//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > VISUALIZERS include ../_includes/_mixins +section p | As of v2.0, our popular visualizers, #[+a(DEMOS_URL + "/displacy") displaCy] | and #[+a(DEMOS_URL + "/displacy-ent") displaCy #[sup ENT]] are finally an | official part of the library. Visualizing a dependency parse or named | entities in a text is not only a fun NLP demo – it can also be incredibly | helpful in speeding up development and debugging your code and training | process. If you're running a #[+a("https://jupyter.org") Jupyter] notebook, | displaCy will detect this and return the markup in a format | #[+a("#jupyter") ready to be rendered and exported]. +aside("What about the old visualizers?") | Our JavaScript-based visualizers #[+src(gh("displacy")) #[code displacy.js]] and | #[+src(gh("displacy-ent")) #[code displacy-ent.js]] will still be available on | GitHub. If you're looking to implement web-based visualizations, we | generally recommend using those instead of spaCy's built-in | #[code displacy] module. It'll allow your application to perform all | rendering on the client and only rely on the server for the text | processing. The generated markup is also more compatible with modern web | standards. p | The quickest way to visualize #[code Doc] is to use | #[+api("displacy#serve") #[code displacy.serve]]. This will spin up a | simple web server and let you view the result straight from your browser. | displaCy can either take a single #[code Doc] or a list of #[code Doc] | objects as its first argument. This lets you construct them however you | like – using any model or modifications you like. +section("dep") +h(2, "dep") Visualizing the dependency parse include _visualizers/_dep +section("ent") +h(2, "ent") Visualizing the entity recognizer include _visualizers/_ent +section("jupyter") +h(2, "jupyter") Using displaCy in Jupyter notebooks include _visualizers/_jupyter +section("html") +h(2, "html") Rendering HTML include _visualizers/_html