#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from os import path import shutil import io import random import time import gzip import re import numpy import plac import cProfile import pstats import spacy.util from spacy.en import English from spacy.gold import GoldParse from spacy.syntax.util import Config from spacy.syntax.arc_eager import ArcEager from spacy.syntax.parser import Parser, get_templates from spacy.syntax.beam_parser import BeamParser from spacy.scorer import Scorer from spacy.tagger import Tagger from spacy.syntax.nonproj import PseudoProjectivity from spacy.syntax import _parse_features as pf # Last updated for spaCy v0.97 def read_conll(file_, n=0): """Read a standard CoNLL/MALT-style format""" text = file_.read().strip() sent_strs = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', text) for sent_id, sent_str in enumerate(sent_strs): if not sent_str.strip(): continue ids = [] words = [] heads = [] labels = [] tags = [] for i, line in enumerate(sent_str.strip().split('\n')): word, pos_string, head_idx, label = _parse_line(line) words.append(word) if head_idx < 0: head_idx = i ids.append(i) heads.append(head_idx) labels.append(label) tags.append(pos_string) annot = (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, ['O'] * len(ids)) yield (None, [(annot, None)]) if n and sent_id >= n: break def _parse_line(line): pieces = line.split() if len(pieces) == 4: word, pos, head_idx, label = pieces head_idx = int(head_idx) elif len(pieces) == 15: id_ = int(pieces[0].split('_')[-1]) word = pieces[1] pos = pieces[4] head_idx = int(pieces[8])-1 label = pieces[10] else: id_ = int(pieces[0].split('_')[-1]) word = pieces[1] pos = pieces[4] head_idx = int(pieces[6])-1 label = pieces[7] if head_idx < 0: label = 'ROOT' return word, pos, head_idx, label def print_words(strings, words, embeddings): ids = {strings[word]: word for word in words} vectors = {} for key, values in embeddings[5]: if key in ids: vectors[strings[key]] = values for word in words: if word in vectors: print(word, vectors[word]) def score_model(scorer, nlp, raw_text, annot_tuples, verbose=False): tokens = nlp.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(annot_tuples[1]) nlp.tagger.tag_from_strings(tokens, annot_tuples[2]) nlp.parser(tokens) gold = GoldParse(tokens, annot_tuples, make_projective=False) scorer.score(tokens, gold, verbose=verbose, punct_labels=('--', 'p', 'punct')) def score_file(nlp, loc): scorer = Scorer() with io.open(loc, 'r', encoding='utf8') as file_: for _, sents in read_conll(file_): for annot_tuples, _ in sents: score_model(scorer, nlp, None, annot_tuples) return scorer def score_sents(nlp, gold_tuples): scorer = Scorer() for _, sents in gold_tuples: for annot_tuples, _ in sents: score_model(scorer, nlp, None, annot_tuples) return scorer def train(Language, gold_tuples, model_dir, dev_loc, n_iter=15, feat_set=u'basic', width=128, depth=3, learn_rate=0.001, noise=0.01, update_step='sgd_cm', regularization=0.0, batch_norm=False, seed=0, gold_preproc=False, force_gold=False): dep_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'deps') pos_model_dir = path.join(model_dir, 'pos') if path.exists(dep_model_dir): shutil.rmtree(dep_model_dir) if path.exists(pos_model_dir): shutil.rmtree(pos_model_dir) os.mkdir(dep_model_dir) os.mkdir(pos_model_dir) if feat_set != 'neural': Config.write(dep_model_dir, 'config', feat_set=feat_set, seed=seed, labels=ArcEager.get_labels(gold_tuples), eta=learn_rate, rho=regularization) else: hidden_layers = [width] * depth Config.write(dep_model_dir, 'config', model='neural', seed=seed, labels=ArcEager.get_labels(gold_tuples), feat_set=feat_set, hidden_layers=hidden_layers, update_step=update_step, batch_norm=batch_norm, eta=learn_rate, mu=0.9, noise=noise, rho=regularization) nlp = Language(data_dir=model_dir, tagger=False, parser=False, entity=False) nlp.tagger = Tagger.blank(nlp.vocab, Tagger.default_templates()) #nlp.parser = BeamParser.from_dir(dep_model_dir, nlp.vocab.strings, ArcEager) nlp.parser = Parser.from_dir(dep_model_dir, nlp.vocab.strings, ArcEager) for word in nlp.vocab: word.norm = word.orth print(nlp.parser.model.widths) print("Itn.\tP.Loss\tTrain\tDev\tnr_weight") last_score = 0.0 nr_trimmed = 0 eg_seen = 0 loss = 0 micro_eval = gold_tuples[:50] for itn in range(n_iter): try: eg_seen = _train_epoch(nlp, gold_tuples, eg_seen, itn, dev_loc, micro_eval) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Saving model...") break dev_uas = score_file(nlp, dev_loc).uas print("Dev before average", dev_uas) nlp.parser.model.end_training() print("Saved. Evaluating...") return nlp def _train_epoch(nlp, gold_tuples, eg_seen, itn, dev_loc, micro_eval): random.shuffle(gold_tuples) loss = 0 nr_trimmed = 0 for _, sents in gold_tuples: for annot_tuples, _ in sents: tokens = nlp.tokenizer.tokens_from_list(annot_tuples[1]) nlp.tagger.tag_from_strings(tokens, annot_tuples[2]) gold = GoldParse(tokens, annot_tuples) loss += nlp.parser.train(tokens, gold, itn=itn) eg_seen += 1 if eg_seen % 1000 == 0: if eg_seen % 20000 == 0: dev_uas = score_file(nlp, dev_loc).uas else: dev_uas = 0.0 train_uas = score_sents(nlp, micro_eval).uas size = nlp.parser.model.nr_weight nr_upd = nlp.parser.model.time print('%d,%d:\t%d\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%d' % (itn, nr_upd, int(loss), train_uas, dev_uas, size)) loss = 0 return eg_seen @plac.annotations( train_loc=("Location of CoNLL 09 formatted training file"), dev_loc=("Location of CoNLL 09 formatted development file"), model_dir=("Location of output model directory"), n_iter=("Number of training iterations", "option", "i", int), batch_norm=("Use batch normalization and residual connections", "flag", "b"), update_step=("Update step", "option", "u", str), learn_rate=("Learn rate", "option", "e", float), regularization=("Regularization penalty", "option", "r", float), gradient_noise=("Gradient noise", "option", "W", float), neural=("Use neural network?", "flag", "N"), width=("Width of hidden layers", "option", "w", int), depth=("Number of hidden layers", "option", "d", int), ) def main(train_loc, dev_loc, model_dir, n_iter=15, neural=False, batch_norm=False, width=128, depth=3, learn_rate=0.001, gradient_noise=0.0, regularization=0.0, update_step='sgd_cm'): with io.open(train_loc, 'r', encoding='utf8') as file_: train_sents = list(read_conll(file_)) # Preprocess training data here before ArcEager.get_labels() is called train_sents = PseudoProjectivity.preprocess_training_data(train_sents) nlp = train(English, train_sents, model_dir, dev_loc, n_iter=n_iter, width=width, depth=depth, feat_set='neural' if neural else 'basic', batch_norm=batch_norm, learn_rate=learn_rate, regularization=regularization, update_step=update_step, noise=gradient_noise) scorer = score_file(nlp, dev_loc) print('TOK', scorer.token_acc) print('POS', scorer.tags_acc) print('UAS', scorer.uas) print('LAS', scorer.las) if __name__ == '__main__': plac.call(main)