* Reinsert specials cache checks during normal tokenization for special
cases as much as possible
* Additionally include specials cache checks while splitting on infixes
* Since the special Matcher needs consistent affix-only tokenization
for the special cases themselves, introduce the argument
`with_special_cases` in order to do tokenization with or without
specials cache checks
* After normal tokenization, postprocess with special cases Matcher for
special cases containing affixes
Handle tokenizer special cases more generally by using the Matcher
internally to match special cases after the affix/token_match
tokenization is complete.
Instead of only matching special cases while processing balanced or
nearly balanced prefixes and suffixes, this recognizes special cases in
a wider range of contexts:
* Allows arbitrary numbers of prefixes/affixes around special cases
* Allows special cases separated by infixes
Existing tests/settings that couldn't be preserved as before:
* The emoticon '")' is no longer a supported special case
* The emoticon ':)' in "example:)" is a false positive again
When merged with #4258 (or the relevant cache bugfix), the affix and
token_match properties should be modified to flush and reload all
special cases to use the updated internal tokenization with the Matcher.