mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 03:44:26 +03:00
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def _read_probs(loc):
return probs, probs['-OOV-']
def _read_freqs(loc, max_length=100, min_doc_freq=5, min_freq=200):
def _read_freqs(loc, max_length=100, min_doc_freq=0, min_freq=200):
if not loc.exists():
print("Warning: Frequencies file not found")
return {}, 0.0
@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ def _read_freqs(loc, max_length=100, min_doc_freq=5, min_freq=200):
doc_freq = int(doc_freq)
freq = int(freq)
if doc_freq >= min_doc_freq and freq >= min_freq and len(key) < max_length:
word = literal_eval(key)
# word = literal_eval(key)
word = key
smooth_count = counts.smoother(int(freq))
log_smooth_count = math.log(smooth_count)
probs[word] = math.log(smooth_count) - log_total
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ def setup_vocab(get_lex_attr, tag_map, src_dir, dst_dir):
clusters = _read_clusters(src_dir / 'clusters.txt')
probs, oov_prob = _read_probs(src_dir / 'words.sgt.prob')
if not probs:
probs, oov_prob = _read_freqs(src_dir / 'freqs.txt.gz')
probs, oov_prob = _read_freqs(src_dir / 'freqs.txt')
if not probs:
oov_prob = -20
@ -223,9 +224,8 @@ def main(lang_id, lang_data_dir, corpora_dir, model_dir):
copyfile(str(lang_data_dir / 'gazetteer.json'),
str(model_dir / 'vocab' / 'gazetteer.json'))
if (lang_data_dir / 'tag_map.json').exists():
copyfile(str(lang_data_dir / 'tag_map.json'),
str(model_dir / 'vocab' / 'tag_map.json'))
copyfile(str(lang_data_dir / 'tag_map.json'),
str(model_dir / 'vocab' / 'tag_map.json'))
if (lang_data_dir / 'lemma_rules.json').exists():
copyfile(str(lang_data_dir / 'lemma_rules.json'),
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import re
import spacy.util
from spacy.en import English
from spacy.de import German
from spacy.syntax.util import Config
from spacy.gold import read_json_file
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ from spacy.syntax.arc_eager import ArcEager
from spacy.syntax.ner import BiluoPushDown
from spacy.tagger import Tagger
from spacy.syntax.parser import Parser
from spacy.syntax.nonproj import PseudoProjectivity
def _corrupt(c, noise_level):
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ def _merge_sents(sents):
def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic',
seed=0, gold_preproc=False, n_sents=0, corruption_level=0,
beam_width=1, verbose=False,
use_orig_arc_eager=False, pseudoprojective=False):
dep_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'deps')
ner_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'ner')
pos_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'pos')
@ -96,9 +98,13 @@ def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic',
if pseudoprojective:
# preprocess training data here before ArcEager.get_labels() is called
gold_tuples = PseudoProjectivity.preprocess_training_data(gold_tuples)
Config.write(dep_model_dir, 'config', features=feat_set, seed=seed,
Config.write(ner_model_dir, 'config', features='ner', seed=seed,
@ -107,6 +113,8 @@ def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic',
gold_tuples = gold_tuples[:n_sents]
nlp = Language(data_dir=model_dir, tagger=False, parser=False, entity=False)
if nlp.lang == 'de':
nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer = lambda string,pos: set([string])
nlp.tagger = Tagger.blank(nlp.vocab, Tagger.default_templates())
nlp.parser = Parser.from_dir(dep_model_dir, nlp.vocab.strings, ArcEager)
nlp.entity = Parser.from_dir(ner_model_dir, nlp.vocab.strings, BiluoPushDown)
@ -131,12 +139,9 @@ def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic',
raw_text = add_noise(raw_text, corruption_level)
tokens = nlp.tokenizer(raw_text)
gold = GoldParse(tokens, annot_tuples, make_projective=True)
gold = GoldParse(tokens, annot_tuples)
if not gold.is_projective:
raise Exception(
"Non-projective sentence in training, after we should "
"have enforced projectivity: %s" % annot_tuples
raise Exception("Non-projective sentence in training: %s" % annot_tuples)
loss += nlp.parser.train(tokens, gold)
nlp.entity.train(tokens, gold)
nlp.tagger.train(tokens, gold.tags)
@ -152,6 +157,8 @@ def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic',
def evaluate(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, gold_preproc=False, verbose=False,
beam_width=None, cand_preproc=None):
nlp = Language(data_dir=model_dir)
if nlp.lang == 'de':
nlp.vocab.morphology.lemmatizer = lambda string,pos: set([string])
if beam_width is not None:
nlp.parser.cfg.beam_width = beam_width
scorer = Scorer()
@ -200,6 +207,7 @@ def write_parses(Language, dev_loc, model_dir, out_loc):
language=("The language to train", "positional", None, str, ['en','de']),
train_loc=("Location of training file or directory"),
dev_loc=("Location of development file or directory"),
model_dir=("Location of output model directory",),
@ -211,19 +219,22 @@ def write_parses(Language, dev_loc, model_dir, out_loc):
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "i", int),
verbose=("Verbose error reporting", "flag", "v", bool),
debug=("Debug mode", "flag", "d", bool),
pseudoprojective=("Use pseudo-projective parsing", "flag", "p", bool),
def main(train_loc, dev_loc, model_dir, n_sents=0, n_iter=15, out_loc="", verbose=False,
debug=False, corruption_level=0.0, gold_preproc=False, eval_only=False):
def main(language, train_loc, dev_loc, model_dir, n_sents=0, n_iter=15, out_loc="", verbose=False,
debug=False, corruption_level=0.0, gold_preproc=False, eval_only=False, pseudoprojective=False):
lang = {'en':English, 'de':German}.get(language)
if not eval_only:
gold_train = list(read_json_file(train_loc))
train(English, gold_train, model_dir,
train(lang, gold_train, model_dir,
feat_set='basic' if not debug else 'debug',
gold_preproc=gold_preproc, n_sents=n_sents,
corruption_level=corruption_level, n_iter=n_iter,
if out_loc:
write_parses(English, dev_loc, model_dir, out_loc)
scorer = evaluate(English, list(read_json_file(dev_loc)),
write_parses(lang, dev_loc, model_dir, out_loc)
scorer = evaluate(lang, list(read_json_file(dev_loc)),
model_dir, gold_preproc=gold_preproc, verbose=verbose)
print('TOK', scorer.token_acc)
print('POS', scorer.tags_acc)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from os import path
import shutil
import io
import random
import time
import gzip
import ujson
import plac
import cProfile
import pstats
import spacy.util
from spacy.de import German
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
from spacy.tagger import Tagger
from spacy.scorer import PRFScore
from spacy.tagger import P2_orth, P2_cluster, P2_shape, P2_prefix, P2_suffix, P2_pos, P2_lemma, P2_flags
from spacy.tagger import P1_orth, P1_cluster, P1_shape, P1_prefix, P1_suffix, P1_pos, P1_lemma, P1_flags
from spacy.tagger import W_orth, W_cluster, W_shape, W_prefix, W_suffix, W_pos, W_lemma, W_flags
from spacy.tagger import N1_orth, N1_cluster, N1_shape, N1_prefix, N1_suffix, N1_pos, N1_lemma, N1_flags
from spacy.tagger import N2_orth, N2_cluster, N2_shape, N2_prefix, N2_suffix, N2_pos, N2_lemma, N2_flags, N_CONTEXT_FIELDS
def default_templates():
return spacy.tagger.Tagger.default_templates()
def default_templates_without_clusters():
return (
(P1_lemma, P1_pos),
(P2_lemma, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, P2_pos),
(P1_pos, W_orth),
def make_tagger(vocab, templates):
model = spacy.tagger.TaggerModel(templates)
return spacy.tagger.Tagger(vocab,model)
def read_conll(file_):
def sentences():
words, tags = [], []
for line in file_:
line = line.strip()
if line:
word, tag = line.split('\t')[1::3][:2] # get column 1 and 4 (CoNLL09)
elif words:
yield words, tags
words, tags = [], []
if words:
yield words, tags
return [ s for s in sentences() ]
def score_model(score, nlp, words, gold_tags):
tokens = nlp.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(words)
assert(len(tokens) == len(gold_tags))
for token, gold_tag in zip(tokens,gold_tags):
def train(Language, train_sents, dev_sents, model_dir, n_iter=15, seed=21):
# make shuffling deterministic
# set up directory for model
pos_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'pos')
if path.exists(pos_model_dir):
nlp = Language(data_dir=model_dir, tagger=False, parser=False, entity=False)
nlp.tagger = make_tagger(nlp.vocab,default_templates())
print("Itn.\ttrain acc %\tdev acc %")
for itn in range(n_iter):
# train on train set
#train_acc = PRFScore()
correct, total = 0., 0.
for words, gold_tags in train_sents:
tokens = nlp.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(words)
correct += nlp.tagger.train(tokens, gold_tags)
total += len(words)
train_acc = correct/total
# test on dev set
dev_acc = PRFScore()
for words, gold_tags in dev_sents:
score_model(dev_acc, nlp, words, gold_tags)
print('%d:\t%6.2f\t%6.2f' % (itn, 100*train_acc, 100*dev_acc.precision))
print('end training')
train_loc=("Location of CoNLL 09 formatted training file"),
dev_loc=("Location of CoNLL 09 formatted development file"),
model_dir=("Location of output model directory"),
eval_only=("Skip training, and only evaluate", "flag", "e", bool),
n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "i", int),
def main(train_loc, dev_loc, model_dir, eval_only=False, n_iter=15):
# training
if not eval_only:
with io.open(train_loc, 'r', encoding='utf8') as trainfile_, \
io.open(dev_loc, 'r', encoding='utf8') as devfile_:
train_sents = read_conll(trainfile_)
dev_sents = read_conll(devfile_)
train(German, train_sents, dev_sents, model_dir, n_iter=n_iter)
# testing
with io.open(dev_loc, 'r', encoding='utf8') as file_:
dev_sents = read_conll(file_)
nlp = German(data_dir=model_dir)
dev_acc = PRFScore()
for words, gold_tags in dev_sents:
score_model(dev_acc, nlp, words, gold_tags)
print('POS: %6.2f %%' % (100*dev_acc.precision))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
# surface form lemma pos
# multiple values are separated by |
# empty lines and lines starting with # are being ignored
'' ''
\") \")
\n \n <nl> SP
\t \t <tab> SP
<space> SP
# example: Wie geht's?
's 's es
'S 'S es
# example: Haste mal 'nen Euro?
'n 'n ein
'ne 'ne eine
'nen 'nen einen
# example: Kommen S’ nur herein!
s' s' sie
S' S' sie
# example: Da haben wir's!
ich's ich|'s ich|es
du's du|'s du|es
er's er|'s er|es
sie's sie|'s sie|es
wir's wir|'s wir|es
ihr's ihr|'s ihr|es
# example: Die katze auf'm dach.
auf'm auf|'m auf|dem
unter'm unter|'m unter|dem
über'm über|'m über|dem
vor'm vor|'m vor|dem
hinter'm hinter|'m hinter|dem
# persons
B.A. B.A.
B.Sc. B.Sc.
Dipl. Dipl.
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing.
Dr. Dr.
Fr. Fr.
Frl. Frl.
Hr. Hr.
Hrn. Hrn.
Frl. Frl.
Prof. Prof.
St. St.
Hrgs. Hrgs.
Hg. Hg.
a.Z. a.Z.
a.D. a.D.
h.c. h.c.
Jr. Jr.
jr. jr.
jun. jun.
sen. sen.
rer. rer.
Ing. Ing.
M.A. M.A.
Mr. Mr.
M.Sc. M.Sc.
nat. nat.
phil. phil.
# companies
Co. Co.
co. co.
Cie. Cie.
A.G. A.G.
G.m.b.H. G.m.b.H.
i.G. i.G.
e.V. e.V.
# popular german abbreviations
Abb. Abb.
Abk. Abk.
Abs. Abs.
Abt. Abt.
abzgl. abzgl.
allg. allg.
a.M. a.M.
Bd. Bd.
betr. betr.
Betr. Betr.
Biol. Biol.
biol. biol.
Bf. Bf.
Bhf. Bhf.
Bsp. Bsp.
bspw. bspw.
bzgl. bzgl.
bzw. bzw.
d.h. d.h.
dgl. dgl.
ebd. ebd.
ehem. ehem.
eigtl. eigtl.
entspr. entspr.
erm. erm.
ev. ev.
evtl. evtl.
Fa. Fa.
Fam. Fam.
geb. geb.
Gebr. Gebr.
gem. gem.
ggf. ggf.
ggü. ggü.
ggfs. ggfs.
gegr. gegr.
Hbf. Hbf.
Hrsg. Hrsg.
hrsg. hrsg.
i.A. i.A.
i.d.R. i.d.R.
inkl. inkl.
insb. insb.
i.O. i.O.
i.Tr. i.Tr.
i.V. i.V.
jur. jur.
kath. kath.
K.O. K.O.
lt. lt.
max. max.
m.E. m.E.
m.M. m.M.
mtl. mtl.
min. min.
mind. mind.
MwSt. MwSt.
Nr. Nr.
o.a. o.a.
o.ä. o.ä.
o.Ä. o.Ä.
o.g. o.g.
o.k. o.k.
O.K. O.K.
Orig. Orig.
orig. orig.
pers. pers.
Pkt. Pkt.
Red. Red.
röm. röm.
s.o. s.o.
sog. sog.
std. std.
stellv. stellv.
Str. Str.
tägl. tägl.
Tel. Tel.
u.a. u.a.
usf. usf.
u.s.w. u.s.w.
usw. usw.
u.U. u.U.
u.v.m. u.v.m.
uvm. uvm.
v.a. v.a.
vgl. vgl.
vllt. vllt.
v.l.n.r. v.l.n.r.
vlt. vlt.
Vol. Vol.
wiss. wiss.
Univ. Univ.
z.B. z.B.
z.b. z.b.
z.Bsp. z.Bsp.
z.T. z.T.
z.Z. z.Z.
zzgl. zzgl.
z.Zt. z.Zt.
# popular latin abbreviations
vs. vs.
adv. adv.
Chr. Chr.
A.C. A.C.
A.D. A.D.
e.g. e.g.
i.e. i.e.
al. al.
p.a. p.a.
P.S. P.S.
q.e.d. q.e.d.
R.I.P. R.I.P.
etc. etc.
incl. incl.
ca. ca.
n.Chr. n.Chr.
p.s. p.s.
v.Chr. v.Chr.
# popular english abbreviations
D.C. D.C.
N.Y. N.Y.
N.Y.C. N.Y.C.
U.S. U.S.
U.S.A. U.S.A.
L.A. L.A.
U.S.S. U.S.S.
# dates & time
Jan. Jan.
Feb. Feb.
Mrz. Mrz.
Mär. Mär.
Apr. Apr.
Jun. Jun.
Jul. Jul.
Aug. Aug.
Sep. Sep.
Sept. Sept.
Okt. Okt.
Nov. Nov.
Dez. Dez.
Mo. Mo.
Di. Di.
Mi. Mi.
Do. Do.
Fr. Fr.
Sa. Sa.
So. So.
Std. Std.
Jh. Jh.
Jhd. Jhd.
# numbers
Tsd. Tsd.
Mio. Mio.
Mrd. Mrd.
# countries & languages
engl. engl.
frz. frz.
lat. lat.
österr. österr.
# smileys
:) :)
<3 <3
;) ;)
(: (:
:( :(
-_- -_-
=) =)
:/ :/
:> :>
;-) ;-)
:Y :Y
:P :P
:-P :-P
:3 :3
=3 =3
xD xD
^_^ ^_^
=] =]
=D =D
<333 <333
:)) :))
:0 :0
-__- -__-
o_o o_o
o_O o_O
=[[ =[[
<33 <33
;p ;p
;D ;D
;-p ;-p
;( ;(
:p :p
:] :]
:O :O
:-/ :-/
:-) :-)
:((( :(((
:(( :((
:') :')
(^_^) (^_^)
(= (=
o.O o.O
# single letters
a. a.
b. b.
c. c.
d. d.
e. e.
f. f.
g. g.
h. h.
i. i.
j. j.
k. k.
l. l.
m. m.
n. n.
o. o.
p. p.
q. q.
r. r.
s. s.
t. t.
u. u.
v. v.
w. w.
x. x.
y. y.
z. z.
ä. ä.
ö. ö.
ü. ü.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
"Reddit": [
[{"lower": "reddit"}]
"SeptemberElevenAttacks": [
{"orth": "9/11"}
{"lower": "september"},
{"orth": "11"}
"Linux": [
[{"lower": "linux"}]
"Haskell": [
[{"lower": "haskell"}]
"HaskellCurry": [
{"lower": "haskell"},
{"lower": "curry"}
"Javascript": [
[{"lower": "javascript"}]
"CSS": [
[{"lower": "css"}],
[{"lower": "css3"}]
"displaCy": [
[{"lower": "displacy"}]
"spaCy": [
[{"orth": "spaCy"}]
"HTML": [
[{"lower": "html"}],
[{"lower": "html5"}]
"Python": [
[{"orth": "Python"}]
"Ruby": [
[{"orth": "Ruby"}]
"Digg": [
[{"lower": "digg"}]
"FoxNews": [
[{"orth": "Fox"}],
[{"orth": "News"}]
"Google": [
[{"lower": "google"}]
"Mac": [
[{"lower": "mac"}]
"Wikipedia": [
[{"lower": "wikipedia"}]
"Windows": [
[{"orth": "Windows"}]
"Dell": [
[{"lower": "dell"}]
"Facebook": [
[{"lower": "facebook"}]
"Blizzard": [
[{"orth": "Blizzard"}]
"Ubuntu": [
[{"orth": "Ubuntu"}]
"Youtube": [
[{"lower": "youtube"}]
"false_positives": [
[{"orth": "Shit"}],
[{"orth": "Weed"}],
[{"orth": "Cool"}],
[{"orth": "Btw"}],
[{"orth": "Bah"}],
[{"orth": "Bullshit"}],
[{"orth": "Lol"}],
[{"orth": "Yo"}, {"lower": "dawg"}],
[{"orth": "Yay"}],
[{"orth": "Ahh"}],
[{"orth": "Yea"}],
[{"orth": "Bah"}]
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# coding=utf8
import json
import io
import itertools
contractions = {}
@ -262,14 +264,30 @@ def get_token_properties(token, capitalize=False, remove_contractions=False):
props["F"] = token
return props
def create_entry(token, endings, capitalize=False, remove_contractions=False):
properties = []
properties.append(get_token_properties(token, capitalize=capitalize, remove_contractions=remove_contractions))
for e in endings:
properties.append(get_token_properties(e, remove_contractions=remove_contractions))
return properties
FIELDNAMES = ['F','L','pos']
def read_hardcoded(stream):
hc_specials = {}
for line in stream:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#') or not line:
key,_,rest = line.partition('\t')
values = []
for annotation in zip(*[ e.split('|') for e in rest.split('\t') ]):
values.append({ k:v for k,v in itertools.izip_longest(FIELDNAMES,annotation) if v })
hc_specials[key] = values
return hc_specials
def generate_specials():
specials = {}
@ -303,7 +321,10 @@ def generate_specials():
specials[special] = create_entry(token, endings, capitalize=True, remove_contractions=True)
# add in hardcoded specials
specials = dict(specials, **hardcoded_specials)
# changed it so it generates them from a file
with io.open('abbrev.de.tab','r',encoding='utf8') as abbrev_:
hc_specials = read_hardcoded(abbrev_)
specials = dict(specials, **hc_specials)
return specials
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@ -20,3 +21,7 @@ a-
@ -1,27 +1,4 @@
"\t": [
"F": "\t",
"pos": "SP"
"\n": [
"F": "\n",
"pos": "SP"
" ": [
"F": " ",
"pos": "SP"
"\")": [
"F": "\")"
"''": [
"F": "''"
@ -217,6 +194,11 @@
"F": "<333"
"<space>": [
"F": "SP"
"=)": [
"F": "=)"
@ -267,6 +249,16 @@
"F": "Abk."
"Abs.": [
"F": "Abs."
"Abt.": [
"F": "Abt."
"Apr.": [
"F": "Apr."
@ -277,6 +269,26 @@
"F": "Aug."
"B.A.": [
"F": "B.A."
"B.Sc.": [
"F": "B.Sc."
"Bd.": [
"F": "Bd."
"Betr.": [
"F": "Betr."
"Bf.": [
"F": "Bf."
@ -292,6 +304,11 @@
"F": "Biol."
"Bsp.": [
"F": "Bsp."
"Chr.": [
"F": "Chr."
@ -342,6 +359,16 @@
"F": "Dr."
"Fa.": [
"F": "Fa."
"Fam.": [
"F": "Fam."
"Feb.": [
"F": "Feb."
@ -387,6 +414,16 @@
"F": "Hrgs."
"Hrn.": [
"F": "Hrn."
"Hrsg.": [
"F": "Hrsg."
"Ing.": [
"F": "Ing."
@ -397,11 +434,21 @@
"F": "Jan."
"Jh.": [
"F": "Jh."
"Jhd.": [
"F": "Jhd."
"Jr.": [
"F": "Jr."
"Jul.": [
"F": "Jul."
@ -412,21 +459,61 @@
"F": "Jun."
"K.O.": [
"F": "K.O."
"L.A.": [
"F": "L.A."
"M.A.": [
"F": "M.A."
"M.Sc.": [
"F": "M.Sc."
"Mi.": [
"F": "Mi."
"Mio.": [
"F": "Mio."
"Mo.": [
"F": "Mo."
"Mr.": [
"F": "Mr."
"Mrd.": [
"F": "Mrd."
"Mrz.": [
"F": "Mrz."
"MwSt.": [
"F": "MwSt."
"M\u00e4r.": [
"F": "M\u00e4r."
@ -452,16 +539,31 @@
"F": "Nr."
"O.K.": [
"F": "O.K."
"Okt.": [
"F": "Okt."
"Orig.": [
"F": "Orig."
"P.S.": [
"F": "P.S."
"Pkt.": [
"F": "Pkt."
"Prof.": [
"F": "Prof."
@ -472,6 +574,11 @@
"F": "R.I.P."
"Red.": [
"F": "Red."
"S'": [
"F": "S'",
@ -503,6 +610,41 @@
"F": "St."
"Std.": [
"F": "Std."
"Str.": [
"F": "Str."
"Tel.": [
"F": "Tel."
"Tsd.": [
"F": "Tsd."
"U.S.": [
"F": "U.S."
"U.S.A.": [
"F": "U.S.A."
"U.S.S.": [
"F": "U.S.S."
"Univ.": [
"F": "Univ."
@ -513,6 +655,30 @@
"F": "V_V"
"Vol.": [
"F": "Vol."
"\\\")": [
"F": "\\\")"
"\\n": [
"F": "\\n",
"L": "<nl>",
"pos": "SP"
"\\t": [
"F": "\\t",
"L": "<tab>",
"pos": "SP"
"^_^": [
"F": "^_^"
@ -528,6 +694,11 @@
"F": "a.D."
"a.M.": [
"F": "a.M."
"a.Z.": [
"F": "a.Z."
@ -548,9 +719,15 @@
"F": "al."
"allg.": [
"F": "allg."
"auf'm": [
"F": "auf"
"F": "auf",
"L": "auf"
"F": "'m",
@ -572,11 +749,31 @@
"F": "biol."
"bspw.": [
"F": "bspw."
"bzgl.": [
"F": "bzgl."
"bzw.": [
"F": "bzw."
"c.": [
"F": "c."
"ca.": [
"F": "ca."
"co.": [
"F": "co."
@ -587,9 +784,20 @@
"F": "d."
"d.h.": [
"F": "d.h."
"dgl.": [
"F": "dgl."
"du's": [
"F": "du"
"F": "du",
"L": "du"
"F": "'s",
@ -611,19 +819,35 @@
"F": "e.g."
"ebd.": [
"F": "ebd."
"ehem.": [
"F": "ehem."
"eigtl.": [
"F": "eigtl."
"engl.": [
"F": "engl."
"entspr.": [
"F": "entspr."
"er's": [
"F": "er"
"F": "er",
"L": "er"
"F": "'s",
@ -640,11 +864,26 @@
"F": "etc."
"ev.": [
"F": "ev."
"evtl.": [
"F": "evtl."
"f.": [
"F": "f."
"frz.": [
"F": "frz."
"g.": [
"F": "g."
@ -660,6 +899,11 @@
"F": "gegr."
"gem.": [
"F": "gem."
"ggf.": [
"F": "ggf."
@ -687,23 +931,39 @@
"hinter'm": [
"F": "hinter"
"F": "hinter",
"L": "hinter"
"F": "'m",
"L": "dem"
"hrsg.": [
"F": "hrsg."
"i.": [
"F": "i."
"i.A.": [
"F": "i.A."
"i.G.": [
"F": "i.G."
"i.O.": [
"F": "i.O."
"i.Tr.": [
"F": "i.Tr."
@ -714,6 +974,11 @@
"F": "i.V."
"i.d.R.": [
"F": "i.d.R."
"i.e.": [
"F": "i.e."
@ -721,7 +986,8 @@
"ich's": [
"F": "ich"
"F": "ich",
"L": "ich"
"F": "'s",
@ -730,7 +996,8 @@
"ihr's": [
"F": "ihr"
"F": "ihr",
"L": "ihr"
"F": "'s",
@ -757,6 +1024,11 @@
"F": "j."
"jr.": [
"F": "jr."
"jun.": [
"F": "jun."
@ -772,11 +1044,21 @@
"F": "k."
"kath.": [
"F": "kath."
"l.": [
"F": "l."
"lat.": [
"F": "lat."
"lt.": [
"F": "lt."
@ -787,11 +1069,46 @@
"F": "m."
"m.E.": [
"F": "m.E."
"m.M.": [
"F": "m.M."
"max.": [
"F": "max."
"min.": [
"F": "min."
"mind.": [
"F": "mind."
"mtl.": [
"F": "mtl."
"n.": [
"F": "n."
"n.Chr.": [
"F": "n.Chr."
"nat.": [
"F": "nat."
@ -807,6 +1124,31 @@
"F": "o.O"
"o.a.": [
"F": "o.a."
"o.g.": [
"F": "o.g."
"o.k.": [
"F": "o.k."
"o.\u00c4.": [
"F": "o.\u00c4."
"o.\u00e4.": [
"F": "o.\u00e4."
"o_O": [
"F": "o_O"
@ -817,6 +1159,11 @@
"F": "o_o"
"orig.": [
"F": "orig."
"p.": [
"F": "p."
@ -827,6 +1174,21 @@
"F": "p.a."
"p.s.": [
"F": "p.s."
"pers.": [
"F": "pers."
"phil.": [
"F": "phil."
"q.": [
"F": "q."
@ -847,6 +1209,11 @@
"F": "rer."
"r\u00f6m.": [
"F": "r\u00f6m."
"s'": [
"F": "s'",
@ -858,6 +1225,11 @@
"F": "s."
"s.o.": [
"F": "s.o."
"sen.": [
"F": "sen."
@ -865,23 +1237,49 @@
"sie's": [
"F": "sie"
"F": "sie",
"L": "sie"
"F": "'s",
"L": "es"
"sog.": [
"F": "sog."
"std.": [
"F": "std."
"stellv.": [
"F": "stellv."
"t.": [
"F": "t."
"t\u00e4gl.": [
"F": "t\u00e4gl."
"u.": [
"F": "u."
"u.U.": [
"F": "u.U."
"u.a.": [
"F": "u.a."
@ -892,28 +1290,75 @@
"F": "u.s.w."
"u.v.m.": [
"F": "u.v.m."
"unter'm": [
"F": "unter"
"F": "unter",
"L": "unter"
"F": "'m",
"L": "dem"
"usf.": [
"F": "usf."
"usw.": [
"F": "usw."
"uvm.": [
"F": "uvm."
"v.": [
"F": "v."
"v.Chr.": [
"F": "v.Chr."
"v.a.": [
"F": "v.a."
"v.l.n.r.": [
"F": "v.l.n.r."
"vgl.": [
"F": "vgl."
"vllt.": [
"F": "vllt."
"vlt.": [
"F": "vlt."
"vor'm": [
"F": "vor"
"F": "vor",
"L": "vor"
"F": "'m",
@ -932,13 +1377,19 @@
"wir's": [
"F": "wir"
"F": "wir",
"L": "wir"
"F": "'s",
"L": "es"
"wiss.": [
"F": "wiss."
"x.": [
"F": "x."
@ -969,19 +1420,60 @@
"F": "z.B."
"z.Bsp.": [
"F": "z.Bsp."
"z.T.": [
"F": "z.T."
"z.Z.": [
"F": "z.Z."
"z.Zt.": [
"F": "z.Zt."
"z.b.": [
"F": "z.b."
"zzgl.": [
"F": "zzgl."
"\u00e4.": [
"F": "\u00e4."
"\u00f6.": [
"F": "\u00f6."
"\u00f6sterr.": [
"F": "\u00f6sterr."
"\u00fc.": [
"F": "\u00fc."
"\u00fcber'm": [
"F": "\u00fcber"
"F": "\u00fcber",
"L": "\u00fcber"
"F": "'m",
@ -13,14 +13,61 @@
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ MOD_NAMES = [
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ from ..language import Language
class German(Language):
lang = 'de'
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ try:
except ImportError:
import json
from .syntax import nonproj
def tags_to_entities(tags):
entities = []
@ -236,34 +238,14 @@ cdef class GoldParse:
self.heads[i] = self.gold_to_cand[annot_tuples[3][gold_i]]
self.labels[i] = annot_tuples[4][gold_i]
self.ner[i] = annot_tuples[5][gold_i]
# If we have any non-projective arcs, i.e. crossing brackets, consider
# the heads for those words missing in the gold-standard.
# This way, we can train from these sentences
cdef int w1, w2, h1, h2
if make_projective:
heads = list(self.heads)
for w1 in range(self.length):
if heads[w1] is not None:
h1 = heads[w1]
for w2 in range(w1+1, self.length):
if heads[w2] is not None:
h2 = heads[w2]
if _arcs_cross(w1, h1, w2, h2):
self.heads[w1] = None
self.labels[w1] = ''
self.heads[w2] = None
self.labels[w2] = ''
# Check there are no cycles in the dependencies, i.e. we are a tree
for w in range(self.length):
seen = set([w])
head = w
while self.heads[head] != head and self.heads[head] != None:
head = self.heads[head]
if head in seen:
raise Exception("Cycle found: %s" % seen)
cycle = nonproj.contains_cycle(self.heads)
if cycle != None:
raise Exception("Cycle found: %s" % cycle)
if make_projective:
proj_heads,_ = nonproj.PseudoProjectivity.projectivize(self.heads,self.labels)
self.heads = proj_heads
self.brackets = {}
for (gold_start, gold_end, label_str) in brackets:
@ -278,25 +260,18 @@ cdef class GoldParse:
def is_projective(self):
heads = list(self.heads)
for w1 in range(self.length):
if heads[w1] is not None:
h1 = heads[w1]
for w2 in range(self.length):
if heads[w2] is not None and _arcs_cross(w1, h1, w2, heads[w2]):
return False
return True
cdef int _arcs_cross(int w1, int h1, int w2, int h2) except -1:
if w1 > h1:
w1, h1 = h1, w1
if w2 > h2:
w2, h2 = h2, w2
if w1 > w2:
w1, h1, w2, h2 = w2, h2, w1, h1
return w1 < w2 < h1 < h2 or w1 < w2 == h2 < h1
return not nonproj.is_nonproj_tree(self.heads)
def is_punct_label(label):
return label == 'P' or label.lower() == 'punct'
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
from copy import copy
from collections import Counter
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from spacy.attrs import DEP, HEAD
def ancestors(tokenid, heads):
# returns all words going from the word up the path to the root
# the path to root cannot be longer than the number of words in the sentence
# this function ends after at most len(heads) steps
# because it would otherwise loop indefinitely on cycles
head = tokenid
cnt = 0
while heads[head] != head and cnt < len(heads):
head = heads[head]
cnt += 1
yield head
if head == None:
def contains_cycle(heads):
# in an acyclic tree, the path from each word following
# the head relation upwards always ends at the root node
for tokenid in range(len(heads)):
seen = set([tokenid])
for ancestor in ancestors(tokenid,heads):
if ancestor in seen:
return seen
return None
def is_nonproj_arc(tokenid, heads):
# definition (e.g. Havelka 2007): an arc h -> d, h < d is non-projective
# if there is a token k, h < k < d such that h is not
# an ancestor of k. Same for h -> d, h > d
head = heads[tokenid]
if head == tokenid: # root arcs cannot be non-projective
return False
elif head == None: # unattached tokens cannot be non-projective
return False
start, end = (head+1, tokenid) if head < tokenid else (tokenid+1, head)
for k in range(start,end):
for ancestor in ancestors(k,heads):
if ancestor == None: # for unattached tokens/subtrees
elif ancestor == head: # normal case: k dominated by h
else: # head not in ancestors: d -> h is non-projective
return True
return False
def is_nonproj_tree(heads):
# a tree is non-projective if at least one arc is non-projective
return any( is_nonproj_arc(word,heads) for word in range(len(heads)) )
cdef class PseudoProjectivity:
# implements the projectivize/deprojectivize mechanism in Nivre & Nilsson 2005
# for doing pseudo-projective parsing
# implementation uses the HEAD decoration scheme
delimiter = '||'
def decompose(cls, label):
return label.partition(cls.delimiter)[::2]
def is_decorated(cls, label):
return label.find(cls.delimiter) != -1
def preprocess_training_data(cls, gold_tuples, label_freq_cutoff=30):
preprocessed = []
freqs = Counter()
for raw_text, sents in gold_tuples:
prepro_sents = []
for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, iob), ctnts in sents:
proj_heads,deco_labels = cls.projectivize(heads,labels)
# set the label to ROOT for each root dependent
deco_labels = [ 'ROOT' if head == i else deco_labels[i] for i,head in enumerate(proj_heads) ]
# count label frequencies
if label_freq_cutoff > 0:
freqs.update( label for label in deco_labels if cls.is_decorated(label) )
prepro_sents.append(((ids,words,tags,proj_heads,deco_labels,iob), ctnts))
preprocessed.append((raw_text, prepro_sents))
if label_freq_cutoff > 0:
return cls._filter_labels(preprocessed,label_freq_cutoff,freqs)
return preprocessed
def projectivize(cls, heads, labels):
# use the algorithm by Nivre & Nilsson 2005
# assumes heads to be a proper tree, i.e. connected and cycle-free
# returns a new pair (heads,labels) which encode
# a projective and decorated tree
proj_heads = copy(heads)
smallest_np_arc = cls._get_smallest_nonproj_arc(proj_heads)
if smallest_np_arc == None: # this sentence is already projective
return proj_heads, copy(labels)
while smallest_np_arc != None:
cls._lift(smallest_np_arc, proj_heads)
smallest_np_arc = cls._get_smallest_nonproj_arc(proj_heads)
deco_labels = cls._decorate(heads, proj_heads, labels)
return proj_heads, deco_labels
def deprojectivize(cls, Doc tokens):
# reattach arcs with decorated labels (following HEAD scheme)
# for each decorated arc X||Y, search top-down, left-to-right,
# breadth-first until hitting a Y then make this the new head
parse = tokens.to_array([HEAD, DEP])
labels = [ tokens.vocab.strings[int(p[1])] for p in parse ]
for token in tokens:
if cls.is_decorated(token.dep_):
newlabel,headlabel = cls.decompose(token.dep_)
newhead = cls._find_new_head(token,headlabel)
parse[token.i,1] = tokens.vocab.strings[newlabel]
parse[token.i,0] = newhead.i - token.i
tokens.from_array([HEAD, DEP],parse)
def _decorate(cls, heads, proj_heads, labels):
# uses decoration scheme HEAD from Nivre & Nilsson 2005
assert(len(heads) == len(proj_heads) == len(labels))
deco_labels = []
for tokenid,head in enumerate(heads):
if head != proj_heads[tokenid]:
deco_labels.append('%s%s%s' % (labels[tokenid],cls.delimiter,labels[head]))
return deco_labels
def _get_smallest_nonproj_arc(cls, heads):
# return the smallest non-proj arc or None
# where size is defined as the distance between dep and head
# and ties are broken left to right
smallest_size = float('inf')
smallest_np_arc = None
for tokenid,head in enumerate(heads):
size = abs(tokenid-head)
if size < smallest_size and is_nonproj_arc(tokenid,heads):
smallest_size = size
smallest_np_arc = tokenid
return smallest_np_arc
def _lift(cls, tokenid, heads):
# reattaches a word to it's grandfather
head = heads[tokenid]
ghead = heads[head]
# attach to ghead if head isn't attached to root else attach to root
heads[tokenid] = ghead if head != ghead else tokenid
def _find_new_head(cls, token, headlabel):
# search through the tree starting from root
# returns the id of the first descendant with the given label
# if there is none, return the current head (no change)
queue = [token.head]
while queue:
next_queue = []
for qtoken in queue:
for child in qtoken.children:
if child == token:
if child.dep_ == headlabel:
return child
queue = next_queue
return token.head
def _filter_labels(cls, gold_tuples, cutoff, freqs):
# throw away infrequent decorated labels
# can't learn them reliably anyway and keeps label set smaller
filtered = []
for raw_text, sents in gold_tuples:
filtered_sents = []
for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, iob), ctnts in sents:
filtered_labels = [ cls.decompose(label)[0] if freqs.get(label,cutoff) < cutoff else label for label in labels ]
filtered_sents.append(((ids,words,tags,heads,filtered_labels,iob), ctnts))
filtered.append((raw_text, filtered_sents))
return filtered
@ -15,5 +15,6 @@ cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef class Parser:
cdef readonly ParserModel model
cdef readonly TransitionSystem moves
cdef int _projectivize
cdef int parseC(self, TokenC* tokens, int length, int nr_feat, int nr_class) nogil
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ from cpython.exc cimport PyErr_CheckSignals
from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t
from libc.string cimport memset, memcpy
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, calloc, free
import random
import os.path
from os import path
import shutil
import json
import sys
from .nonproj import PseudoProjectivity
from cymem.cymem cimport Pool, Address
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ cdef class ParserModel(AveragedPerceptron):
cdef class Parser:
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, transition_system, ParserModel model):
def __init__(self, StringStore strings, transition_system, ParserModel model, int projectivize = 0):
self.moves = transition_system
self.model = model
self._projectivize = projectivize
def from_dir(cls, model_dir, strings, transition_system):
@ -93,9 +94,10 @@ cdef class Parser:
moves = transition_system(strings, cfg.labels)
templates = get_templates(cfg.features)
model = ParserModel(templates)
project = cfg.projectivize if hasattr(cfg,'projectivize') else False
if path.exists(path.join(model_dir, 'model')):
model.load(path.join(model_dir, 'model'))
return cls(strings, moves, model)
return cls(strings, moves, model, project)
def load(cls, pkg_or_str_or_file, vocab):
@ -114,6 +116,9 @@ cdef class Parser:
tokens.is_parsed = True
# Check for KeyboardInterrupt etc. Untested
# projectivize output
if self._projectivize:
def pipe(self, stream, int batch_size=1000, int n_threads=2):
cdef Pool mem = Pool()
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ cdef class Tagger:
def blank(cls, vocab, templates):
model = TaggerModel(N_CONTEXT_FIELDS, templates)
model = TaggerModel(templates)
return cls(vocab, model)
@ -153,10 +153,8 @@ cdef class Tagger:
def from_package(cls, pkg, vocab):
# TODO: templates.json deprecated? not present in latest package
templates = cls.default_templates()
# templates = package.load_utf8(json.load,
# 'pos', 'templates.json',
# default=cls.default_templates())
# templates = cls.default_templates()
templates = pkg.load_json(('pos', 'templates.json'), default=cls.default_templates())
model = TaggerModel(templates)
if pkg.has_file('pos', 'model'):
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ cdef class Tagger:
for i in range(tokens.length):
if tokens.c[i].pos == 0:
if tokens.c[i].pos == 0:
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, i)
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat)
@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ cdef class Tagger:
def train(self, Doc tokens, object gold_tag_strs):
assert len(tokens) == len(gold_tag_strs)
for tag in gold_tag_strs:
if tag not in self.tag_names:
if tag != None and tag not in self.tag_names:
msg = ("Unrecognized gold tag: %s. tag_map.json must contain all"
"gold tags, to maintain coarse-grained mapping.")
raise ValueError(msg % tag)
@ -234,10 +232,9 @@ cdef class Tagger:
for i in range(tokens.length):
self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, i)
eg.costs = [ 1 if golds[i] not in (c, -1) else 0 for c in xrange(eg.nr_class) ]
eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat)
self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], eg.guess)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import pytest
from spacy.attrs import DEP, HEAD
import numpy
from spacy.syntax.nonproj import ancestors, contains_cycle, is_nonproj_arc, is_nonproj_tree, PseudoProjectivity
def test_ancestors():
tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,2]
cyclic_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,3,2]
partial_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,None,2]
multirooted_tree = [3,2,0,3,3,7,7,3,7,10,7,10,11,12,18,16,18,17,12,3]
assert([ a for a in ancestors(3,tree) ] == [4,5,2])
assert([ a for a in ancestors(3,cyclic_tree) ] == [4,5,3,4,5,3,4])
assert([ a for a in ancestors(3,partial_tree) ] == [4,5,None])
assert([ a for a in ancestors(17,multirooted_tree) ] == [])
def test_contains_cycle():
tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,2]
cyclic_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,3,2]
partial_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,None,2]
multirooted_tree = [3,2,0,3,3,7,7,3,7,10,7,10,11,12,18,16,18,17,12,3]
assert(contains_cycle(tree) == None)
assert(contains_cycle(cyclic_tree) == set([3,4,5]))
assert(contains_cycle(partial_tree) == None)
assert(contains_cycle(multirooted_tree) == None)
def test_is_nonproj_arc():
nonproj_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,4,2]
partial_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,None,7,4,2]
multirooted_tree = [3,2,0,3,3,7,7,3,7,10,7,10,11,12,18,16,18,17,12,3]
assert(is_nonproj_arc(0,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(1,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(2,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(3,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(4,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(5,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(6,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(7,nonproj_tree) == True)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(8,nonproj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(7,partial_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(17,multirooted_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_arc(16,multirooted_tree) == True)
def test_is_nonproj_tree():
proj_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,5,2]
nonproj_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,4,2]
partial_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,None,7,4,2]
multirooted_tree = [3,2,0,3,3,7,7,3,7,10,7,10,11,12,18,16,18,17,12,3]
assert(is_nonproj_tree(proj_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_tree(nonproj_tree) == True)
assert(is_nonproj_tree(partial_tree) == False)
assert(is_nonproj_tree(multirooted_tree) == True)
def deprojectivize(proj_heads, deco_labels, EN):
slen = len(proj_heads)
sent = EN.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(['whatever'] * slen)
rel_proj_heads = [ head-i for i,head in enumerate(proj_heads) ]
labelids = [ EN.vocab.strings[label] for label in deco_labels ]
parse = numpy.asarray(zip(rel_proj_heads,labelids), dtype=numpy.int32)
parse = sent.to_array([HEAD,DEP])
deproj_heads = [ i+head for i,head in enumerate(parse[:,0]) ]
undeco_labels = [ EN.vocab.strings[int(labelid)] for labelid in parse[:,1] ]
return deproj_heads, undeco_labels
def test_pseudoprojectivity(EN):
tree = [1,2,2]
nonproj_tree = [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,4,2]
labels = ['det','nsubj','root','det','dobj','aux','nsubj','acl','punct']
nonproj_tree2 = [9,1,3,1,5,6,9,8,6,1,6,12,13,10,1]
labels2 = ['advmod','root','det','nsubj','advmod','det','dobj','det','nmod','aux','nmod','advmod','det','amod','punct']
assert(PseudoProjectivity.decompose('X||Y') == ('X','Y'))
assert(PseudoProjectivity.decompose('X') == ('X',''))
assert(PseudoProjectivity.is_decorated('X||Y') == True)
assert(PseudoProjectivity.is_decorated('X') == False)
assert(tree == [2,2,2])
np_arc = PseudoProjectivity._get_smallest_nonproj_arc(nonproj_tree)
assert(np_arc == 7)
np_arc = PseudoProjectivity._get_smallest_nonproj_arc(nonproj_tree2)
assert(np_arc == 10)
proj_heads, deco_labels = PseudoProjectivity.projectivize(nonproj_tree,labels)
assert(proj_heads == [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,5,2])
assert(deco_labels == ['det','nsubj','root','det','dobj','aux','nsubj','acl||dobj','punct'])
deproj_heads, undeco_labels = deprojectivize(proj_heads,deco_labels,EN)
assert(deproj_heads == nonproj_tree)
assert(undeco_labels == labels)
proj_heads, deco_labels = PseudoProjectivity.projectivize(nonproj_tree2,labels2)
assert(proj_heads == [1,1,3,1,5,6,9,8,6,1,9,12,13,10,1])
assert(deco_labels == ['advmod||aux','root','det','nsubj','advmod','det','dobj','det','nmod','aux','nmod||dobj','advmod','det','amod','punct'])
deproj_heads, undeco_labels = deprojectivize(proj_heads,deco_labels,EN)
assert(deproj_heads == nonproj_tree2)
assert(undeco_labels == labels2)
# if decoration is wrong such that there is no head with the desired label
# the structure is kept and the label is undecorated
proj_heads = [1,2,2,4,5,2,7,5,2]
deco_labels = ['det','nsubj','root','det','dobj','aux','nsubj','acl||iobj','punct']
deproj_heads, undeco_labels = deprojectivize(proj_heads,deco_labels,EN)
assert(deproj_heads == proj_heads)
assert(undeco_labels == ['det','nsubj','root','det','dobj','aux','nsubj','acl','punct'])
# if there are two potential new heads, the first one is chosen even if it's wrong
proj_heads = [1,1,3,1,5,6,9,8,6,1,9,12,13,10,1]
deco_labels = ['advmod||aux','root','det','aux','advmod','det','dobj','det','nmod','aux','nmod||dobj','advmod','det','amod','punct']
deproj_heads, undeco_labels = deprojectivize(proj_heads,deco_labels,EN)
assert(deproj_heads == [3,1,3,1,5,6,9,8,6,1,6,12,13,10,1])
assert(undeco_labels == ['advmod','root','det','aux','advmod','det','dobj','det','nmod','aux','nmod','advmod','det','amod','punct'])
@ -201,17 +201,9 @@ cdef class Token:
cdef int nr_iter = 0
cdef const TokenC* ptr = self.c - (self.i - self.c.l_edge)
while ptr < self.c:
# If this head is still to the right of us, we can skip to it
# No token that's between this token and this head could be our
# child.
if (ptr.head >= 1) and (ptr + ptr.head) < self.c:
ptr += ptr.head
elif ptr + ptr.head == self.c:
if ptr + ptr.head == self.c:
yield self.doc[ptr - (self.c - self.i)]
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
ptr += 1
nr_iter += 1
# This is ugly, but it's a way to guard out infinite loops
if nr_iter >= 10000000:
@ -226,16 +218,10 @@ cdef class Token:
tokens = []
cdef int nr_iter = 0
while ptr > self.c:
# If this head is still to the right of us, we can skip to it
# No token that's between this token and this head could be our
# child.
if (ptr.head < 0) and ((ptr + ptr.head) > self.c):
ptr += ptr.head
elif ptr + ptr.head == self.c:
if ptr + ptr.head == self.c:
tokens.append(self.doc[ptr - (self.c - self.i)])
ptr -= 1
ptr -= 1
ptr -= 1
nr_iter += 1
if nr_iter >= 10000000:
raise RuntimeError(
"Possibly infinite loop encountered while looking for token.rights")
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