import pytest from spacy.language import Language from spacy.lang.en import English from import Example from thinc.api import ConfigValidationError from pydantic import StrictBool def test_initialize_arguments(): name = "test_initialize_arguments" class CustomTokenizer: def __init__(self, tokenizer): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.from_initialize = None def __call__(self, text): return self.tokenizer(text) def initialize(self, get_examples, nlp, custom: int): self.from_initialize = custom class Component: def __init__(self): self.from_initialize = None def initialize( self, get_examples, nlp, custom1: str, custom2: StrictBool = False ): self.from_initialize = (custom1, custom2) Language.factory(name, func=lambda nlp, name: Component()) nlp = English() nlp.tokenizer = CustomTokenizer(nlp.tokenizer) example = Example.from_dict(nlp("x"), {}) get_examples = lambda: [example] nlp.add_pipe(name) # The settings here will typically come from the [initialize] block init_cfg = {"tokenizer": {"custom": 1}, "components": {name: {}}} nlp.config["initialize"].update(init_cfg) with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError) as e: # Empty config for component, no required custom1 argument nlp.initialize(get_examples) errors = e.value.errors assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0]["loc"] == ("custom1",) assert errors[0]["type"] == "value_error.missing" init_cfg = { "tokenizer": {"custom": 1}, "components": {name: {"custom1": "x", "custom2": 1}}, } nlp.config["initialize"].update(init_cfg) with pytest.raises(ConfigValidationError) as e: # Wrong type of custom 2 nlp.initialize(get_examples) errors = e.value.errors assert len(errors) == 1 assert errors[0]["loc"] == ("custom2",) assert errors[0]["type"] == "value_error.strictbool" init_cfg = { "tokenizer": {"custom": 1}, "components": {name: {"custom1": "x", "custom2": True}}, } nlp.config["initialize"].update(init_cfg) nlp.initialize(get_examples) assert nlp.tokenizer.from_initialize == 1 pipe = nlp.get_pipe(name) assert pipe.from_initialize == ("x", True)