//  Tables - Variables
// ============================================================================

$table-background-color : color(white)
$table-border-color     : color(grey)
$table-border-style     : solid 
$table-border-width     : 1px
$table-color            : color($theme)
$table-head-color       : color(white)
$table-highlight-border : 3px solid color($theme)
$table-padding          : 1em
$table-shade-color      : color(grey, light)
$table-shadow-color     : color(black, dark)

//  Tables - Style
// ============================================================================

//  .table                 - data table
//  .table--code           - table with code in first column
//  .table--params         - table with parameters in first column
//  .table-row             - table row
//  .table-cell            - table cell
//  .table-cell--highlight - style for highlighted table cell(s)
//  .table-head-cell       - table head cell
//  .table-container       - block containing table

    @extend .table-responsive, .block, .text
    vertical-align: top

    &--code .table-cell:first-child
        background: $table-shade-color

    &--params .table-cell:first-child
        font-weight: bold
        white-space: nowrap

    border: $table-border-width $table-border-style $table-border-color
    padding: $table-padding

        border: $table-highlight-border

    @extend .text-meta
    background: $table-color
    border: $table-border-width $table-border-style $table-color
    color: $table-head-color
    display: table-cell
    padding: $table-padding

    @extend .responsive-container

// Responsive Table Markup
// adapted from David Bushell, http://codepen.io/dbushell/pen/wGaamR

@media(max-width: #{$screen-size-large})
        @include scroll-shadow-base($table-shadow-color)
        display: inline-block
        overflow-x: auto
        width: auto
        -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch

                @include scroll-shadow-cover(left, $table-background-color)

                @include scroll-shadow-cover(right, $table-background-color)

                @include scroll-shadow-cover(left, $table-shade-color)