//- 💫 MIXINS > BASE //- Aside wrapper label - [string] aside label mixin aside-wrapper(label) aside.c-aside .c-aside__content(role="complementary")&attributes(attributes) if label h4.u-text-label.u-text-label--dark=label block //- Date input - [string] date in the format YYYY-MM-DD mixin date(input) - var date = new Date(input) - var months = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] time(datetime=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(date)))&attributes(attributes)=months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ', ' + date.getFullYear() //- SVG from map file - [string] SVG file name in /assets/img/ name - [string] SVG symbol id width - [integer] width in px height - [integer] height in px (default: same as width) mixin svg(file, name, width, height) svg(aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height || width}" width=width height=(height || width))&attributes(attributes) use(xlink:href="/assets/img/#{file}.svg##{name}") //- Icon name - [string] icon name, should be SVG symbol ID size - [integer] icon width and height (default: 20) mixin icon(name, size) +svg("icons", name, size || 20).o-icon&attributes(attributes) //- Pro/Con/Neutral icon icon - [string] "pro", "con" or "neutral" (default: "neutral") mixin procon(icon) - colors = { pro: "green", con: "red", neutral: "yellow" } +icon(icon)(class="u-color-#{colors[icon] || 'subtle'}" aria-label=icon)&attributes(attributes) //- Headlines Helper Mixin level - [integer] 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mixin headline(level) if level == 1 h1.u-heading-1&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 2 h2.u-heading-2&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 3 h3.u-heading-3&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 4 h4.u-heading-4&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 5 h5.u-heading-5&attributes(attributes) block //- Permalink rendering id - [string] permalink ID used for link anchor mixin permalink(id) if id a.u-permalink(id=id href="##{id}") +icon("anchor").u-permalink__icon block else block //- Terminal-style code window label - [string] title displayed in top bar of terminal window mixin terminal(label) .x-terminal .x-terminal__icons: span .u-padding-small.u-text-label.u-text-center=label +code.x-terminal__code block //- Gitter chat button and widget button - [string] text shown on button label - [string] title of chat window (default: same as button) mixin gitter(button, label) aside.js-gitter.c-chat.is-collapsed(data-title=(label || button)) button.js-gitter-button.c-chat__button.u-text-small +icon("chat").o-icon--inline !=button //- Logo mixin logo() +svg("graphics", "spacy", 500).o-logo&attributes(attributes) //- Landing mixin landing-header() header.c-landing .c-landing__wrapper .c-landing__content block