from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Any, Tuple, Callable, List, Optional, IO from wasabi import Printer import tqdm import sys from ..util import registry from .. import util from ..errors import Errors if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..language import Language # noqa: F401 def setup_table( *, cols: List[str], widths: List[int], max_width: int = 13 ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int], List[str]]: final_cols = [] final_widths = [] for col, width in zip(cols, widths): if len(col) > max_width: col = col[: max_width - 3] + "..." # shorten column if too long final_cols.append(col.upper()) final_widths.append(max(len(col), width)) return final_cols, final_widths, ["r" for _ in final_widths] @registry.loggers("spacy.ConsoleLogger.v1") def console_logger(progress_bar: bool = False): def setup_printer( nlp: "Language", stdout: IO = sys.stdout, stderr: IO = sys.stderr ) -> Tuple[Callable[[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], None], Callable[[], None]]: write = lambda text: stdout.write(f"{text}\n") msg = Printer(no_print=True) # ensure that only trainable components are logged logged_pipes = [ name for name, proc in nlp.pipeline if hasattr(proc, "is_trainable") and proc.is_trainable ] eval_frequency = nlp.config["training"]["eval_frequency"] score_weights = nlp.config["training"]["score_weights"] score_cols = [col for col, value in score_weights.items() if value is not None] loss_cols = [f"Loss {pipe}" for pipe in logged_pipes] spacing = 2 table_header, table_widths, table_aligns = setup_table( cols=["E", "#"] + loss_cols + score_cols + ["Score"], widths=[3, 6] + [8 for _ in loss_cols] + [6 for _ in score_cols] + [6], ) write(msg.row(table_header, widths=table_widths, spacing=spacing)) write(msg.row(["-" * width for width in table_widths], spacing=spacing)) progress = None def log_step(info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: nonlocal progress if info is None: # If we don't have a new checkpoint, just return. if progress is not None: progress.update(1) return losses = [ "{0:.2f}".format(float(info["losses"][pipe_name])) for pipe_name in logged_pipes ] scores = [] for col in score_cols: score = info["other_scores"].get(col, 0.0) try: score = float(score) except TypeError: err = Errors.E916.format(name=col, score_type=type(score)) raise ValueError(err) from None if col != "speed": score *= 100 scores.append("{0:.2f}".format(score)) data = ( [info["epoch"], info["step"]] + losses + scores + ["{0:.2f}".format(float(info["score"]))] ) if progress is not None: progress.close() write( msg.row(data, widths=table_widths, aligns=table_aligns, spacing=spacing) ) if progress_bar: # Set disable=None, so that it disables on non-TTY progress = tqdm.tqdm( total=eval_frequency, disable=None, leave=False, file=stderr ) progress.set_description(f"Epoch {info['epoch']+1}") def finalize() -> None: pass return log_step, finalize return setup_printer @registry.loggers("spacy.WandbLogger.v1") def wandb_logger(project_name: str, remove_config_values: List[str] = []): try: import wandb from wandb import init, log, join # test that these are available except ImportError: raise ImportError(Errors.E880) console = console_logger(progress_bar=False) def setup_logger( nlp: "Language", stdout: IO = sys.stdout, stderr: IO = sys.stderr ) -> Tuple[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None], Callable[[], None]]: config = nlp.config.interpolate() config_dot = util.dict_to_dot(config) for field in remove_config_values: del config_dot[field] config = util.dot_to_dict(config_dot) wandb.init(project=project_name, config=config, reinit=True) console_log_step, console_finalize = console(nlp, stdout, stderr) def log_step(info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): console_log_step(info) if info is not None: score = info["score"] other_scores = info["other_scores"] losses = info["losses"] wandb.log({"score": score}) if losses: wandb.log({f"loss_{k}": v for k, v in losses.items()}) if isinstance(other_scores, dict): wandb.log(other_scores) def finalize() -> None: console_finalize() wandb.join() return log_step, finalize return setup_logger