Update tagger training example

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ines 2017-10-26 16:19:02 +02:00
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@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
"""A quick example for training a part-of-speech tagger, without worrying
about the tokenization, or other language-specific customizations."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
A simple example for training a part-of-speech tagger with a custom tag map.
To allow us to update the tag map with our custom one, this example starts off
with a blank Language class and modifies its defaults.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import plac
import random
from pathlib import Path
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from spacy.tagger import Tagger
import spacy
from spacy.util import get_lang_class
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
import random
# You need to define a mapping from your data's part-of-speech tag names to the
# Universal Part-of-Speech tag set, as spaCy includes an enum of these tags.
@ -28,54 +31,67 @@ TAG_MAP = {
# Usually you'll read this in, of course. Data formats vary.
# Ensure your strings are unicode.
DATA = [
["I", "like", "green", "eggs"],
["N", "V", "J", "N"]
["Eat", "blue", "ham"],
["V", "J", "N"]
(["I", "like", "green", "eggs"], ["N", "V", "J", "N"]),
(["Eat", "blue", "ham"], ["V", "J", "N"])
def ensure_dir(path):
if not path.exists():
lang=("ISO Code of language to use", "option", "l", str),
output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int))
def main(lang='en', output_dir=None, n_iter=25):
"""Create a new model, set up the pipeline and train the tagger. In order to
train the tagger with a custom tag map, we're creating a new Language
instance with a custom vocab.
lang_cls = get_lang_class(lang) # get Language class
lang_cls.Defaults.tag_map.update(TAG_MAP) # add tag map to defaults
nlp = lang_cls() # initialise Language class
# add the parser to the pipeline
# nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
tagger = nlp.create_pipe('tagger')
def main(output_dir=None):
optimizer = nlp.begin_training(lambda: [])
for i in range(n_iter):
losses = {}
for words, tags in TRAIN_DATA:
doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=words)
gold = GoldParse(doc, tags=tags)
nlp.update([doc], [gold], sgd=optimizer, losses=losses)
# test the trained model
test_text = "I like blue eggs"
doc = nlp(test_text)
print('Tags', [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])
# save model to output directory
if output_dir is not None:
output_dir = Path(output_dir)
ensure_dir(output_dir / "pos")
ensure_dir(output_dir / "vocab")
if not output_dir.exists():
print("Saved model to", output_dir)
vocab = Vocab(tag_map=TAG_MAP)
# The default_templates argument is where features are specified. See
# spacy/tagger.pyx for the defaults.
tagger = Tagger(vocab)
for i in range(25):
for words, tags in DATA:
doc = Doc(vocab, words=words)
gold = GoldParse(doc, tags=tags)
tagger.update(doc, gold)
doc = Doc(vocab, orths_and_spaces=zip(["I", "like", "blue", "eggs"], [True] * 4))
for word in doc:
print(word.text, word.tag_, word.pos_)
if output_dir is not None:
tagger.model.dump(str(output_dir / 'pos' / 'model'))
with (output_dir / 'vocab' / 'strings.json').open('w') as file_:
# test the save model
print("Loading from", output_dir)
nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir)
doc = nlp2(test_text)
print('Tags', [(t.text, t.tag_, t.pos_) for t in doc])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# like V VERB
# blue N NOUN
# eggs N NOUN
# Expected output:
# [
# ('I', 'N', 'NOUN'),
# ('like', 'V', 'VERB'),
# ('blue', 'J', 'ADJ'),
# ('eggs', 'N', 'NOUN')
# ]