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synced 2025-03-03 10:55:52 +03:00
Update adding language / training docs (see #966)
Add data examples and more info on training and CLI commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ p
| #[a(href="#brown-clusters") Brown clusters] and
| #[a(href="#word-vectors") word vectors].
| #[strong Set up] a #[a(href="#model-directory") model direcory] and #[strong train] the #[a(href="#train-tagger-parser") tagger and parser].
| Once you have the tokenizer and vocabulary, you can
| #[+a("/docs/usage/training") train the tagger, parser and entity recognizer].
| For some languages, you may also want to develop a solution for
| lemmatization and morphological analysis.
@ -406,12 +407,111 @@ p
| by linear models, while the word vectors are useful for lexical
| similarity models and deep learning.
+h(3, "word-frequencies") Word frequencies
| To generate the word frequencies from a large, raw corpus, you can use the
| #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "training/word_freqs.py")) word_freqs.py]
| script from the spaCy developer resources. Note that your corpus should
| not be preprocessed (i.e. you need punctuation for example). The
| #[+a("/docs/usage/cli#model") #[code model] command] expects a
| tab-separated word frequencies file with three columns:
+item The number of times the word occurred in your language sample.
+item The number of distinct documents the word occurred in.
+item The word itself.
| An example word frequencies file could look like this:
+code("es_word_freqs.txt", "text").
6361109 111 Aunque
23598543 111 aunque
10097056 111 claro
193454 111 aro
7711123 111 viene
12812323 111 mal
23414636 111 momento
2014580 111 felicidad
233865 111 repleto
15527 111 eto
235565 111 deliciosos
17259079 111 buena
71155 111 Anímate
37705 111 anímate
33155 111 cuéntanos
2389171 111 cuál
961576 111 típico
| You should make sure you use the spaCy tokenizer for your
| language to segment the text for your word frequencies. This will ensure
| that the frequencies refer to the same segmentation standards you'll be
| using at run-time. For instance, spaCy's English tokenizer segments
| "can't" into two tokens. If we segmented the text by whitespace to
| produce the frequency counts, we'll have incorrect frequency counts for
| the tokens "ca" and "n't".
+h(3, "brown-clusters") Training the Brown clusters
| spaCy's tagger, parser and entity recognizer are designed to use
| distributional similarity features provided by the
| #[+a("https://github.com/percyliang/brown-cluster") Brown clustering algorithm].
| You should train a model with between 500 and 1000 clusters. A minimum
| frequency threshold of 10 usually works well.
| An example clusters file could look like this:
+code("es_clusters.data", "text").
0000 Vestigial 1
0000 Vesturland 1
0000 Veyreau 1
0000 Veynes 1
0000 Vexilografía 1
0000 Vetrigne 1
0000 Vetónica 1
0000 Asunden 1
0000 Villalambrús 1
0000 Vichuquén 1
0000 Vichtis 1
0000 Vichigasta 1
0000 VAAH 1
0000 Viciebsk 1
0000 Vicovaro 1
0000 Villardeveyo 1
0000 Vidala 1
0000 Videoguard 1
0000 Vedás 1
0000 Videocomunicado 1
0000 VideoCrypt 1
+h(3, "word-vectors") Training the word vectors
| #[+a("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word2vec") Word2vec] and related
| algorithms let you train useful word similarity models from unlabelled
| text. This is a key part of using
| #[+a("/docs/usage/deep-learning") deep learning] for NLP with limited
| labelled data. The vectors are also useful by themselves – they power
| the #[code .similarity()] methods in spaCy. For best results, you should
| pre-process the text with spaCy before training the Word2vec model. This
| ensures your tokenization will match.
| You can use our
| #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "training/word_vectors.py")) word vectors training script],
| which pre-processes the text with your language-specific tokenizer and
| trains the model using #[+a("https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/") Gensim].
| The #[code vectors.bin] file should consist of one word and vector per line.
+h(2, "model-directory") Setting up a model directory
| Once you've collected the word frequencies, Brown clusters and word
| vectors files, you can use the
| #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "training/init.py")) init.py]
| script from our
| #[+a(gh("spacy-dev-resources")) developer resources], or use the new
| #[+a("/docs/usage/cli#model") #[code model] command] to create a data
| directory:
@ -438,49 +538,20 @@ p
| loaded. By default, the command expects to be able to find your language
| class using #[code spacy.util.get_lang_class(lang_id)].
+h(3, "word-frequencies") Word frequencies
+h(2, "train-tagger-parser") Training the tagger and parser
| The #[+a("/docs/usage/cli#model") #[code model] command] expects a
| tab-separated word frequencies file with three columns:
+item The number of times the word occurred in your language sample.
+item The number of distinct documents the word occurred in.
+item The word itself.
| You can now train the model using a corpus for your language annotated
| with #[+a("http://universaldependencies.org/") Universal Dependencies].
| If your corpus uses the connlu format, you can use the
| #[+a("/docs/usage/cli#convert") #[code convert] command] to convert it to
| spaCy's #[+a("/docs/api/annotation#json-input") JSON format] for training.
| You should make sure you use the spaCy tokenizer for your
| language to segment the text for your word frequencies. This will ensure
| that the frequencies refer to the same segmentation standards you'll be
| using at run-time. For instance, spaCy's English tokenizer segments
| "can't" into two tokens. If we segmented the text by whitespace to
| produce the frequency counts, we'll have incorrect frequency counts for
| the tokens "ca" and "n't".
| Once you have your UD corpus transformed into JSON, you can train your
| model use the using spaCy's
| #[+a("/docs/usage/cli#train") #[code train] command]:
+h(3, "brown-clusters") Training the Brown clusters
| spaCy's tagger, parser and entity recognizer are designed to use
| distributional similarity features provided by the
| #[+a("https://github.com/percyliang/brown-cluster") Brown clustering algorithm].
| You should train a model with between 500 and 1000 clusters. A minimum
| frequency threshold of 10 usually works well.
+h(3, "word-vectors") Training the word vectors
| #[+a("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word2vec") Word2vec] and related
| algorithms let you train useful word similarity models from unlabelled
| text. This is a key part of using
| #[+a("/docs/usage/deep-learning") deep learning] for NLP with limited
| labelled data. The vectors are also useful by themselves – they power
| the #[code .similarity()] methods in spaCy. For best results, you should
| pre-process the text with spaCy before training the Word2vec model. This
| ensures your tokenization will match.
| You can use our
| #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "training/word_vectors.py")) word vectors training script],
| which pre-processes the text with your language-specific tokenizer and
| trains the model using #[+a("https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/") Gensim].
+code(false, "bash").
python -m spacy train [lang] [output_dir] [train_data] [dev_data] [--n_iter] [--parser_L1] [--no_tagger] [--no_parser] [--no_ner]
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