* OrigAnnot class instead of gold.orig_annot list of zipped tuples
* from_orig to replace from_annot_tuples
* rename to RawAnnot
* some unit tests for GoldParse creation and internal format
* removing orig_annot and switching to lists instead of tuple
* rewriting tuples to use RawAnnot (+ debug statements, WIP)
* fix pop() changing the data
* small fixes
* pop-append fixes
* return RawAnnot for existing GoldParse to have uniform interface
* clean up imports
* fix merge_sents
* add unit test for 4402 with new structure (not working yet)
* introduce DocAnnot
* typo fixes
* add unit test for merge_sents
* rename from_orig to from_raw
* fixing unit tests
* fix nn parser
* read_annots to produce text, doc_annot pairs
* _make_golds fix
* rename golds_to_gold_annots
* small fixes
* fix encoding
* have golds_to_gold_annots use DocAnnot
* missed a spot
* merge_sents as function in DocAnnot
* allow specifying only part of the token-level annotations
* refactor with Example class + underlying dicts
* pipeline components to work with Example objects (wip)
* input checking
* fix yielding
* fix calls to update
* small fixes
* fix scorer unit test with new format
* fix kwargs order
* fixes for ud and conllu scripts
* fix reading data for conllu script
* add in proper errors (not fixed numbering yet to avoid merge conflicts)
* fixing few more small bugs
* fix EL script
* trying to fix script - not succesful yet
* match pop() with extend() to avoid changing the data
* few more pop-extend fixes
* reinsert deleted print statement
* fix print statement
* add last tested version
* append instead of extend
* add in few comments
* quick fix for 4402 + unit test
* fixing number of docs (not counting cats)
* more fixes
* fix len
* print tmp file instead of using data from examples dir
* print tmp file instead of using data from examples dir (2)
* Implement new API for {Phrase}Matcher.add (backwards-compatible)
* Update docs
* Also update DependencyMatcher.add
* Update internals
* Rewrite tests to use new API
* Add basic check for common mistake
Raise error with suggestion if user likely passed in a pattern instead of a list of patterns
* Fix typo [ci skip]
* fix overflow error on windows
* more documentation & logging fixes
* md fix
* 3 different limit parameters to play with execution time
* bug fixes directory locations
* small fixes
* exclude dev test articles from prior probabilities stats
* small fixes
* filtering wikidata entities, removing numeric and meta items
* adding aliases from wikidata also to the KB
* fix adding WD aliases
* adding also new aliases to previously added entities
* fixing comma's
* small doc fixes
* adding subclassof filtering
* append alias functionality in KB
* prevent appending the same entity-alias pair
* fix for appending WD aliases
* remove date filter
* remove unnecessary import
* small corrections and reformatting
* remove WD aliases for now (too slow)
* removing numeric entities from training and evaluation
* small fixes
* shortcut during prediction if there is only one candidate
* add counts and fscore logging, remove FP NER from evaluation
* fix entity_linker.predict to take docs instead of single sentences
* remove enumeration sentences from the WP dataset
* entity_linker.update to process full doc instead of single sentence
* spelling corrections and dump locations in readme
* NLP IO fix
* reading KB is unnecessary at the end of the pipeline
* small logging fix
* remove empty files
* Move test
* Allow default in Lookups.get_table
* Start with blank tables in Lookups.from_bytes
* Refactor lemmatizer to hold instance of Lookups
* Get lookups table within the lemmatization methods to make sure it references the correct table (even if the table was replaced or modified, e.g. when loading a model from disk)
* Deprecate other arguments on Lemmatizer.__init__ and expect Lookups for consistency
* Remove old and unsupported Lemmatizer.load classmethod
* Refactor language-specific lemmatizers to inherit as much as possible from base class and override only what they need
* Update tests and docs
* Fix more tests
* Fix lemmatizer
* Upgrade pytest to try and fix weird CI errors
* Try pytest 4.6.5
* Add default to util.get_entry_point
* Tidy up entry points
* Read lookups from entry points
* Remove lookup tables and related tests
* Add lookups install option
* Remove lemmatizer tests
* Remove logic to process language data files
* Update setup.cfg
* test and fix for second bug of issue 4042
* fix for first bug in 4042
* crashing test for Issue 4313
* forgot one instance of resize
* remove prints
* undo uncomment
* delete test for 4313 (uses third party lib)
* add fix for Issue 4313
* unit test for 4313
* remove duplicate unit test
* unit test (currently failing) for issue 4267
* bugfix: ensure doc.ents preserves kb_id annotations
* fix in setting doc.ents with empty label
* rename
* test for presetting an entity to a certain type
* allow overwriting Outside + blocking presets
* fix actions when previous label needs to be kept
* fix default ent_iob in set entities
* cleaner solution with U- action
* remove debugging print statements
* unit tests with explicit transitions and is_valid testing
* remove U- from move_names explicitly
* remove unit tests with pre-trained models that don't work
* remove (working) unit tests with pre-trained models
* clean up unit tests
* move unit tests
* small fixes
* remove two TODO's from doc.ents comments
* remove redundant __call__ method in pipes.TextCategorizer
Because the parent __call__ method behaves in the same way.
* fix: Pipe.__call__ arg
* fix: invalid arg in Pipe.__call__
* modified: spacy/tests/regression/test_issue4278.py (#4278)
* deleted: Pipfile
* Prevent subtok label if not learning tokens
The parser introduces the subtok label to mark tokens that should be
merged during post-processing. Previously this happened even if we did
not have the --learn-tokens flag set. This patch passes the config
through to the parser, to prevent the problem.
* Make merge_subtokens a parser post-process if learn_subtokens
* Fix train script
* Add test for 3830: subtok problem
* Fix handlign of non-subtok in parser training
* allow phrasematcher to link one match to multiple original patterns
* small fix for defining ent_id in the matcher (anti-ghost prevention)
* cleanup
* formatting
* pytest file for issue4104 established
* edited default lookup english lemmatizer for spun; fixes issue 4102
* eliminated parameterization and sorted dictionary dependnency in issue 4104 test
* added contributor agreement