[ { "id":0, "paragraphs":[ { "raw":"Explanation\nWhy the edits made under my username Hardcore Metallica Fan were reverted? They weren't vandalisms, just closure on some GAs after I voted at New York Dolls FAC. And please don't remove the template from the talk page since I'm retired now.", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"Explanation", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"\n", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"Why", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"edits", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"made", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"under", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"my", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"username", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"Hardcore", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"Metallica", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"Fan", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"were", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"reverted", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"?", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":15, "orth":"They", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"were", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"n't", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"vandalisms", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":"just", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"closure", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":23, "orth":"some", "ner":"O" }, { "id":24, "orth":"GAs", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"after", "ner":"O" }, { "id":26, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":"voted", "ner":"O" }, { "id":28, "orth":"at", "ner":"O" }, { "id":29, "orth":"New", "ner":"O" }, { "id":30, "orth":"York", "ner":"O" }, { "id":31, "orth":"Dolls", "ner":"O" }, { "id":32, "orth":"FAC", "ner":"O" }, { "id":33, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":34, "orth":"And", "ner":"O" }, { "id":35, "orth":"please", "ner":"O" }, { "id":36, "orth":"do", "ner":"O" }, { "id":37, "orth":"n't", "ner":"O" }, { "id":38, "orth":"remove", "ner":"O" }, { "id":39, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":40, "orth":"template", "ner":"O" }, { "id":41, "orth":"from", "ner":"O" }, { "id":42, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":43, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":44, "orth":"page", "ner":"O" }, { "id":45, "orth":"since", "ner":"O" }, { "id":46, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":47, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":48, "orth":"retired", "ner":"O" }, { "id":49, "orth":"now.", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":0 } ] }, { "raw":"I'm Sorry \n\nI'm sorry I screwed around with someones talk page. It was very bad to do. I know how having the templates on their talk page helps you assert your dominance over them. I know I should bow down to the almighty administrators. But then again, I'm going to go play outside....with your mom.", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"Sorry", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"\n\n", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"sorry", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"screwed", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"around", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"with", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"someones", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"page", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":15, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"It", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"was", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"very", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"bad", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"do", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":23, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":24, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"know", "ner":"O" }, { "id":26, "orth":"how", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":"having", "ner":"O" }, { "id":28, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":29, "orth":"templates", "ner":"O" }, { "id":30, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":31, "orth":"their", "ner":"O" }, { "id":32, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":33, "orth":"page", "ner":"O" }, { "id":34, "orth":"helps", "ner":"O" }, { "id":35, "orth":"you", "ner":"O" }, { "id":36, "orth":"assert", "ner":"O" }, { "id":37, "orth":"your", "ner":"O" }, { "id":38, "orth":"dominance", "ner":"O" }, { "id":39, "orth":"over", "ner":"O" }, { "id":40, "orth":"them", "ner":"O" }, { "id":41, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":42, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":43, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":44, "orth":"know", "ner":"O" }, { "id":45, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":46, "orth":"should", "ner":"O" }, { "id":47, "orth":"bow", "ner":"O" }, { "id":48, "orth":"down", "ner":"O" }, { "id":49, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":50, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":51, "orth":"almighty", "ner":"O" }, { "id":52, "orth":"administrators", "ner":"O" }, { "id":53, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":54, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":55, "orth":"But", "ner":"O" }, { "id":56, "orth":"then", "ner":"O" }, { "id":57, "orth":"again", "ner":"O" }, { "id":58, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":59, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":60, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":61, "orth":"going", "ner":"O" }, { "id":62, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":63, "orth":"go", "ner":"O" }, { "id":64, "orth":"play", "ner":"O" }, { "id":65, "orth":"outside", "ner":"O" }, { "id":66, "orth":"....", "ner":"O" }, { "id":67, "orth":"with", "ner":"O" }, { "id":68, "orth":"your", "ner":"O" }, { "id":69, "orth":"mom", "ner":"O" }, { "id":70, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":71, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":72, "orth":"", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":1 } ] }, { "raw":"Stupid peace of shit stop deleting my stuff asshole go die and fall in a hole go to hell!", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"Stupid", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"peace", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"of", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"shit", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"stop", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"deleting", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"my", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"stuff", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"asshole", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"go", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"die", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"and", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"fall", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"in", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"a", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"hole", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"go", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"hell", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":1 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":1 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":1 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":1 } ] }, { "raw":"D'aww! He matches this background colour I'm seemingly stuck with. Thanks. (talk) 21:51, January 11, 2016 (UTC)", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"D'aww", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":2, "orth":"He", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"matches", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"this", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"background", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"colour", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"seemingly", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"stuck", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"with", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":13, "orth":"Thanks", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":15, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"(", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":")", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"21:51", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"January", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":"11", "ner":"O" }, { "id":23, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":24, "orth":"2016", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"(", "ner":"O" }, { "id":26, "orth":"UTC", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":")", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":0 } ] }, { "raw":"GET FUCKED UP. GET FUCKEEED UP. GOT A DRINK THAT YOU CANT PUT DOWN???/ GET FUCK UP GET FUCKED UP. I'M FUCKED UP RIGHT NOW!", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"GET", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"FUCKED", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"UP", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":4, "orth":"GET", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"FUCKEEED", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"UP", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":8, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"GOT", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"A", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"DRINK", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"THAT", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"YOU", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"CANT", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"PUT", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"DOWN???/", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"GET", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"FUCK", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"UP", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":"GET", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"FUCKED", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":"UP", "ner":"O" }, { "id":23, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":24, "orth":" ", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"I'M", "ner":"O" }, { "id":26, "orth":"FUCKED", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":"UP", "ner":"O" }, { "id":28, "orth":"RIGHT", "ner":"O" }, { "id":29, "orth":"NOW", "ner":"O" }, { "id":30, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":1 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":1 } ] }, { "raw":"Hey man, I'm really not trying to edit war. It's just that this guy is constantly removing relevant information and talking to me through edits instead of my talk page. He seems to care more about the formatting than the actual info.", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"Hey", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"man", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"'m", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"really", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"not", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"trying", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"edit", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"war", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":12, "orth":"It", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"'s", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"just", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"that", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"this", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"guy", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"is", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"constantly", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":"removing", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"relevant", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":"information", "ner":"O" }, { "id":23, "orth":"and", "ner":"O" }, { "id":24, "orth":"talking", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":26, "orth":"me", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":"through", "ner":"O" }, { "id":28, "orth":"edits", "ner":"O" }, { "id":29, "orth":"instead", "ner":"O" }, { "id":30, "orth":"of", "ner":"O" }, { "id":31, "orth":"my", "ner":"O" }, { "id":32, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":33, "orth":"page", "ner":"O" }, { "id":34, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":35, "orth":"He", "ner":"O" }, { "id":36, "orth":"seems", "ner":"O" }, { "id":37, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":38, "orth":"care", "ner":"O" }, { "id":39, "orth":"more", "ner":"O" }, { "id":40, "orth":"about", "ner":"O" }, { "id":41, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":42, "orth":"formatting", "ner":"O" }, { "id":43, "orth":"than", "ner":"O" }, { "id":44, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":45, "orth":"actual", "ner":"O" }, { "id":46, "orth":"info", "ner":"O" }, { "id":47, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":0 } ] }, { "raw":"\"\nMore\nI can't make any real suggestions on improvement - I wondered if the section statistics should be later on, or a subsection of \"\"types of accidents\"\" -I think the references may need tidying so that they are all in the exact same format ie date format etc. I can do that later on, if no-one else does first - if you have any preferences for formatting style on references or want to do it yourself please let me know.\n\nThere appears to be a backlog on articles for review so I guess there may be a delay until a reviewer turns up. 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Any chance you remember what page that's on?", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"You", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"sir", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"are", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"my", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"hero", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":8, "orth":"Any", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"chance", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"you", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"remember", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"what", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"page", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"that", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"'s", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"?", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":0 } ] }, { "raw":"\"\n\nCongratulations from me as well, use the tools well. \u00a0\u00b7 talk \"", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"\"", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"\n\n", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"Congratulations", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"from", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"me", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"as", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"well", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"use", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":10, "orth":"tools", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"well", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":13, "orth":"\u00a0", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"\u00b7", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"talk", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"\"", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":0 } ] }, { "raw":"Why can't you believe how fat Artie is? Did you see him on his recent appearence on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno? He looks absolutely AWFUL! If I had to put money on it, I'd say that Artie Lange is a can't miss candidate for the 2007 Dead pool! \n\n \nKindly keep your malicious fingers off of my above comment, . Everytime you remove it, I will repost it!!!", "sentences":[ { "tokens":[ { "id":0, "orth":"Why", "ner":"O" }, { "id":1, "orth":"ca", "ner":"O" }, { "id":2, "orth":"n't", "ner":"O" }, { "id":3, "orth":"you", "ner":"O" }, { "id":4, "orth":"believe", "ner":"O" }, { "id":5, "orth":"how", "ner":"O" }, { "id":6, "orth":"fat", "ner":"O" }, { "id":7, "orth":"Artie", "ner":"O" }, { "id":8, "orth":"is", "ner":"O" }, { "id":9, "orth":"?", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":10, "orth":"Did", "ner":"O" }, { "id":11, "orth":"you", "ner":"O" }, { "id":12, "orth":"see", "ner":"O" }, { "id":13, "orth":"him", "ner":"O" }, { "id":14, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":15, "orth":"his", "ner":"O" }, { "id":16, "orth":"recent", "ner":"O" }, { "id":17, "orth":"appearence", "ner":"O" }, { "id":18, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":19, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":20, "orth":"Tonight", "ner":"O" }, { "id":21, "orth":"Show", "ner":"O" }, { "id":22, "orth":"with", "ner":"O" }, { "id":23, "orth":"Jay", "ner":"O" }, { "id":24, "orth":"Leno", "ner":"O" }, { "id":25, "orth":"?", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":26, "orth":"He", "ner":"O" }, { "id":27, "orth":"looks", "ner":"O" }, { "id":28, "orth":"absolutely", "ner":"O" }, { "id":29, "orth":"AWFUL", "ner":"O" }, { "id":30, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":31, "orth":"If", "ner":"O" }, { "id":32, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":33, "orth":"had", "ner":"O" }, { "id":34, "orth":"to", "ner":"O" }, { "id":35, "orth":"put", "ner":"O" }, { "id":36, "orth":"money", "ner":"O" }, { "id":37, "orth":"on", "ner":"O" }, { "id":38, "orth":"it", "ner":"O" }, { "id":39, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":40, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":41, "orth":"'d", "ner":"O" }, { "id":42, "orth":"say", "ner":"O" }, { "id":43, "orth":"that", "ner":"O" }, { "id":44, "orth":"Artie", "ner":"O" }, { "id":45, "orth":"Lange", "ner":"O" }, { "id":46, "orth":"is", "ner":"O" }, { "id":47, "orth":"a", "ner":"O" }, { "id":48, "orth":"ca", "ner":"O" }, { "id":49, "orth":"n't", "ner":"O" }, { "id":50, "orth":"miss", "ner":"O" }, { "id":51, "orth":"candidate", "ner":"O" }, { "id":52, "orth":"for", "ner":"O" }, { "id":53, "orth":"the", "ner":"O" }, { "id":54, "orth":"2007", "ner":"O" }, { "id":55, "orth":"Dead", "ner":"O" }, { "id":56, "orth":"pool", "ner":"O" }, { "id":57, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":58, "orth":" \n\n \n", "ner":"O" }, { "id":59, "orth":"Kindly", "ner":"O" }, { "id":60, "orth":"keep", "ner":"O" }, { "id":61, "orth":"your", "ner":"O" }, { "id":62, "orth":"malicious", "ner":"O" }, { "id":63, "orth":"fingers", "ner":"O" }, { "id":64, "orth":"off", "ner":"O" }, { "id":65, "orth":"of", "ner":"O" }, { "id":66, "orth":"my", "ner":"O" }, { "id":67, "orth":"above", "ner":"O" }, { "id":68, "orth":"comment", "ner":"O" }, { "id":69, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":70, "orth":".", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] }, { "tokens":[ { "id":71, "orth":"Everytime", "ner":"O" }, { "id":72, "orth":"you", "ner":"O" }, { "id":73, "orth":"remove", "ner":"O" }, { "id":74, "orth":"it", "ner":"O" }, { "id":75, "orth":",", "ner":"O" }, { "id":76, "orth":"I", "ner":"O" }, { "id":77, "orth":"will", "ner":"O" }, { "id":78, "orth":"repost", "ner":"O" }, { "id":79, "orth":"it", "ner":"O" }, { "id":80, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" }, { "id":81, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" }, { "id":82, "orth":"!", "ner":"O" } ], "brackets":[ ] } ], "cats":[ { "label":"insult", "value":0 }, { "label":"obscene", "value":0 }, { "label":"severe_toxic", "value":0 }, { "label":"toxic", "value":1 } ] } ] } ]