mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
Refactor the pipeline classes to make them more consistent, and remove the redundant blank() constructor.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import json
import pathlib
import random
import spacy
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRecognizer
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
def train_ner(nlp, train_data, entity_types):
ner = EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab, entity_types=entity_types)
for itn in range(5):
for raw_text, entity_offsets in train_data:
doc = nlp.make_doc(raw_text)
gold = GoldParse(doc, entities=entity_offsets)
ner.update(doc, gold)
return ner
def main(model_dir=None):
if model_dir is not None:
model_dir = pathlb.Path(model_dir)
if not model_dir.exists():
assert model_dir.isdir()
nlp = spacy.load('en', parser=False, entity=False, vectors=False)
train_data = [
'Who is Shaka Khan?',
[(len('Who is '), len('Who is Shaka Khan'), 'PERSON')]
'I like London and Berlin.',
[(len('I like '), len('I like London'), 'LOC'),
(len('I like London and '), len('I like London and Berlin'), 'LOC')]
ner = train_ner(nlp, train_data, ['PERSON', 'LOC'])
doc = nlp.make_doc('Who is Shaka Khan?')
for word in doc:
print(word.text, word.tag_, word.ent_type_, word.ent_iob)
if model_dir is not None:
with (model_dir / 'config.json').open('wb') as file_:
json.dump(ner.cfg, file_)
ner.model.dump(str(model_dir / 'model'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Who "" 2
# is "" 2
# Shaka "" PERSON 3
# Khan "" PERSON 1
# ? "" 2
@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ from spacy.tokens import Doc
def train_parser(nlp, train_data, left_labels, right_labels):
parser = DependencyParser.blank(
parser = DependencyParser(
for itn in range(1000):
loss = 0
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def main(output_dir=None):
vocab = Vocab(tag_map=TAG_MAP)
# The default_templates argument is where features are specified. See
# spacy/tagger.pyx for the defaults.
tagger = Tagger.blank(vocab, Tagger.default_templates())
tagger = Tagger(vocab)
for i in range(5):
for words, tags in DATA:
doc = Doc(vocab, words=words)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def blank(name, vocab=None, tokenizer=None, parser=None, tagger=None, entity=Non
target_name, target_version = util.split_data_name(name)
cls = get_lang_class(target_name)
return cls(
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ except NameError:
from .tokenizer import Tokenizer
from .vocab import Vocab
from .syntax.parser import Parser
from .tagger import Tagger
from .matcher import Matcher
from . import attrs
@ -95,7 +94,9 @@ class BaseDefaults(object):
if self.path:
return Tagger.load(self.path / 'pos', vocab)
return Tagger.blank(vocab, Tagger.default_templates())
if 'features' not in cfg:
cfg['features'] = self.parser_features
return Tagger(vocab, **cfg)
def Parser(self, vocab, **cfg):
if self.path and (self.path / 'deps').exists():
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ class BaseDefaults(object):
if 'features' not in cfg:
cfg['features'] = self.parser_features
return DependencyParser.blank(vocab, **cfg)
return DependencyParser(vocab, **cfg)
def Entity(self, vocab, **cfg):
if self.path and (self.path / 'ner').exists():
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class BaseDefaults(object):
if 'features' not in cfg:
cfg['features'] = self.entity_features
return EntityRecognizer.blank(vocab, **cfg)
return EntityRecognizer(vocab, **cfg)
def Matcher(self, vocab, **cfg):
if self.path:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from .syntax.parser cimport Parser
from .syntax.ner cimport BiluoPushDown
from .syntax.arc_eager cimport ArcEager
from .tagger cimport Tagger
cdef class EntityRecognizer(Parser):
@ -2,41 +2,23 @@ from .syntax.parser cimport Parser
from .syntax.ner cimport BiluoPushDown
from .syntax.arc_eager cimport ArcEager
from .vocab cimport Vocab
from .tagger cimport Tagger
from .tagger import Tagger
# TODO: The disorganization here is pretty embarrassing. At least it's only
# internals.
from .syntax.parser import get_templates as get_feature_templates
cdef class EntityRecognizer(Parser):
def load(cls, path, Vocab vocab):
return Parser.load(path, vocab, BiluoPushDown)
def blank(cls, Vocab vocab, **cfg):
if 'actions' not in cfg:
cfg['actions'] = {0: {'': True}, 5: {'': True}}
entity_types = cfg.get('entity_types', [''])
for action_type in (1, 2, 3, 4):
cfg['actions'][action_type] = {ent_type: True for ent_type in entity_types}
return Parser.blank(vocab, BiluoPushDown, **cfg)
TransitionSystem = BiluoPushDown
feature_templates = get_feature_templates('ner')
cdef class DependencyParser(Parser):
def load(cls, path, Vocab vocab):
return Parser.load(path, vocab, ArcEager)
def blank(cls, Vocab vocab, **cfg):
if 'actions' not in cfg:
cfg['actions'] = {0: {'': True}, 1: {'': True}, 2: {}, 3: {},
4: {'ROOT': True}}
for label in cfg.get('left_labels', []):
cfg['actions'][2][label] = True
for label in cfg.get('right_labels', []):
cfg['actions'][3][label] = True
for label in cfg.get('break_labels', []):
cfg['actions'][4][label] = True
return Parser.blank(vocab, ArcEager, **cfg)
TransitionSystem = ArcEager
feature_templates = get_feature_templates('basic')
__all__ = [Tagger, DependencyParser, EntityRecognizer]
@ -279,20 +279,36 @@ cdef int _get_root(int word, const GoldParseC* gold) nogil:
cdef class ArcEager(TransitionSystem):
def get_labels(cls, gold_parses):
move_labels = {SHIFT: {'': True}, REDUCE: {'': True}, RIGHT: {},
LEFT: {}, BREAK: {'ROOT': True}}
for raw_text, sents in gold_parses:
def get_actions(cls, **kwargs):
actions = kwargs.get('actions',
SHIFT: {'': True},
REDUCE: {'': True},
RIGHT: {},
LEFT: {},
BREAK: {'ROOT': True}})
for label in kwargs.get('labels', []):
if label.upper() != 'ROOT':
actions[LEFT][label] = True
actions[RIGHT][label] = True
for label in kwargs.get('left_labels', []):
if label.upper() != 'ROOT':
actions[LEFT][label] = True
for label in kwargs.get('right_labels', []):
if label.upper() != 'ROOT':
actions[RIGHT][label] = True
for raw_text, sents in kwargs.get('gold_parses', []):
for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, iob), ctnts in sents:
for child, head, label in zip(ids, heads, labels):
if label.upper() == 'ROOT':
label = 'ROOT'
if label != 'ROOT':
if head < child:
move_labels[RIGHT][label] = True
actions[RIGHT][label] = True
elif head > child:
move_labels[LEFT][label] = True
return move_labels
actions[LEFT][label] = True
return actions
property action_types:
def __get__(self):
@ -51,11 +51,21 @@ cdef bint _entity_is_sunk(StateClass st, Transition* golds) nogil:
cdef class BiluoPushDown(TransitionSystem):
def get_labels(cls, gold_tuples):
move_labels = {MISSING: {'': True}, BEGIN: {}, IN: {}, LAST: {}, UNIT: {},
OUT: {'': True}}
def get_actions(cls, **kwargs):
actions = kwargs.get('actions',
MISSING: {'': True},
BEGIN: {},
IN: {},
LAST: {},
UNIT: {},
OUT: {'': True}
for entity_type in kwargs.get('entity_types', []):
for action in (BEGIN, IN, LAST, UNIT):
actions[action][entity_type] = True
moves = ('M', 'B', 'I', 'L', 'U')
for raw_text, sents in gold_tuples:
for raw_text, sents in kwargs.get('gold_tuples', []):
for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, biluo), _ in sents:
for i, ner_tag in enumerate(biluo):
if ner_tag != 'O' and ner_tag != '-':
@ -63,8 +73,8 @@ cdef class BiluoPushDown(TransitionSystem):
raise ValueError(ner_tag)
_, label = ner_tag.split('-')
for move_str in ('B', 'I', 'L', 'U'):
move_labels[moves.index(move_str)][label] = True
return move_labels
actions[moves.index(move_str)][label] = True
return actions
property action_types:
def __get__(self):
@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ def get_templates(name):
pf.tree_shape + pf.trigrams)
def ParserFactory(transition_system):
return lambda strings, dir_: Parser(strings, dir_, transition_system)
cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const StateC* state) nogil:
fill_context(eg.atoms, state)
@ -79,28 +75,26 @@ cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef class Parser:
def load(cls, path, Vocab vocab, moves_class):
def load(cls, path, Vocab vocab, TransitionSystem=None, require=False):
with (path / 'config.json').open() as file_:
cfg = json.load(file_)
self = cls(vocab, TransitionSystem=TransitionSystem, model=None, **cfg)
if (path / 'model').exists():
self.model.load(str(path / 'model'))
elif require:
raise IOError(
"Required file %s/model not found when loading" % str(path))
return self
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, TransitionSystem=None, ParserModel model=None, **cfg):
if TransitionSystem is None:
TransitionSystem = self.TransitionSystem
actions = TransitionSystem.get_actions(**cfg)
self.moves = TransitionSystem(vocab.strings, actions)
# TODO: Remove this when we no longer need to support old-style models
if isinstance(cfg.get('features'), basestring):
cfg['features'] = get_templates(cfg['features'])
moves = moves_class(vocab.strings, cfg['actions'])
model = ParserModel(cfg['features'])
if (path / 'model').exists():
model.load(str(path / 'model'))
return cls(vocab, moves, model, **cfg)
def blank(cls, Vocab vocab, moves_class, **cfg):
moves = moves_class(vocab.strings, cfg.get('actions', {}))
templates = cfg.get('features', tuple())
model = ParserModel(templates)
return cls(vocab, moves, model, **cfg)
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, transition_system, ParserModel model, **cfg):
self.moves = transition_system
self.model = model
self.model = ParserModel(cfg['features'])
self.cfg = cfg
def __reduce__(self):
@ -192,8 +186,8 @@ cdef class Parser:
return 0
def update(self, Doc tokens, GoldParse gold):
def update(self, Doc tokens, raw_gold):
cdef GoldParse gold = self.preprocess_gold(raw_gold)
cdef StateClass stcls = StateClass.init(tokens.c, tokens.length)
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
@ -230,6 +224,15 @@ cdef class Parser:
for action in self.moves.action_types:
self.moves.add_action(action, label)
def preprocess_gold(self, raw_gold):
cdef GoldParse gold
if isinstance(raw_gold, GoldParse):
gold = raw_gold
return gold
raise ValueError("Parser.preprocess_gold requires GoldParse-type input.")
cdef class StepwiseState:
cdef readonly StateClass stcls
@ -103,58 +103,30 @@ cdef inline void _fill_from_token(atom_t* context, const TokenC* t) nogil:
cdef class Tagger:
"""A part-of-speech tagger for English"""
def default_templates(cls):
return (
(P1_lemma, P1_pos),
(P2_lemma, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, W_orth),
def blank(cls, vocab, templates):
model = TaggerModel(templates)
return cls(vocab, model)
def load(cls, path, vocab):
def load(cls, path, vocab, require=False):
# TODO: Change this to expect config.json when we don't have to
# support old data.
path = path if not isinstance(path, basestring) else pathlib.Path(path)
if (path / 'templates.json').exists():
with (path / 'templates.json').open() as file_:
templates = json.load(file_)
elif require:
raise IOError(
"Required file %s/templates.json not found when loading Tagger" % str(path))
templates = cls.default_templates()
templates = cls.feature_templates
self = cls(vocab, model=None, feature_templates=templates)
model = TaggerModel(templates)
if (path / 'model').exists():
model.load(str(path / 'model'))
return cls(vocab, model)
self.model.load(str(path / 'model'))
elif require:
raise IOError(
"Required file %s/model not found when loading Tagger" % str(path))
return self
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, TaggerModel model, **cfg):
def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, TaggerModel model=None, **cfg):
if model is None:
model = TaggerModel(cfg.get('features', self.feature_templates))
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model
# TODO: Move this to tag map
@ -242,3 +214,35 @@ cdef class Tagger:
tokens.is_tagged = True
tokens._py_tokens = [None] * tokens.length
return correct
feature_templates = (
(P1_lemma, P1_pos),
(P2_lemma, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, W_orth),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user