diff --git a/website/docs/api/doc.md b/website/docs/api/doc.md
index e98fe19ed..136e7785d 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/doc.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/doc.md
@@ -751,23 +751,23 @@ The L2 norm of the document's vector representation.
## Attributes {#attributes}
-| Name | Description |
-| ------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `text` | A string representation of the document text. ~~str~~ |
-| `text_with_ws` | An alias of `Doc.text`, provided for duck-type compatibility with `Span` and `Token`. ~~str~~ |
-| `mem` | The document's local memory heap, for all C data it owns. ~~cymem.Pool~~ |
-| `vocab` | The store of lexical types. ~~Vocab~~ |
-| `tensor` 2 | Container for dense vector representations. ~~numpy.ndarray~~ |
-| `user_data` | A generic storage area, for user custom data. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
-| `lang` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~int~~ |
-| `lang_` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~str~~ |
-| `sentiment` | The document's positivity/negativity score, if available. ~~float~~ |
-| `user_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of the `Doc`'s properties. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `user_token_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Token` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `user_span_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Span` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
-| `has_unknown_spaces` | Whether the document was constructed without known spacing between tokens (typically when created from gold tokenization). ~~bool~~ |
-| `_` | User space for adding custom [attribute extensions](/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components-attributes). ~~Underscore~~ |
-| `activations` | A dictionary of activations per trainable pipe (available when the `save_activations` option of a pipe is enabled). ~~Dict[str, Option[Any]]~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `text` | A string representation of the document text. ~~str~~ |
+| `text_with_ws` | An alias of `Doc.text`, provided for duck-type compatibility with `Span` and `Token`. ~~str~~ |
+| `mem` | The document's local memory heap, for all C data it owns. ~~cymem.Pool~~ |
+| `vocab` | The store of lexical types. ~~Vocab~~ |
+| `tensor` 2 | Container for dense vector representations. ~~numpy.ndarray~~ |
+| `user_data` | A generic storage area, for user custom data. ~~Dict[str, Any]~~ |
+| `lang` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~int~~ |
+| `lang_` 2.1 | Language of the document's vocabulary. ~~str~~ |
+| `sentiment` | The document's positivity/negativity score, if available. ~~float~~ |
+| `user_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of the `Doc`'s properties. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `user_token_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Token` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `user_span_hooks` | A dictionary that allows customization of properties of `Span` children. ~~Dict[str, Callable]~~ |
+| `has_unknown_spaces` | Whether the document was constructed without known spacing between tokens (typically when created from gold tokenization). ~~bool~~ |
+| `_` | User space for adding custom [attribute extensions](/usage/processing-pipelines#custom-components-attributes). ~~Underscore~~ |
+| `activations` 4.0 | A dictionary of activations per trainable pipe (available when the `save_activations` option of a pipe is enabled). ~~Dict[str, Option[Any]]~~ |
## Serialization fields {#serialization-fields}
diff --git a/website/docs/api/edittreelemmatizer.md b/website/docs/api/edittreelemmatizer.md
index 69ed2f7b9..f6abe2bcd 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/edittreelemmatizer.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/edittreelemmatizer.md
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("trainable_lemmatizer", config=config, name="lemmatizer")
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `model` | A model instance that predicts the edit tree probabilities. The output vectors should match the number of edit trees in size, and be normalized as probabilities (all scores between 0 and 1, with the rows summing to `1`). Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
-| `backoff` | ~~Token~~ attribute to use when no applicable edit tree is found. Defaults to `orth`. ~~str~~ |
-| `min_tree_freq` | Minimum frequency of an edit tree in the training set to be used. Defaults to `3`. ~~int~~ |
-| `overwrite` | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `top_k` | The number of most probable edit trees to try before resorting to `backoff`. Defaults to `1`. ~~int~~ |
-| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attribute `"lemma"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `model` | A model instance that predicts the edit tree probabilities. The output vectors should match the number of edit trees in size, and be normalized as probabilities (all scores between 0 and 1, with the rows summing to `1`). Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
+| `backoff` | ~~Token~~ attribute to use when no applicable edit tree is found. Defaults to `orth`. ~~str~~ |
+| `min_tree_freq` | Minimum frequency of an edit tree in the training set to be used. Defaults to `3`. ~~int~~ |
+| `overwrite` | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `top_k` | The number of most probable edit trees to try before resorting to `backoff`. Defaults to `1`. ~~int~~ |
+| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attribute `"lemma"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/entitylinker.md b/website/docs/api/entitylinker.md
index 5f6960c7b..07dd02634 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/entitylinker.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/entitylinker.md
@@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config=config)
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `labels_discard` | NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction. Defaults to `[]`. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
-| `n_sents` | The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account. Defaults to 0. ~~int~~ |
-| `incl_prior` | Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `incl_context` | Whether or not to include the local context in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `model` | The [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [EntityLinker](/api/architectures#EntityLinker). ~~Model~~ |
-| `entity_vector_length` | Size of encoding vectors in the KB. Defaults to `64`. ~~int~~ |
-| `use_gold_ents` | Whether to copy entities from the gold docs or not. Defaults to `True`. If `False`, entities must be set in the training data or by an annotating component in the pipeline. ~~int~~ |
-| `get_candidates` | Function that generates plausible candidates for a given `Span` object. Defaults to [CandidateGenerator](/api/architectures#CandidateGenerator), a function looking up exact, case-dependent aliases in the KB. ~~Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]]~~ |
-| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_links`](/api/scorer#score_links). ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"ents"` and `"scores"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
-| `threshold` 3.4 | Confidence threshold for entity predictions. The default of `None` implies that all predictions are accepted, otherwise those with a score beneath the treshold are discarded. If there are no predictions with scores above the threshold, the linked entity is `NIL`. ~~Optional[float]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `labels_discard` | NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction. Defaults to `[]`. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
+| `n_sents` | The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account. Defaults to 0. ~~int~~ |
+| `incl_prior` | Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `incl_context` | Whether or not to include the local context in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `model` | The [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [EntityLinker](/api/architectures#EntityLinker). ~~Model~~ |
+| `entity_vector_length` | Size of encoding vectors in the KB. Defaults to `64`. ~~int~~ |
+| `use_gold_ents` | Whether to copy entities from the gold docs or not. Defaults to `True`. If `False`, entities must be set in the training data or by an annotating component in the pipeline. ~~int~~ |
+| `get_candidates` | Function that generates plausible candidates for a given `Span` object. Defaults to [CandidateGenerator](/api/architectures#CandidateGenerator), a function looking up exact, case-dependent aliases in the KB. ~~Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]]~~ |
+| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_links`](/api/scorer#score_links). ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"ents"` and `"scores"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| `threshold` 3.4 | Confidence threshold for entity predictions. The default of `None` implies that all predictions are accepted, otherwise those with a score beneath the treshold are discarded. If there are no predictions with scores above the threshold, the linked entity is `NIL`. ~~Optional[float]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/morphologizer.md b/website/docs/api/morphologizer.md
index 6754e1c15..475c48ee7 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/morphologizer.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/morphologizer.md
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("morphologizer", config=config)
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `model` | The model to use. Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
-| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether the values of existing features are overwritten. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `extend` 3.2 | Whether existing feature types (whose values may or may not be overwritten depending on `overwrite`) are preserved. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attributes `"pos"` and `"morph"` and [`Scorer.score_token_attr_per_feat`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr_per_feat) for the attribute `"morph"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `model` | The model to use. Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
+| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether the values of existing features are overwritten. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `extend` 3.2 | Whether existing feature types (whose values may or may not be overwritten depending on `overwrite`) are preserved. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attributes `"pos"` and `"morph"` and [`Scorer.score_token_attr_per_feat`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr_per_feat) for the attribute `"morph"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/sentencerecognizer.md b/website/docs/api/sentencerecognizer.md
index 2cabb5344..aa73a78d5 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/sentencerecognizer.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/sentencerecognizer.md
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("senter", config=config)
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `model` | The [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
-| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_spans`](/api/scorer#score_spans) for the attribute `"sents"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `model` | The [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
+| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_spans`](/api/scorer#score_spans) for the attribute `"sents"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/spancategorizer.md b/website/docs/api/spancategorizer.md
index 6b396394c..e07ad3577 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/spancategorizer.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/spancategorizer.md
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("spancat", config=config)
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `suggester` | A function that [suggests spans](#suggesters). Spans are returned as a ragged array with two integer columns, for the start and end positions. Defaults to [`ngram_suggester`](#ngram_suggester). ~~Callable[[Iterable[Doc], Optional[Ops]], Ragged]~~ |
-| `model` | A model instance that is given a a list of documents and `(start, end)` indices representing candidate span offsets. The model predicts a probability for each category for each span. Defaults to [SpanCategorizer](/api/architectures#SpanCategorizer). ~~Model[Tuple[List[Doc], Ragged], Floats2d]~~ |
-| `spans_key` | Key of the [`Doc.spans`](/api/doc#spans) dict to save the spans under. During initialization and training, the component will look for spans on the reference document under the same key. Defaults to `"sc"`. ~~str~~ |
-| `threshold` | Minimum probability to consider a prediction positive. Spans with a positive prediction will be saved on the Doc. Defaults to `0.5`. ~~float~~ |
-| `max_positive` | Maximum number of labels to consider positive per span. Defaults to `None`, indicating no limit. ~~Optional[int]~~ |
-| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_spans`](/api/scorer#score_spans) for `Doc.spans[spans_key]` with overlapping spans allowed. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"indices"` and `"scores"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `suggester` | A function that [suggests spans](#suggesters). Spans are returned as a ragged array with two integer columns, for the start and end positions. Defaults to [`ngram_suggester`](#ngram_suggester). ~~Callable[[Iterable[Doc], Optional[Ops]], Ragged]~~ |
+| `model` | A model instance that is given a a list of documents and `(start, end)` indices representing candidate span offsets. The model predicts a probability for each category for each span. Defaults to [SpanCategorizer](/api/architectures#SpanCategorizer). ~~Model[Tuple[List[Doc], Ragged], Floats2d]~~ |
+| `spans_key` | Key of the [`Doc.spans`](/api/doc#spans) dict to save the spans under. During initialization and training, the component will look for spans on the reference document under the same key. Defaults to `"sc"`. ~~str~~ |
+| `threshold` | Minimum probability to consider a prediction positive. Spans with a positive prediction will be saved on the Doc. Defaults to `0.5`. ~~float~~ |
+| `max_positive` | Maximum number of labels to consider positive per span. Defaults to `None`, indicating no limit. ~~Optional[int]~~ |
+| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_spans`](/api/scorer#score_spans) for `Doc.spans[spans_key]` with overlapping spans allowed. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"indices"` and `"scores"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/tagger.md b/website/docs/api/tagger.md
index ea8968148..3dfc0dbf1 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/tagger.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/tagger.md
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("tagger", config=config)
> ```
-| Setting | Description |
-| ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `model` | A model instance that predicts the tag probabilities. The output vectors should match the number of tags in size, and be normalized as probabilities (all scores between 0 and 1, with the rows summing to `1`). Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
-| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
-| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attribute `"tag"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `neg_prefix` 3.2.1 | The prefix used to specify incorrect tags while training. The tagger will learn not to predict exactly this tag. Defaults to `!`. ~~str~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Setting | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| `model` | A model instance that predicts the tag probabilities. The output vectors should match the number of tags in size, and be normalized as probabilities (all scores between 0 and 1, with the rows summing to `1`). Defaults to [Tagger](/api/architectures#Tagger). ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
+| `overwrite` 3.2 | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
+| `scorer` 3.2 | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_token_attr`](/api/scorer#score_token_attr) for the attribute `"tag"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `neg_prefix` 3.2.1 | The prefix used to specify incorrect tags while training. The tagger will learn not to predict exactly this tag. Defaults to `!`. ~~str~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"probs"` and `"guesses"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
diff --git a/website/docs/api/textcategorizer.md b/website/docs/api/textcategorizer.md
index 684bed127..0077b936c 100644
--- a/website/docs/api/textcategorizer.md
+++ b/website/docs/api/textcategorizer.md
@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ Create a new pipeline instance. In your application, you would normally use a
shortcut for this and instantiate the component using its string name and
-| Name | Description |
-| ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `vocab` | The shared vocabulary. ~~Vocab~~ |
-| `model` | The Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
-| `name` | String name of the component instance. Used to add entries to the `losses` during training. ~~str~~ |
-| _keyword-only_ | |
-| `threshold` | Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive", relevant when printing accuracy results. ~~float~~ |
-| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_cats`](/api/scorer#score_cats) for the attribute `"cats"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
-| `save_activations` | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. The supported activations is `"probs"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
+| Name | Description |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `vocab` | The shared vocabulary. ~~Vocab~~ |
+| `model` | The Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) powering the pipeline component. ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~ |
+| `name` | String name of the component instance. Used to add entries to the `losses` during training. ~~str~~ |
+| _keyword-only_ | |
+| `threshold` | Cutoff to consider a prediction "positive", relevant when printing accuracy results. ~~float~~ |
+| `scorer` | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_cats`](/api/scorer#score_cats) for the attribute `"cats"`. ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
+| `save_activations` 4.0 | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. The supported activations is `"probs"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
## TextCategorizer.\_\_call\_\_ {#call tag="method"}