extends ./outline.jade include ./mixins.jade // Notes // // 1. Where to put version notice? Should say something like // 2015-08-12: v0.89 // and be a link // // Only needs to appear on home page. - var slogan = "Build Tomorrow's Language Technologies" - var tag_line = "spaCy – " + slogan mixin lede - var state_of_the_art = 'state-of-the-art' - var a_minor_miracle = 'a minor miracle' - var great_documentation = 'great documentation' - var concise_API = 'concise API' p. spaCy is a library for industrial-strength natural language processing in Python and Cython. It features !{state_of_the_art} speed and accuracy, a !{concise_API}, and license terms designed to get out of your way. If you're a small company doing NLP, we want spaCy to seem like !{a_minor_miracle}. mixin comparison(name) details summary h4= name block mixin columns(...names) tr each name in names th= name mixin row(...cells) tr each cell in cells td= cell mixin social footer(role="contentinfo") a(href="http://twitter.com/share?text=[ARTICLE HEADLINE]&url=[ARTICLE LINK]&via=honnibal" title="Share on Twitter" rel="nofollow" class="button button-twitter") Share on Twitter div.discuss a(href="#" title="Discuss on Hacker News" rel="nofollow" class="button button-hn") | Discuss on Hacker News a(href="#" title="Discuss on Reddit" rel="nofollow" class="button button-reddit") | Discuss on Reddit block intro_block section(class="intro") +lede nav(role="navigation") ul li: a(href="#example-use" class="button") Examples li: a(href="#comparisons" class="button") Comparisons li: a(href="#online-demo" class="button") Try Online li: a(href="#install" class="button") | Install v0.89 block body_block article(class="page landing-page") +Section("Usage by Example", "example-use", "./usage_examples.jade") +Section("Comparisons and Benchmarks", "comparisons", "./comparisons.jade") +Section("Online Demo", "online-demo", "./online_demo.jade") +Section("Install", "install", "./install.jade")