//- 💫 DOCS > API > CYTHON > STRUCTS > LEXEMEC p | Struct holding information about a lexical type. #[code LexemeC] | structs are usually owned by the #[code Vocab], and accessed through a | read-only pointer on the #[code TokenC] struct. +aside-code("Example"). lex = doc.c[3].lex +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code flags] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code flags_t]] +cell Bit-field for binary lexical flag values. +row +cell #[code id] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell | Usually used to map lexemes to rows in a matrix, e.g. for word | vectors. Does not need to be unique, so currently misnamed. +row +cell #[code length] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell Number of unicode characters in the lexeme. +row +cell #[code orth] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell ID of the verbatim text content. +row +cell #[code lower] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell ID of the lowercase form of the lexeme. +row +cell #[code norm] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell ID of the lexeme's norm, i.e. a normalised form of the text. +row +cell #[code shape] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell Transform of the lexeme's string, to show orthographic features. +row +cell #[code prefix] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell | Length-N substring from the start of the lexeme. Defaults to | #[code N=1]. +row +cell #[code suffix] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell | Length-N substring from the end of the lexeme. Defaults to | #[code N=3]. +row +cell #[code cluster] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell Brown cluster ID. +row +cell #[code prob] +cell #[code float] +cell Smoothed log probability estimate of the lexeme's type. +row +cell #[code sentiment] +cell #[code float] +cell A scalar value indicating positivity or negativity. +h(3, "lexeme_get_struct_attr", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.get_struct_attr +tag staticmethod +tag nogil p Get the value of an attribute from the #[code LexemeC] struct by attribute ID. +aside-code("Example"). from spacy.attrs cimport IS_ALPHA from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme lexeme = doc.c[3].lex is_alpha = Lexeme.get_struct_attr(lexeme, IS_ALPHA) +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code lex] +cell #[code const LexemeC*] +cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct. +row +cell #[code feat_name] +cell #[code attr_id_t] +cell | The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are | enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs]. +row("foot") +cell returns +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell The value of the attribute. +h(3, "lexeme_set_struct_attr", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.set_struct_attr +tag staticmethod +tag nogil p Set the value of an attribute of the #[code LexemeC] struct by attribute ID. +aside-code("Example"). from spacy.attrs cimport NORM from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme lexeme = doc.c[3].lex Lexeme.set_struct_attr(lexeme, NORM, lexeme.lower) +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code lex] +cell #[code const LexemeC*] +cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct. +row +cell #[code feat_name] +cell #[code attr_id_t] +cell | The ID of the attribute to look up. The attributes are | enumerated in #[code spacy.typedefs]. +row +cell #[code value] +cell #[+abbr("uint64_t") #[code attr_t]] +cell The value to set. +h(3, "lexeme_c_check_flag", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.c_check_flag +tag staticmethod +tag nogil p Check the value of a binary flag attribute. +aside-code("Example"). from spacy.attrs cimport IS_STOP from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme lexeme = doc.c[3].lex is_stop = Lexeme.c_check_flag(lexeme, IS_STOP) +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code lexeme] +cell #[code const LexemeC*] +cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct. +row +cell #[code flag_id] +cell #[code attr_id_t] +cell | The ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in | #[code spacy.typedefs]. +row("foot") +cell returns +cell #[code bint] +cell The boolean value of the flag. +h(3, "lexeme_c_set_flag", "spacy/lexeme.pxd") Lexeme.c_set_flag +tag staticmethod +tag nogil p Set the value of a binary flag attribute. +aside-code("Example"). from spacy.attrs cimport IS_STOP from spacy.lexeme cimport Lexeme lexeme = doc.c[3].lex Lexeme.c_set_flag(lexeme, IS_STOP, 0) +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code lexeme] +cell #[code const LexemeC*] +cell A pointer to a #[code LexemeC] struct. +row +cell #[code flag_id] +cell #[code attr_id_t] +cell | The ID of the flag to look up. The flag IDs are enumerated in | #[code spacy.typedefs]. +row +cell #[code value] +cell #[code bint] +cell The value to set.