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synced 2025-01-13 18:56:36 +03:00
Add reference version
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Optional
from thinc.api import Ops, Model, normal_init, chain, list2array, Linear
from thinc.api import uniform_init
from thinc.types import Floats1d, Floats2d, Floats3d, Ints2d, Floats4d
import numpy
from ..tokens.doc import Doc
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def TransitionModel(
return Model(
refs={"tok2vec": tok2vec_projected},
@ -184,6 +185,137 @@ def forward(model, docs_moves: Tuple[List[Doc], TransitionSystem], is_train: boo
d_statevecs = model.ops.gemm(d_scores, upper_W)
# Backprop through the maxout activation
d_preacts = model.ops.backprop_maxout(d_statevecs, which, model.get_dim("nP"))
d_preacts2f = model.ops.reshape2f(d_preacts, d_preacts.shape[0], -1)
model.inc_grad("lower_b", d_preacts2f.sum(axis=0))
model.inc_grad("lower_W", model.ops.gemm(d_preacts2f, tokfeats, trans1=True))
d_tokfeats = model.ops.gemm(d_preacts2f, lower_W)
d_tokfeats3f = model.ops.reshape3f(d_tokfeats, nS, nF, nI)
d_lower_pad = model.ops.alloc2f(nF, nI)
for i in range(ids.shape[0]):
for j in range(ids.shape[1]):
if ids[i, j] == -1:
d_lower_pad[j] += d_tokfeats3f[i, j]
d_tokvecs[ids[i, j]] += d_tokfeats3f[i, j]
model.inc_grad("lower_pad", d_lower_pad)
# We don't need to backprop the summation, because we pass back the IDs instead
# d_state_features = backprop_feats((d_preacts, all_ids))
# ids1d = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_ids).flatten()
# d_state_features = d_state_features.reshape((ids1d.size, -1))
# d_tokvecs = model.ops.alloc((tokvecs.shape[0] + 1, tokvecs.shape[1]))
# model.ops.scatter_add(d_tokvecs, ids1d, d_state_features)
return (backprop_tok2vec(d_tokvecs), None)
return (states, all_scores), backprop_parser
def _forward_reference(model, docs_moves: Tuple[List[Doc], TransitionSystem], is_train: bool):
"""Slow reference implementation, without the precomputation"""
nF = model.get_dim("nF")
tok2vec = model.get_ref("tok2vec")
lower_pad = model.get_param("lower_pad")
lower_W = model.get_param("lower_W")
lower_b = model.get_param("lower_b")
upper_W = model.get_param("upper_W")
upper_b = model.get_param("upper_b")
nH = model.get_dim("nH")
nP = model.get_dim("nP")
nO = model.get_dim("nO")
nI = model.get_dim("nI")
ops = model.ops
docs, moves = docs_moves
states = moves.init_batch(docs)
tokvecs, backprop_tok2vec = tok2vec(docs, is_train)
all_ids = []
all_which = []
all_statevecs = []
all_scores = []
all_tokfeats = []
next_states = [s for s in states if not s.is_final()]
unseen_mask = _get_unseen_mask(model)
assert unseen_mask.all() # TODO unhack
ids = numpy.zeros((len(states), nF), dtype="i")
while next_states:
ids = ids[: len(next_states)]
for i, state in enumerate(next_states):
state.set_context_tokens(ids, i, nF)
# Sum the state features, add the bias and apply the activation (maxout)
# to create the state vectors.
tokfeats3f = model.ops.alloc3f(ids.shape[0], nF, nI)
for i in range(ids.shape[0]):
for j in range(nF):
if ids[i, j] == -1:
tokfeats3f[i, j] = lower_pad
tokfeats3f[i, j] = tokvecs[ids[i, j]]
tokfeats = model.ops.reshape2f(tokfeats3f, tokfeats3f.shape[0], -1)
preacts2f = model.ops.gemm(tokfeats, lower_W, trans2=True)
preacts2f += lower_b
preacts = model.ops.reshape3f(preacts2f, preacts2f.shape[0], nH, nP)
statevecs, which = ops.maxout(preacts)
# Multiply the state-vector by the scores weights and add the bias,
# to get the logits.
scores = model.ops.gemm(statevecs, upper_W, trans2=True)
scores += upper_b
scores[:, unseen_mask == 0] = model.ops.xp.nanmin(scores)
# Transition the states, filtering out any that are finished.
next_states = moves.transition_states(next_states, scores)
if is_train:
# Remember intermediate results for the backprop.
nS = sum(len(s.history) for s in states)
def backprop_parser(d_states_d_scores):
d_tokvecs = model.ops.alloc2f(tokvecs.shape[0], tokvecs.shape[1])
ids = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_ids)
which = ops.xp.vstack(all_which)
statevecs = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_statevecs)
tokfeats = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_tokfeats)
_, d_scores = d_states_d_scores
if model.attrs.get("unseen_classes"):
# If we have a negative gradient (i.e. the probability should
# increase) on any classes we filtered out as unseen, mark
# them as seen.
for clas in set(model.attrs["unseen_classes"]):
if (d_scores[:, clas] < 0).any():
d_scores *= unseen_mask
assert statevecs.shape == (nS, nH), statevecs.shape
assert d_scores.shape == (nS, nO), d_scores.shape
# Calculate the gradients for the parameters of the upper layer.
# The weight gemm is (nS, nO) @ (nS, nH).T
model.inc_grad("upper_b", d_scores.sum(axis=0))
model.inc_grad("upper_W", model.ops.gemm(d_scores, statevecs, trans1=True))
# Now calculate d_statevecs, by backproping through the upper linear layer.
# This gemm is (nS, nO) @ (nO, nH)
d_statevecs = model.ops.gemm(d_scores, upper_W)
# Backprop through the maxout activation
d_preacts = model.ops.backprop_maxout(d_statevecs, which, nP)
d_preacts2f = model.ops.reshape2f(d_preacts, d_preacts.shape[0], nH*nP)
# Now increment the gradients for the lower layer.
# The gemm here is (nS, nH*nP) @ (nS, nF*nI)
model.inc_grad("lower_b", d_preacts2f.sum(axis=0))
model.inc_grad("lower_W", model.ops.gemm(d_preacts2f, tokfeats, trans1=True))
# Caclulate d_tokfeats
# The gemm here is (nS, nH*nP) @ (nH*nP, nF*nI)
d_tokfeats = model.ops.gemm(d_preacts2f, lower_W)
# Get the gradients of the tokvecs and the padding
d_tokfeats3f = model.ops.reshape3f(d_tokfeats, nS, nF, nI)
d_lower_pad = model.ops.alloc1f(nI)
for i in range(ids.shape[0]):
for j in range(ids.shape[1]):
if ids[i, j] == -1:
d_lower_pad += d_tokfeats3f[i, j]
d_tokvecs[ids[i, j]] += d_tokfeats3f[i, j]
model.inc_grad("lower_pad", d_lower_pad)
# We don't need to backprop the summation, because we pass back the IDs instead
d_state_features = backprop_feats((d_preacts, all_ids))
ids1d = model.ops.xp.vstack(all_ids).flatten()
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