from libc.string cimport memcpy from libc.math cimport exp from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from thinc.learner cimport LinearModel from thinc.features cimport Extractor, Feature from thinc.typedefs cimport atom_t, weight_t, feat_t cimport cython from .typedefs cimport flags_t from .structs cimport TokenC from .strings cimport StringStore from .tokens cimport Tokens from .senses cimport N_SENSES, encode_sense_strs from .senses cimport NO_SENSE, N_Tops, J_all, J_pert, A_all, J_ppl, V_body from .gold cimport GoldParse from .parts_of_speech cimport NOUN, VERB, ADV, ADJ, N_UNIV_TAGS from . cimport parts_of_speech from os import path import json cdef enum: P2W P2p P2c P2c6 P2c4 P1W P1p P1c P1c6 P1c4 N0W N0p N0c N0c6 N0c4 N1W N1p N1c N1c6 N1c4 N2W N2p N2c N2c6 N2c4 Hw Hp Hc Hc6 Hc4 N3W P3W P1s P2s CONTEXT_SIZE unigrams = ( (Hw,), (Hp,), (Hw, Hp), (Hc, Hp), (Hc6, Hp), (Hc4, Hp), (Hc,), (P2W,), (P2p,), (P2W, P2p), (P2c, P2p), (P2c6, P2p), (P2c4, P2p), (P2c,), (P1W,), (P1p,), (P1W, P1p), (P1c, P1p), (P1c6, P1p), (P1c4, P1p), (P1c,), (P1W,), (P1p,), (P1W, P1p), (P1c, P1p), (P1c6, P1p), (P1c4, P1p), (P1c,), (N0p,), (N0c, N0p), (N0c6, N0p), (N0c4, N0p), (N0c,), (N0p,), (N0c, N0p), (N0c6, N0p), (N0c4, N0p), (N0c,), (N1p,), (N1W, N1p), (N1c, N1p), (N1c6, N1p), (N1c4, N1p), (N1c,), (N1W,), (N1p,), (N1W, N1p), (N1c, N1p), (N1c6, N1p), (N1c4, N1p), (N1c,), (N2p,), (N2W, N2p), (N2c, N2p), (N2c6, N2p), (N2c4, N2p), (N2c,), (N2W,), (N2p,), (N2W, N2p), (N2c, N2p), (N2c6, N2p), (N2c4, N2p), (N2c,), (P1s,), (P2s,), (P1s, P2s,), (P1s, N0p), (P1s, P2s, N0c), (N3W,), (P3W,), ) bigrams = ( (P2p, P1p), (P2W, N0p), (P2c, P1p), (P1c, N0p), (P1c6, N0p), (N0p, N1p,), (P2W, P1W), (P1W, N1W), (N1W, N2W), ) trigrams = ( (P1p, N0p, N1p), (P2p, P1p,), (P2c4, P1c4, N0c4), (P1p, N0p, N1p), (P1p, N0p,), (P1c4, N0c4, N1c4), (N0p, N1p, N2p), (N0p, N1p,), (N0c4, N1c4, N2c4), (P1W, N0p, N0W), ) cdef int fill_token(atom_t* ctxt, const TokenC* token) except -1: ctxt[0] = token.lemma ctxt[1] = token.tag ctxt[2] = token.lex.cluster ctxt[3] = token.lex.cluster & 15 ctxt[4] = token.lex.cluster & 63 cdef int fill_context(atom_t* ctxt, const TokenC* token) except -1: # NB: we have padding to keep us safe here # See tokens.pyx fill_token(&ctxt[P2W], token - 2) fill_token(&ctxt[P1W], token - 1) fill_token(&ctxt[N0W], token) ctxt[N0W] = 0 # Important! Don't condition on this fill_token(&ctxt[N1W], token + 1) fill_token(&ctxt[N2W], token + 2) fill_token(&ctxt[Hw], token + token.head) ctxt[P1s] = (token - 1).sense ctxt[P2s] = (token - 2).sense ctxt[N3W] = (token + 3).lemma ctxt[P3W] = (token - 3).lemma cdef class FeatureVector: cdef Pool mem cdef Feature* c cdef list extractors cdef int length cdef int _max_length def __init__(self, length=100): self.mem = Pool() self.c = self.mem.alloc(length, sizeof(Feature)) self.length = 0 self._max_length = length def __len__(self): return self.length cpdef int add(self, feat_t key, weight_t value) except -1: if self.length == self._max_length: self._max_length *= 2 self.c = self.mem.realloc(self.c, self._max_length * sizeof(Feature)) self.c[self.length] = Feature(i=0, key=key, value=value) self.length += 1 cdef int extend(self, const Feature* new_feats, int n_feats) except -1: new_length = self.length + n_feats if new_length >= self._max_length: self._max_length = 2 * new_length self.c = self.mem.realloc(self.c, new_length * sizeof(Feature)) memcpy(&self.c[self.length], new_feats, n_feats * sizeof(Feature)) self.length += n_feats def clear(self): self.length = 0 cdef class SenseTagger: cdef readonly StringStore strings cdef readonly LinearModel model cdef readonly Extractor extractor cdef readonly model_dir cdef readonly flags_t[N_UNIV_TAGS] pos_senses cdef dict tagdict def __init__(self, StringStore strings, model_dir): self.model_dir = model_dir if path.exists(path.join(model_dir, 'wordnet', 'supersenses.json')): self.tagdict = json.load(open(path.join(model_dir, 'wordnet', 'supersenses.json'))) else: self.tagdict = {} if model_dir is not None and path.isdir(model_dir): model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'wsd') templates = unigrams + bigrams + trigrams self.extractor = Extractor(templates) self.model = LinearModel(N_SENSES, self.extractor.n_templ) self.strings = strings cdef flags_t all_senses = 0 cdef flags_t sense = 0 cdef flags_t one = 1 for sense in range(1, N_SENSES): all_senses |= (one << sense) self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.NO_TAG] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.ADJ] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.ADV] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.ADP] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.CONJ] = 0 self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.DET] = 0 self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.NUM] = 0 self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.PRON] = 0 self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.PRT] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.X] = all_senses self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.PUNCT] = 0 self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.EOL] = 0 for sense in range(N_Tops, V_body): self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.NOUN] |= one << sense self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.VERB] = 0 for sense in range(V_body, J_ppl): self.pos_senses[parts_of_speech.VERB] |= one << sense def __call__(self, Tokens tokens): cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] local_context cdef int i, guess, n_feats cdef flags_t valid_senses = 0 cdef TokenC* token cdef flags_t one = 1 cdef int n_doc_feats cdef Pool mem = Pool() feats = self.get_doc_feats(mem, tokens, &n_doc_feats) for i in range(tokens.length): token = &[i] valid_senses = token.lex.senses & self.pos_senses[token.pos] if valid_senses >= 2: fill_context(local_context, token) n_local_feats = self.extractor.set_feats(&feats[n_doc_feats], local_context) scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_local_feats) self.weight_scores_by_tagdict(scores, token, 0.0)[i].sense = self.best_in_set(scores, valid_senses) else: token.sense = NO_SENSE def train(self, Tokens tokens): cdef int i, j cdef TokenC* token cdef atom_t[CONTEXT_SIZE] context cdef int n_doc_feats, n_local_feats cdef feat_t f_key cdef flags_t best_senses = 0 cdef int f_i cdef int cost = 0 cdef Pool mem = Pool() feats = self.get_doc_feats(mem, tokens, &n_doc_feats) for i in range(tokens.length): token = &[i] pos_senses = self.pos_senses[token.pos] lex_senses = token.lex.senses & pos_senses if lex_senses >= 2: fill_context(context, token) n_local_feats = self.extractor.set_feats(&feats[n_doc_feats], context) scores = self.model.get_scores(feats, n_doc_feats + n_local_feats) guess = self.best_in_set(scores, pos_senses) best = self.best_in_set(scores, lex_senses) update = self._make_update(feats, n_doc_feats + n_local_feats, guess, best) self.model.update(update) token.sense = best cost += guess != best else: token.sense = 1 return cost cdef dict _make_update(self, const Feature* feats, int n_feats, int guess, int best): guess_counts = {} gold_counts = {} if guess != best: for j in range(n_feats): f_key = feats[j].key f_i = feats[j].i feat = (f_i, f_key) gold_counts[feat] = gold_counts.get(feat, 0) + 1.0 guess_counts[feat] = guess_counts.get(feat, 0) - 1.0 return {guess: guess_counts, best: gold_counts} cdef Feature* get_doc_feats(self, Pool mem, Tokens tokens, int* n_feats) except NULL: # Get features for the document # Start with activation strengths for each supersense n_feats[0] = N_SENSES feats = mem.alloc(n_feats[0] + self.extractor.n_templ + 1, sizeof(Feature)) cdef int i, ssense for ssense in range(N_SENSES): feats[ssense] = Feature(i=0, key=ssense, value=0) cdef flags_t pos_senses cdef flags_t one = 1 for i in range(tokens.length): sense_probs = self.tagdict.get([i].lemma, {}) pos_senses = self.pos_senses[[i].pos] for ssense_str, prob in sense_probs.items(): ssense = int(ssense_str + 1) if pos_senses & (one << ssense): feats[ssense].value += prob return feats cdef int best_in_set(self, const weight_t* scores, flags_t senses) except -1: cdef weight_t max_ = 0 cdef int argmax = -1 cdef flags_t i cdef flags_t one = 1 for i in range(N_SENSES): if (senses & (one << i)) and (argmax == -1 or scores[i] > max_): max_ = scores[i] argmax = i assert argmax >= 0 return argmax cdef int weight_scores_by_tagdict(self, weight_t* scores, const TokenC* token, weight_t a) except -1: lemma = self.strings[token.lemma] # First softmax the scores softmax(scores, N_SENSES) probs = self.tagdict.get(lemma, {}) for i in range(1, N_SENSES): prob = probs.get(unicode(i-1), 0) scores[i] = (a * prob) + ((1 - a) * scores[i]) def end_training(self): self.model.end_training() self.model.dump(path.join(self.model_dir, 'model'), freq_thresh=0) @cython.cdivision(True) cdef void softmax(weight_t* scores, int n_classes) nogil: cdef int i cdef double total = 0 for i in range(N_SENSES): total += exp(scores[i]) for i in range(N_SENSES): scores[i] = (exp(scores[i]) / total) cdef list _set_bits(flags_t flags): bits = [] cdef flags_t bit cdef flags_t one = 1 for bit in range(N_SENSES): if flags & (one << bit): bits.append(bit) return bits