# coding: utf8 from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals from .gold import tags_to_entities, GoldParse class PRFScore(object): """ A precision / recall / F score """ def __init__(self): self.tp = 0 self.fp = 0 self.fn = 0 def score_set(self, cand, gold): self.tp += len(cand.intersection(gold)) self.fp += len(cand - gold) self.fn += len(gold - cand) @property def precision(self): return self.tp / (self.tp + self.fp + 1e-100) @property def recall(self): return self.tp / (self.tp + self.fn + 1e-100) @property def fscore(self): p = self.precision r = self.recall return 2 * ((p * r) / (p + r + 1e-100)) class Scorer(object): """Compute evaluation scores.""" def __init__(self, eval_punct=False): """Initialize the Scorer. eval_punct (bool): Evaluate the dependency attachments to and from punctuation. RETURNS (Scorer): The newly created object. DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/scorer#init """ self.tokens = PRFScore() self.sbd = PRFScore() self.unlabelled = PRFScore() self.labelled = PRFScore() self.tags = PRFScore() self.ner = PRFScore() self.eval_punct = eval_punct @property def tags_acc(self): """RETURNS (float): Part-of-speech tag accuracy (fine grained tags, i.e. `Token.tag`). """ return self.tags.fscore * 100 @property def token_acc(self): """RETURNS (float): Tokenization accuracy.""" return self.tokens.precision * 100 @property def uas(self): """RETURNS (float): Unlabelled dependency score.""" return self.unlabelled.fscore * 100 @property def las(self): """RETURNS (float): Labelled depdendency score.""" return self.labelled.fscore * 100 @property def ents_p(self): """RETURNS (float): Named entity accuracy (precision).""" return self.ner.precision * 100 @property def ents_r(self): """RETURNS (float): Named entity accuracy (recall).""" return self.ner.recall * 100 @property def ents_f(self): """RETURNS (float): Named entity accuracy (F-score).""" return self.ner.fscore * 100 @property def scores(self): """RETURNS (dict): All scores with keys `uas`, `las`, `ents_p`, `ents_r`, `ents_f`, `tags_acc` and `token_acc`. """ return { "uas": self.uas, "las": self.las, "ents_p": self.ents_p, "ents_r": self.ents_r, "ents_f": self.ents_f, "tags_acc": self.tags_acc, "token_acc": self.token_acc, } def score(self, doc, gold, verbose=False, punct_labels=("p", "punct")): """Update the evaluation scores from a single Doc / GoldParse pair. doc (Doc): The predicted annotations. gold (GoldParse): The correct annotations. verbose (bool): Print debugging information. punct_labels (tuple): Dependency labels for punctuation. Used to evaluate dependency attachments to punctuation if `eval_punct` is `True`. DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/scorer#score """ if len(doc) != len(gold): gold = GoldParse.from_annot_tuples(doc, zip(*gold.orig_annot)) gold_deps = set() gold_tags = set() gold_ents = set(tags_to_entities([annot[-1] for annot in gold.orig_annot])) for id_, word, tag, head, dep, ner in gold.orig_annot: gold_tags.add((id_, tag)) if dep not in (None, "") and dep.lower() not in punct_labels: gold_deps.add((id_, head, dep.lower())) cand_deps = set() cand_tags = set() for token in doc: if token.orth_.isspace(): continue gold_i = gold.cand_to_gold[token.i] if gold_i is None: self.tokens.fp += 1 else: self.tokens.tp += 1 cand_tags.add((gold_i, token.tag_)) if token.dep_.lower() not in punct_labels and token.orth_.strip(): gold_head = gold.cand_to_gold[token.head.i] # None is indistinct, so we can't just add it to the set # Multiple (None, None) deps are possible if gold_i is None or gold_head is None: self.unlabelled.fp += 1 self.labelled.fp += 1 else: cand_deps.add((gold_i, gold_head, token.dep_.lower())) if "-" not in [token[-1] for token in gold.orig_annot]: cand_ents = set() for ent in doc.ents: first = gold.cand_to_gold[ent.start] last = gold.cand_to_gold[ent.end - 1] if first is None or last is None: self.ner.fp += 1 else: cand_ents.add((ent.label_, first, last)) self.ner.score_set(cand_ents, gold_ents) self.tags.score_set(cand_tags, gold_tags) self.labelled.score_set(cand_deps, gold_deps) self.unlabelled.score_set( set(item[:2] for item in cand_deps), set(item[:2] for item in gold_deps) ) if verbose: gold_words = [item[1] for item in gold.orig_annot] for w_id, h_id, dep in cand_deps - gold_deps: print("F", gold_words[w_id], dep, gold_words[h_id]) for w_id, h_id, dep in gold_deps - cand_deps: print("M", gold_words[w_id], dep, gold_words[h_id])