//- 💫 DOCS > API > TEXTCATEGORIZER include ../_includes/_mixins p | The model supports classification with multiple, non-mutually exclusive | labels. You can change the model architecture rather easily, but by | default, the #[code TextCategorizer] class uses a convolutional | neural network to assign position-sensitive vectors to each word in the | document. This step is similar to the #[+api("tensorizer") #[code Tensorizer]] | component, but the #[code TextCategorizer] uses its own CNN model, to | avoid sharing weights with the other pipeline components. The document | tensor is then | summarized by concatenating max and mean pooling, and a multilayer | perceptron is used to predict an output vector of length #[code nr_class], | before a logistic activation is applied elementwise. The value of each | output neuron is the probability that some class is present. //- This class inherits from Pipe, so this page uses the template in pipe.jade. !=partial("pipe", { subclass: "TextCategorizer", short: "textcat", pipeline_id: "textcat" })