add parse_tree method to language, separate from __call__ for efficiency, but will use __call__ to get the doc

This commit is contained in:
kengz 2016-10-16 14:20:23 -04:00
parent 74a7a3fa16
commit f046e0d7c8
2 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -261,6 +261,62 @@ class Language(object):
return doc
def merge_ents(self, doc):
'''Helper: merge adjacent entities into single tokens; modifies the doc.'''
for ent in doc.ents:
ent.merge(ent.root.tag_, ent.text, ent.label_)
return doc
def format_POS(self, token, light=False, flat=False):
'''helper: form the POS output for a token'''
subtree = dict([
("word", token.text),
("lemma", token.lemma_), # trigger
("NE", token.ent_type_), # trigger
("POS_fine", token.tag_),
("POS_coarse", token.pos_),
("arc", token.dep_),
("modifiers", [])
if light:
if flat:
return subtree
def POS_tree_(self, root, light=False):
'''Helper: generate a POS tree for a root token.
The doc must have merge_ents(doc) ran on it.
subtree = self.format_POS(root, light=light)
for c in root.children:
return subtree
def parse_tree_(self, doc, light=False):
'''generate the POS tree for all sentences in a doc'''
self.merge_ents(doc) # merge the entities into single tokens first
return [self.POS_tree_(sent.root, light=light) for sent in doc.sents]
def parse_tree(self, text, tag=True, parse=True, entity=True, light=False):
"""Apply self.__call__ and use the resulting doc to construct a syntactic parse tree, similar to the one used in displaCy.
text (unicode): The text to be processed.
[parse_trees (OrderedDicts)]:
>>> from spacy.en import English
>>> nlp = English()
>>> trees = nlp.parse_tree('Bob brought Alice the pizza. Alice ate the pizza.')
[{'modifiers': [{'modifiers': [], 'NE': 'PERSON', 'word': 'Bob', 'arc': 'nsubj', 'POS_coarse': 'PROPN', 'POS_fine': 'NNP', 'lemma': 'Bob'}, {'modifiers': [], 'NE': 'PERSON', 'word': 'Alice', 'arc': 'dobj', 'POS_coarse': 'PROPN', 'POS_fine': 'NNP', 'lemma': 'Alice'}, {'modifiers': [{'modifiers': [], 'NE': '', 'word': 'the', 'arc': 'det', 'POS_coarse': 'DET', 'POS_fine': 'DT', 'lemma': 'the'}], 'NE': '', 'word': 'pizza', 'arc': 'dobj', 'POS_coarse': 'NOUN', 'POS_fine': 'NN', 'lemma': 'pizza'}, {'modifiers': [], 'NE': '', 'word': '.', 'arc': 'punct', 'POS_coarse': 'PUNCT', 'POS_fine': '.', 'lemma': '.'}], 'NE': '', 'word': 'brought', 'arc': 'ROOT', 'POS_coarse': 'VERB', 'POS_fine': 'VBD', 'lemma': 'bring'}, {'modifiers': [{'modifiers': [], 'NE': 'PERSON', 'word': 'Alice', 'arc': 'nsubj', 'POS_coarse': 'PROPN', 'POS_fine': 'NNP', 'lemma': 'Alice'}, {'modifiers': [{'modifiers': [], 'NE': '', 'word': 'the', 'arc': 'det', 'POS_coarse': 'DET', 'POS_fine': 'DT', 'lemma': 'the'}], 'NE': '', 'word': 'pizza', 'arc': 'dobj', 'POS_coarse': 'NOUN', 'POS_fine': 'NN', 'lemma': 'pizza'}, {'modifiers': [], 'NE': '', 'word': '.', 'arc': 'punct', 'POS_coarse': 'PUNCT', 'POS_fine': '.', 'lemma': '.'}], 'NE': '', 'word': 'ate', 'arc': 'ROOT', 'POS_coarse': 'VERB', 'POS_fine': 'VBD', 'lemma': 'eat'}]
doc = self.__call__(text, tag=tag, parse=parse, entity=entity)
return self.parse_tree_(doc, light=light)
def pipe(self, texts, tag=True, parse=True, entity=True, n_threads=2,
skip = {self.tagger: not tag, self.parser: not parse, self.entity: not entity}

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@ -206,3 +206,10 @@ def test_right_edge(EN):
def test_has_vector(EN):
doc = EN(u'''apple orange pear''')
assert doc.has_vector
def test_parse_tree(EN):
trees = EN.parse_tree(u'''Bob brought Alice the pizza.''')
assert len(trees) > 0
tree = trees[0]
assert all(k in list(tree.keys()) for k in ['word', 'lemma', 'NE', 'POS_fine', 'POS_coarse', 'arc', 'modifiers'])