#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf8 """Train a convolutional neural network text classifier on the IMDB dataset, using the TextCategorizer component. The dataset will be loaded automatically via Thinc's built-in dataset loader. The model is added to spacy.pipeline, and predictions are available via `doc.cats`. For more details, see the documentation: * Training: https://spacy.io/usage/training Compatible with: spaCy v2.0.0+ """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import ml_datasets import plac import random from pathlib import Path import spacy from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding @plac.annotations( model=("Model name. Defaults to blank 'en' model.", "option", "m", str), output_dir=("Optional output directory", "option", "o", Path), n_texts=("Number of texts to train from", "option", "t", int), n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "n", int), init_tok2vec=("Pretrained tok2vec weights", "option", "t2v", Path), ) def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=20, n_texts=2000, init_tok2vec=None): if output_dir is not None: output_dir = Path(output_dir) if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir() if model is not None: nlp = spacy.load(model) # load existing spaCy model print("Loaded model '%s'" % model) else: nlp = spacy.blank("en") # create blank Language class print("Created blank 'en' model") # add the text classifier to the pipeline if it doesn't exist # nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy if "textcat" not in nlp.pipe_names: textcat = nlp.create_pipe( "textcat", config={"exclusive_classes": True, "architecture": "simple_cnn"} ) nlp.add_pipe(textcat, last=True) # otherwise, get it, so we can add labels to it else: textcat = nlp.get_pipe("textcat") # add label to text classifier textcat.add_label("POSITIVE") textcat.add_label("NEGATIVE") # load the IMDB dataset print("Loading IMDB data...") (train_texts, train_cats), (dev_texts, dev_cats) = load_data() train_texts = train_texts[:n_texts] train_cats = train_cats[:n_texts] print( "Using {} examples ({} training, {} evaluation)".format( n_texts, len(train_texts), len(dev_texts) ) ) train_data = list(zip(train_texts, [{"cats": cats} for cats in train_cats])) # get names of other pipes to disable them during training other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != "textcat"] with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train textcat optimizer = nlp.begin_training() if init_tok2vec is not None: with init_tok2vec.open("rb") as file_: textcat.model.tok2vec.from_bytes(file_.read()) print("Training the model...") print("{:^5}\t{:^5}\t{:^5}\t{:^5}".format("LOSS", "P", "R", "F")) batch_sizes = compounding(4.0, 32.0, 1.001) for i in range(n_iter): losses = {} # batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch random.shuffle(train_data) batches = minibatch(train_data, size=batch_sizes) for batch in batches: nlp.update(batch, sgd=optimizer, drop=0.2, losses=losses) with textcat.model.use_params(optimizer.averages): # evaluate on the dev data split off in load_data() scores = evaluate(nlp.tokenizer, textcat, dev_texts, dev_cats) print( "{0:.3f}\t{1:.3f}\t{2:.3f}\t{3:.3f}".format( # print a simple table losses["textcat"], scores["textcat_p"], scores["textcat_r"], scores["textcat_f"], ) ) # test the trained model test_text = "This movie sucked" doc = nlp(test_text) print(test_text, doc.cats) if output_dir is not None: with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages): nlp.to_disk(output_dir) print("Saved model to", output_dir) # test the saved model print("Loading from", output_dir) nlp2 = spacy.load(output_dir) doc2 = nlp2(test_text) print(test_text, doc2.cats) def load_data(limit=0, split=0.8): """Load data from the IMDB dataset.""" # Partition off part of the train data for evaluation train_data, _ = ml_datasets.imdb() random.shuffle(train_data) train_data = train_data[-limit:] texts, labels = zip(*train_data) cats = [{"POSITIVE": bool(y), "NEGATIVE": not bool(y)} for y in labels] split = int(len(train_data) * split) return (texts[:split], cats[:split]), (texts[split:], cats[split:]) def evaluate(tokenizer, textcat, texts, cats): docs = (tokenizer(text) for text in texts) tp = 0.0 # True positives fp = 1e-8 # False positives fn = 1e-8 # False negatives tn = 0.0 # True negatives for i, doc in enumerate(textcat.pipe(docs)): gold = cats[i] for label, score in doc.cats.items(): if label not in gold: continue if label == "NEGATIVE": continue if score >= 0.5 and gold[label] >= 0.5: tp += 1.0 elif score >= 0.5 and gold[label] < 0.5: fp += 1.0 elif score < 0.5 and gold[label] < 0.5: tn += 1 elif score < 0.5 and gold[label] >= 0.5: fn += 1 precision = tp / (tp + fp) recall = tp / (tp + fn) if (precision + recall) == 0: f_score = 0.0 else: f_score = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) return {"textcat_p": precision, "textcat_r": recall, "textcat_f": f_score} if __name__ == "__main__": plac.call(main)