//- 💫 DOCS > API > ANNOTATION > NAMED ENTITIES p | Models trained on the | #[+a("https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/ldc2013t19") OntoNotes 5] corpus | support the following entity types: +table(["Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code PERSON] +cell People, including fictional. +row +cell #[code NORP] +cell Nationalities or religious or political groups. +row +cell #[code FAC] +cell Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc. +row +cell #[code ORG] +cell Companies, agencies, institutions, etc. +row +cell #[code GPE] +cell Countries, cities, states. +row +cell #[code LOC] +cell Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water. +row +cell #[code PRODUCT] +cell Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.) +row +cell #[code EVENT] +cell Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc. +row +cell #[code WORK_OF_ART] +cell Titles of books, songs, etc. +row +cell #[code LAW] +cell Named documents made into laws. +row +cell #[code LANGUAGE] +cell Any named language. +row +cell #[code DATE] +cell Absolute or relative dates or periods. +row +cell #[code TIME] +cell Times smaller than a day. +row +cell #[code PERCENT] +cell Percentage, including "%". +row +cell #[code MONEY] +cell Monetary values, including unit. +row +cell #[code QUANTITY] +cell Measurements, as of weight or distance. +row +cell #[code ORDINAL] +cell "first", "second", etc. +row +cell #[code CARDINAL] +cell Numerals that do not fall under another type. +h(4, "ner-wikipedia-scheme") Wikipedia scheme p | Models trained on Wikipedia corpus | (#[+a("http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0004370212000276") Nothman et al., 2013]) | use a less fine-grained NER annotation scheme and recognise the | following entities: +table(["Type", "Description"]) +row +cell #[code PER] +cell Named person or family. +row +cell #[code LOC] +cell | Name of politically or geographically defined location (cities, | provinces, countries, international regions, bodies of water, | mountains). +row +cell #[code ORG] +cell Named corporate, governmental, or other organizational entity. +row +cell #[code MISC] +cell | Miscellaneous entities, e.g. events, nationalities, products or | works of art.