import pytest
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from ..util import get_doc

def doc(en_vocab):
    words = ["c", "d", "e"]
    pos = ["VERB", "NOUN", "NOUN"]
    tags = ["VBP", "NN", "NN"]
    heads = [0, -1, -2]
    deps = ["ROOT", "dobj", "dobj"]
    ents = [(1, 2, "ORG")]
    return get_doc(
        en_vocab, words=words, pos=pos, tags=tags, heads=heads, deps=deps, ents=ents

def test_doc_to_json(doc):
    json_doc = doc.to_json()
    assert json_doc["text"] == "c d e "
    assert len(json_doc["tokens"]) == 3
    assert json_doc["tokens"][0]["pos"] == "VERB"
    assert json_doc["tokens"][0]["tag"] == "VBP"
    assert json_doc["tokens"][0]["dep"] == "ROOT"
    assert len(json_doc["ents"]) == 1
    assert json_doc["ents"][0]["start"] == 2  # character offset!
    assert json_doc["ents"][0]["end"] == 3  # character offset!
    assert json_doc["ents"][0]["label"] == "ORG"

def test_doc_to_json_underscore(doc):
    Doc.set_extension("json_test1", default=False)
    Doc.set_extension("json_test2", default=False)
    doc._.json_test1 = "hello world"
    doc._.json_test2 = [1, 2, 3]
    json_doc = doc.to_json(underscore=["json_test1", "json_test2"])
    assert "_" in json_doc
    assert json_doc["_"]["json_test1"] == "hello world"
    assert json_doc["_"]["json_test2"] == [1, 2, 3]

def test_doc_to_json_underscore_error_attr(doc):
    """Test that Doc.to_json() raises an error if a custom attribute doesn't
    exist in the ._ space."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

def test_doc_to_json_underscore_error_serialize(doc):
    """Test that Doc.to_json() raises an error if a custom attribute value
    isn't JSON-serializable."""
    Doc.set_extension("json_test4", method=lambda doc: doc.text)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):