# cython: profile=True # cython: infer_types=True from __future__ import unicode_literals from os import path from .typedefs cimport attr_t from .typedefs cimport hash_t from .attrs cimport attr_id_t from .structs cimport TokenC, LexemeC from .lexeme cimport Lexeme from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.pair cimport pair from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64 from libc.stdint cimport int32_t from .attrs cimport ID, LENGTH, ENT_TYPE, ORTH, NORM, LEMMA, LOWER, SHAPE from . import attrs from .tokens.doc cimport get_token_attr from .tokens.doc cimport Doc from .vocab cimport Vocab from .attrs import FLAG61 as U_ENT from .attrs import FLAG60 as B2_ENT from .attrs import FLAG59 as B3_ENT from .attrs import FLAG58 as B4_ENT from .attrs import FLAG57 as B5_ENT from .attrs import FLAG56 as B6_ENT from .attrs import FLAG55 as B7_ENT from .attrs import FLAG54 as B8_ENT from .attrs import FLAG53 as B9_ENT from .attrs import FLAG52 as B10_ENT from .attrs import FLAG51 as I3_ENT from .attrs import FLAG50 as I4_ENT from .attrs import FLAG49 as I5_ENT from .attrs import FLAG48 as I6_ENT from .attrs import FLAG47 as I7_ENT from .attrs import FLAG46 as I8_ENT from .attrs import FLAG45 as I9_ENT from .attrs import FLAG44 as I10_ENT from .attrs import FLAG43 as L2_ENT from .attrs import FLAG42 as L3_ENT from .attrs import FLAG41 as L4_ENT from .attrs import FLAG40 as L5_ENT from .attrs import FLAG39 as L6_ENT from .attrs import FLAG38 as L7_ENT from .attrs import FLAG37 as L8_ENT from .attrs import FLAG36 as L9_ENT from .attrs import FLAG35 as L10_ENT try: import ujson as json except ImportError: import json cpdef enum quantifier_t: _META ONE ZERO ZERO_ONE ZERO_PLUS cdef enum action_t: REJECT ADVANCE REPEAT ACCEPT ADVANCE_ZERO PANIC cdef struct AttrValueC: attr_id_t attr attr_t value cdef struct TokenPatternC: AttrValueC* attrs int32_t nr_attr quantifier_t quantifier ctypedef TokenPatternC* TokenPatternC_ptr ctypedef pair[int, TokenPatternC_ptr] StateC cdef TokenPatternC* init_pattern(Pool mem, attr_t entity_id, attr_t label, object token_specs) except NULL: pattern = mem.alloc(len(token_specs) + 1, sizeof(TokenPatternC)) cdef int i for i, (quantifier, spec) in enumerate(token_specs): pattern[i].quantifier = quantifier pattern[i].attrs = mem.alloc(len(spec), sizeof(AttrValueC)) pattern[i].nr_attr = len(spec) for j, (attr, value) in enumerate(spec): pattern[i].attrs[j].attr = attr pattern[i].attrs[j].value = value i = len(token_specs) pattern[i].attrs = mem.alloc(3, sizeof(AttrValueC)) pattern[i].attrs[0].attr = ID pattern[i].attrs[0].value = entity_id pattern[i].attrs[1].attr = ENT_TYPE pattern[i].attrs[1].value = label pattern[i].nr_attr = 0 return pattern cdef int get_action(const TokenPatternC* pattern, const TokenC* token) nogil: for attr in pattern.attrs[:pattern.nr_attr]: if get_token_attr(token, attr.attr) != attr.value: if pattern.quantifier == ONE: return REJECT elif pattern.quantifier == ZERO: return ACCEPT if (pattern+1).nr_attr == 0 else ADVANCE elif pattern.quantifier in (ZERO_ONE, ZERO_PLUS): return ACCEPT if (pattern+1).nr_attr == 0 else ADVANCE_ZERO else: return PANIC if pattern.quantifier == ZERO: return REJECT elif pattern.quantifier in (ONE, ZERO_ONE): return ACCEPT if (pattern+1).nr_attr == 0 else ADVANCE elif pattern.quantifier == ZERO_PLUS: return REPEAT else: return PANIC def _convert_strings(token_specs, string_store): # Support 'syntactic sugar' operator '+', as combination of ONE, ZERO_PLUS operators = {'!': (ZERO,), '*': (ZERO_PLUS,), '+': (ONE, ZERO_PLUS), '?': (ZERO_ONE,)} tokens = [] op = ONE for spec in token_specs: token = [] ops = (ONE,) for attr, value in spec.items(): if isinstance(attr, basestring) and attr.upper() == 'OP': if value in operators: ops = operators[value] else: raise KeyError( "Unknown operator. Options: %s" % ', '.join(operators.keys())) if isinstance(attr, basestring): attr = attrs.IDS.get(attr.upper()) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = string_store[value] if isinstance(value, bool): value = int(value) if attr is not None: token.append((attr, value)) for op in ops: tokens.append((op, token)) return tokens cdef class Matcher: cdef Pool mem cdef vector[TokenPatternC*] patterns cdef readonly Vocab vocab cdef public object _patterns cdef public object _entities cdef public object _callbacks cdef public object _acceptors @classmethod def load(cls, path, vocab): if (path / 'gazetteer.json').exists(): with (path / 'gazetteer.json').open('r', encoding='utf8') as file_: patterns = json.load(file_) else: patterns = {} return cls(vocab, patterns) def __init__(self, vocab, patterns={}): self._patterns = {} self._entities = {} self._acceptors = {} self._callbacks = {} self.vocab = vocab self.mem = Pool() self.vocab = vocab for entity_key, (etype, attrs, specs) in sorted(patterns.items()): self.add_entity(entity_key, attrs) for spec in specs: self.add_pattern(entity_key, spec, label=etype) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.vocab, self._patterns), None, None) property n_patterns: def __get__(self): return self.patterns.size() def add_entity(self, entity_key, attrs=None, if_exists='raise', acceptor=None, on_match=None): if if_exists not in ('raise', 'ignore', 'update'): raise ValueError( "Unexpected value for if_exists: %s.\n" "Expected one of: ['raise', 'ignore', 'update']" % if_exists) if attrs is None: attrs = {} entity_key = self.normalize_entity_key(entity_key) if self.has_entity(entity_key): if if_exists == 'raise': raise KeyError( "Tried to add entity %s. Entity exists, and if_exists='raise'.\n" "Set if_exists='ignore' or if_exists='update', or check with " "matcher.has_entity()") elif if_exists == 'ignore': return self._entities[entity_key] = dict(attrs) self._patterns.setdefault(entity_key, []) self._acceptors[entity_key] = acceptor self._callbacks[entity_key] = on_match def add_pattern(self, entity_key, token_specs, label=""): entity_key = self.normalize_entity_key(entity_key) if not self.has_entity(entity_key): self.add_entity(entity_key) if isinstance(label, basestring): label = self.vocab.strings[label] elif label is None: label = 0 spec = _convert_strings(token_specs, self.vocab.strings) self.patterns.push_back(init_pattern(self.mem, entity_key, label, spec)) self._patterns[entity_key].append((label, token_specs)) def add(self, entity_key, label, attrs, specs, acceptor=None, on_match=None): self.add_entity(entity_key, attrs=attrs, if_exists='update', acceptor=acceptor, on_match=on_match) for spec in specs: self.add_pattern(entity_key, spec, label=label) def normalize_entity_key(self, entity_key): if isinstance(entity_key, basestring): return self.vocab.strings[entity_key] else: return entity_key def has_entity(self, entity_key): entity_key = self.normalize_entity_key(entity_key) return entity_key in self._entities def get_entity(self, entity_key): entity_key = self.normalize_entity_key(entity_key) if entity_key in self._entities: return self._entities[entity_key] else: return None def __call__(self, Doc doc, acceptor=None): if acceptor is not None: raise ValueError( "acceptor keyword argument to Matcher deprecated. Specify acceptor " "functions when you add patterns instead.") cdef vector[StateC] partials cdef int n_partials = 0 cdef int q = 0 cdef int i, token_i cdef const TokenC* token cdef StateC state matches = [] for token_i in range(doc.length): token = &doc.c[token_i] q = 0 # Go over the open matches, extending or finalizing if able. Otherwise, # we over-write them (q doesn't advance) for state in partials: action = get_action(state.second, token) if action == PANIC: raise Exception("Error selecting action in matcher") while action == ADVANCE_ZERO: state.second += 1 action = get_action(state.second, token) if action == REPEAT: # Leave the state in the queue, and advance to next slot # (i.e. we don't overwrite -- we want to greedily match more # pattern. q += 1 elif action == REJECT: pass elif action == ADVANCE: partials[q] = state partials[q].second += 1 q += 1 elif action == ACCEPT: # TODO: What to do about patterns starting with ZERO? Need to # adjust the start position. start = state.first end = token_i+1 ent_id = state.second[1].attrs[0].value label = state.second[1].attrs[1].value acceptor = self._acceptors.get(ent_id) if acceptor is not None: match = acceptor(doc, ent_id, label, start, end) if match: ent_id, label, start, end = match matches.append((ent_id, label, start, end)) partials.resize(q) # Check whether we open any new patterns on this token for pattern in self.patterns: action = get_action(pattern, token) if action == PANIC: raise Exception("Error selecting action in matcher") while action == ADVANCE_ZERO: pattern += 1 action = get_action(pattern, token) if action == REPEAT: state.first = token_i state.second = pattern partials.push_back(state) elif action == ADVANCE: # TODO: What to do about patterns starting with ZERO? Need to # adjust the start position. state.first = token_i state.second = pattern + 1 partials.push_back(state) elif action == ACCEPT: start = token_i end = token_i+1 ent_id = pattern[1].attrs[0].value label = pattern[1].attrs[1].value if acceptor is None or acceptor(doc, ent_id, label, start, end): matches.append((ent_id, label, start, end)) for i, (ent_id, label, start, end) in enumerate(matches): on_match = self._callbacks.get(ent_id) if on_match is not None: on_match(self, doc, i, matches) return matches def pipe(self, docs, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2): for doc in docs: self(doc) yield doc def get_bilou(length): if length == 1: return [U_ENT] elif length == 2: return [B2_ENT, L2_ENT] elif length == 3: return [B3_ENT, I3_ENT, L3_ENT] elif length == 4: return [B4_ENT, I4_ENT, I4_ENT, L4_ENT] elif length == 5: return [B5_ENT, I5_ENT, I5_ENT, I5_ENT, L5_ENT] elif length == 6: return [B6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, I6_ENT, L6_ENT] elif length == 7: return [B7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, I7_ENT, L7_ENT] elif length == 8: return [B8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, I8_ENT, L8_ENT] elif length == 9: return [B9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, I9_ENT, L9_ENT] elif length == 10: return [B10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, I10_ENT, L10_ENT] else: raise ValueError("Max length currently 10 for phrase matching") cdef class PhraseMatcher: cdef Pool mem cdef Vocab vocab cdef Matcher matcher cdef PreshMap phrase_ids cdef int max_length cdef attr_t* _phrase_key def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, phrases, max_length=10): self.mem = Pool() self._phrase_key = self.mem.alloc(max_length, sizeof(attr_t)) self.max_length = max_length self.vocab = vocab self.matcher = Matcher(self.vocab, {}) self.phrase_ids = PreshMap() for phrase in phrases: if len(phrase) < max_length: self.add(phrase) abstract_patterns = [] for length in range(1, max_length): abstract_patterns.append([{tag: True} for tag in get_bilou(length)]) self.matcher.add('Candidate', 'MWE', {}, abstract_patterns) def add(self, Doc tokens): cdef int length = tokens.length assert length < self.max_length tags = get_bilou(length) assert len(tags) == length, length cdef int i for i in range(self.max_length): self._phrase_key[i] = 0 for i, tag in enumerate(tags): lexeme = self.vocab[tokens.c[i].lex.orth] lexeme.set_flag(tag, True) self._phrase_key[i] = lexeme.orth cdef hash_t key = hash64(self._phrase_key, self.max_length * sizeof(attr_t), 0) self.phrase_ids[key] = True def __call__(self, Doc doc): matches = [] for label, start, end in self.matcher(doc, acceptor=self.accept_match): cand = doc[start : end] start = cand[0].idx end = cand[-1].idx + len(cand[-1]) matches.append((start, end, cand.root.tag_, cand.text, 'MWE')) for match in matches: doc.merge(*match) return matches def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2): for doc in stream: self(doc) yield doc def accept_match(self, Doc doc, int label, int start, int end): assert (end - start) < self.max_length cdef int i, j for i in range(self.max_length): self._phrase_key[i] = 0 for i, j in enumerate(range(start, end)): self._phrase_key[i] = doc.c[j].lex.orth cdef hash_t key = hash64(self._phrase_key, self.max_length * sizeof(attr_t), 0) if self.phrase_ids.get(key): return True else: return False