* Port Japanese mecab tokenizer from v1
This brings the Mecab-based Japanese tokenization introduced in #1246 to
spaCy v2. There isn't a JapaneseTagger implementation yet, but POS tag
information from Mecab is stored in a token extension. A tag map is also
As a reminder, Mecab is required because Universal Dependencies are
based on Unidic tags, and Janome doesn't support Unidic.
Things to check:
1. Is this the right way to use a token extension?
2. What's the right way to implement a JapaneseTagger? The approach in
#1246 relied on `tag_from_strings` which is just gone now. I guess the
best thing is to just try training spaCy's default Tagger?
* Add tagging/make_doc and tests
Changed python set to cpp stl set #2032
## Description
Changed python set to cpp stl set. CPP stl set works better due to the logarithmic run time of its methods. Finding minimum in the cpp set is done in constant time as opposed to the worst case linear runtime of python set. Operations such as find,count,insert,delete are also done in either constant and logarithmic time thus making cpp set a better option to manage vectors.
Reference : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/set/set/
### Types of change
Enhancement for `Vectors` for faster initialising of word vectors(fasttext)
This patch addresses #1660, which was caused by keying all pre-trained
vectors with the same ID when telling Thinc how to refer to them. This
meant that if multiple models were loaded that had pre-trained vectors,
errors or incorrect behaviour resulted.
The vectors class now includes a .name attribute, which defaults to:
The vectors name is set in the cfg of the pipeline components under the
key pretrained_vectors. This replaces the previous cfg key
In order to make existing models compatible with this change, we check
for the pretrained_dims key when loading models in from_disk and
from_bytes, and add the cfg key pretrained_vectors if we find it.
Allows adding those components to the pipeline out-of-the-box if they're defined in a model's meta.json. Also allows usage as nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe('merge_entities')).