import numpy from thinc.model import Model from ..attrs import LOWER def extract_ngrams(ngram_size, attr=LOWER) -> Model: model = Model("extract_ngrams", forward) model.attrs["ngram_size"] = ngram_size model.attrs["attr"] = attr return model def forward(self, docs, is_train: bool): batch_keys = [] batch_vals = [] for doc in docs: unigrams = doc.to_array([self.attrs["attr"]]) ngrams = [unigrams] for n in range(2, self.attrs["ngram_size"] + 1): ngrams.append(self.ops.ngrams(n, unigrams)) keys = self.ops.xp.concatenate(ngrams) keys, vals = self.ops.xp.unique(keys, return_counts=True) batch_keys.append(keys) batch_vals.append(vals) # The dtype here matches what thinc is expecting -- which differs per # platform (by int definition). This should be fixed once the problem # is fixed on Thinc's side. lengths = self.ops.asarray( [arr.shape[0] for arr in batch_keys], dtype=numpy.int_ ) batch_keys = self.ops.xp.concatenate(batch_keys) batch_vals = self.ops.asarray(self.ops.xp.concatenate(batch_vals), dtype="f") def backprop(dY): return dY return (batch_keys, batch_vals, lengths), backprop