from typing import Optional, List, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING import os import site import hashlib import urllib.parse import tarfile from pathlib import Path from .._util import get_hash, get_checksum, download_file, ensure_pathy from ...util import make_tempdir if TYPE_CHECKING: from pathy import Pathy # noqa: F401 class RemoteStorage: """Push and pull outputs to and from a remote file storage. Remotes can be anything that `smart-open` can support: AWS, GCS, file system, ssh, etc. """ def __init__(self, project_root: Path, url: str, *, compression="gz"): self.root = project_root self.url = ensure_pathy(url) self.compression = compression def push(self, path: Path, command_hash: str, content_hash: str) -> "Pathy": """Compress a file or directory within a project and upload it to a remote storage. If an object exists at the full URL, nothing is done. Within the remote storage, files are addressed by their project path (url encoded) and two user-supplied hashes, representing their creation context and their file contents. If the URL already exists, the data is not uploaded. Paths are archived and compressed prior to upload. """ loc = self.root / path if not loc.exists(): raise IOError(f"Cannot push {loc}: does not exist.") url = self.make_url(path, command_hash, content_hash) if url.exists(): return None tmp: Path with make_tempdir() as tmp: tar_loc = tmp / self.encode_name(str(path)) mode_string = f"w:{self.compression}" if self.compression else "w" with, mode=mode_string) as tar_file: tar_file.add(str(loc), arcname=str(path)) with"rb") as input_file: with"wb") as output_file: output_file.write( return url def pull( self, path: Path, *, command_hash: Optional[str] = None, content_hash: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional["Pathy"]: """Retrieve a file from the remote cache. If the file already exists, nothing is done. If the command_hash and/or content_hash are specified, only matching results are returned. If no results are available, an error is raised. """ dest = self.root / path if dest.exists(): return None url = self.find(path, command_hash=command_hash, content_hash=content_hash) if url is None: return url else: # Make sure the destination exists if not dest.parent.exists(): dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True) tmp: Path with make_tempdir() as tmp: tar_loc = tmp /[-1] download_file(url, tar_loc) mode_string = f"r:{self.compression}" if self.compression else "r" with, mode=mode_string) as tar_file: # This requires that the path is added correctly, relative # to root. This is how we set things up in push() tar_file.extractall(self.root) return url def find( self, path: Path, *, command_hash: Optional[str] = None, content_hash: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional["Pathy"]: """Find the best matching version of a file within the storage, or `None` if no match can be found. If both the creation and content hash are specified, only exact matches will be returned. Otherwise, the most recent matching file is preferred. """ name = self.encode_name(str(path)) if command_hash is not None and content_hash is not None: url = self.make_url(path, command_hash, content_hash) urls = [url] if url.exists() else [] elif command_hash is not None: urls = list((self.url / name / command_hash).iterdir()) else: urls = list((self.url / name).iterdir()) if content_hash is not None: urls = [url for url in urls if[-1] == content_hash] return urls[-1] if urls else None def make_url(self, path: Path, command_hash: str, content_hash: str) -> "Pathy": """Construct a URL from a subpath, a creation hash and a content hash.""" return self.url / self.encode_name(str(path)) / command_hash / content_hash def encode_name(self, name: str) -> str: """Encode a subpath into a URL-safe name.""" return urllib.parse.quote_plus(name) def get_content_hash(loc: Path) -> str: return get_checksum(loc) def get_command_hash( site_hash: str, env_hash: str, deps: List[Path], cmd: List[str] ) -> str: """Create a hash representing the execution of a command. This includes the currently installed packages, whatever environment variables have been marked as relevant, and the command. """ hashes = [site_hash, env_hash] + [get_checksum(dep) for dep in sorted(deps)] hashes.extend(cmd) creation_bytes = "".join(hashes).encode("utf8") return hashlib.md5(creation_bytes).hexdigest() def get_site_hash(): """Hash the current Python environment's site-packages contents, including the name and version of the libraries. The list we're hashing is what `pip freeze` would output. """ site_dirs = site.getsitepackages() if site.ENABLE_USER_SITE: site_dirs.extend(site.getusersitepackages()) packages = set() for site_dir in site_dirs: site_dir = Path(site_dir) for subpath in site_dir.iterdir(): if[-1].endswith("dist-info"): packages.add([-1].replace(".dist-info", "")) package_bytes = "".join(sorted(packages)).encode("utf8") return hashlib.md5sum(package_bytes).hexdigest() def get_env_hash(env: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Construct a hash of the environment variables that will be passed into the commands. Values in the env dict may be references to the current os.environ, using the syntax $ENV_VAR to mean os.environ[ENV_VAR] """ env_vars = {} for key, value in env.items(): if value.startswith("$"): env_vars[key] = os.environ.get(value[1:], "") else: env_vars[key] = value return get_hash(env_vars)