from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import codecs import pathlib import ujson as json from .symbols import NOUN, VERB, ADJ, PUNCT class Lemmatizer(object): @classmethod def load(cls, path): index = {} exc = {} for pos in ['adj', 'noun', 'verb']: pos_index_path = path / 'wordnet' / 'index.{pos}'.format(pos=pos) if pos_index_path.exists(): with as file_: index[pos] = read_index(file_) else: index[pos] = set() pos_exc_path = path / 'wordnet' / '{pos}.exc'.format(pos=pos) if pos_exc_path.exists(): with as file_: exc[pos] = read_exc(file_) else: exc[pos] = {} with (path / 'vocab' / 'lemma_rules.json').open('r', encoding='utf8') as file_: rules = json.load(file_) return cls(index, exc, rules) def __init__(self, index, exceptions, rules): self.index = index self.exc = exceptions self.rules = rules def __call__(self, string, univ_pos, morphology=None): if univ_pos == NOUN: univ_pos = 'noun' elif univ_pos == VERB: univ_pos = 'verb' elif univ_pos == ADJ: univ_pos = 'adj' elif univ_pos == PUNCT: univ_pos = 'punct' # See Issue #435 for example of where this logic is requied. if self.is_base_form(univ_pos, morphology): return set([string.lower()]) lemmas = lemmatize(string, self.index.get(univ_pos, {}), self.exc.get(univ_pos, {}), self.rules.get(univ_pos, [])) return lemmas def is_base_form(self, univ_pos, morphology=None): '''Check whether we're dealing with an uninflected paradigm, so we can avoid lemmatization entirely.''' morphology = {} if morphology is None else morphology others = [key for key in morphology if key not in ('number', 'pos', 'verbform')] if univ_pos == 'noun' and morphology.get('number') == 'sing' and not others: return True elif univ_pos == 'verb' and morphology.get('verbform') == 'inf' and not others: return True else: return False def noun(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, 'noun', morphology) def verb(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, 'verb', morphology) def adj(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, 'adj', morphology) def punct(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, 'punct', morphology) def lemmatize(string, index, exceptions, rules): string = string.lower() forms = [] # TODO: Is this correct? See discussion in Issue #435. #if string in index: # forms.append(string) forms.extend(exceptions.get(string, [])) for old, new in rules: if string.endswith(old): form = string[:len(string) - len(old)] + new if form in index or not form.isalpha(): forms.append(form) if not forms: forms.append(string) return set(forms) def read_index(fileobj): index = set() for line in fileobj: if line.startswith(' '): continue pieces = line.split() word = pieces[0] if word.count('_') == 0: index.add(word) return index def read_exc(fileobj): exceptions = {} for line in fileobj: if line.startswith(' '): continue pieces = line.split() exceptions[pieces[0]] = tuple(pieces[1:]) return exceptions