Work on parser beam training

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Honnibal 2017-08-12 14:47:45 -05:00
parent 4ab0c8c8e9
commit b353e4d843
4 changed files with 321 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ MOD_NAMES = [

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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
# cython: infer_types=True
cimport numpy as np
import numpy
from cpython.ref cimport PyObject, Py_INCREF, Py_XDECREF
from cimport Beam
from import MaxViolation
from thinc.typedefs cimport hash_t, class_t
from .transition_system cimport TransitionSystem, Transition
from .stateclass cimport StateClass
from cimport GoldParse
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
# These are passed as callbacks to
cdef int _transition_state(void* _dest, void* _src, class_t clas, void* _moves) except -1:
dest = <StateClass>_dest
src = <StateClass>_src
moves = <const Transition*>_moves
moves[clas].do(dest.c, moves[clas].label)
cdef int _check_final_state(void* _state, void* extra_args) except -1:
return (<StateClass>_state).is_final()
def _cleanup(Beam beam):
for i in range(beam.width):
cdef hash_t _hash_state(void* _state, void* _) except 0:
state = <StateClass>_state
if state.c.is_final():
return 1
return state.c.hash()
cdef class ParserBeam(object):
cdef public TransitionSystem moves
cdef public object docs
cdef public object golds
cdef public object beams
def __init__(self, TransitionSystem moves, docs, golds,
int width=4, float density=0.001):
self.moves = moves = docs
self.golds = golds
self.beams = []
cdef Doc doc
cdef Beam beam
for doc in docs:
beam = Beam(self.moves.n_moves, width, density)
beam.initialize(self.moves.init_beam_state, doc.length, doc.c)
def is_done(self):
return all(beam.is_done for beam in self.beams)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.beams[i]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.beams)
def advance(self, scores, follow_gold=False):
cdef Beam beam
for i, beam in enumerate(self.beams):
self._set_scores(beam, scores[i])
if self.golds is not None:
self._set_costs(beam, self.golds[i], follow_gold=follow_gold)
if follow_gold:
assert self.golds is not None
beam.advance(_transition_state, NULL, <void*>self.moves.c)
beam.advance(_transition_state, _hash_state, <void*>self.moves.c)
beam.check_done(_check_final_state, NULL)
def _set_scores(self, Beam beam, scores):
for i in range(beam.size):
state = <StateClass>
for j in range(beam.nr_class):
beam.scores[i][j] = scores[i, j]
self.moves.set_valid(beam.is_valid[i], state.c)
def _set_costs(self, Beam beam, GoldParse gold, int follow_gold=False):
for i in range(beam.size):
state = <StateClass>
self.moves.set_costs(beam.is_valid[i], beam.costs[i], state, gold)
if follow_gold:
for j in range(beam.nr_class):
beam.is_valid[i][j] *= beam.costs[i][j] <= 0
def get_token_ids(states, int n_tokens):
cdef StateClass state
cdef np.ndarray ids = numpy.zeros((len(states), n_tokens),
dtype='i', order='C')
c_ids = <int*>
for i, state in enumerate(states):
if not state.is_final():
state.c.set_context_tokens(c_ids, n_tokens)
c_ids += ids.shape[1]
return ids
def update_beam(TransitionSystem moves, int nr_feature,
docs, tokvecs, golds,
state2vec, vec2scores, drop=0., sgd=None,
losses=None, int width=4, float density=0.001):
pbeam = ParserBeam(moves, docs, golds,
width=width, density=density)
gbeam = ParserBeam(moves, docs, golds,
width=width, density=density)
beam_map = {}
backprops = []
violns = [MaxViolation() for _ in range(len(docs))]
example_ids = list(range(len(docs)))
while not pbeam.is_done and not gbeam.is_done:
states, p_indices, g_indices = get_states(example_ids, pbeam, gbeam, beam_map)
token_ids = get_token_ids(states, nr_feature)
vectors, bp_vectors = state2vec.begin_update(token_ids, drop=drop)
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update(vectors, drop=drop)
backprops.append((token_ids, bp_vectors, bp_scores))
p_scores = [scores[indices] for indices in p_indices]
g_scores = [scores[indices] for indices in g_indices]
gbeam.advance(g_scores, follow_gold=True)
for i, violn in enumerate(violns):
violn.check_crf(pbeam[i], gbeam[i])
histories = [(v.p_hist + v.g_hist) for v in violns]
losses = [(v.p_probs + v.g_probs) for v in violns]
states_d_scores = get_gradient(moves.n_moves, beam_map,
histories, losses)
return states_d_scores, backprops
def get_states(example_ids, pbeams, gbeams, beam_map):
states = []
seen = {}
p_indices = []
g_indices = []
cdef Beam pbeam, gbeam
for eg_id, pbeam, gbeam in zip(example_ids, pbeams, gbeams):
for j in range(pbeam.size):
key = tuple([eg_id] + pbeam.histories[j])
seen[key] = len(states)
for i in range(gbeam.size):
key = tuple([eg_id] + gbeam.histories[i])
if key in seen:
beam_map[key] = len(states)
p_indices = numpy.asarray(p_indices, dtype='i')
g_indices = numpy.asarray(g_indices, dtype='i')
return states, p_indices, g_indices
def get_gradient(nr_class, beam_map, histories, losses):
The global model assigns a loss to each parse. The beam scores
are additive, so the same gradient is applied to each action
in the history. This gives the gradient of a single *action*
for a beam state -- so we have "the gradient of loss for taking
action i given history H."
nr_step = max(len(hist) for hist in histories)
nr_beam = len(histories)
grads = [numpy.zeros((nr_beam, nr_class), dtype='f') for _ in range(nr_step)]
for hist, loss in zip(histories, losses):
key = tuple()
for j, clas in enumerate(hist):
grads[j][i, clas] = loss
key = key + clas
i = beam_map[key]
return grads

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@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..strings cimport StringStore
from cimport GoldParse
from ..attrs cimport ID, TAG, DEP, ORTH, NORM, PREFIX, SUFFIX, TAG
from . import _beam_utils
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
with Model.use_device('cpu'):
upper = chain(
clone(drop_layer(Residual(Maxout(hidden_width))), (depth-1)),
clone(Residual(ReLu(hidden_width)), (depth-1)),
zero_init(Affine(nr_class, drop_factor=0.0))
# TODO: This is an unfortunate hack atm!
@ -526,6 +527,30 @@ cdef class Parser:
bp_my_tokvecs(d_tokvecs, sgd=sgd)
return d_tokvecs
def update_beam(self, docs_tokvecs, golds, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
docs, tokvecs = docs_tokvecs
tokvecs = self.model[0].ops.flatten(tokvecs)
cuda_stream = get_cuda_stream()
state2vec, vec2scores = self.get_batch_model(len(docs), tokvecs, cuda_stream, 0.0)
states_d_scores, backprops = _beam_utils.update_beam(self.moves, self.nr_feature,
docs, tokvecs, golds,
state2vec, vec2scores,
drop, sgd, losses)
backprop_lower = []
for i, d_scores in enumerate(states_d_scores):
ids, bp_vectors, bp_scores = backprops[i]
d_vector = bp_scores(d_scores, sgd=sgd)
get_async(cuda_stream, ids),
get_async(cuda_stream, d_vector),
d_tokvecs = self.model[0].ops.allocate(tokvecs.shape)
self._make_updates(d_tokvecs, backprop_lower, sgd, cuda_stream)
lengths = [len(doc) for doc in docs]
return self.model[0].ops.unflatten(d_tokvecs, lengths)
def _init_gold_batch(self, whole_docs, whole_golds):
"""Make a square batch, of length equal to the shortest doc. A long
doc will get multiple states. Let's say we have a doc of length 2*N,

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
import numpy
from thinc.api import layerize
from ...vocab import Vocab
from ...syntax.arc_eager import ArcEager
from ...tokens import Doc
from import GoldParse
from ...syntax._beam_utils import ParserBeam, update_beam
def vocab():
return Vocab()
def moves(vocab):
aeager = ArcEager(vocab.strings, {})
aeager.add_action(2, 'nsubj')
aeager.add_action(3, 'dobj')
aeager.add_action(2, 'aux')
return aeager
def docs(vocab):
return [Doc(vocab, words=['Rats', 'bite', 'things'])]
def tokvecs(docs, vector_size):
output = []
for doc in docs:
vec = numpy.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (len(doc), vector_size))
return output
def golds(docs):
return [GoldParse(doc) for doc in docs]
def batch_size(docs):
return len(docs)
def beam_width():
return 4
def vector_size():
return 6
def beam(moves, docs, golds, beam_width):
return ParserBeam(moves, docs, golds, width=beam_width)
def scores(moves, batch_size, beam_width):
return [
numpy.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1, (batch_size, moves.n_moves)),
for _ in range(batch_size)]
def test_create_beam(beam):
def test_beam_advance(beam, scores):
def test_beam_advance_too_few_scores(beam, scores):
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
def test_update_beam(moves, docs, tokvecs, golds, vector_size):
def state2vec(X, drop=0.):
vec = numpy.ones((X.shape[0], vector_size), dtype='f')
return vec, None
def vec2scores(X, drop=0.):
scores = numpy.ones((X.shape[0], moves.n_moves), dtype='f')
return scores, None
d_loss, backprops = update_beam(moves, 13, docs, tokvecs, golds,
state2vec, vec2scores, drop=0.0, sgd=None,
losses={}, width=4, density=0.001)