include ../../_includes/_mixins

    |  As of v1.7.0, spaCy comes with new command line helpers to download and
    |  link models and show useful debugging information. For a list of available
    |  commands, type #[code spacy --help].

+infobox("⚠️ Deprecation note")
    |  As of spaCy 2.0, the #[code model] command to initialise a model data
    |  directory is deprecated. The command was only necessary because previous
    |  versions of spaCy expected a model directory to already be set up. This
    |  has since been changed, so you can use the #[+api("cli#train") #[code train]]
    |  command straight away.

+h(2, "download") Download

    |  Download #[+a("/docs/usage/models") models] for spaCy. The downloader finds the
    |  best-matching compatible version, uses pip to download the model as a
    |  package and automatically creates a
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models#usage") shortcut link] to load the model by name.
    |  Direct downloads don't perform any compatibility checks and require the
    |  model name to be specified with its version (e.g., #[code en_core_web_sm-1.2.0]).

+code(false, "bash", "$").
    spacy download [model] [--direct]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code model]
        +cell positional
        +cell Model name or shortcut (#[code en], #[code de], #[code vectors]).

        +cell #[code --direct], #[code -d]
        +cell flag
        +cell Force direct download of exact model version.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.

+aside("Downloading best practices")
    |  The #[code download] command is mostly intended as a convenient,
    |  interactive wrapper – it performs compatibility checks and prints
    |  detailed messages in case things go wrong. It's #[strong not recommended]
    |  to use this command as part of an automated process. If you know which
    |  model your project needs, you should consider a
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models#download-pip") direct download via pip], or
    |  uploading the model to a local PyPi installation and fetching it straight
    |  from there. This will also allow you to add it as a versioned package
    |  dependency to your project.

+h(2, "link") Link

    |  Create a #[+a("/docs/usage/models#usage") shortcut link] for a model,
    |  either a Python package or a local directory. This will let you load
    |  models from any location using a custom name via
    |  #[+api("spacy#load") #[code spacy.load()]].

+infobox("Important note")
    |  In spaCy v1.x, you had to use the model data directory to set up a shortcut
    |  link for a local path. As of v2.0, spaCy expects all shortcut links to
    |  be #[strong loadable model packages]. If you want to load a data directory,
    |  call #[+api("spacy#load") #[code spacy.load()]] or
    |  #[+api("language#from_disk") #[code Language.from_disk()]] with the path,
    |  or use the #[+api("cli#package") #[code package]] command to create a
    |  model package.

+code(false, "bash", "$").
    spacy link [origin] [link_name] [--force]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code origin]
        +cell positional
        +cell Model name if package, or path to local directory.

        +cell #[code link_name]
        +cell positional
        +cell Name of the shortcut link to create.

        +cell #[code --force], #[code -f]
        +cell flag
        +cell Force overwriting of existing link.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.

+h(2, "info") Info

    |  Print information about your spaCy installation, models and local setup,
    |  and generate #[+a("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown") Markdown]-formatted
    |  markup to copy-paste into #[+a(gh("spacy") + "/issues") GitHub issues].

+code(false, "bash").
    spacy info [--markdown]
    spacy info [model] [--markdown]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code model]
        +cell positional
        +cell A model, i.e. shortcut link, package name or path (optional).

        +cell #[code --markdown], #[code -md]
        +cell flag
        +cell Print information as Markdown.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.

+h(2, "convert") Convert

    |  Convert files into spaCy's #[+a("/docs/api/annotation#json-input") JSON format]
    |  for use with the #[code train] command and other experiment management
    |  functions. The right converter is chosen based on the file extension of
    |  the input file. Currently only supports #[code .conllu].

+code(false, "bash", "$").
    spacy convert [input_file] [output_dir] [--n-sents] [--morphology]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code input_file]
        +cell positional
        +cell Input file.

        +cell #[code output_dir]
        +cell positional
        +cell Output directory for converted JSON file.

        +cell #[code --n-sents], #[code -n]
        +cell option
        +cell Number of sentences per document.

        +cell #[code --morphology], #[code -m]
        +cell option
        +cell Enable appending morphology to tags.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.

+h(2, "train") Train

    |  Train a model. Expects data in spaCy's
    |  #[+a("/docs/api/annotation#json-input") JSON format].

+code(false, "bash", "$").
    spacy train [lang] [output_dir] [train_data] [dev_data] [--n-iter] [--n-sents] [--use-gpu] [--no-tagger] [--no-parser] [--no-entities]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code lang]
        +cell positional
        +cell Model language.

        +cell #[code output_dir]
        +cell positional
        +cell Directory to store model in.

        +cell #[code train_data]
        +cell positional
        +cell Location of JSON-formatted training data.

        +cell #[code dev_data]
        +cell positional
        +cell Location of JSON-formatted dev data (optional).

        +cell #[code --n-iter], #[code -n]
        +cell option
        +cell Number of iterations (default: #[code 20]).

        +cell #[code --n-sents], #[code -ns]
        +cell option
        +cell Number of sentences (default: #[code 0]).

        +cell #[code --use-gpu], #[code -g]
        +cell option
        +cell Use GPU.

        +cell #[code --no-tagger], #[code -T]
        +cell flag
        +cell Don't train tagger.

        +cell #[code --no-parser], #[code -P]
        +cell flag
        +cell Don't train parser.

        +cell #[code --no-entities], #[code -N]
        +cell flag
        +cell Don't train NER.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.

+h(3, "train-hyperparams") Environment variables for hyperparameters

    |  spaCy lets you set hyperparameters for training via environment variables.
    |  This is useful, because it keeps the command simple and allows you to
    |  #[+a("https://askubuntu.com/questions/17536/how-do-i-create-a-permanent-bash-alias/17537#17537") create an alias]
    |  for your custom #[code train] command while still being able to easily
    |  tweak the hyperparameters. For example:

+code(false, "bash").
    parser_hidden_depth=2 parser_maxout_pieces=1 train-parser


+table(["Name", "Description", "Default"])
        +cell #[code dropout_from]
        +cell #[code 0.2]

        +cell #[code dropout_to]
        +cell #[code 0.2]

        +cell #[code dropout_decay]
        +cell #[code 0.0]

        +cell #[code batch_from]
        +cell #[code 1]

        +cell #[code batch_to]
        +cell #[code 64]

        +cell #[code batch_compound]
        +cell #[code 1.001]

        +cell #[code token_vector_width]
        +cell #[code 128]

        +cell #[code embed_size]
        +cell #[code 7500]

        +cell #[code parser_maxout_pieces]
        +cell #[code 2]

        +cell #[code parser_hidden_depth]
        +cell #[code 1]

        +cell #[code hidden_width]
        +cell #[code 128]

        +cell #[code learn_rate]
        +cell #[code 0.001]

        +cell #[code optimizer_B1]
        +cell #[code 0.9]

        +cell #[code optimizer_B2]
        +cell #[code 0.999]

        +cell #[code optimizer_eps]
        +cell #[code 1e-08]

        +cell #[code L2_penalty]
        +cell #[code 1e-06]

        +cell #[code grad_norm_clip]
        +cell #[code 1.0]

+h(2, "package") Package

    |  Generate a #[+a("/docs/usage/saving-loading#generating") model Python package]
    |  from an existing model data directory. All data files are copied over.
    |  If the path to a meta.json is supplied, or a meta.json is found in the
    |  input directory, this file is used. Otherwise, the data can be entered
    |  directly from the command line. The required file templates are downloaded
    |  from #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "templates/model")) GitHub] to make
    |  sure you're always using the latest versions. This means you need to be
    |  connected to the internet to use this command.

+code(false, "bash", "$").
    spacy package [input_dir] [output_dir] [--meta] [--force]

+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code input_dir]
        +cell positional
        +cell Path to directory containing model data.

        +cell #[code output_dir]
        +cell positional
        +cell Directory to create package folder in.

        +cell #[code --meta-path], #[code -m]
        +cell option
        +cell Path to meta.json file (optional).

        +cell #[code --create-meta], #[code -c]
        +cell flag
            |  Create a meta.json file on the command line, even if one already
            |  exists in the directory.

        +cell #[code --force], #[code -f]
        +cell flag
        +cell Force overwriting of existing folder in output directory.

        +cell #[code --help], #[code -h]
        +cell flag
        +cell Show help message and available arguments.