# coding: utf-8 from spacy.compat import intern, queue from spacy.strings import hash_string from operator import itemgetter import re import json from .pattern import DependencyPattern TOKEN_INITIAL = intern('initial') class PatternParser(object): """Compile a Pattern query into a :class:`Pattern`, that can be used to match :class:`DependencyTree`s.""" whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+', re.U) newline_re = re.compile(r'(\r\n|\r|\n)') name_re = re.compile(r'\w+', re.U) TOKEN_BLOCK_BEGIN = '[' TOKEN_BLOCK_END = ']' EDGE_BLOCK_BEGIN = '>' WHITESPACE = ' ' @classmethod def parse(cls, query): """Parse the given `query`, and compile it into a :class:`Pattern`.""" pattern = DependencyPattern() for lineno, token_stream in enumerate(cls.tokenize(query)): try: cls._parse_line(token_stream, pattern, lineno+1) except StopIteration: raise SyntaxError("A token is missing, please check your " "query.") if not pattern.nodes: return cls.check_pattern(pattern) return pattern @staticmethod def check_pattern(pattern): if not pattern.is_connected(): raise ValueError("The pattern tree must be a fully connected " "graph.") if pattern.root_node is None: raise ValueError("The root node of the tree could not be found.") @classmethod def _parse_line(cls, stream, pattern, lineno): while not stream.closed: token = stream.current if token.type == 'name': next_token = stream.look() if next_token.type == 'node': cls.parse_node_def(stream, pattern) elif next_token.type == 'edge': cls.parse_edge_def(stream, pattern) else: raise SyntaxError("line %d: A 'node' or 'edge' token must " "follow a 'name' token." % lineno) elif token.type == 'node': next_token = stream.look() if next_token.type == 'edge': cls.parse_edge_def(stream, pattern) else: raise SyntaxError("line %d: an 'edge' token is " "expected." % lineno) if not stream.closed: next(stream) @classmethod def parse_node_def(cls, stream, pattern): name_token = stream.current next(stream) node_token = stream.current cls.add_node(node_token, pattern, name_token) @classmethod def add_node(cls, node_token, pattern, name_token=None): token_name = None if name_token is not None: token_id = name_token.value token_name = name_token.value else: token_id = node_token.hash() if token_id in pattern.nodes: raise SyntaxError("Token with ID '{}' already registered.".format( token_id)) token_attr = cls.parse_node_attributes(node_token.value) token_attr['_name'] = token_name pattern.add_node(token_id, token_attr) @classmethod def parse_edge_def(cls, stream, pattern): token = stream.current if token.type == 'name': token_id = token.value if token_id not in pattern.nodes: raise SyntaxError("Token '{}' with ID '{}' is not " "defined.".format(token, token_id)) elif token.type == 'node': token_id = token.hash() cls.add_node(token, pattern) next(stream) edge_attr = cls.parse_edge_attributes(stream.current.value) next(stream) head_token = stream.current if head_token.type == 'name': head_token_id = head_token.value if head_token_id not in pattern.nodes: raise SyntaxError("Token '{}' with ID '{}' is not " "defined.".format(head_token, head_token_id)) elif head_token.type == 'node': head_token_id = head_token.hash() cls.add_node(head_token, pattern) else: raise SyntaxError("A 'node' or 'name' token was expected.") # inverse the dependency to have an actual tree pattern.add_edge(head_token_id, token_id, edge_attr) @classmethod def parse_node_attributes(cls, string): string = string[1:] # remove the trailing '[' end_delimiter_idx = string.find(']') attr_str = string[:end_delimiter_idx] attr = {} try: attr = json.loads(attr_str) except json.JSONDecodeError: for pair in attr_str.split(","): key, value = pair.split(':') attr[key] = value for key, value in attr.items(): attr[key] = cls.compile_expression(value) alias = string[end_delimiter_idx+2:] if alias: attr['_alias'] = alias return attr @classmethod def parse_edge_attributes(cls, string): string = string[1:] # remove the trailing '>' if not string: return None return cls.compile_expression(string) @staticmethod def compile_expression(expr): if expr.startswith('/') and expr.endswith('/'): string = expr[1:-1] return re.compile(string, re.U) return expr @classmethod def tokenize(cls, text): lines = text.splitlines() for lineno, line in enumerate(lines): yield TokenStream(cls._tokenize_line(line, lineno+1)) @classmethod def _tokenize_line(cls, line, lineno): reader = Reader(line) while reader.remaining(): char = reader.next() if char == cls.TOKEN_BLOCK_BEGIN: token = 'node' idx = reader.find(cls.TOKEN_BLOCK_END) if idx == -1: raise SyntaxError("A token block end ']' was expected.") idx += 1 if len(reader) > idx and reader[idx] == '=': # The node has a name idx = reader.find(cls.WHITESPACE, start=idx) if idx == -1: idx = reader.remaining() elif char == cls.EDGE_BLOCK_BEGIN: token = 'edge' idx = reader.find(cls.WHITESPACE) elif cls.name_re.match(char): token = 'name' idx = reader.find(cls.WHITESPACE) if idx == -1: whole_name_match = cls.name_re.match(str(reader)) idx = whole_name_match.end() elif cls.newline_re.match(char) or cls.whitespace_re.match(char): # skip the whitespace reader.consume() continue else: raise SyntaxError("Unrecognized token BEGIN char: '{" "}'".format(char)) if idx == -1: raise SyntaxError("Ending character of token '{}' not " "found.".format(token)) value = reader.consume(idx) yield Token(lineno, token, value) class Reader(object): """A class used by the :class:`PatternParser` to tokenize the `text`.""" __slots__ = ('text', 'pos') def __init__(self, text): self.text = text self.pos = 0 def find(self, needle, start=0, end=None): pos = self.pos start += pos if end is None: index = self.text.find(needle, start) else: end += pos index = self.text.find(needle, start, end) if index != -1: index -= pos return index def consume(self, count=1): new_pos = self.pos + count s = self.text[self.pos:new_pos] self.pos = new_pos return s def next(self): return self.text[self.pos:self.pos + 1] def remaining(self): return len(self.text) - self.pos def __len__(self): return self.remaining() def __getitem__(self, key): if key < 0: return self.text[key] else: return self.text[self.pos + key] def __str__(self): return self.text[self.pos:] # The following classes were copied from Jinja2, a BSD-licensed project, # and slightly modified: Token, TokenStreamIterator, TokenStream. class Token(tuple): """Token class.""" __slots__ = () lineno, type, value = (property(itemgetter(x)) for x in range(3)) def __new__(cls, lineno, type, value): return tuple.__new__(cls, (lineno, intern(str(type)), value)) def hash(self): string = self.value return hash_string(string) def __repr__(self): return 'Token(%r, %r, %r)' % ( self.lineno, self.type, self.value) class TokenStreamIterator(object): """The iterator for tokenstreams. Iterate over the stream until the stream is empty. """ def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): token = self.stream.current try: next(self.stream) except StopIteration: self.stream.close() raise StopIteration() return token class TokenStream(object): """A token stream is an iterable that yields :class:`Token`s. The current active token is stored as :attr:`current`. """ def __init__(self, generator): self._iter = iter(generator) self._pushed = queue.deque() self.closed = False self.current = Token(1, TOKEN_INITIAL, '') next(self) def __iter__(self): return TokenStreamIterator(self) def __bool__(self): return bool(self._pushed) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # py2 def push(self, token): """Push a token back to the stream.""" self._pushed.append(token) def look(self): """Look at the next token.""" old_token = next(self) result = self.current self.push(result) self.current = old_token return result def __next__(self): """Go one token ahead and return the old one.""" rv = self.current if self._pushed: self.current = self._pushed.popleft() else: if self.closed: raise StopIteration("No token left.") try: self.current = next(self._iter) except StopIteration: self.close() return rv def close(self): """Close the stream.""" self._iter = None self.closed = True