title: BaseVectors
teaser: Abstract class for word vectors
tag: class
source: spacy/vectors.pyx
version: 3.7

`BaseVectors` is an abstract class to support the development of custom vectors

For use in training with [`StaticVectors`](/api/architectures#staticvectors),
`get_batch` must be implemented. For improved performance, use efficient
batching in `get_batch` and implement `to_ops` to copy the vector data to the
current device. See an example custom implementation for
[BPEmb subword embeddings](/usage/embeddings-transformers#custom-vectors).

## BaseVectors.\_\_init\_\_ {id="init",tag="method"}

Create a new vector store.

| Name           | Description                                                                                                           |
| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| _keyword-only_ |                                                                                                                       |
| `strings`      | The string store. A new string store is created if one is not provided. Defaults to `None`. ~~Optional[StringStore]~~ |

## BaseVectors.\_\_getitem\_\_ {id="getitem",tag="method"}

Get a vector by key. If the key is not found in the table, a `KeyError` should
be raised.

| Name        | Description                                                      |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `key`       | The key to get the vector for. ~~Union[int, str]~~               |
| **RETURNS** | The vector for the key. ~~numpy.ndarray[ndim=1, dtype=float32]~~ |

## BaseVectors.\_\_len\_\_ {id="len",tag="method"}

Return the number of vectors in the table.

| Name        | Description                                 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| **RETURNS** | The number of vectors in the table. ~~int~~ |

## BaseVectors.\_\_contains\_\_ {id="contains",tag="method"}

Check whether there is a vector entry for the given key.

| Name        | Description                                  |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `key`       | The key to check. ~~int~~                    |
| **RETURNS** | Whether the key has a vector entry. ~~bool~~ |

## BaseVectors.add {id="add",tag="method"}

Add a key to the table, if possible. If no keys can be added, return `-1`.

| Name        | Description                                                                         |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `key`       | The key to add. ~~Union[str, int]~~                                                 |
| **RETURNS** | The row the vector was added to, or `-1` if the operation is not supported. ~~int~~ |

## BaseVectors.shape {id="shape",tag="property"}

Get `(rows, dims)` tuples of number of rows and number of dimensions in the
vector table.

| Name        | Description                                |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| **RETURNS** | A `(rows, dims)` pair. ~~Tuple[int, int]~~ |

## BaseVectors.size {id="size",tag="property"}

The vector size, i.e. `rows * dims`.

| Name        | Description              |
| ----------- | ------------------------ |
| **RETURNS** | The vector size. ~~int~~ |

## BaseVectors.is_full {id="is_full",tag="property"}

Whether the vectors table is full and no slots are available for new keys.

| Name        | Description                                 |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| **RETURNS** | Whether the vectors table is full. ~~bool~~ |

## BaseVectors.get_batch {id="get_batch",tag="method",version="3.2"}

Get the vectors for the provided keys efficiently as a batch. Required to use
the vectors with [`StaticVectors`](/api/architectures#StaticVectors) for

| Name   | Description                             |
| ------ | --------------------------------------- |
| `keys` | The keys. ~~Iterable[Union[int, str]]~~ |

## BaseVectors.to_ops {id="to_ops",tag="method"}

Dummy method. Implement this to change the embedding matrix to use different
Thinc ops.

| Name  | Description                                              |
| ----- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ops` | The Thinc ops to switch the embedding matrix to. ~~Ops~~ |

## BaseVectors.to_disk {id="to_disk",tag="method"}

Dummy method to allow serialization. Implement to save vector data with the

| Name   | Description                                                                                                                                |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `path` | A path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or `Path`-like objects. ~~Union[str, Path]~~ |

## BaseVectors.from_disk {id="from_disk",tag="method"}

Dummy method to allow serialization. Implement to load vector data from a saved

| Name        | Description                                                                                     |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `path`      | A path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or `Path`-like objects. ~~Union[str, Path]~~ |
| **RETURNS** | The modified vectors object. ~~BaseVectors~~                                                    |

## BaseVectors.to_bytes {id="to_bytes",tag="method"}

Dummy method to allow serialization. Implement to serialize vector data to a
binary string.

| Name        | Description                                          |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| **RETURNS** | The serialized form of the vectors object. ~~bytes~~ |

## BaseVectors.from_bytes {id="from_bytes",tag="method"}

Dummy method to allow serialization. Implement to load vector data from a binary

| Name        | Description                         |
| ----------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `data`      | The data to load from. ~~bytes~~    |
| **RETURNS** | The vectors object. ~~BaseVectors~~ |