//- 💫 INCLUDES > FUNCTIONS //- Descriptive variables, available in the global scope - CURRENT = current.source - SECTION = current.path[0] - LANGUAGES = public.models._data.LANGUAGES - MODELS = public.models._data.MODELS - CURRENT_MODELS = MODELS[current.source] || [] - MODEL_COUNT = Object.keys(MODELS).map(m => Object.keys(MODELS[m]).length).reduce((a, b) => a + b) - MODEL_LANG_COUNT = Object.keys(MODELS).length - LANG_COUNT = Object.keys(LANGUAGES).length - 1 - MODEL_META = public.models._data.MODEL_META - MODEL_LICENSES = public.models._data.MODEL_LICENSES - MODEL_BENCHMARKS = public.models._data.MODEL_BENCHMARKS - EXAMPLE_SENT_LANGS = public.models._data.EXAMPLE_SENT_LANGS - EXAMPLE_SENTENCES = public.models._data.EXAMPLE_SENTENCES - IS_PAGE = (SECTION != "index") && !landing - IS_MODELS = (SECTION == "models" && LANGUAGES[current.source]) - HAS_MODELS = IS_MODELS && CURRENT_MODELS.length //- Get page URL - function getPageUrl() { - var path = current.path; - if(path[path.length - 1] == 'index') path = path.slice(0, path.length - 1); - return `${SITE_URL}/${path.join('/')}`; - } //- Get pretty page title depending on section - function getPageTitle() { - var sections = ['api', 'usage', 'models']; - if (sections.includes(SECTION)) { - var titleSection = (SECTION == "api") ? 'API' : SECTION.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + SECTION.slice(1); - return `${title} · ${SITENAME} ${titleSection} Documentation`; - } - else if (SECTION != 'index') return `${title} · ${SITENAME}`; - return `${SITENAME} · ${SLOGAN}`; - } //- Get social image based on section and settings - function getPageImage() { - var img = (SECTION == 'api') ? 'api' : 'default'; - return `${SITE_URL}/assets/img/social/preview_${preview || img}.jpg`; - } //- Add prefixes to items of an array (for modifier CSS classes) array - [array] list of class names or options, e.g. ["foot"] prefix - [string] prefix to add to each class, e.g. "c-table__row" RETURNS - [array] list of modified class names - function prefixArgs(array, prefix) { - return array.map(arg => prefix + '--' + arg).join(' '); - } //- Convert API paths (semi-temporary fix for renamed sections) path - [string] link path supplied to +api mixin RETURNS - [string] new link path to correct location - function convertAPIPath(path) { - if (path.startsWith('spacy#') || path.startsWith('displacy#') || path.startsWith('util#')) { - var comps = path.split('#'); - return "top-level#" + comps[0] + '.' + comps[1]; - } - return path; - } //- Get model components from ID. Components can then be looked up in LANGUAGES and MODEL_META respectively, to get their human-readable form. id - [string] model ID, e.g. "en_core_web_sm" RETURNS - [object] object keyed by components lang, type, genre and size - function getModelComponents(id) { - var comps = id.split('_'); - return {'lang': comps[0], 'type': comps[1], 'genre': comps[2], 'size': comps[3]} - } //- Generate GitHub links repo - [string] name of repo owned by explosion filepath - [string] logical path to file relative to repository root branch - [string] optional branch, defaults to "master" RETURNS - [string] the correct link to the file on GitHub - function gh(repo, filepath, branch) { - var branch = ALPHA ? 'develop' : branch - return 'https://github.com/' + SOCIAL.github + '/' + (repo || '') + (filepath ? '/blob/' + (branch || 'master') + '/' + filepath : '' ); - }