mixin Teaser(title, url, date_long, date_short, author, lede) article.post header h2 a(href=url)= title .subhead | by a(href='#', rel='author')= author | on time(datetime=date_short)= date_long p!= lede   a.readmore(href='#') ► doctype html html(lang='en') head meta(charset='utf-8') title spaCy Blog meta(name='description', content='') meta(name='author', content='Matthew Honnibal') link(rel='stylesheet', href='css/style.css') //if lt IE 9 script(src='http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js') body#blog header(role='banner') h1.logo spaCy Blog .slogan Blog nav(role="navigation") ul li: a(href="home.html") Home li: a(href="docs.html") Docs li.active: a(href="blog.html") Blog li: a(href="license.html") License main#content(role='main') section.intro.profile p img(src='img/matt.png') | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore. span.social a(href='#') Follow me on Twitter nav(role='navigation') ul li a.button(href='#') Blog li a.button(href='#tutorials') Tutorials section.blogs +Teaser( "Introducing spaCy", "blog_intro.html", "February 2015", "2015-02-18", "Matthew Honnibal", "spaCy is a new library for text processing in Python " + "and Cython. I wrote it because I think small companies are terrible at " + "natural language processing (NLP). Or rather: small companies are using " + "terrible NLP technology." ) +Teaser( "Parsing English with 500 lines of Python", "blog_parser.html", "December 18, 2013", "2013-12-18", "Matthew Hannibal", "The Natural Language Processing (NLP) community has made big progress" + "in syntactic parsing over the last few years. It’s now possible for a" + "tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford " + "PCFG parser.") article.post header h2 a(href='#') Another headline .subhead | by a(href='#', rel='author') Matthew Honnibal | on time(datetime='2013-12-18') December 18, 2013 p | The Natural Language Processing (NLP) community has made big progress in syntactic parsing over the last few years. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. a.readmore(href='#') ► article.post header h2 a(href='#') Another headline .subhead | by a(href='#', rel='author') Matthew Honnibal | on time(datetime='2013-12-18') December 18, 2013 p | The Natural Language Processing (NLP) community has made big progress in syntactic parsing over the last few years. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. a.readmore(href='#') ► article.post header h2 a(href='#') Another headline .subhead | by a(href='#', rel='author') Matthew Honnibal | on time(datetime='2013-12-18') December 18, 2013 p | The Natural Language Processing (NLP) community has made big progress in syntactic parsing over the last few years. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. a.readmore(href='#') ► .readmore a.button(href='#') Read more posts section.intro h2 a.permalink(href='#tutorials', name='tutorials') Tutorials p | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est. section.tutorials details summary h4 Tutorial #1: How to do something cool p | The Natural Language Processing (NLP) community has made big progress in syntactic parsing over the last few years. It’s now possible for a tiny Python implementation to perform better than the widely-used Stanford PCFG parser. a.readmore(href='#') ► details summary h4 Tutorial #2 details summary h4 Tutorial #3 footer(role="contentinfo") span.slogan.copyright © 2015 Syllogism Co. script(src='js/prism.js')