--- title: Embeddings, Transformers and Transfer Learning teaser: Using transformer embeddings like BERT in spaCy menu: - ['Embedding Layers', 'embedding-layers'] - ['Transformers', 'transformers'] - ['Static Vectors', 'static-vectors'] - ['Pretraining', 'pretraining'] next: /usage/training --- The key difference between [word vectors](#word-vectors) and contextual language models such as [transformers](#transformers) is that word vectors model **lexical types**, rather than _tokens_. If you have a list of terms with no context around them, a transformer model like BERT can't really help you. BERT is designed to understand language **in context**, which isn't what you have. A word vectors table will be a much better fit for your task. However, if you do have words in context — whole sentences or paragraphs of running text — word vectors will only provide a very rough approximation of what the text is about. Word vectors are also very computationally efficient, as they map a word to a vector with a single indexing operation. Word vectors are therefore useful as a way to **improve the accuracy** of neural network models, especially models that are small or have received little or no pretraining. In spaCy, word vector tables are only used as **static features**. spaCy does not backpropagate gradients to the pretrained word vectors table. The static vectors table is usually used in combination with a smaller table of learned task-specific embeddings. Word vectors are not compatible with most [transformer models](#transformers), but if you're training another type of NLP network, it's almost always worth adding word vectors to your model. As well as improving your final accuracy, word vectors often make experiments more consistent, as the accuracy you reach will be less sensitive to how the network is randomly initialized. High variance due to random chance can slow down your progress significantly, as you need to run many experiments to filter the signal from the noise. Word vector features need to be enabled prior to training, and the same word vectors table will need to be available at runtime as well. You cannot add word vector features once the model has already been trained, and you usually cannot replace one word vectors table with another without causing a significant loss of performance. ## Shared embedding layers {#embedding-layers} ![Pipeline components using a shared embedding component vs. independent embedding layers](../images/tok2vec.svg) | Shared | Independent | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ✅ **smaller:** models only need to include a single copy of the embeddings | ❌ **larger:** models need to include the embeddings for each component | | ✅ **faster:** | ❌ **slower:** | | ❌ **less composable:** all components require the same embedding component in the pipeline | ✅ **modular:** components can be moved and swapped freely | ![Pipeline components listening to shared embedding component](../images/tok2vec-listener.svg) ## Using transformer models {#transformers} Transformers are a family of neural network architectures that compute **dense, context-sensitive representations** for the tokens in your documents. Downstream models in your pipeline can then use these representations as input features to **improve their predictions**. You can connect multiple components to a single transformer model, with any or all of those components giving feedback to the transformer to fine-tune it to your tasks. spaCy's transformer support interoperates with [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org) and the [HuggingFace `transformers`](https://huggingface.co/transformers/) library, giving you access to thousands of pretrained models for your pipelines. There are many [great guides](http://jalammar.github.io/illustrated-transformer/) to transformer models, but for practical purposes, you can simply think of them as a drop-in replacement that let you achieve **higher accuracy** in exchange for **higher training and runtime costs**. ### Setup and installation {#transformers-installation} > #### System requirements > > We recommend an NVIDIA **GPU** with at least **10GB of memory** in order to > work with transformer models. Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date and > you have **CUDA v9+** installed. > The exact requirements will depend on the transformer model. Training a > transformer-based model without a GPU will be too slow for most practical > purposes. > > Provisioning a new machine will require about **5GB** of data to be > downloaded: 3GB CUDA runtime, 800MB PyTorch, 400MB CuPy, 500MB weights, 200MB > spaCy and dependencies. Once you have CUDA installed, you'll need to install two pip packages, [`cupy`](https://docs.cupy.dev/en/stable/install.html) and [`spacy-transformers`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-transformers). `cupy` is just like `numpy`, but for GPU. The best way to install it is to choose a wheel that matches the version of CUDA you're using. You may also need to set the `CUDA_PATH` environment variable if your CUDA runtime is installed in a non-standard location. Putting it all together, if you had installed CUDA 10.2 in `/opt/nvidia/cuda`, you would run: ```bash ### Installation with CUDA $ export CUDA_PATH="/opt/nvidia/cuda" $ pip install cupy-cuda102 $ pip install spacy-transformers ``` ### Runtime usage {#transformers-runtime} Transformer models can be used as **drop-in replacements** for other types of neural networks, so your spaCy pipeline can include them in a way that's completely invisible to the user. Users will download, load and use the model in the standard way, like any other spaCy pipeline. Instead of using the transformers as subnetworks directly, you can also use them via the [`Transformer`](/api/transformer) pipeline component. ![The processing pipeline with the transformer component](../images/pipeline_transformer.svg) The `Transformer` component sets the [`Doc._.trf_data`](/api/transformer#custom_attributes) extension attribute, which lets you access the transformers outputs at runtime. ```cli $ python -m spacy download en_core_trf_lg ``` ```python ### Example import spacy from thinc.api import use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory, require_gpu # Use the GPU, with memory allocations directed via PyTorch. # This prevents out-of-memory errors that would otherwise occur from competing # memory pools. use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory() require_gpu(0) nlp = spacy.load("en_core_trf_lg") for doc in nlp.pipe(["some text", "some other text"]): tokvecs = doc._.trf_data.tensors[-1] ``` You can also customize how the [`Transformer`](/api/transformer) component sets annotations onto the [`Doc`](/api/doc), by customizing the `annotation_setter`. This callback will be called with the raw input and output data for the whole batch, along with the batch of `Doc` objects, allowing you to implement whatever you need. The annotation setter is called with a batch of [`Doc`](/api/doc) objects and a [`FullTransformerBatch`](/api/transformer#fulltransformerbatch) containing the transformers data for the batch. ```python def custom_annotation_setter(docs, trf_data): # TODO: ... nlp = spacy.load("en_core_trf_lg") nlp.get_pipe("transformer").annotation_setter = custom_annotation_setter doc = nlp("This is a text") print() # TODO: ``` ### Training usage {#transformers-training} The recommended workflow for training is to use spaCy's [config system](/usage/training#config), usually via the [`spacy train`](/api/cli#train) command. The training config defines all component settings and hyperparameters in one place and lets you describe a tree of objects by referring to creation functions, including functions you register yourself. For details on how to get started with training your own model, check out the [training quickstart](/usage/training#quickstart). The `[components]` section in the [`config.cfg`](/api/data-formats#config) describes the pipeline components and the settings used to construct them, including their model implementation. Here's a config snippet for the [`Transformer`](/api/transformer) component, along with matching Python code. In this case, the `[components.transformer]` block describes the `transformer` component: > #### Python equivalent > > ```python > from spacy_transformers import Transformer, TransformerModel > from spacy_transformers.annotation_setters import null_annotation_setter > from spacy_transformers.span_getters import get_doc_spans > > trf = Transformer( > nlp.vocab, > TransformerModel( > "bert-base-cased", > get_spans=get_doc_spans, > tokenizer_config={"use_fast": True}, > ), > annotation_setter=null_annotation_setter, > max_batch_items=4096, > ) > ``` ```ini ### config.cfg (excerpt) [components.transformer] factory = "transformer" max_batch_items = 4096 [components.transformer.model] @architectures = "spacy-transformers.TransformerModel.v1" name = "bert-base-cased" tokenizer_config = {"use_fast": true} [components.transformer.model.get_spans] @span_getters = "doc_spans.v1" [components.transformer.annotation_setter] @annotation_setters = "spacy-transformers.null_annotation_setter.v1" ``` The `[components.transformer.model]` block describes the `model` argument passed to the transformer component. It's a Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) object that will be passed into the component. Here, it references the function [spacy-transformers.TransformerModel.v1](/api/architectures#TransformerModel) registered in the [`architectures` registry](/api/top-level#registry). If a key in a block starts with `@`, it's **resolved to a function** and all other settings are passed to the function as arguments. In this case, `name`, `tokenizer_config` and `get_spans`. `get_spans` is a function that takes a batch of `Doc` object and returns lists of potentially overlapping `Span` objects to process by the transformer. Several [built-in functions](/api/transformer#span-getters) are available – for example, to process the whole document or individual sentences. When the config is resolved, the function is created and passed into the model as an argument. Remember that the `config.cfg` used for training should contain **no missing values** and requires all settings to be defined. You don't want any hidden defaults creeping in and changing your results! spaCy will tell you if settings are missing, and you can run [`spacy init fill-config`](/api/cli#init-fill-config) to automatically fill in all defaults. ### Customizing the settings {#transformers-training-custom-settings} To change any of the settings, you can edit the `config.cfg` and re-run the training. To change any of the functions, like the span getter, you can replace the name of the referenced function – e.g. `@span_getters = "sent_spans.v1"` to process sentences. You can also register your own functions using the `span_getters` registry: > #### config.cfg > > ```ini > [components.transformer.model.get_spans] > @span_getters = "custom_sent_spans" > ``` ```python ### code.py import spacy_transformers @spacy_transformers.registry.span_getters("custom_sent_spans") def configure_custom_sent_spans(): # TODO: write custom example def get_sent_spans(docs): return [list(doc.sents) for doc in docs] return get_sent_spans ``` To resolve the config during training, spaCy needs to know about your custom function. You can make it available via the `--code` argument that can point to a Python file. For more details on training with custom code, see the [training documentation](/usage/training#custom-code). ```cli python -m spacy train ./config.cfg --code ./code.py ``` ### Customizing the model implementations {#training-custom-model} The [`Transformer`](/api/transformer) component expects a Thinc [`Model`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-model) object to be passed in as its `model` argument. You're not limited to the implementation provided by `spacy-transformers` – the only requirement is that your registered function must return an object of type ~~Model[List[Doc], FullTransformerBatch]~~: that is, a Thinc model that takes a list of [`Doc`](/api/doc) objects, and returns a [`FullTransformerBatch`](/api/transformer#fulltransformerbatch) object with the transformer data. The same idea applies to task models that power the **downstream components**. Most of spaCy's built-in model creation functions support a `tok2vec` argument, which should be a Thinc layer of type ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~. This is where we'll plug in our transformer model, using the [Tok2VecListener](/api/architectures#Tok2VecListener) layer, which sneakily delegates to the `Transformer` pipeline component. ```ini ### config.cfg (excerpt) {highlight="12"} [components.ner] factory = "ner" [nlp.pipeline.ner.model] @architectures = "spacy.TransitionBasedParser.v1" nr_feature_tokens = 3 hidden_width = 128 maxout_pieces = 3 use_upper = false [nlp.pipeline.ner.model.tok2vec] @architectures = "spacy-transformers.Tok2VecListener.v1" grad_factor = 1.0 [nlp.pipeline.ner.model.tok2vec.pooling] @layers = "reduce_mean.v1" ``` The [Tok2VecListener](/api/architectures#Tok2VecListener) layer expects a [pooling layer](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-layers#reduction-ops) as the argument `pooling`, which needs to be of type ~~Model[Ragged, Floats2d]~~. This layer determines how the vector for each spaCy token will be computed from the zero or more source rows the token is aligned against. Here we use the [`reduce_mean`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-layers#reduce_mean) layer, which averages the wordpiece rows. We could instead use [`reduce_max`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-layers#reduce_max), or a custom function you write yourself. You can have multiple components all listening to the same transformer model, and all passing gradients back to it. By default, all of the gradients will be **equally weighted**. You can control this with the `grad_factor` setting, which lets you reweight the gradients from the different listeners. For instance, setting `grad_factor = 0` would disable gradients from one of the listeners, while `grad_factor = 2.0` would multiply them by 2. This is similar to having a custom learning rate for each component. Instead of a constant, you can also provide a schedule, allowing you to freeze the shared parameters at the start of training. ## Static vectors {#static-vectors} ### Using word vectors in your models {#word-vectors-models} Many neural network models are able to use word vector tables as additional features, which sometimes results in significant improvements in accuracy. spaCy's built-in embedding layer, [MultiHashEmbed](/api/architectures#MultiHashEmbed), can be configured to use word vector tables using the `also_use_static_vectors` flag. This setting is also available on the [MultiHashEmbedCNN](/api/architectures#MultiHashEmbedCNN) layer, which builds the default token-to-vector encoding architecture. ```ini [tagger.model.tok2vec.embed] @architectures = "spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v1" width = 128 rows = 7000 also_embed_subwords = true also_use_static_vectors = true ``` The configuration system will look up the string `"spacy.MultiHashEmbed.v1"` in the `architectures` [registry](/api/top-level#registry), and call the returned object with the rest of the arguments from the block. This will result in a call to the [`MultiHashEmbed`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy/tree/develop/spacy/ml/models/tok2vec.py) function, which will return a [Thinc](https://thinc.ai) model object with the type signature ~~Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]~~. Because the embedding layer takes a list of `Doc` objects as input, it does not need to store a copy of the vectors table. The vectors will be retrieved from the `Doc` objects that are passed in, via the `doc.vocab.vectors` attribute. This part of the process is handled by the [StaticVectors](/api/architectures#StaticVectors) layer. #### Creating a custom embedding layer {#custom-embedding-layer} The [MultiHashEmbed](/api/architectures#StaticVectors) layer is spaCy's recommended strategy for constructing initial word representations for your neural network models, but you can also implement your own. You can register any function to a string name, and then reference that function within your config (see the [training docs](/usage/training) for more details). To try this out, you can save the following little example to a new Python file: ```python from spacy.ml.staticvectors import StaticVectors from spacy.util import registry print("I was imported!") @registry.architectures("my_example.MyEmbedding.v1") def MyEmbedding(output_width: int) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]: print("I was called!") return StaticVectors(nO=output_width) ``` If you pass the path to your file to the [`spacy train`](/api/cli#train) command using the `--code` argument, your file will be imported, which means the decorator registering the function will be run. Your function is now on equal footing with any of spaCy's built-ins, so you can drop it in instead of any other model with the same input and output signature. For instance, you could use it in the tagger model as follows: ```ini [tagger.model.tok2vec.embed] @architectures = "my_example.MyEmbedding.v1" output_width = 128 ``` Now that you have a custom function wired into the network, you can start implementing the logic you're interested in. For example, let's say you want to try a relatively simple embedding strategy that makes use of static word vectors, but combines them via summation with a smaller table of learned embeddings. ```python from thinc.api import add, chain, remap_ids, Embed from spacy.ml.staticvectors import StaticVectors @registry.architectures("my_example.MyEmbedding.v1") def MyCustomVectors( output_width: int, vector_width: int, embed_rows: int, key2row: Dict[int, int] ) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]: return add( StaticVectors(nO=output_width), chain( FeatureExtractor(["ORTH"]), remap_ids(key2row), Embed(nO=output_width, nV=embed_rows) ) ) ``` ## Pretraining {#pretraining}