From ac101cba007b6ea14f0c0f66ea9d902daec9bc2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Diego Palma Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 02:40:28 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Add TRUNAJOD to spaCy universe. (#7754) * Add TRUNAJOD to spaCy universe. * Add trunajod logo and thumb. Co-authored-by: Diego --- website/meta/universe.json | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+) diff --git a/website/meta/universe.json b/website/meta/universe.json index 04e2a2b04..983846d48 100644 --- a/website/meta/universe.json +++ b/website/meta/universe.json @@ -2970,6 +2970,41 @@ }, "category": ["pipeline", "standalone"], "tags": ["Text Analytics", "Russian"] + }, + { + "id": "trunajod", + "title": "TRUNAJOD", + "slogan": "A text complexity library for text analysis built on spaCy", + "description": "With all the basic NLP capabilities provided by spaCy (dependency parsing, POS tagging, tokenizing), `TRUNAJOD` focuses on extracting measurements from texts that might be interesting for different applications and use cases.", + "github": "dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0", + "pip": "trunajod", + "code_example": [ + "import spacy", + "from TRUNAJOD.entity_grid import EntityGrid", + "", + "nlp = spacy.load('es_core_news_sm', disable=['ner', 'textcat'])", + "example_text = (", + " 'El espectáculo del cielo nocturno cautiva la mirada y suscita preguntas'", + " 'sobre el universo, su origen y su funcionamiento. No es sorprendente que '", + " 'todas las civilizaciones y culturas hayan formado sus propias '", + " 'cosmologías. Unas relatan, por ejemplo, que el universo ha'", + " 'sido siempre tal como es, con ciclos que inmutablemente se repiten; '", + " 'otras explican que este universo ha tenido un principio, '", + " 'que ha aparecido por obra creadora de una divinidad.'", + ")", + "doc = nlp(example_text)", + "egrid = EntityGrid(doc)", + "print(egrid.get_egrid())" + ], + "code_language": "python", + "thumb": "", + "image": "", + "author": "Diego Palma", + "author_links": { + "github": "dpalmasan" + }, + "category": ["research", "standalone", "scientific"], + "tags": ["Text Analytics", "Coherence", "Cohesion"] } ],