<a href="https://explosion.ai"><img src="https://explosion.ai/assets/img/logo.svg" width="125" height="125" align="right" /></a> # spaCy Universe The [spaCy Universe](https://spacy.io/universe) collects the many great resources developed with or for spaCy. It includes standalone packages, plugins, extensions, educational materials, operational utilities and bindings for other languages. If you have a project that you want the spaCy community to make use of, you can suggest it by submitting a pull request to this repository. The Universe database is open-source and collected in a simple JSON file. Looking for inspiration for your own spaCy plugin or extension? Check out the [`project ideas`](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/discussions?discussions_q=category%3A%22New+Features+%26+Project+Ideas%22) discussion forum. ## Checklist ### Projects ✅ Libraries and packages should be **open-source** (with a user-friendly license) and at least somewhat **documented** (e.g. a simple `README` with usage instructions). ✅ We're happy to include work in progress and prereleases, but we'd like to keep the emphasis on projects that should be useful to the community **right away**. ✅ Demos and visualizers should be available via a **public URL**. ### Educational Materials ✅ Books should be **available for purchase or download** (not just pre-order). Ebooks and self-published books are fine, too, if they include enough substantial content. ✅ The `"url"` of book entries should either point to the publisher's website or a reseller of your choice (ideally one that ships worldwide or as close as possible). ✅ If an online course is only available behind a paywall, it should at least have a **free excerpt** or chapter available, so users know what to expect. ## JSON format To add a project, fork this repository, edit the [`universe.json`](meta/universe.json) and add an object of the following format to the list of `"resources"`. Before you submit your pull request, make sure to use a linter to verify that your markup is correct. ```json { "id": "unique-project-id", "title": "Project title", "slogan": "A short summary", "description": "A longer description – *Markdown allowed!*", "github": "user/repo", "pip": "package-name", "code_example": [ "import spacy", "import package_name", "", "nlp = spacy.load('en')", "nlp.add_pipe(package_name)" ], "code_language": "python", "url": "https://example.com", "thumb": "https://example.com/thumb.jpg", "image": "https://example.com/image.jpg", "author": "Your Name", "author_links": { "twitter": "username", "github": "username", "website": "https://example.com" }, "category": ["pipeline", "standalone"], "tags": ["some-tag", "etc"] } ``` | Field | Type | Description | | --------------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `id` | string | Unique ID of the project. | | `title` | string | Project title. If not set, the `id` will be used as the display title. | | `slogan` | string | A short description of the project. Displayed in the overview and under the title. | | `description` | string | A longer description of the project. Markdown is allowed, but should be limited to basic formatting like bold, italics, code or links. | | `github` | string | Associated GitHub repo in the format `user/repo`. Will be displayed as a link and used for release, license and star badges. | | `pip` | string | Package name on pip. If available, the installation command will be displayed. | | `cran` | string | For R packages: package name on CRAN. If available, the installation command will be displayed. | | `code_example` | array | Short example that shows how to use the project. Formatted as an array with one string per line. | | `code_language` | string | Defaults to `'python'`. Optional code language used for syntax highlighting with [Prism](http://prismjs.com/). | | `url` | string | Optional project link to display as button. | | `thumb` | string | Optional URL to project thumbnail to display in overview and project header. Recommended size is 100x100px. | | `image` | string | Optional URL to project image to display with description. | | `author` | string | Name(s) of project author(s). | | `author_links` | object | Usernames and links to display as icons to author info. Currently supports `twitter` and `github` usernames, as well as `website` link. | | `category` | list | One or more categories to assign to project. Must be one of the available options. | | `tags` | list | Still experimental and not used for filtering: one or more tags to assign to project. | To separate them from the projects, educational materials also specify `"type": "education`. Books can also set a `"cover"` field containing a URL to a cover image. If available, it's used in the overview and displayed on the individual book page.