//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > MODELS > AVAILABE MODELS p | Model differences are mostly statistical. In general, we do expect larger | models to be "better" and more accurate overall. Ultimately, it depends on | your use case and requirements, and we recommend starting with the default | models (marked with a star below). For a more detailed overview, see the | #[+a("/models") models directory]. +table(["Name", "Language", "Type"]) for models, lang in MODELS for model, i in models - var comps = getModelComponents(model) +row +cell #[+a("/models/" + lang + "#" + model) #[code=model]] if i == 0 +icon("star", 16).o-icon--inline.u-color-theme +cell #{LANGUAGES[comps.lang]} +cell #{MODEL_META[comps.type]} .u-text-right +button("/models", true, "primary", "small") View models directory