011100 often-used 2 +11100011100 much-lauded 3 +11100011100 2,622 3 +11100011100 sagacious 3 +11100011100 trendsetting 3 +11100011100 one-industry 3 +11100011100 semiofficial 3 +11100011100 closed-ended 3 +11100011100 risk-shy 3 +11100011100 animating 3 +11100011100 capital-weighted 3 +11100011100 less-well-known 3 +11100011100 gummed 3 +11100011100 hot-button 3 +11100011100 much-envied 3 +11100011100 post-doctoral 3 +11100011100 headline-making 3 +11100011100 PAC-financed 3 +11100011100 wave-of-the-future 3 +11100011100 pistol-packing 3 +11100011100 Paralyzed 3 +11100011100 seven-person 3 +11100011100 1972-74 3 +11100011100 triable 3 +11100011100 vertiginous 3 +11100011100 102-year-old 3 +11100011100 Hydra-matic 3 +11100011100 teleport 3 +11100011100 pace-setting 3 +11100011100 many-faceted 3 +11100011100 Tequita 3 +11100011100 meditative 4 +11100011100 300-member 4 +11100011100 group-home 4 +11100011100 often-overlooked 4 +11100011100 anti-European 4 +11100011100 1,307 4 +11100011100 fashion-show 4 +11100011100 U.S.-funded 4 +11100011100 unwrapping 4 +11100011100 most-admired 4 +11100011100 well-schooled 4 +11100011100 jury-rigged 4 +11100011100 GCP 4 +11100011100 Helsinki-based 4 +11100011100 better-managed 4 +11100011100 B-17 4 +11100011100 1,039 4 +11100011100 three-ship 4 +11100011100 Grammy-winning 4 +11100011100 9-inch 4 +11100011100 renascent 4 +11100011100 colonialist 4 +11100011100 350-member 5 +11100011100 ticket-splitting 5 +11100011100 quondam 5 +11100011100 strife-torn 5 +11100011100 recondite 5 +11100011100 God-fearing 5 +11100011100 cloistered 5 +11100011100 Shinjuku 5 +11100011100 sun-baked 5 +11100011100 semi-autonomous 5 +11100011100 giant-sized 5 +11100011100 profit-seeking 6 +11100011100 non-computer 6 +11100011100 anti-market 6 +11100011100 Western-oriented 6 +11100011100 5th 6 +11100011100 luckless 7 +11100011100 once-promising 7 +11100011100 once-powerful 7 +11100011100 gut-level 7 +11100011100 gentrifying 7 +11100011100 Soviet-controlled 7 +11100011100 once-dominant 8 +11100011100 creaking 8 +11100011100 U.S.-trained 8 +11100011100 no-new-taxes 8 +11100011100 frosted 8 +11100011100 32-year 8 +11100011100 fibrous 8 +11100011100 tangential 8 +11100011100 swanky 8 +11100011100 fast-growth 9 +11100011100 quarrelsome 9 +11100011100 Soviet-dominated 9 +11100011100 first-term 9 +11100011100 resource-rich 10 +11100011100 somnolent 10 +11100011100 globe-trotting 11 +11100011100 well-entrenched 11 +11100011100 boom-and-bust 13 +11100011100 pulsing 14 +11100011100 Polish-born 14 +11100011100 rock-solid 14 +11100011100 quintessentially 15 +11100011100 balky 15 +11100011100 similar-sized 16 +11100011100 pre-AIDS 17 +11100011100 deranged 18 +11100011100 obliging 19 +11100011100 mediating 20 +11100011100 non-family 20 +11100011100 galvanizing 20 +11100011100 ritzy 20 +11100011100 scandal-ridden 20 +11100011100 tradition-bound 22 +11100011100 flickering 23 +11100011100 naturalized 23 +11100011100 card-carrying 24 +11100011100 Depression-era 26 +11100011100 dismaying 26 +11100011100 long-established 29 +11100011100 well-placed 31 +11100011100 self-appointed 32 +11100011100 century-old 32 +11100011100 strapping 33 +11100011100 U.S.-flagged 34 +11100011100 preeminent 35 +11100011100 top-performing 36 +11100011100 standout 37 +11100011100 better-known 40 +11100011100 glittering 47 +11100011100 predominant 49 +11100011100 unifying 49 +11100011100 motivating 49 +11100011100 smashing 50 +11100011100 self-proclaimed 53 +11100011100 coincident 55 +11100011100 pre-eminent 58 +11100011100 shadowy 59 +11100011100 highflying 63 +11100011100 bustling 65 +11100011100 staid 85 +11100011100 high-flying 89 +11100011100 cash-rich 91 +11100011100 reputed 92 +11100011100 staunch 131 +11100011100 guiding 132 +11100011100 little-known 136 +11100011100 foremost 143 +11100011100 venerable 148 +11100011100 commanding 149 +11100011100 purported 158 +11100011100 hard-line 183 +11100011100 pivotal 202 +11100011100 seasoned 244 +11100011100 distinguished 247 +11100011100 prestigious 347 +11100011100 fast-growing 402 +11100011100 ranking 494 +11100011100 visiting 514 +11100011100 well-known 596 +11100011100 dominant 705 +11100011100 striking 820 +11100011100 diversified 861 +11100011100 prominent 1222 +11100011100 key 3536 +11100011100 leading 4999 +11100011101 raunchier 1 +11100011101 180-page 1 +11100011101 not-so-British 1 +11100011101 rational-expectation 1 +11100011101 project-connected 1 +11100011101 rock-blues 1 +11100011101 more-accountable 1 +11100011101 trader-and 1 +11100011101 frilled 1 +11100011101 most-conservative 1 +11100011101 laser-making 1 +11100011101 Italian-built 1 +11100011101 seven-seater 1 +11100011101 950-million-strong 1 +11100011101 often-praised 1 +11100011101 airport-group 1 +11100011101 engine-department 1 +11100011101 stock-index-options 1 +11100011101 Marietta-Oerlikon 1 +11100011101 stock-market-related 1 +11100011101 environment-enforcement 1 +11100011101 12-cents-a-share 1 +11100011101 pre-takeoff 1 +11100011101 blood-flow 1 +11100011101 baronial 1 +11100011101 bebopping 1 +11100011101 then-Wedtech 1 +11100011101 two-bar 1 +11100011101 MISSIONARY 1 +11100011101 upperlevel 1 +11100011101 20-odd-inch 1 +11100011101 now-obsolete 1 +11100011101 long-nosed 1 +11100011101 Chongqingian 1 +11100011101 ruling. 1 +11100011101 divi-divi 1 +11100011101 flashbulb-popping 1 +11100011101 Tranby 1 +11100011101 type-A 1 +11100011101 107th 1 +11100011101 59-pound 1 +11100011101 foreign-fund 1 +11100011101 Buffalino 1 +11100011101 Aerohead 1 +11100011101 beat-patrol 1 +11100011101 now-empty 1 +11100011101 high-note-studded 1 +11100011101 ex-GAP 1 +11100011101 Japanese-yen-futures 1 +11100011101 lightfilled 1 +11100011101 VCR-2 1 +11100011101 tortured-genius 1 +11100011101 RCA/Blue 1 +11100011101 boston-based 1 +11100011101 adult-white-male 1 +11100011101 racket-busting 1 +11100011101 3,205 1 +11100011101 Shampaine 1 +11100011101 easy-to-define 1 +11100011101 dump-truck 1 +11100011101 28-gauge 1 +11100011101 6,872 1 +11100011101 Reagan-type 1 +11100011101 music-world 1 +11100011101 Parker/Savoy 1 +11100011101 riderless 1 +11100011101 Milk-Bone 1 +11100011101 2.58-fold 1 +11100011101 51-million-and-growing 1 +11100011101 often-fatiguing 1 +11100011101 70,000-man 1 +11100011101 pollution/waste 1 +11100011101 retirement-oriented 1 +11100011101 three-province 1 +11100011101 Unter 1 +11100011101 now-ruined 1 +11100011101 seven-bedroom 1 +11100011101 no-nothing 1 +11100011101 fleet-fingered 1 +11100011101 6.4-ounce 1 +11100011101 5,000-foot-high 1 +11100011101 flaxen 1 +11100011101 tamped 1 +11100011101 pre-Graham 1 +11100011101 superhot 1 +11100011101 nonelected 1 +11100011101 pre-Heifetz 1 +11100011101 carb 1 +11100011101 brokerage-linked 1 +11100011101 coal-black 1 +11100011101 U.S.-Taiwan-China 1 +11100011101 innercircle 1 +11100011101 rubble-strewn 1 +11100011101 commercial-size 1 +11100011101 above-age-11 1 +11100011101 adminisitration 1 +11100011101 AnheuserBusch 1 +11100011101 unworked 1 +11100011101 nonmedical 1 +11100011101 alabasterlike 1 +11100011101 ex-Mellon 1 +11100011101 cagiest 1 +11100011101 bacteria-deposited 1 +11100011101 baize-covered 1 +11100011101 unremorseful 1 +11100011101 two-last-name 1 +11100011101 stuffed-up 1 +11100011101 trash-littered 1 +11100011101 departure-lounge 1 +11100011101 observation-deck 1 +11100011101 turf-grass 1 +11100011101 Wilton-Westport-Norwalk 1 +11100011101 navally 1 +11100011101 champagne-process 1 +11100011101 soft-on-national-security 1 +11100011101 top-echelon 1 +11100011101 wading-bird 1 +11100011101 caller-type 1 +11100011101 near-depleted 1 +11100011101 restaurant-size 1 +11100011101 411-page 1 +11100011101 trade-unionist 1 +11100011101 Bukitinggi 1 +11100011101 grouolding 1 +11100011101 bacon-scented 1 +11100011101 mahua 1 +11100011101 entranceway 1 +11100011101 best-remunerated 1 +11100011101 Rheatian 1 +11100011101 Heyman-led 1 +11100011101 ex-company 1 +11100011101 business-loving 1 +11100011101 contralto 1 +11100011101 laque 1 +11100011101 safflower-oil 1 +11100011101 Lucasian 1 +11100011101 video/image 1 +11100011101 76th-place 1 +11100011101 fuel-filler 1 +11100011101 jazz/pop 1 +11100011101 GE/Schwab 1 +11100011101 BVIslander 1 +11100011101 shop-room 1 +11100011101 still-scorched 1 +11100011101 sport-sedan 1 +11100011101 King-shirt 1 +11100011101 fourth-worst 1 +11100011101 Triestine 1 +11100011101 aircraft-division 1 +11100011101 ravening 1 +11100011101 prize-announcement 1 +11100011101 exculpate 1 +11100011101 300-contract 1 +11100011101 cyborg 1 +11100011101 programme 1 +11100011101 2.6-ton 1 +11100011101 nasties 1 +11100011101 under-age-18 1 +11100011101 droopy-lidded 1 +11100011101 long-deceased 1 +11100011101 10-rated 1 +11100011101 48,000-rand 1 +11100011101 restaurant-group 1 +11100011101 closing-night 1 +11100011101 Dongpu 1 +11100011101 historical-society 1 +11100011101 Olympics-fueled 1 +11100011101 81-mile 1 +11100011101 pink-pajama-clad 1 +11100011101 metals-futures 1 +11100011101 1522 1 +11100011101 talent-rich 1 +11100011101 Atlantic-coast 1 +11100011101 tip-tilted 1 +11100011101 vaccinia-AIDS 1 +11100011101 series-development 1 +11100011101 experimental-theater 1 +11100011101 four-hour-long 1 +11100011101 fifty-first 1 +11100011101 5,166 1 +11100011101 Padauk 1 +11100011101 900-pound 1 +11100011101 often-unsuspecting 1 +11100011101 highest-charting 1 +11100011101 sometimes-crippling 1 +11100011101 basketball-playing 1 +11100011101 well-stock-optioned 1 +11100011101 money-strapped 1 +11100011101 big-hearted 1 +11100011101 vendor/supplier 1 +11100011101 25,000-strong 1 +11100011101 once-profitable 1 +11100011101 juniormost 1 +11100011101 yen-trading 1 +11100011101 Mormon-based 1 +11100011101 Iraq-backed 1 +11100011101 Epogen 1 +11100011101 145-year 1 +11100011101 government-initiated 1 +11100011101 55-second 1 +11100011101 lace-and-net 1 +11100011101 advanced-tactical-aircraft 1 +11100011101 blood-splashed 1 +11100011101 barrelhouse 1 +11100011101 Kaiparowits 1 +11100011101 giant-company 1 +11100011101 Todesco 1 +11100011101 decentralist 1 +11100011101 unfenced 1 +11100011101 explosives-company 1 +11100011101 foulest 1 +11100011101 air-command 1 +11100011101 Loss-Ridden 1 +11100011101 ex-regulatory 1 +11100011101 vagrant 2 +11100011101 small-bank 2 +11100011101 debt-bloated 2 +11100011101 best-connected 2 +11100011101 toy-animal 2 +11100011101 Pedigree 2 +11100011101 Canadian-fisheries 2 +11100011101 six-to 2 +11100011101 square-toed 2 +11100011101 HUGE 2 +11100011101 gold-embossed 2 +11100011101 10,900 2 +11100011101 asset/liability 2 +11100011101 88th 2 +11100011101 sevenmember 2 +11100011101 hutch 2 +11100011101 three-billionth 2 +11100011101 4,000-seat 2 +11100011101 500-seat 2 +11100011101 horsedrawn 2 +11100011101 non-commissioned 2 +11100011101 hoodwinking 2 +11100011101 Propositions 2 +11100011101 above-named 2 +11100011101 Interleukin-1 2 +11100011101 moderate-growth 2 +11100011101 rolltop 2 +11100011101 skilled-craft 2 +11100011101 noninvestment 2 +11100011101 good-paying 2 +11100011101 African-based 2 +11100011101 roll-top 2 +11100011101 post-government 2 +11100011101 spy-satellite 2 +11100011101 nasty-looking 2 +11100011101 non-portable 2 +11100011101 Taliesin 2 +11100011101 long-speculated 2 +11100011101 flash-in-the-pan 2 +11100011101 tread-wear 2 +11100011101 leftist-oriented 2 +11100011101 64th 2 +11100011101 9-Lives 2 +11100011101 3T 2 +11100011101 elephant-like 2 +11100011101 mint-flavored 2 +11100011101 transgressors 2 +11100011101 piano-playing 2 +11100011101 84th 2 +11100011101 53-foot 2 +11100011101 12-gauge 2 +11100011101 Identikit 2 +11100011101 government-hired 2 +11100011101 game-high 2 +11100011101 most-desired 2 +11100011101 112-foot 2 +11100011101 sales-support 2 +11100011101 T-bone 3 +11100011101 yammering 3 +11100011101 year-around 3 +11100011101 36-year 3 +11100011101 500-ton 3 +11100011101 lowest-paying 3 +11100011101 overweening 3 +11100011101 non-physician 3 +11100011101 chrome-plated 3 +11100011101 cutting-room 3 +11100011101 noncommissioned 3 +11100011101 mile-a-minute 3 +11100011101 gate-side 3 +11100011101 eligible-age 3 +11100011101 49-state 3 +11100011101 top-caliber 3 +11100011101 fourth-place 3 +11100011101 post-withdrawal 3 +11100011101 13-month-old 3 +11100011101 since-departed 3 +11100011101 superpowerful 3 +11100011101 pre-flight 3 +11100011101 artist. 3 +11100011101 SU-25 3 +11100011101 beer-guzzling 3 +11100011101 bouffant 3 +11100011101 90-foot 4 +11100011101 second-level 4 +11100011101 on-the-air 4 +11100011101 AIDS-drug 4 +11100011101 top-paid 4 +11100011101 Japanese-yen 4 +11100011101 high-living 4 +11100011101 breeding-herd 4 +11100011101 once-successful 4 +11100011101 14-month-old 4 +11100011101 playroom 4 +11100011101 dippy 5 +11100011101 middle-ranking 5 +11100011101 Bonanno 5 +11100011101 highest-paying 5 +11100011101 45-foot 5 +11100011101 Reagan-administration 5 +11100011101 cable-industry 6 +11100011101 double-bogey 6 +11100011101 best-paid 6 +11100011101 61st 6 +11100011101 No.2 6 +11100011101 quasi-official 6 +11100011101 Willits 6 +11100011101 Rosetta 6 +11100011101 .38-caliber 6 +11100011101 ablest 6 +11100011101 health-cost 7 +11100011101 C-D 7 +11100011101 more-senior 7 +11100011101 trade-association 8 +11100011101 sixth-place 8 +11100011101 48th 9 +11100011101 par-three 9 +11100011101 NIMH 9 +11100011101 block-trading 11 +11100011101 1,000-member 11 +11100011101 higher-ranking 13 +11100011101 international-energy 13 +11100011101 non-investment 14 +11100011101 high-paid 14 +11100011101 participative 15 +11100011101 higher-level 16 +11100011101 lower-ranking 25 +11100011101 first-place 26 +11100011101 senior-level 27 +11100011101 lynch 29 +11100011101 middle-level 31 +11100011101 staunchest 31 +11100011101 second-ranking 34 +11100011101 third-place 38 +11100011101 highest-paid 50 +11100011101 second-place 50 +11100011101 highest-ranking 58 +11100011101 top 9826 +11100011101 top-level 94 +11100011110 nonconsumer 1 +11100011110 longer-oiled 1 +11100011110 commercial-telecommunication 1 +11100011110 film-services 1 +11100011110 specialtychemical 1 +11100011110 graphic-arts-materials 1 +11100011110 personal-computers 1 +11100011110 retail-building 1 +11100011110 cumbrous 1 +11100011110 best-intentioned 1 +11100011110 59-month 1 +11100011110 foil-container 1 +11100011110 power-packed 1 +11100011110 looking-for-parts 1 +11100011110 bait-wholesaling 1 +11100011110 still-thriving 1 +11100011110 food-advertising 1 +11100011110 vinyl-siding 1 +11100011110 fuller-priced 1 +11100011110 stamping-press 1 +11100011110 vaccine-testing 1 +11100011110 capital-goods-producing 1 +11100011110 post-launch 1 +11100011110 pig-racing 1 +11100011110 food-import 1 +11100011110 all-violet 1 +11100011110 board-test 1 +11100011110 ethical-drugs 1 +11100011110 milk-distribution 1 +11100011110 electronics-associated 1 +11100011110 asset-appraisal 1 +11100011110 heavy-cargo 1 +11100011110 unbelted 1 +11100011110 president-conventional 1 +11100011110 service-for-fee 1 +11100011110 nontravel-related 1 +11100011110 dope-supply 1 +11100011110 transportation-communications 1 +11100011110 hostage-holding 1 +11100011110 Australia-U.S.S.R. 1 +11100011110 automotive-controls 1 +11100011110 fluid-milk 1 +11100011110 meat-animal 1 +11100011110 IMF-supported 1 +11100011110 photomask 1 +11100011110 base-case 1 +11100011110 copier-maintenance 1 +11100011110 pro-death 1 +11100011110 plastic-fiber 1 +11100011110 drug-retailing 1 +11100011110 hydro-based 1 +11100011110 non-glitzy 1 +11100011110 band-booking 1 +11100011110 commercial-art 1 +11100011110 bromine-related 1 +11100011110 Epitope-Sakata 1 +11100011110 Northeast-to-Florida 1 +11100011110 data-solutions 1 +11100011110 fertilizer-plant 1 +11100011110 residential-services 1 +11100011110 exotic-chemicals 1 +11100011110 videotape-rental 1 +11100011110 trinket-selling 1 +11100011110 econoic 1 +11100011110 powerboat-engine 1 +11100011110 temporary-clerical 1 +11100011110 automotive-prototype 1 +11100011110 underseas-cable 1 +11100011110 water-management 1 +11100011110 Hilter 1 +11100011110 pumpkin-laden 1 +11100011110 laundry-equipment 1 +11100011110 woodtreating 1 +11100011110 jean-collection 1 +11100011110 packagedgoods 1 +11100011110 broadest-based 1 +11100011110 ceramic-powders 1 +11100011110 ambulance-chassis 1 +11100011110 food-for-work 1 +11100011110 railroad-equipment 1 +11100011110 Post-bank 1 +11100011110 investor-services 1 +11100011110 pork-processing 1 +11100011110 57,067 1 +11100011110 polyester-fibers 1 +11100011110 non-broadcast-related 1 +11100011110 community-care 1 +11100011110 drilling-fluids 1 +11100011110 controls-products 1 +11100011110 excess-SIPC 1 +11100011110 eating-and-drinking-place 1 +11100011110 financial-systems 1 +11100011110 salmon-pink 1 +11100011110 ecdysiast 1 +11100011110 independent-production 1 +11100011110 information-providing 1 +11100011110 ophthalmic-laser 1 +11100011110 hostile-deal 1 +11100011110 nonreimbursed 1 +11100011110 wrinkle-removal 1 +11100011110 negative-amortization 1 +11100011110 single-account 1 +11100011110 shelter-repackaging 1 +11100011110 Easter-Passover 1 +11100011110 warp-and-weft 1 +11100011110 nonlegendary 1 +11100011110 alternative-care 1 +11100011110 Winnepeg-based 1 +11100011110 dry-battery 1 +11100011110 pension-advisory 1 +11100011110 nonprofit-hospital 1 +11100011110 calcium-enriched 1 +11100011110 small-loan 1 +11100011110 chemical-distribution 1 +11100011110 electronic-games 1 +11100011110 polyphenyl 1 +11100011110 weightiest 1 +11100011110 wholesale-trade 1 +11100011110 big-label 1 +11100011110 modular-incineration 1 +11100011110 munitions-to-Tehran 1 +11100011110 munitions-to-Iran 1 +11100011110 coal-tar 1 +11100011110 non-superconducting 1 +11100011110 then-required 1 +11100011110 real-estate-laden 1 +11100011110 institutionally-traded 1 +11100011110 computer-database 1 +11100011110 Yongdong 1 +11100011110 tour-operator 1 +11100011110 French-defended 1 +11100011110 medium-tech 1 +11100011110 recreational-park 1 +11100011110 optical-scanner 1 +11100011110 all-Chopin 1 +11100011110 Daigo 1 +11100011110 orthopedic-implant 1 +11100011110 bubble-memory 1 +11100011110 D6H 1 +11100011110 autocarrier 1 +11100011110 industrial-yeast 1 +11100011110 covert-activity 1 +11100011110 illegal-liquor 1 +11100011110 3,996 1 +11100011110 custom-products 1 +11100011110 takeover-regulation 1 +11100011110 fast-oil 1 +11100011110 once-supportive 1 +11100011110 people-smuggling 1 +11100011110 Tarzanlike 1 +11100011110 specialty-gases 1 +11100011110 gumball-machine 1 +11100011110 shoe-materials 1 +11100011110 shoe-machinery 1 +11100011110 regulatory-biomedical 1 +11100011110 measurement-while-drilling 1 +11100011110 propane-distribution 1 +11100011110 radiopharmacy 1 +11100011110 hair-care-products 1 +11100011110 junk-LBO 1 +11100011110 most-automated 1 +11100011110 newspaper-related 1 +11100011110 reinforcing-fibers 1 +11100011110 party-run 1 +11100011110 specialized-directory 1 +11100011110 intermediate-goods 1 +11100011110 commercial-biochemical 1 +11100011110 dry-snuff 1 +11100011110 Rangoon-Bangkok 1 +11100011110 obligation-gift 1 +11100011110 INS-targeted 1 +11100011110 old-design 1 +11100011110 cable-brokerage 1 +11100011110 cable-ownership 1 +11100011110 wines-and-spirits 1 +11100011110 hand-tailored 1 +11100011110 cut-over 1 +11100011110 private-housing 1 +11100011110 grand-champion 1 +11100011110 lightdensity 1 +11100011110 downlink-uplink 1 +11100011110 premium-food 1 +11100011110 once-burgeoning 1 +11100011110 military-engine 1 +11100011110 beverage-bottling 1 +11100011110 Whitmonday 1 +11100011110 well-experienced 1 +11100011110 sales-finance 1 +11100011110 non-bike 1 +11100011110 380,250 1 +11100011110 braille-like 1 +11100011110 rascally 1 +11100011110 movie-rental 1 +11100011110 already-merged 1 +11100011110 4,100-unit 1 +11100011110 medical-laboratory 1 +11100011110 precision-technology 1 +11100011110 363-person 1 +11100011110 single-design 1 +11100011110 liquor-sales 1 +11100011110 major-appliances 1 +11100011110 glass-cutting 1 +11100011110 far-bigger 1 +11100011110 MU-300 1 +11100011110 global-securities 1 +11100011110 technical-systems 1 +11100011110 mall-development 1 +11100011110 then-prospective 1 +11100011110 legislative-leadership 1 +11100011110 inplace 1 +11100011110 fungus-prone 1 +11100011110 washroom-accessories 1 +11100011110 post-invasion 1 +11100011110 telecommunications-based 1 +11100011110 still-stricken 1 +11100011110 then-prime 1 +11100011110 input/output 1 +11100011110 agriproducts 1 +11100011110 utility-services 1 +11100011110 Walkman-style 1 +11100011110 specialty-steels 1 +11100011110 automotive-valve-lifter 1 +11100011110 thirst-quenching 1 +11100011110 ice-collecting 1 +11100011110 11-day-old 1 +11100011110 corn-export 1 +11100011110 oil-recovery 1 +11100011110 telecommunication-equipment 1 +11100011110 ritzier 1 +11100011110 frozen-fish 1 +11100011110 night-club 1 +11100011110 Asia-to-Europe 1 +11100011110 property-lending 1 +11100011110 telephone-transmission 1 +11100011110 trust-and-a-handshake 1 +11100011110 Paris-area 1 +11100011110 top-50 1 +11100011110 brush-clearing 1 +11100011110 ammonium-perchlorate 1 +11100011110 Ikebukuro 1 +11100011110 communication-services 1 +11100011110 once-freewheeling 1 +11100011110 prepared-foods 1 +11100011110 mass-merchandised 1 +11100011110 photo-offset 1 +11100011110 613,500 1 +11100011110 delicatessen-meats 1 +11100011110 sequence-tagged 1 +11100011110 consumer-paint 1 +11100011110 infusion-therapy 1 +11100011110 more-centralized 1 +11100011110 travel-leisure 1 +11100011110 short-exposure 1 +11100011110 fruit-import 1 +11100011110 fiberglass-coffin 1 +11100011110 380-acre 1 +11100011110 corporate-entertainment 1 +11100011110 oil-transport 1 +11100011110 flask-repairing 1 +11100011110 unglamourous 1 +11100011110 land-resale 1 +11100011110 machinery-maker 1 +11100011110 agroindustrial 1 +11100011110 coalfired 1 +11100011110 medical-diagnostic-equipment 1 +11100011110 brokerage-service 1 +11100011110 automated-business-centers 1 +11100011110 petroleum-sensitive 1 +11100011110 commercial-production 1 +11100011110 shooting-sports 1 +11100011110 life-bestowing 1 +11100011110 fee-only 1 +11100011110 4-by-4 1 +11100011110 solar-thermal 1 +11100011110 geothermal-equipment 1 +11100011110 hydraulic-drill 1 +11100011110 directsales 1 +11100011110 heart-drug 1 +11100011110 gas-hungry 1 +11100011110 foreign-publishing 1 +11100011110 president-picking 1 +11100011110 process-systems 1 +11100011110 fiber-material 1 +11100011110 cheer-grabbing 1 +11100011110 fast-setting 2 +11100011110 third-sector 2 +11100011110 yard-line 2 +11100011110 consumer-durables 2 +11100011110 long-hoped-for 2 +11100011110 on-field 2 +11100011110 Z-171 2 +11100011110 president/prime 2 +11100011110 water-polo 2 +11100011110 agrichemicals 2 +11100011110 hard-news 2 +11100011110 family-restaurant 2 +11100011110 109th 2 +11100011110 charango 2 +11100011110 prison-sentencing 2 +11100011110 lewdness 2 +11100011110 surplus-reduction 2 +11100011110 dissimilarities 2 +11100011110 securities-management 2 +11100011110 electrical-computer 2 +11100011110 dimwit 2 +11100011110 theatrical-distribution 2 +11100011110 W.Z.63 2 +11100011110 annuity-issuing 2 +11100011110 missile-related 2 +11100011110 Congregational 2 +11100011110 haole 2 +11100011110 150-person 2 +11100011110 swankier 2 +11100011110 shrewish 2 +11100011110 commodities-based 2 +11100011110 unclassifed 2 +11100011110 baptizing 2 +11100011110 Iraqi-backed 2 +11100011110 hardest-working 2 +11100011110 lost-luggage 2 +11100011110 three-lawyer 2 +11100011110 factory-goods 2 +11100011110 fixed-asset 2 +11100011110 single-B-plus/B 2 +11100011110 multigenerational 2 +11100011110 surgical-products 2 +11100011110 electrical-apparatus 2 +11100011110 hypercube 2 +11100011110 R-49 2 +11100011110 darvon 2 +11100011110 38-foot 2 +11100011110 electricity-selling 2 +11100011110 fastestgrowing 2 +11100011110 Itaewon 2 +11100011110 gabled 2 +11100011110 self-prescribed 2 +11100011110 falling-domino 2 +11100011110 artificial-reef 2 +11100011110 blackbird 2 +11100011110 alternate-channel 2 +11100011110 Thursday-night 2 +11100011110 now-idled 2 +11100011110 risk-sharing 2 +11100011110 sparc 2 +11100011110 100-plane 2 +11100011110 record-distribution 2 +11100011110 hotel-motel 2 +11100011110 residential-carpeting 2 +11100011110 tuxedo-clad 3 +11100011110 foreign-content 3 +11100011110 hedonist 3 +11100011110 de-nuclearization 3 +11100011110 front-door 3 +11100011110 non-beer 3 +11100011110 16-pound 3 +11100011110 anti-Iran 3 +11100011110 ShopKo 3 +11100011110 joint-custody 3 +11100011110 rotary-shaver 3 +11100011110 finished-apparel 3 +11100011110 rankest 3 +11100011110 supersized 3 +11100011110 non-publishing 3 +11100011110 fund-manager 3 +11100011110 Martex 3 +11100011110 tradeable-goods 3 +11100011110 hands-down 3 +11100011110 UAA 3 +11100011110 tiering 3 +11100011110 current-day 3 +11100011110 Mentadent 3 +11100011110 market-failure 3 +11100011110 Do-It-Yourself 3 +11100011110 bond-underwriting 3 +11100011110 stop-go 3 +11100011110 ninth-grade 3 +11100011110 spend-down 3 +11100011110 non-refining 3 +11100011110 lexical 3 +11100011110 development-cycle 3 +11100011110 H2-receptor 3 +11100011110 vibratory 3 +11100011110 check-printing 3 +11100011110 interpretivist 3 +11100011110 home-affairs 3 +11100011110 then-new 4 +11100011110 poshest 4 +11100011110 BAC-111 4 +11100011110 Kindred 4 +11100011110 equal-value 4 +11100011110 24-inch 4 +11100011110 pro-Communist 4 +11100011110 teen-oriented 4 +11100011110 frumpy 4 +11100011110 steady-as-you-go 4 +11100011110 first-in-the-nation 4 +11100011110 large-computer 4 +11100011110 redistributionist 4 +11100011110 pre-1967 4 +11100011110 Pantene 4 +11100011110 400-acre 4 +11100011110 populistic 4 +11100011110 unquantifiable 4 +11100011110 oldtime 4 +11100011110 highland 4 +11100011110 God-given 4 +11100011110 overnight-express 4 +11100011110 fair-share 5 +11100011110 mega 5 +11100011110 back-seat 5 +11100011110 state-approved 5 +11100011110 barbarous 5 +11100011110 calcium-channel 5 +11100011110 sermonizing 5 +11100011110 noncore 5 +11100011110 voyeuristic 5 +11100011110 nondegradable 5 +11100011110 trailblazing 5 +11100011110 Naderite 5 +11100011110 pagan 5 +11100011110 Feinbloom 5 +11100011110 Yuletide 5 +11100011110 Beerman 5 +11100011110 gunnery 6 +11100011110 master-planned 6 +11100011110 Pooh 6 +11100011110 slothful 6 +11100011110 Erbenheim 6 +11100011110 pre-crisis 6 +11100011110 29000 6 +11100011110 nativist 6 +11100011110 more-lucrative 6 +11100011110 386i 6 +11100011110 wellknown 6 +11100011110 single-cell 6 +11100011110 collectivized 6 +11100011110 Dumb 7 +11100011110 zippy 7 +11100011110 crabby 7 +11100011110 soft-landing 7 +11100011110 Sleeper 7 +11100011110 purchasing-power-parity 7 +11100011110 top-management 8 +11100011110 200-year-old 8 +11100011110 non-pharmaceutical 8 +11100011110 100-plus 8 +11100011110 high-society 8 +11100011110 fresh-fruit 8 +11100011110 performance-oriented 8 +11100011110 mid-priced 8 +11100011110 zero-tolerance 8 +11100011110 clannish 8 +11100011110 higher-return 8 +11100011110 worn-out 9 +11100011110 feel-good 9 +11100011110 5890 9 +11100011110 sinuous 9 +11100011110 once-mighty 9 +11100011110 new-style 9 +11100011110 27000 9 +11100011110 migratory 10 +11100011110 glittery 10 +11100011110 non-tobacco 11 +11100011110 non-hospital 11 +11100011110 Equalizer 11 +11100011110 return-on-equity 11 +11100011110 1100 11 +11100011110 super-majority 12 +11100011110 holistic 12 +11100011110 raspberry 12 +11100011110 single-party 12 +11100011110 14-state 13 +11100011110 creaky 14 +11100011110 McSleep 15 +11100011110 gridiron 15 +11100011110 1-to-1 16 +11100011110 mercantile 17 +11100011110 pre-game 17 +11100011110 non-regulated 17 +11100011110 putative 18 +11100011110 28000 18 +11100011110 Satanic 18 +11100011110 odds-on 19 +11100011110 prewar 20 +11100011110 much-criticized 20 +11100011110 subconscious 21 +11100011110 pre-war 22 +11100011110 garden-variety 23 +11100011110 non-core 25 +11100011110 1986-1987 26 +11100011110 high-margin 26 +11100011110 summertime 29 +11100011110 sublime 31 +11100011110 fee-for-service 32 +11100011110 free-spending 33 +11100011110 rough-and-tumble 33 +11100011110 bedrock 39 +11100011110 feudal 42 +11100011110 bread-and-butter 48 +11100011110 eldest 49 +11100011110 long-held 64 +11100011110 famed 66 +11100011110 freewheeling 69 +11100011110 new-found 85 +11100011110 far-flung 128 +11100011110 twin 179 +11100011110 customary 181 +11100011110 royal 183 +11100011110 founding 374 +11100011110 collective 435 +11100011110 premier 444 +11100011110 core 1562 +11100011110 usual 1676 +11100011110 normal 2016 +11100011110 traditional 2548 +11100011110 prime 2673 +11100011110 basic 2635 +11100011111 857-fund 1 +11100011111 ten-largest 1 +11100011111 nonperforming-asset 1 +11100011111 pollenation 1 +11100011111 quality-testing 1 +11100011111 13-center 1 +11100011111 5842 1 +11100011111 Wagneroid 1 +11100011111 flight-propulsion 1 +11100011111 marshmallow-coated 1 +11100011111 Labor-Tory 1 +11100011111 tariff-eliminating 1 +11100011111 11-dealer 1 +11100011111 call-ins 1 +11100011111 17-city 1 +11100011111 clematis-obliterated 1 +11100011111 bull-in-a-china-shop 1 +11100011111 compleat 1 +11100011111 Famicos 1 +11100011111 sunglasses-and-floppy-hat 1 +11100011111 on-side 1 +11100011111 real-estate-development 1 +11100011111 Dutch-flag 1 +11100011111 give-it-to-the-employees 1 +11100011111 double-key 1 +11100011111 animal-chiropractic 1 +11100011111 deep-pile 1 +11100011111 balarney 1 +11100011111 Denver-Chicago 1 +11100011111 rightfield 1 +11100011111 executive-development 1 +11100011111 nearmost 1 +11100011111 Heytesbury-Carisbrook 1 +11100011111 gas-compression 1 +11100011111 animal-import 1 +11100011111 inflation-slaying 1 +11100011111 end-of-the-cycle 1 +11100011111 solar-control 1 +11100011111 48-cents-to-the-dollar 1 +11100011111 fifth-greatest 1 +11100011111 snakeoil 1 +11100011111 catchment 1 +11100011111 recessedcross 1 +11100011111 no-big-deal 1 +11100011111 job-rich 1 +11100011111 unwired-network 1 +11100011111 Rivercenter 1 +11100011111 horse-training 1 +11100011111 dam-and-canal 1 +11100011111 cable-laying 1 +11100011111 new-house 1 +11100011111 16,000-window 1 +11100011111 pre-marked 1 +11100011111 LegiSlate 1 +11100011111 slate-covered 1 +11100011111 not-so-fine 1 +11100011111 post-oil 1 +11100011111 sun-warmed 1 +11100011111 771,900-share 1 +11100011111 left-turn 1 +11100011111 capital-budget 1 +11100011111 second-best-known 1 +11100011111 story-one 1 +11100011111 sand-filled 1 +11100011111 350,000-kilowatt 1 +11100011111 blastfurnace 1 +11100011111 ice-crusted 1 +11100011111 MoneyMaker 1 +11100011111 stage-dominating 1 +11100011111 video-disk 1 +11100011111 Ebisu 1 +11100011111 Benda 1 +11100011111 legal-watchdog 1 +11100011111 areca 1 +11100011111 rear-opening 1 +11100011111 mee 1 +11100011111 once-struggling 1 +11100011111 boot-camp-like 1 +11100011111 compactdisk 1 +11100011111 antiwave 1 +11100011111 presidential-library 1 +11100011111 membrane-based 1 +11100011111 multilateral-accord 1 +11100011111 125-day 1 +11100011111 twin-rail 1 +11100011111 shag-carpeted 1 +11100011111 835-member 1 +11100011111 daily-use 1 +11100011111 mahogany-lined 1 +11100011111 ultralow 1 +11100011111 tank-like 1 +11100011111 4,789 1 +11100011111 credit-bureau 1 +11100011111 perspectival 1 +11100011111 Burgan 1 +11100011111 office-commercial 1 +11100011111 opera-house 1 +11100011111 mass-interview 1 +11100011111 Giants-Broncos 1 +11100011111 less-dense 1 +11100011111 fourth-and-one 1 +11100011111 270-foot-long 1 +11100011111 Sagmore 1 +11100011111 chemical-aging 1 +11100011111 70-chip 1 +11100011111 wide-opened 1 +11100011111 far-less-inhibited 1 +11100011111 1,100-acre 1 +11100011111 LIPA-nominated 1 +11100011111 nattiest 1 +11100011111 clothes-make-the-woman 1 +11100011111 libel-proof 1 +11100011111 7.2-mile 1 +11100011111 below-investment 1 +11100011111 long-stated 1 +11100011111 268-seat 1 +11100011111 AmEx 1 +11100011111 tight-budget 1 +11100011111 66-acre 1 +11100011111 Pontiac-East 1 +11100011111 most-serious 1 +11100011111 import-devastated 1 +11100011111 37th-floor 1 +11100011111 direct-selling 1 +11100011111 cholesterol-stripping 1 +11100011111 industry-dominated 1 +11100011111 four-tower 1 +11100011111 neatest 1 +11100011111 Democrat-led 1 +11100011111 no-increase-in-premiums 1 +11100011111 COLLECTS 1 +11100011111 video-arcade 1 +11100011111 print-developing 1 +11100011111 glass-and-stone 1 +11100011111 Grecian-style 1 +11100011111 still-sluggish 1 +11100011111 character-baring 1 +11100011111 conterfeits 1 +11100011111 LEYLAND 1 +11100011111 early-shift 1 +11100011111 minority-counsel 1 +11100011111 power-behind-the-throne 1 +11100011111 high-school-pitching 1 +11100011111 BMD 1 +11100011111 soil-borne 1 +11100011111 advertising-review 1 +11100011111 gooky 1 +11100011111 course-development 1 +11100011111 no-longer-smiling 1 +11100011111 chopped-down 1 +11100011111 post-liberation 1 +11100011111 then-senior 1 +11100011111 10-seat 1 +11100011111 two-plant 1 +11100011111 personnel-selection 1 +11100011111 13-for-24 1 +11100011111 Interstate-4 1 +11100011111 pan-tribal 1 +11100011111 Amvets 1 +11100011111 Nelwyn 1 +11100011111 357-seat 1 +11100011111 guilty-conscience 1 +11100011111 sewer-repair 1 +11100011111 24th-floor 1 +11100011111 local-control 1 +11100011111 three-round 1 +11100011111 grant-making 1 +11100011111 GP-38 1 +11100011111 self-discribed 1 +11100011111 visitor-message 1 +11100011111 Bengals-Browns 1 +11100011111 then-thriving 1 +11100011111 ex-star 1 +11100011111 lower-energy-price 1 +11100011111 electrical-controls 1 +11100011111 draft-avoidance 1 +11100011111 condenser 1 +11100011111 150-ton 1 +11100011111 portrait-studded 1 +11100011111 third-slowest 1 +11100011111 penalty-lending 1 +11100011111 seven-night 1 +11100011111 high-dividend-yield 1 +11100011111 health-maintanence 1 +11100011111 Eisenberg-Superfon 1 +11100011111 highly-touted 1 +11100011111 dead-wrong 1 +11100011111 then-election 1 +11100011111 semidetached 1 +11100011111 nomination-and-confirmation 1 +11100011111 Esso-Shell 1 +11100011111 Taglu 1 +11100011111 five-alarm 1 +11100011111 methadrine 1 +11100011111 Mayer-Jenkins 1 +11100011111 broadcast-property 1 +11100011111 shop-within-a-shop 1 +11100011111 second-most-popular 1 +11100011111 rudderman/team 1 +11100011111 37-member 1 +11100011111 S.O.S 1 +11100011111 310th 1 +11100011111 glasnost-as-publicity 1 +11100011111 black-leather-jacket 1 +11100011111 end-stage 2 +11100011111 11-city 2 +11100011111 rattletrap 2 +11100011111 evangelistic 2 +11100011111 three-foot-thick 2 +11100011111 once-feared 2 +11100011111 intravenous-solutions 2 +11100011111 transportion 2 +11100011111 Peco 2 +11100011111 eight-acre 2 +11100011111 balance-the-budget 2 +11100011111 fantastical 2 +11100011111 second-fastest 2 +11100011111 halfday 2 +11100011111 nonconstructive 2 +11100011111 Dalts 2 +11100011111 AMC-Jeep-Renault 2 +11100011111 once-touted 2 +11100011111 200-room 2 +11100011111 100,000th 2 +11100011111 350-seat 2 +11100011111 Pacific-coast 2 +11100011111 bureaucracy-bound 2 +11100011111 12-country 2 +11100011111 best-played 2 +11100011111 executive-office 2 +11100011111 1.5-million-acre 2 +11100011111 economic-planning 2 +11100011111 bone-loss 2 +11100011111 homelier 2 +11100011111 textile-fibers 2 +11100011111 invariable 2 +11100011111 49-nation 2 +11100011111 internal-affairs 2 +11100011111 international-leasing 2 +11100011111 top-ten 2 +11100011111 vilest 2 +11100011111 SCA-Peaudouce 2 +11100011111 shiny-domed 2 +11100011111 no-inflation 2 +11100011111 drug-making 2 +11100011111 oilcloth-covered 2 +11100011111 750th 2 +11100011111 42-member 2 +11100011111 sex-changed 2 +11100011111 sudsy 2 +11100011111 577-seat 2 +11100011111 148th 2 +11100011111 acceptance-speech 2 +11100011111 two-store 2 +11100011111 23-acre 2 +11100011111 quacking 2 +11100011111 Italian-owned 2 +11100011111 Bullfrog 2 +11100011111 capital-based 2 +11100011111 long-moribund 2 +11100011111 pre-accident 2 +11100011111 since-discontinued 2 +11100011111 350-person 2 +11100011111 fuel-pump 2 +11100011111 900-employee 2 +11100011111 May/June 2 +11100011111 earlier-generation 2 +11100011111 top-priced 2 +11100011111 dirt-floor 2 +11100011111 post-1917 2 +11100011111 gray-flannel 2 +11100011111 westernmost 2 +11100011111 now-useless 2 +11100011111 1,000-ton 2 +11100011111 wifely 2 +11100011111 99-store 2 +11100011111 Conservative-dominated 2 +11100011111 accounting-principles 2 +11100011111 crude-purchasing 2 +11100011111 Beartooth-Absaroka 2 +11100011111 son-of-immigrants 2 +11100011111 last-round 2 +11100011111 rarified 2 +11100011111 84-acre 2 +11100011111 14-person 2 +11100011111 520-acre 2 +11100011111 two-committee 2 +11100011111 ferris 2 +11100011111 blood-soaked 2 +11100011111 unalluring 2 +11100011111 559-member 2 +11100011111 fifth-most-active 2 +11100011111 election-minded 2 +11100011111 four-year-long 2 +11100011111 Pulitzer-winning 2 +11100011111 blood-forming 2 +11100011111 six-room 2 +11100011111 925,340 2 +11100011111 then-unprofitable 2 +11100011111 Spontex 2 +11100011111 133rd 2 +11100011111 charcoal-broiled 2 +11100011111 import-plagued 2 +11100011111 CBOT. 2 +11100011111 Cowboys-Bears 2 +11100011111 talc-producing 2 +11100011111 oil-slicked 2 +11100011111 carnival-style 2 +11100011111 BBMC 2 +11100011111 post-summer 2 +11100011111 Danilov 2 +11100011111 60-acre 2 +11100011111 long-sheltered 2 +11100011111 Saranac 2 +11100011111 harder-line 2 +11100011111 unmapped 2 +11100011111 most-celebrated 2 +11100011111 once-common 2 +11100011111 over-arching 2 +11100011111 army-officer 2 +11100011111 coca-rich 2 +11100011111 unenhanced 2 +11100011111 sold-off 2 +11100011111 eight-day-old 2 +11100011111 often-expressed 2 +11100011111 overaggressive 2 +11100011111 6-foot-1-inch 2 +11100011111 post-1981 2 +11100011111 7,000-acre 2 +11100011111 tanker-loading 2 +11100011111 Saudi-led 2 +11100011111 pace-car 2 +11100011111 unappreciative 2 +11100011111 Obed 2 +11100011111 33,000-member 2 +11100011111 post-Olympics 2 +11100011111 Waihi 2 +11100011111 shrillest 2 +11100011111 shirt-sleeve 2 +11100011111 RVS 2 +11100011111 113,200 2 +11100011111 Yongzheng 2 +11100011111 cow-town 2 +11100011111 800-year-old 2 +11100011111 10th-floor 2 +11100011111 hermetic 3 +11100011111 most-wanted 3 +11100011111 fourth-most-active 3 +11100011111 bestknown 3 +11100011111 Jovian 3 +11100011111 equipment-finance 3 +11100011111 Nixon-era 3 +11100011111 urban-design 3 +11100011111 70,000-kilowatt 3 +11100011111 500-employee 3 +11100011111 132-year-old 3 +11100011111 CDC. 3 +11100011111 pension-tax 3 +11100011111 often-ignored 3 +11100011111 Stamford-based 3 +11100011111 government-systems 3 +11100011111 thrice-weekly 3 +11100011111 evening-length 3 +11100011111 Glenfiddich 3 +11100011111 gravel-voiced 3 +11100011111 250-seat 3 +11100011111 artery-clogging 3 +11100011111 7,800-member 3 +11100011111 dozen-member 3 +11100011111 twin-tower 3 +11100011111 18-mile 3 +11100011111 85-plus 3 +11100011111 35-member 3 +11100011111 funds-management 3 +11100011111 oak-paneled 3 +11100011111 orange-squash 3 +11100011111 close-cropped 3 +11100011111 much-talked-about 3 +11100011111 137-year-old 3 +11100011111 44th 3 +11100011111 unified-market 3 +11100011111 self-titled 3 +11100011111 shiniest 3 +11100011111 no-buy 3 +11100011111 drug-policy 3 +11100011111 98th 3 +11100011111 800-pound 3 +11100011111 soul-stirring 3 +11100011111 long-battered 3 +11100011111 national-car 3 +11100011111 Comm/Scope 3 +11100011111 presidential-campaign 3 +11100011111 pre-listing 3 +11100011111 aw-shucks 3 +11100011111 bushy-tailed 3 +11100011111 traffic-clogged 3 +11100011111 health-claims 4 +11100011111 commodity-basket 4 +11100011111 easternmost 4 +11100011111 government-operated 4 +11100011111 bullet-shaped 4 +11100011111 asset-liability 4 +11100011111 all-business 4 +11100011111 illfated 4 +11100011111 unctuous 4 +11100011111 nearterm 4 +11100011111 Carter-Reagan 4 +11100011111 much-photographed 4 +11100011111 Drexel-related 4 +11100011111 first-act 4 +11100011111 unblinking 4 +11100011111 anti-Mafia 4 +11100011111 hairless 4 +11100011111 paleolithic 4 +11100011111 hardiest 4 +11100011111 hard-set 4 +11100011111 hard-rock 4 +11100011111 80,000-square-foot 4 +11100011111 carnival-like 4 +11100011111 Democratic-dominated 4 +11100011111 untiring 4 +11100011111 April-May 4 +11100011111 9-foot 4 +11100011111 27-member 4 +11100011111 ex-officio 5 +11100011111 ever-vigilant 5 +11100011111 fledging 5 +11100011111 424,137 5 +11100011111 now-profitable 5 +11100011111 penultimate 5 +11100011111 free-flowing 5 +11100011111 Grasberg 5 +11100011111 Democratic-led 5 +11100011111 sixth-floor 5 +11100011111 hardscrabble 5 +11100011111 mud-walled 5 +11100011111 20-month-old 5 +11100011111 pseudonymous 5 +11100011111 20-story 5 +11100011111 Phillips-head 5 +11100011111 detentist 5 +11100011111 grain-merchandising 5 +11100011111 hind 5 +11100011111 record-long 5 +11100011111 Secord-Hakim 5 +11100011111 70-mile 5 +11100011111 mid-to-high 5 +11100011111 market-basket 5 +11100011111 115-year-old 5 +11100011111 just-signed 5 +11100011111 scandal-tainted 5 +11100011111 80-member 5 +11100011111 often-volatile 5 +11100011111 site-selection 5 +11100011111 snow-covered 5 +11100011111 second-leading 5 +11100011111 third-leading 5 +11100011111 Baltimore-Washington 5 +11100011111 44-story 5 +11100011111 110-year-old 5 +11100011111 250-member 5 +11100011111 best-quality 6 +11100011111 inglorious 6 +11100011111 softest 6 +11100011111 ever-popular 6 +11100011111 11-acre 6 +11100011111 A-330/A-340 6 +11100011111 ESOP. 6 +11100011111 Johnson-led 6 +11100011111 four-acre 6 +11100011111 eight-man 6 +11100011111 once-highflying 6 +11100011111 U.S.-dominated 6 +11100011111 debt-negotiating 6 +11100011111 450-seat 6 +11100011111 four-state 6 +11100011111 number-one 6 +11100011111 incantatory 6 +11100011111 IBM-Fujitsu 6 +11100011111 serpentine 7 +11100011111 eight-nation 7 +11100011111 already-high 7 +11100011111 fifth-grade 7 +11100011111 credit-sensitive 7 +11100011111 300-acre 7 +11100011111 autumnal 7 +11100011111 much-coveted 7 +11100011111 once-moribund 7 +11100011111 once-unthinkable 7 +11100011111 right-field 7 +11100011111 Wayzata 7 +11100011111 trouble-plagued 7 +11100011111 24-member 7 +11100011111 lowest-price 7 +11100011111 23,000-member 7 +11100011111 5,000-member 7 +11100011111 eight-person 7 +11100011111 prodigal 8 +11100011111 stickiest 8 +11100011111 oft-quoted 8 +11100011111 once-huge 8 +11100011111 151-country 8 +11100011111 hard-scrabble 8 +11100011111 MD-88 8 +11100011111 end-of-year 8 +11100011111 metro-area 8 +11100011111 500th 9 +11100011111 eight-currency 9 +11100011111 28-member 9 +11100011111 90th 9 +11100011111 dual-stock 9 +11100011111 Jarvik-7 9 +11100011111 service-tax 9 +11100011111 verdant 10 +11100011111 Ekofisk 10 +11100011111 Jokhang 10 +11100011111 400-meter 10 +11100011111 madcap 10 +11100011111 dumbest 10 +11100011111 1,000th 11 +11100011111 nine-state 11 +11100011111 25-member 11 +11100011111 Cyber 11 +11100011111 401st 11 +11100011111 Cabinda 11 +11100011111 five-state 11 +11100011111 once-troubled 12 +11100011111 Allenhurst 12 +11100011111 83-year-old 12 +11100011111 almighty 12 +11100011111 liquid-soap 13 +11100011111 13-nation 13 +11100011111 wood-paneled 13 +11100011111 RJR-Shearson 13 +11100011111 southernmost 13 +11100011111 Himalayan 14 +11100011111 nether 14 +11100011111 unenviable 15 +11100011111 long-troubled 15 +11100011111 two-unit 15 +11100011111 much-maligned 15 +11100011111 inimitable 16 +11100011111 immortal 16 +11100011111 left-hand 16 +11100011111 MIA 17 +11100011111 100-member 17 +11100011111 irrepressible 17 +11100011111 100-meter 18 +11100011111 least-expensive 18 +11100011111 85-year-old 19 +11100011111 eight-month-old 19 +11100011111 four-nation 19 +11100011111 now-famous 19 +11100011111 holiest 19 +11100011111 18-month-old 20 +11100011111 75th 20 +11100011111 ostensible 21 +11100011111 likeliest 22 +11100011111 87-year-old 23 +11100011111 august 23 +11100011111 buffer-stock 24 +11100011111 long-depressed 25 +11100011111 problem-plagued 26 +11100011111 unratified 26 +11100011111 much-ballyhooed 26 +11100011111 post-Reagan 28 +11100011111 obligatory 31 +11100011111 200th 31 +11100011111 ever-present 32 +11100011111 illustrious 33 +11100011111 18-member 35 +11100011111 rightful 36 +11100011111 VS 37 +11100011111 ornate 39 +11100011111 acquisitive 39 +11100011111 70th 40 +11100011111 proverbial 41 +11100011111 non-airline 44 +11100011111 fabled 44 +11100011111 all-important 44 +11100011111 age-old 45 +11100011111 top-ranked 45 +11100011111 requisite 48 +11100011111 reigning 49 +11100011111 eight-member 49 +11100011111 loss-ridden 53 +11100011111 go-go 56 +11100011111 vaunted 58 +11100011111 inaugural 59 +11100011111 quintessential 61 +11100011111 nascent 62 +11100011111 upcoming 91 +11100011111 100th 98 +11100011111 half-day 102 +11100011111 12-nation 102 +11100011111 ensuing 104 +11100011111 overriding 127 +11100011111 ill-fated 132 +11100011111 Exchequer 163 +11100011111 nearest 178 +11100011111 elder 184 +11100011111 beleaguered 233 +11100011111 hottest 280 +11100011111 newest 297 +11100011111 upper 677 +11100011111 ultimate 677 +11100011111 sole 784 +11100011111 entire 2955 +11100011111 main 4341 +11100011111 remaining 3832 +1110010000 slam-bang 1 +1110010000 less-accommodative 1 +1110010000 poison-penned 1 +1110010000 renovation-based 1 +1110010000 construction-based 1 +1110010000 hyper-inflated 1 +1110010000 high-up 1 +1110010000 capital-starved 1 +1110010000 underproducing 1 +1110010000 much-diminished 1 +1110010000 record-closing 1 +1110010000 Hollander-style 1 +1110010000 too-accommodative 1 +1110010000 no-recession 1 +1110010000 dogma-induced 1 +1110010000 slight-to-moderate 1 +1110010000 febrile 1 +1110010000 star-filled 1 +1110010000 moving. 1 +1110010000 untraveled 1 +1110010000 Y-pattern 1 +1110010000 less-promising 1 +1110010000 once-towering 1 +1110010000 subsidy-based 1 +1110010000 socialist-based 1 +1110010000 boggled 1 +1110010000 40-person-per-minute 1 +1110010000 more-robust 1 +1110010000 humanoid 1 +1110010000 10-to-one 1 +1110010000 wipe-on 1 +1110010000 too-robust 1 +1110010000 Guidici 1 +1110010000 domestic-demand-led 1 +1110010000 intra-community 1 +1110010000 market-organized 1 +1110010000 Creole-style 1 +1110010000 ex-first 1 +1110010000 temptationan 1 +1110010000 still-buoyant 1 +1110010000 securities-transactions 1 +1110010000 still-hot 1 +1110010000 single-industry-based 1 +1110010000 divine-right 1 +1110010000 chin-wagging 1 +1110010000 correlative 1 +1110010000 market-dominated 1 +1110010000 Applelike 1 +1110010000 pro-economic 1 +1110010000 freer-market 1 +1110010000 Vacationland 2 +1110010000 recession-prone 2 +1110010000 sorrier 2 +1110010000 .03 2 +1110010000 ad-revenue 2 +1110010000 self-generating 2 +1110010000 cost-heavy 2 +1110010000 two-digit 2 +1110010000 32nd-largest 2 +1110010000 four-months 2 +1110010000 greater-than-usual 2 +1110010000 socialist-oriented 2 +1110010000 factory-sector 2 +1110010000 illgotten 2 +1110010000 timed-release 2 +1110010000 healthier-than-expected 2 +1110010000 photo-finish 2 +1110010000 thin-margin 2 +1110010000 nine-iron 2 +1110010000 good-size 2 +1110010000 peppier 2 +1110010000 half-heart 2 +1110010000 stock-for-debt 2 +1110010000 inflation-stable 2 +1110010000 wiggy 2 +1110010000 well. 2 +1110010000 too-powerful 2 +1110010000 greenmailing 2 +1110010000 well-formulated 2 +1110010000 nonaddictive 3 +1110010000 incentive-driven 3 +1110010000 skull-and-crossbones 3 +1110010000 path-breaking 3 +1110010000 production-oriented 3 +1110010000 food-away-from-home 3 +1110010000 small-truck 3 +1110010000 more-relaxed 3 +1110010000 140-yen 3 +1110010000 topspin 3 +1110010000 hospital-cost 3 +1110010000 rapidfire 3 +1110010000 too-strong 3 +1110010000 lower-than-usual 3 +1110010000 tortoise-like 3 +1110010000 weaker-than-anticipated 3 +1110010000 Ronzoni 3 +1110010000 spritely 3 +1110010000 demand-driven 4 +1110010000 pro-dollar 4 +1110010000 four-foot-long 4 +1110010000 suprising 4 +1110010000 120-yen 4 +1110010000 genocidal 4 +1110010000 price-driven 4 +1110010000 legit 5 +1110010000 bone-dry 5 +1110010000 bouyant 5 +1110010000 better-balanced 5 +1110010000 dotty 5 +1110010000 pre-1984 5 +1110010000 reportable 5 +1110010000 well-researched 6 +1110010000 midgrade 6 +1110010000 more-modest 6 +1110010000 has-been 7 +1110010000 softer-than-expected 7 +1110010000 flattish 7 +1110010000 mini-refunding 7 +1110010000 multi-million 7 +1110010000 too-rapid 7 +1110010000 broadbased 7 +1110010000 full-grown 7 +1110010000 business-to-business 7 +1110010000 boffo 7 +1110010000 liquidity-driven 7 +1110010000 prostrate 8 +1110010000 service-based 8 +1110010000 better-than-anticipated 8 +1110010000 faster-than-expected 8 +1110010000 fourth-year 8 +1110010000 free-falling 8 +1110010000 trigger-happy 8 +1110010000 rip-roaring 9 +1110010000 constricting 9 +1110010000 holiday-season 9 +1110010000 fast-forward 9 +1110010000 much-improved 9 +1110010000 svelte 10 +1110010000 Germanic 10 +1110010000 low-inflation 10 +1110010000 state-dominated 10 +1110010000 less-than-expected 10 +1110010000 leaden 11 +1110010000 patchy 11 +1110010000 normalized 11 +1110010000 above-target 11 +1110010000 pro-U.S. 11 +1110010000 ravenous 11 +1110010000 record-low 12 +1110010000 fast-rising 13 +1110010000 consumer-driven 14 +1110010000 recession-free 15 +1110010000 greater-than-expected 16 +1110010000 stupendous 16 +1110010000 well-balanced 17 +1110010000 worse-than-expected 17 +1110010000 free-floating 18 +1110010000 weaker-than-expected 18 +1110010000 razor-thin 20 +1110010000 noninflationary 21 +1110010000 crummy 21 +1110010000 non-inflationary 22 +1110010000 ho-hum 23 +1110010000 checkered 24 +1110010000 lower-than-anticipated 25 +1110010000 untaxed 25 +1110010000 red-hot 26 +1110010000 grudging 27 +1110010000 subpar 27 +1110010000 slower-than-expected 30 +1110010000 puny 35 +1110010000 breakneck 36 +1110010000 hearty 37 +1110010000 sizzling 38 +1110010000 voracious 44 +1110010000 just-in-time 45 +1110010000 torrid 46 +1110010000 resurgent 51 +1110010000 single-digit 51 +1110010000 slackening 56 +1110010000 tepid 58 +1110010000 skimpy 70 +1110010000 stellar 78 +1110010000 stronger-than-expected 79 +1110010000 moribund 79 +1110010000 spotty 96 +1110010000 phenomenal 102 +1110010000 better-than-expected 134 +1110010000 flagging 135 +1110010000 waning 160 +1110010000 faltering 166 +1110010000 sustainable 166 +1110010000 stagnant 173 +1110010000 lower-than-expected 179 +1110010000 meager 180 +1110010000 dwindling 181 +1110010000 mediocre 182 +1110010000 respectable 197 +1110010000 swift 204 +1110010000 buoyant 234 +1110010000 sagging 249 +1110010000 dismal 262 +1110010000 shaky 293 +1110010000 deteriorating 296 +1110010000 double-digit 366 +1110010000 slim 372 +1110010000 vigorous 390 +1110010000 lackluster 565 +1110010000 booming 686 +1110010000 robust 694 +1110010000 disappointing 895 +1110010000 tight 1114 +1110010000 sluggish 1137 +1110010000 solid 1196 +1110010000 rapid 1251 +1110010000 soft 1266 +1110010000 stable 1442 +1110010000 steady 1488 +1110010000 healthy 1665 +1110010000 strong 12171 +1110010000 weak 2776 +1110010001 79-year 1 +1110010001 houndstooth 1 +1110010001 golfer's-eye 1 +1110010001 two-ass 1 +1110010001 twittering 1 +1110010001 Kodak-powered 1 +1110010001 radio-factory 1 +1110010001 bareknuckles 1 +1110010001 wedding-eve 1 +1110010001 36D 1 +1110010001 1,300-square-foot 1 +1110010001 ten-dollar 1 +1110010001 post-win 1 +1110010001 buttoned-jacket 1 +1110010001 ready-to-fire 1 +1110010001 less-than-welcome 1 +1110010001 user-fee 1 +1110010001 beeg 1 +1110010001 286-foot 1 +1110010001 .216 1 +1110010001 keep-the-faith 1 +1110010001 dad-gummed 1 +1110010001 922-page 1 +1110010001 spare-time 1 +1110010001 doctor-prescribed 1 +1110010001 sun-punished 1 +1110010001 faster-track 1 +1110010001 Mafia/soccer 1 +1110010001 good-luck 1 +1110010001 buddy-cop-adventure 1 +1110010001 rock-'n'-roll 1 +1110010001 neoclassic/Renaissance/romantic 1 +1110010001 political-consultative 1 +1110010001 child-like 1 +1110010001 27-day 1 +1110010001 300-square-yard 1 +1110010001 Jiji 1 +1110010001 125-foot 1 +1110010001 shot-clock 1 +1110010001 basalt 1 +1110010001 9,033 1 +1110010001 400-word 1 +1110010001 coping-with-stress 1 +1110010001 froggy 1 +1110010001 one-string 1 +1110010001 music-business 1 +1110010001 chauffered 1 +1110010001 turbocharged 1 +1110010001 Neuharth-authorized 1 +1110010001 mid-coital 1 +1110010001 40-hour-a-week 1 +1110010001 1,800-acre 1 +1110010001 film-noir 1 +1110010001 voice-steered 1 +1110010001 super-automated 1 +1110010001 phantasmagoric 1 +1110010001 old-hat 1 +1110010001 call-ahead 1 +1110010001 bottle-green 1 +1110010001 Greco-French 1 +1110010001 murmury 1 +1110010001 stevedore 1 +1110010001 19-foot-tall 1 +1110010001 dusty-looking 1 +1110010001 once-undoubted 1 +1110010001 .282 1 +1110010001 grease-caked 1 +1110010001 Christ-church 1 +1110010001 1,440-seat 1 +1110010001 pep-talk 1 +1110010001 Chinese-derived 1 +1110010001 draft-dodging 1 +1110010001 Nahuatl-Spanish 1 +1110010001 slenderer 1 +1110010001 72-pound 1 +1110010001 non-actionable 1 +1110010001 field-hospital 1 +1110010001 baby-blue 1 +1110010001 button-sewing 1 +1110010001 distinguished-sounding 1 +1110010001 285-seat 1 +1110010001 1,500-year-old 1 +1110010001 performance-life 1 +1110010001 messed-up 1 +1110010001 three-acre 1 +1110010001 nothing-to-worry-about 1 +1110010001 boarding-shed 1 +1110010001 366-page 1 +1110010001 33-foot 1 +1110010001 red-necked 1 +1110010001 Presleyan 1 +1110010001 stand-up-and-fight 1 +1110010001 nine-square-foot 1 +1110010001 Dadaist 1 +1110010001 wholesaler-storing 1 +1110010001 multiheaded 1 +1110010001 dish-warming 1 +1110010001 portfolio-manager 1 +1110010001 heart-melting 1 +1110010001 flag-clad 1 +1110010001 five-legged 1 +1110010001 Pittsburgh-bound 1 +1110010001 five-letter 1 +1110010001 film-rating 1 +1110010001 self-cleaning 1 +1110010001 Jewish-oriented 1 +1110010001 pro-Lautenberg 1 +1110010001 friendly-type 1 +1110010001 life-is-a-thwarted-dream-but-we-love-it-anyway 1 +1110010001 456-pound 1 +1110010001 long-barrel 1 +1110010001 536-page 1 +1110010001 five-room 1 +1110010001 religion-linked 1 +1110010001 50-tsubo 1 +1110010001 yogurt-like 1 +1110010001 shower-taking 1 +1110010001 lumpy-looking 1 +1110010001 dottering 1 +1110010001 none-too-private 1 +1110010001 414-acre 1 +1110010001 close-by 1 +1110010001 spirit-dampening 1 +1110010001 30-square-foot 1 +1110010001 three-sale 1 +1110010001 too-rigid 1 +1110010001 stone-solid 1 +1110010001 transitive 1 +1110010001 career-plus-home 1 +1110010001 six-column 1 +1110010001 semi-Disney 1 +1110010001 long-billed 1 +1110010001 toilet-tissue-like 1 +1110010001 ego-trip 1 +1110010001 free-spirit 1 +1110010001 late-in-life 1 +1110010001 cherry-red 1 +1110010001 barrel-like 1 +1110010001 Kelly-green 1 +1110010001 frost-promoting 1 +1110010001 250-foot 1 +1110010001 271-year-old 1 +1110010001 what's-so-funny 1 +1110010001 no-dancing 1 +1110010001 smashed-up 1 +1110010001 reverberant 1 +1110010001 Havana-Managua 1 +1110010001 tadpole 1 +1110010001 purple-striped 1 +1110010001 metal-eating 1 +1110010001 art-film 1 +1110010001 Portuguese-administered 1 +1110010001 lab-altered 1 +1110010001 prize-strewn 1 +1110010001 hand-stopped 1 +1110010001 pre-fab 1 +1110010001 hog-nosed 1 +1110010001 raw-fruit 1 +1110010001 Caponelike 1 +1110010001 high-brightness 1 +1110010001 pre-lapsarian 1 +1110010001 short-sleeve 1 +1110010001 continuous-casting 1 +1110010001 much-orphaned 1 +1110010001 culinary-minded 1 +1110010001 vote-trading 1 +1110010001 shtick-ridden 1 +1110010001 flat-top 1 +1110010001 honey-baritone 1 +1110010001 boardroom-and-bedroom 1 +1110010001 feminist-nationalist 1 +1110010001 textile-negotiator 1 +1110010001 13-foot-long 1 +1110010001 bell-roof 1 +1110010001 gin-sodden 1 +1110010001 non-espionage 1 +1110010001 deerstalker 1 +1110010001 marble-lined 1 +1110010001 page-description 1 +1110010001 trig 1 +1110010001 nontrendy 1 +1110010001 mud-caked 1 +1110010001 100-column 1 +1110010001 black-and-white-spotted 1 +1110010001 six-syllable 1 +1110010001 contrived-sounding 1 +1110010001 4,000-watt 1 +1110010001 color-sensitive 1 +1110010001 weird-tasting 1 +1110010001 parallel-bars 1 +1110010001 cartoon-strip 1 +1110010001 brown-shingle 1 +1110010001 hyperpituitary 1 +1110010001 mystical-action 1 +1110010001 mini-folk 1 +1110010001 pencil-shaped 1 +1110010001 brown-sugar 1 +1110010001 money-eating 1 +1110010001 cowled 1 +1110010001 close-clipped 1 +1110010001 roan-colored 1 +1110010001 patients-for 1 +1110010001 2,275,209 1 +1110010001 25-square-mile 1 +1110010001 five-carat 1 +1110010001 fifth-round 1 +1110010001 red-striped 1 +1110010001 gold-barrelled 1 +1110010001 much-wanted 1 +1110010001 168-page 1 +1110010001 less-cluttered 1 +1110010001 rifle-like 1 +1110010001 100,000-square 1 +1110010001 graffiti-inscribed 1 +1110010001 Columbo-like 1 +1110010001 lowgrade 1 +1110010001 inexplicit 1 +1110010001 non-difficult 1 +1110010001 war-free 1 +1110010001 more-absorbent 1 +1110010001 much-read 1 +1110010001 274-pound 1 +1110010001 no-hands 1 +1110010001 beauty-salon 1 +1110010001 50-fight 1 +1110010001 four-foot-thick 1 +1110010001 cartoon-cutout 1 +1110010001 lattice-like 1 +1110010001 pseudo-Hitchcockian 1 +1110010001 turned-up 1 +1110010001 champagne-toasting 1 +1110010001 just-printed 1 +1110010001 low-tax-rate 1 +1110010001 56-hour 1 +1110010001 trowel-rake 1 +1110010001 clear-plastic 1 +1110010001 freer-spending 1 +1110010001 spayed 1 +1110010001 pornographic-movie 1 +1110010001 socially-oriented 1 +1110010001 muchanticipated 1 +1110010001 mile-deep 1 +1110010001 Kramden-Norton 1 +1110010001 plant-dwelling 1 +1110010001 3,468-acre 1 +1110010001 Bona 1 +1110010001 16-story-high 1 +1110010001 no-cover-up 1 +1110010001 stunned-looking 1 +1110010001 small-fry 1 +1110010001 light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel 1 +1110010001 double-padlocked 1 +1110010001 tarot-card 1 +1110010001 72-foot 1 +1110010001 post-diamond 1 +1110010001 .308 1 +1110010001 devil-red 1 +1110010001 blonde-bombshell 1 +1110010001 Broadway-type 1 +1110010001 threefoot 1 +1110010001 heart-treatment 1 +1110010001 nine-letter 1 +1110010001 close-fitting 1 +1110010001 tassled 1 +1110010001 self-reading 1 +1110010001 2,700-acre 1 +1110010001 staff-reported 1 +1110010001 paint-by-the-numbers 1 +1110010001 pug 1 +1110010001 diaper-like 1 +1110010001 284-year-old 1 +1110010001 protein-restricted 1 +1110010001 PQQ-deficient 1 +1110010001 metamorphic 1 +1110010001 medical-scientific 1 +1110010001 big-book 1 +1110010001 hot-cold 1 +1110010001 unlabored 1 +1110010001 214-page 1 +1110010001 news/bad 1 +1110010001 Daikini 1 +1110010001 safelooking 1 +1110010001 tossed-out 1 +1110010001 circulation-boosting 1 +1110010001 garden-sized 1 +1110010001 law-and-morality 1 +1110010001 historical-minded 1 +1110010001 print-and-electronic 1 +1110010001 low-strain 1 +1110010001 O2 1 +1110010001 seven-note 1 +1110010001 1,500-word 1 +1110010001 inlationary 1 +1110010001 drugsniffing 1 +1110010001 bamboo-framed 1 +1110010001 shoe-insert 1 +1110010001 liberal-capitalist 1 +1110010001 tie-less 1 +1110010001 dot-to-dot 1 +1110010001 Vader-like 1 +1110010001 five-garbage-can 1 +1110010001 western-cut 1 +1110010001 society-shaking 1 +1110010001 chrome-topped 1 +1110010001 close-run 1 +1110010001 crime-does-not-pay 1 +1110010001 mongered 1 +1110010001 wigmaker 1 +1110010001 two-million-dollar 1 +1110010001 riproaring 1 +1110010001 wheat-field-and-apple-pie 1 +1110010001 fat-restricted 1 +1110010001 drum-and-bell 1 +1110010001 telephone-aided 1 +1110010001 half-faced 1 +1110010001 diamond-and-emerald 1 +1110010001 no-writers-needed 1 +1110010001 54-year 1 +1110010001 dove-pork 1 +1110010001 success-through-voodoo 1 +1110010001 low-stress 1 +1110010001 165-foot-long 1 +1110010001 pleasant-sounding 1 +1110010001 market-inspiring 1 +1110010001 fair-to-good 1 +1110010001 minty 1 +1110010001 well-proportioned 1 +1110010001 blown-out 1 +1110010001 1468 1 +1110010001 multipage 1 +1110010001 ventilator-dependent 1 +1110010001 temple-centered 1 +1110010001 spinet 1 +1110010001 permanment 1 +1110010001 lay-of-the-land 1 +1110010001 pre-vacation 1 +1110010001 ROTC-like 1 +1110010001 488-acre 1 +1110010001 man-size 1 +1110010001 adventitious 1 +1110010001 sealed-off 1 +1110010001 pro-democratic 2 +1110010001 nondilutive 2 +1110010001 66-year 2 +1110010001 65-34 2 +1110010001 toy-like 2 +1110010001 euphonious 2 +1110010001 commercial-supported 2 +1110010001 wrong-minded 2 +1110010001 once-taboo 2 +1110010001 bigger-than-average 2 +1110010001 anti-black 2 +1110010001 Christian-Marxist 2 +1110010001 Cantaloupe 2 +1110010001 singleminded 2 +1110010001 parentless 2 +1110010001 black-eyed 2 +1110010001 harrow 2 +1110010001 gold-and-glass 2 +1110010001 half-bad 2 +1110010001 much-abused 2 +1110010001 55-foot 2 +1110010001 hosanna 2 +1110010001 hard-ball 2 +1110010001 rosin 2 +1110010001 feeble-minded 2 +1110010001 flat-chested 2 +1110010001 second-order 2 +1110010001 cold-shower 2 +1110010001 nonburning 2 +1110010001 low-sugar 2 +1110010001 not-very-subtle 2 +1110010001 halal 2 +1110010001 no-profit 2 +1110010001 economy-sensitive 2 +1110010001 Schubertian 2 +1110010001 non-direct 2 +1110010001 colorizes 2 +1110010001 23-pound 2 +1110010001 transiency 2 +1110010001 wild-haired 2 +1110010001 stress-free 2 +1110010001 infra 2 +1110010001 folky 2 +1110010001 loveable 2 +1110010001 news-bad 2 +1110010001 one-celled 2 +1110010001 two-CD 2 +1110010001 non-business-related 2 +1110010001 chesty 2 +1110010001 64-year 2 +1110010001 broad-brimmed 2 +1110010001 scatterbrained 2 +1110010001 Handelian 2 +1110010001 non-bona 2 +1110010001 low-earth 2 +1110010001 jesting 2 +1110010001 large-flowered 2 +1110010001 high-concept 2 +1110010001 metabolize 2 +1110010001 angelic 2 +1110010001 rebuttable 2 +1110010001 short-tempered 2 +1110010001 let-down 2 +1110010001 two-inch-thick 2 +1110010001 fabulous-looking 2 +1110010001 beta-blocker 2 +1110010001 fretless 2 +1110010001 manufacturing-oriented 2 +1110010001 42-year 2 +1110010001 black-and-red 2 +1110010001 Debussyan 2 +1110010001 sensation-seeking 2 +1110010001 many-headed 2 +1110010001 still-mysterious 2 +1110010001 13-part 2 +1110010001 30,000-member 2 +1110010001 lily-livered 2 +1110010001 push-up 3 +1110010001 good-hearted 3 +1110010001 biracial 3 +1110010001 cartoon-like 3 +1110010001 gamy 3 +1110010001 white-knuckle 3 +1110010001 cross-sectional 3 +1110010001 prideful 3 +1110010001 stonecrop 3 +1110010001 160-unit 3 +1110010001 heavyset 3 +1110010001 balletic 3 +1110010001 mortifying 3 +1110010001 peace-making 3 +1110010001 nonproduction 3 +1110010001 like. 3 +1110010001 bitty 3 +1110010001 hollowed-out 3 +1110010001 two-second 3 +1110010001 muddle-through 3 +1110010001 marvellous 3 +1110010001 quizzical 3 +1110010001 water-resistant 3 +1110010001 hydra-headed 3 +1110010001 man-bites-dog 3 +1110010001 tell-all 3 +1110010001 375-30 3 +1110010001 peachy 3 +1110010001 nine-to-five 3 +1110010001 stabler 3 +1110010001 late-breaking 4 +1110010001 waxy 4 +1110010001 wordy 4 +1110010001 sour-grapes 4 +1110010001 dopers 4 +1110010001 cut-and-paste 4 +1110010001 smart-aleck 4 +1110010001 project-related 4 +1110010001 cost-free 4 +1110010001 modish 4 +1110010001 kinda 4 +1110010001 high-style 4 +1110010001 V-shaped 4 +1110010001 public-good 4 +1110010001 judge-made 4 +1110010001 loveless 4 +1110010001 three-letter 4 +1110010001 doggie 4 +1110010001 carnal 4 +1110010001 ill-mannered 4 +1110010001 two-fisted 4 +1110010001 high-backed 4 +1110010001 woodsy 4 +1110010001 beaten-down 4 +1110010001 well-recognized 4 +1110010001 foxy 4 +1110010001 far-sighted 4 +1110010001 plumed 4 +1110010001 nonverbal 4 +1110010001 fluky 4 +1110010001 maladroit 4 +1110010001 multidimensional 4 +1110010001 fact-based 4 +1110010001 loping 4 +1110010001 Cucumber 4 +1110010001 tabloid-style 4 +1110010001 Berber 4 +1110010001 cornball 4 +1110010001 multilevel 4 +1110010001 high-falutin 4 +1110010001 straight-backed 4 +1110010001 pro-am 4 +1110010001 well-tried 4 +1110010001 well-reasoned 4 +1110010001 forgetful 5 +1110010001 cut-and-dried 5 +1110010001 not-so-good 5 +1110010001 well-chosen 5 +1110010001 yelping 5 +1110010001 dogeared 5 +1110010001 penitent 5 +1110010001 sappy 5 +1110010001 semicircular 5 +1110010001 unpolished 5 +1110010001 well-read 5 +1110010001 spiritless 5 +1110010001 screwball 5 +1110010001 hellish 5 +1110010001 1777 5 +1110010001 nutrient 5 +1110010001 meretricious 5 +1110010001 bandaged 5 +1110010001 crime-ridden 5 +1110010001 doggone 5 +1110010001 quasi-judicial 5 +1110010001 deathless 5 +1110010001 satiny 5 +1110010001 dumpy 5 +1110010001 maudlin 5 +1110010001 high-status 5 +1110010001 creased 5 +1110010001 doddering 5 +1110010001 wart 5 +1110010001 deniable 5 +1110010001 reductive 5 +1110010001 foul-mouthed 5 +1110010001 foppish 5 +1110010001 timorous 5 +1110010001 glimmering 5 +1110010001 pianissimo 5 +1110010001 turn-around 5 +1110010001 situational 5 +1110010001 slow-paced 5 +1110010001 preachy 5 +1110010001 screwy 5 +1110010001 cliched 5 +1110010001 people-oriented 5 +1110010001 flippant 6 +1110010001 voyeur 6 +1110010001 servile 6 +1110010001 contoured 6 +1110010001 table-pounding 6 +1110010001 ratty 6 +1110010001 sawed-off 6 +1110010001 rat-infested 6 +1110010001 none-too-subtle 6 +1110010001 bright-eyed 6 +1110010001 pre-ordained 6 +1110010001 convivial 6 +1110010001 clean-burning 6 +1110010001 querulous 6 +1110010001 talky 6 +1110010001 virginal 6 +1110010001 honeyed 6 +1110010001 freakish 6 +1110010001 Socratic 6 +1110010001 truculent 6 +1110010001 touchy-feely 6 +1110010001 cause-and-effect 6 +1110010001 goal-oriented 6 +1110010001 namby-pamby 7 +1110010001 horrid 7 +1110010001 forgivable 7 +1110010001 hale 7 +1110010001 bleakest 7 +1110010001 walk-through 7 +1110010001 raspy 7 +1110010001 buildable 7 +1110010001 pith 7 +1110010001 goddamn 7 +1110010001 guileless 7 +1110010001 spacey 7 +1110010001 catty 7 +1110010001 noontime 7 +1110010001 bang-up 7 +1110010001 salacious 7 +1110010001 spry 7 +1110010001 movie-star 7 +1110010001 fey 7 +1110010001 two-dimensional 8 +1110010001 nauseating 8 +1110010001 wearisome 8 +1110010001 tuneful 8 +1110010001 highfalutin 8 +1110010001 business-as-usual 8 +1110010001 backhanded 8 +1110010001 fill-in 8 +1110010001 trashy 8 +1110010001 plainer 8 +1110010001 lonesome 8 +1110010001 scowling 8 +1110010001 hoarse 8 +1110010001 scattershot 8 +1110010001 made-up 8 +1110010001 tatty 8 +1110010001 whodunit 9 +1110010001 BCS 9 +1110010001 tinny 9 +1110010001 song-and-dance 9 +1110010001 well-fed 9 +1110010001 slapdash 9 +1110010001 post-summit 9 +1110010001 cathartic 9 +1110010001 free-form 9 +1110010001 shopworn 9 +1110010001 hokey 9 +1110010001 puckish 9 +1110010001 surer 9 +1110010001 humongous 9 +1110010001 crackerjack 9 +1110010001 callow 9 +1110010001 junky 9 +1110010001 low-cut 9 +1110010001 serendipitous 10 +1110010001 Pollyanna 10 +1110010001 pie-in-the-sky 10 +1110010001 cockeyed 10 +1110010001 with-it 10 +1110010001 union-busting 10 +1110010001 wacko 10 +1110010001 girlish 10 +1110010001 seamy 10 +1110010001 roomy 10 +1110010001 suspenseful 11 +1110010001 cutesy 11 +1110010001 fingernail 11 +1110010001 dainty 11 +1110010001 not-so-subtle 11 +1110010001 leathery 11 +1110010001 boorish 11 +1110010001 felicitous 11 +1110010001 pro-growth 11 +1110010001 narrow-minded 11 +1110010001 rueful 11 +1110010001 frisky 11 +1110010001 virile 11 +1110010001 sophomoric 12 +1110010001 saner 12 +1110010001 beguiling 12 +1110010001 dejected 12 +1110010001 puffy 12 +1110010001 senile 12 +1110010001 cold-blooded 12 +1110010001 miserly 12 +1110010001 foggy 12 +1110010001 risque 12 +1110010001 frazzled 13 +1110010001 panoramic 13 +1110010001 Kafkaesque 13 +1110010001 dopey 13 +1110010001 vegetarian 13 +1110010001 manly 13 +1110010001 two-edged 13 +1110010001 riskless 14 +1110010001 fun-loving 14 +1110010001 make-believe 14 +1110010001 demure 14 +1110010001 woolly 14 +1110010001 thankless 14 +1110010001 nutty 14 +1110010001 sneaky 14 +1110010001 piddling 14 +1110010001 one-dimensional 14 +1110010001 scratchy 14 +1110010001 well-rounded 14 +1110010001 kinky 14 +1110010001 jaunty 15 +1110010001 moose 15 +1110010001 coming-of-age 15 +1110010001 gooey 15 +1110010001 rickety 15 +1110010001 cheeky 15 +1110010001 Herculean 15 +1110010001 disreputable 15 +1110010001 grumpy 15 +1110010001 well-qualified 15 +1110010001 wimpy 16 +1110010001 snob 16 +1110010001 humid 16 +1110010001 macabre 16 +1110010001 lighthearted 16 +1110010001 creditable 16 +1110010001 gleeful 16 +1110010001 moist 16 +1110010001 half-empty 17 +1110010001 quadriplegic 17 +1110010001 grainy 17 +1110010001 monogamous 17 +1110010001 balmy 17 +1110010001 pained 17 +1110010001 clunky 17 +1110010001 far-off 17 +1110010001 ticklish 18 +1110010001 perky 18 +1110010001 flabby 19 +1110010001 timeless 19 +1110010001 Band-Aid 19 +1110010001 sarcastic 19 +1110010001 cranky 20 +1110010001 clenched 20 +1110010001 heartbreaking 20 +1110010001 sweltering 20 +1110010001 spooky 20 +1110010001 sensual 20 +1110010001 crafty 20 +1110010001 blooming 20 +1110010001 pathological 20 +1110010001 rowdy 21 +1110010001 symbiotic 21 +1110010001 tulip 21 +1110010001 merry 21 +1110010001 gutsy 22 +1110010001 far-out 23 +1110010001 tongue-in-cheek 23 +1110010001 steely 23 +1110010001 snappy 23 +1110010001 homely 23 +1110010001 humbling 23 +1110010001 deafening 23 +1110010001 corny 24 +1110010001 jolly 24 +1110010001 wacky 24 +1110010001 joyful 24 +1110010001 materialistic 25 +1110010001 canny 25 +1110010001 well-documented 25 +1110010001 creepy 26 +1110010001 rusty 26 +1110010001 beige 26 +1110010001 figurehead 26 +1110010001 double-edged 27 +1110010001 plaintive 27 +1110010001 breezy 28 +1110010001 gaudy 28 +1110010001 pleasurable 28 +1110010001 stout 28 +1110010001 bittersweet 28 +1110010001 carefree 29 +1110010001 mischievous 29 +1110010001 wistful 31 +1110010001 justifiable 31 +1110010001 sane 31 +1110010001 soggy 32 +1110010001 cheery 32 +1110010001 loony 32 +1110010001 tasty 33 +1110010001 crass 33 +1110010001 half-hearted 33 +1110010001 wretched 33 +1110010001 harrowing 34 +1110010001 boyish 35 +1110010001 solitary 36 +1110010001 windy 36 +1110010001 dreamy 36 +1110010001 disgusting 36 +1110010001 finer 37 +1110010001 good-natured 37 +1110010001 pretentious 37 +1110010001 goofy 38 +1110010001 prima 38 +1110010001 hazy 38 +1110010001 tacky 38 +1110010001 doomsday 38 +1110010001 nifty 39 +1110010001 flimsy 39 +1110010001 market-moving 39 +1110010001 gratuitous 40 +1110010001 baffling 40 +1110010001 mind-boggling 40 +1110010001 thrilling 41 +1110010001 contrarian 41 +1110010001 plump 43 +1110010001 mortal 44 +1110010001 giddy 44 +1110010001 delicious 46 +1110010001 wicked 46 +1110010001 self-fulfilling 48 +1110010001 catchy 48 +1110010001 miraculous 50 +1110010001 likable 51 +1110010001 hysterical 52 +1110010001 cancerous 52 +1110010001 sleazy 53 +1110010001 flattering 53 +1110010001 vulgar 54 +1110010001 dreadful 54 +1110010001 sly 55 +1110010001 bum 55 +1110010001 crisp 56 +1110010001 shoddy 57 +1110010001 shabby 59 +1110010001 delightful 60 +1110010001 chilly 60 +1110010001 shining 63 +1110010001 first-rate 65 +1110010001 pathetic 65 +1110010001 rainy 66 +1110010001 nostalgic 68 +1110010001 quaint 69 +1110010001 cordial 70 +1110010001 bumpy 70 +1110010001 damned 70 +1110010001 refreshing 72 +1110010001 rotten 73 +1110010001 sturdy 74 +1110010001 splendid 75 +1110010001 fabulous 76 +1110010001 loving 80 +1110010001 horrendous 80 +1110010001 lazy 84 +1110010001 hollow 92 +1110010001 sunny 92 +1110010001 traumatic 94 +1110010001 bona 96 +1110010001 fairy 97 +1110010001 bland 97 +1110010001 sentimental 98 +1110010001 fantastic 101 +1110010001 lovely 102 +1110010001 marvelous 103 +1110010001 miserable 103 +1110010001 noisy 106 +1110010001 sexy 107 +1110010001 sore 114 +1110010001 shallow 116 +1110010001 shocking 117 +1110010001 gentle 120 +1110010001 cute 125 +1110010001 horrible 132 +1110010001 scary 132 +1110010001 polite 133 +1110010001 lonely 134 +1110010001 superb 135 +1110010001 neat 138 +1110010001 rocky 141 +1110010001 dim 145 +1110010001 weird 150 +1110010001 brave 151 +1110010001 rosy 153 +1110010001 cruel 155 +1110010001 damn 163 +1110010001 frightening 169 +1110010001 lousy 175 +1110010001 dumb 180 +1110010001 romantic 209 +1110010001 pleasant 213 +1110010001 tragic 217 +1110010001 terrific 219 +1110010001 grim 219 +1110010001 bleak 221 +1110010001 clever 232 +1110010001 silly 241 +1110010001 curious 244 +1110010001 nasty 247 +1110010001 loud 248 +1110010001 stupid 249 +1110010001 sweet 255 +1110010001 sensible 279 +1110010001 decent 286 +1110010001 sad 347 +1110010001 dirty 374 +1110010001 funny 376 +1110010001 plain 389 +1110010001 smart 447 +1110010001 rough 448 +1110010001 terrible 452 +1110010001 strange 471 +1110010001 wonderful 482 +1110010001 bright 723 +1110010001 perfect 742 +1110010001 nice 890 +1110010001 rare 1032 +1110010001 cheap 1093 +1110010001 simple 1670 +1110010001 good 14678 +1110010001 bad 4579 +11100100100 EPS-based 1 +11100100100 price-trend 1 +11100100100 romantic-type 1 +11100100100 impressive-sounding 1 +11100100100 3,293 1 +11100100100 Dino-Rider 1 +11100100100 Real-world 1 +11100100100 1,507 1 +11100100100 airport-construction 1 +11100100100 Mundane 1 +11100100100 family-awareness 1 +11100100100 hair-fine 1 +11100100100 Shambles 1 +11100100100 5,155 1 +11100100100 suction-assisted 1 +11100100100 negative-attack 1 +11100100100 1,700-person 1 +11100100100 often-draconian 1 +11100100100 fall-semester 1 +11100100100 stock-return 1 +11100100100 bank-rate 1 +11100100100 non-meritorious 1 +11100100100 patient-complaint 1 +11100100100 homeowner-corporation 1 +11100100100 self-fastening 1 +11100100100 Bernsteiniana 1 +11100100100 impotant 1 +11100100100 political-endorsement 1 +11100100100 34,478 1 +11100100100 non-optional 1 +11100100100 24.65 1 +11100100100 semi-important 1 +11100100100 boycott-backing 1 +11100100100 coconut-palm 1 +11100100100 often-complex 1 +11100100100 quoc 1 +11100100100 electronics-cleaning 1 +11100100100 massage-parlor 1 +11100100100 storm-water 1 +11100100100 almost-instant 1 +11100100100 investment-strategy 1 +11100100100 sleepy-driver 1 +11100100100 product-description 1 +11100100100 -drinking 1 +11100100100 CD-ROM-based 1 +11100100100 urine-temperature 1 +11100100100 Shearson-managed 1 +11100100100 body-cavity 1 +11100100100 sinuses 1 +11100100100 poster-like 1 +11100100100 back-pedaled 1 +11100100100 patience-building 1 +11100100100 40,331 1 +11100100100 post-Rambo 1 +11100100100 3,788 1 +11100100100 pension/retirement 1 +11100100100 secret-compartment 1 +11100100100 pro-nuclear-energy 1 +11100100100 pesticidecan 1 +11100100100 pesticide-can 1 +11100100100 tour-related 1 +11100100100 inastute 1 +11100100100 one-law-fits-all 1 +11100100100 wintry-looking 1 +11100100100 mud-bath 1 +11100100100 bungalow-like 1 +11100100100 gold-clothed 1 +11100100100 Tuesday-afternoon 1 +11100100100 expense-oriented 1 +11100100100 bouncier 1 +11100100100 firm-level 1 +11100100100 medical-training 1 +11100100100 fish-catch 1 +11100100100 anti-salmonella 1 +11100100100 chicken-driven 1 +11100100100 jobless-benefit 1 +11100100100 27,711 1 +11100100100 crime-prevention 1 +11100100100 pathbreaking 1 +11100100100 pre-symptomatic 1 +11100100100 unstifled 1 +11100100100 corporate-backed 1 +11100100100 wrinkle-fighting 1 +11100100100 TV-drama 1 +11100100100 de-dated 1 +11100100100 picture-sorting 1 +11100100100 anisotropic 1 +11100100100 non-statist 1 +11100100100 partioned 1 +11100100100 insertable 1 +11100100100 funeral-industry 1 +11100100100 large-character 1 +11100100100 near-typeset-quality 1 +11100100100 variable-transmission 1 +11100100100 dermatologic 1 +11100100100 righthanded 1 +11100100100 self-assembled 1 +11100100100 more-basic 1 +11100100100 prearrange 1 +11100100100 missing-persons 1 +11100100100 second-market 1 +11100100100 maintenance-management 1 +11100100100 joint-nuclear-testing 1 +11100100100 still-maturing 1 +11100100100 1,196 1 +11100100100 field-crop 1 +11100100100 soup-to-nuts 1 +11100100100 2,051 1 +11100100100 institutionalized-jobs 1 +11100100100 Euro-peseta 1 +11100100100 petroleum-conservation 1 +11100100100 put-together 1 +11100100100 big-character 1 +11100100100 odd-number 1 +11100100100 92,792 1 +11100100100 fit-tested 1 +11100100100 print-shop-quality 1 +11100100100 10-loss 1 +11100100100 number-based 1 +11100100100 410,447 1 +11100100100 taxpayer-related 1 +11100100100 shell-hole 1 +11100100100 laser-like 1 +11100100100 odd-seeming 1 +11100100100 proto-totalitarian 1 +11100100100 hawg 1 +11100100100 automatically-fastening 1 +11100100100 nonproprietary 1 +11100100100 AIDS-discrimination 1 +11100100100 multi-page 1 +11100100100 alternatve 1 +11100100100 piano-performance 1 +11100100100 media-spending 1 +11100100100 stomach-churning 1 +11100100100 timesheets 1 +11100100100 shareholder-suit 1 +11100100100 large-store 1 +11100100100 Zen-like 1 +11100100100 Save-the-Mangrove 1 +11100100100 prior-day 1 +11100100100 consumer-safety 1 +11100100100 tax-due 1 +11100100100 otherwise-harmlesss 1 +11100100100 negotiated-block 1 +11100100100 budget-planning 1 +11100100100 1,972,886 1 +11100100100 PPP-according 1 +11100100100 piggy-back 1 +11100100100 non-arms-length 1 +11100100100 water-pressure 1 +11100100100 somniferous 1 +11100100100 post-graduates 1 +11100100100 land-planning 1 +11100100100 fast-flashing 1 +11100100100 unlateral 1 +11100100100 chicken-hunting 1 +11100100100 casino-related 1 +11100100100 postive 1 +11100100100 highway-travel 1 +11100100100 lowbrows 1 +11100100100 brand-specific 2 +11100100100 lending-related 2 +11100100100 longer-established 2 +11100100100 scratch-and-sniff 2 +11100100100 358-67 2 +11100100100 misfiled 2 +11100100100 24-17 2 +11100100100 line-of-business 2 +11100100100 401-20 2 +11100100100 galvanometer 2 +11100100100 216-206 2 +11100100100 AR-15 2 +11100100100 toothsome 2 +11100100100 more-widespread 2 +11100100100 agriculture-livestock 2 +11100100100 phony-baloney 2 +11100100100 genetic-test 2 +11100100100 chi-square 2 +11100100100 15-2 2 +11100100100 302-105 2 +11100100100 Megabrain 2 +11100100100 juvenile-delinquency 2 +11100100100 liquid-crystal-display 2 +11100100100 illusionistic 2 +11100100100 360-53 2 +11100100100 piloted-vehicle 2 +11100100100 office-of-the-president 2 +11100100100 untruthfully 2 +11100100100 taxshelter 2 +11100100100 freedom-of-information 2 +11100100100 celebrity-oriented 2 +11100100100 21-14 2 +11100100100 Mussolini-like 2 +11100100100 58-29 2 +11100100100 94-1 2 +11100100100 electrical-current 2 +11100100100 safe-conduct 2 +11100100100 13Ds 2 +11100100100 376-45 2 +11100100100 65-29 2 +11100100100 nonscientific 2 +11100100100 asymmetric 2 +11100100100 sevenyear 2 +11100100100 wind-tunnel 2 +11100100100 mistake-free 2 +11100100100 12-0 2 +11100100100 non-urgent 2 +11100100100 345-70 2 +11100100100 highschool 2 +11100100100 11-8 2 +11100100100 nuisance-abatement 2 +11100100100 union-contract 2 +11100100100 non-Reagan 2 +11100100100 uncracked 2 +11100100100 non-Divad 2 +11100100100 multi-level 2 +11100100100 MileageSaver 2 +11100100100 college-admissions 2 +11100100100 property-value 2 +11100100100 2,038 2 +11100100100 nonlocal 2 +11100100100 capella 2 +11100100100 401-1 2 +11100100100 14-4 2 +11100100100 pre-assembled 2 +11100100100 recollected 2 +11100100100 value-enhancing 2 +11100100100 rent-seeking 2 +11100100100 smoking-ban 2 +11100100100 mastodon 2 +11100100100 Bahamians 2 +11100100100 TRUCKER 2 +11100100100 sleek-looking 2 +11100100100 non-transferrable 3 +11100100100 liquid-protein 3 +11100100100 fifty-fifty 3 +11100100100 fradulent 3 +11100100100 47-43 3 +11100100100 rail-labor 3 +11100100100 pre-hiring 3 +11100100100 67-33 3 +11100100100 jewel-like 3 +11100100100 380-38 3 +11100100100 96-1 3 +11100100100 while-you-wait 3 +11100100100 imprinting 3 +11100100100 97-1 3 +11100100100 more-selective 3 +11100100100 14-6 3 +11100100100 cross-breeding 3 +11100100100 nonstandard 3 +11100100100 joint-return 3 +11100100100 multi-billion-dollar 3 +11100100100 dollar-supporting 3 +11100100100 74-0 3 +11100100100 option-trading 3 +11100100100 198-193 3 +11100100100 third-round 3 +11100100100 stupefying 3 +11100100100 self-contradictory 3 +11100100100 documentary-style 3 +11100100100 heat-sensitive 3 +11100100100 leak-rate 3 +11100100100 244-132 3 +11100100100 nonjudicial 3 +11100100100 91-6 3 +11100100100 five-figure 4 +11100100100 passionless 4 +11100100100 well-tested 4 +11100100100 5-to-4 4 +11100100100 Odette 4 +11100100100 63-27 4 +11100100100 textile-import 4 +11100100100 strikeout 4 +11100100100 15-to-1 4 +11100100100 Japanese-designed 4 +11100100100 exculpatory 4 +11100100100 9-1 4 +11100100100 long-ignored 4 +11100100100 digitizing 4 +11100100100 230-194 4 +11100100100 time-and-motion 4 +11100100100 pre-performance 4 +11100100100 non-surgical 4 +11100100100 217-206 4 +11100100100 oceanic 4 +11100100100 not-qualified 5 +11100100100 transactional 5 +11100100100 line-by-line 5 +11100100100 SAW 5 +11100100100 72-27 5 +11100100100 governmentwide 5 +11100100100 point-by-point 5 +11100100100 malign 5 +11100100100 paper-and-pencil 5 +11100100100 quotable 6 +11100100100 19-17 6 +11100100100 customer-account 6 +11100100100 quarter-page 6 +11100100100 11-5 6 +11100100100 logarithmic 6 +11100100100 side-stepping 6 +11100100100 pre-retirement 6 +11100100100 slanderous 6 +11100100100 peremptory 6 +11100100100 last-sale 7 +11100100100 nonsurgical 7 +11100100100 hypertext 7 +11100100100 unverified 7 +11100100100 hardback 7 +11100100100 9-5 7 +11100100100 followup 7 +11100100100 blank-check 7 +11100100100 14-0 7 +11100100100 squishy 7 +11100100100 pre-approved 8 +11100100100 non-toxic 8 +11100100100 meaty 8 +11100100100 self-improvement 8 +11100100100 comparable-worth 8 +11100100100 fish-oil 8 +11100100100 20- 9 +11100100100 nonalcoholic 9 +11100100100 reverential 9 +11100100100 new-store 9 +11100100100 slice-of-life 9 +11100100100 lead-based 9 +11100100100 Kalashnikov 9 +11100100100 post-graduate 10 +11100100100 big-government 10 +11100100100 plain-vanilla 10 +11100100100 mechanistic 10 +11100100100 currency-transaction 10 +11100100100 less-favorable 10 +11100100100 typeset 10 +11100100100 warrantless 11 +11100100100 double-blind 11 +11100100100 hard-sell 11 +11100100100 yellowing 11 +11100100100 tax-oriented 11 +11100100100 contemporaneous 11 +11100100100 more-stringent 11 +11100100100 menstrual 11 +11100100100 house-to-house 12 +11100100100 placebo-controlled 12 +11100100100 non-negotiable 12 +11100100100 10-1 13 +11100100100 lateral 13 +11100100100 well-thought-out 13 +11100100100 more-detailed 13 +11100100100 well-designed 13 +11100100100 custom-tailored 14 +11100100100 five- 15 +11100100100 color-coded 15 +11100100100 non-exclusive 16 +11100100100 service-related 17 +11100100100 snide 17 +11100100100 surreptitious 17 +11100100100 similiar 19 +11100100100 little-used 19 +11100100100 derogatory 19 +11100100100 3-1 19 +11100100100 consensual 19 +11100100100 mismatched 21 +11100100100 well-funded 21 +11100100100 4-3 22 +11100100100 ready-made 24 +11100100100 two- 24 +11100100100 6-0 25 +11100100100 3-0 28 +11100100100 no-strike 33 +11100100100 how-to 34 +11100100100 4-0 34 +11100100100 market-sensitive 36 +11100100100 lie-detector 37 +11100100100 4-1 41 +11100100100 pre-arranged 41 +11100100100 copyrighted 46 +11100100100 needless 47 +11100100100 repetitive 53 +11100100100 speedier 54 +11100100100 seismic 59 +11100100100 proportional 62 +11100100100 non-public 64 +11100100100 proportionate 74 +11100100100 prearranged 80 +11100100100 reciprocal 85 +11100100100 life-threatening 102 +11100100100 sham 110 +11100100100 standardized 111 +11100100100 full-page 112 +11100100100 follow-up 187 +11100100100 bogus 193 +11100100100 phony 265 +11100100100 faulty 287 +11100100100 conflicting 347 +11100100100 random 347 +11100100100 unilateral 448 +11100100100 fraudulent 482 +11100100100 classified 629 +11100100100 confidential 825 +11100100100 quick 1441 +11100100100 false 1519 +11100100100 similar 6547 +11100100100 comparable 1807 +11100100101 nine-story 1 +11100100101 anti-Diem 1 +11100100101 oil-lubricated 1 +11100100101 Soviet-NATO 1 +11100100101 Greek-flag 1 +11100100101 years.The 1 +11100100101 industrial-computer-systems 1 +11100100101 protest-in-the-streets 1 +11100100101 dark-wool 1 +11100100101 knock-the-competition 1 +11100100101 city-manager 1 +11100100101 24-minute 1 +11100100101 keeping-computerized 1 +11100100101 new-phone 1 +11100100101 close-to-the-vest 1 +11100100101 not-so-boring 1 +11100100101 female-oppressing 1 +11100100101 built-for-power 1 +11100100101 gem-studded 1 +11100100101 train-wreck 1 +11100100101 university-industry 1 +11100100101 cross-pressured 1 +11100100101 historical-renovation 1 +11100100101 permament 1 +11100100101 manon-the-moon 1 +11100100101 simulcasted 1 +11100100101 criminal-trespass 1 +11100100101 Clarke-Hendon 1 +11100100101 parallel-processor 1 +11100100101 focussed 1 +11100100101 non-Boesky 1 +11100100101 veto-sustaining 1 +11100100101 mine-blast 1 +11100100101 40,000-share 1 +11100100101 financial-spreadsheet 1 +11100100101 canine-detective 1 +11100100101 naval-aircraft 1 +11100100101 denial-of-service 1 +11100100101 800-passenger 1 +11100100101 bow-shaped 1 +11100100101 health-damaging 1 +11100100101 tamed-down 1 +11100100101 non-leverageable 1 +11100100101 must-watch 1 +11100100101 half-expressed 1 +11100100101 bee-research 1 +11100100101 Palmer-Life 1 +11100100101 cottonseed-processing 1 +11100100101 darker-horse 1 +11100100101 zombie-like 1 +11100100101 fly-blown 1 +11100100101 monopole-hunting 1 +11100100101 urgent-care 1 +11100100101 300-meter 1 +11100100101 jokey 1 +11100100101 heat-recovery 1 +11100100101 pipeline-expansion 1 +11100100101 grand-larceny 1 +11100100101 million-size 1 +11100100101 bonus-program 1 +11100100101 state-legislative 1 +11100100101 nonexchange 1 +11100100101 modern-technology 1 +11100100101 low-octane 1 +11100100101 transcendant 1 +11100100101 snow-colored 1 +11100100101 disabled-persons 1 +11100100101 more-polished 1 +11100100101 machine-sealed 1 +11100100101 bamboo-munching 1 +11100100101 safe-driving 1 +11100100101 high-contrast 1 +11100100101 teacher-pedagogue 1 +11100100101 age-segregated 1 +11100100101 150,000-kilowatt 1 +11100100101 human-size 1 +11100100101 antifunding 1 +11100100101 limpwristed 1 +11100100101 Pechora-Krasnoyarsk-class 1 +11100100101 budget-reform 1 +11100100101 redacted 1 +11100100101 copier-market 1 +11100100101 1,780,800 1 +11100100101 counter-rotating 1 +11100100101 land-locked 1 +11100100101 775-foot 1 +11100100101 well-shielded 1 +11100100101 Park-Northrop 1 +11100100101 multi 1 +11100100101 unslated 1 +11100100101 shortie 1 +11100100101 below-the-knee 1 +11100100101 undubbed 1 +11100100101 pain-racked 1 +11100100101 killed-virus 1 +11100100101 all-Russian 1 +11100100101 dark-clad 1 +11100100101 UH60 1 +11100100101 selling-of-snake-oil 1 +11100100101 sporting-clay 1 +11100100101 self-consuming 1 +11100100101 aggregates-distribution 1 +11100100101 front-of-the-pack 1 +11100100101 non-hardware 1 +11100100101 soil-hauling 1 +11100100101 pro-Coniston 1 +11100100101 immigrant-support 1 +11100100101 wedged-shaped 1 +11100100101 maximize-the-bottom-line 1 +11100100101 industrial-waste-processing 1 +11100100101 chicken-vs.-egg 1 +11100100101 rail-crew 1 +11100100101 planet-like 1 +11100100101 semi-local 1 +11100100101 12.5-inch-diameter 1 +11100100101 video-disc 1 +11100100101 box-off 1 +11100100101 flanged 1 +11100100101 cash-and-warrants 1 +11100100101 copy-editing 1 +11100100101 then-known 1 +11100100101 dervishes 1 +11100100101 fulllength 1 +11100100101 Grisha-class 1 +11100100101 9.9-plus 1 +11100100101 trial-run 1 +11100100101 square-jawed 1 +11100100101 concert/interview 1 +11100100101 banana-peel 1 +11100100101 side-of-the-mouth 1 +11100100101 stablike 1 +11100100101 Ritalin-related 1 +11100100101 lower-ticket 1 +11100100101 pomegranate 1 +11100100101 co-existing 1 +11100100101 outpatient-care 1 +11100100101 save-the-whales 1 +11100100101 boob-tube 1 +11100100101 slap-on-the-hand 1 +11100100101 pin-up 2 +11100100101 retentive 2 +11100100101 saw-tooth 2 +11100100101 boldfaced 2 +11100100101 run-oriented 2 +11100100101 ATV-accident 2 +11100100101 Marcos-controlled 2 +11100100101 turbine-generator 2 +11100100101 price-manipulation 2 +11100100101 muscat 2 +11100100101 black-controlled 2 +11100100101 preconcert 2 +11100100101 spring-fed 2 +11100100101 unmemorable 2 +11100100101 celebrity-studded 2 +11100100101 foreign-sounding 2 +11100100101 hardbound 2 +11100100101 1940s-vintage 2 +11100100101 late-onset 2 +11100100101 nonlegal 2 +11100100101 post-WWII 2 +11100100101 seat-back 2 +11100100101 Dantesque 2 +11100100101 modifiable 2 +11100100101 noninfectious 2 +11100100101 untrodden 2 +11100100101 benzene-related 2 +11100100101 town-hall 2 +11100100101 illegal-lobbying 2 +11100100101 non-daily 2 +11100100101 concessions-for-stock 2 +11100100101 150-foot-high 2 +11100100101 11-inch 2 +11100100101 tabloid-size 2 +11100100101 engine-generator 2 +11100100101 immune-cell 2 +11100100101 sweet-smelling 2 +11100100101 gummed-up 2 +11100100101 image-driven 2 +11100100101 refrigerator-sized 2 +11100100101 silver-blue 2 +11100100101 550,000-kilowatt 2 +11100100101 50-foot 2 +11100100101 216-166 2 +11100100101 end-of-cycle 2 +11100100101 uncoupled 2 +11100100101 resistance-free 2 +11100100101 marriage-trap 2 +11100100101 support-group 2 +11100100101 gnarly 2 +11100100101 truck-driving 2 +11100100101 chaperoned 2 +11100100101 reading-matter 2 +11100100101 drug-therapy 2 +11100100101 different-looking 3 +11100100101 business-trivia 3 +11100100101 clotted 3 +11100100101 themed 3 +11100100101 sexual-harassment 3 +11100100101 cost-increasing 3 +11100100101 arm-wrestling 3 +11100100101 sub-cabinet 3 +11100100101 vocational-training 3 +11100100101 sculptured 3 +11100100101 health-research 3 +11100100101 well-insulated 3 +11100100101 low-probability 3 +11100100101 capital-short 3 +11100100101 classier 3 +11100100101 rubberstamp 3 +11100100101 4-to-2 3 +11100100101 credit-guarantee 3 +11100100101 copper-oxygen 3 +11100100101 long-hidden 3 +11100100101 trouble-prone 3 +11100100101 rapier-like 3 +11100100101 97,750 3 +11100100101 yes-or-no 3 +11100100101 pool-playing 3 +11100100101 filmy 3 +11100100101 5H-T 3 +11100100101 automated-teller-machine 3 +11100100101 laboratory-produced 3 +11100100101 foot-high 3 +11100100101 Spanish-owned 3 +11100100101 epicure 4 +11100100101 light-hearted 4 +11100100101 moistened 4 +11100100101 well-functioning 4 +11100100101 17-inch 4 +11100100101 daylit 4 +11100100101 disused 4 +11100100101 more-modern 4 +11100100101 boneheaded 4 +11100100101 standing-room 4 +11100100101 Samoyed 4 +11100100101 non-news 4 +11100100101 high-dose 4 +11100100101 more-ambitious 4 +11100100101 sodden 4 +11100100101 rhymed 5 +11100100101 soccer-golf 5 +11100100101 college-level 5 +11100100101 looping 5 +11100100101 surrogate-motherhood 5 +11100100101 lower-volume 5 +11100100101 bite-sized 6 +11100100101 torturous 6 +11100100101 moderate-sized 6 +11100100101 grim-faced 6 +11100100101 feathery 6 +11100100101 quilted 6 +11100100101 smoking-cessation 6 +11100100101 sterner 6 +11100100101 third-down 6 +11100100101 combat-ready 7 +11100100101 wage-earner 7 +11100100101 coequal 7 +11100100101 meatier 7 +11100100101 buckshot 7 +11100100101 diverging 8 +11100100101 high-visibility 8 +11100100101 longitudinal 8 +11100100101 discordant 8 +11100100101 boldface 8 +11100100101 seditious 9 +11100100101 tie-breaking 10 +11100100101 same-day 11 +11100100101 low-ball 12 +11100100101 smarmy 12 +11100100101 sub-par 12 +11100100101 nontaxable 14 +11100100101 blurry 14 +11100100101 protruding 14 +11100100101 finalist 15 +11100100101 psychedelic 15 +11100100101 gunshot 15 +11100100101 multiple-choice 15 +11100100101 uncounted 16 +11100100101 disembodied 17 +11100100101 so-so 19 +11100100101 pirated 19 +11100100101 smoke-free 25 +11100100101 holdover 26 +11100100101 well-defined 31 +11100100101 divergent 53 +11100100101 knit 54 +11100100101 concurrent 55 +11100100101 three-dimensional 64 +11100100101 microscopic 77 +11100100101 clogged 78 +11100100101 veiled 88 +11100100101 misdemeanor 91 +11100100101 glowing 94 +11100100101 dissenting 125 +11100100101 disparate 128 +11100100101 worded 147 +11100100101 differing 147 +11100100101 successive 152 +11100100101 distinct 255 +11100100101 felony 401 +11100100101 straight 904 +11100100101 fresh 1268 +11100100101 competing 1736 +11100100101 different 5643 +11100100101 separate 3607 +11100100110 bolero 1 +11100100110 juster 1 +11100100110 uncapitalistic 1 +11100100110 Methuselah 1 +11100100110 faggot 1 +11100100110 peg. 1 +11100100110 1-in-3 1 +11100100110 four-lot 1 +11100100110 generation. 1 +11100100110 tranquillity. 1 +11100100110 anti-palace 1 +11100100110 Groupie 1 +11100100110 deep-running 1 +11100100110 several-hundred-thousand-dollar 1 +11100100110 trade-bureaucracy 1 +11100100110 stirring-up 1 +11100100110 lawbook-sized 1 +11100100110 patient-education 1 +11100100110 game-kill 1 +11100100110 de-multiplier 1 +11100100110 show-me-mentality 1 +11100100110 terrorist-related 1 +11100100110 Form. 1 +11100100110 fat-burning 1 +11100100110 fragrance-industry 1 +11100100110 foot-stomping 1 +11100100110 hair-curling 1 +11100100110 taxiing-in 1 +11100100110 Insurmountable 1 +11100100110 -bred 1 +11100100110 chemical-pollution 1 +11100100110 youthful-sounding 1 +11100100110 not-so-pleasant 1 +11100100110 fundmental 1 +11100100110 quarter-year 1 +11100100110 unsocialist-sounding 1 +11100100110 tax-bred 1 +11100100110 hyperbolical 1 +11100100110 Ploy 1 +11100100110 nonliberal 1 +11100100110 self-corrective 1 +11100100110 Faking 1 +11100100110 bricklike 1 +11100100110 shape-up 1 +11100100110 Imperialist 1 +11100100110 SLEEPER 1 +11100100110 arbitary 1 +11100100110 fastbreaking 1 +11100100110 axle-breaking 1 +11100100110 Faun 1 +11100100110 option-adjusted 1 +11100100110 photoelectric 1 +11100100110 ulcer-related 1 +11100100110 photovoltiac 1 +11100100110 wash-and-wear 1 +11100100110 inebriating 1 +11100100110 run-of-the-litter 1 +11100100110 7-point 1 +11100100110 anti-Gillette 1 +11100100110 Gilderian 1 +11100100110 bad-luck 1 +11100100110 greater-than-planned 1 +11100100110 sleazebag 1 +11100100110 performance-sharing 1 +11100100110 work-space 1 +11100100110 toy-market 1 +11100100110 17-yen 1 +11100100110 small-space 1 +11100100110 Boesky-style 1 +11100100110 universe-shaking 1 +11100100110 coal-equivalent 1 +11100100110 fluctating 1 +11100100110 wandervogel 1 +11100100110 big-dividend 1 +11100100110 static-laden 1 +11100100110 single-file 1 +11100100110 tune-in 2 +11100100110 light-to-moderate 2 +11100100110 one-time-only 2 +11100100110 Bluebook 2 +11100100110 pro-taxpayer 2 +11100100110 black/white 2 +11100100110 dappled 2 +11100100110 non-sexist 2 +11100100110 milder-than-expected 2 +11100100110 micro-managing 2 +11100100110 2,083 2 +11100100110 conventionalarms 2 +11100100110 fixed-dollar 2 +11100100110 hygienic 2 +11100100110 multi-vendor 2 +11100100110 kid-glove 2 +11100100110 thousand-year-old 2 +11100100110 fly-away 2 +11100100110 reverse-repurchase 2 +11100100110 tulus 2 +11100100110 salutory 2 +11100100110 non-day 2 +11100100110 grace-period 2 +11100100110 chicken-or-egg 2 +11100100110 market-reserve 2 +11100100110 0.5-point 2 +11100100110 prima-donna 2 +11100100110 Dukakis/Bentsen 2 +11100100110 partywide 2 +11100100110 gray-markets 2 +11100100110 smoke-blackened 2 +11100100110 fresh-start 2 +11100100110 Shaman 2 +11100100110 project-management 2 +11100100110 formidible 2 +11100100110 EDfare 2 +11100100110 rule-book 2 +11100100110 staff-written 2 +11100100110 tax-protest 2 +11100100110 convergent 2 +11100100110 millennialist 2 +11100100110 more-satisfactory 2 +11100100110 worse-than-average 2 +11100100110 big-brother 2 +11100100110 releverage 2 +11100100110 just-the-facts 2 +11100100110 snap-back 2 +11100100110 four-in-hand 2 +11100100110 aggresive 2 +11100100110 Q&A 2 +11100100110 minimalls 2 +11100100110 class-wide 2 +11100100110 McDonnell-Airbus 2 +11100100110 multi-site 2 +11100100110 snail's-pace 2 +11100100110 disaster-prone 2 +11100100110 town-gown 2 +11100100110 heterogamous 2 +11100100110 natural-born 2 +11100100110 public-goods 2 +11100100110 public-purpose 2 +11100100110 satellite-related 2 +11100100110 salubrious 3 +11100100110 current-density 3 +11100100110 cancer-treatment 3 +11100100110 separate-but-equal 3 +11100100110 misimpression 3 +11100100110 vernal 3 +11100100110 lamppost 3 +11100100110 nonadversarial 3 +11100100110 government-directed 3 +11100100110 parasitical 3 +11100100110 lowest-common-denominator 3 +11100100110 store-by-store 3 +11100100110 non-interested 3 +11100100110 time-sensitive 3 +11100100110 movie-like 3 +11100100110 cooked-up 3 +11100100110 current-services 3 +11100100110 mid-course 3 +11100100110 kitchen-table 3 +11100100110 managed-trade 3 +11100100110 price-softening 3 +11100100110 covenantal 3 +11100100110 gated 3 +11100100110 longer-than-anticipated 3 +11100100110 unbusinesslike 3 +11100100110 dirt-pile 3 +11100100110 white-squire 3 +11100100110 god-awful 3 +11100100110 U.S.-government 3 +11100100110 Deja 3 +11100100110 no-go 3 +11100100110 6-to-1 4 +11100100110 neutral-principled 4 +11100100110 pro-industry 4 +11100100110 trilateral 4 +11100100110 meteor 4 +11100100110 middle-ground 4 +11100100110 discontinuous 4 +11100100110 truth-in-spending 4 +11100100110 cam-out 4 +11100100110 exploitable 4 +11100100110 first-to-invent 4 +11100100110 can't-miss 4 +11100100110 snugged 4 +11100100110 less-publicized 4 +11100100110 Kingfish 4 +11100100110 democratizing 4 +11100100110 legitimating 4 +11100100110 Carteresque 4 +11100100110 qat 4 +11100100110 chastening 5 +11100100110 discernable 5 +11100100110 best-case 5 +11100100110 pre-cancerous 5 +11100100110 criticality 5 +11100100110 nondiscretionary 5 +11100100110 park-to-reverse 5 +11100100110 Red-Green 5 +11100100110 no-risk 5 +11100100110 perceptual 5 +11100100110 free-rider 5 +11100100110 lock-in 5 +11100100110 weightier 5 +11100100110 less-than-perfect 6 +11100100110 pro-market 6 +11100100110 low-priority 6 +11100100110 unhealthful 6 +11100100110 meat-ax 6 +11100100110 walk-away 6 +11100100110 Medigap 6 +11100100110 second-source 6 +11100100110 white-knight 6 +11100100110 macro-economic 6 +11100100110 4-to-3 7 +11100100110 first-tier 7 +11100100110 locked-in 7 +11100100110 market-supporting 7 +11100100110 one-word 7 +11100100110 quick-fix 7 +11100100110 knock-out 7 +11100100110 sissy 7 +11100100110 Soviet-U.S. 7 +11100100110 good-government 7 +11100100110 harebrained 8 +11100100110 warmed-over 8 +11100100110 incontrovertible 8 +11100100110 gradualist 8 +11100100110 subliminal 8 +11100100110 service-connected 8 +11100100110 after-the-fact 8 +11100100110 guayabera 8 +11100100110 demonstrative 8 +11100100110 cross-marketing 8 +11100100110 hackneyed 8 +11100100110 soak-the-rich 8 +11100100110 cost-push 9 +11100100110 sex-based 9 +11100100110 commodity-like 9 +11100100110 trickle-down 9 +11100100110 macro 9 +11100100110 Pygmalion 9 +11100100110 broad-ranging 9 +11100100110 low-intensity 10 +11100100110 primal 10 +11100100110 corroborating 10 +11100100110 heterodox 10 +11100100110 bad-faith 10 +11100100110 corporate-wide 10 +11100100110 miniscule 10 +11100100110 long-cherished 11 +11100100110 statesmanlike 11 +11100100110 preconceived 11 +11100100110 fortuitous 12 +11100100110 bon 12 +11100100110 patentable 12 +11100100110 demonstrable 12 +11100100110 business-related 13 +11100100110 budget-busting 13 +11100100110 snowballing 13 +11100100110 homegrown 13 +11100100110 randomized 13 +11100100110 humanistic 13 +11100100110 portentous 13 +11100100110 top-to-bottom 13 +11100100110 back-to-basics 14 +11100100110 pesky 14 +11100100110 back-door 14 +11100100110 half-baked 15 +11100100110 sizeable 15 +11100100110 predicate 15 +11100100110 signficant 15 +11100100110 sequential 15 +11100100110 roundabout 16 +11100100110 life-and-death 16 +11100100110 for-sale 16 +11100100110 good-will 16 +11100100110 sickening 17 +11100100110 good-sized 17 +11100100110 invidious 17 +11100100110 counterrevolutionary 18 +11100100110 back-end 18 +11100100110 proximate 18 +11100100110 perceptible 19 +11100100110 synergistic 19 +11100100110 grievous 19 +11100100110 judicious 21 +11100100110 dispassionate 21 +11100100110 perfunctory 21 +11100100110 horrific 21 +11100100110 well-deserved 21 +11100100110 cutting-edge 22 +11100100110 win-win 22 +11100100110 meritorious 22 +11100100110 dampening 23 +11100100110 noncontroversial 23 +11100100110 once-in-a-lifetime 23 +11100100110 salient 23 +11100100110 telltale 24 +11100100110 qualitative 25 +11100100110 untoward 25 +11100100110 deleterious 25 +11100100110 concomitant 25 +11100100110 price-depressing 26 +11100100110 backdoor 26 +11100100110 wondrous 26 +11100100110 cataclysmic 26 +11100100110 face-saving 27 +11100100110 crossover 27 +11100100110 cursory 29 +11100100110 Draconian 29 +11100100110 common-sense 30 +11100100110 circumstantial 30 +11100100110 deja 30 +11100100110 self-inflicted 31 +11100100110 sure-fire 32 +11100100110 disquieting 32 +11100100110 precautionary 32 +11100100110 detectable 33 +11100100110 spurious 34 +11100100110 bloodless 34 +11100100110 rudimentary 35 +11100100110 salutary 35 +11100100110 jarring 36 +11100100110 draconian 36 +11100100110 first-hand 36 +11100100110 measurable 37 +11100100110 domino 37 +11100100110 preemptive 37 +11100100110 short-run 39 +11100100110 irreparable 40 +11100100110 price-supporting 41 +11100100110 principled 42 +11100100110 weighty 43 +11100100110 momentary 43 +11100100110 extraneous 43 +11100100110 systemic 44 +11100100110 flagrant 47 +11100100110 momentous 48 +11100100110 recessionary 48 +11100100110 generalized 53 +11100100110 discernible 55 +11100100110 grandiose 57 +11100100110 worst-case 58 +11100100110 glaring 61 +11100100110 sensational 62 +11100100110 deflationary 62 +11100100110 hasty 66 +11100100110 knee-jerk 70 +11100100110 soothing 70 +11100100110 breathtaking 71 +11100100110 sobering 72 +11100100110 graceful 72 +11100100110 bottom-line 75 +11100100110 sticky 76 +11100100110 lukewarm 83 +11100100110 conclusive 88 +11100100110 superficial 92 +11100100110 noticeable 96 +11100100110 wrenching 99 +11100100110 blatant 105 +11100100110 greenhouse 106 +11100100110 clear-cut 107 +11100100110 subjective 110 +11100100110 heroic 116 +11100100110 hypothetical 132 +11100100110 chilling 141 +11100100110 recurring 144 +11100100110 daunting 147 +11100100110 stimulative 149 +11100100110 systematic 151 +11100100110 dire 158 +11100100110 coherent 166 +11100100110 token 169 +11100100110 definite 202 +11100100110 thorough 211 +11100100110 concerted 217 +11100100110 far-reaching 225 +11100100110 startling 231 +11100100110 progressive 237 +11100100110 deliberate 237 +11100100110 tangible 245 +11100100110 profound 272 +11100100110 constructive 274 +11100100110 rational 279 +11100100110 decisive 286 +11100100110 credible 290 +11100100110 substantive 295 +11100100110 subtle 308 +11100100110 notable 315 +11100100110 probable 323 +11100100110 drastic 343 +11100100110 lasting 349 +11100100110 spectacular 358 +11100100110 timely 358 +11100100110 formidable 382 +11100100110 gradual 390 +11100100110 logical 390 +11100100110 harsh 394 +11100100110 satisfactory 395 +11100100110 precise 400 +11100100110 minimal 414 +11100100110 meaningful 429 +11100100110 mild 457 +11100100110 bold 459 +11100100110 passive 500 +11100100110 violent 530 +11100100110 comprehensive 569 +11100100110 concrete 635 +11100100110 remarkable 638 +11100100110 practical 673 +11100100110 legitimate 741 +11100100110 frequent 752 +11100100110 radical 892 +11100100110 minor 923 +11100100110 detailed 929 +11100100110 dramatic 951 +11100100110 slight 990 +11100100110 fundamental 1285 +11100100110 reasonable 1362 +11100100110 severe 1599 +11100100110 favorable 1657 +11100100110 modest 2277 +11100100110 negative 2488 +11100100110 positive 2551 +11100100110 specific 3353 +11100100110 substantial 3713 +11100100110 significant 5574 +11100100110 serious 4350 +11100100111 supervisor-subordinate 1 +11100100111 Belgian-Canadian 1 +11100100111 Time-NBC 1 +11100100111 price-raising 1 +11100100111 clear-headed 1 +11100100111 client-master 1 +11100100111 rap-song 1 +11100100111 acoustic-detection 1 +11100100111 five-word 1 +11100100111 trained-help 1 +11100100111 expense-to-revenue 1 +11100100111 217-203 1 +11100100111 harrowingly 1 +11100100111 duskier 1 +11100100111 not-unusual 1 +11100100111 red-letter 1 +11100100111 tax-and-pretend 1 +11100100111 one-guide 1 +11100100111 fast-improving 1 +11100100111 family-time 1 +11100100111 get-away-from-everyone 1 +11100100111 four-union 1 +11100100111 tyrant/fool 1 +11100100111 Casey-North 1 +11100100111 wild-mustang 1 +11100100111 concert-version 1 +11100100111 Mao-Nixon 1 +11100100111 Marcosian 1 +11100100111 nouveau-riche 1 +11100100111 Beijing-Seoul 1 +11100100111 North-Casey 1 +11100100111 roll-down 1 +11100100111 intra-german 1 +11100100111 well-weeded 1 +11100100111 rebel-officers 1 +11100100111 watery-limbed 1 +11100100111 Seoul-Washington 1 +11100100111 lower-dose 1 +11100100111 liquid-concentrate 1 +11100100111 Pearson-Elsevier 1 +11100100111 disputatious 1 +11100100111 23,000-page 1 +11100100111 bigfoot-like 1 +11100100111 unmeltably 1 +11100100111 seven-ball 1 +11100100111 Kroger-Dart 1 +11100100111 supermarket-industry 1 +11100100111 30-million-piece 1 +11100100111 U.S.S.R.-U.S. 1 +11100100111 Nome-Siberia 1 +11100100111 granola-flavored 1 +11100100111 Japan-Indonesia 1 +11100100111 Borgia-like 1 +11100100111 24th-century 1 +11100100111 garlic-guava 1 +11100100111 statistics-reporting 1 +11100100111 double-round-robin 1 +11100100111 let's-do-it 1 +11100100111 checklike 1 +11100100111 death-bed 1 +11100100111 child-rape 1 +11100100111 non-computerized 1 +11100100111 promising-sounding 1 +11100100111 one-wink 1 +11100100111 arms-for-no-hostages 1 +11100100111 bad-expectations 1 +11100100111 production-led 1 +11100100111 boss/subordinate 1 +11100100111 third-of-a-mile 1 +11100100111 most-raced 1 +11100100111 nine-part 1 +11100100111 KGB/WAD 1 +11100100111 leashless 1 +11100100111 Jekyll-Hyde 1 +11100100111 CFC-ozone 1 +11100100111 boiled-down 1 +11100100111 weapon-makers 1 +11100100111 mobile-artillery 1 +11100100111 where-am-I-headed 1 +11100100111 hard-bristle 1 +11100100111 rock-'em-and-sock-'em 1 +11100100111 creditor-regulator 1 +11100100111 four-decades-old 1 +11100100111 high-society-murder-and-scandal 1 +11100100111 always-gripping 1 +11100100111 spicier 1 +11100100111 five-bus 1 +11100100111 arms-hostages 1 +11100100111 Piedmont-TWA 1 +11100100111 manta 1 +11100100111 poster-size 1 +11100100111 1,000-watt 1 +11100100111 candy-bar-like 1 +11100100111 UAL-Hertz-Hilton 1 +11100100111 period-vaulting 1 +11100100111 600-milligram 1 +11100100111 stageworthy 1 +11100100111 Moldauesque 1 +11100100111 sawtooth 1 +11100100111 U.S.-Libyan 1 +11100100111 Scottsdale-based 1 +11100100111 lay-language 1 +11100100111 60-kilogram 1 +11100100111 pro-immigrant 1 +11100100111 Soviet-Mozambique 1 +11100100111 mind-out-of-body 1 +11100100111 soapstone 1 +11100100111 data-and-phone 1 +11100100111 1.2mile 1 +11100100111 long-postponed 1 +11100100111 Tiffany-quality 1 +11100100111 sometimes-strained 1 +11100100111 331-fund 1 +11100100111 300-mule 1 +11100100111 187-member 1 +11100100111 Franco-American 1 +11100100111 persecutable 1 +11100100111 less-imposing 1 +11100100111 plastic-pouch 1 +11100100111 cutest 1 +11100100111 higher-thrust 1 +11100100111 26-ounce 1 +11100100111 minority-firm 1 +11100100111 semi-pacifist 1 +11100100111 speed-control 1 +11100100111 desktop-sized 1 +11100100111 less-charged 1 +11100100111 windshield-robot 1 +11100100111 zero-solution 1 +11100100111 chiten-and-protein 1 +11100100111 salsa-style 1 +11100100111 contractor-subcontractor 1 +11100100111 lengthened-fuselage 1 +11100100111 Demirel-Ecevit 1 +11100100111 primary-needs 1 +11100100111 TWA-USAir-Piedmont 1 +11100100111 10-pack 1 +11100100111 Spinks-Tyson 1 +11100100111 bowdlerized 1 +11100100111 camel-to-Cadillac 1 +11100100111 pre-broadcast 1 +11100100111 7,242-foot 1 +11100100111 Bates-Backer 1 +11100100111 funkadelic 1 +11100100111 435-mile 1 +11100100111 best-to-worst 1 +11100100111 soft-rock 1 +11100100111 25-player 1 +11100100111 right-shoulder 1 +11100100111 1973-74-style 1 +11100100111 jellolike 1 +11100100111 opposition-government 1 +11100100111 strawberry-flavored 1 +11100100111 100-gram 1 +11100100111 pre-liturgy 1 +11100100111 300-kilometer 1 +11100100111 seven-piece 1 +11100100111 border-strip 1 +11100100111 half-witted 1 +11100100111 government-prepared 1 +11100100111 38-cent 1 +11100100111 rock-history 1 +11100100111 dirt-real 1 +11100100111 Virginia-chartered 1 +11100100111 microencapsulated 1 +11100100111 by-now-familiar 1 +11100100111 slow-releasing 1 +11100100111 300-piece 1 +11100100111 too-close 1 +11100100111 volume-to-outcome 1 +11100100111 120,000-word 1 +11100100111 low-odor 1 +11100100111 hand-size 1 +11100100111 multi-media 1 +11100100111 music-dance 1 +11100100111 squinty 1 +11100100111 broad-front 1 +11100100111 quasi-social 1 +11100100111 pro-employer 1 +11100100111 cloud-enshrouded 1 +11100100111 State-of-the-Heart 1 +11100100111 snideness 1 +11100100111 hog-farmer 1 +11100100111 645-member 1 +11100100111 Rubensian 1 +11100100111 prison-scene 1 +11100100111 166-year 1 +11100100111 rock-pop 1 +11100100111 government-leaked 1 +11100100111 palm-fringed 1 +11100100111 sound-muffling 1 +11100100111 seven-fight 1 +11100100111 much-later 1 +11100100111 quasi-colonial 1 +11100100111 learnable 1 +11100100111 Hitachi-Samsung 1 +11100100111 bonus-rate 1 +11100100111 marbleized 1 +11100100111 shoetop-scoop 1 +11100100111 page-two 1 +11100100111 10-minute-or-free 1 +11100100111 daughter-father 1 +11100100111 GATT-ordered 1 +11100100111 story-telling 1 +11100100111 Paris-to-Lyon 1 +11100100111 four-decade 1 +11100100111 21-vehicle 1 +11100100111 scaled-up 1 +11100100111 cawing 1 +11100100111 low-oil 1 +11100100111 420-passenger 1 +11100100111 212-year-old 1 +11100100111 room-by-room 1 +11100100111 quarter-mile-long 1 +11100100111 107-member 1 +11100100111 memorial-year 1 +11100100111 16-director 1 +11100100111 local-long 1 +11100100111 freeze-frame 1 +11100100111 pro-cut 1 +11100100111 splintery 1 +11100100111 post-Easter 1 +11100100111 ozone-cancer 1 +11100100111 Robertson-Dole 1 +11100100111 40-40-20 1 +11100100111 Watergate-related 1 +11100100111 72-year 1 +11100100111 solvent-detergent 1 +11100100111 jazz-music 1 +11100100111 debtor-creditor 1 +11100100111 Cairo-sponsored 1 +11100100111 sober-looking 1 +11100100111 heart-of-gold 1 +11100100111 U.S.Pacific 1 +11100100111 Sony-Columbia 1 +11100100111 manufacturing-capacity 1 +11100100111 Qintex-MGM/UA 1 +11100100111 cell-penetrating 1 +11100100111 too-diverse 1 +11100100111 109-passenger 1 +11100100111 mission-capable 1 +11100100111 kid-gloves 1 +11100100111 goatskin 1 +11100100111 pro-Cuba 1 +11100100111 pseudo-Marxian 1 +11100100111 65-mile-long 1 +11100100111 half-attractive 1 +11100100111 slow-developing 1 +11100100111 BellSouth-MCCA 1 +11100100111 iron-triangle 1 +11100100111 post-nuptial 1 +11100100111 anything-but-loving 1 +11100100111 75-site 1 +11100100111 lowprofile 1 +11100100111 side-door 1 +11100100111 20-week 1 +11100100111 medium-speed 1 +11100100111 company-drawn 1 +11100100111 squarest 1 +11100100111 13-piece 1 +11100100111 yearby-year 1 +11100100111 white/non-white 1 +11100100111 sleep-deprived 1 +11100100111 near-miraculous 1 +11100100111 business-university 1 +11100100111 1,000-lot 1 +11100100111 10-stock 1 +11100100111 Galvin-Paisley 1 +11100100111 Cuban-Soviet 1 +11100100111 300-foot-long 1 +11100100111 UNH 1 +11100100111 1/34-scale 1 +11100100111 market-segment 1 +11100100111 three-pack-a-day 1 +11100100111 stock-show 1 +11100100111 court-held 1 +11100100111 15-concert 1 +11100100111 much-shelled 1 +11100100111 long-exiled 1 +11100100111 Moscow-Madrid 1 +11100100111 KLM-NWA 1 +11100100111 310-vessel 1 +11100100111 400-piece 1 +11100100111 Coors-Stroh 1 +11100100111 let-kids-be-kids 1 +11100100111 yen-for-SDR 1 +11100100111 100-order 1 +11100100111 1.5-liter 1 +11100100111 cooked-onion 1 +11100100111 business/educational 1 +11100100111 750-milliliter 1 +11100100111 double-barrel 1 +11100100111 Houston-Dallas 1 +11100100111 22-story 2 +11100100111 superstring 2 +11100100111 clothlike 2 +11100100111 fresh-smelling 2 +11100100111 semi-staged 2 +11100100111 quick-turnaround 2 +11100100111 hangdog 2 +11100100111 115-point 2 +11100100111 95-foot-high 2 +11100100111 2.5-acre 2 +11100100111 five-country 2 +11100100111 50-million-share 2 +11100100111 16-point 2 +11100100111 Russian-German 2 +11100100111 Damascus-backed 2 +11100100111 MasterCard-Cirrus 2 +11100100111 four-piece 2 +11100100111 human-sized 2 +11100100111 BBC/A&E 2 +11100100111 non-conventional 2 +11100100111 Winterskol 2 +11100100111 direct-action 2 +11100100111 7/8-inch 2 +11100100111 black-robed 2 +11100100111 hundred-year 2 +11100100111 Kidder-Nomura 2 +11100100111 pyrotechnical 2 +11100100111 business-clergy 2 +11100100111 post-incentive 2 +11100100111 pre-induction 2 +11100100111 boxing-ring 2 +11100100111 puritan 2 +11100100111 decapitating 2 +11100100111 fourth-echelon 2 +11100100111 country-and-Western 2 +11100100111 near-complete 2 +11100100111 lip-service 2 +11100100111 godawful 2 +11100100111 more-unified 2 +11100100111 TWA-Eastern 2 +11100100111 17-party 2 +11100100111 faroff 2 +11100100111 three-picture 2 +11100100111 350-mile 2 +11100100111 U.S.-like 2 +11100100111 200,000-square-foot 2 +11100100111 Peaceline 2 +11100100111 Nasdaq-Singapore 2 +11100100111 Chekhovian 2 +11100100111 modern-dress 2 +11100100111 Comex-Sydney 2 +11100100111 dried-out 2 +11100100111 spasmodic 2 +11100100111 less-than-favorable 2 +11100100111 Soviet-inspired 2 +11100100111 too-familiar 2 +11100100111 two-network 2 +11100100111 AIDS-antibody 2 +11100100111 smaller-than-anticipated 2 +11100100111 collision-damage-waiver 2 +11100100111 foreshortened 2 +11100100111 festival-commissioned 2 +11100100111 stop-Dukakis 2 +11100100111 man-sized 2 +11100100111 business-broker 2 +11100100111 Meese-McKean 2 +11100100111 Marlens-Black 2 +11100100111 gaudiest 2 +11100100111 master-servant 2 +11100100111 three-inch-long 2 +11100100111 car-bomb 3 +11100100111 15-round 3 +11100100111 scalding 3 +11100100111 brackish 3 +11100100111 GM-EDS 3 +11100100111 heatless 3 +11100100111 platonic 3 +11100100111 March-May 3 +11100100111 Vesuvian 3 +11100100111 topographical 3 +11100100111 salt-water 3 +11100100111 stair-step 3 +11100100111 preponderant 3 +11100100111 six-ton 3 +11100100111 49-year 3 +11100100111 price-revenue 3 +11100100111 beatific 3 +11100100111 first-order 3 +11100100111 Oedipal 3 +11100100111 well-guarded 3 +11100100111 leftish 3 +11100100111 Romanesque 3 +11100100111 one-in-four 3 +11100100111 cheerless 3 +11100100111 crop-damaging 3 +11100100111 pinko 3 +11100100111 kaleidoscopic 3 +11100100111 risk/benefit 3 +11100100111 160-pound 3 +11100100111 53-year 3 +11100100111 full-spectrum 3 +11100100111 worse-than-anticipated 3 +11100100111 lunch-hour 3 +11100100111 chimerical 3 +11100100111 Rambo-like 3 +11100100111 Pechora 3 +11100100111 6,000-mile 3 +11100100111 Hitchcockian 3 +11100100111 junk-food 3 +11100100111 sensor-equipped 3 +11100100111 decadelong 3 +11100100111 long-smoldering 3 +11100100111 field-sanitation 3 +11100100111 long-neck 3 +11100100111 1,500-mile 3 +11100100111 choleric 3 +11100100111 germ-killing 4 +11100100111 less-than-enthusiastic 4 +11100100111 self-protective 4 +11100100111 Texas-size 4 +11100100111 free-thinking 4 +11100100111 36-hole 4 +11100100111 still-secret 4 +11100100111 priori 4 +11100100111 free-ranging 4 +11100100111 thoroughgoing 4 +11100100111 parking-related 4 +11100100111 satellite-transmitted 4 +11100100111 heart-stopping 4 +11100100111 silken 4 +11100100111 ninth-century 4 +11100100111 homoerotic 4 +11100100111 three-class 4 +11100100111 twice-a-day 4 +11100100111 expository 4 +11100100111 play-it-safe 4 +11100100111 Homeric 4 +11100100111 30-year-long 4 +11100100111 nursery-school 4 +11100100111 one-in-a-million 4 +11100100111 six-month-long 4 +11100100111 non-invasive 4 +11100100111 patch-up 4 +11100100111 multipronged 4 +11100100111 seventh-grade 4 +11100100111 continent-wide 4 +11100100111 lemming 4 +11100100111 computer-enhanced 4 +11100100111 third-term 4 +11100100111 well-made 4 +11100100111 multifarious 4 +11100100111 Foamy 4 +11100100111 52-year 4 +11100100111 gap-toothed 4 +11100100111 well-orchestrated 5 +11100100111 less-than-stellar 5 +11100100111 bohemian 5 +11100100111 stealthy 5 +11100100111 less-generous 5 +11100100111 Manichaean 5 +11100100111 domestic-market 5 +11100100111 century-long 5 +11100100111 large-enough 5 +11100100111 matchless 5 +11100100111 long-suspected 5 +11100100111 weeks-long 5 +11100100111 broad-scale 5 +11100100111 toned-down 5 +11100100111 studious 5 +11100100111 pro-merger 5 +11100100111 not-too-subtle 5 +11100100111 sylvan 5 +11100100111 syncopated 6 +11100100111 zero-based 6 +11100100111 kazoo 6 +11100100111 35-foot 6 +11100100111 62-year 6 +11100100111 50-mile 6 +11100100111 .500 6 +11100100111 full-dress 6 +11100100111 guttural 6 +11100100111 half-gallon 6 +11100100111 saucy 6 +11100100111 corporatewide 6 +11100100111 near-fatal 6 +11100100111 cold-water 6 +11100100111 father-son 6 +11100100111 income-based 6 +11100100111 stop-gap 6 +11100100111 convulsive 6 +11100100111 150-mile 6 +11100100111 baptismal 7 +11100100111 late-season 7 +11100100111 jingoistic 7 +11100100111 second-story 7 +11100100111 20-mile 7 +11100100111 primordial 7 +11100100111 boom-or-bust 7 +11100100111 speeded-up 7 +11100100111 15-inch 7 +11100100111 dialectical 7 +11100100111 vestigial 7 +11100100111 rutted 7 +11100100111 long-ago 7 +11100100111 12-mile 7 +11100100111 spongy 7 +11100100111 bifurcated 7 +11100100111 Novosibirsk 7 +11100100111 grungy 7 +11100100111 quickie 7 +11100100111 near-zero 7 +11100100111 yellowish 7 +11100100111 once-a-day 7 +11100100111 high-velocity 7 +11100100111 redemptive 8 +11100100111 rapturous 8 +11100100111 superheated 8 +11100100111 race-track 8 +11100100111 government-aided 8 +11100100111 misbegotten 8 +11100100111 forcible 8 +11100100111 safe-haven 8 +11100100111 nation-wide 8 +11100100111 triumphal 8 +11100100111 tragicomic 8 +11100100111 sooty 8 +11100100111 pared-down 8 +11100100111 Russian-made 8 +11100100111 six-inch 8 +11100100111 Florentine 8 +11100100111 doughty 9 +11100100111 month-end 9 +11100100111 12-foot 9 +11100100111 victimless 9 +11100100111 well-kept 9 +11100100111 Faustian 9 +11100100111 sardonic 9 +11100100111 squirt 9 +11100100111 frightful 9 +11100100111 long-dormant 9 +11100100111 longer-run 9 +11100100111 pitiless 9 +11100100111 late-1986 9 +11100100111 damage-control 9 +11100100111 toothy 9 +11100100111 caloric 9 +11100100111 fictionalized 10 +11100100111 next-day 10 +11100100111 vicarious 10 +11100100111 budget-process 10 +11100100111 woeful 10 +11100100111 line-item-veto 10 +11100100111 non-violent 10 +11100100111 cashless 10 +11100100111 neighborly 10 +11100100111 180-degree 10 +11100100111 five-pound 10 +11100100111 campfire 10 +11100100111 ritualistic 11 +11100100111 short-order 11 +11100100111 sliding-scale 11 +11100100111 U.N.-backed 11 +11100100111 farcical 11 +11100100111 wall-to-wall 11 +11100100111 Texas-sized 11 +11100100111 cradle-to-grave 11 +11100100111 everlasting 12 +11100100111 post-Boesky 12 +11100100111 gold-plated 12 +11100100111 life-long 12 +11100100111 tit-for-tat 12 +11100100111 non-business 12 +11100100111 thunderous 12 +11100100111 multilayered 12 +11100100111 stultifying 12 +11100100111 love-hate 12 +11100100111 desultory 13 +11100100111 blissful 13 +11100100111 furtive 13 +11100100111 devilish 13 +11100100111 24-hour-a-day 13 +11100100111 storybook 13 +11100100111 posthumous 13 +11100100111 pre-set 13 +11100100111 20-point 14 +11100100111 near-perfect 14 +11100100111 causal 14 +11100100111 world-renowned 14 +11100100111 scarlet 14 +11100100111 Japan-U.S. 14 +11100100111 do-nothing 14 +11100100111 hoary 14 +11100100111 better-than-average 14 +11100100111 copious 14 +11100100111 motley 14 +11100100111 masterly 14 +11100100111 business-oriented 15 +11100100111 slumbering 15 +11100100111 jazzy 15 +11100100111 no-holds-barred 15 +11100100111 heavenly 15 +11100100111 frothy 15 +11100100111 gut-wrenching 15 +11100100111 Thatcherite 16 +11100100111 shameless 16 +11100100111 gossipy 16 +11100100111 tearful 16 +11100100111 springtime 16 +11100100111 herculean 16 +11100100111 ceaseless 16 +11100100111 space-age 16 +11100100111 roving 16 +11100100111 high-class 16 +11100100111 spotless 16 +11100100111 cubist 17 +11100100111 squeaky 17 +11100100111 chronological 17 +11100100111 months-long 17 +11100100111 merciless 17 +11100100111 10-foot 17 +11100100111 board-room 17 +11100100111 labyrinthine 17 +11100100111 pay-as-you-go 18 +11100100111 preset 18 +11100100111 jigsaw 18 +11100100111 near-total 18 +11100100111 three-inch 18 +11100100111 semantic 18 +11100100111 slow-motion 18 +11100100111 watery 18 +11100100111 valiant 18 +11100100111 xenophobic 19 +11100100111 bucolic 19 +11100100111 radiant 19 +11100100111 titanic 19 +11100100111 boundless 19 +11100100111 blithe 19 +11100100111 first-day 20 +11100100111 jagged 20 +11100100111 well-developed 20 +11100100111 20-foot 20 +11100100111 laborious 20 +11100100111 hard-hitting 20 +11100100111 homey 20 +11100100111 two-stage 20 +11100100111 prototypical 20 +11100100111 spiffy 20 +11100100111 bottomless 21 +11100100111 zany 21 +11100100111 scorching 21 +11100100111 well-worn 21 +11100100111 middling 21 +11100100111 high-pitched 21 +11100100111 mind-numbing 21 +11100100111 catch-all 21 +11100100111 blinding 21 +11100100111 moody 21 +11100100111 cushy 22 +11100100111 winner-take-all 22 +11100100111 hallowed 22 +11100100111 celebratory 23 +11100100111 bountiful 23 +11100100111 dowdy 23 +11100100111 1973-74 23 +11100100111 decrepit 24 +11100100111 centuries-old 24 +11100100111 three-point 24 +11100100111 can-do 24 +11100100111 government-imposed 24 +11100100111 decades-old 24 +11100100111 sumptuous 24 +11100100111 degenerative 24 +11100100111 rancorous 25 +11100100111 hideous 25 +11100100111 decade-old 25 +11100100111 shoestring 25 +11100100111 state-by-state 26 +11100100111 seminal 26 +11100100111 shimmering 26 +11100100111 climactic 26 +11100100111 bare-bones 26 +11100100111 two-pronged 26 +11100100111 long-shot 26 +11100100111 hard-fought 27 +11100100111 long-sought 27 +11100100111 long-overdue 27 +11100100111 one-shot 27 +11100100111 glacial 27 +11100100111 nightmarish 28 +11100100111 seesaw 29 +11100100111 never-ending 29 +11100100111 ghastly 29 +11100100111 deep-seated 29 +11100100111 10-point 30 +11100100111 two-tiered 31 +11100100111 pious 31 +11100100111 gargantuan 31 +11100100111 melodic 31 +11100100111 incessant 33 +11100100111 satirical 33 +11100100111 wide-open 33 +11100100111 singular 34 +11100100111 searing 34 +11100100111 resultant 35 +11100100111 teddy 36 +11100100111 leisurely 37 +11100100111 beefed-up 38 +11100100111 watered-down 39 +11100100111 mindless 39 +11100100111 withering 39 +11100100111 slow-growth 39 +11100100111 blistering 40 +11100100111 painstaking 40 +11100100111 mythical 40 +11100100111 monstrous 40 +11100100111 hard-won 40 +11100100111 rambling 41 +11100100111 masterful 41 +11100100111 resounding 42 +11100100111 leaky 44 +11100100111 tortuous 44 +11100100111 rousing 44 +11100100111 time-honored 44 +11100100111 stinging 44 +11100100111 bruising 44 +11100100111 gaping 44 +11100100111 drawn-out 45 +11100100111 rapid-fire 46 +11100100111 latent 46 +11100100111 newfound 46 +11100100111 scathing 47 +11100100111 juicy 47 +11100100111 pre-election 47 +11100100111 bewildering 49 +11100100111 fast-paced 50 +11100100111 five-minute 50 +11100100111 prodigious 50 +11100100111 predetermined 51 +11100100111 much-publicized 51 +11100100111 recurrent 52 +11100100111 horizontal 52 +11100100111 laissez-faire 53 +11100100111 murderous 53 +11100100111 feverish 53 +11100100111 deft 53 +11100100111 court-ordered 53 +11100100111 round-the-clock 53 +11100100111 manic 53 +11100100111 savage 54 +11100100111 cutthroat 55 +11100100111 pelvic 56 +11100100111 colossal 56 +11100100111 tidal 57 +11100100111 dreary 58 +11100100111 belated 59 +11100100111 year-long 60 +11100100111 wry 61 +11100100111 one-on-one 62 +11100100111 midair 62 +11100100111 self-imposed 63 +11100100111 mystical 63 +11100100111 simulated 65 +11100100111 triumphant 66 +11100100111 continual 67 +11100100111 million-dollar 67 +11100100111 fast-track 68 +11100100111 towering 69 +11100100111 consequent 69 +11100100111 lopsided 69 +11100100111 long-standing 70 +11100100111 magnificent 71 +11100100111 strenuous 73 +11100100111 transitional 76 +11100100111 grueling 76 +11100100111 dazzling 77 +11100100111 wrongful 81 +11100100111 fiery 82 +11100100111 dizzying 87 +11100100111 tidy 88 +11100100111 full-blown 89 +11100100111 good-faith 89 +11100100111 companywide 89 +11100100111 monumental 90 +11100100111 pioneering 96 +11100100111 well-publicized 98 +11100100111 nagging 99 +11100100111 glossy 100 +11100100111 mock 100 +11100100111 two-way 102 +11100100111 compulsory 104 +11100100111 gigantic 107 +11100100111 high-stakes 109 +11100100111 spirited 113 +11100100111 stormy 113 +11100100111 fictitious 113 +11100100111 heady 114 +11100100111 noble 115 +11100100111 built-in 118 +11100100111 crushing 120 +11100100111 tumultuous 122 +11100100111 perennial 127 +11100100111 full-fledged 127 +11100100111 stern 128 +11100100111 much-needed 130 +11100100111 super 130 +11100100111 crippling 131 +11100100111 frantic 133 +11100100111 lofty 134 +11100100111 speedy 137 +11100100111 relentless 143 +11100100111 corresponding 146 +11100100111 vicious 147 +11100100111 stark 157 +11100100111 runaway 168 +11100100111 mammoth 178 +11100100111 wide-ranging 180 +11100100111 24-hour 180 +11100100111 theoretical 187 +11100100111 long-running 189 +11100100111 broad-based 203 +11100100111 simultaneous 205 +11100100111 multimillion-dollar 206 +11100100111 lavish 207 +11100100111 high-profile 210 +11100100111 virtual 211 +11100100111 full-scale 213 +11100100111 periodic 223 +11100100111 dual 235 +11100100111 continuous 239 +11100100111 bloody 252 +11100100111 burgeoning 261 +11100100111 handsome 262 +11100100111 multibillion-dollar 263 +11100100111 unified 263 +11100100111 grave 269 +11100100111 stunning 286 +11100100111 protracted 289 +11100100111 peaceful 315 +11100100111 large-scale 316 +11100100111 delicate 327 +11100100111 chronic 327 +11100100111 genuine 387 +11100100111 last-minute 406 +11100100111 fierce 435 +11100100111 prolonged 438 +11100100111 longstanding 477 +11100100111 golden 480 +11100100111 bipartisan 480 +11100100111 stiff 514 +11100100111 strict 539 +11100100111 historic 608 +11100100111 constant 619 +11100100111 wild 641 +11100100111 lengthy 651 +11100100111 mandatory 714 +11100100111 partial 761 +11100100111 voluntary 825 +11100100111 tremendous 868 +11100100111 sudden 885 +11100100111 sweeping 894 +11100100111 bitter 909 +11100100111 proper 971 +11100100111 vast 1115 +11100100111 permanent 1258 +11100100111 considerable 1315 +11100100111 deep 1537 +11100100111 massive 1653 +11100100111 wide 1749 +11100100111 hot 1764 +11100100111 temporary 1914 +11100100111 broad 2349 +11100100111 huge 4889 +11100100111 great 5233 +1110010100 water-entertainment 1 +1110010100 434.79 1 +1110010100 over-specified 1 +1110010100 JuneSeptember 1 +1110010100 rank-conscious 1 +1110010100 heisted 1 +1110010100 Westernness 1 +1110010100 Pap-testing 1 +1110010100 substitutable 1 +1110010100 451.65 1 +1110010100 caz 1 +1110010100 laser-catheter 1 +1110010100 est-like 1 +1110010100 permile 1 +1110010100 self-understanding 1 +1110010100 instant-results 1 +1110010100 non-corporate 1 +1110010100 unreassuring 1 +1110010100 higher-than-legal 1 +1110010100 low-relief 1 +1110010100 1/16-percentage 1 +1110010100 1.8797 1 +1110010100 detectible 1 +1110010100 half-developed 1 +1110010100 Pollyanna-ish 1 +1110010100 Gilbert-inspired 1 +1110010100 435.16 1 +1110010100 familiars 1 +1110010100 3.4200 1 +1110010100 necesary 1 +1110010100 124.15-yen 1 +1110010100 422.93 1 +1110010100 45-0 1 +1110010100 business-friendly 1 +1110010100 three-by-five-foot 1 +1110010100 single-reel 1 +1110010100 1,737 1 +1110010100 unsystematic 1 +1110010100 Letter-Writer 1 +1110010100 army-style 1 +1110010100 reserves-poor 1 +1110010100 469,167 1 +1110010100 ultra-detailed 1 +1110010100 husbanding 1 +1110010100 price-stable 1 +1110010100 25890.95 1 +1110010100 1.8538 1 +1110010100 4.2166 1 +1110010100 127-yen 1 +1110010100 show-bizzy 1 +1110010100 mild-to-warm 1 +1110010100 anti-elitist 1 +1110010100 1.6450 1 +1110010100 711.15 1 +1110010100 la-di-da 1 +1110010100 quiveringly 1 +1110010100 highlyin 1 +1110010100 copy-machine 1 +1110010100 hill-country 1 +1110010100 3.3300 1 +1110010100 guerrilla-war 1 +1110010100 200,000-units-a-month 1 +1110010100 fishing-pole 1 +1110010100 romancer 1 +1110010100 open-handedness 1 +1110010100 3.1030 1 +1110010100 60,286 1 +1110010100 36,066 1 +1110010100 885-student 1 +1110010100 tomcat 1 +1110010100 Westernlike 1 +1110010100 financable 1 +1110010100 smile-button 1 +1110010100 cut-pile 1 +1110010100 hematocrit 1 +1110010100 nonprogressive 1 +1110010100 2791.54 1 +1110010100 1.9938 1 +1110010100 1.9935 1 +1110010100 two-foot-high 1 +1110010100 hit-driven 1 +1110010100 5408.83 1 +1110010100 57,292 1 +1110010100 59,180 1 +1110010100 partner-to-be 1 +1110010100 largemouth 1 +1110010100 127,092,990 1 +1110010100 84,367,214 1 +1110010100 sub-institution 1 +1110010100 war-casualty 1 +1110010100 cost-inefficient 1 +1110010100 3.1400 1 +1110010100 overcautious 1 +1110010100 floor-exercise 1 +1110010100 better-sticking 1 +1110010100 poison-like 1 +1110010100 29,510 1 +1110010100 1.9719 1 +1110010100 beef-cow 1 +1110010100 big-top 1 +1110010100 peanut-growing 1 +1110010100 1.6780 1 +1110010100 still-strong 2 +1110010100 codicils 2 +1110010100 final-minute 2 +1110010100 Squirrel 2 +1110010100 3.3093 2 +1110010100 dramedies 2 +1110010100 ear-catching 2 +1110010100 variegated 2 +1110010100 primeval 2 +1110010100 13-cent 2 +1110010100 malunya 2 +1110010100 minimum-pay 2 +1110010100 once-bright 2 +1110010100 1.6980 2 +1110010100 52-pound 2 +1110010100 27869.36 2 +1110010100 loose-limbed 2 +1110010100 digital-audio 2 +1110010100 risk-analysis 2 +1110010100 LWRs 2 +1110010100 Bugattis 2 +1110010100 INJURY 2 +1110010100 12,575 2 +1110010100 thin-minded 2 +1110010100 endstage 2 +1110010100 Spheripol 2 +1110010100 trafficked 2 +1110010100 3.0850 2 +1110010100 87-00 2 +1110010100 co-trustees 2 +1110010100 war-relief 3 +1110010100 Franco-Francais 3 +1110010100 deracinated 3 +1110010100 next-highest 3 +1110010100 still-high 3 +1110010100 roman 3 +1110010100 3.3120 3 +1110010100 blood-lead 3 +1110010100 non-fuel 3 +1110010100 un-Islamic 4 +1110010100 dealer-managers 4 +1110010100 pseudo-science 4 +1110010100 per-barrel 4 +1110010100 uninventive 4 +1110010100 superannuated 4 +1110010100 Trybuna 5 +1110010100 sure-footed 5 +1110010100 34953.87 5 +1110010100 racketball 5 +1110010100 JATP 5 +1110010100 well-coached 5 +1110010100 checkless 5 +1110010100 luscious 6 +1110010100 25000 6 +1110010100 supercooled 7 +1110010100 near-capacity 10 +1110010100 higher-than-average 16 +1110010100 2250 16 +1110010100 higher-than-normal 21 +1110010100 stratospheric 27 +1110010100 2400 29 +1110010100 sky-high 36 +1110010100 rock-bottom 36 +1110010100 2100 77 +1110010100 low 7445 +1110010100 high 15240 +11100101010 bond-dominated 1 +11100101010 438-yard 1 +11100101010 343-yard 1 +11100101010 unscintillating 1 +11100101010 3,303 1 +11100101010 romper 1 +11100101010 regional-based 1 +11100101010 non-aggressive 1 +11100101010 equinox 1 +11100101010 chain-chugging 1 +11100101010 leaning-back 1 +11100101010 management-set 1 +11100101010 bob-and-weave 1 +11100101010 time-efficient 1 +11100101010 general-manager 1 +11100101010 Himachal 1 +11100101010 non-balance 1 +11100101010 six-game 1 +11100101010 brick-lined 1 +11100101010 forward-leaning 1 +11100101010 out-of-house 1 +11100101010 non-objective 1 +11100101010 club-floor 1 +11100101010 pink-wallpapered 1 +11100101010 lucite 1 +11100101010 cancer-linked 1 +11100101010 semi-auction 1 +11100101010 paisley-wallpapered 1 +11100101010 Summun 1 +11100101010 G-E-O 1 +11100101010 picture-pretty 1 +11100101010 equivalent-level 1 +11100101010 .00025 1 +11100101010 Nobel-decorated 1 +11100101010 strain-free 1 +11100101010 less-competitive 1 +11100101010 aerating 1 +11100101010 chiller 1 +11100101010 package-customer 1 +11100101010 engineering-faculty 1 +11100101010 county-commission 1 +11100101010 more-defensive 1 +11100101010 U.S.market 1 +11100101010 industrial-repair 1 +11100101010 stat 1 +11100101010 better-furnished 1 +11100101010 conflict-of 1 +11100101010 Unsuitable 1 +11100101010 policy-forming 1 +11100101010 more-pliant 1 +11100101010 Gandhi-like 1 +11100101010 lowlier 1 +11100101010 non-homicidal 1 +11100101010 take-along 1 +11100101010 Wolfean 1 +11100101010 training-related 1 +11100101010 foreign-investor 1 +11100101010 venture-capital-type 1 +11100101010 owner-manager-risk 1 +11100101010 20,000-square-foot 1 +11100101010 mix-and-match 1 +11100101010 swifter-selling 1 +11100101010 drug/alcoholic 1 +11100101010 no-compromise 1 +11100101010 strategical 1 +11100101010 120-mile 1 +11100101010 75-hour 1 +11100101010 news-management 1 +11100101010 Eastern-time 1 +11100101010 non-managerial 1 +11100101010 rigid-container 1 +11100101010 Cotswolds 1 +11100101010 papain 1 +11100101010 nuclear-defense 1 +11100101010 phosphate-mining 1 +11100101010 post-1930s 1 +11100101010 direct-ownership 1 +11100101010 loan/asset 1 +11100101010 polar-bear 1 +11100101010 near-impossible 1 +11100101010 multi-action 1 +11100101010 triple-weighted 1 +11100101010 stable-to-lower 1 +11100101010 sector-wide 1 +11100101010 export-generating 1 +11100101010 nine-room 1 +11100101010 tax-shelter-related 1 +11100101010 neck-under-stomach 1 +11100101010 camel-stopping 1 +11100101010 accured 1 +11100101010 white-tiled 1 +11100101010 hotel-hospitality 1 +11100101010 4,600-square-foot 1 +11100101010 15-M 1 +11100101010 pony-tailed 1 +11100101010 60-65-day 1 +11100101010 third-longest 1 +11100101010 lambent 1 +11100101010 378-yard 1 +11100101010 sea-front 1 +11100101010 intrafallopian 1 +11100101010 level-controlled 1 +11100101010 quarter-million-dollar 1 +11100101010 pro-China 1 +11100101010 detox 1 +11100101010 security-based 1 +11100101010 non-Koreans 1 +11100101010 Faisalabad 1 +11100101010 market-share-driven 1 +11100101010 non-hard-line 1 +11100101010 7800 1 +11100101010 professional/executive 1 +11100101010 Yoda-like 1 +11100101010 once-lively 1 +11100101010 member-relations 1 +11100101010 net-of-tax 1 +11100101010 Gorbachev-inspired 1 +11100101010 post-performance 1 +11100101010 sheafs 1 +11100101010 syphilitic 1 +11100101010 double-your-money 1 +11100101010 head-in-the-sand 1 +11100101010 double-or-nothing 1 +11100101010 less-panicky 1 +11100101010 benefical 1 +11100101010 punch-and-cookie 1 +11100101010 line-broadening 1 +11100101010 assignee 1 +11100101010 Alma-Alta 1 +11100101010 call-switching 1 +11100101010 TV-riveted 1 +11100101010 Kiplingesque 1 +11100101010 philosophical/legal 1 +11100101010 mock-nightmarish 1 +11100101010 born-in-the-U.S.A. 1 +11100101010 less-than-thrilled 1 +11100101010 drug-war 1 +11100101010 famine-bloated 1 +11100101010 30,000-volume 1 +11100101010 twiglets 1 +11100101010 crocus-slimming 1 +11100101010 knee-length 1 +11100101010 Tupperware-like 1 +11100101010 loan-contract 1 +11100101010 gathering-of-information 1 +11100101010 already-missed 1 +11100101010 nonsensitive 1 +11100101010 windowed 1 +11100101010 nonpatentable 1 +11100101010 ungratefully 1 +11100101010 sand-sprinkled 1 +11100101010 HUD-owned 1 +11100101010 ungraceful 1 +11100101010 tablet-shattering 1 +11100101010 negroes 1 +11100101010 tourist-delivery 1 +11100101010 mortgage-swap 1 +11100101010 flounced 1 +11100101010 non-partner 1 +11100101010 2,200-square-foot 1 +11100101010 arcadian 1 +11100101010 17-10 1 +11100101010 fabric-softener 1 +11100101010 slacker 1 +11100101010 engineering-related 1 +11100101010 hold-the-line 1 +11100101010 high-spread 1 +11100101010 liabilties 1 +11100101010 sororal 1 +11100101010 pro-Sinhalese 1 +11100101010 banshee 1 +11100101010 less-sullied 1 +11100101010 Low-paying 1 +11100101010 seven-minute 2 +11100101010 overaged 2 +11100101010 once-modest 2 +11100101010 rec 2 +11100101010 near-empty 2 +11100101010 Chandos 2 +11100101010 25,012 2 +11100101010 hunker-down 2 +11100101010 Buscayno 2 +11100101010 June-August 2 +11100101010 0.0114-inch 2 +11100101010 53-day 2 +11100101010 sayang 2 +11100101010 loss-absorbing 2 +11100101010 miles-per-hour 2 +11100101010 one-to-four-family 2 +11100101010 3,325 2 +11100101010 11,047 2 +11100101010 super-sinker 2 +11100101010 pledge-drive 2 +11100101010 grow-from-within 2 +11100101010 robing 2 +11100101010 sourdough 2 +11100101010 bios 2 +11100101010 WHAM 2 +11100101010 flexibile 2 +11100101010 infelicitous 2 +11100101010 Genie 2 +11100101010 low-salaried 2 +11100101010 median-priced 2 +11100101010 preplacement 2 +11100101010 textural 2 +11100101010 relatedly 2 +11100101010 plaiting 2 +11100101010 nonconforming 2 +11100101010 regulatory-review 2 +11100101010 subbasement 2 +11100101010 charmlessness 2 +11100101010 bridge-over 2 +11100101010 super-low 3 +11100101010 otherwise-exempt 3 +11100101010 Uttar 3 +11100101010 pre-judgment 3 +11100101010 60-to-65-day 3 +11100101010 1,344 3 +11100101010 Madhya 3 +11100101010 73-day 3 +11100101010 FreeVee 3 +11100101010 outbuildings 3 +11100101010 FIRST-TIME 3 +11100101010 union-covered 3 +11100101010 carbon-copy 3 +11100101010 deficit-bond 3 +11100101010 windward 3 +11100101010 long-yen 3 +11100101010 prosthetic 3 +11100101010 F-2-alpha 3 +11100101010 high-pay 4 +11100101010 quarantining 4 +11100101010 prosecutive 4 +11100101010 ninth-inning 4 +11100101010 mismatching 4 +11100101010 newly-created 4 +11100101010 uncontaminated 4 +11100101010 tenure-track 4 +11100101010 mimeographed 4 +11100101010 multicurrency 4 +11100101010 69-day 4 +11100101010 Tudor-style 4 +11100101010 1981-87 5 +11100101010 venality 5 +11100101010 board-and-care 5 +11100101010 grand-slam 5 +11100101010 retiming 5 +11100101010 Sins 5 +11100101010 prejudgment 6 +11100101010 walloping 6 +11100101010 biomass 6 +11100101010 1977-81 6 +11100101010 two-family 7 +11100101010 smoke-filled 11 +11100101010 short-dollar 12 +11100101010 off-balance 13 +11100101010 pejorative 19 +11100101010 Search 58 +11100101010 vested 129 +11100101010 dining 210 +11100101010 grace 320 +11100101010 nursing 548 +11100101010 accrued 587 +11100101010 short 6504 +11100101011 out-of-store 1 +11100101011 exclusionist 1 +11100101011 two-billion-share 1 +11100101011 municipal-note 1 +11100101011 pen-raised 1 +11100101011 Mussolini-style 1 +11100101011 unlunatic 1 +11100101011 Soviet-aided 1 +11100101011 Russian-accented 1 +11100101011 94-degree 1 +11100101011 detoxifying 1 +11100101011 Gestalt 1 +11100101011 lottery-sales 1 +11100101011 dealer-dominated 1 +11100101011 once-busy 1 +11100101011 risk-pool 1 +11100101011 finance-reliant 1 +11100101011 acidrain 1 +11100101011 Japanese-accented 1 +11100101011 sour-cream 1 +11100101011 earthquake-free 1 +11100101011 body-temperature 1 +11100101011 loosely-run 1 +11100101011 ozone-depleted 1 +11100101011 unsanctified 1 +11100101011 below-tariff 1 +11100101011 scripless 1 +11100101011 soybean-planted 1 +11100101011 395,294 1 +11100101011 Soviet-directed 1 +11100101011 coat-hanger 1 +11100101011 soft-on-Moscow 1 +11100101011 12,500-square-foot 1 +11100101011 computer-and-telecommunications 1 +11100101011 potatoes-futures 1 +11100101011 economic-limbo 1 +11100101011 well-focused 1 +11100101011 orange-tree 1 +11100101011 well-aged 1 +11100101011 bodyfat 1 +11100101011 rumor-rattled 1 +11100101011 plant-capacity 1 +11100101011 opera-housey 1 +11100101011 oleic 1 +11100101011 dividendcapture 1 +11100101011 chestdeep 1 +11100101011 high-premium 1 +11100101011 nineteenth-century 1 +11100101011 May-to-May 1 +11100101011 soil-saving 1 +11100101011 red-topped 1 +11100101011 helio-copters 1 +11100101011 rust-related 1 +11100101011 two-couple 1 +11100101011 question-mark 1 +11100101011 deeper-than-usual 1 +11100101011 NASD-imposed 1 +11100101011 semi-constant 1 +11100101011 essense 1 +11100101011 highstakes 1 +11100101011 emigration-related 1 +11100101011 technical-oriented 1 +11100101011 NCAA-administered 1 +11100101011 Haniya 1 +11100101011 NYSE-composite 1 +11100101011 highclass 1 +11100101011 school-textbook 1 +11100101011 95-degree 1 +11100101011 41-degree 1 +11100101011 bank-lending 1 +11100101011 sometimes-aggressive 1 +11100101011 illicit-trading 1 +11100101011 futures-led 1 +11100101011 loan-investment 1 +11100101011 noncommission-generating 1 +11100101011 Bermudan 2 +11100101011 152,135 2 +11100101011 plutocratic 2 +11100101011 ice-free 2 +11100101011 skin-tight 2 +11100101011 holiday-related 2 +11100101011 noncaloric 2 +11100101011 Guerlain 2 +11100101011 Bolshoia 2 +11100101011 uncharitable 2 +11100101011 blunderbuss 2 +11100101011 20th-anniversary 2 +11100101011 post-bourse 2 +11100101011 non-negligent 2 +11100101011 before-hours 2 +11100101011 service-center 2 +11100101011 corporate-insider 2 +11100101011 microform 2 +11100101011 globalist 2 +11100101011 broker-assisted 2 +11100101011 preholiday 2 +11100101011 Sweden. 2 +11100101011 post-surgery 2 +11100101011 post-budget 2 +11100101011 subtherapeutic 2 +11100101011 Paris. 2 +11100101011 Herodion 2 +11100101011 anterior 2 +11100101011 heavier-than-normal 2 +11100101011 machine-generated 2 +11100101011 Wittgenstein 2 +11100101011 conventional-looking 2 +11100101011 flagrante 2 +11100101011 Tera 2 +11100101011 long-duration 2 +11100101011 Shekou 2 +11100101011 margin-related 3 +11100101011 nonspeculative 3 +11100101011 1,515 3 +11100101011 dark-green 3 +11100101011 summer-vacation 3 +11100101011 heavier-than-usual 3 +11100101011 stock-and-bond 3 +11100101011 tasseled 3 +11100101011 sureness 3 +11100101011 three-ton 4 +11100101011 undersized 4 +11100101011 transverse 4 +11100101011 fourth-busiest 4 +11100101011 deer-hunting 4 +11100101011 Lefortovo 4 +11100101011 zero-risk 4 +11100101011 crocheted 4 +11100101011 hard-to-reach 5 +11100101011 pre-Gorbachev 5 +11100101011 program-related 5 +11100101011 re-flagged 5 +11100101011 mark-yen 5 +11100101011 flight-to-quality 5 +11100101011 knee-high 6 +11100101011 higher-than-usual 6 +11100101011 37-day 6 +11100101011 price-insensitive 6 +11100101011 computer-directed 6 +11100101011 want-ad 7 +11100101011 droning 7 +11100101011 pre-market 8 +11100101011 torpid 8 +11100101011 cesium 8 +11100101011 unreconciled 8 +11100101011 stop-and-go 9 +11100101011 drowsy 9 +11100101011 overcast 10 +11100101011 straight-line 10 +11100101011 unpayable 11 +11100101011 languid 11 +11100101011 scuffed 12 +11100101011 Actinidia 13 +11100101011 midseason 14 +11100101011 vitro 14 +11100101011 index-related 15 +11100101011 aimless 18 +11100101011 post-holiday 18 +11100101011 tax-motivated 19 +11100101011 rainwater 20 +11100101011 rotational 20 +11100101011 pre-Christmas 23 +11100101011 featureless 26 +11100101011 trendless 29 +11100101011 directionless 34 +11100101011 after-hours 40 +11100101011 pre-holiday 43 +11100101011 follow-through 52 +11100101011 listless 75 +11100101011 choppy 84 +11100101011 sparse 84 +11100101011 handy 98 +11100101011 lethargic 105 +11100101011 frenzied 121 +11100101011 hectic 149 +11100101011 when-issued 170 +11100101011 earnest 213 +11100101011 lively 213 +11100101011 slack 229 +11100101011 subdued 254 +11100101011 suspicious 346 +11100101011 brisk 456 +11100101011 thin 1069 +11100101011 quiet 1274 +11100101011 excess 1679 +11100101011 moderate 2232 +11100101011 light 4029 +11100101011 heavy 4839 +11100101100 immunologically 1 +11100101100 74-acre 1 +11100101100 half-mile-wide 1 +11100101100 floor-trader 1 +11100101100 no-plant-closing 1 +11100101100 unscientifically 1 +11100101100 80-point 1 +11100101100 tax-spend-elect 1 +11100101100 300-pound-plus 1 +11100101100 reinserting 1 +11100101100 straight-foward 1 +11100101100 bearably 1 +11100101100 life-jacket 1 +11100101100 19,571 1 +11100101100 Shermanesque 1 +11100101100 retaliatory-discrimination 1 +11100101100 red-orange 1 +11100101100 43,532 1 +11100101100 exercise-bike 1 +11100101100 population-old-fashioned 1 +11100101100 heavily-guarded 1 +11100101100 catatonically 1 +11100101100 hysteric 1 +11100101100 archaelogically 1 +11100101100 page-turners 1 +11100101100 whompers 1 +11100101100 closed-council 1 +11100101100 miniseries-to-be 1 +11100101100 government-office 1 +11100101100 limb-makers 1 +11100101100 anti-Protestant 1 +11100101100 liability-suit 1 +11100101100 Tchaikovskyan 1 +11100101100 blood-colored 1 +11100101100 self-revelatory 1 +11100101100 uproariously 1 +11100101100 lusciously 1 +11100101100 INS-issued 1 +11100101100 unclearly 1 +11100101100 tube's-eye 1 +11100101100 restaurant-bar 1 +11100101100 Toshiba-designed 1 +11100101100 Japanese-user 1 +11100101100 near-developed 1 +11100101100 teasingly 1 +11100101100 mock-learned 1 +11100101100 particulaly 1 +11100101100 twin-peaked 1 +11100101100 12-foot-long 1 +11100101100 Euro-centric 1 +11100101100 physician-care 1 +11100101100 vasoconstrictor 1 +11100101100 unsuitably 1 +11100101100 end-of-the-day 1 +11100101100 hotel-retail-office 1 +11100101100 sunnily 1 +11100101100 god's-eye 1 +11100101100 self-demeaning 1 +11100101100 356-unit 1 +11100101100 Cah 1 +11100101100 easy-to-caricature 1 +11100101100 TV-network 1 +11100101100 scrubbed-clean 1 +11100101100 dust-ball 1 +11100101100 new-engine 1 +11100101100 chemicals-producing 1 +11100101100 -ridden 1 +11100101100 aristocratically 1 +11100101100 lower-than-inflation 1 +11100101100 deplorably 1 +11100101100 7,000-unit 1 +11100101100 low-set 1 +11100101100 ceiling-top 1 +11100101100 slimly 1 +11100101100 pre-exam 1 +11100101100 military-congressional 1 +11100101100 histo-compatibility 1 +11100101100 hand-copying 1 +11100101100 sales-a-square 1 +11100101100 lynch-mob 1 +11100101100 180-acre 1 +11100101100 Vaya 1 +11100101100 magnificient 1 +11100101100 Broadgatelike 1 +11100101100 taste-conveying 1 +11100101100 white-and-gold 1 +11100101100 nearsightedly 1 +11100101100 PineSol 1 +11100101100 stock-more 1 +11100101100 adminstratively 1 +11100101100 doctor-originated 1 +11100101100 assaultive 1 +11100101100 congregrate-care 1 +11100101100 non-frivolous 1 +11100101100 30-bolivar 1 +11100101100 sublimely 1 +11100101100 abrasively 2 +11100101100 post-hurricane 2 +11100101100 public-debt 2 +11100101100 more-subtle 2 +11100101100 spectrally 2 +11100101100 stokes 2 +11100101100 jack-of-all-trades 2 +11100101100 nine-minute 2 +11100101100 stupendously 2 +11100101100 geostrategically 2 +11100101100 long-developed 2 +11100101100 supercritical 2 +11100101100 35,000-year-old 2 +11100101100 symmetric 2 +11100101100 sweepingly 2 +11100101100 phonetically 2 +11100101100 407.48-carat 2 +11100101100 Khasi 2 +11100101100 more-costly 2 +11100101100 ripest 2 +11100101100 employer-financed 2 +11100101100 enduringly 2 +11100101100 blood-spurting 2 +11100101100 146,500 2 +11100101100 scandalously 2 +11100101100 1960s-era 2 +11100101100 parol 2 +11100101100 Warholian 2 +11100101100 quantitatively 2 +11100101100 louse 2 +11100101100 Pine-Sol 2 +11100101100 prophetically 2 +11100101100 well-contested 2 +11100101100 50-unit 2 +11100101100 hiply 2 +11100101100 73-story 2 +11100101100 price-supportive 2 +11100101100 680-mile 2 +11100101100 barge-like 2 +11100101100 570-square-mile 2 +11100101100 amortizable 3 +11100101100 supercold 3 +11100101100 four-channel 3 +11100101100 field-dressed 3 +11100101100 needful 3 +11100101100 20-foot-high 3 +11100101100 metaphysically 3 +11100101100 stereophonic 3 +11100101100 once-again 3 +11100101100 mind-numbingly 3 +11100101100 four-building 3 +11100101100 prohibitionist 3 +11100101100 18-screen 3 +11100101100 post-coup 3 +11100101100 Whiggish 3 +11100101100 hypnotically 3 +11100101100 260-pound 3 +11100101100 Faerie 3 +11100101100 verapamil 3 +11100101100 2-2 4 +11100101100 snakeskin 4 +11100101100 slower-growth 4 +11100101100 defuses 4 +11100101100 cyclically 4 +11100101100 innately 4 +11100101100 downy 4 +11100101100 right-handed 5 +11100101100 awesomely 5 +11100101100 swiveling 5 +11100101100 disconcertingly 5 +11100101100 evanescent 5 +11100101100 non-dairy 5 +11100101100 white-hot 5 +11100101100 complexly 5 +11100101100 reheating 5 +11100101100 wondrously 5 +11100101100 seductively 6 +11100101100 militantly 6 +11100101100 astoundingly 6 +11100101100 full-blooded 6 +11100101100 sleekly 6 +11100101100 1-megabit 6 +11100101100 more-or-less 7 +11100101100 flamboyantly 7 +11100101100 pecan 7 +11100101100 cosmetically 7 +11100101100 downwardly 8 +11100101100 hair-trigger 8 +11100101100 12th-century 9 +11100101100 crabbed 9 +11100101100 feigning 10 +11100101100 logistically 10 +11100101100 educationally 10 +11100101100 mathematically 10 +11100101100 architecturally 11 +11100101100 refreshingly 12 +11100101100 raving 12 +11100101100 military-industrial 12 +11100101100 undying 13 +11100101100 manifestly 14 +11100101100 classically 15 +11100101100 wreaking 16 +11100101100 persisting 18 +11100101100 ecologically 21 +11100101100 faintly 23 +11100101100 smoldering 25 +11100101100 fiscally 29 +11100101100 upwardly 29 +11100101100 peculiarly 33 +11100101100 simmering 36 +11100101100 terminally 43 +11100101100 anecdotal 58 +11100101100 hugely 63 +11100101100 uniquely 73 +11100101100 environmentally 99 +11100101100 raging 109 +11100101100 deepening 110 +11100101100 technologically 111 +11100101100 unconfirmed 114 +11100101100 mighty 115 +11100101100 strategically 149 +11100101100 socially 151 +11100101100 sexually 157 +11100101100 lingering 201 +11100101100 predominantly 203 +11100101100 rampant 219 +11100101100 mentally 222 +11100101100 purely 306 +11100101100 heightened 371 +11100101100 heated 407 +11100101100 seemingly 454 +11100101100 persistent 460 +11100101100 mounting 730 +11100101100 financially 886 +11100101100 potentially 1080 +11100101100 politically 1133 +11100101100 widespread 1695 +11100101100 highly 3614 +11100101100 growing 6420 +11100101101 ocean-dumped 1 +11100101101 midcalf 1 +11100101101 retail-broking 1 +11100101101 network-radio 1 +11100101101 less-mechanized 1 +11100101101 1229.24 1 +11100101101 supply-vessel 1 +11100101101 overseas-factoring 1 +11100101101 clearing-account 1 +11100101101 fullcost 1 +11100101101 frozen-novelty 1 +11100101101 split-oak 1 +11100101101 552,150 1 +11100101101 1232.89 1 +11100101101 nonhomogeneous 1 +11100101101 1.7088 1 +11100101101 cogenerating 1 +11100101101 northeasterly 1 +11100101101 surplus-boosting 1 +11100101101 leftist-backed 1 +11100101101 in-route 1 +11100101101 duck-related 1 +11100101101 proContra 1 +11100101101 truck-production 1 +11100101101 business-solicitation 1 +11100101101 1277.80 1 +11100101101 better-run 1 +11100101101 tax-limit 1 +11100101101 door-kicking 1 +11100101101 insurance-restoration 1 +11100101101 Jugoslovenski 1 +11100101101 fustiness 1 +11100101101 Cocom-screening 1 +11100101101 281,514 1 +11100101101 moneylaundering 1 +11100101101 1368 1 +11100101101 bar-making 1 +11100101101 SCHLUMBERGER 1 +11100101101 later-than-expected 1 +11100101101 student-counseling 1 +11100101101 volunteer-intensive 1 +11100101101 X- 1 +11100101101 non-school 1 +11100101101 continuting 1 +11100101101 credito 1 +11100101101 pulp-products 1 +11100101101 converted-nitrogen 1 +11100101101 non-drugstore 1 +11100101101 airline-guides 1 +11100101101 bed-wetting 1 +11100101101 1236.91 1 +11100101101 lunchboxes 1 +11100101101 wheeled-vehicle 1 +11100101101 Chihuahuas 1 +11100101101 near-unknown 1 +11100101101 diamond-marketing 1 +11100101101 116,120 1 +11100101101 multiregional 1 +11100101101 non-electronics 1 +11100101101 Gomorrah 1 +11100101101 scutinizing 1 +11100101101 warfare-related 1 +11100101101 space-tracking 1 +11100101101 ethanol-processing 1 +11100101101 1799 1 +11100101101 inorganic-chemicals 1 +11100101101 securities-dealing 1 +11100101101 anti-quota 1 +11100101101 fiber-product 1 +11100101101 rotary-dial 1 +11100101101 newly-taxed 1 +11100101101 bill-reimbursement 1 +11100101101 service-parts 1 +11100101101 interior-systems 1 +11100101101 fast-deteriorating 1 +11100101101 energy-resource 1 +11100101101 dayearlier 1 +11100101101 328,267 1 +11100101101 import/export 1 +11100101101 antipoverty 1 +11100101101 residential-sales 1 +11100101101 Judice 1 +11100101101 electronic-materials 1 +11100101101 computer-simulated 1 +11100101101 Orcadian 1 +11100101101 pre-coup 1 +11100101101 information-production 1 +11100101101 shore-based 1 +11100101101 515,802 1 +11100101101 sawmilling 1 +11100101101 Ibero-American 1 +11100101101 lunch-counter 1 +11100101101 Stralsund 1 +11100101101 mechancial 1 +11100101101 combinemanufacturing 1 +11100101101 sunup 1 +11100101101 dry-plate 1 +11100101101 near-abstraction 1 +11100101101 ball-stealing 1 +11100101101 pro-contra 1 +11100101101 land-drilling 1 +11100101101 consumer-health-products 1 +11100101101 oveseas 1 +11100101101 flatroll 1 +11100101101 overpredicting 1 +11100101101 janizary 1 +11100101101 Castro-supported 1 +11100101101 Wescar/TDS 1 +11100101101 noninsurance 1 +11100101101 hot-strip 1 +11100101101 non-amphibious 1 +11100101101 Surabaya 1 +11100101101 Pantasma 1 +11100101101 bus-related 1 +11100101101 17,289 1 +11100101101 1294.66 1 +11100101101 used-truck 1 +11100101101 wholesale-trading 1 +11100101101 spy-related 1 +11100101101 lower-overhead 1 +11100101101 project-lending 1 +11100101101 dam-construction 1 +11100101101 capitalist-type 1 +11100101101 loan-control 1 +11100101101 arboretums 1 +11100101101 legal-publishing 1 +11100101101 crab-shell 1 +11100101101 placer-mine 1 +11100101101 late-1984 1 +11100101101 industrial-valve 1 +11100101101 5,882 1 +11100101101 gold-drilling 1 +11100101101 automotive-paint 1 +11100101101 community-related 1 +11100101101 mega-voltage 1 +11100101101 mostly-depressed 1 +11100101101 television-manufacturing 1 +11100101101 1220.86 1 +11100101101 coke-fired 1 +11100101101 customer-clearing 1 +11100101101 coated-paperboard 1 +11100101101 Bahamian-flag 1 +11100101101 1,807,100 1 +11100101101 low-production 1 +11100101101 steel-coating 1 +11100101101 non-dialysis 1 +11100101101 worm-farm 1 +11100101101 rail-related 1 +11100101101 general-engineering 1 +11100101101 chart-based 1 +11100101101 airdelivery 1 +11100101101 257.00 1 +11100101101 3,119 1 +11100101101 7,354 1 +11100101101 hippiedom 1 +11100101101 cargo-shipping 1 +11100101101 stockboys 1 +11100101101 near-parity 1 +11100101101 marketing-support 1 +11100101101 Vercingetorix 1 +11100101101 Bo-Peep 1 +11100101101 1,741,800 1 +11100101101 foreign-aided 1 +11100101101 9,240 1 +11100101101 oil-gathering 1 +11100101101 240.96 1 +11100101101 pool-party 1 +11100101101 agri-industrial 1 +11100101101 agro-chemicals 1 +11100101101 engine-overhaul 1 +11100101101 22,713 1 +11100101101 argriculture 1 +11100101101 handsized 1 +11100101101 1,424,000 1 +11100101101 tidewater 1 +11100101101 non-paper 1 +11100101101 6:20 1 +11100101101 Chiang-family 1 +11100101101 gas-liquids 1 +11100101101 BethForge 1 +11100101101 recreational-properties 1 +11100101101 foil-rolling 1 +11100101101 1236.34 1 +11100101101 patient-referral 1 +11100101101 GE/RCA/Thomson 1 +11100101101 44,967 1 +11100101101 23-inch 1 +11100101101 cross-promotional 1 +11100101101 mineral-related 1 +11100101101 brokerage-office 1 +11100101101 data-distribution 1 +11100101101 retail-support 1 +11100101101 seedstocks 1 +11100101101 equity-arbitrage 1 +11100101101 redi-mix 1 +11100101101 lumber-product 1 +11100101101 aluminum-extrusion 1 +11100101101 nucleargrade 1 +11100101101 gas-only 1 +11100101101 space-policy 1 +11100101101 flat-rolled-steel 1 +11100101101 Atoke 1 +11100101101 faster-spending 1 +11100101101 TKUNK 1 +11100101101 text-publishing 1 +11100101101 automobile-lending 1 +11100101101 concrete-product-making 1 +11100101101 234,141 1 +11100101101 innate-ability 1 +11100101101 developer/fast-buck 1 +11100101101 breast-imaging 1 +11100101101 paper-cup 1 +11100101101 non-Airbus 1 +11100101101 1.103 1 +11100101101 real-estate-asset 1 +11100101101 non-Ciba 1 +11100101101 227,786 1 +11100101101 floating-point 1 +11100101101 series-production 1 +11100101101 moldable 1 +11100101101 monthearlier 1 +11100101101 111,767 1 +11100101101 liquidation-sale 1 +11100101101 Mar-Salle 1 +11100101101 country-based 1 +11100101101 job-threatening 1 +11100101101 BiLo 1 +11100101101 agriculture-chemicals 1 +11100101101 milkmaids 1 +11100101101 50,715 1 +11100101101 contract-printing 1 +11100101101 business-computing 1 +11100101101 knishes 1 +11100101101 remote-site 1 +11100101101 Ocean-going 1 +11100101101 noncyclical 1 +11100101101 pencil-pushing 1 +11100101101 cattle-rustling 1 +11100101101 discount-house 1 +11100101101 street-cleaners 1 +11100101101 bulk-imported 1 +11100101101 transactionstructuring 1 +11100101101 driver-license 1 +11100101101 appointment-book 1 +11100101101 whistleblowing 1 +11100101101 Jonathan-the-child 1 +11100101101 nonmining 1 +11100101101 risk-capital 1 +11100101101 Rochester-area 1 +11100101101 trading-support 1 +11100101101 690,946 1 +11100101101 44,456 1 +11100101101 airliner-building 1 +11100101101 3,186 1 +11100101101 Swaledale 1 +11100101101 30,050 1 +11100101101 share-financing 1 +11100101101 process-machinery 1 +11100101101 nongrocery 2 +11100101101 vivisection 2 +11100101101 non-phone 2 +11100101101 bill-collecting 2 +11100101101 roofing-tile 2 +11100101101 sheet-rolling 2 +11100101101 Ugo 2 +11100101101 uranium-mining 2 +11100101101 resistor 2 +11100101101 81-year 2 +11100101101 tree-cutting 2 +11100101101 fee-producing 2 +11100101101 extraparliamentary 2 +11100101101 anti-male 2 +11100101101 liquor-related 2 +11100101101 PPO 2 +11100101101 247,623 2 +11100101101 1247.87 2 +11100101101 1984-tax-act 2 +11100101101 air-dryer 2 +11100101101 tough-sounding 2 +11100101101 162,200 2 +11100101101 non-copper 2 +11100101101 2,909,000 2 +11100101101 communist-pattern 2 +11100101101 1,264 2 +11100101101 home-fashion 2 +11100101101 counter-cyclical 2 +11100101101 unathorized 2 +11100101101 Libyan-sponsored 2 +11100101101 delusional 2 +11100101101 vote-delivering 2 +11100101101 strip-mining 2 +11100101101 stress-induced 2 +11100101101 food-wholesaling 2 +11100101101 restyling 2 +11100101101 Coldforge 2 +11100101101 clear-sighted 2 +11100101101 costcontainment 2 +11100101101 unscholarly 2 +11100101101 hazardous-chemical 2 +11100101101 securities-markets 2 +11100101101 auto-glass 2 +11100101101 Sverdlov 2 +11100101101 geophysical-exploration 2 +11100101101 monopanel 2 +11100101101 moneylosing 2 +11100101101 craft-store 2 +11100101101 exploration-and-production 2 +11100101101 microwave-communications 2 +11100101101 filmmaking 2 +11100101101 non-IFR 2 +11100101101 Helmsley-controlled 2 +11100101101 non-aluminum 3 +11100101101 trade-war 3 +11100101101 ferrosilicon 3 +11100101101 original-instrument 3 +11100101101 fine-wine 3 +11100101101 TMI 3 +11100101101 securities-dealer 3 +11100101101 pay-later 3 +11100101101 terroristic 3 +11100101101 news-division 3 +11100101101 one-part 3 +11100101101 Betze 3 +11100101101 shimmying 3 +11100101101 non-California 3 +11100101101 mixed-media 3 +11100101101 pillorying 3 +11100101101 landholding 3 +11100101101 secessionist 3 +11100101101 single-handed 3 +11100101101 taxpayer-subsidized 4 +11100101101 atavistic 4 +11100101101 Wedtech-related 4 +11100101101 excretory 4 +11100101101 population-control 4 +11100101101 well-head 4 +11100101101 more-established 4 +11100101101 die-casting 4 +11100101101 developed-country 4 +11100101101 profit-based 4 +11100101101 22-month 5 +11100101101 refitting 5 +11100101101 anti-state 5 +11100101101 end-of-the-month 6 +11100101101 half-way 6 +11100101101 feigned 6 +11100101101 non-grocery 11 +11100101101 reawakened 14 +11100101101 ceasing 19 +11100101101 professed 66 +11100101101 seeming 134 +11100101101 day-to-day 484 +11100101101 discontinued 1260 +11100101101 renewed 1309 +11100101101 continuing 5615 +11100101101 relative 1330 +11100101110 nonuniformly 1 +11100101110 buttercups 1 +11100101110 new-looking 1 +11100101110 hubristic 1 +11100101110 high-handedly 1 +11100101110 Thanksgiving-Christmas 1 +11100101110 skating-rink-sized 1 +11100101110 16-performance 1 +11100101110 re-hearing 1 +11100101110 37.5-hour 1 +11100101110 decade-and-a-half 1 +11100101110 nonassessable 1 +11100101110 foully 1 +11100101110 non-kosher 1 +11100101110 halfhour 1 +11100101110 already-hard 1 +11100101110 less-watched 1 +11100101110 bootblack 1 +11100101110 red-carpeted 1 +11100101110 existing-employees 1 +11100101110 four-foot-square 1 +11100101110 theater-like 1 +11100101110 metal-to-metal 1 +11100101110 mini-emergency 1 +11100101110 three-yard 1 +11100101110 73-mile 1 +11100101110 legal-limit 1 +11100101110 four-city 1 +11100101110 Atlanta-to-Houston 1 +11100101110 corn-beef 1 +11100101110 humidor 1 +11100101110 back-handed 1 +11100101110 sensible-sounding 1 +11100101110 1-day 1 +11100101110 sound-dampened 1 +11100101110 currency-resistant 1 +11100101110 anti-tax-increase 1 +11100101110 17-yard 1 +11100101110 non-splashy 1 +11100101110 four-yard 1 +11100101110 bed-wetter 1 +11100101110 target-splitting 1 +11100101110 video-projection 1 +11100101110 people-and 1 +11100101110 inheritance-tax 1 +11100101110 three-and-a-half-hour 1 +11100101110 tire-testing 1 +11100101110 tanagers 1 +11100101110 green-carpeted 1 +11100101110 waterpipe 1 +11100101110 stop-watched 1 +11100101110 desk-packed 1 +11100101110 third-set 1 +11100101110 inauspiciously 1 +11100101110 memorandum-of-understanding 1 +11100101110 aconites 1 +11100101110 badly-healed 1 +11100101110 direct-equity 1 +11100101110 small-appearing 1 +11100101110 sportscast 1 +11100101110 12-by-15-foot 1 +11100101110 surreptious 1 +11100101110 crack-induced 1 +11100101110 Superpretzel 1 +11100101110 medium-to-long 1 +11100101110 normal-sounding 1 +11100101110 yo-yoed 1 +11100101110 Surveyors 1 +11100101110 ice-stacked 1 +11100101110 pundit-confounding 1 +11100101110 living-dining 1 +11100101110 transAtlantic 1 +11100101110 low-keyed 1 +11100101110 anti-sanctions 2 +11100101110 65-year 2 +11100101110 oratorios 2 +11100101110 phallic-shaped 2 +11100101110 clearcut 2 +11100101110 non-fat 2 +11100101110 1,157 2 +11100101110 cai 2 +11100101110 untarnished 2 +11100101110 hypnotist 2 +11100101110 trend-happy 2 +11100101110 chinning 2 +11100101110 deconstructionist 2 +11100101110 GIC-backed 2 +11100101110 Wrightsman 2 +11100101110 featherbed 2 +11100101110 Ti 2 +11100101110 Alsatians 2 +11100101110 millisecond 2 +11100101110 Palestinian-Israeli 2 +11100101110 breath-taking 2 +11100101110 47-46 2 +11100101110 co-location 2 +11100101110 multi-disciplinary 2 +11100101110 spick 2 +11100101110 phoney 2 +11100101110 farreaching 2 +11100101110 Ypres 2 +11100101110 fondue 3 +11100101110 street-tough 3 +11100101110 non-trivial 3 +11100101110 linguistically 3 +11100101110 hysterectomies 3 +11100101110 gas-compressor 3 +11100101110 Bufo 3 +11100101110 tarantula 3 +11100101110 rapturously 3 +11100101110 25-yard 3 +11100101110 bastardized 3 +11100101110 bio 5 +11100101110 goal-line 5 +11100101110 Neanderthals 5 +11100101110 non-threatening 6 +11100101110 1-0 6 +11100101110 spool-up 7 +11100101110 comfy 8 +11100101110 2-0 10 +11100101110 billable 10 +11100101110 one-night 17 +11100101110 elapsed 21 +11100101110 long 12840 +11100101110 darkened 36 +11100101111 Housecleaner 1 +11100101111 1,298 1 +11100101111 one-in-three 1 +11100101111 italoid 1 +11100101111 single-earner 1 +11100101111 theoretic 1 +11100101111 U-shape 1 +11100101111 3,800-square-foot 1 +11100101111 71-91 1 +11100101111 affectedly 1 +11100101111 Hemingwayesque 1 +11100101111 long-wanted 1 +11100101111 half-serious 1 +11100101111 piddle 1 +11100101111 270-board 1 +11100101111 1976-style 1 +11100101111 somewhat-less-radical 1 +11100101111 Washington-Moscow 1 +11100101111 tidal-wave 1 +11100101111 KGB-inspired 1 +11100101111 basketwork 1 +11100101111 not-so-difficult 1 +11100101111 prescription-free 1 +11100101111 253-182 1 +11100101111 self-admiring 1 +11100101111 retirement-facility 1 +11100101111 cross-class 1 +11100101111 three-opera 1 +11100101111 purer-than-usual 1 +11100101111 three-games-to-one 1 +11100101111 jalopy 1 +11100101111 171-133 1 +11100101111 precendential 1 +11100101111 one-currency 1 +11100101111 sometimes-difficult 1 +11100101111 take-it-whole 1 +11100101111 fourth-gear 1 +11100101111 piling-on 1 +11100101111 Giulietti 1 +11100101111 finger-busting 1 +11100101111 12,000-pound 1 +11100101111 strangulated 1 +11100101111 250-to-1 1 +11100101111 debiting 1 +11100101111 30-to-1 1 +11100101111 zero/zero 1 +11100101111 payees 1 +11100101111 350-to-293 1 +11100101111 brick-strewn 1 +11100101111 raindrop 1 +11100101111 settling-in 1 +11100101111 59-23 1 +11100101111 28-4 1 +11100101111 1:50 1 +11100101111 jeepload 1 +11100101111 five-symphony 1 +11100101111 litle 1 +11100101111 six-mile-long 1 +11100101111 391-240 1 +11100101111 seven-to-one 1 +11100101111 existentialist 1 +11100101111 home-turf 1 +11100101111 13,013 1 +11100101111 dichotomous 1 +11100101111 goodsized 1 +11100101111 too-dim 1 +11100101111 swirly 1 +11100101111 trustee-like 1 +11100101111 litte 1 +11100101111 round-card 1 +11100101111 seven-to-four 1 +11100101111 non-chemical 1 +11100101111 31.26 1 +11100101111 safe-vault 1 +11100101111 price-suppressing 1 +11100101111 intiatives 1 +11100101111 populist-left 1 +11100101111 1-in-5 1 +11100101111 red-breasted 1 +11100101111 1:57 1 +11100101111 pressure-free 1 +11100101111 REFRIGERATOR 1 +11100101111 1-in-67 1 +11100101111 beer-and-wine 1 +11100101111 car-filled 1 +11100101111 coattail 1 +11100101111 Steagle 1 +11100101111 four-hole 1 +11100101111 legislatory 1 +11100101111 Annenberg/CPB-funded 1 +11100101111 wink-and-a-nod 1 +11100101111 strong-headed 1 +11100101111 gluesniffer 1 +11100101111 one-in-65 1 +11100101111 ever-burgeoning 1 +11100101111 10.5-point 1 +11100101111 best-in-the-Majors 1 +11100101111 Slavophone 1 +11100101111 not-bad 1 +11100101111 Rus'-Kievan 1 +11100101111 jurisprudential 1 +11100101111 tongue-and-cheek 1 +11100101111 75-onion 1 +11100101111 clip-studded 1 +11100101111 gang-dominated 1 +11100101111 coriander 1 +11100101111 Gabon-based 1 +11100101111 Carternomics 1 +11100101111 rackety 1 +11100101111 1-in-25,000 1 +11100101111 sad/Mad 1 +11100101111 freeform 1 +11100101111 lab-test 1 +11100101111 four-field 1 +11100101111 auspiciously 1 +11100101111 needle's-eye 1 +11100101111 Gloria-Cedric 1 +11100101111 seven-for-seven 1 +11100101111 nonpromotional 1 +11100101111 Neo-Liberal 1 +11100101111 collagelike 1 +11100101111 low-educated 1 +11100101111 less-than-zero 1 +11100101111 macadam 1 +11100101111 trade-blocking 1 +11100101111 poison-ivy 1 +11100101111 basketlike 1 +11100101111 once-in-a-decade 1 +11100101111 wordprocessor 1 +11100101111 coat-tailing 1 +11100101111 public-resource 1 +11100101111 God- 1 +11100101111 pompon 1 +11100101111 non-random 1 +11100101111 more-informed 1 +11100101111 prior-approval 1 +11100101111 skull-and-crossbone 1 +11100101111 coked-out 1 +11100101111 next-to-no 1 +11100101111 mud-like 1 +11100101111 better-than-random 1 +11100101111 300,309 1 +11100101111 air-water 1 +11100101111 geomagnetic 1 +11100101111 1:12 1 +11100101111 not-insignificant 1 +11100101111 marionette 1 +11100101111 unchurchly 1 +11100101111 21-party 1 +11100101111 multimillion- 1 +11100101111 revolutionist 1 +11100101111 250-car 1 +11100101111 French- 1 +11100101111 Cyprus-style 1 +11100101111 CEMETERY 1 +11100101111 grandscale 1 +11100101111 less-shocking 1 +11100101111 unfertilized 1 +11100101111 110-trombone 2 +11100101111 two-syllable 2 +11100101111 finnicky 2 +11100101111 bell-like 2 +11100101111 1-in-100 2 +11100101111 five-concert 2 +11100101111 non-disruptive 2 +11100101111 near-solid 2 +11100101111 full-frontal 2 +11100101111 blatent 2 +11100101111 wall-sized 2 +11100101111 110-megabyte 2 +11100101111 drug- 2 +11100101111 possessive 2 +11100101111 durn 2 +11100101111 half-foot 2 +11100101111 one-in-10,000 2 +11100101111 Christmas-tree 2 +11100101111 gradeschool 2 +11100101111 husky-voiced 2 +11100101111 queenly 2 +11100101111 snaky 2 +11100101111 not-so-obvious 2 +11100101111 14-point 2 +11100101111 construction-engineering 2 +11100101111 half-second 2 +11100101111 13-episode 2 +11100101111 pedigreed 2 +11100101111 finned 2 +11100101111 tired-looking 2 +11100101111 slighty 2 +11100101111 burbling 2 +11100101111 religious-based 2 +11100101111 Meissen 2 +11100101111 Sincere 2 +11100101111 pasty 2 +11100101111 half-height 3 +11100101111 pink-and-white 3 +11100101111 breakable 3 +11100101111 pilots-union 3 +11100101111 staph 3 +11100101111 one-in-five 3 +11100101111 two-state 3 +11100101111 definable 3 +11100101111 regretful 3 +11100101111 pre-sold 3 +11100101111 tar-like 3 +11100101111 spavined 3 +11100101111 usurious 3 +11100101111 presumptively 3 +11100101111 better-than-even 4 +11100101111 jet-set 4 +11100101111 clairvoyant 4 +11100101111 plain-looking 4 +11100101111 better-than-.500 4 +11100101111 competitive-shift 4 +11100101111 status-quo 5 +11100101111 more-effective 5 +11100101111 55-45 5 +11100101111 supercilious 6 +11100101111 organically 6 +11100101111 20-megabyte 8 +11100101111 heckuva 11 +11100101111 ripple 117 +11100101111 little 12600 +11100101111 scant 283 +1110011000 post-hospital 1 +1110011000 everdwindling 1 +1110011000 80-degree 1 +1110011000 anti-sex-harassment 1 +1110011000 825,151 1 +1110011000 1,520,000 1 +1110011000 foreign-market 1 +1110011000 Indian-looking 1 +1110011000 air-traveler 1 +1110011000 CHARGE 1 +1110011000 unbinding 1 +1110011000 anxiolytic 1 +1110011000 11.1-million 1 +1110011000 mortgage-deduction 1 +1110011000 222.50 1 +1110011000 Abscam-like 1 +1110011000 single-stranded 1 +1110011000 anti-anticommunist 1 +1110011000 5,255,822 1 +1110011000 Apple-coined 1 +1110011000 Iraqi-sought 1 +1110011000 multisyllable 1 +1110011000 isopropyl 1 +1110011000 142,500 1 +1110011000 9,972,868 1 +1110011000 grocery-checkout 1 +1110011000 Frankensteinan 1 +1110011000 high-topped 1 +1110011000 outreached 1 +1110011000 arctic-white 1 +1110011000 979,129 1 +1110011000 as-yet-unknown 1 +1110011000 even-stronger 1 +1110011000 uspecified 1 +1110011000 956,083 1 +1110011000 hardcurrency 1 +1110011000 THEFT 1 +1110011000 pre-made 1 +1110011000 DIZZYING 1 +1110011000 Ailes-inspired 1 +1110011000 U.S.-team 1 +1110011000 282,955 1 +1110011000 113,985 1 +1110011000 221,563 1 +1110011000 794,570 1 +1110011000 Alfried 1 +1110011000 airport-grant 1 +1110011000 258,424 1 +1110011000 6,695,102 1 +1110011000 3,426,120 1 +1110011000 American-run 1 +1110011000 out-of-area 1 +1110011000 aeronautical-engineering 1 +1110011000 10,245 1 +1110011000 air-fouling 1 +1110011000 oft-promised 1 +1110011000 857-page 1 +1110011000 anti-War-on-Poverty 1 +1110011000 Edvard 1 +1110011000 ex-Parker 1 +1110011000 681,600 1 +1110011000 uneviable 1 +1110011000 second-most-powerful 1 +1110011000 YEN 1 +1110011000 186,820 1 +1110011000 I-told-you-so 1 +1110011000 1.4302 1 +1110011000 30,400 1 +1110011000 362,700 1 +1110011000 keypunch 1 +1110011000 easier-credit 1 +1110011000 112,796 1 +1110011000 fuel-replacement 1 +1110011000 non-obscene 1 +1110011000 268,570 1 +1110011000 404,700 1 +1110011000 anti-Rehnquist 1 +1110011000 1.3483 1 +1110011000 73,100 1 +1110011000 Alice-Through-the-Looking-Glass 1 +1110011000 evil-looking 1 +1110011000 SAVORED 1 +1110011000 out-take 1 +1110011000 56,800 1 +1110011000 noninherited 1 +1110011000 Olympic-type 1 +1110011000 acid-like 1 +1110011000 ex-Microsoft 1 +1110011000 885,800 1 +1110011000 717,780 1 +1110011000 1,540,500 1 +1110011000 wireframe 1 +1110011000 addititonal 1 +1110011000 un-self-conscious 1 +1110011000 long-distant 1 +1110011000 small-export 1 +1110011000 UNKNOWN 1 +1110011000 98,781 1 +1110011000 1,394,556 1 +1110011000 350,110 1 +1110011000 employment-eligibilty 1 +1110011000 232,700 1 +1110011000 economics-oriented 1 +1110011000 dye-containing 1 +1110011000 warrant-debenture 1 +1110011000 1,424,313 1 +1110011000 226,316 1 +1110011000 1.770 1 +1110011000 296,875 1 +1110011000 432,605 1 +1110011000 328,275 1 +1110011000 eight-column 1 +1110011000 807-car 1 +1110011000 286,700 1 +1110011000 undeterminable 1 +1110011000 opposition-backed 1 +1110011000 550,647 1 +1110011000 umber 1 +1110011000 8-inch-by-11-inch 1 +1110011000 self-attestation 1 +1110011000 oil-seeds 1 +1110011000 data-mandatory 1 +1110011000 18,000-square-foot 1 +1110011000 85-foot-high 1 +1110011000 IDI 1 +1110011000 80-passenger 1 +1110011000 easy-to-remember 1 +1110011000 eight-bank 1 +1110011000 11,569,200 1 +1110011000 62,400 1 +1110011000 1,254,587 1 +1110011000 4,027,619 1 +1110011000 Eastern-grip 1 +1110011000 output-price 1 +1110011000 298,500 1 +1110011000 650,200 1 +1110011000 1.4557 1 +1110011000 anti-City 1 +1110011000 anarchist-dark 1 +1110011000 eye-glazing 1 +1110011000 antimodernist 1 +1110011000 293,300 1 +1110011000 even-narrower 1 +1110011000 associate-pastor 1 +1110011000 172,700 1 +1110011000 inflationadjusted 1 +1110011000 local-governmental 1 +1110011000 320,300 1 +1110011000 565,500 1 +1110011000 490,700 1 +1110011000 800-person 1 +1110011000 188,847 1 +1110011000 unemployment-rate 1 +1110011000 anti-racketering 1 +1110011000 unemployment-claims 1 +1110011000 unregisterd 1 +1110011000 almost-identical 1 +1110011000 Pawiak 1 +1110011000 THACHER 1 +1110011000 8-by-8 1 +1110011000 unbankerly 1 +1110011000 quasi-abstract 1 +1110011000 115,460 1 +1110011000 4,022,767 1 +1110011000 intra-governmental 1 +1110011000 uncustomary 1 +1110011000 year-more 1 +1110011000 ever-sprouting 1 +1110011000 tenorial 1 +1110011000 extra-capacity 1 +1110011000 430,107 1 +1110011000 957,800 1 +1110011000 hard-currency-paying 1 +1110011000 unecological 1 +1110011000 all-but-dead 1 +1110011000 ever-so-slight 1 +1110011000 NIH-invented 1 +1110011000 bonbon 1 +1110011000 more-vigorous 1 +1110011000 anti-gold 1 +1110011000 extraordinarly 1 +1110011000 capitalmarket 1 +1110011000 optional-equipment 1 +1110011000 POISONING 1 +1110011000 extra-shiny 1 +1110011000 uninfluential 1 +1110011000 car-ad 1 +1110011000 11-session 1 +1110011000 anti-humanitarian 1 +1110011000 either-or-you 1 +1110011000 870,550 1 +1110011000 EPA-funded 1 +1110011000 11,053 1 +1110011000 all-too-clear 1 +1110011000 often-extended 1 +1110011000 offcourse 1 +1110011000 Assignation 1 +1110011000 alcohol-and-substance-abuse 1 +1110011000 1986-act 1 +1110011000 PLACED 1 +1110011000 time-transcending 1 +1110011000 6,315 1 +1110011000 toy-box 1 +1110011000 0.707 1 +1110011000 overwelming 1 +1110011000 1,723,491 1 +1110011000 easy-to-follow 1 +1110011000 68,965 1 +1110011000 otherwise-innocuous 1 +1110011000 9,761 1 +1110011000 2,460,000 1 +1110011000 ever-dwindling 1 +1110011000 10-ruble-note 1 +1110011000 unindexed 1 +1110011000 ethanol-powered 1 +1110011000 20.9586 1 +1110011000 extrastrength 1 +1110011000 6,725,425 1 +1110011000 intervention-free 1 +1110011000 odd-numbered 2 +1110011000 unprovable 2 +1110011000 whitecollar 2 +1110011000 1.1333 2 +1110011000 2,614 2 +1110011000 administration-opposed 2 +1110011000 970,800 2 +1110011000 insured-deposit 2 +1110011000 less-onerous 2 +1110011000 immediate-payment 2 +1110011000 over-the-phone 2 +1110011000 techniques. 2 +1110011000 economy-of-scale 2 +1110011000 even-faster 2 +1110011000 apodictic 2 +1110011000 3,029,200 2 +1110011000 unvoted 2 +1110011000 eight-ounce 2 +1110011000 party-oriented 2 +1110011000 unassembled 2 +1110011000 opium-like 2 +1110011000 23,200 2 +1110011000 373,861 2 +1110011000 industry-leading 2 +1110011000 1,057,000 2 +1110011000 unsheltered 2 +1110011000 ADR. 2 +1110011000 unsolicted 2 +1110011000 heel-nipping 2 +1110011000 oft-told 2 +1110011000 regional-company 2 +1110011000 1,193,887 2 +1110011000 extra-extra 2 +1110011000 1.163 2 +1110011000 in-country 2 +1110011000 1,033,333 2 +1110011000 electrogalvanizing 2 +1110011000 Apple-compatible 2 +1110011000 all-too-rare 2 +1110011000 all-Boeing 2 +1110011000 movielike 2 +1110011000 similar-looking 2 +1110011000 summer-school 2 +1110011000 definitive-bearer 3 +1110011000 IMPORTANT 3 +1110011000 aggregrate 3 +1110011000 gold-rush 3 +1110011000 unpurchased 3 +1110011000 hard-and-fast 3 +1110011000 8,000-foot 3 +1110011000 underground-storage 3 +1110011000 hotel-venture 3 +1110011000 0.3322 3 +1110011000 out-of-tune 3 +1110011000 substanial 3 +1110011000 off-farm 3 +1110011000 unmixed 3 +1110011000 1,830,000 3 +1110011000 374,093 3 +1110011000 ever-greater 3 +1110011000 distributional 4 +1110011000 unsuspected 4 +1110011000 as-yet-undetermined 4 +1110011000 11-page 4 +1110011000 untitled 4 +1110011000 parking-meter 4 +1110011000 anti-dilution 4 +1110011000 800-milligram 4 +1110011000 corporate-sponsored 4 +1110011000 option-package 4 +1110011000 additonal 4 +1110011000 out-of-print 5 +1110011000 onsite 5 +1110011000 4,960,000 5 +1110011000 odd-looking 5 +1110011000 already-scheduled 5 +1110011000 less-severe 5 +1110011000 sincerest 5 +1110011000 gainful 5 +1110011000 664,400 6 +1110011000 income-related 6 +1110011000 government-led 6 +1110011000 high-dollar 8 +1110011000 uncensored 8 +1110011000 unsubscribed 9 +1110011000 non-essential 9 +1110011000 DM 13 +1110011000 unspent 14 +1110011000 ever-larger 17 +1110011000 18-hour 18 +1110011000 unreleased 26 +1110011000 NT 31 +1110011000 I-9 31 +1110011000 inflation-indexed 33 +1110011000 unclaimed 35 +1110011000 as-yet 44 +1110011000 eight-hour 45 +1110011000 nondefense 46 +1110011000 inordinate 58 +1110011000 up-front 99 +1110011000 undetermined 129 +1110011000 unwanted 412 +1110011000 undisclosed 502 +1110011000 unspecified 629 +1110011000 additional 8595 +1110011000 extra 1649 +11100110010 graffiti-scarred 1 +11100110010 already-uncomfortably 1 +11100110010 tribes. 1 +11100110010 8.6-mark 1 +11100110010 OPEC-meeting 1 +11100110010 84-10 1 +11100110010 equal-protection-clause 1 +11100110010 index-portfolio 1 +11100110010 85-10 1 +11100110010 89-5 1 +11100110010 asset-and-liability 1 +11100110010 cash-up-front 1 +11100110010 whiplashing 1 +11100110010 over-consumption 1 +11100110010 arena-quality 1 +11100110010 investment-adviser 1 +11100110010 eel-like 1 +11100110010 86.11-point 1 +11100110010 81-17 1 +11100110010 Islamic-Israeli 1 +11100110010 eight-lane 1 +11100110010 unshored 1 +11100110010 univited 1 +11100110010 SABATICALS 1 +11100110010 influence-buying 1 +11100110010 magazine-consuming 1 +11100110010 insurance-liability 1 +11100110010 eight-line 1 +11100110010 indoor-plant 1 +11100110010 oil-speculation 1 +11100110010 ice-encrusted 1 +11100110010 18year 1 +11100110010 scatter-site 1 +11100110010 export-spawned 1 +11100110010 83-9 1 +11100110010 1000th 1 +11100110010 earthshattering 1 +11100110010 trade-induced 1 +11100110010 recongnizable 1 +11100110010 age-neutral 1 +11100110010 anti-system 1 +11100110010 job-cut 1 +11100110010 AIDS-law 1 +11100110010 even-wider 1 +11100110010 economic-populism 1 +11100110010 tennis-hacking 1 +11100110010 27-to-23 1 +11100110010 less-than-shining 1 +11100110010 aide-item 1 +11100110010 Iranian-mediated 1 +11100110010 Iranian-brokered 1 +11100110010 vanity-press 1 +11100110010 foreign-unit 1 +11100110010 off-machine 1 +11100110010 thumb-indexed 1 +11100110010 earlier-than-contemplated 1 +11100110010 hot-blow 1 +11100110010 everybody-wins 1 +11100110010 continued-employment 1 +11100110010 pre-tariff 1 +11100110010 even-bigger 1 +11100110010 ultra-high-pressure 1 +11100110010 unconfessed 1 +11100110010 image-damaging 1 +11100110010 all-Airbus 1 +11100110010 four-magazine 1 +11100110010 polychlorinated-biphenyls 1 +11100110010 80-mph 1 +11100110010 Icahn-style 1 +11100110010 eleven-member 1 +11100110010 execution-style 1 +11100110010 89-day 1 +11100110010 imagineer 1 +11100110010 Italian-Mexican 1 +11100110010 Ethiopian-Soviet 1 +11100110010 extra-heavy 1 +11100110010 82-17 1 +11100110010 once-competitive 1 +11100110010 eocnomic 1 +11100110010 air-traveling 1 +11100110010 anti-poison-pill 1 +11100110010 inner-ear 1 +11100110010 already-negative 1 +11100110010 aberrationally 1 +11100110010 once-deserved 1 +11100110010 NWA-level 1 +11100110010 FTC-approved 1 +11100110010 ill-placed 1 +11100110010 ore-crusher 1 +11100110010 15th-19th 1 +11100110010 800-employee 1 +11100110010 oil-tainted 1 +11100110010 newly-formed 1 +11100110010 half-ironic 1 +11100110010 investment-protection 1 +11100110010 87-11 1 +11100110010 REBUFFED 1 +11100110010 per-month 1 +11100110010 unwelcomed 1 +11100110010 as-yet-unanswered 1 +11100110010 52week 1 +11100110010 April-like 1 +11100110010 89,094 1 +11100110010 extra-moist 1 +11100110010 offer-to-purchase 1 +11100110010 eight-ninths 1 +11100110010 unconcentrated 1 +11100110010 84-1 1 +11100110010 post-September 1 +11100110010 8.51-point 1 +11100110010 oil-dependency 1 +11100110010 almost-Shakespearean 1 +11100110010 all-but-unachievable 1 +11100110010 underhood 1 +11100110010 amphibious-assault 1 +11100110010 urban-rural 1 +11100110010 end-of-October 1 +11100110010 Indian-mediated 1 +11100110010 elementary-grade 1 +11100110010 free-share 1 +11100110010 threetranche 1 +11100110010 amendatory 1 +11100110010 acetylene-fueled 1 +11100110010 most-severe 1 +11100110010 total-tons 1 +11100110010 Adenoclone 1 +11100110010 floutingly 1 +11100110010 vampire-movie 1 +11100110010 book-buying 1 +11100110010 89-6 1 +11100110010 also-not-unusual 1 +11100110010 model-home 1 +11100110010 already-strong 1 +11100110010 81-4 1 +11100110010 84-8 1 +11100110010 800,000-acre 1 +11100110010 71-page 1 +11100110010 long-perceived 1 +11100110010 IBM-developed 1 +11100110010 food-buying 1 +11100110010 intragovernmental 1 +11100110010 67-year 2 +11100110010 full-hearted 2 +11100110010 earlier-than-expected 2 +11100110010 account-executive 2 +11100110010 18-11 2 +11100110010 revenue-bond 2 +11100110010 Two-part 2 +11100110010 eight-session 2 +11100110010 once-grand 2 +11100110010 bank-by-bank 2 +11100110010 peek-a-boo 2 +11100110010 absentee-ballot 2 +11100110010 ski-watching 2 +11100110010 private-partnership 2 +11100110010 O-shaped 2 +11100110010 USBL 2 +11100110010 in-progress 2 +11100110010 anti-obesity 2 +11100110010 ever-broadening 2 +11100110010 84-day 2 +11100110010 often-quoted 2 +11100110010 arms-shipping 2 +11100110010 oft-noted 2 +11100110010 post-Plaza 2 +11100110010 immunologic 2 +11100110010 intrayear 2 +11100110010 EC-Comecon 2 +11100110010 86-11 2 +11100110010 8,000-person 2 +11100110010 financial-report 2 +11100110010 uncomplaining 2 +11100110010 rapid-growth 2 +11100110010 safety-evacuation 2 +11100110010 paper-money 2 +11100110010 Boiron 2 +11100110010 eight-mile-long 2 +11100110010 anti-Turk 2 +11100110010 still-tentative 2 +11100110010 direct-line 2 +11100110010 amnesty-application 2 +11100110010 CANCELED 2 +11100110010 80-yard 2 +11100110010 early-1985 2 +11100110010 once-generous 2 +11100110010 40,000-mile 2 +11100110010 Maxfin 2 +11100110010 industry-mix 2 +11100110010 Amoco-Dome 2 +11100110010 anti-yuppie 2 +11100110010 unexcelled 2 +11100110010 often-rumored 2 +11100110010 silver-foot-in-the-mouth 2 +11100110010 conscience-stricken 2 +11100110010 Angolan-Cuban 2 +11100110010 all-wise 2 +11100110010 undemanding 3 +11100110010 88-day 3 +11100110010 eagle-eyed 3 +11100110010 all-economy 3 +11100110010 early-January 3 +11100110010 seven-year-long 3 +11100110010 26-24 3 +11100110010 all-share 3 +11100110010 executive-privilege 3 +11100110010 85-page 3 +11100110010 official-looking 3 +11100110010 anti-regulatory 3 +11100110010 on-again-off-again 3 +11100110010 apartment-complex 3 +11100110010 dislocating 3 +11100110010 early-August 3 +11100110010 issue-by-issue 3 +11100110010 83-day 3 +11100110010 less-demanding 3 +11100110010 unhurried 3 +11100110010 intrasession 3 +11100110010 400th 3 +11100110010 insurance-buying 3 +11100110010 unscripted 3 +11100110010 six-week-long 3 +11100110010 four-month-long 3 +11100110010 eight-mile 3 +11100110010 unrequired 3 +11100110010 extemporaneous 3 +11100110010 Indian-backed 3 +11100110010 intitial 3 +11100110010 Indian-sponsored 3 +11100110010 87-day 3 +11100110010 home-court 4 +11100110010 lengthiest 4 +11100110010 fiscal-1989 4 +11100110010 Oxford-educated 4 +11100110010 inflation-hedge 4 +11100110010 11-week 4 +11100110010 equal-sized 4 +11100110010 enterprise-zone 4 +11100110010 twice-yearly 4 +11100110010 intial 4 +11100110010 arms-length 4 +11100110010 auto-buying 4 +11100110010 often-stated 4 +11100110010 earnings-growth 4 +11100110010 ultra-liberal 4 +11100110010 18-month-long 4 +11100110010 home-field 4 +11100110010 early-1988 4 +11100110010 8,000-mile 4 +11100110010 85-day 4 +11100110010 moviegoing 4 +11100110010 80-page 4 +11100110010 convention-center 4 +11100110010 11,000-member 4 +11100110010 oft-rumored 4 +11100110010 all-expenses-paid 5 +11100110010 either/or 5 +11100110010 anything-goes 5 +11100110010 88-page 5 +11100110010 all-expense-paid 5 +11100110010 early-April 5 +11100110010 field-artillery 5 +11100110010 inital 6 +11100110010 inauspicious 6 +11100110010 unceremonious 6 +11100110010 earlier-reported 6 +11100110010 unsuccesful 6 +11100110010 game-winning 6 +11100110010 four-volume 7 +11100110010 all-or-nothing 7 +11100110010 18-week 7 +11100110010 18-page 7 +11100110010 82-day 7 +11100110010 FDIC-assisted 8 +11100110010 alltime 9 +11100110010 industry-financed 10 +11100110010 late-August 10 +11100110010 11-day 11 +11100110010 80-day 11 +11100110010 18-day 11 +11100110010 first-served 12 +11100110010 post-October 13 +11100110010 intra-day 13 +11100110010 oft-repeated 14 +11100110010 undiluted 14 +11100110010 eleventh-hour 15 +11100110010 all-stock 16 +11100110010 offhand 18 +11100110010 eight-point 19 +11100110010 unexpired 20 +11100110010 11th-hour 20 +11100110010 11-month 22 +11100110010 eight-day 25 +11100110010 11-year 37 +11100110010 18-year 37 +11100110010 appreciable 38 +11100110010 eight-week 40 +11100110010 eight-month 58 +11100110010 abortive 62 +11100110010 introductory 86 +11100110010 eight-year-old 86 +11100110010 18-month 115 +11100110010 all-cash 117 +11100110010 indefinite 151 +11100110010 eight-year 179 +11100110010 all-time 188 +11100110010 unfriendly 258 +11100110010 intraday 414 +11100110010 eventual 443 +11100110010 unsolicited 759 +11100110010 interim 871 +11100110010 shelf 1020 +11100110010 initial 4825 +11100110010 immediate 2164 +11100110011 ever-broader 1 +11100110011 land-price 1 +11100110011 own-brand 1 +11100110011 payment-free 1 +11100110011 black-consciousness 1 +11100110011 job-interview 1 +11100110011 best-recalled 1 +11100110011 exercise-related 1 +11100110011 tour-de-force 1 +11100110011 1,587 1 +11100110011 Taiwan-Japan-Korea 1 +11100110011 reefer 1 +11100110011 preflight 1 +11100110011 heat-seeking-missile 1 +11100110011 time-distance 1 +11100110011 mass-volume 1 +11100110011 national-income 1 +11100110011 debt-oriented 1 +11100110011 Mattia 1 +11100110011 antislavery 1 +11100110011 Kwang-ju 1 +11100110011 luxury-jewelry 1 +11100110011 enhanced-oil 1 +11100110011 socialist-capitalist 1 +11100110011 lumpish 1 +11100110011 joint-and-several 1 +11100110011 reputational 1 +11100110011 12-to-18-month 1 +11100110011 Indian-health 1 +11100110011 sawdust-trail 1 +11100110011 fear-greed 1 +11100110011 toilet-humor 1 +11100110011 fuel-emission 1 +11100110011 guarantee-assisted 1 +11100110011 dollar-value 1 +11100110011 official-car 1 +11100110011 how-to-compute 1 +11100110011 chest-crushing 1 +11100110011 prospectus-like 1 +11100110011 no-less-difficult 1 +11100110011 then-emerging 1 +11100110011 oil-partnership 1 +11100110011 takeover-inspired 1 +11100110011 grad-school 1 +11100110011 drugs-and-dependency 1 +11100110011 walking-through-mine-fields 1 +11100110011 minimart 1 +11100110011 287th 1 +11100110011 choice-in-education 1 +11100110011 long-in-the-tooth 1 +11100110011 broker-arranged 1 +11100110011 liberal-radical 1 +11100110011 no-medal 1 +11100110011 state-action 1 +11100110011 then-preeminent 1 +11100110011 early-phase 1 +11100110011 Pigouvian 1 +11100110011 Secord-related 1 +11100110011 pre-filing 1 +11100110011 bulletlike 1 +11100110011 commuter-train 1 +11100110011 non-repayable 1 +11100110011 grandtheft 1 +11100110011 50-odd-year 1 +11100110011 highest-salaried 1 +11100110011 hearts-and-minds 1 +11100110011 south-wing 1 +11100110011 summerlong 1 +11100110011 Pillow-commissioned 1 +11100110011 politically-motivated 1 +11100110011 non-reusable 1 +11100110011 85-member 1 +11100110011 unforced 1 +11100110011 unrueful 1 +11100110011 lemming-like 1 +11100110011 least-requested 1 +11100110011 Germanlike 1 +11100110011 Lebanon-like 1 +11100110011 anti-MPLA 1 +11100110011 pre-recessionary 1 +11100110011 fraud-linked 1 +11100110011 molasses-tank 1 +11100110011 near-cult 1 +11100110011 individual-sized 1 +11100110011 per-plane 1 +11100110011 eyehole 1 +11100110011 terrorist-inflicted 1 +11100110011 bigger-is-better 1 +11100110011 marine-toxicology 1 +11100110011 employee-shareholder 1 +11100110011 personal-spending 1 +11100110011 pre-uprising 1 +11100110011 whinnying 1 +11100110011 blood-in-the-stool 1 +11100110011 phalluscentric 1 +11100110011 otherwise-high 1 +11100110011 Antar-era 1 +11100110011 pre-Wimbledon 1 +11100110011 pennant-stretch 1 +11100110011 McCall-related 1 +11100110011 middle-period 1 +11100110011 residential-building-contract 1 +11100110011 7,866 1 +11100110011 human-potential 1 +11100110011 religious-cultural-political 1 +11100110011 flittering 1 +11100110011 conservative-Christianity 1 +11100110011 coal-field 1 +11100110011 land-breaking 1 +11100110011 second-most-common 1 +11100110011 pincer 1 +11100110011 Vietnamese-installed 1 +11100110011 company-kept 1 +11100110011 deep-pocket-picking 1 +11100110011 jungle-flavored 1 +11100110011 skin-tingling 1 +11100110011 egg-associated 1 +11100110011 50mg 1 +11100110011 non-gasoline 1 +11100110011 event-sponsorship 1 +11100110011 anything-but-peaceful 1 +11100110011 tax-scam 1 +11100110011 eight-month-long 1 +11100110011 deposit-transfer 1 +11100110011 Miller-Studds 1 +11100110011 teen-labor 1 +11100110011 ten-speediest 1 +11100110011 Medicare-induced 1 +11100110011 after-the-crash 1 +11100110011 early-June 1 +11100110011 post-Indian 1 +11100110011 enjoyably 2 +11100110011 tree-trunk 2 +11100110011 anti-Shoreham 2 +11100110011 Chlor-Trimeton 2 +11100110011 on-location 2 +11100110011 information-swapping 2 +11100110011 earnest-money 2 +11100110011 unofficial-official 2 +11100110011 unlamented 2 +11100110011 30,310 2 +11100110011 handsdown 2 +11100110011 chuckwagon 2 +11100110011 midsized-car 2 +11100110011 six-team 2 +11100110011 school-reform 2 +11100110011 office-computer 2 +11100110011 estate-building 2 +11100110011 yowling 2 +11100110011 TBS-MGM/UA 2 +11100110011 WFF 2 +11100110011 personal-liability 2 +11100110011 community-scale 2 +11100110011 education-reform 2 +11100110011 German-Italian 2 +11100110011 director-and-officer 2 +11100110011 iliac 2 +11100110011 internal-customer 2 +11100110011 work-shift 2 +11100110011 bozhe 2 +11100110011 electricity-rate 2 +11100110011 Alice-in-Wonderland 3 +11100110011 trading-volume 3 +11100110011 mainframe-computer 3 +11100110011 three-dozen 3 +11100110011 non-dancing 3 +11100110011 miscalculates 3 +11100110011 numbers-crunching 3 +11100110011 shorter-lived 3 +11100110011 bankruptcy-related 3 +11100110011 larger-than-normal 3 +11100110011 F18 3 +11100110011 USBC 3 +11100110011 1,164 3 +11100110011 college-entrance 3 +11100110011 TWA-Ozark 3 +11100110011 polio-vaccine 3 +11100110011 Indiana-style 3 +11100110011 unpredicted 3 +11100110011 golden-share 3 +11100110011 age-21 3 +11100110011 meat-team 3 +11100110011 early-week 3 +11100110011 Op-Ed 3 +11100110011 big-car 3 +11100110011 FCC-ordered 3 +11100110011 life-expectancy 3 +11100110011 voiceless 3 +11100110011 opposition-sponsored 3 +11100110011 amendment-free 4 +11100110011 oft-heard 4 +11100110011 per-hour 4 +11100110011 cristobalite 4 +11100110011 eddy 4 +11100110011 in-hospital 4 +11100110011 Ramp-C 4 +11100110011 11th-century 4 +11100110011 unexcused 4 +11100110011 off-field 4 +11100110011 noblest 4 +11100110011 even-larger 4 +11100110011 anti-choice 4 +11100110011 dividend-record 4 +11100110011 easier-to-read 4 +11100110011 ineluctable 4 +11100110011 late-February 5 +11100110011 wise-cracking 5 +11100110011 less-attractive 5 +11100110011 extra-large 5 +11100110011 inflation-induced 5 +11100110011 qui 5 +11100110011 unforseen 5 +11100110011 more-severe 6 +11100110011 artificial-heart 6 +11100110011 unvarnished 6 +11100110011 often-violent 6 +11100110011 inflation-related 6 +11100110011 America-bashing 6 +11100110011 unamortized 6 +11100110011 unflagging 6 +11100110011 infernal 6 +11100110011 reperfusion 6 +11100110011 inflation-driven 6 +11100110011 on-campus 7 +11100110011 onrushing 7 +11100110011 iron-clad 8 +11100110011 honorific 8 +11100110011 unsanctioned 8 +11100110011 executive-suite 9 +11100110011 general-fund 9 +11100110011 marketwide 10 +11100110011 elemental 10 +11100110011 asymmetrical 11 +11100110011 agreed-to 11 +11100110011 pre-publication 11 +11100110011 orphan-drug 12 +11100110011 ossified 12 +11100110011 end-of-the-year 12 +11100110011 ever-widening 13 +11100110011 almost-certain 13 +11100110011 subsoil 14 +11100110011 Iran/Contra 14 +11100110011 interest-payment 16 +11100110011 COLA 17 +11100110011 spare-parts 18 +11100110011 ever-growing 20 +11100110011 ever-changing 27 +11100110011 industry-wide 28 +11100110011 untold 33 +11100110011 odometer 33 +11100110011 incipient 42 +11100110011 ever-increasing 44 +11100110011 optimum 46 +11100110011 intrinsic 53 +11100110011 unbridled 53 +11100110011 unanticipated 61 +11100110011 agreed-upon 65 +11100110011 long-run 65 +11100110011 upfront 75 +11100110011 intangible 91 +11100110011 overheated 94 +11100110011 incremental 119 +11100110011 omnibus 129 +11100110011 involuntary 143 +11100110011 implicit 147 +11100110011 industrywide 275 +11100110011 sheer 279 +11100110011 across-the-board 312 +11100110011 impending 318 +11100110011 inherent 319 +11100110011 aggregate 321 +11100110011 exact 539 +11100110011 automatic 840 +11100110011 underlying 1143 +11100110011 actual 1773 +11100110011 overall 3355 +11100110011 alleged 3733 +1110011010 MODIFIED-ATMOSPHERE 1 +1110011010 employer-maintained 1 +1110011010 record-your-own-voice 1 +1110011010 often-mentioned 1 +1110011010 entrepreneurial-oriented 1 +1110011010 intestinal-bypass 1 +1110011010 antip-apartheid 1 +1110011010 overinflated 1 +1110011010 all-Indian 1 +1110011010 aviation-marketing 1 +1110011010 anti-aircraft-gun 1 +1110011010 M.F.A. 1 +1110011010 Ypsilanti-based 1 +1110011010 American-chartered 1 +1110011010 eight-foot-diameter 1 +1110011010 Edper-controlled 1 +1110011010 aspartame-making 1 +1110011010 amnesty-processing 1 +1110011010 active-sportswear 1 +1110011010 eight-unit 1 +1110011010 outriding 1 +1110011010 avalanche-entombed 1 +1110011010 extra-thin 1 +1110011010 intermediate-care 1 +1110011010 867-room 1 +1110011010 antipodal 1 +1110011010 Brezhnev-period 1 +1110011010 11-screen 1 +1110011010 algae-green 1 +1110011010 equitable-distribution 1 +1110011010 equipment-repair 1 +1110011010 MCA-like 1 +1110011010 otherwise-blank 1 +1110011010 80,000-kernel 1 +1110011010 PREVENT 1 +1110011010 electrolytic-zinc 1 +1110011010 Afghan-affairs 1 +1110011010 all-Reagan-appointed 1 +1110011010 electronic-mall 1 +1110011010 18th-floor 1 +1110011010 immunomodulating 1 +1110011010 in-city 1 +1110011010 authorityon 1 +1110011010 all-women 1 +1110011010 87.5-mile 1 +1110011010 oxygen-containing 1 +1110011010 RJR-KKR 1 +1110011010 action/animation 1 +1110011010 ice-battered 1 +1110011010 adulthood-long 1 +1110011010 oil-drilling-rig 1 +1110011010 88-store 1 +1110011010 ex-vaudeville 1 +1110011010 anti-respiratory 1 +1110011010 all-scrub 1 +1110011010 extra-durable 1 +1110011010 11,200-barrel-a-day 1 +1110011010 Ohio-chartered 1 +1110011010 auto-salvage 1 +1110011010 adding-machine 1 +1110011010 extra-efficient 1 +1110011010 KENT 1 +1110011010 ex-management 1 +1110011010 India-rubber 1 +1110011010 ice-hockey 1 +1110011010 electronic-chip 1 +1110011010 inaugural-season 1 +1110011010 Amsler 1 +1110011010 87-store 1 +1110011010 open-body 1 +1110011010 T-shirt-clad 1 +1110011010 office/retail 1 +1110011010 ex-Nicaragua 1 +1110011010 easy-to-see 1 +1110011010 Orlando-area 1 +1110011010 odiferous 1 +1110011010 unpainted-furniture 1 +1110011010 old-movie 1 +1110011010 ultra-refined 1 +1110011010 Oldsmobile/AMC 1 +1110011010 end-of-innocence 1 +1110011010 over-cranked 1 +1110011010 ore-dressing 1 +1110011010 oak-shaded 1 +1110011010 8-foot-by-10-foot 1 +1110011010 all-boy 1 +1110011010 auction-like 1 +1110011010 oil-burner 1 +1110011010 oil-brokering 1 +1110011010 under-exploited 1 +1110011010 immigrant-swollen 1 +1110011010 payment-differential 1 +1110011010 8,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1110011010 eight-season 1 +1110011010 anti-passing 1 +1110011010 insurance-services 1 +1110011010 east-of-the-Hudson 1 +1110011010 intercustomer 1 +1110011010 under-the-leg 1 +1110011010 opportunity-seeking 1 +1110011010 oil-drilling-platform 1 +1110011010 automotive-marketing 1 +1110011010 employee-theft 1 +1110011010 trans-Alaskan 1 +1110011010 easy-looking 1 +1110011010 all-sangiovese 1 +1110011010 old-Chicago 1 +1110011010 11story 1 +1110011010 anti-moderate-growth 1 +1110011010 economic-information 1 +1110011010 anti-tension 1 +1110011010 anti-relativistic 1 +1110011010 already-uncertain 1 +1110011010 immuno-suppressive 1 +1110011010 81-mile-long 1 +1110011010 130-voice 1 +1110011010 Argentinian-style 1 +1110011010 insurance-case-management 1 +1110011010 eight-store 1 +1110011010 economy-lodging 1 +1110011010 BIG-LEAGUE 1 +1110011010 85-seat 1 +1110011010 action/Claymation 1 +1110011010 end-blown 1 +1110011010 ORANGE-PICKING 1 +1110011010 Ndebele-speaking 1 +1110011010 industrial-rubber-products 1 +1110011010 800-foot 1 +1110011010 occupation-related 1 +1110011010 800-square-mile 1 +1110011010 offshore-Angola 1 +1110011010 ice-filled 1 +1110011010 equipment-packed 1 +1110011010 anti-graffiti 1 +1110011010 already-complex 1 +1110011010 oat-growing 1 +1110011010 Arena-dominated 1 +1110011010 electric-power-generation 1 +1110011010 antiviolence 1 +1110011010 eight-foot-long 1 +1110011010 emotion-filled 1 +1110011010 82-acre 1 +1110011010 out-of-balance 1 +1110011010 acid-throwing 1 +1110011010 eighth-round 1 +1110011010 out-of-sync 1 +1110011010 850-foot 1 +1110011010 AT&T-style 1 +1110011010 insulated-glass 1 +1110011010 Armenian-dominated 1 +1110011010 NIT 1 +1110011010 8.7-grade 1 +1110011010 8.45-grade 1 +1110011010 airplane-leasing 1 +1110011010 anti-travel 1 +1110011010 GUIDEBOOKS 1 +1110011010 85-bed 1 +1110011010 ES-3A 1 +1110011010 inn-like 1 +1110011010 etiolated 1 +1110011010 ammunition-dump 1 +1110011010 11,000-square-foot 1 +1110011010 alcoholic-treatment 1 +1110011010 ocelot 1 +1110011010 850-job 1 +1110011010 umpiring 1 +1110011010 electrothermal 1 +1110011010 WOOD-BURNING 1 +1110011010 private-independent 1 +1110011010 anti-worm 1 +1110011010 international-business 1 +1110011010 42-minute 1 +1110011010 Uzi-toting 1 +1110011010 endowmentless 1 +1110011010 antique-clothes 1 +1110011010 insulation-board 1 +1110011010 1,100-ton-a-day 1 +1110011010 ammonia-urea 1 +1110011010 eversteadier 1 +1110011010 electronic-engineering 1 +1110011010 unembarrassing 1 +1110011010 enemy-held 1 +1110011010 AIDS-oriented 1 +1110011010 85-chain 1 +1110011010 850-branch 1 +1110011010 Olmsted-designed 1 +1110011010 OLDEST 1 +1110011010 8,000-acre 1 +1110011010 anti-convulsive 1 +1110011010 X-linked 1 +1110011010 ocean-pollution 1 +1110011010 operations-research 1 +1110011010 HRS-licensed 1 +1110011010 ex-furniture 1 +1110011010 8-to-faint 1 +1110011010 asbestos-landfill 1 +1110011010 electromagnetic-test 1 +1110011010 anti-infective 1 +1110011010 Occidental-sponsored 1 +1110011010 arms-for-drugs 1 +1110011010 ever-worsening 1 +1110011010 airplane-wing 1 +1110011010 afterhours 1 +1110011010 early-1989 1 +1110011010 over-30 1 +1110011010 Italian-inspired 1 +1110011010 automobile-manufacturing 1 +1110011010 Istel-type 1 +1110011010 Airbus-type 1 +1110011010 artillery-impact 1 +1110011010 oat-processing 1 +1110011010 Iraqu 1 +1110011010 80-screen 1 +1110011010 ironbound 1 +1110011010 815-foot 1 +1110011010 extra-innings 1 +1110011010 Australian-Chinese 1 +1110011010 wire-room 1 +1110011010 audiocomponent 1 +1110011010 Alzheimer's-like 2 +1110011010 uncomprehending 2 +1110011010 all-professional 2 +1110011010 awkward-looking 2 +1110011010 ever-faster 2 +1110011010 8,400-square-mile 2 +1110011010 XMP-24 2 +1110011010 pseudo-Gothic 2 +1110011010 ex-Journal 2 +1110011010 ABC-affiliated 2 +1110011010 over-the-wing 2 +1110011010 antismoking 2 +1110011010 Indian-style 2 +1110011010 RCMP 2 +1110011010 innocuous-looking 2 +1110011010 anticlerical 2 +1110011010 extra-tall 2 +1110011010 energy-short 2 +1110011010 older-model 2 +1110011010 eight-screen 2 +1110011010 all-conference 2 +1110011010 86-9 2 +1110011010 non-taxpaying 2 +1110011010 Arkansas-based 2 +1110011010 Dircote 2 +1110011010 Alcatraz 2 +1110011010 African-style 2 +1110011010 deep-pockets 2 +1110011010 I-beam 2 +1110011010 all-woman 2 +1110011010 office-bound 2 +1110011010 overseas-based 2 +1110011010 anti-convulsant 2 +1110011010 open-space 2 +1110011010 Armenian-American 2 +1110011010 Alfa-Lancia 2 +1110011010 11-for-10 2 +1110011010 expense-paid 2 +1110011010 trash-to-energy 2 +1110011010 82nd-floor 2 +1110011010 afternoon-long 2 +1110011010 old-car 2 +1110011010 FDIC-administered 2 +1110011010 east-bank 2 +1110011010 Anglophile 2 +1110011010 8-for-1 2 +1110011010 ankle-high 2 +1110011010 hubbing 2 +1110011010 AMC/Renault 2 +1110011010 80-mile 2 +1110011010 Alabama-based 2 +1110011010 urban-affairs 2 +1110011010 employment-law 2 +1110011010 advice-giving 2 +1110011010 agricultural-policy 2 +1110011010 Iraqi-born 2 +1110011010 plain-speaking 2 +1110011010 all-Schumann 2 +1110011010 uncleared 2 +1110011010 cross-media 2 +1110011010 Sino-Vietnamese 2 +1110011010 single-sheet 2 +1110011010 American-type 2 +1110011010 INSTITUTIONS 2 +1110011010 Israeli-Jordanian 2 +1110011010 odd-jobs 2 +1110011010 all-fiber 2 +1110011010 extracongressional 2 +1110011010 unwired 2 +1110011010 infrared-gun 2 +1110011010 18-story 3 +1110011010 end-to-end 3 +1110011010 electroluminescent 3 +1110011010 loutish 3 +1110011010 test-taking 3 +1110011010 breadwinning 3 +1110011010 Arab-owned 3 +1110011010 international-affairs 3 +1110011010 Andersen-Price 3 +1110011010 overhand 3 +1110011010 Poletown 3 +1110011010 anhydrous 3 +1110011010 out-of-home 3 +1110011010 Emmy-winning 3 +1110011010 insurance-linked 3 +1110011010 avocational 3 +1110011010 must-win 3 +1110011010 omnifont 3 +1110011010 agricultural-research 3 +1110011010 80,000-kilowatt 3 +1110011010 unseasonable 3 +1110011010 highquality 3 +1110011010 office-copier 3 +1110011010 ILS 3 +1110011010 interior-ministry 3 +1110011010 frequent-fliers 3 +1110011010 LBO-related 3 +1110011010 80-acre 3 +1110011010 Afrikaans-language 3 +1110011010 oxidizing 3 +1110011010 ultra-leftist 3 +1110011010 quirkiest 3 +1110011010 emerald-green 3 +1110011010 art-filled 3 +1110011010 occupational-health 3 +1110011010 inflation-prone 3 +1110011010 eye-tracking 3 +1110011010 after-shave 4 +1110011010 egghead 4 +1110011010 granulocyte 4 +1110011010 exotic-animal 4 +1110011010 ad-hoc 4 +1110011010 A-340-300 4 +1110011010 American-flagged 4 +1110011010 papa-mama 4 +1110011010 entertainment-oriented 4 +1110011010 Israeli-born 4 +1110011010 invitation-only 4 +1110011010 over-aggressive 4 +1110011010 antique-car 4 +1110011010 amusement-park 4 +1110011010 unpolluted 4 +1110011010 entertainment-law 4 +1110011010 ice-covered 4 +1110011010 emotion-charged 4 +1110011010 anti-microbial 4 +1110011010 CL-215 4 +1110011010 oil-shipping 4 +1110011010 assembly-plant 4 +1110011010 up-tick 4 +1110011010 under-used 5 +1110011010 franchisee-owned 5 +1110011010 Illinois-based 5 +1110011010 on-the-record 5 +1110011010 8-2 5 +1110011010 avocado 5 +1110011010 antiquarian 5 +1110011010 off-campus 5 +1110011010 investment-newsletter 5 +1110011010 industry-backed 5 +1110011010 ultrathin 5 +1110011010 Atlanta-area 5 +1110011010 H2 5 +1110011010 arch-conservative 5 +1110011010 8x10 5 +1110011010 all-pro 5 +1110011010 undefended 5 +1110011010 igloo 5 +1110011010 all-weather 5 +1110011010 auto-body 5 +1110011010 80-foot 5 +1110011010 action-adventure 5 +1110011010 easier-to-use 5 +1110011010 anti-tumor 5 +1110011010 Imax 5 +1110011010 unregenerate 5 +1110011010 on-court 5 +1110011010 amputee 5 +1110011010 irresolute 5 +1110011010 air-tight 5 +1110011010 hand-made 5 +1110011010 eye-opening 5 +1110011010 urban-renewal 5 +1110011010 11-story 5 +1110011010 artificial-turf 5 +1110011010 unlit 5 +1110011010 tension-leg 5 +1110011010 import-buying 5 +1110011010 18-2 5 +1110011010 after-Christmas 5 +1110011010 Unctad 6 +1110011010 A&S 6 +1110011010 air-force 6 +1110011010 Axis 6 +1110011010 unescorted 6 +1110011010 asthmatic 6 +1110011010 appointive 6 +1110011010 unalienable 6 +1110011010 extroverted 6 +1110011010 inside-the-Beltway 6 +1110011010 anti-anemia 6 +1110011010 ebony 6 +1110011010 Italian-style 6 +1110011010 infectious-disease 6 +1110011010 auction-house 7 +1110011010 anti-capitalist 7 +1110011010 upstanding 7 +1110011010 asteroid 7 +1110011010 oxygen-free 7 +1110011010 adulterous 7 +1110011010 explosives-laden 7 +1110011010 AppleShare 7 +1110011010 Aborigine 7 +1110011010 accusatory 8 +1110011010 all-black 8 +1110011010 embalmed 8 +1110011010 egocentric 8 +1110011010 Maori 8 +1110011010 invitational 8 +1110011010 obsolescent 8 +1110011010 untreatable 8 +1110011010 unattached 8 +1110011010 all-news 8 +1110011010 margined 8 +1110011010 open-necked 8 +1110011010 over-leveraged 8 +1110011010 SST 9 +1110011010 economic-forecasting 9 +1110011010 Irish-American 9 +1110011010 airless 9 +1110011010 unheralded 9 +1110011010 ultramodern 9 +1110011010 over-funded 10 +1110011010 anti-nausea 10 +1110011010 acquisition-hungry 10 +1110011010 in-patient 10 +1110011010 issue-oriented 10 +1110011010 LPGA 10 +1110011010 AM/FM 10 +1110011010 out-of-control 10 +1110011010 oriental 10 +1110011010 epileptic 10 +1110011010 unheated 11 +1110011010 internationalist 11 +1110011010 11-man 11 +1110011010 AWOL 11 +1110011010 interconnected 11 +1110011010 Edwardian 11 +1110011010 add-in 11 +1110011010 up-market 12 +1110011010 off-the-record 12 +1110011010 inhouse 12 +1110011010 inch-thick 12 +1110011010 uninfected 12 +1110011010 after-dinner 13 +1110011010 employer-sponsored 13 +1110011010 onboard 14 +1110011010 auto-repair 14 +1110011010 underused 14 +1110011010 Iranian-born 14 +1110011010 eight-foot 14 +1110011010 honorarium 14 +1110011010 acoustical 14 +1110011010 18-hole 15 +1110011010 unguarded 15 +1110011010 ad-agency 15 +1110011010 cookie-cutter 15 +1110011010 apprenticeship 15 +1110011010 orchid 15 +1110011010 American-owned 16 +1110011010 oversize 16 +1110011010 asset-rich 17 +1110011010 M-16 18 +1110011010 out-and-out 18 +1110011010 evergreen 18 +1110011010 uncompleted 18 +1110011010 AIDS-virus 18 +1110011010 inalienable 19 +1110011010 unincorporated 20 +1110011010 atheist 20 +1110011010 anti-sense 20 +1110011010 off-site 20 +1110011010 inveterate 21 +1110011010 easy-to-use 21 +1110011010 immaculate 22 +1110011010 inertial 22 +1110011010 anti-Castro 22 +1110011010 implantable 22 +1110011010 superconductive 22 +1110011010 all-star 22 +1110011010 FDIC-insured 23 +1110011010 unmarked 23 +1110011010 all-purpose 23 +1110011010 apprentice 23 +1110011010 all-male 24 +1110011010 open-access 24 +1110011010 eight-page 25 +1110011010 all-around 25 +1110011010 unindicted 25 +1110011010 unexplored 26 +1110011010 uninvited 26 +1110011010 errant 26 +1110011010 undiscovered 26 +1110011010 underutilized 27 +1110011010 ostrich 27 +1110011010 anti-depressant 27 +1110011010 on-screen 27 +1110011010 oval 28 +1110011010 engraved 28 +1110011010 anguished 29 +1110011010 itinerant 29 +1110011010 oddball 30 +1110011010 all-day 31 +1110011010 unaffiliated 31 +1110011010 unscheduled 33 +1110011010 off-duty 33 +1110011010 aerodynamic 34 +1110011010 hourlong 34 +1110011010 unlicensed 36 +1110011010 award-winning 37 +1110011010 unseen 37 +1110011010 all-white 38 +1110011010 off-budget 39 +1110011010 uncommitted 43 +1110011010 electron 44 +1110011010 open-air 47 +1110011010 unneeded 51 +1110011010 upright 51 +1110011010 all-night 51 +1110011010 off-price 51 +1110011010 hour-long 51 +1110011010 elective 53 +1110011010 accredited 53 +1110011010 olive 53 +1110011010 untapped 54 +1110011010 affable 56 +1110011010 environmentalist 57 +1110011010 oversized 58 +1110011010 orphan 59 +1110011010 insurgent 62 +1110011010 outmoded 64 +1110011010 inland 65 +1110011010 adjoining 66 +1110011010 18-year-old 73 +1110011010 eminent 77 +1110011010 onshore 77 +1110011010 airborne 83 +1110011010 indemnity 84 +1110011010 antiquated 89 +1110011010 18th-century 90 +1110011010 upstart 95 +1110011010 unfinished 99 +1110011010 Aramco 101 +1110011010 underwater 102 +1110011010 avid 102 +1110011010 ambulance 104 +1110011010 undergraduate 106 +1110011010 autonomous 111 +1110011010 old-line 111 +1110011010 downstream 122 +1110011010 interactive 124 +1110011010 antique 130 +1110011010 M.B.A. 132 +1110011010 unrestricted 151 +1110011010 animated 153 +1110011010 undercover 155 +1110011010 unnamed 160 +1110011010 alternate 163 +1110011010 amateur 169 +1110011010 exploratory 173 +1110011010 optional 181 +1110011010 unregulated 217 +1110011010 anonymous 241 +1110011010 LBO 255 +1110011010 in-house 304 +1110011010 inefficient 308 +1110011010 evil 324 +1110011010 unidentified 364 +1110011010 IRA 408 +1110011010 instant 423 +1110011010 outright 506 +1110011010 underground 526 +1110011010 integrated 539 +1110011010 empty 548 +1110011010 unprofitable 554 +1110011010 offshore 793 +1110011010 exclusive 823 +1110011010 insolvent 839 +1110011010 emergency 1514 +1110011010 independent 5014 +1110011010 employee 3380 +1110011011 old-rose-pink 1 +1110011011 anti-odor 1 +1110011011 ecological/cultural 1 +1110011011 80-ton 1 +1110011011 Iranian-U.S. 1 +1110011011 illicit-drug 1 +1110011011 all-bug 1 +1110011011 ethnic-minority 1 +1110011011 unrepeatable 1 +1110011011 unperformable 1 +1110011011 IMF-controlled 1 +1110011011 air-speed 1 +1110011011 isometric 1 +1110011011 inchthick 1 +1110011011 over-simplified 1 +1110011011 indoor/outdoor 1 +1110011011 oft-reported 1 +1110011011 empowerment-oriented 1 +1110011011 8,000-space 1 +1110011011 anticompact 1 +1110011011 alphatrack 1 +1110011011 ever-fattening 1 +1110011011 easy-on-crime 1 +1110011011 abolitionist-type 1 +1110011011 ECG 1 +1110011011 all-Czech 1 +1110011011 adult-adult 1 +1110011011 eight-million-member 1 +1110011011 equity-based 1 +1110011011 American-sounding 1 +1110011011 already-dead 1 +1110011011 ultralong 1 +1110011011 anti-adoption 1 +1110011011 Argyll-Safeway 1 +1110011011 anti-Swedish 1 +1110011011 uncompromisingly 1 +1110011011 acrimonius 1 +1110011011 unconsecrated 1 +1110011011 anti-U.N. 1 +1110011011 intracorporate 1 +1110011011 Indian-built 1 +1110011011 all-but-done 1 +1110011011 eight-to-five 1 +1110011011 ill-disguised 1 +1110011011 Orientalist 1 +1110011011 egg-lecithin 1 +1110011011 adrenaline-charged 1 +1110011011 equity-stake 1 +1110011011 oftcited 1 +1110011011 about-average 1 +1110011011 over-educated 1 +1110011011 upstairs/downstairs 1 +1110011011 against-the-odds 1 +1110011011 all-too-human 1 +1110011011 itchy-fingered 1 +1110011011 unprovocative 1 +1110011011 import-marketing 1 +1110011011 ultranationalistic 1 +1110011011 earlymorning 1 +1110011011 oil-recession 1 +1110011011 anti-Colombian 1 +1110011011 position-its 1 +1110011011 already-emotional 1 +1110011011 energy-eating 1 +1110011011 FAA-decreed 1 +1110011011 air-security 1 +1110011011 Australian-made 1 +1110011011 11-game 1 +1110011011 ill-crafted 1 +1110011011 investor-fraud 1 +1110011011 eight-foot-wide 1 +1110011011 all-pervasive 1 +1110011011 eddying 1 +1110011011 ever-receding 2 +1110011011 teleshopping 2 +1110011011 embassylike 2 +1110011011 anti-wrinkling 2 +1110011011 LDP-led 2 +1110011011 ever-shrinking 2 +1110011011 800-word 2 +1110011011 open-borders 2 +1110011011 high-tempo 2 +1110011011 BBS 2 +1110011011 inapparent 2 +1110011011 extra-caffeine 2 +1110011011 8,500-square-mile 2 +1110011011 either-or 2 +1110011011 easeful 2 +1110011011 all-year 2 +1110011011 Iranian-style 2 +1110011011 electro-static 2 +1110011011 electric-orange 2 +1110011011 nonjudgmental 2 +1110011011 enkephalinase 2 +1110011011 old-master 2 +1110011011 apples-to-apples 2 +1110011011 anti-safety 2 +1110011011 American-size 2 +1110011011 ashen 2 +1110011011 SEC-style 2 +1110011011 unretouched 2 +1110011011 kink 2 +1110011011 evaluative 2 +1110011011 bogie 2 +1110011011 anticlimatic 2 +1110011011 waveless 2 +1110011011 self-acknowledged 2 +1110011011 recent-quarter 2 +1110011011 outrigger 2 +1110011011 anti-Florida 2 +1110011011 OEZ 2 +1110011011 emotive 2 +1110011011 agencywide 2 +1110011011 epidemiologic 2 +1110011011 uncontainable 2 +1110011011 AGF-GAN 2 +1110011011 practical-capacity 2 +1110011011 CHAINS 2 +1110011011 especial 2 +1110011011 anti-Alliance 2 +1110011011 imperturbable 2 +1110011011 easy-listening 2 +1110011011 emotional-distress 2 +1110011011 COURTS 2 +1110011011 soporific 2 +1110011011 anti-bourgeois 2 +1110011011 animal. 2 +1110011011 interexchange 2 +1110011011 arbitral 2 +1110011011 epoch-making 3 +1110011011 inductive 3 +1110011011 insipid 3 +1110011011 unknowing 3 +1110011011 often-hostile 3 +1110011011 18-acre 3 +1110011011 open-mike 3 +1110011011 overage 3 +1110011011 bewitching 3 +1110011011 speciously 3 +1110011011 aberrational 3 +1110011011 Eastward 3 +1110011011 honest-to-God 3 +1110011011 out-of-body 3 +1110011011 unerring 3 +1110011011 indoor-outdoor 3 +1110011011 countercyclical 3 +1110011011 octagonal 3 +1110011011 albino 3 +1110011011 83-0 3 +1110011011 affectingly 3 +1110011011 18-inch-high 3 +1110011011 jargon-laden 3 +1110011011 non-adversarial 3 +1110011011 auction-style 3 +1110011011 everchanging 3 +1110011011 acid-tongued 3 +1110011011 out-of-character 3 +1110011011 upraised 3 +1110011011 unsponsored 3 +1110011011 anti-coagulant 3 +1110011011 overbred 3 +1110011011 insuperable 3 +1110011011 anti-imperialism 4 +1110011011 underwhelming 4 +1110011011 oligarchic 4 +1110011011 eight-minute 4 +1110011011 action-oriented 4 +1110011011 dollar-bashing 4 +1110011011 eight-week-old 4 +1110011011 unspecific 4 +1110011011 anti-child 4 +1110011011 absolutist 4 +1110011011 ill-planned 4 +1110011011 80-minute 4 +1110011011 pre-race 4 +1110011011 elegiac 4 +1110011011 uppity 4 +1110011011 profuse 4 +1110011011 unquenchable 4 +1110011011 equity-warrants 4 +1110011011 panic-driven 4 +1110011011 all-volunteer 4 +1110011011 atonal 4 +1110011011 Autobahn 4 +1110011011 originalist 4 +1110011011 unfunny 4 +1110011011 unpronounceable 4 +1110011011 often-bitter 4 +1110011011 uncommercial 4 +1110011011 acrid 5 +1110011011 unwashed 5 +1110011011 obsessional 5 +1110011011 untutored 5 +1110011011 anti-Russian 5 +1110011011 early-year 5 +1110011011 ultraliberal 5 +1110011011 yield-maintenance 5 +1110011011 insouciant 5 +1110011011 unexceptional 5 +1110011011 eight-part 5 +1110011011 anti-Indian 5 +1110011011 all-you-can-eat 5 +1110011011 interfaith 5 +1110011011 underarm 5 +1110011011 unrewarding 5 +1110011011 unearthly 5 +1110011011 all-plastic 5 +1110011011 proactive 5 +1110011011 inborn 5 +1110011011 apple-pie 5 +1110011011 unmeasurable 5 +1110011011 18-foot 5 +1110011011 oft-cited 5 +1110011011 artless 5 +1110011011 incorruptible 5 +1110011011 indiscreet 5 +1110011011 unwholesome 5 +1110011011 ungodly 5 +1110011011 ill-chosen 5 +1110011011 illiberal 5 +1110011011 over-valued 5 +1110011011 mordant 5 +1110011011 anti 5 +1110011011 unsolvable 5 +1110011011 see-saw 6 +1110011011 ineffable 6 +1110011011 building-related 6 +1110011011 ice-cold 6 +1110011011 off-center 6 +1110011011 unceasing 6 +1110011011 expurgated 6 +1110011011 off-hours 6 +1110011011 anti-Arab 6 +1110011011 atrophied 6 +1110011011 off-and-on 6 +1110011011 ever-ready 6 +1110011011 unobstructed 6 +1110011011 unrecovered 6 +1110011011 all-too-familiar 6 +1110011011 unshakeable 6 +1110011011 illusionary 6 +1110011011 MMC 6 +1110011011 exultant 6 +1110011011 improvident 6 +1110011011 above-board 6 +1110011011 imbalanced 6 +1110011011 on-going 6 +1110011011 immovable 6 +1110011011 inebriated 6 +1110011011 exogenous 6 +1110011011 jumbled 6 +1110011011 self-managed 6 +1110011011 on-camera 7 +1110011011 unedited 7 +1110011011 uncivilized 7 +1110011011 ethnographic 7 +1110011011 iron-willed 7 +1110011011 electroshock 7 +1110011011 underhanded 7 +1110011011 unappetizing 7 +1110011011 unknowable 7 +1110011011 extraterrestrial 7 +1110011011 earnings-driven 7 +1110011011 earthshaking 7 +1110011011 adaptive 7 +1110011011 succulent 7 +1110011011 uncluttered 7 +1110011011 unsubtle 7 +1110011011 undetectable 7 +1110011011 unbounded 7 +1110011011 untraditional 8 +1110011011 ultra-conservative 8 +1110011011 outstretched 8 +1110011011 unforeseeable 8 +1110011011 antic 8 +1110011011 undifferentiated 8 +1110011011 nuanced 8 +1110011011 unsparing 8 +1110011011 all-consuming 8 +1110011011 indelible 8 +1110011011 all-embracing 8 +1110011011 uncritical 8 +1110011011 aqua 8 +1110011011 all-natural 8 +1110011011 infantile 8 +1110011011 unthinking 8 +1110011011 rate-cutting 8 +1110011011 undisguised 8 +1110011011 unmanaged 8 +1110011011 anti-Israel 8 +1110011011 undignified 9 +1110011011 overeager 9 +1110011011 ultraconservative 9 +1110011011 ungainly 9 +1110011011 uglier 9 +1110011011 agressive 9 +1110011011 overambitious 9 +1110011011 under-the-table 9 +1110011011 inward-looking 9 +1110011011 odorless 9 +1110011011 slavish 9 +1110011011 anti-socialist 9 +1110011011 boastful 9 +1110011011 unprovoked 9 +1110011011 emerald 9 +1110011011 ascetic 9 +1110011011 interracial 9 +1110011011 aberrant 9 +1110011011 chaste 9 +1110011011 unrelieved 9 +1110011011 on-the-spot 9 +1110011011 career-oriented 9 +1110011011 ornery 10 +1110011011 avowedly 10 +1110011011 obstructive 10 +1110011011 contemplative 10 +1110011011 unrequited 10 +1110011011 indestructible 10 +1110011011 11-month-old 10 +1110011011 indomitable 10 +1110011011 ivory-tower 10 +1110011011 ingratiating 10 +1110011011 observable 10 +1110011011 undoubted 11 +1110011011 off-the-wall 11 +1110011011 imperialistic 11 +1110011011 unshakable 11 +1110011011 incestuous 11 +1110011011 unfailing 11 +1110011011 unflinching 11 +1110011011 extortionate 11 +1110011011 ecumenical 11 +1110011011 impish 11 +1110011011 archetypal 11 +1110011011 unbending 11 +1110011011 emergent 11 +1110011011 anorexic 11 +1110011011 mawkish 11 +1110011011 in-person 11 +1110011011 unalloyed 11 +1110011011 abstruse 11 +1110011011 agreed-on 11 +1110011011 incendiary 11 +1110011011 abridged 11 +1110011011 unjustifiable 11 +1110011011 intoxicating 11 +1110011011 uptight 11 +1110011011 intergenerational 11 +1110011011 attention-getting 11 +1110011011 easy-going 12 +1110011011 even-handed 12 +1110011011 unquestioning 12 +1110011011 effortless 12 +1110011011 abominable 12 +1110011011 ignominious 12 +1110011011 obedient 12 +1110011011 assiduous 12 +1110011011 introverted 12 +1110011011 adoring 12 +1110011011 absurdist 12 +1110011011 irrefutable 12 +1110011011 eighth-grade 13 +1110011011 indeterminate 13 +1110011011 electrostatic 13 +1110011011 obstructionist 13 +1110011011 uninhibited 13 +1110011011 otherworldly 13 +1110011011 iconoclastic 13 +1110011011 insufferable 14 +1110011011 unprincipled 14 +1110011011 interdisciplinary 14 +1110011011 oblique 14 +1110011011 elliptical 14 +1110011011 villainous 14 +1110011011 unflappable 14 +1110011011 off-the-books 14 +1110011011 infinitesimal 14 +1110011011 estimable 14 +1110011011 individualized 14 +1110011011 unblemished 14 +1110011011 anti-Reagan 14 +1110011011 aching 14 +1110011011 ill-considered 14 +1110011011 existential 15 +1110011011 unsentimental 15 +1110011011 ill-starred 15 +1110011011 indulgent 15 +1110011011 undeserved 15 +1110011011 familial 15 +1110011011 intemperate 15 +1110011011 ever-expanding 15 +1110011011 amateurish 15 +1110011011 moralistic 16 +1110011011 unspeakable 16 +1110011011 exploitative 16 +1110011011 implacable 16 +1110011011 uncoordinated 16 +1110011011 around-the-clock 16 +1110011011 unscientific 16 +1110011011 in-kind 16 +1110011011 erudite 17 +1110011011 impulsive 17 +1110011011 unspectacular 17 +1110011011 antiseptic 17 +1110011011 airtight 17 +1110011011 undisciplined 17 +1110011011 unforgettable 17 +1110011011 introspective 17 +1110011011 up-and-down 17 +1110011011 impressionistic 17 +1110011011 unadorned 17 +1110011011 anticipatory 17 +1110011011 encyclopedic 17 +1110011011 anti-establishment 18 +1110011011 incalculable 18 +1110011011 overwrought 18 +1110011011 undulating 18 +1110011011 calamitous 18 +1110011011 all-new 18 +1110011011 au 19 +1110011011 unsteady 19 +1110011011 all-encompassing 19 +1110011011 acerbic 19 +1110011011 abject 19 +1110011011 obstinate 20 +1110011011 uncontested 20 +1110011011 unimaginable 20 +1110011011 esteemed 20 +1110011011 investigational 20 +1110011011 unpublicized 20 +1110011011 unpromising 20 +1110011011 overbearing 21 +1110011011 ersatz 21 +1110011011 unstated 21 +1110011011 unmitigated 21 +1110011011 unheard-of 21 +1110011011 untried 21 +1110011011 idiotic 21 +1110011011 ironclad 21 +1110011011 ethereal 21 +1110011011 earthy 22 +1110011011 unwavering 22 +1110011011 uncaring 22 +1110011011 expansionist 22 +1110011011 undeclared 23 +1110011011 unsolved 23 +1110011011 nonpolitical 23 +1110011011 unrestrained 23 +1110011011 oily 23 +1110011011 collusive 23 +1110011011 anti-democratic 24 +1110011011 interminable 24 +1110011011 instinctive 24 +1110011011 irreverent 24 +1110011011 artful 24 +1110011011 unrecognized 24 +1110011011 altruistic 24 +1110011011 airy 24 +1110011011 unending 25 +1110011011 outsized 25 +1110011011 unplanned 25 +1110011011 uplifting 25 +1110011011 uninspired 26 +1110011011 Orwellian 26 +1110011011 optimal 26 +1110011011 instantaneous 26 +1110011011 innate 26 +1110011011 ill-defined 26 +1110011011 cryptic 26 +1110011011 eye-popping 27 +1110011011 inexorable 27 +1110011011 eye-catching 27 +1110011011 opulent 27 +1110011011 ill-gotten 27 +1110011011 imperious 27 +1110011011 amorphous 27 +1110011011 unwitting 27 +1110011011 unspoken 28 +1110011011 idyllic 28 +1110011011 unintentional 28 +1110011011 uncompromising 28 +1110011011 anti-business 28 +1110011011 unsigned 29 +1110011011 idealized 29 +1110011011 unambiguous 29 +1110011011 unbroken 29 +1110011011 embryonic 30 +1110011011 unpretentious 30 +1110011011 infinite 30 +1110011011 incisive 30 +1110011011 undemocratic 31 +1110011011 overarching 31 +1110011011 enigmatic 31 +1110011011 unlucky 31 +1110011011 apolitical 32 +1110011011 anti-union 32 +1110011011 interventionist 32 +1110011011 unbearable 32 +1110011011 incurable 32 +1110011011 outlandish 32 +1110011011 unquestioned 33 +1110011011 exquisite 33 +1110011011 excruciating 33 +1110011011 undeniable 34 +1110011011 uncontrollable 34 +1110011011 idealistic 34 +1110011011 untimely 34 +1110011011 affectionate 34 +1110011011 overzealous 34 +1110011011 incriminating 35 +1110011011 air-conditioned 35 +1110011011 antagonistic 35 +1110011011 ill-conceived 36 +1110011011 unbiased 36 +1110011011 elitist 36 +1110011011 inspirational 36 +1110011011 undefined 36 +1110011011 impenetrable 36 +1110011011 inert 36 +1110011011 unimpressive 37 +1110011011 unbalanced 37 +1110011011 apocalyptic 37 +1110011011 intuitive 38 +1110011011 uncontrolled 38 +1110011011 unflattering 38 +1110011011 isolationist 38 +1110011011 unsavory 38 +1110011011 unrelenting 38 +1110011011 overallotment 39 +1110011011 all-American 39 +1110011011 avowed 39 +1110011011 anti-Semitic 40 +1110011011 evasive 40 +1110011011 unpublished 41 +1110011011 agile 41 +1110011011 insightful 41 +1110011011 unnatural 42 +1110011011 abysmal 42 +1110011011 unsophisticated 42 +1110011011 ineffectual 42 +1110011011 unequivocal 42 +1110011011 elastic 42 +1110011011 uneventful 43 +1110011011 intermittent 44 +1110011011 indecisive 44 +1110011011 unexplained 45 +1110011011 unparalleled 45 +1110011011 amiable 45 +1110011011 unseemly 46 +1110011011 insatiable 46 +1110011011 anticompetitive 46 +1110011011 impeccable 47 +1110011011 enviable 47 +1110011011 expressive 48 +1110011011 impromptu 48 +1110011011 impassioned 49 +1110011011 unabashed 49 +1110011011 aristocratic 49 +1110011011 abrasive 49 +1110011011 inventive 49 +1110011011 imperfect 50 +1110011011 uncanny 51 +1110011011 inadvertent 51 +1110011011 abbreviated 51 +1110011011 uncharacteristic 51 +1110011011 exemplary 53 +1110011011 evolutionary 53 +1110011011 erotic 53 +1110011011 exorbitant 54 +1110011011 indiscriminate 54 +1110011011 insurmountable 54 +1110011011 ebullient 54 +1110011011 unproductive 55 +1110011011 audacious 55 +1110011011 arduous 56 +1110011011 uninterrupted 57 +1110011011 obsessive 57 +1110011011 archaic 57 +1110011011 eclectic 59 +1110011011 exuberant 59 +1110011011 astronomical 60 +1110011011 unjust 61 +1110011011 unfettered 61 +1110011011 unwieldy 62 +1110011011 adversarial 62 +1110011011 intentional 62 +1110011011 unsubstantiated 63 +1110011011 unsound 63 +1110011011 imaginary 64 +1110011011 inept 64 +1110011011 authoritative 65 +1110011011 inspiring 65 +1110011011 opportunistic 66 +1110011011 unannounced 67 +1110011011 impartial 68 +1110011011 unconditional 69 +1110011011 irregular 69 +1110011011 irrevocable 69 +1110011011 unsatisfactory 69 +1110011011 orthodox 70 +1110011011 early-morning 71 +1110011011 offbeat 72 +1110011011 irreversible 73 +1110011011 austere 74 +1110011011 open-ended 75 +1110011011 icy 75 +1110011011 astounding 77 +1110011011 overt 77 +1110011011 ingenious 78 +1110011011 unconventional 78 +1110011011 in-depth 78 +1110011011 eerie 79 +1110011011 undesirable 80 +1110011011 awesome 80 +1110011011 unorthodox 81 +1110011011 unhealthy 81 +1110011011 unequal 81 +1110011011 extravagant 81 +1110011011 enlightened 82 +1110011011 unforeseen 82 +1110011011 eternal 84 +1110011011 exhaustive 84 +1110011011 admirable 84 +1110011011 above-average 84 +1110011011 unqualified 88 +1110011011 sporadic 88 +1110011011 eloquent 89 +1110011011 infectious 94 +1110011011 abnormal 94 +1110011011 expansionary 95 +1110011011 infamous 96 +1110011011 election-year 98 +1110011011 acrimonious 99 +1110011011 anti-American 100 +1110011011 authentic 102 +1110011011 amicable 103 +1110011011 honorable 104 +1110011011 unrealized 105 +1110011011 astute 106 +1110011011 obscene 107 +1110011011 accidental 108 +1110011011 arcane 119 +1110011011 unethical 122 +1110011011 expansive 122 +1110011011 ardent 122 +1110011011 coercive 124 +1110011011 intricate 127 +1110011011 epic 130 +1110011011 anemic 132 +1110011011 undue 132 +1110011011 unintended 136 +1110011011 uneven 137 +1110011011 abundant 138 +1110011011 all-out 141 +1110011011 erroneous 146 +1110011011 enduring 146 +1110011011 unlawful 151 +1110011011 abusive 151 +1110011011 imaginative 157 +1110011011 unwelcome 163 +1110011011 unwarranted 167 +1110011011 intimate 168 +1110011011 astonishing 171 +1110011011 energetic 179 +1110011011 arbitrary 181 +1110011011 incomplete 184 +1110011011 exceptional 185 +1110011011 illicit 186 +1110011011 unofficial 186 +1110011011 abstract 188 +1110011011 entrenched 199 +1110011011 elegant 200 +1110011011 immense 205 +1110011011 ugly 217 +1110011011 unpredictable 218 +1110011011 erratic 223 +1110011011 endless 226 +1110011011 abrupt 230 +1110011011 unlimited 237 +1110011011 unreasonable 244 +1110011011 incredible 252 +1110011011 explicit 255 +1110011011 intensive 258 +1110011011 unfavorable 265 +1110011011 upbeat 266 +1110011011 acute 267 +1110011011 urgent 273 +1110011011 outspoken 275 +1110011011 exotic 291 +1110011011 awful 326 +1110011011 old-fashioned 329 +1110011011 explosive 351 +1110011011 indirect 358 +1110011011 orderly 363 +1110011011 entrepreneurial 372 +1110011011 odd 372 +1110011011 isolated 389 +1110011011 unauthorized 392 +1110011011 occasional 419 +1110011011 honest 419 +1110011011 ideal 433 +1110011011 absolute 456 +1110011011 questionable 462 +1110011011 overwhelming 504 +1110011011 innovative 510 +1110011011 unknown 536 +1110011011 adverse 569 +1110011011 imminent 585 +1110011011 informal 613 +1110011011 improper 628 +1110011011 influential 644 +1110011011 unsuccessful 681 +1110011011 emotional 686 +1110011011 extreme 722 +1110011011 ambitious 735 +1110011011 unprecedented 798 +1110011011 unexpected 815 +1110011011 excellent 878 +1110011011 excessive 892 +1110011011 intense 1009 +1110011011 unfair 1098 +1110011011 extensive 1152 +1110011011 enormous 1258 +1110011011 extraordinary 1582 +1110011011 apparent 1659 +1110011011 unusual 2206 +1110011011 aggressive 2259 +1110011011 illegal 2532 +1110011011 active 3491 +1110011100 11.7-cent-per-barrel 1 +1110011100 dollar-franc 1 +1110011100 381-page 1 +1110011100 auto-headlight 1 +1110011100 primary-capital 1 +1110011100 fiscal-1986 1 +1110011100 8-to-7 1 +1110011100 two-cents-a-share 1 +1110011100 80-odd-foot 1 +1110011100 as-needed 1 +1110011100 investment-credit 1 +1110011100 full-quarter 1 +1110011100 ECC-sponsored 1 +1110011100 75-person 1 +1110011100 80-to-1 1 +1110011100 put-to-call 1 +1110011100 election-winning 1 +1110011100 policy-related 1 +1110011100 third-mostimportant 1 +1110011100 benefit/risk 1 +1110011100 10Q 1 +1110011100 160-person 1 +1110011100 200-degree 1 +1110011100 NIA-organized 1 +1110011100 NIA-sponsored 1 +1110011100 open-agenda 1 +1110011100 import-to-export 1 +1110011100 flight-cancellation 1 +1110011100 debt-asset 1 +1110011100 2,100-member 1 +1110011100 text-to-photograph 1 +1110011100 office-form 1 +1110011100 togenerate 1 +1110011100 photographic-industry 1 +1110011100 -a-day 1 +1110011100 earlier-than-scheduled 1 +1110011100 open-bid 1 +1110011100 Aflatest 1 +1110011100 fertilizer-sales 1 +1110011100 Datawand 1 +1110011100 ABC-News 1 +1110011100 student-computer 1 +1110011100 earnings-per-ton 1 +1110011100 month-on-month 1 +1110011100 uncooked-weight 1 +1110011100 southpaw 1 +1110011100 dollar-austral 1 +1110011100 quarter-to-qarter 1 +1110011100 automotive-related 1 +1110011100 84-7 1 +1110011100 Vogtle-related 1 +1110011100 lube-center 1 +1110011100 eight-to-one 1 +1110011100 uptick-to-downtick 1 +1110011100 edible-weight 1 +1110011100 import-tax 1 +1110011100 technicalservices 1 +1110011100 800-shareholder 1 +1110011100 peccable 1 +1110011100 profit-to-revenue 1 +1110011100 Wright-Michel 1 +1110011100 annual-earnings 1 +1110011100 operating-earnings 1 +1110011100 prime-lending 1 +1110011100 fixed-exchange 1 +1110011100 19-cent 1 +1110011100 post-judgment 1 +1110011100 chain-store-sales 1 +1110011100 732,000-unit 1 +1110011100 early-November 1 +1110011100 FC143a 1 +1110011100 suburban-Tokyo 1 +1110011100 learning-improvement 1 +1110011100 Baker-Stoltenberg 1 +1110011100 investment-tax-credit 1 +1110011100 Tlatelolco 1 +1110011100 three-onth 1 +1110011100 225-page 1 +1110011100 long-term-gain 1 +1110011100 seven-year-low 1 +1110011100 424-page 1 +1110011100 profit-to-sales 1 +1110011100 income-filing 1 +1110011100 87-nation 1 +1110011100 pendinging 1 +1110011100 170-page 1 +1110011100 combat-to-support-staff 1 +1110011100 acreage-idling 1 +1110011100 long-maintained 1 +1110011100 uemployment 1 +1110011100 invisible-trade 1 +1110011100 next-smallest 1 +1110011100 EPA-sponsored 1 +1110011100 Ayacuchan 1 +1110011100 -unionized 1 +1110011100 new-infection 1 +1110011100 35,000-a-barrel 1 +1110011100 heating-division 1 +1110011100 general-partner 1 +1110011100 sales-to-purchases 1 +1110011100 offers-only 1 +1110011100 defectinvestigation 1 +1110011100 691,000-unit 1 +1110011100 Bundesbank-led 1 +1110011100 oil-cartel 1 +1110011100 loan-delinquency 1 +1110011100 America-wide 1 +1110011100 return-on-assets 1 +1110011100 total-factor 1 +1110011100 pre-devaluation 1 +1110011100 extractable 1 +1110011100 birth-defects 1 +1110011100 physician-to-patient 1 +1110011100 133-page 1 +1110011100 minimum-acceptance 1 +1110011100 rent-to-income 1 +1110011100 1,585,000 1 +1110011100 sweat/comfort 1 +1110011100 winner-loser 1 +1110011100 patient-occupancy 1 +1110011100 apparel-retail 1 +1110011100 1,606,000-unit 1 +1110011100 transit-impact 1 +1110011100 securities-guarantee 1 +1110011100 land-disturbance 1 +1110011100 equipment-use 1 +1110011100 coin-box 1 +1110011100 40,000-person 1 +1110011100 8.5-to-1 1 +1110011100 safer-housing 1 +1110011100 -rate 1 +1110011100 yendollar 1 +1110011100 still-unresolved 1 +1110011100 non-filer 1 +1110011100 eight-vote 1 +1110011100 19,500-gallon-a-minute 1 +1110011100 402-page 1 +1110011100 1,476,000-unit 1 +1110011100 quasi-mandatory 1 +1110011100 618-page 1 +1110011100 AIDS-policy 1 +1110011100 credit-commitment 1 +1110011100 NIH-Japanese 1 +1110011100 industry-by-industry 1 +1110011100 ads-to-editorial 1 +1110011100 11-cents-a-share 1 +1110011100 consumer-roducts 1 +1110011100 unassured 1 +1110011100 approrpiate 1 +1110011100 180,000-man 1 +1110011100 earnings-momentum 1 +1110011100 deliquency 1 +1110011100 policy-committee 1 +1110011100 pound/dollar 1 +1110011100 put-call 1 +1110011100 much-steeper-than-usual 1 +1110011100 cost-to-benefit 1 +1110011100 142-pence 1 +1110011100 280-page 1 +1110011100 oil-and 1 +1110011100 maxium 1 +1110011100 sales-to-cost 1 +1110011100 one-hour-and-45-minute 1 +1110011100 global-export 1 +1110011100 liquid-waste 1 +1110011100 energy-adjusted 1 +1110011100 sombrero-assisted 1 +1110011100 interest-requested 1 +1110011100 fatal-accident 1 +1110011100 energy-equivalent 1 +1110011100 comparable-restaurant 1 +1110011100 fiscal-1990 1 +1110011100 harness-emotions 1 +1110011100 gold-content 1 +1110011100 eight-volume 1 +1110011100 1.4-million-unit 1 +1110011100 planning-agency 1 +1110011100 per-salesman 1 +1110011100 two-and-a-half-hour 1 +1110011100 672-page 1 +1110011100 small-systems 1 +1110011100 cost-to-sales 1 +1110011100 deal-destroying 1 +1110011100 foodprice 1 +1110011100 threehour 1 +1110011100 far-lower 1 +1110011100 envelope-sized 1 +1110011100 non-accelerating-inflation 1 +1110011100 third-quarter-GNP 1 +1110011100 increases-to-decreases 1 +1110011100 inflation-offsetting 1 +1110011100 gimmick-ridden 1 +1110011100 futuristic-looking 1 +1110011100 Iranian-trained 1 +1110011100 stillunfinished 1 +1110011100 all-broker 1 +1110011100 6.25-cent-a-share 1 +1110011100 engineer-to-engineer 1 +1110011100 IRS-produced 1 +1110011100 11-mark 1 +1110011100 recovery-program 1 +1110011100 three-cents-a-pound 1 +1110011100 all-or-none 1 +1110011100 412,000-unit 1 +1110011100 securities-repurchase-agreement 1 +1110011100 network-usage 1 +1110011100 OSHA-employer 1 +1110011100 Britain-dominated 1 +1110011100 net-operating-loss 1 +1110011100 21-cent 1 +1110011100 consumption-to-income 1 +1110011100 money-market-intervention 1 +1110011100 report-request 1 +1110011100 Revlon-related 1 +1110011100 weather-service 1 +1110011100 benefit-to-cost 2 +1110011100 assets-to-capital 2 +1110011100 Shultz-Tambo 2 +1110011100 unusal 2 +1110011100 annual-rate 2 +1110011100 languorous 2 +1110011100 substantial-understatement 2 +1110011100 Catholic-school 2 +1110011100 signal-to-noise 2 +1110011100 husbandly 2 +1110011100 pound-dollar 2 +1110011100 annual-interest 2 +1110011100 AT&T-sponsored 2 +1110011100 premiums-to-surplus 2 +1110011100 premium-to-surplus 2 +1110011100 35-to-1 2 +1110011100 price-sales 2 +1110011100 lumpsum 2 +1110011100 814-page 2 +1110011100 SEC-mandated 2 +1110011100 telephone-tax 2 +1110011100 rediscount 2 +1110011100 subordinated-debenture 2 +1110011100 insured-unemployment 2 +1110011100 886-page 2 +1110011100 crop-subsidy 2 +1110011100 alkaline-battery 2 +1110011100 computer-supported 2 +1110011100 late-June 2 +1110011100 individual-case 2 +1110011100 corn-hog 2 +1110011100 federal-provincial 3 +1110011100 mark-dollar 3 +1110011100 18-cent 3 +1110011100 8-to-6 3 +1110011100 security-analyst 3 +1110011100 fed-funds 3 +1110011100 operating-profit 3 +1110011100 housing-starts 3 +1110011100 gold/oil 3 +1110011100 first-prize 3 +1110011100 institute-sponsored 4 +1110011100 800-page 4 +1110011100 January-February 4 +1110011100 above-trend 5 +1110011100 bid-to-cover 5 +1110011100 already-low 5 +1110011100 unattributed 6 +1110011100 early-withdrawal 6 +1110011100 inventory-to-sales 6 +1110011100 market-crash 6 +1110011100 bill-discount 10 +1110011100 operating-loss 10 +1110011100 equity-to-asset 10 +1110011100 Five-Year 12 +1110011100 -a-year 14 +1110011100 broker-loan 14 +1110011100 -plus 25 +1110011100 a-Average 61 +1110011100 oil-import 71 +1110011100 annualized 192 +1110011100 annual 11496 +1110011100 adjustable 538 +1110011101 used-goods 1 +1110011101 23/64-inch 1 +1110011101 5.9-million-unit 1 +1110011101 1,317,000-unit 1 +1110011101 557,000-unit 1 +1110011101 sombrero-shaped 1 +1110011101 10,000-circulation 1 +1110011101 three-toone 1 +1110011101 522-room 1 +1110011101 TWA-United 1 +1110011101 apple-juice 1 +1110011101 692,000-unit 1 +1110011101 5,971,000-unit 1 +1110011101 throughbred 1 +1110011101 501,000-unit 1 +1110011101 1,096,000-unit 1 +1110011101 1,475,000-unit 1 +1110011101 seven-eighths-inch 1 +1110011101 blast-furnance 1 +1110011101 22-frigate 1 +1110011101 gas-transport 1 +1110011101 54.8-hour 1 +1110011101 1.25-inch 1 +1110011101 mini-movie 1 +1110011101 7/32nds-inch 1 +1110011101 100-investor 1 +1110011101 1,119,000-unit 1 +1110011101 1,602,000-unit 1 +1110011101 robotics-show 1 +1110011101 Hungary-Suez 1 +1110011101 Sydneybased 1 +1110011101 faster-than-normal 1 +1110011101 15-or 1 +1110011101 union-affiliated 1 +1110011101 Board-certified 1 +1110011101 20/64ths-inch 1 +1110011101 .148 1 +1110011101 404-bed 1 +1110011101 65-unit 1 +1110011101 Lewisham 1 +1110011101 1,250-room 1 +1110011101 radiochemical 1 +1110011101 distemper 1 +1110011101 Tygerberg 1 +1110011101 coconut-log 1 +1110011101 standard-transaction 1 +1110011101 23/64ths-inch 1 +1110011101 convict-supervisor 1 +1110011101 269-room 1 +1110011101 670,000-unit 1 +1110011101 POP-industry 1 +1110011101 139-store 1 +1110011101 53-store 1 +1110011101 Libor-related 1 +1110011101 per-box 1 +1110011101 21/64inch 1 +1110011101 542-pence 1 +1110011101 card-and-gift 1 +1110011101 multiplex 1 +1110011101 100-missile 1 +1110011101 weapons-producing 1 +1110011101 551,000-unit 1 +1110011101 180,000-square-foot 1 +1110011101 Stettin 1 +1110011101 7/64th-inch 1 +1110011101 420-bed 1 +1110011101 germ-laden 1 +1110011101 25/64-inch 1 +1110011101 30-cents-a-share 1 +1110011101 debt-to-GNP 1 +1110011101 Grace-donated 1 +1110011101 federal-debt 1 +1110011101 1,749,000-unit 1 +1110011101 one-hour-average 1 +1110011101 406-room 1 +1110011101 insurance-covered 1 +1110011101 MITI-built 1 +1110011101 stereo-supply 1 +1110011101 10.3-million 1 +1110011101 incentive-helped 1 +1110011101 40/64-inch 1 +1110011101 44-bed 1 +1110011101 five-cent-a-pound 1 +1110011101 19-to-1 1 +1110011101 city-funded 1 +1110011101 44/64-inch 1 +1110011101 weapons-industry 1 +1110011101 strength-to-weight 1 +1110011101 travel-and-geography 1 +1110011101 heart-on-the-sleeve 1 +1110011101 462-room 1 +1110011101 50-warship 1 +1110011101 IRA-rollover 1 +1110011101 gas-sale 1 +1110011101 Indian-trained 1 +1110011101 time-warp 1 +1110011101 355-page 1 +1110011101 593,000-unit 1 +1110011101 1,209,000 1 +1110011101 lunchpail 1 +1110011101 1-to-30 1 +1110011101 gold-window 1 +1110011101 six-theater 1 +1110011101 seven-dollar 1 +1110011101 Wonsan 1 +1110011101 40/64ths-inch 1 +1110011101 annual-benefit 1 +1110011101 millionbushel 1 +1110011101 5.80-dollar 1 +1110011101 inventoryto-sales 1 +1110011101 6/64-inch 1 +1110011101 six-to-eight-year 1 +1110011101 robot-run 1 +1110011101 white-dining-cloth 1 +1110011101 36/34-inch 1 +1110011101 color-glutted 1 +1110011101 Barlays 1 +1110011101 296-room 1 +1110011101 Firehouse 1 +1110011101 5/16-inch 1 +1110011101 78-room 1 +1110011101 chicken-and-biscuits 1 +1110011101 OCAW-represented 1 +1110011101 status-dropout 1 +1110011101 237-room 1 +1110011101 Crick-Watson 1 +1110011101 telephone-book-sized 1 +1110011101 good-ole-boy 1 +1110011101 46,004 1 +1110011101 general-base 1 +1110011101 building-service 1 +1110011101 adult-illiteracy 1 +1110011101 BUMP 1 +1110011101 specialty-clothing 1 +1110011101 penalty-triggering 1 +1110011101 720-seat 1 +1110011101 134-all 1 +1110011101 width-to-height 1 +1110011101 22/64ths-inch 1 +1110011101 1,257,000-unit 1 +1110011101 370,000-unit 1 +1110011101 399,000-unit 1 +1110011101 13-screen 1 +1110011101 miniature-auto-racing 1 +1110011101 less-hectic 1 +1110011101 .370 1 +1110011101 cash-draw 1 +1110011101 nine-paragraph 1 +1110011101 Y---er 1 +1110011101 tradition-rich 1 +1110011101 663-room 1 +1110011101 geneamp 1 +1110011101 marks-per-share 1 +1110011101 Twinsburg-based 1 +1110011101 215-room 1 +1110011101 ministorage 1 +1110011101 sewing-supplies 1 +1110011101 medical-supplies 1 +1110011101 144-room 1 +1110011101 three-times-delayed 1 +1110011101 20-million-franc 1 +1110011101 material-management 1 +1110011101 six-cent-a-pound 1 +1110011101 daily-decline 1 +1110011101 platinum-futures 1 +1110011101 996,000-unit 1 +1110011101 356,000-unit 1 +1110011101 1,436,000-unit 1 +1110011101 4:1 1 +1110011101 two-bag 1 +1110011101 beer-tax 1 +1110011101 securities-repurchase-agreements 1 +1110011101 artificial-hormone 1 +1110011101 sixth-highest 1 +1110011101 second-shift 1 +1110011101 126-bed 1 +1110011101 21/64-inch 1 +1110011101 Medicare-payment 1 +1110011101 Semarang 1 +1110011101 96-suite 1 +1110011101 stock-bond 1 +1110011101 125-1000 1 +1110011101 12/64ths-inch 1 +1110011101 perfume-scented 1 +1110011101 twocent 1 +1110011101 35-bed 1 +1110011101 greater-than-predicted 1 +1110011101 ENDINGS 1 +1110011101 federal-insurance 1 +1110011101 kernel-making 1 +1110011101 relatively-high 1 +1110011101 weeky 1 +1110011101 false-alarm 2 +1110011101 risk-to-capital 2 +1110011101 far-greater 2 +1110011101 state-commissioned 2 +1110011101 snap-on 2 +1110011101 capital-to-liabilities 2 +1110011101 per-minute 2 +1110011101 50-hour 2 +1110011101 12-million-barrel 2 +1110011101 250,000-ton 2 +1110011101 hunt-club 2 +1110011101 60-room 2 +1110011101 subnormal 2 +1110011101 1,095,000-unit 2 +1110011101 mark-franc 2 +1110011101 start-to-finish 2 +1110011101 55-mph 2 +1110011101 buy/sell 2 +1110011101 URPE 2 +1110011101 seat-mile 2 +1110011101 7-to-10 2 +1110011101 risk-to-reward 2 +1110011101 152-story 2 +1110011101 529,000-unit 2 +1110011101 criminal-libel 2 +1110011101 business-publications 2 +1110011101 benefit-cost 2 +1110011101 1,300-office 2 +1110011101 first-marriage 2 +1110011101 per-trade 2 +1110011101 margin-loan 2 +1110011101 150-million-share 2 +1110011101 Woolco 2 +1110011101 futures-only 2 +1110011101 semi-holiday 2 +1110011101 stocks-to-consumption 2 +1110011101 secondary-issue 2 +1110011101 clay-animated 2 +1110011101 modified-atmosphere 2 +1110011101 7/64-inch 2 +1110011101 2,719 2 +1110011101 45-point 2 +1110011101 long-idled 2 +1110011101 debt-to-assets 2 +1110011101 700,000-barrel-a-day 2 +1110011101 10-7 3 +1110011101 auto-price 3 +1110011101 26/64-inch 3 +1110011101 12/64-inch 3 +1110011101 12.5-cent 3 +1110011101 full-menu 3 +1110011101 debt-to-income 3 +1110011101 price-rise 3 +1110011101 13/64-inch 3 +1110011101 22-cent 3 +1110011101 false-negative 3 +1110011101 curiae 3 +1110011101 fine-arts 3 +1110011101 Allied-Federated 3 +1110011101 white-family 3 +1110011101 single-season 3 +1110011101 per-student 3 +1110011101 greenhouse-gas 3 +1110011101 time-released 3 +1110011101 price-to-book-value 3 +1110011101 inventory-sales 4 +1110011101 quality-related 4 +1110011101 C-section 4 +1110011101 70-cent 4 +1110011101 job-growth 4 +1110011101 sell-buy 4 +1110011101 book-value 4 +1110011101 personal-savings 4 +1110011101 major-studio 4 +1110011101 month-by-month 4 +1110011101 three-to-two 4 +1110011101 Sunday-school 4 +1110011101 non-intervention 4 +1110011101 loan-to-value 4 +1110011101 war-risk 4 +1110011101 Famous-Barr 5 +1110011101 dollar/yen 5 +1110011101 pre-1981 5 +1110011101 Gimbels 5 +1110011101 black-family 5 +1110011101 full-day 5 +1110011101 full-season 5 +1110011101 4-to-5 5 +1110011101 debt-to-capitalization 6 +1110011101 false-positive 6 +1110011101 per-acre 6 +1110011101 government-administered 6 +1110011101 28-page 6 +1110011101 accrual-basis 6 +1110011101 pound-mark 6 +1110011101 unit-sales 6 +1110011101 post-convention 6 +1110011101 mutinous 6 +1110011101 mark-to-market 6 +1110011101 20-cent 6 +1110011101 20/64-inch 6 +1110011101 miles-per-gallon 7 +1110011101 24/64-inch 7 +1110011101 coupon-equivalent 7 +1110011101 diem 7 +1110011101 late-November 7 +1110011101 put/call 8 +1110011101 1,000-share 8 +1110011101 phased-in 8 +1110011101 1,139 9 +1110011101 price-to-book 9 +1110011101 grade-point 9 +1110011101 single-month 9 +1110011101 million-barrel 10 +1110011101 equity-to-assets 10 +1110011101 15-cent 10 +1110011101 infant-mortality 10 +1110011101 price-to-earnings 11 +1110011101 twice-weekly 11 +1110011101 capital-asset 11 +1110011101 fall-back 11 +1110011101 walk-up 11 +1110011101 taxable-equivalent 11 +1110011101 risk-reward 12 +1110011101 production-line 12 +1110011101 dutch 12 +1110011101 farm-export 12 +1110011101 15-point 13 +1110011101 Courtyard 13 +1110011101 piecework 15 +1110011101 calorie 15 +1110011101 capacity-utilization 15 +1110011101 country-by-country 15 +1110011101 two-cent 17 +1110011101 federal-funds 17 +1110011101 barrel-a-day 17 +1110011101 seven-state 19 +1110011101 kilowatt-hour 19 +1110011101 capital-to-assets 21 +1110011101 debt-to-capital 22 +1110011101 T-bill 23 +1110011101 year-on-year 23 +1110011101 bimonthly 24 +1110011101 trade-weighted 24 +1110011101 at-risk 26 +1110011101 dollar-mark 28 +1110011101 preparatory 28 +1110011101 repo 29 +1110011101 fatality 33 +1110011101 short-interest 35 +1110011101 off-peak 38 +1110011101 14-day 38 +1110011101 quarter-to-quarter 51 +1110011101 price/earnings 54 +1110011101 bond-equivalent 58 +1110011101 P/E 67 +1110011101 debt-to-equity 69 +1110011101 book-to-bill 70 +1110011101 black-market 76 +1110011101 nightly 92 +1110011101 Lombard 113 +1110011101 P-E 119 +1110011101 one-way 145 +1110011101 lump-sum 152 +1110011101 capita 154 +1110011101 subscription 196 +1110011101 price-earnings 261 +1110011101 year-to-year 276 +1110011101 seven-day 278 +1110011101 yearly 278 +1110011101 variable 305 +1110011101 jobless 421 +1110011101 30-day 430 +1110011101 hourly 641 +1110011101 weekly 1411 +1110011101 monthly 2278 +1110011101 discount 3917 +1110011101 daily 3273 +111001111000 Libyan-trained 1 +111001111000 jack-o'-lantern 1 +111001111000 trading-oversight 1 +111001111000 investment-software 1 +111001111000 post-plunge 1 +111001111000 small-unit 1 +111001111000 earliest-known 1 +111001111000 consumer-regulation 1 +111001111000 sewer-discharge 1 +111001111000 trench-safety 1 +111001111000 bicycle-pedestrian 1 +111001111000 vacation-related 1 +111001111000 financial-firm 1 +111001111000 recreation-related 1 +111001111000 drug-driven 1 +111001111000 capital-rules 1 +111001111000 factor-based 1 +111001111000 foreign-chip 1 +111001111000 bunkbed-related 1 +111001111000 now-weakened 1 +111001111000 plant-rule 1 +111001111000 child-caused 1 +111001111000 Japanese-initiated 1 +111001111000 dog-related 1 +111001111000 political-protest 1 +111001111000 radio-division 1 +111001111000 corporate-bureaucracy 1 +111001111000 limited-objective 1 +111001111000 alligator-hide 1 +111001111000 frisk-and-cuff 1 +111001111000 oil-bust 1 +111001111000 bulk-rate 1 +111001111000 oil-price-control 1 +111001111000 system-unit 1 +111001111000 truck-related 1 +111001111000 exportcontrol 1 +111001111000 nuclear-treaty 1 +111001111000 semiconductor-agreement 1 +111001111000 franchise-related 1 +111001111000 airplane-part 1 +111001111000 worksite 1 +111001111000 debt-funded 1 +111001111000 French-currency 1 +111001111000 TSCA 1 +111001111000 reclamation-law 1 +111001111000 contract-interference 1 +111001111000 psychological-distress 1 +111001111000 safety-code 1 +111001111000 variable-product 1 +111001111000 outdoor-boot 1 +111001111000 Value-conscious 1 +111001111000 economy-wide 1 +111001111000 security-law 1 +111001111000 U.S.-U.S.S.R.-China 1 +111001111000 radio-popularity 1 +111001111000 non-community 1 +111001111000 less-than-successful 1 +111001111000 money-center-bank 1 +111001111000 defrauds 1 +111001111000 foreign-parts 1 +111001111000 outstate 1 +111001111000 party-finance 1 +111001111000 dollar-profits 1 +111001111000 middleaged 1 +111001111000 small-crocus 1 +111001111000 non-alliance 1 +111001111000 physical-market 1 +111001111000 Chilean-sponsored 1 +111001111000 slength 1 +111001111000 securitieslaw 1 +111001111000 Marxist/right-wing 1 +111001111000 Kennedy-King 1 +111001111000 plastic-timber 1 +111001111000 company-policy 1 +111001111000 line-drive 1 +111001111000 firm-wide 1 +111001111000 meet-the-family 1 +111001111000 manaufacturing 1 +111001111000 credibility-damaging 1 +111001111000 small-craft 1 +111001111000 non-combat-related 1 +111001111000 red-shirted 2 +111001111000 point-spread 2 +111001111000 mayorality 2 +111001111000 aluminum-siding 2 +111001111000 broadcast-advertising 2 +111001111000 blood-brain 2 +111001111000 telecommunications-industry 2 +111001111000 winding-down 2 +111001111000 bridge-financing 2 +111001111000 line-cutting 2 +111001111000 undecipherable 2 +111001111000 care-taking 2 +111001111000 bankcard 2 +111001111000 metal-tipped 2 +111001111000 first-party 2 +111001111000 theatrical-film 2 +111001111000 long-lingering 2 +111001111000 heating-coil 2 +111001111000 skin-panel 2 +111001111000 cumulative-trauma 2 +111001111000 flint-hearted 2 +111001111000 super-power 2 +111001111000 less-dramatic 2 +111001111000 safety-rule 2 +111001111000 stray-bullet 2 +111001111000 extrajudicial 2 +111001111000 housing-code 2 +111001111000 foreign-led 2 +111001111000 takeover-law 2 +111001111000 border-patrol 2 +111001111000 ATM-related 2 +111001111000 junk-bonds 2 +111001111000 lost-time 2 +111001111000 campaign-disclosure 2 +111001111000 keelhaul 2 +111001111000 agency-client 2 +111001111000 back-court 2 +111001111000 single-vehicle 2 +111001111000 openmarket 2 +111001111000 nickelodeon 3 +111001111000 spinal-cord 3 +111001111000 cable-company 3 +111001111000 TMIC-related 3 +111001111000 waterborne-disease 3 +111001111000 less-aggressive 3 +111001111000 Twinkie 3 +111001111000 highly-leveraged 3 +111001111000 Jonestown 3 +111001111000 on-course 3 +111001111000 roll-bar 3 +111001111000 khaki-clad 3 +111001111000 gemstone 3 +111001111000 hand-gun 3 +111001111000 districtwide 3 +111001111000 post-card 3 +111001111000 rat-a-tat-tat 3 +111001111000 disfavored 4 +111001111000 repetitive-motion 4 +111001111000 less-frequent 4 +111001111000 gall-bladder 4 +111001111000 1,617 4 +111001111000 Duchenne-type 4 +111001111000 move-up 4 +111001111000 Philippine-style 4 +111001111000 pollution-law 4 +111001111000 comedic 4 +111001111000 grain-dust 4 +111001111000 currency-reporting 4 +111001111000 restorative 4 +111001111000 punctilious 5 +111001111000 bottomline 5 +111001111000 split-interest 5 +111001111000 work-site 5 +111001111000 rental-property 5 +111001111000 first-home 5 +111001111000 flange 5 +111001111000 once-loyal 6 +111001111000 banking-law 6 +111001111000 phonetic 6 +111001111000 defense-contractor 6 +111001111000 bond-buying 6 +111001111000 commodity-law 6 +111001111000 bathing-suit 6 +111001111000 ODP 6 +111001111000 coloristic 7 +111001111000 noncorporate 7 +111001111000 curbside 7 +111001111000 world-famous 7 +111001111000 second-time 7 +111001111000 roundtable 8 +111001111000 nonbusiness 8 +111001111000 whiplash 10 +111001111000 securities-laws 11 +111001111000 fuel-line 12 +111001111000 tailgate 12 +111001111000 laissez 13 +111001111000 more-moderate 13 +111001111000 paper-work 14 +111001111000 gold-medal 14 +111001111000 halo 15 +111001111000 numismatic 15 +111001111000 front-seat 16 +111001111000 pre-paid 17 +111001111000 Japanese-American 20 +111001111000 bust-up 22 +111001111000 hothouse 22 +111001111000 job-related 24 +111001111000 lung-cancer 25 +111001111000 multiplier 25 +111001111000 big-money 27 +111001111000 short-swing 31 +111001111000 me-too 35 +111001111000 work-related 47 +111001111000 debt-financed 50 +111001111000 caretaker 58 +111001111000 predatory 81 +111001111000 myriad 112 +111001111000 residual 128 +111001111000 willful 133 +111001111000 first-time 170 +111001111000 securities-law 199 +111001111000 superpower 329 +111001111000 would-be 411 +111001111000 multiple 670 +111001111000 replacement 782 +111001111000 prospective 916 +111001111000 mass 1038 +111001111000 potential 7107 +111001111000 secret 2027 +111001111001 quasi-ideological 1 +111001111001 post-coronary 1 +111001111001 spending-reduction 1 +111001111001 540,000-share 1 +111001111001 unreasoned 1 +111001111001 Iranian-Soviet 1 +111001111001 Shoreham-less 1 +111001111001 non-humilating 1 +111001111001 nuclear-energy-level 1 +111001111001 30-hours-in-seven-days 1 +111001111001 little-discussed 1 +111001111001 air-sea 1 +111001111001 not-so-rosy 1 +111001111001 liability-cost 1 +111001111001 non-hostile 1 +111001111001 preference-stock 1 +111001111001 management-contract 1 +111001111001 potassium-channel 1 +111001111001 bogus/sham 1 +111001111001 top-bet 1 +111001111001 2,470-pound 1 +111001111001 stock-lifting 1 +111001111001 coil-spring 1 +111001111001 test-rocket 1 +111001111001 three-business-day 1 +111001111001 electronics-company 1 +111001111001 RCA-size 1 +111001111001 market-efficient 1 +111001111001 client-contact 1 +111001111001 controllability 1 +111001111001 European-controlled 1 +111001111001 post-merger-battle 1 +111001111001 junior-grade 1 +111001111001 sniggering 1 +111001111001 non-sudden 1 +111001111001 Vidalian 1 +111001111001 GOP-backed 1 +111001111001 43-minute 1 +111001111001 work-hours 1 +111001111001 fugure 1 +111001111001 immed 1 +111001111001 Japanese-Brazilian 1 +111001111001 overrefined 1 +111001111001 Dalkson 1 +111001111001 100-warhead 1 +111001111001 cold-turkey 1 +111001111001 hog-wire 1 +111001111001 over-hasty 1 +111001111001 integrated-plant 1 +111001111001 Balanchinian 1 +111001111001 industrial-waste 1 +111001111001 1.5-million-share 1 +111001111001 later-dated 1 +111001111001 Aapri 1 +111001111001 whorl 1 +111001111001 Superior-size 1 +111001111001 475-million-dollar 1 +111001111001 gasolinetax 1 +111001111001 management-organized 1 +111001111001 freehold 1 +111001111001 safety-system 1 +111001111001 dollar-day 1 +111001111001 500-share 1 +111001111001 share-but 1 +111001111001 big-number 1 +111001111001 prognostic 1 +111001111001 matched-sales 1 +111001111001 peseta-linked 1 +111001111001 savings-stock 1 +111001111001 nonpeaceful 1 +111001111001 U.S.-Nicaraguan 1 +111001111001 lung-tissue 1 +111001111001 two-container 1 +111001111001 more-sedate 1 +111001111001 crash-fire 1 +111001111001 two-million-share 1 +111001111001 submachine-gun-toting 1 +111001111001 U.S.-opposed 1 +111001111001 refrigerator-manufacturing 1 +111001111001 over-engineering 1 +111001111001 Chinese-American-Canadian 1 +111001111001 single-plane 1 +111001111001 oligopsonistic 1 +111001111001 PCR-test 1 +111001111001 half-teaspoon 1 +111001111001 non-hegemonic 1 +111001111001 metholated 1 +111001111001 lake-water 1 +111001111001 2.4-point 1 +111001111001 2,500-contract 1 +111001111001 mootness 1 +111001111001 Waspish 1 +111001111001 double-wishbone 2 +111001111001 one-game 2 +111001111001 400-ton 2 +111001111001 still-tougher 2 +111001111001 now-dissolved 2 +111001111001 ripped-off 2 +111001111001 containerized-waste 2 +111001111001 three-cornered 2 +111001111001 foreign-equity 2 +111001111001 short-interval 2 +111001111001 iontophoresis 2 +111001111001 free-swinging 2 +111001111001 2,200-pound 2 +111001111001 sanctions-filled 2 +111001111001 volume-starved 2 +111001111001 pattern-matching 2 +111001111001 4,644 2 +111001111001 2.5-to-1 2 +111001111001 more-intense 2 +111001111001 co-signatory 2 +111001111001 TESS 2 +111001111001 per-patient 2 +111001111001 Chinese-foreign 2 +111001111001 jazz-rock 2 +111001111001 1979-83 2 +111001111001 gale-force 2 +111001111001 moonbeam 2 +111001111001 stretched-out 2 +111001111001 sooner-than-expected 2 +111001111001 pictorially 2 +111001111001 three-million-share 2 +111001111001 not-distant 2 +111001111001 anti-Christian 2 +111001111001 non-acoustic 2 +111001111001 showboating 2 +111001111001 pre-industrial 3 +111001111001 tax-change 3 +111001111001 possibile 3 +111001111001 still-undisclosed 3 +111001111001 lightning-like 3 +111001111001 pillowcase 3 +111001111001 temporomandibular 3 +111001111001 180-day 3 +111001111001 little-understood 3 +111001111001 trade-liberalizing 3 +111001111001 Drexel-financed 3 +111001111001 street-fighting 4 +111001111001 Texaco-Getty 4 +111001111001 single-owner 4 +111001111001 U.S.-foreign 5 +111001111001 sickle-cell 5 +111001111001 long-threatened 5 +111001111001 python 5 +111001111001 dilatory 5 +111001111001 zebra 6 +111001111001 longshot 6 +111001111001 third-degree 7 +111001111001 hold-in-custody 7 +111001111001 management-sponsored 7 +111001111001 communitywide 7 +111001111001 TV-station 7 +111001111001 management-backed 7 +111001111001 premeditated 7 +111001111001 75-point 8 +111001111001 underpaying 9 +111001111001 non-accruing 9 +111001111001 54-46 14 +111001111001 disqualifying 15 +111001111001 screeching 21 +111001111001 long-rumored 24 +111001111001 practicable 33 +111001111001 preferred-stock 88 +111001111001 permissible 150 +111001111001 50-50 244 +111001111001 possible 10537 +111001111001 beneficial 498 +111001111010 coated-steel 1 +111001111010 cvil 1 +111001111010 record-cold 1 +111001111010 '87-'88 1 +111001111010 1099B 1 +111001111010 miminum 1 +111001111010 anti-Establishment 1 +111001111010 ADEA 1 +111001111010 liquidity-crazed 1 +111001111010 wood-smoke 1 +111001111010 two-volumes-and-a-magnifying-glass 1 +111001111010 190-point 1 +111001111010 .Total 1 +111001111010 9000S 1 +111001111010 multiflavor 1 +111001111010 Irish-bred 1 +111001111010 summer-travel 1 +111001111010 Fourth-Amendment 1 +111001111010 ticket-purchase 1 +111001111010 proctoscoptic 1 +111001111010 shareholder-voting 1 +111001111010 1986/87 1 +111001111010 29,851 1 +111001111010 drainage-ditch 1 +111001111010 masonic 1 +111001111010 McKinley-Taft 1 +111001111010 big-action 1 +111001111010 blizzardy 1 +111001111010 doggy 1 +111001111010 wakeful 1 +111001111010 first-serial 1 +111001111010 regionalist 1 +111001111010 162-game 1 +111001111010 health-care-fraud 1 +111001111010 football-less 1 +111001111010 can-distribution 1 +111001111010 return-the 1 +111001111010 trans-membrane 1 +111001111010 Noid 1 +111001111010 rolling-stock 1 +111001111010 DuraFlo 1 +111001111010 family-viewing 1 +111001111010 50-win 1 +111001111010 Yigal 1 +111001111010 poison-pill-shareholder 1 +111001111010 Impossibility 1 +111001111010 12,000-person 1 +111001111010 7,500-foot 1 +111001111010 51-vote 1 +111001111010 viewer-proof 1 +111001111010 fall-travel 1 +111001111010 Post-WNYW-TV 1 +111001111010 silver-sequined 1 +111001111010 most-productive 1 +111001111010 non-gig 1 +111001111010 beef-oriented 1 +111001111010 passive-tense 1 +111001111010 aflatoxin-free 1 +111001111010 drier-than-usual 1 +111001111010 Contel-Comsat 2 +111001111010 cool-down 2 +111001111010 135-pound 2 +111001111010 early-19th-century 2 +111001111010 fog-free 2 +111001111010 September-December 2 +111001111010 pay-increase 2 +111001111010 pre-1968 2 +111001111010 end-of-the-week 2 +111001111010 primary-day 2 +111001111010 freon-distillation 2 +111001111010 firm-order 2 +111001111010 devil-may-care 2 +111001111010 radio-broadcast 2 +111001111010 inconvertible 2 +111001111010 gift-buying 2 +111001111010 Venezuelan-owned 2 +111001111010 388,426 2 +111001111010 161,800,000 2 +111001111010 nickel-and-dime 2 +111001111010 classical-liberal 2 +111001111010 Whirlpool-Roper 2 +111001111010 post-Olympic 2 +111001111010 topographic 2 +111001111010 case-law 2 +111001111010 play-for-pay 2 +111001111010 panty-hose 2 +111001111010 timber-cutting 2 +111001111010 sky-box 2 +111001111010 700,000-square-foot 2 +111001111010 yet-another 2 +111001111010 rainier 3 +111001111010 saw-toothed 3 +111001111010 near-majority 3 +111001111010 campuswide 3 +111001111010 regionwide 3 +111001111010 chainwide 3 +111001111010 non-major 3 +111001111010 card-holder 3 +111001111010 electricity-distribution 3 +111001111010 Downy 3 +111001111010 postmark 3 +111001111010 weight-control 3 +111001111010 poison-oak 3 +111001111010 spear-fishing 3 +111001111010 JEC 3 +111001111010 limited-voting 3 +111001111010 Bluestone-Harrison 4 +111001111010 lipid 4 +111001111010 marlin 4 +111001111010 1,620,500 4 +111001111010 Quebec-owned 4 +111001111010 return-filing 4 +111001111010 Amaretto 4 +111001111010 news-media 4 +111001111010 economizing 4 +111001111010 give-back 4 +111001111010 overflight 4 +111001111010 low-traffic 4 +111001111010 sesquicentennial 4 +111001111010 presidential-primary 4 +111001111010 STX 4 +111001111010 924S 4 +111001111010 countrywide 4 +111001111010 2,950,000 5 +111001111010 system-wide 5 +111001111010 building-block 5 +111001111010 preemptory 5 +111001111010 anti-protectionist 5 +111001111010 1986-1990 6 +111001111010 borderless 6 +111001111010 Polavision 6 +111001111010 subsurface 6 +111001111010 primrose 6 +111001111010 genuessscheine 6 +111001111010 frost-prone 7 +111001111010 1989-1990 7 +111001111010 cone-like 7 +111001111010 cymbal 7 +111001111010 ticker-tape 7 +111001111010 perfumed 8 +111001111010 late-cycle 8 +111001111010 movie-studio 8 +111001111010 fat-free 8 +111001111010 uncorrected 8 +111001111010 1929-30 8 +111001111010 mangosteen 9 +111001111010 500-mile 9 +111001111010 late-summer 10 +111001111010 whirring 10 +111001111010 British-owned 10 +111001111010 paid-up 11 +111001111010 1985-1986 11 +111001111010 midcourse 11 +111001111010 first-refusal 11 +111001111010 citywide 13 +111001111010 Jeep-Eagle 15 +111001111010 topsy-turvy 16 +111001111010 Europe-wide 19 +111001111010 leasehold 20 +111001111010 pollination 21 +111001111010 monsoon 22 +111001111010 trackage 23 +111001111010 1987-1988 25 +111001111010 1989-90 29 +111001111010 coast-to-coast 31 +111001111010 back-to-school 41 +111001111010 systemwide 46 +111001111010 worldwide 49 +111001111010 door-to-door 72 +111001111010 1988-89 96 +111001111010 paperback 103 +111001111010 1986-87 104 +111001111010 1987-88 126 +111001111010 CreditWatch 439 +111001111010 bargaining 871 +111001111010 holiday 1122 +111001111010 nationwide 1594 +111001111010 primary 2704 +111001111010 world-wide 2714 +111001111010 voting 2747 +111001111011 FORMATION 1 +111001111011 COACHES 1 +111001111011 Otselic 1 +111001111011 Non-airline 1 +111001111011 computer-synthesized 1 +111001111011 JONATHAN 1 +111001111011 WINDFALL 1 +111001111011 pommes 1 +111001111011 institutional-buying 1 +111001111011 SPEECH 1 +111001111011 NAVASOTA 1 +111001111011 Zaabal 1 +111001111011 Ericcson 1 +111001111011 plein 1 +111001111011 midair-collision 1 +111001111011 BRIEFED 1 +111001111011 Etchmiadzin 1 +111001111011 Nagorno 1 +111001111011 home-style 1 +111001111011 Flin 1 +111001111011 Garabak 1 +111001111011 Galleya 1 +111001111011 Araks 1 +111001111011 Aist 1 +111001111011 Blinnaya 1 +111001111011 Agdam 1 +111001111011 AUSTRALASIA 1 +111001111011 Paonia 1 +111001111011 familia 1 +111001111011 Cassiar 1 +111001111011 1980-they 1 +111001111011 Itemizers 1 +111001111011 ACQUITTED 1 +111001111011 Salamis 1 +111001111011 Saveh 1 +111001111011 Esztergom 1 +111001111011 FLURRY 1 +111001111011 TABS 1 +111001111011 DIARY 1 +111001111011 Tema 1 +111001111011 Bogor 1 +111001111011 TAILORED 1 +111001111011 SKIPPER 1 +111001111011 REIGN 1 +111001111011 desperately-ill 1 +111001111011 OPTIONAL 1 +111001111011 Velay 1 +111001111011 PLANNED 1 +111001111011 SOPHIA 1 +111001111011 Deadhorse 1 +111001111011 Brownwood 1 +111001111011 INSTINCTS 1 +111001111011 WEAK 1 +111001111011 KALGOORLIE 1 +111001111011 Plains. 1 +111001111011 Patrais 1 +111001111011 VALLARTA 1 +111001111011 Berchtesgaden 1 +111001111011 Chipinga 1 +111001111011 Rushinga 1 +111001111011 Groenlandia 1 +111001111011 bouteilles 1 +111001111011 RICAN 1 +111001111011 INSISTED 1 +111001111011 Lambertville 1 +111001111011 Bly 1 +111001111011 IMPLANTABLE 1 +111001111011 Lovelock 1 +111001111011 BARREL 1 +111001111011 Westmorland 1 +111001111011 Golecchha 1 +111001111011 full-diamond 1 +111001111011 ANYWHERE 1 +111001111011 AUTOMATE 1 +111001111011 Baxley 1 +111001111011 Jalamabad 1 +111001111011 Luddism 1 +111001111011 steeper-than-normal 1 +111001111011 Etoiles 1 +111001111011 explosion-wary 1 +111001111011 30900 1 +111001111011 Fredricton 1 +111001111011 Bacalod 1 +111001111011 Vryburg 1 +111001111011 Kuhestak 1 +111001111011 Estacada 1 +111001111011 multinational-linked 1 +111001111011 Freetown. 1 +111001111011 SENTENCING 1 +111001111011 Whitecourt 1 +111001111011 ELECTABILITY 1 +111001111011 CRAFTS 1 +111001111011 PARODY 1 +111001111011 anti-malarial 1 +111001111011 NEPTUNE 1 +111001111011 140-pence-a-share 1 +111001111011 REMOVED 1 +111001111011 Armistead 1 +111001111011 croute 1 +111001111011 MACHINISTS 1 +111001111011 &P 1 +111001111011 Geddobar 1 +111001111011 Recognitn 1 +111001111011 Bashed 1 +111001111011 Cmwlth 1 +111001111011 adrenocortical 1 +111001111011 high-leveraged 1 +111001111011 84,394 1 +111001111011 LIGHTER 1 +111001111011 JUNTA 1 +111001111011 MISHANDLING 1 +111001111011 SURPRISED 1 +111001111011 LOBBIED 1 +111001111011 DAWDLING 1 +111001111011 Insein 1 +111001111011 AFTERMATH 1 +111001111011 Genl 1 +111001111011 Trucks-buses 1 +111001111011 Trucks/busesxx 1 +111001111011 Pro-rated 1 +111001111011 Mareb 1 +111001111011 555,436 1 +111001111011 227,900 1 +111001111011 1/16. 1 +111001111011 LUXURY 1 +111001111011 27,229 1 +111001111011 782-acre 1 +111001111011 1,115,867 1 +111001111011 Mid-July 1 +111001111011 Enterprises/ 1 +111001111011 Laverton 1 +111001111011 inter-generational 1 +111001111011 Sasabe 1 +111001111011 Preungesheim 1 +111001111011 11.5-cent 1 +111001111011 OWN 1 +111001111011 home-and-hearth 1 +111001111011 Bolinao 1 +111001111011 seedcorn 2 +111001111011 Oconomowoc 2 +111001111011 BRUNEI 2 +111001111011 overtime-pay 2 +111001111011 cueros 2 +111001111011 cuero 2 +111001111011 Iragua 2 +111001111011 NASIONAL 2 +111001111011 baby-sitter 2 +111001111011 Catania 2 +111001111011 UNUSUAL 2 +111001111011 VETO 2 +111001111011 roach-infested 2 +111001111011 oilpatch 2 +111001111011 living. 2 +111001111011 NCCS 2 +111001111011 HARVY 2 +111001111011 DIP 2 +111001111011 ENDORSEMENT 2 +111001111011 Pohnpeians 2 +111001111011 Calueque 2 +111001111011 evangelizing 2 +111001111011 earnings-contingent 2 +111001111011 Zombies 2 +111001111011 Wilburton 2 +111001111011 1938-45 2 +111001111011 perishability 2 +111001111011 1,168 2 +111001111011 uncharged 2 +111001111011 Shimachu 2 +111001111011 Spandau 2 +111001111011 lawyers. 2 +111001111011 Kamloops 2 +111001111011 well-advertised 2 +111001111011 MEMORY 2 +111001111011 Ultrix 2 +111001111011 Pawling 2 +111001111011 Cayucos 2 +111001111011 Paveurs 2 +111001111011 Karolewo 2 +111001111011 LYING 2 +111001111011 land. 2 +111001111011 longrun 2 +111001111011 TESTIMONY 2 +111001111011 improvement. 2 +111001111011 1980-1982 3 +111001111011 Mercedes-b 3 +111001111011 BMW-b 3 +111001111011 Volvo-b 3 +111001111011 Jaguar-b 3 +111001111011 Volkswagen-d 3 +111001111011 Hyundai-b 3 +111001111011 Saab-b 3 +111001111011 Audi-b 3 +111001111011 flypaper 3 +111001111011 Siberie 3 +111001111011 Winnemucca 3 +111001111011 PAL 3 +111001111011 self-development 3 +111001111011 yet-to-be-announced 3 +111001111011 post-fair 3 +111001111011 price-value 3 +111001111011 Malaga 3 +111001111011 Kalispell 3 +111001111011 Lloydminster 3 +111001111011 TOTAL-x 3 +111001111011 Skylarks 3 +111001111011 pre-approval 4 +111001111011 SWITZERLAND 4 +111001111011 Orangeville 4 +111001111011 Pavlograd 4 +111001111011 Hetch 4 +111001111011 1926-87 4 +111001111011 inflation-free 4 +111001111011 1980-85 4 +111001111011 topside 4 +111001111011 sibilant 4 +111001111011 cost-efficiency 4 +111001111011 pointe 4 +111001111011 Imunox 4 +111001111011 1650 4 +111001111011 azure 4 +111001111011 suprise 4 +111001111011 SunAmerica 4 +111001111011 Orangi 5 +111001111011 CONVICTED 5 +111001111011 Minneapolis/St 6 +111001111011 super-rich 6 +111001111011 future. 7 +111001111011 mambo 7 +111001111011 Killeagh 7 +111001111011 mid-air 8 +111001111011 invisibility 8 +111001111011 Smolensk 8 +111001111011 early-1980s 9 +111001111011 Treblinka 9 +111001111011 ERICSSON 10 +111001111011 Shield-related 10 +111001111011 Diam.Star 10 +111001111011 aloe 11 +111001111011 jugular 12 +111001111011 Ilopango 12 +111001111011 crash-related 12 +111001111011 post-Christmas 12 +111001111011 pell-mell 12 +111001111011 Nowa 13 +111001111011 Minsk 15 +111001111011 U.S.-U.S.S.R. 16 +111001111011 pre-payment 18 +111001111011 yearend 20 +111001111011 banc 20 +111001111011 mid-year 57 +111001111011 extinction 59 +111001111011 year-to-date 69 +111001111011 prepayment 86 +111001111011 Copper-7 149 +111001111011 midyear 207 +111001111011 downside 229 +111001111011 workplace 353 +111001111011 near-term 418 +111001111011 Shield 649 +111001111011 future 9499 +111001111011 year-end 1387 +111001111100 Europeanlike 1 +111001111100 60-fold 1 +111001111100 C-movie 1 +111001111100 Mizells 1 +111001111100 753-page 1 +111001111100 three-dimensionality 1 +111001111100 trust-payment 1 +111001111100 BB-plus/B 1 +111001111100 2.7-times-book 1 +111001111100 mostrecent 1 +111001111100 fist-fight 1 +111001111100 long-term-debt 1 +111001111100 micro-flap 1 +111001111100 113.47 1 +111001111100 magazinecover 1 +111001111100 37-state 1 +111001111100 blanket/Than 1 +111001111100 49-member 1 +111001111100 low-fuel 1 +111001111100 11,000-person 1 +111001111100 400-inn 1 +111001111100 less-stable 1 +111001111100 then-indicated 1 +111001111100 well-beaten 1 +111001111100 waiver-insurance 1 +111001111100 refined-copper 1 +111001111100 112,000-square-foot 1 +111001111100 war-room 1 +111001111100 tulip-bulb 1 +111001111100 black-migrant 1 +111001111100 futures-market-style 1 +111001111100 non-supermarket 1 +111001111100 retail-auto-leasing 1 +111001111100 osseous 1 +111001111100 record-matching 1 +111001111100 1,780,000-car 1 +111001111100 fast-depreciating 1 +111001111100 phosphate-fertilizer 1 +111001111100 ever-shortening 1 +111001111100 once-heavy 1 +111001111100 tariff-soaked 1 +111001111100 domestic-stores 1 +111001111100 program-restructuring 1 +111001111100 slicense 1 +111001111100 less-than-popular 1 +111001111100 nonstatic 1 +111001111100 fixed-equity 1 +111001111100 sale-tax 1 +111001111100 already-staggering 1 +111001111100 per-vehicle 1 +111001111100 32-day 1 +111001111100 ozone-forming 1 +111001111100 flight-training-equipment 1 +111001111100 non-ore 1 +111001111100 once-expansive 1 +111001111100 220-person 1 +111001111100 farlarger 1 +111001111100 nine-line 1 +111001111100 Sportsline 1 +111001111100 587,248 1 +111001111100 often-heavy 1 +111001111100 250-broker 1 +111001111100 180,000-member 1 +111001111100 pen-on-the-dollar 1 +111001111100 museumlike 1 +111001111100 then-enormous 1 +111001111100 minority-enterprise 2 +111001111100 2,500-person 2 +111001111100 fiscal-1988 2 +111001111100 motorboat-fuel 2 +111001111100 noncurrent 2 +111001111100 whirligig 2 +111001111100 non-guaranteed 2 +111001111100 hand-knit 2 +111001111100 debt-to-total 2 +111001111100 Cleveland-to-Chicago 2 +111001111100 one-off 2 +111001111100 near-guarantee 2 +111001111100 443,100 2 +111001111100 two-dollar 2 +111001111100 late-January 2 +111001111100 cast-proof 2 +111001111100 one-under-par 2 +111001111100 earlier-announced 2 +111001111100 sonnet 3 +111001111100 18,000-member 3 +111001111100 47,600 3 +111001111100 post-restructuring 3 +111001111100 stronger-than-anticipated 3 +111001111100 Eulexin 3 +111001111100 non-filing 4 +111001111100 half-share 4 +111001111100 commodity-backed 4 +111001111100 half-liter 4 +111001111100 risk-weighted 5 +111001111100 unsealing 5 +111001111100 proofreading 5 +111001111100 pastiche 6 +111001111100 split-adjusted 9 +111001111100 rate-slashing 9 +111001111100 non-taxable 12 +111001111100 non-Seabrook 13 +111001111100 narrower-than-expected 14 +111001111100 bigger-than-expected 25 +111001111100 price-adjusted 31 +111001111100 larger-than-expected 89 +111001111100 total 13987 +111001111100 whopping 143 +111001111101 phantasmic 1 +111001111101 scraggy 1 +111001111101 limit-provision 1 +111001111101 disparately 1 +111001111101 eye-witness 1 +111001111101 33,000-to-1 1 +111001111101 33-1 1 +111001111101 animalistic 1 +111001111101 toe-to-thigh 1 +111001111101 still-costly 1 +111001111101 Camerawork 1 +111001111101 month- 1 +111001111101 decade-low 1 +111001111101 17,000-metric-ton 1 +111001111101 Auscom 1 +111001111101 baseyear 1 +111001111101 now-stalled 1 +111001111101 wind-tossed 1 +111001111101 psychophotosynthetic 1 +111001111101 not-to-exceed 1 +111001111101 1,489,108 1 +111001111101 sweat-stained 1 +111001111101 movie-about 1 +111001111101 much-wider 1 +111001111101 six-iron 1 +111001111101 1080.04 1 +111001111101 DISABLING 1 +111001111101 still-optimistic 1 +111001111101 now-generous 1 +111001111101 gain.On 1 +111001111101 February-contract 1 +111001111101 then-unthinkable 1 +111001111101 22-article 1 +111001111101 close-to- 1 +111001111101 five-chip 1 +111001111101 1489.53 1 +111001111101 bill-drafting 1 +111001111101 piggish 1 +111001111101 far-from-princely 1 +111001111101 four-by-seven-foot 1 +111001111101 superlow 1 +111001111101 2,946,000 1 +111001111101 symmetries 1 +111001111101 12-piece 1 +111001111101 supernova-exploding 1 +111001111101 31-inch 1 +111001111101 bid-to 1 +111001111101 small-but-growing 1 +111001111101 unrealisticly 1 +111001111101 two-hour-plus 1 +111001111101 86,404 1 +111001111101 Kelso-structured 1 +111001111101 pre-buy-out 1 +111001111101 not-to-be-sneezed-at 1 +111001111101 double-chocolate 1 +111001111101 already-minimal 1 +111001111101 flower-bed 1 +111001111101 suspender 1 +111001111101 say-great 1 +111001111101 clientslose 1 +111001111101 Goodyear-owned 1 +111001111101 1,165,000 1 +111001111101 9-year 1 +111001111101 long-considered 1 +111001111101 deputy-foreign-minister 1 +111001111101 lifeof-contract 1 +111001111101 storm-blocking 1 +111001111101 238,493 1 +111001111101 non-dumping 1 +111001111101 TC2000 1 +111001111101 JAILHOUSE 1 +111001111101 Jodhi 1 +111001111101 373,216.24 1 +111001111101 hostage-taker 1 +111001111101 uneconomically 2 +111001111101 rockabilly 2 +111001111101 three-chip 2 +111001111101 factoid 2 +111001111101 296.49 2 +111001111101 384.54 2 +111001111101 still-huge 2 +111001111101 2289.5 2 +111001111101 about-to-expire 2 +111001111101 post-1940s 2 +111001111101 all-Japan 2 +111001111101 382.24 2 +111001111101 18-point 2 +111001111101 collet 2 +111001111101 10-session 2 +111001111101 one-column 2 +111001111101 13-foot 2 +111001111101 Bremerhaven 2 +111001111101 two-record 2 +111001111101 penknife 2 +111001111101 desert-like 2 +111001111101 384.53 2 +111001111101 fauve 2 +111001111101 awfulness 2 +111001111101 well-muscled 2 +111001111101 post-acquisition 3 +111001111101 two-tablet 3 +111001111101 35140.83 3 +111001111101 socko 3 +111001111101 Megacom 3 +111001111101 pterodactyl 3 +111001111101 pimple 3 +111001111101 2002.8 3 +111001111101 truck-sales 3 +111001111101 worst-ever 3 +111001111101 73-89 3 +111001111101 sunbeam 3 +111001111101 treetop 3 +111001111101 Gabcikovo 3 +111001111101 tannery 3 +111001111101 8789.78 3 +111001111101 non-shelter 4 +111001111101 four-family 4 +111001111101 336.77 4 +111001111101 longhouse 5 +111001111101 post-1949 5 +111001111101 carousel 5 +111001111101 then-record 6 +111001111101 8-to-1 6 +111001111101 383.41 6 +111001111101 par-four 7 +111001111101 best-ever 7 +111001111101 near-panic 7 +111001111101 record-shattering 8 +111001111101 trifling 8 +111001111101 precrash 8 +111001111101 measly 9 +111001111101 late-October 9 +111001111101 396.11 12 +111001111101 halftime 14 +111001111101 postcrash 19 +111001111101 record-breaking 40 +111001111101 rerun 58 +111001111101 near-record 68 +111001111101 saturation 70 +111001111101 paltry 92 +111001111101 life-of-contract 190 +111001111101 52-week 250 +111001111101 post-crash 460 +111001111101 record 10901 +111001111101 peak 1362 +111001111110 1,535-foot 1 +111001111110 2.25-point 1 +111001111110 1,804,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,247,000-unit 1 +111001111110 five-wave 1 +111001111110 Nakasone-style 1 +111001111110 6,000-job 1 +111001111110 14,000-job 1 +111001111110 20.25-point 1 +111001111110 platinum-card 1 +111001111110 27-cents-a-share 1 +111001111110 yet-to-be-completed 1 +111001111110 1766 1 +111001111110 per-dance 1 +111001111110 25.37-point 1 +111001111110 51-cent-a-share 1 +111001111110 tax-protected 1 +111001111110 35-fold 1 +111001111110 horsefly 1 +111001111110 tree-studded 1 +111001111110 45,000-job 1 +111001111110 big-sister 1 +111001111110 U.K.-listed 1 +111001111110 452,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,159,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,517,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,597,000-unit 1 +111001111110 Polish-Lithuanian 1 +111001111110 percentage-change 1 +111001111110 superconductor-advisory 1 +111001111110 pre-tour 1 +111001111110 city-for-city 1 +111001111110 pre-medical 1 +111001111110 participative-type 1 +111001111110 proforma 1 +111001111110 once-insular 1 +111001111110 pink-granite 1 +111001111110 483,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,092,000-unit 1 +111001111110 purchase-of-assets 1 +111001111110 pre-IND 1 +111001111110 Sbarbaro 1 +111001111110 half-billion-to-billion-dollar 1 +111001111110 752-108 1 +111001111110 disharmonious 1 +111001111110 one-chairman 1 +111001111110 380-pound 1 +111001111110 conspiracy-fraud 1 +111001111110 premoistened 1 +111001111110 30-cent-a-unit 1 +111001111110 712,000-unit 1 +111001111110 situation-by-situation 1 +111001111110 security-to-security 1 +111001111110 doctor-tight 1 +111001111110 313,400 1 +111001111110 380-million-mark 1 +111001111110 37.29-point 1 +111001111110 PLO-run 1 +111001111110 round-turn 1 +111001111110 legislature-appointed 1 +111001111110 cost-per-mile 1 +111001111110 education-conscious 1 +111001111110 JWT-owned 1 +111001111110 182.24-point 1 +111001111110 50,000-circulation 1 +111001111110 2.2-million-share 1 +111001111110 GNP-weighted 1 +111001111110 long-secret 1 +111001111110 government-operations 1 +111001111110 Hanover-area 1 +111001111110 late-return 1 +111001111110 68.86-point 1 +111001111110 performance-tied 1 +111001111110 86-12 1 +111001111110 sports-rights 1 +111001111110 roundlot 1 +111001111110 primary-share 1 +111001111110 749-to-702 1 +111001111110 go-go-go 1 +111001111110 currency-conversion 1 +111001111110 1,051-to-420 1 +111001111110 1,058-416 1 +111001111110 151.69-point 1 +111001111110 715,000-unit 1 +111001111110 Bihar 1 +111001111110 Revolutionary-era 1 +111001111110 medical-policy 1 +111001111110 dry-run 1 +111001111110 175,000-ton 1 +111001111110 per-transaction 1 +111001111110 lot-by-lot 1 +111001111110 limited-risk 1 +111001111110 mining-related 1 +111001111110 per-job 1 +111001111110 Rubbian 1 +111001111110 five-foot-high 1 +111001111110 93.75-cent 1 +111001111110 principal-to-principal 1 +111001111110 seven-goal 1 +111001111110 583,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,225,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,808,000-unit 1 +111001111110 per-prisoner 1 +111001111110 REFURBISHED 1 +111001111110 13.92-point 1 +111001111110 600-to-30 1 +111001111110 Kelantan 1 +111001111110 Edmonton-to-Washington 1 +111001111110 44.76-point 1 +111001111110 32.20-point 1 +111001111110 1,299,000-unit 1 +111001111110 lowest-ranking 1 +111001111110 14member 1 +111001111110 machine-by-machine 1 +111001111110 hazardous-duty 1 +111001111110 less-than-stately 1 +111001111110 cent-per-kilowatt-hour 1 +111001111110 Young-installed 1 +111001111110 plainclothed 1 +111001111110 Mobil-owned 1 +111001111110 Parade-type 1 +111001111110 523,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,226,000-unit 1 +111001111110 3,700-square-foot 1 +111001111110 poke-along 1 +111001111110 price-per-performance 1 +111001111110 time-and-cost 1 +111001111110 Marxist-trained 1 +111001111110 dime-a-share 1 +111001111110 5-mark 1 +111001111110 union-organization 1 +111001111110 two-to-four-point 1 +111001111110 5-to-3 1 +111001111110 500-dollar 1 +111001111110 443,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,222,000-unit 1 +111001111110 nation-by-nation 1 +111001111110 650,000-unit 1 +111001111110 vassal 1 +111001111110 26,000-line 1 +111001111110 Monday-evening 1 +111001111110 cost-comparison 1 +111001111110 drug-dependency 1 +111001111110 least-populous 1 +111001111110 propellant-mixing 1 +111001111110 25-win 1 +111001111110 10-unit 1 +111001111110 cost-plus-fee 1 +111001111110 50.90-point 1 +111001111110 termite-infested 1 +111001111110 membership-subscriber 1 +111001111110 FOURFOLD 1 +111001111110 128-point 1 +111001111110 P-63 1 +111001111110 Democractic-controlled 1 +111001111110 1,598,000-unit 1 +111001111110 profit-eroding 1 +111001111110 133-116 1 +111001111110 validation-and-registration 1 +111001111110 middle-line 1 +111001111110 soap-factory 1 +111001111110 1.50-point 1 +111001111110 divestiture-related 1 +111001111110 1,613,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,087,000 1 +111001111110 religious-cum-political 1 +111001111110 two-vote 1 +111001111110 second-most-expensive 1 +111001111110 more-legalistic 1 +111001111110 freeway-laced 1 +111001111110 fiber-only 1 +111001111110 1,090,000-unit 1 +111001111110 uncoveted 1 +111001111110 stock-type 1 +111001111110 300-image 1 +111001111110 Coniston-nominated 1 +111001111110 nonadvertising 1 +111001111110 291-point 1 +111001111110 1,554,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,176,000-unit 1 +111001111110 378,000-unit 1 +111001111110 prearranged-trading 1 +111001111110 black-card 1 +111001111110 show-by-show 1 +111001111110 Magnatek 1 +111001111110 22.94-point 1 +111001111110 dog-powered 1 +111001111110 12-mark 1 +111001111110 all-California 1 +111001111110 sports-and-entertainment 1 +111001111110 82-18 1 +111001111110 more-prevalent 1 +111001111110 cent-a-trade 1 +111001111110 just-expired 1 +111001111110 20,000-circulation 1 +111001111110 25,000-circulation 1 +111001111110 harlequin 1 +111001111110 home-district 1 +111001111110 two-million-plus 1 +111001111110 8.20-cents-a-pound 1 +111001111110 HIGH-TONED 1 +111001111110 cash-before-delivery 1 +111001111110 CIBB 1 +111001111110 25-second 1 +111001111110 10-to-9 1 +111001111110 per-passenger 1 +111001111110 Solidarity-like 1 +111001111110 10-issue 1 +111001111110 majority-ownership 1 +111001111110 PLO-dominated 1 +111001111110 sub-20 1 +111001111110 day-for-day 1 +111001111110 777-618 1 +111001111110 653,000-unit 1 +111001111110 half-column 1 +111001111110 shipment-by-shipment 1 +111001111110 fast-balling 1 +111001111110 non-negligence 1 +111001111110 47-45 1 +111001111110 four-judge 1 +111001111110 fishery-promotion 1 +111001111110 588,000-unit 1 +111001111110 7.5-cents-a-share 1 +111001111110 Spanish-and-English 1 +111001111110 1,002,000-unit 1 +111001111110 royalty-bearing 1 +111001111110 618,000-ounce 1 +111001111110 back-street 1 +111001111110 per-employee 1 +111001111110 military-police 1 +111001111110 29-story 1 +111001111110 extraordianry 1 +111001111110 trade-by-trade 1 +111001111110 three-arbitrator 1 +111001111110 patient-to-patient 1 +111001111110 sugar-pill 1 +111001111110 well-furnished 1 +111001111110 288-134 1 +111001111110 market-weighted 1 +111001111110 loan-loss-provision 1 +111001111110 804-766 1 +111001111110 3,000-vote 1 +111001111110 99.79-point 1 +111001111110 677,000-unit 1 +111001111110 726-to-711 1 +111001111110 lease-contract 1 +111001111110 63-cent-a-share 1 +111001111110 status-sensitive 1 +111001111110 crime-investigating 1 +111001111110 63.98-point 1 +111001111110 similar-style 1 +111001111110 tire-pressure 1 +111001111110 2.77-cent 1 +111001111110 advance-disposal 1 +111001111110 1,098,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,384,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,489,000-unit 1 +111001111110 246-167 1 +111001111110 470,400-share 1 +111001111110 50-student 1 +111001111110 dairyland 1 +111001111110 22-vote 1 +111001111110 less-embarrassing 1 +111001111110 non-diluted 1 +111001111110 40.84-point 1 +111001111110 293-114 1 +111001111110 drought-seared 1 +111001111110 management-dominated 1 +111001111110 shareholder-elected 1 +111001111110 hyperanimated 1 +111001111110 planning-board 1 +111001111110 Iacocca-size 1 +111001111110 hastily-arranged 1 +111001111110 direct-deposit 1 +111001111110 negotiated-fee 1 +111001111110 274-152 1 +111001111110 politicalaction 1 +111001111110 batch-by-batch 1 +111001111110 spending-money 1 +111001111110 65-win 1 +111001111110 price-per-kilowatt 1 +111001111110 10-director 1 +111001111110 county-council 1 +111001111110 14.5-cent 1 +111001111110 cost-plus-award-fee 1 +111001111110 film-by-film 1 +111001111110 1,469,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,110,000-unit 1 +111001111110 1,639,000-unit 1 +111001111110 low-emission 1 +111001111110 109,000-job 1 +111001111110 263,000-job 1 +111001111110 testimony-review 1 +111001111110 litigation-contingency 1 +111001111110 rack-and-pinon 1 +111001111110 72-yard 1 +111001111110 274-137 1 +111001111110 9.2mark 1 +111001111110 5.33-cent-a-decatherm 1 +111001111110 113-point 1 +111001111110 1617 1 +111001111110 35-13 2 +111001111110 nonmathematical 2 +111001111110 491,000-unit 2 +111001111110 securities-analyst 2 +111001111110 5/8-point 2 +111001111110 virgin-soil 2 +111001111110 comparably-equipped 2 +111001111110 Alagoan 2 +111001111110 minute-to-minute 2 +111001111110 498,000-unit 2 +111001111110 59-yard 2 +111001111110 one-for-six 2 +111001111110 fundamentalist-controlled 2 +111001111110 still-undecided 2 +111001111110 pilot-plant 2 +111001111110 21.5-million-barrel 2 +111001111110 Hama-style 2 +111001111110 debt-repurchase 2 +111001111110 takings-clause 2 +111001111110 red-nosed 2 +111001111110 17-cent-a-share 2 +111001111110 guitar-shaped 2 +111001111110 jute-mill 2 +111001111110 product-licensing 2 +111001111110 ethnic-Chinese 2 +111001111110 10.05-point 2 +111001111110 patient-advocacy 2 +111001111110 collect-on-delivery 2 +111001111110 business-card 2 +111001111110 non-judgmental 2 +111001111110 casualty-loss 2 +111001111110 lefthanded 2 +111001111110 Dutch-language 2 +111001111110 200-strong 2 +111001111110 weak-minded 2 +111001111110 man-on-the-street 2 +111001111110 risk-return 2 +111001111110 full-month 2 +111001111110 straight-time 2 +111001111110 73-19 2 +111001111110 post-graduation 2 +111001111110 community-property 2 +111001111110 brand-by-brand 2 +111001111110 270-pound 2 +111001111110 seven-seat 2 +111001111110 22-cent-a-share 2 +111001111110 727-vote 2 +111001111110 nonmaterial 2 +111001111110 hiring-discrimination 2 +111001111110 20-hour-a-day 2 +111001111110 post-midnight 2 +111001111110 wheat-producing 2 +111001111110 12-yard 2 +111001111110 per-game 2 +111001111110 post-issue 2 +111001111110 historic-cost 2 +111001111110 once-depressed 2 +111001111110 stronger-than-usual 2 +111001111110 retail-office 2 +111001111110 35-cent 2 +111001111110 free-care 2 +111001111110 daily-selling-rate 2 +111001111110 daily-rate 2 +111001111110 264-153 2 +111001111110 chamber-of-commerce 2 +111001111110 comparative-store 2 +111001111110 customs-cleared 2 +111001111110 land-preservation 2 +111001111110 factory-financed 2 +111001111110 12-seat 2 +111001111110 no-limit 2 +111001111110 non-controlling 2 +111001111110 per-car 2 +111001111110 16-cent-a-share 2 +111001111110 public-fund 2 +111001111110 quarter-percentage-point 2 +111001111110 union-sponsored 2 +111001111110 60-member 2 +111001111110 534,000-unit 2 +111001111110 profit-splitting 2 +111001111110 Louvres 2 +111001111110 7-to-1 2 +111001111110 pre-colonial 2 +111001111110 23-nation 2 +111001111110 chinchilla 2 +111001111110 65-member 2 +111001111110 product-design 2 +111001111110 dress-code 2 +111001111110 flight-by-flight 3 +111001111110 price-committee 3 +111001111110 three-justice 3 +111001111110 ministerial-level 3 +111001111110 sixth-grade 3 +111001111110 phone-line 3 +111001111110 Watergate-style 3 +111001111110 nonactive 3 +111001111110 illegal-alien 3 +111001111110 rock-climbing 3 +111001111110 current-cost-of-supplies 3 +111001111110 two-floor 3 +111001111110 customs-clearance 3 +111001111110 million-dollar-a-year 3 +111001111110 long-scheduled 3 +111001111110 sheep-producing 3 +111001111110 piece-by-piece 3 +111001111110 7-to-5 3 +111001111110 fatality-review 3 +111001111110 need-to-know 3 +111001111110 Soviet-run 3 +111001111110 replacement-cost 3 +111001111110 construction-loan 3 +111001111110 business-administration 3 +111001111110 50/50 3 +111001111110 31-member 3 +111001111110 GE-Roper 3 +111001111110 150-point 3 +111001111110 government-contracts 3 +111001111110 Ouija 3 +111001111110 company-by-company 3 +111001111110 space-available 3 +111001111110 sidebar 3 +111001111110 Teutonic 3 +111001111110 post-marketing 3 +111001111110 six-unit 3 +111001111110 401k 3 +111001111110 product-related 3 +111001111110 mine-by-mine 3 +111001111110 law-based 3 +111001111110 10-mark 3 +111001111110 15-person 3 +111001111110 more-conventional 4 +111001111110 high-stress 4 +111001111110 per-episode 4 +111001111110 Drexel-sponsored 4 +111001111110 community-oriented 4 +111001111110 two-nation 4 +111001111110 EC-U.S. 4 +111001111110 gushy 4 +111001111110 straight-A 4 +111001111110 five-judge 4 +111001111110 30-member 4 +111001111110 telescopic 4 +111001111110 six-cent 4 +111001111110 nine-person 4 +111001111110 boom-town 4 +111001111110 vegetative 4 +111001111110 distributive 4 +111001111110 six-cent-a-share 4 +111001111110 too-high 4 +111001111110 schmaltzy 4 +111001111110 bi-weekly 4 +111001111110 current-value 4 +111001111110 per-subscriber 5 +111001111110 taxloss 5 +111001111110 pink-cheeked 5 +111001111110 blow-by-blow 5 +111001111110 32-point 5 +111001111110 sales-weighted 5 +111001111110 late-September 5 +111001111110 drunken-driving 5 +111001111110 nine-seat 5 +111001111110 plant-by-plant 5 +111001111110 500,000-share 5 +111001111110 prorata 5 +111001111110 stock-selection 5 +111001111110 smaller-than-usual 5 +111001111110 still-robust 5 +111001111110 40-member 5 +111001111110 pro-regulatory 5 +111001111110 corporate-level 5 +111001111110 two-member 5 +111001111110 human-relations 5 +111001111110 worthier 6 +111001111110 smooth-talking 6 +111001111110 total-return 6 +111001111110 25-cent-a-share 6 +111001111110 one-by-one 6 +111001111110 European-wide 6 +111001111110 Shultz-Shevardnadze 6 +111001111110 premerger 6 +111001111110 15-cent-a-share 7 +111001111110 400-pound 7 +111001111110 franked 7 +111001111110 high-crime 7 +111001111110 25-minute 7 +111001111110 per-issue 7 +111001111110 pre-med 7 +111001111110 unrecorded 7 +111001111110 10-man 7 +111001111110 world-record 7 +111001111110 company-run 7 +111001111110 still-pending 7 +111001111110 market-by-market 8 +111001111110 pooling-of-interest 8 +111001111110 per-diem 8 +111001111110 get-acquainted 9 +111001111110 16-member 9 +111001111110 40-cent 9 +111001111110 day-by-day 9 +111001111110 Russian-language 9 +111001111110 passive-activity 9 +111001111110 polka-dot 10 +111001111110 10-state 10 +111001111110 Europewide 10 +111001111110 more-generous 10 +111001111110 project-by-project 10 +111001111110 pro-rated 10 +111001111110 bad-loan 11 +111001111110 princely 11 +111001111110 going-away 12 +111001111110 first-name 12 +111001111110 employer-paid 12 +111001111110 quasi-public 13 +111001111110 calendar-year 13 +111001111110 70-30 13 +111001111110 dollar-for-dollar 14 +111001111110 five-person 14 +111001111110 merger-related 14 +111001111110 23-member 14 +111001111110 cast-iron 14 +111001111110 pooling-of-interests 15 +111001111110 performance-based 16 +111001111110 company-wide 16 +111001111110 noncash 16 +111001111110 six-person 16 +111001111110 nondiscriminatory 16 +111001111110 three-person 16 +111001111110 historical-cost 18 +111001111110 20-member 18 +111001111110 21-member 18 +111001111110 Pan-European 19 +111001111110 cross-town 19 +111001111110 one-to-one 19 +111001111110 22-member 20 +111001111110 cost-plus 20 +111001111110 state-appointed 20 +111001111110 semi-annual 22 +111001111110 consultative 22 +111001111110 graphical 24 +111001111110 17-member 25 +111001111110 pre-merger 26 +111001111110 1-for-1 26 +111001111110 pro-forma 27 +111001111110 10-cent 27 +111001111110 crosstown 28 +111001111110 second-year 28 +111001111110 share-for-share 29 +111001111110 G-5 29 +111001111110 25-cent 30 +111001111110 plenary 32 +111001111110 current-cost 32 +111001111110 fully-diluted 35 +111001111110 14-member 36 +111001111110 preferred-share 37 +111001111110 10-member 37 +111001111110 quid 38 +111001111110 blue-ribbon 38 +111001111110 four-member 41 +111001111110 government-appointed 45 +111001111110 non-recurring 45 +111001111110 non-operating 45 +111001111110 one-for-one 51 +111001111110 15-member 53 +111001111110 12-member 53 +111001111110 13-member 57 +111001111110 non-cash 59 +111001111110 weekly-average 69 +111001111110 pro-rata 70 +111001111110 nine-member 77 +111001111110 six-member 79 +111001111110 ministerial 90 +111001111110 face-to-face 91 +111001111110 three-member 102 +111001111110 onetime 109 +111001111110 closed-door 109 +111001111110 seven-member 113 +111001111110 common-stock 118 +111001111110 low-level 126 +111001111110 five-member 128 +111001111110 case-by-case 137 +111001111110 semiannual 159 +111001111110 three-judge 171 +111001111110 supplemental 182 +111001111110 nonrecurring 313 +111001111110 high-level 332 +111001111110 tax-loss 353 +111001111110 dissident 569 +111001111110 hefty 751 +111001111110 controlling 1167 +111001111110 one-time 1434 +111001111110 minority 2203 +111001111110 special 7535 +111001111110 regular 2219 +111001111111 federal-income 1 +111001111111 flat-to-lower 1 +111001111111 smaller-than-normal 1 +111001111111 television-making 1 +111001111111 economy-destroying 1 +111001111111 growth-damaging 1 +111001111111 anti-wealth 1 +111001111111 50-bed 1 +111001111111 federal-excise 1 +111001111111 airtransportation 1 +111001111111 floriferous 1 +111001111111 hydrocracker 1 +111001111111 refrigerator-making 1 +111001111111 steam-heating 1 +111001111111 muni-related 1 +111001111111 post-Smiley 1 +111001111111 fresh-stream 1 +111001111111 wine-import 1 +111001111111 Blagoveshchenka 1 +111001111111 not-so-successful 1 +111001111111 Ballooning 1 +111001111111 consumer-based 1 +111001111111 miscounting 1 +111001111111 communist-infiltrated 1 +111001111111 wide-base 1 +111001111111 non-equine 1 +111001111111 half-a-percent 1 +111001111111 sub-minimum 1 +111001111111 loss-riddled 1 +111001111111 larger-than-justified 1 +111001111111 349-seat 1 +111001111111 GMUAW 1 +111001111111 wage-withholding 1 +111001111111 partially-owned 1 +111001111111 Democratically-crafted 1 +111001111111 unearned-income 1 +111001111111 45-cents-a-pound 1 +111001111111 76-seat 1 +111001111111 incentive-killing 1 +111001111111 incurrred 1 +111001111111 textile-bill 1 +111001111111 five-rate 1 +111001111111 probate-related 1 +111001111111 flatlander 1 +111001111111 generation-skipping-transfer 1 +111001111111 18,187 1 +111001111111 five-cent-a-gallon 1 +111001111111 Eskimo-owned 1 +111001111111 property-oriented 1 +111001111111 unclimbed 1 +111001111111 nex 1 +111001111111 sexiest-sounding 1 +111001111111 hotel-bed 1 +111001111111 property-company 1 +111001111111 lowest-discount 1 +111001111111 business-profits 1 +111001111111 cartoon-making 1 +111001111111 folk-medicine 1 +111001111111 Packwood-Rostenkowski 1 +111001111111 Kemp-Kasten 1 +111001111111 pre-20th 1 +111001111111 over-the-cap 1 +111001111111 smaller-than-hoped-for 1 +111001111111 800-mg. 1 +111001111111 financial-publishing 1 +111001111111 three-and-one-half 1 +111001111111 Superfund-excise 1 +111001111111 1,487,000 1 +111001111111 1,098,000 1 +111001111111 feistiest 1 +111001111111 Whig-dominated 1 +111001111111 large-lipped 1 +111001111111 import-incentive 1 +111001111111 69,814 1 +111001111111 later-divested 1 +111001111111 once-respectable 1 +111001111111 Blackboard 1 +111001111111 worker-tight 1 +111001111111 word-weary 1 +111001111111 bonus-and 1 +111001111111 already-paper-thin 1 +111001111111 freedom-endorsing 1 +111001111111 deferred-item 1 +111001111111 pre-revision 1 +111001111111 strike-adjusted 1 +111001111111 pre-consumption 1 +111001111111 Reagan-Kemp-Roth 1 +111001111111 just-revised 1 +111001111111 leakiest 1 +111001111111 forced-saving 1 +111001111111 profit-linked 1 +111001111111 courtlier 1 +111001111111 10,000-employee 1 +111001111111 Social-Security 1 +111001111111 230-store 1 +111001111111 Kennedy-Simpson 1 +111001111111 firm-National 1 +111001111111 alternative-minimum 1 +111001111111 Uganda-born 1 +111001111111 HERS 1 +111001111111 half-a-loaf 1 +111001111111 market-hog 1 +111001111111 Treasury-wide 1 +111001111111 firstyear 1 +111001111111 first-bracket 1 +111001111111 Penn-Central 1 +111001111111 no-hit 1 +111001111111 Liberal-controlled 1 +111001111111 two-cents-a-pack 1 +111001111111 90-hour 1 +111001111111 crawl-through-the-bushes 1 +111001111111 branch-profits 1 +111001111111 Liberal-dominated 1 +111001111111 loophole-littered 1 +111001111111 bottomtier 1 +111001111111 Duluth-based 1 +111001111111 high-incentive 1 +111001111111 End-of-quarter 1 +111001111111 broadstroke 1 +111001111111 cost-of-goods 2 +111001111111 AEWR 2 +111001111111 less-than-dazzling 2 +111001111111 spunoff 2 +111001111111 10-week-old 2 +111001111111 brake-fluid 2 +111001111111 20-percentage-point 2 +111001111111 revenue-maximizing 2 +111001111111 floor-level 2 +111001111111 flat-fee 2 +111001111111 recuperative 2 +111001111111 penny-a-share 2 +111001111111 stock-earnings 2 +111001111111 witholding 2 +111001111111 trade-closing 2 +111001111111 full-range 2 +111001111111 securities-information 2 +111001111111 0.0625 2 +111001111111 nonimmigrant 2 +111001111111 mimimum 2 +111001111111 cavity-causing 2 +111001111111 Reagan-backed 2 +111001111111 zero-return 2 +111001111111 historic-rehabilitation 2 +111001111111 retirement-earnings 2 +111001111111 income-fund 2 +111001111111 suction-like 2 +111001111111 submergence 2 +111001111111 coals-to-Newcastle 2 +111001111111 fuel-management 2 +111001111111 once-commanding 2 +111001111111 Hammerhead 2 +111001111111 three-shot 2 +111001111111 thousandth 2 +111001111111 multiphase 3 +111001111111 high-enough 3 +111001111111 claylike 3 +111001111111 100-hour 3 +111001111111 valueadded 3 +111001111111 vapor-control 3 +111001111111 fringe-benefits 3 +111001111111 capitalgains 3 +111001111111 learning-curve 3 +111001111111 60-cent-a-gallon 3 +111001111111 multi-tiered 3 +111001111111 tax-break 3 +111001111111 state-and-local 3 +111001111111 too-low 3 +111001111111 gross-receipts 3 +111001111111 site-by-site 3 +111001111111 paid-diversion 3 +111001111111 123-year-old 3 +111001111111 emission-system 3 +111001111111 1,582,000 3 +111001111111 1,472,000 3 +111001111111 consumption-based 3 +111001111111 terms-of-trade 4 +111001111111 constant-dollar 4 +111001111111 MaxSaver-type 4 +111001111111 fainter 4 +111001111111 Technicare 4 +111001111111 Alaska-natives 4 +111001111111 stock-transaction 4 +111001111111 half-trillion-dollar 4 +111001111111 Simpson-Rodino 4 +111001111111 outside-director 4 +111001111111 9-to-1 4 +111001111111 trackless 4 +111001111111 900-number 5 +111001111111 five-digit 5 +111001111111 marketbasket 5 +111001111111 25-cent-an-hour 5 +111001111111 half-percent 5 +111001111111 Maxsaver 5 +111001111111 new-hire 5 +111001111111 tell-tale 5 +111001111111 9-to-6 5 +111001111111 1970-71 6 +111001111111 windfall-profit 6 +111001111111 nontransferable 6 +111001111111 mid-contract 6 +111001111111 Kemp-Roth 6 +111001111111 red-carpet 6 +111001111111 government-set 6 +111001111111 granular 7 +111001111111 blood-alcohol 7 +111001111111 gross-profit 7 +111001111111 gas-guzzler 7 +111001111111 more-favorable 7 +111001111111 mail-in 7 +111001111111 200-point 7 +111001111111 last-resort 8 +111001111111 sub-zero 8 +111001111111 life-sustaining 9 +111001111111 17-point 10 +111001111111 nine-digit 10 +111001111111 cut-off 10 +111001111111 generation-skipping 10 +111001111111 crazy-quilt 10 +111001111111 soon-to-expire 10 +111001111111 earned-income 10 +111001111111 capital-gain 11 +111001111111 9-to-5 11 +111001111111 full-coach 11 +111001111111 three-to-one 11 +111001111111 Tacit 11 +111001111111 two-to-one 11 +111001111111 millionth 13 +111001111111 undivided 13 +111001111111 checkerboard 13 +111001111111 net-worth 14 +111001111111 50-cent 14 +111001111111 non-deductible 14 +111001111111 output-based 15 +111001111111 record-high 15 +111001111111 cents-off 16 +111001111111 nitty-gritty 16 +111001111111 ejection 16 +111001111111 subminimum 16 +111001111111 3-to-2 16 +111001111111 scaled-back 17 +111001111111 4-to-1 17 +111001111111 power-train 17 +111001111111 supersaver 19 +111001111111 diesel-fuel 19 +111001111111 personal-income 19 +111001111111 seven-figure 20 +111001111111 flat-rate 20 +111001111111 strictest 21 +111001111111 Bicentennial 23 +111001111111 risk-based 23 +111001111111 windfall-profits 25 +111001111111 non 36 +111001111111 3-to-1 39 +111001111111 unitary 45 +111001111111 six-figure 61 +111001111111 Smoot-Hawley 65 +111001111111 allowable 99 +111001111111 2-to-1 105 +111001111111 lump 136 +111001111111 MaxSaver 137 +111001111111 360-day 139 +111001111111 365-day 139 +111001111111 preferential 160 +111001111111 first-year 161 +111001111111 two-tier 175 +111001111111 break-even 195 +111001111111 value-added 217 +111001111111 statutory 239 +111001111111 excise 273 +111001111111 nominal 386 +111001111111 withholding 501 +111001111111 marginal 617 +111001111111 capital-gains 701 +111001111111 typical 1261 +111001111111 maximum 1582 +111001111111 full 6817 +111001111111 minimum 2934 +11101000 Hawaii-Guam 1 +11101000 already-depleted 1 +11101000 DAP. 1 +11101000 CITES. 1 +11101000 pipleline 1 +11101000 Japanense 1 +11101000 anti-estrogen 1 +11101000 still-wide 1 +11101000 public-administration 1 +11101000 Value-Added 1 +11101000 1,128-page 1 +11101000 industry-oriented 1 +11101000 post-Solidarity 1 +11101000 H.M.A.S. 1 +11101000 ungolden 1 +11101000 pigment-churning 1 +11101000 ex-FBI 1 +11101000 anti-Managua 1 +11101000 N.K. 1 +11101000 much-misunderstood 1 +11101000 still-burgeoning 1 +11101000 then-limited 1 +11101000 Bork/Ginsburg 1 +11101000 Israeli-Iran 1 +11101000 AFLCIO. 1 +11101000 Meghauly 1 +11101000 Ondes 1 +11101000 OSHA-set 1 +11101000 CBO. 1 +11101000 berobed 1 +11101000 Kellogg-Briand 1 +11101000 recently-vetoed 1 +11101000 Labor-affiliated 1 +11101000 bank-insuring 1 +11101000 VDMA 1 +11101000 PTA. 1 +11101000 thrift-owned 1 +11101000 GM-Ford 1 +11101000 defense-fund 1 +11101000 export-is-everything 1 +11101000 U.S./Canada 1 +11101000 unpedigreed 1 +11101000 out-of-kilter 1 +11101000 adult-toy 1 +11101000 KMU. 1 +11101000 new-styled 1 +11101000 IPO. 1 +11101000 U-Save 1 +11101000 Vigo 1 +11101000 Ultracel 1 +11101000 ITC. 1 +11101000 P-47 1 +11101000 Japanese-Chinese 1 +11101000 Sidel-Braniff 1 +11101000 then-secret 2 +11101000 strong-selling 2 +11101000 NAFTA 2 +11101000 300,000-square-foot 2 +11101000 more-accessible 2 +11101000 summer-stock 2 +11101000 center-field 2 +11101000 exercise-equipment 2 +11101000 Nonlethal 2 +11101000 UAW. 2 +11101000 USIA. 2 +11101000 once-lucrative 2 +11101000 now-ailing 2 +11101000 u.s. 2 +11101000 Wayn-Tex 2 +11101000 CD. 2 +11101000 Soviet-Cuban 2 +11101000 7-Nation 2 +11101000 Scimitar 2 +11101000 Xicheng 2 +11101000 nonaccountable 2 +11101000 lithium-iron-sulphide 2 +11101000 Socialist-dominated 2 +11101000 Banif 2 +11101000 Allens 2 +11101000 38-nation 2 +11101000 Eurofranc 2 +11101000 Mogadishu 2 +11101000 Optic-Electronic 2 +11101000 Pontdrif 2 +11101000 Old-Time 2 +11101000 Dantos 2 +11101000 coat-and-tie 2 +11101000 Sumptuous 2 +11101000 EC-approved 2 +11101000 TF-1 2 +11101000 McEvoy-Willis 2 +11101000 now-abandoned 3 +11101000 ACLU. 3 +11101000 Undugu 3 +11101000 6350 3 +11101000 ADB. 3 +11101000 24th-largest 3 +11101000 U.S.-initiated 3 +11101000 Dawa 3 +11101000 Cherco 3 +11101000 Kiddicraft 3 +11101000 CCR 3 +11101000 CFTC. 3 +11101000 MEBA 3 +11101000 G-10 3 +11101000 FTC. 3 +11101000 Dip-Stick 3 +11101000 U.S.-Taiwan 3 +11101000 PC. 4 +11101000 Escondida 4 +11101000 Vneshekonobank 4 +11101000 1986-1988 4 +11101000 plumbing-products 4 +11101000 Texocom 4 +11101000 X.400 4 +11101000 104th 4 +11101000 Tenderloin 4 +11101000 NASD. 5 +11101000 Ikwezi 5 +11101000 Nazi-Soviet 5 +11101000 Rocketdyne 5 +11101000 Waterfront 5 +11101000 long-beleaguered 5 +11101000 Tutto 5 +11101000 FRELIMO 5 +11101000 Catawba 6 +11101000 15-carrier 6 +11101000 Tuna 6 +11101000 Multistate 6 +11101000 Puget-Columbia 6 +11101000 undelivered 7 +11101000 SPARC 7 +11101000 now-discontinued 7 +11101000 Northeast-Midwest 7 +11101000 Hitco 7 +11101000 EMT 8 +11101000 Maldives 8 +11101000 Intermediate-Range 8 +11101000 Surry 9 +11101000 Champs 9 +11101000 No.1 9 +11101000 Jerez 9 +11101000 Stanhope 9 +11101000 Lachmar 9 +11101000 1973-1974 10 +11101000 supersecret 10 +11101000 Detroit-Hamtramck 10 +11101000 9th 11 +11101000 PDF 12 +11101000 Meadowlands 12 +11101000 Aussie 14 +11101000 Lithuanian 14 +11101000 Ritz-Carlton 15 +11101000 IRS. 15 +11101000 LME 15 +11101000 FDA. 17 +11101000 FMLN 18 +11101000 CIA. 18 +11101000 SS 19 +11101000 FSLIC. 22 +11101000 Maoist 22 +11101000 unwary 23 +11101000 Bafokeng 24 +11101000 Talbots 25 +11101000 RT 48 +11101000 Yukon 50 +11101000 U.S 166 +11101000 U.S. 87492 +11101000 U.K. 1765 +1110100100 9,420,602 1 +1110100100 more-diversified 1 +1110100100 Fireflame 1 +1110100100 malachite-inlaid 1 +1110100100 tank-trailer-interior 1 +1110100100 A7-D 1 +1110100100 37,000-acre 1 +1110100100 Scandinavian-type 1 +1110100100 Cincinnati-bound 1 +1110100100 Shell-BP 1 +1110100100 well-disciplined 1 +1110100100 Euro-Swiss 1 +1110100100 Koury 1 +1110100100 Templeton/ 1 +1110100100 Templeton/Taft 1 +1110100100 388-store 1 +1110100100 T.T.Z. 1 +1110100100 679-bed 1 +1110100100 Kennelwood 1 +1110100100 once-passive 1 +1110100100 22-outlet 1 +1110100100 Mid-Bronx 1 +1110100100 110-passenger 1 +1110100100 fleetest 1 +1110100100 soft-headed 1 +1110100100 Hearst-funded 1 +1110100100 Kokusai-Hyatt 1 +1110100100 increasein 1 +1110100100 15,000-watt 1 +1110100100 NHK-Lear 1 +1110100100 Passionate 1 +1110100100 hydrant-shaped 1 +1110100100 188-room 1 +1110100100 ever-moving 1 +1110100100 27-paper 1 +1110100100 88-hotel 1 +1110100100 claustrophobia-causing 1 +1110100100 Fujitsu-controlled 1 +1110100100 Dugi 1 +1110100100 Newhouse-family 1 +1110100100 152nd 1 +1110100100 ex-Boston 1 +1110100100 Butterfinger 1 +1110100100 fifth-highest-paid 1 +1110100100 Chiriaco 1 +1110100100 Ryetown 1 +1110100100 27,000-acre 1 +1110100100 similarly-rated 1 +1110100100 bottom-dweller 1 +1110100100 20-restaurant 1 +1110100100 U.S.-Honda 1 +1110100100 Ferruzzi-Iniziativa 1 +1110100100 British-centered 1 +1110100100 4,786,500 1 +1110100100 Pajaro 1 +1110100100 Buy-Rite 1 +1110100100 29-branch 1 +1110100100 840-unit 1 +1110100100 Wuyou 1 +1110100100 sputtered-out 1 +1110100100 850,000-member 1 +1110100100 Tivoli-type 1 +1110100100 Saskatoon-based 2 +1110100100 Bangkok-based 2 +1110100100 quick-moving 2 +1110100100 once-threatened 2 +1110100100 loss-producing 2 +1110100100 151st 2 +1110100100 7,951-ton 2 +1110100100 89-unit 2 +1110100100 2-inch 2 +1110100100 short-hop 2 +1110100100 100-bed 2 +1110100100 lucractive 2 +1110100100 Finnish-Soviet 2 +1110100100 once-bitter 2 +1110100100 17,300 2 +1110100100 Darwin-based 2 +1110100100 thread-bare 2 +1110100100 Fairbanks-based 2 +1110100100 Binghamton-based 2 +1110100100 Clinchfield 2 +1110100100 Murdoch-controlled 2 +1110100100 Monaco-based 2 +1110100100 YF-23 2 +1110100100 closedend 2 +1110100100 IDC. 2 +1110100100 war-shattered 2 +1110100100 1,055 2 +1110100100 Pi 2 +1110100100 fast-devaluing 2 +1110100100 multitrillion-dollar 2 +1110100100 Autonetics 2 +1110100100 52-yard 2 +1110100100 Deserted 2 +1110100100 146-seat 2 +1110100100 photodegradable 2 +1110100100 bonus-eligible 2 +1110100100 then-troubled 2 +1110100100 now-bankrupt 2 +1110100100 drought-dried 2 +1110100100 YF-23A 2 +1110100100 supplemental-health 2 +1110100100 DFS/Dorland 2 +1110100100 star-quality 2 +1110100100 445-employee 2 +1110100100 black-run 2 +1110100100 UAP. 2 +1110100100 Perelman-controlled 2 +1110100100 2,100-store 2 +1110100100 Gannett-owned 2 +1110100100 counter-top 2 +1110100100 talcum 2 +1110100100 Kentucky-born 2 +1110100100 Belgian-based 2 +1110100100 CIA-chartered 2 +1110100100 U.S.-Spanish 2 +1110100100 Wallenberg-controlled 2 +1110100100 warm-blooded 2 +1110100100 Amarillo-based 2 +1110100100 Olympic-related 2 +1110100100 long-vanished 2 +1110100100 Groningen 2 +1110100100 development-bank 2 +1110100100 10,000-man 2 +1110100100 Irving-based 2 +1110100100 Florence-based 2 +1110100100 Tabloid 2 +1110100100 Buffalo-area 2 +1110100100 35-nation 2 +1110100100 Beijing-controlled 2 +1110100100 Berkeley-based 2 +1110100100 Santiago-based 2 +1110100100 scandal-scarred 2 +1110100100 anti-Vietnam 3 +1110100100 still-troubled 3 +1110100100 12,300 3 +1110100100 Swiss-owned 3 +1110100100 Bronfman-controlled 3 +1110100100 CIA-controlled 3 +1110100100 2,800-member 3 +1110100100 125-seat 3 +1110100100 Roltra 3 +1110100100 Pakistani-born 3 +1110100100 780-unit 3 +1110100100 Oregon-based 3 +1110100100 Rochester-based 3 +1110100100 cutting-tool 3 +1110100100 Norway-based 3 +1110100100 home-team 3 +1110100100 unquoted 3 +1110100100 Tobaccoville 3 +1110100100 cash-squeezed 3 +1110100100 145-year-old 3 +1110100100 Avenida 3 +1110100100 Goodday 3 +1110100100 2,000-store 3 +1110100100 government-linked 3 +1110100100 Lubbock-based 3 +1110100100 Auckland-based 3 +1110100100 least-cost 3 +1110100100 bottom-ranked 3 +1110100100 15-store 3 +1110100100 Colorado-based 3 +1110100100 Delware 3 +1110100100 Haft-controlled 3 +1110100100 then-small 3 +1110100100 6,500-member 3 +1110100100 Toledo-based 3 +1110100100 1,159 3 +1110100100 Greenwich-based 3 +1110100100 Axe 3 +1110100100 Burlington-based 3 +1110100100 European-American 3 +1110100100 Imperiled 3 +1110100100 Wienerschnitzel 3 +1110100100 then-ailing 3 +1110100100 700-room 3 +1110100100 Syracuse-based 3 +1110100100 Simon-led 3 +1110100100 British-Dutch 3 +1110100100 Khashoggi-controlled 3 +1110100100 Ravenna-based 4 +1110100100 Dusseldorf-based 4 +1110100100 130-seat 4 +1110100100 19-seat 4 +1110100100 Louisville-based 4 +1110100100 Omaha-based 4 +1110100100 Hawaii-based 4 +1110100100 LeBow-controlled 4 +1110100100 trade-book 4 +1110100100 Providence-based 4 +1110100100 Maxwell-controlled 4 +1110100100 Gourd 4 +1110100100 financially-troubled 4 +1110100100 42-store 4 +1110100100 Barcelona-based 4 +1110100100 Massachussets 4 +1110100100 Chicagobased 4 +1110100100 British-built 4 +1110100100 Cambridge-based 4 +1110100100 Anglo/Dutch 4 +1110100100 Buffalo-based 4 +1110100100 Tragic 4 +1110100100 then-Socialist 4 +1110100100 Delegate 4 +1110100100 Acadian 4 +1110100100 lead-manager 4 +1110100100 5-foot-7 4 +1110100100 now-canceled 4 +1110100100 French-controlled 4 +1110100100 once-ailing 4 +1110100100 Kentucky-based 4 +1110100100 Silesian 4 +1110100100 300-pound 4 +1110100100 600-member 4 +1110100100 Soviet-aligned 4 +1110100100 Kelly-Springfield 4 +1110100100 Edmonton-based 4 +1110100100 Monterrey-based 5 +1110100100 Swedish-Swiss 5 +1110100100 Socialist-led 5 +1110100100 Glasgow-based 5 +1110100100 CMA 5 +1110100100 Burbank-based 5 +1110100100 Hamburg-based 5 +1110100100 Korean-born 5 +1110100100 400-lawyer 5 +1110100100 Bosnian 5 +1110100100 Newark-based 5 +1110100100 Wilmington-based 5 +1110100100 Orlando-based 5 +1110100100 union-owned 5 +1110100100 family-held 5 +1110100100 GM-Toyota 5 +1110100100 once-bustling 5 +1110100100 Ecuadorian 5 +1110100100 Johannesburg-based 5 +1110100100 Curacao-based 5 +1110100100 province-owned 5 +1110100100 Felmont 5 +1110100100 island-hopping 6 +1110100100 Ghanaian 6 +1110100100 All-England 6 +1110100100 Dutch-Anglo 6 +1110100100 state-operated 6 +1110100100 Sacramento-based 6 +1110100100 Belzberg-controlled 6 +1110100100 debt-plagued 6 +1110100100 Nasdaq-listed 6 +1110100100 20,000-member 6 +1110100100 Southside 6 +1110100100 research-based 6 +1110100100 Shulton 6 +1110100100 Dayton-based 6 +1110100100 Cactus 6 +1110100100 Taiwan-based 6 +1110100100 family-dominated 6 +1110100100 Basel-based 6 +1110100100 London-listed 6 +1110100100 motor-freight 7 +1110100100 Fortunate 7 +1110100100 French-based 7 +1110100100 Bermuda-registered 7 +1110100100 Tulsa-based 7 +1110100100 Communist-dominated 7 +1110100100 Rome-based 7 +1110100100 Massachusetts-based 7 +1110100100 Portland-based 7 +1110100100 Oakland-based 7 +1110100100 Bronx-based 8 +1110100100 Hellenic 8 +1110100100 much-smaller 8 +1110100100 KIMS 8 +1110100100 121-year-old 8 +1110100100 Osaka-based 8 +1110100100 Bahrain-based 8 +1110100100 Minnesota-based 8 +1110100100 Anchorage-based 8 +1110100100 Tampa-based 8 +1110100100 Madrid-based 9 +1110100100 once-sleepy 9 +1110100100 Manhattan-based 9 +1110100100 55-gallon 9 +1110100100 Michigan-based 9 +1110100100 British-American 10 +1110100100 government-held 10 +1110100100 Hunt-held 10 +1110100100 Turin-based 10 +1110100100 Belgium-based 10 +1110100100 Japanese-based 10 +1110100100 Nashville-based 10 +1110100100 once-booming 10 +1110100100 Dublin-based 10 +1110100100 Oslo-based 10 +1110100100 101st 10 +1110100100 Washingtonian 11 +1110100100 Manchester-based 11 +1110100100 Dutch-based 11 +1110100100 Perth-based 11 +1110100100 Melbourne-based 12 +1110100100 Akron-based 12 +1110100100 quasi-private 12 +1110100100 Hartford-based 12 +1110100100 Darth 13 +1110100100 youth-oriented 13 +1110100100 Canadian-based 14 +1110100100 Richmond-based 14 +1110100100 Ireland-based 14 +1110100100 Amsterdam-based 14 +1110100100 Austin-based 14 +1110100100 Columbus-based 14 +1110100100 Tunisian 14 +1110100100 third-ranked 14 +1110100100 Memphis-based 15 +1110100100 Stockholm-based 15 +1110100100 Bituminous 16 +1110100100 closely-held 17 +1110100100 Frankfurt-based 17 +1110100100 Vienna-based 17 +1110100100 Connecticut-based 18 +1110100100 Utah-based 18 +1110100100 Virginia-based 18 +1110100100 Singapore-based 19 +1110100100 spun-off 19 +1110100100 Brussels-based 19 +1110100100 Liberian 19 +1110100100 Britain-based 19 +1110100100 Detroit-area 22 +1110100100 Ottawa-based 24 +1110100100 Netherlands-based 24 +1110100100 Sydney-based 25 +1110100100 Hugoton 25 +1110100100 U.K.-based 26 +1110100100 Flamingo 26 +1110100100 Munich-based 28 +1110100100 much-larger 28 +1110100100 Florida-based 30 +1110100100 Yugoslavian 30 +1110100100 acquisition-minded 30 +1110100100 family-controlled 33 +1110100100 Mid-Atlantic 33 +1110100100 Australian-based 35 +1110100100 Luxembourg-based 37 +1110100100 Milan-based 39 +1110100100 family-run 40 +1110100100 Zurich-based 43 +1110100100 Phoenix-based 44 +1110100100 Bahamian 45 +1110100100 Honolulu-based 46 +1110100100 Calgary-based 46 +1110100100 Japan-based 49 +1110100100 Swiss-based 51 +1110100100 debt-laden 58 +1110100100 Geneva-based 59 +1110100100 loss-plagued 60 +1110100100 Bavarian 63 +1110100100 Indianapolis-based 69 +1110100100 Bermuda-based 74 +1110100100 Australia-based 78 +1110100100 California-based 82 +1110100100 Vancouver-based 84 +1110100100 Anglo-Dutch 85 +1110100100 British-based 86 +1110100100 Nigerian 98 +1110100100 Baltimore-based 108 +1110100100 Milwaukee-based 110 +1110100100 Portuguese 111 +1110100100 Detroit-based 136 +1110100100 Finnish 153 +1110100100 Chilean 159 +1110100100 defunct 168 +1110100100 Indonesian 179 +1110100100 state-controlled 181 +1110100100 Tokyo-based 187 +1110100100 Danish 205 +1110100100 Malaysian 207 +1110100100 Venezuelan 216 +1110100100 U.S.-based 233 +1110100100 Thai 234 +1110100100 Hawaiian 241 +1110100100 Austrian 244 +1110100100 Hungarian 259 +1110100100 Cleveland-based 271 +1110100100 Philadelphia-based 282 +1110100100 Cincinnati-based 284 +1110100100 Paris-based 293 +1110100100 Miami-based 295 +1110100100 Seattle-based 297 +1110100100 Peruvian 303 +1110100100 government-owned 336 +1110100100 Denver-based 347 +1110100100 Montreal-based 369 +1110100100 Norwegian 385 +1110100100 Pittsburgh-based 396 +1110100100 Minneapolis-based 427 +1110100100 Argentine 439 +1110100100 Boston-based 442 +1110100100 Atlanta-based 454 +1110100100 Greek 499 +1110100100 Washington-based 694 +1110100100 Toronto-based 765 +1110100100 Belgian 786 +1110100100 Irish 794 +1110100100 Houston-based 857 +1110100100 Swedish 904 +1110100100 Dallas-based 904 +1110100100 Philippine 919 +1110100100 state-owned 924 +1110100100 Spanish 978 +1110100100 London-based 1077 +1110100100 Dutch 1183 +1110100100 Indian 1203 +1110100100 Brazilian 1293 +1110100100 Chicago-based 1365 +1110100100 Italian 1696 +1110100100 Mexican 1728 +1110100100 Swiss 2702 +1110100100 British 12994 +1110100100 French 5570 +11101001010 once-similar 1 +11101001010 mid-market 1 +11101001010 basic-product 1 +11101001010 91,696 1 +11101001010 computer-hacker 1 +11101001010 Japense 1 +11101001010 economy-wary 1 +11101001010 140-to-155 1 +11101001010 reinsurance-client 1 +11101001010 import-pressed 1 +11101001010 wattled 1 +11101001010 Kerensky 1 +11101001010 best-hedged 1 +11101001010 70.00 1 +11101001010 mark-short 1 +11101001010 racing-style 1 +11101001010 Arriva 1 +11101001010 backstreet 1 +11101001010 IBM-clone 1 +11101001010 FBI-organized 1 +11101001010 Yankee-fueled 1 +11101001010 tycoon-run 1 +11101001010 once-robust 1 +11101001010 Vaz 1 +11101001010 commercial-weary 1 +11101001010 125.80-to-126 1 +11101001010 maker-authorized 1 +11101001010 leerier 1 +11101001010 bankruptcy-bound 1 +11101001010 Bond-controlled 1 +11101001010 BOLD-BOLD 1 +11101001010 foreign-partner 1 +11101001010 Meese-Reynolds-Manion-Rehnquist 1 +11101001010 ceramic-fiber 1 +11101001010 139.50 1 +11101001010 government-computed 1 +11101001010 gasoline-fueled 1 +11101001010 chorus-line 1 +11101001010 hopsital 1 +11101001010 dairy-run 1 +11101001010 diving-equipment 1 +11101001010 progammable 1 +11101001010 140-145 1 +11101001010 yen-battered 1 +11101001010 extra-strength 1 +11101001010 158.00 1 +11101001010 end-of-November 1 +11101001010 bulk-commodity 1 +11101001010 Nabisco-type 1 +11101001010 state-influenced 1 +11101001010 car-cuffing 1 +11101001010 organized-labor 1 +11101001010 Safelite 1 +11101001010 tabloid-television 1 +11101001010 97,750-unit 1 +11101001010 1,317 1 +11101001010 marine-transport 1 +11101001010 associate-label 1 +11101001010 Caribbean-based 1 +11101001010 hold-out 1 +11101001010 mark-Japanese 1 +11101001010 harp-shaped 1 +11101001010 Philippine-based 1 +11101001010 one-in-six 1 +11101001010 auto-product 1 +11101001010 cookwear 1 +11101001010 54,270 1 +11101001010 outer-island 1 +11101001010 low-credibility 1 +11101001010 steel-radial 1 +11101001010 desert-bound 1 +11101001010 1,863 1 +11101001010 severable 1 +11101001010 delicious-looking 1 +11101001010 snoopy 1 +11101001010 domestic-retailing 1 +11101001010 non-Alaskan 1 +11101001010 fund-oriented 1 +11101001010 Gabelli-controlled 1 +11101001010 lesser-rank 1 +11101001010 first-sector 1 +11101001010 rock-strewn 1 +11101001010 applied-science 1 +11101001010 Palestinian-run 1 +11101001010 highest-capitalized 1 +11101001010 bean-counting 2 +11101001010 soverign 2 +11101001010 non-malpractice 2 +11101001010 Peridex 2 +11101001010 385-acre 2 +11101001010 status-symbol 2 +11101001010 mining-company 2 +11101001010 500-attorney 2 +11101001010 China-backed 2 +11101001010 China-owned 2 +11101001010 golden-yellow 2 +11101001010 inter-related 2 +11101001010 U.S.-induced 2 +11101001010 creditor-country 2 +11101001010 Labeling 2 +11101001010 Japanse 2 +11101001010 ORC 2 +11101001010 less-skilled 2 +11101001010 Wolfsburg-based 2 +11101001010 public-college 2 +11101001010 Boise-based 2 +11101001010 early-reporting 2 +11101001010 Malaysian-Chinese 2 +11101001010 137.00 2 +11101001010 nightime 2 +11101001010 liquor-industry 2 +11101001010 Zalga 2 +11101001010 Ghia 2 +11101001010 private-passenger 2 +11101001010 Brazilian-owned 2 +11101001010 RISC-chip 2 +11101001010 once-skeptical 2 +11101001010 stong 3 +11101001010 takeover-target 3 +11101001010 cone-shaped 3 +11101001010 soda-ash 3 +11101001010 conservative-minded 3 +11101001010 near-bankrupt 3 +11101001010 12-million 3 +11101001010 off-the-road 3 +11101001010 1,924 3 +11101001010 AAA-rated 3 +11101001010 Trans-Pacific 3 +11101001010 paste-up 3 +11101001010 commmercial 3 +11101001010 profit-driven 3 +11101001010 25-speed 3 +11101001010 CLS 3 +11101001010 male-bashing 3 +11101001010 student-run 3 +11101001010 Landless 3 +11101001010 four-legged 3 +11101001010 minority-run 4 +11101001010 Delaware-incorporated 4 +11101001010 mujahidin 4 +11101001010 stateowned 4 +11101001010 service/information 4 +11101001010 poky 4 +11101001010 Beijing-based 4 +11101001010 robotized 4 +11101001010 GE/RCA 5 +11101001010 electro-mechanical 5 +11101001010 Mexican-made 5 +11101001010 once-great 5 +11101001010 Type-A 5 +11101001010 journeymen 5 +11101001010 weight-conscious 5 +11101001010 Norges 6 +11101001010 liquefied-natural-gas 6 +11101001010 Japanese-car 6 +11101001010 yummy 7 +11101001010 nothing-down 7 +11101001010 U.S.-bound 7 +11101001010 Bahraini 8 +11101001010 Canadian-controlled 8 +11101001010 S&P-500 9 +11101001010 Bedouin 10 +11101001010 venture-backed 10 +11101001010 large-volume 10 +11101001010 144.55 10 +11101001010 Favored 11 +11101001010 142.95 11 +11101001010 Cuisinart 11 +11101001010 120.25 11 +11101001010 non-American 12 +11101001010 multiline 12 +11101001010 Communist-controlled 13 +11101001010 full-line 13 +11101001010 retail-oriented 13 +11101001010 Touareg 15 +11101001010 Kenyan 16 +11101001010 142.20 16 +11101001010 best-managed 17 +11101001010 Singaporean 18 +11101001010 small-cap 20 +11101001010 food-industry 23 +11101001010 Spetsnaz 31 +11101001010 deposit-taking 33 +11101001010 packaged-goods 45 +11101001010 U.S.-owned 49 +11101001010 foreign-owned 88 +11101001010 Burmese 96 +11101001010 Taiwanese 309 +11101001010 Vietnamese 349 +11101001010 multinational 394 +11101001010 Japanese 19179 +11101001010 Chinese 2271 +11101001011 composer/performance 1 +11101001011 five-ounce 1 +11101001011 1,715 1 +11101001011 fifth-century 1 +11101001011 barbituates 1 +11101001011 helicopter-manufacturing 1 +11101001011 1314 1 +11101001011 159,750,000 1 +11101001011 Low-fat 1 +11101001011 shoe-production 1 +11101001011 small-sum 1 +11101001011 Citifunds 1 +11101001011 then-strong 1 +11101001011 ill-boding 1 +11101001011 Booberry 1 +11101001011 mynah 1 +11101001011 handnote 1 +11101001011 refiner-use 1 +11101001011 air-treatment 1 +11101001011 Dap 1 +11101001011 securities-sales 1 +11101001011 reactor-safety 1 +11101001011 Glyn 1 +11101001011 pithiness 1 +11101001011 Chuchoholics 1 +11101001011 60-employee 1 +11101001011 Brieck 1 +11101001011 Barasch 1 +11101001011 Mistretta 1 +11101001011 telepathy 1 +11101001011 methacrylate 1 +11101001011 defaulter 1 +11101001011 aluminium-can 1 +11101001011 Hitlerdammerung 1 +11101001011 overstrong 1 +11101001011 short-fibered 1 +11101001011 SPEED-RATED 1 +11101001011 Genpak 1 +11101001011 healt-hcare 1 +11101001011 glass-fibers 1 +11101001011 fiber-kilometers 1 +11101001011 Struggler 1 +11101001011 major-crimes 1 +11101001011 Tisch-Buffett 1 +11101001011 auto-finance 1 +11101001011 portland 1 +11101001011 98-91 1 +11101001011 state-of-the-network-censor 1 +11101001011 automotive-carrier 1 +11101001011 then-23-year-old 1 +11101001011 nuclear-construction 1 +11101001011 Eleme 1 +11101001011 hydro-electricity 1 +11101001011 consumer/commercial-finance 1 +11101001011 break-car 1 +11101001011 Alaskan-North 1 +11101001011 Anglo-dominated 1 +11101001011 4525 1 +11101001011 Seas/Japan 1 +11101001011 IIHS 1 +11101001011 Chens 1 +11101001011 Dravidians 1 +11101001011 sodium-borohydride 1 +11101001011 kms 1 +11101001011 then-overvalued 1 +11101001011 antiterrorist 1 +11101001011 1971-through-1976 1 +11101001011 coca-eradication 1 +11101001011 Pause. 1 +11101001011 4524 1 +11101001011 Molycorp 1 +11101001011 Winnipeg-based 1 +11101001011 California-to-Texas 1 +11101001011 CIBI-school 1 +11101001011 environmental-systems 1 +11101001011 25.568 1 +11101001011 can-sized 1 +11101001011 Manufacturers/Chrysler 1 +11101001011 212-307-7171 1 +11101001011 bakery-cafe 1 +11101001011 controlled-rate 1 +11101001011 1647 1 +11101001011 army-led 1 +11101001011 December-settlement 1 +11101001011 Bulgarian-born 1 +11101001011 Lisbon-based 1 +11101001011 33.40 1 +11101001011 cafeteria/gymnasium 1 +11101001011 professional-car 1 +11101001011 commercial-bus 1 +11101001011 handsoff 1 +11101001011 tons-a-year 1 +11101001011 fast-skidding 1 +11101001011 Polish-dominated 1 +11101001011 565foot-long 1 +11101001011 14-story-tall 1 +11101001011 Radiators 1 +11101001011 over-promised 1 +11101001011 tax-adjusted 1 +11101001011 Antartic 1 +11101001011 3,000-film 1 +11101001011 Syrian-tolerated 1 +11101001011 fish-canning 1 +11101001011 frontispiece 1 +11101001011 Meridian-Marine 1 +11101001011 Friskies 1 +11101001011 methylglyoxal 1 +11101001011 Filipino-Spanish 1 +11101001011 metric-ton-per-year 1 +11101001011 table-wine 1 +11101001011 paling 1 +11101001011 Taheh 1 +11101001011 FilMag 1 +11101001011 Double-decked 1 +11101001011 telephones. 1 +11101001011 key-man 1 +11101001011 154-foot-long 1 +11101001011 game-control 1 +11101001011 580-store 1 +11101001011 91.99 1 +11101001011 Jewish-rights 1 +11101001011 keyman 1 +11101001011 20-249 1 +11101001011 barge-transportation 1 +11101001011 Occasion 1 +11101001011 Catel 1 +11101001011 meditational 1 +11101001011 1,250-kilowatt 1 +11101001011 45-person 1 +11101001011 Pre-faded 1 +11101001011 5514 1 +11101001011 explosive. 1 +11101001011 tax-aversive 1 +11101001011 Bollere 1 +11101001011 outlets. 1 +11101001011 1,500-square-foot 1 +11101001011 gajillion 1 +11101001011 once-splendid 1 +11101001011 surburban 1 +11101001011 5X 1 +11101001011 6X 1 +11101001011 financing/leasing. 1 +11101001011 Euro-Canadian 1 +11101001011 benefits-services 1 +11101001011 Wannabees 1 +11101001011 Jigaboos 1 +11101001011 Heartaches 1 +11101001011 compan 1 +11101001011 permit. 1 +11101001011 Overvalued 1 +11101001011 Special-election 1 +11101001011 15th-ranked 1 +11101001011 harder-working 1 +11101001011 Earthly 1 +11101001011 Sitz 1 +11101001011 Abend 1 +11101001011 KICKING 1 +11101001011 auto-manufacturing 1 +11101001011 emblem. 1 +11101001011 Goodyear-France 1 +11101001011 imported-food 1 +11101001011 Nestle-owned 1 +11101001011 not-so-mighty 1 +11101001011 234.48 1 +11101001011 243.97 1 +11101001011 Mergens 1 +11101001011 Pentagon-derived 1 +11101001011 U.S.56 1 +11101001011 1058-1111 1 +11101001011 African-Americans 1 +11101001011 Corometrics 1 +11101001011 curvature. 1 +11101001011 Prussin 1 +11101001011 trackable 1 +11101001011 Beringwerke 1 +11101001011 X-marked 1 +11101001011 clearing-firm 1 +11101001011 bond-market-related 1 +11101001011 anti-hero 1 +11101001011 redhooded 1 +11101001011 packer-bound 1 +11101001011 67,000-ton 1 +11101001011 Mylar-coated 1 +11101001011 1/2C 1 +11101001011 CHEERS 1 +11101001011 not-so-close 1 +11101001011 Nautilus. 1 +11101001011 489.06 1 +11101001011 5,914.92 1 +11101001011 ex-Padre 1 +11101001011 450,000-kilowatt 1 +11101001011 K-12 2 +11101001011 Sire 2 +11101001011 FOI 2 +11101001011 SLORC 2 +11101001011 Arabesque 2 +11101001011 polyester-film 2 +11101001011 3/3 2 +11101001011 420-acre 2 +11101001011 Emmber 2 +11101001011 anodized 2 +11101001011 Decaffeinated 2 +11101001011 ink-making 2 +11101001011 1945-48 2 +11101001011 SRINF 2 +11101001011 ILWAS 2 +11101001011 six-screen 2 +11101001011 late-maturing 2 +11101001011 ginkgo 2 +11101001011 Christian-dominated 2 +11101001011 disposal-firm 2 +11101001011 RRF 2 +11101001011 far-away 2 +11101001011 Sosad 2 +11101001011 Assurance-Compagniet 2 +11101001011 2,000-foot 2 +11101001011 CII 2 +11101001011 Charmglow 2 +11101001011 Rossing 2 +11101001011 liberal/Keynesian 2 +11101001011 uncashable 2 +11101001011 Mallinkrodt 2 +11101001011 lignite-fired 2 +11101001011 OMIA 2 +11101001011 CMPs 2 +11101001011 YPLL 2 +11101001011 unconvertible 2 +11101001011 DOE/EIA 2 +11101001011 Sumiton 2 +11101001011 Indian-majority 2 +11101001011 FMMIA 2 +11101001011 Miramichi 2 +11101001011 TEFAP 2 +11101001011 capacity-controlled 2 +11101001011 PIOB 2 +11101001011 gaming-enforcement 2 +11101001011 '54 2 +11101001011 LeeWards 2 +11101001011 190-pound 2 +11101001011 male-headed 2 +11101001011 Entrecanales 2 +11101001011 DEZ 2 +11101001011 Armindo 2 +11101001011 SEC-regulated 2 +11101001011 UNP 2 +11101001011 less-popular 2 +11101001011 Mainstay 2 +11101001011 medium-grade 2 +11101001011 non-ANC 2 +11101001011 1967-68 2 +11101001011 Consoldiated 2 +11101001011 Worsley 2 +11101001011 fifth-generation 2 +11101001011 11-state 2 +11101001011 Tonio 2 +11101001011 IRET 2 +11101001011 Mocha 2 +11101001011 MSW 2 +11101001011 COPPE 2 +11101001011 FLSA 2 +11101001011 soft-goods 2 +11101001011 Svcs. 2 +11101001011 single-property 2 +11101001011 SPF 2 +11101001011 1978-86 2 +11101001011 ECM 2 +11101001011 NMB 2 +11101001011 NLS 2 +11101001011 600,600 2 +11101001011 faux-Ivy-League-campus-style 2 +11101001011 .320 2 +11101001011 1970-1976 2 +11101001011 record-labels 2 +11101001011 video-publishing 2 +11101001011 nonelectric 2 +11101001011 Angel/EMI 3 +11101001011 Rustenberg 3 +11101001011 Butternut 3 +11101001011 seven-story 3 +11101001011 592-room 3 +11101001011 Oglala 3 +11101001011 NERC 3 +11101001011 NIFA 3 +11101001011 silicon-chip 3 +11101001011 dealer-owned 3 +11101001011 continuing-operations 3 +11101001011 P&A 3 +11101001011 RCRA 3 +11101001011 1976-79 3 +11101001011 eponymous 3 +11101001011 TMAs 3 +11101001011 16-unit 3 +11101001011 CEBA 3 +11101001011 spring-sown 3 +11101001011 Hanoi-backed 4 +11101001011 July-delivery 4 +11101001011 Mazda-made 4 +11101001011 Case-IH 4 +11101001011 nine-cent-a-gallon 4 +11101001011 V.J. 4 +11101001011 Omni-Horizon 4 +11101001011 March-settlement 4 +11101001011 CBW 4 +11101001011 1,875 4 +11101001011 upmarket 5 +11101001011 November-delivery 5 +11101001011 Aryan 5 +11101001011 USL 5 +11101001011 PCE 5 +11101001011 Khalda 5 +11101001011 June-delivery 6 +11101001011 Pointer 6 +11101001011 MILLION 6 +11101001011 Cleveland-area 6 +11101001011 Caffeine-Free 6 +11101001011 strike-bound 6 +11101001011 multi-billion 6 +11101001011 Australian-dollar 6 +11101001011 February-delivery 7 +11101001011 Bistro 7 +11101001011 Borse 7 +11101001011 S.O.S. 7 +11101001011 Gaspe 7 +11101001011 ROC 7 +11101001011 lower-valued 8 +11101001011 September-delivery 8 +11101001011 Folgers 8 +11101001011 May-delivery 9 +11101001011 Kodacolor 10 +11101001011 half-billion 11 +11101001011 October-delivery 13 +11101001011 market-value 20 +11101001011 January-delivery 28 +11101001011 March-delivery 39 +11101001011 multimillion 49 +11101001011 December-delivery 57 +11101001011 multibillion 67 +11101001011 Anglo-French 86 +11101001011 Canadian 8802 +11101001011 Australian 2565 +1110100110 107-slot 1 +1110100110 job-short 1 +1110100110 granulocyte-monocyte 1 +1110100110 non-complying 1 +1110100110 unengaged 1 +1110100110 nonallied 1 +1110100110 aluminum-oriented 1 +1110100110 OPEC-member 1 +1110100110 corporate-conscious 1 +1110100110 ceilingless 1 +1110100110 European-immigrant 1 +1110100110 unrhythmic 1 +1110100110 protitable 1 +1110100110 highest-taxed 1 +1110100110 least-taxed 1 +1110100110 Southern-tier 1 +1110100110 shareholder-related 1 +1110100110 non-Netherlands 1 +1110100110 Bin-Mahfouz 1 +1110100110 beef-exporting 1 +1110100110 apple-producing 1 +1110100110 high-techonology 1 +1110100110 pre-mass 1 +1110100110 soybean-importing 1 +1110100110 car-producing 1 +1110100110 Esterline-related 1 +1110100110 Africano 1 +1110100110 flag-of-convenience 1 +1110100110 debt-distressed 1 +1110100110 losses.Guardian 1 +1110100110 African-built 1 +1110100110 consuming-member 1 +1110100110 Fullerton-area 1 +1110100110 far-tinier 1 +1110100110 energy-based 1 +1110100110 Micronesian 1 +1110100110 non-EEC 1 +1110100110 Africa-restricted 1 +1110100110 middle-Atlantic 1 +1110100110 communist-ruled 1 +1110100110 nonregulating 1 +1110100110 malaria-infested 1 +1110100110 lower-tax 1 +1110100110 wheat-selling 1 +1110100110 land-poor 1 +1110100110 shareholders-a 1 +1110100110 dollar-surplus 1 +1110100110 mango-exporting 1 +1110100110 vegetated 1 +1110100110 Korea-owned 1 +1110100110 Bible-related 1 +1110100110 military-ruled 1 +1110100110 bad-actor 1 +1110100110 coffee-importing 1 +1110100110 summiteering 1 +1110100110 weakcurrency 1 +1110100110 lessdeveloped 1 +1110100110 non-gulf 1 +1110100110 sugar-exporting 1 +1110100110 late-primary 1 +1110100110 pre-nuclear 1 +1110100110 African-marked 1 +1110100110 beat. 1 +1110100110 most-destitute 1 +1110100110 arms-building 1 +1110100110 technical-skills 1 +1110100110 timber-producing 1 +1110100110 non-G-7 1 +1110100110 tradition-loving 1 +1110100110 spy-catching 1 +1110100110 fourth-rate 1 +1110100110 non-participatory 1 +1110100110 clothing-making 1 +1110100110 debtridden 1 +1110100110 unassimilable 1 +1110100110 consumer-type 1 +1110100110 burley-belt 1 +1110100110 arms-exporting 1 +1110100110 most-developed 1 +1110100110 war-fractured 1 +1110100110 disaster-struck 1 +1110100110 exhibition. 1 +1110100110 less-admired 1 +1110100110 data-proccessing 1 +1110100110 diked 1 +1110100110 drug-source 1 +1110100110 latex-producing 1 +1110100110 underpopulated 1 +1110100110 trucking-company 1 +1110100110 drug-supplier 1 +1110100110 Robusta-producing 1 +1110100110 over-supplied 1 +1110100110 Marquesan 1 +1110100110 delegate-rich 1 +1110100110 ex-Swapo 1 +1110100110 2,998,450 1 +1110100110 Arab-ruled 1 +1110100110 aid-providing 1 +1110100110 miniwelfare 1 +1110100110 Mafia-inspired 1 +1110100110 Pinakothek 1 +1110100110 Pot-like 1 +1110100110 IDA-beneficiary 1 +1110100110 drug-producing 1 +1110100110 coca-producing 1 +1110100110 cheap-wage 1 +1110100110 Rouge-style 1 +1110100110 drug-supplying 1 +1110100110 Warsaw-pact 1 +1110100110 non-quota 1 +1110100110 littoral 1 +1110100110 oil-sector 1 +1110100110 most-polluted 1 +1110100110 long-deprived 1 +1110100110 Kong-made 1 +1110100110 Pacific-based 1 +1110100110 Transcaucasian 1 +1110100110 harder-hit 1 +1110100110 high-cost-housing 1 +1110100110 brain-impaired 1 +1110100110 Win-style 1 +1110100110 84,312 1 +1110100110 seven-Emirate 1 +1110100110 Howeizah 1 +1110100110 Shore-sponsored 1 +1110100110 food-exporting 1 +1110100110 corn-belt 1 +1110100110 Wakayama 1 +1110100110 wimpier 1 +1110100110 chili-producing 1 +1110100110 Sahelian 1 +1110100110 seven-emirate 1 +1110100110 G-24 1 +1110100110 states-policies 1 +1110100110 wintery 1 +1110100110 more-rural 1 +1110100110 lumber-producing 2 +1110100110 tobacco-producing 2 +1110100110 smaller-than-requested 2 +1110100110 voter-controlled 2 +1110100110 SOMA 2 +1110100110 second-rank 2 +1110100110 high-AIDS-incidence 2 +1110100110 portmanteau 2 +1110100110 AZT-treated 2 +1110100110 textile-exporting 2 +1110100110 labor-short 2 +1110100110 technology-exporting 2 +1110100110 already-crowded 2 +1110100110 Paulo-based 2 +1110100110 Kong-registered 2 +1110100110 commodity-exporting 2 +1110100110 coffee-consuming 2 +1110100110 industrial-heartland 2 +1110100110 Cloisters 2 +1110100110 revenue-needy 2 +1110100110 Stuart-Menlo 2 +1110100110 strife-ridden 2 +1110100110 non-pound 2 +1110100110 pied 2 +1110100110 Korea-bashing 2 +1110100110 Korean-Japanese 2 +1110100110 farm-supply 2 +1110100110 voter-owned 2 +1110100110 lower-proof 2 +1110100110 lottery-free 2 +1110100110 Jilin 2 +1110100110 machinist-union 2 +1110100110 non-Philippine 2 +1110100110 water-rich 2 +1110100110 industralized 2 +1110100110 most-indebted 2 +1110100110 major-currency 2 +1110100110 African-supplied 2 +1110100110 price-indexed 2 +1110100110 drought-parched 2 +1110100110 Japan-Soviet 2 +1110100110 weaker-currency 2 +1110100110 English-reading 2 +1110100110 gas-buying 2 +1110100110 non-Gulf 2 +1110100110 driftnet-fishing 2 +1110100110 high-minimum-wage 2 +1110100110 nonmarket 2 +1110100110 Pacific-rim 2 +1110100110 polyunsaturated 2 +1110100110 petro 2 +1110100110 rebate-taxing 2 +1110100110 liberal-democratic 2 +1110100110 market-economy 3 +1110100110 first-ranked 3 +1110100110 cosseted 3 +1110100110 cocaine-producing 3 +1110100110 150-odd 3 +1110100110 non-NATO 3 +1110100110 cotton-producing 3 +1110100110 oil-region 3 +1110100110 least-developed 3 +1110100110 energy-rich 3 +1110100110 FSLIC-aided 3 +1110100110 speed-skating 3 +1110100110 overpopulated 3 +1110100110 timbered 3 +1110100110 Carleo 3 +1110100110 Swiss-American 3 +1110100110 tin-consuming 3 +1110100110 pork-producing 3 +1110100110 sugar-producing 3 +1110100110 British-ruled 3 +1110100110 recession-hit 3 +1110100110 non-Cocom 3 +1110100110 wheat-growing 3 +1110100110 '50s-style 3 +1110100110 hog-producing 4 +1110100110 soybean-producing 4 +1110100110 energy-belt 4 +1110100110 Asia-based 4 +1110100110 Francophone 4 +1110100110 middlebrow 4 +1110100110 stateless 4 +1110100110 state-insured 4 +1110100110 now-vanished 4 +1110100110 fastgrowing 4 +1110100110 oil-importing 4 +1110100110 Bengali 4 +1110100110 steel-exporting 4 +1110100110 trade-surplus 4 +1110100110 Manchurian 4 +1110100110 non-lending 4 +1110100110 heavily-indebted 5 +1110100110 weak-currency 5 +1110100110 interisland 5 +1110100110 first-asylum 5 +1110100110 revenue-hungry 5 +1110100110 grain-growing 5 +1110100110 corn-producing 5 +1110100110 Eastern-bloc 5 +1110100110 nonsocialist 5 +1110100110 lower-wage 6 +1110100110 Hubei 6 +1110100110 white-ruled 6 +1110100110 Korea-based 6 +1110100110 Argentinean 6 +1110100110 majority-held 6 +1110100110 wine-producing 6 +1110100110 woebegone 6 +1110100110 third-world 6 +1110100110 Republican-leaning 6 +1110100110 food-importing 6 +1110100110 textile-producing 6 +1110100110 cattle-producing 7 +1110100110 German-French 7 +1110100110 African-backed 7 +1110100110 corn-growing 7 +1110100110 steel-producing 7 +1110100110 granulocyte-macrophage 7 +1110100110 grain-producing 8 +1110100110 Maginot 8 +1110100110 food-producing 8 +1110100110 strong-currency 8 +1110100110 cash-short 8 +1110100110 Yemeni 9 +1110100110 cattle-feeding 9 +1110100110 Berlin-based 9 +1110100110 non-allied 9 +1110100110 frontline 9 +1110100110 Korean-built 10 +1110100110 oil-consuming 10 +1110100110 urbanized 12 +1110100110 Communist-bloc 13 +1110100110 coffee-producing 13 +1110100110 beef-producing 14 +1110100110 less-than-truckload 14 +1110100110 deficit-ridden 14 +1110100110 pre-revolutionary 15 +1110100110 cash-starved 15 +1110100110 Korean-made 15 +1110100110 non-socialist 15 +1110100110 North-South 16 +1110100110 high-wage 16 +1110100110 low-tax 16 +1110100110 lesser-developed 17 +1110100110 ASEAN 17 +1110100110 Mideastern 18 +1110100110 midwestern 18 +1110100110 Benelux 19 +1110100110 oil-exporting 21 +1110100110 debt-burdened 22 +1110100110 Transvaal 23 +1110100110 nonaligned 25 +1110100110 Contadora 26 +1110100110 debt-troubled 28 +1110100110 high-tax 28 +1110100110 Andean 29 +1110100110 non-Russian 30 +1110100110 noncommunist 30 +1110100110 East-bloc 34 +1110100110 Asia-Pacific 36 +1110100110 interdependent 39 +1110100110 front-line 39 +1110100110 oil-patch 39 +1110100110 FSLIC-insured 41 +1110100110 oil-rich 45 +1110100110 industrializing 50 +1110100110 mid-Atlantic 51 +1110100110 Nordic 52 +1110100110 debt-ridden 57 +1110100110 GMC 57 +1110100110 underdeveloped 59 +1110100110 cash-strapped 83 +1110100110 non-Communist 92 +1110100110 non-communist 93 +1110100110 Northeastern 107 +1110100110 Baltic 109 +1110100110 oil-producing 122 +1110100110 less-developed 164 +1110100110 sovereign 202 +1110100110 indebted 203 +1110100110 Midwestern 212 +1110100110 non-OPEC 239 +1110100110 inner 328 +1110100110 industrialized 567 +1110100110 ailing 614 +1110100110 debtor 764 +1110100110 Asian 1472 +1110100110 African 2017 +1110100110 Korean 2112 +1110100110 European 8548 +1110100110 troubled 2688 +11101001110 elderly-rights 1 +11101001110 50-employee 1 +11101001110 transport-credit 1 +11101001110 film-unit 1 +11101001110 Soviet-propped 1 +11101001110 decent-sized 1 +11101001110 25thlargest 1 +11101001110 smaller-capitalized 1 +11101001110 Paris-registered 1 +11101001110 made-in-Texas 1 +11101001110 Forty-Niners 1 +11101001110 Columbia-Idaho 1 +11101001110 300th-largest 1 +11101001110 508,200 1 +11101001110 260-person 1 +11101001110 five-lawyer 1 +11101001110 widely-traded 1 +11101001110 Ga.based 1 +11101001110 garageman 1 +11101001110 41st-largest 1 +11101001110 non-ACLU 1 +11101001110 Aeroperu 1 +11101001110 money-gushing 1 +11101001110 motleyest 1 +11101001110 60-degree 1 +11101001110 tropical-forest 1 +11101001110 132nd 1 +11101001110 median-sized 1 +11101001110 median-size 1 +11101001110 bugproof 1 +11101001110 Franco-Arab 1 +11101001110 still-wounded 1 +11101001110 commercial/investment 1 +11101001110 Concord-based 1 +11101001110 quasi-central 1 +11101001110 28th-largest 1 +11101001110 computer-phobic 1 +11101001110 cross-side 1 +11101001110 S/T-15 1 +11101001110 135-branch 1 +11101001110 businessman-oriented 1 +11101001110 ECU-denomimated 1 +11101001110 military-tied 1 +11101001110 value-heavy 1 +11101001110 pro-Pakistan 1 +11101001110 Wilimington 1 +11101001110 historical-performance 1 +11101001110 collective-farm 1 +11101001110 turnover-reporting 1 +11101001110 farm-area 1 +11101001110 industrial-financing 1 +11101001110 statesman/philosopher 1 +11101001110 somewhat-confused 1 +11101001110 cross-county-line 1 +11101001110 guerrilla-aid 1 +11101001110 Bologna-based 1 +11101001110 Norinchukin 1 +11101001110 retail-weighted 1 +11101001110 price-making 1 +11101001110 Dallas-controlled 1 +11101001110 Dallas-owned 1 +11101001110 27-point 1 +11101001110 weaker-capitalized 1 +11101001110 5,900-employee 1 +11101001110 non-Dutch 1 +11101001110 223-room 1 +11101001110 102nd-largest 1 +11101001110 stronger-rated 1 +11101001110 Sardinian 1 +11101001110 12,944 1 +11101001110 Airbus-sponsoring 1 +11101001110 Waterloo-based 1 +11101001110 loss-prone 1 +11101001110 semi-good 1 +11101001110 semi-bad 1 +11101001110 then-unstaged 1 +11101001110 community-run 1 +11101001110 then-depressed 1 +11101001110 bank/investment 1 +11101001110 green-winged 1 +11101001110 KLM-controlled 1 +11101001110 LDC-lending 1 +11101001110 13,613 1 +11101001110 cement-export 1 +11101001110 problem-debtor 1 +11101001110 minority-oriented 1 +11101001110 trigonometric 1 +11101001110 major-country 1 +11101001110 piranha-infested 1 +11101001110 brassiest 1 +11101001110 48-story 2 +11101001110 83rd 2 +11101001110 turncoat 2 +11101001110 cental 2 +11101001110 30th-largest 2 +11101001110 wellheeled 2 +11101001110 bailed-out 2 +11101001110 moneycenter 2 +11101001110 800,000-square-foot 2 +11101001110 good/bad 2 +11101001110 agricultural-credit 2 +11101001110 34-member 2 +11101001110 more-developed 2 +11101001110 clearing-house 2 +11101001110 top-seeded 2 +11101001110 computer-produced 2 +11101001110 Afrika 3 +11101001110 119-year-old 3 +11101001110 economic-affairs 3 +11101001110 lesser-reserved 3 +11101001110 bank/bad 5 +11101001110 limited-purpose 5 +11101001110 19-member 6 +11101001110 Soviet-owned 7 +11101001110 12-bank 8 +11101001110 six-to-10-day 9 +11101001110 misapplying 10 +11101001110 piggy 21 +11101001110 super-regional 32 +11101001110 money-center 226 +11101001110 central 6378 +11101001110 merchant 1184 +11101001111 CH-46 1 +11101001111 access-memory 1 +11101001111 533,395 1 +11101001111 fluoridated 1 +11101001111 1,500-ton-a-day 1 +11101001111 146-QT 1 +11101001111 RV-1 1 +11101001111 169-seat 1 +11101001111 terrain-following 1 +11101001111 lamppost-like 1 +11101001111 bewhiskered 1 +11101001111 unguided 1 +11101001111 ice-cone 1 +11101001111 A-6A 1 +11101001111 UH-60A 1 +11101001111 cold-form 1 +11101001111 intersperses 1 +11101001111 Resealable 1 +11101001111 95-plane 1 +11101001111 F-l5 1 +11101001111 KC-130t 1 +11101001111 big-deck 1 +11101001111 F-16N 1 +11101001111 C-22B 1 +11101001111 Estrogens 1 +11101001111 national-to-state 1 +11101001111 mental-hospital 1 +11101001111 psuedo 1 +11101001111 cholesterol-altering 1 +11101001111 eight-valve 1 +11101001111 EF-18 1 +11101001111 AF-18 1 +11101001111 desalinizing 1 +11101001111 isotope-tagged 1 +11101001111 subsonic 1 +11101001111 F-4EJ 1 +11101001111 496-seat 1 +11101001111 temporarily-lost 1 +11101001111 6,200-mile-range 1 +11101001111 semaless 1 +11101001111 solid-fueled 1 +11101001111 munitions-production 1 +11101001111 Reim 1 +11101001111 126-foot 1 +11101001111 racing-pig 1 +11101001111 126-foot-long 1 +11101001111 grittily 1 +11101001111 T-53 1 +11101001111 peak-time 1 +11101001111 ooow 1 +11101001111 46-seat 1 +11101001111 four-masted 1 +11101001111 museum-leased 1 +11101001111 600-foot 1 +11101001111 lowest-weight 1 +11101001111 anti-fascist 1 +11101001111 lower-deck 1 +11101001111 hand-worked 1 +11101001111 Ky.-bound 1 +11101001111 London-to-Cincinnati 1 +11101001111 12-by-120-foot 1 +11101001111 bus-sized 1 +11101001111 Earth-study 1 +11101001111 onionskin 1 +11101001111 81-foot 1 +11101001111 C-21A 1 +11101001111 SH-60 1 +11101001111 magic-marker-red 1 +11101001111 Peruvian-owned 1 +11101001111 fare-steel 1 +11101001111 immune-regulatory 1 +11101001111 football-field-length 1 +11101001111 102nd 1 +11101001111 valuabe 1 +11101001111 industrialized-country 1 +11101001111 220-horsepower 1 +11101001111 gefilte 1 +11101001111 steel-encased 1 +11101001111 Aero-Mexico 1 +11101001111 fuel-stingy 1 +11101001111 poorer-selling 1 +11101001111 142-passenger 1 +11101001111 7,464 1 +11101001111 sintered 1 +11101001111 escrowed-to-maturity 1 +11101001111 1,342,100 1 +11101001111 data-relay 1 +11101001111 spoonable 1 +11101001111 GE-38 1 +11101001111 thuggish 1 +11101001111 freezer-case 1 +11101001111 50-inch-square 1 +11101001111 Fiumicino 1 +11101001111 lung-like 1 +11101001111 straw-roofed 1 +11101001111 regular-size 1 +11101001111 two-cycle 1 +11101001111 jet-powered 1 +11101001111 turboprop-powered 1 +11101001111 non-premium 1 +11101001111 Tokyo-Alaska-Europe 1 +11101001111 Rolls-Turbomeca 1 +11101001111 technologically-advanced 1 +11101001111 Boeing-made 1 +11101001111 Krasnoyark 1 +11101001111 airline-coupon 1 +11101001111 hands-high 1 +11101001111 ALPS-directed 1 +11101001111 X-31A 1 +11101001111 B-1D 1 +11101001111 machine-made 1 +11101001111 cell-to-cell 1 +11101001111 5.3-liter 1 +11101001111 long-sour 1 +11101001111 aluminum-alloy 1 +11101001111 poison-carrying 1 +11101001111 37-foot 1 +11101001111 MH-47E 1 +11101001111 Selway-Bitterroot 1 +11101001111 V-1b 1 +11101001111 EC-135 1 +11101001111 Zaisei 1 +11101001111 narrow-bodied 1 +11101001111 Washington-bound 1 +11101001111 Shopska 1 +11101001111 Cubbie 1 +11101001111 Super-Stealth 1 +11101001111 large-diameter 1 +11101001111 megestrol 1 +11101001111 270-mile 1 +11101001111 black-and-silver 1 +11101001111 enameled 1 +11101001111 A-6f 1 +11101001111 F-21A 1 +11101001111 virus-research 1 +11101001111 life-defrauding 1 +11101001111 private-capital 1 +11101001111 Gensco 1 +11101001111 DC-914 1 +11101001111 Kharkongor 1 +11101001111 146-passenger 1 +11101001111 oil-bearing 1 +11101001111 agricultural-outlook 1 +11101001111 3.9-liter 1 +11101001111 longer-bodied 1 +11101001111 brisk-selling 1 +11101001111 2,096 1 +11101001111 Falcon-20 1 +11101001111 titanium-skinned 1 +11101001111 Lockheed-built 1 +11101001111 F-7M 1 +11101001111 wristband 1 +11101001111 Medivac 1 +11101001111 food-testing 1 +11101001111 COMBI 1 +11101001111 289-cubic-inch 1 +11101001111 very-short-range 1 +11101001111 local-authority 1 +11101001111 T-34C 1 +11101001111 UH-1H 1 +11101001111 combined-effects 1 +11101001111 exoatmospheric 1 +11101001111 agricultural-training 1 +11101001111 24-transponder 1 +11101001111 Schoenefeld 1 +11101001111 Caribbean-area 1 +11101001111 tank-production 1 +11101001111 slick-coated 1 +11101001111 4-68 1 +11101001111 156-seat 1 +11101001111 CFM56-5A1 1 +11101001111 Seck 1 +11101001111 44-seat 1 +11101001111 high-endurance 1 +11101001111 environmental-study 1 +11101001111 190-seat 1 +11101001111 non-Brunei 1 +11101001111 short-take-off 1 +11101001111 war-proven 1 +11101001111 nonirrigated 1 +11101001111 SF340 1 +11101001111 bean-sprout 1 +11101001111 three-word 1 +11101001111 321-seat 1 +11101001111 Firefly 1 +11101001111 Orbitron 1 +11101001111 S-21A 1 +11101001111 triple-warhead 1 +11101001111 1,650-acre 1 +11101001111 just-unloaded 1 +11101001111 company-car 1 +11101001111 much-hailed 1 +11101001111 C-130h 1 +11101001111 highest-circulation 1 +11101001111 chromed 1 +11101001111 high-bypass 1 +11101001111 1981-84-model 1 +11101001111 241-seat 1 +11101001111 stage-door 1 +11101001111 non-office 1 +11101001111 1,500-pound 1 +11101001111 170-seat 1 +11101001111 767300ER 1 +11101001111 C-135 1 +11101001111 61-foot 1 +11101001111 electric-vehicle 1 +11101001111 for-and 1 +11101001111 passenger-carrying 1 +11101001111 121-seat 1 +11101001111 rodlike 1 +11101001111 solid-booster 1 +11101001111 steeltesting 1 +11101001111 commecial 1 +11101001111 CFM-made 1 +11101001111 non-archival 1 +11101001111 TR1 1 +11101001111 Jetstream-31 1 +11101001111 E-4B 1 +11101001111 10-passenger 1 +11101001111 J-79 1 +11101001111 super-calendared 1 +11101001111 30-millimeter 1 +11101001111 Tennnessee 1 +11101001111 knapsack-sized 1 +11101001111 nylon-resin 1 +11101001111 post-bankruptcy 1 +11101001111 poplin 1 +11101001111 horse-country 1 +11101001111 A-6e 1 +11101001111 SF-340 1 +11101001111 MI-24 1 +11101001111 dome-mounted 1 +11101001111 magenta-colored 1 +11101001111 disfigures 1 +11101001111 white-gray 1 +11101001111 D-flawless 1 +11101001111 Avot-Vallee 1 +11101001111 disease-proof 1 +11101001111 fast-attack 1 +11101001111 heavy-gauge 1 +11101001111 longer-fuselage 1 +11101001111 most-ordered 1 +11101001111 hip-hop 1 +11101001111 32,500-square-foot 1 +11101001111 sensor-bearing 1 +11101001111 extracorporeal 1 +11101001111 news-release 1 +11101001111 50mm 1 +11101001111 mono-clonal 1 +11101001111 10,000-pound 1 +11101001111 Douglas-Home 1 +11101001111 energy-conserving 1 +11101001111 fuel-loaded 1 +11101001111 taxation-reform 1 +11101001111 Otopeni 1 +11101001111 EF18A 1 +11101001111 MiG-21B 1 +11101001111 C17 1 +11101001111 receptor-binding 1 +11101001111 meerschaum 1 +11101001111 ultra-posh 1 +11101001111 Delaware-chartered 1 +11101001111 Molesworth 1 +11101001111 Tomi 1 +11101001111 13-ton 1 +11101001111 concrete-brick 1 +11101001111 rocket-proposion 1 +11101001111 short-takeoff-and-landing 1 +11101001111 ECS 1 +11101001111 continentwide 1 +11101001111 water-bomber 1 +11101001111 arms-for-Iran-money-for-contras 1 +11101001111 raisin-type 1 +11101001111 Latin-owned 1 +11101001111 Earth-mapping 1 +11101001111 18-wheel-truck 1 +11101001111 F-101 1 +11101001111 dry-bulk 1 +11101001111 al-Rahim 1 +11101001111 TF-34 1 +11101001111 mall-security 1 +11101001111 35,673 1 +11101001111 Digital-developed 1 +11101001111 food-irradiation 1 +11101001111 transmigration-related 1 +11101001111 state-leased 1 +11101001111 H-3 1 +11101001111 Florida-bound 1 +11101001111 puppy-eyed 1 +11101001111 butterfly-shaped 1 +11101001111 C-123K 1 +11101001111 forecloseable 1 +11101001111 largest-capacity 1 +11101001111 mid-London 1 +11101001111 free-booting 1 +11101001111 feed-fiber 1 +11101001111 four-dimensional 1 +11101001111 irradiate 1 +11101001111 plutonium-recovery 1 +11101001111 Times-owned 1 +11101001111 swept-wing 1 +11101001111 bleached-hardwood 1 +11101001111 ice-melting 1 +11101001111 non-critical 1 +11101001111 medical-clinical 1 +11101001111 peephole-equipped 1 +11101001111 yellow-fleshed 1 +11101001111 V-12 1 +11101001111 orange-based 1 +11101001111 sentrylike 1 +11101001111 grayish-black 1 +11101001111 single-aisle 1 +11101001111 easy-to-shield-against 1 +11101001111 flimsy-looking 1 +11101001111 MC-130 1 +11101001111 globe-spanning 1 +11101001111 research-animal 1 +11101001111 SD3-60 1 +11101001111 294-seat 1 +11101001111 42-ton 1 +11101001111 black-clawed 1 +11101001111 near-infinite 1 +11101001111 lease-funded 1 +11101001111 345-inch 1 +11101001111 potato-research 1 +11101001111 heavy-sound 1 +11101001111 oil-filled 1 +11101001111 co-produces 1 +11101001111 Singer-made 1 +11101001111 KC135 1 +11101001111 Asian-bound 1 +11101001111 Huzzar 1 +11101001111 compulsive-gambling 1 +11101001111 woodclad 1 +11101001111 F-8B 1 +11101001111 eighth-busiest 1 +11101001111 acid-free 1 +11101001111 bronze-age 1 +11101001111 RB211535E4 1 +11101001111 tri-engine 1 +11101001111 Bac-III 1 +11101001111 AB-8B 1 +11101001111 50,000-horsepower 1 +11101001111 Fokker-50 1 +11101001111 cotton-fiber 1 +11101001111 B52 1 +11101001111 general-line 1 +11101001111 RF-4C 1 +11101001111 tooth-scarred 1 +11101001111 200-passenger 1 +11101001111 carrier-capable 1 +11101001111 nitrocellulose 1 +11101001111 tail-mounted 1 +11101001111 EF-18a 1 +11101001111 rail-car-based 1 +11101001111 tree-sized 1 +11101001111 MSD-200 1 +11101001111 Gordeeva 1 +11101001111 25-pound 1 +11101001111 fiber-optics-guided 1 +11101001111 nickel-base 1 +11101001111 Calculate 1 +11101001111 E7 1 +11101001111 Sun-developed 1 +11101001111 brakeless 1 +11101001111 no-annual-fee 1 +11101001111 B1-b 1 +11101001111 trust-owned 1 +11101001111 PW400 1 +11101001111 balance-shafted 1 +11101001111 37-passenger 1 +11101001111 88100 1 +11101001111 398-passenger 1 +11101001111 398-seat 1 +11101001111 Gini 1 +11101001111 YS-11 1 +11101001111 69-pound 1 +11101001111 dry-cargo 1 +11101001111 2,637 1 +11101001111 CF66 1 +11101001111 C-130E 1 +11101001111 H1 1 +11101001111 Chicago-Cleveland 1 +11101001111 portable-phone 1 +11101001111 B-52G 1 +11101001111 216,025 1 +11101001111 surface-treated 1 +11101001111 timehonored 1 +11101001111 12,500-member 1 +11101001111 missile-interceptor 1 +11101001111 AHIP 1 +11101001111 primitivistic 1 +11101001111 tail-less 1 +11101001111 B-1A 1 +11101001111 IFC-approved 1 +11101001111 Titan-4 1 +11101001111 already-known 1 +11101001111 Ka-32 1 +11101001111 light-sensitized 1 +11101001111 747-124SF 1 +11101001111 nonporous 1 +11101001111 115-country 1 +11101001111 no-taste 1 +11101001111 225-branch 1 +11101001111 330-pound 1 +11101001111 bulbous-nosed 1 +11101001111 E-4 1 +11101001111 hyaline 1 +11101001111 32-foot 1 +11101001111 street-stand 1 +11101001111 Sun-designed 1 +11101001111 often-delayed 1 +11101001111 267-passenger 1 +11101001111 Nimbus-7 1 +11101001111 C-2A 1 +11101001111 still-ravaged 1 +11101001111 nine-seater 1 +11101001111 MD-80-series 1 +11101001111 250-horsepower 1 +11101001111 ultra-pure 1 +11101001111 C-12F 1 +11101001111 Bible-type 1 +11101001111 Austrian-Argentine 1 +11101001111 pre-festival 1 +11101001111 Geometric 1 +11101001111 wider-body 1 +11101001111 CF18 1 +11101001111 128-outlet 1 +11101001111 garbage-out 1 +11101001111 battle-damaged 1 +11101001111 abraded 1 +11101001111 48-seat 1 +11101001111 signal-gathering 1 +11101001111 signal-intercept 1 +11101001111 narrowbody 1 +11101001111 pinkish-lavender 1 +11101001111 low-winged 1 +11101001111 radar-resistant 1 +11101001111 three-engined 1 +11101001111 twin-aisled 1 +11101001111 153-seat 1 +11101001111 J52 1 +11101001111 Mirabel 1 +11101001111 191-passenger 1 +11101001111 quicker-responding 1 +11101001111 300-ton-a-day 1 +11101001111 15-story 1 +11101001111 supercalender 1 +11101001111 government-idled 1 +11101001111 twin-line 1 +11101001111 Tele-X 1 +11101001111 rear-facing 1 +11101001111 bolognaise 1 +11101001111 B-47 1 +11101001111 K-135 1 +11101001111 black-framed 1 +11101001111 grapefruit-sized 1 +11101001111 yellow-tinted 1 +11101001111 Ariane-type 1 +11101001111 Primat 1 +11101001111 structure-adjusting 1 +11101001111 half-frozen 1 +11101001111 Benton-backed 1 +11101001111 Hi-Dry 1 +11101001111 post-desegregation 1 +11101001111 C-130A 1 +11101001111 medium-to-long-range 1 +11101001111 civilian-owned 1 +11101001111 1-liter 1 +11101001111 Chinet 1 +11101001111 F-18A 1 +11101001111 on-the-road 1 +11101001111 Antonov-24 1 +11101001111 six-days-a-week 1 +11101001111 retreaded 2 +11101001111 missile-firing 2 +11101001111 catalysis 2 +11101001111 Shrike 2 +11101001111 advance-fare 2 +11101001111 atomic-powered 2 +11101001111 multimarket 2 +11101001111 C130 2 +11101001111 air-system 2 +11101001111 higher-volume 2 +11101001111 photo-reconnaissance 2 +11101001111 747-200F 2 +11101001111 postage-stamp 2 +11101001111 A321 2 +11101001111 rear-mounted 2 +11101001111 European-built 2 +11101001111 U-21 2 +11101001111 communications-technology 2 +11101001111 DC-9-30 2 +11101001111 short-block 2 +11101001111 Do-328 2 +11101001111 polymeric 2 +11101001111 Mehrabad 2 +11101001111 flower-power 2 +11101001111 football-field-sized 2 +11101001111 twin-aisle 2 +11101001111 vanilla-flavoring 2 +11101001111 475,407 2 +11101001111 207,547 2 +11101001111 man-powered 2 +11101001111 98-seat 2 +11101001111 747-273 2 +11101001111 ultralight 2 +11101001111 almost-finished 2 +11101001111 rust-resistant 2 +11101001111 mass-screening 2 +11101001111 472,163 2 +11101001111 sports-fishing 2 +11101001111 minishuttle 2 +11101001111 B-1b 2 +11101001111 Headstart 2 +11101001111 273-passenger 2 +11101001111 non-scheduled 2 +11101001111 fuel-guzzling 2 +11101001111 once-lagging 2 +11101001111 F404 2 +11101001111 tunafish 2 +11101001111 136-seat 2 +11101001111 tank-training 2 +11101001111 super-sophisticated 2 +11101001111 Nike-Hercules 2 +11101001111 Prithvi 2 +11101001111 anabolic-steroid 2 +11101001111 F/A18 2 +11101001111 3-liter 2 +11101001111 ARSR-4 2 +11101001111 Milstar 2 +11101001111 wing-shaped 2 +11101001111 similar-acting 2 +11101001111 mined-out 2 +11101001111 Nimitz-class 2 +11101001111 chicken-noodle 2 +11101001111 F-108 2 +11101001111 Pringles 2 +11101001111 multi-ply 2 +11101001111 turbo-jet 2 +11101001111 current-generation 2 +11101001111 soda-pop 2 +11101001111 12-valve 2 +11101001111 remote-piloted 2 +11101001111 shared-appreciation 2 +11101001111 reconditioning 2 +11101001111 environment-related 2 +11101001111 KA-6D 2 +11101001111 japanese 2 +11101001111 ground-hugging 2 +11101001111 H-46 2 +11101001111 T46 2 +11101001111 AH-1T 2 +11101001111 commodity-grade 2 +11101001111 T-38 2 +11101001111 CH-47 2 +11101001111 BMX 2 +11101001111 55-minute 2 +11101001111 cardio-renal 2 +11101001111 McDLT 2 +11101001111 C-20 2 +11101001111 troop-transport 2 +11101001111 Dougway 2 +11101001111 FA18 2 +11101001111 FH-60B 2 +11101001111 155-mm 2 +11101001111 commericial 2 +11101001111 four-liter 2 +11101001111 25,270 2 +11101001111 30,000-pound 2 +11101001111 rail-launched 2 +11101001111 super-quiet 2 +11101001111 147,143 2 +11101001111 three-warhead 2 +11101001111 F-14A 2 +11101001111 82,853 2 +11101001111 mood-setting 2 +11101001111 26,317 2 +11101001111 sub-hunting 2 +11101001111 Japanese-speaking 2 +11101001111 eight-piece 2 +11101001111 silo-based 2 +11101001111 feedwater 2 +11101001111 CF6 2 +11101001111 145-seat 2 +11101001111 A-4 2 +11101001111 AH64 2 +11101001111 super-calendered 2 +11101001111 Mitsubishi-made 2 +11101001111 cellulose-based 3 +11101001111 CH-53E 3 +11101001111 radar-equipped 3 +11101001111 JT-8D 3 +11101001111 Evinrude 3 +11101001111 F-8 3 +11101001111 MiG-27 3 +11101001111 EF-18A 3 +11101001111 Mi-24 3 +11101001111 speech-making 3 +11101001111 Combi 3 +11101001111 AH-64A 3 +11101001111 non-radioactive 3 +11101001111 B1B 3 +11101001111 S-3B 3 +11101001111 DC-10-10 3 +11101001111 water-project 3 +11101001111 TF-30 3 +11101001111 high-thrust 3 +11101001111 130-passenger 3 +11101001111 F111 3 +11101001111 general-use 3 +11101001111 multiple-launch 3 +11101001111 S-3A 3 +11101001111 shocking-pink 3 +11101001111 105-mm 3 +11101001111 8087 3 +11101001111 slowest-selling 3 +11101001111 Energia 3 +11101001111 CH-53 3 +11101001111 noninterstate 3 +11101001111 F-28 3 +11101001111 single-ply 3 +11101001111 child-size 3 +11101001111 36-inch 3 +11101001111 50-seat 3 +11101001111 Southmark-sponsored 3 +11101001111 DC-9-10 3 +11101001111 equity-oriented 3 +11101001111 Stake-made 3 +11101001111 B-1-B 3 +11101001111 2.5-liter 3 +11101001111 CH-47D 3 +11101001111 human-powered 3 +11101001111 rail-based 3 +11101001111 fuel-saving 3 +11101001111 DNA-sequencing 3 +11101001111 niobium-titanium 3 +11101001111 immunoassay 3 +11101001111 interchanging 3 +11101001111 108-seat 3 +11101001111 pearl-gray 3 +11101001111 machine-like 3 +11101001111 multi-valve 3 +11101001111 SH-2F 3 +11101001111 tangy 3 +11101001111 260-seat 3 +11101001111 over-age 3 +11101001111 MC-130H 3 +11101001111 Avianca 3 +11101001111 magnetohydrodynamic 3 +11101001111 Boeing-747 3 +11101001111 unbleached 3 +11101001111 OV-10 3 +11101001111 AH-1W 3 +11101001111 groundwood 3 +11101001111 Western-built 3 +11101001111 fixed-wing 4 +11101001111 RB-211 4 +11101001111 precision-guided 4 +11101001111 Dynamo 4 +11101001111 P3 4 +11101001111 superfan 4 +11101001111 sperm-bank 4 +11101001111 F15 4 +11101001111 polyphenylene 4 +11101001111 landing-craft 4 +11101001111 real-estate-related 4 +11101001111 coal-hauling 4 +11101001111 ChemPlus 4 +11101001111 TR-1 4 +11101001111 F-5E 4 +11101001111 viewer-selected 4 +11101001111 pilotless 4 +11101001111 commodious 4 +11101001111 8088 4 +11101001111 propfan-powered 4 +11101001111 B-24 4 +11101001111 single-serving 4 +11101001111 balsam 4 +11101001111 1.4-liter 4 +11101001111 C-5A 4 +11101001111 purplish 4 +11101001111 polycrystalline 4 +11101001111 high-precision 4 +11101001111 federally-insured 4 +11101001111 CL-215T 4 +11101001111 alternate-site 4 +11101001111 photoreconnaissance 4 +11101001111 Am29000 4 +11101001111 state-supervised 4 +11101001111 French-built 4 +11101001111 three-cylinder 4 +11101001111 two-ton 4 +11101001111 CF-18 4 +11101001111 CF6-6 4 +11101001111 thatched-roof 5 +11101001111 AH-1 5 +11101001111 KC-10 5 +11101001111 IAE 5 +11101001111 150-passenger 5 +11101001111 T-56 5 +11101001111 Aegis-class 5 +11101001111 186-seat 5 +11101001111 missile-bearing 5 +11101001111 Euro-commercial 5 +11101001111 non-theatrical 5 +11101001111 A-10 5 +11101001111 tuna-fish 5 +11101001111 SH-60F 5 +11101001111 trust-held 5 +11101001111 sea-skimming 5 +11101001111 posterior 5 +11101001111 calorie-free 5 +11101001111 B-767 5 +11101001111 ultra-quiet 5 +11101001111 MH-53E 5 +11101001111 MiG-23 5 +11101001111 over-water 5 +11101001111 voice-grade 5 +11101001111 hollow-fiber 5 +11101001111 cargo-carrying 5 +11101001111 SH-60B 5 +11101001111 SH-08 5 +11101001111 DC-10-30 5 +11101001111 80486 6 +11101001111 self-propelled 6 +11101001111 new-technology 6 +11101001111 T-45 6 +11101001111 anti-tartar 6 +11101001111 T-700 6 +11101001111 F-402 6 +11101001111 MiG-21 6 +11101001111 all-cargo 6 +11101001111 ultraquiet 6 +11101001111 Cybex 6 +11101001111 Atlas/Centaur 6 +11101001111 vinifera 6 +11101001111 filmless 6 +11101001111 single-spaced 6 +11101001111 third-stage 6 +11101001111 live-action 6 +11101001111 B1-B 6 +11101001111 scout/attack 6 +11101001111 MiG-29 7 +11101001111 debtor-nation 7 +11101001111 C-141 7 +11101001111 S-3 7 +11101001111 J-52 7 +11101001111 C-130H 7 +11101001111 high-security 7 +11101001111 Risc 7 +11101001111 T-46A 7 +11101001111 over-the-horizon 7 +11101001111 Eurocommercial 7 +11101001111 roast-beef 7 +11101001111 unplaced 7 +11101001111 EH-101 7 +11101001111 SSN-21 8 +11101001111 A-7 8 +11101001111 Ku-band 8 +11101001111 remote-sensing 8 +11101001111 seria 8 +11101001111 Atra 8 +11101001111 16-valve 8 +11101001111 around-the-world 8 +11101001111 aero 8 +11101001111 card-issuing 8 +11101001111 two-stroke 8 +11101001111 lighter-weight 9 +11101001111 prop-fan 9 +11101001111 propeller-driven 9 +11101001111 Quik 9 +11101001111 CFM56-5 9 +11101001111 first-stage 9 +11101001111 jumbo-jet 9 +11101001111 Harrier 9 +11101001111 F-110 9 +11101001111 parking-lot 10 +11101001111 1.6-liter 10 +11101001111 containerized 10 +11101001111 turbine-engine 10 +11101001111 meteorological 10 +11101001111 U.S.-designed 10 +11101001111 three-engine 10 +11101001111 E-3A 10 +11101001111 narrow-body 10 +11101001111 submarine-hunting 10 +11101001111 hypersonic 10 +11101001111 radar-eluding 10 +11101001111 Tornado 11 +11101001111 tilt-rotor 11 +11101001111 uncoated 11 +11101001111 nuclear-capable 11 +11101001111 P-3C 11 +11101001111 phased-array 11 +11101001111 A-6F 12 +11101001111 widebody 12 +11101001111 MD-82 12 +11101001111 overbooked 12 +11101001111 F-15E 12 +11101001111 radar-evading 12 +11101001111 direct-broadcast 13 +11101001111 UH-60 13 +11101001111 ocean-going 13 +11101001111 Sidewinder 13 +11101001111 Nexis 13 +11101001111 C-123 13 +11101001111 post-Challenger 14 +11101001111 eight-inch 14 +11101001111 150-seat 14 +11101001111 automated-teller 14 +11101001111 methylene 16 +11101001111 Cobra 16 +11101001111 short-line 16 +11101001111 E-6A 17 +11101001111 anti-ballistic 17 +11101001111 Atlas-Centaur 17 +11101001111 piston 18 +11101001111 solid-rocket 18 +11101001111 six-cylinder 18 +11101001111 KC-135 19 +11101001111 F-4 19 +11101001111 F-14D 19 +11101001111 A-6E 19 +11101001111 carrier-based 19 +11101001111 F-5 20 +11101001111 superregional 20 +11101001111 noncommercial 20 +11101001111 solid-fuel 21 +11101001111 high-frequency 21 +11101001111 F-404 21 +11101001111 general-aviation 21 +11101001111 AH-64 21 +11101001111 single-engine 22 +11101001111 off-road 22 +11101001111 guided-missile 25 +11101001111 two-engine 26 +11101001111 AV-8B 26 +11101001111 E-2C 27 +11101001111 single-warhead 27 +11101001111 EA-6B 27 +11101001111 V-6 27 +11101001111 F-111 28 +11101001111 commerical 28 +11101001111 C-5 29 +11101001111 C-5B 29 +11101001111 V-8 30 +11101001111 extended-range 30 +11101001111 four-engine 30 +11101001111 four-cylinder 31 +11101001111 Sparrow 31 +11101001111 long-haul 31 +11101001111 non-stop 33 +11101001111 wide-bodied 33 +11101001111 nonbank 34 +11101001111 bleached 34 +11101001111 FA-18 35 +11101001111 rotary 36 +11101001111 air-launched 36 +11101001111 Tomahawk 37 +11101001111 Minuteman 38 +11101001111 F-100 39 +11101001111 transcontinental 40 +11101001111 supersonic 42 +11101001111 B-52 43 +11101001111 C-130 46 +11101001111 seamless 46 +11101001111 polyvinyl 50 +11101001111 Patriot 57 +11101001111 shipboard 73 +11101001111 twin-engine 76 +11101001111 peanut 76 +11101001111 80286 78 +11101001111 wide-body 82 +11101001111 vinyl 91 +11101001111 limited-service 93 +11101001111 monoclonal 95 +11101001111 B-1B 104 +11101001111 F-15 105 +11101001111 unmanned 115 +11101001111 Titan 118 +11101001111 F-14 120 +11101001111 undeveloped 135 +11101001111 coated 135 +11101001111 nonstop 145 +11101001111 Trident 163 +11101001111 toilet 169 +11101001111 80386 180 +11101001111 F-16 181 +11101001111 foreclosed 196 +11101001111 jumbo 259 +11101001111 Stealth 302 +11101001111 commuter 343 +11101001111 residential 877 +11101001111 commercial 8020 +11101001111 creditor 1065 +1110101000 foreign-stocks 1 +1110101000 ex-IRS 1 +1110101000 venture-fund 1 +1110101000 90-year-long 1 +1110101000 syndicalist 1 +1110101000 bigger-capitalized 1 +1110101000 Juneau-based 1 +1110101000 catalog-advertising 1 +1110101000 office-pool 1 +1110101000 Anamar 1 +1110101000 foreign-distribution 1 +1110101000 president-legal 1 +1110101000 nuclear-trading 1 +1110101000 slow-footed 1 +1110101000 too-tolerant 1 +1110101000 dollar-bond 1 +1110101000 byline-strike 1 +1110101000 credit-industry 1 +1110101000 frowned-on 1 +1110101000 educational-policy 1 +1110101000 sexy-looking 1 +1110101000 type-cast 1 +1110101000 pre-Thatcher 1 +1110101000 military-affairs 1 +1110101000 combat-readiness 1 +1110101000 comanaging 1 +1110101000 market-program 1 +1110101000 Monnell 1 +1110101000 cobwebbed 1 +1110101000 minority-issues 1 +1110101000 nucleic-acid 1 +1110101000 plant-utilization 1 +1110101000 brand-identity 1 +1110101000 medical-treatment 1 +1110101000 all-American-boy 1 +1110101000 tissue-like 1 +1110101000 Milwaukee-born 1 +1110101000 toxic-substances 1 +1110101000 330-member 1 +1110101000 Linne 1 +1110101000 I've-seen-it-all-don't-bother-me 1 +1110101000 lenghthy 1 +1110101000 best-graded 1 +1110101000 sixteenth-inch-thin 1 +1110101000 inflation-provoked 1 +1110101000 technical-development 1 +1110101000 78th-floor 1 +1110101000 trading-desk 1 +1110101000 sub-investment-grade 1 +1110101000 smoked-glass 1 +1110101000 ballot-access 1 +1110101000 licensing-industry 1 +1110101000 Hitchcock-style 1 +1110101000 woodcutting 1 +1110101000 musical-theater 1 +1110101000 weight-management 1 +1110101000 program-control 1 +1110101000 hard-maintained 1 +1110101000 legal-management 1 +1110101000 product-information 1 +1110101000 gangster-filled 1 +1110101000 wholesale-marketing 1 +1110101000 Counter-Reformation 1 +1110101000 equable 1 +1110101000 Clevelandbased 1 +1110101000 tuxedo-wearing 1 +1110101000 butterfly-and-leaf-covered 1 +1110101000 convertible-mutual-fund 1 +1110101000 snake-bitten 1 +1110101000 insurance-products 1 +1110101000 Southern-culture 1 +1110101000 pre-government 1 +1110101000 voting-behavior 1 +1110101000 bomb-proof 1 +1110101000 Boeskyesque 1 +1110101000 Eliseo 1 +1110101000 foreignexchange 1 +1110101000 convertible-fund 1 +1110101000 bullion-trading 1 +1110101000 energy-department 1 +1110101000 one-voiced 1 +1110101000 sharp-penciled 1 +1110101000 dumb-blond 1 +1110101000 Soviet-trade 1 +1110101000 television-remake 1 +1110101000 forensic-documents 1 +1110101000 residential-project 1 +1110101000 catalog-center 1 +1110101000 cancer-fearing 1 +1110101000 Seloken 1 +1110101000 Pulmicort 1 +1110101000 dance-company 1 +1110101000 military-market 1 +1110101000 litter-control 1 +1110101000 legislative-executive 1 +1110101000 mechanical-safety 1 +1110101000 Chinese-side 1 +1110101000 calculable 1 +1110101000 restaurant-development 1 +1110101000 142.85-yen 1 +1110101000 apple-Alar 1 +1110101000 country-development 1 +1110101000 cave-resources 1 +1110101000 once-fearsome 1 +1110101000 physicist-turned 1 +1110101000 fashion-business 1 +1110101000 financial-product 1 +1110101000 fire-walking 1 +1110101000 retail-marketing 1 +1110101000 nurse-education 1 +1110101000 marketing-strategies 1 +1110101000 urban-wildlife 1 +1110101000 twice-fired 1 +1110101000 Canadian-style 1 +1110101000 chemical-engineering 1 +1110101000 police-rodeo 1 +1110101000 Razumovsky 1 +1110101000 stress-claim 1 +1110101000 co-portfolio 1 +1110101000 company-qualifications 1 +1110101000 minority-equity 1 +1110101000 non-astronaut 1 +1110101000 physician/ 1 +1110101000 hostility-shy 1 +1110101000 spindly-looking 1 +1110101000 drug-trade 1 +1110101000 general-designate 1 +1110101000 space-electronics 1 +1110101000 district-judge 1 +1110101000 spotlight-stealing 1 +1110101000 Babylonesque 1 +1110101000 super-string 1 +1110101000 schoolbook 1 +1110101000 dirt-track 1 +1110101000 takeover-ravaged 1 +1110101000 Lexington-based 1 +1110101000 transportation-safety 1 +1110101000 JetScript 1 +1110101000 first-rerun 1 +1110101000 high-echelon 1 +1110101000 then-housing 1 +1110101000 160-member 1 +1110101000 exTreasury 1 +1110101000 149-yen 1 +1110101000 ex-Puma 1 +1110101000 consulting-firm 1 +1110101000 firing-room 1 +1110101000 civics-book 1 +1110101000 fill-in-your-favorite-epithet 1 +1110101000 ink-and-paint 1 +1110101000 merger-law 1 +1110101000 well-connnected 1 +1110101000 fixe-drate 1 +1110101000 publishing-management 1 +1110101000 covert-electronics 1 +1110101000 drug-ridden 1 +1110101000 Fiorani 1 +1110101000 space-lift 1 +1110101000 highpaid 1 +1110101000 free-television 1 +1110101000 GrantThornton 2 +1110101000 psychographic 2 +1110101000 hazardous-materials 2 +1110101000 two-legged 2 +1110101000 tart-tongued 2 +1110101000 Jackson-style 2 +1110101000 well-distributed 2 +1110101000 UCS 2 +1110101000 HiPro 2 +1110101000 legal-affairs 2 +1110101000 thirdlargest 2 +1110101000 generalship 2 +1110101000 market-timer 2 +1110101000 MoneyLetter 2 +1110101000 porcupine-haired 2 +1110101000 Criepi 2 +1110101000 farm-bank 2 +1110101000 rod-plant 2 +1110101000 most-sought-after 2 +1110101000 commission-regulated 2 +1110101000 Primatene 2 +1110101000 koza 2 +1110101000 business-PAC 2 +1110101000 health-and-beauty 2 +1110101000 bill-collection 2 +1110101000 air-combat 2 +1110101000 then-presidential 2 +1110101000 free-flying 2 +1110101000 off-year 2 +1110101000 tourist-information 2 +1110101000 bufferstock 2 +1110101000 left-led 2 +1110101000 clubland 2 +1110101000 six-legged 2 +1110101000 marine-habitat 2 +1110101000 co-general 2 +1110101000 health-worker 2 +1110101000 252,350 2 +1110101000 fair-site 2 +1110101000 Sipri 2 +1110101000 PMAI 2 +1110101000 body-sculpting 2 +1110101000 classified-advertising 2 +1110101000 flirty 3 +1110101000 MATIF 3 +1110101000 gas-company 3 +1110101000 Sotebeer 3 +1110101000 stock-lending 3 +1110101000 Dollywood 3 +1110101000 copper-industry 3 +1110101000 bird's-eye 3 +1110101000 400-person 4 +1110101000 president/general 4 +1110101000 military-academy 4 +1110101000 IBGE 5 +1110101000 Milanese 6 +1110101000 equity-investment 7 +1110101000 telephone-company 8 +1110101000 general 11639 +1110101000 taxpaying 12 +1110101001 interfered-with 1 +1110101001 mortgage-originating 1 +1110101001 over-cautious 1 +1110101001 airport-affairs 1 +1110101001 resarch 1 +1110101001 insurance-risk 1 +1110101001 SBKKV-centered 1 +1110101001 AlbertoCulver 1 +1110101001 disability-claims 1 +1110101001 legal-writing 1 +1110101001 Folgers-decaffeinated 1 +1110101001 apartment-leasing 1 +1110101001 ChemieHandelsgesellschaft 1 +1110101001 securities-division 1 +1110101001 advice-to-George 1 +1110101001 co-national 1 +1110101001 governmentrelations 1 +1110101001 then-Soviet 1 +1110101001 sports-sociology 1 +1110101001 tobacco-marketing 1 +1110101001 ssociate 1 +1110101001 unhysterical 1 +1110101001 insurance-defense 1 +1110101001 nerve-calming 1 +1110101001 FSLIC-appointed 1 +1110101001 OTC-journal 1 +1110101001 rescue-swimmer 1 +1110101001 automotive-plant 1 +1110101001 tile-floored 1 +1110101001 ex-ITT 1 +1110101001 arson-blackened 1 +1110101001 auto-group 1 +1110101001 platinum-tressed 1 +1110101001 molecular-biophysics 1 +1110101001 opportunity-scarce 1 +1110101001 molecular-biology 1 +1110101001 demand-analysis 1 +1110101001 corporate-research 1 +1110101001 sales-section 1 +1110101001 African-affairs 1 +1110101001 Sullivan/Dean 1 +1110101001 ex-deputy 1 +1110101001 Egypt-based 1 +1110101001 bluing 1 +1110101001 plant-safety 1 +1110101001 closet-puffing 1 +1110101001 gum-chewing 1 +1110101001 co-creative 1 +1110101001 airline-baggage 1 +1110101001 urban-planning 1 +1110101001 easy-info 1 +1110101001 Intermediate-the 1 +1110101001 company-benefits 1 +1110101001 ex-Volkswagen 1 +1110101001 40-store 1 +1110101001 annihilating 1 +1110101001 publicist/managerial 1 +1110101001 bloodclot-dissolving 1 +1110101001 polar-programs 1 +1110101001 AMERICAS 1 +1110101001 war-materials 1 +1110101001 state-revenue 1 +1110101001 nursing-magazine 1 +1110101001 cultural-affairs 1 +1110101001 consumer-division 1 +1110101001 mananging 1 +1110101001 34-hour 1 +1110101001 tobacco-ripening 1 +1110101001 supervisory-board 1 +1110101001 partnerof 1 +1110101001 market-planning 1 +1110101001 receptor-blocking 1 +1110101001 Gerate 1 +1110101001 gruff-spoken 1 +1110101001 joint-lead 1 +1110101001 nuclear-engineering 1 +1110101001 assitant 1 +1110101001 aviation-negotiations 1 +1110101001 gasoline-card 1 +1110101001 political-economy 1 +1110101001 office-park 1 +1110101001 ex-currency 1 +1110101001 emergency-operations 1 +1110101001 co-canvass 1 +1110101001 Tau 1 +1110101001 bridal-gifts 1 +1110101001 materials-management 1 +1110101001 jazz-dance 1 +1110101001 then-party 1 +1110101001 operations-oriented 1 +1110101001 co-acting 1 +1110101001 zap-happy 1 +1110101001 investment-research-firm 1 +1110101001 piano-tuning 1 +1110101001 employment-policy 1 +1110101001 bloody-handed 1 +1110101001 war-materiel 1 +1110101001 census-program 1 +1110101001 LCT 1 +1110101001 Venezuelan-born 1 +1110101001 then-attorney 1 +1110101001 imaging-industry 1 +1110101001 alligator-program 1 +1110101001 police-practices 1 +1110101001 fine-print-reading 1 +1110101001 ex-plant 1 +1110101001 Yulu 1 +1110101001 California-bred 1 +1110101001 crankier 1 +1110101001 food-division 1 +1110101001 bakery-department 1 +1110101001 super-ready 1 +1110101001 media-services 1 +1110101001 then-finance 1 +1110101001 already-higher 1 +1110101001 area-sales 1 +1110101001 space-sciences 1 +1110101001 financial-practices 1 +1110101001 loss-free 1 +1110101001 policy-affairs 1 +1110101001 country-specific 1 +1110101001 FDD/HDD 1 +1110101001 stick-to-it 1 +1110101001 NIE 1 +1110101001 in-charge 1 +1110101001 Informationsverarbeitung 1 +1110101001 marketing-data 1 +1110101001 actress/fitness 1 +1110101001 environmental-problems 1 +1110101001 benefits-planning 1 +1110101001 women's-clothing-store 1 +1110101001 here-are-the-facts 1 +1110101001 Mauthausen 1 +1110101001 Tokyo-branch 1 +1110101001 cocreative 1 +1110101001 tank-turret 1 +1110101001 reactor-licensing 1 +1110101001 radiation-research 1 +1110101001 chest-to-chest 1 +1110101001 beauty-school 1 +1110101001 Finnish-American 1 +1110101001 insurance-product 2 +1110101001 ad-industry 2 +1110101001 camera-store 2 +1110101001 materials-science 2 +1110101001 video-unit 2 +1110101001 HBS 2 +1110101001 co-artistic 2 +1110101001 women's-team 2 +1110101001 ex-managing 2 +1110101001 health-spa 2 +1110101001 Edinburgh-based 2 +1110101001 soft-commodity 2 +1110101001 co-executive 2 +1110101001 international-oil 2 +1110101001 broadcast-station 2 +1110101001 youngest-ever 2 +1110101001 aquatics 2 +1110101001 NWF 2 +1110101001 futures-research 3 +1110101001 anti-diabetes 3 +1110101001 Lebanese-American 3 +1110101001 engineering-school 3 +1110101001 material-division 3 +1110101001 art-gallery 4 +1110101001 bulking 4 +1110101001 Eberle 4 +1110101001 HEW 5 +1110101001 criminal-law 5 +1110101001 ex-CIA 6 +1110101001 loss-prevention 6 +1110101001 nonexecutive 13 +1110101001 editorial-features 15 +1110101001 brigadier 16 +1110101001 political-science 22 +1110101001 co-managing 34 +1110101001 non-executive 36 +1110101001 adjunct 49 +1110101001 honorary 67 +1110101001 associate 1467 +1110101001 deputy 1793 +1110101001 assistant 2327 +1110101001 managing 3722 +1110101010 214-acre 1 +1110101010 keen-eyed 1 +1110101010 Herrmann-Soiffer 1 +1110101010 Soiffer-Herrmann 1 +1110101010 DEBT-SADDLED 1 +1110101010 management-review 1 +1110101010 brown-haired 1 +1110101010 ever-congenial 1 +1110101010 still-to-be-met 1 +1110101010 get-away-car 1 +1110101010 once-impoverished 1 +1110101010 night-duty 1 +1110101010 Druish 1 +1110101010 gray-stubbled 1 +1110101010 Weehawken-based 1 +1110101010 great-great 1 +1110101010 Jamaican-born 1 +1110101010 self-hating 1 +1110101010 lordly 1 +1110101010 self-enriching 1 +1110101010 neo-liberal 1 +1110101010 quince 1 +1110101010 130-pound 1 +1110101010 126-pound 1 +1110101010 soberer 1 +1110101010 central-committee 1 +1110101010 frightened-looking 1 +1110101010 fly-ball-hitting 1 +1110101010 Balzacian 1 +1110101010 dipso 1 +1110101010 flood-lit 1 +1110101010 then-Fed 1 +1110101010 32-member 1 +1110101010 re-read 1 +1110101010 thrice-divorced 1 +1110101010 .208 1 +1110101010 God-appointed 1 +1110101010 brain-machine 1 +1110101010 labor-leaning 1 +1110101010 bullet-headed 1 +1110101010 12-term 1 +1110101010 business-owning 1 +1110101010 pre-import 1 +1110101010 once-muscular 1 +1110101010 co-principal 1 +1110101010 divine-looking 1 +1110101010 All-African 1 +1110101010 lion-faced 1 +1110101010 Buchlamer 1 +1110101010 once-sputtering 1 +1110101010 well-tanned 1 +1110101010 1970s-vintage 1 +1110101010 six-century 1 +1110101010 plainspoken 1 +1110101010 ageless 1 +1110101010 28-17 1 +1110101010 financial-newsletter 1 +1110101010 still-unchosen 1 +1110101010 1,453 1 +1110101010 Bass/Mechem 1 +1110101010 31st-floor 1 +1110101010 62,000-mile 1 +1110101010 500-rial 1 +1110101010 28-handicap 1 +1110101010 patronage-rich 1 +1110101010 shiftless 1 +1110101010 eunuch. 1 +1110101010 54-member 1 +1110101010 self-standing 1 +1110101010 abovementioned 1 +1110101010 small-stage 1 +1110101010 bug-eyed 1 +1110101010 fever-sick 1 +1110101010 coarse-tongued 1 +1110101010 mold-yard 1 +1110101010 mop-headed 1 +1110101010 PRSA 1 +1110101010 71-foot 1 +1110101010 1,700-ship 1 +1110101010 blood-and-guts 1 +1110101010 gay-family 1 +1110101010 Atlanta-born 1 +1110101010 taxi-company 1 +1110101010 bus-company 1 +1110101010 computer-generation 1 +1110101010 traitorous 1 +1110101010 steroid-pumped 1 +1110101010 then-editorial 1 +1110101010 47-inch 1 +1110101010 RB211-524 1 +1110101010 593-page 1 +1110101010 more-specialized 1 +1110101010 NACDL 1 +1110101010 Kiley-Gunn 1 +1110101010 feudalistic 1 +1110101010 Gilbert-and-Berreth 1 +1110101010 job-service 1 +1110101010 not-so-young 1 +1110101010 political-corporate 1 +1110101010 five-woman 1 +1110101010 since-traded 1 +1110101010 good-humor 1 +1110101010 policy-critiquing 1 +1110101010 Grumman-led 1 +1110101010 low-to-middle-income 1 +1110101010 Belfast-born 1 +1110101010 sixth-richest 1 +1110101010 shoulder-massaging 1 +1110101010 half-pack-a-day 1 +1110101010 thick-lipped 1 +1110101010 6-feet-4-inch 1 +1110101010 sales-hungry 1 +1110101010 60,000-man 1 +1110101010 Landegger 1 +1110101010 Bargersville 1 +1110101010 240-man 1 +1110101010 saddest-looking 1 +1110101010 al-Fayed 1 +1110101010 sheriff's-department 1 +1110101010 320-pound 1 +1110101010 libertarian-oriented 1 +1110101010 plump-faced 1 +1110101010 white-clad 1 +1110101010 cement-truck 1 +1110101010 still-favorite 1 +1110101010 non-Drexel 1 +1110101010 tie-back 1 +1110101010 whitehaired 1 +1110101010 tax-shy 1 +1110101010 Sicilian-born 1 +1110101010 green-eyed 1 +1110101010 IDCA 1 +1110101010 film-music 1 +1110101010 21,282,070 1 +1110101010 care-worn 1 +1110101010 unallied 1 +1110101010 non-Isham 1 +1110101010 inter-party 1 +1110101010 Kuwait-administered 1 +1110101010 snootiest 1 +1110101010 26inch 1 +1110101010 many-languaged 1 +1110101010 five-car 1 +1110101010 bit-part 1 +1110101010 kick-return 1 +1110101010 later-than-usual 1 +1110101010 pimple-faced 1 +1110101010 NPA. 1 +1110101010 grenade-toting 1 +1110101010 snowwhite 1 +1110101010 Kuba 1 +1110101010 maroon-robed 1 +1110101010 65-acre 1 +1110101010 clerk's-office 1 +1110101010 porn-movie 1 +1110101010 post-teen-age 1 +1110101010 testing-service 1 +1110101010 MPAA-appointed 1 +1110101010 110-floor 1 +1110101010 ex-Pemex 1 +1110101010 be-curlered 1 +1110101010 Labor-allied 1 +1110101010 262-foot-tall 1 +1110101010 shoe-shine 1 +1110101010 ju-ju 1 +1110101010 printing-plant 1 +1110101010 Pakistan-based 1 +1110101010 dry-bean 1 +1110101010 peglegged 1 +1110101010 hookah-smoking 1 +1110101010 U.S.-resident 1 +1110101010 rubber-faced 1 +1110101010 beatup 1 +1110101010 semi-abandoned 1 +1110101010 seriousminded 1 +1110101010 Iran-initiative 1 +1110101010 cardiac-arrest 1 +1110101010 more-cunning 1 +1110101010 Nascar 1 +1110101010 strongminded 1 +1110101010 guerrilla-alliance 1 +1110101010 multi-dimensional 1 +1110101010 middle-ranked 1 +1110101010 world-recognized 1 +1110101010 metal-oxide-silicon 1 +1110101010 once-unruly 1 +1110101010 once-abandoned 1 +1110101010 Iranian-influenced 1 +1110101010 ever-discreet 1 +1110101010 hardest-line 1 +1110101010 tax-book 1 +1110101010 Cubanized 1 +1110101010 steady-eyed 1 +1110101010 Life-alumnus 1 +1110101010 frizzle-tressed 1 +1110101010 surprised-looking 1 +1110101010 resservations 1 +1110101010 sea-slug 1 +1110101010 cereal-factory 1 +1110101010 blackknight 1 +1110101010 beer-newsletter 1 +1110101010 maternity-ward 1 +1110101010 25-hour 1 +1110101010 Iran-preoccupied 1 +1110101010 mailed-in 1 +1110101010 McCabe-Gordon 1 +1110101010 corporate/bankruptcy 1 +1110101010 Portuguese-built 1 +1110101010 PSUM-affiliated 1 +1110101010 physics-literate 1 +1110101010 far-more-efficient 1 +1110101010 mysterious-sounding 1 +1110101010 Bowen-Burke 1 +1110101010 hard-bargaining 1 +1110101010 madras-clad 1 +1110101010 youngest-looking 1 +1110101010 3-to-5 1 +1110101010 pudgy-faced 1 +1110101010 Western-supported 1 +1110101010 athletic-appearing 1 +1110101010 windburned 1 +1110101010 Johnson-family 1 +1110101010 near-blind 1 +1110101010 Paris-educated 1 +1110101010 non-wooden 1 +1110101010 high-count 1 +1110101010 Bechar 1 +1110101010 444-member 1 +1110101010 practical-joking 1 +1110101010 U.S.-Italian 1 +1110101010 spear-throwing 1 +1110101010 Dardi 1 +1110101010 ginger-haired 1 +1110101010 profilic 1 +1110101010 betel-leaf 1 +1110101010 Manhattan-raised 1 +1110101010 10-year-long 1 +1110101010 face-mask-wearing 1 +1110101010 halfway-decent 1 +1110101010 Mimran 1 +1110101010 23-team 1 +1110101010 review-committee 1 +1110101010 wiseacre 1 +1110101010 swimsuit-clad 1 +1110101010 295,950 1 +1110101010 pop-eyed 1 +1110101010 track-testing 1 +1110101010 Yukon-sired 1 +1110101010 3,500-volume 1 +1110101010 best-preserved 1 +1110101010 protectionist-sounding 1 +1110101010 shaer 1 +1110101010 France-sized 1 +1110101010 Church-going 1 +1110101010 Bronx-born 1 +1110101010 now-divorced 1 +1110101010 seven-term 1 +1110101010 sausage-fingered 1 +1110101010 BOTCHED 1 +1110101010 oversexed 1 +1110101010 butter-smooth 1 +1110101010 12-carrier 1 +1110101010 free-market-minded 1 +1110101010 twodoor 1 +1110101010 bread-truck 1 +1110101010 skinniest 1 +1110101010 34-acre 1 +1110101010 daddy's-girl 1 +1110101010 plain-clothed 1 +1110101010 ex-thug 1 +1110101010 Ty-D-bol 1 +1110101010 Rio-based 1 +1110101010 Getty-controlled 1 +1110101010 revival-style 1 +1110101010 draft-Reagan-for-president 1 +1110101010 mouse-type 1 +1110101010 most-qualified 1 +1110101010 accounting-practices 1 +1110101010 lumber-mill 1 +1110101010 ex-U.N. 1 +1110101010 12-yearold 1 +1110101010 new-account 1 +1110101010 bold-eyed 1 +1110101010 Yankees-Boston 1 +1110101010 crowd-pulling 1 +1110101010 755-acre 1 +1110101010 garden-lined 1 +1110101010 supplest 1 +1110101010 patrician-looking 1 +1110101010 news-crew 1 +1110101010 single-arched 1 +1110101010 broader-minded 1 +1110101010 Lorimar-Telepicture 1 +1110101010 pistol-wielding 1 +1110101010 I've-seen-it-all 1 +1110101010 populist-minded 1 +1110101010 milk-delivery 1 +1110101010 craggy-headed 1 +1110101010 public-relation 1 +1110101010 95-pound 1 +1110101010 round-cheeked 1 +1110101010 once-bedraggled 1 +1110101010 deconsolidated 1 +1110101010 Victorian-looking 1 +1110101010 single-unit 1 +1110101010 then-Miami 1 +1110101010 curly-blonde 1 +1110101010 hoo 1 +1110101010 garment-factory 1 +1110101010 prejudice-free 1 +1110101010 14-handicap 1 +1110101010 Brooklyn-accented 1 +1110101010 once-inflexible 1 +1110101010 more-streamlined 1 +1110101010 yet-to-be-born 1 +1110101010 250,000-man 1 +1110101010 over-wintering 1 +1110101010 high-cheekboned 1 +1110101010 not-so-photogenic 1 +1110101010 fashion-minded 1 +1110101010 bond-desk 1 +1110101010 morning-talk-show 1 +1110101010 new-ideas 1 +1110101010 acquisition-hunting 1 +1110101010 ruddy-cheeked 1 +1110101010 Duchaine 1 +1110101010 hundred-day 1 +1110101010 blue-bottled 1 +1110101010 father-and-son 1 +1110101010 fogbound 1 +1110101010 park-maintenance 1 +1110101010 pro-Batista 1 +1110101010 PICKY 1 +1110101010 puzzle-posing 1 +1110101010 tappable 1 +1110101010 self-resurrected 1 +1110101010 peace-through-strength 1 +1110101010 taffy-colored 1 +1110101010 roaringly 1 +1110101010 sports-facilities 1 +1110101010 bare-lipped 1 +1110101010 barramunda 1 +1110101010 stern-faced 1 +1110101010 three-pump 1 +1110101010 loop-tailed 1 +1110101010 23-or-so-year-old 1 +1110101010 fur-coated 1 +1110101010 goriest 1 +1110101010 335,000-square-foot 1 +1110101010 Leiters 1 +1110101010 Campodonico 1 +1110101010 body-stamping 1 +1110101010 Bogart-type 1 +1110101010 elfin-faced 1 +1110101010 Lithuanian-born 1 +1110101010 razor-tongued 1 +1110101010 forty-second 1 +1110101010 still-blond 1 +1110101010 chic-looking 1 +1110101010 regulatory-agency 1 +1110101010 still-bearish 1 +1110101010 petty-minded 1 +1110101010 non-company 1 +1110101010 playwright/lawyer 1 +1110101010 transcendental-meditation 1 +1110101010 guitar-playing 1 +1110101010 177-page 1 +1110101010 Brezhnevite 1 +1110101010 fiftyish 1 +1110101010 civilian-backed 1 +1110101010 305-page 1 +1110101010 miffs 1 +1110101010 seventh-generation 1 +1110101010 158-nation 1 +1110101010 deaf-mute 1 +1110101010 student-supported 1 +1110101010 longest-surviving 1 +1110101010 repressively 1 +1110101010 roboticized 1 +1110101010 stentorian-voiced 1 +1110101010 nowdefunct 1 +1110101010 debt-saddled 1 +1110101010 Lucas-Klein 1 +1110101010 100-employee 1 +1110101010 title-holding 1 +1110101010 sunburnt 1 +1110101010 most-talked-about 1 +1110101010 delicate-looking 1 +1110101010 cat-crazy 1 +1110101010 trade-section 1 +1110101010 market-manipulating 1 +1110101010 speech-impaired 1 +1110101010 tour-bus 1 +1110101010 publicity-mad 1 +1110101010 pink-skinned 1 +1110101010 much-less-fearsome 1 +1110101010 Yoda 1 +1110101010 second-echelon 1 +1110101010 Khomeini-inspired 1 +1110101010 two-child 1 +1110101010 harsh-looking 1 +1110101010 six-foot-four 1 +1110101010 64-player 1 +1110101010 ex-KGB 1 +1110101010 dark-bearded 1 +1110101010 sixman 1 +1110101010 crackhouse 1 +1110101010 925,746 1 +1110101010 unlikeable 1 +1110101010 beetled 1 +1110101010 publishing-company 1 +1110101010 Unpopular 1 +1110101010 pilot-appointed 1 +1110101010 heavy-sweating 1 +1110101010 Reagan/Deaver 1 +1110101010 Ukrainian-born 1 +1110101010 credit-recovery 1 +1110101010 900-ship 1 +1110101010 worn-looking 1 +1110101010 once-unprofitable 1 +1110101010 yet-to-be-named 1 +1110101010 information-counter 1 +1110101010 USOC. 1 +1110101010 placid-looking 1 +1110101010 Particle 1 +1110101010 ever-successful 1 +1110101010 PLA 1 +1110101010 thirdplace 1 +1110101010 love-starved 1 +1110101010 promotion-minded 1 +1110101010 Toronto-Michigan 1 +1110101010 2,100-square-foot 1 +1110101010 goo-goo-eyed 1 +1110101010 Danilovsky 1 +1110101010 DOE-site 1 +1110101010 prestidigitating 1 +1110101010 world-and 1 +1110101010 Sollogub 1 +1110101010 test-flight 1 +1110101010 U.N-funded 1 +1110101010 bright-blue 1 +1110101010 exposure-conscious 1 +1110101010 272-pound 1 +1110101010 12-year-veteran 1 +1110101010 non-negotiating 1 +1110101010 potato-like 1 +1110101010 Christrian 1 +1110101010 company-hired 1 +1110101010 gruff-looking 1 +1110101010 old-as-the-century 1 +1110101010 Hassidic 1 +1110101010 Meridian-First 1 +1110101010 lead-line-swinging 1 +1110101010 now-paunchy 1 +1110101010 two-cigar-a-day 1 +1110101010 Naples-born 1 +1110101010 Norwegian-American 1 +1110101010 Oklahoma-born 1 +1110101010 leather-lunged 1 +1110101010 steel-fingered 1 +1110101010 dumb-but-sweet 1 +1110101010 just-arrived 1 +1110101010 pigtailed 1 +1110101010 not-so-skeptical 1 +1110101010 seven-beer 1 +1110101010 six-beer 1 +1110101010 Kasler-Rados 1 +1110101010 bowie 1 +1110101010 black-uniformed 1 +1110101010 50-ish 1 +1110101010 275-plus 1 +1110101010 all-tourney 1 +1110101010 acid-penned 1 +1110101010 30-to 1 +1110101010 AEA/Zschau 1 +1110101010 PSC. 1 +1110101010 Havasupai 1 +1110101010 Treasury-led 1 +1110101010 non-charismatic 1 +1110101010 physical-training 1 +1110101010 track-suited 1 +1110101010 bubble-covered 1 +1110101010 broken-hearted 1 +1110101010 pestiest 1 +1110101010 wellborn 1 +1110101010 WGBH. 1 +1110101010 mussel 1 +1110101010 330,000-square-foot 1 +1110101010 bigshot 1 +1110101010 keno 1 +1110101010 un-Volkswagenlike 1 +1110101010 Palmer/Caygill 1 +1110101010 downtownish 1 +1110101010 stick-up 1 +1110101010 drugged-up 1 +1110101010 diamond-eared 1 +1110101010 154-foot 1 +1110101010 pro-student 1 +1110101010 jean-clad 1 +1110101010 Soviet-educated 1 +1110101010 white-robed 1 +1110101010 sometimes-divided 1 +1110101010 glass-eating 1 +1110101010 Collins-instigated 1 +1110101010 middle-distance 1 +1110101010 cardiac-rehabilitation 1 +1110101010 60ish 1 +1110101010 Montreal-born 1 +1110101010 then-obscure 1 +1110101010 sour-sounding 1 +1110101010 22-term 1 +1110101010 flattened-out 1 +1110101010 state-constructed 1 +1110101010 drug-case 1 +1110101010 home-service 1 +1110101010 carpet-wrapped 1 +1110101010 Larraneta 1 +1110101010 mud-splattered 1 +1110101010 now-fired 1 +1110101010 hitherto-unknown 1 +1110101010 brakeson 1 +1110101010 140,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1110101010 chicken-in-every-pot 1 +1110101010 120,000-employee 1 +1110101010 mud-spattered 1 +1110101010 10,000th 1 +1110101010 British-trained 1 +1110101010 chi-chi 1 +1110101010 30-meter 1 +1110101010 salty-tongued 1 +1110101010 toi 1 +1110101010 botanist-gardener-plant 1 +1110101010 Wilson-to-Jim 1 +1110101010 best-picture 1 +1110101010 stamping-plant 1 +1110101010 Pittsburgh-born 1 +1110101010 3,215 1 +1110101010 -46.7 1 +1110101010 flower-planting 1 +1110101010 small-boned 1 +1110101010 600-person 1 +1110101010 Dbase 1 +1110101010 senior-management-led 1 +1110101010 2,000-unit 1 +1110101010 family-practice 1 +1110101010 celebration-wet 1 +1110101010 leather-jacketed 1 +1110101010 TV-addicted 1 +1110101010 company-trained 1 +1110101010 fraud-busting 1 +1110101010 live-out 1 +1110101010 polyrhythmic 1 +1110101010 plausible-sounding 1 +1110101010 holed-up 1 +1110101010 woven-wire 1 +1110101010 California-educated 1 +1110101010 still-standing 1 +1110101010 Casper-based 1 +1110101010 prosecutorial-minded 1 +1110101010 Jupiter-bound 1 +1110101010 Coastal-owned 1 +1110101010 metal-clad 1 +1110101010 muzak 1 +1110101010 PTO 1 +1110101010 torch-hoisting 1 +1110101010 Lockheed-led 1 +1110101010 Sokehs 1 +1110101010 godfearing 1 +1110101010 long-insolvent 1 +1110101010 tomato-planting 1 +1110101010 studious-looking 1 +1110101010 as-yet-anonymous 1 +1110101010 five-billionth 1 +1110101010 once-spare 1 +1110101010 Nixon-appointed 1 +1110101010 several-inch-thick 1 +1110101010 NALU. 1 +1110101010 deadline-pressed 1 +1110101010 co-operating 1 +1110101010 not-quite-prime-time 1 +1110101010 second-century 1 +1110101010 titian-haired 1 +1110101010 pleasant-looking 1 +1110101010 tabloid-newspaper 1 +1110101010 non-Sperry 1 +1110101010 22-company 1 +1110101010 peace-negotiating 1 +1110101010 growth-limiting 1 +1110101010 computer-age 1 +1110101010 Eisner-Wells 1 +1110101010 cost-minimizing 1 +1110101010 ECPA. 1 +1110101010 five-handicap 1 +1110101010 all-time-best 1 +1110101010 Elardi 1 +1110101010 quarter-moon 1 +1110101010 then-22-year-old 1 +1110101010 software-company 1 +1110101010 religious-book 1 +1110101010 sit-com-sweetie 1 +1110101010 threater-owning 1 +1110101010 100-site 1 +1110101010 whiskey-baritoned 1 +1110101010 blowzy 1 +1110101010 yet-unannounced 1 +1110101010 jovial-looking 1 +1110101010 campaign-memorabilia 1 +1110101010 cautery 1 +1110101010 flour-division 1 +1110101010 drug-pushing 1 +1110101010 strong-faced 1 +1110101010 JOA. 1 +1110101010 fib 1 +1110101010 self-willed 1 +1110101010 12-week-old 1 +1110101010 post-Eisenhower 1 +1110101010 highly-opinionated 1 +1110101010 lizard-lounge 1 +1110101010 heavy-spending 1 +1110101010 beauteous 1 +1110101010 p-----off 1 +1110101010 transistor-radio-sized 1 +1110101010 Eliel 1 +1110101010 spaced-out 1 +1110101010 avant-guard 1 +1110101010 post-Freudian 1 +1110101010 crop-haired 1 +1110101010 Magdalenic 1 +1110101010 Bogota-based 1 +1110101010 skinny-legged 1 +1110101010 ore-truck 1 +1110101010 plain-thinking 1 +1110101010 Cheyenne-Arapaho 1 +1110101010 2,000-kilowatt 1 +1110101010 Four-Day 1 +1110101010 media-blitzed 1 +1110101010 capacity-swollen 1 +1110101010 675-store 1 +1110101010 cherubic-faced 1 +1110101010 Wisconsin-born 1 +1110101010 Baghdad-based 1 +1110101010 stage-struck 1 +1110101010 gruff-speaking 1 +1110101010 Stanford-Idec 1 +1110101010 Bard-Tauscher 1 +1110101010 LHX. 1 +1110101010 ever-imaginative 1 +1110101010 small-bore 1 +1110101010 gray-browed 1 +1110101010 Libyan-born 1 +1110101010 pearl-encrusted 1 +1110101010 Schawlow-Townes 1 +1110101010 firm-by-firm 1 +1110101010 starcrossed 1 +1110101010 32-foot-long 1 +1110101010 outprepared 1 +1110101010 12,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1110101010 non-CAA 1 +1110101010 Pollet 1 +1110101010 Kalashnikov-wielding 1 +1110101010 Zenchu-affiliated 1 +1110101010 managment-led 1 +1110101010 1,095-foot 1 +1110101010 now-flat 1 +1110101010 quota-happy 1 +1110101010 reddish-haired 1 +1110101010 40-yearold 1 +1110101010 35-ish 1 +1110101010 controversy-prone 1 +1110101010 Massachusetts-Texas 1 +1110101010 payroll-related 2 +1110101010 3,500-member 2 +1110101010 nervous-looking 2 +1110101010 Swiss-French 2 +1110101010 100,000-member 2 +1110101010 dollar-boosting 2 +1110101010 far-larger 2 +1110101010 multi-millionaire 2 +1110101010 armor-clad 2 +1110101010 Paris-born 2 +1110101010 cancer-ridden 2 +1110101010 bowling-center 2 +1110101010 elfin-looking 2 +1110101010 Aquino-appointed 2 +1110101010 debt-lightened 2 +1110101010 TRW. 2 +1110101010 near-successful 2 +1110101010 velvet-voiced 2 +1110101010 hollow-cheeked 2 +1110101010 American-trained 2 +1110101010 treasury-department 2 +1110101010 thieving 2 +1110101010 spike-haired 2 +1110101010 five-term 2 +1110101010 soft-porn 2 +1110101010 beardless 2 +1110101010 320-acre 2 +1110101010 cash-flush 2 +1110101010 metal-industry 2 +1110101010 uppermiddle-class 2 +1110101010 mercado 2 +1110101010 communist-backed 2 +1110101010 235-pound 2 +1110101010 Monday-morning 2 +1110101010 six-foot-tall 2 +1110101010 self-published 2 +1110101010 long-struggling 2 +1110101010 dyslexic 2 +1110101010 children's-book 2 +1110101010 now-ousted 2 +1110101010 PRI-affiliated 2 +1110101010 rock-band 2 +1110101010 pro-Socialist 2 +1110101010 lap-dog 2 +1110101010 Shanghai-born 2 +1110101010 highway-department 2 +1110101010 inner-directed 2 +1110101010 Soviet-born 2 +1110101010 restaurant-chain 2 +1110101010 Bombay-based 2 +1110101010 taxi-bureau 2 +1110101010 bosomy 2 +1110101010 Jerusalem-based 2 +1110101010 television-sports 2 +1110101010 six-time 2 +1110101010 lisping 2 +1110101010 14,000-member 2 +1110101010 homeowning 2 +1110101010 newly-elected 2 +1110101010 untenured 2 +1110101010 multi-windowed 2 +1110101010 slow-talking 2 +1110101010 blunt-talking 2 +1110101010 ever-engaging 2 +1110101010 since-deposed 2 +1110101010 psychopathic 2 +1110101010 31-man 2 +1110101010 160,000-member 2 +1110101010 Pinsley 2 +1110101010 weary-looking 2 +1110101010 low-rolling 2 +1110101010 then-acting 2 +1110101010 French-born 2 +1110101010 SAT. 2 +1110101010 Riverview 2 +1110101010 regional-bank 2 +1110101010 Colombia-based 2 +1110101010 all-Reagan 2 +1110101010 once-dormant 2 +1110101010 190-room 2 +1110101010 UMNO. 2 +1110101010 Springfield-based 2 +1110101010 pipsqueak 2 +1110101010 frolicsome 2 +1110101010 red-bearded 2 +1110101010 shoeless 2 +1110101010 bony-faced 2 +1110101010 two-lawyer 2 +1110101010 158-year-old 2 +1110101010 350-lawyer 2 +1110101010 trust-company 2 +1110101010 French-style 2 +1110101010 Najieh 2 +1110101010 blue-jeaned 2 +1110101010 ertswhile 2 +1110101010 6-foot-tall 2 +1110101010 strategy-setting 2 +1110101010 friendly-looking 2 +1110101010 briefcase-toting 2 +1110101010 mid-ranking 2 +1110101010 pre-mixed 2 +1110101010 screenwriting 2 +1110101010 protean 2 +1110101010 security-police 2 +1110101010 green-jacketed 2 +1110101010 UE 2 +1110101010 well-cared-for 2 +1110101010 once-giant 2 +1110101010 already-insolvent 2 +1110101010 105-lawyer 2 +1110101010 14-term 2 +1110101010 Mexican-born 2 +1110101010 five-to-seven-year 2 +1110101010 187-lawyer 2 +1110101010 Bass-controlled 2 +1110101010 economy-minded 2 +1110101010 flatland 2 +1110101010 non-gerrymandered 2 +1110101010 near-legendary 2 +1110101010 GS-5 2 +1110101010 1,000-room 2 +1110101010 racing-car 2 +1110101010 170-year-old 2 +1110101010 youngish 2 +1110101010 crack-dealing 2 +1110101010 Malaysian-based 2 +1110101010 self-admitted 2 +1110101010 115-pound 2 +1110101010 K&E 2 +1110101010 sixtyish 2 +1110101010 metal-headed 2 +1110101010 then-independent 2 +1110101010 vulgarian 2 +1110101010 three-pound 2 +1110101010 Danish-born 2 +1110101010 Royal/Dutch 2 +1110101010 nonpracticing 2 +1110101010 Inuk 2 +1110101010 Honzawa 2 +1110101010 French-trained 2 +1110101010 26-story 2 +1110101010 5-foot-3 2 +1110101010 Rice-a-Roni 2 +1110101010 stiff-backed 2 +1110101010 steepled 2 +1110101010 4-year-old 2 +1110101010 Spokane-based 2 +1110101010 Romanian-born 2 +1110101010 Mesmer 2 +1110101010 Otay 2 +1110101010 40,000-man 2 +1110101010 ham-fisted 2 +1110101010 opera-singer 2 +1110101010 courtappointed 2 +1110101010 16,000-man 2 +1110101010 many-time 2 +1110101010 more-difficult 2 +1110101010 top-most 2 +1110101010 most-revered 2 +1110101010 diabolic 2 +1110101010 just-resigned 2 +1110101010 460,000-acre 2 +1110101010 pig-headed 2 +1110101010 SBA. 2 +1110101010 heavy-hitting 2 +1110101010 Reaganized 2 +1110101010 ex-Guinness 2 +1110101010 re-employed 2 +1110101010 great-great-great 2 +1110101010 cupped 2 +1110101010 silvery-haired 2 +1110101010 fed-up 2 +1110101010 cosmetics-industry 2 +1110101010 crash-investigation 2 +1110101010 Texas-born 2 +1110101010 Dutch-born 2 +1110101010 nine-acre 2 +1110101010 5-inch 2 +1110101010 latterday 2 +1110101010 ex-Scallop 2 +1110101010 bellweather 2 +1110101010 150-member 3 +1110101010 Egyptian-born 3 +1110101010 blunt-speaking 3 +1110101010 pro-Moscow 3 +1110101010 Sunday-night 3 +1110101010 shipping-company 3 +1110101010 dark-eyed 3 +1110101010 hat-check 3 +1110101010 robed 3 +1110101010 three-company 3 +1110101010 French-Canadian 3 +1110101010 195-pound 3 +1110101010 diversification-minded 3 +1110101010 quiet-spoken 3 +1110101010 Czechoslovakian-born 3 +1110101010 red-and-blue 3 +1110101010 slack-jawed 3 +1110101010 drugged-out 3 +1110101010 plain-talking 3 +1110101010 then-NSC 3 +1110101010 defense-contracts 3 +1110101010 22-month-old 3 +1110101010 guilt-ridden 3 +1110101010 flashiest 3 +1110101010 Italian-born 3 +1110101010 straight-shooting 3 +1110101010 bemedaled 3 +1110101010 156-year-old 3 +1110101010 athletic-looking 3 +1110101010 ex-Navy 3 +1110101010 pear-shaped 3 +1110101010 4,000-member 3 +1110101010 36-story 3 +1110101010 250,000-member 3 +1110101010 Jewish-born 3 +1110101010 Chandris 3 +1110101010 crack-infested 3 +1110101010 last-day 3 +1110101010 waggish 3 +1110101010 45-man 3 +1110101010 Japanese-born 3 +1110101010 Goelet 3 +1110101010 poker-playing 3 +1110101010 heart-surgery 3 +1110101010 Texaco-owned 3 +1110101010 98-year-old 3 +1110101010 500-member 3 +1110101010 stuntman 3 +1110101010 Yale-educated 3 +1110101010 executive-committee 3 +1110101010 Tore 3 +1110101010 self-confessed 3 +1110101010 insomniac 3 +1110101010 KGB-trained 3 +1110101010 fifth-term 3 +1110101010 twinkly 3 +1110101010 conservative-dominated 3 +1110101010 much-admired 3 +1110101010 now-discredited 3 +1110101010 sweat-soaked 3 +1110101010 SSC. 3 +1110101010 chandeliered 3 +1110101010 ever-cautious 3 +1110101010 war-hardened 3 +1110101010 bankruptcy-case 3 +1110101010 no-fee 3 +1110101010 Chrysanthemum 3 +1110101010 180-pound 3 +1110101010 control-tower 3 +1110101010 4-inch 3 +1110101010 low-handicap 3 +1110101010 500-lawyer 3 +1110101010 computer-company 3 +1110101010 second-term 3 +1110101010 strongwilled 3 +1110101010 founding-family 3 +1110101010 ramrod-straight 4 +1110101010 tobacco-industry 4 +1110101010 5-foot-7-inch 4 +1110101010 Chadds 4 +1110101010 freckle-faced 4 +1110101010 6-foot-5-inch 4 +1110101010 5-year-old 4 +1110101010 faction-ridden 4 +1110101010 two-pack-a-day 4 +1110101010 6-foot-3-inch 4 +1110101010 Austrian-born 4 +1110101010 62-story 4 +1110101010 silver-tongued 4 +1110101010 101-year-old 4 +1110101010 93-year-old 4 +1110101010 physical-education 4 +1110101010 land-owning 4 +1110101010 Emir 4 +1110101010 fourth-ranking 4 +1110101010 unicameral 4 +1110101010 washed-out 4 +1110101010 light-hitting 4 +1110101010 Oaxacan 4 +1110101010 crew-cut 4 +1110101010 social-climbing 4 +1110101010 China-born 4 +1110101010 motherly 4 +1110101010 music-store 4 +1110101010 NSC. 4 +1110101010 nine-term 4 +1110101010 pipe-smoking 4 +1110101010 BYU 4 +1110101010 takeover-minded 4 +1110101010 6-foot-7-inch 4 +1110101010 well-born 4 +1110101010 Moronic 4 +1110101010 GAF. 4 +1110101010 stumpy 5 +1110101010 shirt-sleeved 5 +1110101010 smalltown 5 +1110101010 now-insolvent 5 +1110101010 grandmotherly 5 +1110101010 70-pound 5 +1110101010 15-lawyer 5 +1110101010 blunt-spoken 5 +1110101010 peach-colored 5 +1110101010 non-elected 5 +1110101010 four-time 5 +1110101010 125-year-old 5 +1110101010 Russian-born 5 +1110101010 110-story 5 +1110101010 once-obscure 5 +1110101010 statuesque 5 +1110101010 now-disbanded 5 +1110101010 bow-tied 5 +1110101010 abolitionist 5 +1110101010 250-pound 5 +1110101010 curly-haired 5 +1110101010 poker-faced 5 +1110101010 15-acre 5 +1110101010 92-year-old 5 +1110101010 rosy-cheeked 5 +1110101010 less-visible 5 +1110101010 quasi-independent 6 +1110101010 Pesh 6 +1110101010 ne'er-do-well 6 +1110101010 redheaded 6 +1110101010 raffish 6 +1110101010 Canton-based 6 +1110101010 Fuzzy 6 +1110101010 16-month-old 6 +1110101010 hot-shot 6 +1110101010 softspoken 6 +1110101010 straight-talking 6 +1110101010 Scottish-born 6 +1110101010 Vermont-based 6 +1110101010 Russian-speaking 6 +1110101010 long-serving 6 +1110101010 Pied 6 +1110101010 distinguished-looking 6 +1110101010 baby-faced 6 +1110101010 6-foot-4-inch 6 +1110101010 pro-Solidarity 7 +1110101010 leftwing 7 +1110101010 10-person 7 +1110101010 futures-industry 7 +1110101010 91-year-old 7 +1110101010 two-star 7 +1110101010 150-lawyer 7 +1110101010 Rip 7 +1110101010 U.S.-operated 7 +1110101010 jeering 7 +1110101010 Manila-based 7 +1110101010 21-month-old 7 +1110101010 500-room 7 +1110101010 Hungarian-born 7 +1110101010 shoe-store 7 +1110101010 6-foot-2-inch 7 +1110101010 sandy-haired 7 +1110101010 then-CIA 7 +1110101010 then-deputy 7 +1110101010 good-humored 7 +1110101010 budget-priced 7 +1110101010 bloodthirsty 8 +1110101010 gangly 8 +1110101010 vivacious 8 +1110101010 redoubtable 8 +1110101010 31-year 8 +1110101010 now-retired 8 +1110101010 Brooklyn-born 8 +1110101010 10-term 8 +1110101010 four-term 8 +1110101010 now-imprisoned 8 +1110101010 one-term 8 +1110101010 public-information 8 +1110101010 37-year 8 +1110101010 89-year-old 8 +1110101010 desk-bound 8 +1110101010 grandfatherly 9 +1110101010 Shanghai-based 9 +1110101010 five-time 9 +1110101010 now-deceased 9 +1110101010 youthful-looking 9 +1110101010 Nez 9 +1110101010 Brooklyn-based 9 +1110101010 10-month-old 10 +1110101010 plain-spoken 10 +1110101010 94-year-old 10 +1110101010 unsmiling 10 +1110101010 Canadian-born 10 +1110101010 broad-shouldered 10 +1110101010 cigar-chomping 10 +1110101010 barrel-chested 10 +1110101010 street-smart 11 +1110101010 live-in 12 +1110101010 88-year-old 13 +1110101010 trusty 13 +1110101010 grizzled 13 +1110101010 tough-talking 13 +1110101010 Harvard-trained 13 +1110101010 spunky 13 +1110101010 red-haired 14 +1110101010 Korean-American 14 +1110101010 doting 14 +1110101010 husband-and-wife 14 +1110101010 American-born 14 +1110101010 90-year-old 15 +1110101010 cigar-smoking 15 +1110101010 Australian-born 15 +1110101010 titular 15 +1110101010 top-ranking 16 +1110101010 German-born 16 +1110101010 third-year 16 +1110101010 mild-mannered 18 +1110101010 four-man 18 +1110101010 second-ranked 18 +1110101010 portly 18 +1110101010 23-year 18 +1110101010 S.S. 18 +1110101010 84-year-old 18 +1110101010 86-year-old 19 +1110101010 swank 19 +1110101010 22-year 19 +1110101010 19-year 19 +1110101010 three-term 19 +1110101010 fast-talking 19 +1110101010 husky 20 +1110101010 100-year-old 21 +1110101010 78-year-old 21 +1110101010 one-year-old 22 +1110101010 beefy 22 +1110101010 third-ranking 22 +1110101010 boyish-looking 22 +1110101010 16th-century 23 +1110101010 latter-day 23 +1110101010 hard-charging 24 +1110101010 British-born 24 +1110101010 Harvard-educated 24 +1110101010 79-year-old 24 +1110101010 five-man 24 +1110101010 Cuban-born 25 +1110101010 dapper 25 +1110101010 81-year-old 26 +1110101010 diminutive 26 +1110101010 73-year-old 28 +1110101010 third-generation 30 +1110101010 two-term 30 +1110101010 82-year-old 30 +1110101010 gray-haired 31 +1110101010 wily 32 +1110101010 scandal-plagued 34 +1110101010 tireless 35 +1110101010 69-year-old 36 +1110101010 77-year-old 37 +1110101010 silver-haired 38 +1110101010 76-year-old 38 +1110101010 74-year-old 38 +1110101010 lame-duck 41 +1110101010 75-year-old 41 +1110101010 mid-level 41 +1110101010 three-man 44 +1110101010 68-year-old 45 +1110101010 72-year-old 45 +1110101010 reclusive 45 +1110101010 80-year-old 46 +1110101010 lanky 46 +1110101010 white-haired 48 +1110101010 nine-year-old 56 +1110101010 bespectacled 57 +1110101010 strong-willed 59 +1110101010 66-year-old 60 +1110101010 67-year-old 62 +1110101010 71-year-old 62 +1110101010 22-year-old 62 +1110101010 14-year-old 67 +1110101010 burly 67 +1110101010 12-year-old 72 +1110101010 16-year-old 72 +1110101010 65-year-old 73 +1110101010 21-year-old 75 +1110101010 27-year-old 77 +1110101010 36-year-old 78 +1110101010 self-described 79 +1110101010 19-year-old 80 +1110101010 61-year-old 81 +1110101010 26-year-old 82 +1110101010 64-year-old 82 +1110101010 long-time 83 +1110101010 13-year-old 84 +1110101010 lifelong 85 +1110101010 31-year-old 86 +1110101010 62-year-old 87 +1110101010 17-year-old 88 +1110101010 23-year-old 89 +1110101010 28-year-old 91 +1110101010 six-year-old 94 +1110101010 70-year-old 94 +1110101010 63-year-old 95 +1110101010 47-year-old 96 +1110101010 34-year-old 97 +1110101010 33-year-old 97 +1110101010 10-year-old 98 +1110101010 49-year-old 98 +1110101010 25-year-old 98 +1110101010 32-year-old 100 +1110101010 24-year-old 101 +1110101010 29-year-old 101 +1110101010 54-year-old 102 +1110101010 59-year-old 102 +1110101010 37-year-old 102 +1110101010 35-year-old 103 +1110101010 55-year-old 106 +1110101010 57-year-old 107 +1110101010 52-year-old 108 +1110101010 56-year-old 108 +1110101010 58-year-old 110 +1110101010 48-year-old 114 +1110101010 46-year-old 117 +1110101010 53-year-old 119 +1110101010 42-year-old 122 +1110101010 outgoing 124 +1110101010 51-year-old 124 +1110101010 39-year-old 125 +1110101010 43-year-old 132 +1110101010 45-year-old 133 +1110101010 30-year-old 133 +1110101010 38-year-old 135 +1110101010 60-year-old 140 +1110101010 41-year-old 142 +1110101010 now-defunct 142 +1110101010 44-year-old 147 +1110101010 50-year-old 157 +1110101010 40-year-old 168 +1110101010 embattled 178 +1110101010 high-ranking 209 +1110101010 disgruntled 212 +1110101010 court-appointed 226 +1110101010 former 16616 +1110101010 longtime 995 +1110101011 mediumterm 1 +1110101011 cement-industry 1 +1110101011 commmittee 1 +1110101011 fascist-left 1 +1110101011 variablerate 1 +1110101011 more-agressive 1 +1110101011 large-fund 1 +1110101011 equity-risk 1 +1110101011 just-retired 1 +1110101011 acquisition-heightened 1 +1110101011 19,000-employee 1 +1110101011 taxpayer-supplied 1 +1110101011 asbestos-health 1 +1110101011 chairman-of-the-board 1 +1110101011 suntan-lotion 1 +1110101011 ill-deployed 1 +1110101011 floridly 1 +1110101011 already-established 1 +1110101011 least-experienced 1 +1110101011 personal-asset 1 +1110101011 strategy-forming 1 +1110101011 size-standards 1 +1110101011 pension-money 1 +1110101011 MSure 1 +1110101011 disaster-planning 1 +1110101011 semiconducter 1 +1110101011 technology-policy 1 +1110101011 transit-union 1 +1110101011 Swiss-securities 1 +1110101011 coarse-grains 1 +1110101011 wastedisposal 1 +1110101011 political-communications 1 +1110101011 pharmaceuticals-industry 1 +1110101011 not-so-hot 1 +1110101011 Nobel-prize-winning 1 +1110101011 Swiss-companies 1 +1110101011 60-person 1 +1110101011 four-lettered 1 +1110101011 pseudo-secular 1 +1110101011 AIDB 1 +1110101011 higher-echelon 1 +1110101011 UA1 1 +1110101011 research-firm 1 +1110101011 clubbable 1 +1110101011 review-course 1 +1110101011 relief-organization 1 +1110101011 nuclear-strategy 1 +1110101011 soon-to-retire 1 +1110101011 tax-committee 1 +1110101011 Argonne-Gould 1 +1110101011 15year 1 +1110101011 dollar-issue 1 +1110101011 company-based 1 +1110101011 strength-portfolio 1 +1110101011 team-based 1 +1110101011 business-economics 1 +1110101011 Papuan 1 +1110101011 casinoindustry 1 +1110101011 acrylic-topped 1 +1110101011 roasting-company 1 +1110101011 computer-governed 1 +1110101011 convertible-securities 1 +1110101011 green-eyeshades 1 +1110101011 drug-stock 1 +1110101011 recession-wary 1 +1110101011 thrill-a-pitch 1 +1110101011 17,631 1 +1110101011 street-repair 1 +1110101011 Arab-state 1 +1110101011 Western-states 1 +1110101011 weapons-software 1 +1110101011 golf-tournament 1 +1110101011 fish-department 1 +1110101011 UAW-Ford 1 +1110101011 brewing-operations 1 +1110101011 innocent-seeming 1 +1110101011 health-association 1 +1110101011 shareholder-oriented 1 +1110101011 most-quoted 1 +1110101011 Reagan-named 1 +1110101011 Peru-like 1 +1110101011 music-personality 1 +1110101011 nursing-related 1 +1110101011 window-washing 1 +1110101011 subordinatd 1 +1110101011 motor-industry 1 +1110101011 medication-use 1 +1110101011 Kadarist 1 +1110101011 PR-conscious 1 +1110101011 Organizacion 1 +1110101011 professional-liability-risk 1 +1110101011 gutter-talking 1 +1110101011 696-page 1 +1110101011 15-property 1 +1110101011 car-quality 1 +1110101011 Halmos-led 1 +1110101011 technical-planning 1 +1110101011 primitive-arts 1 +1110101011 laboratory-minded 1 +1110101011 G-7769 1 +1110101011 subordindated 1 +1110101011 investment-house 1 +1110101011 black-bourgeoisie 1 +1110101011 state-insurance 1 +1110101011 lesser-light 1 +1110101011 Bedouin-based 1 +1110101011 Chun-administration 1 +1110101011 Tettamanti-led 1 +1110101011 HFV 1 +1110101011 23-bank 1 +1110101011 medicial 1 +1110101011 ex-NBC 1 +1110101011 consumer-behavior 1 +1110101011 claims-service 1 +1110101011 law-practice 1 +1110101011 Hanmi 1 +1110101011 McGraw-Hill/DRI 1 +1110101011 7,500-worker 1 +1110101011 hotel/restaurant 1 +1110101011 first-name-basis 1 +1110101011 roadster-style 1 +1110101011 regulative 1 +1110101011 well-programmed 1 +1110101011 professorial-looking 1 +1110101011 two-pilot 1 +1110101011 three-faction 1 +1110101011 railroad-industry 1 +1110101011 BRA 1 +1110101011 financial-research 1 +1110101011 smoking-addiction 1 +1110101011 Rasmus 1 +1110101011 cost-benefits 1 +1110101011 utilities-industry 1 +1110101011 handson 2 +1110101011 casino-industry 2 +1110101011 earlier-maturing 2 +1110101011 EARNS 2 +1110101011 budget-and-tax 2 +1110101011 leather-clad 2 +1110101011 Joyous 2 +1110101011 four-bank 2 +1110101011 4,143 2 +1110101011 public-union 2 +1110101011 Carter-administration 2 +1110101011 2,059,456 2 +1110101011 mining-industry 2 +1110101011 Novacap 2 +1110101011 Western-trained 2 +1110101011 Sirenevyy 2 +1110101011 pharmaceutical-industry 2 +1110101011 Single-A-minus 2 +1110101011 private-company 3 +1110101011 construction-trades 3 +1110101011 Chinese-speaking 3 +1110101011 new-products 3 +1110101011 foreign-ministry 3 +1110101011 non-tenured 3 +1110101011 non-Texas 3 +1110101011 corporate-benefits 3 +1110101011 low-class 3 +1110101011 Yale-trained 3 +1110101011 turbaned 3 +1110101011 Nobel-laureate 3 +1110101011 product-marketing 3 +1110101011 Ektaprint 3 +1110101011 power-industry 4 +1110101011 growth-minded 4 +1110101011 gambling-industry 4 +1110101011 textile-industry 4 +1110101011 mortgage-company 4 +1110101011 sharp-eyed 5 +1110101011 nine-man 5 +1110101011 Taipei-based 5 +1110101011 publishing-industry 5 +1110101011 strategic-planning 6 +1110101011 26-member 8 +1110101011 chemical-industry 9 +1110101011 six-man 11 +1110101011 Soviet-trained 13 +1110101011 tenured 22 +1110101011 midlevel 28 +1110101011 utility-bond 32 +1110101011 human-resources 33 +1110101011 senior 12934 +1110101011 junior 605 +111010110 cystic-fibrosis 1 +111010110 Romantic-era 1 +111010110 Cro-Magnonesque 1 +111010110 non-supporting 1 +111010110 chipster 1 +111010110 cardboard-cutout 1 +111010110 Lohengrin-like 1 +111010110 bladder-cancer 1 +111010110 French-system 1 +111010110 look-but-don't-touch 1 +111010110 postmenopausal 1 +111010110 not-very-nice 1 +111010110 now-forgotten 1 +111010110 swing-era 1 +111010110 wageearning 1 +111010110 peacock-shaped 1 +111010110 never-crowned 1 +111010110 logging-company 1 +111010110 Sun-2 1 +111010110 leeching 1 +111010110 enhaloed 1 +111010110 comp. 1 +111010110 7,000,000 1 +111010110 four-ton 1 +111010110 glib-talking 1 +111010110 black-frocked 1 +111010110 brake-warning 1 +111010110 more-than-9,400 1 +111010110 orange-and-black 1 +111010110 just-out-of-college 1 +111010110 filmland 1 +111010110 76,579 1 +111010110 synchronized-swimming 1 +111010110 shiny-shoe 1 +111010110 trench-style 1 +111010110 faded-denim 1 +111010110 sharp-nailed 1 +111010110 already-vaccinated 1 +111010110 nonscreened 1 +111010110 4,159 1 +111010110 majority-ruled 1 +111010110 non-middle-class 1 +111010110 18,226 1 +111010110 bermuda 1 +111010110 second-income 1 +111010110 bellringing 1 +111010110 short-statured 1 +111010110 once-neglected 1 +111010110 coal-refining 1 +111010110 6,254 1 +111010110 multipocketed 1 +111010110 Kansas-educated 1 +111010110 6,520 1 +111010110 2,041 1 +111010110 tool-wielding 1 +111010110 green-eye-shade 1 +111010110 sight/The 1 +111010110 aluminum-plated 1 +111010110 non-Shiite 1 +111010110 most-illiterate 1 +111010110 tomato-flavor 1 +111010110 fad-prone 1 +111010110 2,200-student 1 +111010110 floppy-eared 1 +111010110 65-to-69-year-old 1 +111010110 heretic-hunting 1 +111010110 sad-looking 1 +111010110 232,600 1 +111010110 rock-liberated 1 +111010110 rostered 1 +111010110 non-Medicaid-eligible 1 +111010110 96,865 1 +111010110 conch-Cuban-Bahamian 1 +111010110 N.Y.P.D. 1 +111010110 estate-bottled 1 +111010110 hicktown 1 +111010110 angry-faced 1 +111010110 full-breasted 1 +111010110 Townarea 1 +111010110 big-muscled 1 +111010110 ground-nesting 1 +111010110 Greek-letter 1 +111010110 understimulated 1 +111010110 post-Exilic 1 +111010110 stiff-necked 1 +111010110 power-in-numbers 1 +111010110 7,188 1 +111010110 neon-ribbed 1 +111010110 power-addled 1 +111010110 chalk-ware 1 +111010110 samurai-style 1 +111010110 Venusian 1 +111010110 heavy-breathing 1 +111010110 slumped-shouldered 1 +111010110 sea-life 1 +111010110 twenty-two-year-old 1 +111010110 white-and-yellow 1 +111010110 Parsee 1 +111010110 Wallis-blue 1 +111010110 growth-deficient 1 +111010110 non-Southern 1 +111010110 swallowtail 1 +111010110 tile-and-marble 1 +111010110 goal-directed 1 +111010110 bayfront 1 +111010110 check/blind 1 +111010110 best-of-five-set 1 +111010110 seven-spotted 1 +111010110 multi-problem 1 +111010110 peewee 1 +111010110 proper-looking 1 +111010110 mandarinlike 1 +111010110 armless 1 +111010110 presidential-preference 1 +111010110 high-school-educated 1 +111010110 briard 1 +111010110 Allium 1 +111010110 slow-growth/no-growth 1 +111010110 bebaubled 1 +111010110 lower-wattage 1 +111010110 fan-wielding 1 +111010110 best-treated 1 +111010110 Pandava 1 +111010110 Ivatan 1 +111010110 textile-factory 1 +111010110 telephone-fraud 1 +111010110 well-followed 1 +111010110 calorie-conscious 1 +111010110 printing-factory 1 +111010110 S&M 1 +111010110 most-hacked-at 1 +111010110 homberg 1 +111010110 cutsey-poo 1 +111010110 poor-family 1 +111010110 credentialed 1 +111010110 street-gang 1 +111010110 voting-eligible 1 +111010110 bunko 1 +111010110 fur-trading 1 +111010110 softboiled 1 +111010110 long-striking 1 +111010110 denim-clad 1 +111010110 18-to-24-year-old 1 +111010110 toy-factory 1 +111010110 delible 1 +111010110 maatjes 1 +111010110 mid-budget 1 +111010110 single-headed 1 +111010110 multijob 1 +111010110 37,654 1 +111010110 boozed-out 1 +111010110 Finnish-speaking 1 +111010110 5,025 1 +111010110 406,887 1 +111010110 leopard-spot 1 +111010110 old-stock 1 +111010110 30,708 1 +111010110 lower-rung 1 +111010110 673,565 1 +111010110 prescreened 1 +111010110 semiskilled 1 +111010110 anthropoid 1 +111010110 latch-key 1 +111010110 Kilauea 1 +111010110 northern-bred 1 +111010110 cop/black 1 +111010110 cop/young 1 +111010110 man-hating 1 +111010110 55-foot-tall 1 +111010110 dope-peddling 1 +111010110 metalic-tipped 1 +111010110 pinheaded 1 +111010110 under-21 1 +111010110 late-century 1 +111010110 nonpublic-assistance 1 +111010110 growth-stunted 1 +111010110 evzone 1 +111010110 fanaticized 1 +111010110 water-logged 1 +111010110 wanderlustful 1 +111010110 12-inch-diameter 1 +111010110 herringbone 1 +111010110 wellpaying 1 +111010110 fundamendalist 1 +111010110 ill-conditioned 1 +111010110 detroit 1 +111010110 Russo-American 1 +111010110 nacho-crunching 1 +111010110 travel-weary 1 +111010110 nonadopted 1 +111010110 rock-hurling 1 +111010110 difficult-to-place 1 +111010110 2,238 1 +111010110 strawberry-blond 1 +111010110 two-wage 1 +111010110 ham-actress 1 +111010110 31,754,000 1 +111010110 moonshiner-turned-stock-car 1 +111010110 spun-sugar 1 +111010110 2,129 1 +111010110 stuck-up 1 +111010110 lowest-strata 1 +111010110 Halevy 1 +111010110 DENK 1 +111010110 three-or-more 1 +111010110 super-nervous 1 +111010110 3,845 1 +111010110 4,962 1 +111010110 one-million-dollar 1 +111010110 Hezbollah-affiliated 1 +111010110 pretty-faced 1 +111010110 Sabaneta 1 +111010110 femaleheaded 1 +111010110 whalesized 1 +111010110 one-income 1 +111010110 mob-linked 1 +111010110 bassist/ 1 +111010110 guitar-strumming 1 +111010110 single-wage-earner 1 +111010110 swamp-style 1 +111010110 crack-using 1 +111010110 knuckle-headed 1 +111010110 be-thonged 1 +111010110 17,187 1 +111010110 old-maid 1 +111010110 Williamsesque 1 +111010110 Scandinavian-American 1 +111010110 27,548 1 +111010110 recidivist 1 +111010110 anti-heroic 1 +111010110 unframed 1 +111010110 crack-addicted 1 +111010110 mallard-dotted 1 +111010110 mansy-pansy 1 +111010110 beauty-parlor 1 +111010110 top-scale 1 +111010110 58,682 1 +111010110 74-store 1 +111010110 dual-employed 1 +111010110 Greek-Cypriot 1 +111010110 Sparta-loving 1 +111010110 broad-beamed 1 +111010110 business-history 1 +111010110 bull-fight 1 +111010110 gonad 1 +111010110 Glaswegian 1 +111010110 immune-suppressed 1 +111010110 low-birth-weight 2 +111010110 graffiti-covered 2 +111010110 prepubescent 2 +111010110 Karimabad 2 +111010110 gray-suited 2 +111010110 last-second 2 +111010110 buffo 2 +111010110 2,029 2 +111010110 rock-concert 2 +111010110 half-breed 2 +111010110 reenforcing 2 +111010110 effectual 2 +111010110 singsong 2 +111010110 2,500-year-old 2 +111010110 style-conscious 2 +111010110 blue-jean 2 +111010110 family-type 2 +111010110 finny 2 +111010110 cauterizing 2 +111010110 rock-star 2 +111010110 psychotherapeutic 2 +111010110 pre-pubescent 2 +111010110 legless 2 +111010110 white-skinned 2 +111010110 100,000-acre 2 +111010110 large-mouth 2 +111010110 laidoff 2 +111010110 Ashkenazic 2 +111010110 Western-state 2 +111010110 lake-front 2 +111010110 Hickey-Freeman 2 +111010110 hooch 2 +111010110 Dostoevskian 2 +111010110 U.S.-reflagged 2 +111010110 flat-topped 2 +111010110 Vietnamese-American 2 +111010110 minority-language 2 +111010110 steak-and-potatoes 2 +111010110 Millsboro 2 +111010110 antibody-free 2 +111010110 bare-breasted 2 +111010110 satin-lined 2 +111010110 team-owned 2 +111010110 pensioned 2 +111010110 job-bank 2 +111010110 day-and-night 2 +111010110 best-fed 2 +111010110 non-priority 2 +111010110 fresh-tasting 2 +111010110 porky 2 +111010110 large-circulation 2 +111010110 small-city 2 +111010110 fecally 2 +111010110 white-gloved 2 +111010110 nicotine-stained 2 +111010110 unworldly 2 +111010110 plummy 2 +111010110 dour-looking 2 +111010110 sex-obsessed 2 +111010110 65-pound 2 +111010110 French-educated 2 +111010110 city-financed 2 +111010110 junior-level 2 +111010110 split-shift 2 +111010110 WASP-ish 2 +111010110 sharp-edged 2 +111010110 second-best-selling 2 +111010110 shrewder 2 +111010110 sniveling 2 +111010110 middle-brow 2 +111010110 Ersatz 2 +111010110 peacenik 2 +111010110 second-trust 2 +111010110 down-at-the-mouth 2 +111010110 two-worker 2 +111010110 dual-earner 2 +111010110 movie-mad 2 +111010110 spy-agency 2 +111010110 higher-earning 2 +111010110 1,645 2 +111010110 whitish 2 +111010110 single-person 2 +111010110 Balinese 2 +111010110 crossword-puzzle 2 +111010110 4,081 2 +111010110 12,666 2 +111010110 CFTO 2 +111010110 smeary 2 +111010110 humanitarian-assistance 2 +111010110 love-struck 2 +111010110 tough-looking 2 +111010110 pimply-faced 2 +111010110 well-credentialed 2 +111010110 2,394 2 +111010110 time-traveling 2 +111010110 non-combat 2 +111010110 Melanoma 2 +111010110 two-household 2 +111010110 1,200-pound 2 +111010110 central-Tokyo 2 +111010110 dwarfish 2 +111010110 weird-looking 2 +111010110 nice-looking 2 +111010110 odd-duck 2 +111010110 untalented 2 +111010110 church-affiliated 2 +111010110 Diaoyutai 2 +111010110 Soviet-type 2 +111010110 anti-authority 2 +111010110 raggedy 2 +111010110 ethnic-German 2 +111010110 less-ill 2 +111010110 14-karat 2 +111010110 nonphysician 2 +111010110 neo-Fascist 2 +111010110 reedy 2 +111010110 dinky 2 +111010110 whole-body 2 +111010110 mosquito-infested 2 +111010110 uncircumcised 2 +111010110 near-sighted 2 +111010110 government-party 2 +111010110 melting-pot 2 +111010110 one-plant 2 +111010110 Straussian 2 +111010110 car-racing 2 +111010110 propped-up 2 +111010110 scullery 2 +111010110 Hydra 2 +111010110 Hopkins-trained 2 +111010110 shedlike 2 +111010110 green-clad 2 +111010110 undercounts 2 +111010110 under-qualified 2 +111010110 gold-digging 2 +111010110 140-pound 2 +111010110 Clonard 2 +111010110 disenfranchising 2 +111010110 steel-mesh 2 +111010110 humane-society 2 +111010110 pre-menopausal 2 +111010110 bluecollar 2 +111010110 titanium-dioxide 2 +111010110 sleazy-looking 2 +111010110 shape-note 2 +111010110 kennel-club 2 +111010110 blasphemes 2 +111010110 un-Christian 2 +111010110 strip-tease 2 +111010110 MaGrath 2 +111010110 dry-ice 2 +111010110 junior-team 2 +111010110 Izala 2 +111010110 community-college 2 +111010110 full-featured 2 +111010110 18-carat 2 +111010110 menacing-looking 2 +111010110 pure-bred 2 +111010110 frail-looking 2 +111010110 well-coiffed 2 +111010110 palsied 2 +111010110 non-Vietnam 2 +111010110 wide-brimmed 2 +111010110 high-producing 2 +111010110 professional-looking 2 +111010110 drug-dependent 2 +111010110 new-breed 2 +111010110 righthand 2 +111010110 attack-dog 2 +111010110 wood-block 2 +111010110 postdated 2 +111010110 three-car 2 +111010110 unscented 2 +111010110 stout-hearted 2 +111010110 ponytailed 2 +111010110 pubescent 2 +111010110 drawling 2 +111010110 democratic-minded 2 +111010110 pasty-faced 2 +111010110 once-docile 2 +111010110 never-say-die 2 +111010110 late-1940s 2 +111010110 loud-mouthed 2 +111010110 '51 2 +111010110 mail-room 2 +111010110 splendiferous 2 +111010110 white-liberal 2 +111010110 hate-filled 2 +111010110 saber-toothed 2 +111010110 menopausal 2 +111010110 insulation-plant 2 +111010110 Ganden 2 +111010110 unstudied 2 +111010110 conjur 2 +111010110 once-rich 2 +111010110 scaredy 2 +111010110 maned 2 +111010110 pre-adolescent 2 +111010110 4,681,845 2 +111010110 race-walking 2 +111010110 vicuna 2 +111010110 non-liberal 2 +111010110 gray-and-white 2 +111010110 one-armed 3 +111010110 unclothed 3 +111010110 red-eyed 3 +111010110 under-50 3 +111010110 red-brown 3 +111010110 800-acre 3 +111010110 blond-haired 3 +111010110 Triple-X 3 +111010110 two-wage-earner 3 +111010110 tumbledown 3 +111010110 blue-haired 3 +111010110 Porcupine 3 +111010110 split-level 3 +111010110 cannibal 3 +111010110 polka-dotted 3 +111010110 terpsichorean 3 +111010110 dope-smoking 3 +111010110 well-grounded 3 +111010110 pussy 3 +111010110 grandes 3 +111010110 middle-manager 3 +111010110 Anatolian 3 +111010110 vote-seeking 3 +111010110 purebred 3 +111010110 Calvinist 3 +111010110 teal 3 +111010110 then-unknown 3 +111010110 madder 3 +111010110 dim-witted 3 +111010110 23-month-old 3 +111010110 country-rock 3 +111010110 group-practice 3 +111010110 cockney 3 +111010110 over-40 3 +111010110 flat-earth 3 +111010110 husband-wife 3 +111010110 springy 3 +111010110 tuxedoed 3 +111010110 Guazapa 3 +111010110 long-gone 3 +111010110 jet-black 3 +111010110 more-productive 3 +111010110 chivalric 3 +111010110 flamingo 3 +111010110 front-desk 3 +111010110 what-me-worry 3 +111010110 resident-alien 3 +111010110 lynx 3 +111010110 nonsupervisory 3 +111010110 incapacitating 3 +111010110 long-limbed 3 +111010110 yodeling 3 +111010110 Gobbler 3 +111010110 disunited 3 +111010110 gallant 3 +111010110 beetle-browed 3 +111010110 toe-tapping 3 +111010110 kilted 3 +111010110 organ-donor 3 +111010110 priggish 3 +111010110 pointy-headed 3 +111010110 hard-flying 3 +111010110 Tahitian 3 +111010110 cliff-top 3 +111010110 backbreaking 3 +111010110 hard-muscled 3 +111010110 ribald 3 +111010110 rising-sun 3 +111010110 primary-school 3 +111010110 second-grade 3 +111010110 bald-headed 3 +111010110 fierce-looking 3 +111010110 tentlike 3 +111010110 motherless 3 +111010110 cornrow 3 +111010110 teddy-bear 3 +111010110 novel-writing 3 +111010110 couch-bound 3 +111010110 hardnosed 3 +111010110 painkilling 3 +111010110 quarried 3 +111010110 once-formidable 3 +111010110 bombed-out 3 +111010110 Revisionist 3 +111010110 foot-tall 3 +111010110 first-growth 3 +111010110 60-pound 3 +111010110 weather-driven 3 +111010110 private-practice 3 +111010110 light-brown 3 +111010110 peep-show 3 +111010110 quality-conscious 3 +111010110 11,806 3 +111010110 non-Islamic 3 +111010110 spit-and-polish 3 +111010110 scaly 3 +111010110 foreign-trained 3 +111010110 rickshaw 3 +111010110 dual-income 3 +111010110 drop-dead 3 +111010110 Nahuatl 3 +111010110 negro 3 +111010110 finches 3 +111010110 pearl-handled 3 +111010110 operating-room 3 +111010110 internal-medicine 3 +111010110 moderate-liberal 3 +111010110 sleazeball 3 +111010110 parakeets 3 +111010110 Jacobean 3 +111010110 Western-looking 3 +111010110 mestizo 3 +111010110 refugee-camp 3 +111010110 snotty 3 +111010110 open-collar 3 +111010110 seeing-eye 3 +111010110 conscript 3 +111010110 Hangzhou 3 +111010110 six-pound 3 +111010110 unacknowledged 3 +111010110 seven-inch 3 +111010110 cavelike 3 +111010110 velour 3 +111010110 Huguenot 3 +111010110 dart-throwing 3 +111010110 theater-party 3 +111010110 unlettered 3 +111010110 eight-foot-tall 3 +111010110 throaty 3 +111010110 mean-looking 3 +111010110 fistic 3 +111010110 pot-bellied 3 +111010110 drug-impaired 3 +111010110 north-side 3 +111010110 snippy 3 +111010110 nippy 3 +111010110 Redeemer 3 +111010110 25-foot-high 3 +111010110 moussed 3 +111010110 Magnitka 3 +111010110 kicky 3 +111010110 multitalented 3 +111010110 featherweight 3 +111010110 mewling 3 +111010110 money-grubbing 3 +111010110 gold-trimmed 3 +111010110 152,400 3 +111010110 microsocial 3 +111010110 industrial-state 3 +111010110 girlhood 3 +111010110 Southern-born 3 +111010110 AWBA 3 +111010110 1,776 3 +111010110 Ismaili 3 +111010110 Belorussian 4 +111010110 up-river 4 +111010110 farm-belt 4 +111010110 bolo 4 +111010110 hotheaded 4 +111010110 middle-American 4 +111010110 sinewy 4 +111010110 Colima 4 +111010110 teary-eyed 4 +111010110 self-professed 4 +111010110 fatherless 4 +111010110 centralist 4 +111010110 self-dramatizing 4 +111010110 auburn 4 +111010110 oldline 4 +111010110 Autocephalous 4 +111010110 Uniate 4 +111010110 150-pound 4 +111010110 Brut 4 +111010110 over-65 4 +111010110 85th 4 +111010110 cigarette-smoking 4 +111010110 hot-headed 4 +111010110 effervescent 4 +111010110 homebound 4 +111010110 greenest 4 +111010110 smooth-faced 4 +111010110 1,223 4 +111010110 foreign-educated 4 +111010110 drug-addicted 4 +111010110 coloured 4 +111010110 TV-commercial 4 +111010110 semi-educated 4 +111010110 Iban 4 +111010110 wage-earning 4 +111010110 hard-driven 4 +111010110 misclassified 4 +111010110 Trotskyite 4 +111010110 Piltdown 4 +111010110 non-black 4 +111010110 5-foot-10-inch 4 +111010110 doe-eyed 4 +111010110 knife-wielding 4 +111010110 light-blue 4 +111010110 riotous 4 +111010110 tawny 4 +111010110 closet-sized 4 +111010110 sober-sided 4 +111010110 pluralist 4 +111010110 church-going 4 +111010110 well-turned-out 4 +111010110 non-career 4 +111010110 consumptive 4 +111010110 pro-regulation 4 +111010110 buttonholing 4 +111010110 lowbrow 4 +111010110 citified 4 +111010110 antibody-positive 4 +111010110 teacup 4 +111010110 willowy 4 +111010110 degreed 4 +111010110 cheesy 4 +111010110 stockade 4 +111010110 squirmy 4 +111010110 rifle-toting 4 +111010110 spiny 4 +111010110 spidery 4 +111010110 hardhearted 4 +111010110 elfin 4 +111010110 jet-lagged 4 +111010110 stentorian 4 +111010110 40-foot-long 4 +111010110 self-educated 4 +111010110 pearly 4 +111010110 1,752 4 +111010110 white-tailed 4 +111010110 Stalin-era 4 +111010110 sniffling 4 +111010110 Aymara 4 +111010110 overachieving 4 +111010110 folk-singing 4 +111010110 Amerasian 4 +111010110 pock-marked 4 +111010110 bobby 4 +111010110 windblown 4 +111010110 slinky 4 +111010110 flame-retardant 4 +111010110 bleeding-heart 4 +111010110 blue-suited 4 +111010110 far-seeing 4 +111010110 rolled-up 4 +111010110 brown-skinned 4 +111010110 fiery-eyed 4 +111010110 kitschy 4 +111010110 curvaceous 4 +111010110 wearable 4 +111010110 high-stepping 4 +111010110 hard-to-adopt 4 +111010110 ill-tempered 4 +111010110 shelf-stable 4 +111010110 6-foot-7 4 +111010110 chocolate-coated 4 +111010110 heifer 4 +111010110 speckled 4 +111010110 mud-hut 4 +111010110 corpulent 4 +111010110 constipated 4 +111010110 meatless 4 +111010110 monounsaturated 4 +111010110 oxymoronic 4 +111010110 Xhosa 4 +111010110 spastic 4 +111010110 furrowed 4 +111010110 anti-Long 4 +111010110 macrobiotic 4 +111010110 Pierrot 4 +111010110 LDS 4 +111010110 roller-skating 4 +111010110 Szechuan 4 +111010110 bitchy 4 +111010110 ABA-approved 4 +111010110 dime-store 4 +111010110 well-groomed 4 +111010110 muscle-bound 4 +111010110 much-loved 4 +111010110 faithless 4 +111010110 escapist 4 +111010110 fair-weather 4 +111010110 flirtatious 4 +111010110 buttoned-up 4 +111010110 higher-salaried 4 +111010110 monosodium 4 +111010110 draft-age 4 +111010110 neolithic 4 +111010110 geranium 4 +111010110 nonstriking 4 +111010110 workman-like 4 +111010110 never-married 4 +111010110 technology-stock 4 +111010110 headier 4 +111010110 full-term 4 +111010110 incontinent 4 +111010110 repentant 4 +111010110 non-verbal 4 +111010110 warmhearted 4 +111010110 Transylvanian 4 +111010110 self-aggrandizing 5 +111010110 stoical 5 +111010110 countercultural 5 +111010110 razor-sharp 5 +111010110 wind-up 5 +111010110 know-it-all 5 +111010110 piquant 5 +111010110 magenta 5 +111010110 self-involved 5 +111010110 SRO 5 +111010110 breathy 5 +111010110 liberal-left 5 +111010110 drug-sniffing 5 +111010110 uncirculated 5 +111010110 wind-blown 5 +111010110 limited-government 5 +111010110 downscale 5 +111010110 white-water 5 +111010110 uncultivated 5 +111010110 formless 5 +111010110 gossamer 5 +111010110 indolent 5 +111010110 ill-trained 5 +111010110 outmanned 5 +111010110 Sotho 5 +111010110 northbound 5 +111010110 scrimshaw 5 +111010110 oceanside 5 +111010110 board-certified 5 +111010110 peerless 5 +111010110 funny-looking 5 +111010110 profit-minded 5 +111010110 one-earner 5 +111010110 well-endowed 5 +111010110 stressed-out 5 +111010110 long-dead 5 +111010110 panic-stricken 5 +111010110 computer-literate 5 +111010110 new-wave 5 +111010110 Siamese 5 +111010110 liver-transplant 5 +111010110 Shropshire 5 +111010110 100-foot 5 +111010110 big-game 5 +111010110 nosy 5 +111010110 dyed-in-the-wool 5 +111010110 rhinestone 5 +111010110 220-pound 5 +111010110 ditzy 5 +111010110 celibate 5 +111010110 Mennonite 5 +111010110 fire-resistant 5 +111010110 freedom-loving 5 +111010110 sober-minded 5 +111010110 haired 5 +111010110 red-headed 5 +111010110 chapped 5 +111010110 nutrient-rich 5 +111010110 mulatto 5 +111010110 war-weary 5 +111010110 terraced 5 +111010110 unsalaried 5 +111010110 non-germane 5 +111010110 locked-out 5 +111010110 well-ordered 5 +111010110 adoptable 5 +111010110 self-mocking 5 +111010110 petting 5 +111010110 grammar-school 5 +111010110 surrealist 5 +111010110 his-and-her 5 +111010110 Latin-American 5 +111010110 spindly 5 +111010110 sky-blue 5 +111010110 washing-machine 5 +111010110 churchgoing 5 +111010110 early-evening 5 +111010110 nubile 5 +111010110 hard-drinking 5 +111010110 autistic 5 +111010110 weepy 5 +111010110 uncooked 5 +111010110 bikini-clad 5 +111010110 odder 5 +111010110 pre-selected 5 +111010110 slouching 5 +111010110 world-champion 5 +111010110 anti-science 5 +111010110 despotic 5 +111010110 10-gallon 5 +111010110 well-spoken 5 +111010110 lascivious 5 +111010110 glass-walled 5 +111010110 emancipated 5 +111010110 fast-buck 5 +111010110 half-eaten 5 +111010110 tubby 5 +111010110 form-fitting 5 +111010110 uncongenial 5 +111010110 martyred 5 +111010110 deep-fried 5 +111010110 federalized 5 +111010110 new-collar 5 +111010110 nonworking 5 +111010110 white-coated 5 +111010110 rosewood 5 +111010110 Battleship 5 +111010110 certifiable 5 +111010110 illegal-immigrant 5 +111010110 leadoff 5 +111010110 rightwing 5 +111010110 train-service 5 +111010110 four-inch 6 +111010110 backward-looking 6 +111010110 tubercular 6 +111010110 tin-roofed 6 +111010110 average-sized 6 +111010110 bigoted 6 +111010110 canary 6 +111010110 5-foot-10 6 +111010110 semi-literate 6 +111010110 flaccid 6 +111010110 down-and-dirty 6 +111010110 cross-eyed 6 +111010110 heavy-set 6 +111010110 well-scrubbed 6 +111010110 anti-NATO 6 +111010110 hardworking 6 +111010110 diamond-studded 6 +111010110 godless 6 +111010110 jeepney 6 +111010110 strait-laced 6 +111010110 hedonistic 6 +111010110 mariachi 6 +111010110 zen 6 +111010110 matronly 6 +111010110 60-foot 6 +111010110 better-financed 6 +111010110 racquet 6 +111010110 carnivorous 6 +111010110 post-menopausal 6 +111010110 priestly 6 +111010110 Indian-born 6 +111010110 unshaven 6 +111010110 UAW-represented 6 +111010110 long-sleeved 6 +111010110 anti-reform 6 +111010110 back-country 6 +111010110 nondenominational 6 +111010110 anencephalic 6 +111010110 blow-dried 6 +111010110 turf-conscious 6 +111010110 square-dance 6 +111010110 comely 6 +111010110 replaceable 6 +111010110 soupy 6 +111010110 capacious 6 +111010110 swarthy 6 +111010110 droopy 6 +111010110 paisley 6 +111010110 ruddy-faced 6 +111010110 insolent 6 +111010110 dimpled 6 +111010110 Italian-American 6 +111010110 lower-earning 6 +111010110 foreign-looking 6 +111010110 Roald 6 +111010110 junior-high-school 6 +111010110 magnetized 6 +111010110 epistolary 6 +111010110 bossy 6 +111010110 .22-caliber 6 +111010110 Trotskyist 6 +111010110 dewy 6 +111010110 rakish 6 +111010110 non-AIDS 6 +111010110 know-nothing 6 +111010110 shoulder-length 6 +111010110 Trappist 6 +111010110 oxygen-carrying 6 +111010110 anti-Nazi 6 +111010110 Sumo 6 +111010110 nerdy 6 +111010110 non-Jewish 6 +111010110 drug-using 6 +111010110 beer-drinking 6 +111010110 less-educated 6 +111010110 dowager 6 +111010110 one-legged 6 +111010110 tremulous 6 +111010110 Netherlandish 6 +111010110 Amazonian 6 +111010110 greenish 6 +111010110 chrysanthemum 6 +111010110 Episcopalian 6 +111010110 1,568 6 +111010110 quick-buck 6 +111010110 Neapolitan 6 +111010110 liberal-minded 6 +111010110 shimmery 6 +111010110 materialist 6 +111010110 lecherous 6 +111010110 fossilized 6 +111010110 Nehru 6 +111010110 starry-eyed 6 +111010110 straight-ahead 6 +111010110 sunburned 6 +111010110 non-official 6 +111010110 non-Moslem 6 +111010110 revivalist 6 +111010110 doughy 6 +111010110 bronzed 6 +111010110 lineal 6 +111010110 honky-tonk 6 +111010110 maniacal 6 +111010110 well-mannered 6 +111010110 old-money 6 +111010110 Hires 6 +111010110 decorous 6 +111010110 rampaging 6 +111010110 peregrine 7 +111010110 reconditioned 7 +111010110 well-tailored 7 +111010110 bilious 7 +111010110 college-bound 7 +111010110 headless 7 +111010110 Polynesian 7 +111010110 be-bop 7 +111010110 non-English 7 +111010110 scrubby 7 +111010110 KMA 7 +111010110 tradition-minded 7 +111010110 long-necked 7 +111010110 vacuum-packed 7 +111010110 violet 7 +111010110 wisecracking 7 +111010110 best-financed 7 +111010110 gloved 7 +111010110 propagandistic 7 +111010110 grande 7 +111010110 Fendi 7 +111010110 foot-long 7 +111010110 gnarled 7 +111010110 still-young 7 +111010110 taxicab 7 +111010110 white-bread 7 +111010110 heart-shaped 7 +111010110 straight-arrow 7 +111010110 saintly 7 +111010110 excitable 7 +111010110 one-parent 7 +111010110 late-19th-century 7 +111010110 whistle-blowing 7 +111010110 whiz-bang 7 +111010110 fretful 7 +111010110 pliable 7 +111010110 14th-century 7 +111010110 anti-defense 7 +111010110 pro-reform 7 +111010110 gang-related 7 +111010110 Nubian 7 +111010110 maltreated 7 +111010110 warm-hearted 7 +111010110 meat-and-potatoes 7 +111010110 Carmelite 7 +111010110 neoliberal 7 +111010110 chirpy 7 +111010110 anthropomorphic 7 +111010110 ankle-length 7 +111010110 rootless 7 +111010110 considerate 7 +111010110 stewed 7 +111010110 corduroy 7 +111010110 hand-operated 7 +111010110 commoner 7 +111010110 '76 7 +111010110 free-spirited 7 +111010110 trapeze 7 +111010110 turgid 7 +111010110 rhyming 7 +111010110 reloadable 7 +111010110 non-striking 7 +111010110 hard-headed 7 +111010110 cartoonish 7 +111010110 buxom 7 +111010110 tweedy 7 +111010110 semi-skilled 7 +111010110 wind-swept 7 +111010110 Provencal 7 +111010110 power-hungry 7 +111010110 shin 7 +111010110 Whig 7 +111010110 scraggly 7 +111010110 hyperkinetic 7 +111010110 beaded 7 +111010110 overstuffed 7 +111010110 giggly 7 +111010110 money-hungry 7 +111010110 inscrutable 7 +111010110 moderate-to-liberal 7 +111010110 crotchety 7 +111010110 mustachioed 7 +111010110 Sunday-morning 7 +111010110 care-giving 7 +111010110 spiky 7 +111010110 Adventist 7 +111010110 unashamed 7 +111010110 Javanese 7 +111010110 more-affluent 7 +111010110 fashion-conscious 8 +111010110 libertine 8 +111010110 gawky 8 +111010110 B-movie 8 +111010110 short-story 8 +111010110 leggy 8 +111010110 errand 8 +111010110 ruddy 8 +111010110 nonracial 8 +111010110 custom-built 8 +111010110 battle-hardened 8 +111010110 ruby 8 +111010110 herding 8 +111010110 fuddy-duddy 8 +111010110 country-and-western 8 +111010110 omnipotent 8 +111010110 bouncy 8 +111010110 underage 8 +111010110 low-skill 8 +111010110 unrepresented 8 +111010110 starched 8 +111010110 natty 8 +111010110 hyphenated 8 +111010110 Druze 8 +111010110 magisterial 8 +111010110 U.S.-educated 8 +111010110 benighted 8 +111010110 dark-skinned 8 +111010110 swaggering 8 +111010110 bare-chested 8 +111010110 pre-1980 8 +111010110 dual-career 8 +111010110 barbarian 8 +111010110 fleshy 8 +111010110 gastronomic 8 +111010110 kook 8 +111010110 pro-communist 8 +111010110 downcast 8 +111010110 self-pitying 8 +111010110 sugary 8 +111010110 dastardly 8 +111010110 Western-educated 8 +111010110 powder-blue 8 +111010110 stringy 8 +111010110 pointy 8 +111010110 homesick 8 +111010110 post-independence 8 +111010110 wheelchair-bound 8 +111010110 chauvinist 8 +111010110 LEP 8 +111010110 non-ideological 8 +111010110 throbbing 8 +111010110 skilled-trades 8 +111010110 41-year 8 +111010110 non-unionized 8 +111010110 drug-infested 8 +111010110 Myoscint 8 +111010110 baby-boomer 8 +111010110 rattan 8 +111010110 fourth-grade 8 +111010110 grownup 8 +111010110 fiendish 8 +111010110 peace-loving 8 +111010110 enfeebled 8 +111010110 blue-blooded 8 +111010110 clean-shaven 8 +111010110 rhesus 9 +111010110 malnourished 9 +111010110 half-naked 9 +111010110 low-rise 9 +111010110 windswept 9 +111010110 excludable 9 +111010110 Eurasian 9 +111010110 javelin 9 +111010110 blushing 9 +111010110 Medicaid-eligible 9 +111010110 jet-setting 9 +111010110 bookish 9 +111010110 Mongolian 9 +111010110 polyglot 9 +111010110 weather-beaten 9 +111010110 stone-throwing 9 +111010110 fulltime 9 +111010110 weedy 9 +111010110 warlike 9 +111010110 non-technical 9 +111010110 lower-class 9 +111010110 secondary-school 9 +111010110 humanist 9 +111010110 bulbous 9 +111010110 peaceable 9 +111010110 glad-handing 9 +111010110 narcissistic 9 +111010110 untidy 9 +111010110 Pathan 9 +111010110 low-slung 9 +111010110 scallop 9 +111010110 fetid 9 +111010110 down-and-out 9 +111010110 non-Western 9 +111010110 voice-activated 9 +111010110 pro-defense 9 +111010110 Irianese 9 +111010110 cocktail-party 9 +111010110 low-skilled 9 +111010110 standup 9 +111010110 warmup 9 +111010110 scrawny 9 +111010110 sonorous 9 +111010110 eel 9 +111010110 emaciated 9 +111010110 nonpaying 9 +111010110 Saturday-morning 9 +111010110 infection-fighting 9 +111010110 bedraggled 9 +111010110 jowly 9 +111010110 Polish-American 9 +111010110 cylindrical 9 +111010110 woozy 9 +111010110 transcendental 9 +111010110 malformed 9 +111010110 likeable 9 +111010110 Weatherbee 9 +111010110 artsy 9 +111010110 non-working 9 +111010110 tipsy 9 +111010110 civic-minded 9 +111010110 homicidal 9 +111010110 rah-rah 9 +111010110 self-satisfied 9 +111010110 sumo 9 +111010110 Turkic 9 +111010110 three-legged 9 +111010110 2,081 9 +111010110 battle-scarred 9 +111010110 non-poor 9 +111010110 dark-blue 9 +111010110 paper-thin 10 +111010110 self-taught 10 +111010110 tawdry 10 +111010110 one-ton 10 +111010110 upper-crust 10 +111010110 Slovene 10 +111010110 nonconformist 10 +111010110 nouvelle 10 +111010110 multi-ethnic 10 +111010110 fair-haired 10 +111010110 fruity 10 +111010110 non-Catholic 10 +111010110 Caucasian 10 +111010110 mustached 10 +111010110 high-price 10 +111010110 postdoctoral 10 +111010110 Mayan 10 +111010110 Wagnerian 10 +111010110 nearsighted 10 +111010110 waterproof 10 +111010110 budget-minded 10 +111010110 midpriced 10 +111010110 deep-pocket 10 +111010110 long-neglected 10 +111010110 Elizabethan 10 +111010110 pint-sized 10 +111010110 flesh-and-blood 10 +111010110 boozy 10 +111010110 cherubic 10 +111010110 Pittsburgh-area 10 +111010110 pixie 10 +111010110 whiny 10 +111010110 unreconstructed 10 +111010110 SIDS 10 +111010110 brain-damaged 10 +111010110 voting-age 10 +111010110 cohabiting 10 +111010110 flinty 10 +111010110 pert 10 +111010110 garrulous 10 +111010110 sorority 10 +111010110 temperance 10 +111010110 Ojibwa 10 +111010110 aromatic 10 +111010110 monochromatic 10 +111010110 suave 10 +111010110 forlorn 10 +111010110 Hopi 10 +111010110 florid 10 +111010110 anticommunist 10 +111010110 stay-at-home 10 +111010110 Iranian-American 10 +111010110 stony 11 +111010110 tingling 11 +111010110 post-modernist 11 +111010110 gun-toting 11 +111010110 long-lost 11 +111010110 lacy 11 +111010110 parquet 11 +111010110 married-couple 11 +111010110 strong-minded 11 +111010110 costumed 11 +111010110 soulful 11 +111010110 hard-bitten 11 +111010110 lower-middle-class 11 +111010110 IL-1 11 +111010110 well-armed 11 +111010110 Westernized 11 +111010110 hooded 11 +111010110 young-adult 11 +111010110 deadbeat 11 +111010110 fair-minded 11 +111010110 petulant 11 +111010110 bawdy 11 +111010110 winged 11 +111010110 at-large 11 +111010110 shoeshine 11 +111010110 high-strung 11 +111010110 allegorical 11 +111010110 decayed 11 +111010110 addled 11 +111010110 non-Hispanic 11 +111010110 Zinfandel 11 +111010110 Potemkin 11 +111010110 U.S.-born 11 +111010110 sassy 11 +111010110 Chinese-American 11 +111010110 pro-union 11 +111010110 satiric 11 +111010110 craggy 11 +111010110 longish 11 +111010110 world-weary 11 +111010110 shaggy 11 +111010110 supremacist 11 +111010110 divinity 11 +111010110 high-spirited 11 +111010110 Catalan 12 +111010110 winsome 12 +111010110 third-grade 12 +111010110 beat-up 12 +111010110 powdery 12 +111010110 voluble 12 +111010110 two-career 12 +111010110 race-car 12 +111010110 classless 12 +111010110 multilingual 12 +111010110 long-haired 12 +111010110 haggard 12 +111010110 poverty-stricken 12 +111010110 meddlesome 12 +111010110 Afro-American 12 +111010110 neophyte 12 +111010110 out-of-wedlock 12 +111010110 intrepid 12 +111010110 HIV-infected 12 +111010110 plucky 12 +111010110 gaunt 12 +111010110 teen-aged 12 +111010110 Uzbek 12 +111010110 wrinkled 12 +111010110 rough-hewn 12 +111010110 arty 12 +111010110 brawny 12 +111010110 puritanical 12 +111010110 spendthrift 12 +111010110 tweed 12 +111010110 flowery 12 +111010110 semi-retired 12 +111010110 Jeffersonian 12 +111010110 redneck 12 +111010110 porno 12 +111010110 left-handed 12 +111010110 plural 12 +111010110 bereaved 12 +111010110 serious-minded 12 +111010110 crimson 12 +111010110 image-conscious 12 +111010110 elongated 12 +111010110 translucent 12 +111010110 Czechoslovakian 12 +111010110 ringside 12 +111010110 indefatigable 12 +111010110 Arab-American 12 +111010110 debutante 12 +111010110 scab 12 +111010110 6-foot-5 12 +111010110 stateside 13 +111010110 wild-eyed 13 +111010110 brassy 13 +111010110 figurative 13 +111010110 non-aligned 13 +111010110 voluptuous 13 +111010110 unsung 13 +111010110 willow 13 +111010110 campy 13 +111010110 anti-nuke 13 +111010110 discontented 13 +111010110 Sephardic 13 +111010110 post-industrial 13 +111010110 stinking 13 +111010110 hard-boiled 13 +111010110 threadbare 13 +111010110 gringo 13 +111010110 wavy 13 +111010110 Indochinese 13 +111010110 blustery 13 +111010110 crazed 13 +111010110 dutiful 13 +111010110 muckraking 13 +111010110 philandering 13 +111010110 Slavic 13 +111010110 brainy 13 +111010110 Lilliputian 13 +111010110 amorous 13 +111010110 fluffy 13 +111010110 life-sized 14 +111010110 carpentry 14 +111010110 devious 14 +111010110 ping-pong 14 +111010110 infirm 14 +111010110 pro-government 14 +111010110 clapboard 14 +111010110 misty 14 +111010110 patriarchal 14 +111010110 nonfatal 14 +111010110 top-drawer 14 +111010110 curly 14 +111010110 sensationalist 14 +111010110 dank 14 +111010110 retro 14 +111010110 Chicano 14 +111010110 obese 14 +111010110 non-white 14 +111010110 hard-edged 14 +111010110 nameless 14 +111010110 storied 14 +111010110 bony 14 +111010110 red-and-white 14 +111010110 neoclassical 14 +111010110 heterogeneous 14 +111010110 lithe 14 +111010110 reclining 14 +111010110 Gaullist 14 +111010110 hilly 14 +111010110 Prussian 14 +111010110 chunky 14 +111010110 fresh-faced 14 +111010110 gullible 14 +111010110 more-conservative 14 +111010110 loquacious 14 +111010110 grey 14 +111010110 high-rolling 14 +111010110 all-female 15 +111010110 alto 15 +111010110 grubby 15 +111010110 stubby 15 +111010110 precocious 15 +111010110 temporal 15 +111010110 ambassadorial 15 +111010110 grade-school 15 +111010110 Afrikaans 15 +111010110 taciturn 15 +111010110 sagebrush 15 +111010110 dark-haired 15 +111010110 straight-laced 15 +111010110 talkative 15 +111010110 wide-eyed 15 +111010110 unassuming 15 +111010110 Pentecostal 15 +111010110 karate 15 +111010110 landless 15 +111010110 buttoned-down 15 +111010110 irascible 15 +111010110 pro-Bork 15 +111010110 moneyed 15 +111010110 third-rate 15 +111010110 Hmong 15 +111010110 poached 15 +111010110 riverboat 15 +111010110 wispy 15 +111010110 pre-school 15 +111010110 hearing-impaired 15 +111010110 pacifist 15 +111010110 satanic 15 +111010110 workaday 15 +111010110 paternal 15 +111010110 flannel 15 +111010110 Unification 16 +111010110 octogenarian 16 +111010110 marriage-license 16 +111010110 NFC 16 +111010110 Africanized 16 +111010110 chauffeured 16 +111010110 blue-eyed 16 +111010110 showy 16 +111010110 better-educated 16 +111010110 mixed-race 16 +111010110 able-bodied 16 +111010110 acrobatic 16 +111010110 school-age 16 +111010110 chatty 16 +111010110 sheet-metal 16 +111010110 prim 16 +111010110 Romantic 16 +111010110 grieving 16 +111010110 larger-than-life 16 +111010110 dueling 16 +111010110 pickled 16 +111010110 show-business 16 +111010110 observant 16 +111010110 old-guard 16 +111010110 petite 16 +111010110 gallows 16 +111010110 mechanized 16 +111010110 unkempt 16 +111010110 red-faced 16 +111010110 disgraced 16 +111010110 flag-waving 16 +111010110 middle-age 16 +111010110 back-yard 16 +111010110 sedum 16 +111010110 cholesterol-free 16 +111010110 second-hand 16 +111010110 college-age 16 +111010110 native-born 17 +111010110 maroon 17 +111010110 prehistoric 17 +111010110 technocratic 17 +111010110 self-assured 17 +111010110 bumbling 17 +111010110 psychotic 17 +111010110 furry 17 +111010110 two-earner 17 +111010110 anarchic 17 +111010110 vengeful 17 +111010110 Hasidic 17 +111010110 meek 17 +111010110 mutant 17 +111010110 prize-winning 17 +111010110 Zimbabwean 17 +111010110 stolid 17 +111010110 cowardly 17 +111010110 price-conscious 17 +111010110 manicured 17 +111010110 nontechnical 17 +111010110 orphaned 17 +111010110 supple 17 +111010110 backwoods 17 +111010110 mid-career 18 +111010110 curved 18 +111010110 pushy 18 +111010110 swashbuckling 18 +111010110 amoral 18 +111010110 post-modern 18 +111010110 post-apartheid 18 +111010110 bisexual 18 +111010110 expectant 18 +111010110 hairy 18 +111010110 rock-throwing 18 +111010110 rotund 18 +111010110 smoky 18 +111010110 mythological 18 +111010110 scruffy 18 +111010110 malevolent 18 +111010110 foreign-born 18 +111010110 skid-row 18 +111010110 health-conscious 18 +111010110 Greek-American 18 +111010110 demonic 18 +111010110 ghostly 18 +111010110 tightfisted 18 +111010110 tax-and-spend 18 +111010110 panting 18 +111010110 silky 19 +111010110 penny-pinching 19 +111010110 first-generation 19 +111010110 narcotic 19 +111010110 restyled 19 +111010110 soap-opera 19 +111010110 pulsating 19 +111010110 Malay 19 +111010110 big-business 19 +111010110 Molotov 19 +111010110 unsupervised 19 +111010110 topless 19 +111010110 down-home 19 +111010110 dispirited 19 +111010110 heavy-metal 19 +111010110 upside-down 19 +111010110 sickest 19 +111010110 non-partisan 19 +111010110 out-of-work 20 +111010110 rambunctious 20 +111010110 underprivileged 20 +111010110 button-down 20 +111010110 angular 20 +111010110 overgrown 20 +111010110 Inuit 20 +111010110 pudgy 20 +111010110 selfless 20 +111010110 self-confident 20 +111010110 elementary-school 20 +111010110 Creole 20 +111010110 ginseng 20 +111010110 deformed 20 +111010110 celluloid 20 +111010110 righteous 20 +111010110 Leninist 20 +111010110 lumpy 20 +111010110 stereotypical 20 +111010110 gypsy 20 +111010110 baggy 20 +111010110 Nickelodeon 21 +111010110 higher-paid 21 +111010110 grown-up 21 +111010110 traditionalist 21 +111010110 dead-end 21 +111010110 Albanian 21 +111010110 fourth-generation 21 +111010110 home-based 21 +111010110 family-oriented 21 +111010110 sandy 21 +111010110 breakaway 21 +111010110 industrious 21 +111010110 contented 21 +111010110 courtly 21 +111010110 burned-out 21 +111010110 hulking 21 +111010110 nonwhite 21 +111010110 highbrow 21 +111010110 dazed 21 +111010110 Asian-American 22 +111010110 peripatetic 22 +111010110 tanned 22 +111010110 turquoise 22 +111010110 diabetic 22 +111010110 diseased 22 +111010110 salty 22 +111010110 vacillating 22 +111010110 reflagged 22 +111010110 Zen 22 +111010110 brain-dead 22 +111010110 Biblical 22 +111010110 Navajo 22 +111010110 nesting 22 +111010110 sullen 22 +111010110 self-righteous 22 +111010110 Tanqueray 22 +111010110 all-powerful 23 +111010110 publicity-shy 23 +111010110 downtrodden 23 +111010110 mournful 23 +111010110 silvery 23 +111010110 domineering 23 +111010110 primary-care 23 +111010110 preppy 23 +111010110 well-dressed 23 +111010110 wiry 23 +111010110 surly 23 +111010110 widowed 23 +111010110 smelly 23 +111010110 Evangelical 23 +111010110 chain-smoking 24 +111010110 two-income 24 +111010110 stocky 24 +111010110 comatose 24 +111010110 flashier 24 +111010110 Viennese 24 +111010110 working-age 24 +111010110 Anglo-Saxon 24 +111010110 Blind 24 +111010110 rooftop 24 +111010110 Venetian 24 +111010110 Cuban-American 25 +111010110 leafy 25 +111010110 chubby 25 +111010110 long-suffering 25 +111010110 AIDS-infected 25 +111010110 satin 25 +111010110 wayward 25 +111010110 hatchet 25 +111010110 habitual 25 +111010110 musty 25 +111010110 law-abiding 25 +111010110 professorial 25 +111010110 Kazakh 25 +111010110 boisterous 25 +111010110 low-volume 25 +111010110 WASP 25 +111010110 amber 25 +111010110 racy 26 +111010110 gruff 26 +111010110 mahogany 26 +111010110 upper-class 26 +111010110 spicy 26 +111010110 Flemish 26 +111010110 modernist 26 +111010110 boxy 26 +111010110 infertile 26 +111010110 urbane 26 +111010110 sultry 26 +111010110 heartless 26 +111010110 pirate 27 +111010110 destitute 27 +111010110 lower-paid 27 +111010110 kangaroo 27 +111010110 Eskimo 27 +111010110 like-minded 27 +111010110 gregarious 27 +111010110 hyperactive 27 +111010110 caribou 27 +111010110 uneducated 27 +111010110 lyric 28 +111010110 toothless 28 +111010110 canine 28 +111010110 hard-driving 28 +111010110 teenage 28 +111010110 close-knit 28 +111010110 pearl 28 +111010110 clean-cut 28 +111010110 rabid 28 +111010110 ramshackle 28 +111010110 genial 29 +111010110 scrappy 29 +111010110 pompous 29 +111010110 dour 29 +111010110 big-spending 29 +111010110 Reaganite 29 +111010110 glistening 29 +111010110 transient 29 +111010110 rustic 29 +111010110 Reformed 29 +111010110 socialized 29 +111010110 virgin 29 +111010110 nonsmoking 30 +111010110 four-star 30 +111010110 Iranian-backed 30 +111010110 dingy 30 +111010110 unruly 30 +111010110 flaming 30 +111010110 stand-up 30 +111010110 Jesuit 31 +111010110 alpha 31 +111010110 disenfranchised 31 +111010110 untrained 31 +111010110 picturesque 31 +111010110 armchair 31 +111010110 middle-of-the-road 31 +111010110 childless 31 +111010110 unwed 31 +111010110 arid 32 +111010110 stuffy 32 +111010110 folksy 32 +111010110 spectator 32 +111010110 four-letter 32 +111010110 low-cholesterol 32 +111010110 higher-income 32 +111010110 college-educated 32 +111010110 dilapidated 33 +111010110 slow-growing 33 +111010110 well-trained 33 +111010110 majestic 33 +111010110 pampered 33 +111010110 anti-Western 33 +111010110 decadent 33 +111010110 faceless 33 +111010110 Zulu 33 +111010110 right-hand 33 +111010110 secondhand 34 +111010110 hardy 34 +111010110 cunning 34 +111010110 good-looking 34 +111010110 pastel 34 +111010110 low-paid 34 +111010110 adorable 34 +111010110 hereditary 34 +111010110 squat 34 +111010110 worldly 34 +111010110 distraught 34 +111010110 lesbian 35 +111010110 operatic 35 +111010110 pro-Soviet 35 +111010110 velvet 35 +111010110 well-to-do 35 +111010110 gilded 36 +111010110 personalized 36 +111010110 striped 36 +111010110 lumbering 36 +111010110 punk 36 +111010110 placid 36 +111010110 Spanish-speaking 36 +111010110 seedy 36 +111010110 patrician 37 +111010110 crusty 37 +111010110 minimalist 37 +111010110 two-parent 37 +111010110 second-rate 37 +111010110 well-paid 38 +111010110 fascist 38 +111010110 sweaty 38 +111010110 clematis 38 +111010110 harried 38 +111010110 reactionary 38 +111010110 frigid 38 +111010110 charcoal 38 +111010110 tough-minded 38 +111010110 small-time 38 +111010110 ragged 38 +111010110 rectangular 39 +111010110 mercurial 39 +111010110 female-headed 39 +111010110 old-style 39 +111010110 self-made 39 +111010110 untreated 39 +111010110 aggrieved 40 +111010110 upper-middle-class 40 +111010110 fast-moving 40 +111010110 Hoosier 40 +111010110 decaying 40 +111010110 Mexican-American 40 +111010110 parched 40 +111010110 top-notch 40 +111010110 middle-management 40 +111010110 independent-minded 40 +111010110 Mariel 41 +111010110 benevolent 41 +111010110 lesser-known 42 +111010110 mainline 42 +111010110 fanatical 42 +111010110 business-school 42 +111010110 lowly 42 +111010110 dislocated 42 +111010110 snowy 42 +111010110 graying 43 +111010110 single-parent 43 +111010110 monolithic 43 +111010110 erstwhile 43 +111010110 melancholy 43 +111010110 pro-Western 43 +111010110 drab 43 +111010110 minority-group 44 +111010110 novice 44 +111010110 renegade 44 +111010110 born-again 44 +111010110 unsuspecting 44 +111010110 barefoot 44 +111010110 filthy 44 +111010110 baroque 44 +111010110 Yiddish 45 +111010110 sickly 45 +111010110 weeping 45 +111010110 Episcopal 45 +111010110 no-nonsense 46 +111010110 reform-minded 46 +111010110 gritty 47 +111010110 pro-choice 47 +111010110 Trojan 47 +111010110 devout 47 +111010110 gleaming 47 +111010110 literate 48 +111010110 litigious 48 +111010110 low-wage 48 +111010110 neon 48 +111010110 orchestral 48 +111010110 enterprising 48 +111010110 stately 48 +111010110 old-time 49 +111010110 English-speaking 49 +111010110 anti-Communist 49 +111010110 slender 49 +111010110 balding 49 +111010110 home-grown 50 +111010110 die-hard 50 +111010110 well-meaning 51 +111010110 Sunni 51 +111010110 migrant 51 +111010110 Latino 51 +111010110 steamy 52 +111010110 rookie 52 +111010110 rebellious 52 +111010110 low-fat 52 +111010110 gorgeous 52 +111010110 French-speaking 52 +111010110 Stalinist 53 +111010110 spacious 53 +111010110 illiterate 54 +111010110 Lutheran 54 +111010110 moderate-income 54 +111010110 tattered 54 +111010110 overworked 54 +111010110 Afrikaner 56 +111010110 victorious 56 +111010110 barren 57 +111010110 autocratic 57 +111010110 two-story 57 +111010110 adoptive 57 +111010110 Hindu 58 +111010110 retarded 59 +111010110 left-leaning 59 +111010110 17th-century 59 +111010110 fractious 59 +111010110 adolescent 60 +111010110 homemade 60 +111010110 expatriate 60 +111010110 disaffected 60 +111010110 recalcitrant 61 +111010110 conscientious 61 +111010110 plush 61 +111010110 uniformed 62 +111010110 lower-income 63 +111010110 well-educated 63 +111010110 Georgian 63 +111010110 unborn 63 +111010110 overweight 64 +111010110 stodgy 64 +111010110 prolific 64 +111010110 modern-day 64 +111010110 libertarian 64 +111010110 scenic 64 +111010110 cerebral 64 +111010110 preschool 65 +111010110 undisputed 65 +111010110 hard-working 65 +111010110 prairie 65 +111010110 pedestrian 65 +111010110 well-connected 66 +111010110 skinny 67 +111010110 hapless 67 +111010110 indigent 67 +111010110 unarmed 67 +111010110 unskilled 68 +111010110 lush 68 +111010110 frail 68 +111010110 Buddhist 68 +111010110 self-styled 68 +111010110 public-school 69 +111010110 second-class 69 +111010110 Ukrainian 69 +111010110 Filipino 70 +111010110 glitzy 70 +111010110 Amish 70 +111010110 baby-boom 70 +111010110 estranged 71 +111010110 muddy 71 +111010110 indigenous 72 +111010110 self-employed 72 +111010110 newborn 72 +111010110 rugged 72 +111010110 drunken 72 +111010110 illegitimate 73 +111010110 Sinhalese 74 +111010110 purple 74 +111010110 stylish 74 +111010110 hard-core 75 +111010110 aspiring 75 +111010110 bald 75 +111010110 shiny 76 +111010110 heterosexual 76 +111010110 ceremonial 78 +111010110 wealthier 78 +111010110 sparkling 78 +111010110 gifted 79 +111010110 deceased 79 +111010110 sporty 79 +111010110 humble 81 +111010110 civilized 82 +111010110 laid-off 82 +111010110 imperial 82 +111010110 restless 84 +111010110 banana 84 +111010110 brash 85 +111010110 chic 85 +111010110 teen 86 +111010110 fictional 87 +111010110 avant-garde 87 +111010110 nonpartisan 87 +111010110 fugitive 87 +111010110 slave 87 +111010110 visionary 88 +111010110 con 88 +111010110 exiled 89 +111010110 medieval 89 +111010110 nude 90 +111010110 overcrowded 93 +111010110 unmarried 93 +111010110 Tibetan 94 +111010110 Armenian 94 +111010110 macho 94 +111010110 deaf 95 +111010110 Mormon 95 +111010110 Cajun 96 +111010110 20-year-old 97 +111010110 fertile 97 +111010110 bearded 98 +111010110 evangelical 98 +111010110 real-life 98 +111010110 well-heeled 100 +111010110 maverick 101 +111010110 bronze 104 +111010110 totalitarian 106 +111010110 soft-spoken 107 +111010110 dusty 108 +111010110 beloved 108 +111010110 feminist 108 +111010110 feisty 109 +111010110 anti-communist 109 +111010110 undocumented 110 +111010110 20th-century 111 +111010110 eccentric 113 +111010110 muscular 113 +111010110 Orthodox 119 +111010110 holy 120 +111010110 yuppie 120 +111010110 Victorian 121 +111010110 needy 122 +111010110 hip 122 +111010110 pale 123 +111010110 peasant 124 +111010110 Protestant 125 +111010110 hands-on 125 +111010110 surrogate 126 +111010110 rank-and-file 126 +111010110 blond 126 +111010110 cowboy 127 +111010110 vintage 128 +111010110 cocktail 129 +111010110 inexperienced 138 +111010110 charismatic 141 +111010110 disadvantaged 143 +111010110 working-class 143 +111010110 marble 144 +111010110 youthful 144 +111010110 impoverished 144 +111010110 blank 146 +111010110 middle-income 149 +111010110 trendy 153 +111010110 fundamentalist 155 +111010110 flamboyant 156 +111010110 taxi 166 +111010110 slick 167 +111010110 inner-city 172 +111010110 middle-aged 177 +111010110 graphic 179 +111010110 naked 179 +111010110 militant 185 +111010110 fake 186 +111010110 left-wing 189 +111010110 poorer 191 +111010110 first-class 200 +111010110 clerical 209 +111010110 folk 216 +111010110 corrupt 218 +111010110 pink 220 +111010110 wooden 223 +111010110 legendary 225 +111010110 competent 228 +111010110 homosexual 229 +111010110 populist 230 +111010110 savvy 231 +111010110 immigrant 232 +111010110 brown 233 +111010110 unionized 248 +111010110 teen-age 256 +111010110 talented 257 +111010110 casual 259 +111010110 handicapped 259 +111010110 classical 264 +111010110 gay 272 +111010110 salaried 278 +111010110 Shiite 286 +111010110 right-wing 297 +111010110 unemployed 300 +111010110 affluent 332 +111010110 skilled 333 +111010110 disabled 334 +111010110 blue-collar 335 +111010110 capitalist 341 +111010110 free-lance 347 +111010110 middle-class 355 +111010110 part-time 358 +111010110 pregnant 369 +111010110 tall 372 +111010110 white-collar 373 +111010110 ancient 375 +111010110 high-school 381 +111010110 upscale 386 +111010110 yellow 393 +111010110 revolutionary 415 +111010110 contemporary 434 +111010110 gray 434 +111010110 beautiful 452 +111010110 adult 477 +111010110 homeless 483 +111010110 mainstream 511 +111010110 low-income 517 +111010110 socialist 531 +111010110 Hispanic 536 +111010110 full-time 563 +111010110 Moslem 579 +111010110 aging 605 +111010110 sick 648 +111010110 female 685 +111010110 Palestinian 688 +111010110 green 693 +111010110 male 718 +111010110 dark 729 +111010110 fat 759 +111010110 wealthy 776 +111010110 Jewish 797 +111010110 Catholic 854 +111010110 Russian 926 +111010110 cold 969 +111010110 elderly 1016 +111010110 nearby 1099 +111010110 younger 1107 +111010110 modern 1393 +111010110 red 1451 +111010110 rich 1471 +111010110 liberal 1696 +111010110 older 1800 +111010110 white 3058 +111010110 conservative 3161 +111010110 poor 3383 +111010110 young 4197 +111010110 black 5369 +1110101110 Birthing 1 +1110101110 18-partner 1 +1110101110 BBC-produced 1 +1110101110 Mid-Life 1 +1110101110 Taiping 1 +1110101110 Non-poor 1 +1110101110 Ringing 1 +1110101110 UnitedBank-College 1 +1110101110 post-Independence 1 +1110101110 College-a-Year 1 +1110101110 Pantanal 1 +1110101110 Status-Quo 1 +1110101110 Watertower 1 +1110101110 spy-ring 1 +1110101110 Elsaker 1 +1110101110 ex-Laxalt 1 +1110101110 Russian-Jewish 1 +1110101110 Sandillal 1 +1110101110 non-Leninist 1 +1110101110 like-thinking 1 +1110101110 238-page 1 +1110101110 42-million-member 1 +1110101110 Babubhai 1 +1110101110 Mameluke 1 +1110101110 1,025,995 1 +1110101110 5,635,109 1 +1110101110 AppleFax 1 +1110101110 Sociosemiotic 1 +1110101110 Contextual 1 +1110101110 Sewanee 1 +1110101110 Accelerate 1 +1110101110 four-day-long 1 +1110101110 beady-browed 1 +1110101110 smear-sneer 1 +1110101110 fever-pitched 1 +1110101110 once-reviled 1 +1110101110 Morgan-Gallup 1 +1110101110 B------s 1 +1110101110 Humanist 1 +1110101110 super-heavyweight 1 +1110101110 2,700-seat 1 +1110101110 12-inning 1 +1110101110 Clergy-Laity 1 +1110101110 Rhinoceros 1 +1110101110 ethnic-based 1 +1110101110 Quemoy-based 1 +1110101110 federal-judge 1 +1110101110 Dinamo 1 +1110101110 Oktobersky 1 +1110101110 Royal-George 1 +1110101110 3.5-mile 1 +1110101110 Bible-thumping 1 +1110101110 Stonefence 1 +1110101110 346-seat 1 +1110101110 Mswati 1 +1110101110 SMU-Texas 1 +1110101110 Westbeth 1 +1110101110 Takarazuka 1 +1110101110 ever-richer 1 +1110101110 beauxarts 1 +1110101110 neon-striped 1 +1110101110 Ground-Based 1 +1110101110 Ebeneezer 1 +1110101110 ultra-religious 1 +1110101110 closer-than-expected 1 +1110101110 Luay 1 +1110101110 Fillies 1 +1110101110 Nuclear-Free 1 +1110101110 super-liberal 1 +1110101110 Post-Vietnam 1 +1110101110 Broadcasting-Cablecasting 1 +1110101110 night-life 1 +1110101110 Democatic 1 +1110101110 first-in-nation 1 +1110101110 Purloined 1 +1110101110 Movement-Liberal 1 +1110101110 intelligence-oversight 1 +1110101110 Gotha 1 +1110101110 antinuclear 1 +1110101110 Subodh 1 +1110101110 Sheldonian 1 +1110101110 Lwanga 1 +1110101110 Bolster 1 +1110101110 Inter-Church 1 +1110101110 Willliams 1 +1110101110 Feb.5 1 +1110101110 Apawamis 1 +1110101110 majority-led 1 +1110101110 Douglas-Mansfield 1 +1110101110 Pleistocene 1 +1110101110 louvered 1 +1110101110 congressional-relations 1 +1110101110 McCarren-Ferguson 1 +1110101110 11,506 1 +1110101110 5,008,120 1 +1110101110 Hageseth 1 +1110101110 Klan-like 1 +1110101110 Hexagon 1 +1110101110 Zanla 1 +1110101110 Kumgangsan 1 +1110101110 24,000-guerrilla 1 +1110101110 oft-damned 1 +1110101110 Full-force 1 +1110101110 XyWrite 1 +1110101110 post-Memorial 1 +1110101110 early-music 1 +1110101110 Caribou 1 +1110101110 Kremlin-backed 1 +1110101110 export-minded 1 +1110101110 killer-moonshine 1 +1110101110 dark-hued 1 +1110101110 Harmonie 1 +1110101110 VJ 1 +1110101110 Chilterns 1 +1110101110 Conversative 1 +1110101110 Takuji 1 +1110101110 big-tent 1 +1110101110 run-of-the-arena 1 +1110101110 Kreeger 1 +1110101110 defense-minded 1 +1110101110 Sine 1 +1110101110 Nomine 1 +1110101110 3,234 1 +1110101110 Chuangchant 1 +1110101110 Thorbjorn 1 +1110101110 162-member 1 +1110101110 Vaderlike 1 +1110101110 Janata 1 +1110101110 socialist-conservative 1 +1110101110 SAAvers 1 +1110101110 emotion-prone 1 +1110101110 more-populist 1 +1110101110 Tawheed 1 +1110101110 Social-Democratic 1 +1110101110 Barbican 1 +1110101110 Know-Nothing 1 +1110101110 Lifeboat 1 +1110101110 Thai-Euro 1 +1110101110 five-ringed 1 +1110101110 world-indoor 1 +1110101110 Jamiat-i-Islami 1 +1110101110 ProFarmer 1 +1110101110 Ironbound 1 +1110101110 chickie 1 +1110101110 Panjshir 1 +1110101110 wood-mounted 1 +1110101110 Noonday 1 +1110101110 ZOMO 1 +1110101110 glass-and-metal 1 +1110101110 more-centrist 1 +1110101110 Taiwan-elected 1 +1110101110 steel-bodied 1 +1110101110 much-courted 1 +1110101110 military-strategy 1 +1110101110 Comeauarea 1 +1110101110 Zambesi 1 +1110101110 version-dBASE 1 +1110101110 oilrefinery 1 +1110101110 Mikroszkop 1 +1110101110 Sunday-before-Memorial 1 +1110101110 Liberal-Social 1 +1110101110 Sucia 1 +1110101110 pro-parliamentary 1 +1110101110 US/USSR 1 +1110101110 Mid-Day 1 +1110101110 Gras-type 1 +1110101110 cartoon-camel 1 +1110101110 cool-eyed 1 +1110101110 Eastgate 1 +1110101110 Stiemke 1 +1110101110 Favorite-son 1 +1110101110 non-liberalizing 1 +1110101110 permanent-looking 1 +1110101110 102-nation 1 +1110101110 Theatersports 1 +1110101110 youth-group 1 +1110101110 Roundabout 1 +1110101110 2,928-stock 1 +1110101110 102-member 1 +1110101110 ex-Soviet 1 +1110101110 34-3 1 +1110101110 lame-hawk 1 +1110101110 last-season 1 +1110101110 News-Free 1 +1110101110 Zuni 1 +1110101110 Hill-Burton 1 +1110101110 Jabaliya 1 +1110101110 Olympics-like 1 +1110101110 1,530,000 1 +1110101110 neither-nor 1 +1110101110 caulk 1 +1110101110 Dewey-Brownell 1 +1110101110 club-pro 1 +1110101110 no-surprises-expected 1 +1110101110 Meltnomah 1 +1110101110 Jamat-e-Islami 1 +1110101110 once-fervent 1 +1110101110 Week-r 1 +1110101110 black-bearded 1 +1110101110 ex-bureaucrat 1 +1110101110 post-Baker 1 +1110101110 ex-Communist 1 +1110101110 long-odds 1 +1110101110 Bhabha 1 +1110101110 pre-Democratic 1 +1110101110 Kerr-Mills 1 +1110101110 No-Lose 1 +1110101110 Liberal-National 1 +1110101110 conocido 1 +1110101110 Maranatha 1 +1110101110 Client/Contract 1 +1110101110 post-Chiang 1 +1110101110 Tonto 1 +1110101110 now-purged 1 +1110101110 buttondown 1 +1110101110 baseball-fantasy 1 +1110101110 Korea-Euro 1 +1110101110 ENVOY 2 +1110101110 Kokoomus 2 +1110101110 WW 2 +1110101110 Wiltern 2 +1110101110 Magnuson-Moss 2 +1110101110 Liberal-Democratic 2 +1110101110 challenge-proof 2 +1110101110 scimitar-wielding 2 +1110101110 balkanized 2 +1110101110 five-way 2 +1110101110 Moratorium 2 +1110101110 Nacionalista 2 +1110101110 anti-Iraq 2 +1110101110 Me-Too 2 +1110101110 non-committee 2 +1110101110 Marionette 2 +1110101110 18-million-acre 2 +1110101110 WaterPark 2 +1110101110 DeLancey 2 +1110101110 Fawaz 2 +1110101110 Huk 2 +1110101110 Matsuzawa 2 +1110101110 millwright 2 +1110101110 Hortenstine 2 +1110101110 Iditarod 2 +1110101110 Immorality 2 +1110101110 AMCAP 2 +1110101110 Tunero 2 +1110101110 Chrysler-Maserati 2 +1110101110 bantamweight 2 +1110101110 Ton-Ton 2 +1110101110 que 2 +1110101110 anti-Hoover 2 +1110101110 desegregating 2 +1110101110 Reagan-Meese 2 +1110101110 lightning-bolt 2 +1110101110 Anzac 2 +1110101110 long-dominant 2 +1110101110 Perilous 2 +1110101110 now-certain 2 +1110101110 county-commissioner 2 +1110101110 houston 2 +1110101110 progressive-minded 2 +1110101110 Tarot 2 +1110101110 Bogeyman 2 +1110101110 Conservative-controlled 2 +1110101110 Armistice 2 +1110101110 cartoony 2 +1110101110 vote-getting 2 +1110101110 dissolute 2 +1110101110 Landrum-Griffin 2 +1110101110 Moneda 2 +1110101110 hard-rocking 2 +1110101110 60-odd 2 +1110101110 Dixiecrat 2 +1110101110 Petofi 2 +1110101110 Confiscation 2 +1110101110 2,250-member 2 +1110101110 NCNB/Texas 2 +1110101110 Saudi-Kuwait 2 +1110101110 Domed 2 +1110101110 Rhea-Graham 2 +1110101110 Fontenelle 2 +1110101110 4,436,851 2 +1110101110 Democrat-dominated 2 +1110101110 Abed 2 +1110101110 Papago 2 +1110101110 naturist 2 +1110101110 9,716,000 2 +1110101110 Australia-Israel 2 +1110101110 Roosevelt-Truman 2 +1110101110 Extinction 2 +1110101110 1,015,000 2 +1110101110 Tradeshow 2 +1110101110 hill-climbing 2 +1110101110 anti-Bresser 2 +1110101110 six-term 2 +1110101110 church-backed 2 +1110101110 Seven-Year 2 +1110101110 Zollinger-Ellison 2 +1110101110 Hoc 2 +1110101110 farm-owner 2 +1110101110 Hanns 2 +1110101110 Arnt 2 +1110101110 Harmonic 2 +1110101110 Orme 2 +1110101110 spell-binding 2 +1110101110 light-heavy 2 +1110101110 Nobelist 2 +1110101110 Jefferson-Jackson 2 +1110101110 Gunnery 2 +1110101110 Brown-appointed 2 +1110101110 none-of-the-above 2 +1110101110 Aprista 2 +1110101110 MuniInsured 2 +1110101110 Phantasy 2 +1110101110 Supply-Side 3 +1110101110 Humphrey-Hawkins 3 +1110101110 NLD 3 +1110101110 Ghetto 3 +1110101110 lovelorn 3 +1110101110 Ramses 3 +1110101110 non-incumbent 3 +1110101110 RFK 3 +1110101110 Creation/Evolution 3 +1110101110 quisling 3 +1110101110 Ebury 3 +1110101110 Grise 3 +1110101110 Indian-dominated 3 +1110101110 Pan-Hellenic 3 +1110101110 Shatila 3 +1110101110 Authentic 3 +1110101110 all-but-certain 3 +1110101110 UAW-Chrysler 3 +1110101110 more-pragmatic 3 +1110101110 pre-Labor 3 +1110101110 Norris-LaGuardia 3 +1110101110 Llano 3 +1110101110 Cort 3 +1110101110 577-member 3 +1110101110 Simpson-Rodino-Mazzoli 3 +1110101110 Kievsky 3 +1110101110 lead-off 3 +1110101110 Maryknoll 3 +1110101110 Hispania 3 +1110101110 Bialetti 3 +1110101110 Usonian 3 +1110101110 Democractic 3 +1110101110 Weintal 3 +1110101110 early-bird 3 +1110101110 Bypass 3 +1110101110 gun-owners 3 +1110101110 violence-ridden 3 +1110101110 HUAC 3 +1110101110 Statehood 3 +1110101110 Wafd 3 +1110101110 Deeper 3 +1110101110 Volstead 3 +1110101110 time-pressed 3 +1110101110 Primavera 3 +1110101110 Lyceum 3 +1110101110 B-4 3 +1110101110 upperhouse 3 +1110101110 Karabakh 3 +1110101110 much-decorated 3 +1110101110 Princeton-educated 3 +1110101110 Yueksekova 3 +1110101110 Racket 3 +1110101110 right-center 3 +1110101110 Robinson-Patman 3 +1110101110 Rajendra 3 +1110101110 venture-capitalist 3 +1110101110 Giro 4 +1110101110 Waitangi 4 +1110101110 best-liked 4 +1110101110 Eurocommunist 4 +1110101110 Demilitarized 4 +1110101110 Aquino-backed 4 +1110101110 pro-military 4 +1110101110 conservative-led 4 +1110101110 Gatlin 4 +1110101110 long-ruling 4 +1110101110 Gascard 4 +1110101110 Adak 4 +1110101110 Rightime 4 +1110101110 Cuban-backed 4 +1110101110 Smuts 4 +1110101110 prisoner-of-war 4 +1110101110 Duvalierist 4 +1110101110 Dynamit 4 +1110101110 Coccoloba 4 +1110101110 Latter 4 +1110101110 mud-slinging 4 +1110101110 bumpkin 4 +1110101110 Kennedy-Nixon 4 +1110101110 Mod 4 +1110101110 74th 4 +1110101110 Anti-Drug 4 +1110101110 75-acre 4 +1110101110 Shiloh 4 +1110101110 anti-immigrant 4 +1110101110 Maryinsky 4 +1110101110 750,000-member 4 +1110101110 Kookaburra 5 +1110101110 Rosendo 5 +1110101110 SDP-Liberal 5 +1110101110 Cheetah 5 +1110101110 Wrestlemania 5 +1110101110 Coinage 5 +1110101110 hard-right 5 +1110101110 Mysterious 5 +1110101110 opposition-controlled 5 +1110101110 Bangladeshi 5 +1110101110 pro-Castro 5 +1110101110 Baath 5 +1110101110 Goodwrench 5 +1110101110 Demon 5 +1110101110 diocesan 5 +1110101110 Ascot 5 +1110101110 Pinocchio 5 +1110101110 Freequent 5 +1110101110 TV-Cable 5 +1110101110 Kits 5 +1110101110 major-party 5 +1110101110 communist-dominated 5 +1110101110 101-seat 5 +1110101110 Non-Aligned 6 +1110101110 Taft-Hartley 6 +1110101110 450-member 6 +1110101110 Waxman-Hatch 6 +1110101110 Laotian 6 +1110101110 Guarneri 6 +1110101110 Cutty 6 +1110101110 Diversa 6 +1110101110 Thanatos 6 +1110101110 antigovernment 6 +1110101110 Marabar 6 +1110101110 pro-gun 6 +1110101110 right-of-center 6 +1110101110 Hezb-e-Islami 6 +1110101110 post-Thanksgiving 6 +1110101110 mini-Marshall 6 +1110101110 Summum 6 +1110101110 light-heavyweight 7 +1110101110 Vanuaaku 7 +1110101110 Hype 7 +1110101110 PLO. 7 +1110101110 Pirate 7 +1110101110 four-party 7 +1110101110 issueless 7 +1110101110 Polisario 7 +1110101110 post-Labor 7 +1110101110 military-led 7 +1110101110 pilot-union 7 +1110101110 whistle-stop 7 +1110101110 Tuscan 7 +1110101110 regimental 7 +1110101110 12-man 7 +1110101110 Gridiron 7 +1110101110 segregationist 7 +1110101110 Sealtest 7 +1110101110 Lend-Lease 7 +1110101110 white-minority 8 +1110101110 oil-state 8 +1110101110 Price-Anderson 8 +1110101110 Melanesian 8 +1110101110 Disabilities 8 +1110101110 Taganka 8 +1110101110 IP 8 +1110101110 4-H 8 +1110101110 Gallic 8 +1110101110 military-run 8 +1110101110 Philharmonia 8 +1110101110 Merwin 8 +1110101110 Promenade 8 +1110101110 Macoute 9 +1110101110 Bipartisan 9 +1110101110 Antique 9 +1110101110 Akali 9 +1110101110 law-making 9 +1110101110 publicity-seeking 9 +1110101110 out-of-power 9 +1110101110 Maronite 10 +1110101110 extreme-right 10 +1110101110 Vietnam-backed 10 +1110101110 Musee 10 +1110101110 Anti-Dumping 10 +1110101110 Neutrality 10 +1110101110 military-backed 10 +1110101110 P.C. 10 +1110101110 Machinist 10 +1110101110 Orderly 11 +1110101110 Labour 11 +1110101110 WPA 12 +1110101110 Tonton 12 +1110101110 Parnassus 12 +1110101110 Tunney 12 +1110101110 Ton 13 +1110101110 Carle 13 +1110101110 Tontons 13 +1110101110 Departure 13 +1110101110 Partisan 13 +1110101110 Napoleonic 14 +1110101110 criminal-defense 14 +1110101110 Soviet-supported 14 +1110101110 Staggers 14 +1110101110 Bohemian 14 +1110101110 Tex-Mex 14 +1110101110 Acorn 14 +1110101110 post-Khomeini 14 +1110101110 Muslim 15 +1110101110 far-left 15 +1110101110 Communist-led 15 +1110101110 Anti-Deficiency 15 +1110101110 Racquet 15 +1110101110 Kronos 16 +1110101110 Elderly 16 +1110101110 squatter 16 +1110101110 Bastille 16 +1110101110 Orpheum 16 +1110101110 Agri 18 +1110101110 Kiwanis 18 +1110101110 Davis-Bacon 19 +1110101110 Populist 19 +1110101110 Sicilian 20 +1110101110 Mardi 20 +1110101110 APRA 20 +1110101110 Cosa 20 +1110101110 far-right 20 +1110101110 pro-apartheid 21 +1110101110 Clipper 21 +1110101110 farm-state 21 +1110101110 Twilight 22 +1110101110 Ninety-Ten 22 +1110101110 Neutral 22 +1110101110 Libertarian 24 +1110101110 Austral 25 +1110101110 Prospector 26 +1110101110 Grammy 26 +1110101110 Reunification 26 +1110101110 Senatorial 26 +1110101110 Fijian 27 +1110101110 Partido 28 +1110101110 McCarran-Ferguson 31 +1110101110 Portable 32 +1110101110 center-left 34 +1110101110 Dodger 35 +1110101110 Book-of-the-Month 35 +1110101110 MacBride 35 +1110101110 Motherland 37 +1110101110 anti-Bork 38 +1110101110 rightist 38 +1110101110 Goodwill 39 +1110101110 Reagan-Bush 39 +1110101110 P.R. 39 +1110101110 ACT 46 +1110101110 emigre 46 +1110101110 ruling-party 46 +1110101110 Amal 48 +1110101110 Marxist-Leninist 50 +1110101110 Rotary 53 +1110101110 Radical 65 +1110101110 one-party 73 +1110101110 Peronist 73 +1110101110 Founding 75 +1110101110 pro-Iranian 77 +1110101110 Nationalist 81 +1110101110 warring 90 +1110101110 Cruzado 99 +1110101110 Constitutional 100 +1110101110 centrist 103 +1110101110 Tory 106 +1110101110 Gallup 123 +1110101110 Baptist 134 +1110101110 center-right 138 +1110101110 Likud 140 +1110101110 Pulitzer 142 +1110101110 Hart-Scott-Rodino 162 +1110101110 Glass-Steagall 200 +1110101110 Veterans 224 +1110101110 Summer 232 +1110101110 refugee 289 +1110101110 leftist 305 +1110101110 incumbent 335 +1110101110 Marxist 351 +1110101110 Nobel 352 +1110101110 Winter 364 +1110101110 Socialist 470 +1110101110 Associated 516 +1110101110 Liberal 552 +1110101110 Free 605 +1110101110 communist 738 +1110101110 Olympic 738 +1110101110 Conservative 772 +1110101110 Christian 1047 +1110101110 Communist 1653 +1110101110 GOP 1819 +1110101110 Democratic 5508 +1110101110 Republican 3847 +1110101111 animal-liberation 1 +1110101111 pro-arms-control 1 +1110101111 non-landowning 1 +1110101111 13,180 1 +1110101111 Spanish-mission 1 +1110101111 EVERYDAY 1 +1110101111 Nazi-inspired 1 +1110101111 fare-paying 1 +1110101111 Trecento 1 +1110101111 starched-white 1 +1110101111 Detroit-Windsor 1 +1110101111 Chinese-supported 1 +1110101111 160-piece 1 +1110101111 7,240 1 +1110101111 post-congress 1 +1110101111 communist-party 1 +1110101111 grenade-resistant 1 +1110101111 sandiest 1 +1110101111 1,632 1 +1110101111 still-vibrant 1 +1110101111 you-can-almost-feel-her-breathe 1 +1110101111 lesser-rated 1 +1110101111 nonartistic 1 +1110101111 regulation-happy 1 +1110101111 dewlapped 1 +1110101111 coastal-strip 1 +1110101111 public-employee-union 1 +1110101111 sun-struck 1 +1110101111 pro-Berne 1 +1110101111 pairs-against-the-clock 1 +1110101111 7,427 1 +1110101111 Engravers 1 +1110101111 50-Foot 1 +1110101111 explosive-laden 1 +1110101111 Undergound 1 +1110101111 topdown 1 +1110101111 clematis-indifferent 1 +1110101111 Soviet-chartered 1 +1110101111 wooden-hulled 1 +1110101111 Haitain 1 +1110101111 public-management 1 +1110101111 right-winged 1 +1110101111 Asociacion 1 +1110101111 India-China 1 +1110101111 tennisracket 1 +1110101111 paper-clogged 1 +1110101111 Putsch-style 1 +1110101111 non-Cuban 1 +1110101111 once-poor 1 +1110101111 Cinemascope-sized 1 +1110101111 expolitical 1 +1110101111 Telefunken-line 1 +1110101111 600,000-member 1 +1110101111 pre-Revolution 1 +1110101111 Bionic 1 +1110101111 personalistic 1 +1110101111 motorcyclelike 1 +1110101111 9,574 1 +1110101111 trainer-witch 1 +1110101111 non-objecting 1 +1110101111 pro-prosecution 1 +1110101111 3,007 1 +1110101111 inward-turning 1 +1110101111 Karens 1 +1110101111 6,135 1 +1110101111 export-capable 1 +1110101111 centrist-to-liberal 1 +1110101111 anti-Maputo 1 +1110101111 health-column 1 +1110101111 heparin-treated 1 +1110101111 stress-filled 1 +1110101111 Genoan 1 +1110101111 lottery-happy 1 +1110101111 less-competent 1 +1110101111 palm-out 1 +1110101111 gap-jawed 1 +1110101111 expansion-hungry 1 +1110101111 long-lagging 1 +1110101111 brownish-gray 1 +1110101111 bloodred 1 +1110101111 Anglo-Indian 1 +1110101111 most-militant 1 +1110101111 Dogon 1 +1110101111 CFA-Consumers 1 +1110101111 Dukakis-appointed 1 +1110101111 placard-waving 1 +1110101111 prismatic 1 +1110101111 fruit-eating 1 +1110101111 Hard-Worked 1 +1110101111 Jewish-American 1 +1110101111 Baker-Darman 1 +1110101111 TPA-treated 1 +1110101111 non-orthodox 1 +1110101111 tinpot 1 +1110101111 550,000-member 1 +1110101111 Bahurutshe 1 +1110101111 less-radical 1 +1110101111 non-chiropractic 1 +1110101111 Isreali 1 +1110101111 too-stubborn 1 +1110101111 too-compromising 1 +1110101111 credit-system 1 +1110101111 Inter-Parliamentary 1 +1110101111 Hollywood-Nashville 1 +1110101111 Poindexter/North 1 +1110101111 LTV-owned 1 +1110101111 non-sectarian 1 +1110101111 ruminative 1 +1110101111 drug-ring 1 +1110101111 constabulary 1 +1110101111 more-resistant 1 +1110101111 laser-sculpted 1 +1110101111 producing-nation 1 +1110101111 movie-mogul 1 +1110101111 Mongolian-looking 1 +1110101111 takeover-hungry 1 +1110101111 Nicarguan 1 +1110101111 once-bold 1 +1110101111 Managuan 1 +1110101111 PAP. 1 +1110101111 Posnan 1 +1110101111 1,528 1 +1110101111 gold-generated 1 +1110101111 cocaine-cartel 1 +1110101111 companionate 1 +1110101111 criminal-case 1 +1110101111 steel-state 1 +1110101111 158-acre 1 +1110101111 Sha 1 +1110101111 sports-loving 1 +1110101111 Secord-operated 1 +1110101111 cave-dwelling 1 +1110101111 Scots-Irish-German 1 +1110101111 medium-bracket 1 +1110101111 brainiest 1 +1110101111 student-government 1 +1110101111 silver-gold 1 +1110101111 farm-group 1 +1110101111 environmental-group 1 +1110101111 21-jewel 1 +1110101111 1,800-year-old 1 +1110101111 templelike 1 +1110101111 un-French 1 +1110101111 EC-Austrian 1 +1110101111 state-dependent 1 +1110101111 Yoruban 1 +1110101111 moral-political 1 +1110101111 doctoral-degree 1 +1110101111 liberal-oriented 1 +1110101111 revenge-seeking 1 +1110101111 Salo 1 +1110101111 darkbrowed 1 +1110101111 3.3245 1 +1110101111 1.4612 1 +1110101111 waist-deep 1 +1110101111 thick-necked 1 +1110101111 supergroup 1 +1110101111 semi-pronounceable 1 +1110101111 self-defining 1 +1110101111 anti-computer 1 +1110101111 wood-shingled 1 +1110101111 superabundant 1 +1110101111 tin-horn 1 +1110101111 nonmasked 1 +1110101111 Saudi-financed 1 +1110101111 1,094 1 +1110101111 bombs-away 1 +1110101111 non-tonal 1 +1110101111 anti-Fascist 1 +1110101111 maurauding 1 +1110101111 blank-faced 1 +1110101111 Ronnie-Mickey 1 +1110101111 bunker-bound 1 +1110101111 1991-95 1 +1110101111 musky 1 +1110101111 Soviet-dubbed 1 +1110101111 four-power 1 +1110101111 Carib-related 1 +1110101111 pop-management-book 1 +1110101111 Comedie 1 +1110101111 Consumer-group 1 +1110101111 anti-intellectualist 1 +1110101111 power-shortage 1 +1110101111 113,600 1 +1110101111 communications-industry 1 +1110101111 Dole-Domenici 1 +1110101111 freedom-fighter 1 +1110101111 enginemaker 1 +1110101111 220-foot-tall 1 +1110101111 paid-off 1 +1110101111 non-Roman 1 +1110101111 cotton-related 1 +1110101111 semitrailer 1 +1110101111 mule-team 1 +1110101111 6,685 1 +1110101111 national-cultural 1 +1110101111 spade-wielding 1 +1110101111 day-section 1 +1110101111 brie-eating 1 +1110101111 Illyrian 1 +1110101111 charro 1 +1110101111 Conch 1 +1110101111 now-governing 1 +1110101111 Republican-appointed 1 +1110101111 southern-front 1 +1110101111 surlier 1 +1110101111 rifle-bearing 1 +1110101111 McDonald's-style 1 +1110101111 Nandi 1 +1110101111 Battle-hardened 1 +1110101111 pro-cat 1 +1110101111 pro-Robertson 1 +1110101111 50-degree 1 +1110101111 then-and-now 1 +1110101111 2,182 1 +1110101111 often-flawed 1 +1110101111 draft-resistance 1 +1110101111 enrapt 1 +1110101111 Harvard-Washington 1 +1110101111 pre-GM 1 +1110101111 -assisted 1 +1110101111 foresighted 1 +1110101111 fourth-act 1 +1110101111 PROVIDED 1 +1110101111 meat-industry 1 +1110101111 fish-hunting 1 +1110101111 official-line 1 +1110101111 then-Brooklyn 1 +1110101111 M113 1 +1110101111 mid-pack 1 +1110101111 suburban-oriented 1 +1110101111 Thomson-GE 1 +1110101111 Bork-Reagan 1 +1110101111 blacksleeved 1 +1110101111 Kharaji 1 +1110101111 war-game 1 +1110101111 one-meter 1 +1110101111 Academie 1 +1110101111 broad-striped 1 +1110101111 green-uniformed 1 +1110101111 canine-costumed 1 +1110101111 secret-agent 1 +1110101111 resending 1 +1110101111 Will-style 1 +1110101111 35,478 1 +1110101111 reverse-destructive 1 +1110101111 greased-up 1 +1110101111 PLO-backed 1 +1110101111 Watchworkers 1 +1110101111 Teamsters-Machinists 1 +1110101111 special-action 1 +1110101111 Marmosets 1 +1110101111 PX. 1 +1110101111 insurrectionary 1 +1110101111 NABF 1 +1110101111 Iranian-owned 1 +1110101111 hoarier 1 +1110101111 Terpsichore-Apollo 1 +1110101111 headline-seeking 1 +1110101111 white-clothed 1 +1110101111 banned-in-Britain 1 +1110101111 Barbula 1 +1110101111 Dinka 1 +1110101111 Hanuman 1 +1110101111 gun-wielding 1 +1110101111 late-sixties 1 +1110101111 livelier-than-expected 1 +1110101111 unidimensional 1 +1110101111 sun-and-sport 1 +1110101111 Reaktorbrennenelemente 1 +1110101111 time-chartered 1 +1110101111 fruitwood-paneled 1 +1110101111 life-and-working 1 +1110101111 Vietnamese-imposed 1 +1110101111 Mantle-Maris 1 +1110101111 Non-aligned 1 +1110101111 then-Panamanian 1 +1110101111 uncreated 1 +1110101111 right/conservative 1 +1110101111 2.5652 1 +1110101111 Bardavon 1 +1110101111 Vatican-linked 1 +1110101111 46,394 1 +1110101111 score-proud 1 +1110101111 cocaine-dealing 1 +1110101111 predominating 1 +1110101111 anti-speculative 1 +1110101111 let's-party 1 +1110101111 102-inch-wide 1 +1110101111 grow-your-own 1 +1110101111 Allen-film 1 +1110101111 Jordian 1 +1110101111 anti-Galileo 1 +1110101111 12-branch 1 +1110101111 evil-minded 1 +1110101111 4,162 1 +1110101111 gerontocratic 1 +1110101111 sixth-seeded 1 +1110101111 still-sickly 1 +1110101111 38-story 1 +1110101111 Unsung 1 +1110101111 bureaucratic-minded 1 +1110101111 most-exposed 1 +1110101111 managerial-sounding 1 +1110101111 anti-JOA 1 +1110101111 same-colored 1 +1110101111 Pretoria-administered 1 +1110101111 non-discontented 1 +1110101111 benefits-for-all 1 +1110101111 50-square-block 1 +1110101111 38,000-acre 1 +1110101111 Pomo 1 +1110101111 growl-and-plunger 1 +1110101111 Hinduish 1 +1110101111 compromise-minded 1 +1110101111 headline-hawking 1 +1110101111 British-French-Israeli 1 +1110101111 no-trade 1 +1110101111 U.S-backed 1 +1110101111 20-student 1 +1110101111 lambskin 1 +1110101111 Mauritanian 1 +1110101111 chirpier 1 +1110101111 U.K.-owned 1 +1110101111 ex-heavyweight 1 +1110101111 10,835 1 +1110101111 6,771,060 1 +1110101111 voodoolike 1 +1110101111 17-week-old 1 +1110101111 heavy-hoofed 1 +1110101111 Guarani 1 +1110101111 pitchfork-wielding 1 +1110101111 Gore-Tex 1 +1110101111 Manhattan-establishment 1 +1110101111 Boucherie 1 +1110101111 non-college-bound 1 +1110101111 Second-Tier 1 +1110101111 Kremlin-inspired 1 +1110101111 crude-rich 1 +1110101111 non-Michigan 1 +1110101111 dramatis 1 +1110101111 fundamentalist-dominated 1 +1110101111 hyperzealous 1 +1110101111 Fisherian 1 +1110101111 pre-Mexican 1 +1110101111 non-Aborigine 1 +1110101111 Boston-Austin 1 +1110101111 Ulyanovsk 2 +1110101111 Pakistan-Afghan 2 +1110101111 600,000-strong 2 +1110101111 cube-shaped 2 +1110101111 Pakistan-backed 2 +1110101111 Hindu-dominated 2 +1110101111 Marxist-inspired 2 +1110101111 Soviet-client 2 +1110101111 rear-echelon 2 +1110101111 protectionist-minded 2 +1110101111 IBT 2 +1110101111 urban-based 2 +1110101111 street-wise 2 +1110101111 Gabonese 2 +1110101111 information/service 2 +1110101111 Texas-Oklahoma 2 +1110101111 Flaming 2 +1110101111 post-1988 2 +1110101111 microwave-based 2 +1110101111 twin-deficit 2 +1110101111 Sinhalese-dominated 2 +1110101111 Christian-led 2 +1110101111 Merrie 2 +1110101111 health-fascist 2 +1110101111 five-square-mile 2 +1110101111 Tracon 2 +1110101111 superdelegate 2 +1110101111 schoolbus 2 +1110101111 wised-up 2 +1110101111 non-Sandinista 2 +1110101111 Marxist/Leninist 2 +1110101111 thrip 2 +1110101111 midrange-computer 2 +1110101111 Presser-Mathis 2 +1110101111 Roofers 2 +1110101111 morning-after 2 +1110101111 antiSandinista 2 +1110101111 Turkish-Cypriot 2 +1110101111 21,200 2 +1110101111 Indo-Chinese 2 +1110101111 Iranian-held 2 +1110101111 Screeching 2 +1110101111 sprocket 2 +1110101111 short-play 2 +1110101111 Russian-dominated 2 +1110101111 Formosan 2 +1110101111 Eminase-treated 2 +1110101111 Guayaquil-based 2 +1110101111 eight-term 2 +1110101111 engorged 2 +1110101111 ex-Army 2 +1110101111 resistance-party 2 +1110101111 40,000-ton 2 +1110101111 pro-Vietnamese 2 +1110101111 Arizona-Nevada 2 +1110101111 drug-treated 2 +1110101111 LaRouche-ite 2 +1110101111 mad-dog 2 +1110101111 Tatar 2 +1110101111 Kwa-Zulu 2 +1110101111 Castroite 2 +1110101111 U.S.-armed 3 +1110101111 anti-army 3 +1110101111 piney 3 +1110101111 lovesick 3 +1110101111 McChicken 3 +1110101111 American-educated 3 +1110101111 Libyan-backed 3 +1110101111 Tulalip 3 +1110101111 medium-level 3 +1110101111 Soviet-based 3 +1110101111 Zairian 3 +1110101111 2.332 3 +1110101111 pro-Syrian 3 +1110101111 Vanuatuan 3 +1110101111 hard-left 3 +1110101111 tax-revolt 3 +1110101111 Panamian 3 +1110101111 anti-Khomeini 4 +1110101111 anti-Kabul 4 +1110101111 paternalist 4 +1110101111 Tadzhik 4 +1110101111 Shia 4 +1110101111 white-ethnic 4 +1110101111 Deliverers 4 +1110101111 decriminalizing 4 +1110101111 Satmar 4 +1110101111 seven-party 4 +1110101111 Chilewich 4 +1110101111 India-Pakistan 4 +1110101111 pro-Iran 4 +1110101111 PRI-controlled 4 +1110101111 Threepenny 4 +1110101111 Somali 4 +1110101111 atheistic 4 +1110101111 anti-Marcos 4 +1110101111 1976-83 5 +1110101111 pro-Marcos 5 +1110101111 CIA-backed 5 +1110101111 Ghana-Togo 5 +1110101111 placebo-treated 5 +1110101111 opposition-party 5 +1110101111 aviation-industry 5 +1110101111 American-backed 5 +1110101111 marauding 5 +1110101111 REGIE 6 +1110101111 Hashemite 6 +1110101111 3,000-mile 6 +1110101111 120-seat 6 +1110101111 anti-Mecham 6 +1110101111 oil-union 7 +1110101111 half-century-old 7 +1110101111 free-market-oriented 7 +1110101111 Sandinista-Contra 7 +1110101111 low-ranking 7 +1110101111 German-German 7 +1110101111 Cystic 8 +1110101111 Swazi 8 +1110101111 Inca 8 +1110101111 Kanak 8 +1110101111 Soviet-designed 8 +1110101111 bicoastal 8 +1110101111 Tasmanian 9 +1110101111 Swedish-made 9 +1110101111 nomadic 9 +1110101111 Uruguayan 9 +1110101111 Mentally 9 +1110101111 Babylonian 9 +1110101111 Azerbaijani 10 +1110101111 anti-Marxist 10 +1110101111 Brezhnev-era 10 +1110101111 orbital 10 +1110101111 Iranian-inspired 11 +1110101111 Austro-Hungarian 11 +1110101111 Icelandic 11 +1110101111 first-phase 12 +1110101111 Israeli-backed 12 +1110101111 Athenian 12 +1110101111 Ugandan 12 +1110101111 Marxist-led 12 +1110101111 U.S.-sponsored 13 +1110101111 U.S.-Mexico 13 +1110101111 Hapsburg 13 +1110101111 Estonian 13 +1110101111 Soviet-led 13 +1110101111 U.S.-supported 13 +1110101111 Vietnam-era 14 +1110101111 Tanzanian 15 +1110101111 Omani 15 +1110101111 Syrian-backed 15 +1110101111 Rhodesian 15 +1110101111 Moroccan 15 +1110101111 Zambian 16 +1110101111 active-duty 16 +1110101111 Latvian 16 +1110101111 blue-light 17 +1110101111 Aboriginal 17 +1110101111 Druse 18 +1110101111 Reagan-era 20 +1110101111 Chadian 21 +1110101111 Mozambican 23 +1110101111 Yom 26 +1110101111 hardline 27 +1110101111 unelected 28 +1110101111 Sudanese 29 +1110101111 Czechoslovak 31 +1110101111 Confederate 32 +1110101111 Ottoman 33 +1110101111 Guatemalan 33 +1110101111 Bolshevik 38 +1110101111 Serbian 39 +1110101111 Basque 41 +1110101111 Bolivian 42 +1110101111 Soviet-backed 56 +1110101111 Jamaican 62 +1110101111 Ethiopian 70 +1110101111 anti-Sandinista 71 +1110101111 Bulgarian 72 +1110101111 Teamster 75 +1110101111 Romanian 75 +1110101111 Cambodian 80 +1110101111 Anglican 80 +1110101111 Algerian 84 +1110101111 Kurdish 88 +1110101111 Jordanian 91 +1110101111 Angolan 94 +1110101111 Yugoslav 95 +1110101111 Haitian 98 +1110101111 Czech 102 +1110101111 Banana 105 +1110101111 Sikh 109 +1110101111 U.S.-backed 113 +1110101111 Salvadoran 128 +1110101111 Honduran 145 +1110101111 Syrian 175 +1110101111 Libyan 193 +1110101111 Dominican 198 +1110101111 Tamil 229 +1110101111 Egyptian 246 +1110101111 Colombian 265 +1110101111 Pakistani 266 +1110101111 Lebanese 334 +1110101111 Turkish 335 +1110101111 Kuwaiti 516 +1110101111 Panamanian 520 +1110101111 Islamic 527 +1110101111 Cuban 555 +1110101111 Polish 565 +1110101111 Sandinista 612 +1110101111 Iraqi 704 +1110101111 Afghan 725 +1110101111 Nicaraguan 1241 +1110101111 Israeli 1718 +1110101111 Soviet 12759 +1110101111 Iranian 2086 +1110110000 go-away 1 +1110110000 chemo-mechanical 1 +1110110000 tax-needs 1 +1110110000 waste-cutting 1 +1110110000 small-business-corporation 1 +1110110000 moving-expense 1 +1110110000 unhighlighted 1 +1110110000 Watergate-inspired 1 +1110110000 disasterous 1 +1110110000 now-attractive 1 +1110110000 4.2-million-barrel 1 +1110110000 bearer-depositary 1 +1110110000 estate-asset 1 +1110110000 in-rate 1 +1110110000 28-bed 1 +1110110000 once-local 1 +1110110000 97,000-job 1 +1110110000 drip-proof 1 +1110110000 70,000-won 1 +1110110000 peer-group 1 +1110110000 often-perverse 1 +1110110000 network-licensing 1 +1110110000 fund-diversion 1 +1110110000 note-by-note 1 +1110110000 posted-price 1 +1110110000 safety-control 1 +1110110000 nuisance-prevention 1 +1110110000 -cash 1 +1110110000 more-caustic 1 +1110110000 data-transmitting 1 +1110110000 60-cents-a-month 1 +1110110000 total-cleanup 1 +1110110000 health-and-safety 1 +1110110000 50-cent-a-barrel 1 +1110110000 70,832 1 +1110110000 starting-wage 1 +1110110000 ABUSE 1 +1110110000 1/16-point 1 +1110110000 specialinterest 1 +1110110000 equipment-adjusted 1 +1110110000 bar-bet 1 +1110110000 distortionary 1 +1110110000 permissable 1 +1110110000 further-reaching 1 +1110110000 pay-for-play 1 +1110110000 non-commital 1 +1110110000 businessman-is-the-villain 1 +1110110000 business-fare 1 +1110110000 early-model-year 1 +1110110000 partyline 1 +1110110000 nonresident-alien 1 +1110110000 stare-glare 1 +1110110000 forest-spirit 1 +1110110000 200,000-unit 1 +1110110000 22,000-job 1 +1110110000 more-than-sixfold 1 +1110110000 videotape-testimony 1 +1110110000 smaller-than-planned 1 +1110110000 royalty-tax 1 +1110110000 two-body 1 +1110110000 employee-pension 1 +1110110000 18-mile-a-day 1 +1110110000 equity-loan 1 +1110110000 Shariah-Islamic 1 +1110110000 25-cent-a-pack 1 +1110110000 worker-discharge 1 +1110110000 1.20-guilder 1 +1110110000 boss-worker 1 +1110110000 information-stealing 1 +1110110000 service-firm 1 +1110110000 coal-leasing 1 +1110110000 Setagaya 1 +1110110000 partnership-investing 1 +1110110000 consumer-financing 1 +1110110000 1.2-million-barrel-a-day 1 +1110110000 foreclosure-rate 1 +1110110000 1927-29 1 +1110110000 125-point 1 +1110110000 130-point 1 +1110110000 more-than-fivefold 1 +1110110000 collect-and-win 1 +1110110000 29,000-job 1 +1110110000 boating-accident 1 +1110110000 cash-assistance 1 +1110110000 productivity-related 1 +1110110000 2,310,000 1 +1110110000 loan-level 1 +1110110000 phony-shelter 1 +1110110000 stabilization-fund 1 +1110110000 one-mpg 1 +1110110000 60-cent-a-month 1 +1110110000 stay-loose 1 +1110110000 tire-price 1 +1110110000 power-rate 1 +1110110000 58,609-share 1 +1110110000 744,530 1 +1110110000 40-cent-an-hour 1 +1110110000 204,000-job 1 +1110110000 license-fee 1 +1110110000 price-index 1 +1110110000 143-mile-an-hour 1 +1110110000 product-inventory 1 +1110110000 91,000-job 1 +1110110000 smog-reduction 1 +1110110000 2.5-cent 1 +1110110000 domestic-sales 1 +1110110000 400,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1110110000 economist-information 1 +1110110000 investment-skewing 1 +1110110000 single-woman-headed 1 +1110110000 countercomplacency 1 +1110110000 appeal-deadline 1 +1110110000 software-import 1 +1110110000 federal-funding 1 +1110110000 newly-approved 1 +1110110000 incentive-rate 1 +1110110000 agilely 1 +1110110000 inexpensive-labor 1 +1110110000 market-widening 1 +1110110000 38-4 1 +1110110000 lower-than-requested 1 +1110110000 Allied-related 1 +1110110000 Galosh 1 +1110110000 exaction 1 +1110110000 stock-for-performance 1 +1110110000 1-point 1 +1110110000 65-cent 1 +1110110000 court-created 1 +1110110000 expatriate-employee 1 +1110110000 oligarcho-bureaucratic 1 +1110110000 table-service 1 +1110110000 department-by-department 1 +1110110000 entrepreneur-turned-daredevil 1 +1110110000 two-method 1 +1110110000 marginal-tax-rate 1 +1110110000 IMF-arranged 1 +1110110000 loanorigination 1 +1110110000 punctuation-like 1 +1110110000 one-million-ton 1 +1110110000 one-cent-a-liter 1 +1110110000 loan-orgination 1 +1110110000 13,000-ton 1 +1110110000 cake-baking 1 +1110110000 salary-protection 1 +1110110000 retail-ready 1 +1110110000 77,615 1 +1110110000 consumer-tax 1 +1110110000 muralist 1 +1110110000 teaching-load 1 +1110110000 highest/lowest 1 +1110110000 escalator-licensing 1 +1110110000 529,042-contract 1 +1110110000 2,102 1 +1110110000 1,611 1 +1110110000 casino-game 1 +1110110000 customs-user 1 +1110110000 MTV-style 1 +1110110000 more-than-twofold 1 +1110110000 theft-of-government-property 1 +1110110000 regional-banking 1 +1110110000 convention-alarms 1 +1110110000 multitudinous 1 +1110110000 15-cent-a-gallon 1 +1110110000 taxcut 1 +1110110000 standard-risk 1 +1110110000 barcodes 1 +1110110000 five-million-box 1 +1110110000 staff-to-child 1 +1110110000 51-cent-a-barrel 1 +1110110000 cushiest 1 +1110110000 open-container 1 +1110110000 385,000-job 1 +1110110000 problem-lawyer 1 +1110110000 cement-price 1 +1110110000 black-student 1 +1110110000 20-bed 1 +1110110000 nonprice 1 +1110110000 expert-witness 1 +1110110000 24,000-person 1 +1110110000 137,000-job 1 +1110110000 137,000job 1 +1110110000 280,000-job 1 +1110110000 perdiem 1 +1110110000 license-rate 1 +1110110000 35-cents-an-hour 1 +1110110000 California-crude 1 +1110110000 410,137-share 1 +1110110000 less-than-mystical 1 +1110110000 600-article 1 +1110110000 below-benchmark 1 +1110110000 already-legislated 1 +1110110000 54-page 1 +1110110000 convention-time 1 +1110110000 stroke-reducing 1 +1110110000 higher-than-standard 1 +1110110000 anti-Racal 1 +1110110000 record-sale 1 +1110110000 foreign-transaction 1 +1110110000 securities-investment 1 +1110110000 customer-inventory 1 +1110110000 perfect-attendance 1 +1110110000 life-without-parole 1 +1110110000 trade-license 1 +1110110000 one-cent-a-pound 1 +1110110000 Anti-Jitney 1 +1110110000 federal-securities 1 +1110110000 121,713 1 +1110110000 Larger-than-expected 1 +1110110000 less-than-feared 1 +1110110000 buy-in-advance 1 +1110110000 scholarship-aid 1 +1110110000 patent-harmonizing 1 +1110110000 300,000-account 1 +1110110000 truck-driver-licensing 1 +1110110000 building-permit 1 +1110110000 consumer-price-index 1 +1110110000 gross-income 1 +1110110000 venture-like 1 +1110110000 private-plan 1 +1110110000 town-provided 1 +1110110000 36-word 1 +1110110000 294,000-job 1 +1110110000 home-mortgage-interest 1 +1110110000 work-loss 1 +1110110000 sorely-needed 1 +1110110000 wildlife-conservation 1 +1110110000 bases-closing 1 +1110110000 comfort-ruling 1 +1110110000 wage-indexation 2 +1110110000 10,000-ton 2 +1110110000 loan-to-deposit 2 +1110110000 gas-rate 2 +1110110000 refinery-run 2 +1110110000 often-mediocre 2 +1110110000 Goru 2 +1110110000 taxlaw 2 +1110110000 guarantee-fund 2 +1110110000 home-interest 2 +1110110000 alternative-minimum-tax 2 +1110110000 crop-planting 2 +1110110000 moneyback 2 +1110110000 short-time-compensation 2 +1110110000 super-state 2 +1110110000 concealed-weapons 2 +1110110000 price-move 2 +1110110000 Reagan-proposed 2 +1110110000 nonsafety 2 +1110110000 trade-reform 2 +1110110000 6,000-hour 2 +1110110000 head-of-household 2 +1110110000 per-program 2 +1110110000 incometax 2 +1110110000 pre-death 2 +1110110000 drug-price 2 +1110110000 deficit-related 2 +1110110000 debt-interest 2 +1110110000 discountrate 2 +1110110000 workrule 2 +1110110000 tiered 2 +1110110000 wage-cost 2 +1110110000 living-cost 2 +1110110000 25-fold 2 +1110110000 financial-regulation 2 +1110110000 co-payment 2 +1110110000 stock-class 2 +1110110000 worker-protection 2 +1110110000 16-paragraph 2 +1110110000 crew-size 2 +1110110000 postage-rate 2 +1110110000 state-required 2 +1110110000 textile-protection 2 +1110110000 15-cent-an-hour 2 +1110110000 no-veto 2 +1110110000 contract-rights 2 +1110110000 certificate-of-need 2 +1110110000 cigarette-tax 3 +1110110000 FINA 3 +1110110000 newsprint-price 3 +1110110000 capital-cost 3 +1110110000 sign-on 3 +1110110000 government-spending 3 +1110110000 special-funds 3 +1110110000 pay-raise 3 +1110110000 pre-export 3 +1110110000 gas-tax 3 +1110110000 balance-due 3 +1110110000 thirtyfold 3 +1110110000 anti-cartel 3 +1110110000 nonwage 3 +1110110000 court-set 3 +1110110000 risk-asset 3 +1110110000 work-hour 3 +1110110000 immigration-law 3 +1110110000 ticket-price 3 +1110110000 fixed-pricing 3 +1110110000 phone-rate 3 +1110110000 290-137 3 +1110110000 dog-boarding 3 +1110110000 advance-notification 3 +1110110000 pro-competition 3 +1110110000 regular-tax 3 +1110110000 price-related 3 +1110110000 pollution-reduction 3 +1110110000 year-toyear 3 +1110110000 postal-rate 4 +1110110000 non-immigrant 4 +1110110000 press-control 4 +1110110000 computer-ready 4 +1110110000 veto-override 4 +1110110000 federal-tax 4 +1110110000 fixed-cost 4 +1110110000 business-tax 4 +1110110000 half-percentage-point 4 +1110110000 landing-fee 5 +1110110000 value-added-tax 5 +1110110000 passive-loss 5 +1110110000 unkindest 5 +1110110000 medical-insurance 5 +1110110000 investment-tax 5 +1110110000 insurance-premium 5 +1110110000 debt/equity 6 +1110110000 fuel-cost 6 +1110110000 gains-tax 6 +1110110000 post-closing 6 +1110110000 late-payment 6 +1110110000 foreign-tax 7 +1110110000 cost-accounting 7 +1110110000 state-mandated 7 +1110110000 state-income-tax 7 +1110110000 wage-and-benefit 8 +1110110000 state-tax 8 +1110110000 medicare 8 +1110110000 electric-rate 9 +1110110000 tied-aid 9 +1110110000 base-price 10 +1110110000 capital-gains-tax 10 +1110110000 tax-accounting 10 +1110110000 tax-return 10 +1110110000 consumer-interest 10 +1110110000 corporate-tax 11 +1110110000 withholding-tax 11 +1110110000 local-content 12 +1110110000 relative-value 13 +1110110000 preferred-dividend 14 +1110110000 gasoline-tax 14 +1110110000 slotting 15 +1110110000 food-price 15 +1110110000 defense-spending 17 +1110110000 base-wage 19 +1110110000 wage-price 19 +1110110000 passbook 20 +1110110000 payroll-tax 20 +1110110000 excise-tax 26 +1110110000 prime-rate 31 +1110110000 base-rate 32 +1110110000 minimum-tax 37 +1110110000 child-support 38 +1110110000 ZIP 38 +1110110000 property-tax 45 +1110110000 labor-cost 50 +1110110000 work-force 54 +1110110000 itemized 60 +1110110000 tax-rate 69 +1110110000 sales-tax 87 +1110110000 discount-rate 109 +1110110000 minimum-wage 133 +1110110000 fringe 185 +1110110000 cost-of-living 189 +1110110000 martial 203 +1110110000 tariff 390 +1110110000 income-tax 407 +1110110000 immigration 695 +1110110000 tax 21033 +1110110000 wage 2643 +11101100010 content-based 1 +11101100010 career-criminals 1 +11101100010 career-criminal 1 +11101100010 victim-compensation 1 +11101100010 thorn-in-the-side 1 +11101100010 pilottraining 1 +11101100010 expanded-coverage 1 +11101100010 self-submissions 1 +11101100010 financial-responsibility 1 +11101100010 13year 1 +11101100010 interdepartment 1 +11101100010 capital-and-surplus 1 +11101100010 computer-spawned 1 +11101100010 anti-insider-trading 1 +11101100010 anti-contraceptive 1 +11101100010 missile-dismantling 1 +11101100010 minimum-withdrawal 1 +11101100010 agency-dictated 1 +11101100010 real-estate-depreciation 1 +11101100010 cause-oriented 1 +11101100010 psychomotor 1 +11101100010 engine-shutdown 1 +11101100010 mass-markete 1 +11101100010 cash-saving 1 +11101100010 Trusted 1 +11101100010 anti-dogfighting 1 +11101100010 41-2 1 +11101100010 congressional-notification 1 +11101100010 subject-specific 1 +11101100010 multi-government 1 +11101100010 provision-by-provision 1 +11101100010 electrical-hazard 1 +11101100010 pro-Tibet 1 +11101100010 job-posting 1 +11101100010 supplemental-income 1 +11101100010 risk-reserve 1 +11101100010 10,392 1 +11101100010 Albatrosses 1 +11101100010 anti-subsidy 1 +11101100010 earnings-protection 1 +11101100010 belt-retracting 1 +11101100010 minimum-strength 1 +11101100010 pre-loan 1 +11101100010 space-occupancy 1 +11101100010 radio-emissions 1 +11101100010 environmental-enforcement 1 +11101100010 procurement-revision 1 +11101100010 ice-removal 1 +11101100010 misogynist 1 +11101100010 capital-repatriation 1 +11101100010 exposure-monitoring 1 +11101100010 worker-health 1 +11101100010 incentive-building 1 +11101100010 anti-Zia 1 +11101100010 therapeutic/support 1 +11101100010 calendar-defying 1 +11101100010 casino-style 1 +11101100010 non-sustainable 1 +11101100010 183,415 1 +11101100010 revenue-increasing 1 +11101100010 products-liability 1 +11101100010 growth-damping 1 +11101100010 groupy 1 +11101100010 check-list 1 +11101100010 anti-poaching 1 +11101100010 maintenance-period 1 +11101100010 usually-routine 1 +11101100010 radio-talk-show 1 +11101100010 offsides 1 +11101100010 selfrighteous 1 +11101100010 police-style 1 +11101100010 apartheid-based 1 +11101100010 three-by-six-foot 1 +11101100010 lab-safety 1 +11101100010 water-efficiency 1 +11101100010 professional-ethics 1 +11101100010 trademark-license 1 +11101100010 pre-RJR 1 +11101100010 wage-hour 1 +11101100010 sports-injury 1 +11101100010 security-building 1 +11101100010 celebrity-protection 1 +11101100010 once-a-decade 1 +11101100010 machine-precision 1 +11101100010 asset-depreciation 1 +11101100010 holding-period 1 +11101100010 single- 1 +11101100010 experimental-film 1 +11101100010 security-force 1 +11101100010 job-targeted 1 +11101100010 but-for 1 +11101100010 ever-proliferating 1 +11101100010 quarterly-estimated-tax 1 +11101100010 acquisition-review 1 +11101100010 demonstration-project 1 +11101100010 brain-cell 1 +11101100010 pre-manufacture-notice 1 +11101100010 minimum-bid 1 +11101100010 reduced-speed 1 +11101100010 sample-collection 1 +11101100010 anti-Federalist 1 +11101100010 taxable-bond 1 +11101100010 rail-riding 1 +11101100010 title-registration 1 +11101100010 Fed-Japanese 1 +11101100010 Revolution-style 1 +11101100010 adjacency 1 +11101100010 income-source 1 +11101100010 price-volatility 1 +11101100010 hard-hat 1 +11101100010 Pollack/Rogers 1 +11101100010 yet-unfinished 1 +11101100010 concerned-citizen 1 +11101100010 student-faculty 1 +11101100010 case-related 1 +11101100010 anti-porn 1 +11101100010 IOM 1 +11101100010 capital-control 1 +11101100010 state-of-siege 1 +11101100010 restraint-of-trade 1 +11101100010 pension-portability 1 +11101100010 nuclear-nonproliferation 1 +11101100010 sterlized 1 +11101100010 4,282 1 +11101100010 investment-exchange 1 +11101100010 debtor-credit 1 +11101100010 investment-review 1 +11101100010 minimum-funding 1 +11101100010 non-compensable 1 +11101100010 linguistic-political 1 +11101100010 spending-restraint 1 +11101100010 antitrust-related 1 +11101100010 2,816 1 +11101100010 virus-positive 1 +11101100010 risk-vs.-reward 1 +11101100010 no-spouse 1 +11101100010 county-option 1 +11101100010 foreign-trade-control 1 +11101100010 '60s-ish 1 +11101100010 bank-reserve 1 +11101100010 minority-ownership 1 +11101100010 ex-Batterymarch 1 +11101100010 cost-controlling 1 +11101100010 PIN-diode 1 +11101100010 child-staff 1 +11101100010 costsaving 1 +11101100010 moronic 1 +11101100010 U.S.-crew 1 +11101100010 access-code 1 +11101100010 production-curbing 1 +11101100010 just-disclosed 1 +11101100010 rating-concern 1 +11101100010 federal-bankruptcy 1 +11101100010 informationgathering 1 +11101100010 export-restriction 1 +11101100010 worker-rights 1 +11101100010 white-black 1 +11101100010 airsafety 1 +11101100010 -water 1 +11101100010 fastpaced 1 +11101100010 rate-of-return-based 1 +11101100010 internal-review 1 +11101100010 teacher-student 1 +11101100010 document-verification 1 +11101100010 press-hungry 1 +11101100010 racial-justice 1 +11101100010 shareholder-protection 1 +11101100010 coffee-export 1 +11101100010 early-Mormon 1 +11101100010 license-related 1 +11101100010 planning-department 1 +11101100010 trade-dispute 1 +11101100010 import-quota 1 +11101100010 one-month-liquidation 1 +11101100010 blues-oriented 1 +11101100010 social-conscience 1 +11101100010 deceptive-trade-practice 1 +11101100010 campaign-expenditure 1 +11101100010 metal-coining 1 +11101100010 resource-balancing 1 +11101100010 import-license 1 +11101100010 package-weight 1 +11101100010 work-by-the-book 1 +11101100010 veterinary-medicine 1 +11101100010 index-product 1 +11101100010 spousal-notification 1 +11101100010 aircraft-operations 1 +11101100010 more-generic 1 +11101100010 external-sector 1 +11101100010 full-market 1 +11101100010 bank-imposed 1 +11101100010 movie-based 1 +11101100010 ESOP-like 1 +11101100010 production-accounting 1 +11101100010 higher-court 1 +11101100010 smallholder 1 +11101100010 workers'-compensation 1 +11101100010 length-of-service 1 +11101100010 industrial-development-bond 1 +11101100010 hard-to-obtain 1 +11101100010 nit-picky 1 +11101100010 anti-bilingual 1 +11101100010 time-keeping 1 +11101100010 prepositional 1 +11101100010 pro-independent-counsel 1 +11101100010 old/new 1 +11101100010 noncooperative 1 +11101100010 FDA-prescribed 1 +11101100010 environmental-improvement 1 +11101100010 animal-testing 1 +11101100010 artificial-conception 1 +11101100010 outside-contracting 1 +11101100010 wine-purity 1 +11101100010 party-finance-reporting 1 +11101100010 incumbententrenchment 1 +11101100010 anti-jitney 1 +11101100010 foreign-steel 1 +11101100010 semifinished-steel 1 +11101100010 drug-racketeering 1 +11101100010 pre-noon 1 +11101100010 antibias 1 +11101100010 job-satisfaction 1 +11101100010 drug-funding 1 +11101100010 Baa-1/Preliminary 1 +11101100010 concerted-action 1 +11101100010 federal-procurement 1 +11101100010 non-comparable 1 +11101100010 well-understood 1 +11101100010 secret-session 1 +11101100010 industrial-emissions 1 +11101100010 kindred-interest 1 +11101100010 interest-cutting 1 +11101100010 pithiest 1 +11101100010 alley-cat 1 +11101100010 pro-tenant 1 +11101100010 banking-secrecy 1 +11101100010 sit-com 1 +11101100010 Venereal-disease 1 +11101100010 high-performance-lighting 1 +11101100010 cost-containing 1 +11101100010 tobacco-defense 1 +11101100010 import-inspection 1 +11101100010 headwater 1 +11101100010 lending-agreement 1 +11101100010 more-predictable 1 +11101100010 single-A-minus/ 1 +11101100010 crisis-control 1 +11101100010 UPC 1 +11101100010 speed-drill 1 +11101100010 financial-privacy 1 +11101100010 plant-access 1 +11101100010 less-than-exacting 1 +11101100010 check-lane 1 +11101100010 liquidity-policy 1 +11101100010 cost-of-service 1 +11101100010 birth-policy 1 +11101100010 conventional-arms-control 1 +11101100010 stack-height 1 +11101100010 union-grievance 1 +11101100010 tougher-than-expected 1 +11101100010 factory-determined 1 +11101100010 44,845 1 +11101100010 noninterest-income 1 +11101100010 working-hour 1 +11101100010 sea-turtle-saving 1 +11101100010 church-supported 1 +11101100010 customs-inspection 1 +11101100010 55-m.p.h. 1 +11101100010 eye-for-an-eye 1 +11101100010 waste-discharge 1 +11101100010 European-content 1 +11101100010 leash-law 1 +11101100010 six-million-share 1 +11101100010 inspector-training 1 +11101100010 landmark-protection 1 +11101100010 de-escalatory 1 +11101100010 cartoon-and-live 1 +11101100010 minimum-price-verification 1 +11101100010 mortgage-tax-relief 1 +11101100010 ticket-transfer 1 +11101100010 long-contested 1 +11101100010 discount-market 1 +11101100010 prosecutory 1 +11101100010 insider-filing 1 +11101100010 NIH-RAC 1 +11101100010 deceptive-advertising 1 +11101100010 anti-displacement 1 +11101100010 criminal-responsibility 1 +11101100010 product-control 1 +11101100010 less-than-compelling 1 +11101100010 factorydetermined 1 +11101100010 victim's-rights 1 +11101100010 FDA-NIH-industry 1 +11101100010 terminal-pay 1 +11101100010 particulate-emission 1 +11101100010 trade-restricting 2 +11101100010 electionlaw 2 +11101100010 marketing-order 2 +11101100010 appreciated-property 2 +11101100010 soft-loan 2 +11101100010 special-interests 2 +11101100010 currency-stabilizing 2 +11101100010 voter-sponsored 2 +11101100010 regulation-writing 2 +11101100010 lead-exposure 2 +11101100010 loan-application 2 +11101100010 bounty-hunter 2 +11101100010 proscriptive 2 +11101100010 military-aircraft 2 +11101100010 housing-aid 2 +11101100010 more-conciliatory 2 +11101100010 strange-looking 2 +11101100010 advance-booking 2 +11101100010 more-mundane 2 +11101100010 stability-and-growth 2 +11101100010 anti-price-fixing 2 +11101100010 unpatented 2 +11101100010 trade-control 2 +11101100010 college-aid 2 +11101100010 state-compelled 2 +11101100010 criminal-sentencing 2 +11101100010 time-off 2 +11101100010 employee-training 2 +11101100010 permanant 2 +11101100010 trade-practice 2 +11101100010 accounting-industry 2 +11101100010 patent-law 2 +11101100010 covert-operations 2 +11101100010 more-imaginative 2 +11101100010 tobacco-ad 2 +11101100010 electrohydraulic 2 +11101100010 ex-FDA 2 +11101100010 bar-association 2 +11101100010 original-issue-discount 2 +11101100010 data-sharing 2 +11101100010 ill-understood 2 +11101100010 plastic-surgery 2 +11101100010 influx-control 2 +11101100010 cash-raising 2 +11101100010 antismog 2 +11101100010 share-ownership 2 +11101100010 stock-crash 2 +11101100010 Super-301 2 +11101100010 internal-control 2 +11101100010 individual-country 2 +11101100010 pepper-and-salt 2 +11101100010 casino-licensing 2 +11101100010 anti-tax-shelter 2 +11101100010 meat-import 2 +11101100010 anti-lobbying 2 +11101100010 check-hold 2 +11101100010 lender-of-last-resort 2 +11101100010 anti-gun 2 +11101100010 experimental-drug 2 +11101100010 anti-patent 2 +11101100010 cargo-weight 2 +11101100010 automated-trading 2 +11101100010 drug-eradication 2 +11101100010 state-regulatory 2 +11101100010 minority-shareholder 2 +11101100010 incontestability 2 +11101100010 environmental-control 2 +11101100010 soy-based 2 +11101100010 pro-smoking 2 +11101100010 loan-rate 2 +11101100010 line-extension 2 +11101100010 long-term-strategy 2 +11101100010 4,893 2 +11101100010 anti-takover 2 +11101100010 safety-belt 2 +11101100010 diagnosis-related 2 +11101100010 SPCC 2 +11101100010 drug-research 2 +11101100010 consumer-fraud 2 +11101100010 quality-review 2 +11101100010 oneparty 2 +11101100010 musicological 2 +11101100010 state-wide 2 +11101100010 personal-ethics 2 +11101100010 atomic-energy 2 +11101100010 takeover-bid 2 +11101100010 anti-nepotism 2 +11101100010 drug-trial 2 +11101100010 LCN 2 +11101100010 time-of-day 2 +11101100010 ownership-disclosure 2 +11101100010 preventive-care 2 +11101100010 over-broad 2 +11101100010 health-protection 2 +11101100010 belt-use 2 +11101100010 visual-display 2 +11101100010 auto-damage 2 +11101100010 appliance-efficiency 2 +11101100010 customer-protection 2 +11101100010 public-employer 2 +11101100010 labor-protection 2 +11101100010 capital-flows 2 +11101100010 anti-strike 2 +11101100010 burner-can 2 +11101100010 merger-control 2 +11101100010 anti-appropriations 2 +11101100010 car-safety 2 +11101100010 12-part 2 +11101100010 advanced-development 2 +11101100010 view-protection 2 +11101100010 corporate-governance 3 +11101100010 tailpipe-emissions 3 +11101100010 trust-busting 3 +11101100010 fuel-control 3 +11101100010 equal-treatment 3 +11101100010 administration-backed 3 +11101100010 women's-rights 3 +11101100010 anti-homosexual 3 +11101100010 unsterilized 3 +11101100010 primary-election 3 +11101100010 foreign-relations 3 +11101100010 arms-buying 3 +11101100010 proportional-representation 3 +11101100010 community-services 3 +11101100010 stimulatory 3 +11101100010 neurologic 3 +11101100010 oil-refinery 3 +11101100010 gangland 3 +11101100010 trade-relief 3 +11101100010 tax-payment 3 +11101100010 long-proposed 3 +11101100010 installment-sale 3 +11101100010 Teamster-related 3 +11101100010 all-English 3 +11101100010 animal-welfare 3 +11101100010 equal-pay 3 +11101100010 mandatory-testing 3 +11101100010 contingent-fee 3 +11101100010 superconductor-research 3 +11101100010 anti-espionage 3 +11101100010 choose-a-school 3 +11101100010 anti-alcoholism 3 +11101100010 market-reform 3 +11101100010 defense-research 3 +11101100010 egg-marketing 3 +11101100010 fringe-benefit 3 +11101100010 capital-labor 3 +11101100010 land-conservation 3 +11101100010 non-animal 3 +11101100010 internal-market 3 +11101100010 election-eve 3 +11101100010 obligational 3 +11101100010 88-4 3 +11101100010 end-of-the-season 3 +11101100010 exclusionary-rule 3 +11101100010 sex-role 3 +11101100010 vendor-neutral 3 +11101100010 supply-control 3 +11101100010 drought-insurance 3 +11101100010 liquor-pricing 3 +11101100010 eight-count 3 +11101100010 arms-trading 3 +11101100010 anti-sodomy 3 +11101100010 fee-forfeiture 3 +11101100010 technology-export 3 +11101100010 sex-related 4 +11101100010 enzyme-based 4 +11101100010 corporate-disclosure 4 +11101100010 state-senate 4 +11101100010 campaign-financing 4 +11101100010 domestic-content 4 +11101100010 trial-lawyer 4 +11101100010 retirement-income 4 +11101100010 cantonal 4 +11101100010 parent-teacher 4 +11101100010 cash-reporting 4 +11101100010 cost-recovery 4 +11101100010 lens-care 4 +11101100010 expenditure-based 4 +11101100010 public-nuisance 4 +11101100010 anti-kickback 4 +11101100010 margin-setting 4 +11101100010 Shibuya 4 +11101100010 electric-supply 4 +11101100010 airline-deregulation 4 +11101100010 ethics-law 4 +11101100010 long-needed 4 +11101100010 open-housing 4 +11101100010 housing-policy 4 +11101100010 student-teacher 4 +11101100010 black-line 4 +11101100010 textile-quota 4 +11101100010 emergency-planning 4 +11101100010 gear-shift 4 +11101100010 consumer-advocacy 4 +11101100010 abandoned-property 4 +11101100010 rabbinical 4 +11101100010 equal-time 4 +11101100010 moderate-price 4 +11101100010 less-sweeping 4 +11101100010 unfair-trade-practice 4 +11101100010 sector-specific 4 +11101100010 multiple-ownership 4 +11101100010 deficit-trimming 4 +11101100010 interest-deduction 4 +11101100010 executive-level 4 +11101100010 sovereign-loan 4 +11101100010 unauthorized-practice-of-law 4 +11101100010 arms-trade 5 +11101100010 industrial-policy 5 +11101100010 consumer-group 5 +11101100010 rate-base 5 +11101100010 heart-muscle 5 +11101100010 moment-of-silence 5 +11101100010 anti-tobacco 5 +11101100010 return-free 5 +11101100010 antiwar 5 +11101100010 rear-brake 5 +11101100010 anti-shelter 5 +11101100010 injudicious 5 +11101100010 fetal-protection 5 +11101100010 age-based 5 +11101100010 maintenance-related 5 +11101100010 cost-reducing 5 +11101100010 public-disclosure 5 +11101100010 corporate-restructuring 5 +11101100010 trading-floor 5 +11101100010 dividend-payment 5 +11101100010 nuclear-safety 5 +11101100010 car-production 5 +11101100010 unfair-trading 5 +11101100010 aviation-safety 5 +11101100010 anti-pill 5 +11101100010 sex-bias 5 +11101100010 hurry-up 5 +11101100010 maternity-leave 5 +11101100010 fairness-doctrine 5 +11101100010 business-conduct 5 +11101100010 wage-and-hour 5 +11101100010 import-relief 5 +11101100010 loophole-closing 5 +11101100010 labor-related 5 +11101100010 energy-policy 5 +11101100010 noise-abatement 6 +11101100010 sick-building 6 +11101100010 takeover-defense 6 +11101100010 Indiana-type 6 +11101100010 branch-banking 6 +11101100010 worker-safety 6 +11101100010 anti-manipulation 6 +11101100010 prudential 6 +11101100010 bright-line 6 +11101100010 pajama 6 +11101100010 water-quality 6 +11101100010 antidumping 6 +11101100010 loan-repayment 6 +11101100010 cultural-exchange 6 +11101100010 market-access 6 +11101100010 import-licensing 6 +11101100010 religious-right 6 +11101100010 exchange-market 6 +11101100010 capital-punishment 6 +11101100010 fiscal-policy 6 +11101100010 special-operations 6 +11101100010 capital-structure 6 +11101100010 curatorial 6 +11101100010 ice-skating 6 +11101100010 social-issue 6 +11101100010 antifraud 6 +11101100010 social-spending 6 +11101100010 endangered-species 7 +11101100010 energy-security 7 +11101100010 net-capital 7 +11101100010 trade-law 7 +11101100010 industrial-relations 7 +11101100010 criminal-contempt 7 +11101100010 insurance-reform 7 +11101100010 nude-dancing 7 +11101100010 wash-sale 7 +11101100010 defense-contract 7 +11101100010 central-planning 7 +11101100010 incumbent-protection 7 +11101100010 in-plant 7 +11101100010 market-closing 7 +11101100010 pro-labor 7 +11101100010 countervailing-duty 7 +11101100010 employer-sanctions 7 +11101100010 smoke-density 7 +11101100010 financial-reporting 7 +11101100010 rail-safety 7 +11101100010 information-gathering 8 +11101100010 pay-equity 8 +11101100010 employee-relations 8 +11101100010 antitrust-law 8 +11101100010 debt-management 8 +11101100010 water-pollution 8 +11101100010 blue-sky 8 +11101100010 baleful 8 +11101100010 environmental-protection 8 +11101100010 credit-policy 8 +11101100010 tax-raising 8 +11101100010 catastrophic-health-care 9 +11101100010 worker-compensation 9 +11101100010 equal-employment 9 +11101100010 fuel-tank 9 +11101100010 child-labor 9 +11101100010 more-radical 9 +11101100010 stock-fraud 9 +11101100010 covert-action 9 +11101100010 inter-agency 9 +11101100010 bank-board 9 +11101100010 energy-conservation 10 +11101100010 growth-control 10 +11101100010 safety-board 10 +11101100010 election-law 10 +11101100010 consumer-service 10 +11101100010 job-protection 10 +11101100010 algebraic 10 +11101100010 tax-bill 10 +11101100010 export-promotion 10 +11101100010 fair-employment 11 +11101100010 buy-American 11 +11101100010 arms-export 11 +11101100010 product-safety 11 +11101100010 intramarginal 11 +11101100010 equal-opportunity 11 +11101100010 rear-guard 11 +11101100010 food-safety 11 +11101100010 EC-wide 11 +11101100010 taste-test 12 +11101100010 bank-borrowing 12 +11101100010 investor-protection 12 +11101100010 autoimmune 12 +11101100010 unemployment-insurance 12 +11101100010 debtholder 12 +11101100010 abortion-rights 12 +11101100010 anti-bias 12 +11101100010 right-to-work 12 +11101100010 S-corporation 12 +11101100010 dispute-settlement 13 +11101100010 anti-greenmail 13 +11101100010 binational 13 +11101100010 anti-trust 13 +11101100010 evidentiary 13 +11101100010 mine-safety 13 +11101100010 moral-rights 13 +11101100010 spending-cut 13 +11101100010 work-practice 14 +11101100010 more-flexible 14 +11101100010 bond-and-lien 14 +11101100010 tort-reform 14 +11101100010 anti-boycott 14 +11101100010 short-sale 14 +11101100010 anti-bribery 14 +11101100010 up-or-down 14 +11101100010 tied-house 15 +11101100010 fair-trade 15 +11101100010 gas-mileage 15 +11101100010 bank-secrecy 15 +11101100010 ecclesiastical 16 +11101100010 side-impact 16 +11101100010 export-licensing 16 +11101100010 tax-code 17 +11101100010 state-of-emergency 17 +11101100010 off-the-cuff 17 +11101100010 inside-trading 17 +11101100010 oil-spill 17 +11101100010 anti-pornography 17 +11101100010 anti-crime 18 +11101100010 event-risk 18 +11101100010 voter-registration 18 +11101100010 fuel-efficiency 18 +11101100010 debt-repayment 18 +11101100010 investigatory 19 +11101100010 financial-disclosure 19 +11101100010 foreign-affairs 20 +11101100010 gun-control 20 +11101100010 civil-liberties 20 +11101100010 job-safety 20 +11101100010 currency-market 21 +11101100010 insurance-industry 21 +11101100010 auto-safety 22 +11101100010 back-to-work 22 +11101100010 anti-pollution 22 +11101100010 fair-housing 23 +11101100010 air-quality 23 +11101100010 environmental-impact 24 +11101100010 rent-control 24 +11101100010 revenue-losing 24 +11101100010 tax-cutting 24 +11101100010 mail-fraud 25 +11101100010 market-opening 26 +11101100010 drug-fighting 26 +11101100010 intergovernmental 26 +11101100010 anti-terrorist 26 +11101100010 gay-rights 27 +11101100010 anti-taping 28 +11101100010 animal-rights 28 +11101100010 anti-racketeering 28 +11101100010 anti-poverty 28 +11101100010 must-carry 30 +11101100010 air-safety 30 +11101100010 peer-review 31 +11101100010 antitakeover 32 +11101100010 no-smoking 32 +11101100010 drug-approval 34 +11101100010 parental-leave 34 +11101100010 new-drug 35 +11101100010 unfair-trade 35 +11101100010 rate-of-return 35 +11101100010 civil-service 36 +11101100010 cost-control 38 +11101100010 anti-terrorism 38 +11101100010 employee-benefits 40 +11101100010 seat-belt 42 +11101100010 foreign-investment 42 +11101100010 penal 44 +11101100010 Contra-aid 44 +11101100010 death-penalty 46 +11101100010 thrift-industry 47 +11101100010 campaign-finance 47 +11101100010 unwritten 47 +11101100010 consumer-protection 49 +11101100010 air-pollution 50 +11101100010 deregulatory 55 +11101100010 capital-adequacy 55 +11101100010 fuel-economy 56 +11101100010 land-use 57 +11101100010 cost-saving 60 +11101100010 public-service 60 +11101100010 cost-containment 63 +11101100010 estate-tax 66 +11101100010 tender-offer 73 +11101100010 political-action 73 +11101100010 anti-fraud 73 +11101100010 job-security 75 +11101100010 rule-making 77 +11101100010 acid-rain 78 +11101100010 pre-trial 82 +11101100010 affirmative-action 82 +11101100010 anti-discrimination 84 +11101100010 revenue-raising 87 +11101100010 public-interest 96 +11101100010 interagency 97 +11101100010 pretrial 102 +11101100010 executive-branch 107 +11101100010 conflict-of-interest 110 +11101100010 export-control 113 +11101100010 remedial 114 +11101100010 anti-nuclear 118 +11101100010 corrective 125 +11101100010 anti-abortion 130 +11101100010 anti-smoking 133 +11101100010 retaliatory 144 +11101100010 self-regulatory 154 +11101100010 tort 193 +11101100010 anti-dumping 199 +11101100010 special-interest 200 +11101100010 central-bank 203 +11101100010 affirmative 225 +11101100010 anti-apartheid 232 +11101100010 tax-law 251 +11101100010 disciplinary 274 +11101100010 oral 282 +11101100010 investigative 297 +11101100010 anti-drug 303 +11101100010 governmental 330 +11101100010 human-rights 340 +11101100010 electoral 410 +11101100010 civil-rights 434 +11101100010 arms-control 569 +11101100010 judicial 761 +11101100010 anti-takeover 1026 +11101100010 legislative 1307 +11101100010 administrative 1535 +11101100010 environmental 1705 +11101100010 antitrust 2039 +11101100010 regulatory 3780 +11101100010 congressional 4251 +11101100011 no-regulation 1 +11101100011 cold-headed 1 +11101100011 4.5-million-barrel 1 +11101100011 tough-it-out 1 +11101100011 un-iced 1 +11101100011 4.30-cent 1 +11101100011 lead-poisoning 1 +11101100011 honest-government 1 +11101100011 odometer-fraud 1 +11101100011 220-foot 1 +11101100011 28.38-point 1 +11101100011 4,000-job 1 +11101100011 retail-securities 1 +11101100011 sixteenfold 1 +11101100011 big-is-beautiful 1 +11101100011 40.02-point 1 +11101100011 40.2-point 1 +11101100011 Torcaso 1 +11101100011 security-system 1 +11101100011 retardataire 1 +11101100011 metal-and-glass 1 +11101100011 Perot-related 1 +11101100011 156-point 1 +11101100011 palm-tree-shaded 1 +11101100011 3836.48-point 1 +11101100011 insurance-fraud 1 +11101100011 zero-probability 1 +11101100011 twonight 1 +11101100011 156.83-point 1 +11101100011 240-point 1 +11101100011 sharepurchase 1 +11101100011 Air-Safety 1 +11101100011 wound-down 1 +11101100011 jobless-insurance 1 +11101100011 scoff-law 1 +11101100011 108.36-point 1 +11101100011 235-point 1 +11101100011 186.84-point 1 +11101100011 35-mile-an-hour 1 +11101100011 SwingsCause 1 +11101100011 39-point 1 +11101100011 confidence-shaking 1 +11101100011 Solow-type 1 +11101100011 conscientious-objector 1 +11101100011 95-point 1 +11101100011 well-greased 1 +11101100011 all-hard 1 +11101100011 product-license 1 +11101100011 consumer-be-damned 1 +11101100011 unfair-labor-practices 1 +11101100011 windowpane-check 1 +11101100011 fourteenfold 1 +11101100011 2,954 1 +11101100011 sixth-longest 1 +11101100011 63-month 1 +11101100011 tainted-Tylenol 1 +11101100011 commiserative 1 +11101100011 car-defect 1 +11101100011 precipitious 1 +11101100011 specificed 1 +11101100011 100,000-person 1 +11101100011 co-ed 1 +11101100011 near-term-supply 1 +11101100011 disability-leave 1 +11101100011 plague-on-both-your-houses 1 +11101100011 onepoint 1 +11101100011 Messersmith-McNally 1 +11101100011 45.91-point 1 +11101100011 worker-liability 1 +11101100011 false-arrest 1 +11101100011 dollar-led 1 +11101100011 physician-assisted 1 +11101100011 trash-choked 1 +11101100011 25.35-point 1 +11101100011 anti-copycode 1 +11101100011 three-handkerchief 1 +11101100011 831.32-point 1 +11101100011 unliquidated 1 +11101100011 auto-pool 1 +11101100011 44-month 1 +11101100011 anti-treaty-shopping 1 +11101100011 failure-to-file 1 +11101100011 12,065 1 +11101100011 labor-arbitration 1 +11101100011 PennzoilTexaco 1 +11101100011 antiques-company 1 +11101100011 train-crash 1 +11101100011 35-mile-per-hour 1 +11101100011 30-mile-per-hour 1 +11101100011 904.42-point 1 +11101100011 160-foot-deep 1 +11101100011 breach-of-agreement 1 +11101100011 38,808 1 +11101100011 46.1-point 1 +11101100011 private-development 1 +11101100011 Sumner-area 1 +11101100011 much-tarnished 1 +11101100011 indirect-purchaser 1 +11101100011 fullscale 1 +11101100011 Rand-created 1 +11101100011 gray-silk 1 +11101100011 ghosted 1 +11101100011 government-media 1 +11101100011 insurance-contract 1 +11101100011 mega-sporting 1 +11101100011 gang-rape 1 +11101100011 priest-penitent 1 +11101100011 rumor-related 1 +11101100011 10,000-person 1 +11101100011 legal-type 1 +11101100011 half-pfennig 1 +11101100011 34-count 1 +11101100011 96-point 1 +11101100011 grandslam 1 +11101100011 42.50-point 1 +11101100011 lifesized 1 +11101100011 258-pound 1 +11101100011 ball-control 1 +11101100011 much-watched 1 +11101100011 jobless-rate 1 +11101100011 mandatory-purchase 1 +11101100011 huckstering 1 +11101100011 218-page 1 +11101100011 431.69-point 1 +11101100011 0.2-point 1 +11101100011 gator-related 1 +11101100011 graven 1 +11101100011 17.07-point 1 +11101100011 most-touted 1 +11101100011 shareholder-derivative 1 +11101100011 14-percentage-point 1 +11101100011 78,000-man 1 +11101100011 Soeharno 1 +11101100011 peck-and-hunt 1 +11101100011 38.59-point 1 +11101100011 twinhull 1 +11101100011 gas-chambers 1 +11101100011 one-for-three 1 +11101100011 10.77-point 1 +11101100011 Miles-Cutter 1 +11101100011 pro-sterilization 1 +11101100011 tanker-shipping 1 +11101100011 1-for-12 1 +11101100011 159-point 1 +11101100011 hot-springs 1 +11101100011 deep-blue 1 +11101100011 95.46-point 1 +11101100011 79-count 1 +11101100011 5,000-job 1 +11101100011 132,000-job 1 +11101100011 franked-mail 1 +11101100011 once-in-forever 1 +11101100011 windiest 1 +11101100011 1-for-9 1 +11101100011 keener-than-usual 1 +11101100011 Korematsu 1 +11101100011 one-out 1 +11101100011 interest-based 1 +11101100011 5.1-million-share 1 +11101100011 cell-restructuring 1 +11101100011 corporate-credit 1 +11101100011 red-ink-drenched 1 +11101100011 lowercourt 1 +11101100011 rate-rollback 1 +11101100011 unlawful-detainer 1 +11101100011 47-point 1 +11101100011 growth-driven 1 +11101100011 31-count 1 +11101100011 internal-controls 1 +11101100011 stripy 1 +11101100011 property-by-property 1 +11101100011 4.51-point 1 +11101100011 wrongful-dismissal 1 +11101100011 Superfund-related 1 +11101100011 13,000-vote 1 +11101100011 presciption-drug 1 +11101100011 first-step 1 +11101100011 Tiriac-negotiated 1 +11101100011 31.5-point 1 +11101100011 payroll-fraud 1 +11101100011 R-infringement 1 +11101100011 name-infringement 1 +11101100011 oftsounded 1 +11101100011 proto-fascist 1 +11101100011 much-too-small 1 +11101100011 industrial-espionage 1 +11101100011 470-count 1 +11101100011 paper-trail 1 +11101100011 137-count 1 +11101100011 anti-haute 1 +11101100011 police-torture 1 +11101100011 rosette-covered 1 +11101100011 buyer-be-damned 1 +11101100011 lime-like 1 +11101100011 finanial 1 +11101100011 fire-warning 1 +11101100011 bus-hijacking 1 +11101100011 scimitar-carrying 1 +11101100011 unfair-competition 1 +11101100011 wild-goose 1 +11101100011 pro-Merkle 1 +11101100011 unbreached 1 +11101100011 Reagan-Shultz 1 +11101100011 butcher-shop 1 +11101100011 corruption-related 1 +11101100011 pin-stripped 1 +11101100011 anti-civil 1 +11101100011 10.97-point 1 +11101100011 trouble-filled 1 +11101100011 dioxin-exposure 1 +11101100011 Philippine-government 1 +11101100011 2,000-job 1 +11101100011 story-theater 1 +11101100011 51-point 1 +11101100011 jobsafety 1 +11101100011 dermatic 1 +11101100011 secured-lease 1 +11101100011 78-count 1 +11101100011 2.86-point 1 +11101100011 45,400-kilowatt 1 +11101100011 ring-shaped 1 +11101100011 18.70-point 1 +11101100011 more-focused 1 +11101100011 nut-brown 1 +11101100011 derivative-action 1 +11101100011 triple-damage 1 +11101100011 purse-snatching 1 +11101100011 telephone-installation 1 +11101100011 deactivates 1 +11101100011 1,004-count 1 +11101100011 gray-area 1 +11101100011 baseball-bat 1 +11101100011 reserves-for 1 +11101100011 57-count 1 +11101100011 2.53-point 1 +11101100011 patent-extension 1 +11101100011 property-insurance 1 +11101100011 156-count 1 +11101100011 38-page 1 +11101100011 9,000-acre 1 +11101100011 CBS-Westmoreland 1 +11101100011 two-degree 1 +11101100011 109-page 1 +11101100011 book-income 1 +11101100011 34,000-job 1 +11101100011 189,000-job 1 +11101100011 Crocker-Midland 1 +11101100011 45.60-point 1 +11101100011 tariff-limitation 1 +11101100011 state-conducted 1 +11101100011 arbitrage-program 1 +11101100011 10-straight-points 1 +11101100011 1977-1980 1 +11101100011 1,000-job 1 +11101100011 15,000-job 1 +11101100011 32,000-job 1 +11101100011 57.39-point 1 +11101100011 past-performance 1 +11101100011 24-count 1 +11101100011 Citicorp-related 1 +11101100011 soft-on-the-Soviets 1 +11101100011 federal-law 1 +11101100011 pie-throwing 1 +11101100011 15-for-1 1 +11101100011 liverlike 1 +11101100011 always-escalating 1 +11101100011 21,073 1 +11101100011 reverse-bias 1 +11101100011 so-far-unpublicized 1 +11101100011 central-border 1 +11101100011 news-operations 1 +11101100011 treble-damage 1 +11101100011 2.61-point 1 +11101100011 38-count 1 +11101100011 environmentalist-pacifist 1 +11101100011 49-count 1 +11101100011 48.6-point 1 +11101100011 42.47-point 1 +11101100011 super-energetic 1 +11101100011 390-point 1 +11101100011 51.98-point 1 +11101100011 labor-practice 1 +11101100011 37-count 1 +11101100011 lesser-than-expected 1 +11101100011 alienable 1 +11101100011 merger-contract 1 +11101100011 four-in-the-morning 1 +11101100011 late-minute 1 +11101100011 attempted-murder 1 +11101100011 drug-conspiracy 1 +11101100011 deficit-widening 1 +11101100011 non-bankruptcy-court 1 +11101100011 Duster 1 +11101100011 post-ballot 1 +11101100011 33-month-old 1 +11101100011 33-seat 1 +11101100011 steam-valve 1 +11101100011 3.8-million-barrel 1 +11101100011 electrical-contract 1 +11101100011 sixteen-count 1 +11101100011 nonsparkling 1 +11101100011 2.8-million-barrel 1 +11101100011 toxic-injury 1 +11101100011 long-feared 1 +11101100011 211-point 1 +11101100011 71.7-point 1 +11101100011 religious-liberties 1 +11101100011 highcourt 1 +11101100011 gold-reserve 1 +11101100011 subtantial 1 +11101100011 pension-surplus 1 +11101100011 BP-Britoil 1 +11101100011 herpeslike 1 +11101100011 start-of-the-year 1 +11101100011 sashimithin 1 +11101100011 162-day 1 +11101100011 quota-premium 1 +11101100011 preferred-status 1 +11101100011 16.29-point 1 +11101100011 semi-isolated 1 +11101100011 236-page 1 +11101100011 light-textured 1 +11101100011 campaign-payments 1 +11101100011 yellow-checked 1 +11101100011 64.42-point 1 +11101100011 equity-skimming 1 +11101100011 non-piscatorial 1 +11101100011 worker-death 1 +11101100011 less-than-cooperative 1 +11101100011 unjust-enrichment 1 +11101100011 sailor-style 1 +11101100011 sharp-eared 1 +11101100011 36.39-point 1 +11101100011 mini-bidding 1 +11101100011 cyclotron 1 +11101100011 pinging 1 +11101100011 results-based 1 +11101100011 software-copying 1 +11101100011 airline-consumer 1 +11101100011 5-foot-1 1 +11101100011 price-induced 1 +11101100011 hang-tough 1 +11101100011 9,000-job 1 +11101100011 fur-trimmed 1 +11101100011 13.7-mark 1 +11101100011 too-frequent 1 +11101100011 190-billion-barrel 1 +11101100011 rate-request 1 +11101100011 6.50-dollar 1 +11101100011 false-claim 1 +11101100011 159,000-job 1 +11101100011 25,000-acre 1 +11101100011 black-lace 1 +11101100011 2.84-cents 1 +11101100011 veterinarian-backed 1 +11101100011 housing-oriented 1 +11101100011 peak-to-trough 1 +11101100011 seventh-straight 1 +11101100011 missile-definition 1 +11101100011 utility-cost 1 +11101100011 performance-standard 1 +11101100011 29-point 1 +11101100011 36-point 1 +11101100011 Batman-related 1 +11101100011 22-cent-a-pound 1 +11101100011 phys 1 +11101100011 too-steep 1 +11101100011 3,398,947 1 +11101100011 portage 1 +11101100011 vested-pension 1 +11101100011 maximium 1 +11101100011 NHSTA 1 +11101100011 anti-draft 1 +11101100011 0.5-percentage-point 1 +11101100011 Soering 1 +11101100011 17-count 1 +11101100011 bribery-scandal 1 +11101100011 more-violent 1 +11101100011 1.5-percentage-point 1 +11101100011 much-aggrieved 1 +11101100011 quasicollective 1 +11101100011 12-count 1 +11101100011 Rios-embryos 1 +11101100011 conversion-to-stock 1 +11101100011 5-point 1 +11101100011 more-thorough 1 +11101100011 rain-induced 1 +11101100011 capsule-tampering 1 +11101100011 13.9-point 1 +11101100011 corporate-antitrust 1 +11101100011 275-fold 1 +11101100011 56-point 1 +11101100011 trophy-size 1 +11101100011 borrower-rights 1 +11101100011 nose-thumbing 1 +11101100011 anti-austerity 1 +11101100011 Bakke-type 1 +11101100011 difficult-to-prove 1 +11101100011 pleay-hippie 1 +11101100011 magazine-group 1 +11101100011 NEJM 1 +11101100011 Isuzu-sized 1 +11101100011 20.23-point 1 +11101100011 511.46-yen 1 +11101100011 14-session 1 +11101100011 stress-inducing 1 +11101100011 Pan-Slavic 1 +11101100011 shop-till-you 1 +11101100011 56,000-vehicle 1 +11101100011 9-mark 1 +11101100011 Vietnam-type 1 +11101100011 audit-malpractice 1 +11101100011 70-cent-a-barrel 1 +11101100011 liquor-fee 1 +11101100011 24.70-point 1 +11101100011 wine-related 1 +11101100011 local-access 1 +11101100011 sideway 1 +11101100011 non-North-American 1 +11101100011 2.4-percentage-point 1 +11101100011 crosscultural 1 +11101100011 19-day-old 1 +11101100011 breach-of-fiduciary-duty 1 +11101100011 company-friendly 1 +11101100011 nine-count 1 +11101100011 Sverdlosk 1 +11101100011 mustard-based 1 +11101100011 account-related 1 +11101100011 39-page 1 +11101100011 55,000-job 1 +11101100011 enhanced-risk 1 +11101100011 crime-influence 1 +11101100011 stem-to-stern 1 +11101100011 Motorola-Intel 1 +11101100011 color-safe 1 +11101100011 791-point 1 +11101100011 off-the-rack 1 +11101100011 93-page 1 +11101100011 self-promoted 1 +11101100011 1992-driven 1 +11101100011 0.26-point 1 +11101100011 90-mile-an-hour 1 +11101100011 F-111C 1 +11101100011 Warholesque 1 +11101100011 recession-year 1 +11101100011 bank-fund 1 +11101100011 ground-war 1 +11101100011 73-count 1 +11101100011 product-liabilty 1 +11101100011 cancer-liability 1 +11101100011 6.28-pound 1 +11101100011 insurance-certificate 1 +11101100011 patent-suit 1 +11101100011 bean-producing 1 +11101100011 8.5-million-barrel 1 +11101100011 50-cent-a-bushel 1 +11101100011 oil-dispute 1 +11101100011 Taiwan-style 1 +11101100011 3-for-7 1 +11101100011 profit-eating 1 +11101100011 380,000-job 1 +11101100011 17,000-job 1 +11101100011 deaththreat 1 +11101100011 share-earnings 1 +11101100011 recorded-tapes 1 +11101100011 tax-cheating 1 +11101100011 bank-authority 1 +11101100011 1,440-acre 1 +11101100011 life-bettering 1 +11101100011 warranty-service 1 +11101100011 20.27-point 1 +11101100011 206-count 1 +11101100011 Chanel-style 1 +11101100011 Boston-made 1 +11101100011 inflation-flattening 1 +11101100011 ghost-like 1 +11101100011 Italian-cut 1 +11101100011 17.40-point 1 +11101100011 4.5-point 1 +11101100011 Christian-Moslem 1 +11101100011 pro-Bosch 1 +11101100011 26-cent 1 +11101100011 coffin-sized 1 +11101100011 five-grade 1 +11101100011 46.40-point 1 +11101100011 four-graduation 1 +11101100011 pro-Mandela 1 +11101100011 ABSCAM 1 +11101100011 state-conferred 1 +11101100011 11.56-point 1 +11101100011 nastier-than-necessary 1 +11101100011 quarter-earnings 1 +11101100011 copyrght 1 +11101100011 trade-allocating 1 +11101100011 up-the-ranks 1 +11101100011 long-forecast 1 +11101100011 contract-surrender 1 +11101100011 anti-Shah 1 +11101100011 secondhalf 1 +11101100011 seersucker 1 +11101100011 excess-baggage 1 +11101100011 fireable 1 +11101100011 script-writers 1 +11101100011 long-term-fund 1 +11101100011 37.5-cent 1 +11101100011 3.49-point 1 +11101100011 513.09-point 1 +11101100011 4.2-point 1 +11101100011 high-season 1 +11101100011 0.25-point 1 +11101100011 four-basis-point 1 +11101100011 gimlet 1 +11101100011 high-plains 1 +11101100011 well-telegraphed 1 +11101100011 369,209-share 1 +11101100011 614,000-square-foot 1 +11101100011 interest-capitalization 1 +11101100011 wrongful-firing 1 +11101100011 Dodd-type 1 +11101100011 stomach-wrenching 1 +11101100011 union-bribery 1 +11101100011 tax-understatement 1 +11101100011 junk-holder 1 +11101100011 439-count 1 +11101100011 federal-grand-jury 1 +11101100011 40-count 1 +11101100011 67-page 1 +11101100011 credit-discrimination 1 +11101100011 not-very-interesting 1 +11101100011 market-wide 1 +11101100011 stroboscopic 1 +11101100011 insider-trading-related 1 +11101100011 rumor-led 1 +11101100011 94.06-point 1 +11101100011 14,470 1 +11101100011 44.99-point 1 +11101100011 six-pfennig 1 +11101100011 tobaccoliability 1 +11101100011 54-count 1 +11101100011 perhaps-temporary 1 +11101100011 5.34-point 1 +11101100011 four-justice 1 +11101100011 navigators 1 +11101100011 jobs-discrimination 1 +11101100011 tax-refund 1 +11101100011 27-page 1 +11101100011 Pentagon-fraud 1 +11101100011 crash-like 1 +11101100011 civil-racketeering 1 +11101100011 29.8-point 1 +11101100011 third-sharpest 1 +11101100011 gimme-a-handout 1 +11101100011 130-foot-tall 1 +11101100011 grain-soybean 1 +11101100011 tobacco/cancer 1 +11101100011 once-in-a-century 1 +11101100011 RICO-expanding 1 +11101100011 Cipolone 1 +11101100011 jail-like 1 +11101100011 note-acquisition 1 +11101100011 cocaine-trafficking 1 +11101100011 Oswald-Ruby 1 +11101100011 philological 1 +11101100011 anti-touting 1 +11101100011 20.09-point 1 +11101100011 five-pfennig 1 +11101100011 negligent-homicide 1 +11101100011 hard-platic 1 +11101100011 2.8-percentage-point 1 +11101100011 newsrack 1 +11101100011 57.20-point 1 +11101100011 28.45-point 1 +11101100011 21.7-point 1 +11101100011 3.82-point 1 +11101100011 240,000-job 1 +11101100011 DWI 1 +11101100011 192,000-job 1 +11101100011 asbestos-products 1 +11101100011 insurance-tax 1 +11101100011 casino-sponsored 1 +11101100011 big-spender 1 +11101100011 4.5-mark 1 +11101100011 1.22-point 1 +11101100011 7-to-4 1 +11101100011 physician-malpractice 1 +11101100011 Wang-Lee 1 +11101100011 hospital-stay 1 +11101100011 43-count 1 +11101100011 intervention-aided 1 +11101100011 73-song 1 +11101100011 86.61-point 2 +11101100011 bad-check 2 +11101100011 162-page 2 +11101100011 paratroop 2 +11101100011 SEC-obstruction 2 +11101100011 145-count 2 +11101100011 61.87-point 2 +11101100011 Utrillo 2 +11101100011 360-point 2 +11101100011 recession-related 2 +11101100011 loan-fraud 2 +11101100011 deep-drilling 2 +11101100011 27-count 2 +11101100011 Rifkinesque 2 +11101100011 rear-end 2 +11101100011 354,000-job 2 +11101100011 24.34-point 2 +11101100011 zoot 2 +11101100011 32-cent 2 +11101100011 78-page 2 +11101100011 cigarette-liability 2 +11101100011 205-day 2 +11101100011 small-animal 2 +11101100011 0.90-point 2 +11101100011 glasnostian 2 +11101100011 global-market 2 +11101100011 fetal-alcohol 2 +11101100011 market-sector 2 +11101100011 campaign-contributions 2 +11101100011 90-cent-an-hour 2 +11101100011 invasion-of-privacy 2 +11101100011 floor-joint 2 +11101100011 junglelike 2 +11101100011 early-winter 2 +11101100011 rocket-powered 2 +11101100011 lost-bag 2 +11101100011 shoulder-high 2 +11101100011 military-contractor 2 +11101100011 room-and-board 2 +11101100011 charcoal-gray 2 +11101100011 WPPSS-related 2 +11101100011 flood-insurance 2 +11101100011 rental-rate 2 +11101100011 157-point 2 +11101100011 800-room 2 +11101100011 currency-fraud 2 +11101100011 AER 2 +11101100011 share-manipulation 2 +11101100011 employer-sanction 2 +11101100011 false-advertising 2 +11101100011 hyperbaric 2 +11101100011 government-induced 2 +11101100011 0.7-point 2 +11101100011 reverse-discrimination 2 +11101100011 windfall-tax 2 +11101100011 banking-fraud 2 +11101100011 death-threat 2 +11101100011 multi-colored 2 +11101100011 28.27-point 2 +11101100011 higher-pressure 2 +11101100011 second-sharpest 2 +11101100011 42-count 2 +11101100011 silver-conspiracy 2 +11101100011 one-basis-point 2 +11101100011 computer-crime 2 +11101100011 two-basis-point 2 +11101100011 35-count 2 +11101100011 70-count 2 +11101100011 hard-to-believe 2 +11101100011 car-pricing 2 +11101100011 13-instrument 2 +11101100011 41-point 2 +11101100011 non-returnable 2 +11101100011 19-count 2 +11101100011 47.66-point 2 +11101100011 first-priority 2 +11101100011 probate-court 2 +11101100011 late-hour 2 +11101100011 Syrian-led 2 +11101100011 Worcestershire 2 +11101100011 asbestos-exposure 2 +11101100011 late-campaign 2 +11101100011 anti-raider 2 +11101100011 tax-protester 2 +11101100011 color-field 2 +11101100011 0.1-point 2 +11101100011 farm-economy 2 +11101100011 60-point 2 +11101100011 least-profitable 2 +11101100011 Vetak 2 +11101100011 health-damage 2 +11101100011 case-study 2 +11101100011 hang-'em-high 2 +11101100011 70-point 2 +11101100011 spermicidal 2 +11101100011 palimony 2 +11101100011 450-point 2 +11101100011 656,000-barrel 2 +11101100011 72.44-point 2 +11101100011 farm-related 2 +11101100011 institutional-fund 2 +11101100011 24,000-job 2 +11101100011 divorce-fixing 2 +11101100011 doubling-every-day 2 +11101100011 mass-tort 2 +11101100011 101.46-point 2 +11101100011 24-can 2 +11101100011 mass-disaster 2 +11101100011 land-claims 2 +11101100011 Syrian-brokered 2 +11101100011 odometer-tampering 2 +11101100011 continued-coverage 2 +11101100011 three-second 2 +11101100011 recordbreaking 2 +11101100011 bribery-conspiracy 2 +11101100011 14-cent 2 +11101100011 unsucessful 2 +11101100011 mental-disability 2 +11101100011 market-induced 2 +11101100011 well-paced 3 +11101100011 consent-decree 3 +11101100011 wrongful-termination 3 +11101100011 69.89-point 3 +11101100011 35-point 3 +11101100011 justiciable 3 +11101100011 28-point 3 +11101100011 hurricane-related 3 +11101100011 two-count 3 +11101100011 junk-market 3 +11101100011 13-count 3 +11101100011 first-month 3 +11101100011 rubber-hose 3 +11101100011 1,000-point 3 +11101100011 last-hour 3 +11101100011 anti-election 3 +11101100011 lameduck 3 +11101100011 asbestos-injury 3 +11101100011 cocaine-distribution 3 +11101100011 First-Amendment 3 +11101100011 fuel-price 3 +11101100011 40.97-point 3 +11101100011 center-ring 3 +11101100011 post-1929 3 +11101100011 war-crime 3 +11101100011 Ferguson-Ladd 3 +11101100011 88-count 3 +11101100011 Democratic-sponsored 3 +11101100011 keyless 3 +11101100011 30-mph 3 +11101100011 91-point 3 +11101100011 91.55-point 3 +11101100011 failure-to-supervise 3 +11101100011 racial-discrimination 3 +11101100011 108.35-point 3 +11101100011 drought-caused 3 +11101100011 British-style 3 +11101100011 15-count 3 +11101100011 smoking-liability 3 +11101100011 66.47-point 3 +11101100011 one-pfennig 3 +11101100011 copper-price 3 +11101100011 recession-induced 3 +11101100011 sharkskin 3 +11101100011 civil-fraud 3 +11101100011 early-summer 3 +11101100011 irredentist 3 +11101100011 toxic-tort 3 +11101100011 14-count 3 +11101100011 vertical-restraints 3 +11101100011 Jaycee 3 +11101100011 4-point 3 +11101100011 grain-price 3 +11101100011 public-accommodations 3 +11101100011 million-mile 3 +11101100011 52-point 3 +11101100011 Boesky-related 3 +11101100011 11-count 3 +11101100011 pulpy 3 +11101100011 retail-level 3 +11101100011 22-count 3 +11101100011 58-count 3 +11101100011 four-session 4 +11101100011 Jebel 4 +11101100011 liveried 4 +11101100011 now-settled 4 +11101100011 two-run 4 +11101100011 skin-cancer 4 +11101100011 23-count 4 +11101100011 takeover-driven 4 +11101100011 trade-practices 4 +11101100011 unfair-labor-practice 4 +11101100011 Freeman-Wigton-Tabor 4 +11101100011 copyright-infringement 4 +11101100011 loss-reserve 4 +11101100011 18-count 4 +11101100011 pro-ration 4 +11101100011 civil-investigative 4 +11101100011 tax-base 4 +11101100011 mortgage-fraud 4 +11101100011 insidertrading 4 +11101100011 race-related 4 +11101100011 cocaine-smuggling 4 +11101100011 public-corruption 4 +11101100011 loan-sharking 4 +11101100011 labor-racketeering 4 +11101100011 43-point 4 +11101100011 25-count 4 +11101100011 101-page 4 +11101100011 bond-price 5 +11101100011 employment-discrimination 5 +11101100011 one-percentage-point 5 +11101100011 age-bias 5 +11101100011 bet-the-company 5 +11101100011 single-session 5 +11101100011 crop-threatening 5 +11101100011 post-feminist 5 +11101100011 wage-floor 5 +11101100011 three-count 5 +11101100011 trade-secret 5 +11101100011 market-manipulation 5 +11101100011 chem 5 +11101100011 140.58-point 5 +11101100011 108-point 5 +11101100011 drenching 5 +11101100011 child-molestation 5 +11101100011 legal-malpractice 5 +11101100011 1930s-style 5 +11101100011 post- 5 +11101100011 two-front 6 +11101100011 Scopes 6 +11101100011 big-stock 6 +11101100011 52-count 6 +11101100011 10-count 6 +11101100011 gold-price 7 +11101100011 40-point 7 +11101100011 prosecutable 7 +11101100011 fire-related 7 +11101100011 classaction 7 +11101100011 false-claims 7 +11101100011 gun-smuggling 7 +11101100011 energy-price 7 +11101100011 15-month-old 7 +11101100011 one-half-point 7 +11101100011 heavier-than-expected 7 +11101100011 plane-by-plane 7 +11101100011 seven-count 7 +11101100011 tax-revenue 7 +11101100011 pinstriped 7 +11101100011 dioxin-related 7 +11101100011 contempt-of-court 7 +11101100011 bribery-related 7 +11101100011 trade-secrets 7 +11101100011 23-month 7 +11101100011 crude-price 7 +11101100011 sharper-than-expected 7 +11101100011 book-club 8 +11101100011 five-count 8 +11101100011 four-count 8 +11101100011 drought-driven 8 +11101100011 bounced-check 8 +11101100011 lawyer-client 8 +11101100011 drought-induced 8 +11101100011 seat-price 8 +11101100011 back-pay 8 +11101100011 pinstripe 8 +11101100011 101-point 8 +11101100011 full-point 8 +11101100011 six-count 8 +11101100011 obstruction-of-justice 9 +11101100011 60-cent 9 +11101100011 single-year 9 +11101100011 Kongsberg-Toshiba 9 +11101100011 double-breasted 9 +11101100011 counterespionage 9 +11101100011 pin-stripe 9 +11101100011 tobacco-liability 9 +11101100011 98-count 9 +11101100011 184-page 9 +11101100011 anti-Chinese 9 +11101100011 two-percentage-point 9 +11101100011 stock-appreciation 10 +11101100011 drunk-driving 10 +11101100011 fraud-related 10 +11101100011 140-point 10 +11101100011 three-run 10 +11101100011 lender-liability 11 +11101100011 30-point 11 +11101100011 late-day 11 +11101100011 contract-steering 12 +11101100011 student-led 12 +11101100011 wrongful-death 12 +11101100011 silver-market 12 +11101100011 special-prosecutor 12 +11101100011 two-point 13 +11101100011 Koreagate 13 +11101100011 car-sales 13 +11101100011 trumped-up 14 +11101100011 stock-manipulation 14 +11101100011 Pennzoil-Texaco 14 +11101100011 declaratory 14 +11101100011 mortgage-rate 14 +11101100011 job-discrimination 14 +11101100011 pro-independence 15 +11101100011 bull-market 15 +11101100011 508.00-point 15 +11101100011 midlife 16 +11101100011 drug-smuggling 17 +11101100011 wrongful-discharge 17 +11101100011 defense-procurement 18 +11101100011 cancerphobia 18 +11101100011 commodity-price 18 +11101100011 sex-discrimination 19 +11101100011 post-trial 19 +11101100011 one-point 20 +11101100011 one-cent 20 +11101100011 500-point 21 +11101100011 three-piece 21 +11101100011 share-trading 22 +11101100011 torrential 22 +11101100011 age-discrimination 23 +11101100011 pin-striped 24 +11101100011 subscriber-line 25 +11101100011 child-abuse 25 +11101100011 concurring 27 +11101100011 wire-fraud 28 +11101100011 stockmarket 29 +11101100011 attorney-client 29 +11101100011 bank-fraud 29 +11101100011 drought-related 30 +11101100011 508-point 33 +11101100011 meteoric 34 +11101100011 tax-fraud 36 +11101100011 cost-benefit 38 +11101100011 day-earlier 39 +11101100011 poison-gas 40 +11101100011 tax-evasion 41 +11101100011 Reagan-Gorbachev 42 +11101100011 drug-trafficking 43 +11101100011 grand-jury 50 +11101100011 quantum 51 +11101100011 single-day 54 +11101100011 breach-of-contract 54 +11101100011 bathing 55 +11101100011 securities-fraud 73 +11101100011 pro-democracy 74 +11101100011 pre-emptive 79 +11101100011 month-to-month 84 +11101100011 wait-and-see 86 +11101100011 patent-infringement 88 +11101100011 half-point 92 +11101100011 money-laundering 98 +11101100011 asbestos-related 100 +11101100011 personal-injury 100 +11101100011 stock-price 100 +11101100011 precipitous 111 +11101100011 product-liability 132 +11101100011 oil-price 199 +11101100011 derivative 216 +11101100011 anti-government 243 +11101100011 libel 252 +11101100011 one-day 351 +11101100011 class-action 459 +11101100011 steep 807 +11101100011 insider-trading 1200 +11101100011 stock-market 1386 +11101100011 civil 2869 +11101100011 sharp 3319 +11101100011 criminal 3076 +111011001000 12,700-ton 1 +111011001000 D&F 1 +111011001000 snow-cone 1 +111011001000 copper-purchase 1 +111011001000 3,091 1 +111011001000 40,000-liter 1 +111011001000 TV-video 1 +111011001000 stop-sign 1 +111011001000 mud-inundated 1 +111011001000 entomb 1 +111011001000 dual-leadership 1 +111011001000 anti-AT&T 1 +111011001000 financial-products 1 +111011001000 antidiscrimination 1 +111011001000 producer-supply 1 +111011001000 bank-credit-card 1 +111011001000 buy-two-get-one-free 1 +111011001000 government-security 1 +111011001000 per-square-foot 1 +111011001000 3,436 1 +111011001000 go-forward 1 +111011001000 second-day 1 +111011001000 nuclearemergency 1 +111011001000 lens-shutter 1 +111011001000 interest-expense 1 +111011001000 retransmits 1 +111011001000 all-commodity 1 +111011001000 stop-test 1 +111011001000 name-bearing 1 +111011001000 export-controls 1 +111011001000 gas-project 1 +111011001000 auto-enthusiast 1 +111011001000 reactor-core 1 +111011001000 re-penetrate 1 +111011001000 garbage-incineration 1 +111011001000 safecracking 1 +111011001000 video-catalog 1 +111011001000 bus-length 1 +111011001000 40-plane 1 +111011001000 enviornmental 1 +111011001000 5,412 1 +111011001000 election-money 1 +111011001000 152,971 1 +111011001000 Herend 1 +111011001000 cosmetic-industry 1 +111011001000 more-accurate 1 +111011001000 smoky-blue 1 +111011001000 regulator-imposed 1 +111011001000 piezo 1 +111011001000 customhouse 1 +111011001000 life-is-miserable 1 +111011001000 FCC-mandated 1 +111011001000 doclose 1 +111011001000 fair-competition 1 +111011001000 61,236 1 +111011001000 temporary-resident 1 +111011001000 consumer-analgesic 1 +111011001000 spending-freeze 1 +111011001000 export-quota 1 +111011001000 engine-block 1 +111011001000 tube-feeding 1 +111011001000 prebuilt 1 +111011001000 prerevolutionary 1 +111011001000 gyroscopic 1 +111011001000 double-bolt 1 +111011001000 decist 1 +111011001000 allergy-like 1 +111011001000 plant-evacuation 1 +111011001000 firearms-control 1 +111011001000 stop-shipment 1 +111011001000 brass-mill 1 +111011001000 alarm-company 1 +111011001000 shop-type 1 +111011001000 supra-competitive 1 +111011001000 wholesale-electricity 1 +111011001000 120-page 1 +111011001000 2,746 1 +111011001000 cold-call 1 +111011001000 government-bond-futures 1 +111011001000 million-dollar-plus 1 +111011001000 reductio 1 +111011001000 Leuna 1 +111011001000 Moorish-style 1 +111011001000 department-approved 1 +111011001000 kneejerk 1 +111011001000 store-name 1 +111011001000 foliaged 1 +111011001000 once-segregated 1 +111011001000 OPEC-supply 1 +111011001000 79,411 1 +111011001000 gold-and-white 1 +111011001000 new-unit 1 +111011001000 domestic-crude 1 +111011001000 premium-product 1 +111011001000 near-hysterical 1 +111011001000 foreign-currency-futures 2 +111011001000 unwieldly 2 +111011001000 commercial-jetliner 2 +111011001000 steel-consuming 2 +111011001000 foreign-export 2 +111011001000 soybean-processing 2 +111011001000 minimum-purchase 2 +111011001000 multiple-unit 2 +111011001000 gold-tailings 2 +111011001000 EPA-approved 2 +111011001000 pharmaceutical-product 2 +111011001000 PC-clone 2 +111011001000 union-organizing 2 +111011001000 asset-backed-securities 2 +111011001000 rice-import 2 +111011001000 consumer-photography 2 +111011001000 launch-test 2 +111011001000 image-enhancing 2 +111011001000 occupational-safety 2 +111011001000 movie-ticket 2 +111011001000 advertiser-programming 2 +111011001000 term-life 2 +111011001000 pre-1983 2 +111011001000 200-share 2 +111011001000 picture-tube 2 +111011001000 S&P-related 2 +111011001000 often-arcane 2 +111011001000 oil-fueled 2 +111011001000 quick-draw 2 +111011001000 non-ICO 2 +111011001000 computer-product 2 +111011001000 college-football 2 +111011001000 C5-B 2 +111011001000 piece-rate 2 +111011001000 intraregional 2 +111011001000 179,572 2 +111011001000 not-so-new 2 +111011001000 cream-puff 2 +111011001000 mortgage-production 2 +111011001000 nearer-term 2 +111011001000 fresh-produce 2 +111011001000 non-tire 2 +111011001000 conveyor-belt 2 +111011001000 spic-and-span 2 +111011001000 reprographics 3 +111011001000 aerospace-related 3 +111011001000 sesame-seed 3 +111011001000 carpet-backing 3 +111011001000 education-related 3 +111011001000 back-shop 3 +111011001000 gasket 3 +111011001000 U.S.-related 3 +111011001000 major-city 3 +111011001000 slower-than-anticipated 3 +111011001000 large-print 3 +111011001000 classic-car 3 +111011001000 dealer-only 3 +111011001000 extended-hours 3 +111011001000 media-ownership 3 +111011001000 basketball-shoe 3 +111011001000 medical-diagnostics 3 +111011001000 sugar-import 3 +111011001000 Airtron 3 +111011001000 toilet-paper 3 +111011001000 commercial-launch 3 +111011001000 domestic-vehicle 3 +111011001000 pre-established 4 +111011001000 single-copy 4 +111011001000 country-style 4 +111011001000 less-than-robust 4 +111011001000 GM-related 4 +111011001000 gold-coin 4 +111011001000 auto-import 4 +111011001000 lawn-dart 4 +111011001000 near-month 4 +111011001000 incentive-spurred 4 +111011001000 Lufttransport 4 +111011001000 group-health 4 +111011001000 pedagogical 4 +111011001000 shoot-to-kill 4 +111011001000 storewide 4 +111011001000 non-movie 4 +111011001000 public-partnership 4 +111011001000 auto-emission 5 +111011001000 steel-import 5 +111011001000 replacement-tire 5 +111011001000 securities-lending 5 +111011001000 retransmit 5 +111011001000 car-insurance 6 +111011001000 steel-plate 6 +111011001000 grain-export 6 +111011001000 fuel-oil 6 +111011001000 computer-terminal 6 +111011001000 corporate-image 6 +111011001000 profitless 6 +111011001000 late-December 7 +111011001000 export-license 7 +111011001000 co-generation 7 +111011001000 mortgage-origination 8 +111011001000 bad-risk 8 +111011001000 capital-equipment 8 +111011001000 nonautomotive 8 +111011001000 retail-banking 8 +111011001000 state-local 8 +111011001000 oil-export 8 +111011001000 direct-response 9 +111011001000 major-appliance 9 +111011001000 domestic-car 10 +111011001000 packaged-food 10 +111011001000 loan-origination 10 +111011001000 auto-service 10 +111011001000 muskrat 10 +111011001000 beef-import 10 +111011001000 civil-aircraft 10 +111011001000 world-market 11 +111011001000 consumer-credit 11 +111011001000 tailpipe 12 +111011001000 chain-store 13 +111011001000 existing-home 13 +111011001000 per-store 14 +111011001000 food-store 14 +111011001000 alphabetical 14 +111011001000 oil-rig 14 +111011001000 non-auto 16 +111011001000 cash-market 19 +111011001000 general-merchandise 21 +111011001000 re-export 21 +111011001000 pecking 23 +111011001000 non-GM 26 +111011001000 video-rental 26 +111011001000 heavy-truck 29 +111011001000 variable-life 30 +111011001000 cease-and-desist 30 +111011001000 wellhead 33 +111011001000 home-market 33 +111011001000 spot-market 34 +111011001000 program-trading 36 +111011001000 new-home 38 +111011001000 newsstand 48 +111011001000 stop-loss 53 +111011001000 help-wanted 59 +111011001000 new-car 76 +111011001000 comparable-store 77 +111011001000 durable-goods 87 +111011001000 duty-free 95 +111011001000 same-store 171 +111011001000 restraining 365 +111011001000 rental 711 +111011001000 wholesale 1032 +111011001000 import 2078 +111011001000 retail 4709 +111011001000 export 3282 +111011001001 statistical-process 1 +111011001001 home-television 1 +111011001001 tissue-products 1 +111011001001 now-essential 1 +111011001001 now-predictable 1 +111011001001 morning-afternoon-evening 1 +111011001001 government-asset 1 +111011001001 theater-ticket 1 +111011001001 custom-ordered 1 +111011001001 president-quality 1 +111011001001 Nagoyathe 1 +111011001001 Griffin-Resorts 1 +111011001001 blood-sample 1 +111011001001 shadow-boxing 1 +111011001001 post-mix 1 +111011001001 smalldenomination 1 +111011001001 non-leather 1 +111011001001 mine-defusing 1 +111011001001 chemicalweapons 1 +111011001001 fuel-alcohol 1 +111011001001 Dole-for-President 1 +111011001001 almost-unchallenged 1 +111011001001 unsold-car 1 +111011001001 semicondutor 1 +111011001001 authority-conscious 1 +111011001001 gravel-contract 1 +111011001001 cancer-killing 1 +111011001001 once-standard 1 +111011001001 apeace 1 +111011001001 Feinblooms 1 +111011001001 asbestos-type 1 +111011001001 animal-damage 1 +111011001001 land-flip 1 +111011001001 stationary-cycle 1 +111011001001 pension-asset 1 +111011001001 illegal-weapons 1 +111011001001 employee-owned-enterprise 1 +111011001001 over-projected 1 +111011001001 traffic-signal 1 +111011001001 Italo-Americans 1 +111011001001 spy-sex 1 +111011001001 Japan-those 1 +111011001001 fairmarket 1 +111011001001 EC-bound 1 +111011001001 mangrove-forest 1 +111011001001 gasline 1 +111011001001 Airways-United 1 +111011001001 single-stop 1 +111011001001 table-fruit 1 +111011001001 disequilibrating 1 +111011001001 feed-wheat 1 +111011001001 armssale 1 +111011001001 strategic-products 1 +111011001001 wage-scale 1 +111011001001 launch-customer 1 +111011001001 weapons-for-hostages 1 +111011001001 standards-production 1 +111011001001 microwave-transmission 1 +111011001001 cocaine-exporting 1 +111011001001 paranoiac 1 +111011001001 not-for-attribution 1 +111011001001 muni-bond 1 +111011001001 Gooberesque 1 +111011001001 carbonfiber 1 +111011001001 military-gear 1 +111011001001 millinery 1 +111011001001 manufacturing-industry 1 +111011001001 personal-car 1 +111011001001 4,600-member 1 +111011001001 high-tech-equipment 1 +111011001001 quasimilitary 1 +111011001001 same-facility 1 +111011001001 road-work 1 +111011001001 Jonestown-style 1 +111011001001 arms-dump 1 +111011001001 late-1983 1 +111011001001 boutique-clearance 1 +111011001001 gold-development 1 +111011001001 rural-to-urban 1 +111011001001 main-plant 1 +111011001001 public-asset 1 +111011001001 fill-in-the-blank 1 +111011001001 Cato-Johnson/Y&R 1 +111011001001 Ceding 1 +111011001001 Fidelity-related 1 +111011001001 304,833 1 +111011001001 4,500-broker 1 +111011001001 650-horsepower 1 +111011001001 television-ad 1 +111011001001 kick-starting 1 +111011001001 talk-to-the-camera 1 +111011001001 computer-unit 1 +111011001001 first-customer 1 +111011001001 basswood 1 +111011001001 anti-Carlylean 1 +111011001001 government-labor-business 1 +111011001001 network-affiliation 1 +111011001001 domestic-flight 1 +111011001001 occupancy-related 1 +111011001001 groundwater-pollution 1 +111011001001 water-tank 1 +111011001001 oil-lease 1 +111011001001 girl-on-bulldozer 1 +111011001001 grocery-product 2 +111011001001 China-bound 2 +111011001001 above-plan 2 +111011001001 broker-client 2 +111011001001 overabundant 2 +111011001001 first-offense 2 +111011001001 legal-assistance 2 +111011001001 favored-nation 2 +111011001001 Hoyt-family 2 +111011001001 chemical-arms 2 +111011001001 going-out-of-business 2 +111011001001 Fest 2 +111011001001 rondo 2 +111011001001 commodity-options 2 +111011001001 interdepartmental 2 +111011001001 warning-light 2 +111011001001 re-run 2 +111011001001 gummy 2 +111011001001 odd-sized 2 +111011001001 sackings 2 +111011001001 local-rights 2 +111011001001 behavioral-science 2 +111011001001 domestic-make 2 +111011001001 arms-shipment 2 +111011001001 newcar 2 +111011001001 antidemocratic 2 +111011001001 international-currency 2 +111011001001 investment-portfolio 2 +111011001001 1,200-book 2 +111011001001 1175 2 +111011001001 lottery-ticket 2 +111011001001 incentive-program 2 +111011001001 off-system 3 +111011001001 80-person 3 +111011001001 non-block 3 +111011001001 bons 3 +111011001001 strategic-export 3 +111011001001 cotton-coat 3 +111011001001 equity-fund 3 +111011001001 owned-property 3 +111011001001 milling-machine 3 +111011001001 castoff 3 +111011001001 private-market 3 +111011001001 Mazowsze 4 +111011001001 export-restraint 4 +111011001001 water-damage 4 +111011001001 new-vehicle 4 +111011001001 sure-handed 4 +111011001001 end-of-season 4 +111011001001 airtraffic 4 +111011001001 net-asset 4 +111011001001 unvaccinated 5 +111011001001 Arab-Israel 5 +111011001001 TakeCare 6 +111011001001 nuclear-missile 9 +111011001001 realizable 10 +111011001001 non-proliferation 15 +111011001001 AK-47 15 +111011001001 transracial 16 +111011001001 arms-reduction 20 +111011001001 conventional-arms 25 +111011001001 fair-market 33 +111011001001 pest 35 +111011001001 nuclear-arms 39 +111011001001 arms-sale 53 +111011001001 arms-for-hostages 59 +111011001001 arms-sales 62 +111011001001 troop 176 +111011001001 air-traffic 290 +111011001001 arms 4719 +111011001001 asset 2706 +111011001010 spouse-employment 1 +111011001010 bookpublishing 1 +111011001010 Mauch 1 +111011001010 ren 1 +111011001010 disintegrative 1 +111011001010 Kornfleks 1 +111011001010 RESUME 1 +111011001010 raga 1 +111011001010 U.S.-Saigon 1 +111011001010 team-competition 1 +111011001010 horse-auction 1 +111011001010 naval-escort 1 +111011001010 biochemical-warfare 1 +111011001010 nuclear-security 1 +111011001010 anti-drilling 1 +111011001010 Bahamasbased 1 +111011001010 get-the-government-off-the-backs-of-the-people 1 +111011001010 bottled-up 1 +111011001010 pro-treaty 1 +111011001010 save-the-whale 1 +111011001010 ex-commercial 1 +111011001010 LSAT 1 +111011001010 industrial-style 1 +111011001010 ladstone 1 +111011001010 audience-participation 1 +111011001010 directed-radiation 1 +111011001010 strawberry-pattern 1 +111011001010 nuclear-equipped 1 +111011001010 gas-attack 1 +111011001010 special-delivery 1 +111011001010 anti-Renamo 1 +111011001010 Israeli-controlled 1 +111011001010 350-man 1 +111011001010 wood-grained 1 +111011001010 juris 1 +111011001010 germ-warfare 1 +111011001010 sheep-herding 1 +111011001010 U.S.-assigned 1 +111011001010 5-foot-3-inch 1 +111011001010 book-manufacturing 1 +111011001010 displaced-workers 1 +111011001010 nondetachable 1 +111011001010 contra-revolutionary 1 +111011001010 t-shirt 1 +111011001010 nuclear-deterrence 1 +111011001010 China-affairs 1 +111011001010 middle-finger 1 +111011001010 need-based 1 +111011001010 unleashable 1 +111011001010 anti-maquila 1 +111011001010 fire-truck 1 +111011001010 anti-conformist 1 +111011001010 strength-their 1 +111011001010 car-export 1 +111011001010 speech. 1 +111011001010 wind-energy 1 +111011001010 Pause 1 +111011001010 alphabet-agency 1 +111011001010 light-transmission 1 +111011001010 Plan-style 1 +111011001010 industrial-safety 1 +111011001010 sugar-subsidy 1 +111011001010 drug-curbing 1 +111011001010 Soviet-blasting 1 +111011001010 TV-viewing 1 +111011001010 anti-proliferation 1 +111011001010 cotton-mill 1 +111011001010 tropic 1 +111011001010 serotonin-affecting 1 +111011001010 anti-drink 1 +111011001010 public-transportation 1 +111011001010 anisoylated 1 +111011001010 anti-Swapo 1 +111011001010 pectoral 1 +111011001010 military-economic 1 +111011001010 anti-conservation 1 +111011001010 syllogistic 1 +111011001010 slab-constructed 1 +111011001010 spoon-bending 1 +111011001010 U.S.-Greece 1 +111011001010 merchant-class 1 +111011001010 anti-ecdysiast 1 +111011001010 arpeggio 1 +111011001010 confetti-firing 1 +111011001010 600-foot-high 1 +111011001010 export-aid 1 +111011001010 cozying-up 1 +111011001010 anti-Brennan 1 +111011001010 garbage-barge 1 +111011001010 then-domestic 1 +111011001010 vehicle-distribution 1 +111011001010 anti-busing 1 +111011001010 truce-keeping 1 +111011001010 economic-supporting 2 +111011001010 French-German 2 +111011001010 U.S.-Egyptian 2 +111011001010 pre-harvest 2 +111011001010 so-and-sos 2 +111011001010 1987. 2 +111011001010 shilling 2 +111011001010 suntan-oil 2 +111011001010 bulk-buying 2 +111011001010 jewel-encrusted 2 +111011001010 arbitrage-trading 2 +111011001010 ESCALATED 2 +111011001010 economic-support 2 +111011001010 French-British 2 +111011001010 beach-party 2 +111011001010 pro-Constitution 2 +111011001010 potable-water 2 +111011001010 anti-capitalistic 2 +111011001010 full-priced 2 +111011001010 anti-HMO 2 +111011001010 longest-reigning 2 +111011001010 concha 2 +111011001010 state-security 2 +111011001010 miltary 2 +111011001010 space-launching 2 +111011001010 drug-cartel 2 +111011001010 epidermal 2 +111011001010 consumer-markets 2 +111011001010 mass-games 2 +111011001010 anti-shutdown 2 +111011001010 310-mile 2 +111011001010 jointventure 2 +111011001010 deep-breathing 2 +111011001010 military-training 2 +111011001010 Mi-17 2 +111011001010 career-track 2 +111011001010 neon-lit 2 +111011001010 nuclear-deterrent 2 +111011001010 securities-processing 2 +111011001010 suit-and-tie 2 +111011001010 fee-cutting 2 +111011001010 special-forces 2 +111011001010 potato-futures 2 +111011001010 municipal-course 2 +111011001010 right-led 2 +111011001010 philharmonic 2 +111011001010 anti-shah 2 +111011001010 ABM-related 2 +111011001010 hostage-rescue 2 +111011001010 food-trade 2 +111011001010 earth-resources 2 +111011001010 on-duty 3 +111011001010 CIA-run 3 +111011001010 speech-writing 3 +111011001010 publicworks 3 +111011001010 nose-to-nose 3 +111011001010 work-ethic 3 +111011001010 labor-movement 3 +111011001010 alternating-current 3 +111011001010 government-dominated 3 +111011001010 new-born 3 +111011001010 post-census 3 +111011001010 anti-insurgency 3 +111011001010 strategic-weapons 3 +111011001010 displaced-worker 3 +111011001010 anti-Islamic 3 +111011001010 press-relations 3 +111011001010 dollar-support 3 +111011001010 anti-perestroika 3 +111011001010 weapons-systems 4 +111011001010 anti-Meese 4 +111011001010 portfolio-management 4 +111011001010 criminal-investigation 4 +111011001010 anti-mall 4 +111011001010 Palestinian-Jordanian 4 +111011001010 Jordanian-Palestinian 4 +111011001010 debtor-country 4 +111011001010 EF-111 4 +111011001010 chip-company 4 +111011001010 drug-sales 4 +111011001010 foreign-exchange-market 4 +111011001010 Heisman 4 +111011001010 tissue-type 4 +111011001010 surface-water 4 +111011001010 headquarter 4 +111011001010 OTEC 4 +111011001010 tire-worker 5 +111011001010 space-agency 5 +111011001010 expeditionary 5 +111011001010 military-intelligence 5 +111011001010 foreign-airline 5 +111011001010 branch-office 5 +111011001010 world-trade 5 +111011001010 Soviet-Afghan 5 +111011001010 denominational 5 +111011001010 alimentary 5 +111011001010 pro-Noriega 5 +111011001010 utility-industry 6 +111011001010 anti-narcotics 6 +111011001010 Brownie 6 +111011001010 famine-relief 6 +111011001010 direct-loan 6 +111011001010 stock-selling 6 +111011001010 auto-company 6 +111011001010 MI-5 6 +111011001010 food-aid 6 +111011001010 counterterrorist 7 +111011001010 non-humanitarian 7 +111011001010 nonemergency 7 +111011001010 art-world 7 +111011001010 full-employment 7 +111011001010 anti-guerrilla 8 +111011001010 secret-police 8 +111011001010 moneymaking 9 +111011001010 harmonica 9 +111011001010 equestrian 9 +111011001010 oil-tanker 9 +111011001010 pro-abortion 10 +111011001010 farm-credit 10 +111011001010 centrifugal 11 +111011001010 Ecuadorean 12 +111011001010 drug-control 12 +111011001010 fee-based 13 +111011001010 pro-Contra 14 +111011001010 mine-laying 14 +111011001010 non-lethal 15 +111011001010 drug-enforcement 16 +111011001010 trust-fund 17 +111011001010 CW 17 +111011001010 domestic-policy 18 +111011001010 trade-policy 18 +111011001010 UNITA 20 +111011001010 consular 20 +111011001010 foster-care 20 +111011001010 pro-nuclear 22 +111011001010 disaster-relief 24 +111011001010 Miskito 24 +111011001010 non-military 24 +111011001010 Gestapo 26 +111011001010 peace-keeping 29 +111011001010 Cypriot 29 +111011001010 conveyor 32 +111011001010 counterterrorism 35 +111011001010 space-shuttle 36 +111011001010 counterintelligence 45 +111011001010 contra 53 +111011001010 paramilitary 67 +111011001010 mine-sweeping 68 +111011001010 foreign-trade 71 +111011001010 peacekeeping 73 +111011001010 separatist 85 +111011001010 back-office 108 +111011001010 wartime 111 +111011001010 maritime 132 +111011001010 nonmilitary 138 +111011001010 colonial 157 +111011001010 law-enforcement 270 +111011001010 Nazi 278 +111011001010 guerrilla 383 +111011001010 customs 403 +111011001010 rebel 418 +111011001010 naval 453 +111011001010 postal 483 +111011001010 covert 526 +111011001010 armed 807 +111011001010 Contra 1336 +111011001010 intelligence 1684 +111011001010 military 8370 +111011001010 farm 2806 +111011001011 arboretum 1 +111011001011 Assert 1 +111011001011 on-demand 1 +111011001011 flower-cutting 1 +111011001011 bean-shaped 1 +111011001011 local-authority-managed 1 +111011001011 gun-making 1 +111011001011 alternative-education 1 +111011001011 market-incentive 1 +111011001011 antiinflationary 1 +111011001011 easy-to-film 1 +111011001011 pesticide-spraying 1 +111011001011 low-tariff 1 +111011001011 first-fired 1 +111011001011 family-protection 1 +111011001011 Soviet-grown 1 +111011001011 internal-printing 1 +111011001011 pseudo-Cyrillic 1 +111011001011 index-trading 1 +111011001011 market-building 1 +111011001011 corroborative 1 +111011001011 recession-relief 1 +111011001011 fraudulent-document 1 +111011001011 ticket-refund 1 +111011001011 2,334 1 +111011001011 7,295 1 +111011001011 technology-shopping 1 +111011001011 rock-type 1 +111011001011 bus-ride 1 +111011001011 income-forecasting 1 +111011001011 post-natal 1 +111011001011 growth-inducing 1 +111011001011 flexible-time 1 +111011001011 employee-parking 1 +111011001011 peacful 1 +111011001011 tough-on-taxes 1 +111011001011 parochial-aid 1 +111011001011 shire 1 +111011001011 soil-test 1 +111011001011 fluoroscopic 1 +111011001011 mosaic-covered 1 +111011001011 master-recording 1 +111011001011 aromatherapy 1 +111011001011 football-like 1 +111011001011 business-consumer 1 +111011001011 bargain-travel 1 +111011001011 worker-injuries 1 +111011001011 Medicare-supplement 1 +111011001011 lawyer-executive 1 +111011001011 feeder-flight 1 +111011001011 1989-92 1 +111011001011 extended-assignment 1 +111011001011 presentation-quality 1 +111011001011 resistent 1 +111011001011 merit-raise 1 +111011001011 non-complete 1 +111011001011 nonelectronic 1 +111011001011 tax-timing 1 +111011001011 fixed-sum 1 +111011001011 towel-making 1 +111011001011 collectively-owned 1 +111011001011 decallike 1 +111011001011 profit-improvement 1 +111011001011 hospital-franchise 1 +111011001011 4,000-tune 1 +111011001011 Turley-Mackey 1 +111011001011 473-home 1 +111011001011 oceanshipping 1 +111011001011 wind-surfing 1 +111011001011 management-education 1 +111011001011 termlife 1 +111011001011 farm-research 1 +111011001011 contractural 1 +111011001011 prawn-farm 1 +111011001011 Weekender 1 +111011001011 tissue-culture 1 +111011001011 reverse-image 1 +111011001011 anti-nuclear-energy 1 +111011001011 consumer-rights 1 +111011001011 pipe-like 1 +111011001011 cranial 1 +111011001011 gas-heating 1 +111011001011 teacher-related 1 +111011001011 school-budget 1 +111011001011 undergraduate-level 1 +111011001011 personal-line 1 +111011001011 1-2-3-related 1 +111011001011 dispute-solving 1 +111011001011 community-support 1 +111011001011 relief-stamp 1 +111011001011 46,850 1 +111011001011 anorectic 1 +111011001011 gold-dealing 1 +111011001011 victims-assistance 1 +111011001011 aluminum-wrapped 1 +111011001011 government-jobs 1 +111011001011 building-stamp 1 +111011001011 health-issue 1 +111011001011 newbusiness 1 +111011001011 weapons-plant-cleanup 1 +111011001011 loan-processing 1 +111011001011 lilly 1 +111011001011 residential-house 1 +111011001011 glass-coated 1 +111011001011 black-studies 1 +111011001011 government-insurance 1 +111011001011 non-classified 1 +111011001011 nuclear-weapon-free 1 +111011001011 state-linked 1 +111011001011 catastrophic-acute 1 +111011001011 Ottoman-style 1 +111011001011 verveless 1 +111011001011 race-matching 1 +111011001011 plant-location 1 +111011001011 preventive-maintenance 1 +111011001011 wind-plan 1 +111011001011 custom-imprinted 1 +111011001011 subsistence-farming 1 +111011001011 maternal-health 1 +111011001011 Kunstschau 1 +111011001011 forward-support 1 +111011001011 more-satisfying 1 +111011001011 HESTON 1 +111011001011 unglitzy 1 +111011001011 stock-buy 1 +111011001011 manufacturer-leasing 1 +111011001011 Macintosh-only 1 +111011001011 Cash-value 1 +111011001011 government-published 1 +111011001011 college-acceleration 1 +111011001011 talent-agency 1 +111011001011 self-inspection 1 +111011001011 more-demanding 1 +111011001011 end-of-life 1 +111011001011 family-development 1 +111011001011 sale-and-leaseback 1 +111011001011 chemical-physics 1 +111011001011 boat-and-motor 1 +111011001011 video-training 1 +111011001011 load-carrying 1 +111011001011 FCC-issued 1 +111011001011 business-application 1 +111011001011 post-filing 1 +111011001011 insecticidal 1 +111011001011 insurance-reimbursement 1 +111011001011 housing-cavalry 1 +111011001011 non-charitable 1 +111011001011 bed-and-bored 1 +111011001011 four-inch-long 1 +111011001011 apartheid-enforcing 1 +111011001011 Gramm-Rudman-era 1 +111011001011 anti-flaming 1 +111011001011 community-release 1 +111011001011 stress-maintenance 1 +111011001011 offshore-bank 1 +111011001011 open-trade 1 +111011001011 employee-promotion 1 +111011001011 indigent-health-care 1 +111011001011 non-pet-product 1 +111011001011 John-Witherspoon 1 +111011001011 tight-control 1 +111011001011 business-law 1 +111011001011 mass-communication 1 +111011001011 Joyce-stylish 1 +111011001011 two-by-two-inch 1 +111011001011 non-journalistic 1 +111011001011 research-for-recruiting 1 +111011001011 270-gross-ton 1 +111011001011 take-out-my-appendix 1 +111011001011 behind-the-back 1 +111011001011 hand-scrawled 1 +111011001011 heat-insulating 1 +111011001011 pretournament 1 +111011001011 state-maintained 1 +111011001011 two-language 1 +111011001011 Jupiter-like 1 +111011001011 tumor-cell 1 +111011001011 adjustment-assistance 1 +111011001011 muscular-dystrophy 1 +111011001011 admissions-office 1 +111011001011 military-promotion 1 +111011001011 loan-discount 1 +111011001011 equity-ownership 1 +111011001011 queer 1 +111011001011 counter-yuppie 1 +111011001011 preferential-pricing 1 +111011001011 company-held 1 +111011001011 not-so-public 1 +111011001011 hot-lunch 1 +111011001011 oceangraphic 1 +111011001011 nursing-home-type 1 +111011001011 elderly-long-term 1 +111011001011 urban-homesteading 1 +111011001011 anti-Inkatha 1 +111011001011 three-million-annual-home-attendance 1 +111011001011 cotton-subsidy 1 +111011001011 unemployment-assistance 1 +111011001011 employee-commuting 1 +111011001011 cantilivering 1 +111011001011 property-acquisition 1 +111011001011 hand-sized 1 +111011001011 risk-classification 1 +111011001011 factory-production 1 +111011001011 marketing-gift 1 +111011001011 enteral 1 +111011001011 microsystems 1 +111011001011 home-merchandising 1 +111011001011 customsfree 1 +111011001011 Marmara 1 +111011001011 joint-trading 1 +111011001011 antitrust-enforcement 1 +111011001011 highway-oriented 1 +111011001011 violence-tainted 1 +111011001011 linkage-fee 1 +111011001011 funkiest 1 +111011001011 164-member 1 +111011001011 40,000-volume 1 +111011001011 M16 1 +111011001011 meritocratic 1 +111011001011 farmer-aid 1 +111011001011 Pentagon-supported 1 +111011001011 tuition-assistance 1 +111011001011 sick-out 1 +111011001011 speak-Mandarin 1 +111011001011 wealth-creating 1 +111011001011 Bittania 1 +111011001011 utility-refund 1 +111011001011 Altiplano 1 +111011001011 U.S.-bankrolled 1 +111011001011 between-meals 1 +111011001011 fast-teaching 1 +111011001011 soft-cookie 1 +111011001011 CFC-related 1 +111011001011 DAYTIME 1 +111011001011 Bennett-endorsed 1 +111011001011 outpatient-surgical 1 +111011001011 product-service 1 +111011001011 pre-event 1 +111011001011 dayglow 1 +111011001011 regional-compounding 1 +111011001011 sales-moving 1 +111011001011 adventurist 1 +111011001011 manufacturer-written 1 +111011001011 option-selling 1 +111011001011 management-rights 1 +111011001011 southside 1 +111011001011 corporate-development 1 +111011001011 fertilizer-pricing 1 +111011001011 currency-management 1 +111011001011 elementary-particle 1 +111011001011 employee-incentive 1 +111011001011 peace-and-prosperity 1 +111011001011 publicly-held 1 +111011001011 quota-setting 1 +111011001011 cormorant 1 +111011001011 down-on-his-luck 1 +111011001011 cotter 1 +111011001011 personal-development 1 +111011001011 outlet-store 1 +111011001011 truck-rate 1 +111011001011 rat-eradication 1 +111011001011 tire-edge 1 +111011001011 sex-determination 1 +111011001011 Lanvin-owned 1 +111011001011 amber-colored 1 +111011001011 54,000-student 1 +111011001011 med 1 +111011001011 manufacturer-distributor 1 +111011001011 video-conference 1 +111011001011 market-responsive 1 +111011001011 frequent-renter 1 +111011001011 showgirl-filled 1 +111011001011 farmworker-legalization 1 +111011001011 race-separation 1 +111011001011 presort-service 1 +111011001011 tin-sided 1 +111011001011 gazetted 1 +111011001011 baby-changing 1 +111011001011 product-strategy 1 +111011001011 private-companies 1 +111011001011 revegetation 1 +111011001011 book-industry 1 +111011001011 dog-training 1 +111011001011 drug-money-laundering 1 +111011001011 print-on-tape 1 +111011001011 trade-restraining 1 +111011001011 hospice-style 1 +111011001011 pay-for-prototype 1 +111011001011 top-hatted 1 +111011001011 foreign-import 1 +111011001011 income-transfer 1 +111011001011 once-firm 1 +111011001011 tighting 1 +111011001011 field-survey 1 +111011001011 often-doubtful 1 +111011001011 radar-evasion 1 +111011001011 muscle-relaxation 1 +111011001011 partial-repayment 1 +111011001011 yield-accounting 1 +111011001011 HOPPING 1 +111011001011 often-crippling 1 +111011001011 Treasury-funded 1 +111011001011 radar-antenna 1 +111011001011 cytosurgical 1 +111011001011 Affton 1 +111011001011 hermodialysis 1 +111011001011 cocaine-detoxification 1 +111011001011 workmen's-compensation 1 +111011001011 urban-housing 1 +111011001011 sausage-shaped 1 +111011001011 nonpeak 1 +111011001011 manager-training 1 +111011001011 public-awareness 1 +111011001011 Germans/Who 1 +111011001011 Medisave 1 +111011001011 loft-type 1 +111011001011 Sematech-funded 1 +111011001011 Caress 1 +111011001011 pro-Mitterrand 1 +111011001011 unwaxed 1 +111011001011 custodial-care 1 +111011001011 death-oriented 1 +111011001011 28,000-student 1 +111011001011 best-endowed 1 +111011001011 general-hospital 1 +111011001011 intra-quarter 1 +111011001011 non-high 1 +111011001011 melanin-containing 1 +111011001011 animal-handling 1 +111011001011 Bajau 1 +111011001011 job-destroying 1 +111011001011 special-service 1 +111011001011 heath-care 1 +111011001011 market-allocation 1 +111011001011 pine-and-tarpaper 1 +111011001011 commercial-pilot 1 +111011001011 safari/tourism 1 +111011001011 amusement/theme 1 +111011001011 nofault 1 +111011001011 architecture-show 1 +111011001011 heavy-apparel 1 +111011001011 missile-impact 1 +111011001011 marzipan 1 +111011001011 air-controller 1 +111011001011 White-chapel 1 +111011001011 land-protection 1 +111011001011 market-zapping 1 +111011001011 flexible-leave 1 +111011001011 violin-making 1 +111011001011 colonoscopic 1 +111011001011 14,431 1 +111011001011 oil-containment 1 +111011001011 employee-protection 1 +111011001011 chicken-scratch 1 +111011001011 prodnoses 1 +111011001011 interest-subsidy 1 +111011001011 Louisville-area 1 +111011001011 supply-management 1 +111011001011 free-food 1 +111011001011 school-aid 1 +111011001011 Brazil-Venezuela 1 +111011001011 market-specific 1 +111011001011 Tuborg 1 +111011001011 memory-improvement 1 +111011001011 half-white 1 +111011001011 insurance-processing 1 +111011001011 signal-compliance 1 +111011001011 gifted-children 1 +111011001011 socialist-realist 1 +111011001011 rigor-minded 1 +111011001011 deposit-based 1 +111011001011 loading-ramp 1 +111011001011 fetal-vulnerability 1 +111011001011 deferred-income 1 +111011001011 corporate-records 2 +111011001011 broadcast-television 2 +111011001011 ill-focused 2 +111011001011 social-responsibility 2 +111011001011 foreign-exchange-rate 2 +111011001011 self-laudatory 2 +111011001011 gold-storage 2 +111011001011 consumer-information 2 +111011001011 print-ad 2 +111011001011 health-department 2 +111011001011 neurosurgical 2 +111011001011 contracting-out 2 +111011001011 asset-swap 2 +111011001011 inartistic 2 +111011001011 work-schedule 2 +111011001011 career-training 2 +111011001011 prison-release 2 +111011001011 drug-screening 2 +111011001011 conch 2 +111011001011 weapons-trade 2 +111011001011 communication-service 2 +111011001011 ukiyo-e 2 +111011001011 alternate-energy 2 +111011001011 foster-home 2 +111011001011 reverent 2 +111011001011 quota-compliance 2 +111011001011 quick-strike 2 +111011001011 air-raid 2 +111011001011 drug-withdrawal 2 +111011001011 Xili 2 +111011001011 trade-allocation 2 +111011001011 22,000-student 2 +111011001011 halogen 2 +111011001011 union-employer 2 +111011001011 oligarchical 2 +111011001011 pollution-liability 2 +111011001011 water-delivery 2 +111011001011 promote-from-within 2 +111011001011 ad-sales 2 +111011001011 blood-gas 2 +111011001011 sales-training 2 +111011001011 poured-concrete 2 +111011001011 medical/surgical 2 +111011001011 corporate-training 2 +111011001011 infant-care 2 +111011001011 music-composing 2 +111011001011 inhibitory 2 +111011001011 whacky 2 +111011001011 institutional-trading 2 +111011001011 medical-test 2 +111011001011 calla 2 +111011001011 cup-like 2 +111011001011 solidwaste 2 +111011001011 bulletin-board 2 +111011001011 UDAG-like 2 +111011001011 wheelers 2 +111011001011 non-marine 2 +111011001011 campus-based 2 +111011001011 aeromedical 2 +111011001011 driver-education 2 +111011001011 job-termination 2 +111011001011 joint-training 2 +111011001011 Ptolemaic 2 +111011001011 submarine-missile 2 +111011001011 reverse-mortgage 2 +111011001011 cliquish 2 +111011001011 Age-Less 2 +111011001011 trip-cancellation 2 +111011001011 anti-ballistic-missile 2 +111011001011 accounting-profession 2 +111011001011 debt-reducing 2 +111011001011 undirected 2 +111011001011 Polish-language 2 +111011001011 shell-company 2 +111011001011 American-Jewish 2 +111011001011 import-related 2 +111011001011 Toey 2 +111011001011 recreational-facility 2 +111011001011 open-office 2 +111011001011 cash-rebate 2 +111011001011 legal-service 2 +111011001011 pro-SDI 2 +111011001011 historic-preservation 2 +111011001011 sugar-price-support 2 +111011001011 far-term 2 +111011001011 private-agency 2 +111011001011 NCI-backed 2 +111011001011 combat-vehicle 2 +111011001011 computer-application 2 +111011001011 rent-a-judge 2 +111011001011 risk-bearing 2 +111011001011 credit-information 2 +111011001011 accident-reporting 2 +111011001011 postural 2 +111011001011 telephone-based 2 +111011001011 flexible-premium 2 +111011001011 frequentflier 2 +111011001011 welfare-entrepreneur 2 +111011001011 political-policy 2 +111011001011 option-buying 2 +111011001011 Sufi 2 +111011001011 force-reduction 2 +111011001011 sick-child 2 +111011001011 navigation-satellite 2 +111011001011 junior-development 2 +111011001011 plant-layoff 2 +111011001011 transplantable 2 +111011001011 mixed-income 2 +111011001011 telephone-connection 2 +111011001011 lodge-pole 2 +111011001011 national-convention 2 +111011001011 school-related 2 +111011001011 graduate-level 3 +111011001011 dietetic 3 +111011001011 off-brand 3 +111011001011 emergency-evacuation 3 +111011001011 counterprogramming 3 +111011001011 social-insurance 3 +111011001011 NCO 3 +111011001011 space-saving 3 +111011001011 stick-on 3 +111011001011 civil-defense 3 +111011001011 grant-in-aid 3 +111011001011 job-sharing 3 +111011001011 physician-service 3 +111011001011 cell-culture 3 +111011001011 incentive-pay 3 +111011001011 expert-system 3 +111011001011 public-security 3 +111011001011 health-improvement 3 +111011001011 race-conscious 3 +111011001011 chest-pain 3 +111011001011 submarine-construction 3 +111011001011 low-temperature 3 +111011001011 housing-finance 3 +111011001011 family-life 3 +111011001011 selfhelp 3 +111011001011 steel-service 3 +111011001011 black-lung 3 +111011001011 naproxen 3 +111011001011 Tzotzil 3 +111011001011 accidental-death 3 +111011001011 spread-sheet 3 +111011001011 employee-motivation 3 +111011001011 fly-drive 3 +111011001011 political-campaign 3 +111011001011 technical-assistance 3 +111011001011 Medicare-covered 3 +111011001011 mustard-colored 3 +111011001011 college-preparatory 3 +111011001011 document-destruction 3 +111011001011 mnemonic 3 +111011001011 NOAA 3 +111011001011 self-funded 3 +111011001011 data-management 3 +111011001011 customer-sponsored 3 +111011001011 life-type 3 +111011001011 pregnancy-test 3 +111011001011 dual-shop 3 +111011001011 bootlegged 3 +111011001011 jobless-pay 3 +111011001011 patient-funded 3 +111011001011 do-good 3 +111011001011 economic-austerity 3 +111011001011 tax-practice 3 +111011001011 branch-plant 3 +111011001011 decision-support 3 +111011001011 cost-analysis 3 +111011001011 food-assistance 3 +111011001011 spill-related 3 +111011001011 credit-life 3 +111011001011 forest-management 3 +111011001011 information-handling 3 +111011001011 political-risk 3 +111011001011 crude-supply 3 +111011001011 men-only 3 +111011001011 time-management 3 +111011001011 non-work 3 +111011001011 rule-enforcement 3 +111011001011 corrosion-protection 3 +111011001011 bolt-action 3 +111011001011 first-dollar 3 +111011001011 network-quality 3 +111011001011 teacher-education 3 +111011001011 car-loan 3 +111011001011 technical-training 3 +111011001011 mechanical-engineering 3 +111011001011 sleep-disorder 3 +111011001011 dam-safety 3 +111011001011 stress-reduction 4 +111011001011 medical-leave 4 +111011001011 environmental-cleanup 4 +111011001011 management-development 4 +111011001011 store-brand 4 +111011001011 career-planning 4 +111011001011 social-action 4 +111011001011 Hindu-Arabic 4 +111011001011 trade-group 4 +111011001011 foreign-invested 4 +111011001011 freemarket 4 +111011001011 call-forwarding 4 +111011001011 flight-simulation 4 +111011001011 applique 4 +111011001011 give-away 4 +111011001011 time-card 4 +111011001011 pan-Nordic 4 +111011001011 autographing 4 +111011001011 discount-for-data 4 +111011001011 life-science 4 +111011001011 bank-regulatory 4 +111011001011 public-choice 4 +111011001011 codeine 4 +111011001011 bank-deposit 4 +111011001011 customer-relations 4 +111011001011 ship-construction 4 +111011001011 state-federal 4 +111011001011 asbestos-liability 4 +111011001011 California-style 4 +111011001011 business-entertainment 4 +111011001011 single-sex 4 +111011001011 tenant-management 4 +111011001011 extended-warranty 4 +111011001011 genealogical 4 +111011001011 annual-premium 4 +111011001011 retirement-savings 4 +111011001011 INF-capable 4 +111011001011 continuing-education 4 +111011001011 commercial-type 4 +111011001011 sports-medicine 5 +111011001011 unkept 5 +111011001011 health-plan 5 +111011001011 escalatory 5 +111011001011 kidney-dialysis 5 +111011001011 patient-care 5 +111011001011 male-only 5 +111011001011 employee-severance 5 +111011001011 zoological 5 +111011001011 management-training 5 +111011001011 sick-leave 5 +111011001011 social-work 5 +111011001011 mass-marketing 5 +111011001011 bank-account 5 +111011001011 Pap-smear 5 +111011001011 pop-psychology 5 +111011001011 radiation-protection 5 +111011001011 public-safety 5 +111011001011 hospital-based 5 +111011001011 hemodialysis 5 +111011001011 pre-clinical 5 +111011001011 big-band 5 +111011001011 out-of-hospital 5 +111011001011 well-baby 5 +111011001011 flight-training 5 +111011001011 behavior-modification 5 +111011001011 means-tested 6 +111011001011 pet-care 6 +111011001011 acreage-reduction 6 +111011001011 fire-safety 6 +111011001011 paper-industry 6 +111011001011 occupational-disease 6 +111011001011 home-health 6 +111011001011 unabridged 6 +111011001011 tax-planning 6 +111011001011 credit-related 6 +111011001011 industry-specific 6 +111011001011 klieg 6 +111011001011 directional 6 +111011001011 anti-smog 6 +111011001011 highway-safety 6 +111011001011 group-rate 6 +111011001011 farmworker 6 +111011001011 heart-assist 6 +111011001011 free-travel 6 +111011001011 life-extending 6 +111011001011 clinical-testing 6 +111011001011 glow-in-the-dark 6 +111011001011 single-room 6 +111011001011 unemployment-compensation 7 +111011001011 government-relations 7 +111011001011 sex-education 7 +111011001011 executive-compensation 7 +111011001011 preclinical 7 +111011001011 low-vision 7 +111011001011 overnight-delivery 7 +111011001011 crash-test 7 +111011001011 stop-smoking 7 +111011001011 AIDS-testing 7 +111011001011 toxicological 7 +111011001011 billy 7 +111011001011 cosmetology 7 +111011001011 estate-planning 7 +111011001011 stress-management 7 +111011001011 non-personnel 8 +111011001011 investment-related 8 +111011001011 health-benefit 8 +111011001011 post-operative 8 +111011001011 tax-saving 8 +111011001011 revenue-generating 8 +111011001011 discount-coupon 8 +111011001011 special-education 8 +111011001011 post-employment 8 +111011001011 low-interest-rate 8 +111011001011 medical-research 8 +111011001011 baggage-handling 8 +111011001011 funerary 8 +111011001011 auto-sales 8 +111011001011 land-idling 8 +111011001011 social-services 8 +111011001011 food-stamp 9 +111011001011 public-transit 9 +111011001011 childcare 9 +111011001011 drug-rehabilitation 9 +111011001011 emergency-response 9 +111011001011 chemical-dependency 9 +111011001011 frequent-flyer 9 +111011001011 sewer-construction 9 +111011001011 phase-three 9 +111011001011 kisha 9 +111011001011 adult-education 9 +111011001011 anatomical 9 +111011001011 emissions-control 9 +111011001011 elder-care 9 +111011001011 market-timing 10 +111011001011 fire-prevention 10 +111011001011 urban-development 10 +111011001011 postnatal 10 +111011001011 pre-natal 10 +111011001011 buyer-incentive 10 +111011001011 work-study 10 +111011001011 daycare 10 +111011001011 logistic 10 +111011001011 coated-paper 10 +111011001011 dependent-care 10 +111011001011 bereavement 10 +111011001011 back-pain 10 +111011001011 bond-rating 10 +111011001011 general-liability 10 +111011001011 highway-construction 11 +111011001011 recordkeeping 11 +111011001011 industrial-development 11 +111011001011 biotechnological 11 +111011001011 public-assistance 11 +111011001011 whole-life 11 +111011001011 foreign-language 11 +111011001011 drug-development 11 +111011001011 construction-management 11 +111011001011 garbage-disposal 11 +111011001011 blood-screening 11 +111011001011 space-science 11 +111011001011 archival 12 +111011001011 pilot-training 12 +111011001011 wind-shear 12 +111011001011 curricular 12 +111011001011 catastrophic-health 12 +111011001011 first-aid 12 +111011001011 audiotex 13 +111011001011 skilled-nursing 13 +111011001011 gymnastic 13 +111011001011 SBIR 13 +111011001011 student-aid 14 +111011001011 gynecological 14 +111011001011 anti-copying 14 +111011001011 in-home 14 +111011001011 loan-guarantee 14 +111011001011 home-office 15 +111011001011 epidemiological 15 +111011001011 booby 15 +111011001011 substance-abuse 16 +111011001011 job-placement 16 +111011001011 cash-value 17 +111011001011 medigap 17 +111011001011 legal-services 17 +111011001011 water-supply 17 +111011001011 psychoanalytic 17 +111011001011 computer-science 18 +111011001011 community-development 19 +111011001011 sales-incentive 19 +111011001011 rural-development 19 +111011001011 free-choice 19 +111011001011 geophysical 19 +111011001011 securities-related 19 +111011001011 drug-treatment 19 +111011001011 ambulatory 20 +111011001011 sonic 20 +111011001011 neonatal 21 +111011001011 waste-water 21 +111011001011 higher-education 22 +111011001011 community-service 22 +111011001011 universal-life 23 +111011001011 pressure-sensitive 23 +111011001011 scuba 23 +111011001011 people-meter 23 +111011001011 investment-oriented 23 +111011001011 analytic 23 +111011001011 post-retirement 24 +111011001011 space-station 24 +111011001011 oceanographic 24 +111011001011 planetary 24 +111011001011 spinal 25 +111011001011 farm-subsidy 26 +111011001011 acoustic 26 +111011001011 social-security 26 +111011001011 paternity 26 +111011001011 correctional 27 +111011001011 aquatic 28 +111011001011 job-search 28 +111011001011 rate-making 29 +111011001011 triple-mileage 29 +111011001011 social-service 29 +111011001011 employer-provided 30 +111011001011 travel-related 31 +111011001011 medical-care 33 +111011001011 community-based 33 +111011001011 gelatin 34 +111011001011 nonfiction 36 +111011001011 custodial 36 +111011001011 drug-abuse 37 +111011001011 inpatient 37 +111011001011 GSP 37 +111011001011 student-loan 38 +111011001011 air-traffic-control 38 +111011001011 bodily 38 +111011001011 instructional 39 +111011001011 safe-harbor 39 +111011001011 home-care 39 +111011001011 test-tube 41 +111011001011 empirical 41 +111011001011 audio-visual 42 +111011001011 long-term-care 45 +111011001011 mergers-and-acquisitions 45 +111011001011 family-planning 45 +111011001011 orthopedic 45 +111011001011 secretarial 46 +111011001011 social-welfare 47 +111011001011 no-fault 48 +111011001011 economic-development 48 +111011001011 nuclear-plant 48 +111011001011 veterinary 48 +111011001011 financial-aid 49 +111011001011 birth-control 49 +111011001011 catastrophic-illness 55 +111011001011 healthcare 59 +111011001011 sanitation 60 +111011001011 mass-transit 61 +111011001011 job-training 65 +111011001011 prenatal 76 +111011001011 machining 76 +111011001011 prescription-drug 77 +111011001011 dial-a-porn 78 +111011001011 actuarial 78 +111011001011 mental-health 80 +111011001011 polygraph 82 +111011001011 maternity 84 +111011001011 public-health 88 +111011001011 vocational 94 +111011001011 nutritional 98 +111011001011 molecular 102 +111011001011 miscellaneous 109 +111011001011 amusement 123 +111011001011 therapeutic 136 +111011001011 analytical 145 +111011001011 outpatient 154 +111011001011 health-insurance 155 +111011001011 nursing-home 161 +111011001011 dental 189 +111011001011 elementary 192 +111011001011 disability 215 +111011001011 frequent-flier 218 +111011001011 surgical 224 +111011001011 day-care 267 +111011001011 protective 331 +111011001011 athletic 337 +111011001011 diagnostic 340 +111011001011 child-care 399 +111011001011 statistical 463 +111011001011 aviation 645 +111011001011 clinical 716 +111011001011 academic 768 +111011001011 educational 808 +111011001011 scientific 1416 +111011001011 health-care 1464 +111011001011 health 6033 +111011001011 medical 4166 +11101100110 religious/political 1 +11101100110 non-Euclidean 1 +11101100110 work-family 1 +11101100110 medicine-containing 1 +11101100110 pre-automotive 1 +11101100110 race-reform 1 +11101100110 queen-sized 1 +11101100110 down-in-the-mud 1 +11101100110 pro-civil 1 +11101100110 21000.00 1 +11101100110 hour-to-hour 1 +11101100110 closing-costs 1 +11101100110 banquette 1 +11101100110 live-for-today 1 +11101100110 pro-feminist 1 +11101100110 nuclear-free-world 1 +11101100110 pro-strike 1 +11101100110 animist 1 +11101100110 almost-successful 1 +11101100110 carved-wood 1 +11101100110 chicory-flavored 1 +11101100110 premeeting 1 +11101100110 body-construction 1 +11101100110 command-economy 1 +11101100110 boyar 1 +11101100110 Italian-Yiddish 1 +11101100110 harbor-dredging 1 +11101100110 inkind 1 +11101100110 all-arms 1 +11101100110 manufacturing-plant 1 +11101100110 feminized 1 +11101100110 off-the-field 1 +11101100110 radar-station 1 +11101100110 map-reading 1 +11101100110 show-of-strength 1 +11101100110 chip-production 1 +11101100110 technical/political/media 1 +11101100110 fuzzy-data 1 +11101100110 rocket-vehicle 1 +11101100110 dressup 1 +11101100110 office-management 1 +11101100110 waste-infested 1 +11101100110 animistic 1 +11101100110 Burnett-Vickers 1 +11101100110 countrystyle 1 +11101100110 weapons-exports 1 +11101100110 star-like 1 +11101100110 customer-gouging 1 +11101100110 haute-bimbo 1 +11101100110 publicity-raising 1 +11101100110 agent-related 1 +11101100110 tuxed 1 +11101100110 MX-missile 1 +11101100110 behaviorial 1 +11101100110 core-business 1 +11101100110 kamikaze-style 1 +11101100110 mind-game 1 +11101100110 bacchanalian 1 +11101100110 hydrological 1 +11101100110 after-glowing 1 +11101100110 supply/service 1 +11101100110 night-pay 1 +11101100110 acdemic 1 +11101100110 Cui 1 +11101100110 pre 1 +11101100110 separtion-of-powers 1 +11101100110 epicurean 1 +11101100110 early-campaign 1 +11101100110 long-deserved 1 +11101100110 limb-threatening 1 +11101100110 corporate-levity 1 +11101100110 re-sifting 1 +11101100110 anti-surrogacy 1 +11101100110 pressed-down 1 +11101100110 monument-eroding 1 +11101100110 white-on-white 1 +11101100110 non-exempt 1 +11101100110 camera-friendly 1 +11101100110 capital-recovery 1 +11101100110 antiU.S. 1 +11101100110 honey-colored 1 +11101100110 post-octogenarian 1 +11101100110 homographic 1 +11101100110 scholastics 1 +11101100110 British-governed 1 +11101100110 Cuban/Haitian 1 +11101100110 flulike 1 +11101100110 wrong-side-of-the-tracks 1 +11101100110 signal-emitting 1 +11101100110 mutton-chop 1 +11101100110 handcraft 1 +11101100110 Nobel-prize 1 +11101100110 post-work 1 +11101100110 not-terribly-convincing 1 +11101100110 wind-mussed 1 +11101100110 bioenvironmental 1 +11101100110 32-pound 1 +11101100110 violet-velvet 1 +11101100110 liquorous 1 +11101100110 pedestrian-oriented 1 +11101100110 plant-crossing 1 +11101100110 coat-hanging 1 +11101100110 zinging 1 +11101100110 powder-and-brush 1 +11101100110 moseying 1 +11101100110 job-program 1 +11101100110 scriptural 1 +11101100110 one-man-army 1 +11101100110 oft-voiced 1 +11101100110 enrapturing 1 +11101100110 government-protected 1 +11101100110 central-utility 1 +11101100110 boxing-hype 1 +11101100110 British-patrolled 1 +11101100110 international-bullion 1 +11101100110 interatomic 1 +11101100110 duck-liver 1 +11101100110 SDI-system 1 +11101100110 oasislike 1 +11101100110 mass-layoff 1 +11101100110 sometimes-blatant 1 +11101100110 hand-syringe 1 +11101100110 employee-employer 1 +11101100110 anti-rejection 1 +11101100110 electroweak 1 +11101100110 quark 1 +11101100110 lane-changing 1 +11101100110 political-ideological 1 +11101100110 45-inch 1 +11101100110 combat-flier 1 +11101100110 pure-meat 1 +11101100110 security-clearance 1 +11101100110 quasi-baroque 1 +11101100110 Loden 1 +11101100110 retro-date 1 +11101100110 more-willing 1 +11101100110 give-em-hell 1 +11101100110 55-year 1 +11101100110 liver-damage 1 +11101100110 publicpolicy 1 +11101100110 Hamletlike 1 +11101100110 rocket-system 1 +11101100110 pan-Turkic 1 +11101100110 political/economic 1 +11101100110 city-related 1 +11101100110 dog-earred 1 +11101100110 74-year 1 +11101100110 chemical-by-chemical 1 +11101100110 pseudoeconomic 1 +11101100110 inter-hour 1 +11101100110 white-figured 1 +11101100110 he's-guilty-until-proved-innocent 1 +11101100110 work-time 1 +11101100110 gas-mask 1 +11101100110 nonjailable 1 +11101100110 Nutrasome 1 +11101100110 half-conscious 1 +11101100110 peek-aboo 1 +11101100110 bus-truck 1 +11101100110 customer-relation 1 +11101100110 typological 1 +11101100110 market-damping 1 +11101100110 doom-filled 1 +11101100110 rhapsodical 1 +11101100110 crime-drama 1 +11101100110 Dentyne 1 +11101100110 telecaster 1 +11101100110 slice-of-America 1 +11101100110 hard-edge 1 +11101100110 electrowinning 1 +11101100110 unglittering 1 +11101100110 Laverne/Shirley 1 +11101100110 fished-out 1 +11101100110 Catholic-Protestant 1 +11101100110 plutonium-handling 1 +11101100110 disease-resistance 1 +11101100110 revenue-law 1 +11101100110 congressional-media 1 +11101100110 slouchy 1 +11101100110 broadcast-and-cable 1 +11101100110 bargaining-table 1 +11101100110 class-oriented 1 +11101100110 five-story-high 1 +11101100110 toweling 1 +11101100110 thigh-length 1 +11101100110 Democratic-style 1 +11101100110 seven-country 1 +11101100110 cough-and-cold 1 +11101100110 university-entrance 1 +11101100110 fatigue-related 1 +11101100110 benefit-to-risk 1 +11101100110 yellowwood 1 +11101100110 batting-helmet-throw 1 +11101100110 hoed 1 +11101100110 whitened 1 +11101100110 ever-more-ingenious 1 +11101100110 digital-recording 1 +11101100110 anti-Moscow 2 +11101100110 quotidian 2 +11101100110 Hindu-Moslem 2 +11101100110 nice-guy 2 +11101100110 unacademic 2 +11101100110 inquisitorial 2 +11101100110 uranium-contract 2 +11101100110 1,000-word 2 +11101100110 intra-agency 2 +11101100110 Verdian 2 +11101100110 quasi-legal 2 +11101100110 Spenglerian 2 +11101100110 foreign-study 2 +11101100110 burn-like 2 +11101100110 guerrilla-like 2 +11101100110 beach-front 2 +11101100110 57-year 2 +11101100110 neo-populist 2 +11101100110 contrapuntal 2 +11101100110 fizzy 2 +11101100110 ill-health 2 +11101100110 locational 2 +11101100110 sociocultural 2 +11101100110 fresh-water 2 +11101100110 regulatory-approval 2 +11101100110 slangy 2 +11101100110 pressure-group 2 +11101100110 inside-Washington 2 +11101100110 property-rights 2 +11101100110 warmongering 2 +11101100110 self-limited 2 +11101100110 base-line 2 +11101100110 food-scare 2 +11101100110 free-radical 2 +11101100110 Fifth-Amendment 2 +11101100110 spy-novel 2 +11101100110 re-regulatory 2 +11101100110 often-brutal 2 +11101100110 true-Texas 2 +11101100110 tough-cop 2 +11101100110 center-city 2 +11101100110 roguish 2 +11101100110 nuclear-forces 2 +11101100110 pro-trade 2 +11101100110 pro-European 2 +11101100110 twin-deficits 2 +11101100110 risk-aversive 2 +11101100110 how-to-channel 2 +11101100110 paper-towel 2 +11101100110 personal-destruction 2 +11101100110 odd-couple 2 +11101100110 heart-pounding 2 +11101100110 ever-shifting 2 +11101100110 anti-colonial 2 +11101100110 post-sales 2 +11101100110 arteriosclerotic 2 +11101100110 writerly 2 +11101100110 country-risk 2 +11101100110 Kennedyesque 2 +11101100110 ulcerative 2 +11101100110 side-to-side 2 +11101100110 public-diplomacy 2 +11101100110 north-country 2 +11101100110 Gorbachev-era 2 +11101100110 closed-camp 2 +11101100110 six-pointed 2 +11101100110 meterological 2 +11101100110 Maoist-style 2 +11101100110 forest-fire 2 +11101100110 slate-blue 2 +11101100110 multicompany 2 +11101100110 drug-consuming 2 +11101100110 dairy-goat 2 +11101100110 floating-dollar 2 +11101100110 health-risk 2 +11101100110 less-than-overwhelming 2 +11101100110 post-campaign 2 +11101100110 anti-Afghan 2 +11101100110 option-writing 2 +11101100110 Parkinson's-like 2 +11101100110 wasp 2 +11101100110 circadian 2 +11101100110 immodest 2 +11101100110 Reagan-like 2 +11101100110 job-induced 2 +11101100110 womanly 2 +11101100110 eugenic 2 +11101100110 four-ounce 2 +11101100110 we-they 2 +11101100110 parabolic 2 +11101100110 Goliathan 2 +11101100110 pantheistic 2 +11101100110 once-strong 2 +11101100110 patient-centered 2 +11101100110 ozone-layer 2 +11101100110 industrial-pollution 2 +11101100110 stem-winding 2 +11101100110 origami 2 +11101100110 fashion-industry 2 +11101100110 patient-rights 2 +11101100110 down-the-middle 2 +11101100110 coachly 2 +11101100110 etymological 2 +11101100110 emerging-growth-stock 2 +11101100110 petty-cash 2 +11101100110 anti-employee 2 +11101100110 Swabian 2 +11101100110 anti-vivisection 2 +11101100110 sanguinary 2 +11101100110 non-racial 2 +11101100110 work-and-family 2 +11101100110 cold-war 2 +11101100110 language-arts 2 +11101100110 scat-singing 2 +11101100110 time-limited 2 +11101100110 interregional 2 +11101100110 sightless 2 +11101100110 worker-management 2 +11101100110 shaggy-dog 2 +11101100110 corporate-raider 2 +11101100110 pro-America 2 +11101100110 well-displayed 2 +11101100110 decisional 2 +11101100110 multisport 2 +11101100110 money-growth 2 +11101100110 credit-damaging 3 +11101100110 beady 3 +11101100110 disease-fighting 3 +11101100110 anti-Thatcher 3 +11101100110 pyschological 3 +11101100110 family-farm 3 +11101100110 treatment-related 3 +11101100110 small-is-beautiful 3 +11101100110 legal-size 3 +11101100110 anti-Turkish 3 +11101100110 porcine 3 +11101100110 fratricidal 3 +11101100110 civil-libertarian 3 +11101100110 gluey 3 +11101100110 subregional 3 +11101100110 kung-fu 3 +11101100110 price-chart 3 +11101100110 more-cautious 3 +11101100110 much-different 3 +11101100110 wise-guy 3 +11101100110 muddle-headed 3 +11101100110 patrimonial 3 +11101100110 nuclear-testing 3 +11101100110 health-threatening 3 +11101100110 second-to-die 3 +11101100110 canopied 3 +11101100110 often-conflicting 3 +11101100110 CFTR 3 +11101100110 telephone-industry 3 +11101100110 target-zone 3 +11101100110 exploitive 3 +11101100110 pietistic 3 +11101100110 anal 3 +11101100110 semiotic 3 +11101100110 socio-political 3 +11101100110 affectless 3 +11101100110 oil-stock 3 +11101100110 tolling 3 +11101100110 time-zone 3 +11101100110 leavening 3 +11101100110 resource-allocation 3 +11101100110 global-debt 3 +11101100110 bumper-sticker 3 +11101100110 quality-of-life 3 +11101100110 big-power 3 +11101100110 Franco-U.S. 3 +11101100110 elasticized 3 +11101100110 pouty 3 +11101100110 sports-law 3 +11101100110 lower-key 3 +11101100110 tire-industry 3 +11101100110 art-nouveau 3 +11101100110 conjugal 3 +11101100110 guaranteed-acceptance 3 +11101100110 exchange-control 3 +11101100110 Spielbergian 3 +11101100110 psychosomatic 3 +11101100110 he-man 3 +11101100110 inter-Arab 3 +11101100110 anti-plastic 3 +11101100110 buddy-buddy 3 +11101100110 electoral-vote 3 +11101100110 straw-man 3 +11101100110 great-power 3 +11101100110 film-industry 3 +11101100110 Churchillian 3 +11101100110 gee-whiz 3 +11101100110 monthslong 3 +11101100110 limpid 3 +11101100110 intra-party 3 +11101100110 buy-side 3 +11101100110 accommodationist 3 +11101100110 labor-shortage 3 +11101100110 waspish 3 +11101100110 loan-portfolio 3 +11101100110 single-firm 3 +11101100110 public-speaking 3 +11101100110 avantgarde 3 +11101100110 public-image 3 +11101100110 corporate-culture 3 +11101100110 birth-defect 4 +11101100110 drug-addiction 4 +11101100110 more-serious 4 +11101100110 market-like 4 +11101100110 libel-law 4 +11101100110 pro-development 4 +11101100110 permanent-residence 4 +11101100110 mother-daughter 4 +11101100110 statute-of-limitations 4 +11101100110 crinkly 4 +11101100110 periodontal 4 +11101100110 martial-arts 4 +11101100110 Alsatian 4 +11101100110 trade-gap 4 +11101100110 social-science 4 +11101100110 retinal 4 +11101100110 immigration-rights 4 +11101100110 anti-Dukakis 4 +11101100110 high-decibel 4 +11101100110 garage-sale 4 +11101100110 computer-market 4 +11101100110 pre-fight 4 +11101100110 hot-dip 4 +11101100110 comic-strip 4 +11101100110 chamber-music 4 +11101100110 co-dependent 4 +11101100110 post-surgical 4 +11101100110 income-distribution 4 +11101100110 playing-field 4 +11101100110 growth-related 4 +11101100110 loan-quality 4 +11101100110 state-law 4 +11101100110 neo-conservative 4 +11101100110 microbiological 4 +11101100110 permafrost 4 +11101100110 libidinous 4 +11101100110 chemical-waste 4 +11101100110 neo-Marxist 4 +11101100110 discourteous 4 +11101100110 arms-treaty 4 +11101100110 free-agency 4 +11101100110 wave-making 4 +11101100110 exempt-entity 4 +11101100110 politicial 4 +11101100110 cacophonous 4 +11101100110 secret-society 4 +11101100110 property-owning 4 +11101100110 foreignpolicy 4 +11101100110 horned 4 +11101100110 militarist 4 +11101100110 subtropical 4 +11101100110 no-nukes 4 +11101100110 fustian 4 +11101100110 anti-management 4 +11101100110 state-sanctioned 4 +11101100110 microtonal 4 +11101100110 family-related 4 +11101100110 bluesy 4 +11101100110 foreign-ownership 4 +11101100110 hotel-like 4 +11101100110 unsworn 4 +11101100110 creole 4 +11101100110 fix-it 4 +11101100110 MX-related 4 +11101100110 Emancipation 4 +11101100110 fascistic 4 +11101100110 split-second 4 +11101100110 remastering 4 +11101100110 political-party 4 +11101100110 share-voting 4 +11101100110 1,000-year 4 +11101100110 atom-smasher 5 +11101100110 showbiz 5 +11101100110 art-historical 5 +11101100110 private-property 5 +11101100110 price-reform 5 +11101100110 lapidary 5 +11101100110 dinner-table 5 +11101100110 family-travel 5 +11101100110 multistep 5 +11101100110 law-and-economics 5 +11101100110 seasonal-adjustment 5 +11101100110 whimpering 5 +11101100110 metal-fatigue 5 +11101100110 bluish 5 +11101100110 pro-Palestinian 5 +11101100110 larcenous 5 +11101100110 semiconscious 5 +11101100110 calving 5 +11101100110 state-imposed 5 +11101100110 non-academic 5 +11101100110 civilizing 5 +11101100110 Malthusian 5 +11101100110 high-flown 5 +11101100110 off-beat 5 +11101100110 equal-information 5 +11101100110 authorial 5 +11101100110 classified-ad 5 +11101100110 constructivist 5 +11101100110 social-justice 5 +11101100110 post-traumatic-stress 5 +11101100110 legal-studies 5 +11101100110 fluidized 5 +11101100110 pain-and-suffering 5 +11101100110 cell-killing 5 +11101100110 Yanqui 5 +11101100110 anti-Yankee 5 +11101100110 vaporous 5 +11101100110 carotid 5 +11101100110 result-oriented 6 +11101100110 fulsome 6 +11101100110 McCarthyite 6 +11101100110 40-degree 6 +11101100110 high-sounding 6 +11101100110 nihilistic 6 +11101100110 hemorrhoid 6 +11101100110 family-centered 6 +11101100110 grammatical 6 +11101100110 undesired 6 +11101100110 iatrogenic 6 +11101100110 intercollegiate 6 +11101100110 free-press 6 +11101100110 pro-Arab 6 +11101100110 weak-dollar 6 +11101100110 millennial 6 +11101100110 boot-camp 6 +11101100110 anti-slavery 6 +11101100110 aboriginal 6 +11101100110 Soviet-sponsored 6 +11101100110 gothic 6 +11101100110 curative 6 +11101100110 life-or-death 6 +11101100110 senior-management 6 +11101100110 black-white 6 +11101100110 argyle 6 +11101100110 dynastic 6 +11101100110 concentric 6 +11101100110 egg-shaped 6 +11101100110 sunlit 6 +11101100110 more-liberal 6 +11101100110 foxhole 6 +11101100110 social-policy 6 +11101100110 site-specific 6 +11101100110 trade-zone 6 +11101100110 legal-ethics 6 +11101100110 smaller-scale 6 +11101100110 nuclear-freeze 6 +11101100110 flamenco 6 +11101100110 big-picture 6 +11101100110 constitutional-law 6 +11101100110 theocratic 6 +11101100110 depressive 6 +11101100110 cartel-like 6 +11101100110 flight-crew 6 +11101100110 fecal 6 +11101100110 old-world 6 +11101100110 drug-induced 6 +11101100110 cross-rate 7 +11101100110 product-by-product 7 +11101100110 venomous 7 +11101100110 class-warfare 7 +11101100110 projective 7 +11101100110 flight-test 7 +11101100110 rheumatic 7 +11101100110 wiccan 7 +11101100110 scholastic 7 +11101100110 tough-guy 7 +11101100110 shelf-life 7 +11101100110 crowd-pleasing 7 +11101100110 auto-immune 7 +11101100110 harmonic 7 +11101100110 banana-republic 7 +11101100110 pop-culture 7 +11101100110 post-colonial 7 +11101100110 ulterior 7 +11101100110 black-on-black 7 +11101100110 on-and-off 7 +11101100110 anti-merger 7 +11101100110 investment-banker 8 +11101100110 dollars-and-cents 8 +11101100110 locker-room 8 +11101100110 pre-opening 8 +11101100110 methodological 8 +11101100110 counter-revolutionary 8 +11101100110 government-sanctioned 8 +11101100110 anti-social 8 +11101100110 price-level 8 +11101100110 well-crafted 8 +11101100110 before-and-after 8 +11101100110 farm-policy 8 +11101100110 prefab 8 +11101100110 new-fangled 8 +11101100110 national-defense 8 +11101100110 nuclear-winter 8 +11101100110 neoconservative 8 +11101100110 fast-breaking 8 +11101100110 redistributive 8 +11101100110 strep 8 +11101100110 cross-cultural 9 +11101100110 bottom-up 9 +11101100110 go-it-alone 9 +11101100110 police-state 9 +11101100110 left-right 9 +11101100110 olfactory 9 +11101100110 anti-labor 9 +11101100110 horse-race 9 +11101100110 penile 9 +11101100110 balance-of-power 9 +11101100110 revolving-door 9 +11101100110 histrionic 9 +11101100110 brain-drain 9 +11101100110 social-democratic 10 +11101100110 incomparable 10 +11101100110 shifty 10 +11101100110 air-fare 10 +11101100110 opening-night 10 +11101100110 novelistic 10 +11101100110 tax-avoidance 10 +11101100110 scorched-earth 10 +11101100110 infrastructural 10 +11101100110 gravitational 10 +11101100110 sensory 10 +11101100110 rococo 10 +11101100110 lawyerly 10 +11101100110 business-climate 10 +11101100110 puerile 10 +11101100110 cost-based 10 +11101100110 bushy 10 +11101100110 lunch-time 10 +11101100110 contorted 10 +11101100110 sinus 10 +11101100110 minute-by-minute 10 +11101100110 flu-like 10 +11101100110 aural 10 +11101100110 race-based 10 +11101100110 anti-military 10 +11101100110 sartorial 11 +11101100110 pugnacious 11 +11101100110 antisocial 11 +11101100110 health-policy 11 +11101100110 philosophic 11 +11101100110 show-biz 11 +11101100110 long-suppressed 11 +11101100110 diabolical 11 +11101100110 drug-dealing 11 +11101100110 shop-floor 11 +11101100110 tonal 11 +11101100110 single-issue 11 +11101100110 product-line 11 +11101100110 unswerving 11 +11101100110 normative 11 +11101100110 financial-industry 11 +11101100110 intramural 11 +11101100110 directorial 11 +11101100110 interest-group 11 +11101100110 circulatory 12 +11101100110 equine 12 +11101100110 transcendent 12 +11101100110 national-interest 12 +11101100110 internecine 12 +11101100110 seat-of-the-pants 12 +11101100110 opening-day 12 +11101100110 celestial 12 +11101100110 microeconomic 12 +11101100110 geologic 12 +11101100110 hegemonic 12 +11101100110 Shakespearean 12 +11101100110 barbed-wire 12 +11101100110 fatherly 12 +11101100110 choreographic 12 +11101100110 doctor-patient 12 +11101100110 left-liberal 13 +11101100110 programmatic 13 +11101100110 compositional 13 +11101100110 skeletal 13 +11101100110 rags-to-riches 13 +11101100110 oratorical 13 +11101100110 post-Vietnam 13 +11101100110 unenumerated 13 +11101100110 get-rich-quick 13 +11101100110 attitudinal 13 +11101100110 trend-following 13 +11101100110 symphonic 13 +11101100110 anthropological 14 +11101100110 sculptural 14 +11101100110 textual 14 +11101100110 inbred 14 +11101100110 sci-fi 14 +11101100110 Luddite 14 +11101100110 Freudian 14 +11101100110 go-slow 14 +11101100110 brotherly 14 +11101100110 kamikaze 14 +11101100110 cut-throat 14 +11101100110 sloping 14 +11101100110 ergonomic 14 +11101100110 painterly 14 +11101100110 nuts-and-bolts 14 +11101100110 price-performance 14 +11101100110 derisive 15 +11101100110 Namibian 15 +11101100110 thoughtless 15 +11101100110 sanctimonious 15 +11101100110 neutralist 15 +11101100110 demand-side 15 +11101100110 proletarian 15 +11101100110 original-intent 15 +11101100110 anti-Israeli 15 +11101100110 pithy 15 +11101100110 intraparty 15 +11101100110 kindred 15 +11101100110 tax-act 15 +11101100110 socialistic 16 +11101100110 backroom 16 +11101100110 child-welfare 16 +11101100110 astrological 16 +11101100110 arctic 16 +11101100110 anti-Noriega 16 +11101100110 non-smoking 16 +11101100110 tax-policy 16 +11101100110 sectarian 17 +11101100110 labor-union 17 +11101100110 Darwinian 17 +11101100110 Judeo-Christian 17 +11101100110 triangular 17 +11101100110 headline-grabbing 17 +11101100110 cognitive 17 +11101100110 crisis-management 18 +11101100110 pungent 18 +11101100110 termite 18 +11101100110 hormonal 18 +11101100110 grassroots 18 +11101100110 bear-market 18 +11101100110 no-tax 18 +11101100110 immunological 18 +11101100110 two-party 18 +11101100110 re-education 18 +11101100110 vascular 18 +11101100110 welfare-state 18 +11101100110 nefarious 19 +11101100110 disinflationary 19 +11101100110 nocturnal 19 +11101100110 futures-market 19 +11101100110 digestive 19 +11101100110 on-air 19 +11101100110 unremitting 19 +11101100110 high-priority 19 +11101100110 anti-U.S. 19 +11101100110 choral 19 +11101100110 chemical-warfare 19 +11101100110 vaginal 19 +11101100110 fraternal 20 +11101100110 Confucian 20 +11101100110 inflation-fighting 20 +11101100110 drug-industry 20 +11101100110 profit-margin 20 +11101100110 diversionary 20 +11101100110 duplicative 21 +11101100110 mercantilist 21 +11101100110 monastic 21 +11101100110 pro-family 21 +11101100110 demagogic 21 +11101100110 collectivist 21 +11101100110 no-growth 21 +11101100110 kiss-and-tell 21 +11101100110 earthly 22 +11101100110 intestinal 22 +11101100110 no-layoff 22 +11101100110 back-room 22 +11101100110 expense-account 22 +11101100110 tree-lined 22 +11101100110 imperialist 23 +11101100110 living-room 23 +11101100110 market-based 23 +11101100110 interpersonal 23 +11101100110 right-to-life 23 +11101100110 anti-aging 23 +11101100110 biochemical 23 +11101100110 contingency-fee 23 +11101100110 capitalistic 24 +11101100110 physiological 24 +11101100110 explanatory 24 +11101100110 non-economic 24 +11101100110 hit-and-run 24 +11101100110 efficient-market 24 +11101100110 interlocking 24 +11101100110 motivational 24 +11101100110 plaid 25 +11101100110 interpretive 25 +11101100110 supernatural 25 +11101100110 cinematic 26 +11101100110 free-speech 26 +11101100110 subterranean 26 +11101100110 sudden-acceleration 26 +11101100110 noneconomic 27 +11101100110 maternal 27 +11101100110 separation-of-powers 27 +11101100110 thematic 27 +11101100110 fait 27 +11101100110 brokerage-house 28 +11101100110 gastrointestinal 28 +11101100110 pulmonary 28 +11101100110 country-club 28 +11101100110 fairy-tale 29 +11101100110 geriatric 29 +11101100110 theological 29 +11101100110 socioeconomic 30 +11101100110 metaphysical 30 +11101100110 get-tough 30 +11101100110 haute 30 +11101100110 typographical 30 +11101100110 pre-existing 31 +11101100110 cosmic 31 +11101100110 Zionist 31 +11101100110 monopolistic 31 +11101100110 archaeological 31 +11101100110 forensic 32 +11101100110 strong-arm 32 +11101100110 business-cycle 32 +11101100110 culinary 33 +11101100110 behavioral 33 +11101100110 linguistic 33 +11101100110 factional 34 +11101100110 life-style 34 +11101100110 balance-sheet 34 +11101100110 financial-market 34 +11101100110 customer-service 34 +11101100110 pictorial 34 +11101100110 vigilante 35 +11101100110 stylistic 36 +11101100110 common-law 36 +11101100110 sociological 36 +11101100110 philanthropic 36 +11101100110 revisionist 37 +11101100110 volcanic 38 +11101100110 geometric 38 +11101100110 egalitarian 38 +11101100110 biographical 39 +11101100110 gamma 39 +11101100110 monetarist 40 +11101100110 securities-industry 40 +11101100110 geological 40 +11101100110 anti-war 40 +11101100110 law-school 40 +11101100110 computer-industry 40 +11101100110 Gothic 41 +11101100110 law-and-order 41 +11101100110 rhythmic 41 +11101100110 neurological 41 +11101100110 free-enterprise 43 +11101100110 stock-picking 43 +11101100110 real-world 44 +11101100110 anti-tax 45 +11101100110 bond-market 46 +11101100110 migraine 46 +11101100110 herbal 46 +11101100110 pro-life 47 +11101100110 jurisdictional 48 +11101100110 nonviolent 48 +11101100110 trade-union 48 +11101100110 developmental 49 +11101100110 biblical 49 +11101100110 generational 53 +11101100110 statist 53 +11101100110 conceptual 56 +11101100110 anti-Soviet 58 +11101100110 fetal 58 +11101100110 facial 59 +11101100110 societal 59 +11101100110 safety-related 60 +11101100110 pork-barrel 60 +11101100110 reproductive 63 +11101100110 rhetorical 63 +11101100110 cardiac 66 +11101100110 communal 67 +11101100110 dietary 67 +11101100110 public-policy 68 +11101100110 reformist 69 +11101100110 Western-style 71 +11101100110 geopolitical 73 +11101100110 inflammatory 73 +11101100110 hands-off 76 +11101100110 nationalistic 78 +11101100110 work-rule 78 +11101100110 numerical 79 +11101100110 Keynesian 79 +11101100110 ecological 82 +11101100110 logistical 82 +11101100110 functional 83 +11101100110 vertical 86 +11101100110 quantitative 86 +11101100110 viral 87 +11101100110 bilingual 88 +11101100110 repressive 88 +11101100110 petty 91 +11101100110 factual 98 +11101100110 marital 99 +11101100110 aesthetic 101 +11101100110 behind-the-scenes 107 +11101100110 prosecutorial 109 +11101100110 drug-related 109 +11101100110 preventive 109 +11101100110 geographical 110 +11101100110 occupational 115 +11101100110 territorial 116 +11101100110 authoritarian 117 +11101100110 mathematical 118 +11101100110 journalistic 118 +11101100110 bourgeois 118 +11101100110 patriotic 119 +11101100110 respiratory 125 +11101100110 coronary 131 +11101100110 market-oriented 138 +11101100110 secular 138 +11101100110 grass-roots 141 +11101100110 tribal 143 +11101100110 scholarly 144 +11101100110 contractual 148 +11101100110 national-security 154 +11101100110 labor-management 154 +11101100110 nationalist 154 +11101100110 cash-flow 163 +11101100110 box-office 164 +11101100110 anti-competitive 164 +11101100110 comparative 179 +11101100110 verbal 184 +11101100110 everyday 190 +11101100110 geographic 195 +11101100110 theatrical 197 +11101100110 budgetary 211 +11101100110 supply-side 214 +11101100110 organizational 223 +11101100110 procedural 230 +11101100110 civic 230 +11101100110 spiritual 231 +11101100110 demographic 234 +11101100110 philosophical 244 +11101100110 visual 252 +11101100110 managerial 274 +11101100110 artistic 280 +11101100110 comic 295 +11101100110 partisan 298 +11101100110 mechanical 327 +11101100110 catastrophic 349 +11101100110 charitable 362 +11101100110 mental 401 +11101100110 bureaucratic 403 +11101100110 operational 405 +11101100110 literary 425 +11101100110 structural 426 +11101100110 foreign-policy 440 +11101100110 ethical 461 +11101100110 free-market 470 +11101100110 ideological 503 +11101100110 psychological 506 +11101100110 terrorist 543 +11101100110 racial 594 +11101100110 ethnic 610 +11101100110 sexual 614 +11101100110 intellectual 665 +11101100110 technological 708 +11101100110 historical 758 +11101100110 creative 795 +11101100110 physical 798 +11101100110 cultural 850 +11101100110 democratic 887 +11101100110 diplomatic 927 +11101100110 moral 976 +11101100110 religious 1202 +11101100110 constitutional 1422 +11101100110 human 2807 +11101100110 social 2972 +11101100110 technical 3262 +11101100110 political 13276 +11101100110 legal 6830 +111011001110 labor-generated 1 +111011001110 base-support 1 +111011001110 rural-traveling 1 +111011001110 anti-Congress 1 +111011001110 drug-preparation 1 +111011001110 once-stellar 1 +111011001110 aircraft-support 1 +111011001110 order-transmittal 1 +111011001110 fleet-planning 1 +111011001110 Corp.in 1 +111011001110 pension-management 1 +111011001110 counter-inflationary 1 +111011001110 one-at-a-time 1 +111011001110 balanced-investment 1 +111011001110 specialty-care 1 +111011001110 one-decision 1 +111011001110 switchings 1 +111011001110 go-stop-go 1 +111011001110 interindustry 1 +111011001110 peseta-bashing 1 +111011001110 bronze-decked 1 +111011001110 punk-pop 1 +111011001110 travel-assistance 1 +111011001110 5,759 1 +111011001110 already-precarious 1 +111011001110 capital-forming 1 +111011001110 facilities-design 1 +111011001110 discount-trading 1 +111011001110 metals-dealing 1 +111011001110 stock-chart 1 +111011001110 board-recruitment 1 +111011001110 non-permitted 1 +111011001110 trade-execution 1 +111011001110 family-stabilization 1 +111011001110 bolt-substitution 1 +111011001110 Fiesp 1 +111011001110 bond-law 1 +111011001110 teleprocessing 1 +111011001110 snow-trampling 1 +111011001110 go-for-broke 1 +111011001110 technical-product 1 +111011001110 pesticide-research 1 +111011001110 well-constructed 1 +111011001110 foreign-policy-setting 1 +111011001110 space-transportation-user 1 +111011001110 foreign-wig 1 +111011001110 less-than-wholesome 1 +111011001110 unresonant 1 +111011001110 475-year-old 1 +111011001110 consumer-financial 1 +111011001110 semi-comatose 1 +111011001110 trade-negotiation 1 +111011001110 spread-thin 1 +111011001110 global-growth 1 +111011001110 Country-direct 1 +111011001110 anti-court 1 +111011001110 customs-brokerages 1 +111011001110 tough-to-reach 1 +111011001110 covert-weapons 1 +111011001110 then-unfashionable 1 +111011001110 Asakusa 1 +111011001110 site-development 1 +111011001110 condemnatory 1 +111011001110 chemical-supply 1 +111011001110 tougher-on-defense 1 +111011001110 weapon-development 1 +111011001110 average-store 1 +111011001110 expansion-through-acquisition 1 +111011001110 125-year 1 +111011001110 computer-purchasing 1 +111011001110 subscriber-supported 1 +111011001110 hamhanded 1 +111011001110 smaller-pie 1 +111011001110 bunt-and-steal 1 +111011001110 pressure-pumping 1 +111011001110 niftiest 1 +111011001110 hardware-maintenance 1 +111011001110 workstation-management 1 +111011001110 nuclear-ship 1 +111011001110 fax-related 1 +111011001110 insider-dealing 1 +111011001110 day-health 1 +111011001110 quasi-banking 1 +111011001110 Goldengate 1 +111011001110 radioactive-waste 1 +111011001110 Del.-financial 1 +111011001110 financial-record 1 +111011001110 aviation-support 1 +111011001110 rope-walking 1 +111011001110 entertainment/communications/financial 1 +111011001110 teaching/research 1 +111011001110 graphic-reproduction 1 +111011001110 fresh-food 1 +111011001110 much-cited 1 +111011001110 eye-grabbing 1 +111011001110 industrial-dismantling 1 +111011001110 long-announced 1 +111011001110 never-spun 1 +111011001110 van-pool 1 +111011001110 expressionist-type 1 +111011001110 dark-alley 1 +111011001110 capital-driven 1 +111011001110 management-worker 1 +111011001110 passanger 1 +111011001110 volunteer-assisted 1 +111011001110 bottom-to-top 1 +111011001110 limit-skirting 1 +111011001110 bank-at-home 1 +111011001110 welfare-hotel 1 +111011001110 iron-pipe 1 +111011001110 post-Yalta 1 +111011001110 pay-perview 1 +111011001110 wealth-destroying 1 +111011001110 lithographing 1 +111011001110 arms-cutting 1 +111011001110 central-nervous-system 1 +111011001110 equipment-procurement 1 +111011001110 once-legendary 1 +111011001110 already-difficult 1 +111011001110 unhesitating 1 +111011001110 individual-account 1 +111011001110 staff-pay 1 +111011001110 question-answering 1 +111011001110 open-handed 1 +111011001110 base-operation 1 +111011001110 cost-controlled 1 +111011001110 batonless 1 +111011001110 tourist-related 1 +111011001110 testable 1 +111011001110 rubberchicken 1 +111011001110 logistics-planning 1 +111011001110 work-over 1 +111011001110 license-application-preparation 1 +111011001110 educative 1 +111011001110 rate-filing 1 +111011001110 pro-Shoreham 1 +111011001110 seismic-data 1 +111011001110 conslidated 1 +111011001110 hotel-reservation 1 +111011001110 then-unswerving 1 +111011001110 farm-crisis 1 +111011001110 electronic-research 1 +111011001110 dial-a-something 1 +111011001110 carrier-and-information 1 +111011001110 graphic-data 1 +111011001110 civic-lunch 1 +111011001110 producer-related 1 +111011001110 sick-care 1 +111011001110 brand-image 1 +111011001110 cloth-diaper 1 +111011001110 investment-law 1 +111011001110 big-rig 1 +111011001110 building-systems 1 +111011001110 drop-kicking 1 +111011001110 Sharpshooter 1 +111011001110 market-return 1 +111011001110 business-support 1 +111011001110 payroll-accounting 1 +111011001110 lewd-message 1 +111011001110 irradiation-sterilization 1 +111011001110 macho-attack 1 +111011001110 drug-monitoring 1 +111011001110 near-irrelevant 1 +111011001110 safety-regulation 1 +111011001110 share-dealing 1 +111011001110 pre-moratorium 1 +111011001110 Chinese-red 1 +111011001110 farm-politics 1 +111011001110 voice-and-data 1 +111011001110 nail-growing 1 +111011001110 oil-slick 1 +111011001110 retail-fixtures 1 +111011001110 swift-moving 1 +111011001110 Tianhe 1 +111011001110 no-frills-apparel 1 +111011001110 vagueness-as-virtue 1 +111011001110 business-policy 1 +111011001110 agriculture-extension 1 +111011001110 York-Simcoe 1 +111011001110 dial-aporn 1 +111011001110 non-loan 1 +111011001110 microwave-transmissions 1 +111011001110 enchanced 1 +111011001110 12-month-improvement 1 +111011001110 debt-redemption 1 +111011001110 system-financing 1 +111011001110 Mafia-busting 1 +111011001110 integrated-management 1 +111011001110 full-acquisition 1 +111011001110 plague-sized 1 +111011001110 tele-processing 1 +111011001110 electronic-listing 1 +111011001110 ocean-transport 1 +111011001110 truck-line 1 +111011001110 drilling-related 1 +111011001110 day-surgery 1 +111011001110 item-processing 1 +111011001110 immunology-based 1 +111011001110 stay-ahead 1 +111011001110 centrex 1 +111011001110 more-dynamic 1 +111011001110 better-devised 1 +111011001110 over-literary 1 +111011001110 structures-technology 1 +111011001110 real-estate-investor 1 +111011001110 livestock-feeding 1 +111011001110 information-provider 1 +111011001110 alternate-operator 1 +111011001110 software-and-services 1 +111011001110 much-postponed 1 +111011001110 Eurocity 1 +111011001110 pink-telephone 1 +111011001110 dashboard-styling 1 +111011001110 coastwise 1 +111011001110 fiscal-agent 1 +111011001110 shop-by-catalog 1 +111011001110 selfdamaging 1 +111011001110 deflector 1 +111011001110 noneducational 1 +111011001110 asset-financial 1 +111011001110 small-type 1 +111011001110 retrogressing 1 +111011001110 ground-transit 1 +111011001110 already-positive 1 +111011001110 theater-related 1 +111011001110 Triangle-related 1 +111011001110 aviation-training 1 +111011001110 foreign-news 1 +111011001110 errand-running 1 +111011001110 engineering-construction 1 +111011001110 tax-preferred 1 +111011001110 safety-glass 1 +111011001110 ad-spending 1 +111011001110 airline-crash 1 +111011001110 six-decade 1 +111011001110 socionomic 1 +111011001110 strategic-thinker 1 +111011001110 drilling-engineering 1 +111011001110 field-support 1 +111011001110 buildings-materials 1 +111011001110 spill-containment 1 +111011001110 326-day 2 +111011001110 multiple-listing 2 +111011001110 alternative-operator 2 +111011001110 construction-sector 2 +111011001110 tort-law 2 +111011001110 price-moving 2 +111011001110 pedagogic 2 +111011001110 three-president 2 +111011001110 open-interest 2 +111011001110 mimetic 2 +111011001110 cross-national 2 +111011001110 target-company 2 +111011001110 sun-bleached 2 +111011001110 submarine-design 2 +111011001110 PCB-disposal 2 +111011001110 portfolio-accounting 2 +111011001110 geotechnical 2 +111011001110 Covia/Apollo 2 +111011001110 global-financial 2 +111011001110 voting-booth 2 +111011001110 deferred-tax 2 +111011001110 dial-a-message 2 +111011001110 maintenence 2 +111011001110 computerized-trading 2 +111011001110 bid-related 2 +111011001110 telecom-equipment 2 +111011001110 trust-banking 2 +111011001110 merchandise-group 2 +111011001110 stockpicking 2 +111011001110 discount-pricing 2 +111011001110 calling-card 2 +111011001110 propulsions 2 +111011001110 near-photographic 2 +111011001110 radar-engineering 2 +111011001110 overseas-oriented 2 +111011001110 customer-support 2 +111011001110 ship-design 2 +111011001110 doom-laden 2 +111011001110 highway-patrol 2 +111011001110 car-industry 2 +111011001110 operator-assistance 2 +111011001110 car-auction 3 +111011001110 home-study 3 +111011001110 state-ordered 3 +111011001110 bumptious 3 +111011001110 risk-disclosure 3 +111011001110 out-of-stock 3 +111011001110 price-reporting 3 +111011001110 music-related 3 +111011001110 computer-programming 3 +111011001110 high-yen 3 +111011001110 central-banking 3 +111011001110 Lincoln-Douglas 3 +111011001110 technology-trade 3 +111011001110 Antillean 3 +111011001110 still-operating 3 +111011001110 small-print 3 +111011001110 restaurant-industry 3 +111011001110 school-sponsored 3 +111011001110 bill-paying 3 +111011001110 information-system 3 +111011001110 livestock-feed 3 +111011001110 knowledge-based 3 +111011001110 bank-like 4 +111011001110 Kvant 4 +111011001110 end-use 4 +111011001110 human-health 4 +111011001110 most-successful 4 +111011001110 title-related 4 +111011001110 mobile-communications 4 +111011001110 Wrongful 4 +111011001110 corporate-relations 4 +111011001110 teething 4 +111011001110 enviromental 4 +111011001110 technical-support 4 +111011001110 birth-dearth 4 +111011001110 weight-lifting 4 +111011001110 adminstrative 5 +111011001110 finanical 5 +111011001110 divide-and-conquer 5 +111011001110 retail-industry 5 +111011001110 Khoo-controlled 5 +111011001110 mellifluous 5 +111011001110 search-and-destroy 6 +111011001110 trade-matching 6 +111011001110 non-railroad 6 +111011001110 private-enterprise 6 +111011001110 voice-message 6 +111011001110 human-interest 6 +111011001110 nonacademic 7 +111011001110 gold-mine 7 +111011001110 savings-institution 7 +111011001110 radiological 7 +111011001110 janitorial 8 +111011001110 data-retrieval 8 +111011001110 open-bank 9 +111011001110 Pap-test 9 +111011001110 foreign-service 10 +111011001110 merchant-bank 10 +111011001110 air-transportation 10 +111011001110 aircraft-engineering 10 +111011001110 Arabica 13 +111011001110 quality-assurance 18 +111011001110 dial-it 18 +111011001110 dial-up 23 +111011001110 third-country 43 +111011001110 foreign-debt 81 +111011001110 financial 20755 +111011001110 oil-field 253 +111011001111 illegal-campaign-contribution 1 +111011001111 stratospheric-ozone 1 +111011001111 active-ownership 1 +111011001111 market-distorting 1 +111011001111 Road-Railer 1 +111011001111 cheapened-dollar 1 +111011001111 sales/marketing 1 +111011001111 too-hasty 1 +111011001111 down-labeling 1 +111011001111 Statesmanlike 1 +111011001111 nonstatutory 1 +111011001111 salad-fork 1 +111011001111 avionics-support-system 1 +111011001111 once-indisputable 1 +111011001111 forced-draft 1 +111011001111 debt-dependent 1 +111011001111 Olympic-look-alike 1 +111011001111 anti-Somoza 1 +111011001111 new-tort 1 +111011001111 margin-rate 1 +111011001111 canvas-and-steel 1 +111011001111 fanatstic 1 +111011001111 simon-pure 1 +111011001111 HUD-financed 1 +111011001111 world-premiere 1 +111011001111 143-year-old 1 +111011001111 computer-initiated 1 +111011001111 Noh-style 1 +111011001111 Democratic-written 1 +111011001111 post-peace-talk 1 +111011001111 unthoughtful 1 +111011001111 pro-Romanian 1 +111011001111 saucerlike 1 +111011001111 state-led 1 +111011001111 51-year 1 +111011001111 religious-related 1 +111011001111 language-acquisition 1 +111011001111 slowed-down 1 +111011001111 opening-era 1 +111011001111 still-underdeveloped 1 +111011001111 call-traffic 1 +111011001111 union-related 1 +111011001111 room-design 1 +111011001111 mobile-home-market 1 +111011001111 long-frustrated 1 +111011001111 radongas 1 +111011001111 narrow-ranged 1 +111011001111 sleep/dream 1 +111011001111 foreign-exchange-induced 1 +111011001111 Bergmanesque 1 +111011001111 Kach 1 +111011001111 teen-pregnancy 1 +111011001111 biochemical-weapons 1 +111011001111 hyperfast 1 +111011001111 sheep-in-deer's-clothing 1 +111011001111 too-programmed 1 +111011001111 wage-demand 1 +111011001111 missile-warhead 1 +111011001111 two-of-three-game 1 +111011001111 seven-plus 1 +111011001111 time-lag 1 +111011001111 backwood 1 +111011001111 art-market 1 +111011001111 no-imports 1 +111011001111 dollar-driven 1 +111011001111 pizza-making 1 +111011001111 dual-sourcing 1 +111011001111 industrial-world 1 +111011001111 keffiyah 1 +111011001111 insulin-like 1 +111011001111 minority-teacher 1 +111011001111 Bartokian 1 +111011001111 structural-deficit 1 +111011001111 loan-agreement 1 +111011001111 1,055-to-554 1 +111011001111 less-than-social 1 +111011001111 cult-hero 1 +111011001111 tanker-reflagging 1 +111011001111 no-lunch 1 +111011001111 anti-profit 1 +111011001111 149-year 1 +111011001111 steamboating 1 +111011001111 Reagan-caused 1 +111011001111 A-330/A340 1 +111011001111 product-to-product 1 +111011001111 no-conflict 1 +111011001111 submarine-propulsion 1 +111011001111 under-two-minute 1 +111011001111 156-year 1 +111011001111 ceramics-engine 1 +111011001111 low-pricing 1 +111011001111 melt-textured 1 +111011001111 youth-gang 1 +111011001111 biowarfare 1 +111011001111 school-linked 1 +111011001111 super-long 1 +111011001111 satellite-system 1 +111011001111 arthritis-like 1 +111011001111 non-dividend-paying 1 +111011001111 capital-requirement 1 +111011001111 trade-based 1 +111011001111 14-game 1 +111011001111 anti-Texaco 1 +111011001111 nuclear-effects 1 +111011001111 defense-sector 1 +111011001111 autarkical 1 +111011001111 1910-1920 1 +111011001111 water-consuming 1 +111011001111 not-so-discreet 1 +111011001111 patio-home 1 +111011001111 geo-military 1 +111011001111 -pricing 1 +111011001111 heroin-distribution 1 +111011001111 petroleumish 1 +111011001111 superpotent 1 +111011001111 cancer-cell 1 +111011001111 product-substitution 1 +111011001111 bidrigging 1 +111011001111 poll-related 1 +111011001111 whistle-wetting 1 +111011001111 temporary-refugee 1 +111011001111 black-black 1 +111011001111 white-white 1 +111011001111 actualizing 1 +111011001111 engine-valve 1 +111011001111 hare-like 1 +111011001111 lawn-maintenance 1 +111011001111 defense-acquisition 1 +111011001111 intergovernment 1 +111011001111 farmpolicy 1 +111011001111 asset-play 1 +111011001111 post-nationalization 1 +111011001111 film-cost 1 +111011001111 Japan-led 1 +111011001111 no-diversification 1 +111011001111 ill-begotten 1 +111011001111 timber-capitalization 1 +111011001111 against-the-grain 1 +111011001111 rail-to-rail 1 +111011001111 Daco-Roman 1 +111011001111 silver-buying 1 +111011001111 again-brisk 1 +111011001111 Allegis-style 1 +111011001111 budget-resolution 1 +111011001111 two-airlines 1 +111011001111 forwardlooking 1 +111011001111 brokerage-rate 1 +111011001111 conflictual 1 +111011001111 near-brisk 1 +111011001111 service-job 1 +111011001111 46.5-degree 1 +111011001111 overdetermined 1 +111011001111 already-large 1 +111011001111 ever-less-repressed 1 +111011001111 Oscar-aiming 1 +111011001111 laggardly 1 +111011001111 marketmoving 1 +111011001111 computer-publication 1 +111011001111 individual-bank 1 +111011001111 disease-transmitting 1 +111011001111 no-smokestack 1 +111011001111 counter-inflation 1 +111011001111 jobcreating 1 +111011001111 philosophic-botanic 1 +111011001111 Iyak-3 1 +111011001111 neo-apartheid 1 +111011001111 low-gear 1 +111011001111 no-build 1 +111011001111 inter-exchange 1 +111011001111 tin-market 1 +111011001111 steam/gas 1 +111011001111 condom-advertising 1 +111011001111 child-nutrition 1 +111011001111 nine-play 1 +111011001111 all-but-official 1 +111011001111 Mondale-Hart 1 +111011001111 classroom-based 1 +111011001111 new-concept 1 +111011001111 tomato-sauce 1 +111011001111 almost-inevitable 1 +111011001111 theatrical-production 1 +111011001111 ink-migration 1 +111011001111 Nepalese-speaking 1 +111011001111 army-linked 1 +111011001111 sizzly 1 +111011001111 emissionlevel 1 +111011001111 ego-inflating 1 +111011001111 land-sales 1 +111011001111 open-mouth 1 +111011001111 Oil-export 1 +111011001111 still-good 1 +111011001111 centerleft 1 +111011001111 fuel-pressure 1 +111011001111 anti-Eastern 1 +111011001111 already-shaky 1 +111011001111 loss-of-coolant 1 +111011001111 Mikanesque 1 +111011001111 position-adjusting 1 +111011001111 currentcarrying 1 +111011001111 temporary-residency 1 +111011001111 card-service 1 +111011001111 least-developed-nation 1 +111011001111 sociopathic 1 +111011001111 blacklist-era 1 +111011001111 defense/foreign 1 +111011001111 earnings-reinvestment 1 +111011001111 12-years 1 +111011001111 non-mathematical 1 +111011001111 ga-ga 1 +111011001111 Falwell-like 1 +111011001111 agency-acquisition 1 +111011001111 nuclear-weapons-sites 1 +111011001111 signal-radiation 1 +111011001111 fleetwide 1 +111011001111 lawsuit-induced 1 +111011001111 trade-and-investment 1 +111011001111 noncancellable 1 +111011001111 Spanish-stock 1 +111011001111 leisure-resort 1 +111011001111 discount-leasing 1 +111011001111 slower-than-desired 1 +111011001111 consumer-focused 1 +111011001111 drug-traffic 1 +111011001111 under-the-counter 1 +111011001111 local-interview 1 +111011001111 near-desert 1 +111011001111 Kohl-Genscher 1 +111011001111 price-stabilized 1 +111011001111 once-astounding 1 +111011001111 belly-shaking 1 +111011001111 bid/offer 1 +111011001111 pizza-industry 1 +111011001111 sleep-at-night 1 +111011001111 car-stealing 1 +111011001111 phone-market 1 +111011001111 resin-supply 1 +111011001111 shoe-line 1 +111011001111 wafer-scale 1 +111011001111 industrial-organizational 1 +111011001111 arms-peddling 1 +111011001111 top-star 1 +111011001111 alcohol-drinking 1 +111011001111 fifth-month 1 +111011001111 intraoffice 1 +111011001111 payroll-employment 1 +111011001111 Yankee-style 1 +111011001111 domestic-credit 1 +111011001111 low-seeded 1 +111011001111 angiogenic 1 +111011001111 twiglike 1 +111011001111 value-personal 1 +111011001111 loan-volume 1 +111011001111 enrichment-facility 1 +111011001111 prison-population 1 +111011001111 toughest-guy-in-the-old-days 1 +111011001111 protection-seeking 1 +111011001111 channel-changing 1 +111011001111 stock-investing 1 +111011001111 calling-volume 1 +111011001111 federal-corporate 1 +111011001111 anti-famine 1 +111011001111 championship-game 1 +111011001111 Byrd-Boren 1 +111011001111 school-entrance 1 +111011001111 aircraft-procurement 1 +111011001111 clothing-buying 1 +111011001111 calendar-week 1 +111011001111 non-entitlement 1 +111011001111 office-employment 1 +111011001111 anti-litter 1 +111011001111 down-the-drain 1 +111011001111 narcotics-crop 1 +111011001111 six-year/60,000-mile 1 +111011001111 cleaning-fluid 1 +111011001111 151-year 1 +111011001111 space-technology 1 +111011001111 bosky 1 +111011001111 occupation-by-occupation 1 +111011001111 technologies/life 1 +111011001111 100,672 1 +111011001111 duller-than-normal 1 +111011001111 incineration/energy 1 +111011001111 flat-to-negative 1 +111011001111 post-Holmesian 1 +111011001111 coin-price 1 +111011001111 Olympics-related 1 +111011001111 loan-officer 1 +111011001111 not-too-acceptable 1 +111011001111 unexepected 1 +111011001111 opendoor 1 +111011001111 operating-cost 1 +111011001111 property-market 1 +111011001111 mark-with 1 +111011001111 narcotics-trafficking 1 +111011001111 wrinkle-smoothing 1 +111011001111 stocktrading 1 +111011001111 new-series 1 +111011001111 Washington-style 1 +111011001111 coreholding 1 +111011001111 cross-share 1 +111011001111 competitive-carrier 1 +111011001111 once-vital 1 +111011001111 suburban-type 1 +111011001111 middle-of-the-night 1 +111011001111 push-off 1 +111011001111 back-cover 1 +111011001111 multivehicle 1 +111011001111 post-farm 1 +111011001111 jewelery-related 1 +111011001111 banking-sector 1 +111011001111 gross-domestic-product 1 +111011001111 once-aggressive 1 +111011001111 dwindling-sales 1 +111011001111 scalp-hair 1 +111011001111 drought-fueled 1 +111011001111 inter-government 1 +111011001111 favored-tax 1 +111011001111 soak-the-elderly-rich 1 +111011001111 new-employee 1 +111011001111 year-to-year-revenue 1 +111011001111 real-GNP 1 +111011001111 price-regulating 1 +111011001111 stock-dealing 1 +111011001111 come-from-nowhere 1 +111011001111 social-kissing 1 +111011001111 petrochemical-plant 1 +111011001111 unilateral-disarmament 2 +111011001111 document-control 2 +111011001111 taxpayer-service 2 +111011001111 dollar-sales 2 +111011001111 snail-like 2 +111011001111 Soviet-Chinese 2 +111011001111 educational-reform 2 +111011001111 super-strong 2 +111011001111 no-growth/slow-growth 2 +111011001111 monetary-fiscal 2 +111011001111 records-check 2 +111011001111 macular 2 +111011001111 currency-reserve 2 +111011001111 construction-cost 2 +111011001111 intercorporate 2 +111011001111 monetary-base 2 +111011001111 world-leading 2 +111011001111 hard-cash 2 +111011001111 84-year 2 +111011001111 98-year 2 +111011001111 low-productivity 2 +111011001111 trade-security 2 +111011001111 1747 2 +111011001111 margin-call 2 +111011001111 free-mileage 2 +111011001111 procreational 2 +111011001111 operating-margin 2 +111011001111 sales-force 2 +111011001111 waste-heat 2 +111011001111 auto-trade 2 +111011001111 anti-Pinochet 2 +111011001111 pre-closing 2 +111011001111 corporate-responsibility 2 +111011001111 multiple-plot 2 +111011001111 access-line 2 +111011001111 growth-through-acquisition 2 +111011001111 hydrologic 2 +111011001111 volume-related 2 +111011001111 balanced-loading 2 +111011001111 70-month 2 +111011001111 free-mailing 2 +111011001111 patent-enforcement 2 +111011001111 anti-Sikh 2 +111011001111 as-yet-unborn 2 +111011001111 national-advertising 2 +111011001111 storage-tank 2 +111011001111 OAU-brokered 2 +111011001111 CFC-elimination 2 +111011001111 sewer-system 2 +111011001111 Lassa 2 +111011001111 formula-driven 2 +111011001111 price-increase 2 +111011001111 141-year 2 +111011001111 black-power 2 +111011001111 tight-supply 2 +111011001111 115-year 2 +111011001111 annual-mammography 2 +111011001111 moneysupply 2 +111011001111 90-year 2 +111011001111 farm-spending 2 +111011001111 large-stock 2 +111011001111 assisted-housing 2 +111011001111 calculation-intensive 2 +111011001111 party-military 2 +111011001111 extra-marital 2 +111011001111 animal-research 2 +111011001111 employee-oriented 2 +111011001111 trade-barrier 2 +111011001111 anti-industry 2 +111011001111 legal-resident 2 +111011001111 fire-management 2 +111011001111 alcohol-abuse 2 +111011001111 fudiciary 2 +111011001111 transformational 2 +111011001111 freight-rate 3 +111011001111 116-year 3 +111011001111 politico-military 3 +111011001111 OPEC-like 3 +111011001111 revenue-recognition 3 +111011001111 gloom-and-doom 3 +111011001111 andante 3 +111011001111 anti-alliance 3 +111011001111 Tektronix/NEC 3 +111011001111 arithmetical 3 +111011001111 auto-export 3 +111011001111 pre-release 3 +111011001111 gas-industry 3 +111011001111 fee-income 3 +111011001111 more-balanced 3 +111011001111 anti-counterfeiting 3 +111011001111 bid-and-asked 3 +111011001111 corporate-earnings 3 +111011001111 anti-French 3 +111011001111 dengue 3 +111011001111 Edenic 3 +111011001111 102-year 3 +111011001111 anti-Jewish 3 +111011001111 lost-baggage 3 +111011001111 tensile 3 +111011001111 sink-or-swim 3 +111011001111 musculoskeletal 3 +111011001111 spaying 3 +111011001111 minority-hiring 3 +111011001111 profit-growth 3 +111011001111 nuclear-force 3 +111011001111 saline 3 +111011001111 59-year 3 +111011001111 Arab-run 3 +111011001111 pentup 3 +111011001111 pass-along 3 +111011001111 coldblooded 3 +111011001111 oilprice 3 +111011001111 counter-terrorist 3 +111011001111 class-war 3 +111011001111 labor-supply 3 +111011001111 demand-led 3 +111011001111 metropolitan-wide 3 +111011001111 telecommunications-procurement 3 +111011001111 government-business 3 +111011001111 small-investor 3 +111011001111 investment-led 4 +111011001111 AIDS-vaccine 4 +111011001111 anti-Tamil 4 +111011001111 family-income 4 +111011001111 equity-market 4 +111011001111 steel-company 4 +111011001111 400-point 4 +111011001111 tort-litigation 4 +111011001111 corn-crop 4 +111011001111 stockprice 4 +111011001111 flow-of-funds 4 +111011001111 tuition-setting 4 +111011001111 rental-housing 4 +111011001111 war-related 4 +111011001111 bid-asked 4 +111011001111 personal-tax 4 +111011001111 international-debt 4 +111011001111 psychosocial 4 +111011001111 oil-buying 4 +111011001111 westerly 4 +111011001111 aspirin-free 4 +111011001111 opinion-poll 5 +111011001111 tight-credit 5 +111011001111 energy-market 5 +111011001111 domestic-led 5 +111011001111 polyp 5 +111011001111 dry-eye 5 +111011001111 independent-contractor 5 +111011001111 political-military 5 +111011001111 industry-group 5 +111011001111 exchangerate 5 +111011001111 currency-swap 5 +111011001111 income-maintenance 5 +111011001111 geostrategic 6 +111011001111 brain-wave 6 +111011001111 stock-sale 6 +111011001111 price-boosting 6 +111011001111 Borehole 6 +111011001111 electoral-college 6 +111011001111 cardiopulmonary 6 +111011001111 defense-budget 6 +111011001111 death-squad 6 +111011001111 nuclear-disarmament 6 +111011001111 drug-use 6 +111011001111 anti-recession 6 +111011001111 car-buying 6 +111011001111 end-of-quarter 6 +111011001111 pre-weekend 6 +111011001111 tax-collection 6 +111011001111 one-child 6 +111011001111 bid-offer 7 +111011001111 red-tape 7 +111011001111 extenuating 7 +111011001111 asset-quality 7 +111011001111 election-related 7 +111011001111 oil-pricing 7 +111011001111 telephone-line 7 +111011001111 exponential 8 +111011001111 mortgage-Treasury 8 +111011001111 anti-foreign 8 +111011001111 economic-growth 9 +111011001111 currency-rate 9 +111011001111 new-order 9 +111011001111 unsanitary 9 +111011001111 cashflow 9 +111011001111 price-matching 10 +111011001111 D&O 10 +111011001111 supply/demand 11 +111011001111 118-year 11 +111011001111 easy-money 13 +111011001111 conventional-force 13 +111011001111 socio-economic 13 +111011001111 interestrate 13 +111011001111 supply-and-demand 14 +111011001111 tight-money 14 +111011001111 computational 14 +111011001111 earnings-per-share 16 +111011001111 no-refund 16 +111011001111 living-standard 17 +111011001111 climatic 17 +111011001111 market-affecting 18 +111011001111 monetary-policy 18 +111011001111 liability-insurance 18 +111011001111 anti-Japanese 19 +111011001111 consumer-spending 19 +111011001111 extramarital 20 +111011001111 debt-protection 21 +111011001111 inter-American 23 +111011001111 ground-water 23 +111011001111 blood-cell 24 +111011001111 bovine 24 +111011001111 oil-market 25 +111011001111 below-normal 25 +111011001111 primary-dealer 32 +111011001111 labor-market 32 +111011001111 labor-force 32 +111011001111 criminal-justice 32 +111011001111 supply-demand 34 +111011001111 economic-policy 39 +111011001111 anti-inflationary 41 +111011001111 agrarian 58 +111011001111 share-price 66 +111011001111 debt-for-equity 83 +111011001111 new-product 86 +111011001111 organized-crime 88 +111011001111 market-share 103 +111011001111 macroeconomic 106 +111011001111 money-supply 142 +111011001111 debt-equity 145 +111011001111 on-time 164 +111011001111 exchange-rate 521 +111011001111 interest-rate 896 +111011001111 economic 16666 +111011001111 monetary 2616 +11101101000 nutritive 1 +11101101000 lower-costing 1 +11101101000 unutilized 1 +11101101000 non-stock 1 +11101101000 tax-consuming 1 +11101101000 race-horse 1 +11101101000 dressed-to-kill 1 +11101101000 water-tight 1 +11101101000 lowtax 1 +11101101000 unboycotted 1 +11101101000 EEC-nation 1 +11101101000 balancea 1 +11101101000 in-court 1 +11101101000 government-securities-options 1 +11101101000 nuclear-policy 1 +11101101000 tighter-money 1 +11101101000 no-beards 1 +11101101000 nerved 1 +11101101000 cheap-jack 1 +11101101000 boiled-peanut 1 +11101101000 news-making 1 +11101101000 industrial-talc 1 +11101101000 yen-to-dollar 1 +11101101000 Butcher-controlled 1 +11101101000 high-ranked 1 +11101101000 wine-sipping 1 +11101101000 stock-majority 1 +11101101000 chairman-credit 1 +11101101000 droughtstricken 1 +11101101000 NATO-to-Warsaw 1 +11101101000 smog-prone 1 +11101101000 car-trunk 1 +11101101000 yen-stabilization 1 +11101101000 non-Warsaw 1 +11101101000 50-cents-on-the-dollar 1 +11101101000 serveral 1 +11101101000 live-and-let-live 1 +11101101000 ever-inventive 1 +11101101000 better-aligned 1 +11101101000 sweaters-and-jeans-clad 1 +11101101000 summer-type 1 +11101101000 guns-and-butter 1 +11101101000 no-negotiations 1 +11101101000 white-goods 1 +11101101000 deep-discounted 1 +11101101000 manufacturer-controlled 1 +11101101000 3,786 1 +11101101000 3,134 1 +11101101000 heir-conscious 1 +11101101000 debt-for-local 1 +11101101000 pro-land 1 +11101101000 Pepsi-owned 1 +11101101000 ask-questions-afterward 1 +11101101000 since-convicted 1 +11101101000 middle-tier 1 +11101101000 no-military-use 1 +11101101000 tailstring 1 +11101101000 corn-borer 1 +11101101000 semi-floating 1 +11101101000 energy-future 1 +11101101000 farm-sector 1 +11101101000 post-abstract 1 +11101101000 Rescind 1 +11101101000 pushed-to-the-wall 1 +11101101000 filbert 1 +11101101000 teletypewriter 1 +11101101000 loan-by-phone 1 +11101101000 standard-type 1 +11101101000 high-deductible 1 +11101101000 remarketizing 1 +11101101000 national-class 1 +11101101000 frozen-mice 1 +11101101000 approachif 1 +11101101000 hydro-powered 1 +11101101000 closed-management 1 +11101101000 dollar-peso 1 +11101101000 rageful 1 +11101101000 286,431 1 +11101101000 almost-unlimited 1 +11101101000 higher-saving 1 +11101101000 kronor-dollar 1 +11101101000 Western-type 1 +11101101000 up-scale 1 +11101101000 troubled-country 1 +11101101000 20,000-to-one 1 +11101101000 cordoba-dollar 1 +11101101000 commercial-saturated 1 +11101101000 bolivars-to-the-dollar 1 +11101101000 developing-world 1 +11101101000 theft-replacement 1 +11101101000 Soviet-Bloc 1 +11101101000 resident-only 1 +11101101000 malfeasant 1 +11101101000 often-localized 1 +11101101000 creditor-supported 1 +11101101000 British-pound 1 +11101101000 president/public 1 +11101101000 out-of-season 2 +11101101000 subway-riding 2 +11101101000 store-bound 2 +11101101000 equitylinked 2 +11101101000 strike-prone 2 +11101101000 non-local 2 +11101101000 theatrical-exhibition 2 +11101101000 non-Iranian 2 +11101101000 newsprint-mill 2 +11101101000 non-EMS 2 +11101101000 farm-chemical 2 +11101101000 14,020 2 +11101101000 over-eager 2 +11101101000 semisecret 2 +11101101000 U.S.-guaranteed 2 +11101101000 blackmarket 2 +11101101000 market-liberalization 2 +11101101000 non-industrial 2 +11101101000 electronic-related 2 +11101101000 gold-share 2 +11101101000 no-discount 2 +11101101000 non-textile 2 +11101101000 EC-member 2 +11101101000 profit-starved 2 +11101101000 mid-tier 2 +11101101000 non-domestic 2 +11101101000 interspersing 2 +11101101000 unseasonal 2 +11101101000 building-trade 2 +11101101000 noncompliant 2 +11101101000 related-party 3 +11101101000 phased-out 3 +11101101000 foriegn 3 +11101101000 credit-conscious 3 +11101101000 toy-industry 3 +11101101000 non-Swedish 3 +11101101000 coal-industry 3 +11101101000 non-Korean 3 +11101101000 large-city 3 +11101101000 bullion-coin 3 +11101101000 pro-tax 4 +11101101000 goldmining 4 +11101101000 non-institutional 4 +11101101000 Khoo-family 4 +11101101000 non-convertible 4 +11101101000 household-name 4 +11101101000 foreign-securities 4 +11101101000 more-stable 5 +11101101000 dealer-placed 5 +11101101000 mark/dollar 5 +11101101000 military-clothing 5 +11101101000 non-retail 5 +11101101000 developing-nation 6 +11101101000 junk-fund 6 +11101101000 non-U.K. 7 +11101101000 nondollar 8 +11101101000 Maryland-based 8 +11101101000 foreign-government 9 +11101101000 non-European 13 +11101101000 nongovernmental 14 +11101101000 free-world 15 +11101101000 non-Canadian 16 +11101101000 dividend-paying 16 +11101101000 income-oriented 17 +11101101000 foreign-bank 19 +11101101000 stock-fund 21 +11101101000 non-British 24 +11101101000 non-member 24 +11101101000 Third-World 25 +11101101000 non-EC 26 +11101101000 nonmember 28 +11101101000 Khoo-related 32 +11101101000 Soviet-bloc 51 +11101101000 LDC 58 +11101101000 non-Japanese 88 +11101101000 foreign 17849 +11101101000 non-U.S. 162 +11101101001 not-quite-so-new 1 +11101101001 ment 1 +11101101001 steel-restructuring 1 +11101101001 dealer-sold 1 +11101101001 news-starved 1 +11101101001 2,933 1 +11101101001 victims-compensation 1 +11101101001 potentially-reduced 1 +11101101001 full-load 1 +11101101001 6,730 1 +11101101001 share-offer 1 +11101101001 lowergrade 1 +11101101001 tobacco-chewing 1 +11101101001 deductibile 1 +11101101001 parking-space 1 +11101101001 fixed-benefit 1 +11101101001 index-oriented 1 +11101101001 tax-privileged 1 +11101101001 foodstock 1 +11101101001 top-listed 1 +11101101001 file-cabinet 1 +11101101001 bank-deposit-insurance 1 +11101101001 intra-corporate 1 +11101101001 tranfer 1 +11101101001 Munimax 1 +11101101001 drought-weary 1 +11101101001 administred 1 +11101101001 2,800,000 1 +11101101001 already-frustrated 1 +11101101001 snail-loving 1 +11101101001 Japan-oriented 1 +11101101001 tax-qualified 1 +11101101001 benefit/compensation 1 +11101101001 1,100-plus 1 +11101101001 still-feverish 1 +11101101001 agriculture-and-livestock 1 +11101101001 mailorder 1 +11101101001 Tokyo-managed 1 +11101101001 born-of-fear 1 +11101101001 individual-oriented 1 +11101101001 flexible-income 1 +11101101001 snow-blown 1 +11101101001 fleet-development 1 +11101101001 once-burned 1 +11101101001 under-financed 1 +11101101001 option-stock 1 +11101101001 target-firm 1 +11101101001 Indian-staffed 1 +11101101001 Kemper-run 1 +11101101001 anti-hush 1 +11101101001 nonhypertensive 1 +11101101001 ethical-investment 1 +11101101001 multipremium 1 +11101101001 401K 1 +11101101001 26,809 1 +11101101001 Low-load 1 +11101101001 -bracket 1 +11101101001 carry-through 1 +11101101001 non-appropriated 1 +11101101001 retail-related 1 +11101101001 welfare-benefit 1 +11101101001 service-company 1 +11101101001 defined-compensation 1 +11101101001 Capped 1 +11101101001 export-subsidizing 1 +11101101001 non-accredited 1 +11101101001 still-ample 1 +11101101001 option-related 1 +11101101001 depositable 1 +11101101001 cash-balance 1 +11101101001 health-incentive 1 +11101101001 non-manager 1 +11101101001 pre-venture-capital 1 +11101101001 Mi-26 1 +11101101001 long-laid 1 +11101101001 ship-escort 1 +11101101001 lowest-yielding 1 +11101101001 prepaid-tuition 1 +11101101001 debt-reserve 1 +11101101001 sweet-potato 1 +11101101001 best-peforming 1 +11101101001 international-bond 1 +11101101001 railcar-management 1 +11101101001 executive-option 1 +11101101001 Chinese-potential 1 +11101101001 lower-fee 1 +11101101001 most-affected 1 +11101101001 revolving-loan 1 +11101101001 unemploymentinsurance 1 +11101101001 small-saver 1 +11101101001 insurance-stock 1 +11101101001 severance-incentive 1 +11101101001 Korea-oriented 1 +11101101001 ml 1 +11101101001 non-agriculture 1 +11101101001 late-paying 1 +11101101001 surrendered-profits 1 +11101101001 postal-insurance 1 +11101101001 PERS 1 +11101101001 crossfeed 1 +11101101001 lower-than-projected 1 +11101101001 wiped-out 1 +11101101001 towing-insurance 1 +11101101001 semi-open-end 1 +11101101001 multiple-asset 1 +11101101001 brokerdealer 1 +11101101001 sun-dazed 1 +11101101001 private-pension-plan 1 +11101101001 metal-heavy 1 +11101101001 sunflower-oil 1 +11101101001 computer-led 1 +11101101001 toconsolidated 1 +11101101001 still-vacationing 1 +11101101001 disaster-contingency 1 +11101101001 top-yielding 1 +11101101001 million-rand 1 +11101101001 TLC/McCall 1 +11101101001 shares-unlike 1 +11101101001 gimlet-eyed 1 +11101101001 incentive-compensation 1 +11101101001 extra-cautious 1 +11101101001 partner-benefits 1 +11101101001 capital-stock 1 +11101101001 secondary-reserve 1 +11101101001 clothes-horses 1 +11101101001 long-weekend 1 +11101101001 thrift-institutions 1 +11101101001 173,000-member 1 +11101101001 globalbond 1 +11101101001 trading-account 1 +11101101001 Mafia-tainted 1 +11101101001 1,542 1 +11101101001 25-performing 1 +11101101001 1,741 1 +11101101001 high-revenue 1 +11101101001 IRS-qualified 1 +11101101001 fad-conscious 1 +11101101001 private-syndication 1 +11101101001 Eqty 1 +11101101001 Panama-incorporated 1 +11101101001 safety-hazard 1 +11101101001 waste-anagement 1 +11101101001 already-authorized 1 +11101101001 savings-for-retirement 1 +11101101001 plant-extension 1 +11101101001 price-discount 1 +11101101001 Board-traded 1 +11101101001 airline-stock 1 +11101101001 2,161 1 +11101101001 12B-1 1 +11101101001 roadconstruction 1 +11101101001 strgglwithout 1 +11101101001 license-application 1 +11101101001 general-equity 1 +11101101001 individual-type 1 +11101101001 equity-income 1 +11101101001 minority-internship 1 +11101101001 air-interdiction 2 +11101101001 security-assistance 2 +11101101001 country-related 2 +11101101001 health-and-welfare 2 +11101101001 cash-type 2 +11101101001 U.S.-assisted 2 +11101101001 Iran-related 2 +11101101001 beguile 2 +11101101001 gardening-tool 2 +11101101001 openended 2 +11101101001 soil-conservation 2 +11101101001 lendable 2 +11101101001 round-lot 2 +11101101001 short-intermediate 2 +11101101001 payroll-savings 2 +11101101001 yield-seeking 2 +11101101001 savings-investment 2 +11101101001 abusive-shelter 2 +11101101001 company-stock 2 +11101101001 level-4 2 +11101101001 consumer-advocate 2 +11101101001 first-wave 2 +11101101001 loanable 2 +11101101001 stock-oriented 2 +11101101001 bonus-pay 2 +11101101001 flexible-benefit 2 +11101101001 338,528 2 +11101101001 yield-conscious 2 +11101101001 anti-drug-abuse 2 +11101101001 state-registered 2 +11101101001 donor-advised 2 +11101101001 housing-bond 2 +11101101001 unequal-voting-rights 2 +11101101001 contigency 2 +11101101001 aggressive-growth 2 +11101101001 energy-product 2 +11101101001 Idex 3 +11101101001 silver-mining 3 +11101101001 merger-speculating 3 +11101101001 unobligated 3 +11101101001 civil-servant 3 +11101101001 non-depository 3 +11101101001 tax-financed 3 +11101101001 unemployment-benefit 3 +11101101001 single-employer 3 +11101101001 high-expense 3 +11101101001 single-currency 3 +11101101001 computer-oriented 3 +11101101001 trusteed 3 +11101101001 credit-quality 3 +11101101001 employee-savings 3 +11101101001 non-rail 3 +11101101001 institutional-type 3 +11101101001 wire-maintenance 3 +11101101001 green-card 3 +11101101001 college-tuition 3 +11101101001 gold-stock 4 +11101101001 thrift-insurance 4 +11101101001 moneymarket 4 +11101101001 institutional-investor 4 +11101101001 employee-retirement 4 +11101101001 bank-insurance 4 +11101101001 yield-oriented 4 +11101101001 rainy-day 4 +11101101001 tax-managed 4 +11101101001 payroll-deduction 4 +11101101001 Inv 4 +11101101001 Fd 4 +11101101001 one-country 4 +11101101001 coal-related 4 +11101101001 energy-sector 4 +11101101001 salary-deferral 4 +11101101001 nonfederal 4 +11101101001 financial-statement 4 +11101101001 chart-related 4 +11101101001 tax-supported 5 +11101101001 limited-partner 5 +11101101001 growth-and-income 6 +11101101001 non-broadcasting 6 +11101101001 employee-stock 6 +11101101001 individual-investor 6 +11101101001 low-load 6 +11101101001 non-diversified 7 +11101101001 Tokkin 7 +11101101001 direct-marketed 7 +11101101001 broker/dealer 7 +11101101001 maruyu 7 +11101101001 multiemployer 8 +11101101001 seed-capital 8 +11101101001 investable 8 +11101101001 checking-account 8 +11101101001 option-income 8 +11101101001 directors-and-officers 9 +11101101001 multi-employer 9 +11101101001 merit-pay 10 +11101101001 deferred-compensation 10 +11101101001 broker-sold 11 +11101101001 capital-appreciation 11 +11101101001 season-ticket 11 +11101101001 rent-subsidy 13 +11101101001 buy-and-hold 13 +11101101001 growth-stock 13 +11101101001 government-plus 14 +11101101001 under-funded 14 +11101101001 defined-contribution 15 +11101101001 Pierpont 17 +11101101001 gold-oriented 17 +11101101001 gold-related 17 +11101101001 holding-company 20 +11101101001 revenue-sharing 21 +11101101001 public-employee 21 +11101101001 insurance-related 21 +11101101001 Erisa 23 +11101101001 defined-benefit 23 +11101101001 tokkin 25 +11101101001 slush 25 +11101101001 vulture 26 +11101101001 single-country 27 +11101101001 computer-guided 28 +11101101001 guaranty 28 +11101101001 employee-benefit 35 +11101101001 Keogh 36 +11101101001 computer-assisted 41 +11101101001 front-end 43 +11101101001 takeover-stock 43 +11101101001 computer-driven 44 +11101101001 tax-related 49 +11101101001 asset-allocation 50 +11101101001 arbitrage-related 61 +11101101001 general-purpose 84 +11101101001 futures-related 86 +11101101001 unfunded 86 +11101101001 open-end 92 +11101101001 12b-1 104 +11101101001 no-load 117 +11101101001 contingency 241 +11101101001 broker-dealer 263 +11101101001 sinking 468 +11101101001 money-market 493 +11101101001 closed-end 528 +11101101001 mutual 2752 +11101101001 institutional 2958 +11101101001 pension 3126 +111011010100 computer-colored 1 +111011010100 EPS. 1 +111011010100 2,419 1 +111011010100 JRMX. 1 +111011010100 grain-backed 1 +111011010100 cash-based 1 +111011010100 nonspouse 1 +111011010100 viticultural 1 +111011010100 nonsurvivable 1 +111011010100 consumer-repayment 1 +111011010100 obscure-sounding 1 +111011010100 Tryggwe 1 +111011010100 cyhexatin-related 1 +111011010100 long-settled 1 +111011010100 fraudulent-banking 1 +111011010100 copper-market 1 +111011010100 DOT. 1 +111011010100 campaign-money 1 +111011010100 rose-filtered 1 +111011010100 First-Quarter 1 +111011010100 Ex-Left 1 +111011010100 S&P-indexed 1 +111011010100 semi-tropical 1 +111011010100 388,988 1 +111011010100 share-fraud 1 +111011010100 celestial-based 1 +111011010100 test-related 1 +111011010100 nonassenting 1 +111011010100 equipment-trust 1 +111011010100 dark-red 1 +111011010100 circus-style 1 +111011010100 abuse-of-power 1 +111011010100 amyotrophic 1 +111011010100 bin-bursting 1 +111011010100 LV 1 +111011010100 Chikako 1 +111011010100 Visionary 1 +111011010100 oil-sand 1 +111011010100 multi-solid 1 +111011010100 Karl-Egmont 1 +111011010100 MMWEC. 1 +111011010100 plastic-production 1 +111011010100 chemical-biological-warfare 1 +111011010100 must-meet 1 +111011010100 radio-syndication 1 +111011010100 LEPYV. 1 +111011010100 venturous 1 +111011010100 unmanagerlike 1 +111011010100 supplier-dealer 1 +111011010100 vehicle-control 1 +111011010100 anti-sexist 1 +111011010100 organization-chart 1 +111011010100 oxydemetonmethyl 1 +111011010100 HDL. 1 +111011010100 Uniglobe 1 +111011010100 container-fleet 1 +111011010100 wellrecognized 1 +111011010100 pro-waterbed 1 +111011010100 verruga 1 +111011010100 142.97 1 +111011010100 market-representative 1 +111011010100 automotive-trade 1 +111011010100 noncomplying 1 +111011010100 Medicare-related 1 +111011010100 capacity-increasing 1 +111011010100 Consoldated 1 +111011010100 brand-rich 1 +111011010100 less-than-spotless 1 +111011010100 CMOS. 1 +111011010100 food-encrusted 1 +111011010100 WPPSS. 1 +111011010100 sovereign-related 1 +111011010100 non-timely 1 +111011010100 LCP. 1 +111011010100 Iranian-arms-sales 1 +111011010100 lowfat 1 +111011010100 cabinet-ranked 1 +111011010100 Britain-first 1 +111011010100 connective-tissue 1 +111011010100 Arendal 1 +111011010100 Mazda-designed 1 +111011010100 gay-activist 1 +111011010100 nontrading 1 +111011010100 Vinzenz 1 +111011010100 publicity-rabid 1 +111011010100 Cecilio 1 +111011010100 gold-bar 1 +111011010100 less-organized 1 +111011010100 777,824 1 +111011010100 Maruey 1 +111011010100 near-anarchic 1 +111011010100 Tansukh 1 +111011010100 stock-for-pay 1 +111011010100 guerrilla-organized 1 +111011010100 IFI. 1 +111011010100 reserves-accounting 1 +111011010100 Dugald 1 +111011010100 non-regional 1 +111011010100 production-credit 1 +111011010100 mango-growing 1 +111011010100 NECO. 1 +111011010100 method-instrument 1 +111011010100 7-foot-by-8-foot 1 +111011010100 lousy-quality 1 +111011010100 pre-washed 1 +111011010100 Kenju 1 +111011010100 fare/rate 1 +111011010100 swamp-for-swamp 1 +111011010100 March-June-September-December 1 +111011010100 DEARDEN 1 +111011010100 first-amendment 1 +111011010100 path-side 1 +111011010100 SNPE. 1 +111011010100 out-of-province 1 +111011010100 CHF. 1 +111011010100 schematized 1 +111011010100 anti-IRS 1 +111011010100 window-space 1 +111011010100 anti-maquiladora 1 +111011010100 EMS-related 1 +111011010100 investment-board 1 +111011010100 MOMA. 1 +111011010100 0.22834718 1 +111011010100 ever-more-expensive 1 +111011010100 Self-Help 1 +111011010100 149.98 1 +111011010100 lesshurried 1 +111011010100 progovernment 1 +111011010100 cash-funding 1 +111011010100 U.S.-devised 1 +111011010100 homebuying 1 +111011010100 non-communications 1 +111011010100 high-capital/high-technology 1 +111011010100 allgedly 1 +111011010100 water-buying 1 +111011010100 perked-up 1 +111011010100 economnic 1 +111011010100 apartment-building 1 +111011010100 STV. 1 +111011010100 GAAP-basis 1 +111011010100 ultra-hazardous 1 +111011010100 unpopulated 1 +111011010100 Solel 1 +111011010100 near-famine 1 +111011010100 NHLBI. 1 +111011010100 meu 1 +111011010100 watermain 1 +111011010100 near-subliminal 1 +111011010100 director-supported 1 +111011010100 gasu 1 +111011010100 heavy-oil-treatment 1 +111011010100 steel-flanged 1 +111011010100 work-crazed 1 +111011010100 near-malpractice 1 +111011010100 100-story-plus 1 +111011010100 risk-group 1 +111011010100 Jens-Jacob 1 +111011010100 now-standard 1 +111011010100 Bunjevacko 1 +111011010100 Hava 1 +111011010100 154,710 1 +111011010100 protectionism-minded 1 +111011010100 lesserknown 1 +111011010100 Impropriety 1 +111011010100 Phuopsis 1 +111011010100 Cynoglossum 1 +111011010100 consumer-buying 1 +111011010100 Gaishi 1 +111011010100 cetain 1 +111011010100 non-cancelable 1 +111011010100 Musicien 1 +111011010100 never-before-harvested 1 +111011010100 Claude-Eric 1 +111011010100 timeshare 1 +111011010100 Excelon 1 +111011010100 Fouquieria 1 +111011010100 Jean-Charles 1 +111011010100 hydrocodone 1 +111011010100 oil-gas 1 +111011010100 infared 1 +111011010100 mini-economic 1 +111011010100 Tempa 1 +111011010100 action-series 1 +111011010100 cermamic 1 +111011010100 Zyklon 1 +111011010100 mutual-to-stock 1 +111011010100 ades 1 +111011010100 now-grown-up 1 +111011010100 Andranik 1 +111011010100 waiver-sales 1 +111011010100 pimply 1 +111011010100 water-use 1 +111011010100 quality-of-care 1 +111011010100 8,503,401 1 +111011010100 aflatoxin-related 1 +111011010100 anti-Yank 1 +111011010100 Flaviano 1 +111011010100 gasoline-price 1 +111011010100 SILENT 1 +111011010100 key-financial 1 +111011010100 overpack 1 +111011010100 off-books 1 +111011010100 airport-crime 1 +111011010100 pre-pasted 1 +111011010100 Ballantine/Del 1 +111011010100 start-stop 1 +111011010100 course-proud 1 +111011010100 low-value-added 1 +111011010100 103-degree 1 +111011010100 junkfood 1 +111011010100 10.49-second 1 +111011010100 anti-deer 1 +111011010100 150-second 1 +111011010100 fine-line 1 +111011010100 betamethasone 1 +111011010100 sales-to-installation 1 +111011010100 debt-for-local-currency 1 +111011010100 Hidemori 1 +111011010100 anti-immigration 1 +111011010100 paperback-book 1 +111011010100 molto 1 +111011010100 side-loading 1 +111011010100 Ula 1 +111011010100 Gehl 1 +111011010100 monetary-damage 1 +111011010100 high-interestrate 1 +111011010100 2,677 1 +111011010100 nine-to-11-year 1 +111011010100 foreign-ordering 1 +111011010100 Zweet 1 +111011010100 Iso 1 +111011010100 Khateeb 1 +111011010100 F.P. 1 +111011010100 minor-brand 1 +111011010100 Mariann 1 +111011010100 Bridas 1 +111011010100 non-subcommittee 1 +111011010100 crude-market 1 +111011010100 Toufic 1 +111011010100 fund-objective 1 +111011010100 anti-Asia 1 +111011010100 all-Taiwanese 1 +111011010100 firstrefusal 1 +111011010100 reverse-reverse 1 +111011010100 bland-looking 1 +111011010100 massincineration 1 +111011010100 heritable 1 +111011010100 non-deposit 1 +111011010100 Hayati 1 +111011010100 RKO. 1 +111011010100 failed-thrift 1 +111011010100 Speen 1 +111011010100 more-recognizable 1 +111011010100 Ulisse 1 +111011010100 investment-club 1 +111011010100 Lythia 1 +111011010100 think-small 1 +111011010100 retirement-fund 2 +111011010100 income-capital 2 +111011010100 Tory-spawned 2 +111011010100 non-aircraft 2 +111011010100 retirement-related 2 +111011010100 single-page 2 +111011010100 IMA. 2 +111011010100 less-productive 2 +111011010100 VMX. 2 +111011010100 4,986 2 +111011010100 155,136 2 +111011010100 FHA. 2 +111011010100 GMAC. 2 +111011010100 liposome-encapsulated 2 +111011010100 corraling 2 +111011010100 productivity-based 2 +111011010100 meteorite 2 +111011010100 PDP 2 +111011010100 highpriced 2 +111011010100 AIL. 2 +111011010100 floor-broker 2 +111011010100 under-earning 2 +111011010100 2,876 2 +111011010100 near-weightless 2 +111011010100 drought-like 2 +111011010100 42,400 2 +111011010100 soup-and-sandwich 2 +111011010100 train-station 2 +111011010100 debt-for-debt 2 +111011010100 yield-curve 2 +111011010100 lower-sulfur 2 +111011010100 auto-defect 2 +111011010100 once-scorned 2 +111011010100 drought-disaster 2 +111011010100 EPIC. 2 +111011010100 soft-shoe 2 +111011010100 present-value 2 +111011010100 housing-project 2 +111011010100 IRI. 2 +111011010100 stock-margin 2 +111011010100 industrial-remediation 2 +111011010100 noncapital 2 +111011010100 RTE. 2 +111011010100 profit-related 2 +111011010100 MTV. 2 +111011010100 9,490 2 +111011010100 SAD. 2 +111011010100 2.4-year 2 +111011010100 enforcement-related 2 +111011010100 nonOPEC 2 +111011010100 Clyfford 2 +111011010100 long-festering 2 +111011010100 annuity-related 3 +111011010100 PNC. 3 +111011010100 NTT. 3 +111011010100 savings-account 3 +111011010100 performance-linked 3 +111011010100 market-leader 3 +111011010100 less-crowded 3 +111011010100 CIC. 3 +111011010100 safe-sex 3 +111011010100 NWA. 3 +111011010100 armed-forces 3 +111011010100 lease-related 3 +111011010100 SAS. 3 +111011010100 Ozar 3 +111011010100 IL-2/LAK 3 +111011010100 WTC. 3 +111011010100 less-traveled 3 +111011010100 KN. 3 +111011010100 MK. 3 +111011010100 sub-underwriting 3 +111011010100 UCLA. 3 +111011010100 non-inherited 3 +111011010100 brain-like 3 +111011010100 FBB 3 +111011010100 digitalized 3 +111011010100 drug-law 3 +111011010100 DWG. 3 +111011010100 15,400 3 +111011010100 CIT. 3 +111011010100 RCA. 3 +111011010100 station-wagon 3 +111011010100 peppery 3 +111011010100 Kit-Kat 3 +111011010100 subhuman 4 +111011010100 THA. 4 +111011010100 underproductive 4 +111011010100 KDI. 4 +111011010100 pre-determined 4 +111011010100 HBO. 4 +111011010100 later-model 4 +111011010100 private-plane 4 +111011010100 CNN. 4 +111011010100 Pritikin 4 +111011010100 expiration-related 4 +111011010100 non-asbestos 4 +111011010100 ITT. 4 +111011010100 RICO. 5 +111011010100 more-specific 5 +111011010100 cubistic 5 +111011010100 AMR. 5 +111011010100 more-attractive 5 +111011010100 MCA. 5 +111011010100 NEC. 5 +111011010100 unpledged 5 +111011010100 cinder 5 +111011010100 MITI. 6 +111011010100 nonearning 6 +111011010100 overgenerous 6 +111011010100 WPP. 6 +111011010100 NASA. 6 +111011010100 low-frequency 7 +111011010100 Seoul-based 7 +111011010100 safety-sensitive 7 +111011010100 inventory-related 7 +111011010100 ABC. 8 +111011010100 USG. 8 +111011010100 UAL. 9 +111011010100 non-earning 9 +111011010100 GE. 9 +111011010100 less-stringent 9 +111011010100 AMC. 10 +111011010100 TWA. 10 +111011010100 non-trade 10 +111011010100 CBS. 11 +111011010100 non-monetary 11 +111011010100 NATO. 11 +111011010100 boom-bust 11 +111011010100 hemorrhagic 12 +111011010100 RJR. 12 +111011010100 NBC. 12 +111011010100 inflation-linked 12 +111011010100 non-steel 13 +111011010100 EDS. 13 +111011010100 cataract 14 +111011010100 intercepting 14 +111011010100 OPEC. 16 +111011010100 TPA. 18 +111011010100 non-strategic 25 +111011010100 GM. 35 +111011010100 IBM. 44 +111011010100 certain 11687 +111011010100 AIDS. 102 +111011010101 accrued-interest 1 +111011010101 10,144 1 +111011010101 2,953 1 +111011010101 3,089 1 +111011010101 red-tiled 1 +111011010101 pipe-fabrication 1 +111011010101 aerospace-engineering 1 +111011010101 wood-cribbed 1 +111011010101 odd-sounding 1 +111011010101 dining-hall 1 +111011010101 weird-shaped 1 +111011010101 U.S.-Asia 1 +111011010101 inappropriate-sized 1 +111011010101 mobile-home-related 1 +111011010101 shareholder-enhancement 1 +111011010101 1,099,798 1 +111011010101 1,100,710 1 +111011010101 medium-lifting 1 +111011010101 nondiplomatic 1 +111011010101 oatmeal-colored 1 +111011010101 hard-to-staff 1 +111011010101 mini-photoprocessing 1 +111011010101 work-limiting 1 +111011010101 Medusoid 1 +111011010101 traffic-jammed 1 +111011010101 MAINTENANCE 1 +111011010101 commercial-perfect 1 +111011010101 11th-graders 1 +111011010101 short-handled 1 +111011010101 well-charted 1 +111011010101 city-regulated 1 +111011010101 CIA-created 1 +111011010101 single-site 1 +111011010101 union-dominated 1 +111011010101 company-underwritten 1 +111011010101 employee-communications 1 +111011010101 double-thick 1 +111011010101 institute-supported 1 +111011010101 squamous-cell 1 +111011010101 NASA-controlled 1 +111011010101 metal-lined 1 +111011010101 one-paper 1 +111011010101 incomplet 1 +111011010101 high-threat 1 +111011010101 English-sounding 1 +111011010101 2,674 1 +111011010101 2,348 1 +111011010101 slowg-rowth 1 +111011010101 more-authoritarian 1 +111011010101 used-bicycle 1 +111011010101 IBM-oriented 1 +111011010101 2,359 1 +111011010101 3,178 1 +111011010101 coal-firing 1 +111011010101 181.28 1 +111011010101 low-to-the-ground 1 +111011010101 oxidizable 1 +111011010101 long-prohibited 1 +111011010101 Russian-sounding 1 +111011010101 non-commodity 1 +111011010101 post-position 1 +111011010101 export-producing 1 +111011010101 satellite-programming 1 +111011010101 basemetal 1 +111011010101 bladdercell 1 +111011010101 29,566 1 +111011010101 reality-altering 1 +111011010101 unprofitabile 1 +111011010101 tiki 1 +111011010101 electricity-related 1 +111011010101 flipper-like 1 +111011010101 154.57 1 +111011010101 108.42 1 +111011010101 across-the-border 1 +111011010101 fasttrack 1 +111011010101 52.39 1 +111011010101 anti-BGH 1 +111011010101 25.51 1 +111011010101 apres-bowling 1 +111011010101 drought-weakened 1 +111011010101 groovy 1 +111011010101 back-care 1 +111011010101 official-sounding 1 +111011010101 228,876,684 1 +111011010101 stronger-growth 1 +111011010101 non-automobile 1 +111011010101 popout 1 +111011010101 M-word 1 +111011010101 professional-interest 1 +111011010101 intermediate-octane 1 +111011010101 flour-sack 1 +111011010101 Gladiator 1 +111011010101 upfor 1 +111011010101 stillfond 1 +111011010101 horse-related 1 +111011010101 maufacturing 1 +111011010101 trade-destruction 1 +111011010101 meadowlarks 1 +111011010101 pattern-recognition 2 +111011010101 ultra-pasteurized 2 +111011010101 GM-owned 2 +111011010101 early-spring 2 +111011010101 supraventricular 2 +111011010101 587.50 2 +111011010101 plutonium-powered 2 +111011010101 takeover-oriented 2 +111011010101 less-famous 2 +111011010101 low-security 2 +111011010101 mass-mailing 2 +111011010101 EPA-licensed 2 +111011010101 low-loss 2 +111011010101 grain-handling 2 +111011010101 malcontented 2 +111011010101 non-timber 2 +111011010101 short-stay 2 +111011010101 publicsector 2 +111011010101 AIDS-patient 2 +111011010101 emery 2 +111011010101 13,666 2 +111011010101 899,000 2 +111011010101 cloud-shrouded 2 +111011010101 large-block 2 +111011010101 1,597 2 +111011010101 ethnocentric 2 +111011010101 bomb-sniffing 2 +111011010101 unsinged 2 +111011010101 11,815 2 +111011010101 149,750 2 +111011010101 over-enthusiastic 2 +111011010101 teachers-union 2 +111011010101 single-payment 2 +111011010101 modest-income 2 +111011010101 ERROR 3 +111011010101 spruced-up 3 +111011010101 higher-valued 3 +111011010101 overactive 3 +111011010101 tax-driven 3 +111011010101 bomb-plant 3 +111011010101 under-30 3 +111011010101 job-application 3 +111011010101 22,200 3 +111011010101 advanced-degree 3 +111011010101 in-air 3 +111011010101 computer-operated 3 +111011010101 1,379 3 +111011010101 data-storing 3 +111011010101 acquiescent 3 +111011010101 air-courier 3 +111011010101 banking-deregulation 3 +111011010101 commodity-related 3 +111011010101 two-headed 3 +111011010101 bottom-of-the-barrel 3 +111011010101 often-criticized 3 +111011010101 low-earning 3 +111011010101 undiscounted 3 +111011010101 incentive-based 3 +111011010101 music-loving 3 +111011010101 odd-shaped 3 +111011010101 materials-related 3 +111011010101 low-cal 3 +111011010101 2,562 3 +111011010101 non-professional 3 +111011010101 non-Renault 3 +111011010101 basic-industry 3 +111011010101 400-odd 3 +111011010101 lesser-quality 3 +111011010101 stick-figure 3 +111011010101 profit-squeezing 3 +111011010101 wind-borne 3 +111011010101 yield-hungry 3 +111011010101 farm-worker 4 +111011010101 knowledge-intensive 4 +111011010101 luxury-box 4 +111011010101 food-poisoning 4 +111011010101 airline-related 4 +111011010101 low-performing 4 +111011010101 bricks-and-mortar 4 +111011010101 campaign-related 4 +111011010101 high-hazard 4 +111011010101 tsetse 4 +111011010101 non-Medicare 4 +111011010101 government-provided 4 +111011010101 interpretative 4 +111011010101 management-level 4 +111011010101 non-native 4 +111011010101 Comoran 4 +111011010101 hypertensive 4 +111011010101 unhip 4 +111011010101 American-Israeli 4 +111011010101 less-busy 4 +111011010101 women-owned 4 +111011010101 1983-1986 4 +111011010101 property-related 4 +111011010101 ill-designed 4 +111011010101 coal-producing 4 +111011010101 photo-taking 4 +111011010101 red-blood-cell 4 +111011010101 buy-and-sell 4 +111011010101 airline-scheduling 4 +111011010101 bank-related 4 +111011010101 better-paid 4 +111011010101 unaccounted-for 4 +111011010101 green-eyeshade 4 +111011010101 non-resident 4 +111011010101 school-based 4 +111011010101 inside-information 5 +111011010101 palm-sized 5 +111011010101 big-bucks 5 +111011010101 Europe-based 5 +111011010101 recombinant-DNA 5 +111011010101 high-bracket 5 +111011010101 inflation-wary 5 +111011010101 entertainment-related 5 +111011010101 drought-affected 5 +111011010101 trouser 5 +111011010101 non-affiliated 5 +111011010101 trade-distorting 5 +111011010101 business-ethics 5 +111011010101 land-related 5 +111011010101 consumer-backed 5 +111011010101 copper-using 5 +111011010101 high-spending 5 +111011010101 soulless 5 +111011010101 Evanite 5 +111011010101 already-weak 5 +111011010101 Greco-Roman 5 +111011010101 antibacterial 5 +111011010101 local-market 5 +111011010101 dividend-oriented 6 +111011010101 paid-for 6 +111011010101 unmade 6 +111011010101 video-related 6 +111011010101 unimagined 6 +111011010101 exisiting 6 +111011010101 domestic-oriented 6 +111011010101 made-to-order 6 +111011010101 non-Marxist 7 +111011010101 intersecting 7 +111011010101 more-profitable 7 +111011010101 auto-related 7 +111011010101 late-arriving 7 +111011010101 lower-tier 7 +111011010101 retirement-plan 7 +111011010101 nonmanagement 7 +111011010101 noblesse 8 +111011010101 home-country 8 +111011010101 frequent-stay 8 +111011010101 nonutility 8 +111011010101 small-ticket 8 +111011010101 non-insurance 8 +111011010101 unallocated 9 +111011010101 ever-rising 9 +111011010101 interest-paying 9 +111011010101 state-level 9 +111011010101 food-related 9 +111011010101 nonbanking 9 +111011010101 oil-supply 10 +111011010101 inflation-sensitive 10 +111011010101 less-sophisticated 10 +111011010101 nonagricultural 10 +111011010101 foreign-held 10 +111011010101 non-tax 11 +111011010101 high-rate 12 +111011010101 small-lot 12 +111011010101 application-specific 12 +111011010101 HUD-related 12 +111011010101 tax-paying 13 +111011010101 unreimbursed 13 +111011010101 unrated 13 +111011010101 double-A-rated 13 +111011010101 less-profitable 13 +111011010101 Argentinian 14 +111011010101 nonprofessional 14 +111011010101 1984-1986 14 +111011010101 highest-quality 15 +111011010101 menial 16 +111011010101 deep-pocketed 16 +111011010101 job-hunting 16 +111011010101 import-battered 17 +111011010101 expansion-minded 17 +111011010101 unsubsidized 18 +111011010101 top-grade 19 +111011010101 old-age 21 +111011010101 intercompany 21 +111011010101 W-2 22 +111011010101 higher-cost 22 +111011010101 big-company 22 +111011010101 hard-to-get 23 +111011010101 czarist 24 +111011010101 emergency-room 24 +111011010101 sundry 24 +111011010101 out-of-the-way 25 +111011010101 dollar-based 25 +111011010101 oil-related 25 +111011010101 higher-margin 26 +111011010101 index-arbitrage 27 +111011010101 nonessential 29 +111011010101 dual-class 29 +111011010101 undated 30 +111011010101 non-traditional 30 +111011010101 export-related 30 +111011010101 up-and-coming 31 +111011010101 out-of-favor 32 +111011010101 consumer-related 33 +111011010101 drought-stricken 33 +111011010101 off-the-shelf 33 +111011010101 in-state 33 +111011010101 eyewitness 34 +111011010101 income-producing 35 +111011010101 ancillary 36 +111011010101 in-store 38 +111011010101 health-related 44 +111011010101 add-on 44 +111011010101 out-of-town 45 +111011010101 higher-yielding 49 +111011010101 absentee 49 +111011010101 triple-A-rated 50 +111011010101 odd-lot 53 +111011010101 upper-income 64 +111011010101 interest-bearing 65 +111011010101 PCW 66 +111011010101 unscrupulous 70 +111011010101 overlapping 82 +111011010101 unreported 84 +111011010101 small-company 92 +111011010101 takeover-related 97 +111011010101 high-income 99 +111011010101 assorted 105 +111011010101 unregistered 109 +111011010101 entry-level 114 +111011010101 offending 124 +111011010101 unused 136 +111011010101 high-cost 146 +111011010101 incoming 160 +111011010101 parental 182 +111011010101 uninsured 194 +111011010101 AIDS-related 205 +111011010101 respective 235 +111011010101 varying 263 +111011010101 unpaid 323 +111011010101 ordinary 976 +111011010101 existing 3620 +111011010101 various 4083 +111011010101 individual 4376 +1110110101100 waterplane 1 +1110110101100 44-page 1 +1110110101100 Espectacular 1 +1110110101100 burger-and-fries 1 +1110110101100 jewlery 1 +1110110101100 750,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 main-growing 1 +1110110101100 Claridge-related 1 +1110110101100 memento-crammed 1 +1110110101100 fraudulent-shelter 1 +1110110101100 trash-filled 1 +1110110101100 121-story 1 +1110110101100 RENAMO-held 1 +1110110101100 marriage-match 1 +1110110101100 energy-dependant 1 +1110110101100 welfare-supported 1 +1110110101100 17th-floor 1 +1110110101100 publisher-owned 1 +1110110101100 lumber-company 1 +1110110101100 Whitehall-chosen 1 +1110110101100 Disciple-controlled 1 +1110110101100 too-lavish 1 +1110110101100 34-foot 1 +1110110101100 structural-engineering 1 +1110110101100 black-targeted 1 +1110110101100 Democrat-appointed 1 +1110110101100 drug-chase 1 +1110110101100 copyright-protected 1 +1110110101100 Chun-related 1 +1110110101100 strifetorn 1 +1110110101100 flood-affected 1 +1110110101100 higher-growth 1 +1110110101100 volume-sensitive 1 +1110110101100 racketeering-related 1 +1110110101100 hot-spring 1 +1110110101100 slum-clearance 1 +1110110101100 250-unit 1 +1110110101100 import-sales 1 +1110110101100 player-movement 1 +1110110101100 Digital-compatible 1 +1110110101100 AdWeek 1 +1110110101100 once-disputed 1 +1110110101100 Brookhollow 1 +1110110101100 production-related 1 +1110110101100 36-floor 1 +1110110101100 A340-300 1 +1110110101100 highest-need 1 +1110110101100 muststock 1 +1110110101100 contract-fraud 1 +1110110101100 Benetton-approved 1 +1110110101100 Stikapig 1 +1110110101100 fastest-moving 1 +1110110101100 non-image 1 +1110110101100 body-image 1 +1110110101100 more-standard 1 +1110110101100 low-competition 1 +1110110101100 semiarid 1 +1110110101100 American-market 1 +1110110101100 20-unit 1 +1110110101100 movie-processing 1 +1110110101100 asbestosinjury 1 +1110110101100 71-story 1 +1110110101100 Propa 1 +1110110101100 disease-based 1 +1110110101100 consumer-aid 1 +1110110101100 higher-asset 1 +1110110101100 development-park 1 +1110110101100 data-voice 1 +1110110101100 rebel-occupied 1 +1110110101100 RENAMO-controlled 1 +1110110101100 1,819 1 +1110110101100 Overdrive 1 +1110110101100 Pentagon-related 1 +1110110101100 FBI-related 1 +1110110101100 pesticide-poisoning 1 +1110110101100 Visao 1 +1110110101100 cable-connected 1 +1110110101100 12th-floor 1 +1110110101100 custom-framing 1 +1110110101100 computerizes 1 +1110110101100 lesser-level-of-care 1 +1110110101100 policy-study 1 +1110110101100 cola-war 1 +1110110101100 fiberoptics 1 +1110110101100 square-meal 1 +1110110101100 Conservative-led 1 +1110110101100 resource-producing 1 +1110110101100 often-corrupt 1 +1110110101100 44,757 1 +1110110101100 abestos-related 1 +1110110101100 250-year-old 1 +1110110101100 more-populous 1 +1110110101100 non-beef 1 +1110110101100 Levine/Boesky 1 +1110110101100 four-square-mile 1 +1110110101100 basic-technology 1 +1110110101100 high-need 1 +1110110101100 Western-connected 1 +1110110101100 market-sweep 1 +1110110101100 Galanis-related 1 +1110110101100 mustier 1 +1110110101100 240,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 academic-scientific 1 +1110110101100 overearnest 1 +1110110101100 111,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 nonforested 1 +1110110101100 sugar-and-spice 1 +1110110101100 PayPhone 1 +1110110101100 murkiest 1 +1110110101100 basic-skills 1 +1110110101100 non-primary 1 +1110110101100 Norwegian-flag 1 +1110110101100 on-staff 1 +1110110101100 brown-and-green 1 +1110110101100 UMNO-controlled 1 +1110110101100 national-constituency 1 +1110110101100 old-law 1 +1110110101100 mishandle 1 +1110110101100 restaurant/brew 1 +1110110101100 nonequity 1 +1110110101100 Jordan-Israeli 1 +1110110101100 fish-producing 1 +1110110101100 gene-research 1 +1110110101100 pension-funded 1 +1110110101100 58-story 1 +1110110101100 225,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 drive-landing 1 +1110110101100 coat-check 1 +1110110101100 Italian-design 1 +1110110101100 900-room 1 +1110110101100 plant-care 1 +1110110101100 72-story 1 +1110110101100 riot-torn 1 +1110110101100 muscle-wasting 1 +1110110101100 hot-bonded 1 +1110110101100 trail-side 1 +1110110101100 Off-Road 1 +1110110101100 lantern-decked 1 +1110110101100 790-foot 1 +1110110101100 hard-goods 1 +1110110101100 rurul 1 +1110110101100 employee-injury 1 +1110110101100 64,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 non-Slavic 1 +1110110101100 244-unit 1 +1110110101100 unmowed 1 +1110110101100 race-bias 1 +1110110101100 domestic/economic 1 +1110110101100 less-complicated 1 +1110110101100 broad-line 1 +1110110101100 gray-glass 1 +1110110101100 72-unit 1 +1110110101100 mouth-filling 1 +1110110101100 2.2-million-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 chronic-call 1 +1110110101100 cafe-verite 1 +1110110101100 Kuwaiti-backed 1 +1110110101100 130-lawyer 1 +1110110101100 hospitality-industry 1 +1110110101100 six-bottle 1 +1110110101100 fourroom 1 +1110110101100 Harrowsmith 1 +1110110101100 shark-like 1 +1110110101100 inheritable 1 +1110110101100 flight-critical 1 +1110110101100 panic-stop 1 +1110110101100 711,000-square-foot 1 +1110110101100 eye-destroying 1 +1110110101100 steering-motor 1 +1110110101100 non-merchandise 1 +1110110101100 worm-producing 1 +1110110101100 medical-licensing 1 +1110110101100 non-gallery 1 +1110110101100 SportStyle 1 +1110110101100 Jordonelle 1 +1110110101100 blood-system 1 +1110110101100 corngrowing 1 +1110110101100 2,400-acre 2 +1110110101100 orange-producing 2 +1110110101100 Dignity-sponsored 2 +1110110101100 seventh-century 2 +1110110101100 jerry-rigged 2 +1110110101100 38,000-barrel-a-day 2 +1110110101100 30-man 2 +1110110101100 paperwhite 2 +1110110101100 more-distant 2 +1110110101100 insect-borne 2 +1110110101100 516-room 2 +1110110101100 272-unit 2 +1110110101100 non-vaccinated 2 +1110110101100 non-narrative 2 +1110110101100 plant-breeding 2 +1110110101100 jumped-up 2 +1110110101100 mountain-ringed 2 +1110110101100 scalloped 2 +1110110101100 must-read 2 +1110110101100 seafront 2 +1110110101100 plate-shaped 2 +1110110101100 fruiting 2 +1110110101100 white-collar-crime 2 +1110110101100 150-story 2 +1110110101100 Druze-controlled 2 +1110110101100 untargeted 2 +1110110101100 policyholder-owned 2 +1110110101100 higher-security 2 +1110110101100 long-barreled 2 +1110110101100 75-foot 2 +1110110101100 102-room 2 +1110110101100 5,000-room 2 +1110110101100 tourist-conscious 2 +1110110101100 special-effects-laden 2 +1110110101100 stock-quotation 2 +1110110101100 insurance-coverage 2 +1110110101100 special-event 2 +1110110101100 yellow-and-white 2 +1110110101100 parochial-school 2 +1110110101100 sex-addled 2 +1110110101100 fleet-sales 2 +1110110101100 white-elephant 2 +1110110101100 Disney-related 2 +1110110101100 helicopter-borne 2 +1110110101100 military-procurement 2 +1110110101100 sex-harassment 2 +1110110101100 TV-show 2 +1110110101100 600-square-foot 2 +1110110101100 Ethiopian-controlled 2 +1110110101100 medical-industry 2 +1110110101100 one-slide 2 +1110110101100 conference-call 2 +1110110101100 city-hall 2 +1110110101100 Oiga 2 +1110110101100 nonclassified 2 +1110110101100 city-run 2 +1110110101100 food-preparation 2 +1110110101100 4,500-square-foot 2 +1110110101100 metal-mesh 2 +1110110101100 blankety-blank 2 +1110110101100 FDIC-controlled 2 +1110110101100 already-developed 2 +1110110101100 warbird 2 +1110110101100 pesticide-use 2 +1110110101100 middleclass 2 +1110110101100 cholesterol-related 2 +1110110101100 multiple-use 2 +1110110101100 neuromuscular 2 +1110110101100 company-controlled 2 +1110110101100 high-exposure 2 +1110110101100 non-metropolitan 2 +1110110101100 multiethnic 2 +1110110101100 28-inch 2 +1110110101100 downtown-Tokyo 2 +1110110101100 mass-injury 2 +1110110101100 ultra-modern 2 +1110110101100 frontier-era 2 +1110110101100 glass-and-steel 2 +1110110101100 all-suites 2 +1110110101100 open-bar 2 +1110110101100 non-speech 2 +1110110101100 Sacramento-area 2 +1110110101100 noncompeting 2 +1110110101100 car-buff 2 +1110110101100 three-foot-high 2 +1110110101100 nerve-cell 2 +1110110101100 steel-and-glass 2 +1110110101100 inshore 2 +1110110101100 one-chair 2 +1110110101100 water-stained 2 +1110110101100 multivendor 2 +1110110101100 valorous 2 +1110110101100 mission-style 2 +1110110101100 soot-covered 2 +1110110101100 Asian-language 2 +1110110101100 central-city 2 +1110110101100 mixed-doubles 2 +1110110101100 toilet-seat 2 +1110110101100 4,355 2 +1110110101100 cocoa-producing 2 +1110110101100 slushy 2 +1110110101100 39-story 2 +1110110101100 non-acute 2 +1110110101100 new-high 2 +1110110101100 Chinese-owned 2 +1110110101100 phone-worker 2 +1110110101100 often-inefficient 2 +1110110101100 conservation-minded 2 +1110110101100 nitrogen-oxygen 2 +1110110101100 pro-capitalist 2 +1110110101100 enteric 3 +1110110101100 Reno-based 3 +1110110101100 horsebreeding 3 +1110110101100 cancer-research 3 +1110110101100 vacuum-tube 3 +1110110101100 disproportionate-share 3 +1110110101100 25-story 3 +1110110101100 Punjabi 3 +1110110101100 heart-failure 3 +1110110101100 advertiser-sponsored 3 +1110110101100 low-turnout 3 +1110110101100 salmon-colored 3 +1110110101100 pre-rock 3 +1110110101100 capital-rich 3 +1110110101100 financial-district 3 +1110110101100 Brazil-based 3 +1110110101100 20-lawyer 3 +1110110101100 noncriminal 3 +1110110101100 rice-producing 3 +1110110101100 109-year-old 3 +1110110101100 2,493 3 +1110110101100 grain-elevator 3 +1110110101100 46-story 3 +1110110101100 rear-window 3 +1110110101100 drug-abusing 3 +1110110101100 600-room 3 +1110110101100 600,000-square-foot 3 +1110110101100 brother-sister 3 +1110110101100 Lebanese-born 3 +1110110101100 daily-wear 3 +1110110101100 west-side 3 +1110110101100 non-safety 3 +1110110101100 beachside 3 +1110110101100 Fenway 3 +1110110101100 gas-rich 3 +1110110101100 35-story 3 +1110110101100 midtown-Manhattan 3 +1110110101100 stock-analysis 3 +1110110101100 Soviet-equipped 3 +1110110101100 tuxedo-rental 3 +1110110101100 chromatic 3 +1110110101100 heavy-manufacturing 3 +1110110101100 network-owned 3 +1110110101100 crustacean 3 +1110110101100 life-destroying 3 +1110110101100 brick-and-mortar 3 +1110110101100 dogmeat 3 +1110110101100 equal-access 3 +1110110101100 red-and-black 3 +1110110101100 fast-lane 3 +1110110101100 detente-type 3 +1110110101100 Korean-language 3 +1110110101100 less-regulated 3 +1110110101100 paper-mill 3 +1110110101100 wide-screen 3 +1110110101100 riparian 3 +1110110101100 70-person 3 +1110110101100 fishing-tackle 3 +1110110101100 current-affairs 3 +1110110101100 nuclear-weapons-free 3 +1110110101100 1,753 3 +1110110101100 3,562 3 +1110110101100 agave 3 +1110110101100 bond-bank 4 +1110110101100 Flemish-speaking 4 +1110110101100 innercity 4 +1110110101100 39th-floor 4 +1110110101100 Portuguese-language 4 +1110110101100 semi-arid 4 +1110110101100 well-lighted 4 +1110110101100 colonial-style 4 +1110110101100 twice-monthly 4 +1110110101100 fecund 4 +1110110101100 4,000-room 4 +1110110101100 en-route 4 +1110110101100 grand-scale 4 +1110110101100 high-turnover 4 +1110110101100 high-ticket 4 +1110110101100 compacted 4 +1110110101100 oil-soaked 4 +1110110101100 pro-free-trade 4 +1110110101100 light-infantry 4 +1110110101100 tree-shaded 4 +1110110101100 shallow-water 4 +1110110101100 prep-school 4 +1110110101100 innocent-looking 4 +1110110101100 Tremont 4 +1110110101100 felonious 4 +1110110101100 shoulder-held 4 +1110110101100 customer-owned 4 +1110110101100 sign-language 4 +1110110101100 non-dominant 4 +1110110101100 archetypical 4 +1110110101100 mammary 4 +1110110101100 pink-collar 4 +1110110101100 herbaceous 4 +1110110101100 well-practiced 4 +1110110101100 41-story 4 +1110110101100 legal-aid 4 +1110110101100 one-horse 4 +1110110101100 smaller-sized 4 +1110110101100 fire-department 4 +1110110101100 commercial-industrial 4 +1110110101100 job-hungry 4 +1110110101100 sex-oriented 4 +1110110101100 Labor-led 4 +1110110101100 bigticket 4 +1110110101100 timeworn 4 +1110110101100 90-seat 4 +1110110101100 smoggy 4 +1110110101100 43-story 4 +1110110101100 private-duty 4 +1110110101100 military-controlled 4 +1110110101100 anti-West 4 +1110110101100 12-story 4 +1110110101100 pyramid-shaped 5 +1110110101100 imitative 5 +1110110101100 single-room-occupancy 5 +1110110101100 24-story 5 +1110110101100 members-only 5 +1110110101100 information-based 5 +1110110101100 non-productive 5 +1110110101100 Denver-area 5 +1110110101100 commercial-airline 5 +1110110101100 non-sports 5 +1110110101100 middle-priced 5 +1110110101100 steel-using 5 +1110110101100 controlled-circulation 5 +1110110101100 blood-red 5 +1110110101100 long-ailing 5 +1110110101100 tri-state 5 +1110110101100 non-merger 5 +1110110101100 U.S.-registered 5 +1110110101100 70-story 5 +1110110101100 14-story 5 +1110110101100 soft-core 5 +1110110101100 64-page 5 +1110110101100 30,000-square-foot 5 +1110110101100 search-and-rescue 5 +1110110101100 small-screen 5 +1110110101100 blood-bank 5 +1110110101100 Gutenberg 5 +1110110101100 sugar-growing 5 +1110110101100 niche-market 5 +1110110101100 near-shore 5 +1110110101100 40-story 5 +1110110101100 greyhound 5 +1110110101100 member-firm 5 +1110110101100 seedless 5 +1110110101100 heavy-oil 5 +1110110101100 fifth-floor 6 +1110110101100 foodstuff 6 +1110110101100 down-at-the-heels 6 +1110110101100 personal-finance 6 +1110110101100 Marcos-era 6 +1110110101100 300-seat 6 +1110110101100 burnt-out 6 +1110110101100 nine-hole 6 +1110110101100 Andalusian 6 +1110110101100 nuclear-weapon 6 +1110110101100 quick-service 6 +1110110101100 basic-research 6 +1110110101100 gynecologic 6 +1110110101100 defense-oriented 6 +1110110101100 postgraduate 6 +1110110101100 U-shaped 6 +1110110101100 34-story 6 +1110110101100 school-board 6 +1110110101100 consumer-owned 6 +1110110101100 government-created 6 +1110110101100 early-childhood 6 +1110110101100 more-traditional 6 +1110110101100 hard-luck 6 +1110110101100 fortresslike 6 +1110110101100 junior-high 6 +1110110101100 lower-ranked 6 +1110110101100 half-built 6 +1110110101100 energy-dependent 6 +1110110101100 unbuilt 6 +1110110101100 day-old 7 +1110110101100 store-bought 7 +1110110101100 fourth-floor 7 +1110110101100 42-story 7 +1110110101100 medium-security 7 +1110110101100 lawless 7 +1110110101100 more-competitive 7 +1110110101100 remotest 7 +1110110101100 food-product 7 +1110110101100 family-style 7 +1110110101100 sloe-eyed 7 +1110110101100 400-room 7 +1110110101100 Hispanic-owned 7 +1110110101100 blood-borne 7 +1110110101100 art-deco 7 +1110110101100 giant-screen 7 +1110110101100 10-acre 7 +1110110101100 seventh-floor 7 +1110110101100 state-licensed 7 +1110110101100 flight-attendant 7 +1110110101100 resource-based 7 +1110110101100 Dallas-area 7 +1110110101100 state-based 7 +1110110101100 antebellum 7 +1110110101100 less-efficient 7 +1110110101100 300-room 7 +1110110101100 gull-wing 7 +1110110101100 large-size 7 +1110110101100 paneled 8 +1110110101100 Minneapolis-area 8 +1110110101100 spring-training 8 +1110110101100 ocean-front 8 +1110110101100 alpine 8 +1110110101100 prefectural 8 +1110110101100 baggage-claim 8 +1110110101100 galactic 8 +1110110101100 adrenal 8 +1110110101100 mass-media 8 +1110110101100 2,487 8 +1110110101100 high-traffic 8 +1110110101100 Houston-area 8 +1110110101100 12,000-acre 8 +1110110101100 orange-growing 8 +1110110101100 military-dominated 8 +1110110101100 nonreligious 9 +1110110101100 cocoa-growing 9 +1110110101100 mass-circulation 9 +1110110101100 church-sponsored 9 +1110110101100 wine-making 9 +1110110101100 white-dominated 9 +1110110101100 non-supervisory 9 +1110110101100 loan-production 9 +1110110101100 corporate-owned 9 +1110110101100 plain-paper 9 +1110110101100 cold-weather 9 +1110110101100 base-metal 9 +1110110101100 Montreal-area 9 +1110110101100 Dutch-speaking 9 +1110110101100 citrus-growing 9 +1110110101100 non-market 9 +1110110101100 dead-mail 9 +1110110101100 90-degree 9 +1110110101100 better-heeled 9 +1110110101100 car-haul 9 +1110110101100 riverside 10 +1110110101100 99-cent 10 +1110110101100 non-commercial 10 +1110110101100 pro-Israeli 10 +1110110101100 all-sports 10 +1110110101100 20-inch 10 +1110110101100 housing-related 11 +1110110101100 low-lying 11 +1110110101100 left-of-center 11 +1110110101100 drive-through 11 +1110110101100 French-language 11 +1110110101100 four-story 11 +1110110101100 four-bedroom 11 +1110110101100 60-story 11 +1110110101100 state-financed 11 +1110110101100 19-inch 11 +1110110101100 taxpayer-financed 11 +1110110101100 nonunionized 11 +1110110101100 botanical 11 +1110110101100 consumerist 12 +1110110101100 hot-pot 12 +1110110101100 non-department 12 +1110110101100 Miami-area 12 +1110110101100 unaccredited 12 +1110110101100 Japanese-language 12 +1110110101100 blood-clotting 12 +1110110101100 high-altitude 12 +1110110101100 ground-floor 13 +1110110101100 Mexican-style 13 +1110110101100 Mexican-food 13 +1110110101100 more-open 13 +1110110101100 European-based 13 +1110110101100 warm-water 13 +1110110101100 war-ravaged 13 +1110110101100 Philadelphia-area 14 +1110110101100 non-UAW 14 +1110110101100 improvisational 14 +1110110101100 marshy 14 +1110110101100 Chinese-language 14 +1110110101100 budget-conscious 14 +1110110101100 one-story 14 +1110110101100 four-room 14 +1110110101100 communicable 14 +1110110101100 land-grant 15 +1110110101100 republican 15 +1110110101100 death-row 15 +1110110101100 micro 16 +1110110101100 two-room 16 +1110110101100 red-brick 16 +1110110101100 earthen 16 +1110110101100 home-state 17 +1110110101100 sugar-cane 17 +1110110101100 post-secondary 17 +1110110101100 beachfront 18 +1110110101100 comic-book 18 +1110110101100 Masonic 18 +1110110101100 multicolored 19 +1110110101100 three-star 19 +1110110101100 sit-down 19 +1110110101100 12-inch 19 +1110110101100 low-fare 19 +1110110101100 second-floor 19 +1110110101100 obsessive-compulsive 19 +1110110101100 quasi-governmental 20 +1110110101100 minimum-security 20 +1110110101100 male-dominated 20 +1110110101100 senior-citizen 20 +1110110101100 Reagan-appointed 20 +1110110101100 ornamental 21 +1110110101100 five-star 23 +1110110101100 grassy 23 +1110110101100 Boston-area 23 +1110110101100 bridal 24 +1110110101100 city-owned 24 +1110110101100 lymph 25 +1110110101100 one-bedroom 25 +1110110101100 nonnuclear 25 +1110110101100 cotton-growing 26 +1110110101100 two-bedroom 27 +1110110101100 ancestral 27 +1110110101100 low-rent 27 +1110110101100 non-government 27 +1110110101100 three-bedroom 28 +1110110101100 drive-in 28 +1110110101100 regular-season 28 +1110110101100 full-court 28 +1110110101100 first-run 29 +1110110101100 plainclothes 29 +1110110101100 metro 31 +1110110101100 Japanese-style 32 +1110110101100 general-interest 32 +1110110101100 run-down 33 +1110110101100 government-run 33 +1110110101100 major-league 33 +1110110101100 collegiate 34 +1110110101100 liberal-arts 34 +1110110101100 faraway 35 +1110110101100 outlying 36 +1110110101100 Chicago-area 36 +1110110101100 faster-growing 36 +1110110101100 one-room 36 +1110110101100 minor-league 38 +1110110101100 coffee-growing 38 +1110110101100 wooded 39 +1110110101100 Japanese-owned 39 +1110110101100 present-day 39 +1110110101100 medical-malpractice 40 +1110110101100 pediatric 40 +1110110101100 mountainous 42 +1110110101100 big-league 43 +1110110101100 seaside 45 +1110110101100 Siberian 48 +1110110101100 stock-exchange 49 +1110110101100 multistate 50 +1110110101100 mom-and-pop 51 +1110110101100 catalytic 51 +1110110101100 acute-care 52 +1110110101100 tony 53 +1110110101100 rogue 54 +1110110101100 pro-Israel 56 +1110110101100 high-growth 56 +1110110101100 mass-market 63 +1110110101100 non-bank 65 +1110110101100 government-controlled 73 +1110110101100 big-city 74 +1110110101100 top-rated 76 +1110110101100 investor-owned 82 +1110110101100 high-rise 82 +1110110101100 posh 85 +1110110101100 lower-level 85 +1110110101100 big-name 87 +1110110101100 non-union 88 +1110110101100 public-housing 96 +1110110101100 small-town 98 +1110110101100 miniature 110 +1110110101100 Spanish-language 137 +1110110101100 big-ticket 137 +1110110101100 state-chartered 139 +1110110101100 English-language 142 +1110110101100 outer 166 +1110110101100 full-service 183 +1110110101100 19th-century 188 +1110110101100 tropical 195 +1110110101100 state-run 202 +1110110101100 coastal 219 +1110110101100 psychiatric 233 +1110110101100 nonunion 238 +1110110101100 metropolitan 396 +1110110101100 provincial 444 +1110110101100 mobile 472 +1110110101100 digital 502 +1110110101100 suburban 585 +1110110101100 downtown 788 +1110110101100 civilian 790 +1110110101100 urban 831 +1110110101100 rural 1084 +1110110101100 local 8430 +1110110101100 regional 3347 +1110110101101 this-side-of-the-rainbow 1 +1110110101101 salvific 1 +1110110101101 semi-liberated 1 +1110110101101 post-apocalyptic 1 +1110110101101 build-to-suit 1 +1110110101101 trans-Soviet 1 +1110110101101 desk-published 1 +1110110101101 floor-length 1 +1110110101101 Denver-bound 1 +1110110101101 modern-jazz 1 +1110110101101 196-page 1 +1110110101101 furniture-industry 1 +1110110101101 stall-prone 1 +1110110101101 Sandinista-built 1 +1110110101101 nonelastic 1 +1110110101101 trade-led 1 +1110110101101 single-event 1 +1110110101101 Cree 1 +1110110101101 100-volt 1 +1110110101101 basic-business-skills 1 +1110110101101 personal-property 1 +1110110101101 human-capital 1 +1110110101101 Bahamian-based 1 +1110110101101 6,000-home 1 +1110110101101 lantern-lit 1 +1110110101101 semi-barbaric 1 +1110110101101 Swiss-registered 1 +1110110101101 medical-product 1 +1110110101101 tract-mansion 1 +1110110101101 this-season 1 +1110110101101 receiving-room 1 +1110110101101 multitrillion-yen 1 +1110110101101 35-doctor 1 +1110110101101 insitutional 1 +1110110101101 toric 1 +1110110101101 weight-watchers 1 +1110110101101 Sumerian 1 +1110110101101 long-film 1 +1110110101101 one-company 1 +1110110101101 ninth-move 1 +1110110101101 MIGA-insured 1 +1110110101101 patroldog 1 +1110110101101 rocket-engine 1 +1110110101101 tree-dotted 1 +1110110101101 color-obsessed 1 +1110110101101 corn-and-beans 1 +1110110101101 office-worker 1 +1110110101101 night-darkened 1 +1110110101101 71-acre 1 +1110110101101 5.1-mile 1 +1110110101101 post-riot 1 +1110110101101 too-broad 1 +1110110101101 Fragonard-like 1 +1110110101101 Syrianheld 1 +1110110101101 triannual 1 +1110110101101 sewage-system 1 +1110110101101 13-star 1 +1110110101101 history-reenactment 1 +1110110101101 food-shop 1 +1110110101101 matriarchal 1 +1110110101101 forest-resource 1 +1110110101101 computer-tape 1 +1110110101101 Harcourt-built 1 +1110110101101 once-picturesque 1 +1110110101101 equity-incentive 1 +1110110101101 groundwater-contamination 1 +1110110101101 rain-forested 1 +1110110101101 photograph-like 1 +1110110101101 postimpressionist 1 +1110110101101 composite-wing 1 +1110110101101 farm-safety 1 +1110110101101 once-distinguished 1 +1110110101101 Russian-emigre 1 +1110110101101 1,600-home 1 +1110110101101 colonialistic 1 +1110110101101 smoke-choked 1 +1110110101101 blood-sucking 1 +1110110101101 minority-group-owned 1 +1110110101101 6,000-volume 1 +1110110101101 reel-to-reel 1 +1110110101101 54-partner 1 +1110110101101 30-foot-wide 1 +1110110101101 Corp.-backed 1 +1110110101101 defense-waste 1 +1110110101101 studio/theme 1 +1110110101101 British-government-bond 1 +1110110101101 20-block 1 +1110110101101 CREF-TIAA 1 +1110110101101 A-330s-a 1 +1110110101101 false-flag 1 +1110110101101 one-street 1 +1110110101101 unattributable 2 +1110110101101 radon-reduction 2 +1110110101101 beef-marketing 2 +1110110101101 32,600 2 +1110110101101 poster-sized 2 +1110110101101 Philistine 2 +1110110101101 sex-appeal 2 +1110110101101 non-membership 2 +1110110101101 rebel-controlled 2 +1110110101101 river-front 2 +1110110101101 worm-farming 2 +1110110101101 handwriting-analysis 2 +1110110101101 post-high 2 +1110110101101 cookery 2 +1110110101101 B-grade 2 +1110110101101 finance-related 2 +1110110101101 regulation-size 2 +1110110101101 tax-administration 2 +1110110101101 chainstore 2 +1110110101101 Miamibased 2 +1110110101101 50-inch 2 +1110110101101 taxexempt 2 +1110110101101 shipwrecked 2 +1110110101101 business-education 2 +1110110101101 less-celebrated 2 +1110110101101 radio-jamming 2 +1110110101101 Abdus 2 +1110110101101 crop-producing 2 +1110110101101 newspaper-funded 2 +1110110101101 car-hauling 2 +1110110101101 foundation-owned 2 +1110110101101 subsidy-free 2 +1110110101101 Rendezvous 2 +1110110101101 retailing-industry 2 +1110110101101 50-month 2 +1110110101101 free-roaming 2 +1110110101101 profitmaking 2 +1110110101101 multispecialty 2 +1110110101101 less-qualified 2 +1110110101101 fantasy-sports 2 +1110110101101 broad-spectrum 2 +1110110101101 once-famous 2 +1110110101101 single-volume 2 +1110110101101 business-government 2 +1110110101101 Swiss-German 2 +1110110101101 racketeering-influenced 2 +1110110101101 discrimination-free 2 +1110110101101 deepwater 2 +1110110101101 lawschool 2 +1110110101101 white-bearded 2 +1110110101101 still-unexplained 2 +1110110101101 degree-granting 3 +1110110101101 well-executed 3 +1110110101101 less-prominent 3 +1110110101101 duck-hunting 3 +1110110101101 bank-affiliated 3 +1110110101101 disobedient 3 +1110110101101 beer-industry 3 +1110110101101 mirror-image 3 +1110110101101 religious-affiliated 3 +1110110101101 commercial-real-estate 3 +1110110101101 colo-rectal 3 +1110110101101 metals-industry 3 +1110110101101 bonafide 3 +1110110101101 service-producing 3 +1110110101101 retirement-center 3 +1110110101101 modern-dance 3 +1110110101101 higher-caliber 3 +1110110101101 small-asset 3 +1110110101101 minimall 3 +1110110101101 gunslinging 3 +1110110101101 sybaritic 3 +1110110101101 serve-and-volley 3 +1110110101101 homestate 3 +1110110101101 value-adding 3 +1110110101101 female-dominated 3 +1110110101101 tow-truck 3 +1110110101101 photo-industry 3 +1110110101101 cheap-labor 3 +1110110101101 Boesky-controlled 3 +1110110101101 organ-transplant 3 +1110110101101 public-enterprise 3 +1110110101101 county-wide 3 +1110110101101 15-3 3 +1110110101101 hightech 4 +1110110101101 farm-machinery 4 +1110110101101 retirement-community 4 +1110110101101 Kaskel-led 4 +1110110101101 Barbados-based 4 +1110110101101 go-along 4 +1110110101101 Valencian 4 +1110110101101 land-sale 4 +1110110101101 Burgundian 4 +1110110101101 90-second 4 +1110110101101 hedged-index 4 +1110110101101 less-friendly 4 +1110110101101 insulin-dependent 4 +1110110101101 company-funded 4 +1110110101101 set-price 4 +1110110101101 new-music 4 +1110110101101 wine-tasting 4 +1110110101101 Freezer 4 +1110110101101 travel-industry 4 +1110110101101 Unitarian 4 +1110110101101 curb-side 4 +1110110101101 major-market 4 +1110110101101 car-service 4 +1110110101101 low-capital 4 +1110110101101 military-related 4 +1110110101101 female-owned 4 +1110110101101 goggle-eyed 4 +1110110101101 monied 4 +1110110101101 Minstar-led 5 +1110110101101 software-industry 5 +1110110101101 mouth-to-mouth 5 +1110110101101 new-venture 5 +1110110101101 debtor-in-possession 5 +1110110101101 child-custody 5 +1110110101101 nonconventional 5 +1110110101101 IRA-type 5 +1110110101101 non-Indian 5 +1110110101101 human-tissue 5 +1110110101101 European-Arab 5 +1110110101101 landowning 5 +1110110101101 high-return 5 +1110110101101 state-administered 5 +1110110101101 classical-music 6 +1110110101101 pakeha 6 +1110110101101 luxury-hotel 6 +1110110101101 car-marketing 6 +1110110101101 bribe-taking 6 +1110110101101 currency-options 6 +1110110101101 unreturned 6 +1110110101101 male-female 6 +1110110101101 business-backed 6 +1110110101101 artesian 6 +1110110101101 Bass-led 6 +1110110101101 make-work 7 +1110110101101 Brahmin 7 +1110110101101 nonmanufacturing 7 +1110110101101 prawn 7 +1110110101101 family-law 7 +1110110101101 accounting-firm 7 +1110110101101 hand-drawn 7 +1110110101101 mini-mall 7 +1110110101101 homosexual-rights 7 +1110110101101 yen-based 7 +1110110101101 dockside 8 +1110110101101 less-experienced 8 +1110110101101 steel-making 8 +1110110101101 Panamanian-registered 8 +1110110101101 less-risky 8 +1110110101101 low-altitude 8 +1110110101101 Moscow-based 8 +1110110101101 music-industry 8 +1110110101101 non-governmental 8 +1110110101101 Quebec-based 8 +1110110101101 record-industry 8 +1110110101101 shanty 9 +1110110101101 industry-sponsored 9 +1110110101101 French-owned 9 +1110110101101 co-operative 10 +1110110101101 role-playing 10 +1110110101101 higher-risk 10 +1110110101101 technical-service 10 +1110110101101 minority-controlled 10 +1110110101101 trade-finance 10 +1110110101101 graduate-school 10 +1110110101101 horse-breeding 11 +1110110101101 heart-transplant 11 +1110110101101 refresher 11 +1110110101101 nonresident 11 +1110110101101 recreational-vehicle 11 +1110110101101 retail-store 11 +1110110101101 USO 11 +1110110101101 sedentary 12 +1110110101101 matrimonial 12 +1110110101101 quasi-government 12 +1110110101101 non-lawyer 12 +1110110101101 government-financed 12 +1110110101101 shareholder-owned 12 +1110110101101 cruise-ship 12 +1110110101101 state-funded 12 +1110110101101 bank-owned 13 +1110110101101 street-corner 13 +1110110101101 state-supported 13 +1110110101101 second-mortgage 13 +1110110101101 realestate 14 +1110110101101 Washington-area 14 +1110110101101 mixed-use 14 +1110110101101 supranational 16 +1110110101101 better-capitalized 16 +1110110101101 congregate-care 17 +1110110101101 depreciable 17 +1110110101101 commodity-trading 17 +1110110101101 company-sponsored 18 +1110110101101 rare-coin 18 +1110110101101 two-person 19 +1110110101101 shopping-mall 19 +1110110101101 freelance 19 +1110110101101 value-oriented 19 +1110110101101 stockholder-owned 20 +1110110101101 public-private 20 +1110110101101 state-sponsored 21 +1110110101101 nongovernment 22 +1110110101101 bond-fund 23 +1110110101101 self-insured 24 +1110110101101 government-supported 24 +1110110101101 transnational 25 +1110110101101 company-paid 26 +1110110101101 hard-cover 26 +1110110101101 government-funded 27 +1110110101101 top-flight 27 +1110110101101 life-care 28 +1110110101101 middle-market 29 +1110110101101 walk-in 31 +1110110101101 shopping-center 31 +1110110101101 non-manufacturing 31 +1110110101101 prep 32 +1110110101101 limited-partnership 34 +1110110101101 small-stock 34 +1110110101101 multiracial 34 +1110110101101 leveraged-buy-out 34 +1110110101101 wildcat 36 +1110110101101 profit-making 42 +1110110101101 solid-waste 49 +1110110101101 non-banking 51 +1110110101101 low-risk 52 +1110110101101 pan-European 57 +1110110101101 reputable 57 +1110110101101 black-owned 58 +1110110101101 not-for-profit 64 +1110110101101 small-scale 68 +1110110101101 toxic-waste 68 +1110110101101 penny-stock 71 +1110110101101 parochial 86 +1110110101101 for-profit 88 +1110110101101 big-time 90 +1110110101101 non-profit 99 +1110110101101 family-owned 106 +1110110101101 peacetime 106 +1110110101101 government-sponsored 110 +1110110101101 minority-owned 112 +1110110101101 standby 118 +1110110101101 tax-shelter 121 +1110110101101 hazardous-waste 132 +1110110101101 statewide 151 +1110110101101 third-party 160 +1110110101101 venture-capital 238 +1110110101101 syndicated 312 +1110110101101 mutual-fund 321 +1110110101101 joint-venture 344 +1110110101101 private-sector 360 +1110110101101 nonprofit 660 +1110110101101 real-estate 1724 +1110110101101 private 10065 +1110110101101 professional 2029 +1110110101110 television-evangelist 1 +1110110101110 company-auditor 1 +1110110101110 semi-automated 1 +1110110101110 Indian-summer 1 +1110110101110 earthquake-preparation 1 +1110110101110 oil-for-equipment 1 +1110110101110 Iran-Soviet 1 +1110110101110 growth-stunting 1 +1110110101110 Seoul-Beijing 1 +1110110101110 electrical-parts 1 +1110110101110 Hyper-channel 1 +1110110101110 accident-related 1 +1110110101110 Indian-Soviet 1 +1110110101110 already-strained 1 +1110110101110 eight-liter 1 +1110110101110 more-practical 1 +1110110101110 engineering-consulting 1 +1110110101110 under-prepared 1 +1110110101110 animal-based 1 +1110110101110 offensive-oriented 1 +1110110101110 all-too-regular 1 +1110110101110 83-36 1 +1110110101110 American-funded 1 +1110110101110 protection-sodden 1 +1110110101110 IMF-backed 1 +1110110101110 per-home 1 +1110110101110 patient-financed 1 +1110110101110 teacher-licensing 1 +1110110101110 hotel-related 1 +1110110101110 powersales 1 +1110110101110 artificialintelligence 1 +1110110101110 actor-audience 1 +1110110101110 manufacturing-systems 1 +1110110101110 slow-but-steady 1 +1110110101110 M1-B 1 +1110110101110 excommunicable 1 +1110110101110 government-derived 1 +1110110101110 commodities-investment 1 +1110110101110 oil-driven 1 +1110110101110 distant-water 1 +1110110101110 Asadabad 1 +1110110101110 28-state 1 +1110110101110 Olympic-level 1 +1110110101110 airline-career 1 +1110110101110 aviation-consultancy 1 +1110110101110 election-oriented 1 +1110110101110 synthetic-blood 1 +1110110101110 orange-rind 1 +1110110101110 already-over-leveraged 1 +1110110101110 efficiency-oriented 1 +1110110101110 ship-to-shore 1 +1110110101110 over-heated 1 +1110110101110 umpteen 1 +1110110101110 goods-and-services 1 +1110110101110 oil-linked 1 +1110110101110 extra-far-seeing 1 +1110110101110 airplane-parts 1 +1110110101110 Unwritten 1 +1110110101110 hugh 1 +1110110101110 unlocal 1 +1110110101110 producer-owned 1 +1110110101110 MKV 1 +1110110101110 company-managed 1 +1110110101110 self-created 1 +1110110101110 Girmi 1 +1110110101110 traffic-sharing 1 +1110110101110 once-ballyhooed 1 +1110110101110 already-burdened 1 +1110110101110 2,100-mile 1 +1110110101110 anti-crisis 1 +1110110101110 silicon/gallium 1 +1110110101110 61-month-old 1 +1110110101110 deepsea 1 +1110110101110 Seoul-Moscow 1 +1110110101110 still-shaky 1 +1110110101110 card-member 1 +1110110101110 unrestrictive 1 +1110110101110 82-month 1 +1110110101110 SBA-backed 1 +1110110101110 already-deteriorating 1 +1110110101110 semicondctor 1 +1110110101110 is-it-an-import-or-is-it-a-Chevy 1 +1110110101110 arms-control-treaty 1 +1110110101110 anti-oil 1 +1110110101110 synthetic-diamond 1 +1110110101110 all-year-round 1 +1110110101110 customer-company 1 +1110110101110 U.S.-Turkish 1 +1110110101110 anti-hijacking 1 +1110110101110 coal-engine 1 +1110110101110 center-pivoted 1 +1110110101110 two-hectare 1 +1110110101110 ESOP-related 1 +1110110101110 factory-like 1 +1110110101110 over-land 1 +1110110101110 bileratal 1 +1110110101110 Annenberg-supported 1 +1110110101110 waterfrugal 1 +1110110101110 66-month-old 1 +1110110101110 engineering/construction 1 +1110110101110 broad-scaled 1 +1110110101110 industrial-era 2 +1110110101110 all-bond 2 +1110110101110 premium-price 2 +1110110101110 often-fatal 2 +1110110101110 alternative-card 2 +1110110101110 Sino-Indian 2 +1110110101110 iniquitous 2 +1110110101110 inter-industry 2 +1110110101110 part-object 2 +1110110101110 once-close 2 +1110110101110 Afghanistan-Pakistan 2 +1110110101110 IMF-approved 2 +1110110101110 Alzheimer's-disease 2 +1110110101110 league-wide 2 +1110110101110 impeachable 2 +1110110101110 screw-top 2 +1110110101110 celebrity-recipe 2 +1110110101110 already-battered 2 +1110110101110 electric-drive 2 +1110110101110 undersupplied 2 +1110110101110 NAHB 2 +1110110101110 back-to-the-land 2 +1110110101110 airliner-cabin 2 +1110110101110 interest-deductible 2 +1110110101110 seat-making 2 +1110110101110 term-loan 2 +1110110101110 Bible-based 2 +1110110101110 U.S.-Australian 2 +1110110101110 sometimes-frayed 2 +1110110101110 granite-and-glass 2 +1110110101110 end-of-the-world 2 +1110110101110 U.S.-Europe 2 +1110110101110 individual-practice 2 +1110110101110 recently-completed 2 +1110110101110 non-crisis 2 +1110110101110 Saudi-British 2 +1110110101110 taxpayer-paid 2 +1110110101110 seagoing 2 +1110110101110 84-bed 2 +1110110101110 non-taxed 2 +1110110101110 IMF-monitored 2 +1110110101110 nonsecurities 2 +1110110101110 Wright-Mallick 2 +1110110101110 arms-delivery 2 +1110110101110 anti-import 2 +1110110101110 11-nation 2 +1110110101110 racial-segregation 2 +1110110101110 last-mentioned 2 +1110110101110 three-continent 2 +1110110101110 economic-rights 2 +1110110101110 U.S.-Pakistani 2 +1110110101110 biotechnical 2 +1110110101110 mental-illness 2 +1110110101110 execution-only 2 +1110110101110 Sino-U.S. 2 +1110110101110 grandparent-grandchild 3 +1110110101110 residential-real-estate 3 +1110110101110 Soviet-Iranian 3 +1110110101110 more-careful 3 +1110110101110 high-production 3 +1110110101110 attack-submarine 3 +1110110101110 takeover-trading 3 +1110110101110 U.S.-French 3 +1110110101110 sheet-music 3 +1110110101110 extra-governmental 3 +1110110101110 cool-headed 3 +1110110101110 on-stage 3 +1110110101110 pollution-related 3 +1110110101110 individual-retirement-account 3 +1110110101110 non-broadcast 3 +1110110101110 more-expansive 3 +1110110101110 EC-Japanese 3 +1110110101110 American-Japanese 3 +1110110101110 agriculture-based 3 +1110110101110 atom-smashing 3 +1110110101110 accidental-launch 3 +1110110101110 interservice 3 +1110110101110 350,000-square-foot 3 +1110110101110 state-directed 3 +1110110101110 106-month 3 +1110110101110 IBM-Sears 3 +1110110101110 transborder 3 +1110110101110 interparty 3 +1110110101110 ever-tighter 3 +1110110101110 game-day 3 +1110110101110 Japanese-U.S. 3 +1110110101110 Soviet-Western 3 +1110110101110 U.S.-Cuba 3 +1110110101110 Kingly 3 +1110110101110 long-strained 3 +1110110101110 U.S.-held 3 +1110110101110 indepth 3 +1110110101110 attention-grabbing 3 +1110110101110 U.S.-Brazil 3 +1110110101110 multiservice 3 +1110110101110 buyer-seller 3 +1110110101110 migrant-worker 3 +1110110101110 unseasoned 3 +1110110101110 on-premises 3 +1110110101110 management-labor 4 +1110110101110 space-development 4 +1110110101110 upper-echelon 4 +1110110101110 epidural 4 +1110110101110 U.S.-Korean 4 +1110110101110 off-network 4 +1110110101110 U.S.Soviet 4 +1110110101110 pastel-colored 4 +1110110101110 white-shoe 4 +1110110101110 130-member 4 +1110110101110 agency-shop 4 +1110110101110 root-canal 4 +1110110101110 export-boosting 4 +1110110101110 interstate-banking 4 +1110110101110 non-producing 4 +1110110101110 intra-EC 4 +1110110101110 intra-company 4 +1110110101110 German-language 4 +1110110101110 U.S.-Cuban 4 +1110110101110 labor-contract 4 +1110110101110 high-multiple 4 +1110110101110 inter-governmental 4 +1110110101110 associational 4 +1110110101110 contributory 4 +1110110101110 gold-based 4 +1110110101110 intergalactic 4 +1110110101110 U.S.-Iraqi 4 +1110110101110 antarctic 4 +1110110101110 extraditable 4 +1110110101110 anti-corrosion 5 +1110110101110 inter-German 5 +1110110101110 performing-arts 5 +1110110101110 Greek-Turkish 5 +1110110101110 esophageal 5 +1110110101110 U.S.-Korea 5 +1110110101110 computer-screen 5 +1110110101110 lap-belt 5 +1110110101110 U.S.Canada 5 +1110110101110 cross-currency 5 +1110110101110 state-to-state 5 +1110110101110 central-government 5 +1110110101110 company-union 5 +1110110101110 computer-to-computer 5 +1110110101110 Japanese-Soviet 5 +1110110101110 NBC-Turner 5 +1110110101110 more-aggressive 5 +1110110101110 industry-government 5 +1110110101110 Soviet-Israeli 5 +1110110101110 U.S.-Indian 5 +1110110101110 anti-Iranian 5 +1110110101110 non-aspirin 5 +1110110101110 U.S.-Vietnamese 5 +1110110101110 Bhopal-related 5 +1110110101110 heart-bypass 6 +1110110101110 revocable 6 +1110110101110 American-Iranian 6 +1110110101110 extralegal 6 +1110110101110 in-and-out 6 +1110110101110 tobacco-company 6 +1110110101110 public-access 6 +1110110101110 gas-contract 6 +1110110101110 anticholesterol 6 +1110110101110 post-takeover 6 +1110110101110 inter-European 6 +1110110101110 seaborne 6 +1110110101110 securities-market 6 +1110110101110 Australasian 6 +1110110101110 pharmacological 6 +1110110101110 German-American 7 +1110110101110 cause-related 7 +1110110101110 working-level 7 +1110110101110 U.S.-EC 7 +1110110101110 employer-employee 7 +1110110101110 Soviet-German 7 +1110110101110 Turkish-American 7 +1110110101110 emotion-laden 7 +1110110101110 abortion-related 7 +1110110101110 AIDS-treatment 7 +1110110101110 advance-fee 7 +1110110101110 manufacturing-related 7 +1110110101110 AIDS-linked 8 +1110110101110 reduced-instruction-set 8 +1110110101110 arm's-length 8 +1110110101110 non-pipeline 8 +1110110101110 operating-unit 8 +1110110101110 government-industry 9 +1110110101110 iridescent 9 +1110110101110 intracompany 9 +1110110101110 capitalist-style 9 +1110110101110 arms-for-hostage 9 +1110110101110 German-Soviet 9 +1110110101110 informatics 10 +1110110101110 aircraft-carrier 10 +1110110101110 university-based 10 +1110110101110 elephantine 10 +1110110101110 person-to-person 10 +1110110101110 fast-changing 10 +1110110101110 deep-sea 10 +1110110101110 inflight 11 +1110110101110 Israeli-Arab 11 +1110110101110 parimutuel 11 +1110110101110 post-1992 11 +1110110101110 interoffice 11 +1110110101110 Israeli-Palestinian 11 +1110110101110 government-to-government 12 +1110110101110 Iranian-sponsored 12 +1110110101110 trend-setting 12 +1110110101110 oligopolistic 12 +1110110101110 real-time 12 +1110110101110 wiretapped 12 +1110110101110 local-currency 13 +1110110101110 hemispheric 13 +1110110101110 church-state 13 +1110110101110 east-west 13 +1110110101110 intra-European 14 +1110110101110 government-approved 14 +1110110101110 bridge-loan 14 +1110110101110 premarital 15 +1110110101110 short-time 15 +1110110101110 transpacific 15 +1110110101110 Sino-Japanese 15 +1110110101110 anti-Contra 15 +1110110101110 extracurricular 15 +1110110101110 U.S.-Mexican 17 +1110110101110 cash-generating 17 +1110110101110 north-south 18 +1110110101110 Sino-American 18 +1110110101110 immune-system 18 +1110110101110 after-school 18 +1110110101110 farmer-owned 18 +1110110101110 cash-basis 19 +1110110101110 normalizing 19 +1110110101110 sectoral 19 +1110110101110 U.S.-European 19 +1110110101110 ultrasonic 20 +1110110101110 counterinsurgency 20 +1110110101110 end-user 20 +1110110101110 one-minute 20 +1110110101110 up-to-the-minute 21 +1110110101110 new-business 23 +1110110101110 U.S.-Iran 23 +1110110101110 inflatable 24 +1110110101110 U.S.-Israeli 24 +1110110101110 on-board 24 +1110110101110 federal-state 24 +1110110101110 off-balance-sheet 24 +1110110101110 Canada-U.S. 24 +1110110101110 entertainment-industry 24 +1110110101110 U.S.-Iranian 27 +1110110101110 oil-production 27 +1110110101110 most-favored-nation 28 +1110110101110 risk-arbitrage 28 +1110110101110 abdominal 28 +1110110101110 unclassified 28 +1110110101110 money-making 29 +1110110101110 open-door 29 +1110110101110 U.S.-China 30 +1110110101110 capital-market 31 +1110110101110 departmental 31 +1110110101110 American-style 31 +1110110101110 Soviet-American 31 +1110110101110 trans-Pacific 31 +1110110101110 econometric 33 +1110110101110 secondary-market 37 +1110110101110 Sino-Soviet 40 +1110110101110 growth-oriented 40 +1110110101110 undersea 40 +1110110101110 Franco-German 42 +1110110101110 market-related 43 +1110110101110 stock-loan 46 +1110110101110 on-the-job 47 +1110110101110 in-flight 47 +1110110101110 export-driven 49 +1110110101110 U.S.-style 50 +1110110101110 nighttime 50 +1110110101110 high-energy 52 +1110110101110 one-stop 52 +1110110101110 fatty 56 +1110110101110 informational 59 +1110110101110 transatlantic 63 +1110110101110 high-pressure 64 +1110110101110 intrastate 64 +1110110101110 atmospheric 67 +1110110101110 dividend-capture 69 +1110110101110 on-line 70 +1110110101110 U.S.-Canadian 70 +1110110101110 trans-Atlantic 80 +1110110101110 U.S.-Japanese 82 +1110110101110 hard-currency 83 +1110110101110 Arab-Israeli 90 +1110110101110 intermarket 91 +1110110101110 expedited 104 +1110110101110 clandestine 108 +1110110101110 on-site 119 +1110110101110 cross-border 122 +1110110101110 indoor 132 +1110110101110 U.S.-Canada 144 +1110110101110 stepped-up 166 +1110110101110 U.S.-Japan 175 +1110110101110 East-West 187 +1110110101110 open-market 194 +1110110101110 multilateral 206 +1110110101110 out-of-state 252 +1110110101110 U.S.-Soviet 340 +1110110101110 bilateral 402 +1110110101110 ongoing 423 +1110110101110 genetic 468 +1110110101110 artificial 476 +1110110101110 automated 550 +1110110101110 experimental 561 +1110110101110 interstate 588 +1110110101110 external 592 +1110110101110 credit-card 660 +1110110101110 global 1951 +1110110101110 international 8925 +1110110101110 internal 2473 +1110110101111 PC-making 1 +1110110101111 non-ESOP 1 +1110110101111 overseas-currency-translation 1 +1110110101111 conspiracy-minded 1 +1110110101111 end-of-the-model-year 1 +1110110101111 much-fatter 1 +1110110101111 computer-fraud 1 +1110110101111 cable-dish 1 +1110110101111 7,037 1 +1110110101111 Seventieth 1 +1110110101111 deferred-salary 1 +1110110101111 detail-anxious 1 +1110110101111 prize-fight 1 +1110110101111 personnel-department 1 +1110110101111 tranquilized 1 +1110110101111 big-businesses 1 +1110110101111 international-service 1 +1110110101111 jungle-fowl 1 +1110110101111 price-percentage 1 +1110110101111 Arpeggione 1 +1110110101111 Salzburger 1 +1110110101111 celebrity-contacts 1 +1110110101111 tax-conscious 1 +1110110101111 super-quality 1 +1110110101111 non-handicapped 1 +1110110101111 mechandise 1 +1110110101111 protein-wrapped 1 +1110110101111 tennis-racquets 1 +1110110101111 yellow-painted 1 +1110110101111 less-expert 1 +1110110101111 fish-head 1 +1110110101111 diploma-mill 1 +1110110101111 Germinal 1 +1110110101111 pretesting 1 +1110110101111 lost-cost 1 +1110110101111 single-interests 1 +1110110101111 microcassette 1 +1110110101111 flattened-fauna 1 +1110110101111 acquired-loan 1 +1110110101111 fifth-grade-level 1 +1110110101111 KVEA-TV 1 +1110110101111 already-deferred 1 +1110110101111 installment-purchase 1 +1110110101111 farm-exporting 1 +1110110101111 too-pushy 1 +1110110101111 mazelike 1 +1110110101111 day-shift 1 +1110110101111 board-management 1 +1110110101111 high-usage 1 +1110110101111 grim-gray 1 +1110110101111 brokerreferred 1 +1110110101111 estate-return 1 +1110110101111 Catastrophic-health 1 +1110110101111 multibillion-yen 1 +1110110101111 apple-growth 1 +1110110101111 2,609 1 +1110110101111 antimarket 1 +1110110101111 stir-fry-the 1 +1110110101111 earthquake-threatened 1 +1110110101111 Fateful 1 +1110110101111 shoe-leather 1 +1110110101111 secured-card 1 +1110110101111 burglarize 1 +1110110101111 obligation/special 1 +1110110101111 back-to-better 1 +1110110101111 PCW-1 1 +1110110101111 gaming-related 1 +1110110101111 information-hungry 1 +1110110101111 airfreight 1 +1110110101111 post-Coltrane 1 +1110110101111 water-gun 1 +1110110101111 basset-hound 1 +1110110101111 hammer-tipped 1 +1110110101111 business-loan 1 +1110110101111 mom-and-apple-pie 1 +1110110101111 inflation-generated 1 +1110110101111 Japanese-company 1 +1110110101111 gambling-casino 1 +1110110101111 obigation 1 +1110110101111 drift-net 1 +1110110101111 luxurycar 1 +1110110101111 card-playing 1 +1110110101111 film-asset 1 +1110110101111 non-audit 1 +1110110101111 PLO-style 1 +1110110101111 radio-tape 1 +1110110101111 nonminority 1 +1110110101111 prenatal-health 1 +1110110101111 information-trading 1 +1110110101111 anti-Perot 1 +1110110101111 display-advertising 1 +1110110101111 readymade 1 +1110110101111 garment-district 2 +1110110101111 securities-house 2 +1110110101111 apartment-house 2 +1110110101111 farm-cooperative 2 +1110110101111 long-outstanding 2 +1110110101111 crack-cocaine 2 +1110110101111 air-space 2 +1110110101111 acronymic 2 +1110110101111 anarchistic 2 +1110110101111 farm-crop 2 +1110110101111 single-store 2 +1110110101111 direct-to-consumer 2 +1110110101111 steel-blue 2 +1110110101111 pick-and-shovel 2 +1110110101111 more-orthodox 2 +1110110101111 49-story 2 +1110110101111 big-block 2 +1110110101111 nonsteel 2 +1110110101111 lawn-tractor 2 +1110110101111 forward-contract 2 +1110110101111 media-company 2 +1110110101111 six-piece 2 +1110110101111 100-meter-dash 2 +1110110101111 on-airport 2 +1110110101111 regenerative 2 +1110110101111 executional 2 +1110110101111 dental-products 2 +1110110101111 software-product 2 +1110110101111 buy-out-related 2 +1110110101111 velvet-glove 2 +1110110101111 cartridge-firing 2 +1110110101111 Earth-bound 2 +1110110101111 Israel-Arab 2 +1110110101111 Eastern-establishment 2 +1110110101111 computer-fund 2 +1110110101111 captive-import 2 +1110110101111 borrower-owned 2 +1110110101111 slow-paying 2 +1110110101111 problem-resolution 2 +1110110101111 resort-property 2 +1110110101111 less-effective 2 +1110110101111 strategic-missile 3 +1110110101111 cigar-shaped 3 +1110110101111 lower-Manhattan 3 +1110110101111 high-earning 3 +1110110101111 petroleum-industry 3 +1110110101111 company-related 3 +1110110101111 commission-house 3 +1110110101111 beastly 3 +1110110101111 drive-thru 3 +1110110101111 church-related 3 +1110110101111 horse-meat 3 +1110110101111 inventory-adjustment 3 +1110110101111 lower-rate 3 +1110110101111 admiralty 3 +1110110101111 coporate 3 +1110110101111 private-court 3 +1110110101111 food-company 3 +1110110101111 strobe 3 +1110110101111 tax-form 3 +1110110101111 church-owned 3 +1110110101111 more-experienced 3 +1110110101111 reverse-repo 3 +1110110101111 extra-judicial 3 +1110110101111 glass-and-granite 3 +1110110101111 big-firm 3 +1110110101111 first-world 3 +1110110101111 error-resolution 3 +1110110101111 commercial-building 3 +1110110101111 five-years 3 +1110110101111 credit-risk 4 +1110110101111 national-brand 4 +1110110101111 business-visa 4 +1110110101111 wood-frame 4 +1110110101111 small-firm 4 +1110110101111 Treasury-based 4 +1110110101111 gab-line 4 +1110110101111 no-cost 4 +1110110101111 daily-newspaper 4 +1110110101111 financial-institution 4 +1110110101111 employment-tax 4 +1110110101111 future-oriented 4 +1110110101111 creditcard 5 +1110110101111 garment-industry 5 +1110110101111 cloak-and-dagger 5 +1110110101111 compact-disc 5 +1110110101111 front-office 5 +1110110101111 blood-thirsty 5 +1110110101111 second-home 5 +1110110101111 insurance-policy 5 +1110110101111 development-assistance 5 +1110110101111 campaign-law 5 +1110110101111 blast-furnace 5 +1110110101111 utility-company 5 +1110110101111 iron-fisted 6 +1110110101111 53-story 6 +1110110101111 taxpayer-funded 6 +1110110101111 stock-car 6 +1110110101111 record-company 6 +1110110101111 still-unknown 6 +1110110101111 tax-advantaged 6 +1110110101111 state-government 6 +1110110101111 employment-related 7 +1110110101111 snake-oil 7 +1110110101111 non-employee 7 +1110110101111 woodlot 7 +1110110101111 lower-grade 7 +1110110101111 head-office 8 +1110110101111 banking-industry 8 +1110110101111 construction-industry 9 +1110110101111 big-bank 10 +1110110101111 medical-school 12 +1110110101111 steel-industry 12 +1110110101111 uncompensated 12 +1110110101111 peak-hour 13 +1110110101111 deep-discount 13 +1110110101111 terra 13 +1110110101111 acquisition-related 16 +1110110101111 family-business 17 +1110110101111 upper-level 18 +1110110101111 charge-card 18 +1110110101111 airline-industry 18 +1110110101111 law-firm 19 +1110110101111 brokerage-firm 19 +1110110101111 human-resource 19 +1110110101111 local-government 19 +1110110101111 blood-clot 22 +1110110101111 Seabrook-related 22 +1110110101111 labor-backed 24 +1110110101111 labor-relations 24 +1110110101111 insurance-company 25 +1110110101111 defense-industry 26 +1110110101111 money-fund 28 +1110110101111 oil-company 33 +1110110101111 pension-plan 36 +1110110101111 non-management 39 +1110110101111 divisional 71 +1110110101111 pension-fund 125 +1110110101111 corporate 12124 +1110110101111 small-business 421 +11101101100 91,817 1 +11101101100 150,582 1 +11101101100 cattle-fattening 1 +11101101100 C-MH53 1 +11101101100 prison-issue 1 +11101101100 mammal-type 1 +11101101100 very-lily-white 1 +11101101100 unhybridized 1 +11101101100 zinc-based 1 +11101101100 castbronze 1 +11101101100 great-book 1 +11101101100 school-use 1 +11101101100 more-potent 1 +11101101100 lycra 1 +11101101100 non-marital 1 +11101101100 1974-1983 1 +11101101100 least-troublesome 1 +11101101100 117-seat 1 +11101101100 271,500 1 +11101101100 154,046 1 +11101101100 hospital-dispensed 1 +11101101100 super-contoured 1 +11101101100 space-adventure 1 +11101101100 658,389 1 +11101101100 S.F.A. 1 +11101101100 plastic-encased 1 +11101101100 corporate-hospitality 1 +11101101100 decay-preventing 1 +11101101100 Belzberg-owned 1 +11101101100 661,509 1 +11101101100 behind-the-wheel 1 +11101101100 milch 1 +11101101100 udo 1 +11101101100 horizonless 1 +11101101100 S800 1 +11101101100 Eisenhower-era 1 +11101101100 267,795 1 +11101101100 hospital-marketed 1 +11101101100 special-diet 1 +11101101100 Navy-leased 1 +11101101100 Model-80 1 +11101101100 M-54 1 +11101101100 M813 1 +11101101100 California-led 1 +11101101100 over-regulating 1 +11101101100 room-like 1 +11101101100 213-passenger 1 +11101101100 251-seat 1 +11101101100 midmarket 1 +11101101100 attracter 1 +11101101100 33,631 1 +11101101100 81,564 1 +11101101100 166,445 1 +11101101100 154,026 1 +11101101100 1,313 1 +11101101100 1,099,021 1 +11101101100 legionella 1 +11101101100 159,974 1 +11101101100 half-brogue 1 +11101101100 1980s-vintage 1 +11101101100 42,550 1 +11101101100 Cu-7 1 +11101101100 156,561 1 +11101101100 one-lane 1 +11101101100 Kongsberg-made 1 +11101101100 fly-borne 1 +11101101100 Caribbean-made 1 +11101101100 love/free 1 +11101101100 5,821,593 1 +11101101100 156,016 1 +11101101100 1,025,283 1 +11101101100 sporty-looking 1 +11101101100 micro-size 1 +11101101100 1,814,330 1 +11101101100 590,772 1 +11101101100 605,603 1 +11101101100 1,787,209 1 +11101101100 322,890 1 +11101101100 merit-oriented 1 +11101101100 97,224 1 +11101101100 13,612 1 +11101101100 McKesson-supplied 1 +11101101100 light-conducting 1 +11101101100 176,511 1 +11101101100 157,255 1 +11101101100 word-filled 1 +11101101100 cash-oriented 1 +11101101100 158,811 1 +11101101100 393,848 1 +11101101100 optically-pumped 1 +11101101100 50,924 1 +11101101100 most-requested 1 +11101101100 billowy 1 +11101101100 Sansui 1 +11101101100 9,983 1 +11101101100 218,649 1 +11101101100 nontheatrical 1 +11101101100 unboxed 1 +11101101100 unsquished 1 +11101101100 two-lane-wide 1 +11101101100 reptile-skin 1 +11101101100 remodelling 1 +11101101100 152,035 1 +11101101100 septicemia 1 +11101101100 uncaged 1 +11101101100 off-lease 1 +11101101100 JT8D-219 1 +11101101100 68,697 1 +11101101100 72,305 1 +11101101100 orange-colored 1 +11101101100 lavender-jade 1 +11101101100 flower-bud 1 +11101101100 271-seat 1 +11101101100 spring-flowering 1 +11101101100 blackeyed 1 +11101101100 darning 1 +11101101100 premium-class 1 +11101101100 Vietnam-generation 1 +11101101100 stapler-sized 1 +11101101100 microscope-mounted 1 +11101101100 4,735,638 1 +11101101100 140,482 1 +11101101100 128,113 1 +11101101100 Washington-driven 1 +11101101100 multi-wheeled 1 +11101101100 roadmobile 1 +11101101100 79,557 1 +11101101100 93,205 1 +11101101100 current-technology 1 +11101101100 intellectual-looking 1 +11101101100 caboose-less 1 +11101101100 square-shaped 1 +11101101100 rate-responsive 1 +11101101100 32,788 1 +11101101100 200,296 1 +11101101100 235,866 1 +11101101100 Brazilianaccented 1 +11101101100 sports-fantasy 1 +11101101100 foot-treadle 1 +11101101100 317,723 1 +11101101100 1950s-era 1 +11101101100 135,128 1 +11101101100 72,308 1 +11101101100 94,715 1 +11101101100 F5 1 +11101101100 same-sized 1 +11101101100 3/X 1 +11101101100 1,448,895 1 +11101101100 5,200-pound 1 +11101101100 558,122 1 +11101101100 263,682 1 +11101101100 Phiroshaw 1 +11101101100 tuberculosis-like 1 +11101101100 JT8D-9A 1 +11101101100 Ford-related 1 +11101101100 desk-side 1 +11101101100 rockwalled 1 +11101101100 factors-the 1 +11101101100 termite-dwelling 1 +11101101100 4,466,934 1 +11101101100 74,147 1 +11101101100 niobiumtin 1 +11101101100 non-ceramic 1 +11101101100 blaxploitation 1 +11101101100 palm-frond 1 +11101101100 165,910 1 +11101101100 dance-conscious 1 +11101101100 bellybutton-baring 1 +11101101100 29,686 1 +11101101100 49,848 1 +11101101100 2,676,334 1 +11101101100 out-at-the-elbow 1 +11101101100 quaffing 1 +11101101100 sound-recognition 1 +11101101100 deviled 1 +11101101100 71,568 1 +11101101100 size-12 1 +11101101100 1,400-odd 1 +11101101100 308,428 1 +11101101100 30,472 1 +11101101100 257,655 1 +11101101100 13mm 1 +11101101100 millimeter-wide 1 +11101101100 matchbox-size 1 +11101101100 F8 1 +11101101100 marine-based 1 +11101101100 smelterable 1 +11101101100 Thelper 1 +11101101100 religious-music 1 +11101101100 1,055,000 1 +11101101100 73,743 1 +11101101100 standardbred 1 +11101101100 bing 1 +11101101100 two-cylinder 1 +11101101100 one-cylinder 1 +11101101100 gadget-armed 1 +11101101100 live-weight 1 +11101101100 highly-concentrated 1 +11101101100 gasesmostly 1 +11101101100 Model-70 1 +11101101100 most-recognizable 1 +11101101100 regular-body 1 +11101101100 Hackneywrite 1 +11101101100 aluminum-based 1 +11101101100 Afghan-flagged 1 +11101101100 NX650 1 +11101101100 amorphous-looking 1 +11101101100 summit-produced 1 +11101101100 Schrader-directed 1 +11101101100 hard-surface 1 +11101101100 multi-layer 1 +11101101100 upper-stage 1 +11101101100 148,938 1 +11101101100 738,000 1 +11101101100 M939A2 1 +11101101100 patent-protected 1 +11101101100 cloud-dotted 1 +11101101100 PW2040 1 +11101101100 ultra-low 1 +11101101100 58,407 1 +11101101100 183,652 1 +11101101100 fascimile 1 +11101101100 151,978 1 +11101101100 market-mechanism 1 +11101101100 370-seat 1 +11101101100 wall-size 1 +11101101100 customed-designed 1 +11101101100 virus-fighting 1 +11101101100 U.S.-free 1 +11101101100 purposive 1 +11101101100 adjustable-flame 1 +11101101100 75-watt 1 +11101101100 60-watt 1 +11101101100 151,038 1 +11101101100 5,680-unit 1 +11101101100 tobacco-juice 1 +11101101100 largeengine 1 +11101101100 967,687 1 +11101101100 99,314 1 +11101101100 Intel-designed 1 +11101101100 microchip-based 1 +11101101100 electrodeless 1 +11101101100 mandarin-style 1 +11101101100 two-humped 1 +11101101100 24,000-watt 1 +11101101100 ironwood 1 +11101101100 COMDEX 1 +11101101100 33,050 1 +11101101100 33,486 1 +11101101100 Gaulloise 1 +11101101100 fuzzball 1 +11101101100 106,289 1 +11101101100 bone-shaking 1 +11101101100 812,274 1 +11101101100 leased-line 1 +11101101100 RS/16 1 +11101101100 118,235 1 +11101101100 40-watt 1 +11101101100 10,846,500 1 +11101101100 semi-trailer 1 +11101101100 industrial-investment 1 +11101101100 Alliance-provided 1 +11101101100 smoke-belching 1 +11101101100 200-model 1 +11101101100 luxury-size 1 +11101101100 59,734 1 +11101101100 125,852 1 +11101101100 134,387 1 +11101101100 front-drive 1 +11101101100 100,654 1 +11101101100 overwater 1 +11101101100 international-domestic 1 +11101101100 fully-powered 1 +11101101100 smallpox-carrying 1 +11101101100 match-related 1 +11101101100 Aerobix 1 +11101101100 craftsy 1 +11101101100 people-sized 1 +11101101100 169,403 1 +11101101100 167,443 1 +11101101100 5,259,632 1 +11101101100 146,940 1 +11101101100 aerodynamic-looking 1 +11101101100 286,100 1 +11101101100 lightning-caused 1 +11101101100 fire-killed 1 +11101101100 field-planted 1 +11101101100 seven-ton 1 +11101101100 rocket-firing 1 +11101101100 pre-filled 1 +11101101100 transoceanic 1 +11101101100 Japanese-pedigree 1 +11101101100 Huffy-brand 1 +11101101100 11,390 1 +11101101100 yk 1 +11101101100 5,121,975 1 +11101101100 146,911 1 +11101101100 ACR-type 1 +11101101100 88,680 1 +11101101100 1.2-megabyte 1 +11101101100 XT-class 1 +11101101100 random-access-memory 1 +11101101100 wind-making 1 +11101101100 mouse-activated 1 +11101101100 62,853 1 +11101101100 70,627 1 +11101101100 142,347 1 +11101101100 Ramen 1 +11101101100 Progesso 1 +11101101100 149,096 1 +11101101100 137,657 1 +11101101100 148,601 1 +11101101100 dash-mounted 1 +11101101100 Soviet-bound 1 +11101101100 hand-rolled 1 +11101101100 462,964 1 +11101101100 multiprocessor-based 1 +11101101100 Stradella 1 +11101101100 186,521 1 +11101101100 gas-turbine-driven 1 +11101101100 landing-ship 1 +11101101100 ultra-sophisticated 1 +11101101100 lie-witness 1 +11101101100 80286-based 1 +11101101100 wide-brim 1 +11101101100 MV/7800 1 +11101101100 161,633 1 +11101101100 minivending 1 +11101101100 silicone-joint 1 +11101101100 215-piece 1 +11101101100 pneumococcal 1 +11101101100 price-reading 1 +11101101100 35,319 1 +11101101100 Mig-21 1 +11101101100 12-megabyte 1 +11101101100 Moroci 1 +11101101100 3,236 1 +11101101100 733,956 1 +11101101100 6,284,519 1 +11101101100 5,669,578 1 +11101101100 39,916 1 +11101101100 155,979 1 +11101101100 company-purchased 1 +11101101100 DataLifePlus 1 +11101101100 national-team 1 +11101101100 under-animated 1 +11101101100 913,970 1 +11101101100 Ming-style 1 +11101101100 Twinings 1 +11101101100 dark-rimmed 1 +11101101100 live-floor 1 +11101101100 bile-sequestrant 1 +11101101100 142,080 1 +11101101100 148,806 1 +11101101100 anti-hemophilia 1 +11101101100 six-cents-a-gallon 1 +11101101100 all-season 1 +11101101100 easy-to-mix-and-wear 1 +11101101100 vibrant-colored 1 +11101101100 body-shaped 1 +11101101100 5,879,969 1 +11101101100 160,254 1 +11101101100 162,190 1 +11101101100 159,786 1 +11101101100 6-cylinder 1 +11101101100 eraseable-programmable 1 +11101101100 paper-eating 1 +11101101100 548,350 1 +11101101100 Reebok-brand 1 +11101101100 even-tougher 1 +11101101100 oil-additive 1 +11101101100 TPA-producing 1 +11101101100 pulldown 1 +11101101100 Brontosaurus 1 +11101101100 Minute-Maid 1 +11101101100 topselling 1 +11101101100 PW-200 1 +11101101100 5,718,867 1 +11101101100 156,596 1 +11101101100 160,874 1 +11101101100 non-benzanoid 1 +11101101100 transship 1 +11101101100 pigment-producing 1 +11101101100 endothelial 1 +11101101100 phospholipid 1 +11101101100 units-a-year 1 +11101101100 litho 1 +11101101100 Brownberry 1 +11101101100 methanogenic 1 +11101101100 under-the-cabinet 1 +11101101100 manufacturer-authorized 1 +11101101100 15,831 1 +11101101100 dual-engine 1 +11101101100 black-faced 1 +11101101100 unrecyclable 1 +11101101100 Pulsar-N1 1 +11101101100 attack-warning 1 +11101101100 pro-NRA 1 +11101101100 magnetic-levitating 1 +11101101100 6,626 1 +11101101100 157,358 1 +11101101100 155,223 1 +11101101100 165,790 1 +11101101100 unstored 1 +11101101100 GM-based 1 +11101101100 heavier-duty 1 +11101101100 510,725 1 +11101101100 159,072 1 +11101101100 150,551 1 +11101101100 sickly-sweet-smelling 1 +11101101100 7,490 1 +11101101100 38,945 1 +11101101100 165,505 1 +11101101100 1,000-to-1,200-pound 1 +11101101100 273-seat 1 +11101101100 3B2-600G 1 +11101101100 blousy 1 +11101101100 concrete-floored 1 +11101101100 sequin 1 +11101101100 half-sunk 1 +11101101100 H-53 1 +11101101100 often-abused 1 +11101101100 150-watt 1 +11101101100 32-watt 1 +11101101100 Saphir 1 +11101101100 antihypertension 1 +11101101100 abortion-inducing 1 +11101101100 pistol-shaped 1 +11101101100 catcher-processor 1 +11101101100 15,925 1 +11101101100 260,962 1 +11101101100 169,635 1 +11101101100 4.9-liter 1 +11101101100 horned-rim 1 +11101101100 pre-Nice 1 +11101101100 Isuzu-built 1 +11101101100 lion-emblazoned 1 +11101101100 7.8-liter 1 +11101101100 1,970,084 1 +11101101100 1,899,085 1 +11101101100 AS-30L 1 +11101101100 Korean-engineered 1 +11101101100 IIc-compatible 1 +11101101100 157,768 1 +11101101100 69,598 1 +11101101100 135,810 1 +11101101100 136,774 1 +11101101100 67,974 1 +11101101100 pseudotropical 1 +11101101100 plum-sized 1 +11101101100 foreign-earned 1 +11101101100 different-model 1 +11101101100 Honeywell-model 1 +11101101100 176,554 1 +11101101100 170,196 1 +11101101100 CF6-80C2B1F 1 +11101101100 40,046 1 +11101101100 161,279 1 +11101101100 broad-band 1 +11101101100 81-millimeter 1 +11101101100 red-plaid 1 +11101101100 glass-skinned 1 +11101101100 Ohio-class 1 +11101101100 screen-print 1 +11101101100 217,909 1 +11101101100 412,616 1 +11101101100 new-tech 1 +11101101100 sun-worshipping 1 +11101101100 Vare 1 +11101101100 hobnailed 1 +11101101100 gleaming-toothed 1 +11101101100 parrot-bright 1 +11101101100 1.2-micron 1 +11101101100 hash-brown 1 +11101101100 Dragonfly 1 +11101101100 XMP/28 1 +11101101100 3,825 1 +11101101100 enamel-eroding 1 +11101101100 179,785 1 +11101101100 model-boat 1 +11101101100 stereopticon 1 +11101101100 Compushop 1 +11101101100 174,952 1 +11101101100 173,911 1 +11101101100 175,421 1 +11101101100 Amiga-brand 1 +11101101100 kookiest 1 +11101101100 635,904 1 +11101101100 lowest-grossing 1 +11101101100 20,000-line 1 +11101101100 Z-248 1 +11101101100 Z-148 1 +11101101100 MK-45 1 +11101101100 6,900-ton 1 +11101101100 blackwall 1 +11101101100 699,810 1 +11101101100 half-bare 1 +11101101100 A320-200 1 +11101101100 A300-600 1 +11101101100 yen-priced 1 +11101101100 folk-based 1 +11101101100 173,195 1 +11101101100 gray-colored 1 +11101101100 70,024 1 +11101101100 well-padded 1 +11101101100 injectable-pharmaceutical 1 +11101101100 nickel-cadmium 1 +11101101100 7,281 1 +11101101100 235,247 1 +11101101100 glucose-monitoring 1 +11101101100 marsh-grass 1 +11101101100 brown-and-gray-barred 1 +11101101100 ship-borne 1 +11101101100 nicotine-soaked 1 +11101101100 168,912 1 +11101101100 mirror-lined 1 +11101101100 jazz-piano 1 +11101101100 RB211 1 +11101101100 market-tracking 1 +11101101100 high-electron-mobility 1 +11101101100 bridge-erection 1 +11101101100 emerald-cut 1 +11101101100 T200 1 +11101101100 chocolate-chunk 1 +11101101100 171,638 1 +11101101100 174,924 1 +11101101100 lead/acid 1 +11101101100 ever-improving 1 +11101101100 ruffle-front 1 +11101101100 valve-stem 1 +11101101100 credit-card-sized 1 +11101101100 combustion-engine 1 +11101101100 PW-4056 1 +11101101100 77,012 1 +11101101100 crop-dusting 1 +11101101100 specially-shortened 1 +11101101100 high-content 1 +11101101100 167,015 1 +11101101100 127,061 1 +11101101100 125-cubic-centimeter 1 +11101101100 quasi-art 1 +11101101100 H-60 1 +11101101100 special-effects-action 1 +11101101100 super-thin 1 +11101101100 65,391 1 +11101101100 129,144 1 +11101101100 1,941,000 1 +11101101100 corvette/frigate-size 1 +11101101100 embyronic 1 +11101101100 164,692 1 +11101101100 138,895 1 +11101101100 165,271 1 +11101101100 Four-cylinder 1 +11101101100 cheese-and-tomato 1 +11101101100 coca-paste 1 +11101101100 798,214 1 +11101101100 673,300 1 +11101101100 116,942 1 +11101101100 regular-production 1 +11101101100 army-surplus 1 +11101101100 298,487 1 +11101101100 719,563 1 +11101101100 Starfire 1 +11101101100 126,524 1 +11101101100 1,956,341 1 +11101101100 164,702 1 +11101101100 163,216 1 +11101101100 160,672 1 +11101101100 businesses.Net 1 +11101101100 Filet-O-Fish 1 +11101101100 21,320 1 +11101101100 puddinglike 1 +11101101100 58,491 1 +11101101100 oil-on-glass 1 +11101101100 small-portion 1 +11101101100 one-humped 1 +11101101100 189,610 1 +11101101100 136,082 1 +11101101100 Porche 1 +11101101100 labor-bloated 1 +11101101100 244,866 1 +11101101100 649,351 1 +11101101100 682,117 1 +11101101100 non-acting 1 +11101101100 laboratory-manufactured 1 +11101101100 136,265 1 +11101101100 167,209 1 +11101101100 20,528 1 +11101101100 furled 1 +11101101100 his-or-her 1 +11101101100 mud-stained 1 +11101101100 133,324 1 +11101101100 167,066 1 +11101101100 24,244 1 +11101101100 168,489 1 +11101101100 RISC-architecture 1 +11101101100 paprika 1 +11101101100 5,000-square-mile 1 +11101101100 20-mm 1 +11101101100 141-seat 1 +11101101100 armor-penetrating 1 +11101101100 F250 1 +11101101100 color-related 1 +11101101100 Chicago-Jackson 1 +11101101100 sex-shop 1 +11101101100 scallop-fishing 1 +11101101100 20-hour-a-week 1 +11101101100 sub-one-micron 1 +11101101100 azalea 1 +11101101100 postmatch 1 +11101101100 warfare-training 1 +11101101100 frozen-concentrated 1 +11101101100 reprogrammable 1 +11101101100 150,779 1 +11101101100 162,403 1 +11101101100 164,972 1 +11101101100 84,992 1 +11101101100 ketchup-splattered 1 +11101101100 J-57 1 +11101101100 E-class 1 +11101101100 108-passenger 1 +11101101100 easy-opening 1 +11101101100 neuron 1 +11101101100 56,164 1 +11101101100 80,432 1 +11101101100 tabulator 1 +11101101100 stall-kept 1 +11101101100 JT9D-7Q3 1 +11101101100 RB211-535C 1 +11101101100 kiawe 1 +11101101100 177,154 1 +11101101100 natural-membrane 1 +11101101100 incomefrom 1 +11101101100 Atlanta-Cincinnati 1 +11101101100 pollarded 1 +11101101100 plaque-depositing 1 +11101101100 739,876 1 +11101101100 674,287 1 +11101101100 1,423,895 1 +11101101100 WalkLite 1 +11101101100 Samurai-like 1 +11101101100 art-type 1 +11101101100 immune-sentry 1 +11101101100 break-bulk 1 +11101101100 orange-flowered 1 +11101101100 anti-rheumatic 1 +11101101100 Winchester-brand 1 +11101101100 System/3X 1 +11101101100 38,170 1 +11101101100 immune-modulating 1 +11101101100 167,316 1 +11101101100 154,207 1 +11101101100 masticated 1 +11101101100 651,650 1 +11101101100 TPA-type 1 +11101101100 anti-clog 1 +11101101100 hydrogen-fueled 1 +11101101100 636,087 1 +11101101100 77,020 1 +11101101100 156,645 1 +11101101100 purple-podded 1 +11101101100 unisexual 1 +11101101100 158-seat 1 +11101101100 twoinch 1 +11101101100 3083 1 +11101101100 A-series 1 +11101101100 slip-on 1 +11101101100 unironed 1 +11101101100 shell-growing 1 +11101101100 photo-developing 1 +11101101100 business-card-printing 1 +11101101100 shoe-repair 1 +11101101100 key-copying 1 +11101101100 geranium-lined 1 +11101101100 chianti 1 +11101101100 sei 1 +11101101100 Netview 1 +11101101100 747-341B 1 +11101101100 custom-build 1 +11101101100 small-area 1 +11101101100 home-electronic 1 +11101101100 274,783 1 +11101101100 248,873 1 +11101101100 131,594 1 +11101101100 football-playing 1 +11101101100 Inderide 1 +11101101100 worm-chewed 1 +11101101100 serio-sexual 1 +11101101100 under-the-dashboard 1 +11101101100 300SD 1 +11101101100 M-body 1 +11101101100 Tagamet-like 1 +11101101100 6,712 1 +11101101100 107,427 1 +11101101100 60,389 1 +11101101100 218,336 1 +11101101100 laboratory-bred 1 +11101101100 172,369 1 +11101101100 147,277 1 +11101101100 152,485 1 +11101101100 artillery-locating 1 +11101101100 photo-rearranging 1 +11101101100 presensitized 1 +11101101100 JT9D7R4GS 1 +11101101100 TXP 1 +11101101100 fuel-return 1 +11101101100 inflation-monitoring 1 +11101101100 domestic-built 1 +11101101100 cheese-serving 1 +11101101100 mong 1 +11101101100 149,727 1 +11101101100 currency-colored 1 +11101101100 bleached-paperboard 1 +11101101100 313,285 1 +11101101100 radio-operated 1 +11101101100 one-Kim-drop-out 1 +11101101100 L10 1 +11101101100 storm-trooper 1 +11101101100 male-action 1 +11101101100 buckeye 1 +11101101100 385,055 1 +11101101100 control-released 1 +11101101100 16-plus-ton 1 +11101101100 95,713 1 +11101101100 wine-based 1 +11101101100 830,959 1 +11101101100 92,130 1 +11101101100 151,511 1 +11101101100 cash-filled 1 +11101101100 nonoperable 1 +11101101100 Hatteras 1 +11101101100 playful-looking 1 +11101101100 panama 1 +11101101100 condom-vending 1 +11101101100 480-pound 1 +11101101100 saltpacked 1 +11101101100 153,557 1 +11101101100 11,558,000 1 +11101101100 blue-skinned 1 +11101101100 GE-RCA 1 +11101101100 profits-tax 1 +11101101100 1,019,837 1 +11101101100 PW-2037 1 +11101101100 accident-plagued 1 +11101101100 standard-sized 1 +11101101100 half-nightmare 1 +11101101100 safety-document 1 +11101101100 home-baked 1 +11101101100 ion-beam 1 +11101101100 photo-facsimile 1 +11101101100 nail-studded 1 +11101101100 breakfast-beverage 1 +11101101100 C25 1 +11101101100 hospital-acquired 1 +11101101100 132,594 1 +11101101100 Supralife 1 +11101101100 long-sleeve 1 +11101101100 75,065 1 +11101101100 mattress-ticking 1 +11101101100 172,969 1 +11101101100 167,895 1 +11101101100 Forms-Reader 1 +11101101100 68-hour 1 +11101101100 8,790 1 +11101101100 crocodile-hunting 1 +11101101100 product-steel 1 +11101101100 electronic-talking 1 +11101101100 4,661,581 1 +11101101100 175,069 1 +11101101100 142,305 1 +11101101100 174,802 1 +11101101100 animal-horned 1 +11101101100 697,246 1 +11101101100 Addressograph 1 +11101101100 arsenic-based 1 +11101101100 Botrytis-affected 1 +11101101100 off-dry 1 +11101101100 botrytised 1 +11101101100 cholesterol-starved 1 +11101101100 86,903 1 +11101101100 antifriction 1 +11101101100 20-day-old 1 +11101101100 arson-caused 1 +11101101100 DC-9-51 1 +11101101100 U.S-made 1 +11101101100 85,240 1 +11101101100 771,753 1 +11101101100 826,682 1 +11101101100 401,463 1 +11101101100 bad-weather 1 +11101101100 cost-watching 1 +11101101100 179,037 1 +11101101100 165,386 1 +11101101100 second-most-resourceful 1 +11101101100 18,656 1 +11101101100 219,915 1 +11101101100 pump-dispensed 1 +11101101100 somaclonal 1 +11101101100 starch-eating 1 +11101101100 Tampax-brand 1 +11101101100 longer-haul 1 +11101101100 castable 1 +11101101100 Epps-Cash 1 +11101101100 touchable 1 +11101101100 fecal-borne 1 +11101101100 hoofed 1 +11101101100 171,149 1 +11101101100 156,549 1 +11101101100 flyblown 1 +11101101100 igloo-shaped 1 +11101101100 R-2800 1 +11101101100 one-pot 1 +11101101100 AT-class 1 +11101101100 146-200 1 +11101101100 107,015 1 +11101101100 Lorimar-produced 1 +11101101100 snow-clogged 1 +11101101100 dried-grape 1 +11101101100 thick-framed 1 +11101101100 chlamydial 1 +11101101100 psuedo-Sondheim 1 +11101101100 dill-pickle 1 +11101101100 sum-and-french 1 +11101101100 non-mink 1 +11101101100 Goldbergish 1 +11101101100 launchingtwo 1 +11101101100 463,865 1 +11101101100 2,501 1 +11101101100 more-muscled 1 +11101101100 137,936 1 +11101101100 light-sensitive 1 +11101101100 69,239 1 +11101101100 elephant-sized 1 +11101101100 multi-layered 1 +11101101100 1,634,247 1 +11101101100 184,378 1 +11101101100 May-August 1 +11101101100 grass-chomping 1 +11101101100 cultured-pearl 1 +11101101100 7.5-liter 1 +11101101100 frozen-concentrate 1 +11101101100 lowest-fare 1 +11101101100 nontraumatic 1 +11101101100 kapok 1 +11101101100 different-pitched 1 +11101101100 2,000-cc. 1 +11101101100 Uncovering 1 +11101101100 1978-1984 1 +11101101100 gender-specific 1 +11101101100 92-nation 1 +11101101100 dirt-filled 1 +11101101100 yeast-based 1 +11101101100 1,000-year-old 1 +11101101100 acid-stained 1 +11101101100 gouda 1 +11101101100 silicon-polishing 1 +11101101100 44,662 1 +11101101100 62,451 1 +11101101100 146,508 1 +11101101100 Moondreamer 1 +11101101100 Tax-sheltered 1 +11101101100 XT-286 1 +11101101100 MV/20000 1 +11101101100 drugs-and-violence 1 +11101101100 cat-eye 1 +11101101100 778,642 1 +11101101100 lab-to-lab 1 +11101101100 166,813 1 +11101101100 179,226 1 +11101101100 Empire-style 1 +11101101100 infrared-light-emitting 1 +11101101100 Walkman-sized 1 +11101101100 325iX 1 +11101101100 165,715 1 +11101101100 3,079,447 1 +11101101100 five-element 1 +11101101100 720-kilobyte 1 +11101101100 dirtier-running 1 +11101101100 IBM-Kodak 1 +11101101100 26-inch 1 +11101101100 refastener 1 +11101101100 2,104 1 +11101101100 7,643 1 +11101101100 well-backed 1 +11101101100 35,832 1 +11101101100 3,395 1 +11101101100 deep-draft 1 +11101101100 voice-imprint 1 +11101101100 U.S.Japan 1 +11101101100 3B2/700 1 +11101101100 U.S.-donated 1 +11101101100 maguey 1 +11101101100 3090-200E 1 +11101101100 fallopian 1 +11101101100 polyamine 1 +11101101100 1,829 1 +11101101100 1,109,215 1 +11101101100 radiator-coolant 1 +11101101100 Symbolics-like 1 +11101101100 1,691,240 1 +11101101100 2,080,097 1 +11101101100 beach-blanket 1 +11101101100 black-rim 1 +11101101100 elephant-skin 1 +11101101100 impounding 1 +11101101100 more-fuel-efficient 1 +11101101100 cholesterol-laden 1 +11101101100 schlocky-but-profitable 1 +11101101100 570-series 1 +11101101100 high-horsepower 1 +11101101100 FDA-defined 1 +11101101100 level-triggered 1 +11101101100 2,046,917 1 +11101101100 1,032,533 1 +11101101100 2,018,179 1 +11101101100 1,905,206 1 +11101101100 Arrivederci 1 +11101101100 Japan-built 1 +11101101100 135,277 1 +11101101100 wing-tipped 1 +11101101100 barium-lead-bismuth-oxygen 1 +11101101100 Dagenham-manufactured 1 +11101101100 Chakra 1 +11101101100 197,300 1 +11101101100 10,738 1 +11101101100 112,344 1 +11101101100 24,789 1 +11101101100 Japanese-manufactured 1 +11101101100 130,980 1 +11101101100 CF6-80C2B4 1 +11101101100 222-seat 1 +11101101100 lunch-box 1 +11101101100 drug-designing 1 +11101101100 Trafalgar-class 1 +11101101100 pay-as-you-view 1 +11101101100 kidney-stone 1 +11101101100 final-step 1 +11101101100 2.9-liter 1 +11101101100 CFM56-3C1 1 +11101101100 steel-spiked 1 +11101101100 high-button 1 +11101101100 bloodsucking 1 +11101101100 mini-mainframe 1 +11101101100 22,000-kilowatt 1 +11101101100 2,767 1 +11101101100 159,294 1 +11101101100 lizardlike 1 +11101101100 127,471 1 +11101101100 liquid-propellant 1 +11101101100 133,517 1 +11101101100 gold-rimmed 1 +11101101100 Karimesque 1 +11101101100 931,644 1 +11101101100 259,447 1 +11101101100 14,315 1 +11101101100 space-test 1 +11101101100 Washington-to-Boston 1 +11101101100 N-body 1 +11101101100 liberal-colored 1 +11101101100 ultra-dark 1 +11101101100 910-watt 1 +11101101100 10-watt 1 +11101101100 acrylic-fiber 1 +11101101100 maiden-voyage 1 +11101101100 V2500-powered 1 +11101101100 lower-powered 1 +11101101100 cinnamon-raisin 1 +11101101100 274,320 1 +11101101100 303,292 1 +11101101100 85,350 1 +11101101100 6,840 1 +11101101100 126,388 1 +11101101100 127,773 1 +11101101100 algebraic-entry 1 +11101101100 2,462 1 +11101101100 garbage-choked 1 +11101101100 wide-sailed 1 +11101101100 X-MP/48 1 +11101101100 cytokine 1 +11101101100 light-gray 1 +11101101100 55,020 1 +11101101100 193,055 1 +11101101100 136,744 1 +11101101100 top-30 1 +11101101100 100-equation 1 +11101101100 342,492 1 +11101101100 government-franked 1 +11101101100 brilliant-cut 1 +11101101100 comparable-quality 1 +11101101100 172,498 1 +11101101100 3,363 1 +11101101100 custom-painted 1 +11101101100 mainframe-class 1 +11101101100 spark-control 1 +11101101100 motorcycle-gang 1 +11101101100 stomach-soothing 1 +11101101100 cattle-loading 1 +11101101100 Goldbergesque 1 +11101101100 Chuckwagon 1 +11101101100 rail-container 1 +11101101100 Micronite 1 +11101101100 domesticmade 1 +11101101100 IL-2/ 1 +11101101100 American-sized 1 +11101101100 time-deposit 1 +11101101100 extremey 1 +11101101100 no-alcohol 1 +11101101100 216,325 1 +11101101100 regular-sized 1 +11101101100 steel-toed 1 +11101101100 165,488 1 +11101101100 soon-to-premiere 1 +11101101100 stocking-making 1 +11101101100 584,674 1 +11101101100 non-contact 1 +11101101100 honey-graham 1 +11101101100 50-Series 1 +11101101100 super-mini 1 +11101101100 AH-1F 1 +11101101100 60,631 1 +11101101100 57,492 1 +11101101100 broader-coverage 1 +11101101100 commercial-satellite-launching 1 +11101101100 flat-head 1 +11101101100 Indy-style 1 +11101101100 INSTALL 1 +11101101100 modem-equipped 1 +11101101100 Kienzle 1 +11101101100 oil-eating 1 +11101101100 PW2000 1 +11101101100 toe-length 1 +11101101100 code-cracking 1 +11101101100 text-searching 1 +11101101100 92,173 1 +11101101100 laser-scanner 1 +11101101100 tennis-ball-size 1 +11101101100 plant-and-seed 1 +11101101100 CFM56-3B 1 +11101101100 140,663 1 +11101101100 Tom-and-Jerry 1 +11101101100 4-cylinder 1 +11101101100 razor-blade-thin 1 +11101101100 predesignated 1 +11101101100 392,360 1 +11101101100 239,405 1 +11101101100 563,864 1 +11101101100 barrel-shaped 1 +11101101100 French-cut 1 +11101101100 slide-maker 1 +11101101100 neon-green 1 +11101101100 spangly 1 +11101101100 communter 1 +11101101100 80386sx 1 +11101101100 332,604 1 +11101101100 CFM-56-3 1 +11101101100 CF6-59E2 1 +11101101100 soon-to-be-out 1 +11101101100 83,044 1 +11101101100 three-layer 1 +11101101100 venture-capital-backed 1 +11101101100 Off-the-road 1 +11101101100 foreign-flagged 1 +11101101100 dart-gun 1 +11101101100 488,803 1 +11101101100 1,022,889 1 +11101101100 287,903 1 +11101101100 snap-in 1 +11101101100 pesticidal 1 +11101101100 mamalian 1 +11101101100 39,728 1 +11101101100 near-abstract 1 +11101101100 lice-ridden 1 +11101101100 244,173 1 +11101101100 212,334 1 +11101101100 country-oriented 1 +11101101100 290-seat 1 +11101101100 CF680A 1 +11101101100 cartridge-loading 1 +11101101100 transplantrelated 1 +11101101100 computer-cleaning 1 +11101101100 limited-use 1 +11101101100 AH-1S 1 +11101101100 OH-58C 1 +11101101100 game-oriented 1 +11101101100 1-pound 1 +11101101100 iconlike 1 +11101101100 4980 1 +11101101100 silicone-filled 1 +11101101100 paint-coating 1 +11101101100 Rol 1 +11101101100 11/780 1 +11101101100 highest-performance 1 +11101101100 Canadian-assembled 1 +11101101100 drug-sensitive 1 +11101101100 129,578 1 +11101101100 anti-Biden 1 +11101101100 local-built 1 +11101101100 737-model 1 +11101101100 building-management 1 +11101101100 140,159 1 +11101101100 132,277 1 +11101101100 over-the-highway 1 +11101101100 disk-shaped 1 +11101101100 linden 1 +11101101100 122,828 1 +11101101100 safari-inspired 1 +11101101100 15,938 1 +11101101100 telephone-cordlike 1 +11101101100 dehorning 1 +11101101100 earlier-than-usual 1 +11101101100 oft-copied 1 +11101101100 211,772 1 +11101101100 1100/80 1 +11101101100 flu-linked 1 +11101101100 rib-wracking 1 +11101101100 flea-ridden 1 +11101101100 60-lane 1 +11101101100 crankshaft-pulley 1 +11101101100 cryptococcal 1 +11101101100 173,450 1 +11101101100 topless-dancer 1 +11101101100 self-performed 1 +11101101100 12-meter-class 1 +11101101100 exhaust-gas 1 +11101101100 air-cleaner-duct 1 +11101101100 Raleigh-brand 1 +11101101100 unrealeased 1 +11101101100 inefficacious 1 +11101101100 noninterest-bearing 1 +11101101100 Extaprint 1 +11101101100 lymphoid 1 +11101101100 240-series 1 +11101101100 2.8-liter 1 +11101101100 coated-magnetic 1 +11101101100 Ungranulated 1 +11101101100 rail-guided 1 +11101101100 electrical-railroad 1 +11101101100 27,616 1 +11101101100 57,503 1 +11101101100 98,792 1 +11101101100 4000-series 1 +11101101100 sculpted-glass 1 +11101101100 sand-blasted 1 +11101101100 single-masted 1 +11101101100 Sihanoukist 1 +11101101100 Baxters 1 +11101101100 investmentlike 1 +11101101100 Goodrich-brand 1 +11101101100 DDM-100 1 +11101101100 86,715 1 +11101101100 151,635 1 +11101101100 YMP 1 +11101101100 PARS-Datas 1 +11101101100 shinier 1 +11101101100 heavy-duty-vehicle 1 +11101101100 104,119 1 +11101101100 hospital-related 1 +11101101100 50-100-seat 1 +11101101100 fishnet 1 +11101101100 unmounted 1 +11101101100 CFM56-3C 1 +11101101100 seismic-air 1 +11101101100 128,704 1 +11101101100 3,096 1 +11101101100 off-the-farm 1 +11101101100 power-switching 1 +11101101100 152,246 1 +11101101100 X-MP432 1 +11101101100 2.4-ton 1 +11101101100 ozone-exposed 1 +11101101100 earth-sculpting 1 +11101101100 22,669 1 +11101101100 satellite-linked 1 +11101101100 fixed-base 1 +11101101100 332,721 1 +11101101100 183,875 1 +11101101100 twin-rotor 1 +11101101100 1,705,283 1 +11101101100 205,875 1 +11101101100 312,609 1 +11101101100 1,897,462 1 +11101101100 122,088 1 +11101101100 1,203,260 1 +11101101100 985,827 1 +11101101100 1,334,170 1 +11101101100 48,968 1 +11101101100 813,114 1 +11101101100 871,655 1 +11101101100 250-passenger 1 +11101101100 Penney-Missouri 1 +11101101100 anti-Campeau 1 +11101101100 custom-loaded 1 +11101101100 Petrovskite 1 +11101101100 89,385 1 +11101101100 111,660 1 +11101101100 Gortex 1 +11101101100 Hawaii-bound 1 +11101101100 91,800 1 +11101101100 Pennwalt-produced 1 +11101101100 365,322 1 +11101101100 2,744 1 +11101101100 Super-8 1 +11101101100 rhinestone-speckled 1 +11101101100 potato-sack 1 +11101101100 oven-prepared 1 +11101101100 wrap-around 1 +11101101100 918,348 1 +11101101100 285,308 1 +11101101100 Ohio-made 1 +11101101100 transferee 1 +11101101100 210,316 1 +11101101100 2,339,243 1 +11101101100 123,562 1 +11101101100 heat-and-eat 1 +11101101100 20,552 1 +11101101100 -18.2 1 +11101101100 interceptor-guidance 1 +11101101100 677,504 1 +11101101100 99,486 1 +11101101100 114,978 1 +11101101100 tamper-evident 1 +11101101100 supercolliding 1 +11101101100 6.1-liter 1 +11101101100 228-seat 1 +11101101100 163-mile 1 +11101101100 1,036,365 1 +11101101100 1,022,372 1 +11101101100 64,684 1 +11101101100 202,522 1 +11101101100 gluten-free 1 +11101101100 rodent-infested 1 +11101101100 medium-distance 1 +11101101100 buy-down 1 +11101101100 factory-made 1 +11101101100 less-defective 1 +11101101100 272,217 1 +11101101100 water-toting 1 +11101101100 radar-imaging 1 +11101101100 Europeanstyle 1 +11101101100 bootlegs 1 +11101101100 279,821 1 +11101101100 misprescribing 1 +11101101100 jounce 1 +11101101100 teardrop 1 +11101101100 speed-detection 1 +11101101100 gray-striped 1 +11101101100 fiberboard-and-bamboo-thatch 1 +11101101100 antispasm 1 +11101101100 22,936 1 +11101101100 smell-detecting 1 +11101101100 hand-carved 1 +11101101100 S-class 1 +11101101100 turret-style 1 +11101101100 CF680C2 1 +11101101100 alcohol-containing 1 +11101101100 imidazolinone 1 +11101101100 Southern-style 1 +11101101100 398,436 1 +11101101100 3,807 1 +11101101100 corrugated-iron 1 +11101101100 line-hand-wired 1 +11101101100 daisy-like 1 +11101101100 592,302 1 +11101101100 4,244 1 +11101101100 oriented-polypropylene 1 +11101101100 JT8D-217C 1 +11101101100 Western-made 1 +11101101100 lap-sized 1 +11101101100 product-monoclonal 1 +11101101100 single-domain 1 +11101101100 957,394 1 +11101101100 reduced-salt 1 +11101101100 body-armor 1 +11101101100 IBM-type 1 +11101101100 27,757 1 +11101101100 eat-in 1 +11101101100 pizza-eating 1 +11101101100 human-cartoon 1 +11101101100 Democratic-sounding 1 +11101101100 cold-bonded 1 +11101101100 113,778 1 +11101101100 100,923 1 +11101101100 weeder 1 +11101101100 hormone-secreting 1 +11101101100 59-game 1 +11101101100 7,097,262 1 +11101101100 animal-borne 1 +11101101100 more-entrenched 1 +11101101100 88,929 1 +11101101100 coal-bearing 1 +11101101100 unmortared 1 +11101101100 83,652 1 +11101101100 4,290,380 1 +11101101100 97,758 1 +11101101100 108,204 1 +11101101100 160,414 1 +11101101100 469,433 1 +11101101100 watersoluble 1 +11101101100 12,866,322 1 +11101101100 cassislike 1 +11101101100 custom-produced 1 +11101101100 higher-tar 1 +11101101100 ninth-floor 1 +11101101100 Pechora-class 1 +11101101100 contractor-caused 1 +11101101100 109,236 1 +11101101100 hackberry 1 +11101101100 Ivax-patented 1 +11101101100 rot-resistant 1 +11101101100 non-alcohol 1 +11101101100 frog-egg 1 +11101101100 Intosh 1 +11101101100 1911-12 1 +11101101100 liquid-filled 1 +11101101100 386-seat 1 +11101101100 bulb-making 1 +11101101100 post-chemotherapy 1 +11101101100 electrowon 1 +11101101100 soup-and-salad 1 +11101101100 F100-PW-200 1 +11101101100 immunosuppressive 1 +11101101100 non-brand 1 +11101101100 saggy 1 +11101101100 Medicaid-paid 1 +11101101100 motor-operated 1 +11101101100 car-sale 1 +11101101100 prepaid-card 1 +11101101100 defoliate 1 +11101101100 75-ton 1 +11101101100 4,485 1 +11101101100 190,445 1 +11101101100 234,719 1 +11101101100 25,985 1 +11101101100 1,603 1 +11101101100 226,698 1 +11101101100 89,600 1 +11101101100 CFM56-56s 1 +11101101100 thatch-roofed 1 +11101101100 superprecision 1 +11101101100 F-118 1 +11101101100 crocodile-skin 1 +11101101100 77,900 1 +11101101100 ultra-suede 1 +11101101100 shot-up 1 +11101101100 steno 1 +11101101100 24,600 1 +11101101100 airbag-equipped 1 +11101101100 67-mile 1 +11101101100 100,807 1 +11101101100 181,913 1 +11101101100 163,417 1 +11101101100 Top-20 1 +11101101100 turf-dominated 1 +11101101100 photo-reproduction 1 +11101101100 Banacol-label 1 +11101101100 3,829,000 1 +11101101100 seldom-stolen 1 +11101101100 592,412 1 +11101101100 491,210 1 +11101101100 oiled-cotton 1 +11101101100 Irish-made 1 +11101101100 good-for-you 1 +11101101100 notebook-sized 1 +11101101100 highperformance 1 +11101101100 battery-driven 1 +11101101100 British-assembled 1 +11101101100 nystatin 1 +11101101100 98,658 1 +11101101100 scanner-equipped 1 +11101101100 electronic-bomb 1 +11101101100 MIServer 1 +11101101100 infection-causing 1 +11101101100 heat-shock 1 +11101101100 immune-provoking 1 +11101101100 models-on-the-way-up 1 +11101101100 rainmaking 1 +11101101100 aliphatic 1 +11101101100 faster-working 1 +11101101100 107,067 1 +11101101100 floodlighted 1 +11101101100 hamburger-destined 1 +11101101100 124-seat 1 +11101101100 high-twist 1 +11101101100 Czech-made 1 +11101101100 Wordbench 1 +11101101100 cancercausing 1 +11101101100 161,630 1 +11101101100 teen-sex 1 +11101101100 tubeless 1 +11101101100 violence-laden 1 +11101101100 222,262 1 +11101101100 363,067 1 +11101101100 37-seat 1 +11101101100 hooved 1 +11101101100 basketball-style 1 +11101101100 congestion-predicting 1 +11101101100 limited-volume 1 +11101101100 161,502 1 +11101101100 departmental-sized 1 +11101101100 X-MP/24 1 +11101101100 super-moussed 1 +11101101100 low-vigor 1 +11101101100 BBB-sponsored 1 +11101101100 sustained-release 1 +11101101100 higher-caffeine 1 +11101101100 smoke-jumper 1 +11101101100 martin 1 +11101101100 rehydrated 1 +11101101100 623,500 1 +11101101100 360,189 1 +11101101100 362,669 1 +11101101100 729,729 1 +11101101100 280,380 1 +11101101100 1,491,224 1 +11101101100 1,430,242 1 +11101101100 54,083 1 +11101101100 45,886 1 +11101101100 186,193 1 +11101101100 get-away 1 +11101101100 feebased 1 +11101101100 highest-temperature 1 +11101101100 no-default 1 +11101101100 double-buffer 1 +11101101100 game-controlling 1 +11101101100 already-overcrowded 1 +11101101100 non-single 1 +11101101100 ultra-loud 1 +11101101100 bowhead 1 +11101101100 single-panel 1 +11101101100 velvet-covered 1 +11101101100 telephone-network 1 +11101101100 now-successful 1 +11101101100 RCA-made 1 +11101101100 126,735 1 +11101101100 ColorEdge 1 +11101101100 alkaline-manganese 1 +11101101100 33,868 1 +11101101100 198,647 1 +11101101100 cooling-water 1 +11101101100 diesel-engined 1 +11101101100 strew 1 +11101101100 fat-laden 1 +11101101100 pitson-powered 1 +11101101100 490-mph 1 +11101101100 75,715 1 +11101101100 1,875,711 1 +11101101100 freakiest 1 +11101101100 oats-based 1 +11101101100 market-disposable 1 +11101101100 500-year-old 1 +11101101100 prepreg 1 +11101101100 wind-detection 1 +11101101100 59,490 1 +11101101100 18,520 1 +11101101100 4,482 1 +11101101100 missile-grade 1 +11101101100 pari-mutuel 1 +11101101100 Chevrolet-brand 1 +11101101100 Geo-brand 1 +11101101100 167,724 1 +11101101100 amyloid-containing 1 +11101101100 2,000-cc 1 +11101101100 bias-constructed 1 +11101101100 V-2 1 +11101101100 chainmail 1 +11101101100 anise-flavored 1 +11101101100 short-to-medium-range 1 +11101101100 lunch-box-sized 1 +11101101100 African-inspired 1 +11101101100 Halston-label 1 +11101101100 traditional-- 1 +11101101100 boer 1 +11101101100 4,344,284 1 +11101101100 4,296,995 1 +11101101100 730,278 1 +11101101100 459,918 1 +11101101100 alcohol-powered 1 +11101101100 355,384 1 +11101101100 dependence-producing 1 +11101101100 AS400 1 +11101101100 strongest-selling 1 +11101101100 now-ubiquitous 1 +11101101100 vascular-lesion 1 +11101101100 BAC-1-11 1 +11101101100 83,443 1 +11101101100 72,272 1 +11101101100 60,550 1 +11101101100 explosive-packed 1 +11101101100 diposable 1 +11101101100 CCK-related 1 +11101101100 tree-trimming 1 +11101101100 grime-coated 1 +11101101100 door-sized 1 +11101101100 CFM56-3B2 1 +11101101100 wideshouldered 1 +11101101100 fiber-optic-based 1 +11101101100 110,353 1 +11101101100 brick-red 1 +11101101100 now-legal 1 +11101101100 20mm 1 +11101101100 Chrysler-brand 2 +11101101100 149,601 2 +11101101100 81-mm 2 +11101101100 177,512 2 +11101101100 non-volatile 2 +11101101100 125,774 2 +11101101100 Balloons 2 +11101101100 black-cased 2 +11101101100 slower-selling 2 +11101101100 deciduous 2 +11101101100 Huggies-brand 2 +11101101100 JT-9D 2 +11101101100 flue-gas 2 +11101101100 InCide 2 +11101101100 commission-driven 2 +11101101100 unripe 2 +11101101100 three-foot-tall 2 +11101101100 safety-critical 2 +11101101100 ink-and-brush 2 +11101101100 crunchier 2 +11101101100 Capraesque 2 +11101101100 helium-filled 2 +11101101100 T8 2 +11101101100 Howson-Algraphy 2 +11101101100 131,879 2 +11101101100 sometimes-violent 2 +11101101100 Beta-format 2 +11101101100 PC-Slave/286 2 +11101101100 frost-retarding 2 +11101101100 pale-green 2 +11101101100 4,686 2 +11101101100 24-exposure 2 +11101101100 Spectrum-based 2 +11101101100 163,295 2 +11101101100 trap-oxidizer 2 +11101101100 plug-compatible 2 +11101101100 140,528 2 +11101101100 patent-leather 2 +11101101100 108,575 2 +11101101100 145,386 2 +11101101100 cigarette-vending 2 +11101101100 foxglove 2 +11101101100 U.S.-protected 2 +11101101100 low-polluting 2 +11101101100 radar-carrying 2 +11101101100 154,387 2 +11101101100 fluid-filled 2 +11101101100 156,961 2 +11101101100 lymphocyte 2 +11101101100 5.8-liter 2 +11101101100 voice-stress 2 +11101101100 automatic-teller 2 +11101101100 French-English 2 +11101101100 waste-burning 2 +11101101100 cherry-tree 2 +11101101100 multifuel 2 +11101101100 693,515 2 +11101101100 semicustom 2 +11101101100 machine-gun-toting 2 +11101101100 rose-tinted 2 +11101101100 earth-mover 2 +11101101100 table-model 2 +11101101100 flint 2 +11101101100 177,563 2 +11101101100 140,567 2 +11101101100 anti-clot 2 +11101101100 Vuarnet 2 +11101101100 computer-output 2 +11101101100 notebook-size 2 +11101101100 23,189 2 +11101101100 steel-rimmed 2 +11101101100 148,911 2 +11101101100 higher-speed 2 +11101101100 10,214 2 +11101101100 structual 2 +11101101100 109,470 2 +11101101100 Sony-brand 2 +11101101100 blood-growth 2 +11101101100 fennel 2 +11101101100 E350 2 +11101101100 2-liter 2 +11101101100 8-millimeter 2 +11101101100 steel-hulled 2 +11101101100 1.7-liter 2 +11101101100 ultrafine 2 +11101101100 storm-tossed 2 +11101101100 desktop-presentation 2 +11101101100 YAG 2 +11101101100 3270 2 +11101101100 MacWrite 2 +11101101100 non-Apple 2 +11101101100 181,567 2 +11101101100 Olivetti-made 2 +11101101100 mild-to-moderate 2 +11101101100 ophthalmological 2 +11101101100 now-banned 2 +11101101100 Colorocs-designed 2 +11101101100 small-market 2 +11101101100 S27 2 +11101101100 Mateus 2 +11101101100 juke 2 +11101101100 different-colored 2 +11101101100 immuno-supportive 2 +11101101100 '57 2 +11101101100 mac+ 2 +11101101100 moated 2 +11101101100 knobby 2 +11101101100 shorter-skirt 2 +11101101100 tunnel-boring 2 +11101101100 runny 2 +11101101100 immune-boosting 2 +11101101100 Swat 2 +11101101100 ultra-high-speed 2 +11101101100 plum-colored 2 +11101101100 amyloid-producing 2 +11101101100 whole-virus 2 +11101101100 37,300 2 +11101101100 A15 2 +11101101100 third-power 2 +11101101100 low-saturated-fat 2 +11101101100 nonsteroidal 2 +11101101100 military-communications 2 +11101101100 4,546,245 2 +11101101100 126,654 2 +11101101100 130,348 2 +11101101100 139,575 2 +11101101100 highpowered 2 +11101101100 25mm 2 +11101101100 overmature 2 +11101101100 accident-warning 2 +11101101100 list-cleansing 2 +11101101100 white-blood 2 +11101101100 industrial-type 2 +11101101100 standalone 2 +11101101100 i.v. 2 +11101101100 teensy-weensy 2 +11101101100 low-performance 2 +11101101100 157,594 2 +11101101100 1,912,293 2 +11101101100 Tastykake 2 +11101101100 easy-to-read 2 +11101101100 crew-neck 2 +11101101100 less-polluting 2 +11101101100 youth-appeal 2 +11101101100 play-only 2 +11101101100 86,229 2 +11101101100 143-seat 2 +11101101100 ever-tinier 2 +11101101100 multi-processor 2 +11101101100 Mandarin-language 2 +11101101100 VDT-type 2 +11101101100 semi-precious 2 +11101101100 petits 2 +11101101100 dry-cell 2 +11101101100 open-neck 2 +11101101100 193,139 2 +11101101100 pre-1959 2 +11101101100 brazing 2 +11101101100 nonexempt 2 +11101101100 jellied 2 +11101101100 EDB-tainted 2 +11101101100 iron-based 2 +11101101100 heavyduty 2 +11101101100 classic-style 2 +11101101100 sporting-event 2 +11101101100 unwrinkled 2 +11101101100 Crayola 2 +11101101100 Apres 2 +11101101100 display-based 2 +11101101100 87,088 2 +11101101100 hemlock 2 +11101101100 RB211-524G 2 +11101101100 nail-polish 2 +11101101100 Cray-2S/4-128 2 +11101101100 engine-control 2 +11101101100 anaerobic 2 +11101101100 four-barrel 2 +11101101100 Lodgmate 2 +11101101100 made-for-cable 2 +11101101100 nonathletic 2 +11101101100 165,348 2 +11101101100 small-incision 2 +11101101100 air-bag-equipped 2 +11101101100 109,208 2 +11101101100 123,765 2 +11101101100 pre-islet 2 +11101101100 low-powered 2 +11101101100 insulin-producing 2 +11101101100 direct-random-access-memory 2 +11101101100 superconductor-based 2 +11101101100 chemotherapeutic 2 +11101101100 pre-sensitized 2 +11101101100 middle-ear 2 +11101101100 six-wheel 2 +11101101100 smog-forming 2 +11101101100 water-regulating 2 +11101101100 IBM-style 2 +11101101100 VaxSyn 2 +11101101100 3-series 2 +11101101100 fork-lift 2 +11101101100 weather-satellite 2 +11101101100 gum-inflaming 2 +11101101100 volt 2 +11101101100 troop-carrying 2 +11101101100 percapita 2 +11101101100 Egypt-bound 2 +11101101100 10-speed 2 +11101101100 crosscountry 2 +11101101100 itty-bitty 2 +11101101100 155,498 2 +11101101100 anti-migraine 2 +11101101100 wire-rim 2 +11101101100 1.9-liter 2 +11101101100 86,743 2 +11101101100 25,119 2 +11101101100 three-tone 2 +11101101100 1,799,595 2 +11101101100 birch-bark 2 +11101101100 more-promising 2 +11101101100 CFM56-3B1 2 +11101101100 snuffling 2 +11101101100 four-stage 2 +11101101100 Firestone-brand 2 +11101101100 Larousse 2 +11101101100 35,249 2 +11101101100 Benelli 2 +11101101100 anti-androgen 2 +11101101100 Asian-made 2 +11101101100 palm-leaf 2 +11101101100 sealskin 2 +11101101100 Continental/General 2 +11101101100 off-patent 2 +11101101100 high-field 2 +11101101100 second-run 2 +11101101100 medium-power 2 +11101101100 polycarboxylic 2 +11101101100 fish-net 2 +11101101100 airline-owned 2 +11101101100 16-minute 2 +11101101100 two-foot-wide 2 +11101101100 50,648 2 +11101101100 Mystic 2 +11101101100 forest-green 2 +11101101100 181,820 2 +11101101100 73,541 2 +11101101100 86,851 2 +11101101100 felt-tip 2 +11101101100 Dolby-encoded 2 +11101101100 revenue-driven 2 +11101101100 big-studio 2 +11101101100 hobnail 2 +11101101100 air-cushion 2 +11101101100 track-type 2 +11101101100 wire-rimmed 2 +11101101100 front-teeth 2 +11101101100 cell-replication 2 +11101101100 edge-triggered 2 +11101101100 HIND 2 +11101101100 ground-attack 2 +11101101100 JT9D-7R4 2 +11101101100 Am22V10 2 +11101101100 6,411 2 +11101101100 AT-compatible 2 +11101101100 opthalmic 2 +11101101100 Akihabara 2 +11101101100 PrintMaster 2 +11101101100 F-body 2 +11101101100 bridesmaid 2 +11101101100 223,376 2 +11101101100 extended-length 2 +11101101100 corn-colored 2 +11101101100 G-body 2 +11101101100 strip-mill 2 +11101101100 lizard-skin 2 +11101101100 muscle-toning 2 +11101101100 CFM56 2 +11101101100 bloodstain 2 +11101101100 MX6 2 +11101101100 postgame 2 +11101101100 IBM-made 2 +11101101100 472,600 2 +11101101100 youth-market 2 +11101101100 M-88 2 +11101101100 2.2-liter 2 +11101101100 4,668,203 2 +11101101100 136,771 2 +11101101100 121,326 2 +11101101100 psychotropic 2 +11101101100 JT9D-7R4G2 2 +11101101100 3B2/600 2 +11101101100 3B2 2 +11101101100 phone-system 2 +11101101100 dictionary-sized 2 +11101101100 mopey 3 +11101101100 M-113 3 +11101101100 V-tail 3 +11101101100 anti-epileptic 3 +11101101100 blue-gray 3 +11101101100 higher-density 3 +11101101100 132,440 3 +11101101100 hand-sewn 3 +11101101100 ski-lift 3 +11101101100 methanol-powered 3 +11101101100 non-pornographic 3 +11101101100 nine-millimeter 3 +11101101100 full-front 3 +11101101100 16-millimeter 3 +11101101100 hot-money 3 +11101101100 opalescent 3 +11101101100 foreign-patented 3 +11101101100 anti-hepatitis 3 +11101101100 2.0-liter 3 +11101101100 American-designed 3 +11101101100 mimeograph 3 +11101101100 XT-compatible 3 +11101101100 1980-model 3 +11101101100 eight-millimeter 3 +11101101100 Chicago-style 3 +11101101100 self-regarding 3 +11101101100 Ohio-built 3 +11101101100 641,087 3 +11101101100 in-office 3 +11101101100 home-satellite 3 +11101101100 pre-feminist 3 +11101101100 AIDs 3 +11101101100 cottonwood 3 +11101101100 electrophotographic 3 +11101101100 coronary-bypass 3 +11101101100 high-blood-pressure 3 +11101101100 CFM56-3 3 +11101101100 twice-a-year 3 +11101101100 eraseable 3 +11101101100 semi-frozen 3 +11101101100 questing 3 +11101101100 long-stemmed 3 +11101101100 adult-sized 3 +11101101100 Russian-built 3 +11101101100 high-proof 3 +11101101100 hallucinogenic 3 +11101101100 non-steroid 3 +11101101100 IBM-PC 3 +11101101100 System/36 3 +11101101100 egg-white 3 +11101101100 foreign-developed 3 +11101101100 telephone-equipped 3 +11101101100 1960s-vintage 3 +11101101100 handheld 3 +11101101100 Winnie-the-Pooh 3 +11101101100 upper-end 3 +11101101100 handcrafted 3 +11101101100 room-sized 3 +11101101100 ionization 3 +11101101100 OH-58D 3 +11101101100 S10 3 +11101101100 Unisteel 3 +11101101100 Mark-48 3 +11101101100 angora 3 +11101101100 spandex 3 +11101101100 oat-based 3 +11101101100 well-cut 3 +11101101100 coliform 3 +11101101100 tangerine 3 +11101101100 Bounceroo 3 +11101101100 bongo 3 +11101101100 hummable 3 +11101101100 cochlear 3 +11101101100 methanol-fueled 3 +11101101100 deep-diving 3 +11101101100 VR-G 3 +11101101100 finback 3 +11101101100 FSD-II 3 +11101101100 metal-alloy 3 +11101101100 10-foot-high 3 +11101101100 plano 3 +11101101100 nucleic 3 +11101101100 crossbred 3 +11101101100 internal-combustion 3 +11101101100 Yum 3 +11101101100 gold-tipped 3 +11101101100 short-oiled 3 +11101101100 MPS 3 +11101101100 36-foot 3 +11101101100 Hilux 3 +11101101100 thousand-dollar 3 +11101101100 pay-for-view 3 +11101101100 random-source 3 +11101101100 herbicide-tainted 3 +11101101100 DieHard 3 +11101101100 horsehair 3 +11101101100 medium-launch 3 +11101101100 ficus 3 +11101101100 fee-earning 3 +11101101100 humpback 3 +11101101100 2,013 3 +11101101100 dressier 3 +11101101100 clone-proof 3 +11101101100 risk-reducing 3 +11101101100 D-Flawless 3 +11101101100 700-series 3 +11101101100 Roledex 3 +11101101100 VHS-format 3 +11101101100 Mylar 3 +11101101100 soft-money 3 +11101101100 small-donor 3 +11101101100 tumor-infiltrating 3 +11101101100 red-eye 3 +11101101100 T-series 3 +11101101100 methane-making 3 +11101101100 antigen-binding 3 +11101101100 PW4060 3 +11101101100 roll-your-own 3 +11101101100 in-room 3 +11101101100 two-toned 3 +11101101100 higher-tech 3 +11101101100 suitcase-sized 3 +11101101100 immune-deficient 3 +11101101100 diluted-juice 3 +11101101100 black-painted 3 +11101101100 multipoint 3 +11101101100 CF6-80 3 +11101101100 yard-long 3 +11101101100 Spacemaker 3 +11101101100 30mm 3 +11101101100 telefax 3 +11101101100 140-seat 3 +11101101100 bag-handling 3 +11101101100 5-liter 3 +11101101100 interest-charge 3 +11101101100 Jeep-type 3 +11101101100 nasogastric 3 +11101101100 gas-guzzling 3 +11101101100 flat-bed 4 +11101101100 interstitial 4 +11101101100 Bear-H 4 +11101101100 briny 4 +11101101100 voice-processing 4 +11101101100 fat-soluble 4 +11101101100 queen-size 4 +11101101100 melanin-producing 4 +11101101100 two-section 4 +11101101100 Day-Glo 4 +11101101100 staphylococcal 4 +11101101100 F-Series 4 +11101101100 RISC/UNIX 4 +11101101100 black-rimmed 4 +11101101100 Hi-C 4 +11101101100 odorant 4 +11101101100 System/88 4 +11101101100 scalping 4 +11101101100 soft-leather 4 +11101101100 100-passenger 4 +11101101100 gear-cutting 4 +11101101100 5-series 4 +11101101100 felt-tipped 4 +11101101100 hot-weather 4 +11101101100 Axxess 4 +11101101100 late-harvest 4 +11101101100 Flxible 4 +11101101100 64-kilobit 4 +11101101100 die-cast 4 +11101101100 silicon-based 4 +11101101100 whitewall 4 +11101101100 Sparc-based 4 +11101101100 lower-calorie 4 +11101101100 king-size 4 +11101101100 blood-chemistry 4 +11101101100 high-demand 4 +11101101100 farm-to-market 4 +11101101100 Wisk 4 +11101101100 foam-rubber 4 +11101101100 pewter 4 +11101101100 satellite-based 4 +11101101100 chocolate-chip 4 +11101101100 higher-resolution 4 +11101101100 trichothecene 4 +11101101100 lower-middle 4 +11101101100 bulk-cargo 4 +11101101100 PEG 4 +11101101100 286-based 4 +11101101100 terrycloth 4 +11101101100 high-heeled 4 +11101101100 four-processor 4 +11101101100 high-top 4 +11101101100 Ford-built 4 +11101101100 economywide 4 +11101101100 pre-shrunk 4 +11101101100 transdermal 4 +11101101100 pullover 4 +11101101100 catgut 4 +11101101100 minke 4 +11101101100 pull-down 4 +11101101100 more-complex 4 +11101101100 short-year 4 +11101101100 non-aerosol 4 +11101101100 pre-1975 4 +11101101100 absorbable 5 +11101101100 C/K 5 +11101101100 premalignant 5 +11101101100 fresh-cut 5 +11101101100 ballpoint 5 +11101101100 pre-production 5 +11101101100 PW4000 5 +11101101100 tortoise-shell 5 +11101101100 RB211-535E4 5 +11101101100 controlled-release 5 +11101101100 HFC 5 +11101101100 rechargeable 5 +11101101100 feral 5 +11101101100 cash-dispensing 5 +11101101100 non-interstate 5 +11101101100 C-band 5 +11101101100 E-body 5 +11101101100 peptic 5 +11101101100 chlorinated 5 +11101101100 non-steroidal 5 +11101101100 clot-busting 5 +11101101100 Westlaw 5 +11101101100 health-oriented 5 +11101101100 cholesterol-reducing 5 +11101101100 double-decker 5 +11101101100 C-body 5 +11101101100 military-type 5 +11101101100 ibuprofen-based 5 +11101101100 cut-up 5 +11101101100 wing-tip 5 +11101101100 top-end 5 +11101101100 piped-in 5 +11101101100 1984-model 5 +11101101100 Pennsylvania-based 5 +11101101100 sleeveless 5 +11101101100 canvas-top 5 +11101101100 crime-fighting 5 +11101101100 minesweeping 5 +11101101100 pontoon 5 +11101101100 beribboned 5 +11101101100 blood-testing 5 +11101101100 metal-oxide 5 +11101101100 long-tailed 5 +11101101100 5.7-liter 5 +11101101100 U.S.made 6 +11101101100 foreign-built 6 +11101101100 idle-stabilization 6 +11101101100 S-15 6 +11101101100 tight-fitting 6 +11101101100 chocolate-covered 6 +11101101100 F-350 6 +11101101100 fighter-plane 6 +11101101100 bonsai 6 +11101101100 food-borne 6 +11101101100 high-mobility 6 +11101101100 reduced-calorie 6 +11101101100 mangrove 6 +11101101100 urology 6 +11101101100 jean 6 +11101101100 anti-friction 6 +11101101100 back-alley 6 +11101101100 68020 6 +11101101100 13-inch 6 +11101101100 sports-utility 6 +11101101100 home-cooked 6 +11101101100 MX-6 6 +11101101100 1982-model 6 +11101101100 Canadian-built 6 +11101101100 American-flag 6 +11101101100 heavy-lift 6 +11101101100 home-made 6 +11101101100 cell-replicating 6 +11101101100 early-model 6 +11101101100 Vax 6 +11101101100 sportier 6 +11101101100 acid-washed 6 +11101101100 self-locking 6 +11101101100 short-sleeved 6 +11101101100 tunable 6 +11101101100 MHC 6 +11101101100 Ultralife 6 +11101101100 nitrogen-fixing 7 +11101101100 Godiva 7 +11101101100 cypress 7 +11101101100 E-150 7 +11101101100 1983-model 7 +11101101100 loose-leaf 7 +11101101100 urinary-tract 7 +11101101100 pain-killing 7 +11101101100 multivalve 7 +11101101100 inorganic 7 +11101101100 relational 7 +11101101100 Proleukin 7 +11101101100 10-ton 7 +11101101100 phone-answering 7 +11101101100 reconstructive 7 +11101101100 T-suppressor 7 +11101101100 hickory 7 +11101101100 parallel-processing 7 +11101101100 Seahawk 7 +11101101100 monogrammed 7 +11101101100 .45-caliber 7 +11101101100 throw-away 7 +11101101100 bronchial 7 +11101101100 frictionless 7 +11101101100 Energizer 7 +11101101100 medium-weight 8 +11101101100 stand-by 8 +11101101100 Copperhead 8 +11101101100 higher-powered 8 +11101101100 fungal 8 +11101101100 reportorial 8 +11101101100 late-model 8 +11101101100 single-chain 8 +11101101100 K-body 8 +11101101100 manila 8 +11101101100 highspeed 8 +11101101100 LAK 8 +11101101100 fast-selling 8 +11101101100 ball-point 8 +11101101100 Oreo 8 +11101101100 pea 8 +11101101100 Barracuda 8 +11101101100 UART 8 +11101101100 Carter-era 8 +11101101100 sectional 8 +11101101100 two-wheel-drive 9 +11101101100 anti-plaque 9 +11101101100 NetView 9 +11101101100 Betamax 9 +11101101100 low-alcohol 9 +11101101100 multi-user 9 +11101101100 touch-screen 9 +11101101100 multiprocessor 9 +11101101100 fuel-injected 9 +11101101100 Mies 9 +11101101100 CF6-80C2 9 +11101101100 public-domain 9 +11101101100 pre-Olympic 9 +11101101100 1985-model 9 +11101101100 free-electron 9 +11101101100 reddish 9 +11101101100 star-studded 10 +11101101100 12-meter 10 +11101101100 nine-volt 10 +11101101100 extended-body 10 +11101101100 red-white-and-blue 10 +11101101100 rose-colored 10 +11101101100 MacIntosh 10 +11101101100 radio-controlled 10 +11101101100 musk 10 +11101101100 papilloma 10 +11101101100 gasoline-powered 10 +11101101100 flatbed 10 +11101101100 mine-sweeper 10 +11101101100 levitating 10 +11101101100 E-250 10 +11101101100 cathode-ray 10 +11101101100 RISC-based 10 +11101101100 fuel-system 10 +11101101100 mashed 10 +11101101100 H-body 11 +11101101100 AM-FM 11 +11101101100 made-for-television 11 +11101101100 higher-performance 11 +11101101100 corneal 11 +11101101100 congenital 11 +11101101100 T-helper 12 +11101101100 Tampax 12 +11101101100 transportable 12 +11101101100 2.3-liter 12 +11101101100 80386-based 12 +11101101100 anabolic 12 +11101101100 cashmere 12 +11101101100 J-body 12 +11101101100 386-based 12 +11101101100 high-power 13 +11101101100 Braille 13 +11101101100 cancer-fighting 13 +11101101100 JT8D 13 +11101101100 paperless 13 +11101101100 diesel-powered 13 +11101101100 sunken 13 +11101101100 laser-guided 13 +11101101100 tartar-control 13 +11101101100 sequined 13 +11101101100 low-back 13 +11101101100 hot-air 13 +11101101100 four-megabit 14 +11101101100 industry-standard 14 +11101101100 Rolodex 14 +11101101100 solar-powered 14 +11101101100 T-4 15 +11101101100 large-screen 15 +11101101100 arthritic 15 +11101101100 four-speed 15 +11101101100 fault-tolerant 15 +11101101100 lead-acid 15 +11101101100 upper-middle 15 +11101101100 bullet-proof 15 +11101101100 American-built 15 +11101101100 khaki 16 +11101101100 suede 16 +11101101100 S-10 16 +11101101100 incandescent 16 +11101101100 battery-operated 16 +11101101100 levitated 16 +11101101100 electrolytic 16 +11101101100 toy-based 17 +11101101100 multiuser 17 +11101101100 horn-rimmed 17 +11101101100 3B 17 +11101101100 solid-state 17 +11101101100 per-unit 17 +11101101100 R-rated 17 +11101101100 parasitic 17 +11101101100 four-wheeled 17 +11101101100 first-person 17 +11101101100 dual-deck 17 +11101101100 excimer 18 +11101101100 diskless 18 +11101101100 lap-top 18 +11101101100 hypodermic 18 +11101101100 superfast 18 +11101101100 chauffeur-driven 18 +11101101100 five-ton 19 +11101101100 F-series 19 +11101101100 transgenic 20 +11101101100 desk-top 20 +11101101100 nonoperating 20 +11101101100 E-350 20 +11101101100 Unix-based 20 +11101101100 made-for-TV 21 +11101101100 submachine 21 +11101101100 A-body 21 +11101101100 open-heart 21 +11101101100 CMOS 21 +11101101100 life-saving 22 +11101101100 256K 22 +11101101100 LifeStyles 22 +11101101100 pre-recorded 22 +11101101100 self-employment 23 +11101101100 16-bit 23 +11101101100 custom-designed 24 +11101101100 aerobic 24 +11101101100 multipurpose 24 +11101101100 rear-wheel-drive 25 +11101101100 battery-powered 25 +11101101100 copycat 26 +11101101100 Econoline 26 +11101101100 throwaway 26 +11101101100 bulletproof 27 +11101101100 domestic-made 27 +11101101100 medicinal 28 +11101101100 erasable 28 +11101101100 PC-AT 28 +11101101100 high-resolution 30 +11101101100 motorized 31 +11101101100 fluorescent 31 +11101101100 Florsheim 33 +11101101100 Aerostar 33 +11101101100 big-selling 35 +11101101100 alkaline 36 +11101101100 T4 38 +11101101100 light-duty 39 +11101101100 pornographic 39 +11101101100 sport-utility 40 +11101101100 blood-pressure 41 +11101101100 32-bit 41 +11101101100 prerecorded 42 +11101101100 unearned 42 +11101101100 1989-model 42 +11101101100 1990-model 42 +11101101100 medium-duty 42 +11101101100 all-terrain 43 +11101101100 front-wheel-drive 45 +11101101100 radial 46 +11101101100 programmable 47 +11101101100 high-temperature 52 +11101101100 french 52 +11101101100 1987-model 54 +11101101100 phantom 54 +11101101100 nuclear-powered 55 +11101101100 bacterial 56 +11101101100 four-wheel-drive 59 +11101101100 full-sized 60 +11101101100 U.S.-built 62 +11101101100 mid-range 64 +11101101100 one-megabit 64 +11101101100 tax-deferred 65 +11101101100 Japanese-made 85 +11101101100 armored 104 +11101101100 laptop 107 +11101101100 heavy-duty 109 +11101101100 customized 112 +11101101100 VAX 117 +11101101100 RISC 140 +11101101100 hand-held 145 +11101101100 American-made 156 +11101101100 IBM-compatible 165 +11101101100 teller 172 +11101101100 midrange 177 +11101101100 high-performance 198 +11101101100 discretionary 219 +11101101100 high-speed 236 +11101101100 per-capita 258 +11101101100 desktop 283 +11101101100 disposable 295 +11101101100 portable 331 +11101101100 mainframe 455 +11101101100 Macintosh 489 +11101101100 prescription 562 +11101101100 taxable 784 +11101101100 blue 974 +11101101100 seasonal 1205 +11101101100 personal 6784 +11101101100 gross 1841 +111011011010 fetal-monitoring 1 +111011011010 yield-enhancing 1 +111011011010 already-unhappy 1 +111011011010 fitness-center 1 +111011011010 lower-saturated-fat 1 +111011011010 pre-acquisition 1 +111011011010 liquids-filtering 1 +111011011010 attacksubmarine 1 +111011011010 position-locating 1 +111011011010 280ZX 1 +111011011010 collision-alert 1 +111011011010 anti-fire 1 +111011011010 patient-handling 1 +111011011010 dowsing 1 +111011011010 death-dealing 1 +111011011010 clear-amber 1 +111011011010 non-motor 1 +111011011010 metal-detecting 1 +111011011010 Eurocheque 1 +111011011010 food-grade 1 +111011011010 food-stand 1 +111011011010 mid-price 1 +111011011010 computer-image-generation 1 +111011011010 fixed-insurance 1 +111011011010 laser-optical 1 +111011011010 high-intelligence 1 +111011011010 data-measuring 1 +111011011010 microcomputer-developed 1 +111011011010 beast-shaped 1 +111011011010 petroleum-distribution 1 +111011011010 image-seeking 1 +111011011010 processcontrol 1 +111011011010 high-ridership 1 +111011011010 undissonant 1 +111011011010 ammunition-handling 1 +111011011010 air-pollution-control 1 +111011011010 shoplifting-detection 1 +111011011010 Indy-racer 1 +111011011010 MS-DOS-compatible 1 +111011011010 mud-shedding 1 +111011011010 meat-grinding 1 +111011011010 air-power 1 +111011011010 luminescent 1 +111011011010 propeller-making 1 +111011011010 fictive 1 +111011011010 submarine-periscope 1 +111011011010 lecture-oriented 1 +111011011010 18.8-year 1 +111011011010 pecan-processing 1 +111011011010 Marxist-inclined 1 +111011011010 stamped-metal 1 +111011011010 dolly 1 +111011011010 super-cooling 1 +111011011010 avalanche-prone 1 +111011011010 position-determining 1 +111011011010 heat-related 1 +111011011010 motel-room 1 +111011011010 interconnecting 1 +111011011010 misdiagnosing 1 +111011011010 underseas-surveillance 1 +111011011010 air-handling 1 +111011011010 target-designating 1 +111011011010 stuck-together 1 +111011011010 30-by-50-inch 1 +111011011010 electronic-document 1 +111011011010 submarine-control 1 +111011011010 sailcloth 1 +111011011010 quick-release 1 +111011011010 shock-absorbing 1 +111011011010 plastics-extrusion 1 +111011011010 military-satellite-launching 1 +111011011010 lawn-watering 1 +111011011010 kinkier 1 +111011011010 shoe-care 1 +111011011010 advanced-TV 1 +111011011010 actuation 1 +111011011010 tube-making 1 +111011011010 offset-printing 1 +111011011010 powerconversion 1 +111011011010 microcomputer-related 1 +111011011010 extra-vehicular 1 +111011011010 card-access 1 +111011011010 securities-offering 1 +111011011010 Nissan-built 1 +111011011010 water-recreation 1 +111011011010 credit-evaluation 1 +111011011010 PW2 1 +111011011010 water-testing 1 +111011011010 precision-machined 1 +111011011010 generation-and-transmission 1 +111011011010 color-transmission 1 +111011011010 maple-covered 1 +111011011010 water-control 1 +111011011010 helicopter-modification 1 +111011011010 fingerprinting-identification 1 +111011011010 Maloneys 1 +111011011010 tactical-communications 1 +111011011010 upper-atmospheric 1 +111011011010 electromedia 1 +111011011010 160,360 1 +111011011010 emergency-warning 1 +111011011010 Scottish-style 1 +111011011010 tape-backup 1 +111011011010 per-inmate 1 +111011011010 orthopedic-support 1 +111011011010 target-detection 1 +111011011010 missile-recovery 1 +111011011010 ECR-42 1 +111011011010 can-manufacturing 1 +111011011010 remoter 1 +111011011010 low-oxygen 1 +111011011010 threat-warning 1 +111011011010 fusillage 1 +111011011010 MTV-inspired 1 +111011011010 yak-butter 1 +111011011010 Protestant-Catholic 1 +111011011010 military-plane 1 +111011011010 superthin 1 +111011011010 aspartame-containing 1 +111011011010 electricity-consuming 1 +111011011010 oil-tube 1 +111011011010 radio-phonograph-tape 1 +111011011010 record-player 1 +111011011010 company-approved 1 +111011011010 circular-knitting 1 +111011011010 private-voice 1 +111011011010 fare-controls 1 +111011011010 dioxide-removal 1 +111011011010 nuclearpropulsion 1 +111011011010 aircraft-targeting 1 +111011011010 faculty-room 1 +111011011010 rubber-gloves 1 +111011011010 shipboard-communications 1 +111011011010 tracking-station 1 +111011011010 vascular-access 1 +111011011010 medical-grade 1 +111011011010 treatment-center 1 +111011011010 can-washing 1 +111011011010 miniature-stereo 1 +111011011010 Japanese-government-sponsored 1 +111011011010 narcotic-related 1 +111011011010 exhaust-system 1 +111011011010 horse-sized 1 +111011011010 non-Wang 1 +111011011010 seldom-ordered 1 +111011011010 video-editing 1 +111011011010 copper-clad 1 +111011011010 night-sight 1 +111011011010 trading-screen 1 +111011011010 magnetic-resonance-imaging 1 +111011011010 Houseworks 1 +111011011010 hand-cream 1 +111011011010 P&H 1 +111011011010 digital-parts 1 +111011011010 noise-reduction 1 +111011011010 heat-sealing 1 +111011011010 pictographic 1 +111011011010 ultra-sensitive 1 +111011011010 computer-softwear 1 +111011011010 seat-reclining 1 +111011011010 missile-test 1 +111011011010 65-60 1 +111011011010 1200-series 1 +111011011010 beverage-production 1 +111011011010 field-combat 1 +111011011010 laser-guidance 1 +111011011010 bridge-building 1 +111011011010 body-panel 1 +111011011010 telecommunications-switching 1 +111011011010 foxhole-digging 1 +111011011010 armored-car 1 +111011011010 wing-control 1 +111011011010 progessive-cavity 1 +111011011010 cholesterol-measuring 1 +111011011010 machinery-calibration 1 +111011011010 Unix-like 1 +111011011010 less-interesting 1 +111011011010 thermal-process 1 +111011011010 dark-chocolate 1 +111011011010 automated-process-control 1 +111011011010 welding-assembly 1 +111011011010 automobile-production 1 +111011011010 bourbon-pecan 1 +111011011010 French-sounding 1 +111011011010 53,290 1 +111011011010 55,115 1 +111011011010 four-alarm 1 +111011011010 aircraft-evacuation 1 +111011011010 field-goals-allowed 1 +111011011010 commercial-cooking 1 +111011011010 self-rescue 1 +111011011010 museum-bashing 1 +111011011010 multisexual 1 +111011011010 arrow-felled 1 +111011011010 tacky-looking 1 +111011011010 balloonlike 1 +111011011010 dehumidification 1 +111011011010 pulmonary-care 1 +111011011010 fluid-transfer 1 +111011011010 A-car 1 +111011011010 adapter-VCR 1 +111011011010 square-mile 1 +111011011010 garbage-dump 1 +111011011010 convection 1 +111011011010 automatic-brake 1 +111011011010 artillery-projectile 1 +111011011010 water-jet-assisted 1 +111011011010 diamond-dusted 1 +111011011010 semi-stiff 1 +111011011010 wild-game 1 +111011011010 dimension-scanning 1 +111011011010 laser-inspection 1 +111011011010 accelerator-control 1 +111011011010 government-donated 1 +111011011010 Axcess 1 +111011011010 Renault-made 1 +111011011010 openwork 1 +111011011010 security-themed 1 +111011011010 pro-Kemp 1 +111011011010 balance-weighted 1 +111011011010 physical-rehabilitation 1 +111011011010 non-beverage 1 +111011011010 river-crossing 1 +111011011010 non-bar 1 +111011011010 bobbin 1 +111011011010 aluminum-housing 1 +111011011010 paint-trim 1 +111011011010 stair-stepped 1 +111011011010 extra-high-voltage 1 +111011011010 boarding-pass 1 +111011011010 electrical-mechanical 1 +111011011010 blood-processing 1 +111011011010 breath-analyzing 1 +111011011010 rerevised 1 +111011011010 ready-to-plant 1 +111011011010 metal-detector 1 +111011011010 intrusion-detection 1 +111011011010 professional-designation 1 +111011011010 pine-filled 1 +111011011010 satellite-terminal 1 +111011011010 boars'-tusk 1 +111011011010 roof-control 1 +111011011010 even-stranger 1 +111011011010 bank-brokerage 1 +111011011010 self-play 1 +111011011010 bomb-case 1 +111011011010 vision-correction 1 +111011011010 electric-communications 1 +111011011010 hair-salon 1 +111011011010 oil-extraction 1 +111011011010 13,459 1 +111011011010 picture-enhancing 1 +111011011010 Anti-Federalist 1 +111011011010 DEC-compatible 1 +111011011010 LN-700 1 +111011011010 cell-controller 1 +111011011010 ticket-processing 1 +111011011010 engine-idle 1 +111011011010 auto-dialing 1 +111011011010 anti-CBW 1 +111011011010 properties-initially 1 +111011011010 bomb-targeting 1 +111011011010 tuning-fork 1 +111011011010 light-producing 1 +111011011010 electro-hydraulic 1 +111011011010 paper-plant 1 +111011011010 debt-covenant 1 +111011011010 industrial-electrical 1 +111011011010 lighttruck 1 +111011011010 vehicle-customization 1 +111011011010 first-trimester 1 +111011011010 executive-style 1 +111011011010 caraway 1 +111011011010 data-encryption 1 +111011011010 electronic-processing 1 +111011011010 super-smart 1 +111011011010 pastilles 1 +111011011010 beer-brewing 1 +111011011010 radio-tracking 1 +111011011010 clay-tile 1 +111011011010 storm-sewer 1 +111011011010 criterion-referenced 1 +111011011010 conusmer 1 +111011011010 Adelphia-owned 1 +111011011010 ivied 1 +111011011010 air-separation 1 +111011011010 10,000-share 1 +111011011010 leveraged-takeover 1 +111011011010 diagnotic 1 +111011011010 news-staff 1 +111011011010 blood-coagulation 1 +111011011010 motor-drive 1 +111011011010 ABM-capable 1 +111011011010 electro-rheological 1 +111011011010 valve-type 1 +111011011010 electric-arc 1 +111011011010 business-automation 1 +111011011010 missile-delivery 1 +111011011010 pneumatic-control 1 +111011011010 adult-training 1 +111011011010 paint-spraying 1 +111011011010 harpoonlike 1 +111011011010 doll-making 1 +111011011010 nonexplosive 1 +111011011010 product-sample 1 +111011011010 de-energize 1 +111011011010 ground-station 1 +111011011010 cold-formed 1 +111011011010 debt-like 1 +111011011010 all-funds 1 +111011011010 TouchTone 1 +111011011010 information-communication 1 +111011011010 computer-automated 1 +111011011010 rocket-launching 1 +111011011010 mail-transportation 1 +111011011010 steam-generating 1 +111011011010 catalpa 1 +111011011010 automobile-finishing 1 +111011011010 long-idle 1 +111011011010 biomagnetic 1 +111011011010 information-network 1 +111011011010 telecommuications 1 +111011011010 global-education 1 +111011011010 erosion-caused 1 +111011011010 transportation-engine 1 +111011011010 laser-surgery 1 +111011011010 rocket-launcher 1 +111011011010 MasterCare 1 +111011011010 mobile-missile-launching 1 +111011011010 cargo-compartment 1 +111011011010 4,792 1 +111011011010 non-porous 1 +111011011010 color-mapping 1 +111011011010 orthopaedic 1 +111011011010 asphalt-paving 1 +111011011010 optical-laser 1 +111011011010 image-management 1 +111011011010 battlefield-electronic 1 +111011011010 radar-simulation 1 +111011011010 drug-aid 1 +111011011010 tire-changing 1 +111011011010 saucer-shaped 1 +111011011010 attack-ad 1 +111011011010 passenger-related 1 +111011011010 on-the-water 1 +111011011010 explosives-related 1 +111011011010 income-reporting 1 +111011011010 tax-effort 1 +111011011010 Luron 1 +111011011010 2.5-ounce 1 +111011011010 noise-cancellation 1 +111011011010 tool-making 1 +111011011010 postcard-size 1 +111011011010 12-channel 1 +111011011010 radar-system 1 +111011011010 pre-Revolutionary 1 +111011011010 non-durable-goods 1 +111011011010 white-baby's-breath 1 +111011011010 computerized-networking 1 +111011011010 environmental/business-management 1 +111011011010 arts-related 1 +111011011010 opthalmological 1 +111011011010 electrical-power-generating 1 +111011011010 test-and-measurement 1 +111011011010 10-foot-long 1 +111011011010 U.K.-built 1 +111011011010 automated-people-mover 1 +111011011010 semiconductor-related 1 +111011011010 national-achievement 1 +111011011010 heat-shrink 1 +111011011010 natural-gas-transportation 1 +111011011010 worker-referral 1 +111011011010 sepia 1 +111011011010 marketing-motion 1 +111011011010 impact-printer 1 +111011011010 flexible-production 1 +111011011010 Scotchgard 1 +111011011010 200-milliliter 1 +111011011010 nuclear-weapons-carrying 1 +111011011010 computer-graphics-display 1 +111011011010 ultrasonic-scanning 1 +111011011010 outerwing 1 +111011011010 urban-transit 1 +111011011010 customer-mandated 1 +111011011010 status-determination 1 +111011011010 electrical/electronic 1 +111011011010 inking 1 +111011011010 work-group 1 +111011011010 weapons-tactics 1 +111011011010 heart-monitoring 1 +111011011010 seafood-poisoning 1 +111011011010 chip-mounted 1 +111011011010 pre-press 1 +111011011010 heart-support 1 +111011011010 photo-optical 1 +111011011010 cement-importing 1 +111011011010 lower-register 1 +111011011010 opto-electronic 1 +111011011010 day-in-the-life 1 +111011011010 electrical-cable 1 +111011011010 commercial-information 1 +111011011010 industrial-cleaning 1 +111011011010 accoustic 1 +111011011010 devil-worship 1 +111011011010 label-application 1 +111011011010 fire-direction 1 +111011011010 transaction-entry 1 +111011011010 Risc-based 1 +111011011010 datacommunications 1 +111011011010 call-screening 1 +111011011010 production-floor 1 +111011011010 weapon-guidance 1 +111011011010 optical-character-recognition 1 +111011011010 well-logging 1 +111011011010 intercommunications 1 +111011011010 mill-type 1 +111011011010 page-composition 1 +111011011010 fearsome-sounding 1 +111011011010 submarine-propeller 1 +111011011010 pilot-control 1 +111011011010 lawn-feeding 1 +111011011010 self-calibrating 1 +111011011010 image-intensification 1 +111011011010 oil-encrusted 1 +111011011010 blood-salvage 1 +111011011010 flatrolled 1 +111011011010 uncrate 1 +111011011010 building-control 1 +111011011010 comet-like 1 +111011011010 microwave-landing 1 +111011011010 precision-control 1 +111011011010 petroleum-monitoring 1 +111011011010 radar-related 1 +111011011010 Ku-Band 1 +111011011010 scavanged 1 +111011011010 flight-controller 1 +111011011010 blue-glazed 1 +111011011010 gunnery-training 1 +111011011010 slide-making 1 +111011011010 outdoor-maintenance 1 +111011011010 non-CASE 1 +111011011010 energy-monitoring 1 +111011011010 helicopter-missile 1 +111011011010 heavy-maintenance 1 +111011011010 business-switchboard 1 +111011011010 time-stamping 1 +111011011010 mailing-room 1 +111011011010 military-explosive 1 +111011011010 yellow-shafted 1 +111011011010 glass-sided 1 +111011011010 strike-forced 1 +111011011010 dta-processing 1 +111011011010 spray-paint-resistant 1 +111011011010 fuel-measurement 1 +111011011010 plastic-extrusion 1 +111011011010 32-ounce 1 +111011011010 pasted-in 1 +111011011010 fluid-purification 1 +111011011010 82-game 1 +111011011010 1,062,016 1 +111011011010 damage-repair 1 +111011011010 defense-electronic 1 +111011011010 town-hall-like 1 +111011011010 stroke-related 1 +111011011010 process-metering 1 +111011011010 fluid-cracking 1 +111011011010 radio-linked 1 +111011011010 passenger-loading 1 +111011011010 people-moving 1 +111011011010 floorcare 1 +111011011010 sawmill-equipment 1 +111011011010 submarine-silencing 1 +111011011010 lifetime-warranty 1 +111011011010 data-sifting 1 +111011011010 non-flight 1 +111011011010 verbalistic 1 +111011011010 type-to-voice 1 +111011011010 diffusion-oxidation 1 +111011011010 10W-40 1 +111011011010 heart-pacing 1 +111011011010 4-megabyte 1 +111011011010 6400 1 +111011011010 power-control 2 +111011011010 non-subsidized 2 +111011011010 deep-strike 2 +111011011010 scuba-diving 2 +111011011010 medium-scale 2 +111011011010 one-gallon 2 +111011011010 earthmoving 2 +111011011010 lightwave 2 +111011011010 pressure-measurement 2 +111011011010 ficticious 2 +111011011010 arts-and-crafts 2 +111011011010 pourable 2 +111011011010 character-building 2 +111011011010 double-stacked 2 +111011011010 odorous 2 +111011011010 rust-preventive 2 +111011011010 synchronous 2 +111011011010 vinylidene 2 +111011011010 communications-related 2 +111011011010 pussy-willow 2 +111011011010 office-telephone 2 +111011011010 capital-exporting 2 +111011011010 flight-tracking 2 +111011011010 first-shift 2 +111011011010 one-foot 2 +111011011010 proficiency-test 2 +111011011010 ambulatory-infusion 2 +111011011010 supermarket-refrigeration 2 +111011011010 Magnesia 2 +111011011010 arena-size 2 +111011011010 petrochemical-based 2 +111011011010 tobacco-product 2 +111011011010 adults-only 2 +111011011010 nacelle 2 +111011011010 Etruscan 2 +111011011010 Ratier 2 +111011011010 minicartridge 2 +111011011010 nonstructural 2 +111011011010 food-deficit 2 +111011011010 satellite-encryption 2 +111011011010 commodity-dependent 2 +111011011010 auto-transfusion 2 +111011011010 well-completion 2 +111011011010 vendor-supplied 2 +111011011010 Ultraphone 2 +111011011010 telemetric 2 +111011011010 electromedical 2 +111011011010 whole-milk 2 +111011011010 Instamatic 2 +111011011010 government-supplied 2 +111011011010 cable-control 2 +111011011010 sanitary-tissue 2 +111011011010 cogenerations 2 +111011011010 price-appreciation 2 +111011011010 microwave-system 2 +111011011010 earthenware 2 +111011011010 auto-painting 2 +111011011010 powder-metal 2 +111011011010 wildflower 2 +111011011010 missile-launcher 2 +111011011010 non-CFC 2 +111011011010 energy-conversion 2 +111011011010 airline-reservations 2 +111011011010 communications-information 2 +111011011010 highly-rated 2 +111011011010 swiss 2 +111011011010 enhanced-octane 2 +111011011010 gear-production 2 +111011011010 atom-bomb 2 +111011011010 high-leverage 2 +111011011010 dialysis-related 2 +111011011010 metal-treating 2 +111011011010 associative 2 +111011011010 cultural/patriotic 2 +111011011010 carpet-related 2 +111011011010 electronics-based 2 +111011011010 131,322 2 +111011011010 UNIX-based 2 +111011011010 non-instant 2 +111011011010 salmon-fishing 2 +111011011010 8-bit 2 +111011011010 equity-like 2 +111011011010 Almonds 2 +111011011010 phthalic 2 +111011011010 heat-processing 2 +111011011010 grounds-maintenance 2 +111011011010 signal-collection 2 +111011011010 automotive-replacement 2 +111011011010 hair-wave 2 +111011011010 portable-computer 2 +111011011010 wheel-alignment 2 +111011011010 blood-analysis 2 +111011011010 glass-related 2 +111011011010 shoe-making 2 +111011011010 export-crop 2 +111011011010 high-force 2 +111011011010 higher-octane 2 +111011011010 aircraft-radio 2 +111011011010 less-volatile 2 +111011011010 quartz-crystal 2 +111011011010 text-management 2 +111011011010 Delft 2 +111011011010 weapon-delivery 2 +111011011010 industrial-control 2 +111011011010 engine-technology 2 +111011011010 paradisiacal 2 +111011011010 weapon-launching 2 +111011011010 investment-insurance 2 +111011011010 1040-EZ 2 +111011011010 helicopter-engine 2 +111011011010 lowerpriced 2 +111011011010 resinous 2 +111011011010 vegetable-growing 2 +111011011010 auto-test 2 +111011011010 Dowlex 2 +111011011010 encrusting 2 +111011011010 arpeggiated 2 +111011011010 ceramic-like 2 +111011011010 noncrystalline 2 +111011011010 adult-literacy 2 +111011011010 television-related 2 +111011011010 anti-contamination 2 +111011011010 foul-weather 2 +111011011010 aircraft-test 2 +111011011010 direct-reduction 2 +111011011010 Ovenware 2 +111011011010 multispindle 2 +111011011010 digital-audiotape 2 +111011011010 vibration-control 2 +111011011010 satellite-communication 2 +111011011010 Indian-made 2 +111011011010 scrambling/descrambling 2 +111011011010 bulding 3 +111011011010 video-recording 3 +111011011010 burglar-alarm 3 +111011011010 personal-computing 3 +111011011010 agricultural-related 3 +111011011010 export-dominated 3 +111011011010 magnetic-tape 3 +111011011010 machine-vision 3 +111011011010 electro-optic 3 +111011011010 hard-shell 3 +111011011010 carrental 3 +111011011010 red-wine 3 +111011011010 air-filtration 3 +111011011010 pesticide-related 3 +111011011010 missile-testing 3 +111011011010 community-action 3 +111011011010 microdot 3 +111011011010 energy-consuming 3 +111011011010 anti-shoplifting 3 +111011011010 sugar-containing 3 +111011011010 proof-of-claim 3 +111011011010 electronic-based 3 +111011011010 untamed 3 +111011011010 stenographic 3 +111011011010 Italian-based 3 +111011011010 pre-engineered 3 +111011011010 out-of-context 3 +111011011010 olive-green 3 +111011011010 millimeter-wave 3 +111011011010 bottle-making 3 +111011011010 wood-based 3 +111011011010 postal-service 3 +111011011010 factory-floor 3 +111011011010 well-manicured 3 +111011011010 immunodiagnostic 3 +111011011010 inventory-management 3 +111011011010 board-game 3 +111011011010 business-communications 3 +111011011010 optoelectronic 3 +111011011010 unweighted 3 +111011011010 solar-energy 3 +111011011010 industial 3 +111011011010 software-writing 3 +111011011010 flight-management 3 +111011011010 extended-care 3 +111011011010 tooth-colored 3 +111011011010 light-emitting 3 +111011011010 medical-electronic 3 +111011011010 article-surveillance 3 +111011011010 heat-exchange 3 +111011011010 commodity-producing 3 +111011011010 mineral-processing 3 +111011011010 home-infusion 3 +111011011010 rubberized 3 +111011011010 motor-carrier 3 +111011011010 cholesterol-testing 3 +111011011010 solid-propellant 3 +111011011010 independent-power 3 +111011011010 energy-production 3 +111011011010 high-profit-margin 3 +111011011010 electronic-countermeasures 3 +111011011010 missile-control 3 +111011011010 energy-absorbing 3 +111011011010 instant-coffee 3 +111011011010 computer-accessory 3 +111011011010 protein-based 3 +111011011010 air-moving 3 +111011011010 electronic-measuring 3 +111011011010 computer-storage 3 +111011011010 unordered 3 +111011011010 automobile-engine 3 +111011011010 character-recognition 4 +111011011010 semiconductor-making 4 +111011011010 grounds-care 4 +111011011010 car-care 4 +111011011010 narcotics-related 4 +111011011010 sodium-vapor 4 +111011011010 fluorocarbon 4 +111011011010 half-reformed 4 +111011011010 steelmill 4 +111011011010 SureCell 4 +111011011010 weapon-targeting 4 +111011011010 phone-linked 4 +111011011010 medical-related 4 +111011011010 anti-fungal 4 +111011011010 snowcapped 4 +111011011010 patient-monitoring 4 +111011011010 Corelle 4 +111011011010 non-woven 4 +111011011010 aircraft-navigation 4 +111011011010 space-weapons 4 +111011011010 stress-measurement 4 +111011011010 metal-related 4 +111011011010 demobilizing 4 +111011011010 cryptographic 4 +111011011010 Pharaonic 4 +111011011010 log-cabin 4 +111011011010 conveyer 4 +111011011010 network-based 4 +111011011010 Glenlivet 4 +111011011010 color-graphics 4 +111011011010 self-adhesive 4 +111011011010 mail-handling 4 +111011011010 copper-based 4 +111011011010 food-packaging 4 +111011011010 inner-tube 4 +111011011010 low-voltage 4 +111011011010 preprinted 4 +111011011010 air-powered 4 +111011011010 undrilled 4 +111011011010 tricone 4 +111011011010 anti-skid 4 +111011011010 injection-molding 5 +111011011010 plastic-coated 5 +111011011010 guidance-system 5 +111011011010 semiconductor-production 5 +111011011010 laser-based 5 +111011011010 obstetrical 5 +111011011010 nonhazardous 5 +111011011010 Medicare-approved 5 +111011011010 hi-tech 5 +111011011010 video-cassette 5 +111011011010 art-related 5 +111011011010 archery 5 +111011011010 petroleum-related 5 +111011011010 apparel-related 5 +111011011010 interior-design 5 +111011011010 document-processing 5 +111011011010 low-light 5 +111011011010 OTC-traded 5 +111011011010 iron-oxide 5 +111011011010 conventional-weapons 5 +111011011010 Impressionist 5 +111011011010 medical-testing 5 +111011011010 clinical-diagnostic 5 +111011011010 drive-train 5 +111011011010 coal-fueled 5 +111011011010 over-voltage 5 +111011011010 antibody-based 5 +111011011010 jet-aircraft 5 +111011011010 pickup-truck 6 +111011011010 slower-moving 6 +111011011010 turf-care 6 +111011011010 terra-cotta 6 +111011011010 memory-storage 6 +111011011010 outer-space 6 +111011011010 heat-transfer 6 +111011011010 sterility-assurance 6 +111011011010 copper-producing 6 +111011011010 tissue-paper 6 +111011011010 sanitizing 6 +111011011010 energy-generating 6 +111011011010 engine-cooling 6 +111011011010 flue 6 +111011011010 air-control 6 +111011011010 computer-support 6 +111011011010 pre-1982 6 +111011011010 anti-riot 6 +111011011010 printed-circuit 6 +111011011010 lower-profile 6 +111011011010 800-mile 6 +111011011010 post-impressionist 6 +111011011010 sports-related 7 +111011011010 telecommunications-related 7 +111011011010 computer-room 7 +111011011010 electronics-industry 7 +111011011010 anti-theft 7 +111011011010 Canadian-made 7 +111011011010 missile-launching 7 +111011011010 nitrogen-oxide 7 +111011011010 spring-planted 7 +111011011010 sensor-instrumentation 7 +111011011010 Noxema 7 +111011011010 engine-repair 7 +111011011010 denture 7 +111011011010 weapon-control 7 +111011011010 F-250 8 +111011011010 micrographic 8 +111011011010 water-saving 8 +111011011010 radio-frequency 8 +111011011010 dot-matrix 8 +111011011010 paper-related 8 +111011011010 avionic 8 +111011011010 steel-mill 8 +111011011010 beauty-care 8 +111011011010 unlabeled 9 +111011011010 non-electrical 9 +111011011010 oil-like 9 +111011011010 space-related 9 +111011011010 electro-optical 9 +111011011010 high-fidelity 9 +111011011010 microelectronic 9 +111011011010 acetic 9 +111011011010 pre-Columbian 9 +111011011010 technology-related 10 +111011011010 motion-control 10 +111011011010 particulate 10 +111011011010 fluid-power 10 +111011011010 high-efficiency 11 +111011011010 gaseous 11 +111011011010 sewerage 11 +111011011010 umbilical 11 +111011011010 connective 11 +111011011010 construction-related 11 +111011011010 microbial 11 +111011011010 energy-industry 11 +111011011010 power-conversion 11 +111011011010 heat-resistant 12 +111011011010 non-consumer 12 +111011011010 newsreel 12 +111011011010 animal-health 12 +111011011010 asbestos-containing 12 +111011011010 night-viewing 13 +111011011010 heavy-industrial 13 +111011011010 road-building 13 +111011011010 energy-producing 14 +111011011010 wireline 14 +111011011010 electronic-warfare 14 +111011011010 custom-engineered 14 +111011011010 nonelectrical 14 +111011011010 machined 15 +111011011010 labor-saving 15 +111011011010 armored-vehicle 15 +111011011010 oilfield 15 +111011011010 process-control 16 +111011011010 semiconductor-manufacturing 16 +111011011010 unspoiled 16 +111011011010 rye 16 +111011011010 earth-moving 17 +111011011010 non-residential 18 +111011011010 refractory 20 +111011011010 fire-protection 21 +111011011010 portfolio-insurance 22 +111011011010 material-handling 22 +111011011010 uncured 22 +111011011010 nuclear-propulsion 23 +111011011010 office-building 23 +111011011010 electromechanical 24 +111011011010 oil-well 24 +111011011010 electroplating 26 +111011011010 outboard 28 +111011011010 deep-water 28 +111011011010 third-class 28 +111011011010 bar-code 29 +111011011010 photovoltaic 29 +111011011010 night-vision 30 +111011011010 domestic-demand 31 +111011011010 aeronautical 32 +111011011010 glass-fiber 34 +111011011010 filtration 36 +111011011010 water-treatment 36 +111011011010 telecommunication 37 +111011011010 office-automation 37 +111011011010 electric-power 45 +111011011010 sunflower 52 +111011011010 energy-related 52 +111011011010 data-storage 55 +111011011010 oil-drilling 56 +111011011010 navigational 61 +111011011010 aerosol 61 +111011011010 non-food 62 +111011011010 computer-based 66 +111011011010 computer-related 70 +111011011010 defense-related 73 +111011011010 infrared 74 +111011011010 electromagnetic 75 +111011011010 ultraviolet 75 +111011011010 oil-and-gas 76 +111011011010 sanitary 77 +111011011010 impressionist 80 +111011011010 non-financial 96 +111011011010 nonfinancial 105 +111011011010 decorative 111 +111011011010 organic 117 +111011011010 pollution-control 123 +111011011010 air-conditioning 129 +111011011010 hydraulic 137 +111011011010 export-led 153 +111011011010 architectural 180 +111011011010 computer-aided 202 +111011011010 outdoor 259 +111011011010 marine 287 +111011011010 optical 310 +111011011010 audio 327 +111011011010 high-technology 636 +111011011010 raw 927 +111011011010 automotive 1312 +111011011010 electric 1412 +111011011010 electrical 1435 +111011011010 agricultural 1521 +111011011010 electronic 3111 +111011011010 industrial 7752 +1110110110110 fiberbased 1 +1110110110110 non-biodegradable 1 +1110110110110 human-pharmaceuticals 1 +1110110110110 futureslike 1 +1110110110110 household-related 1 +1110110110110 high-alloy 1 +1110110110110 crash-shaken 1 +1110110110110 941,300 1 +1110110110110 personal-hygiene 1 +1110110110110 fluid-clarification 1 +1110110110110 extra-budgetary 1 +1110110110110 metric-sized 1 +1110110110110 raspberry-colored 1 +1110110110110 Danish-modern 1 +1110110110110 vinyl-top 1 +1110110110110 economy-priced 1 +1110110110110 endorsable 1 +1110110110110 Lee-Wards 1 +1110110110110 clotbusting 1 +1110110110110 employerprovided 1 +1110110110110 low-sulfer 1 +1110110110110 big-impact 1 +1110110110110 financial-type 1 +1110110110110 respirable 1 +1110110110110 textile-mill 1 +1110110110110 theater-type 1 +1110110110110 strategically-sensitive 1 +1110110110110 Whirlpool-brand 1 +1110110110110 600-ton-per-day 1 +1110110110110 interest-accumulating 1 +1110110110110 specialized-clay 1 +1110110110110 lunch-meat 1 +1110110110110 gruff-sounding 1 +1110110110110 cocoa-related 1 +1110110110110 utility-fired 1 +1110110110110 union-produced 1 +1110110110110 chicken-flavored 1 +1110110110110 German-system 1 +1110110110110 Buffet-Crampon 1 +1110110110110 choice-beef 1 +1110110110110 Bellevue-based 1 +1110110110110 nontradeable 1 +1110110110110 Guadalajara-based 1 +1110110110110 advanced-design 1 +1110110110110 more-sensitive 1 +1110110110110 straightbacked 1 +1110110110110 feminine-hygiene 1 +1110110110110 rogue-wave 1 +1110110110110 miraging 1 +1110110110110 Suprenum 1 +1110110110110 CheckUp 1 +1110110110110 armament-control 1 +1110110110110 American-origin 1 +1110110110110 semimanufactured 1 +1110110110110 Conestoga-like 1 +1110110110110 tornout 1 +1110110110110 executive-quality 1 +1110110110110 Lejon 1 +1110110110110 boat-shaped 1 +1110110110110 sheet-steel 1 +1110110110110 dual-ovenable 1 +1110110110110 medium-technology 1 +1110110110110 longest-tailed 1 +1110110110110 integrated-software 1 +1110110110110 corroding 1 +1110110110110 carbon-brush 1 +1110110110110 packagesmainly 1 +1110110110110 moisture-resistant 1 +1110110110110 1/8-inch 1 +1110110110110 Sunday-evening 1 +1110110110110 fluorinated 1 +1110110110110 zippered 1 +1110110110110 fluorochemical-based 1 +1110110110110 Lexan 1 +1110110110110 discount-price 1 +1110110110110 actuated 1 +1110110110110 bromine-containing 1 +1110110110110 post-consumer 1 +1110110110110 protective-coatings 1 +1110110110110 information-related 1 +1110110110110 household-service 1 +1110110110110 Earthbound 1 +1110110110110 cherry-topped 1 +1110110110110 bio-medical 1 +1110110110110 III-type 1 +1110110110110 Kevlar-like 1 +1110110110110 engineering-intensive 1 +1110110110110 NASA-dependent 1 +1110110110110 gold-and-silver 1 +1110110110110 polyvinylchloride 1 +1110110110110 thin-gauge 1 +1110110110110 lower-fat 1 +1110110110110 hotrolled 1 +1110110110110 Perdue-Tyson 1 +1110110110110 voice-related 1 +1110110110110 U.S.-originated 1 +1110110110110 meeting-room 1 +1110110110110 malted-milk 1 +1110110110110 AutoCAD-related 1 +1110110110110 power-source 1 +1110110110110 polyethylene-teraphthalate 1 +1110110110110 110-car 1 +1110110110110 bamboo-made 1 +1110110110110 Halloween-related 1 +1110110110110 Listerhill 1 +1110110110110 blood-image 1 +1110110110110 Extrion 1 +1110110110110 soil-conditioning 1 +1110110110110 asbestos-bearing 1 +1110110110110 Shurfine 1 +1110110110110 acetate-based 1 +1110110110110 silcone 1 +1110110110110 silicone-based 1 +1110110110110 arak 1 +1110110110110 Kenmore-brand 1 +1110110110110 Canadian-produced 1 +1110110110110 technical-information 1 +1110110110110 private-construction 1 +1110110110110 pocketsize 1 +1110110110110 C.O.M.B.-marketed 1 +1110110110110 post-attack 1 +1110110110110 still-undelivered 1 +1110110110110 Thom-McAn 1 +1110110110110 urine-specimen 1 +1110110110110 bleached-board 1 +1110110110110 red-ink-stained 1 +1110110110110 Midwest-based 1 +1110110110110 U.S.-patented 1 +1110110110110 larger-systems 1 +1110110110110 expensive-looking 1 +1110110110110 bead-and-reel 1 +1110110110110 non-memory 1 +1110110110110 Philippine-bound 1 +1110110110110 Soviet-manufactured 1 +1110110110110 electrical-resistance 1 +1110110110110 broad-weave 1 +1110110110110 white-painted 1 +1110110110110 semi-manufactured 1 +1110110110110 then-slumping 1 +1110110110110 100-proof 1 +1110110110110 2,711 1 +1110110110110 ignition-resistant 1 +1110110110110 high-sulphur 1 +1110110110110 air-purification 1 +1110110110110 soft-drinking 1 +1110110110110 measurment 1 +1110110110110 turf-maintenance 1 +1110110110110 Celentano 1 +1110110110110 very-low-density 1 +1110110110110 Neronian 1 +1110110110110 non-salable 1 +1110110110110 world-traded 1 +1110110110110 two-foot-long 1 +1110110110110 Faircrest 1 +1110110110110 polyethlyene 1 +1110110110110 lowdensity 1 +1110110110110 small-tag 1 +1110110110110 ceramic-based-fiber 1 +1110110110110 non-petroleum-based 1 +1110110110110 Lowney 1 +1110110110110 light-sensor 1 +1110110110110 bast-cellulosic 1 +1110110110110 indigo-dyed 1 +1110110110110 garment-center 1 +1110110110110 Army-supplied 1 +1110110110110 mass-consumption 1 +1110110110110 1-2-3/G 1 +1110110110110 cancer-drug 1 +1110110110110 photosensitized 1 +1110110110110 heat-and-serve 1 +1110110110110 2,343 1 +1110110110110 retro-fitting 1 +1110110110110 Detaclad 1 +1110110110110 explosive-bonded 1 +1110110110110 nickel-cobalt 1 +1110110110110 room-and-pillar 1 +1110110110110 silverplate 1 +1110110110110 850-cc. 1 +1110110110110 turkey-based 1 +1110110110110 50-person 1 +1110110110110 made-in-Taiwan 1 +1110110110110 materials-processing 1 +1110110110110 higher-fare 1 +1110110110110 broadwoven 1 +1110110110110 safety-seal 1 +1110110110110 400-man 1 +1110110110110 39-store 1 +1110110110110 electronic-image 1 +1110110110110 electrical-connector 1 +1110110110110 foreign-grown 1 +1110110110110 war-caused 1 +1110110110110 gasified 1 +1110110110110 Osaka-area 1 +1110110110110 Sienese 1 +1110110110110 thermo-formed 1 +1110110110110 tin-mill 1 +1110110110110 personal-grooming 1 +1110110110110 non-decaying 1 +1110110110110 MLC 1 +1110110110110 grain-based 1 +1110110110110 made-in-Massachusetts 1 +1110110110110 plastics/industrial 1 +1110110110110 forest- 1 +1110110110110 Playmobile 1 +1110110110110 aeromechanical 1 +1110110110110 European-cut 1 +1110110110110 mass-cultivated 1 +1110110110110 103-acre 1 +1110110110110 domestic-leg 1 +1110110110110 infectous 1 +1110110110110 mass-appeal 1 +1110110110110 beautycare 1 +1110110110110 new-type 1 +1110110110110 cotton-blend 1 +1110110110110 foreign-style 1 +1110110110110 treated-wood 1 +1110110110110 wafer-etching 1 +1110110110110 phosgene 1 +1110110110110 red-velvet 1 +1110110110110 borate 1 +1110110110110 cash-like 1 +1110110110110 taste-affecting 1 +1110110110110 rice-based 1 +1110110110110 chocolate-type 1 +1110110110110 ACMA 1 +1110110110110 petroleum-drilling 1 +1110110110110 salmonella-killing 1 +1110110110110 Coffee-mate 1 +1110110110110 Soviet-operated 1 +1110110110110 marble-topped 1 +1110110110110 constitututional 1 +1110110110110 reusuable 1 +1110110110110 girl-driven 1 +1110110110110 boy-driven 1 +1110110110110 thermoset 1 +1110110110110 high-grain 1 +1110110110110 over-world-price 1 +1110110110110 non-pressurized 1 +1110110110110 rate-protection 1 +1110110110110 microencapsulation 1 +1110110110110 plushly 1 +1110110110110 industrial-office 1 +1110110110110 ethylene-related 1 +1110110110110 immuno-diagnostic 1 +1110110110110 imprintable 1 +1110110110110 specialty-tool 1 +1110110110110 finished-steel 1 +1110110110110 nonstore 1 +1110110110110 AIDSrelated 1 +1110110110110 even-harsher 1 +1110110110110 urology-related 1 +1110110110110 fast- 1 +1110110110110 kiln-dry 1 +1110110110110 nvestor 1 +1110110110110 college-dorm 1 +1110110110110 Cor-ten 1 +1110110110110 bone-growth-stimulation 1 +1110110110110 player-activated-terminal 1 +1110110110110 refrigerated-dough 1 +1110110110110 Catalyst-owned 1 +1110110110110 butterfat-rich 1 +1110110110110 low-to-no-fat 1 +1110110110110 range-top 1 +1110110110110 frozen-at-sea 1 +1110110110110 Luxembourg-registered 1 +1110110110110 otherwise-empty 1 +1110110110110 rubber-based 1 +1110110110110 diagnostic-testing 1 +1110110110110 non-milk-based 1 +1110110110110 sound-stage 1 +1110110110110 much-favored 1 +1110110110110 uncommercialized 1 +1110110110110 already-completed 1 +1110110110110 bamboo-leaf 1 +1110110110110 Alloting 1 +1110110110110 Frango-mint 1 +1110110110110 strike-hurt 1 +1110110110110 plastic-industry 1 +1110110110110 Campbell-brand 1 +1110110110110 ultraviolet-cured 1 +1110110110110 cyanoacrylate 1 +1110110110110 cloth-cutting 1 +1110110110110 body-care 1 +1110110110110 yogurt-type 1 +1110110110110 closely-owned 1 +1110110110110 automobile-care 1 +1110110110110 lithographed 1 +1110110110110 fire-protective 1 +1110110110110 food-substitute 1 +1110110110110 educational-television 1 +1110110110110 Groko 1 +1110110110110 higher-profit-margin 1 +1110110110110 frequency-control 1 +1110110110110 Bolivian-born 1 +1110110110110 petrochemicals-based 1 +1110110110110 safari-style 1 +1110110110110 polyester-cotton 1 +1110110110110 electronbeam 1 +1110110110110 mammalian-cell-culture 1 +1110110110110 non-persistent 1 +1110110110110 club-like 1 +1110110110110 semipostal 1 +1110110110110 McKesson-distributed 1 +1110110110110 pick-up-and-take-out 1 +1110110110110 zircoa 1 +1110110110110 plastic-lined 1 +1110110110110 Duco 1 +1110110110110 electrical-wiring 1 +1110110110110 foam-plastic 1 +1110110110110 speciality-steel 1 +1110110110110 tool-storage 1 +1110110110110 1,363 1 +1110110110110 2,066 1 +1110110110110 don't-sit-down-with-the-family 1 +1110110110110 paddle-wheel 1 +1110110110110 auto-care 1 +1110110110110 ever-mounting 1 +1110110110110 crop-improving 1 +1110110110110 fluorine-based 1 +1110110110110 V-neck 1 +1110110110110 high-techology 1 +1110110110110 Sun-drop 1 +1110110110110 Caribbean-type 1 +1110110110110 triple-sealed 1 +1110110110110 allergy-causing 1 +1110110110110 condign 1 +1110110110110 turkey-hunting 1 +1110110110110 products-oriented 1 +1110110110110 perworker 1 +1110110110110 lower-value-added 1 +1110110110110 Maalox-can 1 +1110110110110 diagnostical 1 +1110110110110 ultrasonic-diagnostics 1 +1110110110110 anxiety-free 1 +1110110110110 polyester/cotton 1 +1110110110110 on-highway 1 +1110110110110 Israeli-manufactured 1 +1110110110110 low-fire 1 +1110110110110 automative 1 +1110110110110 Sonet-based 1 +1110110110110 non-degradable 1 +1110110110110 CIS-based 1 +1110110110110 pickup-bed 1 +1110110110110 vinyl-laminated 1 +1110110110110 lowmargin 1 +1110110110110 healthfood 1 +1110110110110 anti-rust 1 +1110110110110 laser-resistant 1 +1110110110110 sheet-and-tube 1 +1110110110110 high-calcium 1 +1110110110110 research-intensive 1 +1110110110110 Drambuie 1 +1110110110110 compressed-air-operated 1 +1110110110110 motoroil 1 +1110110110110 Halsa 1 +1110110110110 doubtable 1 +1110110110110 rigid-sheet 1 +1110110110110 sulfite-treated 1 +1110110110110 plant-science 1 +1110110110110 250,000-tons-per-year 1 +1110110110110 less-toxic 1 +1110110110110 Macintosh-related 1 +1110110110110 spe 1 +1110110110110 cialty 1 +1110110110110 terry-cloth 1 +1110110110110 eye-protection 1 +1110110110110 zinc-consuming 1 +1110110110110 33-foot-long 1 +1110110110110 uranium-waste 1 +1110110110110 namebrand 1 +1110110110110 market-consumer 1 +1110110110110 lower-density 1 +1110110110110 lowest-density 1 +1110110110110 mendicant 1 +1110110110110 cutover 1 +1110110110110 oceanthermal 1 +1110110110110 certian 1 +1110110110110 region-by-region 1 +1110110110110 October.The 1 +1110110110110 steel-laden 1 +1110110110110 fly-by-day 1 +1110110110110 blackwood 1 +1110110110110 plasticfoam 1 +1110110110110 Conn.-pharmaceutical 1 +1110110110110 soda-based 1 +1110110110110 semiconductive 1 +1110110110110 steellike 1 +1110110110110 sand-like 1 +1110110110110 sumptuous-looking 1 +1110110110110 state-private 1 +1110110110110 Emeraude 1 +1110110110110 commodities-related 1 +1110110110110 retirement-planning 1 +1110110110110 yet-to-be-imagined 1 +1110110110110 earlier-designed 1 +1110110110110 consumer-branded 1 +1110110110110 ABS-based 1 +1110110110110 plastic-incineration 1 +1110110110110 fluid-measurement 1 +1110110110110 hardware/home 1 +1110110110110 Keepsake 1 +1110110110110 thermoformed 1 +1110110110110 eyeware 1 +1110110110110 stainess 1 +1110110110110 world-lass 1 +1110110110110 plant-protection 1 +1110110110110 non-sterile 1 +1110110110110 consumer-solar 1 +1110110110110 20-company 1 +1110110110110 jointly-owned 1 +1110110110110 lowest-tech 1 +1110110110110 arthroscopy 1 +1110110110110 photographic-imaging 1 +1110110110110 rocker-recliner 1 +1110110110110 chewier 1 +1110110110110 moulded 1 +1110110110110 Retin-A-type 1 +1110110110110 hotter-selling 1 +1110110110110 anti-biotech 2 +1110110110110 computers/office 2 +1110110110110 corn-starch 2 +1110110110110 trashcan 2 +1110110110110 oral-hygiene 2 +1110110110110 snazziest 2 +1110110110110 low-acid 2 +1110110110110 Cajun-Creole 2 +1110110110110 highest-margin 2 +1110110110110 requisition 2 +1110110110110 television-rental 2 +1110110110110 Halawi 2 +1110110110110 Limoges 2 +1110110110110 20-pence 2 +1110110110110 brownish 2 +1110110110110 amyl 2 +1110110110110 anodyne 2 +1110110110110 specialty-card 2 +1110110110110 overstimulated 2 +1110110110110 smoking-deterrent 2 +1110110110110 paper-packaging 2 +1110110110110 1,500-meter 2 +1110110110110 steel-containing 2 +1110110110110 gaucho 2 +1110110110110 first-class-only 2 +1110110110110 21-foot 2 +1110110110110 small-volume 2 +1110110110110 Sonet 2 +1110110110110 sanitary-protection 2 +1110110110110 coal-gasification 2 +1110110110110 water-heating 2 +1110110110110 heat-shrinkable 2 +1110110110110 laser-related 2 +1110110110110 first-class-sized 2 +1110110110110 European-produced 2 +1110110110110 powdered-metal 2 +1110110110110 Leyse 2 +1110110110110 Milka 2 +1110110110110 milk-chocolate 2 +1110110110110 imported-goods 2 +1110110110110 Microtech 2 +1110110110110 112-foot-long 2 +1110110110110 Apple-related 2 +1110110110110 multicourse 2 +1110110110110 foreign-brand 2 +1110110110110 electrochromic 2 +1110110110110 hard-to-place 2 +1110110110110 Polish-made 2 +1110110110110 Creda 2 +1110110110110 ozone-damaging 2 +1110110110110 tea-bag 2 +1110110110110 Airflow 2 +1110110110110 porcelain-on-steel 2 +1110110110110 ophthalmic-pharmaceutical 2 +1110110110110 microprocessor-controlled 2 +1110110110110 easy-to-prepare 2 +1110110110110 car-wax 2 +1110110110110 low-sulphur 2 +1110110110110 non-staple 2 +1110110110110 skin-treatment 2 +1110110110110 ozone-eroding 2 +1110110110110 '40s-style 2 +1110110110110 store-based 2 +1110110110110 80-proof 2 +1110110110110 big-star 2 +1110110110110 top-class 2 +1110110110110 Hatch-Johnson 2 +1110110110110 tumor-killing 2 +1110110110110 neuropharmalogical 2 +1110110110110 29-store 2 +1110110110110 color-imaging 2 +1110110110110 coal-plant 2 +1110110110110 business-magazine 2 +1110110110110 90-proof 2 +1110110110110 board-level 2 +1110110110110 formaldehyde-based 2 +1110110110110 designer-label 2 +1110110110110 64-ounce 2 +1110110110110 end-zone 2 +1110110110110 company-specific 2 +1110110110110 electroplated 2 +1110110110110 seven-event 2 +1110110110110 half-million-dollar 2 +1110110110110 vinyl-coated 2 +1110110110110 main-meal 2 +1110110110110 health-testing 2 +1110110110110 adult-incontinence 2 +1110110110110 Chinese-produced 2 +1110110110110 unchallenging 2 +1110110110110 Burberrys 2 +1110110110110 DMSO 2 +1110110110110 single-serve 2 +1110110110110 brominated 2 +1110110110110 Almas 2 +1110110110110 discount-goods 2 +1110110110110 transit-authority 2 +1110110110110 household-cleaning 2 +1110110110110 SoftView 2 +1110110110110 electro-surgical 2 +1110110110110 whole-grain 2 +1110110110110 trademark-bearing 2 +1110110110110 mayonnaise-type 2 +1110110110110 engineered-components 2 +1110110110110 reservations-only 2 +1110110110110 two-prong 2 +1110110110110 structural-steel 2 +1110110110110 diecast 2 +1110110110110 electric-pasta-machine 2 +1110110110110 non-seasonal 2 +1110110110110 Bayway 2 +1110110110110 mobile-treatment 2 +1110110110110 fiberglass-reinforced 2 +1110110110110 cyclic 2 +1110110110110 chlor-alkali 2 +1110110110110 117-mile 2 +1110110110110 unsalted 2 +1110110110110 controlled-atmosphere 2 +1110110110110 safari-type 2 +1110110110110 green-glass 2 +1110110110110 foot-care 2 +1110110110110 terpene 2 +1110110110110 beauty-aid 2 +1110110110110 particle-board 2 +1110110110110 copper-alloy 2 +1110110110110 carbon-based 2 +1110110110110 Morgans 2 +1110110110110 K-resin 2 +1110110110110 anti-embolism 2 +1110110110110 personal-computer-based 2 +1110110110110 tamper-resistant 2 +1110110110110 double-knit 2 +1110110110110 Lanerossi 2 +1110110110110 RCA-brand 3 +1110110110110 non-emergency 3 +1110110110110 beginning-of-the-year 3 +1110110110110 Campari 3 +1110110110110 navy-blue 3 +1110110110110 180-seat 3 +1110110110110 bus-stop 3 +1110110110110 LensCrafter 3 +1110110110110 better-equipped 3 +1110110110110 non-cigarette 3 +1110110110110 export-quality 3 +1110110110110 pureed 3 +1110110110110 pressed-wood 3 +1110110110110 automotive-care 3 +1110110110110 angiographic 3 +1110110110110 Birthright 3 +1110110110110 skincare 3 +1110110110110 water-soluble 3 +1110110110110 outworn 3 +1110110110110 balsa 3 +1110110110110 truck-stop 3 +1110110110110 hypoallergenic 3 +1110110110110 body-side 3 +1110110110110 mountain-climbing 3 +1110110110110 baseload 3 +1110110110110 nonwoven 3 +1110110110110 billion-dollar-a-year 3 +1110110110110 cell-biology 3 +1110110110110 corporate-banking 3 +1110110110110 optical-waveguide 3 +1110110110110 smoked-ham 3 +1110110110110 goat's-milk 3 +1110110110110 custom-molded 3 +1110110110110 Japan-made 3 +1110110110110 rubber-coated 3 +1110110110110 65-foot 3 +1110110110110 non-targeted 3 +1110110110110 calf-roping 3 +1110110110110 photosensitive 3 +1110110110110 pleated 3 +1110110110110 nuclear-research 3 +1110110110110 Zircoa 3 +1110110110110 Burberry 3 +1110110110110 added-value 3 +1110110110110 advanced-materials 3 +1110110110110 mescaline 3 +1110110110110 indentification 3 +1110110110110 manufactured-home 3 +1110110110110 1,593 3 +1110110110110 higher-technology 3 +1110110110110 warehouse-store 3 +1110110110110 crop-protection 3 +1110110110110 gerbera 3 +1110110110110 oral-care 3 +1110110110110 Bazooka 3 +1110110110110 melanin-impregnated 3 +1110110110110 civil-engineering 3 +1110110110110 permanent-press 3 +1110110110110 munition 3 +1110110110110 home-improvements 3 +1110110110110 wound-closure 3 +1110110110110 Rayonnier 4 +1110110110110 diversifed 4 +1110110110110 six-ounce 4 +1110110110110 melanin-based 4 +1110110110110 Sunbeam/Oster 4 +1110110110110 laminating 4 +1110110110110 Hotpoint 4 +1110110110110 ceramic-based 4 +1110110110110 stringed 4 +1110110110110 manmade 4 +1110110110110 fresh-baked 4 +1110110110110 orthodontic 4 +1110110110110 sun-drenched 4 +1110110110110 ready-to-assemble 4 +1110110110110 buck-passing 4 +1110110110110 Courvoisier 4 +1110110110110 optometry 4 +1110110110110 non-wood 4 +1110110110110 cholesterol-fighting 4 +1110110110110 tobacco-related 4 +1110110110110 GE-brand 4 +1110110110110 high-budget 4 +1110110110110 material-analysis 4 +1110110110110 arthroscopic 4 +1110110110110 CFC-based 4 +1110110110110 injection-molded 4 +1110110110110 after-work 4 +1110110110110 non-aerospace 4 +1110110110110 wood-preserving 4 +1110110110110 36-store 4 +1110110110110 Lucite 4 +1110110110110 shape-memory 4 +1110110110110 sheathing 4 +1110110110110 ethylene-based 5 +1110110110110 polyvinyl-chloride 5 +1110110110110 consumer-electronic 5 +1110110110110 Georgia-based 5 +1110110110110 tufted 5 +1110110110110 copper-containing 5 +1110110110110 flue-cured 5 +1110110110110 plastic-related 5 +1110110110110 paper-based 5 +1110110110110 slickly 5 +1110110110110 home-decorating 5 +1110110110110 haircare 5 +1110110110110 tracer 5 +1110110110110 foreign-produced 5 +1110110110110 risk-retention 5 +1110110110110 art-auction 5 +1110110110110 high-cholesterol 5 +1110110110110 termite-control 5 +1110110110110 hardy-kiwi 5 +1110110110110 frozen-breakfast 5 +1110110110110 truck-bed 6 +1110110110110 U.S.-manufactured 6 +1110110110110 reddish-brown 6 +1110110110110 home-entertainment 6 +1110110110110 petroleum-based 6 +1110110110110 polycarbonate 6 +1110110110110 sugared 6 +1110110110110 home-delivered 6 +1110110110110 biotechnology-based 6 +1110110110110 slower-growing 6 +1110110110110 tabletop 6 +1110110110110 home-related 6 +1110110110110 third-tier 6 +1110110110110 sun-care 6 +1110110110110 old-growth 6 +1110110110110 salt-and-pepper 6 +1110110110110 wound-healing 7 +1110110110110 Sealy-brand 7 +1110110110110 slag 7 +1110110110110 dermatological 7 +1110110110110 compressed-air 7 +1110110110110 floor-care 7 +1110110110110 corrosion-resistant 7 +1110110110110 LensCrafters 7 +1110110110110 self-chilling 7 +1110110110110 higher-value 7 +1110110110110 melon 7 +1110110110110 consumer-health 7 +1110110110110 unsaturated 7 +1110110110110 fire-retardant 7 +1110110110110 five-foot 8 +1110110110110 Germaine 8 +1110110110110 moderate-priced 8 +1110110110110 Rickel 8 +1110110110110 adulterated 8 +1110110110110 unprocessed 8 +1110110110110 lower-end 8 +1110110110110 Close-Up 8 +1110110110110 commodity-based 8 +1110110110110 two-piece 8 +1110110110110 high-gloss 8 +1110110110110 worsted 8 +1110110110110 phenolic 8 +1110110110110 swimming-pool 8 +1110110110110 shearing 8 +1110110110110 fat-substitute 8 +1110110110110 low-alloy 8 +1110110110110 Peterbilt 8 +1110110110110 prostaglandin 9 +1110110110110 bituminous 9 +1110110110110 shut-down 9 +1110110110110 pop-music 9 +1110110110110 fiber-reinforced 9 +1110110110110 incontinence 9 +1110110110110 caramel 9 +1110110110110 aramid 9 +1110110110110 extended-wear 9 +1110110110110 Climax 9 +1110110110110 immigrant-rights 9 +1110110110110 ethyl 9 +1110110110110 marinated 10 +1110110110110 low-technology 10 +1110110110110 home-delivery 10 +1110110110110 cedar 10 +1110110110110 coin-operated 10 +1110110110110 leisure-time 10 +1110110110110 eyewear 10 +1110110110110 glass-enclosed 10 +1110110110110 wrought-iron 10 +1110110110110 non-energy 10 +1110110110110 resealable 10 +1110110110110 small-diameter 11 +1110110110110 binary 11 +1110110110110 home-furnishing 11 +1110110110110 gastric 11 +1110110110110 redwood 12 +1110110110110 ozone-destroying 12 +1110110110110 Lechmere 12 +1110110110110 nonfood 12 +1110110110110 fossil-fuel 12 +1110110110110 nitrate 13 +1110110110110 hot-rolled 13 +1110110110110 hair-growth 14 +1110110110110 super-premium 14 +1110110110110 horticultural 14 +1110110110110 ozone-depleting 14 +1110110110110 dehydrated 14 +1110110110110 high-sulfur 14 +1110110110110 extruded 14 +1110110110110 cold-rolled 15 +1110110110110 upholstered 15 +1110110110110 McKids 15 +1110110110110 glassy 16 +1110110110110 coking 16 +1110110110110 semi-finished 16 +1110110110110 low-sulfur 17 +1110110110110 ready-to-serve 18 +1110110110110 tertiary 18 +1110110110110 reindeer 18 +1110110110110 lignite 19 +1110110110110 tortilla 19 +1110110110110 polyurethane 19 +1110110110110 still-video 19 +1110110110110 laminated 19 +1110110110110 medium-priced 20 +1110110110110 tungsten 20 +1110110110110 time-share 20 +1110110110110 Glycel 20 +1110110110110 self-service 21 +1110110110110 health-food 21 +1110110110110 non-durable 21 +1110110110110 houseware 21 +1110110110110 silicone 21 +1110110110110 rusted 21 +1110110110110 high-profit 21 +1110110110110 methyl 22 +1110110110110 Kenmore 22 +1110110110110 knitted 23 +1110110110110 weight-loss 23 +1110110110110 acrylic 23 +1110110110110 take-out 23 +1110110110110 deli 24 +1110110110110 pear 24 +1110110110110 kosher 25 +1110110110110 hardwood 26 +1110110110110 potassium 28 +1110110110110 guinea 28 +1110110110110 malt 29 +1110110110110 takeout 29 +1110110110110 Converse 30 +1110110110110 poor-quality 30 +1110110110110 molten 30 +1110110110110 speciality 30 +1110110110110 thermoplastic 30 +1110110110110 phosphate 31 +1110110110110 ophthalmic 32 +1110110110110 reusable 32 +1110110110110 bank-card 33 +1110110110110 high-fashion 35 +1110110110110 nylon 35 +1110110110110 semifinished 41 +1110110110110 flat-rolled 42 +1110110110110 metallurgical 43 +1110110110110 thoroughbred 45 +1110110110110 tubular 47 +1110110110110 high-density 52 +1110110110110 modular 52 +1110110110110 biodegradable 57 +1110110110110 softwood 58 +1110110110110 hair-care 58 +1110110110110 latex 58 +1110110110110 molded 61 +1110110110110 corrugated 62 +1110110110110 polymer 65 +1110110110110 skin-care 72 +1110110110110 thermal 74 +1110110110110 smokeless 84 +1110110110110 stainless 89 +1110110110110 cardiovascular 89 +1110110110110 nondurable 92 +1110110110110 man-made 94 +1110110110110 juvenile 94 +1110110110110 do-it-yourself 96 +1110110110110 foam 100 +1110110110110 costume 101 +1110110110110 baked 102 +1110110110110 gourmet 105 +1110110110110 polyester 108 +1110110110110 refrigerated 109 +1110110110110 home-improvement 113 +1110110110110 tomato 113 +1110110110110 personal-care 119 +1110110110110 snack 122 +1110110110110 fabricated 129 +1110110110110 private-label 135 +1110110110110 canned 164 +1110110110110 ceramic 207 +1110110110110 solar 208 +1110110110110 packaged 223 +1110110110110 recreational 258 +1110110110110 leather 259 +1110110110110 sporting 294 +1110110110110 pet 350 +1110110110110 wood 438 +1110110110110 durable 481 +1110110110110 grocery 655 +1110110110110 forest 784 +1110110110110 household 929 +1110110110110 luxury 951 +1110110110110 plastic 1344 +1110110110110 consumer 7904 +1110110110110 specialty 2218 +1110110110111 nostalgia-laced 1 +1110110110111 moth-eaten 1 +1110110110111 artistic-technological 1 +1110110110111 computer-coloring 1 +1110110110111 Corners-Sweet 1 +1110110110111 dividend-growth 1 +1110110110111 ethanol-blended 1 +1110110110111 40,311 1 +1110110110111 two-axis 1 +1110110110111 polyester-filament 1 +1110110110111 temporao 1 +1110110110111 early-cash-flow 1 +1110110110111 doublestack 1 +1110110110111 non-Getty 1 +1110110110111 walnut-topped 1 +1110110110111 metal-markets 1 +1110110110111 FX/4 1 +1110110110111 28-by-36 1 +1110110110111 house-brand 1 +1110110110111 longer-tested 1 +1110110110111 NOx 1 +1110110110111 end-of-the-line 1 +1110110110111 failed-auction 1 +1110110110111 Texasrefined 1 +1110110110111 then-soaring 1 +1110110110111 blue-and-white-striped 1 +1110110110111 waste-derived 1 +1110110110111 105,801 1 +1110110110111 often-impulsive 1 +1110110110111 StainBlocker 1 +1110110110111 easy-to-clean 1 +1110110110111 silly-season 1 +1110110110111 off-grade 1 +1110110110111 single-reflex 1 +1110110110111 44-degree-gravity 1 +1110110110111 fabrication-related 1 +1110110110111 sludge-like 1 +1110110110111 four-millimeter 1 +1110110110111 4mm 1 +1110110110111 anti-BW 1 +1110110110111 No.8 1 +1110110110111 Sun3/60 1 +1110110110111 market-grade 1 +1110110110111 medium-octane 1 +1110110110111 milk-producing 1 +1110110110111 human-hair 1 +1110110110111 newly-harvested 1 +1110110110111 aflatoxin-adulterated 1 +1110110110111 lithium-sulfur 1 +1110110110111 rhizobia-infested 1 +1110110110111 Soho-brand 1 +1110110110111 filter-tip 1 +1110110110111 Zendium 1 +1110110110111 cotton-blended 1 +1110110110111 jug-like 1 +1110110110111 Dolomites 1 +1110110110111 B39 1 +1110110110111 discountpriced 1 +1110110110111 corn-based 1 +1110110110111 Austrian-border 1 +1110110110111 Lalique 1 +1110110110111 Cinola 1 +1110110110111 bidet-like 1 +1110110110111 Pretoria-supplied 1 +1110110110111 39-gallon 1 +1110110110111 buff-colored 1 +1110110110111 corn-distilled 1 +1110110110111 tin-can 1 +1110110110111 now-cooled 1 +1110110110111 tinfoil 1 +1110110110111 Roundup-resistent 1 +1110110110111 silicon-sealants 1 +1110110110111 newsgrade 1 +1110110110111 conventional-trash 1 +1110110110111 popular-brand 1 +1110110110111 Mouska 1 +1110110110111 preform 1 +1110110110111 parasol-like 1 +1110110110111 shop-streamlining 1 +1110110110111 humidity-controlled 1 +1110110110111 secret-formula 1 +1110110110111 All-Bran 1 +1110110110111 blue-and-green 1 +1110110110111 client-driven 1 +1110110110111 corn-derived 1 +1110110110111 utility-generated 1 +1110110110111 non-Saudi 1 +1110110110111 sacrifical 1 +1110110110111 1,142,700 1 +1110110110111 Pascalis 1 +1110110110111 unmovable 1 +1110110110111 staked-out 1 +1110110110111 Fiat-made 1 +1110110110111 pedal-operated 1 +1110110110111 thumbnail-sized 1 +1110110110111 school-enrollment 1 +1110110110111 Northwest-Alaskan 1 +1110110110111 unblended 1 +1110110110111 preemployment 1 +1110110110111 video-controller 1 +1110110110111 platinum-adorned 1 +1110110110111 aqua-eyed 1 +1110110110111 bragging-rights 1 +1110110110111 smaller-dosage 1 +1110110110111 Imovax 1 +1110110110111 methanol-based 1 +1110110110111 acanthus 1 +1110110110111 motor-driven 1 +1110110110111 less-rosy 1 +1110110110111 46-head 1 +1110110110111 46,000-gallon 1 +1110110110111 30,000-acre 1 +1110110110111 Rosita 1 +1110110110111 sterilant 1 +1110110110111 Goldwing 1 +1110110110111 Campos-family 1 +1110110110111 anti-herpes 1 +1110110110111 economy-sport 1 +1110110110111 below-weapons-grade 1 +1110110110111 3.3-ounce 1 +1110110110111 Savonnerie 1 +1110110110111 Colorado-brewed 1 +1110110110111 utility-provided 1 +1110110110111 4-supported 1 +1110110110111 Wiluna 1 +1110110110111 pillow-shaped 1 +1110110110111 almost-invisible 1 +1110110110111 anti-vomiting 1 +1110110110111 EDB-treated 1 +1110110110111 Supertrim 1 +1110110110111 balance-sheet-lending 1 +1110110110111 Cepacol 1 +1110110110111 sodium-sulfur 1 +1110110110111 extraheavy 1 +1110110110111 nickel-iron 1 +1110110110111 antiAIDS 1 +1110110110111 unwrought 1 +1110110110111 faster-speed 1 +1110110110111 three-tank 1 +1110110110111 delivered-in 1 +1110110110111 non-commemorative 1 +1110110110111 Villeperdue 1 +1110110110111 tomato-and-cheese 1 +1110110110111 Alimenies 1 +1110110110111 lithium-iron-sulfide 1 +1110110110111 weather-inspired 1 +1110110110111 pancreatic-cancer 1 +1110110110111 low-to-moderate-income 1 +1110110110111 Mavica 1 +1110110110111 10-digit 1 +1110110110111 1,000-ounce 1 +1110110110111 Opemiska 1 +1110110110111 jams-knee-length 1 +1110110110111 anti-venom 1 +1110110110111 Times-Post 1 +1110110110111 Fendant 1 +1110110110111 nutrition-minded 1 +1110110110111 21-ounce 1 +1110110110111 1,900-acre 1 +1110110110111 electro-melting 1 +1110110110111 Montrealbased 1 +1110110110111 pump-dispenser 1 +1110110110111 already-heavy 1 +1110110110111 182,000-metric-ton-a-year 1 +1110110110111 collarless 1 +1110110110111 sevenstate 1 +1110110110111 one-cup 1 +1110110110111 metallized 1 +1110110110111 Scottish-taught 1 +1110110110111 130-mile 1 +1110110110111 oil/gas 1 +1110110110111 powder-fine 1 +1110110110111 51-cent 1 +1110110110111 anti-arrhythmic 1 +1110110110111 cranberry-prune 1 +1110110110111 heat-strengthening 1 +1110110110111 heat-strengthened 1 +1110110110111 1,530,600 1 +1110110110111 three-taste 1 +1110110110111 illict 1 +1110110110111 Cajun-style 1 +1110110110111 deep-pan 1 +1110110110111 curdles 1 +1110110110111 100,000-head 1 +1110110110111 single-plant 1 +1110110110111 Pazyrik 1 +1110110110111 free-range 1 +1110110110111 shrink-wrapped 1 +1110110110111 once-inviolate 1 +1110110110111 U.S.-mined 1 +1110110110111 J.A.B. 1 +1110110110111 tigress 1 +1110110110111 electrofused 1 +1110110110111 soft-touch 1 +1110110110111 carbon-tipped 1 +1110110110111 short-version 1 +1110110110111 used-up 1 +1110110110111 guar 1 +1110110110111 phone-booth-sized 1 +1110110110111 good-tasting 1 +1110110110111 2,548 1 +1110110110111 7-year-old 1 +1110110110111 Totinos 1 +1110110110111 742-unit 1 +1110110110111 Spelling-produced 1 +1110110110111 extended-term 1 +1110110110111 hammer-and 1 +1110110110111 offduty 1 +1110110110111 Thalanga 1 +1110110110111 openpit 1 +1110110110111 sun-splashed 1 +1110110110111 Elrich-Flavel 1 +1110110110111 2,117 1 +1110110110111 Western-world 1 +1110110110111 Gevalia 1 +1110110110111 cholesterol-zapping 1 +1110110110111 multiunit 1 +1110110110111 Indian-red 1 +1110110110111 AIDS-fighting 1 +1110110110111 Forrestania 1 +1110110110111 AIDS-Salk 1 +1110110110111 movie-division 1 +1110110110111 vegetable-protein 1 +1110110110111 more-humble 1 +1110110110111 cashew-nut 1 +1110110110111 untracking 1 +1110110110111 diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis 1 +1110110110111 honey-based 1 +1110110110111 lipstick-stained 1 +1110110110111 240-unit 1 +1110110110111 Kunnming 1 +1110110110111 mid-length 1 +1110110110111 Cuban-assisted 1 +1110110110111 Soviet-finished 1 +1110110110111 BGH-tested 1 +1110110110111 Sparkle 1 +1110110110111 smaller-than-legal-size 1 +1110110110111 weatherproof 1 +1110110110111 coconut-covered 1 +1110110110111 neuropsychotropic 1 +1110110110111 unmilled 1 +1110110110111 460,000-ton-a-year 1 +1110110110111 all-glass 1 +1110110110111 anthrax-contaminated 1 +1110110110111 Amontillado 1 +1110110110111 made-for-Japan 1 +1110110110111 under-the-floor 1 +1110110110111 Moroccan-style 1 +1110110110111 disease-free 1 +1110110110111 multi-port 1 +1110110110111 then-experimental 1 +1110110110111 explosion-proof-equipment 1 +1110110110111 no-knock 1 +1110110110111 space-launched 1 +1110110110111 glove-compartment 1 +1110110110111 hyper-powered 1 +1110110110111 profit-center 1 +1110110110111 convict-produced 1 +1110110110111 sugar-based 1 +1110110110111 3/60 1 +1110110110111 Colombia-U.S. 1 +1110110110111 non-NASA 1 +1110110110111 48th-largest 1 +1110110110111 polyimide 1 +1110110110111 Yugoslavia-built 1 +1110110110111 winter-blah 1 +1110110110111 rolled-down 1 +1110110110111 bank-aided 1 +1110110110111 Astropizza 1 +1110110110111 fresh-perked 1 +1110110110111 price-supported 1 +1110110110111 ever-stricter 1 +1110110110111 anti-Jesse 1 +1110110110111 ROOKIE 1 +1110110110111 best-priced 1 +1110110110111 city-sized 1 +1110110110111 ordinary-grade 1 +1110110110111 fruit-in-the-middle 1 +1110110110111 hexavalent 1 +1110110110111 premium-category 1 +1110110110111 cholla 1 +1110110110111 barbequed 1 +1110110110111 1,197,411th 1 +1110110110111 deisel 1 +1110110110111 CH600 1 +1110110110111 embargo-free 1 +1110110110111 microsocietal 1 +1110110110111 Tartan-Highlander-Petronella 1 +1110110110111 lot-fed 1 +1110110110111 738,900 1 +1110110110111 Close-up 1 +1110110110111 steering-rocket 1 +1110110110111 brown-coal 1 +1110110110111 35,000-ton-a-day 1 +1110110110111 rent-subsidized 1 +1110110110111 pre-1960 1 +1110110110111 877,600 1 +1110110110111 gold-mining-company 1 +1110110110111 ethanol-based 1 +1110110110111 five-contract 1 +1110110110111 uncared-for 1 +1110110110111 technophiliac 1 +1110110110111 weather-stressed 1 +1110110110111 bacteria-laden 1 +1110110110111 low-pollution 1 +1110110110111 fresh-dough 1 +1110110110111 hawk-hatching 1 +1110110110111 antigeneric 1 +1110110110111 85-title 1 +1110110110111 melon-like 1 +1110110110111 Dniepr 1 +1110110110111 Reformulated 1 +1110110110111 Hebrew-labeled 1 +1110110110111 110-format 1 +1110110110111 hulled 1 +1110110110111 cornfed 1 +1110110110111 automobiletire 1 +1110110110111 lager-type 1 +1110110110111 actioner 1 +1110110110111 tomato-grape 1 +1110110110111 lite 1 +1110110110111 589,100 1 +1110110110111 diethyl 1 +1110110110111 22-karat 1 +1110110110111 rubbber 1 +1110110110111 6,074 1 +1110110110111 40-by-8-foot 1 +1110110110111 fired-up 1 +1110110110111 Sava-Semperit 1 +1110110110111 half-pint 2 +1110110110111 80,000-pound 2 +1110110110111 2,280,000 2 +1110110110111 Aqua-Fresh 2 +1110110110111 state-held 2 +1110110110111 rubberlike 2 +1110110110111 single-family-home 2 +1110110110111 higher-than-projected 2 +1110110110111 140-acre 2 +1110110110111 U.S.-subsidized 2 +1110110110111 intermediate-sized 2 +1110110110111 champagne-based 2 +1110110110111 died-in-the-wool 2 +1110110110111 ultra-low-tar 2 +1110110110111 MPact 2 +1110110110111 ready-to-buy 2 +1110110110111 SuperNaturals 2 +1110110110111 sea-borne 2 +1110110110111 lower-skilled 2 +1110110110111 hormone-treated 2 +1110110110111 commercial-airliner 2 +1110110110111 embargoing 2 +1110110110111 200-speed 2 +1110110110111 American-grown 2 +1110110110111 charbroiled 2 +1110110110111 granulated 2 +1110110110111 oil-dominated 2 +1110110110111 Grenadian 2 +1110110110111 high-alcohol 2 +1110110110111 better-selling 2 +1110110110111 PCB-tainted 2 +1110110110111 oil-covered 2 +1110110110111 reinsures 2 +1110110110111 electro-fused 2 +1110110110111 110-film 2 +1110110110111 anti-anxiety 2 +1110110110111 10-ounce 2 +1110110110111 multi-fiber 2 +1110110110111 malted 2 +1110110110111 galvanized-steel 2 +1110110110111 second-trimester 2 +1110110110111 apple-flavored 2 +1110110110111 un-Hollywoodlike 2 +1110110110111 Dentagard 2 +1110110110111 Butterball 2 +1110110110111 16mm 2 +1110110110111 Sun-3/60 2 +1110110110111 polystyrene-based 2 +1110110110111 long-life 2 +1110110110111 ultrafast 2 +1110110110111 carryout 2 +1110110110111 next-year 2 +1110110110111 rubber-like 2 +1110110110111 biosynthetic 2 +1110110110111 per-gallon 2 +1110110110111 solid-gold 2 +1110110110111 low-occupancy 2 +1110110110111 reduced-alcohol 2 +1110110110111 18-track 2 +1110110110111 peak-load 2 +1110110110111 accounting-standards 2 +1110110110111 passenger-vehicle 2 +1110110110111 in-process 2 +1110110110111 option-pricing 2 +1110110110111 soft-tissue 2 +1110110110111 Lazaroids 2 +1110110110111 picture-frame 2 +1110110110111 Tundra 2 +1110110110111 BGH-treated 2 +1110110110111 rail-freight 2 +1110110110111 digital-exchange 2 +1110110110111 price-regulated 2 +1110110110111 cheap-looking 2 +1110110110111 snow-white 2 +1110110110111 Cochin 2 +1110110110111 antibody-producing 2 +1110110110111 overpressurized 2 +1110110110111 23-karat 2 +1110110110111 steroid-related 2 +1110110110111 drought-tolerant 2 +1110110110111 carry-out 2 +1110110110111 electro-pneumatic 2 +1110110110111 contracted-for 2 +1110110110111 corned 2 +1110110110111 low-demand 2 +1110110110111 slaughter-ready 2 +1110110110111 full-serve 2 +1110110110111 50-cent-a-gallon 2 +1110110110111 cheaper-priced 2 +1110110110111 ACE-inhibitor 2 +1110110110111 silver-halide 2 +1110110110111 804,184 2 +1110110110111 permanent-wave 2 +1110110110111 high-carbon 2 +1110110110111 whole-kernel 2 +1110110110111 performance-enhancing 2 +1110110110111 work-wear 2 +1110110110111 Spanish-based 2 +1110110110111 monocyte/macrophage 2 +1110110110111 robusta 2 +1110110110111 state-managed 2 +1110110110111 1978-84 2 +1110110110111 less-than-average 2 +1110110110111 Superbowl 2 +1110110110111 eight-cylinder 2 +1110110110111 single-cylinder 2 +1110110110111 sonar-equipped 2 +1110110110111 brass-plated 2 +1110110110111 computer-run 2 +1110110110111 tomato-based 2 +1110110110111 anti-miscarriage 2 +1110110110111 event-driven 2 +1110110110111 ceramic-composite 2 +1110110110111 EGA 2 +1110110110111 34-title 2 +1110110110111 surgery-related 2 +1110110110111 accented-French 2 +1110110110111 2.5-ton 2 +1110110110111 down-filled 2 +1110110110111 diamondback 2 +1110110110111 played-out 2 +1110110110111 highercost 2 +1110110110111 red-blood 2 +1110110110111 money-grabbing 2 +1110110110111 blood-clot-dissolving 2 +1110110110111 vulcanized 2 +1110110110111 Bousquet-Cadillac 2 +1110110110111 hard-to-market 2 +1110110110111 yttrium-barium-copper 2 +1110110110111 vitamin-like 2 +1110110110111 anti-cavity 2 +1110110110111 909,971 2 +1110110110111 mottled 2 +1110110110111 lemon-scented 2 +1110110110111 soya 2 +1110110110111 lowincome 2 +1110110110111 Murano 2 +1110110110111 hand-dipped 2 +1110110110111 Gazet 2 +1110110110111 anti-seizure 3 +1110110110111 18-karat 3 +1110110110111 black-buck 3 +1110110110111 mineral-wool 3 +1110110110111 tear-stained 3 +1110110110111 self-serve 3 +1110110110111 utility-supplied 3 +1110110110111 non-electronic 3 +1110110110111 Prohibition-era 3 +1110110110111 antihypertensive 3 +1110110110111 LISC-funded 3 +1110110110111 government-required 3 +1110110110111 3.0-liter 3 +1110110110111 A300-600R 3 +1110110110111 non-Merrill 3 +1110110110111 1974-1979 3 +1110110110111 color-negative 3 +1110110110111 Andechser 3 +1110110110111 evaporative 3 +1110110110111 anti-inflammation 3 +1110110110111 squamous 3 +1110110110111 nearby-delivery 3 +1110110110111 8200 3 +1110110110111 broadcloth 3 +1110110110111 mud-colored 3 +1110110110111 300-movie 3 +1110110110111 1,393 3 +1110110110111 off-shore 3 +1110110110111 high-productivity 3 +1110110110111 milky 3 +1110110110111 August-delivery 3 +1110110110111 steel-like 3 +1110110110111 1,000-plus 3 +1110110110111 sphagnum 3 +1110110110111 spacelaunch 3 +1110110110111 anti-stroke 3 +1110110110111 weak-selling 3 +1110110110111 citrus-flavored 3 +1110110110111 long-handled 3 +1110110110111 semolina 3 +1110110110111 liquid-fuel 3 +1110110110111 five-liter 3 +1110110110111 lower-than-normal 3 +1110110110111 white-walled 3 +1110110110111 Dromedary 3 +1110110110111 graham 3 +1110110110111 clinking 3 +1110110110111 unpasteurized 3 +1110110110111 L6 3 +1110110110111 muscle-building 3 +1110110110111 bitter-tasting 3 +1110110110111 ammunition-hauling 3 +1110110110111 BTOS 3 +1110110110111 1985-1988 3 +1110110110111 steel-cord 3 +1110110110111 inter-city 3 +1110110110111 less-robust 3 +1110110110111 107,735 3 +1110110110111 consumable 3 +1110110110111 Progresso 3 +1110110110111 unroasted 3 +1110110110111 non-approved 3 +1110110110111 warehouse-type 3 +1110110110111 nacho 3 +1110110110111 tap-water 3 +1110110110111 12,000-mile 3 +1110110110111 from-concentrate 3 +1110110110111 five-foot-long 3 +1110110110111 735iL 3 +1110110110111 psychoactive 4 +1110110110111 highend 4 +1110110110111 Depend 4 +1110110110111 ride-on 4 +1110110110111 under-hood 4 +1110110110111 large-capacity 4 +1110110110111 Alaskan-oil 4 +1110110110111 unrationed 4 +1110110110111 better-tasting 4 +1110110110111 single-user 4 +1110110110111 scavenging 4 +1110110110111 Gleem 4 +1110110110111 FX-16 4 +1110110110111 Castrol 4 +1110110110111 misbranded 4 +1110110110111 hair-growing 4 +1110110110111 not-from-concentrate 4 +1110110110111 corrosion-related 4 +1110110110111 premium-quality 4 +1110110110111 400-speed 4 +1110110110111 alcohol-free 4 +1110110110111 unreinforced 4 +1110110110111 anti-epilepsy 4 +1110110110111 cryogenic 4 +1110110110111 waterlogged 4 +1110110110111 U.S.-grown 4 +1110110110111 aspen 4 +1110110110111 direct-current 4 +1110110110111 21st-century 4 +1110110110111 pesticide-tainted 4 +1110110110111 out-of-fashion 4 +1110110110111 deep-dish 4 +1110110110111 nitric 4 +1110110110111 ungraded 4 +1110110110111 noncarbonated 4 +1110110110111 feature-length 4 +1110110110111 permeable 4 +1110110110111 once-elegant 4 +1110110110111 image-oriented 4 +1110110110111 nonproducing 4 +1110110110111 i960CA 4 +1110110110111 low-salt 4 +1110110110111 ready-to-drink 4 +1110110110111 handpainted 4 +1110110110111 ultraluxury 4 +1110110110111 blue- 4 +1110110110111 Brazilian-made 4 +1110110110111 factory-built 4 +1110110110111 anti-arthritic 4 +1110110110111 Israeli-made 4 +1110110110111 near-luxury 4 +1110110110111 pesticide-free 4 +1110110110111 videotape-recorder 4 +1110110110111 CMOS-based 4 +1110110110111 two-sided 4 +1110110110111 non-shuttle 4 +1110110110111 economy-class 4 +1110110110111 salmonella-free 4 +1110110110111 cherry-flavored 4 +1110110110111 upland 4 +1110110110111 public-TV 4 +1110110110111 broiled 4 +1110110110111 multiscreen 4 +1110110110111 crystal-clear 4 +1110110110111 commodity-oriented 4 +1110110110111 made-in-Japan 5 +1110110110111 non-petroleum 5 +1110110110111 job-creating 5 +1110110110111 seafaring 5 +1110110110111 mood-altering 5 +1110110110111 commodity-type 5 +1110110110111 away-from-home 5 +1110110110111 terrestrial 5 +1110110110111 1983-1987 5 +1110110110111 low-smoke 5 +1110110110111 aflatoxin-tainted 5 +1110110110111 aflatoxin-contaminated 5 +1110110110111 convalescent 5 +1110110110111 peanut-butter 5 +1110110110111 short-distance 5 +1110110110111 plastic-bodied 5 +1110110110111 over-the-road 5 +1110110110111 color-converted 5 +1110110110111 non-ILA 5 +1110110110111 unrefined 5 +1110110110111 V8 5 +1110110110111 photosensitizing 5 +1110110110111 U.S.-developed 5 +1110110110111 electronic-security 5 +1110110110111 injectible 5 +1110110110111 non-rubber 5 +1110110110111 skinless 5 +1110110110111 consumption-oriented 5 +1110110110111 spot-month 5 +1110110110111 gas-well 5 +1110110110111 carbonless 5 +1110110110111 post-harvest 5 +1110110110111 high-impact 5 +1110110110111 fetal-tissue 5 +1110110110111 ultra-thin 5 +1110110110111 dried-up 5 +1110110110111 81-store 5 +1110110110111 bentonite 5 +1110110110111 anti-asthma 5 +1110110110111 5.0-liter 5 +1110110110111 Taiwan-made 5 +1110110110111 12-volt 5 +1110110110111 non-metallic 6 +1110110110111 Yugoslavian-made 6 +1110110110111 low-sodium 6 +1110110110111 anti-acne 6 +1110110110111 unburned 6 +1110110110111 higher-temperature 6 +1110110110111 agriculture-related 6 +1110110110111 commercial-loan 6 +1110110110111 Yugoslavian-built 6 +1110110110111 30-pound 6 +1110110110111 598,079 6 +1110110110111 anticancer 6 +1110110110111 Engerix-B 6 +1110110110111 street-level 6 +1110110110111 200-odd 6 +1110110110111 freeze-dried 6 +1110110110111 herbicide-resistant 6 +1110110110111 dressy 6 +1110110110111 inbound 6 +1110110110111 big-volume 6 +1110110110111 purifying 6 +1110110110111 blister 6 +1110110110111 lemon-lime 6 +1110110110111 manual-transmission 6 +1110110110111 Viadent 6 +1110110110111 rancid 6 +1110110110111 lithographic 6 +1110110110111 table-top 7 +1110110110111 brandname 7 +1110110110111 VegiSnax 7 +1110110110111 dollar-earning 7 +1110110110111 high-value-added 7 +1110110110111 mud-brick 7 +1110110110111 on-shore 7 +1110110110111 bleacher 7 +1110110110111 room-service 7 +1110110110111 import-substitution 7 +1110110110111 million-ounce 7 +1110110110111 movie-quality 7 +1110110110111 Viceroy 7 +1110110110111 Nasdaq-traded 7 +1110110110111 multi-purpose 7 +1110110110111 undercooked 7 +1110110110111 private-brand 7 +1110110110111 market-leading 7 +1110110110111 Christmas-season 8 +1110110110111 high-fat 8 +1110110110111 super-absorbent 8 +1110110110111 discount-priced 8 +1110110110111 U.S.-produced 8 +1110110110111 Ethernet 8 +1110110110111 no-name 8 +1110110110111 Unimate 8 +1110110110111 high-mileage 8 +1110110110111 gold-colored 8 +1110110110111 marked-down 8 +1110110110111 three-wheel 8 +1110110110111 Italian-made 8 +1110110110111 U.S.-approved 8 +1110110110111 plastic-body 8 +1110110110111 anti-psychotic 8 +1110110110111 color-print 8 +1110110110111 ground-level 8 +1110110110111 35-millimeter 9 +1110110110111 cathode 9 +1110110110111 sucrose 9 +1110110110111 microcomputer-based 9 +1110110110111 halogenated 9 +1110110110111 1983-87 9 +1110110110111 O.B. 9 +1110110110111 higher-profit 9 +1110110110111 unbranded 9 +1110110110111 popular-priced 9 +1110110110111 pre-measured 9 +1110110110111 infant-formula 9 +1110110110111 carbonized 9 +1110110110111 varietal 10 +1110110110111 energy-efficient 10 +1110110110111 large-sized 10 +1110110110111 pasteurized 10 +1110110110111 non-agricultural 10 +1110110110111 small-engine 10 +1110110110111 eastbound 11 +1110110110111 gold-bullion 11 +1110110110111 Sunoco 11 +1110110110111 Primrose 11 +1110110110111 FDA-approved 11 +1110110110111 caffeine-free 11 +1110110110111 limited-edition 11 +1110110110111 Chubby 11 +1110110110111 Mazola 11 +1110110110111 two-liter 12 +1110110110111 low-growth 12 +1110110110111 LiFeS 12 +1110110110111 barbecued 12 +1110110110111 soluble 12 +1110110110111 westbound 12 +1110110110111 state-subsidized 12 +1110110110111 malting 12 +1110110110111 well-paying 12 +1110110110111 boneless 12 +1110110110111 off-highway 13 +1110110110111 dishwashing 13 +1110110110111 outbound 13 +1110110110111 new-model 13 +1110110110111 disease-causing 13 +1110110110111 Jeep-like 13 +1110110110111 100-ounce 13 +1110110110111 service-industry 13 +1110110110111 one-family 13 +1110110110111 oil-based 13 +1110110110111 lower-margin 13 +1110110110111 mammalian 14 +1110110110111 Soviet-style 14 +1110110110111 hard-to-find 14 +1110110110111 blue-and-white 14 +1110110110111 small-sized 14 +1110110110111 oceangoing 14 +1110110110111 near-normal 15 +1110110110111 microwavable 15 +1110110110111 prefabricated 15 +1110110110111 Styrofoam 15 +1110110110111 foreign-flag 16 +1110110110111 Robusta 16 +1110110110111 Corinthian 16 +1110110110111 roaster 16 +1110110110111 anti-clotting 16 +1110110110111 five-speed 17 +1110110110111 decaffeinated 17 +1110110110111 bootleg 17 +1110110110111 double-stack 17 +1110110110111 British-made 17 +1110110110111 low-tar 18 +1110110110111 anti-cholesterol 18 +1110110110111 megabit 18 +1110110110111 non-alcoholic 19 +1110110110111 ready-to-eat 19 +1110110110111 high-fructose 19 +1110110110111 sulfa 19 +1110110110111 8-mm 19 +1110110110111 good-quality 19 +1110110110111 low-density 20 +1110110110111 anti-hypertension 20 +1110110110111 at-home 20 +1110110110111 anti-arthritis 20 +1110110110111 premium-priced 20 +1110110110111 high-fiber 21 +1110110110111 foreign-controlled 21 +1110110110111 short-haul 21 +1110110110111 sulfur-dioxide 21 +1110110110111 durum 21 +1110110110111 nuclear-armed 21 +1110110110111 owner-occupied 21 +1110110110111 above-quota 21 +1110110110111 1986-model 22 +1110110110111 tinted 22 +1110110110111 pressurized 22 +1110110110111 adobe 22 +1110110110111 high-value 22 +1110110110111 more-expensive 22 +1110110110111 magnifying 22 +1110110110111 handmade 22 +1110110110111 more-efficient 22 +1110110110111 more-sophisticated 22 +1110110110111 full-fare 22 +1110110110111 carbonated 23 +1110110110111 service-sector 23 +1110110110111 D-ram 23 +1110110110111 close-out 23 +1110110110111 bargain-priced 23 +1110110110111 three-wheeled 24 +1110110110111 menthol 24 +1110110110111 lower-quality 24 +1110110110111 non-prescription 24 +1110110110111 anti-inflammatory 25 +1110110110111 mass-produced 25 +1110110110111 multi-family 25 +1110110110111 uncut 25 +1110110110111 roasted 26 +1110110110111 one-ounce 26 +1110110110111 U.S.-flag 26 +1110110110111 cranberry 26 +1110110110111 better-quality 27 +1110110110111 nonprescription 28 +1110110110111 low-paying 29 +1110110110111 drinking-water 29 +1110110110111 unapproved 30 +1110110110111 anti-hypertensive 30 +1110110110111 low-price 32 +1110110110111 Euro 32 +1110110110111 government-subsidized 33 +1110110110111 tax-sheltered 34 +1110110110111 X-rated 35 +1110110110111 high-paying 35 +1110110110111 injectable 35 +1110110110111 antiviral 37 +1110110110111 commemorative 37 +1110110110111 original-equipment 37 +1110110110111 ammonium 37 +1110110110111 name-brand 38 +1110110110111 leaded 38 +1110110110111 low-margin 38 +1110110110111 stationary 39 +1110110110111 256-kilobit 40 +1110110110111 light-truck 40 +1110110110111 mid-size 40 +1110110110111 roast 42 +1110110110111 coconut 42 +1110110110111 anti-ulcer 42 +1110110110111 cholesterol-lowering 43 +1110110110111 anti-viral 43 +1110110110111 current-delivery 43 +1110110110111 top-quality 43 +1110110110111 foreign-based 44 +1110110110111 edible 44 +1110110110111 slow-selling 47 +1110110110111 intercity 47 +1110110110111 liquefied 49 +1110110110111 cross-country 50 +1110110110111 labor-intensive 50 +1110110110111 lithium 51 +1110110110111 anti-baldness 51 +1110110110111 nontraditional 53 +1110110110111 gray-market 54 +1110110110111 topical 54 +1110110110111 smokestack 54 +1110110110111 slow-moving 55 +1110110110111 higher-quality 56 +1110110110111 leftover 56 +1110110110111 less-expensive 57 +1110110110111 cherry 57 +1110110110111 foreign-made 57 +1110110110111 powdered 57 +1110110110111 metallic 58 +1110110110111 caustic 59 +1110110110111 counterfeit 61 +1110110110111 feeder 62 +1110110110111 non-defense 62 +1110110110111 export-dependent 64 +1110110110111 anti-AIDS 64 +1110110110111 fossil 67 +1110110110111 high-grade 68 +1110110110111 titanium 69 +1110110110111 1988-model 70 +1110110110111 DRAM 76 +1110110110111 pent-up 76 +1110110110111 beet 76 +1110110110111 full-size 76 +1110110110111 fried 77 +1110110110111 clot-dissolving 77 +1110110110111 single-premium 81 +1110110110111 cancer-causing 84 +1110110110111 midsize 86 +1110110110111 anti-cancer 86 +1110110110111 multifamily 92 +1110110110111 lower-cost 94 +1110110110111 CFC 98 +1110110110111 mid-sized 102 +1110110110111 high-volume 108 +1110110110111 higher-priced 111 +1110110110111 lower-priced 113 +1110110110111 nonfarm 114 +1110110110111 export-oriented 116 +1110110110111 cut-rate 119 +1110110110111 low-end 121 +1110110110111 unleaded 129 +1110110110111 intravenous 137 +1110110110111 palm 142 +1110110110111 high-end 157 +1110110110111 public-sector 158 +1110110110111 sulfur 160 +1110110110111 black-and-white 174 +1110110110111 alcoholic 186 +1110110110111 round-trip 198 +1110110110111 brand-name 208 +1110110110111 non-farm 211 +1110110110111 midsized 212 +1110110110111 U.S.-made 222 +1110110110111 synthetic 224 +1110110110111 low-priced 224 +1110110110111 diesel 273 +1110110110111 Alaskan 277 +1110110110111 seed 282 +1110110110111 carbon 290 +1110110110111 intermediate 296 +1110110110111 high-quality 306 +1110110110111 single-family 336 +1110110110111 refined 378 +1110110110111 unsold 398 +1110110110111 orange 436 +1110110110111 low-cost 465 +1110110110111 generic 666 +1110110110111 domestic 7144 +1110110110111 imported 1290 +111011011100 six-centimeter 1 +111011011100 five-centimeter 1 +111011011100 light-responsive 1 +111011011100 butter-yellow 1 +111011011100 gift-ordering 1 +111011011100 express-money 1 +111011011100 fluid-processing 1 +111011011100 Buick-Oldsmobile 1 +111011011100 flight-path 1 +111011011100 177,300 1 +111011011100 on-orbit 1 +111011011100 homecare-products 1 +111011011100 flip-flops-with 1 +111011011100 bargelike 1 +111011011100 refining-marketing 1 +111011011100 66-by-20-foot 1 +111011011100 Copenhagen-area 1 +111011011100 in-place 1 +111011011100 loan-shopping 1 +111011011100 supersharp 1 +111011011100 scheduled-airline 1 +111011011100 recreational-boat 1 +111011011100 prestidigitorial 1 +111011011100 carbonated-beverage 1 +111011011100 flow-controller 1 +111011011100 Lizwear 1 +111011011100 uremic 1 +111011011100 one-inch-square 1 +111011011100 Jayhawk 1 +111011011100 postmidnight 1 +111011011100 partnership-rating 1 +111011011100 Entel 1 +111011011100 constant-velocity 1 +111011011100 tennis-ball-style 1 +111011011100 7-by-10 1 +111011011100 institutional-commercial 1 +111011011100 all-frills 1 +111011011100 Nivea 1 +111011011100 VT220 1 +111011011100 14,545 1 +111011011100 7,266 1 +111011011100 processing-product 1 +111011011100 Galician-language 1 +111011011100 closed-network 1 +111011011100 in-terminal 1 +111011011100 rubber-surface 1 +111011011100 astroturf 1 +111011011100 made-for-pay 1 +111011011100 WMMJ-FM 1 +111011011100 KNX-AM 1 +111011011100 gasoline-pump 1 +111011011100 single-platoon 1 +111011011100 center-cum-bomb 1 +111011011100 600-man 1 +111011011100 battalion-sized 1 +111011011100 160,000-seat 1 +111011011100 thermometry 1 +111011011100 Lightdays 1 +111011011100 coffee-roasting 1 +111011011100 15-megawatt 1 +111011011100 business-phone 1 +111011011100 satellite-information 1 +111011011100 party-game 1 +111011011100 eightday 1 +111011011100 24-megawatt 1 +111011011100 LC500 1 +111011011100 1,708 1 +111011011100 gospel-backed 1 +111011011100 weekend-long 1 +111011011100 call-distributing 1 +111011011100 television-quality 1 +111011011100 sunglass 1 +111011011100 Indianapolis-area 1 +111011011100 bath-product 1 +111011011100 2,430-mile 1 +111011011100 strong-performing 1 +111011011100 military-owned 1 +111011011100 home-videotex 1 +111011011100 slackest 1 +111011011100 Spain-U.S. 1 +111011011100 168-acre 1 +111011011100 2.2-million 1 +111011011100 Mailfast 1 +111011011100 now-private 1 +111011011100 21-gun 1 +111011011100 Saturday-afternoon 1 +111011011100 tennis-ball 1 +111011011100 racy-telegram 1 +111011011100 championship-round 1 +111011011100 1,125,200 1 +111011011100 Carina 1 +111011011100 off-on 1 +111011011100 twohour 1 +111011011100 executive-employment 1 +111011011100 carpet-fiber 1 +111011011100 Corona-made 1 +111011011100 government-school 1 +111011011100 motorcycle-messenger 1 +111011011100 direct-dialing 1 +111011011100 flowers-by-wire 1 +111011011100 TeleTax 1 +111011011100 real-estate-brokerage 1 +111011011100 playoff-bound 1 +111011011100 Saturday-Sunday 1 +111011011100 76mm 1 +111011011100 14.5mm 1 +111011011100 sardine-can 1 +111011011100 mush-brained 1 +111011011100 equipment-filled 1 +111011011100 el-cheapo 1 +111011011100 98-megawatt 1 +111011011100 50,000-capacity 1 +111011011100 Teletax 1 +111011011100 wide-striped 1 +111011011100 3,300-volt 1 +111011011100 laceless 1 +111011011100 DMS-10 1 +111011011100 business-customer 1 +111011011100 broadcast-gear 1 +111011011100 multichannel 1 +111011011100 data-moving 1 +111011011100 Tastemaker 1 +111011011100 decorative-paints 1 +111011011100 Yale-Princeton 1 +111011011100 four-inch-tall 1 +111011011100 less-spacious 1 +111011011100 sports-mad 1 +111011011100 homer-hitting 1 +111011011100 lighter-taste 1 +111011011100 AC-Delco 1 +111011011100 160,000-subscriber 1 +111011011100 federal-revenue 1 +111011011100 ship-support 1 +111011011100 1991-1992 1 +111011011100 smoke-shrouded 1 +111011011100 Peking-based 1 +111011011100 route-oriented 1 +111011011100 autofocus 1 +111011011100 sex-message 1 +111011011100 S-2G 1 +111011011100 500SL/SEL 1 +111011011100 Camaro/Firebird 1 +111011011100 action-figure 1 +111011011100 pipe-fabricator 1 +111011011100 five-and-dime-type 1 +111011011100 77-yard 1 +111011011100 summer-season 1 +111011011100 smiling-cat 1 +111011011100 mortgage-processing 1 +111011011100 dock-to-boat 1 +111011011100 pumping-services 1 +111011011100 Tao-yuan 1 +111011011100 hard-maple 1 +111011011100 multiband 1 +111011011100 GTE-Thomson 1 +111011011100 FX16-GTS 1 +111011011100 corporation-wide 1 +111011011100 13-station 1 +111011011100 mountain-lion 1 +111011011100 battlefield-communications 1 +111011011100 185-unit 1 +111011011100 270,950 1 +111011011100 26,000-plus 1 +111011011100 major-network 1 +111011011100 securities-services 1 +111011011100 tenth-largest 1 +111011011100 overstylized 1 +111011011100 professional-management 1 +111011011100 Easter-egg 1 +111011011100 blonde-laden 1 +111011011100 life-enhancing 1 +111011011100 40,000-acre 1 +111011011100 safety-shutdown 1 +111011011100 300,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011100 anti-Westernization 1 +111011011100 vending-distribution 1 +111011011100 manager-employee 1 +111011011100 publicinterest 1 +111011011100 6,887 1 +111011011100 U.K.-to-U.K. 1 +111011011100 chocolate-chip-cookie 1 +111011011100 boutique-sized 1 +111011011100 conglomerate-scale 1 +111011011100 25-inch 1 +111011011100 crank-type 1 +111011011100 machinery-and-equipment 1 +111011011100 karate-like 1 +111011011100 PC6 1 +111011011100 Nontraditional-Dance 1 +111011011100 in-territory 1 +111011011100 out-of-territory 1 +111011011100 portfolio-monitoring 1 +111011011100 heating-air 1 +111011011100 broader-band 1 +111011011100 ring/no-answer 1 +111011011100 trade-and-services 1 +111011011100 water-development 1 +111011011100 multibutton 1 +111011011100 pre-played 1 +111011011100 broadcast-quality 1 +111011011100 WCZY-AM/FM 1 +111011011100 temporary-job 1 +111011011100 red-silk 1 +111011011100 16,128 1 +111011011100 SAM-13 1 +111011011100 Coustic-Glo 1 +111011011100 ceiling-cleaning 1 +111011011100 C-9 1 +111011011100 option-laden 1 +111011011100 dancing-raisins 1 +111011011100 four-panel 1 +111011011100 16-watt 1 +111011011100 super-cheap 1 +111011011100 briefcase-sized 1 +111011011100 software-defined 1 +111011011100 2,633 1 +111011011100 FM-band 1 +111011011100 nuclear-generating 1 +111011011100 2.7-inch 1 +111011011100 Chevrolet-Pontiac 1 +111011011100 housekeeper-referral 1 +111011011100 parts-buying 1 +111011011100 62,000-square-foot 1 +111011011100 118,000-square-foot 1 +111011011100 reference-book 1 +111011011100 country-jamboree 1 +111011011100 forest-warfare 1 +111011011100 fullservice 1 +111011011100 200-pound-plus 1 +111011011100 ground-launch 1 +111011011100 Bofors-made 1 +111011011100 6,953 1 +111011011100 60,000-subscriber 1 +111011011100 WGRZ 1 +111011011100 7,833 1 +111011011100 wideband 1 +111011011100 rent-a-chimp 1 +111011011100 1,574 1 +111011011100 child-study 1 +111011011100 Fleetwood-Clark 1 +111011011100 shoulder-mounted 1 +111011011100 hand-cut 1 +111011011100 general-strike 1 +111011011100 terminal-truck 1 +111011011100 Viracon/Dial 1 +111011011100 Redskins-Giants 1 +111011011100 garbage-fired 1 +111011011100 19-point 1 +111011011100 mail-presort 1 +111011011100 decorative-products 1 +111011011100 90-mph 1 +111011011100 96-unit 1 +111011011100 pay-per-use 1 +111011011100 2,904 1 +111011011100 freight-courier 1 +111011011100 knife-sharpening 1 +111011011100 91,920 1 +111011011100 international-direct-dial 1 +111011011100 then-nascent 1 +111011011100 copying-machine 1 +111011011100 pachydermic 1 +111011011100 Uva 1 +111011011100 Washington-Dallas 1 +111011011100 short-skirt 1 +111011011100 odd-hour 1 +111011011100 telephone-holding 1 +111011011100 fast-packet 1 +111011011100 ozonation 1 +111011011100 guns-and-drugs 1 +111011011100 upper-rent 1 +111011011100 non-playoff 1 +111011011100 beret-clad 1 +111011011100 R-16 1 +111011011100 846,669 1 +111011011100 Oremet 1 +111011011100 KAYI 1 +111011011100 special-technology 1 +111011011100 five-station 1 +111011011100 direct-calling 1 +111011011100 packagedelivery 1 +111011011100 artificial-coloring 1 +111011011100 cable-programming 1 +111011011100 doublespaced 1 +111011011100 38-inch 1 +111011011100 missile-transporter 1 +111011011100 data-marketing 1 +111011011100 dendritic 1 +111011011100 maintenance/margin 1 +111011011100 271-employee 1 +111011011100 15,000-customer 1 +111011011100 Cellnet 1 +111011011100 marine-life 1 +111011011100 19,000-seat 1 +111011011100 1.2-inch-diameter 1 +111011011100 4,079 1 +111011011100 rattiest 1 +111011011100 66-foot-long 1 +111011011100 Create-A-Print 1 +111011011100 car-distributorship 1 +111011011100 terra-cotta-colored 1 +111011011100 roundball 1 +111011011100 television-rating 1 +111011011100 seagull 1 +111011011100 Trump-related 1 +111011011100 tall-stemmed 1 +111011011100 semi-statist 1 +111011011100 sting-like 1 +111011011100 operator-dialed 1 +111011011100 less-fettered 1 +111011011100 cable-television-systems 1 +111011011100 7,635 1 +111011011100 l8-hole 1 +111011011100 439-yard 1 +111011011100 lot-in 1 +111011011100 third-string 1 +111011011100 U.S.-manned 1 +111011011100 45-mile 1 +111011011100 convention-doings 1 +111011011100 2,812 1 +111011011100 1,971 1 +111011011100 organ-donation 1 +111011011100 phone-operating 1 +111011011100 building-product-distribution 1 +111011011100 primo 1 +111011011100 43,000-seat 1 +111011011100 waterdistribution 1 +111011011100 40-channel 1 +111011011100 467,575 1 +111011011100 galleried 1 +111011011100 herdlike 1 +111011011100 informations-system 1 +111011011100 225-room 1 +111011011100 agro-chemical 1 +111011011100 citizens'-band 1 +111011011100 get-Noriega 1 +111011011100 macaws 1 +111011011100 U.S.-U.K. 1 +111011011100 four-game 1 +111011011100 advertiser-bankrolled 1 +111011011100 4,693 1 +111011011100 Shidongkou 1 +111011011100 Balinese-inspired 1 +111011011100 Barclay-share 1 +111011011100 Detroit-built 1 +111011011100 Latvian-language 1 +111011011100 matriculants 1 +111011011100 precision-instruments 1 +111011011100 utility-installed 1 +111011011100 75-store 1 +111011011100 rent-a-family 1 +111011011100 Binsteads 1 +111011011100 steam-flow 1 +111011011100 data-communication 1 +111011011100 60-ish 1 +111011011100 super-clear 1 +111011011100 jitney-cab 1 +111011011100 6803 1 +111011011100 Vilage 1 +111011011100 nine-foot-high 1 +111011011100 all-wheel 1 +111011011100 copy-restricting 1 +111011011100 gull-winged 1 +111011011100 bankrating 1 +111011011100 kitchen-cutlery 1 +111011011100 mail-deposit 1 +111011011100 Hamersley 1 +111011011100 SA-5 1 +111011011100 Baccarat 1 +111011011100 Grated 1 +111011011100 differentiating/changing 1 +111011011100 non-remote 1 +111011011100 68-channel 1 +111011011100 Movado-made 1 +111011011100 vehicle-marketing 1 +111011011100 255-megawatt 1 +111011011100 Simian 1 +111011011100 Hoerzu 1 +111011011100 Cut-Rite 1 +111011011100 Freeman-Regan 1 +111011011100 option-loaded 1 +111011011100 PAC-10 1 +111011011100 tour-packaging 1 +111011011100 super-cushiony 1 +111011011100 cooler-than-usual 1 +111011011100 long-faded 1 +111011011100 377-megawatt 1 +111011011100 door-panel 1 +111011011100 multi-flexible 1 +111011011100 electronic-cables 1 +111011011100 paperdisk 1 +111011011100 papertape 1 +111011011100 78,468 1 +111011011100 heroin-soaked 1 +111011011100 magnetic-tapes 1 +111011011100 20-yard 1 +111011011100 through-the-air 1 +111011011100 79-yard 1 +111011011100 ticketing-reservation 1 +111011011100 chart-inspired 1 +111011011100 stand-and-slurp 1 +111011011100 Diasonics-Sonotron 1 +111011011100 Super-America 1 +111011011100 shatterproof 1 +111011011100 opium-bearing 1 +111011011100 opium-yielding 1 +111011011100 Playboy-at-Night 1 +111011011100 horse-pulled 1 +111011011100 T-shaped 1 +111011011100 guided-missile-equipped 1 +111011011100 99,089 1 +111011011100 RF-082 1 +111011011100 cryptographics 1 +111011011100 cafe-cum-taxi 1 +111011011100 E-Class 1 +111011011100 non-animated 1 +111011011100 dedicated-WATS 1 +111011011100 Videopolis 1 +111011011100 7,046 1 +111011011100 monofilament 1 +111011011100 UNWELCOME 1 +111011011100 six-way 1 +111011011100 50,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011100 sports-scores 1 +111011011100 TelShop 1 +111011011100 once-carefree 1 +111011011100 junior-varsity 1 +111011011100 Stanley-Bostitch 1 +111011011100 network-type 1 +111011011100 big-network 1 +111011011100 7-series 1 +111011011100 visa-free 1 +111011011100 superconductor/supercollider 1 +111011011100 pay-subscription 1 +111011011100 dosage-measuring 1 +111011011100 800-NO-BLOOD 1 +111011011100 Gatorade-type 1 +111011011100 duck-shaped 1 +111011011100 specially-designed 1 +111011011100 cement-producing 1 +111011011100 drugtrafficking 1 +111011011100 then-worthless 1 +111011011100 specialist-credit 1 +111011011100 primary-color 1 +111011011100 expatriate-Chinese 1 +111011011100 ABG-Semca 1 +111011011100 barbed-wired 1 +111011011100 10-hour-a-day 1 +111011011100 Tampa-area 1 +111011011100 KRPM-AM/FM 1 +111011011100 33-day 1 +111011011100 big-audience 1 +111011011100 photocomposition 1 +111011011100 impossible-to-miss 1 +111011011100 9,300-line 1 +111011011100 visitor-aid 1 +111011011100 broad-appeal 1 +111011011100 legal-residency 1 +111011011100 midocean 1 +111011011100 interractive 1 +111011011100 book-flogging 1 +111011011100 WPTA 1 +111011011100 10,345 1 +111011011100 snailing 1 +111011011100 fourth-shortest 1 +111011011100 Sellafield 1 +111011011100 expert-training 1 +111011011100 MCI/Northwest 1 +111011011100 non-SLR 1 +111011011100 graffiti-stained 1 +111011011100 home-intercom 1 +111011011100 Yankees-Mets 1 +111011011100 Sunday-newspaper 1 +111011011100 full-round 1 +111011011100 sandtrapped 1 +111011011100 wholesale-sized 1 +111011011100 package-holiday 1 +111011011100 silvergilt 1 +111011011100 wine-buying 1 +111011011100 McCarthy-style 1 +111011011100 bait-casting 1 +111011011100 nuceoside 1 +111011011100 73,300 1 +111011011100 magnetic-wave 1 +111011011100 69-yard 1 +111011011100 document-transmission 2 +111011011100 computer-to-fax 2 +111011011100 document-delivery 2 +111011011100 arms-production 2 +111011011100 3,287 2 +111011011100 juice-concentrate 2 +111011011100 lastminute 2 +111011011100 manufacturing-automation 2 +111011011100 sled-dog 2 +111011011100 customer-dialed 2 +111011011100 Pensupreme 2 +111011011100 prescription-only 2 +111011011100 small-engines 2 +111011011100 E-Z-Go 2 +111011011100 outside-produced 2 +111011011100 Lestoil 2 +111011011100 gold-and-diamond 2 +111011011100 chemical-arms-control 2 +111011011100 Teleflora 2 +111011011100 UH-1 2 +111011011100 mobil 2 +111011011100 local-phone 2 +111011011100 Stop-N-Go 2 +111011011100 flashless 2 +111011011100 investment-services 2 +111011011100 semi-structured 2 +111011011100 Antwerp-based 2 +111011011100 cotton-diaper 2 +111011011100 flight-information 2 +111011011100 157-year-old 2 +111011011100 subcutaneous 2 +111011011100 wakeup 2 +111011011100 water-distribution 2 +111011011100 Bainbridge/Aquabatten 2 +111011011100 fine-tooth 2 +111011011100 high-jump 2 +111011011100 syndicated-loans 2 +111011011100 fine-toothed 2 +111011011100 splashier 2 +111011011100 Gauge 2 +111011011100 MS-2401 2 +111011011100 door-drive 2 +111011011100 Tele-Cip 2 +111011011100 in-bound 2 +111011011100 communciations 2 +111011011100 17,142 2 +111011011100 MRC-139 2 +111011011100 liquid-fuels 2 +111011011100 Readyline 2 +111011011100 drug-selling 2 +111011011100 optical-scanning 2 +111011011100 multiwall 2 +111011011100 Worldnet 2 +111011011100 Naguib 2 +111011011100 InfusionCare 2 +111011011100 hip-replacement 2 +111011011100 commuter-rail 2 +111011011100 business-and-sports 2 +111011011100 phone-order 2 +111011011100 32-inch 2 +111011011100 after-sales 2 +111011011100 Khashoggi-owned 2 +111011011100 maid-service 2 +111011011100 big-splash 2 +111011011100 car-of-the-year 2 +111011011100 long-distance-telephone 2 +111011011100 higher-than-necessary 2 +111011011100 Q30E 2 +111011011100 Talknet 2 +111011011100 post-paid 2 +111011011100 Fafnier 2 +111011011100 drilling-services 2 +111011011100 desk-drawer 2 +111011011100 container-recycling 2 +111011011100 aircraft-identification 2 +111011011100 touchtone 2 +111011011100 floodlit 2 +111011011100 ramen 2 +111011011100 946,945 2 +111011011100 rear-projection 2 +111011011100 Sovietski 2 +111011011100 energy-information 2 +111011011100 bank-teller 2 +111011011100 palmetto 2 +111011011100 nonairline 2 +111011011100 longdistance 2 +111011011100 560SL 2 +111011011100 commercial-television 2 +111011011100 health-information 2 +111011011100 daytime-only 2 +111011011100 Japanese-financed 2 +111011011100 dump-Meese 2 +111011011100 power-window 2 +111011011100 Dyno-Riders 2 +111011011100 dialup 2 +111011011100 multiple-system 3 +111011011100 non-disadvantaged 3 +111011011100 AS-15 3 +111011011100 out-of-bounds 3 +111011011100 government-services 3 +111011011100 23,000-mile 3 +111011011100 permanent-placement 3 +111011011100 six-minute 3 +111011011100 fast-lube 3 +111011011100 SA-7 3 +111011011100 multi-national 3 +111011011100 system-specific 3 +111011011100 cable-televison 3 +111011011100 industrial-systems 3 +111011011100 direct-dialed 3 +111011011100 livery 3 +111011011100 Nopri 3 +111011011100 product-oriented 3 +111011011100 oil-distribution 3 +111011011100 yellow-page 3 +111011011100 coronary-care 3 +111011011100 full-screen 3 +111011011100 mail-marketing 3 +111011011100 group-insurance 3 +111011011100 fiber-optical 3 +111011011100 non-mining 3 +111011011100 neurobiology 3 +111011011100 inter-league 3 +111011011100 key-punch 3 +111011011100 mine-hunting 3 +111011011100 news-clipping 3 +111011011100 short-wave 3 +111011011100 non-wireline 3 +111011011100 beeping 3 +111011011100 check-authorization 3 +111011011100 read-out 3 +111011011100 single-line 3 +111011011100 central-processing 3 +111011011100 zero-tax 3 +111011011100 Nelco 3 +111011011100 ScanTrack 3 +111011011100 telephone-services 3 +111011011100 copper-wire 3 +111011011100 toilet-bowl 3 +111011011100 chip-manufacturing 4 +111011011100 underseas 4 +111011011100 input-output 4 +111011011100 home-trading 4 +111011011100 video-screen 4 +111011011100 car-telephone 4 +111011011100 cable-television-system 4 +111011011100 carbon-steel 4 +111011011100 dance-hall 4 +111011011100 on-off 4 +111011011100 non-French 4 +111011011100 non-department-store 4 +111011011100 dog-racing 4 +111011011100 rail-passenger 4 +111011011100 twin-blade 4 +111011011100 Foot-Joy 4 +111011011100 Touch-Tone 4 +111011011100 charter-boat 4 +111011011100 food-manufacturing 4 +111011011100 airline-ticket 4 +111011011100 basic-cable 5 +111011011100 conelike 5 +111011011100 800-number 5 +111011011100 gold-exploration 5 +111011011100 financial-guarantee 5 +111011011100 fly-fishing 5 +111011011100 underhand 5 +111011011100 directory-assistance 5 +111011011100 Herblock 5 +111011011100 teletext 5 +111011011100 womenswear 5 +111011011100 Panama-based 5 +111011011100 non-hotel 5 +111011011100 local-service 5 +111011011100 phone-service 6 +111011011100 mobile-telephone 6 +111011011100 non-Bell 6 +111011011100 television-station 6 +111011011100 doo-wop 6 +111011011100 credit-repair 6 +111011011100 gas-fueled 6 +111011011100 SuperNode 6 +111011011100 air-express 6 +111011011100 mobile-radio 6 +111011011100 Immunodeficiency 6 +111011011100 mucous 6 +111011011100 garbage-hauling 7 +111011011100 local-area 7 +111011011100 credit-scoring 7 +111011011100 joint-stock 7 +111011011100 canned-foods 7 +111011011100 direct-dial 7 +111011011100 hot-line 8 +111011011100 clarion 8 +111011011100 DMS 8 +111011011100 financial-news 8 +111011011100 cost-management 8 +111011011100 horoscope 8 +111011011100 penny-ante 8 +111011011100 music-video 9 +111011011100 non-consolidated 9 +111011011100 rear-wheel 10 +111011011100 VOR 10 +111011011100 teller-machine 10 +111011011100 two-wheel 10 +111011011100 gas-distribution 10 +111011011100 non-drug 10 +111011011100 front-wheel 11 +111011011100 shoulder-fired 11 +111011011100 yellow-pages 11 +111011011100 computer-communications 12 +111011011100 push-button 12 +111011011100 operator-assisted 13 +111011011100 satellite-delivered 13 +111011011100 advertiser-supported 13 +111011011100 school-bus 14 +111011011100 optical-fiber 14 +111011011100 vision-care 14 +111011011100 mobile-phone 15 +111011011100 Centrex 15 +111011011100 private-line 15 +111011011100 pay-cable 15 +111011011100 central-office 15 +111011011100 wake-up 15 +111011011100 electrification 16 +111011011100 e-mail 17 +111011011100 coaxial 17 +111011011100 phone-company 17 +111011011100 car-phone 18 +111011011100 raunchy 18 +111011011100 Vodafone 18 +111011011100 network-affiliated 19 +111011011100 WATS 20 +111011011100 financial-information 20 +111011011100 cordless 21 +111011011100 floppy-disk 21 +111011011100 touch-tone 21 +111011011100 fiber-optics 27 +111011011100 pay-TV 28 +111011011100 sea-launched 29 +111011011100 switchboard 33 +111011011100 neural 33 +111011011100 phone-in 34 +111011011100 ground-launched 36 +111011011100 closed-circuit 44 +111011011100 videotex 54 +111011011100 four-wheel 55 +111011011100 cellular-telephone 65 +111011011100 home-shopping 66 +111011011100 witch 83 +111011011100 pay-per-view 91 +111011011100 high-definition 96 +111011011100 toll-free 148 +111011011100 fiber-optic 161 +111011011100 cellular 749 +111011011100 long-distance 1004 +111011011100 phone 3508 +111011011100 cable 3615 +111011011100 telephone 3838 +111011011101 engine-building 1 +111011011101 underwater-surveillance 1 +111011011101 co-extrusion 1 +111011011101 immunotoxin 1 +111011011101 phase-change 1 +111011011101 propeller-grinding 1 +111011011101 glass-forming 1 +111011011101 envelope-making 1 +111011011101 submarine-detection 1 +111011011101 office-communication 1 +111011011101 company-developed 1 +111011011101 PC/ 1 +111011011101 network-related 1 +111011011101 Cadra-11 1 +111011011101 Cadra-1 1 +111011011101 Japanese-introduced 1 +111011011101 1,000-ton-per-day 1 +111011011101 IRIS-4D 1 +111011011101 frozen-novelties 1 +111011011101 read-only-memory 1 +111011011101 popsicle-stick 1 +111011011101 Pap-screening 1 +111011011101 electrochemical-processing 1 +111011011101 Surface-mount 1 +111011011101 surface-mount 1 +111011011101 intravenous-equipment-and-solutions-pro 1 +111011011101 iron-spike 1 +111011011101 Dual-purpose 1 +111011011101 tomato-leaf 1 +111011011101 Apollo/Covia 1 +111011011101 submarine-quietening 1 +111011011101 aroma-therapy 1 +111011011101 aircraft-weapon 1 +111011011101 ever-grinding 1 +111011011101 Cocom-proscribed 1 +111011011101 aircraft-instrument 1 +111011011101 digital-tape 1 +111011011101 computer-console 1 +111011011101 snap-up 1 +111011011101 corporate-profits 1 +111011011101 laminated-panels 1 +111011011101 IntelliStar 1 +111011011101 database-management 1 +111011011101 pulp-making 1 +111011011101 Aardvark 1 +111011011101 book-fair 1 +111011011101 spelling-checker 1 +111011011101 unpopped 1 +111011011101 microwave-lamp 1 +111011011101 fermentation-process 1 +111011011101 more-versatile 1 +111011011101 3Display 1 +111011011101 configurable 1 +111011011101 long-fragmented 1 +111011011101 hand-out 1 +111011011101 engineering/safety 1 +111011011101 Goldstar-designed 1 +111011011101 mine-removal 1 +111011011101 pet-products 1 +111011011101 electronicorder 1 +111011011101 film-based 1 +111011011101 instant-photographic 1 +111011011101 VAXBI 1 +111011011101 360-kilobyte 1 +111011011101 next-best-selling 1 +111011011101 groundstation 1 +111011011101 larger-diameter 1 +111011011101 independent-owned 1 +111011011101 embarrassed-looking 1 +111011011101 Microsoft-IBM 1 +111011011101 3B1 1 +111011011101 laser-disk 1 +111011011101 country-two 1 +111011011101 submarine-quieting 1 +111011011101 microchip-manufacturing 1 +111011011101 spreadsheet-modeling 1 +111011011101 amorphous-metal 1 +111011011101 bank-provided 1 +111011011101 low-pesticide 1 +111011011101 T3 1 +111011011101 glass-based 1 +111011011101 4.7-inch 1 +111011011101 electricial 1 +111011011101 unmaintained 1 +111011011101 fluid-components 1 +111011011101 PFS 1 +111011011101 cylinder-head 1 +111011011101 million-character 1 +111011011101 street-light 1 +111011011101 takeover-financing 1 +111011011101 electronic-switching 1 +111011011101 football-stadium 1 +111011011101 nucleation 1 +111011011101 best-of-breed 1 +111011011101 semiconductor-process 1 +111011011101 Voyageur 1 +111011011101 CD-Rolm 1 +111011011101 near-supercomputer 1 +111011011101 language-analysis 1 +111011011101 non-Malaysian 1 +111011011101 new-product-driven 1 +111011011101 trade-model 1 +111011011101 videocassette-recorder 1 +111011011101 Microsoft-AT&T 1 +111011011101 high-volume-dependent 1 +111011011101 readonly 1 +111011011101 non-consumer-related 1 +111011011101 express-parcel 1 +111011011101 weapons-related 1 +111011011101 electrical-storage 1 +111011011101 bond-financing 1 +111011011101 graphics-arts 1 +111011011101 loan-and-aid 1 +111011011101 solids-processing 1 +111011011101 Wars-like 1 +111011011101 Selectric 1 +111011011101 then-chaotic 1 +111011011101 laser-enrichment 1 +111011011101 radar-homing 1 +111011011101 linear-programming 1 +111011011101 vapor-inhalation 1 +111011011101 22,000-acre 1 +111011011101 cut-and-grind 1 +111011011101 telephone-to-terminal 1 +111011011101 computer-design 1 +111011011101 steam-production 1 +111011011101 weigh-feeding 1 +111011011101 gas-pump 1 +111011011101 produce-marketing 1 +111011011101 debt-discounting 1 +111011011101 IBM-Microsoft 1 +111011011101 print-on 1 +111011011101 utility-pole 1 +111011011101 target-acquisition 1 +111011011101 cockpit-voice 1 +111011011101 quote-service 1 +111011011101 electrical-stimulus 1 +111011011101 automatic-switching 1 +111011011101 defense-manufacturing 1 +111011011101 government-contracting 1 +111011011101 outdoor-attraction 1 +111011011101 machine-control 1 +111011011101 MIT-Japan 1 +111011011101 Disney-designed 1 +111011011101 cell-making 1 +111011011101 cell-engineering 1 +111011011101 automobile-hauling 1 +111011011101 asplenia 1 +111011011101 vehicle-location 1 +111011011101 check-sorting 1 +111011011101 loud-speaker 1 +111011011101 cellular-enhancer 1 +111011011101 inkjet 1 +111011011101 electronic-dictionary 1 +111011011101 4-by-2 1 +111011011101 non-game 1 +111011011101 direct-view 1 +111011011101 computer-analysis 1 +111011011101 program-interface 1 +111011011101 spill-fighting 1 +111011011101 airdefense 1 +111011011101 low-observable 1 +111011011101 radar-absorptive 1 +111011011101 throttle-position 1 +111011011101 walkie-talkie-like 1 +111011011101 handwritten-diary 1 +111011011101 brake-rotor 1 +111011011101 longer-lived 1 +111011011101 transmission-manufacturing 1 +111011011101 toilet-sound 1 +111011011101 Mom-and-Pop 1 +111011011101 electronic-jamming 1 +111011011101 chip-packaging 1 +111011011101 Deskmate 1 +111011011101 four-millionth 1 +111011011101 Disneyland-like 1 +111011011101 receptor-site 1 +111011011101 fish/small 1 +111011011101 marketing-department 1 +111011011101 out-of-the-limelight 1 +111011011101 calcium-containing 1 +111011011101 white-on-black 1 +111011011101 directional-control 1 +111011011101 Euro-train 1 +111011011101 water-reactor 1 +111011011101 color-copying 1 +111011011101 Starport 1 +111011011101 data-acquisition 1 +111011011101 job-screening 1 +111011011101 composites-fabrication 1 +111011011101 telecommunications-testing 1 +111011011101 1980s-style 1 +111011011101 needle-exchange 1 +111011011101 MUSE 1 +111011011101 Freehand 1 +111011011101 radar-shielding 1 +111011011101 point-of-sales 1 +111011011101 FreeHand 1 +111011011101 portable-appliance 1 +111011011101 herniated 1 +111011011101 Telford-made 1 +111011011101 gasoline-storage 1 +111011011101 spelling-only 1 +111011011101 Geneamp 1 +111011011101 often-stunning 1 +111011011101 biscuit-baking 1 +111011011101 ground-strike 1 +111011011101 helicopter-improvement 1 +111011011101 identi 1 +111011011101 ever-thickening 1 +111011011101 radiowave 1 +111011011101 voicerecognition 1 +111011011101 DeskMate 1 +111011011101 5-1/4inch 1 +111011011101 0661 1 +111011011101 vendor-insulated 1 +111011011101 patty-cake 1 +111011011101 TV-network-advertising 1 +111011011101 Aegis-capable 1 +111011011101 network-operating 1 +111011011101 Arwood 1 +111011011101 micro-chip 1 +111011011101 computer-surveillance 1 +111011011101 gizmos-computer-generated 1 +111011011101 textile-making 1 +111011011101 courtoom 1 +111011011101 TCI-affiliated 1 +111011011101 voltage-regulated 1 +111011011101 voyage-date 1 +111011011101 morning.The 1 +111011011101 voice-response 1 +111011011101 account-information 1 +111011011101 Praxis-driven 1 +111011011101 fly-and-drive 1 +111011011101 telemedical 1 +111011011101 voice-altering 1 +111011011101 reduced-instruction-set-computer 1 +111011011101 marine-construction 1 +111011011101 eight-page-a-minute 1 +111011011101 document-imaging 1 +111011011101 affective 1 +111011011101 RISC/ 1 +111011011101 image-compression 1 +111011011101 bag-making 1 +111011011101 medication-dispensing 1 +111011011101 steel-servicing 1 +111011011101 gene-replication 1 +111011011101 rain-making 1 +111011011101 quarter-scale 1 +111011011101 3,147 1 +111011011101 stealth-aircraft 1 +111011011101 memory-upgrade 1 +111011011101 bacteria-based 1 +111011011101 6200 1 +111011011101 Swissmade 1 +111011011101 business-systems 2 +111011011101 office-information 2 +111011011101 domestic-appliance 2 +111011011101 printing-equipment 2 +111011011101 tire-valve 2 +111011011101 box-like 2 +111011011101 drip-watering 2 +111011011101 rocket-propulsion 2 +111011011101 leak-detection 2 +111011011101 computer-type 2 +111011011101 radio-cassette 2 +111011011101 plant-vaccine 2 +111011011101 merchant-marine 2 +111011011101 family-tent 2 +111011011101 car-wash 2 +111011011101 missile-development 2 +111011011101 gene-probe 2 +111011011101 oral-pharmaceutical 2 +111011011101 school-financing 2 +111011011101 ticket-sales 2 +111011011101 tele-shopping 2 +111011011101 medical-data 2 +111011011101 8250 2 +111011011101 110-model 2 +111011011101 ocean-surveillance 2 +111011011101 non-microwave 2 +111011011101 merger-advisory 2 +111011011101 Teletel 2 +111011011101 computer-control 2 +111011011101 applications-software 2 +111011011101 computer-information 2 +111011011101 jewellike 2 +111011011101 monoclonal-antibody 2 +111011011101 paste-resin 2 +111011011101 electronic-eavesdropping 2 +111011011101 software-engineering 2 +111011011101 xerographic 2 +111011011101 racial-preference 2 +111011011101 spell-checking 2 +111011011101 letter-sorting 2 +111011011101 autotransfusion 2 +111011011101 plastic-pipe 2 +111011011101 drilling-mud 2 +111011011101 electric-machinery 2 +111011011101 communications-products 2 +111011011101 small-size 2 +111011011101 communications-satellite 2 +111011011101 military-history 2 +111011011101 research-only 2 +111011011101 higher-value-added 2 +111011011101 network-management 2 +111011011101 computer-voice 2 +111011011101 cellular-ceramic 2 +111011011101 women's-clothing 2 +111011011101 drug-dispensing 2 +111011011101 180-mile 2 +111011011101 air-brake 2 +111011011101 4,545,074 2 +111011011101 phone-network 2 +111011011101 telecommunications-management 2 +111011011101 data-communications-equipment 2 +111011011101 VCR-adapter 2 +111011011101 home-taping 2 +111011011101 car-stereo 2 +111011011101 space-satellite 2 +111011011101 fixed-exchange-rate 2 +111011011101 video-duplication 2 +111011011101 Hardcard 2 +111011011101 risk-control 2 +111011011101 communications-network 2 +111011011101 2,500-mile 2 +111011011101 lens-molding 2 +111011011101 instant-photo 2 +111011011101 graphics-oriented 2 +111011011101 computer-display 2 +111011011101 vote-stealing 2 +111011011101 operating-environment 2 +111011011101 PVC-backed 2 +111011011101 fire-alarm 2 +111011011101 ventricular-assist 2 +111011011101 design-automation 2 +111011011101 endotoxin 2 +111011011101 line-testing 2 +111011011101 closed-caption 2 +111011011101 computer-memory 2 +111011011101 tax-processing 2 +111011011101 medical-monitoring 2 +111011011101 previous-generation 2 +111011011101 convenience-food 2 +111011011101 lead-strontium 2 +111011011101 affinity-card 2 +111011011101 radiation-detection 2 +111011011101 radio/cassette 2 +111011011101 paper-coating 2 +111011011101 intra-uterine 2 +111011011101 solid-ink 2 +111011011101 data-switching 2 +111011011101 ground-handling 2 +111011011101 pre-modern 2 +111011011101 letter-quality 2 +111011011101 shock-wave 2 +111011011101 strip-mine 2 +111011011101 silver-oxide 2 +111011011101 radio-detection 2 +111011011101 value-driven 2 +111011011101 chilled-juice 2 +111011011101 fire-extinguishing 2 +111011011101 electronic-communications 2 +111011011101 clinical-lab 2 +111011011101 leatherback 2 +111011011101 grape-based 2 +111011011101 radar-absorbing 2 +111011011101 electronic-surveillance 2 +111011011101 numeric 2 +111011011101 data-input 2 +111011011101 mail-service 2 +111011011101 emission-reduction 2 +111011011101 clot-resisting 2 +111011011101 Japanese-market 2 +111011011101 Toshiba-Kongsberg 2 +111011011101 aircraft-modification 2 +111011011101 HDTV-related 2 +111011011101 QSound 2 +111011011101 coal-transport 2 +111011011101 electrical-transmission 2 +111011011101 stain-blocking 2 +111011011101 DN590 2 +111011011101 IIx 2 +111011011101 jewelry-manufacturing 2 +111011011101 microcontroller 2 +111011011101 brick-making 2 +111011011101 directory-publishing 2 +111011011101 used-furniture 2 +111011011101 renal-care 2 +111011011101 product-identification 2 +111011011101 multicolor 2 +111011011101 business-presentation 2 +111011011101 business-brokerage 2 +111011011101 can-making 2 +111011011101 legal-information 2 +111011011101 gum-ball 2 +111011011101 color-film 2 +111011011101 management-bargaining 2 +111011011101 telephone-dialing 3 +111011011101 chemcial 3 +111011011101 airsickness 3 +111011011101 gelatinous 3 +111011011101 VAXmate 3 +111011011101 minerals-processing 3 +111011011101 solid-waste-disposal 3 +111011011101 Jafra 3 +111011011101 audio-cassette 3 +111011011101 french-fry 3 +111011011101 microprocessor-based 3 +111011011101 semiconductor-coating 3 +111011011101 surround-sound 3 +111011011101 super-minicomputer 3 +111011011101 light-beer 3 +111011011101 computer-data 3 +111011011101 PC-compatible 3 +111011011101 train-making 3 +111011011101 drug-product 3 +111011011101 food-service-equipment 3 +111011011101 broken-down 3 +111011011101 car-manufacturing 3 +111011011101 paper-handling 3 +111011011101 trade-name 3 +111011011101 efficiency-enhancing 3 +111011011101 trade-tracking 3 +111011011101 lodging-industry 3 +111011011101 spring-summer 3 +111011011101 encrypting 3 +111011011101 fastening 3 +111011011101 flow-measurement 3 +111011011101 3/50M 3 +111011011101 district-heating 3 +111011011101 Wy-Cal 3 +111011011101 aluminum-can 3 +111011011101 cursor-guiding 3 +111011011101 toll-road 3 +111011011101 drug-benefit 3 +111011011101 educational-publishing 3 +111011011101 datatransmission 3 +111011011101 PC-based 3 +111011011101 fare-collection 3 +111011011101 bomb-detecting 3 +111011011101 dynamical 3 +111011011101 unwatched 3 +111011011101 instant-film 3 +111011011101 printing-ink 3 +111011011101 faster-moving 3 +111011011101 telephone-message 3 +111011011101 seismographic 3 +111011011101 telecommunicatons 3 +111011011101 diamond-encrusted 3 +111011011101 LightStyle 3 +111011011101 once-genteel 3 +111011011101 calico 3 +111011011101 national-park 3 +111011011101 water-related 3 +111011011101 oil-technology 3 +111011011101 candy-colored 3 +111011011101 space-systems 3 +111011011101 intelligent-network 3 +111011011101 tinning 3 +111011011101 pulp-mill 3 +111011011101 card-counting 3 +111011011101 radio-wave 3 +111011011101 open-hearth 3 +111011011101 recirculation 3 +111011011101 descrambling 3 +111011011101 food-can 3 +111011011101 temperature-resistant 3 +111011011101 Palette 3 +111011011101 airline-reservation 3 +111011011101 computer-operating 3 +111011011101 digitizer 3 +111011011101 ticket-reservation 3 +111011011101 computerized-design 4 +111011011101 phone-mail 4 +111011011101 nerve-gas 4 +111011011101 solar-power 4 +111011011101 war-games 4 +111011011101 windshield-wiper 4 +111011011101 audio-tape 4 +111011011101 promo 4 +111011011101 water-bed 4 +111011011101 traffic-control 4 +111011011101 cash-cow 4 +111011011101 plastic-can 4 +111011011101 integrated-circuit 4 +111011011101 cutaway 4 +111011011101 laser-beam 4 +111011011101 propeller-milling 4 +111011011101 corporate-trust 4 +111011011101 disk-storage 4 +111011011101 graphic-design 4 +111011011101 advanced-ceramics 4 +111011011101 ship-propulsion 4 +111011011101 off-screen 4 +111011011101 merit-based 4 +111011011101 daisy-wheel 4 +111011011101 speech-recognition 4 +111011011101 phone-porn 4 +111011011101 time-lapse 4 +111011011101 light-rail 4 +111011011101 laboratory-testing 4 +111011011101 voice-messaging 4 +111011011101 crowd-control 4 +111011011101 biodegradation 4 +111011011101 wide-area 4 +111011011101 color-conversion 4 +111011011101 home-sewing 4 +111011011101 fast-burn 4 +111011011101 shag 4 +111011011101 business-graphics 4 +111011011101 heap-leach 4 +111011011101 energy-management 4 +111011011101 microcircuit 4 +111011011101 video-conferencing 4 +111011011101 watchmaking 4 +111011011101 chemical-analysis 4 +111011011101 solar-cell 4 +111011011101 military-electronics 4 +111011011101 container-shipping 4 +111011011101 audio/visual 4 +111011011101 videogame 4 +111011011101 cross-connect 4 +111011011101 2755 4 +111011011101 credit-services 4 +111011011101 radio-telephone 4 +111011011101 sport-fishing 4 +111011011101 fried-chicken 4 +111011011101 machine-translation 4 +111011011101 shoemaking 4 +111011011101 digital-switching 4 +111011011101 fire-detection 4 +111011011101 power-line 4 +111011011101 bindery 5 +111011011101 single-purpose 5 +111011011101 voyage-data 5 +111011011101 super-fast 5 +111011011101 scrubber 5 +111011011101 optical-storage 5 +111011011101 chip-design 5 +111011011101 TV-production 5 +111011011101 auto-auction 5 +111011011101 photo-products 5 +111011011101 information-management 5 +111011011101 metal-finishing 5 +111011011101 NTX 5 +111011011101 stern-drive 5 +111011011101 retreading 5 +111011011101 interstate-highway 5 +111011011101 computer-aided-design 5 +111011011101 hand-me-down 5 +111011011101 ring-laser 5 +111011011101 cruise-control 5 +111011011101 gas-gathering 5 +111011011101 climate-control 5 +111011011101 waste-hauling 5 +111011011101 doughnut-shaped 5 +111011011101 antipollution 5 +111011011101 carbon-fiber 5 +111011011101 frozen-potato 5 +111011011101 lower-profit 5 +111011011101 radio-network 5 +111011011101 physical-fitness 6 +111011011101 better-trained 6 +111011011101 bank-note 6 +111011011101 signal-processing 6 +111011011101 medical-cost 6 +111011011101 mortgage-trading 6 +111011011101 pipe-fabricating 6 +111011011101 rapid-transit 6 +111011011101 business-computer 6 +111011011101 medical-device 6 +111011011101 money-order 6 +111011011101 teletype 6 +111011011101 audio-video 6 +111011011101 rare-book 6 +111011011101 hospital-supply 6 +111011011101 passive-restraint 6 +111011011101 tape-drive 6 +111011011101 computer-security 6 +111011011101 mortuary 6 +111011011101 production-monitoring 6 +111011011101 travel-service 6 +111011011101 gold-dredging 6 +111011011101 gene-amplification 6 +111011011101 lawn-mower 6 +111011011101 trading-room 6 +111011011101 Camay 6 +111011011101 token-ring 7 +111011011101 cash-and-carry 7 +111011011101 heavy-machinery 7 +111011011101 8800 7 +111011011101 medical-imaging 7 +111011011101 VAN 7 +111011011101 Floptical 7 +111011011101 CD-I 7 +111011011101 temporary-employment 7 +111011011101 Ethospace 7 +111011011101 woodworking 7 +111011011101 Cycolor 7 +111011011101 metal-coating 7 +111011011101 GEnie 7 +111011011101 Kearfott 7 +111011011101 non-impact 8 +111011011101 after-market 8 +111011011101 blood-test 8 +111011011101 dog-food 8 +111011011101 steel-processing 8 +111011011101 mini-computer 8 +111011011101 technical-school 8 +111011011101 bomb-detection 8 +111011011101 garbage-to-energy 8 +111011011101 copper-oxide 8 +111011011101 video-display 8 +111011011101 MR 8 +111011011101 low-pressure 8 +111011011101 computer-network 8 +111011011101 document-management 8 +111011011101 seldom-used 8 +111011011101 computer-graphics 8 +111011011101 self-healing 8 +111011011101 telephone-exchange 8 +111011011101 videotext 8 +111011011101 ink-jet 8 +111011011101 unit-trust 8 +111011011101 laser-printer 8 +111011011101 property-management 8 +111011011101 power-transmission 9 +111011011101 video-retailing 9 +111011011101 telephone-answering 9 +111011011101 computer-system 9 +111011011101 gold-ore 9 +111011011101 liposome 9 +111011011101 fruit-flavored 9 +111011011101 water-jet 9 +111011011101 ground-support 9 +111011011101 work-station 9 +111011011101 word-processor 9 +111011011101 PBX 9 +111011011101 diagnostic-imaging 9 +111011011101 aircraft-manufacturing 9 +111011011101 multiplexer 9 +111011011101 systems-integration 9 +111011011101 fiberoptic 9 +111011011101 home-security 9 +111011011101 Sun-4 9 +111011011101 TCAS 9 +111011011101 Craftsman 9 +111011011101 radio-paging 10 +111011011101 satellite-communications 10 +111011011101 refuse-to-energy 10 +111011011101 mass-production 10 +111011011101 debit-card 10 +111011011101 pocket-sized 10 +111011011101 PATH 10 +111011011101 PostScript 10 +111011011101 boudoir 10 +111011011101 bottled-water 10 +111011011101 lumbar 10 +111011011101 driftnet 10 +111011011101 encoding 10 +111011011101 genetic-engineering 10 +111011011101 hearing-aid 11 +111011011101 computer-networking 11 +111011011101 junkbond 11 +111011011101 financial-printing 11 +111011011101 vacuum-cleaner 11 +111011011101 check-out 11 +111011011101 biosensor 11 +111011011101 optical-disk 11 +111011011101 nuclear-energy 11 +111011011101 transaction-processing 11 +111011011101 photo-finishing 11 +111011011101 wine-cooler 12 +111011011101 service-station 12 +111011011101 collision-avoidance 12 +111011011101 leather-goods 12 +111011011101 Doppler 12 +111011011101 data-transmission 12 +111011011101 data-entry 12 +111011011101 non-IBM 12 +111011011101 computer-imaging 12 +111011011101 specialty-chemical 12 +111011011101 home-computer 12 +111011011101 audiovisual 13 +111011011101 wireless 13 +111011011101 12-ounce 13 +111011011101 disaster-recovery 13 +111011011101 voice-mail 13 +111011011101 window-shade 13 +111011011101 stain-resistant 13 +111011011101 management-information 13 +111011011101 altitude-reporting 13 +111011011101 flight-control 13 +111011011101 graphic-arts 13 +111011011101 fish-processing 13 +111011011101 water-purification 14 +111011011101 small-package 14 +111011011101 booster-rocket 14 +111011011101 order-execution 14 +111011011101 five-inch 14 +111011011101 cucumber 14 +111011011101 3X 14 +111011011101 CD-V 14 +111011011101 telephone-equipment 15 +111011011101 voice-recognition 15 +111011011101 special-effects 15 +111011011101 ship-repair 15 +111011011101 flight-data 15 +111011011101 gas-turbine 15 +111011011101 power-steering 15 +111011011101 electronic-mail 15 +111011011101 drug-delivery 16 +111011011101 public-address 16 +111011011101 optometric 16 +111011011101 diesel-engine 16 +111011011101 maquila 16 +111011011101 ready-to-wear 16 +111011011101 greeting-card 17 +111011011101 electronic-publishing 17 +111011011101 VDT 17 +111011011101 small-order 17 +111011011101 technology-based 17 +111011011101 radar-jamming 17 +111011011101 factory-automation 17 +111011011101 neural-network 17 +111011011101 desktop-publishing 17 +111011011101 power-generation 17 +111011011101 fuel-injection 17 +111011011101 emission-control 18 +111011011101 materials-handling 18 +111011011101 feng 18 +111011011101 quick-lube 18 +111011011101 heavy-equipment 18 +111011011101 fire-control 18 +111011011101 telephone-switch 18 +111011011101 power-supply 18 +111011011101 uranium-enrichment 18 +111011011101 pest-control 18 +111011011101 mail-sorting 18 +111011011101 metalworking 19 +111011011101 computer-reservations 19 +111011011101 AI 19 +111011011101 life-support 19 +111011011101 clean-coal 20 +111011011101 instant-camera 20 +111011011101 non-automotive 20 +111011011101 pneumatic 20 +111011011101 single-source 20 +111011011101 ASIC 20 +111011011101 turnkey 21 +111011011101 power-tool 21 +111011011101 removable 21 +111011011101 hi-fi 21 +111011011101 receptor 21 +111011011101 computer-store 21 +111011011101 read-only 22 +111011011101 stainless-steel 22 +111011011101 food-distribution 22 +111011011101 power-generating 23 +111011011101 telephone-switching 23 +111011011101 photocopier 23 +111011011101 random-access 24 +111011011101 frozen-food 24 +111011011101 point-of-sale 25 +111011011101 high-capacity 25 +111011011101 metal-working 25 +111011011101 rail-car 25 +111011011101 thin-film 25 +111011011101 computer-chip 26 +111011011101 full-color 26 +111011011101 contact-lens 27 +111011011101 floral 27 +111011011101 instant-photography 27 +111011011101 PVC 27 +111011011101 Covia 28 +111011011101 direct-sales 28 +111011011101 600-ship 28 +111011011101 remote-control 29 +111011011101 computer-systems 30 +111011011101 loudspeaker 30 +111011011101 cellular-phone 31 +111011011101 3-D 31 +111011011101 computer-reservation 31 +111011011101 CD-ROM 31 +111011011101 medical-equipment 32 +111011011101 microfilm 32 +111011011101 CAD/CAM 32 +111011011101 CAT 33 +111011011101 encryption 33 +111011011101 passenger-car 34 +111011011101 boiler-room 34 +111011011101 artificial-intelligence 35 +111011011101 information-processing 35 +111011011101 leading-edge 37 +111011011101 specialty-store 38 +111011011101 forklift 39 +111011011101 jet-engine 40 +111011011101 money-transfer 41 +111011011101 air-travel 41 +111011011101 computer-software 42 +111011011101 gene-splicing 44 +111011011101 sprinkler 44 +111011011101 direct-marketing 44 +111011011101 video-game 47 +111011011101 temporary-help 47 +111011011101 computer-controlled 48 +111011011101 coal-mining 49 +111011011101 checkout 52 +111011011101 operating-system 52 +111011011101 pacemaker 57 +111011011101 computer-generated 58 +111011011101 data-communications 58 +111011011101 VHS 61 +111011011101 sonar 66 +111011011101 ultrasound 69 +111011011101 home-video 70 +111011011101 data-base 76 +111011011101 word-processing 88 +111011011101 Sabre 90 +111011011101 biotech 90 +111011011101 sewing 101 +111011011101 disk-drive 101 +111011011101 photofinishing 103 +111011011101 microcomputer 103 +111011011101 Acura 110 +111011011101 DAT 125 +111011011101 facsimile 125 +111011011101 copier 126 +111011011101 sewer 126 +111011011101 biomedical 132 +111011011101 floppy 133 +111011011101 consumer-electronics 141 +111011011101 database 145 +111011011101 peripheral 145 +111011011101 milling 159 +111011011101 telex 167 +111011011101 stereo 171 +111011011101 direct-mail 172 +111011011101 garment 177 +111011011101 superconducting 177 +111011011101 food-service 202 +111011011101 minicomputer 203 +111011011101 superconductor 213 +111011011101 cable-television 219 +111011011101 photographic 232 +111011011101 data-processing 237 +111011011101 cable-TV 267 +111011011101 mail-order 285 +111011011101 magnetic 296 +111011011101 videocassette 316 +111011011101 personal-computer 345 +111011011101 tourist 354 +111011011101 proprietary 363 +111011011101 microwave 370 +111011011101 shoe 409 +111011011101 PC 510 +111011011101 fast-food 575 +111011011101 laser 591 +111011011101 compact 597 +111011011101 high-tech 708 +111011011101 rail 895 +111011011101 toy 912 +111011011101 computerized 941 +111011011101 semiconductor 1536 +111011011101 computer 10321 +111011011101 telecommunications 2456 +111011011110 oak-shuttered 1 +111011011110 Marine-barracks 1 +111011011110 I-a 1 +111011011110 48,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 Maltese-registered 1 +111011011110 main-battle 1 +111011011110 oil-pipe 1 +111011011110 swim-up 1 +111011011110 fresh-fish 1 +111011011110 we've-got-it-all 1 +111011011110 cruiser-training 1 +111011011110 33-foot-high 1 +111011011110 behind-the-counter 1 +111011011110 mini-hydroelectric 1 +111011011110 rent-stabilized 1 +111011011110 plenteous 1 +111011011110 powdered-milk 1 +111011011110 best-stocked 1 +111011011110 front-switchboard 1 +111011011110 Pajingo 1 +111011011110 wood-wheeled 1 +111011011110 356B 1 +111011011110 art-supplies 1 +111011011110 Arnprior 1 +111011011110 Frosted-glass 1 +111011011110 Russe-inspired 1 +111011011110 Winkle-type 1 +111011011110 soft-sponge 1 +111011011110 body-parts 1 +111011011110 Tacs 1 +111011011110 185-acre 1 +111011011110 Blinkpan 1 +111011011110 Liberian-flagged 1 +111011011110 500-car 1 +111011011110 liquids-extraction 1 +111011011110 Dipping 1 +111011011110 265,000-watt 1 +111011011110 5,000-watt 1 +111011011110 1,429 1 +111011011110 concrete-slab 1 +111011011110 strike-breaker 1 +111011011110 65,000-seat 1 +111011011110 thirty-second 1 +111011011110 drive-shaft 1 +111011011110 hairbreadth 1 +111011011110 frozen-dinners 1 +111011011110 Angra-1 1 +111011011110 950-megawatt 1 +111011011110 all-Berlin 1 +111011011110 market-and-gas 1 +111011011110 126,500-square-foot 1 +111011011110 MX-type 1 +111011011110 Sikh-owned 1 +111011011110 contemporary-music 1 +111011011110 trash-to-steam 1 +111011011110 hovercraft-style 1 +111011011110 records-storage 1 +111011011110 eight-ton 1 +111011011110 messenger-service 1 +111011011110 38,840 1 +111011011110 Pershing-1A 1 +111011011110 dual-lock 1 +111011011110 401,000-ton 1 +111011011110 three-quarters-full 1 +111011011110 brussels 1 +111011011110 step-gabled 1 +111011011110 less-fattening 1 +111011011110 49-megawatt 1 +111011011110 sensitivity-training 1 +111011011110 nonleguminous 1 +111011011110 60-foot-deep 1 +111011011110 sulfide-based 1 +111011011110 Fengjing 1 +111011011110 185,875-square-foot 1 +111011011110 degassing 1 +111011011110 now-damaged 1 +111011011110 Hospital-sponsored 1 +111011011110 waste-recycling 1 +111011011110 14-room 1 +111011011110 3,292 1 +111011011110 Jymees 1 +111011011110 diamond-and-onyx 1 +111011011110 Windscale 1 +111011011110 re-roll 1 +111011011110 115-mph 1 +111011011110 20-megawatt 1 +111011011110 neon-sign 1 +111011011110 100-scientist 1 +111011011110 labor-hungry 1 +111011011110 tree-clearing 1 +111011011110 Salads 1 +111011011110 U.S.-franchised 1 +111011011110 Chinese-cabbage 1 +111011011110 grocery-drug 1 +111011011110 vinyl-chloride-monomer 1 +111011011110 foreign-maintenance 1 +111011011110 horror-film 1 +111011011110 talk-radio 1 +111011011110 WQHT-FM 1 +111011011110 LNG-fired 1 +111011011110 paper-recycling 1 +111011011110 raisin-producing 1 +111011011110 shrimp-processing 1 +111011011110 30-story-high 1 +111011011110 semiconductor-division 1 +111011011110 road-mobile 1 +111011011110 still-inoperable 1 +111011011110 still-shuttered 1 +111011011110 11,200-square-foot 1 +111011011110 hard-to-use 1 +111011011110 WGHPTV 1 +111011011110 pistachio-processing 1 +111011011110 profit-reporting 1 +111011011110 float-glass 1 +111011011110 300-foot-high 1 +111011011110 paintmixing 1 +111011011110 pigmentation 1 +111011011110 50-some 1 +111011011110 superoside 1 +111011011110 750,000-ton-a-year 1 +111011011110 network-produced 1 +111011011110 touch-football 1 +111011011110 Kuwaiti-bound 1 +111011011110 interest-swap 1 +111011011110 hydroskimming 1 +111011011110 700-plus 1 +111011011110 chill-pack 1 +111011011110 pumpkin-patch 1 +111011011110 buffet-style 1 +111011011110 KKR-owned 1 +111011011110 TravelAge 1 +111011011110 mall-based 1 +111011011110 Sohio-brand 1 +111011011110 diesel-fuel-storage 1 +111011011110 Singapore-born 1 +111011011110 salmon-spinach 1 +111011011110 cellulose-rich 1 +111011011110 Subaru-Isuzu 1 +111011011110 noteprinting 1 +111011011110 money-changing 1 +111011011110 optical-retail 1 +111011011110 Mirafiori 1 +111011011110 Gulf-brand 1 +111011011110 filling-station 1 +111011011110 neodymium 1 +111011011110 telephone-order 1 +111011011110 Plaza-Suite 1 +111011011110 Sakchi 1 +111011011110 NUMMI 1 +111011011110 1,608 1 +111011011110 mine-hunter 1 +111011011110 T-90 1 +111011011110 road-maintenance 1 +111011011110 same-race 1 +111011011110 almost-complete 1 +111011011110 SSN-23 1 +111011011110 SSN-20 1 +111011011110 tobacco-stemming 1 +111011011110 well-stuffed 1 +111011011110 SAM-14 1 +111011011110 tripod-mounted 1 +111011011110 stratus 1 +111011011110 transaction-audit 1 +111011011110 TM-2 1 +111011011110 rocketborne 1 +111011011110 cheeks-and-sniffles 1 +111011011110 costume-rental 1 +111011011110 brick-covered 1 +111011011110 overamplified 1 +111011011110 fruit-based 1 +111011011110 fiberboard-products 1 +111011011110 non-bounce 1 +111011011110 foam-products 1 +111011011110 Longbridge 1 +111011011110 3,801 1 +111011011110 UHF-TV 1 +111011011110 bomber-based 1 +111011011110 No-Nonsense 1 +111011011110 Calny-franchised 1 +111011011110 42-room 1 +111011011110 Ruesselsheim 1 +111011011110 four-story-tall 1 +111011011110 exam-preparation 1 +111011011110 fuel-recycling 1 +111011011110 Hartebeestfontein 1 +111011011110 mahjongg 1 +111011011110 Soviet-engineered 1 +111011011110 12-line 1 +111011011110 government-electronics 1 +111011011110 non-shopping 1 +111011011110 taxidermy 1 +111011011110 driver's-license 1 +111011011110 body-and-fender 1 +111011011110 Citrucel 1 +111011011110 closed-down 1 +111011011110 nuclear-materials-production 1 +111011011110 68,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011110 crawl/walk/yowl 1 +111011011110 ToF 1 +111011011110 chocolate-walnut 1 +111011011110 twoday 1 +111011011110 44-liter 1 +111011011110 Unfamiliar 1 +111011011110 single-walled 1 +111011011110 10-barrel-a-day 1 +111011011110 650-foot-high 1 +111011011110 260,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 natural-fiber 1 +111011011110 gelatin-silver 1 +111011011110 directional-listening 1 +111011011110 ranchera 1 +111011011110 combination-locked 1 +111011011110 panel-making 1 +111011011110 protest-filled 1 +111011011110 war-simulation 1 +111011011110 long-lens 1 +111011011110 engine-manufacturing 1 +111011011110 116-bed 1 +111011011110 T-62 1 +111011011110 Ho-Chi-Minhstrasse 1 +111011011110 Quarterstyle 1 +111011011110 700,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011110 wind-operated 1 +111011011110 geographic-based 1 +111011011110 orgotein/superoxide 1 +111011011110 Ghermezian 1 +111011011110 fish-and-chip 1 +111011011110 seamless-tubing 1 +111011011110 73,000-seat 1 +111011011110 wood-panel 1 +111011011110 butoh 1 +111011011110 alcohol-fuel 1 +111011011110 silicon-products 1 +111011011110 Goldrush 1 +111011011110 sparkling-clean 1 +111011011110 Gulang 1 +111011011110 phosphate-chemical 1 +111011011110 specialty-paper 1 +111011011110 mind-building 1 +111011011110 book-size 1 +111011011110 curious-looking 1 +111011011110 Kuwaiti-flagged 1 +111011011110 tailings-containment 1 +111011011110 one-kiln 1 +111011011110 Yuppie-based 1 +111011011110 scandal-mongering 1 +111011011110 Secretariate 1 +111011011110 Greek-flagged 1 +111011011110 54,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 45,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 60-ton 1 +111011011110 -cable 1 +111011011110 340,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 remodels 1 +111011011110 multiple-fatality 1 +111011011110 gas-liquefaction 1 +111011011110 steel-refining 1 +111011011110 assembly-related 1 +111011011110 1,177,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 3,138 1 +111011011110 corrugated-packaging 1 +111011011110 fashion-shoe 1 +111011011110 test-tube-and-eyedropper 1 +111011011110 glass-fabricating 1 +111011011110 X59 1 +111011011110 coal-washing 1 +111011011110 construction-equipment-tire 1 +111011011110 tire-incineration 1 +111011011110 pesiticide 1 +111011011110 bicycle-repair 1 +111011011110 49,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011110 languidly 1 +111011011110 7052 1 +111011011110 7050 1 +111011011110 liquid-metal 1 +111011011110 Operates 1 +111011011110 disk-making 1 +111011011110 A500 1 +111011011110 raisin-packing 1 +111011011110 FPO 1 +111011011110 fleet-post-office 1 +111011011110 Greenhills 1 +111011011110 5,000-person 1 +111011011110 SS-4 1 +111011011110 Judaica 1 +111011011110 150-store 1 +111011011110 34-megawatt 1 +111011011110 lignite-generated 1 +111011011110 thermoslike 1 +111011011110 condominium-style 1 +111011011110 tied-in 1 +111011011110 watch-dial 1 +111011011110 airplane-delivered 1 +111011011110 Wilton-Fijenoord 1 +111011011110 fruit-processing 1 +111011011110 tourist-trap 1 +111011011110 housing-reconstruction 1 +111011011110 Renault-Jeep 1 +111011011110 easy-to-load 1 +111011011110 Woolwich 1 +111011011110 9,605 1 +111011011110 lever-operated 1 +111011011110 3,196 1 +111011011110 6,000-pound 1 +111011011110 85.91 1 +111011011110 phone-PC 1 +111011011110 Eye+Tech 1 +111011011110 warm-air 1 +111011011110 hemp 1 +111011011110 nine-press 1 +111011011110 beauty-supply 1 +111011011110 coral-colored 1 +111011011110 hyperaccurate 1 +111011011110 late-news 1 +111011011110 Luray 1 +111011011110 Kitsault 1 +111011011110 Morosco 1 +111011011110 mid-size-car 1 +111011011110 913-megawatt 1 +111011011110 Tidd 1 +111011011110 in-body 1 +111011011110 Pakistani-Chinese-U.S. 1 +111011011110 limpet 1 +111011011110 26-building 1 +111011011110 jean-making 1 +111011011110 remote-call-collection 1 +111011011110 disease-of-the-week 1 +111011011110 Carneval 1 +111011011110 no-star 1 +111011011110 31,526 1 +111011011110 criminal-history 1 +111011011110 CJ-series 1 +111011011110 Duisburg-based 1 +111011011110 B-body 1 +111011011110 balletlike 1 +111011011110 780-megawatt 1 +111011011110 break-dance 1 +111011011110 sewer-hookup 1 +111011011110 video-laden 1 +111011011110 TV-repair 1 +111011011110 controlled-distribution 1 +111011011110 railroad-car 1 +111011011110 compact-car 1 +111011011110 coffee-and-bagel 1 +111011011110 hardwood-flooring 1 +111011011110 7600 1 +111011011110 satellite-earth 1 +111011011110 baked-products 1 +111011011110 seed-crushing 1 +111011011110 central-distribution 1 +111011011110 nondepartment 1 +111011011110 bunker-like 1 +111011011110 horsetails 1 +111011011110 enterpreneurial 1 +111011011110 Lehders 1 +111011011110 still-unlicensed 1 +111011011110 errorless 1 +111011011110 fruit-concentrate 1 +111011011110 free-tailed 1 +111011011110 less-valued 1 +111011011110 open-top 1 +111011011110 double-glazed 1 +111011011110 Aruban 1 +111011011110 black-media 1 +111011011110 wastewater-treatment 1 +111011011110 forms-printing 1 +111011011110 70,000-seat-plus 1 +111011011110 retractable-dome 1 +111011011110 small-explosive 1 +111011011110 thermal-power 1 +111011011110 military-magazine 1 +111011011110 Sasson-label 1 +111011011110 non-Whittle 1 +111011011110 Hooker-owned 1 +111011011110 body-surfing 1 +111011011110 Numazu 1 +111011011110 Norwegian-operated 1 +111011011110 1500-3500 1 +111011011110 broadcast-network 1 +111011011110 parts-supply 1 +111011011110 easy-load 1 +111011011110 restaurant-quality 1 +111011011110 pot-luck 1 +111011011110 silver-domed 1 +111011011110 data-reception 1 +111011011110 recording-tape 1 +111011011110 plastics-molding 1 +111011011110 LG-4 1 +111011011110 recycled-paper 1 +111011011110 Brand-Discount 1 +111011011110 44-acre 1 +111011011110 concave 1 +111011011110 tritium-production 1 +111011011110 pasta-and-sauce 1 +111011011110 exhibition-game 1 +111011011110 soap-box 1 +111011011110 30,000-barrel-a-day 1 +111011011110 then-underutilized 1 +111011011110 petrochemical-production 1 +111011011110 chain-operated 1 +111011011110 community-integrated 1 +111011011110 hidden-camera 1 +111011011110 NASA-owned 1 +111011011110 tape-product 1 +111011011110 magnetic-tape-coating 1 +111011011110 Bocho-conceived 1 +111011011110 70-bed 1 +111011011110 rail-repair 1 +111011011110 1,246 1 +111011011110 coal-preparation 1 +111011011110 food-packing 1 +111011011110 coke-byproduct 1 +111011011110 coke-producing 1 +111011011110 light-source 1 +111011011110 double-pump 1 +111011011110 Back-In-Your-Face 1 +111011011110 metals-processing 1 +111011011110 sheetmetal 1 +111011011110 Inland-Nippon 1 +111011011110 telphone 1 +111011011110 625,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 2,000-worker 1 +111011011110 6,500-seat 1 +111011011110 sodium-chlorate 1 +111011011110 Chuquicamata 1 +111011011110 Richway 1 +111011011110 English-cucumber 1 +111011011110 crabmeat-picking 1 +111011011110 woodframe 1 +111011011110 Israeli-owned 1 +111011011110 750-square-foot 1 +111011011110 Dead-mail 1 +111011011110 garbage-shredding 1 +111011011110 non-gritty 1 +111011011110 Dingolfing 1 +111011011110 81-bed 1 +111011011110 35,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011110 78,925-square-foot 1 +111011011110 2,000-bed 1 +111011011110 multiple-city 1 +111011011110 mini-disc 1 +111011011110 Llanelli 1 +111011011110 Warski 1 +111011011110 1,700-inmate 1 +111011011110 Y12 1 +111011011110 coke-production 1 +111011011110 fractionation 1 +111011011110 metal-melting 1 +111011011110 dental-technology 1 +111011011110 wax-molding 1 +111011011110 computer-equipped 1 +111011011110 Leica 1 +111011011110 microimage 1 +111011011110 rubber-gasket 1 +111011011110 iron-casting 1 +111011011110 rice-paper 1 +111011011110 not-OK 1 +111011011110 cutglass 1 +111011011110 Tunnels 1 +111011011110 bent-wood 1 +111011011110 bakery-mix 1 +111011011110 rhubarb-like 1 +111011011110 steel-gray 1 +111011011110 various-sized 1 +111011011110 de-inking 1 +111011011110 cigar-making 1 +111011011110 bowling-supply 1 +111011011110 stone-crushing 1 +111011011110 engine-per-year 1 +111011011110 MCA-owned 1 +111011011110 55-acre 1 +111011011110 Pakistani-insect 1 +111011011110 non-chain 1 +111011011110 advertising-trade 1 +111011011110 Enchova 1 +111011011110 outboard-motor 1 +111011011110 metal-recycling 1 +111011011110 Niglintgak 1 +111011011110 foundation-supported 1 +111011011110 20,000-metric-ton-per-year 1 +111011011110 17,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 ceiling-materials 1 +111011011110 153-bed 1 +111011011110 12-room 1 +111011011110 man-high 1 +111011011110 cyclone-wire 1 +111011011110 Boesky-owned 1 +111011011110 5,989 1 +111011011110 iron-making 1 +111011011110 fluoropolymer 1 +111011011110 reindeer-processing 1 +111011011110 vegetable-processing 1 +111011011110 syndicated-TV 1 +111011011110 film-TV 1 +111011011110 paycable 1 +111011011110 brights 1 +111011011110 Monitor-Radio 1 +111011011110 UHF-television 1 +111011011110 largest-viewership 1 +111011011110 rubber-manufacturing 1 +111011011110 call-waiting 1 +111011011110 once-empty 1 +111011011110 aircraft-assembly 1 +111011011110 rosewater 1 +111011011110 seafood-packing 1 +111011011110 A330-A340 1 +111011011110 hotdog-and-hamburger 1 +111011011110 29,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 junior-apparel 1 +111011011110 flea-infested 1 +111011011110 high-detail 1 +111011011110 open-cut 1 +111011011110 786-megawatt 1 +111011011110 49,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 430,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 three-boiler 1 +111011011110 salt-mining 1 +111011011110 170,000-square-foot 1 +111011011110 fiber-producing 1 +111011011110 rail-transit 1 +111011011110 Camaro-Firebird 2 +111011011110 two-LP 2 +111011011110 25-bed 2 +111011011110 well-tended 2 +111011011110 MV/15000 2 +111011011110 arrowhead 2 +111011011110 sensitizing 2 +111011011110 performance-art 2 +111011011110 biological-weapons 2 +111011011110 gusting 2 +111011011110 jargon-filled 2 +111011011110 food-and-drug 2 +111011011110 coon 2 +111011011110 120-bed 2 +111011011110 ABC-owned 2 +111011011110 budget-writing 2 +111011011110 380,000-square-foot 2 +111011011110 fuel-air 2 +111011011110 methanol-gasoline 2 +111011011110 near-future 2 +111011011110 Pro-Box 2 +111011011110 tennis-playing 2 +111011011110 final-assembly 2 +111011011110 paint-and-hardware 2 +111011011110 flightless 2 +111011011110 16-acre 2 +111011011110 BHS 2 +111011011110 TV-news 2 +111011011110 water-ski 2 +111011011110 sintering 2 +111011011110 sinter 2 +111011011110 nouvelle-cuisine 2 +111011011110 15th-floor 2 +111011011110 televsion 2 +111011011110 BBC-TV 2 +111011011110 middle-school 2 +111011011110 rust-proofing 2 +111011011110 1,205,000-kilowatt 2 +111011011110 SS-23 2 +111011011110 SS-22 2 +111011011110 Lada-Canada 2 +111011011110 children's-rights 2 +111011011110 one-joke 2 +111011011110 I/A 2 +111011011110 peelu 2 +111011011110 basic-oxygen 2 +111011011110 medium-wave 2 +111011011110 fingernail-sized 2 +111011011110 NRC-licensed 2 +111011011110 choo-choo 2 +111011011110 skybox 2 +111011011110 Iran-scandal 2 +111011011110 brain-tuning 2 +111011011110 antlered 2 +111011011110 petroleum-exploration 2 +111011011110 50,000-seat 2 +111011011110 unassigned 2 +111011011110 Tyson-Biggs 2 +111011011110 dragline 2 +111011011110 NBC-affiliated 2 +111011011110 glassless 2 +111011011110 nonmetropolitan 2 +111011011110 silk-screen 2 +111011011110 strikebreaker 2 +111011011110 grouch 2 +111011011110 gas-burning 2 +111011011110 pipe-making 2 +111011011110 Dickensesque 2 +111011011110 computer-designed 2 +111011011110 best-rated 2 +111011011110 waste-energy 2 +111011011110 wood-framed 2 +111011011110 plant-growing 2 +111011011110 mess-hall 2 +111011011110 requalification 2 +111011011110 tire-production 2 +111011011110 retail-food 2 +111011011110 24-valve 2 +111011011110 residential-lending 2 +111011011110 paint-spattered 2 +111011011110 country-bumpkin 2 +111011011110 gas-turbine-powered 2 +111011011110 Loulou 2 +111011011110 used-clothing 2 +111011011110 mutuel 2 +111011011110 crosslinked 2 +111011011110 ceiling-tile 2 +111011011110 weapons-material 2 +111011011110 WBRC-TV 2 +111011011110 22,000-square-foot 2 +111011011110 spruce-covered 2 +111011011110 owner-operated 2 +111011011110 Schweinfurt 2 +111011011110 knick-knack 2 +111011011110 cream-and-egg 2 +111011011110 left-hand-drive 2 +111011011110 3,387 2 +111011011110 already-planned 2 +111011011110 wood-treating 2 +111011011110 custom-integrated 2 +111011011110 France-Soir 2 +111011011110 electrochemical 2 +111011011110 burdock 2 +111011011110 sound-effects 2 +111011011110 now-vacant 2 +111011011110 Magnox 2 +111011011110 heroin-like 2 +111011011110 hazardous-waste-handling 2 +111011011110 natural-gas-fired 2 +111011011110 Danubian 2 +111011011110 magnetic-disk 2 +111011011110 50-megawatt 2 +111011011110 television-network 2 +111011011110 gamma-ray 2 +111011011110 melanin-coated 2 +111011011110 gooseberry 2 +111011011110 server-training 2 +111011011110 pharmaceutical-manufacturing 2 +111011011110 plutonium-bearing 2 +111011011110 850,000-square-foot 2 +111011011110 radial-tire 2 +111011011110 air-polluting 2 +111011011110 SAM-7 2 +111011011110 television-tube 2 +111011011110 60,184 2 +111011011110 wood-product 2 +111011011110 land-launched 2 +111011011110 nuclear-warhead 2 +111011011110 CBS-affiliated 2 +111011011110 nonmetal 2 +111011011110 Pharmacity 2 +111011011110 waste-coal 2 +111011011110 ironore 2 +111011011110 Karmax 2 +111011011110 drycleaning 2 +111011011110 convention-type 2 +111011011110 price-movement 2 +111011011110 rural-based 2 +111011011110 road-crew 2 +111011011110 RDF 2 +111011011110 video-production 2 +111011011110 obfuscating 2 +111011011110 1,447 2 +111011011110 best-paying 2 +111011011110 beefpacking 2 +111011011110 Antaibao 2 +111011011110 double-wall 2 +111011011110 calisthenic 2 +111011011110 even-numbered 2 +111011011110 pink-and-green 3 +111011011110 counter-culture 3 +111011011110 65,000-square-foot 3 +111011011110 asembly 3 +111011011110 Hostess 3 +111011011110 China-based 3 +111011011110 parenteral 3 +111011011110 semiautomatic 3 +111011011110 nativity 3 +111011011110 yellow-brick 3 +111011011110 teleconferencing 3 +111011011110 Waferwood 3 +111011011110 anchovy 3 +111011011110 coal-miner 3 +111011011110 owned-and-operated 3 +111011011110 Sedum 3 +111011011110 smorgasboard 3 +111011011110 woodcuts 3 +111011011110 Raddison 3 +111011011110 50,000-square-foot 3 +111011011110 berthing 3 +111011011110 satellite-servicing 3 +111011011110 retail-entertainment 3 +111011011110 Dalt 3 +111011011110 bow-tie 3 +111011011110 half-court 3 +111011011110 television-news 3 +111011011110 engine-assembly 3 +111011011110 sedimentary 3 +111011011110 U.S.-to-Japan 3 +111011011110 Intellivision 3 +111011011110 vehicle-assembly 3 +111011011110 antilock 3 +111011011110 warehouse-sized 3 +111011011110 WATL-TV 3 +111011011110 hair-products 3 +111011011110 local-TV 3 +111011011110 rent-to-own 3 +111011011110 Schwann 3 +111011011110 machine-building 3 +111011011110 Cradock 3 +111011011110 Cresthil 3 +111011011110 SX-2 3 +111011011110 factory-outlet 3 +111011011110 minehunter 3 +111011011110 action/adventure 3 +111011011110 comedy-oriented 3 +111011011110 radio-navigation 3 +111011011110 non-glare 3 +111011011110 GapKids 3 +111011011110 refinery-expansion 3 +111011011110 heart-rate 3 +111011011110 pre-cut 3 +111011011110 lieder 3 +111011011110 airplane-shaped 3 +111011011110 semi-private 3 +111011011110 22-yard 3 +111011011110 long-jump 3 +111011011110 movie-house 3 +111011011110 21-inch 3 +111011011110 car-repair 3 +111011011110 pinot-noir 3 +111011011110 computer-making 3 +111011011110 Renaissance-style 3 +111011011110 100-minute 3 +111011011110 280,000-square-foot 3 +111011011110 mass-burn 3 +111011011110 botanic 3 +111011011110 wafer-fabrication 3 +111011011110 smog-check 3 +111011011110 Rudna 3 +111011011110 mini-post 3 +111011011110 quarter-sized 3 +111011011110 '30 3 +111011011110 Interalumina 3 +111011011110 El-Hadjar 3 +111011011110 Ottawa-area 3 +111011011110 subway-car 3 +111011011110 pork-packing 3 +111011011110 taxpayer-assistance 4 +111011011110 drug-manufacturing 4 +111011011110 lead-zinc 4 +111011011110 RapeMan 4 +111011011110 beef-processing 4 +111011011110 Zelaya 4 +111011011110 dunce 4 +111011011110 woodblock 4 +111011011110 Blackhawks 4 +111011011110 point-of-purchase 4 +111011011110 Iveco 4 +111011011110 comedy-club 4 +111011011110 plexiglass 4 +111011011110 truck-tire 4 +111011011110 fold-out 4 +111011011110 handball 4 +111011011110 answering-machine 4 +111011011110 Sunderland 4 +111011011110 mini-van 4 +111011011110 Novotel 4 +111011011110 top-40 4 +111011011110 Gaelic 4 +111011011110 Futura 4 +111011011110 long-playing 4 +111011011110 Neptunian 4 +111011011110 shale-oil 4 +111011011110 broadsheet 4 +111011011110 uranium-processing 4 +111011011110 adhesive-backed 4 +111011011110 Rack 4 +111011011110 sporting-clays 4 +111011011110 non-sedating 4 +111011011110 logrolling 4 +111011011110 donut 4 +111011011110 auto-racing 4 +111011011110 Pavilions 4 +111011011110 Shopko 4 +111011011110 satellite-TV 4 +111011011110 rock-video 4 +111011011110 single-story 4 +111011011110 mansard 4 +111011011110 petri 4 +111011011110 coffee-shop 4 +111011011110 poultry-processing 4 +111011011110 brontosaurus 4 +111011011110 half-minute 4 +111011011110 Bruins 4 +111011011110 bass-fishing 4 +111011011110 CBS-owned 4 +111011011110 4300 4 +111011011110 bibulous 4 +111011011110 petrol 4 +111011011110 corrugated-box 5 +111011011110 tire-manufacturing 5 +111011011110 lime-green 5 +111011011110 superhero 5 +111011011110 Redeye 5 +111011011110 Keds 5 +111011011110 news-magazine 5 +111011011110 cocker 5 +111011011110 mass-merchandise 5 +111011011110 point-and-shoot 5 +111011011110 croquet 5 +111011011110 light-filled 5 +111011011110 bromide 5 +111011011110 semipro 5 +111011011110 bipolar 5 +111011011110 M30 5 +111011011110 uninformative 5 +111011011110 free-throw 5 +111011011110 play-off 5 +111011011110 license-renewal 5 +111011011110 Vuillard 5 +111011011110 water-based 5 +111011011110 multi-use 5 +111011011110 gas-processing 5 +111011011110 brocade 5 +111011011110 licorice 5 +111011011110 WGHP-TV 5 +111011011110 passive-income 5 +111011011110 swidden 5 +111011011110 Maxxum 5 +111011011110 Ping-Pong 5 +111011011110 hydroelectric-power 5 +111011011110 trade-school 5 +111011011110 true-crime 5 +111011011110 horsey 5 +111011011110 union-represented 5 +111011011110 epigrammatic 5 +111011011110 four-pound 5 +111011011110 oil-loading 5 +111011011110 toxic-gas 5 +111011011110 A310 6 +111011011110 basset 6 +111011011110 audiotape 6 +111011011110 curio 6 +111011011110 120,000-square-foot 6 +111011011110 Playskool 6 +111011011110 100,000-square-foot 6 +111011011110 home-center 6 +111011011110 am/pm 6 +111011011110 telephoto 6 +111011011110 AIDS-education 6 +111011011110 dogleg 6 +111011011110 stock-tip 6 +111011011110 public-broadcasting 6 +111011011110 photo-processing 6 +111011011110 coed 6 +111011011110 Coppertone 6 +111011011110 snooker 6 +111011011110 primetime 6 +111011011110 rhythm-and-blues 6 +111011011110 order-taking 6 +111011011110 WCBS 6 +111011011110 cold-rolling 6 +111011011110 wiper 6 +111011011110 price-quote 7 +111011011110 custom-calling 7 +111011011110 intraocular 7 +111011011110 12-minute 7 +111011011110 Jif 7 +111011011110 firecracker 7 +111011011110 lotto 7 +111011011110 mud-wrestling 7 +111011011110 1-A 7 +111011011110 ivy-covered 7 +111011011110 jai-alai 7 +111011011110 public-power 7 +111011011110 taco 7 +111011011110 Stainmaster 7 +111011011110 dog-and-pony 7 +111011011110 Noh 7 +111011011110 co-equal 7 +111011011110 gas-powered 7 +111011011110 Shop-Rite 8 +111011011110 junior-college 8 +111011011110 fine-paper 8 +111011011110 20-second 8 +111011011110 flat-panel 8 +111011011110 fern 8 +111011011110 maquiladora 8 +111011011110 granola 8 +111011011110 Galleria 8 +111011011110 desalination 8 +111011011110 J-car 8 +111011011110 non-fiction 8 +111011011110 CVS 8 +111011011110 country-music 9 +111011011110 garbage-burning 9 +111011011110 Foodtown 9 +111011011110 Flotta 9 +111011011110 quarrying 9 +111011011110 all-suite 9 +111011011110 hairdressing 9 +111011011110 stained-glass 9 +111011011110 Sisley 9 +111011011110 chuck-wagon 9 +111011011110 warehouse-club 9 +111011011110 company-operated 9 +111011011110 fastfood 9 +111011011110 Ilo 10 +111011011110 68000 10 +111011011110 500-pound 10 +111011011110 yachting 10 +111011011110 cat-and-mouse 10 +111011011110 racquetball 10 +111011011110 Mothercare 10 +111011011110 NBC-owned 10 +111011011110 wicker 10 +111011011110 London/Decca 10 +111011011110 SuperAmerica 10 +111011011110 bobsled 10 +111011011110 Mahfouz 10 +111011011110 judo 10 +111011011110 color-TV 10 +111011011110 swivel 10 +111011011110 muffler 11 +111011011110 horse-drawn 11 +111011011110 frozen-yogurt 11 +111011011110 post-office 11 +111011011110 top-10 11 +111011011110 Watts-Willowbrook 11 +111011011110 girlie 11 +111011011110 LCD 11 +111011011110 stickball 11 +111011011110 HomeClub 11 +111011011110 meat-processing 11 +111011011110 craps 11 +111011011110 post-game 12 +111011011110 televison 12 +111011011110 rock-music 12 +111011011110 domed 12 +111011011110 Federated-Allied 12 +111011011110 pancake 12 +111011011110 big-screen 12 +111011011110 VHF 12 +111011011110 truck-assembly 12 +111011011110 CTV 12 +111011011110 Wasatch 13 +111011011110 panty 13 +111011011110 billiards 13 +111011011110 jute 13 +111011011110 crossword 13 +111011011110 Skippy 13 +111011011110 over-the-air 13 +111011011110 Soyuz 13 +111011011110 billiard 13 +111011011110 extended-stay 14 +111011011110 1A 14 +111011011110 trolley 14 +111011011110 Muzak 14 +111011011110 Sambo 14 +111011011110 pingpong 14 +111011011110 M-60 14 +111011011110 monochrome 14 +111011011110 resource-recovery 14 +111011011110 suntan 14 +111011011110 shortwave 15 +111011011110 diagonal 15 +111011011110 sniper 15 +111011011110 middleweight 15 +111011011110 oil-pipeline 15 +111011011110 vaudeville 15 +111011011110 safe-deposit 16 +111011011110 five-and-dime 16 +111011011110 eyeglass 16 +111011011110 public-television 17 +111011011110 woolen 17 +111011011110 post-season 17 +111011011110 poppy 17 +111011011110 campground 17 +111011011110 rectal 18 +111011011110 MD-90 18 +111011011110 stucco 18 +111011011110 cycling 18 +111011011110 rivet 18 +111011011110 horse-racing 19 +111011011110 60-second 19 +111011011110 film-making 19 +111011011110 pre-season 19 +111011011110 cavalry 19 +111011011110 fermentation 19 +111011011110 bestseller 20 +111011011110 liquid-crystal 20 +111011011110 35-mm 21 +111011011110 game-show 21 +111011011110 auto-assembly 21 +111011011110 science-fiction 21 +111011011110 color-television 22 +111011011110 peach 22 +111011011110 MedFirst 22 +111011011110 SupeRx 22 +111011011110 noodle 23 +111011011110 tanning 24 +111011011110 cabaret 25 +111011011110 varsity 25 +111011011110 15-second 25 +111011011110 typewritten 25 +111011011110 call-in 25 +111011011110 spider 26 +111011011110 blackjack 26 +111011011110 non-network 27 +111011011110 Page-Williams 27 +111011011110 Bonanza 28 +111011011110 bingo 28 +111011011110 Kresge 28 +111011011110 potted 30 +111011011110 sewage-treatment 31 +111011011110 civics 32 +111011011110 chemical-weapons 32 +111011011110 metal-forming 34 +111011011110 volleyball 36 +111011011110 CBS-TV 37 +111011011110 surface-to-air 38 +111011011110 ID 38 +111011011110 porn 38 +111011011110 golfing 38 +111011011110 patio 41 +111011011110 Bougainville 41 +111011011110 antiaircraft 42 +111011011110 UHF 43 +111011011110 analog 43 +111011011110 barber 44 +111011011110 gas-fired 47 +111011011110 car-assembly 51 +111011011110 rugby 52 +111011011110 coke 54 +111011011110 Lincoln-Mercury 55 +111011011110 best-seller 55 +111011011110 compact-disk 61 +111011011110 talk-show 61 +111011011110 softball 62 +111011011110 cricket 67 +111011011110 souvenir 68 +111011011110 35mm 73 +111011011110 Stinger 75 +111011011110 NBC-TV 76 +111011011110 polo 81 +111011011110 stamping 81 +111011011110 M-1 84 +111011011110 FM 85 +111011011110 LeBaron 85 +111011011110 30-second 87 +111011011110 playoff 90 +111011011110 anti-aircraft 100 +111011011110 chess 102 +111011011110 poker 102 +111011011110 heavyweight 115 +111011011110 Hawk 116 +111011011110 7-Eleven 117 +111011011110 franchised 119 +111011011110 company-owned 135 +111011011110 razor 141 +111011011110 flower 147 +111011011110 soccer 147 +111011011110 cassette 170 +111011011110 Pershing 182 +111011011110 ski 189 +111011011110 crystal 189 +111011011110 championship 190 +111011011110 hockey 194 +111011011110 railway 217 +111011011110 subway 257 +111011011110 prime-time 275 +111011011110 cartoon 289 +111011011110 cogeneration 298 +111011011110 convenience 456 +111011011110 basketball 468 +111011011110 cruise 491 +111011011110 tennis 571 +111011011110 golf 578 +111011011110 football 786 +111011011110 baseball 955 +111011011110 assembly 1365 +111011011110 sports 1514 +111011011110 video 1714 +111011011110 radio 2309 +111011011110 TV 4234 +111011011110 television 6158 +111011011111 23,500-barrel-a-day 1 +111011011111 mother-and-baby 1 +111011011111 tactical-aircraft 1 +111011011111 12,500-kilowatt 1 +111011011111 shipborne 1 +111011011111 advanced-semiconductor 1 +111011011111 transfrontier 1 +111011011111 W-series 1 +111011011111 multithousand-job 1 +111011011111 optical-mark 1 +111011011111 natural-alcohols 1 +111011011111 sub-machine-gun 1 +111011011111 pseudo-gladiatorial 1 +111011011111 1,442 1 +111011011111 crop-killing 1 +111011011111 Kalabagh 1 +111011011111 chemical-fertilizer 1 +111011011111 one-million-pixel 1 +111011011111 SH-2 1 +111011011111 offload 1 +111011011111 orange-color 1 +111011011111 rhodamine 1 +111011011111 cork-lined 1 +111011011111 1.5-million-square-foot 1 +111011011111 hurricane-disaster 1 +111011011111 life-anddeath 1 +111011011111 polticial 1 +111011011111 pull-tab 1 +111011011111 25.8-megawatt 1 +111011011111 ever-longer 1 +111011011111 tiremaking 1 +111011011111 SDI-type 1 +111011011111 Chinesemade 1 +111011011111 governmental-relations 1 +111011011111 hard-liquor 1 +111011011111 neo-expressionist 1 +111011011111 self-developed 1 +111011011111 defense-dominant 1 +111011011111 single-combat 1 +111011011111 days-nuclear 1 +111011011111 weapon-carrying 1 +111011011111 170-foot 1 +111011011111 Voronezh 1 +111011011111 babushka 1 +111011011111 deep-underground 1 +111011011111 condo-grade 1 +111011011111 twin-block 1 +111011011111 kaolin-processing 1 +111011011111 Firestone-owned 1 +111011011111 towel-finishing 1 +111011011111 1,080,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011111 brighter-colored 1 +111011011111 Soviet-launched 1 +111011011111 space-operations 1 +111011011111 resort-condo 1 +111011011111 ship-model 1 +111011011111 fingerless 1 +111011011111 unfinished-furniture 1 +111011011111 art-rock 1 +111011011111 yupped-up 1 +111011011111 eastwest 1 +111011011111 siezed 1 +111011011111 hegemonistic 1 +111011011111 pumped-storage 1 +111011011111 Paks 1 +111011011111 Czechoslovak-Hungarian 1 +111011011111 scruffy-looking 1 +111011011111 anti-HBc 1 +111011011111 Ambassador-at-large 1 +111011011111 fake-hair 1 +111011011111 cogeneraton 1 +111011011111 no-net 1 +111011011111 information-consulting 1 +111011011111 business-telephone 1 +111011011111 twin-unit 1 +111011011111 mint-green 1 +111011011111 MediMart 1 +111011011111 AN/ALQ-126B 1 +111011011111 anti-chemical 1 +111011011111 extendedstay 1 +111011011111 anti-bee 1 +111011011111 doublerunner 1 +111011011111 energy-beam 1 +111011011111 man-produced 1 +111011011111 assets-power 1 +111011011111 instant-winner 1 +111011011111 non-power 1 +111011011111 icon-covered 1 +111011011111 ground-penetrating 1 +111011011111 attack-inducing 1 +111011011111 petroleum-buying 1 +111011011111 transfiguring 1 +111011011111 corked 1 +111011011111 news-dealer 1 +111011011111 Mets-Cardinals 1 +111011011111 software-only 1 +111011011111 semifeudal 1 +111011011111 route-by-route 1 +111011011111 government-supervised 1 +111011011111 sheet-glass 1 +111011011111 waste-conversion 1 +111011011111 airline-ticketing 1 +111011011111 satellite-processing 1 +111011011111 unremembered 1 +111011011111 Bruce-Mansfield 1 +111011011111 waste-fired 1 +111011011111 twin-hulled 1 +111011011111 13-meter-long 1 +111011011111 high-school-as-metaphor-for-life 1 +111011011111 blue-glass 1 +111011011111 nearer-to-zero 1 +111011011111 body-repair 1 +111011011111 submarine-communications 1 +111011011111 full-sized-van 1 +111011011111 pre-sighted 1 +111011011111 Kingswinford 1 +111011011111 sea-green 1 +111011011111 761st 1 +111011011111 already-produced 1 +111011011111 aluminum-casting 1 +111011011111 utility-size 1 +111011011111 fluid-bed 1 +111011011111 Cawtawba 1 +111011011111 red-ocher 1 +111011011111 now-disappearing 1 +111011011111 lithium-powered 1 +111011011111 corn-buying 1 +111011011111 U-boat 1 +111011011111 purchashing 1 +111011011111 Renault-built 1 +111011011111 zonal 1 +111011011111 aircraft-delivered 1 +111011011111 open-casket 1 +111011011111 punched-out 1 +111011011111 as-yet-unbuilt 1 +111011011111 microprocessor-run 1 +111011011111 5,818 1 +111011011111 Franco-Iranian 1 +111011011111 TOW-missile 1 +111011011111 1,500-megawatt 1 +111011011111 Victorian/industrial 1 +111011011111 never-used 1 +111011011111 Israeli-Iranian 1 +111011011111 non-interruptible 1 +111011011111 bank-buying 1 +111011011111 pre-buttered 1 +111011011111 7,672 1 +111011011111 IV-class 1 +111011011111 1,633 1 +111011011111 Mi-8 1 +111011011111 weather-monitoring 1 +111011011111 zone-press 1 +111011011111 birch-wood 1 +111011011111 smoothbore 1 +111011011111 equity-buying 1 +111011011111 sometimes-liberal 1 +111011011111 semi-vacant 1 +111011011111 6,500-megaton 1 +111011011111 2,504 1 +111011011111 1,461 1 +111011011111 15.6-mile 1 +111011011111 wiper/washer 1 +111011011111 longpending 1 +111011011111 left-and-right-handed 1 +111011011111 hydroelectic 1 +111011011111 coalburning 1 +111011011111 52-megawatt 1 +111011011111 Skagit/Hanford 1 +111011011111 388-seat 1 +111011011111 Botlek 1 +111011011111 War-vintage 1 +111011011111 graphite-moderated 1 +111011011111 Western-designed 1 +111011011111 5,200-acre 1 +111011011111 4-Way 1 +111011011111 art-therapy 1 +111011011111 syntactically 1 +111011011111 rocket-borne 1 +111011011111 XJS 1 +111011011111 Soviet-model 1 +111011011111 safety-valve 1 +111011011111 rotary-wing 1 +111011011111 boost-phase 1 +111011011111 Gorbachev-managed 1 +111011011111 1/2-gallon 1 +111011011111 asset-shifting 1 +111011011111 never-completed 1 +111011011111 50,720 1 +111011011111 time-delayed 1 +111011011111 80-megawatt 1 +111011011111 double-walled 1 +111011011111 multiple-concept 1 +111011011111 urbanoid 1 +111011011111 peepshow 1 +111011011111 pancake-house 1 +111011011111 shot-blocking 1 +111011011111 AIDS-screening 1 +111011011111 station-buying 1 +111011011111 tax-boosting 1 +111011011111 16,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011111 URW-represented 1 +111011011111 7,337 1 +111011011111 large-leaf 1 +111011011111 5,755 1 +111011011111 theater-nuclear 1 +111011011111 gasified-coal 1 +111011011111 energy-redundant 1 +111011011111 handtool 1 +111011011111 bomber-carried 1 +111011011111 college-draft 1 +111011011111 earth-penetrating 1 +111011011111 airplane-launched 1 +111011011111 frozen-cheese 1 +111011011111 HY-2 1 +111011011111 HQ-2 1 +111011011111 agricultural-experiment 1 +111011011111 designer-green 1 +111011011111 nose-mounted 1 +111011011111 below-standard 1 +111011011111 non-concealed 1 +111011011111 smaller-circulation 1 +111011011111 least-reliable 1 +111011011111 hand-rubbed 1 +111011011111 sheet-finishing 1 +111011011111 five-megawatt 1 +111011011111 16-megawatt 1 +111011011111 like-sized 1 +111011011111 seaskimming 1 +111011011111 L.A.-area 1 +111011011111 intercontinenal 1 +111011011111 15,000-ton-per-day 1 +111011011111 ocean-spanning 1 +111011011111 unfired 1 +111011011111 diesel-products 1 +111011011111 off-the-odometer 1 +111011011111 air-suspension 1 +111011011111 B17 1 +111011011111 public-agency 1 +111011011111 distorted-spectrum 1 +111011011111 battery-recharging 1 +111011011111 Cajun/rhythm-and-blues 1 +111011011111 baby-furniture 1 +111011011111 fast-food-restaurant 1 +111011011111 turkey-and-cranberry 1 +111011011111 blended-ice-cream 1 +111011011111 competitiveintelligence 1 +111011011111 Turkish-Greek 1 +111011011111 ammonia-fertilizer 1 +111011011111 recherche 1 +111011011111 farthest-striking 1 +111011011111 space-strike 1 +111011011111 Spanishlanguage 1 +111011011111 federal-aid 1 +111011011111 Hamiltonian 1 +111011011111 Astrodome-type 1 +111011011111 six-key 1 +111011011111 self-effacing-to-the-point-of-complete- 1 +111011011111 seed-proceesing 1 +111011011111 one-to-four 1 +111011011111 gypsum-based 1 +111011011111 European-theater 1 +111011011111 HP-700/71 1 +111011011111 85-millimeter 1 +111011011111 Candu-type 1 +111011011111 tropical-hued 1 +111011011111 Zouar 1 +111011011111 bottom-of-the-heap 1 +111011011111 more-sweeping 1 +111011011111 Midtec 1 +111011011111 mock-comic 1 +111011011111 orthographic 1 +111011011111 upper-story 1 +111011011111 hotsheets 1 +111011011111 Millstone-3 1 +111011011111 loan-liquidation 1 +111011011111 business-specific 1 +111011011111 Juarez-area 1 +111011011111 weapons-production 1 +111011011111 yellow-gray 1 +111011011111 air-over-hydraulic 1 +111011011111 artificial-flower 1 +111011011111 loss-laden 1 +111011011111 antiWestern 1 +111011011111 Pancakes 1 +111011011111 styrofoam-making 1 +111011011111 bedroom-one 1 +111011011111 warehouse-style 1 +111011011111 Zarnow 1 +111011011111 super-hard 1 +111011011111 semi-bleached-kraft-pulp 1 +111011011111 more-capable 1 +111011011111 reef-building 1 +111011011111 speed-adjusting 1 +111011011111 hydrophilic 1 +111011011111 bloated-budget 1 +111011011111 crating 1 +111011011111 easy-care 1 +111011011111 atom-derived 1 +111011011111 drug-containing 1 +111011011111 2,250-megawatt 1 +111011011111 plutonium-based 1 +111011011111 flapjack 1 +111011011111 Japanese-majority-owned 1 +111011011111 Peachbottom 1 +111011011111 ethane-based 1 +111011011111 non-hemispheric 1 +111011011111 officesupply 1 +111011011111 car-enthusiast 1 +111011011111 manned-space 1 +111011011111 tipping-type 1 +111011011111 weapon-free 1 +111011011111 foil-laminating 1 +111011011111 HUD-subsidized 1 +111011011111 force-level 1 +111011011111 still-vacant 1 +111011011111 foreign-run 1 +111011011111 Trident-2 1 +111011011111 ear-lobe 1 +111011011111 multivariant 1 +111011011111 primate-research 1 +111011011111 Caribbean-style 1 +111011011111 supermarket-type 1 +111011011111 barge-mounted 1 +111011011111 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros 1 +111011011111 once-posh 1 +111011011111 East-Coast 1 +111011011111 still-incomplete 1 +111011011111 19,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011111 silicon-wafering 1 +111011011111 chemical-contaminated 1 +111011011111 packet-switching 1 +111011011111 9,835 1 +111011011111 between-pitches 1 +111011011111 Montreal-Washington 1 +111011011111 bagels-and-lox 1 +111011011111 5,643 1 +111011011111 quarterhorse 1 +111011011111 Frenchmade 1 +111011011111 two-reactor 1 +111011011111 flock-upholstery 1 +111011011111 hacksaw 1 +111011011111 predischarge 1 +111011011111 Brussels-style 1 +111011011111 Benetton-only 1 +111011011111 intragovernment 1 +111011011111 life-line 1 +111011011111 now-idle 1 +111011011111 700,000-ton-ayear 1 +111011011111 155-millimeter 1 +111011011111 three-kiloton 1 +111011011111 lignite-fuel 1 +111011011111 TV-executive 1 +111011011111 marginal-type 1 +111011011111 lens-processing 1 +111011011111 three-to-four-hour 1 +111011011111 space-vehicle 1 +111011011111 funny-money 1 +111011011111 ring-like 1 +111011011111 impoundment-veto 1 +111011011111 bio-equivalency 1 +111011011111 stoker 1 +111011011111 vinegar-and-shallot 1 +111011011111 semi-liquid 1 +111011011111 80-lane 1 +111011011111 chemical/biological 1 +111011011111 TU-95 1 +111011011111 sandwich-making 1 +111011011111 law-student 1 +111011011111 130,000-square-foot 1 +111011011111 pool-equipped 1 +111011011111 already-favored 1 +111011011111 TV-industry 1 +111011011111 auto-show 1 +111011011111 emergency-path 1 +111011011111 MacSteel 1 +111011011111 stretched-thin 1 +111011011111 M-1A1 1 +111011011111 body-altering 1 +111011011111 events-steer 1 +111011011111 ultra-accurate 1 +111011011111 optionpricing 1 +111011011111 474th 1 +111011011111 1,491 1 +111011011111 12-speed 1 +111011011111 rope-course 1 +111011011111 pollution-causing 1 +111011011111 stomach-acid 1 +111011011111 Heavenly 1 +111011011111 land-attack 1 +111011011111 1,297 1 +111011011111 brush-like 1 +111011011111 hand-off 1 +111011011111 most-efficient 1 +111011011111 full-throttled 1 +111011011111 Air-supported 1 +111011011111 engine-firing 1 +111011011111 run-of-the 1 +111011011111 capital-improvements 1 +111011011111 tuneup 1 +111011011111 Renabie 1 +111011011111 2.7-liter 1 +111011011111 yogurt-dill 1 +111011011111 drug-crop 1 +111011011111 submarine-sandwich 1 +111011011111 Maverick-G 1 +111011011111 1,300-megawatt 1 +111011011111 electron-beam 1 +111011011111 cable-supported 1 +111011011111 ultradense 1 +111011011111 entrenchment-driven 1 +111011011111 twinunit 1 +111011011111 fatigue-induced 1 +111011011111 hand-woven 1 +111011011111 three-yards-and-a-cloud-of-dust 1 +111011011111 libellous 1 +111011011111 fast-waning 1 +111011011111 once-absolute 1 +111011011111 wood-encased 1 +111011011111 Pentagram 1 +111011011111 better-prepared 1 +111011011111 80,000-acre 1 +111011011111 Zortman/Landusky 1 +111011011111 quasi-genocidal 1 +111011011111 already-formidable 1 +111011011111 minimum-budget 1 +111011011111 Tissue-type 1 +111011011111 wicker-furniture 1 +111011011111 ship-based 1 +111011011111 Anglo-style 1 +111011011111 low-stomata 1 +111011011111 now-declining 1 +111011011111 Essen-based 1 +111011011111 European-related 1 +111011011111 20-cigarette 1 +111011011111 KHON-TV 1 +111011011111 earth-orbiting 1 +111011011111 mini-nuclear 1 +111011011111 disaster-designated 1 +111011011111 defense-led 1 +111011011111 unrented 1 +111011011111 dollar-signs 1 +111011011111 automobile-interior 1 +111011011111 analog-digital 1 +111011011111 computerese-laced 1 +111011011111 impulse-capable 1 +111011011111 missile-manufacturing 1 +111011011111 integrated-pest-management 1 +111011011111 military-conservative 1 +111011011111 unautomatic 1 +111011011111 12,052 1 +111011011111 Datago 1 +111011011111 light-oil-products 1 +111011011111 60-yard-tall 1 +111011011111 400-warhead 1 +111011011111 antisatellite 1 +111011011111 15,000-kilowatt 1 +111011011111 biomass-fired 1 +111011011111 product-based 1 +111011011111 anti-rebel 1 +111011011111 solar-electric 1 +111011011111 automotive-lubrication 1 +111011011111 nonhierarchical 1 +111011011111 anti-germ 2 +111011011111 intermediaterange 2 +111011011111 120-mm 2 +111011011111 regional-mall 2 +111011011111 once-conventional 2 +111011011111 consumer-incentive 2 +111011011111 fossil-fired 2 +111011011111 160,000-square-foot 2 +111011011111 Yvan 2 +111011011111 AM-radio 2 +111011011111 central-station 2 +111011011111 orange-processing 2 +111011011111 lignite-fueled 2 +111011011111 American-operated 2 +111011011111 ferroalloy 2 +111011011111 more-numerous 2 +111011011111 wood-working 2 +111011011111 mossy 2 +111011011111 Manila-area 2 +111011011111 Seasparrow 2 +111011011111 bacteriological 2 +111011011111 Hiroshima-size 2 +111011011111 TOW-2 2 +111011011111 weapons-control 2 +111011011111 wire-guided 2 +111011011111 green-shuttered 2 +111011011111 stenciling 2 +111011011111 satellite-tracking 2 +111011011111 51-acre 2 +111011011111 spinning-wheel 2 +111011011111 health-education 2 +111011011111 Iranian-bound 2 +111011011111 liquid-hydrogen 2 +111011011111 mile-wide 2 +111011011111 shoulder-launched 2 +111011011111 dome-shaped 2 +111011011111 52-card 2 +111011011111 glider-like 2 +111011011111 jetfighter 2 +111011011111 unadvertised 2 +111011011111 Maverick-D 2 +111011011111 Swedish-built 2 +111011011111 2,250-ton-a-day 2 +111011011111 Hamilton-Fairfield 2 +111011011111 Chaplinesque 2 +111011011111 million-seller 2 +111011011111 Portugese 2 +111011011111 adjudicatory 2 +111011011111 Seabrook-generated 2 +111011011111 atomic-weapons 2 +111011011111 biomass-fueled 2 +111011011111 600,000-kilowatt 2 +111011011111 base-load 2 +111011011111 open-to-hire 2 +111011011111 non-standard 2 +111011011111 conventional-warfare 2 +111011011111 hypervelocity 2 +111011011111 waiting-room 2 +111011011111 25-megawatt 2 +111011011111 theater-range 2 +111011011111 Afrin 2 +111011011111 low-trajectory 2 +111011011111 two-to-three 2 +111011011111 hydrostatic 2 +111011011111 lifetime-care 2 +111011011111 Fina-brand 2 +111011011111 Alouette 2 +111011011111 condop 2 +111011011111 personnel-service 2 +111011011111 freehand 2 +111011011111 paper-producing 2 +111011011111 Texas-grown 2 +111011011111 300-megawatt 2 +111011011111 atomic-power 2 +111011011111 sand-and-gravel 2 +111011011111 gray-metal 2 +111011011111 shortest-range 2 +111011011111 touch-sensitive 2 +111011011111 palm-lined 2 +111011011111 U-235 2 +111011011111 cheap-but-decent 2 +111011011111 dual-capable 2 +111011011111 coal-powered 2 +111011011111 fixed-site 2 +111011011111 330,000-kilowatt 2 +111011011111 sales-operation 2 +111011011111 story. 2 +111011011111 program-length 2 +111011011111 party-government 2 +111011011111 T-55 2 +111011011111 Cheddar 2 +111011011111 medical-waste 2 +111011011111 war-making 2 +111011011111 oil-reserve 2 +111011011111 leaded-glass 2 +111011011111 ultrasophisticated 2 +111011011111 topsecret 2 +111011011111 SS-16 2 +111011011111 once-a-year 2 +111011011111 intercontinental-range 2 +111011011111 laser-bar 2 +111011011111 Trouble-Shooting 2 +111011011111 highrise 2 +111011011111 Euromissile 2 +111011011111 five-passenger 2 +111011011111 well-laid 2 +111011011111 cranberry-based 2 +111011011111 reel-type 2 +111011011111 boutique-lined 2 +111011011111 Columbus-area 2 +111011011111 walk-behind 2 +111011011111 Teflon-like 2 +111011011111 gold-buying 2 +111011011111 metal-parts 2 +111011011111 pre-marketing 2 +111011011111 irritancy 2 +111011011111 part-of-a-bill 2 +111011011111 1,472 2 +111011011111 unarticulated 2 +111011011111 methyl-isocyanate 2 +111011011111 tank-heavy 2 +111011011111 cabin-pressure 2 +111011011111 2.4-meter 2 +111011011111 oil-prospecting 2 +111011011111 70,000-barrel-a-day 2 +111011011111 rapid-response 2 +111011011111 weapons-manufacturing 2 +111011011111 45,000-kilowatt 2 +111011011111 acid-rich 2 +111011011111 wild-cow 2 +111011011111 Pershing-2 2 +111011011111 wheel-and-rail 2 +111011011111 main-frame 2 +111011011111 Israeli-arranged 2 +111011011111 spine-tingling 2 +111011011111 40-kilometer 2 +111011011111 blood-drenched 2 +111011011111 infrared-sensor 2 +111011011111 metal-processing 2 +111011011111 flushable 2 +111011011111 cocaine-processing 3 +111011011111 AXE 3 +111011011111 periwinkle 3 +111011011111 movie-distribution 3 +111011011111 30,000-kilowatt 3 +111011011111 D5 3 +111011011111 nuclear-bomb 3 +111011011111 nuclear-generated 3 +111011011111 multiwarhead 3 +111011011111 suborbital 3 +111011011111 older-generation 3 +111011011111 Candu 3 +111011011111 Vezina 3 +111011011111 weapons-free 3 +111011011111 general-population 3 +111011011111 zinc-lead 3 +111011011111 tax-producing 3 +111011011111 disinfecting 3 +111011011111 cartridge-based 3 +111011011111 high-desert 3 +111011011111 Blowpipe 3 +111011011111 plutonium-producing 3 +111011011111 foreign-designed 3 +111011011111 120mm 3 +111011011111 Bellefonte 3 +111011011111 Campeau-owned 3 +111011011111 anatomic 3 +111011011111 1.2-million-square-foot 3 +111011011111 freight-train 3 +111011011111 game-like 3 +111011011111 12-tone 3 +111011011111 government-contractor 3 +111011011111 plate-making 3 +111011011111 ore-processing 3 +111011011111 astrodome 3 +111011011111 10th-grade 3 +111011011111 Palladian 3 +111011011111 block-time 3 +111011011111 fee-generating 3 +111011011111 laser-type 3 +111011011111 sales-operations 3 +111011011111 Nicolai 3 +111011011111 Yvan-Vezina 3 +111011011111 Carl-Gustaf 3 +111011011111 Colomac 3 +111011011111 spacebased 3 +111011011111 chip-fabrication 3 +111011011111 Ginna 3 +111011011111 shortrange 3 +111011011111 non-irrigated 3 +111011011111 rule-change 3 +111011011111 CSS-2 3 +111011011111 contractor-run 3 +111011011111 plutonium-processing 3 +111011011111 asbestos-contaminated 3 +111011011111 mammographic 3 +111011011111 500-foot 3 +111011011111 quick-printing 3 +111011011111 U.S.-sanctioned 3 +111011011111 hair-styling 3 +111011011111 forswore 3 +111011011111 jalapeno 3 +111011011111 asbestos-laced 3 +111011011111 decontaminating 3 +111011011111 folkloric 3 +111011011111 300-foot 3 +111011011111 24-carat 3 +111011011111 thermonuclear 4 +111011011111 Lemington 4 +111011011111 fossil-fueled 4 +111011011111 alcohol-based 4 +111011011111 Kemano 4 +111011011111 PCB-contaminated 4 +111011011111 1,100-pound 4 +111011011111 anti-tactical 4 +111011011111 inter-union 4 +111011011111 particle-beam 4 +111011011111 lead-lined 4 +111011011111 Canadian-designed 4 +111011011111 oil-burning 4 +111011011111 heavy-water 4 +111011011111 hydro-electric 4 +111011011111 missile-carrying 4 +111011011111 light-water 4 +111011011111 phallic 4 +111011011111 400,000-square-foot 4 +111011011111 70,000-square-foot 4 +111011011111 mediumrange 4 +111011011111 wraparound 4 +111011011111 T-72 4 +111011011111 M-48 4 +111011011111 Iran-bound 4 +111011011111 mass-merchandising 4 +111011011111 600-megawatt 4 +111011011111 non-stick 4 +111011011111 network-affiliate 4 +111011011111 ground-to-ground 4 +111011011111 non-casino 5 +111011011111 church-run 5 +111011011111 all-leather 5 +111011011111 anti-armor 5 +111011011111 PacMan 5 +111011011111 over-budget 5 +111011011111 cytogenetics 5 +111011011111 multiple-warhead 5 +111011011111 pathogenic 5 +111011011111 electrical-power 5 +111011011111 fireproof 5 +111011011111 nuclear-test 5 +111011011111 air-to-surface 5 +111011011111 radar-guided 5 +111011011111 non-offensive 5 +111011011111 cafeteria-style 5 +111011011111 forward-based 5 +111011011111 cash-producing 5 +111011011111 small-arms 5 +111011011111 kinetic-energy 5 +111011011111 four-unit 5 +111011011111 oil-storage 5 +111011011111 LG-1 5 +111011011111 Scud-B 5 +111011011111 biological-warfare 6 +111011011111 longrange 6 +111011011111 helium-cooled 6 +111011011111 slash-and-burn 6 +111011011111 SS-18 6 +111011011111 Chernobyl-type 6 +111011011111 non-hazardous 6 +111011011111 disease-resistant 6 +111011011111 ballot-box 6 +111011011111 floor-to-ceiling 6 +111011011111 radar-warning 6 +111011011111 tempera 6 +111011011111 Hellfire 6 +111011011111 test-ban 6 +111011011111 fissionable 6 +111011011111 low-hanging 6 +111011011111 pre-1987 6 +111011011111 45-rpm 6 +111011011111 nine-inch 6 +111011011111 OH-58 6 +111011011111 electricity-generating 6 +111011011111 flood-control 6 +111011011111 worst-managed 7 +111011011111 erosive 7 +111011011111 single-state 7 +111011011111 color-coordinated 7 +111011011111 confirmatory 7 +111011011111 submarine-based 7 +111011011111 war-fighting 7 +111011011111 unexploded 7 +111011011111 wood-burning 7 +111011011111 uninterruptible 8 +111011011111 low-speed 8 +111011011111 cogenerated 8 +111011011111 space-defense 8 +111011011111 four-lane 8 +111011011111 anti-radiation 8 +111011011111 addressable 8 +111011011111 rocket-fuel 8 +111011011111 electric-generating 8 +111011011111 battle-management 8 +111011011111 directed-energy 8 +111011011111 oil-fired 8 +111011011111 desalinization 9 +111011011111 U.S.-supplied 9 +111011011111 sealift 9 +111011011111 pre-marital 9 +111011011111 Bailly 9 +111011011111 antisubmarine 9 +111011011111 sea-based 9 +111011011111 ultra-high 9 +111011011111 ERIS 10 +111011011111 combined-cycle 10 +111011011111 gas-cooled 10 +111011011111 ground-to-air 10 +111011011111 U.S.-controlled 10 +111011011111 armor-piercing 10 +111011011111 Loco 11 +111011011111 Soviet-supplied 11 +111011011111 DNA-probe 12 +111011011111 water-cooled 12 +111011011111 lifesaving 12 +111011011111 nonproliferation 12 +111011011111 heat-seeking 13 +111011011111 tear-gas 14 +111011011111 boarded-up 14 +111011011111 energy-saving 14 +111011011111 10-warhead 15 +111011011111 Walla 16 +111011011111 weapons-grade 16 +111011011111 ASAT 16 +111011011111 intracranial 17 +111011011111 open-pit 17 +111011011111 air-to-ground 17 +111011011111 French-made 18 +111011011111 subatomic 19 +111011011111 high-voltage 21 +111011011111 carry-on 22 +111011011111 septic 22 +111011011111 surface-to-surface 22 +111011011111 antitank 23 +111011011111 anti-lock 24 +111011011111 missile-defense 25 +111011011111 nuclear-tipped 25 +111011011111 submarine-launched 27 +111011011111 polychlorinated 28 +111011011111 low-flying 28 +111011011111 coal-burning 28 +111011011111 kinetic 29 +111011011111 Harpoon 29 +111011011111 Chinese-made 29 +111011011111 Exocet 31 +111011011111 auxiliary 33 +111011011111 amphibious 34 +111011011111 Soviet-made 37 +111011011111 anti-satellite 37 +111011011111 air-to-air 38 +111011011111 anti-ship 39 +111011011111 PCB 42 +111011011111 nasal 43 +111011011111 longer-range 44 +111011011111 Maverick 47 +111011011111 litmus 48 +111011011111 non-nuclear 56 +111011011111 low-power 61 +111011011111 Vogtle 63 +111011011111 ground-based 63 +111011011111 anti-tank 65 +111011011111 anti-submarine 69 +111011011111 TOW 70 +111011011111 Silkworm 72 +111011011111 antimissile 75 +111011011111 shorter-range 76 +111011011111 nuclear-weapons 83 +111011011111 geothermal 84 +111011011111 land-based 87 +111011011111 intercontinental 87 +111011011111 waste-to-energy 105 +111011011111 coal-fired 114 +111011011111 Pap 140 +111011011111 hydroelectric 144 +111011011111 anti-missile 145 +111011011111 nuclear-power 149 +111011011111 atomic 151 +111011011111 ballistic 200 +111011011111 radioactive 205 +111011011111 space-based 227 +111011011111 intermediate-range 235 +111011011111 medium-range 238 +111011011111 short-range 268 +111011011111 biological 291 +111011011111 tactical 327 +111011011111 long-range 443 +111011011111 toxic 545 +111011011111 conventional 2169 +111011011111 nuclear 5342 +111011011111 strategic 2227 +111011100 yet-raised 1 +111011100 bond-coupon 1 +111011100 professor/antitrust 1 +111011100 Lebanon-style 1 +111011100 steeper-than-expected 1 +111011100 LANDES 1 +111011100 asbestos-claims 1 +111011100 non-salary 1 +111011100 low-and-moderate 1 +111011100 depressed-worker 1 +111011100 high-net 1 +111011100 ninemonth 1 +111011100 1.69-point 1 +111011100 next-quarter 1 +111011100 quick-to-field 1 +111011100 NSC-directed 1 +111011100 higher-than-estimated 1 +111011100 financecharge 1 +111011100 service-charge 1 +111011100 nonpassive 1 +111011100 oper. 1 +111011100 4th-quarter 1 +111011100 after-college 1 +111011100 pre-expense 1 +111011100 dollar-for-ruble 1 +111011100 10.66-points 1 +111011100 Spendable 1 +111011100 living-personal 1 +111011100 U.S.-source 1 +111011100 photo-business 1 +111011100 coventional 1 +111011100 nonreported 1 +111011100 investment-firm 1 +111011100 79-78 1 +111011100 calendar-1987 1 +111011100 copyright-fee 1 +111011100 most-significant 1 +111011100 brokerage-commission 1 +111011100 72-cent-a-share 1 +111011100 98-89 1 +111011100 10-yen 1 +111011100 resultsthe 1 +111011100 30,000-words 1 +111011100 switcheroo 1 +111011100 chicken-company 1 +111011100 22-cent-share 1 +111011100 343.06-a 1 +111011100 double-overtime 2 +111011100 minimum-taxable 2 +111011100 distributable 2 +111011100 quality-adjusted 2 +111011100 lost-workday 2 +111011100 2,301 2 +111011100 low-to-moderate 2 +111011100 dead-weight 3 +111011100 debt-cancellation 3 +111011100 ROLLS 3 +111011100 Withhold 3 +111011100 adjusted-gross 3 +111011100 loan-fee 4 +111011100 non-wage 5 +111011100 foreign-source 6 +111011100 spendable 9 +111011100 noninterest 10 +111011100 net 17239 +111011100 non-interest 138 +1110111010 900,000-barrel-a-day 1 +1110111010 manufacturing-climate 1 +1110111010 chemical-product 1 +1110111010 trading-business 1 +1110111010 world-cotton 1 +1110111010 906.42-point 1 +1110111010 paperthin 1 +1110111010 specialty-chain 1 +1110111010 next-biggest 1 +1110111010 per-ADR 1 +1110111010 daily-production 1 +1110111010 companion-discount 1 +1110111010 pro-Gorbachev 1 +1110111010 halfyear 1 +1110111010 once-skimpy 1 +1110111010 industrial-scale 1 +1110111010 homesite 1 +1110111010 offshore-China 1 +1110111010 2.77-point 1 +1110111010 suit-settlement 1 +1110111010 12,431,866 1 +1110111010 past-12-month 1 +1110111010 Texas-area 1 +1110111010 college-support 1 +1110111010 still-to-be-reported 1 +1110111010 BTOS-II 1 +1110111010 most-notorious 1 +1110111010 24-cent 1 +1110111010 Monday-through-Friday 1 +1110111010 ooey-gooey 1 +1110111010 322-pence 1 +1110111010 slightly-better-than-expected 1 +1110111010 investment-monitoring 1 +1110111010 strike-blunted 1 +1110111010 rebatable 1 +1110111010 debt-retirement 1 +1110111010 0.3-percentage-point 1 +1110111010 304,000-job 1 +1110111010 residential-subscriber 1 +1110111010 equipment-trust-certificate 1 +1110111010 fuller-bodied 1 +1110111010 17.57-point 1 +1110111010 budget/tax 1 +1110111010 record-division 1 +1110111010 rail-unit 1 +1110111010 non-extraordinary 1 +1110111010 home-attendance 1 +1110111010 12-months 1 +1110111010 dog-track 1 +1110111010 76-cents-a-share 1 +1110111010 maxmium 1 +1110111010 loan-syndication 1 +1110111010 23.60-point 1 +1110111010 296,000-job 1 +1110111010 15.81-point 1 +1110111010 soybean-export 1 +1110111010 epidemically 1 +1110111010 parent-bank 1 +1110111010 development-contract 1 +1110111010 default-related 1 +1110111010 45.43-point 1 +1110111010 56.20-point 1 +1110111010 still-promising 1 +1110111010 48,000-member 1 +1110111010 132,100 1 +1110111010 consumer-business 1 +1110111010 51.6-point 1 +1110111010 120,000-member 1 +1110111010 modest-to-good 1 +1110111010 25.87-point 1 +1110111010 hotel-operating 1 +1110111010 pre-July 1 +1110111010 airplane-division 1 +1110111010 50-cent-a-share 1 +1110111010 steel-output 1 +1110111010 December-to-January 1 +1110111010 44,000-job 1 +1110111010 film-thin 1 +1110111010 consolidated-pretax 1 +1110111010 1.06-point 1 +1110111010 pre-code 1 +1110111010 10-mark-a-share 1 +1110111010 March-to-March 1 +1110111010 finance-unit 1 +1110111010 15.09-point 1 +1110111010 industry-trailing 1 +1110111010 114-point 1 +1110111010 more-than-double 1 +1110111010 2.55-cent 1 +1110111010 interest-related 1 +1110111010 sale-price 1 +1110111010 Wandsworth 1 +1110111010 63-cent 1 +1110111010 pretrade 1 +1110111010 wage-dividend 1 +1110111010 50-cents-a-share 1 +1110111010 total-year 1 +1110111010 1,680,000-car 1 +1110111010 7,000-employee 1 +1110111010 paper-route 1 +1110111010 investment-sale 1 +1110111010 16-win 1 +1110111010 nonrecognized 1 +1110111010 core-bank 1 +1110111010 Redcoats 1 +1110111010 unit-sale 1 +1110111010 4th-period 1 +1110111010 first-six-month 1 +1110111010 twelve-month 1 +1110111010 best-groomed 1 +1110111010 5.80-point 1 +1110111010 3.20-point 1 +1110111010 25.42-point 1 +1110111010 catastrophic-healthcare 1 +1110111010 6.5-cent-a-share 1 +1110111010 a-Excludes 1 +1110111010 61-cent-a-share 1 +1110111010 76-cent-a-share 1 +1110111010 5-cent-a-share 1 +1110111010 29,000-employee 1 +1110111010 Canopean 1 +1110111010 44.5-cent 1 +1110111010 fiscal-second-quarter 1 +1110111010 corn-stocks 1 +1110111010 per-viewer 1 +1110111010 1,589,278 1 +1110111010 17.24-point 1 +1110111010 10.3-million-car 1 +1110111010 1.8-mark 1 +1110111010 once-raciest 1 +1110111010 23.04-point 1 +1110111010 pre-charge 1 +1110111010 38.94-point 1 +1110111010 churro 1 +1110111010 point-and-a-quarter 1 +1110111010 111-seat 1 +1110111010 presale 1 +1110111010 bank-group 1 +1110111010 19-billion-mark 1 +1110111010 loss-deduction 1 +1110111010 reserve-related 1 +1110111010 Sava 1 +1110111010 supperregional 1 +1110111010 51.60-point 2 +1110111010 60-cent-a-share 2 +1110111010 oneday 2 +1110111010 asset-value 2 +1110111010 66-cent-a-share 2 +1110111010 AIDS-test 2 +1110111010 54.14-point 2 +1110111010 direct-investment 2 +1110111010 samestore 2 +1110111010 foreign-portfolio 2 +1110111010 cash-position 2 +1110111010 coal-company 2 +1110111010 consoldiated 2 +1110111010 70-cent-a-share 2 +1110111010 two-quarter 2 +1110111010 accounting-change 2 +1110111010 record-level 2 +1110111010 nonpetroleum 2 +1110111010 3,000-dollar 2 +1110111010 fiscal-third-quarter 2 +1110111010 41-cent 2 +1110111010 pre-depreciation 2 +1110111010 doubledigit 2 +1110111010 fiscal-first-quarter 2 +1110111010 Time/Yankelovich 2 +1110111010 four-cent-a-share 2 +1110111010 OPEC-assigned 2 +1110111010 23-cents-a-share 2 +1110111010 commercial-construction 2 +1110111010 most-positive 2 +1110111010 barrels-a-day 2 +1110111010 7.5-cent 2 +1110111010 15-mark 2 +1110111010 non-takeover 3 +1110111010 per-mile 3 +1110111010 four-cent 3 +1110111010 pre-interest 3 +1110111010 1,783,000 3 +1110111010 December-to-March 3 +1110111010 firsthalf 3 +1110111010 volumetric 3 +1110111010 102.27-point 3 +1110111010 102-point 3 +1110111010 one-cent-a-share 3 +1110111010 latest-period 3 +1110111010 single-quarter 3 +1110111010 less-optimistic 4 +1110111010 eight-cent 4 +1110111010 75-cent 4 +1110111010 firstquarter 4 +1110111010 unadited 4 +1110111010 64-point 4 +1110111010 fiscal-fourth-quarter 5 +1110111010 five-cent-a-share 5 +1110111010 post-tax 6 +1110111010 nine-months 6 +1110111010 home-sales 6 +1110111010 secondquarter 6 +1110111010 fullyear 6 +1110111010 fourthquarter 7 +1110111010 30-cent-a-share 7 +1110111010 unremitted 7 +1110111010 current-quarter 7 +1110111010 10-cent-a-share 7 +1110111010 net-income 8 +1110111010 thirdquarter 9 +1110111010 per-ton 9 +1110111010 store-for-store 10 +1110111010 undistributed 11 +1110111010 second-period 16 +1110111010 third-period 17 +1110111010 aftertax 17 +1110111010 first-period 18 +1110111010 pershare 19 +1110111010 current-year 22 +1110111010 year-over-year 22 +1110111010 fourth-period 23 +1110111010 half-year 51 +1110111010 fiscal-year 52 +1110111010 second-half 106 +1110111010 unconsolidated 118 +1110111010 unaudited 124 +1110111010 first-half 461 +1110111010 full-year 495 +1110111010 consolidated 897 +1110111010 after-tax 1091 +1110111010 pre-tax 1121 +1110111010 per-share 1385 +1110111010 third-quarter 2023 +1110111010 first-quarter 2057 +1110111010 second-quarter 2142 +1110111010 pretax 2304 +1110111010 quarterly 3134 +1110111010 fourth-quarter 2541 +1110111011 executive-hamburger 1 +1110111011 over-stressed 1 +1110111011 already-sagging 1 +1110111011 liberalizer 1 +1110111011 11-foot 1 +1110111011 Versicherungs-Gesellschaft 1 +1110111011 116-112 1 +1110111011 panpipe 1 +1110111011 old-school-tie 1 +1110111011 prescription-insurance 1 +1110111011 Lappalainen 1 +1110111011 ahuge 1 +1110111011 still-increasing 1 +1110111011 already-thin 1 +1110111011 HMO-type 1 +1110111011 anti-copy 1 +1110111011 guilder-denominated 1 +1110111011 pop-top 1 +1110111011 directmail 1 +1110111011 204,167 1 +1110111011 oncehealthy 1 +1110111011 incentive-management 1 +1110111011 p.m.-7 1 +1110111011 588,697 1 +1110111011 capital-related 1 +1110111011 45,317 1 +1110111011 Oksanna 1 +1110111011 picture-transmission 1 +1110111011 after-inflation 1 +1110111011 premium-payment 1 +1110111011 already-slim 1 +1110111011 auction-type 1 +1110111011 output-incentive 1 +1110111011 reinoculation 1 +1110111011 1,800,000 1 +1110111011 quasi-interest 1 +1110111011 all-national 1 +1110111011 BARRING 1 +1110111011 advanced-automation 1 +1110111011 206,007 1 +1110111011 semi-naked 1 +1110111011 unwriterly 1 +1110111011 all-competitive 1 +1110111011 483,467 1 +1110111011 preprivatization 1 +1110111011 2,042,108 1 +1110111011 louse-borne 1 +1110111011 bank-rescue 1 +1110111011 municipal-fund 1 +1110111011 free-enterpise 1 +1110111011 odd-even 1 +1110111011 Chibas 1 +1110111011 131,400 1 +1110111011 once-royal 1 +1110111011 mini-rebellion 1 +1110111011 short-lasting 1 +1110111011 223,168 1 +1110111011 Kantorei 1 +1110111011 104,340 1 +1110111011 1,976,541 1 +1110111011 pretax-operating 1 +1110111011 33,407 1 +1110111011 weapons-test 1 +1110111011 97,974 1 +1110111011 early-alert 1 +1110111011 hexagonal 2 +1110111011 power-buying 2 +1110111011 chemical-products 2 +1110111011 equity-account 2 +1110111011 group-health-insurance 2 +1110111011 legal-compliance 2 +1110111011 gas-exploration 4 +1110111011 operating 11911 +1110111011 toxic-shock 7 +11101111000 environmental-technology 1 +11101111000 1,047,936 1 +11101111000 home-selling 1 +11101111000 discount-broker 1 +11101111000 Iiapco 1 +11101111000 London-brokerage 1 +11101111000 Slumps 1 +11101111000 Sizewell 1 +11101111000 451,743 1 +11101111000 41,772 1 +11101111000 IMMOBILAIRE 1 +11101111000 mega-debt 1 +11101111000 CRACK 1 +11101111000 cargo-airline 1 +11101111000 alkylation 1 +11101111000 tax-reporting 1 +11101111000 interest-paid 1 +11101111000 pro-vitamin 1 +11101111000 Gasco 1 +11101111000 loan-selling 1 +11101111000 trucking-industry 1 +11101111000 prostaglandine 1 +11101111000 extended-burn 1 +11101111000 ConvaTec 1 +11101111000 840,513 1 +11101111000 clone-proofing 1 +11101111000 QHI 1 +11101111000 855,255 1 +11101111000 155,054 1 +11101111000 market-auction 1 +11101111000 Marpac 1 +11101111000 vitmain 1 +11101111000 previously-proposed 1 +11101111000 carpet-making 1 +11101111000 15,948 1 +11101111000 slower-earning 1 +11101111000 Kitchenaid 1 +11101111000 well-drafted 1 +11101111000 cogeneration-development 1 +11101111000 84,596 1 +11101111000 currency-hedge 1 +11101111000 equities-trading 1 +11101111000 double-A-3-rated 1 +11101111000 1,884,000 1 +11101111000 hog-buying 1 +11101111000 machine-tool-factory 1 +11101111000 XJ-SC 1 +11101111000 security-service 1 +11101111000 tea-making 1 +11101111000 building-contracting 1 +11101111000 3,267,019 1 +11101111000 HealthWin 1 +11101111000 vacation-travel 1 +11101111000 177,479 1 +11101111000 high-dividend-rate 1 +11101111000 Ceraver 1 +11101111000 co-writing 1 +11101111000 OshKosh 1 +11101111000 anti-fruitcake 1 +11101111000 2,335,987 1 +11101111000 2,500-gate 1 +11101111000 107,130 1 +11101111000 Vedril 1 +11101111000 12,481,680 1 +11101111000 26-branch 1 +11101111000 per-script 1 +11101111000 Atkinson/Commonwealth 1 +11101111000 geography-bond 1 +11101111000 Cono 1 +11101111000 HEARTechnology 1 +11101111000 seven-tiered 1 +11101111000 tour-operating 1 +11101111000 Home-Club 1 +11101111000 FinAmerica 1 +11101111000 American-influenced 1 +11101111000 39,647 1 +11101111000 milage 1 +11101111000 92nd-Street 1 +11101111000 Bank-funded 1 +11101111000 3-mark 1 +11101111000 engines-and-turbine 1 +11101111000 interest-arrears 1 +11101111000 12-million-ton 1 +11101111000 minumum 1 +11101111000 Teltronics 1 +11101111000 single-C-rated 1 +11101111000 4,225,694 1 +11101111000 736,900 1 +11101111000 gourd-shaped 1 +11101111000 607,400 1 +11101111000 33,485 1 +11101111000 formula-rate 1 +11101111000 black-trimmed 1 +11101111000 bank-linked 1 +11101111000 lead-refining 1 +11101111000 cl 1 +11101111000 dividened 1 +11101111000 35,577 1 +11101111000 Brdcst 1 +11101111000 Bdcstg 1 +11101111000 DALLY 1 +11101111000 compliance-reporting 1 +11101111000 Harper-Wyman 1 +11101111000 Photomat 1 +11101111000 domestic-tobacco 1 +11101111000 1,100,001 1 +11101111000 microwave-cooking-products 1 +11101111000 roastee 1 +11101111000 energy-releasing 1 +11101111000 capital-assets 1 +11101111000 Retin 1 +11101111000 interim-dividend 1 +11101111000 Ohemeda 1 +11101111000 10,459,000 1 +11101111000 Daisy-Cadnetix 1 +11101111000 10,000-kilowatt 1 +11101111000 Guber-Peters-Barris 1 +11101111000 Dagger 1 +11101111000 country-limits 1 +11101111000 NF-Kappa 1 +11101111000 insulters 1 +11101111000 SQUARE 1 +11101111000 301,594 1 +11101111000 commercial-airplane 2 +11101111000 dollar-cost 2 +11101111000 particpating 2 +11101111000 DEVELOPING 2 +11101111000 Lenscrafter 2 +11101111000 Amphotericin 2 +11101111000 Signa 2 +11101111000 mile-square 2 +11101111000 13,350 2 +11101111000 Dryer 2 +11101111000 dress-slacks 2 +11101111000 477,500 2 +11101111000 preferred-customer 2 +11101111000 Cosimo 2 +11101111000 Immense 2 +11101111000 Viggo 2 +11101111000 20,120 2 +11101111000 Top-10 2 +11101111000 Trilea 2 +11101111000 24,150,000 2 +11101111000 NordicTrack 2 +11101111000 time-measuring 2 +11101111000 Addison-Wesley-Longman 2 +11101111000 commercial-leasing 2 +11101111000 principal-and-interest 2 +11101111000 plush-toy 2 +11101111000 BLOCK 2 +11101111000 princial 2 +11101111000 amphotericin 3 +11101111000 90-pound 3 +11101111000 569,200 3 +11101111000 Getaway 3 +11101111000 small-airplane 3 +11101111000 Wireline 3 +11101111000 dividends-received 3 +11101111000 Euroc 3 +11101111000 already-diminished 3 +11101111000 Zytel 3 +11101111000 3,975,000 3 +11101111000 MVestment 3 +11101111000 interstate-pipeline 3 +11101111000 Corporacion 3 +11101111000 Symmetry 4 +11101111000 prinicipal 4 +11101111000 zero-bracket 4 +11101111000 T/A 4 +11101111000 Ponderay 4 +11101111000 Bauhaus 4 +11101111000 Lancia 5 +11101111000 PAYSOP 5 +11101111000 Sharples-Stokes 5 +11101111000 Polyco 5 +11101111000 Etch 6 +11101111000 Retinyl 6 +11101111000 Intron 6 +11101111000 Triumph-Adler 7 +11101111000 Topic 7 +11101111000 Auction-rate 7 +11101111000 Vitamin 10 +11101111000 nai 10 +11101111000 Housekeeper 11 +11101111000 Hubby 11 +11101111000 rentable 12 +11101111000 Exhibit 12 +11101111000 Scud 13 +11101111000 Salon 14 +11101111000 Lazy 15 +11101111000 Statement 16 +11101111000 Grade 23 +11101111000 Hepatitis 26 +11101111000 Schedule 35 +11101111000 auction-rate 49 +11101111000 Type 61 +11101111000 vitamin 108 +11101111000 hepatitis 161 +11101111000 Discover 165 +11101111000 revolving 440 +11101111000 Series 1457 +11101111000 Class 3280 +11101111000 principal 3138 +11101111001 billion-schilling 1 +11101111001 Homare 1 +11101111001 non-gilt 1 +11101111001 junior-subordinated 1 +11101111001 299,100 1 +11101111001 overhype 1 +11101111001 639,996 1 +11101111001 desingers 1 +11101111001 Detroit-to-Florida 1 +11101111001 monthly-coupon 1 +11101111001 related-company 1 +11101111001 silver-indexed 1 +11101111001 115,455 1 +11101111001 peseta-selling 1 +11101111001 Merrill-style 1 +11101111001 13,050,000 1 +11101111001 portuguese-language 1 +11101111001 non-cummulative 1 +11101111001 overcriminalizing 1 +11101111001 1,329,130 1 +11101111001 sisterly 1 +11101111001 Minstar-issued 1 +11101111001 toasty 1 +11101111001 reduced-interest 1 +11101111001 26-8 1 +11101111001 Inc.-backed 1 +11101111001 single-A-plus-rated 1 +11101111001 35-kyat 1 +11101111001 75-kyat 1 +11101111001 8830001 1 +11101111001 8833018 1 +11101111001 B-rated 1 +11101111001 influence-wielding 1 +11101111001 89,933 1 +11101111001 506,784 1 +11101111001 crop-duster 1 +11101111001 1/2-game 1 +11101111001 B-a-2-rated 1 +11101111001 post-it 1 +11101111001 airline-qualified 1 +11101111001 ex-sparring 1 +11101111001 B-plus-rated 1 +11101111001 Boesky-issued 1 +11101111001 commercial-investor 1 +11101111001 920,016 1 +11101111001 2,720,032 1 +11101111001 1,844,715 1 +11101111001 Co-general 1 +11101111001 concrete-workers 1 +11101111001 double-C-rated 1 +11101111001 128,950 1 +11101111001 double-B-plus-rated 1 +11101111001 2,575,000 1 +11101111001 convertbile 1 +11101111001 14,650,000 1 +11101111001 propagandization 1 +11101111001 revenue-anticipation 1 +11101111001 equity-commitment 1 +11101111001 single-A-minus-rated 1 +11101111001 CTM-affiliated 1 +11101111001 double-A/triple-A 1 +11101111001 player-agent 1 +11101111001 subdordinated 1 +11101111001 secured-equipment 1 +11101111001 Animator 1 +11101111001 396,454 1 +11101111001 accumlated 1 +11101111001 unbacked 1 +11101111001 919,905 1 +11101111001 near-legend 1 +11101111001 program-supplier 1 +11101111001 extinguishable 1 +11101111001 Japan-targeted 1 +11101111001 very-short-term 1 +11101111001 169-member 1 +11101111001 Non-recourse 1 +11101111001 gasoline-guzzling 1 +11101111001 5,118,800 1 +11101111001 23,167,000 1 +11101111001 236,018 1 +11101111001 capital-income 1 +11101111001 municipal-market 1 +11101111001 punitiveness 1 +11101111001 1989-Third 1 +11101111001 rate-type 1 +11101111001 wrong-doing 1 +11101111001 plastic-hologram 1 +11101111001 position-building 1 +11101111001 non-Eastern 1 +11101111001 1152.13 1 +11101111001 1349.9 1 +11101111001 B-1-rated 1 +11101111001 bearer-form 1 +11101111001 mini-films 1 +11101111001 payable-in-kind 1 +11101111001 fixed/adjustable-rate 1 +11101111001 subpart 1 +11101111001 shares.The 1 +11101111001 7-1/4 1 +11101111001 openess 1 +11101111001 who's-in-charge 1 +11101111001 Mitibank 1 +11101111001 non-asset-backed 1 +11101111001 heavy-voting 1 +11101111001 rating-sensitive 1 +11101111001 resort-building 1 +11101111001 RIA 1 +11101111001 eightyear 1 +11101111001 junk-bond-rate 1 +11101111001 40,902 1 +11101111001 1,505,028 1 +11101111001 intermediateterm 1 +11101111001 GM-made 1 +11101111001 interestrates 1 +11101111001 highgrade 1 +11101111001 11,226 1 +11101111001 377,591 1 +11101111001 4,157 1 +11101111001 41,134 1 +11101111001 less-fussy 1 +11101111001 singleA-3-rated 1 +11101111001 6,880,000 1 +11101111001 Fila 1 +11101111001 collateralised 1 +11101111001 double-B-rated 2 +11101111001 386,662 2 +11101111001 Rade 2 +11101111001 public-housing-project 2 +11101111001 triple-A-3 2 +11101111001 credit-card-backed 2 +11101111001 1.4625 2 +11101111001 0-2 2 +11101111001 nondischargable 2 +11101111001 two-rupee 2 +11101111001 pay-through 2 +11101111001 convertible-subordinated 2 +11101111001 130,423 2 +11101111001 triple-C-plus-rated 2 +11101111001 guranteed 2 +11101111001 10,339 2 +11101111001 bank-equity 2 +11101111001 3,695 2 +11101111001 Antilles-issued 2 +11101111001 5,999,800 2 +11101111001 par-value 2 +11101111001 Barbie-doll 2 +11101111001 nondischargeable 2 +11101111001 auction-market 3 +11101111001 lease-backed 3 +11101111001 4,650,000 3 +11101111001 oil-indexed 3 +11101111001 tax-anticipation 3 +11101111001 ordinary-share 3 +11101111001 Ba-3-rated 3 +11101111001 multiclass 3 +11101111001 nonredeemable 3 +11101111001 gold-indexed 3 +11101111001 triple-C-rated 3 +11101111001 receivables-backed 3 +11101111001 remarketable 3 +11101111001 senior-subordinated 3 +11101111001 newly-issued 3 +11101111001 IV-drug 3 +11101111001 non-call 3 +11101111001 untraded 3 +11101111001 covertible 4 +11101111001 single-B-plus-rated 4 +11101111001 10-dollar 4 +11101111001 single-B-minus-rated 5 +11101111001 non-recourse 6 +11101111001 single-B-rated 6 +11101111001 exchangable 6 +11101111001 resettable 6 +11101111001 dual-currency 7 +11101111001 untendered 7 +11101111001 one-dollar 9 +11101111001 triple-B-rated 9 +11101111001 90-cent 10 +11101111001 retractable 11 +11101111001 noncumulative 11 +11101111001 non-interest-bearing 12 +11101111001 non-cumulative 14 +11101111001 shelf-registered 15 +11101111001 extendable 16 +11101111001 nonconvertible 18 +11101111001 remarketed 25 +11101111001 pay-in-kind 28 +11101111001 increasing-rate 32 +11101111001 extendible 35 +11101111001 sinking-fund 90 +11101111001 reset 141 +11101111001 promissory 158 +11101111001 collateralized 160 +11101111001 redeemable 264 +11101111001 exchangeable 293 +11101111001 medium-term 388 +11101111001 floating-rate 508 +11101111001 cumulative 813 +11101111001 unsecured 922 +11101111001 secured 1061 +11101111001 convertible 3410 +11101111001 subordinated 2954 +11101111010 full-stay 1 +11101111010 higher-costing 1 +11101111010 right-to-die 1 +11101111010 late-round 1 +11101111010 spublic 1 +11101111010 1,606 1 +11101111010 similiar-maturing 1 +11101111010 oil-application 1 +11101111010 alcoholic-beverage-industry 1 +11101111010 planned-for 1 +11101111010 death-transcending 1 +11101111010 per-launch 1 +11101111010 retail-investor 1 +11101111010 laryngeal 1 +11101111010 FSLIC-issued 1 +11101111010 drug-export 1 +11101111010 aerospace-tooling 1 +11101111010 cutting-rights 1 +11101111010 sometimes-flimsy 1 +11101111010 Soviet-Turkish 1 +11101111010 20-million-share 1 +11101111010 installment-debt 1 +11101111010 heavier-than-anticipated 1 +11101111010 102-city 1 +11101111010 nonaccural 1 +11101111010 automatic-firing 1 +11101111010 pianistic 1 +11101111010 touristic 1 +11101111010 1,100-foot 1 +11101111010 Argentine-Brazilian 1 +11101111010 meat-price 1 +11101111010 20,421,865 1 +11101111010 Chrysler-backed 1 +11101111010 non-yen 1 +11101111010 Arasy 1 +11101111010 once-secondary 1 +11101111010 thirty-year 1 +11101111010 pretty-good-rated 1 +11101111010 1-capable 1 +11101111010 mortgage-industry 1 +11101111010 35,828 1 +11101111010 7,585 1 +11101111010 5,928 1 +11101111010 ammunitions 1 +11101111010 579,810 1 +11101111010 economic-populist 1 +11101111010 OTC-listed 1 +11101111010 settlement-related 1 +11101111010 114,330 1 +11101111010 spot-buying 1 +11101111010 milk-supply 1 +11101111010 distribution-system 1 +11101111010 large-deposit 1 +11101111010 eight-times 1 +11101111010 producing/directing 1 +11101111010 private-equity 1 +11101111010 38-day 1 +11101111010 apprentice-type 1 +11101111010 UYQ-21 1 +11101111010 nontrade 2 +11101111010 comparable-maturity 2 +11101111010 OPEC-related 2 +11101111010 shareholder/management 2 +11101111010 January-April 2 +11101111010 30year 2 +11101111010 arms-transfer 2 +11101111010 non-accural 2 +11101111010 lower-interest 2 +11101111010 water-and-sewer 2 +11101111010 higher-rated 2 +11101111010 Mexico-style 2 +11101111010 drought-aid 2 +11101111010 farm-relief 2 +11101111010 less-developed-countries 2 +11101111010 1,368 2 +11101111010 36,000-mile 2 +11101111010 non-dollar-denominated 2 +11101111010 already-serious 2 +11101111010 second-resolution 2 +11101111010 state-issued 2 +11101111010 per-farm 2 +11101111010 political-contributions 2 +11101111010 litmus-test 2 +11101111010 multiple-part 2 +11101111010 1692 2 +11101111010 dollar-plus 2 +11101111010 low-income-housing 2 +11101111010 unmatured 3 +11101111010 247-day 3 +11101111010 non-mortgage 3 +11101111010 market-led 3 +11101111010 non-marketable 3 +11101111010 rights-issue 3 +11101111010 training-camp 3 +11101111010 index-based 3 +11101111010 higher-coupon 3 +11101111010 petroleum-price 3 +11101111010 spring-planting 3 +11101111010 now-defaulted 3 +11101111010 Mexican-debt 3 +11101111010 500-mark 3 +11101111010 longerterm 4 +11101111010 coupon-bearing 4 +11101111010 going-concern 4 +11101111010 similar-maturity 4 +11101111010 taxfree 4 +11101111010 currency-induced 4 +11101111010 sixmonth 4 +11101111010 home-secured 4 +11101111010 Treasury-issued 4 +11101111010 biannual 5 +11101111010 foreign-stock 5 +11101111010 2-related 5 +11101111010 10year 5 +11101111010 oneyear 6 +11101111010 threemonth 6 +11101111010 credit-market 6 +11101111010 three-to-five-year 6 +11101111010 36-month 7 +11101111010 consumer-debt 7 +11101111010 six-months 7 +11101111010 longer-dated 8 +11101111010 doctrinal 8 +11101111010 higher-grade 8 +11101111010 problem-country 8 +11101111010 pension-related 9 +11101111010 shorter-dated 9 +11101111010 60-month 11 +11101111010 28-day 11 +11101111010 large-denomination 12 +11101111010 long-dated 14 +11101111010 risk-adjusted 15 +11101111010 prurient 15 +11101111010 high-interest-rate 15 +11101111010 shortterm 16 +11101111010 24-month 18 +11101111010 tax-favored 21 +11101111010 single-A-rated 22 +11101111010 nonaccrual 24 +11101111010 working-capital 29 +11101111010 past-due 30 +11101111010 similar-maturing 31 +11101111010 intermediate-term 47 +11101111010 longterm 58 +11101111010 developing-country 74 +11101111010 shorter-term 83 +11101111010 yen-denominated 92 +11101111010 non-accrual 182 +11101111010 26-week 306 +11101111010 13-week 315 +11101111010 longer-term 389 +11101111010 three-month 945 +11101111010 six-month 1116 +11101111010 10-year 1632 +11101111010 30-year 2003 +11101111010 long-term 6763 +11101111010 short-term 4162 +11101111011 marketable-equity 1 +11101111011 property-secured 1 +11101111011 low-drain 1 +11101111011 fluid-system 1 +11101111011 9,997 1 +11101111011 coal-haulage 1 +11101111011 forestry-project 1 +11101111011 second-lien 1 +11101111011 prime-based 1 +11101111011 nonperfomring 1 +11101111011 fourth-mortgage 1 +11101111011 better-grade 1 +11101111011 loan-fund 1 +11101111011 long-bearish 1 +11101111011 Drexelissued 1 +11101111011 wellregarded 1 +11101111011 non-accountable 1 +11101111011 escrow-type 1 +11101111011 Iranian-supplied 1 +11101111011 advanced-fee 1 +11101111011 hard-to-price 1 +11101111011 non-rated 1 +11101111011 1,242 1 +11101111011 6,659 1 +11101111011 wholesale-power 1 +11101111011 2,700-pound 1 +11101111011 Marcos-held 1 +11101111011 OAT 1 +11101111011 121,378 1 +11101111011 77,470 1 +11101111011 6-month 1 +11101111011 condominium-construction 1 +11101111011 three-currency 1 +11101111011 agency-approved 1 +11101111011 size-small 1 +11101111011 25,212 1 +11101111011 46,250,000 1 +11101111011 session-ending 1 +11101111011 milker 1 +11101111011 stadium-construction 1 +11101111011 court-stripping 1 +11101111011 more-pummeled 1 +11101111011 280-person 1 +11101111011 5,152 1 +11101111011 market-to-market 1 +11101111011 113-year 1 +11101111011 Bowmaker 1 +11101111011 non-delinquent 1 +11101111011 unirrigated 1 +11101111011 ratecase 1 +11101111011 construction-project 1 +11101111011 energy-state 1 +11101111011 heavy-weaponry 1 +11101111011 junior-senior 1 +11101111011 EDS-related 1 +11101111011 multiple-year 1 +11101111011 warrant-bearing 1 +11101111011 housing-rehabilitation 1 +11101111011 multiple-machine 1 +11101111011 2,951 1 +11101111011 ever-riskier 1 +11101111011 42,531 1 +11101111011 still-deductible 1 +11101111011 slowpaying 1 +11101111011 homeequity 1 +11101111011 overseas-futures 1 +11101111011 monthy 1 +11101111011 97,200 1 +11101111011 1,458 1 +11101111011 fixed-rated 1 +11101111011 difficult-to-collect 1 +11101111011 mortgage-collateralized 1 +11101111011 non-negative-amortization 1 +11101111011 time-controlled 1 +11101111011 continous 1 +11101111011 rate-linked 1 +11101111011 securities-based 1 +11101111011 ammunition-products 1 +11101111011 administration-supported 1 +11101111011 quarterly-expiration 1 +11101111011 130-mm 1 +11101111011 multilateral-agency 1 +11101111011 Kroh-related 1 +11101111011 income-property 1 +11101111011 260-odd 1 +11101111011 18,057 1 +11101111011 Debt-backed 1 +11101111011 mortage-backing 1 +11101111011 bank-guaranteed 1 +11101111011 492,844 1 +11101111011 37,864 1 +11101111011 568,120 1 +11101111011 14,370 1 +11101111011 more-timely 1 +11101111011 reserve-based 1 +11101111011 interlibrary 1 +11101111011 50,058 1 +11101111011 multistock 1 +11101111011 legal-residence 1 +11101111011 rural-electrification 1 +11101111011 127,386 1 +11101111011 152,846 1 +11101111011 deficit-covering 1 +11101111011 balloon-payment 1 +11101111011 MIRA 1 +11101111011 5,795,890 1 +11101111011 emergency-assistance 1 +11101111011 high-yeild 1 +11101111011 failed-bank 1 +11101111011 42,148 1 +11101111011 57,732 1 +11101111011 less-star-struck 1 +11101111011 pre-1949 1 +11101111011 latticeworks 1 +11101111011 chenin 1 +11101111011 monetary-stabilization 1 +11101111011 student-visa 1 +11101111011 already-transferred 1 +11101111011 Swiss-franc-denominated 1 +11101111011 mark-futures 1 +11101111011 AVC 1 +11101111011 Mortgage-related 1 +11101111011 101,552 1 +11101111011 5,000-dong 1 +11101111011 non-junk 1 +11101111011 zero-octane 1 +11101111011 assurety 1 +11101111011 low-down-payment 1 +11101111011 blue-chip-caliber 1 +11101111011 unmarketed 1 +11101111011 sequential-payment 1 +11101111011 base-lending 1 +11101111011 tank-related 1 +11101111011 take-or-buy 1 +11101111011 1989-71 1 +11101111011 job-destruction 1 +11101111011 781,746 1 +11101111011 cocoa-futures 1 +11101111011 vehicle-service 1 +11101111011 fewer-than-expected 1 +11101111011 888,256 1 +11101111011 709,273 1 +11101111011 1,244 1 +11101111011 death-backed 1 +11101111011 WLRO-FM 1 +11101111011 11,684 1 +11101111011 12,776 1 +11101111011 AA-rated 1 +11101111011 1-for-6 1 +11101111011 longer-termed 1 +11101111011 5-year 1 +11101111011 natural-gas-company 1 +11101111011 arbitrage-driven 1 +11101111011 unreceived 1 +11101111011 share-options 1 +11101111011 farm-operating 1 +11101111011 Euro-DM 1 +11101111011 cheif 1 +11101111011 asset-starved 1 +11101111011 50-million-peseta 1 +11101111011 thousand-share 1 +11101111011 inferior-quality 1 +11101111011 Unix-Sparc 1 +11101111011 medium-sized-business 1 +11101111011 Equity-warrant 1 +11101111011 tophatted 1 +11101111011 Ticor-insured 1 +11101111011 gas-measurement 1 +11101111011 lot-only 1 +11101111011 tax-savings 1 +11101111011 2,841 1 +11101111011 bad-bank 1 +11101111011 single-home 1 +11101111011 807,381 1 +11101111011 mortgagebacked 1 +11101111011 assets-government 1 +11101111011 dollar-buy 1 +11101111011 shelf-registration 1 +11101111011 shared-participation 1 +11101111011 1,263 1 +11101111011 3,000-pound 1 +11101111011 bond-insured 1 +11101111011 pregnancy-for-pay 1 +11101111011 deal-related 1 +11101111011 1,268 1 +11101111011 stop/loss 1 +11101111011 bubble-canopy 1 +11101111011 different-quality 1 +11101111011 civilian-aircraft 1 +11101111011 mortgage-revenue 1 +11101111011 cotton-goods 1 +11101111011 audio-video-based 1 +11101111011 non-earnings 1 +11101111011 non-federal 1 +11101111011 36,255 1 +11101111011 1,024,457 1 +11101111011 923,653 1 +11101111011 newdrug 1 +11101111011 capital-bank 1 +11101111011 pilot-labor 1 +11101111011 most-capitalized 1 +11101111011 Colts-type 1 +11101111011 energyrelated 1 +11101111011 mortage-backed 2 +11101111011 1,243 2 +11101111011 slablike 2 +11101111011 REA-guaranteed 2 +11101111011 Drexel-issued 2 +11101111011 six-digit 2 +11101111011 more-volatile 2 +11101111011 value-related 2 +11101111011 health-facility 2 +11101111011 group-travel 2 +11101111011 government-agency 2 +11101111011 vehicle-loan 2 +11101111011 multiple-family 2 +11101111011 exempt-organization 2 +11101111011 Treausry 2 +11101111011 junk-bond-backed 2 +11101111011 less-than-investment-grade 2 +11101111011 longest-term 2 +11101111011 installment-loan 2 +11101111011 foot-thick 2 +11101111011 second-section 2 +11101111011 single-sponsor 2 +11101111011 VA-backed 2 +11101111011 cruzado-denominated 2 +11101111011 post-strike 2 +11101111011 SuperCore 2 +11101111011 flexible-rate 2 +11101111011 revenue-refunding 2 +11101111011 Deeridge 2 +11101111011 bargain-rate 2 +11101111011 Treasury-linked 2 +11101111011 discount-window 2 +11101111011 noninvestment-grade 2 +11101111011 2,831 2 +11101111011 undrawn 2 +11101111011 bank-sponsored 2 +11101111011 project-based 2 +11101111011 peak-season 2 +11101111011 sub-market 2 +11101111011 VA-guaranteed 2 +11101111011 now-doubtful 2 +11101111011 lira-denominated 2 +11101111011 first-resolution 2 +11101111011 long-maturity 2 +11101111011 unrepaid 2 +11101111011 spectroscopic 2 +11101111011 overseas-dependent 2 +11101111011 interest-rate-futures 2 +11101111011 SBA-related 2 +11101111011 quick-disbursing 2 +11101111011 yuan-denominated 2 +11101111011 more-desirable 2 +11101111011 junk-backed 2 +11101111011 PROF 2 +11101111011 mortgage-based 2 +11101111011 home-purchase 3 +11101111011 international-agency 3 +11101111011 private-purpose 3 +11101111011 deferred-interest 3 +11101111011 foreign-currency-denominated 3 +11101111011 housing-backed 3 +11101111011 post-petition 3 +11101111011 no-money-down 3 +11101111011 zero-interest 3 +11101111011 seller-financed 3 +11101111011 building-refurbishing 3 +11101111011 adjustablerate 3 +11101111011 debt-based 3 +11101111011 ex-warrant 3 +11101111011 residential-mortgage 3 +11101111011 consumer-installment 3 +11101111011 higher-interest 3 +11101111011 interest-only/principal-only 3 +11101111011 below-market-rate 3 +11101111011 sous-vide 3 +11101111011 Drexel-managed 3 +11101111011 supply-driven 3 +11101111011 junkier 3 +11101111011 fixedrate 3 +11101111011 M-4 3 +11101111011 lease-obligation 3 +11101111011 Treasury-note 3 +11101111011 building-society 3 +11101111011 hundred-dollar 3 +11101111011 Chichi 3 +11101111011 corporate/government 3 +11101111011 non-yen-denominated 3 +11101111011 junkiest 4 +11101111011 municipal-revenue 4 +11101111011 Japanese-government 4 +11101111011 hard-to-sell 4 +11101111011 higher-rate 4 +11101111011 planned-amortization 4 +11101111011 Campeau-related 4 +11101111011 boat-loan 4 +11101111011 deficit-financing 4 +11101111011 second-line 4 +11101111011 nonaccruing 4 +11101111011 medium-dated 4 +11101111011 72-month 4 +11101111011 SBA-guaranteed 4 +11101111011 mortgaged-backed 4 +11101111011 collaterized 4 +11101111011 WHOOPS 4 +11101111011 short-maturity 4 +11101111011 Drexel-underwritten 4 +11101111011 nonmarketable 4 +11101111011 FSLIC-guaranteed 4 +11101111011 option-like 4 +11101111011 FHA-backed 4 +11101111011 charged-off 4 +11101111011 shorter-maturity 4 +11101111011 government-issued 4 +11101111011 non-project 4 +11101111011 personal-recognizance 5 +11101111011 REMIC 5 +11101111011 sovereign-risk 5 +11101111011 unbilled 5 +11101111011 low-yield 5 +11101111011 government-related 5 +11101111011 loan-backed 5 +11101111011 longer-maturity 5 +11101111011 policy-based 5 +11101111011 nonrecourse 5 +11101111011 current-coupon 5 +11101111011 uncollateralized 5 +11101111011 build-nothing 5 +11101111011 unshipped 5 +11101111011 fixed-term 5 +11101111011 muncipal 5 +11101111011 savings-type 5 +11101111011 non-investment-grade 5 +11101111011 gold-backed 6 +11101111011 gold-futures 6 +11101111011 TMIC-insured 6 +11101111011 rising-rate 6 +11101111011 reduced-rate 6 +11101111011 graduated-payment 6 +11101111011 FHA-insured 6 +11101111011 pre-refunded 6 +11101111011 passthrough 6 +11101111011 debt-backed 6 +11101111011 Shogun 6 +11101111011 industrial-revenue 6 +11101111011 multi-currency 6 +11101111011 private-activity 6 +11101111011 no-interest 6 +11101111011 auto-loan 6 +11101111011 less-liquid 6 +11101111011 reduction-option 6 +11101111011 income-contingent 7 +11101111011 non-gold 7 +11101111011 corporate-debt 7 +11101111011 Libor-linked 7 +11101111011 below-investment-grade 7 +11101111011 less-developed-country 7 +11101111011 various-purpose 7 +11101111011 gold-linked 8 +11101111011 high-rated 8 +11101111011 special-tax 8 +11101111011 cash-equivalent 9 +11101111011 gilt-edged 9 +11101111011 highest-yielding 9 +11101111011 foreign-denominated 9 +11101111011 GNMA 9 +11101111011 sole-source 9 +11101111011 highyield 9 +11101111011 Vendee 9 +11101111011 baccalaureate 9 +11101111011 pre-petition 10 +11101111011 steel-belted 10 +11101111011 fixed-interest 10 +11101111011 escrowed 10 +11101111011 golden-parachute 11 +11101111011 market-rate 11 +11101111011 shared-equity 11 +11101111011 renminbi 11 +11101111011 Treasury-bill 11 +11101111011 market-on-close 11 +11101111011 new-money 11 +11101111011 speculative-grade 11 +11101111011 MortgagePower 12 +11101111011 lower-yielding 12 +11101111011 Canadian-dollar 12 +11101111011 rocket-propelled 12 +11101111011 government-insured 13 +11101111011 lower-rated 13 +11101111011 mark-denominated 13 +11101111011 short-dated 13 +11101111011 ECU-denominated 14 +11101111011 blind-pool 14 +11101111011 FMS 14 +11101111011 general-obligation 17 +11101111011 uncollectable 18 +11101111011 pound-denominated 18 +11101111011 mortage 19 +11101111011 concessional 19 +11101111011 Ecuadoran 20 +11101111011 Swiss-franc 20 +11101111011 interest-only 20 +11101111011 payment-in-kind 20 +11101111011 PIK 20 +11101111011 tradeable 20 +11101111011 untied 21 +11101111011 gratis 21 +11101111011 index-linked 22 +11101111011 high-coupon 23 +11101111011 asset-based 23 +11101111011 mezzanine 24 +11101111011 structural-adjustment 24 +11101111011 low-yielding 25 +11101111011 surety 26 +11101111011 trade-related 26 +11101111011 principal-only 27 +11101111011 low-quality 28 +11101111011 AMT 28 +11101111011 low-rate 29 +11101111011 securitized 30 +11101111011 government-guaranteed 30 +11101111011 home-mortgage 30 +11101111011 mortgage-related 32 +11101111011 third-mortgage 34 +11101111011 bridging 34 +11101111011 REA 37 +11101111011 cash-management 38 +11101111011 low-grade 39 +11101111011 equity-related 43 +11101111011 non-performing 51 +11101111011 Euromark 53 +11101111011 pass-through 57 +11101111011 low-rated 57 +11101111011 equity-warrant 61 +11101111011 Eurosterling 67 +11101111011 first-mortgage 67 +11101111011 equity-linked 67 +11101111011 government-backed 73 +11101111011 high-interest 75 +11101111011 lien 75 +11101111011 noncompetitive 82 +11101111011 non-dollar 83 +11101111011 variable-rate 90 +11101111011 bearer 96 +11101111011 interest-free 98 +11101111011 high-yielding 103 +11101111011 asset-backed 109 +11101111011 fixed-coupon 110 +11101111011 unfilled 117 +11101111011 ECU 119 +11101111011 low-interest 122 +11101111011 investment-grade 128 +11101111011 serial 138 +11101111011 Euroyen 159 +11101111011 home-equity 187 +11101111011 marketable 211 +11101111011 Remic 233 +11101111011 installment 234 +11101111011 adjustable-rate 267 +11101111011 zero-coupon 312 +11101111011 dollar-denominated 349 +11101111011 nonperforming 368 +11101111011 high-risk 402 +11101111011 refunding 438 +11101111011 mortgage-backed 648 +11101111011 tax-exempt 664 +11101111011 high-yield 753 +11101111011 Eurodollar 839 +11101111011 bridge 845 +11101111011 fixed-rate 877 +11101111011 municipal 2077 +11101111011 mortgage 3940 +11101111011 junk 2100 +11101111100 peaked-and-gabled 1 +11101111100 gun-buying 1 +11101111100 fun-sated 1 +11101111100 sometimes-lucrative 1 +11101111100 institution-oriented 1 +11101111100 scientific-information 1 +11101111100 high-oil-price 1 +11101111100 still-tight 1 +11101111100 already-burdensome 1 +11101111100 UV200 1 +11101111100 hard-crabble 1 +11101111100 post-moral 1 +11101111100 bargain-minded 1 +11101111100 liability-happy 1 +11101111100 all-too-real 1 +11101111100 IBM-AT-compatible 1 +11101111100 advertising-saturated 1 +11101111100 dual-chambered 1 +11101111100 workanight 1 +11101111100 Syncopated 1 +11101111100 maple-tree 1 +11101111100 all-too-troubled 1 +11101111100 chemi-thermo 1 +11101111100 large-scaled 1 +11101111100 HFA 1 +11101111100 technology-dominated 1 +11101111100 sublunar 1 +11101111100 SH60-J 1 +11101111100 data-oriented 1 +11101111100 metallic-looking 1 +11101111100 post-death 1 +11101111100 money-driven 1 +11101111100 clement 1 +11101111100 pass-dominated 1 +11101111100 good-guy/bad-guy 1 +11101111100 windmill-based 1 +11101111100 mortgage/real 1 +11101111100 yell-and-holler 1 +11101111100 lectio 1 +11101111100 50-star 1 +11101111100 nonreal 1 +11101111100 not-yet-developed 1 +11101111100 out-of-time 1 +11101111100 once-shadowy 1 +11101111100 fast-vanishing 1 +11101111100 below-the-reach-of-the-media 1 +11101111100 Potage 1 +11101111100 trust-your-buddy 1 +11101111100 often-inept 1 +11101111100 megamoney 1 +11101111100 punk-music 1 +11101111100 easy-to-explain 1 +11101111100 then-oversupplied 1 +11101111100 once-staid 1 +11101111100 Shearerlike 1 +11101111100 killjoy 1 +11101111100 90-nation 1 +11101111100 two-power 1 +11101111100 overdeveloped 1 +11101111100 2,529 1 +11101111100 Papandreotic 1 +11101111100 oversubsidized 1 +11101111100 Islamic-dominated 1 +11101111100 1643 2 +11101111100 4,800-acre 2 +11101111100 Brat 2 +11101111100 seven-acre 2 +11101111100 Pomerol 2 +11101111100 Moslem-Christian 2 +11101111100 Ils 2 +11101111100 multisyllabic 2 +11101111100 bureacratic 3 +11101111100 Dragonbreath 3 +11101111100 iconographic 3 +11101111100 non-real 3 +11101111100 deterministic 3 +11101111100 boom-to-bust 3 +11101111100 truth-in-packaging 3 +11101111100 technicolor 3 +11101111100 farm-boy 4 +11101111100 13-acre 4 +11101111100 spatial 4 +11101111100 proxy-fight 4 +11101111100 real 12277 +11101111100 Netherland 9 +11101111101 Crass 1 +11101111101 non-securities-related 1 +11101111101 raw-steel 1 +11101111101 resalable 1 +11101111101 catastrophicillness 1 +11101111101 yarn-processing 1 +11101111101 1,552,600 1 +11101111101 don't-rock-the-boat 1 +11101111101 rib-cage 1 +11101111101 13-event 1 +11101111101 1,734,000 1 +11101111101 incentive-stock 1 +11101111101 478,300 1 +11101111101 CRYOGENIC 1 +11101111101 wide-mouth 1 +11101111101 13,325,365 1 +11101111101 3,029,235 1 +11101111101 four-quart 1 +11101111101 wealth-producing 1 +11101111101 three-dimensional-graphics 1 +11101111101 headache-inducing 1 +11101111101 procurement-oversight 1 +11101111101 air-terminal 1 +11101111101 gas-handling 1 +11101111101 Kotaneelee 1 +11101111101 Yinggehai 1 +11101111101 100-kilometer 1 +11101111101 capital-loss 1 +11101111101 blue-and-white-capped 1 +11101111101 sealed-environment 1 +11101111101 poision 1 +11101111101 gold-and 1 +11101111101 nonperishable 1 +11101111101 still-photograph 1 +11101111101 filmproduction 1 +11101111101 sacher-torte 1 +11101111101 water-absorbent 1 +11101111101 ship-handling 1 +11101111101 midload 1 +11101111101 tourist-traffic 1 +11101111101 750-orchid 1 +11101111101 10,025,316 1 +11101111101 Kyodo-branded 1 +11101111101 inflation-hedged 1 +11101111101 then-cheaper 1 +11101111101 size-42 1 +11101111101 algae-breeding 1 +11101111101 client-of-the-state 1 +11101111101 nuclear-strike 1 +11101111101 transformative 1 +11101111101 extra-terrestrial 1 +11101111101 alcohol/drug 1 +11101111101 chip-fabricating 1 +11101111101 landing-fees 1 +11101111101 nondeferred 1 +11101111101 misallocate 1 +11101111101 college-basketball 1 +11101111101 494,500 1 +11101111101 super-unleaded 1 +11101111101 oral-argument 1 +11101111101 light-bending 1 +11101111101 prohibitied 1 +11101111101 220,000-word 1 +11101111101 opertions 1 +11101111101 counter-mine 1 +11101111101 360,537 1 +11101111101 work-program 1 +11101111101 assault-weapon 1 +11101111101 returned-rock 1 +11101111101 equitypurchase 1 +11101111101 70-child 1 +11101111101 12-to-20-user 1 +11101111101 Bleacher 1 +11101111101 smart-mouthed 1 +11101111101 carpeting-related 1 +11101111101 fat-fighting 1 +11101111101 at-the-desk 1 +11101111101 30-mm 1 +11101111101 30-mm. 1 +11101111101 calendar-watching 1 +11101111101 hydroelectric-generating 1 +11101111101 Gavel-to-gavel 1 +11101111101 tumor-fighting 1 +11101111101 semi-proven 1 +11101111101 traffic-handling 1 +11101111101 good-for-a-lifetime 1 +11101111101 sports-news 1 +11101111101 flavoring-free 1 +11101111101 15,000-megawatt 1 +11101111101 well-tempered 1 +11101111101 918,411 1 +11101111101 Heimdal 1 +11101111101 Frigg 1 +11101111101 dealer-added 1 +11101111101 whiskey-making 1 +11101111101 Saltine 1 +11101111101 multi-situs 1 +11101111101 kiwi-fruit 1 +11101111101 swingy 1 +11101111101 career-jolting 1 +11101111101 tanklike 1 +11101111101 fidiciary 1 +11101111101 1,043,000 1 +11101111101 educational-facilities 1 +11101111101 tooth-for-a-tooth 1 +11101111101 Urongoi 1 +11101111101 199,363 1 +11101111101 oven-ready 1 +11101111101 price-bolstering 1 +11101111101 marriage-penalty 1 +11101111101 stay-cool 1 +11101111101 future-claims 1 +11101111101 oversea 1 +11101111101 war-widening 1 +11101111101 non-renewable 1 +11101111101 feeder-cattle 1 +11101111101 deficit-bred 1 +11101111101 womb-to-tomb 1 +11101111101 random-length 1 +11101111101 tortilla-wrapped 1 +11101111101 200,000-ton-a-year 1 +11101111101 Merc-listed 1 +11101111101 france 1 +11101111101 371,500 1 +11101111101 religious-school 1 +11101111101 tissue-paper-like 1 +11101111101 government-bonds 1 +11101111101 debt-maturity 1 +11101111101 partial-reserve 1 +11101111101 burking 1 +11101111101 combat-plane 1 +11101111101 5,098,420 1 +11101111101 scantiest 1 +11101111101 51,788 1 +11101111101 protoplanetary 1 +11101111101 agricultural-sector 1 +11101111101 115-person 1 +11101111101 moment-to-moment 1 +11101111101 printing-paper 1 +11101111101 Trans-Texas 1 +11101111101 debtor-possession 1 +11101111101 debt-induced 1 +11101111101 68,457 1 +11101111101 fixed-repayment 1 +11101111101 private-management 1 +11101111101 Jamburg 1 +11101111101 morefickle 1 +11101111101 latermaturing 1 +11101111101 continuous-release 1 +11101111101 5,200-foot 1 +11101111101 dollar-traded 1 +11101111101 turbine-building 1 +11101111101 travelogue-style 1 +11101111101 vaccine-related 1 +11101111101 35-million-pound 1 +11101111101 institutionwide 1 +11101111101 avaiation 1 +11101111101 European-initiated 1 +11101111101 multitier 1 +11101111101 congressional-presidential 1 +11101111101 basic-load 1 +11101111101 Court-controlled 1 +11101111101 falciparum 1 +11101111101 20,100 1 +11101111101 soul-healing 1 +11101111101 lower-48 1 +11101111101 1710 1 +11101111101 tax-hike 1 +11101111101 quilt-filled 1 +11101111101 cementlike 1 +11101111101 180-game 1 +11101111101 I-4 1 +11101111101 rhinestone-studded 1 +11101111101 common-bulb 1 +11101111101 1,200-bunk 1 +11101111101 profit-reducing 1 +11101111101 through-put 1 +11101111101 property/ 1 +11101111101 counter-spying 1 +11101111101 strike-force 1 +11101111101 hair-sized 1 +11101111101 worst-first 1 +11101111101 low-deductible 1 +11101111101 27,000-kilowatt 1 +11101111101 peak-volume 1 +11101111101 softwood-pulp 1 +11101111101 naked-put 1 +11101111101 absorptive 1 +11101111101 cranberry-flavored 1 +11101111101 activated-carbon 1 +11101111101 lease-like 1 +11101111101 stock-indexed 1 +11101111101 unforethought 1 +11101111101 inside-the-paper 1 +11101111101 mine-waste 1 +11101111101 blimp-making 1 +11101111101 62,749 1 +11101111101 scatter-shot 1 +11101111101 large-agency 1 +11101111101 550-million-pound 1 +11101111101 grain-related 1 +11101111101 physical-delivery 1 +11101111101 deferred-delivery 1 +11101111101 AFM 1 +11101111101 837-mile 1 +11101111101 local-finance 1 +11101111101 physical-damage 1 +11101111101 mineable 1 +11101111101 multiple-peril 1 +11101111101 unflagged 1 +11101111101 professional-liability 1 +11101111101 all-too-evident 1 +11101111101 penumbral 2 +11101111101 cuff-like 2 +11101111101 non-condensable 2 +11101111101 non-borrowed 2 +11101111101 less-hostile 2 +11101111101 hucksterish 2 +11101111101 scalar 2 +11101111101 common-situs 2 +11101111101 burnable 2 +11101111101 somatic 2 +11101111101 platinum-group 2 +11101111101 599,500 2 +11101111101 nonmetallic 2 +11101111101 ethanol-producing 2 +11101111101 tank-and-artillery 2 +11101111101 engine-production 2 +11101111101 as-yet-unnamed 2 +11101111101 warhead-carrying 2 +11101111101 life-giving 2 +11101111101 all-risk 2 +11101111101 nonprecious 2 +11101111101 pucker 2 +11101111101 yen-currency 2 +11101111101 pre-fire 2 +11101111101 minable 2 +11101111101 ion-exchange 2 +11101111101 near-full 2 +11101111101 Restored 2 +11101111101 S&P-index 2 +11101111101 XMI 2 +11101111101 non-equity 2 +11101111101 400-mile 2 +11101111101 voting-right 2 +11101111101 industrial-revenue-bond 2 +11101111101 winter-related 2 +11101111101 26,135,682 2 +11101111101 near-dictatorial 2 +11101111101 semi-proved 2 +11101111101 fire-blocking 2 +11101111101 air-worthiness 2 +11101111101 institution-wide 2 +11101111101 subsistence-pay 2 +11101111101 high-estrogen 2 +11101111101 trunkline 2 +11101111101 man-to-man 3 +11101111101 1970s-style 3 +11101111101 submicroscopic 3 +11101111101 unpriced 3 +11101111101 petrodollar 3 +11101111101 extra-cost 3 +11101111101 non-production 3 +11101111101 single-tax 3 +11101111101 foul-smelling 3 +11101111101 12,261,127 3 +11101111101 retin-A 3 +11101111101 stockindex 3 +11101111101 damage-waiver 3 +11101111101 second-strike 3 +11101111101 tetroxide 3 +11101111101 anti-competition 3 +11101111101 small-caliber 3 +11101111101 coal-seam 3 +11101111101 crash-induced 3 +11101111101 gonzo 3 +11101111101 full-funding 3 +11101111101 rail-mobile 4 +11101111101 performance-related 4 +11101111101 pinkish 4 +11101111101 gavel-to-gavel 4 +11101111101 already-depressed 4 +11101111101 light-vehicle 4 +11101111101 shockwave 4 +11101111101 rare-earth 4 +11101111101 treasury-bond 4 +11101111101 crime-control 4 +11101111101 call-processing 4 +11101111101 nouveaux 4 +11101111101 time-release 5 +11101111101 lower-risk 5 +11101111101 acetylene 5 +11101111101 unleaded-gasoline 5 +11101111101 dollar-priced 6 +11101111101 hoi 6 +11101111101 high-purity 6 +11101111101 non-precious 6 +11101111101 powertrain 7 +11101111101 black-majority 7 +11101111101 loanloss 7 +11101111101 100,000-mile 7 +11101111101 interruptible 8 +11101111101 collision-damage 8 +11101111101 out-of-the-money 8 +11101111101 pecuniary 8 +11101111101 market-index 8 +11101111101 current-carrying 9 +11101111101 low-energy 9 +11101111101 anti-poison 10 +11101111101 exchange-traded 10 +11101111101 pork-belly 10 +11101111101 Ragu 10 +11101111101 unexercised 12 +11101111101 non-ferrous 16 +11101111101 securities-underwriting 18 +11101111101 foreign-loan 24 +11101111101 nonqualified 25 +11101111101 injunctive 31 +11101111101 stock-related 34 +11101111101 European-style 34 +11101111101 nonferrous 35 +11101111101 mustard 36 +11101111101 bad-debt 39 +11101111101 Treasury-bond 55 +11101111101 countervailing 78 +11101111101 take-or-pay 108 +11101111101 equity-purchase 133 +11101111101 foreign-currency 212 +11101111101 tear 260 +11101111101 fiduciary 433 +11101111101 loan-loss 907 +11101111101 poison 955 +11101111101 precious 1022 +11101111101 stock-index 1469 +11101111101 natural 3717 +11101111101 direct 2912 +11101111110 anti-Garb 1 +11101111110 on-rushing 1 +11101111110 wheat-trade 1 +11101111110 15-6 1 +11101111110 image-switching 1 +11101111110 image-makeover 1 +11101111110 body-odor 1 +11101111110 hot-air-balloon 1 +11101111110 QDE. 1 +11101111110 445-member 1 +11101111110 44,017 1 +11101111110 Party-led 1 +11101111110 pseudo-event 1 +11101111110 black-bordered 1 +11101111110 jezebel 1 +11101111110 pre-sellout 1 +11101111110 41-game 1 +11101111110 pro-Texas 1 +11101111110 Texas-touting 1 +11101111110 38-store 1 +11101111110 no-offense 1 +11101111110 spurlike 1 +11101111110 to-be 1 +11101111110 292,200 1 +11101111110 one-in-500 1 +11101111110 Louvre-like 1 +11101111110 Moscow-led 1 +11101111110 clue. 1 +11101111110 vertebrate 1 +11101111110 full-rigged 1 +11101111110 13-room 1 +11101111110 precinct-delegate 1 +11101111110 right-of-left 1 +11101111110 public-art 1 +11101111110 fast-draw 1 +11101111110 free-information 1 +11101111110 meta-analysis 1 +11101111110 president/creative 1 +11101111110 president-customer 1 +11101111110 party-wide 1 +11101111110 now-disputed 1 +11101111110 record-time 1 +11101111110 anti-lewd-rock 1 +11101111110 Intercable-managed 1 +11101111110 34-7 1 +11101111110 swankest 1 +11101111110 presidential-race 1 +11101111110 Sun/AT&T 1 +11101111110 secondfront-page 1 +11101111110 letterwriting 1 +11101111110 coat-over-the-shoulder 1 +11101111110 CEGB 1 +11101111110 54.91 1 +11101111110 leftist-front 1 +11101111110 XXIV 1 +11101111110 gun-lobby 1 +11101111110 president-Army 1 +11101111110 then-approaching 1 +11101111110 Hoeschlers 1 +11101111110 torchlight 1 +11101111110 once-highly 1 +11101111110 Bork-hate 1 +11101111110 tile-and-brick-paved 1 +11101111110 diamond-film 1 +11101111110 recovered-alcoholic 1 +11101111110 androgynously 1 +11101111110 time-for-a-change 1 +11101111110 just-plain-Hoosier 1 +11101111110 Lautenberg-Dawkins 1 +11101111110 splendours 1 +11101111110 bed-sized 1 +11101111110 proagreement 1 +11101111110 three-CD 1 +11101111110 much-disparaged 1 +11101111110 Truth-in-Initiative 1 +11101111110 arduously 1 +11101111110 chiropractor-entrepreneur 1 +11101111110 F-8s 1 +11101111110 nuclear-free-Europe 1 +11101111110 often-bickering 1 +11101111110 international-section 1 +11101111110 non-presidential 1 +11101111110 rustic-looking 1 +11101111110 pro-Indaba 1 +11101111110 beer-and- 1 +11101111110 mine-planting 1 +11101111110 215-seat 1 +11101111110 party-centered 1 +11101111110 bobwhites 1 +11101111110 secularizing 1 +11101111110 early-to-mid-50s 1 +11101111110 once-slumping 1 +11101111110 teepee-like 1 +11101111110 pro-party 1 +11101111110 anti-bourgeois-liberalization 1 +11101111110 Layer 1 +11101111110 parlimentary 1 +11101111110 anti-phone 1 +11101111110 corporate-statism 1 +11101111110 64-megabyte 1 +11101111110 scanner-type 1 +11101111110 publicity-blitz 1 +11101111110 magnetic-train 1 +11101111110 114-page 1 +11101111110 religious-retreat 1 +11101111110 anti-dam 1 +11101111110 nerveless 1 +11101111110 TV-advertising 1 +11101111110 Ebano-style 1 +11101111110 sub-chapter 1 +11101111110 Filipino-style 1 +11101111110 television-industry 1 +11101111110 intellectualism 1 +11101111110 unromantically 1 +11101111110 pro-incinerator 1 +11101111110 Mi-25 1 +11101111110 7,280,000 1 +11101111110 Danish-made 1 +11101111110 climate-of-fear 1 +11101111110 to-each-according-to-his-work 1 +11101111110 Mafia-style 1 +11101111110 anti-vodka 1 +11101111110 strong-defense 1 +11101111110 multiballoted 1 +11101111110 Republican-turned-third-party 1 +11101111110 pre-presidential 1 +11101111110 market-rattling 1 +11101111110 magazine-subscription 1 +11101111110 post-bowl 1 +11101111110 anti-liberalization 1 +11101111110 wimpy-sounding 1 +11101111110 drawl-voiced 1 +11101111110 Administration-backed 1 +11101111110 so-far-unsuccessful 1 +11101111110 defacto 1 +11101111110 1,125-page 1 +11101111110 nondaily 1 +11101111110 2,492 1 +11101111110 labor-representation 1 +11101111110 3,011 1 +11101111110 stand-up-for-America 1 +11101111110 post-Iowa 1 +11101111110 pro-Murray 1 +11101111110 10.5-pence-a-share 1 +11101111110 Democratic-Socialist 1 +11101111110 Democratic-Socialist-Liberal 1 +11101111110 lemonade-stand 1 +11101111110 still-producing 1 +11101111110 subjectively 1 +11101111110 oped-page 1 +11101111110 loss-of-virginity 1 +11101111110 computer-programmed 1 +11101111110 water-boil 1 +11101111110 taxpayer-education 1 +11101111110 caveman 1 +11101111110 Prizewinning 1 +11101111110 Prize-nominated 1 +11101111110 editoral-page 1 +11101111110 over-lights 1 +11101111110 April-through-July 1 +11101111110 katzenjammer 1 +11101111110 political-advertising 1 +11101111110 county/city 1 +11101111110 gravel-bottomed 1 +11101111110 much-closer-than-expected 1 +11101111110 excoriative 1 +11101111110 then-suppressed 1 +11101111110 quadruple-decker 1 +11101111110 15,000-word 1 +11101111110 since-abandoned 1 +11101111110 dollar-a-plate 1 +11101111110 Bush-for-President 1 +11101111110 market-forces 1 +11101111110 purgative 1 +11101111110 Ph.D.s. 1 +11101111110 left-versus-right 1 +11101111110 business-getting 1 +11101111110 operation-a 1 +11101111110 Bommers 1 +11101111110 national-legislative 1 +11101111110 factory-approved 1 +11101111110 fortitudinous 1 +11101111110 local-autonomy 1 +11101111110 president-federal 1 +11101111110 anti-Lorenzo 1 +11101111110 multi-ballot 1 +11101111110 Indian-rights 1 +11101111110 pro-taxation 1 +11101111110 designator 1 +11101111110 made-in-the-North 1 +11101111110 president/marketing 1 +11101111110 vacanies 1 +11101111110 anti-stain 1 +11101111110 cutesy-pie 1 +11101111110 final-game 1 +11101111110 Pulitzers 1 +11101111110 256-bit 1 +11101111110 not-always-exciting 1 +11101111110 Gephardt-Dukakis 1 +11101111110 index-card 1 +11101111110 17-14 1 +11101111110 incumbent-entrenching 1 +11101111110 border-state 1 +11101111110 twice-bankrupt 1 +11101111110 cardboard-people 1 +11101111110 glueball 1 +11101111110 scientist-cum-magician 1 +11101111110 seven-way 1 +11101111110 court-appointment 1 +11101111110 one-judge 1 +11101111110 comminque 1 +11101111110 then-respected 1 +11101111110 12-chapter 1 +11101111110 patent-pending 1 +11101111110 50,000-vote 1 +11101111110 JSP-supported 1 +11101111110 eye-cancer 1 +11101111110 compact-camcorder 1 +11101111110 African-safari 1 +11101111110 Jackson-backed 1 +11101111110 bobtailed 1 +11101111110 one-million-letter 1 +11101111110 anti-leak 1 +11101111110 anti-Pakistan 1 +11101111110 Cabee 1 +11101111110 dozen-room 1 +11101111110 Cox-Roosevelt 1 +11101111110 president-Southwestern 1 +11101111110 Steiger-Jenkins 1 +11101111110 country-lawyer 1 +11101111110 Jenkins-Bush 1 +11101111110 IMC-related 1 +11101111110 lieutenant-governor 1 +11101111110 postelection 1 +11101111110 Mankhokwe 1 +11101111110 free-skating 1 +11101111110 14-mile 1 +11101111110 outside-the-Beltway 1 +11101111110 Thursday-through-Sunday 1 +11101111110 anti-apple 1 +11101111110 anti-generic-drug 1 +11101111110 Perception/Reality 1 +11101111110 five-vote 1 +11101111110 now-shrinking 1 +11101111110 165,688 1 +11101111110 almost-perfect 1 +11101111110 vague-sounding 1 +11101111110 most-likely 1 +11101111110 precinct-level 1 +11101111110 working-day 1 +11101111110 108-96 1 +11101111110 dirty-trick 1 +11101111110 poisonbait 1 +11101111110 law-journal 1 +11101111110 Franco-Gaelic 1 +11101111110 VCs 1 +11101111110 tactile 1 +11101111110 13-inch-diagonal 1 +11101111110 slap-dash 1 +11101111110 49-vote 1 +11101111110 six-album 1 +11101111110 anti-Tower 1 +11101111110 five-ring 2 +11101111110 signature-gathering 2 +11101111110 ferro-cement 2 +11101111110 prenomination 2 +11101111110 gay-student 2 +11101111110 proctors 2 +11101111110 more-familiar 2 +11101111110 semi-independent 2 +11101111110 form-letter 2 +11101111110 land-bound 2 +11101111110 10-kilometer 2 +11101111110 president-general 2 +11101111110 extreme-left 2 +11101111110 French-Flemish 2 +11101111110 1,479 2 +11101111110 pre-specified 2 +11101111110 two-horse 2 +11101111110 Reaganaut 2 +11101111110 Republican-Democratic 2 +11101111110 bigtime 2 +11101111110 Senate-confirmed 2 +11101111110 first-ballot 2 +11101111110 sweatpants 2 +11101111110 British-run 2 +11101111110 Mabsorba 2 +11101111110 corporate-advertising 2 +11101111110 IHT 2 +11101111110 pro-liberalization 2 +11101111110 must-do 2 +11101111110 city-by-city 2 +11101111110 groupwide 2 +11101111110 no-issues 2 +11101111110 186-member 2 +11101111110 anti-generic 2 +11101111110 twice-amended 2 +11101111110 liquified 2 +11101111110 content-less 2 +11101111110 party-based 2 +11101111110 editorialpage 2 +11101111110 bond-issue 2 +11101111110 blood-stained 2 +11101111110 PLM-sponsored 2 +11101111110 bylined 2 +11101111110 sucessful 2 +11101111110 national-assembly 2 +11101111110 college-player 2 +11101111110 one-issue 2 +11101111110 anti-drugs 2 +11101111110 villification 2 +11101111110 post-Duvalier 2 +11101111110 productivity-improvement 2 +11101111110 president/chief 2 +11101111110 Congress-only 2 +11101111110 Mondale-Ferraro 2 +11101111110 Southern-dominated 2 +11101111110 40,000-word 2 +11101111110 sub-compact 2 +11101111110 dirty-tricks 2 +11101111110 fraud-ridden 2 +11101111110 two-level 2 +11101111110 TV-ad 2 +11101111110 Trumanesque 2 +11101111110 tear-jerking 2 +11101111110 collective-liability 3 +11101111110 union-representation 3 +11101111110 French-government 3 +11101111110 oft-mentioned 3 +11101111110 end-of-ideology 3 +11101111110 anti-rightist 3 +11101111110 20,000-word 3 +11101111110 slickest 3 +11101111110 hydraulically 3 +11101111110 now-common 3 +11101111110 six-day-a-week 3 +11101111110 metaphoric 3 +11101111110 anti-palm 3 +11101111110 growth-fund 3 +11101111110 1,788-room 3 +11101111110 secret-ballot 3 +11101111110 four-candidate 3 +11101111110 president-human 3 +11101111110 company-subsidized 3 +11101111110 heart-tugging 3 +11101111110 op-ed-page 3 +11101111110 Procrustean 3 +11101111110 Arts-page 3 +11101111110 10-meter 3 +11101111110 30,000-word 3 +11101111110 international-page 3 +11101111110 clean-government 4 +11101111110 two-round 4 +11101111110 state-assembly 4 +11101111110 10-nation 4 +11101111110 one-candidate 4 +11101111110 candidate-centered 4 +11101111110 anti-leftist 4 +11101111110 anti-pesticide 4 +11101111110 million-ton-a-year 4 +11101111110 presidental 4 +11101111110 Millrose 4 +11101111110 antiapartheid 4 +11101111110 fire-engine 4 +11101111110 Sark 5 +11101111110 picaresque 5 +11101111110 anti-Stalin 5 +11101111110 .357 5 +11101111110 4-megabit 5 +11101111110 Senegalese 5 +11101111110 best-qualified 5 +11101111110 dog-sled 6 +11101111110 .357-caliber 6 +11101111110 1/2-mile 6 +11101111110 public-education 6 +11101111110 10-inch 6 +11101111110 three-state 6 +11101111110 presidential-election 6 +11101111110 yet-to-be 6 +11101111110 Sovietskaya 6 +11101111110 now-familiar 7 +11101111110 Dukakis-Bush 7 +11101111110 favorite-son 7 +11101111110 high-rent 8 +11101111110 four-way 8 +11101111110 Sovetskaya 8 +11101111110 quiet-crisis 8 +11101111110 dark-horse 9 +11101111110 Pyrrhic 9 +11101111110 write-in 9 +11101111110 presumptive 10 +11101111110 multicandidate 10 +11101111110 Prosorba 10 +11101111110 back-page 11 +11101111110 mid-term 12 +11101111110 fungus-produced 12 +11101111110 presidentially 12 +11101111110 Bush-Dukakis 13 +11101111110 lower-house 14 +11101111110 anti-alcohol 14 +11101111110 Oscar-winning 14 +11101111110 general-election 15 +11101111110 magnetically 16 +11101111110 socalled 16 +11101111110 upper-house 17 +11101111110 letter-writing 18 +11101111110 soon-to-be 21 +11101111110 law-review 21 +11101111110 whites-only 23 +11101111110 cross-market 25 +11101111110 midterm 26 +11101111110 second-front 28 +11101111110 quadrennial 34 +11101111110 second-front-page 35 +11101111110 Prize-winning 42 +11101111110 senatorial 43 +11101111110 congressionally 46 +11101111110 doctoral 47 +11101111110 multiparty 52 +11101111110 vice-presidential 58 +11101111110 mayoral 58 +11101111110 democratically 60 +11101111110 gubernatorial 111 +11101111110 nominating 115 +11101111110 page-one 162 +11101111110 front-page 251 +11101111110 editorial-page 279 +11101111110 genetically 282 +11101111110 parliamentary 615 +11101111110 federally 707 +11101111110 newly 2493 +11101111110 so-called 3288 +11101111110 presidential 4506 +11101111111 3,966 1 +11101111111 Hydrocare 1 +11101111111 copper-tipped 1 +11101111111 still-limited 1 +11101111111 lower-taxed 1 +11101111111 stakeless 1 +11101111111 2.1-billion-bushel 1 +11101111111 six-level 1 +11101111111 rabbinical-school 1 +11101111111 regional-edition 1 +11101111111 small-airline 1 +11101111111 CBS-designed 1 +11101111111 AT/339 1 +11101111111 high-poverty 1 +11101111111 downtown-oriented 1 +11101111111 3/260 1 +11101111111 re-engined 1 +11101111111 medium-small 1 +11101111111 OB 1 +11101111111 FAULTS 1 +11101111111 dough-based 1 +11101111111 veil-less 1 +11101111111 salami-shaped 1 +11101111111 Invicta 1 +11101111111 cross-claim 1 +11101111111 presweetened 1 +11101111111 reactor-operator 1 +11101111111 SoftSoap 1 +11101111111 purgatorial 1 +11101111111 Activitrax 1 +11101111111 six-foot-by-six-foot 1 +11101111111 MATERNAL 1 +11101111111 Four-month 1 +11101111111 NEEDN 1 +11101111111 speech-controlled 1 +11101111111 pre-moistened 1 +11101111111 ceramic-tiled 1 +11101111111 single-entry 1 +11101111111 Iran-sponsored 1 +11101111111 vehicle-weight 1 +11101111111 lithium-magnesium 1 +11101111111 Japanese-dominated 1 +11101111111 TOWNS 1 +11101111111 Solt-Wolper 1 +11101111111 lipid-regulation 1 +11101111111 bow-hunter 1 +11101111111 warranty-based 1 +11101111111 finger-scanning 1 +11101111111 PLUNDERED 1 +11101111111 departmentstore 1 +11101111111 disposable-diaper 1 +11101111111 jet-pilot 1 +11101111111 Hershey-name 1 +11101111111 Ford-Nissan 1 +11101111111 444-foot 1 +11101111111 low-medium/high-minimum 1 +11101111111 garnet-red 1 +11101111111 job-specific 1 +11101111111 further-processed 1 +11101111111 Hetchery 1 +11101111111 E-4b 1 +11101111111 federal-worker 1 +11101111111 wound-dressing 1 +11101111111 Nok 1 +11101111111 Boesky-era 1 +11101111111 10-inch-tall 1 +11101111111 PACEMAKERS 1 +11101111111 team-work 1 +11101111111 20-degree 1 +11101111111 4,582 1 +11101111111 T-6 1 +11101111111 Pengaton 1 +11101111111 4,576 1 +11101111111 record-related 1 +11101111111 death-protection 1 +11101111111 Soviet-fueled 1 +11101111111 simulator-based 1 +11101111111 R-25 1 +11101111111 too-generous 1 +11101111111 internatinal 1 +11101111111 usage-sensitive 1 +11101111111 seat-by-seat 1 +11101111111 oil-investment 1 +11101111111 Vitamaster 1 +11101111111 sonar-system 1 +11101111111 historic-building 1 +11101111111 better-conceived 1 +11101111111 Fidelity-Monarch 1 +11101111111 steel-and-concrete 1 +11101111111 ball-like 1 +11101111111 Wittgensteinian 1 +11101111111 charcoal-filtered 1 +11101111111 blown-insulation 1 +11101111111 insulation-fiber 1 +11101111111 wet-suit 1 +11101111111 Allez 1 +11101111111 SELTZERS 1 +11101111111 limitededition 1 +11101111111 valuated 1 +11101111111 pseudo-Italian 1 +11101111111 10-acres-per-lot 1 +11101111111 anti-snob 1 +11101111111 cigarette-substitute 1 +11101111111 Airship-Westinghouse 1 +11101111111 heat-transfer-fluid 1 +11101111111 Cramer-Krasselt 1 +11101111111 post-exposure 1 +11101111111 4Runner 1 +11101111111 revolution-mongering 1 +11101111111 double-entry 1 +11101111111 sunken-ship 1 +11101111111 jungle-warfare 1 +11101111111 vigororous 1 +11101111111 student-staffed 1 +11101111111 cotton-eating 1 +11101111111 offshore-based 1 +11101111111 cartoon-time 1 +11101111111 life-style-neutral 1 +11101111111 094-A 1 +11101111111 hidden-city 1 +11101111111 carefully-selected 1 +11101111111 lease-vs.-buy 1 +11101111111 patrol-dog 1 +11101111111 ET-type 1 +11101111111 sphincter-stimulus 1 +11101111111 Convention-era 1 +11101111111 refined-oil 1 +11101111111 capitation-fee 1 +11101111111 job-skills 1 +11101111111 mercury-vapor 1 +11101111111 Unicenter 1 +11101111111 East-bloc-style 1 +11101111111 550-car 1 +11101111111 multi-modal 1 +11101111111 anti-Kim 1 +11101111111 easiest-to-play 1 +11101111111 dual-skill 1 +11101111111 top-gun 1 +11101111111 mahogany-and-birch 1 +11101111111 anti-evolutionist 1 +11101111111 foreign-arms 1 +11101111111 once-tabled 1 +11101111111 blacks-only 1 +11101111111 soft-rubber 1 +11101111111 durational 1 +11101111111 iced-coffee 1 +11101111111 RESUMES 1 +11101111111 soon-to-be-succeeded 1 +11101111111 price-wage 1 +11101111111 42,810 1 +11101111111 Korean-U.S. 1 +11101111111 two-fish 1 +11101111111 video-game-like 1 +11101111111 powdered-tobacco 1 +11101111111 retail-newspaper 1 +11101111111 over-regulated 1 +11101111111 3090-F 1 +11101111111 expectational 1 +11101111111 computer-literacy 1 +11101111111 drug-education 1 +11101111111 newpaper 1 +11101111111 phosphate-fiber 1 +11101111111 lager-drinking 1 +11101111111 1966-1979 1 +11101111111 three-generation 1 +11101111111 funkier 1 +11101111111 CD4-based 1 +11101111111 muscle-meat 1 +11101111111 solid-muscle 1 +11101111111 race-driver 1 +11101111111 4,403 1 +11101111111 all-in-the-family 1 +11101111111 POSSIBILITIES 1 +11101111111 furniture-company 1 +11101111111 Deheisha 1 +11101111111 multivitamin 1 +11101111111 media-sensitive 1 +11101111111 samurai-tough 1 +11101111111 still-stronger 1 +11101111111 recession-oriented 1 +11101111111 Eggo 1 +11101111111 half-sunken 1 +11101111111 commuter-pilot 1 +11101111111 4,917,633 1 +11101111111 Brezhnev-style 1 +11101111111 image-obsessed 1 +11101111111 non-factory 1 +11101111111 four-step 1 +11101111111 trivia-game 1 +11101111111 now-convicted 1 +11101111111 RESTORER 1 +11101111111 driver-safety 1 +11101111111 mid-volume 1 +11101111111 Cholybar 1 +11101111111 macrophage 1 +11101111111 Novantrone 1 +11101111111 Asian-marketed 1 +11101111111 fixed-focus 1 +11101111111 convertible-only 1 +11101111111 housing-subsidy 1 +11101111111 Jackson/Robertson 1 +11101111111 Dukakis-Nunn 1 +11101111111 jeans-clad 1 +11101111111 90-foot-long 1 +11101111111 15,000-man 1 +11101111111 all-altitude 1 +11101111111 45-foot-high 1 +11101111111 tournament-program 1 +11101111111 mid-thirtyish 1 +11101111111 polyethyline 1 +11101111111 +32.6 1 +11101111111 longer-form 1 +11101111111 7.3-billion-bushel 1 +11101111111 1,875-square-foot 1 +11101111111 non-program 1 +11101111111 pale-blue 1 +11101111111 full-run 1 +11101111111 C202 1 +11101111111 biotechnology-derived 1 +11101111111 female-oriented 1 +11101111111 up-to-the-second 1 +11101111111 bombshell-and-Ferrari 1 +11101111111 slightly-modified 1 +11101111111 weapons-system 1 +11101111111 collar-white 1 +11101111111 quick-thinking 1 +11101111111 burning-hot 1 +11101111111 pride-of-ownership 1 +11101111111 vehicle-insurance 1 +11101111111 junkfund 1 +11101111111 white-powdered 1 +11101111111 pen-type 1 +11101111111 special-version 1 +11101111111 patient-interview 1 +11101111111 2,484 1 +11101111111 whole-egg 1 +11101111111 direct-sell 1 +11101111111 fill-in-the-blanks 1 +11101111111 U.N.-enforced 1 +11101111111 trading-based 1 +11101111111 MegaRay 1 +11101111111 agrotechnical 1 +11101111111 whodunnit-style 1 +11101111111 sweetest-tasting 1 +11101111111 Folonari 1 +11101111111 4,625 1 +11101111111 country-life 1 +11101111111 4,413,008 1 +11101111111 whey-based 1 +11101111111 ex-self-levitating 1 +11101111111 2,982 1 +11101111111 Truman-Barkley 1 +11101111111 reckless-driving 1 +11101111111 Microsoft/Ashton-Tate 1 +11101111111 GVX 1 +11101111111 most-exclusive 1 +11101111111 single-spokesman 1 +11101111111 expenive 1 +11101111111 drug-needle 1 +11101111111 1982-through-1985 1 +11101111111 4,641 1 +11101111111 balloonist 1 +11101111111 high-pocketed 1 +11101111111 six-hours-a-day 1 +11101111111 process-by-process 1 +11101111111 potty 1 +11101111111 biopesticide 1 +11101111111 4,633 1 +11101111111 trans-European 1 +11101111111 less-abrasive 1 +11101111111 ever-leaner 1 +11101111111 posturepedic 1 +11101111111 fairytale 2 +11101111111 airline-seat 2 +11101111111 preclusive 2 +11101111111 land-ownership 2 +11101111111 IIcx 2 +11101111111 gridlike 2 +11101111111 long-desired 2 +11101111111 five-level 2 +11101111111 child-oriented 2 +11101111111 high-fare 2 +11101111111 wholesale-market 2 +11101111111 Xomen 2 +11101111111 melanocyte-stimulating 2 +11101111111 casino-stock 2 +11101111111 passenger-train 2 +11101111111 486-based 2 +11101111111 property-poor 2 +11101111111 land-speculation 2 +11101111111 tri-level 2 +11101111111 seven-mile 2 +11101111111 4,655 2 +11101111111 hemp-like 2 +11101111111 4,640 2 +11101111111 4,594 2 +11101111111 spring-wheat 2 +11101111111 Zeitschrift 2 +11101111111 digestive-tract 2 +11101111111 better-for-you 2 +11101111111 once-laggard 2 +11101111111 Anzus 2 +11101111111 work-zone 2 +11101111111 consumer-sensitive 2 +11101111111 then-national 2 +11101111111 Zerex 2 +11101111111 blue-jeans 2 +11101111111 red-coated 2 +11101111111 well-proven 2 +11101111111 lower-than-planned 2 +11101111111 winter-spring 2 +11101111111 subsidiary-rights 2 +11101111111 plastic-cabinet 2 +11101111111 sudden-death 3 +11101111111 roller-derby 3 +11101111111 Norse 3 +11101111111 gonadotropin-releasing 3 +11101111111 42-foot 3 +11101111111 quit-smoking 3 +11101111111 anti-cigarette 3 +11101111111 military-supervised 3 +11101111111 preseason 3 +11101111111 crash-depressed 3 +11101111111 shark-infested 3 +11101111111 8700 3 +11101111111 coprocessing 3 +11101111111 steam-powered 3 +11101111111 five-minister 3 +11101111111 potholed 3 +11101111111 tag-team 4 +11101111111 seedling 4 +11101111111 market-linked 4 +11101111111 ex-national 4 +11101111111 bond-issuing 4 +11101111111 semiabstract 4 +11101111111 weight-reduction 4 +11101111111 stock-basket 4 +11101111111 trial-like 4 +11101111111 performance-measurement 5 +11101111111 six-course 5 +11101111111 fresh-air 5 +11101111111 quality-improvement 5 +11101111111 basal 6 +11101111111 pain-relief 6 +11101111111 wordless 6 +11101111111 decennial 7 +11101111111 Swiss-controlled 8 +11101111111 Dukakis-Bentsen 15 +11101111111 fig 21 +11101111111 national 11887 +11101111111 intrauterine 105 +11110000 non-Inkatha 1 +11110000 fuzzy-headed 1 +11110000 psychotically 1 +11110000 basic-training 1 +11110000 Ford-Carter 1 +11110000 residual-generating 1 +11110000 9:30-to-4 1 +11110000 oft-considered 1 +11110000 brain-enhancing 1 +11110000 U.J.A. 1 +11110000 433,503 1 +11110000 record-blasting 1 +11110000 fa-sol-la 1 +11110000 chintz-stuffed 1 +11110000 news-and-advertising 1 +11110000 18,170 1 +11110000 15th-18th 1 +11110000 5,867 1 +11110000 store-operated 1 +11110000 bare-bottomed 1 +11110000 mind-dulling 1 +11110000 beak-nosed 1 +11110000 higher-performing 1 +11110000 15-by-25-meter 1 +11110000 southward-moving 1 +11110000 18,270 1 +11110000 coupfollowing 1 +11110000 multiple-retirement 1 +11110000 space-stealing 1 +11110000 movie-buff 1 +11110000 jeans-wear 1 +11110000 time-emblematic 1 +11110000 55-hour 1 +11110000 out-of-religion 1 +11110000 bile-acid 1 +11110000 evening-news 1 +11110000 benzedrine 1 +11110000 aluminum-foil 1 +11110000 broker-linked 1 +11110000 half-moon 1 +11110000 26,610 1 +11110000 1,817,697 1 +11110000 disinfesting 1 +11110000 236,192 1 +11110000 2,564 1 +11110000 non-degree 1 +11110000 arm-weary 1 +11110000 sometimes-arcane 1 +11110000 post-baby-boom 1 +11110000 lofty-minded 1 +11110000 hen-pecked 1 +11110000 fastballing 1 +11110000 2,268,000 1 +11110000 10th-sized 1 +11110000 blow-'em-up-and-let-the-pieces-fall 1 +11110000 five-and-one-half 1 +11110000 hobby-oriented 1 +11110000 reupholstered 1 +11110000 self-proliferating 1 +11110000 paid-down 1 +11110000 puffyfaced 1 +11110000 high-rate-paying 1 +11110000 2,977 1 +11110000 17,419 1 +11110000 Bedside 1 +11110000 language-minority 1 +11110000 17th-20th 1 +11110000 insured-white 1 +11110000 last-hurrah 1 +11110000 modest-priced 1 +11110000 17,987 1 +11110000 three-candidate 1 +11110000 cash-squeezing 1 +11110000 bat-eared 1 +11110000 open-checkbook 1 +11110000 10,820 1 +11110000 ice-collection 1 +11110000 hard-faced 1 +11110000 multiple-paged 1 +11110000 paid-subscriber 1 +11110000 29,323,000 1 +11110000 two-bout 1 +11110000 once-doomed 1 +11110000 watch-your-car 1 +11110000 142-seat 1 +11110000 evil-but-cute 1 +11110000 self-glorified 1 +11110000 guillotine-like 1 +11110000 twilight-zone 1 +11110000 split-day 1 +11110000 1,797 1 +11110000 Ford-Kissinger 1 +11110000 3,772,000 1 +11110000 side-hill 1 +11110000 pro-vulgarity 1 +11110000 often-risky 1 +11110000 So-Ho 1 +11110000 blownup 1 +11110000 3,154 1 +11110000 special-category 1 +11110000 post-storm 1 +11110000 3,037 2 +11110000 not-so-tough 2 +11110000 ferocious-looking 2 +11110000 61,200 2 +11110000 lowest-risk 2 +11110000 firework 2 +11110000 respectable-looking 2 +11110000 radio-equipped 2 +11110000 pie-shaped 2 +11110000 empty-shelved 2 +11110000 two-and-one-half 2 +11110000 low-fertility 2 +11110000 made-to-measure 2 +11110000 20-or-so 2 +11110000 2,148 2 +11110000 white-jacketed 2 +11110000 6,298 2 +11110000 1,204 2 +11110000 group-therapy 2 +11110000 2,748 2 +11110000 emotion-packed 2 +11110000 less-known 2 +11110000 italicized 2 +11110000 budget-drafting 2 +11110000 higher-tax 2 +11110000 commercial-minded 2 +11110000 2,392 2 +11110000 post-War 2 +11110000 non-Aryan 2 +11110000 three-plus 2 +11110000 JAS-39 2 +11110000 7,920,000 2 +11110000 30-or-so 2 +11110000 more-mature 2 +11110000 100-odd 2 +11110000 South-Central 3 +11110000 uncountable 3 +11110000 thirty-seven 3 +11110000 non-industry 3 +11110000 family-founded 3 +11110000 magma 3 +11110000 highest-risk 3 +11110000 big-buck 3 +11110000 inflammable 3 +11110000 1,501 3 +11110000 Byelorussian 4 +11110000 scratch-off 4 +11110000 snow-capped 4 +11110000 zero-gravity 4 +11110000 non-English-speaking 4 +11110000 oil-boom 4 +11110000 2,064 5 +11110000 five-and-a-half 5 +11110000 sixty 5 +11110000 randy 5 +11110000 predawn 6 +11110000 2,002 6 +11110000 17,800 6 +11110000 80-hour 6 +11110000 Kennedy-Johnson 6 +11110000 20-odd 6 +11110000 1,156 7 +11110000 30-odd 7 +11110000 better-off 8 +11110000 200-plus 10 +11110000 high-inflation 10 +11110000 half-a-dozen 11 +11110000 two-dozen 13 +11110000 two 47531 +11110000 fifty 16 +111100010 gold-hoarders 1 +111100010 10-to-20 1 +111100010 13-to-25 1 +111100010 thirty-one 1 +111100010 Spanish-colonial 1 +111100010 10,260 1 +111100010 anti-sex 1 +111100010 high-mortgage-rate 1 +111100010 not-so-innocent 1 +111100010 5-feet-6 1 +111100010 70- 1 +111100010 25-plus 1 +111100010 tenderizing 1 +111100010 some-of-the 1 +111100010 2,316 1 +111100010 penetrable 1 +111100010 chew-the-fat 1 +111100010 better-ventilated 1 +111100010 citizens-band 1 +111100010 34,050 1 +111100010 three-and-half 1 +111100010 McFour 1 +111100010 kitchenless 1 +111100010 seventy-five 1 +111100010 61.76 1 +111100010 1940s-style 1 +111100010 drawstring 1 +111100010 19.43 1 +111100010 8,234 1 +111100010 256-Ks 1 +111100010 fridges 1 +111100010 27.43 1 +111100010 superblocs 1 +111100010 25.67 1 +111100010 steel-framed 1 +111100010 dirt-floored 2 +111100010 68,300 2 +111100010 five-plus 2 +111100010 nonelection 2 +111100010 1,631 2 +111100010 25-54 2 +111100010 1,835 2 +111100010 32,750 2 +111100010 2,185 2 +111100010 2,663 2 +111100010 smoggiest 2 +111100010 51.39 2 +111100010 low-flow 2 +111100010 eighteen 3 +111100010 2,500,000 3 +111100010 one-and-a-half 4 +111100010 1,532 4 +111100010 1,046 4 +111100010 1,388 4 +111100010 six-and-a-half 5 +111100010 301,000 5 +111100010 thirteen 5 +111100010 Sis 5 +111100010 1,364 5 +111100010 non-peak 6 +111100010 1,048 6 +111100010 50-odd 7 +111100010 30-plus 7 +111100010 1,185 7 +111100010 40-odd 8 +111100010 fifteen 9 +111100010 1,500,000 9 +111100010 three-and-a-half 12 +111100010 thirty 13 +111100010 twenty 15 +111100010 two-and-a-half 24 +111100010 ten 140 +111100010 three 24821 +111100010 five 13692 +111100010 four 13121 +111100010 eight 5123 +111100010 seven 5464 +111100011 SFr100 1 +111100011 six-to-12 1 +111100011 longer-life 1 +111100011 stock-values 1 +111100011 storm-skiing 1 +111100011 10,443 1 +111100011 hard-glazed 1 +111100011 all-home 1 +111100011 hard-currency-earning 1 +111100011 7,312 1 +111100011 seven-fifteenths 1 +111100011 president-ending 1 +111100011 12-24 1 +111100011 83.00 1 +111100011 ad-budget 1 +111100011 7.45-7.50 1 +111100011 multiple-event 1 +111100011 12-18 1 +111100011 2,374 1 +111100011 cartoon-character 1 +111100011 6,877.50 1 +111100011 estranging 1 +111100011 8,085 1 +111100011 human-heart 1 +111100011 downs-only 1 +111100011 80-U.S. 1 +111100011 6,877.5 1 +111100011 pressure-filled 1 +111100011 first-six 1 +111100011 human-leukocyte-derived 1 +111100011 221,231 2 +111100011 NABE 2 +111100011 Turkish-made 2 +111100011 1,605 2 +111100011 1,504 2 +111100011 Osake 4 +111100011 first-eight 4 +111100011 four-and-a-half 5 +111100011 eights 7 +111100011 eleven 23 +111100011 twelve 25 +111100011 nine 5464 +111100011 six 11359 +11110010 supersuccessful 1 +11110010 couple-three 1 +11110010 ferrofluid-film 1 +11110010 full-paying 1 +11110010 eighty-one 1 +11110010 firelit 1 +11110010 byline-less 1 +11110010 go-with-the-flow 1 +11110010 export-liberalizing 1 +11110010 image-wrenching 1 +11110010 designated-risk 1 +11110010 Contra-ry 1 +11110010 nine-season 1 +11110010 pretention 1 +11110010 still-unnamed 1 +11110010 mini-CABs 1 +11110010 jealous-sounding 1 +11110010 gr-reat 1 +11110010 half-concealed 1 +11110010 14-inch-long 1 +11110010 month-two 1 +11110010 white-smocked 1 +11110010 triagic 1 +11110010 generous-spirited 1 +11110010 technical-trade 1 +11110010 law-group 1 +11110010 fall-winter 1 +11110010 Lorimar-MGM 1 +11110010 1.4-carat 1 +11110010 value-enhancement 1 +11110010 DEAF 1 +11110010 skin-disease 1 +11110010 --to 1 +11110010 one-hit 1 +11110010 ambidextrous 1 +11110010 still-resistant 1 +11110010 carbohydrate-rich 1 +11110010 wide-release 1 +11110010 bow-hunting 1 +11110010 five-to-eight 1 +11110010 trespassing-on-government-property 1 +11110010 GE-sponsored 1 +11110010 flak-jacketed 1 +11110010 150-milliliter 1 +11110010 quarter-billion 1 +11110010 final-inning 1 +11110010 semi-punk 1 +11110010 pork-packer 1 +11110010 supermarketing 1 +11110010 DARK 1 +11110010 fire-eating 1 +11110010 MTV-ified 1 +11110010 jillion 1 +11110010 SLICK 1 +11110010 hard-learned 1 +11110010 century-style 1 +11110010 HCA-owned 1 +11110010 not-too-small 1 +11110010 collosal 1 +11110010 three-four 1 +11110010 Rachmaninoffian 1 +11110010 kingfisher 1 +11110010 Edelman-controlled 1 +11110010 crop-growing 1 +11110010 Shenzhen-based 1 +11110010 non-finance 1 +11110010 hawk-manque 1 +11110010 non-Fed 1 +11110010 non-generic 1 +11110010 PRIEST 1 +11110010 13-inch-wide 1 +11110010 semi-open 1 +11110010 phobic 1 +11110010 computer-connected 1 +11110010 Taj-related 1 +11110010 counter-offensive 1 +11110010 five-city 1 +11110010 union-inspired 1 +11110010 20-feet-high 1 +11110010 Democratic-oriented 1 +11110010 China-investment 1 +11110010 late-middle-age 1 +11110010 misadventuring 1 +11110010 hammerhead 1 +11110010 rocket-related 1 +11110010 310-300 1 +11110010 month.The 1 +11110010 computer-savvy 1 +11110010 election-free 1 +11110010 plant-derived 1 +11110010 brillant 1 +11110010 fund-related 1 +11110010 Barbados-born 1 +11110010 debt-riddled 1 +11110010 California-perfect 1 +11110010 not-so-loving 1 +11110010 trading-fraud 1 +11110010 non-adjacent 1 +11110010 letter-sized 1 +11110010 ten-foot 1 +11110010 crinoline 1 +11110010 43-YEAR-OLD 1 +11110010 as-yet-untold 1 +11110010 zingy 2 +11110010 dad-gum 2 +11110010 improved-definition 2 +11110010 loose-lipped 2 +11110010 half-trillion 2 +11110010 5,375,000 2 +11110010 Venir 2 +11110010 Dum 2 +11110010 dozen-odd 2 +11110010 20-plus 2 +11110010 plus-.500 3 +11110010 scrofulous 3 +11110010 5.25-inch 3 +11110010 5,000-pound 4 +11110010 50ish 4 +11110010 Bonn-based 4 +11110010 bioethical 5 +11110010 Amaru 5 +11110010 zillion 10 +11110010 quarter-million 11 +11110010 half-million 44 +11110010 half-dozen 256 +11110010 thousand 655 +11110010 hundred 864 +11110010 few 14641 +11110010 dozen 1791 +111100110 job-level 1 +111100110 candy-munching 1 +111100110 Dow-commissioned 1 +111100110 702-person 1 +111100110 pre-Fed 1 +111100110 over-air-conditioned 1 +111100110 1924-53 1 +111100110 plant-level 1 +111100110 political-related 1 +111100110 147-patient 1 +111100110 wood-and-steel 1 +111100110 pre-breakup 1 +111100110 post-enumeration 1 +111100110 on-the-move 1 +111100110 50-city 1 +111100110 heartstopping 1 +111100110 protective-order 1 +111100110 62,000-household 1 +111100110 bed-related 1 +111100110 voting-related 1 +111100110 long-departed 1 +111100110 sports-book 1 +111100110 terrorist-linked 1 +111100110 pre-FDA 1 +111100110 often-reported 1 +111100110 dead-ball 1 +111100110 29-patient 1 +111100110 nosmoking 1 +111100110 fun-money 1 +111100110 1,163 1 +111100110 9,132 1 +111100110 Reagan-ordered 1 +111100110 animated-adventure 1 +111100110 coercive-type 1 +111100110 race-discrimination 1 +111100110 won-loss 1 +111100110 board-commissioned 1 +111100110 pre-affluence 1 +111100110 ordinary-negligence 1 +111100110 four-month-per-exam 1 +111100110 retail-fund 1 +111100110 CIA-Pentagon 1 +111100110 business-travel 1 +111100110 regular-corporation 1 +111100110 less-noticeable 1 +111100110 unquiet 1 +111100110 black-Jewish 1 +111100110 PLAGUE 1 +111100110 Guthriesque 1 +111100110 pre-Marcos 1 +111100110 pro-utility 1 +111100110 Indian-claims 1 +111100110 brand-blind 1 +111100110 Calcutta-like 1 +111100110 deferred-policy 1 +111100110 1988-a 1 +111100110 record-volume 1 +111100110 mid-teen-age 1 +111100110 highinflation 1 +111100110 semi-carefree 1 +111100110 dark-windowed 1 +111100110 Disney-produced 1 +111100110 jouncy 1 +111100110 15-three 1 +111100110 CAREERS 1 +111100110 obsessive/compulsive 1 +111100110 palmier 1 +111100110 cerebrally 1 +111100110 financing-cost 1 +111100110 low-interest-paying 1 +111100110 topic-by-topic 1 +111100110 similiarly 1 +111100110 pre-maquila 1 +111100110 Shakespearian 1 +111100110 agriculture-policy 1 +111100110 limited-substitution 1 +111100110 griped-about 1 +111100110 176-point 1 +111100110 platform-drafting 1 +111100110 pre-Hart 1 +111100110 Venezuela-like 1 +111100110 near-archaic 1 +111100110 widely-seen 1 +111100110 pre-1956 1 +111100110 cycling-related 1 +111100110 one-book-a-week 1 +111100110 Easter-related 1 +111100110 premlinary 1 +111100110 non-class 1 +111100110 multimonth 1 +111100110 50-company 1 +111100110 political-office 1 +111100110 6,346 1 +111100110 already-arranged 1 +111100110 project-feasibility 1 +111100110 social-adjustment 1 +111100110 pro-Norman 1 +111100110 not-distant-enough 1 +111100110 corporate-settlement 1 +111100110 Soviet-Polish 1 +111100110 consumer-opinion 1 +111100110 hard-bound 1 +111100110 culture-bearing 1 +111100110 four-concert 1 +111100110 takeover-fueled 1 +111100110 doggiest 1 +111100110 158-patient 1 +111100110 non-drought 1 +111100110 25-patient 1 +111100110 common-law-marriage 1 +111100110 post-mortal 1 +111100110 615-point 1 +111100110 Marcos-related 1 +111100110 91,615 1 +111100110 Time-Yankelovich 1 +111100110 17-pence 1 +111100110 drought-damage 1 +111100110 seven-and-a-half 1 +111100110 light-therapy 1 +111100110 more-than-terrible 1 +111100110 port-merger 1 +111100110 news-spoof 1 +111100110 takeover-style 1 +111100110 barracks-style 1 +111100110 low-back-pain 1 +111100110 latecycle 1 +111100110 post-1960 1 +111100110 tes-score 1 +111100110 less-bullish 1 +111100110 BMW-3 1 +111100110 micro-economic 1 +111100110 eight-and-a-half 1 +111100110 Compaq2 1 +111100110 25-city 2 +111100110 USDA-sponsored 2 +111100110 U.S.-Syrian 2 +111100110 600-million-share 2 +111100110 20.62-point 2 +111100110 air-traffic-controller 2 +111100110 real-sector 2 +111100110 luxuriantly 2 +111100110 more-sober 2 +111100110 preconvention 2 +111100110 when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife 2 +111100110 post-1975 2 +111100110 half-inch-high 2 +111100110 month-ago 2 +111100110 20-game 2 +111100110 long-married 2 +111100110 bi-annual 2 +111100110 council-sanctioned 2 +111100110 JT8D-200 2 +111100110 couch-potato 2 +111100110 silver-trading 2 +111100110 cash-conserving 2 +111100110 often-heard 2 +111100110 Hearstian 2 +111100110 product-quality 2 +111100110 category-three 2 +111100110 late-1985 2 +111100110 3,000-year 2 +111100110 26-game 2 +111100110 olden 3 +111100110 121-point 3 +111100110 pre-communist 3 +111100110 sun-filled 3 +111100110 high-riding 3 +111100110 euphemistic 3 +111100110 18-man 3 +111100110 early-October 3 +111100110 17-hour 3 +111100110 1,200-person 3 +111100110 local-level 3 +111100110 longneck 3 +111100110 book-length 3 +111100110 bite-size 3 +111100110 late-winter 4 +111100110 200-page 4 +111100110 trade-publication 4 +111100110 not-so-distant 4 +111100110 earnings-related 4 +111100110 AAAS 4 +111100110 pre-1966 5 +111100110 high-saving 5 +111100110 hotel-room 5 +111100110 long-predicted 5 +111100110 subzero 6 +111100110 government-commissioned 6 +111100110 Marplan 6 +111100110 strike-free 7 +111100110 late-morning 8 +111100110 60-65 8 +111100110 16-count 8 +111100110 bone-chilling 9 +111100110 13-hour 9 +111100110 15-hour 9 +111100110 16-hour 10 +111100110 halcyon 11 +111100110 14-hour 12 +111100110 U.N.-mediated 14 +111100110 70-hour 15 +111100110 election-day 15 +111100110 10-hour 15 +111100110 just-released 15 +111100110 soon-to-be-released 16 +111100110 pre-dawn 18 +111100110 sleepless 18 +111100110 formative 19 +111100110 bygone 22 +111100110 wee 40 +111100110 record-setting 44 +111100110 12-hour 45 +111100110 late-afternoon 46 +111100110 recent 19814 +111100110 subsequent 916 +111100111 321,067 1 +111100111 Spring-Summer 1 +111100111 october 1 +111100111 rockiest 1 +111100111 70-cents-a-unit 1 +111100111 bunkered 1 +111100111 Ethnography. 1 +111100111 20,000-copy 1 +111100111 146-page 1 +111100111 calender 1 +111100111 best-of-three 1 +111100111 giggle-a-minute 1 +111100111 24-cents-a-share 1 +111100111 fully-equipped 1 +111100111 power-hitting 1 +111100111 vines/lived 1 +111100111 technologies.In 1 +111100111 descriptor 1 +111100111 now-complete 1 +111100111 Marcos-rigged 1 +111100111 35-cents-a-share 1 +111100111 1986.That 1 +111100111 33-cent-a-share 1 +111100111 3,970,000 1 +111100111 74-cent-a-share 1 +111100111 42-cent 1 +111100111 fisal 1 +111100111 death-by-glancing-blows 1 +111100111 economic-deregulation 1 +111100111 late-20th 1 +111100111 22,560 1 +111100111 FY 1 +111100111 39-cents-a-share 1 +111100111 Auteroche. 1 +111100111 bordering-on-anarchy 1 +111100111 400,000-copy 1 +111100111 Mitsubishi-built 1 +111100111 about-to-be-published 1 +111100111 recession/deflation 1 +111100111 Midler-Disney 1 +111100111 9.5-cent-a-share 1 +111100111 three-millimeter 1 +111100111 200-year-long 1 +111100111 September-November 1 +111100111 autarchic 1 +111100111 much-rumored 1 +111100111 nickel-a-share 1 +111100111 rate-tightening 1 +111100111 dots. 1 +111100111 five-cents-a-share 1 +111100111 Pakistani-Afghan 1 +111100111 debt-solution 1 +111100111 monopsonistic 1 +111100111 scandal-marred 1 +111100111 multilateralism. 1 +111100111 Matisse. 1 +111100111 water-tax 1 +111100111 dark-gray 1 +111100111 Sommerfest 1 +111100111 two-to-five 1 +111100111 victimizes 1 +111100111 1,000-store 1 +111100111 Tradicional 1 +111100111 nonpornographic 1 +111100111 safety-first 1 +111100111 firm-dollar 1 +111100111 42-cents-a-share 1 +111100111 fiscasl 1 +111100111 uncaptured 1 +111100111 Janury 1 +111100111 Taiwan-funded 1 +111100111 seven-run 2 +111100111 211th 2 +111100111 turn-of-the 2 +111100111 late-19th 2 +111100111 10-cents-a-share 2 +111100111 Olympics/election 2 +111100111 9. 2 +111100111 Kamerlingh 2 +111100111 deficit-plagued 2 +111100111 overcollected 2 +111100111 75-cent-a-share 3 +111100111 nineteenth 3 +111100111 97.5-cent 3 +111100111 Olympics-election 3 +111100111 January-June 3 +111100111 non-election 3 +111100111 14-week 4 +111100111 October-December 16 +111100111 fiscal 11269 +111100111 centennial 105 +11110100 military-terrorist 1 +11110100 side-stepped 1 +11110100 agricultural-laborer 1 +11110100 scheduled-items 1 +11110100 semi-privatized 1 +11110100 firebomb-throwing 1 +11110100 post-press 1 +11110100 ill-adapted 1 +11110100 mispronounced 1 +11110100 takeover-protection 1 +11110100 Sesotho 1 +11110100 extra-effort 1 +11110100 plasticrelated 1 +11110100 health-giving 1 +11110100 mural-sized 1 +11110100 brushless 1 +11110100 baton-wielding 1 +11110100 pseudo-illnesses 1 +11110100 selection-type 1 +11110100 fashion-plate 1 +11110100 3,862 1 +11110100 boardmeeting 1 +11110100 ex-Howden 1 +11110100 button-sized 1 +11110100 noncancelable 1 +11110100 patronage-conscious 1 +11110100 jet-assisted 1 +11110100 Capulet 1 +11110100 1.5536 1 +11110100 Ranneau 1 +11110100 voter-fraud 1 +11110100 tax-effective 1 +11110100 VPPI 1 +11110100 undertaxing 1 +11110100 blue-suede-shoe 1 +11110100 out-of-office 1 +11110100 price-tempering 1 +11110100 executive-class 1 +11110100 JanSport 1 +11110100 soonest-maturing 1 +11110100 Camalox 1 +11110100 loans-in-progress 1 +11110100 bribe-seeking 1 +11110100 A-l 1 +11110100 becomingly 1 +11110100 heavy-walled 1 +11110100 abesnt-minded 1 +11110100 dacron 1 +11110100 commodity-using 1 +11110100 statusconscious 1 +11110100 loud-talking 1 +11110100 not-so-entertaining 1 +11110100 poster-receipt 1 +11110100 adulatory 1 +11110100 accordion-flavored 1 +11110100 once-orchidaceous 1 +11110100 work-assignment 1 +11110100 Eurokroner 1 +11110100 hand-surgery 1 +11110100 personal-exemption 1 +11110100 landbased 1 +11110100 no-fun 1 +11110100 fax-directory 1 +11110100 non-felony 1 +11110100 telephone-directory 1 +11110100 revenue-starved 1 +11110100 LXI-brand 1 +11110100 jerkiest 1 +11110100 mid-priced-clone 1 +11110100 graphics-related 1 +11110100 delaying-type 1 +11110100 company-designated 1 +11110100 precision/production 1 +11110100 legitimate-seeming 1 +11110100 complaint-free 1 +11110100 small-blood-vessel 1 +11110100 quick-freezes 1 +11110100 first-birthday 1 +11110100 work-rules 1 +11110100 less-industrialized 1 +11110100 Spirolox 1 +11110100 money-fixated 1 +11110100 heart-warming 1 +11110100 non-salty 1 +11110100 secondand 1 +11110100 Power-Circuit 1 +11110100 chigger 1 +11110100 not-so-common 1 +11110100 Moba 1 +11110100 low-resistance 1 +11110100 NIH-related 1 +11110100 stationwagon 1 +11110100 near-retirement 1 +11110100 super-efficient 1 +11110100 Eskimo-rights 1 +11110100 mirgration 1 +11110100 nononsense 1 +11110100 business-hungry 1 +11110100 religious-order 1 +11110100 less-considered 1 +11110100 Butter-Nut 1 +11110100 fish-market 1 +11110100 spacewalking 1 +11110100 Otoe-Missouria 1 +11110100 copper-related 1 +11110100 two-to-10-store 1 +11110100 creepy-crawly 1 +11110100 freshly-grilled 1 +11110100 right-side-up 1 +11110100 non-special-interest 1 +11110100 expenditure-oriented 1 +11110100 arrowleaf 1 +11110100 presentday 1 +11110100 thousand-and-one 1 +11110100 stability-minded 1 +11110100 gate-rental 1 +11110100 Marielito 1 +11110100 door-trim 1 +11110100 T-64 1 +11110100 store-display 1 +11110100 drinking-related 1 +11110100 -armed 1 +11110100 recombining 1 +11110100 not-so-major 1 +11110100 no-tech 1 +11110100 multimember 1 +11110100 capital-importing 1 +11110100 texturally 1 +11110100 Rynite 1 +11110100 Rust-Bowl 1 +11110100 GOP-leaning 1 +11110100 tennis-related 1 +11110100 Farsi-speaking 1 +11110100 fuzzy-looking 1 +11110100 lower-caste 1 +11110100 mid-southern 1 +11110100 high-incidence 1 +11110100 non-tourism 1 +11110100 minority-member 1 +11110100 computer-dealership 1 +11110100 frontseat 1 +11110100 unpowered 1 +11110100 auto-hauling 1 +11110100 super-tech 1 +11110100 slicked-over 1 +11110100 shortenings 1 +11110100 retirement-system 1 +11110100 stock-owning 1 +11110100 angry-eyed 1 +11110100 bottom-dwelling 1 +11110100 foresightful 1 +11110100 nontravel 1 +11110100 FAA-required 1 +11110100 beer-and-pretzel 1 +11110100 brigade-sized 1 +11110100 1,224 1 +11110100 afterschool 1 +11110100 2,956 1 +11110100 aspirin-containing 1 +11110100 volume-ballooning 1 +11110100 passenger-bus 1 +11110100 gift-with-purchase 1 +11110100 Solidarity-unionist 1 +11110100 original-cast 1 +11110100 southcentral 1 +11110100 Willistic 1 +11110100 achievement-level 1 +11110100 non-Comecon 1 +11110100 Ripon-type 1 +11110100 weapon-systems 1 +11110100 business-consultation 1 +11110100 Basilicata 1 +11110100 livestock-growing 1 +11110100 foreign-exchange-earning 1 +11110100 multilaterial 1 +11110100 power-plant-production 1 +11110100 heavily-leveraged 1 +11110100 hypochlorite 1 +11110100 3-ounce 1 +11110100 fiddle-driven 1 +11110100 Shantung 1 +11110100 bowling-alley 1 +11110100 government-restricted 1 +11110100 re-enacts 1 +11110100 weeks.The 1 +11110100 kids-league 1 +11110100 personal-phone-call 1 +11110100 non-frosty 1 +11110100 gunking 1 +11110100 non-routine 1 +11110100 pre-colored 1 +11110100 most-loss-ridden 1 +11110100 most-appealing 1 +11110100 treasurable 1 +11110100 skinnylegged 1 +11110100 folk-dancing 1 +11110100 100-millimeter 1 +11110100 oilstate 1 +11110100 meat-plant 1 +11110100 free-enterprising 1 +11110100 tricep 1 +11110100 debt-guarantee 1 +11110100 white-uniformed 1 +11110100 cotton-exporting 1 +11110100 South-central 1 +11110100 Canadian-mining 1 +11110100 fast-action 1 +11110100 non-rental 1 +11110100 brown-bag 1 +11110100 vehicle-use-tax 1 +11110100 folk-dance 1 +11110100 other-nation 1 +11110100 family-tied 1 +11110100 one-design 1 +11110100 central-casting 1 +11110100 nonearnings 1 +11110100 drab-colored 1 +11110100 non-Tibetan 1 +11110100 high-turnout 1 +11110100 well-set 1 +11110100 life-enhancement 1 +11110100 super-congested 1 +11110100 sharp-leafed 1 +11110100 load-bearing 1 +11110100 less-than-altruistic 1 +11110100 29-lawyer 1 +11110100 weapons-exporting 1 +11110100 refined-sugar 1 +11110100 earliest-contest 1 +11110100 English-trained 1 +11110100 less-than-diffident 1 +11110100 mass-psychology 1 +11110100 single-A-2-rated 1 +11110100 non-familial 1 +11110100 Christian-right 1 +11110100 adoption-assistance 1 +11110100 aluminum-worker 1 +11110100 airline-management 1 +11110100 Nixon-Humphrey 1 +11110100 8888 1 +11110100 fired-on 1 +11110100 horizontal-restraints 1 +11110100 crash-scarred 1 +11110100 over-rewarding 1 +11110100 small-to-medium-size 1 +11110100 cow-calf 1 +11110100 machine-sale 1 +11110100 Taitham-Laird 1 +11110100 murder-for-insurance 1 +11110100 mosquito-control 1 +11110100 un-toilet-trained 1 +11110100 expedites 1 +11110100 party-giving 1 +11110100 volume-inflating 1 +11110100 Kingsford 1 +11110100 Kootenai 1 +11110100 precipitation-free 1 +11110100 California-licensed 1 +11110100 Mexican-government 1 +11110100 special-relief 1 +11110100 anti-Khomenei 1 +11110100 plastics-processing 1 +11110100 re-oils 1 +11110100 Arickara 1 +11110100 five-foot-wide 1 +11110100 international-grocery 1 +11110100 college-station 1 +11110100 familiar-looking 2 +11110100 multi-line 2 +11110100 Visigoth 2 +11110100 gun-related 2 +11110100 graphics-processing 2 +11110100 bridge-construction 2 +11110100 Tarasoff-type 2 +11110100 exchange-house 2 +11110100 Mosel 2 +11110100 rec-room 2 +11110100 job-preservation 2 +11110100 blue-pen 2 +11110100 unequally 2 +11110100 one-tenth-ounce 2 +11110100 cost-sensitive 2 +11110100 debt-strapped 2 +11110100 non-capitalist 2 +11110100 movie-industry 2 +11110100 dingbat 2 +11110100 plant-growth 2 +11110100 congenitally 2 +11110100 1.593 2 +11110100 Minarco 2 +11110100 nonsectarian 2 +11110100 pension-benefit 2 +11110100 suspicious-looking 2 +11110100 prison-reform 2 +11110100 soft-shell 2 +11110100 Brahma 2 +11110100 inflation-fearing 2 +11110100 semp 2 +11110100 worst-run 2 +11110100 semi-rural 2 +11110100 nature-loving 2 +11110100 compact-disc-quality 2 +11110100 sweat-equity 2 +11110100 non-degreed 2 +11110100 U.S.-traded 2 +11110100 self-designated 2 +11110100 crude-short 2 +11110100 rock-ribbed 2 +11110100 taxiing-out 2 +11110100 ADM-related 2 +11110100 newish 2 +11110100 undertrained 2 +11110100 16,662 2 +11110100 silverplated 2 +11110100 unencoded 2 +11110100 2,118 2 +11110100 hai 2 +11110100 self-anointed 2 +11110100 strong-demand 2 +11110100 trend-seeking 2 +11110100 1,261 2 +11110100 price-swing 2 +11110100 as-yet-unexplained 2 +11110100 weight-gain 2 +11110100 nonstatistical 2 +11110100 13,820 2 +11110100 Mase 2 +11110100 DoD 2 +11110100 ophthalmalogic 2 +11110100 bloodstained 2 +11110100 product-origination 2 +11110100 nonofficial 2 +11110100 lethal-looking 2 +11110100 peristaltic 2 +11110100 low-VAT 2 +11110100 fuel-adjustment 2 +11110100 already-soft 3 +11110100 high-debt 3 +11110100 cement-distribution 3 +11110100 biomorphic 3 +11110100 less-glamorous 3 +11110100 chancier 3 +11110100 non-health 3 +11110100 Asian-based 3 +11110100 gold-producing 3 +11110100 frat 3 +11110100 drug-linked 3 +11110100 twiggy 3 +11110100 Dyson-Kissner 3 +11110100 Giuseppi 3 +11110100 freedom-of-religion 3 +11110100 brainless 3 +11110100 less-populated 3 +11110100 credit-union 3 +11110100 work-at-home 3 +11110100 Swiss-made 3 +11110100 non-price 3 +11110100 likeminded 3 +11110100 network-news 3 +11110100 fee-hungry 3 +11110100 lowcost 3 +11110100 symptomless 4 +11110100 wide-flange 4 +11110100 different-sized 4 +11110100 high-unemployment 4 +11110100 renewable-energy 4 +11110100 otheir 4 +11110100 under-served 4 +11110100 unlined 4 +11110100 college-student 4 +11110100 ex-military 4 +11110100 less-successful 4 +11110100 needier 4 +11110100 property-development 4 +11110100 state-backed 4 +11110100 Coptic 4 +11110100 sociopolitical 4 +11110100 small-to-medium-sized 4 +11110100 higher-wage 5 +11110100 child-development 5 +11110100 consumer-brand 5 +11110100 airport-terminal 5 +11110100 small-group 5 +11110100 Tigrean 6 +11110100 non-Arab 7 +11110100 import-sensitive 8 +11110100 open-shop 9 +11110100 upper-middle-income 9 +11110100 soybean-growing 10 +11110100 diehard 11 +11110100 trendier 11 +11110100 small-plane 15 +11110100 other 63911 +11110100 alcohol-related 22 +11110101 49,201 1 +11110101 super-cold 1 +11110101 Fleetwood/Clark 1 +11110101 sixth-most 1 +11110101 astringently 1 +11110101 adaptions 1 +11110101 now-hidden 1 +11110101 super-militarization 1 +11110101 most-criticized 1 +11110101 272,000-man 1 +11110101 non-planting 1 +11110101 noodlers 1 +11110101 bonily 1 +11110101 easy-grab 1 +11110101 135-unit 1 +11110101 non-filter 1 +11110101 syrup-additive 1 +11110101 390-bed 1 +11110101 water-up-the-nose 1 +11110101 black-stained 1 +11110101 400-unit 1 +11110101 Liberals. 1 +11110101 less-than-totally 1 +11110101 sejm 1 +11110101 non-hospital-insurance 1 +11110101 dreariest 1 +11110101 seven-cent-a-share 1 +11110101 46-building 1 +11110101 botanically 1 +11110101 four-largest 1 +11110101 23-foot-high 1 +11110101 mall-card 1 +11110101 coltishly 1 +11110101 6-foot-4-inches 1 +11110101 tapped-out 1 +11110101 nine-foot-deep 1 +11110101 swankdom 1 +11110101 satanically 1 +11110101 voyeuristically 1 +11110101 500-kilometer 1 +11110101 still-bound 1 +11110101 still-steamy 1 +11110101 dirt-entrapping 1 +11110101 AOPA 1 +11110101 dormitory-laboratory 1 +11110101 3,266 1 +11110101 jet-plane 1 +11110101 10th-most 1 +11110101 AmeriTrust/SRI 1 +11110101 could-be-anywhere 1 +11110101 315,000-share 1 +11110101 untraditionally 1 +11110101 sound-conducting 1 +11110101 debatably 1 +11110101 Slobovian 1 +11110101 cognitive-services 1 +11110101 dollar-vis-a-vis 1 +11110101 non-motorized 1 +11110101 office-apartment 1 +11110101 DTA 1 +11110101 next-to-lowest 1 +11110101 Northamptonshire 1 +11110101 perturbingly 1 +11110101 susurrate 1 +11110101 off-hand 1 +11110101 technology-base 1 +11110101 museology 1 +11110101 future-perfect 1 +11110101 left-out 1 +11110101 infamously 1 +11110101 now-forsaken 1 +11110101 nuclearweapons 1 +11110101 multifamilies 1 +11110101 early-on 1 +11110101 unmitigatingly 1 +11110101 until-recently 1 +11110101 wind. 1 +11110101 pointy-eared 1 +11110101 astrologically 1 +11110101 militaryindustrial 1 +11110101 diabolically 1 +11110101 dullish 1 +11110101 IA 1 +11110101 not-necessarily 1 +11110101 chattered 1 +11110101 unforgettably 1 +11110101 hotel/office/residential 1 +11110101 fuzz-covered 1 +11110101 average-size 1 +11110101 trach 1 +11110101 grim-and-gripping 1 +11110101 kharif 1 +11110101 Koethers 1 +11110101 to-be-expected 1 +11110101 10-building 1 +11110101 unfreezing 2 +11110101 149,103 2 +11110101 41,600 2 +11110101 quick-trading 2 +11110101 windshield-washer 2 +11110101 second-poorest 2 +11110101 open-armed 2 +11110101 seventh-most 2 +11110101 luminously 2 +11110101 urbanizing 2 +11110101 shiftings 2 +11110101 ill-judged 2 +11110101 neigboring 2 +11110101 seatbacks 2 +11110101 less-flattering 2 +11110101 oft-maligned 2 +11110101 heavy-footed 2 +11110101 warm-weather 2 +11110101 3/8-inch 2 +11110101 by-no-means 2 +11110101 folding-room 3 +11110101 precast 3 +11110101 best-informed 4 +11110101 mistrustful 4 +11110101 280-pound 4 +11110101 lyrically 4 +11110101 torments 5 +11110101 thermally 5 +11110101 Mutuelles 5 +11110101 quadraphonic 5 +11110101 fourth-most 6 +11110101 ready-mix 6 +11110101 pre-cast 8 +11110101 Frusen 8 +11110101 2,082 10 +11110101 so-far 11 +11110101 second-most 11 +11110101 third-most 14 +11110101 most 35061 +11110101 ready-mixed 17 +11110110 employer-leaning 1 +11110110 97,175 1 +11110110 snot 1 +11110110 contractor-switching 1 +11110110 935-818 1 +11110110 sheepishness 1 +11110110 1754 1 +11110110 we-sell-it 1 +11110110 REGB 1 +11110110 56,967,000 1 +11110110 high-luxe 1 +11110110 unblocked 1 +11110110 572,869 1 +11110110 tractability 1 +11110110 intranasally 1 +11110110 kenneling 1 +11110110 .209 1 +11110110 Strained 1 +11110110 16,000,000 1 +11110110 1.5395 1 +11110110 sweat-attire 1 +11110110 96,251 1 +11110110 still-golden 1 +11110110 name-your-own-favorite 1 +11110110 Fairbury 1 +11110110 881,873 1 +11110110 miscarrying 1 +11110110 self-justifying 1 +11110110 themelves 1 +11110110 Consolidated-Minorco 1 +11110110 quick-printers 1 +11110110 MISCLASSED 1 +11110110 rebel-government 1 +11110110 home/studio 1 +11110110 Strangelovian 1 +11110110 184,506 1 +11110110 better-staffed 1 +11110110 226,712 1 +11110110 I-90 1 +11110110 261,680 1 +11110110 Fizzles 1 +11110110 261,704 1 +11110110 mid-Texas 1 +11110110 sassing 1 +11110110 26,363 1 +11110110 Karanja 1 +11110110 Soyo 1 +11110110 nondogmatic 1 +11110110 246,473 1 +11110110 Import-export 1 +11110110 Grisly 1 +11110110 poi 1 +11110110 denied-boarding 1 +11110110 scotching 1 +11110110 320,980 1 +11110110 Anti-poverty 1 +11110110 less-scientific 1 +11110110 reanimated 1 +11110110 Reinosa 1 +11110110 Amok 1 +11110110 warfighting 1 +11110110 1,590,657 1 +11110110 1,003.80 1 +11110110 hard-to-service 1 +11110110 165,132 1 +11110110 326,411 1 +11110110 gimmick-laden 1 +11110110 cash-on-hand 1 +11110110 dispersements 1 +11110110 293.00 1 +11110110 174,954 1 +11110110 56,724 1 +11110110 hard-to-lease 1 +11110110 coarser 1 +11110110 state-refund 1 +11110110 nonrelated 1 +11110110 lower-production 1 +11110110 otherwise-private 1 +11110110 cathedral-building 1 +11110110 water-flow 1 +11110110 white-victim 1 +11110110 flogs 1 +11110110 pre-shadowed 1 +11110110 24133.10 1 +11110110 seldom-explored 1 +11110110 First-hand 1 +11110110 ground-air-ground 1 +11110110 less-fortunate 1 +11110110 child-dependency 1 +11110110 patient-specific 1 +11110110 mega-stardom 1 +11110110 self-laceration 1 +11110110 270,299 1 +11110110 Kiswahili 1 +11110110 346,249 1 +11110110 replanning 1 +11110110 industrial-manufacturing 1 +11110110 car-oriented 1 +11110110 -described 1 +11110110 32,575 1 +11110110 692,748 1 +11110110 Montedison-Ferruzzi 1 +11110110 pyromaniacs 1 +11110110 broadsided 1 +11110110 foreigner-hating 1 +11110110 Russian-populated 1 +11110110 brain-damaged-baby 1 +11110110 health-and-beauty-aid 1 +11110110 specially-designated 1 +11110110 small-company-stock 1 +11110110 big-cost 1 +11110110 Lysenkoism 1 +11110110 rally-round-the-case 1 +11110110 particularized 1 +11110110 C3-P0 1 +11110110 336,700 1 +11110110 sulfonamides 1 +11110110 mid1982 1 +11110110 Fedwatchers 1 +11110110 365,199 1 +11110110 contravening 1 +11110110 Sept.9 1 +11110110 Winstom-Salem 1 +11110110 five-pointed 1 +11110110 ear-shattering 1 +11110110 438,399 1 +11110110 three-film 1 +11110110 Newtonian 1 +11110110 will-related 1 +11110110 arrowheads 1 +11110110 pituitary-gland 1 +11110110 definance 1 +11110110 exluding 1 +11110110 singlehood 1 +11110110 Schroders-supplied 1 +11110110 Mitusbishi 1 +11110110 management-involved 1 +11110110 pro-pig 1 +11110110 1,761 1 +11110110 often-treatable 1 +11110110 1,340,344 1 +11110110 vicars 1 +11110110 359,784 1 +11110110 316,298 1 +11110110 nonresidential-contracting 1 +11110110 6,443 1 +11110110 53,064 1 +11110110 labor-protective 2 +11110110 8,926 2 +11110110 nomilin 2 +11110110 Wat 2 +11110110 wurst 2 +11110110 slick-looking 2 +11110110 2,113 2 +11110110 960,300 2 +11110110 jump-starting 2 +11110110 gladiatorial 2 +11110110 land-tenure 2 +11110110 more-informal 2 +11110110 centerstage 2 +11110110 170,382 2 +11110110 Ballast 2 +11110110 immigration-related 3 +11110110 nervous-system 3 +11110110 bigger-ticket 4 +11110110 easy-to-understand 5 +11110110 untrammeled 8 +11110110 inasmuch 9 +11110110 such 37737 +11110110 insofar 35 +1111011100 harder-to-catch 1 +1111011100 muncipals 1 +1111011100 overdocumenting 1 +1111011100 more-otherworldly 1 +1111011100 more-mainstream 1 +1111011100 subject-matter 1 +1111011100 capital-crime 1 +1111011100 pension-planning 1 +1111011100 245,110,000 1 +1111011100 semifree-market 1 +1111011100 fade-in 1 +1111011100 elderly-care 1 +1111011100 market-development 1 +1111011100 cerebrovascular 1 +1111011100 lower-dosage 1 +1111011100 yenbond 1 +1111011100 painwracked 1 +1111011100 asbestos-linked 1 +1111011100 besets 1 +1111011100 old-breed 1 +1111011100 daylight-savings 1 +1111011100 Tonnie 1 +1111011100 internal-communications 1 +1111011100 water-resource 1 +1111011100 job-development 1 +1111011100 travel-card 1 +1111011100 radar-defense 1 +1111011100 hailstones 1 +1111011100 non-sanctioned 1 +1111011100 solemly 1 +1111011100 full-commission 1 +1111011100 undeleted 1 +1111011100 569,600 1 +1111011100 tradition-conscious 1 +1111011100 glass-covered 1 +1111011100 electric-transport 1 +1111011100 pharaohs 1 +1111011100 construction-standards 1 +1111011100 8,563 1 +1111011100 34,800 1 +1111011100 17,006,802,720 1 +1111011100 cross-indexed 1 +1111011100 pool-sized 1 +1111011100 983,050 1 +1111011100 ferry-riding 1 +1111011100 Yamaha/Steinway 1 +1111011100 74,763 1 +1111011100 Jakartans 1 +1111011100 autoimmune-disease 1 +1111011100 1,460,900 1 +1111011100 city-club 1 +1111011100 Detsky 1 +1111011100 speculators/ 1 +1111011100 one-eighth-point 1 +1111011100 fumble-fingered 1 +1111011100 human-factors 1 +1111011100 9,123 2 +1111011100 English-only 2 +1111011100 4,491 2 +1111011100 non-growth 2 +1111011100 136,300 2 +1111011100 anencephalics 2 +1111011100 Tamiami 3 +1111011100 more-common 3 +1111011100 overfilling 3 +1111011100 shiitake 3 +1111011100 15,200 4 +1111011100 deficit-conscious 4 +1111011100 furloughing 5 +1111011100 some 58635 +1111011100 high-loss 5 +1111011101 UDF-sympathetic 1 +1111011101 shareholderas 1 +1111011101 de-escalation 1 +1111011101 sea-route 1 +1111011101 essay-length 1 +1111011101 male-to-male 1 +1111011101 salty-tasting 1 +1111011101 non-ethnic 1 +1111011101 industrial-health 1 +1111011101 less-capitalized 1 +1111011101 school-shackled 1 +1111011101 162-foot-tall 1 +1111011101 spear-toting 1 +1111011101 account-management 1 +1111011101 334,800 1 +1111011101 high-functioning 1 +1111011101 congressional-corruption 1 +1111011101 1,132,731 1 +1111011101 non-bulk 1 +1111011101 Porsche-driving 1 +1111011101 dislocuted 1 +1111011101 10,442 1 +1111011101 untractable 1 +1111011101 hip-fracture 1 +1111011101 non-college 1 +1111011101 14,943 1 +1111011101 Kaldoun 1 +1111011101 craftier 1 +1111011101 3,375 1 +1111011101 Hanns-Arnt 1 +1111011101 low-producing 1 +1111011101 textile-state 1 +1111011101 still-nervous 1 +1111011101 less-than-honest 1 +1111011101 fighting-age 1 +1111011101 lowest-level 1 +1111011101 rock-show 1 +1111011101 credit-card-industry 1 +1111011101 U.S.-industry 1 +1111011101 passing-shot 1 +1111011101 pro-TVA 1 +1111011101 Western-government 1 +1111011101 blowhard 1 +1111011101 institutitonal 1 +1111011101 non-Punjabi 1 +1111011101 time-crunched 1 +1111011101 wide-hatted 1 +1111011101 unlovable 1 +1111011101 musicians-turned-stock 1 +1111011101 3,389 1 +1111011101 Halloween-crazed 1 +1111011101 less-trained 1 +1111011101 pitch-out 1 +1111011101 safety-minded 1 +1111011101 fee-paying 1 +1111011101 prisonlike 1 +1111011101 ill-prepares 1 +1111011101 striped-pants 1 +1111011101 pork-seeking 1 +1111011101 three-card-monte 1 +1111011101 stubble-toothed 1 +1111011101 6.9-liter 1 +1111011101 30,316 1 +1111011101 part-skim 1 +1111011101 337,105 1 +1111011101 professsional 1 +1111011101 864,900 1 +1111011101 art-minded 1 +1111011101 3,077 1 +1111011101 gold-minded 1 +1111011101 unappreciated 1 +1111011101 heavily-capitalized 1 +1111011101 academic-research 1 +1111011101 169,198 1 +1111011101 ACCUSE 1 +1111011101 non-minority 1 +1111011101 business-unit 1 +1111011101 co-senior 1 +1111011101 out-of-stocks 1 +1111011101 20,557 1 +1111011101 salt-of-the-earth 1 +1111011101 technology-minded 1 +1111011101 transmission-service 1 +1111011101 Ionnis 1 +1111011101 post-residency 1 +1111011101 787,000 1 +1111011101 structural-package 1 +1111011101 more-extravagant 1 +1111011101 nutrition-conscious 1 +1111011101 7.7500 1 +1111011101 869,800 1 +1111011101 1,524 1 +1111011101 technically-motivated 1 +1111011101 begowned 1 +1111011101 caucus/primary 1 +1111011101 buy-now-pay-later 1 +1111011101 foam-insulator 1 +1111011101 lower-middle-income 1 +1111011101 bias-proof 1 +1111011101 crime-forecasting 1 +1111011101 hammed 1 +1111011101 gold-seeking 1 +1111011101 more-detached 1 +1111011101 anti-booze 1 +1111011101 less-potent 1 +1111011101 thing-oriented 1 +1111011101 TV-market 1 +1111011101 U.S.backed 1 +1111011101 cash-advance 1 +1111011101 2,054 1 +1111011101 prominant 1 +1111011101 K-1 1 +1111011101 pitch-true 1 +1111011101 air-crash 1 +1111011101 knickknack 1 +1111011101 ensnarls 1 +1111011101 fast-money 1 +1111011101 69,346 1 +1111011101 single-talent 1 +1111011101 zinc-sulphide 1 +1111011101 JVC/Victor-financed 1 +1111011101 military-jet 1 +1111011101 successor-designate 1 +1111011101 noncontributing 1 +1111011101 just-plain 1 +1111011101 uninsured-black 1 +1111011101 540,800 1 +1111011101 post-McGovern 1 +1111011101 defense-dependent 1 +1111011101 Nike-shod 1 +1111011101 auto-supply 1 +1111011101 non-resistant 1 +1111011101 bargaining-related 1 +1111011101 health-minded 1 +1111011101 Triassic 1 +1111011101 primitivizing 1 +1111011101 ex-IRA 1 +1111011101 acquisitive-minded 1 +1111011101 non-Italian 1 +1111011101 beef-loving 1 +1111011101 69,800 1 +1111011101 deregulation-oriented 1 +1111011101 Meskhetian 1 +1111011101 Moscow-controlled 1 +1111011101 OTC-market 1 +1111011101 pro-GM 1 +1111011101 8,606 1 +1111011101 double-crop 1 +1111011101 recession-ridden 1 +1111011101 1,611,593 1 +1111011101 court-made 1 +1111011101 once-admiring 1 +1111011101 long-lined 1 +1111011101 Fla.-Sixty-two 1 +1111011101 destructively 1 +1111011101 2,549 1 +1111011101 over-insured 1 +1111011101 1,592 1 +1111011101 NYSE-registered 1 +1111011101 hyperbole-prone 1 +1111011101 ever-individualistic 1 +1111011101 convention-going 1 +1111011101 577,702 1 +1111011101 renegotiable 1 +1111011101 guileful 1 +1111011101 travel-reservations 1 +1111011101 insurance-claims 1 +1111011101 22,462 1 +1111011101 stony-faced 1 +1111011101 inflation-minded 1 +1111011101 80-20 1 +1111011101 surpassingly 1 +1111011101 recession-weary 1 +1111011101 17,463 1 +1111011101 Lauritz 1 +1111011101 besandaled 1 +1111011101 1,283,000 1 +1111011101 re-reported 1 +1111011101 no-down-payment 1 +1111011101 7,157 1 +1111011101 supervisory-level 1 +1111011101 248,515 1 +1111011101 rate-watching 1 +1111011101 lawyer-loving 1 +1111011101 asset-overhaul 1 +1111011101 earthquake-prone 2 +1111011101 low-seniority 2 +1111011101 munificence 2 +1111011101 more-neutral 2 +1111011101 seldom-seen 2 +1111011101 already-jittery 2 +1111011101 single-malt 2 +1111011101 Mesopotamian 2 +1111011101 auto-worker 2 +1111011101 irrigating 2 +1111011101 retirement-age 2 +1111011101 shop-at-home 2 +1111011101 tobacco-state 2 +1111011101 overfed 2 +1111011101 not-so-friendly 2 +1111011101 bonus-paying 2 +1111011101 emptyhanded 2 +1111011101 stackware 2 +1111011101 resortlike 2 +1111011101 airborne-transmitted 2 +1111011101 labor-owned 2 +1111011101 1,987 2 +1111011101 fleet-footed 2 +1111011101 Conradian 2 +1111011101 1,194 2 +1111011101 Bakelite 2 +1111011101 starstruck 2 +1111011101 437,811 3 +1111011101 1,014 3 +1111011101 bouilleurs 3 +1111011101 1,231 3 +1111011101 up-tight 3 +1111011101 braised 4 +1111011101 low-unemployment 4 +1111011101 non-insured 4 +1111011101 less-affluent 5 +1111011101 larger-sized 6 +1111011101 light-skinned 6 +1111011101 Vicks 6 +1111011101 many 33157 +1111011101 pistachio 9 +11110111100 timeservers 1 +11110111100 reservedly 1 +11110111100 76,993 1 +11110111100 Maoettes 1 +11110111100 megaliterateur 1 +11110111100 110,400 1 +11110111100 Yokasuka 1 +11110111100 A-dollar 1 +11110111100 wildcats 1 +11110111100 seal-like 1 +11110111100 broadleaf 1 +11110111100 jobhoppers 1 +11110111100 Selfridges 1 +11110111100 3,951,600 1 +11110111100 soft-soap 1 +11110111100 Monday-afternoon 1 +11110111100 22,328 1 +11110111100 chopped-steak 1 +11110111100 Reforma 1 +11110111100 anti-age 1 +11110111100 1,646,700 1 +11110111100 875,767 1 +11110111100 Alisons 1 +11110111100 Florida-owned 1 +11110111100 Bork-the-moderate 1 +11110111100 less-refined 1 +11110111100 18,842,000 1 +11110111100 energy-producers 1 +11110111100 2,136,600 1 +11110111100 cricket-gamblers 1 +11110111100 anencephaly 1 +11110111100 synfuel 1 +11110111100 wine-makers 1 +11110111100 174,200 1 +11110111100 then-legal 1 +11110111100 importsa 1 +11110111100 uncomplainingly 1 +11110111100 currently-available 1 +11110111100 rear-guardists 1 +11110111100 more-material 1 +11110111100 128,800 1 +11110111100 5,354,800 1 +11110111100 too-loose 1 +11110111100 ever-sliding 1 +11110111100 single-track 1 +11110111100 Unimates 1 +11110111100 general-ledger 1 +11110111100 UFO-watchers 1 +11110111100 already-announced 1 +11110111100 2,155,400 1 +11110111100 coconut-rich 1 +11110111100 gushingly 1 +11110111100 Procter-speakers 1 +11110111100 Afro-Americans 1 +11110111100 colleages 1 +11110111100 Gujaratis 1 +11110111100 non-dancers 1 +11110111100 pristine-condition 1 +11110111100 24,019 1 +11110111100 puertorriquenos 1 +11110111100 cholesterol-raising 1 +11110111100 686,792 1 +11110111100 non-felons 1 +11110111100 psycho-sickos 1 +11110111100 Wispa 1 +11110111100 vaudevillians 1 +11110111100 self-guided 1 +11110111100 ready-to-use 1 +11110111100 Russells 1 +11110111100 declamatory 1 +11110111100 29,200 1 +11110111100 retaliators 1 +11110111100 Danae 1 +11110111100 trust-bank 1 +11110111100 Zorro 1 +11110111100 blade-length 1 +11110111100 17year-old 1 +11110111100 parts-makers 1 +11110111100 1,506 1 +11110111100 1,100,000 1 +11110111100 non-swimmers 1 +11110111100 hard-asset 1 +11110111100 auto-obscuria 1 +11110111100 La-la-landers 1 +11110111100 lawyer-authors 1 +11110111100 disabling-injury 1 +11110111100 ascetics 1 +11110111100 nutrition-oriented 1 +11110111100 408,700 1 +11110111100 fun-in-the-sun 1 +11110111100 Erfurt 1 +11110111100 self-denigration 1 +11110111100 18-to-22-year-olds 1 +11110111100 neo-populists 1 +11110111100 Reizl 1 +11110111100 burrowers 1 +11110111100 164,360,000 1 +11110111100 squibs 1 +11110111100 Emmies 1 +11110111100 color-separation 1 +11110111100 100Jacuzzis 1 +11110111100 chartwatchers 1 +11110111100 American-held 1 +11110111100 Giuliani-type 1 +11110111100 disease-producing 1 +11110111100 hourglasses 1 +11110111100 abbots 1 +11110111100 detenteniks 1 +11110111100 Hausfrauen 1 +11110111100 4,394 1 +11110111100 extroverts 1 +11110111100 2,735 2 +11110111100 unprecendented 2 +11110111100 noncharitable 2 +11110111100 117,600 2 +11110111100 more-hazardous 2 +11110111100 epicenters 2 +11110111100 print-media 2 +11110111100 shareholder-employees 2 +11110111100 housebound 2 +11110111100 210,654 2 +11110111100 1,624 2 +11110111100 56,200 2 +11110111100 daytrippers 2 +11110111100 19,400 2 +11110111100 dietary-induced 2 +11110111100 1,380,000 2 +11110111100 WXRK-FM 2 +11110111100 84,300 2 +11110111100 4,654 2 +11110111100 hydroelectricity 2 +11110111100 Bedouins 2 +11110111100 266,900 2 +11110111100 164,212 2 +11110111100 276,500 2 +11110111100 mishandled-baggage 2 +11110111100 19,700 2 +11110111100 summering 2 +11110111100 PROs 2 +11110111100 barbecuing 2 +11110111100 67,200 2 +11110111100 86,300 2 +11110111100 135,187 2 +11110111100 35,875 2 +11110111100 tricosanthin 2 +11110111100 one-ninth 2 +11110111100 1,276 2 +11110111100 pay-movie 2 +11110111100 balmier 2 +11110111100 1,744,000 2 +11110111100 Pollyannaish 2 +11110111100 stags 2 +11110111100 1,102,000 2 +11110111100 110,600 2 +11110111100 bioequivalance 2 +11110111100 1,705 2 +11110111100 apparel-oriented 2 +11110111100 5,125,000 2 +11110111100 19,401 2 +11110111100 65,013 2 +11110111100 subcategories 2 +11110111100 dioramas 2 +11110111100 932,400 2 +11110111100 36,600 2 +11110111100 141,500 3 +11110111100 non-S&P 3 +11110111100 1,575,000 3 +11110111100 Dutch-auction-rate 3 +11110111100 47,300 3 +11110111100 half-pints 3 +11110111100 Schiapparelli 3 +11110111100 1,452 3 +11110111100 487,500 3 +11110111100 more-exotic 4 +11110111100 eighty 4 +11110111100 60,900 4 +11110111100 penalty-free 6 +11110111100 sulfamethazine 6 +11110111100 74,241 7 +11110111100 all-taxable 10 +11110111100 those 22979 +11110111100 pneumocystis 17 +11110111101 employee-attitude 1 +11110111101 street-side 1 +11110111101 sucrose-dextrose 1 +11110111101 oft-used 1 +11110111101 MTV-related 1 +11110111101 Cluj 1 +11110111101 ABC-approved 1 +11110111101 gender-related 1 +11110111101 Gorbachev-style 1 +11110111101 nonpregnant 1 +11110111101 Vernon-financed 1 +11110111101 economic-stimulative 1 +11110111101 diesel-power 1 +11110111101 anti-Algerian 1 +11110111101 high-tag 1 +11110111101 racket-sports 1 +11110111101 Woody-worlds 1 +11110111101 chain-owned 1 +11110111101 anti-futures 1 +11110111101 asbestos-exposed 1 +11110111101 federal-spending 1 +11110111101 Darmstadt-style 1 +11110111101 non-ordained 1 +11110111101 low-heeled 1 +11110111101 17,510 1 +11110111101 more-ethereal 1 +11110111101 7J7-related 1 +11110111101 transaction-oriented 1 +11110111101 Austrian-based 1 +11110111101 miskept 1 +11110111101 hotel-construction 1 +11110111101 Putnam. 1 +11110111101 cervical-cancer 1 +11110111101 investment-letter 1 +11110111101 Euro-equity 1 +11110111101 multitask 1 +11110111101 1,833 1 +11110111101 drinking-and-driving 1 +11110111101 market-minded 1 +11110111101 non-decisionmaking 1 +11110111101 currency-design 1 +11110111101 wage-reduction 1 +11110111101 nonmetro 1 +11110111101 ameliorative 1 +11110111101 stress-ridden 1 +11110111101 Treausury 1 +11110111101 cartridge-tape 1 +11110111101 fraudulent-pricing 1 +11110111101 Parapsychology 1 +11110111101 short-fused 1 +11110111101 predigested 1 +11110111101 cheap-lipstick 1 +11110111101 59,800,000 1 +11110111101 yellow-and-lavender 1 +11110111101 time-clock 1 +11110111101 fire-insurance 1 +11110111101 employee-trust 1 +11110111101 ADULT-ENTERTAINMENT 1 +11110111101 commodity-trade 1 +11110111101 4,127 1 +11110111101 bull-and-bear 1 +11110111101 product-review 1 +11110111101 miles-long 1 +11110111101 swimsuited 1 +11110111101 consumer-relations 1 +11110111101 heat-damaged 1 +11110111101 auto-industry-related 1 +11110111101 Parisian-style 1 +11110111101 still-successful 1 +11110111101 intradealer 1 +11110111101 20-meter 1 +11110111101 batting-average 1 +11110111101 tarantella 1 +11110111101 78-rpm 1 +11110111101 2,252,000 1 +11110111101 dairy-related 1 +11110111101 government-assigned 1 +11110111101 individual-sport 1 +11110111101 leverage-defensive 1 +11110111101 package-good 1 +11110111101 tenderhearted 1 +11110111101 full-panel 1 +11110111101 world-historical 1 +11110111101 post-classical 1 +11110111101 alonggetting 1 +11110111101 OPIC-insured 1 +11110111101 immune-blocking 1 +11110111101 crash-specific 1 +11110111101 workforce-trimming 1 +11110111101 low-to-no-margin 1 +11110111101 voice-production 1 +11110111101 pure-cultured 1 +11110111101 despoiling 1 +11110111101 billing-system 1 +11110111101 visitors-bureau 1 +11110111101 too-large 1 +11110111101 2,494 1 +11110111101 9,597 1 +11110111101 1,497 1 +11110111101 five-to-seven 1 +11110111101 paper-saving 1 +11110111101 demand-control 1 +11110111101 arrear 1 +11110111101 54.95 1 +11110111101 detestable 1 +11110111101 satellite-building 1 +11110111101 hard-to-assail 1 +11110111101 0.225 1 +11110111101 critical/scholarly 1 +11110111101 punch-drunk 1 +11110111101 2,621 1 +11110111101 Radiology-reached 1 +11110111101 4,034 1 +11110111101 delivery-van 1 +11110111101 health-budget 1 +11110111101 Tibetan-independence 1 +11110111101 2492 1 +11110111101 rent-an-office 1 +11110111101 model-shop 1 +11110111101 good-practice 1 +11110111101 pseudo-courtroom 1 +11110111101 deep-fat-fried 1 +11110111101 china-shop 1 +11110111101 divorceable 1 +11110111101 hard-braking 1 +11110111101 FDA-supervised 1 +11110111101 pro-black 1 +11110111101 look-back 1 +11110111101 marketing-related 1 +11110111101 regular-force 1 +11110111101 auto-crash 1 +11110111101 acid-reflux 1 +11110111101 grain-supply 1 +11110111101 envenomed 1 +11110111101 like-aged 1 +11110111101 16,482 1 +11110111101 scandal-tinged 1 +11110111101 mega-billion-dollar 1 +11110111101 active-adult 1 +11110111101 bathhouse 1 +11110111101 capitalist-tinged 1 +11110111101 conference-committee 1 +11110111101 great-looking 1 +11110111101 cotton-program 1 +11110111101 slim-yielding 1 +11110111101 congressional-appropriations 1 +11110111101 less-than-joyous 1 +11110111101 cement-related 1 +11110111101 hammer-wielding 1 +11110111101 sell-and-buyback 1 +11110111101 independent-living 1 +11110111101 60,537 1 +11110111101 jaycee 1 +11110111101 less-extensive 1 +11110111101 25-milligram 1 +11110111101 10-milligram 1 +11110111101 urban-policy 1 +11110111101 trade-assisting 1 +11110111101 America-style 1 +11110111101 job-quality 1 +11110111101 1,872 1 +11110111101 sandlot 1 +11110111101 pilot-certification 1 +11110111101 investment-product 1 +11110111101 euchring 1 +11110111101 pre-boom 1 +11110111101 3,224 1 +11110111101 number-coded 1 +11110111101 coffee-buying 1 +11110111101 market-structure 1 +11110111101 turbanned 1 +11110111101 well-creeled 1 +11110111101 campaign-overhaul 1 +11110111101 dimensionless 1 +11110111101 quasi-protectionist 1 +11110111101 outerspace 1 +11110111101 39,387 1 +11110111101 once-incurable 1 +11110111101 Windracer 1 +11110111101 solid-modeling 1 +11110111101 department-sanctioned 1 +11110111101 diabetes-related 1 +11110111101 Thomson-owned 1 +11110111101 anti-Communist-party 1 +11110111101 newbound 1 +11110111101 age-driven 1 +11110111101 leaderlike 1 +11110111101 managment-recommended 1 +11110111101 pre-formed 1 +11110111101 Clinton-era 1 +11110111101 non-social 1 +11110111101 less-lucrative 1 +11110111101 blood-count 1 +11110111101 on-the-ropes 1 +11110111101 non-operational 1 +11110111101 artificial-insemination 1 +11110111101 1,706 1 +11110111101 school-bond 1 +11110111101 clay-dough 1 +11110111101 five-scene 1 +11110111101 income-helping 1 +11110111101 taxiing-related 1 +11110111101 93,173 1 +11110111101 taxpayer-relations 1 +11110111101 Inuit-speaking 1 +11110111101 savage-looking 1 +11110111101 post-bout 1 +11110111101 anti-arbitrage 1 +11110111101 hard-to-copy 1 +11110111101 FSLIC-backed 1 +11110111101 physician-dispensed 1 +11110111101 never-seamy 1 +11110111101 7,077,900 1 +11110111101 not-so-nice 1 +11110111101 petty-bourgeois 1 +11110111101 1100-series 1 +11110111101 HMO-style 1 +11110111101 vine-ripened 1 +11110111101 often-warring 1 +11110111101 foreign-paid 1 +11110111101 budget-revision 1 +11110111101 rainbow-shaped 1 +11110111101 strong-smelling 1 +11110111101 classical-concert 1 +11110111101 replowing 1 +11110111101 utility-accounting 1 +11110111101 coated-fabric 1 +11110111101 physician-office 1 +11110111101 19th-century-style 1 +11110111101 welfare-to-work 1 +11110111101 neoplastic 1 +11110111101 employee-identification 1 +11110111101 cocoa-agreement 1 +11110111101 risk-premium 1 +11110111101 Zimbabwean/Mozambican 1 +11110111101 G.A. 1 +11110111101 schnoz 1 +11110111101 cigarette-related 1 +11110111101 nonmainstream 1 +11110111101 monetaristic 1 +11110111101 173,500 1 +11110111101 818,700 1 +11110111101 earth-trembling 1 +11110111101 tax-replacement 1 +11110111101 foot-in-the-door 1 +11110111101 motorsport 1 +11110111101 made-in-Mexico 1 +11110111101 public-assistance-level 1 +11110111101 non-acquisition 1 +11110111101 public-exposure 1 +11110111101 nonscholastic 1 +11110111101 business-world 1 +11110111101 on-train 1 +11110111101 late-18th-century 1 +11110111101 31,834 1 +11110111101 telephone-related 1 +11110111101 cllege 1 +11110111101 pounds-per-capita 1 +11110111101 budget-law 1 +11110111101 foreign-exchange-oriented 1 +11110111101 non-SEC 1 +11110111101 repeat-offender 1 +11110111101 41,735 1 +11110111101 animal-management 1 +11110111101 fresh-off-the-boat 1 +11110111101 fewer-than-desired 1 +11110111101 MTV-created 1 +11110111101 airwave 1 +11110111101 health-environmental 1 +11110111101 922,666 1 +11110111101 microfilm-related 1 +11110111101 extramural 1 +11110111101 5,072,975 1 +11110111101 pre-Korean-war 1 +11110111101 1,263,815 1 +11110111101 parasoled 1 +11110111101 273,496 1 +11110111101 Afro-Oriental 1 +11110111101 cuddlesome 1 +11110111101 pro-ethanol 1 +11110111101 academic-sounding 1 +11110111101 electronic-funds 1 +11110111101 professional-quality 1 +11110111101 1,828 1 +11110111101 clover-shaped 1 +11110111101 raisin-decorated 1 +11110111101 coolant-line 1 +11110111101 yet-unknown 1 +11110111101 big-fee 1 +11110111101 child-related 1 +11110111101 variable-annuity 1 +11110111101 electronics-manufacturing 1 +11110111101 intra-branch 1 +11110111101 still-weak 1 +11110111101 heretofore-not-needy 1 +11110111101 blue-penciling 1 +11110111101 sticky-topped 1 +11110111101 luxury-model 1 +11110111101 non-teaching 1 +11110111101 regional-development 1 +11110111101 special-entry 1 +11110111101 Hollywood-exploring 1 +11110111101 prime-age 1 +11110111101 low-maintenance 1 +11110111101 more-substantial 1 +11110111101 low-order 1 +11110111101 weatherbeaten 1 +11110111101 sheep-related 1 +11110111101 parses 1 +11110111101 Brezhnevian 1 +11110111101 account-churning 1 +11110111101 backstairs 1 +11110111101 European-oriented 1 +11110111101 1,283 1 +11110111101 erosioncontrol 1 +11110111101 energy-generation 1 +11110111101 hospital-discharge 1 +11110111101 already-working 1 +11110111101 three-judge-panel 1 +11110111101 university-construction 1 +11110111101 airline-safety 1 +11110111101 marijuana-cultivation 1 +11110111101 post-announcement 1 +11110111101 data-bank 1 +11110111101 18-to-29-year-old 1 +11110111101 nonrationalized 1 +11110111101 Molotov-cocktail-throwing 1 +11110111101 teacher-management 1 +11110111101 interest-tracing 1 +11110111101 5,472 1 +11110111101 Russianist 1 +11110111101 provincial-level 1 +11110111101 INF. 1 +11110111101 price-growth 1 +11110111101 65-70 1 +11110111101 pre-LP 1 +11110111101 9,194,000 1 +11110111101 accounting-law 1 +11110111101 drinkingwater 1 +11110111101 revenue-increase 1 +11110111101 often-innocent 1 +11110111101 vertical-equity 1 +11110111101 federal-crop 1 +11110111101 alchemical 1 +11110111101 money-generating 1 +11110111101 quick-selling 1 +11110111101 numbercrunching 1 +11110111101 not-so-premium 1 +11110111101 2,867 1 +11110111101 inter-ethnic 1 +11110111101 favorite-sauce 1 +11110111101 officer-employment 1 +11110111101 pro-BGH 1 +11110111101 more-fundamentalist 1 +11110111101 democractic 1 +11110111101 conversa 1 +11110111101 prepurchase 1 +11110111101 high-priority/low-income 1 +11110111101 10-for-24 1 +11110111101 long-termers 1 +11110111101 black-comic 1 +11110111101 8,422 1 +11110111101 Tylenol-tampering 1 +11110111101 field-study 1 +11110111101 deficit-driven 1 +11110111101 multi-college 1 +11110111101 indpendent 1 +11110111101 half- 1 +11110111101 China-related 1 +11110111101 356,306 1 +11110111101 menopause-related 1 +11110111101 brain-related 1 +11110111101 3,577 1 +11110111101 non-lucky 1 +11110111101 high-pollution 1 +11110111101 90-odd 1 +11110111101 94,572 1 +11110111101 psycho-social 1 +11110111101 nuclear-investment 1 +11110111101 plant-investment 1 +11110111101 coke-supply 1 +11110111101 press-bashing 1 +11110111101 pajamaclad 1 +11110111101 non-relevant 1 +11110111101 asset-growth 1 +11110111101 textile-production 1 +11110111101 seafood-borne 1 +11110111101 less-privileged 1 +11110111101 computer-accessible 1 +11110111101 community-investment 1 +11110111101 snow-melting 1 +11110111101 6,028 1 +11110111101 nonstate 1 +11110111101 gene-hunting 1 +11110111101 more-punitive 1 +11110111101 Sonet-compatible 1 +11110111101 non-methanol 1 +11110111101 87,526 1 +11110111101 press-freedom 1 +11110111101 studied-casual 1 +11110111101 173.075 1 +11110111101 4,833 1 +11110111101 boat-people 1 +11110111101 dualuse 1 +11110111101 long-drawn-out 1 +11110111101 ready-cash 1 +11110111101 1,077,000 1 +11110111101 2,207 1 +11110111101 5,220,324 1 +11110111101 703,579 1 +11110111101 AIDS-bias 1 +11110111101 33,512 1 +11110111101 out-of-alignment 1 +11110111101 non-contested 1 +11110111101 currency-price 1 +11110111101 optimization-type 1 +11110111101 stutterer 1 +11110111101 quick-silver 1 +11110111101 confidence-shattering 1 +11110111101 city-charter 1 +11110111101 By-the-Book 1 +11110111101 non-elderly 1 +11110111101 Sync 1 +11110111101 rumor-wire 1 +11110111101 dental-plan 1 +11110111101 quasi-tax 1 +11110111101 2,277 1 +11110111101 research-heavy 1 +11110111101 hypocracy 1 +11110111101 oilshock 1 +11110111101 Tsarist 1 +11110111101 pro-ethics 1 +11110111101 over-mature 1 +11110111101 all-points 1 +11110111101 959,195 1 +11110111101 mind-altering 1 +11110111101 blood-in-the-streets 1 +11110111101 essayish 1 +11110111101 non-cost 1 +11110111101 IV-drug-free 1 +11110111101 counteractive 1 +11110111101 vacation-pay 1 +11110111101 22.36 1 +11110111101 technology-rights 1 +11110111101 immunosuppressed 1 +11110111101 firebomb-wielding 1 +11110111101 9-liter 1 +11110111101 hightoned 1 +11110111101 pet-protection 1 +11110111101 drug-resistant 1 +11110111101 adopt-a-school 1 +11110111101 10-trip 1 +11110111101 attorney-fee 1 +11110111101 rate-payer 1 +11110111101 EDfare-type 1 +11110111101 cost-overrun 1 +11110111101 neonatal-care 1 +11110111101 4,255 1 +11110111101 5,975,000 1 +11110111101 IDD. 1 +11110111101 margin-lending 1 +11110111101 nonHispanic 1 +11110111101 Indian-related 1 +11110111101 still-sealed 1 +11110111101 arbitration-panel 1 +11110111101 21,785 1 +11110111101 16,325 1 +11110111101 solid-waste-management 1 +11110111101 luxury-marketing 1 +11110111101 ambigous 1 +11110111101 brick-clad 1 +11110111101 perfume-bottle 1 +11110111101 nonphysical 1 +11110111101 bifurcating 1 +11110111101 91,351 1 +11110111101 market-style 1 +11110111101 3,000-plus 1 +11110111101 cast-off 1 +11110111101 lower-order 1 +11110111101 far-from-crack 1 +11110111101 governing-party 1 +11110111101 gas-regulatory 1 +11110111101 sugar-using 1 +11110111101 French-held 1 +11110111101 Algerian-sponsored 1 +11110111101 coca-bush 1 +11110111101 non-traffic 1 +11110111101 women's-league 1 +11110111101 582,131 1 +11110111101 5,808 1 +11110111101 1033 1 +11110111101 still-lively 1 +11110111101 pro-Pittsburgh 1 +11110111101 Asia-oriented 1 +11110111101 still-unspecified 2 +11110111101 VA-insured 2 +11110111101 ad-rate 2 +11110111101 upcountry 2 +11110111101 limited-growth 2 +11110111101 high-lead 2 +11110111101 building-code 2 +11110111101 housing-construction 2 +11110111101 right-thinking 2 +11110111101 329,431 2 +11110111101 factory-level 2 +11110111101 cheap-wine 2 +11110111101 12th-grade 2 +11110111101 more-extensive 2 +11110111101 multi-unit 2 +11110111101 11th-grade 2 +11110111101 near-midair 2 +11110111101 concealed-weapon 2 +11110111101 pre-trading 2 +11110111101 market-dominant 2 +11110111101 futures-like 2 +11110111101 demand-damping 2 +11110111101 colon-cancer 2 +11110111101 keyboarding 2 +11110111101 country-to-country 2 +11110111101 public-works-style 2 +11110111101 1,558 2 +11110111101 swap-linked 2 +11110111101 apricot 2 +11110111101 non-classroom 2 +11110111101 unassimilated 2 +11110111101 sugar-trade 2 +11110111101 traffic-management 2 +11110111101 credit-backed 2 +11110111101 chain-mail 2 +11110111101 service-type 2 +11110111101 exasperatingly 2 +11110111101 Teamsters-related 2 +11110111101 22,071 2 +11110111101 storm-damaged 2 +11110111101 land-holding 2 +11110111101 extra-literary 2 +11110111101 super-sharp 2 +11110111101 father's-rights 2 +11110111101 non-infectious 2 +11110111101 rebel-held 2 +11110111101 alligator-farm 2 +11110111101 T-37 2 +11110111101 trail-blazing 2 +11110111101 homeimprovement 2 +11110111101 40-60 2 +11110111101 still-useful 2 +11110111101 noncritical 2 +11110111101 KCRW 2 +11110111101 business-plan 2 +11110111101 1,494,000 2 +11110111101 Blini 2 +11110111101 2,362 2 +11110111101 Syrian-Iranian 2 +11110111101 half-timbered 2 +11110111101 anisotropy 2 +11110111101 4,660 2 +11110111101 gustatory 2 +11110111101 french-fried 2 +11110111101 multiple-candidate 2 +11110111101 143,500 2 +11110111101 40,200 2 +11110111101 Southland-sponsored 2 +11110111101 1,165 2 +11110111101 high-VAT 2 +11110111101 stock-investment 2 +11110111101 534,600 2 +11110111101 energy-control 2 +11110111101 superconductor-related 2 +11110111101 non-takeover-related 2 +11110111101 in-ground 2 +11110111101 Contra-related 3 +11110111101 sexual-abuse 3 +11110111101 domestic-demand-related 3 +11110111101 AZT-resistant 3 +11110111101 personal-interest 3 +11110111101 pre-planned 3 +11110111101 c.o.d. 3 +11110111101 inside-wire 3 +11110111101 Western-bloc 3 +11110111101 Zbrosza 3 +11110111101 laboratory-grown 3 +11110111101 TVSAT 3 +11110111101 native-owned 3 +11110111101 job-bias 3 +11110111101 on-ground 3 +11110111101 EPIC-related 3 +11110111101 4,638 3 +11110111101 high-potential 3 +11110111101 1,544 4 +11110111101 child-health 4 +11110111101 Schwaebisch 4 +11110111101 bar-coded 4 +11110111101 extra-long 4 +11110111101 1,576 4 +11110111101 precancerous 5 +11110111101 1,273 5 +11110111101 aircraft-related 5 +11110111101 landlord-tenant 6 +11110111101 stress-related 6 +11110111101 credit-supported 7 +11110111101 '60 7 +11110111101 later-stage 7 +11110111101 ill-fitting 7 +11110111101 Koranic 7 +11110111101 these 18904 +11110111101 interest-earning 14 +11110111110 back-of-the-pack 1 +11110111110 owner-managed 1 +11110111110 casino-owning 1 +11110111110 Vaslav 1 +11110111110 nuclear-watchdog 1 +11110111110 8,328 1 +11110111110 thoracic 1 +11110111110 diagnostic-related 1 +11110111110 quota-violations 1 +11110111110 textile-fiber 1 +11110111110 0.828456 1 +11110111110 life-and-health-insurance 1 +11110111110 do-it-yourself-oriented 1 +11110111110 antiporn 1 +11110111110 fiscal-watchdog 1 +11110111110 more-protectionist 1 +11110111110 horse-pulling 1 +11110111110 cemical 1 +11110111110 Tokyo-born 1 +11110111110 identical-twin 1 +11110111110 sun-starved 1 +11110111110 drug-enhanced 1 +11110111110 look-a-like 1 +11110111110 consumer-action 1 +11110111110 folklorically 1 +11110111110 small-pickup 1 +11110111110 big-truck 1 +11110111110 platform-construction 1 +11110111110 Sullivan-signee 1 +11110111110 family-issue 1 +11110111110 7,030 1 +11110111110 Velimir 1 +11110111110 forprofit 1 +11110111110 Novato-based 1 +11110111110 deviationist 1 +11110111110 ear-blasting 1 +11110111110 Aquino-supported 1 +11110111110 hs 1 +11110111110 haunted-house 1 +11110111110 LaRouche-related 1 +11110111110 3,873 1 +11110111110 sleep-away 1 +11110111110 N.Y.U. 1 +11110111110 whaleboat 1 +11110111110 tree-branch 1 +11110111110 anti-logging 1 +11110111110 defogging 1 +11110111110 water-skiing-tournament 1 +11110111110 C.P.E. 1 +11110111110 private-aid 1 +11110111110 camera-bulb 1 +11110111110 zebra-like 1 +11110111110 steel-fence 1 +11110111110 genetically-engineered 1 +11110111110 narrow-interest 1 +11110111110 goodwilled 1 +11110111110 footballese 1 +11110111110 scientific-publishing 1 +11110111110 Exterminator 1 +11110111110 nontypical 1 +11110111110 social-club 1 +11110111110 non-health-care 1 +11110111110 one-business 1 +11110111110 non-student 1 +11110111110 farm-fence 1 +11110111110 immigrant-assistance 1 +11110111110 un-Confucian 1 +11110111110 1,609 1 +11110111110 Green-labeled 1 +11110111110 Amex-listed 1 +11110111110 BVI-based 1 +11110111110 trucking-services 1 +11110111110 AIDS-issue 1 +11110111110 brkered 1 +11110111110 vanilla-flavored 1 +11110111110 sometimes-fragile 1 +11110111110 round-backed 1 +11110111110 state-contolled 1 +11110111110 212-unit 1 +11110111110 single-fund 1 +11110111110 general-construction 1 +11110111110 likesized 1 +11110111110 Japanesese 1 +11110111110 15,743 1 +11110111110 partridge-shooting 1 +11110111110 injury-prone 1 +11110111110 market-entry 1 +11110111110 24-or-so 1 +11110111110 Bank-holding 1 +11110111110 '20s-era 1 +11110111110 enhanced-service 1 +11110111110 more-repressive 1 +11110111110 Coniston-related 1 +11110111110 Afghan-resistance 1 +11110111110 45-mile-an-hour 1 +11110111110 sound-reflective 1 +11110111110 state-sector 1 +11110111110 wider-spaced 1 +11110111110 foodrelated 1 +11110111110 G.A.B. 1 +11110111110 refugee-relief 1 +11110111110 mother-only 1 +11110111110 antipornography 1 +11110111110 campaign-donation 1 +11110111110 consistent-earnings-growth 1 +11110111110 pro-disinvestment 1 +11110111110 mixed-capital 1 +11110111110 2,196 1 +11110111110 discount-movie 1 +11110111110 already-public 1 +11110111110 starlet-spangled 1 +11110111110 hawk-hunting 1 +11110111110 Luchino 1 +11110111110 KNBC-TV 1 +11110111110 PC-powerhouse 1 +11110111110 export-management 1 +11110111110 counterstereotypic 1 +11110111110 Leonide 1 +11110111110 operetta-style 1 +11110111110 Canadian-listed 1 +11110111110 exchange-listing 1 +11110111110 Solidarity-backed 1 +11110111110 anti-smut 2 +11110111110 forced-labor 2 +11110111110 inculcating 2 +11110111110 flaxen-haired 2 +11110111110 1,738 2 +11110111110 MCC. 2 +11110111110 left-oriented 2 +11110111110 repopulating 2 +11110111110 2,014 2 +11110111110 7,350,000 2 +11110111110 property-rich 2 +11110111110 60-mile-an-hour 2 +11110111110 1,695,430 2 +11110111110 consumer-staple 2 +11110111110 plurinational 2 +11110111110 unscrambling 2 +11110111110 61,232 2 +11110111110 builtin 2 +11110111110 2,326 2 +11110111110 ransoming 2 +11110111110 non-Mexican 2 +11110111110 currency-sensitive 2 +11110111110 uninsulated 2 +11110111110 Brierley-controlled 2 +11110111110 1,181 2 +11110111110 non-welfare 2 +11110111110 maddened 2 +11110111110 KLM. 2 +11110111110 Tupperware-style 2 +11110111110 biasing 2 +11110111110 low-scoring 2 +11110111110 Bedrich 2 +11110111110 JGI 2 +11110111110 4,006 2 +11110111110 conciliating 2 +11110111110 Movado 2 +11110111110 2,857 2 +11110111110 pop-art 2 +11110111110 1,221 3 +11110111110 tobacco-growing 3 +11110111110 1,143 3 +11110111110 BNL. 3 +11110111110 apprehending 3 +11110111110 despising 3 +11110111110 1,601 3 +11110111110 1,234 3 +11110111110 unsoiled 3 +11110111110 egg-throwing 3 +11110111110 1,419 3 +11110111110 1,119 3 +11110111110 whitewashing 3 +11110111110 1,043 3 +11110111110 anthologies 3 +11110111110 reconstituting 4 +11110111110 Czarist 4 +11110111110 equatorial 4 +11110111110 axing 4 +11110111110 combatting 4 +11110111110 nonparticipating 4 +11110111110 Denmark-based 5 +11110111110 welfare-rights 5 +11110111110 7,050 5 +11110111110 frequenting 5 +11110111110 Nueva 6 +11110111110 1,114 8 +11110111110 harmonizing 9 +11110111110 USX. 10 +11110111110 338,000 12 +11110111110 domesticated 13 +11110111110 both 17465 +11110111110 allaying 18 +11110111111 non-police 1 +11110111111 2,953,800 1 +11110111111 five-to-10 1 +11110111111 elocution 1 +11110111111 LDP-sponsored 1 +11110111111 teak-covered 1 +11110111111 ever-so-plucky 1 +11110111111 pre-arranging 1 +11110111111 weather-based 1 +11110111111 914.402 1 +11110111111 nonoperational 1 +11110111111 unreciprocated 1 +11110111111 deposit-insured 1 +11110111111 innocuous-sounding 1 +11110111111 flickery 1 +11110111111 convalescent-care 1 +11110111111 format-oriented 1 +11110111111 Britain-bound 1 +11110111111 corporate-produced 1 +11110111111 pre-shipment 1 +11110111111 superspecialized 1 +11110111111 70mm 1 +11110111111 bond-selling 1 +11110111111 tax-in-advance 1 +11110111111 5-feet-9 1 +11110111111 long-unemployed 1 +11110111111 seizure-prone 1 +11110111111 3217 1 +11110111111 deals-curbing 1 +11110111111 voice-storage 1 +11110111111 snow-tipped 1 +11110111111 pasted-on 1 +11110111111 sweeter-tasting 1 +11110111111 name-happy 1 +11110111111 labor-favored 1 +11110111111 narcoleptic 1 +11110111111 research-planning 1 +11110111111 subcontinental 1 +11110111111 unclassifiable 1 +11110111111 1,861 1 +11110111111 spitballing 1 +11110111111 once-despised 1 +11110111111 ear-training 1 +11110111111 bigger-than-normal 1 +11110111111 prearrangedtrading 1 +11110111111 1,536,000 1 +11110111111 60-to-70-hour 1 +11110111111 program-fearing 1 +11110111111 10,537,289 1 +11110111111 Gandhian 1 +11110111111 save-the-rigs 1 +11110111111 winter-killed 1 +11110111111 13.724 1 +11110111111 4,348 1 +11110111111 7,387 1 +11110111111 Texas-chartered 1 +11110111111 studentled 1 +11110111111 back-wrenching 1 +11110111111 high-net-worth 1 +11110111111 nongold 1 +11110111111 non-Russian-speaking 1 +11110111111 later-delivery 1 +11110111111 malaria-carrying 1 +11110111111 malarial 1 +11110111111 tariff-relief 1 +11110111111 more-drastic 1 +11110111111 anti-Bolshevik 1 +11110111111 haymaking 1 +11110111111 easy-credit 1 +11110111111 loan-monitoring 1 +11110111111 already-expensive 1 +11110111111 slam-blam 1 +11110111111 Brand-X 1 +11110111111 international-economic 1 +11110111111 immune-related 1 +11110111111 non-secured 1 +11110111111 parent-counseling 1 +11110111111 bat-wielding 1 +11110111111 less-beaten 1 +11110111111 5,031 1 +11110111111 6,776 1 +11110111111 managament 1 +11110111111 10,166 1 +11110111111 1,925,386 1 +11110111111 3,311,691 1 +11110111111 circuitboard 1 +11110111111 well-populated 1 +11110111111 capital-flush 1 +11110111111 59,647 1 +11110111111 gains-tax-cut 1 +11110111111 G-brand 1 +11110111111 vectors 1 +11110111111 fire-proof 1 +11110111111 twenty-five 2 +11110111111 cold-resistant 2 +11110111111 non-Olympic 2 +11110111111 more-convenient 2 +11110111111 action-packed 2 +11110111111 fourteen 2 +11110111111 21.39 2 +11110111111 spiriting 2 +11110111111 33.62 2 +11110111111 1,131 2 +11110111111 twenty-six 2 +11110111111 energy-intensive 2 +11110111111 shop-closing 2 +11110111111 political-study 2 +11110111111 hand-cranked 2 +11110111111 management-endorsed 2 +11110111111 pre-glasnost 2 +11110111111 unrepatriated 3 +11110111111 10-plus 3 +11110111111 benefit-plan 3 +11110111111 Wakako 3 +11110111111 assaying 3 +11110111111 Jewish-owned 3 +11110111111 87,400 4 +11110111111 smoking-related 4 +11110111111 yen-pit 5 +11110111111 innumerable 30 +11110111111 alternating 33 +11110111111 countless 139 +11110111111 several 17400 +11110111111 numerous 1165 +11111000 Girondist 1 +11111000 2301 1 +11111000 Yiddishe 1 +11111000 often-observed 1 +11111000 one-liter 1 +11111000 too-opulent 1 +11111000 polyped 1 +11111000 faith-healer 1 +11111000 LDP-controlled 1 +11111000 baked-good 1 +11111000 share-nearly 1 +11111000 multithrift 1 +11111000 445th 1 +11111000 acquisition-and-expansion 1 +11111000 69-member 1 +11111000 cabinet-like 1 +11111000 almost-no-show 1 +11111000 somber-toned 1 +11111000 Taebaek 1 +11111000 Maryland-sized 1 +11111000 1987-about 1 +11111000 1/4.The 1 +11111000 cancer-rate 1 +11111000 Chess/Checker/Cadet 1 +11111000 insurance-loss 1 +11111000 softball-sized 1 +11111000 127-member 1 +11111000 36-plane 1 +11111000 breading 1 +11111000 bronze-medal 1 +11111000 white-steepled 1 +11111000 Tyson-Givens 1 +11111000 hard-to-measure 1 +11111000 half-dressed 1 +11111000 gold-robed 1 +11111000 anti-liberal 1 +11111000 better-executed 1 +11111000 Industries-Under-Accumulation 1 +11111000 4x100-meter 1 +11111000 forbidden-customer 1 +11111000 full-scale-production 1 +11111000 self-exiled 1 +11111000 less-than-ebullient 1 +11111000 duck-billed 1 +11111000 come-as-you-were 1 +11111000 58-million-piece 1 +11111000 second-zero 1 +11111000 groundworkers 1 +11111000 194th 1 +11111000 one-milliliter 1 +11111000 AZT-acyclovir 1 +11111000 rock-performers 1 +11111000 Wright-Brooks-Dingell 1 +11111000 wolflike 1 +11111000 crunchy-granola 1 +11111000 F-Plan 1 +11111000 Setpoint 1 +11111000 120-Year 1 +11111000 121st 1 +11111000 6-4-or-under 1 +11111000 bus-station 1 +11111000 use-tax 1 +11111000 anti-Arafat 1 +11111000 PA-32 1 +11111000 good-buddy 1 +11111000 creative-financing 1 +11111000 tight-squeeze 1 +11111000 co-conspirators/agents 1 +11111000 two-house 1 +11111000 prosperpous 1 +11111000 130th 1 +11111000 Tefila 1 +11111000 13-9 1 +11111000 since-banned 1 +11111000 six-gram-daily 1 +11111000 valerian 1 +11111000 post-1971 1 +11111000 nine-piece 1 +11111000 buppie 1 +11111000 19-campus 1 +11111000 Rotation 1 +11111000 Last-Chance 1 +11111000 Washington-to-Miami 1 +11111000 Detroit-Washington 1 +11111000 Backer-Bates 1 +11111000 medal-collecting 1 +11111000 165th 1 +11111000 once-tightly 1 +11111000 strategic-bomber 1 +11111000 five-figure-a-year 1 +11111000 long-and-thin 1 +11111000 ILA. 1 +11111000 wadded-up 1 +11111000 Reagan-and-baby-boomer 1 +11111000 30,000-strong 1 +11111000 Virgo 1 +11111000 desk-size 1 +11111000 Italian-language 1 +11111000 conservative-communist 1 +11111000 power-elite 1 +11111000 nine-foot-tall 1 +11111000 AZT-probenecid 1 +11111000 half-normal 1 +11111000 258th 1 +11111000 4,500-man 1 +11111000 Bennett-Bloom 1 +11111000 179th 1 +11111000 4,500-year-old 1 +11111000 gospelly 1 +11111000 top-10-TV-issues 1 +11111000 12-handed 1 +11111000 immigrant-preference 1 +11111000 volume-decliner 1 +11111000 large-engine 1 +11111000 30ish 1 +11111000 Streltsy 1 +11111000 40th-birthday 1 +11111000 spookily 1 +11111000 105-member 1 +11111000 shortstop-second 1 +11111000 120-member 1 +11111000 Messa 1 +11111000 InterFirst-RepublicBank 1 +11111000 SouthernNet-Teleconnect 1 +11111000 2,400-home 1 +11111000 Daimler-MBB 1 +11111000 Takeshita-faction 1 +11111000 75,000-member 1 +11111000 medal-playoff 1 +11111000 Zimbabwe-Rhodesia 1 +11111000 Sunni-run 1 +11111000 5,200-member 1 +11111000 85,000-member 1 +11111000 appearent 1 +11111000 20th-year 1 +11111000 news-junkie 1 +11111000 Schroders-Wertheim 1 +11111000 34-item 1 +11111000 after-run 1 +11111000 dioxin-phobes 1 +11111000 50th-year 1 +11111000 Urraca 1 +11111000 high-reward/high-standard 1 +11111000 Game-Boy 1 +11111000 best-traveled 1 +11111000 400-trolley 1 +11111000 thousand-throat 1 +11111000 twenty-first 1 +11111000 day-laborer 1 +11111000 Tridentine 1 +11111000 burger-heavy 1 +11111000 sleepover 1 +11111000 Lee-Wang 1 +11111000 D'Amato-Lauder 1 +11111000 cro 1 +11111000 180-member 1 +11111000 Conservative-Communist 1 +11111000 offshore-workers 1 +11111000 PEMEX 1 +11111000 22,000-member 2 +11111000 fleshpot 2 +11111000 AFL 2 +11111000 134-seat 2 +11111000 1988-92 2 +11111000 platform-writing 2 +11111000 hatcheck 2 +11111000 1,037 2 +11111000 124th 2 +11111000 Rabelaisian 2 +11111000 tree-covered 2 +11111000 museum-quality 2 +11111000 skin-patch 2 +11111000 60-to-65 2 +11111000 17-man 2 +11111000 five-quarter 2 +11111000 36-truck 2 +11111000 minutest 2 +11111000 teeny-weeny 2 +11111000 topmost 2 +11111000 113th 3 +11111000 105th 3 +11111000 103rd 3 +11111000 ARENA 3 +11111000 114th 3 +11111000 non-interventionist 3 +11111000 toughly 3 +11111000 gangbuster 3 +11111000 155th 3 +11111000 three-headed 3 +11111000 fiscal-second 3 +11111000 1991-92 4 +11111000 September-October 4 +11111000 thirteenth 4 +11111000 fiscal-third 4 +11111000 77th 4 +11111000 200-pound 4 +11111000 54th 4 +11111000 39th 4 +11111000 250th 4 +11111000 Volvo-Renault 4 +11111000 45th 5 +11111000 95th 5 +11111000 fiscal-first 6 +11111000 Northwest-Republic 6 +11111000 150th 6 +11111000 next-to-last 6 +11111000 1986-90 7 +11111000 125th 7 +11111000 40-plus 7 +11111000 350th 7 +11111000 72nd 8 +11111000 deathwatch 8 +11111000 91st 9 +11111000 fiscal-fourth 9 +11111000 28th 10 +11111000 80th 10 +11111000 41st 10 +11111000 33rd 11 +11111000 43rd 12 +11111000 32nd 12 +11111000 29th 14 +11111000 51st 14 +11111000 36th 14 +11111000 37th 14 +11111000 38th 16 +11111000 31st 17 +11111000 49th 17 +11111000 46th 17 +11111000 34th 19 +11111000 35th 20 +11111000 five-party 20 +11111000 24th 23 +11111000 26th 25 +11111000 22nd 25 +11111000 27th 31 +11111000 23rd 31 +11111000 60th 35 +11111000 30th 39 +11111000 40th 52 +11111000 50th 63 +11111000 25th 68 +11111000 16th 101 +11111000 17th 109 +11111000 15th 116 +11111000 13th 126 +11111000 12th 133 +11111000 14th 159 +11111000 11th 186 +11111000 ninth 195 +11111000 10th 241 +11111000 eighth 263 +11111000 seventh 309 +11111000 sixth 447 +11111000 fifth 846 +11111000 second 12269 +11111000 third 8617 +11111000 fourth 5451 +11111001 U.S.-interests 1 +11111001 last-hole 1 +11111001 run-for-cover 1 +11111001 cash-control 1 +11111001 chicken-soup 1 +11111001 1,030,963 1 +11111001 179,286 1 +11111001 sometimes-closed 1 +11111001 1,260-foot 1 +11111001 invariant 1 +11111001 74,130 1 +11111001 franchise-winners 1 +11111001 pre-silver-haired 1 +11111001 modelchangeover 1 +11111001 career-worst 1 +11111001 compulsory-exercise 1 +11111001 cottonwoods 1 +11111001 drill-and-filling 1 +11111001 1988-act 1 +11111001 1946-49 1 +11111001 150,310 1 +11111001 special-activities 1 +11111001 327th 1 +11111001 pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey 1 +11111001 unscrupulously 1 +11111001 four-issue 1 +11111001 Vitas 1 +11111001 octogonally 1 +11111001 no-hassle 1 +11111001 document-discovery 1 +11111001 171,761 1 +11111001 business-opportunities 1 +11111001 game-leading 1 +11111001 nosmoking-at-home 1 +11111001 four-sided 1 +11111001 8-to-9-p.m.-EST 1 +11111001 162,550 1 +11111001 then-unheard-of 1 +11111001 336,885 1 +11111001 public-integrity 1 +11111001 new-comics 1 +11111001 tablelike 1 +11111001 200,000-square 1 +11111001 Haydn-Mozart-Schubert 1 +11111001 16-piece 1 +11111001 slow-ripening 1 +11111001 Mair-Langenscheidt 1 +11111001 Jcars 1 +11111001 Pedases 1 +11111001 33-employee 1 +11111001 weather-forecaster 1 +11111001 trim-a-tree 1 +11111001 mine-ventilation 1 +11111001 extra-chromosome 1 +11111001 541,030 1 +11111001 Kohl-Stoltenberg 1 +11111001 spongier 1 +11111001 650,000-square 1 +11111001 attorney-general 1 +11111001 owner-financed 1 +11111001 private-jet 1 +11111001 bead-and-incense 1 +11111001 Bedouin-like 1 +11111001 short-the-dollar 1 +11111001 square-block 1 +11111001 embroidered-pants 1 +11111001 Group-of-Seven 1 +11111001 spun-cast 1 +11111001 two-hundred 1 +11111001 four-LP 1 +11111001 121,908 1 +11111001 A-320200 1 +11111001 now-lower 1 +11111001 winglike 1 +11111001 synthetical 1 +11111001 150-household 1 +11111001 96,277 1 +11111001 second-richest 1 +11111001 hay-fever 1 +11111001 592-megawatt 1 +11111001 design-competition 1 +11111001 48.36-point 1 +11111001 compassion-crowd 1 +11111001 U.S.-about 1 +11111001 expoxy 1 +11111001 Pretzlcone 1 +11111001 four-coin 1 +11111001 nine-class 1 +11111001 Kefauver-mandated 1 +11111001 more-favored 1 +11111001 tassling 1 +11111001 653,225 1 +11111001 crystal-goblet 1 +11111001 referencing 1 +11111001 Trastevere 2 +11111001 restaurant-division 2 +11111001 ofttimes 2 +11111001 american 2 +11111001 goofiest 2 +11111001 snowiest 2 +11111001 Haralabos 2 +11111001 highest-earning 2 +11111001 Bridesburg 2 +11111001 unrenovated 2 +11111001 bloodcurdling 3 +11111001 Colonies 4 +11111001 blackest 4 +11111001 now-legendary 4 +11111001 propulsive 4 +11111001 first 37757 +11111001 undigested 4 +1111101000 staff-level 1 +1111101000 already-feeble 1 +1111101000 cigarette-consumption 1 +1111101000 mock-heroic 1 +1111101000 arbitrage-bond 1 +1111101000 anti-cyclical 1 +1111101000 auto-exhaust 1 +1111101000 fruit-and-vegetable 1 +1111101000 excess-capacity 1 +1111101000 property-owners 1 +1111101000 six-a-month 1 +1111101000 off-tariff 1 +1111101000 rate-controlled 1 +1111101000 external-debt 1 +1111101000 378-mile 1 +1111101000 non-Colab 1 +1111101000 pre-stock 1 +1111101000 crawling-peg 1 +1111101000 customs-duty 1 +1111101000 unessential 1 +1111101000 300-milligram 1 +1111101000 less-traditional 1 +1111101000 free-ticket 1 +1111101000 Europe-needing 1 +1111101000 ITKA 1 +1111101000 farm-caused 1 +1111101000 ambulatory-health-care 1 +1111101000 sempiternal 1 +1111101000 rural-care 1 +1111101000 buydown 1 +1111101000 super-strict 1 +1111101000 profit-limiting 1 +1111101000 Plentipaks 1 +1111101000 pizza-and-video 1 +1111101000 small-farm 1 +1111101000 store-to-door 1 +1111101000 November/December 1 +1111101000 tourist-advertising 1 +1111101000 disinformative 1 +1111101000 trial-tested 1 +1111101000 low-to-middle 2 +1111101000 weighing-scales 2 +1111101000 license-plate 2 +1111101000 income-paying 2 +1111101000 currrent 2 +1111101000 state-enterprise 2 +1111101000 early-primary 2 +1111101000 anti-allergy 2 +1111101000 three-division 2 +1111101000 two-decade-old 2 +1111101000 rice-subsidy 2 +1111101000 wire-rod 2 +1111101000 won-dollar 2 +1111101000 yet-to-be-filed 2 +1111101000 first-hour 2 +1111101000 just-approved 2 +1111101000 European-designed 2 +1111101000 pre-reform 2 +1111101000 spot-related 2 +1111101000 2,000-person 2 +1111101000 Wrather-owned 2 +1111101000 world-beating 2 +1111101000 post-1985 2 +1111101000 wainscot 2 +1111101000 Starmaster 2 +1111101000 1988/1989 2 +1111101000 countryclub 2 +1111101000 ontime 2 +1111101000 domestic-banking 2 +1111101000 Swintex 2 +1111101000 high-occupancy 2 +1111101000 1.8600-mark 2 +1111101000 disabled-rights 2 +1111101000 Arborite 2 +1111101000 once-vaunted 2 +1111101000 OPEC-imposed 2 +1111101000 purchase-price 2 +1111101000 week-ago 2 +1111101000 1979-1983 2 +1111101000 Hypo-Care 2 +1111101000 quirkier 2 +1111101000 trade-data 2 +1111101000 by-the-numbers 2 +1111101000 prestrike 2 +1111101000 option-exercise 2 +1111101000 anti-solicitation 2 +1111101000 megalomaniacal 2 +1111101000 semi-autobiographical 2 +1111101000 then-existing 2 +1111101000 faster-paced 3 +1111101000 One-for-All 3 +1111101000 Marxist-oriented 3 +1111101000 105-year-old 3 +1111101000 minimum-capital 3 +1111101000 Smith-Perot 3 +1111101000 42,000-mile 3 +1111101000 11-week-old 3 +1111101000 wire-transfer 3 +1111101000 technical-workstation 3 +1111101000 free-zone 3 +1111101000 dermal 3 +1111101000 gift-tax 3 +1111101000 Noriega-controlled 3 +1111101000 Moscow-backed 3 +1111101000 double-stranded 3 +1111101000 industry-run 3 +1111101000 custom-chip 3 +1111101000 radon-gas 3 +1111101000 much-noted 3 +1111101000 federalist 3 +1111101000 double-taxation 4 +1111101000 1981-84 4 +1111101000 130-yen 4 +1111101000 punitive-damages 4 +1111101000 minority-white 4 +1111101000 two-week-long 4 +1111101000 budget-office 4 +1111101000 1,500-member 4 +1111101000 more-realistic 4 +1111101000 Rather-Bush 4 +1111101000 best-laid 4 +1111101000 still-unfolding 4 +1111101000 extrabudgetary 4 +1111101000 SLR 4 +1111101000 100-milligram 5 +1111101000 government-managed 5 +1111101000 DeRance 5 +1111101000 STS 5 +1111101000 single-carrier 5 +1111101000 two-mark 6 +1111101000 12-person 6 +1111101000 Reagan-Nakasone 6 +1111101000 1.80-mark 6 +1111101000 vehicular 6 +1111101000 multitiered 6 +1111101000 more-important 6 +1111101000 risk-benefit 6 +1111101000 air-show 6 +1111101000 70/30 6 +1111101000 highest-level 7 +1111101000 pre-introduction 7 +1111101000 direst 7 +1111101000 then-prevailing 7 +1111101000 gold-card 7 +1111101000 late-April 7 +1111101000 no-layoffs 7 +1111101000 oil-depletion 8 +1111101000 sterling-mark 8 +1111101000 semi-official 8 +1111101000 1981-1982 8 +1111101000 carbon-monoxide 9 +1111101000 three-months 10 +1111101000 pre-strike 10 +1111101000 just-concluded 10 +1111101000 more-recent 10 +1111101000 blood-sugar 10 +1111101000 two-acre 11 +1111101000 Bush-Quayle 14 +1111101000 Flex 16 +1111101000 then-current 17 +1111101000 free-agent 32 +1111101000 hoped-for 39 +1111101000 dollar-yen 58 +1111101000 first-ever 60 +1111101000 seven-nation 65 +1111101000 yen-dollar 73 +1111101000 pre-crash 171 +1111101000 current 17082 +1111101000 prevailing 380 +1111101001 bonds-making 1 +1111101001 beggar-my-neighbor 1 +1111101001 85-77 1 +1111101001 shock-induced 1 +1111101001 15-to-20 1 +1111101001 NRC-ordered 1 +1111101001 127-volume 1 +1111101001 microwavable-product 1 +1111101001 DynaRide 1 +1111101001 large-type 1 +1111101001 Tbilisi-stay 1 +1111101001 record./A 1 +1111101001 20-to-25 1 +1111101001 near-400-pound 1 +1111101001 baked-bean 1 +1111101001 now-soaring 1 +1111101001 623,000-unit 1 +1111101001 125.25-yen 1 +1111101001 QUARTER 1 +1111101001 8-K 1 +1111101001 Christmas-holiday 1 +1111101001 15-4 1 +1111101001 career-home-run 1 +1111101001 big-college 1 +1111101001 buon 1 +1111101001 treaty-sanctioned 1 +1111101001 film-set 1 +1111101001 late-1981 1 +1111101001 sex-educational 1 +1111101001 45-hour 1 +1111101001 pre-Atari 1 +1111101001 million-baht 1 +1111101001 morning-session 1 +1111101001 four-hour-and-18-minute 1 +1111101001 10-grand-a-year 1 +1111101001 long-gilt 1 +1111101001 catalog-division 1 +1111101001 27-1 1 +1111101001 any-quarter 1 +1111101001 rolling-division 1 +1111101001 date-of-death 1 +1111101001 technopop 1 +1111101001 loathesome 1 +1111101001 once-leisurely 1 +1111101001 Hemingway-like 1 +1111101001 69-0 1 +1111101001 flower-art 1 +1111101001 T-28s 1 +1111101001 no-leak 1 +1111101001 envirnomental 1 +1111101001 corrosion-maintenance 1 +1111101001 won-lost-tied 1 +1111101001 personal-best 1 +1111101001 sixth-slowest 1 +1111101001 late-1988 1 +1111101001 just-abandoned 1 +1111101001 junk-financed 2 +1111101001 275,461 2 +1111101001 multi-event 2 +1111101001 six-to-10 2 +1111101001 June-to-September 2 +1111101001 Shearson-Salomon 2 +1111101001 thousand-year 2 +1111101001 once-heralded 2 +1111101001 500,000-acre 2 +1111101001 1,372,000-unit 2 +1111101001 inter-war 2 +1111101001 per-case 2 +1111101001 final-round 2 +1111101001 in-school 2 +1111101001 pre-Easter 3 +1111101001 Ebenezer 3 +1111101001 pre-independence 3 +1111101001 second-consecutive 3 +1111101001 warmer-than-usual 3 +1111101001 near-certain 3 +1111101001 Recruit-Cosmos 3 +1111101001 fourth-consecutive 3 +1111101001 electricity-industry 3 +1111101001 growth-rate 3 +1111101001 sales-growth 4 +1111101001 non-holiday 4 +1111101001 pre-Depression 4 +1111101001 four-to-five 4 +1111101001 pre-Reagan 5 +1111101001 60-hour 5 +1111101001 71st 5 +1111101001 6th 5 +1111101001 three-to-five 5 +1111101001 military-service 6 +1111101001 hair-pulling 6 +1111101001 post-Depression 6 +1111101001 model-changeover 7 +1111101001 billion-share 9 +1111101001 preceeding 10 +1111101001 holiday-shortened 14 +1111101001 foregoing 14 +1111101001 just-completed 21 +1111101001 won-lost 33 +1111101001 preceding 341 +1111101001 previous 7262 +1111101001 prior 2519 +1111101010 course-rating 1 +1111101010 inch-by-inch 1 +1111101010 Soviet-Libyan 1 +1111101010 share-denominated 1 +1111101010 six-furlong 1 +1111101010 purchasing-agents 1 +1111101010 active-rig 1 +1111101010 Dragnetian 1 +1111101010 1297 1 +1111101010 closely-related 1 +1111101010 second-from-top 1 +1111101010 Deng-Zhao 1 +1111101010 Al-Shall 1 +1111101010 Luening-Ussachevsky 1 +1111101010 airline-merger 1 +1111101010 buttonlike 1 +1111101010 future-price 1 +1111101010 turn-on-a-dime 1 +1111101010 tax-swap 1 +1111101010 plucky-ingenue 1 +1111101010 bulk-license 1 +1111101010 256-159 1 +1111101010 still-to-be-negotiated 1 +1111101010 equally-owned 1 +1111101010 Alosa 1 +1111101010 11-volume 1 +1111101010 16-to-20-page 1 +1111101010 travel-advice 1 +1111101010 fast-dealing 1 +1111101010 industrial-output 1 +1111101010 strike-affected 1 +1111101010 81-seat 1 +1111101010 post-verdict 1 +1111101010 gorilla-like 1 +1111101010 once-jubilant 1 +1111101010 Karpoff-Rankine 1 +1111101010 allocation-of-costs 1 +1111101010 Ltf. 1 +1111101010 kleig-light 1 +1111101010 double-roofed 1 +1111101010 Fee-for-Research 1 +1111101010 390-foot 1 +1111101010 vehicle-export 1 +1111101010 not-too-surprising 1 +1111101010 four-play 1 +1111101010 Veckans 1 +1111101010 Nixonian 1 +1111101010 EPO-AZT 1 +1111101010 3,300-employee 1 +1111101010 FT-100 1 +1111101010 overall-demand 1 +1111101010 246-page 1 +1111101010 character-education 1 +1111101010 favorability-unfavorability 1 +1111101010 forbidden-customers 1 +1111101010 CBIPA 1 +1111101010 60,000-household 1 +1111101010 Feltsmans 1 +1111101010 weight-room 1 +1111101010 Ornaments 1 +1111101010 anti-indexing 1 +1111101010 severy 1 +1111101010 instance-by-instance 1 +1111101010 recent-restructuring 1 +1111101010 Labor-Likud 1 +1111101010 hit-toy 1 +1111101010 54-to-46 1 +1111101010 Stones-like 1 +1111101010 UCLA-Rand 1 +1111101010 Mitchell-initiated 1 +1111101010 oft-elaborated 1 +1111101010 dollar-devaluation 1 +1111101010 black-pregnancy 1 +1111101010 77-76 1 +1111101010 10-hottest 1 +1111101010 Edificio 1 +1111101010 problem-bank 1 +1111101010 pro-coal 1 +1111101010 ADAPSO/Broadview 1 +1111101010 TWA-for-sale 1 +1111101010 248-page 1 +1111101010 gene-marker 1 +1111101010 Aerospatiale-Canadair 1 +1111101010 temperature-and-time 1 +1111101010 154-page 1 +1111101010 301-page 1 +1111101010 Commercial-Industrial 1 +1111101010 366-mile 1 +1111101010 Misunderstood 1 +1111101010 landfill-removal 1 +1111101010 famine-aid 1 +1111101010 district-wide 1 +1111101010 business-failures 1 +1111101010 Lieberthal-Oksenberg 1 +1111101010 paradigmatic 1 +1111101010 federal-deficit 1 +1111101010 gene-altered 1 +1111101010 then-covert 1 +1111101010 Rothman-Lichter 1 +1111101010 worth-getting 1 +1111101010 DCCT 1 +1111101010 industrialshare 1 +1111101010 Fairchild-Fujitsu 1 +1111101010 ASCT 1 +1111101010 showboat 1 +1111101010 consumer-sentiment 1 +1111101010 Wellcome-Genentech 1 +1111101010 patent-dispute 1 +1111101010 twice-sweetened 1 +1111101010 All-Share 1 +1111101010 19-city 1 +1111101010 hypothethical 1 +1111101010 defects-investigation 1 +1111101010 30stock 1 +1111101010 pro-testing 1 +1111101010 Summers-Poterba 1 +1111101010 short-falls 1 +1111101010 October-to-October 1 +1111101010 California-spurred 1 +1111101010 voice-recorder 1 +1111101010 corporate-espionage 1 +1111101010 Ansbacher-Guinness 1 +1111101010 no-downpayment 1 +1111101010 budget-overhaul 1 +1111101010 conducting. 1 +1111101010 10-chapter 1 +1111101010 Moynihan-Stafford 1 +1111101010 Bradley-Gephardt 1 +1111101010 bunkerlike 1 +1111101010 nine-city 1 +1111101010 hotel/casinos 1 +1111101010 abortion-funding 1 +1111101010 Curmudgeon 1 +1111101010 often-dour 1 +1111101010 D100 1 +1111101010 trick-play 1 +1111101010 leadingindicator 1 +1111101010 Nacoa 1 +1111101010 95-3 1 +1111101010 tax-harmonization 1 +1111101010 GE-Whirlpool 1 +1111101010 Treasury-bank 1 +1111101010 60th-birthday 1 +1111101010 passenger-traffic 1 +1111101010 16,265-person 1 +1111101010 1,388-student 1 +1111101010 10,000-piece 1 +1111101010 5008 1 +1111101010 30-company 1 +1111101010 49-firm 1 +1111101010 5,000-household 1 +1111101010 269-page 1 +1111101010 living-standards 1 +1111101010 226-page 1 +1111101010 Eighteenth 1 +1111101010 agricole 1 +1111101010 budget-oriented 1 +1111101010 physical-demand 1 +1111101010 288-page 1 +1111101010 29-26 1 +1111101010 11-cent-a-share 1 +1111101010 JCPS 1 +1111101010 AARP/Villers-sponsored 1 +1111101010 S&P500 1 +1111101010 46-page 1 +1111101010 Forstman-Little 1 +1111101010 187-page 1 +1111101010 Kiewitt-Kajima 1 +1111101010 yelped 1 +1111101010 33.3-acre 1 +1111101010 619-plane 1 +1111101010 dollar-tossing 1 +1111101010 quiet-time 1 +1111101010 admissions-overlap 1 +1111101010 narrow-market 1 +1111101010 ESS5 1 +1111101010 N-- 1 +1111101010 open-society 1 +1111101010 Freeman-Hall 1 +1111101010 pre-bull-market 1 +1111101010 Duke-EPA 1 +1111101010 Crest-Colgate 1 +1111101010 Multi-factorial 1 +1111101010 NCEI 1 +1111101010 106-page 1 +1111101010 26-point 1 +1111101010 500Stock 1 +1111101010 Wagner-Brown 1 +1111101010 FT-30 1 +1111101010 AllShares 1 +1111101010 equity-mutual-fund 1 +1111101010 main-course 1 +1111101010 educational-savings-bond 1 +1111101010 fat-is-OK 1 +1111101010 Cezanne-inspired 1 +1111101010 audience-rating 1 +1111101010 691-acre 1 +1111101010 NCNB-FirstRepublic 1 +1111101010 best-documented 1 +1111101010 student-exchange 1 +1111101010 200-mile-wide 1 +1111101010 ABC/Post 1 +1111101010 electronic-link 1 +1111101010 1929-1930 1 +1111101010 always-compact 1 +1111101010 wine-glass 1 +1111101010 now-renowned 1 +1111101010 232-page 1 +1111101010 profits-optimism 1 +1111101010 98-page 1 +1111101010 Chis 1 +1111101010 29-center 1 +1111101010 366-50 1 +1111101010 most-obvious 1 +1111101010 11,600-person 1 +1111101010 87-question 1 +1111101010 381-41 1 +1111101010 86-page 1 +1111101010 brown-colored 1 +1111101010 asset-mix 1 +1111101010 586,000-square-foot 1 +1111101010 heart-medicine 1 +1111101010 capital-flow 1 +1111101010 30-patient 1 +1111101010 259-169 1 +1111101010 already-released 1 +1111101010 civil-tax-penalty 1 +1111101010 389.5-pence 1 +1111101010 tightly-worded 1 +1111101010 29-bushel-per-acre 1 +1111101010 driving-distance 1 +1111101010 50-question 1 +1111101010 pro-Iraq 1 +1111101010 time-allocation 1 +1111101010 oft-delayed 2 +1111101010 longer-than-expected 2 +1111101010 just-announced 2 +1111101010 factory-orders 2 +1111101010 225-share 2 +1111101010 once-quarterly 2 +1111101010 8.9-acre 2 +1111101010 stormiest 2 +1111101010 stock-conversion 2 +1111101010 500stock 2 +1111101010 capital-increase 2 +1111101010 1967-86 2 +1111101010 140-page 2 +1111101010 Khoo-Shearson 2 +1111101010 jostlers 2 +1111101010 300-stock 2 +1111101010 330-pence-a-share 2 +1111101010 new-orders 2 +1111101010 depletion-allowance 2 +1111101010 56-page 2 +1111101010 lagging-indicator 2 +1111101010 Vestron-Hemdale 2 +1111101010 Quilted 2 +1111101010 petroleum-institute 2 +1111101010 690-page 2 +1111101010 100share 2 +1111101010 Polaroid-Shamrock 2 +1111101010 professional-football 2 +1111101010 per-screen 2 +1111101010 Phillips-curve 2 +1111101010 once-sluggish 2 +1111101010 Gillette-Coniston 2 +1111101010 RBRVS 2 +1111101010 330-patient 2 +1111101010 twice-extended 2 +1111101010 12-million-square-foot 2 +1111101010 270-138 2 +1111101010 100-Stock 2 +1111101010 finished-good 2 +1111101010 less-explosive 2 +1111101010 Affaersvaerlden 2 +1111101010 dry-as-dust 2 +1111101010 hospital-mortality 2 +1111101010 100th-anniversary 2 +1111101010 latest-issued 2 +1111101010 255-page 2 +1111101010 Chrysler-AMC 2 +1111101010 rate-cap 2 +1111101010 30share 2 +1111101010 carbon-dating 2 +1111101010 Macro-Economic 3 +1111101010 all-urban 3 +1111101010 most-actives 3 +1111101010 leading-indicators 3 +1111101010 gold-mines 3 +1111101010 72-page 3 +1111101010 consumer-confidence 3 +1111101010 Shree 3 +1111101010 all-ordinaries 3 +1111101010 Meyerson-Rainwater 4 +1111101010 Treasury-securities 4 +1111101010 400-stock 4 +1111101010 strike-marred 4 +1111101010 Longest 4 +1111101010 fastest-falling 4 +1111101010 Affarsvarlden 4 +1111101010 second-most-active 4 +1111101010 name-change 5 +1111101010 WSJ/NBC 5 +1111101010 PATC 5 +1111101010 calf-crop 5 +1111101010 Blanket 5 +1111101010 now-scuttled 5 +1111101010 Harvard-Yale 6 +1111101010 CAC 7 +1111101010 13-state 7 +1111101010 fixed-weight 8 +1111101010 cruelest 9 +1111101010 leading-indicator 12 +1111101010 lastest 12 +1111101010 NET 13 +1111101010 All-Ordinaries 14 +1111101010 Ordinaries 17 +1111101010 industrial-share 19 +1111101010 100-stock 19 +1111101010 30-stock 19 +1111101010 100-Share 21 +1111101010 225-stock 25 +1111101010 producer-price 27 +1111101010 FAZ 29 +1111101010 consumer-price 31 +1111101010 futures-price 34 +1111101010 DAX 43 +1111101010 500-Stock 47 +1111101010 most-recent 61 +1111101010 Seng 105 +1111101010 30-share 459 +1111101010 100-share 611 +1111101010 500-stock 695 +1111101010 latest 9467 +1111101010 Nikkei 1340 +1111101011 scientific-technical-industrial 1 +1111101011 generation-old 1 +1111101011 best-possible 1 +1111101011 shortstory 1 +1111101011 Chicago/Milwaukee 1 +1111101011 frostprone 1 +1111101011 417-yard 1 +1111101011 609-yard 1 +1111101011 288-yard 1 +1111101011 10th-busiest 1 +1111101011 post-thalidomide 1 +1111101011 Stealth-related 1 +1111101011 slow-play 1 +1111101011 three-act 1 +1111101011 wickedest 1 +1111101011 fourth-straight 1 +1111101011 mortgagor 1 +1111101011 old-buddy 1 +1111101011 college-like 1 +1111101011 petro-Islam 1 +1111101011 Barzan 1 +1111101011 Barzani 1 +1111101011 fraud-enforcement 1 +1111101011 187-yard 1 +1111101011 160-yard 1 +1111101011 pilot-error 1 +1111101011 Kemp-Bradley 1 +1111101011 dispute-plagued 1 +1111101011 airport-capacity 1 +1111101011 bad-advice 1 +1111101011 shadowiest 1 +1111101011 modular-assembly 1 +1111101011 Boston-to-Washington 1 +1111101011 lavish-pool 1 +1111101011 6-iron 1 +1111101011 Maryland-Virginia 1 +1111101011 official-unofficial 1 +1111101011 198287 1 +1111101011 Leninist-Stalinist 1 +1111101011 grass-is-greener 1 +1111101011 insolvent-thrift 1 +1111101011 Gorsuch/Watt 1 +1111101011 pesticide-plant 1 +1111101011 4,000-square-mile 1 +1111101011 five-run 1 +1111101011 98-93 1 +1111101011 159-member 1 +1111101011 1.8100-mark 1 +1111101011 May-through-June 1 +1111101011 non-chronological 1 +1111101011 Philippine-proposed 1 +1111101011 scrunched-up 1 +1111101011 one-company-for-life 1 +1111101011 Laziska 1 +1111101011 Thermo-Air 1 +1111101011 Lancaster-Palmdale 1 +1111101011 wheels-off 1 +1111101011 300-employee 1 +1111101011 potato-trading 1 +1111101011 easy-spirited 1 +1111101011 Bayombang 1 +1111101011 efficient-buy 1 +1111101011 civil-law 1 +1111101011 weekly-earnings 1 +1111101011 1985-2000 1 +1111101011 business-pleasure 1 +1111101011 133-nation 1 +1111101011 IBM/clone 1 +1111101011 post-Irangate 1 +1111101011 1,682,000 1 +1111101011 floating-franchise 1 +1111101011 third-act 1 +1111101011 most-studied 1 +1111101011 June-its 1 +1111101011 40,000-ounce 1 +1111101011 dirt-flecked 1 +1111101011 membership-contract 1 +1111101011 postbankruptcy 1 +1111101011 January-July 1 +1111101011 tax-controlling 1 +1111101011 property-tax-slashing 1 +1111101011 cash-for-information 1 +1111101011 still-contending 1 +1111101011 interparliamentary 1 +1111101011 June-September 1 +1111101011 1973-81 1 +1111101011 return-processing 1 +1111101011 1,966,008 1 +1111101011 waste-services 1 +1111101011 93-mile-wide 1 +1111101011 government-prescribed 1 +1111101011 early-May 1 +1111101011 162-seat 1 +1111101011 Lubbock-Midland 1 +1111101011 cost-amortization 1 +1111101011 34-week 1 +1111101011 military-political 1 +1111101011 Kanasai 1 +1111101011 22-lap 1 +1111101011 super-heterodyne 1 +1111101011 post-tax-overhaul 1 +1111101011 huntable 1 +1111101011 non-detectable 1 +1111101011 mid-six 1 +1111101011 high-glitz 1 +1111101011 holiday-affected 1 +1111101011 Technicare-related 1 +1111101011 death-rate 1 +1111101011 Pearson-Trudeau 1 +1111101011 pro-liver 1 +1111101011 128-by-45-foot 1 +1111101011 Danilov-Goldfarb-Zakharov 1 +1111101011 guerrilla-controlled 1 +1111101011 EAO 1 +1111101011 Texaco/Pennzoil 1 +1111101011 career-services 1 +1111101011 personal-type 1 +1111101011 April-through-June 1 +1111101011 Syrian-sponsored 1 +1111101011 small-press 1 +1111101011 street-drug 1 +1111101011 appoximately 1 +1111101011 1961-1980 1 +1111101011 sperm-storage 1 +1111101011 withdrawal-rights 1 +1111101011 Cooper-Eromanga 1 +1111101011 Reagan-Mulroney 1 +1111101011 pre-Rajiv 1 +1111101011 public-comment 1 +1111101011 Portland/Salem 1 +1111101011 52-game 1 +1111101011 throatal 1 +1111101011 Shaare 1 +1111101011 debt-blockage 1 +1111101011 utilty 1 +1111101011 evacuation-planning 1 +1111101011 central-front 1 +1111101011 52-vote 1 +1111101011 IQ-testing 1 +1111101011 pre-civil-rights 1 +1111101011 Bellovian 1 +1111101011 productivity-change 1 +1111101011 bare-bone 1 +1111101011 29,028-foot 1 +1111101011 Steger-Schurke 1 +1111101011 automotive-supplies 1 +1111101011 Adams-Morgan 1 +1111101011 still-traumatized 1 +1111101011 86-to-88 1 +1111101011 Carter-Gladman 1 +1111101011 computer-arts 1 +1111101011 ignition-control 1 +1111101011 low-to-mid- 1 +1111101011 Aspen/Snowmass 1 +1111101011 OPEC-intensive 1 +1111101011 early-March 1 +1111101011 Saturn-inflated 1 +1111101011 Durban-Pietermartizburg 1 +1111101011 high-use 1 +1111101011 Karpov-Kasparov 1 +1111101011 66,864 1 +1111101011 Eisenhower-Khrushchev 1 +1111101011 sixth-busiest 1 +1111101011 1957-77 1 +1111101011 fastest-gaining 1 +1111101011 peak-travel 1 +1111101011 petroleum-export 1 +1111101011 1986-96 1 +1111101011 1985-95 1 +1111101011 U.S.ISoviet 1 +1111101011 all-registered 1 +1111101011 Iran-arms/contra 1 +1111101011 4,500-strong 1 +1111101011 7,500-acre 1 +1111101011 long-accelerating 1 +1111101011 not-simple 1 +1111101011 horse-farm 1 +1111101011 Geysers 1 +1111101011 1950-65 1 +1111101011 Broesky 1 +1111101011 old-and-tried 1 +1111101011 rock-school 1 +1111101011 1986-91 1 +1111101011 mail-order-catalog 1 +1111101011 pre-implant 1 +1111101011 Tyson-Smith 1 +1111101011 share-net 1 +1111101011 concert-playing 1 +1111101011 February-through-April 1 +1111101011 fuel-overpressurization 1 +1111101011 AID-supported 1 +1111101011 Asia-Australasia 1 +1111101011 Meese-Eastland 1 +1111101011 May-through-August 1 +1111101011 pennywise 1 +1111101011 crystal-boundary 1 +1111101011 post-recession 1 +1111101011 January-to-August 1 +1111101011 700-franc 1 +1111101011 32-man 1 +1111101011 under-100,000 1 +1111101011 9.7-million-ton 1 +1111101011 six-firm 1 +1111101011 AIDS-inspired 1 +1111101011 shortest-priced 1 +1111101011 prioryear 1 +1111101011 flower-filled 1 +1111101011 grandprize 1 +1111101011 transfer-tax 1 +1111101011 computer-learning 1 +1111101011 Northrop-Park 1 +1111101011 multimillion-square-foot 1 +1111101011 retirement-funding 1 +1111101011 store-owner 1 +1111101011 Brunel 1 +1111101011 Us-against-Them 1 +1111101011 below-expectation 1 +1111101011 X-1 1 +1111101011 Dresden-like 1 +1111101011 outdoor-sportswear 1 +1111101011 clematis-rose-peony-iris 1 +1111101011 450-yard 1 +1111101011 product-piracy 1 +1111101011 453-yard 1 +1111101011 Sukhumi 1 +1111101011 Falwell-Robertson 1 +1111101011 long-proven 1 +1111101011 smaller-issue 1 +1111101011 Anglophone 1 +1111101011 1969-88 1 +1111101011 precomputer 1 +1111101011 early-1920s 1 +1111101011 Pravdaesque 1 +1111101011 no-documents 1 +1111101011 Dukakis-opposed 1 +1111101011 oxygen-sniffing 1 +1111101011 corporate-return 1 +1111101011 liver-enzyme 1 +1111101011 18-to-49-year-old 1 +1111101011 boobyhatch 1 +1111101011 1910-1932 1 +1111101011 baby-products 1 +1111101011 slimmer-than-expected 1 +1111101011 1946-52 1 +1111101011 post-competition 1 +1111101011 pre-CD 1 +1111101011 brush-fire-fighting 1 +1111101011 inter-year 1 +1111101011 April-to-June 1 +1111101011 wordiness/commercial 1 +1111101011 Nitze-Kvitsinsky 1 +1111101011 Vanderhoof 1 +1111101011 Soviet-suppressed 1 +1111101011 October-February 1 +1111101011 oil-from-coal 1 +1111101011 storage-life 1 +1111101011 cache-memory 1 +1111101011 seldom-acknowledged 1 +1111101011 Washington-Baltimore-Richmond 1 +1111101011 post-Chun 1 +1111101011 visual-arts 1 +1111101011 never-implemented 1 +1111101011 psyched-up 1 +1111101011 two-China 1 +1111101011 1978-1988 1 +1111101011 Youghal/Killeagh 1 +1111101011 thermostable 1 +1111101011 96-country 1 +1111101011 Sabra-Shatilla 1 +1111101011 Reagan-Congress 1 +1111101011 Swaggert 1 +1111101011 erasability 1 +1111101011 140-member 1 +1111101011 liberal-moderate 1 +1111101011 gravy-train 1 +1111101011 already-ample 1 +1111101011 just-passed 1 +1111101011 1988-91 1 +1111101011 technically-important 1 +1111101011 senile-president 1 +1111101011 frivolous-buying 1 +1111101011 1972-1988 1 +1111101011 North-Poindexter 1 +1111101011 deficit-debt 1 +1111101011 1991-93 1 +1111101011 abrasion 1 +1111101011 Brentsupply 1 +1111101011 433-day 1 +1111101011 Sajaiyeh 1 +1111101011 444-day 1 +1111101011 134-acre 1 +1111101011 Gravesend-Bensonhurst 1 +1111101011 pancake-flat 1 +1111101011 oil-bonds 1 +1111101011 1975-84 1 +1111101011 prelisting 1 +1111101011 already-long 1 +1111101011 Damman 1 +1111101011 bargain-book 1 +1111101011 post-Carthyism 1 +1111101011 inner-harbor 1 +1111101011 1,652,000 1 +1111101011 quill-pen 1 +1111101011 defense-business 1 +1111101011 Muncie-Peru 1 +1111101011 more-than- 1 +1111101011 already-troubling 1 +1111101011 1914-39 1 +1111101011 ex-Cub 1 +1111101011 locust-control 1 +1111101011 August-to-December 1 +1111101011 10-county 1 +1111101011 X-plant 1 +1111101011 then-speaker 1 +1111101011 strike-ravaged 1 +1111101011 now-meaningless 1 +1111101011 1973-86 1 +1111101011 post-conciliar 1 +1111101011 49-week 1 +1111101011 assertiveness-training 1 +1111101011 breast-enlargement 1 +1111101011 Baa-2-rated 1 +1111101011 client-conflict 1 +1111101011 suavest 1 +1111101011 fifth-busiest 1 +1111101011 d'Estaing-Barre 1 +1111101011 Hunt-bank 1 +1111101011 January-to-April 1 +1111101011 bank-settlement 1 +1111101011 pre-high-tech 1 +1111101011 not-so-super 1 +1111101011 capital-flight 1 +1111101011 four-block 1 +1111101011 1986-bill 1 +1111101011 flight-ramp 1 +1111101011 still-sizable 1 +1111101011 canape 1 +1111101011 1960-80 1 +1111101011 less-formal 1 +1111101011 12-year-useful-life 1 +1111101011 below- 2 +1111101011 sex-and-spy 2 +1111101011 January-August 2 +1111101011 bazaar-like 2 +1111101011 in-camera 2 +1111101011 third-busiest 2 +1111101011 160-decibel 2 +1111101011 below-target 2 +1111101011 January-to-March 2 +1111101011 February-March 2 +1111101011 1988-1990 2 +1111101011 February-April 2 +1111101011 core-calving 2 +1111101011 post-segregation 2 +1111101011 then-estimated 2 +1111101011 special-project 2 +1111101011 health-statistics 2 +1111101011 Seplan 2 +1111101011 26-piece 2 +1111101011 Kohl-Gorbachev 2 +1111101011 post-2010 2 +1111101011 California-only 2 +1111101011 1,614,000 2 +1111101011 first-night 2 +1111101011 January-to-June 2 +1111101011 550-yard 2 +1111101011 radical/moderate 2 +1111101011 112-year-old 2 +1111101011 mid-single 2 +1111101011 copywriting 2 +1111101011 youth-unemployment 2 +1111101011 Pentagon-procurement 2 +1111101011 1969-1971 2 +1111101011 230-day 2 +1111101011 Haddads 2 +1111101011 latest-year 2 +1111101011 1980-1985 2 +1111101011 '79-'80-'81 2 +1111101011 intertidal 2 +1111101011 July-to-September 2 +1111101011 1987-1990 2 +1111101011 six-quarter 2 +1111101011 par-five 2 +1111101011 Iranian-contra 3 +1111101011 1979-84 3 +1111101011 IranContra 3 +1111101011 1.70-mark 3 +1111101011 low-to-mid 3 +1111101011 21-week 3 +1111101011 23-state 3 +1111101011 senior-citizens 3 +1111101011 record-tying 3 +1111101011 March/April 3 +1111101011 Boston-Washington 3 +1111101011 -the 3 +1111101011 January-May 3 +1111101011 arms-for-Iran 3 +1111101011 ozone-depletion 3 +1111101011 week-earlier 4 +1111101011 April-September 4 +1111101011 March-April 4 +1111101011 atmospheric-research 4 +1111101011 Bush-Gorbachev 4 +1111101011 39-week 4 +1111101011 interwar 4 +1111101011 over- 4 +1111101011 June-July 5 +1111101011 May-June 5 +1111101011 40-week 5 +1111101011 Iran-Contras 5 +1111101011 under- 5 +1111101011 64-cent 6 +1111101011 Iran-arms 6 +1111101011 October-March 6 +1111101011 24-week 6 +1111101011 Dammam 6 +1111101011 month-earlier 7 +1111101011 sine 8 +1111101011 chicken-and-egg 8 +1111101011 low-water 9 +1111101011 incubation 10 +1111101011 popular-vote 10 +1111101011 yearago 10 +1111101011 sex-spy 10 +1111101011 previous-year 14 +1111101011 demilitarized 15 +1111101011 latest-quarter 17 +1111101011 Iran-Nicaragua 18 +1111101011 300-day 18 +1111101011 prior-year 21 +1111101011 July-September 21 +1111101011 January-March 24 +1111101011 April-June 27 +1111101011 yearearlier 38 +1111101011 Iran-contra 47 +1111101011 cooling-off 52 +1111101011 just-ended 56 +1111101011 year-before 66 +1111101011 mid- 72 +1111101011 nine-month 250 +1111101011 year-ago 1419 +1111101011 year-earlier 5327 +1111101011 Iran-Contra 1513 +111110110 CL-289 1 +111110110 already-distressed 1 +111110110 tubular-products 1 +111110110 engineering-development 1 +111110110 in-force 1 +111110110 business-gift 1 +111110110 seventh-best 1 +111110110 export-linked 1 +111110110 Technimont 1 +111110110 3,904 1 +111110110 air-monitoring 1 +111110110 fast-consolidating 1 +111110110 52-acre 1 +111110110 bureaucrat-mandated 1 +111110110 DONUTS 1 +111110110 Ontario-owned 1 +111110110 audio/video 1 +111110110 electronic-photography 1 +111110110 highly-competitive 1 +111110110 then-radical 1 +111110110 Afrikaner-dominated 1 +111110110 SEIBU 1 +111110110 business-books 1 +111110110 epicene 1 +111110110 medical-reviewing 1 +111110110 even-lower 1 +111110110 55-cents-a-gallon 1 +111110110 then-weakening 1 +111110110 bullion-purchasing 1 +111110110 margin-account 1 +111110110 often-salty 1 +111110110 philanthropic-services 1 +111110110 Gibco 1 +111110110 budget-destroying 1 +111110110 10,000-mile 1 +111110110 meat-snack 1 +111110110 VictorMarsh 1 +111110110 Eastern-U.S. 1 +111110110 20,000-man 1 +111110110 radical-left 1 +111110110 longrunning 1 +111110110 needle-and-thread 1 +111110110 non-prison 1 +111110110 auto-resale-services 1 +111110110 82586 1 +111110110 second-deadliest 1 +111110110 Optimum 1 +111110110 Wingaersheek 1 +111110110 55-company 1 +111110110 predominently 1 +111110110 Ultratech 1 +111110110 Comedia 1 +111110110 Galion 1 +111110110 much-expanded 1 +111110110 dissension-ridden 1 +111110110 flippered 1 +111110110 Atacama 1 +111110110 Shia-Moslem 1 +111110110 petroleum-dependent 1 +111110110 altitude-signaling 1 +111110110 8,500-man 1 +111110110 mineral-marketing 1 +111110110 electrical-conductor 1 +111110110 100-largest 1 +111110110 demimondaine 1 +111110110 Jaguar-like 1 +111110110 testi 1 +111110110 bulkiest 1 +111110110 stain-repelling 1 +111110110 social-worker 1 +111110110 service-led 1 +111110110 recession-struck 1 +111110110 ALI 1 +111110110 M-109 1 +111110110 far-smaller 1 +111110110 paperback-sized 1 +111110110 history-minded 1 +111110110 non-banking-related 1 +111110110 spiciest 1 +111110110 CGR 1 +111110110 228-member 1 +111110110 23rd-largest 1 +111110110 glut-plagued 1 +111110110 Hammond-based 1 +111110110 low-death-rate 1 +111110110 third-largest-selling 1 +111110110 525-pence 1 +111110110 soon-to-be-privatized 1 +111110110 Comau 1 +111110110 statechartered 1 +111110110 wood-pulp 1 +111110110 Boeing-dependent 1 +111110110 Athabaska 1 +111110110 eighth-best 1 +111110110 mush-mouth 1 +111110110 Dutral 1 +111110110 then-groundbreaking 1 +111110110 Warner-Chris-Craft 1 +111110110 most-comprehensive 1 +111110110 Oxychem 1 +111110110 wound-treatment 1 +111110110 Sealtron 1 +111110110 123rd 1 +111110110 plaque-killing 1 +111110110 ExciMed 1 +111110110 Vojvodie 1 +111110110 43,537 1 +111110110 outer-continental 1 +111110110 Intertrading 1 +111110110 holey 1 +111110110 drought-reduced 1 +111110110 1,210-member 1 +111110110 al-Bayan 1 +111110110 highly-regulated 1 +111110110 stiff-papered 1 +111110110 auto-testing 1 +111110110 roofing-products 1 +111110110 Trieste-based 1 +111110110 2,900-hectare 1 +111110110 more-classic 1 +111110110 unreacted 1 +111110110 Selbaie 1 +111110110 Phildelphia 1 +111110110 imported-vehicle 1 +111110110 second-top-grossing 1 +111110110 ash-covered 1 +111110110 In-Sink-Erator 1 +111110110 59-36 1 +111110110 Technium 1 +111110110 proud-to-be-perky 1 +111110110 once-controversial 1 +111110110 94,218 1 +111110110 3,000-stock 1 +111110110 412-seat 1 +111110110 five-biggest 1 +111110110 two-electrode 1 +111110110 then-forthcoming 1 +111110110 morale-sapping 1 +111110110 still-mountainous 1 +111110110 19-newspaper 1 +111110110 fountain-sales 1 +111110110 three-head 1 +111110110 37,000-mile 1 +111110110 Microtronics 1 +111110110 london 1 +111110110 MESSERSCHMITT-BOEL 1 +111110110 me-first 1 +111110110 Toronto-developed 1 +111110110 mushiest 1 +111110110 Trans-Con 1 +111110110 6,018,356 1 +111110110 crones 1 +111110110 Patrini 1 +111110110 catamite 1 +111110110 three-largest 1 +111110110 amibitious 1 +111110110 seat-cushion 1 +111110110 radar-plane 1 +111110110 14-plant 1 +111110110 funeral-supply 1 +111110110 misappropriation-of-information 1 +111110110 1,042-page 1 +111110110 knife-edged 1 +111110110 88,000-member 1 +111110110 Khlong 1 +111110110 Califo 1 +111110110 town-planning 1 +111110110 Tatas 1 +111110110 Gumps 1 +111110110 top-performance 1 +111110110 biggest-single 1 +111110110 foam-package 1 +111110110 capitalist-imperialist 1 +111110110 chrome-nickel 1 +111110110 anti-biographical 1 +111110110 crane-leasing 1 +111110110 government-products 1 +111110110 231,660 1 +111110110 administration-negotiated 1 +111110110 too-exquisite 1 +111110110 balaclava-masked 1 +111110110 commercial-mortgage 1 +111110110 2,000-mile-long 1 +111110110 non-tactical 1 +111110110 Fallon-based 1 +111110110 T-45TS 1 +111110110 now-crying 1 +111110110 state-paid 1 +111110110 GHHensley 1 +111110110 JVX 1 +111110110 accounting-programs 1 +111110110 grocery-business 1 +111110110 greencard 1 +111110110 Hunt-owned 1 +111110110 large-dollar 1 +111110110 fourteenth 1 +111110110 CCTV 1 +111110110 group-practice-model 1 +111110110 bias-ply 1 +111110110 Hydro-Matic 1 +111110110 chocolate-flavored 1 +111110110 safety-equipment 1 +111110110 near-worthless 1 +111110110 faster-running 1 +111110110 already-hefty 1 +111110110 then-usual 1 +111110110 36-office 1 +111110110 mortgage-information 1 +111110110 imperishable 1 +111110110 260,000-member 1 +111110110 material-service 1 +111110110 semantical 1 +111110110 Tchaikovsky/Petipa 1 +111110110 Arlington-based 1 +111110110 700-odd 1 +111110110 convertible-note 1 +111110110 hypercompetitive 1 +111110110 restricted-fare 1 +111110110 retail-furniture 1 +111110110 most-battered 1 +111110110 Keizaiki 1 +111110110 B.H.24 1 +111110110 military-semiconductor 1 +111110110 blueribbon 1 +111110110 325-acre 1 +111110110 more-forthcoming 1 +111110110 Wheaties-box 1 +111110110 Main-Street 1 +111110110 Nazi-tracking 1 +111110110 57-company 1 +111110110 rare-comics 1 +111110110 winged-horse 1 +111110110 fourthlargest 1 +111110110 hide-bound 1 +111110110 material-technical 1 +111110110 AIDS-wracked 1 +111110110 Affirmative-Action 1 +111110110 Tote-A-Poke 1 +111110110 A-2-rated 1 +111110110 171-year-old 1 +111110110 fast-gaining 1 +111110110 ankh 1 +111110110 flag-carrier 1 +111110110 nondirectory 1 +111110110 ever-more-established 1 +111110110 ERCO 1 +111110110 1,487 1 +111110110 Uhuru 1 +111110110 commodity-chemicals 1 +111110110 Greenland-bound 1 +111110110 off-priced 1 +111110110 general-affairs 1 +111110110 non-sell 1 +111110110 Panorex 1 +111110110 already-slumping 1 +111110110 fine-art 1 +111110110 once-radical 1 +111110110 concrete-and-tile 1 +111110110 UCAR 1 +111110110 Forsvarets 1 +111110110 Al-Ahmadi 1 +111110110 biomedical-products 1 +111110110 lobsterlike 1 +111110110 Taverns 1 +111110110 gyspum 1 +111110110 open-fronted 1 +111110110 1,100-member 1 +111110110 420-member 1 +111110110 bullfrog-faced 1 +111110110 Anglicized 1 +111110110 unbarked 1 +111110110 revisionary 1 +111110110 KL 1 +111110110 dog-meat 1 +111110110 seaplane 1 +111110110 least-efficient 1 +111110110 internal-investigations 1 +111110110 small-account 1 +111110110 110-person 1 +111110110 Versateller 1 +111110110 scanner-system 1 +111110110 Farmoplant 1 +111110110 87-75 1 +111110110 oil-and-energy 1 +111110110 McGhan 1 +111110110 internationalenergy 1 +111110110 108.26point 1 +111110110 pure-play 1 +111110110 Bulgari 1 +111110110 four-car 1 +111110110 DC-8-73CF 1 +111110110 Cyrillic-language 1 +111110110 still-falling 1 +111110110 holiday-curtailed 1 +111110110 photochemicals 1 +111110110 29-member 1 +111110110 comatose-brother 1 +111110110 anti-cocaine 1 +111110110 132-store 1 +111110110 EA-International 1 +111110110 office-dominated 1 +111110110 16th-biggest 1 +111110110 10th-biggest 1 +111110110 eponymously 1 +111110110 most-valuable-player 1 +111110110 flesh-and-bone 1 +111110110 154-city 1 +111110110 30-lawyer 1 +111110110 choky 1 +111110110 bigget 1 +111110110 Medicaid-style 1 +111110110 bulk-penicillin 1 +111110110 155-seat 1 +111110110 1,639 1 +111110110 merger-minded 1 +111110110 U.S-built 1 +111110110 sixthlargest 1 +111110110 Italsider 1 +111110110 1,300-dealer 1 +111110110 166th-ranked 1 +111110110 materials-storage 1 +111110110 aid-policy 1 +111110110 cholesterol-making 1 +111110110 air-cured 1 +111110110 2,000-share 1 +111110110 Chrysler/Plymouth 1 +111110110 4TEL 1 +111110110 biocommunications 1 +111110110 Argyle 1 +111110110 guerrilla-aligned 1 +111110110 397-page 1 +111110110 Snia-Bpd 1 +111110110 long-regulated 1 +111110110 58,000-square-foot 1 +111110110 70-branch 1 +111110110 director-liability 1 +111110110 Audiotone 1 +111110110 coupon-book 1 +111110110 still-simpler 1 +111110110 civil-airplane-engine 1 +111110110 55,300 1 +111110110 liquor-at-the-table 1 +111110110 ultra-successful 1 +111110110 biggest-known 1 +111110110 biggest-grossing 1 +111110110 law-enforcement-fleet 1 +111110110 Togliattigrad 1 +111110110 speed-dial 1 +111110110 Ivrea-based 1 +111110110 overseas-finance 1 +111110110 six-branch 1 +111110110 job-generating 1 +111110110 million-man 1 +111110110 already-struggling 1 +111110110 Cerrejon 1 +111110110 high-prestige 1 +111110110 232-cubic-inch 1 +111110110 3,798 1 +111110110 No.4-ranked 1 +111110110 precious-metals-marketing 1 +111110110 34,000-employee 1 +111110110 specialty-re-insuring 1 +111110110 200,000-strong 1 +111110110 Tamil-Sinhalese 1 +111110110 Jamaat 1 +111110110 80-pound 1 +111110110 Phoenix-area 1 +111110110 planetary-science 1 +111110110 sales-planning 1 +111110110 bankruptcy-filing 1 +111110110 Westport-based 1 +111110110 twelfth-largest 1 +111110110 community-newspaper 1 +111110110 most-compliant 1 +111110110 once-exploding 1 +111110110 20-seat 1 +111110110 coated-board 1 +111110110 heaviest-hitting 1 +111110110 83-foot 1 +111110110 Tiberios 1 +111110110 uncarbonated 1 +111110110 2401 1 +111110110 lese 1 +111110110 dancing-Barbie 1 +111110110 field-engineering 1 +111110110 35th-largest 1 +111110110 nomination-clinching 1 +111110110 TG&Y 1 +111110110 athletc 1 +111110110 bank-check 1 +111110110 dividend-trading 1 +111110110 166,692 1 +111110110 OSHA-designed 1 +111110110 precision-flying 1 +111110110 East-Central 1 +111110110 Salif 1 +111110110 10th-leading 1 +111110110 marijuana-smuggling 1 +111110110 most-cherished 1 +111110110 ever-crisper 1 +111110110 NetExpress 1 +111110110 convenience-products 1 +111110110 Cobriza 1 +111110110 aerospace-optical 1 +111110110 optical-sciences 1 +111110110 five-block 1 +111110110 anti-gout 1 +111110110 retail-finance 1 +111110110 420-seat 1 +111110110 not-prime-rated 1 +111110110 36-branch 1 +111110110 4,688 1 +111110110 766,450 1 +111110110 4,692 1 +111110110 laugh-a-minute 1 +111110110 rigid-packaging 1 +111110110 nonguaranteed 1 +111110110 individual-banking 1 +111110110 then-largest 1 +111110110 corporate-related 1 +111110110 4,691 1 +111110110 oft-losing 1 +111110110 rule-bound 1 +111110110 empty-chair 1 +111110110 Isotron 1 +111110110 laminar 1 +111110110 Abekas 1 +111110110 prehistoric-looking 1 +111110110 Klong 1 +111110110 now-sand-covered 1 +111110110 one-child-per-couple 1 +111110110 best-placed 1 +111110110 Gestnord 1 +111110110 Heptavax-B 1 +111110110 less-renowned 1 +111110110 wavelike 1 +111110110 now-stablized 1 +111110110 170th 1 +111110110 44,800 1 +111110110 3/80 1 +111110110 credit-driven 1 +111110110 still-provisional 1 +111110110 14-company 1 +111110110 long-inflexible 1 +111110110 Pumwani 1 +111110110 equipment-marketing 1 +111110110 DDM-1000 1 +111110110 now-bewildered 1 +111110110 general-insurance 1 +111110110 broadcast-services 1 +111110110 no-more-greenmail 1 +111110110 Stinking 1 +111110110 third-richest 1 +111110110 three-doctor 1 +111110110 earlier-scheduled 1 +111110110 least-restrictive 1 +111110110 Alte 1 +111110110 well-articulated 1 +111110110 2,106 1 +111110110 womens-wear 1 +111110110 publishing-systems-business 1 +111110110 Dumex 1 +111110110 Baltimorebased 1 +111110110 HomeLenders 1 +111110110 Phoenician 1 +111110110 593,691 1 +111110110 43rd-largest 1 +111110110 Easternmost 1 +111110110 Northbridge 1 +111110110 dark-wood 1 +111110110 palm-studded 1 +111110110 14-largest 1 +111110110 quarter-century-long 1 +111110110 32-city 1 +111110110 Jacquard 1 +111110110 3,126 1 +111110110 natural-gas-reserve 1 +111110110 Irgun 1 +111110110 more-dovish 1 +111110110 deepest-held 1 +111110110 double-ribbed 1 +111110110 GOP-designed 1 +111110110 TrendSights 1 +111110110 still-mourned 1 +111110110 cross-channel 1 +111110110 good-industrial-design 1 +111110110 dark-side 1 +111110110 psychological/supernatural 1 +111110110 100-selection 1 +111110110 Prescriptives 1 +111110110 Jenn-Air 1 +111110110 long-isolated 1 +111110110 corrosion-prevention 1 +111110110 now-challenged 1 +111110110 closed-market 1 +111110110 8,014 1 +111110110 shifter 1 +111110110 area-wide 1 +111110110 Stering 1 +111110110 1+ 1 +111110110 all-first-class 1 +111110110 least-leveraged 1 +111110110 career-switching 1 +111110110 content-oriented 1 +111110110 39th-largest 1 +111110110 Foster's-brand 1 +111110110 now-small 1 +111110110 SH-11 1 +111110110 17-person 1 +111110110 SA-12 1 +111110110 specialty-aviation 1 +111110110 DM2,800 1 +111110110 one-branch 1 +111110110 microwave-products 1 +111110110 once-bloated 1 +111110110 two-and-a-half-year 1 +111110110 46th-largest 1 +111110110 10,600-broker 1 +111110110 Vigor 1 +111110110 25,000-man 1 +111110110 get-in-before-they-soar 1 +111110110 550,000-ton-a-year 1 +111110110 3-meter 1 +111110110 2,207,380 1 +111110110 S&L-deposit 1 +111110110 Uusi 1 +111110110 16-state 1 +111110110 J-2 1 +111110110 European-branch 1 +111110110 Dialight 1 +111110110 oil-country 1 +111110110 best-watched 1 +111110110 automobile-finance 1 +111110110 import-damaged 1 +111110110 34,000-square-foot 1 +111110110 steel-faced 1 +111110110 block-wide 1 +111110110 instrument-products 1 +111110110 84-seat 1 +111110110 diagnostic-systems 1 +111110110 designated-hitter 1 +111110110 three-golds 1 +111110110 ex-record 1 +111110110 multi-spired 1 +111110110 precision-engineering 1 +111110110 Apennine 1 +111110110 Interamics 1 +111110110 insider-information 1 +111110110 price-oriented 1 +111110110 market-services 1 +111110110 Sacremento 1 +111110110 aircraft-engines 1 +111110110 Fourtrax 1 +111110110 I/S 1 +111110110 Goldwaters 1 +111110110 loose-cannon 1 +111110110 4-12 1 +111110110 Cinecitta 1 +111110110 phone-bank 1 +111110110 Xindu 1 +111110110 highest-grossing 1 +111110110 Prairie-region 1 +111110110 chocolate-syrup 1 +111110110 passenger-reservation 1 +111110110 Vietnam-vintage 1 +111110110 electric-shaver 1 +111110110 antibaldness 1 +111110110 retail-brokers 1 +111110110 47-store 1 +111110110 stale-smelling 1 +111110110 federal-systems 1 +111110110 barrier-reducing 1 +111110110 already-shrunken 1 +111110110 forest-industry 1 +111110110 ss-town 1 +111110110 1985-89 1 +111110110 BeairdPoulan/Weed 1 +111110110 83-store 1 +111110110 Prime-1-rated 1 +111110110 SNA 1 +111110110 Ghent-based 1 +111110110 CICS 1 +111110110 Potty-Time 1 +111110110 121-member 1 +111110110 740th-biggest 1 +111110110 wild-blueberry 1 +111110110 Emmental 1 +111110110 middle-of-the-lineup 1 +111110110 Robinair 1 +111110110 4,600-plane 1 +111110110 Obed-Marsh 1 +111110110 climate-change 1 +111110110 batten-down-the-hatches 1 +111110110 Walk-In 1 +111110110 Dependencia 1 +111110110 46-store 1 +111110110 most-valued 1 +111110110 2,500-acre 1 +111110110 homeclub 1 +111110110 2,233 1 +111110110 graphic-systems 2 +111110110 Beaumont-based 2 +111110110 feeblest 2 +111110110 1/2-foot-tall 2 +111110110 Taystee 2 +111110110 early-season 2 +111110110 biggest-producing 2 +111110110 dual-lens 2 +111110110 PayPoint 2 +111110110 heat-processing-systems 2 +111110110 second-largest-selling 2 +111110110 fifth-most-populous 2 +111110110 newswriting 2 +111110110 15,000-member 2 +111110110 most-prestigious 2 +111110110 growth-regulating 2 +111110110 Pensacola-based 2 +111110110 knottiest 2 +111110110 tightknit 2 +111110110 cocoa-products 2 +111110110 Worldperks 2 +111110110 highcost 2 +111110110 third-person 2 +111110110 printing-systems 2 +111110110 Atlac 2 +111110110 ticket-buying 2 +111110110 oil-field-equipment 2 +111110110 IBRD 2 +111110110 Bagnoli 2 +111110110 surface-combustion 2 +111110110 loveliest 2 +111110110 15th-biggest 2 +111110110 58-store 2 +111110110 third-fastest-growing 2 +111110110 number-two 2 +111110110 Al-Sagar 2 +111110110 then-struggling 2 +111110110 pyramidal 2 +111110110 PageWilliams 2 +111110110 Paramins 2 +111110110 below-ground 2 +111110110 SeeQuence 2 +111110110 Electro-Motive 2 +111110110 white-page 2 +111110110 chloracetanilide 2 +111110110 500-stock-index 2 +111110110 auto-lending 2 +111110110 snap-together 2 +111110110 wishywashy 2 +111110110 50-meter 2 +111110110 Rdb 2 +111110110 90-member 2 +111110110 single-largest 2 +111110110 most-favored 2 +111110110 Kendall/Amalie 2 +111110110 90-store 2 +111110110 1.5-gallon 2 +111110110 biggest-circulation 2 +111110110 once-sacrosanct 2 +111110110 900-member 2 +111110110 Kydex 2 +111110110 52-lawyer 2 +111110110 best-loved 2 +111110110 Lantirn 2 +111110110 800,000-man 2 +111110110 northern-most 2 +111110110 psychiatric-hospital 2 +111110110 26th-largest 2 +111110110 Elmgrove 2 +111110110 40-yard 2 +111110110 Palouse 2 +111110110 English-born 2 +111110110 237,000-person 2 +111110110 frailest 2 +111110110 Fanta 2 +111110110 most-advanced 2 +111110110 122-year-old 2 +111110110 once-beleaguered 2 +111110110 RCA/GE 2 +111110110 Magcobar 2 +111110110 Chicago-to-Cleveland 2 +111110110 ex-TRW 2 +111110110 drought-ravaged 2 +111110110 252-store 2 +111110110 lowest-ranked 2 +111110110 million-employee 2 +111110110 120th 2 +111110110 60-foot-long 2 +111110110 Tsukiji 2 +111110110 pooper 2 +111110110 mass-memory 2 +111110110 Asian/Pacific 2 +111110110 Am29116 2 +111110110 eight-station 2 +111110110 12th-biggest 2 +111110110 radical-chic 2 +111110110 corporate-planning 2 +111110110 1,328-member 2 +111110110 Duff-Norton 2 +111110110 lowest-wage 2 +111110110 extra-hole 2 +111110110 choicer 2 +111110110 long-recognized 2 +111110110 AppleTalk 3 +111110110 31st-largest 3 +111110110 touchiest 3 +111110110 export-insurance 3 +111110110 UNIX-PC 3 +111110110 131st 3 +111110110 third-most-active 3 +111110110 18-minute 3 +111110110 Indiana-based 3 +111110110 ninth-biggest 3 +111110110 WTVN-TV 3 +111110110 North-Central 3 +111110110 1,155 3 +111110110 shuttle-fuel 3 +111110110 white-paper 3 +111110110 22-store 3 +111110110 120-foot-long 3 +111110110 38th-largest 3 +111110110 35,000-ton 3 +111110110 MovieQuick 3 +111110110 most-troubled 3 +111110110 once-stodgy 3 +111110110 22-nation 3 +111110110 ritziest 3 +111110110 17th-largest 3 +111110110 Oronite 3 +111110110 25th-largest 3 +111110110 Monarch-Merrill 3 +111110110 project-financing 3 +111110110 14th-biggest 3 +111110110 59-story 3 +111110110 Hydra-Matic 3 +111110110 once-prosperous 3 +111110110 scrappiest 3 +111110110 then-pending 3 +111110110 once-high-flying 3 +111110110 third-most-populous 3 +111110110 second-favorite 3 +111110110 10-largest 3 +111110110 seven-time 3 +111110110 Superfest 3 +111110110 sports-science 3 +111110110 blue-blood 3 +111110110 16,000-member 3 +111110110 most-affluent 4 +111110110 omnivorous 4 +111110110 Chibougamau 4 +111110110 21st-largest 4 +111110110 most-influential 4 +111110110 top-producing 4 +111110110 Bio-Products 4 +111110110 eight-state 4 +111110110 Broadway-Southwest 4 +111110110 tastiest 4 +111110110 LXI 4 +111110110 Link-Miles 4 +111110110 fastest-selling 4 +111110110 flexible-packaging 4 +111110110 Cantata 4 +111110110 Albuquerque-based 4 +111110110 secondlargest 4 +111110110 5ESS 4 +111110110 184th 4 +111110110 75th-anniversary 4 +111110110 Rumasa 4 +111110110 second-busiest 5 +111110110 best-organized 5 +111110110 Jack-in-the-Box 5 +111110110 mightiest 5 +111110110 19th-largest 5 +111110110 best-looking 5 +111110110 18th-largest 5 +111110110 20th-largest 5 +111110110 second-heaviest 6 +111110110 winningest 6 +111110110 midcontinent 6 +111110110 second-longest 6 +111110110 drought-damaged 6 +111110110 juiciest 6 +111110110 Ruttan 6 +111110110 once-popular 6 +111110110 eighth-biggest 6 +111110110 Prinos 6 +111110110 Ticketron 6 +111110110 million-strong 6 +111110110 largest-circulation 6 +111110110 22nd-largest 6 +111110110 most-populous 7 +111110110 seventh-biggest 7 +111110110 best-capitalized 7 +111110110 neediest 7 +111110110 most-profitable 7 +111110110 Mercur 7 +111110110 sixth-biggest 7 +111110110 shakiest 8 +111110110 most-powerful 8 +111110110 thorniest 8 +111110110 16th-largest 8 +111110110 fastest-rising 8 +111110110 13th-largest 8 +111110110 best-kept 8 +111110110 transducer 9 +111110110 trendiest 9 +111110110 15th-largest 9 +111110110 toniest 9 +111110110 market-regulation 9 +111110110 grandest 9 +111110110 best-run 9 +111110110 14th-largest 10 +111110110 innermost 10 +111110110 highest-volume 10 +111110110 fanciest 10 +111110110 200-meter 10 +111110110 most-expensive 10 +111110110 highest-flying 11 +111110110 fifth-biggest 11 +111110110 shrewdest 12 +111110110 fourth-biggest 12 +111110110 drought-stunted 13 +111110110 longest-serving 13 +111110110 most-watched 13 +111110110 priciest 13 +111110110 much-vaunted 14 +111110110 largest-selling 15 +111110110 savviest 15 +111110110 highest-cost 15 +111110110 highest-rated 16 +111110110 biggest-ever 16 +111110110 close. 17 +111110110 northernmost 17 +111110110 tiniest 18 +111110110 10th-largest 18 +111110110 11th-largest 18 +111110110 choicest 18 +111110110 highest-priced 18 +111110110 ninth-largest 19 +111110110 biggest-selling 22 +111110110 12th-largest 23 +111110110 hardest-hit 25 +111110110 longest-running 26 +111110110 eighth-largest 27 +111110110 worst-performing 27 +111110110 largest-ever 31 +111110110 lowest-cost 37 +111110110 lowest-priced 37 +111110110 third-biggest 41 +111110110 costliest 45 +111110110 seventh-largest 55 +111110110 best-performing 68 +111110110 sixth-largest 85 +111110110 most-active 95 +111110110 wealthiest 100 +111110110 second-biggest 118 +111110110 fifth-largest 125 +111110110 finest 154 +111110110 busiest 195 +111110110 best-known 219 +111110110 fourth-largest 221 +111110110 richest 228 +111110110 poorest 260 +111110110 fastest-growing 278 +111110110 oldest 339 +111110110 flagship 372 +111110110 third-largest 387 +111110110 second-largest 817 +111110110 largest 10393 +111110110 biggest 6816 +1111101110 pre-panic 1 +1111101110 one-part-per-million 1 +1111101110 Robertses 1 +1111101110 same-size 1 +1111101110 latest-generation 1 +1111101110 305-franc 1 +1111101110 ownself 1 +1111101110 7.65-cent 1 +1111101110 Kargers 1 +1111101110 1600-point 1 +1111101110 Penneyites 1 +1111101110 currency-adjustment 1 +1111101110 1.8700-mark 1 +1111101110 multimillion-watt 1 +1111101110 conciliation-board 1 +1111101110 134-yen 1 +1111101110 2,400-year-old 1 +1111101110 fleetest-footed 1 +1111101110 1,200-rig 1 +1111101110 non-historical-minded 1 +1111101110 allowed-earnings 1 +1111101110 first-draft 1 +1111101110 Iranian-Saudi 1 +1111101110 state-party 1 +1111101110 290-to-300 1 +1111101110 3,771-member 1 +1111101110 480-strong 1 +1111101110 soul-saving 1 +1111101110 beekeeping 1 +1111101110 stock-sales 1 +1111101110 minmum 1 +1111101110 chicken-egg 1 +1111101110 136.75-yen 1 +1111101110 .270 1 +1111101110 1.4-point 1 +1111101110 2.8-point 1 +1111101110 85-cent-a-share 1 +1111101110 sailmaker 1 +1111101110 liability-limitation 1 +1111101110 123.35-yen 1 +1111101110 123.50-yen 1 +1111101110 2545 1 +1111101110 160-yen 1 +1111101110 278,000-ton 1 +1111101110 200-milligrams-per-deciliter 1 +1111101110 10,000-unit 1 +1111101110 scuzziest 1 +1111101110 least-palatable 1 +1111101110 123.85-yen 1 +1111101110 more-rational 1 +1111101110 123.45-yen 1 +1111101110 122.50-yen 1 +1111101110 summerintern 1 +1111101110 affluency 1 +1111101110 18000 1 +1111101110 greater-than-acceptable 1 +1111101110 2.03-mark 1 +1111101110 week-before 1 +1111101110 pre-accord 1 +1111101110 airborne-early 1 +1111101110 gym-class 1 +1111101110 AFRS 1 +1111101110 most-experienced 1 +1111101110 Photoplay 1 +1111101110 pre-Boesky 1 +1111101110 Miller-led 1 +1111101110 1000-point 1 +1111101110 600-pence 1 +1111101110 more-routine 1 +1111101110 privateer 1 +1111101110 open-eyed 1 +1111101110 -a-barrel 1 +1111101110 division-management 1 +1111101110 two-cent-a-pound 1 +1111101110 placental 1 +1111101110 ever-so-open 1 +1111101110 bacteria-formed 1 +1111101110 extra-dimensional 1 +1111101110 quite-ridiculous 1 +1111101110 cafeteria-plan 1 +1111101110 fastest- 1 +1111101110 23000.00 1 +1111101110 dual-chairmanship 1 +1111101110 surving 1 +1111101110 hardest-to-break 1 +1111101110 munitions-delivery 1 +1111101110 29,320-person 1 +1111101110 welfare-payment 1 +1111101110 seven-cent-apound 1 +1111101110 communications-image 1 +1111101110 152-yen 1 +1111101110 172-day-old 1 +1111101110 yet-to-be-perfected 1 +1111101110 10th-fastest 1 +1111101110 1.8320-mark 1 +1111101110 18936.98-point 1 +1111101110 violent-predator 1 +1111101110 300,000-unit 1 +1111101110 973-page 1 +1111101110 already-collapsed 1 +1111101110 3.2-mark 1 +1111101110 seven-day-old 1 +1111101110 local-pharmacy 1 +1111101110 low-20s 1 +1111101110 2390-point 1 +1111101110 10,000-gallon-a-minute 1 +1111101110 sub-strategic 1 +1111101110 roistering 1 +1111101110 rig-removing 1 +1111101110 125yen 1 +1111101110 1.6800-mark 1 +1111101110 two-lift 1 +1111101110 suspender-clad 1 +1111101110 countercoup 1 +1111101110 commodities-type 1 +1111101110 3.20-mark 1 +1111101110 110-yen 1 +1111101110 Roosevelt-Truman-Kennedy-Johnson 1 +1111101110 1.7207-marks 1 +1111101110 lovelier-than-life 1 +1111101110 3,050-yen 1 +1111101110 41.2-hour 1 +1111101110 10-cents-a-pound 1 +1111101110 100,000-odd 1 +1111101110 bio-safety 1 +1111101110 government-formation 1 +1111101110 geared-up 1 +1111101110 less-than-benevolent 1 +1111101110 Don't-Try-This 1 +1111101110 Torahs 1 +1111101110 214th 1 +1111101110 zip-code 1 +1111101110 150-mark 1 +1111101110 145.50-yen 1 +1111101110 1900-point 1 +1111101110 above-permitted 1 +1111101110 146-yen 1 +1111101110 profit-staggering 1 +1111101110 still-enigmatic 1 +1111101110 605-unit 1 +1111101110 one-man-gang 1 +1111101110 27000-point 1 +1111101110 nonregulated-energy 1 +1111101110 parent-guided 1 +1111101110 mid-1800 1 +1111101110 phonewatch 1 +1111101110 EPA-mandated 1 +1111101110 work-dominated 1 +1111101110 Chambonnais 1 +1111101110 taxhikers 1 +1111101110 13-cent-a-pound 1 +1111101110 Buick-Olds 1 +1111101110 already-booming 1 +1111101110 1.8625-mark 1 +1111101110 1.8665-mark 1 +1111101110 13.75-cents 1 +1111101110 9,700-foot 1 +1111101110 133-yen 1 +1111101110 book-breaking 1 +1111101110 1.900-mark 1 +1111101110 1.8900-mark 1 +1111101110 mid-2200 1 +1111101110 blurbee 1 +1111101110 fixed-production 1 +1111101110 poop-out 1 +1111101110 grassroot 1 +1111101110 1.8670-mark 1 +1111101110 10-cent-a-pound 1 +1111101110 military-could 1 +1111101110 lower-spending 1 +1111101110 1.75-1.85 1 +1111101110 educably 1 +1111101110 mid-chest 1 +1111101110 agriculturals 1 +1111101110 world-amid 1 +1111101110 20-cent-a-bushel 1 +1111101110 10000-point 1 +1111101110 1.5-cent-a-pound 1 +1111101110 just-discovered 1 +1111101110 131-yen 1 +1111101110 1.9680-mark 1 +1111101110 decades-low 1 +1111101110 1,000-cases 1 +1111101110 1.8200-mark 1 +1111101110 cash-contributing 1 +1111101110 88,000-person 1 +1111101110 still-smooth 1 +1111101110 pre-1973 1 +1111101110 damage-related 1 +1111101110 incentive-bloated 1 +1111101110 height-finding 1 +1111101110 13.75-cents-a-pound 1 +1111101110 19000-point 2 +1111101110 Bush-Baker 2 +1111101110 81-cent 2 +1111101110 ChristoSoth 2 +1111101110 Senate-authorized 2 +1111101110 capital-gains-cut 2 +1111101110 2,365 2 +1111101110 early-1987 2 +1111101110 freespending 2 +1111101110 23500 2 +1111101110 Graham-and-Dodd 2 +1111101110 wackier 2 +1111101110 charity-ball 2 +1111101110 diatonic 2 +1111101110 2000-point 2 +1111101110 158-yen 2 +1111101110 3.00-mark 2 +1111101110 Ionian 2 +1111101110 slighest 2 +1111101110 de-yuppification 2 +1111101110 45-cent 2 +1111101110 upper-tier 2 +1111101110 then-market 2 +1111101110 sparest 2 +1111101110 pre-buyout 2 +1111101110 bassoons 2 +1111101110 gastronomical 2 +1111101110 Wear-Dated 2 +1111101110 profoundest 2 +1111101110 1.8800-mark 2 +1111101110 seven-cent-a-pound 2 +1111101110 tree-top 2 +1111101110 unlived 2 +1111101110 2360.4 2 +1111101110 2350-point 2 +1111101110 sky's-the-limit 2 +1111101110 once-heretical 2 +1111101110 cuatro 2 +1111101110 contortionist 2 +1111101110 lightning-quick 2 +1111101110 unvarying 2 +1111101110 lake-side 2 +1111101110 34000 2 +1111101110 147-yen 2 +1111101110 saturated-fat 2 +1111101110 single-biggest 2 +1111101110 black-history 2 +1111101110 gender-gap 2 +1111101110 educable 2 +1111101110 curent 2 +1111101110 often-staggering 2 +1111101110 intelligence-sharing 3 +1111101110 seventh-highest 3 +1111101110 fifth-best 3 +1111101110 melodious 3 +1111101110 1969-1970 3 +1111101110 148-yen 3 +1111101110 highest-valued 3 +1111101110 bratty 3 +1111101110 speediest 3 +1111101110 Indo-Pakistan 3 +1111101110 gutsiest 3 +1111101110 Whiteheads 3 +1111101110 cleverest 3 +1111101110 highest-ever 3 +1111101110 pro-spending 3 +1111101110 ham-handed 3 +1111101110 Judaic-Christian 3 +1111101110 rosiest 3 +1111101110 Sary 3 +1111101110 free-and-easy 3 +1111101110 stop-Bork 3 +1111101110 238-mark 3 +1111101110 role-model 3 +1111101110 loftiest 3 +1111101110 Yoshiwara 3 +1111101110 banking-commerce 3 +1111101110 weather-induced 3 +1111101110 70-pence 3 +1111101110 damndest 3 +1111101110 filthiest 3 +1111101110 Ivorian 3 +1111101110 lowest-ever 3 +1111101110 Rubenesque 3 +1111101110 580-unit 3 +1111101110 1800-point 3 +1111101110 28000-level 3 +1111101110 125,306 3 +1111101110 more-optimistic 3 +1111101110 limit-order 3 +1111101110 single-wing 3 +1111101110 lowest-income 3 +1111101110 125.50-yen 3 +1111101110 antiseptically 3 +1111101110 second-smallest 4 +1111101110 barest 4 +1111101110 pocket-veto 4 +1111101110 briefest 4 +1111101110 gentlest 4 +1111101110 starkest 4 +1111101110 edible-oil 4 +1111101110 Mongol 4 +1111101110 126-yen 4 +1111101110 decades-long 4 +1111101110 splashiest 4 +1111101110 Lucchese 4 +1111101110 800-meter 4 +1111101110 noisiest 4 +1111101110 20000-point 4 +1111101110 progam 4 +1111101110 hippest 4 +1111101110 longest-lived 4 +1111101110 best-built 4 +1111101110 late-May 4 +1111101110 thickest 5 +1111101110 steadiest 5 +1111101110 fervid 5 +1111101110 Adagio 5 +1111101110 20,000-point 5 +1111101110 LCG 5 +1111101110 three-mark 5 +1111101110 budget-summit 5 +1111101110 lingua 5 +1111101110 fourth-highest 5 +1111101110 swiftest 6 +1111101110 best-educated 6 +1111101110 fifth-highest 6 +1111101110 friendliest 6 +1111101110 antediluvian 6 +1111101110 bravest 6 +1111101110 soundest 7 +1111101110 dearest 7 +1111101110 grimmest 7 +1111101110 1.90-mark 7 +1111101110 fattest 7 +1111101110 silliest 7 +1111101110 bluntest 7 +1111101110 freest 7 +1111101110 craziest 7 +1111101110 smoothest 7 +1111101110 lowest-paid 8 +1111101110 mildest 8 +1111101110 merest 8 +1111101110 ground-proximity 8 +1111101110 prettiest 8 +1111101110 trickiest 8 +1111101110 thinnest 8 +1111101110 truest 8 +1111101110 severest 9 +1111101110 coldest 9 +1111101110 warmest 9 +1111101110 150-yen 9 +1111101110 second-worst 9 +1111101110 firmest 9 +1111101110 fondest 9 +1111101110 sweetest 10 +1111101110 keenest 10 +1111101110 nastiest 10 +1111101110 heftiest 10 +1111101110 Nerd 10 +1111101110 rarest 10 +1111101110 freshest 11 +1111101110 slimmest 11 +1111101110 dirtiest 11 +1111101110 deadening 11 +1111101110 meanest 11 +1111101110 decibel 12 +1111101110 dullest 12 +1111101110 driest 12 +1111101110 third-best 12 +1111101110 leanest 12 +1111101110 oddest 12 +1111101110 money-raising 13 +1111101110 gravest 13 +1111101110 second-lowest 14 +1111101110 125-yen 14 +1111101110 bloodiest 14 +1111101110 stiffest 14 +1111101110 saddest 14 +1111101110 wisest 16 +1111101110 ugliest 17 +1111101110 fairest 17 +1111101110 bitterest 18 +1111101110 liveliest 18 +1111101110 crowning 19 +1111101110 happiest 20 +1111101110 cleanest 21 +1111101110 tightest 22 +1111101110 strangest 22 +1111101110 third-highest 24 +1111101110 purest 24 +1111101110 riskiest 24 +1111101110 proudest 24 +1111101110 second-best 25 +1111101110 Genovese 26 +1111101110 fewest 26 +1111101110 funniest 27 +1111101110 quietest 27 +1111101110 fullest 28 +1111101110 smartest 29 +1111101110 darkest 29 +1111101110 healthiest 29 +1111101110 surest 30 +1111101110 lightest 31 +1111101110 fiercest 34 +1111101110 wildest 36 +1111101110 boldest 39 +1111101110 utmost 43 +1111101110 narrowest 43 +1111101110 quickest 46 +1111101110 loudest 48 +1111101110 harshest 50 +1111101110 shortest 55 +1111101110 widest 62 +1111101110 steepest 72 +1111101110 simplest 75 +1111101110 second-highest 79 +1111101110 safest 80 +1111101110 clearest 87 +1111101110 deepest 87 +1111101110 easiest 113 +1111101110 brightest 133 +1111101110 broadest 140 +1111101110 heaviest 142 +1111101110 slowest 146 +1111101110 weakest 170 +1111101110 cheapest 184 +1111101110 youngest 190 +1111101110 sharpest 195 +1111101110 toughest 248 +1111101110 longest 258 +1111101110 earliest 259 +1111101110 fastest 360 +1111101110 closest 390 +1111101110 smallest 403 +1111101110 strongest 767 +1111101110 greatest 985 +1111101110 lowest 1706 +1111101110 worst 1822 +1111101110 highest 2834 +1111101110 best 8007 +1111101111 Natal/kwaZulu 1 +1111101111 corkscrew-shaped 1 +1111101111 weaker-dollar 1 +1111101111 adobe-making 1 +1111101111 blue-smoke-and-mirrors 1 +1111101111 hour/of 1 +1111101111 hour/Of 1 +1111101111 own-label 1 +1111101111 earnings-surprise 1 +1111101111 tucked-and-sculpted 1 +1111101111 bumper/ricochet 1 +1111101111 avoid-sequestration 1 +1111101111 hot-cutting 1 +1111101111 bareknuckle 1 +1111101111 mediocrity-is-sufficient 1 +1111101111 LSX3000 1 +1111101111 more-restrained 1 +1111101111 bug's-eye 1 +1111101111 run-of-the-barn 1 +1111101111 Wyeth-Helga 1 +1111101111 Soviet-Mozambican 1 +1111101111 90-acre 1 +1111101111 upsidedown 1 +1111101111 still-unsolved 1 +1111101111 admininstration 1 +1111101111 crocodile-infested 1 +1111101111 credit-granting 1 +1111101111 Ciociaro 1 +1111101111 5890-180E 1 +1111101111 scarcity-of-outlets 1 +1111101111 special-counsel 1 +1111101111 rent-vs.-aid 1 +1111101111 great-man 1 +1111101111 stereotype-ridden 1 +1111101111 muddling-along 1 +1111101111 swing-vote 1 +1111101111 80-a-week 1 +1111101111 159-acre 1 +1111101111 chthonic 1 +1111101111 Flak 1 +1111101111 radio-isotope 1 +1111101111 litmus-paper 1 +1111101111 Dibrell 1 +1111101111 Cards-Twins 1 +1111101111 four-abreast 1 +1111101111 exclsiuon 1 +1111101111 bizzare 1 +1111101111 Inventaire 1 +1111101111 Scandalous 1 +1111101111 Heidrun 1 +1111101111 magneto-caloric 1 +1111101111 political-influence 1 +1111101111 starting-date 1 +1111101111 sand-dune 1 +1111101111 1,400-acre 1 +1111101111 spot-the-OTC-bargain 1 +1111101111 Terans 1 +1111101111 no-free-lunch 1 +1111101111 often-explicit 1 +1111101111 OTR 1 +1111101111 Tabbynacle 1 +1111101111 at-present 1 +1111101111 retail-style 1 +1111101111 Sarkin 1 +1111101111 XT-4 1 +1111101111 8,500-foot 1 +1111101111 charcoal-like 1 +1111101111 thrift-targeted 1 +1111101111 un-canine 1 +1111101111 groundwater-protection 1 +1111101111 living-alone 1 +1111101111 siderographic 1 +1111101111 Fatimid 1 +1111101111 single-team 1 +1111101111 single-vendor 1 +1111101111 250-square-mile 1 +1111101111 blowsy 1 +1111101111 less-is-more-charming 1 +1111101111 150-milligram 1 +1111101111 weakness-into-strength 1 +1111101111 socio-theological 1 +1111101111 Keeni 1 +1111101111 champagne-sipping 1 +1111101111 fuzziest 1 +1111101111 unhealed 1 +1111101111 Rossetti-Miara 1 +1111101111 prickliest 1 +1111101111 155-yard 1 +1111101111 hollow-tie 1 +1111101111 financial-instruments 1 +1111101111 deflation-recession 1 +1111101111 often-uneconomical 1 +1111101111 mine-damaged 1 +1111101111 Vietnam-movie 1 +1111101111 Erechtheum 1 +1111101111 heap-leaching 1 +1111101111 once-glittering 1 +1111101111 now-crowded 1 +1111101111 potassium-based 1 +1111101111 dungeonlike 1 +1111101111 jacking-up 1 +1111101111 left-dominated 1 +1111101111 Hararghe 1 +1111101111 coloring-book 1 +1111101111 mid-to 1 +1111101111 no-sovereign-risk 1 +1111101111 takeover-restructuring 1 +1111101111 spark-plug-shaped 1 +1111101111 join-the-West 1 +1111101111 televised-hearing 1 +1111101111 heat-stricken 1 +1111101111 89-year 1 +1111101111 corporate-acquisitions 1 +1111101111 summit-planning 1 +1111101111 ankle-deep 1 +1111101111 deadest 1 +1111101111 Hogoton 1 +1111101111 dust-jacket 1 +1111101111 renovation-luxury 1 +1111101111 drawing-board 1 +1111101111 85-acre 1 +1111101111 high-amount 1 +1111101111 prior-law 1 +1111101111 tea-sipping 1 +1111101111 Algemeen 1 +1111101111 often-poisonous 1 +1111101111 non-credit-related 1 +1111101111 I/B/ 1 +1111101111 gray-painted 1 +1111101111 fervidly 1 +1111101111 wholesale-banking 1 +1111101111 multiple-stage 1 +1111101111 Tokyo-London 1 +1111101111 early-recession 1 +1111101111 Middle-Atlantic 1 +1111101111 market-growth 1 +1111101111 Robinson-type 1 +1111101111 judge-invented 1 +1111101111 gas-field 1 +1111101111 free-swap 1 +1111101111 light-vehicles 1 +1111101111 2,500-megawatt 1 +1111101111 Westmoreland/Sharon 1 +1111101111 still-real 1 +1111101111 information-seeking 1 +1111101111 revenue-realization 1 +1111101111 hot-lipped 1 +1111101111 170,000-member 1 +1111101111 winemaking 1 +1111101111 single-greatest 1 +1111101111 crispest 1 +1111101111 sale-by-mail 1 +1111101111 Chablis-and-Brie 1 +1111101111 gross-revenue 1 +1111101111 gelling 1 +1111101111 costume-diamond 1 +1111101111 economic-nationalism 1 +1111101111 bullying-and-lobbying 1 +1111101111 unengaging 1 +1111101111 gorgelike 1 +1111101111 formaldehyde-containing 1 +1111101111 resident-theater 1 +1111101111 we-did-wrong 1 +1111101111 death-rattle 1 +1111101111 art-school 1 +1111101111 now-pristine 1 +1111101111 very-correct 1 +1111101111 ball-yard 1 +1111101111 percentage-of-income 1 +1111101111 phosphate-rich 1 +1111101111 racqueteering 1 +1111101111 33,000-acre 1 +1111101111 summum 1 +1111101111 bric-and-wood 1 +1111101111 walnut-tree-lined 1 +1111101111 share-issuing 1 +1111101111 modern-sounding 1 +1111101111 140,000-circulation 1 +1111101111 deckled 1 +1111101111 then-British 1 +1111101111 export-slowing 1 +1111101111 ecclesiastical/theological 1 +1111101111 53,000-megawatt 1 +1111101111 current-law 1 +1111101111 Moche 1 +1111101111 PC-market 1 +1111101111 lowest-priority 1 +1111101111 admonitory 1 +1111101111 nonauctioned 1 +1111101111 extract-of-marvelous-mixtures 1 +1111101111 draft-choice 1 +1111101111 half-moon-shaped 1 +1111101111 vulture-fund 1 +1111101111 rotundal 1 +1111101111 naughtiest 1 +1111101111 tourism-inspired 1 +1111101111 lip-reading 1 +1111101111 Duchampian 1 +1111101111 pre-Stalinist 1 +1111101111 sybol 1 +1111101111 Exche 1 +1111101111 inspira 1 +1111101111 2,600-square-foot 1 +1111101111 steam-making 1 +1111101111 non-PC 1 +1111101111 two-stringed 1 +1111101111 vasty 1 +1111101111 publicity-driven 1 +1111101111 farmer-oriented 1 +1111101111 cash-accounting 1 +1111101111 Scandinavian-controlled 1 +1111101111 11,759 1 +1111101111 longheld 1 +1111101111 antibody-plus-TPA 1 +1111101111 porgram 1 +1111101111 Baixada 1 +1111101111 130,000-case 1 +1111101111 preelection 1 +1111101111 Enteractive 1 +1111101111 long-transplanted 1 +1111101111 Guajira 1 +1111101111 Waverley 1 +1111101111 464-unit 1 +1111101111 oxygenless 1 +1111101111 bonus-based 1 +1111101111 Yacyreta 1 +1111101111 yield-plus-growth 1 +1111101111 seldom-violated 1 +1111101111 precommercial 1 +1111101111 ventilation-system 1 +1111101111 multicourt 1 +1111101111 bridal-suite 1 +1111101111 Sofia-based 1 +1111101111 aluminum-investment 1 +1111101111 security-studies 1 +1111101111 maroon-kerchiefed 1 +1111101111 High-Top 1 +1111101111 time-scarred 1 +1111101111 Aeroform 1 +1111101111 Al-Badr 1 +1111101111 12-horse 1 +1111101111 dog-biscuit 1 +1111101111 car-chasing 1 +1111101111 death-of-the-dollar 1 +1111101111 specialty-retailers 1 +1111101111 Washington-beltway-New 1 +1111101111 Kapali 1 +1111101111 Soviet-planted 1 +1111101111 still-uncounted 1 +1111101111 Regan-Miller 1 +1111101111 biological/medical 1 +1111101111 swingingest 1 +1111101111 political-propaganda 1 +1111101111 rice-farming 1 +1111101111 70,000-bottle 1 +1111101111 25,000-kilowatt 1 +1111101111 Tribe-Lewis-Fascell 1 +1111101111 study-circle 1 +1111101111 Et 1 +1111101111 engineer-exchange 1 +1111101111 93-mile-area 1 +1111101111 Alabama-Auburn 1 +1111101111 Kwa-Zulu-Natal 1 +1111101111 export-and-pay 1 +1111101111 379-mile 1 +1111101111 successful-efforts 1 +1111101111 above-300 1 +1111101111 rubber-chicken 1 +1111101111 SEC-sanctioned 1 +1111101111 25,000-metric 1 +1111101111 soap-bubble 1 +1111101111 Lewis-Davis 1 +1111101111 peopling 1 +1111101111 day-late-and-a-dollar-short 1 +1111101111 ratepaying 1 +1111101111 business-center 1 +1111101111 physician-centered 1 +1111101111 many-sectioned 1 +1111101111 once-in-the-decade 1 +1111101111 most-cynical 1 +1111101111 non-burning 1 +1111101111 target-zones 1 +1111101111 run-for-dollars 1 +1111101111 Socialist-run 1 +1111101111 fan's-eye 1 +1111101111 subtlest 1 +1111101111 sandsage 1 +1111101111 Midway-Sunset 1 +1111101111 much-questioned 1 +1111101111 jazz-tinged 1 +1111101111 harbor-side 1 +1111101111 Tuen 1 +1111101111 stop-inflation 1 +1111101111 Jolliet 1 +1111101111 Itaipu 1 +1111101111 16-year-long 1 +1111101111 fishing-gear 1 +1111101111 next-lower 1 +1111101111 unluckiest 1 +1111101111 party-plan 1 +1111101111 Virazole-against-AIDS 1 +1111101111 market-signals 1 +1111101111 gangster-and-love 1 +1111101111 store-closing 1 +1111101111 early-loss 1 +1111101111 un-Reagan-like 1 +1111101111 entrenched-management 1 +1111101111 Diller-Eisner 1 +1111101111 Gainesburger 1 +1111101111 wackiest 1 +1111101111 stress-relief 1 +1111101111 Rousseauist 1 +1111101111 first-down 1 +1111101111 Mea 1 +1111101111 Carbohydrate 1 +1111101111 anti-liver 1 +1111101111 Saguneay 1 +1111101111 WBC 1 +1111101111 return-to-basics 1 +1111101111 once-gloomy 1 +1111101111 anti-deportation 1 +1111101111 Vung 1 +1111101111 Westish 1 +1111101111 Tswana-speaking 1 +1111101111 nine-time 1 +1111101111 218-volt 1 +1111101111 lease-sale 1 +1111101111 public-participation 1 +1111101111 382-acre 1 +1111101111 see-no-evil 1 +1111101111 underdog-gets-his 1 +1111101111 WILLIAMSTOWN 1 +1111101111 tofu-and-granola 1 +1111101111 electricity-transmission 1 +1111101111 fall-blooming 1 +1111101111 white-marble 1 +1111101111 foreign-lending 1 +1111101111 road-type 1 +1111101111 job-selection 1 +1111101111 advice-business 1 +1111101111 Pachamama 1 +1111101111 high-coordination 1 +1111101111 Reliant-designed 1 +1111101111 face-on 1 +1111101111 nutrition-advertising 1 +1111101111 Wagnerite 1 +1111101111 panther-shaped 1 +1111101111 73-square-mile 1 +1111101111 good-man-is-hard-to-find 1 +1111101111 one-for-all 1 +1111101111 Elliott-wave 1 +1111101111 Playing-Field 1 +1111101111 Haneda-Oki 1 +1111101111 TAT 1 +1111101111 big-boy 1 +1111101111 Agees 1 +1111101111 travel-empire 1 +1111101111 hydraulic-robot 1 +1111101111 knight-errant/Rambo 1 +1111101111 MTV-spawned 1 +1111101111 party-sponsored 1 +1111101111 large-cab 1 +1111101111 loft-theater 1 +1111101111 discouraged-employer 1 +1111101111 discouraged-worker 1 +1111101111 Zaireans 1 +1111101111 jury-selection 1 +1111101111 flight-problems 1 +1111101111 Brix 1 +1111101111 scraggliest 1 +1111101111 Ryukyu 1 +1111101111 corniest 1 +1111101111 Rio-Antirrio 1 +1111101111 ANTA 1 +1111101111 blanket-draped 1 +1111101111 near-simultaneous 1 +1111101111 179-member 1 +1111101111 free-election 1 +1111101111 frost-fighting 1 +1111101111 margarine-making 1 +1111101111 long-deferred 1 +1111101111 heavyweight-championship 1 +1111101111 fanfold 1 +1111101111 South-to-North 1 +1111101111 high-welfare 1 +1111101111 low-welfare 1 +1111101111 doctor-care 1 +1111101111 pine-bur 1 +1111101111 late-Monday 1 +1111101111 Powercize 1 +1111101111 pretty-boy 1 +1111101111 egg-laying 1 +1111101111 midwifing 1 +1111101111 3,400-square-mile 1 +1111101111 Kayu 1 +1111101111 white-tie 1 +1111101111 kibbitzing 1 +1111101111 Albright-Weaver 1 +1111101111 Raphaelesque 1 +1111101111 Ruffed 1 +1111101111 category-killer 1 +1111101111 10th-ranked 1 +1111101111 eureka 1 +1111101111 cable-operating 1 +1111101111 Yanomamo 1 +1111101111 Woodbine 1 +1111101111 funny-shy 1 +1111101111 Salentine 1 +1111101111 Pennsylvania/New 1 +1111101111 KwaZulu-Natal 1 +1111101111 once-reliable 1 +1111101111 polling-booth 1 +1111101111 one-fund 1 +1111101111 goyish 1 +1111101111 fish-tailed 1 +1111101111 groundhog 1 +1111101111 semi-rigid 1 +1111101111 needlepoint 1 +1111101111 gestural 1 +1111101111 care-delivery 1 +1111101111 combined-drug 1 +1111101111 non-subsidy 1 +1111101111 funds-diversion 1 +1111101111 self-editing 1 +1111101111 incentive-distorting 1 +1111101111 bao 1 +1111101111 now-natty 1 +1111101111 Nuwara 1 +1111101111 trendy-cause 1 +1111101111 Mantuan 1 +1111101111 smooth-moving 1 +1111101111 reproachful 1 +1111101111 Ryokujizo 1 +1111101111 6,000-acre 1 +1111101111 telephone-manufacturing 1 +1111101111 goddawg 1 +1111101111 public-trustee 1 +1111101111 emergency-relief 1 +1111101111 bond-heavy 1 +1111101111 anti-personality-cult 1 +1111101111 American-network 1 +1111101111 skylit 1 +1111101111 brand-loyalty 1 +1111101111 bee-feces 1 +1111101111 still-evolving 1 +1111101111 piece-meal 1 +1111101111 national-tax 1 +1111101111 consulting-services 1 +1111101111 Emblem 1 +1111101111 maturity-to-decline 1 +1111101111 indoor-football 1 +1111101111 pre-Mass 1 +1111101111 52-foot-long 1 +1111101111 once-raucous 1 +1111101111 pipe-bomb 1 +1111101111 pedestrian-controlled 1 +1111101111 big-stick 1 +1111101111 Dier 1 +1111101111 Penn-Amtrak 1 +1111101111 30-legged 1 +1111101111 end-of-the-summer 1 +1111101111 commercial-music 1 +1111101111 Turkic-speaking 1 +1111101111 56-year 1 +1111101111 oft-leveled 1 +1111101111 new-school 1 +1111101111 1,215-room 1 +1111101111 official-film 1 +1111101111 creation/evolution 1 +1111101111 cattle-car 1 +1111101111 defense-sensitive 1 +1111101111 347-apartment 1 +1111101111 down-the-chimney 1 +1111101111 policy-development 1 +1111101111 largest-producing 1 +1111101111 shun-the-leper 1 +1111101111 5,000-acre 1 +1111101111 I-want-what-I-want-when-I-want-it 1 +1111101111 fan-blade 1 +1111101111 60-cent-per-gallon 1 +1111101111 232-mile 1 +1111101111 17-horse 1 +1111101111 Melvillean 1 +1111101111 Orphic 1 +1111101111 hieratic 1 +1111101111 wringing-out 1 +1111101111 hair-bow 1 +1111101111 policy-level 1 +1111101111 cost-and-revenue 1 +1111101111 route-transfer 1 +1111101111 ice-geyser 1 +1111101111 archtype 1 +1111101111 anti-four-day-week 1 +1111101111 nondelivery 1 +1111101111 air-base 1 +1111101111 anti-traditional 1 +1111101111 Sirs 1 +1111101111 world-economic 1 +1111101111 therapeutic/confessional 1 +1111101111 often-mysterious 1 +1111101111 once-polluted 1 +1111101111 military-surplus 1 +1111101111 chicken-in-every-pot-and-condom- 1 +1111101111 42-inch 1 +1111101111 apiarian 1 +1111101111 boy-in-the-bubble 1 +1111101111 sports-licensing 1 +1111101111 Hazara 1 +1111101111 troubled-vet 1 +1111101111 straight-and-simple 1 +1111101111 green-walled 1 +1111101111 baser 1 +1111101111 expanded-voter-pool 1 +1111101111 Ndau-Shona 1 +1111101111 pro-moratorium 1 +1111101111 Emilia-Romagna 1 +1111101111 power-grid 1 +1111101111 COO 1 +1111101111 disembarking 1 +1111101111 plaid-shirt-and-gum-boots 1 +1111101111 highest-wattage 1 +1111101111 candy-store 1 +1111101111 continuing-prosperity 1 +1111101111 Ziggy 1 +1111101111 east-south-central 1 +1111101111 525,000-square-foot 1 +1111101111 no-exceptions 1 +1111101111 covered-writing 1 +1111101111 125-mile-long 1 +1111101111 get-out-of-Panama 1 +1111101111 cell-turnover 1 +1111101111 compact/subcompact 1 +1111101111 Turnpike-widening 1 +1111101111 television-marketing 1 +1111101111 flaunt-your-wealth 1 +1111101111 unilateralist 1 +1111101111 personal-relations 1 +1111101111 prehearing 1 +1111101111 kick-now-talk-later 1 +1111101111 capital-dry 1 +1111101111 trash-basket 1 +1111101111 public-performance 1 +1111101111 Zhdanovsky 1 +1111101111 marginal-rate 1 +1111101111 cylical 1 +1111101111 Tyumen 1 +1111101111 knockabout 1 +1111101111 too-ambitious 1 +1111101111 phoniest 1 +1111101111 hot-sauce 1 +1111101111 chain-link-and-wisteria 1 +1111101111 high-grass 1 +1111101111 IBM-Digital-Hewlett- 1 +1111101111 Prentif 1 +1111101111 price-jolting 1 +1111101111 common-position 1 +1111101111 27-square-mile 1 +1111101111 better-than-thou 1 +1111101111 floating-nuke 1 +1111101111 birch-fringed 1 +1111101111 national-origins 1 +1111101111 memory-loss 1 +1111101111 Edwards-Durmedics 1 +1111101111 harass-them-until-they-drop 1 +1111101111 local-money 1 +1111101111 socio-psycho 1 +1111101111 salary-pool 1 +1111101111 163,000-acre 1 +1111101111 variable-fee 1 +1111101111 run-before-you-can-walk 1 +1111101111 Wotan/Wandererlike 1 +1111101111 now-frozen 1 +1111101111 dividend-based 1 +1111101111 Fortrel 1 +1111101111 Minnelusa 1 +1111101111 no-bunkum 1 +1111101111 anti-Kemp 1 +1111101111 man-against-man 1 +1111101111 51-mile 1 +1111101111 sombrero-wearing 1 +1111101111 20th-season 1 +1111101111 use-restriction 1 +1111101111 greed-is-good 1 +1111101111 Stat 1 +1111101111 equal-weighting 1 +1111101111 product-realization 1 +1111101111 much-hated 1 +1111101111 childhood-to-late-middle-age 1 +1111101111 management-systems 1 +1111101111 personal-finances 1 +1111101111 range-payload 1 +1111101111 awkward-speaking 1 +1111101111 Dutch-English 1 +1111101111 Peretzfeld 1 +1111101111 nonstock 1 +1111101111 Gillette-Avon 1 +1111101111 profit-dampening 1 +1111101111 slats-retracted 1 +1111101111 Rhine-Main 1 +1111101111 bigger-sucker 1 +1111101111 wiggier 1 +1111101111 buy-low 1 +1111101111 Fradean 1 +1111101111 Rodessa 1 +1111101111 specifiable 1 +1111101111 fair-use 1 +1111101111 claim-settlement 1 +1111101111 Ariete 1 +1111101111 crap-shoot 1 +1111101111 wine-region 1 +1111101111 yellow-bellied 1 +1111101111 rich-consumption 1 +1111101111 hullish 1 +1111101111 220-seat 1 +1111101111 stadium-wide 1 +1111101111 hammer-on-the-thumb 1 +1111101111 Legend-800 1 +1111101111 Nagorno-Karabak 1 +1111101111 orange-yellow 1 +1111101111 steel-tube 1 +1111101111 fast-court 1 +1111101111 pearl-white 1 +1111101111 buy-market-share 1 +1111101111 program-making 1 +1111101111 post-primary 1 +1111101111 most-arresting 1 +1111101111 fuddled 1 +1111101111 manufacturing-wage 1 +1111101111 Saudi-Nigerian 1 +1111101111 French-produced 1 +1111101111 Fateh 1 +1111101111 dollar-throwing 1 +1111101111 Hollywood-liberal 1 +1111101111 Marxist-liberal 1 +1111101111 Calpine-Stikine 1 +1111101111 CRAF-Cassini 1 +1111101111 bonus/profit-sharing 1 +1111101111 draft-beer 1 +1111101111 fraternity-sorority 1 +1111101111 phone-inquiry 1 +1111101111 Walthari 1 +1111101111 less-than-disastrous 1 +1111101111 700,000-circulation 1 +1111101111 squirrelly 1 +1111101111 Rossinian 1 +1111101111 summary-format 1 +1111101111 Jabotabek 1 +1111101111 refractive 1 +1111101111 right-wing-zealots 1 +1111101111 poverty-creating 1 +1111101111 Cahuilla 1 +1111101111 Cieszyn 1 +1111101111 runty 1 +1111101111 no-heavy-lifting 1 +1111101111 animal-cruelty 1 +1111101111 minority-candidate 1 +1111101111 pre-diet 1 +1111101111 sweet-corn 1 +1111101111 2,000-contract 1 +1111101111 management-theory 1 +1111101111 hypermart 1 +1111101111 share-issuance 1 +1111101111 Saturday-Monday 1 +1111101111 non-vegetable 1 +1111101111 wood-fiber 1 +1111101111 once-prevailing 1 +1111101111 gross-national-product 1 +1111101111 overemphatic 1 +1111101111 donation-annuity 1 +1111101111 thermo-mechanical 1 +1111101111 714-page 1 +1111101111 415-page 1 +1111101111 inner-Detroit 1 +1111101111 infant-industries 1 +1111101111 555-tank 1 +1111101111 Abbott-3M 1 +1111101111 working-girl-gone-bad 1 +1111101111 15,000-strong 1 +1111101111 often-voiced 1 +1111101111 migraine-research 1 +1111101111 162-year 1 +1111101111 botulin 1 +1111101111 income-capitalization 1 +1111101111 pick-your-commission 1 +1111101111 job-killing 1 +1111101111 land-improvement 1 +1111101111 soak-the-utilities 1 +1111101111 I-dare-you-to-read-this 1 +1111101111 ungarnished 1 +1111101111 hostage-concession 1 +1111101111 hoariest 1 +1111101111 45-plus 1 +1111101111 resort-leisure 1 +1111101111 thorn-crusted 1 +1111101111 gasdiffusion 1 +1111101111 sportily 1 +1111101111 monographic 1 +1111101111 trade-stimulating 1 +1111101111 manful 1 +1111101111 frivolous-case 1 +1111101111 uppercrust 1 +1111101111 153-feet-long 1 +1111101111 cathoderay 1 +1111101111 Selmer 1 +1111101111 fee-for-service/insurance 1 +1111101111 heat-trap 1 +1111101111 country-house 1 +1111101111 podfilling 1 +1111101111 farwestern 1 +1111101111 backmost 1 +1111101111 three-meter-high 1 +1111101111 eight-candidate 1 +1111101111 tension-ridden 1 +1111101111 pre-priced 1 +1111101111 Weaver-Dillon 1 +1111101111 election-campaign-style 1 +1111101111 television-broadcasting-equipment 1 +1111101111 Bluto 1 +1111101111 Talleres 1 +1111101111 high-tech-sounding 1 +1111101111 second-hottest 1 +1111101111 12-team 1 +1111101111 extended-play 1 +1111101111 CCD-TR5 1 +1111101111 234-square-mile 1 +1111101111 cockamamie 1 +1111101111 3,000-meter 1 +1111101111 Kumon 1 +1111101111 12,752 1 +1111101111 disposal-fee 1 +1111101111 door/ 1 +1111101111 space-alien 1 +1111101111 now-brittle 1 +1111101111 computer-response 1 +1111101111 conservatizing 1 +1111101111 5,000-store 1 +1111101111 61-acre 1 +1111101111 tax-deduction 1 +1111101111 traffic-ridden 1 +1111101111 Care-Unit 1 +1111101111 snow-blitz 1 +1111101111 repressers 1 +1111101111 asphalt-hard 1 +1111101111 requited 1 +1111101111 mind's-eye 1 +1111101111 Reebok-Avia 1 +1111101111 sun-fearing 1 +1111101111 6,800acre 1 +1111101111 beer-and-brat 1 +1111101111 international-set 1 +1111101111 project-creation 1 +1111101111 hymnlike 1 +1111101111 smokestack-chasing 1 +1111101111 band-wagon 1 +1111101111 10,000-point 1 +1111101111 single-sentence 1 +1111101111 6,000-membership 1 +1111101111 bottom-left 1 +1111101111 top-right 1 +1111101111 drying-conversion 1 +1111101111 nicotine-removal 1 +1111101111 slow-sales 1 +1111101111 un-teamly 1 +1111101111 570,000-acre 1 +1111101111 drouth 1 +1111101111 fourth-fastest 1 +1111101111 lazy-making 1 +1111101111 work-to-play 1 +1111101111 preheating 1 +1111101111 love-and-sex 1 +1111101111 presidential-election-year 1 +1111101111 suds-of-the-future 1 +1111101111 going-home 1 +1111101111 biweekly-mortgage 1 +1111101111 culture-forming 1 +1111101111 health-and-hospitals 1 +1111101111 Mawat 1 +1111101111 chilled-foods 1 +1111101111 Broncos-Browns 1 +1111101111 868-acre 1 +1111101111 780-acre 1 +1111101111 six-buck 1 +1111101111 chicken-farm 1 +1111101111 weaponsbuying 1 +1111101111 stock-table 1 +1111101111 Bundesbank-meeting 1 +1111101111 520,000-square-foot 1 +1111101111 540-acre 1 +1111101111 Aquino-family 1 +1111101111 Kandahar-Kabul 1 +1111101111 lateboom 1 +1111101111 moral-equivalency 1 +1111101111 terror-filled 1 +1111101111 film-and-TV-studio 1 +1111101111 147-acre 1 +1111101111 traffic-free 1 +1111101111 icebreaking 1 +1111101111 forms-development 1 +1111101111 50,000-item 1 +1111101111 failure-to-warn 1 +1111101111 midsized-agency 1 +1111101111 cashless-exercise 1 +1111101111 flat-rate-tax 1 +1111101111 built-for-football 1 +1111101111 Riau 1 +1111101111 Duri 1 +1111101111 faux-Beckett 1 +1111101111 tenants-in-common 1 +1111101111 virus-boosting 1 +1111101111 hard-to-make 1 +1111101111 a-la-carte 1 +1111101111 brusquer 1 +1111101111 ever-cheering 1 +1111101111 ghetto-like 1 +1111101111 Regius 1 +1111101111 Cinderella-like 1 +1111101111 fire-retardent 1 +1111101111 three-inning 1 +1111101111 carro 1 +1111101111 less-lofty 1 +1111101111 non-tumorous 1 +1111101111 ratiocinative 1 +1111101111 C.E.O. 1 +1111101111 winnowing-out 1 +1111101111 disk-in-an-ad 1 +1111101111 Pintupi 1 +1111101111 M/2000 1 +1111101111 water-bearing 1 +1111101111 Southeasterners 1 +1111101111 Shearson-Lehman-Hutton 1 +1111101111 fleshly 1 +1111101111 gut-grinding 1 +1111101111 center-court 2 +1111101111 well-accepted 2 +1111101111 August/September 2 +1111101111 newlywed 2 +1111101111 post-Stalinist 2 +1111101111 license-free 2 +1111101111 greater-fool 2 +1111101111 sleep-out 2 +1111101111 smooth-transition 2 +1111101111 clangorous 2 +1111101111 mucky 2 +1111101111 650-acre 2 +1111101111 well-turned 2 +1111101111 Hasbro-Disney 2 +1111101111 service-intensive 2 +1111101111 public-accommodation 2 +1111101111 fix-it-up 2 +1111101111 25-to-54-year-old 2 +1111101111 Bidlo-Picassos 2 +1111101111 110-mile-long 2 +1111101111 presidential-selection 2 +1111101111 theater-going 2 +1111101111 256-megabit 2 +1111101111 phase-down 2 +1111101111 Western-Pacific 2 +1111101111 presidential-nomination 2 +1111101111 mislocated 2 +1111101111 thinking-machine 2 +1111101111 paper-pushing 2 +1111101111 shareholder-value 2 +1111101111 goddam 2 +1111101111 Ricardian 2 +1111101111 good-product 2 +1111101111 symbo 2 +1111101111 humanitarian-aid 2 +1111101111 madding 2 +1111101111 Saudi-Iran 2 +1111101111 Liuhua 2 +1111101111 corporate-merger 2 +1111101111 fastest-expanding 2 +1111101111 flower-shop 2 +1111101111 815-room 2 +1111101111 best-available 2 +1111101111 sunbaked 2 +1111101111 production-definition 2 +1111101111 criminal-conspiracy 2 +1111101111 unlovely 2 +1111101111 natural-burn 2 +1111101111 three-hour-plus 2 +1111101111 baneful 2 +1111101111 no-work 2 +1111101111 new-stock 2 +1111101111 brute-force 2 +1111101111 1965-1975 2 +1111101111 Sidak-Woodward 2 +1111101111 out-of-the-blue 2 +1111101111 two-vendor 2 +1111101111 threeday 2 +1111101111 synthetic-hair 2 +1111101111 F-Area 2 +1111101111 much-promoted 2 +1111101111 Kissinger-Nixon 2 +1111101111 Dominoes 2 +1111101111 missile-shield 2 +1111101111 nine-foot 2 +1111101111 50-and-over 2 +1111101111 buy-below-book 2 +1111101111 800-seat 2 +1111101111 97-nation 2 +1111101111 Economische 2 +1111101111 under-45 2 +1111101111 Mazda-built 2 +1111101111 moderate-to-conservative 2 +1111101111 one-vendor 2 +1111101111 pre-Lenten 2 +1111101111 egg-and-dart 2 +1111101111 15-to-24-year-old 2 +1111101111 last-act 2 +1111101111 contextual 2 +1111101111 Haltenbanken 2 +1111101111 currency-manipulation 2 +1111101111 fee-cap 2 +1111101111 Labin 2 +1111101111 25-to-34-year-old 2 +1111101111 second-youngest 2 +1111101111 morning-sickness 2 +1111101111 18-to-34 2 +1111101111 Minnesota-sized 2 +1111101111 oft-discussed 2 +1111101111 egomaniacal 2 +1111101111 Wright-Coelho 2 +1111101111 post-Napoleonic 2 +1111101111 Courtelle 2 +1111101111 10-pin 2 +1111101111 Hafenstrasse 2 +1111101111 subjunctive 2 +1111101111 1971-1973 2 +1111101111 extra-constitutional 2 +1111101111 guilt-by-association 2 +1111101111 laziest 2 +1111101111 second-strongest 2 +1111101111 45-to-54-year 2 +1111101111 Rockefeller-Kissinger 2 +1111101111 loan-approval 2 +1111101111 McFarlane-Poindexter 2 +1111101111 three-network 3 +1111101111 two-drug 3 +1111101111 PRK 3 +1111101111 Dhurnal 3 +1111101111 arms-to-Iran 3 +1111101111 best-regarded 3 +1111101111 budget-making 3 +1111101111 6,550-acre 3 +1111101111 loss-indemnity 3 +1111101111 grossest 3 +1111101111 mineralized 3 +1111101111 otic 3 +1111101111 tackiest 3 +1111101111 1980-86 3 +1111101111 all-too-common 3 +1111101111 efficient-markets 3 +1111101111 human-testing 3 +1111101111 48-foot-high 3 +1111101111 1979-1987 3 +1111101111 Tokugawa 3 +1111101111 trial-heat 3 +1111101111 commercial-speech 3 +1111101111 1979-1985 3 +1111101111 heartiest 3 +1111101111 next-best 4 +1111101111 scariest 4 +1111101111 odorant-binding 4 +1111101111 second-fastest-growing 4 +1111101111 nth 4 +1111101111 Demidoff 4 +1111101111 post-Stalin 4 +1111101111 inky 4 +1111101111 kindest 4 +1111101111 baddest 4 +1111101111 gear-box 4 +1111101111 price-war 5 +1111101111 A10 5 +1111101111 Blackfeet 5 +1111101111 trainer-jet 5 +1111101111 Dublin-London 5 +1111101111 foggiest 6 +1111101111 WBA 6 +1111101111 roughest 6 +1111101111 luckiest 7 +1111101111 stupidest 7 +1111101111 July-August 7 +1111101111 humblest 8 +1111101111 densest 8 +1111101111 faintest 9 +1111101111 littlest 9 +1111101111 vaguest 9 +1111101111 weirdest 10 +1111101111 Iran/contra 10 +1111101111 umpteenth 10 +1111101111 above-mentioned 11 +1111101111 sexiest 11 +1111101111 random-walk 11 +1111101111 nicest 18 +1111101111 aforementioned 21 +1111101111 installment-sales 21 +1111101111 completed-contract 26 +1111101111 same 14961 +1111101111 slightest 118 +1111110 slave-holding 1 +1111110 shell-fanciers 1 +1111110 16-to-24 1 +1111110 Wertheimer-Leeper 1 +1111110 Deterred 1 +1111110 little-implemented 1 +1111110 just-wave-at-the-camera 1 +1111110 strike-divided 1 +1111110 dark-browed 1 +1111110 guns-for-no-hostage 1 +1111110 bleary 1 +1111110 shap 1 +1111110 star-bright 1 +1111110 wrinkly 1 +1111110 sperm-banking 1 +1111110 end-of-the 1 +1111110 1,400-vertical-foot 1 +1111110 trust-or 1 +1111110 Bikinis 1 +1111110 glutaraldehyde 1 +1111110 Monday-through-Thursday 1 +1111110 holidaying 1 +1111110 Hawthornian 1 +1111110 Zor 1 +1111110 growth-stimulating 1 +1111110 war-on-drugs 1 +1111110 protectant 1 +1111110 5-to-12 1 +1111110 faux-Victorian 1 +1111110 improvisional 1 +1111110 trans-atlantic 1 +1111110 prosy 1 +1111110 promethazine 1 +1111110 post-greed 1 +1111110 45-to-64 1 +1111110 Ifira 2 +1111110 1981-model 2 +1111110 cash-stuffed 2 +1111110 such-and-such 2 +1111110 this 84158 +1111110 GLAD 4 +11111110 6,480,000 1 +11111110 10,018,000 1 +11111110 just-as-sudden 1 +11111110 castle-theme 1 +11111110 100.60 1 +11111110 97.86 1 +11111110 2.9961 1 +11111110 fair-to-middling 1 +11111110 7,100,000 1 +11111110 1,556.8 1 +11111110 2.0130 1 +11111110 3.2750 1 +11111110 2.0193 1 +11111110 42-23 1 +11111110 1.4953 1 +11111110 22-mark 1 +11111110 15th-16th 1 +11111110 707.80 1 +11111110 724.95 1 +11111110 2.9738 1 +11111110 1.4044 1 +11111110 9,152,150 1 +11111110 non-carbonated 1 +11111110 13,560,000 1 +11111110 76.01 1 +11111110 9,860,000 1 +11111110 11,852,190 1 +11111110 17,450,000 1 +11111110 227.59 1 +11111110 10,490,000 1 +11111110 101.837 1 +11111110 77.62 1 +11111110 7,997,930 1 +11111110 8,480,000 1 +11111110 12,710,000 1 +11111110 79.10 1 +11111110 1751.1 1 +11111110 2.9987 1 +11111110 3.0827 1 +11111110 crash-dazed 1 +11111110 12,590,000 1 +11111110 1.6589 1 +11111110 9,840,000 1 +11111110 14,240,000 1 +11111110 8,567,000 1 +11111110 11,598,000 1 +11111110 13,200,000 1 +11111110 1.5540 1 +11111110 October/early 1 +11111110 702.52 1 +11111110 453,067,175 1 +11111110 164,357,000 1 +11111110 98.49 1 +11111110 12,910,000 1 +11111110 11,990,000 1 +11111110 only-children 1 +11111110 8,501,000 1 +11111110 13,302,000 1 +11111110 8,640,000 1 +11111110 industrynext 1 +11111110 11,659,000 1 +11111110 8,820,860 1 +11111110 8,709,000 1 +11111110 risers 1 +11111110 winter-heating 1 +11111110 copper-delivery 1 +11111110 11,514,000 1 +11111110 12,433,000 1 +11111110 8,513,925 1 +11111110 hard-to-predict 1 +11111110 9,030,000 1 +11111110 176-acre 2 +11111110 fur-buying 2 +11111110 last 57219 +11111110 20-hour 3 +111111110 shareholder-meeting 1 +111111110 62-nd 1 +111111110 21,500-circulation 1 +111111110 revenue-rich 1 +111111110 steamiest 1 +111111110 51-year-history 1 +111111110 1978-87 1 +111111110 Stygian 1 +111111110 subarctic 1 +111111110 less-art-conscious 1 +111111110 muskrat-eating 1 +111111110 17-to-20 1 +111111110 summer-holiday 1 +111111110 tumultous 1 +111111110 re-enlisting 1 +111111110 1992-model 1 +111111110 Christmas-buying 1 +111111110 advertising-poor 1 +111111110 bargain-buying 1 +111111110 1989/90 1 +111111110 pre-Black 1 +111111110 third-strongest 1 +111111110 1990-1991 1 +111111110 mid-17th 1 +111111110 now-reviled 1 +111111110 gangrenous-yellow 1 +111111110 birdieing 1 +111111110 low-consumption 1 +111111110 third-consecutive 1 +111111110 late-18th 1 +111111110 53-week 1 +111111110 summerdriving 1 +111111110 198788 1 +111111110 1991-model 1 +111111110 mid-18th 2 +111111110 second-straight 2 +111111110 avian 2 +111111110 mid-16th 2 +111111110 mid-20th 3 +111111110 post-Black 4 +111111110 Baikonur 4 +111111110 twentieth 5 +111111110 mid-19th 12 +111111110 18th 128 +111111110 21st 152 +111111110 19th 271 +111111110 next 22455 +111111110 20th 288 +111111111 stiff-penalty 1 +111111111 what-did-he-know-and-when 1 +111111111 Hudson. 1 +111111111 113-mile 1 +111111111 PBS-commissioned 1 +111111111 Twins-Cards 1 +111111111 Ameritech-funded 1 +111111111 Goldman-Sachs 1 +111111111 British-links 1 +111111111 Ameritech-underwritten 1 +111111111 AS/EXTM 1 +111111111 24-part 1 +111111111 CFM563 1 +111111111 then-standard 1 +111111111 first-choice 1 +111111111 golden-green 1 +111111111 beatifying 1 +111111111 cane-fiber 1 +111111111 Mobil-funded 1 +111111111 fuel/air 1 +111111111 198182 1 +111111111 dullard 1 +111111111 Arriflex 1 +111111111 209th 1 +111111111 Dead/MATRIX 1 +111111111 now-dominant 1 +111111111 kick-after-touchdown 1 +111111111 bicyle-producing 1 +111111111 ISE-Nikkei 1 +111111111 one-chance-in-a-thousand 1 +111111111 lap-speeds 1 +111111111 five-event 1 +111111111 nine-concert 1 +111111111 Vietnam-nurses 1 +111111111 Herald-Leader 1 +111111111 time-makes 1 +111111111 two-job 1 +111111111 shares-approximately 1 +111111111 Arkansas-born 2 +111111111 sleaziest 2 +111111111 post-Proposition 2 +111111111 0-6 2 +111111111 -300 3 +111111111 mid-90s 3 +111111111 DeskPro 3 +111111111 25-44 4 +111111111 1990-91 4 +111111111 Tupac 5 +111111111 rainiest 5 +111111111 Wheelwriter 7 +111111111 past 16343 +111111111 1988-1989 8 diff --git 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