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synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
Merge pull request #312 from wbwseeker/space_head_bug
add restrictions to L-arc and R-arc to prevent space heads
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ from ..symbols cimport punct
from ..attrs cimport IS_SPACE
cdef inline bint is_space_token(const TokenC* token) nogil:
return Lexeme.c_check_flag(token.lex, IS_SPACE)
cdef cppclass StateC:
int* _stack
int* _buffer
@ -292,23 +296,67 @@ cdef cppclass StateC:
this._break = src._break
void fast_forward() nogil:
while this.buffer_length() == 0 \
or this.stack_depth() == 0 \
or Lexeme.c_check_flag(this.S_(0).lex, IS_SPACE):
if this.buffer_length() == 1 and this.stack_depth() == 0:
elif this.buffer_length() == 0 and this.stack_depth() == 1:
elif this.buffer_length() == 0 and this.stack_depth() >= 2:
if this.has_head(this.S(0)):
# space token attachement policy:
# - attach space tokens always to the last preceding real token
# - except if it's the beginning of a sentence, then attach to the first following
# - boundary case: a document containing multiple space tokens but nothing else,
# then make the last space token the head of all others
while is_space_token(this.B_(0)) \
or this.buffer_length() == 0 \
or this.stack_depth() == 0:
if this.buffer_length() == 0:
# remove the last sentence's root from the stack
if this.stack_depth() == 1:
elif (this.length - this._b_i) >= 1 and this.stack_depth() == 0:
elif Lexeme.c_check_flag(this.S_(0).lex, IS_SPACE):
this.add_arc(this.B(0), this.S(0), 0)
# parser got stuck: reduce stack or unshift
elif this.stack_depth() > 1:
if this.has_head(this.S(0)):
# stack is empty but there is another sentence on the buffer
elif (this.length - this._b_i) >= 1:
else: # stack empty and nothing else coming
elif is_space_token(this.B_(0)):
# the normal case: we're somewhere inside a sentence
if this.stack_depth() > 0:
# assert not is_space_token(this.S_(0))
# attach all coming space tokens to their last preceding
# real token (which should be on the top of the stack)
while is_space_token(this.B_(0)):
# the rare case: we're at the beginning of a document:
# space tokens are attached to the first real token on the buffer
elif this.stack_depth() == 0:
# store all space tokens on the stack until a real token shows up
# or the last token on the buffer is reached
while is_space_token(this.B_(0)) and this.buffer_length() > 1:
# empty the stack by attaching all space tokens to the
# first token on the buffer
# boundary case: if all tokens are space tokens, the last one
# becomes the head of all others
while this.stack_depth() > 0:
# move the first token onto the stack
elif this.stack_depth() == 0:
# for one token sentences (?)
if this.buffer_length() == 1:
# with an empty stack and a non-empty buffer
# only shift is valid anyway
elif (this.length - this._b_i) >= 1:
else: # can this even happen?
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from .transition_system cimport do_func_t, get_cost_func_t
from .transition_system cimport move_cost_func_t, label_cost_func_t
from ..gold cimport GoldParse
from ..gold cimport GoldParseC
from ..attrs cimport TAG, HEAD, DEP, ENT_IOB, ENT_TYPE
from ..attrs cimport TAG, HEAD, DEP, ENT_IOB, ENT_TYPE, IS_SPACE
from ..lexeme cimport Lexeme
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from libc.string cimport memcpy
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from .stateclass cimport StateClass
from ._state cimport StateC
from ._state cimport StateC, is_space_token
@ -233,11 +233,19 @@ cdef class Break:
return False
elif st.at_break():
return False
elif st.B(0) == 0:
return False
elif st.stack_depth() < 1:
return False
elif (st.S(0) + 1) != st.B(0):
# It is okay to predict a sentence boundary if the top item on the stack
# and the first item on the buffer are adjacent tokens. If this is not the
# case, it is still okay if there are only space tokens in between.
# This is checked by testing whether the head of a space token immediately
# preceding the first item in the buffer is the top item on the stack.
# Intervening space tokens must be attached to the previous non-space token.
# Therefore, if the head of a space token that immediately precedes the first
# item on the buffer is the top item on the stack, a sentence boundary can be
# predicted.
elif (st.S(0) + 1) != st.B(0) \
and not (is_space_token(st.safe_get(st.B(0)-1)) and st.H(st.B(0)-1) == st.S(0)):
# Must break at the token boundary
return False
@ -188,9 +188,11 @@ cdef class Parser:
action = self.moves.c[guess]
if not eg.is_valid[guess]:
with gil:
move_name = self.moves.move_name(action.move, action.label)
return 1
# with gil:
# move_name = self.moves.move_name(action.move, action.label)
# print 'invalid action:', move_name
return 1
action.do(state, action.label)
memset(eg.scores, 0, sizeof(eg.scores[0]) * eg.nr_class)
for i in range(eg.nr_class):
@ -275,12 +277,12 @@ cdef class StepwiseState:
def heads(self):
return [self.stcls.H(i) for i in range(self.stcls.length)]
return [self.stcls.H(i) for i in range(self.stcls.c.length)]
def deps(self):
return [self.doc.vocab.strings[self.stcls.c._sent[i].dep]
for i in range(self.stcls.length)]
for i in range(self.stcls.c.length)]
def predict(self):
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ cdef class StateClass:
def stack(self):
return {self.S(i) for i in range(self._s_i)}
return {self.S(i) for i in range(self.c._s_i)}
def queue(self):
return {self.B(i) for i in range(self._b_i)}
return {self.B(i) for i in range(self.c._b_i)}
def print_state(self, words):
words = list(words) + ['_']
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
@ -6,3 +8,14 @@ def test_root(EN):
tokens = EN(u"i don't have other assistance")
for t in tokens:
assert t.dep != 0, t.orth_
def test_one_word_sentence(EN):
# one word sentence
doc = EN.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(['Hello'])
assert len(doc) == 1
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as _:
assert doc[0].dep != 0
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
def test_single_period(EN):
string = 'A test sentence.'
@ -37,3 +38,85 @@ def test_single_question(EN):
assert len(words) == 4
assert len(list(words.sents)) == 1
assert sum(len(sent) for sent in words.sents) == len(words)
def test_sentence_breaks_no_space(EN):
doc = EN.tokenizer.tokens_from_list('This is a sentence . This is another one .'.split(' '))
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as stepwise:
# stack empty, automatic Shift (This)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-nsubj') # attach This
# stack empty, automatic Shift (is)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('S') # shift a
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-det') # attach a
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-attr') # attach sentence
stepwise.transition('D') # remove sentence
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-punct') # attach .
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('B-ROOT') # set sentence start on This
# automatic reduction of the stack, automatic Shift to start second sentence
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-nsubj') # attach This
# stack empty, automatic Shift (is)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('S') # shift another
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-attr') # attach another
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-attr') # attach one
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('D') # remove one
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-punct') # attach .
# buffer empty, automatic cleanup
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
for tok in doc:
assert tok.dep != 0 or tok.is_space
assert [ tok.head.i for tok in doc ] == [1,1,3,1,1,6,6,8,6,6]
def test_sentence_breaks_with_space(EN):
doc = EN.tokenizer.tokens_from_list('\t This is \n a sentence \n \n . \n \t \n This is another \t one .'.split(' '))
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as stepwise:
# stack empty, automatic Shift (This)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-nsubj') # attach This
# stack empty, automatic Shift (is)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('S') # shift a
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-det') # attach a
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-attr') # attach sentence
stepwise.transition('D') # remove sentence
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-punct') # attach .
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('B-ROOT') # set sentence start on This
# automatic reduction of the stack, automatic Shift to start second sentence
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-nsubj') # attach This
# stack empty, automatic Shift (is)
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('S') # shift another
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('L-attr') # attach another
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-attr') # attach one
assert EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('D') # remove one
assert not EN.parser.moves.is_valid(stepwise.stcls,'B-ROOT')
stepwise.transition('R-punct') # attach .
# buffer empty, automatic cleanup
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
for tok in doc:
assert tok.dep != 0 or tok.is_space
assert [ tok.head.i for tok in doc ] == [1,2,2,2,5,2,5,5,2,8,8,8,13,13,16,14,13,13]
@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ import pytest
import numpy
from spacy.attrs import HEAD
def make_doc(EN, sentstr):
sent = sentstr.split(' ')
doc = EN.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(sent)
return doc
def test_space_attachment(EN):
@ -22,3 +28,63 @@ def test_sentence_space(EN):
doc = EN(text)
assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 2
def test_space_attachment_leading_space(EN):
# leading space token
doc = make_doc(EN, '\t \n This is a sentence .')
assert doc[0].is_space
assert doc[1].is_space
assert doc[2].orth_ == 'This'
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as stepwise:
assert doc[0].head.i == 2
assert doc[1].head.i == 2
assert stepwise.stack == set([2])
def test_space_attachment_intermediate_and_trailing_space(EN):
# intermediate and trailing space tokens
doc = make_doc(EN, 'This is \t a \t\n \n sentence . \n\n \n')
assert doc[2].is_space
assert doc[4].is_space
assert doc[5].is_space
assert doc[8].is_space
assert doc[9].is_space
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as stepwise:
assert stepwise.stack == set([])
for tok in doc:
assert tok.dep != 0 or tok.is_space
assert [ tok.head.i for tok in doc ] == [1,1,1,6,3,3,1,1,7,7]
def test_space_attachment_one_space_sentence(EN):
# one space token sentence
doc = make_doc(EN, '\n')
assert len(doc) == 1
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as _:
assert doc[0].is_space
assert doc[0].head.i == 0
def test_space_attachment_only_space_sentence(EN):
# space-exclusive sentence
doc = make_doc(EN, '\n \t \n\n \t')
assert len(doc) == 4
for tok in doc:
assert tok.is_space
with EN.parser.step_through(doc) as _:
# all tokens are attached to the last one
for tok in doc:
assert tok.head.i == 3
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