//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > SPACY 101 > COMMUNITY & FAQ p | We're very happy to see the spaCy community grow and include a mix of | people from all kinds of different backgrounds – computational | linguistics, data science, deep learning, research and more. If you'd | like to get involved, below are some answers to the most important | questions and resources for further reading. +h(3, "faq-help-code") Help, my code isn't working! p | Bugs suck, and we're doing our best to continuously improve the tests | and fix bugs as soon as possible. Before you submit an issue, do a | quick search and check if the problem has already been reported. If | you're having installation or loading problems, make sure to also check | out the #[+a("/usage/#troubleshooting") troubleshooting guide]. Help | with spaCy is available via the following platforms: +aside("How do I know if something is a bug?") | Of course, it's always hard to know for sure, so don't worry – we're not | going to be mad if a bug report turns out to be a typo in your | code. As a simple rule, any C-level error without a Python traceback, | like a #[strong segmentation fault] or #[strong memory error], | is #[strong always] a spaCy bug.#[br]#[br] | Because models are statistical, their performance will never be | #[em perfect]. However, if you come across | #[strong patterns that might indicate an underlying issue], please do | file a report. Similarly, we also care about behaviours that | #[strong contradict our docs]. +table(["Platform", "Purpose"]) +row +cell #[+a("https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spacy") StackOverflow] +cell | #[strong Usage questions] and everything related to problems with | your specific code. The StackOverflow community is much larger | than ours, so if your problem can be solved by others, you'll | receive help much quicker. +row +cell #[+a("https://gitter.im/" + SOCIAL.gitter) Gitter chat] +cell | #[strong General discussion] about spaCy, meeting other community | members and exchanging #[strong tips, tricks and best practices]. | If we're working on experimental models and features, we usually | share them on Gitter first. +row +cell #[+a(gh("spaCy") + "/issues") GitHub issue tracker] +cell | #[strong Bug reports] and #[strong improvement suggestions], i.e. | everything that's likely spaCy's fault. This also includes | problems with the models beyond statistical imprecisions, like | patterns that point to a bug. +infobox | Please understand that we won't be able to provide individual support via | email. We also believe that help is much more valuable if it's shared | publicly, so that #[strong more people can benefit from it]. If you come | across an issue and you think you might be able to help, consider posting | a quick update with your solution. No matter how simple, it can easily | save someone a lot of time and headache – and the next time you need help, | they might repay the favour. +h(3, "faq-contributing") How can I contribute to spaCy? p | You don't have to be an NLP expert or Python pro to contribute, and we're | happy to help you get started. If you're new to spaCy, a good place to | start is the | #[+a(gh("spaCy") + '/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A"help+wanted+%28easy%29"') #[code help wanted (easy)] label] | on GitHub, which we use to tag bugs and feature requests that are easy | and self-contained. We also appreciate contributions to the docs – whether | it's fixing a typo, improving an example or adding additional explanations. | You'll find a "Suggest edits" link at the bottom of each page that points | you to the source. p | Another way of getting involved is to help us improve the | #[+a("/usage/adding-languages#language-data") language data] – | especially if you happen to speak one of the languages currently in | #[+a("/usage/models#languages") alpha support]. Even | adding simple tokenizer exceptions, stop words or lemmatizer data | can make a big difference. It will also make it easier for us to provide | a statistical model for the language in the future. Submitting a test | that documents a bug or performance issue, or covers functionality that's | especially important for your application is also very helpful. This way, | you'll also make sure we never accidentally introduce regressions to the | parts of the library that you care about the most. p strong | For more details on the types of contributions we're looking for, the | code conventions and other useful tips, make sure to check out the | #[+a(gh("spaCy", "CONTRIBUTING.md")) contributing guidelines]. +infobox("Code of Conduct") | spaCy adheres to the | #[+a("http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/") Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct]. | By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. +h(3, "faq-project-with-spacy") | I've built something cool with spaCy – how can I get the word out? p | First, congrats – we'd love to check it out! When you share your | project on Twitter, don't forget to tag | #[+a("https://twitter.com/" + SOCIAL.twitter) @#{SOCIAL.twitter}] so we | don't miss it. If you think your project would be a good fit for the | #[+a("/usage/resources") resources], #[strong feel free to submit it!] | Tutorials are also incredibly valuable to other users and a great way to | get exposure. So we strongly encourage #[strong writing up your experiences], | or sharing your code and some tips and tricks on your blog. Since our | website is open-source, you can add your project or tutorial by making a | pull request on GitHub. p | If you would like to use the spaCy logo on your site, please get in touch | and ask us first. However, if you want to show support and tell others | that your project is using spaCy, you can grab one of our | #[strong spaCy badges] here: - SPACY_BADGES = ["built%20with-spaCy-09a3d5.svg", "made%20with%20❤%20and-spaCy-09a3d5.svg", "spaCy-v2-09a3d5.svg"] +quickstart([{id: "badge", input_style: "check", options: SPACY_BADGES.map(function(badge, i) { return {id: i, title: "", checked: (i == 0) ? true : false}}) }], false, false, true) .c-code-block(data-qs-results) for badge, i in SPACY_BADGES - var url = "https://img.shields.io/badge/" + badge +code(false, "text", false, false, "star").o-no-block(data-qs-badge=i)=url +code(false, "text", false, false, "code").o-no-block(data-qs-badge=i). <a href="#{SITE_URL}"><img src="#{url}" height="20"></a> +code(false, "text", false, false, "markdown").o-no-block(data-qs-badge=i). [![spaCy](#{url})](#{SITE_URL})