//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > FACTS & FIGURES include ../_includes/_mixins +section("comparison") +h(2, "comparison") Feature comparison include _facts-figures/_feature-comparison +section("benchmarks") +h(2, "benchmarks") Benchmarks include _facts-figures/_benchmarks +section("powered-by") +h(2, "powered-by") Powered by spaCy p | Here's an overview of other tools and libraries that are using spaCy | behind the scenes. +grid +card("torchtext", "https://github.com/pytorch/text", "PyTorch", "github") | PyTorch's NLP datasets and loaders use spaCy for pre-processing | and tokenization. +card("allennlp", "https://github.com/allenai/allennlp", "Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence", "github") | The open-source NLP research library based on PyTorch uses spaCy | for pre-processing and tokenization. +section("other-libraries") +h(2, "other-libraries") spaCy and other libraries include _facts-figures/_other-libraries