from typing import Tuple, Callable
from thinc.api import Model, to_numpy
from thinc.types import Ragged, Ints1d

from ..util import registry

def extract_spans() -> Model[Tuple[Ragged, Ragged], Ragged]:
    """Extract spans from a sequence of source arrays, as specified by an array
    of (start, end) indices. The output is a ragged array of the
    extracted spans.
    return Model(
        "extract_spans", forward, layers=[], refs={}, attrs={}, dims={}, init=init

def init(model, X=None, Y=None):

def forward(
    model: Model, source_spans: Tuple[Ragged, Ragged], is_train: bool
) -> Tuple[Ragged, Callable]:
    """Get subsequences from source vectors."""
    ops = model.ops
    X, spans = source_spans
    assert spans.dataXd.ndim == 2
    indices = _get_span_indices(ops, spans, X.lengths)
    if len(indices) > 0:
        Y = Ragged(X.dataXd[indices], spans.dataXd[:, 1] - spans.dataXd[:, 0])  # type: ignore[arg-type, index]
        Y = Ragged(
            ops.xp.zeros(X.dataXd.shape, dtype=X.dataXd.dtype),
            ops.xp.zeros((len(X.lengths),), dtype="i"),
    x_shape = X.dataXd.shape
    x_lengths = X.lengths

    def backprop_windows(dY: Ragged) -> Tuple[Ragged, Ragged]:
        dX = Ragged(ops.alloc2f(*x_shape), x_lengths)
        ops.scatter_add(dX.dataXd, indices, dY.dataXd)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        return (dX, spans)

    return Y, backprop_windows

def _get_span_indices(ops, spans: Ragged, lengths: Ints1d) -> Ints1d:
    """Construct a flat array that has the indices we want to extract from the
    source data. For instance, if we want the spans (5, 9), (8, 10) the
    indices will be [5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9].
    spans, lengths = _ensure_cpu(spans, lengths)
    indices = []
    offset = 0
    for i, length in enumerate(lengths):
        spans_i = spans[i].dataXd + offset
        for j in range(spans_i.shape[0]):
            indices.append(ops.xp.arange(spans_i[j, 0], spans_i[j, 1]))  # type: ignore[call-overload, index]
        offset += length
    return ops.flatten(indices, dtype="i", ndim_if_empty=1)

def _ensure_cpu(spans: Ragged, lengths: Ints1d) -> Tuple[Ragged, Ints1d]:
    return (Ragged(to_numpy(spans.dataXd), to_numpy(spans.lengths)), to_numpy(lengths))