//- 💫 DOCS > API > DEPENDENCYPARSER include ../../_includes/_mixins p Annotate syntactic dependencies on #[code Doc] objects. +h(2, "load") DependencyParser.load +tag classmethod p Load the statistical model from the supplied path. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code path] +cell #[code Path] +cell The path to load from. +row +cell #[code vocab] +cell #[code Vocab] +cell The vocabulary. Must be shared by the documents to be processed. +row +cell #[code require] +cell bool +cell Whether to raise an error if the files are not found. +footrow +cell return +cell #[code DependencyParser] +cell The newly constructed object. +h(2, "init") DependencyParser.__init__ +tag method p Create a #[code DependencyParser]. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code vocab] +cell #[code Vocab] +cell The vocabulary. Must be shared with documents to be processed. +row +cell #[code model] +cell #[thinc.linear.AveragedPerceptron] +cell The statistical model. +footrow +cell return +cell #[code DependencyParser] +cell The newly constructed object. +h(2, "call") DependencyParser.__call__ +tag method p | Apply the dependency parser, setting the heads and dependency relations | onto the #[code Doc] object. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code doc] +cell #[code Doc] +cell The document to be processed. +footrow +cell return +cell #[code None] +cell - +h(2, "pipe") DependencyParser.pipe +tag method p Process a stream of documents. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code stream] +cell - +cell The sequence of documents to process. +row +cell #[code batch_size] +cell int +cell The number of documents to accumulate into a working set. +row +cell #[code n_threads] +cell int +cell | The number of threads with which to work on the buffer in | parallel. +footrow +cell yield +cell #[code Doc] +cell Documents, in order. +h(2, "update") DependencyParser.update +tag method p Update the statistical model. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code doc] +cell #[code Doc] +cell The example document for the update. +row +cell #[code gold] +cell #[code GoldParse] +cell The gold-standard annotations, to calculate the loss. +footrow +cell return +cell int +cell The loss on this example. +h(2, "step_through") DependencyParser.step_through +tag method p Set up a stepwise state, to introspect and control the transition sequence. +table(["Name", "Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code doc] +cell #[code Doc] +cell The document to step through. +footrow +cell return +cell #[code StepwiseState] +cell A state object, to step through the annotation process.