import warnings import srsly from .. import util from ..errors import Warnings from ..tokens import Token, Doc from .example import Example from .iob_utils import biluo_tags_from_offsets def merge_sents(sents): m_deps = [[], [], [], [], [], []] m_cats = {} m_brackets = [] i = 0 for (ids, words, tags, heads, labels, ner), (cats, brackets) in sents: m_deps[0].extend(id_ + i for id_ in ids) m_deps[1].extend(words) m_deps[2].extend(tags) m_deps[3].extend(head + i for head in heads) m_deps[4].extend(labels) m_deps[5].extend(ner) m_brackets.extend((b["first"] + i, b["last"] + i, b["label"]) for b in brackets) m_cats.update(cats) i += len(ids) return [(m_deps, (m_cats, m_brackets))] def docs_to_json(docs, id=0, ner_missing_tag="O"): """Convert a list of Doc objects into the JSON-serializable format used by the spacy train command. docs (iterable / Doc): The Doc object(s) to convert. id (int): Id for the JSON. RETURNS (dict): The data in spaCy's JSON format - each input doc will be treated as a paragraph in the output doc """ if isinstance(docs, Doc): docs = [docs] json_doc = {"id": id, "paragraphs": []} for i, doc in enumerate(docs): json_para = {'raw': doc.text, "sentences": [], "cats": []} for cat, val in doc.cats.items(): json_cat = {"label": cat, "value": val} json_para["cats"].append(json_cat) ent_offsets = [(e.start_char, e.end_char, e.label_) for e in doc.ents] biluo_tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, ent_offsets, missing=ner_missing_tag) for j, sent in enumerate(doc.sents): json_sent = {"tokens": [], "brackets": []} for token in sent: json_token = {"id": token.i, "orth": token.text} if doc.is_tagged: json_token["tag"] = token.tag_ json_token["pos"] = token.pos_ json_token["morph"] = token.morph_ json_token["lemma"] = token.lemma_ if doc.is_parsed: json_token["head"] = token.head.i-token.i json_token["dep"] = token.dep_ json_token["ner"] = biluo_tags[token.i] json_sent["tokens"].append(json_token) json_para["sentences"].append(json_sent) json_doc["paragraphs"].append(json_para) return json_doc def json_to_examples(doc): """Convert an item in the JSON-formatted training data to the format used by GoldParse. doc (dict): One entry in the training data. YIELDS (Example): The reformatted data - one training example per paragraph """ for paragraph in doc["paragraphs"]: example = Example(doc=paragraph.get("raw", None)) words = [] ids = [] tags = [] pos = [] morphs = [] lemmas = [] heads = [] labels = [] ner = [] sent_starts = [] brackets = [] for sent in paragraph["sentences"]: sent_start_i = len(words) for i, token in enumerate(sent["tokens"]): words.append(token["orth"]) ids.append(token.get('id', sent_start_i + i)) tags.append(token.get('tag', "-")) pos.append(token.get("pos", "")) morphs.append(token.get("morph", "")) lemmas.append(token.get("lemma", "")) heads.append(token.get("head", 0) + sent_start_i + i) labels.append(token.get("dep", "")) # Ensure ROOT label is case-insensitive if labels[-1].lower() == "root": labels[-1] = "ROOT" ner.append(token.get("ner", "-")) if i == 0: sent_starts.append(1) else: sent_starts.append(0) if "brackets" in sent: brackets.extend((b["first"] + sent_start_i, b["last"] + sent_start_i, b["label"]) for b in sent["brackets"]) cats = {} for cat in paragraph.get("cats", {}): cats[cat["label"]] = cat["value"] example.set_token_annotation(ids=ids, words=words, tags=tags, pos=pos, morphs=morphs, lemmas=lemmas, heads=heads, deps=labels, entities=ner, sent_starts=sent_starts, brackets=brackets) example.set_doc_annotation(cats=cats) yield example def read_json_file(loc, docs_filter=None, limit=None): loc = util.ensure_path(loc) if loc.is_dir(): for filename in loc.iterdir(): yield from read_json_file(loc / filename, limit=limit) else: for doc in json_iterate(loc): if docs_filter is not None and not docs_filter(doc): continue for json_data in json_to_examples(doc): yield json_data def read_json_object(json_corpus_section): """Take a list of JSON-formatted documents (e.g. from an already loaded training data file) and yield annotations in the GoldParse format. json_corpus_section (list): The data. YIELDS (Example): The reformatted data - one training example per paragraph """ for json_doc in json_corpus_section: examples = json_to_examples(json_doc) for ex in examples: yield ex def json_iterate(loc): # We should've made these files jsonl...But since we didn't, parse out # the docs one-by-one to reduce memory usage. # It's okay to read in the whole file -- just don't parse it into JSON. cdef bytes py_raw loc = util.ensure_path(loc) with"rb") as file_: py_raw = cdef long file_length = len(py_raw) if file_length > 2 ** 30: warnings.warn(Warnings.W027.format(size=file_length)) raw = py_raw cdef int square_depth = 0 cdef int curly_depth = 0 cdef int inside_string = 0 cdef int escape = 0 cdef long start = -1 cdef char c cdef char quote = ord('"') cdef char backslash = ord("\\") cdef char open_square = ord("[") cdef char close_square = ord("]") cdef char open_curly = ord("{") cdef char close_curly = ord("}") for i in range(file_length): c = raw[i] if escape: escape = False continue if c == backslash: escape = True continue if c == quote: inside_string = not inside_string continue if inside_string: continue if c == open_square: square_depth += 1 elif c == close_square: square_depth -= 1 elif c == open_curly: if square_depth == 1 and curly_depth == 0: start = i curly_depth += 1 elif c == close_curly: curly_depth -= 1 if square_depth == 1 and curly_depth == 0: py_str = py_raw[start : i + 1].decode("utf8") try: yield srsly.json_loads(py_str) except Exception: print(py_str) raise start = -1