# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals # import symbols – if you need to use more, add them here from ...symbols import ORTH, LEMMA, TAG, NORM, ADP, DET _exc = {} for exc_data in [ {ORTH: "aprox.", LEMMA: "aproximadament"}, {ORTH: "pàg.", LEMMA: "pàgina"}, {ORTH: "p.ex.", LEMMA: "per exemple"}, {ORTH: "gen.", LEMMA: "gener"}, {ORTH: "feb.", LEMMA: "febrer"}, {ORTH: "abr.", LEMMA: "abril"}, {ORTH: "jul.", LEMMA: "juliol"}, {ORTH: "set.", LEMMA: "setembre"}, {ORTH: "oct.", LEMMA: "octubre"}, {ORTH: "nov.", LEMMA: "novembre"}, {ORTH: "dec.", LEMMA: "desembre"}, {ORTH: "Dr.", LEMMA: "doctor"}, {ORTH: "Sr.", LEMMA: "senyor"}, {ORTH: "Sra.", LEMMA: "senyora"}, {ORTH: "Srta.", LEMMA: "senyoreta"}, {ORTH: "núm", LEMMA: "número"}, {ORTH: "St.", LEMMA: "sant"}, {ORTH: "Sta.", LEMMA: "santa"}]: _exc[exc_data[ORTH]] = [exc_data] # Times _exc["12m."] = [ {ORTH: "12"}, {ORTH: "m.", LEMMA: "p.m."}] for h in range(1, 12 + 1): for period in ["a.m.", "am"]: _exc["%d%s" % (h, period)] = [ {ORTH: "%d" % h}, {ORTH: period, LEMMA: "a.m."}] for period in ["p.m.", "pm"]: _exc["%d%s" % (h, period)] = [ {ORTH: "%d" % h}, {ORTH: period, LEMMA: "p.m."}] # To keep things clean and readable, it's recommended to only declare the # TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS at the bottom: TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS = _exc