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synced 2025-03-28 05:44:13 +03:00
Update POS/TAG tables in docs
Update POS/TAG tables for English and German docs using current information generated from the tag_maps and GLOSSARY.
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,76 +117,72 @@ type. They're available as the [`Token.pos`](/api/token#attributes) and
The English part-of-speech tagger uses the
[OntoNotes 5](https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2013T19) version of the Penn
Treebank tag set. We also map the tags to the simpler Google Universal POS tag
| Tag | POS | Morphology | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `-LRB-` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=brck PunctSide=ini` | left round bracket |
| `-RRB-` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=brck PunctSide=fin` | right round bracket |
| `,` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=comm` | punctuation mark, comma |
| `:` | `PUNCT` | | punctuation mark, colon or ellipsis |
| `.` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=peri` | punctuation mark, sentence closer |
| `''` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin` | closing quotation mark |
| `""` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin` | closing quotation mark |
| <InlineCode>``</InlineCode> | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=quot PunctSide=ini` | opening quotation mark |
| `#` | `SYM` | `SymType=numbersign` | symbol, number sign |
| `$` | `SYM` | `SymType=currency` | symbol, currency |
| `ADD` | `X` | | email |
| `AFX` | `ADJ` | `Hyph=yes` | affix |
| `BES` | `VERB` | | auxiliary "be" |
| `CC` | `CONJ` | `ConjType=coor` | conjunction, coordinating |
| `CD` | `NUM` | `NumType=card` | cardinal number |
| `DT` | `DET` | | determiner |
| `EX` | `ADV` | `AdvType=ex` | existential there |
| `FW` | `X` | `Foreign=yes` | foreign word |
| `GW` | `X` | | additional word in multi-word expression |
| `HVS` | `VERB` | | forms of "have" |
| `HYPH` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=dash` | punctuation mark, hyphen |
| `IN` | `ADP` | | conjunction, subordinating or preposition |
| `JJ` | `ADJ` | `Degree=pos` | adjective |
| `JJR` | `ADJ` | `Degree=comp` | adjective, comparative |
| `JJS` | `ADJ` | `Degree=sup` | adjective, superlative |
| `LS` | `PUNCT` | `NumType=ord` | list item marker |
| `MD` | `VERB` | `VerbType=mod` | verb, modal auxiliary |
| `NFP` | `PUNCT` | | superfluous punctuation |
| `NIL` | | | missing tag |
| `NN` | `NOUN` | `Number=sing` | noun, singular or mass |
| `NNP` | `PROPN` | `NounType=prop Number=sign` | noun, proper singular |
| `NNPS` | `PROPN` | `NounType=prop Number=plur` | noun, proper plural |
| `NNS` | `NOUN` | `Number=plur` | noun, plural |
| `PDT` | `ADJ` | `AdjType=pdt PronType=prn` | predeterminer |
| `POS` | `PART` | `Poss=yes` | possessive ending |
| `PRP` | `PRON` | `PronType=prs` | pronoun, personal |
| `PRP$` | `ADJ` | `PronType=prs Poss=yes` | pronoun, possessive |
| `RB` | `ADV` | `Degree=pos` | adverb |
| `RBR` | `ADV` | `Degree=comp` | adverb, comparative |
| `RBS` | `ADV` | `Degree=sup` | adverb, superlative |
| `RP` | `PART` | | adverb, particle |
| `_SP` | `SPACE` | | space |
| `SYM` | `SYM` | | symbol |
| `TO` | `PART` | `PartType=inf VerbForm=inf` | infinitival "to" |
| `UH` | `INTJ` | | interjection |
| `VB` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=inf` | verb, base form |
| `VBD` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=past` | verb, past tense |
| `VBG` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=part Tense=pres Aspect=prog` | verb, gerund or present participle |
| `VBN` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=part Tense=past Aspect=perf` | verb, past participle |
| `VBP` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=pres` | verb, non-3rd person singular present |
| `VBZ` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=pres Number=sing Person=3` | verb, 3rd person singular present |
| `WDT` | `ADJ` | `PronType=int|rel` | wh-determiner |
| `WP` | `NOUN` | `PronType=int|rel` | wh-pronoun, personal |
| `WP$` | `ADJ` | `Poss=yes PronType=int|rel` | wh-pronoun, possessive |
| `WRB` | `ADV` | `PronType=int|rel` | wh-adverb |
| `XX` | `X` | | unknown |
Treebank tag set. We also map the tags to the simpler Universal Dependencies v2
POS tag set.
| Tag | POS | Morphology | Description |
| ------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `$` | `SYM` | | symbol, currency |
| <InlineCode>``</InlineCode> | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=quot PunctSide=ini` | opening quotation mark |
| `''` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=quot PunctSide=fin` | closing quotation mark |
| `,` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=comm` | punctuation mark, comma |
| `-LRB-` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=brck PunctSide=ini` | left round bracket |
| `-RRB-` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=brck PunctSide=fin` | right round bracket |
| `.` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=peri` | punctuation mark, sentence closer |
| `:` | `PUNCT` | | punctuation mark, colon or ellipsis |
| `ADD` | `X` | | email |
| `AFX` | `ADJ` | `Hyph=yes` | affix |
| `CC` | `CCONJ` | `ConjType=comp` | conjunction, coordinating |
| `CD` | `NUM` | `NumType=card` | cardinal number |
| `DT` | `DET` | | determiner |
| `EX` | `PRON` | `AdvType=ex` | existential there |
| `FW` | `X` | `Foreign=yes` | foreign word |
| `GW` | `X` | | additional word in multi-word expression |
| `HYPH` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=dash` | punctuation mark, hyphen |
| `IN` | `ADP` | | conjunction, subordinating or preposition |
| `JJ` | `ADJ` | `Degree=pos` | adjective |
| `JJR` | `ADJ` | `Degree=comp` | adjective, comparative |
| `JJS` | `ADJ` | `Degree=sup` | adjective, superlative |
| `LS` | `X` | `NumType=ord` | list item marker |
| `MD` | `VERB` | `VerbType=mod` | verb, modal auxiliary |
| `NFP` | `PUNCT` | | superfluous punctuation |
| `NIL` | `X` | | missing tag |
| `NN` | `NOUN` | `Number=sing` | noun, singular or mass |
| `NNP` | `PROPN` | `NounType=prop Number=sing` | noun, proper singular |
| `NNPS` | `PROPN` | `NounType=prop Number=plur` | noun, proper plural |
| `NNS` | `NOUN` | `Number=plur` | noun, plural |
| `PDT` | `DET` | | predeterminer |
| `POS` | `PART` | `Poss=yes` | possessive ending |
| `PRP` | `PRON` | `PronType=prs` | pronoun, personal |
| `PRP$` | `DET` | `PronType=prs Poss=yes` | pronoun, possessive |
| `RB` | `ADV` | `Degree=pos` | adverb |
| `RBR` | `ADV` | `Degree=comp` | adverb, comparative |
| `RBS` | `ADV` | `Degree=sup` | adverb, superlative |
| `RP` | `ADP` | | adverb, particle |
| `SP` | `SPACE` | | space |
| `SYM` | `SYM` | | symbol |
| `TO` | `PART` | `PartType=inf VerbForm=inf` | infinitival "to" |
| `UH` | `INTJ` | | interjection |
| `VB` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=inf` | verb, base form |
| `VBD` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=past` | verb, past tense |
| `VBG` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=part Tense=pres Aspect=prog` | verb, gerund or present participle |
| `VBN` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=part Tense=past Aspect=perf` | verb, past participle |
| `VBP` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=pres` | verb, non-3rd person singular present |
| `VBZ` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin Tense=pres Number=sing Person=three` | verb, 3rd person singular present |
| `WDT` | `DET` | | wh-determiner |
| `WP` | `PRON` | | wh-pronoun, personal |
| `WP$` | `DET` | `Poss=yes` | wh-pronoun, possessive |
| `WRB` | `ADV` | | wh-adverb |
| `XX` | `X` | | unknown |
| `_SP` | `SPACE` | | |
<Accordion title="German" id="pos-de">
The German part-of-speech tagger uses the
[TIGER Treebank](http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/ressourcen/korpora/TIGERCorpus/annotation/index.html)
annotation scheme. We also map the tags to the simpler Google Universal POS tag
annotation scheme. We also map the tags to the simpler Universal Dependencies
v2 POS tag set.
| Tag | POS | Morphology | Description |
| --------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
@ -194,7 +190,7 @@ set.
| `$,` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=comm` | comma |
| `$.` | `PUNCT` | `PunctType=peri` | sentence-final punctuation mark |
| `ADJA` | `ADJ` | | adjective, attributive |
| `ADJD` | `ADJ` | `Variant=short` | adjective, adverbial or predicative |
| `ADJD` | `ADJ` | | adjective, adverbial or predicative |
| `ADV` | `ADV` | | adverb |
| `APPO` | `ADP` | `AdpType=post` | postposition |
| `APPR` | `ADP` | `AdpType=prep` | preposition; circumposition left |
@ -204,28 +200,28 @@ set.
| `CARD` | `NUM` | `NumType=card` | cardinal number |
| `FM` | `X` | `Foreign=yes` | foreign language material |
| `ITJ` | `INTJ` | | interjection |
| `KOKOM` | `CONJ` | `ConjType=comp` | comparative conjunction |
| `KON` | `CONJ` | | coordinate conjunction |
| `KOKOM` | `CCONJ` | `ConjType=comp` | comparative conjunction |
| `KON` | `CCONJ` | | coordinate conjunction |
| `KOUI` | `SCONJ` | | subordinate conjunction with "zu" and infinitive |
| `KOUS` | `SCONJ` | | subordinate conjunction with sentence |
| `NE` | `PROPN` | | proper noun |
| `NNE` | `PROPN` | | proper noun |
| `NN` | `NOUN` | | noun, singular or mass |
| `PROAV` | `ADV` | `PronType=dem` | pronominal adverb |
| `NNE` | `PROPN` | | proper noun |
| `PDAT` | `DET` | `PronType=dem` | attributive demonstrative pronoun |
| `PDS` | `PRON` | `PronType=dem` | substituting demonstrative pronoun |
| `PIAT` | `DET` | `PronType=ind\|neg\|tot` | attributive indefinite pronoun without determiner |
| `PIS` | `PRON` | `PronType=ind\|neg\|tot` | substituting indefinite pronoun |
| `PIAT` | `DET` | `PronType=ind|neg|tot` | attributive indefinite pronoun without determiner |
| `PIS` | `PRON` | `PronType=ind|neg|tot` | substituting indefinite pronoun |
| `PPER` | `PRON` | `PronType=prs` | non-reflexive personal pronoun |
| `PPOSAT` | `DET` | `Poss=yes PronType=prs` | attributive possessive pronoun |
| `PPOSS` | `PRON` | `PronType=rel` | substituting possessive pronoun |
| `PPOSS` | `PRON` | `Poss=yes PronType=prs` | substituting possessive pronoun |
| `PRELAT` | `DET` | `PronType=rel` | attributive relative pronoun |
| `PRELS` | `PRON` | `PronType=rel` | substituting relative pronoun |
| `PRF` | `PRON` | `PronType=prs Reflex=yes` | reflexive personal pronoun |
| `PROAV` | `ADV` | `PronType=dem` | pronominal adverb |
| `PTKA` | `PART` | | particle with adjective or adverb |
| `PTKANT` | `PART` | `PartType=res` | answer particle |
| `PTKNEG` | `PART` | `Negative=yes` | negative particle |
| `PTKVZ` | `PART` | `PartType=vbp` | separable verbal particle |
| `PTKNEG` | `PART` | `Polarity=neg` | negative particle |
| `PTKVZ` | `ADP` | `PartType=vbp` | separable verbal particle |
| `PTKZU` | `PART` | `PartType=inf` | "zu" before infinitive |
| `PWAT` | `DET` | `PronType=int` | attributive interrogative pronoun |
| `PWAV` | `ADV` | `PronType=int` | adverbial interrogative or relative pronoun |
@ -234,9 +230,9 @@ set.
| `VAFIN` | `AUX` | `Mood=ind VerbForm=fin` | finite verb, auxiliary |
| `VAIMP` | `AUX` | `Mood=imp VerbForm=fin` | imperative, auxiliary |
| `VAINF` | `AUX` | `VerbForm=inf` | infinitive, auxiliary |
| `VAPP` | `AUX` | `Aspect=perf VerbForm=fin` | perfect participle, auxiliary |
| `VAPP` | `AUX` | `Aspect=perf VerbForm=part` | perfect participle, auxiliary |
| `VMFIN` | `VERB` | `Mood=ind VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod` | finite verb, modal |
| `VMINF` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=fin VerbType=mod` | infinitive, modal |
| `VMINF` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=inf VerbType=mod` | infinitive, modal |
| `VMPP` | `VERB` | `Aspect=perf VerbForm=part VerbType=mod` | perfect participle, modal |
| `VVFIN` | `VERB` | `Mood=ind VerbForm=fin` | finite verb, full |
| `VVIMP` | `VERB` | `Mood=imp VerbForm=fin` | imperative, full |
@ -244,8 +240,7 @@ set.
| `VVIZU` | `VERB` | `VerbForm=inf` | infinitive with "zu", full |
| `VVPP` | `VERB` | `Aspect=perf VerbForm=part` | perfect participle, full |
| `XY` | `X` | | non-word containing non-letter |
| `SP` | `SPACE` | | space |
| `_SP` | `SPACE` | | |
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