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synced 2025-03-03 10:55:52 +03:00
Merge pull request #1392 from explosion/feature/parser-history-model
💫 Parser history features
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import io
# TODO: Unset this once we don't want to support models previous models.
import thinc.neural._classes.layernorm
VECTORS_KEY = 'spacy_pretrained_vectors'
@ -213,6 +213,72 @@ class PrecomputableMaxouts(Model):
return dXf
return Yfp, backward
# Thinc's Embed class is a bit broken atm, so drop this here.
from thinc import describe
from thinc.neural._classes.embed import _uniform_init
nV=describe.Dimension("Number of vectors"),
nO=describe.Dimension("Size of output"),
vectors=describe.Weights("Embedding table",
lambda obj: (obj.nV, obj.nO),
_uniform_init(-0.1, 0.1)
class Embed(Model):
name = 'embed'
def __init__(self, nO, nV=None, **kwargs):
if nV is not None:
nV += 1
Model.__init__(self, **kwargs)
if 'name' in kwargs:
self.name = kwargs['name']
self.column = kwargs.get('column', 0)
self.nO = nO
self.nV = nV
def predict(self, ids):
if ids.ndim == 2:
ids = ids[:, self.column]
return self.ops.xp.ascontiguousarray(self.vectors[ids], dtype='f')
def begin_update(self, ids, drop=0.):
if ids.ndim == 2:
ids = ids[:, self.column]
vectors = self.ops.xp.ascontiguousarray(self.vectors[ids], dtype='f')
def backprop_embed(d_vectors, sgd=None):
n_vectors = d_vectors.shape[0]
self.ops.scatter_add(self.d_vectors, ids, d_vectors)
if sgd is not None:
sgd(self._mem.weights, self._mem.gradient, key=self.id)
return None
return vectors, backprop_embed
def HistoryFeatures(nr_class, hist_size=8, nr_dim=8):
'''Wrap a model, adding features representing action history.'''
if hist_size == 0:
return layerize(noop())
embed_tables = [Embed(nr_dim, nr_class, column=i, name='embed%d')
for i in range(hist_size)]
embed = concatenate(*embed_tables)
ops = embed.ops
def add_history_fwd(vectors_hists, drop=0.):
vectors, hist_ids = vectors_hists
hist_feats, bp_hists = embed.begin_update(hist_ids, drop=drop)
outputs = ops.xp.hstack((vectors, hist_feats))
def add_history_bwd(d_outputs, sgd=None):
d_vectors = d_outputs[:, :vectors.shape[1]]
d_hists = d_outputs[:, vectors.shape[1]:]
bp_hists(d_hists, sgd=sgd)
return embed.ops.xp.ascontiguousarray(d_vectors)
return outputs, add_history_bwd
return wrap(add_history_fwd, embed)
def drop_layer(layer, factor=2.):
def drop_layer_fwd(X, drop=0.):
@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ def evaluate(cmd, model, data_path, gpu_id=-1, gold_preproc=False,
Evaluate a model. To render a sample of parses in a HTML file, set an output
directory as the displacy_path argument.
if gpu_id >= 0:
data_path = util.ensure_path(data_path)
displacy_path = util.ensure_path(displacy_path)
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ cdef int _transition_state(void* _dest, void* _src, class_t clas, void* _moves)
moves = <const Transition*>_moves
moves[clas].do(dest.c, moves[clas].label)
cdef int _check_final_state(void* _state, void* extra_args) except -1:
@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ def get_token_ids(states, int n_tokens):
nr_update = 0
def update_beam(TransitionSystem moves, int nr_feature, int max_steps,
states, golds,
state2vec, vec2scores,
int width, float density,
state2vec, vec2scores,
int width, float density, int hist_feats,
losses=None, drop=0.):
global nr_update
cdef MaxViolation violn
@ -180,7 +181,11 @@ def update_beam(TransitionSystem moves, int nr_feature, int max_steps,
# Now that we have our flat list of states, feed them through the model
token_ids = get_token_ids(states, nr_feature)
vectors, bp_vectors = state2vec.begin_update(token_ids, drop=drop)
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update(vectors, drop=drop)
if hist_feats:
hists = numpy.asarray([st.history[:hist_feats] for st in states], dtype='i')
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update((vectors, hists), drop=drop)
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update(vectors, drop=drop)
# Store the callbacks for the backward pass
backprops.append((token_ids, bp_vectors, bp_scores))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset
from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset, memmove
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, calloc, free
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
@ -15,6 +15,23 @@ from ..typedefs cimport attr_t
cdef inline bint is_space_token(const TokenC* token) nogil:
return Lexeme.c_check_flag(token.lex, IS_SPACE)
cdef struct RingBufferC:
int[8] data
int i
int default
cdef inline int ring_push(RingBufferC* ring, int value) nogil:
ring.data[ring.i] = value
ring.i += 1
if ring.i >= 8:
ring.i = 0
cdef inline int ring_get(RingBufferC* ring, int i) nogil:
if i >= ring.i:
return ring.default
return ring.data[ring.i-i]
cdef cppclass StateC:
int* _stack
@ -23,6 +40,7 @@ cdef cppclass StateC:
TokenC* _sent
Entity* _ents
TokenC _empty_token
RingBufferC _hist
int length
int offset
int _s_i
@ -37,6 +55,7 @@ cdef cppclass StateC:
this.shifted = <bint*>calloc(length + (PADDING * 2), sizeof(bint))
this._sent = <TokenC*>calloc(length + (PADDING * 2), sizeof(TokenC))
this._ents = <Entity*>calloc(length + (PADDING * 2), sizeof(Entity))
memset(&this._hist, 0, sizeof(this._hist))
this.offset = 0
cdef int i
for i in range(length + (PADDING * 2)):
@ -74,6 +93,9 @@ cdef cppclass StateC:
free(this.shifted - PADDING)
void set_context_tokens(int* ids, int n) nogil:
if n == 2:
ids[0] = this.B(0)
ids[1] = this.S(0)
if n == 8:
ids[0] = this.B(0)
ids[1] = this.B(1)
@ -271,7 +293,14 @@ cdef cppclass StateC:
sig[8] = this.B_(0)[0]
sig[9] = this.E_(0)[0]
sig[10] = this.E_(1)[0]
return hash64(sig, sizeof(sig), this._s_i)
return hash64(sig, sizeof(sig), this._s_i) \
+ hash64(<void*>&this._hist, sizeof(RingBufferC), 1)
void push_hist(int act) nogil:
ring_push(&this._hist, act+1)
int get_hist(int i) nogil:
return ring_get(&this._hist, i)
void push() nogil:
if this.B(0) != -1:
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ from .._ml import zero_init, PrecomputableAffine, PrecomputableMaxouts
from .._ml import Tok2Vec, doc2feats, rebatch, fine_tune
from .._ml import Residual, drop_layer, flatten
from .._ml import link_vectors_to_models
from .._ml import HistoryFeatures
from ..compat import json_dumps
from . import _parse_features
@ -67,12 +68,10 @@ from ..gold cimport GoldParse
from ..attrs cimport ID, TAG, DEP, ORTH, NORM, PREFIX, SUFFIX, TAG
from . import _beam_utils
def get_templates(*args, **kwargs):
return []
DEBUG = False
def set_debug(val):
global DEBUG
@ -239,12 +238,17 @@ cdef class Parser:
Base class of the DependencyParser and EntityRecognizer.
def Model(cls, nr_class, token_vector_width=128, hidden_width=200, depth=1, **cfg):
depth = util.env_opt('parser_hidden_depth', depth)
token_vector_width = util.env_opt('token_vector_width', token_vector_width)
hidden_width = util.env_opt('hidden_width', hidden_width)
parser_maxout_pieces = util.env_opt('parser_maxout_pieces', 2)
embed_size = util.env_opt('embed_size', 7000)
def Model(cls, nr_class, **cfg):
depth = util.env_opt('parser_hidden_depth', cfg.get('hidden_depth', 2))
token_vector_width = util.env_opt('token_vector_width', cfg.get('token_vector_width', 128))
hidden_width = util.env_opt('hidden_width', cfg.get('hidden_width', 128))
parser_maxout_pieces = util.env_opt('parser_maxout_pieces', cfg.get('maxout_pieces', 1))
embed_size = util.env_opt('embed_size', cfg.get('embed_size', 7000))
hist_size = util.env_opt('history_feats', cfg.get('hist_size', 4))
hist_width = util.env_opt('history_width', cfg.get('hist_width', 16))
if hist_size >= 1 and depth == 0:
raise ValueError("Inconsistent hyper-params: "
"history_feats >= 1 but parser_hidden_depth==0")
tok2vec = Tok2Vec(token_vector_width, embed_size,
pretrained_dims=cfg.get('pretrained_dims', 0))
tok2vec = chain(tok2vec, flatten)
@ -262,22 +266,40 @@ cdef class Parser:
if depth == 0:
upper = chain()
upper.is_noop = True
elif hist_size and depth == 1:
upper = chain(
clone(Maxout(hidden_width), depth-1),
HistoryFeatures(nr_class=nr_class, hist_size=hist_size,
zero_init(Affine(nr_class, hidden_width+hist_size*hist_width,
upper.is_noop = False
elif hist_size:
upper = chain(
HistoryFeatures(nr_class=nr_class, hist_size=hist_size,
LayerNorm(Maxout(hidden_width, hidden_width+hist_size*hist_width)),
clone(LayerNorm(Maxout(hidden_width, hidden_width)), depth-2),
zero_init(Affine(nr_class, hidden_width, drop_factor=0.0))
upper.is_noop = False
upper = chain(
clone(LayerNorm(Maxout(hidden_width, hidden_width)), depth-1),
zero_init(Affine(nr_class, hidden_width, drop_factor=0.0))
upper.is_noop = False
# TODO: This is an unfortunate hack atm!
# Used to set input dimensions in network.
lower.begin_training(lower.ops.allocate((500, token_vector_width)))
upper.begin_training(upper.ops.allocate((500, hidden_width)))
cfg = {
'nr_class': nr_class,
'depth': depth,
'hidden_depth': depth,
'token_vector_width': token_vector_width,
'hidden_width': hidden_width,
'maxout_pieces': parser_maxout_pieces
'maxout_pieces': parser_maxout_pieces,
'hist_size': hist_size,
'hist_width': hist_width
return (tok2vec, lower, upper), cfg
@ -350,7 +372,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
return output
def pipe(self, docs, int batch_size=1000, int n_threads=2,
def pipe(self, docs, int batch_size=256, int n_threads=2,
beam_width=None, beam_density=None):
Process a stream of documents.
@ -427,12 +449,18 @@ cdef class Parser:
feat_weights, nr_class, nr_feat, nr_piece)
hists = []
for i in range(nr_step):
st = next_step[i]
st.set_context_tokens(&c_token_ids[i*nr_feat], nr_feat)
self.moves.set_valid(&c_is_valid[i*nr_class], st)
hists.append([st.get_hist(j+1) for j in range(8)])
hists = numpy.asarray(hists)
vectors = state2vec(token_ids[:next_step.size()])
scores = vec2scores(vectors)
if self.cfg.get('hist_size'):
scores = vec2scores((vectors, hists))
scores = vec2scores(vectors)
c_scores = <float*>scores.data
for i in range(nr_step):
st = next_step[i]
@ -440,6 +468,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
&c_scores[i*nr_class], &c_is_valid[i*nr_class], nr_class)
action = self.moves.c[guess]
action.do(st, action.label)
this_step, next_step = next_step, this_step
for st in this_step:
@ -478,7 +507,12 @@ cdef class Parser:
token_ids = self.get_token_ids(states)
vectors = state2vec(token_ids)
scores = vec2scores(vectors)
if self.cfg.get('hist_size', 0):
hists = numpy.asarray([st.history[:self.cfg['hist_size']]
for st in states], dtype='i')
scores = vec2scores((vectors, hists))
scores = vec2scores(vectors)
j = 0
c_scores = <float*>scores.data
for i in range(beam.size):
@ -497,8 +531,6 @@ cdef class Parser:
const float* feat_weights,
int nr_class, int nr_feat, int nr_piece) nogil:
'''This only works with no hidden layers -- fast but inaccurate'''
#for i in cython.parallel.prange(next_step.size(), num_threads=4, nogil=True):
# self._parse_step(next_step[i], feat_weights, nr_class, nr_feat)
token_ids = <int*>calloc(nr_feat, sizeof(int))
scores = <float*>calloc(nr_class * nr_piece, sizeof(float))
is_valid = <int*>calloc(nr_class, sizeof(int))
@ -510,6 +542,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
guess = arg_maxout_if_valid(scores, is_valid, nr_class, nr_piece)
action = self.moves.c[guess]
action.do(state, action.label)
@ -550,7 +583,11 @@ cdef class Parser:
if drop != 0:
mask = vec2scores.ops.get_dropout_mask(vector.shape, drop)
vector *= mask
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update(vector, drop=drop)
hists = numpy.asarray([st.history for st in states], dtype='i')
if self.cfg.get('hist_size', 0):
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update((vector, hists), drop=drop)
scores, bp_scores = vec2scores.begin_update(vector, drop=drop)
d_scores = self.get_batch_loss(states, golds, scores)
d_scores /= len(docs)
@ -569,7 +606,8 @@ cdef class Parser:
backprops.append((token_ids, d_vector, bp_vector))
self.transition_batch(states, scores)
todo = [st for st in todo if not st[0].is_final()]
todo = [(st, gold) for (st, gold) in todo
if not st.is_final()]
if losses is not None:
losses[self.name] += (d_scores**2).sum()
n_steps += 1
@ -602,7 +640,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
states_d_scores, backprops = _beam_utils.update_beam(self.moves, self.nr_feature, 500,
states, golds,
state2vec, vec2scores,
width, density,
width, density, self.cfg.get('hist_size', 0),
drop=drop, losses=losses)
backprop_lower = []
cdef float batch_size = len(docs)
@ -648,6 +686,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
while state.B(0) < start and not state.is_final():
action = self.moves.c[oracle_actions.pop(0)]
action.do(state.c, action.label)
n_moves += 1
has_gold = self.moves.has_gold(gold, start=start,
@ -711,6 +750,7 @@ cdef class Parser:
action = self.moves.c[guess]
action.do(state.c, action.label)
c_scores += scores.shape[1]
def get_batch_loss(self, states, golds, float[:, ::1] scores):
cdef StateClass state
@ -934,6 +974,7 @@ cdef int _transition_state(void* _dest, void* _src, class_t clas, void* _moves)
moves = <const Transition*>_moves
moves[clas].do(dest.c, moves[clas].label)
cdef int _check_final_state(void* _state, void* extra_args) except -1:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from libc.string cimport memcpy, memset
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
import numpy
from ..vocab cimport EMPTY_LEXEME
from ..structs cimport Entity
@ -38,6 +39,13 @@ cdef class StateClass:
def token_vector_lenth(self):
return self.doc.tensor.shape[1]
def history(self):
hist = numpy.ndarray((8,), dtype='i')
for i in range(8):
hist[i] = self.c.get_hist(i+1)
return hist
def is_final(self):
return self.c.is_final()
@ -54,27 +62,3 @@ cdef class StateClass:
n0 = words[self.B(0)]
n1 = words[self.B(1)]
return ' '.join((third, second, top, '|', n0, n1))
def nr_context_tokens(cls):
return 13
def set_context_tokens(self, int[::1] output):
output[0] = self.B(0)
output[1] = self.B(1)
output[2] = self.S(0)
output[3] = self.S(1)
output[4] = self.S(2)
output[5] = self.L(self.S(0), 1)
output[6] = self.L(self.S(0), 2)
output[6] = self.R(self.S(0), 1)
output[7] = self.L(self.B(0), 1)
output[8] = self.R(self.S(0), 2)
output[9] = self.L(self.S(1), 1)
output[10] = self.L(self.S(1), 2)
output[11] = self.R(self.S(1), 1)
output[12] = self.R(self.S(1), 2)
for i in range(13):
if output[i] != -1:
output[i] += self.c.offset
@ -314,6 +314,16 @@ p
+cell Size of the parser's and NER's hidden layers.
+cell #[code 128]
+cell #[code history_feats]
+cell Number of previous action ID features for parser and NER.
+cell #[code 128]
+cell #[code history_width]
+cell Number of embedding dimensions for each action ID.
+cell #[code 128]
+cell #[code learn_rate]
+cell Learning rate.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user